Agent Name Trading Address Region Ah Teeyet Royal Road Albion Doctor Asraf Careem Moussa 82, Avenue des Roses, Montréal Albion Jacquie's Studio Jay Jay's Royal Road Avenue des Jasmins Albion Albion New Albion Supermarket Avenue Shebeck, Morcellement Raffray Albion Quincaillerie Persand Revelation Salon Royal Road Complex Des Fleurs, Morcellement De Chazal Albion Albion Revelation Spa Shikshan Trading ltd Complex Des Fleurs, Morc De Chazal Royal Road Albion Albion Stenio's Pizza Royal Road Albion Arsenal Commercial Centre Aldo (Bagatelle) Royal Road Bagatelle Mall Arsenal Bagatelle Car Wash Bagatelle Mall Bagatelle City Sport (Bagatelle) Bagatelle Mall Bagatelle Engen - Bagatelle Bagatelle Mall Bagatelle Flying Dodo Bagatelle Mall Bagatelle Guess Bagatelle Mall Bagatelle Hobbyworld Bagatelle Mall Bagatelle Ibiza Bagatelle Mall Bagatelle Lemon Yellow Bagatelle Mall Bagatelle Levi's Bagatelle Mall Bagatelle Monoprix Bagatelle Mall Bagatelle Peace Angel Bagatelle Mall Bagatelle Pizza Perfect / Burger Perfect Bagatelle Mall Bagatelle Soleil Sucré Bagatelle Mall Bagatelle Tendances Bagatelle Mall Bagatelle Tendances (Bagatelle) Bagatelle Mall Bagatelle Tibo & Zia Bagatelle Mall Bagatelle Waffles and Fries Bagatelle Mall Bagatelle 5 Star Snack Royal Road, Elizabethville Baie Du Tombeau La Gourmandise Snack Le Capitaine Boutic Royal Road Hortensias Road, Morcellement Swan Baie Du Tombeau Baie Du Tombeau Marks Aquarium 43, Avenue Ziannias Baie Du Tombeau Quincaillerie St Malo Limited Royal Road, Saint Malo Baie Du Tombeau Le Capricorne Boutik Geoffroy Road Bambous National Pharmacy Geoffroy Road Bambous Quincaillerie Maurice Geoffroy Road Bambous Total - Bambous Royal Road Bambous Aursons 167, Royal Road Beau Bassin Autostar Ltd Blue Triveni 202, Royal Street 7, Edgar Adolphe Street Beau Bassin Beau Bassin Cabinet Dentaire (Dr Y Nahaboo) 3A, Colonel Draper Street Beau Bassin Cercle de Rose Hill Boulevard Cowin Beau Bassin Chantefrais Pope Hennessy Street Beau Bassin Chez Youvoon Choice Delight 159, Royal Road 1st Floor Benydin Building, 95 Hugnin Street Beau Bassin Beau Bassin D.J Albufera Boutik 59B, Commerson Street Beau Bassin Agent Name Trading Address Region Dala Accessories Royal Road Beau Bassin Demi Gros National Royal Road Beau Bassin Dodo Store Elle & Lui Coiffure Shamime 1 Bis, Dr Monplé Street Royal Road Beau Bassin Beau Bassin Engen - Roches Brunes Pope Hennessy Avenue, Roches Brunes Beau Bassin Karrim Libre Service Magasin Flamboyant 53 Corner Barkly and Baissac Streets 31, Colonel Maingard Street Beau Bassin Beau Bassin Magasin Régional 67, Royal Road Beau Bassin Motosport Nayou Pastries 167, Royal Road 7, Meldrum Street Beau Bassin Beau Bassin Paradis Floral Parboteeah Cuisine co ltd Royal Road, Coignet 4, Chebel road Beau Bassin Beau Bassin Park Town Service Station Cnr Royal Road & Dumat St Beau Bassin Patrick's Floral Design Dookun Lane, Mare Gravier Beau Bassin Petrodis Ltd - Engen Vandermeersch Street Beau Bassin Pharmacie M. Jaulimsing 3, Rue Trotter Beau Bassin Pharmacy Pope Hennessy 94, Pope Hennessy Street Beau Bassin Planet of Electronics Ltd 116, Royal Road Beau Bassin Royal Choice Restaurant 47 a, Dr Lesur Street Beau Bassin Shell Tip Top Royal Road Beau Bassin Shobble Tangs Way Shopping center, Royal Road Beau Bassin T and Z Carwash Ltd 169, Royal Road Beau Bassin Tabagie Idriss Royal Road Beau Bassin Tangs Way Royal Road Beau Bassin The Food Hut 5, Arago Street Beau Bassin Z Audio Ltd 204, Royal Road Beau Bassin Zubeir Libre Service 28, Royal Road Beau Bassin Escale De Beau Champ A.M Motors Royal Road Royal Road, Caroline Beau Champ Bel Air Allybay Tyre Service Royal Road Bel Air Bel Air Frozen Food Co-op Society Ltd Royal Road Bel Air Bel Air Spare Parts Ltd Royal Road Bel Air Bolaky Trading & Celltel Ltd Royal Road Bel Air CS Computer Repairs Indian Oil - Bel Air Royal Road Royal Road, St Michel Bel Air Bel Air Le Chic Royal Road Bel Air Major Studio Royal Road, Caroline Bel Air Rj Vision Technology Royal Road Bel Air Rj Vision Technology Royal Road Bel Air Rose D'or Meat Shop Royal Road Bel Air Sahodeea Self Service Pont-Lardier Bel Air Salon Dallas Royal Road Bel Air Shell Eastern Filling Station Royal Road, Caroline Bel Air Wholesale Trade Balance Road, Caroline Bel Air Ah Chin Store Royal Road, Saint Martin Bel Ombre Eden Park Store Royal Road Bel Ombre Le Marche Du Moulin Coastal Road Bel Ombre Sunset Restaurant Royal Road Bel Ombre Agent Name Trading Address Region Total - Rainbow Motorway M1 Bell Village Belle Mare Libre Service Royal Road Belle Mare Belle Mare Snack Royal Road Belle Mare Café Théatre Komiko Royal Road Belle Rose Ecole Maternelle Les Papillons 52, Mallefille Avenue Belle Rose Fotodis Jeanno Burger Super U Complex, Royal Road Royal Road Belle Rose Belle Rose KGV Trading Co ltd Royal Road Belle Rose Pizza King Italia Royal Road Belle Rose SDS Pool House Royal Road Belle Rose SPPS Libre Service Amaury Road Belle