This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) [5]/[2]/194? 4x-frn-0021 [5]/[8]/194? 4x-frn-0022 5/20/194? 4x-frn-0023 5/21/194? 4x-frn-0024 [6]/[13]/194? 4x-frn-0025 [6]/[13]/194? 4x-frn-0026 6/15/194? 4x-frn-0027 [6]/[26]/194? 4x-frn-0028 7/17/194? 4x-frn-0029 7/18/194? 4x-frn-0030 8:8 News Item Associated Press Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 解放新聞 Haebang Sinmun 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Headline (Japanese) The Kyodo News Service Haebang Shinmun Headline Subject Brief Summary Mayday roundup D "A defending regiment was establishied at Onyang in South Chung-Cheong prop." S Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 5 Kawamoto Chung 1 1 1 Palestine: Stern Gang to fight to end Soviet Propaganda Rufuted Kyodo Tsushin Examiner3 H Radio Press Sokuho (Brazzaville) Associated Press (Washington) United Press 共同通信 Examiner1 Examiner2 the Russian attacks on Ambassador Walter Smith and Secretary of State Marshall… H, S 1 S 2 The Kyodo News Service 1 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (Berlin), Soviet Radio News Currency Exchange in Soviet Sector of Berlin D 1 アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー アカハタ Akahata Akahata Uikuri 国民党の財政難 Akahata Y 3 7/18/194? アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー Akahata Uikuri Y 3 4x-frn-0031 7/18/194? Akahata Uikuri Y 4 4x-frn-0032 7/18/194? アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー 人民とともに直滑降. ニッコリ笑う歯の白さ. 往年の名選手[笹]川君、ソ同盟から帰るや入黨 ミハイル・ボトウィンニク. チェス世界選手権をかちえたソ同盟のミハイル・ボト ウィンニクがチェスをはじめたのは廿一年前、国際試 合、国内試合... ケレルマンのモスコウ訪問 Akahata Uikuri プラーグの農業博覧会 Y 4x-frn-0033 [7]/[19]/194? 7/19/194? 4x-frn-0034 ?/?/194? 9/9/194? 4x-frn-0035 [9]/[11]/194? 4x-frn-0035a 4x-frn-0035b 9/14/194? 4x-frn-0036 [10]/[13]/194? 4x-frn-0037 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0038 10/29/194? 4x-frn-0039 10/30/194? 4x-frn-0040 12/7/194? 4x-frn-0041 [12]/[11]/194? 4x-frn-0041a 4x-frn-0042 [12]/[15]/194? [12]/[27]/194? 4x-frn-0043 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0044 ?/?/194? 10/3/194? 12/12 3/1; 24/1 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local Punishing the Plaintiff 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 40 per cent reduction in tax payments seen アカハタ; 朝日新聞 Akahata; Asahi Shimbun Asahi; Akahata "The Government's Interim Plan Interferes with Rice Delivery.; Determination of rational rice price -delivery quota allocation is the more prerequisite problem. The America-Japan weekly Nichibei Weekly 大統領選挙・声うらない Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin Press Comments Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 国際特信 Kokusai Tokushin 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin International Special News The Kyodo News Service 9:41 Telepress (Katovice, Poland) Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (New York) Telepress (Shanghai) 1 1 1 D; D It is said that Gen. MacArthur's voice is a bit too melodramatic. Reparation question D Y 2 1 ロシア語 で書かれ ている電 報あり D, C Mercolla Ogino Gomes E. Akamatsu Sekai Nippo Rodo Mimpo, Tokyo Mimpo Sekai-Nippo Tokyo Mimpo, Rodo Mimpo 國民の知らない外務省 1 アカハタ Akahata Akahata 1 H, S Coal miners are the 'elite"in Poland. 米は太平洋旧日本委任統治諸島の信託統治を要請せん 2 2 D Premier Aleido de Gasperi, whose government is still faced with the threat of a gerenal strike in the Rome province. 世界日報 労働民報, 東京民報 1 2 D Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Rome) 6/15 H, P Under the plan, Chang said, party members were to "kill all policemen and rightists and burn their houses and to "destroy officers of all large companies." Telegrafnoe 共同通信 agentstvo SSSR, United Press 3/30 2 ロシア語 で書かれ ている電 報あり H, S NEA 日米ウイークリー (Washington) 11/7/194? 4 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR, Soviet Radio News 6:9 2 Y 1 7 [Bob Travis] H, P S Y Mercola Sameshima ロシア語 で書かれ ている電 報あり 3 1 1 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 4x-frn-0020 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Headline (Japanese) Akahata 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 對ソ外交の續. 強硬政策と共産主義 朝日新聞 同盟通報 Asahi Shimbun Domei Tsuho Asahi Domei Tsuho 空の大學 解放新聞 Haebang Sinmun Haebang Shinmun 解放新聞 Haebang Sinmun Haebang Shinmun Hokkaido Shimbun, Kyodo Tsushin Hokkaido Shimbun, Kyodo Tsushin 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 時事通信 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 時事通信 English Section Jiji Tsushin English Section Jiji Tsushin English Section 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 原子力医療研究団体設置を希望 Korean 朝鮮特信 Information Press United Press 国際タイムス (Moscow) The Korean Information Chosen Tokushin 新憲法下の人権蹂躙問題. 黄在千は果して有罪か無実か The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimusu United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) United Press 共同通信 (10, Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimusu Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo, Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0047 4x-frn-0048 ?/?/194? ?/?/194? 16:28 4x-frn-0049 ?/?/194? 10:9 News Item 4x-frn-0050 ?/?/194? 10:41 News Item 4x-frn-0051 ?/?/194? 9:13 Associated 北海道新聞, Press (Seoul) 共同通信 4x-frn-0052 ?/?/194? 9:9 4x-frn-0053 4x-frn-0054 ?/?/194? ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0055 ?/?/194? United Press (San Francisco) United Press United Press (Moscow) United Press (Washington) 4x-frn-0056 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0057 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0058 ?/?/194? 30:13 4x-frn-0059 ?/?/194? 9:18 4x-frn-0060 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0061 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0062 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0063 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0064 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0065 ?/?/194? 17/22 Associated Press Associated Press (35) 5:10 Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Akahata 4x-frn-0046 27:12 Submitted by アカハタ 共同通信 Associated 共同通信 Press (Washington) Associated 時事通信, 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin Associated Press (New York) 共同通信 Headline Subject Brief Summary S "Save the Innocent Victims of War" "The Korean Independent Party issued a Statement that the hailed states government is insteresting to rearm Japan." Other Countries culture must be respected as well as ours. Unconfirmed report on victims of violence in S.Korea San Fran Chronicle on SCAP policies Both republican and democratic leaders had high hopes completing action and sending mea[s]ure into conference with Senate but prolonged debate on amendments forestalled it. ... decided on the following measures designed to encourage farmers to deliver their crops up to 100 percent of quotas: Research Expert Wil Ask To Study Atom Bomb Effects In Japan Gino Bardi Examiner1 Examiner2 Mercola Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 1 Y 6 Y 8 1 Kawamoto Chung 3 H, S Kawamoto Young-chu Chung 3 S Mercola Sameshima 1 S Mercola Sameshima 1 S S Malloy Malloy Spaulding Spaulding 1 1 H 2 H, P 1 S 米ソ對立極東問題へ. 數ヶ月のうち緊迫せん Mercola Y 4 Y 5 Sameshima [Hensley] Byrnes third disclosed Stalin complained bitterly to him in Moscow in december 1945 at way Russian representatives in Tokyo treated like piece of furniture ... literature for Japanese information centers, provides movie films, lecture material, American music for Japan Examiner4 H, S H, D [Frank White, Associated Press correspon dent] Russian propaganda on US and British economic crisis predicted Examiner3 Sameshima 1 Y S 1 1 1 Soviet Ambassadors charges is criticism of SCAP policies Resumption of Trade with Japan Premier Joseph Stalin foreign policy is composed to that of Hitler S Mercola Sameshima 1 D Malloy Spaulding 1 D Mercola Sameshima 1 Oversized News Agency Telepress (Rome) Photograph(s) Source 9:46 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored ?/?/194? Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 4x-frn-0045 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Negotiation underway between US Army and Philippine sugar committee… 4x-frn-0067 ?/?/194? 9:19 United Press 共同通信 (Manila) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Manila Bulletin says Robert Martins New York Post Correspondent discovery of a Japanese secret pease formula is a sign of her new aspiration for world domination 4x-frn-0068 ?/?/194? Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin 4x-frn-0069 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0070 ?/?/194? Associated Press (Yenan) Associated Press (Manila) 4x-frn-0071 4x-frn-0072 ?/?/194? ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0073 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0074 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0075 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0076 ?/?/194? 1:23 4x-frn-0077 ?/?/194? 24:8 4x-frn-0078 ?/?/194? 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai, Nippon Keizai Shimbun, Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Nihon Keizai 4x-frn-0079 ?/?/194? The Nihon Keizai, Nihon Keizai 4x-frn-0080 ?/?/194? The Nihon Keizai, Nihon Keizai 4x-frn-0081 ?/?/194? Associated 日本経済新聞 Press Reuters 日本経済新聞 (London) International Nippon Times News Service (Seoul) Nippon Times Nippon Times 4x-frn-0082 ?/?/194? Associated Press (New York) Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times 4x-frn-0083 ?/?/194? 日本通信 Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin 4x-frn-0084 4x-frn-0085 ?/?/194? ?/?/194? 日本通信 Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin 13:7 Radio Press (Australia) 4x-frn-0086 ?/?/194? 15:11 4x-frn-0087 ?/?/194? 20:7 4x-frn-0088 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0089 ?/?/194? 30:4 4x-frn-0090 ?/?/194? 15:42 4x-frn-0091 ?/6/194? Radio Press (Brazzaville) Radio Press Sokuho (Delhi) Radio Press (Moscow) Radio Press (Nanking) Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (Khabarovsk) , Soviet Radio News Agence 世界日報 France-presse (London) 4x-frn-0092 ?/?/194? 6:41 4x-frn-0093 ?/?/194? 15/15 News item Pyong Yang Broadcast Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes D Mercola 1 Sameshima 1 P 1 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo S Malloy Spaulding 1 Kyodo Tsushin Mainichi Shimbun Kyodo Mainichi S S Malloy Spaulding 1 1 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi S Hokkaido Shimbun, Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin, Mainichi Shimbun, The Nihon Keizai, Tokyo Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun, Tokyo Shimbun, Nippon Keizai Shimbun, Hokkaido Shimbun, Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin 共同通信 United Press 毎日新聞 (Hong Kong) Radio Press 毎日新聞 (Shanghai; Moscow); United Press (New York) United Press 北海道新聞, (Moscow) 時事通信, 共同通信, 毎日新聞, 日本経済新聞, 東京新聞 9:12, 9:12a, 9:12b, 9:12c, 9:14, 9:14a 9:16 The Depart declared officially it had no plans under discussion for a Billion dollar credit for Japan Examiner1 Examiner2 Mercola 民青時報 Minsei Jiho 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin, The Nihon Keizai, United Press 時事通信, 共同通信, (London) 日本経済新聞 Five million Chinese communists mobilized ad defenders Russian Papers report drop in prices on US community and stock exchanges 海世マイクより伝えるところによると南朝鮮より五月 三十日その生活苦に堪えられず、三十八度線の危機地 を突破して来た金斗鉄氏は南朝鮮の現状を左の如く語 った。 "The adverse condition of South Korea" Nichibei Tsushin 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 國共和平の條件 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 貧農に... 入る中共. だが絶對に赤化せず 1 1 [Walter Cronkite] Mercola Sameshima Kawamoto S. Miura Marquis Childs Mercola 1 Y 6 D D Spaulding China Putting her house in order British entry into foreign trade with Japan Protest against restoration of Japanese cotton industry Demonstrations launched D Malloy Spaulding 1 D Malloy Spaulding 1 D Malloy Spaulding 1 D Mercola Sameshima 1 S Malloy Spaulding 1 D Malloy Spaulding 1 D S Malloy Mercola Spaulding 1 1 Sameshima 1 D Mercola 1 1 H, P 20 released war criminals may be tried by Chinese International review: on the goblents Conference 南京政府の意圖は期待外れ. 對日講和 ロンドン・タイムス評 Spaulding Italys number 2 communist swiseppe di Vittori Britain reviewing trade relations with European countries in Soviet block US Political: Welles urges aid to Italy Sekai-Nippo S [Milks] S Truce Conditions Disregarded By The Dutch Formosan Rebellion "A newspaper published by the Russian-sponsored Socialist Unity Party has published an article saying that blockade has nothing to do with repairs to railways, roads, bridges and canal locks. British policy for Africa criticized. Sekai Nippo D Two sheets scanned together. 2 D Malloy Spaulding 1 S Mercola Sameshima 1 S Mercola H, S [Kawamoto ] 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Oversized News Agency Associated Press (Manila) Photograph(s) Source 4:8 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored ?/?/194? Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 4x-frn-0066 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) 新聞之新聞 Shimbun no Shimbun Shimbun no Shimbun 4x-frn-0095 ?/?/194? 8:28 静岡新聞 Shizuoka Shimbun Shizuoka 4x-frn-0096 ?/?/194? 16:15 4x-frn-0097 ?/?/194? 19:5, 20:17 4x-frn-0098 ?/?/194? 20:16 4x-frn-0099 ?/?/194? 15:17 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (New York), Soviet Radio News 4x-frn-0100 ?/?/194? 21:17 4x-frn-0101 ?/?/194? Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (Shanghai), Soviet Radio News Telepress (Sydney; Prague; San Juan, Puerto Rico) 4x-frn-0102 ?/?/194? Telepress (London) 4x-frn-0103 ?/?/194? Telepress (Kansas City) 4x-frn-0104 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0105 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0106 Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject フリード街物語. 弗資金缺乏で四頁. 英國新聞の苦難 Defense Attorneys said outside the Courtroom, Webb was unquestionably referring to final arguments on Japanese-German-Italian relations prepared by Attorney Owen Cunningham. Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (London), Soviet Radio News Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (London), Soviet Radio News Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (New York), Soviet Radio News 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 18:2 United Press 東京民報 (Washington) Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo ?/?/194? 27:32 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 4x-frn-0107 ?/?/194? 4:7 Telepress (Noumea) Telepress (Saigon) 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 4x-frn-0108 ?/?/194? 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 4x-frn-0109 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0110 ?/?/194? 17:55 4x-frn-0111 ?/?/194? 18:11 4x-frn-0112 ?/?/194? 6:6 Brief Summary News Item Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun 解放新聞 Haebang Sinmun Haebang Shinmun Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (1, Nanking) Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Notes 4 D 1 S 1 British Comies refused visa to US S Mercola Wallace's statement S Mercola US Navy Dept's acting chief, vise-admiral Redford's statement S Mercola 1 S Mercola 1 1 Sameshima 1 A student protest rally urging Indonesian independence outside Dutch consular offices was broken up by the police, who arrested 13 demonstrators.; World Youth Federation backs Indonesians; Dominican dictator clamps down on opposition D 1 A secret deal between the British and Ceylon Governments will result in Radio SEAC, established in Ceylon during the war. Destroy Atom Bombs, U.S. Christrian group urges H 1 2 Song longing to return to Korea, Nanki Kyo. US Govt, a SCAP permit Dr. SASAKI and 6 others to go to US and Europe. French colony asks for 5,000 Japanese workers Viet Nam asks revenge for French May Day killing S Mercola Sameshima 1 S Mercola Sameshima 1 H, S Mercola Sameshima 2 H, S インフレ下の中国 D Former war secretary Henry III Stimson is attacking Navy as mainly responsible for wartime Army Navy feuding says MacArthur figure in controversy writes in second installment his wartime biography published in ladies home journal... Agence 読売新聞 France-presse (Moscow) Examiner1 Examiner2 Translation of New York Times article (12/15/1947) Y S Japan rightwing socialists betrayed by Pravda "After resolutions were... Chorus and dancing wre held at anniversary meeting." The Soviet government have been accused by Chang Li Sheng, the Chinese minister of the Interior of aiding Japanese traders to smuggle goods into China. 1 [Kanezabu ro Gushima] S H, S H 14 1 Mercola Sameshima Kawamoto Chung 1 3 1 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source 23:6 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored ?/?/194? Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 4x-frn-0094 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Extensive economic development of Kwangtung and South... Centered at Canton, with the objective of enabling South China's agriculture and industry to support a full scale national drive to clear the communists from North China and Manchuria after an anticipated two years of delaying action. Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 4x-frn-0114 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0115 ?[18]/194? 4x-frn-0116 4x-frn-0117 ?/?/194? ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0118 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0119 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0120 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0121 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0122 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0123 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0124 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0125 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0126 ?/?/194? Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 4x-frn-0127 ?/?/194? 15:40 News Item 解放新聞 Haebang Sinmun Haebang Shinmun "The 6.10th anniversary large meeting held at Numazu to make invalid the South Korean separate election" S Kawamoto Chung 2 4x-frn-0128 ?/?/194? 16:37 News Item 解放新聞 Haebang Sinmun Haebang Shinmun "The people's meeting in Tokyo was opened to oppose the separate election in South and to promote the unification of Korea." H, S Kawamoto Chung 2 4x-frn-0129 ?/?/194? 17:7 News Item 解放新聞 Haebang Sinmun Haebang Shinmun "Let's maintain the 6.10 th ... traction and establish a united government" S 4x-frn-0130 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0131 ?/[23]/194? 4x-frn-0132 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0133 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0134 ?/?/194? [Kyodo 東京民報 Tsushin], United Press (Hong Kong; Washington); Associated Press (Washington) ; Reuters (Shanghai) 民青時報 民青時報 時事通信, 毎日新聞 4:12, 4:12a Telepress (Washington) Telepress (Washington) Telepress (Harbin) Telepress (Berlin) Tokyo Mimpo 中共軍税関襲撃; 日鮮に最恵國待遇; 日造船注文考慮; 日鮮復興援助に追加予算. 特別議会に提出か Minsei Jiho Minsei Jiho Minsei Jiho Minsei Jiho 済州島の人民抗争は五月十日以降ますますはげしくな っている 南逸單独選挙の結果に対しては李承晩... Jiji Tsushin, Mainichi Shimbun Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo Associated Press United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) The Kokusai Times An American licensed news agency reported that 20,000 workers demonstrated in the British zone town of Flensburg, protesting the announced 780 calories daily ration. A s[po]kesman for the industrial division of SCAP's Economic and Scientific Section said he had no idea where the Russians get their statistics on wholesale deletions... R.D. McManigal, vice president of Westinghouse Electric International Co. predicted that Japan will again regain its former importance in the industrial and business world in spite of what he called some excessive restrictions under SCAP. ... Convincing evidence that the initial invitation was meant primarily for politifal reasons. Both here and in the United States there was some opinion General MacArthur was merely awaiting a more peremptory summons to return home in advance of the Republican convention. U.S. cost-of-living hits new high record Jiji, Mainichi 東京民報 United Press 時事通信 23:8b Tokyo Mimpo Kokusai Taimusu H 1 Y 1 S Y 2 S D Y 2 1 H 1 R.D. McManigal of Westinghouse criticizes SCAP's industrial... ... 夫人もその間終始元帥と ともに海外に暮して内助 の功... U.S. railway unions demand nationalization Chinese workers plan first national conference in 21 years German steelworkers vote on strike against Nazi appointment ... ing is ultimately transferred onto the shoulders of the people. This can only be done at the sacrifice of the people. 4 S Y S 1 D 1 H, S 2 H, S 1 1 Urabe said he had reports of such agents being landed, but Kislenko said such statements were... 1 死刑を要求する. キーナン檢事の所信 S 極東問題専門家会議 H "Bitter criticism of Anglo-American 'expansionist' policy in the near and Middle East by the 'camouflaged' seizure of key oil centers and military based and the 'ruthless exploitation' of cheap labor, was made in the Soviet army newspaper, Red Star, 'by Moscow Radio today. "Under the totalitarian technique with which Adolf Hitler made the world familiar, Russia's current barrage of charges against the United States would be taken as a smoke screen for an impending act of aggression somewhere... " The Russians have lost a big round but they are far ahead in the battle of propaganda. 2 Kawamoto Chung [Frank White] 2 Y 1 Y 1 2 1 3 Oversized News Agency ?/?/194? Photograph(s) Source 4x-frn-0113 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0136 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0137 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0138 ?/17/194? 4x-frn-0139 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0140 4x-frn-0141 ?/?/194? ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0142 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0143 ?/?/194? Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Russia[']s new budget... Moscow seems indicate USSR going outspend this [c]ountry... considerable amount for arms. Salisbury "In Greece a smoldering civil war flamed up on the propaganda front. Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (Tokyo) According to newspaper Stars and Stripes spokesman of MacArthur headquarters declared that representatives of Japanese Business circles would shortly be allowed to visit USA France and India in connection with Japanese foreign trade program Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 1 1 H, S 24:12 1 ハングル 文字で書 かれてい るゲラあ り H The government rejected these demands whereupon the issue went to the neutral mediation committee of nine government. Yonekubo said the three labor comitteemen were CIU members and "belong to the Communist Party." The future of Manchuria It was also learned that the government is now inclined to the view that the Justice Ministry should be replaced by an office smaller than a Ministry but which will be headed by a director-general with a State Minister rank, instead of by a Legal Affairs Ministry as contemplated earlier by Justice Minister Yoshio Suzuki. 満州はどうなる The Government also is believed to have dropped its plan of setting up local self-government committees, it was said. D 2 Y 1 1 S East Asia League in an attempt to avoid the purge. New York Herald Tribune (New York) 共同通信 4x-frn-0144 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0145 ?/[22]/194? 4x-frn-0146 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0147 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0148 ?/[22]/194? 4x-frn-0149 4x-frn-0150 ?/?/194? ?/?/194? 第一新聞 4x-frn-0151 4x-frn-0152 ?/?/194? ?/?/194? United Press 共同通信 4x-frn-0153 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0154 ?/?/194? Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo United Press (Washington) 1 「バーンズ」ノ一. まえがき. 米ソ関係の眞相 Y ...傾向にある。この経常費は一億五千万円を要するが 、五、六千万円も不足している現状である ノーランド議員の訪日は今冬か; 米国の労働事情険悪か. 三大部門の成行に注目 Y 1 Y 1 The present situation of our country may be compared to a house on fire breaking out in a strong wind. Tokuda's speech on 1st Day of Communist Party 6th Convention at Kyodbashi, Tokyo Daiichi Shimbun Daiichi Shimbun Malloy Takebe Kawamina mi Yabuki H ... ているだろうが、この考え方は少し甘いようだ; 東株雑感; 強気と弱気 綿業再建の目圖 D Y 5 Y 1 1 Kyodo 日本通信 Nihon Tsushin Nihon Tsushin 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo "商賣のコツ" Stars and Stripes 4x-mis-0001 ?/?/194? ...その時学生ブラスバンドは「都の西北」を高らかに 奉すれば、大山さんは感激にほほをけいれんさせ、静 かなまなこをあちこち学生の上にそそいで... 4x-mis-0002 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0003 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0004 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0005 ?/?/194? ...あくまで実施...実施が遅れているとすればそれは行政 官庁の業務の停滞によるもので政策が変更になったわ けでない ...に警察法を提出すべく準備を急いでいたが、...ほど同 法案要綱の成案を得たので近く閣議決定... ...かをすぐ續けられると思うが、その時は二・一スト に関するマ総司令官の声明があるので、最早政府が関 与すべき段階ではない ...蚕糸局としては調整料によって調整する意向である 4x-mis-0006 ?/?/194? ...蚕糸調査会では内外滞貨の処理が急務となっていま すので、三十日輸出増逓...間委員会を開催し... 15 3 1 1 Japan's current exports are reported to adhere closely to the prewar geographic pattern, but are running at less than 15 per cent of the prewar total of 700 billion dollars. 5/29 [James F. Byrnes] 1 Republican Representative Judd said he was convinced the Charter muzt be strengthened -- that the job must be done "with Russia if possible, but without her if she refuses to cooperate." Kyodo Tsushin 1 Demonstrations in Peiping against Molotov's plan A NY restaurant owner asking President Truman's daughter to work at his restaurant D W Malloy 1 Y 1 Y 7 S Y 1 S Y 23 D, S Y 1 Y 1 Y 3 Oversized News Agency [United Press (Moscow, Washington)] Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 4x-frn-0135 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 (八三目始メヨリ)...いましたが、あの科学者はこう 言っていました。ドクター・ヨシオ・ニシナがあの調 査のために用いたのは甚だプリミテーブ(原始的)な おもちゃみたいな機械で、アメリカでなら一部のハイ スクールのボーイズが自分の部屋に備えつけている種 類のもの以上のものでなく、値段に見積って言えば高 々廿ドル位のものだった 4x-mis-0008 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0009 ?/27/194? ...府が責任をとる[こ]とになろう、米国政府はオースト ラリア、ニュージーランドおよびノルウェー三国が[日] 本の南氷洋捕鯨を... 米国に在住する少数日本人の問題及び... 4x-mis-0010 4x-mis-0011 ?/?/194? ?/?/194? ...これは集中排除に何らかの影響を及ぼすか ...借金十億円、既定本予算の赤字補填四十八億円等、 首相の裁断による調整が行わはれる見込みである 4x-mis-0012 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0013 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0014 ?/?/194? ...プ紙夜間文筆)召使を持っている米国人はドイツ人 に対し仕事を与えていると言える、ドイツでは家内労 働力はあり余っているのである ...様々な情報によると、英帝国諸国において対日貿易 復活の案はイギリスの場合よりももっと急速に進んで いる キュリ夫人逮捕に北鮮女性同盟抗ギ 4x-mis-0015 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0016 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0017 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0018 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0019 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0020 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0021 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0022 4x-mis-0023 ?/?/194? ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0024 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0025 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0026 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0027 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0028 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0029 ?/[17]/194? 4x-mis-0030 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0031 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0032 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0033 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0034 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0035 6/10/194? International News Service (Tokyo) Korean Information Press (Pengyang) 朝鮮特信 日本語版 The Korean Information Chosen Tokushin 語った、また、斗争態勢を解けば労組としては政府と 交渉する中心がなくなる マックアーサー君とその友達 主として東京にいる米国士官の家族であるが は大使館の水泳プールの周りにピクニックに出る 中小工業者と共産党との懇談会 ...会社を通じ政府対政府のベーシスで一切行われて来 た、日本に対する輸入には現在まで殆んど全て米国に よって供給され... (逗子発)尾崎行雄氏はさきに前後二回に亘って衆議 院議員に警告を送ったが、今なお混迷を続けている政 局の現状を深く憂慮、二十七日午前自邸で「救國の大 精神に奮起せよ」と次の如く語った ...によればハッヂ中将は前日本総督府の高官永田財務 局長、塩原鉱務局長、元朝鮮銀行の君島等を招請、数 日前一行は釜山に上陸したとのことであるが... United Press (Washington) 1 Y 1 S P Y Y 2 1 Y 1 Y 2 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 4 H Y 16 H, S Y 2 Y 11 Y Y 30 1 Y 14 Y 1 Y 1 H, D Y 13 D Y 1 H Y 1 Y 3 H 49/19 Increasing Delivery of seasoning: Soy-Bean There is no other way but the nationalization of banking organs and key industries simultaneously with it, the democratization of our political & economical circles must be carried out by means of purging war criminals." 2 Mercola at once... dormitory, ... cilities, ... [la]bor union's ... dered disperse ... a mass meeting ... [An]ti communist organiz[ation] ... Hankyo Doshikai ... against communism ... The October Revolution. We have definitely to reject these dreadful traitors - communists for the sake of well-being to workers." Telepress アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー Akahata Uikuri 2 Y S ... 連小総会に報告小総会がこれが対策を講ずる。従って南鮮だけの選挙 は小総会の決議による指示がなければ、実行できない 。 ...同大会における趙炳玉博士の歓迎辞の要旨は左の通 りである ...するとの見通しがついたので当初の方針にかえり、 六月十五日から物価の同時改訂をはじめることとなり 目下準備を急いでいる 政府方面の情報によれば国務省は蒋主席の中国経済争 議対策を支援するための... ...国家とし、ユダヤ民族居住地域はその中の州として ユダヤ人の自治権を認めるという解決方法を堅持して おり、... Notes Y H S ...紙幣、官報、全出版印刷物等はとまるが占領軍関係 の作業には支障なしといっている ...として歓迎されている。なお同代理店の大阪営業所 は来る十四日から阪急ビル東隣り梅田開館で業ムを開 始することになっており、また近く神戸、名古屋京都 にも出張所を設けるとともに将来は東京にも営業所を 設ける計画をすすめている ...取調べの結果密漁の嫌疑が晴れ十九日不起訴処分と なった 第二にわれわれは物價の引上げに反対しなければなら ぬ 「労働戦線統一のさけばれている今日の情勢からみて 産別は急速に自己批判すべき段階に達したとみとめる Examiner5 Examiner6 Murao Iwasaki T. Hori 1 1 1 H 1 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored ?/?/194? Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 4x-mis-0007 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 4x-mis-0037 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0038 10/25/194? 4x-mis-0039 4x-mis-0040 4x-mis-0041 ?/?/194? ?/?/194? [2]/[11]/194? 4x-mis-0042 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0043 [1]/[15]/194? 4x-mis-0044 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0045 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0046 ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0047 4x-mis-0048 4x-mis-0049 4x-mis-0050 4/23/194? ?/?/194? ?/?/194? ?/?/194? 4x-mis-0051 ?/?/194? 45-frn-0001 [11]/[3]/194[5] 46-frn-0001 [7]/[23]/1946 46-mis-0001 [6]/[1]/194[6] 47-mis-0001 1/13/1947 47-mis-0002z 3/13/1947 47-mis-0002 Headline 2/5/1948 48-mis-0002 9/20/1948 Brief Summary P Tokyo Chinese to appeal to SCAP for privileges The Daily Edition Round up (noon) ... by Mainichi, Kyodo Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Sameshima S. Sakanouye Yoshimoto Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Motoichiro Tamai 1 Mercola 1 P 1 The mind of Premier Katayama 通信読者名簿 [共同通信] [Kyodo Tsushin] 神戸支局 産業労働版 Kyodo log for muliple articles (Foreign news) Non-Japanese person greeting a Japanese lady in Kimono; photos of western style rooms list of articles and hold numbers lyrics of Christmas songs Hark, the Herald Angels Sing; Jingle Bells, O Come, All Ye Faithful; Silent Night ...only the stipulation of the Potsdam Declaration, Japan's position will be difficult all the more. 新夕刊 20:9 Shin Yukan Shin Yukan Aso Shimbun 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon Shimbun (Fukuoka) Reuters (Istanbul) Cultivation Tendency among proletarians. "food stuffs released" is deeply impressed in my eyes. As a result of this decrease, 796,000,000 yen (a balance between the expediture for 8 month allowance and the decreased regular expenditures) is the total amount of the budget of Amendment 13, (Ex. The name of budget ducument), and financial resources for this ballance are as follows: 7 4 26 Y Y 4 H, P, W 2 [Matsumot o] D The General Strike. 2 Sameshima Gomes Ebisawa M. Sakuma 4 Letter from Maj. General U.S. Army. W.S. Marquat, Economic and Scientific Section Action Sheet 1 1 4 2 1 [S. Noda] [S. Noda] poem D Marcola Joint Chief of Staff. Basic directive for post-surrender military government in Japan proper references Niiya T. Nakayama 1 H, P Gov[ernmen]t Party leading in Turkish election Comment On The Session Of The Diet Provincial Newspaper Nishi Nippon Shimbun 61 1 Press Translation Press Translation Messrs Okada and Nagano May I have a survey of news coverage for the period 25 December to about 21 January submitted to me Friday night the 23rd of January? Nea map of Nagoya City Checked by M. [Noguchi] Equality under the law -- The root of Democracy 1 1 [Kades] speech at Block Conference of District Procurators Office of Procurator Genral, Tokyo, 5 and 6 February 1948 1. Desire PRIORITY translations of articles appearing in AKAHATA between 25 July and 2 September wichi violate the Press Code through veiled criticism of SCAP or the Occupation. 2. Disapprove attached Riso Nippon article as a routine viloation; type in s&d log & return attached copy to me as soon as possible. 3. passed galley proofsand passed page proofs of formerly precensored newspapers may be destroyed IF NOHON COPIES OF THE PAPERS ARE ON FILE IN PRESS PUB SECTION. Passed galley & page proofs must be retained for all issues that we do not have nohon of. Suppressed & deleted galley & page proofs must be retained on file permanently. Desire a written report of 2 1 envelope 6/30/1947 48-mis-0001 Subject The augmented capital of the Hypotheic Bank, which is not based on the Law of Reorganizing Industry , is 200,000,000 Yen Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored ?/?/194? Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 4x-mis-0036 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 3 1 4 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 5/20/1949 4x-loc-0001 4x-loc-0001a 4x-loc-0002 Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examination of the Chinese Paper. Stories on the works written by Lu Shun. A letter [from] a student of Pei-ping University. Chinese People and Chinese Language. Two (2) songs. Report of Living in the Chinese Communist District. 'Mine is Mine, How about Yours?' 7:40c 5/27/1949 News Item 1/8/194? 1/14/194? [1]/[27]/194? International 読売新聞 News Service (Tokyo) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri United Press 時事通信 (Moscow) 連合通信 国内版 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Sokuho タス、一般教書を論評 Rengo Tsushin Kokunaiban Rengo Tsushin (Kokunaiban) 時事新報 時事新報 産業経済新聞 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 共同通信 不知火新聞 Kyodo Tsushin Shiranui Shimbun Kyodo Shiranuhi-Shimbun 対日講和. 中国の立場 Chinese [stand] on Japanese Peace Treaty clarified Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 救済小包の滞貨 米国綿製品製造業者到着 Examiner5 Examiner6 [I] Notes 1 H, [D] [Seymour Topping, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] I, DI Hungarian Labor Unions' Preparations for WFTU World Conference Examiner4 C. Tsao Y 4 Y 2 S. Asano 2 H, P 二十二年産米及び甘藷の一月十日現在における買入れ情況 は米の累計二千四百九十七万四百八十八石 Y Y 1 1 1 Y 2 4x-loc-0003 [1]/?/194? 4x-loc-0004 4x-loc-0005 2/[27]/194? 2/28/194? 4x-loc-0006 3/17/194? 12/17 読売新聞 檢擧さしかえ H, S Y 1 4/5/194? 51/5 アカハタ Yomiuri Shimbun (Aomori) Akahata Yomiuri (Aomori) 4x-loc-0007 Akahata H, S Y 1 4x-loc-0008 4x-loc-0009 4/5/194? 4/27/194? 38/5 アカハタ 不知火新聞 Akahata Shiranui Shimbun Akahata Shiranuhi-Shimbun 税金未納の賣却工場. 旣に四百五十社. 春風いずこ、苦しい中小工業 共産黨が音頭. 鳥取で引揚促進家族大會 Y 1 1 4x-loc-0010 4x-loc-0011 4x-loc-0012 4x-loc-0013 朝日新聞 アカハタ Asahi Shimbun (Akita) Akahata Asahi (Akita) Akahata Y 6/2/194? [7]/[28]/194? [7]/[29]/194? 1 11 1 1 [7]/[31]/194? 4x-loc-0015 8/11/194? 8/14/194? 国際タイムス Asahi Shimbun (Tochigi) Kokusai Times No. 11 ジ大尉邸に捨子 4x-loc-0016 Jiji Tsushin English Section Jiji Tsushin English Section Asahi Shimbun (Tochigi) The Kokusai Times (11) Jiji Press 4x-loc-0014 時事通信 English Section 時事通信 English Section 朝日新聞 4x-loc-0017 8/18/194? 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo 東劇を観る 4x-loc-0018 [9]/[3]/194? 時事通信 English Section Jiji Tsushin English Section Jiji Press 4x-loc-0019 [10]/[16]/194? 4x-loc-0020 10/30/194? 4x-loc-0021 11/17/194? 4x-loc-0022 [12]/[1]/194? 7/16/194? 21/9 31/2 Treatise Application for Screening Rear-admiral Kaku, the god of war 1 6 H, D Flood of the River KUMA Ttemporary dam was broken down. Much damage of YATSUSHIRO-GUN is estimated 通学用衣服類配給 Japanese History G. Saiki H,S H Kimio Izu Marcola K. Suzuki 七月廿八日日計表 Jiji Press 民靑演奏隊街頭進出 Y Ministry workers going back to full-day work New cement prices fixed by price board "Abandoned a child" The democratic youngmen's league of Korean plays music on the street To amuse Ameircan symphony at the Earney Pile Theater. Malloy Takashima I Shinokura Doi Malloy Ashikawa D 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Eighth Army Headquaters said this morning an American Ammunition magazine at Ikego, on the Yokosuka Peninsula, exploded this morning and first "sketchy" reports indicated no Americans but some other personnel had been injured. Own article 時事通信 English Section アカハタ Jiji Tsushin English Section Akahata Akahata 4x-loc-0024 36/5 Own article アカハタ Akahata Akahata 4x-loc-0025 13/2 Own article アカハタ Akahata Akahata Own article アカハタ Akahata Akahata Asahi (Aomori) 救縣慈善. 供米運動八月から実施 Asahi (Iwate) 早期供出に重點を. 一般供出にはおしるし程度 Jiji Press 13/26 朝日新聞 4x-loc-0028 20/23 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (Aomori) Asahi Shimbun (Iwate) 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shinbun 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (Aomori) Asahi Shimbun, Aomori 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun 4x-loc-0030 Own article 25/4 Asahi H. Iwasaki Y 2 Y 2 Y 2 Y 1 Y 1 P 1 Free market price quotations Disabled ex-servicemen discribe conditions in hospital Young Kobe policemen petition against elders for accepting bribes 80 Housewives of Musashino oppose city taxes Katsumadamura village heads resign 4x-loc-0027 4x-loc-0029 Nagai 全李王家邸宅賣却から免かる. 將來は朝鮮政府の財産に返還 44/4 4x-loc-0026 Kazumasa Nakagawa Horiuchi 6 試寫評. 「駒鳥夫人」松竹大船NHK連續放送劇の映畫化で脚色(長 瀬喜伴)に無理があり、盛澤山のお涙頂戴が鼻につく。 11/17 22 1 D …new party moves seen making much headway 4x-loc-0023 4x-loc-0031 H, P 2 1 S Mercola Sameshima 1 S Mercola Sameshima 1 S Mercola Sameshima 1 S Mercola Sameshima H, P H Deconst...tors cautioned by O.F. Various police stations in the southern district of Aomori prefecture have become short of personnel owing to the transfer of police officers which resulted from the operation of the new police system. S Chushingura P S Ogino 1 Y 1 Y 1 1 Mercola Sameshima 1 1 1 Oversized 1/10/1949 49-frn-0004 News Agency Photograph(s) 49-frn-0003 Source Duplicate 1/7/194[9] Hold No. Number of Pages 49-frn-0002 Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted 1/6/1949 Writers Prange Control No. 49-frn-0001 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) [時事通信] 国際タイムス [Jiji Tsushin] The Kokusai Times [Jiji Tsushin] Kokusai Taimusu の定例閣議に持ちこされることになった 政界の腐敗と国民の白 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimusu "一日一回、わずか一分か二分でいゝ、平和な美しい鐘の音 を全國民にきかせたい"-これが一万田日銀総裁の「一つの 願い」だという。 News item 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimusu The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimusu Own article 時事通信; 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Own article 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 朝日新聞; 共同通信; 毎日新聞 Asahi Shimbun; Kyodo Tsushin; Mainichi Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin A Asahi; Kyodo; Mainichi 20/7 Own article 4x-loc-0035 4x-loc-0036 6:13 Editorial 4x-loc-0037 1/13 4x-loc-0038 国際タイムス 4x-loc-0039 4x-loc-0040 10/23; 7/23; 1/23 31/7 4x-loc-0041 4x-loc-0042 4x-loc-0043 Own article 共同通信 共同特信 A 4x-loc-0044 Tokushin Bunka A Own article 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun 4x-loc-0046 Own article 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 4x-loc-0047 4x-loc-0048 4x-loc-0049 Own article Own article Own article 西日本新聞 西日本新聞 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nihon Nishi Nippon Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nihon Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo Osaka Jiji Shimpo Seiji Shimbun Shimbun no Shimbun Nishi Nihon Osaka Jiji Shimpo Osaka Jiji Shimpo Seiji Shimbun Shimbun no Shimbun 4x-loc-0045 36/4 4x-loc-0050 4x-loc-0051 4x-loc-0052 4x-loc-0053 4x-loc-0054 33/24 Own article 西日本新聞 大阪時事新報 大阪時事新報 政治新聞 新聞之新聞 4x-loc-0055 27/5 Own article 東京都民新聞 Tokyo Tomin Shimbun Tokyo Tomin Shimbun 4x-loc-0056 2/6 Own article 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun 4x-loc-0057 29/6 Own article 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 4x-loc-0058 4x-loc-0059 4x-loc-0060 4x-loc-0061 2/18/1946 46-loc-0001a 2/18/1946 4/2/1946 46-loc-0002 [2]/[21]/1946 2/19/1946 46-loc-0003 46-loc-0003a 2/26/1946 4/?/1946 46-loc-0004 [5]/[24]/194[6] 46-loc-0005 46-loc-0006 7/?/1946 Nippon Times Nippon Times 7/12/1946 父兄通信 Fukei Tsushin Fukei Tsushin 8/19/1946 協同組合新聞 The Cooperative News Kyodo Kumiai Shimbun 46-loc-0008 8/6/1946 8/7/1946 協同組合通信 10/26/1946 46-loc-0014 12/1/1946 46-loc-0015 12/5/1946 own article 11/1/1946 12/4/1946 Kyodo Kumiai Tsushin Chosen Shimbun 10/13/1946 10/[15]/1946 10/24/194[6] 10/?/194[6] The School Weekly, the The School Weekly Primer Edition Geirin Shimbun Geirin Shimbun Geirin Shimbun Kyodo Kumiai Shimbun Nippon Times 8/13/1946 46-loc-0013 The School Weekly, the Primer Edition 芸林新聞 I/26 朝鮮新聞 毎日新聞 世界日報 新聞之新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Sekai Nippo Shimbun no Shimbun Kyodo Kumiai Tsushin Chosen Mainichi Sekai Nippo Shimbun no Shimbunsha 北海道新聞 Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 協同組合新聞 The Cooperative News 協同組合新聞 The Cooperative News 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Kyodo Kumiai Shinbun Kyodo Kumiai Shinbun Mainichi People suffering from accute shortage of salt Political Corruption and National Consciousness Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 H, D H, P S Mercola Sameshima H, D H, S Gomes Kunimatsu Examiner3 Examiner4 H 在日朝鮮人敎育問題の岐路. 朝鮮語の敎育は非か. 成行き他の三國人も注視 P Mercola Naito S Malloy Spaulding S Mercola Sameshima Morizawa Y. Takaoka H Suspension of textile dyeing criticized Complete list of new members of the house of representatives Examiner5 Examiner6 1 1 1 Y Y 3 7 Y 1 Y 2 Y 2 1 1 24 S Malloy Spaulding 1 1 Korean police wires Sasebo for present condition Round table discussion of the strike S 西尾、和田長官談 お婆さんの富士登山. 山頂ケーブル設置で三巴 撮影所閉鎖を実施. 組合側と衝突なく平穏 新議練體系 來朝するドソーパー陸軍次官一行は五人委員会とは直接関 連はない 体工場の売却の何れかにあてはまるものである 内外速報版 資材物資の確保難、労働事情、列車輸送力などの関係で輸 送力が本期ににわかに好轉するとは期待されず、輸送力の 需給は以前甚だしい不均衡をまぬかれない Malloy Spaulding Malloy Spaulding 1 1 1 1 1 D S Y Y Y Y Malloy Spaulding 3 1 1 1 1 D Mercola Sameshima 1 D Mercola Sameshima 1 S Mercola Sameshima 1 S Mr. Mercola, Mr. T. Kato, Mr. Moriyama, Yokoyama Weekly Review on the Press Sino-Japanese Amity Key to Peace. 新人よ!何をして居る?; 聯合軍檢閲部に依る歌舞伎演劇表; アメリカ映畫の封切. 一映畫にプリント一本 Y 1 Y Y Y 1 1 1 1 D Furuya 1 DI 2 D Mitsunobu Wakiya For everlasting Peace. Cooperation and Morale The Unorthodox Finance Minister Desire for parents throughout Japan Take the Whole Empire by Storm of Cooperative Movement Suggestion to Agricultural Minister Wada On the 2nd anniversary of liberation 産別ストの"政治"色排す. 民主人民聯盟聲明 あす対日理事會 休百に次に休十. スト批判もチョッピリ; 新聞の關心. 國際問題に擴大. 八月占領報告に指摘; 總司令部(CIE PRO)發表; 八反田氏復職. 讀大阪支社長に; 岩淵氏も退く; 沿岸船舶. 輸送力は充分. モムゼン少將指摘; 小石川高女が新聞で課外敎授; インキ統組. 技術委員會 Interview with Pre. MARUOKA Y DI T. Maitani Y. Yamamoto D, V Shinozaki D Shinozaki 2 3 2 2 3 Y V, I D R. Kiriyama Yonki Son Malloy H, S "Testimony by Kido": at Tokyo Tribunal Exclusion of Vacant Idealism 經濟復興運動具體化; いわし丸干で中毒; 長野師範ももめ出す; 捕鯨船團が赤道通過; まだもめる上林高女 Sameshima H,P Repatriate KAWASAKI gives information to families of those detained in Russia According to accounts given by recent repatriates, about 205,000 odd Japanese are still being detained in the Kurile islands and Saghalien. Election of Zentei staff personnel 解放二週年を迎えて Mercola D S S S 協同組合で全土を掩へ. "東京都生活協同組合聯合會"結成さる Notes Y Y さらにインフレの高進と欠乏経済の深刻化を勘定に入れる とこれらをめぐる各種闘争がからみ合つて明春二、三月ご ろには再び廣範な労働攻勢が起る可能性が少くない Bunka Shimbun Geirin Shimbun The Cooperative News 8/3/1946 46-loc-0012 Bunka Shimbun 芸林新聞 協同組合新聞 3/30/1946 46-loc-0007 46-loc-0009 46-loc-0010 46-loc-0011 文化新聞 Subject Movement to have requisition of the woman's hall release 4x-loc-0062 46-loc-0001 Headline P 2 Moriyama Doi Malloy Nodaira Sameshima Ito Kato Y 6 Y Y 1 2 Y 8 Nomura 2 V D 3 2 I. Niwa 3 Y 2 Oversized Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Boeki Nippo 輸出代金支拂は何故遅れる. 貿易廳で対策ねる Daiichi Shinbun 團菊祭 Jiji Tsushin News Agency Photograph(s) Submitted by Boeki Nippo Daiichi Shimbun Jiji Tsushin Source Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) 貿易日報 第一新聞 時事通信 Hold No. 30/14 Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted ?/14/194? Writers Prange Control No. 4x-loc-0032 4x-loc-0033 4x-loc-0034 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 46-loc-0018 46-loc-0019 46-loc-0020 46-loc-0021 46-loc-0022 46-loc-0023 12/11/1946 12/11/1946 12/11/1946 11:22 12/11/1946 12/13/1946 [12]/[16]/1946 Submitted by (Japanese) 毎日新聞 毎日新聞 Submitted by Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun 毎日新聞 時事新報 Nippon Times Mainichi Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Nippon Times Nippon Times 12/16/1946 12/17/1946 世界日報 共同通信 共同特信 22/13 Nippon Times Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Mainichi 東南アジヤ残留11萬; 日蓮宗靑年僧が運動 Mainichi ユーモア推理小説. 有中先生物語 Mainichi Jiji Shimpo Nippon Times Foreign Sekai Nippo (#7) Kyodo Series Subject Less drastic cuts expected from U.S. in war payments. Government Experts Reported Completing Revision of Pauley's Blueprints 美はどこにも 12/20/1946 共同通信 共同特信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin Kyodo Series 美はどこにも Beauty is [Everywhere] [12]/[26]/1946 12/27/1947 共同通信 共同特信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin Kyodo Series 美はどこにも Beauty is Found in Every Quarter 新聞之新聞 Shimbun No Shimbun Shimbun No Shimbun レヨンパルプの製造高は九月の六百四十メートル屯から十 月は百七十メートル屯に下つた; 職業補導敎育. モス博士が力説; 用紙對策委員讀賣が設置す 新夕刊 Shin Yukan Shin Yukan 文化タイムズ The Bunka Times Bunka Taimuzu 49-loc-0001 12/14/1948 1/11/1949 News Item (A) 49-loc-0001a [2]/[1]/194[9] 49-loc-0002 2/14/1949 2/24/1949 49-loc-0002a 2/15/1949 3/30/1949 49-loc-0002b 49-loc-0003 3/[8]/194[9] 4/19/1949 4/23/1949 44/19 49-loc-0004 49-loc-0004a 5/11/1949 5/24/1949 5/12/1949 6/3/1949 47/11 49-loc-0005 5/30/1949 6/8/1949 49-loc-0006 49-loc-0007 6/23/1949 7/20/1949 49-loc-0008 49-loc-0009 49-loc-0010 8/23/1949 49-loc-0010a 8/25/1949 49-loc-0011 9/8/1949 49-loc-0012 9/11/1949 49-den-0001 49-den-0002 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 2 Y 3 Y Y 3 1 P 1 4 Statues and Symbol Beauty is Everywhere [12]/[20]/1946 46-loc-0027 Examiner3 Formosans found guilty of assault. 39 Sentenced to Prison, Two Acquitted for Shibuya Incident; Sick passenger trampled to death in crowded car; Prince Takamatsu Robbed; Takeda's mansion offered for sale. Prince Diosposing of Takanawa Villa for Paying Huge Property Tax 46-loc-0025 12/?/1946 Examiner1 Examiner2 Musei Tokugawa; Shigeo Miyata, illustrator 46-loc-0024 46-loc-0026 Brief Summary ウインタースポーツ サンチャゴ要塞における俘虜虐待事件 Nippon Times Local Sekai Nippo (7) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin Headline P Saneatsu Mushanokj i Saneatsu Mushanokj i Saneatsu Mushanokj i Kikuchi N. Momra Obata Iwasaki Abe 1 Y 42 Y 28 Y 15 Y 3 Y 2 N. Momra T. Fukushima 犯罪檢擧は「あし」と「みゝ」. 常識破りの素人犯罪が横行. 腕きゝ刑事「座談會」 Press: The Tokyo Mimpo 1 超過所得税率一〇-ニ〇%となつており、米国のそれに較 べるとたいした過重とはなつていない。 労働タイムス The Rodo Times The Rodo Times 情報 Joho (Otaru) 時事通信 アカハタ Jiji Tsushin Akahata Joho-Senkyo-ban (Otaru) Jiji Tsushin Akahata News Item 読売新聞 建設通信 Yomiuri Shimbun Kensetsu Tsushin Yomiuri Kensetsu Tsushin News Item 連合通信 Rengo Tsushin Kokunaiban The Nihon Keizai Akahata Rengo Tsushin 日本経済新聞 アカハタ Nihon Keizai Red Flag (Akahata) 実行可能な豫算案へ. 今日與党正式決定 [8]/[4]/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun [8]/[4]/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun 國電ストと衆院考査委. 共産党の行動に焦点. つかめぬ直接的指令 臨時國会は十一月. 供米後の自由販売考慮. 広川幹事長車中談; 薪炭会計赤字の責任を明にせよ; 全逓の動向. 地域闘爭は必至. 注目の的・再建派の出方; "満州共和國"を樹立か. ソ連、國民投票を計画説; ボスを追出せ 出版文化新聞 Shuppan Bunka Shimbun The Publications Cultural News (Shuppan Bunka Shimbun) 8/10/1949 9/2/1949 22/23 PPB/CC News Item D/IS;PR E/5879 PPB/CC D/IS:PU B/2617 読売新聞 I "Candidates' Political View" 回轉基金具体化の模様 全官公労組の爭議の意義と敎訓 V, DI Kazuyuki Nakagawa D D "Lesson from and Significance of All Japan Government Workers' Strike" フアイン氏 The Democratic Photograph Club Was Launched K. Takahashi K. Izuhara 6 1 Niiya Y Y 4 19 Y 1 4 H. Obata 2 H, S Y 1 2 I Y 1 1 I Y 1 1 Paper: 30% of circulations of big papers remain sold Publications: Fo[ur] new companies in the publications field to staff soon 1 Forwarding INSATSU SHIMPO #32 and SHIMBUN NO SHIMBUN #5991. 2 朝連本部を引上げる交渉員 Yomiuri Shimbun (Miyagi B) Boeki Nippo ?/?/194[9] [毎日新聞] [Mainichi Shimbun] Newspaper Submission Record ?/?/194[9] [読売新聞] [Yomiuri Shimbun] Newspaper Submission Record 24/11 B. Mori H, S D Korean Residents Association (Chosen Kyoryumin Dan)'s Members Engage In Sector Maheuvers In Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture, In Conspiracy with Japanese Police. 貿易日報 9/13/1949 Yomiuri Shimbun (Miyagi B) Boeki Nippo 1 The Communist Party held the general meeting of the central committee (Kyosanto, chuo iin sokai o kaisai) Critic[i]sm Y 1. Dollar Prices of Metal Table Wares and Furs Lowered 2. Export of Cameras P Ito Moriyama 2 H. Okada 5 電光ニュ ース 電光ニュ ース 1 1 Y 49-den-0003 8/2/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News 下山事件捜査本部デハ関係当局立会ノ上捜査会議ヲ開イタ 結果"自殺"ト断定スル結論ニ達シ明早朝検察当局ト合同... Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted 12/11/1946 12/11/1946 Writers Prange Control No. 46-loc-0016 46-loc-0017 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 電光ニュ ース 2 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 49-den-0004 [9]/1/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News 都内ノ被害ハ死者10重軽傷71。全壊家540半壊769。浸水8 万以上避難者5万余人ニ及ンダ。; 農林省ノ予想ニヨレバ開花期ノ稲作ハ収カク皆無ノ恐レア リ。芋ヲ除ク農作ノ被害ハ甚大デアル。 ; 各河川ハ全ク危機ヲ脱シ水害ノ心配ハナクナツタ。 ; 黄琉島南々東ニ相当強イ台風ノ卵発生シ21日前後ガ憂慮サ レル。 ; 横浜港デハ沈没9。座礁9。ヲハジメ入港中ノ62隻ノ全部ガ 損傷シタ。 電光ニュ ース 6 電光ニュ ース 7 電光ニュ ース 11 電光ニュ ース 11 電光ニュ ース 14 電光ニュ ース 8 電光ニュ ース 9 Y 49-den-0005 9/1/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News シドニー発(U.P)濠州ノデーリーテレグラフ紙ハ昨日ノ 社説デ"日本ニ自由ヲ典工シスギテ番犬ニ飼主ガ手ヲカマレ ル... ; (明日ノ天気)南ノ風ヤヤ強ククモリ一時雨。; ワシントン発(AFP)アチソン米国務長官ハ昨日ノ記者会 見デ"ソ連ノ反チトー運動ハ神経戦ノ一部ダ、米国ハユー... ; 上海発(USIS)中共軍ノ上海占領後発行ヲ続ケテイル唯一 ノ英字紙ノースチャイナ・ディリーニュース紙ハ昨日限... ; Y 49-den-0006 9/1/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun 関東信越東北各地ヲ荒レタキテイ台風ノ被害ヲウケタ1都1 2県ノ国ケイ各本部ガ1日午後4時マデニ集計シタ... ; 群馬県下足尾方面デハ300ミリノ豪雨デ山津波ト渡良瀬川 ノ氾ランデ村落民家ガ濁流ニオシ流サレ死者行方不明... ; 関東地方ノ各主要河川ハキョウ正午ゴロヲ頂点トシテ次第 ニ減水シ利根川ハ上流ノ渡良瀬川ガワズカヅツ減水シ... ; 日本野球[西宮] 南海4A-0東急 中日9-3阪急 本塁打 玉腰 ; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ] 「第1」後7,30 "世界ノ音樂"後8,30 放送劇"山荘暗雨" ... 豊吉作山演小沢栄他「第2」後7,30 Yomiuri Denko News 連續講談... Y 49-den-0007 9/2/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun [ワシントン発UP] 米共和党幹部ブリッジス上院議員ハ1日降伏文書調印4周年 ニ当ツテマ元帥ガ発表シタ声明ヲ... ; [ホノルルニテ浅田本社特派員発]日本水泳選手一行ハ1日午 後11時[ハワイ時]ホノルル空港ヲ出発3日午後5時半ゴ... ; タイカラ東京ノヨイコヘ贈リモノ待望ノ象"ガジヤ子"サン[ 2年6ヶ月ノ赤チヤン現地価格50万円]ハケサ無... 神戸=... ; 今朝カラノ豪雨デ国私鉄共再ビ不通トナッタガ午後2時30 分ゴロ私鉄ノ一部ヲ除イテ開通シタ。; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ] 「第1」後8:00 家庭ノ話題"防犯" 福田蘭章、川崎弘子他ノ被害体験談ヲカコンデ後8,30 音 Yomiuri Denko News 楽贈リ物... Y 49-den-0008 [9]/2/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News (ワシントン發UP)ブラッドレー米統合参謀本部部長、陸 空軍両参謀総長及ビ海軍作戦部長等首脳部ハ6日空... ; (渉外局発表)日本ノ南東洋上ニアラワレタ二ツノ新熱帯 性低気圧ニツイテハ米軍航空気象観測班デ観測中ダガ今ノ 所台風... ; サツマ芋ノ暫定価格ハ今日ノ閣議デ決定シタガ消費者価格 ハ1、2等10メ当リ306円3、4等256円トナッタ。; タイ国調達庁長官サラサート氏カラ日本ノ子供タチニオク ラレタ赤坊ノ象ハケサ9時神戸ニ到着午后4時発... ; 古橋等選手団一行ハ3日午後5時羽田空港ニ帰着スル予定デ アル。; 通産省デハ中小輸出商社ノ海外渡航ヲ促進スベク優先外貨 ノ前借ヲ許スコトニナッタ。; 気象台デハ台風ノ卵ハ2日正午硫黄島南東500キロヲ西北西 進シツツアリ4日前後本土ニ上陸スル危険アリト... ; (明日ノ天気)南寄ノ風時々晴朝晩所ニヨリ雨 ; (渉外局特別發表)総司令部ハソ連代表カラ9月中シベリ ヤ地区1万8千、捕虜送還ノタメ配船要求ノ書簡ヲ受取ッ... Y 49-den-0009 9/3/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News ベオグラード発(AP)ユーゴ政府ハ昨日ドナウ河ノ水連オ ヨビ民間航空ノ共同管理ヲ規定シタソ連トノ通商協定ヲ... ; ニューヨーク発(AP)ニューヨークタイムズ紙ハ昨日ノ社 説デ"米人ハモハヤ日本人ヲ非人間ナイシ人間以下ノ... ; 9月ノシベリヤ引揚配船ハ遠卅丸ノ18日舞鶴帰港ヲ第1船ニ 9隻ノ日程ガ決定シタ。; (ワシントン発AP)国際緊急食糧委員会、米穀分料会ハ2 日米ノ国際割当制廃止ヲ決定シタ。; 東京六大学リーグハ10日11日、慶明戦(後楽園)カラ開始 スルガスケジユルハ許可ヲマツテ發表サレル。; 古橋選手一行ハ5時10分羽田空航着日比谷ノ歓迎会ニ列席 シタ。 Y 49-den-0010 9/3/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun [ベルグラード発AP至急報]ユーゴ政府ハ2日ドナウ河ノ水連 オヨビ民間航空ノ共同管理ヲ規定シタソ連トノ通商... ; 英国ノ東南アジア総弁ム官マクドナルド氏ハ今朝羽田ニ到 着シタガ私ノ訪問ハ非公式デマ元帥ニ直接敬意ヲ表シ... ; 資源庁デハ11月カラガスノ統制撤廃ヲ予定シテ準備ヲ進メ テイルノデ今冬ハガスストーヴフロモ自由ニ使エル。; 日本野球[後樂園]巨人5-4大陽12回延長大映8-7阪神[西宮] 阪急6-2東急本塁打岩本山田藤村土井垣加等 ; [ラジオ明日ノキキモノ]「第1」後1,00米国空ノ町会"日本ハ イカニスレバ自立デキルカ"後2,00舞台中継"螢ノ歌"田中澄 Yomiuri Denko News 江... Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 49-den-0011 9/5/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News (明日ノ天気)北東ノ風ヤヤ強ククモリ所ニヨリ俄雨; 香港発(AP)中国紙ノ報道ニヨルト雲南省主席盧漢将軍ハ 昨日中共ヘ寝返リ省都昆明ハ中共ノ手ニオチタ。; (広東発UP)2日午后4時頃重慶ノ貧民街カラ発火3日午前1 0時消火シタガ1万戸以上ヲ焼失死者1,000名リ災者... ; 東国鉄デハ15日カラ電車ヲ増発各線トモ7分乃至1割6分方 増強サレル。; 大蔵省デハイヨイヨ1,000円札ヲ発行スルコトニ決定年末ニ ハ出廻ルコトニナロウ。; 橋爪選手ハ急性盲腸炎デ今日11時半順天堂病院ニ入院1時 手術完了。経過良好デアル。; 訪日米議員団5名ハ今朝羽田空港ニ到着シタ。"目的ハ太平 洋同盟ノ価値、極東通商経済問題調査"デアルト語ッタ。; シールズ軍ノ東京着ハ10月12、3日カオソクモ20日頃デ、 東京、名古屋、大阪デ10試合以上ガ予定サレテイル。 電光ニュ ース 9 電光ニュ ース 9 電光ニュ ース 8 電光ニュ ース 13 電光ニュ ース 12 電光ニュ ース 10 Y 49-den-0012 9/5/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun 大クラ省デハ各省カラノ概算トハ別ニ標準予算ヲ檢討シテ イタガ才出232億円ノ一般会計標準予算案ヲ作成シタ。; 15日カラ実施ノ列車ダイヤ改正ト合セテ国電モ同日カラ全 線ニ80台ノ増強ヲ行イ通勤通学時ノ運転間隔ヲ短縮ス... ; 全米水上大会カラ帰国シタ古橋ラハ松本団長ニ引率サレキ ョウ午前中皇居ヲ訪問陛下ハ非常ニウレシソウニ(ア... ; 能率的見地カラ強ク要望サレテイタ千円札ガ大体12月頃カ ラ発行サレルコトニ決定キョウ大クラ省カラ発表サレタ。 ; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ] 「第1」後7,30 ラジオ小説"君ユエニ"連續放送第1夜吉野信子作出演夏川静 Yomiuri Denko News 江他「第2」後7,30"スポ... Y 49-den-0013 9/6/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News B級戦犯元海軍軍司令部総長豊田副武大将ハ本日午前開カ レタ軍事法廷デ全罪状項目ニ対シ無罪ノ判決ガ言渡サレタ 。; 渉外局発表)総司令部ハ来ル10日1眞夜中ヲモッテ"夏時間" ヲ廃止シ日本標準時間ヲ採用スル旨発表シタ。; 15日カラ実施スル特急"ヘイワ"号ノ試運転ヲ8、9ノ両日行 フガコノ列車ニ2等100名3等150名ヲ限リ一般来者モ普通急 行料金デノセル。; 西独フランクフルト発(AP)日本ト西独トノ戦後最初ノ金 融協定ハサル2日締結サレタ。コレハ目下交渉中ノ両日通... ; 中央気象台発表ニヨルト"リーザ台風"ハ明朝房総半島ハル カ沖合ヲ通過シ本土ニ影キョウナキ模様。; 明日ノ天気)西ヨリノ風朝夕クモリ日中晴 Y 49-den-0014 9/6/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun [ニューヨーク発UP]東京未電ニヨレバ日本政府筋デハ5日吉 田首相ガ10日ゴロ訪日中ノヴオ米陸軍次官ト会談シ... ; 非戰斗員ノ殺害捕虜虐待ノ訴因デ起訴サレテイタ元連合艦 隊司令長官豊田大将ノ軍事裁判ハ開廷以来11ヶ月ノ長期.. ; 農林省デハ配給主食ノ小分賣リヲ来月1日ゴロカラ実施ス ルガ量ハ2日分以上デ適用サレル世帶ハ民生委員ノ証... ; 15日カラ6年ブリニ東京-大阪間ニ復活スル特急平和号ノ 公式試運転ガ8、9ノ両日往復トモ一般乗客モノセテ行... ; 日本野球 (後楽園)大陽6-1阪急 巨人6-2東急 [甲子 園] 南海15-11大映 阪神10-10中日引分本塁打... ; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ]「第1」後8,00 社会ノ窓"性病予防 週間"後8:30 NHKシンフォニーホール歌劇"運命ノ力"序曲 Yomiuri Denko News 他IV... Y 49-den-0015 9/7/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News ケサ8時44分板橋区志村協同火薬管理場第3火薬庫ノダイナ マイトガ爆発12棟ノウチ9棟ガ吹ツトビ重傷... ; パリ発(AFP)西独占領英米佛3国ノ高等弁務官ハ去ル2日 西独フランクフルトデ会談シタガ独占領軍経営ノモトニド. .. ; バンコク発(ロイター)タイ国外務省発表ニヨルトビブン 首相ハ昨日印、比、ビルマ3国政府ニバンコックデ11月ニ 会... ; (明日ノ天気)北東ノ風涼シク朝夕クモリ日中晴 ; ロンドン放送(RP)英労働組合会議ハ昨日ノ年次大会デ世 界労連カラ脱退1件ヲ可決シタ。; 京城発(AP)北鮮カラ避難シタ僧侶ノ談ニヨルト北鮮人民 共和国政府ハ全鮮選挙ヲ10月末施行スル予定トイワレル ; UP通信ニヨルト近ク転出予定ノ総司令部ヘプラー労働課長 ノ後任ニハ同課ノエーシス労働関係、教育班長ガ起用サ ; 日銀政策委員会デハ15日カラ貸出最高金利日参2銭8厘ヲ1 厘方引下ゲルコトニ決定シタ。 Y 49-den-0016 9/7/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun 今朝板橋区志村ノ共同火藥倉庫株式会社第3倉庫ノダイナ マイト6300キロガバク発付近3000メートル以内ノ民家1600 余… ; 米国訪日議員団一行ハ7日午前国會ヲ訪問見学ノノチ各党 派代表出席約1時間半ニワタリ日本経済ノ復興問題等... ; ハイカー待望ノ高尾山-清滝間(1キロ50メートル)ノケ ーブルカーガ来ル23日6年ブリデ復活スル。; 日本野球 [後楽園] 大陽8-2阪急 巨人7-5東急 [甲子 園] 中日8-7阪神 南海7-1大映 本塁打岩本... ; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ] 「才1」後7,30 放送演芸会落語浮世床"円生他後10,00 "米国ノラジオ南江 Yomiuri Denko News 治郎他「第2」後8,00 ラジオ... Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 49-den-0017 9/8/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News ワシントン発(UP)コナリ米外交委員長ハ対華援助デ共和 党議員ト迫リアイ"蒋総統ハ公金ヲ台湾ニ持逃ゲシタ国民... ; 広東發UP)雲南省主席盧将軍ハ蒋総統ト省ヲ政府側ニ止メ ルカ、中共ノ旗ヲ掲ゲルカノ交渉ヲ開始シテイルトイワ.. ; 明日ノ天気南西ノ風朝晩ハクモル。; 地方暴力団トシテ広島ノ岡、村上組等4団体モ觧散ヲ命ゼ ラレタガ、殖田法務総才ハ"少数ノ破壊的指導分子ニ支配サ ... ; 在日朝鮮人連盟同民主同盟、在日本大韓民国居當団宮城県 本部、大韓民国建国青年同盟塩釜本部ハ団体等規正令第2... ; 志村ノ火薬爆事件ノ原因ヲ調査シタ専門技師ハ"自然爆発ノ 可能性ハ少イ"ト言明シタ。 ; 郵政省デハ貰ツテ当ル年賀状クジヲ計画近ク正式決定スル 。 電光ニュ ース 11 電光ニュ ース 11 電光ニュ ース 9 電光ニュ ース 10 電光ニュ ース 12 電光ニュ ース 12 Y 49-den-0018 9/8/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun 政府ハキョウ団体等規正令ニヨリ在日朝鮮人連盟在日朝鮮 民主青年同盟オヨビ在日大韓民国居留民団宮城県本部... ; [ワシントン特電INS]イギリスノ経済危機ニ関スル米、英、 加3国会談ハ7日開カレタガ議事内容発表問題デ各国代... ; 米国シールズ歓迎実行委員会ノ最高委員長マーカット少将 ハキョウ同チームノ来訪ニツキ選手一行ハ10月12日到... ; 日本野球 [後楽園] 阪急7A-5大陽 巨人4-3東急 [甲 子園] 大映2-0南海 阪神9-1中日 本塁打長持... ; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ] 「第1」後8,00 関東ノ皆様"地方自治ハ民主々義ノ根幹"後8,30 放送劇"月 Yomiuri Denko News 雲花"水木洋子作出演加藤... Y 49-den-0019 [9]/9/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News (ワシントン發UP)米輸出入銀行ハ8日ユーゴニ対シ2,000 万ドルノ借款供与ヲ決定シタ。; (ワシントン發UP)米上院合同委員会ハ対華援助7,500万 ドルヲ承認使途ハ大統領ニ一任スルコトニ決定シタ。; (ボゴダ発AFP)中米コロンビヤノ下院デハ7日カラ8日ニ カケテ選挙改正法ヲメグッテ徹夜討議ノ結果終ニ... ; (レークサクセス発UP)国連総会ニ対スル朝鮮委員会[ノ] 報告書ハ"38度線ノ双方ニ戦闘気構エミナギリ武力衝突ノ... ; (ホンコン發UP)蒋総統ハ雲南ノ中共化ヲ防グタメ盧主席 ニ広範ナ政治、軍事、自治ヲ与ヘルコトニ同意シタトイワ レル ; 政府ハ来年度カライモ[類]ノ統制ヲ外シ、7月後主食カラ除 外スル方針デ12月行ウ生産供出ノ割当ハ行ワヌコト... Y 49-den-0020 9/9/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (ワシントン発UP]極東委員会米代表ハ8日ノ定例会議デ米 政府ガ日本ノ保有スル価格8000万ドルノ金ヲ戰時中ノ負… ; 朝連等ノ財産接收ハ全國的ニ大体平穏ニ進ンデイルガ福岡 大阪富山札幌等デ接收ニ向ツタケイ官隊ト小ゼリ合イ... ; 来ル11日ハ二百二十日ダガ中央気象台デハイマノトコロ台 風モ心配ナク1週間位ハ変リヤスイ秋ノ空ガ續クヨウ... ; 一般都民ニ親シマレテイタ都内全露店「119箇所」「8669 店」ガ道路交通取締リ法ニヨリ来年3月限リデ一斉ニ取払 ワレル。; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ] 「第1」後8,00家庭ノ話題"家ヲ建テルニハ"後8,30"音樂ノ贈 Yomiuri Denko News リモノ"東京コンサートオーケストラ「第2... Y 49-den-0021 9/10/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News UP通信ニヨルト吉田首相ハ昨日ヴォルヒーズ米陸軍次官ト ノ会談デトクニ日本商船隊ノ国際通商易復活ヲ許可... ; 上海発(AFP)中共当局ノ発表ニヨルト中共ハ去ル4日南京 ニ第一海事大学ヲ開設シタ。人民海軍ハ海南島台湾ヲ解放. .. ; (京城発)一昨日韓国レタ米議員団長ヒューバー氏ハ記者 団会見デ"韓国ニ民主々義政府ガ厳存シテイル以上中国ト同 ... ; (ワシントン發UP)米海軍省ハ地中海ノ米艦隊増強ヲ発表 シタ。コレニヨリ15隻ノ軍艦ハ今月中ニ大型空母等18隻... ; (ジュネーブ發UP)国連ノ世界保健機構総才チズム氏ハ昨 日ノ世界平和団体集会デ"原子爆弾モアル種ノ細菌兵器ニ比 ベル... ; (明日ノ天気)北東ノ風クモリ時々雨 ; 大蔵省ハ明年度本予算各省要求額ノ査定ニ着手シタ25-6 日終了スル予定 Y 49-den-0022 9/10/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun ヴオアリーズ米陸軍次官ハ来朝以来マ元帥日本政府当局者 ト占領政策ソノ他ニツキ協議シテイタガキョウ放送会... ; 須賀食糧部長ハ農作物災害状況視察中津市ニオイテ今年ノ 米ノ收カク高ハ4回ノ台風デ被害ヲ受ケタ地方ハ200... ; 夏時間ハキョウデオシマイネル前ニ時計ヲ1時間オクラシ テ下サイ。; 全日本学生水上選手権第2日目800米決勝デ日大古橋選手ハ 9分43秒4ノ世界新記録ヲ出シタ。; 6大学野球(後樂園) 慶大12A-0明大 ; [ラジオ明日ノキキモノ] 「第1」後3,00 オペレッタ"カベュデック"轟夕起子他後8:0 Yomiuri Denko News 0 ラジオ寄席万才"初耳"千太万吉落語ハ... Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 49-den-0023 [9]/12/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News (ワシントン發AP)米英外相会談ハ明日カラ極東問題ニ入 リ「ソ連中共ヲ除イタ対日講和問題」ヲハジメ対共問題ヲ 協議スル ; (ワシントンAFP)例ノピアソン氏ハ昨夜"米英仏ソ外相会 議ガ10月米国デ開カレルダロウ"ト放送シタ。; 広東発UP広東目ザス中共軍ハ衡陽ニ対シ東西カラ攻[撃]ヲ 開始シタ。; (昆明發中央社)盧雲南省主席ハ昨日省議会ヲ觧散シ不穏 分子ノ処罰ヲ布告シタ。政府ハ雲南大学ニ閉鎖ヲ命ジ及政 府... ; 住宅審議委員会ハ35名ノ委員ガ漸ク決定。15日カラ協議ヲ ハジメルコトニナッタ。; へいわ号ハ15日カラ9時(東京)→18時大阪。12時(大阪 )→21時東京ノ運転ヲハジメル。料金ハ3等1,040円2等2,72. .. ; 明日ノ天気]北東ノ風クモリ所ニヨリ朝晩小雨。; 制限中ノ急行准急行券ハ14日カラ自由ニ発売サレル。 電光ニュ ース 10 電光ニュ ース 10 電光ニュ ース 10 電光ニュ ース 11 電光ニュ ース 14 Y 49-den-0024 9/12/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun 吉田首相ハ今朝郡官房副長官ニ対シ25年度予算編成ニ当ッ テ各省ノ定員ヲ再檢討スル旨指令シタノデ本多国ム相... ; 日本野球オールスター東西対抗試合(本社他2社受付)ノ 出場選手ハファン投票デ決定スルガ第1回ノ中間報告12日... ; 東鉄デハ制限発賣ヲシテイタ急行準急券ヲ14日カラ全部自 由発賣ニスル。; 待望ノ早場米ノトップヲ切ッテ石川県カラ12日156俵ガ東 京ニ到着カケ声モ勇シク荷役作業ガ始マツタ。; 日本野球[甲子園]阪急9-1巨人、南海5-2阪神 本塁打 笠原。; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ]「第1」後8,00 労働ノ時間"公共職 業安定所"後8,30 陽気ナ喫茶店ゲストハ柳枝他「第2」後•, Yomiuri Denko News 30 東西... Y 49-den-0025 [9]/13/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News [ロンドン発UP]世界ノ綿製品市場問題ニツイテ米英合同使 節団ガ訪日スルト12日付英新聞ハ報ジテイル。; [ワシントン発UP]米英加金融会談ハ12日マーシャル計画ノ ドル使用ニ関シ英国ノ制限緩和等協定ニ達シ終了シタ ; [ボン発UP]西独連邦議会ハ12日自由民主党ノテオドル・ホ イス博士ヲ初代大統領ニ選出15年振リデ大統領ガ復活シタ ; [ニューヨーク発UP]絹業委員会スポークスマンハ「4月以初 メテ日本絹ノ輸入ガ再開サレ、8月中180俵ガ入荷シ... ; [明日ノ天気]北東ノ風クモリガチ朝晩ハ小雨 ; 気象台午後2時発表ニヨレバ低気圧ガナハ南方ヨリ發達シ ツツ北西進中デ15日頃九州四国方面ハ警戒ヲ要スル ; 赤イ羽根共同募金運動ハ10月1日カラ1ヵ月間行ウコトニナ ッタ。; イモ[類]ノ統制廃止ニ全国農民団ハ強硬ニ反対。森農相ノ 統制継続ヲ条件ニ麦ノ割當ヲ決定シタ点ヲ強調農相ノ責任. .. Y 49-den-0026 9/13/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun 政府ハキョウ午後ノ閣議デ第6回臨時国会ノ召集日ヲ10月2 5日ト正式ニ決定シタ。; 国鉄当局ハキョウ組合側ガサキニ行ッタ「3400円」賃上ゲ ニ対シ現在ノ客観情勢財源等カラミテ賃上ゲノ必要モ余地 モ... ; [ボン特電INS]ドイツ自由民主党首ホイス氏ハ12日西ドイツ 連邦議会オヨビ連邦参議院ノ大統領選挙デ416票ヲ得... ; 昨年ニ續キ赤イ羽根ノ共同募金運動ガ10月1日カラ31日マ デ日本赤十字社事業資金募集運動ト合同デ行ワレル。; 日本脳炎ハ依然終息ノキザシ見エズ12日現在全国デ1340名 ニ達シ内死亡者ハ194名ニノボッテイルコレデ全国デ患者... ; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ]「第1」後8,00社会ノ窓"都市計画" 後8,30N.H.Kシンフォニーホール"ヴァイオリン協奏曲ニ長 Yomiuri Denko News 調"指揮山田... Y 49-den-0027 9/14/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News ウェリントン発(ロイター)ニュージランド首相ハ昨日下 院デ"日本ニ対シテハ慎重ナ監視ヲ要スルガ対日講和ハ大ニ ... ;[ワシントン發UP]英外相ハ米国務長官トノ会談ニハ対日講 和ヨリモ日本ノ輸出増大ニツキ討議スルコトヲ希望シ... ; 香港発(AFP)確カナ筋ノ情報ニヨルト去ル2日ノ重慶大火 ノ日、蒋介石邸ニ手榴弾ガ投ゲラレタガ蒋総統ニ異状ハ... ; ロンドン発(AFP)英国側権威筋ハ"対日講和條約起草ノ手 続ニツイテ西欧側トソ連ハ完全ニ意見ヲ異スルガソ連ト... ; 来年1月カラ年令ハ「満」デ数エルガ食糧配給ノ関係上年3 回算定日ヲ設ケルコトニ決定シタ ; 分裂シタ全逓中委ハ本日両派トモ連絡会議ヲ開イタガ定足 ヲ欠キ中央委成立ノ見込ミナク本日中ニスワ市ヲ引揚... ; [明日ノ天気]北寄ノ風クモリ所ニヨリ小雨 ; 第4回国民体育水上[競]技ハ横浜野毛山プールデ明日ヨリ4 日間開催サレル。; ... 露店ノ許可ハ来年3月31日迄ト決定シタ。 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 49-den-0028 49-den-0029 9/14/1949 [9]/15/194[9] 読売新聞 毎日新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (ワシントン特電AFP)ト大統領ハ13日国際基金総会ニ出 席世界貿易ノ開発ニツキ永續的ナ平和ヲ確立スルニハ健... ; 通産省デハ繊維製品滞賃ヲ処分スルタメ来ル21日カラ明年 2月末マデ絹スフ製品ヲ除イテ切符ナシデ買エルノデ... ; 日本野球 [後楽園] 中日3-2南海 巨人9-2大陽 [甲子 園] 大映5-3阪急 阪神5-4東急 本塁打飯島…; 第4回國体水上競技大会ハ明日カラ4日間横浜ノ野毛山プー ルデ全国カラ1200余名ガ参集挙行サレル。; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ]「第1」後8,00 音樂ノ贈リモノ"ケ ンタッキーホーム"他独唱斉田愛子他「第2」後8,00小劇場 Yomiuri Denko News 夜ノ窓"西... ; Mainichi Shimbun 最高才判所デハ司法用語ヲヤサシクスルタメノ大修正ヲ加 工全国才判所ニ通知シタ。; 中国監視艇ニダ捕台湾ニ連行サレタ太洋漢業第9明石丸(7 5トン)乗組員17名ハ中国船デ死ノ脱出ヲ試ミ昨朝全員無 事鹿児島ニ辿... ; ワシントン発(UP)アチソン米国務長官ハ昨日、英外相ト 会談ノ後"私ト英外相ハ早急ニ対日講和会議ヲ開クコトニ意 ... ; シャラプ勧告書全文ハ本日総司令部カラ発表サレタガ日本 文17万語ニ上ル詳細ヲ極メタモノデコレニヨッテ日本ノ税. .. ; イモ[類]ノ統制廃止ハツイニ政治問題化シタノデ政府ハ明 日閣議デ結論ヲ出スコトニナッタ。;[明日ノ天気]北東ノチ 南寄ノ風晴レタリクモツタリ。 Mainichi Denko News 電光ニュ ース 10 電光ニュ ース 9 電光ニュ ース 10 電光ニュ ース 11 電光ニュ ース 10 電光ニュ ース 12 Y Y 49-den-0030 9/15/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun 総司令部ハキョウ船舶運営会ニ対シ中共地区ノ残留者引揚 ゲノタメ2隻ヲ配船スルヨウ命令シタノデ高砂丸ハ... ; (香港特電中央社)信ズベキ情報ニヨレバ香港ノ莫当局ハ 目下中国トノ境地帶ノ山々ニ5箇所ノ砲台ヲ修築総数2万... ; キョウカラ開カレタ第4回國体水上大会デ"フジヤマノ飛魚" 古橋選手ハ日大対立命ノ水球ニ出場1万觀衆ノ歓呼ヲアビ タ。; 日本野球 [後楽園] 南海4-2大陽 巨人7-0中日 [甲子 園] 大映10-6阪急 東急3-1阪神 本塁打飯田... ; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ]「第1」後7,30 "世界ノ音樂"100回 記念日比谷公会堂中継「第2」後7,30放送演芸会落語"ツク Yomiuri Denko News ダ祭"金馬後8,15... Y 49-den-0031 9/16/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News 都内ノ日本脳炎新患者ハ昨日ハ20名ニ上リ6月以来ノ新記 録ヲ示シタ。コレデ6月末ノ患者ハ134名ニ達シタ。; [ワシントン發USIS]マ元帥ノ要請ニヨル日本ノ貿易等特別 調査団ガ東京ニ出發シタト發表サレタ。; 広東発(AFP)広東省境ノ中共軍ハ昨朝来2週間ブリニ活動 ヲハジメ遂ニ広東省内ニ進入、政府軍ト広東東方200... ; [ワシントン發UP]米政府ハ極東委ノ反対ヲ押切リ日本ノ金8 ,000万ドルヲタイ及ビインドシナニ引渡ス権限ヲ... ; [マニラ發AP]国連朝鮮委員比島代表ハ"ソ連軍ハ北鮮カラ撤 退シタト伝エラレテイルガヒ難民脱走兵等ノ証言ニヨ... ; 広東発(AFP)中国政府スポークスマンハ昨日、蒋総統暗 殺未遂事件ノ新聞報道ヲ正式ニ否定シタ。; 重慶発(中央社)重慶デハ一昨日午后マタ大火ガ起リ住宅 300戸ヲ焼失シタ、9月ニ入ッテ3回目ノ大火デアル。; (明日ノ天気)クモリガチデ所ニヨリ俄雨 Y 49-den-0032 9/16/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (AP特約-東京)総司令部外交局オーバトン氏ハキョウ現 在総司令部ノ新指令ニモトヅキ日本ノ海外領事館設置... ; [モスクワ発UP]モスクワノ消息筋ハ15日國連総会デソ連代 表ヴ外相ハ渡米後対日講和問題ヲ速力ニ4國外相会議... ; 巨人軍デハ全国カラ募集シタ955名ノ応募新人ノテストヲ 行ッタ結果6名ガ栄アル入社ト決定シタ合宿練習ヲ行ナ... ; 6大学野球(後楽園)早大8-5東大 法大4-2立大。[ラジ オ明晩ノキキモノ]「第1」後8,00家庭ノ話題"内職スルナラ" 後8,30"ナツカシノ旋律"藤山一郎他「第2」後8,00ダンス音 Yomiuri Denko News 樂"ホ... Y 49-den-0033 9/16/194[9], [9]/18/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News マ元帥ハ"シャラプ博士ノ勧告ヲ実現スルタメ適当ナ計画ヲ 立テ国民ガ早ク健全財政利度ノ恩恵ヲ受ケルヨウ"トノ... ; 人事院デハ公務員ノ政治行為制限ニ関スル人事院規制14- 17条ヲ制定シタ。; 三鷹事件ノ公判ハ東京地裁法廷デ開カレ、裁判長ハ鈴木忠 吾陪席ハ荒川正三郎菅間英男両判事ト決定シタ。; 東京都ノ行政整理ハ17日1100名ニ対シ解雇並ニ解職ガ行ワ レタ。コノ中ニハ都... 労ノ中執委10名ガ含マレテイル。; [関東發UP]来月10日成立ヲ予想サレル中国連合新政府ノ主 席ニハ孫文未亡人宋慶齢女史ガ推サレルダロウトイワ... ; [フランクフルト發UP]1,200万ドル、日独通商協定ガ近ク公 式發表トナル模様デアル。; 韓国駐日代表ハ内外記者団トノ会見デ"李大統領カラ対日講 和条約ヲ結ブタメ総司令部ト交渉スルヨウ訓令ヲウケ... ; 米価決定ノ有力ナ"カギ"ヲニギル米価審議会小委会ハ本日 今年ノ米ノ生産者価格ヲ4700円ト決定シタ(現在3595... Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 49-den-0034 9/17/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun [ワシントン発UP]英米仏3国外相会議ハ17日北大西洋条約会 議後極東問題ヲ討議スル計画デ消息筋デハ対日講和... ; 三タカ暴走電車事件公判ノ担当裁判官ハキョウ判事常置委 員会デ東京地裁鈴木忠[吾]裁判長ト決定法廷ハ昭電公判... ; 9月ニ入ッテカラ漸増ノ傾向ヲミセテイタ日本脳炎ハ厚生 省ノ調査ニヨルト17日現在全国ノ患者数ハ1876名ニ達シ... ; 6大学野球 [後樂園] 立大3-2法大 早大10-0東大。; 日本野球(西宮) 巨人7-6南海 [静岡] 東急4-2阪神 (岐阜)大陽4-3中日 大映5-3阪急 本塁打山本手... ; [ラジオ明日ノキキモノ]「第1」後2,00帝劇中継"伊勢音頭" 男女蔵他後8:00ラジオ寄席万才"僕ハ大選手"一郎洋々落語" Yomiuri Denko News 夜店風景" 電光ニュ ース 13 電光ニュ ース 12 電光ニュ ース 8 電光ニュ ース 11 電光ニュ ース 12 電光ニュ ース 10 Y 49-den-0035 9/19/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News [東京UP]マッカーサー司令部ハ21日午前日本ノ漁区拡張ヲ 認メル指令ヲ発表スル予定デアルコトガ本日明カニ... ; [渉外局發表]日本、元財閥ト連ケイノアッタ68制限會社ガ リストカラ外サレタ。; 文部省デハ20日文化保存課長ヲ法隆寺ニ派遣シ、"公開問題 ハ別トシテ秘實ノ純学術的研究調査ニツキ交渉スルコ... ; 大蔵省銀行局ハ無記名定期預金ハ近ク廃止スルヨウ通告シ タ。割増金付預金ハ記名式ニカエ存続スル。; [明日ノ天気]南東ノ風クモリガチ所ニヨリ雨; 池田蔵相ハ"総司令部ノ指示ヲマタネバナラヌガ円ノ対米為 替相場ヲ変エルコトハ適当デナイ"ト言明シタ。; [ホンコンUP]中共軍ハ台湾カラ30里ノ平潭島ノ上陸ニ成功 。アモイ西方10里ノ漳州ニモ殺到シ、中共側デハ"近ク台湾 攻... ; ロンドン発(UP)英政府ハ昨夜(日本時間ケサ5時15分) 特別放送デポンド1対米ドル価格ヲ4ドル3セントカラ2... Y 49-den-0036 9/19/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun [ロンドン特電INS]イギリス政府ハ18日重大ナ金融情勢ニ対 処スルタメポンドノドル価値ヲ4,03ドルカラ2,80ドルニ... ; 政府オヨビ民自党デハ吉田首相ノ裁断ニヨリ米券制度ノ実 現ヲ期シテ折衝ヲ進メルコトニナッタノデキョウ首相... ; 通産省デハポンド切下ゲニ伴ウ暫定措置トシテ19日以降当 分ノ間米国向ケ以外ノ新規輸出契約ノ受付ヲ停止シタ。; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ]「第1」後8,30"陽気ナ喫茶店"ゲス トハ笠置シズ子他「第2」後7,30東西回リ舞台"初秋ノエチ Yomiuri Denko News ュード"東京... Y 49-den-0037 9/20/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News (レークサクセスUP)第4回国連総会ハ20日カラニューヨ ーク郊外デ開カレルガ紛糾ヲ予想サレル73議題ノウ... ; 上海発(AFP)舟山列島水域ノ中国政府艦隊旗艦"長治号( 1200トン)"ハ昨早朝中共ニ寝返リ呉淞ニ入港シタ。同艦ハ 日本カラ接... ; (渉外局発表)マ元帥ハ本日日本政府ニポンドト円トノレ ート改訂ヲ認メル旨発表"1ポンド1450円80銭ヲ18... ; [パリAFP]フランス政府モ昨夜ノ閣議デ1ドル350フランニ切 下ゲヲ決定シタ。; 明大-東大野球戦ハ22-3日上井草デ行ウ。; 警視総監ハ衆議院法務委員会デ"コレマデノ捜査ニヨリ自殺 ト推定スベキ事実ガ多数出テイルガ他殺ノ線ハ全然出... ; [明日ノ天気]北西ノ風ヤヤ強ククモリ後晴 Y 49-den-0038 9/20/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun [渉外局発表]マ元帥ハキョウ(1)9月19日午前0時以降対英 為替レートデコレマデノ1ポンド1450円80[銭]カラ1008円ニ 改... ; [ワシントン特電INS]極東方面ヲ旅行中民主党ロウル議員ハ 航空便デ送ッタリポートデアメリカガ日本管理ヲ續... ; 三タカ事件武蔵野特捜本部ハ相川判事ノ名デ前朝連三多摩 支部副委員長金忠権(32)氏ヲケサ自宅カラ連行同氏ハ事. .. ; 日本野球[後楽園] 中日9-3阪神 東急4-3巨人 [西宮] 大映11A-4南海 大陽6-4阪急 本塁打飯島、藤村... ; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ]「第1」後8,00社会ノ窓"健康保檢制 度"ニツイテ患者カラノ声ヲキク後8,30 NHKシンフォニー. Yomiuri Denko News .. Y 49-den-0039 9/21/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News 本社ハカネテカラ各方面ノ要望ニヨッテ職業野球チームノ 結成ヲ計画シテイタガ準備ナリ本日日本野球連盟ニ正... ; 本日カラ麻織物[類]ノ配給ハ廃止トナリ毛布[類]紡毛人絹製 品等モ来年2月迄切符ナシデ買エルコトニナッタ。; ロンドン発(UP)英国ノ鉄道従業員約900名ハ昨日サザン プトンデストニ入ッタガ更ニロンドン地区ノ5万名モ... ; 総司令部ノ漁区拡張許可ニヨリ政府ハ政会ノ一部ヲ改正シ テ本日発表シタガ新漁区ハミッドウェイ島以西デ従来... ; 重慶発(中央社)蒋介石国民党総裁ハ昨日、"全国民党員ニ 告ゲルノ書"ヲ発表シ国民党改造ノ必要ト全党員ノ奮起ヲ要 請... ; (明日ノ天気)北東ノ風涼シク晴、南部一時小雨 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 49-den-0040 9/21/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun 総司令部天然資源局長代理ヘリングトン氏ハキョウ内外記 者団ト会見漁区拡張ニツイテ(連合國最高司令官ハ日本... ; 通産省センイ局キョウノ正式発表デ麻紡毛人絹類ハ無切符 デ購入デキルコトニナツタマタ衣料切符ノ一部点数... ; [ワシントン発USIS]日本視察ヲ終エタヴオルヒーズ米陸軍 次官ハ20日ワシントンニ帰着ト大統領ヲ訪問報告... ; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ]「第1」後8,00音樂ノ贈リモノ歌劇" ミニヨン"抜萊曲他東京コンサートオーケストラ「第2」後8 ,00ラジ... ; 日本野球[後樂園] 巨人8-1東急 中日4-3阪神 [西宮]阪 Yomiuri Denko News 急5-4大陽 本塁打千葉、藤井、別当、杉山。 電光ニュ ース 11 電光ニュ ース 11 電光ニュ ース 11 電光ニュ ース 11 電光ニュ ース 11 電光ニュ ース 10 Y 49-den-0041 9/22/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News ワシントン発(AFP)全米製鋼労組ノ"スト中止期間ハ25日 午前零時デキレルガト大統領ハ昨日、中止期間ヲ10月1... ; ロンドン発(UP)英ノポンド切下ゲニ應ジテソ連国立銀行 ハルーブルノ体ポンドレートヲ3割方切下ゲタ。; ワシントン発(AFP)米民主党上院議員ジョージ氏ハ昨日 本会議デ"独ニ即時再軍備ヲ許シソ連ノ攻[撃]ニ抵抗サセル. .. ; ニューヨーク放送(RP)ロンドンカラノ報ニヨルト英政府 ハ中共ノ中央政府ガ成立スレバ事実上ノ承認ヲ與エル方... ; (明日ノ天気)北西ノ風一時ヤヤ強ククモリ時々雨。; 民主党統一問題ト保守合同問題ニツイテ本日午前犬養苫米 地会談ガ行ワレタガ双方意見ガクイチガイ結締ヲエズ... ; 人事院ハ本日人事院規則ヲ改メ一週44時間制ヲ発令、從ツ テ10月2日以後モ引続キ"土曜半ドン"ヲ実施スルコトニ決定 Y 49-den-0042 9/22/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun 民主連立野党両派ノ1本化ヲネラウ犬養、苫米地会談ハケ サカラ犬養邸デ1時間半ニワタツテ行ワレタガ意見ハ本... ; 再発足シタボーイスカウト日本連盟ノ第1回通常総会ハキ ョウ千代田生命ビルデ開カレ各國カラノ祝辞ナドア... ; 福島列車転覆事件捜査本部デハ22日午前5時元國鉄労組福 島支部教育宣傳部長本田昇(29)以下6氏[共産党員]ヲ列車. .. ; キョウ午後零時40分富山県婦負郡猪谷中学校デ開カレタ教 育研究会ニ出席シタ教職員30名ガ研究会終了後同郡地... ; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ]「第1」後7,30 世界ノ音樂歌劇名 曲集"カルメン"他後8,30 放送劇"競馬ノヨウニ"本田笠太郎 Yomiuri Denko News 作出演... Y 49-den-0043 [9]/23/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News マ元帥ハ占領軍ト日本国民トノ関係ヲ米国内ニオケルト同 ジヨウニスルタメ占領軍要員ニ対スル制限ヲ大巾ニ緩... ; マ元帥ハ日本政府ガ処理出来ルモノハ漸次政府ニ返還スル 方針デ一部ノ報告ト統制ノ他諸要求ニ関スル指令ヲ撤... ; [ワシントンAP]総司令部ノ要請デ日本貿易援助ノタメ来日 スル西独米英輸出入機関長ローガー氏ハ"日本ノ貿易ヲ發展 ... ; [ワシントンUP]日本ノ賠償取立中止ニ関スル米国第二ツキ 極東委ハ来週ノ委員会デ本格的討議ヲ行ウコトニ決定シタ ; 昨夜来ノ大雨ハ群馬県ガ最モヒドク榛名山頂167ミリニ達 シキテイ雨量ヲ既ニ突破。ナオモ降リツヅキ、... ; [明日ノ天気]北寄ノ風晴レタリクモツタリ Y 49-den-0044 9/23/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun [フラツシングメドウス特電INS]国連中国代表ハ22日ノ国連 総会デ中共ガ極東ノ平和ヲクツガエスソヴエトノ... ; 昨夜カラケサニカケテノ豪雨ハ日本海方面カラノ不連續線 ノイタズラデ各地ニ被害ヲ与エタガ特ニ長野方面ハ天... ; 中央気象台デハキョウ午後4時豪雨ケイ報突風ケイ報ヲ解 除シタ。; ハナ子サンニツイデインドノネール首相カラ贈ラレタ今年 15才ノインド象「インデイラ」嬢ハケサ横浜着明日上野ニ. .. ; 日本野球[京都衣笠] 大映12-7阪神 中日4-3大陽 本塁 打藤村後藤2大岡2杉山2服部、藤井。; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ]「第1」後7,30 "20ノ扉"100回記念 日比谷カラ紅白試合中継後8,00 家庭ノ話題"過去ノ年間ニ Yomiuri Denko News 民生委... Y 49-den-0045 9/24/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News ワシントン発(UP)コリンズ米陸軍参謀長ハ来月7日ワシ ントンヲ出発3週間ノ予定デ極東各地ノ米軍施設ヲ視察ス ル。; (明日ノ天気)北ノチ南ヨリノ風晴、時々クモリ。; マニラ発(UP)フィリッピン政府ハ昨日禁酒令ヲ発シ、同 時ニ斗鶏、競馬ボクシングヲ禁止シタ。; 広東発(UP)中共当局ノ発表ニヨルト中共軍ハ一昨日"ア モイ"ヲ攻[略]シタ、コレデ政府側ハ広東汕頭2港ヲ残スノ ミト... ; ロンドン発(ロイター)英国カナダ両政府ハ昨日ト大統領 ノ声明ト同ジ発表ヲ行ッタガ原子爆発ノ場所時期ハ明ラカ. .. ; ワシントン発(UP)トルーマン大統領ハ昨日ノ閣議デ"米 国政府ハ数週間前ニソ連デ原子爆発ノ起ツタ確証ヲモッテ. .. ; 中共地区カラハジメテノ引揚船高砂丸ハ舞鶴港デ一夜ヲ明 カシ本日朝1200名ガ上陸シタ。 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 49-den-0046 9/24/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun [ワシントン特電INS]ト米大統領ハ23日「最近ソヴエトデ原 子爆発ガアツタコトノ確証ヲモツテイル」ト特別発表ヲ... ; [ワシントン発USIS]ワシントンノ米高官ハ23日米政府ハイ ツデモソ連ト原子力ノ管理計画ヲ作成スル用意ガア... ; 食糧庁デハ食管法規制ノ一部ヲ改メテ10月1日カラ芋ノ一 部ヲ野菜焼イモノタメニ自由販賣スル格価ハ未定デア... ; 10月カラミソショウ油ノ登録制ヲ廃止シテ自由クーポン券 ニアラタメドコノ店デモ自由ニ買ウコトガ出来ルガ現... ; 6大学野球 [神宮球場]慶大1-0法大 早大3-1立大。; 日本野球 [後樂園] 南海3-2東急 阪急7-0巨人 [甲子 園] 中日5-0大陽 阪神4-1大映 本塁打藤村... ; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ]「第1」後2,00舞台劇"才国ト五平" 谷崎潤一郎作出演勘弥他後8,00ラジオ寄席歌謡漫談才万小 Yomiuri Denko News 万小仙... 電光ニュ ース 14 電光ニュ ース 10 電光ニュ ース 11 電光ニュ ース 9 電光ニュ ース 10 Y 49-den-0047 9/26/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News 広東発(AFP)韓国政府ハ昨日李承晩韓国大統領ガ近ク中 国ヲ訪問スル計画デアルト言明シタ。; [サンフランシスコAP]プレジデント汽船副総才タナハー氏 ハ"日本ノ領事館ノ前ブレトモイウベキ旅行貿易相... ; [ロンドンUP]ウラニユーム鉱ヲ新シイ方法デ發見シ原子爆 弾ノ貯蔵ヲ殖ヤスタメ米英加3国秘密会談ガ今週英国... ; 国産原... 價格ハ27日カラ7割5分引上ゲルコトニナッタ。; 法隆寺五重塔下ノ秘宝ハ清掃ノ際専門家ノ手デ調査ヲ行ウ コトトナリ円満解決シタ ; 犬養総才ハ今日正午首相ヲ訪問広川幹事長白州氏等ト保守 合同問題ニ付意見ノ交換ヲ行ッタ。; (渉外局発表)総司令部[経]済科学局ハ本日太平洋岸ニア ル5精油所ニ対シ原油ノ輸入ニヨル精油再開ヲ許可シタ。; [明日ノ天気]北ノ風クモリ時々晴所ニヨリ一時小雨 Y 49-den-0048 9/26/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun 犬養民主連立派総裁ハキョウ首相ヲ外相官邸ニ訪問1時間 半ニワタツテ[臨]時国会協力方針ヲ協議シタガ吉田首相... ; [サンフランシスコ発AP]米国プレジデント汽船ノ副総裁ハ 日本視察カラ25日帰米日本ハ米国ノ主要都市ニ旅行貿... ; 米国極東空軍管下ノ空軍部隊ハ最近ノ訓練活動ノ締ククリ トシテキョウ正午都上空デ各部隊精鋭300機ガ参加極東... ; 6大学野球[神宮]早大5-0立大 法大3-2慶大 ; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ]「第1」後8,30 陽気ナ喫茶店"タバ コ"ゲストニ藤山一郎、奈良光枝他「第2」後7,30 東西回 Yomiuri Denko News リ舞台"蚊帳... Y 49-den-0049 [9]/27/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News 本日午前7時40分京阪神急行京都発大阪行準急ガ香里園付 近デ後部車両カラ発火乗客ハ窓ヲ破ツテトビ出シ重... ; [ブダペストUP]ハンガリー政府ハユーゴ公使館員10名ニ対 シスパイ行為デ退去ヲ要求シタ。; [香港UP]中共軍ハ広東省北部ノ防衛線ヲ突破広東北方190キ ロノ曲江ニ迫ツタ。; サツマ芋ハ供出割当7億800万貫以上ノ分ハ自由販売ト決定 、10月15日カラ実施サレルコトニナッタ。; [ワシントンUP]対外援助費ヲ決定スル米両院協議会ハ26日 上院案13億金万ドルニ意見一致シタ。; 政府ハ国際小麦協定加入ヲ今日ノ閣議デ決定シタ。正式加 入ハ11月ロンドンノ理事会デキマル。; [ロンドンUP]英労働党政府ハポンド切下ゲ。社会保障計画 強行ニ関シ議会ニ信任ヲ問ウコトニ決定シタ。; [明日ノ天気]北東ノ風クモリ朝夕所ニヨリ小雨 Y 49-den-0050 9/27/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun [ワシントン特電INS]米英加3国ハソ連ノ原子力所有ノ対策 トシテ英国ニ原子爆彈貯ゾウ庫ヲ設置スルコトニ意... ; 今朝7時ゴロ京阪神急行電鉄ノ3両連結電車ガ香里駅付近デ 最後部ノパンタグラフノ漏電カラ発火満員ノタメ車... ; 北アルプス立山山頂一帶ニ26日夕方カラ今朝ニカケテ早ク モ初降雪ガアツタ、例年ヨリ3日早イ。 ; 6大学野球[神宮] 慶大12-6法大。 ; 日本野球[後樂園] 東急3-1大映 [中日] 中日3A-1巨人 本塁打大沢、三村杉浦、平山。 ; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ]「第1」後8,00 社会ノ窓"恋愛結婚 "都会ト農村ノ未婚女性既婚男性ニ是非ノ感想ヲ聞ク「第2 Yomiuri Denko News 」後8,00... Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 49-den-0051 [9]/28/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News [東京UP]大山郁夫氏ハ占領軍誹謗ノ件デ27日逮捕。今日釈 放サレタ。渉外局デハ"罪状ノ性質ニツイテハ説明デキヌ" ト語ッタ。 ; 明年度本予算大蔵省原案ハ才出5853億才入6153億ト決定税 収入デハ今年ヨリ千億ノ減税トナリ公共事業... ; [ロンドンAFP]米空軍当局ハ来月B29B50爆[撃]機隊2個中隊 ヲフランスニ派遣スルコトニナロウト報ゼラテイル ; [ベオグラード發ロイター]ユーゴ政府モ昨夜ハンガリー公 使館員9名ニ対シ国外退去ヲ要求シタ。 ; 法隆寺保存 一切ノ事業ヲ行ウ"法隆寺国宝保存委員会"ガ 設立サレタ。 ; [明日ノ天気]北ノ風晴時々クモリ ; [ニューヨークUP]中国政府ハ昨日国連総会ニ対シ"ソ連ハ中 国ノ独立ト主権ヲ脅カシ極東ノ平和ヲ脅威シテイル"ト... ; [北平發新華社]人民政治協商会議ハ昨日同会議及人民共和 国政府ノ両組織法ヲ可決シ、国都北平ヲ北京ト改メ国旗国. .. ; 大蔵省デハ来年ノ予算ニ150億ノ建設予算ヲオリ込ンデオ リ住宅金庫カラ建築融資ガ出来ルコトニナロウ。 電光ニュ ース 12 電光ニュ ース 12 電光ニュ ース 11 電光ニュ ース 15 Y 49-den-0052 9/28/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun 政府派キョウ[臨]時閣議ヲ開キ明年度予算ニツキ審議ヲ進 メテイルガ大蔵省ノ案デハ才入6153億円才出5853億円デ... ; [INS特約=東京]早大教授大山郁夫氏ハ27日午後占領政策ニ 対シ虚偽ノ演説ヲ行ッタ疑イニヨリ米軍憲兵司令部... ; 10年振ニ日本酒「灘ノ生一本」「沢ノ鶴」他2種ガ米國ヘ 輸出サレ米國ノ左党ニ日本酒ノ味覚ヲ与エ来春マデニハ30 00石ガ... ; 6150億ト内定シタ来年度ノ新予算ハ再建日本ノタメ國民ノ 耐乏生活ガ要求サレテイルガ国民生活ヘノ朗報トシテ... ; 日本野球(後樂園)大映1-0東急(中日)中日5-1巨人( 西宮)大陽7-2阪神、南海4-1阪急本塁打山田。 ; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ]「第1」後8,00 "音樂ノ贈リモノ" ピアノ独奏藤田晴子他後9,00 義太夫"双蝶々曲輪日記橋本 Yomiuri Denko News ノ段"大... Y 49-den-0053 [9]/[29]/194[9] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News [ニューヨークUP]ソ連外相ハ昨日ノ国連運營委員会デ"広東 政府ハ米国カラ数千億ドルノ武器ト原爆ヲモラツ... ; [北京發新華社]新彊省政府軍警備総司令ハ25日"広東政府ト 絶縁中央人民政府ノ命令ヲ待ツ"ト... ; [ワシントンUP]米両院協議会ハ対外経済援助費ヲ58億999万 ドルト決定日本琉球ニ4億7,000万ドルガ割... ; [ロンドンUP]チャーチル保守党首ハ28日ノ下院デ"英国ノ惨 状ハ政府ノ責任デアリ、ソ連ノ原爆所有ノ新事態ニ対... ; 通産省ハ物資統制ヲ極力減少スル方針デ鉄クズ銅アルミ等 33品目ヲ30日カラ解除スルコトニシタ。 ; [明日ノ天気]北東ノ風晴レタリクモツタリ。 ; 全日労連中央委ハ本日新世界労連加盟ヲ満場一致可決シタ 。 Y 49-den-0054 9/29/1949 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun [ワシントン発AP]米ノ対外援助費ニ対スル上下両院協議会 ハ28日妥協案ニ意見一致シタノデ日本、琉球ヘハ4億7000... ; 政府ハ国際小麦協定カラノ小麦購入量ニツキ関係各省デ考 慮中デアツタガ年間120万トント決定28日外ム当局カラ... ; ニューヨークサタデーレビュー紙ノ主筆ガズンズ氏ハ先般 来朝ノサイ原爆地広島ヲ訪レ帰米後[原爆孤児ヲアメリ... ; 来訪スルシールズ軍トノ試合日程ガキョウ発表サレタ10月 15日カラ全10試合ガ行ワレウチ米軍ト4試合、日本野球... ; 日本野球[後樂園] 大映9-2東急 [西宮] 大陽7-3南海 阪急3-2阪神 [豊橋]中日10-5巨人 本塁打大下、... ; [ラジオ明晩ノキキモノ]「第1」後8,00 放送劇"膝小僧物語 "家庭ノ生活ヲ樂シク描イタホームドラマ伊馬春部作出演七 Yomiuri Denko News 尾... Y 49-den-0055 47-frn-0459a [9]/30/19[9] 5/21/1947 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Denko News [ベルグラードUP]ポーランド大使及ビハンガリー公使ハ昨 日ユーゴヲ退去シタ。コミンフォルム系諸国大公使デ残... ; [北京發新華社]中華人民共和国ハ本日ノ政協会議デ主席以 下重要人事ヲ決定明1日ヲ期シ正式成立ガ宣セラレルモ... ; [ワシントンUP]インド代表ハ昨日ノ極東委デ"対日賠償ハ全 部帳消シニシ日本ノ工業戦力ヲ増加サセルベキダ"ト強調米 ... ; [ロンドンUP]英下院ハ昨夜保守党提出ノ政府不信任案ヲ350 対212デ否決シタ。 ; [京城発KIP]日韓貿易折合会ハ来月4日カラ14日マデ京城デ 開催サレル。 ; 宝クジ(1等)331,954(2等)217,806(3等)447,513(4等 )124,542、553,138(5等)下5ケタ96,8... ; [明日ノ風]東ノ風クモリガチ時々小雨。 ; 田中絹代ハ日本映画界初ノ代表トシテ2ヵ月ノ予定デ渡米 スルコトニナツタト渉外局カラ発表サレタ。 ; 政府ハ本日予算閣議ヲ開イテ最後ノ仕上ゲヲナシ。直チニ 総司令部ニ提出スルコトニナッタガ、本予算案ハ原案ヨ... 国際連合付属の国際諸機関に対する日本側団体の協力 問題等に関して来朝中の米国自由連盟總裁R.N.ボール ドウィン氏は去る二十一日宮中に参内陛下と會見を行 ったが、本日會見の模様を次の様に語った。 電光ニュ ース Y 14 16 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 10/7/1947 47-frn-3184a ?/29/194[7] 48-frn-0283b 2/1/1948 48-frn-0469a 2/5/1948 48-frn-1933a [6]/[3]/194[8] 48-frn-3069d [9]/[3]/194[8] 4x-frn-0019a [4]/[24]/194? News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) United Press 共同通信; 毎日新聞; Nippon Times Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) 解放新聞 Kyodo Tsushin; Mainichi Shimbun; Nippon Times Haebang Sinmun Kyodo Tsushin; Mainichi Shimbun; Nippon Times Haibang Shimmoon Associated Press (Moscow) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Associated Press 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishinippon 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun News item Associated Press (Tokyo) Headline (Japanese) Headline ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0157 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0158 [5]/[20]/194? 4x-frn-0159 ?/?/194? 4x-frn-0160 [12]/[5]/194? 47-loc-0107d 3/14/1947 47-loc-0110b 3/27/1947 47-loc-0307a Brief Summary CCD internal document アカハタ United Press 共同通信; 時事通信; (Washington) 毎日新聞 22:30 4/8/1947 6/18/1947 米窪労働相AP記者に語る Letter from Douglas MacArthur to Senator Brien McMahon 6/16/1947 6/26/1947 47-loc-0322a 6/26/1947 7/18/1947 47-loc-0378a 7/2/1947 47-loc-0409a 7/18/1947 47-loc-1014a 9/25/1947 47-loc-1506a 10/13/1947, 10/18/1947, 10/19/1947, 10/25/1947 48-loc-0375a 7/16/1947 News Item 11/5/1947 2/4/1948 Notes 1 1 3 [Tom Lambert] Y [Russell Brines, Chief, Tokyo Bureau, Associated Press] [Koshiro Okakura] Y 5 P 追放に重要な先例. 日本側、法律解釈の権限なし W 2 3 Y 4 Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 23 Breakdown of total Number of Articles Submitted for censorship during the period of 24 April - 23 May. Back of 48frn-2339 CCD Doc 2/3 1 Criticism of SCAP's approved program (Introduction of Foreign Capital) Back of 4xloc-0052 Article 1/1 1 Back of 48frn-2875 CCD Doc 4/4 Back of 48frn-0855 CCD Doc 1/1 Back of 47frn-0449 CCD Doc 1/1 Back of 47frn-0699 Article 2/2 Back of 47frn-2942 CCD Doc 1~12/17 1 Akahata S Kyodo Tsushin; Jiji Tsushin; Mainichi Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin; Jiji Tsushin; Mainichi Shimbun 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin D, S Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times D 日本通信 Nihon Tsushin The Meiji Bulletin The Meiji bulletin 三潴新報 Mizuma Shimpo MIZUMA SHIMPO The Waseda Guardian The Waseda Guardian Waseda Guardian 中国新聞 The Chugoku Chugoku News Nihon Tsushin D 選挙法改正議會上程か. 中途選挙... 採用の聲 Revised Election Bill will be introduced. クラブ通信 Kurabu Tsushin Kurabu Tsushin 時事新報; 東京新聞 クラブ通信 Jiji Shimpo; Tokyo Shimbun Kurabu Tsushin Jiji Shinpo; Tokyo Shimbun Kurabu Tsushin アカハタ Akahata Akahata アカハタ Akahata Akahata 48-loc-1643a 48-loc-1643b 48-loc-1643c 5/21/1948 5/21/1948 5/21/1948 The Yomiuri Weekly The Yomiuri Weekly The Yomiuri Weekly The Yomiuri Weekly The Yomiuri Weekly The Yomiuri Weekly Yomiuri Uikuri Yomiuri Uikuri Yomiuri Uikuri S; D 創刊を祝す; 戰争犠牲者を救ふ道; 祖国に對する愛情 48-loc-1659 5/22/1948 The Yomiuri Weekly The Yomiuri Weekly Yomiuri Uikuri Sameshima Mercola Sameshima Malloy Spaulding Christophe Malloy r Rand Spaulding Lee Nichols Jiro Takeuchi; Hugh L. Burleson International conference, especailly youth's conferences are particularly significant in fostering world peace in the future. 東京に於ける陰謀アメリカの占領に挑戰してロシヤは如何にして日本共産党 主義者を利用せんとするか D, C Takebe Sakaino M. Ohta E. Sugiura Zahn Y T. Otsuka Kitahara Furukawa Yoko Matsuoka Zahn 1 1 1 12 8 8 Kawamura D "Future International Youth Movement" Y 50 8 Y 13 [D] Where will the chief factor to invite deflation be brought about? Clothing for repatriates Reconsideration towards Capitalism Ken, It is with the greatest reluctance that I hereby return attached translation of AKAHATA article to be corrected, revised, improved or re-translated. I don't like to be critical about translations because I knew your section is under pressure but please understand our position when we have to check. D K. Harada M. Ohta S Harano Kamachi V, DI Banjo Otsuka report of held galley 観光日本 茶道. お手並は家元格 郷土色. 巨人」入試の新顔; 酒落れたドロボー; 旦那から外資導入; 女囚刑務所大弱り 復員だより Mercola D "Public Opinion Against February 1st Strike"; "Hope for the Future" Own story 47-loc-0313a Examiner5 Examiner6 U.S. radioisotopes now available to 21 nations 北海道新聞 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (Berlin) Examiner4 S アジアは動く 1:1, 1:1a, 2:3, 2:3a Examiner3 Back of 47frn-0834 Article 4/4 "In Paris, a published text of the Communist declaration included the statement that because the USSR and new democracies have become and obstacle to the plans of the imperialist struggle for word domination and the crushing of democratic movements, a crusade has been organized against them. USIS (Cakridge, TN) own article Examiner1 Examiner2 P Incitement to Violence or Unrest Propaganda; Other 4x-frn-0155 4x-frn-0156 Subject Internal letter in CCD 4 Takebe Matsumoto Hirota 1+1 F. Sasaki 3 S, W, P 5 S 1 [Mercola] Y Y Y 14 1 1 Y 1 Oversized 47-frn-1162 Source Photograph(s) 9/28/1947 Hold No. Duplicate 47-frn-0803a Date Censored Number of Pages 9/19/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0797a Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1659f 48-loc-1659g Submitted by (Japanese) 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Niigata, Akita) Yomiuri (Niigata, Akita) 目に青葉、照りかえす日射しもすつかり夏らしくなつた名 古屋市東山公園の廿一日ヒルさがり突如水中から躍り出た 怪物の水鉄砲攻めにおりから"若き青春"をボートで満喫し ていた彼氏、彼女たちはたちまち夢の世界から恐怖のドン 底にたゝきこまれ、なかにはあわてゝ水中に飛びこむ彼氏 も出るという騒ぎ; 火事 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Chichibu, Sapporo) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri (Chichibu, Sapporo) Yomiuri パーマ頭の女強盗; 美唄労組が反共連盟を結成 5/22/194[8] 48-loc-1659h 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 奇病で新制中学休校; スープミツクスを九都縣に配給 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri (Sendai) 大石、高橋両氏当選確実. 宮城第二区補選 48-loc-1659j 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Fukui) Yomiuri Shimbun (Sendai) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri (Fukui) 48-loc-1659i Yomiuri 基本問題で一致. 本予算編成最終段階へ 48-loc-1659k 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 日通スト宣言; 共同募金84%の成績 48-loc-1659l 48-loc-1659m 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 読売新聞 Yomiuri Yomiuri (Hiroshima) 48-loc-1659n 48-loc-1659p 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (Hiroshima) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun 48-loc-1660 48-loc-1660a 48-loc-1660b 48-loc-1660c 48-loc-1660d 48-loc-1660e 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 48-loc-1660f 48-loc-1660g 48-loc-1660h 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 48-loc-1660i 48-loc-1660j 48-loc-1660k 48-loc-1660l 48-loc-1660m 48-loc-1661 48-loc-1661a Headline (Japanese) 新げき 東宝 完全雇用 賃金安定に新措置. 政府近く方針声明 Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y Y Y Y 1 2 2 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 3 Y 1 Y 1 [Takashima] Y 1 [Takashima] Y 1 肥料の國管準備中. 商相答弁 判事、殺人犯と同席で饗應 Y Y 1 1 Yomiuri Yomiuri 社党、独自案を作成. 電力國管案等 宮内府長官に田島氏決る; 利拂期日変更法案決る; 選挙 Y Y 1 1 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Y Y Y Y Y Y 2 1 2 3 1 1 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Y Y Y 1 2 1 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 48-loc-1661b 48-loc-1661c 48-loc-1661d 48-loc-1661e 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri サトウ 最高賃金制は尚早. 加藤労相慎重な取扱要望 外資受入れ 追放 大藏じれい 今回の追放解除の政界に與える影響は楢橋、保利氏らの復 活によつて相当おおきなものがあろう 百人に軍事裁判. 第三國人の裏口営業 家 幼女都電にかる; 池上線でも; 決勝は木村対丸田. 全日本将棋選手権 ターザン?. 名古屋東山公園の夏 水道 市中金利の引上要望 國鉄本省支部あす一齊賜暇 與党政調連絡会議復活 衣料四千万円横流し. 沖縄人連盟の幹部起訴 男女同権の世となって氣を強くした一女性が約束不履行お よび傷害罪(ツマリ貞操を傷つけ性病を與えた)で三年越 しの"恋人"を告訴した 強盗 ユネスコ映画. 「我等の生涯の最良の年」 綠風会の規約改正. あす委員会で決定 解説. 今回の追放解除による政界人の復帰は梄橋、保利、石山氏 らにしたところで現に議席を持つていないのでたゞちに各 党に作用するとは考えられないが、その政局に及ぼす影響 を見逃すわけにはゆかない Y Y Y Y 1 1 1 1 48-loc-1661f 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 2 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Y 1 48-loc-1661h 48-loc-1661i 48-loc-1661j 48-loc-1661k 48-loc-1661l 48-loc-1661m 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri (Osaka) Y Y Y Y Y Y 2 1 2 1 1 1 48-loc-1662 48-loc-1662a 48-loc-1662b 48-loc-1662c 48-loc-1662d 48-loc-1662e 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (Osaka) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (Nagasaki) 廿二日の衆議院本会議は午後二時十分開会、本予算の提出 時期に関する緊急質問に入り 経済安定本部では経済の現状を明かにするため廿三日経済 情勢報告書を発表した 歳出四千億見当. 本予算最後決定急ぐ 本予算 日曜はしがき 日曜解説 発表に当って. [栗栖安本]長官談 大阪に麻酔魔; 共産党問題で論議. 都労委の東宝問題 Y 48-loc-1661g Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 1 1 2 1 1 48-loc-1662f 48-loc-1662g 48-loc-1662h 48-loc-1662i 48-loc-1662j 48-loc-1662k 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri (Ibaraki) Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 1 1 2 2 1 48-loc-1662l 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri (Yamagata) 全委員を集めて"反省"を警告. 田川の割当問題 Y 1 48-loc-1662m 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri (Ibaraki) フラク排除でもめる. 敎組定期大会 Y 1 48-loc-1663 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri (Toyama) 納税はインフレの防壁. 富山軍政部が二つの重要発表 Y 1 48-loc-1663a 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri (Gunma) 徴税完納にあらず. 効率は割当過少のため. 軍政部談 Y 1 48-loc-1663b 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri (Gunma) シベリアで健在な14縣人. 第三船引揚者が齎した快報 Y 1 48-loc-1663c 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (Ibaraki) Yomiuri Shimbun (Yamagata) Yomiuri Shimbun (Ibaraki) Yomiuri Shimbun (Toyama) Yomiuri Shimbun (Gunma) Yomiuri Shimbun (Gunma) Yomiuri Shimbun (Shizuoka) とゞ島 日曜動力 一せい賜暇スト. 本省支部 解除; 引揚援護廳卅一日発足 解除 四十一名死傷自動車火災で; 裁判官の不当処理問題調査に乗出した参議院司…委員会で は尾津組長尾津喜之助が慢性胃炎を理由に保釈になつたこ とに関し… 解除. 追放九十八名再確認 國鉄 日曜運輸通信 日曜生産 民自政策 無事に越せるか端境期. 六割遅配対策に縣が四苦八苦 Yomiuri (Shizuoka) 日本機器あすスト; 富士産業もスト Y 1 Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri (Nagasaki) [Takashima] [Takashima] 政府は廿二日正午新願委員会の審査結果を発表したが、訴 願を認めて該当決定を取消された百廿九名中には元國務大 臣楢橋渡、元自由党代議士ダイヤモンド社長石山賢吉、元 商工政務次官保利茂、元社会党代議士棚橋小虎の諸氏が含 まれている、なお石橋湛山、犬養健氏らの訴願は認められ なかつた [Takashima] [Arai] [Takashima] [Takashima] 1 Oversized 5/22/194[8] News Agency Photograph(s) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Yomiuri Source Duplicate Submitted by Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Hold No. Number of Pages 48-loc-1659e Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1659a 48-loc-1659b 48-loc-1659c 48-loc-1659d Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 読売新聞 48-loc-1663f 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1663g 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1663h 48-loc-1663i 5/22/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 読売新聞 48-loc-1663j 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1663k 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1663l 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1663m 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1664 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1664a 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1664b 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1664c 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1664d 5/22/194[8] 48-loc-1664e Submitted by Yomiuri Shimbun (Tochigi) Yomiuri Shimbun (Saitama) Yomiuri Shimbun (Ibaraki) Yomiuri Shimbun (Kana[gawa]) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (Tonai) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Yomiuri (Tochigi) 電産栃木支部24日事務スト Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 1 Yomiuri (Saitama) 農地を買う人なく農委総辞職 Y 1 Yomiuri (Ibaraki) 日製多賀労組総連会を脱退 Y 1 Yomiuri (Kana[gawa]) Yomiuri Yomiuri (Tonai) ポーキサイト船入港 Y 1 民需用木製品にも油脂塗料の割当実施 尾津事件八証人を喚問. 裁判官の不当処理問題委員会; 國鉄横浜支部スト決行を表決; 名宝盗まる. 展覧会場から法隆寺百万塔上部; 東京競馬第七日成績(曇良) Y Y 1 1 Yomiuri Shimbun (Hokkai[do]) Yomiuri Shimbun (Aomori) Yomiuri Shimbun (Iwate) Yomiuri Shimbun (Miyagi) Yomiuri (Hokkai[do]) 新郷土読本の内容を検討. 石附忠平氏と河野廣道氏の対談 Y 1 駅構内無斷通行を禁止 Y 1 Yomiuri (Iwate) "いざ"に備え実弾試射 Y 1 Yomiuri (Miyagi) 二区補選開票の結果. 大石(民自)高橋(民主)が当選. 次点の佐藤氏(國協)以下を断然圧倒 Y 1 Yomiuri Shimbun (Akita) Yomiuri Shimbun (Yamagata) Yomiuri Shimbun (Fukushima) Yomiuri Shimbun (Ibaraki A) Yomiuri (Akita) 林業民主化への第一歩. 知事構想の施業調整委員会設立 Y 1 Yomiuri (Yamagata) 全委員を集めて"反省"を警告. 田川の割当問題 Y 1 Y 1 Yomiuri (Ibaraki A) 無事に越せるか端境期. 六割の遅配切抜けに縣が苦慮; "フラク排除"でもめる. 敎組定期大会 Y 1 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Ibaraki B) Yomiuri (Ibaraki B) Y 1 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri (Tochigi A) Y 1 48-loc-1664f 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Tochigi A) Yomiuri Shimbun (Tochigi B) 三の丸校舎竣工式; 日立アマチユヤ將棋大会; 縣会. 追予可決; 全逓地協臨時大会; 石岡町会; 日製多賀労組総連会を脱退; 食調委員が未完納; 妹に盗ます; 配給 軍政部から個人感状 Y 1 48-loc-1664g 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri (Gunma A) Y 1 48-loc-1664h [5]/[22]/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Gunma A) Yomiuri Shimbun (Gunma B) 戸叶氏非該当; 社党から田代氏. 縣議補選; 國協党から山本氏; 子守を火攻め; 風浦窃盗ご用; 山前村食調委辞表を撤回; 四人組強盗 シベリアで健在な14縣人. 第二船引揚者が齎らした快報 Yomiuri (Gunma B) 前橋に実費診療所; 長野原でつゝじ祭り; 民自党太田支部結成準備会; 太田市制祝賀邦樂演奏会; 労基行政研究会; 川田村長に生田氏; 蝋山政道氏非該当; 自転車; 太田駅急襲; 暴行事実を自認. 逆お定姪殺し公判 Y 1 48-loc-1664i 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri (Saitama A) 農地を買う人なく農委総辞職 Y 1 48-loc-1664j 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri (Saitama B) 日本衞材で大量首切り Y 1 48-loc-1664k 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Saitama A) Yomiuri Shimbun (Saitama B) Yomiuri Shimbun (Saitama C) Y 1 48-loc-1664l 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri (Saitama C) 浦和公園では見破つたが. 確める手のない集團轉入; 今井大宮市長ら非該当; 大宮駅前を舗装; 二人組; 溜池に落つ Yomiuri (Chiba A) 電報を四日まで見送り. 宿直員の手ぬかりと判る Y 1 48-loc-1664m 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1665 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1665a 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1665b 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1665c 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1665d 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Chiba A) Yomiuri Shimbun (Chiba B) Yomiuri Shimbun (Santama) Yomiuri Shimbun (Kanagawa A) Yomiuri Shimbun (Kanagawa B) Yomiuri Shimbun (Niigata A) Yomiuri Shimbun (Niigata B) 48-loc-1665e 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1665f 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1665g 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1665h 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1665i 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1665j 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1665k 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1665l 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-1665m 5/22/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-2790d 8/27/1948 共同通信 Yomiuri Shimbun (Toyama) Yomiuri Shimbun (Ishikawa) Yomiuri Shimbun (Yamanashi) Yomiuri Shimbun (Nagano) Yomiuri Shimbun (Nanshin) Yomiuri Shimbun (Shizuoka) Yomiuri Shimbun (Chukyo) Yomiuri Shimbun (Kansai) Yomiuri Shimbun (Seibu) Kyodo Tsushin 48-loc-2792h 11/10/1948 新聞之新聞 Shimbun no Shimbun 11/19/1948 News Item 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y 1 Yomiuri (Santama) 私刑に屈せずヤミ屋仲間から脱走. 向学少年晴れて日本人に スト決定を可決. 國鉄労組横浜支部大会開く Y 1 Y 1 地労委從組へ知事回答; 待望のボーキサイド船. アルミ增産を誓う昭和電工; 輸出工藝指導所新設; 元巡査、盗んで貯金; 警官の制服で強盗; 通り魔の五人組. 神奈川六ケ所で通行人襲う; 國際靑年協力大会; 新築家屋に半裸男の絞殺体; 建具職父子心中; エロシヨウまた槍玉に; 第四回戸塚競馬展望; 鐵橋に轢死体; 雇人は轢死 Y 1 Yomiuri (Niigata A) 料飲緩和は間違い. "警官はサボ"と軍政部指摘 Y 1 Yomiuri (Niigata B) 石山氏非該当決る. 期間過ぎ復活は不可能; 儲けた田中氏. 民自党新役員裏話; 五年ぶりタコ合戰; 三條でも; "保険は気やすめ"; 佐渡に茶採種圃; 優良鉱夫表彰; "田舎もセチ辛い". 上野地下道の二少年御用; 配給米をゴマかす. 村長、農業会長ら送檢; ヤミ舟御用; また密造酒を摘発; 魚百貨押収; 杉林焼く; 新村長二人 Y 1 Yomiuri (Toyama) 納税はインフレの防壁. 富山軍政部が二つの重要発表 Y 1 Yomiuri (Ishikawa) 殿田(前代議士)氏非該当に決定. 公職審査 Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yomiuri (Yamanashi) 抑留の手記. 帰國に沸く歓呼. 來し方を想う祖國の山野 Y 1 Y 1 Yomiuri (Nanshin) 一万三千町歩に水田養鯉. 多角経営と蛋白補給に淡水魚增殖 委嘱されぬ労働者代表. 息まく縣労委. 知事に辞職を迫る Y 1 Yomiuri (Shizuoka) 日本機器あすスト Y 1 Yomiuri (Chukyo) 通信敎育はナシのツブテ. 肝心の敎科書いまだ來らず Y 1 Yomiuri (Kansai) 同志社大学へ米國の二博士就任 Y 1 Yomiuri (Seibu) 廣島市へ同情つゞく; アルゼンチンから獣肉 Y 1 Y 1 関西学院大学教授愛盲協議会会長 1 1 貸席営業でゆく. 総閉店は行過ぎ; 暴行されたと訴え; 森暁氏は非該当と決定; 郷土力士の戰績 Kyodo Shashin 第K五〇五五号 Jinbutsu Tsushin 武夫 Shimbun no Shimbun 1 1 Yomiuri (Chiba B) Yomiuri (Nagano) 1 1 Yomiuri (Fukushima) 一等000000"教育復興くじ"抽籤発表 Yomiuri (Kanagawa A) Yomiuri (Kanagawa B) 1 1 Yomiuri (Aomori) Yomiuri (Tochigi B) Oversized 読売新聞 News Agency Photograph(s) 5/22/194[8] Source Duplicate 48-loc-1663e Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/22/194[8] Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1663d Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) [ Kazuaki Tsutsui] 岩崎 Press: Formation of Magazines Association discussed 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) News Item News Item Submitted by (Japanese) 新聞研究報 Submitted by Shimbun Kenkyuho Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Shimbun Kenkyu Ho 東京通信 Tokyo Tsushin Tokyo Tsushin 48-loc-2793b 12/8/1948 12/20/1948 48-loc-2793c [11]/[15]/194[8] 11/29/194[8] 金属戦線 Kinzoku sensen Kinzoku sensen 8/6/194? 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun 4x-loc-0063 Headline (Japanese) Headline Press: New buildings if Shupan Remmei completed Press: Romansu sha gets published rights for two MacFadden magazines Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 1 1 倒閣の意気たかし. 全官勞で要求貫徹のデモ; 主張. 逆襲の轉機に立つ Y I, V 4x-loc-0064 Petition for prompt repatriation 毎日新聞 9/26/194? Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun Marcola H, P 21/25 Photo of General MacArthur USIS 日米通信 (Washington) Associated 静岡新聞 Press (Moscow) 47-frn-0001 1/23/1947 47-frn-0003 [2]/[14]/194[7] 47-frn-0004 [2]/[16]/194[7] 47-frn-0005 2/16/1947 47-frn-0006 [2]/[16]/194[7] 47-frn-0007 2/16/1947 47-frn-0008 2/16/1947 47-frn-0009 2/16/1947 47-frn-0009a 2/[15]/1947 47-frn-0010 2/16/1947 47-frn-0011 2/16/1947 47-frn-0012 2/16/1947 47-frn-0013 2/16/1947 47-frn-0014 [2]/[16]/194[7] 16:10 Associated Press (1, Nanking) 47-frn-0015 2/16/1947 16:11 Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Washington) 47-frn-0016 [2]/[16]/194[7] 16:13 Associated Press (Manila) 2/16/1947 2/16/1947 2/16/1947 16:1 Radio Press Sokuho (Shanghai) 16:2 United Press 共同通信 (9, Moscow) 16:3 Radio Press Sokuho (Moscow) 16:4 Reuter (London) 16:5 16:6 16:7 2/16/1947 2/16/1947 The American-Japan Press Shizuoka Shimbun Nichi Bei Shizuoka Shimbun Japan: Occupation: BCOF to reduce force 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin ソ誌米の北極演習非難 軍縮委員会の任務制限をソ連非難 Soviet journal New Times charged American maneuvers are transforming Arctic into “theater of imperialistic machinations USSR-US: Soviet protest Acheson’s statement Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin United Press 毎日新聞 (Canberra) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi United Press 共同通信 (1, Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin (35) Kyodo No. 35 米英関係は徐々に分裂. ヴアルガ氏論評 United Press 時事通信 (Moscow) Associted Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (London) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 米英関係の漸次離反か. ヴアルガの予想 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 酒間の論爭 Toward the end of the meal Uncle Joe arose to propose his umpteenth toast—for a time 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 蒋主席の中共態度すこぶる強硬 Sources closest to Chiang Kaishek said he was fully convinced that force was only means Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 對日賠償. 三割即時取立て. American Plan For the Repartition of 工業水準は一九三二-四年維持. 米國極東委員會に提案 Japanese Reparations 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo マクナツト駐比米国大使日本へ McNutt reported scheduled to emplane Tokyo 24/2 for meeting with MacArthur stop military base agreement スターリン喜ぶ “Well,” I said, and took a deep breath, trying to think fast through the champagne babbles. Next day was also the P.M.’s birthday—his sixty-ninth—and there was to be a grand 共同通信 16:7a Associated Press (13, London) 16:8 International Nippon Times News Service (Philadelphia) 16:9 Moscow commentator criticizes the UN Security Council's decision to separate control of atomic energy from that of general disarmament H, S Prime Minister Joseph B. Chifley (repeat Joseph B. Chifley) said that the proposal to resume SCAP warned that if satisfactory arrangements are not made to sell Australian wool in Japan, American wool will be used Pravda predicts that the US and Britain will split for economic reasons H, D Molotov protests Atcheson's remark about Soviet Union being "expansionist" H, P London Report said that protest Molotov dispatched vote to Molotov protests Atcheson's involved Achesons remark on February U.S. Ambassador in Moscow remark about Soviet Union 10 during ays Senate hearing on protesting against Acheson's being "expansionist" remark in the Senate H, P U.S. policy in Japan, Germany clarified H, P Eugene Varga Varga leading Soviet economist predicted in Pravda today that there will be progressive 2/16/1947 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo [2]/[17]/1947 2/16/1947 16:16 Roosevelt Book 世界日報 Sekai Nippo (29, A&B) Sekai Nippo-No. 29 翌日はまた首相の誕生日-六十九回目の-であって、 A&B その夕方から英國大使館で、祝賀の豪華な、そして趣 向を凝らした宴會が催されることになつていた。 47-frn-0019 2/16/1947 2/16/1947 16:17 own article—com mentary 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (106) Mainichi, 106 中國の社会相 Chinese Social Phase 47-frn-0020 2/16/1947 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 北極に米国防の関門 Responding Moscow charges unistates man[e]uvers transforming Arctic into theater of imperialistic machinations unquote American high United Press 共同通信 (9, Washington) Iwasaki Spaulding H, S U.S. wants both Germany and Japan to be selfsustaining as soon as possible Elliott Roosevelt's "As He saw it" As he saw it Chinese Social Phase As he saw it: A heated H, P discussion on the subject of Nazi war criminals; Churchill was angered Chiang Kai-shek sources H, D, [Harold blame US for not supplying P Milks] arms and credits to his government, thus making it difficult to destroy the Communists American plan for the H, P repartition of 30% of Japanese reparations 1 1 1 1 1 Spaulding Kawamoto Saito Y 8 1 Spaulding Kawamoto Kato Y 9 2 Spaulding Kawamoto Y. Ichinokura S 47-frn-0018 16:18 Varga Predicted Progressive Split in Relation between U.S. & Britain due to Economic Factars Russia issues note on Acheson remark ソ連の対米抗議の内容 Malloy Soviet Union protests against H, P Atcheson's statement as being slanderous and hostile to Soviets [United Nations] Security Councils Moscow radio commentator decision to separate question of control Kudriavtsev said Security over atomic Council was influenced by elements which regard it as vehicle for consolidation of their countries' position 47-frn-0017 16:14 Kato Far East situation remains D serious “We left America deeply The American press spreads H, D [Eddy convinced Americans want to lies about the USSR Gilmore] live in friendship with the Soviet people,” In London, War Office H, D, announced that US will S withdraw two infantry brigades from Japan Soviet journal "New Soviet journal charged US of H, S Time[s]" charged American turning Arctic into a "theater maneuvers in Arctic of imperialistic machinations" 1 Back of 47loc-0650 CCD Doc 1/1 Back of 47loc-1007a CCD Doc 1/1 H, D, P 13/6 Notes Y 11 Y 3 1 Kawamoto Yoshimoto Y 8 1 Saito Malloy Spaulding McNutt scheduled to arrive in Tokyo Feb. 24 for meeting with MacArthur re military base agreement As he saw it: related to 16:9 H, P As he saw it: Roosevelt says he doubts the trustworthiness of career diplomats in the State Dept. A Chinese newspaper's account of negative side of Chinese society and conditions US military responds to Moscow charges US of transforming Arctic into defense frontier H, D Malloy H, S Kawamoto Saito H, D Malloy H, P Spaulding Spaulding Y. Shimokura Fujinami Malloy Spaulding Y 8 Y 13 Y 3 Y 4 Y 4 Y 8 Y 8 Y 10 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 12/22/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 12/1/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-2793a Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) [2]/[16]/194[7] 47-frn-0022 [2]/[17]/194[7] 47-frn-0023 Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline 16:19a United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 2/16/1947 16:20 United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0023a 2/16/194[7] 16:20a International 読売新聞 News Service (Tokyo) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 米兵 Five GIS kill, injure Japanese at Hachioji 47-frn-0024 2/16/1947 16:21 United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 軍事豫算削減. 占領地に不安. 米陸相語る 1st Lead Patterson 47-frn-0025 2/16/1947 United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0026 2/17/194[7] 2/16/194[7] 47-frn-0027 [2]/[16]/194[7] 47-frn-0028 2/19/1947 47-frn-0029 2/17/1947 47-frn-0030 [2]/[17]/1947 47-frn-0031 2/18/1947 47-frn-0032 2/18/1947 47-frn-0032a [2]/[17]/194[7] 47-frn-0033 2/18/1947 47-frn-0034 2/16/1947 The second Northwest Air Lines survey flight to the Orient arrived in Tokyo at 8:37 a.m. Sunday... 北太平洋に新航路開設 Second air survey flight to Orient arrives in Tokyo Japan: Politics: Internal disunity will delay treaty-Yoshida Moscow Radio Press (Moscow) China: Economic: Unprecedent financial plight 朝日新聞 Five Air Force soldiers will face court martial for the murder and injury of Japanese in Hachioji The NewYork Sun, in an editorial, said "although Japan has a notable degree of ... Radio Press (Shanghai) 米、ハンガリーへ借欺 Brief Summary President of Northwest Airlines met with MacArthur to discuss airline operation in Asia Under the new plan of North- Second Northwest Airlines West Airline, Douglas DC4 survey flight to Orient arrives arrived at Tokyo from Seattle in Tokyo for [inspection] of air line with Far East Five Fifth Air Force soldiers will face a Far East Air Forces general court martial... Shanghai H, P H, P [Matsuda] 8 2 D Malloy 2 Sin Min Pao newspaper writes that severe economic crisis in China will lead to disintegration of Chinese society US grant to Hungary viewed by some as "political loan for bolstering anti-Communist elements in Hungary" D Malloy 2 D Malloy Spaulding One Billion Dollars of equipment is Philippines Reparations claim on Japan H, D Malloy Spaulding Limited private trading between foreign and Japanese businessmen may be possible within a short time H, P Spaulding Kato Argument between two adherents of the two rival systems of Romaji H, P D, P Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local The practical Test of Romaji 18:4 United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local Enermy Tra[d]ing act may be cancelled 18:4a United Press 共同通信 (Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo The "Trading With the Enemy" Act which has regulated commerce between Japan and the United States... Enemy Trading Act may be cancelled H, P 2/18/1947 18:5 Associated 共同通信 Press (London); Agence France-presse (London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 南ア共産党代表、英国王の訪問を非難 Five million pounds which South Some of royal family's tour African [Government] would spend on to South Africa could have royal [family's] tour could have been... been put to better use of Communist leader there said in London Communist leader said that the sum South Africa would spend on royal family's tour could have been put to better use on needs of the poor H, S 2/18/1947 2/18/1947 18:6 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 対敵通商法の対日適用近く廃棄 2/18/1947 2/18/1947 18:7 Associated Press (1, London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 英、対日民間貿易再開促進を要求 Official source said repeal of Trading with Enemy Act as regards Japan will be announced some time before March 1st MacArthur's ban on entry of all allied traders hitherto will be lifted due to his request for facilities which will accomodate traders H, P 47-frn-0035 47-frn-0035a [2]/[18]/194[7] 18:7f Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-0036 [2]/[18]/194[7] 18:7a Associated 北海道新聞 Press World Service (London) Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Official source unipressly said repeal of Official source said repeal of Trading with Enemy Act. as regards Trading with Enemy Act as Japan which will announce. regards Japan will be announced some time before March 1st Foreign office spokesman said Britain Foreign official spokesman had received aye "favorable" response said facilities would enable from US State [Department] to... British commercial interests to send representatives into Japan A Foreign office spokesman said Britain had received a "favorable" response from United States State Department to... A Foreign office spokesman said Britain had received a "favorable" response from the United States State Department to... 共同通信 Y 3 18:2 Limited private trading bet. foreign and Japanese businessmen may be possible within " short time", SCAP's foreign trade division Deputy Chief Frank Pickelle said Saito Y Jiji 対日制限付取引近く再開か 3 H, P Jiji Tsushin Associated Press (New York) Notes Sec. of War Patterson stressed the need for maintaining the military budget which would permit continued food rations in occupied areas New York Sun said that Japanese should use Romaji to better communicate with the world Premier Yoshida said that the peace treaty with the Allied nations will be delayed due to internal disunity in Japan under the Occupation forces 時事通信 18:1 Examiner5 Examiner6 2 Nippon Times Foreign $1,000,000,000 Worth of Equipment Is P.I. Reparattons Claim on Japan Examiner4 Y Nippon Times Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Manila) Examiner3 H, P Asahi 17:3 An additional grant by the United States U.S. loan to Hungary was of a $15,000,000 surplus property viewd as a political loan credit to Hungary was announced today. Examiner1 Examiner2 H, D [Ohtake] Asahi Shimbun 2/18/1947 Associated Press World Service (Budapest) Subject H, P [Matsuda] 3 Yoshimoto Y 4 2 Miho Y 5 2 [Peter Kalischer, United Press staff correspon dent] [Peter Kalischer, United Press staff correspon dent] 1 2 Malloy [Hensley] Spaulding Spaulding Kato Kato H, D Malloy Spaulding H, D Malloy Spaulding H Kawamoto Miho Y 9 Miho Y 3 Kato Y 15 2 7 Oversized News Agency United Press (Tokyo) Photograph(s) Source 16:19 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0021 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 2/18/1947 18:7c 47-frn-0040 [2]/[18]/194[7] 47-frn-0041 2/18/1947 47-frn-0042 2/18/1947 47-frn-0043 2/18/1947 47-frn-0044 News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Subject 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times 18:7e Associated Press World Service 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 2/18/1947 18:8 日米通信 The America-Japan Press (9) Nichibei - No. 9 ウ氏の斜視的論法. 同志からも次第に見離される 2/18/1947 18:9 United Feature Syndicate (New York) Associated Press (10, London) 時事通信; 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji, Kyodo 日本の極東貿易は三年間で復活. 