Lake Moody L. ow Sn e Lak Lake Lake 373 Walker L. Lake First Cranberry Cross Lake 39 Lake Gormley Lake Lake 39 L. R. Clarke Lake Lindsay 75 Provincial Trunk Highways / Routes provinciales à grande circulation rcu negoka 200 Provincial Roads / Routes provinciales secondaires L. Si m on ho us e Farwell 596 rav Harg Lake McClarty n Fento Level 22Restricted (in effect March 11, 2014) (65% of normal loading on Class A1 & B1 highways) Level Restriction Cormorant KELSEY Wanless North Rocky Lake L. Riv er K is Costes atin Keew Zed Lake Lake Lynn Lake he s R. 10 Runner L. Bay McKnight Suw 60 PROV. PARK er d tw oo L. Riv Gr Tullibee Lake d Wintering oo d tw Dr if rn Ferguson Soab L. Phillips Lake R. Sasagiu Rapids Pisew Falls Missi pisew Five Mile Lake Halfway Berens River Lake Ri Meat n Riv er Pine LAWRENCE ALONSA 364 481 River Ashville L. 276 Prairies 592 Riv er Dropmore 274 Ver ion mil Riv er Riding Mountain National Park of Canada: Restricted Federal Jurisdiction Please contact R.M.N.P. L. Email: Lake Ph: 204-848-7262 Cell: 204-848-0494 Audy Whitewater Waywayseecappo STRATHCLAIR ine L. 545 16 Birtle 42 Sa sk Shoal Lake 42 354 atc he w an Lake HAMIOTA Isabella McAuley Basswood 262 WOODWORTH DALY 259 Bradwardine Kenton Lenore 256 25 Rivers 463 257 ne to BRANDON SIFTON Oak Lake Scarth 255 WHITEWATER Hartney Cr e 345 is So ur EDWARD ARTHUR Dand eek Cr 445 MORTON 452 ns Boissevain 251 Antler Ninga 443 b Pem KILLARNEY TURTLE MOUNTAIN R. ina Glenora 253 Neelin ROBLIN Killarney L. Max PARC PROV. DEL. 21 R. TURTLE MOUNTAIN Metigoshe L. Removed Restriction PTH 3- From south junction PTH 21 to east junction PR 254 PTH 21- From 3.5 km south of south junction PTH 3 to south junction PTH 3 Altamont 458 442 Clearwater Holmfield PROV. PARK Restriction annulée : RPGC n° 3- de l'intersection sud de la RPGC n° 21 à l'intersection est de la RPS n° 254 RPGC n° 21- de 3,5 km au sud de l'intersection sud de la RPGC n° 3 à l'intersection sud de la RPGC n° 3 Cartwright Wakopa Lena 341 Crystal City 3A 240 MORDEN Plum Coulee WINKLER 528 423 31 Kaleida 3 Altona Hochfeld 432 William L. 5 34 Snowflake 201 201 Windygates 201 Chortitz Blumenfeld Reinland Haskett 521 Rosengart Neuhorst FRANKLIN Riv er Rivière aux Rats Dominion City St. Joseph 200 30 Sommerfeld 243 524 Gretna Ridgeville 243 Tolstoi Vita Cr. Moose L. Badger 308 Caliento Reed Vassar Sundown Gardenton 209 Whitemouth Lake r ve Ri 302 Ro sea u 59 Halbstadt Ra t y 203 Stuartburn 218 Ston Carrick Roseau River 201 525 Woodridge 203 Carlowrie Arnaud Riv er Restriction annulée : RPS n° 200 – de la RPGC n° 75 à Emerson (digue nord) RPS n° 200 - de l'intersection est de la RPS n° 201 à l'intersection ouest de la RPS n° 201 re RPS n° 200 de l'intersection ouest de la RPS n° 201 à 1,6 km au nord de l'intersection ouest de la RPS n° 201 St.- Lab RPS n° 201 – de la RPGC n° 75 à l’intersection ouest de la RPS n° 200 Sandilands 403 Green Ridge 75 210 12 Rosa STUARTBURN 421 Rosetown Blumenort PINEY 404 La Rochelle 217 Neubergthal Gnadenthal Schoenwiese Sarto Zhoda Letellier Friedensruh Marchand 218 426 Whi tem Removed Restriction outh PR 200- From PTH 75 to Emerson (north dyke) PR 200- From east junction of PR 201 to west junction of PR 201 PR 200- From west junction of PR 201 to 1.6 km north of the west junction of PR 201 PR 201- From PTH 75 to west junction of PR 200 216 14 Reinfeld 