vue Maurel New Tyre Centre ltd Royal Road Belvedère Quatre Bords Store Quatre Bords Road Bon Accueil U. Bannewari Royal Road Bonne Mère Kayt's Ltd Indian Oil Royal Road Royal Road Bramsthan Brisée Verdière Ashart Cold Storage Indian Oil - Calebasses Royal Road M2 Royal Road Calbasse Calebasses Calodyne Hair Beauty Saloon Saint Francois Calodyne Woof n Wash Royal Road Calodyne Chu San Kin Store Philipe Rousset Street Camp Chapelon Pounal Shop & Snacks En Toute Simplicité Royal Road Royal Road Camp De Masque Cap Malheureux Kam & Leon Gourmandises D'Anne Royal Road Cascavelle Shopping Village Cap Malheureux Cascavelle Monoprix Cascavelle Shopping Village Cascavelle Speedomax Cascavelle Shopping Village Cascavelle Saint Sacrement Store 7 Eleven-One Avenue Strauss, Résidence Valijee Boulet Blanc Cassis Centre de Flacq Anmol Shopping Centre Market Street Centre de Flacq Avi-Pharm ltd Royal Road, Boulet Rouge Centre de Flacq Briani House La Source Centre de Flacq Clean Park Car Wash LTD Royal Road, Ecroignard Centre de Flacq Dela Enterprise Riche Mare Road Centre de Flacq Dental Clinic East Coast Customs Boulet Blanc Prinavière Street Centre de Flacq Centre de Flacq Gokool Snack Hurdoyal Self Service Market Road Plaine de Gersigny Centre de Flacq Centre de Flacq Indian Oil Royal Road, Camp Garreau Centre de Flacq KB Spare Parts Ltd Royal Road, La Source Centre de Flacq Linen Club Vip Commercial Centre Centre de Flacq Magasin Roshni Nash Style Plud Arcades Roshni, Royal Road Market Road Centre de Flacq Centre de Flacq Natacha Coiffure Avenue Francois Mitterand Centre de Flacq Northern Star Royal Road, Boulet Rouge Centre de Flacq Quincaillerie Kawal Ltd Shear Design Royal Road Sainte Ursule Street Centre de Flacq Centre de Flacq SNS Fashion Market Road Centre de Flacq Agent Name Trading Address Region Starlux Avenue F. Mitterand Centre de Flacq Sun Boutik Market Road Centre de Flacq Sunil Salon de Coiffure Hanuman Road, Riche Mare Centre de Flacq Welcome Hotel Wimpy Aquarium pet Shop Market Road Boulet Blanc Centre de Flacq Centre de Flacq Babooram Lib Service Royal Road Chemin Grenier Cabana 2 Royal Road Chemin Grenier Chong Foo Yuen & Cie Royal Road Chemin Grenier Gopal Store Royal Road Cluny Veeramalay Store Royal Road Cluny Ameerah & Zaafir Shop Rue Balsamine Coromandel Engen - Coromandel 104, Royal Road Coromandel Pro Tennis Management Ltd Sport Gadget 25, Rue des Marguerites Panorama Lane Coromandel Coromandel Accurate Ltd Ebony Street, Malherbes Curepipe Al-Saabah Cross Road Building Curepipe Balamoody Restaurant Royal Road Curepipe Beauty Corner co ltd Barry Street Curepipe Bite Me Co ltd 62, Lees Street Curepipe CAP 3000 Boutik Chasteauneuf Street Curepipe Capacity Computers Charles Regnaud Street Curepipe Chez Ashley Store Rue Couvent de Lorette Curepipe Chez Dominique Gabriel Froppier Street Curepipe Cinema Hall Dodo Club Jermingham Street Route du Club Curepipe Curepipe Eco-deck Elena Beauty Center Higginson Street 20, College Lane Curepipe Curepipe Engen - Curepipe Royal Road Curepipe Fleur Nature Rue Emile Sauzier Curepipe Fonezone F05 Manhattan, Rue Lees Curepipe GHT Ltd Royal Road Curepipe Gourmandises D'Anne Curepipe Curepipe Habit Sunsheel Commercial Centre, Royal Road Curepipe Hau Hang Sang co ltd Royal Road Curepipe Idriss Infinity Hallmark Shopping Center Curepipe Indian Oil - Curepipe Motorway La Vigie Curepipe Indra's Omi Collection Hallmark Shopping Center, Impasse Manhim Curepipe Kafé Zen L'Echalotte Snack Hallmark Shopping Center Celicourt Antelme Avenue, Forest Side Curepipe Curepipe Lemon Yellow Sunsheel Commercial Centre, Royal Road Curepipe Menulakaz Monoprix 43C, Brown Sequard Street 195, Royal Road Curepipe Curepipe MSK co ltd Nada Fils 173A, Royal Road Royal Road Curepipe Curepipe Nar & Nad Company Limited Arcades Salafa Curepipe Nvs repair centre ltd Paradis Des Fleurs Jermingham Street 3, Emile Sauzier Steet Curepipe Curepipe Pharmacie Pather Jermingham Street Curepipe Agent Name Trading Address Region Photo Studio Raz Coiffure Unisex Royal Road Impasse Man Him, Royal Road Curepipe Curepipe Shareef Coiffure 10, Pope Henessy Street Curepipe Space Fitness Gym Garden Village Shopping Center, 21 Sir W Churchill Street Curepipe Speed Wash Boulevard Victoria Curepipe Starzone Gaming Centre Lot F8b, Impasse Man Him Curepipe Tcheky Productions 20, College Lane Curepipe Thatek Solutions Royal Road, Eau Coulée Curepipe The Soap Shop 10, Commerford Street Curepipe Total - Curepipe Rue du Jardin Curepipe Twenty Ten Resto Care Bramston House, Royal Road Curepipe Tyre Zone Co Ltd Royal Road, Forest Side Curepipe Vatel Bleu co ltd 52, Pope Hennessy Street Curepipe Yesensy Cosmetics 5GA, Hallmark Shopping Center Curepipe Point Frais Dagotière Royal Road Dagotière Simd Libre Service Royal Road Dagotière Boutique Rajoo Royal Road D'Epinay Advert Printing ltd 39, Royal Road Eau Coulée Creative Informatics ltd Ferani Autoparts Royal Road Castel Royal