繊維製品の注文すでに四千万ドル Associated Press (London) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji 18:12 世界日報 Sekai Nippo (5-A&B) Sekainippo - No. 5 A&B The final meeting of the American, As He Saw It British, and Russian chiefs of staff was scheduled for... 18:9a 2/18/1947 対日通商再開問題詳報 Headline Assocciated Press (London) Associated Press (London) Foreign office spokesman said Britain had received... response from [U.S.] State... Trade with Japan sought by Britain British Foreign Office Spokesman's statement on Foreign Trading with Jap. A Foreign office spokesman said Britain had received a "favorable" response from the United States State Department to... World Events Magazine "New Republic" has not been altered in character since H. Wallace became editor Evidence of Japan’s quick industrial Japanese Government recovery in her first postwar year was officials estimate that Japan seen by these sources export to resume her predominant prewar position in Far-Eastern markets within 3 years Evidence of quick industrial recovery of Japan seen in fact that Asiatic countries have placed orders for 40 million dollars worth of textiles Brief Summary British trade with Japan: Up to present, Gen. MacArthur banned entry of traders Trade with Japan sought by Britain; Gen, MacArthur encouraging revival of textile trade in particular Informants' opinions of the possible resumption of British trade with Japan Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 H, D, P Malloy Spaulding Y. Shimokura H, D Malloy Spaulding Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 5 2 H, D 5 Chicago-- The leftist New H, P [Randolph Malloy Republic has not been altered Churchill] since H. Wallace became editor Japan expected to assume H, D Malloy prewar predominant position within 3 years T. Gomes Y. Shimokura Spaulding J. Gomes Quick recovery of Japan evidenced in the fact that orders for 40 million dollars worth of textiles have been placed As he saw it: the final meeting of the American, British, and Russian chiefs of staff U.S. ship loading cargo in Java despite repeated Dutch warning H, D Malloy Spaulding H, P Y. Shimokura P 1 Saito Y 4 Y 17 4 3 47-frn-0046 2/18/1947 18:14 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Java) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Aboard steamship Martin Behrman off Cheribon 47-frn-0047 2/18/1947 18:14a Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign U.S. ship loading cargo in Java despite warning U.S. ship loading cargo in Java despite repeated Dutch warning 47-frn-0048 [2]/[18]/194[7] 18:15 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo The [S]tate [D]epartment ind[i]cated today that the United States would recognize the authority of the... State Department indicated today that U.S. will recognize the authority of Dutch East Indies government to prevent departure of American cargo ships H, P 1 47-frn-0049 [2]/[18]/194[7] 18:15a Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Nippon Times Nippoin Times Foreign Recognizes Dutch Authority State Department indicated today that U.S. will recognize the authority of Dutch East Indies government to prevent departure of American cargo ships H, P 1 47-frn-0050 2/18/1947 2/18/1947 18:16 United Press, 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (2, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 緊急対策に米国は同情的手段」を考慮中といわれる Authoritative said [State] [Department] considering “[psychological] gestures” which it might make to strengthen Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek... Chinese Ambassador Wellington Koo met Marshall on Chinese present crisis Chinese Ambassador Wellington Koo met Marshall on Chinese present crisis H, P [Hensley] J. Gomes Saito Y 18 47-frn-0051 2/18/194[7] 2/18/194[7] 18:16a United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Press 米国の対華援助方針 Authoritative said [State] [Department] considering “[psychological] gestures” which it might make to [strengthen] Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek... Chinese Ambassador Wellington Koo met Marshall on Chinese present crisis Chinese Ambassador Wellington Koo met Marshall on Chinese present crisis H, P [Hensley] J. Gomes Saito Y 12 47-frn-0052 2/[17]/1947 2/18/1947 18:17 Associated 時事通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (11, London) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 英帝国の対日通商の[機]構へ Informants pointed out that plans of Commonwealth countries for resuming trade with Japan had advanced more rapidly than Britains plans. Informants pointed out that plans of commonwealth countries for resuming trade with Japan had advanced more recently British Commonwealth nations are resuming trade with Japan more rapidly than Britain H, D Kato Y 4 47-frn-0053 [2]/[18]/1947 18:18 Moscow 日本通信 Broadcasting Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin オランダ政府対インドネシア斗争を強化 Dutch government strenghens tight against Indonesia. H, S Malloy 47-frn-0054 2/18/1947 18:19 Reuters (Shanghai) 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai 日本の急速復興警戒 47-frn-0055 2/18/1947 時事通信 English Section Jiji Tsushin English Section Jiji Press Early peace in China has never been more imperative—apart from the threat of Japan recovering her prewar dominant position in this part of the world—than today. NFL proposes dissolution of “Zenkoku Rodokumiai Kaigi” Dutch government wishes to buy military equipment from U.S. for fighting against Indonesia A Chinese magazine reports that Japan is the U.S.'s alternative to China as a stabilizing influence in Asia 47-frn-0056 [2]/[19]/194[7] 19:1 共同通信 English 2/19/1947 19:3 Nippon Times Kyodo Tsushin English Nippon Times Kyodo 47-frn-0057 47-frn-0058 [2]/[18]/194[7] 19:4 United Press, 毎日新聞 Kyodo Tsushin (Wiesbaden) Mainichi Shimbun Nippon Times Magazine Mainichi 47-frn-0059 2/18/1947 19:4a United Press, 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (23, Wiesbaden) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 2/19/1947 National Federation of Labor proposes dissolution of "Zenkoku Rodo Kumiai Kaigi" Early unification of labor front still difficult War widows prove problem to Japan Ministers of 8 German states in British occupation zones agreed not to sign the German Peace Treaty if the Big Four asks them to do so Early unification of labor front still difficult War Widows Prove Problem To Japan German State Presidents not to sign peace treaty 講和條約に調印せず. 英軍地帯ドイツ八州首相申合せ Minister presidents of eight German State[s] in British zones have agreed among themselves not to sign German peace treaty if Big Four ask them do so. Presidents of 8 German state[s] in Britlish zones have agreed among themselves not to sign German peace treaty Ministers of 8 German states in British occupation zones agreed not to sign the German Peace Treaty if the Big Four asks them to do so H, P [Stanley Swinton] 3 Spaulding Y H, D Y P 18 3 7 H, P H, P ロシア語 で書かれ ている電 報あり 4 [Duane Hennessy] 1 H, S Malloy Spaulding H, S Spaulding Kato 2 Miho Y 6 Oversized 47-frn-0038 Source Photograph(s) 18:7b Duplicate Hold No. 2/18/1947 Number of Pages Date Censored 2/18/1947 Japanese Article Prange Control No. Writers Date Submitted 47-frn-0037 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 19:9 Associated 共同通信 Press (18, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 19:9a Associated Press World Service (Washington) Headline (Japanese) 47-frn-0061 2/19/1947 47-frn-0062 [2]/[19]/194[7] 47-frn-0063 2/19/1947 2/19/1947 19:10 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 再びカイロへ 47-frn-0064 2/19/1947 2/19/1947 19:11 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 乾杯・乾杯 47-frn-0065 [2]/[19]/1947 2/19/1947 19:12 United Press, 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (Nanking) Kyodo Tsushin (50) Kyodo No. 50 中国海軍を日本へ派遣 47-frn-0066 [2]/[19]/194[7] 2/19/194[7] 19:13 United Press, 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (18, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 米政府共産分子の粛清を要求. 米商業会議所の報告 47-frn-0067 [2]/[19]/194[7] 19:14 United Press 毎日新聞 English (Honolulu) Mainichi Shimbun English Mainichi 47-frn-0068 [2]/[19]/194[7] 19:15 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) 47-frn-0069 [2]/[19]/194[7] 19:16 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Moscow) 47-frn-0069a [2]/[19]/194[7] 19:17; 19:17a; 19:17b; 19:17c Associated Press (Washington) ; Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) 2/19/1947 2/19/1947 19:19 Headline Subject Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Ministers of 8 German states in British occupation zones agreed not to sign the German Peace Treaty if the Big Four asks them to do so H, S Malloy Spaulding Kato MacArthur's Chief of Foreign Trade McDermott says that resumption of private trade will take some time H, D Miho Yoshimoto MacArthur's Chief of Foreign Trade McDurmott says that resumption of private trade will take some time H, D [Morris Harris ] As He Saw It As he saw it: Returning to Cairo H, P J. Gomes Yoshimoto Y 3 As He Saw It As he saw it H, P J. Gomes Yoshimoto Y 7 Sino Govt decided to send Sino government decided to warship to Japan as token of send warship to Japan as Occupation Force token of Occupation Force H, P Spaulding J. Gomes Y 5 U.S. Chamber of Commerce published report charging 400 communists wormed way into strategic Federal posts U.S. Chamber of Commerce published report charging 400 communists wormed way into strategic federal posts H, P J. Gomes Yoshimoto Y 11 Gruesome demonstration outside a Buddhist temple H, S Malloy Spaulding Opposition to the confirmation of Lilienthal as Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission H, P 1 Canada is collaborating with the U.S. in preparation for aggression H, D 1 P. Mcdermott Said Production of Textile Offered Jap. Opportunity for Trade H, D, [Morris P; H, Harris] D; H, D; H, D, P; H, D Today and Tomorrow: Problem of the creation of the German government New interim plan advised by State Dept. to F.E.C. H, P H, P [Walter Lippman[ n]] [Hensley] Spaulding Kato Several American newspaper editors said proposed 5 million dollar cut in funds for occupation would destroy the program H, P Spaulding Kato Ministers and presidents of eight German States in the British zone have agreed among themselves not to sign the German peace treaty if the Big Four ask them to do so. 日本民間貿易再開数年かかる. マクダーモツト氏談 McDermott said prospects for expanding Japanese trade blighted by these postwar factors: loss of access to Oriental sources of raw materials, loss of mercantile fleet, rising costs of manufacture and labor. McDermot[t] declined to view with optimistic statement by Pickelle, Deputy Chief of Foreign Trade Division Tokyo about resumption of private trading between foreign and Japanese businessen Peter McDermott, Chief of the Foreign Trade Division of General MacArthur’s headquarters, who is here conferring with government agencies seeking to restore Japan’s private economy, foresaw a dark future for the empire’s once flourishing silk trade. Before lunchtime, I said goodbye to Father. He had planned originally to stay over in Teheran until Friday... Of the dinner the night before, Father had later jokingly remarked that there had seemed to be three hundred and sixty-five toasts—one for every day in the year. [Sino] [government] decided send warship Japan as token occupation force pending dispatch army forces[.] [Government] had selected trained divisions for occupation but these diverted to [civil war] Chamber of Commerce of [United States] published fifty seven page report changing four [hundred] communists wormed way into strategic [federal] posts and “it[‘s] clear US [government] has shown appal[l]ing laxity in ferreting them out. The solemn quiet of religious service outside a Bud[d]hist temple was disturbed Tuesday when an unidentified priestly-clad Japanese uttered a few incantations and then chopped off two of his toes with a hatchet... Sen[at]or Claude Pepper, Democrat of Florida, said in a letter to President Truman today that the fight against the confirmation of David E. Lilienthal as chairman of the atomic energy commission was being pushed by “Ambitious militarism and isolationism and greedy efforts to establish monopolies” in atomic energy. The Izvestia declared Tuesday that Canada was turning over her territory and army to the United States in preparation for aggression. 時事通信; 北海道新聞; 日本経済新聞; Nippon Times Jiji Tsushin; Hokkaido Jiji Tsushin; 対日貿易再開まで数ヵ年; Shimbun; The Nihon Hokkaido Shimbun; 日本民間貿易再開の楽観論に警告; Keizai; Nippon Times Nihon Keizai; 日本生糸の将来は悲観的. 民間貿易の再開は数年後 Nippon Times Foreign Future of Japanese Silk Dark. Nation Urged to Rely on Cotton. Chief of Foreign Trade Division of SCAP Doubts Silk Trade Can Be Restored to Pre-war Dimensions New York Nippon Times Herald Tribune United Press 共同通信 (7, Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Today and Tomorrow Kyodo Tsushin (3272) Kyodo (32-72) 米国の新提案. 対日賠償三〇%中間取立 47-frn-0070 2/19/1947 47-frn-0071 [2]/[19]/1947 2/19/1947 19:20 47-frn-0074 [2]/[19]/194[7] 2/19/1947 19:26 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 占領費削減に反対. 独視察記者団帰米 47-frn-0075 2/19/1947 19:27 Telegrafnoe 日本通信 agentstvo SSSR (Khabarovsk) Nihon Tsushin Nittsu ブルガリヤ電報通信社の承認発表 47-frn-0076 2/19/1947 19:28 Nippon Times Nippon Times 47-frn-0077 2/19/1947 19:29 International Nippon Times News Service Nippon Times Nippon Times Magazine Nippon Times Local New interim plan which was devised by statement in effort circumvent deadlock which resulted from Russian [unwillingness] agree to any final plan unless her position approved was submitted to FEC for "Information and comments" of member nations. Several American newspaper editors said proposed five million dollars cut in funds for occupation of overseas areas would destroy entire program. P. Mcdermott Said Production of Textile Offered Jap. Opportunity for Trade Several American newspaper editors said proposed five million dollars cut in funds would destroy entire program Brief Summary H, P Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Miho 2 Y 8 2 Malley Spaulding Y. Shimokura 2 Miho Y. Shimokura Y 22 Y 10 Y 8 5 Gomes Y ロシア語 で書かれ ている電 報あり 9 Magazine. The Death of a Christian Story: Death of a Christian H, P 3 Twentieth Air Force Pays Tribute To Marines Who Died on Iwojima Twentieth Air Force pays tribute to Marines who died on Iwojima H, P 1 1 Oversized News Agency United Press 毎日新聞 (Wiesbaden) Photograph(s) Source 19:4b Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 2/19/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0060 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 2/19/1947 2/19/1947 47-frn-0080 2/19/1947 47-frn-0081 2/20/1947 47-frn-0082 2/19/1947 47-frn-0082a 2/19/1947 47-frn-0082b 2/19/1947 47-frn-0083 [2]/[19]/194[7] 47-frn-0084 2/25/1947 47-frn-0085 [2]/[27]/194[7] 47-frn-0086 2/[27]/1947 2/27/1947 27:2 47-frn-0087 [2]/[26]/194[7] 2/27/194[7] 27:2a 47-frn-0088 2/27/1947 47-frn-0089 2/28/1947 47-frn-0090 [2]/[27]/194[7] 27:5 47-frn-0091 2/27/1947 27:7, 27:7a Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) 47-frn-0093 [2]/[27]/194[7] 27:8 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Manila) 47-frn-0094 [2]/[27]/194[7] 2/27/194[7] 27:9, 5:35 Sun Acme 47-frn-0095 2/27/194[7] 2/27/194[7] 27:10 United Press 日米通信 (Washington; Chicago) 47-frn-0096 2/27/194[7] 2/27/194[7] 27:11 Associated Press (48, London) News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) Associated 北海道新聞 Press World Service (Washington) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 中国アンラ物資を闇市へ放出を米国に要請 Asahi No. 37 中國記者團近く訪日 Own Article 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (37) 19:33A Own Article 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (35) Yomiuri Bo.35 中國から新聞記者團 2/20/1947 19:33b 世界日報 Sekai Nippo (24) Sekai Nippo - No. 24 中國記者團來朝 2/19/1947 19:34 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (38, Zürich) Asahi 38 (Zürich) 英石炭危機の政治外交的影響 19:33 own article (Zürich) Radio Press (Moscow) Radio Press (Moscow) Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo (London) 26:25 Associated Press (Tokyo) 27:1 Radio Press Sokuho (Shanghai) Associated Press (43, New York) Associated Press (43, New York) 27:3 2/27/1947 27:4 Headline Official sources here disclosed that China has asked the United States for permission to sell $200,000.000 worth of UNRRA supplies in the Chinese black market, in order to bolster the national government’s inflation ridden economic system. Subject Official sources here disclosed China has asked U.S. for permission to sell UNRRA supply in the Chinese black market Brief Summary Official sources here disclosed China has asked U.S. for permission to sell UNRRA supply in the Chinese black market Chinese Pressmen coming to A group of Chinese Japan soon pressmen are coming to Japan shortly Chinese Pressmen from A group of Chinese China pressmen are coming to Japan shortly Chinese Press men Coming A group of Chinese to Japan pressmen are coming to Japan shortly Political and Diplomatic Coal crisis in Britain may Influences of Coal Crisis in weaken her political power, Britain thereby strengthening Russia; Walter Lippman urges more help for Britain US-Canada: Establish Military Cooperation Evidence of [Japan’s] quick industrial recovery in her first postwar year was seen by these sources... [Kyodo ] 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 日本が一番いゝ. 戰後の東洋の社会状態 American supervision has given a remarkably better life to conquered Japanese than the liberation has brought to other peoples of East Asia. Japan-War crimes: Tokyo trials continue Evidence of Japan's quick industrial recovery: Japan's own official estimates showed that the country expected to resume her predominant prewar position within three years Americans have added to Anti-foreignism in the East by their ignorance of oriental psychology Japan-war crimes: Tokyo trials continue 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 思い上つた清瀬弁論. 米紙の東京裁判論 [New York] Times editorially commenting on [Kiyose’]s claims Japan innocent victim military encirclement of aggression concluded... New York Times editorially comments on Kiyose's claims Japan innocent victim of encirclement of aggression 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Press 日本の自衛は悪漢の自衛. NYタイムズ紙の清瀬弁論批判 New York Times editorially comments on Kiyose's claims Japan innocent victim of encirclement of aggression 共同通信 English Kyodo Tsushin English Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 共同通信 Kyodo ホ司令官、南鮮統治方針言明 N.Y Times editorially comment on KIYOSE’s claims Japan innocent victim military encirclement of aggression [New York] Times editorially New York Times editorially commenting on [Kiyose’s] claims Japan commenting on Kiyose’s innocent victim [of] military claims in Tokyo Tribunal encirclement and aggression concluded said that Japan’s [selfthat... defense] would be one of bandit About 1,000 journalists expected to be purged Gen. John R. Hodge, Commander of Gen. Hodge said operation of United States zone in southern Korea Korean [Government] in unipressly said occupation objective is U.S. zone will be handed to to get operation of Korean Koreans by March 1st [Government] in US zone into Korean hands by March first. 1,075 candidates apply for councillor election N.Y. Times warns Korea may be another Poland About 1,000 journalists expected to be purged Lt. Gen. Hodge states that operation of Korean government to be handed to Koreans by March 1 1,075 candidates apply for councillor election New York Times editorialy commented that Korea may become another Poland if U.S. does not take action The statements of four American newspaper executives that a military agreement between the Philippines and the United States is being held up by the United States state and war departments was amplified here by informed sources, who predicted that the pact will be quickly concluded once the national [plebiscite] on the party issue is settled three weeks hence. サン写真新聞 共同通信 日本髪も洋式化 The Sun Pictorial Daily Sun The America-Japan Press (6) Nichibei Tsushin (6) 米國の対朝鮮政策は変らない. ホ司令官の帰米; State Department officials said the visit 犯罪の陰には惡質の女と間抜けな馬. 犯罪委員会が発表 of Lieut. Gen. John R. Hodge, commander of the United States forces in [S]outh Korea has “not altered one bit” the American policy toward Korea.; Slow horses and fast women lead more men to embezzlement than all other “temptations,” the Chicago Crime Commission said today. Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo インド、ビルマの完全独立. 英共産党の外交政策決定 British empire communist conference committee demanded full independence for India[,] Burma[,] Ceylon[,] Egypt[,] Pal[es]tine. [Miyamot Spaulding o] H, P J. Gomes Y. Shimokura H, P J. Gomes Shimokura H, P Y. Shimokura H, D Malloy Y. Shimokura D Malloy Spaulding Malloy Spaulding Examiner3 Examiner4 Kato Examiner5 Examiner6 D H, D Russel[l] Brines Notes Y 7 Nakao Y 3 1 Nakao Y 2 1 Y 2 Y 7 J. Gomes Fujinami 1 H, D Kyodo Tsushin United Press 共同通信 (Washington) Examiner1 Examiner2 H, P 1 2 Spaulding Y H, P Kato Y 9 H, P J. Gomes Saito Y 4 Malloy Spaulding H, P 2 H, P H, D 13 3 Kato Gomes Y 8 H, P 2 H, P, S 3 H, P 1 Miss Anne Dancy who is in Miss Anne Dancy of the Far service of Far Eastern Air Eastern Air Corps shows her Corps shows her style of hair hair worn in Japanese style dressing in Japanese way H, P J. Gomes Saito Y 3 State [Department] officials Lt. Gen. Hodge has not said that the visit of [General] altered one bit the American Hodge has not altered one bit policy toward Korea the American policy toward Korea. H, P J. Gomes Saito Y 4 British empire communists conference demands full independence for India, Burma, Ceylon, Egypt, and Palestine H, D Malloy Spaulding Y 9 British empire Communists demand independence from racial oppression and murderous exploitation J. Gomes Saito Oversized 47-frn-0079 Source Photograph(s) 19:31 Duplicate Hold No. 2/19/1947 Number of Pages Date Censored 2/19/1947 Japanese Article Prange Control No. Writers Date Submitted 47-frn-0078 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 2/27/1947 47-frn-0100 2/27/1947 47-frn-0101 47-frn-0102 News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) United 日米通信 Feature Syndicate (Winnipeg) United Press 毎日新聞 English (Tokyo) The America-Japan Press Nichi Bei Tsushin Mainichi Shimbun English Mainichi 27:13a United Press 共同通信 (Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 2/27/1947 27:14c 2/27/1947 27:16 Kyodo Tsushin, United Press United Press (New York) Mainichi Shimbun; The Nihon Keizai; Nippon Times Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi; Nihon Keizai; Nippon Times Mainichi 47-frn-0103 2/27/1947 27:17 United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0104 2/27/1947 27:18 United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0105 2/27/1947 27:21 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Manila) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo マニラ軍事法廷、七月以後東京に移転 47-frn-0106 2/27/1947 2/27/1947 27:22 Associated Press (25, Honolulu) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo クルーグ長官言明 47-frn-0107 2/27/1947 2/27/1947 27:23 Associated Press (20, Honolulu) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (30) Kyodo - No. 30 クルーグ国務長官ホノルル着 47-frn-0108 2/27/1947 2/27/1947 27:23a Hokkaido Shimbun (17) Hokkaido - No. 17 対日軍事占領は講和條約調印まで 47-frn-0109 2/27/1947 27:25 Associated 北海道新聞 Press World Service (Honolulu) Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Honolulu) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0110 [2]/[27]/194[7] 27:25a Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Honolulu) 47-frn-0111 [2]/[27]/194[7] 27:27 United Press 毎日新聞 (London) 47-frn-0112 2/27/194[7] 2/27/194[7] 27:28 47-frn-0113 2/27/1947 2/27/1947 27:30 47-frn-0114 2/27/1947 2/26/1947 27:31 47-frn-0115 [2]/[27]/194[7] 27:32 27:13 2/27/1947 Own article 毎日新聞; 日本経済新聞; Nippon Times 毎日新聞 濠、加の不滿は當然. 対独平和條約締結から除外 比島の美術品など故国へ Headline World Events Emperor Hirohito may soon lose a valuable part of his birds, plants and ethnographic collection—to the Natural History Museum of the Philippines in Manila, where the specimens came from originally. Emperor Hirohito may soon loose a valuable part of his birds, shells, [plants] and ethnographic collection -- to the Natural History Museum of the Philippines in Manila, where the specimens came from originally. Allied Nations Allowed to Inspect Plants Earmarked for Reparations Subject World News Dr. [Quisumbing], Director of the Natural History Museum in Manila found many things originally brought from Philippines Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 The Big Four are forced by H, D, [Randolph Spaulding Russia's selfishness to settle P Churchill] treaties on the basis of power politics Mention of Property H, D [Tanaka] Malloy Custodian in connection with valuables belonging to the Philippines Gomes Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Kato Y Spaulding Notes 5 2 Valuables belonging to Philippines discovered on Imperial Palace grounds by Civil Property Custodian H, P Allied nations allowed to inspect plants earmarked for reparations The Korean problem emphasizes the increasing responsibility that rests on U.S. in the settlement of world affairs H, C, Peter D Kalischer A comment about Soviet belief in the doctrine "to the victor belongs the spoils" H, D [Matsuda] Malloy Lt. Gen. Hodge warns that the Russians are drafting young Koreans in the Russian occupation zone H,P War crimes trials before United States military tribunals in the Philippines not concluded by June will be transferred to Tokyo, it was learned from Manila office of SCAP Legal Section. Soviet Union has accepted the position [Secretary] of Interior [Krug] of United Stated in Japan Secretary of said Soviet Union has Interior Krug said. accepted the position of U.S. in Japan Interior Secretary Krug termed Interior Secretary, Krug on conditions on Samoa, Guam, and said [Japanese] mandated Tarawa “basically the same as those Islands should in transferred which [brought] about the Boston tea to Civil Control party” The Soviet Union has accepted the Krug on [Japanese] Military position of the United States in Japan, Occupation Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug said today. Krug bares policy of Russia on Japan Philippines war crimes trials not completed by June will be transferred to Tokyo H, S Sec. of Interior Krug said Soviet Union has accepted the position of U.S. in Japan H, P H. Kato Sec. of Interior said Japanese mandated islands should be transferred to civil control H, P Malloy Krug on Japanese military occupation H, P Y. Shimokura Krug says that Soviet Union has accepted the U. S. position in Japan H, P 1 The Soviet Union has accepted the position of the United States in Japan, Secretary of the Interior Julius Krug said today. Krug says that major necessity for military occupation of Japan will end when peace terms are signed and the reparation questions are settled Hamburg reported that 6 persons died of starvation and cold in Berlin Influencial organizations' opinions on the Manchurian problems As he saw it H, P 4 H, P 1 Russia's endorsement of U.S. trusteeship over Pacific Islands provided an unexpected twist to SovietAmerican relations Representative Daniel Reed said unreciprocal trade program may have caused the war in the Pacific H, P [Edward E Kawamoto Kato Bomar] H, P [Matsuda] New York [Times] columnist, Mrs. Anne O’Hara McCormick, said [that] Korean problem emphasizes the “increasing responsibility that rests on the United [States] in the settlement of world affairs.” A [Scripps]-Howard [Newspaper’s] editorial said today that the Russian approval of the United States trusteeship plan for the Pacific Islands “should occasion no surprise.” The New York Times, in an editorial on Korea said the recent warning by Lt. Gen. John R. Hodge, United States Army commander in southern Korea, that the Russians are drafting young Koreans in the Russian occupation zone is so “disturbing” that the United States Government cannot fail to take action. Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Hamburg radio reported that six persons died of starvation and cold in Berlin in the last 24 hours. 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushi[n] 滿州政策にかんする主[張] 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 歐州作戰の司令官決定 The communique was formalized, and As He Saw It the farewells made, after which Father moved out to the near steps of the Kirk villa, to talk impromptu to a detachment of MP’s who had been guarding the delegates to the conference. Associated 朝日新聞 Press (Washington) Asashi Shimbun Asahi 米ソ協力の前兆か. ソ連通告の背後・米の観測 United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi [Russia’s] out of the blue endorsement of U.S. trusteeship over Pacific Islands once mandated to Japan provided an unexpected twist to Soviet American relations. Representative Daniel A. Reed, second ranking Republican member of the House Ways and Means Committee, told the House “It is quite possible ther[e] would have been no Pearl Harbor and probably no war of any consequence in the Pacific if it had not been for an unreciprocal trade program.” Manchurian Policy. Russia’s endorsement of U.S. trusteeship over Pacific islands provided an unexpected twist to SovietAmerican relations [Peter Kawamoto Yoshimoto Kalischer] Malloy Spaulding Y Kawamoto Gomes 12 3 H, P 1 Spaulding 2 1 Kawamoto H, S Kawamoto Yoshimoto H, P J. Gomes Yoshimoto Y. Shimokura Tsumuraya Malloy Spaulding Y 6 Y 5 Y 8 Y 4 Y 9 Y 5 Y 3 1 Oversized 47-frn-0098 Source Photograph(s) 27:12 Duplicate Hold No. 2/27/1947 Number of Pages Date Censored 2/27/1947 Japanese Article Prange Control No. Writers Date Submitted 47-frn-0097 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Asahi news forum on British Problems 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin モスクワ會議を前に米英ソ關係の展望 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo The America-Japan Press Nichi Bei Tsushin Review on relations between Soviet suspicions directed America, Britain and the towards Anglo-American Soviet Union alliance Rationing delayed by 10 days Delay in Metropolitan area rice rationing due to lack of sufficient food imports Nazi Gang Chief Is Sentenced To Be Nazi gang chief is sentenced Nazi gang bombed American Hanged to be hanged captain's auto to discourage fraternization Panama: Says US fails to return military Panama: says U.S. has yet to bases; US: Commentator urges equal return military bases US: distribution of [Ruhr] coal Commentator urges equal distribution of Ruhr coal [2]/[27]/194[7] 47-frn-0120 2/27/1947 47-frn-0121 [2]/[27]/194[7] 47-frn-0122 2/27/1947 47-frn-0123 [2]/[27]/194[7] 47-frn-0124 [2]/[27]/194[7] 47-frn-0125 [2]/[27]/194[7] own Article Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0126 2/27/1947 COMMENT ARY Rengo Shikyoku Rengo Shikyoku Rengo Shikyoku 47-frn-0127 2/27/1947 Own article 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 47-frn-0127a [2]/[27]/1947 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 47-frn-0128 [2]/[28]/194[7] 27:26 Radio Press (Moscow) 47-frn-0129 [3]/[5]/194[7] 4:34 Chosen Shimbun Chosen Shimbun 47-frn-0130 [3]/[3]/194[7] 5:19 Korean 朝鮮新聞 Information Press (Hanseong) United Press Jiji Tsushin (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-0131 [3]/[6]/194[7] United Press 国際タイムス (New De[lh]i) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-0132 [3]/[10]/194[7] own Article United Press 日米通信 (Frankfurt am Main) Radio Press (Moscow) 2/27/1947 Reuters (London) 27:19 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo "新[ヒットラー]"に絞首刑を宣告 吉田内閣への不満高まる Radio Press(Mosco w) Radio Press (Moscow) 2/27/1947 Associated Press World Service (Tokyo) 10:1 Radio Press (Sydney) Brief Summary 自力獨立は困難か. 印度に根強い宗教對立; 英政策と米ソとの關係; 戰後成長した島國意識; まだ消えぬ"日本人嫌惡" 47-frn-0119 own article Subject Asahi 2/27/194[7] 27:35 Headline Asahi Shimbun 47-frn-0118 2/27/194[7] Headline (Japanese) 朝日新聞 Asahi news forum: the discussion of British problems Moscow radio commentator declared in English broadcast that American policy and “vicious resistance to democracy” of present government are causes of widespread dissatisfaction among Japanese. Iceland: Denmark rejects U.S. annexation attempt Lithuania: Election returns assure future freedom Striking fishermen resume operations Weekly round-up of Tokyo Trial 共同声明要旨 Joint Statement. The Japanese Government is deliberating weakening public confidence in its currency as one of the means for obtaining American Reconstruction Loans, T.E. Beplat, Head of SCAP's Banking Division told the Associated Press today. Preparing for new elections モスコー会議、朝鮮問題協議に責任 日本は敵國ならず. 印度議會の通商討議 1) The unnatural way of d[i]viding Korea in two drawing a line at the 38’north latitude should be abolished. Far Eastern Commission at regular weekly meeting discussed question of what further action it should take on restitution Allied nations and nationals of looted property found in Japan. Sie Prakasa, a prominent Congress Party leader from the United Provinces, told India’s Legislative Assembly that India would never regard Japan as her enemy and referred to Germany as one of the few European nations “who had discovered beauties of our literature and philosophy.” Japan: Occupation: New decrees to hit [black market] Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 H, P Y H, D Kawamoto Yoshimoto D Malloy Spaulding D Spaulding Kato Malloy Spaulding H, S Gomes Hideo Watanabe Malloy Spaulding Y Notes [Frank Hawley, correspond ent for the London Times; Russell GrahamBarrow, correspond ent for Reuters; Arthur Mathers, correspond ent for the Daily Telegraph] 30 14 2 Gomes Y 6 3 Unpopularity of Yoshida cabinet is growing; Moscow radio says that dissatisfaction among the people of Japan caused by American policy S Denmark reacts violently to talks of U. S. purchasing Greenland: "Greenland belongs to Denmark, and it is not for sale." Lithuanian fascists are finding haven among the reactionaries scattered about the world Fishermen who were on strike against the Government have resumed operations Defence Councel Takayanagi's behavior a disgrace to the honor of Japanese judicial circles All Gov't and Public Office Workers Union stated that the government is incapable of solving problems and that the union will appeal this to the world The Japanese Government is deliberating weakening public confidence in its currency as one of the means for obtaining American Reconstruction Loans, T.E. Beplat, Head of SCAP's Banking Division told the Associated Press today. H, S Malloy Spaulding 2 D Malloy Spaulding 4 S Malloy Spaulding 2 Malloy Takita Sakaino Hirota Spaulding Malloy T. Kato Sakaino Tsumuraya Spaulding D Spaulding Masao Nomura D H, S Gen. MacArthur ordered Japanese police to crack down on blackmarket, and persons trading in American goods with the Japanese H, S Y 12 3 Y [Russell Brines] 7 2 Moscow talks about the H, S Malloy miserable conditions in Japan and blames US policy for the entire mess The U. S. and Soviet armies H, D, should withdraw from Korea; P 38th parallel division should be abolished Eastern Commission met to H, S [Hensley] discuss what to do about returning all identifiable located property found in Japan Indian minister says that S Malloy Japan vindicated the right of Asiatic peoples in the world Malloy Spaulding 5 Y 3 3 Spaulding Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source 27:33 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 2/27/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0116 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Y 3 2 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Press 47-frn-0134 [3]/[8]/194[7] 10:2a United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-0135 3/10/1947 3/10/1947 10:2b United Press 共同通信 (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 日独のくず鋼を米国へ 47-frn-0136 3/10/1947 3/10/1947 10:2c United Press 共同通信 (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0137 3/10/1947 3/10/1947 10:3 Associated Press (Yan'an) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-0138 3/10/1947 3/10/1947 10:4 世界日報 47-frn-0139 3/10/1947 10:5 Associated Press 47-frn-0140 3/10/1947 10:6/2 New York Herald Tribune 47-frn-0141 3/10/1947 10:7 47-frn-0143 3/10/1947 10:9a Associated 共同通信 Press (5, Washington) 47-frn-0144 3/10/1947 10:12 Reuters (Rangoon) 47-frn-0145 3/10/1947 10:13 47-frn-0146 3/10/1947 47-frn-0147 News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 日独より屑鉄輸入 Headline Subject Defense Transportation Director Monroe Johnson disclosed War [Department] agreed to haul scrap steel back from Japan and Germany to aid hard pressed [United States] industries. Defen[s]e Transportation director Monroe Johnson disclosed that War [Department] agreed to import scrap steel from Japan and Germany Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner5 Examiner6 H, P H, P Saito Y 5 日独屑鉄の対米輸送問題. 数日中に詳細発表 Defense Transportation Director Monroe Johnson disclosed at Senate Judiciary [Subcommittee] War [Department] agreed to haul scrap steel back from Japan and Germany to aid hard pressed [United States] industries. Defense Transportation director Monroe Johnson said that War [Department] agreed to import from Japan and Germany scrap steel for use in U.S. Defense Transportation Director Monroe Johnson disclosed that War Dept. agreed to import scrap steel from Japan and Germany H, P Saito Y 11 Kyodo 中共五百万を防衛戰に動員 H, D, [Milks] P Y 12 Sekai Nippo クリスマス Cho Enlai said US policy toward China has shown no signs of improvement since Marshall because Secretary of State Elliott Ro[o]sevelt’s “As he saw it” Chinese Communists hope that Moscow's policy of nonintervention in China will continue Sekai Nippo [U.S.] [government] fulfilled final obligations Chinese communist.; Chou Enlai said communist leadership in China “not paying much attention Moscow conference. The center table in the long living room was pushed back, the Christmas tree was in place and decorated, the piles of presents were ready for the unwrapping—each person’s pile heaped on a separate chair. Y 5 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign [World]’s eye turned to Moscow where Big-4 ministers meet Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Today and Tomorrow Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Men and Politics Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 米側周恩来声明を反駁 Diplomatic officials suggested that [Chou Enlai] must have included UNRRA emergency relief for Chinese people to reach his estimate of more than 500,000,000 for current American aid to [Chiang Kai-shek] government. Kydo Tsushin Kyodo バー・モウ博士、オンサン氏を痛撃 Former Premier Doctor Ba Maw today challenged uuu Aung San[’]s claim that recent Burma white paper conferred on Burma greater political concessions... United Press 毎日新聞 (Moscow) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 10:14 United Press 共同通信 (Hong Kong) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 3/10/1947 10:15 United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0148 3/10/1947 10:15a United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-0149 3/10/1947 10:16 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Louis Fischer 共同通信 5 2 Elliott Roosevelt's "As he saw H, P it": Christmas Eve at the Roosevelts' Saito Big Four ministers met in Moscow: Moscow is worried about American militarists' interest in the Arctic wastelands Today and Tomorrow: Mr. Bevin's Scapegoat--Deleted: British authority is insufficient in the region of Middle East and Southern Asia Men and Politics: The world is still in crisis--Deleted: the Soviet press accuses American government of stealing secret German chemical and industrial patents worth billions U. S. policy in China has gone from bad to worse, says Chou Enlai Spaulding 5 H, D Walter Spaulding Lipman[n] 4 H, D H, D Louis Fischer Spauding 6 Y 11 H, P Y 8 Soviet magazine New Times attacks Anglo-American planns for splitting up Germany to convert West Germany into arsenal against Soviet Union Marshal Litsishen issued anti- H, P Kuomingtang statement; Chiang kai-shek directly responsible for China's plighteconomically and politically bankrupt Truman expected to tell 14 H, P Congressional leaders that U. S. must take over from Britain the job of keeping Communism at bay in Greece Jiji Marshal Li Tsi-shen former... South China presently member national military... issued bitter anti-Kuomintang statement charging Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek directly responsible for... President Truman was urged Sunday to lay his cards on the table when he outlines to bi-partisan [Congressional delegation] Monday his plans for interceding in the Greek situation and at the same time was warned not to forget the situation in China. Truman to make important statement Mainichi Truman showdown Truman's plans for interceding in the Greek situation Truman showdown on the issue of stopping Communism in Greece and Turkey Malloy H, D, P The Soviet magazine New Times called the Anglo-American federalization plans for Germany a basic disagreement between the western powers and Russia which must be solved by the Big Four Conference, but held hope for success of the conference “if greater effort is made toward reaching coordinated decisions acceptable to all participants.” 李將軍、蒋主席を非難 Y Notes Defense Transportation Director Monroe Johnson disclosed that War Dept. agreed to import scrap steel from Japan and Germany Defense Transportation Director Defense Transportation Defense Transportation Monroe Johnson disclosed at Senate director Monroe Johnson Director Monroe Johnson Judiciary [Subcommittee] War disclosed that War disclosed that War Dept. [Department] agreed to haul scrap steel [Department] agreed to agreed to import scrap steel back from Japan and Germany to aid import scrap steel from Japan from Japan and Germany hard pressed [United States] industries. and Germany. Walter Lippman Saito Examiner4 H, P U.S. to have scrap steel back from Japan and Germany J. Gomes Examiner3 Defense Transportation Director Monroe Johnson disclosed that War Dept. agreed to import scrap steel from Japan and Germany H, D [Matsuda] Spaulding 2 Y [Robert Barkdoll], [Ohtake] 5 1 H, P 2 H, P 1 Oversized United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Source Photograph(s) 10:2 Duplicate Hold No. 3/10/1947 Number of Pages Date Censored [3]/[8]/194[7] Japanese Article Prange Control No. Writers Date Submitted 47-frn-0133 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) 10:18 47-frn-0152 [3]/[9]/194[7] 10:19 Reuters (Washington) Krug on Pacific Islands 47-frn-0153 [3]/[9]/194[7] 10:21 Associated Press (Washington) More on Truman statement 47-frn-0154 3/10/1947 47-frn-0155 [3]/[10]/194[7] 47-frn-0156 3/10/1947 47-frn-0157 3/10/1947 47-frn-0157a 3/10/1947 47-frn-0158 3/10/1947 3/10/1947 世界日報 10:22 10:24 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) 10:25 United Press 共同通信 (Detroit); USIS (Detroit) 時事通信 10:26 3/10/1947 10:27 Akahata (19) Akahata 19 Headline 3/10/1947 アカハタ Nippon Times Headline (Japanese) 47-frn-0151 Own article Nippon Times Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Jiji Tsushin Jiji Press 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Press 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai 国際特信 Subject Anglo-U.S. stand hit by Russian journal モスクワ會議 袂別 米、南鮮で独自行動. ヒ国務次官補言明 The Moscow Conference. He leaned back and waved his As He Saw It magnifying glass at me. “Funny thing,” I was just thinking about a stamp like that. A new program of American aid for Korea has been put into tentative shape, officials said. U.S. desire for independent Korea emphasized. U.S. desire for independent Korea was emphasized by J. Hilldring, Assistant Secretary of State. School has hard time explaining Tojo sword Brief Summary Soviet magazine, New Times attacked the U.S. and British policy on Germany and Austria H, S Article about the Moscow conference and the drafting of the Peace Treaty Interior Sec. Krug revealed that U. S. is in danger of losing title to 6 key islands in the Pacific Leaders of Congress to meet with Truman to discuss the situation in Middle East and Greece Elliott Roosevelt's "As he saw it": Talk of United Nations to form a bloc against Communism New program of America aid to Korea has been set into tentative shape H, S U. S. desire for independent Korea was emphasized by J. Holding, Assistant Sec. of State Koryo College having a hard time explaining a sword which was presented to them by Tojo H, P モスクワ會議開く. 米英と蘇聯の互譲提携が鍵 Semin Bao about Situation on Formoza The Moscow Conference is open. America and Britain have to act in concert with Soviet. Zenroren Inaugurated Nihon Keizai 日本紡績再建に反對. 英國業者貿易管理を提唱 Weekly Far Eastern Economic Article Kokusai Tokushin Kokusai Tokushin 司令部渉外局の発表によれば日本の外国貿易は綿製品 を中心として活溌に再開された United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Agence 世界日報 France-presse (London) Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 英紙の論評 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (2) Jiji Tsushin, 2 時事通信 English Section Jiji Tsushin English Section (Tokyo) Jiji Press (Tokyo) Various Problems in the The U. S. and USSR want to Moscow Forei[gn] Ministers’ use Germany for her natural Conference resources Kato hails impending visit of WFTU Kato, chairman of Social mission to Japan Democratic Party's Labor Union Committee hails impending visit of World Federation of Trade Union's mission to Japan US-Truman: Appeal for £62,000,000 President Truman may ask expected in Truman[’]s speech Congress for loans to Greece and Turkey to strengthen them against Communist aggression 米の地中海進出を論評. 『ニューヨーク・タイムズ』紙 [United States] can no longer “lead U. S. can no longer lead sheltered existence” under protection of sheltered existence under British Empire and must free world protection of British empire, responsibilities New York Times said in says New York Times comment today on President Truman address to Congress The Soviet proposal to place China on Chinese newspapers say that the agenda of the Moscow conference China considers foreign drew the irate comment of several intervention an insult Chinese newspapers which regarded it as an insult to this country. 共産黨の孤立無力化. World Events The case of Gerhardt Eisler 世論の硬化に動き出した連邦檢察局 and the public opinion, which has hardened immensely against Communist activities Own article Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (Moscow) 10:28 47-frn-0159 3/10/1947 10:29 Reuters (London) 47-frn-0160 3/10/1947 35/10 47-frn-0161 3/10/1947 47-frn-0162 3/11/1947 11:12a 47-frn-0163 3/12/1947 12:1 47-frn-0164 3/12/1947 12:28 47-frn-0165 [3]/[13]/194[7] 13:1 Radio Press Sokuho (BBC) 47-frn-0166 3/13/1947 13:4 Kyodo 時事通信 Tsushin, Reuters (New York) 47-frn-0167 [3]/[12]/194[7] 13:5 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) 47-frn-0168 3/13/1947 13:7 47-frn-0169 [3]/[12]/194[7] 13:9 United Feature Syndicate (Salt Lake City) Associated Press (New York) 47-frn-0170 3/13/1947 13:13 47-frn-0172 [3]/[13]/194[7] 13:16 Own Article Own article Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Pr[ess] 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Foreign Countries are planning trade with Japan say foreign newspapers The Army [Air Force] revealed that the P-52 twin-Mustang fighter plane is the first fighter ever built that can escort the Superfortress over its cruising range. Literature and War The New York Times, commenting editorially on Molotov’s remarks regarding China at the foreign ministers conference, recalled that Russia in 1945 pledged support t[o] Chiang Kai-shek’s national government. New York Times assails Russian Foreign Minister Molotov for comments made regarding China An article on literature and war New York Times commented editorially on Molotov's remarks about China Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 2 Kawamoto Shimokura Tsumuraya Spaulding Y 4 H, P 2 H, P 2 H, P Kawamoto Yoshimoto Y H, P J. Gomes Saito Y H, P 12 3 Kawamoto Yoshimoto Tsumuraya Malloy Spaulding Y H, P 9 3 H, D D 4 1 H, D Army fighter plane can "carry out its escort mission from Iceland to as deep into Russia as Moscow and return" Examiner3 Kawamoto Inouye Ashikawa Nakao Spaulding Y 9 Y 5 [Matsuda] Malloy 3 H, S New York Times assails Russian Foreign Minister 文學と戰爭 Takeo Takei H, D Zenroren (All Japan Labor union Liaison Council) inaugurated Weekly Far Eastern Economic Article Examiner1 Examiner2 Spaulding Y S Gomes Kato Fujinami 1 2 H, P 4 H, P 2 H, P Y H, P H, P 1 [Randolph Churchill] Y H H, P H, P 3 3 1 [Harry Roskolenk o] Y 10 1 Oversized News Agency Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Moscow) Photograph(s) Source 10:17 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 3/10/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0150 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 47-frn-0174 3/13/1947 13:18 47-frn-0175 3/13/1947 13:19 Reuters (London) 47-frn-0176 3/13/1947 13:19a Reuters (London) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Secretary of State George C. Marshall’s action in blocking Soviet proposals to place China on the agenda of the Moscow Conference was hailed today by Vice-minister of Foreign Affairs Liu Chieh as fulfillment of an assurance to the Chinese government that China would be kept out of Big 4 discussions. Chinese warns against Allied meddling in her internal affairs H, D, [H. Milks] Malloy P 會議の重要性 Yalta Conference While still unhappy about plan to import Japanese grey cloth for finishing here about reexport to British Empire markets, Lancashire traders see some alleviating factors Gampell while still unhappy about plan to import Japanese grey cloth for finishing here about reexport to British Empire markets, Lancashire traders see some alleviating factors The New York Times Magazine Elliott Roosevelt's "As He Saw It": Yalta Conference Import of Japanese grey cloth for finishing in Britain and reexport to British empire markets H, P 英国の日本綿製品輸入計画. ランカシヤーの打撃少し Import of Japanese gray cloth for finishing in Britain and reexport to British empire markets H, P Two political views concerning Russia and Molotov British decision to cut overseas commitmentspossible change in American policy toward Europe H, P Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 英日本綿布輸入案と業者の観測 H, P Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Spaulding Notes 3 Y 3 Y 14 Y 9 [R. H. S. Crossman, M. P.] [James B. Reston] Y 12 Y 4 [Alex Singleton] Y 9 [Gampell] 13:20 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi ... ソ外交の二つ 47-frn-0178 [3]/[6]/194[7] 13:21 The New 朝日新聞 York Times (Washington) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 問題は世界平和へ. 米のギリシァ援助の意義 [United States] economic aid to Greece is now making Congress face major decision on possible change of American policy toward Europe. 47-frn-0179 [3]/[13]/194[7] 13:22 Associated 共同通信 Press (1, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 大統領演説は全体主義への宣戦布告. 米議会の反響 President Truman called on America to halt world march of communism with money, materials and military skill President Truman called on America to halt world march of Communism with money, materials, and military skill H, P 47-frn-0180 3/13/1947 13:23 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (79, New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 日本労働組合の発展は驚異的. 世界労連書記長サイヤン氏 Y 9 3/13/1947 13:24 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (London) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 歐州問題へ恒久的な介入決意. 英の観測 Louis Sailliant, Sec. General of the World Trade Union Federation will arrive in Japan for the first international trade union mission in this country Commentary on Truman's speech: that Truman's decision will appear more like an act of aggression against USSR than a message intended to help Greece H, P 47-frn-0181 Louis Saillant, Secretary[-]General of the World Trade Union Federation, will depart by air to Japan Thursday mor[n]ing a[s] the head of the first International Trade Union mission visi[t]ing [this] country. Commentary of British circles on the Truman’s speech H, P Y 2 47-frn-0182 3/13/1947 13:26 Reuters (London) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo アトリー内閣の辞職要望. チヤーチル氏動議提出 Winston Churchill opposition leader launched a vigorous attack on government H, P Y 16 47-frn-0183 [3]/[13]/194[7] 13:28 United Press 共同通信 (Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 陳儀長官台湾人を弾圧 Uprising in Taiwan H, P Y 10 47-frn-0184 [3]/[12]/194[7] 13:29 Reuters (London) Winston Churchill opposition leader launched vigorous attack on government in Commons economic debate today when he accused it of “crime against British state and people,” breach of “ordinary British fair play” and dividing country by its socialist measures Liberal Wen Wei Pao ex-Nanking [quoting] delegates six Taiwanese public bodies who sent Taiwan go to help settling uprising reported GovernorGeneral Chen Yi taking drastic reprisals against Taiwan leaders following landing two divisions [government] troops Lancashire traders see some alleviating factors in plan to import Japanese cloth Lancashire traders see some alleviating factors in plan to import Japanese cloth H, P 47-frn-0185 3/13/1947 13:30 United Press 毎日新聞 (Moscow) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi With Truman Reactions of the Foreign Ministers' staffs to President Truman's address H, P 47-frn-0186 3/13/1947 13:31 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 労連代表空路出発 Visit of the delegation of World [Trade] Union Federation Visit of the delegation of the World Trade Union Federation H, P Y 2 47-frn-0187 [3]/[11]/194[7] 13:32 Nihon Tsushin Nihon Tsushin モスクワ外相会議のソ連代表主席同志モロトフは中国 の国内事情が一向に改善されてゐないことを強調した が、事実中国の統一は実現されず、内戰は依然行はれ 一層範圍を拡大してゐる World Review Molotov says that situation in China has not improved at all H, D [V. Spaulding Grishanin] Y 11 47-frn-0188 3/13/1947 13:33 Agence 毎日新聞 France-presse (Lake Success) Telegrafnoe 日本通信 agentstvo SSSR (Habarovsk) United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Warning that world peace and American security are threatened by the rising tide of Russian totalitarianism, President Truman today called upon the United States to meet the challenge of Communism in Greece and Turkey by sending arms, money, and military advisers immediately to those imperiled Mediterranean state. President Truman called upon U. S. to meet the challenge of Communist in Greece and Turkey H, P 47-frn-0177 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service Jiji World H, P 3 [Walter Cronkite, United Press staff correspon dent], [Ohtake] 1 1 Oversized News Agency Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Nanking) Photograph(s) Source 13:17 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [3]/[13]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0173 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 毎日新聞 47-frn-0190 3/13/1947 13:35 47-frn-0191 3/13/1947 13:36 47-frn-0192 [3]/[13]/194[7] 13:38 47-frn-0193 [3]/[12]/194[7] 13:39 47-frn-0194 3/13/1947 13:40 47-frn-0195 3/13/1947 13:45 47-frn-0196 3/13/1947 13:46 47-frn-0197 3/13/194[7] 13:46a Associated Press (Ankara) 47-frn-0198 3/13/1947 47-frn-0200 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Lieut.