How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Special Talk 81 Special Lecture The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology President Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization 抄録 Program Osaka University Medical School, Osaka, Japan Medicine PhD(3/91) Osaka University Medical School, Osaka, Japan Medicine Postdoctoral Fellow Osaka University Medical School Department of Geriatric Medicine (T. Ogihara) Postdoctoral Fellow Stanford University School of Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine (Victor J. Dzau) Visiting Instructor Stanford University School of Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine (Victor J. Dzau) Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Assistant Professor Department of Geriatric Medicine (T. Ogihara) Osaka University Medical School Associate Professor Division of Gene Therapy Science (Y. Kaneda) Osaka University Medical School Visiting Professor The University of Hong Kong Professor Department of Clinical Gene Therapy Osaka University Medical School (Donated by Dai-ichi Pharmaceutical) MD(3/87) 13:30〜14:20 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 82 Professional Societies: Board; Japan Society of Vascular Biology Organization, Society for Intellectual Property, Japan Society of Anti-Aging, Japan Society of Gene Therapy, Japan Society of Venture Professional activities & appointments (selected) • Committee for Industry-Academia Relationship, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan • Committee for Human Resource, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan • Vice Chairman, Bio-Venture Association Originated from Universities • Past Member of Headquarter for Intellectual Property Strategy, Cabinet Office (Koizumi & Abe Cabinet) Editorial (selected from over 30): Circulation (1999-), Hypertension (2006-), The Open Gene Therapy Journal (2007-; Chief-in-editor; 2008-), Cardiovascular Research (2008-), Gene Therapy (2008-), Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis & Vascular Biology (2009-), Immunology, Endocrine and Metabolic Agents in Medicinal Chemistry (Associate Editor, 2009-) Honors (selected): 1993 Upjohn Young Investigator Award in Cardiology, Stanford University 1994 Young Investigator Award of the Dr. C & F. Demuth Medical Foundation at the 15th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of hypertension in Melbourne, Australia. 1996 Young Investigator Award (First winner) in Japanese Circulation Society 1996 Young Investigator Award in Japanese Atherosclerosis Society 1996 Harry Goldbratt Award in Council of High Blood Pressure, American Heart Association & Endocrinology 2001 Takamine Jokichi Award in 5th annual meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular 2002 Sato Award in 27th annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society 2003 Japan Innovator Award in 1st meeting (Nikkei BP) 2003 Award from Minister of Education in 1st meeting 2005 Invitrogen-Nature-Biotechnology Award 01/2000 03/2003-present 10/98-03/2004 4/95-96/9 10/96-10/98 5/94-96/8 8/91-4/94 4/91-8/91 4/87-3/91 Carrier: 4/81-3/87 Birthday: 5/12/1962 Degree: MD, PhD Morishita Ryuichi 会長講演/President Lecture 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 disease. Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index 83 Y.I.A. Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization will be initiated soon. In this lecture, I will introduce recent progress in molecular therapy to treat cardiovascular Symposium neointimal formation after balloon injury as compared to normal balloon catheter. Clinical trial of DEB catheter developed NFkB decoy eluting balloon (DEB) catheter. In rabbit study, DEB balloon catheter inhibited against NFkB, an essential transcription factor for inflammation and adhesion. Using decoy ODN, we have In addition to cell and gene therapy, oligo-based therapy is also promising. We have developed decoy ODN How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine regenerative drug in the world. will be started soon, as FDA accepted fast track status. HGF (CollategeneTM) will be as a first vascular were no major safety problems. HGF gene therapy is safe and effective for CLI. Currently, global phase III trial improvement rate (100% [11/11]) than placebo (40% [2/5]; P=0.018). HGF plasmid also improved QOL. There group, showing a significant difference (P=0.014). In Rutherford 5 patients, HGF achieved a significantly higher overall improvement rate of the primary endpoint was 70.4% (19/27) in HGF group and 30.8% (4/13) in placebo randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in PAD patients was reported (Gene Therapy 2010). The HGF as most potent mitogen to stimulate angiogenesis. Recently, an exciting positive result from phase III Special Talk one of most promising strategy to treat PAD is therapeutic angiogenesis using gene therapy. Our group identified found by Prof. Yamanaka are also highlighted as promising cell sources for regenerative medicine. Currently, outcome, although further placebo control studies are necessary. In addition, embryonic stem cells and iPS cells Special Lecture open label pilot studies to treat no option patients with PAD and IHD demonstrated the beneficial clinical cardiovascular diseases. It is noteworthy that using bone marrow stem cells initiated by Japanese researchers, including stem cell therapy, gene therapy, oligonuclotides therapy and peptide therapies to treat various Recent progress in vascular biology and medicine has led to the development of novel molecular therapy Department of Clinical Gene Therapy, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine Ryuichi Morishita End of The Beginning; A New Era of Vascular Biology & Medicine President Lecture Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD PP Program Second Department of Surgery, Osaka University School of Medicine Research fellow Institute for Molecular and Cellular Biology Osaka University Research Associate Howard Hughes Medical Institute University of Utah Research Assistant Professor Department of Human Genetics University of Utah Senior Associate Howard Hughes Medical Institute University of Utah Head of Biochemistry Department Cancer Institute, Tokyo Professor, Department of Clinical Genetics Osaka University School of Medicine Head, Division of Genome Analysis Cancer Institute, Tokyo Professor, Laboratory of Molecular Medicine Institute of Medical Science The University of Tokyo Director, Human Genome Center Institute of Medical Science The University of Tokyo 13:50〜14:40 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 84 Awards 1991 Honarary Citizenship, The State of Maryland, USA 1992 Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Award 1993 The Research Award of Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research 1995 The Award of the Japanese Society of Human Genetics 1996 Takeda Medical Prize 2000 Keio Medical Science Prize 2002 The Tomizo Yoshida Award of the Japanese Cancer Association 2004 The Medal with a Purple Ribbon (for contributions to education and culture) 2006 Bulgarian Academy of Medical Science, Foreign Member 2010 Chen Award for Distinguished Academic Achievement in Human Genetic and Genomic Research (HUGO) Members in Japan Society of Human Genetics (President, 2007-present) Japanese Cancer Association (board member) American Association of Cancer Research American Society of Human Genetics Science Council of Japan (2005-present) Member in the Editorial (or Advisory) Board for Annals of Human Genetics Cancer Science (Editor-in-Cheif) Cancer Research (Senior Editor 2003-2006, Deputy Editor 2007-2009) Cell Cycle Clinical Genetics Genes Chromosomes & Cancer Molecular Cancer Research International Journal of Oncology Journal of Human Genetics (Editor-in-Chief 1997-2007) Neoplasia 1995 April - present 1994 October - present 1995 April – 2000 March 1996 April - 1999 March 1989 April - 1995 March 1989 January - 1989 August 1987 September - 1989 August 1984 October - 1988 December Occupation: 1977 May - 1981 March 1981 April - 1984 October Education: Graduated from Osaka University Medical School in March 1977 1977 May Medical Doctorʼs License in Japan 1984 August Ph. D. of molecular genetics from Osaka University for a thesis entitled: “Sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic alpha-amylases” Business Address: Human Genome Center Institute of Medical Science The University of Tokyo 4-6-1, Sirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8639, Japan TEL 03-5449-5372, FAX 03-5449-5433 Nationality: Japanese Date of Birth: December 8th, 1952 Position: Director, Human Genome Center Professor, Laboratory of Molecular Medicine Institute of Medical Science The University of Tokyo Yusuke Nakamura 特別講演 1/Special Lecture 1 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 90 Yttrium-labeled MAb 92-13 ( 90Y-MAb 92-13) to a mouse SS- Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Index 85 Poster The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization development of novel therapeutic drugs and diagnostic tools. analysis should be a very effective approach for identification of molecules that are potential targets for translational research will be introduced in the meeting. These results indicated that systematic expression than 1100 cancer patients have been enrolled by the end of July 2010. The promising clinical output of our translational research using some of them in August 2006. We are now running 30 different protocols and more T lymphocytes that would specifically kill cancer cells in an HLA-A restricted manner. We have so far isolated also screened 9- or 10-amino acids peptides corresponding to a part of such oncoantigens that induce cytotoxic growth of SS in mice, indicating that MAb 92-13 could be utilized as the novel treatment modality for SS. We xenograft model. Expectedly, a single intravenous injection of Y.I.A. Presentation nearly 60 peptides (HLA-A02 or HLA-A24 restricted) derived from about 50 oncoantigens and started 90 Symposium Y-MAb 92-13 drastically inhibited tumor attempted radioimmunotherapy using an against FZD10 was effectively internalized into the SS cells after its binding to FZD10 on the cell surface, we activity against native FZD10 product expressed in synovial sarcoma (SS) cell lines. Since the MAb 92-13 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine established a murine monoclonal antibody (MAb), namely, 92-13 for FZD10 product that had specific binding cycle arrest, apoptosis, or suppression of anchoring-dependent cell growth. Using such information, we function as oncogenes in various cancers. The suppression of expression of such genes with siRNA induced cell in any important vital organs. The further functional analysis identified dozens of genes that are likely to in comparison with their corresponding normal tissues and (2) expression was not observed or hardly detectable genes by the criteria as follows; (1) gene expressions were transactivated in a large proportion of cancer tissues breast, and soft tissues as well as acute and chronic myeloid leukemias. We have selected hundreds of candidate pancreas, stomach, colon, esophagus, bile duct, uterus, lung, ovary, kidney, urinary bladder, testis, prostate, Special Talk cancers in those tissues. So far, we have analyzed more than 1,300 clinical cancer samples of the liver, experiments disclosed a number of genes that appeared to be involved in development and/or progression of cancerous tissues using a cDNA microarray that consists of more than 30,000 genes or ESTs. These Special Lecture comparing expression profiles of cancer cells originated from various organs with their corresponding non- tumor marker) and for treatment of cancer (molecular-targeting drug, cancer vaccine, antibody), we have been human cancers. To isolate novel targets for diagnosis (predictive marker for the efficacy of treatment as well as cDNA microarray technologies have enabled us to obtain comprehensive data for gene expression profiles of Director, National Cancer Center Research Institute Human Genome Center, Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo Yusuke Nakamura From cancer genomics to cancer treatment President Lecture Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD SP01 Program 10:40〜11:30 Philosophy Doctor (PhD) at the School of Medicine, Kyoto University Obtained a medical licence (Licence# 220365) Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 86 Prize: Fritz von Siebold Prize (Germany) Mochida Medical Foundation Prize (Japan) Kiyohara Makoto Prize (Japan) Government commitments: The Bioethical Committee of the Cabinet of Japan The Bioethical Committee of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology of Japan The Stem Cell Therapy Committee of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan International Stem Cell Initiative Academic Associations: International Society for Stem Cell Research Japanese Society for Immunology Japanese Cancer Association Japanese Society of Inflammation and Regeneration Japanese Society of Haematology Member of Advisory Council Welcome Trust Centre for Stem Cell Research (Cambridge) Stem Cell Institute of Bangalore (Bangalore) Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences (Kyoto University) Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Editorial Board Development Cell Stem Cell Education: Jan. 1987 Nov. 1973 April 1967 → Mar. 1973 Deputy Director of RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology and Group Director of the laboratory for Stem Cell Biology May 1993 → March 2003: Professor, Dept Molecular Genetics, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University April 1987 → Sep. 1993 Professor, Dept. Morphogenesis, Institute of Embryology and Molecular Genetics, Kumamoto University Medical School Sep. 1983 → March 1987 Associate Professor, Dept. Microbiology, Chest Disease Research Institute, Kyoto University Nov. 1980 → Jan. 1983 Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Genetics, Cologne University Dec. 1973 → Oct. 1980 Intern, resident, and principal physician Hospital of Chest Disease Research Institute, Kyoto University Occupation: May 2000 → present : Research Interest 1) Molecular and cellular basis of the stem cell niche 2) Steering ES cell differentiation 3) Molecular mechanisms underlying vascular remodeling 4) Developmental biology of the secondary lymphoid organ Correspondence address : Lab. for Stem Cell Biology, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, 2-2-3 Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0047, Japan. E-mail : Personal Information Date of birth:03/06 1948 Gender: Male Nationality: Japan Shin-Ichi Nishikawa M.D., Ph.D. 特別講演 2/Special Lecture 2 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Selected Oral Presentation HSC. Index 87 Poster The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization present our current hypothesis on the integrated process of embryonic vasculogenesis and differentiation of and which region of vascular network is derived from YS Runx1+ area. In the symposium, I would like to project is currently underway, we are starting to understand how vascular network is formed in early embryo etv2/er71 is extremely useful for deleting progenitors of EC and HSC in a region specific manner. While this areas of mesodermal tissues of E7.5 embryo formed an integrated vascular system and how the hemogenic Runx1+ region. Hence, the final issue is to dissect the process by which Flk1+ cells distributing in distinct and may rarely differentiate to EC. Indeed, our own study suggested that only 2-3% of EC are derived from Y.I.A. Presentation endothelial cells derived from Runx1+ area is integrated to this network. For this purpose, conditional KO of Symposium hypothesis predicts that Flk1+ cells in Gata1 or Runx1 area are driven more strongly to hematopoietic lineage expressed give rise to primitive erythrocytes and YS cells that express Runx1 alone give rise to HSC. This region specific manner. Namely, the cells in the most proximal region where both Gata1 and Runx1 are to more distal region where Flk1+ cells distribute. Thus, likely scenario is that HSC fate is determined in a How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine expressed in the most proximal part of YS. Likewise, Runx1 expression spans over whole YS but not extends and Runx1 in this Flk1+ population is regulated by extrinsic factors. Indeed, in E7.5 embryo, Gata1 is factors (TF) involved in HSC development such as Gata1 and Runx1. We are thinking that expression of Gata1 default fate is EC. However, this default fate is able to be interrupted by additional expression of transcriptional etv2/er71 expression ? We speculate that the transient expression etv2/er71 induces a ground state whose expression, two lineage start to diverge after its expression. How then is the fate divergence is regulated after whose major fate is to generate EC and HSC. While EC and HSC share the common pathway until etv2/er71 phenotype is due to differentiation arrest at the process of the primitive mesoderm to the Flk1+ lateral mesoderm Special Talk indicating the presence of common pathway for both cell lineages. Our own observations suggested that this Dr. Lee of KAIST reported that null mutation of etv2/er71 resulted in complete lack of both HSC and EC, Since then, we have been investigating both HSC and EC as two lineages integrated within a system. Indeed, Special Lecture derived from a set of endothelial cells (EC) that are fully integrated within the embryonic vascular network. explained. During the course of this study, we came across a possibility that hematopoietic stem cells are the most extensively studied stem cell, but yet its developmental pathway in mammals has not been fully The main focus of my group is to elucidate embryonic development of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) that is Center for Developmental Biology, RIKEN Shin-ichi Nishikawa Embryonic development of vascular system including hemogenic endothelial cells. President Lecture Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD SP02 Program 14:20〜15:10 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 88 EDITORIAL BOARD: Endocrine J. ( Editorial Board, 1990-1999 ) Diabetologia ( Associate Editor, 2000-2002 ) Diabetes (Editorial Board, 2002-) J. Clin. Invest. (Editorial Board, 2002-) Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders (Editorial Board, 2002-) The Journal of Endocrine Genetics (Editorial Board, 2003-) Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism (Editorial Board, 2004-) Current Diabetes Reviews (Editorial Board, 2004-) Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (Editorial Board, 2004-2007) Endocrinology (Editorial Board, 2004-2007) Diabetes Care (Editorial Board, 2007-) The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (Editorial Board, 2007-) Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, (Editorial Board, 2007-) Journal of Diabetes (Editorial Board, 2009-) Journal of Diabetes Investigation (Executive Editor, 2010-) Diabetology International (Editorial Board Member, 2010-) HONORS AND FELLOWSHIPS: Fogarty International Fellowship (1986-1990) Young Investigator Award of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine (1992) Research Award of the Japan Endocrine Society (1993) Shionogi-Lilly Award of the Japan Diabetes Society (1993) Research Support Award of the Japan Medical Association (1993) Research Award of the Tokyo Medical Association (1995) Research Award of the Association of Tokyo University Medical School (1995) Erwin von Baelzprize (2001) The Best Teacherʼs Award of Tokyo University Medical School (2001) Academic Award of the Mochida Memorial Foundation (2002) Hagedorn Award of the Japan Diabetes Society (2004) Sankyo Takamine Memorial Award (2004) Medical Award of The Japan Medical Association (2007) The Uehara Prize (2007) Award of the Japan Society of Experimental Diabetes and Obesity (2008) Awardee of a Medal with Purple Ribbon (2010) SOCIETIES: The Japan Diabetes Society (Chairman of the Board of Directors) The Japan Endocrine Society (Board Member) Japan Society for the study of obesity (Board Member) American Diabetes Association The Endocrine Society POSITIONS HOLD: 1978-1980 Resident in Internal Medicine, Tokyo University Medical School 1981-1982 Medical Staff in Endocrinology and Metabolism Department, Institute for Adult Diseases 1983-1986 Clinical Research Fellow, Diabetes Section, the Third Department of Internal Medicine,Tokyo University Medical School (Section Chief: Dr. Masato Kasuga) Visiting Fellow, Biochemistry and Molecular Pathophysiology Section, Diabetes Branch, National Institute of Diabetes, 1986-1990 Digestive, and Kidney, Disease, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, U.S.A. (Branch Chief: Dr. Simeon Taylor) 1990-1998 Chief, Diabetes Branch, Assistant Professor, the Third Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo 1998-2000 Chief, Diabetes Branch, Lecturer, the Department of Metabolic Diseases, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo 2001-2003 Chief, Diabetes Branch, Associate Professor, the Department of Metabolic Diseases, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo 2003-present Chief, Diabetes Branch, Professor, the Department of Metabolic Diseases, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo Advisor to the President of the University of Tokyo 2004-2006 2005-present Vice-director of Tokyo University Hospital 2008-present Chairman of the Board of Directors, The Japan Diabetes Society 2009-present Special Advisor to the President of the University of Tokyo EDUCATION: Tokyo University Medical School / Tokyo M.D. 1978 Medicine TETLE: Professor WORKING ADDRESS: The Department of Metabolic Diseases, Granduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8655, Japan TEL: 81-3-5800-8815 FAX: 81-3-5800-9797 E-mail: BIRTH DATE: August 29, 1952 Takashi Kadowaki, M.D., Ph.D. 特別講演 3/Special Lecture 3 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Index 89 Poster The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Selected Oral Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Y.I.A. Presentation ameliorating skeletal muscle insulin resistance. and insulin delivery. Improving endothelial insulin signaling may serve as a novel therapeutic strategy for causes skeletal muscle insulin resistance as a consequence of the impaired insulin-induced capillary recruitment We conclude that a genetically and/or environmentally induced insulin signaling defect in the endothelial cells Symposium result, significantly restored glucose uptake by the skeletal muscle in HF diet-fed obese and ETIrs2KO mice. the endothelial cells completely reversed the reduction in the capillary recruitment and insulin delivery, and as a indeed recapitulated these phenotypes. Moreover, restoration of the insulin-induced eNOS phosphorylation in and interstitial concentrations of insulin. Mice with the Irs2 deletion in the endothelial cells (ETIrs2KO mice) How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), resulting in a reduction of the insulin-induced capillary recruitment cells, with reduction of insulin receptor substrate (Irs)2 expression and insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of mice with decreased glucose uptake in the skeletal muscle, exhibit impaired insulin signaling in the endothelial skeletal muscle are known to be delayed and impaired. Here, we demonstrate that high-fat (HF) diet-fed obese In subjects with type 2 diabetes and obesity, insulin delivery and insulin-dependent glucose uptake by the 2. Role of endothelial cell insulin signaling in obesity-linked muscle insulin resistance as well as strategies to increase AdipoR1 in muscle could be exercise-mimetics. may play causal roles in mitochondrial dysfunction and insulin resistance seen in diabetes. Agonism of AdipoR1 Special Talk bioenergetics stimulated with adiponectin in muscle cells. Decreased levels of adiponectin/AdipoR1 in obesity activation via extracellular Ca2+ influx and AMPK/SIRT1, respectively, and subsequent mitochondrial sensitivity and exercise endurance, and 2) be required for adiponectin-induced PGC-1α expression and Special Lecture AdipoR1 appears to 1) regulate mitochondrial function and oxidative stress in muscle as well as insulin muscle, we generated muscle-specific AdipoR1 knockout mice. Based up on the analysis of these mice, Adiponectin is an anti-diabetic adipokine. To clarify the physiological roles of adiponectin receptors in skeletal 1. Role of adiponectin / adiponectin receptors in obesity-linked muscle insulin resistance The Department of Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Granduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo Takashi Kadowaki Molecular mechanism of obesity-linked insulin resistance and type2 diabetes President Lecture Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD SP03 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 90 Area of Specialization: Cardiovascular Development, Regeneration and Ageing, Mechanisms of Cardiac Hypertrophy and Heart Failure, Signal Transduction Editorial Board: Journal of Clinical Investigation, Circulation Research (Associate Editor), Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, Journal of Molecular Cellular Cardiology, Circulation Journal, Japanese Heart Journal, Heart & Vessel, Genes to Cells Awards and Honors: 1987 Gold Medal for Erwin von Balz Preiz 1990 American College of Cardiology/Merck Award 1993 Louis N. Katz Basic Science Research Prizes for Young Investigators(Finalist), American Heart Association 2000 Sato Award of Japanese Circulation Society 2003 Award of Japanese Society of Molecular Medicine Outstanding Investigator Prize of the International Society of Heart Research 2010 Presidentʼs Distinguished Lecture Award of the International Society of Heart Research Professional Experience: 1982-1984 Resident in Internal Medicine, Tokyo University Hospital 1984-1989 Clinical and Research Fellow in Cardiology, Department of Medicine III, University of Tokyo School of Medicine 1989-1993 Research Fellow and instructor, Molecular Medicine Unit and Cardiovascular Division, Beth Israel Hospital and Harvard Medical School 1993-1998 Instructor in Medicine, Chief of Molecular Cardiology Division, Department of Medicine III, University of Tokyo School of Medicine 1998-2000 Assistant Professor in Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine 2000-2001 Associate Professor in Medicine, Department of Medicine III, Chiba University School of Medicine 2001-2010 Professor in Medicine, Chairman, Department of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine 2005-2007 Vice president of Chiba University Hospital 2009Professor, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine 2010Visiting Professor in Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine Education: 1978-1982 M.D., Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo 1985-1989 Ph.D., Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo Issei Komuro, M.D., Ph.D. 特別講演 4/Special Lecture 4 12月3日 (金) /Friday, December 3 10:40〜11:30 Poster Index 91 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization dysfunction with coronary artery disease. therapy is also effective for cardiac ischemia and are starting the clinical study for patients with cardiac angiogenic factors, thereby promoting neovascularization in ischemic tissues. We have recently found that this Symposium secret angiogenic factors sufficient for neovascularization but, instead, stimulate muscle cells to produce and its efficacy was associated with increases in the plasma levels of angiogenic factors. Implanted cells do not Cell therapy using peripheral mononuclear cells was very effective for ~70% of patients with limb ischemia, patients with critical limb ischemia and treated ischemic limbs by implantation of peripheral mononuclear cells. How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine mechanism by which cell therapy improves tissue ischemia remains obscure. We enrolled ~80 “no-option” endothelial progenitor cells effectively promotes neovascularization in ischemic tissues. However, the Accumulating evidence has suggested that implantation of bone marrow mononuclear cells which contain failure. the anti-angiogenic property of p53 has a crucial function in the transition from cardiac hypertrophy to heart hypertrophy further and restored cardiac dysfunction under chronic pressure overload. These results suggest that cardiac angiogenesis by introducing angiogenic factors or by inhibiting p53 accumulation developed inhibited Hif-1 activity and thereby impaired cardiac angiogenesis and systolic function. Conversely, promoting Special Talk hypertrophy and induced systolic dysfunction. Sustained pressure overload induced an accumulation of p53 that Hif-1 and angiogenic growth factors. Inhibition of angiogenesis prevented the development of cardiac hypertrophy but cardiac function was impaired, and the vascular density was reduced with downregulation of Special Lecture (Hif-1)-dependent induction of angiogenic factors. After 14 days, however, there was no further cardiac dysfunction until 14 days and initially promoted vascular growth in the heart by hypoxia-inducible factor-1 which is produced by constricting transverse aorta of mice, induced cardiac hypertrophy without cardiac Prolonged cardiac hypertrophy causes heart failure, but its mechanisms are largely unknown. Pressure overload, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine Issei Komuro Angiogenic therapy for heart failure President Lecture Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD SP04 Program 14:40〜15:10 Actress Naomi Kawashima 女優 川島 なおみ Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 92 主な出演 TV 映画 舞台・ステージ 2010年10月 小説・エッセイ CD 4月〜 CX系東海テレビ『エゴイスト〜egoist〜』レギュラー出演 2010年1月 『サヨナライツカ』イ・ジェハン監督 2010年8月 舞台『鬼灯町鬼灯通り三丁目(再演) 』 ミュージカル『FAME』 2009年6月23日 扶桑社『熟婚のすすめ』 2009年6月24日 『Actrice』リリース 受 賞 名誉ソムリエ 就任 / パラオ共和国 親善大使 就任 フランスワイン三大産地(シャンパーニュ・ボルドー・ブルゴーニュ)より騎士号を叙任 2005年サンテミリオン・ジェラード騎士号を叙任 1998年第35回 ゴールデン・アロー賞 放送賞 コマンドール騎士号を叙任 資 格 日本ソムリエ協会認定 ワインエキスパート チーズプロフェショナル協会認定 チーズプロフェッショナル 全日本ソムリエ連盟認定 シガーアドバイザー スキューバーダイビングライセンス キューバシガー協会認定 名誉シガーマスター 2008年4月〜広島国際学院大学 現代社会学部 客員教授 経 歴 昭和35年、愛知県名古屋市出身。 青山学院大学在学中にデビューし、平成9年に主演した、テレビドラマ『失楽園』や、映画『鍵』などの作品で、大きな 話題を呼ぶ。 現在も、テレビ、映画、舞台など幅広く活躍している。 また、ワインエキスパート、名誉ソムリエの称号、茶道、料理、フランス語、クラシックバレエなど多彩な趣味も、魅 力に花を添えている。 SL01 スペシャルトーク 1/Special Talk 1 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 12:50〜13:20 Index 93 Poster The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Selected Oral Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Y.I.A. Presentation Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Symposium 2001 Born Graduated from the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Law, Seikei University Entered Kobe Steel, Ltd. Executive Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Affairs Elected for the first time to the House of Representatives Director of the Committee on Health and Welfare, House of Representatives Director of the Social Affairs Division, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary, Second Mori Cabinet Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary, Reshuffled Second Mori Cabinet Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary, Reshuffled Second Mori Cabinet Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary, First Koizumi Cabinet Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary, Reshuffled First Koizumi Cabinet Secretary General, LDP Acting Secretary General and Chairman of Reform Promotion Headquarters, LDP Chief Cabinet Secretary, Reshuffled Third Koizumi Cabinet 90th Prime Minister of Japan How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 2000 Career 1954 1977 1979 1982 1993 1999 2002年 2003年 2004年 2005年 2006年 2007年 Special Talk 2001年 Special Lecture 2000年 安倍晋太郎、洋子夫妻の二男として生まれる 成蹊大学法学部政治学科卒業 株式会社神戸製鋼所入社 外務大臣秘書官 衆議院議員初当選 衆議院厚生委員会理事 自由民主党社会部会長 内閣官房副長官(第二次森内閣) 内閣官房副長官(第二次森改造内閣) 内閣官房副長官(第二次森改造内閣) 内閣官房副長官(第一次小泉内閣) 内閣官房副長官(第一次小泉改造内閣) 自由民主党幹事長 自由民主党幹事長代理・党改革推進本部長 内閣官房長官(第三次小泉改造内閣) 第90代内閣総理大臣 内閣総理大臣を辞任 The 90th Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe 第90代内閣総理大臣 安倍 晋三 President Lecture 略 歴 1954年 1977年 1979年 1982年 1993年 1999年 SL02 スペシャルトーク 2/Special Talk 2 12月3日 (金) /Friday, December 3 Program 15:20〜16:20 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 94 Juan Carlos López was born in Oaxaca, México, in 1967. He obtained his first degree on Biomedical Research at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, majoring in neuroscience. Juan Carlos got his Ph.D. degree from Columbia University (New York) the laboratory of Eric Kandel, studying synaptic plasticity in neuronal cultures. He then carried out postdoctoral work at the Instituto Cajal (Madrid), studying presynaptic mechanisms of transmitter release. During this period, Juan Carlos wrote a book on the neurobiology of memory (“El Telar de la Memoria”, Algar Editorial), with which he won the IV European Award of Scientific Dissemination in 1998. Two years later, Juan Carlos left experimental research to become Editor of Nature Reviews Neuroscience in London. In January 2004, he returned to New York to become the Chief Editor of Nature Medicine. In addition to his work at Nature Medicine, Juan Carlos has pursued his interest in translational research through other activities within and outside Nature Publishing Group. So, he is heavily involved in running a project known as SciCafé̶a NPG activity that aims to facilitate translational research by introducing young scientists with a proven track record of high-quality, commercially viable research to venture capital firms in the San Francisco, Boston and London regions. Juan Carlos is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board and of the Board of Directors of Noscira, a Spanish biotechnology company interested in neurodegeneration, a member of the Board of Directors of the Eureka Institute, an international initiative that aims to promote translational research by fostering the education of MDs and PhDs interested in bridging the gap between bench and bedside, and a member of the Board of, an independent internet TV network for the life sciences that provides news and analysis for investors and executives. Editor of Nature Medicine Juan Carlos López How to write Nature Medicine 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Special Talk 95 Special Lecture The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology President Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Program 13:00〜13:50 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 96 PL01 the regulation of angiogenesis will be described in the symposium. active system for the termination of angiogenesis. The detailed role of VASH-1 and its homologue, VASH-2, for preferentially in ECs at the site of angiogenesis. Our subsequent analysis indicates that VASH-1 constitutes an The expression of VASH-1 is induced in ECs by the stimulation with VEGF, and VASH-1 protein is shown or negative-feedback fashion. Our group isolated one of such inhibitors and named it vasohibin-1 (VASH-1). process. Such inhibitors intrinsic to the vasculature are thought to regulate angiogenesis by an auto-regulatory vessels. However recently, ECs themselves have been found to produce angiogenesis inhibitors during this inhibitors is mostly extrinsic to the vasculature, and they may act as barriers to restrict the invasion of neo- A number of endogenous angiogenesis inhibitors have been found in the body. The origin of these angiogenesis Angiogenesis is thought to be regulated by the local balance between stimulators and inhibitors of this process. been unknown whether or not there is an active system for the termination of angiogenesis. relieved, that decreases the synthesis of angiogenesis stimulators and angiogenesis subsides. However, it has they initiate and promote angiogenesis. When new vessels are formed and blood starts to flow, hypoxia is thought to be hypoxia. Hypoxia increases the synthesis of certain angiogenesis stimulators such as VEGF, and including age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. The principal trigger of angiogenesis is development, and wound healing; whereas pathologic conditions include various cancers and ocular diseases physiological and pathological conditions. Physiological conditions include reproduction, body and organ in the body, but has the capacity to form neo-vessels. This process, known as angiogenesis, occurs under both The vascular system, a hierarchical network of arteries, capillaries and veins, is one of the most quiescent organs Professional Experiences Research Associate, First Department of Internal Medicine, Oita Medical University, Oita, Japan 1985-1987 1987-1989 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Cell Biology, New York University Medical Center, New York, USA 1989-1994 Assistant Professor, First Department of Internal Medicine, Oita Medical University, Oita, Japan 1994-Present Professor, Department of Vascular Biology, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan Education 1978 M.D. Kobe University School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan 1987 Ph.D. Kyushu University Postgraduate School of Medicine, Fukuoka, Japan Current Address Department of Vascular Biology, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University 4-1, Seiryo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8575, Japan Phone 81-22-717-8528 Fax 81-22-717-8533 E-mail Yasufumi Sato University Department of Vascular Biology, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku Yasufumi Sato A system for the termination of angiogenesis プレナリーレクチャー 1/Plenary Lecture 1 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 13:00〜13:50 Poster Index 97 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Symposium The concept of reprogramming of somatic cells has opened a new era in regenerative medicine. Transduction of defined factors has successfully achieved pluripotency. However, during the generation process of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, genetic manipulation of certain factors may cause tumorigenicity, which limits further application. We report that a single transfer of embryonic stem (ES) cell–derived proteins into primarily cultured adult mouse fibroblasts, rather than repeated transfer or prolonged exposure to materials, can achieve full reprogramming up to the pluripotent state without the forced expression of ectopic transgenes. During the process, gene expression and epigenetic status were converted from somatic to ES-equivalent status. We verified that protein-based reprogramming was neither by the contamination of protein donor ES cell nor by DNA/RNA from donor ES cell. Protein-iPS cells were biologically and functionally very similar to ES cells and differentiated into 3 germ layers in vitro. Furthermore, protein-iPS ells possessed the potentials of in vivo differentiation (well differentiated teratoma formation) and development (chimeric mice generation and germline transmission through a tetraploid blastocyst complementation). Our results provide an alternative and safe strategy for the reprogramming of somatic cells that can be used to facilitate pluripotent stem cell–based cell therapy. How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine RESEARCH INTERESTS [1] stem cell biology [2] gene therapy ; prevention of restenosis by gene therapy using in vivo vascular injury model [3] vascular biology ; implication of GSK3b, beta-Catenin, Integrin-linked kinase, or Forkhead transcription factor in vascular cells [4] pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease Special Talk BRIEF CHRONOLOGY of EMPLOYMENT Mar. 1984 - Feb. 1985 Internship, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea Mar. 1985 - Feb. 1988 Residency in Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea Mar. 1988 - Apr. 1991 Military Medical Officer, Captain, Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul District Army General Hospital, Seoul, Korea May. 1991 - Aug. 1992 Clinical Fellowship in Cardiology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea Sep. 1992 - Feb. 1994 Visiting Researcher in Molecular Cardiology, 3rd Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Mar. 1994 - Feb. 1996 Instructor, Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital Mar. 1996 - Feb. 2000 Assistant Professor, Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital Jan. 2000 – Jan. 2002 Visiting scholar, Division of Cardiovascular Research, St. Elizabeth Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA Mar. 2000 – Mar. 2006 Associate Professor, Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine / Cardiovascular Center Seoul National University Hospital Apr. 2006 – present Professor, Director of Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory & Coronary Intervention, Department of Internal Medicine / Cardiovascular Center Seoul National University Hospital Director of National Research Laboratory for Cardiovascular Stem Cell Seoul National University. Premedical Course, College of Liberal Arts & Science, Seoul National University Seoul National University College of Medicine ( M.D. ) Postgraduate School, Seoul National University ( Master of Medical Science ) Postgraduate School, Seoul National University ( Ph.D. in Medical Science ) Special Lecture EDUCATION Mar. 1978 - Feb. 1980 Mar. 1980 - Feb. 1984 Mar. 1985 - Feb. 1987 Mar. 1987 - Aug. 1994 Personal Age and Sex ; 51 / Male Date of birth ; March 26th, 1959 Place of birth ; Busan, Korea Citizen ship Korea (Republic of Korea) Languages Korean, Japanese, English Hyo-Soo Kim, MD, PhD. Institute for Cell Therapy, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea National Research Laboratory for Cardiovascular Stem Cell, Innovative Research Hyo-Soo Kim Induction of pluripotent stem cells from adult somatic cells by protein-based reprogramming without genetic manipulation President Lecture Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD PL02 プレナリーレクチャー 2/Plenary Lecture 2 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 Program 10:00〜11:40 (日本語) Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 98 Cellular senescence was originally defined as the finite replication of human somatic cells in culture. Various stimuli, such as telomere dysfunction and oxidative stress, can activate p53-dependent DNA damage signals and therefore induce cellular senescence. There is evidence that senescent cells promote changes related to aging or age-related diseases. Aging is known to increase the prevalence of metabolic disorders like diabetes. Therefore, we hypothesized that cellular aging might influence insulin resistance and accelerate the development of diabetes. By using various genetic models, we show that p53 expression in adipose tissue is critically involved in insulin resistance, which underlies age-related cardiovascular and metabolic disorders. Telomerase-deficient mice with short telomeres developed insulin resistance when fed a high-calorie diet. The adipose tissue of these mice showed senescence-like changes, such as increases in expression levels of p53 and production of proinflammatory cytokines. We also found that excessive calorie intake led to the accumulation of oxidative stress in the adipose tissue of type 2 diabetic mice and promoted senescence-like changes. Inhibition of p53 activity significantly ameliorated these senescence-like changes of adipose tissue and improved insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic mice as well as in telomerase-deficient mice. Conversely, up-regulation of p53 in adipose tissue caused an inflammatory response that led to insulin resistance. Our results demonstrate a previously unappreciated role of adipose tissue p53 in the regulation of insulin resistance and suggest that cellular aging signals in adipose tissue could be a novel target for the treatment of diabetes and diabetic vasculopathy. 千葉大学大学院医学研究院 循環病態医科学、2科学技術振興機構さきがけ 1 南野 徹1,2 SY01-02 Lifestyle-related disease and cellular aging signal network Since our ancestor employed glucose as circulating sugar, mammals including human have been destined to suffer diabetes and its vascular complications, because glucose and its derivatives possess glycating carbonyls. An in vitro screen conducted in this lab revealed a class of senescent macromolecules - advanced glycation endproducts (AGE) as the major environmental account for vascular cell changes characteristic of diabetes, and the receptor for AGE (RAGE) as the primary cellular factor that responds to AGE. We then demonstrated with gene-manipulated animals that RAGE overexpression accelerates, but RAGE deficiency ameliorates, the development of diabetic nephropathy. Low molecular-weight heparin was found to be a RAGE antagonist, being capable of reversing as well as preventing diabetic glomerulosclerosis. In collaboration with the group of Professor Kobayashi, Osaka University, we determined the three-dimensional structure of human RAGE protein, and have conducted structure-based virtual screen for RAGE antagonists. Further, through an analysis of polysomal RNA from human vascular cells we identified a splice variant coding for a decoy form of RAGE and termed it endogenous secretory RAGE (esRAGE). esRAGE was able to neutralize AGE actions on endothelial cells. More recently, agents that elevate intracellular cyclic AMP were found to convert cell surface RAGE to soluble RAGE through ectodomain shedding. Diabetic complications apparently have been exploiting RAGE but may be counteracted by soluble RAGE. Means that could halt abuse of the former device or could induce the latter should help overcome this life- and QOL-threatening disease. 金沢大学大学院医学系研究科血管分子生物学、2金沢医科大学生化学 1 山本 博1、渡邉 琢夫1、山本 靖彦1、米倉 秀人2、棟居 聖一1、大江 和代1、杉原 崇大1、齋藤 英仁1、 本吉 創1、韓 冬1、ミャット ミンチュチュ1、アボウゼッド タレク1、大原 拓郎1、牧石 祥平1、 高辻 樹理1 SY01-01 Senescent Macromolecule AGE and Vascular Derangement in Diabetes シンポジウム 1:血管の代謝・老化 Symposium 1:Vascular Metabolism and aging 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Selected Oral Presentation 99 Y.I.A. Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Symposium The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Recent major increases in obesity and related metabolic diseases, due to sedentary lifestyle and overnutrition in developed and developing countries, are an exploding medical and social problem. These conditions are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death. Thus, it is necessary to understand the molecular basis underlying metabolic diseases and cardiovascular disease for developping effective preventive and therapeutic approaches against cardiovascular disease. Recently, we found that adipose tissue-derived angiopoietin-like protein 2 (Angptl2) activates an inflammatory cascade in endothelial cells and induces chemotaxis of monocytes/macrophages in obesity, resulting in initiation and propagation of inflammation within adipose tissues and obesity-related metabolic diseases (Cell Metabolism 2009). More recently, we found that endothelial cells-derived Angptl2 contributes to chronic vascular inflammation, resulting in vascular endothelial dysfunction. Furthermore, we found that elevated circulating levels of Angptl2 were associated with vascular inflammatory status in centenarians, and were associated with increased carotid atherosclerosis in the multivariate regression model adjusted for cardiovascular risk factors in the communityliving seniors aged 85 years or older. In this presentation, I would like to focus my talk on the roles of Angptl2 in cardiovascular disease, and discuss the possibility that Angptl2 could function as molecular targets for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 熊本大学大学院生命科学研究部(医学系)分子遺伝学分野 Special Talk 尾池 雄一 Special Lecture SY01-04 Roles of Angiopoietin-like protein 2 in cardiovascular diseases President Lecture Angiogenesis is a phenomenon in which new blood vessels emerge from an existing vascular network in developmental and pathological contexts, including age-related and metabolic diseases. Understanding of the phenomenon sheds light on therapeutic development against the diseases. In the process of angiogenesis, vascular endothelial cells (ECs) and mural cells coordinately behave and then form tree-like structures. We currently give much interest to unveil a yet-to-be-defined question how vascular ECs move individually and/or collectively during angiogenic morphogenesis. For the purpose, we have established a time-lapse imaging system, in which the real-time movement of ECs is visualized with nuclear marking in in vitro angiogenesis and the following computer-assisted analyses can characterize the ECs behavior quantitatively. Furthermore, in order to monitor the behavior of individual cells on a multicellular structure, we have recently developed an analyzing system, in which dynamics of cell polarity or filopodia formation can be examined. Through the analyses, we have identified unexpected but intriguing patterns of multicellular movement, some of which appears to reflect in vivo phenomenon in retinal angiogenesis. In this presentation, I will discuss cell-based mechanisms underlying angiogenesis on the basis of our recent findings and the merit of our methodological strategy “from ex vivo to in vivo” for the understanding of angiogenic morphogenesis. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科代謝生理化学 西山 功一、有馬 聡、栗原 裕基 time-lapse live imaging SY01-03 A novel approach toward an understanding of angiogenesis using in vitro Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 100 SY02-2 SY02-1 10:00〜11:40 (日本語) The epidermal growth factor (EGF) family is synthesized as a type I transmembrane protein (pro-form). The cleavage at the juxtamembrane domain of proHB-EGF, a member of the EGF family, is mediated by a disintegrin and metalloprotease (ADAM) and matrix metalloprotease (MMP) with various stimuli such as ultraviolet, hypoxia, oxidative and osmotic stress, and growth factors and cytokines. We previously reported that mice expressing an uncleavable proHB-EGF mutant (uc-proHB-EGF) develop severe cardiac dilation, which is not observed in proHB-EGF null mice. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the tissue disturbance that depends on insufficient proHB-EGF shedding remains unclear. We investigated the role of proHB-EGF shedding in the survival of a rat cardiomyoblast cell line, H9c2. Overexpression of uc-proHB-EGF or abrogation of proHB-EGF shedding by a metalloproteases inhibitor enhanced cell death both under normoxic and hypoxic conditions, but the effect was considerably more under the hypoxic conditions. Further we found that uc-proHBEGF caused the activation of Caspase-3 and c-Jun N-terminal kinase as well as the accumulation of reactive oxygen species. Based on these findings, we would like to discuss the role of C-terminal fragment signaling of proHB-EGF evoked by its ectodomain shedding, and present unpublished data about the regulatory mechanism of the ectodomain shedding. 愛媛大学プロテオ医学研究センター細胞増殖・腫瘍制御部門、2愛媛大学大学院医学系研究科生化学分子遺伝学分野 1 東山 繁樹1,2、井上 博文1,2 C-terminal fragment signaling of proHB-EGF for protection of cardiac cell death Heart failure (HF) is a major health problem in all countries including Japan, associated with high morbidity and mortality. Our ultimate goal of HF treatment is to improve the prognosis of patients. Despite advances in both pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment of HF over the last 25 years, many patients still progress to a stage of advanced HF with high mortality. There are two approaches to solve this crucial issue; the development of better therapeutic strategies based on a novel insight into the pathophysiology of myocardial remodeling and the improvement of quality of the standard treatment in routine clinical practice. Our basic approach is to develop the therapeutic strategy of myocardial remodeling by regulating mitochondrial oxidative stress. Chronic increases in oxygen radical production in the mitochondria can lead to a catastrophic cycle of mitochondrial DNA damage as well as functional decline, further oxygen radical generation, and cellular injury. These cellular events play an important role in the development and progression of maladaptive myocardial remodeling and failure. Therefore, mitochondrial oxidative stress is a good therapeutic target for HF. Our clinical approach is to develop the effective strategies of HF management for the patients encountered in clinical practice (“real world”). Nearly half of all patients with HF have preserved ejection fraction (HFPEF). Compared to those with reduced EF, patients with HFPEF are older, more women, and more likely to have hypertension and atrial fibrillation. However, the effective treatment for HFPEF has not been established. Further research based on both basic and clinical approaches are critically needed to establish the novel and more effective treatment strategies for patients with HF. 北海道大学大学院医学研究科循環病態内科学 筒井 裕之 Pathophysiological Insight and Effective Treatment Strategies for Heart Failure -From both basic and clinical science- シンポジウム 2:心不全・冠動脈 Symposium 2:Heart Failure 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 101 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Symposium The angiotensin II (AngII) type 1 (AT1) receptor is a seven transmembrane spanning G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), and the activation of AT 1 receptor is involved in regulating the pathophysiological process of cardiovascular system. In principle, AT1 receptor is activated upon binding to AngII. However, in practice, recent in vitro studies demonstrated that the AT1 receptor inherently shows spontaneous constitutive activity even in the absence of AngII. In addition, we have demonstrated that the AT1 receptor can be activated by mechanical stress independently of AngII through conformational switch of the receptor. To elucidate the role of AngII-independent AT 1 receptor activation in the pathogenesis of cardiac remodeling, we generated transgenic mice overexpressing AT 1 receptor under the control of 㱍-myosin heavy chain promoter in angiotensinogen-knockout background (AT 1 Tg-AgtKO). In AT 1 Tg-AgtKO hearts, redistribution of G㱍 q11 subunits into cytosol and phosphorylation of ERKs were significantly increased, compared with angiotensinogen-knockout mice hearts, suggesting that AT1 receptor is constitutively activated independently of AngII. As a consequence, AT 1 Tg-AgtKO mice showed spontaneous systolic dysfunction and chamber dilatation, accompanied by severe interstitial fibrosis. Cardiac remodeling in AT 1Tg-AgtKO mice was prevented by treatment with candesartan, an inverse agonist of AT1 receptor, but not by its derivative candesartan-7H, deficient of inverse agonism due to a lack of the carboxyl group at the benzimidazole ring. Our results demonstrate that constitutive activity of AT 1 receptor under basal conditions contributes to the cardiac remodeling even in the absence of AngII, when AT1 receptor is up-regulated in the heart. How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科循環器内科学 Special Talk 赤澤 宏、小室 一成 Special Lecture Agonist-independent activation of angiotensin II receptor in the pathogenesis of cardiac remodeling Signals activated by increased hemodynamic overload to the heart finally reach nuclei of cardiac myocytes, change patterns of gene expression and cause their maladaptive hypertrophy. Nuclear acetylation controlled by histone deacetylases and an intrinsic histone acetyltransferase, p300, is a critical event during this process. However, a pharmacological heart failure therapy that targets this nuclear pathway has yet to be established. Curcumin is a cell-permeable natural compound, which possesses HAT inhibitory activity with specificity for p300/CBP. Curcumin is a polyphenol that is responsible for the yellow color of Indian curry spice turmeric, and commonly used as a health-food diet. Here, we demonstrate that this non-toxic dietary compound provides a novel heart failure therapy that targets nuclear signaling pathway in cardiac myocytes. In cultured neonatal rat cardiac myocytes, curcumin inhibited hypertrophy-induced acetylation of GATA4, one of hypertrophyresponsive transcription factors, and its DNA binding in cardiac myocytes. Curcumin also disrupted p300/ GATA4 complex and repressed agonist- and p300-induced hypertrophic responses in these cells. The acetylated form of GATA4 and p300/GATA4 complex markedly increased in hypertensive hearts of adult rats. Then, we examined the effects of curcumin in 2 different heart failure models in vivo: one model was hypertensive heart disease in salt-sensitive Dahl rats, and the other model was myocardial infarction in rats. In both models, curcumin prevented deterioration of systolic function as well as increase in wall thickness and hypertrophy of cardiac myocytes. Moreover, combined treatment of curcumin and ACE inhibitor, lisinopril, had synergistic effects on the improvement of the post-MI LV systolic function. 静岡県立大学薬学部分子病態学、2国立病院機構京都医療センター展開医療研究部 1 森本 達也1、長谷川 浩二2 Inhibition of p300 histone acetyltransferase activity by curcumin provides a novel heart failure therapy President Lecture SY02-4 SY02-3 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 102 SY02-5 We identified a Toll-like receptor family member ST2, with transmembrane (ST2L) and soluble (sST2) isoforms, as an inducible gene product due to mechanical stress in myocardium. As we observed the increased serum ST2 level in mouse model after acute myocardial infarction (AMI), we sought the clinical importance of ST2 and surrounding mechanisms against acute myocardial stress. Serum ST2 levels at presentation predicted 30-days outcome of patients with AMI as well as mortality or transplantation of patients with severe nonischemic heart failure (HF). Several following studies confirmed that elevated baseline serum ST2 level independently predicted mortality after 1-year, and better in combination with NT-proBNP, in patients with AMI or AHF. Recently, a novel protein IL-33 was identified as a functional ligand of ST2L, allowing exploration of pathophysiological role of ST2 in myocardium. We found that IL-33 is a biomechanically-induced protein predominantly from cardiac fibroblasts. IL-33 significantly antagonized angiotensin-II- and phenylephrinederived NF-kappaB activation and following cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. In a pressure overload model, ST2KO mice had more left ventricular hypertrophy, more fibrosis, more chamber dilation, reduced contraction and impaired survival compared with WT littermates. Treatment with recombinant IL-33 protein markedly reduced these changes and restored survival only in WT mice, not in ST2-KO littermates. Furthermore, IL-33 also inhibited apoptosis, prevented cardiac remodeling and improved survival after AMI. In conclusion, ST2 is a good biomarker to predict mortality after acute heart events, and composes a critical mechanically-activated signaling system with IL-33 to protect myocardium against cardiac overload or stress. 国立循環器病研究センター心臓血管内科、2大阪大学大学院医学系研究科循環器内科学 1 真田 昌爾1,2、小室 一成2、北風 政史1 A new TLR family member that predicts cardiac mortality and comprises stress-induced cardioprotective signaling 10:00〜11:40 (日本語) Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Selected Oral Presentation 103 Y.I.A. Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Symposium The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as an unstable or shorter duration of erection which greatly affects menʼs QOL. Nitric oxides sustainably provided by the endothelium are essential to achieve erection. The main cause of ED is the decrease in the production of nitric oxide in endothelium by oxidative stress. ED is a risk factor for the life-style diseases since it indicates the endothelium dysfunction. Fortunately one can be aware of ED and appreciate ED as a sentinel for the upcoming more serious vascular diseases. In this lecture, the topics of PDE5 inhibitors and the new application of shock waves to treat ED will be presented. How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 帝京大学医学部泌尿器科 Special Talk 堀江 重郎 Special Lecture ED is a vascular disease that you can aware of. Recent evidence suggests that acute coronary syndrome (ACS) results from plaque rupture in most of the cases. Vulnerable plaques are characterized by thinning of fibrous cap, increased lipid content, decreased smooth muscle cell content, and enhanced infiltration of inflammatory cells. However, the molecular mechanism of plaque destabilization is not fully understood. Thus, there is no established method to predict and prevent ACS. We have been studying the pathogenesis of plaque progression and destabilization, using animal models and clinical specimen. ApoE-deficient mice showed exaggerated atherosclerotic lesions with aging. Accumulation of macrophages in adventitia was first detected prior to plaque formation. Proliferation of vasa vasorum was observed only after atherosclerotic lesion formation. Local delivery of an angiogenic growth factor promoted lesion formation with enhanced neovascularization in the adventitia. Periadventitial fat is distributed ubiquitously around arteries. By using fat transplantation method, we found that periadventitial fat may protect against neointimal formation after angioplasty under physiological conditions and that inflammatory changes in the periadventitial fat may have a direct role in the pathogenesis of vascular disease accelerated by obesity. Moreover, by analyzing epicardial adipose tissue obtained during elective cardiac surgery, we found that epicardial adipose tissues in patients with coronary artery disease display inflammatory phenotype, which may play a role in the pathogenesis of coronary artery disease. In this symposium, I will show our findings on the molecular mechanism of atherosclerosis. Moreover, I will present our new data how angiogenesis is regulated by androgen and a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor. 徳島大学大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部循環器内科学 佐田 政隆 Atherosclerosis, Angiogenesis and Sex hormones President Lecture SY03-2 SY03-1 シンポジウム 3:性ホルモン (抗加齢医学会とのジョイントシンポジウム) Symposium 3:Anti-aging 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 104 SY03-4 SY03-3 Background: Dehydroepiandrposterone (DHEA), a most abundantly produced adrenal steroid, plasma concentration usually far exceeds that of any other sex steroid hormones and its concentration decreases with aging. DHEA may have a protective effect against age-related illnesses including cardiovascular disease. Recently, spectral analysis of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) radiofrequency (IVUS-Virtual Histology [VH]) data demonstrated a potential to provide detailed quantitative information on plaque composition. We assessed the hypothesis that DHEA was associated with coronary plaque volume and composition and verified the difference of morphological distribution along coronary vessel walls.Methods and Results: Pre-intervention IVUS-VH using a continuous pullback (0.5 mm/s) was performed prospectively in 111 coronary vessels in 111 male patients with stable effort angina pectoris (average 67 years old). Dense calcium volume increased as DHEA decreased (Pearson r=-0.287,p<0.03). Fibro fatty volume also was prone to decrease as DHEA decreased (Pearson r=0.056,p=0.06). However, there was no significant change in plaque volume or necrotic core volume regardless of DHEA. In addition, either of the free testosterone or estrogen did not have any relation with the plaque morphological distribution data estimated by IVUS-VH. Conclusions: The dense calcium volume has close relation with DHEA. DHEA is well known to decrease with aging. The morphological distribution of plaque is affected by old age. These findings may suggest that the stable plaque was more in old male patients with low DHEA. On the other hand, the vulnerable plaque may be more in relative young male patients with coronary risk factors. 佐賀大学循環器・腎臓内科 河野 宏明 Relationship between dehydroepiandrposterone and plaque morphological distribution in male patients with angina pectoris In contrast to the vasoprotective action of estrogen, androgen has been considered a bad guy for cardiovascular disease. However, recent epidemiological studies have found that androgen deficiency is associated with higher mortality largely due to cardiovascular disease in community-dwelling elderly men. Also, the results of smallscale studies support the vasoprotective effects of androgen replacement therapy in men with androgen deficiency, although clinical trials are required to establish the efficacy of androgen replacement therapy. In parallel with the progress in clinical studies of menʼs health, mechanisms of androgen action are being investigated in the field of vascular medicine. At the symposium, I will talk about our recent clinical and basic studies on vasoprotective action of androgen. These include: 1) Low plasma testosterone levels are associated with cardiovascular disease risk, metabolic syndrome and endothelial dysfunction in Japanese men (Akishita M, et al. Atherosclerosis 2010; Hypertens Res 2010; Hypertens Res 2007). 2) Testosterone rapidly induces NO production via androgen receptor (AR)-dependent non-genomic activation of eNOS in vascular endothelial cells via direct interaction of AR with p85㱍 (Yu J, et al. Endocrinology 2010). 3) AR-dependent transactivation of growth arrest-specific gene 6 mediates inhibitory effects of testosterone on vascular smooth muscle cell calcification (Son BK, et al. JBC 2010). 東京大学大学院医学系研究科加齢医学 秋下 雅弘 Vasoprotective action of androgen and the role of androgen receptor 15:10〜16:50 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 105 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Symposium CD34+-derived progenitor cells (CD34PCs) play a dual role in protecting against and promoting atherosclerosis. We investigated the role of vascular niches composed of endothelial cells (ECs) and smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in CD34PC commitment and its underlying mechanisms. CD34PCs and subpopulations CD34+CD31+ and CD34+CD31- cells were isolated from fresh human peripheral blood by using immunomagnetic beads and placed over ECs co-cultured with SMCs on a porous membrane or in 3-dimentional collagen gels. CD34 + CD31 + cells exhibit higher adhesiveness and potential to differentiate into endothelial and myelomonocytic cell lineages than CD34 + CD31 - cells. Flow cytometric analysis, scratched-wound, bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, pseudo-tube formation, and foam cell formation assays demonstrated that CD34 + CD31 + cells adhered on and transmigrated across ECs commit to mature ECs and macrophages, respectively. SMC-co-culture induced adhesion and transmigration of CD34 + CD31 + cells through increased expressions of endothelial intercellular adhesion molecule-1, delta like-4, and Jagged-1 and activations of their counterreceptors 㱎2 integrin and Notch-1 in CD34+CD31+ cells; these two pathways play differential roles in modulating CD34+CD31+ cell commitment. Femoral artery wire-injury and cell implantation assays in severe combined immunodeficiency and apolipoprotein E-deficient mice confirmed the differential roles of adherent and transmigrated CD34 +CD31+ cells in preventing and promoting atherosclerosis. Our findings demonstrate the importance of vascular niches in directing CD34+CD31+ cell fate through opposite regulation by 㱎2 integrin and Notch. How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine National Health Research Institutes Special Talk Yu-Tsung Shih、Tung-Lin Yang、Mei-Chun Wang、○Jeng-Jiann Chiu Special Lecture Vascular Niches Direct CD34+CD31+ Progenitor Cell Fate: Roles of β2 integrin and Notch Background - Renal dysfunction is commonly accompanied by a worsening of atherosclerosis; however, the underlying molecular mechanism is not fully understood. We examined the role played by soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1), an endogenous antagonist of the proatherogenic cytokine placental growth factor (PlGF), in the worsening of atherosclerosis in patients with renal dysfunction and in an animal model of renal failure. Methods and Results In this study, 329 patients who received cardiac catheterization and 76 patients who underwent renal biopsy were studied. Both plasma sFlt-1 levels and renal sFlt-1 mRNA expression were positively correlated with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) (p<0.01). PlGF/sFlt-1 ratio was negatively correlated with eGFR (p<0.01), while plasma PlGF levels were not affected by eGFR. PlGF/sFlt-1 ratio was significantly lower in patients with multi-vessel coronary artery disease (CAD) than patients with single or no CAD. The reduction of circulating sFlt-1 and renal sFlt-1 mRNA levels were confirmed in 5/6 nephrectomized apoE-deficient mice, which developed experimental renal dysfunction. Atherosclerotic plaque area and macrophage infiltration into the plaque were significantly higher in 5/6 nephrectomized apoE-deficient mice than in control, but replacement therapy with recombinant sFlt-1 significantly reduced both the plaque formation and the macrophage infiltration. Conclusions - The present study indicates that sFlt-1 is involved in the worsening of atherosclerosis in chronic kidney disease. The First Department of Internal Medicine, Nara Medical University, Kashihara, Japan Yoshihiko Saito Soluble Flt-1 Is Involved in the Mechanism for Aggravation of Atherosclerosis in Chronic Kidney Disease (English) President Lecture SY04-2 SY04-1 Symposium 4:Atherosclerosis Wednesday, December 1 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 106 SY04-4 SY04-3 Background: Acute coronary syndrome is a major cause of death in Japan and western countries. Current medical treatments, however, are insufficient to prevent atherosclerotic plaque rupture. Here we developed a novel nanoparticle-based drug delivery system (nano-DDS) that attains selective delivery of therapeutic agents into peripheral monocytes/macrophages that play a key role in atherogenesis. Methods & Results: Nano-DDS is composed of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nanoparticles (NP) and formed by emulsion-solvent-diffusion method to incorporate therapeutic agents. In atherosclerotic ApoE deficient mice fed with high fat diet and infused with angiotensin II, intravenously injected FITC-NP was found in the peripheral CD11b + monocytes 1-hour after injection, and then atherosclerotic lesions in the aortas and brachiocephalic arteries. We prepared nanoparticles that incorporate peroxisome proliferator activated receptor㱏 (PPAR㱏) agonist pioglitazone (Pio-NP) that is known to modulate macrophage phenotypic polarity less inflammatory. After 4-week treatment of Pio-NP, we evaluated atherosclerotic plaque destabilization (fibrous cap thinning, macrophage infiltration) and rupture (disruption of fibrous cap, buried fibrous caps) in the brachiocephalic arteries. Pio-NP (7 mg/kg i.v. weekly) but not oral pioglitazone (1 mg/kg daily) significantly reduced plaque destabilization and rupture. Oral pioglitazone, but Pio-NP, significantly induced ENaC-alpha and gamma in the kidney that underlies its clinical side effects including edema and heart failure. Conclusion: Monocyte-selective nano-DDS potentiated therapeutic efficacy of pioglitazone to inhibit macrophage-mediated inflammation leading to plaque destabilization and rupture, while reducing possibility of side effects. Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Kyushu University Graduate School of Medical Sciences Tetsuya Matoba、Kensuke Egashira Nanoparticle-Mediated Monocyte-Selective Drug Delivery System for Treatment of Atherosclerotic Plaque Rupture Background: HDL and apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I) take up cholesterol from macrophages and transport it back to the liver. ApoA-I and ABCA1 generate HDL in the liver. We identified anti-atherogenic adiponectin (APN) from adipocytes and noted a positive correlation between plasma HDL-C and APN concentrations. Plasma APN is reduced in patients with metabolic syndrome. We showed APN increases the hepatic expression of ApoA-I and ABCA1 and attenuates the secretion of ApoB100 from hepatocytes. To evaluate the molecular mechanism, we tested whether COUP-TFII and LXR alpha are involved in this mechanism. Methods and Results: HepG2 cells were incubated in medium containing recombinant APN after incubation with siRNA or control RNA for COUP-TFII or LXR alpha and mRNA levels of ApoA-I and ABCA1 were measured. APN up-regulated mRNA and protein levels of ApoA-I and ABCA1. Expressions of COUP-TFII and LXR alpha were significantly increased by APN, while these were significantly lower in APN-KO mice. Inhibition of COUP-TFII by siRNA reduced APN-induced enhancement of ApoA-I but not ABCA1 in HepG2 cells. Serum APN level is inversely correlated with serum TG level. APN down-regulated the mRNA and protein levels of ApoB100 in HepG2 cells, resulting in attenuation of ApoB100 secretion. In APN-KO mice, serum ApoB100 and hepatic ApoB100 mRNA expression were increased compared with WT mice. Reduction of COUP-TF2 after incubation with siRNA enhanced APN-induced reduction of ApoB100 mRNA in HepG2 cells. Conclusion: APN enhances hepatic HDL synthesis through COUP-TFII- and LXR alpha-dependent pathways. APN inhibits hepatic VLDL synthesis via COUP-TFII-dependent pathway, which may explain the molecular mechanism of hypertiglyceridemia associated with metabolic syndrome. Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine Shizuya Yamashita Adiponectin Enhances Hepatic Synthesis of HDL and Inhibits Secretion of VLDL How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index 107 Special Talk The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Special Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Emerging roles of adipose tissue in metabolic disorders has been extensively studied. Adipose tissue can directly modulate vessel wall homeostasis by influencing the endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and leukocytes in the vessel wall via secretion of cytokines and chemokines. Recent studies have shown that the pattern of gene expression and secretory factors in visceral fat would be more atherogenic compared with that in subcutaneous fat. However, a direct effect of visceral as well as subcutaneous adipose tissues on vascular inflammation is not fully tested in vivo. We examined the direct effect of adipose tissue on vascular inflammation by intravital microscopic analysis of the femoral artery after adipose tissue transplantation. Methods and Results Subcutaneous (SQ) or visceral (VIS) adipose tissue harvested from C57/BL6 mice was transplanted to the perivascular area of the femoral artery of recipient C57/BL6 mice. A quantitative intravital microscopic analysis was performed on the artery. The number of adherent leukocyte was increased after adipose tissue transplantation in a time-dependent manner (1day to 7days). Visceral (VIS) adipose tissue transplantation induced significantly more leukocyte accumulation than Subcutaneous (SQ) adipose tissue at 7 days after transplantation. Simultaneous flow cytometry showed the activation of peripheral neutrophils and monocytes after adipose tissue transplantation. Conclusion These data indicate that adipose tissue directly stimulates athero-prone vascular inflammation. Department of Life Sciences and Medical Ethics, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Masayuki Yoshida Intravital microscopy reveals a potential role of adipose tissue in vascular inflammation President Lecture Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD SY04-5 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 108 SY05-2 SY05-1 (English) Patterning of new vascular structure is a coordinated multi-step process that involves sprouting and morphogenesis of endothelial cells (ECs) and requires the formation of asymmetric EC phenotypes and their dynamic interconversion. These processes are precisely controlled by a large number of genes and specific gene expression within a developing vessel is indispensable for establishing functional vascular network. Recently, we have identified several genes, which are potentially involved in regulating angiogenesis and vascular patterning, by employing in vitro endothelial cell differentiation model and microarray-based gene expression analysis. Interestingly, biochemical and genetic studies revealed that Wnt regulators, Dickkopf-1 and -2 (DKK1 and -2), play distinct roles in neovascularization, with their temporal and reciprocal expression during EC proliferation and morphogenesis. We also found that LDB2, a LIM domain binding (Ldb) protein 2, is a novel regulator of vascular sprouting and morphogenesis which controls the expression of DLL4 in ECs. Thus, our findings provide new insight for controlling new vessel formation and offer a new opportunity for treating angiogenesis-dependent vascular diseases. Yonsei University Hong-Ryul Park、Seong Sik Noh、Hyun-Jung Choi、Young-Guen Kwon Novel Regulators of Angiogenesis and Vascular Patterning Blood vessels in the tumor environment are structurally and functionally abnormal such as lack of mural cell (MC) adhesion to endothelial cells (ECs), leakiness by lose cell-to-cell contact of ECs and fenestration, and so on. These abnormal phenotypes lead to interstitial hypertension, resulted in interference with the delivery of therapeutics to solid tumors and continuous hypoxia leading to angiogenesis. Therefore, idea of normalization of blood vessels in the tumor environment has emerged to overcome these issues. We recently reported that apelin, a ligand for GPCR expressed on ECs, is upregulated upon stimulation with angiopoietin-1 on ECs. Apelin induced enlargement of blood vessels (EMBO J 2008) and stabilization of VE-cadherin (Blood 2010) for functional recovery from tissue ischemia, suggesting that apelin is involved in maturation process of blood vessels. Here we show that apelin induces normalization of immature blood vessels in tumor environment and injection of activated dendritic cells with apelin effectively induced natural killer T cell infiltration into tumor, resulted in suppression of tumor growth. This suggests that control of permeability by the normalization of blood vessels is indeed important for cancer therapy. However, we found that cancer stem cells are located in the perivascular region in the tumor edge (Cancer Research 2010). Those blood vessels for cancer stem cell niche are usually maturated in the tumor environment but cancer stem cells show resistance against several anticancer therapies, suggesting that merely normalization is not enough for total tumor cell kill. Here, we propose the sequential anti-angiogenic therapies, normalization and destabilization of blood vessels, for total tumor cell kill including cancer stem cells. Department of Signal Transduction, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University Nobuyuki Takakura The impact of blood vessel maturation on tumor growth Symposium 5:Angiogenesis / Lymphangiogenesis Wednesday, December 1 15:10〜16:50 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 109 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Symposium Protein kinases have been shown to play important roles in vascular development and also implicated in various diseases. We have been trying to understand the role and mechanism of receptor tyrosine kinases and the downstream mediator Akt in angiogenic and lymphangiogenic vessel growth. Several genetically modified mouse models was employed in this study, targeting VEGFR-3 or its downstream mediator Akt, including: 1) To characterize VEGFR-3 function in angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis, we used two genetically modified mouse models, one targeting the coding region for the ligand-binding domain (Vegfr3LBD) or the other targeting the tyrosine kinase domain with an inactivation point mutation (Vegfr3TKmut). We found that VEGFR-3 ligand-binding and kinase activity are required for lymphangiogenesis but not for angiogenesis. 2) To analyse Akt mediated signaling in vascular development, we used mice null for Akt1, Akt2 or Akt3, or compound Akt knockout mice. We showed that Akt is required for lymphatic network formation, remodeling and valve development, and that in spite of the compensatory roles of other Akt isoforms, Akt1 is more critically required in the process. Specific details will be discussed in the presentation. How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Laboratory of Vascular and Cancer Biology, Model Animal Research Institute, Nanjing University Special Talk Yulong He Special Lecture Role of VEGFR-3 and Akt mediated pathway in the regulation of angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis Macrophages are white blood cells within tissues, produced by the differentiation of monocytes via the Colony stimulating factor 1 (CSF-1) signaling. Although their roles in the immune response have been well studied, those in angiogenesis/lymphangiogenesis are largely unclear. In this study, we used CSF-1-mutant (CSF-1 op/op) mice to demonstrate that lack of macrophages results in developmental defects in vascular and lymphatic remodeling. In ischemic retinopathy, one of the neovascular disease models in the retina, lack of macrophages in CSF-1 op/op mice resulted in profound reduction in pathological neovascularization, but no alteration in the regeneration of normal vasculature. In mouse osteosarcoma model, CSF-1 inhibition effectively suppressed tumor angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis by suppressing the remodeling of vascular extracellular matrices. In contrast to VEGF blockade, interruption of M-CSF inhibition did not promote rapid vascular regrowth. Continuous CSF-1 inhibition did not affect healthy vascular and lymphatic systems outside tumors. These results suggest macrophage-targeted therapy is an ideal strategy for treating ocular neovascular diseases and cancer, which may be an alternative to VEGF blockade. 2 Department of Integrated Medical Research, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan Department of Plastic Surgery, Keio University 1 Yoshiaki Kubota1,2 Role of macrophages in angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis President Lecture SY05-4 SY05-3 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 110 SY05-5 Pathologic lymphangiogenesis is a multistep process that potentially requires the decrease of cell-matrix contact in lymphatic endothelium. However, it remains unclear whether VEGF family members such as VEGF-A might alter the cell-matrix contact, initiating lymphangiogenesis in the skin. LYVE-1, a type I transmembrane protein, is specifically expressed by lymphatic vessels. Although LYVE-1 is known as a cell surface receptor for hyaluronan, its potential role in lymphangiogenesis remains unclear. Therefore, to test the hypothesis whether VEGF-A might alter LYVE-1 during lymphangiogenesis, we initially investigated the lymphatic vessels in K14promoter-driven VEGF-A transgenic mice. Targeted overexpression of VEGF-A induced dermal leakage of colloidal carbon from lymphatic capillaries that developed among red plaques resembling psoriasis. Immunofluorescence analysis of LYVE-1 further showed that VEGF-A-expressing plaques attenuated LYVE-1 stains in the lymphatic vessels. Therefore, next to investigate whether VEGF-A mediates the biochemical process of LYVE-1, we subjected cultured human dermal LEC to adenoviral transduction to induce alkaline phosphatase (AP) that is fused to LYVE-1 by the extracellular domain. VEGF-A promoted marked release of a soluble form of AP-conjugated LYVE-1 in conditioned media, indicating that VEGF-A induces the ectodomain shedding of LYVE-1. Furthermore, Western blot analyses showed that LYVE-1 shedding is mediated through the activation of VEGFR-2 and ERK. Moreover, siRNA technique identified ADAM17 as a responsible MMP for the LYVE-1 shedding in cultured LEC. Together, these results indicate, for the first time, that pathologic lymphangiogenesis may be initiated by the enzymatic digestion of extracellular matrix receptors such as LYVE1. 2 The Department of Dermatology, Ehime Graduate School of Medicine Department of Cell Growth and Tumor Regulation, Ehime Proteo-Medicine Research Center, Ehime University 1 Satoshi Hirakawa1,2、Shigeki Higashimaya2 Ectodomain shedding of LYVE-1: VEGF-A promotes the initial step of pathological lymphangiogenesis 15:10〜16:50 Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Selected Oral Presentation 111 Y.I.A. Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Symposium The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Cardiovascular functions, including blood pressure and vascular functions, exhibit diurnal oscillation. Circadian variations have been clearly shown in the occurrence of cardiovascular events such as acute myocardial infarction. Circadian rhythm strongly influences human biology and pathology. Recently, the molecular mechanisms underlying these circadian processes have been elucidated. The biological clock is composed of transcriptional-translational feedback loops. The clock genes are expressed almost everywhere throughout the body in a circadian fashion. In contrast to the central clock in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the clock in each tissue or cell is designated as a peripheral clock. It is now accepted that peripheral clocks have their own roles specific to each peripheral organ by regulating the expression of clock-controlled genes. However, little was known about how the peripheral clock in the vasculature contributes to the process of cardiovascular disorders. The biological clock allows each organ or cell to anticipate and prepare for changes in external stimuli. Recent evidence obtained using genetically engineered mice with disrupted circadian rhythm showed a novel function of the internal clock in the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction, hypertension and hemostasis. Loss of synchronization between the central and peripheral clock also contributes to the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases since restoration of clock homeostasis could prevent disease progression. Identification of clock-controlled genes in each organ, as well as discovery of tools to manipulate the phase of each biological clock, will be of great help in establishing a novel chronotherapeutic approach to the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disorders. How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 長崎大学大学院循環病態制御内科学 Special Talk 前村 浩二 Special Lecture The Role of Biological Clock in Cardiovascular Diseases Cardiovascular disease is a major consideration in the patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Vascular calcification is an important problem among these patients, and contributes to the increased risk of cardiovascular events by a variety of mechanism, including an increase in arterial stiffness by medial calcification or an increase in plaque vulnerability by a specific type of atherosclerotic calcification. Valvular calcification is highly prevalent in patients with vascular calcification, and both type of calcification share a mechanism in common. Increasing evidence demonstrates that vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) undergo osteogenic differentiation through the mechanisms involving key osteogenic transcription factors such as Msx2 and Runx2. We have long been interested in the role of Notch signaling pathway in SMC differentiation. We have recently demonstrated that Notch signaling induces osteogenic differentiation and mineralization of SMC. Our subsequent analysis revealed that Notch confers on the Msx2 gene the responsiveness to BMP2, a member of TGF-㱎 superfamily that is essential in bone formation. BMP2 and Notch signaling synergistically induced Msx2 gene expression, and hence robustly augmented Notch1-induced vascular calcification. In addition, Receptor for Advanced Glycation End products (RAGE) provokes inflammatory response, and hence RAGEligand interaction plays a major role in the pathogenesis of vascular disease in diabetics and CKD patients. In this symposium, the role of FGF23, a novel potential mediator of cardio-renal syndrom e, in the vascular calcification will also be discussed. 群馬大学大学院医学系研究科臓器病態内科学 倉林 正彦 血管石灰化の分子メカニズム (日本語) President Lecture SY06-2 SY06-1 シンポジウム 6:血管細胞の転写調節 Symposium 6:Transcriptional Regulation 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 112 SY06-4 SY06-3 In subject with type 2 diabetes and obesity, insulin (INS) delivery and INS-dependent glucose uptake by the skeletal muscle (SM) are known to be delay and impaired. However, the mechanism how INS delivery into the SM interstitium is regulated remains to be elucidated. Here, we demonstrate that impaired INS signaling in the endothelial cells reduces INS-induced glucose uptake by the SM. Endothelial-cell-specific Irs2-knockout (ETIrs2KO) mice showed reduced INS-stimulated Akt and eNOS phosphorylation in endothelial cells. ETIrs2KO mice also showed diminished INS-induced capillary recruitment and increase of interstitial concentrations of INS, and consequently, impaired glucose uptake by the SM. Improvement of INS-mediated eNOS activation ameliorated the aforementioned diminishment of capillary recruitment and increase of interstitial concentrations of INS in the SM, resulting in improvement of the glucose uptake by the SM. High-fat -diet-fed obese (HF) mice also showed reduced INS-stimulated phosphorylation of Akt and eNOS. These mice also showed impaired glucose uptake by the SM, associated with diminished INS-induced capillary recruitment and increase of interstitial concentrations of INS in the SM. Restoration of INS-mediated eNOS activation in the endothelial cells of the HF mice also restored the INS-induced capillary recruitment and increase of interstitial concentrations of INS, resulting in amelioration of glucose uptake by the SM. Taken together, it is postulated that a genetically and/or environmentally induced INS signaling defect in the endothelial cells might be associated with a decrease in INS-induced capillary recruitment and increase of interstitial concentrations of INS in the SM, consequently resulting in SM INS resistance. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科糖尿病・代謝内科 窪田 直人、窪田 哲也、門脇 孝 Impaired insulin signaling in the endothelial cells reduces insulin-induced glucose uptake by the skeletal muscle Endothelial cell activation and dysfunction underlie many vascular disorders,including tumor growth and inflammation. Endothelial cell activation, in turn, is mediated primarily at the level of gene transcription. We previously reported that VEGF induced Down syndrome critical region 1 short variant (DSCR-1s) expression, which negatively feeds back to attenuate endothelial cell activation. Here, to characterize the role of the promoter that drives DSCR-1s expression in mediating inducible expression in vivo, we targeted a DNA construct containing DSCR-1s promoter-lacZ to the Hprt locus of mice. Systemic administration of VEGF and LPS resulted in NFAT-and GATA-dependent DSCR-1s promoter activation. The promoter was similarly induced in the endothelium of tumor xenografts. Besides NFAT, GATA2 is also well recognized as a key transcription factor of cell type specificity and differentiation. To characterize the GATA2-regulation in endothelium, here we show, comparative chromatin immunoprecipitation with deep-sequencing (ChIP-seq) to determine genome wide occupancy of GATA2 in endothelial cells and erythroid cells, and compared the occupancy to the respective gene expression profile in each cell type. By using the ChIP-seq with epigenetic histone-mark and chromatin conformation capture assays in endothelial cells; we elucidated the mechanistic regulation of endothelial specific GATA2-mediated endomucin gene expression. Abrogation of GATA2 in endothelium demonstrated not only a reduction of endothelial specific markers, but also induction of the mesenchymal transition promoting gene expression. In this session, we provide new insights into the correlation of endothelial expressed GATA2 binding, epigenetical modification, and the determination of endothelial cell specificity. 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター 南 敬 Tissue specific gene expression, insights from the genome-wide and epigenetical analysis in vitro and in vivo How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index 113 Special Talk The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Special Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization The Rho/Rho-associated coiled-coil forming kinases (ROCK1 and ROCK2) are important regulators of the actin cytoskeleton. We have recently shown that ROCK activity is increased during the onset of ischemic stroke and that inhibition of the actin cytoskeleton by the ROCK inhibitor, fasudil, decreased the severity of focal cerebral ischemia, in part, through the upregulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). Using RNA affinity chromatography with 3ʼUTR of eNOS mRNA followed by MALDI-TOF-MS analysis, we have identified eukaryotic elongation factor 1 alpha 1 (eEF1A1) as an actin-binding protein, which directly binds to eNOS mRNA and regulates eNOS mRNA stability. Overexpression of eEF1A1 decreased, and knock-down of eEF1A1 by siRNA increased, eNOS expression. Protein kinase assays using eEF1A1 with purified ROCK1 and ROCK2 showed that eEF1A1 is strongly phosphorylated by ROCK2, but not ROCK1, and that eEF1A1 phosphorylation by ROCK2 is required for binding to and destabilization of eNOS mRNA. Indeed, treatment of human endothelial cells (EC) with fasudil decreased eEF1A1 phosphorylation, but not expression. This was associated with increased eNOS mRNA stability and expression, and NO production. Furthermore, compared to that of WT and ROCK1+/- mice, eNOS mRNA stability and expression were increased in ECs from ROCK2+/- mice and endothelium-dependent relaxation was enhanced in both ROCK2+/- and EC-specific ROCK2 KO (ECROCK2-/-) mice. These results correlated with decreased cerebral infarct size and neurological deficits in both ROCK2+/- and EC-ROCK2-/- mice subjected to transient focal cerebral ischemia. When ROCK2+/- mice were place on eNOS-/- background (double mutant ROCK2+/-/eNOS-/- mice), the neuroprotective effects observed in ROCK2+/- mice were abolished. 1 東京大学医学部循環器内科、2広島大学心臓血管生理医学講座、3ハーバード大学ブリガムアンドウィメンズ病院ヴァスキュラー メディシンリサーチ、4三重大学循環器腎臓内科学、5ニュージャージー大学心臓血管研究所 廣井 透雄1、野間 玄督2、金 何3、李 予日斤3、岡本 隆二4、神崎 綱1、孫 何5、梁 何3 Deletion of ROCK2 Increased eNOS Expression and Neuroprotection byInhibition of eEF1A1 Phosphorylation President Lecture Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD SY06-5 Program 9:00〜10:40 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 114 SY07-2 SY07-1 (English) The Angiopoietin (Ang)-Tie2 pathway is almost contributory to the VEGF axis, yet its participation is indispensable for the formation of blood vessels and maintenance of endothelial integrity. The cardinal feature of angiopoietin-1 (Ang1)-induced vascular remodeling in vivo is the enlargement of blood vessels by promotion of circumferential proliferation of endothelial cells in the normal tissues. Ang1 is also a strong angiogenic factor in the pathologic conditions. However, unlike VEGF-A, Ang1 produces a non-leaky and non-inflammatory neovascularization; so called “healthy angiogenesis.” Underlying mechanisms how Ang1 produces healthy angiogenesis are currently being defined. Ang1-induced Tie2 mobilization to the cell-to-cell contact junctional region (we nominated “endothelial tightening”) could be a part of the mechanism. In fact, Ang1 is a strong antiinflammatory agent mediated through reductions in productions of inflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules in the endothelial cells. Taking such advantages of Ang1ʼs actions, regeneration abilities of Ang1 in ischemic diseases, delayed skin-wound healing, artherosclerotic erectile dysfunction, delayed bone healing, retinal vasculopathies and avascular necrosis in the hip joint have been tested. Moreover, priming of endothelial precursor cells or stromal vascular fraction with Ang1 enhances homing or sprouting for promotion of neovascularization. I will discuss the current progresses and issues regarding potential use of Ang1 as a regenerative therapeutic molecule. Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering, KAIST, Deajeon, Korea Gou Young Koh Angiopoietin-1 is a Regeneration Factor through Healthy Angiogenesis Regenerative potential of stem and progenitor cells has been under intense investigation. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) have been isolated from the peripheral blood of adult individuals, cultured in-vitro and committed into an endothelial lineage in a specific condition. Based on initial EPC biology studies, researchers then pursued the notion of “therapeutic vasculogenesis”, whereby systemic delivery of EPCs may augment neovascularization. Following preclinical studies, a phase I/ IIa clinical trial regarding transplantation of autologous CD34+ cells, the EPC-enriched fraction, was performed in no-option patients with atherosclerotic peripheral artery disease (PAD) or Buergerʼs disease representing critical limb ischemia (CLI) for 5 years in our institutes. Our collaborators in USA performed the Phase III trial of transplantation into chronic severe myocardial ischemia (CMI) patients for 3 years. The outcomes of both prospective clinical studies indicate safety and feasibility of CD34+ cell therapy in patients with CLI and CMI. However, despite lots of research development on EPC biology for 10 years following the isolation of EPC, EPC biology is still controversial among researchers without the definitive concept of EPC identification and differentiation hierarchy. I introduce the development of basic and translational researches regarding “What is EPC?” and “How do we use EPCs?” in these days. Furthermore, recent basic and preclinical studies indicate optional role of EPCs for organ reconstruction, including the tissue preparation for regeneration and trigger signals for organ differentiation. This issue will be discussed for the future direction of regenerative medicine. 2 Regenerative Medicine, Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara, Kanagawa Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation 1 Takayuki Asahara1,2 Stem Cell Biology for Vascular Medicine Symposium 7:Regeneration Thursday, December 2 Poster Index 115 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization The large number of patients suffering from heart failure have only poor prognosis, who are not eligible for heart transplantation. Cardiac cell therapy is generating a great interest as a means of restoring a loss of cardiac function through cardiomyocyte regeneration. We generated human cardiac stem cells (hCSCs) obtained from endomyocardial biopsy tissues by the identical technique as clonally cell isolation from “cardiosphere”. hCSCs expressing Es-marker genes and mesenchymal properties exhibit a highly potential of cardiomyocyte regeneration. To evaluate the effect of hCSCs transplantation, we conducted preclinical trials that chronically myocardial ischemic pigs randomly received placebo or bFGF hydrogel-sheet implantation combined with or without hCSCs. As a result, only transplantation of hCSCs with bFGF improved the loss of cardiac function by contributing to cardiomyocyte regeneration. Now, we just started Phase I trial to the patients (N=6) with low LVEF because of ischemic cardiomyopathy through this biotherapy concomitant with CABG (ALCADIA trial) from September, 2009. A first case with reduced LVEF (22%) have succeeded in this biotherapy using autologous hCSCs (31.5 million), and the second case was conducted at August 24, 2010. Surprisingly, cardiac function in first patient was restored 10% of LVEF without adverse event at 4 week after transplantation. Our findings suggest that the transplantation of hCSCs with bFGF reconstruct post-ischemic environment, and this novel biotherapy may have a potential to lead injured myocardium to functional repair. After we confirm the efficacy of this integrated-strategy in Phase II trial (N=40), we will move forward to spread therapeutic indication for patients suffered from severely heart failure. Symposium Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD The Department of Cardiovasular Regeneration and Innovation, Asahikawa Medical University Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University School of Medicine 3 The Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, The Cerebral and Cardiovascular Research Institute 4 Department of Biomaterials, Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences,Kyoto University 5 Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine 2 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 1 Special Talk Naofumi Takehara1、Katsuya Amano2、Yoshiaki Tsutsumi3、Tomosaburo Takahashi2、 Satoaki Matoba2、Yasuhiko Tabata4、Hitoshi Yaku5、Hiroaki Matsubara2 Special Lecture Surgical hybrid cell therapy using Autologous Human Cardiac Stem Cell with control-release of bFGF ; the ALCADIA trial The reprogramming of fibroblasts to induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells raises the possibility that a somatic cell could be reprogrammed to an alternative differentiated fate without first becoming a stem/progenitor cell. A large pool of fibroblasts exists in the post-natal heart, yet no single “master regulator” of direct cardiac reprogramming has been identified. Here, we report that a combination of three developmental transcription factors rapidly and efficiently reprogrammed post-natal cardiac or tail-tip fibroblasts directly into differentiated cardiomyocyte-like cells. Induced cardiomyocytes expressed cardiac-specific markers, had a global gene expression profile similar to cardiomyocytes, and contracted spontaneously. Fibroblasts transplanted into mouse hearts one day after transduction of the three factors also differentiated into cardiomyocyte-like cells. These findings demonstrate that functional cardiomyocytes can be directly reprogrammed from differentiated somatic cells by defined factors. Reprogramming of endogenous or explanted fibroblasts might provide a source of cardiomyocytes for regenerative approaches. Department of Clinical and Molecular Cardiovascular Research, Keio University School of Medicine Masaki Ieda Direct Reprogramming of Fibroblasts into Functional Cardiomyocytes by Defined Factors President Lecture SY07-4 SY07-3 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 116 SY07-5 Recently cell therapy was introduced to clinical setting and proved safety and feasibility, but results were inadequate for regeneration of heart failure. We developed cell sheet technology and introduced this to the treatment of severely damaged myocardium.We implanted myoblast sheets to the impaired heart in small and large animal models. In a series of pre-clinical trial, we proved that myoblast sheets could regenerate the impaired heart mainly by paracrine effect. Evidenced by these pre-clinical trials, we applied myoblast sheets to DCM patient receiving LVAD and showed the recovery from LVAD. To improve the effectiveness of cell sheet, the delivery of many cells to the impaired myocardium and the development of autologous beating cells are most crucial. The development of cardiomyocyte sheets derived from iPS cells was succeeded and demonstrated functional recovery in rat MI model. We also succeeded in making thick cardiac tissue with rich vascular network by new cell sheet implantation technique using omentum in porcine model. Newly developed cell sheet technology may be a promising armamentarium for regeneration of severely damaged myocardium. Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine Shigeru Miyagawa、Yoshiki Sawa Cell sheet-based myocardial regeneration therapy for heart failure 9:00〜10:40 Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Selected Oral Presentation 117 Y.I.A. Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Symposium The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization The increasing prevalence in metabolic syndrome (MS), a clustering of obesity and metabolic disturbances, becomes a great challenge to health burden in the 21st century. The risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in individuals with MS is 2 to 5 folds higher than those without MS. Therefore, the joint impact of MS and T2D/CVD are enormous in human health management. Both genetic and environmental factors are demonstrated to responsible for development of MS and T2D. More importantly, there are shared underlying mechanism linking the MS and T2D, i.e. obesity and associated insulin resistance. To begin with understanding genetic component of MS and T2D, there are several ways to identify the genes responsible for insulin resistance and related clinical disorders. We and others have employed candidate gene approach such as using the in vitro. cell culture system as well as obese/diabetes animal model to isolate the genes that might involve in pathogenesis of insulin sensitivity, obesity, MS and T2D. On the other hand, we can also employ random approaches via genome-wide linkage study and genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to isolate some more type 2 diabetes susceptibility genes that are beyond our previous understanding in pathogenesis of obesity and T2D. We expect the new knowledge about the gene or biological pathways involved might benefit better understanding of pathogenesis and future development of clinical diagnostic and interventional tools for management clinical disorders caused by insulin resistance, obesity and related disorders. How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan Special Talk Lee-Ming Chuang Special Lecture Genetics of metabolic syndrome - an Asian perspective The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR), first described by Okamoto and Aoki close to 5 decades ago, is the most widely studied animal model of essential hypertension. Since the original report on the development of the SHR by Okamoto and Aoki in 1963, this strain has proven to be very valuable for studying mechanisms and treatments for essential hypertension. More recently, the identification of specific DNA sequence variants that regulate blood pressure and associated metabolic phenotypes in the SHR has demonstrated that this model can also be successfully used to identify genes involved in the primary pathogenesis of hypertension and related metabolic disorders. This presentation will discuss the use of SHR recombinant inbred, congenic, transgenic, and conplastic strains to identify specific variants in nuclear or mitochondrial genes including Cd36, Srebf1, Folr1, and mt-Co1 that influence an assortment of biochemical and hemodynamic features of the metabolic syndrome. The relevance of these genes to mechanisms and therapies for hypertension and related metabolic disorders in humans will also be discussed. Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of California, San Francisco Theodore W. Kurtz Molecular Genetics and Therapeutics of the Metabolic Syndrome: Lessons from the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat (English) President Lecture SY08-2 SY08-1 Symposium 8:Metabolic syndrome / Diabetes Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 118 SY08-4 SY08-3 The metabolic syndrome is a state of chronic low-grade inflammation. In contrast to “acute inflammation” which resolves by an active termination program, “chronic inflammation” is characterized by persistent crosstalk between parenchymal and stromal cells in response to tissue stress or malfunction, thereby leading to functional maladaptation and tissue remodeling. Obese adipose tissue is characterized by adipocyte hypertrophy, followed by increases in angiogenesis and macrophage infiltration, which is known as “adipose tissue remodeling”. We have provided evidence that a paracrine loop involving saturated fatty acids and tumor necrosis factor 㱍 (TNF 㱍), which are derived from adipocytes and macrophages, respectively, establishes a vicious cycle that aggravates inflammatory changes in obese adipose tissue. During the paracrine interaction between adipocytes and macrophages, saturated fatty acids, which are released in large quantities from hypertrophied adipocytes via the macrophage-induced lipolysis, serve as an endogenous ligand for TLR4/MD-2 complex, a major pathogen sensor in innate immunity, to activate macrophages for the regulation of metabolic homeostasis. Sustained interaction between endogenous ligands derived from parenchymal cells and pathogen sensors expressed in stromal immune cells should lead to chronic/homeostatic inflammatory responses ranging from the basal homeostatic state to diseased tissue remodeling, which has been referred to as “homeostatic inflammation” (J. Leukoc. Biol. 88:33-39, 2010). Understanding the molecular mechanism underlying adipose tissue remodeling as homeostatic inflammation would lead to the identification of molecular targets that may prevent or reduce obesity-related metabolic diseases. Department of Molecular Medicine and Metabolism, Medical Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Yoshihiro Ogawa The metabolic syndrome and chronic inflammation Recently, obesity become popular medical and social problems with potentially devastating consequences because it clusters with type 2 diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipidemia in the metabolic syndrome, which is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease incidence and mortality. So far, caloric restriction and increasing energy expenditure through exercise are only effective methods to solve these problems. AMPactivated protein kinase (AMPK) functions as a fuel sensor in the cell and is activated when cellular energy is depleted. In previous report, we presented that α-lipoic acid (α-LA) decreased hypothalamic AMPK activity and causes profound weight loss in rodents by reducing food intake and enhancing energy expenditure. Recently, we found that pharmacologically-induced cytoplasmic NAD(P)+/NAD(P)H ratio might stimulate the rates of glycolysis, fatty acid oxidation through the increase mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and adaptive mitochondrial biogenesis. Furthermore, this might be a useful therapeutic approach for patients with metabolic syndrome. When cytoplasmic NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) is activated by exogenous compounds, the cytoplasmic NAD(P)+/NAD(P)H equilibrium is shifted towards oxidized NAD(P)+. Under these conditions, the high NAD(P)+/NAD(P)H ratio stimulates mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis and activates sirtuins. Here we show that the mechanism by which NQO1-mediated oxidation of NAD(P)H leads to enhanced mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation involves activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Furthermore, NQO1-mediated oxidation of NAD(P)H ameliorates most of phenotypes of metabolic syndrome, including obesity, glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia, and fatty liver disease in ob/ob mice and in mice on a high-calorie diet with diet-induced obesity. Neointimal formation, the leading cause of restenosis, is caused by proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). In this study, we found that Bl, one of NQO1 activators which regulates NAD(P)/NAD(P)H redox potential reduces neointimal formation after balloon injury in vivo. Bl prevents VSMCʼs proliferation caused by G1 cell cycle arrest via an AMPK dependent mechanism. These data suggest that cellular NAD/NADH level followed by treatment of Bl in NQO1expressing cells displays beneficial effects in the treatment of metabolic syndromes including atherosclerosis at least in part via upregulation of AMPK. Therefore these studies will provide the regulation of NAD+/NADH redox potential may be novel therapeutic target for the treatment of metabolic syndromes. Department of Internal Medicine, Kyungpook National University, School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea In-kyu Lee Importance of NAD/NADH Regulation in Metabolic Syndrome. 9:00〜10:40 循環器内科 Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index 119 Y.I.A. Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Symposium The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Acute coronary syndrome (ACS), including myocardial infarction, unstable angina, and sudden cardiac death, contributes to the high cardiovascular mortality. Plaque rupture and plaque erosion of vulnerable plaque is considered the most important cause of ACS. However, the diagnosis of the high risk patients with vulnerable plaques is still difficult. Therefore, it is important to understand the mechanisms of vulnerable plaque formation, and to find the biomarkers of vulnerable plaque for precise clinical management. Vulnerable plaques are composed of a thin fibrous cap overlying a large lipid core, an inflammatory infiltrate, such as macrophages, T cells, dendritic cells in the shoulder, a high incidence of apoptotic cells, and neoangiogenesis as sign of inflammation. Recently, we found that activated plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) accumulate in vulnerable plaque and produce CCL19 and CCL21 to traffic activated T cell into the plaque. Plaque-infiltrating CD4 T cells induce vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) and endothelial sell (EC) apoptosis by triggering the TRAIL/TRAIL receptor 2 (DR5) pathway. We also found that activated pDC produce INF㱍 through TRL9 stimulation and amplify cytotoxic CD4 T cell functions by enhancing TRAIL expression. In addition, DR5 was strongly expressed in the advanced atherosclerotic plaque, and TNF㱍 enhanced the expression of DR5 on VSMC and EC in the atherosclerotic plaque. Finally, monitoring of soluble TRAIL levels in ACS patients with both acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina was found useful in predicting vulnerability in patients with vulnerable plaques. 東京女子医科大学 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 佐藤 加代子 Special Talk Roles of CD4 T cells in the vulnerable plaque formation Special Lecture Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 循環器内科 It is increasingly appreciated that chronic inflammatory processes are crucially involved in various chronic diseases and cancer. We recently demonstrated that obesity induces inflammation in visceral adipose tissue using novel confocal microscopy-based techniques. During obesity of adipose tissue adipocytes, immune cells and vascular cells dynamically interact with one another, which leads to adipose dysfunction and systemic insulin resistance. We also found that similar interactions between parenchymal and stromal cells play important role in cardiovascular, renal and metabolic diseases. For instance, we found that cardiac fibroblasts are essential for cardiac hypertrophy. Cardiac fibroblast-specific deletion of Klf5 resulted in reduced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in response to pressure overload, indicating that the interaction between cardiomyocytes and fibroblasts is required for the hypertrophic response of cardiomyocytes. More importantly, high-intensity pressure overload caused severe heart failure and early death in fibroblast-specific Klf5 knockout mice, suggesting that cardiac fibroblasts are essential for the myocardial adaptive response. Moreover, we found that the parenchymal-stromal interactions are required for initiation and development of inflammatory processes in chronic kidney disease and diabetes. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科 真鍋 一郎 Chronic inflammatory processes in cardiovascular, renal and metabolic diseases (日本語) President Lecture SY09-2 SY09-1 シンポジウム 9:血管炎症 Symposium 9:Vascular Inflammation 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 120 SY09-4 SY09-3 Macrophage activation participates pivotally in the pathophysiology of chronic inflammatory diseases including atherosclerosis. Through the receptor EP4, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) exerts an anti-inflammatory action in macrophages, suppressing stimulus-induced expression of certain pro-inflammatory genes including chemokines. We recently identified a novel EP4 receptor-associated protein, EPRAP/FEM1A, whose function in PGE2-mediated anti-inflammation remains undefined. Here we demonstrate that PGE2 pretreatment selectively inhibits lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced nuclear factor 㱖B1 (NF-㱖B1) p105 phosphorylation and degradation in mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) through EP4-dependent mechanisms. Similarly, directed EPRAP expression in RAW264.7 mouse macrophage-like cells suppresses LPS-induced p105 phosphorylation and degradation, and subsequent activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)kinase (MEK) 1/2. Forced expression of EPRAP also inhibits NF-㱖B activation induced by various proinflammatory stimuli in a concentration-dependent manner. In co-transfected cells, EPRAP, which contains multiple ankyrin-repeat motifs, directly interacts with NF-㱖B1 p105/p50 and forms a complex with EP4. In EP4-overexpressing cells, PGE2 enhances the protective action of EPRAP against stimulus-induced p105 phosphorylation, whereas EPRAP silencing in RAW264.7 cells impairs the inhibitory effect of PGE2-EP4 signaling on LPS-induced p105 phosphorylation. Additionally, EPRAP knockdown as well as deficiency of NF㱖B1 in macrophages attenuate the inhibitory effect of PGE2 on LPS-induced MIP-1㱎 production. Thus, PGE2-EP4 signaling augments NF-㱖B1 p105 protein stability through EPRAP after pro-inflammatory stimulation, limiting macrophage activation. 京都大学医学部附属病院探索医療センター探索医療臨床部 南 学、横出 正之 EPRAP/FEM1A interacts directly with NF-κB1 p105 and attenuates macrophage activation. Large randomized studies in type 1 and type 2 have established that early intensive glycemic control reduces the risk of diabetic microvascular complications, with less impact on macrovascular complications. However, follow-up data of these trials reveal a long-term influence of early metabolic control on longer cardiovascular outcomes, even though the influence on glycemic control has been immediately disappeared after the trials. This phenomenon has recently been defined as “metabolic memory”. Potential mechanisms for propagating this “memory” are the non-enzymatic glycation of cellular and tissue proteins which are conceptualized as advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). Accumulation of AGEs leads to crucial biomedical pathway generating intracellular oxidative stress and inflammatory mediators through receptor for AGEs (RAGE), which could result in vicious circle through further amplification of the pathway involved in AGE generation. Several lines of evidence suggest that AGEs/RAGE axis can profoundly be involved in vascular inflammation and cardiovascular diseases. Inflammatory signaling is augmented by overexpression of RAGE in human endothelial cells. On the other hand, inflammatory signaling is crucial for regulation of RAGE shedding, which might by important for modulation of RAGE-mediated toxic signaling. In this symposium, I would like to summarize the recent findings of RAGE axis as a crucial mediator of metabolic memory and vascular inflammation, and to discuss their potential usefulness as therapeutic targets to overcome the effect of metabolic memory, and also as biomarkers for the cardiovascular diseases. 大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科代謝内分泌病態内科学 小山 英則 Metabolic memory, AGE/RAGE and vascular inflammation How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index 121 Special Talk The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Special Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Endothelial dysfunction is the initial step in the development of atherosclerosis, leading to cardiovascular diseases, and plays an important role in the maintenance and development of cardiovascular diseases. Several lines of evidence have shown that cardiovascular diseases are associated with endothelial dysfunction. It is well known that there is an association between inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. We have reported that chronic infection with Helicobacter pylori impairs endothelial function in healthy male subjects. Patients with periodontitis are ideal models for determining how endothelium-dependent vasodilation is affected by inflammation. Indeed, periodontitis has been shown to be associated with endothelial dysfunction in subjects without cardiovascular risk factors as well as patients with cardiovascular diseases through a decrease in NO bioavailability, suggesting that systemic inflammation might be, at least in part, a cause of endothelial dysfunction. In addition, periodontal therapy has been shown to improve endothelium-dependent vasodilation in patients with periodontitis. Endothelial dysfunction promotes inflammation of the vascular wall, leading to a vicious circle between endothelial dysfunction and inflammation. Under the condition of chronic inflammation, production of proflammatory cytokines results in activation of endothelial cells, leading to the excessive induction of adhesion molecules, cytokines, growth factors, and vasoconstrictors. Proflammatory cytokines downregulate the expression of eNOS and decrease the half-life of eNOS mRNA in human endothelial cells. Several pathways of proinflammatory factors may contribute to downregulation of the expression of eNOS and decrease in enzymatic activity. 広島大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科心臓血管生理医学 東 幸仁 Inflammation and Endothelial Function in Cardiovascular Disease President Lecture Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD SY09-5 Program 15:20〜17:00 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 122 SY10-2 SY10-1 (日本語) Recent clinical studies demonstrated that treatment with angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) reduces the onset of stroke, stroke severity, and the incidence and progression of dementia. We could expect that ARB exerts these effects by both AT1 receptor blockade and AT2 receptor stimulation. We reported that focal brain ischemic lesion after middle cerebral artery occlusion is smaller in AT1 receptor null mice with the increase in cerebral blood flow in penumbra lesion and the decrease in oxidative stress, whereas brain damage is exaggerated in AT2 receptor null mice (AT2KO). These results suggest that AT1 and AT2 receptor stimulation has antagonistic effects on ischemic brain damage. Furthermore, we reported that treatment with ARB enhances cognitive function before stroke and improves cognitive impairment after stroke, and attenuates the impairment of cognitive function associated with hypertension or diabetes in mice. We observed that ARB prevents cognitive decline after amyloid㱎 injection. Moreover, we observed that ARBs with partial PPAR㱏 activity (so called “Metabosartan”) showed some additional effects on prevention of brain ischemic damage and cognitive decline. It has been reported that AT2 receptor stimulation enhances neurite outgrowth and decreases neural damage. We demonstrated that cognitive function is impaired in AT2KO, and that administration of AT2 receptor agonist (Compound 21) increased leaning ability in wild-type mice. Taken together, these results support the notion that AT1 receptor blockade and AT2 receptor stimulation play some important roles in reducing brain ischemic damage and increasing cognitive function. 愛媛大学大学院医学系研究科分子心血管生物・薬理学 堀内 正嗣 Effects of Stimulation of Angiotensin II Receptor Subtypes on Cerebral Ischemia and Cognitive Function Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) have proven to be very useful for treating high blood pressure and protecting against various forms of cardiovascular and renal damage. However, recent double blind, placebo controlled clinical trials have raised doubts about the ability of some ARBs to provide added CV protection beyond their ability to reduce blood pressure. For example, in the NAVIGATOR study, addition of the ARB valsartan on top of standard therapies failed to provide added CV protection compared to placebo. In the ROADMAP and ORIENT trials, treatment with olmesartan was associated with a 3 to 5 fold increased risk of CV death compared to placebo. Because many mechanisms are involved in the pathogenesis of CV disease, there is mounting interest in the identification of better antihypertensive drugs that do more than just inhibit the renin-angiotensin system and lower blood pressure. Accordingly, next generation ARBs are being developed that go beyond inhibition of the renin angiotensin and that function as nitric oxide donors, neprilysin inhibitors, PPAR gamma activators, or endothelin receptor antagonists. This presentation will: 1) address the potential importance of multi-functional ARBs that may reduce cardiovascular, renal, and metabolic risk through multiple mechanisms that go beyond just inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system; 2) discuss functional differences among existing ARBs; and 3) introduce four classes of next generation ARBs intended to do more than simply inhibit the renin-angiotensin system and lower blood pressure. Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, U.S.A. Theodore W. Kurtz Molecular Genetics and Therapeutics of the Metabolic Syndrome: Lessons from the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat Sponsored シンポジウム 10:Renin-angiotensin system Sponsored Symposium 10:Renin-angiotensin system 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Poster Index 123 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Symposium Obesity and associated diseases such as metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases represent a steadily growing health burden in industrialized societies. The favorable metabolic effects of telmisartan have been attributed to its angiotensin (Ang) II receptor blockade and action as a partial agonist of peroxisome proliferators activated receptor (PPAR)-㱏. Indeed, administration of telmisartan significantly improved endothelial dysfunction as assessed by the vasodilator response to acetylcholine and markedly inhibited lipid accumulation in the liver in mice with a high-fat diet. Interestingly, telmisartan, but not losartan, significantly increased the expression of HGF (hepatocyte growth factor), but not VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), in the aorta. In the further study, telmisartan showed a potential action to improve a non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) induced by feeding Wistar rats an L-methionine- and choline-deficient (MCA) diet, possibly due to increased HGF production through partial agonist of PPAR-㱏. As for adipose tissue, a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms that control adipose tissue development and function should improve our understanding of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome. White adipose tissue is the primary site of triglyceride and energy storage, and brown adipose tissue is important in both basal and inducible energy expenditure in the form of thermogenesis, and of note PPAR-㱏 may contribute both differentiation. In this session , we will also talk about the novel molecule in adipose tissue differentiation. 大阪大学連合小児発達学研究科健康発達医学 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 中神 啓徳 Special Talk The potential role of peroxisome proliferators activated receptor (PPAR)-γ in metabolic syndrome Special Lecture Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 腎臓・高血圧内科 Chronic kidney Disease (CKD) is defined as structural or functional abnormalities of the kidney that persist for at least 3 months and are manifested by either kidney damage (most frequently detected as persistent albuminuria) or a decreased glomerular filtration rate. CKD is strongly associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Individuals with CKD are more likely to die of CVD than to develop kidney failure. High blood pressure, poor glycemic control, obesity, metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia, smoking and older age are the risk factors for susceptibility to and initiation of CKD. In these conditions, systemic blood pressure can be transmitted to the glomerular capillary network because of impairment of autoregularatory mechanism existing on the afferent arteriole of glomerulus. Glomerular hypertension and endothelial dysfunction are regarded as the common mechanisms underlying in the development of CKD. The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is implicated in the development of glomerular hypertension. RAS activation also underlie in endothelial dysfunction through activation of NADPH oxidase and eNOS uncoupling. Numerous clinical trials and experimental studies have demonstrated that angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) and angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) ameliorate albuminuria/proteinuria and decline in renal function. We have successfully innovated two-photon lasermicroscopy to visualize microcirculation and alteration of filtration status in the kidney in the living animals. We will demonstrate how ARB could ameliorate imbalance of NO/ROS and abnormal excretion of albumin in the kidney using these techniques along with the discussion of reno-protective effects of ARB. 川崎医科大学 柏原 直樹 Renoprotective benefits of RAS inhibition : focus on prevention and treatment of chronic kidney disease President Lecture SY10-4 SY10-3 Program 15:20〜17:00 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 124 SY11-2 SY11-1 (English) RNA interference (RNAi) offers unique opportunities to become a novel therapeutic modality in combating cancer. Although highly target specific, its use has been limited by its short duration of therapeutic gene expression. To overcome this shortcoming, we constructed an oncolytic adenovirus (Ad)-based shRNA expression system (Ad-deltaB7-shVEGF) against vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a key mediator in angiogenesis. To demonstrate VEGF-specific nature of this newly engineered Ad-based shRNA, replicationincompetent Ad expressing VEGF-specific shRNA (Ad-deltaE1-shVEGF) was also generated. Ad-deltaE1shVEGF was highly effective in reducing VEGF expression, and elicited anti-angiogenenic effect in vitro as well as in vivo. Similarly, Ad-deltaB7-shVEGF exhibited potent anti-angiogenic effects in the matrigel plug assay in vivo. Moreover, Ad-deltaB7-shVEGF also demonstrated enhanced antitumor effect and survival advantage compared to its cognate control oncolytic Ad, Ad-deltaB7. Tumor histological analysis revealed that Ad-deltaB7-shVEGF induced significant reduction in tumor vasculature, verifying the anti-angiogenic mechanism. Furthermore, the duration and magnitude of the gene silencing effect following infection with AddeltaB7-shVEGF was longer and more effective than the replication-incompetent Ad, Ad-deltaE1-shVEGF. We also constructed IL-8-specific shRNA-expressing oncolyticAd, Ad-deltaB7-shIL-8, and found that it is efficient in killing cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Taken together, these results suggest that the combined oncolytic viral therapy and cancer cell-specific gene targeting is a powerful cancer therapeutical strategy. Institute for Cancer Research, Yonsei University College of Medicine Chae-Ok Yun Exploiting gene-expressed RNAi for vascular-targeted cancer gene therapy Isolation of candidate genes with therapeutic potential is indispensable for promoting molecular therapy of acquired diseases such as vascular diseases. Hemagglutinating Virus of Japan envelope vector (HVJ-E) is a powerful tool for this purpose. First, we attempted to find out the candidate genes for accelerating or inhibiting endothelial cell (EC) growth. We isolated a cDNA fragment encoding a small peptide with an alpha-helix structure consisting of 30 amino acids (angiogenic peptide-30; AG-30). AG-30 exhibited antimicrobial activity against various bacteria and induced EC growth and tube formation in a dose-dependent manner. In the ischemic mouse hind limb, slow-release AG-30 treatment resulted in an increase in blood flow and in capillary density. Using the same system, we also identified a novel anti-angiogenic factor, the prime candidate gene was “fourand-a-half LIM only protein-2” (FHL-2). The mechanism of anti-angiogenic signaling of FHL-2 in EC was that FHL-2 regulated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt via direct suppression of the sphingosine kinase-1/ sphingosine-1-phosphate pathway in EC.Next, we tried to isolate genes responsible for suppressing neointimal formation in artery. Several candidate genes such as ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCHL1) and cylindromatosis (CYLD) were isolated. Both genes attenuated mainly NF-kappaB activity in vascular cells by their deubiquitinating activities and suppressed neointimal formation in the balloon-injured artery. Those genes will contribute to elucidation of the mechanisms of angiogenesis and atherosclerosis, and some of them will be used for molecular therapy of vascular diseases. Division of Gene Therapy Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University Yasufumi Kaneda Gene hunting for molecular therapy of vascular diseases Sponsored Symposium 11:Gene Therapy Thursday, December 2 Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Selected Oral Presentation 125 Y.I.A. Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Symposium The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Renal disease including slight renal injuries has become to be supposed as one of risk factors for cardiovascular events. Most conventional therapy at present is inefficient and tends to treat the symptoms rather than the underlying causes of the disorder. Gene therapy based on oligonucleotides (ODN) offers a novel approach for the prevention and treatment of renal diseases. Gene transfer into somatic cells to interfere with the pathogenesis contributing to renal disease may provide such a novel approach for better prevention and treatment of renal disease. The major development of gene transfer methods has importantly contributed to intense investigation of the potential of gene therapy in renal diseases. Amazing advances in molecular biology have provided a dramatic improvement of the technology that is necessary to transfer target genes into somatic cells. Gene transfer methods, especially mediated by several viral vectors, have been surprisingly improved. Moreover, recent progress in molecular biology has provided new techniques to inhibit target gene expression. Transfer of cis-element double-stranded ODN (= decoy) has been reported as a novel powerful tool in a new class of antigene strategies as gene therapy. Transfer of decoy ODN corresponding to the cis sequence resulted in attenuation of the authentic cis-trans interaction, leading to removal of trans-factors from the endogenous cis-elements with subsequent modulation of gene expression. In this talk we would like to introduce some examples. How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Department of Internal Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School Special Talk Naruya Tomita Special Lecture Usefulness of NF-κB Decoy Oligonucleotides Transfer to Renal Disease Since the first clinical study on 1990, the technologies related to human gene therapy and the knowledge of target diseases have shown steady progress. The current frustrations of the physicians and scientists, however, are largely based on relatively lower gene transfer efficiencies of the current vectors and vector-related safety concerns. To accelerate the clinical studies of human gene therapy, therefore, the supporting infrastructure and improvement of vectors are keys for jump-up progress in this field. We recently have focused on the development of a new class and highly efficient gene transfer vector, namely recombinant Sendai virus vectors (rSeVs). Unlikely to the currently available vectors, rSeV is a RNA virus vector expressing exogenous genes by its own RNA polymerase in the cellular cytoplasm, without requirement of DNA phase, indicating that gene therapy using this type of vector is theoretically free from insertional mutagenesis in cellular genomic DNA, a great safety advantage of rSeV. In addition, rSeV has allowed us to show dramatically high gene transfer and expression efficiencies in vivo, indicating the great potential in clinical application. The mass production of good manufacturing practice (GMP) of 1st generation vector, rSeV lacking F-gene (rSeV/dF), is now available and a clinical study to treat critical limb ischemia using rSeV/dF expressing human basic fibroblast growth factor (rSeV/dF-hFGF2: DVC1-0101) is now under evaluation in Kyushu University Hospital (SeVAT trial: Sendai virus-mediated Angiogenic Therapy). We here summarize the current status of SeVAT trial and its scientific rationale for new concept as hierarchical actions of multiple angiogenic factors that are downstream regulators of FGF-2. R&D Laboratory for Innovative Biotherapeutics, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyushu University Yoshikazu Yonemitsu Recombinant Sendai Virus Expressing Human FGF-2 (DVC1-0101) as a Novel RNA Drug to Treat Peripheral Arterial Disease President Lecture SY11-4 SY11-3 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 126 SY11-5 Dual-targeted therapy for anti-angiogenesis and anti-lymphangiogenesis represents a potentially effective strategy for the treatment of various malignancies. Therefore, the goal of the present study was to identify genes that encode inhibitors of both angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis. The screening was performed using the functional screening method with the HVJ-E vector. Using a cDNA library obtained from Lewis lung carcinoma (LL/2), a candidate gene was identified by the evaluation of growth inhibition in aortic and lymphatic endothelial cells (EC) as that coding for the mouse cold shock domain protein A (mCSDA). Over-expression of mCSDA significantly repressed cell proliferation and c-fos promoter activity in aortic, venous, and lymphatic ECs. CSDA is a DNA binding protein that binds to the hypoxia response element (HRE). Furthermore, of importance, we revealed that CSDA could directly bind to the serum response element (SRE) sequence, which may lead to growth inhibition in ECs. In an LL/2-inoculated mouse model, tumor growth was significantly repressed in a mCSDA-injected group. Furthermore, the number of metastasis in the CSDA group was significantly decreased. Histopathological analysis revealed that expression of blood and lymphatic endothelial cell markers was significantly decreased in mCSDA-injected groups when CSDA plasmid was transferred to the boundary between tumor and normal tissue by ultrasound-sonoporation. These data strongly suggested that over-expressed CSDA repressed the growth and metastasis of LL/2 by the anti-angiogenic and antilymphangiogenic effect. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that gene transfer of CSDA plasmid DNA into endothelial cells repressed both angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in vitro and in vivo. Department of Surgery, Asahikawa Medical University Yukihiro Saito Cold Shock Domain Protein A, Novel Repressor of Tumor-Angiogenesis and Lymphangiogenesis for Cancer Gene Therapy. 9:00〜10:40 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 127 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Symposium We have been investigating molecular mechanisms of vascular development and regeneration with a systematic differentiation of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells and induced pluripotent stem cells (Nature, 2000; Circulation, 2008). We previously showed that cAMP together with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) potently induced endothelial cell (EC) differentiation and arterial EC formation. Recently, we demonstrated novel mechanisms of EC differentiation and diversification through a pivotal role of cAMP pathway. We found that Notch and GSK3㱎-mediated 㱎 -catenin signaling was simultaneously activated downstream of cAMP through phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase, and induced arterial specification from vascular progenitors. Intracellular domain of Notch and 㱎-catenin formed a protein complex on RBP-J binding sites of arterial genes (ephrinB2, neuropilin1 (NRP1), Dll4, CXCR4, Hes1) in arterial, but not in venous ECs. Forced dual activation of Notch and 㱎-catenin synergistically enhanced arterial gene expression both in vitro and in vivo (J Cell Biol, 2010). On the other hand, Protein kinase-A (PKA) was involved in common EC differentiation. Overexpression of constitutive active form of PKA (CA-PKA) potently induced EC differentiation and vascular formation. Expression of VEGF 165 -specific receptors, Flk1 and Neuropilin-1 (NRP1), were increased by CA-PKAexpression, enhancing the sensitivity of the progenitors responding to VEGF 165 by more than 10 times. PKA activation induced the formation of a protein complex with VEGF165, Flk1, and NRP1 in vascular progenitors (Blood, 2009). These molecular machineries would offer novel understandings in vascular development and clues for therapeutic strategies with vascular regeneration. How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences/Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, Kyoto Univeristy, Japan Special Talk Jun K. Yamashita、Kohei Yamamizu Special Lecture Dual roles of cyclic AMP pathway in endothelial cell differentiation and specification We have recently found several genes that are upregulated in the heart where VEGF is overexpressed. One of them is secreted frizzled related protein 2 (sFRP2), a known secreted Wnt antagonist. Through our biochemical and cell culture experiments, we have identified a novel activity of sFRP2, as an enhancer of procollagen C-proteinase (pCP) such as BMP-1. Furthermore, we have found that sFRP2 is upregulated specifically in myofibroblasts during fibrosis following myocardial infarction. This specific expression pattern of sFRP2 was also found to be correlated with its important role in fibrosis and cardiac function following myocardial infarction, based on our studies of sFRP2-deficient mice. These studies indicate that sFRP2 is a putative VEGFinduced pCP enhancer which plays a critical role in pathogenesis following myocardial infarction, suggesting that sFRP2 could serve a therapeutic target to treat human myocardial infarction. Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology Thomas N. Sato sFRP2 is a pCP enhancer that plays a critical role in fibrosis (English) President Lecture SY12-2 SY12-1 Symposium 12:Stem cells Friday, December 3 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 128 SY12-4 SY12-3 Cell transplantation has been used for myocardial ischemia as new therapeutic strategies. Since cell transplantation has been reported to induce angiogenesis though paracrine mechanisms, tissue-like morphology of cell sheet is suitable for engraftment, which lead to enhance angiogenesis for the long period. Recently we have reported that cardiac Sca-1(+) cell sheet transplantation improved the cardiac function of myocardial infarction model though in part VCAM-1/VLA-4 signaling-mediated angiogenesis. Endothelial cell co-cultured tissue-engineered cardiomyocytes sheets improved the cardiac function of ischemic heart and blood vessels originating from the engineered endothelial cell/cardiomyocyte tissue bridged into the infracted myocardium to connect with capillaries of the host heart. We previously reported to construct 3-D cell-dense tissues by stacking cell sheets, however poor vascularization remains a major obstacles in bioengineering cell-dense tissues, limiting the viable size of constructs due to hypoxia, nutrient insufficiency and waste accumulation. Since repeated transplantation of triple-layer grafts enabled to create about 1 mm thick tissue with well organized microvascular network in vivo, we next challenged to fabricate microvasculature in vitro. Endothelial cell coculture in 3-D tissue introduced endothelial cell networks and some cells formed tube-like structure. Furthermore when the 3-D tissues were transplanted in vivo, these vascular networks contributed to rapid blood supply via blood vessel connections between host and graft. Now, the increase of thickness of 3-D tissue using continuous media perfusion through in vitro fabricated endothelial cell networks is next challenge. Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Science, Tokyo Womenʼs Medical University Katsuhisa Matsuura、Tatsuya Shimizu、Teruo Okano Vascular network formation in cell sheet transplantation and bioengineered three-dimensional tissues Generations of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells have been intensively studied by a variety of reprogramming methods, but the molecular and functional properties of cells differentiated from iPS cells have not been well characterized. Here, we generated iPS cells from human aortic smooth muscle cells (HASMCs) by using lentiviral transduction of defined transcription factors. These iPS cells were differentiated back into SMCs to enable a direct, comparative analysis with the HASMCs from which the iPS cells were originated. We observed that iPS cell-derived SMCs were considerably similar to parental HASMCs and human embryonic stem cell (hESC)-derived SMCs in gene expression patterns, epigenetic modifications of pluripotency-related genes, and functional properties, despite the residual expression of some lentiviral transgenes. In addition, we found that both hESC and iPS cells exhibited the similar differentiation tendency into endothelial cells. Endothelial cells differentiated from iPS cells were also comparable to those derived from hESC in terms of their genetic and phenotypic characteristics. Our study reports the generation of iPS cell from HASMCs and the parallel characterization of human iPS cell-derived vascular cells with hESC-derived vascular cells, which may be useful in addressing the safety and efficacy concerns related to the application of current human iPS cell technology in regenerative medicine therapies. Department of Biomedical Science, CHA University, Korea Wonhee Suh Vascular Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells 9:00〜10:40 Poster Index 129 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin is an endothelial cell-cell adhesion molecule involved in maintenance of vascular integrity. Compromising vascular integrity leads to an increase in vascular permeability, which is associated with various diseases such as chronic inflammation and tumor angiogenesis. Cyclic AMP (cAMP), a second messenger downstream of Gs-coupled receptor, improves endothelial barrier functions. Previously, we reported that cAMP-elevating agonists such as prostaglandins and adrenomedullin potentiate VE-cadherindependent cell adhesion through the Epac-mediated activation of Rap1 small GTPase. Furthermore, we have recently shown that cAMP-Epac-Rap1 signal induces formation of cortical actin bundles to which VE-cadherin is anchored through 㱍-/㱎-catenins at cell-cell adhesions. However, it remains unknown how Rap1 induces cortical actin bundling. Here, we report that linear actin nucleators, both formin-like 2 and 3 (FMNL2/3), are involved in Rap1-induced cortical actin bundling. FMNL2/3 are recruited to cell-cell junctions upon stimulation with forskolin (FSK), an activator for adenylyl cyclase. FSK-induced cortical actin bundling was blunted by depletion of FMLN2/3. Since Rho GTPases activate some formin family proteins, we further examined the role of Rho GTPases in FMNL2/3-mediated cortical actin bundling. Active mutant of Cdc42, but not those of Rho and Rac, bound to N-terminal region of FMNL2 and induced cortical actin bundling. In Cdc42-depleted cells, FSK did not induce the accumulation of FMNL2/3 at cell-cell junctions and the formation of cortical actin bundling. These results indicate that Rap1 induces cortical actin bundling through Cdc42-mediated activation of FMNL2/3, thereby stabilizing VE-cadherin-dependent cell-cell junctions. Symposium Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Deptartment of Cell Biology, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center Research Institute, Osaka, Japan Department of Cellular Signaling, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University 2 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 1 Special Talk Shigetomo Fukuhara1、Koji Ando1,2、Kazuomi Noda1、Jianghui Zhang1、 Norimichi Nakahata2、Naoki Mochizuki1 Special Lecture Signaling pathways regulating endothelial barrier functions Vascular endothelial cells (ECs) lining the inner surface of blood vessels are constantly exposed to shear stress, a fluid mechanical force generated by flowing blood. In recent years, a biomechanical approach in which cultured ECs are subjected to controlled levels of shear stress in a fluid-dynamically designed apparatus has been widely used. It has become apparent that ECs respond to shear stress by altering their morphology and functions, including the production of a potent vasodilator nitric oxide (NO) and anti-thrombotic protein thrombomodulin. When cultured ECs are exposed to flow, the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) increases in a shear-stress-dependent manner. The flow-induced Ca2+ response is due to an influx of extracellular Ca2+ via an ATP-gated ion channel P2X4, meaning that ECs can accurately convert information regarding shear stress intensity into changes in [Ca 2+]i and that P2X4 have a shear transducer property by which shear stress signals are transmitted into the cell interior via the Ca2+ influx. Shear-induced activation of P2X4 requires ATP, which is supplied in the form of endogenous ATP released by ECs. Shear-stress-induced ATP release is initiated at caveolae. To gain insight into the physiological role of the P2X4-meidated shear-stress mechanotransduction, we generated P2X4-deficient (KO) mice. KO mice do not exhibit normal EC responses to shear stress, such as Ca 2+ influx and subsequent production of NO. The vasodilation induced by acute increases in blood flow is markedly suppressed in KO mice. KO mice have higher blood pressure values than wild-type mice. Thus, P2X4-mediated shear-stress-mechanotransduction plays an important role in the vascular homeostasis, including the control of blood pressure and flow-induced vasodilation. Laboratory of System Physiology, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo 2 Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Dokkyo Medical University 1 Kimiko Yamamoto1、Joji Ando2 ATP-gated P2X4 ion channel serve as transducers for shear stress mechanotransduction in vascular endothelial cells (English) President Lecture SY13-2 SY13-1 Symposium 13:Vascular Signal Transduction Friday, December 3 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 130 SY13-4 SY13-3 Orchestration of differentiation, migration and re-assembly of cells is one of fundamental aspects of pattern formation of tissues and organs. In physics, pattern formation, such as the Benard convection and the Taylor instability, is extensively studied in physics and chemistry. In these cases, homogenous molecules can form distinct patterns. In another case, oxidative and reductive states repeat in an oscillatory way, known as the B-Z reaction. These indicate that similar autonomous mechanisms could exist in developing embryos, some of which were already studied extensively by Turing and Meinhard. We have been exploring molecular mechanisms of pattern formation of vertebrate embryos with several key transcription factors. Nonetheless, we have noticed that extensive analyses on the genetic programs are not sufficient for understanding the dynamic pattern formation of developing embryos. Recently, we have found that several proteins respond to physical forces generated by cells, hereby such strains trigger next biochemical responses. These mechano-sensitive factors are now emerging as key regulators of morphogenesis, circulatory homeostasis, remodeling of bones and muscles, and even metabolism/obesity. We are now studying novel mechanisms to understand functional roles of physical forces generated by cells and sensed by cells, especially in the vascular system. Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University Toshihiko Ogura Machanical control of gene expression in vascular system. Although oral phosphodiesterase (PDE)-5 inhibitors have revolutionized the way we treat patients with erectile dysfunction (ED), they are not cures for ED and have important limitations: PDE5 inhibitors must be used on demand; and men with severe endothelial dysfunction from vascular risk factors, such as diabetes, respond poorly to these drugs. Recently, a link between ED and systemic vascular disease was unveiled and both diseases were known to share the same vascular risk factors with endothelial cell dysfunction being the common denominator between these two conditions. Therefore, endothelial cell regeneration is a promising therapeutic strategy for curing ED and is anticipated to be effective for patients who do not respond to PDE5 inhibitors and to restore physiologic erections, i.e., spontaneity of sexual act. We examined the efficacy of potent angiopoietin-1 (Ang1) variant, cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP)-Ang1, on erectile function in animal models for diabetic ED, including type I (streptozotocin-induced) and type II (db/db mice) diabetic models. Local delivery of COMP-Ang1 significantly increased cavernous endothelial proliferation, eNOS phosphorylation, and cGMP expression compared with that in the untreated control or PBS-treated diabetic group. These changes in group receiving COMP-Ang1 restored erectile function up to 4 weeks after treatment. Endothelial protective effects, such as marked decreases in the expression of p47phox and iNOS, in the generation of superoxide anion and nitrotyrosine, and in the number of apoptotic cells in the corpus cavernosum tissue, were noted in COMP-Ang1-treated diabetic mice. Intracavernous injection of COMP-Ang1 completely restored endothelial cell-to-cell junction proteins (VE-cadherin, ZO-1, occludin, and claudin-5) and decreased cavernous endothelial permeability. COMP-Ang1-induced promotion of cavernous angiogenesis and erectile function was abolished in the presence of the NOS inhibitor, L-NAME, but not in the presence of NADPH oxidase inhibitor, apocynin. These findings constitute a new paradigm toward curative treatment of both cavernous angiopathy and ED. National Research Laboratory of Regenerative Sexual Medicine and Department of Urology, Inha University School of Medicine, Incheon, Korea 2 Department of Biological Sciences and Laboratory for Vascular Biology, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea 1 Ji-Kan Ryu1、Hai-Rong Jin1、Gou Young Koh2、Jun-Kyu Suh1 Intracavernous Delivery of a Designed Angiopoietin-1 Variant Rescues Erectile Function by Enhancing Endothelial Regeneration in the Diabetic Mouse 9:00〜10:40 Poster Index 131 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Aneurysm and dissection are the major aortic diseases in adult, of which molecular mechanism for the failure of homeostatic balance is largely unknown. We previously discovered several key molecules that regulate the balance between tissue destruction and repair in aortic aneurysm. To further identify the key molecules for the homeostasis of aorta, we systematically analyzed the molecules that are expressed during the progression of aortic aneurysm. We found that tenascin-C (TNC), an extracellular matrix protein, was expressed in the human aneurysm tissue with active inflammation. In normal wild type (WT) mice, TNC was constitutively expressed in the distal, but not in the proximal aorta. Biomechanical analyses revealed the loss of flexibility in distal aorta and concomitant increase in hemodynamic stress in proximal aorta in TNC knockout (KO) mice. Periaortic application of calcium chloride in the distal aorta and systemic administration of angiotensin II (C+A) in WT caused the loss of flexibility of the distal aorta due to chronic inflammation, which was associated with the compensatory increase in the hemodynamic stress, medial hypertrophy, and TNC induction in the proximal aorta. In contrast, C+A caused a large medial dissection in the proximal aorta in KO. Transcriptome analysis revealed the low expression of various chemokines at the baseline, but exaggerated induction in response to C+A in proximal aorta of KO. The hypersensitive chemokine induction was recapitulated in KO-derived aortic smooth muscle cell culture. Therefore, TNC works as a biomechanical and biochemical “shock-absorber” to alleviate the onset of catastrophic inflammatory response to the stress, thus maintaining the homeostasis of aortic tissue. Symposium Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 久留米大学循環器病研究所、2筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科循環器内科、3山口大学大学院医学系研究科器官病態外科学、 三重大学大学院医学系研究科修復再生病理学分野、5国立国際医療研究センター、6山口大学大学院医学系研究科器官病態内科 学 4 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 1 Special Talk 青木 浩樹1、木村 泰三2、吉村 耕一3、今中 恭子4、吉田 利通4、青沼 和隆2、廣江 道昭5、今泉 勉1、 松崎 益徳6 Special Lecture Molecular network for the homeostasis of aortic tissue All of our tissues contain the same 30,000 genes; however, in a given tissue and at a given stage, owing to an “epigenetic code,” only a few of these genes are expressed, giving rise to the “phenotype.” Disruption of the balance of epigenetic networks may cause several major diseases, including cancer, syndromes involving chromosomal instabilities, and mental retardation. However, the relevance of epigenetics to other physiopathological mechanisms in common diseases, such as metabolic syndrome, was less clear. Through genome wide identification of PPAR㱏 targets by chromatin immunoprecipitation on Chip (ChIP-Chip) analysis, we identified several histone modification enzymes (HKMTs) and candidatesʼ genes as new PPAR㱏 targets. We show that these HKMTs function either anti-, or pro- adipogenic factor and coordinately regulated their gene expressions by PPAR㱏 to promote adipogenesis. We therefore propose the novel action of PPAR gamma: controlling epigenomic status in fat cell differentiation. In addition, we demonstrate that JHDM2a, a demehtylase of H3K9me2, regulates metabolic genes related to energy homeostasis. Mice deficient in JHDM2a (JHDM2a-/-) develop adult onset obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperleptinemia, which are hallmarks of metabolic syndrome. Thus, H3K9 demethylase JHDM2a is a crucial regulator of genes involved in energy expenditure and fat storage, which suggests it is a previously unrecognized key regulator of obesity and metabolic syndrome. 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター 代謝医学分野 酒井 寿郎 Metabolic syndrome and epigenomic regulations (日本語) President Lecture SY14-2 SY14-1 シンポジウム 14:新規疾患関連分子 Symposium 14:New therapeutic target 12月3日 (金) /Friday, December 3 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 132 SY14-4 SY14-3 MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenously expressed small non-coding RNAs that function as negative regulators of gene expression. Posttranscriptional regulation by miRNAs is important for many aspects of development, homeostasis, and disease. Sveral miRNAs are highly expressed in endothelial cells and are involved in angiogenesis. Whereas the specific functions of miRNAs for tumor angiogenesis are less clear. Here, we identified several miRNAs that were enriched in endothelial cells derived from LLC tumor. Among these miRNAs, we found that mir-125 regulated the expression of endothelial cell adherent protein VE-cadherin. Additionally, overexpression of mir-125 in endothelial cells resulted in inhibition of proliferation, tube formation and migration activity. Furthermore, in vivo transfection of mir-125 in subcutaneous implanted LLC tumor, inhibited functional vascular formation and suppressed tumor growth. These findings illustrate that mir-125 act as negative regulator of tumor angiogenesis and providing a new target for modulating vascular formation and function. 大阪大学微生物病研究所情報伝達分野 木戸屋 浩康、村松 史隆、高倉 伸幸 Role of microRNAs for tumor angiogenesis and endothelial function Grb2-associated binder (Gab) docking proteins play critical roles for receptor tyrosine kinases-mediated activation of MAP kinases (ERKs) and PI3-kinase-AKT. We previously reported the crucial role of Gab proteins for maintenance of cardiac function through the analysis of cardiomyocyte-specific Gab1/Gab2 double knockout mice (J Clin, Invest. 117, 1771, 2007). Recently, we created endothelium-specific Gab1 knockout mice (Gab1flox/flox Tie2Cre(+); Gab1ECKO). Since Gab1ECKO were viable and showed no obvious developmental defects, we created a murine model of operatively induced hindlimb ischemia. Angiogenesis in the ischemic limb was significantly impaired in Gab1ECKO versus control evaluated by either doppler flow intensity or capillary density measurement. Intriguingly, necrosis in the operated limb was observed in all of Gab1ECKO, but not in control. In addition, we have found that Gab1 deletion in the endothelium also leads to enhanced formation of atherosclerosis after chronic administration of angiotensin II in ApoE-null genetic background, suggesting that Gab1 is a critical player for prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Using human endothelial cells (ECs), we found that hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) induces the most prominent tyrosinephosphorylation of Gab1 among several proangiogenic growth factors. Phosphorylated Gab1 associates with protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP2 and PI3-kinase p85 subunit. Furthermore, Gab1 is essential for sustained activation of ERK1/2, ERK5, and AKT in responsen to HGF in the ECs. These data suggest that Gab1 might have a key role for HGF-dependent vascular protection. Thus, elucidating the molecular mechanism of Gab1dependent vascular protection will enable us to discover novel therapeutic targets for cardiovascular diseases. 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科循環器内科学、2国立循環器病研究センター研究所 1 中岡 良和1、望月 直樹2、小室 一成1 Docking protein Gab1 plays critical roles for prevention of cardiovascular diseases How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index 133 Special Talk The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Special Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Members of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) family have been implicated in the development and maintenance of vascular systems. While members of the BMP-2/4 and osteogenic protein-1 groups signal via activin receptor-like kinases (ALK)-2, 3, and 6, BMP-9 and 10 have been reported to bind to ALK-1 in endothelial cells. However, the roles of BMP-9/ALK-1 signaling in the regulation of endothelial cells have not yet been fully elucidated. Here, we examined the effects of BMP-9 on the proliferation of endothelial cells using various systems. Vascular tube formation from ex vivo allantoic explants of mouse embryos was promoted by BMP-9. BMP-9, as well as BMP-4 and 6, also induced the proliferation of in vitro-cultured mouse embryonic stem cell-derived endothelial cells (MESEC) by inducing the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 and Tie2, a receptor for Angiopoietin-1. Decrease in ALK-1 expression and expression of constitutively active ALK-1 in MESEC abrogated and mimicked the effects of BMP-9 on the proliferation of MESEC, respectively, suggesting that BMP-9 promotes their proliferation via ALK-1. Furthermore, in vivo angiogenesis was promoted by BMP-9 in a Matrigel plug assay and a BxPC3 human pancreatic cancer xenograft model. In consistent with these in vivo findings, BMP-9 enhanced the proliferation of in vitro cultured normal endothelial cells from dermal tissues of adult mice and tumor-associated endothelial cells isolated from tumor xenografts in host mice. These findings suggest that BMP-9 signaling activates the endothelium tested in the present study via ALK-1. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科分子病理学、2科学技術振興機構さきがけ、3北海道大学大学院歯学研究科口腔病態学講座血管生 物学教室 1 渡部 徹郎1,2、鈴木 夕佳1、吉松 康裕1、大賀 則孝3、森下 保幸1、樋田 京子3、宮園 浩平1 Physiological and pathological roles of BMP-9/ALK-1 signals in the proliferation of endothelial cells President Lecture Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD SY14-5 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 134 SY15-2 SY15-1 (日本語) Molecular medicine, the mechanistic understanding of pathophysiology in molecular terms to prevent, diagnose and treat human disease, has made great progress at a basic level, but has failed to fully deliver on its promise of new therapies. In this talk, I identify some of the roadblocks that have kept molecular medicine from fulfilling our expectations, focusing specifically on three aspects: the limitations of animal models, organizational and financial issues that impede the development of new drugs, and educational aspects related to the lack of training that most researchers have when trying to explore the translational/commercial potential of their work. Chief Editor, Nature Medicine Juan Carlos Lopez Key obstacles to translational research: an editorial view Japanese academic community, government, and industries have made efforts to deliver the scientific findings of biomedical research. Japanese industries, especially conventional pharmaceutical companies, were not straightforward to initiate collaborative research and development (R&D) with universities, and academic researchers established start-up venture companies for the R&D of their products mostly during 2000-2005, however, most of them gave up because there were not many professionals in regulation and/or development with these companies, and also venture capitals shrank investment to these companies. Also, Japanese clinical trial system is too complicated since there are two separate pathways to perform clinical trials: Pharmaceutical affairs law (PAL)-regulating clinical trial (“Chiken”) and clinical research not regulated by PAL, which has made confusion to both researchers and industries. Later, conventional pharmaceutical companies started to acquire biomedical seeds from the USA or European companies, not from Japanese university-spin out companies.In this talk, current status and future directions of translational research in Japan in views of regulation, government programs, and bioindustries will be discussed. 京都大学大学院医学研究科薬剤疫学 川上 浩司 臨床応用研究の道筋と制度的課題 シンポジウム 15:トランスレーショナル リサーチ Symposium 15:Translational Research 12月3日 (金) /Friday, December 3 13:20〜15:00 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 135 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Symposium Direct reprogramming of somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells is a recent most prominent progress in stem cell biology. Next important issues are how to obtain the human somatic cells with less invasiveness, how to shorten the period and increase the efficiency of iPS cell production, and how to avoid the genome integration of extrinsic genes. Recent studies demonstrated that use of somatic stem cells, and application of plasmid, adenovirus, protein, transpozon or protein could increase the efficiency or safety to some extent. However, these procedures cannot overcome these 4 problems at the same time. Here we show that the combination of activated T cell cultivation and the temperature sensitive mutated Sendai virus (SeV) encoding human OCT3/4, SOX2, KLF4 and c-MYC can overcome these issues simultaneously, and generate the iPS cells very efficiently and safely within one month. Terminally differentiated T cells were obtained from 1 ml of peripheral blood, and can expand themselves by activating with plate-bound anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody and rIL-2. SeV is negative-sense single stranded RNA virus, do not integrate into host genome, and is very efficiently transfected into the activated T cells. Now, T cell-derived iPS (TiPS) cells can be readily used in clinics and research centers. We generated cardiomyocytes from TiPS cells, purified them using TMRM dye and FACS, and transplaneted them into the immunodeficient mice heart. The transplanted human cardiomyocytes do not make teratoma, and can survive in the heart for extended period. In the future, we are planning to transplant them in the patients with severe congestive heart failure. How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 慶應義塾大学医学部循環器内科 Special Talk 福田 恵一、関 倫久、湯浅 慎介 Special Lecture Generation of iPS cells from a single droplet of peripheral blood and its application to human heart failure Human cardiac regeneration therapy has been performed by using various sources of stem cell. Myoblasts and bone marrow cells have been injected for patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy in our clinical trial and improved cardiac performance. We had examined the efficacy of stem cell therapy using tissue engineered sheet technique compared to needle injection. This technique has advantages such as the ability for treatment to large area, and less invasive for host heart such as lethal arrhythmia. In vivo, implantation of autologous myoblast sheet had improved cardiac function of ischemic or dilated cardiomyopathy models using rat, hamster, canine and porcine models. We also showed that myoblast sheets provided various factors inducing angiogenesis, hematopoietic cell recruitment and anti-apoptosis, following anti-remodeling. Thus, after approved by IRB of our institution, we have started the clinical trial of myoblast sheet implantation for DCM patients, and assessed the feasibility and efficacy for the first patient. In this patient, any sequelae including arrhythmia have not occurred after implantation, and the cardiac function showed recovery. Furthermore, we have investigated several improvement of this technology for the layered implantation for ischemic heart, for right heart failure, and another cell source to construct the sheet. Thus, stem cell sheet implantation could be safe and eligible as cardiac regeneration therapy. 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科機能制御外科学 澤 芳樹 Stem Cell Therapy for Severe Heart Failure. President Lecture SY15-4 SY15-3 Program 13:20〜14:10 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 136 YF-2 YF-1 (English) Akt mediated signaling plays an important role in blood vascular development. Here we have investigated the role of Akt in lymphatic growth using Akt deficient mice. Firstly, we found that lymphangiogenesis occurred in Akt1-/-, Akt2-/- or Akt3-/- mice. However, the diameter and endothelial cell number of lymphatic capillaries were significantly less in Akt1-/- mice than that of wildtype control, while there was only slight change in Akt2-/- or Akt3-/- mice. Secondly, valves present in the small collecting lymphatics in the superficial dermal layer of ear skin were rarely observed in Akt1 -/- mice, although they could be detected in the large collecting lymphatics in the deep layer of skin tissues. Fluorescence microlymphangiography assay showed that skin lymphatic network in Akt1 -/- mice was functional but with defects as shown by FITC-dextran draining. There was abnormal enlargement of collecting lymphatic vessels, and further analysis showed that smooth muscle cell coverage with collecting lymphatics became much sparser in Akt deficient mice than that in wildtype control. Finally we showed that lymphatic vessels were detected in compound Akt null mice, and that lymphangiogenesis could be induced by VEGF-C delivered via adenoviral vectors in adult mice lacking Akt1. These results indicate that in spite of the compensatory roles of other Akt isoforms, Akt1 is more critically required in the lymphatic development. Laboratory of Vascular and Cancer Biology, Model Animal Research Institute, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China 2 Laboratory of Heart and Disease Model, Model Animal Research Institute, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China 3 Departments of Surgery and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles 4 Department of Medical Imaging, Nanjing Jinling Hospital, Clinical School of Medical College, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China 5 Molecular/Cancer Biology Laboratory, Department of Pathology, Haartman Institute and Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Biomedicum Helsinki, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland 6 Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland 1 Fei Zhou1、Zai Chang2、Luqing Zhang1、Young-Kwon Hong3、Bin Shen1、Bo Wang1、 Fan Zhang4、Guangming Lu4、Denis Tvorogov5、Kari Alitalo5、Brian̲A. Hemmings6、 Zhongzhou Yang2、Yulong He1 Akt / Protein Kinase B is required for lymphatic network formation, remodeling and valve development Although VEGFR-3 deficiency disrupts blood vascular development during early embryogenesis, the underlying mechanism was not clear. To characterize its function in angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis, we employed two genetically modified mouse models in this study, targeting the coding region for the ligand-binding domain (Vegfr3 deltaLBD ) or the tyrosine kinase domain with an inactivation point mutation (Vegfr3 TKmut ). We show that lymphatic growth was disrupted in Vegfr3 deltaLBD/deltaLBD and Vegfr3 TKmut/TKmut mice, but blood vessels developed normally in both embryo and yolk sac. Interestingly, in Vegfr3deltaLBD/deltaLBD but not Vegfr3TKmut/TKmut mice, lymph sac was present but there was lack of lymphangiogenic sprouting. We further demonstrate that both the wildtype and mutant forms of VEGFR-3 could form heterodimers with VEGFR-2, and decreased the level of phospho-VEGFR-2 and the downstream phospho-Erk1/2 in endothelial cells when they were treated with VEGF-A. These findings indicate that signaling mediated via VEGFR-3 activation by its cognate ligands (VEGF-C/-D) is not required for angiogenesis, and that VEGFR-3 may play a role in this process by modulating VEGFR-2-mediated signals. Laboratory of Vascular and Cancer Biology, MOE Key Laboratory for Model Animal and Disease Study, Model Animal Research Institute, Nanjing University 2 Laboratory of Vascular Biology, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Peking University 3 Department of Molecular Oncology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University 1 Luqing Zhang1、○Fei Zhou1、Wencan Han1、Bin Shen1、Jincai Luo2、 Shibuya Masabumi3、Yulong He1 VEGFR-3 ligand-binding and kinase activity are required for lymphangiogenesis but not for angiogenesis Y.I.A. Presentation (for overseas nominees) Friday, December 3 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 137 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Symposium Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is a stress-inducible enzyme catalyzing the oxidative degradation of heme to free iron, carbon monoxide (CO) and biliverdin. Our previous study has demonstrated that HO-1 overexpression in ischemic heart promoted vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression and angiogenesis, which contributed to the attenuation of left ventricular fibrosis and cardiac dysfunctions. However, the mechanism underlying HO-1-induced VEGF expression remained elusive. Here we show that HO-1 gene transduction in rat primary cardiomyocytes and H9C2 myocytes resulted in significant induction of VEGF expression. A similar effect was also observed when cells were directly exposed to low doses of CO gas (100 & 250 ppm)or a CO-releasing compound, tricarbonyldichlororuthenium (II) dimmer (10-50 㱘M). HO-1/CO-induced VEGF expression was significantly suppressed by pharmacological inhibition of p38 kinase, but not of AKT, activation. VEGF promoter-luciferase reporter assays, electrophoretic mobility shift assays, supershift assay, and chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed that CO-induced VEGF promoter activation requires the binding of the Sp1 transcriptional factor to a cis-regulatory sequence located at the VEGF promoter. Western blot analysis and immunostaining experiments demonstrated that HO-1/CO induced p38-dependent phosphorylation of Sp1 at Thr453 and Thr739 both in vitro and in vivo. Overexpression of Sp1 protein with an alanine mutation at Thr453 or Thr739 suppressed CO-induced Sp1 binding to the VEGF promoter and its transcriptional activation. Collectively, these data suggest that p38-dependent phosphorylation of Sp1 at Thr543/Thr739 is crucial for HO-1/CO-induced VEGF expression in cardiomyocytes. How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine The Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan Special Talk Heng-Huei Lin、Shao-Chuan Lai、Lee-Young Chau Special Lecture P38 kinase-dependent activation of Sp1 transcriptional factor mediates heme oxygenase-1/carbon monoxide-induced vascular endothelial growth factor gene expression in cardiomyocytes Wnt pathway has been implicated in angiogenesis. Although Wnt related proteins are known to be important during development, functions of their complex interaction are still unclear in vascular development. We found a novel angiogenic activator, DKK2 which interact with lrp6, a known receptor of Wnt. In the mouse cornea assay, DKK2 protein recruited new vessels. Unlike VEGF, DKK2 induced more stable form of vessels, which are coated well with pericytes. Consistently, more vessels were found in matrigel plug mixted with DKK2 compared to control plug. In vivo, Tie2 specific DKK2 expression in mice caused more sprouting at the front of retinal vessels than in those of littermate wild mice. Retina vessel density and filopodia number of DKK2 Tg mice was also increased compared to wild retina. Treatment of DKK2 protein improved tissue repair by enhancing angiogenesis in hindlimb ischemia and cardiac infarction mouse model. We propose that DKK2 promotes angiogenesis by enhancing endothelial tip cell dynamics, and this may provide therapeutic potential of DKK2 protein in angiogenesis-related disease. 2 Department of Biochemistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea Vascular System Research Center, Kangwon National University, Kangwon-Do 200-701, Korea 1 Hongryeol Park1、Jeong-Ki Min1、Hyun-Jung Choi1、Seung-sik Rho1、 Young-Myoung Kim2、Young-Guen Kwon1 DKK2, the Wnt antagonist, activates angiogenesis President Lecture YF-4 YF-3 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 138 YF-5 Malignant melanoma is highly metastatic and notoriously resistant to conventional therapies, posing a challenging therapeutic obstacle attributed to tumor population heterogeneity. Highly metastatic and chemotherapy-resistant properties of malignant melanomas stand as challenging barriers to successful treatment, yet the mechanisms responsible for their aggressive characteristics are not fully defined. We show that a distinct population expressing CD133 (Prominin-1), which is highly enriched after administration of a chemotherapeutic drug, dacarbazine, has enhanced metastatic potential in vivo. CD133+ tumor cells are located close to tumorassociated lymphatic vessels in metastatic organs, such as the regional lymph nodes and lung. Lymphatic endothelial cells promote the migratory activity of a CD133+ subset to target organs and regulation of lymphatic growth efficiently modulates the metastasis of CD133+ tumor cells. We found that lymphatic vessels in metastatic tissues stimulate CXCR4+/CD133+ cell metastasis to target organs by secretion of SDF-1. The CXCR4+/CD133+ cells exhibited higher metastatic activity compared to CXCR4-/CD133+ cells and, importantly, blockade of CXCR4 coupled with dacarbazine efficiently inhibited metastasis; dacarbazine alone could not attenuate tumor metastasis. The current study demonstrates a previously unidentified role of the lymphatic microenvironment in facilitating metastasis of chemo-resistant melanoma cells via a specific chemotactic axis - SDF-1/CXCR4. Our findings suggest that targeting the SDF-1/CXCR4 axis in addition to dacarbazine treatment could therapeutically block chemo-resistant CD133+ cell metastasis toward a lymphatic metastatic niche. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea Minah Kim、Jun Yeop Lee、Kyung Min Choi、Gou Young Koh Regulation of Chemo-resistant Melanoma Cell Metastasis by a Lymphatic Metastatic Niche: a Key Role of CXCR4 Signaling 14:10〜15:00 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 139 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Symposium 糖尿病網膜症などの虚血性網膜症の進行には, 網膜血管新生が深く関与していることが知られてい る。最近, 本疾患に対して従来のレーザー治療に加えて, VEGF中和抗体の硝子体内投与が行われ始め た。このVEGF中和抗体は, 虚血性網膜症に対して効果的な治療効果を示す一方で, その効果が一過性 であることや, 全身性副作用がみられること, VEGF中和抗体に反応しない新生血管があることなどの 問題が指摘されている。そのため, より効果的な治療法の開発にはこれら以外の新しい標的分子の同 定が必要である。そこで今回,著者らが網膜血管形成に関与することを見出したアペリンが虚血性網 膜症モデルにおける病的な網膜血管新生に関与するか否かを検討した。マウス酸素誘発虚血性(OIR) モデルは, 生後7日齢(P7)から5日間75%酸素条件下で飼育することで網膜血管形成を抑制し, その後, 通常大気条件下で5日間飼育することで網膜虚血領域に向かう病的な網膜血管新生を誘導するモデル である。病的血管新生が生じる時期であるP15およびP17の網膜において, VEGFやエリスロポエチン (Epo)の発現上昇がみられたが, これらの既存の血管新生因子よりもアペリンの発現が最も劇的に上 昇していた。受容体APJはP15において血管新生を伴っている血管網に発現していること, さらに網膜 から硝子体に侵入したAPJ陽性細胞の多くに BrdUが取り込まれていた。また, アペリン遺伝子欠損 (KO)マウスを用いたOIRモデルでは, 野生型マウスと比較して有意に網膜血管新生が抑制され, さら に, 硝子体内に侵入する異常細胞数およびBrdU陽性細胞数も有意に低下していた。また, アペリンKO マウスを用いたOIRモデルの網膜における遺伝子発現解析を行った結果, P15およびP17においてVEGF やEpoの発現は野生型マウスよりも有意に高いこと, およびそれらの受容体(VEGFR1,VEGFR2, EpoR)の発現は, 両遺伝子型間で大きな差はみられないことを見出した。以上の結果から, アペリン/ APJシステムは虚血性網膜症モデルにおいて血管内皮細胞の増殖を介して網膜血管新生を誘導してい ることが示唆され, 虚血性網膜疾患の効果的な治療標的となる可能性が示唆された。 摂南大学薬学部薬物治療学、2大阪大学大学院医学系研究科眼科学、3大阪大学大学院薬学研究科神経薬理学 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 1 Special Talk 笠井 淳司1、石丸 侑希1、吉岡 靖啓1、山室 晶子1、五味 文2、新谷 紀人3、馬場 明道3、 前田 定秋1 Special Lecture Apelin is a crucial factor for hypoxia-induced retinal angiogenesis 血管網と神経網は、秩序ある分岐パターンを形成し、多くの部位において並走し生命活動を担ってい る。近年、血管発生及び神経発生の両者に関与する共通分子が報告され、分子レベルにおいて密接に 連関している可能性が示唆されている。我々は、これまでにES細胞を用いて中胚葉マーカーである VEGF 2型受容体(Flk1)陽性血管前駆細胞より血管内皮細胞を分化誘導するシステムを構築した (Yamashita, Nature, 2000)。さらに、VEGF及びcAMPシグナルの活性化により内皮細胞分化の促進及び 動脈内皮細胞の誘導が起こる分子機構を明らかにした (Yamamizu, Blood, 2009; J Cell Biol, 2010)。最近、 我々はcAMPシグナルを抑制的に制御すると考えられるKappaオピオイド受容体 (KOR) が血管細胞に 高発現していることを見出した。本研究では神経機能に重要な役割を果たすオピオイドの血管発生・ 新生における新しい役割を検討した。ES細胞由来血管前駆細胞へのKORアゴニストであるU50,488H 及びTRK-820の添加は血管内皮細胞分化及び三次元的血管形成を抑制した。KORの活性化は、 VEGF-A発現には影響を及ぼさなかったがVEGF-A受容体であるFlk1及びNeuropilin1の発現を抑制し た。8-bromo-cAMP及びPKA選択的アゴニストである6-Bnz-cAMPの添加はKORの活性化による内皮細 胞分化の抑制効果を消失させた。我々はさらにKOR及び内因性KORアゴニストであるダイノルフィ ンの2種類のノックアウト(KO)マウスを用いた検討を行った。胎生10.5日の両KOマウス胎仔にお いて血管発生・新生が有意に亢進していることをFACS及び免疫染色にて明らかにした。また、両KO マウス胎仔の体節において異所性の血管の侵入が観察された。KOマウス胎仔から純化した血管内皮 細胞においてFlk1及びNeuropilin1の発現亢進が認められ、一方、血管走行を調節するPlexinD1の発現 が減少していることを見出した。これらの結果より血管発生及び血管走行の両者を負に制御するオピ オイドは新規血管新生抑制因子であると考えられた。本研究は、血管発生学に新たな知見を与えると 共にオピオイド薬を用いた腫瘍血管新生抑制による抗がん治療など新たな治療戦略の開発に寄与す ることが期待される。 京都大学再生医科学研究所幹細胞分化制御研究領域、2京都大学iPS細胞研究所 増殖分化機構研究部門、3星薬科大学薬品毒性 学教室、4北里大学生命薬化学研究室 1 山水 康平1,2、古田 貞由3、片山 志織1,2、成田 道子3、葛巻 直子3、今井 哲司3、長瀬 博4、鈴木 勉3、 成田 年3、山下 潤1,2 血管内皮細胞分化および血管走行制御におけるオピオイドの役割 (日本語) President Lecture YJ-2 YJ-1 YIA審査発表 (日本人対象) Y.I.A. Presentation (for Japanese nominees) 12月3日 (金) /Friday, December 3 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 140 YJ-4 YJ-3 【背景】近年の疫学研究から糖尿病がアルツハイマー病(AD)の強力な危険因子であることが報告さ れ注目を集めている。しかしその背景にあるメカニズムは依然不明である。本研究ではこの背景病態 を解明することを目的とし、両疾患の病態を反映する新規病態合併モデルマウスを確立しその解析を 行った。【方法】ADモデルTgマウス(APP23)と2種類の糖尿病マウス(ob/ob、NSYマウス)との掛 け合わせをそれぞれ行い、APP-ob/obマウスとAPP-NSYマウスという2系統の合併モデルマウスを確 立した。これらのマウスの代謝、及び神経機能を経時的に評価した。【結果】APP-ob/obマウスでは、 糖尿病の発症とともにADマウスの認知機能障害が顕著に重篤化し、8週齢という従来のADマウスと 比較して非常に早い時期に既に有意な認知機能障害が見られた。この時、神経毒性物質である脳内A β量を評価したところ合併マウスと通常のAPP23マウスの間で差は見られなかったが、興味深いこと に合併マウスでは脳血管におけるAβ蛋白の沈着が有意に亢進していた。また脳血管におけるRAGE の発現や血管壁の炎症反応の亢進が観察され、認知機能障害増悪の原因の一つになっていることが示 唆された。またAPP-ob/obマウスでは神経細胞におけるインスリン抵抗性や脳内インスリン量の低下 が見られ、脳内インスリンシグナルに障害をきたしている可能性が示唆された。APP-NSYマウスで も同様に記憶力障害の重症化が観察されたが、この時脳内Aβ量にはやはり変化が見られず、脳血管 における炎症反応の亢進や脳内神経細胞におけるインスリンシグナルの障害が観察された。一方で、 APP-ob/ob合併マウスはob/obマウスと比較してより高度の糖尿病症状を呈していた。糖負荷試験でも より高度の耐糖能異常が観察され、これは主に高度のインスリン抵抗性に起因していた。APP-NSY マウスも同様に、NSYマウスと比較してより高度の耐糖能異常を呈していた。【結論】糖尿病がADの 発症リスクを上昇させる機序として脳血管病態や脳内インスリンシグナルの障害が関与しているこ と、又合併マウスに見られた糖尿病病体の重篤化から、両疾患が互いの病態を増悪しあう関係にある 可能性が示唆された。 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学、2大阪大学大学院医学系研究科老年腎臓内科、3医薬基盤研究所生物資源研究 部実験動物開発研究室 1 武田 朱公1,2、里 直行1,2、内尾-山田 こずえ3、楽木 宏実2、森下 竜一1 Diabetes accelerates memory dysfunction via cerebrovascular dysfunction in an Alzheimer mouse model with diabetes Proangiogenic growth factors and receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) have crucial roles for angiogenesis. Grb2associated binder (Gab) docking proteins have been reported to coordinate RTKs-dependent activation of ERK1/2 and AKT. However, the roles of Gab proteins in angiogenesis remain elusive. Therefore, we aim to elucidate the roles of Gab1 and Gab2 expressed in the endothelium for postnatal angiogenesis. We analyzed a hindlimb ischemia (HLI) model in control, endothelium-specific Gab1 knockout (Gab1ECKO), or Gab2 conventional knockout (Gab2KO) mice. Intriguingly, impaired blood flow recovery and necrosis was observed in all of Gab1ECKO mice, but not in control or Gab2KO mice. Among various proangiogenic factors, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) induced the most prominent tyrosine phosphorylation of Gab1 and subsequent complex formation of Gab1 with tyrosine phosphatase SHP2 and PI3K subunit p85 in HUVECs. Gab1 was required for HGF-induced activation of ERK1/2, ERK5, and AKT and subsequent migration of endothelial cells. Using DNA microarray analysis, we found that the stimulation with HGF upregulated the expression of Kruppel-like factor 2 (KLF2), a crucial transcriptional factor for endothelial maintenance through interaction of Gab1 with SHP2 in HUVECs. HGF-induced upregulation of KLF2 was mediated by MEK5-ERK5 pathway. Furthermore, the expression of KLF2 in the endothelium was significantly decreased in the Gab1ECKO, compared with control mice after HLI. Consistent with these findings, intramuscular injection of HGF expression plasmid improved either doppler flow intensity or capillary density score in control, but not in Gab1ECKO mice. Collectively, these data indicate that Gab1 is essential for HGF-dependent endothelial signaling and angiogenesis after ischemia. 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科循環器内科、2東京大学先端科学技術研究センターシステム生物医学ラボラトリー、3大阪大学大 学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学、4大阪大学微生物病研究所情報伝達分野、5国立循環器病研究センター研究所細胞生物学部 1 塩山 渉1、中岡 良和1、樋口 香織1、南 敬2、谷山 義明3、木戸屋 裕康4、内藤 尚道4、高倉 伸幸4、 森下 竜一3、児玉 龍彦2、望月 直樹5、小室 一成1 Docking protein Gab1 is essential for postnatal angiogenesis after ischemia via HGF/c-Met signaling How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index 141 Special Talk The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Special Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization 目的;アンドロゲン低下は心血管病リスクとなる可能性が示唆されているが、アンドロゲンの心血管 保護効果の作用機序はいまだ十分に解明されていない。そこで我々は、アンドロゲンの標的臓器への 作用の大部分がアンドロゲン受容体(AR)を介していることに着目し、AR欠損マウスを用い、心血 管系におけるアンドロゲンーARシステムの意義について検討を行った。現在までに、ARはアンジオ テンシンII負荷による心血管リモデリングに保護的に作用することを見出した。本研究では、心血管 病の重要な要素である虚血に対する組織保護や血管新生に、アンドロゲンがどのように関与するのか を検討した。方法;25週齢のAR欠損雄マウス(ARKO)と野生型雄マウス(WT)に下肢虚血モデル を作成し、虚血回復過程の表現型、虚血筋の組織学的検討、虚血筋での血管新生制御因子およびアポ トーシス制御因子の変化を検討した。また骨髄由来血管内皮前駆細胞(EPC)の下肢虚血後の表現型 への関与について骨髄移植モデルで検討し、ARKOの血管新生能をex vivoで評価した。さらに血管内 皮細胞(HUVEC)を用い、ARシグナルの虚血における役割を検討した。結果;下肢虚血術後、WTと 比較してARKOは血流回復が著しく障害され、高頻度に下肢脱落を生じ、虚血大腿筋における毛細血 管密度の低下を認めた。また、ARKOではWTに比較して、虚血直後の骨格筋でアポトーシスを示す 細 胞 が 増 加 し、Bcl2/Bax比 が 低 下、 さ ら にcell survivalやangiogenesisに 重 要 な 因 子 で あ る Erk1/2、 Akt、eNOSのリン酸化の低下、VEGF受容体であるKdrの発現低下、血管新生抑制因子Bai-1の発現増 加を認めた。Aortic ringやマトリゲルを用いたex vivoの検討ではARKOマウスの血管新生能は減弱し ていた。さらにARKOマウスの骨髄を野生型で置換した上で下肢虚血術を施行したところ、ARKOマ ウスの表現型には改善を認めず、アンドロゲンによる血管新生促進作用はEPCに依存しないことが示 唆された。in vitroでは、HUVECのAR knockdownにより、VEGF刺激によるAkt-eNOS経路の活性化が 障害された。結論;アンドロゲン-AR系は、虚血に対するcell survivalやangiogenesisに重要な役割を担っ ていることが示された。 徳島大学大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部生体情報内科学、2徳島大学大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部薬理学、3徳 島大学大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部循環器内科学 1 吉田 守美子1、粟飯原 賢一1、上田 由佳1、池田 康将2、岩瀬 俊3、赤池 雅史3、佐田 政隆3、 松本 俊夫1 アンドロゲン受容体は虚血後骨格筋細胞のアポトーシスと血管新生を制御する President Lecture Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD YJ-5 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 142 AF-03 AF-02 16:50〜18:30 Red blood cell transfusion therapy administered on a long-term, recurrent basis is a mainstay in the treatment of several chronic congenital and acquired anemias. However, patients receiving such transfusions may consequently develop transfusional hemosiderosis, a major complication of iron overload that sometimes results in heart failure. To determine the iron amount in the tissue is essential for the physicians to care these patients. In this work, a high Tc superconucting quantumtinterference devices (SQUID) biosusceptometry with a scanning coil probe was developed. The measurement principal was based on the AC susceptibility of the magnetic ferrous particles, and the low noise of 8 pT/Hz 1/2 at 400 Hz was characterized in an unshielded environment. To demonstrate the in-vivo and quick examining feasibility of this instrument, dextran-coated magnetic iron nano-particles of 50 nm in diameter were administrated intravenously into the Wistar male rats. The iron level in the heart and liver regions could be chronologically measured to demonstrate the biological behavior of the injected magnetic nano-particles in the animals. In conclusion, this novel method could quickly measure the tissue iron amount in an in-vivo manner. Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan、2Department of Internal Medicine, E-Da Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan、3Institute of Electro-optical Science and Technology, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan、4Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 1 Chau-Chung Wu1、○Wei-Kong Tseng2、Jen-Jei Chieh3、Shei-Yeh Yang3、 Hen-Er Horng3、Hong-Chang Yang4 A novel method with scanning SQUID biosusceptometry to in-vivo determine the iron amount in the tissue Background Coronary vasospasm (CVsp) has been reported to be an inflammatory disease, reflected by elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP). We investigated the interactions among gender, age, hypertension, and hs-CRP in patients with CVsp.Materials and methods We retrospectively examined 722 Taiwanese patients with or without CVsp during an 8-year period. None of the patients had obstructive coronary artery disease. Serum hs-CRP levels were examined in a subset of 375 patients to evaluate the interactions of hsCRP with gender, age, smoking, and hypertension in the development of CVsp.Results In women, only the highest hs-CRP tertile (larger than 3 mg L-1) was independently associated with CVsp. In men, age older than 58 years and the highest hs-CRP tertile were independently associated with CVsp. In women, elevated risk was only demonstrated in patients younger than or at 58 years with hs-CRP levels in the highest tertile. In men, a positively monotonic trend was demonstrated between hs-CRP levels and CVsp in those older than 58 years. The odds ratios of CVsp in both women and men with hs-CRP in the highest tertile reduced from 6.01 to 1.48 and 6.35 to 2.69, respectively, if they had hypertension.Conclusion The relationship between hs-CRP and CVsp differed between men and women. Our findings that there is a non-threshold model in men and a threshold model in women provide evidence that more smokers in men (life-style) and age (induction time) contribute to the natural history of CVsp development. The negative effect of hypertension on CVsp suggests that the pathogenesis of CVsp differs from that of coronary atherosclerosis. 2 Section of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Taipei Medical University-Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan、 Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan、3Section of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at Keelung, Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Keelung, Taiwan 1 MingYow Hung1,2、Kuang-Hung Hsu2、Ming-Jui Hung2,3 Interactions among gender, age, hypertension, and C-reactive protein in coronary vasospasm 優秀演題口述発表 Selected Oral Presentation 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 143 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Symposium Cyr61 (CYstein-Riched angiogenic inducer 61) is known to a secreted, extracellular matrix-associated, and angiogenic regulator. Cyr61 regulates endothelial cell adhesion, migration, proliferation, survival and death by binding to some types of integrins and heparan sulfate proteoglycans in a cell type-dependent manner. However, specific roles of cyr61 in vascular development of zebrafish have remained largely unknown. Cyr61 was expressed at the hypochord and notochord in zebrafish trunk region during embryo development. Using of Tg (flk1:EGFP) zebrafish and in situ hybridization with flk-1, we assessed the effect of cyr61 knockdown on vascular development with its morpholino antisense oligomer. Silencing of cyr61 induced ectopic expression of flk-1 and defects of sprouting in intersegmental vessels (ISVs). Multi-directional migration and incorporate network between microvessels were observed in cyr61-knockdown embryos. Silencing of cyr61 by siRNA reduced vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-induced tube formation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Treatment of recombinant human cyr61 increased the tube formation which was blocked by the treatment of VEGF neutralizing antibody, suggesting a VEGF involvement in cyr61 function. Cyr61 also stimulated endothealial cell sprouting form cultured aortic rings through the activation of VEGF. Taken together, cyr61 mediates vascular development of zebrafish and activates endothelial cell sprouting through VEGF signaling. How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine School of Life Sciences and Biochnology, college of Natural sciences, Kyungpook National University, Korea Special Talk Ae Kyoung Kim、Sun Hye Shin、○You Mie Lee Special Lecture Cyr61 promotes endothelial cell sprouting through the regulation of VEGF signaling in zebrafish vascular development Vascular calcification (VC) is prevalent in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) as well as atherosclerosis, aging and diabetes. Aortic calcification significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality by promoting arterial wall stiffness and a progressive decline of compliance of the blood vessels. Dimethyl fumarate (DMF) has been used to treat psoriasis and induces the antioxidant transcription factor Nrf-2 pathway and subsequent antioxidative and phase II detoxifying enzyme. This study was undertaken to examine the effect of DMF, an anti-psoriatic agent on VC. VSMC calcification was induced by inorganic phosphate (Pi) and DMF significantly diminished the Pi-induced calcification in a time and dose dependent manner, as demonstrated by decreased calcium deposition visualized by von Kossaʼs staining and determined by measurement of calcium contents. Transient transfection assay showed that DMF repressed several osteogenic gene promoters including Runx2, osteocalcin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and bone morphogenic protein-2 (BMP-2). DMF increased protein levels and nuclear localization of Nrf-2, whereas it did not change mRNA level of Nrf-2, suggesting that DMF stabilized Nrf-2 at the posttranslational levels but not transcriptional levels. Moreover, Nrf-2 repressed both BMP-2 gene promoter and BMP-2-stimulated BRE activity, suggesting that Nrf-2 directly inhibits downstream signaling pathway of BMP-2. finally, using an animal model of calcification induced by excessive dose of vitamin D3, we demonstrated that DMF significantly reduced vitamin D3-induced calcification of whole aorta. Taken together, these results suggest that DMF inhibits VC through Nrf-2-dependent repression of BMP-2 expression and its downstream signaling pathway, leading to suppression of several osteogenic genes. This study also provides a molecular basis of potential use of DMF as a therapeutic agent for the prevention and treatment of VC. Department of Endocrinology, Kyungpook National University Hospital, Daegu, South Korea Ji-Hyun Kim、Young-Keun Choi、Han-Jong Kim、Joon-Young Kim、In-Kyu Lee Protective Effect of Dimethyl Fumarate against Vascular Calcification President Lecture AF-05 AF-04 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 144 AF-07 AF-06 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Goo Taeg Oh. Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease that both innate and adaptive immunity are involved. The tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily (TNFRSF) as an important T cell costimulatory molecule, such as CD40, LIGHT, and OX40, play important roles in atherosclerosis. CD137 (4-1BB), a member of the TNFRSF, has been reported to be expressed in human atherosclerotic lesions. However, the precise role of CD137 in atherosclerosis and the effects of blocking CD137/CD137 ligand (CD137L) signaling on lesion formation are not known yet. To investigate the role of CD137 in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, we generated CD137deficient Apolipoprotein E knockout mice (ApoE -/-CD137-/-) and LDL receptor knockout mice (Ldlr-/-CD137-/-). The deficiency of CD137 induced a reduction in atherosclerotic plaque lesions in both atherosclerosis mouse models, attributed to the downregulation of cytokines such as interferon-gamma; (IFN-㱏), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-㱍). CD137 signaling promoted the production of inflammatory molecules including MCP-1, interleukin-6 (IL-6), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in endothelial cells. Moreover, stimulation of CD137L signaling activated monocytes/macrophages and increased the production of proinflammatory cytokines in atherosclerotic vessels. Therefore, CD137/CD137L signaling plays multiple roles in the progression of atherosclerosis, and blocking of this pathway can be a valuable therapeutic target for the disease. Division of Life and Pharmaceutical Science, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea 、2Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea 、3Laboratory of Cellular Physiology and Immunology, The Rockefeller University, New York, USA 、4R & D Center for Cancer Therapeutics, National Cancer Center, Ilsan, Korea 1 In-Hyuk Jung1,2、Jae-Hoon Choi1,3、Hyung Jun Jeon1、Dae-Yong Kim2、 Byoung S. Kwon4、Goo Taeg Oh1 CD137/CD137L (4-1BB/4-1BBL) Signaling Facilitates Atherosclerosis through Combined Actions on Immune and Endothelial Cells in Hyperlipidemic Mice Background: Increased Rho kinase activity is associated with cardiovascular risk factors and some of the beneficial, non-cholesterol effects of statins may be due to their ability to decrease Rho kinase (ROCK) activity. Previous studies suggest that statin can improve endothelial function and increase the number of circulating EPCs. However, the role of ROCK inhibition in mediating the effect of statins on EPC function is still unknown. Methods and Results: 24 patients with dyslipidemia were randomized to 12 weeks of treatment with simvastatin (5-10 mg/day) or a cholesterol absorption inhibitor, ezetimibe (10 mg/day). Flow-mediated dilation (FMD) and ROCK activity from peripheral leukocytes were determined. EPCs were analyzed by flow cytometry. Although simvastatin and ezetimibe reduced LDL cholesterol to a similar extent (-15.8 ± 6.8 vs. -16.1 ± 7.9%; P=0.32), there was substantial difference in mevalonate levels between the groups (simvastatin, -1.04 ± 0.62 vs. ezetimibe, 1.79 ± 0.94 ng/mL; P<0.05). The change in mevalonate levels corresponded inversely to changes in FMD (simvastatin, 3.5 ± 1.6 vs. ezetimibe, 1.1 ± 1.7%; P<0.01), suggesting that decreased isoprenoids rather than cholesterol mediates FMD. Indeed, leukocyte ROCK activity, which is dependent upon isoprenoids, was reduced after treatment with simvastatin but not ezetimibe (-30.2 ± 16.7 vs. -6.2 ± 4.5%; P<0.01). Furthermore, decreased ROCK activity correlated with improvement in FMD and increased number of EPCs (R2 = 0.36, P<0.05). Conclusions: Despite equal reduction in LDL cholesterol, simvastatin is superior to ezetimibe in terms of improvement in endothelial function and increased number of EPCs. The improvement in FMD and EPC functions correlated with decreased ROCK activity by simvastatin but not ezetimibe, suggesting a noncholesterol effect of statin. 2 Division of Cardiology, Internal Medicine, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Taiwan, Tainan、 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, Tainan、 3 Vascular Medicine Research, Division of Cardiology, Brigham & Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA 1 Ping-Yen Liu1,3、Ting-Hsing Chao1、Wei-Ting Lee1、Yun-Ling Tai1、Liang-Miin Tsai1、 Jyh-Hong Chen1、Hua-Lin Wu2、JK Liao3 Improvement in endothelial function and endothelial progenitor cell number by statins in dyslipidemic subjects correlate with decreased ROCK activity Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 145 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Symposium To compare the change in lipoprotein metabolism with aging, we analyzed the lipid and protein compositions of individual lipoprotein fractions. Healthy and non-obese elderly subjects (elderly group, n=26) had a serum lipid profile within the normal range, although slightly higher than in young subjects (control group, n=18). However, the elderly group had a 2-fold higher serum uric acid level and triglyceride (TG)/high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol ratio. The elderly group had less antioxidant ability and elevated TG content in HDL with enhanced cholesteryl ester transfer activity. An elevated level of advanced glycated end products in lipoproteins and fragmentation of apoA-I were present in the elderly group, with detected lower apoA-I level and more multimerized apoA-I in HDL. The protein levels of apoA-I, apoC-III, and serum amyloid A in lipoproteindeficient serum were increased in the elderly group. HDL from the elderly (E-HDL) had increased glycation with modification of apolipoprotein (apo) A-I. Glycated apoA-I (gA-I) by fructosylation showed covalently multimerized band without crosslinker and impaired phospholipid binding ability. Treatment of human dermal fibroblast (HDF) cells and macrophages with E-HDL and glycated apoA-I (gA-I) caused severe premature cellular senescence and foam cell formation, respectively; however, treatment with HDL from a young group (Y-HDL) and native apoA-I (nA-I) suppressed senescence and atherosclerosis. How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine School of Biotechnol, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan, Korea Special Talk Kyung-Hyun Cho Special Lecture Age-associated modification of high-density lipoprotein with an elevated level of advanced glycated end products and glycated apolipoproteinA-I exacerbated cellular senescence Background: We have previously demonstrated the feasibility of biofunctionalized magnetic nanoparticles with anti-vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) to magnetically label and locate in vivo the vulnerable aortic lesions of hypercholesterolemic rabbits with the aid of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Purpose of the study: The purpose of this study was to find the adequate timing for MRI acquisition after the intravenous injection of these anti-VCAM-1 nanoparticles.Methods: For an in vivo study on the magnetic labeling of VCAM-1 in animal models, control (n=9) and hypercholesterolemic rabbits (n=9) were intravenously injected with the anti-VCAM-1 magnetic nanoparticles (MagQu Co., Taipei). The in vivo magnetic labeling on the aortic walls was investigated with the aid of a 3T MRI system before, 4 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 72 hours, and 7 days after the rabbits received the injection. Immediately after the second MRI examination, the animals were sacrificed for hematoxylin/eosin and Prussian iron blue staining. Summary of results: Before the injection of these nanoparticles, no difference in the signal intensity can be observed in the aortic wall between control and hypercholesterolemic rabbits. Four hours after the injection, we observed darkening of the aortic wall in both control and hypercholesterolemic rabbits. However, this darkening persisted only in hypercholesterolemic rabbits at 12 hours and peaked at 24 hours after the injection.Conclusions: These results demonstrated the potential applications of anti-VCAM-1-functionalzied magnetic nanoparticles for imaging and localizing in vivo the lesions prone to vulnerable plaque formation, and the best timing for image acquisition was 24 hours after the injection. Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan、2Center for Optoelectronic Biomedicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan、3Institute of Electro-optical Science and Technology, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan、4Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 1 Chau-Chung Wu1、Wen-I-Issac Tseng2、Shei-Yeh Yang3、Hen-Er Horng3、 Hong-Chang Yang4 Biofunctionalized magnetic nanoparticles for imaging the vulnerable aortic lesions President Lecture AF-09 AF-08 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 146 AF-10 Mesenchymal stem cells promote tumorigenesis by providing a tumor-supportive microenvironment in vivo. However, the molecular mechanisms by which mesenchymal stem cells stimulate tumorigenesis are largely unknown. In the present study, we demonstrate that conditioned medium from A549 human lung adenocarcinoma cells stimulates expression of angiogenic cytokines including vascular endothelial growth factor and stromal cell-derived factor-1 in human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hASCs). In addition, A549 conditioned medium induces secretion of 㱎ig-h3, an extracellular matrix protein, which is implicated in tumorigenesis and metastasis, from hASCs. A549 conditioned medium-induced expression of these protein factors was completely abrogated by treatment of hASCs with Ki16425, a lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) receptor antagonist, or knockdown of lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1 (LPA1) expression in hASCs with small interfering RNA or lentiviral short hairpin RNA, suggesting a pivotal role of LPA-LPA1 signaling pathway in the paracrine activation of mesenchymal stem cells by tumor cells. Using a murine xenograft transplantation model of A549 cells, we showed that co-transplantation of hASCs with A549 cells stimulated growth of A549 xenograft tumor and angiogenesis in vivo. Knockdown of LPA1 expression in hASCs abrogated hASCs-stimulated growth of A549 xenograft tumor and angiogenesis. Moreover, LPA-conditioned medium from hASCs stimulated adhesion and proliferation of A549 human lung adenocarcinoma cells in vitro and immunodepletion of 㱎ig-h3 suppressed the LPA conditioned medium-stimulated adhesion and proliferation of A549 cells. From these results, we suggest a crosstalk mechanism that A549 cells activate mesenchymal stem cells through an LPA-LPA1-mediated pathway and activated mesenchymal stem cells promote tumor growth and angiogenesis by secretion of VEGF and 㱎ig-h3. Medical Research Center for Ischemic Tissue Regeneration, School of Medicine, Pusan National University; Yangsan, Republic of Korea Jae-Ho Kim、Il-Hwan Lee、Sang-Hun Shin、Soon-Chul Heo Paracrine Crosstalk between Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Tumor Cells Stimulates Tumor Angiogenesis in vivo Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 147 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Symposium アドレノメデュリン(AM)は、強力な血管拡張による降圧作用、血管保護作用、抗酸化ストレス作用、 臓器保護作用をはじめ、多彩な生理作用を有する内因性ペプチド因子として知られている。我々は、 AMホモノックアウトマウス(AM-/-)が血管の発生異常により胎生致死となる事を報告した。AMとそ のファミリー因子は、同一の受容体CRLRを共用しており、CRLRには受容体活性調節タンパク (RAMP) が 重 合 す る。RAMPサ ブ ア イ ソ フ ォ ー ム の 中 で も、RAMP2ホ モ ノ ッ ク ア ウ ト マ ウ ス (RAMP2-/-)では、AM-/-と同様の血管の異常が再現され、胎生致死となる事から、AM-RAMP2系が胎 生期の血管新生に必須であることが明らかとなった。 血管におけるRAMP2の意義を解明するため に、血管内皮細胞特異的RAMP2ノックアウトマウス(E-RAMP2-/-)と、成体おいてオンデマンドに血 管内皮細胞特異的にRAMP2を欠損させる薬剤誘導性血管内皮細胞特異的RAMP2ノックアウトマウス (DI-E-RAMP2-/-)を樹立した。E-RAMP2-/-のほとんどは出生直前に致死であり、全身性の浮腫を認め た。一方で、血管のRAMP2発現が2割程度残存する一部のE-RAMP2-/-では、成体が得られた。成体 のE-RAMP2-/-では、血管壁構造の異常に加え、肝硬変様の形態変化や腎臓の臓器障害が認められた。 さらに、肺、肝臓、腎臓などの主要臓器の血管周囲に、著明な炎症細胞浸潤や、血管において老化相 関β-ガラクトシダーゼ染色陽性所見が認められた。E-RAMP2-/-では得られる成体が限られるため、 次に成体でRAMP2欠損を可能とするDI-E-RAMP2-/-を用いた解析を行った。RAMP2欠損後早期から 著しい体重の増加や血管内皮細胞において接着性因子の発現の亢進、下肢虚血モデルでの血流回復の 遅延を示した。 以上の結果は、AM-RAMP2系が血管新生に必須であり、成体の血管恒常性維持に も重要な役割を示しており、RAMP2は新たな治療標的分子として期待される。 