
Manual for the Online Entry of Grades
Revised on January 14th, 2010
■Outline of Procedures for the Web Entry of Grades
Go to the OIU web page at http://www.oiu.ac.jp/
⇒ Select 「本学教職員」 from a menu of the lower right of the window
⇒ Select 『受講者名簿ダウンロード・Web 成績登録システム』
Read the privacy protection guidelines and agree by clicking on the「はい」button
⇒ Campusmate‐J Log in to『Web成績登録システム』
Enter your Active Mail I D and password and click on the login 「ログイン」 button.
Instructor Menu Window 教員メニュー (P.7)
Select Enter Grades『成績登録』
講義選択 Window(P.8)
This shows the subjects taught by the instructor.
Check the appropriate box to have names in English.
Grade Entry Window 成績登録(P.9~10)
Enter the grades in the 評価 column, checking
student number and name.
For grades of 1, check the 再試欄 box to offer
students a retest.
Error Check 『エラーチェック』Window(P.11~12)
Flags errors and gives warnings about the 5 level
『一時保存』Save (P. 11)
Save files before and after error checking。
Until the submit 「提出」 button is clicked, entries
can be corrected any number of times.
grading system.
If there are no errors click on『提出』 to
submit the grades(P.14)
If errors are indicated, please check and
correct these(P. 12~13)
Grade Entry Check 成績登録確認 (P.14)
Check to confirm grades are correctly entered
Class Selection window(P.15~16)
Grades will be marked as completed「提出済」
Press the Print『印刷』button to print a hard copy
Print hard copy and stamp or sign(P.17)
Part-time teachers please use the addressed envelopes provided.
If you are offering a retest 「再試有」please
refer to pages 18~31
Submit the Retest Form to the academic office.
To enter other grades after you have saved
Click on Return to Table of Classes『講義一覧に戻る』
★Please Note★
This online grade entry system is for
OIU faculty students only and should
not be used for students of the School of
Japanese Studies for Foreign students,
students auditing, Consortium Osaka or
College Network courses, students from
other campuses or graduate students.
These grades should be submitted as
directed by the Campus Center.
■Printing and Downloading of Class Rolls
Go to the OIU web page at http://www.oiu.ac.jp/
⇒ Select 「本学教職員」 from a menu of the lower right of the window
⇒ Select『受講者名簿ダウンロード・Web 成績登録システム』
Read the privacy protection guidelines and agree by clicking on the「はい」button
⇒ Campusmate‐J Log in to『Web成績登録システム』
Enter your Active Mail I D and password and click on the ログイン button.
Instructor Menu 教員メニュー (P.32)
Select『受講者名簿』to get class lists
Class Selection Window 講義選択
Show the subject and name of the instructor
Press the Print『印刷』button for output (P.33~35)
Print『印刷』for a paper copy or to save as PDF.
□For Names in English - please check this box to
view student names in Roman script.
★Please Note★
Class lists can be saved in CSV format for
conversion to MS Excel files.
This online grade entry system is
for OIU faculty students only and
should not be used for students of the
School of Japanese Studies for
Foreign students, students auditing,
Consortium Osaka or College
Network courses, students from other
campuses or graduate students.
These grades should be submitted as
directed by the Campus Center.
■Using the System for Online Entry of Grades
■Launching a Web Browser
Start Windows and launch Internet Explorer by double-clicking on the icon on the desktop.
①Internet Explorer
②Start Menu
Or ② go to the Start menu and click on Internet Explorer ③.
If using a browser other than Internet
Explorer, such as Firefox or Opera, please
launch it.
Please note that this manual covers only the
Windows operating system.
If you have browser problems, please try
using Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher.
Enter the URL of the OIU website「http://www.oiu.ac.jp/」in the address bar of the browser as shown
At the top of the OIU top page window, ②roll down to show up 「本学教職員」
③ Click on「本学教職員」
Click on「本学教職員」
④ 本学教職員用ページ
■ 受講者名簿ダウンロード・Web成績登録システム
■ 再試験実施届の提出
■ Web成績登録システム利用の手引き(PDF)
<日本語版> <English>
■ Webブラウザ "Safari"をお使いの方へ
■ システムに関するメールでのお問い合わせ先
Click on
Web 成績登録システム」
Online Grade Entry Guidelines
Click on
To accept the guidelines for web grade entry, click on「はい」.
These guidelines ask you to take care that grades and class lists do not get lost or into the wrong hands. In
particular instructors are asked to avoid entering grades in Internet cafes, to using computers with file-sharing
software such as Winny installed, not to leave computers with grade data unattended, and to use up-to-date
antivirus software.