32 Schanzenfeld LA BROQUERIE 303 St. Malo Rosenfeld Horndean 308 La Broquerie 205 Ste. Elizabeth Waugh East Braintree 505 erreCarey St-Pi Jolys Dufrost MONTCALM RHINELAND McMunn 503 302 52 STEINBACH Kleefeld 23 Morris 1 Giroux 311 Mitchell Grunthal St. Jean Baptiste 332 Osterwick 18 Le yo nd ay 306 428 STANLEY Thornhill Darlingford Purves Mather Lowe Farm 52 432 Manitou 242 342 Kane 205 Falcon Lake Prawda Randolph 200 Roland Myrtle 244 Pilot Mound Aubigny 507 Falcon L. Richer 210 311 Blumenort 216 Otterburne McTavish Riverside 422 Rosebank Niverville Ste. Anne 207 312 West Hawk Lake 301 Medika Hadashville 210 Landmark 206 HANOVER DE SALABERRY 246 R. Rosenort 23 3 Lake 330 205 Deerwood St Leon La Rivière Rock Killarney 10 440 253 . Cr er Badg Lyleton Waskada Goodlands LOUISE 75 MORRIS 336 ROLAND THOMPSON 3 Coulter 251 Somerset Pe PEMBINA mb ina Sperling New Bothwell 305 Ste. Agathe Osborne 332 Miami Swan Lake Carman Homewood 338 St.Lupicin R. Mariapolis 23 Greenway Lake v. Ri 450 Dalny 532 Swan Lake 305 245 346 Cr . Gai Graysville Brunkild 305 Dufresne Riv . West Hawk Lake 506 SteGeneviève STE. ANNE 59 200 Domain Roseisle 242 Baldur 3 83 h oug bor Cardinal 2 334 r ve Ri 256 Bruxelles 342 Whitewater Deloraine 254 3 245 Belmont 458 Whitewater Lake Elva Pierson Ninette 343 448 3 342 Pelican 452 Medora 5 Notre-Damede-Lourdes St. Alphonse Regent Napinka Melita Dunrea 449 245 23 444 WINCHESTER 252 Margaret Minto ek 21 BRENDA LORNE Bone L. Broomhill Lauder Cypress River ARGYLE STRATHCONA Elgin Fairfax Creek Glenboro 346 23 345 34 18 Underhill Tilston Stockton RIVERSIDE er DUFFERIN 244 405 210 St. he Adolp La Salle Glenlea Ostenfeld R. Ri v Rathwell Haywood 247 44 Rennie Moss Lake 501 RITCHOT 332 s 541 St. Claude 3 Sanford 247 Elma 15 Ross Lorette Grande Pointe Ile des Chênes Oak Bluff 334 Sa lle ri or k Cree m aha Gr Grande-Clairière in Elg 347 CAMERON 256 Holland 530 Elm Creek 12 TACHE 300 M 254 2 PROV. PARK 2 La Culross Treherne Wawanesa 344 2 DU WHITESHELL Brereton Lake Ste. Rita Vivian 1 100 307 11 424 Fannystelle Dugald ine Se Carroll GREY Hazel PARC PROVINCIAL War Eagle Lake 302 406 15 Lake Jesica Lake Whitemouth 427 Springstein MACDONALD Starbuck 248 Whiteshell 309 Molson Hazelridge Lake Big White L. 241 R. Deleau 13 PARK 408 207 WINNIPEG 307 Hazelglen Oakbank Crowduck PROVINCIAL REYNOLDS Anola Headingley Dacotah 332 oine inib Ass SPRUCE WOODS Treesbank Nesbitt 1 240 SOUTH NORFOLK 101 101 WHITESHELL River Hills 44 215 HEADINGLEY Elie R. k ee Cr ALBERT 10 St. François 334 Xavier Oakville DE SPRUCE WOODS Ass inib oin e Rounthwaite 453 Souris 2 22 Maple Lake Pipestone OAKLAND 424 248 Riv. ny Sto n kso Jac 2 Reston 3 543 Plum Lakes 340 348 Newton Lavenham VICTORIA Rosser L. WHITEMOUTH Seddons Corner Beausejour Cooks Creek 212 206 Birds Hill 213 SPRINGFIELD 305 SOUTH CYPRESS 409 Echo Lake e iè r Ri v Pinawa Lake George Seven Sisters Falls TyndallGarson E. ST. PAUL St. Eustache Southport Rossendale PARC PROV. 349 Beresford GLENWOOD Oak L. Sinclair CORNWALLIS 250 21 Arizona 204 LGD PINAWA 11 211 BIRDS HILL PROV. PARK PAUL 236 Pointe du Bois er Riv Woodnorth 255 Cromer Griswold 352 5 Shilo v. Ri Ebor Carberry 6 214 Eaglenest 313 520 Cromwell Lockport 44 PARC PROV. DE 202 XAVIER 351 Sprucewoods 110 CARTIER Fortier Sidney Meadows 221 FRANÇOIS Riv. 321 Milner Ridge 315 502 435 East Selkirk 230 W. ST. le