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 信州大学大学院医学系研究科臓器発生制御医学講座 Special Talk 小山 晃英、桜井 敬之、神吉 昭子、荒居 琢磨、新藤 優佳、吉沢 隆弘、楊 磊、植竹 龍一、沖村 綾乃、 山内 啓弘、田中 愛、新藤 隆行 Special Lecture 血管内皮細胞におけるアドレノメデュリン−RAMP2システムの役割 Background: Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) triggers systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). LPSinduced vascular injury in these conditions results in sepsis and multi organ failure. On the other hand, recently we reported the anti-oxidative stress effect of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) on vessels (Hypertens 2009) through epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR) degradation by ubiquitin proteasome system (Cir Res 2009). In this experiment, we tested whether HGF can protect SIRS induced by LPS and investigated its mechanism. Methods and Results: In vivo, we intravenously injected LPS (1mg) into HGF TG mice with increased HGF serum concentration or its litter mates. After 24 hours, we evaluated the inflammation on vessel wall. HGF TG reduced LPS-induced VCAM-1 evaluated by western blotting, and ROS evaluated by DHE staining as compared to control (P<0.05) accompanied by significant EGFR degradation (P<0.05). Moreover, HGF TG significantly improved survival in LPS injection model, and EGFR inhibitor (AG-1478) also significantly improved it (P<0.05). In vitro, HGF significantly inhibited the increased expression of VCAM-1 and EGFR by LPS in VSMCs (P<0.05), while the EGFR inhibition by siRNA significantly inhibited them (P<0.05). HGF significantly promote SHIP2 translocation from EGFR to c-Met against LPS in VSMCs (P<0.05). Moreover, EGFR was combined with ubiquitin E3 ligase, c-Cbl, though SHIP2 translocation from c-Met to EGFR, and was broken down by proteasome system. In addition, HGF inhibited ROS production by LPS stimulation in HAECs (P<0.05). Conclusion: HGF regulated SHIP2 recruitment to EGFR and inhibited LPS induced inflammation via epithelial growth factor receptor degradation. This protective effect of HGF may be useful for inflammatory disease. 済生会山口総合病院薬剤部、2大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学 1 清水 一賢1,2、谷山 義明2、眞田 文博2、家串 和真2、久徳 真梨子2、東 純哉2、楠 博2、岡山 慶太2、 岩林 正明2、アマルナット チャッタッジー2、森下 竜一2 Protective Effects of HGF on LPS Induced Inflammation via EGF Receptor Degradation by ubiquitin proteasome system 16:50〜18:30 President Lecture AJ-02 AJ-01 優秀演題口述発表 Selected Oral Presentation 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 148 AJ-04 AJ-03 (目的)vasohibin-1 (VASH1) はVEGFなどの血管新生刺激に反応して、血管内皮細胞が自ら産生・分泌 して血管新生を抑制するネガティブフィードバック調節因子である。 一般に、血管新生抑制因子は 内皮細胞の細胞死を促進して血管を退縮させるが、VASH1の遺伝子を安定導入したマウス内皮細胞 では、血管新生は抑制されるものの細胞死は増加せず、逆にH2O2などの種々の細胞ストレスに対し て耐性を示す。一方、VASH1 の発現をノックダウンすると内皮細胞の老化がひきおこされ、細胞ス トレスに対して細胞死が増加した。これらより我々は、VASH1は抗細胞死・抗老化作用など内皮細 胞の恒常性維持にも重要であることを考えている。ヒトVASH1遺伝子は365 アミノ酸からなる通常の VASH1の他に、エクソン1から4の後に85bpのイントロンが付加される204アミノ酸のsplice variant vasohibin-1 (v-VASH1)が存在する。しかしその機能には不明な点が多い。本研究ではv-VASH1の内皮 細胞での機能を抗細胞死・抗老化作用を中心に解析したので報告する。 (方法と結果) v-VASH1は VASH1と同様に内皮細胞においてVEGFやFGF-2で発現が誘導され、初代培養細胞において血管内皮 細胞にほぼ特異的に発現していた。しかし、内皮細胞でVASH1を過剰発現するとVEGFレセプター-1 の発現が低下するが、v-VASH1の過剰発現によってその現象は認めなかった。次に、v-VASH1の抗細 胞死・抗老化作用などを明らかにするためにv-VASH1特異的siRNAとv-VASH1の発現ベクターを準備 した。HUVECにおいてv-VASH1に対するsiRNAでv-VASH1の発現をノックダウンすると、VASH1の 発現が増加し細胞は老化せず細胞ストレスによる細胞死に変化はなかった。(考察) 内皮細胞において v-VASH1はVEGFで誘導されるなどVASH1と共通する部分も多いが、v-VASH1の発現をノックダウン しても細胞老化がみられないなど、VASH1とは抗細胞死・抗老化作用において異なる機能が示唆さ れた。現在、v-VASH1の発現ベクターをマウス内皮細胞株MS1に安定導入し3個のv-VASH1過剰発現 クローンを得ており、学会ではv-VASH1 siRNAとこれらのクローンを用いた解析結果についても言及 したい。 東北大学加齢医学研究所腫瘍循環研究分野 宮下 浩輝、佐藤 靖史 内皮ストレス耐性におけるsplicing variant vasohibin-1の意義 背景:小径の腹部大動脈瘤は外科的治療では生命予後が改善しないとする報告がある。そのため現在 の治療方針は経過観察となっており、早期に発見されたメリットは生かされていない。初期の動脈瘤 壁には薬物や分子治療に反応する多くの細胞を含有しており、これらの細胞をターゲットにした低侵 襲治療法の確立が期待されている。目的:動脈瘤の進展に重要なmatrix metalloproteinases(MMP)な どのプロテアーゼ群の発現には転写因子NF㱖BとEtsが関与している。この転写因子の活性を競合的 に抑制する核酸医薬にデコイがある。これまでの検討でNF㱖BとEtsに対するキメラデコイは動脈瘤 の縮小効果を示したが、従来型デコイは二本鎖配列の開放端からヌクレアーゼで分解される。そこで 断端を環状に結合した低分解性のリボン型デコイを開発し低侵襲治療法の可能性を検討した。方法: マクロファージに分化するTHP-1細胞を使い、各種デコイのMMP分泌抑制効果を評価した。またデ コイの腹腔内投与によるラット動脈瘤モデルの拡大抑制効果を検討した。結果:THP-1細胞への導入 実験では従来型に比べリボン型デコイは有意にMMP-9の分泌を抑制した。動物実験では、腹腔内投 与されたFITC-デコイは動脈瘤壁に浸潤したマクロファージに認めれれている。超音波検査で行った 治療効果の評価ではコントロール群・従来型デコイ群と比較してリボン型デコイ群は有意に動脈瘤の 拡大を抑制した。組織学的検討では、リボン型デコイ群は血管中膜(弾性繊維)の破壊が抑えられて いた。そのメカニズムとして、マクロファージの浸潤はコントロール群と同程度で影響を与えていな いが、マクロファージが分泌するプロテアーゼであるMMP-9、MMP-12、カゼプシンBそしてカゼプ シンKの分泌抑制を認め、マクロファージの機能面での抑制効果と考えられた。結語:NF㱖BとEtsに 対する低分解性のリボン型デコイは腹腔内投与で浸潤するマクロファージに導入することが可能で 瘤壁内でのプロテアーゼ分泌を抑制して有効な動脈瘤進展抑制効果を示した。 大阪大学連合小児発達学研究科健康発達医学、2大阪大学医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学 1 三宅 隆1、島村 宗尚1、中神 啓徳1、森下 竜一2 核酸医薬の全身投与による転写因子NF-kappaBとEtsの抑制が腹部大動脈瘤に及ぼ す影響 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 149 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Symposium Introduction: Mental stressors contribute to the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. Meanwhile, adipose inflammation evokes exacerbation of prothrombotic state. Hypothesis: We hypothesized that chronic restraint stress (RS) worsens the inflammatory reaction in adipose tissue, resulting in a procoagulant state.Methods: Twelve male mice were subjected to daily RS for 2 weeks. Inguinal white adipose tissue (WAT) and skeletal muscle were collected from control (n=12) and stressed mice. The expression of macrophage markers, proinflammatory cytokines, adiponectin, and coagulation factors in WAT were analyzed with real time RT-PCR method. Macrophage/monocyte accumulation in WAT was assessed with CD11b staining. Results: The RS reduced body weight gain (stressed vs. control (g); 22.6 ± 1.8 vs. 25.0 ± 2.4, p<0.05) and WAT weight (mg) (223.9 ± 91.3 vs. 137.0 ± 74.7, p<0.05). The accumulation of CD11b-positive cells was significantly increased in WAT from the stressed mice (%positive cells in total cells; stressed vs. control; 25.2 ± 2.3% vs. 14.0 ± 2.9%, p<0.01). The expression of F4/80 and CD68 was also increased in WAT significantly (% of control F4/80 and CD68; 213 ± 8.5%, and 319 ± 32%, respectively, p<0.01). Furthermore the RS strikingly increased the expression of proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, MCP-1, and IL-6; % of control; 732 ± 112%, 440 ± 39.1%, and 493 ± 30.7%, respectively, p<0.01), coagulation factors (PAI-1 and TF; % of control; 998 ± 67.3% and 494 ± 23.1%, respectively, p<0.01) in WAT, but did not alter that of adiponectin. Conclusions: RS augmented adipose inflammation to promote a procoagulant state. Thus, mental stress would play critical roles in the occurrence of cardiovasucular diseases via adipose-derived inflammatory cytokines. How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科循環器内科学 Special Talk 内田 恭寛、竹下 享典、菊地 良介、室原 豊明、山本 晃士 Special Lecture Chronic restraint stress evokes adipose tissue inflammation to promote procoagulant state in a murine model. Background Oxidative stress, generated by excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS), promotes cardiovascular disease. However, specific therapeutic target still remains to be elucidated. A particularly important mechanism for ROS-mediated cardiovascular disease appears to be stimulation of pro-inflammatory events. It has become clear that increases in ROS represent a common pathogenic mechanism for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and atherosclerosis. Methods and Results Cyclophilin A (CyPA) is a proinflammatory cytokine that is secreted from vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) in response to ROS in mice and humans. Based on the role of CyPA in ROS signaling we hypothesized that CyPA would promote cardiovascular diseases. First, we confirmed that CyPA plays a crucial role in VSMC proliferation and inflammatory cell migration, resulting in the flowmediated vascular remodeling and intima formation in mice (Circulation 2008). Second, we demonstrated that CyPA plays a crucial role for AAA formation and rupture in mice and humans (Satoh K, et al. Nat Med. 2009). Third, our recent study provided strong mechanistic evidence of synergy between CyPA and AngII to increase ROS generation. Since ROS stimulate myocardial hypertrophy, matrix remodeling, and cellular dysfunction, CyPA contributed to the AngII-induced cardiac hypertrophy. Fourth, we observed strong expression of CyPA just beneath the thin fibrous cap in atherosclerotic coronary arteries from patients with myocardial infarction. CyPA is a novel cytokine which is a newly discovered class of ROS mediators that we term SOXF for Secreted Oxidative stress induced Factors. Conclusion CyPA is a novel mediator of cardiovascular diseases and plays as an important SOXF in vessels that contributes to cardiovascular diseases. 東北大学大学院・医学系研究科・循環器病態学分野、2ロチェスター大学心血管研究所 1 佐藤 公雄1、福本 義弘1、清水 亨1、鈴木 秀明1、杉村 宏一郎1、三浦 裕1、建部 俊介1、宮道 沙織1、 高橋 潤1、武田 守彦1、安田 聡1、Bradford C. Berk2、下川 宏明1 Cyclophilin A Is a Novel Biomarker for Cardiovascular Diseases President Lecture AJ-06 AJ-05 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 150 AJ-08 AJ-07 【背景・目的】我々は種々の腫瘍モデルにおいて、組換センダイウイルスベクターによって活性化さ せた樹状細胞(rSeV/DC)を用いることで、旧来法と比較して著しく高い抗腫瘍免疫効果を誘導可能で あることを証明してきた。悪性腹水(MA: malignant ascities)を伴った進行消化器癌や卵巣癌は、免 疫療法を含む既存の治療に対して高い抵抗性を示す。血管内皮細胞増殖因子VEGFは当初腹水より単 離され、強力な血管透過性を示すことから、血管透過性因子(VPF)とも呼ばれるが、抗腫瘍免疫に おけるVEGF/VPFの機能は明らかになっていない。本研究では、腹水の抗腫瘍免疫誘導に対する抵抗 性の原因を明らかにするため、マウス大腸癌腹膜播種MAモデルにおけるVEGFとそのデコイ受容体 である可溶型Flt-1(sFlt-1)の動態と機能について検討した。【方法】腹膜播種モデルとしてBalb/c、 Balb/c nu/nuマウスに大腸癌細胞株CT26を腹腔内投与したものを用い、rSeV/DCを腹腔内へ投与した。 活性化に用いたrSeV/DCは、導入遺伝子を持たないrSeV/DC(null)群と、ヒトsFlt-1を導入発現する rSeV/DC(sFlt-1)群について検討した。 【結果・考察】既知のごとく腹水内には大量のVEGFが存在した。 皮下腫瘍モデルでのrSeV/DC(null)治療効果と比較し、MAモデルにおいては、rSeV/DC(null)治療に対 して強い抵抗性を示し、一方rSeV/DC(sFlt-1)群では、rSeV/DC(null)群と比較して明らかにMAが抑制 され、生存期間が延長された。この治療効果はBalb/c nu/nuマウスではキャンセルされたことから、 腹水内VEGFは主として抗腫瘍免疫抑制に働くことが明らかとなった。従って、sFlt-1や中和抗体によ るVEGFの免疫抑制能の解除は、MAの治療成績向上に寄与する可能性があると考えられた。 九州大学薬学研究院革新的バイオ医薬創成学、2九州大学医学研究院消化器・総合外科、3九州大学医学研究院病理病態学、4ディ ナベック株式会社 1 杉山 雅彦2、吉田 久美1、掛地 吉弘2、原田 結1、鬼丸 満穂3、諸富 洋介2、長谷川 護4、前原 喜彦2、 米満 吉和1,2 活性化樹状細胞の抗腫瘍効果誘導における腹水内VEGFの機能 背景:血管新生は個体発生や創傷治癒、動脈硬化、癌の発育、転移など生理的にも病的にも重要な役 割を果たしている。Rho、Rac、Cdc42といったRhoファミリーの低分子量G蛋白質は血管内皮細胞に おいて細胞内のシグナル伝達を制御して、細胞の極性形成、遊走、接着、増殖、アクチン細胞骨格形 成などを調節しており、血管内皮細胞の機能制御に重要な役割を担っている。低分子量G蛋白質の活 性化はguanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF)とGTPase-activating protein(GAP)によって調節されてい るが、血管内皮細胞におけるRho ファミリー低分子量G蛋白質の制御機構についてはまだ充分には解 明されていない。我々は最近Cdc42のGEFであるFGDファミリーの1つであるFGD5が血管内皮細胞に 選択的に発現していることを見出した。そこで今回は血管内皮細胞におけるFGD5の機能について検 討した。方法・結果:RT-PCR法によりマウスにおけるFGD5の組織発現分布を検討したところ、FGD5 は肺、腎臓、脾臓、卵巣に主に発現していた。同様に培養細胞における発現を検討したところ、内皮 細胞に選択的に発現を認めた。免疫細胞染色法によりヒト臍帯静脈内皮細胞(HUVEC)におけるFGD5 の細胞内局在について検討したところ、細胞辺縁に形成されるラッフル膜にFGD5の集積を認めた。 FGD5の血管内皮細胞における役割について検討するため、HUVECにおいてsiRNAを用いてFGD5の ノックダウンを行った。FGD5をノックダウンすると、血管内皮増殖因子(VEGF)刺激による内皮細胞 のマトリゲル上でのネットワーク形成や遊走、増殖は有意に抑制された。また、FGD5のノックダウ ンにより細胞遊走時の極性形成は有意に抑制された。結語:以上より、FGD5はVEGFによる管腔形成、 遊走、増殖、細胞遊走時の極性形成を制御していることが明らかになった。 神戸大学大学院医学研究科循環器内科学 銕 佑介、力武 良行、小林 成美、衣笠 允雄、平田 健一 FGD5によるVEGF誘導性催血管新生能の制御 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 151 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Symposium 背景 血管石灰化は糖尿病や慢性腎不全などで発症頻度が高く、冠動脈石灰化は虚血性心疾患の危険 因子の一つである。血管石灰化は血管平滑筋細胞の骨芽細胞様分化転換により生じると考えられてい るが、その発症の分子機序は不明である。新しくヒト冠動脈平滑筋細胞(HCASMC)での発現を見 出したBMP-binding endothelial regulator (BMPER)の冠動脈における発現様式と平滑筋細胞の分化転換 に及ぼす作用について検討した。方法・結果免疫組織化学法にてBMPERは、内膜肥厚や動脈硬化を伴っ たヒト冠動脈において内皮とともに新生内膜や中膜の平滑筋に発現しており、特に、微小石灰化を 伴ったプラークの周囲に強く発現していた。免疫細胞化学法にてBMPERはHCASMCのゴルジ体に局 在 し て お り、 ウ エ ス タ ン ブ ロ ッ ト 法 に てBMPERは 培 養 液 中 へ 分 泌 さ れ て い た。BMPERに よ り HCASMCにおける骨芽細胞マーカー分子であるアルカリホスファターゼ(ALP)やオステオポンチン、 転写因子Runx2のmRNA発現は増加したのに対し、平滑筋細胞マーカー分子であるαSMAやカルポニ ン1の発現は減少し、骨芽細胞様分化転換の指標であるALP活性は上昇した。反対に、BMPERを siRNAによりノックダウンすると、骨芽細胞様分化転換はほぼ完全に抑制された。こうしたBMPER の骨芽細胞様分化転換作用はBMPに非依存性であった。BMPERの発現は、HCASMCにおいて高グル コース負荷により、また、ストレプトゾトシン誘発糖尿病モデルマウスにおいて有意に増加しており、 高血糖状態における血管石灰化との関連が示唆された。結語以上より、BMPERは血管平滑筋細胞の 骨芽細胞様分化転換を誘導して血管石灰化を制御する分子であると考えられた。 神戸大学大学院医学研究科内科学講座循環器内科学分野、2神戸大学医学研究科生化学・分子細胞学講座シグナル伝達学分野 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 1 Special Talk 小林 成美1、力武 良行2、石田 達郎1、江本 憲明1、平田 健一1 Special Lecture BMP-binding endothelial regulator (BMPER)は培養ヒト冠動脈平滑筋細胞の骨 芽細胞様分化転換を促進する The hedgehog (Hh) pathway has been implicated in the pathogenesis of cancer. We have reported that the oncogenic function of Hh in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) involves signaling in the stromal cells rather than cell autonomous effects on the tumor cells, and this was mediated through a paracrine effect on bone marrow-derived pro-angiogenic cells (PLoS One 2010). In the current study we sought to define at what stage of pancreatic tumorigenesis this aberrant activation of the Hh pathway. To this end we utilized genetically engineered mice Pdx1-Cre;LSL-Kras G12D strain as a model for precursor lesion PanIN and Pdx1-Cre;LSLKrasG12D;p53lox/+ strain for PDAC with a dense fibrous stroma. Although aberrant pancreatic epithelium highly expresses Shh ligand in both PanIN and PDAC strains, the expression of Gli1/Gli2 in the stromal compartment associated with the tumor vasculature was demonstrated only in PDAC strains with abundant desmoplasia. Induction of VE-cadherin and Id1 mRNA in lineage - ; and c-Kit + BMMNC (LK cells) was observed during progression from PanIN to PDAC, suggesting that BM cells are pro-angiogenic during tumorigenesis. However, no increased induction of Gli1 mRNA by recombinant Shh was observed in LK cells from PDAC as compared to PanIN strains. Significant downregulation of one of the negative regulators of Hh signaling via methylation was observed in tumor cells at later stages of PDAC development, potentially accounting for the paracrine switch in the PDAC stroma. Taken together, these studies suggest that primitive precursors from BM that contribute to neovascularization are fully activated in the microenvironment of PDAC at late tumor stages. 旭川医科大学医学部内科学講座消化器・血液腫瘍制御内科学分野、2大阪医科大学医学部薬理学講座 1 河本 徹1、水上 裕輔1、杉山 祥晃1、笹島 順平1、佐藤 一也1、伊井 正明2、高後 裕1 The paracrine effect of hedgehog on the tumor vasculature emerges at later stages during pancreatic tumorigenesis President Lecture AJ-10 AJ-09 Program 18:00〜 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 152 高齢化する現代社会において、認知症問題は解決が待たれている。認知症 の約半数以上を占めるアルツハイマー病は進行性の神経変性疾患である。 その原因遺伝子はアミロイド前駆体蛋白やプレセニリンが報告されており、 それらに基づき、アルツハイマー病の病因としてアミロイド・カスケード 仮説が提唱されている。現在、そのカスケードの各段階をターゲットとし た根本的予防薬・治療薬の開発が現在進行中である。一方で、疫学的調査 により、非ステロイド性抗炎症薬や脂質異常症治療薬であるスタチンにア ルツハイマー病発症抑制効果があることが示唆されている。今回、我々は 後者のスタチンに注目し、そのアルツハイマー病発症抑制効果の機序を解 明することを本研究の目的とした。その結果、我々はマウス生体内で、早 期エンドソームからライソゾームへ至る、ベータ・アミロイドの前駆体の 輸送が促進され、そのライソゾームでの分解が促進していることを見出し た。このことからベータ・アミロイドの産生の材料になる前駆体が減るこ とで、産生が低下することを示した。さらにベータ・アミロイドの産生の みならず、クリアランスが増加していることをも見出した。これら2つの 機序が働き、スタチンはアルツハイマー病発症抑制効果を発揮することが 示唆された。 大阪大学医学部臨床遺伝子治療学、2大阪大学医学部老年腎臓内科学 1 里 直行1,2、篠原 充1,2、島村 宗尚1、武田 朱公1、楽木 宏実2、森下 竜一1 スタチンによるアルツハイマー病予防効果の機序の解明 3 【目的】慢性腎臓病(CKD)の病態において、HGFは腎組織での線維化を抑 制することが知られている。腎間質の線維化に重要な役割を果たす筋線維 芽細胞へのHGFの効果について解明するため本研究を行った。【方法】心臓 特異的にHGFを過剰発現させたトランスジェニックマウス(HGF-Tg)に対 し、アンジオテンシン IIを持続注入し,コントロールマウスと比較し、腎 臓の線維化に差が表れるかを検討した。また、HGF-Tgでは筋線維芽細胞の アポトーシスが誘発されているかを調べた。及びヒトメサンギウム細胞に TGF-β1を負荷した培養系では,HGFの投与による変化につき検討し、また、 FAK-MMP経路を阻害剤を用いて抑制しHGFによる筋線維芽細胞のアポトー シス誘発に対してどのような影響が出るか調べた.【成績】アンジオテンシ ン IIを持続注入したHGF-Tgでは,コントロールマウスと比較し、腎臓の線 維化は明らかに抑制され、間質の筋線維芽細胞も減少していた。また、 HGF-TgではTGF-β1、I型コラーゲン、IV型コラーゲン、MMP-2、MMP-9の 遺伝子発現が抑制されていた。さらに、 HGF-Tgでは筋線維芽細胞のアポトー シスを認めた。ヒトメサンギウム細胞にTGF-β1を負荷した系においては、 HGFの投与により筋線維芽細胞のアノイキス(足場依存的なアポトーシス) が誘発されていた。また、FAK-MMP経路を抑制したところ、HGFによる筋 線維芽細胞のアポトーシス誘発は抑えられた。【結論】HGFはメサンギウム 細胞由来の筋線維芽細胞のアノイキスを誘発することで、腎臓における抗 線維化作用を発揮すると考えられた。 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学、2大阪大学大学院医学系研究 科 老年・腎臓内科 Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) derived from bone marrow (BM) or adipose tissue has been expected to become hopeful cell therapy for stroke. Here, we compared the therapeutic potential of adipose-derived stem cells (ASC) with that of BM-derived stem cells (BMSC) in a murine model of stroke. ASC and BMSC isolated from C57BL/6J mice were analyzed for their growth kinetics, capacity to secrete trophic factors and capacity to differentiate into neural and/or vascular cell lineage in vitro. In vivo study, ASC or BMSC were intravenously administrated into recipient mice (1x105 cells/mouse) soon after reperfusion following 90 minutes left middle cerebral artery occlusion. Neurological deficits, the volume of infarction and swelling, the expression of trophic factors in brain, and the fate of injected cells after 24 h reperfusion were observed. In vitro study, ASC showed higher proliferative activity with greater production of VEGF and HGF than BMSC. In addition, cell culture conditions allowed ASC to differentiate into neural, glial and vascular endothelial cells. Notably, in vivo study revealed that ASC administration showed remarkable attenuation of ischemic damages. Furthermore, the expression of HGF and Angiopoietin-1 in ischemic brain tissues were significantly increased in ASC-treated mice compared to the BMSC group. Together with the general agreement about easier and safer access to adipose tissue, our findings suggest that ASC would be a more preferable source for cell therapy for brain ischemia than BMSC. 1 岐阜大学大学院医学系研究科細胞情報学分野、2岐阜大学大学院医学系研究科脳神 経外科学 林 真一郎1、池亀 由香1,2、山下 健太郎1,2、吉村 紳一2、岩間 亨2、 中島 茂1 Potential of adipose tissue-derived stem cells and bone marrow-derived stem cells for ischemic stroke therapy 4 循環器疾患の進行には性差があると考えられており、循環器疾患の発症は 閉経前女性においては男性より低いことが報告されており、閉経後の女性 では循環器障害が男性のレベルまで増加するとされる。我々はマウスの血 管傷害モデルを用いて、これまでに血管リモデリングの性差にAT2受容体 が関与することを報告してきた。今回はマウスの加齢に伴うリモデリング の性差の変化とAT2受容体の変化を検討した。マウスの大腿動脈周囲にポ リエチレンチューブをカフ状に留置し、炎症性血管傷害を作製した。野生 型(C57BL/6J)マウスでは、10週齢では傷害血管における細胞増殖、新生 内膜形成が雄性マウスに比べ雌性マウスにおいて低下しており、血管リモ デリングが雌性マウスのほうが軽減されていることがわかった。傷害血管 における炎症性サイトカインの発現やスーパーオキシド産生も雌性 マウス のほうが軽度であった。これに対し、50−55週齢の加齢マウスでは雌性マ ウスの血中エストロゲン濃度が低下しているが、このマウスを用いて同様 に血管傷害を引き起こすと、細胞増殖、新生内膜形成が特に雌性マウスに おいて増加するため、性差の減少が認められた。加齢マウスにエストロゲ ンを前投与しておくと、リモデリングの性差が再び認められることから、 エストロゲンが性差の重要な因子の一つだと考えられる。一方、傷害血管 ではAT2受容体の発現が増加するが、これも10週齢では雌性マウスにおい て発現が高値であったが、加齢マウスではその発現量が低下していた。そ こで、AT2受容体欠損マウスの加齢マウスを用いて血管リモデリングを引 き起こすと、このマウスではエストロゲンに対する反応が低下していた。 上記実験結果から、血管リモデリングの性差は加齢により減少し、それに はエストロゲンに加えてAT2受容体刺激の変化が関与していることが示唆 された。 1 愛媛大学大学院医学系研究科分子心血管生物・薬理学、2愛媛大学大学院医学系研 究科生殖病態外科学分野 岩井 將1、奥村 みどり1,2、中岡 裕智1、菅野 晴美1、伊藤 昌春2、 堀内 正嗣1 大津 礼1、谷山 義明1,2、家串 和真1,2、東 純哉1,2、楠 博1,2、眞田 文博1、 久徳 真梨子1、岩林 正明1、アマルナス チャタジー1、岡山 慶太1、 樂木 宏美1,2、森下 竜一1,2 1 加齢マウスにおける血管リモデリングの性差とAT2受容 体の役割 2 肝細胞増殖因子(HGF)は腎組織の筋線維芽細胞のアノイ キスを誘導し、 腎線維化を抑制する 1 ポスターセッション:血管代謝・老化 (1) Poster Session:Vascular Metabolism and aging (1) 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 153 Special Talk The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Special Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization President Lecture The vast majority of cases of Alzheimer disease (AD) are known to be due to the sporadic (non-genetic) form of the disease, the mechanism underlying its cause and progression still remains unclear. Here, we found that vascular beta-amyloid (A㱎), A㱎40, inhibited the proliferative activity of human brain vascular endothelial cells (HBEC) without toxic effects on them. This peptide also inhibited tube formation and migration of HBEC. Moreover, A㱎40 inhibited ex vivo hippocampal revascularization, re-endothelialization and the differentiation of adult endothelial progenitor cells. Notably, A㱎40 suppressed the proliferative activity of HBEC through the induction of “self-eating” autophagy. This induction involved the intracellular regulation of class 3 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) as well as Akt signaling in HBEC. In addition, tissue culture of murine brain sections from GFP-LC3 transgenic mice revealed that A㱎40 not only reduced the vessel density in hippocampal lesions, but also induced autophagy in neurovascular EC. Furthermore, in vivo neurovascular endothelial autophagy was detected in mutant mice of AD. Our present findings indicate that the initial progression of AD might be in part driven by A㱎40-induced endothelial autophagy and impairment of neurovascular regeneration, suggesting important implications for therapeutic approaches to AD. 1 岐阜大学大学院医学系研究科細胞情報学分野、2大阪大学大学院 医学系研究 科 臨床遺伝子治療学 林 真一郎1,2、里 直行2、武田 朱公2、篠原 充2、中島 茂1、森下 竜一2 Alzheimer disease associated peptide inhibits vascular regeneration with induction of endothelial autophagy 5 Program 18:00〜 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科医科学専攻 愛媛大学大学院医学系研究科分子心血管生物・薬理学 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 154 Both Angiotensin II (Ang II) and transforming growth factor-β1(TGF-β1) are thought to be involved in the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Clinical and experimental CKD studies revealed Ang II type 1 receptor (AT1R) blocker subsequently attenuated TGF-β1 levels, and reduced the progression of CKD. Previous studies showed that hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) improves kidney fibrosis in some animal models. So, we investigate whether HGF break out of the positive feedback loop between Ang II and TGF-β1 to result in the amplification of their profibrotic effects. In cultured human mesangial cells (HMC), TGF-β1 increased AT1R mRNA and HGF attenuated AT1R mRNA levels following TGF-β 1 stimulation. HGF also decreased AT1R mRNA stability. LY294002 (PI3K inhibitor) and LY294002 significantly attenuated TGF-β1-induced AT1R gene expression. These data suggest a TGF-β1-mediated up-regulation of the AT1R gene involved in PI3K-Akt pathways. Besides, TGF-β1 also decreased PTEN expression, a negative regulator of the PI3K/Akt pathways, and its phosphatase activity, increasing Akt activity. However, the increased Akt activity induced by TGF-β1, was blocked by co-treatment with HGF. This effect amplified the phosphatase activity of PTEN. In vivo, the cardiac specific HGF transgenic mice (HGF-Tg) reduced renal AT1R expression in the Ang II infusion. In vitro, it increased PTEN expression and decreased Akt activity in HGF-Tg mice with Ang II infusion. It is concluded that HGF reduces the expression of AT1R, inhibiting the positive feedback loop between Ang II & TGF-β1. This serves to increase PTEN expression, lowering Akt activity. HGF attenuated to decrease PTEN expression by TGF-b1 stimulation. 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学、2大阪大学大学院医学系研究科老 年腎臓内科学 1 アマルナス チャタジー1、谷山 義明1,2、家串 和真1,2、楠 博1,2、真田 文博1、 東 純哉1,2、岡山 慶太1、岩林 正明1、久徳 真梨子1、楽木 宏実2、 森下 竜一1 Hepatocyte Growth Factor attenuates TGFβand AngII Crosstalk by Down Regulation of AT1-R through PTEN/Akt Pathway 8 【背景】レニン・アンジオテンシン系(RAS)は血管老化に影響を与え、動 脈硬化の発症に深く関与すると考えられている。我々はRASのコンポーネ ントと血管老化について検討してきた。今回、その概要について報告する。 【方法】 ラットおよびマウスの胸部大動脈より調整した血管平滑筋細胞を 用い、細胞の老化は、老化関連βガラクトシダーゼ (SA-㱎-gal) 染色と p53、p21などのサイクリン依存性キナーゼ(CDKI)の発現の増大を指標と した。また細胞内シグナルの発現をウエスタンブロットで検討し、より詳 しい検討にはsiRNAによる遺伝子ノックダウン法も用いた。酸化ストレス についてはジヒドロエチジウムによるスーパーオキシドアニオンの産生量 で評価した。 【結果】VSMCは連日のアンジオテンシン(Ang)II (10 -7 M) 刺激により刺 激後5日目頃よりSA-㱎-gal染色陽性細胞数やCDKIの発現が増加した。これ らの老化の指標は選択的Ang II 1型(AT1)受容体ブロッカー(ARB)の投 与でほぼ完全に抑制され、ミネラルコルチコイド拮抗薬のスピロノラクト ンでも部分的に抑制された。また、Ang II 2型(AT2)受容体欠損マウスか ら単離したVSMCでは老化が促進され、アンジオテンシン受容体関連タン パク、ATRAPおよびATIPを過剰発現マウスから単離したVSMCでは老化が 抑制された。Ang II刺激によりVSMCからのアルドステロン分泌が時間依存 的に増加し、Aldoも相互に作用することで老化を伴に促進していることが 分かった。また、Ang II 刺激によりAT 1 受容体刺激により酸化ストレスや NADPHオキシダ−ゼ活性が増加すること、その作用をAT2 受容体シグナル が抑制することが見出された。一方、ATRAPを介した血管老化の抑制作用 には、calcineurin/NFAT pathwayも関与していることが示唆された。 【結論】以上よりVSMCの老化促進のメカニズムに、Ang IIが重要な役割を 果たしており、加齢に伴った動脈硬化性病変にRASの制御が効果的である と考えられた。 竹内 希予、山本 浩一 茂木 正樹、閔 莉娟、堀内 正嗣 【目的】長期的なレニン・アンジオテンシン系(RAS)の活性化はアンジオ テンシン(Ang)II 1型受容体(AT1)シグナルを介して認知機能を低下さ せると考えられ、血圧を超えたAng IIの影響が示唆される。一方でAng II 2 型受容体(AT2)シグナルは、神経分化の促進や神経保護作用を持つことが 明らかとなり、認知機能低下への抑制効果が期待されている。最近開発さ れたAT2 受容体の直接刺激薬であるCompound 21(C21)は心筋梗塞後の心 筋細胞保護作用を持つことが報告され、注目されているが、本実験ではC21 の認知機能に対する作用を検討した。 【方法】野生型及びAT2 受容体欠損マウスにC21を1日1回腹腔内注射により2 週間連日投与後に、モリスの水迷路にて空間認知能を評価した。脳表の血 流をレーザードップラー法により評価し、興奮性シナプス後電位(EPSP) を生体信号測定装置で検討した。また、胎児マウスより海馬神経細胞を単 離し、C21を添加することによる神経伸長の程度を検討した。 【結果】C21の投与により、野生型マウスにおいて血圧及び脳内のAT1、 AT2 のmRNAの発現レベルには変化を認めなかった。空間認知機能は無投薬 群に比べて顕著に向上した。この改善効果はブラジキニンのB2 受容体アン タゴニストであるicatibantの同時投与により減弱した。一方、AT2 受容体欠 損マウスにおいてはC21投与による認知機能の改善効果は認められなかっ た。脳表血流はC21投与により顕著な増加を認めたが、AT2 受容体欠損マウ スではその効果は認められなかった。EPSPはC21投与で濃度依存性に増加 を認めたが、この効果もAT2受容体欠損マウスでは減弱していた。最後に、 C21の添加により胎児海馬神経細胞の伸長が認められ、AT2 受容体のアンタ ゴニストであるPD123319の同時添加でその効果は抑制された。 【結論】AT2 受容体を直接刺激するC21は認知機能を向上させる作用を有す る。このメカニズムには、血流の増加とシナプス数の増加・神経伸長など の多方面の作用が影響していることが示唆された。 愛媛大学大学院医学系研究科分子心血管生物・薬理学 茂木 正樹、景 斐、堀内 正嗣 アンジオテンシンII 2型受容体直接刺激薬による血流増加 を介した認知機能改善作用 9 (目的)ミトコンドリアはエネルギー産生や活性酸素種の調節に重要な役割 を果たしている。平滑筋細胞におけるミトコンドリア機能の障害は、活性 酸素を産生し、細胞障害によりアポトーシスが促進し、動脈硬化を引き起 こすことが報告されている。PPARγはミトコンドリア機能を調節する 重要な因子であることは既に知られているが、本研究では、PPARγの 部分的アゴニストとしても知られるアンジオテンシン受容体ブロッカー(A RB)、テルミサルタンのミトコンドリア機能(エネルギー産生、活性酸素 種の産生、)への影響を調べた。 (方法、結果)ヒト血管平滑筋細胞において、 テルミサルタンは用量依存的にATP産生を亢進させたが、PPARγア ゴニスト作用をもたないイプロサルタンはATP産生には影響を及ぼさな かった。またヒト血管平滑筋細胞におけるH2O2産生も、テルミサルタ ンはコントロールに比べて減少させたが、イプロサルタンでは変化を認め なかった。これらのテルミサルタンの作用のPPARγへの関与を検討す るために、PPARγを欠損させた血管平滑筋細胞と、コントロール血管 平滑筋細胞を用いて実験を行った。結果、テルミサルタンはコントロール 及びPPARγ欠損血管平滑筋細胞において共にATP産生を亢進させた。 またテルミサルタンはPPARγ欠損血管平滑筋細胞においてH2O2産 生を増加させたが、コントロール血管平滑筋細胞においては増加させず電 子伝達系からの活性酸素の放出が、テルミサルタンによるPPARγの活 性化による抗酸化作用で抑制されることが示唆された。さらにテルミサル タンはPPARγ欠損血管平滑筋細胞において、H2O2刺激によるアポ トーシス反応を抑えたが、PPARγをもつコントロール細胞では抗アポ トーシス作用は見られなかった。(結論)PPARγアゴニスト活性をもた ないイプロサルタンとは異なり、テルミサルタンは平 滑筋細胞におけるA TP産生を亢進させ、H2O2産生を抑制した。これらの作用はAT1と は独立した経路が関与しており、PPARγ依存的・非依存的な経路が組 み合わされて引き起こされることが示唆された。 老年・腎臓内科学研究室 PPARγ依存的・非依存的な、 テルミサルタンのミトコン ドリア機能への影響の検討 7 血管平滑筋細胞の老化におけるレニン・アンジオテンシン 系のコンポーネントの働き 6 ポスターセッション:血管代謝・老化(2) Poster Session:Vascular Metabolism and aging (2) 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 155 Special Talk The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Special Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization President Lecture 老化は虚血性心血管疾患の重大な危険因子である。老齢動物およびヒト高 齢者では血管内皮機能、血管新生能が低下していることが数多く報告され ており、高齢者における虚血性心疾患の高い罹患率および罹患後の予後不 良の直接的原因と考えられる。しかしながら老化に伴う血管内皮機能低下、 血管新生能低下の分子機構は未だ十分には解明されてない。そこで私達は 継代を重ねて老化誘導したHUVECと老齢マウスの大動脈から単離した血管 内皮細胞(AEC)を用いて、老化に伴う血管内皮機能低下とその分子メカニ ズムの解明を試みた。老化HUVEC、老化AECの内皮機能は若い対照細胞と 比較して著明に低下していた。MAPKやAktシグナル、VEGF受容体、TIE2 の発現量は老化細胞と若い細胞の間に差を認めなかった。一方、私達は老 化血管内皮細胞ではBcl-2の発現が著明に低下していることを見出した。 Bcl-2ノックダウンおよびBcl-2阻害剤は若い血管内皮細胞中のアポトーシス を憎悪させるのみならず遊走能や管腔形成能も有意に抑制した。Bcl-2は抗 アポトーシス作用に加えてグルタチオンとの結合を介したミトコンドリア 酸化ストレス軽減作用を有することが報告されている。老化血管内皮細胞 ではミトコンドリア酸化ストレスが有意に増大しており、抗酸化剤により 内皮機能は改善した。さらに老化血管内皮細胞にBcl-2を再発現させるとミ トコンドリア酸化ストレスが減少し、血管内皮機能が改善した。以上の結 果からBcl-2は血管内皮細胞においてミトコンドリアを酸化ストレスから保 護する重要な作用を有しており、老化に伴うBcl-2発現低下はミトコンドリ ア酸化ストレス増大から内皮機能低下を引き起こすと考えられた。さらに 老齢マウスの皮下に注入したBcl-2アデノを加えたMatrigelではLacZアデノ を加えた対照群に比べて新生血管が著明に増加していた。以上より細胞老 化に伴いBcl-2発現が減少し、血管新生能低下を引き起こすことが明らかと なった。 京都府立医科大学循環器内科 池田 宏二、浦岡 真季、小出 正洋、赤壁 佳樹、北村 洋平、中川 裕介、 栗本 律子、松原 弘明 Bcl-2発現低下はミトコンドリア酸化ストレス増大を介し て老化血管内皮細胞の血管新生能を障害する。 10 Program 18:00〜 老年腎臓内科 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 156 Klotho蛋白の血管内皮細胞における抗炎症作用背景:Klotho(KL)は、その 欠損により老化を来し、またその蛋白は、抗酸化作用、抗アポトーシス作 用を有する。我々は、血管の老化において重要な要素であり、アポトーシス、 酸化ストレスと関連が深い、炎症に対するKLの影響に着目した。目的:血 管内皮細胞において、TNF-α刺激によって誘発される炎症に対するKL蛋白 の作用を明らかにする。方法:血管内皮細胞として、ヒト臍帯静脈由来内 皮細胞(HUVEC)を用いた。炎症はTNF-α刺激により誘発し、KL蛋白の有 無による、炎症マーカー(ICAM、VCAM)発現の変化、NFκB活性の関与、 HUVECに対する単球細胞(THP-1)接着への影響等について検討した。 結果:炎症によるICAM、VCAM発現上昇は、KL添加群で減弱した(ICAM: 72%、VCAM:67%)。 同 様 にNFκB活 性 は、KL添 加 群 で71%減 少 し た。 THP-1接着は、KL添加群で73%抑制された。結語: KL蛋白は、血管内皮 細胞においてTNF-αによる炎症反応を抑制しうることを明らかにした。本 研究により、KLが炎症反応の抑制を介して血管老化制御に働く可能性が示 された。 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 前川 佳敬、大石 充、小黒 亮輔、山本 博子、楽木 宏実 Klotho蛋白の血管内皮細胞における抗炎症作用 13 【目的】筋萎縮性側索硬化症(ALS)は上位および下位の運動ニューロン(MN) が選択的に障害される神経変性疾患である。近年、血管構成因子の機能、 構造異常がALS病態に関与することが示唆されている。そこで、本研究で はALSモ デ ル マ ウ ス を 用 い て 脊 髄 血 管 のneurovascular unit を 構 成 す る endothelium, tight junction basement membraneの変化について検討した。 【方 法】実験にはALSのモデル動物であるG93Aトランスジェニック(Tg)マウス を用いた。このマウスは14週頃に運動障害を発症し、19週で死亡するため、 10週をpre-symptomaticモデル、15週をearly-symptomaticモデル、18週をendstageモデルとした。各個体から主要な病巣部である脊髄を採取し、免疫染 色およびウェスタンブロット解析を行い、neurovascular unitを構成するタン パク質の発現量と詳細な分布の変化を経時的に調べた。 【結果】Tgマウスで は病気の進行に伴いendotheliumのマーカーであるPCAM-1陽性の微小血管 の径、密度が減少した。また、tight junction構成蛋白のOccludinは運動障害 が現れる前の10週から血管での発現が減少しはじめ、18週では発現が見ら れなくなった。 basement membrane構成蛋白のCollagen IVの発現量も10週か ら減少しはじめ、18週では血管構造が消失した。これらの異常は運動障害 を発症する前から見られ、脊髄前角で顕著であった。さらにneurovascular unit の外側に位置する構成成分ほど損傷が激しかった。【結論】血管径、密 度の減少が見られたことから、ALSモデルマウスの脊髄では微小循環血流 量が減少している可能性が示唆された。neurovascular unit構成成分の異常は 運動障害が現れる前から見られたため、ALS病態メカニズムの比較的上流 に位置しており、今後治療ターゲットとなり得る可能性が示唆された。 恒常性制御学講座 Purpose: Optimal design of non-invasive therapy and evaluations for heart failure (HF) remains limited due to the lack of simple clinical criteria to characterize the patients. Compared to respiratory or gastroenterololgical fields, Kampo-medicine is used less frequently cardiological field. Numerical scoring systems to estimate patientʼs physical conditions have been induced in Kampo using physical examination and medical questionnaire. Suitai-score (a scoring system for water stagnation) is one of so-called Kampo-scores. This study was designed to investigate the correlation between Kampo-scores and cardiological scores with Doppler echocardiography in hemodialysis outpatients with chronic HF. Patients and Methods: We studied 38 patients who were outpatients at the hemodyalysis unit with simultaneous Suitai-scores and cardiological scores with doppler echocardiography. We estimated the Suitai-scores with physical examination and medical questionnaire. We also measured and compared them by linear regression with E/Ea ratio (transmitral early diastolic velocity/mitral annular early diastolic velocity ratio) and other indices, which are suggested to have strong relation to left ventricular diastolic function or pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP). Results: Suitai-scores had strong relation to some of the indices with Doppler echocardiography. Conclusion: Our data and some reports suggested that simple and noninvasive clinical assessments, Kampo-scores especially Suitai-score, can be used to define clinical assessment of congestion, which has been shown by PCWP with Swan-Ganz catheterization, in hemodialysis outpatients with chronic HF. These Kampo-scores estimate outcomes and may be used to guide therapy for future study. 1 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学、2大阪大学大学院医学系研究科老 年腎臓内科学、3大阪大学医学部附属病院総合診療部 尾崎 和成1,2、牧野 寛史1,3、森下 竜一1 Noninvasive new clinical assessment in Heart Failure:The relation between Kampo-scores and indices with echocardiography 14 背景:細胞には分裂限界があり、培養細胞において継代を繰り返すと細胞 分裂を停止する細胞老化とよばれる現象が知られている。細胞老化が加齢 性疾患の発症に関与することが近年明らかにされた。さらにアンギオテン シンIIによって誘導される血管細胞老化が動脈硬化進展に関与することが 示された。以上のことから血管細胞老化は動脈硬化進展に重要な役割を果 たしていると考えられる。アルドステロンは電解質バランスや血圧を調整 する重要なホルモンであるが、一方で内皮機能障害を引き起こし動脈硬化 進展に関与することが知られている。今回我々はアルドステロンによる内 皮細胞の細胞老化とその機序について検討した。方法と結果:ヒト臍静脈 内皮細胞(HUVEC)をアルドステロンで刺激し、細胞老化を老化関連βガラクトシダーゼ染色を用いて調べたところ、濃度依存的に染色陽性細胞 数の増加を認め、アルドステロン10-6 M、72時間の刺激にて有意な増加を 認めた。ウエスタンブロット法を用いて、細胞老化の重要なメディエーター であるp21の発現レベルを検討したところ、アルドステロン刺激で、p21の 蛋白レベルが有意に増加した。In vitroの検討でアルドステロンによるプロ テアソーム活性の抑制が確認され、p21蛋白の増加の機序として、p21蛋白 の分解抑制が関与している可能性が考えられた。続いてアルドステロンに よる細胞老化におけるp21の役割を明らかにするためにsiRNAを用いて検討 を行った。siRNAはHUVECにおいてp21の発現レベルを20%に抑制した。 このp21蛋白発現をノックダウンしたHUVECでは、アルドステロンにより 誘導される細胞老化が抑制された。またアルドステロン刺激により炎症性 サイトカインIL-6、MCP-1のmRNAの発現の亢進が認められたが、p21発現 レベルの抑制により、アルドステロンにより誘導される炎症性サイトカイ ン発現レベルの増強効果は抑制された。結論:アルドステロンはp21を介し た経路で内皮細胞の細胞老化および炎症性サイトカイン発現を誘導し、動 脈硬化性病変形成に関与する可能性が示唆された。 金沢大学附属病院内科 油谷 伊佐央、薄井 荘一郎、高島 伸一郎、古荘 浩司、高村 雅之、 金子 周一 阿部 康二、宮崎 一徳、森本 展年、倉田 智子、太田 康之、池田 佳生、松浦 徹 岡山大学 医歯薬学総合研究科 脳神経内科学 アルドステロンはp21を介した経路で内皮細胞に細胞老化 と炎症を誘導する 12 ALS モデルマウス脊髄血管におけるneurovascular unit の異常 11 ポスターセッション:血管代謝・心不全 Poster Session:Vascular Metabolism / Heart Failure 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 1 静岡県立大学薬学部分子病態学講座、2国立病院機構京都医療センター臨床研究セ ンター 展開医療研究部、3京都大学大学院医学研究科 人間健康科学系専攻 1 Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 157 Special Talk The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Special Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Endothelin-1 (ET1) /Endothelin A receptor (ETAR) axis plays an important roles in regulating cardiovascular homeostasis and organ development. We have previously reported that ET1 and ETAR knockout mice display craniofacial defects and aortic arch malformations. However, their phenotype in coronary vessel formation remains largely unknown. Here we show that ET1/ETAR axis insufficiency disturbs coronary artery development. Coronary angiograms of the mouse fetus using an ink-injection method revealed that some septal branches were abnormally enlarged and some had focal aneurysm in both ET-1 and ETAR KO mice at embryonic day 17.5 (E17.5). Additionally, origins of the septal branch were completely switched from right to left coronary artery. To further clarify cell-based mechanisms, we examined the coronary vessel structure at various developmental periods. We also analyzed expression patterns of ETAR using ETAR-lacZ knock-in mice. Coronary angiogarms detected no anatomical differences between normal and KO mice until E14.5. At this stage, CD31-positive endothelial cells configured vascular network, but neither smooth muscle actin (SMA)-positive mural cells nor ETAR expressing cells covered these vessels in wild-type mice. At E17.5, both ETAR and SMApositive mural cells are uniformly aligned as a single cell layer covering the endothelium in wild-type mice. However, in knockout mice, some parts of enlarged septal branches were free of SMA-positive cells, whereas the others were covered with multi-layered SMA-positive mural cells, collectively indicating that mural cell-mediated coronary artery maturation was impaired. These findings suggest that ET-1/ETAR signaling may be involved in coronary artery development through a mural cell-mediated mechanism. 3 President Lecture 【目的】我々はこれまでに、心筋特異的転写因子GATA4が内因性ヒストンア セチルトランスフェラーゼ活性を持つp300と協調的に作用し、肥大反応遺 伝子の転写を調整して、心不全の発症・増悪に関与することを見いだした。 そこでp300/GATA4経路のさらなる作用メカニズムを解明するために、プロ テオミクス解析によりGATA4の結合因子を73個同定した。この中には転写 コリプレッサーであるNucleosome Remodeling and histone Deacetylase(NuRD) 複合体の構成因子、RbAp48(以下p48)及びRbAp46(以下p46)が含まれていた。 本研究では、p48、p46がp300/GATA4と機能的コンプレックスを形成するか、 心筋細胞肥大反応遺伝子制御にどのように関与するかを検討した。 【方法と 結果】大腸菌を用いてp48、p46とp300、GATA4のリコンビナントタンパク を 作 成 し、GST Pull-Down assay後、Western Blottingを 行 い、p48、p46は GATA4だけでなくp300と直接結合することを見出した。次に、HEK293細胞 に心筋肥大反応遺伝子ANFプロモーターコンストラクトをトランスフェク ションし、転写活性を測定したところ、GATA4とp300の共発現によって相 乗的に亢進した転写活性は、p48またはp46を共発現させることで抑制され た。さらに、HEK293細胞にGATA4、p300、p48を発現させ、核タンパク質 を抽出し、免疫沈降-Western Blottingを行ったところ、p300の発現により亢 進したGATA4のアセチル化は、p48により抑制された。次に、培養心筋細胞 において、p48またはp46を過剰発現させ、肥大反応刺激であるフェニレフ リン刺激を行い、ANF及びET-1の心筋肥大遺伝子プロモーター活性を測定 したところ、フェニレフリン刺激により上昇した転写活性は、p48、p46の 過剰発現で抑制された。さらに、フェニレフリン刺激により誘導される心 筋細胞肥大は、p48またはp46過剰発現で抑制された。【結論】以上より、 p46、p48はp300/GATA4経路に作用して心筋細胞の肥大を抑制した。p48お よびp46が心不全治療のターゲットになる可能性が示唆された。 寺田 太士1、砂川 陽一1,2,3、渡辺 雄一1、高谷 智英2,3、和田 啓道2、 刀坂 泰史1、島津 章2、木村 剛3、藤田 正俊3、長谷川 浩二2、森本 達也1 有馬 勇一郎1、西山 功一1、宮川−富田 幸子2、有馬 聡1、淺井 理恵子1、 金 基成1、内島 泰信1、栗原 由紀子1、小川 久雄3、栗原 裕基1 東京大学大学院医学系研究科代謝生理化学教室、2東京女子医科大学循環器小児科、 熊本大学大学院医学薬学研究部循環器病態学 新規GATA4結合タンパク質RbAp46、 RbAp48の心筋細胞 肥大への影響 16 Coronary artery anomalies in Endothelin-1 and Endothelin A receptor knockout mice. 15 Program 歯周病科、3東京医科歯科大 歯周病科、3東京医科歯科大 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 158 【目的】フルバスタチンを長期投与している高脂血症患者を一次・二次予防 別に層別し、心・脳イベントの発症と血清脂質値との関連を検討する。 【調査及び対象】高脂血症患者を対象に実施されたフルバスタチン大規模市 販後調査における、19,084例を一次(冠動脈疾患、脳血管障害ともに既往・ 合併なし)及び二次予防(冠動脈疾患の既往・合併あり(+) 、脳血管障害 の既往・合併あり(+)の2群)別に3層別し、心及び脳イベント発症と血 清脂質値(期間平均値)との関係を検討した。 【結果】 1)一次・二次予防における心・脳イベントの発現率と相対危険度(RR) ・心イベントの発症:一次予防群(発現率は0.81 %)のRRを1として推定 した二次予防群の冠動脈疾患(+)及び脳血管障害(+)群のRRはそれぞ れ8.3(発現率5.86 %)及び2.2(発現率2.13 %)であった。 ・脳イベントの発症:一次予防群(発現率は0.45%)のRRを1として推定 した二次予防群の冠動脈疾患(+)及び脳血管障害(+)群患者のRRはそ れぞれ2.9(発現率1.11 %)及び5.3(発現率2.77 %)であった。 2)心・脳ベントの発症と血清脂質値 ・LDL-C(180 mg/dL以上)は唯一心イベントの一次予防で危険因子であっ たが、その他の層別群において危険因子とはなっていなかった。 ・TGは、脳イベントの一次予防(TG 250 mg/dL以上でRR 2.3)および心イ ベントの冠動脈疾患(+)患者の二次予防(TG 150 mg/ dL以上でRR 1.8〜2.0) でリスク因子であった。 ・HDL-Cは脳イベントの一次予防及び心イベントの冠動脈疾患(+)患者 の二次予防においていずれも40 mg/dL未満でリスクを高める傾向(RR 1.5 〜2.3)を、60〜70 mg/dL以上で冠動脈疾患(+)患者の二次予防における 心イベントリスクを有意に減弱させた(RR 0.3〜0.4) 。 【結論】フルバスタチン投与患者においては、ほとんどの患者でLDL-Cは十 分に管理されており、さらに低下させる必要はないが、心・脳イベントの 発症及び再発リスクをさらに低下させるには、TGの厳格な管理とHDL-Cを 高める生活習慣等の改善が望まれる。 【目的】フルバスタチンを長期投与している高脂血症患者を一次・二次予防 別に層別し、心・脳イベントの発症と危険因子について検討する。 【調査及び対象】高脂血症患者を対象に実施されたフルバスタチン大規模市 販後調査における、19,084例を一次(冠動脈疾患、脳血管障害ともに既往・ 合併なし)及び二次予防(冠動脈疾患の既往・合併あり(+) 、脳血管障害 の既往・合併あり(+)の2群)別に3層別し、心及び脳イベント発症と危 険因子との関係を検討した。 【結果】 1)一次・二次予防における心・脳イベントの発現率と相対危険度 ・一次予防における心及び脳イベント発現率は各々0.81% および 0.45 %で あった。 ・一次予防群に対する二次予防群の相対危険度(RR)は、冠動脈疾患(+) 患者の心および脳イベントで各々 8.3と2.9、脳血管障害(+)患者の心お よび脳イベントでは各々2.2と5.3であり、一次予防に比べていずれも有意に 高かった。 2)一次・二次予防における心・脳イベントの発症と危険因子 ・LDL-C(180 mg/dL以上)は唯一心イベントの一次予防で危険因子(RR 2.1) であったが、脳イベントの一次予防および心・脳イベントの二次予防では いずれも危険因子とはならなかった。 ・糖尿病は心及び脳イベントの一次・二次予防において、もっとも強力な 危険因子(RR 1.6〜3.8)であった。 ・高血圧は心及び脳イベントの一次予防においていずれも危険因子(RR 1.6 〜1.8)であったが、 二次予防においては、 冠動脈疾患または脳血管障害(+) を問わず、危険因子ではなかった。 ・喫煙は、脳イベントの一次予防において危険因子であった(RR 2.1) 。ま た、心イベントの一次予防および冠動脈疾患(+)患者の二次予防におけ る心イベントリスクを高める傾向を示した。 【結論】フルバスタチン投与患者においてはLDL-Cはリスクを高める閾値 (180 mg/dL)以下にほぼ管理されており、コレステロールをさらに低下さ せる必要はないが、心・脳イベントの発症及び再発リスクをさらに低減さ せるには、糖尿病および高血圧治療等の厳格な管理と禁煙が推奨される。 1 1 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 遺伝子治療学、2東京医科大学 内科学第三講座、3 日本医科大学内科学講座 循環器・肝臓・老年・総合病態部門、4東京医科歯科大 学 先進倫理医科学開発学、5應義塾大学 抗加齢内分泌学講座、6日本薬剤学会、7 茨城キリスト教大学 生活科学部食物健康科学科、8中谷内科クリニック、9LEM研 究グループ 森下 竜一1、小田原 雅人2、水野 杏一3、吉田 雅幸4、市原 淳弘5、楠 正6、 板倉 弘重7、中谷 矩章8、LEM研究 グループ9 森下 竜一1、小田原 雅人2、水野 杏一3、吉田 雅幸4、市原 淳弘5、楠 正6、 板倉 弘重7、中谷 矩章8、LEM研究 グル−プ9 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 遺伝子治療学、2東京医科大学 内科学第三講座、3 日本医科大学内科学講座 循環器・肝臓・老年・総合病態部門、4東京医科歯科大 学 先進倫理医科学開発学、5慶應義塾大学 抗加齢内分泌学講座、6日本薬剤学会、 7 茨城キリスト教大学 生活科学部食物健康科学科、8中谷内科クリニック、9LEM 研究グループ スタチン管理下における高脂血症患者のイベント予防は TG及びHDL-C管理が重要である (LEM研究:心・脳血管障 害サブ解析2) 20 【目的】炎症性応答は血管傷害後の新生内膜増殖に重要な役割を担う。歯周 炎は慢性炎症の状態である。しかし,血管傷害後の歯周病原細菌の影響に ついては知られていない。そこで,本研究では血管傷害後の歯周病原細菌 の影響を調査した。【方法】マウスの背部皮下にチャンバーを埋入し,その 2週後,マウスの大腿動脈を0.38mmのコイルスプリングワイヤーで傷害し た。チャンバーにPorphyromonas gingivalis (Pg) を投与した。またPBSを用い た群をcontrolとした。傷害後,14日で大腿動脈を採取し,病理組織学的分 析をEvG染色にて行った。また,ELISA法にて血漿中の抗Pg抗体価,MCP1,IL-6値を測定した。 【結果および考察】病理所見から,Pg感染群は新生 内膜形成の有意な促進が観察された(I/M ratio Pg 4.54±0.94, control 2.65± 0.34, p<0.05) 。また、抗体価はコントロール群と比較し、Pg投与群で有 意に上昇していた。免疫組織分析では、Pg投与群の動脈壁および周囲組織 で増殖細胞核抗原(PCNA)の発現が増強していた。血漿MCP-1値はコント ロール群と比較し、Pg投与群で有意差は見られなかった。血漿IL-6値につ いても同様にPg投与群とコントロール群では有意差はなかった。【結論】Pg 感染が血管傷害後の新生内膜形成を促進させることが示唆された。 東京大学先端臨床医学開発講座、2東京医科歯科大学 学 循環器内科、4東京大学 循環器内科 1 鈴木 淳一1、小林 奈穂2、青山 典生2、小川 真仁1、平田 恭信1、和泉 雄一2、 磯部 光章3、永井 良三4 歯周病菌感染はマウス血管傷害モデルにおいて新生内膜 形成を促進する スタチン管理下における高脂血症患者のイベント発症は 糖尿病、 高血圧及び喫煙で上昇する(LEM 研究:心・脳血管 障害サブ解析1) 19 背景:腹部大動脈瘤の形成と促進には炎症が関与していることが知られて いる。腹部大動脈瘤組織でのmatrix metalloproteinase(MMP)の上昇が多く 報告されており、腹部大動脈瘤形成においてMMPが重要な役割を担ってい ることが知られている。また、臨床検体において腹部大動脈瘤組織から複 数の歯周病原細菌が検出されており、歯周病と大動脈瘤との関連が強く示 唆されている。本研究の目的は、腹部大動脈瘤形成に際して歯周病原細菌 感染がどのように影響しているかを明らかにすることである。方法:マウ スの腹部大動脈壁に塩化カルシウム溶液を塗布することにより、実験的に 腹 部 大 動 脈 瘤 を 誘 導 し た。 主 要 な 歯 周 病 原 細 菌 と し てPorphyromonas gingivalis (Pg)を用いた。マウス背部にコイルチャンバーを植え込み、Pgを 7日毎にコイル内に注入して持続感染状態を作成した。Pgを注入した群(Pg 群)と注入しない群(対照群)の2群を用いて比較検討した。大動脈瘤誘 導前と誘導後28日で肉眼的に動脈径を計測し、動脈拡張の状態を評価した。 大動脈瘤誘導後の動脈組織を採取し、組織学的、免疫組織学的解析を行った。 またELISA法により血漿中のMMP濃度を計測した。結果:Pg群では、対照 群と比べて術後の動脈拡張が有意に大きかった。組織学的に、実験群でよ り重度のエラスチン破壊が認められ、また免疫染色により実験群で動脈組 織におけるMMPの高度な発現が観察された。対照群と比較して、実験群で はMMPの血漿中濃度の上昇が認められた。結論:本研究結果から、歯周病 原細菌感染はMMPレベルの上昇により、腹部大動脈瘤形成を促進する可能 性があることが示唆された。 東京大学先端臨床医学開発講座、2東京医科歯科大学 学 循環器内科、4東京大学 循環器内科 1 鈴木 淳一1、青山 典生2、小川 真仁1、平田 恭信1、和泉 雄一2、磯部 光章3、 永井 良三4 歯周病菌による腹部大動脈瘤の形成促進 17 18 18:00〜 ポスターセッション:動脈硬化(1) Poster Session:Atherosclerosis(1) 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 臨床遺伝子治療学、3東京医科歯科大 Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index 159 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Special Talk The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Special Lecture Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 循環器内科、3東京医科歯科 背景:歯周病菌のPorphyromonas gingivalis(P.g.菌)は口腔の慢性感染によ り歯周病を進行させる原因菌としてよく知られているが、歯周病菌感染が 冠動脈疾患リスクとなるか否かについては議論がある。方法:冠動脈CTを 施行した連続50例(平均年齢65.6±1.2歳)で患者より唾液を採取しPCR法 によりP.g.菌を同定した。病歴より冠危険因子(肥満、高血圧、糖尿病、高 脂血症、喫煙歴、家族歴、CKD)とCRP値を評価した。患者は発熱やCRP 値の上昇はなく、かつデータが得られた45例を解析に用いた。CT所見でプ ラークもしくは石灰化所見を有するものを冠動脈硬化患者(IHD)とした。 またP.g.菌感染群、各冠危険因子群で比較を行った。結果: P.g.菌感染群で は 非 感 染 群 と 比 べIHDの 割 合 が 有 意 に 多 か っ た(80.7±7.2% vs. 47.4± 11.8%, P=0.022) 。またP.g.菌感染群ではCRPが有意に高く(CRP=0.23±0.06 vs. 0.08±0.03mg/dl, p=0.02)、IHDとP.g.菌感染の有無によるサブグループ でのCRP値はIHD(+)P.g.(+) :0.26±0.07mg/dl、IHD(+)P.g.(−) :0.14 : ±0.05mg/dl、IHD(−)P.g(+) :0.078±0.025mg/dl、IHD(−)P.g(−) 0.029±0.011mg/dlであった。冠危険因子の解析では、肥満と非肥満者では P.g.菌の感染率に有意差は認められなかった。同様に高血圧、糖尿病、脂質 異常症、喫煙歴、家族歴、CKDの有無に関し、P.g.菌の感染率に有意差が なかった。結論:P.g.菌感染者にCRP上昇を伴ったIHDが多くみられた。P.g.菌 感染が冠動脈硬化の危険因子となる可能性が示唆された。 東京大学先端臨床医学開発講座、2東京医科歯科大学 大学 歯周病科 1 President Lecture <背景>血管病変に対する新しい治療法を開発する際に、炎症の側面を無 視することはできない。我々は、血管形成術後再狭窄などにおける炎症反 応を活性化する接着分子であるvascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1に注 目 し た。 超 音 波 マ イ ク ロ バ ブ ル 法 を 用 い て 生 体 内 にsiRNAを 導 入 し て VCAM-1を制御する新しい治療法の開発を試みた。<方法と結果>最初に、 超音波マイクロバブル法による生体内へのsiRNA導入効率を確認するため に、FITCラベルしたスクランブルsiRNAを用いた。その結果、FITCラベル siRNAとマイクロバブルを超音波ゲルに混入して血管外膜側に塗布し、同 部に超音波を照射した群で著しくFITC陽性細胞の増加が確認された。次に、 血管形成術後再狭窄の病態と治療効果を確認するために、ラット大腿動脈 弾性ワイヤー傷害モデルを作成した。その病態を解析したところ、血管傷 害後早期にVCAM-1が発現し、それを契機としてサイトカインなどの炎症 性物質が活性化して内膜肥厚が進行していた。この傷害血管部位に、超音 波マイクロバブル法を用いてVCAM-1に対するsiRNAを導入したところ、無 治療群に比してVCAM-1発現が制御された。その結果、炎症性細胞の浸潤 やサイトカインの産生が抑制され、血管のリモデリングが軽減した。<考 察と結論>これらの結果より、VCAM-1は傷害血管の早期炎症過程におい て重要な役を演じていることが示唆された。VCAM-1に対するsiRNAを超音 波マイクロバブル法により生体内に導入することにより、傷害局所に限局 したVCAM-1の制御が可能となり、結果として傷害血管のリモデリングが 抑制できる。超音波マイクロバブル法によるsiRNA遺伝子導入は対象遺伝 子と対象臓器を限局して実施されうるため、非特異的な反応や全身投与に よる身体への副作用が無く、近い将来臨床に応用されることが期待される。 東京大学先端臨床医学開発講座、2大阪大学 学 循環器内科、4東京大学 循環器内科 鈴木 淳一1、手塚 大介2、和泉 雄一3、磯部 光章2 鈴木 淳一1、小川 真仁1、谷山 義明2、平田 恭信1、磯部 光章3、永井 良三4、 森下 竜一2 1 冠動脈CTを施行した連続50例における歯周病菌 Porphyromonas gingivalis感染と冠危険因子との比較 22 血管リモデリングにおける接着分子の役割と生体内 siRNA導入による制御 21 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 160 Recently, we identified thrombomodulin (TM) is induced by inorganic phosphate (Pi) at 24 hour in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), using DNA microarray. In the present study, we examined the role of TM in vascular calcification, a critical event in the development of cardiovascular disease. [Results] In VSMC, both mRNA and protein expression of TM were markedly increased by Pi in a timedependent manner. Conversely, knockdown of TM by siRNA significantly decreased Pi-induced calcification. TM secretion into the medium was increased by Pi, and VSMC calcification was significantly augmented by the recombinant extracellular six-EGF-repeat domain of TM. Furthermore, cholera toxin inhibited calcification, whereas pertussis toxin had no effect on Pi-induced calcification, suggesting that secreted TM and Gs-coupled receptor play an important role. Piinduced ERK1/2 phosphorylation, a downstream signal of TM and EGF, was abrogated by TM siRNA. Pi also increased the expression of krüppel-like factor 5 (KLF5), which is a key regulator of VSMC phenotype and is known to be transactivated by ERK1/2. In fact, Pi-induced expression of KLF5 was markedly inhibited by ERK inhibitors, PD98059 and U0126, and by TM siRNA. Finally, Piinduced apoptosis and osteoblastic phenotype transition were significantly inhibited by TM siRNA, ERK1/2 inhibitors and KLF5 siRNA. [Conclusion] TM is a novel molecule that mediates vascular calcification via ERK1/2 and KLF5 signaling. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科加齢医学講座、2長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科 循環病態制御内科 1 孫 輔卿1、秋下 雅弘1、飯島 勝矢1、小川 純人1、前村 浩二2、江頭 正人1、 大内 尉義1 Thrombomodulin, a novel molecule promoting vascular calcification via ERK/KLF5 signaling 25 Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), a multifunctional lipid mediator in plasma, regulates vascular and immune cell functions by activating S1P receptors. Previous results suggest divergent effects of S1P on atherosclerosis. However, it remains unknown whether and how each S1P receptor subtype in endothelial cells (ECs), smooth muscle cells (SMCs), or monocytes/macrophages stimulates or inhibits atherosclerosis. We explored the role of G12/13-Rho-coupled S1P2 in atherosclerosis by analyzing S1P 2 -/- mice with apoE -/- background. S1P 2 was expressed in macrophages, ECs and SMCs in atherosclerotic lesions of aortas. Compared to S1P2 +/+ mice, the plaque area of S1P2 -/- mice was strikingly suppressed with the decreased macrophage density, increased SMC density, elevated eNOS phosphorylation, and down-regulation of proinflammatory cytokines. Bone marrow chimera experiments revealed the major role of macrophage S1P2 in atherogenesis. S1P2 -/- macrophages showed reduced Rho-Rho kinase (ROCK)-NF-㱖B activity, consequently reduced oxidized LDL uptake and stimulated cholesterol efflux with concomitant decreases in scavenger receptor expression and increases in cholesterol efflux transporter expression, and reduced cytokine expression. S1P 2 in macrophages stimulated macrophage transmigration toward the compartment with a lower S1P concentration both in vitro and in vivo with Rac inhibition. S1P2 -/- ECs also showed diminished activities of ROCK and NF-㱖B with decreased MCP-1 expression and increased phosphorylation of Akt and eNOS. Pharmacological S1P2 inhibition in S1P2 +/+ mice reduced the plaque area in aortas and modified LDL accumulation in macrophages. These observations demonstrate that S1P2 plays a critical role in atherogenesis and is a novel therapeutic target for atherosclerosis. 1 金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系血管分子生理学、2金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系 内科学、3石川県立看護大学健康科学講座 王 飛1、岡本 安雄1、居軒 功2、吉岡 和晃1、多久和 典子1,3、多久和 陽1 Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor-2 deletion inhibits macrophage proinflammatory activities and atherosclerosis in mice 23 [BACKGROUND] The angiotensin II (Ang II) type 2 (AT2) receptor is crucially involved in atherogenesis; however, bone marrow (BM) AT2-mediated antiatherogenic action remains undefined. [METHOD AND RESULT] We generated BM chimera apoE-deficient (apoE -/- ) mice whose BM cells were repopulated with AT2-deficient (Agtr2 -/-) or wild type (Agtr2+/+) cells. Eight weeks after BM transplantation, all mice were fed a western diet for further two months. Mean blood pressure, heart rate, and lipid profile did not show any difference between the two groups. The numbers of BM granulocyte/ macrophage progenitor cells (GMP) and peripheral blood monocytes did not differ between the two groups of mice. Atherosclerotic lesion area was significantly increased in apoE -/- /BM-Agtr2 -/- mice compared with apoE -/- /BM-Agtr2 +/+ mice (51%, P<0.05). The accumulation of MOMA-2 positive cells in aortic root was markedly enhanced in apoE -/- /BM-Agtr2 -/- mice (65%, P<0.05). To further investigate the BM-AT2-mediated action on macrophage, Thioglycollate-elicited Peritoneal macrophages (TGPM) were isolated from Agtr2-/- or Agtr2+/+ mice. Realtime PCR analysis showed that AT2 mRNA expression level in Agtr2+/+ TGPM was much higher than Agtr2+/+ BM cells, whereas AT1 mRNA expression did not differ between Agtr2 -/- and Agtr2 +/+ TGPM. Treatment with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) increased TNF-㱍 and IL-1㱎 secretion from Agtr2 +/+ TGPM in a dose-dependent manner, which were significantly augmented in Agtr2 -/- TGPM (40%, 50%, respectively, P<0.01). The number of apoptotic cells evaluated by TUNEL staining did not differ between the two groups. [CONCLUSION] Our findings demonstrate that BM-AT2 attenuates macrophage pro-inflammatory responses to induce AT2-mediated anti-atherogenic activities. 1 京都府立医科大学大学院医学研究科循環器内科学、2愛媛大学大学院医学系研究科 分子心血管生物・薬理学 加藤 拓1、山田 浩之1、川人 浩之1、岸田 聡1、入江 大介1、池田 宏二1、 高橋 知三郎1、沖垣 光彦1、岩井 將2、堀内 正嗣2、松原 弘明1 Bone marrow AT2 receptor deficiency aggravates atherosclerosis by augmenting macrophage proinflammatory responses 26 【目的】慢性腎臓病(CKD)は心血管病発症の独立した危険因子であるが、 CKDにおける動脈硬化進展機序の詳細は十分明らかではない。一方、血管 周囲脂肪組織は動脈硬化や血管傷害後のリモデリングに深く関与している ことが最近報告されているが、慢性腎臓病における血管周囲脂肪組織の役 割については不明な点が多い。本研究の目的は、軽度腎機能障害が血管周 囲脂肪組織の表現型やレニン・アンジオテンシン系(RAS)に与える影響 を検討し、動脈硬化進展機構におけるその役割を明らかにすることである。 【方法と結果】8週齢雄アポE欠損マウスの片腎を摘出後、12週齢時より高コ レステロール食を開始した。(片腎摘出群: n=12、対照群: n=12) 20週齢時 の胸部大動脈における動脈硬化形成を検討したところ片腎摘出群において 有意に進展していた(enface法 42%、P<0.05)。平均血圧、心拍数、脂質プ ロファイルは両群で同等であった。高コレステロール食負荷8週後の胸部大 動脈におけるVCAM-1, ICAM-1のmRNA発現レベルは負荷前と比べて著明 に亢進していたが、両群間では有意差を認めなかった。興味深いことに血 管周囲の脂肪組織重量はUNX群で有意に増加していた(31%、P<0.05)。一 方精巣周囲脂肪重量は両群間で同等であった。血管周囲脂肪組織における 免疫組織学的解析では、脂肪組織面積および細胞数が片腎摘出群で有意に 増加していた(58%, 37%, P<0.01 )。しかしCD45陽性細胞の集積は両群で同 等であった。更に血管周囲脂肪組織を採取しmRNA発現レベルをreal-time PCR法を用いて解析したところ、片腎摘出群において褐色脂肪のマーカー あるUCP1の低下とともに白色脂肪マーカーであるIgfbp3の発現亢進を認め (44%, 130%, P<0.05 ), RAS系のコンポーネントであるrenin, Angiotensinogen の遺伝子発現が有意に亢進していた(430%, 33%, P<0.05 )。これらの変化は 精巣周囲脂肪組織では認められなかった。【結語】片腎摘出マウスでは、血 管周囲脂肪組織における脂肪細胞の増殖およびRASの亢進が認められ、 CKDにおける動脈硬化進展機序に関与している可能性が示唆された。 1 京都府立医科大学大学院医学研究科循環器内科学、2京都府立医科大学大学院医学 研究科腎臓内科学 川人 浩之1、山田 浩之1、入江 大介1、岸田 聡1、加藤 拓1、沖垣 光彦2、 森 泰清2、松原 弘明1 血管周囲脂肪表現型とレニン・アンジオテンシ系-慢性腎臓 病はRA系賦活化を介して動脈硬化を進展させるー 24 18:00〜 ポスターセッション:動脈硬化(2) Poster Session:Atherosclerosis(2) 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 医学系研究科 遺伝子治療 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Special Talk The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Special Lecture 161 [背景]マクロファージのアポトーシスはプラーク内の壊死コア形成に関与 しプラーク破綻のリスクを増加させることが知られている。しかしながら アンジオテンシII受容体拮抗薬(ARB)のマクロファージアポトーシスに 対する作用と進展プラーク内における役割については不明な点が多い。 [方法・結果]8週齢から高コレステロール食を開始した雄apo E 欠損マウス に15週齢からARB(オルメサルタン 3.0mg/kg/day)またはヒドララジン(50mg/ kg/day)を投与し、17、19週齢時の腕頭動脈における組織学的解析を行った。 コントロール群と比較しARB群とヒドララジン群は平均血圧の低下を認め たが(p<0.05)、2群間において差を認めなかった。脂質プロファイルは3群 間で同等であった。腕頭動脈プラーク面積はコントロール群とヒドララジ ン群で同等であったが、オルメサルタン群で著明に低下していた(37%、p <0.01) 。またプラーク内の壊死コア領域はコントロール群とヒドララジン 群では差を認めなかったが、オルメサルタン群で著明に減少していた(52%, p<0.05)。17週齢時の腕頭動脈プラーク内におけるTUNEL陽性マクロファー ジ数はARB投与群で著明に減少していた(23%、p<0.05)。 [結論]ARBは進展プラーク内のマクロファージアポトーシスを減少させ、 壊死コア形成を抑制した。 京都府立医科大学大学院医学研究科循環器内科学 岸田 聡、山田 浩之、川人 浩之、加藤 拓、入江 大介、池田 宏二、高橋 知三郎、 沖垣 光彦、松原 弘明 アンジオテンシンII受容体拮抗薬はマクロファージのア ポトーシス減少により進展プラーク内の壊死コア形成を 抑制する 28 President Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization 背景:Klotho遺伝子欠損マウスは早期老化症状によく似た表現形を示し、 動脈硬化や血管内皮機能障害を有する。近年、ヒトKlothoの遺伝素因と動 脈 硬 化 性 疾 患 と の 関 連 が 検 討 さ れ て い る。 我 々 はKlothoのSNPで あ る rs650439(A/T)が高血圧患者において頚動脈内中膜肥厚(IMT)と関連しTアレ ル保因者で動脈硬化進展が著しいと報告した。 目的:Klotho遺伝子の遺伝素因を有することが生活習慣病による心血管イ ベント発症に繋がるか否かを明らかにするために、前回の検討とは別の研 究対象を用いてKlotho rs650439と高血圧臓器障害の関連性を検討する。 方法:大阪大学附属病院老年高血圧内科において遺伝子解析研究に参加し た高血圧患者のうちで予後調査を行い得た555人(男性315人、240人)を対象 とした。Taqman PCR法にてrs650439の遺伝子型を同定し心血管イベント発 症との関連を検討した。また、高血圧性臓器障害の指標(動脈硬化:総頚動 脈IMT・脈波伝播速度(PWV)、心肥大:左室重量係数(LVMI)、腎障害:推 算糸球体濾過率(eGFR))とKlotho rs650439との関連を解析した。 結果:カプランマイヤー法で解析したところrs650439(AA+AT vs. TT)は脳卒 中発症と有意差な関連を認めTTアレル保持者で脳卒中発症率が高いという 結果であった (P<0.05)。交絡因子を考慮した共分散分析を用いて頚動脈 IMT、LVMI、PWV、eGFRとの関連を検討したところrs650439(AA+AT vs. TT)はLVMI(P=0.039)およびcf PWV(P=0.046)と有意な関連を認めた。IMTお よびeGFRとrs650439の間に有意な関連性はみとめられなかった。 考察:Klotho のSNP(rs650439)は脳卒中発症ならびに動脈硬化・心肥大との 有意な関連性が認められたことより、Klotho 遺伝子多型が高血圧患者にお いて臓器障害促進に関与する可能性が示された。 1 大阪大学医学部老年・腎臓内科学、2大阪大学大学院 学 小黒 亮輔1、神出 計1、加藤 のぞみ1、島岡 泉1、Congrains Ada1、 勝谷 友宏2、大石 充1、楽木 宏実1 Klotho遺伝子一塩基多型と動脈硬化性疾患との関連 27 Program 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科循環器内科講座、2浜松医科大学医学部解剖学講座、 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科老年科講座 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 162 Objective: An interaction between the renin-angiotensin system and neovascularization in atherosclerotic plaque development is unclear. We investigated the actions of an angiotensin II type I receptor blocker in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in ApoE-/- mice with special focus into plaque neovascularization. Methods and Results: Ten-week-old male ApoE-/- mice fed a high-fat diet were randomly assigned to two groups given vehicle (0.5% carboxymethyl cellulose) or olmesartan (1 mg/kg daily) for 12 weeks. Quantification of plaque areas at the aortic sinus and in the thoracic and abdominal aorta revealed that, in all three regions, olmesartan reduced the diet-induced intimal area and intimal neovessel density. Olmesartan reduced the expressions of toll-like receptors (TLR-2 and TLR-4), stromal-derived factor-1, and a CXC chemokine receptor mRNAs in these regions of aortas. Olmesartan reduced the numbers of macrophages and the productions of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and osteopontin proteins in the aortic sinus. Olmesartan reduced the increases in the levels of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and MMP-9 proteins and their gelatinolytic activities in the aortic sinus or/and thoracic aorta. Double immunostaining of the aortic sinus showed that these MMPs were localized in the vascular smooth muscle cells and macrophages. Plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β were reduced by olmesartan. MMP-2 deficiency impaired not only macrophage accumulation and TLR4 expression but also intimal neossel formation and plaque growth in the aortic sinus. Conclusions: Olmesartan appears to inhibit intimal neovascularization in the ApoE-/- mouse model, partly by reducing inflammation and MMP activation, thus decreasing atherogenic plaque growth and stability. 3 1 成 憲武1、佐々木 健2、井上 愛子3、胡 莉那3、宋 海珍3、坂東 泰子1、 葛谷 雅文3、奥村 健二1、室原 豊明1 Angiotensin Type 1 Receptor Blocker Reduces Intimal Neovascularization and Plaque Growth in Apo E-Deficient Mice 31 〔目的〕高齢化と糖尿病罹患者の急激な増加に伴い、閉塞性動脈硬化症 (Peripheral Arterial Disease(PAD))による社会的損失が急増している。近年、 ゲノムワイド関連解析による大規模スタディにより、脳梗塞や心筋梗塞な どのcommonな多因子遺伝性疾患の疾患感受性遺伝子が同定されているが、 閉塞性動脈硬化症の成因や治療反応性を規定する疾患関連遺伝子は未だ不 明である。疾患感受性遺伝子の機能を明らかにすることができれば、末梢 血管疾患特有の病態の解明ひいてはより効果的な治療法の開発に資するこ ととなると考えられる。そこで我々は日本人集団に対してSNPsを用いたゲ ノムワイド関連解析を行うことにより閉塞性動脈硬化症の疾患感受性遺伝 子を同定することを目的とした。 〔方法ならびに成績〕全国より集めた日本 人サンプルより、一次スクリーニングとしてPAD群195例を抽出し、対照群 1,358例とともに、222,285 SNPsについて網羅的にタイピングを行った。両 群の比較により得られた有意差上位2,696 SNPsについて、二次スクリーニ ングとしてPAD群699例と、対照群1,540例との比較解析を行った。両スク リーニングの結果を総じて、最も強い関連がOSBPL10遺伝子のintronic SNP 。また rs1902341に認められた(P = 4.7×10-7, OR = 1.31, 95% CI 1.18 - 1.46) OSBPL10遺伝子には他にも関連を示すSNPsが複数存在した(rs2045298, P = -5 -5 -6 2.7×10 , rs2168422, P = 2.1×10 , rs6779621, P = 2.7×10 )。他にもCSMD1 遺伝子のintronic SNP rs2554503 (P = 5.7×10-5, OR = 1.32, 95% CI 1.15 - 1.51) などいくつかのPADとの関連を示すSNPsが同定された。〔総括〕以上の結果 から、日本人集団におけるゲノムワイド関連解析により、OSBPL10遺伝子 が閉塞性動脈硬化症の疾患関連遺伝子であることが示唆された。 1 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学、2大阪大学大学院大阪大学・金沢 大学・浜松医科大学連合小児発達学研究科、3大阪大学大学院医学系研究科老年・ 腎臓内科学、4大阪府立急性期・総合医療センター、5大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 遺伝子治療学 郡山 弘1、中神 啓徳2、勝谷 友宏1、杉本 研3、荻原 俊男4、楽木 宏実3、 金田 安史5、森下 竜一1 ゲノムワイド関連解析による閉塞性動脈硬化症疾患関連 遺伝子OSBPL10の同定 29 老年・腎臓内科、2国立循環器病研究センター 高 【目的】高齢者に多い両側性腎動脈狭窄(RAS)の早期発見に有用な情報を得 ることを目的として、両側性RASの患者背景を片側性と比較検討。 【方法】 対象は動脈硬化性RAS 55例。腎動脈造影で50%以上の狭窄を認める場合を 狭窄ありと判断し、両側性(B群)・片側性(U群)に群分けした。2群で動脈硬 化のリスクファクター、腎機能、血圧などを比較検討した。 【結果】対象の 内訳は、B群 20例・U群35例であった。両群の平均年齢は両側RASで高い傾 向にあった (p=0.195)。男女比も両側RASで男性がやや多かった(p=0.167)。 動脈硬化危険因子の比較では、B群で糖尿病を有する割合が多い傾向を示 した(p=0.087)。喫煙率もB群で高い傾向(p=0.156)を認め、飲酒者はB群: 86% vs. U群 58%と有意に両側で多かった(p=0.026)。血圧や腎機能には両群 で差を認めなかった。PRAは両群ともに正常より高く、群間に有意な差を 認めなかった。 【結論】両側性RASは従来から言われているように、動脈硬 化リスクの高い高齢の男性で喫煙、飲酒者、糖尿病患者に多い傾向を認め ることが確認された。 1 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 血圧・腎科 神出 計1、河野 雄平2、大石 充1、楽木 宏実1 両側腎動脈狭窄症の患者背景因子に関する検討 32 〔目的〕我々はこれまでに日本人集団に対してSNPsを用いたゲノムワイド 関連解析を行うことによりPADの疾患関連遺伝子としてOSBPL10を同定し た。OSBPL10の機能に関してはこれまであまり報告がなされていない。そ こでPADの病態のメカニズムを明らかにするため、OSBPL10の機能解析を 行うことを目的とした。〔方法ならびに成績〕ヒト各組織のNorthern blotting により発現パターンを解析した。その結果OSBPL10は心臓、腎臓、肺、胎 盤など、血管が比較的豊富な臓器で強い発現を認めた。心臓の分画では、 大動脈に最も強い発現を認めた。培養細胞に対しwestern blottingを行ったと ころ、ヒト血管内皮細胞(HAEC)で強い発現を認めた。抗OSBPL10抗体 を用いて免疫染色を行ったところOSBPL10はHAECの小胞体に局在するこ とが確認された。OSBPL10転写産物をクローニングし、 HAECに発現させた。 その結果、過剰発現したOSBPL10は微小管および小胞体に局在し、両者の 形態変化を引き起こした。血管内皮細胞はin vitroにおいて酸化コレステロー ルであるオキシステロールの添加などにより小胞体ストレスが誘導される こと、また動脈硬化性病変で小胞体ストレスが生じていることなどが明ら かになってきている。そこで次に小胞体ストレスにおけるOSBPL10の関与 について検討した。まずHAECの培養液に7-ketosterolやツニカマイシンを添 加、あるいは低酸素刺激を行ったところ、OSBPL10の発現上昇が認められ た。次にOSBPL10を未刺激のHAECに過剰発現させたところ、小胞体スト レスが誘導され、下流の現象であるオートファジーも誘導された。siRNA を用いてOSBPL10をノックダウンしたHAECに、7-ketosterolやツニカマイシ ン処理を行ったところ小胞体ストレスやオートファジーの有意な抑制は認 めなかった。これらの結果からOSBPL10は小胞体ストレスにさらされた血 管内皮細胞において、微小管依存的なストレス応答に関与している可能性 が示唆されたが、 小胞体ストレス経路自体に必須ではないと考えられた。 〔総 括〕OSBPL10はHAECで高い発現を認め、小胞体および微小管上に局在し、 血管内皮細胞における小胞体ストレスに関与している可能性が示唆された。 1 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学、2大阪大学大学院大阪大学・金沢 大学・浜松医科大学連合小児発達学研究科、3大阪大学大学院医学系研究科老年・ 腎臓内科学、4大阪大学大学院医学系研究科遺伝子治療学 郡山 弘1、中神 啓徳2、楽木 宏実3、金田 安史4、森下 竜一1 閉塞性動脈硬化症疾患関連遺伝子OSBPL10の機能解析 30 18:00〜 ポスターセッション:動脈硬化(3) Poster Session:Atherosclerosis(3) 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 1 1 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科循環器内科学、2大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺 伝子治療学、3国立循環器病研究センター細胞生物部 Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 163 Special Talk The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Special Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Atherosclerosis is commonly observed in obesity. Obese atherosclerosis-prone animal models may be a promising tool for understanding the pathophysiology of obesity-associated atherosclerosis and for developing effective therapeutic strategies for such diseases. However, most rat strains are resistant to atherosclerosis. This study aimed to assess the susceptibility of 2 obese hypertensive rat models, SHRSP. Z-Lepr fa/IzmDmcr rats (SHRSP-fatty) and SHR.Cg-Leprcp/NDmcr rats (SHR-cp), to arterial lipid deposition, an initial stage of atherosclerosis, by comparing these strains with nonobese stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP). Eight-week-old male SHRSP, SHRSP-fatty, and SHR-cp were fed a high fat and cholesterol diet containing 20% palm oil, 5% cholesterol, and 2% cholic acid for 5 weeks. Body weight, blood pressure, and fasting serum levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides were measured in 12-week-old rats. Oil red O staining was conducted to visualise lipid deposition in the mesenteric artery. The body weight of 12-week-old SHRSP-fatty and SHR-cp was higher than that of SHRSP (p < 0.005). The systolic blood pressure of SHRSP and SHRSP-fatty was higher than that of SHR-cp (p < 0.005). Serum total cholesterol and triglyceride levels were elevated in SHRSP-fatty (p < 0.005) and SHR-cp (p < 0.05) compared with those in SHRSP. Lipid deposition in the mesenteric artery was more extensive in SHRSPfatty (37.7 ± 4.9%; p < 0.005) than in SHRSP (13.1 ± 2.8%), but was markedly less in SHR-cp (1.8 ± 0.4%; p < 0.05). These results indicate that SHRSP-fatty is highly susceptible to arterial lipid deposition, whereas SHR-cp is resistant to such deposition. SHRSP-fatty may be a useful obese rat model for studying atherosclerotic processes. President Lecture (背景と目的)動脈硬化は血管炎症に基づく内皮機能障害をベースに病態形 成がなされる。ドッキング蛋白質であるGab1は、hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)/c-Met依存性シグナルで重要な役割を果たす事がこれまで報告されて いる。内皮細胞特異的Gab1欠損 (Gab1ECKO)マウスを我々はこれまで作成 して、大腿動脈結紮による下肢虚血で、全例が下腿壊死を呈して、虚血耐 性の低下を呈する事を見出した。さらに、我々はGab1ECKOマウス の下腿 壊死の表現型は、内皮細胞におけるHGF/c-Met依存性シグナルによる血管 新生の異常によることも見出している。一方、Gab1の動脈硬化性疾患にお ける役割はこれまで明らかでない。本研究は内皮細胞のGab1が動脈硬化過 程で担う役割を明らかにすることを目的とする。 (方法、結果)マイクロ DNAアレイを用いて、ヒト臍帯静脈内皮細胞(HUVEC)をHGFで刺激して Gab1依 存 性 に 発 現 誘 導 さ れ る 遺 伝 子 群 を 探 索 し た と こ ろ、Kruppel-like factor (KLF2)を見出した。また、Gab1ECKOマウスではコントロールマウス に比して内皮細胞でのKLF2の発現が有意に減少していた。KLF2は内皮細 胞の機能維持や抗動脈硬化作用に必須の遺伝子と報告されている。そこで、 我々は内皮細胞のGab1が動脈硬化に対して抑制的な働きを有するものと考 えて、Gab1ECKOマウスをapolipoprotein E欠損(apoEKO)マウスと交配し てGab1ECKO/apoEKOマウスを作成した。正常食を給餌された24週齢のオ ス のGab1ECKO/apoEKO 及 びapoE KOマ ウ ス( コ ン ト ロ ー ル ) に angiotensinII(500ng/kg/min)を浸透圧ポンプで4週間投与した。胸腹部大動脈 を摘出してOil Red O染色したところ、Gab1ECKO/apoEKOマウスでは全例 においてコントロールに比して有意に広範囲の強い動脈硬化形成が観察さ れ た。 さ ら に マ ク ロ フ ァ ー ジ の 浸 潤 と 動 脈 壁 で のVCAM-1発 現 も Gab1ECKO/apoEKOマウスではコントロールに比して有意に促進されてい た。 (結論)以上より、内皮細胞のGab1はapoEKOマウスでのangiotensin II 依存性の動脈硬化を負に制御する機能を担うことが示唆された。 国政 和宏1、吉富 久恵2、三浦 ちとせ2、森 英樹1、土倉 覚3、池田 克己2、 高 明2、森 真理1、家森 幸男1 樋口 香織1、中岡 良和1、塩山 渉1、谷山 義明2、森下 竜一2、望月 直樹3、 小室 一成1 武庫川女子大学国際健康開発研究所、2武庫川女子大学薬学部、3SHR等疾患モデ ル研究会 High susceptibility of obese hypertensive SHRSP. fa /IzmDmcr rats to lipid deposition in the Zmesenteric artery 34 内皮細胞のドッキング蛋白質Gab1はapolipoprotein E欠 損マウスでのangiotensin II依存性動脈硬化を負に制御す る 33 Program 18:00〜 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 164 2Cl-C.OXT-A is a synthesized nucleoside analogue with the molecular weight of 284. It is stable, easy to synthesize and small; these properties of this agent may thereby allow various systemic and topical delivery methods. In vitro, 2Cl-C.OXT-A significantly stimulated tube formation of human umbilical endothelial cells (HUVEC). Its maximum potency at 100 㱘M was stronger than that of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a positive control. At this concentration, 2Cl-C.OXT-A moderately stimulated proliferation as well as migration of HUVEC. Immunoblot analyses suggest that 2Cl-C.OXT-A induces angiogenic responses in HUVEC mediated by a MAP kinase cascade comprising MEK and ERK1/2, but independently of VEGF receptor tyrosine kinase. In vivo assay using chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) and rabbit cornea also suggested the angiogenic potency of 2Cl-C.OXT-A. 2Cl-C.OXT-Aは分子量284の合成核酸誘導体である。我々はこれまでin vitro において2Cl-C.OXT-A が強力なHUVECの管腔形成促進作用を有することを 見いだし、報告してきた。2Cl-C.OXT-AはHUVECの管腔形成の他、増殖や 遊走も同じ濃度(10-100㱘M)で促進する。同時にMEKやERK1/2の活性化 を促進し、MEK阻害剤PD98059は2Cl-C.OXT-AによるERK1/2の活性化だけ でなく管腔形成促進をも阻害した。VEGFR inhibitor SU5416 は2Cl-C.OXT-A によるERK1/2の活性化に影響せず、従って作用点はVEGFRの下流でMEK よりも上流と考えられた。今回、この2Cl-C.OXT-Aのin vivoでの効果を鶏漿 尿膜とウサギ角膜を用いて検証したので報告する。 香川大学医学部薬物生体情報学講座、2香川大学医学部自律機能生理学講座、3香川 大学医学部細胞情報生理学講座、4香川大学医学部皮膚化学講座、5徳島文理大学香 川薬学部、6東京都臨床医学総合研究所、7帝國製薬株式会社 1 Angio- and lymphangiogenesis are inherently related processes, in part driven by the same growth factors (GFs). However, how blood and lymphatic vessels regulate each otherʼs growth is unknown. This work introduces a novel mechanism explaining the temporal and spatial relation of blood and lymphatic vessels. Using the corneal micropocket assay, PBS or VEGF-A (100, 200, 400 or 1600ng) was implanted in mice corneas to quantify angio- and lymphangiogenesis using immunostaining of LYVE-1 and CD31, respectively. 100ng VEGF-A induced significant angiogenesis but not lymphangiogenesis, while 400 and 1600ng VEGF-A induced both lymph- and angiogenesis, suggesting the dose threshold for VEGF-A-induced corneal lymphangiogenesis to be higher than angiogenesis. 200ng VEGF-A-induced lymphangiogenesis could be occurred on day 10 but not day 6 when angiogenesis could be observed, suggesting that VEGF-A induced angiogenesis peaks earlier than lymphangiogenesis. VEGF-A surprisingly reduced VEGF-C in the supernatant of blood vessel endothelial cells, suggesting GF clearance by the growing endothelium. The orientation of lymphatic sprouting toward angiogenic vessels and away from exogenous GFs was VEGF-C dependent. In vivo molecular imaging revealed higher VEGFR-2 in angiogenic tips when compared to normal vessels. Consistently, lymphatic growth was impeded in the angiogenic front. VEGF-C/R-2 complex in the cytoplasm of VEGF-A-treated endothelium indicated that receptor-mediated internalization causes GF clearance from the extra cellular matrix. VEGF-A-induced lymphangiogenesis is delayed by angiogenic vessels where upregulated VEGFR-2 can trap VEGF-C. GF clearance by receptor-mediated internalization is a new paradigm explaining how growing vasculature regulates its environment. マサチューセッツ眼科耳鼻 中尾 新太郎1,2 塚本 郁子1、榊原 紀和5、丸山 徳見5、五十嵐 淳介2、小坂 博昭2、窪田 泰夫4、 徳田 雅明3、芦野 洋美6、川田 光裕7、服部 健一7、田中 真司7、 小西 良士1 1 九州大学大学院医学研究院眼科学、2ハーバード大学 科病院 眼科 Blood vessel endothelial VEGFR-2 delays lymphangiogenesis 38 Background: Deferoxamine (DFO), an iron chelator, is clinically used for excess iron disorders. DFO has been reported to upregulate expression of angiogenic factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), therefore DFO has potential action for contributing to angiogenesis. Herein we clarify the effect and mechanism of DFO on angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo. Methods and Results: In vitro study, DFO induced 2-fold increase in phosphorylation of Akt and endothelial nitric oxide synthesis (eNOS) in human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC). DFO action on eNOS phosphorylation was inhibited by phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor LY294002. Tube formation, cell proliferation and migration were promoted by DFO stimulation, which was significantly reduced by LY294002 in HAEC. In vivo study, C57BL/6J mice at 8 weeks old age were subjected to unilateral hindlimb surgery with or without DFO administration daily. Laser Doppler analysis demonstrated that DFO treatment accelerated blood flow recovery in response to ischemic hindlimb (LDBF of ischemia to non-ischemia ratio on postoperative day 28 days, 84+/-4% vs 72+/-4%, p<0.01). Capillary density was significantly higher in ischemic muscle of DFO-treated mice compared to vehicletreated mice (capillaries to muscle fiber ratio; 1.30+/-0.11 vs 0.90+/-0,01, p<0.05). Phosphorylation of Akt and eNOS in ischemic muscles were markedly augmented 1.5-times in DFO-treated mice compared to vehicle-treated mice. Urinary NOx excretion was significantly increased in DFO-treated mice. This DFO effect on angiogenesis was abolished in ischemic hindlimb model of eNOS-deficient mice. Conclusion: DFO promotes vascular endothelial cell function and enhances angiogenesis through Akt-eNOS pathway. 1 徳島大学大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部薬理学、2徳島大学大学院ヘルスバ イオサイエンス研究部生体情報内科学 池田 康将1、田島 壮一郎1、吉田 守美子2、山野 範子1、木平 孝高1、 石澤 啓介1、粟飯原 賢一2、冨田 修平1、土屋 浩一郎1、玉置 俊晃1 Deferoxamine, an iron chelator, enhances angiogenesis through Akt-eNOS-dependenat pathway in endothelial cells 36 2Cl-C.OXT-A stimulates angiogenesis both in vitro and in vivo. 37 【背景及び目的】PI3キナーゼ(PI3K)は、クラスI, II及びIIIに分類され、8種 のアイソフォームが存在する。これまで血管内皮細胞において、クラスI型 に属するp110㱍は血管内皮増殖因子(VEGF)やアンジオポエチン-1(Ang-1)な どの刺激により細胞膜上でPtdIns (3,4,5)P3 を産生し、その下流のAktやRacを 介して内皮細胞の増殖、分化、生存、遊走等を制御し、脈管形成及び血管 新生に関与することが分かっていた。一方、3種のクラスII型のうち、C2㱍 は心臓、血管平滑筋及び内皮細胞に豊富に発現し、ある種の細胞では細胞 内小胞輸送に関わる可能性が示唆されていたが、動物個体レベルでの生理 的役割は全く不明であった。本研究では、C2㱍の動物個体における生理機 能を明らかにするために、全身型および組織特異的C2㱍遺伝子ノックアウ ト(KO)マウスを作製し、その表現型を解析した。 【結果及び考察】C2㱍全身性KOマウスは、 顕著な血管新生・成熟異常を伴い、 胎生致死 (E9.5-E11.5)であった。内皮細胞特異的コンディショナルKO (CKO) マウスも血管新生・成熟異常によりE18.5までに致死となった。また、平滑 筋及び心筋細胞CKOマウスは正常に発育し、心血管系には異常が見られな いことから、内皮細胞に発現するC2㱍が胎生期血管形成に必須であること が明らかとなった。一方、C2㱍ヘテロKOマウスは正常に発生・発育するも の、生後の生理的網膜血管新生・成熟の異常、血管透過性亢進、アンジオ テンシンII慢性投与による解離性動脈瘤を呈した。更に、RNA干渉法を用 い たC2㱍 ノ ッ ク ダ ウ ンHUVECに お い て、 1) 初 期 エ ン ド ソ ー ム で の PtdIns(3)P産生、2)細胞遊走及び管腔形成、 3)低分子量Gタンパク質(RhoA, Rac1, Rap1)活性化、 4)アクチン骨格、 トランス-ゴルジネットワーク(TGN) 形態、5)VE-カドヘリンの細胞膜局在及び透過性制御、の著しい異常が 示された。以上の結果から、C2㱍はVEGF-Akt/ERKシグナル伝達系制御に は関与せず、クラスI型とは全く異なるメカニズムで機能する新たな細胞内 シグナル分子であることが明らかとなった。 金沢大学大学院医学系研究科血管分子生理学、2石川県立看護大学看護学部健康科 学講座 1 吉岡 和晃1、多久和 典子1,2、岡本 安雄1、多久和 陽1 クラスIIα型PI3キナーゼC2αは血管新生及びバリアー機 能に必須である 35 ポスターセッション:血管・リンパ管新生 (1) Poster Session:Angiogenesis / Lymphangiogenesis(1) 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 Special Talk How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 165 Special Lecture The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology President Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization 近年、VEGFシグナル遮断による血管新生阻害薬が臨床導入されたが、特 に癌に対する治療に際し、最初から効かないことや初めは効いてもやがて 効かなくなること(薬剤不応性・耐性) 、正常な血管の内皮細胞を障害する ことが問題となっている。前者はVEGF以外の血管新生促進因子の関与、後 者はVEGFが内皮生存因子として機能していることによる。我々は、血管内 皮細胞が産生し、自らに作用して血管新生を制御するVasohibin-1 (VASH1) と、そのホモログのVasohibin-2 (VASH2) を単離・同定し、臨床応用に向け た研究を進めている。VASH1は、広いスペクトルムで血管新生を抑制する が、このことはVEGF以外の血管新生促進因子が関与する場合でも有用と考 えられる。VASH1の他の血管新生抑制因子と異なる特徴として、種々のス トレスに対する血管内皮細胞の抵抗性を増し、血管内皮細胞の生存因子と して機能することを見出している。今回は、VEGFR阻害剤によって生じる 血管内皮細胞障害をVASH1が制御出来るか否か検討した。 ヒト臍帯静脈血管内皮細胞(HUVEC)にVEGFR1/2阻害剤SU5416(1μM)を 作用させ、72時間後の細胞死を定量的に解析した。HUVEC をVASH1遺伝 子搭載アデノウイルスベクター(AdVASH1)で感染させておくと、SU5416に よ る 細 胞 死 はAdLacZの コ ン ト ロ ー ル と 比 較 し て 約40%抑 制 さ れ た(p< 0.001)。アデノウイルスベクターの替わりに、レコンビナントVASH1蛋白 (100 nM)を投与して評価したところ、SU5416による細胞死は約30%抑制 された(p<0.001)。 以上より、VEGFシグナル阻害薬とVASH-1を併用することで、内皮細胞 障害を回避し、より効果的な血管新生抑制効果が期待される。学会では、 マウスを用いたVEGFシグナル遮断により起こる正常血管退縮に対する VASH1の効果についても報告したい。 東北大学加齢医学研究所腫瘍循環研究分野 林 英樹、宮下 浩輝、鈴木 康弘、小林 美穂、佐藤 靖史 VasohibinはVEGFシグナル遮断による内皮細胞障害を防 止する 39 Program 18:00〜 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 166 Endothelial cell activation and dysfunction are associated with many vascular disorders, including atherosclerosis, tumor growth, and sepsis. Here, we showed that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), tumor necrosis factor-㱍, and thrombin rapidly and dramatically induced early growth response (Egr) families, Egr-1 and Egr-3. Egr-3 expression in response to VEGF was more sustained compared with Egr-1, which was mediated by NFATc1, NFATc2, CREB, and SRF binding to the Egr-3 promoter. RNAi-mediated knockdown of Egr-3 specifically inhibited transcription of the target genes, including TF, Ets-1, E-selectin and VCAM-1. Genome-wide analysis of Egr-3 binding sites using chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) revealed that Egr-3 bound to the transcription initiation sites of target genes where histone H3 lysine 4 monoand tri-methylation were highly enriched. Egr-3 knockdown compromised VEGFmediated proliferation, migration, and tube formation of endothelial cells and blocked monocyte adhesion. Knocking down Egr-3 using an adenoviral miRNA approach abrogated VEGF-mediated vascular outgrowth from ex vivo aortic rings and attenuated vascularization and melanoma tumor growth in vivo. Together, these findings suggest that Egr-3 is a critical determinant of VEGF signaling in activated endothelial cells. Thus, Egr-3 represents a potential therapeutic target in VEGFmediated vasculopathic diseases. Semaphorin3E (Sema3E)は胎生期における神経 ‐ 血管ガイダンス分子であ ることが知られているが、生後の血管新生における役割はよく知られてい ない。その役割を調べるため、ヒト臍帯静脈血管内皮細胞 (HUVEC)を用い て検討したところ、Sema3EはHUVECにおいて血管内皮増殖因子(VEGF) の受容体であるVEGFR2のリン酸化を抑制し、濃度依存性にVEGFの血管新 生促進作用を抑制することがわかった。またマウス虚血肢においてSema3E の発現は著明に上昇しており、Sema3Eの阻害剤として働くPlexinD1-Fc融合 蛋白(PlexinD1-Fc)によりSema3Eを抑制すると、有意な血流の改善を認め た。さらにSema3Eノックアウトマウスでは下肢虚血後の血管新生が野生型 に比して改善していた。老化分子であるp53も血管新生に対して抑制的に働 くことが知られているが、HUVECにおいては、低酸素刺激によってp53が 活性化しSema3Eの発現が誘導された。マウス虚血下肢においてもp53依存 性にSema3Eの発現の増加が認められたが、これらの上昇は糖尿病マウスの 虚血下肢においてさらに増強されていた。そして糖尿病マウスの虚血肢に VEGFとPlexinD1-Fcの発現ベクターを同時に投与すると、VEGF単独投与群 と比較して著明な血流改善が得られた。骨格筋や脂肪組織といったエネル ギー代謝の標的臓器では、その機能に関して血管の形成が重要な役割を担っ ている。我々はこれらの臓器におけるSema3Eの発現が糖尿病モデルにおい て上昇していること、さらにSema3Eのヘテロノックアウトマウスにおいて 糖負荷試験を行うと、野生型に比して血糖値の上昇が抑制されていること を確認した。さらに高脂肪高ショ糖負荷をした野生型マウスにPlexinD1-Fc の発現ベクターを筋注すると、コントロールに比べて空腹時血糖および糖 負荷試験による血糖値の上昇が抑制されていた。