On Reading Literature Literally

Special International Symposium on
Pure Land Buddhism
4th August 2011
Otani University
┠ḟ㸭Table of Contents
Foreword ··························································································· 1
᱇ ⤂㝯
๓ゝ ································································································· 3
On Reading Literature Literally ········································································ 5
Response to On Reading Literature Literally, by Luis O. Gómez ········································· 31
ᩥᏐ㏻ࡾ࡟ᩥ⊩ࢆㄞゎࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡟㛵ࡋ࡚ ·························································· 35
ࢦ࣓ࢫࠕᩥᏐ㏻ࡾ࡟ᩥ⊩ࢆㄞゎࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡟㛵ࡋ࡚ࠖ࡟ᑐࡍࡿࣞࢫ࣏ࣥࢫ ························· 65
New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele···················································· 69
Response to New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele, by Harrison and Luczanits ············· 128
ࣔࣁ࣐ࢵࢻ࣭ࢼ࣮ࣜᾋ᙮࡟㛵ࡍࡿ᪂ゎ㔘 ························································ 131
ࣁࣜࢯࣥ㸤ࣝࢡࢨࢽࢵࢶࠕࣔࣁ࣐ࢵࢻ࣭ࢼ࣮ࣜᾋ᙮࡟㛵ࡍࡿ᪂ゎ㔘ࠖ࡟ᑐࡍࡿࣞࢫ࣏ࣥࢫ ···· 195
New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele (plates) ············································· 197
ᇳ➹⪅⤂௓ ···························································································· 209
In April 2010, Ryukoku University established the Research Center for Buddhist Cultures in
Asia (BARC) in order to support “integrated studies of the diversity within Buddhism across
various regions of Asia, as well as of Buddhism’s contemporary potential,” within the
guidelines established for Projects for Strategic Research Base Formation Support at Private
Universities by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, and Technology. As it so
happens, the year 2011 marks the 800th anniversary of the passing of Honen, as well as the
750th anniversary of the passing of Shinran. In light of the fact that these two Buddhist masters
are the founders of the two major Pure Land schools in Japan, we decided to organize a
special international symposium on Pure Land Buddhism.
It was then that we discovered that the International Association of Shin Buddhist
Studies was going to hold its fifteenth biennial conference on August 5-6, 2011, at Otani
University. With the assistance of Prof. Takami Inoue, we obtained permission from the
president of the association, Prof. Kenneth Tanaka, to hold an international symposium the
day prior to the conference as a joint event hosted by our Center and the Association of Shin
Buddhist Studies. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the two professors mentioned
above, as well as to the staff of the Association and Otani University.
As a guest speaker, I invited my old friend, Dr. Luis Gomez, Professor Emeritus of the
University of Michigan, who has published a complete English translation of the Three Pure
Land Snjtras (The Land of Bliss, Honolulu 1996). I asked him to speak about whatever
conclusions he might have reached during or after the long process of reading and translating
the Pure Land Snjtras. As a respondent, I asked Prof. Dennis Hirota of Ryukoku University to
comment upon Dr. Gomez’s paper based upon his own long and vast experience translating
Shinran’s works into English. The result was a fascinating dialogue between two great
I also invited Prof. Paul Harrison of Stanford University, well known for his meticulous
philological study of a group of MahƗyƗna Snjtras translated by Lokakৢema, to present a
synoptic analysis of different Chinese translations of the Larger SukhƗvatƯvynjha. Prof.
Harrison, however, instead proposed to present a joint paper with Dr. Christian Luczanits of
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the Ruben Museum of Arts, New York, on the famous Mohammad Nari Stele from Gandhara.
While this stele has generally been interpreted as a depiction of the “Miracle of ĝrƗvastƯ,”
Profs. Harrison and Luczanits argue that it can be shown to represent AmitƗbha’s SukhƗvatƯ
based on both philological and art historical evidence. If this thesis is correct, it would have a
significant impact upon our understanding of the early development of the concept of
AmitƗbha’s SukhƗvatƯ. I therefore asked Dr. Noritoshi Aramaki, Professor Emeritus of Kyoto
University, and Prof. Akira Miyaji of Ryukoku University to comment upon their presentation.
Since Prof. Miyaji was unable to attend the symposium, Prof. Yasuko Fukuyama of Chubu
University read his comment on his behalf, and Dr. Takashi Koezuka, Professor Emeritus of
Osaka University, kindly agreed to make further comments.
Following the two presentations, we accepted questions and comments from the
audience, and hosted a lively discussion between the speakers and the commentators. I would
like to thank all of the speakers and commentators, as well as all those who attended the
symposium. It is my sincere hope that these Proceedings will provide new insights into the
study of Pure Land Buddhism and Buddhist Art.
Shǀrynj Katsura
Director, Research Center for Buddhist Cultures in Asia
Ryukoku University
㱟㇂኱Ꮫࡣࠊ2010 ᖺ᫓ࡼࡾ࢔ࢪ࢔௖ᩍᩥ໬◊✲ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ࢆ❧ࡕୖࡆࠊᩥ㒊⛉Ꮫ┬⚾
ࡢ⌧௦ⓗྍ⬟ᛶࡢ⥲ྜⓗ◊✲ࠖ࡜࠸࠺ࢸ࣮࣐࡛◊✲ࢆ㐍ࡵ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ2011 ᖺࡣࠊ᪥ᮏ࡟
࠾ࡅࡿίᅵᩍ⣔஧኱᐀ὴࡢ㛤♽࡛࠶ࡿἲ↛㸦1133-1212㸧ࡢ 800 ᅇᚷࠊぶ㮭㸦1173-1262㸧
ࡢ 750 ᅇᚷ࡟࠶ࡓࡿࡇ࡜ࢆព㆑ࡋ࡚ࠊ
ࠕ ίᅵᩍࠖ࡟㛵ࡍࡿᅜ㝿ࢩ࣏ࣥࢪ࣒࢘ࢆ௻⏬ࡋࡓࠋ
ࡓࡲࡓࡲ 2011 ᖺ 8 ᭶ 5–6 ᪥࡟኱㇂኱Ꮫ࡛➨ 15 ᅇᅜ㝿┿᐀Ꮫ఍ࡀ㛤ദࡉࢀࡿࡢࢆ▱
᐀኱㇂ὴࡢ౫㢗࡟ࡼࡾ᏶ᡂࡋࡓίᅵ୕㒊⤒ࡢⱥヂ㸦The Land of Bliss, Honolulu 1996㸧
࡛࠶ࡿࠋࢦ࣓ࢫ༤ኈ࡜ࡣࠊ1968 ᖺ࡟ึࡵ࡚᮶᪥ࡉࢀࡓ࡜ࡁ௨᮶ࡢ▱ࡾྜ࠸࡛࠶ࡾࠊ⚾
⮬㌟ 1976 ᖺ᫓Ꮫᮇ࡟ࡣ࣑ࢩ࢞ࣥ኱Ꮫ࡟ᣍ⪸ㅮᖌ࡜ࡋ࡚ฟㅮࡋࡓࡇ࡜ࡶ࠶ࡿࠋᮏࢩ࣏ࣥ
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⛣ືࡋࡓࡢ࡛࠶ࡗࡓࠋᙼ࡜ึࡵ࡚఍ࡗࡓࡢࡣࠊ1980 ᖺ௦ᮎ࡟ᡂ⏣ᒣ᪂຾ᑎࡢ୺ദ࡛➨
᱇ ⤂㝯
On Reading Literature Literally:
Concrete Imagery before Doctrine
El Colegio de México
Prefatory Remarks1
This paper requires a short introduction, for, at least some of the issues I wish to explore are not
commonly explored in the academic study of Buddhism. The questions I address in this paper, and the
personal motivations behind this particular form of curiosity, may be expressed succinctly as follows:
1. What are the presuppositions of “Pure Land thought,” understood broadly as belief in the power of
a bodhisattva’s vow as it is realized in the “purification” of the bodhisattva’s buddha-field?
a. What implications does the belief in many lands and many bodhisattvas have for our
understanding of the nature and the function of the bodhisattva ideal?
b. What exactly is the nature of belief in multiple buddhas, bodhisattvas and buddha-fields 㸫a
belief at the heart of the mythology of the bodhisattvas in so many MahƗyƗna snjtras?
2. What would have made the existence of purified buddha-fields believable to an audience in
ancient India?
a. What would that belief look like if it were understood literally and not simply as a metaphor
for some philosophical or ethical conception?
b. How is the bodhisattva ideal related to the vague, but central conception of a space or
dimension known as the dharmadhƗtu,
c. and to the more concrete conception of purified world-realms?
These concerns were prompted, of course by more concrete or particular problems. For instance, and
more specifically, I have been puzzled for some time by the manner in which ĝƗkyamuni, as the voice of
authority in the SukhƗvatƯ-vynjha sutras, appeals in the Shorter SukhƗvatƯ-vynjha to the buddhas of the ten
cosmic directions for validation of his teachings on AmitƗbha’s Pure Land. We may dismiss this
important passage as hyperbole or as “legitimation,” but we still need to explain what would make such
an appeal cogent and effective. In other words, we need to understand what sort of presupposition would
render believable this particular claim to legitimation in the Shorter Snjtra.
In this instance, as in many other passages in the snjtras, we do not need more than a cursory reading
to realize that the first, or concrete, meaning (which we shall call “the literal” for lack of a better word)
seems to say something more (or something less —depending on your perspective) than what we
communicate to our students and audiences with our doctrinal, philosophic or normative
My thanks to Prof. Katsura Shǀryu of Ryukoku University for inviting me to participate in the symposium where an earlier
version of this paper was presented. I also thank Dennis Hirota, of the same institution, for his response to the paper, and to
those members of the audience who offered valuable comments and questions, especially James Dobbins of Oberlin College.
Luis O. Gómez
interpretations.2 We are, in some ways, despite our proffered methodological strategies, still entrapped
by the lure of Buddhist doctrinal subtleties. But, obviously, there is more to Buddhist texts than the
arguments, or, for that matter, the dogmatic enumerations of the scholastic tradition.3
Given the claims contained in them, my theoretical (hermeneutic) approach cannot be separated
from concrete issues of interpretation, from the particulars of the text. And, as I argue below, these
particulars raise a number of questions regarding the way we speak about MahƗyƗna, about buddhas and
about bodhisattvas. More specifically, I feel these texts show that we may still have a lot to learn from
the particulars of these individual texts, buddhas and bodhisattvas, despite our acquired insights into the
general or doctrinal interpretations that seem to underlie the grand narratives of the snjtras. I have felt, for
instance, that Western attempts to distinguish so-called celestial bodhisattvas from some other form of
bodhisattva (“Human”? “Earthly”?) are misguided and do not serve any heuristic purpose. If anything,
our nomenclature and exegetical discourse have prevented us from asking for the meaning and function
of the way bodhisattvas are depicted in the snjtras.4 In seems to me, moreover, that except for one paper
by Paul Harrison, we have not confronted the implications of this Western distinction.
I am, of course, also interested in question of “authorship.” and “origins,“ and questions about the
dating and the evolution of Buddhist texts and their ideas across time.5 However, I also raise the
question of what may have made change possible and, above all, acceptable to Buddhist individuals and
communities —across time, and at the various levels of potential meaning in these texts (doctrine,
mythology, ritual, ethos and habitus). That is to say, for me the investigation of history implies also an
investigation of the nature of religious discourse and human belief, and the way discourse and belief
becomes acceptable as truth or reality in a given cultural context.
This does not mean that the nature of belief can be used as historical evidence, or that understanding
belief in ancient texts can follow the same positive methodologies of textual history. But having at least
My use of “literal” does not presuppose any philosophical stance regarding the exact nature of the literal. It is simply a
short-hand for “taking the concrete imagery of our texts and face value, as if it represented an actual world that we can see,
hear, touch, and inhabit.” This way of reading is then contrasted with our need to find philosophical, ethical or existential
meanings, that is, our attempts to map the imaginal world of the text onto our own imaginal world (what we commonly call
the “reality of our existence”). I am well aware that the word “literal” itself is very much contested in linguistics, translation
theory and philosophy. The reader can start the exploration of these debates with the works by Cohen and Stern referenced
below in notes 8 and 9.
This is not the place to show that the scholastics were themselves very much immersed in the concrete and literal forms of the
foundational myths of their own doctrinal abstractions. I think this is generally speaking obvious, but it still needs to be
considered carefully. Furthermore, as I shall clarify presently, I am not in any way suggesting that scholastic schematism and
philosophical analysis are not relevant to the study of Buddhism.
P. Harrison, “MañjuĞrƯ and the Cult of the Celestial Bodhisattvas,” Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal, 13.2(May 2000), 157-193. I
have followed a slightly different line of argument in a paper titled “AvalokiteĞvara’s Potala in the Avataূsaka,” to be
published by the Organizing Committee of the conference “Daejanggyeong: A Millennium Commemoration of the Tripitaka
Koreana” —Daegu, 2011.
Again, for the sake of brevity, I have not unpacked what I mean by “authorship.” Many of the texts that interest us are not
exactly amenable to analyses of authorship as one would apply in a historical environment in cultures where individual
authorship has been valued for centuries. I am also an advocate a conception of origins and authorship that incorporates at least
some of the insightful conclusions of Western criticism following post-structuralism. The concepts of “dating” and “evolution”
would also have to be fine-tuned in light of more contemporary concepts of transmission and reception.
On Reading Literature Literally
a theoretical understanding of belief can help understand the nature of change —in other words, it can
help understand how belief or ideation affect the evolution of doctrine, its reception, its acceptance, and
its transformations.
In the present paper in particular I am interested in (1) the evolution of a text (or rather, of a set of
ideas in that text), (2) in the way people may have understood this texts and its ideas, and (3) in the
presuppositions that can make texts such as this one believable and vital enough to warrant change and
growth in the interpretation of its doctrines.
Questions of Terminology: Reading and Interpreting
Our attention has been called more than once to our tendency to see mystery in the reality imagined
or lived by others. For instance, we call ritual, or even worse, “just a ritual,” those actions that, from our
own limited perspective, seem to have no effectiveness or function. This is a recalcitrant bias. Hence our
first impulse (after we have overcome the tendency to dismiss such phenomena as meaningless) is to get
rid of our puzzlement with a second order explanation: symbolism, meaning, doctrinal profundity, social
function, etc.
There is nothing inherently misguided about such attempts at understanding. But, some times we
jump to that second order of analysis before we have noted, first, the salient features of the concrete
object (ritual or literary, performative or imaginal), or before we have attempted to imagine how a
human being can actually live in his or her “foreign world” without sharing with us the kind of
meanings we seem to require to be able to understand our own world and world-views.
I do not wish to travel very far in a morass of interpretations laid over interpretations, of
methodological perspectives clashing with methodological perspectives. In this short paper, I only wish
to point towards one way in which we can perhaps engage in the activity of interpreting and
understanding beliefs (“doctrine,” “myth” and “ritual,” if you will) by looking at such beliefs and their
expression in the most literal sense I can imagine. This means, in part, that I will privilege the imaginal
over the symbolic,6 assuming provisionally that believers have the capacity to accept as real a world
populated by non-natural phenomena, without necessarily positing a symbolic or demythologized
meaning behind those phenomena. And assuming, moreover, that human beings can live in a world in
which not all phenomena are “natural” —in our contemporary sense of what is natural.
I would like to imagine a reading that attempts to understand how the concreteness of religious
imagery can provide enough meaning for believers to have no need to seek anything beyond that
concreteness, allowing them to live in that imaginal world without feeling the urge to build a symbolic
I use the word “imaginal” advisedly and in the technical sense now common in literary and religious studies: a world of
imagination that constitutes reality for a given human being or community of human beings. I am also borrowing from I. A.
Richards, The Philosophy of Rhetoric, New York and London, Oxford University Press, 1936, and from I. A. Richards & C. K.
Ogden, The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of the Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism,
London and New York, 1923. One should note one of my earliest sources, which also influenced Ogden: Hans Vaihinger, Die
Philosophie des Als Ob (reprint Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2007. First ed. 1911, tenth ed. 1927) — also online in
PDF format at: http://ia600609.us.archive.org/23/items/DiePhilosophieDesAlsOb/HansVaihinger_philosophieDesAlsOb.pdf
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Luis O. Gómez
theology. It is therefore, not a matter of looking for the real meaning or the original meaning, nor the
native meaning, but simply an attempt to clarify the concrete universe generated by the text and asking
whether that universe is habitable —whether someone can feel content with that concreteness, however
absurd or naïve it may seem to some of us. Needless to say, in doing so, I imply that such universes are
perhaps not so absurd or naïve as they may seem to someone standing outside of them.
As a foreshadowing of some of my conclusions, I should point to the origin of these reflections. In
reading and rereading “the Pure Land Sutras,” and other texts of a similar genre (from Ak‫܈‬obhya-snjtra
to MañjuĞrƯ-vyƗkara۬a, Avataۨsaka to VimalakƯrti-nirdeĞa) I have reached a point where my literary
imagination feels perfectly at home with the putatively fantastic universe(s) described in such texts.7 In
other words, I discovered in me the capacity to suspend disbelief to the point where I could feel not only
drawn into the text as literature or drama, but also eased into an empathic relationship with a believer
that would accept literally (that is, accept its imagery as reality), in the way that, for instance, many
Christian believers believe the Book of Revelation is not in any way “symbolic” or metaphoric, but a
description of the exact events we will live at the end of all time.
We could say that my basic assumption is that my imagination as reader can profit from a certain
empathic connection with what I can posit as the imaginal reality of the other. If our capacity to
understand one another depends on the ability to understand each other’s worlds, we need to understand
not only the thoughts of others, but the mental pictures and feelings that presumably accompany and
bolster those thoughts, we need to make them “our own,” even if we use these two words
metaphorically or as a provisional device for understanding.8
In fact, even the simple capacity to sustain my attention while I read a text requires a similar process
of identification or empathy, whereby I imagine the world represented by the text, and I imagine the
people who have read or will read it, heard it, heard of it, performed it, etc. We often attempt to achieve
some sort of connection with the other through historical and sociological understanding, but even
socio-historical reasoning depends on imagining real human beings and a real human world in some
ways accessible to my imagination. When we approach a text as a community’s construction of a
habitable world (in our case a world at the same time transcendent and immanent), the need to imagine
alternative worlds is even more crucial. We need a minimal capacity to affectively and metaphorically
transport ourselves to another world.9
“Fantastic” not in the sense of “being pure fantasy,” but in the sense of feeling counter-intuitive or against my culture-bound
sense of what can be real. I also take this not in the strongest sense (not in the strong, and most likely, correct interpretation of
the dictum that we are animals “suspended in webs of significance” we have spun ourselves —Geertz, Interpretation of
Cultures, Basic Books, 1973, p. 5), but as a middle of the road constructivist— to become real, the web of our narratives must
somehow affect human material and emotional survival.
This way of looking at the text was in part inspired by my personal spin on Ted Cohen’s notion of “the construction and
comprehension of metaphors,” which, he states, “require an ability that is the same as the human capacity for understanding
one another.” Cohen, Thinking of others: On the talent for metaphor (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008).
Appropriately, Cohen opens his first chapter with an epigraphic quote from Josef Stern’s Metaphor in Context (Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press, 2000): “Nonetheless, I agree that there is a pictorial dimension to metaphor and that the perspective it
generates cannot be expressed propositionally.”
These and the following thoughts are in part inspired by my reading of two of Ted Cohen’s papers: “Metaphor, Feeling, and
On Reading Literature Literally
If skillfully accomplished, narrative and the depiction of a narrative’s setting (not that these two can
be separated so easily), will effect a state of receptivity or suggestibility in the expected
receptor-responder very similar to what I propose the reader attempts to achieve —many centuries and
kilometers away from the original site of production— in the enjoyment and understanding of texts of
the imagination.10
Hence, I contend, such a process would have operated when some of these snjtras were composed,
read, or recited (that is, recited and read with at least a minimal understanding of the imagery, since
ritual recitation may have had other functions and meanings).11 I also contend that a metaphoric,
symbolic or theological reading depends to a certain extent on an initial acceptance of the concrete
alternative world posited by the text.
Regarding the pure lands, and the buddhas and bodhisattvas that inhabit them, I wonder if it is
possible to understand the universe they occupy with a literalness that offers perhaps an insight into a
particular modality of Indian Buddhist belief: the belief in multiple buddhas and buddha-fields as the
true representation of an objective world —at least of our world seen as an embodiment of Buddhist
Dharma or as seen through the eyes of buddhas and bodhisattvas— an idea that is sometimes expressed
with the technical and mythic term DharmadhƗtu.
This ideal and abstract universe, the DharmadhƗtu, is occupied by multiple worlds that do not look
like ours, and is populated by beings like and and by others who are similar to us only in an ideal sense.
Narrative,” Philosophy and Literature, 21.2(1997), 223-244, and “Identifying with Metaphor: Metaphors of Personal
Identification,” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 57.4(1999), 399-409. Similar ideas are developed, of course, in
his book, referenced above in note 8, which incorporates much of the second of these two articles. I came to know of Cohen’s
work after I wrote my paper on miracles for the Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, “On Buddhist
Wonders and Wonder-working,” (Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, 33.1–2 [2010 (2011)],
pp.513–554). There is much to be gained by a closer look at Cohen in order to develop further the materials and arguments I
presented in the JIABS paper.
This is, perhaps, as good a place as any other to introduce an important aside on the term “narrative.” One need only skim
through a library catalogue to realize that the word has as many meanings as there are scholars using the term. It is also evident
that studies of narrative overlap with many other disciplines and analytic categories —the Encyclopaedia Universalis, for
instance, includes, in addition to the expected treatment under the heading “Récit” (a superb, and very French, survey by Louis
Marin and Jean Verrier), an interesting segment on narrativity under the topic of “Performance, Art” (written by Daniel
Charles). In addition to the multiple uses of the term, the matter is complicated by the nature of “narrative” in the texts that I
consider in this paper: the “stories” told are mostly (when they are not just a pretext for doctrinal expostulation) of the nature
of passing vistas, in which ideal characters interact with visionary panoramas. It is a kind of religious narrative unlike the
story-plot and chronicled history types more common in Christian scriptures. I use the term narrative, therefore, to describe
passages where a plot (usually a very loose one, and often without the kind of plot development and denouement we expect) is
used as a thread weaving together the other elements: isolated events and the setting (the space created in or by those events).
It is more like a string of miracles than a story proper. Another, more abstract, way of stating this point is to say that plot is
ritually repetitive and serves to highlight and embody the defining topoi of the tradition, but that the development of topoi in
this case can become, literally, the depiction of miraculous spaces or places (for some ideas of the use of place as literary topos,
see, Jean-Claude Anscombre, ed., Théorie des topoï, Paris: Kimé, 1995).
For the sake of brevity, I will henceforth use the word “read” as a place holder for the longer, more accurate phrases the
present context requires, such as, “recite, memorize, repeat, hear, write, read or perform.” Obviously, in the case of the texts
we are considering here, the question of their use, transmission, and Sitz im Leben (to say nothing of the existence of “a reader”
in our modern sense of the word) still remains, for the most part, open.
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Luis O. Gómez
Hence, to understand such a universe we are left with two main types of strategies: either we assume
that all of this is metaphoric (in some cases perhaps allegoric), and that a theological unpacking is
necessary, if not inevitable, or we jump in and ask ourselves what it would be like to inhabit that
Since this universe, the DharmadhƗtu, is supposed to be somehow coextensive or parallel to ours, we
can see it as either transcendent or immanent, or both. But, be that as it may, we will need to first
understand exactly is this universe, and the worlds within it, and the human-like beings that inhabit it.
We need to understand what it is, before we ask ourselves what it means.
In Buddhist Studies, we have been plagued by a tendency to read in light of “established” or
normative doctrinal interpretations (and this is a practice not only found among lay readers or in some of
our students, but even in some of our scholarly writing). An example of this is the facile use of the word
bodhisattva as if it were univocally and transparently an expression of a single doctrine —philosophical
and ethical. We continue to read and understand “bodhisattvas” through the lens of our summaries and
textbooks, and with the short-hand of doctrinal and interpretive terms that lack accuracy, or, at least,
terms the meanings of which are yet to be clarified.
In such readings we try to make the bodhisattva into our own image, still trying, even today to divest
the figure of the bodhisattva of any features that may seem to us a bit too fantastic, or may seem so
much in the realm of the superhuman that we fear (I believe mistakenly) that the figure of the
bodhisattva will lose its value as an ideal model for human action.
If we pay close attention to the concrete and specific images (iconic or narrative images) of a text,
we may begin to discern the many ways in which the text means or has meant. We may begin to
understand the manner in which the text constructs an imaginal world different from our own, and, at
times different from our assumed understanding of the world of the text (our “interpretive textus
receptus,” as it were). And we may understand how the text would have meant a lot more than what we
find in the schemata of doctrinal interpretations.
In general, this type of reading at a “literal level” can already be counted among the best practices of
good historian, because historians seek to understand the text’s diachronicity or to understand the
relations between different layers or archeological strata, and they do so precisely by focusing on the
text’s concreteness, beyond or behind, any doctrinal or normative reading. However, it is not only the
positive historian (the student of strata and social contexts) who stands to benefit from a literal reading
that takes the concrete image at face value. The literary interpreter, or the interpreter of religious
literature, as well as the translator and lexicographer, stand to gain from this approach.
I have elsewhere attempted such analyses with two well-known MahƗyƗna texts: AvalokiteĞvara’s
Litany in the 25th Chapter of the Lotus Snjtra (variously known in East Asia as the GuƗnsìyƯn-jƯng やୡ㡢
⥂, Kannon-gyǀ ほ㡢⤒ or Fumonbon ᬑ㛛ရ) and the corresponding Litany in Sudhana’s encounter
with AvalokiteĞvara in the Ga۬‫ڲ‬avynjha-snjtra.
I have argued that these two texts are literary renderings of living rituals that were incorporated into
larger, fully developed MahƗyƗna Snjtras —respectively the Lotus Sutra and the BuddhƗvataۨsaka—
possibly in an attempt to give folk belief a canonical or normative status, and that this process of
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On Reading Literature Literally
canonization and absorption evidently occurred late in the development of the larger snjtras. When we
read them within this frame of reference, we begin to see how they represent particular beliefs that do
not always fit into the expectations we bring to these texts when we read them through the lens of
“normative” or accepted notions of what is or is not a a snjtra, a particular snjtra, a bodhisattva, a
particular bodhisattva, or what is or is not proper mahƗyƗna doctrine.
Both texts, Lotus and Avataۨsaka, present peculiar notions of what is or is not a bodhisattva and of
the relationship of the bodhisattva to the purified buddha-fields. One text can hardly be used as a
doctrinal clue to understanding the other. Yet we intuit some sort of connection —a connection that
reflects, in my view, habits of imagination, literary and religious.
The Lotus Litany also appears to have grown with the addition of other legitimizing elements, thus
showing that the impulse to create a normative or standard reading is also found in the history of
traditional constructions of meaning. This is evident particularly in the attempt to link AvalokiteĞvara to
what must have been a rising popular cult of AmitƗbha. In this last point I agree with Gregory Schopen
on the matter of the “generalized” acceptance of AmitƗbha to which many MahƗyƗna Snjtras bear
witness.12 In fact I would reword his conclusion more boldly by suggesting that there may have existed
a non-specific cult of AmitƗbha (paying lip service to AmitƗbha’s importance without necessarily
engaging in the exclusive worship of AmitƗbha).
However, as to the meaning of Schopen’s phrase “generalized belief system,” I part ways with him
on two counts. First in his assumption that this is a “belief system” (he seems to imagine belief as
separate from ritual practice and avoids the question of what he means by the phrase belief system).
Second, I hypothesize that a belief that becomes generalized is not necessarily watered down by this
generalization, but that it could be reinforced as a vehicle for legitimation or by being legitimize by
general acceptance. In other words, existence as a generalized belief does not preclude the existence of
cultic communities where a particular Buddha was paramount as object of worship.
Text and Function
I will not repeat the arguments I have developed elsewhere, but, the object of the present paper is an
example of a phenomenon similar to the one I believe bears witness to the success of the cult behind the
recitation of AvalokiteĞvara’s Litany. In the present, brief, analysis I wish to examine the final section of
the BuddhƗvataۨsaka, the Samantabhadra-caryƗpra۬idhƗna-gƗthƗ (variously known as the
Fugengyǀgan ᬑ㈼⾜㢪, BhadracarƯ, etc.). It seems to me that this section of the Avataۨsaka collection
(henceforth abbreviated Av) reflects a process of growth and legitimation similar to that of the two
AvalokiteĞvara Litanies.
However, in the case of Samantabhadra’s vows in the Av, the process of canonization worked both
ways ̿legitimizing Samantabhadra even as his association with the liturgy of MahƗyƗna transferred its
legitimacy to the Snjtra— so that the rising figure of Samantabhadra appears to have absorbed the
See Gregory Schopen, “SukhƗvatƯ as a Generalized Religious Goal in Sanskrit MahƗyƗna Snjtra Literature,” Indo-Iranian
Journal, 19, (1977), pp. 177-210.
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general model of the MahƗyƗna liturgy, the saptavidhƗ anuttarƗ pnjjƗ, presenting its elements and
structure as if they were part of a revelation contained in Samantabhadra’s own, personal vows.13 The
liturgy was legitimized at the same time that it legitimized Samantabhadra, a bodhisattva that may have
arisen, not in the popular imagination, but as an abstract deity of monkish creation: the embodiment of
the perfectly virtuous conduct (samanta-bhadra-caryƗ). His final apotheosis evidently occurs in the
passage that has come to be known as the Samantabhadra-caryƗpra۬idhƗn-gƗthƗ (henceforth
referenced simply as BhadracarƯ)
Our acceptance of the ending as a fitting ending is a good example of how our eagerness to read
doctrinal schemata into a text misleads us into overlooking the text and its history, particularly the
significance of its concrete imagery.
We are used to assuming, in the first place, that the meeting with Samantabhadra represents the most
appropriate, and the original, ending of the Sanskrit Ga۬‫ڲ‬avynjha (henceforth abbreviated as Gv), and
that, in turn, this final encounter culminated with the Vows of Samantabhadra as we know them —that is,
through their canonized versions in the Samantabhadra-caryƗpra۬idhƗn-gƗthƗ (variously known as the
Fugengyǀgan ᬑ㈼⾜㢪, BhadracarƯ, etc.) preserved in Sanskrit in the Gv and in a number of Asian
languages, including, of course, the canonical Tibetan version, and Prajña’s Chinese translation —minor
variations notwithstanding.
And we conclude from the first assumption that this conveniently consecrated text constitutes the
key to understanding the rest of the Gv. This conclusion is then conflated with a second major
assumption: that the BhadracarƯ is primarily the expression of the bodhisattva ideal as a model for
human ethical behavior. Accordingly, we tend to interpret the Gv as a gradual pilgrimage culminating in
the vows of the life of the bodhisattva Samantabhadra, understanding these as the highest expression of
the ethical ideals of those human beings who seek to live the life of a bodhisattva.14
This consecrated key to the conclusion of the Gv and the Av allows us to reduce the text to a sort of
“ethical” teaching (however vague its formulation may be even in our own interpretations). This reading,
the favorite among contemporary readers in the West, presents the bodhisattva as a model for the ethical
behavior of practicing Buddhists, despite other possible readings of the myths of the bodhisattvas and of
the BhadracarƯ itself. These alternative readings are what I now call the literal reading, and which I will
The importance of these two processes may be reflected in the Chinese title of the Ga۬‫ڲ‬avynjha in Prajña’s translation, ධ୙ᛮ
㆟ゎ⬺ቃ⏺ᬑ㈼⾜㢪ရ (Taishǀ X, 293), where the first, presumably main or older title, ධ୙ᛮ㆟ゎ⬺ቃ⏺, corresponds to an
older version expressing one of the main themes of the collection, and the second, appositional subtitle, ᬑ㈼⾜㢪, represents a
new vision of the Snjtra as culminating in the vows. One need only remember that in Buddhabhadra and ĝikৢƗnanda’s versions
the final snjtra in the Av is called the ධἲ⏺ရ. Given the development of the Snjtra as a sequential (perhaps a gradually
intensifying) presentation of miraculous vimok‫܈‬as, the appropriate finale would have to be found in Maitreya’s knj‫ܒ‬ƗgƗra (as
the realization of the ධἲ⏺), followed by Samantabhadra’s reinforcement of the same idea, as I argue below.
This template or interpretive key has grown roots, so much so that we have, additionally, accepted the idea that the upper tier
of the reliefs at Barabuঌur are representations of the BhadracarƯ as we know it —despite the insurmountable problems that
this identification must face when the reliefs are compared to the text. Thus, F. D. K. Bosch (“De Bhadracari afgebeeld op den
Hoofdmuur der vierde Gaanderij van den Baraboedoer”, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Ned.-Indie, 97,
1938, pp.241-293) struggles, in my view unsuccessfully, to confront the doubts raised, many years earlier, by N. J. Krom
(Barabudur: Archaeological Description,The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1927).
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On Reading Literature Literally
call later in this paper the narrative reading.
Parenthetically, but importantly, I should note that part of the problem is an artifact of Western biases.
After all, we are attempting to discover ethical thought of a Western modality in texts in which, arguably,
norms of human action fuse with the superhuman feats of buddhas and bodhisattvas, and with an
aspiration towards awakening, omniscience and liberation that is essentially expressed as a ritual, not as
a reflection on the ethical significance of this aspiration. I am not denying, of course, the presence of
ethical principles and aspirations, I only wish to note that the norms may be there, but one cannot
separate them easily from the ideal of a bodhisattva that both knows reality and can change reality, one
cannot separate easily the role of the bodhisattva as paradigmatic figure from his personality as
superhuman wonder-worker. Perhaps this particular Western bias is at the root of our confusion about so
called celestial bodhisattvas, as if they could be clearly distinguished from so-called human or earthly
bodhisattvas that, presumably, we normal humans would imagine capable of imitating.
I still think it is valid for us to ask ourselves exactly what is a bodhisattva and, more importantly in
the present context, what is the relevance of the figure of so-called mythical or celestial bodhisattvas as
objects of human emulation and aspiration. We shall presently return to this second question, but first let
me offer some cursory observations on the first question —whether we can find an analog to Western
notions of the ethical norm in the snjtras under consideration.
“Ethical,” Ethos, Ritual
An “ethical” interpretation of these texts is not totally off the mark.15 I only argue that it is hardly
the most prominent role of the bodhisattvas (including the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra), at the very least
in the Gv and in the Av as a whole Since I intend to discuss other, competing, understandings of the
significance of the bodhisattva figure, I should at least remind the reader that I am not denying the
existence of ethical meanings. I shall, therefore, begin with a short excursus on the bodhisattva as ethical
This idea is developed, in fact, in the so-called “Ten Vows of Samantabhadra” found in the prose
section preceding the BhadracarƯ verses in Prajña’s Chinese version. These ten vows in prose are,
unquestionably, a summary or interpretation of the BhadracarƯ and seem meant to lead the reader to the
mythic and the ritual dimensions of the text through an initial reflection on the ethical. They are, I would
argue, a self-referential commentary or interpretation of the verses that follow.
The prose passage on the Ten Vows (Taishǀ 293, 844b20-846c29) is summarized in its first lines
(Taishǀ 293, 844b20-28):
Then, after joyfully praising the sublime virtues of the TathƗgata, Samantabhadra, the
Bodhisattva MahƗsattva, addressed [Sudhana] the youth and all the bodhisattvas [that had
gathered there], saying:
One is reminded of the implicit tension in Western narrative theology between the narrative and the moral. See, for instance,
Paul Lauritzen, “Ethics and Experience: The Case of the Curious Response,” The Hastings Center Report, 26.1 (1996), 6-15
and Paul Lauritzen, “Is ‘Narrative’ Really a Panacea? The Use of ‘Narrative’ in the Work of Metz and Hauerwas,” The
Journal of Religion, 67.3(1987), 322-339.
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—Sudhana, the virtue and merit of the TathƗgata is such that even if all the buddhas of the ten
directions should speak during so many kalpas as there are particles of dust in the uncountable
numberless buddha-fields, they would not be able to ever finish describing [all that they contain].
If you wish to succeed in attaining and practicing those virtues ᡂᑵṈຌᚫ㛛, you should practice
ten great vows. Which ten?
(1) First, to pay homage ⚰ᩗ to all the buddhas; (2) second, to call upon and praise ✃ㆽ the
tathƗgatas; (3) third, worship them with abundant offerings ᘅಟ౪㣴; (4) fourth, to confess our
[evil] conduct, those actions that constitute an impediment, and to express repentance ᠲ᜼ᴗ㞀;
(5) fifth, to celebrate the merit and virtue 㞉႐ຌᚫ [of all beings]; (6) sixth, to request of [all
buddhas] that they turn the wheel of Dharma ㄳ㎈ἲ㍯; (7) seventh, to request of all buddhas that
they remain in [this] world ㄳషఫୡ; (8) eight, to follow constantly the teachings of the buddhas
ᖖ㞉షᏥ; (9) ninth, to adapt [one’s behavior to the needs] of sentient beings ᜏ㡰╓⏕; (10) tenth,
to dedicate [all of one’s] merit [to others] ᬑⓙ㏛ྥ.16
These are all aspirations that can be understood as advising a course of action that most human
beings could contemplate as goals within the reach of mere mortals. However, it is difficult to imagine
that the course of action contemplated is predominantly ethical. Vows 1-3, 6-7 and 10 refer to well
known ritual practices. The eighth vow can be understood perhaps as including ethical teachings, but
one wonders whether in the present context it does not refer to a confession of faith, more than to any
particular form of moral action. The fourth vow is, of course, part of the traditional MahƗyƗna ritual
—but, I would nonetheless concede that here ritual begins to overlap with moral reflection. However, it
is only in the ninth vow that we find the grounds for ethical reflection.
This ethical bent is especially clear in the prose explanation of this ninth vow, which reads, as
follows (845c24-846a28):
Moreover, Sudhana, when one speaks of adapting [oneself to the needs] of sentient beings, the
meaning is that [one will do so with respect to] the many different kinds of sentient beings that
exist in the oceans of fields in empty space in the ten direction of the universe, to the end of the
DharmadhƗtu. They may be born from an egg, or from a womb, from hot and humid places, or
miraculously born, and depend for their sustenance on earth, water, fire, or wind; they may live in
empty space, or among the plants and the trees, including all kinds of species or races, of diverse
types of bodies, distinct in color, shape and appearance, . . . They may differ in the depth of their
understanding and in their points of view and opinions, in their desires and joys, their thoughts
and their conduct, and in their customs, their manner of dress and in their eating habits.
There are beings who inhabit diverse types of villages, towns, cities and places of residence,
and there are also gods, nƗgas, . . . and there are also humans and non-humans. Some, lacking
extremities, crawl, whereas others walk on two feet, or on four feet, and others on many more
feet. Some have a bodily form, whereas others are incorporeal; some are fully conscious, others
unconscious, some have a minimal degree of consciousness, others are not totally unconscious.
Lit. «general dedication» [of merit]. One should note that in “vows” 5 and 10 one would be hard pressed to distinguish ritual
from ethics —but this is a topic for another occasion, important as it obviously is.
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And I intend to adapt myself to them, to care for this great diversity of living things, providing
them with all kinds of attentive care, service, goods and benefits. I will treat them all with the
same respect I show towards my parents, my teachers, my elders, and to the arhats, and even the
same respect I show to the buddhas. I will render service to them all, making no distinction
among them.
I will be a physician and a nurse towards those who are sick or incapacitated. I will show the way
to those who are lost. I will be a shining beacon for those who have gone astray in a dark night. And
I will lead the poor and the destitute to a place where they may discover abundant treasures.
This is the way a bodhisattva benefits all sentient beings with impartiality.
And why does he act in this way? If the bodhisattva adapts him or herself to sentient beings, he
is behaving in accordance and in harmony with all the buddhas; and in this way in fact the
bodhisattva presents his offerings to the buddhas. If the bodhisattva pays homage to and serves
sentient beings, he pays homage and serves the tathƗgatas. And if the bodhisattva brings joy and
happiness to sentient beings, he brings joy and happiness to the tathƗgatas.
And why? Because all the tathƗgatas adopt the mind and heart of great compassion, regarding
it with the utmost respect ㅖషዴ౗௨኱ᝒᚰ⪋Ⅽ㧓ᨾ. Their great compassion grows thanks to
sentient beings. From great compassion is born the thought of awakening, and it is through this
thought of awakening that they reach the highest, perfect, complete awakening.
It is like a king of all trees which, even when it grows in a rocky and sandy wasteland, will
grow roots that reach down and absorb water, so that its branches, its leaves and fruits will
prosper. It is the same with this king among the trees that grows in the wasteland of birth and
death.17 All sentient beings are its roots, the buddhas and the bodhisattvas are its flowers and
fruits. If we bestow upon all sentient beings the benefit of the water of our great compassion, we
will nourish the flowers and the fruits which are the wisdom ᬛ្ of buddhas and bodhisattvas.
Why? Because when they benefit sentient beings with the water of great compassion,
bodhisattvas reach the highest, perfect and complete awakening. This is why it is sentient beings
who have possession of awakening: without sentient beings, bodhisattvas would not be able to
reach the highest, perfect and complete awakening.
Sudhana, you should therefore understand that only when your thoughts are impartially equal
with regards to all sentient beings will you practice great compassion in its fullness and perfection.
By means of this thought of great compassion that adapts itself to all sentient beings and is in
harmony with their needs you will be able to present the most perfect offering, the offering of
Dharma, to all buddhas.
This is why a bodhisattva adapts himself to all sentient being and lives in harmony with them. (…)
This passage is surprisingly reminiscent of scholastic explanations of the bodhisattva’s compassion
as the ground for awakening (via the thought of awakening). An idea succinctly formulated in the
ĞƗstras —from MahƗyƗnasnjtrƗla۪kƗra to KamalaĞƯla’s BhƗvanƗkramas. Furthermore, the idea of the
interdependence between sentient beings as the ground for compassion and, therefore, as the ground for
awakening, is developed in the passage just quoted in ways that remind us of ĝƗntideva’s ingenious
The tree stands here for the totality of the salvific process, integrating, as it were, all the players into a single organism.
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arguments positing a dignity for sentient beings equal to the dignity of buddhas —arguments he
develops in connections with patience (BodhicaryƗvatƗra VI.112-123). There too, the dignity of
common sentient beings is guaranteed by the mere fact that they are the objects of the love buddhas feel
equally towards all sentient beings.
Having pointed to this passage, and reminding the reader that what is to follow in this paper is not
meant to render insignificant this dimensions of Buddhist religious life, I can now begin to present my
arguments for a different view of the position of the bodhisattva in the Buddhist imaginary.
The ethical interpretation is not the only way one can read the passage, and it is the one meaning that
tends to fade away in everything that preceded it in Prajña’s version, and, of course, in the BhadracarƯ
itself, where the text focuses once more on what we may call, for lack of a better word, myth and ritual:
the grand vision of the powers and cosmic actions of the bodhisattva, enacted in the text’s narrative.
A Preliminary Conclusion
Furthermore, the ethical theme is barely noticeable in other versions of this last chapter of the Gv
—those found in the earlier Chinese translations of the chapter. In fact, there is no equivalent to Prajña’s
prose discussion of these “Ten Vows” in any of these earlier versions, or, for that matter in the extant
Sanskrit version. I should also note that the prose introduction to Sudhana’s encounter with
Samantabhadra, which precedes the Ten Vows in Prajña’s version, is not substantially different from the
corresponding sections in the earlier Chinese translations of Buddhabhadra and ĝikৢƗnanda (the section
that introduces their own version of Samantabhadra’s verse conclusion to the snjtra). Except for Prajña’s
“Ten Vows” the Chinese versions are not significantly different from the prose that precedes and
introduces the BhadracarƯ in its Sanskrit version. Other than the “Ten Vows” the crucial difference is in
the concluding verses, to which we now must turn our attention.
The ending verses in the earlier versions of the Snjtra represent a stage in the history of Gv and Av
when the BhadracarƯ as we know it had not replaced an earlier ending. In these older versions we may
find elements of an ethical ideal (and of the ritual elements of the BhadracarƯ), but above all they ask us
to come to terms with another conception of the bodhisattvas and a different conception of their universe
(or, at least, a different aspect of the imaginal universe they inhabit in many MahƗyƗna snjtras).
The early history of the final section of the Gv can be divined from major differences among the
Chinese versions. The two older translations, those of Buddhabhadra (henceforth abbreviated as Bubhd)
and ĝikৢƗnanda (henceforth abbreviated as ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn), contrast significantly with the newer version found
in Prajña’s translation. But the two older versions also contrast with two independent versions of the
BhadracarƯ preserved in the Taishǀ Daizǀkyǀ, the first one titled “The Vows of MañjuĞrƯ,” ᩥṦᖌ฼ⓐ㢪
⥂ (Taishǀ X, 296, the translation of which is attributed to no one else but Buddhabhadra himself!!), the
second one attributed to Bùkǀng ୙✵, Amoghavajra (Taishǀ (X.297), and bearing a title that clearly
reflects the Indian title of SamantabhadracaryƗ-pra۬idhƗna-[gƗthƗ] ᬑ㈼⳶⸃⾜㢪ㆽ.18
Regarding the implied attribution of the vows to MañjuĞrƯ in Taishǀ 296, I am not sure of the actual direction of change,
influence or contamination, for there is a certain degree of confusion or conflation of roles in all of these texts as to the relative
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On Reading Literature Literally
For expediency’s sake, I will focus my remarks primarily on a comparison between Bubhd and the
redaction preserved in Prajña’s translation, and to a lesser extent on the version in the extant Sanskrit
text of Gv.19 The other two late versions correspond in all essential points with the later stratum
represented by Prajña,20 And ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn does not differ radically from Bubhd.
However, the first point of note is that even in the gƗthƗs in Prajña’s translation the dominant
element is by no means ethical. Of the 62 stanzas in that version,21 only 4 can be regarded as expressing
explicit ethical injunctions (this is is of course an approximate calculation, since some gƗthƗs have
mixed messages or are not clearly leaning one way or the other), of the remaining stanzas, 11 have a
clear ritual message (essentially a description of the saptavidhƗ anuttarƗ pujƗ), and 27 stanzas refer to
what I consider the most important thematic component of the Gv, the theme that ties it clearly to the
rest of the Av: the miraculous liberating effect (the vimok‫܈‬a) of the virtues and wisdom of buddhas and
bodhisattvas —that is, their capacity to effect change in sentient beings and their universe by the mere
presence of the bodhisattva’s awesome power. These 27 stanzas include 9 that refer or allude to
AmitƗbha and his purified buddha-field.22
The remaining 20 stanzas are in a category that I call, for lack of a better word, «mixed» —these are
stanzas not fitting in any of the above categories or expressing messages that (giving traditional
interpretations the benefit of the doubt) could be interpreted as either ritual or ethical (e.g., dedication of
merit), or stanzas praising Samantabhadra or MañjuĞrƯ.23
In other words, the gƗthƗs can hardly be taken as expressions of the interpretation we have just
quoted from the introductory prose. This is also true, mutatis mutandis, of the 62 stanzas that constitute
the BhadracarƯ in the Sanskrit version of the Gv.
The point is further highlighted when we consider the gƗthƗ’s in Bubhd (I remind the reader that in
this version there is no equivalent to Prajña’s “Ten Vows”).
The gƗthƗs in Bubhd, differ significantly from those in Prajña’s translation (which, as already noted,
are essentially identical with those in Gv). The passage in fact serves a very different function and
importance of these two bodhisattvas.
ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn differs from Bubhd in interesting ways but mostly at the level of phrasing, the general purport of this section is
essentially the same in both versions.
One should note, however, two important points in need of clarification. First, if Taishǀ 296 is the work of Buddhabhadra,
then its existence shows that the BhadracarƯ in a form close to the one we now know existed independently and
contemporaneously with the earlier ending of the Av, and Gv. Second, Amoghavajra’s version is longer (62 stanzas), yet
contains rough equivalents to all the stanzas of the BhadracarƯ. The additional stanzas elaborate the theme of the BhadracarƯ
as a means to reach the Pure Land. Additionally, it includes a supplemental ritual passage of 20 stanzas, labeled as a separate
text, titled ඵ኱⳶⸃ㆽ. As the title shows, this is a stotra to the Eight Great Bodhisattvas (assuming that ㆽ is not a less
common translation of gƗthƗ). This places Samantabhadra in yet another mythical and ritual context.
Needless to say, Prajña’s version is essentially the same as the mixed Sanskrit version of the Gv —a point that I will not
belabor in what follows.
AmitƗbha also figures prominently in the conclusion to the “Ten Vows.”
Within the verses themselves the relative role of these bodhisattvas is not transparent. This is true in all version of the
BhadracarƯ under consideration in this paper: the Sanskrit, in Prajña, in Buddhabhadra’s independent translation (titled, as
already noted, The Vows of MañjuĞrƯ), and in Amoghavajra’s translation.
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contains no parallels to the verses in Prajña’s text. None of the 99 (!!) stanzas in Bubhd can be regarded
as suggesting any kind of ethical injunction, and none allude to the liturgy of the vow of the bodhisattva.
The theme of the bodhisattva’s miraculous powers pervades the poem, with, approximately 29 stanzas
focusing primarily on the power to perceive all buddhas in their buddha-fields or the power to project
one’s salvific activity into other worlds {theme A}. These are described mostly as effects of the vows
and conduct of Samantabhadra, yet approximately another 21 stanzas directly or indirectly link these
powers to the virtue and vows of Samantabhadra himself {theme B} (this estimate involves, of course,
much guess work, due to the scant use of personal pronouns in the Chinese text). Roughly 40 stanzas
{theme C} are devoted to the theme of the transcendent or preternatural character of the bodhisattva’s
accomplishments, mostly as they reflect the nature of reality itself —all things being, after all, mere
magical creations. And 7 stanzas {theme D} refer explicitly to the work of buddhas who are identified
by name and apparently presented as examples of the buddhas of the universe without any preference or
I was at a loss as to how to classify 2 stanzas, and many of the above classifications exaggerate
thematic differences, for, in my view many stanzas refer to more than one of these themes, mixing some
of the themes that I have tried to separate somewhat artificially.
I would argue that the underlying dominant theme in this poem is the miraculous liberating effect
(the vimok‫܈‬a) of the virtues and wisdom of buddhas and bodhisattvas as embodied specifically in
Samantabhadra. This theme, parenthetically, allows for a seamless connection to Sudhana’s pilgrimage
and to much of what occurs elsewhere in Av. Eventually, but not in the early stages of our text, this
theme would also allow a shift from the world view of the Av to the world view of Pure Land thought:24
the merit of the buddhas is powerful, inherently powerful, powerful by itself, without the need for any
special effort on the part of sentient beings. But we shall return to this presently.
Let me first highlight some important elements in Buddhabhadra’s conclusion to the last chapter of Av,
that is to the snjtra that the Chinese tradition has called, appropriately, “Entry into the DharmadhƗtu.”
The poem is introduced as a clarification to the preceding prose passage. That prose passage, linking
Sudhana’s visit to Maitreya through an intervening meeting with MañjuĞrƯ, is in many ways close to the
extant Sanskrit text; but it runs a bit more smoothly, leading logically and seamlessly from, at one end,
the vision of Maitreya’s “tower” (more appropriately, his “storied mansion,” lóu, ᶂ = ᄫ῕⸝኱ᶂや =
Vairocana-vynjhƗlaۨkƗragarbha-mahƗknj‫ܒ‬ƗgƗra), representing the DharmadhƗtu as the locus of the
bodhisattva’s practice, power and wisdom, and, simultaneously, all of reality when properly perceived
for what it is, to, at the other end, its concluding end, the actual practice of one bodhisattva,
Samantabhadra, who embodies the aspirations that Sudhana will now take in earnest.
This setting already tells us something about the nature of the vow, as well as about what a
bodhisattva is in the conception of this text. The imaginal world embodied in this conception can be
outlined by quoting some of the most relevant phrases of the prose introduction to Sudhana’s encounter
with Samantabhadra:
I do not wish to imply that the BhadracarƯ can be shown to precede, chronologically, “Pure Land thought” in the more
restricted sense of the cultus of AmitƗbha and the hope for rebirth in SukhƗvatƯ.
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Guided by MañjuĞrƯ, who instructs him to visit Samantabhadra, Sudhana approaches the place
where this bodhisattva resides. There (784a9-15),
through the power of his own roots of virtue, assisted by the majestic power of the buddhas, and
moved by the power of all of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra’s roots of virtue, [Sudhana] perceived
ten auspicious signs [of what was to come].25 Which ten? These ten:
1. He saw in every purified field the fully adorned Tree of Awakening.
2. He saw that there were no evil ways of rebirth in those buddha-fields.
3. He saw that every purified field was like a lotus flower.
4. He saw that in every one of those buddha-fields the body and mind of sentient beings had
become gentle and pliable.
5. He saw that all those fields were adorned with countless splendid ornaments.
6. He saw that all the sentient beings in those buddha-fields bore upon their bodies the
thirty-two major marks.
7. He saw that all those buddha-fields were covered by clouds of splendid ornaments.
8. He saw that all the sentient beings in those buddha-fields had mastered the mind and heart of
benevolence ឿᚰ.
9. He saw in every purified field the fully adorned seat of awakening 㐨ሙ.
10. He saw that all the sentient beings in those buddha-fields practiced and cultivated perfectly
the samƗdhi of recollecting the buddhas ಟ⩦ᛕష୕᫕.26
Three details are significant. First, the purified buddha-fields represent a consistent and obligatory
backdrop, but they are not associated with any buddha in particular. Second, buddha-fields do not seem
to be rare places, they are constitutive of the imaginal universe of the text, standing out as an ubiquitous
feature of this universe. Third, these signs of the proximity of Samantabhadra suggest one important
aspect in the mythology of purified buddha-fields: their visionary and thaumaturgic dimensions
—bodhisattvas reveal them or, literally, can play with and among them, and in doing so they manifest
what is arguably the most important aspect of their vow. What is more, this cosmic wonder is not only a
manifestation of the power of bodhisattvas, it seems to be one of the (if not the) most characteristic
activities of bodhisattvas.
We are reminded of the context for this vision: the cosmic powers of the bodhisattva and the cosmic
vision that is the backdrop for most of the Av. This is the theme of the passage that follows immediately
after the one quoted above —visions of light announce the approaching bodhisattva (784a16-b2):
Furthermore, Sudhana saw ten different luminous portents:
1. Emanating from every single minute particle of dust in all of the DharmadhƗtu he could see
clouds woven with the rays of light shed by all the tathƗgatas.
2. And, emanating from every single minute particle of dust in all of the DharmadhƗtu he could
see orbs of many colored light completely illuminating the DharmadhƗtu, down to the
One should note, parenthetically, the importance of sharing karmic roots, of merit transference, a theme that is evidently an important
part of the “mythical logic” of Pure Land belief. It is also, as noted above, one of those points where ritual and ethics meet.
I have added italics to highlight the central importance of the theme of multiple buddha-fields.
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minutest particles of dust in every world in the universe.
Emanating from every minute particle of dust he saw the light of many clouds of precious
substances, completely illuminating every minute particle of dust in all the worlds in the
Emanating from every minute particle of dust he saw clouds of orbs of the tathƗgatas’
flaming light completely illuminating the DharmadhƗtu.
Emanating from each minute particle of dust he saw all the clouds of incense completely
pervading the DharmadhƗtu with the joyous praise of the bodhisattva conduct of
Samantabhadra in all the oceans containing all the virtues of the Great Vow.
Emanating from each minute particle of dust he saw the clouds of the light of all suns and
moons, shedding the light of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, completely illuminating the
Emanating from each minute particle of dust he saw the clouds of the bodies of all kinds of
sentient beings, adorned with the major and the minor marks and shedding the light of a
Buddha, completely illuminating the DharmadhƗtu.
Emanating from each minute particle of dust he saw the clouds of the bodies of all the
bodhisattvas, carrying out perfectly all the actions of bodhisattvas, filling completely the
Emanating from each minute particle of dust he saw the clouds of the figure and image [of
the buddhas], made of all the precious substances, filling completely the DharmadhƗtu in all
ten directions.
Emanating from each minute particle of dust he saw the clouds of the bodies of the
tathƗgatas, everywhere bringing down the rain of the ambrosia of all aspects of the Good
dharma in every minute particles of dust in all the worlds, filling the DharmadhƗtu.27
This passage highlights another important aspect of a bodhisattvas world: they live in, act within and
act upon something called the DharmadhƗtu —the cosmos as it really is in the eyes of buddhas and
These are themes elaborated many times in the Gv and in other parts of the Av. The fact that they are
here signs of the approaching encounter with Samantabhadra is only a variant of trope seen in many
previous encounters of Sudhana with his kalyƗ۬a-mitras. The portents are used as a way to hint at the
characteristic activities and accomplishments of the bodhisattva.