-Colonel H. G. Schenck, chief of the Natural Resources Section, GHQ, SCAP, was guest of honor at the first initiation ceremony of the newly formed Association of Returned Students at the Tokyo Mansion, Yurakucho, Tokyo, on Mar. 12. First initiation ceremony of the Association of Returned Students H, P 1 International Nippon Times News Service (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Congress cautious to Truman’s appeal Congress cautious to Truman's appeal H, P 1 Nippon Times Nippon Times (Washington) Nippon Times Foreign (Washington) Highlights of the Speech The highlights of President Truman's speech H, P 2 U.S.: Truman: Speech commented upon by British press Truman’s speech and comments Truman's speech: Reactions of the British press Truman's speech an appeal for resistance to the efforts of extremist minorities to obtain power in the democratic countries,say American official and diplomatic circles H, P 1 H 4 Truman's speech: London: Moscow said that it was a "diplomatic bombshell" New York: Soviet embassy spokesman said that Truman is misinformed about the true nature of democracy in Greece H, P Radio Press (BBC) Agence France-presse (Washington) International 読売新聞 News Service (London; New York) 外交爆彈. Truman’s message comes as 十二日夜のモスクワ発ロイター電報は「モスクワの消 “diplomatic bombshell”; Soviet 息筋で[は]ギリシヤ、トルコ、問題に関するトルーマン spokesman says Truman “misinformed” 大統領の声明はこれまであまり前途があかるいともい へなかつたモスクワ会談の空氣のなかに外交爆彈のよ うにさく裂したといつている」旨報じている; 外交爆彈の二. 当地ソヴエト大使館のスポークスマンは十二日「トル ーマン大統領の今回の声明には驚かされた、大統領は ギリシヤ、トルコ両国における民主主義の眞の性質に つい[て]誤つた情報をうけているらしい」と語つた Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local New Dollar-Yen Rate Unrelated To Prices on Japanese Market Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Istanbul) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Turkey Needs Vast Army to Check Possible Russian Encroachment 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo トルコ、米の援助を歡迎. 軍事費の危機増大 [Qualified] informants say Turkey must have American financial aid if she to keep her army of nearly one million... Turkey needs vast army to check possible Russian encroachment H, P Y 9 13:47 United Press 共同通信 (162, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 太平洋調査会の左翼傾向を指摘 Rep. Walter Judd asked Unamerican Activities Committee to investigate proSoviet policies of Institute of Pacific Relations H, P Y 7 3/12/1947 13:49 Agence 毎日新聞 France-presse (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi ト演説反響. ワシントン [Representative] Walter Judd, Republican of Minnesota, today asked House Un-American Activities Committee to investigate “pro-Soviet policies” of [Institute] of Pacific Relations. Truman's speech on US foreign policy H, P Y 2 47-frn-0201 3/13/1947 13:51 United Press 共同通信 (4, London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo ギリシャ左翼、米の援助非難 Foreign diplomatic circles in Washington consider Truman's speech constitutes complete overthrow of the Monroe Doctrine Spokesman for Greece says that American aid is unwelcome intervention H, D Y 9 47-frn-0202 3/13/1947 13:52 United Press 共同通信 (Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 対米借款の好機. トルーマン大統領の演説の反響 Y 7 47-frn-0202a 3/14/1947 13:52(a) United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0203 3/13/194[7] 13:53 United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 共委再會に書信交換. 参加團體資格で米ソ歩み寄る 47-frn-0204 3/13/1947 北海道新聞 Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido 世界労連代表歓迎準備 47-frn-0205 3/13/1947 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 世界労連代表来訪各労働団体歓迎 47-frn-0206 [3]/[14]/194[7] 14:1 47-frn-0207 [3]/[14]/194[7] 14:3 Radio Press Sokuho (Shanghai) Radio Press Sokuho (Singapore) New dollar-yen rate unrelated to prices on Japanese market Turkey needs vast army to check possible Russian encroachment [British] [Greek] Turkish government hec ..less tonight warmly [welcomed] Truman’s remat hu for aid Greece and Tur[k]ey. High official Japanese financial circles already are discussing the possibility of Japan applying for an “antiCommunistic” loan from the United States along the lines of the proposed aid to Greece and Turkey, it was learned by United Press. High official Japanese financial circles already are discussing the possibility of Japan applying for an “antiCommunistic” loan from the United States along the lines of the proposed aid to Greece and Turkey, it was learned by United Press. The Soviet official Tass news agency reported a new exchange of letters between Lt-Gen John R. Hodge, commander of the U.S. army in southern Korea, and the Soviet commander in northern Korea, ColGen Chistykov, on the question of resumption of work of the joint SovietAmerican commission. Possibility of Japan applying for an anti-Communist loan from U. S. Preparations welcoming World Federation of Trade Union (WFTU) Delegates of WFLU will be welcomed Moscow Confab: Central Daily attacks Molotov Japan: Financiers talking of loan from US Y 2 H, P 1 H, C 1 H, P [Earnest Hoberecht , United Press staff correspon dent] H, P [Earnest Hoberecht , United Press staff correspon dent], [Tanaka] 1 Tass news agency reported an exchange of letters between commanders of South Korea and North Korea, on the question fo resumption of work of the joint Soviet-American commission H, P Y Preparations welcoming World Federation of Trade Union Delegates of WFLU will be welcomed H, P T. Kato H, P [Aoki], Malloy [Okahashi ] Moscow Confab: Central daily attacks Molotov Shanghai 13 Nanking. Japanese Financiers talking of loan from U. S. H, P 1 H, P 2 Ashikawa Takebe Kawamina mi 3 Y 8 Y 10 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source 13:34 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 3/13/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0189 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 47-frn-0209 3/14/1947 14:5 Associated Press (5, Moscow) 47-frn-0210 [3]/[14]/194[7] 14:6 Radio Press Sokuho (Melbourne) 47-frn-0211 3/14/1947 14:7 Associated 共同通信 Press (40, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0212 3/14/1947 14:7a Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0213 3/14/194[7] 14:9 Associated 共同通信 Press (29, 30, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0214 3/15/1947 14:10 Agence 共同通信; 世界日報 France-presse (Washington) ; Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin; Sekai Kyodo; Sekai Nippo 戰爭の種子. 米紙の論調 Nippo 47-frn-0215 [3]/[14]/194[7] 14:12 Radio Press (Brazzaville) 47-frn-0216 3/14/1947 14:13 New York Herald Tribune 47-frn-0217 3/14/1947 47-frn-0218 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo タス通信、トルーマン演説を非難 米の共産主知放逐運動活溌 占領政策を脅かす日本の経済危[機]. 米紙の論評 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 14:14 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo マルタ作戰會議 3/14/1947 14:15 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (London) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 英の反響 47-frn-0219 [3]/[14]/194[7] 14:16 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) 47-frn-0220 3/14/1947 14:16a Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) 47-frn-0221 3/14/1947 47-frn-0222 3/14/1947 47-frn-0223 3/14/1947 14:19 Radio Press (Moscow) 47-frn-0224 3/14/1947 14:20 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Moscow) 47-frn-0225 3/14/1947 14:21 日米通信 47-frn-0226 3/14/1947 14:22 毎日新聞 47-frn-0227 3/14/1947 14:22a 3/13/1947 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 14:17 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 14:18 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Radio Press (Tokyo) Headline Subject China: Chu mad for no invitation from Moscow Confab Nippon Times Foreign The America-Japan Press Mainichi Shimbun Nichibei Tsushin Mainichi Anti-Red campaign gains force in U.S. Anti-red campaign gains force in U. S. H, P Success of U.S. occupation policy in Japan is thr[e]atened by current economic crisi[s] in Nippon, says Wayne Coy, assistant to publisher of Washington Post who recently visited Orient. The Chicago Tribune—Mr. Truman U.S. newspapers comment made as cold a war speech yesterday on Truman’s speech. against Russia as any president has ever made except on the occasion of going before Congress to ask for a declaration of war... Washington Post says economic crisis in Japan since the beginning of occupation is hardly the climate for Democratic society Reactions to Truman's speech: 1) Seeds of war already sown 2) Prospect of armed clash between the two greatest powers frighteningly clear H, D [Morris J. Malloy Harris] US foreign policy: Truman’s speech & Dard[a]nelles U. S. is following the same H, D Spaulding policy as the Soviet Union by building up ring of puppet states Today and Tomorrow: The H, P [Walter Greek commitment: British Lippmann notice about Greece is ] forcing the American people to make a grave decision As He Saw It: Military staff H, P conference at Yalta Tass, circulating to Russian press first account of Truman['s] speech, declared it “frankly is directed against democratic elements in Greece.” Australia: Occupation force currency changes in Japan investigated Campaign smash communist infiltration into American labor unions and politics gathered momentum today in Congress, business and union organizations. Today and Tomorrow It was held in the Crimea for the convenience of Stalin, whose Red Army had begun its expected winter offensive a week or so before Father left Washington. Downing Street favourably receives Truman’[s] speech Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 1 H, P Y H, P 6 1 H, P Y 8 1 Spaulding H, D; D Y 20 Y 4 2 4 Y 3 Y 3 Downing Street favorably receives Truman's speech H, P Senator Wayland C. Brooks – Republican from Illinois – told the Senate in the night Session United States now must “fight Russia” after pouring out billions of dollars in lendlease aid for the Soviet during the war. Sen. Brook's comment on the U. S. fight against Communism in Greece and Turkey H, P 1 Senator Brooks Urges U.S. to Fight Russia Now Sen. Brooke's comment on the U. S. fight against Communism in Greece and Turkey H, P 1 New Communist boss in Western Europe: Italian Palmiro Tagliotti Amhurst to dispatch teacher to Doshisha University to renew cultural relations Criticism of Marshall's speech: nothing was said about front rank Hitlerites still at liberty in American zone Marshall held out to put U. S. on offensive and keep it there H, P ソ連お次ぎの食指. 佛から伊へと移動する共産党の術策 The Target: Italy Amherst to dispatch teacher to Doshisha Marshall Held Out to Put U.S. On Offensive and Keep It There 英國の立場は深刻. 米にも響く・破局切抜に在外部隊撤退論 Examiner1 Examiner2 H, P Moscow Confab: Marshall’s statements on Germany Nippon Times Brief Summary Russia even tried to play the role of mediator for Japan to negotiate a conditional surrender with the Allies. Tass declares that Truman's speech directed against democratic elements in Greece Possibility of currency changes for Australian occupation troops in Japan bieng investigated Campaign to smash Communist infiltration into American labor unions and politics Empire In Agony Evidences on Japanese internal and external affairs prior and during the period covered by the indictment were submitted to the Tribunal by the defense this morning in efforts to show that military education in Japanese schools was not used to prepare Japan for aggressive war but for national security and national dense, and for defense against the menace of Communism. Tokyo Trials [Barnet Nover] Y H, P 1 H, D, P Malloy Spaulding 7 H, P Great Britain on the edge of economic disaster Tokyo trials H, P Tokyo trials H, P H, P 2 1 [Barnet Nover] [Koitabash i] Y 2 1 3 Oversized News Agency Radio Press Sokuho (Nanking) Photograph(s) Source 14:4 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [3]/[14]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0208 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0229 3/[14]/1947 14:23a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (26, London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0230 3/14/1947 14:24 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (London) Nippon Times 47-frn-0231 3/14/1947 14:25b United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun 47-frn-0232 [3]/[3]/194[7] 14:26 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (Vienna) 47-frn-0233 [3]/[14]/194[7] 14:27 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0236 [3]/[14]/194[7] 14:32 Associated 共同通信 Press (21, New York); United Press (8, New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo ウオーレス、トルーマン演説を攻撃 47-frn-0237 3/14/1947 14:33 United Press 共同通信 (9, Athens) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0239 3/14/1947 14:36 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 47-frn-0240 [3]/[14]/194[7] 14:37 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0241 [3]/[14]/194[7] 14:41 United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0242 3/14/1947 47-frn-0243 3/14/1947 47-frn-0244 [3]/[14]/194[7] 47-frn-0245 3/14/1947 own article—com mentary 47-frn-0246 3/14/1947 own article 47-frn-0246a [3]/[14]/194[7] 47-frn-0246b [3]/[14]/194[7] 3/14/1947 14:42 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (London) Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes The Board of Trade announced today the appointment of James Ewing, veteran of foreign commerce, as importexport representative in Japan. Appointment of James Ewing H, P as import-export representative in Japan Nippon Times Foreign Truman plea hailed by British papers Greek leftists call U.S.'s offer of aid to Greece as attempt at imperialism H, D Mainichi Former Secretary of Commerce Henry Wallace broadcasting “his reply” to President Truman’s appeal for aid to Greece and Turkey over a national radio network, predicted that “President Truman’s policy will speed Communism in Europe and Asia.” Secret Fascist Organization Uncovered in Austria Henry Wallace criticizes Truman's policy of aid to Greece, calling it reactionary H, S Tagbbatt published that underground Fascist organization uncovered in Austria U.S. Communists criticize Truman's policy of aid to Greece H, P 1 H, S 1 Henry Wallace, former [vice-president] and cabinet off[i]cer said Truman[’]s proposed loans to Greece Turkey “will bri[ng] wo[r]ld nearer to war.”; Former [Secretary] Commerce [H]enry Wallace broadcast[t]ing “reply” to Truman[’]s appeal for aid to Greece Tur[k]ey over [a national] radio network predicted “Truman[’]s policy will speed [Communism] in Europe and Asia. Henry Wallace believes that Truman's proposal of aid to Greece will bring the world nearer to war H, P Y 10 ギリシア首相米大統領に謝電 Premier [M]aximos cabled Truman Greek [government] offering amnesty to rebels as unifying gesture; Official Greek spokesman said President Truman[’]s request for “[United States] military and civilian personnel” to be sent to Greece must be interpreted... Greek spokesman said that Truman's request for US military personnel be sent to Greece implies eventual arrival of American troops in Greece H, P Y 12 到着 And there was time, too, for Father and Anna to take a thirty-mile ride around Malta, in the pleasant, warm sunshine, and to see the stone replica of the scroll which he had presented to the people of Malta on his last visit. Elaborate program planned for WFTU delegation The Scarcity of newsprint and the demands made upon newspapers by unions representing their employees are the two most immediately important problems confronting journalism in Japan today. As He Saw It H, P Y 4 Elaborate program planned for WFTU delegation Problems confronting journalism in Japan today H, P 2 H, P 1 英駐日貿易代表任命 The Daily Worker, organ of the Communist party in the United States, editorialized today that President Truman’s recommendation for financial aid to Greece and Turkey “marks a day of national shame for our country.” 東と西とは結ばれるか. モスクワをめぐる平和建設の努力 Will the East and the West be united? Efforts are being made around Moscow for the construction of peace Tass says speech aimed at democratic elements Will East meet West?Defense line to keep Soviet type of democracy away from Western Europe democracy Tass says that America wants to establish control over Greece Nippon Times Foreign 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (525) Asahi 525 (Weekly) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (127) Kyodo 127 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri The Japanese on these Pacific outposts between United States and Russia saw in President Truman’s speech a possible indication they might receive financial help to fight Communism in Nippon. P 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin US-Philippines bases agreement signed D, P Truman: foreign policy message echoes in world Foreign policy message echoes in the world Constant fighting in Palestine: Izvestia calls AngloUS oil treaty "indication of Anglo-American oil imperialism" 158,000 bales of charcoal Blackmarketing of charcoal transacted through the illegal Deleted: a broker used the route.; Blackmarketing of name of SCAP personnel to charcoal make illegal transactions Ceaseless fighting fire in Pa[l]estine; The maint[en]ance of British influence as a key point 1 Y 5 1 Y [Peter Kalischer, United Press staff correspon dent] H, D Makoto Kawamoto Yoshimoto Oiwa, commenta tor Nippon Times Radio Press (Brazzaville) Associated Press World Service (Tokyo) Subject Appointment of James Ewing H, P as import-export representative in Japan 共同通信 共同特信 C Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Tokushin Tokushin C own article Headline Gets Import Export Job Here Nakano Malloy Spaulding D Y 2 19 1 D Malloy D Kawamoto Saito Fujinami Malloy Spaulding 3 3 D Spaulding Kimura Hirota Malloy 4 Takebe [Tom Lambert] 2 Malloy Spaulding 7 Oversized News Agency Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (London) Photograph(s) Source 14:23 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 3/14/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0228 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 47-frn-0248 3/15/1947 15:2 Associated 時事通信; 共同通信; Press World Nippon Times; Service (New 日本経済新聞 York) 47-frn-0249 3/15/1947 15:2a Associated Press (New York) 47-frn-0250 [3]/[15]/194[7] 15:2b Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) 47-frn-0251 3/15/1947 15:2c Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) Associated Press (New York) Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) Radio Press (Moscow) 共同通信 日本経済新聞 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin; Nippon Times; The Nihon Keizai Jiji; Kyodo; Nihon Keizai; Nippon Times AFL. 世界労連の訪日を反対 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 世界労連の訪日反対. 米労總見解表明 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai Headline H, D Matthew Woll, Vice President AFL, said the purpose of the World Federation of Trade Unionist’s delegation now en route to Japan was "to spread Communism under the guise of trade unionism.” Woll assails visit here of Trade Union mission AFL vice-president says WFTU will spread Communism in Japan H, D 1 AFL vice-president says WFTU will spread Communism in Japan H, D 1 Int’l: Britisher blames US & USSR for present situation Daily Herald blames the Russians and the Americans for the situation in Palestine British conservative said U.S. intends to turn Japan into 49th state (as step against USSR) Proposal to outlaw American Communist Party threatens all American civil liberties H, P H, S 1 7) US public protests to aid to Greece and Turkey 8) Greek leftists are angry about the offer of American aid because they think that it will lead to American occupation of Greece Moscow called Truman's foreign policy a danger to peace China opposes informal discussion of China situation outside of Moscow conference H, S 1 47-frn-0253 [3]/[15]/194[7] 15:5 47-frn-0254 [3]/[15]/194[7] 15:6 Radio Press Sokuho (Moscow) U.S.: More comments on ... & Labor Sec. stateme[n]ts 47-frn-0255 [3]/[15]/194[7] 15:7; 15:8 Radio Press Sokuho (Moscow) U.S.: Public protest to aid to Greece & Turkey; Greece: EAM claims U.S. plan another form of occupation 47-frn-0256 [3]/[15]/194[7] 15:9 47-frn-0257 3/15/1947 15:12 Radio Press Sokuho (Singapore) United Press 共同通信 (Nanking) 47-frn-0258 3/15/194[7] 15:13 47-frn-0259 3/15/1947 15:14 47-frn-0260 3/15/1947 15:16 47-frn-0261 3/15/1947 15:18 47-frn-0262 [3]/[15]/194[7] 15:19 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Hong Kong) General Tsi Ting-kai, former head of Chinese 19th Route Army, and Marshall Li Chai-sum, former military governor of Kwangtung and Kwangsi provinces, appealed to the Moscow foreign ministers conference not to interfere in China’s internal affairs and asked the cessation of supplies to China. 47-frn-0263 [3]/[15]/194[7] 15:20 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) The long-simmering anti-Soviet unrest caused by the continued unauthorized stay of Russian troops in Dairen and the conviction that China’s peace treaty concessions to Russia in Manchuria were made under duress, threatened to flare with Truman’s statement on the general anti-Soviet movement. Truman’s speech: world[-]wide reaction reported Kyodo 中共、中国問題討議に賛成 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 印度から賠償使節 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichi-Bei Boston 鷄が先か、卵が先か. 米紙の國共問題評 2 Malloy Spaulding D Japan: U.S. plans to make it 49th state Kyodo Tsushin Notes AFL vice-president says WFTU will spread Communism in Japan 労聨共産主義を宣傳 Xin hua tong 共同通信 xun she (Yan'an) Examiner5 Examiner6 H, D 15:4 対日講和会議を中国で Examiner4 AFL vice-president says WFTU will spread Communism in Japan 3/15/1947 Kyodo Examiner3 Woll[,] Vice-President AFL[,] said the purpose of the World Federation of Trade Unionist’s delegation now [en route] to Japan was to “spread Communism under the guise of trade unionism.” Woll Vice-President AFL said purpose World Federation Trade Unionist[’]s [delega]tion now [en route] Japan was “spread Communism under guise trade unionism.” [3]/[15]/194[7] Kyodo Tsushin Examiner1 Examiner2 H, S 47-frn-0252 Associated Press (59, New Deli) Brief Summary Moscow reacts to Truman's speech: views U. S. aid to Greece as U.S. intention to keep power and make Greece subservient to U.S. capitol 47-frn-0251a own article Subject Truman: Moscow regards speech as dangerous Vice Minister Foreign Affairs Kan Nai[]Kwan reporting to Legislative Yuan regular session smoring disclosed China sent notes United States Britain... Chinese Communists support The Chinese Communist discussion on China problem Party supports Russian discussion on the China problem [I. I.] Chundrigar commerce minister India’s interim government told legislative assembly government received invitation from MacArthur send mission from India to Japan. Leader for Sunday—A Clear Definition of The Issue Chinese Phoenix? Y 6 Y 8 Y 2 H, S Malloy Spaulding 2 H, S 1 H, P H, D Kawamoto Hideo Watanabe H, P President Truman's speech was directed towards clarification of American foreign policy Comments on the problems in China China appealed to Moscow foreign ministers' conference not to interfere in Chinese affairs H, P, S Anti-Soviet sentiment worsened in China after Truman's speech H, P 2 Y 7 Y 8 Y 4 1 H, D Spaulding H, P Y 3 1 [Spencer Mossa] 2 Oversized News Agency Radio Press (Sydney) Photograph(s) Source 15:1 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [3]/[15]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0247 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-0265 [3]/[14]/194[7] 15:20b Associated Press (Shanghai) 47-frn-0265a 3/15/1947 47-frn-0266 3/15/1947 15:21 47-frn-0267 3/15/1947 47-frn-0268 Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 中国各地で反ソデモ Headline H Anti-Soviet demonstrations H, P Demonstrations against Molotov's plan in various districts D, P If the average Russian citizen were permitted to air his own mind, he most likely would have three criticisms to make against the present Soviet regime, writes Prof. Harold J. Laski, world famous political scientist, in a recent article in the New Republic. [The] [Soviet Union] in its first reaction Truman[’]s new [foreign policy] today bitterly compared [United States] with Hitlerit[e] Germany during days of Nazi expansion. Harold J. Laski's article in the New Republic: "What Democracy Means in Russia" USSR compares U.S.'s policy of helping Greece to Hitler's expansionism The Soviet Union, in its first reaction to Truman’s new foreign policy, Friday, bitterly compared the United States with Hitlerite Germany during the days of Nazi expansion. During a session of the planning for modernisation and equipment of overseas territories commission... Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 日本通信 Nihon Tsushin Nihon Tsushin United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji ソヴエトにおけるデモクラシー 15:24 United Press 共同通信 (Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo イズヴエスチア、トルーマン声明を攻撃 3/15/1947 15:24a United Press 毎日新聞 (Moscow) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi ソ連紙痛評. 外相会議は呆然 47-frn-0269 3/15/1947 15:26 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (88, Paris) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 仏印の施設近代化計画すヽむ 47-frn-0270 3/15/1947 15:27 United Press 共同通信; 毎日新聞; (Tokyo) 日本経済新聞 Kyodo Tsushin; Mainichi Shimbun; The Nihon Keizai; Kyodo; Mainichi; Nihon Keizai 対日賠償計画にマ元帥新提案 47-frn-0271 3/15/1947 15:27a United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi General MacArthur has recommended to Washington that Japanese reparations be set at a level roughly half-way between the original Pauley recommendations and those considerably more lenient made by the Clifford Strike Committee which visited Japan last month, an authoritative source told the United Press. 47-frn-0272 [3]/[14]/194[7] 15:27b United Press 共同通信 (Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0273 [3]/15/1947 15:27(c) United Press 日本経済新聞 (Tokyo) The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 47-frn-0274 3/15/1947 Sekai Nippo 47-frn-0275 3/15/194[7] Yomiuri Shimbun 3/15/1947 Shanghai Broadcast 15:28 世界日報 15:30 Agence 読売新聞 France-presse (Nanking) Brief Summary Anti-Soviet demonstrations 共同通信 3/15/1947 Subject Over [one hundred] thousand yelling shouting demonstrators mostly students held monster [mass meeting] Forbidden City smoring and voiced demands return to Port Arthur to full Sinosovereignty and complete indemnity for factory equipment machinery Russia removed from Manchuria as [war booty]. Long simmering anti-Soviet unr[e]st caused by continued unauthorized stay Soviet troops Dairen and conviction China[’]s treaty concessions to Russia in M[a]nchuria made under duress threatened flare with Truman[’]s statement into general anti-Soviet movement. Demonstrations against Molotov's Plan 接収撤去工作団団長に呉 in Various Districts 半農氏; モロトフ提案反対のデモ 各地でしきり; 青年等も外相会議問題で 強硬声明; 中常会の三中金会への提 案決定; 中常会外交研究部を組織; 新任ポルトガル公使図書 を奉呈; 刘鍇外交部次長近く渡米; 中米農技団の「中国の農 業建議案」(下) Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 8 [Spencer Mossa] 1 Kawamoto Saito Y [日本通信 社特別快 報中国語 版第二号] 37 6 H, S Y 16 USSR compares U.S.'s policy of helping Greece to Hitler's expansionism H, S Y 2 Equipment as reparations toward Indochina H, P Y 5 MacArthur recommends that Japanese reparations be set lower than the original recommendation MacArthur recommends that Japanese reparations be set lower than the original recommendation H, S Y 10 H, S [Ohtake] 1 General MacArthur has recommended to Washington that Japanese reparations be set at a level roughly half-way between the original Pauley recommendations and those considerably more lenient made by the Clifford Strike committee which visited Japan last month, an authoritative source told the United Press. MacArthur recommends that Japanese reparations be set lower than the original recommendation H, S [Peter Kalischer, United Press staff correspon dent] 1 マ元帥賠償案を上申 General MacArthur has recommended to Washington that Japanese reparations be set at a level roughly half-way between the original Pauley recommendations and those considerably more lenient made by the Clifford Strike committee which visited Japan last month, an authoritative source told the United Press. MacArthur recommends that Japanese reparations be set lower than the original recommendation H, S [Peter Kalischer, United Press staff correspon dent] Sekai Nippo 第一回會議 Twelve miles away was the villa set aside for use by the P.M.; six miles away was Stalin’s villa. H, P Yomiuri 中國、モロトフ提案を拒絶 The Chinese refusal of Molotov’s proposal. Elliott Roosevelt's "As He Saw It": Conference to discuss the occupation and control of Germany China rejected Molotov's proposal to discuss the Chinese problem at the Moscow Conference H, P [Harold J. Laski] Fujinami Y Elliott Ro[o]sevelt’s “as he saw it” H Examiner1 Examiner2 Oversized News Agency Associated Press (Shanghai) Photograph(s) Source 15:20a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [3]/[14]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0264 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Malloy Saito Spaulding Y 2 Y 4 Y 3 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 3/15/1947 15:32 47-frn-0278 3/15/1947 47-frn-0279 News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) 国際特信 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Kokusai Tokushin International special アメリカの話題 news Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 15:32a United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 日本国内消費制限を指令 [3]/[15]/194[7] 15:32b Associated 共同通信 Press (20, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 繊維製品等の消費制限日本政府に指令 47-frn-0280 [3]/[14]/194[7] 15:32c United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-0281 3/15/1947 15:32d United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0282 3/15/1947 15:33 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0283 3/15/1947 15:34 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Peiping) Agence 共同通信 France-presse (96, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0284 [3]/[15]/194[7] 15:36 47-frn-0285 [3]/[15]/194[7] 15:37 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0286 3/15/194[7] 15:38 International 読売新聞 News Service (Moscow) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 47-frn-0287 3/15/1947 15:40 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Moscow) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Izvestia attacks speech by Truman 47-frn-0288 [3]/[17]/194[7] 15:41 [Radio Press] 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Truman's speech 47-frn-0289 [3]/[17]/194[7] 15:42 47-frn-0290 3/15/1947 47-frn-0291 M’Arthur directed to make sharp cut in use of textiles サイアン氏、訪日の目的を語る 反響の. ソヴエト政府機関紙イズヴエスチアは十四日、トルー マン演説の大要を報ずるとともに右演説を非難して次 のような社説を掲げている Radio Press Far Easter.....MacArthur directed restric[t] sever[e]ly [Japanese domestic] consumption textiles other goods so Japan can supply areas she invaded wartime. Far East commission announced policy decision restr[i]cting Japanese consumption textiles hardware other goods to increase exports to countries Japanese invaded. FEC directs MacArthur to restrict Japanese domestic consumption of textiles & other goods to supply Japanese invaded areas Moscow 日本通信 Broadcasting Nihon Tsushin Nihon Tsushin 駐米パナマ大使の声明 3/15/194[7] 15:47 United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 日本勞組に"活". 世界勞連書記長ら訪日 47-frn-0292 [3]/[15]/194[7] 15:47a United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-0293 [3]/[15]/194[7] 15:47b United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0294 [3]/[15]/194[7] 15:48 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (Hakodate) Kyodo (Hakodate) H, S Examiner5 Examiner6 Spaulding Y Notes 15 1 7 H, P Y 9 H H Saillant, Sec. Gen. of the WTUF announced that he is going to Japan with 5 delegates to study working conditions H, P FEC directs MacArthur to restrict Japanese domestic consumption of textiles and other goods to supply Japanese invaded areas H, P MacArthur reports land, labor reforms. MacArthur reports land, labor reforms Soviet newspaper accuses Truman and the US of imperialism in Greece Louis Saillant, Secretary of [the] World Federation of Trade Unions, said that since “the important part of organizing work” has been completed in Germany, the Federation has decided to send a delegation to Japan to recruit trade unions there. Louis Saillant, Secretary of the World Federation of Trade Unions, said that since “the important part of organizing work” has been completed in Germany, the Federation has decided to send a delegation to Japan to recruit trade unions there. Anti-Communist band raid Red headquarters in Hakodate Examiner4 Malloy Y Louis Saillant the Sec[retary] General of the World Trade Union Federation today presswarded he pas going to Japan jath delegation of five members of the Federation including [representatives] of USA. The Far Eastern Commission announced a policy decision of reconstructing the Japanese consumption of textiles, hardware and other goods, to increase the exports to the Countries the Japanese invaded. Announcement to U.S. by Panama Ambassador Examiner3 Hideo Watanabe H, P H, P Izvestia accused Truman of going over UN’s head Examiner1 Examiner2 Kawamoto Saito H 100,000 Chinese demonstrate in Peiping against Soviet Union British reaction to Truman speech 15:45 3/15/1947 Brief Summary FEC directs MacArthur to restrict Japanese domestic consumption of textiles and other goods to supply Japanese invaded areas FEC directs MacArthur to restrict Japanese domestic consumption of textiles and other goods to supply Japanese invaded areas FEC directs MacArthur to restrict Japanese domestic consumption of textiles and other goods to supply Japanese invaded areas FEC directs MacArthur to restrict Japanese domestic consumption of textiles and other goods to supply Japanese invaded areas FEC directs MacArthur to restrict Japanese domestic consumption of textiles and other goods to supply Japanese invaded areas The Far Eastern Commission announced that General MacArthur has been directed to restrict sever[e]ly Japan’s domestic consumption of textiles and other goods so that Japan can supply the areas she invaded during the war. 100,000 Chinese Demonstrate In Peiping Against Soviet Union Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Nyun Subject Topic of talks in America, Black Market in US: articles black [marketing] articles are are transported by plane carried by aeroplanes in U.S. 2 [Tanaka] 1 1 Y 7 1 H 2 H, S Y 3 Soviet government newspaper accuses US's policy in Greece of violating the conduct expected of a member of the UN Truman's speech not a step towards war H, D, S British reaction to Truman's speech: 1) Churchill approved 2) Manchester Guardian said that tensions between US and Soviet will increase to the point where peace is edged out Panama ambassador demands that US return to Panama the US military bases constructed during the war MacArthur doesn't object to a WFTU delegation studying labor condition in Japan H, D Spaulding H, S Kawamoto Yoshimoto H, D Spaulding MacArthur doesn't object to a WFTU delegation studying labor condition in Japan H, D 1 MacArthur doesn't object to a WFTU delegation studying labor condition in Japan H 1 Anti-Communist band raid red headquarters in Hakodate H, P 2 H, P 3 [Joseph C. Hars[c]h] 2 3 Hirota Spaulding Y Y ロシア語 で書かれ ている電 報あり 5 2 Oversized 47-frn-0277 Source own article Photograph(s) 15:31 Duplicate Hold No. 3/15/1947 Number of Pages Date Censored 3/15/1947 Japanese Article Prange Control No. Writers Date Submitted 47-frn-0276 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 米の内政干渉 United Press 日本経済新聞 (Washington) The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 蘇聯條件附で同意. 賠償中間取立米國案 15:50a United Press 共同通信 (11, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 中間賠償取立に條件付同意六ヶ国 [3]/[15]/194[7] 15:50b United Press (Washington) 47-frn-0300 3/15/1947 15:51 47-frn-0301 3/15/1947 15:54 47-frn-0301a 3/15/1947 47-frn-0302 [3]/[15]/194[7] 47-frn-0303 3/15/1947 47-frn-0304 3/15/194[7] 47-frn-0296 3/15/1947 15:50 47-frn-0297 [3]/[15]/194[7] 47-frn-0298 47-frn-0305 3/15/1947 47-frn-0305a [3]/[15]/194[7] 3/15/1947 own article 朝日新聞 United Press 共同通信 (Washington) 新聞協会報 毎日新聞 15:54 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Shimbun Kyokaiho Shinbun Kyokai Ho Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 3/15/1947 own article Radio Press 47-frn-0305b 3/15/1947 47-frn-0306 [3]/[16]/194[7] 3/15/1947 16:2 editorial, own Article 47-frn-0307 3/16/1947 16:4 47-frn-0308 [3]/[16]/194[7] 47-frn-0309 [3]/[16]/194[7] Radio Press Sokuho (BBC) Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (Moscow) Comment on the History of American New[s]papers Radio Press Sokuho (BBC) Radio Press Sokuho (BBC) Nippon Times Foreign The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 帝國主義の擴大. ソ紙論評 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (75) Jiji Tsushin 75 ビルマの選擧戰 朝鮮新聞; 共同通信; 毎日新聞; 民報; 日本経済新聞; Nippon Times; 世界日報; 静岡新聞; 読売新聞 Chosen Shimbun; Kyodo Tsushin; Mainichi Shimbun; Mimpo; The Nihon Keizai; Nippon Times; Sekai Nippo; Shizuoka Shimbun; Yomiuri Shimbun Chosen Shimbun; Kyodo; Mainichi; Mimpo; Nippon Keizai; Nippon Times; Sekai Nippo; Shizuoka Shimbun; Yomiuri 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Kyodo H, S MacArthur and the FEC would be able to agree on Japanese reparations more quickly if the State Dept. were not involved Notes Y 3 Russia approves of US proposal on Japanese reparations H, P Y 9 The State Dept. is slowing negotiations between MacArthur and the FEC for Japanese reparations H, D, [Stewart P Hensely, United Press staff correspon dent]; [Ohtake] Chicago Tribune accuses the Times of being inhuman and of "teaching hatred" [Stewart Hensely] H, D, P H, S Hideo Ono H, S Hideo Ono 1 Y Kawamoto Yoshimoto Fujinami Malloy Kawamoto H [Hiroyuki Matsumoto ] The Soviet Union, in its first reaction to Truman’s new foreign policy, Friday, bitterly compared the United States with Hitlerite Germany during the days of Nazi expansion. Soviets, in its first reaction to Truman's new foreign policy, compared US to Hitlerite Germany H, S Spaulding Truman speech: Soviets denounce US proposals Examiner5 Examiner6 H, D, [Stewart P Hensely, United Press staff correspon dent] Most of the proposed loans to Greece and Turkey to be used to bolster their armies In editorial entitled “Truman[’]s message to Congress” “Pravda” writes: President Truman[’]s message to Congress on assistance to Greece and Turkey caused wide comment throughout [the] world. India: Overseas troops to be recalled Examiner4 3 D Election Campai[g]n in Burma Moscow conferenceresponsibility; China objects to discussion of her affairs; MacArthur proposes reduction in reparation; Communist Party objects to coercive measures for rice delivery; Comments on Formosan rebellion; Russian's glimpse of America; Moscow criticsm of Truman speech The importance of the U.S. statement on aiding Greece and Turkey Examiner3 Y Chinese foreign affairs minister says that China will take the lead in drafting the Japanese peace treaty 米の希土援助声明の重要性 ソ紙米大統領声明を反バク Examiner1 Examiner2 Spaulding The foreign office [sent identical] notes to the Big Four foreign ministers in Moscow expressing objection to the discussion of China’s internal affairs either officially or outside the conference. Held U.S. planning anti-Red bulwark Truman speech: Pravda says put issue to UN. Nations Kyodo Tsushin Brief Summary Soviet newspaper Izvestia accused US of interfering in affairs of Greece and Turkey Chicago Tribune the World’s Greatest Newspaper (Comments on the Times) 世界「最大の新聞」シカゴトリビューン Nippon Times 共同通信 Subject マ賠償案にFEC同意 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Nanking) Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (New York) United Press 国際タイムス (Moscow) Headline The Soviet government newspaper Izvestia accused the United States Friday of interfering in the internal affairs of Greece and Turkey and of behaving in a manner that could not have been expected of a member of the United Nations. Informed Far East Commission sources said Russia has approved the United States plan which authorized General MacArthur to grant interim reparations from Japanese industry to hard-pressed claimants up to 30 percent of the total available, but only providing “the Soviet Union gets its just share” without anything being deducted for Soviet removals of Manchurian industrial equipment. Informed [Far East] Commission sources said Russia approved [the] [United States] plan tu authorized MacArthur [to] grant interim reparations from [Japanese industry] to hard-pressed claimants up to thirty percent of total available but only “providing [the] Soviet Union gets its just share” without anything being deducted for Soviet removals of Manchur[i]a[n] industrial equipment. Informed Far East Commission sources said Russia has approved the United States plan which authorized General MacArthur to grant interim reparations from Japanese industry to hard-pressed claimants up to 30 percent of the total available, but only providing “the Soviet Union gets its just share” without anything being deducted for Soviet removals of Manchurian industrial equipment. Election campaign in Burma: refutaion by General Onsan D Spaulding D 3 1 1 1 Kawamoto Yoshimoto Fujinami Malloy Spaulding Y 3 Y 5 1 1 Malloy Spaulding Kawamoto Yoshimoto Fujinami Y H, S H, S 12 4 Yoshimoto D; D; D, S; S; D; D, S; S; D; S The importance of the U.S. statement on aiding Greece and Turkey Pravda compares Truman's policy of aid to Greece to Hitler's expansionism Pravda writes that Truman's policy of aid to Greece supports fascism and imperialism Oversized News Agency Associated Press World Service (Moscow) Photograph(s) Source 15:49a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 3/15/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0295 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 6 1 Y 15 Indian troops in Japan will go home soon D 1 Pravda continues to denounce Truman's policy in Greece S 1 2 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline US diplomatic: Truman’s foreign policy criticized [3]/[17]/194[7] Radio Press Sokuho (Delhi) Truman speech: Moscow Radio makes attacks 47-frn-0312 [3]/[17]/194[7] Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) US-Truman: speech under heavy f[i]re in Moscow 47-frn-0313 [3]/[17]/194[7] Radio Press Sokuho (Moscow) Truman speech: hailed by reactionaries 47-frn-0314 [3]/[17]/194[7] Radio Press Sokuho (BBC) Truman speech: Yugoslav press in violent criticism 47-frn-0315 [3]/[25]/194[7] 28:11 世界日報 47-frn-0316 [3]/[25]/194[7] 25:11b United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) 28:20 Agence [毎日新聞] France-presse (Nanking) 30:34 47-frn-0311 Sekai-Nippo Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi The America-Japan Press [Mainichi Shimbun] Nichibei Tsushin Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Honolulu) Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Author Marquand Opines Japanese Enjoy 'Change' Nippon Times Nippon Times Local The new constitution and world peace Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local The new constitution and democracy 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local 日米通信 47-frn-0317 3/25/1947 47-frn-0319 [3]/[27]/194[7] 47-frn-0321 [4]/[22]/194[7] 47-frn-0322 4/30/1947 47-frn-0323 4/30/1947 47-frn-0323a 4/30/1947 47-frn-0324 5/12/1947 5/12/1947 47-frn-0324a 5/12/1947 5/12/1947 47-frn-0325 [5]/[13]/194[7] 5/13/1947 47-frn-0326 47-frn-0327 47-frn-0328 [5]/[13]/194[7] 47-frn-0329 5/13/1947 47-frn-0330 [5]/[13]/194[7] 47-frn-0330a 5/13/1947 5/13/1947 47-frn-0331 5/13/1947 5/13/1947 47-frn-0332 [5]/[11]/194[7] 47-frn-0333 5/13/1947 講和前に國際貿易復歸. ド使節團の主要目的 Sekai Nippo 30:46 Reuters (Shanghai) 13:1 Radio Press Sokuho (12, Delhi) [5]/[13]/194[7] 13:3 [5]/[11]/194[7] 13:3a Radio Press Sokuho (12, BBC) Associated 国際特信 Press (Berlin) While there has been only one Soviet veto exercised so far in the FEC, that body has reframed from taking the initiative in setting economic policy in Japan, and harmony within the body has been maintained largely because no vital issues have come up, these sources said. The main objectives of the Draper Mission are to revive Japanese industry and bring Japan back to normal. S 1 S 1 H, P [Kalischer ] Main objectives of the Draper mission are to revive Japanese industry and bring Japan back to normal peacetime trade relations with the rest of the world H [Peter Kalischer, United Press staff correspon dent], [Matsuda] Y One of the five third-prize winning essays in the Constitutional Prize Essay Contest sponsored by the Nippon Times One of the five third-prize winning essays in the Constitutional Prize Essay Contest sponsored by the Nippon Times The Chinese Labor Federation might try to establish self-government in Shanghai Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 米、日本人飛行士を訓練. プラウダ紙報道 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Japanese Pilots 13:6a International Nippon Times News Service (Moscow) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Pravda prints report despite denial by U.S.. Soviet Journal Says Japanese Pilots Conscripted by U.S. 5/13/194[7] 13:7 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 5/14/1947 13:8 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Informed sources reveal foreigners may resume private buying with Japanese on July 15 Oyama return from U.S. will bolster leftwing socialists 1 1 1 3 D [Tetsuichi Kurashige ] 3 D Kawamoto Saito H. Okada Y D Pepper declared Rehabilitation of KoreaChinese radio comment. 1 [Tatsuo Fukai] The deteriorating German food situation Reuters 共同通信 (Moscow) United Press 毎日新聞 (Moscow) Y D Food Shortage Imperils Cities In British Zone 朝鮮復興問題 3 1 H Germany: Dusseldorf union leaders threaten resignation Nihon Tsushin, China Edition No. 281 13:6 1 A Chinese reparations official H, S claims that looted property in Japan comes mainly from China Dusseldorf union leaders H, P threaten resignation Nihon Tsushin (281, China) 日本通信 Notes S Austria: Good progress made H, S on treaty Author Marquand says that H, D Japan has to support the Occupation Army of 120,000 Japanese Letters to SCAP Cover Wide Range of Interesting Topics Japan-reparations: China claims looted property came from there Examiner5 Examiner6 1 Moscow conference 1 Threat of Shanghai General Strike Examiner4 S D 上海ゼネストの脅威 Radio Press Sokuho Radio Editorial Examiner3 1 The Draper Mission: China's apprehensions about the economic recovery of Japan 英國政府当局よりの信すべき情報によれば、食糧不足 に悩まされているドイツ側の不満により英國占領下の ドイツ都市管理は破滅に瀕している。 13:5 Examiner1 Examiner2 H, S China on Japanese industry Kokusai Tokushin 13:4 Brief Summary American newspaper criticizes the discrepancy between Truman's Greece policy and his Asia policy American newspaper criticizes the discrepancy between Truman's Greece policy and his Asia policy American newspaper criticizes the discrepancy between Truman's Greece policy and his Asia policy American newspaper criticizes the discrepancy between Truman's Greece policy and his Asia policy American newspaper criticizes the discrepancy between Truman's Greece policy and his Asia policy The Draper Mission and the list of main points which would have to be included in any peace treaty 夫を妻は、夫を精神的に力づけるために、あらゆるこ とをなべきです。 [Mainichi] Kokusai Tokushin 5/14/1947 Subject 1 1 2 H, P Senator Pepper offers solution to Palestine problem H, P Korea's partition represents the split between the US and USSR, and America's tougher policy H, D 6 Y 3 2 Gomes H, S [Tanaka] Kato Yabuki Y 7 Y 5 Pravda says that the US is conscripting and training Japanese pilots Pravda says that the US is conscripting and training Japanese pilots H, S 1 S 1 Private trade in Japan may resume July 15 H, D, C 3 Return of Oyama will bolster the left-wing socialists H, P 3 1 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source 17:2 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Radio Press Sokuho (Shanghai) [3]/[17]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0310 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 47-frn-0335 5/13/1947 13:10 47-frn-0336 5/13/1947 13:11 47-frn-0337 5/13/1947 47-frn-0338 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 13:14c United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 5/13/1947 13:15 New York Herald Tribune (Paris) Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0339 5/13/1947 13:16 日米通信 5/13/1947 13:17 United Press 共同通信 (New York) The America-Japan Press Kyodo Tsushin Nichibei Tsushin 47-frn-0340 47-frn-0341 [5]/[13]/194[7] 13:17a United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0342 47-frn-0343 [5]/[13]/194[7] 5/13/1947 5/13/194[7] 47-frn-0344 5/13/1947 5/13/1947 47-frn-0345 5/13/1947 47-frn-0346 [5]/[13]/194[7] 47-frn-0347 [5]/[13]/194[7] 13:21 47-frn-0348 5/13/1947 13:22 47-frn-0349 [5]/[14]/194[7] 47-frn-0350 5/13/1947 47-frn-0351 5/13/1947 47-frn-0352 5/13/1947 13:26 47-frn-0353 5/13/1947 13:26a 毎日新聞 47-frn-0354 5/13/194[7] 13:27 47-frn-0355 5/13/1947 47-frn-0356 5/13/194[7] 5/14/1947 5/14/194[7] 5/14/194[7] 13:17b 13:17c 5/16/194[7] ソ連生産品要求か. 対日賠償・モスクワ放送示唆 The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 内戰は必至か. 朝鮮米ソ兩軍撤退後 13:18 United Press 共同通信 (4, Athens) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service ギリシア議会に共産党禁止法上程 13:18a Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Athens) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 13:20 13:23 Subject 日米ウイークリー Kyodo とりあえずこうして アチソン次官辭任 Nippon Times Nippon Times Local Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Associated 共同通信 Press (27, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 13:28 United Press 毎日新聞 (London) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 13:30 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Press 極東委員会の対日講和交渉. 米、英は賛成か Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H, P [K. M. Ohtake, staff writer] 1 General de Gaulle's new role H, P [George Slocombe] 2 The first indication that Russia may extend to Japan her Moscow conference policy of demanding reparations from current production as a condition to signing the peace treaty was contained in a shortwave Moscow Radio news broadcast heard in Tokyo, the United Press learned. Moscow radio attacked American policy and reparations plan H, P [Peter Kalischer, United Press staff correspon dent] General de Gaulle's New Role. Emerging from Retirement, War Hero's Career Turns On a Paradox of Today General de Gaulle's new role H, P [George Slocombe] Truman doctrine abroad H, P William Newton , dispatch from Seoul said that unless US and USSR can agree on a program for Korea, civil war is likely H, S [Barnet Nover] [Hoberech t] Korean Civil War Korea civil war H, S Civil War Feared The Scripps-Howard newspaper['s] correspondent, William H. Newton, in a dispatch from Seoul said; Civil war feared in Korea William Newton , dispatch from Seoul said that unless US and USSR can agree on a program for Korea, civil war is likely Greek bill outlawing Communists would strengthen Communists and counter US interest H, S H, S Y 1 2 H, D Y 8 Thirty members of Parliament under leadership of Deputy [Prime Minister] [Stylianos Gonatas] introduced in national assembly bill to outlaw communist party in Greece. 30 Greek Parliamentarians Ask Assembly to Outlaw Red Party 30 Greek parliamentarians ask assembly to outlaw Communist Party in Greece Mrs. MacArthur was very interested in the defendants at the Tokyo trials Japanese motor steamer seized at Tainan 1 Y 2 Y 6 1 1 H 1 H, P H, P The US is strengthening its policy of appointing military men to government positions H, D Mrs. MacArthur Pays First Visit to Tribunal Chinese prisoners captured by the Japanese during the China Incident were treated as POWs in accordance with international law although the SinoJapanese conflict... Diplomatic authorities said that in aye break with precedent Far Eastern Commission might be substituted for Big Four Council of Foreign Ministers as an agency to negotiate peace treaty with Japan. Turkish President Ismet Inonu replied by cable to eight questions submitted by United Press as follows: Mrs. MacArthur pays first visit to Tribunal H, P Number for reparations use totals two million tons Undersecretary of State Acheson resigns Y H, P Criticism of Russia for not providing enough food for the people in their occupied zones comics - Four Power Treaty An Expedient 2 2 1 H, P German Economics: St. Louis globe democrat Russia criticized Asahi 21 Examiner3 Japanese student's life saved by the gift of blood from American students at the U. of Michigan 日本人飛行士使用は虚報. 米進駐軍当局言明 Nichibei Uikuri Agence 朝日新聞 France-presse (12, Washington) Nippon Times Examiner1 Examiner2 P China: Japanese motor steamer seized at Tainan Kyodo Tsushin Brief Summary US occupation officials deny the Moscow report that US is training Japanese airmen Tokyo Trials Radio Press (Nanking) Associated 共同通信 Press (New York) [Radio Press] The America-Japan weekly Asahi Shimbun (21) 13:25 Headline [United States] occupation officials commenting on Moscow Radio Broadcast said again tonight there "no basis of fact whatever" in report occupation forces training former Japanese airmen. A beautiful and touching story about American students at the University of Michigan whose noble contribution of blood saved the life of a Japanese girl student has been disclosed by the girl's father, Sotokichi Katsuizumi, (Sotokichi Katsuizumi, who was once himself a student of the University of Michigan, now an employee of GHQ, SCAP at Radio Tokyo. General de Gaulle's New Role. Emerging from Retirement, War Hero's Career Turns On a Paradox of Today 米ソ共存の米外交. 