これらの結果から、 Sema3Eを抑制することは、特にVEGF等の治療のみでは効果のない症例に 対する新たな治療的血管新生の標的となり得ると考えられた。さらに Sema3Eは、血管新生の抑制作用のみならず、糖尿病をはじめとする代謝性 疾患の病態生理に関わっていることが示唆された。 千葉大学大学院医学研究院循環病態医科学 東京大学先端科学技術研究センターシステム生物医学部門、2Department of Molecular and Vascular Medicine, Beth Israsel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA 1 森谷 純治、南野 徹 末弘 淳一1、浜窪 隆雄1、児玉 龍彦2、William C Aird2、南 敬1 血管新生抑制因子を標的とした次世代の血管再生治療お よび代謝性疾患治療の開発 43 Vasohibin-1(VASH1)は、VEGFやFGF-2をはじめとする血管新生刺激に応答 し、血管内皮細胞特異的に発現誘導され、血管新生を負に制御する分泌性 調節因子として機能する。VEGFやFGF-2によるVASH1遺伝子の発現誘導は PKC-㱐のシグナル伝達経路を経ていること、その誘導はタンパク合成阻害 により消失すること、低酸素はVEGFやFGF-2によるVASH1遺伝子の発現誘 導を抑制することなどが判明しているが、その分子メカニズムついては不 明である。最近、ChIP-on-chip法を用いて転写因子GATA-2の結合をゲノム ワイドにスクリーニングする過程でVASH1遺伝子の5ʼ上流域及びエクソン 領域にGATA-2の結合サイトが幾つか存在することを見出した。CHIPアッ セイによってさらに結合領域を絞り込んだところ、VASH1遺伝子の5ʼ上流 域-1282~1138bpの間にGATA-2結合サイトが存在し、その結合はVEGFの刺 激に応答して増強することが確認された。siRNAによってGATA-2をノック ダウンすることによって、VEGF刺激によるVASH1遺伝子の発現亢進が顕 著に抑制された。一方、プロテアソーム阻害剤MG-132を用いた解析から、 内皮細胞内においてGATA-2蛋白はプロテアソーム経路によって迅速に分解 を受けており、VEGF刺激によりGATA-2蛋白が安定化することが示唆され た。GATA-2に対する特異抗体を用いた免疫染色の結果、血管内皮細胞内で のGATA-2は、VEGF、FGF-2、血清刺激によって核へと集積することが確 認された。また、低酸素状態ではGATA-2のmRNA発現レベルや血管新生刺 激による核への集積に対してほとんど影響はなかった。以上の結果、血管 新生刺激によりGATA-2は内皮細胞の核へと集積し、VASH1遺伝子の5ʼ上 流域に結合して転写促進に寄与すること、低酸素状態においてはGATA-2以 外の抑制メカニズムが関与することが示唆された。 1 東北大学加齢医学研究所腫瘍循環研究分野、2東京大学先端科学技術研究センター システム生物医学 鈴木 康弘1、神吉 康晴2、南 敬2、佐藤 靖史1 転写因子GATA-2によるVasohibin-1遺伝子の発現調節 41 Vascular endothelial growth factor activation of endothelial cells is mediated by early growth response-3 42 目的:成体において種々の臓器に組織幹細胞が存在し、組織傷害に対し修 復を行うことが示唆されている。血管においても最近、血管外膜に血管に 分化し得る血管幹細胞、血管内皮前駆細胞の存在が報告されている。今回 我々は、ラット胸大動脈における血管に局在する血管内皮前駆細胞の確認 および血管構成細胞との相互作用を検討した。方法:7週齢雄性SDラット より胸大動脈を摘出しリング状に切断し、マトリゲルに包埋して7日間3次 元培養を行い、組織より発芽した細胞(sprout細胞)を内皮マーカーである von willbrand factor (vWF)、 平 滑 筋 細 胞 マ ー カ ー で あ る 㱍-Smooth Muscle Actin (㱍-SMA)による免疫染色を行った。さらに3次元培養を施行中の大動 脈リングを経時的にマトリゲルより取り出し組織切片を作成し、CD31、 CD34および細胞増殖マーカーであるKi-67による免疫染色を行った。a)内膜、 中膜、外膜を有する大動脈、b)外膜を取り除いた大動脈、c)大動脈外膜のみ、 の3種の組織をそれぞれ3次元培養しsprout細胞を観察した。また、大動脈外 膜より細胞を採取し、外膜に存在する細胞の特性を確認した。結果:3次元 培養により発芽したsprout細胞はvWF陽性、α-SMA陰性であった。3次元培 養中の大動脈はsprout細胞発芽時において外膜にCD31陰性かつCD34陽性、 Ki-67陽性細胞の存在が確認された。b)外膜を取り除いた大動脈、c)大動脈 外膜のみを用いた3次元培養ではsprout細胞の発芽を認めなかった。外膜よ り採取した細胞からCD34陽性かつCD31陰性の細胞を確認した。結論:ラッ ト大動脈外膜には血管内皮前駆細胞の存在が示唆され、sprout細胞の発芽に 寄与している可能性が示唆された。またsprout細胞は、内膜、中膜、外膜を 有する大動脈でのみ発芽し、外膜を取り除いた動脈、外膜のみの組織では 発芽しないことより血管外膜に局在する血管内皮前駆細胞は中膜平滑筋と の相互作用により血管内皮に分化し、血管新生に寄与する可能性が示唆さ れた。 日本大学大学院総合科学研究科生命科学、2日本大学医学部先端医学講座細胞再生・ 移植医学分野 1 山元 智衣1、松本 太郎2、福田 昇1 ラット胸大動脈における血管内皮前駆細胞の局在および 血管構成細胞との相互作用についての検討 40 ポスターセッション:血管・リンパ管新生 (2) Poster Session:Angiogenesis / Lymphangiogenesis(2) 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 1 1 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター システム生物医学部門、2興和株式会社 創薬研究所 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Special Talk The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Special Lecture 167 Flk1/VEGFR2 is a receptor tyrosine kinase for vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A). It has been demonstrated that VEGF-A/Flk1 signals play important roles in proliferation, survival, migration, and cell-cell adhesion of nascent endothelial cells and are essential for embryonic blood vessel development in mice. However, it remains to be elucidated whether Flk1 is also required for the development of lymphatic vessels originated from blood vessels at later stages. In this study, we analyzed the expression patterns and roles of Flk1 in lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs). The expression analysis of flowcytometry, immunohistochemistry, and a lacZ reporter knocked into the Flk1 locus confirmed that Flk1 is expressed in CD31+Prox1+Podoplanin+ LECs throughout lymphatic vessel development in mice. To address if Flk1 plays a role in lymphatic vessel development, we conditionally inactivated the Flk1 gene in LECs by the tamoxifeninduced Cre-loxP system using Prox1-CreERT2 and Flk1-flox mice. Tamoxifen or 4-hydroxytamoxifen was administrated into pregnant and neonatal mice to induce loss of Flk1 specifically in embryonic and neonatal LECs, respectively. We have detected to date abnormal distribution of LECs in Flk1 conditional knockout embryos. In addition, a lymphatic flow along the ischiatic vein was missing with fat deposition, indicating the regression of a collecting lymphatic vessel during postnatal periods after Flk1 was inactivated in neonates. These results suggest that Flk1 plays a crucial role in migration and cell survival during physiological lymphatic vessel formation in mice. President Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization 血管内皮細胞においてKLF2およびKLF4はThrombomodulinやeNOSなど血管 内 皮 機 能 の 改 善 作 用 を 有 す る 遺 伝 子 の 発 現 を 増 強 さ せ、VCAM-1や E-selectinといった接着因子や炎症性因子の発現を抑制させることが明らか となっている。HMG-CoA reductase阻害剤であるピタバスタチンは血中LDL コレステロールを低下させるだけでなく血管内皮細胞におけるKLF2および KLF4の発現を増強させることが明らかとなった。KLF2ならびにKLF4はマ ウス大動脈においてもピタバスタチンにより誘導されることが確認された。 しかし、ピタバスタチンによるKLF2ならびにKLF4の発現増強機序は明ら かにはなっていない。そこで、今回、血管内皮細胞であるHUVECを用いて ピタバスタチンによるKLF2およびKLF4発現増強機序の解析を行った。そ の結果、ピタバスタチンによりHUVECにおいてERK5のリン酸化が2時間よ り誘導されることが明らかとなった。ERK5は血管内皮細胞においてMEK5/ ERK5/MEF2経路の一端を担っていることが報告されている。そこで、ピタ バスタチンによるKLF2およびKLF4発現増強機序にMEK5/ERK5/MEF2経路 が 関 与 し て い る かsiRNA実 験 を 行 い、 解 析 し た。 そ の 結 果、MEK5、 ERK5、MEF2のいずれのタンパクもノックダウンさせるとピタバスタチン によるKLF2およびKLF4発現増強作用は減弱した。さらに、抗MEF2Aおよ び抗MEF2C抗体を用いたChIP-SequenceならびにChIP-PCR法により、KLF2 promoter領域ならびにKLF4 promoter領域のMEF2結合領域が明らかとなっ た。以上の結果から、血管内皮細胞においてピタバスタチンによりMEK5/ ERK5/MEF2経路を介してKLF2ならびにKLF4の発現が増強されることが明 らかとなった。ピタバスタチンによるKLF2、KLF4発現増強作用はピタバ スタチンのpleiotropic effectの一端を担っている可能性が示唆された。 2 神戸大学大学院医学研究科生理学・細胞生物学講座血管生物学分野、 Department of Genetics and Tumor Cell Biology, St. Jude Childrenʼs Hospital、3筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科解剖学発生学講座、4Program of Developmental Biology, The Hospital for Sick Children、5慶應義塾大学医学 部坂口光洋記念講座発生・分化生物学 佐野 圭吾1、R. Sathish Srinivasan2、依馬 正次3、Janet Rossant4、 Guillermo Oliver2、須田 年生5、平島 正則1 前島 崇司1,2、大田 佳宏1、南 敬1、和田 洋一郎1、井原 茂男1、酒井 寿郎1、 浜窪 隆雄1、児玉 龍彦1 東京 Flk1/VEGFR2 is required for proper distribution and survival of lymphatic endothelial cells in mice 45 ピタバスタチンによる血管内皮細胞におけるKLF2および KLF4発現増強機序の解析 44 Program 18:00〜 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 168 Sprouting step during angiogenesis is the growth of new capillary vessels from preexisting ones. Inangiogenic sprouting, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A is essential for the induction ofsprouting (Gerhardt et al. 2003). In contrast, Notch signaling inhibits angiogenic sprouting (Hellstrom et al. 2007). Notch ligand, Dll4 is expressed in endothelial cells, in particular to arteries and capillaries (Villa et al. 2001, Shutter et al. 2000, Claxton & Fruttinger 2004, Benedito & Duarte 2005). Notch1 receptor was expressed in endothelial cells both in vitro and in vivo (Taylor et al. 2002). Sprouting angiogenesis and induction of tip cells are inhibited by Notch signaling. However, Notch signaling is detected in vessels and tip cell using a transgenic Notch-reporter mouse (Hellstrom et al. 2007). We assumed that an initial step by an angiogenic stimulation such as VEGF transiently needs to suppress Notch signaling to abrogate anti-angiogenic effects on endothelial cells. In order to identify the molecules that link VEGF signaling to Notch signaling, we performedDNA microarray analysis and identified a zinc finger protein of 50 kDa (ZF50). The knockdownof ZF50 by its specific siRNA disrupted completely VEGF-induced network formation of HUVEC,which was recovered by an inhibitor of Notch signaling. Conversely, overexpression of ZF50induced vascular sprouting from aorta in ex vivo culture without VEGF stimulation. These resultssuggest that ZF50 would be a downstream component in VEGF signaling that interferes withNotch signaling pathway. And then, we also found that ZF50 interacts with CBF1, a nuclear mediator of Notch signaling, and decreased its stability. Here we identify ZF50 as an OFF-switch for Notch signaling in the downstream of VEGFsignaling. 愛媛大学大学院医学系研究科生化学・分子遺伝学分野、2愛媛大学プロテオ医学研 究センター 1 井上 博文1,2、東山 繁樹1,2 ZF50, a novel component of CBF1-degradation complex, mediates VEGFR and Notch cross-signaling in angiogenesis. 48 【背景】創傷治癒過程における血管の新生は、創傷部位への栄養や酸素の供 給に不可欠であるうえに、炎症性細胞の動員にも深く関与していると考え られる。また、血管新生には、macrophage系細胞が分泌する血管内皮増殖 因子(Vascular endothelial growth factor;VEGF-A)をはじめとした成長因子等の 関与が指摘されている。そこで、本研究では創傷部位の血管新生メカニズ ムを解明するため、マウス創傷治癒モデルを作製し、創傷部位における血 管新生に関与する遺伝子群および細胞群の詳細な解析を行った。 【方法】野 生型マウスを用い、創傷治癒モデルの作製を行った。本モデルにおいて、 創傷治癒部位の遺伝子発現を経時的にmicro arrayで解析し、血管新生に関連 する遺伝子群の変化を評価した。さらに、創傷部位の血管新生様式および 血管新生に関与する細胞群を免疫組織化学的手法によって経時的に観察し た。創傷部位にはmacrophageマーカー陽性細胞を含む多くの炎症性細胞が 浸潤してくることが観察された。そこで、macrophage系細胞形成不全マウ スを用いて創傷治癒過程における血管新生を免疫組織化学的手法により可 視化し、野生型マウスと比較検討した。【結果】創傷治癒過程における遺伝 子発現のmicro array解析の結果、創傷10日目で血管新生を正に調整する遺伝 子群が高発現していることが認められた。また、血管新生部位の免疫組織 学的解析により、野生型マウスの創傷治癒部位では、創傷3〜10日目にかけ て既存血管からのsproutingが観察され、活発な血管新生が認められた。一方、 macrophage系細胞形成不全マウスの創傷治癒部位では、血管新生が極度に 抑制され、さらに血管の形状に明らかな異常が認められた。 【結論】野生型 マウスおよびmacrophage系細胞形成不全マウスを用いた創傷治癒モデルの 解析結果から、創傷治癒過程における正常な血管新生には、macrophage系 細胞の直接的または間接的な関与が強く示唆された。 COUP-TFII orphan nuclear receptor is composed of amino-terminal DNA binding domain and carboxy-terminal trans-activating domain, and exerts a pleiotropic effect on development and homeostasis. During embryonic vascular development, COUP-TFII is expressed in venous blood vascular endothelial cells (BECs) and plays critical roles in venous specification, and induces the expression of Prox1 transcription factor, which plays central roles in the differentiation of lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs). Furthermore, we previously reported that COUP-TFII physically and functionally interacts with Prox1 during differentiation and maintenance of lymphatic vessels. However, the molecular mechanisms that regulate the functions of COUP-TFII have not yet been fully elucidated. Here, we isolated a novel COUP-TFII isoform lacking a DNA binding domain (hereafter referred to as COUP-TFII variant 2) by PCR cloning. We found that COUP-TFII variant 2 protein is expressed in the nuclei of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and human dermal lymphatic endothelial cells (HDLEC) as well as blood vascular and lymphatic vessels of mouse embryos. While COUP-TFII has been shown to form a homodimer, COUP-TFII variant 2 also forms a homodimer and a heterodimer with full-length COUP-TFII. In order to examine the possibility that the DNA binding abilities of COUP-TFII may be modulated by COUP-TFII variant 2 lacking DNA binding domain, we carried out gel shift assay. We found that COUP-TFII variant 2 is not capable of binding to COUP-TFII binding consensus sequence, and interferes with the DNA binding ability of full-length COUP-TFII. These results suggest that this novel isoform may modulate COUPTFII function as an endogenous antagonist during vascular development. 1 東京大学医学系研究科病因病理学専攻分子病理学講座、2東京大学先端科学技術研 究センターシステム生物医学、3PRESTO, 科学技術振興機構 山崎 智子1、末弘 淳一2、南 敬2、児玉 龍彦2、渡部 徹郎1,3、宮園 浩平1 Identification of novel COUP-TFII isoform in blood vascular and lymphatic endothelial cells 49 To understand how vascular endothelial cells (ECs) move individually and collectively during angiogenesis, we have recently established a microscopy-based system in which real-time behavior of ECs is visualized during in vitro angiogenesis. Branch elongation was driven mostly via EC movement, which was unexpectedly complex and heterogeneous. In elongating branches, ECs moved forward and backward, overtaking each other, and at a point they stopped. As a result, relative positional relationship of ECs was dramatically and dynamically changed (“Cell-mixing”). Contrary to previous understanding, even “tip cell” was frequently replaced by a newly coming cell. Next to verify whether “cell-mixing” also occurs in vivo, we labeled ECs by an intravascular injection of lectin and tracked them during retinal angiogenesis. At short interval, labeled proximal(lumen forming) and unlabeled distal portions (including the tip) could be reproducibly distinguished by lectin. However, mixed mosaic pattern of lectinlabeled (even at the tip) and unlabeled ECs was observed 6 hours after the injection, strongly suggesting “cell-mixing” phenomenon during in vivo angiogenesis. To analyze the behavior of individual ECs in more detail, we marked cell cytoplasm in the vessel branch sporadically by adenovirus-mediated overexpression of EGFP and monitored the real-time behavior at high resolution. We found that high motile ECs display forward-rear cell polarity whereas low motile ECs were spindle-shaped without cell polarity, and individual ECs switch the two motile modes dynamically. Taken together, we propose a possible cell-based mechanism: ECs provide other ECs with a “rail” to move along by dynamically changing the modes, which enables efficient elongation of vessel branches. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科代謝生理化学 西山 功一、有馬 聡、候 俊之、有馬 勇一郎、小関 宏明、内島 泰信、 栗原 由紀子、栗原 裕基 富山大学大学院分子医科薬理学講座、2金沢工業大学 ゲノム生物工学研究所、3国 立長寿医療センター研究所遺伝子蛋白質解析室 東 英梨月1,2、山本 誠士1、新飯田 俊平3、堂本 光子2、服部 裕一1 1 A newly identified phenomenon “Cell-mixing” during angiogenesis 47 マウス創傷治癒モデルにおける創傷面血管新生への macrophage系細胞の関与 46 ポスターセッション:血管・リンパ管新生 (3) Poster Session:Angiogenesis / Lymphangiogenesis(3) 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 169 Special Talk The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Special Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization VEGF and its receptors including Flt-1 and Flk-1 are involved in angiogenesis under physiological and pathological conditions. Recently, Flt-1-expressing cells were reported to contribute to the intracranial growth of glioma cells. However, the role of Flt-1 signaling in solid tumor growth in subcutaneous tissue has not been elucidated. To investigate how Flt-1 signaling is involved in the proliferation of solid tumors, we implanted tumor cells into wild-type (Wt) and Flt-1 tyrosine kinase (TK)-deficient (Flt-1 TK-/-) mice. Growth of HSML and B16 but not LLC in subcutaneous tissue was significantly decreased in Flt-1TK-/- mice. Angiogenesis in HSML and B16 tumors was remarkably reduced in Flt-1TK-/- mice. Moreover, the infiltration of macrophage-lineage cells into HSML and B16 tumors was clearly suppressed in Flt-1 TK-/- mice. Pericyte-marker+ cells were also reduced in Flt-1 TK-/- mice. However, in the border area of tumor, angiogenesis and theinfiltration of macrophage-lineage cell were basically similar between Wt and Flt-1 TK-/-mice. In bone marrow transplantation (BMT) experiments, tumor angiogenesis, infiltrationof macrophage-lineage cells and tumor growth were significantly suppressed in Wt/Flt-1TK-/- mice implanted with Flt-1 TK-/- bone marrow (BM) cells compared with thoseimplanted with Wt BM cells. We conclude that Flt-1 signaling is involved in the function of BM-derived cell such as the migration of macrophages into cancerous tissues, and significantly contributes to angiogenesis and tumor progression. President Lecture GATA2 is well recognized as a key transcription factor regulated with cell type specificity and the differentiation. Currently in vascular endothelial cells, GATA2 has been reported in the regulation of some endothelial specific genesʼ expression. Although investigating the molecular mechanisms behind endothelial cell specific gene regulation might uncover the vascular homeostasis and onset of the vascular diseases, these remain to be uncovered. In this report, we performed chromatin immunoprecipitation with deep sequencing (ChIP-seq) to determine the binding regions of GATA2 on a genome-wide scale. Comparison of GATA2 occupancies between endothelial cells and non-endothelial cells, we identified that GATA2 binding regions were different and correlated with specific expressed genes within each type of cells. Our microarray analysis with si-RNA against GATA2 revealed that GATA2 regulates a new endothelial marker gene, endomucin. In the endomucin locus, GATA2 was recruited not only to the promoter region but to the distal enhancer region with enriched H3K4me1, p300, and active PolII only in the endothelial cells. Besides, by using chromatin conformation capture (3C) assays, endothelial specific chromatin loop was mediated by GATA2, which is a new molecular mechanism GATA2 epigenetically regulates the expression of endothelial specific gene. Moreover, abrogation of GATA2 function in endothelium demonstrated not only reduction of the endothelial specific markers, but also induction of the EndMT (endothelial-mesenchymal transition) promoting gene expression. These results provide new insights into the cooperation between endothelial expressed GATA2 binding and epigenetic modification, resulting in the determination of endothelial cell specificity. 1 独立法人国立長寿医療研究センター研究所 遺伝子蛋白質解析、2東京医科歯科大 学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 分子腫瘍医学、3富山大学 医学薬学研究部 分子医科 薬理学講座、4上武大学副学長・東京医科歯科大学客員教授 村松 昌1,2、山本 誠士3、大澤 毅2、澁谷 正史4 神吉 康晴、堤 修一、大田 佳宏、三村 維真理、和田 洋一郎、浜窪 隆雄、 油谷 浩幸、児玉 龍彦、南 敬 東京大学先端科学技術研究センターシステム生物医学 VEGFR-1 signaling promotes mobilization of macrophage-lineage cells from bone marrow and stimulated tumor growth 51 Epigenetically coordinate GATA2 occupancy is necessary for the determination of the endothelial cell specificity 50 Program 18:00〜 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 170 真核生物において、遺伝子が正常に機能するためには、転写された未熟な mRNAのイントロンを取り除き、エクソンを正確につなぎ合わせるスプラ イシング反応が必須である。抗癌活性物質として発見された天然化合物 FR901464の安定型誘導体であるスプライソスタチンA(SSA)は、スプラ イシング因子であるSF3bを標的とする世界初のスプライシング特異的阻害 剤である。今回我々はSSAの血管内皮細胞増殖因子(VEGF)の発現に対す る影響を調べ、SSAの抗癌活性発揮の一因としての血管新生阻害活性につ いて解析したので報告する。SSA処理をしたヒト癌細胞(HeLa)では、ス プライシング阻害の結果VEGFの成熟mRNAの生成がGAPDHと比較して著 しく抑制され、細胞外に分泌されるVEGFタンパク量は30%程度にまで抑制 された。鶏胚漿尿膜(CAM)上に移植した癌細胞周囲に形成される腫瘍血 管の新生は、SSAによって50%に阻害され、その阻害はVEGF添加により解 除された。さらにHeLa細胞を用いたマイクロアレイによる解析で、SSA処 理によって全遺伝子の、VEGFを含む約38%の遺伝子の発現が抑制されるこ とがわかった。また、VEGFがオートクライン作用で血管内皮細胞の維持、 生存に深く関わることが報告されていることから、我々はさらにSSAの血 管内皮細胞に与える影響について調べたところ、SSAは血管内皮細胞の成 熟mRNAの生成を抑制し、また増殖及び管腔形成を阻害した。SSAは鶏胚 漿尿膜の血管新生を顕著に阻害し、その阻害はVEGF添加により解除され た。以上のことから、スプライシング阻害剤SSAは、癌細胞におけるVEGF の発現抑制を介する腫瘍血管新生抑制と、血管内皮細胞のオートクライン VEGF生成の抑制による血管新生抑制の両方の効果を有することがわかっ た。腫瘍血管新生により起こるがんの成長や転移、さらには、異常な血管 新生亢進によって起こる様々な疾病などの治療にSSAが有用である可能性 が示唆された。 Transglutaminase 2 (TG2) has been implicated in formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) in wound healing process and progression of atherosclerosis. Little is known about a role of TG2 in cancer angiogenesis. (Sane DC, 2007, Front Biosci., 12:2530-45.) Although expression of TG2 is known to increase in vascular endothelial cells during vessel remodeling and in wound healing response of vessel wall, whether TG2 is involved in tumor-angiogenesis is not clear. Conversely, it is reported that TG2 crosslinks ECM components, resulting in blockade of malignant cell invasion and angiogenesis. (Kotsakis P, Griffin M, 2007, Amino Acid, 33;37384.) Using the dorsal air sac (DAS) animal model, we looked if TG2 might be involved in tumor-angiogenesis. Lewis lung carcinoma cells were loaded into a chamber ring, which was then implanted into the dorsal inter-space made in mice. After 7 days, we compared formation of neovessels developed from back skin of control B6 mice, TG2 hetero mice and TG2 knockout mice. Formation of neovessels was seen in B6 mice, but not in TG2 knockout mice. Furthermore, the result of matrigel plug assay, in which angiogenesis formed within VEGFcontaining matrigels implanted into the back of mice were observed, showed no angiogenesis when matrigels were implanted into TG2 knockout mice and less angiogenesis was observed in the matrigels containing a TG2 inhibitor, cystamine, suggesting that TG2 activity was important for migration of endothelial cells (ECs). These results suggest that TG2 plays an important role in tumor-induced angiogenesis, and that TG2 activity might regulate EC migration and new vessel formation. To know the underlying molecular mechanism, the gene chip analysis is under way. 1 Tokyo Medical and Dental University、2Mol. Ligand Biol. Res. Team, RIKEN ASI、3Victor Chang Cardiac Institute 李 殷瑞1,2、Kazuyo UCHIDA2、Siiri E. IISMAA3、 Robert M. GRAHAM3、Soichi KOJIMA1,2 独立行政法人理化学研究所基幹研究所分子リガンド生物研究チーム、2独立行政法 人理化学研究所基幹研究所吉田化学遺伝学研究室、3独立行政法人理化学研究所基 幹研究所分子リガンド探索研究チーム 内田 和代1、古米 亮平2、吉田 稔2,3、小嶋 聡一1 1 Promising Role of Transglutaminase 2 in TumorAngiogenesis 55 ARIA is novel gene preferentially expressed in endothelial cells. We generated theARIA -/- mice. ARIA -/- in Aortic endothelial cells reduced apoptosis and enhancedtube-formation on matrigel and migration capacity as compared with WT. In vivo ARIA-/- remarkably enhanced blood flow recovery and ischemia-induced neovasculalizationin hind-limb ischemia model than WT. Because ARIA also highy expressed inendothelial cells as well as endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), we expected theimpotant roles of ARIA in EPCs. Knockdown of ARIA by using siRNA in humancord-derived endothelial progenitor cells (HCEPCs) also dramatically reduced apoptosisand enhanced migration capacity. In vivo ARIA -/- in bone marrow-derived cellsenhanced ischemia-induced neovasculalization and promoted blood flow recovery inischemia-limb, and increased EPCs homed to ischemia limb as compared with WT.Furthermore ARIA -/- in lung endothelial cells and Knockdown of ARIA in HCEPCsactivated the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/ Akt/ eNOS signaling pathway in ligandnon-specificity mannar. Inhibition of PI3K completely blocked enhancement ofmigration capacity by ARIA-knockdown in HCEPCs. In vivo L-NAME, NOS inhibitorcompletely canceled enhancement of blood flow recovery and ischemia-inducedneovasculalization of ARIA -/- mice. Taken together ARIA regulates cell survival andmigration in endothelial cells as well as endothelial progenitor cells, contributed topromote ischemia-induced angiogeneisis and vasculogenesis through the PI3K/ Akt/eNOS signaling pathway. ARIA is attractively a new therapeutic target for ischemiccardiovascular diseases. スプライシング阻害剤スプライソスタチンAによるVEGF 発現抑制を介した血管新生阻害 54 【目的】Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) は、血管形成や造血に関与 することが知られているが、その作用機構や関与する下流因子はほとんど 分かっていない。我々はこれまでに、正常ヒト臍帯静脈血管内皮細胞のマ イクロアレイ解析により、VEGFがArl4A、LPP3、pmch、TSPAN13などの 遺伝子発現を制御することを明らかにしてきた。そこで、本研究ではこれ らの遺伝子が血管形成や造血に及ぼす影響をin vivoで解析し、VEGFの役割 を明らかにすることを目的とした。【方法】発生初期における遺伝子の機能 解析を行うため、アフリカツメガエル(Xenopus laevis)をモデル動物とし て用い、Arl4A、LPP3、pmch、TSPAN13遺伝子のアフリカツメガエルホモ ログをクローニングした。次に、各遺伝子のcDNAから合成したmRNAをア フリカツメガエル受精卵に注入して過剰発現させた。最後に幼生期まで発 生した個体を用いて、血管形成や造血への影響を解析した。【結果】pmch やTSPAN13を過剰発現させた個体ではaortic archから分岐する血管の退縮が 起こらず、血管形成への影響がみられた。LPP3を過剰発現させた個体では 血液細胞数が著しく減少し、造血への影響がみられた。また、Arl4Aを過剰 発現させた個体では発生が原腸胚で停止したため、血管形成と造血のいず れ も 解 析 不 可 能 で あ っ た。【 結 論 】 こ れ ら の こ と か ら、VEGFはLPP3、 pmch、TSPAN13の発現を制御することで、血管形成や造血を調節している ことが推測された。 日本医科大学老人病研究所病理部門、2日本医科大学生物学 京都府立医科大学循環器内科 小出 正洋、池田 宏二、北村 洋平、赤壁 佳樹、中川 祐介、松原 弘明 1 藤原 正和1、長谷部 孝2、岡 敦子2、ガジザデ モハマド1 ARIA regulates hypoxia-induced angiogenesis and vasculogenesis through the PI3K/AKT/eNOS signaling pathway 53 Vascular endothelial growth factorによって発現制御さ れる遺伝子とその役割 52 ポスターセッション:血管・リンパ管新生 (4) Poster Session:Angiogenesis / Lymphangiogenesis(4) 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 171 Special Talk The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Special Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization ets1遺伝子は心血管系に強く発現している転写因子であり、内皮細胞の増 殖・遊走を促す作用をもつ血管新生因子であることが知られている。しか しながら、現在のところ、発生過程におけるets1の血管内皮細胞に関する役 割はあまり分かっていない。そこで我々は、発生過程における内皮細胞の 分化形成に対するets1の役割を検討した。アフリカツメガエルは興味のある 遺伝子のmRNAを受精卵に注入するだけで容易にその遺伝子の強発現胚を 作成できるというメリットを有している。さらに他の脊椎動物と同様に発 生期においては、血管の出現場所および時期は厳密に決まっているので、 わずかな血管形成の異常も検出可能である。血管の形成に関する研究をす る際、アフリカツメガエルの実験系は極めて有用である。そこで我々はア フリカツメガエルを用いてets1の強発現胚を作成し、内皮細胞マーカーであ るtie2、PECAM遺伝子の発現をrealtime PCR法で観察した。その結果、ets1 の強発現胚では内皮細胞マーカーの発現が上昇している事が分かった。こ のことは、ets1は発生過程においても血管の形成を促進する作用があること を示している。さらにin situ hybridization法で、どの領域で内皮マーカーの 発現が上昇しているかを検討した。その結果、ets1の強発現胚では尾部に異 所性の血管内皮細胞の出現が観察された。このことは、本来は血管になら ない尾部の中胚葉細胞がets1遺伝子によって血管へと分化誘導されたこと を示している。また、 静脈マーカー(EphB4)および動脈マーカー(Ephrin-B2) の発現を同様に検討した。その結果、静脈マーカーの発現には変化が見ら れなかったが、 動脈マーカーでは発現の上昇が観察された。これらのことは、 ets1は中胚葉細胞を血管へと分化誘導をし、さらにその血管を動脈に誘導し ている可能性を示唆している。 1 東京大学医学系研究科先端臨床医学開発講座、2大阪大学医学系研究科臨床遺伝子 治療学 鯉渕 信孝1、谷山 義明2、鈴木 淳一1、森下 竜一2 血管内皮細胞の分化過程におけるets1の役割の解析 57 President Lecture Lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) are derived from venous endothelial cells (VECs) during embryogenesis, but lymphatic vessels are subsequently established as a vascular system separated from blood vessels. It has been shown that lymphatic vessels fail to separate from blood vessels in mice lacking the hematopoietic signaling molecules Syk ,Slp-76, or Phospholipase C gamma 2 (Plcg2), all of which are important for platelet activation. Recent studies actually indicated that a critical role for platelets in separation between blood vessels and lymphatic vessels during an early phase of lymphatic vessel development, but detailed mechanisms of how platelets are involved in this process remain to be elucidated. In this study, we analyzed vascular phenotypes in mice lacking Plcg2 or CLEC-2, a platelet receptor activated by its ligand-podoplanin expressed on the surface of LECs. Blood-filled and enlarged lymphatic vessels were detected in both Plcg2-/- and CLEC-2-/embryos, which is consistent with previous reports on a role for platelet activation. We also detected abnormal connections between blood vessels and lymphatic vessels in peripheral regions such as the back skin of CLEC-2-/- embryos or hind limb of Plcg2-/- adult mice. Previous studies reported that platelets form aggregates around the orifice of the lymph sacs, leading to separate the lymphatic sac from the jugular vein, whereas no report suggests to date that LECs are derived from VECs in the peripheral regions. Thus we would like to discuss another mechanism underlying the role for platelets in keeping apart blood vascular and lymphatic vascular compartment after these two vascular systems are separately formed. 1 神戸大学大学院医学研究科生理学細胞生物学講座血管生物学分野、2山梨大学大学 院医学工学総合研究部・臨床検査医学、3京都大学医学研究科次世代免疫制御を目 指す創薬医学融合拠点、4独立行政法人理化学研究所 免疫・アレルギー化学統合研 究センター・分化制御研究グループ 丁 国1、井上 克枝2、井上 修2、疋田 正喜3、黒崎 知博4、尾崎 由基男2、 平島 正則1 Mechanisms of keeping apart blood and lymphatic vascular compartment 56 Program 60 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 172 Recently heterogeneity of ECs in angiogenesis such as tip and stalk cells, and Phalanx cells are suggested. Here we show there are heterogeneity in pre-existing peripheral ECs in the adulthood that act as EC supplying cells in angiogenesis. By using Hoechst efflux method, we identified endothelial side population cells (ECSPs) from peripheral vasculature which is not in the peripheral blood or bone marrow cells and distinct from EPCs. We isolated ECs from many organs and found that among CD31+CD45- ECs, about 1% of cells are Hoechst low EC-SPs. These EC-SPs were VE-Cadherin+, Sca-1+, Flk-1+ and such phenotype was identical to main population (MP) of CD31+CD45- endothelial fraction. However, compared to MP, CD133 expression of EC-SPs was higher and cell cycle study by Pyronin Y revealed that 95% of EC-SPs were quiescent. In vitro, EC-SPs showed colony high forming capacity and formed fine endothelial networks compared to MP. Limiting dilution analysis revealed that frequency of colony forming cells in SP was 1/6.62, and that was 10 times higher than that of MP. Cell cycle analysis after induction of ischemia revealed EC-SPs escaped G0 and drove its cell cycle, and after 2 to 3 days the number and proportion of EC-SPs increased temporarily and peaked out within 2 weeks. To assure that EC-SPs contribute to angiogenesis in vivo, EC-SPs were transplanted into ischemia model mice. After 2weeks, EC-SPs gave rise vascular network and these were connected to systemic circulation. This study revealed that EC-SPs are functionally and phenotypically different ECs and that look like undifferentiated endothelial progenitor/stem cells systemically distributing in the body. This suggests that endothelial cells have their original hierarchical stem cell system in the peripheral level. 大阪大学微生物病研究所 情報伝達分野 内藤 尚道、木戸屋 浩康、高倉 信幸 Vascular Endothelial Side Population Cells and its Role in Angiogenesis 1、背景・目的 血管内皮前駆細胞(EPC)は、虚血性心疾患や慢性閉塞性動脈硬化症、脳 梗塞などの組織虚血部における血管新生を促進させる治療法として研究、 臨床応用されている。EPCは骨髄から末梢血に動員され、既存の血管の内 皮細胞に接着後、増殖・分化して新たな血管を形成する。この過程において、 EPCは血流に起因する機械的刺激である流れずり応力を受けると考えられ る。そこで我々は、流れずり応力が循環している(浮遊している)EPCの分化 誘導に及ぼす効果に関して検討した。 2、方法 ヒト臍帯血から比重分離法により単核球を分離後、磁気ビーズでCD133陽 性細胞を単離して1週間培養し、EPCを精製した。この細胞に回転円盤型流 れずり応力負荷装置を用いて流れずり応力(2.5ダイン)を24〜72時間負荷し た。その後細胞を回収して蛋白の発現レベルをフローサイトメトリーで、 遺伝子の発現変化をPCR法で検討した。また、VEGFあるいはSCFに対する 増殖能をWST8アッセイで、細胞死をフローサイトメトリーで、過酸化水素 水に対する抗アポトーシス能をELISAで、脈管形成能を3Dマトリゲルで検 討した。さらには内皮コロニー形成能をメチルセルロースで検討した。 3、結果毛細血管レベルの流れずり応力(2.5ダイン)をEPCに負荷すること により、血管内皮のマーカーであるKDR、PECAM、Tie2の蛋白発現レベル はいずれも有意に増大したが、VE-cadherinの発現は変化しなかった。また、 遺伝子発現レベルは流れずり応力によりKDRの増大を認めた。次に細胞の 機能を検討したところ、流れずり応力により増殖能、抗アポトーシス能、 接着能、内皮コロニー形成能、脈管形成能はいずれも増大した。一方、流 れずり応力により細胞死は減少した。 4、考察 我々は、流れずり応力が接着したEPCを血管内皮に分化誘導することを以 前報告してきた。今回、流れずり応力が循環している(浮遊している) EPCも血管内皮に分化誘導することが明らかになった。このことはEPCが 流れずり応力を感知し、その情報を細胞内部に伝達して細胞応答をおこす ことを意味する。今後流れずり応力を用いたEPC治療を血管新生の臨床に 応用することにより、一層の治療効果が得られると期待される。 1 東京大学医学系大学院生体物理医学専攻医用生体工学講座、2東海大学医学部基盤 診療学系再生医療科学、3独協医科大学医学部生体医工学 小尾 正太郎1,2、増田 治史2、山本 希美子1、安藤 譲二3、阿部 裕輔1、 浅原 孝之2 流れ刺激が循環血管内皮前駆細胞に及ぼす効果 61 Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) plays critical roles in vasculogenesis, a process involving cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation. However, the molecular mechanism by which VEGFR2 signaling directs vascular endothelial differentiation of VEGFR2 + vascular progenitors is not well understood. In this study, we examined the signal transduction pathway downstream of VEGFR2 for endothelial differentiation using an in vitro differentiation system of mouse embryonic stem cell-derived VEGFR2 + cells. We found that signaling through tyrosine-1175 (Y1175, corresponding to mouse Y1173) of VEGFR2 is crucial for endothelial differentiation by means of expressing chimeric receptors, composed of intracellular domain of VEGFR2 and extracellular and transmembrane domain of VEGFR3, in VEGFR2 + cells. Endothelial differentiation involves two processes that are dependent on VEGFR2 signaling; endothelial specification of VEGFR2 + cells, and subsequent survival of endothelial cells. We confirmed that signaling through VEGFR2 Y1175 is involved in both processes. Furthermore, we revealed that PLC㱏1, which interacts with VEGFR2 through phophorylated Y1175, is an inducer of endothelial specification, though PLC㱏1 is not involved in endothelial survival process. Endothelial specification of VEGFR2 + cells induced by PLC㱏1 signaling abrogated by treatment with FTI-277, a farnesyltransferase inhibitor of H-Ras, suggesting that H-Ras is downstream of PLC㱏1. Moreover, U0126, MEK inhibitor, also blocked endothelial differentiation. These findings indicate that VEGFR2-PLC㱏1-Ras/ERK pathway plays essential roles in endothelial specification of VEGFR2+ cells. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科病因・病理学専攻分子病理学 大阪大学大学院薬学研究科応用医療薬科学専攻臨床薬効解析学分野 【目的】近年、心筋組織内に存在する幹細胞が、心筋細胞や血管内皮細胞な どへの分化能を有することが報告されている。これまでに我々はinterleukin (IL)-6ファミリーサイトカインがgp130/STAT3シグナルを介し、心筋組織幹 細胞の血管内皮細胞分化を誘導することを明らかにしてきた。本研究は、 内皮細胞分化機構を解明することを目的とした。 【方法】雄性C57Bl/6マウスの心臓よりMACS法を用いてSca-1陽性細胞を単 離した。DNAアレイにより、心筋組織幹細胞においてIL-6ファミリーサイ トカインであるLeukemia inhibitory factor (LIF)により誘導される遺伝子を解 析した。また、心筋組織幹細胞の内皮細胞分化を、RT-PCR法により検討し た。さらに、LacZを発現するアデノウイルスベクターによりマーキングし たSca-1陽性細胞を心筋梗塞モデルマウスに移植し、生体内において分化機 構の解明を行った。 【結果・考察】DNAアレイにより、Sca-1陽性細胞においてセリン・スレオ ニンキナーゼであるPim-1がLIF刺激後、発現誘導されることを見出した。 培養心筋組織幹細胞において、抑制型STAT3遺伝子導入による、あるいは、 STAT3遺伝子のノックアウトによるSTAT3の機能阻害は、LIFによるPim-1の 発現を有意に抑制した。さらに抑制型Pim-1遺伝子を導入することにより、 LIFによる培養Sca-1陽性細胞の血管内皮細胞への分化が有意に抑制された。 次に、マウス心筋梗塞モデルを用いた検討において、梗塞巣に移植された Sca-1陽性細胞の血管内皮細胞への分化効率は、野生型STAT3遺伝子を導入 することにより有意に上昇したが、STAT3遺伝子のノックアウトまたは抑 制型Pim-1遺伝子の導入により有意に減少した。以上のことから、心筋組織 の修復・再生過程では、IL-6ファミリーサイトカインによるSTAT3/Pim-1シ グナルの活性化が心筋組織幹細胞を血管内皮細胞へと分化誘導し、新規血 管形成を促進する可能性が示唆された。 佐瀬 仁志、渡部 徹郎、川崎 京子、宮園 浩平、宮澤 恵二 岩倉 智彦、毛利 友美、濱谷 辰斗、尾花 理徳、山下 朋美、中山 博之、藤尾 慈 59 18:00〜 Analysis of VEGFR2 signaling for endothelial differentiation of embryonic stem cell-derived VEGFR2+ cells STAT3/Pim-1シグナルは心筋組織幹細胞を血管内皮細胞 に分化誘導する 58 ポスターセッション:再生 Poster Session:Regeneration 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 173 Special Talk The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Special Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization President Lecture Background-Exercise stimulates the vascular response in pathological conditions, including ischemia. However, the molecular mechanisms by which exercise improves the impaired hypoxia-induced factor (HIF)-1㱍-mediated response to hypoxia associated with aging are poorly understood. Here, we report that swimming training (ST) modulates the vascular response to ischemia in aged (24-month-old) mice.Methods and Results- Aged wild-type mice (MMP-2+/+) that maintained ST (swimming 1 hour/day) from day 1 after surgery were randomly assigned to four groups that were treated with either vehicle, LY294002, or deferoxamine for 14 days. Mice maintained sedentary served as controls. ST increased blood flow, capillary density, and the levels of p-Akt, HIF-1㱍, vascular endothelial growth factor, Fit-1, and matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) in MMP2+/+ mice and reduced and prolyl hydroxylases and factor inhibiting HIF-1. ST also increased the numbers of circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and their function associated with activation of HIF-1㱍. All of these effects were diminished by LY294002, an inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K); enhanced by deferoxamine, a HIF-1㱍 stabilizer; and impaired by knockout of MMP-2. Finally, bone marrow transplantation confirmed that ST enhanced EPC homing to ischemic sites in aged mice. In vitro, siHIF-1 impaired old human umbilical vein endothelial cell adhesion, invasion and tubulogenesis.Circulation-ST can thus improve neovascularization in response to hypoxia via a PI3K-dependent mechanism that is mediated by the HIF-1㱍/VEGF/MMP-2 pathway in advanced age. 1 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科循環器内科学講座、2名古屋大学大学院医学系研究 科講座、3浜松医科大学医学部解剖学講座 成 憲武1、葛谷 雅文2、井上 愛子2、佐々木 健3、宋 海珍2、胡 莉那2、 奥村 健二1、室原 豊明1 Exercise Stimulates Ischemia-induced Neovascularization via PI3K/Akt-dependent HIF-1α Reactivation in Aged Mice 62 Program 18:00〜 1 大阪大学医学部臨床遺伝子治療学、2大阪大学大学院健康発達医学 骨 粗 鬆 症 の 進 展 に お い て は、 骨 芽 細 胞 上 に 発 現 す るRANKL (Receptor activator of NFkB ligand) が破骨細胞上に存在するRANK (Receptor activator of NFkB)と結合することにより破骨細胞が活性化することが重要であり、 RANKLの デ コ イ 型 レ セ プ タ ー で あ るOPG (Osteoprotegerin) はRANKLと RANKの結合を阻害することで、破骨細胞の活性化を抑制する。一方で、 肥満状態のマウスの脂肪組織においては慢性炎症が存在するとされている が、我々は高脂肪食下のマウスの脂肪組織においてTNF-α、MCP-1と同様 にRANKLの発現が上昇することを確認し、培養マクロファージ細胞におい てはRANKL刺激によりTNF-α、MCP-1の発現が上昇することを確認した。 OPG欠損マウスは、RANKLの持続刺激により骨粗鬆症を発症するモデルマ ウスであるが、このマウスは高脂肪食下において、Glucose Tolerance Testで 高インスリン血症を認め、Insulin Tolerance Testでインスリン反応性の低下 を認めた。また、脂肪組織ではマクロファージの浸潤を多く認め、TNF-α、 MCP-1の著明な発現上昇が認められた。これらのことから、骨粗鬆症で重 要とされるOPG-RANK-RANKL systemは、脂肪組織における炎症を惹起し、 インスリン抵抗性に関与する可能性が示唆された。 東京大学大学院医学系研究科循環器内科 Recent studies are clarifying that inflammation is crucially involved in metabolic abnormalities. However, it is still unclear whether inflammation is involved in pancreatic 㱎 cell dysfunction seen in type 2 diabetes (T2D). Serum free fatty acid (FFA) levels are independent predictor of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The deleterious effects of FFAs on 㱎 cells in vitro are well known. To see the effect of palmitate in vivo, we established a novel method to selectively increase the circulating free palmitate level and found that palmitate induces rapid 㱎 cells dysfunction in mice via TLR4/MyD88 pathway. However, the TLR4/MyD88 pathway was dispensable for palmitate-induced 㱎 cell dysfunction in vitro, indicating mechanisms essentially different from the previously known one are important in vivo. Interestingly, palmitate infusion induced expression of CCL2 and CXCL1 in 㱎 cells. Indeed, flow cytometric analysis showed that palmitate induced accumulation of CD11b+Ly-6C+ M1 inflammatory macrophages (M㱢) within islets, which was not observed in Tlr4-/- or Myd88-/- mice. Moreover, depletion of M1 M㱢s protected mice from palmitate-induced 㱎 cell dysfunction. Coculture experiments demonstrated that reciprocal interactions between 㱎 cells and M㱢s further augment M㱢 recruitment and 㱎 cell dysfunction. Finally, we demonstrated that same mechanisms are playing causative roles in 㱎 cell dysfunction in db/db mice, a T2D model. We also found that palmitate activates inflammatory processes and exacerbates neointima formation. Our results thus highlight the causative involvement of inflammation in 㱎 cell dysfunction in T2D and suggest that saturated FFAs and chronic inflammation are the unified pathogenic factors and mechanisms for both cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 174 Adipose tissue plays a central role in metabolic syndrome, by producing various adipokines and controlling systemic energy metabolism. Recent studies indicated that inflammation takes place in obese adipose tissue, which affects not only adipose function but also systemic insulin sensitivity. We developed a highthroughput, functional imaging-based screening strategy to identify new regulators involved in adipocyte differentiation and function. Using this strategy, we found that Rad51, a key molecule of homologous-recombination and DNA-repair, was required for adipocyte differentiation. Rad51 knockdown suppressed adipocyte differentiation in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes by inhibiting cell cycle progression at the mitotic clonal expansion, which is an essential step for adipocyte differentiation. In obese mice, Rad51 expression was increased in white adipose tissues (WAT). Using FCM analysis, Rad51+/- suppressed CD34(+)/Sca1(+)/Pref1(+) pre-adipocyte and CD34(+)/Sca1(+)/CD24(+/-) adipocyte-precursor cells as well. Interestingly, differentiation function of adipocyte precursor cells was suppressed in Rad51+/-, which means that high fat diet-induced adipocyte hyperplasia was reduced in Rad51+/- compared with wild type. Additionally, we clearly demonstrated that the adiposity related-adipocyte hyperplasia would induce macrophages infiltration into WAT and regulate adipose tissue inflammation. Subsequently, Rad51+/- reduced macrophage infiltration and protected from high fat diet-induced systemic insulin resistance. These results elucidate that Rad51 is a novel key molecule that controls diet-induced adipose tissue proliferation and inflammation, which leads to systemic insulin resistance. 背景・目的:イルベサルタンはPPARg活性化作用を有するアンジオテンシ ン 受 容 体 拮 抗 薬 で あ る。 今 回、 我 々 は 肥 満 糖 尿 病 モ デ ル で あ るZucker diabetic fatty(ZDF)ラットを用いて、イルベサルタンの薬効評価を行った。 方法:Lean群(Leprfa/: hetero) 、ZDF群(Leprfa/Leprfa: homo)、ZDF+Irebe群(イ ルベサルタン30 mg/kg/day強制経口投与)の3群(各群6匹)に対して12 週齢から12週間観察した。体重・随時血糖は毎週測定、摂餌量・血圧・ 生化学検査(総コレステロール、中性脂肪、BUN、Cre)・尿たんぱくは4 週間に1度測定、OGTTおよびITT試験は投与後10週後に一度行った。 12週後に血管を摘出し内皮機能測定(アセチルコリンに対する反応性試 験)を行い、各臓器重量を測定した。結果:体重・血糖は試験開始の12 週齢ですでにLean群に比してZDF群では著明に増加していたが、その後の 経過でもZDF群とZDF+Irebe群では有意な差はなかった。また、OGTTおよ びITT試験においてもZDF群とZDF+Irebe群には有意な差はなく、イルベサ ルタンによる耐糖能改善効果は認められなかった。脂質値は、総コレステ ロ ー ル と 中 性 脂 肪 の 値 がlean群 と 比 べZDF群 で 著 明 に 増 加 し た が、 ZDF+Irebe群ではその増加が軽減していた。腎機能評価においては、BUN, Creの 値 は 3 群 で 有 意 な 差 が な か っ た が、 尿 蛋 白 がZDF群 に 比 し て ZDF+Irebe群で有意に減少していた。肝機能評価では、GOT/GPTがlean群に 比してZDF群で有意に増加していたが、ZDF+Irebe群で有意に改善していた。 血管内皮機能評価では、ZDF群で著明に悪化していたが、ZDF+Irebe群でほ ぼlean群レベルまで改善を認めた。以上の結果により、イルベサルタンは 肥満糖尿病ラットの治療モデルにおいて耐糖能改善は認めなかったが、内 皮機能・腎機能・肝機能・脂質異常などの臓器障害の改善を認めた。 大阪大学健康発達医学講座、2大阪大学臨床遺伝子治療学講座、3日精バイリス株式 会社 滋賀研究所 研究部 1 島村 宗尚1、中神 啓徳1、中神 太1、三宅 隆1、志水 秀郎1、 マリアナ オオサコ1、下里 貴3、森下 竜一2 松本 佐保姫、真鍋 一郎、永井 良三 東京大学医学部循環器内科 イルベサルタンはZucker diabetic fatty (ZDF)ラットの 臓器障害を改善する Rad51 is a novel key regulator of adipocyte proliferation and adiposity inflammation 66 中神 太志1、中神 啓徳2、大迫 今日美1、森下 竜一1 江口 航生、真鍋 一郎、永井 良三 65 脂肪組織においてRANKLシステムはインスリン抵抗性を 惹起する 64 Islet inflammation induced by free fatty acid-TLR4 pathway leads to β cell dysfunction in type 2 diabetes 63 ポスターセッション:メタボ・糖尿病 (1) Poster Session:Metabolic syndrome / Diabetes(1) 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 喫煙は心血管リスクであるが、禁煙後、短期的には肥満と2型糖尿病発症 の割合が増える。肥満に伴う脂肪組織増大には血管新生が不可欠である。 血管内皮増殖因子(VEGF)のホモログである胎盤由来増殖因子(PlGF)は、生 理的な血管新生には影響を及ぼさないが病的血管新生においては重要な役 割を果たす。PlGFノックアウトマウスでは、高脂肪食負荷による脂肪組織 の増大が抑制されている。しかしながら、肥満及び禁煙後の内臓脂肪増加 と血清PlGFの関連は不明である。連続176名の健常男性から血清を採取し、 VEGF、可溶性VEGF受容体1(sVEGFR-1)および2(sVEGFR-2) 、PlGFレベ ルを測定した。VEGF、sVEGFR-1、sVEGFR-2はBMI 23未満(n=71)とBMI23 以上(n=105)で有意差がなかった。しかしながら、PlGFは後者で有意に上昇 していた。ステップワイズ回帰分析の結果、PlGFの規定因子はsVEGFR-1、 non-HDL-C、腹囲、年齢であった。次に3ヶ月の禁煙プログラムで成功した 男性43名の禁煙前後の血清レベルを比較した。プログラム前後でsVEGFR-1 レベルは変化なかった。しかしながら、BMI、VEGF (P = 0.01)、sVEGFR-2 (P = 0.01)、PlGF (P < 0.0001) は有意に上昇した。面白いことに、禁煙前後の PlGFの変化率はadiponectinの変化率と有意な負の相関を示した。以上から、 PlGFは、禁煙後の内臓脂肪蓄積、インスリン抵抗性増悪の指標である可能 性が示唆された。 血管内皮増殖因子C (VEGF-C) はVEGF受容体3(VEGFR-3)に結合してリンパ 管 新 生 に お け る 中 心 的 役 割 を 果 た す。 最 近、 可 溶 性VEGF受 容 体 2 (sVEGFR-2)がVEGF-Cの内因性拮抗因子として働くことが明らかとなった。 我々はsVEGFR-2がメタボリックシンドローム (MetS) で上昇していること を報告した。しかしながら、MetSにおけるVEGF-Cと可溶性VEGF受容体3 (sVEGFR-3) の血中レベルならびにsVEGFR-2との関連は不明である。いか なる薬物治療も受けていない連続する健常成人239名から血清を採取し、 VEGF-C, sVEGFR-2, sVEGFR-3の血中レベルをELISA法で測定した。その結 果、VEGFとsVEGFR-1はMetS群 とnon-MetS群 で 有 意 差 が な か っ た が VEGF-C, sVEGFR-2, sVEGFR-3はMetS群で有意に上昇していた。年齢、性 別で調整後、VEGF-CはBMI、収縮期 (SBP) および拡張期 (DBP) 血圧、中性 脂 肪 (TG)、LDL-C、non-HDL-C、sVEGFR-2と、sVEGFR-3はSBP、DBP、 sVEGFR-2と各々有意な相関を認めた。ステップワイズ回帰分析の結果、 TG、sVEGFR-2、DBPがVEGF-Cの、sVEGFR-2がsVEGFR-3の各々独立した 規定因子であった。面白いことにBMI、DBP、TGを含む多変量解析の結果、 VEGF-Cの規定因子はTGとDBPであったが、対照的にVEGFの規定因子は BMIであった。以上から、VEGF-C/VEGFR-3シグナリングがsVEGFR-2と関 連してMetSの病態に関与している可能性が示唆された。 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Symposium Y.I.A. Presentation Selected Oral Presentation Poster The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Special Talk Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 1 国立病院機構京都医療センター 展開医療研究部、2国立病院機構京都医療セン ター 健診センター、3国立病院機構京都医療センター 糖尿病研究部、4国立病院 機構京都医療センター 循環器科、5静岡大学薬学部 分子医学、6京都大学大学院 医学研究科 人間健康科学、7奈良女子大学 健康管理センター、8国立病院機構京 都医療センター 臨床研究センター 1 国立病院機構京都医療センター 展開医療研究部、2国立病院機構京都医療セン ター 健診センター、3国立病院機構京都医療センター 糖尿病研究部、4国立病院 機構京都医療センター 循環器科、5静岡大学薬学部 分子医学、6京都大学医学 部 人間健康科学、7国立病院機構京都医療センター 臨床研究センター、8京都大 学 循環器内科 Special Lecture 175 和田 啓道1、○山田 明1、北岡 修二2、浦 修一1、浅原 哲子3、赤尾 昌治1,4、 阿部 充1,4、森本 達也1,5、藤田 正俊6、高橋 裕子7、島津 章8、 長谷川 浩二1 和田 啓道1、○浦 修一1、北岡 修二2、浅原 哲子3、高谷 智英1,8、森 利依子1、 赤尾 昌治1,4、阿部 充1,4、森本 達也1,5、藤田 正俊6、島津 章7、 長谷川 浩二1 President Lecture The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization 胎盤由来増殖因子(PlGF)は禁煙後の内臓脂肪蓄積、 インス リン抵抗性増悪の鋭敏な指標である 68 血管内皮増殖因子C (VEGF-C) はメタボリックシンドロー ムで上昇している 67 Program 18:00〜 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 176 Recent epidemiological studies suggest that vascular risk factors play a significant role in the development of Alzheimer disease (AD). Furthermore, the use of antihypertensive drugs has been suggested to reduce the incidence of dementia including AD. In this study, we examined the effects of an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB), olmesartan, on Aβ-induced cerebrovascular dysfunction and memory impairment. Oral administration of a low dose of olmesartan attenuated cerebrovascular dysfunction in young AD model transgenic mice (APP23), without a reduction of brain Aβ level. Moreover, treatment of APP23 mice with olmesartan decreased oxidative stress in brain microvessels. Using an acute mouse model induced by intracerebroventricular administration of Aβ, we assessed the effect of oral administration of olmesartan on spatial learning evaluated with the Morris water maze. Olmesartan significantly improved cognitive function independent of its blood pressure-lowering effect, whereas there was no improvement by other types of antihypertensive drugs (hydralazine and nifedipine). We found that pretreatment with a low dose of olmesartan completely prevented Aβ-induced vascular dysregulation, and partially attenuated the impairment of hippocampal synaptic plasticity. These findings suggest the possibility that amelioration of cerebrovascular dysfunction with an ARB could be a novel therapeutic strategy for the early stage of AD. 1 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学、2大阪大学大学院医学系研究科老 年腎臓内科、3大阪府立急性期・総合医療センター、4東京大学大学院医学系研究科 神経生理学教室 武田 朱公1,2、里 直行1,2、荻原 俊男3、狩野 方伸4、楽木 宏実2、 森下 竜一1 アンジオテンシンII受容体拮抗薬はAβによる脳血管反応 性障害を抑制しアルツハイマー病モデルマウスの認知機 能障害を改善する 71 Background: Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a common disease and lethal when it progresses to rupture, but current medical treatments are insufficient to suppress AAA progression. Recent studies suggest a key role of monocyte-mediated inflammation in the pathogenesis of AAA. Methods and Results: We prepared bioabsorbable PLGA nanoparticles (NP), which were incorporated into CD11b + monocytes and then delivered into the abdominal aorta after intravenous injection. In cultured monocytes, pitavastatincontaining NP (Pitava-NP), but not control FITC-NP or Pitava alone, inhibited lipopolysaccaride-induced NF-㱖B activation by ELISA and MCP-1 mRNA expression by real-time PCR. To examine therapeutic effects of Pitava-NP, we used a murine model of AAA in ApoE-deficient mice fed with high-fat diet and infused with angiotensin II. Treatment with Pitava-NP (weekly intravenous injection of NP containing 0.4 mg/kg Pitava for 4 weeks), but not that with FITC-NP or Pitava alone, prevented AAA formation (5/9 vs 0/11 for FITC-NP and Pitava-NP), reduced monocyte recruitment and MCP-1 expression in both AAA and non-AAA sites, and reduced the composite endpoint of AAA and sudden death. In contrast, no such beneficial effects were seen in the mice treated with oral administration of Pitava at 1 and 10 mg/kg/day for 4 weeks, proving the advantage of NP-mediated drug delivery system. Importantly, the AAA formation was blunted in ApoE/CCR2double deficient mice and the mice treated with NP containing dominant-negative inhibitor of MCP-1, suggesting the importance of MCP-1/CCR2 signaling in AAA formation. Conclusion: NP-mediated monocyte-selective delivery of Pitava is effective to prevent AAA progression. Pitava-NP inhibits monocyte-mediated inflammation through MCP-1 signaling. 九州大学大学院医学研究院循環器内科学、2松山赤十字病院 レニン−アンジオテンシン系は心血管リモデリングにおいて重要な役割を 果たしている。近年、アンジオテンシン変換酵素2(ACE2)とその働きに よりアンジオテンシンIIから産生されるアンジオテンシン(1-7)が生理活性 因子として循環器系の調節に関わっていることが報告されている。今回我々 はマウス大腿動脈周囲にポリエチレンチューブをカフ状に留置し血管傷害 モデルを作製し、これに伴うリモデリングにおけるACE2−アンジオテンシ ン(1-7)系の役割を検討した。カフ留置により大腿動脈には炎症性血管傷 害と新生内膜形成が引き起こされた。組織におけるmRNA発現をリアルタ イムRT-PCRにて測定すると、ACE2の発現は傷害血管においては著明に低 下していた。最近の報告により、アンジオテンシン(1-7)の受容体タンパ クがMasであることが明らかとなったが、傷害血管組織では、MasのmRNA 発現も非傷害血管に比べて著明に低下していた。これらの結果は、ACE2− アンジオテンシン(1-7)−Mas経路の機能低下が血管リモデリングに影響す る可能性を示唆している。そこで、Masアンタゴニストである[D-Ala(7)] Ang(1-7)(0.5 mg/kg/day)をカフ留置と同時にミニポンプで投与すると、新 生内膜形成が増強した。一方、ARBであるオルメサルタンは新生内膜形成 を抑制するが、このとき傷害血管でのACE2およびMasの発現低下を同時に 抑制していた。これらの結果から、血管リモデリングにおいてACE2−アン ジオテンシン(1-7)−Mas経路が抑制的な作用を有する可能性が示唆され、 またオルメサルタンによるリモデリング抑制にも、この経路の活性化が関 与していると考えられた。 愛媛大学大学院医学系研究科分子心血管生物・薬理学 岩井 將、中岡 裕智、仙波 泉、菅野 晴美、堀内 正嗣 マウス炎症性血管傷害におけるACE2−アンジオテンシン (1-7) 系の役割 72 【目的】脳内における炎症反応の亢進はアルツハイマー病(AD)の重要な 病態の一つとして認識されつつある。一方で、肺炎や尿路感染症などの末 梢臓器の感染症に伴う全身性の炎症はしばしば脳内に波及して急性の認知 機能障害を惹起することが知られており、特に認知症高齢者ではその頻度 が高い。本研究ではAD脳病態の全身性炎症反応に対する脆弱性について、 ADモデルマウスを用いて検討を行った。 【方法】各種脳内ペプチドを生体 マウスで経時的に回収可能な新規マイクロダイアリシス回収系を確立し、 これを用いてマウス脳内における脳内Aβ、炎症性サイトカイン(IL-6、 TNF-α ) の 変 動 をin vivoで 評 価 し た。11〜12週 齢 のADモ デ ルTgマ ウ ス (APP-Tg)及び野生型マウスに対しLPS(10mg/kg)腹腔内投与を行い、そ の前後の脳内及び血中Aβ、炎症性サイトカインの量を測定した。またLPS 投 与 に よ る 行 動 変 化( 活 動 量、Social Behavior、 摂 食 量 ) を 評 価 し た。 Blood-brain-Barrier(BBB) の 透 過 性 の 評 価 と し てFITC-Albumin leakage assayを用いた。【結果】LPS腹腔内投与により血中炎症性サイトカインは ADモデルマウスと野生型マウスで同程度に上昇したが、脳内IL-6の上昇の 程度は野生型マウスに比しADモデルマウスで有意に大きかった。またこれ に伴い、LPS投与後に生じる行動変化(Sickness behavior)もADモデルマウ スで有意に重篤化していた。LPS投与により脳内Aβ量自体は変化しなかっ た。全身性の炎症亢進によるBBB破綻の程度をFITC-Albumin Leakage Assay で評価したところ、ADモデルマウスでは野生型マウスに対してBBB透過性 がより亢進していることが示された。 【考察】以上の結果から、ADマウス では野生型マウスに比して全身性炎症に伴う脳炎がより重篤化すること、 その原因の一つとしてADマウスでは炎症に対するBBBの脆弱性がより亢進 している可能性が示唆された。このことは認知症高齢者の感染症に伴うせ ん妄や急性脳障害の発症の病態を考える上で重要な示唆を与えると考えら れる。 1 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学、2大阪大学大学院医学系研究科老 年腎臓内科 武田 朱公1,2、里 直行1,2、楽木 宏実2、森下 竜一1 香月 俊輔1、的場 哲哉1、古賀 純一郎2、中野 覚1、佐藤 敬1、砂川 賢二1、 江頭 健輔1 1 Increased blood-brain barrier vulnerability to systemic inflammation in Alzheimer disease mouse model 70 Nanoparticle-Mediated Monocyte-Selective Delivery of Pitavastatin Prevents Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Formation in Mice 69 ポスターセッション:血管炎症(1) Poster Session:Vascular Inflammation(1) 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 18:00〜 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 177 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization 【目的】Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase(ASK) 1は、酸化ストレス応答に重 要な役割を果たしているMAPKKKであることが知られている。食塩負荷は、 心血管病のリスクを増加させることはよく知られているが、その分子機序 については不明 である。今回我々は、 ASK1ノックアウトマウス(ASK1KO) を用いて、 食塩負荷による臓器障害におけるASK1の役割を検討した。 【方法】 18週齢の ASK1KO、野生型マウス(WT)をそれぞれ、正食塩食群(0.5% NaCl)と高食塩食群(8% NaCl)に分け、10週間の高食塩負荷に対する反 応を比較検討した。【成績】高食塩食を投与すると、WT, ASK1KOともに、 尿量、飲水量が顕著に増加したが、その反応には両群間で有意差はなかった。 また、尿中のNa排泄にも両群間で有意差を認めなかった。血圧の推移も WTとASK1KO間に大きな差は認めなかった。血漿レニン活性、血中アルド ステロン濃度は食塩負荷により、WT, ASK1KOともに低下し、両群間で差 はなかった。心臓組織中のASK1とその下流分子であるp38のリン酸化をウ エスタンブロットにて調べたところ、食塩負荷により、WTではASK1、p38 のリン酸化が増加したが、ASK1KOではp38のリン酸化が増加しなかった。 10週間の食塩負荷後、心臓の線維化を評価したところ、WTでは心臓の著明 な線維化がみられたが、ASK1KOでは線維化は有意に少なかった。WTでは、 食塩負荷により心臓組織中のgp91の発現、スーパーオキシド産生および炎 症細胞浸潤が増加していたが、ASK1KOでは食塩負荷により有意な増加を 認めなかった。また、WTでは食塩負荷によりTGF-βの発現が亢進してい たが、ASK1KOでは、有意な増加を認めなかった。胸部大動脈のアセチル コリンによる内皮依存性弛緩反応を調べたところ、WTでは食塩負荷により 有意な低下を認めたが、ASK1KOでは変化しなかった。血管組織における、 スーパーオキシド産生および炎症細胞浸潤も、心臓と同様、WTでは食塩負 荷により増加したが、ASK1KOでは、変化をしなかった。 【結論】食塩負荷 による心臓線維化、血管内皮障害には、ASK1, p38を介した酸化ストレスと 炎症の亢進が関与している。 熊本大学生体機能薬理学、2熊本大学循環器病態学 1 片岡 恵一郎1、外山 研介1、末田 大輔1、董 一飛1、小川 久雄2、 光山 勝慶1 Symposium <背景> 高齢化とイメージング診断の発達に伴い大動脈瘤罹患数は増加 傾向にあり、それら治療法として、侵襲の大きい人工血管置換術に加え、 高齢者などではステントグラフトなどの低侵襲治療が用いられるように なっている。一方で、手術適応に満たない大動脈瘤では降圧療法などで経 過観察されていることが多い。しかし、外科的視点に立った動脈瘤進行を 抑えるような効果的な管理方法は、モデル作製の困難さ・不確かさから明 らかにされてこなかった。 <目的> マウスで作為的に動脈瘤モデルを作製し、その病態解明を目指 すとともに薬剤介在による効果について検討を行う <方法> C57BL/6系マウスを使用し、誘発薬剤としてAngiotensinII (AngII) と㱎-aminopropionitrile (BAPN)を使用し、両者を皮下注射しモデル作製を 図った。検討項目として、開始前と開始後4週間定期的に尾動脈による血圧 測定を行い、血圧変化を測定した。薬剤投与開始4週間後にSacrficeを行い、 組織評価を行った <結果> 血圧変化は、投与前収縮期圧90 mmHg前後であるが、投与開始4 週間後には150mmHg前後まで上昇した。約25%の対象マウスが、急性大動 脈乖離+大動脈破裂で開始後1週間以内突然死した。4週間後のSacrificeにて、 AngII+BAPN投与群では全例で胸部大動脈瘤または腹部大動脈瘤が形成さ れていた。一方で、AngIIのみの群では血圧上昇を認めるものの、20%程度 しか動脈瘤が形成されていなかった。組織解析では、形成群では動脈瘤部 に一致して、細胞浸潤を認めていた。免疫染色・組織中炎症性サイトカイン、 MMP変化等については現在追加実験中である。 <まとめ> 作為的に動脈瘤を形成させるモデルはこれまでにもいろいろ と報告されてきたが、形成する確率が安定せず、薬物治療効果判定などに 用いることができなかった。今回、我々は、安定的にかつ効率的に動脈瘤 を形成するモデル系の確立に成功した。今後これらモデルを使用して、さ らにヒト動脈瘤形成のメカニズムを検討するとともに、トランスレーショ ナルリサーチとして薬剤介入が及ぼす影響について検討する予定である。 徳島大学大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部心臓血管外科、2徳島大学大学院ヘ ルスバイオサイエンス研究部循環器内科学分野、3徳島大学大学院ヘルスバイオサ イエンス研究部脳神経外科学分野 1 松岡 裕貴1、黒部 裕嗣1、平田 陽一郎2、兼松 康久3、佐田 政隆2、 北川 哲也1 76 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 食塩負荷による心血管障害の分子機序 ーASK1を介した 炎症と酸化ストレスの役割ー Special Talk 75 Special Lecture 大動脈瘤モデルの作製とその評価系の確立 背景:腹部大動脈瘤の発症・進展には複数の因子が関与すると考えられて いる。疫学調査では加齢、性別(男性)そして喫煙が動脈瘤の進展因子と して明らかにされているが、腎機能障害の明らかな関与は証明されていな い。しかしApoE欠損マウスにAngiotensis II (Ang II) を持続投与すると動脈 瘤が形成される事が報告され、レニン・アンジオテンシン系の役割が注目 されるようになった。目的:動脈瘤の動物モデルで投与されるAng IIは非生 理的な高用量であり、実際の病態を反映していない。そこで、慢性腎機能 障害の動脈瘤への関与を動物実験で検討した。方法:ApoE欠損マウスに5/6 腎臓摘出術を行い、慢性腎障害モデルを作成した。その後2週間ごとの経時 的な超音波検査で腎動脈上の大動脈の拡張および循環動態を6週間評価し た。結果: 5/6腎臓摘出群は非摘出群(Sham群)と比較して、脈拍・血圧に 有意な変化は見られなかったが、血清レニン活性とAng II濃度は上昇してい た。動脈瘤径の検討では、5/6腎臓摘出群では約150%に拡大し、Sham群に 比べ有意な変化を示した。さらに、この動脈拡大は、循環動態に影響を与 えない投与量のAT1受容体阻害薬で抑制された。組織検査では5/6腎臓摘出 群は弾性線維の伸長・分断化が認められ、そのため瘤化が進んでいると考 えられた。メカニズムの検討では、接着因子であるICAM-1の発現が上昇し ており、その結果として血管壁へのマクロファージの浸潤が認められた。 またマクロファージから各種のプロテアーゼ群が分泌されるが、主要な細 胞外器質の分解酵素であるmatrix metalloproteinases (MMP)-2, MMP-9そして MMP-12の分泌が亢進していた。結語:臨床では透析などの治療により明 らかな関係は証明されていないが、慢性腎障害によるレニン・アンジオテ ンシン系の亢進は動脈瘤の進展因子になる可能性が示唆された。 1 大阪大学連合小児発達学研究科健康発達医学、2大阪大学医学系研究科臨床遺伝子 治療学 President Lecture 【背景】High mobility group box-1(HMGB1)は核内非ヒストン蛋白として当初 同定されたが、近年、種々のストレスによって細胞外に放出され、炎症性 サイトカインの発現に寄与することが報告されている。一方で、動脈硬化 は血管壁の慢性炎症であることが明らかとなっており、動脈硬化などの血 管のリモデリングの過程でHMGB1の果たす役割を明らかにすることを目的 として以下の研究を行った。 【方法】野生型マウスの大腿動脈にWire Injuryを行い、術後2時間から2週間 までの各時間で血清HMGB1濃度を測定した。次に、Wire Injuryを行った傷 害血管周囲に、コラーゲンジェルを用いてPBS(PBS群)、抗HMGB1中和抗 体(局所抗体群)を持続投与した。また中和抗体を術後2、12、24時間後に 腹腔内に投与した(全身投与群) 。以上の3群(各群n=5)で、4週間後の血 清HMGB1濃度と新生内膜増殖面積を測定した。さらに、マウスマクロ ファージ(RAW264.7)、ヒト臍帯静脈内皮細胞、ラット平滑筋細胞をLPS (100ng/ml)で刺激し、1から24時間後の培養上清のHMGB1濃度を測定した。 【結果】Wire Injury後の血清HMGB1濃度は傷害直後には上昇せず、4日目に 高値となりその後徐々に低下した。傷害後4週間での新生内膜/中膜比は、 局所投与群において有意に抑制された(p<0.05)が、全身投与群はPBS群と 差がなかった。血清HMGB1濃度も同様に、PBS群と腹腔内投与群には差が なく局所抗体群で有意に低下した(p<0.05)。RAWでは刺激6時間後をピー クにHMGB1濃度が上昇したが、内皮細胞や平滑筋細胞では上昇しなかった。 【結論】中和抗体を局所投与することで新生内膜増殖が抑制されたことから、 傷害後の血管リモデリングにHMGB1が関与することが示された。また血清 濃度の変化やvitroの結果から、傷害を受けた細胞から放出されるHMGB1だ け で は な く、 マ ク ロ フ ァ ー ジ な ど の 免 疫 細 胞 か ら2次 的 に 分 泌 さ れ る HMGB1によって、炎症が増幅される負の連鎖が起きていることが示唆され た。 徳島大学大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部代謝栄養学分野、2徳島大学医学部 医学科、3徳島大学大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部循環器内科学分野、4徳島 大学大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部心臓血管外科学分野 三宅 隆1、浜田 日月1、島村 宗尚1、中神 啓徳1、森下 竜一2 1 動脈瘤の進展における慢性腎障害の影響 東田 真由子1、西雄 千佳1、松岡 裕貴2、平田 陽一郎3、黒部 裕嗣4、中屋 豊1、 北川 哲也4、佐田 政隆3 74 血管リモデリングにおけるHMGB1の果たす役割 73 ポスターセッション:血管シグナル(1) Poster Session:Vascular Signal Transduction(1) 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 178 【目的】ASK1, ASK2は酸化ストレスにより活性化されるMAPKKKである。 ASK2はASK1の結合タンパクとして同定されたが、ASK2の循環器系におけ る役割については不明である。今回、ASK2の循環器系における生理的な役 割とAngiotensin IIによる心血管障害における役割をASK1と比較検討すると ともに、ASK1, ASK2の相互作用を検討した。【方法・結果】 (実験1)野生 型マウス(WT), ASK1KO, ASK2欠損マウス(ASK2KO)、ASK1/ASK2両欠 損マウス(ASK1/2DKO)の生理的な循環器系の表現型を比較した。12週令で のASK2KO, ASK1/2DKOの血圧は、WT, ASK1KOよりも有意に高かった。 17週 令 で の 心 臓 の 線 維 化 を 組 織 学 的 に 評 価 し た と こ ろ、ASK2KOと ASK1/2DKOの線維化はWT, ASK1よりも有意に増加していた。すなわち、 ASK2をノックアウトすると高血圧と心臓の線維化を呈し、これらの表現型 はASK1を同時にノックアウトしても有意な変化がない事から、ASK1非依 存性のものと考えられた。 (実験2) これらのマウスに4週間AII(600ng/kg/ min)投与を行った。AIIにより全てのマウスの血圧は同程度に上昇した。4 週間のAII投与により、WTとASK2KOの心重量は有意に増加していたが、 ASK1KOとASK1/2DKOではAIIによる有意な変化は認めなかった。心臓の 組織評価を行ったところ、WT, ASK2KOではAII投与により線維化の亢進が 起こっていたが、ASK1KOとASK1/2DKOではそれが抑制されていた。組織 中のCD68の増加も線維化と同様の傾向を示していた。すなわち、AII投与 時の炎症と心臓線維化はASK1依存性である事が示された。アセチルコリン による血管内皮依存性の血管弛緩反応を調べたところ、WTでみられたAII による血管内皮機能の障害は、ASK1KO, ASK2KO, ASK1/2DKOでは見られ なかった。 【結論】1) ASK2を欠損させると高血圧と心臓の線維化がおこり、 ASK1KOとは異なった表現型を呈する。 2) ASK2欠損時の高血圧と心肥大 はASK1非依存性である。3) AII投与による心肥大と炎症はASK1依存性であ る。 4) AIIによる血管内皮機能障害にはASK1, ASK2の両者が関与している。 5)ASK2はASK1の結合タンパクとして同定されたが、血圧調節と心臓の線 維化に関しては、ASK1に依存しない機能がある。 熊本大学生体機能薬理学、2熊本大学循環器病態学 1 片岡 恵一郎1、外山 研介1、末田 大輔1、董 一飛1、小川 久雄2、 光山 勝慶1 ASK2欠損マウスはASK1非依存性に高血圧、 心肥大を呈 する〜ASK1/2ダブルノックアウトマウスを用いた検討 77 Poster The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Selected Oral Presentation Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Additional blood pressure (BP) control provided by the combination of the angiotensin II receptor blocker valsartan and the dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker amlodipine had been recognized as the predominant benefits for cardiovascular and cerebral protection in hypertension. However, whether there is a BP-independent component that may contribute to the additional beneficial effect of this combination strategy is needed to be confirmed. Salt-loaded stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive (SHRSP) rats were treated with (1) vehicle, (2) valsartan (2mg/kg/day), (3) amlodipine (2mg/kg/day) and (4) combined valsartan and amlodipine for 4 weeks. The cerebral and cardiovascular protective effects were compared among these groups. Subantihypertensive dose of valsartan and hypotensive dose of amlodipine similarly and significantly improved the results of stroke incidence, left ventricle mass, brain edema, cardiac and cerebral cortical ED-1-positive cell infiltration, cerebral penetrating arteriolar thickening, pericoronary arteriolar fibrosis, cardiac interstitial fibrosis, and endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation. Increased cerebral vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in salt-loaded SHRSP rats was significantly inhibited by either monotherapy. Addition of valsartan to amlodipine did not significantly change the blood pressure of rats compared with those treated with amlodipine alone in this study. However such a combination therapy, compared with either monotherapy, significantly improved the above cerebral and cardiovascular damages. Combination of valsartan and amlodipine provided BP-independent additional protective effects on cerebral and cardiovascular injuries in SHRSP rats. This therapeutic strategy is useful for hypertensive patients. Objective: We administrated angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor perindopril to a normotensive amyloid 㱎 (A㱎)(1-40)-injected Alzheimerʼs disease (AD) mouse model and investigated the effect of perindopril on memory impairment and hippocampal damage. Methods: ICR mice were pretreated with (1) vehicle, (2) perindopril (1 mg/kg/day) and (3) perindopril (3 mg/kg/day) for 2 days before icv injection of A㱎(1-40). Memory impairment was evaluated with Y-maze test. Results: Accompanying with a significant decline of spontaneous alternation, A㱎-injected mice presented significant increase of oxidative stress, activated microglia and astrocytes in the hippocampus. A㱎 injection induced significant overexpressions of hippocampal iNOS and nitrotyrosine-positive protein while significantly decreased hippocampal Ec-SOD level . Moreover, iNOS was found to be expressed in the activated astrocytes and endothelial cells in the hippocampus. A㱎-induced hippocampul damage and memory impairment were significanlty ameliorated by prindopril treatments as compared with vehicle mice. Perindopril dose-dependently decreased the cerebral ACE activity. Likewise, perindopril dosedependently decreased the expression of iNOS, prevented the nitration of proteins, and increased the expression of Ec-SOD in the hippocampus. Conclusions: Perindopril attenuated hippocampal oxidative stress and inflammation via inhibition of overexpressed iNOS and nitrotyrosine-positive proteins, and via suppression of the activation of microglia and astrocytes in the hippocampus. Our data suggest that priondopril may be a potential theraputic agent for hypertensive AD patients. Y.I.A. Presentation 179 熊本大学大学院生命科学研究部生体機能薬理学分野 熊本大学大学院生命科学研究部生体機能薬理学分野 Symposium The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization 董 一飛、片岡 恵一郎、中村 太志、名幸 久仁、外山 研介、光山 勝慶 董 一飛、片岡 恵一郎、中村 太志、名幸 久仁、外山 研介、光山 勝慶 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Valsartan and amlodipine combination provided additional effects on cerebral and cardiovascular injuries in SHRSP rats Special Talk Perindopril protects amyloid β-evoked memory dysfunction in mice via inhibition of oxidative stress and inflammation Special Lecture 81 Background: The pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) involves with local expression of inflammatory cytokines. Nuclear factor-kB (NFkB), a transcriptional factor, plays an important role in the coordinated transactivation of the inflammatory cytokines. It is reported that decoy oligonucleotide (ODN) targeting NF-kB offers a therapeutic approach for prevention and treatment for inflammatory diseases. We developed a novel Hybrid Staple-Modified Partial Phosphorothioated NFkB decoy ODN (HSODN) that increase the stability. HSODN is resistant to digestion by endonucleases, whereas double-stranded decoy ODN (dsODN) is easily digested. Aim: To investigate the therapeutic potential of an intravenously administered HSODN in dextran sulphate sodium (DSS)-induced chronic colitis, experimental model of IBD. Methods: We administered NFkB decoys (HSODN, dsODN) in mice with DSS-induced IBD. Scrambled decoy was used as a control. Decoy ODNs was administrated intravenously on day 7,11,14. The therapeutic effects were evaluated on day 0,4,7,11,14,16 with the survival rate, length of large intestine, and disease activity index (DAI). Furthermore, expression of inflammatory cytokines was assessed using real-time RT PCR.Results: The survival rate, the length of large intestine and DAI significantly improved in the mouse treated with HSODN than in the control group and dsODN group. Although expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin (IL)-1β in the IBD group significantly increased, treatment with HSODN significantly reduced expression of these cytokines. Conclusions: These data suggest that intravenous injection of HSODN is effective in DSS-induced colitis, experimental model of IBD, and support the potential use of HSODN as a future therapeutics in human IBD. 1 大阪大学医学部附属病院総合診療部、2大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治 療学、3大阪大学大学院医学系研究科老年腎臓内科学 牧野 寛史1,2、尾崎 和成2,3、樂木 宏実3、森下 竜一2 President Lecture 80 Background and Purpose: Periostin, a novel secreted and soluble extracellular matrix, has been reported to play pivotal roles in cell survival, migration, and regeneration in various tissues. However, its function was still unknown in mammalian brain. In the present study, we explored the role of periostin in normal and ischemic brain.Methods and Results: RT-PCR and in situ hybridization showed expression of periostin mRNA in normal brain, especially in cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Immunohistochemistry revealed that periostin was expressed mainly in matured neurons. When periostin was added in medium in adult primary neuronal culture, the length of neurite at 3 days after plating was longer in periostintreated neurons than that of control neurons. Also, pre-treatment of periostin increased cell survival under hypoxic condition induced by CoCl 2, indicating that periostin had neurotrophic effects. Next, the role of periostin was examined in transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (tMCAo) model. The expression of periostin mRNA was decreased in ischemic core and increased in peri-infarct region at 3 hrs after tMCAo, followed by increased expression in both regions at 24 hrs after tMCAo. Immunohistochemistry showed that neuron and activated astrocyte expressed periostin at 24 hrs after tMCAo. As expected, intracerebroventricular injection of periostin before tMCAo and immediately after reperfusion reduced infarct volume and prevented the worsening of neurological deficits at 24 hrs after tMCAo. Conclusions: Since exogenous periostin showed neuroprotective effects in vitro and vivo, periostin might be one of key molecules, which protect neurons from ischemic injury. Further studies on periostin might shed light on new treatment in cerebral ischemia. 大阪大学健康発達医学講座、2大阪大学臨床遺伝子治療学講座、3東京大学先端臨床 医学開発講座 1 Role ofintravenous administration of Hybrid StapleModified NFkB Decoy ODNson Inflammatory Bowel Disease Model Mice. 79 18:00〜 島村 宗尚1、谷山 義明2、中神 啓徳1、里 直行2、鯉渕 信孝3、若山 幸示3、 モハマド アラタバコリ2、森下 竜一2 Pivotal roles of periostin in cerebral ischemia 78 ポスターセッション:その他 (1) Poster Session:Others(1) 12月1日 (水) /Wednesday, December 1 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 180 背景・目的:腎肥大は有効ネフロン数減少時の代償機転であり、糖尿病な どによる腎障害の最早期病態であると同時に、その破綻が腎障害進行の要 因と考えられる。実際、高血圧などの動脈硬化性疾患を有するdonorにおい て 術 後 に 腎 機 能 低 下 を 来 す。 我 々 は 動 脈 硬 化 性 疾 患 で は 内 皮 型NOS (endothelial NOS; eNOS)の活性低下が生じることから、 「eNOS活性の低下が 代償性腎肥大の破綻を惹起する」との仮説をたて研究を行った。 NOS阻害 薬により代償性腎肥大が抑制され、NOの関与が示唆されている。しかし代 償性腎肥大におけるNO産生経路、 詳細な分子メカニズムは不明である。我々 は代償性腎肥大過程におけるeNOS 由来のNO産生亢進の役割と臓器肥大に つながる細胞内シグナル伝達経路を解析した。方法:動物は野生型マウス (C57BL/6; WT)、 内 皮 特 異 的eNOS過 剰 発 現 マ ウ ス (ECeNOS-TG) お よ び eNOS欠損マウス (eNOS-KO) を使用した。右腎臓摘出術 ( UNx)あるいは偽 手術(Sham)を行い2週間後に対側腎代償性肥大を評価した。UNx直後の 対側腎血流変化をドップラー法にて評価した。次にWT-sham、WT-UNx、 ECeNOS-TG-sham、ECeNOS-TG-UNx、eNOS-KO-sham、eNOS-KO-UNx、の6 群に分け、腎重量/体重比などを検討した。NO下流の細胞内シグナルを検 討 す る た め 培 養 ヒ ト 近 位 尿 細 管 細 胞 に、NOド ナ ー (S-Nitrosoglutathione(GSNO))、sGC stimulator (BAY 41-2272 ) を 添 加 し、 Protein kinase G (PKG) 活性、Akt pathway活性化について検討した。さらに 代償性腎肥大におけるsGCの役割をin vivoで確認するためeNOS-KO-UNxに 対しBAY 41-2272を投与し、代償性腎肥大が再現実験を行った。 結果: WTではUNx後に腎重量は有意に増大したが、eNOS-KOでは代償性腎肥大 が抑制された。逆にECeNOS-TGでは代償性腎肥大が増強したIn vitroでは培 養尿細管細胞においてGSNO、BAY 41-2272の投与によりPKG活性上昇を認 め、Akt、s6Kまた4EBP のリン酸化亢進を確認した。またeNOS-KO-UNx にBAY 41-2272を投与すると、代償性腎肥大を誘導された。結語:eNOS活 性は代償性腎肥大に重要な役割を果たしており、NO-sGC-PKG系が腎肥大 の細胞内シグナル伝達に重要であることが示された。 中枢神経傷害により失われた神経機能は、時間経過に伴い、部分的に自然 回復する。神経症状の改善は神経回路の修復に基づくと考えられているが、 神経回路の自発的な再生機構は明らかではない。我々は、多発性硬化症モ デルマウス(EAEマウス)を用いて、傷害後に形成する新生血管が神経回 路の再生を導くことを見出した。EAEマウスでは、中枢神経系において血 管新生と神経回路の再生が生じることが、それぞれ独立して報告されてい る。はじめに、本モデルマウスにおける血管新生と神経回路の再生の経時 変化を検討した。血管新生は、新生血管マーカーであるCD105陽性血管数 で評価した。四肢の運動機能を担う皮質脊髄路を可視化して観察するため、 大脳皮質第5層に順行性トレーサーのビオチン化デキストランアミンを注入 し、神経回路の再生を観察した。その結果、EAEマウスでは、血管新生の 後に神経回路の再生が生じる様子が認められた。このことから、中枢神経 障害後に形成する新生血管が神経回路の再生を促す可能性が示唆された。 続いて、新生血管の神経突起伸長への効果を検討するため、血管内皮細胞 と神経細胞との共培養実験を行った。大脳皮質神経細胞を、血管内皮細胞 存在下あるいは非存在下で培養したのち、神経細胞マーカーである抗Tuj1 抗体ならびに皮質脊髄路マーカーである抗Ctip2抗体を用いた免疫染色を行 い、Ctip2/Tuj1陽性突起長を計測した。その結果、血管内皮細胞との共培養 により、神経突起の伸長が促進された。また薬理学的検討から、神経突起 の伸長を促す血管由来因子の同定に成功した。最後に、同定した神経突起 伸長促進因子がEAEマウスにおける神経回路の自然回復に寄与するかを遺 伝学的に検証した。皮質脊髄路に同定因子のsiRNAを導入したマウスを用 いて、組織学的・行動学的解析を行った。その結果、同定因子欠損状態では、 時間経過に伴う神経回路の再生と麻痺症状の改善が抑制された。以上の結 果から、傷害後に形成する新生血管が神経回路の再生を導くことが示唆さ れた。 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科分子神経科学 村松 里衣子、山下 俊英 川崎医科大学 腎臓・高血圧内科学 長洲 一、佐藤 稔、城所 研吾、冨田 奈留也、柏原 直樹 中枢神経傷害後に形成する新生血管による神経回路再生 の促進 83 代償性腎肥大の破綻とNO-sGC-PKG系の役割 82 17:30〜 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 181 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization 【目的】動脈硬化の危険因子は血管内皮細胞の老化を誘導し、血管新生能を 低下させることが知られているが、独立した危険因子であるlipoprotein(a) (Lp(a))の血管内皮細胞系への老化に対する作用は明らかでない。これま でに我々は、肝細胞増殖因子(HGF)がLp(a)TGマウスにおいて障害された 血管新生能を回復させること(Circ. 2002)、Angiotensin IIによる血管内皮前 駆 細 胞(EPC) の 老 化、 酸 化 ス ト レ ス を 抑 制 す る こ と を 報 告 し て き た (Hypertens. 2009)。本研究ではこれらの報告をもとに、Lp(a)に起因する血管 内皮細胞の老化及び機能低下に対するHGFの作用について検討した。 【方法】 培養系内皮細胞(EC)の老化をSA-㱎 Galactosidase染色、酸化ストレスを dihydroethidium(DHE)染色、管腔形成をMatrigel assayで評価し、タンパク 発現はwestern blotで確認した。EPCはDiIで標識、HAECとMatrigel上で共培 養し、incorporation能力を評価した。一方、同条件で培養したEPCを、大腿 動脈を結紮したヌードマウスに移植し、7日後の下肢血流、及び障害部位に おける血管新生能を免疫染色(CD31)で確認した。 【結果】In vitroにおいて、 Lp(a)はECのSA-㱎 Galactosidase陽性細胞数の増加、superoxide産生を誘導し、 かつ管腔形成を抑制した。また、Lp(a)存在下ではp53、p21の発現上昇がみ られた。EPCのECへのincorporation能力はLp(a)投与により有意に低下した(P <0.01)。下肢虚血マウスへのEPC移植後、7日目において新生血管の増加と ともに下肢血流が回復していたが、Lp(a)を投与したEPCを移植した群では 回復の低下を認めた。上記のとおりに培養系及び動物モデルでみられた Lp(a)による作用は、HGF投与により抑制される事が示された(P<0.01)。【結 語】Lp(a)は、血管内皮細胞の老化、ROS産生やEPCの機能低下を介して動 脈硬化病態に関与している可能性が示唆された。一方、HGFはこれらLp(a) 誘導性病変に対する抑制作用を有することが明らかとなった。 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学 岩林 正明、谷山 義明、眞田 文博、岡山 慶太、楠 博、家串 和真、東 純哉、 久徳 真梨子、清水 一賢、Amarnath Chatterjee、森下 竜一 Symposium Background: Unopposed RANKL (receptor activator of NF㱖B ligand) activation causes osteoporosis and vascular calcification in mice, and both phenotypes coincide in postmenopausal women. RANKL inhibition by antibody decreases osteoporosis and calcium deposition in mice. Estrogen reverses osteoporosis, and clinical trials show its beneficial effect in vascular calcification. We assessed the hypothesis that under estrogen deficiency, RANKL system regulates osteoporosis and vascular calcification, and we propose the molecular mechanism underpinning vascular calcification under RANKL activation. Methods and Results: RANKL increased the expression of the calcification inducer BMP-2 in human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC), and decreased the inhibitor MGP in human aortic smooth muscle cells (HASMC), as quantified by real-time PCR and western blot analysis. RANKL induced bone-related gene mRNA expression and calcium deposition (Alizarin Red staining) followed by the osteogenic differentiation of HASMC. Using specific estrogen receptor (ER) agonists, we found that estrogen inhibited RANKL signaling in HAEC and HASMC via ER㱍. ApoE-/- mice fed with western diet for 3 months presented atherosclerotic calcification (Oil Red and Alizarin Red staining) and osteoporosis (㱘CT analysis) after ovariectomy, and increased expression of RANKL, RANK and osteopontin in atherosclerotic lesion as detected by in situ hybridization. Estrogen inhibited osteoporosis and BMP osteogenic pathway in aorta by decreasing phospho-smad-1/5/8 and increasing MGP mRNA expression. Conclusion: RANKL leads to an imbalance of pro- and anticalcification factors by regulating BMP, MGP, and bone-related protein expression. Estrogen decreases BMP signaling and counteracts the effect of RANKL in an ER 㱍 dependent way. 1 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学、2大阪大学大学院医学系研究科内 科系臨床医学老年腎臓内科学、3大阪大学大学院 大阪大学・金沢大学・浜松医科 大学連合小児発達学研究科 健康発達医学寄附講座 今日美1,2,3、中神 啓徳3、楽木 宏美2、森下 竜一1 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 大窄 マリアナ 87 Special Talk 肝細胞増殖因子 (HGF)はLp(a)による内皮細胞の機能低下 を抑制する Special Lecture Estrogen Prevents Aortic Calcification by Inhibiting Vascular RANKL System in an Estrogen Receptor Alpha Dependent Way [Background] We recently reported that testosterone (T) rapidly activates eNOS via a direct interaction between androgen receptor (AR) and the p85㱍 subunit of PI3 kinase. In this study, we further investigated the role of membrane AR in eNOS activation using human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC). [Methods and Results] Both T and membrane-impermeable bovine serum albumin-coupled T (T-BSA) induced Akt/eNOS phosphorylation at ~30 min. In contrast, T, but not T-BSA, transactivated the androgen-responsive element at 2 hr, indicating the non-genomic activation of eNOS by T-BSA. AR was colocalized with caveolin-1, c-Src and eNOS in the membrane fraction of HAEC. Imunoprecipitation assay revealed the T-dependent association of AR with caveolin-1 an d c-Src. T-induced phosphorylation of Akt/eNOS was abolished by PP2, a c-Src kinase inhibitor, and by c-Src siRNA as well as by AR siRNA, suggesting that the membranous interaction of AR with c-Src leads to eNOS activation. T and T-BSA also elicited a rapid rise of intracellular Ca 2+ within a few minutes as demonstrated by fura-4 fluorescence. The rise of Ca2+ was blocked by an AR antagonist and by AR siRNA. Finally, T-induced eNOS phosphorylation was prevented by the intracellular Ca 2+ chelator and by an endoplasmic reticulum Ca 2+ -ATPase pump inhibitor. [Conclusions] We newly found that the membrane AR mediates the rapid activation of eNOS through the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ and the interaction with c-Src. President Lecture 86 【背景・目的】摂取カロリーを食餌自由摂取時(AL)よりも30-50%制限する カロリ―制限(CR)は、多面的な心血管保護効果をもたらし、ヒトにおいて も有望な抗老化療法と期待されている。