オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 広大な土地、豊富な鉱物資源、明るい未来 ノーザンテリトリー の鉱物投資機会 2014年10月 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 北部準州投資チーム 名前: イアン・スクリムジョ―ル 電話番号: +61 8 8999 5377 Eメール: ian.scrimgeour@nt.gov.au 名前: フィオナ・パーク 電話番号: +61 8 8999 1385 Eメール: fiona.park@nt.gov.au 名前: シンディ・マッキンタイア 電話番号: +61 8 8999 6222 Eメール: cindy.mcintyre@nt.gov.au www.nt.gov.au/d/japan © Northern Territory Government, October 2014 Disclaimer This publication has been compiled by the Northern Territory of Australia as a guide ONLY to the exploration and investment opportunities in the Northern Territory ofAustralia and is not intended to qualify for, be utilised or interpreted as a prospectus for any contributing party or to give any impression that the Northern Territory of Australia endorses any particular exploration project. Further information should be obtained directly from any contributing entity (including by way of due diligence enquiries) where you are considering opportunities outlined in this publication. Reliance should not be placed upon any information contained in this publication for the purpose of making any legal, corporate or investment decisions. The Northern Territory of Australia recommends any person proposing to invest in any exploration activity or entity conducting exploration in the Northern Territory of Australia to obtain relevant independent financial and legal advice which specifically takes into account matters relating to your particular situation. The Northern Territory of Australia disclaims any liability or responsibility or duty of care towards any person for any loss or damage whatsoever caused by the use of, or reliance on the information contained in this publication. The Northern Territory of Australia compiled this publication using materials and information provided by private sector entities. While all care has been taken to ensure that information contained in this Northern Territory Mineral Investment Opportunities publication is correct at the time of publication the Northern Territory of Australia has not independently verified the information provided. Changes in circumstances of the private sector entities contributing to this publication after the time of its publication may impact on the accuracy of information contained in it. The Northern Territory of Australia gives no warranty or assurance, and makes no representation as to the accuracy of any information or advice contained in this publication provided by any private sector entities, or that such information or advice is suitable for use in relation to legal, corporate or investment decisions. 2 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー Project Status Summary STATUS Grassroots Exploration Opportunities Bowgan Minerals Bowgan Minerals Crossland Strategic Metals Red Metal Red Metal Spectrum Rare Earths Daylight Jack Ismins Early Stage Exploration Crossland Strategic Metals Outback Metals Outback Metals Spectrum Rare Earths Spectrum Rare Earths Thundelarra Exploration TNG Ltd Uranium Equities Advanced Exploration Alligator Energy Crossland Strategic Metals Deep Yellow KGL Resources Minemakers Rum Jungle Resources Rum Jungle Resources Thor Mining Project Development Arafura Resources TNG Limited Thor Mining Tellus Holdings COMMODITY PROJECT Au, Cu, Ag U, Au, base metals REE, U Cu, Au, NI Cu, Au Base metals, Au Diamonds and base metals Au, Ag, Cu, Sn Neutral Junction Bowgan Mount Stafford Irindina Tennant Creek Calvert Kirkimbie Compass Creek U, Au, base metals Sn, W, Au, Ag, Cu SN (Cu, Au) REE REE, U U Cu U, PGE, Au Chilling Maranboy/Yeuralba Mt Wells Stromberg and Skyfall HREE District Quantum Ngalia Basin Mount Hardy Nabarlek U REE U Cu, Zn, Ag, Pb P (P2O5) Potash P (P2O5) Au Tin Camp Creek Charley Creek Napperby Jervois Wanarah Karinga Lakes Ammaroo Spring Hill REE V, Ti, Fe W, Mo NaCl Nolans Mount Peake Molyhil Chandler Salt Mine オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 3 Project Status Definitions ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࢫࢸ࣮ࢱࢫࡢᐃ⩏ ࢢࣛࢫ࣮ࣝࢶ᥈㖔ࡢᢞ㈨ᶵ ࡇࡢ࢝ࢸࢦ࣮ࣜࡣࠊ᭷ᮃᆅࡋ࡚≉ᐃࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡀ࣮࣎ࣜࣥࢢ ࡣࢇ⾜ࢃࢀ࡚࠸࡞࠸᥈ᰝ㖔༊ࡀྵࡲࢀࡲࡍࠋ ึᮇ᥈ᰝ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡣணഛㄪᰝࡢẁ㝵ࠋࡇࡢᮇ㛫࠶ࡿ⛬ᗘࡢ᥈ᰝ⤖ᯝሗ࿌ࢆ ࡋࡓࡋ࡚ࡶࠊࡑࡢሗࡣࡲࡔ -25& つᐃᇶ࡙ࡃ㖔≀㈨※㔞ࡢホ౯ࡣ ༑ศ࡛ࡍࠋ ᥈ᰝ⤖ᯝࡀ -25& つᐃᇶ࡙ࡃ㖔≀㈨※㔞ࡲࡓࡣ㖔▼ᇙⶶ㔞ࡢホ౯༑ศ ࡞ẁ㝵࡛ࡍࠋ -25& つᐃᇶ࡙ࡃ㖔≀㈨※㔞ࡲࡓࡣ㖔▼ᇙⶶ㔞ࡀ᫂☜ࡉࢀࡿࠊᵝࠎ ࡞ㄪᰝࡀ⾜ࢃࢀࠊࡲࡓࡑࡢࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡢ᧯ᴗ㖔ᒣ㛤Ⓨࡢᐇ⌧ྍ⬟ᛶ ࡘ࠸࡚ᢎㄆࢆồࡵࡲࡍࠋ ᥈㖔 ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ㛤Ⓨ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ㛤Ⓨ࠾ࡅࡿㅖᐃ⩏ ࢫࢥ࣮ࣆࣥࢢࢫࢱࢹ ࢫࢥ࣮ࣆࣥࢢࢫࢱࢹࡣ⤒῭ᛶホ౯ᢏ⾡㛵ࡍࡿணഛㄪᰝ࡛ࠊ᥇㖔ࡸ㖔▼㖔ᗋࡢฎ⌮ᑐࡍࡿᵝࠎ࡞㛤Ⓨ࢜ࣉ ࢩࣙࣥࡢ࠾࠾ࡼࡑࡢ⤒῭ᛶᐇ⾜ྍ⬟ᛶࢆ⌮ゎࡍࡿࡓࡵࡢࡶࡢ࡛ࡍࠋࡇࢀࡣࠊᵓࡲࡓࡣ‽ഛẁ㝵ࡢ᥇᥀ィ⏬ࢆྵ ࡳࠊࡉࡽヲ⣽࡞ㄪᰝ㐍ࡴྰࢆุ᩿ࡍࡿ࣮࣋ࢫ࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋࢫࢥ࣮ࣆࣥࢢࢫࢱࢹࡣࠊูࡢሙᡤ࡛ࡋࡓ ᪤Ꮡࡢ㢮ఝࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ࡛ṇ☜ᛶࡀࣉࣛࢫ࣐ࢼࢫ ௨ෆࡢࡶࡢࢆᡭᮏࡋࠊ᪤▱ࡢࢥࢫࢺࢆ⤌ࡳධࢀ࡚సᡂ ࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋ ࣇ࣮ࢪࣅࣜࢸࢫࢱࢹ ணഛⓗ࡞ᐇ⌧ྍ⬟ᛶㄪᰝ࡛࠶ࡿࠕࣉࣞ㺃ࣇ࣮ࢪࣅࣜࢸࢫࢱࢹࠖ3)6ࡣࢫࢥ࣮ࣆࣥࢢࢫࢱࢹࡼࡾࡶヲ⣽࡞ ㄪᰝ࡛ࠊ᭱⤊ⓗ࡞ࣇ࣮ࢪࣅࣜࢸࢫࢱࢹ㐍ࡴྰࢆỴᐃࡍࡿࡶࡢ࡛࠶ࡾࠊࡲࡓࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺෆ࡛ࡉࡽヲ ⣽࡞ὀពࢆせࡍࡿ㡿ᇦࢆ᩿ᐃࡍࡿࡶࡢ࡛ࡍࠋࣉࣞ㺃ࣇ࣮ࢪࣅࣜࢸࢫࢱࢹࡣᢏ⾡᥇᥀ࡢணഛィ⏬ᚋࠊ᪤▱ ࡢ༢ࢥࢫࢺࢆ⤌ࡳධࢀࠊ⥲つᶍࡸ⥲㔞ࢆぢ✚ࡶࡿࡇࡼࡗ࡚సᡂࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋࣉࣞ㺃ࣇ࣮ࢪࣅࣜࢸࢫࢱࢹ ࡣ㏻ᖖࠊࡲ࡛ṇ☜࡛ࡍࠋ ᭱⤊ⓗ࡞ࣇ࣮ࢪࣅࣜࢸࢫࢱࢹ')6ࡣ᭱ࡶヲ⣽࡞ㄪᰝ࡛ࠊࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ㐍ࡴྰࢆ☜ᐇỴᐃࡍࡿࡶ ࡢ࡛ࠊ㧗ᗘ࡞ᢏ⾡࣭ᕤᏛ࣭タィసᴗࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡢヲ⣽࡞㈨ᮏ㐠Ⴀண⟬ࡢᩘᏐࢆᚲせࡋࡲࡍࠋ᭱⤊ⓗ࡞ࣇ࣮ ࢪࣅࣜࢸࢫࢱࢹࡣ ௨ෆࡲ࡛ṇ☜ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣂࣥ࢝ࣈ࣭ࣝࣇ࣮ࢪࣅࣜࢸࢫࢱࢹ%)6ࡣࠊ᭱⤊ⓗ࡞ࣇ࣮ࢪࣅࣜࢸࢫࢱࢹࡢࡦࡘ࡛࠶ࡾࠊ㈈ᨻ࣭ ண⟬㠃↔Ⅼࢆᙜ࡚ࡓㄪᰝ࡛ࠊࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡢ⼥㈨ࢆᚓࡿࡓࡵᢞ㈨ᐙᥦ♧ࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋ㔠⼥ᶵ㛵ࡢせồࡶࡼ ࡾࡲࡍࡀࠊࡇࢀࡶṇ☜ᛶࡣ ௨ෆࡲ࡛࡛ࡍࠋ ࡑࡢࡢᐃ⩏ -25& つᐃ ᥈ᰝ⤖ᯝࠊ㖔≀㈨※㔞ࠊ㖔▼ᇙⶶ㔞ࢆሗ࿌ࡍࡿ࣮࢜ࢫࢺ࣮ࣛࣞࢩࡢつᐃࢆ -25& つᐃࡧࡲࡍࠋ -25& つᐃࡣ㖔≀᥈ᰝ⤖ᯝࠊ㖔≀㈨※㔞ࠊ㖔▼ᇙⶶ㔞ࡢබ㛤ሗ࿌㛵ࡍࡿ᭱పᇶ‽ࢆᐃࡵࡓᑓ㛛ⓗ࡞ᐇつᐃ࡛ࡍࠋ -25& つᐃࡣࠊබ㛤ሗ࿌ࡢᆅ㉁Ꮫⓗ▱㆑ࡸᢏ⾡ⓗ࣭⤒῭ⓗ㓄៖ࡢಙ㢗ᗘᚑࡗ࡚ࠊ㖔≀᥈ᰝ⤖ᯝࠊ㖔≀㈨※㔞ࠊ㖔▼ ᇙⶶ㔞ࡢศ㢮ࢆ⩏ົࡅ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᥈ᰝ⤖ᯝࠊ㖔≀㈨※㔞ࠊ㖔▼ᇙⶶ㔞㛵ࡍࡿබ㛤ሗ࿌ࡣ࡚ -25& つᐃᚑ࠸ࠊ᭷㈨᱁⪅ᢎㄆࡢ⨫ྡࢆࡋ࡚ࡶࡽ ࢃ࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡞ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ ᭷㈨᱁⪅ࡣࠊ࣮࢜ࢫࢺ࣮ࣛࣞࢩ᥇㖔෬㔠Ꮫࠊ࣮࢜ࢫࢺࣛࣜᆅ⌫⛉Ꮫ⪅Ꮫࡲࡓࡣᾏእࡢㄆᐃᑓ㛛ᶵ㛵ࡢဨ ≉ูဨ㸦 ᖺ∧㸧ࠊࡶࡋࡃࡣㄆᐃᑓ㛛ᶵ㛵࡛࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡞ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ ᭷㈨᱁⪅ࡣࠊᑐ㇟࡞ࡿ㖔స⏝ࡸ㖔ᗋࡢࢱࣉ࠾ࡼࡧ⌧ᅾࡢᴗάື㛵㐃ࡍࡿ⤒㦂ࢆ ᖺ௨ୖ✚ࢇ࡛࠸࡞ࡅࢀ ࡤ࡞ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ 4 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー Northern Territory Mineral Investment Opportunities COMMODITY URANIUM ウラン U U, Au, base metals UPDATED U UPDATED U UPDATED U, PGE, Au RARE EARTHS レアアース UPDATED REE REE REE COMPANY PROJECT Alligator Energy Crossland Strategic Metals Deep Yellow Thundelarra Exploration Uranium Equities Tin Camp Creek Chilling Napperby Ngalia Basin Nabarlek Arafura Resources Crossland Strategic Metals Spectrum Rare Earths Nolans Charley Creek Stromberg and Skyfall HREE District Quantum REE, U Spectrum Rare Earths BASE METALS ベ−ス・メタル UPDATED Cu, Zn, Ag, Pb KGL Resources UPDATED Cu TNG Ltd FERROUS METALS & FERROALLOYS 鉄と合金鉄 V, Ti, Fe TNG Limited UPDATED UPDATED W, Mo Thor Mining GOLD 金 Au Thor Mining UPDATED U, Au, PGE Uranium Equities PHOSPHATE, POTASH 燐鉱石 P (P2O5) Minemakers Limited UPDATED UPDATED Potash Rum Jungle Resources UPDATED P (P2O5) Rum Jungle Resources SALT 塩 NaCl Tellus Holdings UPDATED STATUS PAGE A E A E E 6 13 20 24 31 PD A E 39 43 51 E 57 Jervois Mount Hardy A E 66 72 Mount Peake Molyhil PD PD 79 86 Spring Hill Nabarlek A E 90 93 Wonarah Karinga Lakes Ammaroo A A A 101 108 114 Chandler Salt Mine PD 119 E E 125 132 G G G G G G G G 138 147 153 158 163 168 178 185 TIN 錫タンタルム Sn, W, Au, Ag, Cu UPDATED Outback Metals Maranboy/Yeuralba UPDATED Sn (Cu, Au) Outback Metals Mt Wells Grassroots Exploration Opportunities グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Au, Cu, Ag Bowgan Minerals Neutral Junction U, Au, base metals Bowgan Minerals Bowgan REE, U Crossland Strategic Metals Mount Stafford Cu, Au, NI Red Metal Irindina Cu, Au Red Metal Tennant Creek Base metals, Au Spectrum Rare Earths Calvert Diamonds, base metals NEW Daylight Jack Kirkimbie Au, Ag, Cu, Sn Ismins Compass Creek NEW Key to symbols PD: Project Development A: Adanced Exploration E: Early Stage Exploration G: Grassroots Exploration Opportunities オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 5 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 ࣭࣑࣎࢘࢞ࣥࢿࣛࣝࢬ♫ 㖔≀ 㔠ࠊ㖟ࠊ㖡 ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺྡ ࢽ࣮ࣗࢺࣛࣝ㺃ࢪࣕࣥࢡࢩࣙࣥ㺃ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ㐍⾜ ẁ㝵 ࢢࣛࢫ࣮ࣝࢶ᥈㖔ࡢᢞ㈨ᶵ ♫ྡ ࣭࣑࣎࢘࢞ࣥࢿࣛࣝࢬ♫࣎࢘࢞ࣥ ♫ᙧែ ᮍබ㛤ᰴᘧࡢ㠀ୖሙ᥈㖔♫ ♫つᶍ ᚑᴗဨே௨ୗ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺヲ⣽ ᙜ♫ࡣ0LWKULO5HVRXUFHV♫0HJD+LQGPDUVK♫ࡢࢪࣙࣥࢺ࣋ ࣥࢳ࣮ࣕዎ⣙࡛⟶⌮ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࢽ࣮ࣗࢺࣛࣝ㺃ࢪࣕࣥࢡࢩࣙࣥ㺃ࣉ ࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡢ㐣༙ᩘᡤ᭷⪅ව㐠Ⴀᴗ⪅࡛ࡍࠋ ึᮇ᥈ᰝ࡛ࡣࠊᆅ⌫Ꮫࠊᒾ▼∦࠾ࡼࡧᅵተヨᩱࡢ୰≉␗࡞ 㔠ࠊ㖟ࠊ㖡ࠊࢥࣂࣝࢺࡀ☜ㄆࡉࢀࡲࡋࡓࠋ ⌧ᅾࡢࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡ ࢺ≧ἣ ⨨࠾ࡼࡧ㠃✚ ࣥࣇࣛࢫࢺࣛࢡ ࢳ࣮ࣕ㺃ࣉࣛࣥ ᙜ♫ࡢ᥈ᰝ࡛ࡣ᭷ᮃ࡞⟠ᡤࡢᑐ㇟ᆅᇦࢆㄪᰝࡋࠊࡑࡢ୰ࡢ⟠ ᡤࡢᑐ㇟ᆅᇦ୍࡛ḟ᥇᥀࣮࣎ࣜࣥࢢࡀᥦࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ༊ᇦࡣ㒊‽ᕞ୰ኸ㒊ࡢࣂ࣮ࣟࢡ࣮ࣜࢡ࠶ࡾࠊ ࣜࢫࢫࣉࣜࣥࢢࢫࡽ㝣㊰࡛NPࠊࢲ࣮࢘ࣥ㹼ࣜࢫࢫࣉࣜ ࣥࢢࢫ㛫ࡢ㕲㐨⥺㊰ࡲ࡛NPࡢ⨨࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ 㖔༊ࡢ⥲㠃✚ࡣNPt࡛ࠊࢽ࣮ࣗࢺࣛࣝ㺃ࢪࣕࣥࢡࢩࣙࣥࠊࢫ ࢱ࣮ࣜࣥࢢࠊ࣐࢘ࣥࢺ࣭ࢫ࢟ࢼ࣮ࡢᨺ∾࣮ࣜࢫᆅ⨨ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡣ᪤Ꮡࡢ㝣㊰࣭㕲㐨ࡼࡿ㍺㏦ࡀྍ⬟࡛ࠊ᭱ࡶ㏆࠸ 㕲㐨⥺㊰ࡽNPࡢ⨨࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ Ṕྐⓗࡇࡢᆅᇦ࡛ࡣࠊ㖡ࠊ㖄ࠊ㖟ࠊࢽࢵࢣࣝࠊࢫࢬࠊࢱࣥࢱ ࣝࠊࢱࣥࢢࢫࢸࣥࠊࣔࣜࣈࢹࣥࠊ㞼ẕ࡞ࡢ㝈ࡽࢀࡓ᥈㖔ࡸᑠつ ᶍ࡞᥇㖔ࡀሗ࿌ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍ 17*6 ࠋ᭱ࡢ᥇᥀సᴗࡣ ᖺࡽᖺࡢ㛫ࡢ࣮࣒࣍㺃࢜ࣈ㺃ࣈࣜ࢜ࣥ㖔ᒣ࡛ࡢ㖡㖔▼᥇ ྲྀ㸦බᘧグ㘓ࢺࣥ㸧࡛ࡍࠋᖺ.LGPDQ 5HVRXUFHV♫ ࡼࡾࠊ࣮࣒࣍㺃࢜ࣈ㺃ࣈࣜ࢜ࣥ㖔ᗋ࡛ࡢ᥈ᰝࡀ㛤ࡉࢀࡲࡋࡓࠋ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺᆅᇦ ࡢṔྐ ࢘ࣛࣥ᥈ᰝࡀࡇࡢᆅ༊࡛2WWHU ([SORUDWLRQ♫&5$ ([SORUDWLRQ♫ ࡼࡗ࡚⾜ࢃࢀࠊୗ㒊ཎ⏕௦ኚሁ✚ᒾ ㈏ධⰼᓵᒾయ୰ࡢ࣌ࢢ࣐ࢱࢺᒾయ㞄᥋ࡋࡓᚤᑠ∦㯞ᒾ୰ᚤ 㔞ࡢ࢘ࣛࣥ㖔㸦᭱SSP㸧ࡀⓎぢࡉࢀࡲࡋࡓࠋ ࣮࣋ࢫ࣓ࢱࣝ᥈ᰝࡀ.HQQHFRWW ([SORUDWLRQ♫ ࠊ㖔ᒣ㺃Ỉ ㈨※┬ࠊ$OFRD $XVWUDOLD♫ ࠊ2WWHU ([SORUDWLRQ ♫ࡼࡗ࡚⾜ࢃࢀࡲࡋࡓࠋᖺ&5$(♫ࡣ(/ ࡢ㒊ᆅᇦෆ࡛⣙ࢧࣥࣉࣝࢆ᥇ྲྀࡋࠊ࣮࣋ࢫ࣓ࢱࣝࡢศ ᯒࢆࡋࡲࡋࡓࡀࠊ࢘ࣛࣥࡣྵࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡏࢇ࡛ࡋࡓࠋ ࡘ࡚%+30LQHUDOV♫ᖺ௦ึᮇ5%0LQLQJ♫ ࡼࡗ࡚ࠊ࢛࢘ࣝࣇ࣒ࣛࠊࢱࣥࢱࣝࠊࢫࢬࡢసᴗࡀ⾜ࢃࢀࡲࡋ ࡓࠋ 138 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー ᭱㏆ࢪࣙࣥࢺ࣋ࣥࢳ࣮࣭ࣕࣃ࣮ࢺࢼ࣮ࡼࡾ⾜ࢃࢀࡓ᥈ᰝ࡛ ࡣࠊᩚྜᆺ㖔ᗋෆࡢᐇ⏝ᛶ࠶ࡿ࢘ࣛࣥࡢ㆑ู↔Ⅼࢆᙜ࡚ࡲࡋ ࡓࠋ 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mobile +61 (0)410 434266 +61 (0)2 80891162 david@bowgan.com.au www.bowgan.com.au Suite 128/267 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Suite 128/267 