Road Eau Coulée Eau Coulée Prix D'or Royal Road Eau Coulée Royal Taste Royal Road Eau Coulée Café Illy c/o MCB Ebène Ebène Gourmandise d'Anne Coffee Corner MCB Ebene Cybertower 1 Ebène Ebène I Motion Gym Level 1, Nexteracom Tower 3 Ebène Le Juice Bar Centre Commercial Ebene Ebène Le P'tit Café Millenium Outsourcing Ltd Centre Commercial Ebene Level 3, Alexander House Ebène Ebène Plant Lovers Centre Commercial Ebene Ebène Ratatouille Tower II, Nexteracom Building Ebène Social Buzz Co Ltd Speed Wash Ltd Nexteracom Building Royal Road Ebène Ebène Garage De L'est Ltée Royal Road Ecroignard Terrocean Concept Ltd Vallée de Ferney Ferney Aquarius La Source Flacq Parfum de fleurs VIP Commercial Centre Flacq Place à pat V & V Spare New Commercial Building, La Source Saint Rémy Flacq Flacq Win One Classic La Source Flacq Cabinet Dr Tony Leuteritz (Samuco ltd) Crasy Print Ltd Flamingo Road Plot A26, Morcellement de Chazal Flic en Flac Flic en Flac Greedy Dragon ltd Shop 33, Cascavelle Shopping Complex Flic en Flac Jeanno Burger Royal Road Flic en Flac Krish Delights Leslie Royal Road Royal Road Flic en Flac Flic en Flac Little Sweet Hearts ltd On Line Toy Store Mauritius Ltd No 15, Gold Coast Complex, Kalimaye Road Morcellement Anna Flic en Flac Flic en Flac Hair Lounge Agent Name Trading Address Region Seasons By Eni & Tej Cascavelle Shopping Village Flic en Flac Shoppie Supermarket Tidez Les Cocotiers Complex, Royal Road 15, Sable Rose, Royal Road Flic en Flac Flic en Flac Tiramisu Total - Flic en Flac 3, Morcellement Bismic Royal Road Flic en Flac Flic en Flac Altea Spa Robinson Road Floréal Ciao Royal Road Floréal Floreal Express Service Station (Shell) 66, Cnr Royal & Sivananda Streets Floréal Leung Loong Cheong Royal Road Floréal Pradesh Master Select Shop Co Ltd 5 Lallah Lane Floréal Shirleys Coiffure Robinson Road Floréal Ti Caraye Royal Road Floréal Time2Taste.Com Royal Road Floréal X-Klusivenet Ltd 17, Orwell Street Floréal R Ramkissoon Royal Road Fond du Sac Florise Fleuriste Boutik 37, Shubert Lane, La Brasserie Forest Side Le Petit Journal Ltee Royal Road Forest Side Miracles Naturels Spa Frédéric Bonnefin Street Forest Side New Jerusalem NHDC Forest Side Rungassamy Store Avenue Gustave Colin Forest Side Shell Pine View La Vigie Roundabout Forest Side Total - Forest Side Royal Road Forest Side Digital Cyber Centre Ltd Golden Shell Toorabally Road Golden Road Goodlands Goodlands Subiraj Lakhoa Store Astoria Road Goodlands Ajiv ARP Cold Store Camp Carole Racket Road Grand Baie Grand Baie Au Double V Café Royal Road Grand Baie Bisram Store La Salette Road Grand Baie Cabinet Dr T. Bisram Chez Malini Fleuriste La Salette Road Royal Road Grand Baie Grand Baie Diamananda DRR Consulting (Mauritius) Limited La Salette Road La Salette Road Grand Baie Grand Baie Engen - Grand Baie La Croissette Grand Baie La Croissette Grand Baie Grand Baie Gym X Club Road Grand Baie Habit Sunsheel Commercial Centre, Royal Road Grand Baie Hus Noor Tabagie Bazaar Racket Road Grand Baie Indian King Limited Grand Baie La Croisette Grand Baie La Casa Créole Public Beach Grand Baie Lalida Florist Royal Road Grand Baie Lemon Yellow Grand Baie La Croissette Grand Baie L'Oasis Grand Baie La Croissette Grand Baie MPK Indian Collection Pamela Fleuriste Racket Road Royal Road Grand Baie Grand Baie Peace Angel Super U, Grand Baie Grand Baie Pirate Tatoo Pizza Perfect / Burger Perfect Royal Road Grand Baie La Croissette Grand Baie Grand Baie Tikabane Café La Salette Road Grand Baie Agent Name Trading Address Region Total - Grand Baie Royal Road Grand Baie Vert tige Grand Bois Video Club Grand Baie La Croissette Old Savanne Road Grand Baie Grand Bois Raazdar ltd Old Savanne Road Grand Bois Bholah Shop Royal Road, Roche Terre Grand Gaube Cuisson Express Royal Road Grand Gaube Quincaillerie Grand Gaube ltd Royal Road Grand Gaube SL Spare Parts Royal Road Grand Gaube Trochetia Shopping Center Royal Road Grand Gaube At Linda's Place Calodyne, Route Royale Grand Gaube Basing Hill Shop Royal Road, Calodyne Grand Gaube Engen - Grand Gaube Royal Road Grand Gaube Abdool Store Royal Road, Cadwell Henrietta Luckheeram Store Camp Mapou Henrietta Sunshine Store Royal Road Henrietta Indian Oil Royal Road, wooton Highlands Indian Oil - Highlands Royal Road, Wooton Highlands Memorial Store Royal Road Kewal Nagar A-Plus Computers Services Royal Road La Flora Future Line Ltd Royal Road La Gaulette La Gaulette National Store Royal Road La Gaulette Quincaillerie Future Line Royal Road La Gaulette Sim's Boutik Cotteau Raffin La Gaulette Cuisine des Iles Lot 5, DBM Industrial Zone La Tour Koënig National Boutique 140 -36 Bhaumia La Tour Koënig Pitts Centre Commercial La Tour Koënig Engen - La Vigie Royal Road La Vigie Boutique Surprise Branch Road Lallmatie L. Jaumkeepersad Royal Road Lallmatie Locost Accessories ltd Mission Cross Road Lallmatie Magasin Anil Royal Road Lallmatie Quincallerie Cello Branch Road