LIST OF CONTACTS / LISTE DES CONTACTS (up-dated on / mise à jour le : 8 February 2016 / 8 février 2016) COUNCIL OF EUROPE / CONSEIL DE L’EUROPE Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation/Direction de la Citoyenneté Démocratique et de la Participation Unit for capacity building, mobility and exchanges / Unité pour le renforcement des capacités, la mobilité et les échanges Pestalozzi Programme, Training Programme for education professionals Programme Pestalozzi, Programme de formation pour les professionnels de l’éducation Direction Générale II, Conseil de l'Europe, 67075 STRASBOURG CEDEX Mr Josef HUBER Head of Unit / Chef de l’Unité E-mail: Language/Langues : English + Français + Deutsch Ms Isabelle LACOUR Assistant for the management of the Pestalozzi Programme Assistante à la gestion du programme Pestalozzi E-mail: Language/Langues : Français + English + Deutsch + Elsässisch Ms Tara HULLEY Assistant for the Pestalozzi Programme E-mail: Language/Langues : English + Français Ms Bogdana BUZARNESCU Assistant for the Pestalozzi Programme E-mail: Language/Langues : English + Français +Română + Español Mr Didier FAUCHEZ Assistant for the social networking platform and for the web site of the Pestalozzi Programme Assistant plate-forme du réseau social et pour le site web du Programme Pestalozzi E-mail: Language/Langues: Français + English For a general request, please use the generic e-mail address of the Pestalozzi Programme: Fax: + 33 3 88 41 27 88 PARTNER INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS PARTENAIRES LANDESAKADEMIE FÜR FORTBILDUNG UND PERSONALENTWICKLUNG AN SCHULEN BAD WILDBAD, GERMANY Ms Karin STEIMLE-ROHDE Pedagogical Advisor, Conseillère pédagogique, Baetzenerstrasse 92, 75323 BAD WILDBAD Tel: + 49 7081 9259 202 or/ou + 49 7081 9259 0 (reception) Fax: + 49 7 081 92 5910 E-mail: Website: Language / Langue: English + Deutsch EUROPEAN WERGELAND CENTRE / CENTRE EUROPEEN WERGELAND Ms Julie SKØIEN Executive Assistant The European Wergeland Centre C J Hambros pl 5, NO-0164 NORWAY Tel: +47 21082410, Fax: + 47 21 01 45 01 E-mail: Website: Language / Langue: English NATIONAL LIAISON OFFICERS / AGENTS DE LIAISON NATIONAUX ALBANIA / ALBANIE (ALN007) Ms Gerti JANAQI Head of Institute for Educational Development (IDE), Rr. Naim Frashëri Nr 37, TIRANA E-mail: Language/ Langue: English Deputy NLO / ALN Adjoint: Ms Irida SINA Head of Department of Methodology and Technologies in Education Institute for Educational Development (IDE), Rr. Naim Frashëri Nr. 37, TIRANA Tel: + 355 42 256 440, Fax: + 355 42 256 441 E-mail: Language/ Langue : Français + English ________________________________________________________________________________ ANDORRA / ANDORRE (ALN008) Ms Elisabeth CARPA RÖJERMAN Chef du département des formations du professorat Département de Formation Professionnelle et Développement Educatif Ministère de l'Education, de la Formation Professionnelle, de la Jeunesse et des Sports Gouvernement d'Andorre, Av. Rocafort 21-23, Edifici del Molí AD600 SANT JULIA DE LORIA Tel: + 376 743 300, Fax: + 376 743 310 E-mail: Language/ Langue : Français + English ________________________________________________________________________________ ARMENIA / ARMÉNIE ALN009 Ms Karine HARUTYUNYAN Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Armenia Main Avenue, Government House 3, Yerevan 0010 Tel. / Fax : + 37410 546716 E-mail : Language/ Langue : English ________________________________________________________________________________ AUSTRIA / AUTRICHE ALN010 Ms Sylvia SCHRITTWIESER-TSCHACH Federal Ministry of Education and Women’s Affairs Unit IA/1 Rosengasse 2-5 1014 Wien Tel: +43 1 53120 – 2361 Fax: +43 1 53120 81 2361 E-mail: Website: Language/ Langue: German + English + French ________________________________________________________________________________ AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAÏDJAN ALN011 Mr Ilham HUMBATOV Leading Expert – International Relations Department The Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic 49, Khatai Ave. AZ1008 Baku, Tel: +994 