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Unlisted (capitalisation by private equity) 503,054 Unlisted PROJECT DETAILS Project Name: Neutral Junction project Location: Barrow Creek area (central part of the Northern Territory) Project Tenements: 3 Exploration Licences Tenement EL24253 (Neutral) EL28615 (Donkey Ck) EL29475 (Adnera) Area 67 blocks (213.3 km²) 4 blocks (12.78 km²) 49 blocks (156 km²) Grant 7/10/2004 4/11/2011 11/01/2013 Expiry 06/04/2015 3/11/2017 10/01/2019 EL24253 operates under joint-venture agreement with Mithril Resources and Mega Hindmarsh Pty Limited. Bowgan are managers of the Neutral Junction project according to the JV agreement and have a majority ownership. EL28615 operates under joint-venture agreement with Kidman Resources. Kidman are currently managers of the Donkey Creek project. EL29475 is 100% Bowgan Minerals Limited. Updated August 2014 140 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 MAP SHOWING PROJECT LOCATION Updated August 2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 141 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Updated August 2014 142 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー Aerial surveying (magnetics) was completed by NT Geological Survey on N-S oriented 500 metre line-spacing at 100 metres height during 1981. Uranium exploration was carried out in the district by Otter Exploration (1977) and C.R.A. Exploration (1978). In 1977, Otter undertook exploration in the Mt Ida region. Trace amounts of uranium mineralisation (maximum 215 ppm) were discovered in micro-gneisses adjacent to pegmatite bodies in Lower Proterozoic metasediments and intrusive granite bodies. In 1978, C.R.A.E. recognised the potential for uranium occurrence in the Arunta Complex basement and at the unconformity with the overlying Central Mount Stuart Formation. Magnetic and radiometric surveys were completed with ground follow-up (stream sediment sampling) in the northern portion of EL24253. Exploration for base metals was conducted by Kennecott Exploration (1966), Department of Mines and Water Resources (1968), Alcoa Australia Ltd. (1983) and Otter Exploration (1989). In 1980, C.R.A.E. collected approximately 20 samples over the area within the northern part of EL 24253. These samples were analysed for base metals however, uranium was not included in the suite. グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 HISTORY OF PROJECT AREA Historically, limited prospecting and small-scale mining has been reported in the local area for copper, lead silver, nickel, tin, tantalum, tungsten, molybdenum and mica (NTGS, 1991). The largest mining operation occurred at Home of Bullion mine site where copper ore was extracted (6,100 tonnes officially recorded) between 1923 and 1951. Exploration of the Home of Bullion deposit was recommenced in 2012 by Kidman Resources. Previous work for wolfram, tantalum and tin was conducted by BHP Minerals Ltd (early 1980’s) and R.B. Mining (1981). Exploration for diamonds was undertaken by C.R.A.E. in 1977. Exploration by joint-venture partner MegaHindmarsh Pty Ltd during 2006-09 aimed to identify unconformity-related uranium, with identification of a potential chemical trap, such as a crosscutting dolerite or graphitic shale being adopted as a crucial part of the targeting criteria. MegaHindmarsh Pty Limited then conducted geophysical surveying, geochemical (rock chip) sampling and detailed interpretation of 11 target areas. Bowgan Minerals Limited (Bowgan) has completed follow-up exploration of all 10 original targets between 2009-2014 which has included completion of; 1) more than 100 line-km of ground magnetic surveys, 2) ground spectrometer surveys, 3) more than 1000 soil and 100 rock chip samples, 4) detailed petrology studies, 5) geological mapping of targets, 6) interpretation of both historical and current exploration data with 2 priority drilling targets being identified. Rock chip sampling has identified up to 1.57g/t gold, 0.75g/t silver and 580ppm copper in outcrop via chemical assay, with >6000ppm cobalt being identified by XRF assays of soil samples. First-pass exploration drilling is proposed by BML at these 2 priority targets; Max’s Find (gold, copper) and TJ’s Find (gold, silver). Updated August 2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 143 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 COMPANY MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE & SKILLS Exploration at the Neutral Junction project is the responsibility of Bowgan Minerals Limited’s Chairman and Exploration Manager Mr Gary Price. Gary is an exploration geologist, with more than 15 years of continuous employment within Australia, and overseas in Namibia, Africa and Mongolia, Northern Asia. He has worked extensively in exploration roles searching for commodities, uranium, gold, base-metals and diamonds and has worked in mining operations for gold for more than 5 years and in exploration for uranium for more than 8 years. Gary holds the degrees of Bachelor of Applied Science (Geology) and Master of Environmental Biology and is a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) and of the Australian Institute of Geosciences (AIG). Bowgan Minerals Limited’s Company Secretary is Mr David Downey. David’s career has spanned 25 years in the retail, property, finance and legal sectors. David has extensive small business management experience and is a director of G & D Lawyers. His primary areas of interest in practice are disputed lending transactions, consumer law and business structures. David holds a Master of Letters and a Diploma of Law and is also a director and secretary of Berowra and District Financial Services Limited. Bowgan Minerals Limited’s director is Mrs Josephine Downey. Josephine is a marketing manager in the pharmaceutical industry with more than 15 years in various roles in the industry. She has an extensive background in the sales, marketing and promotion of technical products and a sound grasp of both science and multi-national business. Josephine graduated from university with degree in Applied Chemistry, initially working in research and has gone on to obtain post-graduate qualifications in business, including a postgraduate Diploma in Marketing and Graduate Certificate in Management. CURRENT PROJECT STATUS (Geological terminology & exploration status, including geoscience maps) The Neutral Junction project has been subject to exploration by previous joint-venture partners from 2004-09 with no resources being delineated. BML has conducted exploration of 12 target areas from 2009 to 2014 with exploration drilling proposed at 2 targets. PROPOSED FUTURE ACTIVITIES (Geological terminology & exploration point of view) Bowgan Minerals Limited currently aims to raise capital to conduct a program of exploration drilling at 2 ‘priority’ targets; 1) Max’s Find (Target NJR004), 2) TJ’s Find (Target NJR002/002-west). A total of 10,000metres of shallow rotary air blast (RAB), reverse circulation and diamond core is currently proposed to drill test both targets. Updated August 2014 144 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Plan view of geochemical sampling conducted over ‘Max’s Find (Target NJR004) at Adnera Hill. Updated August 2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 145 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Plan view of geochemical sampling conducted over ‘TJ’s Find (Target NJR002) at Adnera Hill. DETAILS OF DRILLING RESULTS No exploration drilling has been conducted to date at the Neutral Junction project. Updated August 2014 146 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー 㖔≀ ࢘ࣛࣥࠊ㔠ࠊ࣮࣋ࢫ࣓ࢱࣝ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺྡ ࣭࣎࢘࢞ࣥࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ㐍⾜ẁ㝵 ࢢࣛࢫ࣮ࣝࢶ᥈㖔ࡢᢞ㈨ᶵ ♫ྡ ࣎࢘࢞ࣥ㺃࣑ࢿࣛࣝࢬ♫%0/ ♫ᙧែ ᮍබ㛤ᰴᘧࡢ㠀ୖሙ᥈㖔♫ ♫つᶍ ᚑᴗဨᩘேᮍ‶ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺヲ⣽ ᙜ♫ࡣ0DUHQJR0LQLQJ♫㸦㸧࠾ࡼࡧ0HJD+LQGPDUVK♫ 㸦㸧ࡢࢪࣙࣥࢺ࣋ࣥࢳ࣮࡛ࣕࠊ࣭࣎࢘࢞ࣥࣉࣟࢪ࢙ ࢡࢺ㸦ᙜ♫ᣢศ㸧ࢆ㐠Ⴀࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ⌧ᅾࡢࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ≧ ἣ ⨨࠾ࡼࡧ㠃✚ ࣥࣇࣛࢫࢺࣛࢡࢳࣕ ࣮㺃ࣉࣛࣥ ࡇࡢᆅᇦ࠾ࡅࡿ᥈ᰝάືࡣᖺ௨ୖ๓ࡽ⥆ࡅࡽࢀ࡚࠾ ࡾࠊᖺ௦ࡣ$VKWRQ̓V♫ࡀࢥࣥࢪ࣭ࣗࣛࢲࣖࣔࣥ ࢻ㖔ᗋࢆ☜ㄆࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ᭱㏆ࡢ᥈ᰝ࡛ࡣつᶍ࡞࢘ࣛࣥཬ ࡧ࣮࣋ࢫ࣓ࢱࣝ೫ᅾࡀ☜ㄆࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 ࣎࢘࢞ࣥ㺃࣑ࢿࣛࣝࢬ♫ ᙜ♫ࡢ᥈ᰝ࡛ࡣ᭷ᮃ࡞⟠ᡤࡢᑐ㇟ᆅᇦࢆㄪᰝࡋࠊࡑࡢ࠺ࡕ ⟠ᡤࡢᑐ㇟ᆅᇦ࡛ヨ᥀ࢆᥦࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ༊ᇦࡣ㒊‽ᕞᮾ㒊ࡢࣂ࣮ࢡ࣮࣭ࣜࢸ࣮ࣈࣝ ࣛࣥࢻ⨨ࡋࠊ㝣㊰࡛ࢸࢼࣥࢺࢡ࣮ࣜࢡࡽNPࠊ࣎ࣟ ࣮ࣝࣛࡽNPࡢ㊥㞳࡛ࡍࠋ 㖔༊ࡢ⥲㠃✚ࡣNPtཬࡧࠊࣈࣝࢿࢵࢺࢲ࢘ࣥࢬࢡࣞ ࢫ࢙࢘ࣝࢲ࢘ࣥࢬࡢᨺ∾࣮ࣜࢫᆅ⨨ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᙜ♫ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡣ᪤Ꮡࡢ㝣㊰࣭㕲㐨ࡼࡿࢡࢭࢫࡀ࠶ ࡾࠊ㕲㐨ࡢᮎ➃㥐ࢸࢼࣥࢺࢡ࣮ࣜࢡࡽNPࡢ⨨࠶ࡾ ࡲࡍࠋ ᫇ࡽ᥈ᰝࡀ⾜ࢃࢀ࡚࠸ࡓᆅᇦ࡛࠶ࡾࠊ%+3♫ࡸ0,0♫➼ࡀ 㔠ࠊ࣮࣋ࢫ࣓ࢱࣝࠊ࢘ࣛࣥࡢ᥈ᰝࠊࡑࡋ࡚$VKWRQ̓V♫ࡼ ࡿࢲࣖࣔࣥࢻࢆྵࡴ࢟ࣥࣂ࣮ࣛࢺࡢ᥈ᰝࡀ⾜ࢃࢀ࡚ࡁࡲ ࡋࡓࠋ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺᆅᇦࡢṔ ྐ ࢪࣙࣥࢺ࣋ࣥࢳ࣮ࣕࡼࡿ᭱㏆ࡢ᥈ᰝࡣࠊ࣐࣮ࣇ࣮ෆᗙ ᒙࡢすഃᘏ㛗ෆࡢᩚྜᆺ㸦࢙࢘ࢫࢺ࣮ࣔࣛࣥࢻᆺ㸧㖔ᗋࡢ ὸ῝ᗘ࠾ࡅࡿᐇ⏝ᛶ࠶ࡿ࢘ࣛࣥࡢ☜ㄆ↔Ⅼࢆᙜ࡚࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋ ᴗ㛤Ⓨࣉࣛࣥ ♫ࡢᡓ␎ ᙜ♫ࡣᖺ௨᮶ࠊ⟠ᡤࡢᑐ㇟ᆅᇦ࡛᥈ᰝࢆ⾜࠸ࠊࡇࡢ࠺ ࡕ⟠ᡤࡢᑐ㇟ᆅᇦ࡛ࡣ୍ḟ᥇᥀᥈ᰝ࣮࣎ࣜࣥࢢࡀᥦࡉࢀ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᙜ♫ࡣ⌧ᅾࠊ⟠ᡤࡢඃඛᑐ㇟ᆅᇦ࡛ึᅇ㏻㐣ࡢ᥈ᰝ࣮࣎ࣜ ࣥࢢࢆ⾜࠺ࡓࡵࠊࣇ࣮࣒ࣥ,32ࡲࡓࡣᮍබ㛤ᰴᘧࡼ ࡿ㈨㔠ᥦ౪ࢆồࡵ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ィPࡢὸ῝ᗘ5$%ࠊࣜࣂ࣮ࢫࢧ࣮࣮࢟ࣗࣞࢩࣙࣥ࠾ࡼࡧ ࢲࣖࣔࣥࢻ࣮࣎ࣜࣥࢢࡀ⌧ᅾᥦࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᙜ♫ࡣ࣮࢜ࢫࢺࣛࣜ㒊‽ᕞෆࡢ㖔≀Ꮫⓗ᭷ᮃ࡞ᮍ᥈ᰝ オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 147 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 ᆅᇦ࡛ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ㛤Ⓨࢆ┠ᣦࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᙜ♫ࡢ࡞ඃඛ㡯ࡣࠊᮍ㛤Ⓨࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࢆ୍ḟ᥇᥀࣮࣎ ࣜࣥࢢẁ㝵ࡲ࡛㛤Ⓨࡍࡿࡓࡵࠊ⥥ᐦࠊ⌧ᆅ⩏࡛㈝⏝ຠ⋡ࡢ Ⰻ࠸᥈ᰝᡭἲࢆ⏝࠸ࡿࡇࡼࡾࠊࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺຍ౯್ ࢆ࠼ࡿࡇ࡛ࡍࠋ ࣭࣎࢘࢞ࣥࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡢ᥈ᰝࡣࡲࡔึᮇẁ㝵࡛࠶ࡾࠊ (/ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ୍ḟ᥇᥀࣮࣎ࣜࣥࢢࡀᥦࡉࢀ࡚ ࠸ࡿࡇࢁ࡛ࡍࠋᐇᮇࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ᥈ᰝ㈨㔠ࡢධᡭḟ➨࡛ ࡍࠋ ⏕⏘ࡲ࡛ࡢ┠ᶆࢱ࣒ ࣛࣥ (/ࡣ᭱㏆ㄆྍࡉࢀࡓࡤࡾ࡛ࠊᖺ᥈ᰝࢆ㛤ጞࡋ ࡲࡋࡓࠋ (/$㸦ࢥࣥࢪࣗࣛ㸧ࡣ᭱㏆⏦ㄳᥦฟࡋࡓࡤࡾ࡛ࠊᅵ ᆅಖ᭷ᶒࡀㄆྍࡉࢀࢀࡤᥦࡋࡓ᥈ᰝࢆ㛤ጞࡋࡲࡍࠋ ᕼᮃࡍࡿᢞ㈨ᙧែ ᙜ♫ࡣ௨ୗពḧⓗ࡛ࡍࠋ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡢ༷ ᙜ♫ࡢ㈨ᮏࡢ୍㒊ࢆ༷ ࣇ࣮࣒ࣥ ♫㐃⤡ඛ David Downey Company Secretary/Director Bowgan Minerals Limited Telephone: +61 (0)2 89991012 Email: david@bowgan.com.au UpdatedSeptember2014 148 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー COMMODITY: Uranium, gold, base-metals COMPANY