Lallmatie Ravin's Collection co ltd Royal Road Lallmatie Tabagie Globe Royal Road Lallmatie Indian Oil Royal Road L'Amitié Tabagie Brabant Royal Road Le Morne Sawaruth Store Morcellement, No 20 L'Escalier Noor Alaa Noor Shop Royal Road Lower Vale Boutique Marin Royal Road Mahébourg Chez Georges Corner Des Créoles and La Passe Streets Mahébourg Chez Naasir Salon Coiffeur L'angle des rues Des Creoles et Lapasse Mahébourg Engen - Mahébourg Cnr Labourdonnais & Hollandais Street Mahébourg Express Phone Repairs Cent Gaulette Street Mahébourg Megro Queen's Delights Cent Gaulette Street Mahébourg Sha Finesh Cuisine Royal Road Mahébourg Shell Mahébourg Rue Flammand Mahébourg Waterfront Spare Parts Corner Camizard and Labourdonnais Streets Mahébourg La Table du Chateau Labourdonnais Mapou Agent Name Trading Address Region Total - Mapou Motorway M2 Mapou Le Dauphin Family Restaurant Royal Road Mare D'Albert Le Ravinal Snack & Tabagie Royal Road Mare D'Albert Libre Service Royal Road Mare D'Albert Balmick & Sons Supermarket Royal Road Mare-La-Chaux Pepe Snack Royal Road Melrose Engen - Mesnil Royal Road Mesnil Bootoo Snack Royal Road Midlands Magasin Chatun & Fils Royal Road Midlands Magasin Momo Royal Road Midlands Bienkalé Snack Railway Square Moka Bouba Store Route Bois Chéri Moka Cel' Aurore co Ltée Les Allees D'Helvetia Commercial Centre Moka Charles Telfair Institute Canteen Chemin La Poste Moka DJ Hair Factory Leclezio Road Moka Fast Link Ltd Les Allées d' Helvettia Moka Hishaam Snack Saint Pierre Moka La Vallée des fleurs Bois Cherie Road Moka Le Réduit Store Réduit Moka Mikado Bagatelle Mall of Mauritius Moka Multi Flora fleuriste Bois Chéri Road Moka Pharmacie de Moka Leclezio Road Moka Quincaillerie Belle Ville Ltee Bois Cherie Road Moka Reserve Naturelle Bagatelle Mall of Mauritius Moka Store 2000 Bois Chéri Road Moka Tabagie Ramchurit Chemin La Poste Moka Kiosque Magique Royal Road Mont Choisy Balkissoon Store Royal Road Mont Ida Roopa Store Royal Road Mont Ida Spark Video Club Royal Road Mont Ida Cooperative Mont Roches Raymond Rivet Street Mont Roches Curpen Santeebaii 13, Barathi Road Mont Roches Grace Jewellery 73, Raymond Rivet Street Mont Roches Quincaillerie Vosco 83, Raymond Rivet Street Mont Roches Ashwin Shopping Centre Sans Souci Road Montagne Blanche Vishal Libre Service Royal Road Montagne Blanche K.M Fowdar Trading Royal Road Montagne Longue Rendez-Vous Shopping Paradise Ruisseau Road Montagne Longue Roshan Mini Market Route Royal Montagne Longue Mr Chef Ltd Food Court, Lolo Hypermarket Morcellement Saint André Al-Sha Store Royal Road, Mont Fertile New Grove Hi Tech Spot Branch Road, Gros Billot New Grove HMS Trading Royal Road New Grove Snow White Trading Royal Road New Grove Tabagie Lions Royal Road New Grove Patron Store Seenarain Road Notre Dame Royal Gate Store Royal Road Nouvelle France Sadoo Boutique Seegolam Lane Nouvelle France Agent Name Trading Address Region Sookun Store Royal Road, Pont Colville Nouvelle France Total - Nouvelle France Savanne Road Nouvelle France M' 4 Self Service Royal Road Olivia Adilsha Snack Royal Road Pailles Boutique De Luxe Pailles Road Pailles Ibrahim Trading Avenue Claude Delaitre, Morc Guibies Pailles Line 3000 Avenue Perruche 3, Les Guibies Pailles Foodstuff ltd Royal Road Palma Indian Oil Royal Road Palma Express Filliing Station Royal Road Pamplemousses Quincallerie Botanique 6ème Mille Pamplemousses Rapid Service Boutique Royal Road Pamplemousses Université Des Mascareignes Beau Plan Pamplemousses Mont Oreb Supermarket Ltd Royal Road Péreybère Ai Store Kalimaye Road Petit Raffray Garage Yogesh Kalimaye Road Petit Raffray Super Store Royal Road Petit Raffray Super V Mini Market Kalimaye Road Petit Raffray International Store Royal Road Petite Riviére Ah Fook Youn Shin Store Royal Road Petite Rivière Chez Gaetan Allée Tamarin Petite Rivière Indian Oil - Petite Rivière Cnr Albion & Black River Road Petite Rivière Modern Workshop Royal Road Petite Rivière Aldo - Phoenix Centre Commercial Phoenix Phoenix Bella Donna Centre Commercial Phoenix Phoenix Café Illy Autoroute Saint Jean Phoenix City Sport - Jumbo Phoenix Centre Commercial Phoenix Phoenix City Sport - Phoenix Les Halles Centre Commercial Phoenix Les Halles Phoenix Communication & Engineering Design ltd 60B, Royal Road Phoenix Dorkhy Store Phael Road, Highlands Phoenix Engen - Jumbo Phoenix Parking Jumbo, Avenue Sivananda Phoenix Flying Colours 11, Saint Paul Road Phoenix Goldenwin R.y Purryag Lane, Castel Phoenix Kairali Spa 8, Rémy Ollier Street Phoenix Khadun Store Royal Road, Highlands Phoenix Magasin Ashrafi Royal Road Phoenix MyGym Motion & Wellness Phoenix Commercial Centre Phoenix Nike - Phoenix Centre Commercial Phoenix Phoenix Pabsha co ltd Jumbo Score Commercial Centre Phoenix Phoenix Car Gallery Route Nalletamby Phoenix Pizza Perfect / Burger Perfect Centre Commercial Phoenix Phoenix Quincaillerie Nowbuth Royal Road Phoenix Quincaillerie