■Turning Off Pop-Up Window Blocking
① Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)
1.Checking the Version of Windows XP
1.Select the My Computer icon on your desktop,
right-click on it and open Properties「プロパティ」
2.Select General「全般」and note if「Service Pack 2」
is displayed.
※ If Windows XP SP2 has been installed, then pop-up
window blocking is turned on by default.
In this case, the grade entry screens may not be
properly displayed and it may be necessary to
temporarily disable pop-up blocking as explained below.
2.Turning off Pop-blocking in Windows XP SP2
While holding down the Control [Ctrl] key on your keyboard, click on the login
「ログイン」button and pop-up blocking will be temporarily disabled.
★If the Google Toolbar is installed pop-up blocking is enabled; therefore click on the button that says Number
。Pop-up blocking will now be disabled.
★For the Yahoo and MSN toolbars, check the support sections of the Yahoo and MSN websites for details of how to
turn off pop-up blocking.
★In Apple Safari, pop-up window blocking can be turned off by selecting Block Pop-up Windows from the Safari
menu so that the check mark disappears or by selecting Preferences from the Safari menu, clicking on the Security
tab and unchecking the Block Pop-up Windows box.
Online Grade Entry Login Window
Enter your Active Mail User ID and password and click on the「ログイン」button.
Users of the Yahoo Toolbar may get the message「Runtime Error」and find that the login dialog fails to appear. If
this occurs, please uninstall the Yahoo Toolbar.
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■Instructor Menu 「教員メニュー」
Click on「成績登録」
Please click on Grade Entry「成績登録」
★ Time Out
If no changes are made to the online grade entry page for 15 minutes, the screen
below will appear, indicating a time out. Close this error window by clicking
Close 「閉じる」 and log in again.
◆Error Window◆
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■Grade Entry 成績登録(Class Selection 講義選択)
Click ①「選択」to select
In the Grade Entry (Class Selection) window instructors can see a list of the classes that they are responsible for.
① Click the「選択」button to enter grades.
② Here you can view the status of the entries:
:No grades yet entered.
:Saved - Grades entered and saved but not yet submitted.
:Grade entry complete and submitted.
③ Each class list window is limited to a minimum of 25 names.
The number of names per page can be increased by typing the desired number in the box.
④ □For Names in English - please check this box to view student names in Roman script.
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■Grade Entry Window
① Enter grades for individual students grades in the 評価 column using the 5 level grading system.
Grades entered are limited to「5」
Navigate using「Enter」
※1 If 「0」is entered, it will automatically converted to「K」
※2 A grade of「9」is limited to graduation research, career development programs, etc
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② Where the class roll takes more than one page, use the previous page,「前ページ」 and Next Page「次ページ」
buttons to move around.
③ When the grade is「1」 and a retest is offered, check the retest「再試」 box(※)
・・・Individual selection
・・・Select all (in group)
・・・Erase all (in group)
※Instructors are required to offer retests to 4th year university and 2nd year junior college students with a failing grade of 1.
④ Notes made in the comments column 「備考欄」 are not submitted by the software, so these must be submitted
in writing.
It may happen that a student has registered for the class outside the official registration period. In this case
「追加」will be shown in the comments column as shown above.
Similarly if a student has been deleted from the roll, (s)he will be marked as「削除」
It is not possible to make entries in these rows.
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■Saving the Grades 「一時保存」
Click on the Save button「一時保存」to save the grades entered.
Grades should also be saved after any corrections are made.
■Error Checking of Grades 成績登録エラーチェック
Clicking on the Error Check「エラーチェック」button will perform an error check on the grades entered.
Grades should be saved before error checking.
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■Error Check Result Window チェック結果画面
① The numbers of students receiving various grades is displayed.
② The nature of the errors and warnings and the number of students affected is shown
③ Clicking on the Error Table「エラー一覧表示」button will bring up the Error Table which shows the students
year and the type of errors and warnings.
④ It is possible to print the page for checking by clicking here.
■ Error Table エラー一覧
① Errors and warnings are listed by number.
To return to the web entry window to make corrections, click on the「成績登録に戻る」button.
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In the Grade Entry Window, after error checking, errors are marked as 「E」and warnings are marked as「W」
Errors and Warnings
「エラー」 ・The grade field has been left blank
・A retest with a grade other than 1
・Grades other than these have been entered
「警 告」 ・Due to graduate, a grade of 1, but no retest offered Warnings
・Not due to graduate, a grade of 1, and no retest
・A grade of 9 has been entered
Please note that grades cannot be submitted if there are any errors present
If there are warnings, the grades can still be submitted as long as there are no errors.