CONTACT DETAILS Company: Contact Officer: Position: Phone: Fax: Email: Web: PO Address: Head Office: Market Capitalisation: Number of Shares: ASX Code: Bowgan Minerals Limited (Bowgan Mr David Downey Company Secretary +61 (0)2 89991012; mobile +61 (0)410 434266 +61 (0)2 80891162 david@bowgan.com.au www.bowgan.com.au Suite 128/267 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Suite 128/267 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Unlisted (capitalisation by private equity) 503,054 Unlisted PROJECT DETAILS Project Name: Bowgan project Location: Barkly Tablelands region (north-east part of the Northern Territory) Project Tenements: 4 Exploration Licences Tenement EL24115 (Bowgan) EL24195 (Benmara) EL24196 (Creswell) EL29802 (E. Benmara) Area 32 blocks (103.04 km²) 20 blocks (64.4 km²) 12 blocks (38.64 km²) 56 blocks (182.93 km²) Grant 13/10/2004 13/10/2004 7/10/2004 9/08/2013 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Bowgan Minerals Limited Expiry 12/10/2014 12/10/2014 6/12/2014 14/09/2019 EL24115, EL24195 and EL24196 operated under joint-venture agreement with Marengo Mining and Mega Hindmarsh Pty Limited. BML are managers of the Bowgan project according to the JV agreement and have a majority ownership. EL29802 is 100% Bowgan Minerals Limited. Updated August 2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 149 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 MAP SHOWING PROJECT LOCATION Updated August 2014 150 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー Exploration by joint-venture partner Marengo Mining during 2004-05 included; interpretation of geophysical data sets acquired from the NT Geological Survey, completion of ground magnetic surveys across the interpreted position of the Fish River Fault and the completion of 19 reverse circulation drill holes to test a variety of geophysical targets. Exploration by joint-venture partner MegaHindmarsh Pty Ltd during 2006-09 aimed to identify unconformity-related uranium and gold, with identification of a potential chemical trap, such as a cross-cutting dolerite or graphitic shale being adopted as a crucial part of the targeting criteria. Following a review of previously acquired geophysical data by Hawke Geophysics Pty Ltd 19 exploration targets were identified. MegaHindmarsh then conducted geophysical surveying, geochemical (soil, rock chip and vegetation) sampling and analysis, detailed interpretation and completion of 2 reverse circulation drill holes. Bowgan Minerals Limited (Bowgan) has completed follow-up exploration of 12 of the original 19 targets since 2009 which has included completion of; 1) more than 500 line-km of ground magnetic surveys, 2) ground spectrometer surveys, 3) more than 1500 vegetation, 1500 soil and 100 rock chip samples, 4) detailed petrology studies, 5) geological mapping of target areas, 6) interpretation of both historical and current exploration data with 5 priority drilling targets being identified. グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 HISTORY OF PROJECT AREA Previous work in the district for gold, base metals and uranium has been undertaken by BHP, and MIM who explored along the Fish River Fault for Sedimentary Exhalative (SEDEX) style mineralisation, and diamond explorers, who have been active in this area for many years. A program of 10,000metres of exploration drilling is currently proposed by Bowgan. COMPANY MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE & SKILLS Exploration at the Bowgan project is the responsibility of Bowgan Minerals Limited’s Chairman and Exploration Manager Mr Gary Price. Gary is an exploration geologist, with more than 15 years of continuous employment within Australia, and overseas in Namibia, Africa and Mongolia, Northern Asia. He has worked extensively in exploration roles searching for commodities, uranium, gold, base-metals and diamonds and has worked in mining operations for gold for more than 5 years and in exploration for uranium for more than 8 years. Gary holds the degrees of Bachelor of Applied Science (Geology) and Master of Environmental Biology and is a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) and of the Australian Institute of Geosciences (AIG). Bowgan Minerals Limited’s Company Secretary is Mr David Downey. David’s career has spanned 25 years in the retail, property, finance and legal sectors. David has extensive small business management experience and is a director of G & D Lawyers. His primary areas of interest in practice are disputed lending transactions, consumer law and business structures. David holds a Master of Letters and a Diploma of Law and is also a director and secretary of Berowra and District Financial Services Limited. Bowgan Minerals Limited’s director is Mrs Josephine Downey. Josephine is a marketing manager in the pharmaceutical industry with more than 15 years in various roles in the industry. She has an extensive background in the sales, marketing and promotion of technical products and a sound grasp of both science and multi-national business. Josephine graduated from university with degree in Applied Chemistry, initially working in research and has gone on to obtain post-graduate qualifications in business, including a postgraduate Diploma in Marketing and Graduate Certificate in Management. Updated August 2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 151 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 CURRENT PROJECT The Bowgan project has been subject to exploration by previous joint-venture partners from 2004-09 with no resources being delineated. Bowgan has conducted exploration of 12 target areas from 2009 with exploration drilling proposed at 5 targets. PROPOSED FUTURE ACTIVITIES Bowgan Minerals Limited currently aims to raise capital to conduct a program of exploration drilling at 5 ‘priority’ targets; 1) BW003, 2) BW007 & BW007-west, 3) NE anomaly, 4) BW008 & BW009, 5) BW005. A total of 10,000m of shallow rotary air blast (RAB), reverse circulation and diamond core is currently proposed to drill test each of the 5 targets. DETAILS OF DRILLING RESULTS Exploration drilling conducted by Marengo in 2004 identified anomalous results in a number of drill holes, with no follow-up exploration being conducted. Exploration drilling conducted by MegaHindmarsh in 2006 identified anomalous uranium and base-metal values in a single drill hole at target BW003. Drilling results included; 4metres@66ppm uranium, with 1metre samples of this interval identifying a maximum of; 2700ppm (0.27%) copper, 2050ppm (0.21%) zinc and 800ppm lead. Updated August 2014 152 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー 㖔≀ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ ྡ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ 㐍⾜ẁ㝵 ࣮ࣞࢫඖ⣲ࠊ࢘ࣛࣥࠊ㈗㔠ᒓ ♫ྡ &URVVODQG6WUDWHJLF0HWDOV♫ ♫ᙧែ ࣮࢜ࢫࢺࣛࣜドๆྲྀᘬᡤୖሙ㸦$6;&8;㸧 ♫つᶍ ᖺ㸲᭶㸯᪥⌧ᅾࠊ౯⥲㢠ࢻࣝ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ ヲ⣽ ࡇࡢࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡣ࢝ࢼࢲࡢ3DQFRQWLQHQWDO8UDQLXP&RUSRUDWLRQ♫ࡢ ࢪࣙࣥࢺ࣋ࣥࢳ࣮ࣕࡼࡾࠊ&URVVODQG8UDQLXP0LQHV♫ࡀ㐣༙ᩘ 㸦㸧ࢆᡤ᭷ࠊ⟶⌮ࠋࣛࢭࣥࢫಖᣢ⪅ࡣ&URVVODQG8UDQLXP0LQHV♫ࡢ Ꮚ♫࡛࠶ࡿ&URVVODQG1LFNHO♫ࠋ3DQFRQWLQHQWDO♫ࡣᡤ᭷ᶒࡢᕼⷧ ࢆ㐍ࡵ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ⌧ᅾࡢࣉࣟࢪ ࢙ࢡࢺ≧ἣ ⨨࠾ࡼࡧ㠃 ✚ ࣐࢘ࣥࢺ࣭ࢫࢱࢵࣇ࢛࣮ࢻ ࢢࣛࢫ࣮ࣝࢶ᥈㖔ࡢᢞ㈨ᶵ ึᮇẁ㝵ࠋ᭱ึࡢᆅ⾲㖔≀ࢧࣥࣉࣝࡢᆅ㉁Ꮫศᯒ࡛࡞ࡾࡢ࣮ࣞࢫ ඖ⣲౯್ࢆ☜ㄆࠋ࢘ࣛࣥ㔠ࡢ㖔స⏝ࡢ࣏ࢸࣥࢩࣕࣝࡶ࠶ࡾࠋ࣮࣎ࣜࣥ ࢢᑐ㇟ᆅࢆࡉࡽ☜❧ࡍࡿࡓࡵྛᇦࡢ⤖ᯝࢆ㏣㊧ㄪᰝࡍࡿᚲせ࠶ࡾࠋ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡢࣛࢭࣥࢫ༊ᇦࡣࣜࢫࢫࣉࣜࣥࢢࢫࡢ⣙NPすࠊࢸ ࢶ࣮ࣜ࠸࠺ᑠࡉ࡞⏫ࡢNPす⨨ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ༡ᮾ➃ ⾜ࡃࡣࠊࢫࢳ࣮ࣗࢺ࣭ࣁ࢚࢘ࢆNPࠊࡑࢀࡽ⟶⌮ࡢ⾜ࡁᒆ࠸ ࡓ㕲㐨㊰⥺ࢆNP㉮⾜ࡋࡲࡍࠋࣛࢭࣥࢫ༊ᇦࡣ㛗ࡉNPࡢ⣽㛗࠸ᩚ ᆅࠋ(/ࡣNPࠊ(/ࡣNPࠋ グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Crossland Strategic Metals Limited♫ ࣥࣇࣛࢫࢺ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ༊ᇦࡣࢫࢳ࣮ࣗࢺ㺃ࣁ࢚࢘ࠊࣀ࣮ࢫ㺃࣮࢜ࢫࢺࣛࣜ㕲 ࣛࢡࢳ࣮ࣕ㺃ࣉ 㐨㊰⥺࠾ࡼࡧࣜࢫࢫࣉࣜࣥࢢࢫၟᴗᆅ༊㏆᥋ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ᭷࡞⨨ ࣛࣥ ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ ᆅᇦࡢṔྐ $QPDWMLUD5DQJHෆ࡛ࡢ㐣ཤࡢ᥈ᰝࡣ࢘ࣛࣥ㔠ࢆ୰ᚰከᩘࡢ㖔≀ࠊࣞ ࣮ࢫඖ⣲ࠊࢲࣖࣔࣥࢻࠊࢫࢬࠊࢱࣥࢢࢫࢸࣥࡶᑐ㇟ࡋ࡚⾜ࢃࢀࡲࡋ ࡓࠋ᥈㖔ᚋᮇẁ㝵ࡲ࡛㐍ࢇࡔᑐ㇟㖔≀ࡣࡲ࡛▱ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡏࢇࡀࠊ㟢ฟ ࡋࡓࣞࣥࢬ≧ᒙ࣮ࣞࢫඖ⣲ࢆྵࡴ㖔≀ࠊࣔࢼࢨࢺࡣ▱ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋ ᴗ㛤Ⓨࣉࣛ ࣥ ኚ᭷ᮃぢ࡞ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡇࡢᆅᇦࡢࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࢆ㐍ᒎࡉࡏࡿࡓࡵࠊ &URVVODQG♫ࡣࣃ࣮ࢺࢼ࣮ࢆồࡵ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ♫ࡢᡓ␎ ᙜ♫ࡀ↔Ⅼࢆᙜ࡚࡚࠸ࡿࡢࡣࠊࣜࢫࢫࣉࣜࣥࢢࢫ㏆㎶ࡢࢳ࣮࣮ࣕࣜ ࢡ࣮ࣜࢡ࣭࣮ࣞࢫࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡢ㛤Ⓨ࡛ࡍࠋ㛗ᮇⓗࡣ࣮࢜ࢫࢺࣛࣜ ᅜෆࡢ࢘ࣛࣥ㖔ᗋࢆከᩘ㛤Ⓨࡍࡿࡇࢆ┠ᣦࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࢲࣖࣔࣥࢻ ࡶὀ┠ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ⏕⏘ࡲ࡛ࡢ┠ ᶆࢱ࣒ࣛ ࣥ ࢱ࣒ࣛࣥࡣᮍỴᐃࠋ㠃ⓗࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡣࡲࡔึᮇẁ㝵࡛࠶ࡾࠊᙜ ♫ࡣࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ༊ᇦෆ࡛ࡉࡽ(/⏦ㄳࢆࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᕼᮃࡍࡿᢞ㈨ ᙧែ ࣮ࣥࣥዎ⣙ࢆᕼᮃࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᚲせ࡛࠶ࢀࡤᙜ♫ࡀࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ⟶⌮ ࢆ⾜࠸ࡲࡍࠋ Geoff Eupene, Executive Director/CEO Phone +61 8 8981 5911 Email: geupene@crosslandstrategic.com ♫㐃⤡ඛ Updated April 2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 153 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Crossland Strategic Metals Limited COMMODITY: REE, Uranium, Base Metals, Precious Metals COMPANY CONTACT DETAILS Company: Contact Officer: Position: Phone: Fax: Email: Web: PO Address: Crossland Strategic Metals Limited Mr. Geoff Eupene Executive Director / Exploration Manager +61 8 8981 5911 +61 8 8941 1364 geupene@crosslandstrategic.com www.crosslandstrategic.com GPO Box 2437 Darwin Northern Territory 0801 Head Office: Market Capitalisation: Number of Shares: ASX Code: Unit 8 Raffles Plaza 1 Buffalo Court NT $2.5M at 1 April 2014 ~257,000,000 CUX PROJECT DETAILS Project Name: Mount Stafford Location: Arunta Region, Northern Territory Project Tenements: Tenement EL28492 EL29758 Area (km2) 862 652 Updated April 2014 154 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー Grant 28/07/2011 25/07/13 Expiry 27/07/2017 24/07/2019 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Mount Stafford Location Map Updated April 2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 155 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 HISTORY OF PROJECT AREA Previous exploration within the Anmatjira Range has been directed towards a number of commodities with a focus on uranium and gold. The