The passage continues:
When Sudhana had seen these ten portents, he thought: “For sure I will see Samantabhadra
Bodhisattva. [The fruits of] my roots of virtue have matured, I will be able to understand the
sublime conduct of the bodhisattvas. I will see all the buddhas. Having seen Samantabhadra
Bodhisattva, I will be able to understand wisely, and in one moment of thought I will be able to
I have added italics to highlight the centrality of the DharmadhƗtu, as I did in the previous passage with reference to the Pure
Lands. Parenthetically, the parallel Sanskrit passage is, on the surface, slightly different, and much more prolix. But, if
anything, it tilts the balance even more in favor of the interpretation I propose: that the vow in Av and Gv is mostly about
vision and power, and only tangentially about ethical striving.
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pay him homage, even as I seek to see Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.
Notice, then, what announces the apparition of Samantabhadra: the effects of his extraordinary
powers. These portents are proof of his presence, hence the vision ensues immediately (784b2-10):
Then, Sudhana at once saw Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, in the vajragarbha bodhima۬‫ڲ‬a 㔠๛
⸝㐨ሙ, seated before the TathƗgata, who himself sat on the kusumatalagarbha siۨhƗsana,
surrounded by a large congregation, his mind like empty space, free from attachment to anything
impure, free of impediments, purifying his buddha-field, and filling the ten directions with the
Dharma, free of impediments, firmly established in wisdom, having entered into the
Once more, notice the point of reference, or the backdrop: the apparition of miraculous phenomena
in a miraculous universe, the DharmadhƗtu —our universe as it would appear to buddhas and
bodhisattvas. Over this universe, bodhisattvas and buddhas have a special power: the power to manifest
and transform its many aspects, thereby revealing something about our world, and about their own
This Sudhana soon realizes, as he sees that (784b15-20)
from every hair pore in Bodhisattva Samantabhadra’s body, emanated as many rays of light as
there are minute particles of dust in all the worlds in the universe, completely illuminating all the
worlds in empty space and in the DharmadhƗtu, dissolving all pain and suffering in all sentient
beings, in every way fostering in them the roots of virtue of the bodhisattvas. From each hair pore
issued as many clouds of flowers . . . as many clouds of perfumed trees as there are minute dust
particles of dust in all worlds in the universe, producing all sorts of sweet smells that adorned the
DharmadhƗtu . . .
We need not quote further or belabor the point; but the repetition is significant and worth
highlighting. for it appears to be a textual practice meant to create the canvas upon which the power and
virtue of the bodhisattva is depicted, the canvas of imaginal worlds: the DharmadhƗtu filled with worlds,
buddhas, bodhisattvas, and buddha-fields.
6. How Many Vows of Samantabhadra?
At this point, I would like to examine cursorily the gƗthƗs as they are found in the earlier versions of
Av. As I already announced, they have very little in common with the BhadracarƯ, representing a
separate, distinct recension. Although both recensions share a common language, common doctrinal
themes and some of their tropes, the Chinese translations of Bubhd and ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn present a picture of the
meaning of Samantabhadra’s vows. Among other things, they do not contain much that we may
consider ethical arguments or injunctions for proper behavior, nor do they outline the liturgy of the vow,
nor do they privilege MañjuĞrƯ or AmitƗbha —as is the case in the BhadracarƯ.
But what is more important the central theme in Bubhd and ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn is pretty much the central theme
We can safely assume that the Buddha is Vairocana.
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of the Gv: the wonderworking powers of the bodhisattva in a world that can only be described as
magical. We lack the space here to translate the complete passage, or to do a point by point comparison
between Bubhd and ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn, much less against the BhadracarƯ. I will limit myself to highlighting some
notable features using selected verses from Samantabhadra’s gƗthƗs at the end of Bubhd.
In explaining his vow (and the visions to which Sudhana has now gained access), Samantabhadra
offers an interpretation of the groundlessness of emptiness that we find throughout Gv: its meaning is
not ontological or metaphysical, rather it is an expression of the complete freedom of buddhas and
bodhisattvas. It is what allows them to know individual beings (not generic beings), giving them the
power to instruct and guide effectively. As stated in the verses,
(9) [786a22-23] The subtle wisdom of the buddhas is pure, like empty space;
although their mind understands the actions of all [sentient beings]
it dwells nowhere.29
(10) [786a24-25] In one instant of thought it understands completely all things
in the three times,
clearly knowing the capacity of every sentient being, it responds to them
and transforms itself accordingly 㞉඼ᡤ᠕໬.
(11) [786a26-27] The afflictions in the minds of all sentient beings, their actions,
good and bad,
it will easily understand, in order to instruct them in the True Dharma. . . .
These powers of the buddhas are precisely the powers to which one gains access through the vow.
Samantabhadra himself is able to see and understand the buddhas and their powers, in fact, as repeated
so many times throughout the Gv, the bodhisattva is able to see the activity of all other buddhas and
bodhisattvas throughout time, and in all parts of the universe:
(13) [786b1-2] [I]30 can see the first arising of the aspiration to awakening,
which leaves delusions far behind,
and the cultivation of the practice of the bodhisattvas, lasting for
countless numberless kalpas.31
(13ab) [786b3] And I can hear the sweet voice of the Victors, as they fully
expound the Dharma . . .
Notice that particular buddhas and buddha-fields are not privileged, they are all instances of the
Needless to say, emphasis is the translator’s. The subject in these stanzas is, I assume, the mind of the Buddhas, although
other interpretations are possible. The expression in the original, ඼ᚰ↓ᡤⴭ, is reminiscent of the famous line from
KumƗrajƯva’s translation of the VajracchedikƗ: ᠕↓ᡤఫ⪋⏕඼ᚰ (Taishǀ, VIII, 235, 749c23).
In the gƗthƗs, the pronoun w΅ ᡃ appears only in stanza 29 of Bubhd; and in stanzas 21 and 61 of ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn. My use of the
pronouns is therefore interpretive, based on the fact that it is Samantabhadra speaking about his vow and its effects. In most
stanzas, one could easily translate impersonally (e.g., “one can see”), which would be more neutral, but not necessarily the best
English rendering. Perhaps a compromise would be the impersonal or universal “you”: “you [(Sudhana/or the receptor
audience of the text/ as well as Samantabhadra) can] see.”
I take it to mean that he and Sudhana can see the full panorama of the career and activities of buddhas and bodhisattvas, a
common theme in Av and especially central to the Maitreya-vimok‫܈‬a.
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same phenomenon. As the verses describe the vision of these buddhas and their fields, one can see that
they are presented on the same plane, without a clear hierarchy among them:
(16) [786b7-8] And [I] can see Vairocana ├⯊㑣, as he, during countless
numberless kalpas
adorns and purifies his own world, and in the end attains the highest,
most perfect awakening.
(17) [786b9-10] And [I] can see the Buddha BhadraĞrƯ ㈼㤳ష,
with Samantabhadra the Great Bodhisattva ᬑ㈼኱⳶⸃,
bringing to perfection and filling with lotus flowers their sublime buddha-field
of splendid qualities.32
(18) [786b11-12] And [I] can see Amita 㜿ᙗ㝀,
with Avalokitasvara やୡ㡢 the Bodhisattva,
as he receives the consecration and the prediction,
filling all the worlds in the ten directions.33
(19) [786b13-14] And [I] can see the Buddha Akৢobhya 㜿㛹ష, with
Gandhahastin the Great Bodhisattva 㤶㇟኱⳶⸃,
as they completely pervaded their pure adorned buddha field
Abhirati ጁᵹᄫ῕็.34
(20) [786b15] And [I] can see the Buddha Candramati ᭶្ష,35 with
Vajradhvaja the Great Bodhisattva 㔠ᖮ኱⳶⸃,
as they completely pervaded their splendid pure buddha-field,
called Radiant Clear Mirror ᫂῕㙾ጁ็.
(21) [786b17-18] And [I] can see the Buddha Snjryagarbha ᪥⸝ష,
with PrajñƗbhiৢeka the Great Bodhisattva ᬛ℺኱⳶⸃,
as they completely pervaded their pure buddha-field,
called Radiant Ύ῕ග᫂็. . . .
It is impossible to know the extent to which all of these buddhas were individual or particular
objects of worship when this poem was composed. I assume that some of them probably were
—consider, at least, the obvious, Amita, Akৢobhya, AvalokiteĞvara.36 What seems to me clear is that
Elsewhere in the Gv and the Av, BhadraĞrƯ’s field is said to be in the East, but there is no hint of this here, or in the
corresponding stanza in ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn (stanza 9, 443a1-2). It is not clear to me if the last phrase describes or names their buddha-field.
Correcting the last half verse in Bubhd (඘⁹ㅖἲ⏺) in light of ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn (stanza 10, 443a3-4): ᡈ᭷ぢష↓㔞ኖ / や⮬ᅾ➼ᡤᅩ㑃
// ᜳᕬఫ᪊℺㡬ᆅ / ඘⁹༑᪉ㅖୡ⏺ // Notice that the Buddha called Amita, 㜿ᙗ㝀, in Bubhd is called in ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn AmitƗyus ↓
㔞ኖ, and the Bodhisattva’s name has already changed to AvalokiteĞvara や⮬ᅾ. Parenthetically, Buddhabhadra’s independent
translation of the BhadracarƯ also reads 㜿ᙗ㝀, but Amoghavajra has ↓㔞ග —all of which probably reflects the ambiguity of
older prakritic forms.
The pairs of buddhas and bodhisattvas that follow are not attested elsewhere in Gv, although they are mentioned, with some
interesting variations, in the corresponding section in ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn.
Perhaps, “Candrabodhi” or “Candrabuddhi,“ judging from ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn 443a7, ᭶む.
A few stanzas further down Samantabhadra again mentions the buddhas he sees, mentioning two buddhas by name, Vairocana
[786b28] and ĝƗkyamuni [786c5], but it is not clear to me that this other passage is meant to be connected in any way with the one
quoted above. It reads (stanzas 26-29, 786b27c5): ᡈ῕ᡈᇈ✧ / ㅖ⾜ᴗᡤ㉳ // ᡈぢ├⯊㑣 / ᪊ᙼ㎈ἲ㍯ // 㢷⌧⮬ᅾຊ / ᪉౽ධᾖᵎ //
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—whether or not this passage is appealing to the beliefs of particular communities dedicated to the
cultus of one or more of these buddhas— there was a belief that the bodhisattva would be able to
perceive buddhas everywhere, buddha-fields everywhere, thereby gaining access to the highest and most
potent virtues of awakening (perhaps awakening is becoming that, and only that vision) from all
buddhas and bodhisattvas.
As the poem has Samantabhadra state immediately after the last stanzas,
(22) [786b19-20] . . . [I] can / could see all the buddhas in the worlds in the ten
directions shedding a brilliant light
that made the wheel of Dharma turn for all sentient beings,
dispelling the darkness of their delusions.
(23) [786b21-22] And [I] see / saw in each of their hair pores, buddha fields
beyond description,
with the splendid bodies of their buddhas, surrounded by assemblies of
the Sons of the Buddhas. . . .
(25) [786b25-26] During numberless millions of kalpas, [I] have cultivated
the practice of the bodhisattvas,
and in each particle of dust [I] can see clearly countless buddha-fields.
Note how the religious imagination expressed in the Snjtra places the buddha-fields everywhere and
within each and every particle of dust. Metaphoric readings of this notion abound, but I wonder to what
extent the symbolic reading is only possible against the backdrop of a literal acceptance of these notions
—or rather, against the backdrop of these depictions of the cosmos, or cosmic vistas.
I believe it unlikely that a symbolic understanding was the only way these passages were read in the
communities that produced these snjtras. But, even if it were, one must begin with a grasp of the literal
meaning and the concrete image. The cosmic vista of a snjtra is, after all, the world in which a
bodhisattva inhabits, and in that sense it defines the semantic field of words such as bodhisattva and
purified field. In a non-metaphoric sense these imaginal worlds set one crucial parameter for the range
of meaning of many important doctrinal concepts. Within these fields, the believer most likely navigated
between the general and the specific, the abstract and the concrete, between a single unifying theme or
image and a plurality of images.
An example of how these vistas are extended to include the figure of the bodhisattva as
extraordinary being (a concrete belief that I doubt was ever understood as merely symbolic in ancient
India) perhaps will drive the point home more clearly. Samantabhadra describes his own person as
actually sharing in the vastness and the preternatural order expressed in the cosmic narrative. He can
experience and manifest the panorama in which buddhahood is achieved and manifested:
(46) [787a9-10] And [I] have seen a light illuminating the DharmadhƗtu,
illuminating all the buddha-fields,
[buddhas] manifesting a lifespan of a hundred years, or up to a hundred
やᐹ╓⏕㢮 / ୍ษᴗ↹᝽ // 㢷⌧⮬ᅾຊ / ໬அ௧ゎ⬺ // ዴ᫝ㅖἲ⋤ / ༑᪉ୡ⏺୰ // 㢷⌧⮬ᅾຊ / ᡃ௒ㄝᑡศ // ᡈぢ㔚㏑ᩥ / ึᡂ➼ṇむ //
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On Reading Literature Literally
million billion years,37
(47) [787a11-12] for numberless trillions of inconceivable kalpas,
with insight pure and unobstructed, knowing in one instant of thought
[all] the three times.
(48) [787a13-14] Understanding this according to conditioned arising, knowing
that in reality it all lacks any self nature,
in each buddha-field [they] achieve perfect awakening, and manifest it
completely in all worlds in the universe.38
(49) [787a15-16] [They] can appear in one [single] world, yet, [they] generate
countless buddha-fields;
manifesting these countless buddha-fields, they turn them into
one single world.39
One has to wonder if it is not implied here that Samantabhadra, with all his powers, while being part
of conditioned arising, participates in this awakening “in each buddha-field,” as he manifests this
awakening “in all worlds in the universe.” Hence his capacity to manifest more than one field, and to
manifest them all in a single world is simultaneously an expression of awakening, of the power of
awakening, and of Samantabhadra’s saving powers. In fact, at this juncture ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn speaks of the
awakening of sentient beings in the pure buddha-fields (443c11-12):
(ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn 43) [They] reach perfect awakening in one buddha-field, and they likewise
reach [awakening] in all buddha-fields;
they enter each and everyone of them, manifesting [awakening] in them all,
according to the [capacities of each and every] sentient being.40
There is no clear dividing line between miraculous apparitions, visions, vistas, and awakening itself.
This does not mean that the Snjtra’s imagery cannot be understood as a metaphor for more abstract
principles. The doctrinal, or, if you will philosophical, understanding of the imaginal world constructed
in the Snjtra is in some ways implied (or at least, it is not excluded by the doctrinal rhetoric underlying
much of the technical language and allusions in the text). But, the empty nature of these many worlds is
the reverse side of the miraculous backdrop: the DharmadhƗtu is the ground that is not a ground,
emptiness itself, but it is the concreteness of all things as they exist in emptiness.
And this concreteness is still an imaginal world populated by extraordinary worlds and extraordinary saviors.
The world of images is the expression or embodiment of a buddha’s awakened vision. As stated in Bubhd:
(84) [787c27-28] Like skillful master wonder-workers
who create many things by dint of their magic:
I translate this stanza in part in light of ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn’s parallel (443c7-8): ᡈぢషኖඵ༑ᖺ / ᡈኖⓒ༓ⴙ൨ṓ // ᡈఫ୙ྍᛮ㆟ຕ / ዴ᫝ᒎ㎈ಸ㐣Ṉ //
ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn’s parallel seems to say something very different (443c10-11): ⓙᚘᚰ㆑ᅉ⦕㉳ / ⏕⁛↓ᖖ↓⮬ᛶ // ᪊୍็୰ᡂṇむ / ୍ษ็
⹦ᜳ஼ᡂ // At any rate, I assume that here the stanzas describe the activity and experience of buddhas, not of Samantabhadra.
This is an ambiguous stanza that can be translated in several ways: ⬟⌧୍ୡ⏺ / ⪋స↓㔞็ // ♧⌧↓㔞็ / ⪋Ⅽ୍ୡ⏺ //
ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn is different in important ways: (443c12-13): ୍ษධ୍୍஼∞ / 㞉⾗⏕ᚰⓙ♧⌧ // ዴ౗ఫ᪊↓ୖ㐨 / ᡂᑵ༑ຊᅄ↓⏽ //
443c11-12: ᪊୍็୰ᡂṇむ / ୍ษ็⹦ᜳ஼ᡂ // ୍ษධ୍୍஼∞ / 㞉╓⏕ᚰⓙ♧⌧ //
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in order to transform sentient beings,
the buddhas manifest many bodies.
This is not only magic “as illusion” but magic “as power,” the power to be free and inalterable, yet
transform the world. In this imaginal world, bodhisattvas are free and inalterable, yet engaged and
(85) [787c29-788a1] Like the moon traversing the empty sky: we see it
wax and wane,
it is reflected in streams and ponds, yet even its reflection outshines
the light of the firefly.
(86) [788a02-3] The pure orb of the moon of the TathƗgata’s wisdom appears
to wax and wane,
and it is seen directly on the water of the mind, but even this reflection
eclipses the light of the two vehicles.41 . . .
The metaphor of the bodhisattva as magician has been noted before, but this is not the main thrust of
these verses. As can be seen from the second and the third stanza in this passage, the point is that even
the faintest glimpse of buddhahood contains all of buddhahood, and that buddhahood is somehow
present in its (only apparently) illusory reflections.
Here I want to underscore the literary and religious importance of what, on the surface, seems to be
poetical hyperbole, that is, the importance of this grandeur of vision. For this empty world is also a
world of many marvels. And the sweeping vista of this world, the DharmadhƗtu, is perhaps the most
important accomplishment of the bodhisattvas in the Gv. It is the vista of the Av, which I take to be an
attempt at depicting, rather than explaining, the paradox of sameness in emptiness, allowing for a
recognition of the equality of all sentient beings in their unique particularity.
This point is implicit in the following simile for the imaginal world of the DharmadhƗtu:
(87) [788a4-5] It is like the great and deep ocean, filled with inexhaustible,
rare treasures,
for in it appear sentient beings of many different
physical appearances.
(88) [788a6-7] In the deep ocean of cause and effect, the treasures of merit
are inexhaustible:
in the pure DharmakƗya, it is not only the formless
that is manifested.42
(89) [788a8-9] It is like the pure shining orb of the sun, shedding light on
A comparison with ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn may be useful (444c2-5): ㆜ዴ῕᭶ᅾ⹬✵ / ௧ୡ╓⏕ぢቔῶ // ୍ษἙụ⌧ᙳീ / ᡤ᭷ᫍᐟዣගⰍ //
ዴ౗ᬛ᭶ฟୡ㛫 / ஼௨᪉౽♧ቔῶ / ⳶⸃ᚰỈ⌧඼ᙳ / ⫆⪺ᫍᐟ↓ගⰍ // Unfortunately, without an original, it is not possible to
know which of the two translations is interpretive and which is trying to be literal, or if they simply reflect different originals.
The parallel in ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn is phrased significantly different, and the meaning of the stanza seems to me more transparent,
signaling a blurring of the distinction between the body of the Buddha (the person of the buddhas?), their merit, the
DharmadhƗtu, and the sentient beings who have access to the vision of the DharmadhƗtu —(44c8-9) ష㌟ຌᚫᾏ஼∞ / ↓ᇈ↓
⃮↓㑔㝿 // ஀⮳ἲ⏺ㅖ╓⏕ / 㠂୙᪊୰⌧඼ᙳ //
- 26 -
On Reading Literature Literally
the darkness of the world:
the pure sun of the TathƗgata’s wisdom, dissolves darkness
everywhere in the three worlds . . .
(90) [788a10-11] Like the nƗgas raise bountiful clouds, bringing rain to
all things everywhere —
their bodies and minds, without losing any of their own humidity,
extinguish heat and bring refreshing coolness—
(91) [788a12-13] the TathƗgata likewise raises the clouds of great compassion,
bringing down the rain of ambrosial dharma everywhere,
extinguishing the fire of the three poisons.43 . . .
This vista of a world of many worlds, of many buddhas and many buddha-fields, of a world that is
not the world we (in our day and age) consider the natural world, seems to have served as a spring-board
for various belief systems. These systems, with the passing of time (or perhaps even at its time of origin)
became competing systems. But the prestige and influence of the basic model cannot be denied.
By Way of a Conclusion
I hypothesize that at some point in the history of the Gv, and perhaps the Av, the prestige of the text
was such, that some Buddhists felt something could be gained by inserting the BhadracarƯ as a new
ending to the Snjtra. This allowed, in the first place, to legitimize MahƗyƗna ritual, and perhaps the ritual
use of parts of the Snjtra. Subsequently, it also allowed for a cross legitimation between the prestige of
the Snjtra and belief in a particular pure buddha-field and its presiding buddha: SukhƗvatƯ and AmitƗbha
Buddha —a process the final stages of which are preserved in the extant Sanskrit and in Prajña’s
Be that as it may, the conclusion of the Av in the versions of Bubhd and ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn preserves a different
stage in the development of the families of beliefs we now call, retrospectively, the Buddhism of the
Pure Lands, or, in the singular, the Pure Land. The text in these early forms preserves a belief in
generalized buddhahood, in which several bodhisattvas and buddhas compete for the attention of the
believer, coexisting in manners reminiscent of similar phenomena in Indian religion.
But, repeating a point I have made before regarding the Gv,44 the system contained in these texts is
an example of one important dimension of religiosity in need of the attention of students of Buddhism
—that is, Buddhism as a religion of narrative. I do not intend to say, of course, that it is exclusively or
primarily “a religion of narrative.” I only wish to call the attention of students of Buddhist snjtras, and of
Buddhism generally, to the importance of narrative in Buddhist discourse and, by extension, in Buddhist
belief and practice.
Furthermore, I do not speak about the importance of narrative in religious thought in the sense in
In ĝik‫܈‬Ɨn, the first of the two stanzas seems more clear (and richer) (444c12-13): ㆜ዴ㱟⋤㝆኱㞵 / ୙ᚘ㌟ฟཬᚰฟ / ⪋⬟㟏έ
ᜳ࿘㐢 / ⁡㝖⅖⇕౑Ύᾴ // The second (444c14-15), however, seems to lose part of the sustained metaphor: ዴ౗ἲ㞵஼᚟↛ /
୙ᚘ᪊ష㌟ᚰฟ // ⪋⬟㛤ᝅ୍ษ╓ / ᬑ౑⁛㝖୕ẘⅆ //
See my JIABS paper mentioned earlier in footnote 9.
27 --- 27
Luis O. Gómez
which Christian theologians have advocated a “narrative theology.”45 In the first place, my statements in
this paper are not meant as theological reflections (although I can see how they could be construed in
that sense or used to further Buddhist “theology” or “constructive thought,” if you prefer).46 In the
second place, what I call narrative, the “narrative of vistas,” is different from the scriptural and
biographic materials in use in Western theological reflection. Lastly, I would say that, despite obvious
differences among the many exponents of narrative theology,47 Western theologians privilege story as
history or life event, whereas in the texts considered here the emphasis is in the creation of alternative
world. If I understand what is most significant for Christian theologies of salvation, there is an implicit
point of departure in the identification or overlap between narrative as story-telling and history, that is
the actual history of revelation and salvation, or the actual lives of saints and paradigmatic figures.
Stories become the enactment, if not the embodiment, of the progress of salvation.
In the Buddhist context under examination here, on the other hand, narrative and the literary
imagination are the means by which believers are able to cross over from the trap of repeated birth and
death to the freedom of the world as seen by buddhas and bodhisattvas —or, to use more technical
Buddhist language, from the mundane into the supramundane world of the DharmadhƗtu. This is the case,
I argue at least in the Gv and the Av. At this point, I would be reluctant to generalize beyond this material.
Theoretically or as a heuristic device, we may say that the story of salvation and of liberation is a
narrative means to liberation. It is analogous to the narrative construction of individual lives so
thoroughly studied in Western fields like psychoanalysis or the study of autobiography. But it is in many
respects different from the telling of individual lives. The telling itself is the miracle, and its power is in
its setting beyond anything having to do with individual lives.48
Furthermore, we may distinguish the surface of the narrative, its meaning within the tradition
(traditional ways of understanding the narrative), and our theoretical interpretation, which considers
narrative vistas as a mode of thinking religiously (and here, perhaps, there is significant overlap with
particular forms of North American narrative theology —but that is for christian theologians to judge).
I think our texts touch on a slightly different dimension, hinted at in Ronald L. Grimes critique of the
uses of narrative for the study of religion, when he concludes:49
And it occurs to me that most theological treatments of narrative fail to distinguish between
reading (or hearing) and rereading (or hearing again). When we hear again, we are less likely to
Again, a term that is by no means univocal. It is also a term with a long history, starting even before the phrase “narrative
theology” was invented. See, in addition to the articles referenced above in notes 9 and 15, Gary L. Comstock, “Two Types of
Narrative Theology,” Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 55.4 (1987), 687-717, and Julian Hartt, “Theological
Investments in Story: Some Comments on Recent Developments and Some Proposals,” Journal of the American Academy of
Religion, 52(1984), 117-130. Comstock and Grimes offer interesting typologies of North American narrative theology. I refer
the reader to their descriptions for a better sense of how the present project differs from the narrative theology.
I would welcome such reflections. I am just not ready, personally, to go in that direction at this point in my reflection.
On different ways of doing narrative theology, see Ronald L. Grimes, “Of Words the Speaker, Of Deeds the Doer,” Journal
of Religion, 66 (1986), 1-17, and the article by Comstock referenced in note 45, above.
More on this in my above-mentioned JIABS paper on miracles.
See p. 16 in the article referenced above, note 47.
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On Reading Literature Literally
be sitting on the edge of our seats… A phenomenology of “narrative repetition” (Ricoeur’s
term) would take us much more decisively to the bridge between myth and ritual.
There is, in fact some of this bridging in the repetitive the narrative events in Gv and Av —and we
can hypothesize, with an ethnohistoric leap, that these texts were in fact chanted and repeated, like so
many other snjtras today, until “we are less likely to be sitting on the edge of our seats.” Yet, that does not
exclude an other probable use: the recitation and exposition in commentary and preaching of the basic
myth and the telling of the narrative vistas. And I think both modalities —ritual repetition and
expository retelling— can serve as a bridge between certain modes or genres of religiosity. But,
narrative of this sort is something more than a bridge, it is an additional mode or genre.
Cognitive theorist have suggested two axes along which one may explain the spectrum of forms
expressing the human drive towards religious belief, and our capacity to accept belief. Two particularly
successful models, one formulated by Whitehouse (2000 and 2004),50 the other by Sørensen (2005,
2007),51 posit, respectively, a distinction (or, as I would prefer to call it, an axis) between ‘arguments
and icons,” and a distinction between “magical interpretations” and “symbolic interpretations.” I see in
many Buddhist texts, and in the interface between these texts and Buddhist practices and interpretations,
analogous sets of axes. However, these texts often they straddle a religious discourse or process that
suggests to me yet another way of viewing our experience, explaining in part why we are naturally
susceptible to have religious beliefs that bridge the ritual and the magical, the iconic and the discursive.
This process I call, borrowing an idea from (Bruner),52 the narrative construction of the world.
Furthermore, one should note that, applying his model to ritual, Sørensen distinguishes between
two approaches or responses to ritual which he calls “magical interpretation” and “symbolic
interpretation” (emphasis mine). Similarly to Lawson and McCauley,53 Sørensen argues that, “being
actions,” rituals have functions: they are generally performed in order to change some aspect of the
world. As such, rituals involve what Sørensen calls “magical agency.” I am proposing here, first, to
separate “narrative” from “symbolic” (or at least to subsume symbolic under narrative), and second, that
narrative has an agency of its own, that narratives, particularly, in the form of what I call “vistas,” have
the effect of creating a concrete imaginal world, not a symbolic world, not an interpretation of the world,
but a constructed world without which the symbolic and ritual functions would lack much of their force.
To place this in the context of our discourse about Buddhist texts, what I am saying is that texts such
as the ones discussed in this paper can be understood as concrete descriptions of what believers regarded
Whitehouse, Arguments and Icons: Divergent Modes of Religiosity, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, and Modes of
Religiosity: A Cognitive Theory of Religious Transmission, Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, 2004.
Sørensen, “Charisma, Tradition and Ritual: A Cognitive Approach to Magical Agency,” in Whitehouse and McCauley, eds.,
Mind and Religion, AltaMira Press, 2005 and A Cognitive Theory of Magic, AltaMira Press, 2007.
E.g., Bruner, Actual Minds, Possible Worlds, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1985, and Acts of Meaning,
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990. The “Afterword” to the first of these two volumes (pp. 151-160) is still one
of the most concise, clear and level-headed defenses of the constructionist position. Despite the dates of these works, and all
that has happened since then, his insights, and the foundation of his theorizing on solid empirical observation as a
developmental psychologist, remain relevant today.
E. T. Lawson & R. N. McCauley, Rethinking Religion: Connecting Cognition and Culture (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990),
and McCauley & Lawson, Bringing Ritual to Mind: Psychological Foundations of Cultural Forms (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002).
29 --- 29
Luis O. Gómez
as the real world, a world constructed through the discourse of the narrative or the depiction of a vista
through a text. More specifically, symbolic and ritual, as well as ethical or normative uses of the basic
concepts of buddha, bodhisattva, and buddha-field depend on a certain acceptance of the reality of the
vision of the DharmadhƗtu as the only or the true or the actual state of things. And, yet, at the same time,
a certain awareness of the gap between this world and the world in which the believer lives is
fundamental: this awareness makes narrative at the same time necessary and effective.
Our text shows yet one more example of the many meanings of the concept of the purified field and
the inherently pure world. Both concepts can be expressed by a wide range of beliefs and narratives,
whether it be through ritual as in Chinese Pure Land, through aspiration and personal surrender as in
some Chinese and Japanese understandings of the hope of rebirth in a Pure Land, or, also doctrinally
(insofar as these concepts generate theological arguments and debates), and, last, but not least,
mythically, insofar as they represent preternatural realms that become real “imaginally” (as a construct
that constitutes an alternative reality).
I have here argued that we must add to these evidently vital and valid forms of reading the snjtras a
dimension that, for lack of a better word, I have called narrative vistas. Worlds can be constructed
narratively in such a way that the believer begins to have a clear view, a vista (and, perhaps, a “vision”)
that, despite its apparent unnaturalness, constitutes a reality that become natural by virtue of narrative
power —because it is in our own nature to live in narrative realities, and religion is not an exception to
this rule.
- 30 -
Response to On Reading Literature Literally:
Concrete Imagery before Doctrine by Luis O. Gómez
Dennis Hirota
Ryukoku University
There is much, I think, for students and practitioners of Pure Land Buddhist traditions to reflect on in
Prof. Gómez’s very intricate and learned paper.
He raises fundamental issues regarding the reading and interpretive practices that many of us bring
to the MahƗyƗna sutras, and challenges in particular the modern tendency to understand the expositions
of countless buddhas, bodhisattvas, and buddha-fields symbolically or in ethical terms, thereby reducing
the text to doctrinal content. He asks whether, in such readings, a more immediate and primary level of
meaning—a concrete, literal, “imaginal” or imagistic meaning—is not being dismissed out of hand.
Such doctrinally-framed readings, he implies, may obscure resources in the texts for considering critical
questions about the origins of the MahƗyƗna, and specifically, the shifts in MahƗyƗna apperception from
the historical Buddha to cosmological buddhas and buddha-fields filling the universe, and further, from
the numberless celestial buddhas and bodhisattvas to a focus on particular figures and lands.
At the same time that he poses these broad questions, Prof. Gómez offers an example of a reading
attentive to imagistic detail, one that provides a corrective to understandings based on commonly
accepted presuppositions about bodhisattvas as ethical models. He outlines a comparative consideration
of the section on Samantabhadra and his vows at the close of the Kegongyǀ in two Chinese versions.
I think three closely interrelated strata or concentric circles of concern may be distinguished in the
The core is the comparative reading of the gƗthƗ treating Samantabhadra in the Buddhabhadra
translation (c. 420), together with the corresponding prose and verse passages from Prajña’s translation
of the Ga৆ঌavynjha three and a half centuries later (c. 798). Taking these up in reverse chronological
order, Prof. Gómez first points out the passages in Prajña’s version with “ethical” import —the notion of
Samantabhadra as a viable model of conduct in the bodhisattva path for MahƗyƗna practitioners—
particularly in the prefatory prose exposition of Samantabhadra’s vows.
He then turns to the earlier Buddhabhadra translation, in which the prose exposition of the vows is
not present, and shows both that the ethical thrust is absent, and that the dominant theme in the gƗthƗ is
the depiction of the miraculous power of the virtues and wisdom embodied by Samantabhadra.
Prof. Gómez’s central points are, I think, that the Buddhabhadra translation more closely represents
the original close of the Kegongyǀ corpus; that the gƗthƗ of Samantabhadra there represents the
incorporation of an originally independent litany or ritual verse, which both gained legitimacy from, and
imparted legitimacy to, the Kegongyǀ scripture; and that the Prajña version, particularly in its ethical
- 31 -
Dennis Hirota
motifs, represents an interpretive—more doctrinally-oriented—shift from the ritual, one that leads
toward the widespread modern philosophical understanding of the Ga৆ঌavynjha as a whole as
culminating in Samantabhadra’s vows and practice as an ethical model.
Prof. Gómez’s interests, however, do not stop at what might appear to be a species of form criticism.
He points out, as a further difference between the two Chinese translations, that while the Prajña version
gives prominence to the Pure Land of Amida, the earlier Buddhabhadra translation conveys a more
generalized vision of the universe filled in every particle with myriads of buddhas and buddha-fields.
Here Prof. Gómez is probing, I think, the origins of the Pure Land traditions, moving back beyond
specific cultic practices toward a broader, “visionary,” religiosity. This constitutes perhaps a second
concentric circle of concern. It is a call to a reading practice that ceases to impose from the outset
predominantly doctrinal frameworks, with their tendency toward symbolic or metaphorical
interpretations, and to engage directly the concrete and “imaginal” in the text.
But there is one further layer of interest. That is to explore what it is that enables “Pure Land”
thinking or belief in its broad sense in the first place. Here, Prof. Gómez employs some of the concepts
and structures developed in recent cognitive studies of religion. These studies, often broadly
anthropological, propose a general, widely inclusive definition of religious phenomena. Harvey
Whitehouse, whom Prof. Gómez refers to, speaks of religion as “any set of beliefs and actions appealing
to supernatural agency.” Agency here is seen as a basic category in human awareness. Fundamental
questions for any specific religious tradition, then, concern its origins and transmission, and these topics
provide a framework for the major issues Prof. Gómez raises regarding Pure Land traditions.
Concerning origins, Prof. Gómez asks: “What are the presuppositions of ‘Pure Land
thought’—understood broadly as belief in the power of a bodhisattva’s vows as embodied in a purified
buddha-field?” And concerning transmission—the key to any staying power and development—he asks:
“What would have made the existence of purified buddha-fields believable to an audience in ancient
The argument in Prof. Gómez’s paper moves first inward, from his extremely broad concerns with
human religiosity to his detailed comparative textual analysis, then back outward, to suggestions of a
“belief in generalized buddhahood,” depicted, rather than explained, in a “Buddhism as a religion of
narrative.” Here, there is a “grandeur of vision”—a dimension of the texts perhaps overlooked in a
preoccupation with doctrine, but representing an early stage of the Pure Land traditions.
Finally, Prof. Gómez goes on to propose that a concept of narrative agency—of “a world constructed
through the discourse of the narrative or the depiction of a vista through a text”—may be employed to
understand the evocation of reality in the passages he has discussed. He suggests that such a concept
might be broadly useful in the cognitive study of religiosity.
Prof. Gómez’s paper is of great significance for students of Pure Land traditions, for he seeks to
develop methods for tracing back the early, nascent strands of MahƗyƗna thinking and impulse that
enabled the emergence, formulation, and transmission of Pure Land thought, including its notion of the
transformative power of the bodhisattva.
In this way, he offers a corrective to heavily ethical and philosophical readings of MahƗyƗna
- 32 -
Response to Gómez
tradition. Only ten years ago, scholars of religious studies and Buddhist studies could assert that Pure
Land traditions, particularly in Japan, failed to be genuine MahƗyƗna because they did not assert “the
doctrine of emptiness.”
At the same time, bringing various aspects of the cognitive study of religion to bear on Pure Land
traditions is highly suggestive, both in terms of origins and transmission. Just as Japan has functioned as
a virtual laboratory for researchers in religious studies, Shin traditions might be a textbook example of a
doctrinal mode of religiosity—the annual angǀ sessions of summer study that have just ended, for
example, a template of routinized repetition.
In Prof. Gómez’s paper, the term “belief” is adopted as a basic category, perhaps from cognitive
study, so that Pure Land thought is defined as belief in the power of a bodhisattva’s vow. At the same
time, the term “practice” in the sense religious praxis occurs in the translated sutra passages with some
frequency, but appears to be avoided in Prof. Gómez’s commentary, perhaps to circumvent any quick
leap to an ethical or doctrinal interpretation. If I am correct in seeing, in Prof. Gómez’s proposal of a
“Buddhism of narrative,” a concept of reading itself, or engagement with text and language itself, as an
alternate form of praxis, then I think it opens up an especially valuable avenue for exploring the roots of
the Pure Land Buddhist path. Here, narrative itself possesses an agency at work in and upon the engaged
participant. Further, exploring precisely how such narrative functions, and toward what ends, may open
up a way to enrich or move beyond ordinary notions of belief in the study of religion.
33 --- 33
̿ ᩍ⌮௨๓ࡢලయⓗ࢖࣓࣮ࢪ ̿
㸦டᒣ㝯ᙪ ヂࠊ᱇⤂㝯 ┘ಟ㸧
a. ከ✀ከᵝࡢ௖ᅵ࡜⳶⸃࡬ࡢಙ௮ࡣࠊ⳶⸃ࡢ⌮᝿ࡢ≉ᚩ࡜ാࡁ࡟㛵ࡍࡿᡃࠎࡢ⌮ゎ࡟࡜
b. ṇ☜࡞࡜ࡇࢁࠊከᵝ࡞௖ࡸ⳶⸃ࠊࡑࡋ࡚௖ᅵ࡬ࡢಙ௮ࡢ≉ᚩࡣఱ࡞ࡢࡔࢁ࠺ࠋࡍ࡞ࢃ
a. ࡑࡢಙ௮ࡀࠊ༢࡟ఱࡽ࠿ࡢဴᏛⓗࠊ೔⌮ⓗ࡞ほᛕࡢᬯ႘➼࡛ࡣ࡞ࡃࠊᩥ
b. ⳶⸃ࡢ⌮᝿ࡣࠊ࡝ࡢࡼ࠺࡟ࡋ࡚ࠊἲ⏺࡜ࡋ࡚▱ࡽࢀࡿ✵㛫ࠊ࠶ࡿ࠸ࡣࠊḟඖ࡟㛵ࡍࡿࠊ
c. ࡑࡋ࡚ࠊί໬ࡉࢀࡓୡ⏺ࡢࡼࡾලయⓗ࡞ほᛕ࡟ᑐࡋ࡚ࡣࠊἲ⏺ࡣࠊ࡝ࡢࡼ࠺࡟㛵ࢃࡗ
ᤵ࡟ឤㅰࡢゝࢆ㏙࡭࡚࠾ࡁࡓ࠸ࠋࡲࡓࠊᮏཎ✏ࡢᛂ⟅ࢆົࡵ࡚࠸ࡓࡔ࠸ࡓࠊྠ኱Ꮫࡢࢹࢽࢫ࣭ࣄࣟࢱ Dennis HIROTA
ᩍᤵࠊࡉࡽ࡟ࠊ᭷┈࡞ࢥ࣓ࣥࢺࠊ㉁ၥࢆ࠸ࡓࡔ࠸ࡓฟᖍ⪅ࡢ᪉ࠎࠊ≉࡟ࠊ࢜ࣂ࣮ࣜࣥ኱Ꮫ Oberlin College ࡢࢪ࢙
࢖࣒ࢬ࣭ࢻࣅࣥࢬ James DOBBINS Ặ࡟ࡶㅰ㎡ࢆ㏙࡭࡚࠾ࡁࡓ࠸ࠋ
- 35 -
㸦the literal㸧࡜࿧ࡪ࡜ࡇࢁࡢࡶࡢ㸧ࡣࠊᡃࠎࡀࠊ
㸦grand narrative㸧ࡢᇶ♏ࢆ࡞ࡍ࡜ᛮࢃࢀࡿ୍⯡ⓗࠊ࡞࠸ࡋࡣᩍ⌮ⓗ࡞ゎ㔘࡬ࡢὝᐹࢆᡭ࡟ධࢀࡓࡀࠊ
࣏࣮ࣝ͌ࣁࣜࢯࣥ Paul HARRISON ࡢ࠶ࡿㄽᩥࢆ㝖࠸࡚ࡣࠊࡇࡢすὒⓗ༊ูࡢᣢࡘព࿡࡟┤㠃ࡋ࡚ࡇ࡞
㸦literal㸧ࡢㄒࡢ౑⏝ࡣࠊliteral ࡛࠶ࡿࡇ࡜ࡢཝᐦ࡞ᛶ㉁࡟㛵ࡍࡿࠊఱࡽࡢဴᏛⓗ࡞❧ሙࢆࡶ๓ᥦ
㆟ㄽࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡇ࡜ࢆࠊ⚾⮬㌟ࠊ༑ศ࡟⮬ぬࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋㄞ⪅ࡣࠊ௨ୗࠊ⬮ὀ 8 ࡜ 9 ࡟ゝཬࡍࡿ Cohen ࡜ Stern ࡢ௙
P. Harrison “MañjuĞrƯ and the Cult of the Celestial Bodhisattvas”㸦Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal, vol. 13.2 (May 2000), pp.
