Slide 1

Welcome to
Morelli Homeroom SCHEDULE
8:00-9:00 Specials: Art/Music for 30 min & PE for 30 min
9:05 Switch from home room to Ms. Leimer
9:05-11:20 Ms. Leimer for Math and Science
11:20 Switch back to Mrs. Morelli for Reading/Language Arts
11:35-12:15 Lunch & Recess
12:15-12:20 Bathroom Break
12:20-2:15 Mrs. Morelli Reading/Language Arts/Social Studies
2:15-3:00 Mustang Round-Up
Dyslexia Class
Intervention Groups
Small Math/Reading Groups
Quick Notes
• Please label all of your student’s belongings .
– (lunch box, jackets, backpacks)
• Check website for school calendar.
• Please see the district policy on the Thursday folder for 70% Rule for
Vacations during the school year.
• Our field trip to the Bob Bullock Museum is scheduled for Dec. 11th.
• Please help us in keeping “extra” items at home such as small toys,
jewelry, etc.
• We will take scheduled bathroom breaks throughout the day to avoid
leaving class too often.
• Students will be allowed to go to the nurse for emergency visits.
Classrooms are equipped with small first aid bags.
• Please allow us 24 hours to return a phone call or
email . . . Email is the best communication!
• The assignment notebook is a great way to send us a
quick note as well – especially about homework.
• The office must receive all calls for a change in
transportation BEFORE 2:00pm. They will not accept
changes after the 2:00 cut off.
• A note must be sent to school for a student to ride a
different bus as a pass has to be obtained from the
• A copy of this info can be found on my webpage.
The Assignment Notebook
• Please initial the assignment notebook every
night/weekend to signify that you are aware
of assignments or announcements.
• This is a great tool for communication! Jot us
a quick note when necessary.
• We check the assignment notebook everyday!
• The Homework section is for homework and
the assignment notebook.
• The behavior folder is kept in the expandable
to be checked daily.
• Please do not throw anything questionable
away from the expandable; simply send a
note to your teacher with any questions.
Behavior Folders
This system of communication between school and home will
provide parents a description of student behavior and
responsibility level for the week. The behavior folder will
come home to be signed by a parent on the day the warning
or infraction occurs.
Remember: the number of entries will determine
conduct grades.
• enVision Math is our textbook.
• There is an online component.
• The next day’s lesson has a video which can be
viewed as a pre-teach at home (not
mandatory, but is available).
• Four nights of Math homework should be
• All videos can be accessed prior to an exam.
• The textbook is available online.
4th Grade TEKS
We will use an Interactive Science Notebook
-- housed at school, but may come home at times
Vocab words should be studied at home
Hands-on investigations
• We will not have a formal spelling list each week.
• Our emphasis will be to recognize the spelling skill
and retain overall grammar skills.
• The assessment on Friday will include a dictation
of four sentences:
• The sentences will assess the spelling rule, the
grammar rule of the week, the use of capitalization,
and the correct punctuation.
• Each correct sentence will be worth 25 points.
• Each student will interact within a Lit Circle
group by reading a chapter from an assigned
novel each night. On various days throughout
the week, the small groups will meet to
discuss their reading.
• The whole class will have direct teach lessons
utilizing various forms of reading: Fiction,
Non-fiction, poetry, drama or plays.
The Reading Brochure
• Each night, student’s will be assigned nightly
reading in a chapter book/novel.
• The chapter book will be accompanied by a STAR
(Student Talk About Reading) brochure.
• The questions are Bloom’s Taxonomy higher level
thinking questions.
• This allows students to think critically about their
reading while practicing their writing skills with a
short answer response. Please use complete
• There is a strong emphasis in the 4th grade
TEKS acknowledging a student’s ability to
organize two types of essays: narrative and
• All planning, rough drafting and editing will be
done at school.
• Occasionally, a final draft will come home to
be copied after all editing has taken place.
Social Studies
4th grade is a content year for Texas History. It is a very exciting
topic of study for this age group. We will correlate the learning
with the reading curriculum to enhance the understanding of
expository text, applying writing knowledge and research skills.
The Ford Wax Museum is an annual event for which students look
forward to each year. We will send home assigned Texans and
directions for costumes with ample time to prepare.
The Bob Bullock Texas History Museum field trip is scheduled for
December 11th; parents may attend the field trip by meeting us at
the museum; student groups will be assigned only to adults that
have completed the GISD background check. Please check with
the office for directions in completing this soon as possible.
Guidance lessons with our counselor will also occur during
Social Studies.
• Your child has access to this excellent resource at home.
• If your child is struggling in Reading or Math, this is one
of the BEST ways you can help them.
• We will assess them monthly at school during computer
lab time in order to monitor growth; you have access to
this info from home.
• We will discuss the initial results during parent/teacher
• Every night expect Math.
• Every night expect Reading – A grade is taken for
each brochure and averaged in to the reading grade.
• Science and Language Arts homework will come
home as needed; such as study for a science test or
final copying a composition.
• We will utilize recess time to make up missing work
or work not completed as homework.
March 29-30, 2016
May 9, 2016
May 10, 2016
GISD Grading Policy
40% Homework and class work
60% Assessments and Tests
Language Arts
80% Writing, Grammar, Listening,
Speaking, 20% Spelling
Late Work Policy
10 points off per day – no study hall for
missing work
Zero after four days
Questions and
Call us or email us
Laura Morelli
943-5000 ext 7927
Thank you for coming to open
We’re looking forward to an
awesome year!!!