area hosts many mineral occurrences identified by past explorers, mostly within the Lower Proterozoic Lander Rocks Formation, which outcrops along the southeast boundary of the licence. These include: x Low sulphide gold-quartz veining x Polymetallic copper-lead-zinc-gold veining x Tin-tantalum pegmatites x tungsten Other mineral occurrences in the area include uranium bearing pegmatites within Lower Proterozoic granitic intrusives along the northern boundary of the licence. Following a 1977 Airborne Survey, Otter Exploration ground checked radiometric anomalies and water tested ground bores. Ground water was found to be anomalous in uranium draining north from Anmatjira Range while ground truthing of airborne radiometric anomalies was negative. Ground traverses found two radiometric anomalies; one assayed greater than 14% REE, 6.3% Th and 1000ppm U while the other assayed 740 ppm Th and 40 ppm U. Work was conducted by BHP Minerals in the early 1980’s. Their main target was diamonds. BHP completed a regional stream survey for kimberlite indicator minerals (KIM). Results of this survey were poor. Along with the KIM survey BHP conducted geochemical analysis. Results of the geochem survey indicated anomalous Cerium, Lanthanum and Zirconium. However, given the low prospectively for diamonds the ground was relinquished. In the 1990’s Poseidon Gold Limited and North Flinders Mines Limited explored much of the ground along the western and northern boundary of the EL. Work during this period was heavily focused on gold. Extensive programmes were completed by both companies; including many shallow drillholes and costeans. Result of these programmes delineated low-grade but widespread gold occurrences, most notable of which was the Sabre Prospect. Aberfoyle Resources Ltd completed a detailed airborne radiometric and magnetic survey over the southern portion of EL 28492 in the late 1990’s. Arafura Resources’ large Nolans Bore REE resource lies approximately 20 km to the southeast of the Mount Stafford licence. Historically, Arafura held title over a small portion of EL 28942 in the early 2000’s but elected to relinquish with little on-ground exploration conducted due to financial constraints. COMPANY MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE & SKILLS Crossland’s Board has a lot of direct experience in the NT’s mining industry. Geologist Geoff Eupene,B.Sc (Hons), FAusIMM, CPGeo IS Crossland’s Exploration Director has been engaged in mineral exploration in the NT since 1970. He has worked with many commodities and on several successful mining developments, for uranium, gold, and base metals. Crossland’s Chairman Bob Richardson, B.Sc, B.E. (Hons), MAusIMM, MASEG, is a geophysicist with over 40 years experience. He was 15 years with the Peko-Wallsend Group (gold, copper and uranium), rising to the position of Exploration Manager. Other technical personnel assisting Crossland in its exploration efforts includes three experienced geologists who have many years combined Northern Territory exploration experience principally in uranium and gold. Updated April 2014 156 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 MOUNT STAFFORD GEOLOGY AND MINERAL OCCURRENCES CURRENT PROJECT STATUS Crossland has not advanced its exploration activities since conducting a regional stream sediment survey at Mount Stafford. There are encouraging results from some areas, which will require follow-up. Crossland’s main focus in recent times has been in advancing the Charley Creek Project towards a feasibility study. PROPOSED FUTURE ACTIVITIES Crossland has outlined five anomalous areas derived from the sediment sampling results for follow up sampling and geological reconnaissance. The anomalous areas outlined are similar to those where REE mineralisation was previously discovered. DETAILS OF DRILLING RESULTS No drilling to date. Updated April 2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 157 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 ࣞࢵࢻ࣓ࢱ࣭࣑ࣝࣜࢸࢵࢻ 㖔≀ 㖡ࠊ㔠ࠊࢽࢵࢣࣝ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺྡ ࣜࢹࢼ ♫ྡ ࢢࣛࢫ࣮ࣝࢶ᥈㖔ࡢᢞ㈨ᶵ ࣞࢵࢻ࣓ࢱ࣭࣑ࣝࣜࢸࢵࢻ ♫ᙧែ ࣮࢜ࢫࢺࣛࣜドๆྲྀᘬᡤୖሙ$6;5'0 ♫つᶍ ᖺ᭶᪥⌧ᅾ౯⥲㢠ࢻࣝ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺヲ⣽ ᮏࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡣࣞࢵࢻ࣓ࢱࣝ♫ࡀᡤ᭷ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ㐍⾜ẁ㝵 ⌧ᅾࡢࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ≧ἣ ᖺඛఫᆅᶒᡤ᭷⪅ࡽࡢ➨୍ᅇྜࢆᡂຌࡉࡏࠊᖺࡣඛ ఫẸ௦⾲ᶵ㛵&/&ࡢ㛫࡛ᐃᆺࢡࢭࢫྜពࡀᡂ❧ࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋ⌧ᅾఏ ⤫ⓗᅵᆅᡤ᭷⪅ࡢ㛫࡛ዎ⣙᮲௳΅୰ࠊ㏆ࡃ⥾⤖ࡢぢ㎸ࡳ࡛ࡍࠋ ⨨࠾ࡼࡧ㠃✚ ᭱ࡶ㏆࠸⏫ࡣࣜࢫࢫࣉࣜࣥࢢࢫ࡛ࠊ㌴࡛NPࡢᡤ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋࣉ ࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡢ㠃✚ࡣNPࠋ ࣥࣇࣛࢫࢺࣛࢡࢳ࣮ࣕ㺃ࣉࣛࣥ ⢭㖔ࡣ⣙NP㞳ࢀࡓ᭱ᐤࡾࡢ㕲㐨⤊➃ࡲ࡛㝣㊰㍺㏦ࡋࠊࡑࡇࡽ᪤ Ꮡࡢ㕲㐨ࢆ⏝ࡋ࡚NPࠊࢲ࣮࢘ࣥ ࡲ࡛㐠ࡧࡲࡍࠋ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺᆅᇦࡢṔྐ ࡇࡢᗈ࡞ᆅᇦ࠾ࡅࡿ㐣ཤࡢ᥈ᰝάືࡣࡈࡃ㝈ᐃⓗ࡞ࡶࡢ࡛ࡋࡓࠋ ᴗ㛤Ⓨࣉࣛࣥ ♫ࡢᡓ␎ ⏕⏘ࡲ࡛ࡢ┠ᶆࢱ࣒ࣛࣥ ᕼᮃࡍࡿᢞ㈨ᙧែ ࡇࡢᮍ᥈ᰝᆅᇦࡣࠊ᭱㏆࡞ࡗ࡚㧗ရ㉁◲㖡ࡢ㖔ᗋࡋ࡚ὀ┠ࡉ ࢀࡿࡼ࠺࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋࣞࢵࢻ࣓ࢱࣝ♫ࡣࠊྠᆅᇦࡢ⯟✵㟁☢Ẽㄪᰝ ࢆィ⏬୰ࠋࡇࢀࡣึࡵ࡚ࡢ㏆௦ⓗ᥈ᰝᢏ⾡ࢆ⏝ࡋࡓ᥈ᰝ࡞ࡾࡲࡍ ࠋ ࣮࢜ࢫࢺ࡛ࣛࣜࡶ᭱ࡶ⏕⏘ᛶࡢ㧗࠸ᆅ᪉࠶ࡿᆅᇦ࡛ࠊྠ♫ࡣ࣮࣋ ࢫ࣓ࢱࣝ㔠ࠊ࢘ࣛࣥ᥈ᰝດຊࢆ㞟୰ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ྠᆅࡢࢡࢭࢫྲྀᚓࠊᢞ㈨☜ಖࠊ࣮࣎ࣜࣥࢢࡢᡂຌࢆ๓ᥦࡋ࡚ࠊ ྠ♫ࡣ௨ୗࡢࡼ࠺࡞ィ⏬ࢆணᐃࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ x ᖺ㹼ᖺ⯟✵ㄪᰝࠊᅵተヨ㦂ࠊ࣮ࣟࢱ࣮ࣜࢥ࣭࣮࣎ࣜ ࣥࢢ x ᖺ㹼ᖺ㈨※㔞ᣑᙇ᭦࡞ࡿᐃ⩏ࡢࡓࡵࣥࣇ࣭ࣝ ࢻࣜࣜࣥࢢࢆᐇ x ᖺࣇ࣮ࢪࣅࣜࢸࢫࢱࢹ x ᖺᘓタ x ᖺ⏕⏘㛤ጞணᐃ ྠ♫ࡣࠊ௨ୗࡢᙧែࡢᢞ㈨ࢆᮃࢇ࡛࠸ࡲࡍࠋ x ࣮࣭ࣥࣥ ♫㐃⤡ඛ Rob Rutherford Managing Director Phone: + 61 2 9281 1805 Email: info@redmetal.com.au Updated September 2013 158 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Red Metal Limited COMMODITY: COPPER (CU), GOLD (AU), NICKEL (NI) COMPANY CONTACT DETAILS Company: Contact Officer: Position: Phone: Fax: Email: Web: PO Address: Head Office: Market Capitalisation: Number of Shares: ASX Code: Rob Rutherford Managing Director + 61 2 9281 1805 + 61 2 9281 5747 info@redmetal.com.au www.redmetal.com.au Level 15, 323 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Sydney AUD 27.5M (at 0.19 cents) 144,771,919 RDM PROJECT DETAILS Project Name: Location: Project Tenements: Tenement ELA27090 ELA27091 ELA27264 ELA27265 ELA27266 IRINDINA Eastern Arunta Inlier. See Figure 1. Area (sq km) 1219 309 983 Grant Date Expiry 1534 ELA27267 1499 1465 ELA27273 995 ELA27280 1512 EL 27389 12 18/01/2010 17/01/2016 EL 27407 EL 28747 ELA29038 90 18/01/2010 17/01/2016 230 189 26/10/2011 25/10/2017 MAP SHOWING PROJECT LOCATION Refer Figure 1 HISTORY OF PROJECT AREA Red Metal’s Irindina project is located in the remote Eastern Arunta province in the Northern Territory (Figure 1). This under explored region is emerging as a highly prospective province for high-grade massive copper sulphide deposits with Kidman Resources Limited’s Home of Bullion project, Kentor Gold Limited’s Jervois deposit and Mithril Resources Ltd’s Basil deposit being good examples. 1 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 159 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 The Company’s Irindina project covers almost 14,000 square kilometres of shallow covered terrain east of the large, low-grade Basil copper-cobalt deposit (90Mt @ 0.3% copper, 0.03% cobalt). This deposit comprises massive iron sulphide with associated copper sulphides and cobalt and was discovered by Mithril using modern airborne electromagnetic technology. Red Metal speculates that large, copper-rich variants of the Basil deposit type may exist within the Irindina project. Red Metal will be the first to apply modern exploration techniques including airborne electromagnetic technology over this exciting new base metal frontier. Terms for an access agreement are being negotiated with the Aboriginal land owners. Exploration is dependent upon positive ongoing negotiations. [Figure 1] Location of Red Metal’s Irindina and Tennant Creek projects. Mithril’s work in this emerging region continues to highlight many new styles of hydrothermal copper, copper-gold, gold ± tungsten as well as intrusion related nickel-copperPGM mineralisation styles. No modern exploration techniques have been applied seeking these new styles of mineralisation on Red Metal’s Irindina project and the Company believes the terrain offers potential for open pit deposits containing >1-2Mt copper and >15Moz gold. A review of the historic data over Red Metal’s Irindina project shows a limited number of historic drill holes over this large area. Drilling indicates the depth to basement varies from about 5m to 100m over the key target areas. 2 160 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 [Figure 2] Irindina Project: Regional geological setting, significant known copper mineralisation in the belt and location of Red Metal’s Inindina exploration tenements. Note the large tonnage of the Basil prospect and the high-grade potential shown at Jervois, Home of Bullion and Johnnies Reward. Red Metal speculates that large, copper-rich variants of the Basil deposit type may exist within the Irindina project. [Figure 3] Irindina Project: Grey-scale vertical gradient magnetic image with gravity colour drape showing location of Baldrick and Blackadder intrusion-hosted nickel-copper sulphide prospects (purple) and the Basil shear hosted hydrothermal copper-cobalt prospect and new copper-gold prospects (green) plus gold prospects yellow 3 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 161 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 COMPANY MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE & SKILLS Red Metal Limited was established in 2003 in strategic alliance with Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold, one of the world’s largest copper producers, to explore for base metals in Australia. The company has extensive experience generating and implementing greenfields exploration concepts throughout Australia. Red Metal’s team has established an enviable portfolio of copper, copper-gold, copper ±nickel and silver-lead-zinc exploration projects located in some of Australia’s most endowed base metal exploration provinces such as the Mount Isa Inlier, Gawler Craton, Tennant Creek Inlier and the frontier Arunta Terrain. Red Metal’s long standing and highly regarded exploration team have extensive on ground experience in these terrains. Red Metal’s targeting for giant base metal deposits in Australia has been greatly assisted by a wealth of high-quality geophysical and geological data generated by state surveys and Geoscience Australia each year. Using this data over a number of years, Red Metal’s expert team has identified key target areas, patiently secured tenure and worked-up several exciting base metal target areas for first pass or follow-up, drilling or geophysical evaluation. CURRENT PROJECT STATUS Red Metal plans to be the first to apply modern exploration techniques for prospect targeting over this large project area including airborne electromagnetic surveying. Field based exploration is dependent upon successful access negotiations with the traditional Aboriginal owners and the subsequent grant of the tenements. The first meeting with traditional owners has been successfully hosted last year. Terms for an access agreement are being negotiated with the Aboriginal land owners and an agreement is expected to be executed shortly. PROPOSED FUTURE ACTIVITIES To fast track a discovery the project will require a minimum exploration expenditure of $4M spent on the project in the first year. Red Metal envisage the following work program and budget: 2013-2014 Grant of titles on aboriginal land, complete wide spaced regional airborne electromagnetic surveying and targeting (Budget Estimate $4-5M). 