海外にもふえたトルーマン政策の... Foreign Reactions. The Truman Doctrine Abroad 米ソ撤退せば朝鮮に内戦 Scripps Howard[']s William H. Newton dispatch from Seoul "unless [United States] Russia can agree on workable program fro Korea civil war seems likely in opinion many observers here United Press 国際タイムス (New York) 13:24 5/13/1947 Kyodo Headline (Japanese) Y Decision needs to be made as to what international machinery should be used to negotiate the peace treaty with Japan H, P Turkish president replies to questions submitted by the United Press H, P The government will use 2 million tons of lumber for reparations removal H, S 5 1 H, P H, P Oversized News Agency Associated 共同通信 Press (36, 58, Tokyo) Photograph(s) Source 13:9a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [5]/[12]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0334 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Gomes Shimokura Hirota Y 1 Y 3 1 [Koitabash i] 1 Y [Virgil M. Pinkley, United Press vice president], [Matsuda] 12 4 4 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 5/13/1947 13:32 47-frn-0359 5/13/1947 13:33 47-frn-0360 [5]/[13]/194[7] 13:34 United Press [毎日新聞] (Minneapolis) [Mainichi Shimbun] 47-frn-0361 5/13/1947 13:35 United Press 毎日新聞 (Chicago) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0362 5/13/1947 13:35a United Press 毎日新聞 (Chicago) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0363 5/13/1947 13:36 United Press 毎日新聞 (Greenville) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0364 5/13/1947 13:37 UP (New York) Associated 共同通信 Press (37, 59, New York), United Press (New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 各国兵力の攻勢. ボールドウィン論ず 47-frn-0365 [5]/[13]/194[7] 5/13/194[7] 13:39 UP United Press 共同通信 (Minneapolis) (11, Minneapolis) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo ウォーレス氏、トルーマン主義を攻撃 47-frn-0366 [5]/[13]/194[7] 5/13/194[7] 13:39a 47-frn-0367 5/13/1947 47-frn-0368 5/13/1947 47-frn-0369 5/13/1947 13:43 47-frn-0370 5/13/1947 47-frn-0371 5/13/1947 47-frn-0371a 5/13/1947 47-frn-0372 [5]/[14]/194[7] 47-frn-0373 [5]/[14]/194[7] 5/14/194[7] 14:2 47-frn-0373a [5]/[13]/194[7] 5/14/194[7] 47-frn-0373b 5/14/1947 47-frn-0373c 47-frn-0373d 5/13/194[7] News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) 朝鮮新聞 International 西日本新聞 News Service (Paris) 毎日新聞 United Press [毎日新聞] (Minneapolis) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Chosen Shimbun Chosen Shimbun 世界情勢に対する米国の見解. 朝鮮の巻 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon ド・ゴール米ソ戰を予言 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Headline Subject Mrs. Uemura, President of the Japanese Y.W.C.A., is the first Japanese to visit the post-war US Henry Wallace denounces Truman's anti-Communist plan as a "hunt" Oyama's return to Japan will be delayed Wallace Speech [Mainichi Shimbun] Dr. Ikuo Oyama who was scheduled to leave San Francisco for Japan on May 18 will not leave until July, it was learned here today. Mr. [I]kuo Oyama, who was said to be scheduled to leave San Francisco for Japan on May 18, will not leave for Japan until July. In the biggest trial for lynching a negro ever held, 31 men including 28 taxi drivers wil go on trial Monday for lynching of Willie Earlo on February 17, who had been accused of stabbing and robbing a Greenville taxi driver. Military writer for New York Times Hanson W. Baldwin wrote that almost 19 million men are under arms throughout world and that about 40 nations are spending 27 billion 400 million dollars annually for armaments. Henry [Wallace] said military loans to France Italy England Wells nations bordering Russia would lead to depression chaos and "finally revolution on and war" Former Secretary of Commerce Henry Wallace said military loans to France, Italy, England, as well as nations bordering Russia would lead to depression, chaos and "finally revolution and war." The President Plk brings here this weekend a great dignitary in the person of Henry F. Grady, the first Ambassador of United States to India. Henry Wallace says that the Truman doctrine will make enemies of the World's common people H, [D] [Matsuda] Mainichi 13:45 Acme サン写真新聞 Newspictures The Sun Pictorial Daily Sun News Photo Associated Nippon Times Press (Tokyo) Radio Press Sokuho (Nanking) Radio Press Sokuho (Brazzaville) Nippon Times Nippon Times Local 14:4 United Press 時事通信, 共同通信 (23, Washington) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji, Kyodo News Service 日本航空兵の訓練を否定 Army Air Forces today denied reports published in Moscow that former Japanese airmen being enrolled in AAF. The new Chinese Mission Chief, Gen. Shang Chen, called on Gen. MacArthur US Ambassador to France will be recalled because of his criticism of the Truman Doctrine US Army denies that former Japanese airmen are being retained in US forces 5/14/1947 14:4a United Press 共同通信 (23, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 日本人飛行士問題、ワシントンも否定 Army Air Forces today denied reports published in Moscow that former Japanese airmen being enrolled in AAF. 5/14/1947 5/14/194[7] 14:4b United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 日本飛行士訓練のソ紙報道否定 [5]/[13]/194[7] 5/14/1947 14:5 Reuters (London, Tokyo) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 日印貿易再開を待つ印度人 The Army Air Forces denied reports published in Moscow that former Japanese airmen are being enrolled in the AAF. Some forty Indian business men scattered throughout main cities of Japan are anxiously waiting news of reopening of Japanese foreign trade to private business so that they can resume their prewar contacts with India. 時事通信 1 [Tanaka] 11 Mainichi Shimbun U.S. diplomatic: Ambassador to France to be recalled 1 H, P Y United Press 毎日新聞 (Yokohama) 14:1 H, D [Tanaka] H, [D] 13:44 Base of baloon-bomb 3 Henry Wallace says that the Truman doctrine will make enemies of the World's common people Mainichi Asahi will withdraw from newspaper union. Paper's Union Chapter To Lead New Assault On CIU Japan: Shang calls on MacArthur H, P 9 Seiji Shimbun 風船爆弾の基地 1 Y Mainichi Shimbun spoil system, rid tick which nests at autonomous administration 5 Y H, P Seiji Shimbun Japanese children will soon be given an opportunity to correspondent with American friends in Boys Town, USA, through the good offices of Father Flanagan, who is now making a tour of inspection throughout Japan. Murray Trial Notes Y Almost 19 million men are under arms throughout the world 毎日新聞 スポイル・システム. 自治制に喰入るダニを追え Examiner5 Examiner6 H, P 政治新聞 own article Examiner4 Biggest trial for lynching Mainichi 13:42, 13:44 Examiner3 Hideo Watanabe H, P Mainichi Shimbun 5/13/1947 Examiner1 Examiner2 Kawamoto Saito Oyama's return to Japan will be delayed 毎日新聞 13:41 H, S H, P "Mrs. Uemura" 大山氏の帰國延期 Brief Summary America's view on the world Koreans might have been situation; Korea better off if Japan had won the war Y 2 1 1 Henry Grady's appointment as the first ambassador of United States to India H, P [Yasuike] Spoil System-a tick which fastens upon autonomy H, P Japanese children soon to have opportunity to correspond with American friends in Boys' Town, USA H, P [Matsuda] 1 Colonel Murray accused of misappropriating diamonds from the Bank of Japan US Army found the base of a Japanese balloon bomb that flew up in 1944 H, P [Tanaka] 1 Kawamoto Shimokura H, P H, P 2 Fujinami Hideo Watanabe Y Y [Russel Brines] 12 4 1 H, P 2 H, D 2 H Y 2 US Army denies that former Japanese airmen are being retained in US forces H Y 4 US Army denies that former Japanese airmen are being retained in US forces H, P Y 2 Japan will only import American-grown cotton this year H, D Y 4 1 Oversized 47-frn-0358 Source own article Photograph(s) 13:31 Duplicate Hold No. 5/14/194[7] Number of Pages Date Censored 5/13/194[7] Japanese Article Prange Control No. Writers Date Submitted 47-frn-0357 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-0373f [5]/[13]/194[7] 47-frn-0373g 5/14/1947 5/14/194[7] 14:6 47-frn-0373h [5]/[14]/194[7] 5/14/1947 14:7 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New Delhi) 47-frn-0373i 5/14/1947 5/17/194[7] 14:7a Associated 共同通信 Press (37, 38, New Delhi) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo インドの対英さい疑増大か Indian newspapers voiced suspicion and fear of nationwide "disintegration" of authority as result Britains decisio[n] postpone for two weeks dite for disclosing details British plan for transferring power to Indian hands. Indian press is suspicious of Britain's integrity in transferring power to Indian hands H, D Y 8 47-frn-0373j [5]/[13]/194[7] 5/17/194[7] 14:8 United Press 時事通信 (4, New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 日本綿織物輸出と米国綿業界 Cotton moderately active easier dominated relative weak bs old c positions plu more favorable crop .... US cotton securities affected by rumours about boosting Japanese cotton production H, D Y 3 47-frn-0373k [5]/[13]/194[7] 5/14/1947 14:8a United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Note on cotton US cotton securities affected by rumours about boosting Japanese cotton production H, D 47-frn-0374 5/14/1947 14:9 NEA 日米通信 (Washington) The America-Japan Press Nichibei Now That We've Got 'Em--- US should keep military governments in Pacific islands, because they are of strategic importance to the US 47-frn-0374a 5/14/1947 5/14/1947 14:10 朝鮮情報 Korean Information Press Chosen Joho H, D [Peter Edson, NEA Washingto n correspon dent] H, P 47-frn-0375 5/14/1947 5/14/1947 14:11 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local 47-frn-0376 5/14/1947 14:12 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local 47-frn-0376a 5/14/194[7] 14:13 United Press 共同通信 (12, 24, San Francisco) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0376b [5]/[14]/194[7] 5/14/1947 14:13a United Press [毎日新聞] (San Francisco) [Mainichi Shimbun] 47-frn-0376c 5/14/1947 5/15/1947 14:15 United 日米通信 Feature Syndicate (Washington) The America-Japan Press Nichibei 47-frn-0376d 5/14/1947 5/16/1947 14:16, 15:12 Washington Dispatch 13 May TassTelegraf 日本通信 noe agentstvo SSSR (Washington) Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin 海外の爲にもならぬ. 無責任なウオーレス氏の演説行脚 If Henry Wallace had any political future left to him when he departed these shores, his performance in England would certainly have put an end to it. 在米メキシコ人に對する差別待遇 47-frn-0377 5/14/1947 14:17 own article-- United Press 時事通信 commentary (Washington) Jiji Tsushin (24) Jiji Tsushin 24 外貨導入は急速に具体化せん 47-frn-0378 5/14/1947 14:18 The Sun Pictorial Daily Sun News Photos 独でも強権発動 News Agency Reuters (London, Tokyo) 共同通信 Submitted by Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Headline (Japanese) インド貿易使節團訪日 Reuters (Tokyo) Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Headline Subject Some forty Indian business men scattered throughout main cities of Japan are anxiously waiting news of reopening of Japanese foreign trade to private business so that they can resume their prewar contacts with India most of them were in Japan during war and are now "caretakers" for their firms trying to make both ends meet by dealing in what little domestic trade is open them para. Indian business men in Japan anxiously waiting news of reopening of Japanese foreign trade U.N. and Palestine Acme サン写真新聞 Newspictures (Berlin) The US shows a new committment to forming policies that the UN can enforce Indian press is suspicious of Britain's integrity in transferring power to Indian hands Men of the Moment. Prime Minister Yoshida Heads Liberal Party, But Was Never Cut Out to Be a Politician Readers in council. The New Government Illegal Korean entrants to Japan rapidly increased: number arrested jumped to over 26,000 Yoshida, President of the Liberal Party, "caused the world to call on him" Japan should play along with occupation policies while learning for herself ACLU condemns the internment of Japanese during the war American civil liberties union today launched renewed campaign behalf 268 Peruvian Japanese detained Uni[ted] States since 1943 when they assertedly arrested by Peruvian officials at request of Uni[ted] States mil[itary] party authorities. The American Civil Liberties Union yesterday launched a renewed campaign on behalf of 268 (two hundred sixty eight) Peruvian Japanese detained in the United States since 1943, when they were aeertedly arrested by Peruvian officials at the request of the United States military authorities. Announcement 5/8 by General Lucius D. Clay that he would use U.S. troops if necessary to collect food from farmers who have been trying to balk German food Ministry officials resulted from situations such as this when official (left) found canned and meat hoarded. Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 7 D Illegal Korean Entrants To Japan Rapidly Increased: Number Arrested Jumped To Over 26,000 米国内抑留のペルー在留日本人釈放運動 Examiner1 Examiner2 D Indian newspapers voiced suspicion and fear of nationwide "disintegration" of authority as a result of Britain's disclosing the details of the British plan for transferring power to Indian hands. 委任統治の在り方 Brief Summary H, P 1 [Walter Lippmann ] 5 H, D 2 1 Y 2 ハングル 文字で書 かれてい る原稿あ り 10 H, D 1 H, D, P 2 H, D Y 7 ACLU condemns the internment of Japanese during the war H, D Criticism of Wallace for airing his grievances with the US government in front of a European audience H, P Discriminative Treatment Toward Mexicans in the United States Mexican Ambassador says that the US is menacing peaceful relations between the two countries H, S Malloy Gomes M. Nagashima Y Foreign capital to be introduced urgently Electric communications equipment Foreign capital to be introduced; electric and communications industries will be the first object Hoarded food seized for general use H, D Gomes Kato Fujinami Y 5 Y 3 H, P 1 [Marquis Childs] Y 3 ロシア語 で書かれ ている電 報あり 4 1 1 1 Oversized 5/14/194[7] Photograph(s) Date Censored 5/14/1947 Duplicate Number of Pages Japanese Article Date Submitted Source Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0373e Hold No. Submitted by (Japanese) Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Kyodo 共同通信 Tsushin, United Press (5, Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 中国業者セメント施設を要求 Shai sino cement manufacturers association petitioned executive Yuan demanding removal to China several large Jap[anese] cement plants as reparations outpointing Japan cement capacity much larger own requirements para claimed Japs occupied sino cement plants warling causing heavy sino losses end Logan Yuan. China demands several more Japanese cement plants as reparations H, P Y 5 47-frn-0378b [5]/[13]/194[7] 14:20 United Press 時事通信; 共同通信 (7, Minneapolis) Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji; Kyodo News Service 欧亜に大規模な借款を與えよ Henry Wallace called for Uni[ted]States to become "modern missionary" with fifty billion dollar ten [year] loan program to rehabilitate Europe and Asia as che[c]kmate against spread of communism, told eight hundred University of Minnesota students wide spread communism would result from widespread "misery which Uni[ted] States has power to prevent." Wallace calls for aid to Europe and Japan against the spread of Communism H, P Y 4 47-frn-0378c 5/14/1947 5/14/194[7] 14:20a United Press 毎日新聞 (Minneapolis) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Wallace calls for aid to Europe and Japan against the spread of Communism H, P 1 47-frn-0378d [5]/[14]/194[7] 5/14/1947 14:21 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Henry A. Wallace called for the United States to become a "modern missionary" with a $50,000,000,000 (fifty billion dollars) ten-year loan program to rehabilitate Europe and Asia as a checkmate against the spread of Communism. Russia wants redress H, P 1 47-frn-0378e 5/14/1947 5/14/1947 14:22 Radio Press (Tokyo) H, D 5 47-frn-0378f 5/14/1947 14:23 United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Allied Council Meeting USSR may demand more reparations from Japan as a condition for signing the peace treaty SCAP refutes Soviet claim that the landed class led Japan astray as Communist propaganda SCAP refutes Soviet claim that the landed class led Japan astray as Communist propaganda 47-frn-0378g 5/14/1947 14:24 United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi MacArthur will not step down as SCAP until the peace treaty is completed H, P 47-frn-0378h [5]/[14]/194[7] 5/14/1947 14:24a International 北海道新聞 News Service (Tokyo) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 媾和会議完了まで引退せず. マ元帥言明 General Douglas MacArthur has formally told the news magazine WORLD REPORT, that he does not contemplat[e] retirement as Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers in Japan until peace negotiations are completed, it was revealed today. MacArthur declares his intent to remain as SCAP until peace treaty signed MacArthur will not step down as SCAP until the peace treaty is completed H, P Y 4 47-frn-0378i 5/14/1947 5/14/1947 14:24b United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi マ元帥辞職を否定. 米誌記者に回答寄す MacArthur will not step down as SCAP until the peace treaty is completed H, P Y 2 47-frn-0378j 5/14/1947 14:24c United Press 日本経済新聞 (Tokyo) The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai 對日講和完了までは辞職の意志なし. マ元帥米國記者へ答う MacArthur will not step down as SCAP until the peace treaty is completed H, P Y 2 47-frn-0379 [5]/[14]/194[7] 5/14/1947 14:25 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Santiago) Henry Wallace said Truman's proposed loans to Greece and Turkey "will bring the world nearer to war" H, P 47-frn-0379a 5/14/1947 5/14/1947 14:25 International Nippon Times News Service Nippon Times Nippon Times Local General Douglas MacArthur has formally told the news magazine WORLD REPORT, that he does not contemplate retirement as Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers in Japan until peace negotiations are completed, it was revealed today. General Douglas MacArthur has formally told the news magazine WORLD REPORT, that he does not contemplate retirement as Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers in Japan until peace negotiations are completed, it was revealed today. China's ambassador Chauger B. Wu, whose legation recently was raised to embassy, presented his credentials to President Gabriel Gons[z]alez Videla today. Derevyanko flayed at Allied Council for propaganda: SCAP Economic Expert Charges Him With Showing Shocking Disregard Of Facts same as 14:22 H, P 47-frn-0380 5/14/1947 5/14/1947 14:27 International Nippon Times News Service Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign SCAP Determined to Stay in Japan Until Peace Talks Are 'Completed'. Transfer of Responsibility to Civilian Agency Before Then Not Feasible H, D 47-frn-0381 5/14/1947 5/14/194[7] 14:27a International 西日本新聞 News Service (Tokyo) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon MacArthur to remain in Japan until completion of peace negotiations; Deleted: Rumors circulating that MacArthur will retire Rumors circulating that MacArthur will retire 47-frn-0381a 5/[14]/194[7] 5/14/1947 14:28 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Nanking) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 4000 students struck in Nanking for increased living allowances H, P News Agency Submitted by Headline (Japanese) Headline SCAP expert refutes charge of Japanese economic impass "マ元帥、日本の講和條約終了まで總司令官として日本 MacArthur declares his intention to に滯る" remain as SCAP until peace treaty signed Four thousand go[v]ernment supported students of the Nanking's National Central University struck for increased living allowances. Subject Brief Summary H, P H, D Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 [Miles W. Vaughn, United Press General Manager for Asia] Notes 3 1 1 [Howard Handlema n, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] 1 1 Y 6 2 Oversized 14:19 Photograph(s) 5/14/1947 Duplicate Number of Pages Date Submitted Source Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Japanese Article Prange Control No. 47-frn-0378a Hold No. Submitted by (Japanese) Writers Date Censored Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 5/14/1947 14:29a 47-frn-0381d 5/14/1947 14:30 47-frn-0381e [5]/[14]/194[8] 47-frn-0381f [5]/[14]/194[8] 47-frn-0381g News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Nippon Times Nippon Times Local United Press 毎日新聞 (Darwin) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 濠州の眞珠採取 14:30a United Press 日本経済新聞 (Darwin) The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 濠州眞珠日本人を待望 5/14/1947 14:31 United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 北鮮に共産党指導下の軍、數万 5/14/1947 5/14/1947 14:32 United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 朝日共同声明. 村山氏と重役会の紛爭落着す 47-frn-0381h 5/14/1947 5/14/1947 14:32a United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0381i 5/14/1947 5/14/194[7] 14:32b United Press 日本経済新聞 (Tokyo) The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai 朝日新聞問題解決 47-frn-0381j 5/14/194[7] 14:33 Associated 読売新聞 Press, International News Service (Tokyo) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 対日理事会の中國代表;マ元帥 47-frn-0382 5/14/1947 14:35 USIS 時事通信; 毎日新聞; (Washington) 日本通信 Jiji Tsushin; Mainichi Shimbun; Nihon Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; Mainichi; Nihon Tsushin 一九四七年度東亜の食糧情勢; 極東地方の食糧事情樂観許さず 47-frn-0383 [5]/[13]/194[7] 47-frn-0383a 5/14/1947 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin ルール地方の食糧情勢緊迫 47-frn-0384 5/15/1947 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-0384a 5/18/194[7] Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri マ元帥帰國せず 47-frn-0385 5/19/1947 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 対日借款問題論議 5/14/194[7] Nippon Times United Press (Washington) United Press 時事通信 (Berlin) International 時事通信 News Service (Tokyo) 5/15/1947 [5]/[17]/194[ 7] 19:26 Chicago 読売新聞 Tribune (Tokyo) USIS 時事通信 (Washington) Headline The Tokyo American School, the only school in the Tokyo Area which serves the needs of chi[l]dren of Americans and other United Nations Nationals, and which has struggled through the first school year without financial assistance except that provided by tuition paid by parents, is faced with grave financial problems for next ye[ar], at least $5,000 is needed to prepare for the next school year, it was announced today. Fund drive started by American school Rich deposits of finest Australian pearl beds are awaiting return of Japanese divers before the pearl shell industry can be resumed. Rich deposits of finest Australian pearl beds are awaiting return of Japanese divers before the pearl shell industry can be resumed. Scripps-Howard Correspondent William H. Newton, in a dispatch from Korea, said "despite Russia's apparent agreement to permit all democratic parties to take part in the discussions concerning the Korean provisional government, many obstacles remain before the unification of the country is in sight." The controversy between majority stockholders of Asahi newspapers and the company's Board of Directors has been settled under terms of an agreement which provides that the majority stockholders withdraw their charges that the newspaper is under Communist domination and the Board of Directors pledges itself to a middleof-the-road editorial policy free from any totalitarian bias, Communist or otherwise, it was learned today. The controversy between majority stockholders of Asahi newspapers and the company's Board of Directors has been settled under terms of an agreement which provides that the majority stockholders withdraw their charges that the newspaper is under Communist domination and the Board of Directors pledges itself to a middleof-the-road editorial policy free from any totalitarian bias, Communist or otherwise, it was learned today. The controversy between majority stockholders of Asahi newspapers and the company's Board of Directors has been settled under terms of an agreement which provides that the majority stockholders withdraw their charges that the newspaper is under Communist domination and the Board of Directors pledges itself to a middleof-the-road editorial policy free from any totalitarian bias, Communist or otherwise, it was learned today. MacArthur declares his intention to remain as SCAP until peace treaty signed Far East food situation remains serious despite seven percent increase in world food production Senate approves GOP sponsored labor legislation Subject Brief Summary Tokyo American School faces financial problems; fundraiser H, P Tokyo American School faces financial problems; fundraiser Japanese divers must return to Australian pearl beds before the industry can be resumed Japanese divers must return to Australian pearl beds before the industry can be resumed Russia has laid the groundwork for civil war in Korea H, P Notes 2 2 H, P Y 2 H, D Y 2 Y 3 H, P [Miles W. Vaughn, United Press General Manager for Asia] Asahi has resolved conflict by pledging to a middle-ofthe-road editorial policy H, P [Miles W. Vaughn, United Press General Manager for Asia] Asahi has resolved conflict by pledging to a middle-ofthe-road editorial policy H, P [Miles W. Vaughn, United Press General Manager for Asia] MacArthur will not step down as SCAP until the peace treaty is completed H, P CI & E press release. Far East food situation remains serious despite 7 per cent increase in world food production Senate passed a strict GOP labor bill H, D Restoring Japanese economy Examiner5 Examiner6 Y 1 Malloy Y 4 Y 2 Y 16 1 Y D S Kapan; Critical economic situation in Japan is background for some discussion of U.S. loan to restore Japanese economy. Examiner4 H, P Asahi has resolved conflict by pledging to a middle-ofthe-road editorial policy MacArthur to remain in Japan until completion of peace negotiations; Deleted: Rumors circulating that MacArthur will retire Examiner3 1 D General MacArthur says he will stay until peace treaty signed Examiner1 Examiner2 [Miles W. Vaughn, United Press General Manager for Asia] H, P 4 2 [Walter Simmons] Y 1 Y 7 Oversized 47-frn-0381c Source Photograph(s) 14:29 Duplicate Hold No. 5/14/1947 Number of Pages Date Censored 5/14/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0381b Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 21:1 47-frn-0388 [5]/[21]/194[7] 21:2 47-frn-0389 [5]/[21]/194[7] 21:3 47-frn-0390 [5]/[20]/194[7] 47-frn-0391 5/21/1947 21:5 47-frn-0392 5/21/1947 21:6 47-frn-0393 5/21/1947 21:7 47-frn-0394 [5]/[20]/194[7] 21:8 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin ポツダム方式に反せず. 対日生産物賠償の問題でマ長官言明 47-frn-0395 5/21/1947 5/22/1947 21:8a United Press 共同通信 (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 極東委員会の対日賠償新指令、ポツダム協定反せず. 米国務長官言明 47-frn-0396 5/21/1947 5/22/1947 21:9 United Press 共同通信 (Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 土肥原元大将近くシャンハイに護送 47-frn-0397 5/21/1947 5/22/1947 21:9a United Press 毎日新聞 (Shanghai) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0398 5/21/1947 21:9b United Press 毎日新聞 (Shanghai) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 土肥原元大将上海へ護送か The Chinese Military Mission in Tokyo has reportedly informed the Shanghai Garrison Command headquarters that Lt. Gen. Kenkichi Doihara, who Chinese allege is the mastermind of Japanese aggression in the past two decades, will be sent to Shanghai under guard to face a Chinese military tribunal on war crimes charges. 47-frn-0399 [5]/[20]/194[7] 21:10 Agence 時事通信, 共同通信 France-presse (44, London) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin, The Kyodo News Service 英国、米国、抗議 47-frn-0400 [5]/[20]/194[7] 21:11 United Press 時事通信 (London) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin ソ連誌AFLを攻撃 47-frn-0400a [5]/[21]/194[7] 21:11 United Press 国際タイムス (London) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times A.F.Lを攻撃. ソ連勞働誌 47-frn-0401 [5]/[21]/194[7] 21:12 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0402 5/[21]/1947 21:12a Associated 共同通信 Press (2, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 5/25/1947 5/21/194[7] News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) United Press 時事通信 (Washington) News Item Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Jiji Tsushin Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Radio Press (Melbourne) Japan-Political: Yoshida cabinet resigns Malloy Radio Press Sokuho (BBC) Radio Press Sokuho (BBC) Spain: Suner claims prevention of German invation Katayama may be appointed H, D the next Premier because the Allied leaders have "no obljections" Suner's view of the Franco H, P regime's attitude toward Hitler British protest over H, P advertisements appearing in US newspapers seeking funds for Jewish underground movement in Palestine US restrictions on H, P commercial relations between Mexico and Japan relaxed H, S Gomes New York Times editorial regardless how much one may sympathize with anger of Koreans against proposed four power trusteeship of theircountry... House members agree that US should be more cautious in offering aid to Greece and Turkey Comment on the Korean demonstration against the four power trusteeship of their country FEC decides on reparations, exports and imports FEC decides on reparations, exports, and imports H, P Sixth Marshall told press he did not believe Far Eastern Commissions policy directive on general division of reparations was contrary to Potsdam formula for reparations. Marshall told press he did not believe Far Eastern Commissions policy directive on general division of reparations was contrary to Potsdam formula for reparations. Tokyo Shai sino military mission Tokyo reportedly informed Shanghai garrison command headquarters Lieut Gen. Kenkichi Doihara whome Chinese allege mastermind... Chinese Mission Marshall told press FEC directive on reparations not contrary to Potsdam formula H, P Y 4 Marshall told press FEC directive on reparations not contrary to Potsdam formula H, P Y 9 Chinese state that Kenkichi Doihara will be brought to face war crimes charges in Shanghai H, S Y 4 Chinese state that Kenkichi Doihara will be brought to face war crimes charges in Shanghai Chinese state that Kenkichi Doihara will be brought to face war crimes charges in Shanghai H, S H, S Y 2 Lord Inverchapel British [Amb]assador To Washington was by the foregin office to lodge an energetic protest with the American government concerning publication by certain U.S. press organs of articles likely to encourage terrorist activities in Palestine, it was officially announced today. Lord Inverchapel says publication of certain US press organ encourage terrorist activities in Palestine H, P Y 2 Radio Moscow broadcast article in trade magazine "Trud" bitterly attacking "reactionary leaders" of American federation of labor. Radio Moscow broadcast an article in the trade magazine "Trud" bitterly attacking the "reactionary leaders" of the American Federation of Labor. Allied nations said today they may take Japanese reparations from the Empire's current industrial production as well from capital assets. Moscow denounces AFL leaders of being reactionary capitalists H, S Y 3 Moscow denounces AFL leaders of being reactionary capitalists H, S Y 2 Allied nations may take Japanese reparations from current industrial production as well as from capital assets H, P The Allied nations said they may take Japanese reparations from Empire[']s current industrial production as well as from its capital assets. Allied nations may take Japanese reparations from current industrial production as well as from capital assets H, P 時事通信 United Press 共同通信 (23, New York) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin, The Kyodo News Service メキシコ対日貿易復活を考究中 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 希、土援助計畫を繞る米議會の論戰 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 米紙、反託デモに警告 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Serivice News Service Jiji World 日本新規生産物の賠償取立. 極東委員会の見解 Authoritative sources reported Me[x]ican foreign office studying plans for renewing commercial relations with Japan following notification from Washington wartime restrictions on direct correspondence with Japanese business firms been relaxed. House Debate centering round Greek & Turkish Aid Program H, P [Stewart Hensley, United Press staff correspon dent] Notes FEC directives on reparations and Japanese exports U.S. : No action taken on new British protest H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 The Far Eastern Commission announced a policy decision on the "division of reparations shares" in Japan which recognizes in effort that the United States holds the first mortgage on Japanese liquid assets as repayment for the occupation and food relief costs. Associated 時事通信, 共同通信 Press (29, 40, Mexico City) 21:4 Submitted by Jiji Tsushin 5 Spaulding 3 3 3 Kato Nomura Y 2 Y 10 Y 7 6 5 1 3 Y 11 1 Oversized [5]/[21]/194[7] Source Photograph(s) 47-frn-0387 Hold No. Duplicate 5/21/194[7] Number of Pages Date Censored [5]/[20]/194[7] Japanese Article Prange Control No. Writers Date Submitted 47-frn-0386 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin China's economic chaos can be remedied with better governmental control of export licenses 47-frn-0404 [5]/[20]/194[7] 21:14 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (New Delhi) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Sample fair of Japanese goods expected soon in India 47-frn-0405 5/21/1947 21:14a Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 日本商品インドにあらわる Attention Tokyo for the first time since war grope Japanese goods are being seen again India 47-frn-0406 5/21/194[7] 21:14b Agence 共同通信 France-presse (68, New Delhi) Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (New Delhi) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 戰後初の日本商品展. ニュー・デリーで開催 Japanese goods in display in India for first time since war 47-frn-0407 5/21/1947 21:14c Jiji Tsushin Jiji 印度で日本品見本市 Attention Tokyo for the first time since war grope Japanese goods are being seen again India 47-frn-0408 5/21/1947 21:14d Agence 時事通信 France-presse (68, New Delhi) Agence 毎日新聞 France-presse (New Delhi) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi インドで日本商品の見本市 Japanese goods in display in India for first time since war 47-frn-0409 5/21/1947 21:14e Agence 読売新聞 France-presse (New Delhi) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 印度で日本品見本市 Japanese goods in display in India for first time since war 47-frn-0410 [5]/[20]/194[7] 21:14f Agence 世界日報 France-presse (New Delhi) Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 印度で日本品[の]日本市 Japanese goods in display in India for first time since war 47-frn-0411 [5]/[21]/194[7] 5/21/194[7] 21:15 Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin インドネシヤ労組会議の撽 Indonesian Trade Union Congress' petition 47-frn-0412 [5]/[21]/194[7] 5/21/194[7] 21:16 47-frn-0413 [5]/[21]/194[7] 5/21/194[7] 21:17 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (Moscow) Radio Press Sokuho (Moscow) Radio Press (Moscow) 47-frn-0414 [5]/[21]/194[7] 5/21/194[7] 21:18 47-frn-0415 [5]/[21]/194[7] 21:19 47-frn-0416 [5]/[21]/194[7] 21:19a 47-frn-0417 5/21/194[7] 21:19b Associated Press (4, New York) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jijibo 47-frn-0418 [5]/[20]/194[7] 21:19c Associated Press (New York) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-0419 5/21/194[7] 21:19d Associated Press (New York) 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai 対日金融援助計畫 47-frn-0420 5/21/1947 21:19e Associated Press (New York) 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 國務省は援助策考慮か 47-frn-0421 5/21/1947 21:19f Associated Press (New York) 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishinippon 日本に対する財政援助計画 47-frn-0422 5/21/1947 21:20a United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0423 5/21/1947 5/23/1947 21:21 International Nippon Times News Service (New York) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0424 5/21/1947 5/24/1947 21:21a International 中部日本新聞 News Service (New York) Chubu Nihon Shimbun Chubu Nihon Radio Press Sokuho (Moscow) Associated Press (4, New York) 日本通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 対日借款説を否足. 金融は民間銀行の手で 米国労省、対日金融計画を検討 Brief Summary China's economic chaos can H, P be remedied with better governmental control of export licenses Sample fair of Japanese H, P goods expected soon in India, for the first time since the war Sample fair of Japanese H, P goods expected soon in India, for the first time since the war Sample fair of Japanese H, P goods expected soon in India, for the first time since the war Sample fair of Japanese H, P goods expected soon in India, for the first time since the war Sample fair of Japanese H, P goods expected soon in India, for the first time since the war Sample fair of Japanese H, P goods expected soon in India, for the first time since the war Sample fair of Japanese H, P goods expected soon in India, for the first time since the war Indonesian Trade Congress H, D asks all unions to boycott Dutch ships Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 1 1 Y 4 Y 2 Y 3 Y 3 Y 2 Y 3 Y ロシア語 で書かれ ている電 報あり 3 U.S.:Economic: prices continue to rise Increasing prices in the US are leading to more strikes H, P, S 2 US.: Political: House committee termed management tool US is oppressing the working class under the guise of hunting communists, say US trade unions US will give Japan $300 million in loans H, S 2 Dow Jones said that State Dept. is considering plans for aid to Japan through private channels Dow Jones said that State Dept. is considering plans for aid to Japan through private channels Dow Jones said that State Dept. is considering plans for aid to Japan through private channels Dow Jones said that State Dept. is considering plans for aid to Japan through private channels Dow Jones said that State Dept. is considering plans for aid to Japan through private channels Dow Jones said that State Dept. is considering plans for aid to Japan through private channels Dow Jones said that State Dept. is considering plans for aid to Japan through private channels US will have first claim on Japanese gold and other liquid assets as repayment for occupation costs H, P Japan and Germany may be allowed to reopen shipping H, D Japan and Germany may be allowed to reopen shipping H, D Japan: Economic: loan from U.S. being planned 共同通信 Subject Dow Jones Financial News Service said State Dept is considering plans for financial aid to Japan through private channels. Dow Jones Financial News Service said the State Department is considering plans for financial aid to Japan through private channels. Dow Jones Financial News Service said State Department is considering plans for financial aid to Japan through private channels. State Department is considering plans for financial aid to Japan, s[a]ys Dow Jones Financial News Service Dow Jones Financial News Service said the State Department is considering plans for financial aid to Japan through private channels. Dow Jones Financial News Service said the State Department is considering plans for financial aid to Japan through private channels. Dow Jones Financial News Service said the State Department is considering plans for financial aid to Japan through private channels. The Far Eastern Commission announced a policy decision on the "division of reparations shares" in Japan which recognizes in effect that the United States holds the first mortgage on Japanese liquid assets as repayment for the occupation and food relief costs. Germany and Japan may be allowed to engage again in ocean shipping. Gradual Action Along These Lines Seen In Move Designed To Aid Economic Rehabilitation 米國海事委員會のT・G・ミーレン氏は最近次の様な世 Germany and Japan expected to return 界主要海運國に関する船腹の統計を発表すると共に「 to their ocean shipping 日本及びドイツの両國はその經済復興を促進するため に漸次太洋航路の復活を許されるであろう」と語つた 。 D 2 Y H, P 8 1 H, P Y H, P 4 1 H, P Y 2 H, P Y 2 Y 3 H, P H [Izawa] [Matsuda] , [Steward Hensley] 2 2 Y 16 Oversized News Agency United Press 時事通信 (New York) Photograph(s) Source 21:13 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 5/21/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0403 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline Subject Brief Summary Nishinippon 日独両国の太平洋航路復帰を提唱 Germany and Japan expected to return to their ocean shipping Japan and Germany may be allowed to reopen shipping 21:21c International 国際特信 News Service (New York) Kokusai Tokushin Kokusai Tokushin 許可の日も近い. 日独の海事貿易 Germany, Japan May Renew Maritime Trade Japan and Germany may be allowed to reopen shipping Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local 21:23 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local Chamber of Commerce predicts lower prices. Advises Consumers Not to Buy At Present High Level The new political turmoil Japan Chamber of Commerce predicts lower prices The New Political Turmoil 21:24 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local U.S. firms seeking Hokkaido products. Inquiries From Other Foreign Importers Boost Island's Early Trade Recovery US firms seeking Hokkaido products The Chronicle in an editorial today said "because of 'the profound bitterness and mistrust on both sides' Associated Press Correspondent Spencer Moosa wires from China that a negotiated China peace is impossible." 47-frn-0426 [5]/[21]/194[7] 47-frn-0427 5/21/1947 21:22 47-frn-0428 5/21/1947 47-frn-0429 5/21/1947 47-frn-0430 [5]/[21]/194[7] 21:25 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (San Francisco) 47-frn-0431 5/21/1947 5/21/1947 21:26 United Press 共同通信 (Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0432 5/21/1947 5/21/1947 21:26a United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0433 5/21/1947 5/21/1947 21:27 United Press 日米通信 (New York) Nichibei Tsushin Nichibei 47-frn-0434 5/21/1947 21:28 Nichibei Tsushin 47-frn-0435 5/21/1947 5/23/1947 21:29 United 日米通信 Feature Syndicate (London) United Press 共同通信 (New York) 47-frn-0436 [5]/[20]/194[7] 5/23/194[7] 21:29a 47-frn-0437 [5]/[20]/194[7] 5/23/194[7] 47-frn-0438 5/21/1947 47-frn-0439 5/24/194[7] Headline (Japanese) Nishi Nihon Shimbun H, D [Theodore Koslow, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent], [Osawa] H, D, [Theodore P Koslow] Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 7 Y 4 H, P 1 H, C, D H, P 2 Spencer Moosa reports from China that a negotiated China peace is impossible H, P 2 Col. C. L. Kades, deputy chief of SCAP's government section, Tuesday categorically denied Japanese rumors that outgoing Premier Shigeru Yoshida had General Douglas MacArthur's "understanding" in refusing to join in formation of a coalition cabinet under Tetsu Katayama, who is head of the Social Democratic Party which polled the greatest strength in the recent elections, unless the Social Democrats purged their left wing element. Kades of SCAP denies Japanese rumors of an "understanding" between Yoshida and MacArthur in connection with recent election H, P, S Col. C. L. Kades, deputy chief of SCAP's government section, Tuesday categorically denied Japanese rumors that outgoing Premier Shigeru Yoshida had General Douglas MacArthur's "understanding" in refusing to join in formation of a coalition cabinet under Tetsu Katayama, who is head of the Social Democratic Party which polled the greatest strength in the recent elections, unless the Social Democrats purged their left wing element. Kades of SCAP denies Japanese rumors of an "understanding" between Yoshida and MacArthur in connection with recent election H, P, S 自由と平和へ復員二世の歓き Mike Masaoka is a sincere young man, but he is not sure that a lot of his fellow citizens are. H, D Nichibei 身にしむ味氣なさ。ドル貨節約の增税で煙草一本が二 ぺンス World Events Nisei war veteran states that Japanese Americans have not been treated fairly since the war British tax imposed on tobacco Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 日本へ新綿輸出を計画. 屑綿五万俵も準備 War Dept. (Japan) is waiting for word from SCAP on whether cotton waste will be shipped to Japan United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 対日綿花供給問題. 屑綿についても照会中 50,000 bales of cotton waste may be shipped to Japan by June 30 21:29b United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Reports Japan in immediate need three hundred thousand bales to replenish depleted inventories served to color expected army purchase for shipment Germany Japanward Concern over domestic supply situation before next harvest put prices on upgrade with strength July dominant feature. Notes on cotton 21:30 United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Whaling protest [5]/[21]/194[7] 21:30a United Press 共同通信 (Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0440 5/21/1947 21:31 United Press 毎日新聞 (Hobart, Tasmania) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0441 5/21/1947 21:34 Korean Information Press (Tokyo) The Korean Information Chosen Tokushin 5/21/1947 朝鮮特信 日本語版 マ元帥の了解はなし. 総司令部連立拒否の経緯説明 タスマニアの抗議は事実無根. 總司令部当局談 朝鮮人統一民衆大会盛況 William Herrington, chief of the fisheries division of SCAP's natural resources section, Wednesday denied the charge reportedly made by Robert Cosgrove, premier of Tasmania, that Japanese, during their recent whaling operations in the Antarctic, slaughtered whales indiscriminately. Protest Jap Whaling Mass Meeting for Koreans' Unity Held Successfully Y 5 1 Y 2 Y 3 H, D Y 13 H, P, D Y 7 H, P 50,000 bales of cotton waste H, D may be shipped to Japan by June 30 Premier of Tasmania asserted H, P that the Japanese, in recent whaling operation, slaughtered whales indiscriminately in Antarctic William Herrington, chief of H, P fisheries of SCAP denied charges made by premier of Tasmania William Herrington, chief of fisheries of SCAP denied charges made by premier of Tasmania Mass meeting for Korean unity held successfully 1 [Randolph Churchill] 3 1 Y H, P H, P 8 1 Y 19 Oversized News Agency International 西日本新聞 News Service (New York) Photograph(s) Source 21:21b Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 5/21/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0425 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-0443 [5]/[22]/194[7] 21:36 [Radio Press] 47-frn-0444 [5]/[20]/194[7] 21:37 Agence Francepresse, Kyodo Tsushin (London) United Press (New York) Associated Press (San Francisco) Associated Press (25, Seattle) 5/21/1947 21:38 Submitted by (Japanese) Nippon Times Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Nippon Times Local Headline Subject Acted as Dr. Sun's advisor. Uncle Served Under Famous China Statesman, Says Miss Green Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 日米通信 The America-Japan Press (202) Jiji Tsushin Nichibei 202 時事通信 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 俘虜生活の体驗記(三人帰る) H, P General cargo situation not bright H, P Seattle agent Ed Coester of the Sailors Union of the Pacific AFL said immediate steps would be taken to prevent use of Japanese labor on American ships in Japanese ports Acts to Keep Japanese Off American Ships Sailor's Union of the Pacific takes steps to see that Japanese labor will not be used on American ships H, S Sailor's Union of the Pacific takes steps to see that Japanese labor will not be used on American ships S Former war corresponde[nt] Clark Lee said in book "One Last Look Around" Emperor Hirohito still most powerful man in world. Former war corresponde[nt] Clark Lee said in book "One Last Look Around" Emperor Hirohito still most powerful man in world. Henry Wallace declaring that the U.S. is the only nation able to unify the world for peace proposed "overall plan for the abolition of war." War correspondent states that H, D, Hirohito is still militaristic S and therefore dangerous Y 5 War correspondent states that H, S Hirohito is still militaristic and therefore dangerous Y 10 H, P Y 11 H, P 1 1 5/21/1947 5/22/1947 21:40 47-frn-0448 5/21/1947 5/22/1947 21:40a Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Seattle) Nippon Times Nippon Times 47-frn-0449 [5]/[21]/194[7] 21:41 United Press 時事通信, 共同通信 (11, New York) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji, The Kyodo News Service 天皇は日本軍国主義の中心人物 47-frn-0450 5/22/1947 United Press 共同通信 (11, New York) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 米記者天皇を攻撃 47-frn-0451 5/21/194[7] 21:42 Associated Press (26, San Francisco) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo ウオーレス氏、世界平和への途を提唱 47-frn-0452 5/21/1947 21:42a Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (San Francisco) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Wallace Offers Peace Pattern Henry Wallace declared that US is only nation able to unify world for peace and proposed plan for abolition of war Wallace offers peace pattern 47-frn-0453 5/21/1947 21:43 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Claims Amelia Earhart captured by Japanese. Mother Says Her Daughter Was on Secret Gov't Mission Mother of Amelia Earhart claims her daughter captured by the Japanese H, P 47-frn-0454 5/21/1947 21:44 International 西日本新聞 News Service (News Agency) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishinippon イヤハート女史日本軍の犠牲か Amelia Earhart said victim of Japanese agents H, P 47-frn-0455 5/21/1947 21:46 Associated Press (Tokyo) 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 總司令部うわさ否定 A headquarters spokesman (meanwhile), denied persistent Japanese rumors that SCAP officials opposed a Premier who does not speak English, or one whose party contained leftwing elements. Mother of Amelia Earhart says that her daughter was on a secret government mission when she became a victim of Japanese agents By Russel Brines ; Chief of Bureau, The associated Press 47-frn-0456 5/21/1947 21:47 Jiji Tsushin 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji 總司令部は日本政策に干渉せず. ホイットニー代将言明 Denies SCAP Role In Selection Of Japanese Premier H, P 47-frn-0457 5/21/194[7] 21:48 Associated Press (Tokyo) 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 日本"帝國"とはいわず 47-frn-0458 5/21/194[7] 21:49 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Press General Whitney blasts rumors that SCAP involved in selection of Japanese premier MacArthur ordered that in the future the word "Imperial" will be eliminated when referring to the Japanese government Japan labor unions formally invited to WFTU convention 47-frn-0459 5/22/1947 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai D 47-frn-0460 [5]/[22]/194[7] Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Zaibatsu properties first to go as reparations 47-frn-0461 [5]/[20]/194[7] Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) Associated 静岡新聞 Press World Service (San Francisco) Truman's anti-Communist policy is responsible for turmoil in the French government Zaibatsu properties first to go as reparations Shizuoka Shimbun Shizuoka Shimbun The pacific shipper said that steamship operators are open in their discussion of the bleak conditions in transpacific business... thus confirming the earlier forecasts... that the orient postwar [bubble] has fizzled. 47-frn-0463 5/23/1947 Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 5/22/1947 5/22/194[7] News Nihon Keizai 日本経済新聞 Item(Comme nt) General MacArthur today ordered that in the future occupation force documents will eliminate the word "Imperial" when referring to the Japanese government. Japan labor unions formally invited to WFTU convention 苦惱するフランス. 第三黨から大統領と首相 賠償引渡しの順位を決定. 『財閥』工場を眞っ先に Notes Experiences of 3 POW's 47-frn-0447 21: 41a Examiner5 Examiner6 H, P 5/21/1947 5/22/1947 Examiner4 Yalcin stated that US aid granted to Turkey prevented third world war [5]/[20]/194[7] 米国船の船内作業に日本労働者を使用するな Examiner3 "The aid granted to Turkey by the USA has prevented a third world war" declared this evening in London M Hussein Yalcin, head of the Turkish Parliamentary delegation at present visiting Britain \ Experience of internees "Three Return" General cargo situation not bright H, P 47-frn-0446 Jiji Examiner1 Examiner2 H, P World in review. France--German prisoners of war 共同通信 Brief Summary Miss Green of SCAP states that her uncle, Gen. Homer Lea, served under Dr. Sun Yat-sen German prisoners of war in France 47-frn-0445 21:39 UP, New York Submitted by Nippon Times "France is in anguish" Steamship operators discuss bleak conditions in transpacific business P 1 [Bill Downs, CBS Paris correspon dent] 2 2 Gomes Kato Fujinami Y 7 2 2 Y 7 1 [Osawa] Y 5 [Russel Brines, Chief of Bureau, The Associated Press] [Andrew Headland] Y 2 Y 7 Y 2 H, P H, P 1 2 Kawamoto Kato Tabata Y 4 H, P 2 D 1 Y 4 2 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source 21:35 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 5/21/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0442 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-0465 [5]/[26]/194[7] 27:2 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-0466 5/27/1947 27:2b United Press 共同通信 (New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo フーヴァー元大統領. 