Sa s pe Pi PIPESTONE Cottonwoods 457 1A Kemnay Alexander 83 Douglas 430 1A 242 508 9A Stony Mountain 220 ROSSER ST. 331 350 1 26 Poplar Point High Bluff Bagot MacGregor Austin 110 Chater 459 455 254 464 10 WHITEHEAD Virden 1 468 270 1A 259 Kola Firdale 67 Grosse Isle Marquette PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE Forrest 250 Hargrave NORTH NORFOLK Justice 564 21 Wellwood NORTH CYPRESS Ladywood 4 SELKIRK Marsh Stonewall BROKENHEAD 9 Hammock 227 240 Macdonald 8 59 322 Oakland Katrime Edrans Brookdale Oak 236 323 248 227 353 Harding 1 542 ELTON Wheatland 7 Warren Westbourne 350 313 Lac du Bonnet Brokenhead Clandeboye Lake River 433 317 518 Bernic Bird McArthur Falls 317 320 R. Lac du Bonnet 1 Petersfield Balmoral 430 Great Falls White Mud Falls LAC DU BONNET 12 L. Bird 315 Stead 304 ad nhe 250 Cr. 34 Moore Park WALLACE Gunton 242 352 Beaconia ke Bro 354 R. r Rive Oakner Ri ve r Lake PROV. PARK Silver Falls 304 ST. CLEMENTS 322 NOPIMING Powerview St-Georges 12 Libau 411 Delta Beach PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE ALEXANDER Thalberg Netley PARC PROV. NOPIMING R. Fort Alexander r Black L. 314 11 Belair 17 Teulon 415 Argyle Hallboro Lake Wahtopanah Erinview Woodside 464 465 Oak River Clandeboye Bay Bay Lake St. Ambroise Flintstone L. Rive ne Pi 500 232 Ponemah Whytewold Dunnottar Matlock 225 L. Woodlands Whitemud 466 WOODLANDS 567 Gladstone 16 LANGFORD 262 270 Rapid City 24 Elkhorn Neepawa ODANAH Hamiota 469 Crandall Arrow River Kirkella 260 Franklin Minnedosa ST. ANDREWS Shoal Shoal Lake Francis Lake Francis Lakeland Cardale Willen 41 Arden 16A 474 MANITOBA 569 Ogilvie Bethany Norris East West 5 Decker 265 L. Tooth Maskw a Traverse 319 LAKE 50 355 Miniota 265 k . Cr Pine Falls Winnipeg Beach 229 Komarno ROCKWOOD Shoal 416 Lake Eden McConnell 256 467 Manson 462 Langruth Garner L. R. Traverse Bay 59 Grand Beach Grand Marais Sandy Hook St. Laurent 415 471 SASKATCHEWAN Lavinia 355 Beulah Newdale BLANSHARD Jackfish Lake Plumas Clanwilliam North ST. LAURENT LAKEVIEW 260 Polonia 265 10 Malonton Oak Point 575 Birnie Lake Lake O'Hanly 504 Hillside Beach PARC PROV. DE GRAND BEACH PROV. PARK 519 WESTBOURNE Beresford Long L. Gem Victoria Beach 9 Sandridge Inwood LANSDOWNE Quesnel Lake Bla c v. Ri 83 MINIOTA Oak ARCHIE Tenby 352 250 Salt L. Raven Lake Kerrs L. Mountain Road 357 er Riv 571 Riding Mountain Lake 304 Manigotagan VICTORIA BEACH Gimli Waldersee Glenella MINTO Strathclair 264 261 Erickson Shoal 568 262 Rolling St-Lazare 45 Sandy Lake Kelloe R. Rackham Sandy 21 Menzie Solsgirth 472 Fraserwood 231 229 Ri ve o inib Elphinstone Clarkleigh CLANWILLIAM HARRISON Oakburn Foxwarren 475 Amaranth 261 Bo yn e As s SHOAL LAKE es s il Bir dta 264 GLENELLA Wallace r ve Ri 476 41 470 Lake R. PARC PROV. DE L'ÎLE ELK ELK ISLAND PROV. PARK 222 231 200 75 207 Ile des Chênes R. WINNIPEG Camp Morton 324 Narcisse Lundar 59 405 Wanip igow 304 Arnes Meleb 17 RITCHOT 206 Lorette Obukowin Wanipigow Lake LAKE Kelwood ROSEDALE Onanole 270 Little 359 BIRTLE 19 Wasagaming 577 Vista 6 Grande Pointe 330 7 419 COLDWELL MANITOBA Norgate 462 Oak Aikens BluffLake Lake Chatfield LAC 300 Deerhorn 250 Olha 566 359 ELLICE 418 Alonsa 419 Lake Rossburn 478 Manigotagan 1 TACHE Moose RembrandtGIMLI 50 Clear Hecla 207 100 3 ver Bea 8 512 PARK 354 Binscarth McCreary 361 100 L. 3 Sand y Hnausa Silver