12 4963414 E-mail: Language/ Langue : English ________________________________________________________________________________ BELARUS ALN012 Ms Ludmila TARUSOVA Deputy Rector of the Academy of Postdiploma Education, Nekrasova 20, 220040 MINSK Tel: + 375 17 285 78 20, Fax: + 375 17 285 78 68 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English Deputy NLO / ALN Adjoint: Ms Iryna LAPITSKAYA Senior Lecturer of the Academy of Postdiploma Education, Nekrasova 20, 220040 MINSK Tel: + 375 17 285 78 41 E-mail: Language/ Langue : English ______________________________________________________________________________ BELGIUM / BELGIQUE COMMUNAUTÉ FLAMANDE / FLEMISH COMMUNITY ALN003 Ms Marie-Anne PERSOONS Adviseur/Policy Adviser Vlaamse overheid - Departement Onderwijs en Vorming Afdeling Strategische Beleidsondersteuning Flemish Department of Education and Training, Strategic Policy Unit Koning Albert II-laan 15/5C11, B-1210 Brussel Tel: + 32 2 553 95 89 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English + Français COMMUNAUTÉ FRANÇAISE / FRENCH COMMUNITY ALN013 M. Marien FAURE Commissariat Général aux Relations internationales de la Communauté française de Belgique Espace international/Bruxelles, n°2 Place Sainctelette, B-1080 Brussel Tel: + 32 2 421 85 70 Fax: + 32 2 421 87 63 E-mail: Language/ Langue : Français COMMUNAUTÉ GERMANOPHONE / GERMAN-SPEAKING COMMUNITY NLO to be confirmed/ ALN à confirmer ________________________________________________________________________________ BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / BOSNIE-HERZÉGOVINE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / FÉDÉRATION DE BOSNIE ET HERZÉGOVINE Ms Adela KULUKCIJA Ministry of Education and Science of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Ante Starcevica bb, 88000 MOSTAR Tel: + 387 36 355 744 or + 387 36 355 700 (operator) Fax: + 387 36 355 742 E-mail: Website: Language/ Langue: English REPUBLICA SRPSKA NLO to be confirmed/ ALN à confirmer _________________________________________________________________________________ BULGARIA / BULGARIE ALN017 Ms Krassimira TODOROVA Chief Expert European Integration and International Organizations Division European Integration and International Cooperation Department Ministry of Education and Science, 2A, Kniaz Dondukov Blvd, 1000 SOFIA Tel: + 359 2 9217 735 Fax: + 359 2 988 06 00 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English + Français ________________________________________________________________________________ CROATIA / CROATIE ALN018 Ms Renata OZORLIC DOMINIC Senior Advisor International Cooperation, Education and Teacher Training Agency Donje Svetice 38, 10000 ZAGREB Tel: + 385 1 2785 118 Fax: + 385 1 2785 001 E-mail: Website: Language/ Langue: English + French Deputy NLO / ALN Adjoint: Mr Boris VAMPULA Senior Advisor for International Cooperation Tel : + 385 1 2785 101 Fax: + 385 1 2785 170 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English + Italian _________________________________________________________________________________ CYPRUS / CHYPRE ALN019 Ms Egli PANTELAKIS Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education and Culture 1434 NICOSIA Tel: + 357 22 800607 or + 357 22 800704 and + 357 22 402308 Fax: + 357 22 305974 or + 357 22 800640 or + 357 22 427559 and + 357 22 480505 E-mail: with copy to and (subject e-mail: “Pestalozzi Training Programme for education professionals” – “For the attention of Mrs Maria HINI – ANASTASSIADES and Mrs Elena DEMOSTHENOUS”) Language/ Langue: English CZECH REPUBLIC / REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE ALN020 Ms Eva JERMANOVÁ Centre des services internationaux du Ministère de l’éducation, de la jeunesse et des sports / Centre for International Services MoEYS Na Poříčí 1035/4, 110 00 PRAHA 1 Tel: + 420 221 850 500 or 508 Fax: + 420 221 850 255 E-mail: Language/ Langue : Français + Deutsch + English ________________________________________________________________________________ DENMARK / DANEMARK ALN021 Ms Lene JEPPESEN Porcelanshaven 4F, 2TU 2000 