82 ῌ῎ ῐ῍ Bacillus cereus 1) 2) 1) 2) ! " 16 8 # 23 $ 17 4 # 25 % &$ 2002 '()*()+ Bacillus cereus ,-./01 23454678 2$ 34549 B. cereus ,!/01 ": &$ #$%;<9 B. cereus =&>?@'()*$ 78+,-/2 A./B2C$ D0&012 3454EFCG3/4HI0JKL*I01 M:/&$ NCO5P6QRS789T/U9:G3V?W B. cereus =XYZ[,;L0\<==W1 ]^ B. cereus =>?_@AHI0B&$ ` C& 60a75b cdD?&eE,fghiV?j;N$ D 02AB8Ck5FGJeE&$ H=,l/0N;h=KL*I1 IJHI0mK&$ G3LMW9$ nI&$ B. cereus ,o/0NOPpQ Bacillus R;hqrsS=TV?$ nVU&t,C/6LM?$ 103a 104 CFU/ml u?Wv01 VWX)*&$ WY?2A./G3V/$ B. cereus ,!/0j$ )*&$ Z 1.5w104 CFU/ml VU,!/01 $%;=[x>\];yz{^HIv_`?W1 Key words: Bacillus cereus, eEV$ $ ` ῏ £PG3V/? = ῑ Bacillus cereus &$ eE|=qrsS=TV? 9:}a~XY_@bXYcd7?W1 e w¤HI3)a5)1 ?&$ 2002 8, 9 # 2 3#t 6 x2 GfdgGRh,i+ V 3454678 ;N&?W1 /)/$ B. cereus &k 9 B. cereus =!HI0N9$ ¥oXY 2$ 3454 qr5=V;hJ2A./?G ¦ ICT (Infection Control Team) : 3V///@AHIV?W1), 2)1 2A X05u r=§EHI01 Ny¨ ./? Bacillus R=!HIj(&$ dklm ]$ z];785u r9?N B. cere- 3n5u r5?&o us !h,r$ 2A./}23454 !p 3a4 ?W9$ nfgh&qB8CG 6{©G3VªJ=KL*I01 ]^Rh 3VrHI1 Bacillus R;heE&$ ?&$ 2A./q}3454)*V! k5FG$ @>s$ t'(f ,|_J$ _};~2«v0h,r¬$ XYV su =,l0$ ¡¢?&$ k5v$ 2A./ "q% G3®¯_ /06)1 8· (¸448ῌ8505) ¹º 5ῌ15 TEL: 0566ῌ25ῌ2946 "% FAX: 0566ῌ25ῌ8216 E-mail: kensa-jyoho@ad.kariya-gh.or.jp 20 [cd7!»¼ Vol. 15 No. 2 2005. &$ [x+>\];yz{^?W9 $ x°±/$ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ²q]; ³ &;7)1 [´]&$ §E/0cd7!]X 9$ ῌ Lµ,*)N $ ῍B. cereus x°nP¶V Bacillus cereus "§¨©ª ῎ 6 5ab (CFU/ml) ij* 5ab (CFU/ml) X: z{| I. 1. 83 X1000 30 }YZA$E)*C v&6 c> TGC IFD&L defZ 2002 1 2003 12 !"#$%&% B. IG[\L 9 ml I) 1 ml 5UV cereus '(')* *+,- ./*0!"# 1 01 20E I2uD&L * Ko) )* !56WH> 50CHB, 1g hi 23)*456! 3) "#5 ! 1 "')* . 1> 1 02./j #7"56 5 $8 ) 01 20 @O2uv& !"#9%5:' P/+URk)"flm)*: 3 ;<* Z) ῌno I! 4L ῍BQ I! 1522L ! &=>+?',-"@() ῎pqG I! 37L d/g/ 24 )* A5./*1)*./ +, = /r)*W.s"@5UV (-BC&DEFG"@ 4!)H [[) 20 ml tbc c @. IJK !)H@.L ./ M #)* d0 d/g/tbc 65 N/01B* ./* 2O3J 35 9ou= m)* ou="< 4>1#P5 3 *!)H@. :¡J)<*F¢vwx5`£Y¤<* <*#:6 ( P5 3 ) 7Q h)*8) d) ou=0tbc% RS8./* 2. "@ 30 ml ]E^DEF) r)*FX sy)* `)*Cv&66 1) 59: c`£Y¤@FX`)*h ;T2)*> 1 !)H@. ab (CFU/ml) ij* 9"<U=)>V?W./* X Y/:M>V M# 20 @JA II. Z)*%B[\C)]E^ 1. )* " 1 _ ! 1 ;T)*:> !"