ࠋ⚾ࡣࠊthe Organizing Committee of the Conference “Daejanggyeong: A Millennium Commemoration of the
Tripitaka Koreana” 㸦Daegu, 2011㸧࡟ࡼࡗ࡚ฟ∧ࡉࢀࡓ“AvalokiteĞvara’s Potala in the Avataূsaka”࡜㢟ࡋࡓㄽᩥ࡟࠾
- 36 -
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ീࡋ࠺ࡿࡶࡗ࡜ࡶᩥᏐ㏻ࡾࡢព࿡㸦literal sense㸧࡛ࠊࡑࡢࡼ࠺࡞ಙ௮࡜ࡑࡢ⾲⌧ࢆ═ࡵࡿࡇ࡜࡟ࡼ
ࠗ㜿㛹⤒࠘࠿ࡽ MañjuĞrƯ-vyƗkara۬aࠊ
࠶ࡿࠋࡲࡓࠊ௨ୗࡢ◊✲࠿ࡽ೉ࡾ࡚࠸ࡿࠋI. A. Richards, The Philosophy of Rhetoric㸦New York and London, Oxford University
Press, 1936㸧
ࠊI. A. Richards & C. K. Ogden, The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of the Influence of Language upon Thought and of
the Science of Symbolism㸦London and New York, 1923㸧
ࠋ⚾ࡀ⏝࠸ࡿ᭱ࡶึᮇࡢཧ⪃㈨ᩱࡣࠊ࢜ࢢࢹࣥ Ogden ࡟ࡶᙳ㡪ࢆ
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ࡃࡶࡗ࡜ࡶṇࡋࡑ࠺࡞ゎ㔘࡛ࡣ࡞ࡃ̿Geertz, Interpretation of Cultures, Basic Books, 1973, p. 5㸧୰ᗤࡢゎ㔘⪅࡜ࡋ࡚ࠊ
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⬮ὀࡢ 8 ࡛ཧ↷ࡋࡓᙼࡢⴭసࡢෆ࡛ࡶⓎᒎࡉࡏࡽࢀࡿࡀࠊୖグࡢ➨஧ㄽᩥࡢከࡃࡢ㒊ศࢆໟྵࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡲࡓࠊ
ᣋ✏ “On Buddhist Wonders and Wonder-working”㸦Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, 33.1–2
39 --- 39
[2010 (2011)], pp.513–554㸧ࡣࠊወ㊧࡟㛵ࡋ࡚ㄽࡌࡓࡶࡢࡔࡀࠊࡑࢀࢆ᭩ࡁ⤊࠼࡚ᚋ࡟ࠊ⚾ࡣࠊࢥ࣮࢚ࣥࡢⴭ㏙ࢆ▱
ࡿࡇ࡜࡜࡞ࡗࡓࠋ⚾ࡀࠊୖグࡢ JIABS ࡢཎ✏୰࡛ᥦ♧ࡋࡓ㢟ᮦ࡜㆟ㄽ࡜ࢆࡉࡽ࡟Ⓨᒎࡉࡏࡿࡓࡵ࡟ࡣࠊࢥ࣮࢚ࣥ
ࡶ᫂ࡽ࠿࡛࠶ࡿࠋࡓ࡜࠼ࡤࠊEncyclopaedia Universalis ࡣࠊ
㸦ࣝ࢖࣭࣐ࣛࣥ Louis MARIN ࡜ࢪ࣭ࣦ࢙࢚ࣕࣥࣜ Jean VERRIER ࡟ࡼࡿࠊ⣲ᬕࡽࡋࡃ❧ὴ࡛ࠊᴟࡵ࡚ࣇࣛࣥࢫⓗ࡞ᴫ
㸦Performance, Art㸧ࡢヰ㢟ࡢ୍㒊࡟ࠊ≀ㄒᛶ࡟㛵ࡍࡿ⯆࿡῝࠸グ㏙ࢆ
ྵࡴ㸦ࢲࢽ࢚࣭ࣝࢳ࣮ࣕࣝࢬ Daniel CHARLES ࡢᡭ࡟ࡼࡿ㸧
㸦the “stories”㸧
⏝࡟㛵ࡍࡿᗄࡘ࠿ࡢ࢔࢖ࢹ࢕࢔࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ Jean-Claude Anscombre, ed., Théorie des topoï, Paris: Kimé, 1995 ࢆཧ↷㸧
ࡿᩥ⊩ࡢሙྜࠊࡇࢀࡽࡢ౑⏝ࠊఏ㐩ࠊSitz im Leben㸦⌧௦ⓗ࡞ព࿡࡛ࠊ
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⏺࡟㛵ࡋ࡚ᡃࠎࡢ᝿ᐃୖࡢ⌮ゎ㸦࠸ࢃࡤࠕゎ㔘ⓗ࡞බㄆᮏᩥ㸦textus receptus㸧
41 --- 41
㛵ࡋ࡚ࡣࠊ⚾ࡣࠊࢢࣞࢦ࣮࣭ࣜࢩࣙ࣌ࣥ Gregory SCHOPEN ࡟㈶ྠࡍࡿ12ࠋᐇ㝿ࠊ≉␗ⓗ࡛࡞࠸㜿ᘺ㝀
Gregory Schopen, “SukhƗvatƯ as a Generalized Religious Goal in Sanskrit MahƗyƗna Snjtra Literature,” (Indo-Iranian Journal,
19, 1977, pp.177-210) ࢆぢࡼࠋ
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ࡑࡢಙ௮ࡣᙉࡵࡽࢀ࠺ࡿ࡜ࡶ᥎ ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋゝ࠸᪉ࢆኚ࠼ࡿ࡞ࡽࡤࠊ୍⯡ⓗ࡞ಙ௮࡜ࡋ࡚ࡢᏑᅾࡀࠊ
⤊⠇࡛࠶ࡿ Samantabhadra-caryƗpra۬idhƗna-gƗthƗ㸦
ࠕᬑ㈼⾜㢪ࠖࡸ BhadracarƯ ➼࡜ࡋ࡚ࠊᵝࠎ࡟▱
ࡽࢀࡿ㸧࡟ࡘ࠸᳨࡚ウࡋࡓ࠸࡜⪃࠼࡚࠸ࡿࠋ⚾࡟ࡣࠊ⳹ཝ⤒㢮㸦௨ୗࠊAv ࡜␎グ㸧ࡢᙜヱ⟠ᡤࡣࠊ
ࡋ࠿ࡋ࡞ࡀࡽࠊAv ࡟࠾ࡅࡿᬑ㈼⳶⸃ࡢ㢪ࡢሙྜࠊ⪷඾໬ࡢస⏝ࡣࠊ୧᪉ྥ࡟ാ࠸࡚࠸ࡓࠋࡍ࡞
௖ᩍࡢ൤♩ࡢ୍⯡ⓗ࡞ࣔࢹࣝࠊsaptavidhƗ anuttarƗ pnjjƗ㸦୐✀ࡢ⮳ୖࡢ౪㣴㸧ࢆࠊࡑࡢෆ࡟ྲྀࡾࡇࢇ
ࡢ᭱⤊ⓗ࡞⚄⪷໬ࡣࠊ᫂ࡽ࠿࡟ࠊSamantabhadra-caryƗpra۬idhƗn-gƗthƗ㸦௨ୗࠊ༢࡟ BhadracarƯ ࡜ゝ
ࡇࢀࡽ஧ࡘࡢ㐣⛬ࡢ㔜せᛶࡣࠊ⯡ⱝヂࡢ Ga۬‫ڲ‬avynjha ࡟࠾ࡅࡿࠊධ୙ᛮ㆟ゎ⬺ቃ⏺ᬑ㈼⾜㢪ရ㸦
㸧10 ᕳࠊ295㸧࡜࠸࠺₎ヂ㢟࡟཯ᫎࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ࠿ࡶ▱ࢀ࡞࠸ࠋࡑࡇ࡛ࡣࠊ➨୍ࡢࠊࡑࡋ࡚ࠊ࠾ࡑࡽ
ࣙࣥࢆ⾲⌧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ௖㥏㊙㝀⨶࡜ᐇཫ㞴㝀ࡢ₎ヂ࡛ࡣࠊAv ࡢ᭱ᚋࡢ⤒ࡣࠊධἲ⏺ရ࡜࿧⛠ࡉࢀࡿࡢࢆ᝿㉳ࡍࡿ
ࡔࡅ࡛༑ศ࡛࠶ࡿࠋ⤒඾ࡢᒎ㛤ࢆࠊወ㊧ⓗ࡞ vimok‫܈‬a㸦ゎ⬺㸧ࡢࠊ㡰ḟⓗ࡞㸦࠾ࡑࡽࡃࡣࠊᚎࠎ࡟ᙉࡲࡿ㸧ᥦ♧࡜
⪃࠼ࡿ࡞ࡽࡤࠊ㐺ษ࡞᭱⤊ሙ㠃ࡣࠊᘺີ⳶⸃ࡢ knj‫ܒ‬ƗgƗra㸦ᴥ㛶㸧
43 --- 43
ᡃࠎࡣࠊࡲࡎ➨୍࡟ࠊᬑ㈼⳶⸃࡜ࡢฟ఍࠸ࡀࠊࢧࣥࢫࢡࣜࢵࢺᮏࡢ Ga۬‫ڲ‬avynjha-snjtra㸦௨ୗ Gv
࢔ ࢪ ࢔ ゝ ㄒ ࡟ ࡼ ࡿ ࠗ ⳹ ཝ ⤒ ࠘ࠊ ࠾ ࡼ ࡧ ࠊ ࢧ ࣥ ࢫ ࢡ ࣜ ࢵ ࢺ ᮏ ࡢ Gv ࡢ ෆ ࡟ ࠾ ࡉ ࡵ ࡽ ࢀ ࡓ
Samantabhadra-caryƗpra۬idhƗn-gƗthƗ㸦ᬑ㈼⾜㢪ࡸ BhadracarƯ ➼࡜ࡋ࡚ᵝࠎ࡟▱ࡽࢀࡿ㸧୰ࡢࠊ⪷඾໬
ࡑࡋ࡚ࠊࡇࡢ➨୍ࡢ௬ᐃ࠿ࡽࠊᡃࠎࡣࠊࡇࡢ㒔ྜⰋࡃ⪷໬ࡉࢀࡓࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࡀࠊGv ࡢṧࡾࡢ㒊ศ
㏄࠼ࡿẁ㝵ⓗ࡞ᕠ♩ࡢ᪑࡜ࡋ࡚ࠊGv ࢆ⌮ゎࡋࡼ࠺࡜ࡍࡿഴྥࡀ࠶ࡿ14ࠋ
ࡇࡢࠊGv ࡜ Av ࡢ⤖ㄽ࡟࡜ࡗ࡚ࡢ⪷໬ࡉࢀࡓ㘽ࡣࠊᡃࠎࡀࠊࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࢆࡋ࡚ࠊ୍✀ࡢࠕ೔⌮ⓗ࡞ࠖ
⳶⸃ࢆࡋ࡚ࠊᐇ㊶ⓗ࡞௖ᩍ⪅ࡢ೔⌮ⓗ᣺ࡿ⯙࠸ࡢࣔࢹࣝ࡜ࡋ࡚ᥦ♧ࡍࡿࠋ⳶⸃ࡸ BhadracarƯ ࡑࡢࡶ
㸦narrative reading㸧࡜࿧ࡪࡇ࡜࡟࡞ࡿࡔࢁ࠺ࠋ
͆De Bhadracari afgebeeld
࡚ᡴ◚࡛ࡁ࡞࠸ၥ㢟࡟┤㠃ࡍࡿ࡟㐪࠸࡞࠸ࡢࡔࡅࢀ࡝ࡶࠋࡑࢀࡺ࠼࡟ࠊF. D. K. BOSCH㸦
op den Hoofdmuur der vierde Gaanderij van den Baraboedoer,” Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van
Ned.-Indie, 97, 1938, pp. 241-293㸧ࡣࠊ⚾ࡢぢゎ࠿ࡽࡍࢀࡤࠊ୙ᡂຌ࡛ࡣ࠶ࡗࡓࡶࡢࡢࠊఱᖺࡶ௨๓࡟ࠊN. J. KROM
ࡢ Barabudur: Archaeological Description㸦The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1927㸧࡟ࡼࡗ࡚ᥦ㉳ࡉࢀࡓ␲࠸࡜ᑐỴࡏࢇ࡜ዧ
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ࡇࢀࡽ⤒඾ࡢࠕ೔⌮ⓗࠖ࡞ゎ㔘ࡀࠊ඲ࡃⓗእࢀ࡜࠸࠺ࡇ࡜࡛ࡣ࡞࠸15ࠋࡓࡔࠊᑡ࡞ࡃ࡜ࡶ Gv ࡸ Av
ᐇࡣࠊࡇࡢ࢔࢖ࢹ࢕࢔ࡣࠊ⯡ⱝࡢ₎ヂ୰࡛ࡣ BhadracarƯ㸦ᬑ㈼⾜㢪㸧ࡢ㡩ᩥ࡟ඛ⾜ࡍࡿᩓᩥ⟠ᡤ
㢪ࠊBhadracarƯ ࡢせ⣙ࠊ࠶ࡿ࠸ࡣࠊゎ㔘࡛࠶ࡿࡢࡣ␲࠸࡞ࡃࠊ೔⌮ⓗ࡞ࡿࡶࡢ࡟㛵ࡍࡿ᭱ึࡢ⪃ᐹ
㸧293࣭844 㡫୰࣭20 ⾜̿846 㡫ୗ࣭29
ࠗ኱ṇ࠘293࣭844 㡫୰࣭20 ⾜̿28 ⾜㸧ࡢෆ࡟せ⣙ࡉࢀࡿࠋ
࡜࠼ࡤࠊPaul Lauritzen “Ethics and Experience: The Case of the Curious Response”㸦The Hastings Center Report, vol. 26.1
(1996), pp. 6-15㸧
ࠊ࠾ࡼࡧࠊPaul Lauritzen “Is ‘Narrative’ Really a Panacea? The Use of ‘Narrative’ in the Work of Metz and
Hauerwas”㸦The Journal of Religion, vol. 67.3 (1987), pp.322-339㸧ࢆཧ↷ࠋ
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㸦845 ୗ࣭24 ⾜̿846 ୖ࣭28 ⾜㸧
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ࠗ኱஌Ⲯཝ⤒ㄽ࠘࠿ࡽࠊ࣐࢝ࣛࢩ࣮ࣛࡢ BhƗvanƗkrama ࡲ࡛ࡢ௖ᩍ
㸦BodhicaryƗvatƗra VI.112-123㸧
ࡉࡽ࡟ࠊGv ᭱⤊❶ࡢ௚ࡢࣦ࢓࣮ࢪࣙࣥࠊࡓ࡜࠼ࡤࠊ⯡ⱝ௨๓ࡢྠ❶ࡢ₎ヂ୰࡟ࠊ೔⌮ⓗ࡞୺㢟ࡀ
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㏙ࡣࠊࢧࣥࢫࢡࣜࢵࢺᮏ୰࡛ BhadracarƯ ࡟ඛ⾜ࡋࠊࡑࢀࢆᑟධࡍࡿᙺ┠ࢆᢸࡗࡓᩓᩥ࠿ࡽࠊࡑࢀ࡯
ࠗ⳹ཝ⤒࠘ࡢึᮇࡢ₎ヂ࡟࠾ࡅࡿ⤖ࡧࡢ㡩ᩥࡣࠊGv ࡜ Av ࡢṔྐࡢ୰࡛ࠊᡃࠎࡀ▱ࡿ BhadracarƯ
࠸࡚ࠊᡃࠎࡣࠊ೔⌮ⓗ࡞⌮᝿ࡢせ⣲㸦ࡑࡋ࡚ࠊBhadracarƯ ࡢ൤♩ࡢせ⣲㸧ࢆぢฟࡍ࠿ࡶࡋࢀ࡞࠸ࡀࠊ
Gv ᭱⤊⠇ࡢึᮇࡢṔྐࡣࠊྠ⤒ࡢ₎ヂ㛫࡟Ꮡᅾࡍࡿࠊ࠸ࡃࡘ࠿ࡢ୺せ࡞ᕪ␗࠿ࡽ᥎ ࡉࢀࡿࠋ
ࠗ኱ṇ኱ⶶ⤒࠘࡟࠾ࡉࡵࡽࢀࡿࠊ஧✀ࡢ BhadracarƯ ༢⊂
ࠗ኱ṇ࠘ᕳ 10࣭296ࠋ௖㥏㊙㝀⨶ࡑࡢே
ࠗ኱ṇ࠘ᕳ 10࣭297㸧
ࡗࡥࡽࠊὀពࢆྥࡅࡿࡇ࡜࡜࡞ࡿࡔࢁ࠺ࠋࡲࡓࠊࡑࡇࡲ࡛࡛ࡣ࡞࠸࡟ࡋ࡚ࡶࠊ⌧Ꮡࡍࡿ Gv ࡢࢧࣥ
኱ṇ 296 ࡛ࠊᬯ㯲ࡢෆ࡟ࠊㄋ㢪ࢆᩥṦ⳶⸃࡟ᖐࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡟㛵ࡋ࡚ࠊᐇ㝿ࡢࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࡢኚ໬ࡢഴྥࡀᙳ㡪࡞ࡢ࠿ࠊ
ࡋ࠿ࡋ࡞ࡀࡽࠊゎ᫂ࡢᚲせࡢ࠶ࡿࠊ஧ࡘࡢ㔜኱࡞ၥ㢟Ⅼࡢࡇ࡜ࢆグࡋ࡚࠾࠿ࡡࡤ࡞ࡽ࡞࠸ࠋ➨୍࡟ࠊ኱ṇ 296 ࡀࠊ
௖㥏㊙㝀⨶ࡢᡭ࡟ࡼࡿ௙஦࡞ࡢࡔ࡜ࡍࢀࡤࠊࡑࡢᩥ⊩ࡢᏑᅾࡣࠊGv ࡜ Av ࡢࠊࡼࡾྂ࠸ᙧែࡢ⤖ࡧࡀグࡉࢀࡓࡢ
࡜ྠ᫬௦࡟ࠊࡲࡓࠊࡑࢀ࡜ࡣ⊂❧ࡋ࡚ࠊ௒᪥ࠊᡃࠎࡢ▱ࡿࡶࡢ࡟㏆࠸ᙧࢆࡋࡓ BhadracarƯ ࡀᏑᅾࡋ࡚࠸ࡓࡇ࡜ࢆ
♧ࡍࠋ➨஧࡟ࠊ୙✵ࡀ⩻ヂࡋࡓࡶࡢ࡛ࡣࠊリ⠇ࡣࡼࡾ㛗࠸ࡶࡢ࡜࡞ࡾ㸦62 ࡢリ⠇࡜࡞ࡿ㸧
࡛ࡣ࠶ࡿࡀࠊ࠶ࡽࡺࡿ BhadracarƯ ࡢリ⠇࡜ᑐᛂࡍࡿグ㏙ࢆྵࢇ࡛࠸ࡿࠋ௜ຍࡉࢀࡓリ⠇࡛ࡣࠊίᅵ࡟ࡓ࡝ࡾ╔ࡃ
ᡭẁ࡜ࡋ࡚ࡢ BhadracarƯ ࡜࠸࠺୺㢟ࢆࠊヲࡋࡃ㏙࡭࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡑࡢୖࠊࡑࢀࡣࠊඵ኱⳶⸃ㆭ࡜ྡ௜ࡅࡽࢀࠊࡲࡓࠊ
ูಶࡢᩥ⊩࡟ศ㢮ࡉࢀࡿࠊ20 ࡢリ⠇࠿ࡽ࡞ࡿ⿵㑇ⓗ࡞൤♩ࡢᩥࢆࡶྵࡴࠋ㢟ࡀ♧ࡍࡼ࠺࡟ࠊࡇࢀࡣࠊ
49 --- 49
೔⌮ⓗ࡞ࡶࡢ࡛ࡣ࡞࠸ࠊ࡜࠸࠺ࡇ࡜࡛࠶ࡿࠋྠ₎ヂ୰ࡢ 62 ࡢリ⠇ࡢ୰࡛ࡶ21ࠊᅄࡘࡢࡳࡀࠊ᫂ⓑ
ṧࡗࡓリ⠇ࡢ୰࡛ࡣࠊ11 ࡀࠊ᫂☜࡞൤♩ⓗ࣓ࢵࢭ࣮ࢪࢆ᭷ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㸦ᮏ㉁ⓗ࡟ࡣࠊsaptavidhƗ anuttarƗ
ࠋࡑࡋ࡚ࠊ27 ࡢリ⠇ࡣࠊ⚾⮬㌟ࠊ᭱ࡶ㔜せ࡞ Gv ࡢ୺㢟
࡟㛵ࡍࡿᵓᡂせ⣲࡛࠶ࡾࠊAv ࡢṧࡾࡢ㒊ศ࡬ࠊGv ࢆ᫂☜࡟⤖ࡧࡘࡅࡿ୺㢟࡜⪃࠼ࡿࡶࡢ࡟ゝཬࡋ
௖࡜⳶⸃ࡢ⬟ຊࡢࡇ࡜࡛࠶ࡿࠋ27 ࡢリ⠇࡟ࡣࠊ㜿ᘺ㝀࡜ᙼࡢί໬ࡉࢀࡓ௖ᅵ࡬ゝཬࠊ࡞࠸ࡋࠊ࡯
ࡢࡵ࠿ࡋࡓ 9 ࡢリ⠇ࡀྵࡲࢀࡿ22ࠋ
ṧࡗࡓ 20 ࡢリ㡴ࡣࠊࡼࡾ┦ᛂࡋ࠸ゝⴥࢆḞࡃࡇ࡜࠿ࡽࠊ⚾⮬㌟ࠊ
࡯࡜ࢇ࡝ཷࡅ࡜ࡿࡇ࡜ࡀ࡛ࡁ࡞࠸ࠋࡲࡓࠊࡇࡢࡇ࡜ࡣࠊᚲせ࡟ᛂࡌ࡚ኚ᭦ࢆຍ࠼ࡿ࡜ࠊGv ࡢࢧࣥ
ࢫࢡࣜࢵࢺᮏ࡛ࠊBhadracarƯ ࢆᵓᡂࡍࡿ 62 ࡢリ⠇࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡶ࠶࡚ࡣࡲࡿࠋ
⪅ࡣ Gv ୰ࡢࡑࢀࡽ࡜ࠊᮏ㉁ⓗ࡟ྠ୍ࡢࡶࡢ࡛࠶ࡿ㸧
࠸ࠋ௖㥏㊙㝀⨶ࡢヂ࡟࠶ࡿ 99㸦!!㸧ࡢリ⠇ࡢ୰࡛ࠊఱࡽ࠿ࡢ೔⌮ⓗ࡞カ♧ࢆᥦ᱌ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜ぢ࡞ࡏ
㸦gƗthƗ㸧ࡢ୍⯡ⓗ࡞⩻ヂ࡛ࡣ࡞࠸࡜᥎ ࡍࡿ㸧
ゝ࠺ࡲ࡛ࡶ࡞ࡃࠊ⯡ⱝヂࡢࡶࡢࡣࠊ✀ࠎ㞧ከ࡛ከ⩏ⓗ࡞ Gv ࡢࢧࣥࢫࢡࣜࢵࢺᮏࡢࡶࡢ࡜ࠊᮏ㉁ⓗ࡟ࡣྠࡌ࡛࠶
࡜࠸ࡗࡓࠊᮏ✏᳨࡛ウࡢᑐ㇟࡜ࡍࡿࠊ࠶ࡽࡺࡿ BhadracarƯ ࡟࠶࡚ࡣࡲࡿࠋ
- 50 -
ࡲ࡛ᢞᑕࡍࡿຊ࡟↔Ⅼࢆ࠶࡚ࡿ⣙ 29 ࡢリ⠇࡜ඹ࡟ࠊ⳶⸃ࡢ᭷ࡍࡿወ㊧ⓗ࡞ຊ࡜࠸࠺୺㢟ࡀࠊリ࡟
ᶓ⁄ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㹹୺㢟 A㹻
ୖࠊࡑࢀ௨እࡢࠊ࠾࠾ࡼࡑ 21 ࡢリ⠇࡛ࡶࠊࡇࢀࡽࡢຊࡣࠊ┤᥋ⓗ࡛࠶ࢀࠊ㛫᥋ⓗ࡛࠶ࢀࠊᬑ㈼⳶
⸃ࡑࡢேࡢຌᚨ࡜ㄋ㢪࡬࡜⤖ࡧࡘࡅࡽࢀࡿ㹹୺㢟 B㹻
࡚ࠊ40 ࡢリ⠇ࡀࠊࡑࡢ⳶⸃ࡢ㐩ᡂࡋࡓࡇ࡜ࡢ㉸㉺ⓗࠊ࠾ࡼࡧࠊ㉸⮬↛ⓗ࡞≉㉁࡜࠸࠺୺㢟^C`࡟࠶࡚
ࡇࡢ୺㢟ࡣࠊᤄධⓗ࡟ၿ㈈❺Ꮚࡢᕠ♩ࠊ࠾ࡼࡧࠊAv ୰ࡢ௚ࡢ⟠ᡤ࡛㉳ࡇࡿࡶࡢࡢ኱༙࡬࡜ࠊ⥅┠
ࡇࡢ୺㢟ࡣࠊAv ࡢୡ⏺ほ࠿ࡽࠊίᅵᛮ᝿ࡢୡ⏺ほ࡬ࡢ㌿᥮ࡶᐜㄆࡍࡿࡔࢁ࠺24ࠋࡍ࡞ࢃࡕ௖㝀ࡢຌ
Av ࡢ᭱⤊❶ࠊࡍ࡞ࢃࡕࠊ୰ᅜࡢఏ⤫࡛ࡣࠊ㐺ษ࡟ࡶࠕධἲ⏺ရࠖ࡜⛠ࡉࢀ࡚ࡁࡓ⤒࡟ᑐࡍࡿࠊ
ࠕᶂࠖ= ཝίⶶ኱
⚾ࡣࠊ㜿ᘺ㝀࡬ࡢ⇕≬ⓗ࡞ಙ௮࡜ࠊᴟᴦίᅵ࡬ࡢ ⏕㢪ᮃ࡜࠸࠺ࠊࡼࡾཝᐦ࡞ព࿡࡛ࡢࠕίᅵᛮ᝿ࠖ࡟ࠊBhadracarƯ
51 --- 51
㈈❺Ꮚࡣࠊᬑ㈼⳶⸃ࡢఫࡲ࠺ሙᡤ࡬࡜㉱ࡃࡇ࡜࡜࡞ࡿࠋḟࡢࡼ࠺࡟ࡑࡇ࡛ࡣ㸦784 ୖ࣭9̿15㸧
ࠊ ࠊ
- 52 -
㸦784 ୖ࣭16̿୰࣭2㸧
࠸ࡿࠋࡋ࠿ࡋࠊ࠸ࡎࢀ࡟ࡋ࡚ࡶࠊࡑࢀࡣࠊ⚾ࡢᥦ᱌ࡍࡿゎ㔘࡟᭷฼࡟ࠊࡑࡢ㔮ࡾྜ࠸ࢆഴࡅࡿࠋࡍ࡞ࢃࡕࠊAv ࡜ Gv
53 --- 53
ࡇࢀࡽࡣࠊGvࠊࡲࡓ Av ࡢูࡢ⟠ᡤ࡛ᗄᗘࡶヲࡋࡃ㏙࡭ࡽࢀࡿ୺㢟࡛࠶ࡿࠋࡇࡇ࡛ࡣࠊࡑࡢ୺㢟
ၿ㈈❺Ꮚࡣࠊḟࡢࡼ࠺࡞ࡇ࡜ࢆぢࡓ࡜ࡁ࡟ࠊ༶ᗙ࡟⌮ゎࡍࡿ㸦784 ୰࣭15̿20㸧
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ࡇࡢⅬ࡟࠾࠸࡚ࠊࡊࡗ࡜࡛ࡣ࠶ࡿࡀࠊAv ࡢ᭱ึᮇࡢࣦ࢓࣮ࢪࣙࣥࡢ୰࡟ぢࡽࢀࡿ೦㸦gƗthƗ㸧࡟
ࡘ࠸᳨࡚ウࡋ࡚࠾ࡁࡓ࠸ࠋ᪤࡟㏙࡭ࡓࡼ࠺࡟ࠊࡑࢀࡽࡣ BhadracarƯ ࡜ࡢ㛫࡟ࠊඹ㏻Ⅼࡣ࡯ࡰᏑᅾ
࡟㛵ࡍࡿ൤♩ࡢせ⥘ࢆ㏙࡭ࡿࡇ࡜ࡶ࡞ࡃࠊ࠶ࡿ࠸ࡣࠊBhadracarƯ ࡢሙྜࡢᵝ࡟ࠊᩥṦ⳶⸃ࡸ㜿ᘺ㝀
࡯࡜ࢇ࡝ Gv ࡑࡢࡶࡢࡢ୰ᚰⓗ࡞ࢸ࣮࣐࡛ࡶ࠶ࡿࠋࡶࡗࡥࡽ୙ᛮ㆟࡜ࡢࡳグ㏙ࡉࢀ࠺ࡿୡ⏺ࡢ୰࡛
㊙㝀⨶ࡢヂ࡜ᐇཫ㞴㝀ࡢヂࢆ㏲୍ẚ㍑ࡋࡓࡾࠊ࠸ࢃࢇࡸࠊBhadracarƯ ࡜ẚ㍑ࡋࡓࡾࡍࡿࡓࡵࡢ⣬ᖜ
⮬ࡽࡢㄋ㢪㸦ཬࡧࠊၿ㈈❺Ꮚࡀࠊ᪤࡟฿㐩ࡋࡓᗁど㸧ࢆㄝ᫂ࡍࡿ㝿࡟ࠊᬑ㈼⳶⸃ࡣࠊᡃࠎࡀ Gv
(9)㹙786 ୖ࣭22̿23㹛௖㝀ࡢጁ࡞ࡿᬛ្ࡣࠊ⹫✵ࡢዴࡃࠊΎί࡛࠶ࡿࠋᙼࡽࡢᚰࡣࠊ࠶ࡽࡺ
(10)㹙786 ୖ࣭24̿25㹛୍ᚰ็㑣ࡢෆ࡟ࠊࡑࢀࡣࠊ୕ୡ࡟࠾ࡅࡿ࠶ࡽࡺࡿ≀஦ࢆ᏶඲࡟⌮ゎࡍ
ࡢᚰ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚㏙࡭ࡓࡶࡢ࡜᥎ ࡍࡿࠋ
ࠕ඼ᚰ↓ᡤⴭࠖ࡜࠸࠺ཎ඾ࡢ⾲⌧ࡣࠊ㬀ᦶ⨶ொ࡟ࡼࡿ VajracchedikƗ ࡢ₎ヂ୰
ࠗ኱ṇ࠘8 ᕳ࣭235࣭749 㡫ୗ࣭23㸧࡜࠸࠺Ⰻࡃ▱ࡽࢀࡓ୍⠇ࢆᛮ࠸㉳ࡇࡉࡏࡿࠋ
55 --- 55
(11)㹙786 ୖ࣭26̿27㹛ࡑࢀࡣࠊ࠶ࡽࡺࡿ⾗⏕ࡢᚰࡢෆ࡟࠶ࡿⱞ③ࠊᙼࡽࡢ⾜࠸ࢆၿࡶᝏࡶᐜ
ຊࢆぢ࡚ࠊ⌮ゎࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡀฟ᮶ࡿࠋ஦ᐇࠊGv ࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ᗄᗘࡶ⧞ࡾ㏉ࡉࢀࡿࡼ࠺࡟ࠊᬑ㈼⳶⸃ࡣࠊ
(13)㹙786 ୰࣭1̿2㹛
(13ab)㹙786 ୰࣭3㹛ࡑࡋ࡚ࠊ⚾ࡣࠊ௖ἲࢆ༑ศ࡟ㄝ♧ࡍࡿ㝿ࠊ຾⪅㐩ࡢᛌ࠸ኌࢆ⪺ࡃࡇ࡜ࡀ
(16)㹙786 ୰࣭7̿8㹛ࡑࡋ࡚ࠊ
(17)㹙786 ୰࣭9̿10㹛ࡑࡋ࡚ࠊ
(18)㹙786 ୰࣭11̿12㹛ࡑࡋ࡚ࠊ
ࠕone can seeࠖ࡜࠸ࡗࡓᵝ࡞㸧
⚾ࡣࠊᬑ㈼⳶⸃࡜ၿ㈈❺Ꮚ࡜ࡀࠊAv ࡟ඹ㏻࡛ࠊ࡜ࡾࢃࡅࠊMaitreya-vimok‫܈‬a ࡟࡜ࡗ࡚ࡢ୰ᚰⓗ࡞୺㢟࡛࠶ࡿࠊㅖ
Gv ࡜ Av ୰ࡢ௚ࡢᡤ࡛ࡣࠊ㈼㤳௖ࡢ௖ᅵࡣࠊᮾ࡟࠶ࡿ࡜ゝࢃࢀࡿࡀࠊࡑࡢᡭࡀ࠿ࡾࡣࠊࡇࡇ࡟ࡣᏑᅾࡋ࡞࠸ࡋࠊ
࠶ࡿ࠸ࡣࠊᐇཫ㞴㝀ヂ୰ࡢᑐᛂࡍࡿリ⠇㸦リ⠇ 9ࠊ443 ୖ࣭1̿2㸧࡟ࡶᏑᅾࡋ࡞࠸ࠋ⚾࡟ࡣࠊ᭱ᚋࡢྃࡀࠊᙼࡽࡢ
௖㥏㊙㝀⨶ヂ࡟࠾ࡅࡿᚋ༙ࡢ㡩ᩥ㸦඘‶ㅖἲ⏺㸧ࢆࠊᐇཫ㞴㝀ヂࡢࠕᡈ᭷ぢ௖↓㔞ᑑࠋ ほ⮬ᅾ➼ᡤᅩ㑃ࠋᜳᕬఫ
㸦リ⠇ 10ࠊ443 ୖ࣭3̿4㸧࡟↷ࡽࡋ࡚ゞṇࡍࡿࠋ௖㥏㊙㝀⨶ヂ࡛ࡣ㜿ᘺ㝀࡜࿧ࡤࢀࡿ
ࡋ࡚ࡶࡽ࠸ࡓ࠸ࠋࡕ࡞ࡳ࡟ࠊ௖㥏㊙㝀⨶࡟ࡼࡿ BhadracarƯ ༢⊂ࡢ⩻ヂ࡛ࡶࠊࡲࡓࠊ㜿ᘺ㝀࡜ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡀࠊ୙✵ヂ
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(19)㹙786 ୰࣭13̿14㹛
(20)㹙786 ୰࣭15㹛ࡑࡋ࡚ࠊ
(21)㹙786 ୰࣭17̿18㹛ࡑࡋ࡚ࠊ
ࡑࡢࡼ࠺࡞Ꮡᅾ࡛࠶ࡗࡓ࡜᥎ ࡍࡿࠋᑡ࡞ࡃ࡜ࡶࠊ㜿ᘺ㝀ࡸ㜿㛹ࠊほ㡢ࡣࠊ᫂ࡽ࠿࡟ࡑ࠺࡛࠶ࡗࡓ
(22)㹙786 ୰࣭19̿20㹛
(23)㹙786 ୰࣭21̿22㹛ࡑࡋ࡚ࠊ
(25)㹙786 ୰࣭25̿26㹛↓ᩘࡢຕࡢෆ࡟ࠊ
࡟Ꮡᅾࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡀࠊ⚾⮬㌟ࡣࠊࡇࢀࡽ⪃࠼ࡢᏐ⩏㏻ࡾࡢཷᐜ㸦literal acceptance㸧࡜࠸࠺⫼ᬒࠊ࠶ࡿ
ࢀࡿࡢࡔࡀࠊGv ࡢ௚ࡢሙᡤ࡛ࡣ☜ㄆࡉࢀ࡞࠸ࠋ
㸦443 ୖ࣭7㸧࠿ࡽุ᩿ࡋ࡚ࠊ
᭦࡟ᑡࡋୗࡢリ⠇࡛ࠊᬑ㈼⳶⸃ࡣࠊ├⯊㑣௖㹙786 ୰࣭28㹛࡜㔘㏑㹙786 ୗ࣭5㹛࡜࠸࠺ࠊ஧ேࡢ௖㝀࡟ゝཬࡍࡿࡇ
㸦リ⠇ 26ʊ29ࠊ786 ୰࣭27 ୗ࣭5㸧࡜࠶ࡿࠋ
57 --- 57
(46)㹙787 ୖ࣭9̿10㹛ࡑࡋ࡚ࠊ
(47)㹙787 ୖ࣭11̿12㹛ᩘ࠼ษࢀ࡞࠸ఱ඙ࡶࡢࠊᛮ㆟ࢆ㉸࠼ࡓຕࡢ㛫࡟ࠊΎί࡛ጉࡆࡢ࡞࠸Ὕ
(48)㹙787 ୖ࣭13̿14㹛᝿㉳࡟ᚑࡗ࡚ࠊࡇࡢࡇ࡜ࢆ⌮ゎࡋࠊ⌧ᐇ࡟ࡣࠊࡑࡢ඲࡚ࡀࠊఱࡽࡢ⮬
(49)㹙787 ୖ࣭15̿16㹛
⟠ᡤ㸦443 ୗ࣭7̿8㸧࡟↷ࡽࡋ࡚ࠊࡇࡢリ⠇ࢆ⩻ヂࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
ᐇཫ㞴㝀ࡢᑐᛂ⟠ᡤࡣࠊࡲࡗࡓࡃ␗࡞ࡿ஦ࢆゝࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࡼ࠺࡟ᛮࢃࢀࡿ㸦443 ୗ࣭10̿11㸧
⪋Ⅽ୍ୡ⏺ࠖ࡜࠸࠺ࡶࡢ࡛࠶ࡿࠋࡲࡓࠊᐇཫ㞴㝀ࡢヂࡣࠊ⫢ᚰ࡞Ⅼ࡛␗࡞ࡿ㸦443 ୗ࣭12̿13㸧
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ࡿ௖ᅵ࡛ࡢ⾗⏕ࡢᝅࡾ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ㄒࡗ࡚࠸ࡿ㸦443 ୗ࣭11̿12㸧
(84)㹙787 ୗ࣭27̿28㹛ࡑࢀࡣ࠶ࡓ࠿ࡶࠊ⮬ࡽࡢ㨱⾡࡟ࡼࡗ࡚ከࡃࡢࡶࡢࢆసࡾฟࡍࠊ㦫␗ࡢ
(85)㹙787 ୗ࣭29̿788 ୖ࣭1㹛ࡲࡿ࡛ࠊ⹫✵ࢆ ᮶ࡍࡿ᭶ࡢࡼ࠺࡛࠶ࡿࠋᡃࠎࡣࠊࡑࢀࡀ‶ࡕ
(86)㹙788 ୖ࣭2̿3㹛ዴ᮶ࡢᬛ្࡜࠸࠺᭶ࡢΎί࡞ᐆ⌔ࡣࠊ‶ࡕḞࡅࢆࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡼ࠺࡛࠶ࡿࠋ
443 ୗ࣭11̿12ࠋ
59 --- 59
ἲ⏺ࡇࡑࡀࠊ࠾ࡑࡽࡃࠊGv ࡟࠾ࡅࡿ⳶⸃ࡢࡶࡗ࡜ࡶ㔜せ࡞ᡂᑵ࡛࠶ࡿࠋࡑࢀࡇࡑࠊᅛ᭷ࡢ≉ᛶࢆ
ࡍࡿ࡜࠸࠺ࡼࡾࠊࡴࡋࢁࠊᥥ෗ࡍࡿヨࡳ࡛࠶ࡿ࡜⚾ࡀ⌮ゎࡍࡿࠊAv ࡢᒎᮃ࡛࠶ࡿࠋ
(87)㹙788 ୖ࣭4̿5㹛ࡑࢀࡣࠊᑾࡁࡿࡇ࡜ࡢ࡞࠸⌋ࡋ࠸ᐆ≀࡛‶ࡓࡉࢀࡓࠊ኱ࡁࡃ῝࠸኱ὒࡢࡼ
(88)㹙788 ୖ࣭6̿7㹛ᅉ⦕ࡢ῝࠸ᾏࡢ୰࡛ࠊຌᚨࡢᐆࡣᑾࡁࡿࡇ࡜ࡀ࡞ࡃࠊΎί࡞ἲ㌟ࡢෆ࡟
(89)㹙788 ୖ࣭8̿9㹛ࡑࢀࡣࠊୡ⏺ࡢ㜌ࡢୖ࡟ගࢆᢞࡆ࠿ࡅࡿࠊΎί࡟㍤ࡃኴ㝧ࡢᐆ⌔ࡢࡼ࠺
(90)㹙788 ୖ࣭10̿11㹛㱟⚄ࡀࠊ㇏࠿࡞㞼ࢆ㉳ࡇࡋࠊ࠶ࡽࡺࡿሙᡤࡢࠊ࠶ࡽࡺࡿࡶࡢ࡬࡜㞵ࢆ
(91)㹙788 ୖ࣭12̿13㹛ዴ᮶ࡣࠊࡉࡽ࡟ࠊ኱࠸࡞ࡿឿᝒࡢ㞼ࢆ࠾ࡇࡋࠊ࠶ࡽࡺࡿሙᡤ࡬࡜ࠊࡇ
⸃ᚰỈ⌧඼ᙳࠋ⫆⪺ᫍᐟ↓ගⰍࠖ࡜࠸࠺ࠊᐇཫ㞴㝀ࡢヂ࡜ࡢẚ㍑ࡀ᭷⏝࡛࠶ࢁ࠺㸦444 ୗ࣭2̿5㸧
㸦444 ୗ࣭8̿9㸧࡜࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
ᐇཫ㞴㝀ヂ࡛ࡣࠊ஧ࡘࡢリ⠇ࡢ࡞࠿ࡢ᭱ึࡢࡶࡢࡀࠊࡼࡾ᫂☜㸦࠿ࡘព࿡ࡀ㇏࠿㸧࡜ᛮࢃࢀࡿ㸦444 ୗ࣭12̿13㸧
ࠕ㆜ዴ㱟⋤㝆኱㞵ࠋ୙ᚑ㌟ฟཬᚰฟࠋ⪋⬟㟏έᜳ࿘㐢ࠋ⁡㝖⅖⇕౑Ύᾴ࡛ࠖ࠶ࡿࠋ➨஧ࡢࡶࡢ㸦444 ୗ࣭
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⚾ࡣࠊGv ࡜ࠊ࠾ࡑࡽࡃࡣ Av ࡢṔྐࡢ࠶ࡿ᫬Ⅼ࡟࠾࠸࡚ࠊࡑࡢࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࡢྡኌࡣࠊ࠶ࡿ௖ᩍᚐࡀࠊ
⤒ࡢ᪂ࡓ࡞⤖ࡧ࡜ࡋ࡚ BhadracarƯ ࢆᤄධࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡟ࡼࡗ࡚ࠊఱ࠿⋓ᚓࡉࢀ࠺ࡿࡶࡢࡀ࠶ࡿ࡜ឤࡌࡿ
࡯࡝࡛࠶ࡗࡓ࡜᥎ ࡍࡿࠋࡇࡢࡇ࡜ࡣࠊ➨୍࡟ࠊ኱஌௖ᩍࡢ൤♩࡜ࠊࡑࡋ࡚ࠊ࠾ࡑࡽࡃࡣࠊࡑࡢ⤒
ࡑࢀࡀ࡝࠺࡛࠶ࢁ࠺࡜ࠊ௖㥏㊙㝀⨶ヂ࡜ᐇཫ㞴㝀ヂࡢ Av ࡢ⤖ࡧ࡟ࡣࠊᡃࠎࡀ௒᪥ࠊㅖίᅵࡢࠊ࠶
࡜ࡇࢁ࡛ࠊGv ࡟㛵ࡋ࡚ࠊ⚾ࡀࡍ࡛࡟ㄽࡌࡓⅬࢆ⧞ࡾ㏉ࡍ࡞ࡽࡤ44ࠊࡇࢀࡽࡢࢸ࢟ࢫࢺ࡟ྵࡲࢀࡿ
ト 9 ࡟࠶ࡆࡓ JIABS ᥖ㍕ࡢᣋ✏ “On Buddhist Wonders and Wonder-working” ࢆཧ↷ࠋ
㛗࠸Ṕྐࢆకࡗࡓ⏝ㄒ࡛࠶ࡿࠋඛࡢ⬮ὀࡢ 9 ࡜ 15 ࡛ゝཬࡋࡓㄽᩥ࡟ຍ࠼ࠊGary L. COMSTOCK “Two Types of
Narrative Theology”㸦Journal of the American Academy of Religion, vol. 55.4 (1987), pp. 687-717㸧
ࠊ࠾ࡼࡧࠊJulian Hartt
“Theological Investments in Story: Some Comments on Recent Developments and Some Proposals”㸦Journal of the American
Academy of Religion, vol. 52(1984), pp. 117-130㸧ཧ↷ࠋࢥ࣒ࢫࢺࢵࢡ Comstock ࡜ࢢࣛ࢖࣒ࢫ Grimes ࡣࠊ໭࢔࣓ࣜ࢝
61 --- 61
⏝࠸ࡽࢀ࠺ࡿ࠿⌮ゎฟ᮶ࡿࡢࡔࡀ㸧46ࠋ➨஧࡟ࠊ⚾ࡀࠊ≀ㄒࡸࠕᒎᮃ㸭ᗈࡀࡾࡢ≀ㄒࠖnarrative of vistas)
㛫ࡢୡ⏺࡬㉺࠼Ώࡿࡇ࡜࡛࠶ࡿࠋᑡ࡞ࡃ࡜ࡶࠊGv ࡜ Av ࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡣࠊࡇ࠺࡛࠶ࡿ࡜ࠊ⚾ࡣ୺ᙇࡍ
⚾ࡣࠊᡃࠎࡢᢅ࠺ࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࡣࠊࣟࢼࣝࢻ࣭ࢢࣛ࢖࣒ࢫ Ronald L. GRIMES ࡀ⤖ㄽ࡟࠾࠸࡚ࠊ᐀ᩍ◊
≀ㄒࡢ⚄Ꮫࢆᢅ࠺㝿ࡢ␗࡞ࡿ᪉ἲ࡟㛵ࡋ࡚ࡣࠊRonald L. Grimes “Of Words the Speaker, Of Deeds the Doer”㸦Journal
of Religion vol. 66(1986), pp. 1-17㸧
ࠊ࠾ࡼࡧࠊඛࡢ⬮ὀ 45 ࡛ㄽཬࡍࡿࠊࢥ࣒ࢫࢺࢵࢡ࡟ࡼࡿㄽᩥࢆཧ↷ࠋ
ࡇࡢࡇ࡜࡟㛵ࡋ࡚ࠊࡇࢀ௨ୖࡣࠊወ㊧࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ JIABS ᥖ㍕ࡢᣋ✏ࢆཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸ࠋ
ඛࡢࠊ⬮ὀ 47 ࡛ゝཬࡋࡓㄽᩥࡢ 16 㡫࡛࠶ࡿࠋ
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㸦ࣜࢡ࣮ࣝ Ricoeur ࡢ⏝ㄒ࡛࠶ࡿ㸧ࡢ
ᐇ㝿ࠊGv ࡜ Av ୰ࡢ⧞ࡾ㏉ࡋ࠾ࡇࡿ≀ㄒࡢฟ᮶஦࡟ࡣᯫᶫࡀᏑᅾࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡑࡋ࡚ࠊᡃࠎࡣࠊẸ
௚ࡢ㠀ᖖ࡟ከࡃࡢ⤒඾ࡀࡑ࠺࡛࠶ࡿᵝ࡟ࠊGv ࡸ Av ࡜࠸࠺ࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࡶၐ࠼ࡽࢀࠊࡲࡓࠊ཯᚟ࡉࢀ
ࢫ Harvey WHITEHOUSE㸦2000 ࡜ 2004㸧࡟ࡼࡗ࡚㏙࡭ࡽࢀࡓࡶࡢ50ࠊࡶ࠺୍ࡘࡣࠊ࢖࢙ࢫࣃ࣭ࢧ࢔࢔
ࣥࢫࣥ Jesper SØRENSEN㸦2005 ࡜ 2007㸧࡟ࡼࡿࡶࡢࡣ51ࠊ࡜ࡾࢃࡅࡼࡃฟ᮶ࡓࣔࢹ࡛ࣝ࠶ࡾࠊࡑࢀ
ࡇࡢࣉࣟࢭࢫࢆࠊ⚾ࡣࠊࢪ࢙࣮࣒࣭ࣟࣈ࣮ࣝࢼ࣮ Jerome BRUNER ࡢ࢔࢖ࢹ࢕࢔ࢆᣏ೉ࡋ࡚52ࠊ
Whitehouse, Arguments and Icons: Divergent Modes of Religiosity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000) ࠾ࡼࡧࠊModes
of Religiosity: A Cognitive Theory of Religious Transmission (Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, 2004)ࠋ
Sørensen, “Charisma, Tradition and Ritual: A Cognitive Approach to Magical Agency,” in Whitehouse and McCauley, eds.,
Mind and Religion (AltaMira Press, 2005) ࡜ A Cognitive Theory of Magic (AltaMira Press, 2007) ࠋ
౛࠼ࡤࠊBruner, Actual Minds, Possible Worlds (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1985)ࠊ࠾ࡼࡧ Acts of Meaning
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990)ࠋࡇࢀࡽ஧෉ࡢ᭩≀ࡢࠕᚋグࠖ
㸦151-160 㡫㸧ࡣࠊ௒࡞࠾ࠊᵓᡂ୺⩏
63 --- 63
㹃㸬ࢺ࣮࣐ࢫ࣭࣮ࣟࢯࣥ E. Thomas LAWSON ࡜ࣟࣂ࣮ࢺ࣭࣐ࢵࢥ࣮ࣜ Robert N. McCAULEY ࡜ྠࡌࡼ
♩ࢆ㏻ࡌࠊࡲࡓࠊίᅵ ⏕࡬ࡢᮇᚅ࡟㛵ࡍࡿࠊ୍㒊୰ᅜே࡜᪥ᮏேࡢ⌮ゎ࡟࠾ࡅࡿࡈ࡜ࡃࠊᙉ࠸㢪
E. T. Lawson & R. N. McCauley, Rethinking Religion: Connecting Cognition and Culture (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.
Press, 1990), and McCauley & Lawson, Bringing Ritual to Mind: Psychological Foundations of Cultural Forms (Cambridge
Univ. Press, 2002).
- 64 -
̿ ᩍ⌮௨๓ࡢලయⓗ࢖࣓࣮ࢪ ̿ࠖ࡟ᑐࡍࡿࣞࢫ࣏ࣥࢫ
୰᰾࡜࡞ࡿࡢࡣࠊ௖㥏㊙㝀⨶ࡢ⩻ヂ㸦420 ᖺ㡭㸧୰ࠊᬑ㈼⳶⸃ࢆྲྀࡾᢅࡗࡓ೦࡜ࠊࡑࢀࡼࡾ 3 ୡ
⣖༙ࡢᚋ࡟᏶ᡂࡋࡓ࡜࠸࠺ࠊ⯡ⱝ࡟ࡼࡿ Ga۬‫ڲ‬avynjha ࡢ⩻ヂ㸦798 ᖺ㡭㸧୰ࡢᑐᛂࡍࡿ㡩ᩥ࠾ࡼࡧ
- 65 -
࠺ࠊ୍⯡࡟ࡶᗈࡲࡗࡓࠊGa۬‫ڲ‬avynjha ඲య࡟㛵ࡍࡿ⌧௦ⓗࠊ࡞࠸ࡋဴᏛⓗ࡞⌮ゎ࡬࡜ࡘ࡞ࡀࡗ࡚࠸
- 66 -
࠶ࡿࡢ࠿ࡶ▱ࢀ࡞࠸ࠋࡕࡻ࠺࡝⤊ࢃࡗࡓࡤ࠿ࡾࡢ㸦ͤ2011 ᖺ 8 ᭶ 4 ᪥ᙜ᫬㸧
67 --- 67
New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele1
Paul Harrison
Stanford University
Christian Luczanits
Rubin Museum of Art, New York
1. Introduction: Locating the Muhammad Nari Stele
The Muhammad Nari stele of the Lahore Museum is without doubt one of the most remarkable
pieces of GandhƗran art, and the best known example of a significant number of sculptured panels of
considerable complexity unique to this school (Figure 1). Such works have justly been referred to as
“complex steles,” a term used in this paper as well. While in fact a number of steles and stele fragments
of this type were found near the village of Muhammad Nari—and these will also be referred to in this
study—the almost immaculate state of preservation of the Lahore specimen has resulted in its being
called “the Muhammad Nari stele,” as if it were the only one.2
The stele in question is made of light grey schist, measures 119 x 97 x 28 cm, and is distinguished
by the impressive intricacy and depth of its carving. It is dominated by a teaching Buddha seated on a
large lotus in the centre, beneath the branches of a fanciful tree and various beings, two of whom hover
in mid-air above his head in the act of crowning him with a wreath. The lotus has a large number of
fleshy petals and a bejewelled stem. The stem is flanked by a standing couple and the upper bodies of
four more figures rising out of two lotuses which float upon the waters of the lotus pond that forms the
This is a revised version of the paper that formed the basis of our presentation in the Special International Symposium on Pure
Land Buddhism held at Otani University, Kyoto, on 4 August 2011. We would like to express our gratitude to Shǀrynj Katsura,
the organizer of the symposium, whose kind invitation to speak at this event galvanized us into writing up our ideas, and we
also thank the scholars who kindly agreed to act as respondents, Akira Miyaji, Noritoshi Aramaki and Takashi Koezuka, for
their searching and constructive comments on our work. We must also mention here the participants in the seminar “Buddhist
Visions of Paradise” held at Stanford during the winter quarter of 2010 with whom much of the material in this paper was first
discussed (Norihisa Baba, Heawon Choi, Charles DiSimone, Chen Li, Anna Pawlowski, Trent Walker, and Nicholas
Witkowski), and record our thanks as well to others who have from time to time favoured one or both of us with information,
images, references, or a critical ear, including Stefan Baums, Osmund Bopearachchi, Oskar von Hinüber, Anna-Maria
Quagliotti, Juhyung Rhi, Elizabeth Rosen Stone, and Joanna Williams. Last but not least, the foundation for the art-historical
work on which a good part of this article is based was laid during a fellowship at the Lumbini International Research Institute,
Nepal. The work continues, and eventually we hope to present this research in a more extended and comprehensive form, but
for the time being this paper should be taken as a kind of “interim report.”
This village (in fact, now a town) in the Charsadda district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province in Pakistan is spelt “Muhammad
NƗrƯ” on the government maps, and we use a simplified form of this (without diacritics) here (as also used in, e.g., Rosenfield
1967). Also attested in the literature on the finds from this site are the spellings Muhammad Nârî (e.g. Grünwedel 1920),
Mohamed Nârî (e.g. Foucher 1909/1917), Mohamed-Nari (e.g. Rhi 1991), Mohammad Nari (e.g. Rhi 2011b) and Mohammed
Nari (e.g. Huntington 1980, Quagliotti 1996a, Rhi 2008, Bautze-Picron 2010).
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Paul Harrison & Christian Luczanits
base of the composition. The central Buddha is surrounded by numerous bodhisattvas engaged in
different activities, several of them grouped together. In the upper area there are also solitary
bodhisattvas seated within their own pavilions, and in the top corners two meditating Buddhas emanate
further standing ones. Since all the details of the stele will be discussed in the course of this paper, this
general description will suffice for now.
It is still unclear to us when this remarkable work of art was discovered. It is, however, recorded that
another relevant stele (Stele 10 in our list below) was excavated from a mound near the village of
Muhammad Nari by an engineer by the name of Dempster working for Swat Canals.3 This stele was
subsequently published by Henry Hardy Cole, initially as a sketch in Cole (1883: pl. 1) and then, using a
photograph which had been taken by M. Serrot in that same year, in Cole (1885) as Plate 1 of Appendix
I, “Illustrations of Graeco-Buddhist sculptures from the Yusufzai District,” which occupies pp.
cviii–cxvii of that volume. 4 At present, we can only assume that other sculpture attributed to
Muhammad Nari was found in the same mound around the same time or slightly later. The objects from
this site eventually reached the Lahore Museum, and the Muhammad Nari stele has remained there until
the present. There it was accessioned under the number 1135, an inventory number that was
subsequently changed at least twice, to I-255 and then to the present G-155. Other important objects
from the same site, among them the stele photographed and published in 1883 referred to above, were
later moved to the Chandigarh Government Museum and Art Gallery after the partition of India and
Pakistan. Within the GandhƗran galleries of the Lahore Museum, the Muhammad Nari stele is
appropriately displayed in the central case on one of the side walls opposite the famous image of the
fasting SiddhƗrtha from Sikri. Although certainly to be ranked at the same level of cultural, historical
and artistic importance with that iconic specimen of GandhƗran sculpture, it has not received anything
like the same level of popular attention. Indeed, the two pieces convey the most dramatic contrast: one a
powerful image of the solitude and self-denial of a single gaunt ascetic, the other a depiction of the glory
of a Buddha enthroned in state and surrounded by a bejewelled host.
The stele was apparently found in near-perfect condition (with the notable exception of the broken
nose of its central Buddha), but has since its discovery suffered some minor but not insignificant
damage, in consequence of accidents during transport, or as a result of deliberate modifications made in
order to mount the piece. This is clear from a comparison of its present condition with a historic
photograph taken considerably before 1905, which already shows the symmetrical cut-outs near the
bottom corners where the lower halves of two seated bodhisattvas were removed to provide bracket
mounts (Figure 2). The cut-out on the right was then also used to write the acquisition number, no. 1135,
on the piece. Two other early photographs already bear witness to further damage; in both of them the
number now appears on the left-hand cut-out. The shot taken in 1905 by Count Adrien van der Berght5
may be the older of the two: in it the bottom left-hand corner seems largely intact, but the books held by
bodhisattvas on both sides have been broken, that on the right having disappeared almost entirely. The
Burgess (1897: 8, description of pl. 112).
For Cole’s description see p. cx. This is virtually identical to the description in Cole (1883: 7–8). For the image see also British
Library, http://www.bl.uk/onlinegallery/onlineex/apac/photocoll/s/zoomify59137.html
See Taddei (1987/2003: fig. 3) and Quagliotti (1996a: fig. 1).
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New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele
photographic print of roughly the same time (showing the stele in the same case of the Lahore Museum)
preserved at the Warburg Institute in London reveals the same damage to the books, but one can also see
that the bottom left-hand corner—the left end of the pond—has split off, even though it remains
attached to the stele. In more recent photographs that piece is lost altogether, and with it the hood of a
nƗga and the three lotus blossoms it bore. Comparison of the historical photographs with current images
reveals other damage as well, e.g., the partial loss of the parasol above the Buddha in the upper right
corner, two petals of the originally perfect lotus snapped off, and so on.
2. Competing Interpretations
Naturally, the amazing number of details on the stele have over time provoked a large literature with
various significantly different interpretations of the piece’s content, interpretations that can only be
summarized here.6 The shared concern of all of them is with identification, in particular of the Buddha
enthroned in the centre of the composition.
The initial (and standard) identification for steles of this type was put forward by the pioneer
GandhƗran scholar Alfred Foucher, who saw in them an elaborate representation of the Great Miracle of
ĝrƗvastƯ.7 Told in numerous different versions, the ĝrƗvastƯ episode actually contains several distinctive
miracles, of which the “Multiplication Miracle” or simply the “Great Miracle” is the most important for
the interpretation of the stele. In this miracle the Buddha, taking his seat on a thousand-petaled
bejewelled lotus created by a pair of nƗgas, magically creates doubles of himself in different postures on
lotuses filling the sky.8 Multiple Buddhas and the nƗgas generating a lotus are both seen as the
characteristic features that identify a scene as the Great Miracle of ĝrƗvastƯ. However, this reading of the
Muhammad Nari stele has almost no support in terms of the visuals of the piece itself, apart from the
multiplications shown in the upper corners—and even those show the Buddha in the standing position
only. In fact, such an identification can only be justified if one assumes a successive development of
steles of increasing complexity that came to be more and more removed from the original representation
of the event. Nevertheless, despite being questioned almost from the start,9 Foucher’s interpretation still
enjoys a following, and even in recent scholarship by Schlingloff and others it is favoured over other
ones.10 It assumes that steles of this type represent an event in the life of the historical Buddha, as
More extensive summaries of previous research on the stele are found in Quagliotti (1996a: 281–282, n. 7), Rhi (1991: 5–9,
316–323) and Miyaji (2002).
Foucher (1909; 1917). Before that the stele was already published in Burgess (1900: pl. 7, fig. 2) and Foucher (1905: fig. 79).
Foucher is followed in his interpretation by Lyons & Ingholt (1957: 121–25, pl. 255) and Kurita (1988/2003[I]: pl. 395),
among others. Kurita follows Foucher in assigning nearly all complex steles to the Great Miracle of ĝrƗvastƯ.
See now Rotman (2008: 253–287) for a translation of the PrƗtihƗryasnjtra in the DivyƗvadƗna, the most commonly cited
version of the story. Brown (1984) provides a useful review of the different miracles performed at ĝrƗvastƯ as they relate to the
art-historical record.
Besides being queried by those advancing alternative interpretations, this identification of the GandhƗran complex steles was
also questioned by van Lohuizen-de Leeuw (1949: 124-138) and Williams (1975: 182–183).
See Schlingloff (1991) and (2000: I, 488–515; II, 102–105) as well as Ali & Qazi (2008: 139–143). Note in particular the wide
range of imagery apparent in the line drawings of Schlingloff (2000: II, 102–105) interpreted as representing the same event,
which the author explains on the basis of the many textual variants of this miracle.
71 --- 71
Paul Harrison & Christian Luczanits
indeed most of GandhƗran art does, and thus identifies the central teaching Buddha seated on the lotus
as ĝƗkyamuni.
Another interpretation put forward, for example, by Japanese scholars such as Nakao Odani (1967)
and Akira Miyaji (1985a, 1993, 2002, 2005), also identifies the central figure as ĝƗkyamuni, but
ĝƗkyamuni in the glorious and radiant form he displays before teaching such MahƗyƗna snjtras as the
Saddharmapu۬‫ڲ‬arƯka, the Sandhinirmocana, the TathƗgatagarbha and so on. Miyaji (e.g. 1993: 252)
refers to this event as the “Miracle of Great Light.” Considering the Muhammad Nari stele only, one
could say that this identification has the advantage of accounting for both the teaching gesture and the
massive presence of bodhisattvas surrounding the Buddha. In addition, miracle working at the event
could explain some of the other details of the stele. This interpretation shades into a vaguer and less
specific reading of the stele as a MahƗyƗna “theophany,” as advanced by John Rosenfield (1967:
235–238, fig. 90). This is the position towards which Juhyung Rhi most inclines (1991: 148; 2003:
174–175; 2006: 171), even though in his most recent publications he remains cautiously non-committal,
seeing some merit in nearly every explanation (except that which invokes the Great Miracle of
It was John Huntington who in 1980 first persuasively argued that the Muhammad Nari stele
represents the Buddha AmitƗbha or AmitƗyus in SukhƗvatƯ.12 In a long and comprehensive paper he
examined many of the stele’s details and compared them to the textual descriptions available to him, in
particular those of the Sanskrit text of the Larger SukhƗvatƯvynjha. Although he certainly provided the
most compelling interpretation until then, Huntington’s identification did not find a large following for a
number of reasons. It was objected that many of the textual details that can be related to the stele are of a
rather generic nature and occur in many texts, there is no detail in the stele that could be taken as an
unmistakable reference to the text, and there are a number of details that appear to have no relationship
to the text at all. Last but not least, at that time Huntington’s treatment of this topic appeared to go
against the grain of studies of GandhƗran art, which tended to explain that art entirely in terms of
Mainstream Buddhism. Consequently, some scholars dismissed his reading of the stele, along with the
earlier ones.13
Nevertheless, Huntington’s hypothesis cleared the ground for a new interpretative approach to the
stele. Anna Maria Quagliotti (1996a) came to largely the same conclusion, while Gérard Fussman
(1987:73) first accepted Huntington’s view, but later distanced himself somewhat in favour of a more
generic Buddha-field (1999: 548–551). In the same vein, more recent scholarship interprets the stele as a
generic, but not strictly identifiable, Buddha-field for which the known steles only represent examples
For example, Rhi (2011b: 115) writes: “... the Mohammad Nari stele can be best understood as a grand vision of a Buddha
(Shakyamuni or a generic Buddha without a specific name or potentially with diverse names) who has been elevated to the
status of a supramundane being. It is possible that the stele is a recreation of a wondrous vision that a practitioner experienced
or was anticipated to experience in a visualization practice, which is attested to in early Mahayana scriptures as constituting an
important concern of Mahayana.”
In the West this hypothesis had previously been advanced—without any discussion—by Benjamin Rowland (1938: 79, n. 2),
but before him the Japanese scholar Toyomune Minamoto had in the 1920s argued for it on the basis of similarities with East
Asian depictions of the Pure Land (see Minamoto 1925, 1926).
E.g. Brown (1984: 80–82).
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New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele
(Rhi 2008, 2011a, 2011b). Christian Luczanits (2008: 49–51) emphasized the visionary aspect of the
stele as the field is revealed by a Buddha to a disciple at a place in the wilderness and in the presence of
VajrapƗ৆i (Figure 3). Other scholars put forward slightly different interpretations. Gregory Schopen
(1987: 130-31, n. 50 = 2005: 273–74, n. 50) would favour Abhirati over SukhƗvatƯ, if he thought the
stele represented either of them (see below). Finally, associating the stele with later textual sources,
Jacques Giès and Monique Cohen (1996: 341–344) even see the Buddha Vairocana, as a superior
manifestation of ĝƗkyamuni, in the central image of the stele.
Among all these interpretations, some are more plausible than others, but none of them is entirely
satisfactory, the main problem being that none really explains all the major features found on the stele.
Regardless of how detailed they are, nearly all previous interpretations suffer, to a lesser or greater
extent, from a failure to deal adequately with four issues:14
The full range of textual traditions possibly relevant to the interpretation of the stele has not
been taken into account.
From an art-historical point of view the stele has not been adequately analyzed in relation to
similar pieces and the light they might throw upon the features it shares with them and upon its
The relationship between text and image has not been reflected upon in sufficient depth or
Finally, so far no wider interpretative framework incorporating textual, art-historical and
buddhological considerations has been offered for the complex steles as a general class of
GandhƗran sculpture.
The following account, while attempting to address all four of these issues, cannot cover them in their
entirety. Instead, by focusing on key elements we hope to offer a new perspective on the interpretation
of the stele which has a greater potential to solve the question of its identity than any previous attempt.
We begin with a consideration of some of the textual sources describing Buddha-fields, since it appears
to us that several of the more persuasive and detailed discussions of the Muhammad Nari stele in recent
times focus on the possibility that it is in fact a representation of such a realm. Our concern here, then, is
with establishing what a Buddha-field might look like, and what might be the features which an artist
could reasonably be expected to incorporate in the very limited space of something like this stele.
3. Domains of the Awakened Ones: Two Paradigmatic Buddha-fields
MahƗyƗna snjtras abound in descriptions of Buddha-fields, or, following Davidson (2002: 132–133),
“Buddha domains” (Skt. buddhak‫܈‬etra), descriptions which range from the long and prolix to the short
and sketchy. Their frequency is not surprising, since the domain of a Buddha is a natural consequence of
the pursuit of the bodhisattva path, and the site of its culmination. Indeed, the bodhisattva path itself is
often conceptualized as the “purification” of a Buddha domain. Two of these ideal worlds stand out as
being the subject of more detailed treatments: SukhƗvatƯ, the western domain of AmitƗbha, and Abhirati,
the eastern domain of Akৢobhya.
The notable exception is Rhi (1991). See especially his comments on pp. 11ff., which raise similar issues.
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AmitƗbha’s SukhƗvatƯ
The cult of AmitƗbha and SukhƗvatƯ certainly triumphed historically, especially in later East Asian
Buddhism, so it is natural that some have tried to see our stele as an early Indian depiction of what
would later be considered the Pure Land par excellence. To do this they have had recourse to three texts
devoted to its description, which are:
(1) The Larger (or Longer) SukhƗvatƯvynjha (LSukh)
(2) The Smaller (or Shorter) SukhƗvatƯvynjha (SSukh)
(3) The Guan wuliangshoufo jing (Guan jing or Visualization Snjtra)
Of these three, it is the LSukh which provides the most detailed description with the surest Indian
pedigree, 15 hence scholars assessing the Muhammad Nari stele have generally looked to it for
inspiration. However, they have worked from the Sanskrit version,16 and this has been somewhat
problematic, in view of the complicated textual history of the work. Looking at the five surviving
Chinese translations, one can distinguish two recensions of the text, as follows:
Chinese Translations of the Larger SukhƗvatƯvynjha
Early Recension
(1) Fo shuo amituo-sanyesanfo-saloufotan guodu rendao jing ష䃚㜿ᙗ㝀୕⪨୕ష⸃ᶂష᷄㐣
ᗘே㐨⥂, by the Han Dynasty translator Lokakৢema (fl. c. 170–190 C.E.), although
attributed to Zhi Qian ᨭㅬ (fl. c. 220–257): T 362.
(2) Fo shuo wuliangqingjing pingdengjue jing ష䃚↓㔞Ύ῕ᖹ➼む⥂, a revised version of (1)
by the Wu Dynasty translator Zhi Qian, although attributed to Lokakৢema: T 361.17
Later Recension
(3) Fo shuo wuliangshou jing ష䃚↓㔞ኖ⥂ , attributed to the Wei Dynasty (220–265)
translator Kang Sengkai ᗣൔ㙚 or Saৄghavarman, but probably by Buddhabhadra
(359–429) and Baoyun ᑌ㞼 and dating from 421: T 360.18
(4) Dabaoji jing wuliangshou rulai hui ኱ᑌ✚⥂↓㔞ኖዴ౗᭳, produced during the period
706–713 by Bodhiruci (fl. 693–713): T 310 (5).19
The Guan jing is commonly thought to be a Central Asian or Chinese compilation, albeit one put together using Indian
materials. On this question see especially Fujita (1990) and Silk (1997). English translations of the Guan jing may be found in
Takakusu (1894) and Inagaki (1995).
The edition of choice is that of Ashikaga (1965), and that is the one we refer to here, even though it has now been superseded
by Fujita (2011). Since this has just been published and is not yet widely known, we do not cite it. For English translations of
the LSukh and the SSukh see F. Max Müller (1894a & b) and Gómez (1996).
For an extended discussion of the authorship of T 361 and T 362, and for the hypothesis that the translators’ names have been
switched, see Harrison (n.d.); cf. Nattier (2008: 86–87); see also Harrison, Hartmann & Matsuda (2002). Not all scholars
accept this view. Fujita, for example, continues to maintain that T 362 is “almost certainly by Zhi Qian,” while holding that T
361 is “most likely” by Bo Yan, and dated 258 C.E. (see Fujita 2011: xvi). The important thing to note is that T 361 and T 362
are not independent texts, but two different versions of the first Chinese translation of the LSukh. Whether we date that
translation to the late 2nd century (Lokakৢema) or to the first half of the 3rd century (Zhi Qian) does not significantly affect the
arguments of this paper.
English translations in Inagaki (1995: 19–89) and Gómez (1996: 153–222). Although this version is generally aligned with the
Later Recension, it is not solely reflective of it: the text is significantly contaminated by the older Chinese translation.
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(5) Fo shuo dasheng wuliangshou zhuangyan jing ష䃚኱஍↓㔞ኖⳁᄫ⥂, dated 991 and
attributed to the Song Dynasty translator Faxian ἲ㈼ or Dharmabhadra, otherwise known
as Tianxizai ኳᜥ⅏ (fl. 980–1000): T 363.