Populaire Royal Road, Castel Phoenix Shameem Phoenix Taxi Cab Taxi Stand Phoenix Showroom Banarally Royal Road Phoenix So French Ltee 56, Industrial Zone, Valentina Phoenix Tabagie Bundoo Royal Road Phoenix Tabagie Ravin 88, Saint Paul Road Phoenix Agent Name Trading Address Region Zinniira Enterprise Ltd 2, Palmerstone Road Phoenix Garage Satish Company Royal Road , Esperance Piton Mach 5 Computers & Electronics Royal Road, La Paix Piton Palais D'or Snack Royal Road Piton VNB Bookshop and Stationary Royal Road, La Paix Piton Shopline Ltd 2nd Floor, DBM Industrial Building Plaine Lauzun Ajay Electronics Royal Road Plaine Magnien Al Madeena Royal Road Plaine Magnien Ameer Hair Club Balance Road Plaine Magnien Crionix Informatics ltd Royal Road Plaine Magnien Magasin D. King Light Royal Road Plaine Magnien Philip Chung Kong Store Royal Road Plaine Magnien Tour Eiffel Coiffure Chemin Lescalier Plaine Magnien Voon Sai Voon Royal Road Plaine Magnien Engen - Plaine Magnien Ex Airport Road Plaine Magnien Adamson ShoezObsession 14, Sir Abdool Razack Mohamed Street Plaine Verte Brandz and Trendz 49, Magon Street Plaine Verte Gaj Online Ltd Ground Floor, Poneiana Building Pointe Aux Cannoniers Ronde des Pains Royal Road Pointe aux Cannoniers Vana Supermarket Rue Casse Goon Pointe aux Cannoniers Le Capitaine Royal Road Pointe aux Piments Cercle Marcel Cabon Rue Sablipointeau Pointe aux Sables Chez Francois Golden Lane Pointe aux Sables Comme Chez Soi Ltd Royal Road Pointe aux Sables Jacques Snack Royal Road Pointe aux Sables Patisserie et Mini Market Lot 107, Verger Les Bains Pointe aux Sables Pointfrais 50, Cerisiers Street Pointe aux Sables Terrasson Lib Service Avenue Kestrel Pointe aux Sables Vel Store V26, La Tour Koeing Pointe aux Sables Aka Roti Ruisseau du Pouce Port Louis Aventure des Saveurs 23, Rue Labourdonnais Port Louis Bam Baumee Snack 17, Cassis Road Port Louis Black River Coffee Co Ltd Jules Koenig Street, Mandela Square Port Louis Café Hong Kong 21, Joseph Rivière Street Port Louis Chan Kin Snack Farquhar Street Port Louis Chara 84, P Rousset Street, Camp Chapelon Port Louis Chez Mota 6, Léoville L'homme Street Port Louis City Sport ( SSR) 32, SSR Street Port Louis City Sport (Caudan) Le Caudan Waterfront Port Louis Clicktowin ltd 38, Souillac Street Port Louis Compusafe ltd 3, Boulevard Victoria Street, Vallée Pitot Port Louis Cosmos Sir William Newton Street Port Louis Croc' Delices L'esplanade Du Pouce Court, La Poudriere Street Port Louis Endless Beauty SSR Street Port Louis E-Phone 3, Bourbon Street Port Louis Evidance Collecion Stand No 28, John Kennedy Street Port Louis F.J Trading & co ltd Boulevard Victoria Port Louis Fancy Store 1, Eugene Laurant Street Port Louis Agent Name Trading Address Region Fastline Motorsport 5, Hyderabad St, Port Louis Port Louis Ferarina 149, Célicourt Antelme Port Louis Fleuriste Stapelle 11, Bourbon Street Port Louis Foodies Fast Food & Take Away 24, La Poudrière Street Port Louis Good Luck Agency Sir Virgil Naz Street Port Louis Gourmandises D'Anne Caudan Waterfront Port Louis Gourmandises D'Anne Medine Mews, La Chaussée Street Port Louis H.M.V Trading 57, Route De Pamplemousses Port Louis Habit - Caudan Caudan Waterfront Port Louis Haidar Mobile Corner Volcy Pougnet, Enniskillen Streets Port Louis Hair Studio Dias Pier, Caudan Waterfront Port Louis Happy Snack La Corderie Street Port Louis Harry Flower Shop Bourbon street Port Louis Indian Oil - GRNW Royal Road GRNW Port Louis Juice Bid 2, Trichnapolly Street Port Louis Juicyday N Fryday 60, Royal Road Port Louis King Electrical House Corner Queen Street & Corderie Streets Port Louis La Diva Shop ES4, Garden Tower, La Poudrière Street Port Louis Le Muguet Fleuriste 32 Mère Barthèlemy street Port Louis Le Patio Dias Pier, Caudan Waterfront Port Louis Le Votre 25, Emanuel Anquetil Street Port Louis Lemon Yellow 5, Edith Cavell Street Port Louis Lemon Yellow Happy World Centre, Sir W Newton Street Port Louis L'Exquis Cafe Newton Tower, Sir W Newton Street Port Louis Linen Club Medine Mews, La Chaussée Street Port Louis Lotus D'Or & Co Ltd Jules Koenig Street Port Louis Lynn's Snack Saint Georges Street Port Louis Magasin Liberty 18, Lord Kitchner Street Port Louis Magasin Saint Louis 19, Desforges Street Port Louis Magic Moment Royal Road Port Louis MBK Phone Services ltd 43, Lord kitchener Street Port Louis Mike Snack 23, D'Entrecasteaux Street Port Louis Mike Coiffure Limited Citadel Mall Port Louis No 25-Le Workshop Le Workshop, Stall no 25, John Kennedy Street Port Louis Obession Salon de Coiffure Jummah Mosque Street Port Louis One O One Multimedia Co ltd Block B, Medine Mews, La Chausée Street Port Louis One Spa ltd 27-31, Emmanuel Anquetil Street Port Louis Onirik Designs Shop 19, Dias Pier Building, Le Caudan Port Louis Pal-Square 26A, Château D'eau Port Louis Paw Food Palace 15, Rue Bourbon Port Louis Peace Angel Dias Pier, Caudan Waterfront Port Louis