2014-2015 Regional soil and bedrock auger sampling over selected areas and new airborne electromagnetic conductors, ground electromagnetic surveying, first pass shallow aircore and RC percussion drilling (Budget Estimate $4-5M). 2015-2016 Infill drilling over discovery zones and continued regional first pass follow-up and RC drilling. Resource definition over major discoveries (Budget Estimate $5-20M based on success). DETAILS OF DRILLING RESULTS Past base-metal directed exploration is very limited and no modern systematic exploration or electromagnetic surveying has been undertaken over this emerging new base metal province. Updated April 2014 4 162 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー 㖔≀ 㖡ࠊ㔠 ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺྡ ࢸࢼࣥࢺ࣭ࢡ࣮ࣜࢡ ♫ྡ ࢢࣛࢫ࣮ࣝࢶ᥈㖔ࡢᢞ㈨ᶵ ࣞࢵࢻ࣓ࢱ࣭࣑ࣝࣜࢸࢵࢻ ♫ᙧែ ࣮࢜ࢫࢺࣛࣜドๆྲྀᘬᡤୖሙ$6;5'0 ♫つᶍ ᖺ᭶᪥⌧ᅾ౯⥲㢠ࢻࣝ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺヲ⣽ ᮏࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡣࣞࢵࢻ࣓ࢱࣝ♫ࡀᡤ᭷ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ㐍⾜ẁ㝵 ࣥࣇࣛࢫࢺࣛࢡࢳ࣮ࣕ㺃ࣉࣛࣥ ᖺඛఫᆅᶒᡤ᭷⪅ࡽࡢ➨୍ᅇྜࢆᡂຌࡉࡏࠊᖺ ࡣࢭࣥࢺ࣭ࣛࣝࣛࣥࢻ࣭࢝࢘ࣥࢩࣝࡢ㛫࡛ᐃᆺࢡࢭࢫྜពࡀ ᡂ❧ࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋᖺ᭶ࡣࣞࢵࢻ࣓ࢱࣝ♫ࡢ㖔༊ᶒ⏦ㄳࡀཷ ⌮ࡉࢀࠊᖺ௨㝆ึࡵ࡚ࠊྠᆅᇦ࡛㏆௦ⓗ᥈ᰝࡀ࡛ࡁࡿࡇ ࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋ 㖔༊ᶒタᐃᆅᇦࡣࢸࢼࣥࢺ࣭ࢡ࣮ࣜࢡࡽaNP㞳ࢀࡓሙᡤ ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋྠࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡣ࠸ࡃࡘࡢ㖔༊ᶒศࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ ⥲㠃✚ࡣNP࡛ࡍࠋ ⢭㖔ࡣaNP㞳ࢀࡓ᭱ᐤࡾࡢ㕲㐨⤊➃ࡲ࡛㝣㊰㍺㏦ࡋࠊࡑࡇ ࡽ᪤Ꮡࡢ㕲㐨ࢆ⏝ࡋ࡚NPࠊࢲ࣮࢘ࣥ ࡲ࡛㐠ࡧࡲ ࡍࠋ㔠ࡣ㍍㣕⾜ᶵ࡛✵㍺ࡋࡲࡍࠋ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺᆅᇦࡢṔྐ ࡇࡢᆅᇦ࡛ࡣᖺ௦㝈ᐃⓗ࡞᥈ᰝάືࡀ⾜ࢃࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡋࡓ ࡀࠊࡑࢀ௨㝆ࠊඛఫẸࡢᣄྰᶒࡼࡾ᥈ᰝ࡛ࡁࡲࡏࢇ࡛ࡋࡓࠋ ᴗ㛤Ⓨࣉࣛࣥ ࣞࢵࢻ࣓ࢱࣝ♫ࡣࠊ᥈ᰝࡀᣄྰࡉࢀࡓᖺ௦௨㝆ึࡵ࡚㏆௦ⓗ ᥈ᰝᢏ⾡ࢆ⏝ࡋࡓ᥈ᰝࢆ⾜࠺ணᐃ࡛ࠊࡲࡎࠊ⯟✵㟁☢Ẽㄪᰝࢆ ィ⏬୰࡛ࡍࠋ ⌧ᅾࡢࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ≧ἣ ⨨࠾ࡼࡧ㠃✚ ♫ࡢᡓ␎ ࣮࢜ࢫࢺ࡛ࣛࣜࡶ᭱ࡶ⏕⏘ᛶࡢ㧗࠸ᆅ᪉࠶ࡿᆅᇦ࡛ࠊྠ♫ࡣ ࣮࣋ࢫ࣓ࢱࣝ㔠ࠊ࢘ࣛࣥ᥈ᰝດຊࢆ㞟୰ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ⏕⏘ࡲ࡛ࡢ┠ᶆࢱ࣒ࣛࣥ ྠ♫ࡣ௨ୗࡢࡼ࠺࡞ィ⏬ࢆணᐃࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ x ᖺ㹼ᖺ⯟✵ㄪᰝࠊᅵተヨ㦂ࠊ࣮ࣟࢱ࣮ࣜࢥ࣭࣎ ࣮ࣜࣥࢢ x ᖺ㹼ᖺ㈨※㔞ᣑᙇ᭦࡞ࡿᐃ⩏ࡢࡓࡵࣥࣇ ࣭ࣝࢻࣜࣜࣥࢢࢆᐇ x ᖺࣇ࣮ࢪࣅࣜࢸࢫࢱࢹ x ᖺᘓタ x ᖺ⏕⏘㛤ጞணᐃ ᕼᮃࡍࡿᢞ㈨ᙧែ ྠ♫ࡣࠊ௨ୗࡢᙧែࡢᢞ㈨ࢆᮃࢇ࡛࠸ࡲࡍࠋ x ࣮࣭ࣥࣥ ♫㐃⤡ඛ グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 ࣞࢵࢻ࣓ࢱ࣭࣑ࣝࣜࢸࢵࢻ Rob Rutherford Managing Director Phone: + 61 2 9281 1805 Email: info@redmetal.com.au Updated September 2013 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 163 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Red Metal Limited COMMODITY: COPPER (CU) AND Gold (AU) COMPANY CONTACT DETAILS Company: Contact Officer: Position: Phone: Fax: Email: Web: PO Address: Head Office: Market Capitalisation: Number of Shares: ASX Code: Rob Rutherford Managing Director + 61 2 9281 1805 + 61 2 9281 5747 info@redmetal.com.au www.redmetal.com.au Level 15, 323 Castlereagh Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Sydney AUD 27.5M (at 0.19 cents) 144,721,919 RDM PROJECT DETAILS Project Name: Location: Project Tenements: Tennant Creek Tennant Creek Inlier. See Figure 1. Tenement ELA24008 EL 24009 EL 24145 EL 24259 Area (sq km) 444 643 479 54 Grant Date Expiry 08/08/2013 08/08/2013 08/08/2013 07/08/2019 07/08/2019 07/08/2019 ELA28695 120 EL 28704 195 26/10/2011 25/10/2017 EL 28731 93 26/10/2011 25/10/2017 MAP SHOWING PROJECT LOCATION Refer to Figure 1 for location relative to the Tennant Creek township and rail infrastructure 164 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー The Tennant Creek Goldfield has produced over 5.0Moz of gold and 500,000 tonnes of copper to date and represents one of Australia’s top five goldfields. High-grade deposits of copper and gold mineralisation are generally associated with magnetite and/or hematite bearing ironstones which have a strong magnetic and gravity response. One such ironstone at Metals X Limited’s Rover 1 prospect has outlined a high-grade gold and copper resource containing the equivalent of over 1.2 million ounces of gold. In the same terrain, Red Metal has a large land position under application located on Aboriginal lands where the prospective rocks are covered by a thin veneer of dune sands and sedimentary sequences (Figure 13). Red Metal’s Tennant Creek application areas contain several untested magnetic targets considered prospective for ironstone-related copper and gold deposits. In August 2013 Red Metal’s tenements applications were successfully granted opening these areas to modern exploration for the first time since about 1987. A first pass soil geochemistry program over the highest priority magnetic targets is planned in the year ahead. The region offers very good potential for a high-grade 1-5Moz, open pit gold ± copper mine. グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 HISTORY OF PROJECT AREA [Figure 1] Tennant Creek Projects: Magnetic image with the main gold and copper deposits オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 165 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 COMPANY MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE & SKILLS Red Metal Limited was established in 2003 in strategic alliance with FreeportMcMoRan Copper &Gold, one of the world’s largest copper producers, to explore for base metals in Australia. The company has extensive experience generating and implementing green fields exploration concepts throughout Australia. Red Metal’s team has established an enviable portfolio of copper, copper-gold, copper ±nickel and silver-lead-zinc exploration projects located in some of Australia’s most endowed base metal exploration provinces such as the Mount Isa Inlier, Gawler Craton, Tennant Creek Inlier and the frontier Arunta Terrain. Red Metals long standing and highly regarded exploration team have extensive on ground experience in these terrains. Red Metal’s targeting for giant base metal deposits in Australia has been greatly assisted by a wealth of high-quality geophysical and geological data generated by state surveys and Geoscience Australia each year. Using this data over a number of years, Red Metal’s expert team has identified key target areas, patiently secured tenure and worked-up several exciting base metal target areas for first pass or follow-up, drilling or geophysical evaluation. CURRENT PROJECT STATUS Meetings with traditional owners were successfully held during 2012 and terms for an exploration access agreement have been concluded with the Central Land Council. In August 2013 Red Metal’s tenements applications were successfully granted opening these areas to modern exploration for the first time since about 1987. PROPOSED FUTURE ACTIVITIES To fast track a discovery the Tennant Creek project will require a minimum exploration expenditure of $3M spent on the project in the first year. Red Metal envisage the following work program and budget: 2013-2014 Grant of titles on Aboriginal land, complete high-quality aeromagnetic survey, airborne electromagnetic survey (HeliTEM) and first pass geochemical bedrock auger sampling and ground based electromagnetic survey over priority targets, first pass shallow aircore or RC percussion drilling (Budget Estimate $3-5M). 2014-2015 Follow-up shallow RC percussion drilling over discovery zones and further first pass target evaluation of regional targets (Budget Estimate $4-5M) 2015-2016 Infill drilling over discovery zones and continued regional first pass followup and RC drilling. Resource definition over major discoveries. (Budget Estimate $520M based on success) DETAILS OF DRILLING RESULTS Significant results from minor historic drilling completed during the 1970’s are summarised in Figure 2. 166 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 [Figure 2] Tennant Creek Projects: Magnetic image highlighting significant historic drill results Updated April 2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 167 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 ࢫ࣌ࢡࢺ࣒࣭࣮ࣛࣞࢫ♫ 㖔≀ ࣮࣋ࢫ࣓ࢱࣝ㔠&X1L=Q$X ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺྡ ࢝ࣝࣂ࣮ࢺ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ㐍⾜ẁ㝵 ࢢࣛࢫ࣮ࣝࢶ᥈㖔ࡢᢞ㈨ᶵ ♫ྡ ࢫ࣌ࢡࢺ࣒࣭࣮ࣛࣞࢫ♫ ♫ᙧែ $6;63; ♫つᶍ $ࢻࣝᖺ᭶᪥⌧ᅾ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺヲ⣽ ࣮࢝࣌ࣥࢱ࣭࣑ࣜࢿࣛࣝࢬ♫63;ࡢᏊ♫ ⌧ᅾࡢࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ≧ἣ ᥈ᰝ̽᭱ึࡢ᥀๐ࢸࢫࢺࢆィ⏬୰ ⨨࠾ࡼࡧ㠃✚ 㹼NPt㒊‽ᕞࢡ࣮ࣥࢬࣛࣥࢻᕞࡢቃ⏺㏆ࠋ࣎ࣛࣝ ࣮ࣛࡢ⏫ࡽ㌴࡛㛫 ࣥࣇࣛࢫࢺࣛࢡࢳࣕ ࣮㺃ࣉࣛࣥ ࣮࢝࣌ࣥࢱࣜ‴ࡲ࡛࢝ࣝࣂ࣮ࢺᕝࢆỈୖ㍺㏦ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺᆅᇦࡢṔྐ 63;ࡼࡿⓎぢ ᴗ㛤Ⓨࣉࣛࣥ ᥀๐ࢸࢫࢺ ♫ࡢᡓ␎ ᥀๐᥈ᰝ̽㛤Ⓨ̽㖡⢭㖔ࡲࡓࡣ࢝ࢯ࣮ࢻࠊ㔠ሢࡢ⏕⏘ ㈨※㔞ࡢᣑ☜ᐃྥࡅ࡚᥀๐ࢆ⥅⥆ࠊᖺ ⏕⏘ࡲ࡛ࡢ┠ᶆࢱ࣒ࣛ ࣥ ࣉࣞࣇ࣮ࢪࣅࣜࢸ㹼ࣇ࣮ࢪࣅࣜࢸ࣭ࢫࢱࢹࠊ ᖺ ╔ᕤணᐃࠊᖺ ⏕⏘㛤ጞ┠ᶆࠊᖺ ᕼᮃࡍࡿᢞ㈨ᙧែ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ༷ࡲࡓࡣྜᘚᴗ Ian Bamborough, Managing Director: +61 (8) 9325 7946 ♫㐃⤡ඛ ian.bamborough@spectrumrareearths.com.au www.spectrumrareearths.com.au Updated April 2014 168 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー COMMODITY: Base Metals & Gold (Cu-Ni-Zn-Au); Diamonds COMPANY CONTACT DETAILS Company Spectrum Rare Earths Limited (ASX:SPX) ABN 94 115 770 226 Contact Officer Position Phone Fax Email Ian Bamborough Managing Director +61 (0)8 9325 7946 +61 (0)8 9262 3683 ian.bamborough@spectrumrareearths.com.au Website www.spectrumrareearths.com.au Head Office Level 10, 553 Hay Street (Cnr Pier St) PERTH WA 6000, Australia Market Capitalisation Number of Shares ASX