e Birdtail Accès restreint – Autorité fédérale Veuillez communiquer avec le parc national du Mont-Riding à : Courriel : Tél. : 204 848-7262 Tél. cell. : 204 848-0494 334 Bissett 222 68 ARMSTRONG Silver Ridge Cy pr Angusville Millwood 579 R. 233 68 417 e 45 Dam L. McCREARY Stonehouse Lake 247 Riverton 329 Riv ièr Silverton 16 Harrowby DU MONT-RIDING Eagle gan igota Man 326 Arborg PARC NATIONAL Hollow Water 8 Oak Lake Poplarfield Eriksdale r 476 k Kinosota 206 427 South 334 Sylvan Zbaraz ERIKSDALE Beaver Laurier Pi ne 478 ee Cr 68 Vogar BEAUDRY Eagle PROV. PARK L. R. Okno Otter L. 101 MACDONALD English Lake GRINDSTONE Shorncliffe Broad Valley Lake Mulvihill 278 Seymourville Lake Bacon Ridge 360 Gull Harbour PARC PROV. Ledwyn 15 WINNIPEG PARC PROV. 2 D'HECLA/ Fisher Branch Birch Ste. Amélie 480 e hr Oc Gunn L. ROSSBURN L. 2 233 Sleeve L. R. 264 Shergrove Camper Dog Dugald 425 PROV. PARK 234 Morweena Edwards L. NATIONAL PARK SILVER CREEK and Flow 68 Makinak RIDING MOUNTAIN 83 5 233 582 Inglis Russell Eddystone Ste. Rose du Lac Ochre River 10 Ebb 17 dic PARC PROV. ASESSIPPI PROV. PARK RUSSELL STE. ROSE OCHRE RIVER 366 ow s Tu rtl e GRAHAMDALE 325 ob aN arr 20 20A SHELLMOUTH -BOULTON 325 Ashern ke Ma n it 5 584 Lonely DAUPHIN 5A GRINDSTONE Lee L. Hodgson Reykjavik Ri vi èr River Grandview Gilbert Plains 362 Oakbank HECLA/ 325 213 HEADINGLEY Springstein SIGLUNES LAKE La 5 son Wil CARTIER Watchorn Bay Cooks Creek 207 r ve Ri y 424 212 101 Riv er n r ve Valley River Ri Rice BIFROST PARC PROV. DE BIRDS HILL PROV. PARK E. ST. PAUL Headingley ATIKAKI North PARC PROV. 241 Harwill Moosehorn 238 101 1 River FISHER SPRINGFIELD 206 221 St. François Xavier ST. 234 224 237 237 491 274 583 Spearhill 59 Birds Hill 334 FRANÇOIS XAVIER 1 202 204 9 220 44 Lockport Black Lake o mm Lake Mantagao L. ba nito Ma 366 Va lle Cayer DAUPHIN Trembowla 2 321 236 Calders Dock Dallas Grahamdale e Lak 20 593 Fisher River 221 Ga Shell 10 L. Faulkner 239 Venlaw GILBERT PLAINS Red Rose Lake 27 8 409 Rosser Bloodvein r ve Ri Sifton 267 GRANDVIEW 549 Shellmouth Steep Rock Rorketon Deepdale 547 Hilbre Icela n Mink Goldeye River Burrows Lake ZO NE Bay Toutes Aides Cr. DAUPHIN DE LA BAIE-FISHER Fisher a Ukraina Fishing River 273 Makaroff the Crane River 481 Lakes 482 Dauphin 490 PARC PROV. Fairford L. Mcbride HILLSBURG Tummel Bay 410 WEST ST. PAUL Lake ATIKAKI Winn ipeg Fork River Spence Lake St. Andrew 7 Dogskin Sasaginnigak Pine Dock R. 269 Lake St. George Cra ne Na rro ws ZO NE 212 509 230 Stony Mountain PROV. PARK Cr. R. Spence Lake 364 269 10A Portage b anito Lac M Ethelbert St. Martin Lake Winnipegosis Mossy Boggy Creek Lake Pineimuta Wa sho wB nd Gar la Meadow Portage 4 367 St. Martin 6 ROSSER 9A 67 321 236 PROV. PARK St. Martin Junction MOSSEY RIVER Matheson Island 435 East Selkirk 9 220 Grosse Isle 321 FISHER BAY 513 276 83 Laurie L. Gypsumville Basket L. 508 204 322 Bloodvein Bay GRAHAMDALE 328 20 ROCKWOOD Rou ge uth So Pulp River 15 R. Childs L. Lake Proulx 10 SELKIRK kilometers/kilomètres Stonewall Vickers Lake Lake Garland 367 L. Waterhen 5 ST. CLEMENTS 4 ST. ANDREWS Family Lake 0 320 9 236 WINNIPEG AND AREA Argyle WINNIPEG ET SA RÉGION Ri ve r L. Princess Harbour o Mantaga PARC PROV. DE DUCK MOUNTAIN 366 Bradbury Lake St. Michael Gypsum Mire R. Pine River ETHELBERT Bay Fi s her Cr . R. Rock Ridge Bay 271 Round Bay R. Pe