Peace Angels ltd 12, Maupin Street Port Louis Phydra Caudan Waterfront Port Louis Play It… Brabant Street Port Louis Rapid Delivery Port Louis Port Louis Restaurant X-klusive Service 27, Mgr. Gonin Street Port Louis Shoe Connection Caudan Waterfront Port Louis Shoemax ltd No 9, Afrique Lane Port Louis Agent Name Trading Address Region Smile 13, SSR Street Port Louis Snowow 11 Virigil Naz Street Port Louis Sodibur & Co ltd 53, Rue D'entrecasteaux Port Louis Starcafé Cnr Bourbon & Royal Street Port Louis Super Sweet 46, Saint Denis Street Port Louis Swift Logistic Company Ltd 65, Bénares Street Port Louis Tabagie Joy Saint Denis Street Port Louis Tabagie Mounowah Cassis Port Louis Tendances Harbour Front Harbour Front Building, J Kennedy Street Port Louis The Sandwich Bar Edith Cavell Street Port Louis Top Dents Trading 37, Large Street Port Louis Total - Labourdonnais Labourdonnais Street Port Louis Total - Plaine Verte Cnr Royal Road & Edgard Laurent Street Port Louis Vegetarian Foods & Health Store 26, Château D'eau Port Louis Tropicale Video Club Royal Road Poste de Flacq Cabinet Medical Dr. Munsur Ahmud Takun Royal Road Quartier Militaire Chantefrais Royal Road Quartier Militaire Engen - Saint Léon Royal Road Quartier Militaire Indian Oil - Quartier Militaire New Road, Quatier Militaire Quartier Militaire Lingaloo Commercial Centre Royal Road Quartier Militaire Mediteranée Self Service Royal Road, Providence Quartier Militaire Adam Pharmacy Avenue Ollier Quatre Bornes Balkissoon Store Shastri Lane, Candos Quatre Bornes Boutik Lolo 11, Avenue La Perousse Quatre Bornes Boutique Ally Seeneevasen Avenue, La Source Quatre Bornes Candos Top Shop Western Boundary, Candos Quatre Bornes Capricorn Mini Market Avenue Ollier Quatre Bornes Computer Gate Ltd Royal Road, Belle Rose Quatre Bornes Conic Sports ltd 26, Avenue des Talipots Quatre Bornes Digital Garden 18, Palma Road Quatre Bornes Dr Bhugeloo Corner Royal Road and Belle Rose Avenue Quatre Bornes E-Call 2A, Tulipes Avenue Quatre Bornes Egallys Limited 3rd Floor Goliva Court, Saint Jean Road Quatre Bornes Engen - Ollier Ollier Avenue Quatre Bornes Etape Gourmande Saint Jean Road Quatre Bornes Fleurita Boutik Corner Draper and St Jean Road Quatre Bornes Fody Technologies 59, Avenue Antelme Quatre Bornes Great Delight Resto Royal Road, Belle Rose Quatre Bornes Green Brands ltd Corner Draper and Belle Rose Avenues Quatre Bornes Grill Express Royal Road, St Jean Quatre Bornes Iteach 110, Gateway Building, St Jean Road Quatre Bornes Jerch Services Ltd 38, Arya Samaj Lane, La Louise Quatre Bornes Khansama Indian Dhaba Saint Jean Road Quatre Bornes La Clé Du Champs Route Bassin Quatre Bornes L'Endroit Restaurant Saint Jean Road Quatre Bornes Magasin Royal Store Wilson Avenue, Belle Rose Quatre Bornes Best House, Glaieul Avenue Quatre Bornes Megs Pizzeria Avenue Ollier Quatre Bornes Agent Name Trading Address Region Nou Bazz Tabagie & Snack 58, Avenue Belle Rose Quatre Bornes Pasteur Mini Market Corner Pasteur and Cassidy Streets Quatre Bornes Pharmacy Peripharma 31, Seeneevasen Street, La Source Quatre Bornes Poulet Frais 36, Avenue Mallefille Quatre Bornes Quincaillerie Tezoo Avenue Ollier Quatre Bornes Quincallerie Ramma Avenue Berthaud Quatre Bornes Raj Fleuriste Stall No 6, Marché de Quatre Bornes Quatre Bornes Rezah Hairway Ollier Avenue Quatre Bornes Schola Stationery Center Royal Road, Palma Quatre Bornes Seeb Store Route Saint Jean Quatre Bornes Sparkle Nail Bar Trianon Shopping Park, Trianon Quatre Bornes Spring Boutik Palma Road Quatre Bornes St Jean Service Station Royal Road, Belle Rose Quatre Bornes Tabagie De Luxe 17, Saint Jean Road Quatre Bornes Taxi Snack Bassin Road, La Louise Quatre Bornes Total - Quatre Bornes St Jean Road Quatre Bornes Triangle D'or Draper Avenue, Belle Rose Quatre Bornes Trochetia Store 304c, Bassin Road Quatre Bornes Ya Taiba Co Ltd (Shabaan) 101, Saint Jean Road Quatre Bornes Kuber Store Royal Road Quatre Cocos Sahadew Libre Service Royal Road, Isidore Rose Quatre Cocos Coop Reduit Cooperative Réduit D & D Snack Avenue Soobiah Réduit Engen - Réduit Ebene Road Réduit La Grignotte Royal Road Réduit Reduit store Royal Road Réduit City Sport - Riche Terre Centre Commercial Riche Terre Riche Terre Engen - Riche Terre Motorway Riche Terre Indian Oil - Riche Terre Motorway Riche Terre Le Parrain Snack Royal Road Riche Terre Mukesh Snack Royal Road Riche Terre Pizza Perfect / Burger Perfect Centre Commercial Riche Terre Engen - Rivière des Anguilles Baraque Road Rivière des Anguilles Jim's Pizza Barrack Road Rivière des Anguilles L.B. Babajee Royal Store Bulding, Barrack Road Rivière des Anguilles Mungly Cold Store SSR Street Rivière des Anguilles Pharmacie Toorabally Barrack Road Rivière des Anguilles Total - Rivière des Anguillles Royal Road Rivière des Anguilles East Coast Customs Royal Road Rivière du Rempart Engen - La Preneuse Royal Road, La Preneuse Rivière Noire Espace Détente