Code A$10.18M (15/04/14) 156.6M SPX x x x グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Spectrum Rare Earths Limited Clearly Defined Drill Ready Targets; Extension of the Redbank Copper Trend; Geological Mirror Image of the Mt Isa Inlier. Updated April 2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 169 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 PROJECT DETAILS Project Name: Calvert River; Base Metals & Gold Location: Calvert River, Gulf of Carpentaria, Northern Territory, Australia Project Tenements: Robinson River Tenement Area 2 Grant Expiry EL25397 131.74 km 06/02/2007 05/02/2015 EL27154 32.94 km2 14/10/2009 13/10/2015 HISTORY OF PROJECT AREA SPX holds ground in under-explored areas on the Gulf of Carpentaria region of the NT. The area is known to be prospective for breccia pipe hosted mineralisation such as the Redbank copper deposits (active mine with and the Stanton nickel-copper prospect. Redbank is a nearby active mining operation with a total JORC indicated and inferred oxide resource of 1Mt @ 1.4% Cu and sulphide resource of 3.9Mt @1.4% Cu. Figure 1 shows Spectrum’s lease in respect to these two occurrences and regionally prospective host rocks. Historically Redbank has produced: in the ~1950’s; 947t @ 22.5% Cu (hand-picked)) and recent production in the 1990’s 225,000t @ 5.6% Cu Figure 1: EL25397 in respect to regionally significant geology and known mineral occurrences (map GDA94-53) In August 2008, a detailed stream sediment program was undertaken over a ~35km2 area within the tenement to follow up on a historic, broader scale, stream sediment derived base metal anomaly delineated by Rio Tinto in 2001. Updated April 2014 170 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー The recent Spectrum survey aimed to pin down elevated geochemistry with respect to a number of circular pipe like features noted on satellite imagery. Figure 2 shows a hyper spectral colour composite image highlighting newly defined base metal and gold targets and the circular nature of these features. Imagery also highlights other geological elements including circular silica alteration features, rock types and fault patterns. グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 CURRENT PROJECT STATUS Figure 2: Hyper spectral colour composite image highlighting newly defined Calvert River base metal and gold targets and the circular nature of these features The silica rich circular alteration features highlighted in Figure 2 suggest a zoned mineralised system with the possibility of economic grades at shallow depths below surface. Updated April 2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 171 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Figures 3-5 show geochemical results for copper, zinc and gold anomalism. Individual stream sediment sample values are represented as catchment basins highlighting the location of higher grade results by colour. Better results across elemental associations are seen to cluster around the circular features identified in Figure 2 and further illustrated in Figures 3-5. Figure 3: Calvert River northwest, stream sediment copper results Figure 4: Calvert River northwest, stream sediment zinc results Updated April 2014 172 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Figure 5: Calvert River northwest, stream sediment gold results The highly anomalous 31ppb gold value illustrated in Figure 5 represents a new and exciting opportunity within this tenement. Other elemental plots show a similar pattern to Figures 3-5. Updated April 2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 173 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Hyper spectral mineral alteration mapping also identified a number of new discreet, circular alteration features (possible mineralised volcanic breccia pipes) in other areas of the tenement holding. Figure 6 shows a colour composite image highlighting some of these features in relation to interpreted fault trends and prospective volcanic rocks. Figure 6: Hyper Spectral colour composite image highlighting geological boundaries, some circular features and newly identified targets Stream sediment geochemistry has been completed over these newly identified targets in early October 2008. Assays pending. Results of soil sampling over mineralised features will be available in early November. Ground magnetics has been undertaken to help further define drill targeting. Updated April 2014 174 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー Figure 7 shows a hypothetical exploration model for the north western geochemical anomalies. A sandstone cover sequence is seen to mask the geochemical response thus explaining the subdued geochemical response of 40ppm Cu. Figure 7: Hypothetical Cross Section of geochemical anomalies masked by cover sequence Figure 8 shows the strength of targeting criteria with key alteration and geochemistry combining. グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 OTHER SUPPORTING INFORMATION Figure 8: Calvert South Targets Updated April 2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 175 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Figure 9 illustrates the model expected in the south eastern area where new pipe like features have been identified (Figure 6). Host rock sequences are known to exist closer to surface allowing for easier exploration. Figure 9: Hypothetical Cross Section of pipe like features in south western area. Cover sequence is missing. DIAMONDS Nontronite alteration (shown in Figure 8) is a strong indicator for kimberlites (possibly Diamond bearing). Another strong indicator of kimberlites is gold anomalism (also clearly shown in Figure 8). When considered in the regional context illustrated in Figure 10 (regional gravity setting of nearby Merlin Diamond mine and the abundance of diamonds in stream sediments), these circular pipe like features also make an excellent target for diamond exploration. Figure 10: Calvert River Diamond Prospectivity (gravity background, location of nearby Merlin Diamond Mine and diamonds in stream sediment samples) Updated April 2014 176 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー x Drill testing in 2013/2014. Roads and Drill pads in place. SUMMARY x x x Clearly Defined Drill Ready Targets; Extension of the Redbank Copper Trend; Geological Mirror Image of the Mt Isa Inlier. グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 PROPOSED FUTURE ACTIVITIES Updated April 2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 177 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 ࢹ࣮ࣛࢺ࣭ࢪࣕࢵࢡ࣭࣑ࢿࣛࣝ♫ 㖔≀ ࢲࣖࣔࣥࢻ༝㔠ᒓ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺྡ ࣮࢟࢟ࣥࣅ࣮ࢲࣖࣔࣥࢻ㖔ᒣ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ㐍⾜ẁ㝵 ࢢࣛࢫ࣮ࣝࢶ᥈㖔ࡢᢞ㈨ᶵ ♫ྡ ࢹ࣮ࣛࢺ࣭ࢪࣕࢵࢡ࣭࣑ࢿࣛࣝ♫ ♫ᙧែ 㠀බ㛤♫ ♫つᶍ 㠀බ㛤 ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺヲ⣽ ࢹ࣮ࣛࢺ࣭ࢪࣕࢵࢡ࣭࣑ࢿࣛࣝ♫ࡀ ᡤ᭷ ᅵተ࠾ࡼࡧᒾ▼○∦ࢧࣥࣉࣜࣥࢢࠋ ᖺ ᭶㹼 ᭶ᙜ♫ ୰ᅜ㈨ᮏࡢ &RDO*HRORJ\(QJLQHHULQJ3W\/WG ♫ࡀ (O ⌧ᅾࡢࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ≧ἣ ࠾ࡼࡧ (/ ࢚ࣜୖ✵ࡽ⯟✵☢Ẽࠊᨺᑕ⥺ࠊࢹࢪࢱࣝᆅᙧ ㄪᰝࢆ⾜࠸ࡲࡋࡓࠋ ᡤ᭷㖔༊ࡣ㠃✚ ᖹ᪉ࠊࢲ࣮࢘ࣥࡽ༡ NP㸦㐨㊰ 㛗㸧ࠊ᭱ᐤࡾࡢ⏫࢝ࣝ࢝ࣜࣥࢪࡢ༡す NP ࡢࡇࢁ࠶ࡾࡲ ⨨࠾ࡼࡧ㠃✚ ࡍࠋࢲ࣮࢘ࣥࡽࡣ㌴࡛ 㛫㸦ࣈ࢟ࣕࢼ࣭ࣥࣁ࢙࢘⤒ ⏤㸧࡛ࡍࠋ ࣥࣇࣛࢫࢺࣛࢡࢳ࣮ࣕ㺃ࣉ ࡣࡲࡔึᮇẁ㝵࡞ࡢ࡛ࠊࣥࣇࣛࢫࢺࣛࢡࢳ࣮ࣕィ⏬ࡣ࠶ࡾࡲ ࣛࣥ ࡏࢇࠋ ᖺ௦ࡣࠊ⌧ᅾࢹ࣮ࣛࢺ࣭ࢪࣕࢵࢡ࣭࣑ࢿࣛࣝ♫ࡀ᥈ᰝᶒ ࢆᣢࡗ࡚࠸ࡿᆅᇦ࡛ %+3 ♫ࡀㄪᰝࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ࣮ࣔࢻ࣭ࢡ࣮ࣜ ࢡࡢᕝᗏሁ✚ᒙࡽ┦ᙜ㔞ࡢᚤᑡࢲࣖࣔࣥࢻࡀ᥇㞟ࡉࢀࡲࡋ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺᆅᇦࡢṔྐ ࡓࠋྠᆅᇦࡢ᥈ᰝᶒࡣ $XVTXHVW ♫ *UDYLW\'LDPRQGV ♫ࡀᡤ᭷ ࡋ࡚࠸ࡓᮇࡶ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࡀࠊᐇ㉁ⓗ࡞᥈ᰝࡣ⾜ࢃࢀࡲࡏࢇ࡛ࡋ ࡓࠋ ᚋࡢㄪᰝணᐃ㸸 x ≉ᐃࡋࡓ☢Ẽ␗ᖖᆅᖏ࠾ࡅࡿ'ᆅ⌫≀⌮Ꮫࣥࣂ࣮ࢪࣙ ࣥࣔࢹࣜࣥࢢ x ≉ᐃࡋࡓ☢Ẽ␗ᖖᆅᖏ࠾ࡅࡿᆅ⾲ㄪᰝ࡞ࡽࡧᅵተࢧࣥ ࣉࣜࣥࢢ x ⿵ⓗᆅ⾲㔜ຊㄪᰝ㸦ሙྜࡼࡾ☢Ẽㄪᰝ㸧 ᴗ㛤Ⓨࣉࣛࣥ x ⿵ⓗㄪᰝࢆ㋃ࡲ࠼ࡓ'ᆅ⌫≀⌮Ꮫࣥࣂ࣮ࢪࣙࣥࣔࢹࣜ ࣥࢢ x ᭱ࡶ᭷ᮃ࡞☢Ẽ␗ᖖᆅᖏ࠾ࡅࡿヨ᥀ࣉࣟࢢ࣒࣭ࣛࢹࢨ ࣥ x ࢫࢸ࣮ࢪ ᢸಖྍ⬟ᛶ㐩ᡂ ᪂ࡓ࡞ࢪࣙࣥࢺ࣋ࣥࢳ࣮ࣕᢞ㈨ࢆເࡿ๓ -25& ‽ᣐ㈨※㔞ࢆ᫂ ♫ࡢᡓ␎ ☜ ㈨※㔞᫂☜ࢆࡉࡽቑຍ࣭๓㐍ࡉࡏࡿࡓࡵ᭦࡞ࡿヨ᥀ᐇ ᖺ ⏕⏘ࡲ࡛ࡢ┠ᶆࢱ࣒ࣛࣥ ࣇ࣮ࢪࣅࣜࢸ࣮ㄪᰝ㹼 ᖺ ᘓタ㹼 ᖺ 㖄࣭࣐ࣥ࢞ࣥ⏕⏘㛤ጞᐃ ᖺ ᕼᮃࡍࡿᢞ㈨ᙧែ ྜព⥾⤖♫ Anthony Martin ♫㐃⤡ඛ +61 438 751 732 August 2014 178 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー COMMODITY: Diamonds and Base Metals COMPANY CONTACT DETAILS Company: Contact Officer: Position: Phone: Email: Web: PO Address: Head Office: Daylight Jack Minerals Pty Ltd Anthony Martin CEO +61 438 751 732 daylight_jack@hotmail.com.au PO Box 145, Rushworth, Vic 3612 Rushworth PROJECT DETAILS Project Name: Kirkimbie Diamond Project Location: 155 kilometres by road southwest of Kalkarindji (the nearest town), 777 km south of Darwin Project Tenements: EL29803, EL25084, EL25085 and ELA30219. Tenement EL29803 EL25084 EL25085 Area 96 sq km 251 sq km 71 sq km Grant 24/09/14 3/10/06 3/10/06 ELA30219 679 sq km To be granted グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Daylight Jack Minerals Pty Ltd Expiry 23/09/19 2/10/14 2/10/14 Figure 1 Kirkimbie project tenement location. August2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 179 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 HISTORY OF PROJECT AREA Daylight Jack Pty Ltd currently holds two (2) exploration leases at Kirkimbie in the Limbunya area of the northwest of the Northern Territory in Australia. The area has been long considered prospective for diamonds with major mining companies holding leases in the area. The project is located 150km south southeast of the Argyle Diamond Mine and 50km south west of Rio Tinto’s Victoria River Diamond Project. In the 1990s BHP were involved in exploration in the area immediately covered by Daylight Jack’s Kirkimbie project. The program involved wide spread regional stream sampling. This work recovered significant micro diamonds from the Maude Creek Area is the south of EL 25084 and EL25085. Two samples contained possible kimberlitic chromite. Three (3) magnetic targets were drilled on Daylight jack’s current EL’s, but no Kimberlite was intersected. Two companies; Ausquest and Gravity Diamonds held leases and have reported on the area covered by the Kirkimbie Project however no significant exploration has taken place in the last 15 years. Ausquest identified six dipole magnetic anomalies occurring in the southern most parts of the project and are coincident with significant micro diamond samples. In 2008 Grant Boxer completed an assessment on the diamond exploration potential of the Kirkimbie project for Daylight Jack Pty Ltd. This work compiled significant historical information for the surrounding area. Identified the 6 Ausquest dipole targets for follow up and involved a review of the available regional aeromagnetic data. From