lic a Pine North Shortdale Cr. in gsk Do R. Wellman Lake DUCK MOUNTAIN PROV. PARK 584 R. Jackhead e ring Duck River Bield Little Grand Rapids R. R. L. Goo se r ave Be r R oa Sclater 513 Mallard Sagemac 486 Dauphin River Fishing Ri ve r Kinwow Riv er Duck 489 of Lake Skownan 591 ve r Pawn s Anderson Camperville 20 Durban Roblin Lake Lake Cinder R. Carr-Harris Sturgeon 486 5 6 Cowan th Nor 83 584 Lake Pakwa L. Lynx Bay Lake 272 366 Kenville 484 Seller R. Pop lar te hi W Renwer 485 363 Powstick Lake Semmens Lake Peemow Lake Semple Breland Lake River Pi ge on ve Ri 488 594 McKechnie L. Lake Knee L. h Minitonas San Clara Ber en Pigeon Bay t rpa 10 83A SHELL RIVER Dobbs L. L. Waterhen 57 Apisko Whitemud Lake California Lake Bear Lake L. Cotton Lake Wa Duck Bay 10A 49 Wilkins Lake Lewis L. Unwin Ewart L. Duck Bay Swan River Benito Parker Lake Mattson Lake L. WINNIPEG Reedy er 268 487 Lake Kagipo L. Lake esk ami Etom Richardson Lake Schwatka Lake Allbright Ass Hermonapa n Lake Miskimmin Lake Bulger Eardley e LakLake L. Hackland Lake Utik Lake Fle Lake Giffin L. Setting Fish Lake Hancock Lake Head Leaf Lake Rosenberry Lake n ho uc Ca Harrop uve Lake Lake rt pa Stu Bigstone Sabomin Reef n wa Go Cuddle Thom L. Landing Kwasitchewan Falls Annesley Lake Silsby L. Goulet L. R. Lake Wrong Lake ne sto B ig Lake Charron Lake Lake s as h Hi g Lake ke La Midnight L. Prud'homme 6 r ve Ri Bear Head Lake Cuthbert L. er Ransom L. High Hill Pikwitonei Paint L. go ani Sip l Long 588 n er Riv L. Lake Whitley Lake Whiskeyjack L. r ve Ri . Cr No rth Inland MOUNTAIN Swa Riv H il Lake Lake MINITONAS 366 eech Whiteb Hubley Lake L. Bowsman 275 River Joy Elliot Chitek Lake 279 Hawes Lake L. Dafoe Lake PAINT LAKE PROV. PARK PARC PROV. DU LAC PAINT 375 Red 279 L. e Dafo Gunn Natawahunan Partridge ML.cPhail Le af River dy oo W g in gl An River Warrington Mukutawa Lake Begg Lake er Riv 10 on ils Fox Kettle Lake L. SWAN RIVER W Cyril Crop Lake Lake Devils L. Lenswood Sinclair Bay Lake Many Bays LAC ng gli An Kettle Lake War Lake mi Etoma L’ÎLE-BIRCH Gillam Long Spruce Rapids 280 R. Brannigan THOMPSON Ospwagan Wuskwatim Lake Lake PARC PROV. r ve Ri 266 Kisseynew R Lake Gilchrist di ape Dowling L. Butnau Lake Gorman Lake Aiken iver Witchai Lake Apussigamasi Lake Lake 268 Whitefish Nokomis Lake 280 Mystery Lake Birch Lake Lake er Riv Bu rn N. BIRCH ISLAND Lake L. Moody L. Split r Moak Opegano L. m Wi Cobham ood Burntw Lake r Rive Wimapedi Lake Birthday Rapids Split Lake Lake Tree Cr. ow Sn Atim Pelican Craik Lake Batty L. Two Rivers Lakes L. 365 Lake Duval Lake Threepoint Lake lar Weaver Riel Lake R. Pickerel Lake Kircro Lake Birch River ers Riv L. N n elso er ve Ri er Riv Lake Swan Bell Kississing Sisib Novra Lake Three Finger Otter WINNIPEGOSIS Steeprock Lake Riv Cr. Bull Parent Lake Fox L. Kettle Rapids Gull Lake Jean Lake R. Footprint Lake Lake Guthrie Crow L. Lake Lake Lake ing Kississ Lake LAC South Tait Lake don Bellsite Lake NE 1 Takipy Kipahigan Soul House Osb o ll S. Tw o . McKay L. Burntwood Russick Lake River sian Bank River Hunting Lake win Assean Hud River Lake Clay Orr Lake Od ei Strong Joey Gestur L. L 290 Lake er Riv g ntin Hu Pearson L. L. 391 ek Cre r Rive ea Wh Be North Steeprock ZO R. lR oa Sh Dey L. Neilson Lake Stephens Lake LGD MYSTERY LAKE r ve Ri Mafeking NE 2 Pelican Bay Pelican Rapids Steep rock Lake