我々はCRにより中年齢ラットの虚 血再灌流(I/R)心筋傷害は軽減し、その心保護効果は、一酸化窒素合成酵素 (NOS)非特異的阻害薬、L-NAME長期投与により消失することを報告した (Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2008;295:H2348)。CRによりさまざまな臓器 でendothelial NOS(eNOS)発現が亢進し、eNOS依存的にミトコンドリアの生 合 成 が 亢 進 す る こ と が 報 告 さ れ て い る(Nisoli F, et al。Science 2005;310:314)。そこで本研究では、CRによる心保護効果発現におけるそれ ぞれの特異的NOS isoformの役割を明らかにする目的で、NOS isoform選択 的欠損マウスにCRを実施し、心保護効果誘導の有無を検討した。【方法・ 結果】3ヶ月間ALまたはCRを行ったマウスから心臓を摘出し、Langendorff 手技によりI/R実験を行った。I/R傷害は左室機能の回復と再灌流時に灌流液 中に放出されたLDH活性により評価した。野生型(Wt)マウスとinducible NOS(iNOS) -/-マウスではCRによりI/R傷害がALよりも軽減し、心保護効果が 誘導された。一方、eNOS-/- マウスとneuronal NOS(nNOS)-/- マウスではALと CRとのI/R傷害の程度は同等であり、心保護効果は誘導されなかった。Wt、 iNOS-/-、nNOS-/- のI/R傷害は同等であったが、eNOS-/- ではWtと比べI/R傷害 は重篤で、CR後もWtと比べて血圧が高く、心臓は肥大していた。eNOS欠 損による高血圧がCRによる心保護効果誘導を妨げた可能性を検討する目的 で、一部のeNOS-/-ではALまたはCR実施期間にHydralazineによる降圧療法を 併用した。降圧治療によりeNOS-/- のI/R傷害はWtと同等まで回復したが、 CRによる追加的な心保護効果は観察されなかった。【結語】CRによる心保 護効果誘導においては、iNOSは不要であるが、eNOSとnNOSの両者が必須 である。 1 東京大学大学院医学系研究科漢方生体防御機能学、2東京大学大学院医学系研究科 加齢医学講座、3東京大学大学院医学系研究科医用生体工学講座システム生理学、4 東京大学大学院医学系研究科循環器内科 喩 静1、秋下 雅弘2、江頭 正人2、山本 希美子3、小泉 英樹1、橋本 亮1、 田中 君枝4、大内 尉義2、岡部 哲郎1 慶應義塾大学医学部内科(老年) 新村 健 Membrane androgen receptor mediates the rapid activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase by testosterone 85 カロリー制限による心血管保護効果発現における特異的 一酸化窒素合成酵素の役割 84 ポスターセッション:性ホルモン・アンチエイジング Poster Session:Anti-aging 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program -高 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 182 【目的】当教室はレニン・アンジオテンシン(RA)系をはじめとして様々な遺 伝的負荷が高血圧や心血管疾患と関連があること、および病理学的・分子 生物学的アプローチよりRA系が動脈硬化発症・進展に寄与していることを 報告してきた。これら研究の集大成としてRA系遺伝子多型(AGT M235T多 型・ACE I/D多型・AT1 A1166C多型)が心血管イベント発症のリスクとなり うるかを本態性高血圧症患者を対象としたコホート研究で検証した。 【方法】 本研究はNOn-invasive Atherosclerotic evaluation in Hypertension (NOAH)研究 のサブ解析として行われ、1998年1月から2004年6月にエントリーした515名 の高血圧患者(男性:女性=293:222、平均年齢=61.3±11.8歳)を対象とし、 AGT M235T多型・ACE I/D多型・AT1 A1166C多型)をTaqman-PCR法で同定 した。脳卒中、 心血管疾患(CVD; 虚血性心疾患・心不全)等の予後調査行った。 【結果】追跡期間中(平均7.6年間)、脳卒中=53,心血管疾患=41,死亡=46が認め ら れ た。 遺 伝 子 多 型 頻 度 は(AGT: MM/MT/TT=354, ACE: II/ID/ DD=207/244/64, AT1: AA/AC/CC=438/70/7)であった。脳卒中,CVD発症複合 一次エンドポイントに対するKaplan Meier解析でACE I/D多型のDD型がリス クとなった。CVD発症に対してはACE I/D多型およびM235T多型のDD型お よびTT型がリスクとなったが、脳卒中発症に対しては各多型で有意差は認 められなかった。Cox-proportional hazard modelではACE遺伝子多型 DD型は その危険因子(年齢・性別・喫煙・血圧・糖尿病・脂質異常・心筋梗塞や脳 卒中の既往・左室肥大)を交絡因子として補正しても有意な危険因子として 選択された。また、降圧薬服用の有無やACE阻害薬・ARBの使用の有無な どを交絡因子として追加をしてもACE遺伝子多型DD型は有意な危険因子と し て 採 択 さ れ た。 さ ら に 年 齢 別 解 析 で はKaplan Meier解 析 お よ びCoxproportional hazard modelにて65歳未満においてCVDおよび脳卒中のリスク 比はより高かった。 【結論】ACE I/D遺伝子多型のDD多型は本態性高血圧症 患者において心血管イベント及び脳心血管イベントの遺伝的危険因子とな りうることが示唆された。 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科老年腎臓内科 加藤 のぞみ、多田羅 雄之、大石 充、楽木 宏実 RA系遺伝子多型の心血管病発症に対する遺伝的負荷 血圧患者を対象としたコホート研究- 88 医学部 老年腎臓内科学 Objectives: We recently reported that macrophage inflammatory protein-1β (MIP-1β) induces monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells via NADPH-dependent ROS generation. Although there is no expression of L-type Calcium channel in monocyte, treatment of monocyte with certain calcium channel blocker (CCB) was reported to inhibit adhesion to endothelial cells. Thus, the objective of the present study is to elucidate the role of MIP-1β-CC chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) systems in inhibition of monocyte adhesion by CCBs.Methods: Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and THP-1 cells were used as endothelial cells and monocytic cells, respectively. THP-1 cells were incubated in the presence of Tempol(0.5mM), azelnidipine (100μmol/L) or amlodipine (10μmol/L) for 24 hours and then stimulated by Ang II (1μM) for 4 hours. The mRNA levels of MIP-1β and CCR5 were determined by RT-PCR. Intracellular ROS was determined fluorometrically with the use of dihydroethidium (DHE). We evaluated adhesion of labeled THP-1 cells stimulated by AngII (1μM) to confluent HUVEC monolayers.Results: Tempol, azelnidipine or amlodipine significantly inhibited the expression of mRNA of MIP-1β and CCR5 in AngII-stimulated THP-1, but there were no additional inhibitive effect of tempol when combined with azelnidipine or amlodipine. Tempol, azelnidipine or amlodipine reduced intracellular ROS in stimulated THP-1, and prevented the cell adhesion to endothelial cells treated with Ang II, but there were no additional inhibitive effects of tempol when combined with azelnidipine or amlodipine. Conclusion: These results suggested that azelnidipine or amlodipine might inhibit cell adhesion by reduction of intracellular ROS, possibly through MIP-1β and CCR5-dependent pathway. 大阪大学 岩本 義広、大石 充、多田羅 雄之、山本 浩一、塩田 敦、武田 昌生、 加藤 のぞみ、楽木 宏実 Calcium channel blocker prevents monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells via MIP-1β and oxidative stress system 89 17:30〜 Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation 183 Prox1 transcription factor plays pivotal roles during embryonic lymphatic development by modulating the expression of various lymphatic endothelial cell (LEC) markers such as VEGFR3. However, the molecular mechanisms by which Prox1 transactivates its target genes remain largely unknown. Here we identified Ets-2 as a candidate molecule that regulates the functions of Prox1 through yeast two-hybrid screening. Ets-2 is a prototype of Ets transcription factor family and has been implicated in angiogenesis. However, its roles during lymphangiogenesis (LA) have not yet been elucidated. Expression of Ets-2 was observed in both embryonic and adult lymphatic vessels as well as in blood vessels. In accordance with the results of two-hybrid assays, we found endogenous Prox1 interacts with Ets-2 in LEC. Ets-2 enhanced the expression of VEGFR3 in collaboration with Prox1 in HUVEC. Enhanced expression of VEGFR3 by Ets-2 was also observed in LEC. Additionally, Ets-2 enhanced Prox1-induced chemotaxes of HUVEC toward VEGF-C, ligands for VEGFR3. Furthermore, ChIP assays demonstrated endogenous Prox1 and Ets-2 bound to the VEGFR3 promoter. We next examined the effects of Ets-2 on inflammatory LA in murine diaphragms. Intraperitoneal administration of adenovirus encoding Ets-2 enhanced LA whereas expression of dominant-negative Ets mutant (TM-Ets-1) suppressed it. We also examined the possible involvement of other Ets family members in LA. IP assays showed Prox1 was able to bind other Ets family members. Inhibiting the activities of Ets family members by TM-Ets-1 in HUVEC suppressed Prox1-induced expression of multiple pro-lymphangiogenic factors including VEGFR3 and integrin 㱍9. These findings suggest Ets family members function as transcriptional co-factors that enhance Prox1-induced LA. Symposium The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization <目的>腫瘍の増殖のためには酸素や栄養分の供給が不可欠であり、増殖 の現場では血管の新生や退縮が盛んに行われている。その腫瘍血管の新生 パターンを把握することは、腫瘍血管を制御するという治療概念に結びつ く。今回われわれは、 小腸上皮の悪性化に伴い、 血管やリンパ管の新生パター ンが どの様 に変化するのかを検索した。< 材料 と方 法>12週齢、雄の APC Min/+マウスに、高脂肪食や硫酸デキストランナトリウムを摂食させ、腸 に腺腫、腺癌を誘導させた。経時的にトマトレクチンを静注し、灌流固定 を行った。各種マーカーによる蛍光免疫染色を重ねて、共焦点レーザー顕 微鏡で観察し、ヒト手術標本と比較した。また、電子顕微鏡による超微形 態学的観察も行った。さらに、ウェスタンブロットなどを行い腫瘍内での タンパク発現の変化を観察した。<結果と考察>小腸上皮が腫瘍化してい く段階で、良性腫瘍(腺腫)においては、新生血管は著しく形態的変化を 認め、密度を増し、基底膜の不安定化が起こっていた。微細構造では、絨 毛先端の血管の内腔表面に微絨毛様の突起が出現するなどの変化が認めら れた。また、血管特有のタンパクレベルの変化も見られた。さらに、上皮 が悪性化するにつれて、新生血管は密度をさらに増し、形態的変化が著し く異型性を伴った。特に走行が無秩序になり、基底膜は多層化し、内腔側 が不整形を呈した。また、新生したリンパ管は大小不同であった。これら の結果より、上皮の悪性化に伴い、腫瘍血管やリンパ管の新生パターンにも、 段階的な変化が現れることが示唆された。このように、腫瘍の悪性化を局 所の微小循環系の変化との関連でとらえることができれば、臨床診断の上 でも重要な指標となり、新たな治療戦略の開発につながるかもしれない。 1 東京大学大学院医学系研究科分子病理学、2東京大学先端科学技術研究センターシ ステム生物医学 吉松 康裕1、伊藤 太智1、三平 元1、結城 圭子1、原田 香織1、森川 真大1、 山崎 智子1、岩田 要1、森下 保幸1、南 敬2、児玉 龍彦2、宮園 浩平1、 渡部 徹郎1 東京女子医科大学医学部解剖学・発生生物学講座、2東北大学加齢医学研究所腫瘍 循環研究分野 1 北原 秀治1、森川 俊一1、佐藤 靖史2、江崎 太一1 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Ets family members induce lymphangiogenesis via physical and functional interaction with Prox1 Special Talk 消化管腫瘍における微小循環系の変化は上皮の悪性化と 相関するか? Special Lecture 93 Interaction between tumor endothelial cells (TECs) and tumor cells plays a key role in the early stage of hematogenous metastasis. TECs provide the principal route by which tumor cells exit the primary tumor site and enter the circulation. We have reported TECs are different from normal endothelial cells (NECs) in various aspects, such as chromosomal abnormality and gene expression profiles. In this study, we isolated two types of TECs from different human tumor xenografts in nude mice to analyze interaction between TECs and tumor cells. One is HMTEC isolated from highly metastatic tumor and the other is LMTEC from low metastatic tumor. HMTEC expressed higher levels of mRNA of angiogenesis-related genes than LMTEC or NEC. We hypothesized TECs may promote metastasis, in particular, intravasation at the primary site. We investigated the roles of TECs in tumor metastasis; 1) migration of tumor cells towards TECs, 2) adhesion to endothelial layer, 3) crossing the endothelium. Tumor cells migrated towards conditioned-media (CM) from HMTEC more than LMTEC-CM or NEC-CM in vitro. Tumor cells were more adhesive to HMTEC than to LMTEC. They migrated through the HMTEC-monolayer most among all ECs in transendothelial assay. These results suggested that HMTEC may help tumor cells to metastasize. Finally, we analyzed the effects of CM from highly metastatic tumor cells on NECs. Tumor CM induced mRNA expressions of several genes, such as cytokine and extracellular matrix in NEC. Tumor cells adhered more to the tumor CM- treated NEC than to non-treated NEC. These results suggest that TECs “educated” in tumor microenvironment may be collaborating with tumor cells for metastasis. 1 北海道大学大学院歯学研究科血管生物学、2北海道大学大学院歯学研究科高齢者歯 科学、3北海道大学大学院医学研究科腫瘍外科学、4北海道大学大学院医学研究科病 態医科学、5北海道大学大学院歯学研究科口腔病理学 間石 奈湖1,2、大賀 則孝1、樋田 泰浩3、大場 雄介4、秋山 廣輔1、北山 和子1、 近藤 美弥子1、川本 泰輔1、大澤 崇宏1、山本 和幸1、井上 農夫男2、 進藤 正信5、樋田 京子1 Analysis of interaction between tumor endothelial cells and tumor cells 91 President Lecture 92 Angiogenesis is essential for the growth, progression, and metastasis of solid tumors, in addition to various angiogenic diseases. Therefore, angiogenesis inhibitors have been focused as agents having a potential therapeutic value. Extracellular proteases have been identified to be involved in angiogenesis, however, the participation in this process of intracellular proteases has not been clarified. One of intracellular cysteine proteases, calpain, recently has been shown to activate NF-㱖B through degradation of its endogenous inhibitor, I㱖B. We found that the treatment of calpain inhibitor resulted in increase of I㱖B㱍 in vascular endothelial cells and inhibited angiogenesis. This result demonstrates that calpain degrades I㱖B in endothelial cells and contributes to angiogenesis. Calpain degrades I㱖B phosphorylated by casein kinase (CK) 2 which shows elevated activity in human cancer, but not by I㱖B kinase (IKK) which is a key in one pathway of NF-㱖B activation. In this experiment, we concentrated our interest on the function of CK2 in angiogenesis to analyze the involvement of another pathway of NF-㱖B activation. We examined using CK2 specific inhibitors on whether the suppression of NF-㱖B activation by blocking CK2 causes anti-angiogenesis. CK2 inhibitor suppressed tube formation of bovine pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells cultured on matrigel. Moreover, CK2 inhibitor reduced VEGF and bFGF induced-angiogenesis in implantation of gelling basement membrane into mouse dorsal pocket. Additionally, we have found a result that control of polyamine which activates CK2, regulates angiogenesis. These results suggest a possibility that the suppression of NF-㱖B activation by blocking CK2 inhibits angiogenesis. 1 (財)東京都医学研究機構東京都臨床医学総合研究所がん治療研究室、2東京都健 康安全研究センター・疫学情報室 芦野 洋美1、島村 眞里子2 Regulation of angiogenesis by CK2 inhibitor 90 ポスターセッション:血管細胞の転写調節 Poster Session:Transcriptional Regulation 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program 広島国際大学薬学部薬学科生化学教室 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 184 TGF-㱎シグナルは、血管内皮細胞上のI型受容体を介して血管新生を正負両 面から調節している。これまでにTGF-㱎シグナルの細胞内シグナル伝達分 子Smad2, Smad3を血管内皮細胞特異的に欠損したマウスの解析から、TGF㱎シグナルが血管新生抑制に関与しているシグナルではなく、血管の成熟 過程に必須のシグナル系であることを明らかにしてきた。しかしながら、 Smad2/3はTGF-㱎シグナル以外にアクチビンやNodalシグナル伝達の細胞内 シグナル伝達分子であるため、これまでに観察された表現系が、TGF-㱎シ グナル欠損によるものであることを検証する必要があった。さらに、静脈 に由来するリンパ管形成におけるTGF-㱎シグナル系の役割に関して、生体 における検証は不十分であった。そこで、血管内皮細胞特異的またはリン パ管内皮細胞特異的にTGF-㱎シグナルを欠損したマウスを作製し、血管・ リンパ管新生について検証を行った。 TGF-㱎I型及びII型受容体を血管内皮細胞特異的に欠損させたところ (ALK5fl/fl; Tie2-Cre, T㱎RIIfl/fl; Tie2-Cre)、血管内皮細胞特異的Smad2/3欠損マ ウス(Smad2fl/fl; Smad3-/-; Tie2-Cre(CDKO))マウスと同様に全身から出血して 胎生致死となり、CDKOマウスで得られた表現系は確かにTGF-㱎シグナル 欠損に依存することが示された。さらに非常に面白いことに、ALK5fl/fl; Tie2-Cre, TβRIfl/fl; Tie2-Creマウス胚は、CDKOマウスよりも約半日遅い胎 生12〜14日で致死となり、Smad2/3の代償シグナルの存在が示唆された。 また、TGF-㱎I型及びII型受容体を、リンパ管内皮細胞特異的に欠損させ たところ(ALK5fl/fl; Prox1-CreERTM, T㱎RIIF/F; Prox1-CreERTM)、リンパ管 形成は阻害されていなかったが、胎生14.5日に浮腫が確認できた。そこで リンパ管内皮細胞のマーカーであるLYVE1で染色したところ、血管でみら れた異常と同様な未成熟なリンパ管が形成されていることがわかったこれ らの結果より、TGF-㱎シグナルは血管形成維持だけでなくリンパ管形成維 持にも必須のシグナルである可能性が示された。 遺伝子の発現調節領域の 血球細胞と血管内皮細胞は、ヘマンジオブラストと呼ばれる幹細胞から分 化することが知られているが、分化の方向性をどのようにして決定してい るのかは分かっていない。これまでに、アフリカツメガエル胚の未分化領 域の細胞に対して低濃度のアクチビンとアンジオポエチン2を作用させる ことにより、血管内皮細胞に分化させることに成功している。この系をも ちいてDNAマイクロアレイによるディファレンシャルスクリーニングおよ びツメガエル胚を用いたwhole-mount in situ hybridizationを行った結果、血管 内皮細胞で発現が見られる新規遺伝子xrasgrp2を同定した。現在までに、こ の遺伝子の過剰発現およびモルフォリノオリゴによる発現抑制実験から、 XRASGRP2は血管形成に重要な役割を果たしていることが分かってきてい る。今回、ヒト血管内皮細胞におけるrasgrp2遺伝子の発現調節領域の解析 を行った。ヒトrasgrp2遺伝子の第1エキソンには、3種類のオルタナティ ブスプライシングされるエキソンが存在しているが、血管内皮細胞ではこ れらのうち1種類 (D1E) しか使われていないことがRT-PCR解析により判明 した。そこで次に、ルシフェラーゼ遺伝子とヒトrasgrp2遺伝子の第1エキソ ン (D1E) の5ʼ上流領域の配列を融合させたコンストラクトを構築し、ルシ フェラーゼアッセイによる転写活性部位の同定を行なった。この結果、ヒ ト血管内皮細胞におけるrasgrp2遺伝子の発現調節は、転写活性領域と転写 抑制領域の両方によって行われていることが示唆された。さらに、抗体を 用いたゲルシフトアッセイにより、転写抑制領域に結合する転写因子が OCT1/POU2F1であることを明らかにした。一方、転写活性領域にはSP1結 合配列が有り、その配列に結合する転写因子の存在を確認することができ た。今回の結果から、ヒト血管内皮細胞におけるrasgrp2遺伝子の発現は、 転写の活性と抑制のバランスにより調節されていることが示唆された。 長嶺 憲太郎、松田 明、堀 隆光 1 生化学研究室 伊東 史子1、伊東 進1,2 筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科実験病理学、2昭和薬科大学 血管内皮細胞における 解析 95 血管・リンパ管の安定性維持におけるTGF-βシグナルの 役割 94 17:30〜 Index 185 Poster The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Selected Oral Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Y.I.A. Presentation Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 生体機能薬理学 [目的]アンギオテンシンII受容体遮断薬(ARB)であるテルミサルタンはAT1 受 容 体 を 阻 害 す る だ け で な く、 選 択 的Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor-㱏(PPAR㱏)作用を有することが報告されている。しかし、テルミ サルタンのもつ選択的PPAR㱏作用の糖尿病性血管障害における意義につい ては不明である。我々はテルミサルタンのもつ選択的PPAR㱏作用を介した 血管保護の意義について検討を行った。[方法]2型糖尿病モデルマウス(db/ dbマウス)を、(1)Vehicle群、(2)テルミサルタン単独群(10mg/kg/day)、(3)テ ル ミ サ ル タ ン(10mg/kg/day)+GW9662 (PPAR㱏 antagonist, 10mg/kg/day)併 用 群、(4)GW9662単独群(10mg/kg/day)、(5)ロサルタン単独群(10mg/kg/day)に 分け、各薬剤を8週間投与し、血管の内皮機能、血管リモデリング、炎症(TNF 㱍)、eNOS、NF㱖B活性化(リン酸化I㱖B㱍抗体を用いた蛍光免疫染色法に よる定量化)等に対する効果について比較検討を行った。[成績]非糖尿病の db/mマウス(コントロール)と比べて、db/dbマウスは内皮依存性血管弛緩反 応の障害、冠動脈壁肥厚、冠動脈周囲のマクロファージ浸潤と線維化が著 明であった。テルミサルタンはdb/dbマウスの上述の血管障害を有意に改善 し、その効果はロサルタンよりも強力であった。コントロールマウスと比 べてdb/dbマウスの血管eNOSリン酸化は著明に低下していたが、テルミサ ルタンはロサルタンよりもリン酸化を有意に改善した。さらに、コントロー ルマウスと比べてdb/dbマウスでは大動脈と冠動脈内皮・中膜でNF㱖B活性 およびTNF㱍発現が著明に増加していたが、テルミサルタンはいずれも有 意に抑制したのに対して、ロサルタンは抑制しなかった。上記のテルミサ ルタンによる効果はいずれもPPAR㱏 antagonistの同時投与により抑制され た。[結論](1)テルミサルタンは2型糖尿病の血管内皮機能障害、冠動脈リモ デリング、炎症をロサルタンと比べて有意に改善した。(2)テルミサルタン の血管保護作用には、選択的PPAR㱏作用を介するeNOS活性化とNF㱖B活 性化抑制が関与している。(3)PPAR㱏作用をもつARBは、糖尿病性血管障害 に対する有用な治療戦略と考えられる。 生命科学研究部 Symposium AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is an energy sensing kinase activated in response to various cellular stresses inducing deprivation of AMP. Recently AMPK is also implicated in key cellular pathways, including polarity establishment and cell division. This suggests that in addition being a key regulator of physiological energy dynamics, AMPK affects basic cellular functions by sensing various energy consuming stresses, however downstream target of these functions is still unclear. Here we identified microtubule plus end protein CLIP-170 as a novel AMPK substrate by de novo screening method and showed the important role of phosphorylated CLIP-170 in cell polarity and migration. Phosphorylation status of CLIP-170 affected the dynamism of microtubule polymerization. Phosphorylated CLIP-170 located at the more distal end of microtubules and had faster tuned over rate on microtubules than un-phosphorylated CLIP-170. Inhibition of AMPK and transfection of CLIP-170 non-phosphorylated dominant negative mutant reduced the speed of tubulin polymerization with large amount of unphosphorylated CLIP170 left over on microtubule by in vivo molecular imaging. Reduced speed of tubulin polymerization impaired establishment of cell polarity and inhibited directional migration of cells. These results demonstrate that AMPK directly regulates microtubule dynamics and structure by phosphorylation of CLIP-170. We anticipate that this finding leads to the better understanding the effect of energy status to microtubule mediated cell functions such as vesicle transport, cell division, and establishment of cell polarity. 熊本大学大学院 外山 研介、中村 太志、片岡 恵一郎、光山 勝慶 高島 成二1、中野 敦1、望月 直樹3、北風 政史2 1 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科分子心血管医学、2国立循環器病研究センター心臓血 管内科、3国立循環器病研究センター研究所 細胞生物学部 99 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine テルミサルタン有する選択的Peroxisome Proliferatoractivated Receptor-γ作用の糖尿病性血管障害における 役割 Special Talk Phosphorylation of CLIP-170 by AMPK regulates microtubule polymerization and cell polarity Special Lecture 98 【目的】近年の疫学研究から高血圧や糖尿病などの血管性危険因子がアルツ ハイマー病(AD)の独立した危険因子でもあることが明らかにされ注目を 浴びている。一方で、βアミロイド蛋白(Aβ)を標的としたADの根本的 治療法の開発に伴い、ADを早期診断するためのバイオマーカーの必要性が 高まっている。血中Aβ値は非侵襲的に評価可能なマーカーとして期待さ れているが、その臨床的有用性・妥当性は確立されていない。我々は特に 糖尿病病態とアルツハイマー病との病態関連の解析から、全身のグルコー ス代謝がAβの血中濃度に影響を与えている可能性を見出し、この現象の アルツハイマー病診断指標としての応用について検討を行った。【方法】2 種のADモデルマウス(APP23、APP/PS1マウス)を使用し、空腹・随時・ 糖負荷(2g/kg i.p.)後の血中Aβ値をELISAにて測定した。またヒトAD患 者及び非AD認知症患者を対象とし、経口ブドウ糖負荷試験(75gOGTT:Oral Glucose Tolerance Test)を行い血中Aβ量の変動を評価した。【結果】APP/ PS1Tgでは随時採血の血中Aβ40及びAβ42値は空腹時より有意に高値を示 し、食事・血糖状態が血中Aβ値に影響を与えることが示唆された。また 糖負荷後にTgマウスでは血中Aβ値の急速かつ有意な上昇が観察され、こ の変化は若齢マウスに比し高齢マウスで有意に大きかった。野生型マウス ではこのような増加は見られなかった。APP23マウスでも同様に血中Aβの 増加が観察された。ヒトAD患者では、空腹時採血における血中Aβ値(A β40、42、42/40比)は非AD患者と有意な差は無かったが、75gOGTT後急 性期(〜30分値)にAβ42の有意な上昇を認めた。【考察】ADマウスを用 いた解析から、糖負荷後の血中Aβ値の増加量が診断及び病態重症度のバ イオマーカーになり得る可能性が示唆された。AD患者では糖負荷後に血中 Aβ値が特異な変動を示すことが明らかとなり、非侵襲的な診断的指標と して応用できる可能性が示唆された。 1 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学、2大阪大学大学院医学系研究科老 年腎臓内科、3 医薬基盤研究所生物資源研究部実験動物開発研究室、4阪和第二泉北 病院 武田 朱公1,2、里 直行1,2、内尾-山田 こずえ3、湯 久浩4、守口 篤4、 楽木 宏実2、森下 竜一1 糖代謝が血中β・アミロイド蛋白 (Aβ) 量に与える影響の 検討:アルツハイマー病の新規診断指標への応用 97 President Lecture 【背景】2型糖尿病患者では毛細血管ならびに細動脈での血管新生能が低下 していることが知られている。この血管新生障害は冠側副血行路の発達不 良、創傷治癒の遷延、糖尿病足壊疽など種々の糖尿病合併症の発症に寄与 する。糖尿病患者では、VEGF遺伝子導入、EPC移植などの治療的血管新生 に対して抵抗性があることが知られており、その要因のひとつにVEGF抵抗 性の存在が報告されているが、その分子メカニズムは完全には理解されて ない。我々は、ヒト肝臓発現遺伝子情報を用いて、肝由来分泌タンパクセ レノプロテインP(以下SeP)の産生が2型糖尿病状態で亢進していること、 SePが肝および筋細胞にインスリン抵抗性を誘導することで高血糖発症に寄 与することを報告してきた (Cell Metabolism 2010 in press)。今回このSePが 血管新生へおよぼす影響を検討した。【方法・結果】(1)マウス傍大動脈臓 側板中胚葉(P-Sp)培養系において、精製SePタンパク処置は血管内皮細胞の 発生を有意に抑制した。(2)精製SePタンパク処置は、ヒト臍帯静脈血管内 皮細胞(以下HUVEC)においてVEGF依存性の細胞増殖、遊走、管腔形成 を そ れ ぞ れ-17%、-26%、-25%と 有 意 に 抑 制 し た。 (3)SePを 前 処 置 し た HUVECでは、VEGF刺激によるVEGFR2およびERK1/2のリン酸化が有意に 低下した。(4)C57B6Jマウスに、SePタンパク含有マトリゲルを皮下移植し たところ、10日後の新生血管内皮細胞数は-84%と著明に低下した。(5)プラ スミド尾静注による肝選択的SePタンパク過剰発現マウスは、皮膚潰瘍の閉 鎖速度が-18%と有意に低下した。(6)SePヘテロノックアウトマウスは、下 肢虚血術からの血流回復が、正常マウスに比し有意に早期であった。【考察】 本研究は、肝由来分泌タンパクSePの過剰産生が、血管内皮細胞にVEGF抵 抗性を誘導することで、2型糖尿病患者における血管新生障害発症の原因と なることを示唆する。肝臓は分泌タンパクSePの産生を介して全身での血管 新生ネットワークに参加している可能性がある。各種成長因子の導入によ る既存の治療的血管新生に対して反応性の乏しい2型糖尿病患者において は、肝でのSeP産生抑制によるVEGF抵抗性の軽減が有効な治療となる可能 性がある。 金沢大学大学院医学系研究科環境医科学専攻恒常性制御学、2金沢大学大学院医学 系研究科循環医科学専攻血管分子生理学、3大阪大学大学院医学系研究科微生物研 究所情報伝達分野 1 石倉 和秀1、御簾 博文1、熊崎 雅史1、岡本 安雄2、多久和 陽2、木戸屋 浩康3、 山田 賢裕3、高倉 伸幸3、金子 周一1、篁 俊成1 肝由来分泌タンパクセレノプロテインPはVEGF抵抗性の 誘導を介して2型糖尿病における血管新生障害の発症に 寄与する 96 ポスターセッション:メタボ・糖尿病 (2) Poster Session:Metabolic syndrome / Diabetes(2) 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 186 背景:イコサペント酸エチルはイコサペンタエン酸(EPA)/アラキドン酸(AA) 比を改善することが報告されているが、EPA/AAと血管内皮機能改善効果と の関連性については充分に検討されていない。目的:イコサペント酸エチ ル内服によるEPA/AA比改善と血管内皮機能改善効果との関連性につき検討 すること。方法:高トリグリセライド血症例連続15例(平均年齢60.7± 13.2、男性7名)を対象とし、EPA/AA比を含む各種血液学的検査、血管機 能測定専用超音波装置(ユネクスEF)による前腕駆血法による血管内皮依 存性血管拡張反応評価を、イコサペント酸エチル投与前と投与後6ヵ月後に 施行した。前腕駆血法による血管内皮依存性血管拡張反応評価は、前腕動 脈駆血前上腕動脈血管径と一定時間駆血後開放し血流増加に伴い拡張した 上腕動脈血管径を計測し、血管径変化率(%FMD)を算出し、施行した。 結果:イコサペント酸エチル投与前EPA/AA比は、0.30±0.21であり、イコ サペント酸エチル投与6ヵ月後のEPA/AA比は0.89±0.45であった。イコサペ ント酸エチル投与前トリグリセライド値は252.7±90.4 mg/dl、投与6ヵ月後 トリグリセライド値は164.7±51.2 mg/dlであった。イコサペント酸エチル投 与前後のEPA/AA改善とイコサペント酸エチル投与前後%FMD改善の間には 正 の 相 関 を 認 め(r=0.525, p<0.05)。 一 方、 ト リ グ リ セ ラ イ ド 値 改 善 と %FMD改善の間には、相関を認めなかった。結語:イコサペント酸エチル によるトリグリセライド値改善効果よりも、EPA/AA比改善効果が、血管内 皮機能改善効果により関連することが示唆された。 大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科循環器病態内科学、2西宮渡辺病院、3兵庫医療大学、 4 浅香山病院 【背景・目的】糖尿病合併症としての細小血管症の発症・進展には血管内皮 障害が基盤病態を形成している。微量アルブミン尿は糖尿病性腎症の最早 期病態であり、臨床的観察事実からアルブミン尿は内皮機能障害と関連す ると想定されている。しかしながら糸球体内皮細胞は有窓性であり、アル ブミンの透過性制御への関与は疑問視されていた。我々は、これまでに各 種糖尿病モデルラットの腎糸球体において内皮機能障害がアルブミン尿と 連関することを示してきた。高血糖によるNAD(P)H oxidase 活性化を起点 として、血管内皮細胞の endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthase (eNOS) の補酵 素 で あ るtetrahydrobiopterin (BH4)が 酸 化 的 に 減 少 し、eNOS 機 能 異 常 (uncoupling)が生じる。以上より「血管内皮細胞内BH4の維持はeNOS recouplingを促進し、NO bioavailavilityを維持を介して糖尿病性腎症の発症・ 進 展 を 抑 制 す る 」 と の 仮 説 を 立 て、BH4生 合 成 の 律 速 酵 素 で あ るGTPcyclohydrolase-I (GCH)を内皮特異的に高発現させたマウスを利用してこの 仮説を検証した。【方法】1型糖尿病モデルであるAKITAマウス (AKITA) に 内皮特異的GCH高発現マウス (Tg-GCH) を交配させた。野生型マウス (WT; C57/BL6)、AKITA、Tg-GCH/AKITA の3群を作成し、20週まで飼育し、経時 的に尿中アルブミン排泄量を計測した後、20週後に腎組織を採取し検討し た。【結果】血糖値はAKITA、Tg-GCH/AKITAで有意な上昇を認めたが、両 群間では有意差はなかった。15週時にはAKITA群では有意な尿中アルブミ ン排泄増加を認めたが、Tg-GCH/AKITAで抑制効果を認めた。腎組織での 活性酸素種 (ROS)及びNOを検出するため、共焦点レーザー顕微鏡を用い て可視化した。AKITA群では著明なROS増加とNO低下を認めたが、TgGCH/AKITAではこの不均衡は是正されていた。 【結語】糖尿病におけるア ルブミン尿の発症には、BH4の減少及びeNOS uncouplingによる糸球体内皮 障害が関連しており、GCH-I過剰発現による内皮BH4レベルの増加はeNOS uncouplingを是正しアルブミン尿を減少させることが示された。GCH-I活性 増加、BH4維持により糖尿病性腎症の発症・進展が抑制されることが示唆 された。 川崎医科大学腎臓・高血圧内科学 城所 研吾、佐藤 稔、長洲 一、冨田 奈留也、柏原 直樹 竹本 恭彦1、島田 健永1、井口 朋和1、中西 弘毅1、松本 健嗣1、花谷 彰久1、 中村 泰浩1、室生 卓1、吉川 純一2、東 純一3、田原 旭4、葭山 稔1 1 内皮GTP-cyclohydrolase-I過剰発現は糖尿病性腎症の発 症・進展を抑制する 101 イコサペント酸エチルによるEPA/AA比改善と血管内皮 機能改善効果との関連性 100 17:30〜 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 187 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Symposium 【背景】GLP-1は消化管から分泌されるホルモンであるインクレチンの1つ で、インスリン分泌促進・グルカゴン分泌抑制などの作用がある。一方で GLP-1受容体アゴニストの糖代謝改善以外の作用として、接着因子発現抑 制による動脈硬化病変減少という報告もされているが、そのメカニズムは 明らかでない。そこで、Wire Injury(WI)によるマウス大腿動脈傷害モデルを 用いて、GLP-1受容体アゴニストであるExendin-4(Ex-4)の血管リモデリング への作用を明らかにするため、以下の実験を行った。 【方法】10週齢の野生型マウスを使用し、WIのみを行うcontrol群、WIを行 いOsmotic pumpでPBSを投与するPBS群、WIを行いpumpでEx-4(24nmol/kg/ day)を投与するEx-4群の3群に分け、それぞれに通常食(ND)と高脂肪食(HFD) を与えて計6群で行った(各群n=5)。4週間経過を観察し、体重・血糖値、脂 質プロファイル、IPGTT後の血糖値・血清インスリン濃度、大腿動脈の新 生内膜増殖面積の測定を行った。また、mouse macrophage(RAW264.7cell) にEx-4を添加した後LPSで刺激し、TNF-αとIL-6のmRNA発現量をリアルタ イムPCR法を用いて測定した。 また、rat smooth muscle cell(SMC)を用いて MTT assayを行った。 【結果】4週間後、HFDで血清脂質は上昇したがEx-4投与では低下しなかった。 IPGTTを行った結果、両食事群ともEx-4投与で血糖上昇は有意に抑えられ たが血清インスリン濃度に差はなかった。新生内膜/中膜比の計測において、 ND・control群:3.3±0.1、ND・PBS群:3.4±0.8、ND・Ex-4群:0.9±0.1で あり、Ex-4による新生内膜増殖抑制が認められ(p<0.01)、HFDでも同様の 結果であった。RAW cellをLPSで刺激すると、TNF-αやIL-6の発現量が有 意に増加したが、Ex-4添加により濃度依存的に発現が抑制され、MTT assay におけるSMCの増殖も、Ex-4添加により濃度依存的に抑制された。 【結論】以上からEx-4には、抗炎症・平滑筋細胞増殖抑制効果があると考え ら れ、 そ れ がWI後 の 新 生 内 膜 増 殖 を 抑 制 し た と 考 え ら れ た。GLP-1R agonistにはインスリン分泌促進作用とは独立した血管リモデリング抑制作 用を持つ可能性が示唆された。 (背景)ACE2はアンジオテンシンII(AII)を分解しアンジオテンシン 1−7を産生することによりAIIシグナルを抑制する方向に働くことが明ら かになってきている。我々はこれまでACE2欠損マウスを用いて圧負荷 によりACE2が心保護的に働くことや、糖尿病マウスにおいてACE2 が腎保護的に働くことを報告してきた。一方、AIIをマウスに長期投与 するとインスリン抵抗性が悪化することや、アンジオテンシン(1−7)の トランスジェニックラットでインスリン抵抗性が改善するとの報告がなさ れておりACE2はインスリン抵抗性に影響を与えることが示唆される。今回 我々はACE2欠損マウスを用いてACE2欠損がインスリン抵抗性に与える 影響を検討した。 (方法)普通食で飼育した12週齢のオスのACE2欠損 マウスとコントロールマウス(C57BL/6J)に対して腹腔内糖負荷試験 (ipGTT),腹腔内インスリン負荷試験(ipITT)を施行しインスリン抵抗性を評 価した。また普通食で飼育した10週齢の各マウスにAII(100ng/mi n/kg)を浸透圧ポンプにより投与した2週間後にipGTT, ipITTを施行した。 また8週齢の各マウスに高脂肪高ショ糖食負荷を施行した2週間後から、7% 生理食塩水、オルメサルタン(3mg/kg/day)を浸透圧ポンプで2週間投与し ipGTT, ipITTを施行した。(結果)普通食での飼育下でipGTTとipITTの結果に はACE2欠損マウスとコントロールマウス間で差を認めなかった。普通食下 でAIIを投与すると各マウスともipGTT, ipITTでインスリン抵抗性の上昇を 認めたがACE2欠損マウスでより顕著であった。また高脂肪高ショ糖食負荷 により各マウスのインスリン抵抗性は上昇したがACE2欠損マウスでより顕 著であった。オルメサルタンを投与すると高脂肪高ショ糖食負荷下での ACE2欠損マウスとコントロールマウス間のインスリン抵抗性の差は消失し た。結語)ACE2欠損は高脂肪ショ糖負荷によるインスリン抵抗性の上昇を 増悪させた。ACE2欠損によるAIIシグナルの上昇が機序として考えられた。 大阪大学医学部老年.腎臓内科学 1 徳島大学医学部栄養学科、2徳島大学医学部医学科、3徳島大学大学院ヘルスバイオ サイエンス研究部循環器内科学分野、4徳島大学大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研 究部心臓血管外科学分野 武田 昌生、山本 浩一、大石 充、神出 計、竹屋 泰、多田羅 雄之、塩田 敦、 小黒 亮輔、岩本 義広、楽木 宏実 西雄 千佳1、東田 真由子1、松岡 祐貴2、平田 陽一郎3、黒部 裕嗣4、中屋 豊1、 北川 哲也4、佐田 政隆3 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine インスリン抵抗性に与えるアンジオテンシン変換酵素2 (ACE2)欠損の影響に関する検討 Special Talk GLP-1 receptor agonistの血管リモデリングに与える影 響の検討 Special Lecture 105 高血圧および蛋白尿を伴う2型糖尿病での糖尿病性腎症患者において,テル ミサルタンはロサルタンと比較し,降圧効果はほぼ同等だが,蛋白尿の減 少に関しては優れ、強い腎保護作用を有することが、大規模臨床試験 (AMADEO試験)により示されている。一方でテルミサルタンはアンジオテ ンシン1型受容体(AT1R)阻害とは独立した機序でPPARγ活性化作用を有す ることが示されており、PPARγアゴニストの腎線維化抑制作用の下流のエ フェクターとして肝細胞増殖因子(HGF)が発現することが明らかになって いる。ロサルタンと比較しテルミサルタンの腎保護作用が強い機序として テルミサルタンのAT1-R阻害作用とは独立した作用であるPPARγアゴニス ト作用により発現するHGFの抗線維化作用,抗炎症作用が存在するという 仮説を示すために以下の実験を行った。8週齢のAT1R欠損マウスに対し、 各薬剤(テルミサルタン、ロサルタン)投与を開始した1週間後に片則尿管結 札術を施行し、2週間後に腎臓の線維化、糸球体障害、炎症細胞の浸潤、組 織の上皮間葉転換(EMT)の評価を行った。テルミサルタン投与群では、ロ サルタン投与群、および薬剤投与しないコントロール群と比較し、腎組織 の線維化部分(マッソントリクローム染色陽性部分)が有意に抑制されてい た。また、免疫染色によるF4/80陽性部分、α-SMA陽性部分、TGF-β1陽性 部分もテルミサルタン投与群では減少しており、組織におけるマクロファー ジの浸潤、及び上皮間葉転換(EMT)が抑制されていると考えられた。また 糸球体障害スコアもテルミサルタン投与群では有意に低値となっていた。 これらのテルミサルタンによる作用は、HGF中和抗体投与およびPPARγア ンタゴニスト(GW9662)投与により打ち消されていた。一方で、血清および 腎組織の抽出液でのHGF濃度はテルミサルタン投与群で有意に上昇してい た。テルミサルタンは、アンジオテンシンIIタイプ1受容体阻害作用と独立 したPPARγアゴニスト作用により、腎組織で肝細胞増殖因子(HGF)を介 して糸球体障害や腎線維化を抑制する作用を有している。また、このよう な作用はロサルタンでは弱く、AMADEO試験での両薬剤の腎保護作用の差 異に影響を与えたと思われた。 President Lecture 104 Objective ApolipoproteinCIII (apoCIII) in TG-rich lipoproteins is elevated in patients with obesity, insulin resistance, or metabolic syndrome. Its level is also associated with proinflammatory adipokines. We examined the direct effect of apoCIII on adipokine expressions that are involved in these morbid conditions. Methods and Results Fully differentiated mouse 3T3-L1 adipocytes were incubated with apoCIII. ApoCIII activated NF-κB of 3T3-L1 adipocytes, and induced the expression of MCP-1 and IL-6. ApoCIII also activated ERK and p38. MEK1 inhibitor PD98059, but not p38 inhibitor SB203580, inhibited apoCIIIinduced up-regulation of MCP-1 and IL-6. We previously reported that apoCIII activates proinflammatory signals through toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2). TLR2 blocking antibody abolished activation of NF-κB and ERK induced by apoCIII, and inhibited apoCIII-induced up-regulation of MCP-1 and IL-6. ApoCIII also reduced adiponectin expression of 3T3-L1 adipocytes, which was recovered by TLR2 blocking antibody. ApoCIII induced the expression of MCP-1 and IL-6 in TLR2-overexpressed HEK293 cells, but not wild-type HEK293 cells without TLR2. ApoCIII induced the expression of MCP-1 and IL-6, and decreased adiponectin expression in white adipose tissue of wild-type mice but not of TLR2deficient mice in vivo. Conclusion Our results suggest that apoCIII activates ERK and NF-kB through TLR2, and induces proinflammatory adipokine expression in vitro and in vivo. Thus, apoCIII links dyslipidemia to inflammation in adipocytes, which in turn may contribute to atherosclerosis. 1 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学、2大阪大学大学院医学系研究科老 年腎臓内科学 楠 博1,2、谷山 義明1,2、家串 和真1,2、真田 文博1、東 純哉1,2、岡山 慶太1,2、 久徳 真梨子1、岩林 正明1、アマルナス チャタジー1、楽木 宏実2、 森下 竜一1 東京医科歯科大学血流制御内科学、2東京医科歯科大学先進倫理医科学開発学 川上 明夫1、下門 顕太郎1、吉田 雅幸2 1 肝細胞増殖因子(HGF)はPPARγアゴニスト作用を持つ ARBの腎保護作用のエフェクター分子として発現する 103 ApoCIII induces MCP-1 and IL-6 expression via TLR2 pathway in mouse adipocytes 102 ポスターセッション:メタボ・糖尿病 (3) Poster Session:Metabolic syndrome / Diabetes(3) 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program 循環病態 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 188 The phenotypic change of smooth muscle cells (SMC) is critical in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic lesions. We cloned Mrf-2/ARID5B gene, a member of the AT-rich interaction domain family of transcription factors, as a key regulator for the phenotypic change of SMCs. Studies on gene-targeting mice suggested that this factor is also involved in obesity and adipogenesis. Previously, our group reported that genetic variations of Mrf-2 are the genetic risk factors for coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus (DM). And we found that expression level of Mrf-2 is correlated with plasma level of adiponectin, which is secreted from the adipose tissue and may suppress DM and atherosclerosis. Therefore, we hypothesize that Mrf-2 may regulate the adiponectin expression.To reveal this mechanism, we use the 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation model. Mrf-2 has two isoforms,α and β, that differ in N-terminus. The expression of Mrf-2α preceded adiponectin up-regulation during 3T3-L1 differentiation, and overexpression of Mrf-2α using retrovirus construct resulted in several folds increase in adiponectin expression relative to the control. We examine how Mrf-2α up-regulates adiponectin gene transcription using human adiponectin promoter. As a result of luciferase reporter analysis, cotransfection of Mrf-2α with PPARγ2 and RXRα increase luciferase activity. And the promoter analysis with deletion and mutation suggests that peroxisome proliferator response element (PPRE) is important for the up-regulation of adiponectin expression by Mrf-2α. In conclusion, our study suggests that Mrf-2α may activate adiponectin transcription through PPRE site. This mechanism may be valuable for increasing serum adiponectin levels and may affect susceptibility to DM and atherosclerosis. 東京大学 循環器内科学、2東京大学 糖尿病・代謝内科学、3長崎大学 制御内科学、4東京大学 臨床疫学システム講座 1 大関 敦子1、渡辺 昌文1、眞鍋 一郎1、王 国琴1、今井 靖1、山内 敏正2、 原 一雄2、渡邉 綾1、河原崎 秀一1、前村 浩二3、門脇 孝2、山崎 力4、 永井 良三1 Mrf-2/ARID5B expression may affect susceptibility to atherosclerosis and DM by regulating adiponectin expression level 106 老年・腎臓内科学 【背景・目的】骨格筋のインスリン感受性に関して、近年骨格筋内脂肪蓄積 のインスリン抵抗性への関与について注目されているが、一定の見解が得 られていない。我々はこれまでに、 アンジオテンシンII受容体阻害薬(ARB) の中でも選択性PPAR㱏作用を有するテルミサルタンが、高脂肪高炭水化物 食負荷ラットにおいて体重増加の抑制、エネルギー消費量の増大と全身の インスリン感受性を改善すること、その機序として骨格筋ミトコンドリア 機能への影響を介することを報告してきた。今回は同薬の筋代謝に対する 影響について、骨格筋内脂肪蓄積と筋インスリン感受性に着目して検討を 行った。 【方法】8週齢のSDラットを対象に高脂肪高炭水化物食と同時にテ ルミサルタン(Tel、3mg/kg)あるいはバルサルタン(Val、5mg/kg)対照) を投与し、12週間後に骨格筋における各種遺伝子発現を検討、さらに骨格 筋内中性 脂肪(mTG)濃度を、トリグリセライドEテストワコーを用いて 測定した。またSDラットより摘出したヒラメ筋を薬剤存在下で培養し、β 酸化能と糖酸化能をCO2産生量により測定した。【結果】高脂肪高炭水化物 負荷SDラットにおいて、Tel投与群では骨格筋の脂肪酸取り込みに関連する CD36遺伝子(p<0.05) 、糖取り込みに関連するGLUT4遺伝子発現の増加(p <0.05) 、またエネルギー調節因子であるPDK4遺伝子の発現の増加(p<0.05) を認めた。しかし、Val投与群ではこれらの遺伝子変化を認めなかった。摘 出骨格筋の培養条件下の検討では、Tel群において脂肪酸β酸化能の増加(p <0.01)と、糖酸化能の増加(p<0.03)を認めた(vs. 対照群)が、Val群 では変化を認めなかった。またmTG濃度はTel群で対照群、Val群に比し低 い傾向を示した。先の研究結果をふまえ、高脂肪高炭水化物負荷時の環境 下では、選択性PPAR㱏作用性ARB(SPPARM)の一つであるテルミサルタ ンは、ミトコンドリア機能改善とPDK4発現増加による脂肪酸酸化の促進を 介して骨格筋内脂肪を減少させ、インスリン感受性を改善することが示唆 された。 【結語】SPPARMは、骨格筋の脂肪酸酸化促進による骨格筋内脂肪 の減少により、筋インスリン感受性を改善することが示唆された。 大阪大学 杉本 研、神出 計、大石 充、楽木 宏実 選択性PPARγ作動性アンジオテンシンII受容体拮抗薬 (ARB) の筋インスリン感受性に対する影響 107 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 189 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Symposium Anti-angiogenesis is an effective cancer treatment, however, tumor progression and refractoriness to anti-angiogenesis are often observed in both clinical and preclinical cancer models. We found that both hypoxic and low nutrition double-deprivation stress (DDS) regions in tumor tissue were expanded following anti-VEGF neutralization visualized by hypoxyprobe and a modified periodic-acid Schiff staining. We hypothesized that cancer cells reside in the double-deprivation niche is critical for the refractoriness to anti-angiogenic therapy. In agreement with our hypothesis, cancer cells following a long term DDS increased migration, invasion and anchorage independent growth in vitro, and demonstrated an increased tumor progression and angiogenesis associated with an increase in CD31+ blood vessel and infiltration of CD11b+ cells. We found that histone demethylase JHDM2A is commonly up-regulated under DDS in human and mouse cell lines in vitro and in vivo such as pre-angiogenic switch and “pre-refractory” phase of anti-VEGF antibody treatment. Specific inhibition of JHDM2A, by siRNAs significantly suppressed in vivo tumor growth. Importantly, suppression of JHDM2A demonstrated synergetic effect in combination with anti-VEGF antibody therapy, and improved an efficacy of anti-angiogenesis. Our results suggest that the targeting of cancer cells residential in the double-deprivation niche by inhibition of JHDM2A can be utilized for a novel treatment to overcome the refractoriness to antiangiogenic therapy. Endothelial-Mesenchymal transition (EndMT) plays important roles in various physiological and pathological processes. We previously reported that transforming growth factor (TGF) -㱎2 induces mesenchymal differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cell-derived endothelial cells (Kokudo et al.,2008). Furthermore, a recent report showed that cardiac fibrosis and carcinoma associated fibroblast (CAF) formation are related to EndMT (Zeisberg et al.,2007). However, the molecular mechanisms that regulate EndMT remain to be elucidated. Here we show that TGF㱎2 induces EndMT of mouse pancreatic microvascular endothelial cells (MS-1). MS-1 cells undergo morphological changes into spindle-like shape with the reorganization of actin stress fiber by the addition of TGF-㱎2. TGF-㱎2 induces the expression of various mesenchymal markers including smooth muscle actin (SMA) 㱍, SM22㱍, fibronectin1 and collagen1㱍1. TGF-㱎2 also results in the disappearance of VE-cadherin protein, an endothelial marker, from the surface of cells expressing SMA㱍. These results suggest that TGF-㱎2 is capable of inducing mesenchymal transition of MS-1 endothelial cells. 東京大学大学院医学系研究科病因病理学専攻分子病理学講座 東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科 分子腫瘍医学、2独立法人国立長寿 医療研究センター研究所 遺伝子蛋白質解析、3上武大学副学長・東京医科歯科大学 客員教授 1 三平 元、吉松 康裕、渡部 徹郎、宮園 浩平 大澤 毅1、村松 昌2、土田 里香1、王 峰1、湯浅 保仁1、澁谷 正史3 111 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine TGF-beta2 induces endothelial-mesenchymal transition of MS-1 endothelial cells Special Talk Histone demethylase JHDM2A is a novel target to overcome refractoriness of tumor cells to antiangiogenic therapy Special Lecture 110 老年・腎臓内科学、2大阪大学大学院先端移植基盤 The tissue-protective effects of erythropoietin (EPO) have been extensively investigated, while EPO administration can raise the hemoglobin (Hb) concentration. Recently, we reported that carbamylated erythropoietin (CEPO) protected kidneys from ischemia reperfusion injury as well as EPO. To investigate the clinical applications of CEPO, we next evaluated the long-term therapeutic effect of CEPO using a tubulointerstitial model rat. We randomized subtotally (5/6) nephrectomized rats to receive saline, EPO, or CEPO for 8 wk. CEPO- and EPOtreated rats improved serum creatinine compared with saline-treated control, although Hb level was significantly increased in EPO-treated rats. Two-photon microscopy revealed that EPO/CEPO significantly ameliorated tubular epithelial cell damage assessed by endocytosis. In addition, CEPO/EPO protected endothelial cells with a sustained blood flow rate. EPO/CEPO suppressed the number of TUNEL-positive apoptotic cells with weak 㱍SMA staining. Furthermore, PCR analysis demonstrated that TGF-㱎 and type I collagen expression was attenuated in EPO or CEPO-treated rats, accompanied by a significant decrease in interstitial fibrosis. In conclusion, we established a therapeutic approach to protect tubulointersitial injury with CEPO, and thus, the therapeutic value of this approach warrants further attention and preclinical studies. 1 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科 医療学 猪阪 善隆1、高原 史郎2、楽木 宏実1 President Lecture 【目的】食塩感受性の腎障害に内皮障害がどのように関与しているのか、内 皮型NO合成酵素欠損マウス(eNOS-/-)を用いて検討した。 【方法】(1)野生型 マウス(WT)とeNOS-/-に通常食または高食塩食を与え、経時的にアルブミン 尿を測定し、食塩負荷1週と4週後に腎障害を組織学的に評価した。(2)高食 塩食で飼育したeNOS-/-を、ビークル群とARB(イルベサルタン)投与群、抗 酸化薬(テンポール)投与群に分け、RA系や酸化ストレスの関与について検 討した。 【成績】(1)WTでは、高食塩食により糸球体eNOSのリン酸化が亢 進し、尿中NO代謝産物(NOx)の排泄が著明に増加した。また、WTでは食塩 を負荷してもアルブミン尿の増加や糸球体障害は生じなかった。一方、 eNOS-/-では、食塩負荷により尿中NOxの排泄増加はみられず、急速に尿中 アルブミン値が増加した。また、負荷により糸球体スーパーオキシド(O 2 -) の産生が増加し、負荷4週後には糸球体マクロファージの浸潤やMCP-1 mRNAの発現が有意に増強し、糸球体硬化も進行した。すなわち、eNOS-/では食塩負荷によるeNOS由来NO産生の代償がないために、アルブミン尿 増加や組織障害が出現することがわかった。また、eNOS-/-では、WTと違い、 負荷後早期より尿中アンジオテンシノーゲン(AGT)の排泄が増加し、炎症 惹起に先行して糸球体内皮細胞やメサンギウム細胞領域でAGT発現が有意 に増加することがわかった。さらに、Ang II産生も糸球体内で有意に増加し ていることを免疫組織学的に確認した。 (2) 食塩負荷でみられたeNOS-/-で の尿中AGT排泄や糸球体内のAGT発現とO2 - 産生の増加は、イルベサルタン やテンポールの投与により血圧非依存性に抑制された。また、eNOS-/-でみ られた食塩負荷によるアルブミン尿増加や糸球体炎症細胞の浸潤、MCP-1 発現の増加、糸球体硬化も両薬剤の投与ですべて有意に抑制された。eNOS 機能不全は、食塩過剰摂取により糸球体内でのAGT発現増強(RA系亢進)と 酸化ストレス増加(NO/ROS不均衡)を介し腎障害を進展することが示され た。 【結論】eNOS機能不全による血管内皮障害は食塩負荷によりアルブミ ン尿惹起を促進し、その機序に糸球体でのRA系活性化と酸化ストレス増加 が深く関与している。 1 熊本大学大学院 生命科学研究部 生体機能薬理学、2熊本大学大学院 生命科学 研究部 循環器病態学 中村 太志1、片岡 恵一郎1、名幸 久仁1、外山 研介1、董 一飛1、小川 久雄2、 光山 勝慶1 A nonerythropoietic derivative of erythropoietin inhibits tubulointerstitial fibrosis in remnant kidney 109 17:30〜 eNOS機能不全による血管内皮機能障害は、 糸球体内のRA 系活性化と酸化ストレス増加を介し食塩感受性に腎障害 を進展する 108 ポスターセッション:その他(2) Poster Session:Others(2) 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 190 Hypoxic tumors are usually resistant to conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapies, which typically target actively dividing cells. In contrast to blood vessel networks in normal tissues, tumors contain a chaotic and abnormal vasculature. These leaky vessels are unorganized, lack adequate pericyte coverage which compromises delivery of anticancer drugs to tumors. How best to normalize the aberrant tumor vasculature to maximize anti-cancer drug delivery comprises an area of intensive investigation. Vasculogenic processes occur normally in adult tissues to repair injured blood vessels, leading us to hypothesize that bone marrow (BM) cells may be able to restore appropriate vessel function in tumor vasculature. Culturing BM mononuclear cells with endothelial growth medium resulted in the early outgrowth of spindle-shaped attached monocytic cells with pro-angiogenic activity. Intravenous administration of these cultured proangiogenic monocytes into nude mice bearing pancreatic cancer xenografts and genetically engineered mice that develop pancreatic adenocarcinoma significantly reduced areas of hypoxia without enhancing tumor growth. The resulting vasculature structurally mimicked normal vessels with intensive pericyte coverage. Consistent with a marked reduction in gene expressions involved in drug resistance such as MDR1 and ABCG2 in proangiogenic monocytes-injected tumors, a combination of the transplantation and chemotherapeutic agents reduced tumor size and significantly increased areas of necrosis as compared to chemotherapy alone. Together, our findings offer an alternate approach to improve delivery and efficacy of anti-cancer drugs to hypoxic tumors through a remodeling of the abnormal tumor vessels. 1 旭川医科大学医学部内科学講座消化器・血液腫瘍制御内科学分野、2大阪医科大学 医学部薬理学講座 河本 徹1、水上 裕輔1、笹島 順平1、杉山 祥晃1、佐藤 一也1、伊井 正明2、 高後 裕1 Transplanting proangiogenic monocytes to tumorbearing mice attenuates innate resistance to chemotherapy/radiotherapy 112 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学 1 北海道大学 大学院歯学研究科 口腔病態学講座 血管生物学教室、2北海道大 学大学院歯学研究科 口腔病理病態学、3北海道大学大学院医学研究科 腫瘍外科学 Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation 191 Tumor angiogenesis is essential for tumor progression and metastasis. Traditionally, it has been believed that tumor vessels are same to normal vessels, but many reports suggested tumor vessels differ from its counterparts. For instances, tumor vessels are tortuous in appearance and have loose endothelial connections. These abnormalities resulted in leakiness of tumor blood vessels. It leads to the tumor hypoxic and drug-resistible environment so that the cancer cells favorable to survive. Recently, we have shown that tumor endothelial cells (TECs) express elevated levels of several genes such as MDR1 and they are more resistant to certain kinds of chemotherapeutic drugs compared to normal endothelial cells (NECs).These abnormalities could be caused by the factors in tumor microenvironment. In this study, we focused on microvesicles (MVs) shed by tumor cells and analyzed the functions of MVs. MVs, 30 nm - a few um diameter particles, are secreted from many types of tumor cells. MVs contain many kinds of biologically active agents, such as growth factor receptor or transcription factor. Thus, the MVs have been considered as signal transducer implicated in intercellular communications. We examined whether NECs would acquire TEC specific phenotypes by the treatment of MVs derived from human melanoma cells. NECs were incubated with 50 ug/mL of the MVs for 24 hours. It was indicated that PKH26 dye-labeled MVs were taken up into cytoplasm of NECs by immunocytochemical study using confocal microscopy and FACS analysis. Several gene expressions, such as SMA, snail, were up-regulated and VE-Cadherin was down-regulated in NECs by tumor-derived MVs treatment. These results suggest that tumor-the MVs might cause Endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) in NECs. Symposium The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization 【背景と目的】Angiopoietins (Angs)/Tie-2 systemは、血管の成熟・安定化制御 に重要なシステムとして知られる。我々はこれまでに、血管内皮細胞にお いて、受容体Tie-2がメタロプロテアーゼ活性依存性に75kDaと115kDaの可 溶型 (75-sTie-2と115-sTie-2)に変換されること、前者は MMP-14活性依存性 であることを見いだし、新規Angs/Tie-2 system制御系の存在の可能性を示唆 した。本研究では、 115-sTie-2産生機構に関する詳細な検討を行った。 【結果】 ヒト微小血管内皮細胞(HMEVCs)は、115-sTie-2や75-sTie-2を同程度に産 生しており、両者の産生はメタロプロテアーゼインヒビターGM6001処置で 抑 制 さ れ た。 一 方、MMP-14 siRNA処 置 やTIMP-2, TIMP-3処 置 に よ り75sTie-2産生は完全に抑制されるものの、115-sTie-2産生は抑制されなかった ことから、115-sTie-2分泌にはTIMPsに非感受性で知られるADAM9の関与 が推測された。HMVECs へのADAM9 siRNA処置は75-sTie-2分泌に影響を 及ぼさない一方で、115-sTie-2分泌を有意に抑制した。HEK293細胞へTie-2 と luciferaseの共遺伝子導入を行った細胞(HEK293-Tie-2/luciferase)から 115-sTie-2が 産 生 さ れ る が、Tie-2とADAM9 の 共 遺 伝 子 導 入 し た 細 胞 (HEK293-Tie-2/ADAM9) か ら の115-sTie-2産 生 はHEK293-Tie-2/luciferaseの それと比較して亢進していた。以上から、ADAM9はTie-2を115kDaの可溶 型へ変換する主要なメタロプルテアーゼであることが示唆された。TNF-α はHMVECsに お け る115-sTie-2の 産 生 を 亢 進 し、 こ の 亢 進 効 果 はTIMP-2, TIMP-3で抑制されず、ADAM9 siRNA処置で抑制された。さらにTNF-αは HEK293-Tie-2/ADAM9における115-sTie-2産生を亢進すると同時に全長Tie-2 の発現を低下させた。マウス重症下肢虚血モデルにおいては、 正常と比較し、 虚血誘導一日目の大腿筋肉中においてTie-2 mRNAの発現が亢進している一 方で、全長Tie-2タンパクの発現は低下していた。さらに虚血誘導一日目の 大腿筋肉中ではTNF-α、115-sTie-2の発現が亢進していた。【結語】ADAM9 はTIMPsの有無にかかわらずTie-2を115kDaの可溶型に変換することで、血 管内皮細胞におけるTie-2シグナル調節に関与することが示唆された。 1 北海道大学大学院歯学研究科血管生物学教室、2北海道大学大学院歯学研究科口腔 病理病態学、3北海道大学大学院医学研究科腫瘍外科学 川本 泰輔1、大賀 則孝1、北山 和子1、秋山 廣輔1、近藤 美弥子1、間石 奈湖1、 大澤 崇宏1、山本 和幸1、進藤 正信2、樋田 泰浩3、樋田 京子1 九州大学大学院医学研究院病理病態学、2九州大学大学院薬学研究院 革新的バイ オ医薬創成学、3国立病院機構福岡東医療センター 1 鬼丸 満穂1、米満 吉和2、居石 克夫3 116 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Tumor-derived microvesicles cause gene changes in endothelial cells Special Talk 血管内皮細胞におけるTie-2可溶型変換機構へのADAM9 の関与 Special Lecture 115 Periostin (PN) is a secreted protein that has been suggested to be involved in cell adhesion functions, however the molecular mechanism is still unknown. Moreover, some papers report that PN is over-expressed in some tumors such as colon and breast cancer, and is correlated with tumor growth and invasiveness. Since PN is highly expressed in 4T1 mouse breast cancer cells, we made anti-PN antibody (PNAb) and investigated whether it could suppress the PN-induced adhesion and inhibit the metastatic activity of the cells. We found that PN dose-dependently inhibited the adhesion of 4T1 cells. Also, PN-Ab suppressed the migration and invasion of 4T1 cell.And we further assessed the role of PN in the lung-metastasized animal model, in which BALB/c mice were injected with 4T1 cells in the foot pad, and received intravenously control IgG or PN-Ab at the same time. The single PN-Ab injection significantly suppressed the primary tumor growth after two weeks assessed in the foot pad size, and decreased the number of metastasized colonies to the lung after three weeks, compared to the control IgG injected group.Taken together, these results show that the therapeutic potential of PN-Ab for breast cancer. 久徳 真梨子、谷山 義明、葛城 鳴門、楠 博、岡山 慶太、岩林 正明、 Amarnath Chatterjee、森下 竜一 大賀 則孝1、石川 修平1、秋山 広輔1、北山 和子1、近藤 美弥子1、間石 奈湖1、 川本 泰輔1、樋田 泰浩3、進藤 正信2、樋田 京子1 President Lecture It has been an important concept of tumor angiogenesis that tumor endothelial cells (TECs) are genetically normal and homogenous.However, we have reported that the TECs are different from normal endothelial cells (NECs). For example, TECs up-regulate many genes and proliferate more rapidly and migrate more than normal endothelial cells (NECs). Furthermore, TECs were cytogenetically abnormal. However, it remains to be unclear whether TECs are different or not, depending on phenotypes of tumors from which TEC are isolated. In this study, we isolated two types of murine TECs from two different types of tumor xenografts; highly metastatic melanoma (HMM) and low metastatic melanoma (LMM) in nude mice and compared their phenotypic and genetic characters between HMM-TEC and LMM-TEC. HMM-TEC showed higher proliferative activity, motility and invasive activity than LMM-TEC. In addition, HMM-TEC expressed higher levels of mRNAs of the reported tumor endothelial-specific markers such as CD13, TEM-8 and angiogenesis-related genes such as VEGF-R1, 2 than LMM-TEC. Furthermore, HMM-TEC up-regulated the mRNA expression levels of stemness-related genes such as Sca-1 and CD90 and they showed the spheroid morphologies with smooth surface and high circularity in stem cell spheroid assay. In addition, an alkaline phosphatase was activated after culture in osteogenic medium for 7 days in HMMTEC but not in LMM-TEC nor NEC, suggesting that HMM-TEC may have potential to differentiate to osteoblast. These results suggest that the phenotypes of TECs are different dependeing on metastatic potential of tumors. The use of monomorphemic anti-angiogenic drugs have limitations, thus studies on TEC heterogeneity will help us to develop ideal antiangiogenic therapies. Anti-Periostin Antibody Inhibits Tumor Progression and Metastasis in Breast Cancer 114 17:30〜 Comparative characterization of tumor endothelial cells isolated from highly and low metastatic tumors 113 ポスターセッション:その他 (3) Poster Session:Others(3) 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 192 【目的】 平滑筋細胞に発現していることが知られている Hic-5 は、 Paxillin ファ ミリータンパクに属する接着斑タンパクであり、細胞接着斑の中で足場的 存在である。Hic-5 欠損型マウス(KO)にバルーン血管傷害術を行ったと ころ、血小板凝集の形態変化が野生型マウス(WT)に比べ抑制されている ことが明らかになった。本研究では血小板凝集における Hic-5 の役割につ いて検討した。 【方法】まず WT、KO マウスの尾の先端を切断して生理食塩水の中に入れ、 止血するまでの時間を測定した。続いて WT 及び KO マウスより採取した 洗浄血小板を collagen、thrombin で刺激し、透過率および凝集塊数を測定し た。さらに洗浄血小板液を thrombin で刺激し、 活性型 integrin 量を測定した。 【結果・考察】KO マウスで出血時間の延長が認められた。このことから Hic-5 欠損により個体レベルで止血機能が低下していることが確認できた。 また、collagen 及び thrombin 刺激に対し、KO マウスの血小板では凝集抑制 が観察された。血小板凝集能の測定では洗浄血小板を使用しているので、 血小板機能そのものに Hic-5 が関与していることが確認できた。さらに KO マウスでは WT マウスと比較して integrin 㱍IIb㱎3 の活性化が低下していた。 integrin 㱍IIb 㱎3 は血小板に発現している integrin の9割を占め、血小板凝集 に最も重要な役割を担っている。KO マウスの血小板凝集に抑制が見られ たのは、integrin 㱍 IIb㱎3 の活性化が低下していたためであると考えられた。 今後 integrin 㱍IIb 㱎3 活性化における Hic-5 の役割を解析することにより、 ヒト血小板の病態解明につながるものと期待される。 重症虚血肢は、臨床症状として虚血性潰瘍や安静時疼痛を呈する慢性動脈 閉塞症の最も重篤な病態である。治療の第一選択は血行再建術であるが、 その適応が困難な症例では下肢切断リスクを低下させる確実な手段は存在 せず、新たな治療法が望まれている。 そのような病態に対し、近年血管新生因子を用いた遺伝子治療が多数試み られている。我々は日本で発見された肝細胞増殖因子(HGF)に早期より 着目し、HGFに血管内皮細胞に特異的な増殖作用、血管新生作用等の血管 新生療法ツールとして有用な作用があることを見出した。2001年から臨床 研究を大阪大学病院において開始し、血行再建術の適応が無く内科的治療 にも反応しない22例の閉塞性動脈硬化症あるいはビュルガー病患者におい て、6割以上の患者で明らかな症状の改善が認められた。 この成果を引き継ぐ形で、薬事承認取得を目的として、重症虚血肢を有す る閉塞性動脈硬化症患者を対象としたプラセボ対照無作為化二重盲検比較 試験が、2004年から多施設共同治験として開始された。その結果、プライ マリーエンドポイントである初回遺伝子導入3ヵ月後の虚血性潰瘍あるいは 安静時疼痛の改善において、HGF遺伝子治療群のプラセボ群に対する優越 性が確認され(p=0.014、Mantel Haenszel検定)、かつ安全性にも大きな問題 は 認 め ら れ な か っ た(Shigematsu H et al, Gene Therapy advance online publication, April 15, 2010 (DOI 10.1038/ gt.2010.51)) 。さらに本試験では遺伝 子導入3年後までの長期フォローアップが行なわれている。これまで2年後 までの大切断発生率:5.3%、死亡率:2.6%という成績が得られており、こ れはTASCIIで報告されている1年後の大切断発生率:30%、死亡率:25%、 欧州で実施されたFGF1プラスミドの第II相試験のプラセボ群における1年後 の大切断発生率:33.9%、死亡率:23.2%と比較すると良好な成績であると いえる。今回は、長期データを含めたHGF遺伝子治療の成績を報告する。 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学、2東京医科大学 血管外科、3北海 道中央労災病院せき損センター、4医療法人慶友会つくば血管センター、5旭川医科 大学 外科学第一講座、6戸田中央総合病院 血管内治療センター、7東京大学大学 院医学系研究科 生物統計学/疫学・予防保健学、8東北大学病院 東北大学未来 医工学治療開発センター、9大阪府立急性期・総合医療センター 1 森下 竜一1、重松 宏2、安田 慶秀3、岩井 武尚4、笹嶋 唯博5、石丸 新6、 大橋 靖雄7、山口 拓洋8、荻原 俊男9 昭和大学大学院薬学研究科臨床毒性学、2昭和大学医学部生化学 1 重症虚血肢に対するHGF遺伝子治療の長期成績 宮内 彩1、吉田 武美1、金山 朱里2、宮崎 章2 118 血小板凝集における細胞接着斑分子 Hic-5 の機能解析 117 Index 193 Poster The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Selected Oral Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Y.I.A. Presentation Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 内科、3 【背景・目的】 EPCは、障害血管の修復や虚血臓器における血管新生に寄 与することが知られ、患者EPCを用いた臨床応用も検討されている。 し かし、老化や糖尿病などの心血管リスクは、EPC機能を低下させ、心血管 系疾患病態や、EPC導入療法の臨床効果に大きく影響している。 Ape1は、 DNA修復や様々な機序を介して多角的に抗酸化ストレス作用を発揮する遺 伝子である。 我々は、Ape1発現EPCは、酸化ストレス下の障害血管での EPC効果を亢進させるのか検証した。【方法・結果】 マウス大腿動脈ワイ ヤー障害による血管リモデリング実験において、老化マウス(C57BL6 1.5 years-old)骨髄を移植した群では、成人マウス(10 weeks-old)骨髄移植群 にくらべ、新生内膜肥厚度が増加していた。 老化骨髄マウスにおける増 悪化血管リモデリングは、成人マウス由来y-EPC(lin-,ckit+,Flk+)導入により 改善した。 老化マウス由来aged-EPCは、y-EPCにくらべ、細胞接着能な どの機能が低下しており、炎症サイトカインTNFaの刺激に反応して、 y-EPC内のApe1遺伝子発現が誘導されるが、aged-EPCにおいては減弱して いた。精製したEPCをApe1発現用組み換えAdenovirusに感染させた後、血 管ワイヤー障害モデルに導入した。 対照としてGFP発現adenovirus感染 EPCを用いた。 GFP-EPCにおいても新生内膜肥厚低下効果を認めるが、 Ape1-EPCに お い て 著 明 な 血 管 リ モ デ リ ン グ 改 善 効 果 を 示 し た。 【結 論】 Ape発現EPCは、EPCの有する障害血管の修復機能を亢進させ た。 老化などの心血管系リスクにより機能低下しているEPCを改善させ る方法として期待される。 旭川医科大学内科学循環呼吸神経病態学、2旭川リハビリテーション病院 旭川医科大学 心血管再生先端医療開発講座 1 Symposium Background: It was hypothesized that pericardial fat as local visceral fat depot with close proximity to coronary arteries may serve as a source of inflammatory cytokines and cells in coronary atherosclerotic lesions. Macrophage accumulation enhances the chronic inflammation in adipose tissue, but the macrophage phenotypic change in human pericardial adipose tissue and its role in atherogenesis are unknown. Methods and Results:Pare samples were obtained from epicardial and subcutaneous adipose tissues during elective cardiac surgery (CAD, n=38; non-CAD, n=40). Infiltration of M1/M2 macrophages was investigated by immunohistochemistry using antibodies against CD11c and CD206, respectively. We analyzed the expression of pro- and anti-inflammatory adipocytokines in adipose tissues by realtime qPCR. Infiltration of macrophages and expression of pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines were enhanced in epicardial fat of patients with coronary artery disease, when compared with that of non-CAD patient (P<0.05). The ratio of M1/M2 macrophage was positively correlated with severity of coronary artery disease (r=0.312, P=0.039). Furthermore, the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines was positively correlated, and the expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines was negatively correlated, with the ratio of M1/M2 macrophages in epicardial adipose tissue of CAD patients. On the other hand, there was no significant difference between the CAD and non-CAD groups in macrophage infiltration and cytokine expression in subcutaneous adipose tissue. Conclusions:The ratio of M1/M2 macrophages changed in epicardial adipose tissue of CAD patients compared to non-CAD patients. The macrophage polarization in epicardial adipose tissue might influence the atherogenesis in human coronary arteries. 徳島大学大学院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部循環器内科学分野、2徳島大学大学 院ヘルスバイオサイエンス研究部心臓血管外科学分野、3榊原記念病院心臓血管外 科 1 山内 敦司1,2、川辺 淳一1,3、浅野目 晃1、竹原 有史1,3、長谷部 直幸1,3 平田 陽一郎1、元木 達夫2、黒部 裕嗣2、赤池 雅史1、田端 実3、高梨 秀一郎3、 佐田 政隆1 122 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Apurinic/apyrimidinic Endonuclease1(APE1)遺伝子導 入した内皮前駆細胞 (EPC)による新生内膜肥厚改善効果 Special Talk Macrophages “shift” toward inflammatory state in epicardial fat of patients with coronary artery disease Special Lecture 121 【背景】糸球体濾過率(GFR)が同程度でも、加齢等による腎機能低下と糖尿 病 や 高 血 圧 な ど 血 管 障 害 に よ る 腎 機 能 低 下 で は 病 態 が 異 な る。 推 定 GFR(eGFR)は慢性腎臓病(CKD)患者においてもその腎機能を推定する有用 な指標であるが、eGFRのみでは個々の腎臓病の病態の評価や予後の予測を 正確に行うのは難しいと考えられる。腎血流ドプラにおいて腎区域動脈で の(最高流速-拡張末期流速)/最高流速で定義されるResistive index(RI)は、腎 内血管抵抗・動脈硬化度を反映する指標とされる。これまで、RIにより評 価される腎内血管障害・血管抵抗と血圧日内変動の関連についての充分な 検討は報告されていない。我々は過去の学会においてその両者の関連性を 報告してきたが、今回さらに症例数を増やし詳細に検討した結果を報告す る。 【方法】2009年2月以降に大阪大学医学部附属病院老年・高血圧内科病 棟にて腎血流ドプラを施行した、CKDの有無を問わない連続194例(平均年 齢66.2歳)において、RIと、自由行動下血圧測定(ABPM)により評価した血圧 日内変動、採血・尿検査を含む複数のパラメーターとの相関を検討した。 【結 果】RIは、年齢、eGFR、body mass index、拡張期血圧、脈圧、尿蛋白など と有意に相関した。CKD stageI、II、III相当の軽度腎機能低下例では、同程 度のeGFRであっても、糖尿病群が非糖尿病群に比べて有意にRIが高かった。 このことは、糖尿病によってGFRに変化が現れてくる前の段階から腎内の 血管障害をきたしていること、またそれを腎血流ドプラにより評価しうる ことを示していると考えられる。血圧日内変動との関連では、 日内サージ (早 朝収縮期血圧―夜間最低収縮期血圧)の大小で2群に分けて比較すると、 サー ジの大きい群で有意にRIの高値を認め、このことにより血圧日内変動と腎 内血管抵抗・動脈硬化度との関連性が示唆された。【考察】本研究により、 RIが腎障害の病態評価や予後予測に有用であることが示された。また、血 圧日内変動が腎内血管病変とも相関していることが示された。血圧日内変 動は、腎保護の観点からも重要な治療ターゲットとなりうると考えられる。 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科老年・腎臓内科学 河合 達男、神出 計、大西 美幸、竹屋 泰、花咲 博子、多田羅 雄之、馬場 義親、 島岡 泉、大石 充、楽木 宏実 腎評価軸としての腎血流ドプラの有用性 -自由行動下血圧 測定(ABPM)との相関からの検討- President Lecture Background: Dietary cholesterol oxidation product, oxysterol, is known to be absorbed from intestine and incorporate into atherosclerotic lesions, and accelerates the development of atherosclerosis in animals. However, the mechanism of dietary oxysterol-induced atherogenesis has not been explored. Hence we aimed to investigate molecular and cellular mechanisms by which dietary oxysterol accelerates atherogenesis in hypercholesterolemic mice. Methods and Results: ApoE-deficient mice were fed with either a control high-fat diet (control-HFD) or HFD containing oxysterol (oxysterol-HFD; 6.8 % of cholesterol was oxidized) for 8 weeks and infused with angiotensin II. OxysterolHFD enhanced the formation of aortic atherosclerosis in en face analysis, macrophage infiltration, and MCP-1 expression in atherosclerotic lesions without affecting plasma total cholesterol levels. In addition, oxysterol-HFD did accelerate plaque destabilization (macrophage infiltration, fibrous cap thinning) and the incidence of plaque rupture (control-HFD=3.5±0.3; oxysterol-HFD=4.9±0.5/ mouse; P<0.05) in the brachiocephalic arteries. Treatment with ezetimibe, a cholesterol absorption inhibitor, significantly decreased plasma cholesterol levels and suppressed the enhanced atherosclerosis formation, monocyte activation, MMPs activation, and the incidence of plaque rupture induced by oxysterol-HFD. Conclusions: Dietary oxysterol accelerated atherogenesis through monocytemediated inflammation and MMP activation in hypercholesterolemic mice, which is prevented by the treatment with ezetimibe. Inhibiting absorption of dietary oxysterol by ezetimibe may be a reasonable therapeutic approach in vulnerable patients who overly intake oxysterol. 九州大学医学研究院循環器内科学 佐藤 敬、的場 哲哉、香月 俊輔、中野 覚、江頭 健輔 Dietary Oxysterol Accelerates Atherosclerosis and Plaque Rupture Through Macrophage Mediated Inflammation in Mice 119 120 18:00〜 ポスターセッション:動脈硬化(4) Poster Session:Atherosclerosis(4) 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 194 背景:イコサペント酸エチルは血管不全改善効果を有することが報告され ているが、血管機能改善と同時に血管形態に対して生じうる影響について は、充分に検討されていない。目的:イコサペント酸エチル内服による血 管不全改善効果を評価すると同時に、血管形態の改善効果の有無につき検 討すること。方法:高トリグリセライド血症例連続14例(平均年齢60.2± 13.6歳、男性7名)を対象とし、血液学的検査、血管機能測定専用超音波装 置(ユネクスEF)による前腕駆血法による血管内皮依存性血管拡張反応評 価、ニトログリセリン投与法による血管内皮非依存性血管拡張反応評価を、 イコサペント酸エチル投与前と投与後6ヵ月後に施行した。血管内皮依存性 血管拡張反応は、前腕動脈駆血前と一定時間駆血後開放し血流増加に伴い 拡張した上腕動脈血管径を計測し、血管径変化率(%FMD)を算出し評価 した。血管内皮非依存性血管拡張反応は、ニトログリセリンによる血流増 加刺激前とニトログリセリン投与で生じた血流増加に伴い拡張した上腕動 脈血管径を計測し、血管径変化率(%NMD)を算出し評価した。また、同 部位で同時に中内膜複合体厚(IMT)計測を施行した。結果:イコサペン ト酸エチル投与前%FMDは4.81±1.41、イコサペント酸エチル投与6ヵ月後 %FMDは6.42±2.19であり、有意な上昇を認めた(P=0.046)。イコサペント 酸エチル投与前%NMDは15.88±4.96、イコサペント酸エチル投与6ヵ月後 %NMDは16.4±6.57であり、有意な変化を認めなかった。イコサペント酸 エチル投与前中内膜複合体厚(IMT)は0.295±0.052mm、イコサペント酸 エチル投与6ヵ月後IMTは0.304±0.074mmであり、有意な変化を認めなかっ た。結語:イコサペント酸エチルの6ヶ月間の投与にて血管内皮機能改善を 認めるが、中内膜複合体厚の改善には至らないことが示唆された。 大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科循環器病態内科学、2西宮渡辺病院、3兵庫医療大学、 4 浅香山病院 1 竹本 恭彦1、島田 健永1、井口 朋和1、中西 弘毅1、松本 健嗣1、花谷 彰久1、 中村 泰浩1、室生 卓1、吉川 純一2、東 純一3、田原 旭4、葭山 稔1 高トリグリセライド血症におけるイコサペント酸エチル の血管不全改善効果:機能形態同時評価による検討 123 Objective: In this study, we examined the chronic effects of LDL apheresis on clinical parameters and endothelial cell functions in hemodialysis patients with PAD. Methods and Results: The enrolled patients were classified into 2 groups according to the response to LDL apheresis: patients with improved ABI (ABI responders) and patients with worsened ABI (ABI nonresponders) after treatment. In ABI responders, the absolute walking distance and the ABI were increased at the 10th session compared with baseline (from 118±26 m to 333±45 m, P<0.05; from 0.53±0.06 to 0.69±0.06, P<0.05; absolute walking distance and ABI, respectively) and even at 3 months after the end of treatment (from 118±26 m to 297±63 m, P<0.05; from 0.53±0.06 to 0.69±0.05, P<0.05). On the other hand, neither absolute walking distance nor ABI showed any changes during the study period in ABI nonresponders. In ABI responders, apheresis resulted in a long-term reduction of circulating levels of oxidized LDL, C-reactive protein, and fibrinogen. In HUVECs the serum from the ABI responders increased expression of activated ecNOS protein, which is phosphorylated at Ser-1177, and BrdU incorporation activity. Furthermore, there were significant correlation between ABI and activated ecNOS protein level (R=0.43, P<0.05), between walking distance and activated ecNOS protein level (R=0.57, P<0.05), and between walking distance and oxidized LDL (R=-0.45, P<0.05), in HUVECs treated with ABI responder serum. Conclusion: These results demonstrate that LDL apheresis decreases oxidized LDL and inflammation and improves endothelial cell function in the responders. This may be one of the mechanisms involved in the long-term therapeutic effect of LDL apheresis on peripheral circulation in hemodialysis patients. 横浜市立大学医学部循環器・腎臓内科学 田村 功一、池谷 裕子、涌井 広道、三橋 洋、前田 晃延、出島 徹、大澤 正人、 金岡 知彦、白 善雅、柳 麻衣、戸谷 義幸、梅村 敏 Sustained Inhibition of Oxidized LDL is Involved in the Long-Term Therapeutic Effects of Apheresis in Dialysis Patients 124 18:00〜 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 195 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Angiogenesis a complex process accomplished by reiteration of modules such as sprouting, elongation, and bifurcation, but its cell-based mechanisms remain largely unknown. Time-lapse imaging of aortic ring sprouting assay surprisingly revealed that, vascular endothelial cells (ECs) move backwards and forwards, taking over each other even at the tip, showing hitherto unknown mode of morphogenetic cell movement. In order to further understand the events, nuclei of individual ECs were tracked and parameters reflecting EC movement were set to represent and integrate different molecular interventions. In response to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), velocity and orientation were increased, and these were associated with increment in neo-sprouting and elongation capacity of tip cell, which in turn coincided with the increase in vessel elongation and branching point. As for DeltaNotch signaling, Delta-like 4 antibody (Dll4-Ab) treatment also led to increase in vessel elongation, velocity and neo-sprouting, which were partially recapitulated by inhibition of Notch by 㱏-secretase inhibitor, DAPT. Part of the discrepancy between both treatments (increase in taking-over frequency and retrograde directional motility) was recapitulated by platelet-derived growth factor receptor-㱎 antibody treatment, suggesting the effect of mural cells (MCs), which express Jag1, another Notch ligand. These observations may unravel how VEGF-mediated branch elongation is accomplished through EC-EC and EC-MC interaction, partly via Notch signaling. To understand the phenomenon we are establishing a theoretical simulation model using cellular automata. Our effort shown here may lead to a holistic understanding of angiogenic morphogenesis integrating molecular, cellular and modular level. 東京大学医学系研究科代謝生理化学教室 Symposium Tumor endothelial cells (TEC) are a therapeutic target of metronomic chemotherapy. In this study, we investigate drug resistance of TEC. We also investigate the mechanism how endothelial cells (EC) acquire drug resistance. Mouse TEC and normal endothelial cells (NEC) were isolated and purified from melanoma xenografts and the dermis, respectively. MTS assay showed that TEC were resistant to 5-FU and paclitaxel. And, multi-drug resistance 1 (MDR-1) mRNA level was upregulated in TEC compared to NEC (P<0.01). Human NEC, human microvascular endothelial cells (HMVEC) were cultured with melanoma conditioned medium (tumor CM) to see if NEC acquire drug resistance. After fiveday treatment with tumor CM, HMVEC became more resistant to serum starvation and paclitaxel with up-regulation of MDR-1 gene which encodes P-glycoprotein (Pgp) (P<0.01). In addition, Y-box binding protein 1 (YB-1) which is a transcriptional factor of MDR-1 was translocated to the nuclear by tumor CM treatment (P<0.01). In the presence of P-gp inhibitor, verapamil, HMVEC were resensitized to paclitaxel even after tumor CM treatment. When tumor CM was pretreated with heat, it did not upregulate MDR-1 in HMVEC. In conclusion, TEC are resistant to 5-FU and paclitaxel. Tumor CM induce drug resistance to NEC. Nuclear translocalization of YB-1 and upregulation of MDR-1 following tumor exposure might be a mechanism of drug resistance acquired by TEC. 北海道大学大学院歯学研究科血管生物学、2北海道大学大学院医学研究科腫瘍外科、 3 北海道大学大学院歯学研究科口腔病理病態学 1 有馬 聡、西山 功一、候 聡志、有馬 勇一郎、小関 宏昭、内島 泰信、 栗原 由紀子、栗原 裕基 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 樋田 京子1、秋山 廣輔1、大賀 則孝1、樋田 泰浩2、北山 和子1、近藤 美弥子1、 間石 奈湖1、川本 泰輔1、大澤 崇宏1、山本 和幸1、進藤 正信3 128 Special Talk Novel insight into angiogenesis: In-depth analysis through time-lapse imaging and quantification Special Lecture Tumor induces drug resistance of endothelial cells by nuclear translocation of YB-1 and up-regulation of MDR-1 これまで報告されてきたVEGF (血管内皮細胞増殖因子)などの多くの血管新 生因子は、低酸素ストレス応答に必須な転写因子HIF(Hypoxia-Inducible Factor)により誘導されていることが報告されている。私達はHIFのサブタ イプの1つであるHIF2αに焦点を絞り、酵母Two-Hybrid法を用いて解析を進 めた結果、HIF2αの結合因子としてInt6/eIF3eを同定した。Int6はマウスお よびヒトにて乳癌の癌抑制遺伝子として報告されているが、これまでの詳 細な解析により、Int6がHIF2αに直接結合し低酸素非依存的にHIF2αを分 解する新たな機序を発見した(Chen et al. JBC 2007)。次に、Int6-siRNAをマ ウス皮下に導入したところ、5日間で面積、長さとも7−10倍の有為な増加 を示す正常な動脈・静脈からなる血管新生効果が認められた。動物モデル を用いた実験では、(1) 正常および糖尿病マウス(db/db)による皮膚損傷、 (2) 左環状動脈結紮によるラット心筋梗塞、(3) マウス凍結脳損傷、(4)マウ ス下肢動脈閉塞の各モデルで、顕著な改善効果が見られた。さらに、Int6お よびHIF2αのプロモーター解析等により、Int6を介するHIF2αのNegative Feedback制御機構が明らかになった。すなわちInt6はHIF2αの発現量を調整 しそのhomeostasisを維持する機能があり、Int6-siRNAがInt6の抑制機序破綻 させてしまうためHIF2αの過剰発現を惹起し、著明な血管新生を誘導して いた。以上の結果から、 Int6はHIF2αを介した血管新生を調節する 「マスター スイッチ」の一つであることが示唆された(Chen et al. Circulation 2010) 。 これらの結果から、Int6-siRNAが創薬の候補として虚血性疾患の治療のみ ならず、再生医療や細胞移植時の細胞の生存効果を改善する補助療法とし ても応用が期待される。 1 東京都臨床医学総合研究所分子医療プロジェクト、2がん感染症センター都立駒込 病院、3京都大学大学院付属病院乳腺外科 芝崎 太1、陳 リー1、Alexander Endler1、内田 和代1、堀口 慎一郎2、 飯島 修1、戸井 雅和3 新規HIF2α抑制因子Int6/eIF3eによる正常血管新生機序 とInt6-siRNAによる虚血性疾患治療への応用 126 President Lecture 127 背景:血管新生は、個体発生や創傷治癒、動脈硬化、癌の発育、転移など、 生理的にも病的にも重要な役割を果たしている。血管内皮増殖因子 (VEGF) は血管新生の強力な誘導因子であるが、VEGFによる血管新生の制御機構は まだ十分には明らかとなっていない。そこで我々は、VEGFによる血管新生 における細胞接着分子であるネクチン様分子のNecl-5の役割について検討 した。方法、結果:免疫組織染色にて、Necl-5は、マウス下肢の毛細血管 の内皮に強く発現していた。マウスの大腿動脈の結紮により、下肢での Necl-5の発現は増加した。Necl-5ノックアウトマウスに対して下肢血管新生 のモデルである大腿動脈結紮術を施行し、野生型と比較したところ、Necl-5 ノックアウトマウスでは下肢の血流の回復は、野生型のマウスと比べて遅 延しており、結紮4週間後の毛細血管密度は低下していた。また、マトリゲ ルプラグアッセイを行ったところ、VEGFによる新生血管の形成は、野生型 のマウスに比べてNecl-5ノックアウトマウスでは減弱していた。次にNecl-5 の血管新生の制御の分子機構を検討するために、培養ヒト臍帯静脈内皮細 胞において、Necl-5をsiRNAを用いてノックダウンした。VEGFにより誘導 される管腔形成、遊走、増殖はNecl-5のノックダウンにより阻害された。 一方、血清飢餓により誘導されるアポトーシスはNecl-5のノックダウンに より増強された。Necl-5のノックダウンによりVEGFにより誘導される、 VEGF受容体(VEGFR2)とインテグリン㱍v㱎3との相互作用は抑制され、 VEGFによるAktの活性化は抑制された。結語:以上より、Necl-5はVEGFR2 とインテグリン㱍v㱎3との相互作用に必要で、VEGFによるシグナル伝達を 制御することにより、血管新生を調節していることが明らかとなった。 神戸大学大学院医学研究科循環器内科学 衣笠 允雄、力武 良行、小林 成美、呉羽 布美恵、銕 佑介、宮田 宗明、 久保 嘉輝、平田 健一 VEGFによる血管新生におけるNecl-5の役割 125 ポスターセッション:血管・リンパ管新生 (5) Poster Session:Angiogenesis / Lymphangiogenesis(5) 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program 1 旭川医科大学医学部心血管再生先端医療開発講座、2旭川医科大学医学部内科学循 環呼吸神経病態学 Introduction; Vasa vasorum (VV), a microvasculature in the adventitial layer of arteries have been implicate to play a role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. The mechanism of VV angiogenesis is still unclear because of lack of appropriate histochemical analysis. Weʼve developed in vivo angiogenesis assay using collagen-coating tube (CCT) to observe the microvasculature around the arterial walls. In this study, we investigated whether peripheral nerve is crucial for VV angiogenesis in injured vascular walls. Methods and Results; C57BL6 male mouse femoral arteries were injured by wire and biodegradable gelatin hydrogels releasing VEGF and nerve growth factor (NGF) were applied outside of injured arteries. In vivo CCT-angiogenesis assay demonstrated that vascular injury-induced VV angiogenesis was enhanced by treatment with VEGF and VEGF+NGF. In VEGF/ NGF group, the average size of microvessels was increased and vascular permeability was attenuated compared to VEGF group. Immunohistochemial and electron microscopic analyses showed that tyrosin hydrogenase-positive peripheral nerve was already observed around the pre-mature microvasculature, which was partially covered with pericytes. NGF enhanced the level of peripheral nerverelated proteins in vascular adventitial tissues. Peripheral nerve-free ex vivo aorta ring angiogenesis assay demonstrated that the average length of sprouting vessels was increased by VEGF or NGF, but %length of pericyte-covered large microvessels was not altered by combination of VEGF and NGF compared to VEGF or NGF alone. Conclusion; NGF induces the distribution of peripheral nerve fiber around the newly formed VV microvasculature, and contribute to vascular stabilization and maturation. 1 旭川医科大学内科学講座循環呼吸神経病態内科学分野、2旭川医科大学心血管再生 先端医療開発講座、3旭川リハビリテーション病院内科 【背景・目的】 EPCは虚血組織における血管新生に関与し、細胞導入によ る末梢虚血臓器の血流改善効果は臨床的にも実証されている。しかし、そ の作用機序の詳細はいまだ不明な点が多い。我々は、PGI2がEPC機能維持 に重要な役割を果たすことを明らかにした。本研究では、プロスタサイク リン受容体IP欠損マウスを用いて、EPCが末梢虚血の血流改善にどのよう な機序で関与しているのか解明する。【方法・結果】 野生株マウス群(wild type)とIP欠損マウス(IP-KO)を用い下肢虚血モデルを作成し、下肢虚血改 善度を血流ドップラー法で評価した。IP-KOでは著明な虚血改善度の低下 を認めたが、さらに骨髄移植により(A)骨髄特異的にIP欠損させた、(B) 骨髄以外の臓器をIP欠損させたモデルで検討した。両群とも有意に虚血改 善度の低下を認めたが、 (B)では虚血後、初期の血流改善低下を認めたが、 (A)群では、長期にわたる血流改善遅延が認められた。さらに(A)群に おいて、wild type EPC(lin-cKit+Flk+)の導入により、虚血組織内の新生血管 数増加と、低下した血流改善度の改善が認められたが、IP欠損EPCでは効 果がなかった。EPCで産生されるVEGFなどの血管新生因子は、IP agonistで あるベラプロストにより増加したが、IP欠損EPCでは基礎産生量も低下、 ベラプロストによる反応も認めなかった。大動脈輪状組織をマトリゲル内 で培養したEx vivo血管新生アッセーで、GFP発現EPCを共培養すると、血 管新生が亢進し、さらに新生血管周囲にGFP発現EPCが集積しているのが 確認され、より太い新生血管が形成された。IP欠損EPCでは、新生血管周 囲に集積する細胞は少なく、血管新生効果も有意に低下していた。 【結 論】 骨髄由来EPCのプロスタサイクリンは、EPCの血管新生因子産生増強 や新生血管周囲細胞化を介することで血管新生を促進し、安定した末梢虚 血改善作用に寄与している。 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 川辺 淳一1、浅野目 晃2、山内 敦司2、竹原 有史1、長谷部 直幸1,2 浅野目 晃1、川辺 淳一1,2、山内 敦司1,3、竹原 有史1,2、長谷部 直幸1,2 196 Nerve growth factor induces maturation of vasa vasorum neovasculature in injured vascular walls 130 内皮前駆細胞(EPC)を介したプロスタサイクリンの下肢虚 血改善作用 −血管周細胞分化による血管新生効果− 129 18:00〜 1 徳島大学大学院 HBS研究部 心臓血管外科学分野、2徳島大学大学院 HBS研 究部 薬理学分野、3徳島大学 疾患ゲノム研究センター 遺伝子実験施設 神奈川歯科大学生体管理医学講座薬理学分野 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 197 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization 【はじめに】近年、血中に存在するendothelial microparticles (EMP)が炎症性 疾患に伴い増加することが報告されている。またcardiovascular diseaseにお いては、EMP量が予後に相関するとされている。EMPは炎症性病態で血中 に増加するとされるが、どの部位の血管から産生されるのか、どのような メカニズムによって出芽し放出されるのか未解明な部分が多い。我々は、 EMPのin vitroでの効率的な産生系を確立し、さらにin vivo病態モデルとの 比較検討を行い、疾患バイオマーカーとしての可能性を検討した。 【方法】 脳血管内皮細胞株であるb.End5を用い、炎症性サイトカインおよびLPSを作 用させ、EMP量をFACSによって解析した。細胞の炎症状態は、各種炎症マー カーを指標にして評価した。またin vivoの検討では、急性・慢性炎症マウ スモデルを用い血中EMPをFACSによって解析した。さらにEMPの構成蛋白 質について、SDS-PAGEサンプルに銀染色を施し評価した後、MS解析を行っ た。【結果】b.End5を用いたin vitroの系において、3種類のサイトカインコ ンビネーションでは炎症は惹起されるものの、顕著なEMPの産生は確認さ れなかった。一方、サイトカイン+LPS、LPS単独群では、EMPの産生が確 認されるとともに、各種炎症マーカーを指標にした細胞の炎症の度合いも 強かった。また、急性・慢性炎症マウスモデルにおけるin vivoの検討では、 いずれの場合においても血中EMP量の増加が観察され、鋭敏なバイオマー カーとしてのポテンシャルを有することを確認した。さらに、銀染色によ るEMP構成蛋白質の解析では、in vitro、in vivoで約60 kD蛋白質の著明な増 加が観察された。【考察】EMPの効率的なin vitro産生系の確立に初めて成功 した。また、銀染色やMS解析の結果から、炎症によって誘導されるEMPの 主要な構成蛋白質は、in vitro、in vivoで関連性がみられることが示唆された。 さらに、脳血管障害などの局所の炎症病態においてEMPは鋭敏なバイオマー カーとなることが強く示唆された。 [Objective] Vascular inflammation constitutes one of the major components of atherosclerosis. However, the presence of preceding inflammation of the atheroprone artery has not been demonstrated in vivo. We examined the leukocyte recruitment at the athero-prone femoral artery in the absence of confirmed atherosclerosis using an intravital microscopy system (IVM). [Methods and Results] Femoral arteries of apolipoprotein E-deficient (apoE-/-) mice at 6w, 8w, and 12w of age were subjected to IVM and compared to those of wild type mice. IVM demonstrated a significant increase of leukocyte recruitment in the observed artery in apoE-/- mice as early as 6w. Dynamic observation of oxidative stress in situ revealed the massive accumulation of dihydroethidium-related oxidative stress and the number of adherent leukocytes was increased at 8w and 12w when compared to wild type mice. Oil red O staining of the observed artery of apoE-/mice, however, failed to detect lipid deposition in the arterial segment where IVM was conducted. Further, treatment with rosuvastatin for 2 weeks significantly diminished the observed leukocytes recruitment to the femoral artery without changing plasma lipid level. [Conclusion] We were able to visualize leukocyte recruitment prior to the development of atherosclerosis in vivo and its stabilization by statin. Our observation confirms a prerequisite role of inflammation in the development of atherosclerosis. Symposium 1 富山大学医学薬学研究部分子医科薬理学講座、2金沢工業大学ゲノム生物工学研究 所、3独立行政法人国立長寿医療研究センター遺伝子蛋白質解析室、4富山大学大学 院免疫バイオ・創薬探索研究講座、5富山県薬事研究所、6独立行政法人国立長寿医 療研究センター加齢健康脳科学研究部 東京医科歯科大学大学院医歯学総合研究科先進倫理医科学開発学 大坂 瑞子、萩田 澄彦、吉田 雅幸 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 山本 誠士1、東 英梨月1,2、村松 昌3、柳橋 努4、生谷 尚士4、長井 良憲4、 高津 聖志4,5、渡邉 淳6、堂本 光子2、新飯田 俊平3、服部 裕一1 134 Special Talk Statin has anti-inflammation effect by reducing the oxidant stress of leukocytes and the vessel wall . Special Lecture 133 President Lecture 脳血管内皮細胞株を用いたendothelial microparticles (EMP) のin vitro産生系の確立およびin vivo病態モデル での解析 近年、低酸素応答性転写因子Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF)-1㱍が、低酸素 ストレスに対して、血管新生や細胞増殖、糖代謝、pH調節や細胞アポトー シスなどに関与する様々な遺伝子の発現制御を介して、生体の恒常性を維 持する上で重要な役割を担っていることがわかってきた。