Key West Plaza, La Mivoie Rivière Noire I Pizza Ruisseau Créole, La Mivoie Rivière Noire Le Kiosk Ruisseau Créole, La Mivoie Rivière Noire L'Echalotte Snack Royal Road Rivière Noire Tabagie La Mivoie Ltd La Mivoie - La Preneuse Rivière Noire ARC Bags Industries Co Ltd 89A, Cocoterie Road Roche Bois Brick Hardware Ltd 49, Cocoterie Road Roche Bois Om Sweet Shop 12C, Kamaya Street Roche Bois Agent Name Trading Address Region San Store 83, Bouchers Street Roche Bois D.Ramnecha & Bros Royal Road Roche Terre New World Supermarket Ramkueun Balgobin Street Roches Brunes Ashoka Sweets & Curries Vieux Moulin, Shopping centre Rose Belle Bhai Snack Mosque Road Rose Belle Eden Snack Royal Road Rose Belle Emeritus Marketing Mobile Service Royal Road Rose Belle Engen - Rose Belle Royal Road Rose Belle FK Shopping Plaza Royal Road Rose Belle Fokeerchand Commercial Centre Royal Road Rose Belle Graphix Master Le Vieux Moulin Rose Belle Magasin & Studio Astral Royal Road Rose Belle Magasin Ballah Royal Road Rose Belle Magasin Central Royal Road Rose Belle Maudhoo Giff Centre Royal Road Rose Belle Ramsamy Hotel Royal Road Rose Belle Shop and Save Supermarket Royal Road Rose Belle Smartsigns Royal Road Rose Belle Total - Rose Belle Royal Road Rose Belle Total - Tropical Rose Belle Royal Road Rose Belle Veg Palace Commercial Du Vieux Moulin, Royal Road Rose Belle You're Welcome Vieux Moulin, Shopping centre Rose Belle Anders Tattoo Studio 9, Queen Street Rose Hill Au Jardin Gourmand Thommy Pitot Street Rose Hill Aursons S3, Galerie Evershine, St Ignace Street Rose Hill Aursons S5, Galerie Evershine, St Ignace Street Rose Hill Babe Express Magic Lantern Centre Rose Hill Buckingham Pharmacy Buckingham Rose Hill Creative Hair Fasion Boundary Road Rose Hill Deejay Music Shop 154, Galerie Evershine Rose Hill Deejay Music Shop 154, Galerie Evershine Rose Hill Demi Gro-Gold Storage G. Maurimootoo 13, Nadessen Irlen Street, Stanley Rose Hill Dragon Bowl Rasitatane Street, Buckingham Rose Hill Edwige Boutique 55, Rue Inkerman Rose Hill Engen - Rose Hill Royal Road Rose Hill Express Communication 26, Pasteur Avenue Rose Hill Famila Ratsitatane Street, Roches Brunes Rose Hill Habit Magic Lantern Centre Rose Hill Hair Caring Center Limit 3, Plaisance Rose Hill Hair Lounge Charles de Gaulle Street Rose Hill Halimex Ltd 2, Beaugeard Street Rose Hill Happy Jeff Restaurant Vandermersh Street Rose Hill Heerah Self Service 330, Hugnin street Rose Hill Hobbyworld 6, Queen Street Rose Hill Iqbal Haircare Magic Lantern Centre Rose Hill Ithink Rue Vincent, Plaisance Rose Hill IV Play Boutik Magic Lantern Centre Rose Hill Le Jet D'Eau 42, Galerie Evershine, St Ignace Street Rose Hill Agent Name Trading Address Region Lemon Yellow Magic Lantern Centre Rose Hill Librairie Le Cygne Magic Lantern Centre Rose Hill Magasin Kestrel 24, Arcades Royal, Saint Ignace Street Rose Hill Magasin u Spot & Wear 20, Gallery Evershine Rose Hill Magic Café Magic Lantern Centre Rose Hill Melody Electronic Centre Ltd 357, Royal Road Rose Hill Mountain Flower Marché de Rose Hill Rose Hill NDK Motors Co ltd 331A, Hugnin Road Rose Hill New Look Fashion S2 Galerie Saint Ignage Rose Hill Oasis Christian Library 17, Shantiall Dhanjee Street Rose Hill Patisserie Petit Prix La Reine Street Rose Hill Peace Angel Magic Lantern Centre Rose Hill Pro - Tuning 268, Royal Road Rose Hill Rajbabar Snack Limit 3, Plaisance Rose Hill Rally Marketing Services Dr. Maurice Curé Street, Buckingham Rose Hill Restaurant Veeramundar 7, Maurice Curé Street Rose Hill RRS Spareparts ltd 23, Cnr Inkerman and Remono Streets Rose Hill Sharda Hair Saloon Boundary Road Rose Hill Shareef Salon 12, Thomy Pitot Street Rose Hill Sim Snack 5, Boundary Street Rose Hill Sin Fat Studio 306, Royal Road Rose Hill Tasa Phone Repair 24, Rue La reine, Plaisance Rose Hill Taxi Ganeshan Veerasamy Canal Road, Camp-Le-Vieux Rose Hill Taxi Sandragassen Vyapooree 8, School Street, Stanley Rose Hill Tendances Magic Lantern Centre Rose Hill Tendances Magic Lantern Magic Lantern Centre Rose Hill The Executive Fitness Center Gym Thommy Pitot Street Rose Hill Timol Déco Ltd 363, Royal Road Rose Hill Total - Ambrose 264, Royal Road Rose Hill Yong Fook Store Docteur Maurice Curé Street Rose Hill Young Bros Galerie Evershine Rose Hill Young Wear Magic Lantern Centre Rose Hill Dulloo Store Royal Road Saint Hubert Paray & Sons Store Royal Road Saint Hubert Variety Shop Royal Road Saint Paul ABBA Photo Express One Way Street Saint Pierre Belgian Quarter Kendra Commercial Centre Saint Pierre Carfind.Mu Bois Chéri Road Saint Pierre Chez Princy Freshfood & Take Away Royal Road, L'Avenir Saint Pierre Chop Wok Restaurant Morcellement Traffic Centre Saint Pierre Docteur Naeck dental Surgery Royal Road Saint Pierre Eshan Chaussures ltd Royal Road Saint Pierre Farz Collection Royal Road Saint Pierre Itech Innovative Concepts Morcellement Merry Town, Helvetia Saint Pierre Khayrattee Self