WINNIPEGOSIS 280 Lake nau ega Ap d Apeganau Lake Wright Lake Girouard Lake Kaweenakumik Lake ha n er R iv Lake Tw in Armit R. 483 Lake Sundance Crying R. Lake Ri ve r R. ZO R. Kanusk LAKE Ma rc Flatrock Morin Lake Twin MOUNTAIN L. Pop r iste Lake Rock Hunter L. Lake Siers Cr. . Cr Little Footprint L. Osik Lake Wapisu Lake Nelson Lake Powell 77 Baden North Lake Nelson R iv er Barnett Lake 5 ei Lake L. r Popla Notigi Lake Hall Pukatawagan Denbeigh Point Katimik Lake Armit . uk L L. Misinagu Lake Od Banksian Lake Highrock Churchill Sisip Barrows National Mills Leftrook Macheewin Lake N. Westgate Nile L. Isb Blank Lake Muskego Lake er Riv Lakes Lake Suwannee Lake Riv ière Lake Lake Red Deer Lake River ee ann Cr. Pearson Lake Red Deer Bay Big Black River Evans 6 Morrison Lake 327 Bay Dawson Mynarski Mukut awa 391 Britton Lake Loon er Rat Goodwin Lake L. Loo Dam L. Deer Elvyn L. n Beaver Bay Cameron Granville Falls Fold Easterville Red L. r ne esto Lake L im Lake Limestone Lake o Tetroe L. Harding R. McCallum Lake Lake t Ra Reichert L. Muddy River Kinwaw owin Nan Costello Lake Riv er Grand Rapids Overflow l Lake Rive r Kamuchawie Lake WINNIPEG Overflowing River Granville Pemichigamau Lake uni sa R. Roe Lake R. Makepeace Cantin Lake R. Weir Lake G Pelletier Wa rn ew s Barnes Lake 100 L. Riv e Waskaiowaka White Stone Lake Ridge L. 75 Cygnet L. Hale Lake Baldock Lake Lake Russell Lake 50 l Lake Campbell Lake Lake il rch Myre L. Little Cygnet Lake tle Lit Handle Lake Broughton L. Livingston Kaykayk Lake Bay LAKE 25 u Ch Caldwell Bennett River Matheson Lake Cross Overflowing 493 R. 0 Bissett Lake Kiask L. Jensen Lake Lake Swan Bay Whitecap L. kilometers/kilomètres Wasagamow Gunisao Lake River Ruttan L. Karsakuwigamak Lake Leaf Rapids Bridal L. L. Mounteney Lake Bela nger Leaf Rapids re viè Ri Beaucage Lake Watt 60 Ch ur ch il Stag Lake L. Cousins Lake South Bay L. Lake Wass R. Lake Assaikwatamo Uhlman Issett Rusty Lake Glasspole Lake Kadeniuk Lake Bay Eden Lake Chicken L. Lau rie Angers L. Clear Finch Lake McGavock Lake LAKE Lake River Opachuanau Lake Lafontaine Lake Bieb er Christie Wernham Lake South Indian Lake Adam Lake Sickle Lake L. Lake Lake ton ng rri Anson Lake Tod Lake Perch o May L. Fox Mine Laurie L. Norris Counsell L. Lake Sandhill Bay River L. 396 nisa Gu Lake er op Lake Cordeau Thomas Lake Co Weir L. Strobus Lake Ankle NORTHERN MANITOBA NORD DU MANITOBA Recluse Lake one Bigst Settee Lake Chapman Lake L. Hood Lake Gauer L. rne Ba Hughes Lake L. er Riv r Rive 391 Wasekwan Dunphy Lakes Craig L. Fraser MacBride 399 Cockeram 397 Eldon L. Motriuk Lake Suttie Lake Barrington McFadden Lake Whiting Bou Tenklei Lake Lake Indian Torrance Lake Lake L. R. H ug le Holmes Lake Lake Lake Eagle Lake tt Li No rth Warren Landing McMillan Lake Embleton Lake Billard Lake Lake Mistake Pine Lake Lebrix Enatik Lake Grandmother Lake Dunsheath Lake Fidler Lake Nest Island Lake Lake Mulcahy Lake Lake Cy pr e ss Bracken CEDAR Southern L. Pelican Lake Lone Lake R. Vandekerckhove Goldsand Ponask Mercer Lake L. 394 398Burge Westray ghlin Melvin L. Mackie Lake Lake Garden Hill St. Theresa Point Begg Ri ve r Lake Pasquia York Lake Sadler Moose Lake McL au Lake Nesbitt Lake Carswell Lake Little Limestone Lake Davidson Lake La ke . Cr River L. merb erry ay ne B Island Lake Lake Pakatawacun Lake L. Cr . n hewa Sum Kelsey Stevenson