對日單独平和を提唱 47-frn-0467 5/27/1947 27:3 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji シンガポール対日貿易拒否 47-frn-0468 5/27/1947 47-frn-0469 5/27/1947 47-frn-0470 5/28/1947 27:4 47-frn-0471 5/27/194[7] 27:6 47-frn-0472 [5]/[27]/194[7] 47-frn-0473 News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Japan-economic: Peace treaty will pave way for progress Herbert Hoover urges immediate separate peace with Japan and Germany Hoover blaming Russian obstruction for delay in world recovery urged immediate separate peace with Japan. British-run Singapore chamber of commerce has declared emphatically it will not resume trade with Japan it was disclosed today. Singapore chamber of commerce declares not to resume trade with Japan Subject Brief Summary Singapore chamber of commerce declares not to resume trade with Japan Singapore chamber of commerce declares not to resume trade with Japan H, S Japan must discard old economy for successful reconstruction H, P Nanking rumoured to have asked the US to defend Tientsin-Chingwangtao Railway Noel-Baker, Labor Party chairman, called upon the British government to take the lead in establishing a "new relation of equality" among the peoples of the world Australian delegation threatens to walk out of trade conference if US does not reduce tariff on Australian wool H, P H, P Y 5 H, S Y 3 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (Peiping) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 27:7 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Margate) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Philip Noel-Baker, Labor party chairman, called upon the British government today to take the lead in trying to establish a "new relations of equality, confidence and trust" among the peoples of the world. [5]/[27]/194[7] 27:8 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo A high authority characterized as not well-based London press reports that as Australian delegation would walk out of the International Trade conference at Geneva if the U.S. fails to reduce the existing tariff on Australian wool. 47-frn-0474 [5]/[27]/194[7] 27:12 日米通信 シャムビルマ商社名簿. 貴重な貿易資料 5/27/1947 27:14 Nichibei 有り餘る中の貧乏. 名案も浮かばぬ豊作じやが芋の処分 Washington Calling Poverty in the midst of plenty H, P 47-frn-0476 5/27/194[7] 27:15 United 日米通信 Feature Syndicate (Washington) Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (Washington) The America-Japan Press The America-Japan Press 日米通信 47-frn-0475 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 中共の参加招請参政会決. 休戰宣言起草の委員会設置 Washington denies rumour of Nanking's request for defense of TientsinChingwantao railway 47-frn-0477 5/27/194[7] Washington denies rumour of Nanking's request for defense of TientsinChingwangtao Railway Japanese delegates will not go to Prague labor conference if MacArthur opposes it 47-frn-0478 1 H, S Y [Kazuo Okochi] 3 H, P 1 Y 1 Y 3 H, P Y 3 H, D [Morris Harris] Y 4 Y 9 [Marquis Childs] Associated 時事通信 Press (16, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 日本代表の世界労連出席は不許可か and State Department spokesmen said they felt it unlikely that Japanese labor delegates would per.. to attend WFTU conference in Prague June Nine. 5/27/1947 27:16a Associated 共同通信 Press (16, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 日本労動代表のプラーグ大会派遣は困難 War and State Dept spokesm[e]n said they felt it [un]likely that Japanese labor delegates would committee to attend WFTU conference in Prague 9 "if Macarthur does not favor their going." Japanese delegates will not go to Prague labor conference if MacArthur opposes it H, D 47-frn-0479 [5]/[27]/194[7] 27:16b Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) War and State Department spokesmen said today that they felt it was unlikely that Japanese labor delegates would be permitted to attend the World Federation of Trade Unions conference in Prague June 9 "if General MacArthur does not favor their going." Japanese delegates will not go to Prague labor conference if MacArthur opposes it H, D [Morris Harris] 47-frn-0480 [5]/[27]/194[7] 5/27/194[7] 27:16c Associated 静岡新聞 Press World Service (Washington) Shizuoka Shimbun Shizuoka 47-frn-0481 5/27/1947 5/27/1947 27:16d Associated 日本経済新聞 Press World Service (Washington) The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 47-frn-0482 5/27/1947 27:18 United Press 毎日新聞 (Darlington, South Carolina) Mainichi Shimbun The Mainichi 世界勞連會議えの日本代表参加は不許可か. 米陸軍、國務省代表語る D War and State Department spokesmen said today that they felt it was unlikely that Japanese labor delegates would be permitted to attend the World Federation of Trade Unions conference in Prague June 9 "if General MacArthur does not favor their going." Jailer G. B. Stokes announced that Willie Pooler, 24-year old Negro confessed to raping a 67-year old white woman and that he has been rushed to a state penitentiary in Columbia as precaution against mob violence. P 1 [Morris Harris] H, D [Morris Harris] Rapist taken to penitentiary in Columbia as precaution against mob violence 2 H, P H, P War and State Department spokesmen said today that they felt it was unlikely that Japanese labor delegates would be permitted to attend the World Federation of Trade Unions conference in Prague June 9 "if General MacArthur does not favor their going." 5 3 Y 27:16 5/27/194[7] Notes 1 Reuters (Singapore) 天津秦皇島間鉄道防備を米國に要請 Examiner5 Examiner6 H, P Reuters (Singapore) British-run Singapore chamber of commerce has declared emphatically it will not resume trade with Japan it was disclosed today. Japan must discard old economy for successful reconstruction. To Effect Positive Reform, Dr. Okochi Claims, Japanese Mustn't be Swayed by the Old or by Opportunism Nanking rumoured asked U.S. to defend Tientsin-Chingwangtao railway Examiner4 1 27:3a 日本との貿易再開拒否 Examiner3 H, S 27:3b 5/27/1947 Examiner1 Examiner2 Chinese correspondent says that SCAP is rebuilding the Japanese economy in such a way that Japan will once more dominate Asia economically Herbert Hoover urges immediate separate peace with Japan and Germany Herbert Hoover urges immediate separate peace with Japan and Germany Singapore chamber of commerce declares not to resume trade with Japan 2 Y 2 1 Oversized Radio Press Sokuho (Nanking) Source Photograph(s) 27:1 Duplicate Hold No. 5/28/1947 Number of Pages Date Censored [5]/[27]/194[7] Japanese Article Prange Control No. Writers Date Submitted 47-frn-0464 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 5/27/1947 47-frn-0484 5/27/1947 47-frn-0485 Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Japan Surrendered on Learning It Could Not Ward Off A-Bombs 27:20 United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun The Mainichi General Mark Clark accused the Russians in Austria of confiscating Austrian industries, farm products, livestock, and other Austrian resources including Danube river shipping illegally and in violation of Potsdam Agreement. 5/27/1947 27:21 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0486 5/27/1947 27:23a New York Nippon Times Herald Tribune United Press 共同通信 (New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo ポツダム協定固守の要なし. フーヴァー聲明の内容 47-frn-0487 5/27/1947 27:23d Associated Press (New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 平和物資は製造施設を撤去するな. フーヴァー氏の勸告案の四項目 47-frn-0488 [5]/[27]/194[7] 27:27 Korea 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Information Press (Seoul) The Korean Information Chosen Tokushin 李王職財産は敵産にあらず. 李博士独促国民會常委席上言明 47-frn-0489 5/27/1947 27:30 Associated Press (Tokyo) 北海道新聞 Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun のんびり組閣風景 47-frn-0490 5/27/1947 27:31 Associated Press (Tokyo) 北海道新聞 Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido 対日講和会期の早期開始を希望. 日本共産党声明 47-frn-0491 5/27/1947 27:33 United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times 47-frn-0492 5/27/1947 27:35 Nippon Times 47-frn-0493 5/27/1947 5/27/1947 27:37 47-frn-0494 5/27/1947 5/27/1947 27:38 47-frn-0495 5/27/1947 5/27/1947 27:39 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Canberra) 47-frn-0496 [5]/[26]/194[7] 27:40 International 国際特信 News Service (Seoul) 47-frn-0497 5/27/1947 27:41 時事通信 47-frn-0498 5/[27]/194[7] 27:42 United Press 国際特信 (Hong Kong) 47-frn-0499 [5]/[27]/194[7] 27:43 47-frn-0500 [5]/[27]/194[7] 27:46 47-frn-0501 5/27/1947 47-frn-0502 5/27/1947 47-frn-0503 [5]/[21]/194[7] 47-frn-0504 [5]/[27]/194[7] 5/27/1947 6/4/194[7] 5/27/1947 5/28/1947 5/27/1947 27:47 United Press 毎日新聞 (Canberra) news item Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H, P 4 Her[b]ert Hoover attacked RussianFrench policies with respect to Germany and recommended [United] States [considered] no longer bound by [Potsdam] agreements as regards reparations and industrial policies. Hoover made these specific recommendations: 1 - abandon policy of removing industrial plants which make peacetime goods from defeated countries. "Properties of the King Yi Family Aren't Enemy Properties," States Dr. Syngman Rhee at the Executive Committee Meeting of the National Society for Hastening Korean Independence. While Japan's economic problems continued to mount, Tetsu Katayama, the 60-year old Socialist leader, literally became the country's first one man Government yesterday. Japan Communist Party, which often reflects the Kremlin policy, yesterday issued a statement urging an early peace for Japan and asserting there are no prospects of a Russo-Japanese conflict. Hoover bluntly stated that US no longer bound by Potsdam agreement as regards reparations and industrial policies H, P Y 19 Hoover made three specific recommendations for restoration of German and Japanese economy H, P Y 10 Syngman Rhee says that it is illegal for US forces to seize property of the King Yi family H, S Y 2 Katayama assumed Premiership of Japan in the absence of a Cabinet H, P Y 8 Japan Communist Party which often reflects Kremlin policy asserted there are no prospects of Russo-Japanese conflict H, D Y 5 Nippon Times Local Ruler Hopes Occupation Forces Will Stay Till Job Is Finished. Emperor Expresses Great Faith In United Nations And In Creating Ordered World Without War Emperor hopes Occupation Forces will stay until job is finished H, P Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign British Laborites spurn Communism, back conscription H, P 1 Mainichi Shimbun The Mainichi British laborites spurn Communism, back conscription. 2,332 to 571 Vote Underlines Apparently Waning Opposition To Bevin's Stand. Fraternization. Officials here are considering the removal of the fraternization ban now in effect in Japan for British Commonwealth Occupation Troops, it was learned. The fraternization ban on British Commonwealth Occupation troops might be removed by Australian officials Present stage of agricultural rehabilitation in Russia Australia may remove nonfraternization ban on troops now in Japan H, S 1 49 Korean parties ask the meaning of Democracy of the American-Soviet joint Commission Communist spokesman refutes the anti-Communist manifesto Marshal Li predicts a people's revolt against Chiang Kai-shek H, P 「今日の問題」. ソヴエト農業復興の現段階 Present stage of agricultural rehabilitation in Russia. Australia May Remove NonFraternization Ban 朝鮮の四十九政党. デモクラシーの意義を質問. 米ソ会同委員会に Jiji Press Kokusai Tokushin Kokusai Tokushin 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Press 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (56) Asahi 56 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Press Emperor to see Bunrakuza shows during forthcoming Osaka tour 朝鮮情報 Korean Information Press Korean Information People's front & other parties evicted out of premises The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times United Press 国際タイムス (Berlin) Examiner4 The Voice of America to be heard in foreign lands Jiji Tsushin 27:52 Examiner3 Today and Tomorrow. The Voice of America Kokusai Tokushin KP-KIP (Seoul) Examiner1 Examiner2 2 Kokusai Tokushin 27:49 Brief Summary Austin Brues of the Atomic H, P Casualty Commission stated that Japan attempted futilely to develop an Atomic bomb after Hiroshima Columbia Bradcasting H, D, [Matsuda] Company forbids Gen. Clark P to say on air that Russians are illegally seizing Austrian oil 共同通信 共同特信 C Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Tokushin Tokushin C Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign news item 27:48 5/28/194[7] 共同通信 Subject 49 Korean Parties Ask Meaning of Democracy. May Be Negotiation Stumbling Block Communist spokesman refutes manifesto 今後一ヶ年以内に蒋政権轉覆せん. 香港亡命李将軍の意見 The Chinese people will revolt and overthrow Generalissimo Chiang Kaishek's regime within a year, in the opinion of Marshal Li Tsi-shen, formerly a close associate of Chiang's and probably the foremost Chinese political refugee now living in Hong Kong. Reparations from current production generally welcomed Repatriates fast for return of comrades 國共調整と參政會議 破局的様相を帯ぶ. 獨飢餓デモ擴大か The food crisis in Western Germany is expected to continue at least through June. H, P 1 [Walter Lippmann ] [Russell Brines] [Earnest Hoberecht , United Press staff correspon dent] 1 [Toshihiko J. Gomes Ogata] Saito Abe Y H, S 1 [John H. Rich] Y H, P 5 3 H, S Reparations from current H, C production generally welcomed Repatriates fast for return of H, P comrades Adjustment between Adjustment between national H, P Nationalists and Communists and communist government and Political Council and People's Political Council 7 Y 10 5 2 Kawamoto Saito Fujinami Y 8 Emperor to see Bumraku-Za shows during the forthcoming Osaka tour Americans evict the People's Front and other groups from a building in Seoul H, P 5 H, S 1 Food crisis in western Germany is expected to last until June H, P Y 3 1 Oversized News Agency Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Chicago) Photograph(s) Source 27:19a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0483 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 27:53 47-frn-0506 [5]/[26]/194[7] 27:55 47-frn-0507 5/27/194[7] 47-frn-0508 Submitted by (Japanese) 新聞之新聞 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) Jiji Tsushin 5/27/194[7] Agence 読売新聞 France-presse (Margate) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 5/27/1947 5/27/1947 Associated 朝日新聞 Press World Service (Washington) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 世界勞連大會とマ元帥 47-frn-0509 5/27/1947 5/27/1947 Associated 北海道新聞 Press (Washington) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 米陸、国務両省もマ元帥に同意 47-frn-0510 [5]/[27]/194[7] 47-frn-0511 5/27/1947 47-frn-0512 [5]/27/194[7] 5/27/1947 5/27/1947 [5]/[29]/194[7] 5/29/1947 47-frn-0514 [5]/[29]/194[7] 47-frn-0515 [5]/[29]/194[7] 47-frn-0516 5/29/1947 29:4 47-frn-0517 5/[28]/194[7] 29:4a 47-frn-0518 [5]/[29]/194[7] 29:4b 47-frn-0519 5/29/1947 29:4c 47-frn-0520 5/29/194[7] 5/29/194[7] 29:5 47-frn-0521 [5]/[29]/194[7] 5/29/194[7] 29:6 5/29/1947 Brief Summary H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 [Saito] Examiner3 Examiner4 [Kawamoto ] Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Notes 5 Senator Omahoney states that Britain is using American loans to hurt American trade H, P 2 Labor congress approves conscription French Labour Party ends its tradition of pacificism by upholding conscription [D] 2 War and State Department spokesmen said today that they felt it was unlikely that Japanese labor delegates would be permitted to attend the World Federation of Trade Unions Conference in Prague June 9. War and State Department spokesmen sa[i]d today that they felt it was unlikely that Japanese labor delegates would be permitted to attend the World Federation of Trade Unions conference in Pr[a]gue June 9 if General MacArthur does not favor their going. Japanese delegates will not be able to go to the WFTU conference in Prague unless MacArthur agrees H, D [Morris Harris] Y 2 Japanese delegates will not be able to go to the WFTU conference in Prague unless MacArthur agrees H, D [Morris Harris] Y 4 International News Service (Tokyo) Emperor hopes occupation forces will stay until job finished Hirohito expresses his approval of the Occupation forces Agence France-presse (Nanking) Peace with comm[u]nists debated at People's Council People's Political Council opens talks on making peace with the Communists Nippon Times 29:1 Radio Press Sokuho (Chungking) 29:2 Radio Press Sokuho (BBC) 29:3 Radio Press Sokuho (Nanking) Associated 共同通信 Press (32, Washington) news item Subject Senator Omahoney contends "Britain using our loans against us" in battle for world trade International 西日本新聞 News Service (Tokyo) 47-frn-0513 Headline 難航の國連 Shimbun no Shimbun Jiji 47-frn-0512a Shimbun no Shimbun Nishi Nippon Nishi Nippon Nippon Times Nippon Times Local H 2 1 天皇、国際連合を御支持 Y Home Ministry clarifies stand on restaurants Japan-Peace Treaty: wants control of S. Kuriles Australia: Evatt attacks threat to the boycott rocket range China: PPC members divided on issue of peace or war 4 4 [D] 1 1 Japan will seek to prevent the H, S USSR from annexing the Kurile Islands at the Peace Conference Herbert Evatt denounces H, P communists as promoting Russian rather than Australian interests The Chinese Communists are H, D pawns of Moscow 1 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo テイバー歳出委員長日独単独講和を支持 Chairman Taber republican New York of House Appropriations Committee declared administration should accept "immediately" Herbert Hoover suggestion U.S. write its own peace treaties with Germany and Japan. Herbert Hoover suggests a separate peace with Germany and Japan in order to reduce the US's burden of foreign aid P Associated 時事通信, 共同通信 Press (25, 32, San Francisco, Washington); United Press (9, Washington) Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji, The Kyodo News Service フ氏の対日独單独平和解決案を支持 Wednesday Chairman Taber republican New York of House Appropriations Committee declared administration should accept "immediately" Herbert Hoover suggestion [U.S.] write its own peace treaties with Germany and Japan. Herbert Hoover suggests a separate peace with Germany and Japan in order to reduce the US's burden of foreign aid H, P Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Herbert Hoover suggests a separate peace with Germany and Japan in order to reduce the US's burden of foreign aid H, P Associated 朝日新聞 Press (32, Washington) Asahi Shimbun Asahi Chairman John Taber, Repu[b]lican of New York, of the House Appropriations Committee, declared today that the administration should accept "immediately" Herbert Hoover's suggestion that the United States write its own peace treaties with Germany and Japan. Chairman Taber Republican New York of House Appropriations Committee declared administration should accept "immediately" Herbert Hoover suggestion U.S. write its own peace treaties with Germany and Japan. Herbert Hoover suggests a separate peace with Germany and Japan in order to reduce the US's burden of foreign aid H, P Korean 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Information Press (Seoul; Tokyo) Reuters 共同通信 (London) The Korean Information Korean Information 日本間との海底電信を国際的ブローカー利用; 朝鮮YMCA学校開講 International brokers reported to be misusing the cables between Fukuoka and Fusan H, P Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo フ氏の提案を支持 対日講和の英連邦会議開催地. 英、オーストラリア対立 Though after many protest[s] Australia accepted aye procedure for first five peace settlements in which she was no real power of negatiating and looks like being forced to accept similar position at Berman Peace Settlement on arrangement of this type would defin[i]tely not be acceptable when Pacific Is[la]nder discussion end Submarinecable between Fusan and Fukuoka is utilized by international brokers Australia wants negotiating power at the Pacific peace conference 2 3 [Alex Singleton] 9 Y 6 2 Gomes Goto Hideo Watanabe Kato Y 2 Y 11 Y 7 1 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [5]/[27]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0505 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-0523 [5]/[28]/194[7] 29:7a United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-0524 5/29/194[7] 29:7b United Press 共同通信 (New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0525 [5]/[28]/194[7] 29:8 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-0526 5/29/1947 29:8a United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 平和條約へ邁進せよ 47-frn-0527 5/[29]/194[7] 5/29/194[7] 29:9 United Press 時事通信, 共同通信 (7, New York) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin, The Kyodo News Service 米紙、フーヴァー案を論評 47-frn-0528 5/[29]/1947 5/29/1947 29:9a United Press 共同通信 (7, New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 対日独單独講和案と米紙論調 47-frn-0529 [5]/[29]/194[7] 5/29/194[7] 29:9b 47-frn-0530 [5]/[28]/194[7] Kyodo Tsushin, United Press (New York) United Press 時事通信 (Nanking) 47-frn-0531 [5]/[28]/194[7] 5/29/194[7] 29:11 47-frn-0532 [5]/[28]/194[7] 5/29/194[7] 29:11a 47-frn-0533 5/29/1947 47-frn-0534 29:10 至急対日平和を締結せよハワード系諸新聞主張 米紙、フーヴァー單独講和案を支持 Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Herbert Hoover advocates making peace with Japan and Germany with or without Russia H, P The Scripps Howard editorial, commenting the Herbert Hoover's view on Russian role obstructing the foreign relief, said: Scripps Howard editorial comm[en]ting ex president Herbert Hoover's views on Russian role obstructing foreign relief said "as mister Hoover outpoints there can be no recovery of Europe and Asia until the[se] two great co[u]nt[rie]s Germany Japan rehabilitated. Herbert Hoover advocates making peace with Japan and Germany with or without Russia Herbert Hoover advocates making peace with Japan and Germany with or without Russia H, P New York Sun reviews Herbert Hoover's stand New York Sun reviews Hoover's advocacy of hurrying the peace process New York Sun reviews Hoover's advocacy of hurrying the peace process H, P H, P Y 3 The Occupation cannot be terminated now without leaving Japan open to Communist takeover H, D Y 5 The Occupation cannot be terminated now without leaving Japan open to Communist takeover H, D, P Y 11 New York Sun editorial title "Hoover calls spade aye spade" reviews expresident[']s stand rega[r]ding relief in orient separate peace with [J]apan. Commenting Herbert Hoover[']s proposal for separate peace treaties with Germany and Japan Herald Tribune quote practicability of this proposal at least open question. Commenting Herbert Hoover[']s proposal for separate peace treaties with Germany and Japan Herald Tribune quote practicability of this proposal at least open question. Situation intolerable Y Notes Scripps Howard editorial commenting expresident Herbert Hoover's views on Russia's role obstructing foreign relief said "as mister Hoover outspoints there can be no recovery of Europe and Asia until these two great centers Germany Japan rehabilitated. 5 1 H Y 11 1 The Occupation cannot be H, D, terminated now without P leaving Japan open to Communist takeover Pan Chao-ying claims that H, P Communists are responsible for China's civil war Cuban manifesto says that H, D Cubans must choose between the USSR and US Cuban manifesto says that H, D Cubans must choose between the USSR and US 1 The Japanese peace treaty will not be drafted before late fall H, P 1 The Japanese peace treaty will not be drafted before late fall H, P Jiji Tsushin Jiji Third internationale responsible for China civil war United Press 時事通信 (Havana) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Cuba wants to outlaw Communist Party Kyodo 共同通信 Tsushin, United Press (Havana) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 29:12 International Nippon Times News Service (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 5/29/194[7] 29:12a International 西日本新聞 News Service (Washington) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nihon 対日講和会議遅延か National executive board of revolutionary fight front announced start of republicwide canvass for ten[]thousand signatures to petition calling for outlawing communist party Cuba. Peace Parley for Japan Unlikely Before Late Autumn, Early Winter. State Department Working on Draft but European Settelment May Take Precedence No possibility of Japanese Peace Conference til late fall 47-frn-0535 5/29/194[7] 29:12b International 読売新聞 News Service (Washington) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 対日講和会議今秋招集可能性なし No possibility of Japanese Peace Conference til late fall The Japanese peace treaty will not be drafted before late fall H, P 47-frn-0536 5/29/1947 29:12c International 北海道新聞 News Service (Washington) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido 対日講和は今年晩秋以後 No possibility of Japanese Peace Conference til late fall The Japanese peace treaty will not be drafted before late fall H, P 47-frn-0537 5/29/1947 29:13 The America-Japan Press Nichibei 共産党の一大障壁 World Events Comments on the expulsion of the Communists from French government 47-frn-0538 5/29/1947 29:15 The America-Japan Press Nichibei 超党派外交の意義 Washington Calling 47-frn-0539 5/[29]/194[7] 29:16 United 日米通信 Feature Syndicate (Paris) United 日米通信 Feature Syndicate (Washington) United Press 時事通信, 共同通信 (1, 2, 3, San Francisco, Washington) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji, The Kyodo News Service 行き悩む中国の借款問題 Well informed source said Marshall convinced there no possibility securing congressional grant of economic aid to China before next ye[a]r if then and therefore urging early [r]elease some Uni[ted] States export[-]import bank funds to China for urgent rehabilitation work. 1 2 1 [John A. Reichman n, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [John A. Reichman n, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [Honda] Y 6 Y 2 Y 5 H, P [Randolph Churchhill ] Y 3 Most members of Congress will approve Marshall's report on the Moscow conference H, P [Marquis Childs] Y 4 Marshall is convinced that Congress will not grant largescale aid to China before next year H, P [Hensley] Y 9 Oversized News Agency United Press 時事通信 (New York) Photograph(s) Source 29:7 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 5/29/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0522 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0541 5/29/1947 29:16b United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0542 [5]/[30]/194[7] 29:17 47-frn-0543 [5]/[30]/194[7] 47-frn-0544 [5]/[30]/194[7] 47-frn-0545 5/29/1947 6/1/1947 29:20 47-frn-0546 [5]/[29]/194[7] 5/29/194[7] 29:21 47-frn-0547 5/27/194[7] 29:22 Associated Press (New York) 47-frn-0548 [5]/[29]/194[7] 47-frn-0549 Headline (Japanese) 対華五億弗借款望み薄 Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Marshall is convinced that Congress will not grant largescale aid to China before next year H, P Radio Press Gives views on occupation appropriation Hoover gives his opinion on why the occupation of Japan and Germany is so costly H, P 3 29:18 Radio Press Suggestions on Occupation Commented Hoover gives his opinion on why the occupation of Japan and Germany is so costly H, P 4 29:19 Radio Press Relief & Reconstruction US proposes grain conference to confront the worldwide grain shortage; Hoover's recommendations for peace Robert Tailor claims he was compelled to appear in a communist movie Democratic leaders in France feel that de Gaulle is helping fascists come into power H, P 2 Asahi 507 日本通信 Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 英の中東防衛線ゆらぐ. どうなる『經濟權益の眞空』 29:23 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (14, 17, New Delhi) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 独立インドと国際関係 5/29/194[7] 29:24 Associated Press (Manila) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 在比米軍補給部長転出 47-frn-0550 5/29/1947 29:25 United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0551 5/29/1947 29:26 New York Herald Tribune Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0552 5/29/1947 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (515, Berne) Asahi 515 (Berne) イタリア平凡黨黨首と語る 47-frn-0553 5/29/1947 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi フ氏提案支持. 米紙の論評 47-frn-0554 [5]/[29]/194[7] Asahi Shimbun Asahi 笠氏ペンクラブ大会に出席決定 47-frn-0555 硫黄島、グアム島 47-frn-0556 29:27 news item news item 29:28 Agence 毎日新聞 France-presse (New York); United Press (New York) 29:29 Kyodo Tsushin (Tokyo) 5/29/1947 29:30 International The Yomiuri Weekly News Service The Yomiuri Weekly Yomiuri Weekly 5/29/1947 29:31 United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 朝日新聞 バーグマンの吸引力. 出演を強要されたティラー Taylor compelled to appear in play World Review H, P Indian minister denies that Russia is a danger to India Commanding General George F. Moore announced Briggen Andrew D. Hopping of Lima, Ohio Chief Quartermaster of Uni[ted] States Army in Phillipines Ryukus area for past year transferring June 1 to GHQ Far East command in Tokyo. Col. Murray Guilty Army Court Rules. Verdict Is Reached in Case Involving 500 Diamonds Taken to U.S. New York press favours separate settlement with Japan Germany; The New York Daily News, editorially commenting, said: "If Germany and Japan can be brought back to producing and exporting non-military goods in reasonable quantities, taxpayers of the United States, Britain and Fracne can be gradually relieved of the tremendous burden. Asahi Shimbun correspondent to attend [Ryu] Shintaro, Asahi International Pen Club correspondent in Zurich decided to attend the International Pen Club meeting It has been more than a year and a half after surrender and talk of an early peace treaty is growing, but Japanese soldiers, apparently unaware the war has ended, still roam the hills of Guam. Another Best Seller Is Planned By [MacArthur]'s "Biographer" Here 16 1 Gomes Saito Fujinami Y H, D [Grishami n] Britain is having a hard time holding onto her interests in the Middle East Talk with leader of Italian common party [Stewart Hensley, United Press staff correspon dent] H, P Britain recognizing that she no longer can count on Middle East as stable military base finds herself beset in that area by divergent forces which are almost as difficult to appease as those which have bedeviled her in India. "If the Russians were embarking on an aggressive policy against us, we would not hesitate in calling on Great Britain and the United States for help, and we would similarly call on the Russians if we were threatened by others... TODAY and TOMORROW Y Notes H, P Asahi Shimbun (507) 5/29/194[7] Subject Marshall is convinced that Congress will not grant largescale aid to China before next year 朝日新聞 5/31/1947 Headline Well informed source said Marshall convinced there no possibility securing congressional grant of economic aid to China before next ye[a]r if then and therefore urging early [r]elease some Uni[ted] States export[-]import bank funds to China for urgent rehabilitation work. U.S. aid to China 4 4 Y 5 H, P Y 10 Brigadier General Hopping is transferring to GHQ in Tokyo H, P Y 4 Conlonel Murray found convicted for taking diamonds from Japan to the US H, P [Roberts] [Sidney B. Whipple, United Press special correspon dent] Europe must be unified if H, P [Walter post-war aid from the US is Lippmann to be effective ] The leader of the Italian H, D Ryu, Gomes Communist party vows not to correspon succumb to "Anglodent in American imperialism" Berne New York papers favorably P review Herbert Hoover's advocacy of separate peace for Japan and Germany Asahi correspondent Shintaro Ryu will attend the International PEN Club meeting H, P Japanese soldiers remain in Guam, unaware that the war has ended H, P Kazuyoshi Yamazaki's three books about MacArthur are all bestsellers H, P Gomes [John Rich, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [Earnest Hoberecht , United Press staff correspon dent] Oversized News Agency United Press 共同通信 (3, Washington) Photograph(s) Source 29:16a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 5/29/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0540 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 2 4 Yoshimoto Kato Fujimani Y 8 Y 3 Y 3 Y 11 3 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-0558 5/29/1947 5/29/1947 29:33 47-frn-0559 5/29/1947 5/29/1947 47-frn-0560 Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Chubu Nihon Shimbun; Nippon Times Chubu Nihon Shimbun, Nippon Times Foreign 29:33a International 北海道新聞 News Service (Fresno) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido [5]/[29]/194[7] 29:34 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0561 [5]/[28]/194[7] 29:35 Agence 共同通信 Francepresse, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0562 5/29/1947 29:36 Associated Press (Moscow) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0563 [5]/[28]/194[7] 29:37 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (New Delhi) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-0564 [5]/[29]/194[7] 29:38 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (London) Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin 47-frn-0565 5/29/1947 29:39 Agence 世界日報 France-presse (New Delhi) Sekai Nippo 47-frn-0566 [5]/[28]/194[7] 29:40 Agence 世界日報 France-presse (New Delhi) 47-frn-0567 [5]/[29]/194[7] 29:41 47-frn-0568 [5]/[29]/194[7] 47-frn-0569 5/29/1947 29:44 47-frn-0570 5/29/1947 47-frn-0571 Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Kidnaper Arrests Cause Resentments. FBI Action of Nabbing Seven White Men in Negro Snatch Case Resented White men charged with kidnapping a black man go free on bond H, P California Begins Move to Send More Food Products to Nippon; California Farmers Boost Products for Japanese Diet California farmers boost products for Japanese diet California farmers want to export more foods to Japan H, S California farmers want to export more foods to Japan H, S General Brehon Somervell, former commander of the army service force, said today that American industry must cooperate with the army and navy in an industrial mobilization plan to avoid the "probability" of war with "a United Soviet Socialist Republic of Eurasia with its capital in Moscow." Despite the great interest given in the press to the suggestion made by the former US President Herbert Hoover th[a]t the USA should negociate a separate peace with Germany and Japan, it appears that no scheme of this nature would be contemplated by the State Department in a concrete manner. US industry must cooperate with the military in order to avoid war with the USSR H, P 1 The US State Department would probably not consider following Hoover's suggestions for making peace H, P 1 Presidium of Supreme Soviet in abolishing capital punishment Russia said in decree that Causes of peace can be considered as secured "despite attempts being made by aggressive elements to provoke war. Communism to be checked in India Soviet newspaper says reactionary elements are trying to start a new war H, D [Eddy Gilmore] Indian minister denies that Russia is a danger to India H, P 労働党会議の決議に関する英ソ親善協会の声明 Anglo-Soviet Friendship society rebuke to the Laborist Party resolution Society for Anglo-Soviet Friendship denies that its activities consist of spreading Communist propaganda H, P Y Sekai Nippo 統一然らずんば余を殺せ Gandhi will stake own life in opposition to partition of India H, P Y 2 Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo ソ連は印度を狙うか?. ラ商工省英撤退後の危惧を否 "If the Russians were embarking on an aggressive policy against us, we should not hesitate in calling on Great Britain and the United States for help, and we would similarly call on the Russian if we were threatened by others". Gandhi protests the practice of overlooking religious minorities in policy discussions Indian industry minister denies that Russia poses a threat to India H, P Y 2 Telegrafnoe 日本通信 agentstvo SSSR (New York) Telegrafnoe 日本通信 agentstvo SSSR (Beirut) United Press 共同通信 (14, New York) Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin 米国に於ける新予備軍の編成 New military reserves for USA US Army leaders discuss the formation of a voluntary reserve divisions H, D, P Y Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin レバノン諸新聞、不正議会選挙を攻撃 Lebanon press protest falsification of Lebanon parl[i]ament election H, D Y Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo コミンテルンから分散した各国共産党指導者 H, P Y 8 29:45 United Press 共同通信 (13, Denver) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo ウオーレス前商務長官米の軍人外交に警告 H, D Y 8 [6]/[1]/194[7] 29:47, 6:1 United Press 解放新聞 (New York) Haebang Sinmun Haibang Shimmoon Roster top communist party leadership in Europe Asia today reads like whos who of dissolved Comintern-Third Communist International. Henry Wallace told audience here installation military men in vital diplomatic posts illustrates American trend towards another world war. The Emperor is a Militalist Lebanon press accuses foreign countries of collaborating in false elections Currents heads of European Communist parties are mostly former Comintern members French Communists accuse the US of being the center of reactionary thought A new book states that Hirohito is militarist and therefore dangerous H, S [J.Hyon] 47-frn-0572 5/29/1947 29:48 H, P 47-frn-0573 [5]/[29]/194[7] Ryosuke J. Gomes Honda, Foreign Section, Kyodo News Agency [Hensley] 47-frn-0574 [5]/[30]/194[7] 30:1 47-frn-0575 [5]/[29]/194[7] 30:2 47-frn-0576 [5]/[30]/194[7] 30:3 5/29/1947 5/30/194[7] 29:43 news item Kyodo Tsushin 日本通信 共同通信 共同特信 C Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Tokushin C United Press 共同通信 (Washington) 5/29/194[7] (Moscow) Broadcast Radio Press Sokuho (Australia) Radio Press Sokuho (New Delhi) Radio Press (Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo カリフオルニヤの農民は同地に於ける農作物の対日輸 出増加運動に乗り出した; 加州農業代表を對日貿易團に送るか. 乾燥野菜で日本の食卓をにぎわす カリフオルニア農夫日本へ農産物輸出運動; 加州の農産物を日本へ 死刑廃止に関するソ紙論調 「今日の問題」. 米国の第三党運動 Current topics: Movement for the third political party in America Henry Wallace is drumming up support for a third political party composed of the working class 今秋中に朝鮮の軍政を文官に移管 Authorit[a]tive official sources said [War Department] will relinquish administration of Korea and Japan sometime this summer or early autum to administration under [State Department]. Australia: Geneva confab debated in house US military may soon relinquish control of Japan to American civilians Japan: Reparation: India puts in claim for 18% of reparatio[n] Germany: French Press reports British corruption Australian Prime Minister protests the raising of US duties on Australian wool India claims a percentage of reparations from Japan H, P French correspondents report corruption in the British occupation government in Germany H, S 2 [Miyamot o] Y 13 Y 5 Y 11 2 ロシア語 で書かれ ている電 報あり ロシア語 で書かれ ている電 報あり ロシア語 で書かれ ている電 報あり ハングル 文字で書 かれてい るゲラあ り Yoshimoto Yabuki 3 4 7 6 Y 7 Y 15 2 H,P 2 Malloy Spaulding 2 Oversized News Agency Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Jackson) International 中部日本新聞; News Service Nippon Times (Fresno) Photograph(s) Source 29:32 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 5/29/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0557 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji, The Kyodo News Service 軍独講和に国務省慎重 Marshall today faces mushrooming sentiment for negotiation of separate peace with Japan Germany. Marshall faces increasing advocacy of a separate peace with Japan and Germany H, P 30:7 International 西日本新聞 News Service (Seoul) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 南北朝鮮の現状 Withdrawal of Russo-U.S. forces from Korea would bring civil war Americans in Seoul feel that withdrawal of US and USSR forces will lead to a Korean civil war H 5/30/1947 30:8 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign The US favors a separate peace with Japan H, D, P 47-frn-0580 5/30/1947 30:9 Reuters (London) Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; The Kyodo News Service U.S. Sentiment Strongly Favors Separate Peace Pact with Japan. Both Congressional and Editorial Support Of Hoover's Proposal Reported Overwhelming The statement of Britain's policy for the procedure to be adopted in the far Eastern... Bevin advocates safeguarding Australia's position in the Far East peace talks H, P 47-frn-0581 5/30/1947 30:10 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 5/30/1947 30:11 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0583 5/30/1947 30:12 International Nippon Times News Service (London) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Bevin bares stand on Japanese pact. Says Methods Used in Drafting European Treatise Will Not Be Satisfactory American officials look forward to possibility first great peace conference session regarding Japan may be held earlier next year. Request for Bases in Turkey Held Made by Certain Power. Premier Peker Says Proposal Made 'On the Pretext Of a Common Measure of Defence' Bevin says that all eleven countries that fought Japan should participate in the peace talks US policy tentatively calls for a Far Eastern Advisory Commission to mitigate peace with Japan Turkish Premier says that a "certain power" has requested bases in Turkey H 47-frn-0582 Associated Nippon Times Press Kyodo Tsushin (Margate) Associated 共同通信 Press (9, Washington) 47-frn-0584 5/30/1947 30:13 Reuters (London) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 英外相対日講和の新方式を提唱. 英政界観測 The statement of Britain[']s policy for the procedure to be adopted in the far Eastern... Bevin states that all eleven nations that fought Japan should be included in the peace talks 47-frn-0585 [5]/[30]/194[7] 30:14 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 日本の南氷洋捕鯨は未決定. 豪権威筋の言明 47-frn-0586 5/30/1947 30:15 Kyodo 共同通信 Tsushin, United Press (Washington) United Press 日米通信 (Paris) The America-Japan Press Nichibei 佛社会の寄生虫“ザズ主義”. 正業に就けと労働組合が運動展開 French Labor Hits Energetic Blow At Idle 'Zazous' French Communist Party wants to put the idle zazous to work H, P 47-frn-0587 5/30/1947 30:16 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 日本の南極捕鯨問題を協議 Reliable Australian source said ..weeks meeting with general Hilldr... Japanese whaling antarctic both so ...formal... Australians meet with US to discuss Japanese whaling in the Antarctic 47-frn-0588 [5]/[29]/194[7] 30:17 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (Denver) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin ウオーレス氏共和党の崩壊を予言 Wallace predicted Republican Party [wi]ll destroy self within next thirty or forty years. 47-frn-0589 5/30/1947 30:18 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0590 5/30/1947 30:18a Associated 共同通信 Press (11, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 対日講和起草手続きに米ソ対立か 47-frn-0591 5/30/1947 30:18a, 30:18b Associated 時事通信 Press (9, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 対日平和会議の開催は明年初頭か 47-frn-0592 5/30/1947 30:18c Associated 朝日新聞 Press World Service (Washington) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 米の要求講和案の起草について 47-frn-0592a 5/30/1947 30:18c Associated 時事通信, 国際特信, Press (11, 共同通信 Washington); International News Service (Washington) Jiji Tsushin, Kokusai Tokushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji, 対日講和會議遅延せん. 初冬前の開催望み薄. INTERNATIONAL 一極東消息筋の觀測 SPECIAL NEWS, The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-0593 [5]/[29]/194[7] 30:18d Jiji Tsushin 対日平和会議には『名目的』交戦国を除外せん 5/30/1947 30:18e Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) Associated 北海道新聞 Press (Washington) Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-0594 Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 米国、対日條約の四大国起草に反対 47-frn-0595 5/30/1947 30:18f Associated 西日本新聞 Press World Service (Washington) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 対日平和は四大国で行わず 47-frn-0578 5/30/1947 47-frn-0579 5/31/1947 6/8/194[7] 5/30/1947 時事通信; 共同通信 英国の対日平和條約方針闡明 対日講和会議は来年早々. 起草には十一ヵ国参加. 米政府筋の意向 H, P [John Rich, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 8 Y 10 6 Y 8 2 [Hightowe r] Y H 8 2 H, P Y 8 H, P Y 4 Y 2 H, P Y 3 Wallace predicts that the Republican Party will destroy itself in forty years H, P Y 3 The United States most certainly will demand the abandonment fo[r] the [b]ig four peace-making System when it comes to writing a peace treaty for Japan. There is an outside possibility that some sort of meeting may be held later this year regarding Nipponese peace treaty, but with heavy schedule of other United Nations and council of foreign ministers session on Germany does not likely. Japanese peace conference will be plagued by the USUSSR split H, D [John Hightower ] Japanese peace conference will be plagued by the USUSSR split H, D [Hightowe r] Y 12 American officials looking forward to possibility first great peace conference session regarding Japan may be [h]eld earlier next year, said [U.S.] almost certainly will insist that big four system of peace making be abandoned. The United States most certainly will demand the abandonment of the big four peace-making system when it comes to writing a peace treaty for Japan. There is an [out]side possibility that some sort of meeting may be held later this year regarding Nipponese [p]eac[e] treat[y]; Far East Experts See Peace Treaty Delay. State Dept At Work On Plan Draft Japanese peace conference will be plagued by the USUSSR split [Hightowe r] Y 3 Japanese peace conference will be plagued by the USUSSR split H, D [John Hightower ] Y 2 H, D [John A. Reichman n] Y 4 The United States most certainly will demand the abandonment of the big four peace-making system when it comes to writing a peace treaty for Japan. The United States most certainly will demand the abandonment of the big four peace-making system when it comes to writing a peace treaty for Japan. Japanese peace conference will be plagued by the USUSSR split Japanese peace conference will be plagued by the USUSSR split Japanese peace conference will be plagued by the USUSSR split D [David A. Loehwing, United Press staff correspon dent] 2 [Hightowe r] Y 4 H, D, [Hightowe P r] Y 3 H, D [John Hightower ] Y 6 Oversized News Agency United Press 時事通信; 共同通信 (22, Washington) Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 30:4 [5]/[29]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted 47-frn-0577 Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 時事通信 47-frn-0597 5/30/1947 30:20 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) 6/8/1947 30:21 朝日新聞 47-frn-0598 5/30/1947 47-frn-0599 [5]/[29]/194[7] 30:22 News Item United Press 時事通信 (New York) 47-frn-0600 [5]/[30]/194[7] 30:22a United Press (New York) 47-frn-0601 5/30/1947 30:22b 47-frn-0602 5/30/1947 30:23 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (New York) United Press 共同通信 (New York) 47-frn-0603 5/30/1947 47-frn-0604 [5]/[30]/194[7] 30:25 47-frn-0605 5/30/1947 47-frn-0606 47-frn-0607 47-frn-0608 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Asahi Shimbun (519) Asahi Weekly 519 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Headline (Japanese) Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H, D 2 中東油田の保護. 反共宣言の重大目標 Protection of Oil Fields in Central East Protection of oil fields in Central East H, P 日本人の思想変革が損失要件 Brig. Gen. Ken R. Dyke, National Broadcasting Company's vice president and former chief MacArthur's Civil Information and Educational Division told Rotary Club, that the continued successful occupation of Japan can... .. for peace[.] Asahi Shimbun Asahi 學生運動に二つの特徴. 中共の見方 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (Paris) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo 米の対日経済政策. 対華関係との振合いで修正へ 30:25a Agence 毎日新聞 France-presse (Paris) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 食糧輸入は百六十万トン. 佛紙論評、米の対日政策 [5]/[29]/194[7] 30:26 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin [5]/[29]/194[7] 30:26a Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 5/30/1947 30:27 Associated 時事通信 Press (New York) Reuters (New 共同通信 Delhi) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Haebang Sinmun Kaiho Shimbun New York Planor vice president textile exp[e]rt association commented plan first [ly] reduction Japanese textile industry to [m]ost [e]fficiency level. Chinese Communists' comment on students' movements American help to Japan greater this year, aiming at speedy economic recovery of ex-enemy, French paper writes. American help to Japan greater this year, aiming at speedy economic recovery of ex-enemy, French paper writes. Finishing Japanese gray cotton in U.S. for reexport harmful to U.S. Dollar shortage and cotton goods exports インド騒動の責任は英人に Tadao Horiye Malloy Saito Kawamoto P Brig-Gen. Ken R. Dyke, Vice-president of the National Broadcasting Company and former chief of General MacArthur's Civil Information and Education Division, told the Rotary Club here that the continued successful occupation of Japan may culminate in the creation of world example in democracy. Successful occupation of Japan is fraised. Brig. Gen. Dyke Says World Example in Democracy May Be Set 日本の繊維製品輸出制限 47-frn-0609 Examiner3 Japanese peace conference will be marked by a USUSSR split Kyodo 朝日新聞 Examiner1 Examiner2 5 Kyodo Tsushin news item Brief Summary H, D Nippon Times Foreign 30:24 Subject Japan will seek $1,000 million from the US in the next 5 years Nippon Times 5/31/1947 Headline Five British banking houses have concluded agreement with the Hungarian National Bank for a credit of 500,000 pounds (about 2 million dollars) to finance purchase in Britain of raw materials from sterling area for export to Hungary, it was announced today. U.S. not in favor of assigning big 4 to map Japan pact. Washington Opposes Any Move To Have Treaty Dictated By Principal Powers Khan Abdul Ghaff[a]r Khan frontier congress leader -known as frontier Gandhi-said in Peshawar today "I am at loss to understand why we are fighting when we are all brothers irrespective [of] our political views. I think it is British who are pulling wires behind curtain.... Out of Japan may come a better form of democracy than the world has ever known H, P Out of Japan may come a better form of democracy than the world has ever known New York textile expert commented that a reduction in japanese textile industry must be done to achieve officiency level. Chiang Kai-shek is a fascist and wants civil war H, P Y 8 Y 3 [Matsuda] 1 1 H, P H, D Kawamoto Saito Abe Y 6 Y 5 French paper analyzes US economic policy toward Japan H, P Y 4 French paper analyzes US economic policy toward Japan H, P Y 3 Finishing Japanese gray cotton in US for reexport harmful to US Dollar shortage and cotton goods exports H, P 2 H, P 1 New Dehli congress leader thinks that the frontier government failed is duty to maintain law and order against violence H, P Koreans are exploited and plagued by problems with secret trade H, S, D H, D [Koitabash i], [Sidney B. Whipple, United Press staff correspon dent] H, P [Koitabash i], [R. H. Schackfor d, United Press staff correspon dent] H, P Y 15 H, P Y 3 5/30/1947 30:30 解放新聞 6/3/1947 30:31 United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Murray Trials SCAP will probably claim the diamonds smuggled into the US Separate Peace George C. Marshall's comments on making separate peace with Japan and Germany Korean leader established a branch in Tsuthia M. Nagashima 47-frn-0610 5/30/1947 47-frn-0611 5/30/1947 30:32 United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0612 5/30/1947 30:35 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (Paris) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 佛紙米の対日新賠償方針を論評 Strife is continuing i[n] China the American their economic policy towards Japan, the evening newspaper [Le Monde] explains in an article today. French paper analyzes US economic policy toward Japan 47-frn-0613 5/31/1947 30:35a Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Paris) Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 米、對日援助更に強化か American help to Japan greater this year, aiming at speedy economic recovery of ex-enemy, French paper writes. French paper analyzes US economic policy toward Japan Y 7 ハングル 文字で書 かれてい る原稿あ り 13 1 1 Oversized News Agency Reuters (London) Photograph(s) Source 30:19 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 5/30/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0596 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 47-frn-0615 5/30/1947 30:37 Associated Press (New York) 47-frn-0616 [5]/[29]/194[7] 30:38 47-frn-0617 5/30/1947 30:39 47-frn-0618 5/30/1947 5/30/1947 30:41 47-frn-0619 5/30/1947 5/31/1947 30:42 news item Moscow Broadcast, 20th news item 47-frn-0620 5/30/1947 6/1/1947 30:45 News item 47-frn-0621 5/30/1947 30:47 International 日本通信 News Service (Santa Barbara) Nihon Tsushin Nihon Tsushin 日本の麻薬統制で朝鮮人大に苦しむ. 元朝鮮軍政府薬品部長言明 47-frn-0622 5/30/1947 30:48 International 日本通信 News Service (London) Nihon Tsushin Nihon Tsushin ハンガリー首相辞意表明 47-frn-0623 5/30/1947 United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0624 5/30/1947 International Nippon Times News Service (Tokyo) Nippon Times Nippon Times Local 47-frn-0625 5/30/1947 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0626 5/30/1947 Associated Press (New York), Kyodo Tsushin Reuters (Colombo) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-0627 5/31/1947 31:11 Reuters (London) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-0628 5/31/1947 31:13 Reuters 共同通信 (Washington) 47-frn-0629 5/[31]/1947 31:17 Reuters (Budapest) 47-frn-0630 5/31/1947 31:26 47-frn-0631 6/2/1947 5/31/1947 6/3/1947 3:7 Headline Subject Kokusai Tokushin International Special 米国の対共産主義方策. 