The Sanskrit version, like the Tibetan translation, belongs to the Later Recension (LR), and this is
what scholars have worked from, where they have not also looked at the later Chinese translations,
English versions of two of them being available. Unfortunately, there is as yet no translation of the Early
Recension (ER) text into a modern Western language.20 One consequence of this is that previous
discussions of the Muhammad Nari stele have tended to overlook it.21 This is unfortunate, since the
description of SukhƗvatƯ (and of AmitƗbha) in the ER is significantly different, in ways which are
arguably relevant to the question of any relationship between the LSukh and the Muhammad Nari stele.
Focussing particularly on these relevant features, we might note the following points:
1. Those reborn in SukhƗvatƯ are all males. While this is a theme in the LR, it is more trenchantly
expressed in the ER, which does not blur the issue the way the LR does (i.e. there are no apsarases in
the SukhƗvatƯ of the ER). On this subject see Harrison (1998). It is in consequence of this that all
those reborn in SukhƗvatƯ simply have to be reborn in lotuses, or by some other miraculous means.
For example, the second vow in the ER runs as follows:
Vow No. 2: When I become a Buddha, may there be no women in my realm. If women
wish to come and be born in my realm, then they will turn straightaway into men. All the
innumerable gods and humans and even small flying and wriggling things who take rebirth
in my realm will all be born magically within lotus flowers in pools of the seven treasures.
They will grow up and all become bodhisattvas and arhats22 totally beyond numbering. If
I fulfill this vow then I shall become a Buddha. If I do not fulfill this vow I will never
become a Buddha. (T 362, 12: 301a27–b3; no equivalent in T 361)
2. SukhƗvatƯ’s population includes ĞrƗvakas (“arhats”) alongside bodhisattvas. The presence of ĞrƗvakas
in SukhƗvatƯ is virtually elided in the LR, but is a prominent feature of the ER. However, while
providing for these two different spiritual orientations, the text is concerned to emphasize the
absence of any physical distinction between these two groups of salvation-seekers (or, for that matter,
between humans and gods). Everybody looks the same, although there is a difference in the
brightness of their haloes (see next).
Vow No. 9: When I become a Buddha, may all the bodhisattvas and arhats [i.e. ĞrƗvakas]
in my realm have appearances which are handsome, pure and excellent, may they all share
the one colour and all be of the same type, just like the people of the sixth heaven [i.e.
ParanirmitavaĞavartins]. If I fulfil this vow then I shall become a Buddha. If I do not fulfil
this vow I will never become a Buddha. (T 362, 12: 301c10–13; cf. T 361, 12: 281a20–21
[Vow 3])23
Translated, with omissions, in Chang (1983: 339–360).
Indeed, such a translation would be premature until the text of Lokakৢema’s translation is reconstructed (to the degree that this
is possible) on the basis of T 362 and T 361. For a fuller discussion of the text-critical problems see Harrison (n.d.). On the
general significance of this material see Nattier (2003).
Again, the exception is Rhi (1991).
Note that (a)luohan is Lokakৢema’s standard rendition for ĞrƗvaka.
See also T 362, 12: 303c12–15; cf. T 361, 12: 283a24–27.
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The absence of any visible distinction between humans and gods remains a strong theme in the LR
as well (Ashikaga 1965: 11 [Vow 4], 37–39), although the division of the humans into ĞrƗvakas and
bodhisattvas has been elided.
3. The two chief bodhisattvas, AvalokiteĞvara and MahƗsthƗmaprƗpta, are given slightly greater
prominence. For example, the text states:
“The bodhisattvas and arhats [= ĞrƗvakas] all have their own haloes, which have different
illumination ranges. Among the bodhisattvas, there are two bodhisattvas who are most
revered, always seated to the left and right of the Buddha, attending upon him in the
discussion of the truth [?]. The Buddha is always seated facing these two bodhisattvas,
discussing matters past, present and future in all eight directions, up above and down
below. If he wishes to have these two bodhisattvas go to the countless Buddhas in all eight
directions, up above and down below, then they fly off right away, arriving wherever they
wish to go. Their flight is as swift as the Buddha’s, their valour is peerless. One of the
bodhisattvas is called AvalokiteĞvara, one of the bodhisattvas is called
MahƗsthƗmaprƗpta.24 Their radiance and insight is supreme, their haloes illuminate the
thousand-Sumeru Buddha-realms in other directions, so that they are always brightly lit.
The [other] bodhisattvas’ haloes each illuminate a thousand million myriad li, the arhats’
haloes each illuminate seven zhang.”
The Buddha said: “If the people of the world, be they good men or good women, should be
in dire straits and in fear of the actions of officials, they have only to take refuge in these
bodhisattvas AvalokiteĞvara and MahƗsthƗmaprƗpta and they will all be saved, without
exception.” (T 362, 12: 308b9–22; cf. T 361, 12: 290a12–28)
4. The eventual parinirvƗ৆a of AmitƗbha is foreshadowed, to be followed by the succession, in turn, of
the bodhisattvas AvalokiteĞvara and MahƗsthƗmaprƗpta to his teaching throne:
The Buddha said, “When the Buddha AmitƗbha subsequently undergoes parinirvƗ৆a, the
bodhisattva AvalokiteĞvara will then become a Buddha, in command of the wisdom of the
way, master of the teaching. The gods, humans and species that flit and wriggle that he
liberates in the world, the eight directions, above and below, will all be made to attain the
way of nirvƗ৆a of the Buddha. His excellences and merits will again be like the great
teacher, the Buddha AmitƗbha’s, and he will remain for innumerable kalpas, for kalpas
more incalculable than innumerable kalpas, on the same model as the great teacher [?], and
only then will he undergo parinirvƗ৆a. In his turn the bodhisattva MahƗsthƗmaprƗpta will
then become a Buddha, in command of the wisdom of the way, master of the teaching.
Those he liberates and his merits will again be like the great teacher, the Buddha
AmitƗbha’s, and he will remain for innumerable kalpas, and still not undergo parinirvƗ৆a,
transmitting from one to the other in succession the exceedingly bright way of the
scriptures (dharma) and the most excellent realm, his [their?] dharma being in this way
forever uninterrupted and boundless.” (T 362, 12: 309a14–24; cf. T 361, 12: 291a3–13)
Here we give the names in their regular Sanskrit forms. Lokakৢema’s transcriptions (or what remains of them) suggest
something different. He(?; variant: Gai)louxuan ᓵ(⵹)ᶂர (cf. the transcription of LokeĞvararƗja: Louyixuanluo ᶂዀர⨶)
suggests something like the GƗndhƗrƯ form Olo’iĞpara. However, the problem of the Indic forms of AvalokiteĞvara’s name(s)
and their rendition in Chinese is a jungle we shall not enter here. Mohenabo ᦶヅ㑣⨆ suggests MahƗnapatta or something
similar for MahƗsthƗmaprƗpta, but it is possible that a character has been omitted.
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This material is entirely absent from the LR.
5. More attention is given to the way in which the inhabitants of SukhƗvatƯ interact with each other,
rather than AmitƗbha being the sole focus of their attention:
All the countless gods and human beings ... who have achieved rebirth in the Buddha
AmitƗbha’s realm gather together in a great assembly, coming together amid the waters of
the pools of the seven treasures. Each and every person sits atop a single large lotus
blossom. They all declare their own merits and virtuous practices. Each person tells what
precepts he kept or good dharmas he practised when pursuing the way in the past, during
his former lives, and the details of whence he came to be born, the scriptures which he
delighted in, his wisdom and knowledge of the scriptures, and the merit from his
practices. ... The host regard each other with decorum and harmony. Happy and jubilant
one and all, in wisdom and valour they are all a match for each other. (T 362, 12:
311b14–24; cf. T 361: 12: 293b2–12).
6. There is a much more systematic tripartite classification of those reborn in SukhƗvatƯ, with different
practice requirements for each of the three classes. In brief—because the relevant passages are far
too long to give here—the distinctions are as follows:
1st class: Renunciants (members of the Sa۪gha)
Requirements: bodhisattva status (i.e., following the MahƗyƗna), upholding MahƗyƗna
snjtras, moral purity, plus singleminded aspiration to SukhƗvatƯ (no minimum time period
Results: vision of AmitƗbha in dreams; at death, encounter with AmitƗbha in person and
lotus rebirth in SukhƗvatƯ in close proximity to AmitƗbha
Apparently no problems with doubt in this class.
2nd class: Laypeople
Requirements: merit-making (mostly forms of gift-giving and pnjjƗ), moral purity, plus
singleminded aspiration (for at least 1 day & night)
Results: vision of AmitƗbha in dreams; at death, vision of a nirmƗ۬a of AmitƗbha, lotus
rebirth in SukhƗvatƯ
Those in this class who fall prey to doubt, however, must endure 500 years in a jewelled
borderland city or fortress after their lotus birth before being able to join AmitƗbha’s
3rd class: Laypeople
Requirements: moral purity, plus singleminded aspiration (for at least 10 days & nights)
Results: vision of SukhƗvatƯ in dream at death, lotus rebirth in SukhƗvatƯ
Those in this class who fall prey to doubt must also endure 500 years of imprisonment.25
Without going into all the details, it can be seen that this schema envisages a hierarchy of blessings,
with status being marked by access to AmitƗbha himself. Also of interest is the relevance of the
We give here a simplified summary of some very long passages in the original. The relevant passages are to be found in the
Vow Section (T 362, 12: 301b14–c5 [Vows 5–7]; cf. T 361, 12: 281c2–9 [Vows 18–19, no close match]) and the Description
Section (T 362, 12: 309c24–311a17; cf. T 361, 12: 291c14–293a6).
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renunciant-lay divide, and the distinction even within the laity between those with the resources for
merit-making and those lacking them.
In the LR this system has broken down and its distinctions have almost entirely disappeared.
7. There is a stronger centre-periphery motif in the ER, which is related to the fate of the doubters in the
2nd and 3rd classes. Imprisoned in their cities or fortresses (Chinese cheng ᇛ) on the borders of
SukhƗvatƯ, they are unable to join the congregation in the centre, and must wait 500 years before
their vimƗnas are able to take off and give them the freedom of movement enjoyed by the other
inhabitants (for the references see above, under Point 6). At the same time, however, it is emphasized
that SukhƗvatƯ is perfectly flat. There is no Mt Meru, to say nothing of any lesser mountains or hills.
In fact, the ER makes no mention at all of AmitƗbha’s Bodhi tree, although it appears in the LR.
8. There is more emphasis on light. We have already seen this in connection with the details about the
haloes of the bodhisattvas and ĞrƗvakas, but it is also apparent in the considerably more expansive
section on the radiance of AmitƗbha, with which the description of SukhƗvatƯ begins in the text (T
362, 12: 302b20–303a2; cf. T 361, 12: 281c27–282b11).26
Later in this paper we will consider the Muhammad Nari stele in the light of these distinctive
features of the ER of the LSukh, concentrating particularly on elements which have not been adequately
addressed previously. But what of other possibilities? What of the contention advanced by Schopen
when he says, contra Huntington, that “[t]here is, in fact, probably more “evidence” to suggest that it
[the stele] represents Abhirati than there is to suggest that it represents SukhƗvatƯ.”27 To assess this
claim we need to know what Abhirati might look like.
Akৢobhya’s Abhirati
For a description of Abhirati we must consult in the first instance the primary source text for the early
cult (if we can call it that) of Akৢobhya, the Ak‫܈‬obhyatathƗgatasyavynjha, extant in two Chinese versions
and one Tibetan translation:
(1) Fo shuo achufo guo jing ష䃚㜿㛹షᅧ⥂, attributed to Lokakৢema (fl. c. 170–190 C.E.): T
(2) Dabaoji jing budong rulai hui ኱ᑌ✚⥂୙ືዴ౗᭳, produced during the period 706-713 by
Bodhiruci (fl. 693–713): T 310.6.29
(3) ’Phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa mi ’khrugs pa’i bkod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po’i mdo,
by Jinamitra, Surendrabodhi and Ye shes sde, early 9th century.
Again, this is not the place for an exhaustive treatment of the textual accounts of Akৢobhya and his
domain Abhirati,30 but if we single out those elements which can be compared with the features of
One can get a dramatic impression of this from the relevant pages (172–173) in Kagawa 1984, where all the versions are set
side by side.
See Schopen (1987: 117, n. 50; 2005: 262, n. 50).
The attribution to Lokakৢema is not without its problems, but can be upheld, as long as one recognises that there is also
evidence of considerable later revision, possibly sometime early in the 3rd century. Cf. Nattier (2008: 85–86).
An English translation, with the omission of many substantial passages (not all of them marked), appears in Chang (1983).
Dantinne (1983) presents a copiously annotated French translation of the first three chapters, with reference also to the Tibetan.
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SukhƗvatƯ listed above, arranging them under the same rubrics, we find some notable differences, and
some similarities.
1. There are women in Abhirati, whose superior qualities are described, as is their ready access to
jewellery and clothing growing on trees. Consequently, birth is through the womb, even though it is
painless (T 313, 11: 755c28–756a2, 756b3–15; T 310, 11: 105b23–27, 105c18–24 [cf. Chang 1983:
323, with omissions]).31 There is no rebirth from lotuses, and no description of anyone sitting upon a
lotus, even Akৢobhya himself, although it is said that wherever he stands or walks, thousand-petalled
lotuses spring up under his feet, even when he enters people’s houses. When he sends nirmƗ۬as to
other worlds, the same lotuses also appear beneath their feet (T 313, 11: 756c7–22; T 310, 11:
106a11–26 [cf. Chang 1983: 324]).
2. There are ĞrƗvakas in Abhirati, alongside the bodhisattvas. In this respect the AkTV and the LSukh
(ER) are similar, but the presence of the ĞrƗvakas in Abhirati is emphasized to a far greater degree.
In fact it is a motif which runs throughout the entire text, so that it would be tedious to give precise
references to all the relevant passages, but see especially T 313, 11: 756c24–758a15; T 310, 11:
106a28–107a6 [cf. Chang 1983: 325–326]. Exactly how the ĞrƗvakas were pictured by the authors of
the text is not clear, but we imagine that they were thought to be bhik‫܈‬us (and perhaps bhik‫܈‬u۬Ưs?).
Interestingly, at one point the text states that even the bodhisattvas of Abhirati are mostly renunciants
(pravrajitas), only a few of them being householders (T 313, 11: 758b27–c9; T 310, 11: 107b16–24
[cf. Chang 1983: 328]). Nowhere is it said that the ĞrƗvakas and the bodhisattvas are
indistinguishable or that they look different, so we do not have firm grounds to draw a conclusion (cf.
Point 6 below).
3. Akৢobhya does not have two chief bodhisattvas.
4. The future parinirvƗ৆a of Akৢobhya and the events which follow it are described in great detail, but
there is no succession scenario of the sort we find in the LSukh. However, before he passes away,
Akৢobhya will predict the awakening of the bodhisattva Gandhahastin, whose domain will be similar
to Abhirati (T 313, 11: 760b20–761b24; T 310, 11: 109a7–c22 [cf. Chang 1983: 330–332]). This is
the only occurrence of this bodhisattva’s name in the text (cf. Point 3).
5. Interaction between the inhabitants of Abhirati is not thematized in any way. All attention is
supposedly focussed on Akৢobhya.
6. There are no class divisions among those who are reborn. Gods and human beings enjoy similar
delights (clothing, food and drink, adornment), to the point where humans do not envy the gods, to
whom they are not inferior in any way (T 313, 11: 755b26–c4; T 310, 11: 105c1–2 [cf. Chang 1983:
323]; 108b13–16 [cf. Chang 1983: 330], 112b15–19 [omitted in Chang 1983]). Again, it is not made
clear whether gods and human beings are indistinguishable in appearance.
7. The spatial arrangements of Abhirati are rather different from those of SukhƗvatƯ. Abhirati is not flat,
but has mountains, including Meru. In addition, there is a gigantic Bodhi tree, under which
For an illuminating discussion of this material and its place in the history of Buddhism, see Nattier (2000). The work of Kwan
(1985) is also useful.
In this version of the paper we give references for the Chinese versions only.
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Akৢobhya achieved awakening, and under which he now presumably teaches,32 which, according to
the Chinese versions, has some kind of stepped platform or railing around it (T 313, 11: 755b26–c4;
T 310, 11: 105a28–b4 [cf. Chang 1983: 322]). In T 313 the term for this is lanshun ḍᴙ, probably
Sanskrit vedikƗ. This massive structure is 4 yojanas or 560 Chinese li in circumference. However,
the most conspicuous physical feature is a gigantic triple staircase connecting the world of the gods
and the human plane (T 313, 11: 757a28–b14; T 310, 11: 106c1–15 [cf. Chang 1983: 325–326]).33
8. There is far less emphasis on the light of the Buddha Akৢobhya, although brief mention of it is made
at a couple of points (e.g. T 313, 11: 755b26–c4; T 310, 11: 110a4–7 [cf. Chang 1983: 332]).
An excellent summary description of the features of Abhirati is found in the VimalakƯrtinirdeĞa:34
There and then, the Licchavi VimalakƯrti thought, “What if, sitting right here, without
leaving my seat, I were to take hold of this Abhirati world, all of it —with its hundreds of
thousands of bodhisattvas; its resident gods, serpent-deities, forest-spirits, celestial
musicians, and asuras; its encircling CakravƗঌa mountains; its rivers, pools, fountains,
lakes, and encircling oceans; with its Mount Meru, mountain peaks and hills; with its sun,
moon and stars; with the abodes of its gods, serpent-deities, forest-spirits, and celestial
musicians; with its palaces of the BrahmƗ gods and their retinue; with the men of the
villages, towns, cities, provinces, kingdoms; with its women’s apartments; its assemblies
of bodhisattvas and accomplished ĞrƗvakas; with the tree of awakening of Akৢobhya, the
Realized One, and with the Realized One Akৢobhya himself teaching the Dharma seated
amidst an assembly, vast as the sea; and the lotuses that carry out the Buddha’s work for
living beings in the ten directions;35 and with those three stairways of the Abhirati world,
each made of a different precious substance, reaching from the continent of JambnjdvƯpa to
the Heaven of the Thirty-Three Gods in the world Abhirati, so that the gods of that heaven
can descend to that continent in order to see the Realized One, honour him with praises,
attend to him, and hear the Dharma, stairways by which, in turn, human beings ascend to
the Heaven of the Thirty-Three Gods in order to see those gods—what if, with my right
hand, I take the whole Abhirati world, furnished with immeasurable marvellous qualities
such as these, and taking all of it from the watery depths up to the palaces of the Akaniৢ৬ha
heaven, and what if, having dislodged it as a potter separates his wheel from its base, I
were to hold it like a garland of flowers, bring it into this world and show it to the whole
This passage in the VkN is all the more valuable for highlighting what were obviously believed to be the
essential features of Abhirati, among which we might note the diversity of the audience, the presence of
This is not stated explicitly anywhere in the text, but it is difficult to imagine that this would not be the case.
The triple staircase is, of course, another powerful motif deriving from a miracle in the Buddha’s life, the Buddha’s descent
from the Heaven of the Thirty-Three Gods (TrayastriূĞa) after teaching his mother there.
The following passage comes from Chapter 11 of the Sanskrit text (Study Group 2006: 112–113). The translation is based
upon the draft prepared by the Mangalam Translation Group, currently being edited for publication by Luis Gómez and
These are presumably the lotuses which appear beneath the feet of the nirmƗ۬as with which Akৢobhya projects himself into
other worlds (see Point 1 above).
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women, the unevenness of the terrain, the giant Bodhi tree at the centre, and the architectural detail of
the triple staircase.36
We shall return to these descriptions later in this paper. Suffice it to note here how influential they
were historically. As Schopen has demonstrated (1977), both SukhƗvatƯ and Abhirati came to be
paradigmatic Buddha-fields. Once we acknowledge the force of these two paradigms, we begin to see
that the problem of determining what the Muhammad Nari stele depicts cannot be solved in isolation,
but requires a comprehensive approach, not only to the textual sources relating to SukhƗvatƯ and
Abhirati, but also to the archaeological record, that is, to other complex steles, their contents and artistic
conventions. Let us look at these aspects of the subject before returning to the text/image problem.
4. Artistic Conventions
The substantial fluidity and diversity which close analysis reveals in the development of the textual
sources surveyed are also features of the visual evidence. Most importantly, the Muhammad Nari stele
cannot be interpreted in isolation, as it incorporates numerous artistic conventions deriving from
different sources that need to be accounted for.
Buddhas on Lotuses
The most obvious feature of the Muhammad Nari stele and many related works is the prominent lotus
blossom, a symbol for the purity and the miraculous power of the Buddha. In GandhƗra, the earliest
depictions of the Buddha are without lotuses, regardless of whether the Buddha sits or stands. Equally,
lotuses do not occur in depictions of the Buddha from MathurƗ during the KuৢƗ৆a period, and are even
rare in Gupta art.37 Their occurrence is better documented in the art of Andhra, i.e. AmarƗvatƯ,
NƗgƗrjunako৆ঌa and related sites, where lotuses appear to arise with the earliest anthropomorphic
representations of the Buddha, which in this region do not predate the late second or early third century.
In addition, in this art school the lotus predominately appears with the standing Buddha,38 while
Buddhas seated on lotuses are rare.39 In addition, an unusual abundance of lotus bases is found at site 9
A feature, by the way, that makes it more likely that any depictions of Abhirati, if they could be found, might have more
affinities with the Descent from TrayastriূĞa than they would with the Great Miracle of ĝrƗvastƯ. It seems quite possible that
the iconography of this episode had an impact on descriptions of Abhirati. Further, the giant vedikƗ around Abhirati’s Bodhi
tree also reflects contemporary iconographical and architectural conventions deriving from the demarcation of sacred trees in
early Indian religious practice.
Examples are Buddha depictions from Devnimori (early 5th century) and some SƗrnƗth Buddhas from the 5th century (see,
for example, Williams, 1983: figs. 57, 90, 92).
E.g. Stone (1994: figs. 22, 112, 115, 145, 152, 153). The lotus for the standing image is to be linked to the pedestals of the
Buddha’s footprints (buddhapƗda), which were originally square (e.g., all examples in Knox 1992) but also became lotuses
(e.g., Stone 1994: figs. 91, 92), and narrative scenes in which the Buddha’s feet are venerated (see e.g. Knox 1992: nos. 12, 70,
72 and Stone 1994: figs. 176, 177). It is noteworthy that on two drum slabs of the British Museum (Knox 1992: nos.70 and 72)
the central Buddha image on a lotus is linked to the Saundarananda story represented on the dome, in one scene of which the
Buddha again stands on lotuses (second scene to the left of the Ɨyaka pillars on both; see also Sivaramamurti 1942: pl. lxiii, 2).
The distinction made between seated and standing Buddhas is also evidenced by the newly excavated site of Kanganhalli,
where the seven Buddhas of the past and Maitreya (we owe the identification of these images to Oskar von Hinüber’s reading
of the inscriptions on them) are seated on thrones, but the two standing images were placed on lotus pedestals.
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of NƗgƗrjunako৆ঌa, where even the stnjpas consistently have double lotus bases as well, which may well
provide a chronological threshold for the popular emergence of this imagery. As Stone (1994: 37–58)
has shown, this site, along with the related site 6, began to flourish in the second quarter of the third
century. Incidentally, the two early Buddha images seated on crude lotuses published in Stone (1994:
figs. 100, 118) are to be associated with these two sites. Thus, if NƗgƗrjuna’s RatnƗvalƯ (III.31–32),
which makes specific reference to the construction of Buddha images upon lotuses, is indeed to be
associated with popular practice in this region, as Joseph Walser (2002: 250–62; 2005: 79–87) maintains,
this text would have to be attributed to the second quarter of the third century at the earliest.40
Furthermore, Rhi (2003: 166–171) was able to show that, according to a series of MahƗyƗna texts
translated into the Chinese by Dharmarakৢa in the late third century, the donation of a Buddha sitting on
a lotus flower is listed as something a bodhisattva ought to do, presumably reflecting contemporary
practice (see below for further remarks on the significance of these passages).
It may well be that the prominent position given to the lotus seat created by the two nƗgas Nanda
and Upananda in the Great Miracle of ĝrƗvastƯ is related to or even the source of this practice, but it is
also the case that a lotus flanked by two nƗgas is not necessarily an indicator of this miracle. However
the process of development may be, the imaginative image of two nƗgas (beings who are naturally
associated with water) creating a miraculously precious lotus seat for the Buddha to sit on turned out to
be extremely powerful, and eventually was taken up in other contexts as well. From an art-historical
perspective it is a major mistake to use such a minor detail as a basis for identification. It also
underestimates the power exemplary imagery has in the development of art. In fact, the two nƗgas
shown in the Muhammad Nari stele cannot be the two nƗga kings of the Great Miracle of ĝrƗvastƯ, since
they are a couple, the female being placed on the right side of the stem with her back towards the viewer
(Figure 4). Further, they are engaged in throwing lotus flowers towards the Buddha and do not appear to
have a close connection with the bejewelled lotus stem. Instead the stem is touched by another male to
its immediate right, possibly meant to represent a yakৢa and responsible for the jewels that cover the
stem, who also holds what appears to be a rhyton in his right hand. His female partner is shown on the
opposite site and her hands folded in front of her breast in veneration are now lost.41
Certainly more significant for an interpretation of the Muhammad Nari stele is the lotus pond from
which the main lotus and many minor ones grow. In fact, the pond takes up the whole width of the base
of the stele and lotuses grow all along its surface. It is inhabited by ducks, fish and a second couple of
nƗgas. Closer inspection of the stele further reveals that in fact all but one compositional element on the
Of course this depends entirely on the dating of NƗgƗrjuna. We find Walser’s attempts to determine the date of the RatnƗvalƯ
with reference to the dates of the SƗtavƗhana kings on the basis of the existence of lotus-pedestal images of the Buddha
unconvincing, along with his attribution of the occurrence of this motive to the time of Yajña ĝrƯ SƗtakar৆i, which he infers
from a tenuous relationship of one panel with a Buddha depiction on a lotus to another panel with an inscription mentioning a
king of this name.
Her hands are perfectly preserved on the earlier photographs referred to above (see Figure 2).
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New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele
stele, the Buddha revealing the Buddha-field, actually have lotus bases and thus conceptually derive
from and are supported by this pond.42
The pond at the bottom of a stele is commonly accompanied by a rather peculiar tree shading the
central Buddha. Clearly distinguished from the Bodhi tree with its heart-shaped petals and botanically
not identifiable, the tree is mainly made up of large blossoms (or sprays of lobate leaves radiating out
from a central ring) from which sprout either garlands of pearls or the upper bodies of figures holding
offerings and garlands for the Buddha (Figure 5). In the latter case the petals or leaves form a kind of
skirt.43 In this paper we refer to such a tree as a jewel tree. This type of tree appears to be integral part of
steles with ponds, but it also occurs on steles without the pond as well as more simple triads of a Buddha
flanked by two bodhisattvas and a few additional figures only (see, e.g., Figure 6). In rare instances,
secondary figures of a complex stele are seated under a figureless variant of the jewel tree (e.g., in Stele
no. 3).
Triadic Compositions
Triadic compositions of a Buddha flanked by two standing figures are found with the earliest depictions
of the Buddha and remain relevant into esoteric Buddhism. In the MathurƗ school of art, early Buddha
depictions are flanked by two attendants brandishing fly-whisks. The earliest Buddha representations of
GandhƗran art, in contrast, are flanked by BrahmƗ and Indra. It is this composition that also informs
later GandhƗran triads showing the Buddha flanked by two bodhisattvas, as these still retain a reference
to the two Indian gods by consistently representing the bodhisattvas in two types, a brƗhma৆a type with
loosely tied-up (but uncovered) hair and a kৢatriya type wearing a turban.44 It is likely that triadic
compositions showing a teaching Buddha on a fleshy lotus flanked by two standing bodhisattvas
represent simpler and possibly earlier versions of the complex steles, since they share a number of their
characteristics. The triad of the year five, the well known Brussels or Marteau Collection Triad of the
year five (today in the Agonshnj collection in Japan), is certainly key to both the chronology of such
representations45 and the interrelationship of these two bodhisattva types (Figure 6). This triad shows
the upper bodies of BrahmƗ and Indra between the Buddha and the two flanking bodhisattvas, each
deity iconographically related to one of the bodhisattvas.
This is clearer in comparable steles, in particular the lotus pond stele from Sahri Bahlol in the Peshawar Museum, where the
stems of the lotuses are carved as well. Although it might appear then that the lotuses at the top of any stele of this kind must
have very long stems to reach down to the water, this is simply a consequence of perspective: if we were to flatten out the
composition, all the stems would be the same length, except perhaps the one supporting the Buddha’s lotus.
Ingholt (Lyons & Ingholt 1957: figs. 366, 368) identifies these figures as kinnaras, and the flowers they sprout from as lotuses.
While there is no support for the latter identification, there seems to be some warrant for kinnaras wearing skirts of leaves. See
Zin (2003: 1, 189–197). Note, however, that, contra Zin (esp. p. 195, n. 56), there is no support in the LSukh for kinnaras in
SukhƗvatƯ (the two mentions in the text refer to beings located outside AmitƗbha’s domain) and that only in GandhƗran
complex steles do these beings appear with haloes. Be that as it may, Miyaji ( (1993: 254) also identifies these beings as
On later GandhƗran triads and the identity of the flanking bodhisattvas see in particular Rhi (2006) and Miyaji (2008).
The year five likely refers to the KuৢƗ৆a era and conforms to 232 C.E. or—in the third century of the KuৢƗ৆a era—332 C.E.
Fussman (1999: 546) even considers a date to the first KuৢƗ৆a century possible for this stele. On the inscription and its
publication see http://gandhari.org/, inscription number CKI0232.
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In complex steles, this basic triadic composition is retained, as the Buddha is always flanked by two
more prominently represented standing bodhisattvas of the two types. While in some steles these
bodhisattvas are shown in an iconography comparable to that in the triads, in others they are garland
holders attending the Buddha, as is also the case in the Muhammad Nari stele. Both the less prominent
size and placement of the flanking bodhisattvas on this stele and their lack of distinctive attributes or
mudrƗs indicate that they cannot be identified individually unless the topic of the stele itself suggests an
identification for them.
Regarding the bodhisattvas that have distinctive attributes, their possible identifications can be
summarized as follows. The brƗhma৆a type certainly derives from the iconography of Maitreya, the
future Buddha, which was already established shortly after the first Buddha images were made. He is
consistently represented with the loosely tied long hair and a flask, both signs of his last rebirth as a
brƗhma৆a. As Taddei (1969/2003) has shown most convincingly, Maitreya shares these characteristics
with BrahmƗ. In the Brussels Triad (Figure 6) Maitreya—or perhaps we should say, the brƗhma৆a
type—is shown on the Buddha’s right, with BrahmƗ immediately behind him at the Buddha’s
The possible identity of the second kৢatriya-type bodhisattva, who is associated with Indra/ĝakra, is
more open, since more than one bodhisattva is known to be of this type. In the earliest Buddhist art of
GandhƗra the turbaned bodhisattva, commonly without attribute, making the gesture of fearlessness
(abhayamudrƗ) with his right hand and resting his left hand on the hip, represents SiddhƗrtha, who also
occurs in narrative scenes in this form.47 In the Brussels Triad (Figure 6) the turbaned bodhisattva is of
this iconography, but has a seated Buddha in the crest of his turban. He is shown on the Buddha’s left,
with Indra behind him, wearing his peculiar crown (kirƯ‫ܒ‬a).
In other triadic compositions the turbaned bodhisattva most commonly holds a wreath in his pendant
left hand. The identity of this bodhisattva is contested and there seems to be no conclusive evidence for
determining it. It is clear, however, that the wreath often has a central blossom at its bottom and that this
bodhisattva eventually gets replaced by a flower-holding bodhisattva, who may be identified as
PadmapƗ৆i or AvalokiteĞvara.48
In terms of the relative position of the bodhisattvas in the triads Maitreya—or the brƗhma৆a-type
bodhisattva—is often represented in the more prominent position on the Buddha’s right. This is also
BrahmƗ’s position in early GandhƗran reliefs, and it may thus well be that triadic compositions with
Maitreya—or the brƗhma৆a-type bodhisattva—on the Buddha’s right hand are on average slightly
earlier. In the Brussels Triad (Figure 6) both BrahmƗ and the brƗhma৆a-type bodhisattva are represented
in this position, on the viewer’s left. Some (later?) steles show the wreath- or flower-holding bodhisattva
in the more prominent position on the right hand of the Buddha previously occupied the brƗhma৆a-type
bodhisattva. This exchange of positions may well indicate that Maitreya as an individual bodhisattva
For a statistical analysis of this bodhisattva type see also Miyaji (2008: 127–131).
In fact, this particular type of representation of ĝƗkyamuni may derive from a narrative event prior to his first vow to become a
Buddha in front of DƯpaূkara, an identification that still needs to be worked out properly.
For a statistical analysis of the turbaned bodhisattva in GandhƗran reliefs see Miyaji (2008: 131–139), where the wreath- and
lotus-holder are not distinguished.
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New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele
loses prominence in later Gandharan art, however, it may also have to do with triads that show the upper
bodies of BrahmƗ and Indra between the Buddha and the two bodhisattvas, each of them
iconographically mirroring the bodhisattva on the opposite side (see Figure 14).
This certainly is a grossly simplified picture, and the chronological issues associated with it have not
even been touched, but it does demonstrate that triadic compositions in GandhƗra consistently balance
the two bodhisattva types. What is more, in the Muhammad Nari stele the complementary nature of the
brƗhma৆a- and kৢatriya-type bodhisattvas permeates the whole stele, with the two types represented
alternately throughout, regardless of the attribute they hold.49 Indeed, the more one becomes aware of
the sculptor’s strong concern for symmetry and balance, the more one realizes the dangers of rushing to
Bodhisattvas and Buddhas
In general, it is important to keep in mind that the identification of individual figures in early Buddhist
art is more the result of scholarly conventions than solidly established facts and this is, of course, true
for GandhƗran art as well. Concerning the iconographic types of bodhisattvas summarized above, only
the identifications of Maitreya and ĝƗkyamuni can be considered fairly solid. Their identity can not only
be concluded from the context of some of their representations, but it is also corroborated by rare
inscriptions on coins and roughly contemporaneous MathurƗ school representations. 50 These two
bodhisattvas and their caste affiliation can also be considered the foundation for the differentiation of the
two bodhisattva types.
However, this does not necessarily mean that the brƗhma৆a-type bodhisattva depicted in later
Gandharan art, that is, in triadic compositions and complex steles, is necessarily to be identified as
Maitreya. In the Brussels Triad (Figure 6), for example, the two bodhisattvas may on the basis of their
iconography conventionally be identified as representing Maitreya and SiddhƗrtha, but it is equally
possible, and in many respects more likely, that the two bodhisattvas on the stele actually represent a
more general concept, whatever that may be.51 Such a more general interpretation is suggested by triads
and complex steles in which the two bodhisattvas are represented without identifying attributes, as is
also the case with the Muhammad Nari stele. As mentioned above, this has the consequence that the two
bodhisattvas in the stele can only be identified on the basis of its general topic.
The same is, of course, true for the Buddha representation. In this respect it has to be noted that the
conventional identification of almost all Buddha images as the Buddha ĝƗkyamuni may grossly
underestimate the importance of the Seven Buddhas of the Past for early Buddhist art, not to mention
the importance of the Buddhas of the present, as established with the emergence of the concept of a
Buddha-field. There is relatively little evidence, however, which would enable us to assess the
The balance in this regard was also seen by Huntington (1980: 664–665).
This refers to numerous scenes of the Buddha’s life that corroborate the iconography of the bodhisattva SiddhƗrtha and to the
identification of Maitreya as proven by the copper coins issued by Kaniৢka I identifying the figure as “MƝtrago Boudo” (see,
e.g., Cribb, 1980, 1999; Huntington 1993; Tanabe 1993) and by the famous Ahicchatra image on which Maitreya is mentioned
by name (see, e.g., Rosenfield 1967: 231).
At this stage, we refrain from suggesting any such general concept, since this would require a study of its own.
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importance of ĝƗkyamuni’s six predecessors in GandhƗra. Certainly, there are a few representations
showing the Seven Buddhas of the Past together with the bodhisattva Maitreya (see the bottom of Figure
10 for one example). None of these representations belongs to the earliest phase of GandhƗran art, but
the depiction of the Buddhas makes it clear that they can only be distinguished individually on the basis
of their succession. Given the importance of the past Buddhas in Bharhut and Sanchi, it may well be
assumed that in GandhƗra, too, they were much more often represented as individual figures than is
apparent now. For example, at the late GandhƗran site of JauliƗn, Taxila, two Buddha images on stnjpa
D1 were identified as representing the Buddha KƗĞyapa, and a third as representing ĝƗkyamuni.52
Among the textual sources the AnavataptagƗthƗ, “Songs of Lake Anavatapta,”53 is of particular
relevance in this context, since it has been found in a Kharoৢ৬hƯ version as well. In this text, the monk
Kusuma explains his present condition as a disciple of the Buddha as the result of offering a flower to
the stnjpa of the Buddha VipaĞyin.54 We should also bear in mind the frequent representations of
ĝƗkyamuni’s vow in front of the Buddha DƯpaূkara, which turned into iconic imagery as well.55 Most
importantly, there is also an inscribed image of the Buddha AmitƗbha from MathurƗ, which is dated to
year 26 in the reign of Huviৢka, which today is interpreted as referring to 153 C.E.56 Of this image, only
the base with the feet of the standing Buddha and an attendant to his left are preserved. This is enough
evidence to conclude that ĝƗkyamuni was certainly not the only Buddha represented in GandhƗran art.
Returning to the Muhammad Nari stele, the central Buddha clearly cannot be identified on the basis
of his iconographic features. What is important, however, is his teaching gesture, since it tells us about
his primary activity. It also relates the central Buddha to the remarkably lively assembly of seated and
standing figures surrounding him, the formal characteristics of which can be summarized as follows. In
general, the stele conveys a strong sense of communication and interrelation, by combining groups of
figures into what Stella Kramrisch (1983) has called magical boxes in the case of the Ajanta paintings.
Analyzing the composition in terms of the interrelationship of its figures, there is a large central
assembly flanked by many smaller ones. The further up one moves on the stele, there is also an increase
of solitary figures not related to others. This fact and the forms of interaction of the secondary figures
communicate that the figures lower on the stele are closer to the Buddha than those further up. Those in
the upper row could even be taken as inhabiting remote areas, which offers one possible explanation for
the Buddhas emanating images of themselves in the upper corners (see below). The spatial location and
the degree of engagement of the bodhisattvas depicted are closely correlated: those in the lower area and
in the vicinity of the central Buddha are occupied with discussion and veneration, while those in the
upper half of the stele are engaged in solitary meditation, reflection and teaching.
Konow (1929: 96–97), Marshall (1951: 374–75) and http://gandhari.org/, inscriptions CKI0082, CKI0084 and CKI0085.
The text contains the recitations of 36 disciples of the Buddha narrating their own past lives.
Salomon (1999: 30–33).
On the unusually high frequency of depictions of the DƯpaۨkara-jƗtaka in GandhƗra and their possible connection with
MahƗyƗna Buddhism, see Rhi (2003: 157–158).
The inscription on this base has been studied by Schopen (1987/2005). Another alleged reference to the Buddha AmitƗbha on
a fragment of a GandhƗran triadic composition first suggested by Brough (1982) has in the meantime been refuted by Salomon
& Schopen (2002).
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The subtle way in which artistic conventions are combined here contributes to the complexity of the
stele. Its composition thus successfully conveys the notion of the various qualities of Buddhas and
bodhisattvas—or different notions of Buddhahood and bodhisattvahood—by depicting different aspects
or phases of their activity. Further, the appearance—often in pairs—of bodhisattvas with the same
attributes, gestures or sitting postures indicates that the main concern was to create an impression of a
multiplicity of bodhisattvas and not to represent specific figures with definite identities.
Sacred and Divine Architecture
Complex steles often contain depictions of architecture. In the stele in question we see two types of
single-storied, free-standing pavilions. Other complex steles, in contrast, have a single structure framing
all images. No doubt, these are idealised buildings, but they are based on and reflect actual sacred
architecture. In GandhƗra, two types of sacred structures were known, the stupa and the sanctuary.57
GandhƗran stnjpas were placed on a podium, which appears systematically from the first century C.E.,
and occasionally four lion columns were placed at its corners (see the top stnjpas on Stele no. 11 and
Stele no. 12).
The GandhƗran sanctuary shares many of the elements of the stnjpa, especially its elevated
placement. In its simplest form the sanctuary is a single-celled and single-storied structure with a domed
roof, its shape deriving from the grass hut. A developed GandhƗran sanctuary, in contrast, is a two-story
building with a more or less square ground plan, a tapered dome-shaped roof on top of the upper story
and a circumferential roof projection shaped in a quarter circle for the lower story.58 This latter type of
building was of special importance in GandhƗra and was reproduced in art in a multitude of examples.
Of particular importance is that the shape of a decorative false gable of a stupa corresponds to a section
cut through such a sanctuary building. False gables of this typical GandhƗran type were also used for the
sanctuary itself, either on the side of the entrance alone or on all sides, as is the case with the
cross-shaped pavilions depicted in the Muhammad Nari stele.
In the complex steles we have a number of sanctuary variants represented, most commonly in the
form of a section cut. The simplest form are the single-celled, single-storied pavilions with a pointed
arch on top. They are represented as an arch on two pillars and are commonly occupied by a single
figure. Single-celled structures may also be double-storied, in this case the upper storey is represented
from the front (see the pavilions on Stele no. 2). Single- or double-storey cross-shaped pavilions have
three bays, a large one for the central figure and two smaller ones at the side used for attending figures.
They are usually represented as four-pillared structures with the central arch shown frontally and the
side ones from the side. A railing at the roof level may indicate that this structure is actually meant to be
two-storied. While the arches are most often round on the inside and pointed on top, a trapezoid shape is
occasionally found as well. This shape is often found in the lower storey of multi-storied buildings,
expanding the central bay in height, and may well derive from such representations (see Figure 10 and
Figure 12).
In the special language relating to GandhƗran art, such buildings are called vihƗra, a term usually reserved for monks’ living
quarters and thus avoided here.
One such building is still preserved at Gumbat in the Swat valley (see, e.g., Olivieri 2008: 296, fig. 5).
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The double-storied cross-shaped pavilion also provides the base for the multi-storied architecture
seen on some complex steles. In this case, the Buddha occupies the higher main bay and the flanking
bodhisattvas of the basic triad the side bays, above which are balconies (Figure 10). The main bay may
have a false gable arch, or a trapezoid arch with the false gable arch then represented above it. If the
structure is conceived as multi-storied, the upper stories are commonly made up of rows of single cells
(Figure 11). This relationship of a large main building with successive stories above it reflects the most
complex western Indian caitya cave facades, such as those of Bhaja, Bedsa, Karli and Pitalkhora.59 As
such, the architecture on a complex stele represents the idealised architecture of a royal or even divine
palace, certainly a suitable abode for a Buddha and those who follow in his footsteps.60
The idealised nature of the depicted buildings is also visible in the details, such as the complex and
varied Persepolitan columns, the abundance of lion consoles, the occasional elephant console, as well as
the ribbons, streamers and banners that decorate the uppermost or projecting structures. Most commonly
the roofs of such buildings are embellished with birds, parrots and peacocks seeming to be especially
popular.61 It is quite conceivable that this artistic convention later impacted on the textual tradition,
when it was found necessary to account for birds in SukhƗvatƯ and other similar Buddha-fields which
supposedly lacked animals altogether. This question is in fact explicitly addressed in the SSukh, as if it
were a problem demanding a solution.62 Birds are also found in front of the railings of balconies, which
are only occupied by women, a convention that derives from the depiction of royal palaces in early
Indian narrative art. In GandhƗran narrative scenes, such balconies alone are sufficient to indicate royal
or divine architecture.
5. Lotus Ponds, Palaces and Emanations: Three Types of Complex Stele
If one analyses the complex steles from Gandhara as a whole, whether preserved intact or in fragments,
it becomes clear that there are two principal types with a teaching Buddha in the centre, a lotus pond
type and a palace type. The Muhammad Nari stele belongs to the lotus pond type, which have water
indicated at the bottom from which theoretically grow the lotuses upon which all the images or pavilions
sit. The palace-type stele, examples of which have also been found in Muhammad Nari, differs from the
first type in using a more or less complex style of architecture to frame most of the figures depicted. In
the following the most important examples of these two types are described in some detail, before they
are related to a third type that has a meditating Buddha in the centre.63
It should be noted that the following selection does not include all complex steles attributed to
GandhƗra to date, but only those with a reasonably well-established provenance and/or a record of
In the case of Pitalkhora only a few windows of the original facade remain high up in the rocks.
See also the remarks in Rhi (1991: 154–155).
For comments on the birds in these steles see, e.g., Huntington (1980: 661).
That solution is that the birds are not real animals, but apparitions conjured up (nirmita) by the Realized One. Without going
into the details here, it should be noted that the ER of the LSukh contains not a single mention of birds in SukhƗvatƯ. In the
Sanskrit text of the LR, by contrast, there are four mentions, three of which deem it necessary to specify that the birds are
conjured up by the Realized One (tathƗgatƗbhinirmita)—another indication that the SSukh was composed after the ER of the
LSukh, and probably before the LR assumed its final shape.
A similar classification is found in Miyaji (2002: 23–24; 2008: 124), with the triads seen as a fourth group.
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documentation preceding the last decades. We are aware that there are numerous other steles and
fragments that have become known more recently, but since the authenticity of many of them is
contested we have decided not to include them in this study.64
Lotus pond-type Steles
Stele no. 1: Our main stele from Muhammad Nari; Lahore Museum, Inv. no. G 155 (old 1135, I-255)
(Figure 1)
Light grey schist; 119 x 97 x 28 cm
Archival photos: Asian Art Museum, Collection of South, Southeast and Central Asian Art, Berlin;
Warburg Institute, London.
Burgess (1900: 32; pl. 7, 2); Vogel (1906: 256–257); Foucher (1905: fig. 79; 1909: 74, pl. xvi;
1917: pl. xxvii, 1; 1918: 206; 1922: 534–37, 848); Lyons & Ingholt (1957: 121–23, fig. 25565);
Rosenfield (1967: 236, fig. 90); Miyaji (1971: 57, fig.; 1985a: 79 & 83, figs. 12 & 14; 1993: 253,
fig. 10; 1996: 361, fig. 8; 2002: 10, fig. 1); Huntington (1980); Bussagli (1984: 140); Brown (1984:
79–84, fig. 4); Huntington (1985: 145–46, fig. 8.24); Schopen (1987: 130–31, n. 50); Taddei
(1987/2003: fig. 3); Kurita (1988/2003[I]: pl. 395); Schlingloff (1991: 127–28, n. 77, fig. 43,
tracing); Rhi (1991: 95–100, 147, pl. 3); Giès & Cohen (1996: 341–344, no. 253bis); Quagliotti
(1996a); Bautze-Picron (2010: 14–17, figs. 18a, 18b).
Stele no. 2: Stele with lotus pond-type Buddha-field in centre and Maitreya in top panel; possibly from
Muhammad Nari66; Chandigarh Government Museum and Art Gallery, no. 572 (Figure 7)67
Stele with three scenes one on top of the other, the central one of which is of the lotus pond type.
The top scene shows a prominent Maitreya with a large round hair knot in the centre, seated on a
conventional throne and flanked by divine attendants. The one with hair loop sitting to his left is in
an attitude of conversation but turned away from the main image. In the small bottom scene, a
pƗtra on a throne is venerated.
In the central panel the large teaching Buddha is surrounded by a multitude of bodhisattvas in four
tiers. The Buddha is seated on a large lotus blossom flanked by two figures who appear to be
throwing flowers towards him. The two are likely meant to be nƗgas, but their snake hoods are not
preserved. Above the Buddha’s head is a jewel tree of three blossoms, and immediately beneath it
hover two rather fat putti68 holding a wreath. At arm level, the Buddha is flanked by two turbaned
Since modern forgeries often combine motifs from different sources, and are thus liable to undermine the typology of complex
steles we are advancing, it is essential to the argument of the paper that no risks are taken in terms of the selection of examples.
Consequently, whenever steles are included in the list despite a less well-established record of provenance, the question of
authenticity is briefly discussed in a footnote.
In this picture the stele is only partly represented and from an angle.
In the latest Chandigarh Government Museum and Art Gallery catalogue the attribution of this stele to Muhammad Nari is put
in doubt, on the basis of style and type of stone used (Bhattacharyya 2002: 97). Foucher (1917: pl. xxvii) explicitly states that
the origin of the stele is unknown, but he does not know the origin of the main stele either (pl. xxviii).
Formerly Lahore Museum with the same inventory number.
We prefer to call these flying beings putti for two main reasons: first, there is no doubt that in their function and appearance as
they occur in GandhƗran art, they are of Western derivation; second, their exact status, e.g., secular or divine, and function
within the GandhƗran reliefs themselves remain unclear. Thus, we prefer the more general terms putto/putti to the more
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Paul Harrison & Christian Luczanits
and haloed bodhisattvas holding garlands. At head level, there are two further flanking figures,
presumably deities; both have haloes. The one on the left is a bearded man holding a large vajra,
looking more like more Zeus than Indra or VajrapƗ৆i. On the right a goddess with cylindrical
crown, possibly a city goddess, holds her hands folded.69
The assembly around the main group is represented in four tiers. In the bottom row, of which only
the right side is preserved, are two seated bodhisattvas of the two types, the inner one looking up to
the Buddha and conversing with him. In the next row, one of the four (or five?) bodhisattvas on
lotuses is of the pensive type and turbaned and holds a large flower. Although both bodhisattva
types are used, the turbaned type takes the inner position on both sides. The third row from the
bottom has two pavilions, which appear not to be set on lotuses, with meditating bodhisattvas in
them seated on lotuses. On the outer side sit two more bodhisattvas on lotuses, their heads damaged,
the left one holding a large flower. On the right side, between the goddess and the pavilion, is
another standing bodhisattva of the brƗhma৆a type.
The uppermost level occupies the narrowest band and has a single meditating bodhisattva seated on
a lotus against a circular mandorla on the left side. On the right side, a Buddha seated on a rock (or
cloud?) under a tree reveals the Buddha-field to a kneeling monk with hands in añjali. The upper
body of a figure behind the monk is preserved in traces only. In the corners are figures which may
be horses (?), possibly standing for sun and moon, a feature not found elsewhere.
Neither the bottom attendants nor the pavilions with the meditating bodhisattvas are supported by
lotus blossoms (although the bodhisattvas are seated on lotuses within the pavilions), and there is
no notion of a pond, since the tier below is used for another scene. All figures except the monk in
the revelation scene and the pair at the base of the lotus are haloed.
Bluish grey schist; 85 x 47 cm.
Archival photos: Asian Art Museum, Collection of South, Southeast and Central Asian Art, Berlin;
Collection P. & G. Bautze70
Burgess (1900: pl. 8-1); Foucher (1917: pl. xxvii); Foucher (1918: fig. 459); Rosenfield (1967:
236–37, fig. 91); Paul (1986: 171, no. 572); Kurita (1988/2003[I]: pl. 399); Rhi (1991: pl. 54);
Schlingloff (1991: figs. 41, tracing); Bhattacharyya (2002: no. 153); Schlingloff (2000: II, 102, no.
16, tracing); Miyaji (2002: 21, fig. 2).
Stele no. 3: Large, fragmentary lotus pond stele; from Sahri Bahlol (Exc. 1939)71; Peshawar Museum,
inv. no. 2785 (old 2016)72 (Figure 8)
Large stele with teaching Buddha on an enormous lotus surrounded by secondary figures of
different sizes. Certainly the most complex and sophisticated representation of the lotus pond
theme besides the Muhammad Nari stele. Many of the figures on this stele have mustaches and the
specific cherub/cherubim, the rather generic genie/genii (as, e.g., used by Zin 2003: 141–152), or the specific Indian
vidyƗdhara, as they have been called in Huntington 1980 (on these see Zin 2003: 163–172).
This is the only instance where a female figure is represented within the main body of a lotus pond-type representation.
Published in Bautze (2008: fig. 2).
The provenance is mentioned on the museum label but curiously not in Ali & Qazi (2008: 176).
This piece and the preceding one, the two most significant comparable steles of this type, have already been utilized in
Quagliotti (1996a).
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New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele
Buddha has wide open eyes, both indicators that this stele is earlier than many others.
The teaching Buddha, his large lotus and the jewel tree above him occupy more than half of the
stele’s surface. From the tree on top no details survive, but the type is still recognizable. Unusually,
a considerable portion of the Buddha’s halo is occupied by smaller haloed figures kneeling on
lotuses. Of the four small ones above one is holding a garland, while the other are showing
veneration. Underneath them larger figures appear to bow towards the Buddha’s head.
At the bottom, the lotus has a plain stem. It is flanked by four figures, the outer ones possibly a
couple throwing flowers, while the inner ones seem to point towards the Buddha. Unlike the
equivalent figures in the Muhammad Nari stele, they rise directly out of the water of the large pond
which constitutes the lower border. In the centre of this, among lotus blossoms, several small
figures can be recognized. Two male figures attend an incense burner in the centre. These are
flanked by three figures on each side, only some of them preserved, who are slightly larger and
face up towards the Buddha.
The entourage of the Buddha is represented in a rather complex interaction of larger and smaller
figures. At the height of the arms the Buddha is flanked by two larger standing bodhisattvas who
likely once held garlands. The right one of these is of the brƗhma৆a type. Especially large are also
the two seated bodhisattvas to the sides of the central lotus, their thrones placed on fleshy lotuses
with downturned petals. Both are turbaned and in direct communication with the Buddha. The
remaining bodhisattvas on the stele are of similar size. In the bottom corners groups of two
bodhisattvas are seated under trees and converse with each other. At the level of the knee there are
groups of two as well, with the inner bodhisattvas also directed towards the Buddha. The leftmost
bodhisattva is turbaned and meditates, the rightmost one has his arm raised above his head (now
lost). Two further seated bodhisattvas engaged in conversation with the Buddha are represented
behind the standing bodhisattvas.
Of the upper area only the right half is preserved. There are three solitary bodhisattvas seated on
thrones within different-shaped pavilions, two of which appear to be mounted on lotuses. The
lower bodhisattva is of the pensive type, the middle one is meditating, and the upper one is
teaching and has his legs crossed at the ankles. Just to the right of the lower bodhisattva’s throne is
the scene where a Buddha, seated in the wilderness under a tree in the presence of VajrapƗ৆i,
reveals the Buddha-field to a disciple, of whom only the lower section is preserved.
Grey schist; 149.95 x 116.92 cm.
Archival photo: Warburg Institute, London.
Kurita (1988/2003[I]: pl. 402); Rhi (1991: pl. 6); Ali & Qazi (2008: 176).
Stele no. 4: Central part of a lotus pond stele with teaching Buddha; origin unknown; Karachi, National
Museum of Pakistan, Inv. No. 374
In this relatively flat stele fragment the large central teaching Buddha sits on a rather narrow and
flatly carved lotus, his knees projecting well beyond its edges. The Buddha’s body is elongated and
massive and the legs and feet appear slightly too small for it. His large circular halo almost reaches
his shoulders. Above the Buddha is an elaborate jewel tree, with the upper body of a figure holding
a garland projecting forward from the top central blossom. Underneath two large flying putti with
wings hold a circular wreath above the Buddha’s head. It is certainly wide enough to fit around his
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Paul Harrison & Christian Luczanits
u‫۬܈‬Ư‫܈‬a. To the sides of the Buddha’s arms stand small haloed figures, likely representing Indra on
the left side, and BrahmƗ on the right side. Indra wears a cylindrical crown and holds a vajra
upright in his left hand. BrahmƗ, looking rather youthful, has his right hand raised towards the
shoulder and holds a flask in the left. Of the flanking bodhisattvas only the one on BrahmƗ’s side is
preserved, he is of the kৢatriya type and has his right hand in the gesture of fearlessness
(abhayamudrƗ), while the left arm is broken at the elbow. He stands on a broad flat lotus.
At the bottom of the stele, the lotus grows out of a pond filled with ducks and fish. There are four
figures at its sides, two standing on lotuses and two with their upper bodies projecting from lotus
blossoms as well. The standing figures are a lay couple, the man to the left and the woman, with
distinctive headdress and coiffeur, to the right. The half figures are possibly a couple as well, the
left figure being turbaned and the right one having the hair uncovered. They may also represent the
two bodhisattva types. All figures around the lotus have their hands raised in añjali; the hands of
the standing figure touch its petals.