FREDERIKSBERG Tel: + 45 20 683 756 E-mail: Language/ Langue : English ________________________________________________________________________________ ESTONIA / ESTONIE ALN022 Ms Katrin REIN Adviser European Union and International Cooperation Department Ministry of Education and Research Munga 18, 50088 TARTU Tel: + 372 735 0158 Fax: + 372 730 1080 E-mail : Website: Language/Langue: English + Deutsch _________________________________________________________________________________ FINLAND / FINLANDE ALN0 Mr Matti PIETILÄ Counsellor of Education National Board of Education, Hakaniemenranta 6, P.O. Box 380, 00531 HELSINKI Tel: + 358 29 533 1172, Fax: + 358 29 533 1035 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English Deputy NLO / ALN Adjoint : Ms Paula MATTILA Counsellor of Education Tel: + 358 29 533 1144, Fax: + 358 29 533 1035 E-mail: Language/ Langue : English _________________________________________________________________________________ FRANCE ALN024 Mr Thomas ARBOUET Chargé de programmes |Programme Coordinator Unité Europe | Europe Unit Département langues et mobilité | Languages and Mobility Department Centre international d’études pédagogiques – CIEP 1, avenue Léon-Journault – 92318 Sèvres cedex Tel: +33 (0)1 45 07 60 93 Fax: + 33 1 45 07 60 01 E-mail : Website: Language/ Langue: Français + English _________________________________________________________________________________ GEORGIA / GÉORGIE (ALN025) Ms Nino (Nina) MAISURADZE Head of Strategic Planning and Analysis Division National Center for Teacher Professional Development 1 Gmir Kursantta street, 0167, Tbilisi, Georgia Tel: +995 577 767671 or +995 32 2 200 220 ext. 4852 Email: Website: Language/ Langue: English _________________________________________________________________________________ GERMANY / ALLEMAGNE ALN026 Mr Gernot HERRMANN Pädagogischer Austauschdienst (PAD) der Kultusministerkonferenz Nationale Agentur für EU-Programme im Schulbereich Postfach 22 40, D - 53012 BONN Tel: + 49 228 501 275, Fax: + 49 228 501 259 E-mail : Website: Language/ Langue : English + Français + Deutsch Contact Persons / Personnes à contacter : Ms Judith WEBER Tel: + 49 228 501 355, Fax: + 49 228 501 259 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English + Deutsch Mr Michael TEICHMANN Tel: + 49 30 5000-4010 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English + Français + Deutsch ________________________________________________________________________________ GREECE / GRÈCE ALN027 Ms Maria FASSARI Head of the Unit of International Relations, Directorate of European and International Relations, Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs 37, rue A. Papandreou, 15180 Maroussi, ATHENS Tel: + 30 210 344 2474 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English ________________________________________________________________________________ HUNGARY / HONGRIE ALN028 Ms Dóra SZENTIRMAI Ministry of National Resources, Szalay u.10-14, 1055 BUDAPEST Tel: + 36 1 795 4876, Fax: + 36 1 795 0265 E-mail: Language / Langue : English Deputy NLO / ALN Adjoint : Ms Katalin HORVATH Tempus Public Foundation, POB. 508, 1438 BUDAPEST Tel: + 361 237 1300, Fax: + 361 237 1329 E-mail: Website: Language/ Langue: English _________________________________________________________________________________ ICELAND / ISLANDE ALN029 Ms Edda KJARTANSDÓTTIR CCER - Centre for Continuing Education and Research School of Education, University of Iceland, Bolholti 6, 3h, 105 REYKJAVÍK Tel: + 354 525 5893 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English _________________________________________________________________________________ IRELAND / IRLANDE ALN030 Ms Sarah MORONEY International Section, Department of Education & Skills, Training College Building, Marlborough Street, DUBLIN 1 Tel: + 353 (0) 1 889 2027 E-mail: Language/ Langue : English ________________________________________________________________________________ ITALY / ITALIE ALN006 Dott.ssa Rita RENDA Ufficio VIII, Direzione Generale per gli Ordinamenti Scolastici e la