Lake M ai nlan gr ee n Bay Bay PARC PROV. DU LAC-LITTLE LIMESTONE Driftwood Lake Beach hra Coc Wasagamack L. ake Sou th M oos eL tc Saska er LITTLE LIMESTONE LAKE PROV. PARK Lake Freshford R iv Lake Moose 384 Lake Washahigan Pl ay William South L. Willow R. McGowan Lake Krolman Lake R. ot Talb Riv . THE PAS Lake on Ridge Wabisi Limestone Landry Red Earth Riv * Peut être reportée selon les conditions météorologiques. ** Peut être avancée selon les conditions météorologiques de façon que la durée des restrictions routières ne dépasse pas 56 jours. Chapin n Nel so Lake 6 285 Rive r 50 ls Mo Hilton L. 282 40 MARCH 11, 2014 LE 11 MARS 2014 Norway House KELSEY 30 Dates de fin 31 mai** 31 mai** L'ordonnance sur les restrictions routières durant la période de dégel entre en vigueur àBay 6 h aux dates de Fairy RockElle prend fin à 23 h 59 aux dates de fin respectives. début indiquées. Rossville Lake an 283 20 kilometers/kilomètres Mawdesley Lake 289 10 Dates de début 11 mars* 11 mars* Zone 1 Niveaux 1 et 2 Zone 2 Niveaux 1 et 2 Kennedy Lake Lake 0 287 PROV. PARK 10 DATE D'ENTRÉE EN VIGUEUR SELON LA ZONE CLIMATIQUE 373 River Lake Lake Little Bolton Molson Lake usk Paim La ke CLEARWATER LAKE Root L. Bignell Cr. L. Lake L. Routes en gravier sans restrictions Lake Root Lake PARC PROV. DE Birch e Lak Moose Clearwater ew t ch s ka Sa M Unrestricted gravel roads Unrestricted Lake Ra t Lake Lake itto Kisk kitto gisu Atik L. Chocolate go ina Lake Kalliecahoolie Bolton Playgreen 5 Cormorant hon dates. The Spring Road Restrictions Order (SRRO) start times will be at 6:00 A.M. on the givenRoc start Beaver Hill The SRRO will expire at 11:59 P.M. on the respective end dates. Restrictions de niveau 2 (à compter du 11 mars 2014) (65 % de la charge normale autorisée sur les routes de catégorie A1 et B1) Hill Lake Rapids * May be delayed depending upon weather conditions. Goose ** May be earlier depending upon weather conditions such that the duration of road restrictions will not Portage Lake exceed 56 days. Robinson A1 et B1) parcours ARTC des routes de catégorie Hairy Lake End Date May 31** May 31** Start Date March 11* nuchuan11* March Ka Zone 1: Level 1 & 2 Zone 2: Level 1 & 2 Lake . Lake Lake Lake 1 Restricted (in effect March 11, 2014) (90% of normal loading on RTAC routes, Class A1 & B1 R highways) Level 1 Restriction Hayes Restrictions de niveau 1 (à compter du 11 mars 2014) (90 % de la charge normale autorisée sur les Lake River Dyce Yawningstone Lake EchimamishLevel Murray Lake IMPLEMENTATION DATES BY CLIMATIC ZONE Joint Ne lso n Lake L. Black Duck k Huzy Mitchell Lake Lake Normal Loading (all surfaced/non gravel highways or provincial roads) Normal Loading Charge normale (toutes les routes provinciales revêtues ou non couvertes de gravier) Lake Webber La zone 2 correspond à la partie de la province située au nord de la zone no 1. Lake Cr. Pothier Aswapiswanan Logan Butterfly Knife Lake ds Go Lake Cr. Lake Egg Lake Base Geometry of MT_GIS.REGION_BOUNDARIES Lake Ha rg r Lake Dolomite Max Regional Boundaries Lawford / Limites régionales 374 Jenpeg . av eL Simonhouse e ak Waskik L. Pipestone Wekusko eL os Go e Laidlaw Lake Lee Lake River La zone 1 correspond à la partie de la province du Manitoba située au sud de la ligne de démarcation qui comprend la RPGC no 77, continue vers l'est pour inclure la RPS