Grey schist; height 112 cm
Lyons & Ingholt (1957: 35, 124, pl. XVI, 373); Taddei (1969/2003: figs. 13, 14); Miyaji (1985b: pl.
VII, 1); Kurita (1988/2003[I]: pl. 406); Bautze-Picron (2010: fig. 19, detail of the tree and putti
with wreath).
Stele no. 5: Fragment of a lotus pond stele with only the lower part preserved; from Sahri Bahlol (Exc.
of the A.D.F.C 1911–12); Peshawar Museum, inv. no. 1121
From this stele essentially only the lower tier is preserved with much of the body of the central
Buddha, but this section is still very informative.
As with the other Sahri Bahlol stele, the lotus on which the Buddha sits is enormous. There is an
emphasis on the lotus pond underneath and all figures above it are on lotuses, for two of which, on
which once stood figures flanking the Buddha, the stems are visible as well. The lotus is also
flanked by standing figures, haloed bodhisattvas who touch its upper petals. Underneath, flanking
the bejeweled stem, the upper bodies of a male and a female rise out of lotuses in the water and
throw flowers. It is unclear if they are nƗgas. On each side are three more seated figures, the outer
ones of which are meditating facing the centre. Of the two inner bodhisattvas the left one is
offering something, while the right one is shown in a pensive attitude. The middle bodhisattvas
appear to be engaged in discussion. Because of damage to the heads the bodhisattva types can no
longer be discerned.
The pond itself has a few fish and a couple of ducks represented in the swirling water. Further there
are two kneeling adorers, possibly a couple, who essentially have to be read as being placed in
front of the Buddha-field and thus outside it.
Grey schist; 48.29 x 48.29 cm.
Archival photo: Warburg Institute, London.
Ali & Qazi (2008: 161).
In this illustration, only the central part of this stele with the Buddha is shown.
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New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele
Stele no. 6: Lotus pond stele with squarish figures; from Sahri Bahlol mound C74; (formerly?) Peshawar
The stele is of a rather flat and squarish style with the central Buddha taking up more than half of
the stele’s surface. Haloed, he sits on a throne set upon a flat lotus growing out of the pond that
once occupied the entire width of the stele but is now largely lost. The jewel tree above the Buddha
has an upper body of a figure holding a garland on the middle blossom. Two flying putti
immediately beneath the tree hold a wreath above the Buddha. At arm level haloed bodhisattvas of
the two types hold garlands. At the level of the head two haloed meditating bodhisattvas of the two
types are seated against circular mandorlas.
At the top of the stele, the jewel tree is flanked by two different scenes. In the upper left corner, a
haloed meditating Buddha seated on a square throne under a parasol emanates six standing
Buddhas, while two kneeling figures venerate him. In the upper right corner, a Buddha seated in
the wilderness on a square stone or throne reveals the Buddha-field to a monk kneeling to his left
side and a standing figure immediately behind him, who may also be a monk. To the right of the
Buddha is an elderly, bearded VajrapƗ৆i, more Zeus than Heracles. Apart from the Buddha, no
figure in this scene is haloed. The thrones of these two Buddhas in the upper register appear to lack
the lotuses with downturned petals used for all other secondary images on the stele.
The rest of the Buddha’s entourage is represented in three tiers of two figures on each side. Among
them the brƗhma৆a type dominates. All are haloed. The bodhisattvas are engaged in discussion and
other practices. In the top row, the two figures on the left are both looking upwards and have their
right hands raised in a gesture of blessing (the index and middle fingers outstretched), the one on
the outside possibly holding a book. On the middle level, all bodhisattvas are of the brƗhma৆a type
and two of them are meditating, the rightmost one with his legs crossed at the ankles. The first
figure to the right raises his arm above the head, as does the leftmost figure in the bottom row,
possibly to shield the eyes against the light. It would seem that in the bottom row the two
bodhisattvas closest to the throne were facing away from the Buddha.
Material and size unknown.
Marshall (1960: pl. 110, fig. 151); Rhi (1991: pl. 65); Schlingloff (1991: fig. 42, tracing);
Schlingloff (2000: II, 102, no. 29, tracing).
Stele no. 7: Lotus pond stele; origin unknown76; formerly in the Peshawar Museum77 (Figure 9)
A rather unusual flatly carved stele broken into two parts with a comparatively small central
Buddha. The stele consists of two main sections, the actual lotus field and an upper palace frieze
that seemingly is set off but contentwise clearly belongs to the main theme. This composition is a
good argument for the interpretation that certain parts of a stele of this type have to be read as
outside or beyond the principal field.
The teaching Buddha is seated on a relatively simple and low lotus with a bejewelled stem and no
This origin is provided by Rhi (1991: pl. 65).
The stele is not recorded in Ali & Qazi (2008).
We note, however, that this stele is stylistically similar to our Stele No. 16, from Takht-i-bahi (excavated 1908).
As shown by the Warburg photo of 1913–14. Its present location is unknown.
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figures relating to it. The lotus petals are uniquely shaped with their points differentiated from an
inner part with a semi-circular end. Above the Buddha the jewel tree is combined with a parasol
adorned with a crescent, the shaft of which seems to be held by the two flying putti underneath,
who also hold a wreath around it. Otherwise the tree has the usual blossoms, two of them bearing
the upper bodies of turbaned figures with their hands joined in veneration. The frontal blossom
underneath the tree on the left side bearing the upper body of a figure holding a garland may also
be part of the tree. Presumably there was a matching figure on the right.
The composition of the attending figures in the main area of the field has three distinct levels, the
tree level, the Buddha level and the level underneath the Buddha. At the central level the Buddha is
flanked by two frontally represented bodhisattvas. The left bodhisattva is of the brƗhma৆a type,
performs the gesture of fearlessness (abhayamudrƗ) and holds a flask, an iconography deriving
from depictions of Maitreya. The bodhisattva on the right probably once held a wreath, but his
head and right hand are lost. To their sides are two seated pairs of bodhisattvas, one above the other,
the upper pair on the right being lost, engaged in different activities. None is focussed on the
Buddha. Such pairs are also to the side of the tree in the top row: only the pair on the left is intact,
the outer bodhisattva kneeling in adoration, the inner one raising a flower to throw at the Buddha.
The pair on the right may have mirrored them. In the bottom row are seven more similarly engaged
bodhisattvas, only the central one of which is standing. Throughout the stele, the brƗhma৆a type
and the kৢatriya type are difficult to differentiate, as even the former has a chain of pearls with a
central ornament in his hair. All bodhisattvas are on lotuses.
In the top frieze five architectural frames with trapezoidal or semi-circular arches house five scenes.
In the centre, a meditating Buddha is emanating four more standing ones. On either side of him we
see two teaching Buddhas, the one to the left seated cross-legged and the one to the right seated in
the regular lotus-posture. On the far left is a brƗhma৆a-type bodhisattva emanating different deities,
including a Buddha. On the far right is another Buddha apparently indicating the Buddha-field to
two adorers, possibly a monk on the left and a bodhisattva on the right. In this case, their adoration
is clearly directed towards the Buddha-field. On this stele all central figures of the upper row are
seated on lotus thrones with downturned petals.
Schist; size unknown.
Archival photo: Warburg Institute, London.
Stele no. 8: Lotus pond stele with large pavilions in upper corners; from Sahri Bahlol, mound D78;
Karachi, National Museum of Pakistan Museum
This rather unusual lotus pond stele has a rather simplified composition and a row of seated
bodhisattvas underneath the Buddha with donors adjacent to them.
The central teaching Buddha sits under a parasol79 on an unusually small lotus. Above his head the
traces of two flying putti holding a wreath can still be recognized. The lotus with its rather flat and
Provenance given by Rhi (1991). Kurita, who apparently was the first to publish this stele, attributes it to Taxila (2003: I, pl.
401). The stele bears a number of features that makes us doubt its authenticity. However, the clear re-carving of the bottom of
the stele and the convincing damage to it speak in its favour.
The narrow space there makes it impossible that this stele had a jewel tree.
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New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele
simple petals, two of the three rows being downturned, is flanked by two figures kneeling on the
ground in veneration, now headless, but presumably monks (they are male and wear no jewellery).
The Buddha is flanked by bodhisattvas of the two types standing on high lotuses. The left one has
loosely tied hair, performs the gesture of deference with the right hand and holds a flask in the left,
in the manner normally associated with Maitreya. The right bodhisattva likely was turbaned and
appears to have held a wreath. To their sides are four seated bodhisattvas, of whom the lower left
probably held a flower and the upper right a book. The lower right bodhisattva has an arm raised
above the head. All figures except for the putative monks and the seated bodhisattva in the bottom
corners are on lotuses and all but the monks are haloed.
In the upper corners are the remains of two ornate pavilions with meditating Buddhas on lotus
thrones, each flanked by two adoring figures, possibly bodhisattvas.
The bottom row is likely to be a later re-carving that continues the main subject, which is indicated
by the curved background of the carved space there, the sharp edge partly undercutting details of
the central panel where it joins this section, and the style. It features a row of six haloed
bodhisattvas, the central four of whom look up towards the Buddha. Of these, two hold flowers,
one shows a gesture of discussion and one has his hands folded in veneration. The two outer
bodhisattvas face away from the centre and are in communication with the standing donors
represented in the corners. On the left two males venerate a bodhisattva holding a flask in his left
hand. On the right are two females with offerings and a bodhisattva who probably once held a
Grey schist; size unknown.
Photo: C. Luczanits 2007.
Miyaji (1985b: pl. VIII, 2); Kurita (1988/2003[I]: pl. 401); Rhi (1991: pl. 40).
Stele no. 9: Lotus pond stele from YƗkubi, Swabi80; Peshawar Museum, inv. no. 3110 (old 280)81
This rather small stele is composed in two separate parts, an upper part based on the lotus pond
type with secondary bodhisattvas seated in pavilions flanking the main lotus (assuming a
symmetrical composition), and a separate band of figures underneath centred on a meditating
bodhisattva. This stele probably represents a later type comparable with the emanation-type steles
described below.
The central Buddha is teaching and sits on a moderately sized lotus, his knees projecting
considerably beyond its edges. At the height of his arms, he would have been flanked by two
haloed bodhisattvas standing on lotuses, but only one survives, and even he is badly damaged. The
lotus is flanked by two garland-holders kneeling directly on the ground, bodhisattvas of the
brƗhma৆a and kৢatriya types. In the bottom left corner, a bodhisattva sits inside a pavilion on a
rattan chair with legs crossed at the ankles and the feet supported by a lotus-footstool. He is of the
brƗhma৆a type and holds a book as if about to open it. There are two more bodhisattvas of different
sizes on lotuses above the pavilion. The smaller lower figure kneels. The larger upper figure is a
According to Spooner (1912: 129), it was found by Mr. Wilson-Johnson in a stream. Swabi is the district immediately to the
north of the confluence of the Kabul and Indus rivers.
Donated by Col. Wilson Johnstone [sic], I.C.I (Ali & Qazi 2008: 160–61).
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Paul Harrison & Christian Luczanits
brƗhma৆a-type bodhisattva, who sits in a relaxed pose and has his right arm raised, probably
throwing an offering towards the Buddha. Further above are two more figures, a seated meditating
bodhisattva in a pavilion and another one seated at the height of the Buddha’s u‫۬܈‬Ư‫܈‬a, both of the
brƗhma৆a type. The one in the pavilion sits on a lotus, and his pavilion is supported by a lotus as
well; the seat of the other has been obliterated. All secondary figures on this stele are directed
towards the main Buddha image, and only for those on lotuses is a halo discernible.
In the bottom frieze a turbaned bodhisattva meditating under a tree and seated on a low seat or mat
occupies the centre. He is is flanked by two more bodhisattvas seated with their knees wide apart
and feet close together (exceptionally the legs are not crossed at the ankles) on somewhat higher
seats (there are no lotus seats on this level) and engaged in conversation with the smaller standing
figures to their sides. On the left are three lay followers, the first holding a flower and the other two
with their hands in añjali. The only figure preserved on the right side is a monk who is turned away
from the bodhisattva.
There is a donation inscription on the lower band.82
Grey schist; 59.73 x 36.85 cm.
Spooner (1912: 129-32, pl. xlvii); Coomaraswamy (1927: fig. 54); Zimmer (1954: II, 64a); Lyons
& Ingholt (1957: 123–124, fig. 256); von Mitterwallner (1987: fig. 3); Rhi (1991: pl. 43);
Schlingloff (1991: fig. 40, tracing); Schlingloff (2000: II, 102, no. 22, tracing); Ali & Qazi (2008:
Palace-type Steles
Stele no. 10: Palace-type stele with Seven Buddhas and Maitreya; from Muhammad Nari83; Chandigarh
Government Museum and Art Gallery, Inv. no. 113484 (Figure 10)
Stele showing an elaborate palace of fascinating architectural details that is essentially divided into
three tiers. While the top tier is part of the main scene, the bottom tier is strictly separate.
The central triad consists of a teaching Buddha flanked by two bodhisattvas standing on the ground.
The Buddha is seated on a large lotus with a jewel stem flanked by two kneeling figures touching
its petals. The bodhisattvas are not individually recognizable, since both have lost their heads.
Presumably they held garlands only. The arch above the bodhisattva on the right has a Buddha
seated in meditation on a lotus, and a similar Buddha probably occupied the other arch too. The
balconies between these arches and the main Buddha’s head are filled with three figures each, the
central one broken on both sides and the remaining ones all female, without haloes. There is a
See the “YƗkubi image inscription,” CKI0139, on http://gandhari.org/ for the reading and publication references. The
significance of the inscription is discussed by Brown (1984: 82), Fussman (1987: 74, n. 38), von Mitterwallner (1987:
227–228) and Rhi (1991: 109, n. 28), among others, but a satisfactory conclusion has not yet been reached. We are grateful to
Stefan Baums for his current attempts to read and interpret the inscription. That work is still in progress, but at present it is
fairly certain that the reading jinakumaro is unsupported, and therefore there is no epigraphic basis for asserting that this must
be an image of ĝƗkyamuni.
This stele was excavated from a mound near the village of Muhammad Nari by Mr Dempster, C.E., of Swat Canals (see
Burgess 1897: 8, description of pl. 112).
Formerly Lahore Museum with the same inventory number.
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New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele
fourth woman on the outside corner at the right; of the one on the left little survives.
In the upper section the gable of the main palace is flanked by two cross-shaped pavilions. In the
one on the left a haloed bodhisattva sits on throne and footstool with his legs crossed at the ankles.
On the right sits a pensive bodhisattva holding a wreath, also haloed, with his right foot up on the
footstool. Both are flanked by standing bodhisattvas in attitudes of reverence, only partly preserved.
In the central gable two scenes of the Great Departure are represented, remarkably in reverse
succession from bottom to top, probably to emphasize the actual departure. In the top scene, the
haloed Bodhisattva rides frontally out of the arch, and to the left of him is a figure in KuৢƗ৆a dress.
In the lower scene the haloed Bodhisattva has just risen from the bed, his hand stretched towards
the groom kneeling to the left of it. Two sleeping women can be recognized in the side corners. On
the roof-level balconies we again find women, originally two on each side of each pavilion.
The bottom frieze features the Seven Buddhas and Maitreya, who is represented to the right of the
Buddhas. All eight are haloed, and there is considerable variance in their depiction. Remarkably,
the figures at each end of this line-up are turned towards the flanking adorers. On the left we have
three adults and a child with their hands joined in veneration. On the right a monk guide introduces
Maitreya to a couple. All figures on this level stand upon the ground.
Grey schist; 105 x 77 cm.
Archival photos: Asian Art Museum, Collection of South, Southeast and Central Asian Art, Berlin;
British Library85.
Cole (1883: pl. 1 (sketch); 1885: pl. 1); Burgess (1897: pl. 112); Foucher (1905: 193, fig. 77);
Foucher (1917: pl. xxvi, 1); Grünwedel (1920: fig. 63, tracing); Marshall (1960: fig. 123); Miyaji
(1985a: 88, fig. 17; 1985b: pl. IX, 2; 2002: 24, fig. 3); Paul (1986: 171, no. 1134); Kurita
(1988/2003[I]: pl. 397); Rhi (1991: pl. 45); Bhattacharyya (2002: no. 340, “AmitƗbha preaching in
Stele no. 11: Upper part of a multi-storied palace stele; from Muhammad Nari; Chandigarh Government
Museum and Art Gallery, Inv. no. 113786
Of this once very large stele only the upper part is preserved, showing rows of figures in three tiers,
the lowest tier at the same level as the central arch under which the central image once sat.
In the top row a stnjpa in the centre is flanked by a Buddha and a bodhisattva, both of them
emanating other figures. The stnjpa stands on a capital, has three base rings and four niches housing
Buddhas on the dome. Its massive parasols, at least seven, are supported by posts from the dome
and from them trail large ribbons. In the corners are four lion columns. To the left the meditating
Buddha seated under a parasol on a lotus with downturned petals emanates six more standing
Buddhas. In an identical composition the meditating bodhisattva on the right emanates six deities.
Of these only the ones on the left are preserved, the middle one of them identifiable as Skanda.87
To the sides of the lotuses of these two figures crouch two bodhisattvas with loosened hair in a
Formerly Lahore Museum with the same inventory number.
The top figure has been identified as Kubera (Bhattacharyya 2002: 112), but his attributes, an elongated pointed object held
hanging from the right hand in front of the legs and a bag in the left hand, are not entirely clear.
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Paul Harrison & Christian Luczanits
position reminiscent of ĝƗkyamuni’s primary vow in front of the Buddha DƯpaূkara.
On the middle level, just above the tip of the arch, are five single-celled pavilions separated by
columns. In the central building sits a Buddha on a lotus making the gesture of fearlessness
(abhayamudrƗ). The two bodhisattvas in the flanking pavilions are directed towards him. The
bodhisattvas in the outer pavilions face away from him, indicating that considerable portions are
lost at the sides as well (there were at least seven pavilions on this level, cf. Stele no. 12 below). All
the bodhisattvas on this level sit on thrones, not lotuses.
Flanking the central arch with peacocks on its roof are four pavilions (originally at least six). The
two inner ones each house a bodhisattva kneeling on the ground and facing towards the arch and
thus the central Buddha. The outer building, preserved only on the right, houses a teaching Buddha
upon a lotus. Enough remains of the next level down to establish the presence of six arched alcoves.
Grey schist; 76 x 95 cm.
Foucher (1905: fig. 78); Paul (1986: 171, no. 1137); Taddei (1987/2003: fig. 4); Rhi (1991: pl. 49);
Schlingloff (1991: fig. 45, tracing); Schlingloff (2000: II, 103, no. 19, tracing); Bhattacharyya
(2002: no. 341).
Stele no. 12: Multistoried palace-type stele; from Sahri Bahlol, Mound D (Exc. 1911–12); Peshawar
Museum, inv. no. 2771 (old nos. 1554, 60)
Stele found in parts and reassembled with substantial losses at the bottom. The composition is
divided into three tiers, the bottom composition with the main triad occupying almost two thirds of
the stele, a row of arches above it, and three separate structures at the top.
The central Buddha sits under a caitya arch on a rather simple lotus with elephants underneath,
which once offered lotuses with their trunks. Separated from him by Persepolitan columns two
attendant bodhisattvas, haloed, stand on lotuses with downturned petals. The bodhisattva to the left
with turban, the gesture of fearlessness (abhayamudrƗ) and lotus could be read as AvalokiteĞvara,
the one to the right with open hair, the gesture of giving (varadamudrƗ) and flask as Maitreya. The
quarter circles of the lower arch were occupied by two tiny haloed bodhisattvas perched on
elephant heads and venerating the Buddha (only the one on the left has survived), outside the lower
arch are balconies on each of which stand three women, without haloes but elaborately coiffeured.
Under the top of the arch two putti once held garlands above the Buddha’s head, but only one of
them is preserved. The top of the arch is flanked by two Buddha triads, a teaching Buddha
(obliterated on the right, but preserved on the left) flanked by a pair of meditating ones facing him,
all six seated on lotuses.
Similar arches (seven of them) house images on the next level up, where the centre is again taken
by a Buddha with abhayamudrƗ and holding the end of his dress. He is flanked by two Buddhas,
the one on the left meditating, the one on the right, only partly preserved, teaching. All three are
seated on lotuses. At each end are two bodhisattvas, the inner ones with loosely tied hair and sitting
cross-legged, the outer ones turbaned and in pensive posture. All of these sit on thrones, not on
The top row has a stnjpa in the centre flanked by two narrative episodes of the Buddha’s life, the
offering of dust and the vow in front of DƯpaূkara, both resulting in a prediction made by the
respective Buddha. In the outer corners bodhisattvas of the two types are shown teaching in
- 98 -
New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele
separate pavilions, seated on thrones with legs crossed at the ankles. Figures offering garlands
stand to either side and hover in the air above them.
Grey schist; 114.37 x 71.17 cm.
Hargreaves (1930: 98-99); Lyons & Ingholt (1957: 125–26, fig. 257); Miyaji (1985b: pl. VI, 1–3;
2008: figs. 1, 5 and 7); Kurita (1988/2003[I]: pl. 396); Rhi (1991: pl. 39; 2006: fig. 7.14);
Schlingloff (1991: fig. 44, tracing; 2000: II, 102, no. 25, tracing); Ali & Qazi (2008: 150–51).
Stele no. 13: Palace-type stele on lotus stand; from Loriyan Tangai88; Indian Museum, Calcutta, inv. no.
A 23484 (old 5090) (Figure 12)
Less complex palace-type stele with a teaching Buddha flanked by two bodhisattvas, originally
mounted on a lotus with downturned petals that was also found.89 Unusual is the projection on top
of the stele that once may have supported a parasol. The stele itself has essentially three tiers, the
central palace room with the main figures, the roof area flanked by two pavilions, and the lower
The large central palace room has three spaces, with the central area housing the Buddha taking up
the full height. The Buddha makes the dharmacakramudrƗ and sits on a double-petalled lotus with
elephants underneath. Above his head a twisted garland is flanked by ribbons. Separated from him
by Persepolitan columns are two seated bodhisattvas. The bodhisattva on the left sits with his legs
crossed at the ankles, holds the left hand in a gesture of communication towards the Buddha and
has the right one on the lap, where an outline of the flask he held is still visible. Presumably he is of
the brƗhma৆a type, as is indicated by his bare feet in relation to the sandaled ones of the second
bodhisattva. This figure is turbaned, of the pensive type—seated in royal ease (lalitƗsana) with his
head supported by his right hand—and holds a wreath in his lap. Both bodhisattvas sit on thrones
set on the floor, but the one on the left has a lotus for a footstool. Above each bodhisattva is a
balcony occupied by two females holding flower offerings.
The arch in the shape of a false gable in the centre of the top area is dedicated to the veneration of
the Buddha. In the top arch a standing Buddha is flanked by two adoring figures, while in the
extension below a couple of meditating Buddhas, their flat seats not clearly recognizable, are
flanked by kneeling adorers. Meditating Buddhas seated on lotus thrones also occupy the
single-celled, double-roofed side pavilions on this level. The central arch has a large finial above it,
with flying streamers preserved on the left side.
In the bottom frieze five putti carry an immense garland and at each end kneel two more figures in
añjali. The one on the left is a monk, while the one on the right is female.
Dark grey schist; 85.5 x 40.5 x 12.2 cm; height of c. one meter including the lotus base.90
Archival photos: Warburg Institute, London; Asian Art Museum, Collection of South, Southeast
and Central Asian Art, Berlin.
This attribution is given in Marshall (1960: fig. 122), while the photograph used in the thumb has a paper glued to the stele
saying it is from the Swat valley. In the early literature Loriyan Tangai is considered part of Swat.
An old photograph showing the stele mounted on the lotus is also preserved. It shows that the top decoration of streamers and
birds was fully intact when the piece was discovered.
Foucher (1917: description for pl. xxv, 1).
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Burgess (1900: fig. 25); Foucher (1905: 192, fig. 76; 1917: pl. xxv, 1)91; Majumdar (1937: 67–68,
pl. ix, c); Marshall (1960: 94–95, fig. 122); Miyaji (1985a: 90, fig. 18; 1985b: pl. IX, 1); Kurita
(1988/2003[I]: pl. 398); Nehru (1989: pl. 17); Rhi (1991: pl. 42); Schlingloff (1991: fig. 47,
tracing); Klimburg-Salter (1995: no. 133).
Stele no. 14: Fragmentary palace-type stele with a teaching Buddha and the Seven Buddhas and
Maitreya at the base; of unknown origin; private collection, Japan92
Fragmentary stele of a Buddha-field emphasising the palace architecture with a large teaching
Buddha in the centre. The flanking bodhisattvas are broken away; only the remains of their feet can
be seen.
In the arch above, a haloed kৢatriya-type bodhisattva with his right hand in abhayamudrƗ and the
left hand at the hip is surrounded by four figures, two of them turbaned but none with haloes. In the
centre the teaching Buddha sits on a rather crude double lotus flanked by male and female donors
kneeling on the ground; the male is a monk. On either side of the Buddha’s head haloed
bodhisattvas of the two types, or rather BrahmƗ and Indra, kneel under the arch with their hands
joined in veneration. Flying putti place a garland in front of the Buddha’s u‫۬܈‬Ư‫܈‬a. Remarkable are
the complex columns and the many animals and putti.
On the lower register the row of the Seven Buddhas and Maitreya is flanked by two females, the
one on the right holding blossoms in a cloth. All eight central figures are haloed, their haloes
bending like leaves behind their head. They are similarly depicted, but there is considerable
variation in their hairstyle and in the position of the hands. Maitreya makes the gesture of
fearlessness (abhayamudrƗ) and holds a flask.
Schist; 70 x 45 cm.
Exhibit (1985: no. 37); Kurita (1990/2003[II]: pl. 294), where the stele is attributed to the Swabi
Stele no. 15: Section of a palace-type stele with the palace growing out of a pond; of unknown origin
and location93
Of this rather flat stele with prominent architectural features in a composition similar to Stele no.
12, only the main section with the Buddha and one of the flanking bodhisattvas is preserved. The
elaborate palace is combined with the pond on which the palace stands, their relationship being
essentially undefined. The pond is filled with buds and beings, two of them underneath the inner
pillars, but none of these is discernible in details. The flanking bodhisattva stands on a lotus
blossom growing from the pond.
The squat teaching Buddha is stylistically unusual, a particularly strange feature being the
undulating hair line on the forehead. He sits under the remains of a false gable arch on a relatively
narrow lotus with downturned petals, his knees projecting considerably beyond its edges.
In this photograph the stele does not yet show the present damage!
There certainly remains some doubt with regard to the authenticity of this stele, but none of its unusual elements can be
qualified as entirely impossible.
Lyons & Ingholt (1957: 35) refers to this piece as “once on the art market in London”. Stylistically, this stele is very unusual,
but its condition and wear are strong indicators that it is indeed an authentic piece of GandhƗran art.
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New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele
Underneath the lotus are the heads of three elephants, one frontal and two at the sides. The
elephants on the side carry lotus flowers with kneeling and haloed devotees on them, presumably
bodhisattvas. 94 Persepolitan columns separate the Buddha’s space from that of the flanking
bodhisattvas. Here only the bodhisattva on the right is preserved, with his right hand in the gesture
of giving (varadamudrƗ) but oddly turned, and holding a flask in his left hand by its neck in an
unusual manner and higher than normal, at the height of the belly. His voluminous coiffure, with
parallel ridges on the large hair knot, is unusual as well. Above the bodhisattva an elaborate
balcony houses two women with offerings in separate compartments. In front of the balcony’s
railing are two birds.
Material and size unknown.
Lyons & Ingholt (1957: pl. xvi, 4).
Two Types in Comparison
As this short survey of relevant steles shows, most of the sophisticated complex steles come from only
two sites, Muhammad Nari and Sahri Bahlol. An analysis of the two types of steles from these two sites
reveals a number of significant differences:
The lotus pond-type stele always includes what could be called a revelation scene, i.e. a scene in
which a Buddha outside the actual Buddha-field and not seated on a lotus appears to be bringing
the content of the stele to the attention of a kneeling figure. This revelation invariably takes place
in the wilderness.
With the exception of this wilderness scene, all other elements of a lotus pond stele, including
the pavilions,95 are placed on lotus blossoms that theoretically grow out of the pond at the
bottom of the stele.
The audience of a lotus pond stele consists predominantly of bodhisattvas engaged in different
activities. Besides the veneration of the main Buddha, there is an emphasis on discourse and
communication. Solitary bodhisattvas may also be present, engaged in reflection, meditation and
On a lotus pond stele additional Buddhas are found only on the periphery and not in the main
Palace-type steles, by contrast, have additional Buddhas among the secondary figures
represented in direct relation to bodhisattvas.
In palace-type steles Buddhas sit on lotuses while bodhisattvas sit on seats or thrones or stand on
the ground.
Palace-type steles do not emphasize dialogue but solitary practice. There are no gestures of
dialogue between bodhisattvas. Each figure occupies his own architectural space.
But according to Lyons & Ingholt (1957: 128), Lnjhasudatta and his wife.
An exception is Stele no 2, in which the pavilions are not standing on lotuses, nor are any of the figures at the bottom of the
main scene.
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Only palace-type steles show scenes of the Buddha’s life on them. Also the connection to the
seven Buddhas on the past only occurs with palace-type steles.
Only palace-type steles have balconies, and these are invariably occupied by women without
Comparable steles of unknown origin or from other sites (or fragments of them) seldom reach the same
sophistication, but in many instances share the main differentiating characteristics listed here. While in
part obscuring the differentiation between the two types, they occasionally also help to understand the
relationship of the different elements on such steles. For example, steles with the revelation scene on the
level of the Buddhas and bodhisattvas emanating other beings, e.g. Stele no. 6 and Stele no. 7, may
indicate that those scenes are thought to lie beyond the actual Buddha-field as well.
If all steles considered so far, those from the two main sites and the comparable ones, are taken into
account the above characteristics are certainly statistically supported, even more so as it seems clear that
steles in which different elements are merged are commonly of a later manufacture than the steles from
the two main sites. Despite the differences visible in the two types, it is rather likely that the palace-type
stele is associated with water as well. This is not only indicated by the unusual Stele no. 15, which
literally has the palace standing on a pond, but also by the lotuses that support the Buddhas and
bodhisattvas on these steles as well. In addition, the elephants that occasionally appear as the supports of
the lotus are also associated with water. Last but not least, the whole palace may stand on a lotus (Stele
no. 13, Figure 12), distinguishing the divine from the royal.96
The blurring of the two types recognisable in some of the steles (e.g., Stele no. 9, which is unusually
small) may have been supported by the presence of a third type of complex stele focused on a
meditating Buddha emanating other standing Buddhas, typically eight of them, fanning out on either
side of his body. The main steles of this type are described here as well, under the rubric “emanation
Emanation-type Steles
Stele no. 16: Lotus pond-type stele with emanating Buddha; from Takht-i-Bahi (exc. 1908); formerly
Peshawar Museum (Figure 13)
The stele centres on a meditating Buddha seated on a throne and under a parasol ornamented with a
crescent moon; in this and other respects it is similar to Stele no. 7. The Buddha is haloed and
emanates eight Buddhas standing on lotus blossoms, four on each side. To the sides, two haloed
bodhisattvas stand on lotuses holding garlands. They appear to be of the two types but the
headdress of the bodhisattva on the right is not recognizable as a turban.
Above the parasol is the foliage of a jewel tree with three additional haloed Buddhas, a teaching
one flanked by two with their right arms in their monastic robe and the left holding an end of it.
This conforms to Chinese depictions of Buddha-fields, which tend to emphasize the water, although they are more
architecturally explicit and often have the palaces on piles in the water. In the case of the palace-type steles, it is also possible
that the ponds at the bottom reflect general Indian cosmological notions about the earth resting on a base of water.
Rhi (1991) uses the term “multiplication” to denote this type.
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New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele
Two haloed meditating Buddhas flank the parasol. All five of these Buddhas sit on lotuses.
The lower area is considerably damaged, and it is unclear if once a lotus supported the principal
Buddha’s throne. At the level of the throne he is flanked by two seated bodhisattvas directed
towards him. The lefthand bodhisattva is of the brƗhma৆a type and appears to hold an offering, the
bodhisattva on the right is of the kৢatriya type and holds a lotus blossom in the right hand.
Material and size unknown.
Archival photo: Warburg Institute, London.
Spooner (1911: pl. xliv, c); Foucher (1922: fig. 484); Lyons & Ingholt (1957: pl. xxi, 2); Kurita
(1988/2003[I]: pl. 391); Rhi (1991: pl. 46); Schlingloff (1991: figs. 37 and 38, tracing; 2000: II,
102, no. 14, tracing).
Stele no. 17: Unfinished lotus pond-type stele with emanating Buddha; from Takht-i-Bahi; remains at
site (?)98
This unfinished stele has a meditating Buddha in the centre and is cut off on the left side, with the
loss of the outermost figures. The Buddha is seated below a parasol on a double lotus supported by
elephants. The material left to the sides of the Buddha’s body was likely meant for emanating
Buddha figures (see the previous example). On each side of the lotus a standing figure (the right
one turbaned) raises an arm, presumably throwing an offering, while holding a garland in the left
hand. Further, a seated bodhisattva in the bottom right corner raises his arm to protect his eyes.
Two figures, represented as upper bodies only, flank the parasol, the left throwing flowers, the right
venerating. Above the central parasol, a jewel tree is flanked by two Buddhas seated on lotuses
under their own parasols, both with the gesture of fearlessness (abhayamudrƗ).
Grey schist; height 119.4 cm.
Lyons & Ingholt (1957: no. 263); Kurita (1988/2003[I]: pl. 394).
Stele no. 18: Lotus pond stele with emanating Buddha; from Sahri Bahlol, Mound C99; Karachi,
National Museum of Pakistan, Inv. no. 1734100
Stele with two clearly separated tiers, a large Buddha emanating smaller Buddhas in the upper part
and a bottom row with seated bodhisattvas in conversation.
The large meditating Buddha sits on a double lotus supported by elephants, the two at the sides
holding lotus flowers in their trunks that bear haloed figures kneeling with their hands extended in
veneration towards the Buddha. Above the Buddha are three blossoms of a jewel tree, beneath
which two flying putti101 hold a large parasol. The Buddha emanates standing Buddhas on lotuses,
four on each side, only the ones on the left being preserved. To the sides of the upper standing
Buddhas, two bodhisattva throw flowers towards the Buddha. Two more meditating Buddhas
seated on lotuses under parasols flank the jewel tree on top. On either side of the principal
Buddha’s lotus were two seated bodhisattvas, only the one on the left being preserved. He sits on a
According to Rhi (1991: 157 & n. 46), at that time only broken fragments remained in a storage building at the site.
This provenance is provided by Rhi (1991: pl. 5) and supported by Schlingloff (2000: I, 493). Higuchi (1984: no. I-9) gives the
provenance as Mardan.
Formerly Peshawar Museum, as shown by the Warburg photo of 1913–14.
These putti, like those of the Muhammad Nari stele, are winged.
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In the bottom frieze seven bodhisattvas seated side by side and engaged in conversation with each
other are flanked by two monks. Behind them we see two standing attendants and traces of a third.
Both types of bodhisattvas are equally represented, all are haloed and sit on thrones that stand on
lotuses deriving from a common pool. Of the bodhisattvas one sits in meditation, one holds a flask
and a third one a book. Among the others three share very similar gestures, raising one hand in the
direction of the principal Buddha above them and having the other hand palm up on the thigh.
Grey schist; 83 x 54 cm.
Archival photo: Warburg Institute, London.
Lyons & Ingholt (1957: pl. xx, 2); Bussagli (1984: 188); Higuchi (1984: no. I-9); Kurita
(1988/2003[I]: pl. 393); Rhi (1991: pl. 5); Schlingloff (1991: figs. 39, tracing; 2000: II, 102, no. 11,
Stele no. 19: Fragment of a lotus pond stele with emanating Buddha; of unknown origin; Government
Museum, Madras
The middle and bottom left corner section of a lotus pond-type stele. In the centre a now headless
meditating Buddha is seated on a lotus with large petals growing out of a pond on a bejewelled
stem. The Buddha once emanated five Buddhas standing on lotuses on each side, but only parts of
the group on the left survive. To the left of the lotus a smaller standing lay personage or bodhisattva
of the brƗhma৆a type has his hands raised in veneration. Behind him, a seated bodhisattva looks
towards the central Buddha, a flying putto holding a crown above his head. Both secondary figures
are on lotuses deriving from the common pond.
Material and size unknown.
Taddei (1969/2003: fig. 31, with caption referencing another piece; 1987/2003: fig. 2).
Compared with the two types characterized above, these steles are clearly less complex and distinctive,
but their details are closer to the lotus pond type. In addition, we have seen that an emanation scene
appears as a subordinate element more frequently in the lotus pond steles. Nevertheless, in none of the
examples found so far (i.e., in which the emanation is centre stage) is a revelation scene depicted. All
examples have a parasol immediately above the Buddha, in one case carried by putti. The Buddha is
always in dhyƗnamudrƗ. Emanation type steles usually do not have larger flanking bodhisattvas, and if
there are any (as with the two steles from Takht-i-Bahi), they are less pronounced than with the other
types. Further, all secondary figures in the respective section of the stele are directed towards the central
emanating Buddha. The secondary Buddhas found in the tree area are not emanating any further
Buddhas and are often of varying types. If any of the complex steles is to be associated with the Great
Miracle of ĝrƗvastƯ, it is this type. But here too the absence of a clear marker of this narrative and the
presence of attending bodhisattvas speaks against such an identification.
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New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele
Steles, Fragments and Triads
We have reviewed almost 20 pieces, but the number of complex steles documented in GandhƗran art is
considerably higher than this.102 Besides the fairly complete steles we have inventoried in this paper,
numerous fragments of such steles have been documented, and these easily triple the number of
surviving examples. While we have been unable to include these fragments in this study, we did use the
most informative of them to develop our typology and conclusions. Further, some of these fragments
indicate that the topic at hand was not only represented in the form of single steles, but likely also by
combining a number of stone panels into a larger composition, as has been done with larger false
window gables.
Further, it is important to keep in mind that the three types distinguished here are also represented in
simpler formats, the first two types in the form of triadic compositions, and the latter in the form of the
meditating Buddha emanating further Buddhas on lotuses. At present the exact relationship of these
triadic compositions to the complex steles in terms of chronology and succession is still unclear to us. It
is nevertheless useful to point out examples for each type and characterise their frequency and variation.
Among the triads, those of the lotus pond type are by far the most frequent, and Figure 6 can be
taken as an example of them, even if no water is indicated at the bottom of the stele. Other triads of this
type clearly reference the pond, such as Figure 14, which shows a similar composition with the gods in
the background exchanged. A number of them show additional bodhisattvas and Buddhas. All of the
triads share the jewel tree, some of them with figures in it, but none has putti crowning the Buddha with
a wreath, even if some of them are very close, such as a well known triad from Sahri Bahlol today in the
Peshawar Museum (Figure 15).103
Palace-type triads are comparatively rare and less closely associated with the complex steles of this
type. Due to the architecture they also lack the reference to BrahmƗ and Indra so frequently found with
lotus pond-type triads. An interesting example for such a triad, today in the Lahore Museum, shows the
teaching Buddha inside a pavilion flanked by two much smaller bodhisattvas (Figure 16). To the left is
the wreath-holding bodhisattva and to the right a bodhisattva of the brƗhma৆a type. All three are placed
on lotuses, the stems of the flanking bodhisattvas deriving from the main lotus. Between the figures,
immediately in front of the pillars, kneel two figures, a monk to the left and a female lay follower to the
right. As this rather unusual example indicates, the few palace-type triads preserved also vary
considerably. Another interesting example shows the Buddha flanked by two pensive bodhisattvas, the
Adding the triads, Rhi (1991: 5–6) arrives at a figure of around 130. See his list of images in Appendix 1 (pp. 194–206). Rhi’s
list includes some works whose authenticity might be doubted (see his comments in n. 8 on p. 3), but even if we exclude these,
the number is still high.
Buddha triad stele; from Sahri Bahlol (exc. 1906–07); Peshawar Museum, Inv. no. PM-2770 [old 158]: triad of a seated
teaching Buddha flanked by two large standing bodhisattvas; Buddha seated in meditation on a large lotus flower and under a
fanciful tree with a haloed garland-holder and, at least originally, two teaching bodhisattvas emerging from it; the bodhisattva
standing to the Buddha’s right with turban and wreath, the one to his left is of the Maitreya type, with loosely tied hair and
gesture of deference, the left arm holding the flask broken off; the busts of the gods BrahmƗ and Indra projecting from the
background at shoulder level, BrahmƗ on the left with gesture of deference and flask, Indra on the right with kirƯ‫ܒ‬a and
thunderbolt; two meditating bodhisattvas in pavilions above. Grey schist, 57 x 49 x 11 cm. Previously published in, e.g., Lyons
& Ingholt (1957: fig. 254); Kurita (1988/2003[I]: pl. 403; Exhibit (2008: no. 203); Miyaji (2008: figs. 2, 4 and 6).
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left one holding a book, the right one a bunch of flowers (Figure 17). The Buddha’s lotus seat is flanked
by what appear to be two figures, an older man with a rhyton along his arm, just as in the Muhammad
Nari stele, and a corpulent being possibly holding a snake and representing a nƗga. Further a monk and a
woman are kneeling in veneration of the Buddha behind them.104
Simpler forms of emanation-type steles are not triadic compositions, but panels showing the
emanating Buddha (Figure 18). From Peshawar Museum alone eight such representations are known.105
In most cases these were originally part of larger compositions, and are thus generally to be counted
among the fragments of complex steles.
To conclude, art-historically three types of complex steles have to be differentiated, for all of which
simpler formats also exist. While these three types are clearly distinguished, their dependence on artistic
conventions also makes them share numerous elements. This picture can, of course, be refined still
further by looking at all the steles and the fragments available in relation to the sites where they were
found and in their chronological development and interrelation. This remains a future task. The
following discussion of the evidence can thus only be taken as preliminary and mainly considers the
larger phenomenon represented by these steles.
6. Discussion of the Evidence
In the following discussion we can only address a limited number of the issues raised above at the
end of our survey of previous studies of the Muhammad Nari stele. Taking full account of existing
descriptions of the Buddha domains SukhƗvatƯ and Abhirati, including the as yet untranslated Earlier
Recension of the LSukh, we will explore the possible relationships between these texts and the three
types of complex stele we have isolated. The considerable variation between the types and even within
each type and the many different motifs they share with each other and with the textual sources indicate
that we cannot expect a close text-image relationship with a one-to-one correspondence. On the contrary,
it may well be that much of what is shown in a stele is not reflected as such in any text, and vice versa:
textual and visual tropes differ considerably from each other, since much of what a text describes may
be impossible to depict and, as has been shown already, depictions follow their own conventions, which
have, in a sense, a life of their own. At the same time an identification may conceivably be possible on
the basis of a single distinctive feature alone. It is time, therefore, to embark on a general analysis of the
steles’ main topics and themes.
Before doing so, we should make it clear that at this point we can infer very little about the contents
of any of the complex steles from their provenance or their date. In a later version of this paper we hope
to address these questions more systematically. Suffice it to say here that most of the steles appear to be
This triad from Loriyan Tangai is in the Indian Museum, Kolkata, and apparently has in the meantime lost most of the figures
flanking the lotus (see Miyaji 1985b: pl. XI, 1; 2008: fig. 17; Rhi 2006: fig. 7.15). For other palace-type triads see, e.g.,
Schlingloff (1991: fig. 44, tracing), showing a palace-type triad with two additional meditating Buddhas of unknown origin
recorded from the Gai Collection, Peshawar.
Ali & Qazi (2008: 166–173). There are more on these pages, since the authors do not differentiate between emanating
Buddhas and emanating bodhisattvas.
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New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele
products of the later period of GandhƗran art in stone,106 and that, where we do know their provenance,
most of them come from a fairly narrow range of sites: Muhammad Nari, Sahri Bahlol, Takht-i-Bahi and
Mardan (these four are very close together, Sahri Bahlol being one kilometre from Takht-i-Bahi), with
just a few outliers from Loriyan Tangai and YƗkubi (Swabi). That is to say that there is a significant
concentration in the Peshawar Basin north of the Kabul River.107 It is too early to say what this means,
but one thing is obvious: a considerable degree of wealth would have been required to pay the artists
who produced such a large array of complex and ornate pieces, some of which may have taken months
to complete, and their workshops would have required a handsome infrastructure. It is perhaps not
surprising that the donors would have wanted their own images put into the picture, but in any case,
from a technical and thematic point of view, these are hardly the sort of works that would have been
produced by solitary artists working in remote locations. They indicate a thriving artistic milieu with
high levels of patronage. But even if we accept this, it does not help us to determine what these pieces
mean: for that we have no alternative but to look at the steles themselves, as we have tried to do.
Other Buddhas, Other Worlds
What all three stele types have in common is that they depict a situation which is not of this world,
which is extraordinary, even supernatural, in particular by virtue of the multiplication of their main
protagonists, but in each type this is achieved by different means with different, although
complementary, implications.
For the lotus pond steles, the display or revelation motif is a crucial element in this regard, insofar as
it marks the difference between two worlds explicitly. In a majority of the examples, somewhere in the
upper right-hand region of the stele, we find a small narrative scene, showing a Buddha in conversation
with a monk in an attitude of reverence.108 This Buddha gestures towards the larger Buddha in the
centre of the stele, revealing him and his entourage to the monk, and at the same time indicating to us a
qualitative distinction of buddhahood between this revealing Buddha and the main Buddha. The contrast
between the two types of buddhahood is further emphasized by the presence of VajrapƗ৆i109 in the
revelation scene, while divinities or bodhisattvas flank the Buddha in the main area, and it is also
underscored by the locale of the revelation. While the revealing Buddha sits more or less on the ground
or on a grass-strewn seat in a natural environment, commonly with an indication that this is the
wilderness,110 the main Buddha is enthroned on high in an unnatural but auspicious environment.111
Rhi (1991: 10) puts most of them in the period from the mid-3rd to the early 5th centuries, a span of little more than 150 years
(see also ibid. p. 4, n. 10).
For more detailed comments on the distribution of these pieces and its possibly historical significance see Rhi (2003:
179–185). Rhi (1991: 156–159) also presents some interesting reflections on the possible physical context of the complex
steles at the relevant sites.
In most cases this figure is damaged, but Stele no. 2 shows clearly that he is a bhik‫܈‬u.
VajrapƗ৆i generally functions in GandhƗran art as an iconographical marker of ĝƗkyamuni, and is seldom found with other
In the case of the Muhammad Nari stele, this takes the form of two animals in caves in the rock-face beneath the Buddha’s
seat. Here the sculptor appears to have borrowed a convention from the IndraĞailaguhƗ depictions (see, e.g., Lyons & Ingholt
1957: fig. 129, and Marshall 1960: fig. 118) to indicate, as Huntington suggests, the G৚dhraknj৬a, the site of the preaching of the
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There can be no doubt that these two Buddha representations are an expression of two different types of
buddhahood, that of a nirmƗ۬akƗya Buddha active in this world and that of a more exalted
Buddha-manifestation beyond our common world, whether one chooses to call it saۨbhogakƗya or not.
The representation on lotus pond steles of additional emanating Buddhas adds further force to the
distinction between the two types.112
In emanation-type steles a different form of buddhahood is already implicit in the main image and
his emanations (nirmƗ۬a). Obviously, there is a qualitative difference between the main meditating
Buddha and his standing emanations, radiating from him like rays of light, the perfect visual trope to
represent the concept of nirmƗ۬a. Besides the emanations, this type of stele commonly also has
additional Buddhas represented in the upper area. Since these are shown above the parasol honouring
the main Buddha, they might be considered as being outside his actual domain, but it is also possible to
think of them as further manifestations, perhaps at a greater distance, of the central figure. No attempt is
made, however, to link these Buddhas visually or conceptually to the main Buddha.
In the Muhammad Nari stele, the two smaller emanating Buddhas in the top corners can be seen as
indicating the central Buddha’s activity directed outwards. We do not believe that Huntington’s reading
(1980: 659–660), which links them with AmitƗbha’s emission of light, is the only possible one or even
the most plausible, since the ER of the LSukh also makes it quite clear that AmitƗbha will send
nirmƗ۬as of himself to those devotees who lack the prerequisites for a personal visitation and reception
at the time of death, and he will also send visions of himself into the dreams of those less fortunate (see
above, under Point 6).113
Multiple Buddhas are also present in the palace-type steles: besides the main Buddha in the main
niche, additional Buddhas, often with their own flanking bodhisattvas, occur on all levels of these steles.
Again, it is not clear what their relationship is to the central figure. The Buddha active in this world is
here represented through the narrative scenes from the Buddha’s life and the row of the Seven Buddhas
and Maitreya found on two of these steles.
Since there can be no two Buddhas in the same world at the same time, the additional Buddhas
represented on complex steles that are not clearly to be interpreted as nirmƗ۬as of the central figure have
to be of a different world. Complex steles thus represent more a matrix of Buddha domains, than a
single one. This type of multiplicity therefore has to be understood spatially rather than in quality or
temporally.114 Such a spatial relationship is also hinted at by the peripheral location for additional
Rhi (2008: 259) makes the point that the lotus throne of AmitƗbha is mentioned neither in the LSukh or in the SSukh,
although it is prominent in the Guan jing. This is true, but one could say that protocol demands that AmitƗbha should sit higher
than his followers, and not on the ground.
It may be significant that, as far as we know, there are no absolutely indisputable examples of emanating Buddhas who are
not seated on lotuses. Two doubtful cases included in this study are Stele no. 6 (smaller figure on upper left) and Stele no. 16
(central Buddha).
Huntington’s argument has been quite rightly called in question by Quagliotti (1996a: 284, 287), but in our view the problem
is that he is referring to the wrong part of the text (and to the wrong recension of it). Quagliotti’s attempt to see this as an
allusion to ĝrƗvastƯ strikes us as somewhat forced.
As the representations of the Seven Buddhas and Maitreya in a row indicate, the temporal relationship between Buddhas is
expressed by showing them in a row.
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Buddhas on lotus pond steles, and the multistoried composition of the palace-type steles with their
references to divine architecture (see above). Thus, while lotus pond-type and emanation-type steles are
clearly the domain of a single Buddha, with any reference to other domains in their upper areas,
palace-type steles need to be read as a multiplicity of domains, the central one emphasised. They are in a
way cosmic palaces.
The spatial relationship embedded in the multiplication of Buddhas also implies that not everything
represented on a stele is to be understood spatially as actually part of the main subject, the Buddha and
his domain. This is particularly relevant in the interpretation of the adoring figures at the bottom of some
lotus pond steles. Here often a distinction is made between haloed figures and those without haloes, the
latter to be interpreted as not fully part of the main scene even though they too may be represented on
It may well be that all three types assume the pond and/or the lotus as the seat of everything
represented within a Buddha’s domain. We have already noted that the palace-type steles are also
associated with water, as indicated by the unusual Stele no. 15 and the elephants that occasionally
support the main Buddha’s lotus. The stnjpas in the top centre of some palace steles are themselves
represented on lotuses or acanthus leaves. These are vegetal indicators of the supernatural, as is the sheer
size and shape of some of the lotuses on which the main Buddha is seated, with their bejewelled stems
and many layers of petals. In simpler versions the fleshy lotus is commonly replaced by a flatter one
with down-turned petals.
Returning to the revelation motif, it is fair to say that this was the lynchpin of Huntington’s attempt
to link the Muhammad Nari stele with the SukhƗvatƯ tradition, and with the LSukh in particular
(Huntington 1980: 658). Quagliotti saw it differently, as a reference to the IndraĞailaguhƗ episode, but
still recognised in it the revelation of a different order of reality (1996a: 282–285). While it is possible
that the artist borrowed the detail of the animals in caves from depictions of that episode (see above), we
find Quagliotti’s reading unconvincing (and in the end impossible to follow), chiefly because the
Buddha is not in a cave, and the figure with the vajra whom she reads as Indra appears only as an
attendant: the Buddha’s interlocutor is the monk.
Somewhat more cogent alternative explanations have been offered by Schopen (1987: 117, n. 50;
2005: 262, n. 50) and, following him, by Rhi (2003: 173–174; 2008: 256), pointing to other texts where
ĝƗkyamuni shows Abhirati to Ɩnanda or ĝƗriputra. These counter-arguments would be much more
convincing if the contents of the stele tallied in any way with the textual descriptions of Abhirati, but
they do not (see below). We might also add that what ĝƗriputra is shown in the Ak‫܈‬obhyavynjha,
according, e.g., to T 313 (11: 759c6ff), is the Buddha Akৢobhya surrounded by all his disciples, i.e.
ĞrƗvakas, who in this context would have to be monks. It is a similar situation with the vision of Abhirati
shown to Ɩnanda and the rest of the audience in the PrajñƗpƗramitƗ texts: they see Akৢobhya with his
assemblies of bhik‫܈‬us and bodhisattvas (bhik‫܈‬usaۨghapariv‫܀‬taۨ bodhisattvaga۬apurask‫܀‬taۨ), and this
is made quite clear even in Lokakৢema’s translation of the A‫ܒ܈‬asƗhasrikƗ (see T 224, 8: 469a18–22).
Furthermore, Schopen’s point about VajrapƗ৆i having a connection with Akৢobhya and not with
AmitƗbha is irrelevant, since VajrapƗ৆i is not with the central Buddha in any case. Finally, the presence
of female figures in the foreground has already been accounted for, at least to our satisfaction. All this
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means that Schopen’s claim that “[t]here is, in fact, probably more ”evidence” to suggest that it [the
stele] represents Abhirati than there is to suggest that it represents SukhƗvatƯ” cannot be substantiated,
and that Huntington’s linking of the stele’s revelation scene with the display episode in the LSukh
remains the most plausible explanation so far.
Domains of Activity
The main Buddhas in the steles are always active in some sense, either teaching or generating
emanations out of their meditative state. Secondary Buddhas are less engaged if they are not revealing
the main Buddha to a disciple (only on lotus pond-type steles) or emanating smaller Buddhas standing
on lotuses themselves. Besides these main types of seated Buddhas and their standing emanations,
palace- and emanation-type steles may also show standing Buddhas in the group of the seven Buddhas
of the past (see Steles nos. 10 and 14), or in key scenes of the Buddha’s life (see Steles nos. 12 and 13).
These do not stand on lotuses and their context implies that they are nirmƗ۬akƗya representations. In
groups of standing Buddhas the hands of the individual figures are held in different ways but there is no
obvious iconographic meaning attached to these postures. Palace- and emanation-type steles may also
show additional seated Buddhas with the gesture of fearlessness (abhayamudrƗ) or with their right
hands in their robes (see Stele no. 16).115 In all our examples there is not one case where the main
Buddha is not seated on a lotus (except for Stele no. 16, where the throne is lost). This is also true for the
smaller Buddhas, with the singular exception of the revelation scenes. Further, all Buddhas are haloed.
The main Buddha is clearly set into a miraculous environment, his lotus is bejewelled, the tree
shading him carries large pearl garlands and half-bodied beings holding symbols of royal status above
him. At times, elephants support the lotus and offer lotus blossoms with their trunks. Further, winged or
wingless flying putti hold a parasol above the Buddha or crown him with a wreath. This latter motif
clearly derives from Western precedents, not only because of the putti themselves, but also in terms of
the wreath and the crowning motif, which were new to South Asia at that stage. This motif is most
frequently found on lotus pond steles, occurs occasionally on lotus-type triads and on palace-type steles
as well. The classical Western connotation of the wreath on the head is victory and/or kingship, but it
may also signify the qualification to teach the dharma.116
Only in lotus pond steles is there also a clear reference to the splendour of the Buddha, the light he
emits. Characteristically it is a bodhisattva in the bottom row close to the Buddha who raises his arm in
front of his eyes. On the Muhammad Nari stele, the same gesture is even depicted a second time in the
upper left corner with a bodhisattva gazing towards the emanating Buddha in the corner there. This
double usage may be read as supporting the idea that the emanating Buddhas in the corners actually
This seems to be a seated variant of a depiction more common with standing Buddha images and deriving from the way the
Roman toga is sometimes depicted.
The crowning motif of the teaching Buddha flanked by a pair of brƗhma৆a- and kৢatriya-type bodhisattvas also mimics the
arrangement of a royal court, where the king would sit between his two chief ministers, who may be either brƗhma৆as or
kৢatriyas. However, this is arguably mimicry of mimicry, since what we are seeing here may well reflect Indian notions about
the rulers of the gods and their celestial palaces, which themselves derive from earthly models. Bautze-Picron (2010: 14–17),
who discusses the motif in some detail, with the Muhammad Nari stele as a key example, interprets the wreath as a reference
to the Buddha’s glorification. Cf. also Huntington (1980: 668–669).