Valutazione del Sistema Nazionale di Istruzione Ministero dell’Istruzione, Università e Ricerca Viale Trastevere 76/a-00153 ROMA ( ITALY) Tel: +39 (0)6 5849 2097 Fax: +39 (0)6 5849 2967 E-mail: Language/ Langue : English + Français _________________________________________________________________________________ LATVIA / LETTONIE ALN031 Ms Inta BARANOVSKA National Board of Education Ministry of Education and Science, Valnu street 2, 1050 RIGA Tel: + 371 673 509 61 Fax: + 371 672 265 35 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English _________________________________________________________________________________ LIECHTENSTEIN (ALN032) Mr Daniel MIESCHER Head of Upper Secondary and Higher Education Division Office of Education of the Principality of Liechtenstein Austrasse 79, Postfach 684 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein Tel: +423 236 6758 E-mail : Language/ Langue: English _______________________________________________________________________________ LITHUANIA / LITUANIE ALN033 Ms Violeta VALIUSKEVICIENE Language Department Adviser Education Development Centre, Katkaus str.44, 09217 VILNIUS Tel: + 370 5 210 98 28, Fax: + 370 5 272 43 15 E-mail: Website: Language/ Langue: English Contact Person / Personne à contacter : Ms Giedre TUMOSAITE E-mail: Language/ Langue: English _________________________________________________________________________________ LUXEMBOURG ALN034 Mr Camille PEPING Ministère de l’Education nationale et de la Formation professionnelle Institut de formation continue 21 Boulevard de la Foire, 1528 LUXEMBOURG Tel: + 352 (2) 478 5964, Fax: + 352 466 815 E-mail: Language/ Langue: Français + Deutsch + English _________________________________________________________________________________ MALTA / MALTE ALN035 Ms Carmen GRECH Education Officer (Training) Ministry for Education and Employment Great Siege Road Floriana, MALTA Tel: +356 2598 2710 or +356 7930 5998 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English + Italian __________________________________________________________________________________ REPUBLIC of MOLDOVA / REPUBLIQUE de MOLDOVA ALN036 Dr. Ludmila PAVLOV Head of the Department for International Relations and European Integration Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova Piata Marii Adunari Nationale 1, 2033 CHISINAU Tel: + 373 22 23 35 15 Fax: + 373 22 23 35 15 E-mail: Language / Langue: English Deputy NLO/ALN Adjoint: Ms Natalia GORBULEA General Department of Education, Information and Community Interrelation Division Tel: + 373 22 23 52 75, Fax: + 373 22 23 52 93 or 373 22 22 24 12 E-mail: Language / Langue: English _________________________________________________________________________________ MONACO ALN037 Ms Audrey CHEYNUT Direction de l’Education Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports Gouvernement Princier, Principauté de Monaco Avenue de l’Annonciade, 98000 Monaco Email: Copy to/copier à : and to/et à : Language/ Langue : French + English Deputy NLO/ALN Adjointe: Mme Laurence GUAZZONNE MILLIASSEAU Chargé de mission Direction de l’Education Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports Gouvernement Princier, Principauté de Monaco Avenue de l’Annonciade, 98000 Monaco Tel: + 377 98 98 80 96, Fax: + 377 98 98 85 74 E-mail: Language/ Langue: French + Spanish ________________________________________________________________________________ MONTENEGRO / MONTÉNÉGRO ALN038 Ms Natasa PERIC Bureau for Education Services Department for international cooperation and public relations Vaka Djurovica bb, 81000 Podgorica Mob: +382 69 093 047 Tel: +382 20 408 908 Fax: +382 20 408 927 E-mail: Language / Langue: English Deputy NLO/ALN Adjoint Ms Ljiljana SUBOTIC Bureau for education Services Department for CPD Nikole Djurkovica bb, 82000 TIVAT Tel: + 382 32 670 100, Fax: + 382 67 317 451 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English ________________________________________________________________________________ NETHERLANDS / PAYS-BAS ALN039 Ms Judith DAYUS-BROUWER Europeean