例えば、エリス ロポエチンや血管内皮増殖因子(VEGF) 、アドレノメデュリン、マトリッ クスメタロプロテアーゼ(MMPs)、エンドセリン(ET)-1、一酸化窒素合 成酵素(NOS)2などの遺伝子発現を制御することが報告されている。 一方、動脈硬化の病態進展機序には局所の炎症が深く関与しており、と りわけT細胞の活性化がその炎症進展の中心的な役割を担うことがわかっ てきた。また、動脈硬化血管局所では、酸素飽和度の低下による低酸素環 境であることが報告されている。そこで、動脈硬化において血管局所の低 酸素環境がT細胞の免疫応答機能にもたらす影響を明らかにするために、T 細胞特異的にHIF-1㱍の遺伝子欠失マウスにおいて大腿動脈カフ障害性の血 管リモデリングモデルを作製してT細胞を介する免疫応答について検討し た。 本変異マウスでは、野生型と同様に生育するが、末梢T細胞数の増加が観 られた。これらHIF-1㱍欠失T細胞の初期の活性化は障害されていなかった。 興味深いことには、本変異マウスにおける動脈硬化モデルでは、対照群に 比較して内膜増生の増強と外膜周囲の炎症細胞の浸潤の増強が観察された。 また、低酸素不応答性のHIF-1㱍欠失T細胞では、野生型T細胞に比較して 炎症性サイトカインの強発現、IL-2産生および末梢T細胞の増殖の増強が観 察された。更に、特異抗原による抗体産生応答についても対照群に比較し て増強していることが観察された。 以上の結果より、本動脈硬化モデルにおけるT細胞のHIF-1㱍は、動脈硬 化に伴う炎症進展過程に抑制的に機能している可能性が示唆された。 黒部 裕嗣1、冨田 修平2、高浜 洋介3、北川 哲也1、玉置 俊晃2 徳富 文彬、高橋 聡子、高橋 俊介、杉山 秀太、李 昌一 【目的】歯周病と循環器系疾患との関連性を測定可能にするために,我々は 四肢の血流の反応性充血を測定するプレチスモグラフィーを口腔循環系に 適応することに成功した。そしてさらに我々は、歯周病原因菌を播種させ たラットの口腔内反応性充血を測定した結果、歯周病感染モデルにおいて 血管内皮機能の低下を認めた。そこで、今回我々は歯周病が循環器系疾患 に影響を与えるメカニズムを解明するため、脳卒中易発症性高血圧自然発 症ラット (Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat: SHRSP)の歯肉微小血 管血流量を経日的に測定し、本モデルによる口腔内循環調節機能について 検 討 し た。 【 方 法 】SHRSP(6週 齢 〜24週 齢)を 用 い、 体 重 測 定 後、sodium pentobarbital (45 mg/kg) 麻酔下で、ラット口蓋歯肉を1分間圧迫し、解放後 の反応性充血をレーザードップラー血流計により測定した。測定項目は、 血圧、基底血流量 (basal) 、に加え最大反応 (peak) 、最大反応が 1/2 に低下 するのに要する時間 (T1/2) 、増加血流総量 (mass) の3つのパラメーターとし、 局 所 循 環 の 変 化 を 経 日 的 に 評 価 し た。 コ ン ト ロ ー ル(Wistar Kyoto Rat: WKY6週齢〜24週齢) でも同様に評価を行った。 【結果および考察】WKYに 比べSHRSPの血圧は経日的に増加した。口蓋歯肉での反応性充血のpeakは 上昇し、T1/2、massは減少傾向であった。これはSHRSPの口腔内循環調節機 能の変化と、それに伴う口腔内微小循環血流量の低下を示している。以上 の結果から、歯周病感染モデルと同様にSHRSPにおいて、血管内皮機能変 調による歯肉微小循環系の血流量低下が確認された。さらに、今後は歯周 病原因菌を播種させたSHRSPにおける口腔内循環調節機能を検討していき たい。 血管リモデリングに対してT細胞のHIF-1αは抑制的に機 能する 132 口腔循環系における脳卒中易発症性高血圧自然発症ラッ ト(SHRSP)の反応性充血の解析 131 ポスターセッション:血管炎症 (2) Poster Session:Vascular Inflammation(2) 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 198 Background: Though inflammation within the adipose tissues thought to play a role in metabolic syndrome, a causative connection between inflamed adipose tissue and atherosclerosis is not fully understood. The present study aimed to examine the direct effect of adipose tissue on macro vascular inflammation by intravital microscopic analysis of the femoral artery of mouse after perivascular adipose tissue transplantation. Methods and Results 0.05g of subcutaneous (SQ) or visceral (VIS) adipose tissue harvested from C57BL/6 mice was transplanted to the perivascular area of the femoral artery of recipient C57/BL6 mice. A quantitative intravital microscopic analysis was performed on the artery. The number of adherent leukocyte was increased after adipose tissue transplantation in a timedependent manner (1day to 7 days). VIS transplantation induced significantly more leukocyte accumulation than SQ. Simultaneous flow cytometry showed the expression of CD11b on peripheral neutrophils and monocytes was significantly increased after adipose tissue transplantation with prominent induction with VIS compared to SQ. Induction of oxidative stress in leukocyte was observed after transplantation. Moreover, the expression levels of MCP-1 and MIP-1b were significantly increased in the adipose tissues as well as in the serum of the recipient mice. Conclusion These data indicate that adipose tissue directly stimulates atheroprone vascular inflammation by inducing leukocyte accumulation. The underlying mechanisms seem to involve induction of MCP-1 and MIP-1b 東京医科歯科大学大学院医歯学総合研究科血流制御内科学、2東京医科歯科大学大 学院医歯学総合研究科先進倫理医科学開発学 1 萩田 澄彦1,2、大坂 瑞子2、下門 顕太郎1、吉田 雅幸2 Direct observation of adipose tissue-induced leukocyte recruitment to the artery wall via MCP-1 and MIP-1b 135 18:00〜 1 国立循環器病研究センター研究所細胞生物学部、2Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Angiopoientin-1 (Ang1)/Tie2 signal regulates both vascular quiescence and angiogenesis. Previously, we reported that Ang1 assembles distinct Tie2 signaling complexes in the presence or absence of cell-cell contacts, thereby regulating these distinct functions. In the presence of cell-cell contacts, Ang1 induces transassociation of Tie2, which actives phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway and upregulates the genes involved in vascular quiescence which include a Notch ligand, delta-like 4 (Dll4). Dll4/Notch signal is known to restrict angiogenesis. Thus, we investigated the mechanism how Ang1 upregulates Dll4 to clarify the role of Dll4/Notch signal in trans-associated Tie2-mediated vascular quiescence. Ang1 upregulates Dll4 and increased notch intracellular domain (NICD) only under confluent cells. Ang1 stimulated the transcriptional activity of 㱎-catenin (㱎-cat) via Akt-mediated phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase 3㱎 (GSK3㱎). A GSK3㱎 inhibitor induced Dll4 expression, while depletion of 㱎-cat by siRNA blocked either Ang1- or GSK3㱎 inhibitor-induced Dll4 expression. In addition, GSK3㱎 inhibitor-induced Dll4 expression depended on the cell-cell junctions and was impeded by DAPT, a 㱏-secretase inhibitor, implying the requirement of Notch signaling in b-cat-dependent Dll4 expression. Consistently, NICD promoted Dll4 expression through RBP-J binding site in the third intron. Active mutant of 㱎-cat potentiated NICD-dependent transcription of Dll4. These findings indicate that trans-associated Tie2 activates transcriptional activity of 㱎-cat via Akt-mediated inhibition of GSK3㱎, which results in the expression of Dll4 cooperatively with Notch signaling. Dll4 upregulated by trans-associated Tie2 triggers Notch signaling, which may contribute to vascular quiescence. 1 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺伝子治療学、2大阪大学大学院医学系研究科老 年腎臓内科学 Fibrosis is one of the common disorders, which is attributed to excess deposition of extracellular matrix components, however the mechanism remains unclear. Recently it is reported that myofibroblasts are primarily responsible for cardiac fibrosis through cytokine and growth factor-dependent mechanism. Myofibroblasts are differentiated from resident fibroblasts and circulating fibroblast-like cells called fibrocytes derived from bone-marrow stem cells. On the other hand, vascular endothelial cells can be transformed into myofibroblasts, well known as End-MT, which is intimately associated with perivascular fibrosis. As previous studies have shown that HGF attenuated tissue fibrosis through inhibiting TGF-㱎 expression, HGF has not only strong angiogenetic effect but antifibrotic effect independently. We hypothesized that HGF contributes to prevent cardiac fibrosis through suppressing proliferation of myofibroblasts and End-MT. We analyzed pressure overloaded HGF-Tg mouse to clarify how HGF works as an antifibrotic factor and establish a new antifibrotic therapy for the patients suffering from heart failure. HGF inhibited differentiation of HCAECs (human coronary artery endothelial cells) into myofibroblasts induced by TGF-㱎 and suppressed proliferation of myofibroblasts in vitro. In vivo study, mRNA expression of collagen I/III and TGF㱎 was significantly lower than that of non-Tg groups. Fibrotic area in the heart decreased especially in perivascular region in HGF-Tg operated mice accompanied by the reduction of myofibroblasts. In echocardiography, both FS and LVDD were preserved compared with banded littermates and mortality rate after operation reduced as well. We concluded HGF reduces cardiac fibrosis in terms of inhibiting End-MT and proliferation of myofibroblasts. Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 199 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization アルドステロンの様々な心血管への直接作用が報告されている。アルドス テロンには遺伝子発現を介する古典的ゲノム作用の他、刺激後数分で作用 発現する非ゲノム作用が存在し共に病態に関与している。非ゲノム作用の 分子機構の詳細は不明である。ミネラルコルチコイド受容体(MR)は細胞質 に お い て はHSP90と 結 合 し そ の 立 体 構 造 が 安 定 に 保 た れ て い る。 一 方 Caveolin-1はカベオラの基盤となる蛋白質でありシグナル伝達の制御に関与 する。今回我々は血管平滑筋細胞でのアルドステロンの非ゲノム作用の発 現におけるHSP90/MR/Tyrosine-kinaseおよびcaveolin-1の果たす重要な役割を 見出した。 【方法】マウスの大動脈より血管平滑筋細胞(VSMC)を培養し アルドステロン(100nM)で刺激し、蛋白解析、蛋白相互作用を解析した。 【成績】1)WT-VSMCにおいてアルドステロン刺激後、5分以内にMRと HSP90の結合が促進し、ひきつづいてHSP90をscaffoldingとしてPyk2,Srcが 結合、相互に活性化した。ERK1/2,JNKなどのMAPKsも早期に活性化され た。MR阻害薬の同時処理で上記蛋白結合は抑制され、チロシンキナーゼ、 MAPKsの 活 性 化 も 抑 制 さ れ た。 2)Srcの 阻 害 剤、Pyk2の 欠 損、HSP90SiRNA処理により、MAPKsの活性化は抑制された。3)免疫染色において アルドステロン刺激後早期にHSP90/MR/Src/Pyk2が細胞膜で共局在した。5) アルドステロン刺激後早期に、caveolin-1とHSP90,及びMRの結合が促進し た。6)免疫染色においてアルドステロン刺激後細胞膜においてcaveolin-1 とHSP90,MRが共局在した。7)caveolin-1のSiRNA処理により、アルドス テロン刺激後のSrc/Pyk2, MAPKsの活性化が抑制された。 【結論】血管平滑 筋細胞では、アルドステロンにより、数分以内の早期にカベオラにおいて HSP90/MR/tyrosinekinaseがcomplexを形成し活性化され下流にシグナルを伝 えると考えられた。 Symposium 血管新生は既存の血管から新たな血管枝が分岐して血管網を構築する生理 的現象であり、成体においては創傷治癒等の過程で生じることが知られて いる。また慢性炎症、網膜症及び、悪性腫瘍等の進展においても重要な役 割を担っていることが明らかになっている。現在、血管内皮細胞増殖因子 (VEGF)に対する中和抗体等を用いた抗血管新生治療が網膜症及び、悪性腫 瘍において臨床で使用されている。しかしながら抗血管新生治療は当初予 測されていたほど強い効果をしめさず、消化管出血等の強い副作用を生じ ることも報告されている。またVEGF中和抗体に抵抗性を示す症例も少なか らず存在することから、より効果が高く副作用の少ない治療標的の同定が 望まれている。このようなことから、血管新生のさらなる詳細な分子機構 を解明することは重要である。 ZF50は本研究室にて血管内皮細胞において VEGFにより発現誘導される新規血管新生制御因子として同定された。誘導 されたZF50はE3ユビキチンリガーゼと複合体を形成し、CBF1をポリユビ キチン化することにより分解する。その結果、Notch signalを負に制御し管 新生を誘導することを見いだした (Ohnuki et. al.)。 ZF50は血管新生におい て非常に重要な機能を有することから、その発現制御のメカニズムを解明 できれば新規治療・診断標的につながる成果が期待される。本研究におい て我々は、血管内皮細胞におけるVEGF刺激での ZF50 発現調整のメカニズ ムに着目し研究を行った。まずVEGF受容体の主要な下流シグナルにおいて 活性化されるキナーゼに対する阻害剤で処理した血管内皮細胞における ZF50の発現の変化を解析し、その発現に重要なキナーゼを同定した。次に ZF50の発現誘導が転写活性の変化によるものではなかったことから、転写 後のmRNAの制御について検討した。以上の結果より内皮細胞において新 規の血管新生制御因子のレベル調節機構が存在する事を見いだしたので報 告する。 京都府立医科大学循環器内科 山口 真一郎、沖垣 光彦、松原 弘明 1 愛媛大学大学院医学系研究科生化学・分子遺伝学分野、2富士レビオ株式会社研究 開発部門研究推進部バイオ研究グループ、3愛媛大学プロテオ医学研究センター細 胞増殖・腫瘍制御部門 三輪 大輔1,2、井上 博文1,3、東山 繁樹1,3 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine 血管平滑筋細胞におけるアルドステロンの非ゲノム作用 のカベオリンを基盤とした分子機構の解明 Special Talk 新規血管新生制御因子ZF50の発現制御機構の解析 Special Lecture 139 Jianghui Zhang1、福原 茂朋1、迫 圭介1、Gou Young Koh2、 望月 直樹1 岡山 慶太1、谷山 義明1,2、堂阪 宜雄1,2、東 純哉1,2、家串 和真1,2、眞田 文博1、 楠 博1,2、岩林 正明1、楽木 宏実2、森下 竜一1 President Lecture 138 Trans-associated Tie2 regulates vascular quiescence through β-catenin-mediated upregulation of delta-like 4 137 Prevention of End-MT and Myofibloblast Proliferation Is a Therapeutic Target For Cardiac Fibrosis 136 ポスターセッション:血管シグナル伝達(2) Poster Session:Vascular Signal Transduction(2) 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 200 Background: We have demonstrated in animals and humans that endotheliumderived H 2 O 2 is an endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF) and that eNOS-derived superoxide anions is a major precursor of EDHF/H2O2. We also have demonstrated in mice deficient of the whole NOSs system that endothelial NOSs system plays diverse roles depending on vessel size, mainly serving as a superoxide generating system to cause EDHF/H2O2 responses in resistance arteries (mesenteric arteries, MA) while serving as a NO generating system in conduit arteries (the aorta, Ao). In this study, we aimed to elucidate the mechanisms involved in the diverse roles of endothelial NOSs system in mice. Methods and Results: We used male wild-type mice. Since we previously reported that pathological eNOS uncoupling is not the mechanism for the divergent roles of eNOS between Ao and MA, we further examined this point. The extent of eNOS phosphorylation at Ser1177 was significantly greater in Ao than in MA, whereas that at Thr495 was significantly greater in MA than in Ao. STO-609, an inhibitor of CaMKK㱎 that lies upstream of eNOS Ser1177 phosphorylation pathway, significantly decreased EDHF-mediated relaxations and hyperpolarizations to acetylcoline (ACh) in MA but not in Ao. In response to ACh, eNOS Ser1177 phosphorylation was enhanced in both MA and Ao, which was inhibited by STO-609 in MA more than in Ao. The AMPK inhibitor compound C and the PI3K inhibitor wortmannin had no effects on EDHF-mediated relaxations or hyperpolarizations to ACh in MA and Ao. Conclusions: These results suggest that eNOS activity is significantly attenuated in MA and that CaMKK㱎 plays a key role for the diverse functions of endothelial NOSs system between conduit and resistance arteries. 東北大学大学院医学系研究科循環器病態学 大橋 潤子、澤田 鮎子、高木 文、野田 一樹、中嶋 壮太、細谷 真紀、 下川 宏明 CaMKKβ Plays a Key Role for the Diverse Functions of eNOS between Conduit and Resistance Arteries in Mice 140 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 201 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization 【目的】高齢化社会においては、種々の疾患が複雑に絡みあい病態が多様化 する中で共通の病因背景を共有する場合も少なくなく、包括的な治療が望 まれている。高血圧と骨粗鬆症においては、交感神経刺激が骨吸収を促進 することが報告され、またβblockerが骨折頻度を減少させるという疫学解 析がなされている。しかしながら従来のCa拮抗薬が骨代謝を改善したとい う疫学報告はみられない。シルニジピンは、従来のL型Ca Channelに加えて N型Ca Channelの阻害作用を持ち合わせており、交感神経終末からのノルア ドレナリンの放出を抑制することから、 骨代謝における効果を検証した。 【方 法】本実験では、高血圧自然発症ラットSHRに卵巣摘出術を施して高血圧・ 骨粗鬆症誘発ラットを作製し、シルニジピンおよび対照としてアムロジピ ンを経口投与して一ヶ月後の骨代謝マーカーおよび膝関節頚骨近位部での 骨稜解析を行った。【成績】血清Ca、Pについては各群間で有意差は認めな かったものの、尿中Deoxypyridinoline は、シルニジピン、アムロジピンと も非経口投与群に対して有意に減少していた。骨形成と骨吸収バランスを 指標とした組織ALP/TRAP比はシルニジピンにおいて有意に上昇しており、 組織中の破骨細胞数も有意に減少していた。またDEXAを用いた骨量解析 においてもシルニジピンは卵巣摘出で誘発される骨量の減少を有意に抑制 して骨粗鬆症の進展を阻害していた。 【結論】Ca拮抗薬シルニジピンは、そ のN型Ca Channelの阻害作用により骨吸収抑制効果を兼ね備えていることが 判明し、特に閉経後骨粗鬆症を併せる高血圧患者への投与選択において有 用であると考えられる。 1 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科老年腎臓内科、2大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺 伝子治療 志水 秀郎1、安政 奈都記2、中神 啓徳2、楽木 宏実1、森下 竜一2 Symposium To study endothelial injury in vitro, we established a three-dimensional (3-D) blood vessel model in which human umbilical vein endothelial cells were grown in the presence of basic fibroblast growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor. We then performed comparative studies on cisplatin (cis-platinum-diamminedichloride, CDDP)-induced endothelial injury in 3-D and monolayer cultures. In 3-D culture, CDDP induced cell death and tube breakdown without DNA damage, whereas CDDP induced apoptosis accompanied by DNA damage in monolayer culture. CDDP also induced caspase-3 activation in a concentration-dependent manner in both cultures. A broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor, zVAD-fmk, failed to prevent CDDP-induced cell death and tube breakdown in 3-D culture, whereas zVAD-fmk suppressed CDDP-induced apoptosis in monolayer culture. A calpain inhibitor, MDL28170, attenuated CDDP-induced cell death and tube breakdown in 3-D culture, but not apoptosis in monolayer culture. These results showed that calpain is involved in CDDP-induced endothelial injury in 3-D culture and there are significant differences in signaling pathways between 3-D and monolayer cultures. 兵庫医科大学胸部腫瘍学講座、2兵庫医科大学がんセンター、3静岡県立大学食品栄 養科学部、4武庫川女子大学国際健康開発研究所、5兵庫医科大学内科学呼吸器内科 1 江口 良二1、藤盛 好啓1,2、太田 敏郎3、国政 和宏4、中野 孝司1,2,5 144 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Ca拮抗薬シルニジピンのN型Caチャネル阻害作用による 骨吸収抑制効果について Special Talk 143 Special Lecture Calpain is involved in cisplatin-induced endothelial injury in an three-dimensional blood vessel model 【Objective】 In Japanese diet, coffee contributes to a large share of the consumption of polyphenols, as antioxidants. Since endothelial dysfunction play an important role in atherosclerosis, we investigated the effect of coffee and polyphenols included in coffee on endothelial function. 【Method&Results】 First, we evaluated the effect of coffee on endothelial function in vivo. Twelve healthy men (age 45±2 years, BMI 23.9±0.9 kg/m2) were recruited to take a cup of decaffeinated coffee (polyphenol concentration 2.5 g). The endothelial function was evaluated by flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) before and 30, 60, 120 min after ingestion of coffee. Coffee ingestion significantly increased FMD at 30 min (p< 0.05) when compared to baseline. Next, to understand molecular mechanisms, we measured the direct effect of polyphenols included in coffee; chlorogenic acid (CGA), caffeic acid (CA), and ferulic acid (FA), on the expression of adhesion molecules in activated HUVECs in vitro. HUVECs were pretreated with CGA, CA, and FA for 20 hr at 25㱘M. CGA, CA, and FA significantly inhibited the TNF-㱍 -induced expression of VCAM-1, ICAM-1, and E-selectin in HUVEC. These polyphenols also significantly inhibited adhesion of THP-1 cells to HUVECs under flow. 【Conclusion】 These results suggested that coffee polyphenol improve endothelial function via stabilizing inflammation. 1 東京医科歯科大学先進倫理医科学開発学分野、2お茶の水女子大学生活環境教育研 究センター、3ネスレ日本株式会社 豊崎 美紅1,2、谷 真理子2、岸本 良美2、福島 洋一3、大坂 瑞子1、萩田 澄彦1、 近藤 和雄2、吉田 雅幸1 The effect of coffee polyphenol on endothelial function 142 18:00〜 President Lecture Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) are strong neurotrophic factors, which function as antiapoptotic factors. However, the neuroprotective effect of GDNF and HGF in ameliorating ischemic brain injury via an antiautophagic effect has not been examined. Therefore, we investigated GDNF and HGF for changes of infarct size and antiapoptotic and antiautophagic effects after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (tMCAO) in rats. For the estimation of ischemic brain injury, the infarct size was calculated at 24 hr after tMCAO by HE staining. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferasemediated dUTP-biotin in situ nick end labeling (TUNEL) was performed for evaluating the antiapoptotic effect. Western blot analysis of microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3) and immunofluorescence analysis of LC3 and phosphorylated mTOR/Ser(2448) (p-mTOR) were performed for evaluating the antiautophagic effect. GDNF and HGF significantly reduced infarct size after cerebral ischemia. The amounts of LC3-I plus LC3-II (relative to beta-tubulin) were significantly increased after tMCAO, and GDNF and HGF significantly decreased them. GDNF and HGF significantly increased p-mTOR-positive cells. GDNF and HGF significantly decreased the numbers of TUNEL-, LC3-, and LC3/TUNEL double-positive cells. LC3/TUNEL double-positive cells accounted for about 34.3% of LC3 plus TUNEL-positive cells. This study suggests that the protective effects of GDNF and HGF were greatly associated with not only the antiapoptotic but also the antiautophagic effects; maybe two types of cell death can occur in the same cell at the same time, and GDNF and HGF are capable of ameliorating these two pathways 岡山大学医学部神経内科 阿部 康二 Antiapoptotic and antiautophagic effects of GDNF and HGF after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion in rats. 141 ポスターセッション:その他 (4) Poster Session:Others(4) 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 202 【目的】高齢化社会においては、種々の疾患が複雑に絡みあい病態が多様化 する中で、共通の病因背景を共有する場合も少なくなく、包括的な治療が 望まれている。高血圧と骨粗鬆症においては、以前よりサイアザイド系利 尿剤(TD)が骨折頻度を減少させることが報告されている。また近年、 我々 はアンジオテンシンIIが骨芽細胞を介して破骨細胞を活性化させる事、そ してACEIやARBが骨粗鬆症を改善することをみいだした。今回、低用量 TDとARBの併用の骨代謝における作用をARB単独使用効果と比較検証し たので報告する。 【方法】生後10週齢の高血圧自然発症ラットSHRに卵巣 摘出術を施して高血圧・骨粗鬆症誘発ラットを作製し、ARB(Valsartan; 1mg or 3mg/kg/d)単独群および低用量TD(0.2mg/kg/d)+ ARB(1mg/kg/d) 併用群とに分けて経口投与し、1ヶ月後の骨代謝マーカー、レニン活性お よび膝関節頚骨近位部での骨梁解析を行った。【結果】血清Ca、Pについて は各群間で有意差は認めなかった。TD単独投与もしくは低用量ARB(1mg/ kg/d)単独投与では明らかな骨代謝改善効果を認めなかった。しかし、高 用量ARB(3mg/kg/d)もしくは低用量ARB(1mg/kg/d)+ TD (0.2mg/kg/d)併 用群は、尿中deoxypyridinoline を有意に低下させ、また骨形成と骨吸収バラ ンスを指標とした組織ALP/TRAP比においても両群において有意な上昇を みた。さらにDEXAにおいても両群において有意に骨量の温存が認められ た。しかしながらレニン活性においては、低用量併用群が高用量ARBと比 較して有意な抑制を認めた。 【考察】低用量のTD、ARB併用群は、高用量 ARB単独投与と同等以上に骨吸収抑制効果が認められた。レニン活性が低 用量併用群で有意に抑制されていることを考慮すれば臓器保護の側面から も低用量併用群の使用が望ましいと考えられる。 1 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科老年腎臓内科、2大阪大学大学院医学系研究科臨床遺 伝子治療 志水 秀郎1、安政 奈都記2、中神 啓徳2、楽木 宏実1、森下 竜一2 低用量の利尿剤とARB併用はRAS活性を抑制して骨 代謝を改善する 145 17:30〜 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 203 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Aims- Endothelial activation and dysfunction has been implicated in the progression of chronic heart failure and development of pulmonary edema. Resveratrol trans-3,4,5-trihydroxystiene have been suggested to have antioxidative and anti-inflammatory effects. In the present study we will investigate the effect of resveratrol, a phytopolyphenol isolated from the seeds and skins of grapes, on endothelial activation in patients with CHF Methods-A total of 20 patients with advanced CHF was included in the study. Patients will be included if they have functional class III or IV symptoms of CHF and a left ventricular ejection fraction of <35% by left ventriculography with radionuclide or contrast medium. Twenty volunteers will provide blood samples for use as a control. We will determine whether the increased expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and vascular adhesion molecule-1 , markers of endothelial activation, elicited by sera obtained from patients with advanced CHF in cultured human aortic endothelial cells can be modified by resveratrol. Human aortic endothelial cells be treated with 70% sera obtained from patients with CHF and normal individuals, respectively, with or without pretreatments with resveratrol. The endothelial expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and vascular adhesion molecule-1 will be confirmed by mRNA expression and Western blot. Results-The stimulation of culturedhuman aortic endothelial cells with sera obtained from CHF patients significantly increase expression of vascular adhesion molecule-1Pretreatment of the human aortic endothelial cells resveratrol can significantly suppreess vascular adhesion molecule-1 expression Conclusions-The findings of this study highlight the Resveratrol may have potential in treating CHF patients The department of cardiology,Cheng Hsin General Hospital National Research Laboratory for Cardiovascular Stem Cells, Seoul national university hospital, Seoul, Korea Symposium Increased vascular permeability is the main pathology for myocardial damage after ischemia/reperfusion. Angiopoietin-1 has been known as an endothelial specificvascular stabilizing factor. However, the effects of angiopoietin-1 on cardiomyocytes and vascular cells following myocardial infarction are ill-defined yet. Here, we propose a mechanism whereby angiopoietin-1 increases the integrity of the endothelial lining and it exerts a direct anti-apoptotic effect on cardiomyocytes. First, we found that angiopoietin-1 reduced vascular leakage through regulating VE-cadherin phosphorylation. The membrane expression of VEcadherin was markedly decreased on hypoxia/reoxygenation, which was recovered by angiopoietin-1. Interestingly, these effects were mediated by the facilitated binding between SHP2 or PTPu tyrosine phosphatase and VE-cadherin, leading to its de-phosphorylation. siRNA against SHP2 or PTPu abolished the effect of angiopoietin-1 on VE-cadherin de-phosphorylation, and therebydecreased levels of membrane-localized VE-cadherin. Second, angiopoietin-1 protected cardiomyocytes lacking angiopoietin-1 receptor Tie2, via integrin-b1. Angiopoietin-1 decreased cardiomyocytes apoptosis through ERK phosphorylation and ERK-dependent decrease of active caspase-9 leading to reduction of active caspase-3. Neutralizing antibody against integrin-b1 blocked these effects of angiopoietin-1 on cardiomyocytes. In mouse myocardial infarction model, angiopoietin-1 enhanced cardiac function. Collectively, our findings suggest that angiopoietin-1 has cardioprotective effects which are achieved by reductions in both vascular leakage and cardiomyocyte apoptosis after ischemia/reperfusion. Jen Hsu-Lung、Yin Wei Hsian、Huang Wen Pin Joo-Yun Won、Sae-Won Lee、Soo-Kyung Kang、Hyo-Soo Kim How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine The Effect of Resveratrol on Endothelial Activation in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure Special Talk Angiopoietin-1 as a cardiotropic factor in myocardial infarction Special Lecture E4 We investigated the possible cerebrovascular dysfunction response to isoproterenol induced cardiac hypertrophy (ISO-CH) in rabbit cerebral arteries (CAs). Non hypertensive cardiac hypertrophy was induced in male New Zealand white rabbit by 7 days isoproterenol injection (300 microgram/kg/day). We investigated the alteration of protein expression in CAs of ISO-CH using two dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) and Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization - Time Of Flight (MALDI -TOF) mass analysis (n=3). ROS generation (n=6) and followed DNA damage (n=4) were assessed to evaluate deteriorative effect of ISO-CH on CAs. Vascular response to vasoactive drugs, acetylcholine and angiotensin II, were assessed to evaluate functional alteration of CAs in ISO-CH. Protein-protein network analysis was applied to determine proteome based systemic changes of CA in ISO-CH. Proteomic analysis revealed altered expression level of 30 proteins including 28 down-regulated and 2 up-regulated proteins in CAs of ISO-CH. Among the identified proteins, expression of cytoskeleton organizing proteins, including actin related protein 1A and 2, alpha-actin, capping protein Z beta, and vimentin were the most markedly down-regulated in ISO-hypertrophied CAs. In the vascular response analysis, decreased transient Ca2+ efflux and constriction response to angiotensin II were found in ISO-hypertrophied CAs. In addition, highly increased superoxide generation and DNA damage were detected with down-regulated anti oxidative stress proteins e.g. heat shock protein 9A and stressinduced-phosphoprotein 1 in ISO-hypertrophied CAs. We conclude that disorganization of actin cytoskeletal network has a pivotal role in cerebrovascular dysfunction under the cardiac hypertrophy condition. Department of Physiology,University of Inje, Busan, Korea、2Kangwon National University School of Medicine,Chuncheon 200-701, Korea President Lecture E3 Factor Xa and thrombin are involved not only in blood coagulation but also in migration of endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells through activation of pro-matrix metalloprotease (MMP)-2 followed by subsequent extracellular matrix degradation. In the present work, we have explored the biochemical roles of proteolytic function of factor Xa and thrombin that are associated with MMP-2 regulation for extracellular matrix alteration. This study demonstrates that factor Xa is directly involved in the activation process of pro-MMP-2 in MT1-MMPindependent manner in human vascular endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells. More importantly, it was interesting to find that factor Xa and thrombin are also able to degrade MMP-2 to regulate the metalloprotease activity. Experimental evidence led us to hypothesize that factor Xa and thrombin regulate the functional activity of MMP-2 by activation and degradation of the metalloprotease 1 Hyoung Kyu Kim1、Won Sun Park2、Hye-Jin Heo1、Nari Kim1、 Jin Han1 Department of Biochemistry, College of Life Science and Biotechnology, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea Bon-Hun Koo、Harim Jeon、Ok-Hee Jeon、○Doo-Sik Kim Cerebrovascular dysfunction in isoproterenol-induced cardiac hypertrophy involves cytoskeletal disorganization E2 MT1-MMP-independent Regulation of MMP-2 Activity by Factor Xa and Thrombin E1 Poster Session:Vascular Metabolism and heart failure 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program 1 1 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 204 It has been shown that elevation of intracellular cAMP inhibits inflammationassociated gene expression in vitro, as well as promotes cell survival and cardiac function and contractility; however, the functional effect of cAMP on cardiac allograft rejection, and its action mechanism were not clearly elucidated. This study was designed to investigate the effects of cAMP on immune regulation and apoptosis during acute rat cardiac allograft rejection. We found that the production of immune markers such as inflammatory cytokines (IL-1㱎, IL-6, and TNF-㱍), iNOS expression, and nitric oxide (NO) production, was significantly increased in the blood and transplanted hearts of allograft recipients, but not of isograft controls. These increases were effectively suppressed by the administration of the membrane permeable cAMP analog dibutyryl cAMP (db-cAMP). Administration of db-cAMP reduced allograft-induced elevation of several biochemical markers, such as adhesion molecule expression, iron-nitrosyl complex formation, caspase-3 activation, and apoptotic DNA fragmentation in an animal model. Furthermore, treatment of allograft recipients with db-cAMP prolonged median graft survival to 11 days compared with a median graft survival time of 8 days in saline-treated allograft recipients. These results suggest that db-cAMP exerts a beneficial effect on murine cardiac allograft survival by modulating allogeneic immune response and cytotoxicity. Background: Heart failure (HF) is associated with decreased cardiac contractility and ventricular remodeling, features which are partially reversed by angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi). Since Rho kinase (ROCK) mediates cellular contraction through effects on the actin cytoskeleton, we hypothesize that ACEi may improve heart function through inhibition of ROCK activity. Methods and Results: We enrolled 30 consecutive HF subjects (average age: 52.7 ± 8.2, 60% male in gender, NYHA class 3.2 ± 1.1), with impaired left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of less than 40% by echocardiography (average LVEF=32.1 ± 8.2%), and age- and sex-matched 30 subjects with preserved LVEF function (average LVEF=65.4 ± 9.4%) as the control group. ROCK activity was determined in peripheral leukocytes. Compared with the control group, the subjects with impaired LVEF have higher ROCK activity (0.83 ± 0.38 vs. 0.36 ± 0.23, p=0.01). After correcting the risk factors between groups, we found a tendency between the higher ROCK activity and reduced LVEF (R 2 =0.381, p=0.06). Treatment with ACEi, enalapril, decreased ROCK activity (0.50 ± 0.33), improved LVEF (40.4 ± 6.2%) and NYHA class (2.1 ± 1.3) (p<0.05 compared to baseline). ROCK activity, LVEF, and NYHA class was unaffected by ACEi treatment in control subjects. The improvement in LVEF and NYHA class in HF subjects correlated with the reduction in ROCK activity (R 2 =0.35 and 0.31, respectively, p=0.04 for both), but did not correlate with changes in high sensitivity-C reactive protein, or the reduction in systolic blood pressure. Conclusion: The ROCK activity is elevated in HF subjects and that improvements in LVEF and NYHA class by ACEi are correlated with decrease in ROCK activity. The reduction in ROCK activity by ACEi was independent of changes in inflammation and blood pressure, suggesting that ROCK activity may be a novel marker of HF and its response to therapy with ACEi. Division of Cardiology, Internal Medicine, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Taiwan, Tainan、2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, Tainan、 3 Vascular Medicine Research, Division of Cardiology, Brigham & Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Ping-Yen Liu1,3、Yun-Lin Tai1、Chi-Hsing Hsu1、Liang-Miin Tsai1、 Jyh-Hong Chen1、Hua-Lin Wu2、JK Liao3 Kwang-Soon Lee1、Kwon-Soo Ha1、Young-Geun Kwon2、 Young-Myeong Kim1 Vascular System Research Center and Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry School of Medicine, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Kangwon-do, Korea、2Department of Biochemistry, College of Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea Decreased Rho Kinase Activity by Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor is Associated with Improved LV Function in Patients with HF E6 Cyclic AMP prolongs graft survival by suppressing apoptosis and inflammatory gene expression in acute cardiac allograft rejection E5 17:30〜 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 205 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization High recurrence and metastasis are hallmarks of urinary bladder cancer, yet the relationship between lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic metastasis in bladder cancer is not well known. Here, we identified a profound lymphangiogenesis in orthotopic urinary bladder cancer (OUBC) mice, a model generated by intravesical implantation of MBT-2 cells. OUBC mice displayed massive infiltration of CD11b+/CD68+ tumor-associated macrophages (TAM) cells in primary tumor mass and lymphatic metastasis to lymph nodes. Interestingly, TAMs were sources of lymphangiogenic growth factors such as VEGF-C and VEGF-D. The blockade of VEGF-C/D with soluble VEGF receptor-3 or the depletion of TAMs with clodronate liposome markedly inhibited lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic metastasis in OUBC. Our results indicate that VEGF-C/D are the main factors of lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic metastasis in bladder cancer. Moreover, CD11b+/ CD68+ TAMs could be responsible for lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic m e t a s t a s i s b y p r o d u c i n g V E G F - C / D . We b e l i e v e t h a t i n h i b i t i o n o f lymphangiogenesis could be a possible strategy to prevent the recurrence of bladder cancer after curative surgery or progression of bladder cancer during palliative chemotherapy. National Research Laboratory of Vascular Biology, Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea Hanseul Yang、○Chan Kim、Jeonyeob Jang、Kyuho Kim、 Gou Young Koh Symposium Objectives We sought to evaluate the role of a novel surrogate, the ratio of levels of advanced glycation endproducts (AGE) to its scavenger, the soluble form of the receptor of AGE (sRAGE), in the association of occurrence of albuminuria in hypertension patients.Background Activation of the RAGE pathway triggers oxidative stress. The engagement of RAGE by AGE activated key cell signaling pathways such as mitogen- activated protein kinases and nuclear factor-㱖B. Previous studies showed that AGEs are positively associated with arterial stiffness and maybe a target for cardiovascular disease, whereas its scavenger receptors, serving as a decoy, play a beneficial role. Thus, our study aims to elucidate the relationship of the ratio of AGE to sRAGE and albuminuria in hypertensive patients.Methods A total of 125 hypertensive patients were enrolled. Baseline characteristics were collected. Univariate analysis to determine the possible factors associated with albuminuria were analyzed. Multivariate analysis by cox-regression was performed afterwards.Results Between the patients without and with albuminuria, the target ratio became a candidate factor (3.96±3.07 vs. 5.66±5.90, p=0.19). Other factors included diabetes, systolic blood pressure, triglyceride, creatinine, and high sensitive C-reactive protein. The result of multivariate analysis showed that diabetes, Cr, and the ration of AGE to sRAGE remained to be significant factors associated with albuminuria in hypertension (p=0.02, 0.01, and 0.05, respectively).Conclusions The ratio of AGE to sRAGE may reflect oxidative stress and serves as a possible prognostic surrogate for atherosclerosis by the finding that it may be one of the major determinants for albuminuria in hypertension. Division of Cardiology, Hsin-Chu General Hospital, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, R.O.C.、2Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan, R.O.C.、 3 Cardiovascular Research Center, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 1 Kuang-Hsing Chiang1,3、Po-Hsun Huang2,3、Shao-Sung Huang3、 Jaw-Wen Chen2,3、Shin-Jong Lin2,3 E10 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic metastasis in urinary bladder cancer Special Talk E9 Cilostazol is a selective inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 3 that increases intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels and activates protein kinase A, thereby inhibiting vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation. We investigated whether AMPactivated protein kinase (AMPK) activation induced by Heme Oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is a downstream mediator of the beneficial effects of cilostazol on VSMC and whether cilostazol may prevent cell proliferation by activating AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in VSMC. In the present study, we examined that cilostazol were treated with various concentrations in VSMCs. Treatment of cilostazol increased HO-1 and phosphorylation of AMPK dose- and time-dependently. Cilostazol also significantly decreased PDGF-induced VSMC proliferation by activating AMPK induced by HO-1. Pharmacological and genetic inhibition of HO-1 and AMPK blocked the cilostazol-induced inhibition of cell proliferation and ROS production. These data suggested that cilostazol-induced HO-1 and AMPK activation might attenuate PDGF-induced VSMC proliferation and ROS production. Special Lecture The ratio of levels of advanced glycation endproducts to its soluble form of receptor associated with albuminuria in hypertensive patients Department of Pharmacology, Aging-associated Vascular Disease Research Center, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University、 Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Aging-associated Vascular Disease Research Center, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University 2 President Lecture Lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) receptor 1 (LOX-1) is highly expressed in atherosclerotic lesions and plays a major role in mediating oxLDLinduced vascular inflammation. Chlamydia pneumoniae has been found in atherosclerotic lesions and is related to atherosclerotic pathogenesis, although its specific mechanism remains unknown. This study was conducted to investigate the regulatory mechanisms of LOX-1 expression in GroEL1 (a heat shock protein from C. pneumoniae)-administered hypercholesterolemic rabbits and in GroEL1stimulated human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAECs). In the hypercholesterolemic rabbit model, GroEL1 administration enhanced fatty streak and macrophage infiltration in atherosclerotic lesions, which may be mediated by elevated LOX-1 expression. In the in vitro study using HCAECs, stimulation with GroEL1 protein significantly increased toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and LOX-1 expression. Increased LOX-1 expression was downregulated by Akt activation and PI3K-mediated endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activation. PI3K inhibitor (LY294002) and NOS inhibitor L-Ng-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester induced LOX-1 mRNA production, while the nitric oxide (NO) donor S-nitrosocysteine ameliorated the increasing effect of LOX-1 mRNA in GroEL1-stimulated HCAECs. LOX-1 expression was regulated by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase (including Rac1), which mediates reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and intracellular mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway activation in GroEL1-stimulated HCAECs. Treatment with polyethylene-glycolconjugated superoxide dismutase, apocynin, or diphenylene iodonium significantly decreased GroEL1-induced LOX-1 expression, as did the knockdown of Rac1 gene expression by RNA interference. Our results demonstrated that the GroEL1 protein of C. pneumoniae may induce LOX-1 expression in endothelial cells, which mediate formation of the fatty streak in atherogenesis. The elevated level of LOX-1 may be mediated by the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway, eNOS activation, NADPH oxidase-mediated ROS production, and MAPKs activation in GroEL1-stimulated HCAECs. The GroEL1 protein of C. pneumoniae may contribute to vascular inflammation and cardiovascular disorders. Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei Medical University and Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan、2Department of Cardiovascular surgery, Taipei Medical University and Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan、3Division of Cardiology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan 1 Jung Eun Kim1、Jin Young Sung1、Dong Hyup Lee2、 Hyoung Chul Choi1 Chun-Yao Huang1、Chun-Ming Shih1、Nai-Wen Tsao2、 Shing-Jong Lin3、Jaw-Wen Chen3、Po-Hsun Huang3、 Feng-Yen Lin3 1 Cilostazol inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation through activation of AMP-activated protein kinase and Heme Oxygenase-1 E8 GroEL1, a Hsp60 of C. pneumoniae, Induces LOX-1 Expression and Enhances Atherogenesis in Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits E7 Poster Session:Angiogenesis / Lymphangiogenesis 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 206 Anthocyanins play an important role on physiological functions related to human health. Previously, we isolated and purified cyanidin-3-O-sambubioside from the extract of Acanthopanax sessiliflous fruit using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The purpose of this study was to investigate inhibitory effect of cyanidin-3-O-sambubioside on cancer cell metastasis. To examine the inhibitory effect of cyanidin-3-O-sambubioside on angiogenesis, we assessed with the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) and tube formation assay. Cyanidin-3-Osambubioside interrupted the formation of neo-vasculature and tube-like structure in a dose dependent manner. The Gelatin zymography revealed the cyanidin-3-Osambubioside significantly decreased the secretion of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). Cyanidin-3-O-sambubioside also down-regulated the expression of MMP-9 and MMP-2 in human breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB-231. Moreover, the treatment of MDA-MB-231 cells with cyanidin-3-O-sambubioside decreased cell motility by wound-healing assay. It is reported that protein kinases C (PKCs), mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), and nuclear factor-kappa B (NFkappaB) are involved in the regulation of MMP-9 in the processes of tumor cell invasion and metastasis. Our research observed that were mainly focused on signaling pathway of PKCs and NF-kappaB and around signals. Taken together, these results suggest that cyanidin-3-O-sambubioside inhibits metastasis such as angiogenesis and invasion through regulation of MMP-9 activity in breast cancer cells. Department of Genetic Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Republic of Korea、2Research Laboratories, Kooksoondang Brewery Co. Ltd., Seongnam 462-120, Republic of Korea、3College of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Republic of Korea、4Faculty of Food Science and Technology, Sejong University, Seoul, Republic of Korea 1 Guwon Jeong1、Sang-Jin Lee1,2、Yong-Woo Jung1、 Jae Cheol Lee3、Jeong-Whan han3、Sang-Ho You4、 Gye-Won Kim2、Sungyoul Hong1 Effect of Cyanidin-3-O-Sambubioside from Acanthopanax sessiliflorus Fruit on Angiogenesis through Regulation of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 E11 Transcriptional factor, Sox17, is one of the Sox family members which have a highmobility-group (HMG) box as a DNA binding domain. Sox17 has been known to be important for the generation of various tissues such as definitive endoderm and hematopoietic cells during development. Despite its importance in vascular morphogenesis, the expression of Sox17 is unclear within vasculatures. During early vascular development, Sox17 expression is exclusive to endothelial cells within vasculature regardless of their subtypes based on our studies. Endothelial specific Sox17 expression persists in the adult vasculature while its vascular expression is gradually restricted to arterial endothelial cells. Interestingly, Sox17 expression is activated in adult endothelial cells when angiogenesis is activated by tumor growth. Related with its expression, Sox17 deficiency induces vascular changes in shape and function during vascular development and tumor angiogenesis. Taken together, our study demonstrates that Sox17 plays a crucial role in vascular morphogenesis as well as function. KAIST, Daejeon, Korea Seunghun Lee、Hanseul Yang、Gou Young Koh、Injune Kim Endothelial Sox17 Regulates Vascular Morphogenesis and Function E12 17:30〜 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 207 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Symposium Institute of Cellular and System Medicine, National Health Research Institutes, Zhunan, Taiwan Huei-Hsuan Cheng、Bo-Rui Chen、Wei-Chung Lin、 Kenneth K. Wu How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Cytokines and phorbol ester stimulate p300 HAT and inflammatory gene expression in a cell cycledependent manner Special Talk p300 is a transcriptional coactivator which mediates the expression of a multitude of genes sharing common promoter features through binding to DNA-bound transactivators, interaction with core transcription factors and modification of chromatin. It plays an important role in cell proliferation, transformation and inflammation. p300 is a histone acetyltransferase (HAT) which acetylates histones to modify chromatin structure and acetylates transactivators to enhance their binding activity. p300 HAT is essential for transcription of diverse genes such as cyclooxygenase (COX-2). Molecular analysis reveals that HAT domain is situated at the carboxy-terminal half of the molecule which is blocked by an intramolecular autoinhibitory element. Little is known about p300 HAT activation by exogenous stimuli. Since the basal p300 HAT is repressed by intramolecular autoinhibition, we reasoned that the pro-inflammatory mediators are capable of activating p300 HAT and thereby stimulating gene transactivation. To address this, we evaluated the effects of interleukin-1㱎 (IL-1㱎), tumor necrosis factor 㱍 (TNF㱍) and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) on p300 HAT activation in human fibroblasts. The results show a very low basal p300 HAT activity in serum-starved cells which was increased by PMA, IL-1㱎 and TNF㱍. The stimulatory effects of the proinflammatory mediators were repressed after serum repletion. PMA-induced p300 HAT activation and COX-2 expression were blocked by rottlerin and PD98059 in serum-starved quiescent fibroblasts but not in serum-repleted proliferative cells. Similarly, they were inhibited by protein kinase C 㱐 (PKC㱐) small interference (si) RNA in quiescent and not in proliferative cells. Direct measurement of PKC㱐 activity reveals that PKC㱐 was stimulated by PMA in quiescent cells but became unresponsive to PMA in proliferative cells. PMA activated extracellular signal regulated protein kinases (ERK) in quiescent but not in proliferative fibroblasts, and ERK activation in quiescent cells was blocked by rottlerin and PKC㱐 siRNA, consistent with signal transmission from PKC㱐 to ERK. Special Lecture E15 Myocardin play a pivotal role in the regulation of cardiac and smooth muscle gene expression, and transactivates serum response factor (SRF) in cardiac and smooth muscle cell. We recently demonstrated that Enhancer of Polycomb (Epc1), a chromatin protein is required for skeletal muscle differentiation by recruiting both serum response factor (SRF) and p300 to the SRE of muscle-specific gene promoters. Here we investigated that Epc1 recruits both Myocardin and SRF to induce smooth muscle cell (SMC) differentiation. Using RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry, we observed that expression of Epc1 was up-regulated the rat carotid artery after balloon injury. Epc1 physically interacted with Myocardin in mammalian cells. In addition, Epc1 is highly expressed in the mouse smooth muscle tissue including bladder, lung and esophagus. We also carried out environmental cues which actively regulate SMC phenotypic switching, such as platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB); we infused recombinant PDGF-BB into rat SMC. Our data indicate that PDGF-BB suppress expression of Epc1 as well as SMC-specifc gene, such as smooth muscle (SM) alpha-actin and SM22alpha in vitro. Transfection of Epc1 to SMCs poteintiated the myocardin-induced expression of smooth muscle-specific genes. Moreover, Epc1 enhance physical interaction between Myocardin and SRF. Epc1 enhances the binding of SRF induced by myocardin in the SM22alpha promoter. These results suggest that Epc1 plays a role in the initiation of smooth muscle differentiation/proliferation and its interaction with myocardin modulates the expression of SRF-dependent smooth musclespecific genes. Department of Pharmacology, Chonnam National University Medical School, Gwangju, South Korea、2Medical Research Center of Gene Regulation, Chonnam National University Medical School, Gwangju, South Korea、3Department of Anatomy, Chonnam National University Medical School, Gwangju, South Korea、4Heart Research Center, Chonnam National University Hospital, Gwangju, South Korea 1 Yoojung Kim1,2,4、Hosouk Joung1,2、Ju-Ryoung Kim1,2、 Sera Shin2,4、Eun Mi Kim1,2、Jin Sook Kwon4、 Gwang Hyeon Eom1,2、Nakwon Choe1,2、Hae Jin Kee1,2,4、 Kwang-Il Nam3、Hyun Kook1,2,4 Epc1 regulates smooth muscle cell gene expression by interacting with myocardin E14 President Lecture Thymosin beta-4 has multi-functional roles in cell physiology, but little is known about its mechanism(s) of action. We previously reported that thymosin beta-4 stimulated angiogenesis through the induction of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). To identify the mechanism of VEGF induction by thymosin beta-4, we have used a luciferase assay system with VEGF in the 5ʼ promoter region. We also analyzed the effect of thymosin beta-4 on VEGF mRNA stability and on the expression and stability of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1 alpha. We found that thymosin beta-4 induces VEGF expression by an increase in the stability of HIF1alpha protein. Analysis of the expression patterns of thymosin beta-4 and HIF1alpha in colon cancer tissue microarray showed that thymosin beta-4 and HIF-1 alpha co-localized in these biopsies. These data show that thymosin beta-4 induces the expression of VEGF indirectly by increasing the protein stability of HIF-1 alpha. Department of Parasitology and Genetics, Kosin University College of Medicine, Busan, Rep of Korea,、2Department of Physiology, School of Dentistry, Pusan National University, Busan, Rep of Korea、3Craniofacial Developmental Biology and Regeneration Branch, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA 1 Jin-Ok Jo1、Su-Ryun Kim2、Moon-Kyung Bae2、Yun-Jeong Kang1、 Mee Sun Ock1、Hynda K Kleinman3、Hee-Jae Cha1 Thymosin beta-4 induces vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in normoxic condition by stabilizing hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1 alpha protein E13 Poster Session:Transcriptional Regulation and regeneration 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 208 Men with diabetic erectile dysfunction (ED) often have severe endothelial dysfunction and respond poorly to oral phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. This study was performed to examine the effectiveness of adipose tissue-derived stromal vascular fraction (AD-SVF) in promoting cavernous endothelial regeneration and restoring erectile function in diabetic animals. Eight-week-old C57BL/6 mice were used and diabetes was induced by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. ADSVF was isolated from epididymal adipose tissues of GFP transgenic mice. At 8 weeks after induction of diabetes, the animals were divided into 6 groups: controls, diabetic mice, and diabetic mice treated with a single intracavernous injection of PBS or AD-SVF (1 x 10 4 cells, 1 x 10 5 cells, or 3 x 105 cells/20 㱘l, respectively). Two weeks later, erectile function was measured by cavernous nerve stimulation. The penis was stained with antibodies to CD31, CD34, phosphohistone H3, phospho-eNOS, and VEGF-A. Penis specimens from a separate group of animals were used for cGMP quantification. The highest erectile response was noted in diabetic mice at a concentration of 1 x 10 5 cells, which reached up to 82% of the control values. Local delivery of AD-SVF significantly increased cavernous endothelial proliferation, eNOS phosphorylation, and cGMP expression compared with that in untreated and PBS-treated diabetic group. Intracavernous injection of AD-SVF increased cavernous VEGF-A expression and induced recruitment of CD34(+)CD31(-) progenitor cells. Some AD-SVF underwent differentiation into cavernous endothelial cells. These findings suggest that AD-SVF induces recovery of cavernous endothelial integrity and erectile function predominantly by provision of trophic factors, and in part by direct incorporation and differentiation of injected AD-SVF. The results support the concept of cavernous endothelial regeneration by use of an AD-SVF as a curative therapy for diabetic ED.Supported by a grant of the Korea Healthcare technology R&D Project, Ministry for Health, Welfare & Family Affairs, Republic of Korea (Jun-Kyu Suh, A084511). Laboratory of Regenerative Sexual Medicine and Department of Urology, Inha University School of Medicine, Incheon, Korea、 2 Department of Biological Sciences and Laboratory for Vascular Biology, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea 1 Young Jun Koh、Gou Young Koh Ji-Kan Ryu1、Munkhbayar Tumurbaatar1、Hai-Rong Jin1、 Woo Jean Kim1、Mi-Hye Kwon1、Shuguang Piao1、Min Ji Choi1、 Guo Nan Yin1、Kang-Moon Song1、Young Jun Koh2、 Gou Young Koh2、Jun-Kyu Suh1 Tremendous efforts have been made to establish effective therapeutic neovasculaization using adipose tissue-derived stromal vascular fraction (SVF), but the efficiency is low, and underlying mechanisms and their interaction with the host in a new microenvironment are poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that direct implantation of SVF derived from donor adipose tissue can create a profound vascular network through the disassembly and reassembly of blood endothelial cells (BECs) at the site of implantation. This neo-vasculature successfully established connection with recipient blood vessels to form a functionally perfused circuit. Addition of vascular growth factors to the SVF implant improved the efficiency of functional neo-vasculature formation. In contrast, spheroid culture of SVF prior to implantation reduced the capacity of vasculature formation, possibly caused by cellular senescence or alteration. Implanting SVF into the mouse ischemic hindlimb induced the robust formation of a local neo-vascular network and salvaged the limb. Moreover, the co-implantation of SVF prevented fat absorption in the subcutaneous adipose tissue graft model. However, allograft of SVF failed to achieve proper new vasculature formation. Taken together, freshly isolated SVF can effectively induce new vessel formation through the dynamic reassembly of BECs and could be applied to achieve therapeutic neovascularization for relieving ischemia and preventing fat absorption in an autologous manner. Graduate School of Biomedical Science and Engineering, KAIST, Korea Freshly Isolated Stromal Vascular Fraction from Adipose Tissue Forms Profound Vascular Network through the Dynamic Reassembly of Blood Endothelial Cells E17 Intracavernous Delivery of Adipose Tissue-Derived Stromal Vascular Fraction Rescues Erectile Function by Enhancing Endothelial Regeneration in the Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mouse E16 17:30〜 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 209 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Objective: Emerging evidence indicate that far infra-red (FIR) therapy exerts beneficial effects in the cardiovascular system, but limited data are available on potential mediating mechanisms. Recent insights suggest that the injured endothelial monolayer is regenerated by circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), but their functions are impaired in diabetes. We tested the hypothesis that FIR radiation can improve high glucose-suppressed EPC functions and restores collateral flow to ischemic tissue in diabetic mice.Methods and Results: Unilateral hindlimb ischemia was induced in streptozotocine (STZ)-induced diabetic mice, which were divided into control and FIR therapy groups. The latter mice were placed in a far-infrared dry sauna at 34C for 30 min once daily for 5 weeks. Laser Doppler perfusion imaging demonstrated that the ischemic limb/normal side blood perfusion ratio in the thermal therapy group was significantly increased beyond that in controls, and significantly greater capillary density was seen in FIR therapy group. These beneficial effects were markedly abolished by an eNOS inhibitor (L-NAME). Bone marrow-derived EPCs differentiated into endothelial cells defined as GFP+/CD31+ double positive cells were significantly increased in ischemic tissue around the vessels in diabetic mice received FIR radiation as compared with those in control group. In in-vitro studies, treatment of cultured EPCs with FIR radiation for 30 minutes promoted high glucose (25 mM)-impaired EPC proliferation, migration and tube formation, and inhibited high glucoseinduced EPC senescence and reduced H2O2 production. Nude mice received human EPCs treated with FIR in high glucose medium showed a significant improvement in blood flow recovery in ischemic limb than those without FIR therapy.Conclusions. FIR therapy promoted collateral flow recovery and new vessels formation in STZ-diabetic mice. These beneficial effects may derive from enhancement of EPC functions and homing process, which provide some novel rational to the vascular protective properties of FIR therapy in diabetic patients. Division of Cardiology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital Po-Hsun Huang、Shing-Jong Lin、Jaw-Wen Chen Symposium Backgrounds Lentivirus vectors provide a delivery system that can both transduce nondividing cells and integrate transgenes into the genome of target cells which enable long-term tracing in vitro and in vivo. However, their transduction efficiency and stability of gene expression has not been evaluated in murine embryonic stem cells (ESC) or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). Therefore, we evaluated lentiviral transduction into ESC or iPS and its gene expression. Methods Human immunodeficiency virus type 1-based lentivirus vectors containing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene were transduced into the cells with or without coating the culture dishes with retronectin. The effieciency of repeated transduction were compared with single transduction. Embryonic body (EB) from the transduced ESC and iPS was formed by hanging drop method. Spontaneous differentiation was induced by re-attaching the EB to gelatin-coated dish. GFP expression was examined during differentiation. Results Following single transduction for 12h without retronectin and 2 days of culture, 27.3% ± 6.7% of iPS were positive for GFP. Retronectin significantly increased the positivity of GFP (42. 0% ± 5.5%. n=4, p<0.001). Repeated transduction (3 times) elevated the positivity upto 95% ± 3.4%. There was no difference of the transduction rate between iPS and ESC. Seven days after spontaneous differentiation of the >90% GFP-positive EB, GFP positivity was significantly reduced to 39.3 ± 9.4%. CONCLUSIONSThese data show that lentivirus with retronectin precoating and repreated transduction increases the efficiency of gene transfer in murine ESC or iPS. This method, however, may not be useful for the research in cardiovascular differentiation from iPS or ESC due to the significant gene silencing after differentiation. National Research Laboratory for Cardiovascular Stem cell, Seoul National University College of medicine , Seoul, Korea、2Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea 1 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Seok-Jin Koh1、Chang-Hwan Yoon2、Young-Eun Choi1、 Hyun-Jae Cho2、Hyo-Soo Kim2 E21 Special Talk Far infra-red therapy restores high glucosesuppressed endothelial progenitor cell functions and promotes ischemia-induced angiogenesis in diabetic mice Special Lecture Efficienct lentiviral transduction of murine induced pluripotent stem cells and its silencing during differentiation Objective: We investigated a new strategy that enhances cellular potency and provides an enriched source of cardiac progenitor cells. Background: Recent studies suggest that resident cardiac stem/progenitor cells could be an optimal cell source for repairing a damaged heart. However, cardiac progenitor cells are difficult to maintain in terms of purity and multipotency when propagated in attached 2-dimensional culture systems in vitro. Methods: We applied the repeated sphere formation strategy (that is, cardiac explant ; migrating cells out of explant ; primary cardiosphere (CS) formation ; cardiosphere-derived cells (CDCs) in adherent culture condition ; secondary CS formation by 3-dimensional culture) Results: Murine CSs were generated from cardiac explants of C57BL/6 mice. Cells in secondary CS showed a higher potency and differentiation potentials. Furthermore, when transplanted into the infarcted myocardium, secondary CSs engrafted robustly, improved LV dysfunction, and reduced infarct sizes more than CDCs did. In addition to the cardiovascular differentiation of transplanted secondary CSs, paracrine effects, such as, robust VEGF secretion, were found to enhance neovascularization in the infarcted myocardium. Regarding the molecular mechanisms involved, ERK/E-selectin and ERK/Sp1/VEGF auto-paracrine loop were responsible for sphere initiation and maturation, respectively. When we applied this strategy to adult human cardiac tissues, secondary CS was readily generated, and cellular characteristics and molecular pathways of sphere formation were similar to murine findings. Conclusion: These results provide a simple and reproducible strategy for enhancing cellular potency for cardiac repair. Furthermore, this strategy may be applicable to other types of stem/progenitor cells for cell-based therapy Seoul National Univ. Hospital, Seoul, Korea Ho-Jae Lee、Hyun-Jai Cho、Seock-Won Youn、Seok-Jin Koh、 Joo-Yun Won、Yeon Ju Chung、Jaewon Lee、Sooryeonhwa Jin、 Chang-Hwan Yoon、Sae-Won Lee、Eun Ju Lee、Hae-Young Lee、 Young-Bae Park、Hyo-Soo Kim Secondary sphere formation enhances the functionality of cardiac progenitor cells from murine and human cardiac explants E19 President Lecture E20 Background: Ultrasonic microbubble-mediated gene delivery has shown to be a feasible method in the non-viral gene delivery. The responsiveness of ultrasonic microbubble transfection (UMT) of VEGF gene into endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) remained unclear. Methods: EPC originated from porcine peripheral blood were cultured with medium containing constructed VEGF plasmid DNA (pDNA, 0.5 kb; CMV promoter) and air-gassed, hard shell microbubbles followed by UMT. Expression of VEGF was evaluated by ELISA 48 hours post gene delivery. In parallel, a series of parameters of ultrasound and functional evaluations were conducted to investigate the effects of UMT of VEGF gene into EPC. Results: The parameters of 1 W/cm 2 , duty cycle 5% and exposure time 30 seconds, which yielded a relatively high luciferase expression around 5 LU/cell (n=4, p<0.01 vs control) and VEGF protein expression around 2000 pg/ml (n=4, p<0.05 vs control) with relatively low intensity of ultrasound, were selected as ultrasound parameters of gene delivery. UMT with the optimized parameter did not degrade VEGF pDNA. VEGF-containing supernatant originated from transfection of human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells and UMT of EPC led to improvement of activities of migration in human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC) around 50%, as well as of proliferation in HAEC more than 20 % (n=4, p<0.05 vs control), respectively, with no obvious adverse effect on transfected EPC. Furthermore, a duration of stable secretion of VEGF protein in UMT-transfected EPC can be around 48-96 h (n=4, p<0.05 vs control). Conclusions: UMT successfully delivers angiogenic gene into porcine EPC and UMT-mediated VEGF gene transfer enhances the functional activities of HAEC, while possesses no obvious adverse effect on viable transfected cells. The results suggested that UMT could potentially be a safe and useful tool for VEGF gene delivery into EPC. Further investigation is prerequisite to clarify the clinical impact in peripheral artery disease. Mackay Memorial Hospital, Cardiovascular division, Laboratory of Heart and Circulatory Physiology, Taipei, Taiwan Cheng-Huang Su、Chiung-Yin Chang、Sih-Wei Tseng、 Cheng-Ho Tsai、Hung-I Yeh Ultrasonic microbubble-mediated angiogenic gene delivery into endothelial progenitor cells E18 Poster Session:Stem Cell / Progenitor Cells 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 210 Aim: Plasma levels of adiponectin, an adipose-specific protein with putative antiatherogenic properties, could be down-regulated in obese and diabetic subjects. Recent insights suggest that the injured endothelial monolayer is regenerated by circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), but high glucose reduces number and functions of EPCs. Here, we tested the hypothesis that globular adiponectin can improve high glucose-suppressed EPC functions by restoration of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activity.Methods: Late EPCs isolated from healthy subjects appeared with cobblestone shape at 2-4 weeks. EPCs were incubated with high glucose (25 mM) and treatment with globular adiponectin for functional study. Migration and tube formation assays were used to evaluate the vasculogenetic capacity of EPCs. The activities of eNOS, Akt and concentrations of nitric oxide (NO) were also determined. Results: Administration of globular adiponectin at physiological concentrations promoted EPC migration and tube formation, and dose-dependently upregulated phosphorylation of eNOS, Akt and augmented NO production. Chronic incubation of EPCs in high-glucose medium significantly impaired EPC function and induced cellular senescence, but these suppression effects were reversed by treatment with globular adiponectin. Globular adiponectin reversed high glucose-impaired EPC functions through NO-, p38 MAPK- and AMPK-related mechanisms. In addition, nude mice received EPCs treated with adiponectin in high glucose medium showed a significant improvement in blood flow than those received normal saline.Conclusion: The administration of globular adiponectin improved high glucose-impaired EPC functions in vasculogenesis by restoration of eNOS activity. These beneficial effects may provide some novel rational to the vascular protective properties of adiponectin. Division of Cardiology, Taiepi Veterans General Hospital Po-Hsun Huang、Shing-Jong Lin、Jaw-Wen Chen Globular adiponectin improves high glucosesuppressed endothelial progenitor cell function through endothelial nitric oxide synthase dependent mechanisms E22 17:30〜 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 211 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Gomisin J (GJ) is a small molecular weight lignan contained in Fructus Schisandrae, the dried seed of Schisandra chinensis (SC) which is a well-known medical herb for the improvement of cardiovascular symptoms in Korea. In this study, we investigated the vascular effects of Gomisin J from SC. Gomisin J (0.1 30 㱘g/ml) caused a concentration-dependent relaxation in both the endotheliumintact and -denuded rat thoracic aortas. The relaxant effect of Gomisin J was more prominent in the endothelium-intact aorta than that in the endothelium-denuded aorta. The endothelium-dependent vasodilatation by Gomisin J was markedly attenuated by L-NAME (a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor) and ODQ (a soluble guanyl cyclase inhibitor) but not by tetraethylammonium (a nonselective blocker of K+ channels) and indomethacin (a cyclooxygenase inhibitor). And also, Gomisin J induced NO production in a time- and concentration-dependent manner in association with an enhanced phosphorylation of eNOS with an increased cytosolic translocation of eNOS. In endothelium-denuded aorta, vasorelaxation by Gomisin J was clearly inhibited by calyculin A (an inhibitor of MLC phosphatase), but not by ML-9 (a MLC kinase inhibitor). Furthermore, phenylephrine-enhanced MLC phosphorylation was significantly attenuated by Gomisin J. Based on these results, it is suggested that vascular relaxation by Gomisin J is mediated not only by endothelium-NO pathway via eNOS activation, but also by direct effect on vascular smooth muscle via dephosphorylation of MLC. Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Pusan National University、2College of Natural Resources & Life Sciences, Pusan National University, Gyeongnam 627-706, Republic of Korea 1 Jin U. Bae1、Ji Y. Park1、Jung W. Yun1、Young W. Choi2、 Chi D. Kim1 Symposium Farnesyltransferase (FTase) inhibitors also function to suppress the release of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) from tumor cells by inhibiting Ras activation; however, the effects of FTase inhibitors on VEGF-induced angiogenesis in endothelial cells have not been studied. We have investigated the antiangiogenic effect and molecular mechanism of LB42708, a selective nonpeptidic FTase inhibitor, using in vitro and in vivo assay systems. LB42708 inhibited VEGFinduced Ras activation and subsequently suppressed angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo by blocking the MEK/ERK and PI3K/Akt/endothelial nitric-oxide synthase pathways in endothelial cells without altering FAK/Src activation. In addition, this inhibitor suppressed VEGF-induced endothelial cell cycle progression at the G1 phase by suppressing cyclin D1 expression and retinoblastoma phosphorylation as well as up-regulating the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p21 and p27. Knockdown of Ras by short interfering RNA revealed similar inhibitory effects on VEGF-induced angiogenic signal events compared with LB42708. Moreover, the inhibitory effects of LB42708 were significantly higher than those of SCH66336, a well known FTase inhibitor. LB42708 suppressed tumor growth and tumor angiogenesis in both xenograft tumor models of Ras-mutated HCT116 cells and its wild-type Caco-2 cells, indicating its potential application in the treatment of both Ras-mutated and wild type tumors. These data indicate that the antitumor effect of LB42708 can be associated with direct inhibition of VEGF-induced tumor angiogenesis by blocking Ras-dependent MAPK and PI3K/Akt signal pathways in tumor-associated endothelial cells. Vascular System Research Center and Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry School of Medicine, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Kangwon-do, Korea 、2Department of Biochemistry, College of Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea 1 Chun-Ki Kim2、Dong-Kwon Lee1、Kwon-Soo Ha1、 Young-Guen Kwon2、Young-Myeong Kim1 E26 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Gomisin J from schisandra chinensis induces vasorelaxation in rat thoracic aorta Special Talk E25 Special Lecture LB42708, a farnesyltransferase inhibitor, suppresses VEGF-induced angiogenesis by inhibiting Rasdependent MAPK and PI3K/Akt signal pathways President Lecture Under normal culture conditions, rat aortic smooth muscle cells (RASMCs) display their phenotypic modulation from a dedifferentiated (synthetic type) to a differentiated (contractile type) state. Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is unique among growth factors in promoting RASMCs differentiation via preferential activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways. The differentiation of synthetic type RASMC is achieved by repetitive subculture at high cell density. Especially, plating the cells on fibronectin-coated dish enhanced the differentiation of RASMCs. Both Akt and ERK were significantly activated by fibronectin. Inhibition of PI3K/Akt signaling pathways blocked the differentiation of RASMC whereas inhibition of ERK pathway did not affect. More importantly, silencing of Akt1 abolished the differentiation of RASMCs whereas silencing of Akt2 did not affect RASMC differentiation. Moreover, silencing of integrin-linked kinase (ILK) completely blocked the differentiation of RASMCs, and reduced the phosphorylation of Akt. In addition, Silencing of Akt1 impaired promoter activity of smooth muscle cell marker genes such as SM22㱍 and SMA. Finally, mice lacking Akt1 displayed enhanced neointima formation after carotid artery ligation. Given these results, we suggest that Akt1 is involved in extracellular matrix associated signaling pathways and regulates vascular integrity to contractile phenotype. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily of ligand-dependent transcription factors. PPARs play an important role in the general transcription control of numerous cellular processes, including lipid metabolism, glucose homeostasis, cell cycle progression, cell differentiation, inflammation and extracellular matrix remodeling. Three PPAR isoforms, designated PPAR㱍, PPAR㱐 and PPAR㱏, have been identified. Previous studies have shown that agonists of PPAR㱍 and PPAR㱏 regulate vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMCs) functions. We postulate that PPAR㱍 agonists protect VSMC against oxidant-induced apoptosis via upregulation of 14-33. PPAR㱍 agonists such as WY14643 and GW9518 inhibited VSMC capase 3 activation and PARP cleavage i n a concentration-dependent manner. Carbaprostacyclin, an agonist of PPAR㱍 and PPAR㱐, completely abolished caspase 3 activation and PPAR cleavage, while 15d-PGJ 2, a PPAR㱏 agonist had no effect. Seven isoforms of 14-3-3 (14-3-3㱎, 㱏, 㱑, 㱓, 㱔, 㱟, and 㱒) have been identified and characterized in mammalian cells. All isoforms except 14-3-3㱟 were detected in VSCM at basal state. WY14643 (50 㱘M) or GW9578 (5 㱘M) increased selectively 14-3-3㱑 expression. 14-3-3㱑 was not influenced by H 2 O 2 and was elevated by WY14643 in the presence of H2O2. 14-3-3㱑 overexpression was previously reported to protect endothelial cells from H2O 2-induced apoptosis by sequestering Bad and reducing Bad-mediated apoptosis. Our preliminary results suggest that PPAR㱍 activation protects VSMC from apoptosis via the 14-3-3㱑 cytoprotective pathway. Institute of Cellular and System Medicine, National Health Research Institutes, Zhunan, Taiwan Yen-Chung Chen、Shu-Fan Yang、Kenneth K Wu Sung Ji Yun、Eun Kyoung Kim、Jung Min Ha、Young Whan Kim、 In Hye Jin、Dae Han Woo、Chi Dae Kim、Sun Sik Bae MRC for Ischemic Tissue Regeneration, Medical Research Institute, and Department of Pharmacology, Pusan National University School of Medicine, Kyungnam, Republic of Korea Protection of vascular smooth muscle cell survival by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α agonists via 14-3-3 upregulation E24 Regulation of vascular smooth muscle cells phenotypes by matrix-mediated activation of PI3K/ Akt1 signaling pathways E23 Poster Session:Vascular Signal Transduction 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 212 Carbon monoxide (CO) plays a significant role in vascular functions. We here examined the molecular mechanism by which CO regulates hypoxia-inducible transcription factor-1 (HIF-1)-dependent expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which is an important angiogenic factor. We found that astrocytes stimulated with the CO-releasing molecule (CORM-2) promoted angiogenesis by increasing VEGF expression and secretion. CORM-2 also induced hemeoxygenase-1 (HO-1) expression and increased nuclear HIF-1㱍 protein level, without altering its promoter activity and mRNA level. VEGF expression was inhibited by treatment with HIF-1㱍 siRNA and a HO inhibitor, indicating that CO stimulates VEGF expression via upregulation of HIF-1㱍 protein level, which is partially associated with HO-1 induction. CORM-2 activated the translational regulatory proteins p70S6k and eIF-4E, as well as phosphorylated their upstream signal mediators Akt and ERK. These translational signal events and HIF-1㱍 protein level were suppressed by inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), MEK, and mTOR, suggesting that the PI3K/Akt/mTOR and MEK/ERK pathways are involved in a translational increase in HIF-1㱍. In addition, CORM-2 also increased stability of the HIF-1㱍 protein by suppressing its ubiquitination, without altering the proline hydroxylase-dependent HIF-1㱍 degradation pathway. CORM2 increased HIF-1㱍 /HSP90㱍 interaction, which is responsible for HIF-1㱍 stabilization, and HSP90 specific inhibitors decreased this interaction, HIF-1㱍 protein level, and VEGF expression. Furthermore, HSP90㱍 knockdown suppressed CORM-2-induced increases in HIF-1㱍 and VEGF protein levels. These results suggest that CO stimulates VEGF production by increasing HIF-1㱍 protein level via two distinct mechanisms, translational stimulation and protein stabilization of HIF-1㱍. Vascular System Research Center and Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry School of Medicine, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Kangwon-do, Korea、2Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry School of Medicine, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Kangwon-do, Korea、3Department of Biochemistry, College of Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea 1 Yoon Kyung Choi1,2、Kyu-Sun Lee1,2、Hansooo Lee1、 Kwon-Soo Ha2、Young-Guen Kwon3、Young-Myeong Kim1,2 Carbon monoxide promotes VEGF expression by increasing HIF-1α protein level via translational activation and stabilization of HIF-1α protein E27 1 Chungbuk National University Fight against Angiogenesis-Related Blindness (FARB) Laboratory, Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 213 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Pyridoxal-5ʼ-phosphate (PLP), the active form of vitamin B6, was previously studied in our laboratory as a potential anti-aggregative agent which has beneficial effects in preventing cardiovascular diseases. However, the relationship between the anti-aggregative effects and morphological changes of PLP is unclear. In this study, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was respectively activated by thrombin, ADP, and collagen and co-incubated with the tetrapeptide, Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (RGDS), or PLP. Morphological changes in platelets were evaluated by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). The results indicated that optimal aggregative concentrations of thrombin, ADP, and collagen were 0.5 units/ml, 25 㱘M, and 0.1 mg/ml, respectively. Meanwhile, the optimal anti-aggregative concentrations of PLP and RGDS to those platelet agonists were 1.5 and 0.23 mM, respectively. The SEM data showed that morphological changes in platelet by RGDS or PLP treatment were similar, including lower activation, being sustained in the pseudopod stages, and having smaller fibrin spindles during thrombin induction. The smaller fibrin spindle formation caused by PLP or RGDS might be helpful in preventing blood coagulation. In this study, we provide morphological evidence that the antiaggregative effect of PLP is partially similar to that of RGDS in inhibiting fibrinogen binding to GP23 receptors Symposium The hyaloid vessel is a transient intraocular circulatory system that undergoes a complete regression as the retina becomes matured with retinal vascularization. If the complete involution of the hyaloid vessels failes, the pathological persistence of these vessels results in persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV) associated with severe ocular pathologies. Unfortunately despite its clinical significance, cellular and molecular processes involved in hyaloid regression remain to be elucidated. Herein, we for the first time demonstrated that autophagy could contribute to the regression of hyaloid vessels in early developing retina. In developing retina, hyaloid vessel regression coincided with retinal vascular development; this occurred simultaneous with apoptotic and autophagic processes. Moreover, in vascular endothelial cells under hypoxic conditions, LC3-II conversion was detected along with caspase-3 activation. The autophagy inducer rapamycin induced autophagy-mediated cell death of vascular endothelial cells in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, rapamycin significantly enhanced the involution of hyaloid vessels in the early developing eye. Therefore, our results suggest that the autophagy pathway would be involved in hyaloid regression that occurs during early ocular development. Furthermore, activation of the autophagy pathway could be considered for a therapeutic approach to PHPV. Jin Hyoung Kim、Jeong Hun Kim 1 Dept. Biotechnology, HungKuang University、2Dept. Biology, National Cheng Kung University Wen-Jen Yu1、Ru-Chun Dai1、Sue-Joan Chang2 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Autophagy-induced regression of hyaloid vessels in early ocular development Special Talk Anti-aggregative Effects of Pyridoxal-5ʼ-phosphate on Platelet Morphological Changes Special Lecture E32 Gomisin A is a small molecular weight lignan contained in Schisandra chinensis. Previously, we demonstrated that Gomisin A induced vasodilation through activation of endothelium-nitric oxide pathway, and partially dephosphorylation of myosin light chain in smooth muscle. Thus, we investigated the preventive effect of Gomisin A on angiotensin II (AII)-induced hypertension in mice. C57/BL6 mice infused subcutaneously with AII (2 㱘g/kg/min, osmotic mini-pump) showed an increase in blood pressure. To determine the single-dose effect, Gomisin A was infused into femoral vein, and then blood pressure was monitored via carotid artery. At concentrations of 10-100 㱘g/kg, blood pressure in hypertensive mice was decreased by Gomisin A in a concentration-dependent manner. In the continuousdose test, Gomisin A (2 and 10 㱘g/kg/min) was infused subcutaneously for 2 weeks using osmotic pump. The increase in blood pressure in AII-infused mice was significantly attenuated by infusion of Gomisin A in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, both endothelium-dependent vasodilation and nitric oxide production in aorta from Gomisin A-treated mice were significantly higher than those in control. Based on these results, it was suggested that Gomisin A had preventive effects on AII-induced hypertension via its effects on hypertensive vasculature. President Lecture E31 It is well known that microarray and microfluidic systems have a number of distinct advantages compared to macroscale instruments; high-throughput, high speed, low reagent usage, low energy consumption and automation. Such systems provide new tools and opportunities for pharmaceutical and biological fields to develop new drugs and to solve problems in genomics, proteomic, metabolomics, cellomics, and organomics. I will describe how such systems can be applied to vascular biology by using the following biochips; Protein Microarray Chip: This system can be used for screening new drugs for targeting protein-protein interactions, and for multipletarget antibody mimic peptides that can overcome the tolerance effect found in present antibody therapy. Droplet-Based Microfluidics Chip: This system enable the generation and manipulation of monodisperse liquid droplets in an immiscible carrier fluid, and such encapsulated droplets can be used to mimic artificial cells or isolated reaction vessels. It can be applied to high-throughput drug screening by using pico-/femto-liter volumes of samples with high efficiency. Multiple Microelectrode Array Cell Chip: This system features six individual electrodes, thus enabling six simultaneous independent measurements. It can be used for realtime NO sensing in endothelial cells. I will report recent advances in this area with an angiogenic factor angiogenin in particular. Jung W. Yun1、Jin U. Bae1、Young W. Choi2、Chi D. Kim1 Soo-Ik Chang Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, Yangsan, Pusan National University、2College of Natural Resources & Life Sciences, Pusan National University, Gyeongnam 627-706, Republic of Korea Preventive effect of Gomisin A on angiotensin IIinduced hypertension in mice E30 17:30〜 Application of Microarray and Microfluidic Systems on Vascular Biology E28 Poster Session:Others 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program 18:00〜 Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 214 OBJECTIVESHere we investigated the effects of human resistin on atherosclerotic progression and clarified its underlying mechanisms.BACKGROUNDResistin is an adipokine first identified as a mediator of insulin resistance in murine obesity models. But, its role in human pathology is under debate. Although a few recent studies suggested the relationship between resistin and atherosclerosis in human, the causal relationship and underlying mechanism have not been clarified. METHODS We cloned rabbit resistin, which showed 78% identity to human resistin at cDNA level, and its expression was examined in three different atherosclerotic rabbit models. To evaluate direct role of resistin on atherosclerosis, collared rabbit carotid arteries were used. Histological and cell biologic analyses were performed.RESULTS Rabbit resistin was expressed by macrophages of the plaque in the three different atherosclerotic models. Peri-adventitial resistin gene transfer induced macrophage infiltration and expression of various inflammatory cytokines, resulting in the acceleration of plaque growth and instabilization. In vitro experiments elucidated that resistin increased monocyte-endothelial cell adhesion by up-regulating VLA-4 on monocytes and their counterpart VCAM-1 on endothelial cells. Resistin augmented monocyte infiltration in collagen by direct chemoattractive effect as well as by enhancing migration toward MCP-1. Administration of Connecting Segment-1 peptide, which blocks VLA-4-VCAM-1 interaction, ameliorated neointimal growth induced by resistin in vivo. CONCLUSIONSOur results indicate that resistin aggravates atherosclerosis by stimulating monocytes, endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells to induce vascular inflammation. These findings provide the first insight on the causalrelationship between resistin and atherosclerosis. Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Hyun-Chae Lee、Youngjin Cho、Sang Eun Lee、Jin Hur、 Sahmin Lee、Seock-Won Youn、Jaewon Lee、Sooryeonhwa Jin、 Yoo-Wook Kwon、Hyun-Jai Cho、Byung-Hee Oh、Young-Bae Park、 Hyo-Soo Kim Human Resistin is an Inflammatory Cytokine that Aggravates Atherosclerosis E36 The pathological angiogenesis in the retina is the major cause of vision loss at all ages. In particular, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a leading cause of blindness in children. This study was to investigate whether gold nanoparticle (GNP) could inhibit retinal neovascularization in the animal model of ROP. Intravitreal injection of GNP significantly inhibited retinal neovascularization in the mouse model of ROP. In addition, GNP effectively suppressed VEGF-induced in vitro angiogenesis of retinal microvascular endothelial cells including proliferation, migration and capillary-like networks formation. GNP blocked VEGF-induced autophosphorylation of VEGFR-2 to inhibit consequently ERK-1/2 activation. GNP never affected on the cellular viability of retinal microvascular endothelial cells and induced no retinal toxicity. Our data suggests that GNP could be a potent inhibitor to retinal neovascularization without retinal toxicity. Furthermore, GNP could be extensively applied to variable vaso-proliferative retinopathies mediated by VEGF. Coronary artery calcium (CAC) and high sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) have been developed to predict the cardiovascular events in coronary artery disease (CAD) patients. However, the application of these markers in predicting cardiovascular events in different genders and age subgroups needs more clarification. The study aim was to investigate the hypothesis that combined use of hsCRP level and CAC score can increase the predict value of future cardiovascular events in male subjects suspected with CAD. We included 90 male patients with typical stable angina symptoms. We measured the serum hsCRP and CAC score by electron beam computerized tomography. These baseline parameters were correlated to the clinical cardiovascular events within 12 months follow-up period. During the follow-up period up to 50 months (median 27 months), 13 major cardiovascular events were recorded. In multivariate regression analysis, after adjusted with conventional risk factors, hsCRP and CAC score, hsCRP level was the only independent predictor of cardiovascular events in male subjects. (Relative risk of patients with hsCRP >1 mg/dl as compared to those with hsCRP <1 mg/dl was 4.52; 95% confident interval [CI], 1.139 to 17.97; p = 0.032). Further analysis was performed among 4 groups classified by CAC score (CAC score > 100 or <100) and hsCRP (>1 or <1 mg/L). The relative risk for hsCRP >1mg/L and CAC score>100 group compared with hsCRP <1 mg/L and CAC score <100 increased markedly to 7.50 (95% CI:1.42 to 39.61, p=0.018) for the cardiovascular events. In conclusion, the risk stratification based on both hsCRP and CAC score might be benefit to male subjects with suspected coronary artery disease, since combined use of these 2 markers contributed significantly to the incidence of cardiovascular events. Cardiology division, Taipei Medical University WanFang Hospital, Taiwan, Republic of China、2Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital、3Cardiovascular Research Center, National Yang-Ming University 1 Jong Shiuan Yeh1、Po Hsun Huang2,3、Hsin Bang Leu2,3、 Tao Chen Wu2,3、Jaw Wen Chen3 The Role of High-sensitive C-reactive Protein and Coronary Artery Calciumin in the Prognosis of Male Subjects with Coronary Artery Disease E37 Accumulation of ROS in aerobic organisms is thought to cause oxidative damage which is believed to be strongly associated with certain human diseases such as aging, carcinogenesis and atherosclerosis. Antioxidants that can neutralize free radicals may be used to protect human body from diseases and retard aging. In our previous studies, 50% ethanol extracts from red bean non-fermented (RBE) or fermented by Bacillus subtilis IMR-NKI (RBNE) had showed antioxidant activities. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of RBE or RBNE administration on antioxidant-oxidant status of aged ICR mouse. The 12-monthold ICR mice were divided into 7 groups and orally treated with distilled water, RBE (0.15, 0.3, 0.6 g /100g BW/day) or RBNE (0.15, 0.3, 0.6 g 100g BW/day) over 30 consecutive days. At the end of animal feeding experiment, the plasma was analyzed for total antioxidant capacity (TAC) while the tissues cytosols were analyzed for lipid peroxidation (MDA), antioxidants levels and enzymes activities. In addition, results were compared with those of 8-week-old ICR mice which were treated with distilled water. The results showed that there was an age-related increase in MDA levels in tissues, however, the TAC in plasma and the antioxidants and antioxidative enzymes in tissues showed an age-related decrease. Orally administration of RBE or RBNE exhibited significantly a decrease in the tissues MDA levels and an increase in the plasma TAC and 㱍-tocopherol and GSH concentrations in brain tissues of aged mice. In conclusion, the administration of RBE or RBNE may increase invivo antioxidant defense system and have some protective effects in decreasing oxidative stress in aged mice. Department of Food and Nutrition, Providence University, Taiwan, R. O. C. Su-Tze Chou、Yun-Chin Chung、Hsin-Yi Peng、Jen-Chieh Ho、 I-Ping Shih Jeong Hun Kim Fight against Angiogenesis-Related Blindness (FARB) Laboratory, Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea Effect of red bean and the bean fermented by Bacillus subtilis extracts on antioxidative status in aged mice E34 Gold Nanoparticle Inhibits Retinal Neovascularization via Suppression of VEGFR-2 Activation E33 Poster Session:Anti-aging and atherosclerosis 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 18:00〜 Dept. of Biotechnology, Translational Research Center for Protein Function Control, College of Life Science & Biotechnology, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea 1 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Selected Oral Presentation 215 Taurine, a non essential sulfur-containing amino acid, directly interacts with endothelial cells and transports into the cells. We examined the effect of taurine on angiogenesis and its underlying signal pathway. Taurine increased angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo, which is followed by activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt, MEK/ERK, and Src/FAK signaling pathways. Taurine promoted endothelial cell cycle progression to S- and G2/M-phases by upregulating the positive cell cycle proteins, particularly cyclins D1 and B, as well as down-regulating the negative cell cycle proteins, p53 and p21WAF1/CIP1, resulting in the phosphorylation of Rb at Ser-780 and Ser-807/811. This angiogenic event was inhibited by inhibitors of PI3K and MEK. In addition, PI3K inhibitor blocked the activation of Akt and ERK, while Akt knockdown did not affect taurine-induced ERK activation, indicating that PI3K is upstream mediator of both MEK and Akt. Endothelial cell migration was suppressed by inhibitors of PI3K, MEK, and Src, suggesting that taurine-induced cell migration is regulated by the Src-dependent and -independent pathways. Moreover, inhibition of cellular taurine uptake by 㱎 -alanine and taurine transporter knockdown promoted taurine-induced cell proliferation and ERK and Akt activation, suggesting that extracellular taurine elicits angiogenesis. Taurine did not induce vascular inflammation and permeability in vitro and in vivo. These data demonstrate that extracellular taurine promotes angiogenesis by Akt- and ERK-dependent cell cycle progression and Src/FAKmediated cell migration without vascular inflammation, indicating that it is valuable to use for treatment of vascular dysfunction-associated human diseases. Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Forskolin, a potent activator of adenylyl cyclases, has been implicated in modulating angiogenesis, but the underlying mechanism has not been clearly elucidated. We investigated the signal mechanism by which forskolin regulates angiogenesis. Forskolin stimulated angiogenesis of human endothelial cells and in vivo neovascularization, which was accompanied by phosphorylation of CREB, ERK, Akt, and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) as well as NO production and VEGF expression. Forskolin-induced CREB phosphorylation, VEGF promoter activity, and VEGF expression were blocked by the PKA inhibitor PKI. Moreover, phosphorylation of ERK by forskolin was inhibited by the MEK inhibitor PD98059, but not PKI. The forskolin-induced Akt/eNOS/NO pathway was completely inhibited by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor LY294002, but not significantly suppressed by PKI. These inhibitors and a NOS inhibitor partially inhibited forskolin-induced angiogenesis. The exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (Epac) activator, 8CPT-2Me-cAMP, promoted the Akt/eNOS/NO pathway and ERK phosphorylation, but did not induce CREB phosphorylation and VEGF expression. The angiogenic effect of the Epac activator was diminished by the inhibition of PI3K and MEK, but not by the PKA inhibitor. Small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of Epac1 suppressed forskolin-induced angiogenesis and phosphorylation of ERK, Akt, and eNOS, but not CREB phosphorylation and VEGF expression. These results suggest that forskolin stimulates angiogenesis through coordinated cross-talk between two distinct pathways, PKA-dependent VEGF expression and Epac-dependent ER Kactivation and PI3K/Akt/eNOS/NO signaling. Vascular System Research Center and Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry School of Medicine, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Kangwon-do, Korea、2Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry School of Medicine, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Kangwon-do, Korea、3Department of Biochemistry, College of Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea Vascular System Research Center and Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry School of Medicine, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Kangwon-do, Korea、2Department of Biochemistry, College of Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. 1 Kyu-Sun Lee1、Yi-Young Baek1、Young-Geun Kwon2、 Young-Myeong Kim1 Symposium 1 Dong-Kwon Lee1,2、Chun-Ki Kim1,2、Hansooo Lee1、 Kwon-Soo Ha1,2、Young-Guen Kwon3、Young-Myeong Kim1,2 E41 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Extracellular taurine elicits angiogenesis by activating the ERK-, Akt-, and FAK-dependent signal pathways Special Talk Forskolin increases angiogenesis through the coordinated cross-talk of PKA-dependent VEGF expression and Epac-mediated PI3K/Akt/eNOS signaling Special Lecture E40 Autophagy is an intracellular catabolic mechanism that contributes to cell homeostasis by removing unnecessary components (Cho YS and Kwon HJ, ARPR, 2010 in press). Dynamic membrane redistribution during autophagy results in autophagosome formation, which is the double membrane that surrounds unnecessary components, and is followed by fusion with the lysosome, creating the autophagolysosome (Ohsumi Y, Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 2001). The components that are degraded within the autophagolysosome are reused as energy source in the cell. We recently discovered autophagonizer, a novel synthetic small molecule with unique structure that induces autophagy in mammalian cells. Autophagonizer induces autophagy and inhibits cell proliferation, but its effect was not inhibited by known autophagy inhibitors (Choi, IK, Cho, YS, Jung HJ, and Kwon HJ, BBRC 2010). Furthermore, autophagonizer induces apoptosis independent autophagic cell death, which makes it possible to become a potential drug candidate for diseases such as cancer and artheroscerlosis. Here, the anti-angiogenic effect of autophagonizer was tested with tube formation and invasion assay. These results suggest that autophagonizer also inhibits angiogenesis, and that autophagonizer may be a potential anti-cancer agent. However the direct target of autophagonizer still remains to be uncovered. The target protein identification using the ORFeome system which is the collection of the overexpression of all the open reading frames (ORFs) of Schizosaccharomyces pombe is underway to reveal the signaling pathway behind autophagonizer induced autophagy. By examining the cell growth with the entire ORFeome pool, autophagonizer resistant and sensitive strains can be identified. These strains can provide clues to autophagonizer ʻ s target protein and related signaling pathway to clarify the link between autophagy and angiogenesis. President Lecture Angiogenesis is the new blood vessels formation from existing blood vessels. Although this process is regulated strictly and is involved in normal physiological condition, it usually occurs in development of fertilized egg or healing of wound. This process is also induced in hypoxic conditions such as tumor growth. During hypoxia, cells secrete several angiogenesis factors like VEGF (Vascular endotherial growth factor), which are induced by HIFs (Hypoxia inducible factors). In the course of our screening for small molecule targeting HIF, tyrosine kinase inhibitor was identified as the specific inhibitor of HIF that induces HIF-1/2㱍 degradation during hypoxia. This activity leads to inhibition of angiogenesis both in vitro and in vivo angiogenesis assays including tube formation, chemoinvasion and CAM (Chick chorioalantoic membrane) assay. Collectively, these data demonstrated that tyrosine kinase inhibitor exhibits anti-angiogenic activity via the induction of HIF1/2㱍 degradation. Ju̲yearl Park、Ki Hyun Kim、Ho Jeong Kwon Yoon Sun Cho1、Minoru Yoshida2、Ho Jeong Kwon1 Department of Biotechnology, Translational Research Center for Protein Function Control, College of Life Science & Biotechnology, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea、2Chemical Genetics Laboratory, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan Discovery and characterization of bioactive small molecule targeting HIF, a hypoxia inducible factor E39 Autophagonizer, a novel autophagy inducer exhibits anti-angiogenic effects E38 Poster Session:Angiogenesis / Lymphangiogenesis 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 216 The natural product sesamin has been known to act as a potent antioxidant and prevent endothelial dysfunction. We here found that sesamin increased in vitro angiogenic processes, such as endothelial cell proliferation, migration, and tube formation, as well as neovascularization in an animal model. This compound elicited the activation of multiple angiogenic signal modulators, such as ERK, Akt, endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), NO production, FAK, and p38 MAPK, but not Src. The MEK inhibitor PD98059 and the PI3K inhibitor Wortmannin specifically inhibited sesamin-induced activation of the ERK and Akt/eNOS pathways. These inhibitors reduced angiogenic events, with high specificity for MEK/ERK-dependent cell proliferation and migration and PI3K/Akt-mediated tube formation. Moreover, inhibition of p38 MAPK effectively inhibited sesamininduced cell migration. The angiogenic activity of sesamin was not associated with VEGF expression. Furthermore, this compound did not induce vascular permeability and upregulated ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expression, which are hallmarks of vascular inflammation. These results suggest that sesamin stimulates angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo through the activation of MEK/ERK-, PI3K/Akt/ eNOS-, p125FAK-, and p38 MAPK-dependent pathways, without increasing vascular inflammation, and may be used for treating ischemic diseases and tissue regeneration. Vascular System Research Center and Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry School of Medicine, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Kangwon-do, Korea、2Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry School of Medicine, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Kangwon-do, Korea、3Department of Biochemistry, College of Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea 1 Ok-Won Seo1,2、Hansoo Lee1、Kwon-Soo Ha1,2、 Young-Guen Kwon3、Young-Myeong Kim1,2 Angiogenic activity of sesamin through the activation of multiple signal pathways E42 LIM domain binding protein 2 (Ldb2/CLIM1) is a nuclear protein that is known for its interaction with the LIM domains of the LIM homeodomain (LIM-HD) and LIM-only (LMO) families of proteins. Although its mammalian paralogue, Ldb1 has been suggested to be essential for development, the role of Ldb2 has not been clearly determined. Here, we showed that Ldb2 is highly and specifically expressed in endothelial cells, and is detected in the blood vessels during development of zebrafish. Interestingly, morpholino against ldb2 resulted in abnormal intersegmental vessel (ISV) formation, which is reminiscent of dll4 mutant zebrafish vessels. In the search of target genes of Ldb2, we found that the expression of DLL4 is reduced in LDB2 knockdown HUVECs. DLL4 promoter analysis revealed the existence of conserved LMO2 complex (LMO2COM) binding sites. Both deletion and site mutation indicated that these binding sites are required for the transcriptional regulation of DLL4 by LDB2. These findings suggested that LDB2 may play an important role in angiogenic sprouting via transcriptional regulation of DLL4 in endothelial cells. Department of Biochemistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea、2School of medicine, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea、3National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan 1 Hyun-Jung Choi1、Seung-sik Rho1、Dong-hoon Choi1、 Naoki Mochizuki3、Young-Myeong Kim2、Young-Guen Kwon1 LDB2 regulates angiogenic sprouting via DLL4 E43 18:00〜 Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster 217 Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Thrombomodulin (TM) is a glycoprotein originally found on the surface of vascular endothelial cells. TM has five domains that exert multiple functions. It has recently been reported that the extracellular N-terminal lectin-like domain (D1) of TM possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Our previous results showed that recombinant TM domain 1 (rTMD1) could suppress lipopolysaccaride-induced acute inflammatory responses. However, the detailed mechanisms of rTMD1 in chronic inflammation, such as atherosclerosis, are still unknown. To further investigate the role of rTMD1 in atherosclerosis, we prepared and purified rTMD1 wild-type (rTMD1 wt) protein and its mutants, rTMD1 Ala25Thr and rTMD1 Gly61Ala, using Pichia pastoris expression system. These two mutants are naturally occurring polymorphisms in TMD1 and have been found in patients with thromboembolic diseases, such as sagittal sinus thrombosis or myocardial infarction. Our previous studies showed that rTMD1 has a specific carbohydrate ligand, Lewisy (Ley). Here, we found that these two rTMD1 mutants had lower binding affinity with Ley than rTMD1 wt. Further, wt rTMD1 blocked the adhesion and the transendothelial migration of monocytes through Ley which decorates adhesion molecules on endothelial cells. However, the inhibitory effects of rTMD1 mutants were reduced compared with rTMD1 wt. In vivo, the formation of atherosclerotic plaque in apolipoprotein E knockout mice was significantly reduced in the treatment of rTMD1 wt and rTMD1 Gly61Ala compared with saline only. Moreover, the plaque formation was significantly lower in rTMD1 wt than both mutants treatment. In summary, rTMD1 inhibited inflammatory reactions by interfering with the interaction of monocytes and endothelial cells through binding to Ley on endothelial cells; however, the polymorphisms of TMD1 had decreased anti-inflammatory effects. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan Symposium Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome have become the major health problems in recent years. Activation of peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor gamma (PPAR㱏) was reported to be effective in improving insulin resistance and regulating blood glucose in diabetes. Toona sinensis Roem leaves (TSL) extracts were documented to exert the hypoglycemic effect, however, the mechanisms underlying and its relationship to the PPAR㱏 is still unknown. Our previous study has been indicated that TSL-E6 is the effective extract for PPAR㱏 activation and it may result in hypoglycemic effects. In this study, the PPAR㱏 activities of TSL-E6 were evaluated using 3T3-L1 adipocytes and high fat diet (HFD, 54 % energy by fat) induced hyperglycemic mice. The regulation of TSL-E6 extract on the PPAR㱏 gene and protein expression, and its downstream aP2 gene expression were also investigated using the Western blotting and RT-PCR, respectively. The TSL-E6 treatment significantly increased the PPAR㱏 gene and protein expressions in 3T3L1 adipocytes. Moreover, the PPAR㱏 gene and protein expressions, and its downstream aP2 gene expression were elevated in the adipose tissue of hyperglycemic mice with TSL-E6 treatment for 8 weeks. The analysis of HPLC and LC-MS identified that gallic acid was the major compounds in TSL-E6. Our results suggested that TSL-E6 might be the PPAR㱏 ligand, which is involved in the regulation of glucose homeostasis. Gallic acid may be the possible active compound in TSL-E6. Department of life science, National Cheng Kung University,Taiwan, R.O.C、2Graduate School of Biotechnology, HungKung University, Taiwan, R.O.C 1 Guey-Yueh Shi、Wei-Ling Lin、Hua-Lin Wu Wen-Cheng Huang1、Bu-Chin Yu1、Tsung-Chi Tsai1、 Wen-Jen Yu2、Sue-Joan Chang1 E47 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Effect of the polymorphism of thrombomodulin lectinlike domain on anti-inflammation Special Talk Study of extracts on the PPARγ activation in the hyperglycemic mice and adipocytes. Special Lecture E46 Metabolic syndrome is a combination of medical disorders that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a heterogeneous disorder, afflicting an estimated 6-8% of the adult population in Korea; its worldwide frequency is expected to continue to grow by 6% per annum, potentially reaching a total of 300-400 million cases in 2020. The main force driving this increasing incidence is an overwhelming increase in obesity, the single most important contributor to the pathogenesis of diabetes. The increasing prevalence of obesity, a main causative factor in metabolic syndrome, has become a worldwide epidemic. Obesity reduces life expectancy and increases health problems, particularly heart disease, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. Although lifestyle modification is considered the first line therapy for obesity, it is often ineffective by itself. Two anti-obesity medications are currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for long term use; Orlistat and Sibutramine. Orlistat reduces intestinal fat absorption and Sibutramine decreases appetite. However, there are several limitations of these drugs in terms of efficacy and side effects. 㱍-Lipoic acid (ALA), a naturally occurring short chain fatty acid containing sulfurhydryl groups, has potent antioxidant capacities. ALA is an essential cofactor for mitochondrial respiratory enzymes and improves mitochondrial function. ALA is widely used in clinical practice to treat diabetic polyneuropathy, without serious adverse effects. Additionally, ALA has many beneficial therapeutic potentials for human diseases like primary biliary cirrhosis, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer disease, cataract, glaucoma and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes. Particularly, we previously reported that chronic ALA treatment profoundly reduces body weight gain in rodents. However, it is not known whether it is also effective in human obesity. In this study, we present the efficacy of ALA by conducting a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study in obese subjects. President Lecture Background: Thiazide diuretics are one of the usually recommended first-line therapies for hypertensive patients. However, there are concerns that it may potentially deteriorate glucose and lipid metabolisms. This study aimed to elucidate their potential effects on metabolic profiles and serum biomarkers in addition to blood pressure (BP) reduction in patients with and without metabolic syndrome (MS). Methods: Non-diabetic hypertensive patients were evaluated if they did not take diuretics before and if their office systolic BP > 140 mmHg or diastolic BP > 90 mmHg. A diet and a modification of the previous life style were advised for the period of 2 weeks. Additional hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg was given once every morning for another 2 weeks. Patients were divided into 2 groups according to whether they had MS. MS was defined according to the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III guidelines. Results: A total of 101 patients were treated for two weeks, including 49 patients with MS and 52 patients without MS. The patients with MS had more male gender (p= 0.018) and higher body mass index (p< 0.001), waist-hip ratio (p< 0.001), fasting blood sugar (p< 0.001), cholesterol (p= 0.017), triglyceride (p< 0.001), and homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR, p< 0.001) at baseline. After 2 weeks of treatment, both groups of patients had significant BP reduction (p< 0.001). In the patients with and without MS, there were significantly decreased of asymmetric dimethylargine (ADMA) (p< 0.001 and p= 0.003, respectively) and increased adiponectin (p< 0.001 and p= 0.004, respectively). However, only patients with MS had significantly decreased fasting blood sugar (p= 0.015) and cholesterol (p= 0.007) after 2 weeks of thiazide. Conclusions: Hydrochlorothiazide is appropriate for nondiabetic essential hypertension patients. In addition to BP reduction, metabolic profiles were improved, especially in the patients with MS. Department of Internal Medicine, Kyungpook National University, College of Medicine, Daegu, Republic of Korea In-Kyu Lee Chin-Chou Huang、Hsin-Bang Leu、Tao-Cheng Wu、 Shing-Jong Lin、Jaw-Wen Chen Taipei Veterans General Hospital Mutiple Role of Alpha Lipoic Acid; New Look at an Old Drug in Metabolic Syndrom E45 Thiazide Diuretics in Nondiabetic Essential Hypertension with and without Metabolic Syndrome E44 Poster Session:Metabolic syndrome / Diabetes and vascular inflammation 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 218 Ninjurin1 (nerve injury-induced protein, Ninj1), a homophilic adhesion molecule, is essential for cell-to-cell interaction, however little known about the function in the central nervous system. Here we found that Ninj1 is expressed in three major compartments of normal adult rat brain - meninges, choroid plexus, and parenchymal perivascular space. In addition, Ninj1-expressing round shaped cells are recruited into these three regions of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) rat brain. We further identified that Ninj1 is expressed in the myeloid lineage cells (macrophages/monocytes and neutrophils) and endothelial cells of the region of blood-brain barrier (BBB) distruption in EAE rat brain. Moreover, Ninj1 mediates homophilic binding between BV2 (monocyte lineage murine microglia) and human brain microvascular endothelial cells. Altogether, these results suggest that Ninj1 may be a potential therapeutic target to regulate monocyte/neutrophil trafficking across BBB in the inflammatory diseases such as multiple sclerosis. 1 NeuroVascular Coordination Research Center, College of Pharmacy and Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.、2Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Biomedical Science Institute, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea、3WCU Department of Molecular Medicine and Biopharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Convergence Science and Technology, College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea Bum Ju Ahn1、Hyo-Jong Lee1、Min Wook Shin1、 Jeong-Hyun Choi1、Hoang Le1、Jong-Ho Cha1、Ji-Hyeon Park1、 Hyun Ho Kim1、Joo-Won Jeong2、Kyu-Won Kim1,3 Role of ninjurin 1 in the migration of myeloid cells into inflamed CNS E48 Vascular inflammation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of human diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and sepsis. Keap1 is a cytoplasm repressor of the transcription factor Nrf2. resulting in the expressional regulation of phase II genes, such as NQO1, 㱏-GCLC, 㱏-GCLM, GST-㱘1, GST-A4 and HO1, which are involved in cell survival and immune suppression. We here investigated the regulatory effects of keap1 knockdown using a siRNA approach on inflammatory gene expression in endothelial cells. Keap1 knockdown increased Nrf2 activation and phase II gene expression, as well as suppressed TNF-㱍 -induced NF-㱖B activation and expression of adhesion molecules, such as ICAM and VCAM, resulting in the suppression of interaction between endothelial cells and monocytes. Moreover, keap1 knockdown suppressed TNF-㱍-induced ROS production and GSH oxidation, which are important cellular processes for NF-㱖B activation. The effects of keap1 siRNA on TNF-㱍-induced cellular events were effectively reversed by HO-1 inhibitor (SnPP) and GCL inhibitor (BSO), but not significant by other phase II enzyme inhibitors, indicating that the antiinflammatory effect of keap1 siRNA in endothelial cells is associated with expression of HO-1 and GCL. Furthermore, intravenous injection with keap1 siRNA diminished the production of the LPS-induced cytotoxic mediators, TNF-㱍 and NO, in a mouse model, as well as protected mice from LPS-induced tissue damage and mortality. These results indicate that keap1 knockdown increased expression of phase II genes, particularly HO-1 and GCL, responsible for inhibiting NF-㱖B-dependent inflammatory gene expression and septic mortality. Vascular System Research Center and Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry School of Medicine, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Kangwon-do, Korea、2Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry School of Medicine, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Kangwon-do, Korea、3Department of Biochemistry, College of Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. 1 Ji-Hee Kim1,2、Dong-Kwon Lee1,2、Hansooo Lee1、 Kwon-Soo Ha1,2、Young-Guen Kwon3、Young-Myeong Kim1,2 Keap1 knockdown inhibits vascular inflammation through the up-regulation of Nrf2-dependent phase II gene expression E49 18:00〜 1 The Cardiovascular Departemtn of Internal Medicine, Cheng Hsin General Hospital,Taipei,Taiwan、2The Taipei Veteranʼs General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan、3The Clinical Institute, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan Background: Endothelial progenitor cells provide an endogenous repair mechanism for endothelial dysfunction, which is implicated in chronic heart failure. In this study, the potential effect of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-㱍 activator; fenofibrate on the function of endothelial progenitor cells was investigated in vitro. Hypothesis: Fenofibrate could improve endothelial progenitor cells function through phosphatidylinositol-3ʼ-kinase/protein kinase B and adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase (AMPK)signaling and nitric oxide production. Methods: Cultured endothelial progenitor cells collected from 20 patients (aged 65 ±8 years) with symptomatic chronic heart failure were characterized by antihuman CD-34, CD-133 monoclonal antibody. The inhibitory effects of fenofibrate at 5, 10, 20, and 50 㱘M on the cultured endothelial progenitor cells were tested. Fibronectin-coated plate adhesion, modified Boyden chamber assay and in vitro angiogenesis assay kit were used to assess the adhesion, migration and tube formation ability of the endothelial progenitor cells. Furthermore, the signal transduction pathways of the drug effects were studied using Western blot analysis. Result: Fenofibrate significantly increased endothelial progenitor cells adhesion to fibronectin-coated plates, migration, and tube forming function dose-dependently (P<0.05, P<0.05, and P<0.05, respectively). Western blot analysis showed that protein kinase B and endothelial nitric oxide synthase phosphorylation were significantly increased by 87% and 38%, respectively (P<0.05 and P<0.05, respectively) by fenofibratre. Small interfering RNA of endothelial nitric oxide synthase and phosphatidylinositol 3ʼ-kinase inhitor LY294002 and adenosine monophosphate kinase blocking agent (compound-C) significantly inhibited the fenofibrate-induced endothelial progenitor cell adhesion, migration and tube formation (P<0.05, P<0.05, and P<0.05, respectively). Conclusion: We demonstrated the fenobibrate can improve the adhesion, migration, and tube formation function of the endothelial progenitor cells collected from chronic heart failure patients through phosphatidylinositol 3ʼ-kinase/protein kinase B and adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase signaling and nitric oxide production. 1 School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, College of Natural Sciences, Kyungpook National University,Korea、2CHA University, Dep. Biomedical Science, Lab. Vascular Medicine & Stem Cell Biology、 3 RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Kobe, Japan Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) contribute to tumor vasculature during tumor progression. Recently, we reported that decursin is a novel candidate for angiogenesis inhibitor (Jung et al., Carcinogenesis 2009). Here we have investigated whether decursin regulates EPC differentiation and function for the inhibition of tumor vasculogenesis. Decursin significantly decreased number of EPC colony forming unit of human cord blood-derived AC133 + cells. Decursin dosedependently (5~100 µM) decreased cell number of EPC committing cells demonstrated by EPC expansion study. Decursin inhibited EPC differentiation from committing cells into large EPC colonies. And decursin inhibited migration and tube formation of cultured EPCs isolated from mouse bone marrow. Decursin (4 mg/kg) inhibited tumor-induced mobilization of circulating EPCs (CD34 + / VEGFR2 + cells) from bone marrow and incorporation of Dil-Ac-LDL labeled or GFP+ EPCs into the neovessels of xenograft Lewis lung carcinoma tumor in wild type or bone-marrow transplanted mice. Moreover, decursin suppressed that of Ang-2, angiopoietin receptor Tie-2, Flk-1 (KDR, VEGFR-2), and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in cultured EPCs in a dose dependent manner. Therefore, decursin clearly attenuated the contribution of EPC populations in neovessels of tumor mass grown in mouse. Taken together, these results suggest that decursin affects EPC differentiation and function, and thereby inhibits tumor vasculogenesis in early tumorigenesis. Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Poster The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Selected Oral Presentation 219 - Background and aims Stem cells are multipotent cells with the ability to self-renew and differentiate into specialized cells in response to appropriate signals. The development of new approaches for the directed differentiation of ESCs into cardiomyocytes will likely provide therapeutic application of ES cells in heart disease. Recently, a number of small molecules have been shown to important for modulating specific differentiation pathway of ESCs. Our research goal is to identify crucial factors and target genes involved in cardiomyogenesis using small molecules as cardiomyocyte differentiation factors. - Methods and Reslts We generated mESCs expressing enhanced green fluorescence protein (eGFP) under direction of a α-myosin heavy chain (α-MHC) gene promoter that specifically works in cardiomyocytes. After 750 mESCs were cultured in hanging drop for three days, the resultant individual embryoid bodies (EBs) was treated with 10μM small molecule. Then GFP positive area scoring and FACS analysis were used for the selection of most effective compound. And large-scale expression studies were performed using Illumina expression microarray. Comprehensive transcriptome analysis of cardiomyocytes in comparison with undifferentiated mESCs led to identification of 895 up-regulated probe sets and 819 down-regulated probe sets. Among them, cardiomyocyte genes including ANP (1.6 fold) and cTnT (1.5 fold) are up-regulated. And the effect of hit compound is confirmed by real-time qPCR. Moreover, myotubule formation was slightly increased in hit compound treated cells in comparison with vesicle treated C2C12 myoblast cells. - Conclusions Though multiple screening steps, we obtained hit compound to accelerate cardiomyocyte differentiation. These results may involve in molecular mechanisms related to cardiomyogenesis and it will be ultimately facilitate the application of developments of stem cell therapy and related to small molecule therapeutics. Y.I.A. Presentation The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization ObjectiveEndothelial heme oxygenase (HO)-1 expression accelerate vascular repair by enhancing the recruitment and migration of circulating EPCs. The goal of this study was to investigate the role of HO-1 in the direct effects of Ginkgo biloba extract 761 (as a HO-1 inducer) on vascular remodeling in response to mechanical vascular injury, the biologic impact on vascular neointimal growth process. MethodsMice pretreated GBE for 14 days and underwent wire-induced femoral artery injury. Masson trichrome staining for neointimal hyperplasia and confocal microscopy for re-endothelialization were performed. The characteristics of mobilized peripheral blood mononuclear cells and human vascular progenitor cells functional effect by GBE were also determined. ResultsAt day 28 after wireinduced femoral, the tendency of reduction neointimal hyperplasia was observed at GBE treated group. Intriguingly, the delayed endothelial recovery and enhanced smooth muscle progenitor cells on wire-induced femoral artery were restored after GBE treatment. GBE reduction neointima hyperplasia was losing in present ZnPPIX (HO-1 inhibitor), suggestion HO-1-induced involved this processing. In addition, chronic culture incubation with GBE resulted in activation endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) and impaired smooth muscle progenitor cell (SMPC) migration, as well as HO-1 protein accumulation. GBE-stimulated late EPC and -suppressed SMPC migration were abolished by HO-1 siRNA suggested that GBEinduced HO-1 involved activation EPCs and suppression SMPCs. Conclusions Our findings demonstrate that HO-1 involves GBE-induced mobilization putative vascular progenitor cells in peripheral blood, which reduces neointimal hyperplasia at wire-induced femoral artery injury. Lab of cardiovascular genomics, Division of life and pharmaceutical science, Ewha womans university, Seoul, Korea Central Research Institute, Choongwae Pharma Corp., Hwasung-Si, Korea Sejin Jeon、Chae-ji Lim、Eun Jung Lee、Bora Kim、Se-Woong Oh、 Goo Taeg Oh Symposium Institute and Department of Pharmacology, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan Jia-Shiong Chen How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Identification of Novel Differentiation Factors during Cardiomyogenesis in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) Special Talk Ginkgo biloba extract 761 activates endothelial progenitor cells and suppresses smooth muscle-like cells after mechanical-injury: Role of heme oxygenase 1 Special Lecture E53 Wen-Pin Huang1,3、Wei-Shian Yin1,3、Jaw-Wen Chen2,3、 Shing-Jong Lin2,3 Seok Yun Jung1、Jin Hwa Choi1、Sang-Mo Kwon2、 Takayuki Asahara3、You Mie Lee1 President Lecture E52 Fenofibrate improves endothelial progenitor cell function in vitro through phosphatidylinositol-3ʼkinase/protein kinase B and nitric oxide production E51 Decursin inhibits tumor vasculogenesis by suppression of differentiation and mobilization of endothelial progenitor cells from bone marrow E50 Poster Session:Stem Cell / Progenitor Cells 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 220 Not only the proliferation of endothelial cells but also the differentiation of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) involve in neovascularization and vasculogenesis. Chlamydia pneumoniae is a genus of obligate bacteria in the family of Chlamydiaceae. High proportions of atherosclerosis sufferer hold the Chlamydia pneumoniae in their plasma. The electronic microscopy showed that GroEL of Chlamydia pneumoniae existence in atherosclerotic plaque. Whether GroEL of Chlamydia pneumoniae influences EPCs function remains to be elucidated. In our present study, the MTT assay shows that GroEL inhibits EPC proliferation in concentration dependent manner. Long-term incubation of GroEL (100ng/ml) for 5 days decreases the number of early EPCs. 24-hours GroEL treatment diminishes early and late EPCs adhesiveness; and GroEL could also reduce the EPC migration and the tube formation capacity. Furthermore, GroEL enhances the percentage of senescence-associated beta-galactosidase-positive EPCs. In addition, GroEL inhibits eNOS activation, in contrast with activated ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK, increased NF-kappa B translocation and ICAM-1 expression mediated by TLR4. In conclusion, GroEL of Chlamydia pneumoniae could cause inflammation and dysfunction through TLR4 activation and eNOS inactivation, and impairs the vasculogenesis ability in late EPCs. We expect that the results of present study will provide insights into the development of therapeutic strategies for the prevention of Chlamydia pneumoniae-induced atherogenesis. Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan、2Cardiovascular Research Center, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan、3Department of Pharmacology, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan、4Division of Cardiology and Department of Medical Research and Education Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan、5Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan. 1 Tsai Hsiao-Ya1,2、Chen Jaw-Wen2,3,4、Lin Feng-Yen5、 Lin Shin-Jong1,2,4 GroEL, a heat shock protein 60 of , attenuates human endothelial progenitor cells function E54 ◆no data◆ ◆no data◆ Hsueh-Hsiao Wang ◆no data◆ E55 Poster Index Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD Selected Oral Presentation The 8th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Vascular Biology Y.I.A. Presentation 221 Homocysteine (HCY), an amino acid derived from methione is an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease. The essential oil (AM-EO), extracted by steam distillation from the flowers parts of Achillea millefolium has reported to exhibit antioxidative and antibacterial activities. However, little is known about the protective role of AM-EO in oxidative stress. In the present study, we investigated whether AM-EO could provide protection against HCY-induced oxidative damage in cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). Cultured VSMC were exposed to HCY (100 㱘M) treatment in the absence or presence of AM-EO (2.5-20 㱘g/mL). The results indicated that the AM-EO treatment alone did not affect the cell viability of VSMC. The treatment with 100 㱘M HCY significantly elevated the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), a product of lipid peroxidation, and superoxide anion production in cells. In addition, HCY treatment alone caused an increase in glutathione levels and antioxidative enzymes activities. However, the treatment of VSMC with AM-EO significantly decreased HCY-induced superoxide anion production, reduced MDA accumulation and regulated antioxidant status in cells. In conclusion, these results suggest that Achillea millefolium essential oil may ameliorate the HCY-induced oxidative stress in cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells. Backgrounds Recently peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1alpha (PGC-1㱍), a master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis and cellular energy metabolism, has been shown to control angiogenic process to fulfill oxygen and substrate requirements in tissue. Even though intact vascular barrier function is necessary for new vessels to supply sufficient oxygen and substrate to tissue, yet, the role of PGC-1㱍 in vascular barrier function has not been elucidated. Therefore, in this study we investigated whether PGC-1㱍 plays a role in regulating endothelial cell barrier function.Methods and Results In C57/BL6 mouse, local PGC-1㱍 over-expression reduced vascular leakage at the ears of the mice, as evidenced by both Evans blue dye and TRITC-dextran exclusion test. In vitro, PGC-1㱍 overexpression at human umbilical vein endothelial cells reduced starvation induced endothelial barrier dysfunction by 83%, as assessed by the passage of FITC-dextran through human umbilical vein endothelial cell monolayers. This reduction of barrier dysfunction was accompanied by reduction in Angiopoietin-2 expression induced by starvation of the endothelial cells. PGC-1㱍 overexpression attenuated FOXO1㱍 nuclear translocation and decreased Angiopoietin-2 transcription which is regulated by FOXO1㱍.Conclusions These data demonstrate that PGC-1㱍 suppresses the expression of angiopoietin-2 in endothelial cell and enhances vascular barrier function both in vitro and in vivo and thus supports the function of PGC-1㱍 as a molecular regulator of tissue metabolic demand and supply. Symposium The 18th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Vascular Biology and Medicine Organization Department of Food and Nutrition, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C、2Department of Cosmetic Science, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. 1 National Research Laboratory for Cardiovascular Stem cell, Seoul National University College of medicine , Seoul, Korea、2Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea 1 Hsin-Yi Peng1、Jen-Chieh Ho1、Ying Shih2、Chia-Pei Lai1、 ○Su-Tze Chou1 How to write Plenary Lecture Nature Medicine Tae-Kyu Lee1、Sang-Eun Lee2、Jin Hur1、Baek-Kyung Kim1、 Sooryeonhwa Jin1、Soo-Kyung Kang1、Yoo-Wook Kwon1、 Byung-Hee Oh1、Young-Bae Park1、Hyo-Soo Kim1,2 E59 Special Talk The effects of Achillea millefolium essential oil on homocysteine-induced oxidative stress in cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells Special Lecture PGC-1alpha regulates endothelial cell barrier function by suppressing angiopoietin-2 expression BackgroundCardiovascular safety of rosiglitazone has been challenged. On the other hand, many basic researches have suggested consistently that rosiglitazone had various beneficial effects on vascular cells. However, its potential role in expression of TF, a primary molecule for coagulation, has not been studied. We investigated the effects of rosiglitazone on tissue factor (TF) expression and elucidated its underlying mechanisms.Methods and ResultsRosiglitazone inhibited TF expression in response to tumor necrosis factor-㱍 (TNF-㱍) in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), human acute monocytic leukemia cell line (THP1) and human umbilical vein smooth muscle cells (SMCs). The overexpression of TF was mediated by increased phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase, which was blocked by rosiglitazone. The main MAP kinase differed depending on each cell type. Luciferase and ChIP assays showed that transcription factor, activator protein-1 (AP-1), was a pivotal target of rosiglitazone to lower TF transcription. Intriguingly, two main drugs for drug-eluting stent, paclitaxel or rapamycin, significantly exaggerated thrombin-induced TF expression, which was also effectively blocked by rosiglitazone in all cell types. In contrast to its effect on TF, rosiglitazone did not impair TF pathway inhibitor (TFPI) in three types of cells. In rat carotid artery balloon injury model with paclitaxel infusion, rosiglitazone attenuated TF expression in injured vasculature.ConclusionsRosiglitazone reduced TF expression in vascular cells via MAP kinase and AP-1 inhibitions. Also, rosiglitazone reversed the paclitaxel-induced aggravation of TF expression, which suggests that it could be a potential therapeutic option to prevent stent thrombosis after paclitaxel-eluting stents implantation. National Research Laboratory for Cardiovascular Stem Cell, Seoul National University College of medicine, Seoul, Korea、2Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea 1 Baek-Kyung Kim1、Jun-Bean Park2、Yoo-Wook Kwon1、 Hyun-Chae Lee1、Seok-Won Yoon1、Young-Eun Choi1、 Tae-Kyu Lee1、Jaewon Lee1、Byung-Hee Oh2、Young-Bae Park1、 Hyo-Soo Kim1,2 President Lecture E58 Background: Previous studies showed that microalbuminuria is an index of hypertensive organ damage. Given the role of inflammation and oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of microalbuminuria, and the remarkable antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties of bilirubin, this study was undertaken to evaluate the relationship between serum bilirubin concentrations and the degree of urinary albumin excretion in patients with essential hypertension. Methods: Totally, 120 subjects with essential hypertension were enrolled in the study, in which 80 patients (67%) with normoalbuminuria (albumin excretion rate [AER] of < 20 㱘g/min, overnight urine samples), 30 patients (25%) with microalbuminuria (an AER of 20 to 200 㱘g/min), and 10 patients (8%) with macroalbuminuria (an AER > 200 㱘g/ min). Serum bilirubin level was determined by an enzymatic method with bilirubin oxidase on an autoanalyzer. Results: Compared to hypertensive patients with normoalbuminuria, patients with micro- or macroalbuminuria had significantly higher plasma high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels (P < 0.001), higher serum creatinine levels (P < 0.001), and lower serum bilirubin concentrations (P = 0.029). In addition, there was an inverse correlation between serum bilirubin concentrations and plasma hs-CRP levels (P = 0.011). By multivariate regression analysis, serum bilirubin concentrations were an independent determinant of and had an inverse correlation to log (urinary albumin excretion) in hypertensive patients (㱎 = -0.164, P = 0.042). Conclusions: In patients with essential hypertension, serum bilirubin levels are inversely associated with albuminuria. The development of interventions that promote bilirubin levels may be a potential target to reduce vascular damage in hypertensive patients. Division of Cardiology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan Shao-Sung Huang、Po-Hsun Huang、Kuang-Hsing Chiang、 Jaw-Wen Chen、Shing-Jong Lin Rosiglitazone Suppresses Paclitaxel-induced Tissue Factor Overexpression in Vascular Cells: A Promising Answer to Rosiglitazone Controversy E57 18:00〜 Association of serum bilirubin levels with albuminuria in patients with essential hypertension E56 Poster Session:Others 12月2日 (木) /Thursday, December 2 Program Aⴊ▤↢‛කቇળKPFD 222 Background: Extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD) is potentially more suitable for vascular gene transfer than other SODs because it is a secreted enzyme and has a remarkably long half-life. It has been reported that oxidative stress stimulate vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation through MEK/ERK 1/2 pathway. We hypothesize that EC-SOD overexpression will have a protective effect against oxidative stress in proliferation or migration of the rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) and MEK/ERK 1/2 pathway is involved.Methods and Results: EC-SOD was constructed in the pcDNA 3.1-TOPO mammalian expression vector and the hemagglutinating virus of Japan envelope (HVJ-E) was used for gene delivery. VSMC transfected with EC-SOD by HVJ-E were used for subsequent assays 48 hrs after transfection. The control groups included nontransfected cells and pcDNA 3.1-TOPO vector-transfected cells. The inhibition effects of cell proliferation by MTT assay and cell migration by wound healing assay were assessed, respectively. Additionally, for determining proliferationassociated pathway, VSMCs were serum starved for 24 hrs and stimulated by 10% fetal bovine serum for 10 min. These VSMCs were then lysed and prepared for examining MEK/ERK 1/2 pathway using Western blot. Our data showed that the SOD-overexpressed VSMCs revealed more decrease in proliferation and migration, compared to the control groups. The MEK/ERK 1/2 activity of SOD-overexpressed VSMCs was decreased compared to those of the control groups.Conclusions: The results suggest that EC-SOD gene transfer may potentially reduce VSMCs proliferation and migration, which may involve the MEK/ERK 1/2 pathway. Division of Cardiology, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, R.O.C、2Department and Graduate Institute of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, R.O.C. 1 Shoa L Lin1、Li J Ou1、Jwu L Yeh2 Impact of Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase for inhibition of the smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration E60
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