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represent separate Buddha domains. However, an alternative reading would be to link this bodhisattva to
the revelation scene on the other side, which he balances, and to read him as reacting to the light which
the central Buddha radiates outwards as a result of Ɩnanda’s request to ĝƗkyamuni—not the primary
and constant radiance, as with the bodhisattva closer to the Buddha, but a specific beam in response to
an external need, similar in nature to the emanating Buddhas above.117
Also the bodhisattvas represented in complex steles are active in many ways. While usually the
focus of their activity is either directed towards a Buddha or they are solitary, on lotus pond-type
depictions the bodhisattvas are also engaged with each other in various ways, even though, in line with
the passage of the LSukh (ER) which we cited above, each sits or stands atop his own lotus, with few
exceptions in which a lotus is shared. We have already looked at the more general aspects of this
interaction in the section on artistic conventions. It thus suffices here to focus on some of the more
interesting details of their activities. The most common bodhisattva activities are adoration, raising the
hands in añjali, and offering something to the Buddha. Bodhisattvas in the lower area of a lotus
pond-type stele are further engaged in discussion with the Buddha and with each other, the latter
expressed in many variants. Prominent among the bodhisattvas engaged in discussion with fellow
bodhisattvas—and usually not focussing on the Buddha at all—are those holding a book. On the
Muhammad Nari stele large books are—or were—held by two brƗhma৆a-type bodhisattvas in the
second row from the bottom, both engaged in conversation with their immediate neighbour, who
appears to be listening.118 We could say that this is much more consistent with the ER of the LSukh,
describing as it does the “horizontal interaction” of many of the bodhisattvas in AmitƗbha’s assembly,
even to the extent of their discussing the snjtras they have read (see above, Point 5). However, not all
book-holding bodhisattvas on comparable steles are engaged in conversation. 119 Further, many
bodhisattvas on lotus pond steles hold lotus flowers, some of them as if poised to make offerings of
The isolated bodhisattvas in the upper area of lotus pond steles represent the activities of meditation,
reflection and teaching, which occur on other stele types as well. Of these the meditating bodhisattvas
are the least frequent. On lotus pond steles isolated meditating bodhisattvas occur not far from the main
Buddha’s head, while others may be represented at the edge of the assembly facing in. On some steles,
both of the lotus pond type (Stele no. 7) and of the palace type (Stele no. 11), meditating bodhisattvas
By this reading—admittedly speculative—the bodhisattva is looking upwards at the emanation scene, rather than towards the
central Buddha, to indicate his response to the miracle of light sent out of the domain by the Buddha in a meditative state (in
the same way that the nirmƗ۬a forms are sent out) .
This feature is obscured somewhat by the damage to the stele, but the intact books are still visible in the historical
photographs (see above). Books certainly were represented on other steles of this type as well, but have broken off in most
cases. E.g. on Stele no. 2 the outer bodhisattvas in the second row from the bottom may have held books, and on Stele no. 3
book-holding bodhisattvas may have been in the bottom corners.
In our view it is the concomitance of holding a book and being in conversation which is significant here. However, in the
Musée Guimet fragment of a lotus pond-type stele from Mardan the book-holding bodhisattva appears not to be relating to any
other figure.
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emanate different high beings, Buddhas as well as Hindu gods. In this occupation they almost equal a
Buddha and in the steles they are represented at the same level as the emanating Buddha.120
Teaching bodhisattvas equally presuppose an exalted notion of a bodhisattva’s activity. While it can
be assumed that the first bodhisattva depicted teaching was the future Buddha Maitreya, this imagery
only developed at a stage of GandhƗran art that is practically contemporary with the complex steles. In
the steles, the teaching bodhisattvas are rather types than distinctive individuals, as nicely demonstrated
by the Muhammad Nari stele, which has a teaching bodhisattva of both the brƗhma৆a and kৢatriya types.
Each is enthroned within his own pavilion and attended by a pair of bodhisattvas. This might be
interpreted as a kind of “flash-forward” representation of the future teaching careers of AvalokiteĞvara
and MahƗsthƗmaprƗpta, who, as we have seen, play a slightly larger part in the ER of the LSukh (see
above, Point 4), and these two may also be intended by the matched pair of bodhisattvas flanking the
Buddha.121 That the teaching bodhisattvas are much smaller than the majority of the figures and located
to the sides may indicate that they are “out-of-frame” elements of the composition, although the sculptor
has still taken care to set them upon lotuses, to indicate that they belong to this realm or level of reality
Pensive bodhisattvas are clearly most frequent on complex steles. They occur not only alone in
single-celled pavilions near the top of the composition, but also among the larger crowd on the lotus
pond steles. These two variants of pensive bodhisattvas may actually have different meanings.122 While
the bodhisattva in the crowd is clearly in a mood of reflection, those in separate pavilions may be
conveying an entirely different mood when interpreted in the light of the description of SukhƗvatƯ in the
ER of the LSukh. The two bodhisattvas sitting within pavilions in the top register of the Muhammad
Nari stele, in the “pensive pose” but holding offerings in the hand not placed against the cheek, may
conceivably be interpreted as representations of the doubters of classes 2 and 3, temporarily confined in
an otherworldly form of house arrest (see above, Point 6). Certainly their placement is suggestive, both
if we interpret the top as the most distant from the conceptual centre, and if we observe their proximity
to the images of the Buddha emanating nirmƗ۬as of himself (to those of class 2, who have fulfilled less
stringent requirements?). Equally suggestive is the fact that of all the figures in the stele they are the
most conspicuously self-absorbed and isolated. We might therefore read the pensive pose in this context
as indicating dejection rather than deep thought: these bodhisattvas have offerings, but immured in their
palaces remote from the centre where the action is taking place, they cannot yet present them to the
It is an interesting but puzzling fact that in GandhƗran depictions Buddhas only emanate Buddhas but bodhisattvas always
emanate a variety of high beings including one Buddha and a number of Hindu gods.
Cf. Huntington (1980: 666–667), who is forced to conclude that the stele “does not belong to a tradition of SukhƗvatƯ in
which the two Bodhisattvas were emphasized.”
Much hinges on how we read the so-called “pensive pose” itself. Does it show deep reflection or dejection? On this subject
see, e.g., Miyaji (1985a), Quagliotti (1996b).
Cf. Huntington (1980: 663) for a different reading. The ER of the LSukh is quite clear that everybody in SukhƗvatƯ is reborn
in a lotus, including those sentenced to a term of solitary confinement.
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Other types of figures in the steles are engaged in acts of devotion. Women on balconies (palace type
only) and figures flanking the lotus stem throw flowers at the Buddha or hold offerings ready to present.
On lotus pond steles in front of the water, and thus certainly meant as outside the picture proper,
devotees are attending to incense burners and additional nƗgas are engaged in adoration.
Women generally occur in peripheral, marginalized positions only. On lotus pond-type steles they
occur among the couples to the sides of the lotuses. These figures are invariably without haloes and thus
can be read as actually outside the domain represented on the stele or just about to be reborn into it. The
only exception to this is Stele no. 2, where a haloed city goddess is depicted among the gods flanking
the main Buddha. On palace-type steles, women also populate the balconies within the stele, a position
traditionally occupied by them. There, too, the women are represented without halos and thus do not
have the same status as the other exalted beings represented.
Across all three types we notice a pattern: where the stele is divided into two or more separate panels,
female donors tend to be confined to the lowest panel, although there are exceptions. Where, however,
the stele is single-panel, these women have to be accommodated near the bottom of it.
Here too we might well reason that the sculptors of the lotus pond-type steles have tried as best they
could to remain true to the idea of SukhƗvatƯ as a paradigmatically all-male domain. Once we rise from
the base, we find there are no women in the main assembly: all the bodhisattvas are male, and even the
tree beings and the putti are male (cf. Point 1 above). Indeed, except for the putti and their wings, all
these beings look similar, exactly as promised in the LSukh, which asserts that everybody in SukhƗvatƯ
looks the same, and that there is no distinction, except in name, between gods and human beings. In the
ER this absence of distinction is explicitly affirmed between ĞrƗvakas (whom one might normally
expect to be depicted as monks) and bodhisattvas.
If, then, we had a mind to follow Huntington, Fussman and Quagliotti in seeing the Muhammad
Nari stele (and others like it) as a depiction of SukhƗvatƯ, then we could say that there is an even better
fit between it and the ER of the text. But what of other possibilities? What of Schopen's contention that
“[t]here is, in fact, probably more ”evidence” to suggest that it [the stele] represents Abhirati than there
is to suggest that it represents SukhƗvatƯ. But in truth it probably represents neither.”124 Here, as we
have already suggested, we need to pay closer attention to the descriptions of Abhirati in the
Ak‫܈‬obhyatathƗgatasyavynjha and elsewhere, reviewed above, and ask ourselves whether any of the
features most typical of that Buddha-field appear: the women, the triple staircase, the congregation of
ĞrƗvakas, the Bodhi tree with its vedikƗ. They are indeed conspicuous by their absence. There is a tree in
the stele, but it does not look like a Bodhi tree.
It is thus arguably not the case that there is more evidence to suggest that the Muhammad Nari stele
depicts Abhirati, and so Schopen’s first claim must be rejected.125 As to his second assertion (“But in
truth it probably represents neither”), the question then arises, if neither, then what else? If no other
See Schopen (1987: 117, n. 50/2005: 262, n. 50).
He makes much of the presence of the two female figures at the base of the stele, but, as we have indicated previously, this
question has been adequately addressed by both Huntington and Fussman, who both argue that they stand outside the main
frame of the composition.
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specific Buddha-field has been proposed as a candidate, one is left with the hypothesis of a “generic
Buddha-field,” whatever that may mean. However, as Schopen’s own work has demonstrated (Schopen
1977), both SukhƗvatƯ and Abhirati came to be paradigmatic Buddha-fields, the former paradigmatically
all-male and flat, the latter with women and the more conventional topography.126 This would mean not
only that any field like SukhƗvatƯ or like Abhirati would be indistinguishable from them, unless
explicitly labelled—the textual descriptions would be the same, so too, presumably, the artistic
representations—but that the notion of a generic Buddha-field is in effect unsustainable: we could only
have a generic SukhƗvatƯ-style Buddha-field and a generic Abhirati-style Buddha-field. And it is hard to
avoid the conclusion that the SukhƗvatƯ-style Buddha-field would look very like our lotus pond type. It
may not follow, however, that the palace type is a depiction of Abhirati, but that is something requiring
further consideration.
7. Conclusion
It is plain enough that we are far from fully understanding this aspect of GandhƗran sculpture, but
we hope that by taking a more comprehensive approach to the complex steles, some things are clearer
than before. Although our focal point has been the Muhammad Nari stele, by isolating the lotus pond
type we have tried to sharpen our perception of its contents, which, when set against those of the palace
type, stand out more clearly. Moving beyond a concern with a specific text-image relationship, to say
nothing of distinguishing particular characters on the basis of their attributes, we have to ask what a
depiction of a Buddha enthroned on a lotus surrounded by a host of male bodhisattvas, also on lotuses,
might be, if not firstly, a reflection of MahƗyƗna Buddhism, and secondly, a depiction of AmitƗbha in
SukhƗvatƯ, the paradigmatic all-male environment, the ideal world for hearing the Dharma and making
offerings to the Buddha? To counter that this is an epiphany of ĝƗkyamuni, or the “Miracle of Great
Light,” whether based on the Saddharmapu۬‫ڲ‬arƯka or any other MahƗyƗna snjtra, is of course to accept
that we have here a product of the MahƗyƗna, but beyond that is not particularly convincing. If we take
the epiphany to imply a vision of the Buddha about to preach the Lotus, for example, then where are the
other members of the audience, especially the ĞrƗvakas, who always appear as bhik‫܈‬us? With the
exception of the solitary monk in the revelation scene, bhik‫܈‬us are singularly absent from all our steles,
except occasionally in donor position, to say nothing of bhik‫܈‬u۬Ưs. If we go on to examine the
descriptions of the wonders the Buddha performs at the beginning of many MahƗyƗna snjtras, we will
find that they do not after all tally very well with what the Muhammad Nari stele shows us either.127 To
postulate, on the other hand, that the stele portrays a generic Buddha-field does not take us very far
either, since we have already seen that it has too many specific features suggestive of SukhƗvatƯ, and at
the same time it lacks one of the defining features of Abhirati, which is women in their quarters,
something we see in the very centre of the palace-type steles, which in this respect contrast very sharply
with the lotus pond type, and indicate a deliberate avoidance of this feature by the artists who produced
A telling illustration of the paradigmatic function of Abhirati recently surfaced in the fragments of a MahƗyƗna snjtra in the
GƗndhƗrƯ language and Kharoৢ৬hƯ script from Bajaur currently being worked on by Ingo Strauch. See, e.g., Strauch (2010).
Conspicuously absent are the myriad Buddhas of the cosmos seated on lotuses and teaching the Dharma (as in the case of the
Saddharmapu۬‫ڲ‬arƯka). One might also ask why, if this is an epiphany or a miracle, are so many figures in the composition
paying no attention.
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New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele
the lotus ponds. In addition, it is only the palace type that is associated with different scenes of the life of
the Buddha, thus possibly indicating that the represented domain is somehow more closely connected
with this world than the lotus type. However, we do not on that basis draw the conclusion that the palace
type is Abhirati, since apart from the presence of women the steles lack the specific details which might
support this.
Similar considerations apply to the triads, which we have suggested are simpler versions, and the
earliest of them possible predecessors, of the complex steles. Here again one’s presuppositions tend to
determine the outcome. If we read the Buddha as ĝƗkyamuni, and the flask-bearing brƗhma৆a-type
bodhisattva to one side as Maitreya, then the kৢatriya-type bodhisattva on the other side may be
identified as SiddhƗrtha, at least if he shows abhayamudrƗ with the right hand and has his left hand on
his hip, and we come out with a linear schema of past-present-future to explain what all three are doing
together. But even in a very optimistic assessment, only a small minority of the triads could be
interpreted that way,128 and there is considerable variation in them, especially with the kৢatriya-type
bodhisattva. If this bodhisattva has a garland or a blossom, he tends to be read as AvalokiteĞvara, which
makes the composition difficult to explain in terms of the interrelationship of the represented
individuals.129 We therefore presume that even though the bodhisattva representations in the triads are
of fairly consistent iconographic types that do suggest individual identities,130 triadic compositions have
to be interpreted in ways that do not solely depend on the individual identification of the bodhisattvas
but also consider their more general meaning as representatives of the two bodhisattva types. Given the
importance of succession and the continuity of Buddhist teaching permeating the literature (for example
the ER analysed above) and art (such as the representation of successive Buddhas and the Seven
Buddhas of the Past and Maitreya) of the first centuries of our era, it is likely that the flanking
bodhisattvas have to be interpreted in this way as well. Maitreya’s presence certainly stands for the
continuation of Buddhism in our world, and the Buddha following him would be of the kৢatriya class as
well. If the bodhisattva types are reversed—and assuming that the wreath- or lotus-holder is indeed to be
interpreted as AvalokiteĞvara—we have the succession scenario of a world like AmitƗbha’s SukhƗvatƯ,
where the kৢatriya-type bodhisattva is the immediate successor and the brƗhma৆a type follows. This
would conform to the succession scenario described in the ER. If this interpretation is right there is no
reason why a triad should not represent AmitƗbha with AvalokiteĞvara and MahƗsthƗmaprƗpta, or
indeed some other Buddha with his lieutenants, the bodhisattvas being merely depicted in accordance
with artistic convention as being of the two types, reflective of the two highest classes in Indian society,
which together constitute, one supposes, the most suitable pool for future Buddhas. Especially when all
three are mounted on lotuses, why should this not indicate another order of reality, or a different level of
Among the 47 examples Miyaji (2008) analysed only two clearly represent the SiddhƗrtha type.
For an example of this way of reading such triads, leading to the conclusion that, given the presence of Maitreya, the Buddha
must be ĝƗkyamuni, and is “hardly identifiable as AmitƗbha,” see Rhi (2003: 166–167).
In his 2006 article, Rhi clearly stakes out his position (p. 151, n. 5): “Unlike Buddha images, representations of bodhisattvas
carried clearly readable iconographic signs that revealed their identity.”
We set aside here the issue of whether Buddhists during the period these works were made and used may in their ritual
practice have been rather more relaxed and loose about the identity of their images than we tend to be, and may not have cared
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Paul Harrison & Christian Luczanits
Thus, in our interpretation, not every flask-bearer in a subordinate position is necessarily Maitreya,
but his depiction carries the significance of Maitreya as the future Buddha of the brƗhma৆a caste.
Similarly, not every bodhisattva with a book necessarily represents MañjuĞrƯ, and not every one with a
lotus needs to be AvalokiteĞvara, but their iconography carries some of the meanings for which these
bodhisattvas stand.
Looking at the problem from another angle, any GandhƗran sculptor faced with the challenge of
representing AvalokiteĞvara and MahƗsthƗmaprƗpta as the chief attendants of AmitƗbha would have had
little option but to cast them in familiar terms and in accordance with the succession conventions. In
addition, the kৢatriya-type bodhisattva needed to be distinguished from the all too familiar image of
SiddhƗrtha, and thus received an attribute, the wreath, held in a way very similar to Maitreya’s flask. In
this scenario the wreath can be explained as a symbol of succession and the new image carries the
significance of the future Buddha from the kৢatriya class. Its replacement by the lotus and the depiction
of the Buddha in the turban are to be seen as further developments.132 This suggests that it is not the
bodhisattvas’ individual characteristics alone which are are decisive in identifying AvalokiteĞvara and
MahƗsthƗmaprƗpta when they flank the Buddha in SukhƗvatƯ, but it is their combination and the
composition of the triad that suggest one identification or another.
Here we turn back to the MahƗyƗna snjtras first translated into Chinese by Dharmarakৢa, which Rhi
(2003: 167–170) first adduces primarily as evidence for the practice of making Buddha images seated
on lotuses, specifically the SumatidƗrikƗparip‫܀‬cchƗ and the VimaladattƗparip‫܀‬cchƗ. There are some
minor difficulties with the interpretation of the Chinese versions, which we will not go into here,133 but
the Tibetan translations of both texts make it clear that the significance of these passages goes beyond
the making of such images to include also their purpose, which is miraculous rebirth on a lotus in front
of the Buddhas (plural!). E.g. the Derge version of the SumatidƗrikƗparip‫܀‬cchƗ (dKon brtsegs Ca
217a6–b1) reads:
bu mo byang chub sems dpa' chos bzhi dang ldan na | sangs rgyas bcom ldan ’das rnams
kyi thad du rin po che chen po’i padma las rdzus te skye bar ’gyur te | bzhi gang zhe na
| ’di lta ste | phye ma ’am | me tog ud pa la ’am | padma ’am | ku mu da ’am | padma dkar
pos lag pa bkang ste | de bzhin gshegs pa’i sku gzugs sam | de bzhin gshegs pa’i mchod
rten la ’bul ba dang | gzhan dag la yang gnod sems mi skyed pa dang | de bzhin gshegs pa’i
sku gzugs padma’i gdan la bzhugs pa byed du ’jug pa dang | sangs rgyas kyi byang chub la
nges pa rgya cher mos pa ste | bu mo byang chub sems dpa’ chos bzhi po de dag dang ldan
na sangs rgyas bcom ldan ’das rnams kyi thad du rin po che chen po’i padma las rdzus te
skye bar ’gyur ro ||
particularly whether the Buddha they saw in front of them was AmitƗbha or Akৢobhya or ĝƗkyamuni. This issue is also
touched on in several places by Rhi (2003: 163–164; 2008: 259).
The explanation scenario outlined here will be further developed in an expanded version of this study. Interestingly
AvalokiteĞvara eventually assimilates the iconography of Maitreya entirely and becomes an ascetic type holding a flask as well.
The description of the two bodhisattvas in the Guan jing has AvalokiteĞvara wearing a crown (i.e., a turban?) with an image of
AmitƗbha on it, and MahƗsthƗmaprƗpta with a vase in his headdress, possibly reflecting the ubiquity of these two types as a
matching pair.
Except to point out that the translation quoted in n. 49 is not by Harrison, as indicated by Rhi.
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New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele
With four things, young lady, a bodhisattva is reborn miraculously from a great jewel lotus
in the presence of the Buddhas and Blessed Ones. What are the four? They are filling one’s
hands with powder or blue lilies (utpala) or lotuses (padma) or night lilies (kumuda) or
white lotuses (pu۬‫ڲ‬arƯka) and offering them to the image of a Realized One (tathƗgata) or
to the stnjpa of a Realized One; having no malice towards others; commissioning an image
of a Realized One seated on a lotus throne; being firmly convinced about the awakening of
the Buddha. With those four things, young lady, a bodhisattva is reborn miraculously from
a great jewel lotus in the presence of the Buddhas and Blessed Ones.134
In our view the full significance of these passages is that they indicate a strong link between the practice
of making Buddha images on lotus thrones and the aspiration to be reborn on a lotus oneself, in front of
another Buddha, in another Buddha-field.135 Even though there is no mention in these texts of AmitƗbha,
the implication presumably is that he could be one of the Buddhas intended, and that the intended rebirth
is in a domain of the SukhƗvatƯ type.136 This kind of passage could well have encouraged the making of
the lotus triads and also the lotus pond steles, in some of which, as we have seen, the donors even had
themselves depicted in the act of being miraculously reborn. It is also an interesting example of
sympathetic magic, that the other ritual practice enjoined is the offering of various kinds of lotuses and
similar flowers—or, as is clearer in the Chinese versions, grinding them up to make a powder which is
then offered—to Buddha images and stnjpas, so as to cause one’s own birth-lotus to arise in the other
world in the presence of Buddhas.137
We submit, therefore, that the complex steles must represent visions of other worlds, in a universe
characterized by the simultaneous presence of multiple Buddhas, or multiple bodhisattvas, or both.
Accounting for the multiple bodhisattvas is not difficult, whether we go by the descriptions of the
LSukh or not,138 but interpreting the multiple Buddhas, especially in the palace-type steles, is less
straightforward. Are they Buddhas from different realms, sending their emanations to the realm of the
central Buddha or somehow opening up the space between their buddhak‫܈‬etras to enable
communication, as happens often enough in MahƗyƗna snjtras? Or are they secondary forms of the
A verse follows, summarizing the content of the prose. The corresponding passage in the VimaladattƗparip‫܀‬cchƗ (Ca
255a2–7) differs in some respects, but is consistent on those aspects bearing on this study. The last line of the two following
gƗthƗs again makes it clear that rebirth is in the presence of Buddhas (plural), and not ĝƗkyamuni: there is no question of
rebirth “in front of me” (cf. Rhi 2003: 169, n. 49).
See also the Tibetan text of the *DƗrikƗvimalaĞraddhƗparip‫܀‬cchƗ (Derge dKon brtsegs Cha 100a5–b5) for a very similar
passage. Rhi’s reference (170) to the related passage from the BodhisaۨbhƗra(ka) attributed to NƗgƗrjuna needs to be
amplified. In fact only the verses are attributed to NƗgƗrjuna, and they simply advocate the construction of lotus-throne images
of the Buddha (see Lindtner 1982: 241, v. 113); it is the otherwise unknown commentator ƮĞvara who points out that the
purpose of doing this is to achieve rebirth as an aupapƗduka, and to obtain the body of a Buddha (T 1660, 32:536c21–22).
If one followed the text of the Ak‫܈‬obhyavynjha to the letter, one would hardly do this to be reborn in Abhirati, since its
inhabitants arrive by more conventional means, through the birth canal.
As we have seen, the Tibetan translations of these passages make the plural clear, which goes some way towards resolving the
question raised by Rhi (2003: 177–178, esp. n. 77).
We must also recognise that we do not have access to all the texts that may have been circulating in GandhƗra at this time.
The recent emergence of a hitherto unknown MahƗyƗna snjtra from Bajaur (see above) shows how incomplete our record may
be. This means we may not possess certain texts which would enable a more precise identification of our steles or
interpretation of their contents.
117 --- 117
Paul Harrison & Christian Luczanits
central teaching Buddha, in meditation and other postures, doing his work in all directions? Do the
palace-type steles represent one Buddha active in many ways in his one world, or many Buddhas active
in many ways in their many worlds? At this stage we see no basis for solving these questions. However,
what seems to be important about the complex steles, especially those of the palace type, is precisely
their complexity: they may indeed be an attempt to represent the unrepresentable, a world with Buddhas
and bodhisattvas in all directions. It is a fact not often commented upon that one of the most common
words in MahƗyƗna snjtras is the word “all” (chiefly Sanskrit sarva, but other words do similar service),
and that these texts betray a pervasive concern for and interest in totality. It is perhaps this aspect of
MahƗyƗna that finds expression in the complex steles.139 The palace type arranges all these Buddhas
and bodhisattvas to impressive effect, each in his own architecturally defined space, whereas the lotus
type, being more clearly devoted to a single Buddha, disposes its bodhisattvas more freely around him
in the same space. Perhaps this feature, more than anything else, suggests that the palace-type steles are
images of a cosmos which extends beyond a single Buddha-field.
We end this paper by admitting that a certain and unequivocal text-image linkage cannot be
established between the Muhammad Nari stele and the Larger SukhƗvatƯvynjha—i.e. this is hardly
something which could ever be proved—but that it is nevertheless highly likely that it is (and steles like
it are) a depiction of AmitƗbha in SukhƗvatƯ, flanked by AvalokiteĞvara and MahƗsthƗmaprƗpta. It is
therefore also likely to be connected in some way with the forerunners to East Asian images of
SukhƗvatƯ, as we see for example in Cave 332 at Dunhuang,140 and as Minamoto argued as far back as
1926. We also find compelling an explanation of other complex steles, especially those of the palace
type, in terms of MahƗyƗna Buddhism, and must therefore conclude that the assertion that there is little
or no archaeological evidence for the presence of MahƗyƗna Buddhism in India before the 5th and 6th
centuries is no longer tenable, if it ever was. This view has already been undermined by recent
manuscript discoveries from Pakistan and Afghanistan, and should now be modified, if not abandoned
altogether. Indeed, the type of Buddhism which produced these impressive and sophisticated
masterpieces can hardly have been marginal, still less non-existent.
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- 126 -
New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele
List of Figures
Figure 1:
The Muhammad Nari stele as it is today in full view; photo C. Luczanits 2009.
Figure 2: One of the old photos of the stele; photo Asian Art Museum, Collection of South, Southeast
and Central Asian Art, Berlin
Figure 3:
Detail of the revelation scene; photo C. Luczanits 2007.
Figure 4:
Detail of the lotus flanked by the nƗga couple; photo C. Luczanits 2007.
Figure 5: Jewel tree fragment of the Sahri Bahlol excavation (1906-07), Peshawar Museum, Inv. No
2997 (old 170); Grey schist, 16.5 x 30.5 cm; photo C. Luczanits 2007.
Figure 6: Brussels triad of the year five (today in the Agonshnj collection, Japan); after Kurita (2003:
Figure 7: Stele with lotus pond-type Buddha-field and Maitreya in top panel; possibly from
Muhammad Nari; Chandigarh Government Museum and Art Gallery, no. 572; photo C.
Figure 8: Large, fragmentary lotus pond-type stele from Sahri Bahlol (Exc. 1939); Peshawar Museum,
inv. no. 2785; photo Warburg Institute, London.
Figure 9: Lotus pond-type stele of unknown origin; formerly in the Peshawar Museum; photo
Warburg Institute, London.
Figure 10: Palace-type stele with Seven Buddhas and Maitreya from Muhammad Nari; Chandigarh
Government Museum and Art Gallery, Inv. no. 1134; photo C. Luczanits 2009.
Figure 11: Palace-types stele with multi-storied building from Sahri Bahlol (Mound D); Peshawar
Museum, inv. no. 2771; photo C. Luczanits 2007.
Figure 12: Palace-type stele on lotus stand from Loriyan Tangai; Indian Museum, Calcutta, inv. no. A
23484 (old 5090); photo C. Luczanits 2006.
Figure 13: Lotus pond-type stele with emanating Buddha from Takht-i-Bahi (exc. 1908); formerly
Peshawar Museum; photo Warburg Institute, London.
Figure 14: Triad of teaching Buddha flanked by two bodhisattvas; photo Warburg Institute, London.
Figure 15: Triad of the Peshawar museum with two meditating bodhisattvas and scenes of the
Buddha’s life; photo C. Luczanits 2009.
Figure 16: Palace-type triad of the Lahore Museum; photo Warburg Institute, London.
Figure 17: Palace-type triad with pensive bodhisattvas from Loriyan Tangai, Indian Museum Kolkata;
photo Asian Art Museum, Collection of South, Southeast and Central Asian Art, Berlin.
Figure 18: Emanating Buddha panel from Takht-i-Bahi (Exc. 1908-09), Peshawar Museum, Inv. no.
3109; Schist, 22.9 x 24.2 cm; after Higuchi (1984: I-10).
127 --- 127
Response to New Light on (and from) the
Mohammand Nari by Paul Harrison & Christian Luczanits
Miyaji Akira
Ryukoku University
I am interested in the identification and interpretation of GandhƗran reliefs from the viewpoint of
Buddhist art history. Generally speaking, there is a tendency to think that art works (icons) were
produced based upon texts (snjtras). Certainly, in the area of Esoteric Buddhist Art and Buddhist scrolls
and paintings (kyǀhenga ⤒ኚ⏬)during the Tang Dynasty in China, art works and texts show a close
relationship. However, it does not mean that these art works reflect the precisely what is described in
texts. Furthermore, at the initial stage of Buddhist art history (from the 2nd century BC to the 6th
century AD), there is a prominent distance between art works and texts. It is questionable whether or not
the artisans (artists) truly read the snjtras before modeling their artwork. The artisans were probably
illiterate, and thus modeled the reliefs based on what they had heard from monks. The artisans probably
tried to combine the textual information from the snjtras they heard with past iconographical expressions.
Modifications were then made and new inspirations added. I wish we had knowledge about both what
and how the artisans heard from the monks, but this is something we can only imagine based on the
existing Sanskrit, Pali, Tibetan, or Chinese texts.
Regarding the Mohammand Nari stele (hereafter abbreviated as M.N.S.), the main theme for this
presentation, various identifications and analyses were made in past. However, we scholars never reached
an agreement. In past years, studies were done based on clues from the specific text which this stele might
be based on. As a result, DivyƗvadƗna (Chapter 12, PrƗtihƗrya-snjtra), Lotus Snjtra, The Larger and
Smaller SukhƗvatƯvynjha snjtras, A‫܈‬obhyatathƗgatasyavynjha, etc. were suggested as the sources for these
art works, and respective studies followed. Although the M.N.S. composition corresponds to these snjtras
partially, there was no indication for the complete match.
Concerning these matters, Harrison and Luczanits’ paper suggests that we reconsider past
approaches to the M.N.S., especially those in which scholars tended to rely on a single textual source or
specific snjtra. This is a call for philologists and art historians to realize and acknowledge that we need to
work together in order to develop analyses on textual and iconographic aspects. Their conclusions are
based upon careful examination of both these aspects, as they determine the correspondence between
specific textual contents and art motifs or elements. In this sense, this paper was very successful and
presented notable achievements. Such collaborative research process should be highly valued and this
method recognized. I strongly believe a neutral attitude and collaborative approaches are keys for
achieving further success in deciphering GandhƗran reliefs. (cf. my article “Shaeijǀ no shinpen to daijǀ
bukkyǀ bijutsu no kigen” ⯋⾨ᇛࡢ⚄ኚ࡜኱஌௖ᩍ⨾⾡ࡢ㉳※ [The Miracles at ĝrƗvastƯ and the Origin
of MahƗyƗna Buddhist Art] in Bigaku Bijutsushi Kenkynj Ronshnj ⨾Ꮫ⨾⾡ྐ◊✲ㄽ㞟, 20), published in
2002. A revised version of this article can be found in my book Indo bukkyď bijutsu shiron ࢖ࣥࢻ௖ᩍ⨾
⾡ྐㄽ [Essays on Buddhist Art History in India], published in 2010. The speakers pointed out the
characteristic motifs or elements from the group of steles related to M.N.S.: 1. Buddha on lotus, 2.
- 128 -
Response to Harrison & Luczanits
Triadic composition, 3. Many Bodhisattvas and Buddhas, and 4. Sacred and divine architecture. They
also categorized these steles into three types.
(1) Lotus pond type steles
(2) Palace type steles
(3) Emanation type steles (Meditating Buddha and Bodhisattva showing dyƗna mudrƗ emanate
Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Devas)
In their paper, each of the above types is carefully studied. Variations among the descriptions
presented in The Larger SukhƗvatƯvynjha, The Smaller SukhƗvatƯvynjha, and the Ak‫܈‬obhya’s Snjtra are
also examined. The authors then conclude that the steles in question represent the Buddha-field,
especially in relation to the images presented in The Larger SukhƗvatƯvynjha. They point out that we can
also observe depictions related to the idea of BuddhakƗya in MahƗyƗna Buddhism.
The group of GandhƗran reliefs titled “The Miracle at ĝrƗvastƯ”, which since Alfred A. Foucher
(1865-1952) has been considered in relation to early Buddhist sectarian schools, was, in this paper,
nearly determined to have developed in deep connection with MahƗyƗna worship. Iconographical
elements and textual information were well-analyzed and classified. But there is just one thought that I
cannot give up. I still feel that it is necessary to re-evaluate whether these steles are the product of the
worship of AmitƗbha Buddha. There are two reasons for that.
First, there are more than forty specimens of Buddhist Triads existing in GandhƗra. Most of the
flanking Bodhisattvas are Bodhisattvas Maitreya (with the topknot hairstyle and water flask in hand)
and AvalokiteĞvara (wearing a turban and carrying a lotus flower or a garland), and some are Maitreya
and SiddhƗrtha. After the Gupta period, this Triad type, ĝƗkyamuni Buddha, Maitreya and
AvalokiteĞvara, became very popular in India. So I identify the center Buddha of these GandhƗran
Buddhist Triads as ĝƗkyamuni Buddha, however not as the historical Buddha but as the eternal Buddha
of MahƗyƗna Buddhism. (cf. my “Iconography of the Two Flanking Bodhisattvas in the Buddhist Triads
from GandhƗra: Bodhisattva SiddhƗrta, Maitreya and AvalokiteĞvara”, East and West, vol. 58, nos. 1-4,
Second, the stele at Chandigarh Government Museum and Art Gallery depicts the Bodhisattva
Maitreya in Tuৢita in the upper division and the worship of Buddha’s bowl in the lower one. Thus the
Buddha appears in the middle division of this lotus pond type stele, and is more likely ĝƗkyamuni
because the Buddha’s bowl symbolizes the succession of the dharma, in this case from ĝƗkyamuni to
Bodhisattva Maitreya. Furthermore, some of the palace type steles depict the ĝƗkyamuni’s narrative
For these reasons, I believe that both the lotus pond type and the palace type steles are based on the
BuddhakƗya concept, thus reflecting MahƗyƗna Buddhism. In relation to the MahƗyƗna snjtra, I see a
strong connection to the descriptions from these particular snjtras as follows: Chapter one of the Lotus
Snjtra (Ch. F΁huá jƯng xù p΃n, Jp. Hokkekyǀ jobon ἲ⳹⤒ᗎရ), TathƗgatotpattisaۨbhavanirdeĞa (Ch.
Huáyán jƯng rúlái xìngq΃ p΃n; Jp. Kegon kyǀ nyorai shǀki bon ⳹ཝ⤒ዴ᮶ᛶ㉳ရ), TathƗgatagarbha
Snjtra (Ch. Rúláizàng jƯng; Jp. Nyoraizǀ kyǀ ዴ᮶ⶶ⤒), and Saۨdhinirmocana Snjtra (Ch. JiČ shƝnmì
jƯng; Jp. Gejinmikkyǀ ゎ῝ᐦ⤒). Therefore, when ĝƗkyamuni is in deep meditation (samƗdhi), the great
129 --- 129
Miyaji Akira
ray of light is emitted from the tuft of white hair between his eyebrows (njr۬Ɨ). The light emitted by
ĝƗkyamuni illuminated countless Buddha-fields and turned into innumerable lotus flowers, where
Buddhas and Bodhisattvas manifested. Bodhisattvas, Devas and worshippers are all filled with joy,
admiration and wonder. Surrounded by joyous crowds, the Buddha revealed the dharma of the
MahƗyƗna. I feel that this is the scene artisans aimed to sculpt. At this point, I reached the tentative
conclusion that the Buddha sitting on a lotus throne represents ĝƗkyamuni as an infinite being, as the
DharmakƗya. However, this theory still needs to be further verified.
In many ways, I believe that collaborative research between philologists and art historians may
ensure more accurate analyses in the future. In this manner, this paper is a valuable, highly productive,
and suggestive contribution.
- 130 -
1. ᗎㄽ㸸ࣔࣁ࣐ࢵࢻ࣭ࢼ࣮ࣜᾋ᙮ࡢᡤᅾ1
࣮ࣛ࣍ࣝ༤≀㤋ᡤⶶࡢࣔࣁ࣐ࢵࢻ࣭ࢼ࣮ࣜ㸦Muhammad Nari㸧ฟᅵᾋ᙮㸦ᅗ1㸧ࡀࠊ࢞ࣥࢲ࣮ࣛ
ཷࡅ࡚ࠊᮏ✏࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡶ౑⏝ࡍࡿ⏝ㄒ࡛࠶ࡿ」ྜᆺᾋ᙮㸦complex steles㸧࡜⛠ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡋ࠿ࡋ
ၥ㢟࡜࡞ࡿᾋ᙮ࡣῐ⅊Ⰽ∦ᒾ〇࡛ࠊ኱ࡁࡉࡣ119 × 97 ×28 cm࠶ࡾࠊⲮཝ࡞ࡲ࡛ࡢ」㞧⢭⦓࡞⾲⌧
ᮏ✏ࡣ 2011 ᖺ 8 ᭶ 4 ᪥࡟ி㒔ࡢ኱㇂኱Ꮫ࡛㛤ദࡉࢀࡓࠕίᅵᩍ࡟㛵ࡍࡿ≉ูᅜ㝿ࢩ࣏ࣥࢪ࣒࢘ࠖ࡟࠾ࡅࡿཱྀ㢌Ⓨ
඾ಇࠊ⫧ሯ㝯Ặࡢᐤࡏ࡚ࡃࢀࡓ㗦ࡃᘓタⓗ࡞ពぢ࡟ࡶឤㅰࡍࡿࠋࡲࡓࠊ2010 ᖺࡢ෤Ꮫᮇ࡟ࢫࢱࣥࣇ࢛࣮ࢻ኱Ꮫ࡛
㛤ദࡉࢀࡓࠕ௖ᩍᚐࡢᴦᅬ࢖࣓࣮ࢪ㸸Buddhist Visions of Paradiseࠖ఍㆟ࡢฟᖍ⪅࡛࠶ࡾࠊᮏ✏࡛ᢅ࠺ෆᐜ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚
ึࡵ࡚㆟ㄽࢆ⾜ࡗࡓ Norihisa Baba, Heawon Choi, Charles DiSimone, Chen Li, Anna Pawlowski, Trent Walker, Nicholas
Witkowski ࡢㅖẶࡢྡࡶࡇࡇ࡟ᣲࡆ࡚࠾࠿ࡡࡤ࡞ࡽ࡞࠸ࠋࡢࡳ࡞ࡽࡎࠊᡃࠎࡢࡓࡵ࡟᝟ሗࠊᅗ∧ࠊཧ⪃ᩥ⊩ࡢᥦ౪
࠾ࡼࡧᢈホࢆ㏻ࡌ࡚᫬㛫ࢆ๭࠸࡚ࡃࢀࡓࠊStefan Baums, Osmund Bopearachchi, Oskar von Hinüber, Anna-Maria
Quagliotti, Juhyung Rhi, Elizabeth Rosen Stone, Joanna Williams ㅖẶ࡟ࡶࡇࡢሙ࡛ឤㅰࡢពࢆ⾲ࡋࡓ࠸ࠋ᭱ᚋ࡟࡞ࡿࡀࠊ
ࣃ࢟ࢫࢱࣥࡢ࢝࢖ࣂ࣭ࣝࣃࢡࢺࢗࣥࢡ࣡ᕞࢳ࣮ࣕࣝࢧࢲ࡟࠶ࡿࡇࡢᮧ (⌧ᅾࡣ⏫) ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣᨻᗓබหᆅᅗ࡛ࡣ
“Muhammad NƗrƯ” ࡜⾲グࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡀࠊᮏ✏࡛ࡣ(Ⓨ㡢グྕࢆ㝖࠸ࡓ)⡆᫆࡞⾲グࢆ⏝࠸ࡿ(౛࠼ࡤ Rosenfield 1967
௚࡟ࡇࡢᆅ࠿ࡽฟᅵࡋࡓ㑇≀࡟㛵ࡍࡿᩥ⊩࡛ࡣMuhammad Nârî (౛. Grünwedel 1920)ࠊ
Mohamed Nârî (౛. Foucher 1909/1917)ࠊMohamed-Nari (౛. Rhi 1991)ࠊMohammad Nari(౛. Rhi 2011b)ࠊMohammed Nari
(౛. Huntington 1980, Quagliotti 1996a, Rhi 2008, Bautze-Picron 2010) ࡞࡝ࡢ⾲グࡀㄆࡵࡽࢀࡿࠋ
- 131 -
Henry Hardy Coleࡢⴭ᭩ (1883: pl. 1) ࡟ࡑࡢࢫࢣࢵࢳࡀᥖ㍕ࡉࢀࠊࡉࡽ࡟ྠᖺM. Serrot࡟ࡼࡗ࡚᧜ᙳ
ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡓྠస౛ࡢ෗┿ࡀ Cole (1885) ࡢ࠺ࡕࠊcviii–cxvii࣮࣌ࢪࢆ༨ࡵࡿAppendix I ࠕࣘࢫࣇࢨ࢖
ᆅ᪉ฟᅵࡢࢠࣜࢩ࢔ᘧ௖ᩍ᙮้ᅗ∧ Illustrations of Graeco-Buddhist sculptures from the Yusufzai
ࡢ෗┿࡛ࡣࠊᕥഃࡢษ᩿㠃࡟ࡶ␒ྕࡀグࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡇ࡜ࡀ☜ㄆࡉࢀࡿࠋAdrien van der Berght ఑࡟
Burgess (1897: 8, pl. 112 ࡢㄝ᫂) ࢆཧ↷ࠋ
Cole ࡢグ㏙࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ Cole (1883:p. cx) ཧ↷ࠋࡇࡇ࡛ࡣ Cole (1883: 7–8) ࡢグ㏙࡜࡯ࡰྠࡌ⾲⌧ࢆ⏝࠸ࡿࠋᅗ∧࡟ࡘ࠸
࡚ࡣ኱ⱥᅗ᭩㤋࢙࢘ࣈࢧ࢖ࢺ http://www.bl.uk/onlinegallery/onlineex/apac/photocoll/s/zoomify59137.html ࡶཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸ࠋ
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2. ඛ⾜◊✲࡟࠾ࡅࡿᵝࠎ࡞ゎ㔘
ࡢඛ㥑⪅࡛࠶ࡿAlfred Foucher࡟ࡼࡗ࡚࡞ࡉࢀࠊᙼࡣࡇࢀࡽࢆ⯋⾨ᇛࡢ⚄ኚࡢኊ㯇࡞ࡿ⾲⌧࡜ࡳࡓ7ࠋ
ึ࠿ࡽ␲ၥどࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ࡟ࡶ࠿࠿ࢃࡽࡎ9 ࠊFoucherࡢẚᐃࡣ⌧ᅾࡶ᰿ᙉࡃࠊ㏆ᖺࡢSchlingloff࡞࡝
Taddei (1987/2003: fig. 3) ཬࡧ Quagliotti (1996a: fig. 1) ཧ↷ࠋ
Quagliotti (1996a: 281–282, n. 7)ࠊ
Rhi (1991: 5–9, 316–323)ࠊ
Miyaji (2002) ࡟ࡲ࡜ࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
Foucher (1909; 1917). ࡇࢀ௨๓࡟ࡇࡢᾋ᙮ᅗ∧ࡣ Burgess (1900: pl. 7, fig. 2) ཬࡧ Foucher (1905: fig. 79) ࡟ࡼࡗ࡚බ
หࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋFoucher ࡢ୺㢟ẚᐃࡣࡑࡢᚋࠊ౛࠼ࡤ Lyons & Ingholt (1957: 121–25, pl. 255) ࡸᰩ⏣(Kurita
1988/2003[I]: pl. 395) ࡟ᨭᣢࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋᰩ⏣ࡣ Foucher ㄝ࡟ᚑ࠸ࠊ኱༙ࡢ」ྜᆺᾋ᙮ࢆ⯋⾨ᇛࡢ⚄ኚ࡜ࡳ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
DivyƗvadƗna ࡢ PrƗtihƗryasnjtra ᡤ཰ࡢࡶࡢࡀ୍⯡࡟ᘬ⏝ࡉࢀࡿࡀࠊྠⱥヂࡣ Rotman (2008: 253̽287) ࢆཧ↷ࠋBrown
(1984) ࡣࡇࡢㄝヰ࡟࠾ࡅࡿᵝࠎ࡞⚄ኚ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚⨾⾡స౛࡜ࡢ㛵㐃࠿ࡽ෌᳨ウࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ᭷┈࡛࠶ࡿࠋ
Foucher ࡢ୺㢟ẚᐃ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣࠊࡇࡇ࡟ぢࡓ⤒඾ࡢグ㏙࡜ࡢ㱈㱒࡟ࡼࡾ⏕ࡎࡿ␲ၥࡢ௚࡟ࠊvan Lohuizen-de Leeuw
(1949: 124-138) ࡸ Williams (1975: 182̽183) ࡟ࡼࡗ࡚ࡶ␲ၥࡀ࿊ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
133 --- 133
୍᪉ࠊ᪥ᮏ࡛ࡣᑠ㇂௰⏨ (1967) ࡸᐑ἞᫛ (1985a, 1993, 2002, 2005) ࡟ࡼࡗ࡚ࠊ୰ኸࡢ௖㝀ࢆ㔘
㏑௖࡜ぢࡿࡶࡢࡢࠊࠗἲ⳹⤒ Saddharmapu۬‫ڲ‬arƯka࠘ࡸࠗゎ῝ᐦ⤒ Sandhinirmocana࠘ࠊࠗዴ᮶ⶶ⤒
㔘ࡶᥦ♧ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋᐑ἞᫛ࡣࡇࡢฟ᮶஦ࢆࠕ኱ග᫂ࡢ⚄ኚࠖ࡜࿧ࢇ࡛࠸ࡿ (e.g. Miyaji 1993: 252)ࠋ
⣽㒊⾲⌧ࡢ࠸ࡃࡘ࠿࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡶゎ㔘ࢆྍ⬟࡟ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡇࡢゎ㔘ࡣࠊJohn Rosenfield (1967: 235–238,
fig. 90) ࡟ࡼࡗ࡚ᥦ♧ࡉࢀࡓࠊ኱஌௖ᩍࡢࠕ㢧⌧ࠖ࡜࠸࠺ࠊ᭕᫕࡛₍↛࡜ࡋࡓゎ㔘ࡢ⠊␪࡟࠶ࡿࠋ
ࡇࢀࡣᮤᰕ஽ (Juhyung Rhi 1991:148; 2003: 174–175; 2006: 171) ࡀ᭱ࡶഴಽࡍࡿぢゎ࡛ࠊᙼࡢ᭱㏆ࡢ
࡟ㄝᚓຊࢆࡶࡗ࡚ᥦ♧ࡋࡓࡢࡣ1980ᖺࠊJohn Huntington࡛࠶ࡗࡓ12ࠋࡑࡢ኱㒊࠿ࡘໟᣓⓗ࡞ㄽᩥ࡟
࠾࠸࡚ᙼࡣከࡃࡢᾋ᙮ࡢ⣽㒊ࢆ᳨ウࡋ࡞ࡀࡽࠊࡑࢀࡽࢆᩥ⊩ࡢグ㏙ࠊ࡜ࡾࢃࡅࠗ↓㔞ᑑ⤒ Larger
Schlingloff (1991)ࠊ(2000: I, 488̽515; II, 102̽105)ࠊࡲࡓ Ali & Qazi (2008: 139̽143)ཧ↷ࠋ࡜ࡾࢃࡅ Schlingloff (2000: II,
102̽105) ࡢ⥺ᅗ࡛ࡣࠊᐇ࡟ᵝࠎ࡞ᅗീࡀ⯋⾨ᇛࡢ⚄ኚࢆᥥ࠸ࡓࡶࡢ࡜ゎࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡀࠊSchlingloff ࡣࡑࢀࢆྠ୺
౛࠼ࡤࠊRhi (2011b: 115) ࡛ࡣ௨ୗࡢࡼ࠺࡟㏙࡭࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
ࡓ௖㝀(㔘㏑ࠊࡶࡋࡃࡣ≉ᐃࡢྡࢆᣢࡓ࡞࠸௖㝀࠿ࠊ࠶ࡿ࠸ࡣࡶࡋ࠿ࡍࡿ࡜࠸ࡃࡘࡶࡢྡࢆᣢࡘ௖㝀) ࡢኊ㯇࡞㢧
ࡇࡢ௬ㄝࡣ Benjamin Rowland (1938: 79, n. 2)࡟ࡼࡾᥦၐࡉࢀࡓࡀḢ⡿ࡢᏛ⏺࡛ࡣ᳨ウࡉࢀ࡚ࡇ࡞࠿ࡗࡓࠋࡋ࠿ࡋ
Rowland ௨๓ࠊ1920 ᖺ௦࡟ࡍ࡛࡟᪥ᮏࡢ◊✲⪅ࠊ※㇏᐀ࡀᮾ࢔ࢪ࢔⨾⾡࡟࠾ࡅࡿίᅵࡢᅗീ࡜ࡢ㢮ఝࢆᣦ᦬ࡋ࡚
࠸ࡿ(Minamoto 1925, 1926)ࠋ
౛࠼ࡤ Brown (1984: 80–82)ࠋ
- 134 -
ࡋ࠿ࡋ࡞ࡀࡽࠊHuntingtonࡢ௬ㄝࡣ᪂ࡓ࡞ゎ㔘ࡢᆅᖹࢆ♧ࡋࡓࠋAnna Maria Quagliotti (1996a) ࡣ
࡯ࡰྠᵝࡢ⤖ㄽ࡟㐩ࡋࠊ୍᪉ࠊGérard Fussman (1987:73) ࡣᙜึࡣHuntingtonࡢぢゎࢆཷࡅධࢀ࡞ࡀ
ࡓ (Fussman 1999: 548–551)ࠋྠᵝ࡟ࠊ㏆ᖺࡢ◊✲ࡣࠊࡇࡢᾋ᙮ࢆ୍⯡ⓗ࡞௖ᅜᅵ࡜ࡋලయⓗ࡞ẚᐃ
࡟ࡣ࠸ࡓࡽࡎࠊࡇࡢᾋ᙮࡟㢮ఝࡍࡿస౛࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡶ௖ᅜᅵࢆ⾲⌧ࡋࡓࡶࡢ࡜ゎ㔘ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ (Rhi
2008, 2011a, 2011b)ࠋChristian Luczanits (2008: 49–51) ࡣࡑࡢ௖ᅜᅵࢆࠊ㔝እ࡛௖㝀ࡀᇳ㔠๛⚄㸦ࣦ
࢓ࢪࣗࣛࣃ࣮ࢽ VajrapƗ৆i㸧㸦ᅗ3㸧ࡢ㠃๓࡛ᘵᏊࡢࡓࡵ࡟♧⌧ࡋࡓࡶࡢ࡜ࡋ࡚ゎ㔘ࡋࠊᾋ᙮ࡢどぬ
ⓗ࡞ഃ㠃ࢆᙉㄪࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡇࡢ௚ࡸࡸ␗࡞ࡿゎ㔘ࡶᥦ♧ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋGregory Schopen (1987: 130-31,
n. 50 = 2005: 273–74, n. 50) ࡣࠊࡇࡢᾋ᙮࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ᴟᴦίᅵ࡜ࡶ㜿㛹௖ࡢጁ႐ୡ⏺࡜ࡶ᝿ᐃࡍࡿࡀ
㸦ᚋ㏙㸧ࠊ࠸ࡎࢀ࠿࡜࠸࠼ࡤࠊᚋ⪅ࡢጁ႐ୡ⏺ࡢ⾲⌧࡜ࡳ࡚࠸ࡿࡼ࠺࡛࠶ࡿࠋࡉࡽ࡟Jacques Giès and
Monique Cohen (1996: 341–344) ࡣࡇࡢᾋ᙮ࢆᚋ௦ࡢ㛵㐃ᩥ⊩࡜⤖ࡧࡘࡅࠊ⏬㠃୰ኸࡢ୺ᑛ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࠊ
Rhi (1991) ࡣࡇ࠺ࡋࡓඛ⾜◊✲ࡢ୰࡟࠶ࡗ࡚ὀ┠ࡍ࡭ࡁ౛እ࡛࠶ࡿࠋ≉࡟ྠᵝࡢၥ㢟ᥦ㉳ࢆ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿ p.11 ௨㝆
135 --- 135
3. ௖㝀ࡢቃᇦ㸸௖ᅜᅵࡢ஧⣔⤫
኱஌⤒඾ࡣࠊࠕ௖ᅜᅵࠖࡶࡋࡃࡣDavidson (2002:132-133)ࡢゝⴥࢆ೉ࡾࡿ࡞ࡽࠕ௖㝀ࡢቃᇦࠖ㸦Skt.
ࡿࠕᴟᴦίᅵ SukhƗvatƯࠖࠊᮾ᪉ࡢ㜿㛹௖ Akৢobhya ࡢᅜᅵࡓࡿࠕጁ႐ୡ⏺ Abhirati࡛ࠖ࠶ࡿࠋ
(1) ࠗ↓㔞ᑑ⤒࠘ The Larger㸦ࡶࡋࡃࡣ Longer㸧SukhƗvatƯvynjha (LSukh)
(2) ࠗ㜿ᘺ㝀⤒࠘ The Smaller㸦ࡶࡋࡃࡣ Shorter㸧SukhƗvatƯvynjha (SSukh)
(3) ࠗほ↓㔞ᑑ⤒࠘㸦ࠗほ⤒࠘ࡶࡋࡃࡣ Visualization Snjtra㸧
(1)ࠗష茢㜿ᙗ㝀୕⪨୕ష⸃ᶂష᷄㐣ᗘே㐨⥂࠘̿ ᨭㅬ㸦220–257ᖺ㸧ヂ࡜ࡉࢀࡿࡀࠊᚋ
₎ࡢᨭ፝㏑ㆻ㸦Lokakৢema. 170–190 ᖺ㸧ヂ㸸 T 362
㸸ᨭ፝㏑ㆻヂ࡜ࡉࢀࡿࡀࠊ࿋ࡢᨭㅬ࡟ࡼࡿ (1) ࡢᨵヂ㸸T 361.17
ࡢၥ㢟࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ⸨⏣(1990)࡜ Silk (1997) ࢆཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸ࠋ
ࠗほ⤒࠘ࡢⱥヂࡣ Takakusu (1894) ࡜ Inagaki (1995) ࡀ࠶ࡿࠋ
⌧ᅾࡣ⸨⏣ (Fujita 2011) ࡢᰯゞᮏࡀ࠶ࡿࡀࠊᮏ✏࡛ࡣ㊊฼(Ashikaga1965)ᮏࢆ౑⏝ࡍࡿࠋFujita (2011)ࡣฟ∧ࡉࢀࡓ
ࡤ࠿ࡾ࡛ࠊᮍࡔᗈࡃ▱ࡽࢀ࡚࠸࡞࠸ࡇ࡜ࡀࡑࡢ⌮⏤࡛࠶ࡿࠋLSukh ࡜ SSukh ࡢⱥヂ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ F. Max Müller (1894a
& b)ࠊGómez (1996) ཧ↷ࠋ
ࡣࠊHarrison (n.d.) ࢆཧ↷ࠋNattier (2008:86-87) ࠊࡲࡓ Harrison, Hartmann, Matsuda (2002) ࡶཧ↷ࠋHarrison(n.d.)ࢆ
258 ᖺヂ࡜⪃࠼࡚࠸ࡿࠋ⸨⏣ (2011) xvi ཧ↷ࠋ≉➹ࡍ࡭ࡁࡣࠊࡇࡢ 2 ⤒ࡣ⊂❧ࡋࡓᩥ⊩࡛ࡣ࡞࠸ࡶࡢࡢࠊLSukh ࡢ
᭱ึᮇࡢ₎ヂࡢ␗ヂᮏ࡛࠶ࡿ࡜࠸࠺Ⅼ࡛࠶ࡿࠋヂฟᖺ௦ࡀ 2 ୡ⣖ᚋ༙(ᨭ፝㏑ㆻ)࠿ 3 ୡ⣖๓༙ (ᨭㅬ) ࠿࡜࠸࠺ၥ
- 136 -
(3)ࠗష茢↓㔞ኖ⥂࠘̿ 㨯㸦359㸫429ᖺ㸧ࡢᗣൔ㙚㸦Saৄghavarman㸧ヂ࡜ࡉࢀࡿࡀࠊ421
ᖺ࡟ష㥏㊙㝀⨶㸦359㸫429ᖺ㸧࡜ᑌ㞼࡟ࡼࡿヂฟࡢྍ⬟ᛶ࠶ࡾ: T 360.18
(4)ࠗ኱ᑌ✚⥂࠘ࠕ↓㔞ኖዴ౗᭳ࠖ̿ ⳶ᥦὶᨭ㸦693㸫713ᖺ㸧࡟ࡼࡗ࡚706㸫713ᖺࡢ㛫
࡟ヂฟ: T 310 (5).19
(5)ࠗష茢኱஍↓㔞ኖⳁᄫ⥂࠘̿ 991ᖺヂฟࠋᏵࡢヂ⤒ൔἲ㈼㸦Dharmabhadra㸧ヂ࡜ࡉࢀ
ࡿࠋࡶࡋࡃࡣኳᜥ⅏㸦980㸫1000ᖺ㸧ヂ࡜ࡍࡿㄝ࠶ࡾ: T 363.