Platform - internationalising education Kennemerplein 16, 2011 MJ HAARLEM Tel: + 31 (0)23 5531150, Fax: + 31 (0)23 5427174 E-mail: Website: Language/ Langue: English ________________________________________________________________________________ NORWAY / NORVÈGE ALN040 Ms Nina Corinne HANDING Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU) P.O.Box 1093, 5811 BERGEN Tel: + 47 55 30 38 38 Fax: + 47 55 30 38 01 E-mail: Website: Language/ Langue : English Deputy NLO/ALN Adjoint Ms Hilde Nauste MYHRE Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU) P.O.Box 1093, 5811 BERGEN Tel: + 47 55 30 38 38 Fax: + 47 55 30 38 01 E-mail: Website: Language/ Langue : English ________________________________________________________________________________ POLAND / POLOGNE ALN041 Ms Stefania WILKIEL Counsellor to the Minister Ministry of National Education, Department for International Cooperation Aleja Szucha 25, 00918 WARSZAWA Tel : + 48 22 34 74 312, Fax : + 48 22 34 74 253 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English _________________________________________________________________________________ PORTUGAL ALN004 Ms Luisa OLIVEIRA Director-General of School Administration Ministry of Education and Science Av 24 de Julho, 142, 1399-024 LISBOA Tel : + 351 213 938 886 E-mail : Language / Langue : English Deputy NLO/ALN Adjoint Ms Lília VICENTE DSHF - Direção de Serviços de Gestão de Recursos Humanos e Formação DGAE – Direção-Geral da Administração Escolar Av. 24 de Julho, nº 142, 1399-024 Lisboa Tel : +351 213 938 600 ext. 1318 Fax : + 351 213 943 496 E-mail : Language / Langue : English _________________________________________________________________________________ ROMANIA / ROUMANIE ALN042 Ms Daniela ANGELESCU General Department for International and European Relations Ministry of National Education 28-30 General Berthelot ST, 010168 BUCHAREST Tel: + 40 21 405 57 59, Fax: + 40 21 312 66 14 E-mail: Language/ Langue : English ________________________________________________________________________________ RUSSIAN FEDERATION / FÉDÉRATION DE RUSSIE ALN043 NLO to be confirmed/ ALN à confirmer ________________________________________________________________________________ SAN MARINO / SAINT-MARIN ALN044 Ms Monica CAVALLI Dipartimento Istruzione Contrada Omerelli 23, 47031 SAN MARINO Tel: + 378 0549 88 2262, Fax: + 378 0549 88 2301 E-mail : Language/ Langue : English + Deutsch + Français Deputy NLO/ALN Adjoint Remo Massari CINERTA (Centro Informazioni Nazionale per l'Educazione e per il Riconoscimento dei Titoli Accademici) Tel: + 378 (0) 549 88 25 15 Fax: + 378 (0) 549 88 25 19 E-mail: Website:,, Language/ Langue : English ________________________________________________________________________________ SERBIA / SERBIE NLO to be confirmed/ ALN à confirmer _______________________________________________________________________________ SLOVAK REPUBLIC / RÉPUBLIQUE SLOVAQUE ALN046 Ms Anna BUTAŠOVÁ Statny pedagogicky ustav (SPU), Pluhovà 8, P.O. Box 26, 83000 BRATISLAVA Tel : + 4212 55 56 58 35, Fax : + 4212 49 27 61 95 E-mail : Website: Language/ Langue : Français Deputy NLO/ALN Adjoint Ms Denisa Ďuranová Department for Foreign Languages National Institute for Education Pluhová 8, 830 00 Bratislava Tel: +421 2 492 76 119 E-mail: Website: Language/ Langue: English ________________________________________________________________________________ SLOVENIA / SLOVÉNIE ALN047 Ms Veronika PIRNAT National Education Institute, Department for International Cooperation Poljanska 28, 1000 LJUBLJANA Tel: + 386 1 3005 154 Fax: + 386 1 3005 199 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English ________________________________________________________________________________ SPAIN / ESPAGNE ALN005 Ms Beatriz TOURÓN Servicio Español Para La Internacionalización De La Educación (SEPIE) LLP and Erasmus+ Spanish National Agency Unidad de Educación Escolar y de Personas Adultas, Programa Pestalozzi y promoción de Lenguas / School and Adult Education, Pestalozzi Programme and Languages promotion General Oráa 55, 28006 