#$% #&'()* +,+ -./01 B. cereus `aRDEbc d/J+;T>`aRe 2002 1 2003 12 ' Ebc"f)* d/g/`aFh ¥-z¦;T)* B. cereus §¨© ij* * M#G9 kHlH ª>«w= I{6 607 {L &= 2002 *j 9"=m)*24 8, 9 d|¬R@ 10 > }®¯B FhE 200 g n0) 1 K¥-;TI~<*$%&% ]E^I)> 200 g "flH J m;- °+± °±=¥- 5GKo)* L]E^>E pR %f $%&% B. cereus 10q JAMrsJ5G;N)* d) vw-R6ij/* 2002 10 K"@; t O2uv&P%/+Q" $%&% 2003 2 "@ @RsG9S9wT d0PG9 b;; d`a 2003 x@) 5UV 2) )* yWH FX> 5UV B. cereus '> 1.1q I2003 9 2 3L K)* I 1L ² 2003 2 } m)*³c YZ IG[\L !"#~D&]Z %"@ 30 ml z{| j* Y (-> &=+?',- IG[\L d/g/^K) E&|_ ²"f´)* ²µ¶·¸D¢ab h 37 2 U)*0 . R 0.04q "f;N./* 80 u 10 BQ 2 )* d0 `Cv&6 9) d(-¹"()]©ª 2{º»¼ Vol. 15 No. 2 2005. 21 ¡¢£¤¥¦§ 84 s1 ¨ ICT }Y-~* ~H;< B. cereus ῌῌ~HbF~w Bacillus c8~HbF~ : B. cereus, : Bacillus (5j_45F 350 r2002 idt 100 , JKVWXYZ[\]^0;< 2 )_` aIJBCD: b* ICU F* !" #$%&'()* +,- IJKc8 100, 2 )_MNO5dI ./012* +,34526789:;<* JBCD: 9=>* (,?@AB 2. CD: E* ICU FG 1) ef85g:5h HF=>* GH* IJKLC) 2003 i 5 j;<ki 4 jb lm 89:: 0 , IJM 5gnopq rs 2t i_uvwx: NO5PQRS TU10F* I 0* 103y104 CFU/ml 5g2z{ |Y,5 s 2 2003 i 5 j;< 2004 i 4 jb * IJ rBCt 5g |Y,5g 1 ,GH5g ῌῌ BC 5g ῌ ῌ BC ICU 5g 22 ,©ª«¬®¯°± Vol. 15 No. 2 2005. Bacillus cereus ³´¬µ«§¶vw$)·54 104 CFU/ml 85 - 55/85: (P? ]^_`=a B. cereus, B. subtilis, Paeniba- ! "#$%&'($)* cillus polymyxa bcd Type strain $ DNA/DNA 1 +( $,- .-( 2/3 0 hybrdization efg Ehi$ j=]^ 10 12345 2003 6 9 7$89 B. cereus klmD? no$ 3 a $= .- 65/80: ,- 25/29; ( 7 1 p 1 6Z$BCqZ* DrJ <$ $= 3.8>103 CFU/ml 1 +)! 3.0> 104 CFU/ml ?45 1 +)!$ 2004 6 1 7@ABCD? E 0< KL7ef_` 2) ICU, s(tuvwDr$ ]^= F?GHI( JKLM NODM5 ICU (_`vw 2003 6 5 7 PQ5RS5(55TUVW? vwx 100;, 3 <Z$yz{=|}~ $)XY6Z[\4 ,- 20/26;, . `@ Bacillus $]^Q J? 3 E$',+ $53 = /9 b+g A) E!( =@efQ(D? B) E ¡$ 1 +¢£!( ¤¥5¦§¦¨©9 P. polymyxa bcdg C) 2 +¢£!ª«¬®=¯m f° D) 3 +¢£!=«¬®=Q±²? D) Dr$« ¬®= 3 a ef +¸¹º»¼ Vol. 15 No. 2 2005. 23 ª«¬®¯° 86 !"#$% 75& ± 3) ]^#_?@Cc$GHS\fghS \Aij '()*+$ %, 100& -.-, DE?@3]^#_?@kI " /0 12345 5.06102 79.36103 Bacillus l]JmUnoACd 6.66103 CFU/ml CFU/ml "8 9: 2; < 7, 8, 10 => pq UI 2 F2 d 10 rO+ 3 Fs ?@ABCDE?@ 91 FGHI; J#K tqZ[.\uvwxyz{AC GHLM$KNCAOP3QRST U 105 CFU/ml |W}O M~%3 IJVAB3WX8YZ[.\ 9: 3; GH $%d 16721&, N%d 457 ]^#_?@3GH<`ab 60e "8 c12345$%d 21726&, N%d 50776e 4) "8 $%@J ) ? @ L A *+$I?@AB 100& ()*+ $ :4 ! A^C 60775& $%@J)*+$I?@AB !JI$%|£]#" A, B ! 95& W¤ UId 60& -£¥¦ C, D ! 100& 3 40 §2¨' UId 70& -£¥¦ E, F, G, H, I ! 75& W¤ UI 75& 3©(¨'¦ J, K, L, M ! 100&3(¨' :5 I$%?@ABf ῌῌ $% ῌ ῌ ¡ ABij 1 Xs ῌ¢ῌ ¡ ABij 2 Xs 24 F²³´µ¶·¸¹º Vol. 15 No. 2 2005. Bacillus cereus # NOPQRSTU7Y#*+" 87 103104 {|mn}QsPJ#$6+ 5 '#h CFU/ml ῌ 4 # pH 9 ~-` 500 ppm ῍ i |m(&"+ 8) 1 CDC s ῒ !" ῌ#$ 23 % tu῏#!"Wq""+ ! # &'( 160 { 71. { 25 {A:"q ῌ)(#*+" "3"q~~b"+ 7) !