no 513 (Gypsumville) et la partie nord de Black Island, et s'étend le long de la rive est du lac Lakes Winnipeg jusqu' à la rive nord de la rivière Winnipeg, puis vers l'est le long de la rive nord de hwood la rivière Winnipeg Touc jusqu' à la RPS no 304, et de làvers l'est jusqu' à la frontière de l'Ontario. Colen Municipal Boundaries Limites municipales Base Geometry of /RM_BOUNDARIES Mitishto Athapapuskow Opimi Lake Po Gods Lake Narrows Munro Lake e pin Gr ass Cranberry Portage Tramping Lake PROVINCIAL PARK Zone No. 2 means the Province of Manitoba north of Zone No. 1 Lake Lake Gods Lake Lake Rat Windy Lake Riv er Herb Lake Landing e Lake Zone No. 1 means the Province of Manitoba south of the line that includes PTH 77, going easterly to Brown include PR 513 (Gypsumville) and the northern tip of Black Island, following the eastern shore Lake of Lake Winnipeg to the north shore of the Winnipeg River, easterly along the north shore of the Winnipeg River toWa PR 304, and easterly to the Ontario boundary. nless t M er id ia n Sherritt Junction Reed Iskwasum Wedge L. Cranberry rro k La Hawkins er Second KELSEY Ca Gil chr ist 10 GRASS RIVER Lake RESTRICTIONS CONCERNANT LES ROUTES AU PRINTEMPS ORDONNANCE Nº 3 Lake Conlin Lake L. Schist Lake . Cr Lake Riv Third Cranberry Michikinabish Cr. s Gr as DE GRASS RIVER Kiski Lake r Rive Lake Greenaway Lake e Lak 392 Bjornson R. PARC PROVINCIAL Cross Herb Lake o R. 291 Dion Lake Wal ker Les restrictions de niveau 2 se définissent comme suit : gillde la charge normale sur les routes des catégories A1 et B1. tout type d'essieu : 65Ma% R. Lake Lake Rive r Lak Lake Ri ve r usk Wek Lake Claw Channing Bakers Narrows Duck Gods River Level 2 road restrictions mean: Bayly On all axle units - 65% of normal loading on Class A1 and B1 highways e Oxford River Ga uer L. L. Woosey Naosap L. ple Sem SPRING ROAD RESTRICTIONS ORDER # 3 L. Weav FLIN FLON Pakwa 395 Lake Alberts 2014 White Rabbit Lake Les de niveau 1 se définissent comme suit : d House Oxforrestrictions Lakenormale autorisée à un poids maximal de 5 500 kg, sur toutes a) essieux directeurs : charge les routes; b) tout autre groupe d'essieux : 90 % de la charge normale sur les parcours ARTC et les routes des catégories A1 et B1. R. L. Black Rabbit Lake Scatch Wabowden L. Lake Lake Cinder R. Davis 393 Lake River Elbow Niblock Gr Snow Lake File Embury 10A Lake Lake L. sk iwe Lake as s Wabishkok 10 Herblet L. Webb Sip 6 n Loonhead Ne l so Cr. Florence L. Seller Level 1Lake road restrictions mean: a) on a steering axle - normal loading up to a maximum of 5,500 kg on all highways Lake Class A1 and B1 b) on all other axle groups: 90% of normalLake loading on RTAC Routes, highways Breland Lake Setting Fish Lake Powstick Lake MANITOBA Lake Rosenberry Fleu ve Kisseynew McKechnie L. La Semmens Lake Peemow Semple L. Lake Lake Missip isew Dowling Fish Dobbs L. Cotton Bulger L. Nokomis Lake L. Miskimmin Lake Halfway Knee Lake Bear Lake Unwin Five Mile L. California Lake L. Hi ll R. Falls Wimapedi Lake Duval Giffin Rapids Batty R. Lake Ri ve r 201 Menisino Bay South Junction Piney 89 Buffalo Middlebro Sprague Wampum 310 12 Emerson Produced by: Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation Highway Planning & Design Branch Geographic & Records Management Section R
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