弱小国民に希望を與ふ News Asahi Shimbun Asahi 『再建を妨げるソ連』. フーヴー氏の對日獨和論 International 北海道新聞 News Service (Seoul) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido 京城會談をめぐる朝鮮政界の動向 International 西日本新聞 News Service (New York) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nihon トルコに重大危機 日本通信 Nihon Tsushin Nihon Tsushin ザールに関する秘密交渉 Secret negotiations concerning Saar district 日本通信 Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin フランコ-スペインと取引中止を要求 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (New York) Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (London) 朝日新聞 Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Syngman Rhee lauds American attempts to halt the spread of Communism H, P Commentary on Hoover's claim that Russia is delaying the peace process H, P Leaders of Korea's provisional government will have to come from a small number of old line politicians H, P Turkey on alert because of Soviet demand for bases Turkish forces mobilizied against possible threat of invasion by the USSR H, P US, Britain, and France are secretly negotiating the reduction of the Saar district H, P Kawamoto Yoshimoto Fujinami Y British longshoremen A sign mentions the British demand suspencion of traffic government as partly to with Franco Spain. blame for putting Franco in power in Spain A comment of the Allied MacArthur states that the Policy for the Peace of Japan occupation should be ended as soon as possible, so that Japan can develop on her own Major Macartney will speak about Japanese drug production in Korea to the California Pharmaceutical Association H, D Kawamoto Yoshimoto Abe Y H, P Gomes H. Okada Y 5 H, P Y 2 Hungarian Premier Nagy has resigned after allegations that his party conspired against the Russians H, P Y 2 Japan needs 700 tons of mica from India, and 150 from Canada D Princess dances at ball. Foreign, Japanese Notables Attend Affair for war Orphans Relief The struggle for textile markets will be intense in the near future D 共同通信 共同特信 B; Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Tokushin B; 日本の自立へ. 經濟的崩壞に支柱 新報知 Tokushin B; Shin Shin Hochi Hochi How Korea was the focal point for production of narcotics used by Japanese in their course of subjugation of conquered populations will be described by Major John. A. MacCartney, former chief of the medical supply department of the United States military government in Korea before the annual meeting of the California Pharmaceutical Association in Santa Barbara, June 4. Unconfirmed reports reaching London early Thursday said Premier Ferenc Nagy of Hungary has resigned in a dangerous political crisis engendered by Hungarain Communists with the aid of the Russians. Order with India Princess dances at ball. Foreign, Japanese Notables Attend Affair for war Orphans Relief 米国商事会社の方針転換を要求 Agitation over textile prices has caused business with ..noticeably and in ... cases painfully" in recent weeks, said NSW Vanderhoef president of textile export association. Japanese cotton yar[n] being distributed to bonafide weavers in Ceylon Kyodo 賠償検分のため関係国を日本へ招請 reparations from Japan it learned here today. These reparations exclude assests in former Japanese held territory on Asian mainland and [elsewhere] Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 対日供給綿六万俵の融資決定 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo ハンガリー政局、終戦以[来]の最大窮地に直面 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (57, Paris) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo ハンガリー政局危機. 米ソの対立に関連 Shizuoka Shimbun Shizuoka Shimbun 一国社会主義の実態. 規則ずくめに“新人間苦”. 遊んで食える“新貴族”の娘 静岡新聞 Brief Summary Dr. Syngman Rhee, Self styled champion of Korean independence and first president of the exiled Korean Provisional Government in Chungking, lauded the "new American policy toward communism" as indicative of Korea's "great prospects for success" in achieving her goal of complete independence. America[']s former president Herbert Hoover opens wide avenue for serious reflection when he charges Russia is delaying rehabilitation of former Axis nations. Korean leaders come from old line politicos Y 8 [Mackenzi e] Y 5 [Miyamot o], [John Rich, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [John Martin] Y 20 Y 4 Kato [Koitabash i], [K. V. Narain, United Press staff correspon dent] ロシア語 で書かれ ている電 報あり ロシア語 で書かれ ている電 報あり 5 7 2 1 H, P Y 8 Japanese cotton yarn is being distributed to weavers in Ceylon Japanese reparations will include territories formerly held on the mainland H, P H, P Y 4 According Journal Commerce cre[d]it co[r]poration tentatively agreed finance estimated 60,000 bales of 1946 cotton US War Department will start buying Japanese cotton within the next few months H, P Y 5 It was officially stated in Budapest tonight that [Ferenc] Nagy Prime Minister presented his resignation to Hungarian legation in Berne today and asked that it be conveyed to President of Republic The present crisis in Hungary in not without connection with the setback of the Moscow conference. The Hungarian Premier has resigned because of Communist pressure for a new government H, P Y 20 The Hungarian Premier resigned after pressure from the Communists H, P Y 11 Y 7 Real state of United Soviet Yamada, a repatriate from socialism told by YAMADA, Siberia, reports on the real repatriatee from Siberia. state of Soviet socialism H 1 [Jean Allary] [Taichi Yamada] Gomes Kato 1 Oversized News Agency United Press 国際特信 (Seoul) Photograph(s) Source 30:36 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [5]/[30]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0614 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 47-frn-0633 6/25/194[7] 20:31 47-frn-0634 6/28/1947 8:33 47-frn-0634a [6]/[30]/194[7] 47-frn-0635 [6]/[30]/194[7] 47-frn-0636 [6]/[30]/194[7] 47-frn-0636a 7/2/1947 47-frn-0637 [7]/[3]/194[7] 7/3/1947 3:1 Radio Press (Melbourne) 47-frn-0638 [7]/[2]/194[7] 7/3/194[7] 3:2 Radio Press (London) 47-frn-0639 [7]/[2]/194[7] 7/3/194[7] 3:3 [Radio Press (Chungking)] 47-frn-0640 7/3/1947 3:4 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-0641 7/3/1947 7/3/1947 3:5 United Press 時事通信 (Canberra) United Press 時事通信 (Canberra) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-0642 7/3/1947 7/3/1947 3:5a United Press 日本経済新聞 (Canberra) The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 上級羊毛の對日供給. 濠、交渉開始を発表 47-frn-0643 7/3/1947 3:7 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 米綿花使節団、今月中に訪日か 47-frn-0644 7/3/1947 Acme サン写真新聞 Newspictures (Pensylvania) The Sun Pictorial Daily Sun News Photo 新労働法の成立に抗議スト瀕発の微 47-frn-0645 7/3/1947 47-frn-0646 アカハタ comment Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (New York) Time アサヒニュース 5:36 7/1/1947 Kyodo Akahata Akahata Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Baldwin airs views on Japan and Korea. Conditions Exist For Civil War In Latter Country; Lauds Progress Here The Asahi News Asahi News A thing to Remember; Relief. Like Mother Used to Make; India. End of Forever; China Cominform Resolution on the Jugoslav Communist Party. 炭鑛の安全勝取る. 全米勞働者一糸亂れぬ二週間 Radio Press (London) 7/7/1947 News Item Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Brief Summary Coal mine safety has been won Workers in Illinois have been killed because of security violations by the plant Tokyo News Letter Far Eastern Press 7/3/1947 3:10 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0647 7/3/1947 7/3/1947 3:10a Reuters (Canberra) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-0648 [7]/[2]/194[7] 7/3/194[7] 3:11 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-0649 7/3/1947 7/3/1947 3:12 47-frn-0650 7/3/1947 7/3/1947 3:13 Tokyo News Letter Far Eastern Press Reuters 時事通信 (Washington) ; United Press (Canberra) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Examiner3 H, S Gomes M. Kunimatsu [Kawamoto ] Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 2 Y 9 The head of the ACLU is H, D aghast at the lack of liberty in Korea; also lists the abuses of liberties in Japan Foreign news H, P Cominform warns Yugoslavia that she is leaning towards capitalism and may be subjugated by capitalist countries British merchants dissatisfied with American authorities in Tokyo in regard to renewal of private trade with Japan A spokesman for General MacArthur said Tuesday night that, contrary to press reports, the United States had consulted both the British and Australian governments before authorizing a second Japanese Antarctic whaling expedition and the Angaur island fertilizer project. Trade: Australia to negotiate sale of wool Australia is beginning negotiations on the sale of more wool with Japan Occupation: BCOF to cut down import Government is taking hard British Occupation is cutting earned rice from the farmers down imports into Japan in for nothing order to check blackmarketeering Repatriation: More Japanese to return The repatriation of Japanese from NE China nationals from China has resumed 3:9 Examiner1 Examiner2 Two GHQ division heads changing posts Trade: British traders said dissatisfied United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) 3:8 Subject W. H. Leonard, former chief of the Agriculture Division, Natural Resources Section, GHQ, will return to his old post shortly, replacing R. H. Davis, who has headed the Division for the past year and a half. Soviet Radio News (Khabarovsk) 7/2/1947 Headline Kyodo Tsushin 濠、対日高級羊毛の売却を決定 1 3 ロシア語 で書かれ ている電 報あり D H, S 1 H, P 1 H, P 1 H, P 3 H, P 1 H Better types of wool to Japan 7 Y 1 Australia will sell better wool to Japan as a result of protests by SCAP Australia will sell better wool to Japan as a result of protests by SCAP H, C H, P Y 2 US will work out a plan for financing domestic cotton shipments to Japanese textile mills H, P Y 3 Truman vetoed the TaftHartley Labor Bill because it regulated organized labor H, S Y 4 Among the Big Ten designated Zaibatsu, Soichiro Asano, whose House of Asano used to control 108 parent and affiliate companies, will not have to pay a single sen in property tax. Former Zaibatsu head Asano will not have to pay property taxes, because his debts are in excess of his holdings H, P 1 Mr. Joseph Chifley Australian primer, announced today that after representations from Supreme Command of Allied Forces in Pacific Australian cabinet had decided further to negotiate for sale of better types of wool to Japan. Australia decides to negociate for sale of better types of wool to Japan Australia announces that she will sell better wool to Japan as a result of SCAP protests H, P 1 Australia announces that she will sell better wool to Japan as a result of SCAP protests H, P 2 New York cotton futures US will work out a plan for financing domestic cotton shipments to Japanese textile mills Japanese government will not request the return of Okinawa and the Kurile Islands H, P 2 H, P 1 US will work out a plan for financing domestic cotton shipments to Japanese textile mills H, P 2 According to an official statement, the Australian government will negotiate for the sale of better types of wool to Japan as the result of representations by SCAP. [I]t was reported another American cotton [mission] will leave Protokyo this month norder arrange financing domestic cotton shipments to Japanese textile mills. "The new labor bill is protested by many strikes" The question of the return of Okinawa and the Kurile Island to Japan--which was raised from a press conference Foreign Minister Hitoshi Ashida had with foreign correspondents on June 5-is a closed issue as far as the Japanese government is concerned. Credits of up to 20 million dollars available for French purchases in New Zealand; Better types of wool to Japan 2 Gomes Kato Yamaguchi 1 Oversized News Agency United Press 共同通信 (Tokyo) Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 6/15/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0632 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-0652 7/3/1947 3:15 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Sylacauga) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0653 7/3/1947 7/3/1947 3:16 日本通信 Nihon Tsushin Nihon Tsushin 47-frn-0654 [7]/[1]/194[7] 7/3/194[7] 3:17 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (Birobojan) KP-KIP (Seoul) 朝鮮情報 Korean Information Press Korean Information 47-frn-0655 7/3/1947 7/3/1947 3:18 United Feature Syndicate 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 47-frn-0656 [7]/[2]/194[7] 7/3/194[7] 3:19 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji American People should be told facts of life about allout economic war against communism urges an economist 47-frn-0657 7/3/1947 3:20 United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Foreign Minister Hitoshi Ashida on Wednesday categorically declared Japan has no territorial ambitions, stressing that Japan, faithfully abiding by the Potsdam Declaration, has abandoned its armed forces and thus far utmostly made efforts to democratize its country. 47-frn-0658 7/3/1947 3:21 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Today and Tomorrow 47-frn-0659 7/3/1947 3:22 New York Nippon Times Herald Tribune Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0660 7/3/1947 3:22a Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0661 [7]/[4]/194[7] 3:23 47-frn-0662 [7]/[4]/194[7] 7/3/1947 47-frn-0663 [7]/[3]/194[7] 7/3/1947 47-frn-0664 [7]/[3]/194[7] 47-frn-0665 [7]/[2]/194[7] 47-frn-0666 7/3/1947 3:28 Associated Press 47-frn-0667 7/3/194[7] 3:29 47-frn-0668 [7]/[3]/1947 47-frn-0669 7/3/1947 47-frn-0670 7/3/1947 7/3/1947 Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Europe must continue to examine the US's offer of aid, even without Russia Emigrants to the Jewish Autonomous Province. Jewish emigrants arrive at the autonomous colony of European Jews in Birobijan H, P Trade Control Association to be formed in South Korea South Korea will form a trade commission to coordinate imports and exports US national and foreign policy are closely linked, and politicians must realize this H, P Economist maintains that Americans should be told the blunt facts about the cost of fighting Communism Ashida declares that Japan has no territorial ambitions H, P H, P [Leslie Nakashim a], [Yasuike] 1 H, P [Walter Lippmann ] 3 The United States went... Prime Minister Attlee has admirably solved Britain's problem in India The US is allowing Japanese whaling expeditions in the Antarctic despite Australian concerns H, P 2 Washington is firm on Angaur Project, whaling for Japan. Phosphate Mining to Be under close Supervision of SCAP, Says Marshall The US is allowing Japanese whaling expeditions in the Antarctic despite Australian concerns H, P 2 Radio Press Paris Conference: Molotov refuses cooperation Molotov refuses to cooperate with Britain and France in planning European recovery H, P 3:24 Radio Press Paris Conference Molotov refuses to cooperate with Britain and France in planning European recovery H, P 3:25 Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) Radio Press Sokuho (Nanking) Radio Press Sokuho (Moscow) Japan trade: Australia to negotiate for wool Australia and Japan are negotiating on the sale of better wool to Japan SCAP has decided to use dollars as the official currency in Japan The Marshall plan for Europe's recovery would interfere with the economic development of Europe Former miner advocates voluntary reparations taxes to show Japanese regret for the war Russian resistance of the Marshall Plan is due to their confidence that communism can reconstruct Europe H, P 1 H, S 1 H, P 3 H, P 1 H, P 3 3:27 ビロビジヤンユダヤ人自治州へ新移民到着; 六月一日の三国外相会ギ; ハバロフスク地方便り 対外援助と國内物資. マ長官の至言、政治的興奮と偏見を排撃 Washington Calling Japan trade: U.S. dollars to be used Marshall Plan: Molotov objects at Paris talks Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Former Miner Initiates Scheme To Collect Reparati[o]ns Taxes Agence 共同通信 France-presse (40, 41, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Failure-waiting for news of the breakdown of the [Pa]ris conference, American diplomats credit General Marshall the intention of holding a press conference Thursday and flashes of the Paris failure were reproduced in the press in huge letters. 3:29a Agence 時事通信, 共同通信 France-presse (40, 41, Washington) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji, The Kyodo News Service 3:29b Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (Washington) 3:30 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Salt Lake City) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo The US intends to enter the market for 75,000 bales of cotton for Japan H, P Examiner3 The failure of the Paris conference caused no surprise in London where public opinion had been prepared by pessisms reports from France during the last two days. Urges restrictions on Japan's textiles. Alabama Cotton Circles Feel Operations Here Should Be At Present Level 3:26 7/3/1947 News Agency Y 2 H H, P 1 [George Avetisian] Y ロシア語 で書かれ ている電 報あり 8 2 [Marquis Childs] Y 3 1 [Elmer Davis, American Broadcasti ng Company] [Winston BurdetteColumbia Broadcasti ng System] 3 2 パリ会議決裂に対するワシントンの反響 Failure-waiting for news of the breakdown of the [Pa]ris conference, American diplomats credit General Marshall the intention of holding a press conference Thursday and flashes of the Paris failure were reproduced in the press in huge letters. Russian resistance of the Marshall Plan is due to their confidence that communism can reconstruct Europe H Y 8 議会承認の途開く. 佛への影響に関心 Regret mingled with bitterness towards Soviet, U.S. reaction to failure of Paris talks Russian resistance of the Marshall Plan is due to their confidence that communism can reconstruct Europe Former Japanese socialist leader prepares to return to Japan H, P Y 3 Ikuo Oyama, self-exiled leader of the former Japanese social Mass party which opposed the rise of the military in the 1930's, conferred today with Utah leaders before continuing his return to his homeland. H, P 2 Oversized Agence 共同通信 France-presse (36, London) Source Photograph(s) 3:14 Duplicate Hold No. 7/3/1947 Number of Pages Date Censored 7/3/1947 Japanese Article Prange Control No. Writers Date Submitted 47-frn-0651 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0672 7/3/1947 3:30b Associated Press (26, Salt Lake City) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-0673 [7]/[3]/194[7] 3:31 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0674 7/3/1947 3:32 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (28, 49, Paris) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0675 7/3/1947 3:33 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-0676 [7]/[3]/194[7] 3:33a USIS 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Initial private traders to enter Japan allocated 47-frn-0677 [7]/[3]/194[7] 3:33b USIS 共同通信 (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0678 7/3/1947 3:33c USIS 時事通信, 共同通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji, The Kyodo News Service Interallied trade board for Japan today its unanimous agreement on allocation of initial 400 private traders which [Supreme] Commander for Allied Powers announced on nine June would be permitted enter Japan for trade after August 15. [Initial] private traders to enter Japan allocated. 47-frn-0679 7/3/1947 3:34 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0680 7/3/1947 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Batavia) Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0681 7/3/1947 3:36 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Manila) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign SCAP felicitates Roxas. Warm Congratulations Sent to Ph on Eve of 1st Anniversary 47-frn-0682 7/3/1947 3:37 United Press 毎日新聞 (London) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Margaret Sanger, prominent advocate of Planned Parenthood, proposed United Nations sponsor a 10-year moratorium on babies in the world's hungriest countries. 47-frn-0683 7/3/1947 7/6/1947 3:38 47-frn-0684 7/3/1947 7/4/1947 3:39 47-frn-0685 7/3/1947 7/3/1947 47-frn-0686 7/3/1947 47-frn-0687 7/2/1947 7/[5]/1947 3:35 Submitted by (Japanese) News Agency Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 「帰國後は市民的活動を」. 大山氏語る 日本入国民間業者の各国別割当決定. 対日連合国貿易委員会発表 Headline Subject Ikuo Oyama, self-exiled leader of the former Japanese social mass party which oppo[sed] rise of the military in the 1930's, conferred today with Utah leaders before continuing his return to his homeland. Ikuo Oyama, self-exiled leader of the former Japanese social mass party which oppo[sed] rise of the military in the 1930's, conferred today with Utah leaders before continuing his return to his homeland. Shanghai's leading British business chief said today China two years after the victory is still wallowing in an economic morass, wherein almost every element, including foreign business, is caught and hobbled. Thus the first grave political repercussion of the division of Europe into two camps will appear's the [governments] of small nations will not be able to adopt a neuta al position, will be forced to choose, since it will be a question of answering "yes" or "no" to the invitation sent to them. [Initial] private traders to enter Japan allocated. Dutch ships, natives battle on Java coa. Three Houses Reported Destroyed and Communications Cut in Exchange of Fire American involved in labor dispute Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H, P British business chief in Shanghai says that China's economy is deteriorating H, P 3 As a result of the division of H, P Europe into two camps, small countries will not be able to maintain neutrality 3 Private traders will be allowed to enter Japan in August Private traders will be allowed to enter Japan in August Private traders will be allowed to enter Japan in August H, P 2 H, P 2 H, P 2 Private traders will be allowed to enter Japan in August Dutch ships exchanged fire with the Indonesian coast, destroying houses H, P 2 2 Y Y 5 H, P 1 An American who owns a H, S Japanese factory is charged with union violations MacArthur sent a H, P congratulatory message to the Philippines on the anniversary of the republic 3 Margaret Sanger advocates a 10-year moratorium on babies in poor countries H, P 1 A class war criminal in Four Japanese war criminals Philippines soon close to end. have been sent to Manila to await trial H, P WFTU Council unanimously passes resolutions to improve the life of the worker H, P Jiji Tsushin Jiji Telepress (Prague) 民報 Mimpo The Minpo 3:40 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 3:41 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi [7]/[3]/194[7] 3:42 日本通信 Nihon Tsushin Nihon Tsushin 国際問題時予解説; ロシア共和の新たな成功 The International Survey 47-frn-0688 7/3/1947 3:43 United Press 国際タイムス (Moscow) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times ソ軍を誇大評價. ソ紙コ中將を指撣 The Red Star said that United States Lt. Gen. Joseph L. Collins, in his speech to the Reserve Officers Association, gave an exaggerated impression of the Soviet Union armed forces while minimizing the United States army strength. 47-frn-0689 [7]/[3]/194[7] 3:44 International 日本通信 News Service (Seoul) Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin 在韓米當局「朝鮮はテロ陰謀を企...せず」との回答を 授受 American warning answered by rightist Koreans America warns Koreans against terrorism; Koreans deny plans for violence 47-frn-0690 [7]/[3]/194[7] 3:45 International 日本通信 News Service (Paris) Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin 細きん武器を用意. 佛黒色マキ團の陰謀 French Press accuses U.S. interests for 'Black Maquis' French newspaper accuses the US of trying to provoke war in France while the US possess the atom bomb advantage Final Report on WFTU Conference at Prague. World labor delegates agree on all key issues Delicate move of Korean to anti-trustee campaign Independence Day celebration Examiner3 Former Japanese socialist leader prepares to return to Japan 時事通信 微妙な朝鮮の動き. 注目される七日の合同會議 Examiner1 Examiner2 H, P Associated Press (Manila) News item 三十日付マニラAP電は、前記大物戦犯裁判の檢察官 側証人として、比島占領當時の四名の日本軍高級將校 がすでにマニラに送致されており証人台に立つまでこ れらの氏名は発表されぬ模様であるが、現地の「イヴ ニング∙ニュース[」]紙が非公式に、和知鷹二中將(ロ ハス大統領救出にあたつた)、宇都宮直賢少將(比島 警備隊長)、佐藤次郎大佐(宣傳活動に従事)、林未 松少將(中國総領事處刑に関連)の四氏名を掲載して いると報じている Brief Summary Former Japanese socialist leader prepares to return to Japan S, H 1 Malloy Gomes Kato M. Hori Y 4 5 Gomes An American Independence H, P [Koit] Day celebration took place in Tokyo on the 3rd The Soviet counter to the H, D [V. George Marshall Plan allows Grishanin] Avetisian European nations more economic freedom Moscow says that the US has H, D huge military expenditures Kato Y 3 1 Y ロシア語 で書かれ ている電 報あり 16 Y 2 H, P Y 2 H, D Y 3 Oversized Associated Press (26, Salt Lake City) Source Photograph(s) 3:30a Duplicate Hold No. 7/3/1947 Number of Pages Date Censored 7/3/1947 Japanese Article Prange Control No. Writers Date Submitted 47-frn-0671 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) [7]/[3]/194[7] 47-frn-0693 [7]/[3]/194[7] 47-frn-0695 7/9/1947 47-frn-0696 7/16/1947 7/17/1947 47-frn-0697 7/18/1947 7/18/1947 47-frn-0697a 1/0/1900 7/18/194[7] 47-frn-0698 7/21/1947 47-frn-0698a 7/19/1947 Submitted by (Japanese) 47-frn-0699 [7]/[20]/194[7] 21:1 Radio Press (Nanking) Mongolia: British press gives USSR motive 47-frn-0700 [7]/[20]/194[7] 21:2 Radio Press (Singapore) Trade: Chinese industrialist urges restrictions 47-frn-0701 7/21/194[7] 47-frn-0702 Telepress (London) 民報 Mimpo The Mimpo Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR Kyodo Tsushin (Tokyo) 日本通信 Nihon Tsushin Nihon Tsushin 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nihon 貿易再開は将来の利益を考慮 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimuzu 朝鮮臨時政府樹立のために催された米ソ共同委員會は 、朝鮮民族の民族を挙げての期待の中に生軌道を迪つ ている感をあたえたが、相変わらずの[難]航を[持]ちつ づけている。 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji-Shimpo Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Nippon Times Nippon Times Local Commentary International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (New York) 産業経済新聞 2/19 Nippon Times [7]/[20]/194[7] 21:5 47-frn-0703 7/20/1947 21:5a 47-frn-0704 7/21/194[7] 47-frn-0705 [7]/[20]/194[7] 21:6a 47-frn-0706 7/20/1947 21:6b 21:6 Headline (Japanese) Akahata 共同通信 7/22/194[7] Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Akahata 21:4 7/21/194[7] Submitted by アカハタ International 西日本新聞 News Service (Tokyo) 16:48 20:23a 7/20/1947 News Agency Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo 時事通信 Tsushin, United Press (1, 2, San Francisco, Washington) Reuters 共同通信 (Tokyo) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Reuters (Tokyo) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Reuters (Tokyo) 時事通信, 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin, The Kyodo News Service Headline 七月の世界 Subject Brief Summary World Affairs as Viewed for An analysis of the world July. situation from the communist viewpoint; prediction of America's economic collapse The civil war in Greece British colonel answers questions about the civil war in Greece and "foreign influence" モルダヴィヤ語でスターリン著書を刊行 SCAP economists believe foreign trade program have [benefitial] effect within two years Korean Political Situation Philppine nation grimly battling to rebuild Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y D Americans want people to know that Soviet-dominated North Koreans have no freedom Philippine Nation grimly battling to rebuild Y 8 7 8 D Kawamoto Kato S Harano H Notes 4 SCAP is optimistic about H, D [Howard reopening Japan's trade, in Handlema contrast to those who actually n] supervise export items Speaker thanks U.S. for salling parley. Diet, Press Express Appreciation for State Department Proposal Abe Y 11 Y 4 Matsumoto 1 [Barry Faris, Editor-inchief, Internation al News Service] 22 H, P 1 Russia is probably behind the Mongolian invasion of Sinkiang Chinese industrialist urges postponement of reopening of trade with Japan, for China's sake Wallace predicts breakdown of US economy H, S 2 H, P 1 H, P 3 US is optimistic about Japanese peace treaty despite the delay in beginning talks H, P 3 [United States] officials over weekend showed greater determination than ever for early Japanese treaty despite setback received from British Commonwealth countries over date first meeting. U.S. is optimistic about Japanese peace treaty despite the delay in beginning talks H, P First indications of the line talks on a projected Japanese Peace Treaty between General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander in Japan and Doctor Herbert Evatt, Australian External Affairs Minister, would be [likely] to take, were given today in what is regarded as an officially inspired article "BCON" the British Commonwealth forces paper here. The first indications of the line talks on a projected Japanese Peace Treaty between General MacArthur, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, and Dr. [Herbert] Evatt, Australian Minister for External Affairs , would be likely to talk, were given today in what is regarded as an officially inspired article in the [BCON], the British Commonwealth Forces' paper here. First indications of the line talks on a projected Japanese Peace Treaty between General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander in Japan and Doctor Herbert Evatt, Australian External Affairs Minister, would be [likely] to take, were given today in what is regarded as an officially inspired article "BCON" the British Commonwealth forces paper here. Predictions as to the aims Australia will have at the Japanese peace conference H, P Predictions as to the aims Australia will have at the Japanese peace conference H, P Predictions as to the aims Australia will have at the Japanese peace conference H, P ... [Del]grade twelve hours Wallace in interview with correspondent of Tanyug official Yugoslav news agency in New York said he believed that "Marshall[']s plan delayed economic depression in [United States]" The United S[t]ates officials over the weekend showed greater determination than ever for early Japanese treaty despite the setback received from the British Commonwealth countries over the date of the first meeting. 対日講和條約に関し濠州の要求する5項目 Examiner3 Nomura Yoshimoto D Textile goods will be distributed to the repatriates and others 米当局早急的に対日講和を決意 Examiner1 Examiner2 Gomes H Liberal party declares railway fare increase "unconstitutional"; Newspaper workers to organize new labor union; Japan chooses American administration after withdrawal of occupation forces 復興急ぐ比島 H, S [Kenworth y] Y 8 4 Y 7 3 Oversized 47-frn-0692 Source News Item Photograph(s) 3:46 Duplicate Hold No. 7/3/1947 Number of Pages Date Censored 7/3/1947 Japanese Article Prange Control No. Writers Date Submitted 47-frn-0691 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 21:7 47-frn-0708 7/21/1947 21:10 47-frn-0709 [7]/[20]/194[7] 21:11 47-frn-0710 7/21/194[7] 21:13 47-frn-0711 7/20/1947 21:16 47-frn-0712 [7]/[20]/194[7] 21:17 47-frn-0713 7/21/1947 21:18 47-frn-0714 7/21/1947 47-frn-0715 Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei 現実に直面した英國. 下院の両党ソ連抜きの再建を決意 World Events Britain's House of Commons vilifies the USSR as the main aggressor in Europe D 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei 金に見積つた平和. 戰費の八百億ドルあれば復興援助は易々 The Marshall Plan. The Stakes And The Costs The Marshall Plan is the means by which world peace can and must be achieved H, P The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimusu 米の希援助明白. ソ紙希紛争を論難 Pravda accuses the US and Britain of trying to start a Greek civil war H, S Kyodo Tsushin The myth of the international brigade was invented to distract attention from active British and American participation in the Greek disturbance, asserted Komsomolskaya Pravda, organ of the Communist Youth League, in an article today. Afgans P[e]shawar India United Press 国際タイムス (Moscow) 共同通信 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 4 [Barnet Nover] Y 3 Y 2 Kyodo 時事通信 Tsushin, United Press (1, 2, San Francisco, Washington) United Press 時事通信 (London) International 北海道新聞 News Service (Paris) Jiji Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Jiji Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun French journals concerned over possible German Reconstruction France is concerned that the Marshall Plan is too lenient with Germany H, P 1 21:21 International Nippon Times News Service (London) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Communist press blames the British for the revolution in Burma H, D 1 7/21/1947 21:22 United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Revolts flaring up in slaughter wake; 178 Burmese jailed. Tension Mounting In Rangoon As Thakin Nu Takes Over New Ministry U.S. Flag to Fly Atop Suribachi To Preserve Famous Landmark H, P 1 47-frn-0716 [7]/[21]/194[7] 21:23 International 日本通信 News Service (New York) Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin The American flag will continue to fly on Iwo Jima, preserving the American landmark The Philippines must struggle to rebuild after the damage caused by the Japanese 47-frn-0717 [7]/[19]/194[7] 21:25a Associated Press (Manila) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin, The Kyodo News Service The Philippines must struggle to rebuild after the damage caused by the Japanese H, P 47-frn-0718 7/21/1947 21:26 International Nippon Times News Service Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign H 47-frn-0719 7/21/1947 21:28 Shanghai Sin Shanghai Sin 読売新聞 Wen Pao Wen Pao (Tokyo) (Tokyo) Yomiuri Shimbun (26) Yomiuri Shimbun 26 The Australian Foreign Minister will travel to Tokyo by MacArthur's personal plane The Chinese feel that Japan is becoming more democratic, but remain wary 47-frn-0720 7/21/1947 21:30 Editorial 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (27) Yomiuri Shimbun 27 47-frn-0721 7/21/1947 中部民報, 民報, 労働民報 Chubu Mimpo, Chubu Mimpo, The Mimpo, Rodo Mimpo Mimpo, The Rodo Mimpo アカハタ Akahata 7/21/1947 21:31 7/25/1947 21:32 Telepress (New York) News item 時事通信, 共同通信 Akahata ゆき悩むドイツ問題. 西方諸国自身の間に意見一致せず American [foreign] policy makers o week igo worrie[d] primarily about split between East and West search Sunday for formula on [Marshall] Plan which will prevent split among Western nations themselves. マ元帥大統領候補に出馬か Philip[p]ine nation grimly battling to rebuild 比島の対日中間賠償案 Chairman of [Phillipine] delegation on reparations and [restitution] from Japan today said Philippines "vitally interested" in advance transfer program to meet immediate needs for relief of devastated economy. MacArthur is sending plane to carry Evatt. Aim Is to Cut 18-Hour Rail Trip From Kure to Tokyo 日本人に興う "Message for Japanese" "Japan's participation in UNESCO." The case for Eastern Europe フランスの世耕事件 47-frn-0722 7/21/1947 47-frn-0723 [7]/[18]/194[7] 47-frn-0724 7/23/1947 23:2 Associated 東京新聞 Press (22, Washington) 47-frn-0725 [7]/[23]/194[7] 23:22 47-frn-0726 7/23/1947 23:27a Radio Press Sokuho (Nanking) Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) 47-frn-0727 [7]/[23]/194[7] 7/24/1947 24:1 Radio Press (London BBC) Japan:USSR wants Big 3 to call Peace Conference 47-frn-0728 [7]/[23]/194[7] 7/24/1947 24:4 [7]/[23]/194[7] Radio Press (London BBC) Radio Press (London BBC) Germany: Schumacher wants new industrial level set 47-frn-0729 Radio Press (New York), Columbia Broadcasting System 24:5 "Seko-case in France" Greece: Winston Burdetts Tokyo Shimbun Nippon Times Tokyo Shimbun Nippon Times Foreign Afghanistan's territorial claims in India U.S. seeks to find a compromise that will make France accept the Marshall Plan Examiner1 Examiner2 [Randolph Churchill] Reports from Tokyo the ... ..[Northwest] airlines are not permitted to operate civilian traf... [Ja]pan because of aye British protest against permitting America... es to operate in Japan before August 15 Japan:Occupation: NW Airlines cannot accept passengers for Tokyo Northwest Lines To Stop-over Here France: Apprehension felt over industry H, P 4 H, D, [Shackfor P d] Y 8 H, S Y 1 H H, P Japan should participate in H, P UNESCO in order to demonstrate her desire for international cooperation Eastern European countries H, D have historically been exploited by the west, so they fear a western-drafted peace plan The Seko case may become a H, P political tool fo the Liberal Party The U.S. is being forced to D support an autocratic government in Greece [Barry Faris, editor-inchief] 3 Y 4 1 Sha San Kawamoto Kato Chu, correspon dent in Tokyo Kawamoto Yoshimoto Fujinami Tabata Yamaguchi Fujinami Y 6 Y 5 [Israel Epstein, Telepress correspon dent] 2 Malloy [Winston Burdette, Columbia Broadcasti ng New York Radio] Kato Kawamoto Kida Nomura Nagashima Y 5 4 State Department denies that Britain has protested American businesses' operating in Japan before August 15 H 1 MacArthur has forbidden Northwest Airlines to carry passengers to Tokyo No civilian passengers may disembark in Tokyo without SCAP permission H, S 1 H, S 1 USSR thinks that the US should not decide on her own when the Japanese peace conference should be Schumacher urges the US and Britain to raise the level of industry in Germany France: Apprehension felt over industry H, P 1 H, P 1 H, P 1 Oversized News Agency United Feature Syndicate Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 7/21/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0707 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Soviet Russia rejects U.S. invitation to Japanese Peace Conference 47-frn-0731 7/24/194[7] 7/24/194[7] 24:6b Associated Press (1, London) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Soviet Russia rejected the American invitation to aye one one nation preliminary conference on peace for Japan, proposing instead the speedy convocation of aye Four Power Foreign Ministers Council to take up the task. 47-frn-0732 7/25/1947 24:7a United Press 時事通信 (Shanghai) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-0733 7/24/1947 24:7b, 24:24 United Press 毎日新聞 (Shanghai) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0734 7/23/1947 7/24/1947 24:8a Reuters (London) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin, The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-0735 [7]/[23]/194[7] 7/24/1947 24:10 Radio Press Sokuho (New York) 47-frn-0736 7/23/1947 24:11 Agence 時事通信, 共同通信 France-presse (32, Paris) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin, The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-0737 [7]/[24]/1947 7/26/1947 24:13, 24:13b Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Hague) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0739 7/24/194[7] 7/24/194[7] 24:20 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (23, Ottawa) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-0740 7/24/194[7] 24:20a, 24:26 Agence 読売新聞 France-presse (Ottawa) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 47-frn-0741 7/24/1947 24:22 Associated Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0742 7/24/1947 7/25/1947 24:29 Telepress (New York) 民報, 労働民報 Mimpo, Rodo Mimpo The Mimpo, The Rodo Mimpo No legal way of fighting Taft-Hartley Act, labor lawyers say 47-frn-0743 7/24/1947 7/24/1947 24:31 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin Photo Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Lady Mountbatten under arrest 47-frn-0744 7/24/1947 24:37a International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Honolulu) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 大山郁夫氏新生日本について語る 47-frn-0745 7/24/1947 24:37b International 読売新聞 News Service (Honolulu) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 新日本理解せぬ人. 大山氏ハワイで語る 47-frn-0746 7/24/1947 United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0746a [8]/[6]/194[7] 6:17a 47-frn-0747 8/8/1947 47-frn-0748 8/9/1947 47-frn-0749 8/20/1947 8/20/1947 News Agency Reuters Tokyo Mimpo 16:25, 16:47 Comment Submitted by (Japanese) 時事通信, 共同通信 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 中華貿易再開に反対 ソ連、対日講和予備會議に不参加か Headline Subject クレラー將軍来朝 Jiji world 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin アトリー首相は六日の下院で英国の直面する経済危機 突破の非常對策を発表した 英國議會の経済危機對策討議 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 議事方式の重要性 Tokyo Mimpo Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Chinese Manufacturers' Association protests resumption of trade with Japan H, P Chinese Manufacturers' Association protests resumption of trade with Japan USSR thinks that the US should not decide on her own when the Japanese peace conference should be US has not yet received the USSR's note suggesting that the Big Four decide when to hold the Japanese peace conference USSR declines the invitation to the Japanese Peace Conference because the Big Four were not consulted first H, P Claim Japanese Being Used Dutch and Indonesians accuse each other of using Japanese in the conflict in Indonesia H, P, S 3 General [Crerar], the former commander of the 1st Canadian army, who took part in the Normandy landing under the command of Marshall Montgomery, is leaving for Japan on July 26th. Canadian general to discuss Japanese problems with MacArthur General Crerar is going to Japan to discuss Japanese problems with MacArthur P 1 General Grerar is going to Japan to discuss Japanese problems with MacArthur H, P Further research of A-victims urged. Dr. Pearse to Ask U.S. Atomic Body to Set Up Permanent Medical Unit in Japan. Japanese research into the effects of the atomic bomb on people has been hindered by the purge of many key doctors Sino Manufacturers Association inserted frontpage advertisements local papers vigorously opposing resumption Sino Japanese trade claiming China must resist Japan tempt dominate [Sino market] while "blood shed by Sino soliders et people" not yet dry battlefields. Sino-Japanese trade opposed Treaty one Treaty one P 2 [[William] Phillips] 1 Y 2 [Matsuda] 1 H, P Y 3 H, P 1 H, P Y 6 Y 2 H, [D] [Frank White, Associated Press correspon dent] The Taft-Hartley Labor Law H, D must be fought by "militant resistance" Lady Mountbatten of Britain H, P has been arrested for issuing a bad check Dr. Oyama, prominent political scientist, prepares to return to Japan from the US 1 1 1 [Ray Coll. Jr. Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Deleted: mention of H [Ray Coll. MacArthur from SCAP Jr. comments on communism in Internation Japan al News Service staff correspon dent] French Communist expresses C, D, [Earl J. apprehension over the P Johnson, Marshall Plan United Press staff correspon dent] H, S Oyama says Japanese still don't realize start of new Japan Communist issue here is surveyed. Visiting U.S. Editor States People In Authority Are Reticent on Subject 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Examiner1 Examiner2 H, P Japan: Peace Treaty: U.S. gets no note from USSR yet ソ連、対日講和予備會議の招請を拒否 Brief Summary USSR protests the US decision on when the Japanese peace conference should be held USSR protests the US decision on when the Japanese peace conference should be held Britain ...Re Japan Economic Crisis in England Economic crisis in England British Parliament's debate against her economic crisis "Importance of methods of proceedings" British Parliament debates her economic crisis Secretary of the State sent letter to the Foreign Minister to find way out of deadlock joint H D H, D D [Sato] Y 3 Y 5 2 3 Kawamoto Yoshimoto Y 17 Kawamoto Kato Y 4 Kawamoto Tabata Y 4 16 Oversized Associated Press (London) Source Photograph(s) 24:6a Duplicate Hold No. 7/24/1947 Number of Pages Date Censored [7]/[23]/194[7] Japanese Article Prange Control No. Writers Date Submitted 47-frn-0730 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) アカハタ Akahata Akahata 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 朝鮮特信 日本語版 The Korean Information Chosen Tokushin アカハタ 47-frn-0751 8/20/1947 47-frn-0752 [8]/[22]/194[7] 47-frn-0753 8/22/1947 47-frn-0754 8/23/1947 47-frn-0755 [8]/[25]/194[7] 47-frn-0756 8/25/1947 News item 47-frn-0757 8/28/1947 Urgent Notice 47-frn-0758 [8]/[28]/194[7] 47-frn-0759 [9]/[1]/194[7] Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0760 [9]/[1]/194[7] Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Lake Success) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0761 9/1/1947 Akahata Akahata 47-frn-0762 [9]/[5]/194[7] 6:1 Radio Press (Chungking) 47-frn-0763 [9]/[5]/194[7] 6:2 47-frn-0764 [9]/[5]/194[7] 6:3 Radio Press (Singapore) Reuters (London) 47-frn-0765 [9]/[6]/194[7] 6:3a 47-frn-0766 [9]/[6]/194[7] 6:4 47-frn-0767 [9]/[6]/194[7] 6:5 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-0769 [9]/[6]/194[7] 6:7 United Press 時事通信 (NewYork) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 6:7a 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-0770 21:3 Own article Contribution 8/23/1947 Akahata Akahata 23:23 International 読売新聞 News Service (Tokyo) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 25:14, 25:26 Agence 時事通信; 東京新聞 France-presse (Washington) Jiji Tsushin; Tokyo Shimbun Jiji Tsushin; Tokyo Shimbun アカハタ Akahata Akahata アカハタ Akahata Akahata Headline (Japanese) Headline アカハタ We love Japanese Language 貿易再開と米実業者の意見 [Foreign] [t]raders say Japan will have to compete with low prices Significance of Daily Publication of the Akahata National Rally of AKAHATA Daily 9/6/1947 Tass reported today that the Soviet Union had sent the United States a new note insisting upon a preliminary fourpower discussion before any conference was called to draft a peace treaty with Japan. A majority of the United Nations Palestine committee recommended Sunday that 150,000 Jewish immigrants be admitted to Palestine in the next two years while the Holy Land is being transformed into an economic union comprising an Arab state, a Jewish state and the autonomous city of Jerusalem. Peace treaty: USSR participation need Trade: British films to be shown 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Brief Summary We love Japanese language Part III Joint commission for Korea is deadlocked over the establishment of provisional government in Korea Koreans criticize the Foreign nationals' Registration Law 引続く食糧の大量放出 Hirose, 1st Nisei Buyer To Kansai, Brings Message From LA Trde Organ Notice Subject We love Japanese Language 日本へ印綿十七万俵 Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) Radio Press Sokuho Mr. Talsidas Kilachand, head of an Indian mission to Japan, which leaves Japan tomorrow, said that the mission has been prepared to sell 394,000 bales of raw cotton and was able to arrange for the sale of 170,000 bales. US trade: fall in exports being felt Styles Bridges also addressing convention India to sell 170,000 bales of raw cotton ソ連の不法攻撃に備えあり 47-frn-0771 9/6/194[7] 6:7b United Press 国際タイムス, (NewYork) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 対ソ縣念なくば日本占領直ちに終了 47-frn-0772 9/6/1947 6:8 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Tokyo) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 総司令部日本為替相場未決定を言明 Collier[']s magazine article radioed ex Tokyo by publisher William [L.] Chenery reports "but for fear of Russian intentions occupation could end in Japan very soon." Colliers magazine article radioed ex Tokyo by publisher William [L.] Chenery reports "but for fear of Russian intentions occupation could end in Japan very soon." Colliers magazine, in an article radioed from Tokyo by its publisher, William L. Chenery, reported that "but for fear of Russian intentions, the occupation could end in Japan very soon." SCAP sources say exchange rate still undetermined [Yoshio Shiga] Examiner1 Examiner2 D Hideo Watanabe [Harano] S Spaulding We love Japanese language US traders agree that the Japanese Board of Trade is guilty of practices which they do not like [D] Korea asks SCAP for Japanese gold stock to be used to rehabilitate Korean trade. Significance of daily publication of Akahata National rally of Akahata Daily First Nisei buyer enters Kansai, Brings Message From LA Trade Organ USSR has sent a new note to the US demanding a Big Four discussion before the Japanese peace conference S Yoshio Hideo Shiga Watanabe [Frank Emery, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Malloy Haruo Fujiwara Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 2 Y 2 1 4 Y Spaulding 5 1 M. Nagashima Hideo Watanabe 3 2 1 8 Majority of United Nations submitted for entrance of 150,000 Jewish immigrants in the next two years. Key to success or failure for Key to Success or Failure for Akhata Daily, pay up AKAHATA Daily, pay up subscription fee in arrears subscription fee in arrears Burma states that the Japanese peace conference will not be possible without the USSR New British films are beginning to arrive in Japan Cotton will be delivered from India to Japan by the end of October Notes 2 Hideo Watanabe 2 P 1 P 1 H, P Y 3 Cotton will be delivered from India to Japan by the end of October Sen. Bridges states that the Russians pose more of a threat than most people think H, P 1 H, P 1 Indian trader says that the US is hindering the flow of trade in and out of Japan to protect its own interests US occupation in Japan could end soon if not for fear of Russian occupation D 4 US occupation in Japan could end soon if not for fear of Russian occupation H, S Y H 1 US occupation in Japan H, S, could end soon if not for fear D of Russian occupation An exchange rate for the yen will be established in the fall H, P 4 [Howard Handlema n, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Y 4 Y 7 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Contribution Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 8/19/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0750 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 47-frn-0774 [9]/[6]/194[7] 6:8b 6:10, 30:28 47-frn-0774a 9/11/1947 Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject International News Service ¥ Exchange set-up viewed premature by SCAP officials. Recent Rumors Termed Speculation---Real Value of Nippon Currency Still Unknown An exchange rate for the yen will be established in the fall H, P [United Press] Foreign traders with whom I have spoken are nearly unanimous in declaring prices too high in Japan. Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 戰後社會のあい言葉であつた「一つの世界」の理想は 影が薄くなつてきた Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Nishi Nihon Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Nishi Nippon 日本の科学改革進行中 Reorganization of Japanese science and research under way 日本における科学研究の民主化 Reorganization of Japanese science and research under way Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 比国防相訪日. Defense Secretary to confer with MacArthur The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 米国の恐慌必至論. ヴァルガ教授の痛論 United Press 共同通信 (New York) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Seoul) Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Detroit) USIS 時事通信 (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign George Sokolsky writing in New York Sun comments on the trial of Mamoru SHIGEMITSU, one time Japanese foreign minister to China asking what is to be gained from SHIGEMITSU's trial. Seoul Police to Hold Full-Scale Maneuvers Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Maimed U.S. War Veteran Pleads For Life of Nippon Prison Guard Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 五月の日本占領報告 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimuzu 世界の平和を擔うもの 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (53) Yomiuri Shimbun #53 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Shimbun ウエデマイヤ報告書に期待 西日本新聞 United Press 共同通信 (13, Moscow) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Nishi Nippon The Kyodo News Service 朝鮮の統合問題 Associated 共同通信 Press (26, 36, Hillsboro) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Editorial 47-frn-0776 9/6/1947 6:12 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Pasadena) 産業経済新聞 47-frn-0777 9/7/194[7] 6:12a International 西日本新聞 News Service (Pasadena) 47-frn-0778 9/6/1947 6:13 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Manila) 産業経済新聞 47-frn-0779 [9]/[6]/194[7] 6:14 47-frn-0780 9/6/1947 6:15 47-frn-0781 9/6/1947 9/6/1947 6:17 47-frn-0782 9/6/1947 9/6/1947 6:18 47-frn-0783 9/6/1947 6:19 47-frn-0784 [9]/[7]/194[7] 6:20 47-frn-0785 9/6/1947 47-frn-0786 9/6/1947 6:22 47-frn-0787 9/6/1947 6:24 47-frn-0788 9/6/194[7] 47-frn-0789 47-frn-0790 [9]/6/194[7] 9/7/1947 7:3 47-frn-0791 9/7/1947 7:6 H, P New Block Economy Political Parties and the Bureaucracy 日米通信 Comment Editorial Associated Press (Tokyo) Editorial Brief Summary H, P 世界日報 Yomiuri 為替レートは当分未定. 