ῌ" lw#+" Y>45 B. cereus _ 75. ##$ #% 3 /&! 0!" #,"+ - !"K3 3 ῐl ' ῌ % 1 / 5 1 # % 5 / ( & ῌ 104 CFU/ml {23 lw 23 5 #K#&!"+1+ 3. 1(&{# EF#-7! 4)#*5 6+ 1 ,-7.# rA# #3"h j0ῌb $89/:"+ ;<13 0=112 jv#!"+ W# !$} 23 1 ,-7'6+ῌ >345 0 / $i! jtJ ῌῑ6? % 4. ῍7 % 1522. ῎ΐ jWH^>-`i 123 8@ % 37. 9#:A3 ῌ0B ῌ # [G,2 6075. 1.2C104 CFU/ml, ῍0.7C104 CFU/ml, ῎0.5C104 6+(!efghi1A3 Ba- CFU/ml 23 ;<45=D!EFG# cillus subtilis ,100. -6+ 1/ !"HIJ>? 6+>?K+HIJ@A 10 # 90z #(&1/ 0.7 6+B5! 0.1 "+ 8) ;< 100. 30 6+sB! 100. 60 ]Y' III. LMNOPQRSTUCV D EF1,#$ B. cereus GWH#IJ _ 23 ῑ'#_ 100. 120 ῑ!"`_!1 A3 g lw ICU, ¡XK XKLM#NO!Y>45ZY [PQRS :+ ¢£>AXK:+ 100. # T\]]UK#^>! _V`a Ujyz! W# ICU # bc LM B. cereus W#:dXYZ +" 100. 3 /]Y0U!`"¤ # [G 6075. \]Y ! [ L' ¥ w¦ 100. .6+(!efghi1+j # ¤1j2~! 85. [Y>Z^OE_`#`6+ a 60 12i `2§ Ab!abc [ B. cereus Y7'T #_ j! \]]1gkcldefmTnoJ NOPQRSTU¨V!" jlw pg Ahi j`45^>qV1$ t©ª# « ^$¬!w®#¡b r+&V2 9) 89`¢2i1A3 w'q7 NOPQ ,stu῏jk_` 80., 10 v RSTUl ª¯w#°£!"+ j "+ lw "xy# ¤±¥²45 2002 p 10 ³0U $ !" 0.04z {|mn}QsPJj]Y ¦¤± 131 §. 13 §$ ¨©_!1A3 B. ~o!"+ p/[ 103 cereus _ wt©#ª«^> 104 CFU/ml ῌqr'4)! ¬®d´¯2 i# ®°± µG #sB! 0j#[ 6+4)b suH¶(`(&abc =6 tJ! -7/ \7Y`(& L'`²=³·!" OPQRSTU¯ 2 jb! W# W:\6+Ac +¸´dµ¹! º¶®7Y7 ICT `# IJuv jAcEF1-7wx12 wº¶7Y0U!"+d(&2 yz Bacillus subtilis 6+#!" \j# h < 85. {Ac2 [ |}# Bacillus ·6+#» v¸1¹ ,῎º°± ¼»¼ Vol. 15 No. 2 2005. 25 +p 88 * !"#$%&'() #$'(+,(-./ 01213456 35 Paenibacillus polymyxa 7849: ;<=> 5) ?@AB"/ 7CDEFGHIJD 213456 K01LMN43O6 ῍ ῌ 1) Souvenir, D., D. E. Anderson, Jr., S. Palpant, et al. 1998. Blood cultures positive for coagulasenegative staphylococci: antisepsis, pseudobacteremia, and therapy of patients. J. Clin. Microbiol. 36: 1923῍1926. 2) Qian, Q. F., Y. W. Tang, C. P. Kolbert, et al. 2001. 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TUVWX#$YZ[%45 \]^_%`S p. 14῍33, abcDd7ef g5#$,( h 3 iῌjkl mnop qr s P;QR t ) uvwFxyDz{ |}S CDC: Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities Recommendations of CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) 2003. June 6, Vol. 52/No. RR-10. http://www. cdc.gov/ncidod/hip/enviro/guide.htm ~S 1994. 0 7OS 45: 63῍80. Oosthuizen, M. C., B. Steyn, J. Theron, et al. 2002S Proteomic analysis reveals di#erential protein expression by Bacillus cereus during biofilm formation. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68: 2770῍2780. Outbreak of Bacillus cereus Pseudobacteremia Linked to Contaminated Washcloths Yoshio Izawa,1) Makoto Ito2) 1) 2) Divisions of Clinical Microbiology, Infection Control and Epidemiology, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Toyota Medical Corporation, Kariya General Hospital, 5῍15 Sumiyoshi, Kariya, Aichi 448῍8505, Japan During the summer and autumn seasons of 2002 in an acute-care tertiary hospital, an outbreak of pseudobacteremia caused by Bacillus cereus occurred in chronically ill patients with an indwelling peripheral venous catheter. The source of Bacillus contamination was examined by analyzing extensive surveillance cultures of the patient’s skin, fabrics, medical equipment, and environmental surfaces. An unexpectedly high level of B. cereus contamination was identified in washcloths that were routinely used in nursing practices, such as backrubs, towel baths, and perineal care. The laundry of washcloths was outsourced. Clean, dry washcloths that were supplied following washing and sodium hydrochloride disinfection, were then soaked in water and heated in a steam bath at 65῍70 in the hospital ward before being used for care. Under these conditions, we consistantly found 103῍104 CFU/ml of Bacillus species in the freshly prepared washcloths. Up to 106 CFU/ml of contaminating microorganisms could be recovered 26 ]^_%` Vol. 15 No. 2 2005. Bacillus cereus 89 from washcloths stored at ambient temperature for more than 72 hours. It was postulated that the Bacillus cereus present in these washcloths might be transferred to the patient’s skin during sanitary care, which would then cause contamination of blood culture specimens following needle sticks. Spore-forming Bacillus species that are naturally resistant to ethanol-based antiseptics may comprise the majority of B. cereus found in hospital environments. Thus, the polices and procedures for washcloths were revised to include steam heating beyond 85 for 60 minutes and prohibition of prolonged storage in a wet state. These control measures were e#ective and substantially reduced the occurrence of pseudobacteremia due to Bacillus species. In conclusion, caregivers should be aware that washcloths may become contaminated with environmental spore-forming bacteria such as nonpathogenic Bacillus species. !" Vol. 15 No. 2 2005. 27
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