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Work Experience
Contact Details
Once a young person has been on the
programme for a few months, they will
start to formulate an idea of what type of
career they would like to pursue. We
encourage the young people to seek
Apprenticeships and Traineeships, as they
provide the young person with a more
secure and prosperous future than that of
an unskilled worker.
If you would like further information
Whilst on work experience the young
person is expected to work a full day fitting
in with the expectations of the employer.
An evaluation sheet is given to the
employer at the end of the placement,
which can then be added to their resume.
Past participants have stated that having
referees in the industry, coupled with work
experience in the field, has given them an
edge over other young people when
applying for work.
Parkerville Children and Youth Care
covers the young person’s worker’s
compensation whilst they are on work
Anna Ellis
Programme Manager
Education, Employment and
Training Programme
and Training
Ph: (08) 9290 1200
Fax: (08) 9295 4099
email: aellis@parkerville.org.au
PQS No: 422
Version: 3 Issue Date: 02/07/2014
General Information
The Education, Employment and Training
Programme is a work skills programme that
targets at risk 14 to 16 year old young people
who are not attending school. We are registered
Department of Education and Training as an
Alternative Education Provider for compulsory
school age non-attendees. Young people who
attend the programme may have been excluded
from school, received multiple suspensions, are
under threat of exclusion, chronically truant or
are school refusers.
Working alongside qualified tradespeople, EET
participants are employed to maintain and renovate the 16 buildings and take care of the
180ha of bush and farmland that makes up the
103 year old heritage listed Parkerville Children
and Youth Care campus. They are paid the
award wage and as such are expected to fulfil
all the responsibilities that employment brings
such as working safely, working in teams,
regular attendance, workplace communication
and producing the high quality of work
expected by employers.
Participants are given the opportunity to improve
their literacy and numeracy skills to a workplace
standard through daily one on one intensive
support from a qualified teacher on site. All are
enrolled as external students in Vetis Certificate
of General Education Adults (CGEA) which is a
nationally recognised qualification. Completion
of Certificate II of the CGEA provides them with
a Year 10 equivalent when applying for TAFE or
other further study.
Participants are referred to the programme by
the District Offices of the Department of
Education and Training, School Psychologists,
Chaplains, Social Workers and parents. We
assist on average 25 to 30 young people a year,
with a maximum of 10 at one time on campus.
The average length of stay is six months. Last
year, 90% of our participants left the programme
employment or further study. We always have
more referrals than places we can offer as the
programme has long established a reputation of
achieving positive outcomes for some of the
most marginalised young people within the
education system.
The programme aims to prepare young people
for the world of work and as such, they are
required to work a full day, commencing at
8.00am through to 3pm.
They are
required to complete timesheets, apply for a tax
file number and open bank accounts.
Participants are encouraged to start saving,
pay board to their parents and to budget with
the aim of developing good money handling
habits from a young age.
We encourage to young people to consider
different work types and it is expected that the
young person is working towards the goal of
leaving the programme within approximately six
months to enter pre-Apprenticeship training,
vocational training, employment or further study.