Please ensure that grades are accurate and any corrections are completed and saved before submitting「提出」.
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■Grade Submission Window 提出画面
Even if warnings「警告」are present, if there are no errors,「エラー」submit「提出」will appear.
If you wish to submit the grades, click the「提出」button.
The check box will then appear, in this case noting that there were warnings and asking if it is OK to submit.
。Please note that after submitting grades, they cannot be edited.
Entry of grades is now complete.
Next click on「講義一覧に戻る」to return to the list of classes and submit a hard copy.
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Note that the status has changed to Submitted「提出済」
It is possible to click on the「選択」button to check the contents.
If Saved「保存中」is shown, the grade submission process is not complete. Please continue until「提出済」is displayed.
It is not possible to change entries at this point.
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■Printing a Hard Copy
Click the Print「印刷」button.
To open the file for printing, click「開く」
To save the file, click「保存」
In order to open the file, a password is needed.
Instructors will be informed of the password in a separate document at the explanation.
Enter the password and click「OK」
- 20 -
Either apply your name stamp or sign here.
Full-time teachers are asked to submit the grades to the Campus Center as early as possible.
Part-time teachers should submit the hard copy of the grades in the stamped, addressed envelope as early as
This system of grade entry is for faculty students only. It is not for students in the School of Japanese Studies for
Foreign Students, for students auditing courses, graduate students or for students from other campuses. For
these students please use the appropriate forms.
※Where there is to be a retest, it is necessary to complete and submit the Retest Form「再試届」
For submitting the completed Retest Form, please use the university's Active Mail web mail system.
If the Submit「提出」button has not been pressed, Not Submitted「未提出」will appear as shown above.
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■Downloading the Retest Form (PDF) 再試験実施届(PDF)のダウンロード
■ Launching a Web Browser
Start Windows and launch Internet Explorer by double-clicking on the icon on the desktop.
①Internet Explorer
②Start Menu
Or ② Click on the Start Menu「スタートメニュー」and ③Internet Explorer.
If using a browser other than Internet
Explorer, such as Firefox or Opera, please
launch it.
Please note that this manual covers only the
Windows operating system.
If you have browser problems, please try
using Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher.
- 22 -
■View the Retest Application Form
Enter the URL of the OIU website「http://www.oiu.ac.jp/」in the address bar of the browser as shown
At the top of the OIU top page window, ②roll down to show up 「本学教職員」
③ Click on「本学教職員」
Click on「本学教職員」
- 23 -
④ 本学教職員用ページ
■ 受講者名簿ダウンロード・Web成績登録システム
Click on Retest Form
■ 再試験実施届の提出
■ Web成績登録システム利用の手引き(PDF)
<日本語版> <English>
■ Webブラウザ "Safari"をお使いの方へ
■ システムに関するメールでのお問い合わせ先
■ シラバスデータベースマニュアル
「Acrobat Reader 9」
■ Adobe Reader 9 のダウンロード
- 24 -
■Adobe Acrobat Reader のダウンロード
The Retest form is a PDF file
which requires Acrobat Reader 8.0,
8.1 or higher in order to enter text.
If you do not have these versions,
you can download them here:
Acrobat Reader button on the page,
select your operating system. Note
that Acrobat Reader 9 will only run
on Mac OS 10.4.2 (Tiger) and
higher, or Windows 2000 (Service
Pack 4, XP and Vista.
Hirakata teachers should call or
email Colin Rogers crogers@lp.oiu.ac.jp,
Moriguchi teachers should contact
Brad Visgatis visgatis@hus.oiu.ac.jp if you
have problems with this.
The above warning dialogs indicate that the wrong version of Acrobat Reader is being used.
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■Filling out the Retest Form 「再試験実施届」
Fields, which must be filled in, are highlighted in color.
The first page covers the requirements for a retest.
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■ Filling out the Retest Form 再試験実施届
Page One
If it is not possible to give a written examination because of
timetable conflicts, please explain here.
For part-time teachers, Can you
collect reports from the University?
Click the「有り(Yes)・なし (No)」box.
If you can not collect the reports from the university, the postal
address where the university should mail the reports.
If you can collect the reports from the university, please enter the
date on the calendar as shown below and indicate either morning
or afternoon「午前・午後」
- 28 -
■ Filling out the Retest Form 再試験実施届の入力
Page 2(Upper)
To save the file in order to submit
it via Active Mail or other email
software, press the「ファイルの保
To print the form, click on this
Please enter the 8-digit class code 「講義コード」
This code is displayed in both the Web Grade Entry「成績登録(講義選択)
Hard Copy「採点原簿」windows.