1. ᴟᴦίᅵ࡟෌⏕ࡍࡿࡢࡣࡍ࡭࡚⏨ᛶ࡛࠶ࡿࠋࡇࢀࡣᚋᮇࢸ࢟ࢫࢺ࡟࠾ࡅࡿࡦ࡜ࡘࡢࢸ࣮࣐࡛࠶
࡞࠸ 㸦ࡘࡲࡾࠊึᮇࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࡢᴟᴦίᅵ࡟ኳዪ࢔ࣉࢧࣛࢫࡣᏑᅾࡋ࡞࠸㸧ࠋࡇࡢၥ㢟࡟ࡘ࠸࡚
ࡣHarrison (1998) ࢆཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸ࠋࡇࡢ⤖ᯝ࡜ࡋ࡚ᴟᴦίᅵ࡟෌⏕ࡍࡿ⪅ࡣࡍ࡭࡚ⶈ⳹࡟໬⏕
ࡤࠊࡑࡢ᫬࡟௖࡜࡞ࢁ࠺ࠋࡶࡋࡇࡢ㢪ࢆ‶ࡓࡉ࡞࠸࡞ࡽࡤࠊỴࡋ࡚௖࡜ࡣ࡞ࡿࡲ࠸ (T
362, 12: 301a27–b3; T 361࡟ᑐᛂᩥ࡞ࡋ)ࠋ
Inagaki (1995㸸19-89) ࡜ Gómez (1996㸸153-222) ࡢⱥヂࡀ࠶ࡿࠋᮏࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࡣᚋᮇ↓㔞ᑑ⤒㢮࡜ᴫࡡ୍⮴ࡍࡿࡀࠊ
Chang (1983: 339–360) ࡟ᢒヂ࠶ࡾࠋ
ᐇ㝿ࠊᨭ፝㏑ㆻࡢヂฟᮏࡀ T362 ཬࡧ T361 ࡟ᇶ࡙࠸࡚෌ᵓ⠏ࡉࢀࡿࡲ࡛ࠊࡑ࠺ࡋࡓ⩻ヂࡣ᪩ᛴ࡜࠸࠼ࡼ࠺ࠋࡼࡾヲ
⣽࡞ᩥ⊩ᰯゞࡢၥ㢟ࡣ Harrison (n.d.) ࢆཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸ࠋึᮇࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࡢ㔜せᛶ࡟㛵ࡍࡿᴫㄽࡣ Nattier (2003) ࢆཧ↷ࠋ
⧞ࡾ㏉ࡍࡀࠊRhi (1991) ࡣ౛እ࡛࠶ࡿࠋ
137 --- 137
2. ᴟᴦίᅵࡢᵓᡂဨ࡟ࡣࠊ⳶⸃ࡓࡕ࡜࡜ࡶ࡟ኌ⪺ࡓࡕ㸦ĞrƗvakas㸧㸦“arhats” 㜿⨶₎ࡓࡕ㸧ࡶྵࡲ
➃ṇࠊΎࡽ࠿࡛⣲ᬕࡽࡋ࠸ጼࢆࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋᙼࡽࡍ࡭࡚ࡀྠࡌⰍࠊྠࡌ ጼ ࡛࠶ࡿࡇ࡜ࠊ
௖࡜ࡣ࡞ࡿࡲ࠸ (T 362, 12: 301c10–13; cf. T 361, 12: 281a20–21 [➨୕㢪])ࠋ23
࡛࠶ࡿ (Ashikaga 1965㸸11 [➨ᅄ㢪], 37-39) ࡀࠊே㛫࡟ኌ⪺࡜⳶⸃ࡢ༊ศࡀ࠶ࡿⅬࡣྲྀࡾཤࡽࢀ
3. ほ㡢㸦AvalokiteĞvara㸧࡜ໃ⮳㸦MahƗsthƗmaprƗpta㸧ࡢ୺せ࡞஧⳶⸃ࡣᑡࡋࡤ࠿ࡾ೧኱࡞Ꮡᅾ࡜ࡋ
ᩆࢃࢀࡿ࡛࠶ࢁ࠺ࠖࠋ(T 362, 12: 308b9–22; cf. T 361, 12: 290a12–28)
T 362, 12: 303c12–15; cf. T 361, 12: 283a24–27 ࡶཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸ࠋ
ࡇࡇ࡛ࡣ㏻ᖖࡢࢧࣥࢫࢡࣜࢵࢺᙧࡢྡ⛠ࢆ♧ࡍࠋᨭ፝㏑ㆻ࡟ࡼࡿ㡢෗ (ࡶࡋࡃࡣࡑࢀࡽࡢ⑞㊧) ࡣࡸࡸ␗࡞ࡿᙧ࡛
࠶ࡗࡓࡇ࡜ࢆ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ⹭(⵹)ᶂர (cf. LokeĞvararƗja ࡢ㡢෗ᙧ࡛࠶ࡿᶂዀர⨶) ࡣࠊ࣮࢞ࣥࢲ࣮࣮ࣜᙧࡢ
Olo’iĞpara ࡢࡈ࡜ࡁᙧࢆ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡋ࠿ࡋほ㡢⳶⸃ࡢྡ⛠ࡢ࢖ࣥࢻㄒᙧ࡜ࡑࡢ₎ㄒᙧࡢၥ㢟ࡣ」㞧࡛࠶ࡾࠊࡇࡇ
࡛ࡣ❧ࡕධࡽ࡞࠸ࠋᦶヅ㑣⨆(Mohenabo)ࡣ MahƗnapatta ࡶࡋࡃࡣ MahƗsthƗmaprƗpta ࡟㏆ࡋ࠸ᙧࢆ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡀࠊ
- 138 -
4. ᮶ࡿ࡭ࡁ㜿ᘺ㝀௖ࡢ⯡ᾖᵎࡣࠊほ㡢⳶⸃࡜ໃ⮳⳶⸃࡜࠸࠺ᚋ⥅⪅࡟ࡼࡗ࡚㡰࡟ἲᗙࡀ⥅ᢎࡉࢀ
ᴟࡲࡾࡀ࡞࠸ࠋ(T 362, 12: 309a14–24; cf. T 361, 12: 291a3–13)
5. ὀ┠ࡍ࡭ࡁࡣࠊᴟᴦίᅵ࡟ఫࡍࡿேࠎࡀᙼࡽ၏୍ࡢ㛵ᚰᑐ㇟࡛࠶ࡿ㜿ᘺ㝀௖ࡼࡾࡶࡴࡋࢁࠊᙼ
࡚᮶ࡿ࡜ࡇࢁࠊឡዲࡋ࡚࠸ࡓ⤒඾ࠊ⤒඾ࡢᬛ្࡜ࡑࡢ⾜ࡢຌᚨࢆㄝࡃࠋ… ேࠎࡣ஫࠸࡟♩
ࡿࠋ (T 362, 12: 311b14–24; cf. T 361: 12: 293b2–12).
6. ᴟᴦίᅵ࡟෌⏕ࡍࡿ⪅࡟ࡣࠊࡼࡾయ⣔ⓗ࡞୕ࡘࡢ༊ศࡀ࠶ࡾࠊࡑࢀࡒࢀࡢ༊ศ࡟༶ࡋ࡚␗࡞ࡿ
➨୍㢮㸸 ฟᐙ⪅㸦ࢧࣥ࢞ࡢ୍ဨ㸧
➨஧㢮㸸 ᅾᐙ⪅
139 --- 139
➨୕㢮: ᅾᐙ⪅
7. ึᮇࢸ࢟ࢫࢺ࡛ࡣࠊ୰ᚰ࡜࿘⦕ᆅᇦࡢၥ㢟ࡀࡼࡾᙉㄪࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡑࢀࡣ➨஧ࠊ➨୕㢮ࡢ␲࠸
8. ග᫂ࡀࡼࡾ㔜どࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡇࡢⅬ࡟㛵ࡋ࡚ࡣ⳶⸃࡜ኌ⪺ࡢᚋගࢆࡵࡄࡗ࡚ࡍ࡛࡟ヲࡋࡃゐࢀ
࡛࠶ࡿࠋᐇ㝿ࠊᴟᴦίᅵࡢᥥ෗ࡣ㜿ᘺ㝀ࡢᨺගࢆࡶࡗ࡚ጞࡲࡿࡢ࡛࠶ࡿ (T 362, 12:
302b20–303a2; cf. T 361, 12: 281c27–282b11)
ཎ඾࡛ࡣ㛗࠸ᩥ❶ࢆࡇࡇ࡛ࡣせ⣙ࡋ࡚♧ࡋࡓࠋཎ඾ࡢᑐᛂ㒊ศࡣࠕㄋ㢪ࠖࡢẁ( 362, 12: 301b14–c5 [➨ 5–7 㢪]; cf. T
361, 12: 281c2–9 [➨ 18–19 㢪ࡣᑐᛂࡋ࡞࠸]࡜ ࠕᡤ⾜ ⏕ࠖࢆ᫂࠿ࡍẁ(T 362, 12: 309c24–311a17; cf. T 361, 12:
㤶ᕝ (1984) pp.172-173 ࡢ㛵㐃㒊ศ࡟ࡼࡗ࡚ࢻ࣐ࣛࢸ࢕ࢵࢡ࡞༳㇟ࢆཷࡅࡿேࡶ࠶ࢁ࠺ࠋᮏᩥ⊩࡛ࡣㅖᮏࡍ࡭࡚ࡀ
- 140 -
㛹షᅧ⥂ Ak‫܈‬obhyatathƗgatasyavynjha࠘ࢆཧ↷ࡏࡡࡤ࡞ࡽ࡞࠸ࠋࡇࢀ࡟ࡣ₎ヂ2✀࡜ࢳ࣋ࢵࢺヂ1✀ࡀ
(1)ࠗష茢㜿㛹షᅧ⥂࠘ᨭ፝㏑ㆻ㸦Lokakৢema: 170–190ᖺ࡟ά㌍㸧ヂ: T 313.28
ࠕ୙ືዴ౗᭳ࠖ706-713ᖺ ⳶ᥦὶᨭ㸦Bodhiruci 693–713ᖺ࡟ά㌍㸧: T 310.6.29
(3) ’Phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa mi ’khrugs pa’i bkod pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po’i mdo 9ୡ
⣖ึ㢌 Jinamitra㸦຾཭㸧ࠊSurendrabodhi㸦ၿᖇむ㸧ࠊYe shes sdeヂ
1. ጁ႐ୡ⏺࡛ࡣዪᛶࡀ࠾ࡾࠊᶞᮌ࠿ࡽᐆ▼ࡸ⾰ࢆᛮ࠸ࡢࡲࡲ࡟ᡭ࡟ධࢀࡿࡇ࡜ࡀ࡛ࡁࡿ≉㉁ࢆᣢ
ࡗ࡚ᥥ࠿ࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡑࡋ࡚ࠊᏊᐑࡼࡾㄌ⏕ࡍࡿࡀࠊ඲ࡃⱞࡋࡲ࡞࠸ (T 313, 11: 755c28–756a2,
756b3–15; T 310, 11: 105b23–27, 105c18–24 [cf. Chang 1983: 323, ┬␎㒊ศ࠶ࡾ])
グ㏙ࡉࢀ࡚࠸࡞࠸ࠋ㜿㛹௖ࡀ௚⏺࡟໬⌧ࡋࡓ㝿ࡶྠᵝ࡟ⶈࡀ㊊ඖ࠿ࡽ⌧ฟࡍࡿ࡜࠸࠺ (T 313,
11: 756c7–22; T 310, 11: 106a11–26 [cf. Chang 1983: 324]) ࠋ
2. ࡇࡇ࡛ࡣ⳶⸃࡜ඹ࡟ኌ⪺ࡶᏑᅾࡍࡿࠋࡇࡢⅬ࡛ AkTV ࡜LSukhࡢึᮇࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࡣ㢮ఝࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ
Schopen (1987: 117, n. 50; 2005: 262, n. 50) ࢆཧ↷ࠋ
ᨭ፝㏑ㆻヂฟ࡟ᖐࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡟ࡣၥ㢟ࡀṧࡿࡀࠊ࠾ࡑࡽࡃ 3 ୡ⣖ึ㢌࡟ᨵゞࡉࢀࡓ㒊ศࡀᑡ࡞ࡃ࡞࠸࡜࠸࠺ࡇ࡜ࢆㄆ
㆑ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ㝈ࡾࡣᐜㄆ࡛ࡁࡿࠋNattier (2008: 85̽86)ࢆཧ↷ࠋ
Chang (1983)ࡢⱥヂࡣࠊከࡃࡢ㔜せ⟠ᡤࡀ┬␎ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ(ࡲࡓ┬␎㒊ศࡢ඲࡚ࡀ᫂♧ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࢃࡅ࡛ࡣ࡞࠸)ࠋ
Dantinne (1983) ࡣࢳ࣋ࢵࢺヂࢆᑐ↷ࡋࠊヲ⣽࡞ὀ㔘ࢆ௜ࡋࡓෑ㢌ࡢ 3 ❶ࡢࣇࣛࣥࢫㄒヂࢆࡋࡓࠋ
㜿㛹௖࡜ࡑࡢ௖ᅜᅵ࡟㛵ࡍࡿ⤒඾ࡢグ㏙࡜ࡑࡢ௖ᩍྐୖ࡛ࡢ఩⨨࡙ࡅࢆゎ᫂ࡍࡿㄽ⪃࡜ࡋ࡚ࡣ Nattier (2000)ࠋ
Kwan (1985) ࡶ᭷┈࡛࠶ࡿࠋ
141 --- 141
࢟ࢫࢺ࡟ ࢃࡓࡗ࡚ඹ㏻ࡍࡿ୺㢟࡛࠶ࡿࡓࡵࠊ㛵㐃ᛶࡢ࠶ࡿグ㏙ࡍ࡭࡚࡟௘⣽࡞ㄽཬࢆ⾜࠺ࡢࡣ
෕㛗࡟࡞ࡿ࡛࠶ࢁ࠺ࠋࡋ࠿ࡋ≉࡟T 313, 11: 756c24–758a15; T 310, 11: 106a28–107a6 [cf. Chang
1983: 325–326] ࢆཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸ࠋᐇ㝿ࠊࢸ࢟ࢫࢺస⪅ࡣࠊ࡝ࡢࡼ࠺࡞ኌ⪺ീࢆ᝿ᐃࡋ࡚࠸ࡓࡢ
ࡶぢཷࡅࡽࢀࠊ࡞࠿࡟ࡣᐙᗞࢆࡶࡘࡶࡢࡶ࠸ࡿ (T 313, 11: 758b27–c9; T 310, 11: 107b16–24 [cf.
Chang 1983: 328]) ࠋኌ⪺࡜⳶⸃ࡢඹ㏻ᛶࡸ㢮ఝᛶ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣグ㏙ࡀࡳࡽࢀ࡞࠸ࡓࡵࠊ⤖ㄽࢆୗ
ࡍ࡟㊊ࡿ᰿ᣐ࡜ࡣ࡞ࡽ࡞࠸㸦cf. ௨ୗ6Ⅼ┠㸧ࠋ
3. 㜿㛹௖࡟ࡣ୧⬥ౝࡢ⳶⸃ࡣࡳࡽࢀ࡞࠸ࠋ
4. 㜿㛹௖ࡢ⯡ᾖᵎ๓ᚋ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ࠿࡞ࡾヲ⣽࡞グ㏙ࡀࡳࡽࢀࡿࡀࠊLSukh࡛☜ㄆࡉࢀࡓࡼ࠺࡞㐃⥆
ቃᇦࡣጁ႐ୡ⏺࡜ྠᵝ࡟࡞ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ᤵグࢆᤵࡅࡿ (T 313, 11: 760b20–761b24; T 310, 11:
109a7–c22 [cf. Chang 1983: 330–332]) ࠋࡇࡢ⳶⸃ࡢྡ๓ࡀᩥ⊩ୖ࡛⾲ࢀࡿࡢࡣࡇࡢ⟠ᡤࡢࡳ࡛࠶
ࡿ㸦cf. 3Ⅼ┠㸧ࠋ
5. ጁ႐ୡ⏺࡟ఫࡍࡿ⪅ࡢ┦஫㛵ಀࡣయ⣔໬ࡉࢀ࡚࠸࡞࠸ࠋࡍ࡭࡚ࡢ㛵ᚰࡢᑐ㇟ࡣ㜿㛹௖࡛࠶ࡿࠋ
6. ෌⏕ࡋࡓ⚄ࠎ࡜ேࠎࡢ㛫࡟༊ูࡣ࡞࠸ࠋ⚄ࠎ࡜ேࠎࡣྠᵝࡢ႐ࡧ㸦⾰㢮ࠊ㣧㣗≀ࠊ⿦㣭ရ㸧ࢆ
ாཷࡋࠊࡑࡢⅬ࡛ேࠎࡣ⚄ࠎࢆ⩎ࡴࡇ࡜࡞ࡃࠊ⚄ࠎࡼࡾຎࡗࡓᏑᅾ࡛ࡶ࡞࠸ (T 313, 11:
755b26–c4; T 310, 11: 105c1–2 [cf. Chang 1983: 323]; 108b13–16 [cf. Chang 1983: 330], 112b15–19
[Chang 1983࡛ࡣ┬␎]) ࠋࡇࡇ࡛ࡶࠊእぢୖࠊ⚄ࠎ࡜ேࠎ࡟᫂☜࡞༊ูࡀࡳࡽࢀࡿࡢ࠿ࡣ᫂ࡽ࠿
7. ጁ႐ୡ⏺ࡢ✵㛫㓄⨨ࡣᴟᴦίᅵࡢࡶࡢ࡜ࡣ࠿࡞ࡾ࠿ࡅ㞳ࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋጁ႐ୡ⏺ࡣᖹᆠ࡛ࡣ࡞ࡃࠊ
(T 313, 11: 755b26–c4; T 310, 11: 105a28–b4 [cf. Chang 1983: 322]) ࠋT 313࡛ࡣࠊࡇࢀ࡟ࠕḍᴙࠖ࡜
⏺ࢆ⤖ࡪᕧ኱࡞୕ࡘࡢ㝵ẁࢆࡶࡘࡇ࡜࡛࠶ࡿ(T 313, 11: 757a28–b14; T 310, 11: 106c1–15 [cf.
Chang 1983: 325–326])
8. ጁ႐ୡ⏺࡟࠾ࡅࡿ㜿㛹௖ࡢග᫂࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣᗄᗘ࠿⡆༢࡟ゝཬࡀ࡞ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡶࡢࡢ㔜どࡉࢀ࡚
ࡣ࠸࡞࠸ (e.g. T 313, 11: 755b26–c4; T 310, 11: 110a4–7 [cf. Chang 1983: 332]) ࠋ
- 142 -
᳃ࡢ㟋㸦ࣖࢡࢩࣕ㸧ࠊ ࢞ࣥࢲࣦࣝ࢓ࠊ࢔ࢫࣛࡀఫࡳࠊࡑࡇࡣ㕲ᅖᒣ࡟ᅖࡲࢀࠊᕝࠊụࠊ
Კᩥࠗ⥔ᦶ⤒࠘(VkN) ࡢࡇࡢグ㏙ࡣࠊጁ႐ୡ⏺ࡢᮏ㉁ⓗ࡞≉ᚩࡀ࠸࠿࡞ࡿࡶࡢ࡛࠶ࡗࡓࡢ࠿ࠊࡑࡢ
࠿࡟ᙳ㡪ࡋࡓ࠿࡜࠸࠺Ⅼࢆᣦ᦬ࡍࡿ࡟␃ࡵࡓ࠸ࠋSchopen (1977) ࡀ࠸࠺ࡼ࠺࡟ࠊᴟᴦίᅵ࡜ጁ႐ୡ
௨ୗࡢグ㏙ࡣࢧࣥࢫࢡࣜࢵࢺᮏ 11 ❶ (Study Group 2006: 112–113) ࡟ࡼࡿࠋⱥヂࡣ Mangalam Translation Group ࡟ࡼ
ࡿⲡ᱌࡟ᇶ࡙ࡃࠋࡇࡢⲡ᱌ࡣ⌧ᅾ Luis Gómez ࡜➹⪅࡜࡛ฟ∧࡟ྥࡅ࡚⦅㞟୰࡛࠶ࡿࠋ
ࡇࡇ࡛ゝཬࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿⶈ⳹ࡣ࠾ࡑࡽࡃ㜿㛹௖ࡀ௚ࡢୡ⏺࡟໬⌧ࡍࡿ㝿࡟㊊チ࡟⏕ࡌࡿⶈ⳹࡛࠶ࢁ࠺ (ᮏᩥୖ㏙ࡢ
1 ࢆཧ↷)ࠋ
࡞ᙳ㡪ࢆ୚࠼ࡓ࡜࠸࠺ࡇ࡜ࡣ༑ศ⪃࠼ࡽࢀࡿࠋࡉࡽ࡟ࡣࠊጁ႐ୡ⏺ࡢ⳶ᥦᶞࢆྲྀࡾᅖࡴᕧ኱࡞ḍᴙ(vedikƗ )ࡣࠊึ
143 --- 143
4. 㐀ᙧୖࡢ⾲⌧ఏ⤫
ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡇࡢᅗീⓗ≉ᚩࡀ୍⯡໬ࡉࢀࡿᖺ௦ࢆ≉ᐃ࡛ࡁࡿྍ⬟ᛶࡀ࠶ࡿࠋStone (1994: 37–58) ࡀ
ࡕ࡞ࡳ࡟ࠊStone (1994: figs. 100, 118) ࡟ࡼࡗ࡚බหࡉࢀࡓ⢒㞧࡞⾲⌧ࡢⶈ⳹ᗙ࡟ᆘࡋࡓ஧యࡢ௖ീ
ࡶࡇࡢ2ᆎ࡟㛵㐃௜ࡅࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋᚑࡗ࡚ࠊJoseph Walser (2002: 250–62; 2005: 79–87)ࡀ㏙࡭ࡿࡼ࠺
࡟ࠊⶈ⳹ᗙୖ࡟௖ീࢆ㓄ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࢆ᫂グࡍࡿ㱟ᶞ㸦NƗgƗrjuna㸧ࡢࠗᐆ⾜⋤ṇㄽ RatnƗvalƯ࠘(III.31–32)
Devnimori ฟᅵࡢ௖ീ (5 ୡ⣖ึ㢌) ࡸ 5 ୡ⣖ࡢࢧ࣮ࣝࢼ࣮ࢺ௖࡟ྠᵝࡢ౛ࡀぢฟࡏࡿ (౛࠼ࡤ Williams, 1983: figs.
57, 90, 92 ࢆཧ↷)ࠋ
౛࠼ࡤ Stone (1994: figs. 22, 112, 115, 145, 152, 153) ࠋ❧ീࡢⶈ⳹ᗙࡣ௖㊊▼(buddhapƗda) ࡢ㊊㍕ࡏྎ࡜㛵㐃ࡀ࠶ࡿࠋ
㊊㍕ࡏྎࡣᮏ᮶ṇ᪉ᙧࡔࡗࡓࡀ(e.g., all examples in Knox 1992) ⶈ⳹ࡢᙧ࡟ࡶ࡞ࡿ(e.g., Stone 1994: figs. 91, 92)ࠋࡑࡋ
࡚௖ఏᅗ࡛ࡣ௖㊊▼ࡀ♩ᣏࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ(e.g. Knox 1992: nos. 12, 70, 72 ࡸ Stone 1994: figs. 176, 177 ࢆཧ↷) ࡇ࡜࡜ࡶ
㛵㐃ࡋࡼ࠺ࠋ኱ⱥ༤≀㤋ⶶࡢ஧ࡘࡢ௖ሪᾋ᙮(drum slabs)࡛ࡣࠊ୰ኸࡢⶈྎୖࡢ௖ീࡣそ㖊㒊࡟ᥥ࠿ࢀࡓࠕ➃ṇ࡞
࣮ᰕࡢᕥ᪉஧ࡘ┠ࡢሙ㠃㸸Sivaramamurti 1942: pl. lxiii, 2 ࡶཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸) ࠋ
㐣ཤ୐௖࡜ᘺີ(ࡇࡢẚᐃࡣྠస౛࡟้ࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡓ㖭ᩥࡢ Oskar von Hinüber ࡟ࡼࡿゎㄞ࡟㈇࠺) ࡣ⋢ᗙ࡟ᆘࡋ࡚࠸
ᙜ↛ࡇࢀࡣ඲ࡃࢼ࣮࣮࢞ࣝࢪࣗࢼࡢᖺ௦࡟㛵ࢃࡿၥ㢟࡛࠶ࡿࠋWalser ࡣࠊ௖㝀ീ࡟ⶈྎࡀకࢃࢀࡿࡇ࡜ࡸࠊࢧ࣮
ࡢ㛵㐃ᛶࡣᕼ࡛ⷧ࠶ࡾࠊWalser ࡢ᳨ウࡣㄝᚓຊ࡟Ḟࡅࡿࠋ
- 144 -
ࡉࡽ࡟ࠊRhi (2003: 166–171) ࡀ♧ࡋࡓࡼ࠺࡟ࠊ3ୡ⣖ᚋ༙࡟➊ἲㆤ㸦Dharmarakৢa㸧࡟ࡼࡗ࡚₎ヂ
⪅ࡢሙྜࠊⰼᘚࡶࡋࡃࡣᯞⴥࡣࢫ࣮࢝ࢺࡢࡼ࠺࡞ᙧࢆ࿊ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ43ࠋ ᮏ✏࡛ࡣࠊࡇࡢࡼ࠺࡞ᶞᮌ
๓㏙ࡋࡓึᮇࡢ෗┿࡛ࡣࠊᙼዪࡢ୧ᡭࡀ᏶Ꮡࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡢࡀ☜ㄆࡉࢀࡿ (ᅗ 2 ࢆཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸) ࠋ
Ingholt (Lyons & Ingholt 1957: figs. 366, 368) ࡣࡇࢀࡽࡢⰼᘚ࠿ࡽୖ༙㌟ࢆ⌧ࡍே≀ീࢆ࢟ࣥࢼࣛ (kinnaras) ࡜ゎ㔘
145 --- 145
㒊࡟ᶞᮌࡀ⾲⌧ࡉࢀࡿ౛ࡶࡳࡽࢀࡿ㸦e.g., ᅗ6ࢆཧ↷㸧ࠋࡉࡽ࡟స౛ࡣᴟࡵ࡚ᑡ࡞࠸ࡀࠊ」ྜᆺᾋ
ࢺࢆ╔ࡅࡿ࡜࠸࠺Ⅼ࡟㛵ࡋ࡚ࡣࡑࢀ࡞ࡾ࡟᰿ᣐࡀ࠶ࡿࡼ࠺ࡔࠋZin (2003: 1, 189–197) ࢆཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸ࠋࡋ࠿ࡋ
LSukh ࡣ࢟ࣥࢼࣛࡀᴟᴦίᅵ࡟࠸ࡿ࡜ࡣㄒࡽ࡞࠸Ⅼ (LSukh ୰ࡢ࢟ࣥࢼࣛ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ 2 ⟠ᡤࡢグ㏙࡛ࡣࠊᙼ➼ࡣ㜿
ᘺ㝀௖ࡢ௖ᅜᅵࡢእ࡟࠸ࡿ࡜ࡉࢀࡿ) ࠊ࠾ࡼࡧࠊྠ✀ࡢே≀ീࡀ㢌ගࢆకࡗ࡚⾲⌧ࡉࢀࡿࡢࡣ࢞ࣥࢲ࣮ࣛࡢ」ྜᆺ
ᾋ᙮࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡢࡳ࡛࠶ࡿ࡜࠸࠺Ⅼࡣ Zin (esp. p. 195, n. 56) ࡢ୺ᙇ࡟ᑐࡍࡿ཯ド࡜ࡋ࡚␃ពࡉࢀࡿ࡭ࡁ࡛࠶ࡿࠋఱࢀ
࡟ࡏࡼࠊᐑ἞ (Miyaji 1993: 254) ࡶᙼ➼ࢆ࢟ࣥࢼࣛ࡟ẚᐃࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
ᚋᮇ࢞ࣥࢲ࣮ࣛࡢ௖୕ᑛീ࠾ࡼࡧ୧⬥ౝ⳶⸃ࡢẚᐃ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣࠊ≉࡟ Rhi (2006) ཬࡧ Miyaji (2008)ࢆཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ
ࡇࡢࠕ5 ᖺ㖭ࠖࡣ࠾ࡑࡽࡃࢡࢩ࣮ࣕࣥᮅᮇ࡟ᒓࡋࠊすᬺ 232 ᖺ࠶ࡿ࠸ࡣ̿ࢡࢩ࣮ࣕࣥᮅᮇࡢ 3 ୡ⣖୰̿すᬺ 332
Fussman (1999: 546) ࡣࡉࡽ࡟ࡇࡢᾋ᙮࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࢡࢩ࣮ࣕࣥᮅࡢ᭱ึࡢ 100 ᖺ㛫࡟㐳ࡾᚓࡿ࡜ࡍࡿࠋ
㖭ᩥ࠾ࡼࡧ㛵㐃ᩥ⊩࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ http://gandhari.org/, inscription number CKI0232 ࢆཧ↷ࠋ
- 146 -
(1969/2003) ࡀᴟࡵ࡚ㄝᚓຊࢆࡶࡗ࡚♧ࡋࡓࡼ࠺࡟ࠊᘺີ⳶⸃ࡣࡑࡢᅗീ⾲⌧ࢆࣈࣛࣇ࣐࣮࡜ඹ᭷
ࡿࠋᾋ᙮ (ᚋᮇ࠿) ࡟ࡼࡗ࡚ࡣࠊࣈࣛࣇ࣐࣮࣭ࢱ࢖ࣉࡢ⳶⸃ീࡀ㓄ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡓ୺ᑛࡢྑഃࡢࡼࡾ㔜
ࡇࡢࢱ࢖ࣉࡢ⳶⸃ࡢ⤫ィⓗ࡞ศᯒ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣࠊMiyaji (2008: 127–131) ࢆཧ↷ࠋ
࢞ࣥࢲ࣮ࣛ࡟࠾ࡅࡿࢱ࣮ࣂࣥෙ㣭ࡢ⳶⸃ീࡢ⤫ィⓗ࡞ศᯒ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ Miyaji (2008: 131–139) ࢆཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸ࠋࡋ
147 --- 147
ࡿ࡜ぢࡿࡇ࡜ࡶ࡛ࡁࡿ51ࠋ ࣔࣁ࣐ࢵࢻ࣭ࢼ࣮ࣜᾋ᙮࡟ࡶ࠸࠼ࡿࡀࠊ୧⬥ౝࡢ⳶⸃࡟≉ᐃࡢᣢ≀ࡀ
୧ࢱ࢖ࣉࡢ┦⿵ⓗ㛵ಀ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ Huntington (1980: 664–665)ࡶ╔┠ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
㔘㏑⳶⸃ࡢᅗീẚᐃࡣከࡃࡢ௖ఏᅗ࡟ࡼࡗ࡚⿬௜ࡅࡽࢀࡿࠋࡲࡓᘺີࡢẚᐃࢆ❧ドࡍࡿࡢࡣ“MƝtrago Boudo”࡜グ
ࡉࢀࡿ࢝ࢽࢩࣗ࢝ 1 ୡⓎ⾜ࡢ㖡㈌ (Cribb, 1980, 1999; Huntington 1993; Tanabe 1993 ➼ཧ↷) ࡸ㖭ᩥ࡟ࡼࡗ࡚ᘺີ࡛
࠶ࡿ࡜᫂グࡉࢀࡓ࢔ࣄࢳࣕࢺ࣮ࣛฟᅵࡢ᭷ྡ࡞⳶⸃ീ࡛࠶ࡿ (Rosenfield 1967: 231 ➼)ࠋ
- 148 -
ࣛ㸦Taxila㸧ࡢࢪࣗࣜ࢔࣮ࣥ㸦JauliƗn㸧ࡢᚋᮇ࢞ࣥࢲ࣮ࣛ㑇㊧࡛ࡣࠊD1 ሪࡢ஧యࡢ௖ീࡣ࣮࢝ࢩࣕ
ࣃ௖࡜ࠊ୕య┠ࡣ㔘㏑௖࡜ẚᐃࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡓ52ࠋ ᩥ⊩ྐᩱࡢ࡞࠿࡛ࡶࠊࠗ㜿⪡㐩ụ㸦↓⇕ᝎụ㸧೦
㡴 AnavataptagƗthƗ࠘53 ࡣࠊ࣮࢝ࣟࢩࣗࢸ࢕࣮ᮏࡀⓎぢࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡇ࡜࠿ࡽࡶࠊࡇࡢࢥࣥࢸࢡࢫࢺ
ࣦ࢕ࣃࢵࢩࣥ௖ࡢ௖ሪ࡟⳹ࢆ౪㣴ࡋࡓ⤖ᯝ࡛࠶ࡿ࡜㏙࡭࡚࠸ࡿ54ࠋ ᡃࠎࡣࠊ࢞ࣥࢲ࣮ࣛ࡟࠾࠸࡚ࠊ
࡞≉ᚩࡣ௨ୗࡢࡼ࠺࡟ࡲ࡜ࡵࡽࢀࡿࠋᴫࡋ࡚ࠊࡇࡢᾋ᙮࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡣࠊStella Kramrisch (1983) ࡀ࢔ࢪ
Konow (1929: 96–97), Marshall (1951: 374–75). ࠾ࡼࡧ http://gandhari.org/ ෆࡢ☃㖭 CKI0082ࠊCKI0084ࠊCKI0085 ࢆ
ᮏࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࡣ 36 ேࡢ௖ᘵᏊࡀ⮬ࡽࡢ๓ୡࢆ≀ㄒࡿ೦㡴ࢆྵࢇ࡛࠸ࡿࠋ
Salomon (1999: 30–33).
࢞ࣥࢲ࣮ࣛ⨾⾡࡟࠾ࡅࡿ⇞⇠௖ᤵグᮏ⏕ᅗࡢస౛ࡢከࡉ࡜኱஌௖ᩍ࡜ࡢ㛵ࢃࡾ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣࠊRhi (2003: 157–158)
ྠᇶቭࡢ㖭ᩥࡣ Schopen (1987/2005) ࡟ࡼࡾ⪃ᐹࡀ࡞ࡉࢀ࡚ࡁࡓࠋࡶ࠺୍౛ࠊ࢞ࣥࢲ࣮ࣛࡢ௖୕ᑛീ࡟㜿ᘺ㝀௖ࡢ
⾲⌧ࡀ࠶ࡿ࡜ Brough (1982) ࡀᣦ᦬ࡋࡓࡀࠊ⌧ᅾ࡛ࡣ Salomon & Schopen (2002) ࡟ࡼࡾྰᐃࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
149 --- 149
࢞ࣥࢲ࣮ࣛ⨾⾡ࡢᑓ㛛⏝ㄒ࡛ࡣࠊࡇࡢࡼ࠺࡞ᘓ≀ࢆ vihƗra ࡜࿧ࢇ࡛࠸ࡿࡀࠊࡇࡢㄒࡣ୍⯡࡟ࠊൔ౶ࡀ⏕άࡍࡿൔ
౛࠼ࡤࡇࡢࡼ࠺࡞ᘓ⠏ࡢ౛ࡣࢫ࣮࣡ࢺ῱㇂ࡢ Gumbat ࡟ࡳࡽࢀࡿ (Olivieri 2008: 296, ᅗ 5) ࠋ
- 150 -
5. 」ྜᆺᾋ᙮ࡢ୕⣔⤫㸸ⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉࠊᴥ㛶ࢱ࢖ࣉࠊⓎฟࢱ࢖ࣉ
Rhi (1991: 154–155)ࡢᣦ᦬࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡶཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸ࠋ
ࡇࢀࡽࡢᾋ᙮࡟┳ྲྀࡉࢀࡿ㫽࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ Huntington (1980: 661) ࢆཧ↷ࡢࡇ࡜ࠋ
㫽ࡣᐇᅾࡢ㫽࡛ࡣ࡞ࡃࠊዴ᮶࡟ࡼࡗ࡚໬స (nirmita) ࡉࢀࡓᗁᙳ࡛࠶ࡿ࡜ࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡛ၥ㢟ࢆゎỴࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋヲ⣽ࢆ
ㄝ᫂ࡍࡿࡲ࡛ࡶ࡞ࡃࠊLSukh ࡢึᮇࢸ࢟ࢫࢺ࡛ࡣᴟᴦίᅵ࡟㫽ࡀᏑᅾࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡀ୍෌࡞ࡽࡎㄝ࠿ࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋᑐࡋ࡚
ᚋᮇࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࡢࢧࣥࢫࢡࣜࢵࢺᮏ࡛ࡣ 4 ᅇࠊ࠺ࡕ 3 ᅇࡣࠊ㫽ࡀぬ⪅࡟ࡼࡗ࡚໬సࡉࢀࡓ (tathƗgatƗbhinirmita) ࡜᫂
☜໬ࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࡀ୙ྍḞ࡜⪃࠼ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡇࡢࡇ࡜ࡣࠊࡍ࡞ࢃࡕ SSukh ࡀ LSukh ࡢึᮇࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࡼࡾࡶᚋ࡟ᡂ❧
151 --- 151
ᾋ᙮1: ᮏ✏ࡢ୺║࡛࠶ࡿࣔࣁ࣐ࢵࢻ࣭ࢼ࣮ࣜฟᅵࡢᾋ᙮; ࣮ࣛ࣍ࣝ༤≀㤋ⶶࠊᡤⶶ␒ྕ G 155 (ᪧ
1135, I-255) 㸦ᅗ1㸧
᫂⅊Ⰽ∦ᒾ; 119 x 97 x 28 cm
グ㘓෗┿: ࣭࣋ࣝࣜࣥ࢔ࢪ࢔⨾⾡㤋ࠊ༡࣭ᮾ༡࣭୰ኸ࢔ࢪ࢔⨾⾡ࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥ ࠊࣟࣥࢻ࣭ࣦࣥ
Burgess (1900: 32; pl. 7, 2); Vogel (1906: 256–257); Foucher (1905: fig. 79; 1909: 74, pl. xvi; 1917: pl.
xxvii, 1; 1918: 206; 1922: 534–37, 848); Lyons & Ingholt (1957: 121–23, fig. 25565); Rosenfield (1967:
236, fig. 90); Miyaji (1971: 57, fig.; 1985a: 79 & 83, figs. 12 & 14; 1993: 253, fig. 10; 1996: 361, fig. 8;
2002: 10, fig. 1); Huntington (1980); Bussagli (1984: 140); Brown (1984: 79–84, fig. 4); Huntington
(1985: 145–46, fig. 8.24); Schopen (1987: 130–31, n. 50); Taddei (1987/2003: fig. 3); Kurita
(1988/2003[I]: pl. 395); Schlingloff (1991: 127–28, n. 77, fig. 43, ⥺ᅗ); Rhi (1991: 95–100, 147, pl. 3);
Giès & Cohen (1996: 341–344, no. 253bis); Quagliotti (1996a); Bautze-Picron (2010: 14–17, figs. 18a,
ᾋ᙮ 2: ୰ኸ࡟ⶈ⳹ࢱ࢖ࣉࡢ௖ᅜᅵࠊୖ㒊༊⏬࡟ᘺີ⳶⸃ࢆ⾲ࡍᾋ᙮;࠾ࡑࡽࡃࣔࣁ࣓ࢵࢻ࣭ࢼ࣮ࣜ
ฟᅵ66; ࢳࣕࣥࢹ࢕࢞ࣝᕞ❧༤≀㤋ࠊᡤⶶ␒ྕ 572 㸦ᅗ 7㸧67
Miyaji (2002: 23–24; 2008: 124) ࡟࠾࠸࡚ྠᵝࡢศ㢮ࡀ࡞ࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡑࡇ࡛ࡣ௖୕ᑛീࢆᅄࡘࡢࢢ࣮ࣝࣉ࡟ศ㢮ࡍ
ࡸ౑⏝ࡉࢀࡓ▼ᮦࡢ✀㢮ࢆ᰿ᣐ࡜ࡋ࡚␲⩏ࡀᣦ᦬ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ(Bhattacharyya 2002: 97)ࠋFoucher (1917: pl. xxvii) ࡣࡇ
(pl. xxviii) ࠋ
- 152 -
ࡄୗ࡟ࡣࡸࡸᑠኴࡾࡢ㣕ኳ㸦putti㸧68 ࡀ࣮ࣜࢫ≧ࡢⰼ⎔ࢆ௖㝀ࡢ㢌ୖ࡟ᤝࡆ࠿ࡅ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ௖㝀
ࡀࠊす᪉㉳※࡛࠶ࡿࡇ࡜࡟␲ၥࡢవᆅࡣ࡞࠸ࠋ➨ 2 ࡟ࠊᙼࡽࡢ᫂☜࡞ᆅ఩ࠊࡘࡲࡾ⪷࠿಑࠿ࠊࡑࡋ࡚࢞ࣥࢲ࣮ࣛ
ࡢᾋ᙮ࡑࢀ⮬య࡟࠾ࡅࡿᙼࡽࡢᶵ⬟ࡣࡲࡔ᫂ࡽ࠿࡛ࡣ࡞࠸ࠋᚑࡗ࡚ᮏ✏࡛ࡣࠊᑓ㛛ⓗ࡞ cherub/cherubim ࡸ⥲⛠࡜
ࡋ࡚ࡢ genie/genii(Zin 2003: 141–152 ࡟ࡼࡗ࡚౑⏝ࡉࢀࡓ)ࡸࠊHuntington 1980 ࡛౑⏝ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࢧࣥࢫࢡࣜࢵࢺࡢ
ᑓ㛛⏝ㄒ vidyƗdhara (Zin 2003: 163–172 ཧ↷)࡛ࡣ࡞ࡃࠊ୍⯡ⓗ࡞࿧⛠ࡢ putto/putti ࢆ౑⏝ࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡜ࡍࡿࠋ
153 --- 153
㟷⅊Ⰽ∦ᒾ; 85 × 47 cm.
グ㘓෗┿: ࣭࣋ࣝࣜࣥ࢔ࢪ࢔⨾⾡㤋ࠊ༡࣭ᮾ༡࣭୰ኸ࢔ࢪ࢔⨾⾡ࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࠊP. & G. Bautze
Burgess (1900: pl. 8-1); Foucher (1917: pl. xxvii); Foucher (1918: fig. 459); Rosenfield (1967: 236–37,
fig. 91); Paul (1986: 171, no. 572); Kurita (1988/2003[I]: pl. 399); Rhi (1991: pl. 54); Schlingloff (1991:
figs. 41, ⥺ᅗ); Bhattacharyya (2002: no. 153); Schlingloff (2000: II, 102, no. 16, ⥺ᅗ); Miyaji (2002:
21, fig. 2).
ᾋ᙮ 3: ኱ᵓᅗࡢⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉᾋ᙮᩿∦; ࢧ࣮࣭ࣜࣂ࣮ࣟࣝ㸦Sahri Bahlol ,1939 ᖺⓎ᥀㸧ฟᅵ71; ࣌ࢩ
࣮ࣕ࣡ࣝ༤≀㤋ⶶࠊᡤⶶ␒ྕ 2785 (ᪧ 2016)72㸦ᅗ 8㸧
Bautze (2008: fig. 2) ࡟ᅗ∧ᥖ㍕ࠋ
ฟᅵᆅࡣ༤≀㤋ࡢసရࣛ࣋ࣝ࡟ࡣ᫂グࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡀࠊAli & Qazi (2008: 176)࡟ࡣࡑࡢグ㍕ࡀ࡞࠸ࠋ
ᮏ౛࡜ඛ࡟ᣲࡆࡓ౛ࡣࠊྠࢱ࢖ࣉࡢ᭱ࡶ㔜せ࡞ẚ㍑స౛࡛࠶ࡾࠊࡍ࡛࡟ Quagliotti (1996a) ࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡶㄽཬࡉࢀ࡚
- 154 -
ྠࡌ኱ࡁࡉ࡛⾲ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋᕥྑ㝮࡟ࡑࢀࡒࢀ⾲ࡉࢀࡓ 2 ⳶⸃ࡣࠊᶞୗ࡛஫࠸࡟ᑐヰࡍࡿᵝᏊ
⅊Ⰽ∦ᒾ; 149.95 ×116.92 cm.
グ㘓෗┿: ࣟࣥࢻ࣭ࣦࣥ࢓࣮ࣝࣈࣝࢢ◊✲ᡤ
Kurita (1988/2003[I]: pl. 402); Rhi (1991: pl. 6); Ali & Qazi (2008: 176).
ᾋ᙮4: ㄝἲ༳௖㝀ീࢆྵࡴⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉࡢᾋ᙮୰ኸ㒊ศ; ฟᅵᆅ୙᫂; ࢝ࣛࢳᅜ❧༤≀㤋ⶶࠊᡤⶶ␒
155 --- 155
⅊Ⰽ∦ᒾ; 㧗112 cm
Lyons & Ingholt (1957: 35, 124, pl. XVI, 373); Taddei (1969/2003: figs. 13, 14); Miyaji (1985b: pl. VII,
1); Kurita (1988/2003[I]: pl. 406); Bautze-Picron (2010: fig. 19, ᶞᮌ࡜ⰼ㍯ࢆᣢࡘࣉࢵࢺࡢ⣽㒊).
ᾋ᙮5: ⶈᆅࢱ࢖ࣉࡢᾋ᙮᩿∦㸦ୗ᪉ࡢࡳ㸧; ࢧ࣮࣭ࣜࣂ࣮ࣟࣝ㸦A.D.F.C࡟ࡼࡿ1911–12ᖺࡢⓎ᥀㸧
ฟᅵ; ࣌ࢩ࣮ࣕ࣡ࣝ༤≀㤋ⶶࠊᡤⶶ␒ྕ1121
ⶈụ࡟ࡣࠊ ᕳࡃỈὶࡢ୰࡟ᩘ༉ࡢ㨶࡜ᩘ⩚ࡢ࢔ࣄࣝࡀ⾲ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡉࡽ࡟ኵ፬࡛࠶ࢁ࠺
⅊Ⰽ∦ᒾ; 48.29 × 48.29 cm.
グ㘓෗┿: ࣟࣥࢻ࣭ࣦࣥ࢓࣮ࣝࣈࣝࢢ◊✲ᡤ
Ali & Qazi (2008: 161).
ᾋ᙮6: ே≀ീࡢ⾲ࡉࢀࡓⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉࡢᅄゅᙇࡗࡓᾋ᙮; ࢧ࣮࣭ࣜࣂ࣮ࣟࣝࠊ࣐࢘ࣥࢻCฟᅵ74ࠊ࣌
ࢩ࣮ࣕ࣡ࣝ༤≀㤋 (ᪧ?) ⶶ75
ฟᅵᆅࡣ Rhi (1991: pl. 65) ࡟ࡼࡿࠋ
ࡇࡢᾋ᙮ࡣ Ali & Qazi (2008) ࡟グ㘓ࡉࢀ࡚࠸࡞࠸ࠋ
- 156 -
Marshall (1960: pl. 110, fig. 151); Rhi (1991: pl. 65); Schlingloff (1991: fig. 42, ⥺ᅗ); Schlingloff
(2000: II, 102, no. 29, ⥺ᅗ).
ᾋ᙮7: ⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉᾋ᙮; ฟᅵᆅ୙᫂76; ࣌ࢩ࣮ࣕ࣡ࣝ༤≀㤋ᪧⶶ77㸦ᅗ9㸧
ࡋ࠿ࡋ࡞ࡀࡽࠊࡇࡢᾋ᙮ࡣᵝᘧⓗ࡟ࠊࢱࣇࢸ࢕࣭ࣂ࣮࢖ (excavated 1908) ฟᅵࡢᮏ✏ᾋ᙮ 16 ࡜㢮ఝࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡇ࡜
ᮏࢹ࣮ࢱࡣ 1913–14 ᖺࡢࣟࣥࢻ࣭ࣦࣥ࢓࣮ࣝࣈࣝࢢ◊✲ᡤⶶグ㘓෗┿࡟ࡼࡿࠋ⌧ᅾࡢᡤᅾᆅࡣ୙᫂ࠋ
157 --- 157
∦ᒾ; ἲ㔞୙᫂.
グ㘓෗┿: ࣟࣥࢻ࣭ࣦࣥ࢓࣮ࣝࣈࣝࢢ◊✲ᡤ
ᾋ᙮8: ୖ㒊࡟኱ࡁ࡞ᘓ㐀≀ࢆ㓄ࡋࡓⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉࡢᾋ᙮; ࢧ࣮࣭ࣜࣂ࣮ࣟࣝࠊ࣐࢘ࣥࢻ D78ฟᅵ; ࢝
ฟᅵᆅࡣ Rhi (1991)࡟ࡼࡿࠋ
ᙼࡣࡇࢀࢆ Taxila ฟᅵ࡜ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ(Kurita 2003:
I, pl. 401)ࠋᮏᾋ᙮࡟ࡣ┿㉚ࢆ␲࠺࡜ࡇࢁࡀᑡ࡞࠿ࡽࡎ࠶ࡿࠋࡋ࠿ࡋ࡞ࡀࡽࠊᾋ᙮ᇶቭࡢ᫂☜࡞㏣้ࡸಙ៰ᛶࡢ࠶ࡿ
- 158 -
⅊Ⰽ∦ᒾ; ἲ㔞୙᫂
ᅗ∧: C. Luczanits 2007.
Miyaji (1985b: pl. VIII, 2); Kurita (1988/2003[I]: pl. 401); Rhi (1991: pl. 40).
ᾋ᙮9: ⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉᾋ᙮;ࢫ࣡ࣅ㸦Swabi㸧ࡢ࣮ࣖࢡࣅ㸦YƗkubi㸧80 ฟᅵ ࣌ࢩ࣮ࣕ࣡ࣝ༤≀㤋ⶶࠊ
ᡤⶶ␒ྕ3110 (ᪧ 280)81
Spooner (1912: 129) ࡟ࡼࡿ࡜ࠊWilson-Johnson Ặ࡟ࡼࡗ࡚ᑠᕝ࠿ࡽⓎぢࡉࢀࡓ࡜࠸࠺ࠋࢫ࣡ࣅࡣ࣮࢝ࣈࣝἙ࡜࢖
ࡇࡢᾋ᙮ࡣ Wilson Johnstone I.C.I ኱బࡢᐤ㉗࡛࠶ࡿ (Ali & Qazi 2008: 160–61)ࠋ
159 --- 159
⅊Ⰽ∦ᒾ; 59.73 × 36.85 cm.
Spooner (1912: 129-32, pl. xlvii); Coomaraswamy (1927: fig. 54); Zimmer (1954: II, 64a); Lyons &
Ingholt (1957: 123–124, fig. 256); von Mitterwallner (1987: fig. 3); Rhi (1991: pl. 43); Schlingloff
(1991: fig. 40, ⥺ᅗ); Schlingloff (2000: II, 102, no. 22, ⥺ᅗ); Ali & Qazi (2008: 160–61).
ᾋ᙮10: 㐣ཤ୐௖࠾ࡼࡧᘺີ⳶⸃ࢆక࠺ᴥ㛶ࢱ࢖ࣉࡢᾋ᙮; ࣔࣁ࣐ࢵࢻ࣭ࢼ࣮ࣜ ฟᅵ83; ࢳࣕࣥࢹ
࢕࢞ࣝᕞ❧༤≀㤋ⶶࠊᡤⶶ␒ྕ113484 㸦ᅗ10㸧
ࡇࡢ㖭ᩥࡢゎㄞ࡜ཧ⪃ᩥ⊩࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣࠊ࢙࢘ࣈࢧ࢖ࢺ (http://gandhari.org/) ࡢ“YƗkubi image inscription,” CKI0139
ࢆཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸ࠋྠ㖭ᩥࡢ㔜せᛶࡣ Brown (1984: 82), Fussman (1987: 74, n. 38), von Mitterwallner (1987: 227–228), Rhi
(1991: 109, n. 28) ㅖẶ࡟ࡼࡗ࡚㆟ㄽࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡀࠊ༑ศ࡞⤖ㄽ࡟⮳ࡗࡓࡶࡢࡣࡳࡽࢀ࡞࠸ࠋᡃࠎࡣࡇࡢሙࢆ࠿ࡾ࡚
Stefan Baums Ặ࡟ㅰពࢆ⾲ࡋࡓ࠸ࠋẶࡣ⌧ᅾࡇࡢ㖭ᩥࡢゎㄞ࡜ゎ㔘࡟ྲྀࡾ⤌ࢇ࡛࠸ࡿࠋẶࡢ◊✲ࡣ࡞࠾㐍⾜୰࡛࠶
ࡿࡀࠊ⌧ẁ㝵࡛ jinakumaro ࡜࠸࠺ㄞࡳࡀᨭᣢࡉࢀ࡞࠸ࡇ࡜ࡣࠊ࠿࡞ࡾ☜ᐃⓗ࡛࠶ࡿࠋࡋࡓࡀࡗ࡚ࠊ୺ᑛࡀ㔘㏑∹
ᮏ౛ࡣࢫ࣮࣡ࢺ㐠Ἑᕤ஦୺௵(C.E) Dempster Ặ࡟ࡼࡾࣔࣁ࣐ࢵࢻ࣭ࢼ࣮ࣜࡢᮧࡢ㏆㑹ࡢ࣐࢘ࣥࢻ࠿ࡽฟᅵࡋࡓ
( Burgess 1897: 8, pl. 112 ࡢグ㏙ࢆཧ↷)ࠋ
- 160 -
⅊Ⰽ∦ᒾ㸹 105×77 cm.
グ㘓ᅗ∧: ࣭࣋ࣝࣜࣥ࢔ࢪ࢔⨾⾡㤋ࠊ༡࣭ᮾ༡࣭୰ኸ࢔ࢪ࢔⨾⾡ࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥ; ኱ⱥᅗ᭩㤋85.
Cole (1883: pl. 1 (sketch); 1885: pl. 1); Burgess (1897: pl. 112); Foucher (1905: 193, fig. 77); Foucher
(1917: pl. xxvi, 1); Grünwedel (1920: fig. 63, ⥺ᅗ); Marshall (1960: fig. 123); Miyaji (1985a: 88, fig.
17; 1985b: pl. IX, 2; 2002: 24, fig. 3); Paul (1986: 171, no. 1134); Kurita (1988/2003[I]: pl. 397); Rhi
(1991: pl. 45); Bhattacharyya (2002: no. 340, “ᴟᴦίᅵ࡛ㄝἲࡍࡿ㜿ᘺ㝀௖”).
ᾋ᙮11: 㔜ᒙᘓ⠏ࡢᴥ㛶ࢆ⾲ࡍᾋ᙮ୖ㒊᩿∦; ࢳࣕࣥࢹ࢕࢞ࣝᕞ❧༤≀㤋ⶶࠊ཰ⶶ␒ྕ113786
161 --- 161
ࡘࡢᘓ㐀≀ࡀ࠶ࡗࡓࠋcf. ௨ୗࡢᾋ᙮12㸧ࠋࡇࡢ୰ẁࡢิࡢࡍ࡭࡚ࡢ⳶⸃ീࡣⶈ⳹ᗙ࡛ࡣ࡞ࡃ
⅊Ⰽ∦ᒾ; 76 × 95 cm.
Foucher (1905: fig. 78); Paul (1986: 171, no. 1137); Taddei (1987/2003: fig. 4); Rhi (1991: pl. 49);
Schlingloff (1991: fig. 45, ⥺ᅗ); Schlingloff (2000: II, 103, no. 19, ⥺ᅗ); Bhattacharyya (2002: no. 341).