Madrid Tel: + 34 915506730 E-mail: Language / Langue: Français + English Deputy NLO/ ALN Adjoint Mr Andrés Ajo LÁZARO Director de la Unidad de Educación Escolar y de Personas Adultas, Programa Pestalozzi y Lenguas / Head of Unit – School and Adult Education, Pestalozzi Programme and Languages promotion SERVICIO ESPAÑOL PARA LA INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN DE LA EDUCACIÓN (SEPIE) / LLP and Erasmus+ Spanish National Agency General Oráa 55, 28006 Madrid Tel: +34 91550 6733 E-mail: Website: Language/ Langue: English + Français ________________________________________________________________________________ SWEDEN / SUÈDE ALN048 Ms Annika NITTMAR Centre for Professional Development and Internationalisation in Schools Uppsala University, Box 2136, 75002 UPPSALA Tel: + 46 18 471 79 69, Mobile +46 70 425 04 34 Fax: + 46 18 55 07 48 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English ________________________________________________________________________________ SWITZERLAND / SUISSE ALN049 NLO to be confirmed/ ALN à confirmer ________________________________________________________________________________ “THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA” ALN050 “L’EX-RÉPUBLIQUE YOUGOSLAVE DE MACÉDOINE” Ms Veselinka IVANOVA Head of the Unit for Postsecondary Education and Adult Learning Ministry of Education and Science, Av. D. Cupovski n° 9, 1000 SKOPJE Tel: + 389 2 3106 528, Fax: + 389 2 3225 970 E-mail: or Language/ Langue: English ________________________________________________________________________________ TURKEY / TURQUIE ALN051 Ms Zuhal KARAKOÇ DORA Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Beşevler Kampüsü Avrupa Birliği ve Dış İlişkiler Genel Müdürlüğü Uluslararası Kuruluşlar Daire Başkanlığı C Blok BEŞEVLER, ANKARA Tel: +90 312 418 63 88 Fax: +90 312 418 8289 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English Deputy NLO/ ALN Adjoint Ms Seda KUZGUN Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Avrupa Birliği ve Dış İlişkiler Genel Müdürlüğü Uluslararası Kuruluşlar Grup Başkanlığı 6. Kat C Blok, 06648 Bakanlıklar, ANKARA Tel: +90 312 413 1690 or +90 312 413 15 30 Fax: + 90 312 425 54 01 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English ________________________________________________________________________________ UKRAINE ALN052 Ms Tamara PUSHKARYOVA Deputy Director The Institute of innovation techniques and education content of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Tel : + 380 (50) 511 68 16 E-mail: Language / Langue: English ________________________________________________________________________________ UNITED KINGDOM / ROYAUME-UNI ENGLAND / ANGLETERRE ALN053 Mr Nick PRESTON International Education Division | Department for Education Level 2 Sanctuary Buildings Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BT Tel: + 44 20 7340 8264 ext. 308264 E-mail: Language/ Langue: English SCOTLAND / ECOSSE ALN054 Mr Nick MORGAN Education Scotland, The Optima, 58 Robertson Street, GLASGOW G2 8DU Tel: + 44 141 282 5086, Fax : + 44 141 282 5140 E-mail: Website: Language / Langue: English WALES AND NORTHERN IRELAND PAYS DE GALLES ET IRLANDE DU NORD NLOs to be confirmed/ALN à confirmer _______________________________________________________________________________ OTHER / AUTRE KOSOVO (*) Mr Nehat MUSTAFA Deputy Minister, Head of the State Council for Teacher Licensing and Political Adviser of Minister of Education Ministry of Education, Science and Technology EXIMKOS Building, Mother Tereza Street, 7th Floor # 705, 3800 PRISTINA Tel : + 377 44 11 62 22 E-mail : Language / Langue: English Deputy NLO / ALN Adjoint Ms Nita DERMAKU E-mail : (*) « All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo. » / « Toute référence au Kosovo mentionnée dans ce texte, que ce soit le territoire, les institutions ou la population, doit se comprendre en pleine conformité avec la Résolution 1244 du Conseil de Sécurité des Nations-Unies et sans préjuger du statut du Kosovo. »
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