this work he identified 17 magnetic anomalies as potential Kimberlite targets. In early 2013 Daylight Jack Pty Ltd and Australia China Corporation of Coal Geology Engineering Pty Ltd conducted a high resolution aeromagnetic survey over EL 25084 and EL25085. This data is reviewed here and will form the basis for the exploration strategy moving forward. COMPANY MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE & SKILLS Tony Martin (CEO) has eight years experience in diamond and base metals exploration in the Northern Territory. Mark Hutchison is an exploration geologist specialising in diamond exploration in Australia and overseas. Jayson Gregg is a consultant geophysicist and has over ten years experience in exploration in Queensland. Cecilia Martin is an exploration geologist and has five years experience in exploration in Queensland. August2014 180 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー REGIONAL GEOLOGY The Kirkimbie Project lies in the Palaeoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic aged Limbunya Basin and the southern part of the Neoproterozoic aged Victoria Basin. Extensive areas are covered by Lower Cambrian “Antrim Plateau Volcanics” (APV) flood basalts of the Kalkarindji Continental Flood Basalt. EL 25085 lies within the Limbunya Basin sediments with some areas covered by APV. The Limbunya Group (Palaeoproterozoic) comprises largely sandstone, siltstone, mudstone and dolomitic rocks with minor water-laid tuff horizons. These tuff horizons have been dated at 1635 Ma. Large areas of EL25085 are covered by black soil and recent alluvium. The geologically ancient shield areas in this region are prime targets for diamond exploration. A shield area, or craton, is a portion of continental crust that has been geologically stable (i.e; not involved in mountain building, faulting, deformation, etc.) for billions of years. A recent detailed Airborne Magnetic, Radiometric and Digital Terrain Survey was completed by UTS Geophysics Pty Ltd between 1st of April and the 19th of May 2013. GEOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION AND EXPLORATION TARGETS The project area can be easily categorised into the following divisions based on the distinctive magnetic characteristics of the TMI image. グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 CURRENT PROJECT STATUS The north western area of EL 25084 displays a noisy and complex magnetic signature. There is a strong north west to south east linear trend in the image and many magnetic features adhere to this trend. The southern area of EL 25084 has a quite magnetic signature and is characterised by a broad regional magnetic trend. Sparsely located discrete isolated magnetic anomalies of a dipole nature occur through this area. The southern area of EL25085 is dominated by a broad positive anomaly trending to the north. Sporadic isolated dipole anomalies occur. There is a linear north northwest trend of linear features in the image. In the north of the EL 25085 the magnetic data coverage extends beyond the EL boundary into an EL currently under application by Daylight Jack. In the far north the image exhibits a complex magnetic response similar to the majority of EL 25084. Around the northern boundary of EL 25085 a less noisy magnetic response is observed. There is a low magnetic gradient over the area and sparse isolated dipole anomalies occur. There is a gentle trend in the magnetic data that appears to follow a north south orientation. A thin strip runs from the south eastern corner of EL 25085 to its northern tip trending northwest southeast it displays the same complex magnetic response see in the north of EL 25085 but the magnetic anomalies trend strongly in the north northwest direction. In the far east of EL 25085 the area is characterised by a broad region negative magnetic trend to the northeast. There is a cluster of small amplitude dipole anomalies located in the central east of the area. GEOLOGY INTERPRETATIONS Interpretations are based on all available aeromagnetic data and the 1:250000 Geological map sheets Limbunya and Birrindudu. The broad north trending positive magnetic anomaly in EL 25085 is coincident with the mapped outcrop and anticline of the Limbunya Group plunging to the north. The broad positive anomaly immediately to the southwest is likely a similar anticline feature but plunging to the south. The broad positive anomaly in the north of EPC is again likely an anticline structure in the under lying Proterozoic sedimentary rocks. The interpreted anticline hinges are located on August2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 181 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Figure 4. The broad negative magnetic anomalies are interpreted to be coincident with syncline structures. The majority of the north and western area of EL 25084 is covered with a noisy high frequency magnetic response this magnetic texture accurately delineates the extent of the Antrim Plateau Volcanics (APV). An Interpretation of the hardrock geology under cover is included in Figure 4. Multiple south west trending dykes are mapped immediately to the north west of EL 25084 they can be easily traced entering and cutting through the project area. They are best displayed in the 1VD image in Figure 3. In the northern area of EL 25084 two broad circular areas of lower magnetic response are clearly evident in the 1VD image. These “holes” may be due to an individual basalt flow in the Antrim Volcanics with a reversed magnetisation. These “holes” are displayed Figure 5. This flow may be a thick flow infilling low areas of the palaeo-topography or may be associated with volcanic venting. Structural geological information taken from the geological map sheets and further interpretation from the 1VD magnetic Image are displayed on Figure 4. An interpreted southern extension of the Negril Fault has structurally controlled the emplacement of the APV. Figure 2 Geological Interpretation. August2014 182 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Figure 3 Total Magnetic Intensity. Figure 4 Structural Interpretation. August2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 183 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Figure 5 First Vertical Derivative. PROPOSED FUTURE ACTIVITIES Proposed Future Exploration Strategy x 3D Geophysical Inversion modelling of the selected magnetic anomalies. x Ground Inspection at the site of the selected anomalies and soil sampling. x Ground based gravity follow up surveys (optional magnetic survey). x 3D Geophysical Inversion modelling of follow up surveys. x Design of drill testing program for the most prospective anomalies. Geophysical Inversion Modelling Geophysical modelling can be completed on the aero magnetic dataset to better define the shape and extent of the causative bodies producing the di-pole anomalies selected as possible Kimberlite Pipes. This may improve the interpretation of the magnetic targets and allow further and more accurate ranking of their exploration potential. However the best results will be obtained by modelling the aeromagnetic dataset in combination with newly acquired follow up gravity data. In addition to this report we have provided a proposal and quote for this work. Ground Based Follow Up Some ground based follow up inspection of Ausquest and Boxer targets has already taken place. It is proposed that all highly ranked exploration targets are candidates for ground based gravity survey follow up. Additional soil sampling will be conducted on the proposed gravity survey grid. In addition to the gravity survey it will also be possible to cover the magnetic exploration targets with an even higher detail ground based magnetic survey for a relatively low cost. Ground based geophysical surveys offer the highest data resolution and will produce the most accurate geophysical models to aid in designing the drilling program to test the magnetic anomalies. In addition to this report we have provided a proposal and quote for this work. Drill Testing Drill testing will be assessed after the proposed ground based follow up. Alternatively direct drill testing of modelled aeromagnetic targets may be applicable if the financial costs are within budget. DETAILS OF DRILLING RESULTS No drilling on licenses has been completed. August2014 184 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー 㖔≀ 㔠ࠊ㖟ࠊ㖡ࠊࢫࢬ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺྡ ࢥࣥࣃࢫ࣭ࢡ࣮ࣜࢡ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ㐍⾜ẁ㝵 ࢢࣛࢫ࣮ࣝࢶ᥈㖔ࡢᢞ㈨ᶵ ♫ྡ ࢫ࣑ࣥࢬ♫ ♫ᙧែ ࣮࢜ࢫࢺࣛࣜ⡠ࡢ㠀බ㛤♫ ♫つᶍ 㠀බ㛤 ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺヲ⣽ ࢫ࣑ࣥࢬ♫ࡀ ᡤ᭷ ࢫ࣑ࣥࢬ♫ࡣヲ⣽࡞⯟✵㟁☢Ẽㄪᰝࠊᆅୖ㟁☢ ẼㄪᰝࠊἙᗋ࣭ᅵተ࣭ᒾ▼∦ヨᩱ᳨ᰝࠊヲ⣽࡞ᆅ ⌧ᅾࡢࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ≧ἣ ㉁࣐ࢵࣆࣥࢢࠊࡢ NP ࡢᴟᏊᴟᏊ㸭 ᢠᛶㄪᰝࢆࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡢ㠃✚ࡣ NPࠊ⨨ࡣࢲ࣮࢘ࣥ ࡢ༡ᮾ NPࠊࣃ࣭ࣥࢡ࣮ࣜࢡࡢす NP ࡛ࡍࠋ㐨㊰ࡣࢫࢳ࣮ࣗࢺ࣭ࣁ࢙࢘⤒⏤࡛ࣁ ⨨࠾ࡼࡧ㠃✚ ࢚ࢫ࣭ࢡ࣮ࣜࢡࡶࡋࡃࡣࣃ࣭ࣥࢡ࣮ࣜࢡࡽ ᪧ࣐࢘ࣥࢺ࣭࢙࢘ࣝࢬࢫࢬ㖔ᒣࡲ࡛ࠊࡑࡇࡽ⌧ ᆅࡲ࡛ࡣ⡆᫆㐨㊰ࡀ㏻ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࣃ࣭ࣥࢡࣜ ࣮ࢡࡽࡢᡤせ㛫⣙ 㛫ࠋ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡽ NP ௨ෆࡢᡤࢆ㕲㐨ࡀ㏻ࡗ࡚ ࣥࣇࣛࢫࢺࣛࢡࢳ࣮ࣕ㺃ࣉࣛࣥ ࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࢫ࣑ࣥࢬ♫ࡀධࡿ๓ࠊࡇࡢᆅᇦࡢ⯟✵☢Ẽㄪ ࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺᆅᇦࡢṔྐ ᰝࠊ㝈ᐃⓗ࡞Ἑᗋሁ✚≀࣭ᒾ▼∦ヨᩱ᳨ᰝࡀⅭࡉ ࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡋࡓࠋ ࣮࣎ࣜࣥࢢ 㹼 ࡇࢀࡲ࡛ࡢㄪᰝุ࡛᫂ࡋࡓ᭱ࡶ ᴗ㛤Ⓨࣉࣛࣥ 㢧ⴭ࡞␗ᖖࢆ♧ࡍᆅⅬ࡛ ࡢ࣮ࣟࢱ࣮ࣜࢥ࣭ ࣮࣎ࣜࣥࢢࢆᐇࡋࡲࡍࠋ ྠࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡢ᥈ᰝࢆ⥆ࡅࠊྜ⌮ⓗᮇ㖔ᒣ ♫ࡢᡓ␎ 㛤Ⓨࡢ㠀ࢆỴᐃࡋࡲࡍࠋ ᚋ 㹼 ᖺ㛫᥈ᰝ㸦࣮࣎ࣜࣥࢢ➼㸧ࢆ⾜࠸ࠊ㖔 ᗋࡢᏑᅾࢆ☜ㄆࡋࡲࡍࠋࡶࡋᡂຌ࡞ࡽࠊᚋ 㹼 ⏕⏘ࡲ࡛ࡢ┠ᶆࢱ࣒ࣛࣥ ᖺ㛫࡛ࣇ࣮ࢪࣅࣜࢸࢫࢱࢹࢆᐇࠊ㹼 ᖺᚋࡢ⏕⏘ࢆ┠ᣦࡋࡲࡍࠋ ᕼᮃࡍࡿᢞ㈨ᙧែ ᣢศྲྀᚓ࡞࠸ࡋࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺ㉎ධ ♫㐃⤡ඛ グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Ismins Pty Ltd Lee Spencer +61 2 4341-1273 or +61 409 189 363 lkspencer@ozemail.com.au September 2014 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 185 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 ISMINS PTY LTD COMMODITY: The Compass Creek Project contains a well defined exploration target for a major mineralised system. This hydrothermal system has potential to host a buried gold resource of considerable size, with possible credits of silver, copper and tin. COMPANY CONTACT DETAILS Company: Contact Officer: Position: Phone: Fax: Email: Web: PO Address: Head Office: Market Capitalisation: Number of Shares: ASX Code: Ismins Pty Ltd Lee Spencer Director +61 2 4341-1273 or +61 409-189-363 lkspencer@ozemail.com.au 31 Nautilus Crescent St. Huberts Island, NSW 2257 C/- Gillis Delaney Lawyers, L40, 161 Castlereagh St, Sydney, NSW 2000 N/A 1 None PROJECT DETAILS Project Name: Compass Creek Location: Pine Creek Goldfield, Northern Territory, Australia Project Tenements: Three tenements held 100% (two by grant & one (EL 25436) held by a purchase option to acquire 100%). Tenement Area Grant Expiry EL 25399 41.5 sq km 2007 Renewal to 2015 EL 25436 (option) 6.5 sq km 2007 Renewal to 2015 EL 29068 13.0 sq km 2012 2018 Total Area 61.0 sq km 186 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 MAP SHOWING PROJECT LOCATION HISTORY OF PROJECT AREA The Compass Creek project is within the old “Mt. Wells Policy Reserve” which existed from 1964 to June 1988. This Policy Reserve restricted exploration to small scale prospecting only, and prevented major mining companies from conducting exploration in this area. Hence no significant work was done by major exploration companies during this period. After 1988 several companies examined the area, but local prospectors still maintained mineral claims over the more significant mineral prospects, effectively preventing the major companies from doing any significant exploration. Therefore, prior to IsMins activities, the only work done over the Compass Creek area included a regional airborne magnetic survey, limited stream sediment sampling and sporadic rock chip sampling. The only exception was a small amount of drilling (7 RC holes <50m depth) in 1988 on the New Waterdrum prospect, located six kilometres west of the main Compass Creek area. Since acquiring the project in 2006, IsMins has conducted a detailed airborne EM survey, a ground magnetic survey, stream, soil and rock chip sampling, detailed geological mapping and a 16.5 line km dipole-dipole IP/resistivity survey. To date there has been no trenching or drilling on the Compass Creek project. COMPANY MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE & SKILLS Ismins Pty Ltd is a privately held company, wholly owned by Kidston North Pty Ltd. Ismins is run by a core of respected exploration professionals: Lee K. Spencer (Director) - Lee is a Geologist with over 37 years of experience in the mining industry and has proven expertise in operating mines, project development and exploration. Lee has held numerous senior executive positions in the mining industry including CEO of BDI Mining Corp Ltd and VP of Exploration for Indomin Resources Ltd, and CEO for Kula Gold Ltd. Lee has extensive project development experience and has been credited with several project discoveries and developments in the region, including the Cempaka diamond mine in Indonesia and the Woodlark Island gold deposit in PNG. Lee holds an MSc App (Mineral Exploration) degree from the University of New South Wales. Raymond Perkes (Director): Solicitor with over 30 years general practice. Currently is special counsel with Gillis Delaney Lawyers in Sydney. Co-founder of Ismins parent company (originally Island Minerals Ltd – now Kidston Gold Pty Ltd), and a former director of Kula Gold Pty Ltd and the AIM listed BDI Mining Corp. オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 187 グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 William Hundy (Director): Highly experience corporate lawyer. Former Company Secretary for Origin Energy, Oil Company of Australia, Australia Pacific LNG Pty Ltd, and former General Manager – Corporate for Placer Pacific Ltd and Kidston Gold Mines. Jim McGregor-Dawson (Management): Exploration Geologist with over 40 years of experience in Australia, USA, PNG and Indonesia. Formerly General Manager – Indonesia for Yamana Resources Inc, and also held senior positions with Kennecott Minerals, St Joe American and Union Oil of California (Molycorp Inc.). Over the past 20 years Jim has consulted to a number of companies with projects in PNG, Australia and Indonesia. Jim is a graduate of RMIT and is a Chartered Professional & Fellow of the AusIMM, and a Fellow of the SEG & AAG; as well as a Member of the SME and both the GSA of Australia and America. David Bennett (Management): Exploration Geologist with over 38 years of experience with companies including Urangesellschaft, Utah (Pacific) and Robertson Research Pty Ltd; and is currently the Principal Consultant with Tristate Research Pty Ltd. David is a graduate of Melbourne University and is a Member of AIG. CURRENT PROJECT STATUS Most early exploration around Compass Creek was focussed on trying to find gold and/or tin deposits, along with some base metal exploration. The closest significant mines are the Mount Wells tin mine (±Au + Cu), located about 8 km south-east, the Woolwonga and Yam Creek Group of gold mines located about 7 km west and 10 km south-west of Compass Creek respectively, and the Spring Hill gold mine located about 17 km SSE along the strike of the Pine Creek Shear Zone. The Woolwonga, Yam Creek and Spring Hill mines have each produced in excess of 250,000 ounces of gold. Total gold production from the Pine Creek District is over 5 million ounces, and there is an equal amount remaining in current projects. The gold & tin deposits in the Pine Creek District are spatially and temporally related to granitic intrusives of the Cullen Batholith (1800 Ma). The mineralisation is controlled by structures and the decrease in temperature and pressure away from the intrusive (500 – 1000m above and/or around the intrusive). Chemical interaction with favourable host rocks may also enhance precipitation. The gold mineralisation within the district is preferentially developed within sedimentary strata of the South Alligator Group (especially above the Middle Koolpin Formation, in the Gerowie Tuff and Mount Bonnie Formations) and lower parts of the Finniss River Group (in the Burrell Creek Formation), and is largely located within the metamorphic aureole of the granitic intrusives (generally within 5 km of the intrusive boundary). 188 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 The Compass Creek Project contains four large “drill ready” targets consisting of favourable stratigraphy, anticlinal structures cut by major NNW faulting, strong geophysical anomalies, strong hydrothermal alteration, two known breccia pipes, and very high pathfinder geochemical assays (As, Pb, Ag, Bi & Sb), along with significant gold and tin anomalism (up to 1.25 g/t Au and 0.73% Sn). Three of the targets have had no drilling or trenching, and only minor surface prospecting, while the fourth area has only seven shallow holes (<50m). Each of the target areas are between one to two kilometres long and several hundred meters wide. The geophysical studies consist of airborne and ground magnetics, airborne electro-magnetics (AEM), and 16.5 line kms of ground IP/resistivity surveys. A total of 120 rock chip samples have been collected from three of the target areas. All four areas are shallowly underlain by granite (~1-2 km?) which is the source of the breccia pipes and related hydrothermal systems. Airborne Magnetics showing the four target areas – note the magnetic low under the Mavis & Mountain Areas. The “Mountain Area” is considered the most favourable for the discovery of a large buried gold deposit. This area of hills and ridges forms an unusually high terrane that is over 100m higher than the surrounding plains. The reason for this higher terrane is the presence of several quartz-sulphide veins and two breccia pipes that have strong alteration halos. The alteration has essentially “welded” the fissile Burrell Creek Formation sediments and created solid blocky rock that is more resistant to erosion. Most of the veins are narrow (5-30cm) but have broad alteration halos in the tens of metres, and some zones show alteration over 150m wide and up to 1000m long. The collection of 54 rock chip samples from veins and breccia pipes in the Mountain Area returned averages of: 2,623 ppm As, 1,558 ppm Pb, 117 ppm Sb, 97 ppm Bi, 551 ppm Sn, 234 ppm Cu, 1.8 ppm Ag & 0.03 ppm Au. This is clearly a Pb-As province with 42 of 54 samples carrying over 200 ppm Pb, including 27 samples over 500 ppm Pb, of which 14 were over 1,000 ppm Pb. All of the 54 samples carry over 300 ppm As, and 45 of the 54 samples (83%) are over 1,000 ppm As. The presence of high As, Pb, Sb, Bi & Sn is indicative of a gold mineralising system at depth. This zone of veining, alteration and mineralisation occurs in a NNW trending zone 3 km long and 1 km wide. Airborne magnetics with location of prospects, geophysical anomalies and the granite & structures. オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー 189 Note the raised elevation created by resistant rock associated with alteration, quartz veining and breccia pipes; especially in the Mountain & Mavis Areas. PROPOSED FUTURE ACTIVITIES The geophysical surveys (magnetics, AEM & IP/resistivity) all indicate a significant buried hydrothermal system below the Mountain, Mavis & Magnetic Areas. The surface geochemistry confirms the presence of highly anomalous indicator metals associated with gold deposits. Hence it is proposed to conduct a drill program of about 12 RC holes to test the most significant anomalies at the Magnetic, Mavis and Mountain Areas. The proposed 12 hole program is estimated to require about 3,500m of RC drilling. September 2014 190 オーストラリア・ノーザンテリトリー トリー グラスルーツ探鉱への投資機会 Two IP/resistivity lines 350m apart were run over the northern part of the Mountain Area. The results show at least two substantial chargeable zones associated with strong conductors, traceable over 350m of strike (and open in both directions). These chargeable zones coincide with a mineralised breccia pipe (Jason’s Peak) and a 50m wide vein/fault zone. A third IP/resistivity line over a breccia pipe (Kamas Cauldron) detected the pipe to depth, and recognised deeper weathering within the pipe. In addition, the airborne EM anomaly noted to the south at Mavis and the Magnetic anomaly, is projected to plunge north in the core of the anticline, under this Mountain Area. In essence the Mountain Area contains a large NNW trending zone of alteration and veining with associated breccia pipes, highly anomalous vein samples, and the presence of strong chargeable bodies at depth.
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