ᾋ᙮12: 㔜ᒙᘓ⠏ࢆ⾲ࡍᴥ㛶ࢱ࢖ࣉࡢᾋ᙮; ࢧ࣮࣭ࣜࣂ࣮ࣟࣝࠊ࣐࢘ࣥࢻDฟᅵ㸦1911–12ᖺⓎ᥀㸧;
࣌ࢩ࣮ࣕ࣡ࣝ༤≀㤋ⶶࠊ཰ⶶ␒ྕ2771 (ᪧ1554, 60)
᭱ୖ㒊ࡢே≀ࡣࢡ࣮࣋ࣛ (Kubera) ⚄࡟ẚᐃࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡀ(Bhattacharyya 2002: 112)ࠊ㊊ࡢ๓࡟ࡳ࠼ࡿࠊ⣽㛗ࡃඛ➃
- 162 -
⅊Ⰽ∦ᒾ; 114.37 × 71.17 cm.
Hargreaves (1930: 98-99); Lyons & Ingholt (1957: 125–26, fig. 257); Miyaji (1985b: pl. VI, 1–3; 2008:
fig. 1, 5 ཬࡧ 7); Kurita (1988/2003[I]: pl. 396); Rhi (1991: pl. 39; 2006: fig. 7.14); Schlingloff (1991:
fig. 44, ⥺ᅗ; 2000: II, 102, no. 25, ⥺ᅗ); Ali & Qazi (2008: 150–51).
ᾋ᙮13: ⶈ⳹ᗙୖ࡟⾲ࡉࢀࡓᴥ㛶ࢱ࢖ࣉࡢᾋ᙮; ࣭ࣟࣜࣖࣥࢱࣥ࢞࢖ (Loriyan Tangai) ฟᅵ88; ࢥࣝ
࢝ࢱ࣭࢖ࣥࢻ༤≀㤋ⶶࠊᡤⶶ␒ྕA 23484 (ᪧ5090) 㸦ᅗ12㸧
ࡇࡢฟᅵᆅࡢ᝟ሗࡣ Marshall (1960: fig. 122)࡟ࡼࡿࠋྠ᭩ࡢ⦰ᑠ෗┿࡟ࡣࠊࢫ࣮࣡ࢺ῱㇂ᑗ᮶࡜࠸࠺⣬ࡀᾋ᙮࡟㈞
163 --- 163
࡟୧⬥ౝ⳶⸃ࡀᆘࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋᕥഃࡢ⳶⸃ࡣ஺⬮ᆘീ࡛ࠊ ᕥᡭࢆ୺ᑛࡢ௖㝀࡜ᑐヰࡍࡿ࠿ࡢࡼ
ᬯ⅊Ⰽ∦ᒾ; 85.5×40.5×12.2 cm; 1mࡢࢣ࣮ࢫࡢ㧗ࡉࡣⶈ⳹ᗙࡶྵࡴ90
グ㘓ᅗ∧: ࣟࣥࢻ࣭ࣦࣥ࢓࣮ࣝࣈࣝࢢ◊✲ᡤ; ࣭࣋ࣝࣜࣥ࢔ࢪ࢔⨾⾡㤋ࠊ༡࣭ᮾ༡࣭୰ኸ࢔ࢪ
Burgess (1900: fig. 25); Foucher (1905: 192, fig. 76; 1917: pl. xxv, 1)91; Majumdar (1937: 67–68, pl. ix,
c); Marshall (1960: 94–95, fig. 122); Miyaji (1985a: 90, fig. 18; 1985b: pl. IX, 1); Kurita (1988/2003[I]:
pl. 398); Nehru (1989: pl. 17); Rhi (1991: pl. 42); Schlingloff (1991: fig. 47,⥺ᅗ); Klimburg-Salter
(1995: no. 133).
ᾋ᙮14: ㄝἲ༳௖㝀ീ࡜ᇶቭ㒊࡟୐௖࠾ࡼࡧᘺີ⳶⸃ࢆ⾲ࡍᴥ㛶ࢱ࢖ࣉࡢᾋ᙮᩿∦; ฟᅵᆅ୙᫂;
Foucher (1917: pl. xxv, 1 ࡟㛵ࡍࡿグ㏙).
- 164 -
∦ᒾ; 70 x 45 cm.
Exhibit (1985: no. 37); Kurita (1990/2003[II]: pl. 294) ࡛ࡣࠊࡇࡢᾋ᙮ࡀࢫ࣡ࣅᆅᇦฟᅵ࡜ࡉࢀ࡚࠸
ᾋ᙮15: ⶈụ࡟ᴥ㛶ࡀ⏕ࡌ࡚࠸ࡿᴥ㛶ࢱ࢖ࣉࡢᾋ᙮᩿∦; ฟᅵᆅཬࡧᡤⶶඛ୙᫂93
Lyons & Ingholt (1957: 35) ࡟ࡣᮏస౛࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࠕ࠿ࡘ࡚ࣟࣥࢻࣥࡢ⨾⾡ᕷሙୖ࡟࠶ࡗࡓࠖ࡜グࡍࠋᵝᘧⓗ࡟ࡣࡇࡢ
ࡋ࠿ࡋ Lyons & Ingholt (1957: 128)ࡣࠊLnjhasudatta ࡜ࡑࡢጔ࡟ゎࡍࡿࠋ
165 --- 165
Lyons & Ingholt (1957: pl. xvi, 4).
౛እ࡜ࡋ࡚ᾋ᙮ 2 ࡀᣲࡆࡽࢀࡿࠋᘓ㐀≀ࡣࡑࡢୗ࡟ⶈ⳹ࢆకࢃࡎࠊᾋ᙮୺せ㒊ศࡢୗẁ࡟ࡳࡽࢀࡿே≀ࡶࡲࡓⶈ
- 166 -
᭱ᚋ࡟㔜せ࡞Ⅼࢆ௜ゝࡍࡿ࡜ࠊ࠾ࡑࡽࡃࡍ࡭࡚ࡢᴥ㛶ࡣⶈ⳹ᗙୖ࡟࠶ࡾ㸦ᾋ᙮13; ᅗ12㸧ࠊ⋤ᐑࡢ
࠸ࡃࡘ࠿ࡢᾋ᙮㸦౛;ᾋ᙮9 ᮏ౛ࡣⴭࡋࡃᑠࡉ࠸㸧࡟ㄆࡵࡽࢀࡿ஧ࢱ࢖ࣉ㛫ࡢ㐪࠸ࡢ᭕᫕ࡉࡣࠊ
ᾋ᙮16: ໬௖ࢆⓎࡍࡿ௖㝀ീࢆక࠺ⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉࡢᾋ᙮; ࢱࣇࢸ࢕࣭ࣂ࣮࢖㸦1908ᖺⓎ᥀㸧ฟᅵ; ᪧ
Rhi (1991) ࡛ࡣࡇࡢࢱ࢖ࣉࢆࠕቑṪ(multiplication)ࠖࢱ࢖ࣉ࡜࿧ࡪࠋ
167 --- 167
グ㘓ᅗ∧: ࣟࣥࢻ࣭ࣦࣥ࢓࣮ࣝࣈࣝࢢ◊✲ᡤ
Spooner (1911: pl. xliv, c); Foucher (1922: fig. 484); Lyons & Ingholt (1957: pl. xxi, 2); Kurita
(1988/2003[I]: pl. 391); Rhi (1991: pl. 46); Schlingloff (1991: ᅗ37 ࠾ࡼࡧᅗ38ࠊ⥺ᅗ; 2000: II, 102,
no. 14, ⥺ᅗ).
ᾋ᙮17: ໬௖ࢆⓎฟࡍࡿ௖㝀ീࢆక࠺ᮍ᏶ࡢⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉࡢᾋ᙮; ࢱࣇࢸ࢕࣭ࣂ࣮࢖ฟᅵ; ⌧ᆅ㸦㸽㸧98
⅊Ⰽ∦ᒾ; 㧗 119.4 cm.
Lyons & Ingholt (1957: no. 263); Kurita (1988/2003[I]: pl. 394).
ᾋ᙮18: ໬௖ࢆⓎฟࡉࡏࡿ௖㝀ീࢆ⾲ࡍⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉࡢᾋ᙮; ࢧ࣮࣭ࣜࣂ࣮ࣟࣝࠊ࣐࢘ࣥࢻCฟᅵ99;
࢝ࣛࢳᅜ❧༤≀㤋ⶶࠊᡤⶶ␒ྕ 1734100
Rhi (1991: 157 & n. 46) ࡟ࡼࢀࡤࠊᙜ᫬ࡢ⌧ᆅࡢ཰ⶶᗜ࡟ࡣ◚ᦆࡋࡓ᩿∦ࡢࡳᏑᅾࡋ࡚࠸ࡓ࡜࠸࠺ࠋ
ࡇࡢฟᅵᆅࡣ Rhi (1991: pl. 5) ࡟ᇶ࡙ࡃࠋSchlingloff (2000: I, 493) ࡣࡇࢀ࡟ೌ࠺ࠋHiguchi (1984: no. I-9) ࡣ࣐ࣝࢲ࣮
ࣥ (Mardan) ᑗ᮶࡜グࡍࠋ
ࣟࣥࢻ࣭ࣦࣥ࢓࣮ࣝࣈࣝࢢ◊✲ᡤᡤⶶࡢ 1913–14 ᖺᗘࡢグ㘓෗┿࡟ࡼࢀࡤࠊ࠿ࡘ࡚ࡣ࣌ࢩ࣮ࣕ࣡ࣝ༤≀㤋ⶶ࡛
- 168 -
⅊Ⰽ∦ᒾ; 83 × 54 cm.
グ㘓ᅗ∧: ࣟࣥࢻ࣭ࣦࣥ࢓࣮ࣝࣈࣝࢢ◊✲ᡤ
Lyons & Ingholt (1957: pl. xx, 2); Bussagli (1984: 188); Higuchi (1984: no. I-9); Kurita (1988/2003[I]:
pl. 393); Rhi (1991: pl. 5); Schlingloff (1991: figs. 39, ⥺ᅗ; 2000: II, 102, no. 11, ⥺ᅗ).
ᾋ᙮19: ໬௖ࢆⓎฟࡍࡿ௖㝀ീࢆక࠺ⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉࡢᾋ᙮᩿∦; ฟᅵᆅ୙᫂; ࢳ࢙ࣥࢼ࢖㸦࣐ࢻࣛࢫ㸧
Taddei (1969/2003: fig. 31ࠊ௚ࡢస౛࡟ゝཬࡍࡿㄝ᫂ࡀຍ࠼ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ; 1987/2003: fig. 2).
169 --- 169
௨ୖࠊ⣙ 20 స౛࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ᴫほࡋࡓࠋࡋ࠿ࡋ࢞ࣥࢲ࣮ࣛ⨾⾡࡜ࡋ࡚ሗ࿌ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ」ྜᆺᾋ᙮ࡢ
ࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡑࡢᩘࡣ⌧Ꮡࡍࡿస౛ࡢඃ࡟ 3 ಸ࡟ࡢࡰࡿࠋࡇࢀࡽࡢ᩿∦⩌ࡲ࡛ᮏ◊✲࡛ࡣ⤫ྜⓗ࡟
Rhi (1991㸸5㸫6) ࡛ࡣࠊ௖୕ᑛീࢆຍ࠼ࠊ⣙ 130 ౛࡟㐩ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋRhi (1991) Appendix 1 (pp. 194-206) ࡢస౛ࣜࢫ
ࢺࢆཧ↷ࠋRhi ࡢࣜࢫࢺ࡟ࡣ┿㉚ࡢ␲ࢃࢀࡿస౛ࡶ࠸ࡃࡘ࠿ྵࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡀ(p.3ࠊὀ 8 ࡢࢥ࣓ࣥࢺࢆཧ↷) ࠊࡑࢀ
௖୕ᑛീᾋ᙮; ࢧ࣮࣭ࣜࣂ࣮ࣟࣝ (1906–07 ᖺⓎ᥀) ฟᅵ; ࣌ࢩ࣮ࣕ࣡ࣝ༤≀㤋ⶶࠊᡤⶶ␒ྕ PM-2770 [ᪧ 158]: ㄝ
ἲ༳௖ᆘീ࡜኱ᆺࡢ୧⬥ౝ⳶⸃࠿ࡽ࡞ࡿ௖୕ᑛീ; ୺ᑛࡣ኱ࡁ࡞ⶈ⳹ᗙࡢୖ࡛ㄝἲ༳ࢆ♧ࡋ࡚ᆘࡋࠊࡑࡢୖ᪉࡟ࡣ
࠸ࡿࠋᕥࡢࣈࣛࣇ࣐࣮ࡶᜤᩗࡢ㌟᣺ࡾ࡛Ỉ⏃ࢆᇳࡾࠊྑഃࡢ࢖ࣥࢻࣛࡣ⋤ෙ(kirƯ‫ܒ‬a) ࢆᡝࡁࠊ㞾(㔠๛ᯂ)ࢆᇳࡿࠋ
ୖ᪉ࡢᘓ㐀≀ࡢ࡞࠿࡟ࡣ⚙ᐃ༳ࢆ⤖ࡪ⳶⸃ീࡀ⾲ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ⅊Ⰽ∦ᒾ 57 ×49 ×11 cm. ᪤ฟ඾; ౛ Lyons &
Ingholt (1957: fig. 254); Kurita (1988/2003[I]: pl. 403; Exhibit (2008: no. 203); Miyaji (2008: figs. 2, 4 ཬࡧ 6) ࠋ
- 170 -
6. ඾ᣐࢆᕠࡿၥ㢟
࠸ࡓே≀ീࡢከࡃࡀḞᦆࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡼ࠺࡛࠶ࡿ (Miyaji 1985b: pl. XI, 1; 2008: fig. 17; Rhi 2006: fig. 7.15 ཧ↷) ࠋࡑࡢ௚
ࡢᴥ㛶ࢱ࢖ࣉࡢ௖୕ᑛീ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣࠊ౛࠼ࡤ Schlingloff (1991: fig. 44ࠊ⥺ᅗ) ࢆཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸ࠋࡇࡇ࡛ࡣ஧యࡢ⚙
ࣙࣥ (the Gai Collection, Peshawar) ࡛࠶ࡿࠋ
Ali & Qazi (2008: 166–173) ࠋࡇࡇ࡛ࡣⓎฟࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ௖㝀ീ࡜⳶⸃ീࡢ༊ูࡀ࡞ࡉࢀ࡚࠸࡞࠸ࡓࡵࠊࡉࡽ࡟ከᩘࡢ
171 --- 171
᥎ ࡀྍ⬟࡛࠶ࡿࡇ࡜ࢆ௜ゝࡋ࡚࠾ࡁࡓ࠸ࠋู✏࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡇࡢၥ㢟ࡣࡼࡾయ⣔ⓗ࡟ᢅ࠺ணᐃ࡛࠶ࡿࠋ
ࡇࡇ࡛ࡣࠊ」ྜᆺᾋ᙮ࡣ࢞ࣥࢲ࣮ࣛ⨾⾡ࡢ࡞࠿࡛ࡶᚋᮇ࡟ᒓࡋ106ࠊ ࡑࡋ࡚ࠊࡑࢀࡽࡢฟᅵᆅ࡟ࡘ
࠸࡚ࡶࠊ࡯࡜ࢇ࡝ࡢస౛ࡀࣔࣁ࣐ࢵࢻ࣭ࢼ࣮ࣜࠊࢧ࣮࣭ࣜࣂ࣮ࣟࣝࠊࢱࣇࢸ࢕࣭ࣂ࣮࢖ ࠾ࡼࡧ࣐
ࣝࢲ࣮ࣥ㸦ࡇࢀࡽࡢ㑇㊧ࡣ࠾஫࠸࡟㏆᥋ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࢧ࣮࣭ࣜࣂ࣮ࣟࣝ ࡣࢱࣇࢸ࢕࣭ࣂ࣮࢖࠿ࡽഹ
Rhi (1991: 10) ࡣ࡯࡜ࢇ࡝ࡢస౛ࢆࠊ
3 ୡ⣖୰ⴥ࠿ࡽ 5 ୡ⣖ึᮇ࡜࠸࠺ 150 ᖺᙅࡢᮇ㛫࡟ᖐࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ (ibid. p. 4, n. 10
ࡶཧ↷) ࠋ
ࡇࢀࡽࡢస౛ࡢศᕸࡸṔྐⓗព⩏࡟㛵ࡍࡿࡼࡾヲ⣽࡞㆟ㄽࡣ Rhi (2003: 179–185) ࢆཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸ࠋRhi (1991:
156–159) ࡣ㛵㐃㑇㊧ࡢ」ྜᆺᾋ᙮ࢆࡵࡄࡿᙧ⪋ୗࡢࢥࣥࢸࢡࢫࢺ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚⯆࿡῝࠸⪃ᐹࡶ⾜ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
࡯࡜ࢇ࡝ࡢస౛࡟࠾࠸࡚௖㝀ࡢഐࡽࡢே≀ീࡣᦆയࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡀࠊᾋ᙮ 2 ࡛ࡣࠊࡣࡗࡁࡾ࡜ᙼࡀẚୣ࡛࠶ࡿ࡜ࢃ࠿
- 172 -
ࣔࣁ࣐ࢵࢻ࣭ࢼ࣮ࣜᾋ᙮ࡢሙྜ࡛ࡣࠊ௖㝀ࡢྎᗙୗࡢὝ❍ᒾ㠃࡟ 2 㢌ࡢ㔝⋇ࡀࡳࡽࢀࡿᙧᘧࡀ☜ㄆ࡛ࡁࡿࠋ
Huntington ࡀᣦ᦬ࡍࡿࡼ࠺࡟ࠊᕤேࡣࠊLSukh ࡢㄝἲሙᡤ࡛࠶ࡿ㟋㮖ᒣ (G৚dhraknj৬a) ࢆ♧၀ࡍࡿࡓࡵ࡟ࠊ
ㄝἲࠖ(IndraĞailaguhƗ; e.g., Lyons & Ingholt 1957: fig. 129 ཬࡧ Marshall 1960: fig. 118 ཧ↷)ࡢ⾲⌧ఏ⤫ࢆ೉⏝ࡋࡓ࡜ࡳ
Rhi (2008: 259) ࡣࠊ㜿ᘺ㝀௖ࡢⶈ⳹ᗙ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣほ⤒࡟㢧ⴭ࡟ㄆࡵࡽࢀࡿࡢ࡟ᑐࡋࠊLSukh ࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡶ SSukh ࡟
࠾࠸࡚ࡶゝཬࡀ࡞࠸Ⅼࢆᣦ᦬ࡍࡿࠋ☜࠿࡟ࡑ࠺࡛࠶ࡿࡀࠊ㜿ᘺ㝀௖ ࡣᙜ↛ᆅୖ࡛ࡣ࡞ࡃࠊಙ⪅ࡓࡕࡼࡾࡶ㧗࠸఩
ࠊ ࠊ ࠊ ࠊ
ࡿ஧ࡘࡢ␲ࢃࡋ࠸స౛ࡣᾋ᙮ 6 (ᕥୖ᪉ࡢᑠࡉ࡞ീ) ࡜ᾋ᙮ 16 (୺ᑛ) ࡢ౛࡛࠶ࡿࠋ
Huntington ࡢ୺ᙇࡣᙜ↛ࡢࡇ࡜࡞ࡀࡽࠊQuagliotti(1996a: 284, 287)࡟ࡼࡗ࡚␲⩏ࡀ࿊ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡀࠊᡃࠎ࠿ࡽࡳࢀ
࡜ࡍࡿ Quagliotti ࡢぢゎࡶࡸࡸᙉᘬ࡜࠸࠼ࡿࠋ
173 --- 173
ࢆ࿊ࡍࡿᾋ᙮ 15 ࡸࠊ㇟ࡀࡋࡤࡋࡤ୺ᑛࡢⶈ⳹ᗙࢆᨭ࠼ࡿ࡜࠸࠺ᅗീࡀ♧ࡍࡼ࠺࡟ࠊỈ࡜ࡶᐦ᥋࡟
ㄝࠊ࡜ࡾࢃࡅࠊLSukh ࡜⤖ࡧࡘࡅࡼ࠺࡜ࡋࡓ Huntington ࡢヨㄽ (Huntington 1980: 658)ࡢせ࡛࠶ࡗࡓ
࡜࠸࠼ࡿࠋ୍᪉ࠊQuagliotti ࡣࡑ࠺࡛ࡣ࡞ࡃࠊᖇ㔘❍ㄝἲࡢ࢚ࣆࢯ࣮ࢻ࡟㛵㐃௜ࡅ࡞ࡀࡽࡶࠊ⌧ᐇ
ୡ⏺ࡢ␗࡞ࡿᵝ┦ࢆ㢧♧ࡍࡿሙ㠃࡜ࡳ࡚࠸ࡿ (1996a: 282-285) ࠋᕤேࡀࠊὝ❍ෆࡢື≀ࡓࡕࡢ⣽㒊
ࠊQuagliotti ࡢゎ㔘ࡣ௨ୗࡢ
- 174 -
ࡇ࡜ࠊࡑࡋ࡚ Quagliotti ࡀ࢖ࣥࢻࣛ࡜ࡍࡿ㔠๛ᯂࢆᇳࡿே≀ࡣࠊ༢࡟ᚑ⪅࡜ࡋ࡚⌧ࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡇ࡜ࠊ
Schopen (1987: 117, n. 50: 2005: 262, n. 50) ࡸᙼࡢぢゎࢆཷࡅ࡚⪃ᐹࢆ㐍ࡵࡓ Rhi (2003: 173-174;
2008: 256) ࡣࠊ㔘㏑ࡀ㜿㞴ࡸ⯋฼ᘮ࡟ྥࡅ࡚ጁ႐ୡ⏺ࢆ♧ࡍ௚ࡢࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࢆᣦ᦬ࡋࡘࡘࠊᚑ᮶ࡢㄝ
ࠗ㜿㛹௖ᅜ⤒࠘࡟࠾࠸࡚ࠊ⯋฼ᘮࡀ♧ࡉࢀࡿᑐ㇟ࡣࠊT 313㸦
⬶኱ⶶ⤒࠘➨ 11 ᕳ: 759c6ff㸧࡟ࡼࢀࡤࠊ㜿㛹௖ࡀᘵᏊࡓࡕ㸦ࡍ࡞ࢃࡕኌ⪺ ĞrƗvakas㸧࡟ᅖࡲࢀ࡚࠸
⾗࡜⳶⸃⾗ࢆక࠺㜿㛹ࢆほᐹࡍࡿ㸦bhikৢusaীghapariv৚taী bodhisattvaga৆apurask৚taী㸧ࡢ࡛࠶ࡾࠊࡇ
ࡢࡇ࡜ࡣࠊᨭ፝㏑ㆻヂࠗඵ༓㡴⯡ⱝ⤒ A‫ܒ܈‬asƗhasrikƗ࠘ (T 224, 8: 469a18-22 ཧ↷) ࡟࠾࠸࡚ࡶ᫂♧ࡉ
ࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡉࡽ࡟ࠊᇳ㔠๛⚄ࡀࠊ㜿ᘺ㝀௖࡛ࡣ࡞ࡃ㜿㛹௖࡜⧅ࡀࡾࢆ᭷ࡍࡿࠊ࡜࠸࠺ Schopen ࡢᣦ
Schopen ࡀࠕᐇ㝿ࡣࠊᾋ᙮ࡀࠊᴟᴦίᅵ࡜࠸࠺ࡼࡾጁ႐ୡ⏺ࢆ⾲ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡇ࡜ࢆ♧၀ࡍࡿࡼࡾከࡃ
࡟ࡼࡿࡇࡢᾋ᙮࡟ࡳࡽࢀࡿ㢧♧ࡢሙ㠃࡜ LSukh ࡟࠾ࡅࡿ㛤♧ࡢሙ㠃ࢆ⤖ࡧࡘࡅࡿぢ᪉ࡀࠊ⌧᫬Ⅼ࡛
175 --- 175
ᾋ᙮࡛ࡣࠊ⳶⸃ࡓࡕࡣ㞄ࡢࡶࡢ࡜ᵝࠎ࡟ㄒࡾྜ࠺ᵝᏊ࡛⾲ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ᪤㏙ࡢLSukh ึᮇࢸ࢟ࢫ
⋤ࡀࠊࣂࣛࣔࣥ࡜ࢡࢩࣕࢺࣜࣖ㝵⣭࡛࠶ࢁ࠺ 2 ኱⮧ࡢ㛫࡟ᆘࡍ࡜࠸࠺ᐇ㝿ࡢ⋤ᐑ࡟࠾ࡅࡿ㓄⨨࡟ೌࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࠋࡋ
ࡘ࠸࡚ࠊࣔࣁ࣐ࢵࢻ࣭ࢼ࣮ࣜᾋ᙮ࢆᡭࡀ࠿ࡾ࡟ヲ⣽࡞⪃ᐹࢆ⾜ࡗࡓࡢࡣ Bautze-Picron (2010: 14–17) ࡛࠶ࡿࠋࡑࡇ
࡛ࡣࠊⰼ⎔ࡣ௖㝀ࡢㆭ⨾࡜㛵㐃ࡋࡓࡶࡢ࡜ࡋ࡚ゎ㔘ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠋHuntington (1980: 668–669)ࡶཧ↷ࠋ
᥎ ࡢᇦࢆฟ࡞࠸ࡀࠊࡇࡢぢ᪉ࢆ࡜ࡿ࡜ࠊ୺ᑛࡢ᪉ࡼࡾࡶࠊⓎฟࡢሙ㠃ࢆぢୖࡆࡿ⳶⸃ࡣࠊ(໬㌟ࡀⓎฟࡉࢀࡿ
- 176 -
ࡿ 㸦ୖグࡢ5Ⅼ┠ཧ↷㸧ࠋࡋ࠿ࡋ࡞ࡀࡽࠊ⤒඾ࢆᣢࡘ⳶⸃ࡀࡳ࡞ࠊഐࡽࡢ⳶⸃࡜఍ヰࡍࡿࢃࡅ࡛ࡣ
࡚࠸ࡿࠋ౛࠼ࡤࠊᾋ᙮ 2 ࢆࡳࡿ࡜ࠊᇶቭ࠿ࡽ஧ẁ┠ࡢእഃࡢ⳶⸃ࡓࡕࡣ⤒඾ࢆᇳࡗ࡚࠸ࡓ࡛࠶ࢁ࠺ࡋࠊᾋ᙮ 3 ࡟
177 --- 177
Huntington (1980: 666-667)ࡣࠊࡑࡢᾋ᙮ࡀࠕ஧ேࡢ⳶⸃ࡀᙉㄪࡉࢀࡓᴟᴦίᅵࡢఏᢎ࡟ࡣᒓࡉ࡞࠸ࠖ࡜⤖ㄽ௜ࡅ
♧ࡍࡢ࠿ࠋࡇࡢၥ㢟࡟㛵ࡋ࡚ࡣࠊMiyaji (1985a)ࠊQuagliotti (1996b) ࢆཧ↷ࠋ
Cf. Huntington (1980: 663) ࡣ␗࡞ࡿゎ㔘ࢆ࿊ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋLSukh ࡢึᮇࢸ࢟ࢫࢺ࡛ࡣᴟᴦίᅵࡢ඲࡚ࡢ⪅ࡣࠊ⊂ᒃᡣ
- 178 -
࠸ྍ⬟ᛶࡶ࠶ࡿ124 ࠖ࡜ࡍࡿSchopenࡢ୺ᙇࡣ࡝࠺࡛࠶ࢁ࠺࠿ࠋࡍ࡛࡟㏙࡭ࡓࡼ࠺࡟ࠊᡃࠎࡣࡇࢀࡲ
Schopen (1987: 117, n. 50/2005: 262, n. 50) ࢆཧ↷ࠋ
179 --- 179
࠿ࡋ࡞ࡀࡽࠊSchopen⮬㌟ࡢ◊✲ࡀ♧ࡍࡼ࠺࡟ (Schopen 1977) ࠊᴟᴦίᅵ࡜ጁ႐ୡ⏺ࡢ୧⪅ࡣ඾ᆺ
ࠊ ࠊ ࠊ
ࠊ ࠊ ࠊ
7. ⤖ㄽ
Schopen ࡣᾋ᙮ᇶቭ࡟ࡳࡽࢀࡿ஧ேࡢዪᛶࡢᏑᅾࢆ㔜どࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࡀࠊඛ࡟♧၀ࡋࡓࡼ࠺࡟ዪᛶࡢᏑᅾࡢၥ㢟ࡣࠊ
Huntington ࡜ Fussman ࡟ࡼࡾ༑ศ࡟ᢅࢃࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࡀࠊ୧ྡ࡜ࡶࠊዪᛶࡓࡕࢆ⏬㠃ࡢ୺࡞ᯟ⤌ࡳ࠿ࡽ㐓⬺ࡋࡓᏑᅾ࡛
㏆ᖺ᫂ࡽ࠿࡜࡞ࡗࡓ࣮࢞ࣥࢲ࣮࣮ࣜㄒࡢ኱஌⤒඾᩿∦࠾ࡼࡧࠊBajaur ฟᅵࡢ࣮࢝ࣟࢩࣗࢸ࢕࣮ᩥ᭩ࡀఏ࠼ࡿጁ႐
ୡ⏺ࡢᶍ⠊ⓗᶵ⬟ࡢෆᐜ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣࠊIngo Strauch ࡢ◊✲ࡀ࠶ࡿࠋStrauch (2010) ࢆཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸ࠋ
- 180 -
ᐑ἞ (2008) ࡣࠊ47 స౛୰ࠊ2 స౛ࡢࡳࡀᜳ㐩ኴᏊࢱ࢖ࣉࢆ⾲⌧ࡍࡿࠊ࡜ศᯒࡋࡓࠋ
㔘㏑௖࡟㐪࠸࡞ࡃࠊ㜿ᘺ㝀௖࡜ࡣࡳ࡞ࡋ㞴࠸࡜࠸࠺⤖ㄽࡀᑟ࠿ࢀࡿࠋRhi (2003: 166–167)ࢆཧ↷ࠋ
Rhi ࡣ 2006 ᖺࡢㄽᩥ࡟࠾࠸࡚ࠊ⮬㌟ࡢ❧ሙࢆḟࡢࡼ࠺࡟୺ᙇࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ (p. 151, n. 5) ࠋ
181 --- 181
ၥ㢟࡟ࡣࠊRhi (2003: 163–164; 2008: 259) ࡀᗄᗘ࠿ゝཬࡋ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
ほ㡢⳶⸃ࡀ㜿ᘺ㝀௖ീࢆᡝࡃ⋤ෙ (༶ࡕࢱ࣮ࣂࣥ࠿?) ࢆ㌟࡟ࡘࡅࠊໃ⮳⳶⸃ࡣ㢌㣭ࡾ࡟ᐆ⎼ࢆᡝࡃࠋ࠾ࡑࡽࡃࠊ
- 182 -
ࡍࡿࠋRhi (2003: 167–170) ࡣࠊⶈ⳹ᗙ࡟ᆘࡍ௖㝀ീࢆไసࡍࡿᐇ㊶ࡢドᣐ࡜ࡋ࡚ࠊ≉࡟ࠗጁ្❺ዪ
⤒ SumatidƗrikƗparip‫܀‬cchƗ࠘࡜ࠗ㞳ᇈ᪋ዪ⤒ VimaladattƗparip‫܀‬cchƗ࠘ࢆ୺࡜ࡋ࡚ᘬ⏝ࡍࡿࠋ₎ヂ⤒
ࡅࡿⶈ⳹ୖ࡛ࡢወ㊧ⓗ࡞෌⏕࡛࠶ࡿࠋ౛࠼ࡤࠊࠗጁ្❺ዪ⤒ SumatidƗrikƗparip‫܀‬cchƗ࠘ࡢࢹࣝࢤ∧
(dKon brtsegs Ca 217a6–b1) ࡣ௨ୗࡢࡼ࠺࡟㏙࡭ࡿࠋ
bu mo byang chub sems dpa' chos bzhi dang ldan na | sangs rgyas bcom ldan ’das rnams kyi
thad du rin po che chen po’i padma las rdzus te skye bar ’gyur te | bzhi gang zhe na | ’di lta ste |
phye ma ’am | me tog ud pa la ’am | padma ’am | ku mu da ’am | padma dkar pos lag pa bkang
ste | de bzhin gshegs pa’i sku gzugs sam | de bzhin gshegs pa’i mchod rten la ’bul ba dang |
gzhan dag la yang gnod sems mi skyed pa dang | de bzhin gshegs pa’i sku gzugs padma’i gdan
la bzhugs pa byed du ’jug pa dang | sangs rgyas kyi byang chub la nges pa rgya cher mos pa ste
| bu mo byang chub sems dpa’ chos bzhi po de dag dang ldan na sangs rgyas bcom ldan ’das
rnams kyi thad du rin po che chen po’i padma las rdzus te skye bar ’gyur ro ||
ࡓࡔࠊRhi ࡟ࡼࡗ࡚ᣦ᦬ࡉࢀࡿࡼ࠺࡟ࠊn. 49 ࡟࠾ࡅࡿᘬ⏝ヂᩥࡣ Harrison ࡢࡶࡢ࡛ࡣ࡞࠸࡜ᣦ᦬ࡋ࡚࠾ࡃࠋ
VimaladattƗparip‫܀‬cchƗ (Ca 255a2–7)࡜ࡢᑐᛂ⟠ᡤ࡛ࡣࠊ
෌⏕ࡀ㔘㏑௖࡛ࡣ࡞࠸௖ࡓࡕ (」ᩘ) ࡢ㠃๓࡛࠶ࡿࡇ࡜ࠊࡍ࡞ࢃࡕࠊ
᫂ࡽ࠿࡟ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ(cf. Rhi 2003: 169, n. 49) ࠋ
㠀ᖖ࡟㢮ఝࡋࡓグ㏙࡜ࡋ࡚ࠊDƗrikƗvimalaĞraddhƗparip‫܀‬cchƗ (Derge dKon brtsegs Cha 100a5–b5) ࡢࢳ࣋ࢵࢺㄒࢸ࢟
ࢫࢺࡶཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸ࠋ㱟ᶞ (NƗgƗrjuna) ࡟ᖐࡏࡽࢀࡿࠗ⳶ᥦ㈨⣊ㄽ(BodhisaۨbhƗra(ka))࠘⏤᮶ࡢ㛵㐃㒊ศ࡟࠿࠿ࢃ
ࡿ Rhi (170) ࡢゝཬ࡟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡣ᭦࡟ᩜᘏࡍࡿࡇ࡜ࢆᚲせ࡜ࡍࡿࠋᐇ㝿ࠊࡑࢀࡽࡢ೦ᩥࡢࡳࡀ㱟ᶞ(NƗgƗrjuna) ࡟ᖐࡏ
ࡽࢀࡿࡀࠊ೦ᩥ࡛ࡣ௖㝀ࡢⶈ⳹ᗙࡢไసࢆᥦၐࡍࡿࡢࡳ࡛࠶ࡿ ( Lindtner 1982: 241, v. 113 ࢆཧ↷) ࠋ୍᪉ࠊ↓ྡࡢ
ὀ㔘⪅ ƮĞvara ࡣࠊⶈ⳹ᗙไసࡢ┠ⓗࡀ໬⏕ (aupapƗduka)࡜ࡋ࡚ࡢ෌⏕ࢆ㐩ᡂࡍࡿࡇ࡜࡜ࠊ௖ࡢ㌟యࢆ⋓ᚓࡍࡿࡇ
࡜࡛࠶ࡿ࡜ᣦ᦬ࡍࡿ (T 1660, 32:536c21–22) ࠋ
183 --- 183
ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡼ࠺136ࠋࡇࡢ✀ࡢグ㏙ࡣࠊⶈ⳹୕ᑛ㸦lotus triads㸧ࡸⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉᾋ᙮ࡢไసࢆࠝ㜿ᘺ㝀୕
ࢫࢡࣜࢵࢺㄒ࡛ࡣsarva ࡛࠶ࡿࡀࠊ௚ࡢㄒ⩌ࡶྠᵝࡢാࡁࢆ⾜࠺㸧ࠊࡑࡋ࡚ࠊࡇࢀࡽࡢࢸ࢟ࢫࢺ⩌
ࡍ࡛࡟ࡳࡓ࡜࠾ࡾࠊࡇࡢᩥゝࡢࢳ࣋ࢵࢺヂࡣ」ᩘᛶࢆ᫂ࡽ࠿࡟ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊRhi (2003: 177–178, esp. n. 77) ࡟ࡼࡗ࡚
ࡤ࡞ࡽ࡞࠸ࠋBajaur ฟᅵࡢᮍ▱࡞ࡿ኱஌⤒඾(๓㏙)ࡢ᪂Ⓨぢࡣࠊࡇࢀࡲ࡛ࡢ☜ドࡀ࡝ࢀ࡯࡝୙᏶඲࡞ࡶࡢ࠿ࢆ♧ࡋ
ࢀࡿࡼ࠺࡞) ᅗീࡢᐇ㊶࡜኱஌௖ᩍ࡜ࡢ㛵ಀࡣࡉ࡯࡝᫂░࡛ࡣ࡞࠸ࠋ
- 184 -
㔞ᑑ⤒࠘㸦Larger SukhƗvatƯvynjha㸧㛫࡛ࡣᵓ⠏ࡋ࠼࡞࠸ࡇ࡜ࢆ㏙࡭࡚ࠊᮏ✏ࢆ⥾ࡵࡃࡃࡾࡓ࠸ࠋࡍ
ࡀ1926ᖺ࡜࠸࠺ ᫬࡟ㄽࡌࡓࡼ࠺࡟ࠊ࡞ࢇࡽ࠿ࡢ᪉ἲ࡛ඛ⾜౛ࡀࠊᴟᴦίᅵࡢᮾ࢔ࢪ࢔ⓗ࢖࣓࣮ࢪ
౛࡜ࡋ࡚ Rhi (2008: 257, fig 4) ࢆཧ↷ࡉࢀࡓ࠸ࠋ
Rhi (ibid., p. 255) ࡣᩔ↥➨ 332 ❍࡜ࡢ㢮ఝᛶࢆᣦ᦬ࡍࡿࡀࠊ
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193 --- 193
ࣔࣁ࣐ࢵࢻ࣭ࢼ࣮ࣜᾋ᙮; ᧜ᙳ C. Luczanits (2009ᖺ)
ᅗ1ࡢྂ࠸グ㘓෗┿ࡢ࠺ࡕࡢ୍ᯛ; ᥦ౪ ࣭࣋ࣝࣜࣥ࢔ࢪ࢔⨾⾡㤋ࠊ༡࣭ᮾ༡࣭୰ኸ࢔ࢪ࢔
ᅗ1㒊ศࠊ㢧♧ࡢሙ㠃; ᧜ᙳ C. Luczanits (2007ᖺ)
ᅗ1㒊ศࠊⶈ⳹ᗙ࡜୧⬥ࡢࢼ࣮࢞⏨ዪീ; ᧜ᙳ C. Luczanits (2007ᖺ)
ᐆᶞࡢᾋ᙮᩿∦; ࢧ࣮࣭ࣜࣂ࣮ࣟࣝ ฟᅵ (1906-07ᖺⓎ᥀);࣌ࢩ࣮ࣕ࣡ࣝ༤≀㤋ⶶࠊᡤⶶ␒
ྕ2997 (ᪧ170); ⅊Ⰽ∦ᒾࠊ16.5 × 30.5 cm; ᧜ᙳ C. Luczanits (2007ᖺ)
5ᖺ㖭グࡢ࠶ࡿࣈࣜࣗࢵࢭࣝ௖୕ᑛീ (⌧ᅾࡣ᪥ᮏࡢ㜿ྵ᐀ⶶ); Kurita (2003: P3-viii)ࡼࡾ㌿㍕
௖ᅜᅵ࡜ᘺີࢆ᭱ୖ㒊࡟⾲ࡍⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉࡢᾋ᙮; ࠾ࡑࡽࡃࣔࣁ࣐ࢵࢻ࣭ࢼ࣮ࣜฟᅵ; ࢳࣕࣥ
ࢹ࢕࢞ࣝᕞ❧༤≀㤋ࠊno. 572; ᧜ᙳ C. Luczanits
኱ᆺࡢⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉᾋ᙮᩿∦; ࢧ࣮࣭ࣜࣂ࣮ࣟࣝ ฟᅵ(1939ᖺⓎ᥀); ࣌ࢩ࣮ࣕ࣡ࣝ༤≀㤋ⶶࠊ
ᡤⶶ␒ྕ2785; ᥦ౪ ࣟࣥࢻ࣭ࣦࣥ࢓࣮ࣝࣈࣝࢢ◊✲ᡤ
ⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉᾋ᙮;ฟᅵᆅ୙᫂; ᪧ࣌ࢩ࣮ࣕ࣡ࣝ༤≀㤋ⶶ; ᥦ౪ ࣟࣥࢻ࣭ࣦࣥ࢓࣮ࣝࣈࣝࢢ
ᅗ10. ୐௖࡜ᘺີࢆ⾲ࡍᴥ㛶ࢱ࢖ࣉࡢᾋ᙮;ࣔࣁ࣐ࢵࢻ࣭ࢼ࣮ࣜฟᅵ; ࢳࣕࣥࢹ࢕࢞ࣝᕞ❧༤≀㤋ࠊ
ᡤⶶ␒ྕ1134; ᧜ᙳ C. Luczanits (2009ᖺ)
ᅗ11. 㔜ᒙᘓ⠏ࢆ⾲ࡍᴥ㛶ࢱ࢖ࣉᾋ᙮;ࢧ࣮࣭ࣜࣂ࣮ࣟࣝ ฟᅵ(࣐࢘ࣥࢻ D); ࣌ࢩ࣮ࣕ࣡ࣝ༤≀㤋
ⶶࠊᡤⶶ␒ྕ2771; ᧜ᙳ C. Luczanits (2007ᖺ)
ᅗ12. ⶈ⳹ᗙୖ࡟♧ࡍᴥ㛶ࢱ࢖ࣉᾋ᙮; ࣭ࣟࣜࣖࣥࢱࣥ࢞࢖ฟᅵ; ࢥࣝ࢝ࢱ࣭࢖ࣥࢻ༤≀㤋ⶶࠊ
ᡤⶶ␒ྕA 23484 (ᪧ5090); ᧜ᙳ C. Luczanits (2006ᖺ)
ᅗ13. ໬௖ࢆⓎฟࡉࡏࡿ௖㝀ീࢆ⾲ࡍⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉᾋ᙮; ࢱࣇࢸ࢕࣭ࣂ࣮࢖ฟᅵ (1908ᖺⓎ᥀); ᪧ
࣌ࢩ࣮ࣕ࣡ࣝ༤≀㤋ⶶ; ᥦ౪ ࣦ࢓࣮ࣝࣈࣝࢢ◊✲ᡤ࣭ࣟࣥࢻࣥ
ᅗ14. ᕥྑ࡟⳶⸃ࢆ㓄ࡋㄝἲ༳ࢆ⤖ࡪ௖㝀ീࢆ♧ࡍ௖୕ᑛീ; ᥦ౪ ࣟࣥࢻ࣭ࣦࣥ࢓࣮ࣝࣈࣝࢢ◊
ᅗ15. ௖ఏࡢሙ㠃ཬࡧ ஧యࡢ⚙ᐃࡍࡿ⳶⸃ീࢆ⾲ࡍ௖୕ᑛീ;࣌ࢩ࣮ࣕ࣡ࣝ༤≀㤋ⶶ; ᧜ᙳ C.
Luczanits (2009ᖺ)
ᅗ16. ᴥ㛶ࢱ࢖ࣉᾋ᙮; ࣮ࣛ࣍ࣝ༤≀㤋ⶶ; ᥦ౪ ࣟࣥࢻ࣭ࣦࣥ࢓࣮ࣝࣈࣝࢢ◊✲ᡤ
ᅗ17. ᛮᝳࡍࡿ⳶⸃ീࢆ⾲ࡍᴥ㛶ࢱ࢖ࣉᾋ᙮; ࣭ࣟࣜࣖࣥࢱࣥ࢞࢖ฟᅵ; ࢥࣝ࢝ࢱ࣭࢖ࣥࢻ༤≀㤋
ⶶ; ᥦ౪࣭࣋ࣝࣜࣥ࢔ࢪ࢔⨾⾡㤋ࠊ༡࣭ᮾ༡࣭୰ኸ࢔ࢪ࢔⨾⾡ࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥ
ᅗ18. Ⓨฟࢱ࢖ࣉᾋ᙮; ࢱࣇࢸ࢕࣭ࣂ࣮࢖ ฟᅵ(1908-09ᖺⓎ᥀), ࣌ࢩ࣮ࣕ࣡ࣝ༤≀㤋ⶶࠊᡤⶶ␒
ྕ3109; ∦ᒾࠊ22.9 x 24.2 cm; Higuchi (1984: I-10)ࡼࡾ㌿㍕
- 194 -
ᐑ἞ ᫛
࡞ࡶࡢ࡛࠶ࡗࡓ࠿ࡣࠊSkt, PƗli, Tibet, ₎ヂㅖᮏ࡞࡝⌧Ꮡᩥ⊩࠿ࡽ᥎ ࡍࡿ௚ࡣ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋ
௒ᅇࠊ୰ᚰⓗ࡟ྲྀࡾୖࡆࡽࢀࡓ the Mohammad Nari Stele㸦௨ୗ M.N.S ࡜␎ࡍ㸧࡟㛵ࡋ࡚ࡣࠊ௒㎾࡟
ࡑࡢ⤖ᯝࠊDivyƗvadƗna ➨ 12 ❶ prƗtihƗrya-snjtra, ἲ⳹⤒ᗎရࠊ↓㔞ᑑ⤒࣭㜿ᘺ㝀⤒ࠊ㜿㛹௖ᅜ⤒࡞
࡝ࡀࡑࡢ඾ᣐ࡜࡞ࡿ⤒඾࡜ࡋ࡚ᥦ㉳ࡉࢀࠊ◊✲ࡀ࡞ࡉࢀ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋࡋ࠿ࡋࠊM.N.S ࡢᾋ᙮ᅗീࡣࠊ
௒ᅇࡢࡈⓎ⾲ࡣࠊ௨ୖࡢࡇ࡜ࢆ㋃ࡲ࠼ࠊM.N.S ࡀ࠶ࡿࡦ࡜ࡘࡢ≉ᐃࡢ⤒඾࡟ࡼࡗ࡚ゎ㔘ࡉࢀ࠺ࡿ࡜
ࡋࠊ኱ࡁ࡞ᡂᯝࢆᣲࡆࡽࢀࡓࡶࡢ࡜⚾ࡣホ౯ࡋࡲࡍࠋ⚾⮬㌟ࡇࡢࡼ࠺࡞どⅬ࡜᪉ἲࡇࡑࠊM.N.S ࠾ࡼ
࡚࠸ࡲࡍ㸦cf. ᣋ✏ࠕ⯋⾨ᇛࡢ⚄ኚ࡜኱஌௖ᩍ⨾⾡ࡢ㉳※ࠖ
ᩥᏛ◊✲⛉⨾Ꮫ⨾⾡ྐ◊✲ᐊࠊ➨ 20 ྕࠊ2002 ᖺࠊ
ฟ∧ࠊ2010 ᖺ㸧
M.N.S ཬࡧࡑࢀ࡟㛵㐃ࡍࡿ୍⩌ࡢ▼ᯈ᙮้ࡢ≉ᚩⓗ࡞せ⣲࡜ࡋ࡚ࠊ
㸦Buddha on lotus㸧
௖୕ᑛീ㸦Triadic composition㸧
ࠊከࡃࡢ௖࣭⳶⸃ീ㸦many Bodhisattvas and Buddhas㸧
- 195 -
and divine architecture㸧ࢆᣦ᦬ࡋࡓୖ࡛ࠊࡑࢀࡽࡢ᙮้ࢆ௨ୗࡢ୕ࡘࡢࢱ࢖ࣉ࡟ศࡅ࡚࠸ࡿࠋ
(1) Lotus pond type steles ⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉ
(2) Palace-type steles ᴥ㛶ࢱ࢖ࣉ
(3) Emanation type steles Ⓨฟ㸦⚙ᐃ༳௖㝀ࡶࡋࡃࡣ⳶⸃ࡀ௖࣭⳶⸃࣭⚄ࢆⓎฟࡍࡿ㸧ࢱ࢖ࣉ
version ࢆヲࡋࡃ᳨ウࡋࡓୖ࡛ࠊⓎ⾲⪅ࡣࡇࢀࡽࡢ▼ᯈᾋ᙮ࡀ௖ᅜᅵࡢ⾲⌧࡛࠶ࡾࠊ࡜ࡾࢃࡅ↓㔞ᑑ
ࡀぢࡽࢀࡿࡇ࡜ࢆලయⓗ࡟ᣦ᦬ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏⓎ⾲࡟ࡼࡗ࡚ࠊࣇ࣮ࢩ࢙㸦A. Foucher㸧௨᮶ࠊ㒊ὴ௖
ᩍࡢࠕ⯋⾨ᇛࡢ⚄ኚࠖ࡜ゎ㔘ࡉࢀ࡚ࡁࡓࠊM.N.S ࢆጞࡵ࡜ࡍࡿ࢞ࣥࢲ࣮ࣛࡢ୍⩌ࡢ᙮้ࡀࠊ኱஌௖ᩍ
➨ 1 ࡣࠊ࢞ࣥࢲ࣮ࣛࡢ 40 ౛௨ୖ࠶ࡿ௖୕ᑛീࡢ୧⬥ౝ⳶⸃ࡣࠊᘺີ⳶⸃㸦᮰㧥࡟⤖࠸ࠊᡭ࡟Ỉ⎼
࡞ࡿࡇ࡜࠿ࡽ⪃࠼࡚ࠊ୰ᑛࡣἲ㌟ⓗ࡞㔘㏑௖࡜⪃࠼ࡽࢀࡿࡇ࡜㸦cf. A. Miyaji, “Iconography of the Two
Flanking Bodhisattvas in the Buddhist Triads from GandhƗra: Bodhisattva SiddhƗrtha, Maitreya and
AvalokiteĞvara”, East and West, vol.58, nos.1-4, 2008㸧
➨ 2 ࡣࠊࢳࣕࣥࢹ࢕࢞ࣝ༤≀㤋ᡤⶶࡢ▼ᯈ᙮้࡟ࡣࠊୖࡢ༊⏬࡟ࠕණ⋡ኳୖࡢᘺີ⳶⸃ࠖࢆ⾲ࡋࠊ
ୗ➃࡟ࠕ௖㖊౪㣴ࠖࢆ⾲ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ࡜ࡇࢁ࠿ࡽࠊ୰ኸࡢ༊⏬ࡢⶈụࢱ࢖ࣉ㸦Lotus pond type stele㸧ࡢ⏬
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Figure 1
197 --- 197
New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele (plates)
Figure 2
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Figure 3
Figure 4
199 --- 199
New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele (plates)
Figure 5
Figure 6
- 200 -
Figure 7
201 --- 201
New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele (plates)
Figure 8
- 202 -
Figure 9
203 --- 203
New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele (plates)
Figure 10
ᅗ 10
Figure 11
ᅗ 11
- 204 -
Figure 12
ᅗ 12
Figure 13
ᅗ 13
205 --- 205
New Light on (and from) the Muhammad Nari Stele (plates)
Figure 15
ᅗ 15
Figure 14
ᅗ 14
- 206 -
Figure 16
ᅗ 16
Figure 17
ᅗ 17
Figure 18
ᅗ 18
207 --- 207
KATSURA Shǀrynj ᱇⤂㝯
Professor, Faculty of Letters, Ryukoku University; Director, Research Center for Buddhist
Cultures in Asia (BARC), Ryukoku University. M.A. (Kyoto University), 1968; Ph.D.
(Toronto University), 1974; D.Litt (Kyoto University), 1987. His publications include
Indojin no ronrigaku ࢖ࣥࢻேࡢㄽ⌮Ꮫ (Chnjǀ Kǀronsha, 1998) and numerous other papers
in English and Japanese. In 2010 he was awarded the 20th Hajime Nakamura Eastern
Academic Award, for his lifelong research on Indian and Buddhist logic.
Luis O. GÓMEZ ࣝ࢖ࢫ࣭ࢦ࣓ࢫ
Academic Director of Mangalam Research Center, Berkeley; Former Charles O. Hucker
Professor of Buddhist Studies, Dept. of Asian Languages and Cultures; Adjunct Professor
of Psychology, Dept. of Psychology, University of Michigan (emeritus). B.A. (University
of Puerto Rico), 1963; Ph.D. Yale University, 1967; M.A. University of Michigan, 1991
(Psychology); Ph.D. University of Michigan, 1998 (Psychology). He is the author of The
Land of Bliss: The Paradise of the Buddha of Measureless Light (Honolulu: University of
Hawai‫ޏ‬i Press and Kyoto: Higashi Honganji Shinshnj ƿtani-ha, 1996), a translation of the
SukhƗvatƯvynjha sutras.
Dennis HIROTA ࢹࢽࢫ࣭ࣄࣟࢱ
Professor, Faculty of Letters, Ryukoku University. B.A. (UC Berkeley), 1967; M.A. (UC
Berkeley), 1969; Ph.D. (Nagoya University), 1996. He is the author of No abode: The
Record of Ippen (Ryukoku University, 1986), Shinran: shnjkyǀ gengo no kakumeisha ぶ㮭
ʊ᐀ᩍゝㄒࡢ㠉࿨⪅ (Hǀzǀkan, 1998) and Asura’s Harp: Engagement with Language as
Buddhist Path (Universitätsverlag Winter, 2006).
Paul HARRISON ࣏࣮࣭ࣝࣁࣜࢯࣥ
George Edwin Burnell Professor of Religious Studies, Stanford University. M.A. (University of
Auckland, New Zealand), 1976; Ph.D. (Australian National University), 1980. Before this
current position, Professor Harrison taught at the University of Canterbury for twenty-two years,
209 --- 209
until 2007. He edited and published several annotated translations of classic texts, including
The Pratyutpanna Samadhi Sutra, translated by Lokak‫܈‬ema (Numata Center, 1998),
Druma-kinnara-rƗja-parip‫܀‬cchƗ-snjtra: a critical edition of the Tibetan text (recension A)
based on eight editions of the Kanjur and the Dunhuang manuscript fragment (International
Institute for Buddhist Studies, 1992) and The SamƗdhi of direct encounter with the Buddhas of
the present: an annotated English Translation of the Tibetan Version of the
Pratyutpanna-Buddha-saۨmukhƗvasthita-samƗdhi-snjtra with several appendices relating to
the history of the text (International Institute for Buddhist Studies, 1990).
Christian LUCZANITS ࢡࣜࢫࢳ࣭ࣕࣥࣝࢡࢨࢽࢵࢶ
Curator, Rubin Museum of Art, New York. Magister (University of Vienna), 1994; Ph.D.
(University of Vienna), 1998. He has taught as Visiting Professor in several institutions,
including Stanford University and UC Berkeley. His publications include Buddhist
Sculpture in Clay: Early Western Himalayan Art, Late 10th to Early 13th Centuries
(Serindia, 2004) and “Siddhas, Hierarchs and Lineages: Three Examples for Dating Tibetan
Art.”(In Mirror of the Buddha, Early Portraits from Tibet, edited by David Paul Jackson.
Rubin Museum of Art, 2011) among numerous other articles.
MIYAJI Akira ᐑ἞᫛
Professor, Faculty of Letters, Ryukoku University; Director, Ryukoku Museum. Emeritus
Professor, Nagoya University. B.A. (Nagoya University), 1968; M.A. (Nagoya University),
1971; D.Litt (Nagoya University), 1991. In 2011 he was awarded the Chnjnichi Prize, for
his outstanding contributions to the field of Indian and Buddhist art History. His
publications include Indo Bijutsushi ࢖ࣥࢻ⨾⾡ྐ (Yoshikawa Kǀbunkan, 1981 [revised
and enlarged edition published in 2009]), Nehan to Miroku no Zuzǀgaku ᾖᵎ࡜ᘺີࡢᅗീ
Ꮫ (Yoshikawa Kǀbunkan, 1992) and Indo Bukkyǀ Bijutsushi Ron ࢖ࣥࢻ௖ᩍ⨾⾡ྐㄽ
(Chnjǀ kǀron bijutsu shuppan, 2010), among other works.
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多様性とその現代的可能性の総合的研究」(2010 ∼ 2014 年度)による研究助成を受けた。
発 行 2012 年 3 月 1 日
発行者 龍谷大学アジア仏教文化研究センター
住 所 〒600-8268 京都市下京区七条通大宮東入大工町 125 番地の 1 龍谷大学大宮キャンパス 白亜館 2 階
電 話 075-343-3803 FAX 075-343-3804
E-mail barc@ad.ryukoku.ac.jp(代表) URL http://barc.ryukoku.ac.jp