After entering the code, click on the 「 講 義
検 索 」 button and the
Representative「代表教員名」 Subject「科目名」 Instructor「教員名」 and Class
Period「授業曜日時限」will be displayed automatically. Please check that this is
Where there is a problem, press the Reset「リセット」button, enter the code
again and click「講義 検索」
- 29 -
■ Filling out the Retest Form 再試験実施届の入力
Page 2(Lower)
Type of Retest
If a report or essay test, check this box「□レポート試験」
If a written examination, check here:「□筆記試験」
Evaluation by Report
Deadline:Select the date on the calendar, the default is the first day of the
reexam period ,Time, the default is 17:00.
Place: Hand to the Campus Center, check the「キャンパスセンター 」box.
Other-check the 「その他」box and write the place.
Report requirements: Please write the requirements for the students here.
Written Examination
If students are permitted to take materials into the exam, check「□可」and
specify the copies materials. Check 「不可」if no materials are permitted
試験実施時間:Please write the length of the test in minutes.
※The total time, including explanations, etc, should not exceed 90 minutes.
Instructors are requested to keep the test length within the range of 60-80 minutes
at Hirakata campus.
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■Submitting the Retest Form 再試験実施届の提出
(1)The dialog box below will be displayed if some of the highlighted fields in the form are not filled out.
Please ensure that all the highlighted fields are filled out and then click the Save File「ファイルの保存」button.
If all the required fields have been filled out you will see the window below, to submit the message, select ①「Web
メール」and click on the「OK」button.
※ If using email software other than Active Mail 2003, e.g. Outlook, Eudora or Apple Mail, select Desktop Email
Application「デスクトップ電子メールアプリケーション」 and click on the「OK」button.
- 31 -
(2)Saving the Retest Form as a Data File
After saving the Retest, to forward the PDF file「PDF ファイルを送信」in the upper screenshot① click Save PDF
file「PDF ファイルを保存」and the lower dialog box will appear. In ② name the file「Subject(Instructor)
the location 「場所」 to save to (e.g. Desktop) and select ③ Save「保存」The「PDF ファイルを送信」 dialog(upper
screenshot)will now appear and you can click on the ④「完了」button to complete the process.
- 32 -
(3)Log in to Active Mail 2003
Go to the Active Mail login window on P.20 of this manual with MS Internet Explorer or another web browser,
enter your User ID ①「ユーザ ID」and Password「パスワード」, and then click Log in ②「ログイン」
- 33 -
(4)New Email Message
From the Active Mail menu ① press the Compose Mail「メール作成」button to get the lower window.
②「宛先」Send to「oiusaisi@oiu.ac.jp」
③「件名」Type「再試験実施届の送信」or "Retest Form" if you cannot type Japanese
④「本文」Write a short message saying who you are.
Next we will attach the Retest Form file.
- 34 -
(5) Attach the Retest Form file.
(2) Attach the saved Retest Form file.
・① Click on the Select「選択」button to bring up the「添付ファイル」window.
・② Click on the「参照」button to bring up the Select File「ファイルの選択」dialog box.
(2)Select the previously saved file, click the open ③「開く」button.
・The「添付ファイル」window will open again, click on the ④「選択」button.
・The「添付ファイル登録」will appear and the attachment is registered.
・⑤ Click「OK」
・ The Compose Mail「メール作成」window will now reappear and the message can be sent.
・ Please check that everything is complete before pressing the Send Mail「送信」button.
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■Printing and Downloading of Class Lists
Click on 受講者名簿
Click on the Class list「受講者名簿」button.
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■Printing of Class Lists
Go to the Select Class window「講義選択」
① Click on the Print「印刷」button.
② □For Names in English. Click this box to show names in roman script rather than kanji.
Print「印刷」gives the option of opening or saving the file.
「開く」Open the file for checking or printing.
「保存」Saves the file. It may be opened or printed later.
- 37 -
After selecting the desired location, press the Save「保存」button.
The saved file is password protected.
Instructors will be informed of the password in a separate document at the explanation.
Enter the password and click「OK」
- 38 -
Opening the Class List
Select Print「印刷」
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■Downloading Class Lists in CSV Format
Class lists can be downloaded in CSV (Comma Separated Variable) file format.
These can be easily imported into the MS Excel spreadsheet program, edited, formatted and printed.
Click on the「CSV ダウンロード」button.
Click the Save「保存」button.
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After selecting the desired location, press the Save「保存」button.
The download is completed. Press 「閉じる」to close the dialog box.
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