Service L'Avenir Saint Pierre Le Petit Chef Royal Road, Nouvelle Decouverte Saint Pierre Multi Mechanic One Way Street Saint Pierre Saint Pierre Pharmacy Royal Road Saint Pierre Agent Name Trading Address Region Sana Commercial Centre Circonstances Saint Pierre Total - Saint Pierre Royal Road Saint Pierre Ben Store 35, Canal Bathurst Street Sainte Croix Chez Brigitte & Co Ltee 76, Route des Pamplemousses Sainte Croix Come N Buy 110, Route des Pamplemousses Sainte Croix Insolence Ltee 65, Piton Père Laval Sainte Croix K.R.L Nelram Company ltd 41, De Rose Street Sainte Croix Pâtisserie Bienvenue Sainte Croix Street Sainte Croix Tabagie Michael 49, Père Laval Street Sainte Croix Sun Vino Self Service Royal Road Sebastopol Ah Koy Yen & Sun Co ltd Royal Road Souillac Indian Oil - Souillac Royal Road Souillac Merveille Boutique Church Street Souillac Quincaillerie Populaire Royal Road Souillac Souillac Store Royal Road Souillac Tabagie Sabika Royal Road Souillac Four A Chaux Royal Road Surinam Total - Surinam Royal Road Surinam Armella Salon de Coiffure La Tourelle View, La Preneuse Tamarin Big Willy's Le Barachois Tamarin Big Willy's Le Barachois Tamarin Carlos Snack Avenue Jacarandas Tamarin De Père En Fils Ltd Shop 20, Le Barachois Estate Tamarin Le Whatever Centre Commercial Le Barachois Tamarin Lifestream Ltd 128, Rue L'astrolabe, Domaine Mont Calme Tamarin Misstam Shop 3, Commercial Centre Barachois Tamarin Secret Garden 12, Cap Dale Tamarin Tabagie National Royal Road Tamarin Total - Tamarin Royal Road Tamarin Bakery and Pastry World ltd Royal Road, Le Hochet Terre Rouge C. Ganessen food & drinks Plaza 98, Bois Marchand Terre Rouge Chantefrais Royal Road, Le Hochet Terre Rouge Coolnet Business Centre Royal Road Terre Rouge Feroz Forward Fashion Royal Road Terre Rouge Indian Oil - Terre Rouge Royal Road, Le Hochet Terre Rouge International Centre for Ayuvedic Ltd Royal Road, Le Hochet Terre Rouge Marbella Snack Royal Road Terre Rouge Passion de Beauté Royal Road Terre Rouge Sav Boutique Royal Road Terre Rouge Sookharry Bros Co Ltd Bois Marchand Terre Rouge Sunrise Boutique Saint Joseph Road Terre Rouge Y. Badree Computers Long Mountain, Junction Road Terre Rouge Quincaillerie Trefles Deco 69, Avenue Guy Rozemont Trèfles Chee Li Chop Company Limited Trianon Shopping Park Trianon Curry Express Food Court, Trianon Shopping Park Trianon Ogu Trianon Shopping Park Trianon A.K Palace Trou aux Biches Road Triolet Autograflix 7, Mile Triolet Agent Name Trading Address Region Chez Joe Snack Royal Road, 8 Mile Triolet Friends Forever Bookshop Royal Road, 8th Mile Triolet Jannoo Cold Storage Royal Road, 7th Mile Triolet La Charrette Royal Road, 7 Mile Triolet Luxmi Trading Camp Lilas Triolet Northern Marketing co ltd 7, Mile Triolet Shiv Pooja Shop Triolet Derningham Triolet Total - Solitude Royal Road, Solitude Triolet VLM Spare Parts Chemin Vingt pieds Triolet Zeer Noor Wholesale 9th Mile Triolet Kwan Peng Store Royal Road Trou Aux Biches Magic Snack Coastal Road Trou Aux Biches Trou Aux Biches Store Royal Road Trou Aux Biches Dodo Royal Road, Le Maho Trou D'Eau Douce Emmanuelle Boutique Royal Road Trou D'Eau Douce Pelouse Libre Service Royal Road, La Pelouse Trou D'eau Douce Restaurant Gilda Royal Road Trou D'Eau Douce Save & Win Supermarket Royal Road Trou D'Eau Douce Chez Manuel Restaurant Saint Julien Village Union Flacq Royal Snack Royal Road Union Park Indian Oil - Union Park Royal Road Union Park Bobby Store Royal Road, Trois Boutiques Union Vale M. Ally Chowthee Ltd Royal Road Upper Vale 3R La Marie Road Vacoas A Dhesi Group 2, La Caverne Vacoas Arvatee Stationary co ltd John Kennedy Street Vacoas B Shaheen Trading Ltd (libre service) La Marie Road Vacoas Bouquet Créole Saint Paul Road Vacoas Bquad Computers 3, Avenue Tranquille Vacoas Dev Snack Royal Road Saint Paul Vacoas Dhuny's Store Independence Road Vacoas Dom De Terre 68, Rémy Ollier Avenue, Bonne Terre Vacoas Fodera co ltd Bonne Terre Vacoas Gungadin Store Cité La Caverne Vacoas Horlogerie Suren La Marie Road Vacoas J.C Parts 154, John Kennedy Avenue Vacoas Jaspen Trading Quinze Cartons Vacoas Kashi Self service Unjore Lane, Solferino Vacoas Kato Vert Wholesale & Retail Avenue John Kennedy Vacoas La Boite à Gateaux 18, Club Road Vacoas La Bonne Bouffe Snack Avenue John Kennedy Vacoas La Grange Resto (Bliss) Avenue John Kennedy Vacoas Magasin Epic St Paul Avenue Vacoas Maison de Fleurs Bonne Terre Vacoas One Stop Shop Avenue Nanapragassen Vacoas Restaurant Colorado John Kennedy Road Vacoas Sainte Therese Marketing Ltd Avenue John Kennedy Vacoas Seeruttun Store Abattoir Road Vacoas Agent Name Trading Address Region Supermarket Mooraby John Kennedy Avenue Vacoas Simvita 430, Royal Road Vallée des Prêtres D.K.S Cold Storage 102, Bernardin de Saint Pierre Street Vallée Pitot Ferag Store Royal Road Verdun Wong Tak Chong Store Royal Road Vieux Grand Port
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