総司令部否定 An exchange rate for the yen will be established in the fall 9/6/1947 6:21 Submitted by (based on CCD doc) SCAP sources say exchange rate still undetermined 47-frn-0775 9/8/1947 6:11 Submitted by Yomiuri Shimbun International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Rome) 産業経済新聞 "Prof. Vulga's Sharp Comment On Inevitable American Economic Crisis." MacAruthur notes Japanese progress toward free government "Who shoulders the world peace?" Military Police, hunting for the soldier who threw a young Japanese girl to her death from a downtown Tokyo bridge, said today they were "making progress" in their hunt for two First Cavalry Troopers. キリスト教合同で共産主義に対抗 "Our expectation to a Wedemeyer Report." Baptist minister pleads for protestant. Catholic war on communism Moscow broadcasts heard here charged that United States ignored "the most important recommendations of the Allied control council for Japan-pursuing the same policy of unilateral action in question of peace treaty--does not intend to take interests and wishes of other great powers into consideration." Japan will need to import about one million bales of cotton this year and the United States will supply more than half, [E. D.] White, assistant to the Secretary of Agriculture, said in an address prepared for the State wide cotton committee of Texas. Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 [Howard Handlema n, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [Howard Handlema n, Internation al News Service Far Eastern Bureau Manager] [Kalischer ] Western powers who critcize H, D the Eastern bloc economy are not looking after their own economies New committee on scientific H, [D] research will sponsor higher education to train scientists in Japan New committee on scientific H, D research will sponsor higher education to train scientists in Japan Philippines Defense H, P Secretary will confer with MacArthur on the reorganization on the Philippines military The Japanese Cabinet has H, P forbidden civil servants to run for office Soviet economist predicts H, S America's economic collapse Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Notes 3 2 1 Kawamoto Kida H. Okada Y 6 Y 7 Y 5 Y 4 3 Kawamoto Abe Y 6 Former Japanese premier H, D says that his pro-China stance provoked the Japanese militarists in the 1930s 4 Seoul police will conduct military maneuvers to practice annihilating the North Korean army Disabled American veteran pleads for the life of his former Japanese guard H, S 1 H, P 1 MacArthur states that the choice of Katayama, a Christian, as Prime Minister evidences Japan's new democracy Americans feel that opposition between the US and USSR is unavoidable Police are progressing in the search for a soldier who killed a girl H, P H, P H North Korea is a satellite of H, D the USSR Baptist minister says that D Baptists who protest a "moral alliance" with the Pope prefer an "alliance with Stalin" USSR charges the US with ignoring Allied recommendations on Japan US will supply half of the cotton that Japan needs D H, D H, P Kawamoto Yamaguchi Nomura Y 8 Y 4 [Duane Hennessy, Associated Press staff correspon dant] 1 Kawamoto Tabata Y 6 Y 12 Y 12 4 2 Oversized News Agency International 読売新聞 News Service (Tokyo) Photograph(s) Source 6:8a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 9/6/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0773 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 東京新聞 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Tokyo Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin The Asahi News Asahi News The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai Agence 時事通信, 世界日報 France-presse (Paris; Moscow) Jiji Tsushin, Sekai Nippo Jiji Tsushin, Sekai Nippo Agence 世界日報 France-presse (New York) Sekai Nippo Asahi Shimbun Headline (Japanese) 47-frn-0793 9/7/1947 7:10 News item 47-frn-0795 9/11/1947 11:24 Commentary 47-frn-0796 [9]/[20]/194[7] 11:45 47-frn-0797 9/18/1947 47-frn-0798 [9]/[21]/194[7] 22:33 47-frn-0799 [9]/[21]/194[7] 22:34 47-frn-0800 [9]/[25]/194[7] 47-frn-0801 9/25/1947 47-frn-0802 [9]/[23]/194[7] 26:20 Agence アサヒニュース France-presse (Moscow) 47-frn-0803 9/28/194[7] 28:10 Associated Press (45, Seoul) 47-frn-0804 [9]/[28]/194[7] 29:1 [Radio Press (Nanking)] 47-frn-0805 9/28/1947 29:3 United Press 時事通信, 共同通信 (12, New York) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin, The Kyodo News Service 中国の苛酷な対日要求は当然 47-frn-0806 [9]/[29]/194[7] 29:3a United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimusu 對日要求五項目. 在米中國人民委員會の主張 47-frn-0807 [9]/[29]/194[7] 29:3b United Press (New York) 47-frn-0808 9/30/1947 29:41a International Nippon Times News Service 47-frn-0809 [9]/[30]/194[7] 1:1 47-frn-0810 [9]/[30]/194[7] 1:2 47-frn-0811 [9]/[30]/194[7] 1:3 47-frn-0812 [10]/[1]/194[7] 1:4 9/18/1947 Tokyo Shimbun United Press 毎日新聞 時事通信 The Christian アサヒニュース Science Monitor 日本経済新聞 Table-talk 朝日新聞 9/25/1947 時事通信 海外電報版 Jiji Tsushin Kaigai Dempoban Commentary 共同通信 すでに始まつた大統領候補戰 "Electioneering for Presidency Already Started" Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes P 1 Miles Vaughn, VicePresident and Far Eastern Manager, United Press M. Nagashima D Marshall's speech, funeral mass of world cooperation, Vishinsky's address thunderbolt striking warmongers, Pravda write; Koreans reported planning seizure of part of Manchuria and Soviet maritime province Pravda accuses the US of supporting right-wing Koreans who are counting on a war between the USSR and US S 2 Sekai Nippo Attack on Soviet policy necessitates complete abandonment of US's isolation, says Stimson H, S 1 Asahi Shimbun The Japanese are learning slowly how to handle themselves in the middle of their frequent disasters, many SCAP officials believe, but major improvements still have to be made. Former secretary of state Stimson says that the US may eventually act outside of the UN Passage of the Disaster Bill in the Japanese Diet 経済力集中排除座談会 The Asahi News Asahi News 右翼の“大朝鮮”計画. ブラウダ紙報道 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Table-talk on economic decentralization Fear for civil war in Italy Communist party in Italy violently opposed to accepting aid from the US Koreans reported planning seizure of Koreans planning seizure of Pravda accuses the US of part of Manchuria and Soviet maritime part of Manchuria and Soivet favoring right-wing groups in province war-time province. South Korea Nippon Times Foreign Chosen Tokushin Go[m]es 13 Nippon Keizai discussion on economic decentralization: the "political" consequences of decentralization Housewife view of France. An Outsider on the Inside Outlines Problems of the Peacetime Frenchman イタリアの勞働攻勢と倒閣運動 The Korean Information Examiner1 Examiner2 H, P H, D H. Okada Y 4 H, D [Maria Quiers] 6 Malloy Murao Fujinami Y [Russell Brines] D 16 2 Kawamoto Fujinami H, S Participants : Ishikawa, Sasayama, Sato, Tsuru Y 6 Y 3 Two South Korean political leaders predicted today that withdrawal of American and Russian occupation troops, suggested Friday by the Soviets, would result in civil war and communization of the country by aye "red lava" rolling down from the North Korean now occupied by the Russians. South Korea says that US does not always honor her commitments in South Korea H, D 2 Political: Moscow papers play up Shtikov statement Soviet general condemns US for her uncompromising position on Korea Some American officials are convinced that Japan will be peaceful for many years; this is no assurance to the Chinese H, S 1 Commenting editorially on recommendations re[garding] Ja[panese] Peace treaty offered by resident committee of Chinese Peoples political council Herald Tribune said "taken as... " Herald Tribune on Japanese peace treaty 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Brief Summary US will supply half of the cotton that Japan needs MacArthur would probably not be able to quit his job as SCAP in time to be a presidential candidate The French black market is a product of the American occupation Jiji Tsushin Nippon Times Subject "My Impressions of Kyushu" Vaughn's favorable impressions of Kyushu Writer Gives Intimate Glimpse Into MacArthur's Family Life. Supreme Commander's Household Quiet and Happy; General Enjoys Motion Pictures [Radio Press (London BBC)] Radio Press (Nanking) Korean Information Press Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) Headline Japan will need to import about one million bales of cotton this year and the United States will supply more than half, ED White, assistant to the Secretary of Agriculture, said in an address prepared for the State wide cotton committee of Texas. Some American officials are convinced that Japan will be peaceful for many years; this is no assurance to the Chinese Some American officials are convinced that Japan will be peaceful for many years; this is no assurance to the Chinese The MacArthur household is quiet and happy H, D Y 7 [D] Y 1 H, D H, P 1 [Lee Van Atta] 2 UN: Arab Delegate blames Britain for Palestine problem Arabs are opposed to partitioning Palestine H, P 1 U.S.: Winchell challenges Vyshinsky statement Winchell says that the USSR, H, P not the US, is war-mongering 1 U.S. : Failure to call special session criticized Truman criticized for failing to call a special session of Congress to discuss the European aid plan 米ソ両軍撤退の提案に対し米側の回答無し H, P H, P Y 2 1 Oversized News Agency Associated Press (36, Hillsboro) Photograph(s) Source 7:6a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 9/7/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0792 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline 47-frn-0814 [10]/[1]/194[7] 1:6 47-frn-0815 10/1/1947 1:7 47-frn-0816 [10]/[1]/194[7] 1:8 47-frn-0817 [9]/[30]/194[7] 1:9 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-0818 [9]/[29]/194[7] 1:10 Jiji Tsushin Mussolini's body in USA? 10/1/194[7] 1:11 United Press 時事通信 (Naples) Associated 共同通信 Press (5, Washington) Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-0819 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-0820 [9]/[30]/194[7] 1:11a Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Russia has refused to permit members of the U.S. Sen[ate] Appropriations Committee to enter the Soviet Union to visit the American emb[a]ssy, said Senator Styles Bridges, Republican. Russia refuses Americans to visit American embassy 47-frn-0821 10/1/194[7] 1:12 United Press 共同通信 (16, San Francisco, Lake Success) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-0822 [10]/[1]/194[7] 1:12a United Press 国際タイムス (Lake Success) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-0823 10/1/1947 1:12b Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0824 [9]/[30]/194[7] 1:12c Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-0825 [10]/[1]/194[7] 1:13 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Lake Success) United Press 時事通信 (Lake Success) United Press 国際タイムス (Seoul) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-0826 10/1/194[7] 1:13a United Press 共同通信 (19, Seoul) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-0827 10/1/1947 1:13b United Press 毎日新聞 (Seoul) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H 1 Greece: U.S. Army officers asked to help army Forty American officers are fighting guerrillas in Greece H, P 1 Indonesians continue to fight Ho Chi Minh says that French colonists in Vietnam are "perfidious" Ukrainian rebels attempted to cross into Germany from Czechoslovakia H, D 3 H, P 1 President of CIO's Maritime Union says that Communists have infiltrated the Union H, P 1 Mussolini's wife says that his body is in the US USSR refuses to let Americans into the USSR to visit the American embassy H, P 1 H, P 3 USSR refuses to let Americans into the USSR to visit the American embassy H, P 1 China added to speculation over her apparent intention to seek rapproch[e]ment with Russia when she broke with Anglo[-]Americans for first time in Security Council to side with Soviet Union. China added to speculation over her apparent intention to seek rapprochement with Russia when she broke with Anglo-Americans for first time in the Security Council to side with Soviet Union. China shifts over to Russian camp. Breaks for First Time With U.S. In Security Council to Vote With USSR China supports the USSR in advocating Rumania's admission into the UN H [Hensley] China supports the USSR in advocating Rumania's admission into the UN H China supports the USSR in advocating Rumania's admission into the UN H, P [Stewart Hensley, United Press staff correspon dent] [Stewart Hensley] China's strat[e]gic speculation in reapproaching with Soviet, U.S. officials interprete Dr. Syngman Rhee issued a statement demanding the Soviets prove their sincerity by "withdrawing from the North immediately and unconditionally so we may form any government according to our own choice" but simultaneously demanded the "United States maintain a small force for security in South Korea without interference in our sovereign rights as an independent nation until we organize our government according to the will of the people through a general election and take over administration of the American military government." China supports the USSR in advocating Rumania's admission into the UN Syngman Rhee says that South Koreans will form their own government regardless of American opinion H Doctor Syngman Rhee statemented demanding Soviets prove sincerity by "withdrawing from North immediately and unconditionally so we may form any government according to our own choice" but simultaneously demand "Uni[ted] States maintain small force security Sou[th] Korea without interference our sovereign rights as independent nation until we organize our government according will people through general election and overtake administration of American military gov[ernmen]t." Dr. Syngman Rhee issued a statement demanding the Soviets prove their sincerity by "withdrawing from the North immediately and unconditionally so we may form any government according to our own choice" but simultaneously demanded the "United States maintain a small force for security in South Korea without interference in our sovereign rights as an independent nation until we organize our government according to the will of the people through a general election and take over administration of the American military government." Syngman Rhee says that South Koreans will form their own government regardless of American opinion H, D 3 Syngman Rhee says that South Koreans will form their own government regardless of American opinion H 1 German police officials said they were ordered to rush hundreds of their men to the Czechoslovak border today following a report that 6,000 armed members of the refugee "Ukrainian Resistance Army" were approaching the United States occupation zone of Germany. Curren Maritime Union boss accuses communist infiltration ソ撤退米不干渉. 李承晩氏米ソに要求 Brief Summary Forty American officers are fighting guerrillas in Greece Indochina night lead one 中國微妙な動き. 國連の空氣から觀取 Subject Greece: U.S. officers for Greek army units recommended H 2 Y 3 1 [Hensley] 3 Y 2 Oversized News Agency Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) Radio Press Sokuho (Melbourne) Associated 共同通信 Press (Saigon) Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Germany) Photograph(s) Source 1:5 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [10]/[1]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0813 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0829 10/1/1947 1:14 United Press 日米通信 (Athens) The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 47-frn-0830 10/1/1947 1:15 United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0831 10/1/194[7] 1:16 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (3, Naples) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-0832 [10]/[1]/194[7] 1:17 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Amsterdam) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0833 10/1/194[7] 1:17b Associated 共同通信 Press (16, 23, Amsterdam) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-0834 10/1/194[7] 1:19; 1:35 United Press 時事通信; 共同通信 (2) Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-0835 10/1/194[7] 1:20 Associated 東京新聞 Press (2, Washington ) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-0836 10/1/194[7] 1:20a Associated 共同通信 Press (2, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-0837 10/1/194[7] 1:21 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (1, Innsbruck) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-0838 10/1/194[7] 1:22 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Tokyo) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 47-frn-0839 [10]/[1]/194[7] 1:22a International 北海道新聞 News Service (Tokyo) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-0840 10/1/194[7] 1:22b International 西日本新聞 News Service (Tokyo) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 47-frn-0841 [9]/[30]/194[7] 1:23 The Korean Information Korean Information 47-frn-0842 [9]/[19]/194[7] 1:24 Korean 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Information Press (Pyongyang) United Press 日米通信 (New York) The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 現在世界平和の脅威はソ連だ. ガネット氏世界一周旅行談 47-frn-0843 [9]/[29]/194[7] 1:25 United Press 日米通信 (Duluth) The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin スタッセン氏侵入する赤と抗爭せよと勧告. 対策の六カ條指針 47-frn-0844 10/1/194[7] 1:26 The Kokusai Times Kokusai-Times 敎條主義者は似而非マルキストである 47-frn-0845 [9]/[30]/194[7] 1:27 [Mainichi Shimbun] [Mainichi] Commentary 国際タイムス Agence [毎日新聞] France-presse (Cologne) Headline Subject Soviets asked by Rhee to quit North Korea. But Wants U.S. to Maintain Small Force for Security マ案完了の暁が心配の種. ギリシャでテーバー氏談 関根親分自首す 関根親分の自首. 司令部当局談 Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Syngman Rhee says that South Koreans will form their own government regardless of American opinion Rep. Tabor fears that the Marshall Plan will leave the US economically vulnerable to Russia H, D American trader says that Japan should raise the quality of its goods rather than lowering prices H, P The boday of Benito Mussolini, former ruler of Fascist Italy, lies buried in the United States, the "Giornal[i] di Napoli" claimed tonight. Russo-U.S. War Said Likely Mussolini's wife says that his body is in the US H, P 1 Bertrand Russell says that war between the US and USSR is inevitable unless the atom is mutually controlled H 2 Bertrand Russell, the British philosopher and mathematician, said Tuesday war between Russia and the United States is "inevitable" unless Russia accepts American proposals for international control of the atom. Washington will not necessary for SCAP rumored to run for MacArthur proclaim his politics in president. unlikely event he becomes big factor in next... s presidential sweepstakes. The Senate Armed Services Committee announced it has cancelled its contemplated 5 weeks visit to Japan Korea China and the Philippines because of "the [inability] of members to get away". The Senate Armed Services Committee announced it has cancelled its contemplated five weeks visit to Japan Korea China and the Philippines because of "the [in]ability of members to get way". Austria will refuse to sign the peace treaty if the Great Powers fail to restore its pre-Anschluss frontiers, Doctor Gruber, Austrian Foreign Minister, told a Tyrolian audience today. Bertrand Russell says that war between the US and USSR is inevitable unless the atom is mutually controlled H, P 2 Pros and cons of MacArthur's possible presidential candidacy H, S Several Congressmen will visit Asia to view the situation firsthand H, P 1 Several Congressmen will visit Asia to view the situation firsthand H 2 Austria will refuse to sign the peace treaty if her pre-war borders are not restored H, P 1 Gang leader Ken Sekine surrenders to police Gang leader Ken Sekine surrendered to the police after an 85-day chase H, P Gang leader Ken Sekine surrendered to the police Wednesday after a 85-day chase in which he reportedly fled from home, one mistress to another. Gang leader Ken Sekine surrenders to police Gang leader Ken Sekine surrendered to the police after an 85-day chase H, P Gang leader Ken Sekine surrendered to the police after an 85-day chase H, P Soviets delegation now awaits American answer to best proposal to solve Korean issue, reports TASS correspondent from Pyongyang Turkey, the Philippine Island and Japan-and of course the U.S.--are bright spots in a world otherwise depressing because of misery, poverty and the spread of communism, Frank E. Gannett reported yesterday. Harold E. Stassen Saturday urged the nation's police chiefs to make a vigorous fight against Communist infiltration in the United States. Soviets are awaiting the US's answer to their proposal of withdrawal from Korea H, P American publisher advises caution in loaning money to other countries H, P Y 2 GOP candidate urges US police to crack down on Communists H, P Y 2 USSR as well as US must desire world peace in order to recover from the war German railroad workers in British-occupied territory threaten to strike H, P Y 4 Rep. John Tabor of New York told reporters today that he feared that carrying out the Marshall Plan might leave the United States "out on a limb" when it finished the task-as a target for Russia. Raise Quality of Export Goods, U.S. Buyer Tells Manufacturers German Railway workers issue ultimatum to British authorities 1 H, P H, S Y [Peter Kalischer United Press staff correspon dent] 1 1 [Lyle C. Wilson] 5 [Howard Handlema n, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Y 4 1 [Howard Handlema n, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Y 3 2 Sakuma 1 Oversized News Agency Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Seoul) Photograph(s) Source 1:13c Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/1/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0828 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 47-frn-0847 10/1/194[7] 1:28 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-0848 [9]/[30]/1947 1:29 Radio Press (New York) 47-frn-0849 [9]/[30]/1947 1:30 Radio Press (New York) 47-frn-0850 10/1/194[7] 1:31 Associated Press (35, Washington) 47-frn-0851 10/1/194[7] 1:31a Associated 共同通信 Press (35, Washington) 47-frn-0852 10/1/1947 1:32 47-frn-0853 10/1/1947 1:33 Associated Press 47-frn-0854 10/1/194[7] 1:34 United Press 共同通信 (Belgrade) 47-frn-0854a 10/2/194[7] 47-frn-0855 10/1/194[7] 1:35 United Press 共同通信 (6, Boston) 47-frn-0856 [9]/[30]/194[7] 1:36 Reuters (Teheran) 47-frn-0857 10/1/1947 1:37 Associated Press (Tokyo) 47-frn-0858 10/1/1947 47-frn-0859 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 共同通信 共同特信 B Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Tsushin Tokushin B Essay Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Flushing learned representative Louise Yim of Syngman Rhee's Korean commission has lettered Uni[ted] Nations officials and representa[t]ives of Uni[ted] States and Soviet Union asking t..she be allowed to present "Korean viewpoint" when Uni[ted] Nations considers problem of Korea independence. Palestine Louise Yim has asked to present the "Korean viewpoint" when the UN considers Korean independence H, P US must not give into Arab blackmail in deciding the Palestine question H, P Korea Koreans should be given a chance to pick their own form of government Cotton exporters will extend credit so that cotton shipments to Japan can be financed H, P 2 H, P 1 Cotton exporters will extend credit so that cotton shipments to Japan can be financed H 2 シベリア報告. 収容所の演藝会. NHKも顔負け "Report from Siberia: Entertainment at POW Camps: It's Better Than NHK Program." Y Notes German railroad workers in British-occupied territory threaten to strike A combination of American interests are expected to extend six zero million dollars credit some time in October to finance cotton shipments to Japan, government financial experts said. Aye combination of American interests are expected to extend six zero million dollars credit sometime in October to finance cotton shipments to Japan, government financial experts said. S Examiner3 German Railway workers issue ultimatum to British authorities 2 2 [Cecil Brown, Mutual Broadcasti ng System] Entertainment at Soviet POW camps is better than NHK H, D Kiyoshi Kawamoto Abe Tsutsui, ex Japanese Minister to R[o]mania 2 Y 8 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign MacArthur's Sympathetic Action Recounted by Japanese Father MacArthur helps bring a man's children back to Japan H, P 1 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Marshall Tito addressing convention one thousand partisan war veterans in Belgrade declared "false democracies" trying to destroy Uni[ted] Nations and force Russia to withou but predicted attempt would fail. Marshall Tito attacks the Truman doctrine as imperialistic D, P 2 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin The Service Marshall Tito in addressing aye convention of veteran attacked the Truman doctrine as "nothing else than the creation of strategic bases in Europe and in other parts of the world for the encirclement of the Soviet Union and o[th]er generally democratic Eastern States." Former Vice President Henry Wallace said peoples Asia and Europe "Not fooled" by Uni[ted] States foreign policy for which he charged "every propaganda technique known to man being used" to win popular support. 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Iran's agreement with Soviets not binding Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Newsman omitted on inspection trip. Last-Minute Request Made by Chairman Cole to Bar Correspondents 1:38 International Nippon Times News Service Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 10/1/1947 1:38a International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Tokyo) 産業経済新聞 47-frn-0860 10/1/1947 1:39 Nippon Times Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Nippon Times Osaka Jiji Shimpo, 極東空軍司令官空軍力の日本撤退を予見 Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Nippon Times Local 47-frn-0861 10/1/1947 1:40 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local The season for Black-Market Prevention Limitations of Foreign Credits 47-frn-0862 [10]/[2]/1947 1:41 United Press 東京タイムズ (New York) The Tokyo Times Tokyo Times American Loan and Britain's Plight 47-frn-0863 [9]/[13]/194[7] 1:42 The New 朝日新聞 York Times (Washington) Asahi Shimbun Asahi Democrats lose fears of third party. No Split Is Indicated By Latest Moves of Wallace, Pepper Associated Press (12, Belgrade) Nippon Times Headline (Japanese) ドイツ鐵道從案員スト態勢 東京新聞 1 Henry Wallace charges the US with ignoring civil liberties in Europe H, S 3 Iran says that its agreement with the USSR about oil fields is not binding American news correspondents denied permission to accompany Congressional party to Japan H, P 2 H, S 3 Whitehead expects U.S. will withdraw forces from Japan. Commander of FEAF Declares He Expects Troops, Air Force Will Pull Out After Pact General says that the Air Force will be withdrawn from Japan once the peace treaty is signed 2 Whitehead expects withdrawal of Air Forces from Japan General says that the Air Force will be withdrawn from Japan once the peace treaty is signed The season for black-market prevention It has become evident that foreign credits alone are not a panacea for Japan's economic problems British publisher says that American loans are responsible for Britain's economic crisis Democrats are cheered by Wallace's decision not to form a third party H, C, [Far P Eastern Bureau Manager, Internation al News Service] H, P [Howard Handlema n] Y 7 H, P 2 H, P 3 H, P 2 H, P [Harold B. Hinton] 1 Oversized News Agency Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Cologne) Photograph(s) Source 1:27a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [9]/[30]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0846 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline 47-frn-0865 [10]/[1]/1947 47-frn-0866 [10]/[1]/1947 2:1 47-frn-0867 [10]/[1]/194[7] 2:2 47-frn-0868 [10]/[1]/1947 2:3 47-frn-0869 [10]/[1]/194[7] 2:4 47-frn-0870 [10]/[1]/194[7] 2:4a 47-frn-0871 10/2/194[7] 2:4b 47-frn-0872 [10]/[1]/194[7] 2:5 Radio Press (Nanking) 47-frn-0873 [10]/[1]/194[7] 2:6 Radio Press (Singapore) Japan: Yoshida hopes for early treaty 47-frn-0874 [10]/[1]/194[7] 2:7 Radio Press (Melbourne) Trade: Australian wool mission to make report 47-frn-0875 [10]/[1]/194[7] 2:8 Radio Press (Melbourne) Trade: Australian businessmen may stay longer 47-frn-0876 [10]/[1]/194[7] 2:9 Radio Press (Nanking) Political: Diet debates return of Okinawa 47-frn-0877 10/2/1947 2:10 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 賠償機械の割当 47-frn-0878 [10]/[1]/194[7] 2:11 Reuters 時事通信 (Manchester) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 英国は日本生糸を需要 47-frn-0879 10/2/194[7] 2:11a Reuters 共同通信 (Manchester) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-0880 [10]/[1]/194[7] 2:11b Reuters 時事通信 (Manchester) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-0881 [10]/[1]/194[7] 2:12 Radio Press (Brazzaville) 47-frn-0882 [10]/[1]/194[7] 2:13 Jiji Tsushin 10/2/194[7] 2:13a United Press 時事通信 (New York) United Press 共同通信 (4, New York) Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-0883 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-0884 [10]/2/194[7] 2:14 Acme 時事通信 Newspictures 時事解説版, サン写真新聞 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Jiji Kaisetsu Tsushin 米ソ朝鮮同時撤兵は成るか. 問題は撤兵後の内部勢力. Kaisetsuban, The Sun 米・ソ連の意圖を警戒 Pictorial Daily 47-frn-0885 10/2/1947 2:15 Christian Science Monitor (New York) 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin ララの救済に自省する日本人. 活躍を語るボ博士 47-frn-0886 10/2/1947 2:16 NEA (Karachi) 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 印度をねらうソ連. 回印闘爭の重大性を語るジンナー総督 San Nuzu Poto Subject Brief Summary Henry Wallace calls Britain's new Cabinet "totalitarian" Radio Press (Singapore) Radio Press (London BBC) [Radio Press (Moscow)] Political: Rhee asks immediate Russian Rhee asks for immediate withdrawal Russian withdrawal Yugoslavia: "Truman Doctrine" blamed for Greek problem Radio Press (Saigon) Reuters (London, Tokyo) France: Communists protest sending sugar to Germans Patrick Shaw British Commonwealth repres[en]tative today[']s meeting of Allied Council here that agreement would soon be reached in London and Washington enabling trade to be conducted "on satisfactory scale" between Japan and Sterling and other non[-]dollar countries. Trade between Japan and non-dollar countries to be reopened soon Rhee asks for immediate Russian withdrawal Marshall Tito blames the Truman Doctrine for the Greek situation Greek newspapers protest the loss of freedom of speech in Greece French Communists protest giving sugar to the Germans Trade between Japan and non-dollar countries will be reopened soon Greece: Editors protest against destruction of free press 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 共同通信 News Item (From Nanking) Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun ウオーレス氏英内閣更迭を全体主義の第一歩とす Wallace calls British cabinet reshuffle step toward Totalitarianism Reuters (Tokyo) Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 日本と磅国間の貿易協定近く成立せん Patrick Shaw British Commonwealth repres[en]tative today[']s meeting of Allied Council here that agreement would soon be reached in London and Washington enabling trade to be conducted "on satisfactory scale" between Japan and Sterling and other non[-]dollar countries. U.S.: Subversive activities increasing says Hodge "Allocation of reparations machiner[ies]" First Manchesters expected about one two zero nought to one [five] zero nought bales Japanese silk will bought monthly by Uni[ted] Kingdom when price and sterling exchange factors permitted stated representative local textile firm. First Manchesters expected about one two zero nought to one [five] zero nought bales Japanese silk will bought monthly by Uni[ted] Kingdom when price and sterling exchange factors p[er]mitted stated representative local textile firm. Manchester expects buying of 1,200 bales of silk monthly Hungary: Nagy says human rights trampled in Bulgaria Wallace urges immediate special session of congress Henry Wallace current issue new republic demands congress meet special session immediately, appropriate full amount necessary carry out Marshall Plan and restore food rationing and price control in Uni[ted] States. Should immediate withdrawal of U.S. Soviet aries be materialized? Voluntary American relief aid has been a paramount factor in restoring selfrespect to the Japanese people and in heightening their admiration for the democratic process. Pakistan Governor... .If Hindu-Moslem Dis... . Examiner1 Examiner2 H, D Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Notes 4 D 3 H, S 1 H, P 1 H, P 1 H Y 3 Trade between Japan and non-dollar countries will be reopened soon Trade between Japan and non-dollar countries will be reopened soon H, P 1 H 2 American commander in South Korea says that a communist uprising may be imminent Yoshida says that a peace treaty without the USSR would be better than a long delay Australian wool mission to report on progress of trade negotiations with Japan Australian traders are staying on in Japan to complete their business Japanese Diet is considering asking for the return of Okinawa Japanese reparations will soon be shipped to China and distributed Britain will buy Japanese silk as soon as the yen exchange rate is set H, P 1 H, P 1 H, P 1 H, P 2 H, S 1 Britain will buy Japanese silk as soon as the yen exchange rate is set H 2 Britain will buy Japanese silk as soon as the yen exchange rate is set Hungarian Premier Nagy says that human rights are not upheld in Eastern bloc countries Wallace says that the Marshall Plan will fail Wallace says that the Marshall Plan will fail H, P 1 H, P 1 H, D 2 H, D 2 H, P J. Gomes Tabata H State Dept. suspects that the USSR has ulterior motives in suggesting withdrawal from Korea Voluntary American relief aid has restored self-respect to the Japanese H, P If Hindu-Moslem riots break down the Indian government, Russia might take over, says the Pakistan governor H, P Gomes H, P [Bert Brandt, NEA staff correspon dent] Hideo Watanabe Y 6 Y 4 Y 6 Y 2 Y 2 1 Oversized News Agency International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Boston) 産業経済新聞 Photograph(s) Source 1:43 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/1/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0864 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-0888 [10]/[1]/194[7] 2:18 47-frn-0889 [10]/[2]/194[7] 2:20 47-frn-0890 [10]/[2]/194[7] 2:21 47-frn-0891 [10]/[2]/194[7] 47-frn-0892 Submitted by (Japanese) 時事通信 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 中国割当の賠償施設を英国等と交換 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Korean 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Information Press (Tokyo) Radio Press (Moscow) United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Korean Information Korean Information The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 2:21a United Press [毎日新聞] (New York) [Mainichi Shimbun] [Mainichi Shimbun] 10/2/1947 2:22 United Press 共同通信, 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin, Mainichi Shimbun Kyodo, Mainichi 47-frn-0893 10/2/1947 2:23 Associated Press (Tokyo) Nippon Times, Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nippon Times Foreign, Nishi Nippon 長崎を調査した米軍第一報 47-frn-0894 [10]/[1]/194[7] 2:24 United Press 国際タイムス (Flushing) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 米ソの對立感情更に深化の傾向へ. 安全委員會の選擧情景 47-frn-0895 [10]/[2]/194[7] 2:25 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-0896 [10]/[1]/194[7] 2:27 International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Boston) Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin 47-frn-0897 10/2/194[7] 2:28 Associated 東京新聞 Press (27, Washington) 47-frn-0898 10/2/194[7] 2:28a 47-frn-0899 10/2/194[7] 47-frn-0900 Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 China may exchange reparations equipment with Britain and other countries H, P Koreans in Japan hope that the US and USSR will withdraw from Korea soon H, P US and Britain are planning a western European bloc The US should accept USSR's proposal of withdrawal from Korea, if the Koreans are allowed to choose their own government H, S The US should accept USSR's proposal of withdrawal from Korea, if the Koreans are allowed to choose their own government H, P [Matsuda] 1 Interview with Yoshida Yoshida says that post-treaty Japan will function as a stabilizing influence in Asia, so the treaty should be drafted very soon H, P 6 Military Gov't Team Checks Boost In Nagasaki 'Atom Fertilized' Crop. Only Field Below Blast Shows Freakish Productivity; Others Within Half Mile Radius Found Normal An American attempt to purge the United Nations Security Council of all Russian sympathizers Tuesday threw the General Assembly into a voting deadlock and further inflamed SovietAmerican relations. The War Department indicated it intend to spend $1,500,000 on education and information programs in South Korea in the year ending next June 30. Crop fields under the atomic bomb blast now have increased productivity H [Ian Mutsu, United Press staff correspon dent] [Russell Brines, Chief of Bureau] US attempts to block Ukraine from succeeding to the UN Security Council because of her Russian sympathies H, P War Dept. intends to spend $1.5 million on education in Korea H, P 1 Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin Wallace calls British cabinet reshuffle step toward Totalitarianism Wallace calls Britain's new Cabinet "totalitarian" H, D 1 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun American businessmen are finding trade opportunities in Japan good H, P 1 Associated 共同通信 Press (27, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service American businessmen are finding trade opportunities in Japan good H, P 2 2:29 Reuters 共同通信 (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service The second contingent of America businessmen entering Japan under the limited resumption of private trading, are converging on Nippon. The second contingent of America businessmen entering Japan under the limited resumption of private trading are converging on Nippon. Crisis lead one-with new material France is disappointed that US is hesitating giving stopgap aid to Europe H, P 2 [10]/[2]/194[7] 2:30 Associated Press (San Francisco) アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News 拒絶を前提の提案. “同時撤兵”に米國の見解 Most South Koreans support the Communists 47-frn-0901 [9]/[27]/194[7] 2:31 Agence アサヒニュース France-presse (Moscow) The Asahi News Asahi 朝鮮併合説を否定. モ[ス]クワ放送 In proposing withdrawal of Soviet and American troops from Korea, Russia acts upon an assumption that the United States will not agree. It is the United States and not the Soviet Union which has asked for a 10 year mandate over Korea. Moscow confirms 47-frn-0902 [10]/[1]/194[7] 2:32 Associated Press (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 特別議会召集を要請 47-frn-0903 10/2/194[7] 2:33 Associated 東京新聞 Press (29, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-0904 [10]/[2]/194[7] 2:33a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-0905 10/2/1947 2:34 United Press [毎日新聞]; Nippon (Tokyo) Times Mainichi Shimbun; Nippon Times Mainichi Shimbun; Nippon Times Foreign Moscow (Broadcast) Nippon Times, 西日本新聞 時事通信 朝鮮撤兵の條件. 米紙獨立政府樹立を説く Henry Wallace (current issue new republic) demands congress meet special session immediately, appropriate full amount necessary carry out Marshal Plan and restore food rationing and price control in Uni[ted] States. Russia[']s action in barring touring American Senators from the Soviet Union brought a demand Wednesday from Senator Knowland of California for curbs on the admission of Russians to this country. Russian's action in barring touring American Senators from the Soviet Union brought a demand Wednesday from Senator Knowland of California for curbs on the admission of Russians to this country. R. B. Pal to return to India; Justice Pal Returning Y Notes China may exchange Japanese reparations equipment with Britain Philippines and Netherlands spokesman of Chinese Reparations Commission stated today. Divergent views expressed by Korean organizations in Japan on the Soviet proposal for simultaneous withdrawal of troops from Korea Germany: Western zones cut down export to USSR zone A New York Herald-Tribune editorial said the Russian proposal that both United States and Soviet troops be withdrawn from Korea "presumably is a tactical move designed to impress world opinion." N.Y. Tribune comments Russian proposal of Russo-American withdrawal from Korea 3 3 2 H, P Y [James E. Roper, United Press staff correspon dent] 2 Y 8 Y 2 [William Hardcast, Reuter[s] correspon dent] H, D [James D. White] 2 USSR says that she is prepared to withdraw from Korea with the US, if the withdrawal takes place before 1948 Wallace demands congress meet social session immediately to carry out needs for Marshall plan H, P Y 2 H Y 5 WWII Veterans commander denounces Russia; says the US must "get tough" D 1 WWII Veterans commander denounces Russia; says the US must "get tough" D 2 Indian Justice Pal will return to India Sunday H, P 2 Oversized News Agency Reuters (Nanking) Photograph(s) Source 2:17 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [10]/[1]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0887 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 47-frn-0907 10/2/194[7] 2:35a Associated Press (Shanghai) 47-frn-0908 10/2/1947 2:35b 47-frn-0909 [10]/[2]/194[7] 47-frn-0910 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin The Government capture of the important Shantung port of Chefoo, has opened up the possibility that naval guns of United States and Soviet Russia, may soon face each other across the narrow mouth of the gulf of Chihli. The Chinese government has capture Chefoo; US navy could be invited to anchor there H, P 3 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun The Chinese government has capture Chefoo; US navy could be invited to anchor there H, P 2 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Government capture of the important Shantung port of Chefoo has opened up possibility that naval guns of Uni[ted] States and Soviet Russia may soon face each other across narrow mouth gulf Chihli U.S. ships may face Russia from Chefoo The Chinese government has capture Chefoo; US navy could be invited to anchor there H, P 1 2:36 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Schenectady , NY) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin An American scientist forecast today "a brilliant future" for the Japanese industry and a resultant higher standard of living than the nation ever has known. American scientist predicts "brilliant future" for Japan H, P 1 10/2/194[7] 2:36a Associated 共同通信 Press (33, Schenectady, NY) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service American scientist predicts "brilliant future" for Japan H 2 47-frn-0911 [10]/[2]/194[7] 2:36b Associated 時事通信 Press (33, Schenectady, NY) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin American scientist predicts "brilliant future" for Japan H 1 47-frn-0912 [10]/[1]/194[7] 2:36c 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin American scientist predicts "brilliant future" for Japan H, P 2 47-frn-0913 [4]/[6]/194[7] 2:37 Associated Press ( New York) The New York Times Magazine アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News 10 [10]/[2]/194[7] 2:38 Business Week アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News Greeks are convinced by American aid that there will be war between the US and USSR Japan's private trade has gotten off to a good start H, D 47-frn-0914 An American scientist forecast Wedne[s]day night "aye brilliant future" for Japanese industry and aye resultant higher [standard] of living than the nation ever has known. An American scientist forecast Wednesday night "any brilliant future" for Japanese industry [an]d aye resultant higher standard of living than the nation ever has known. Brilliant future of Japanese industry and higher standard of living promised by U.S. scientist "Symptom and tragedy of our time". Report on devastated Greece, torn now by civil strife and threatened by its neighbors. Despite the smoke screen of complaints, Japan's private trade reopening has gotten off to fair start. 47-frn-0915 [10]/[2]/194[7] 2:39 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin A former Latvian circus performer said in an article in a Soviet periodical today that 'foreigners in a detained in the disclosed persons camps in German suffered 'outrages which in antics do not differ from Gestapo torture.' A former Dachau inmate recounts blackmail and terror in US-occupied Germany H, S 2 47-frn-0916 [10]/[2]/194[7] 2:40 International 北海道新聞 News Service (Washington) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 1 10/2/1947 2:40a International Nippon Times News Service (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign H, P 1 47-frn-0918 [10]/[2]/194[7] 2:40b International 読売新聞 News Service (Washington) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Military affairs expert says that the Russian army could occupy all of western Europe in 48 hours Military affairs expert says that the Russian army could occupy all of western Europe in 48 hours Military affairs expert says that the Russian army could occupy all of western Europe in 48 hours H, P 47-frn-0917 A leading military affairs expert declared Wednesda[y] that the Russian Army could occupy the whole of Western Europe in 48 hours. Red Army Could Occupy W. Europe In 48 Hours, U.S. Expert Opines 47-frn-0919 10/2/1947 2:40c International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Washington) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Military affairs expert says that the Russian army could occupy all of western Europe in 48 hours H, P 47-frn-0920 [10]/[2]/194[7] 2:42 47-frn-0921 10/2/1947 2:43 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0922 10/2/1947 2:45 News itemKIP, Seoul 26 [Radio Press (Moscow)] Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Peabody, MA) Korean 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Information Press (Seoul) The Korean Information (Seoul) Chosen Tokushin (Seoul) 北朝鮮のソ連朝鮮人勞働者八十万以上を強制徴発 47-frn-0923 10/2/1947 2:46 News item Korean 朝鮮特信 日本語版 KIP, Tokyo 1 Information Press (Seoul) The Korean Information (Tokyo) Chosen Tokushin (Tokyo) 同時撤兵に對する在日団体の見解 47-frn-0924 10/2/1947 2:47 Editorial The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimuzu 朝鮮、日本提携の基礎 Kokusai Taimuzu 東京新聞 国際タイムス U.S. expert says Russia could occupy all Europe in 48 hours ソ連は四十八時間以内に西欧の席巻可能 U.S. expert says Russia could occupy all Europe in 48 hours U.S.-Military: Manuever to be held in Shantung peninsula White Girl Sentenced For Affair With Negro H, P H [Alpheus W. Jessup, Chief, Far East Bureau, Business Week] 4 [William Kerwin, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [William Kerwin, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] 2 Y 10 H, S 1 White teenager sentenced to reformatory for her affair with an older black man H, P 1 "Soviet Union in North Korea Drafts More Than 800,000 Korean Laborers for Compulsory Service" "Opinions of Korean Groups In Japan on Simultaneous Withdrawal of the US Army and Russain Army" Russians are drafting North Koreans for hard labor, and persecuting Christians H, S Gomes M. Nagashima Y 3 Koreans in Japan hope that the US and USSR will withdraw from Korea soon H, P Gomes M. Nagashima Y 7 "The foundation of friendship between Korea and Japan" Japan and Korea must be open to a future of mutual cooperation H, P Gomes Yamaguchi Y 4 Oversized News Agency Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Photograph(s) Source 2:35 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [10]/[2]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0906 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin, The Kyodo News Service 米の對日貿易政策は妥当 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Schenectady 産業経済新聞 , NY) Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 米科学者日本産業の将来を予見 2:49a International 読売新聞 News Service (Schenectady , NY) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 日本産業 10/2/1947 2:49b International Nippon Times News Service (Schenectady ) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0929 [10]/2/194[7] 2:49c International 西日本新聞 News Service (Schenectady , NY) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 47-frn-0930 [10]/[2]/194[7] 2:49d International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Schenectady , NY) Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin 47-frn-0931 [10]/[2]/194[7] 2:50 United Press [毎日新聞] (Berlin) 47-frn-0926 10/2/1947 2:49 47-frn-0927 10/2/194[7] 47-frn-0928 時事通信, 共同通信 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 6 U.S. scientist predicts bright future for Japanese industry American scientist predicts "brilliant future" for Japan H, P Y 3 Brilliant Future for Industry In Japan Seen by U.S. Scientist. Higher Standard of Living Than Japanese Have Ever Seen Also Predicted American scientist predicts "brilliant future" for Japan H, P U.S. scientist predicts bright future for Japanese industry American scientist predicts "brilliant future" for Japan H, P Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin U.S. scientist predicts bright future for Japanese industry American scientist predicts "brilliant future" for Japan H, P [Mainichi Shimbun] [Mainichi Shimbun] Anti-American tirade 2:51 [Newsweek] 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji 2:51a [Newsweek] 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-0934 10/2/1947 2:52 アカハタ Akahata Akahata 47-frn-0935 10/2/1947 2:53 アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News 47-frn-0936 10/2/1947 2:54 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 47-frn-0937 10/2/194[7] 2:56 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (Belgrade) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-0938 [9]/[15]/194[7] 2:57 The Asahi News Asahi News 47-frn-0939 [10]/[2]/194[7] 47-frn-0940 [10]/[2]/194[7] 47-frn-0941 アサヒニュース Examiner4 H 10/2/1947 North American Newspaper Alliance Examiner3 American scientist predicts "brilliant future" for Japan 日本の工業は有望. アメリカ科学者予言 Seattle trader says that detractors of US trade policy in Japan are being premature Examiner1 Examiner2 5 [10]/[3]/194[7] NANA (The Bell Syndicate, INC. ) North American Newspaper Alliance Brief Summary Y 47-frn-0933 The New York Times (Geneva) Associated Press (Tokyo) Subject H, P 47-frn-0932 Commentary Headline An American Businessman who visited Japan with first traders to enter that country since war [came] defense MacArthurs commercial policies today and said most criticism came from "carpetbaggers" who disappointed in not being able reap immediate large profits. U.S. scientist predicts bright future for Japanese industry Head of US zone in Germany asks Soviet governor to explain an antiUS speech given in Berlin 米三省調整委員会の日本産業水準案 Restoration of Industry U.S. decides to restore Specifics of the revised plan Japan's industry for Japan's postwar industry Restoration of Japanese Industry Specifics of the revised plan for Japan's postwar industry 二日付朝日新聞は戰略評論家ハンソン∙ ボールドウイ Is a war possible between the Japanese rightists have United States and the reason to predict a US-USSR ン氏の論文をかかげて米ソ間に戰争の危機なしと断言 Soviets? war in Japan している 歐州に再び飢餓迫る. 収穫で祭を迎えても晴れぬ顔 Harvest in Europe is hunger once more. All of Europe is suffering 22,000,000 Tons of Cereals Are from a food shortage Needed From the Outside 政黨法は必要. 総司令部の意向 Many officers at headquarters regard Explanation of the Japanese the controversial Political Party Bill as Political Party Bill an indispensable measure, in one form or another, for the realization of constitutional government in Japan. The trial of professor Deagolous The trial of the leader of the Jovanovic former leader of the Serbian Serbian Peasant Party began Peasant Party, and his fran ga..zi, this morning former Croat deputy of the subasic group, opened this morning before Supreme Court. "一時的救濟"にならぬよう. On the record to control our own US must provide stopgap aid ダニエリアン氏の國際復興会社案 investment abroad to Europe to prevent economic collapse H, P 1 Y 1 [Matsuda] 1 H, S Y H, S H, P 7 3 D H, P 6 Gomes [Michael L. Hoffman] [Russell Brines] Yamaguchi Y 2 Y 4 Y 2 H, P 2 H, P [Dorothy Thompson ] [Stewart Hensley, United Press staff correspon dent] Y 3 United Press (Flushing, New York) The United States "within the next few days" will present to the United Nations political and security council its blueprint for achievement of Korean independence. US will present to the UN political and security council its blueprint for Korean independence in the next few days P 3:1 Radio Press (Melbourne) Occupation: To continue after treaty says BCOF H, P 1 10/3/194[7] 3:2 Associated Press (Manila) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Australia denies that the occupation of Japan will end when the peace treaty is signed SCAP is sponsoring barter trade between Japan and the Philippines H, P 2 47-frn-0942 [10]/[3]/194[7] 3:2a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Manila) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo SCAP is sponsoring barter trade between Japan and the Philippines P 1 47-frn-0943 [10]/[2]/194[7] 3:3 Radio Press (Sydney) H, P 1 47-frn-0944 [10]/[3]/194[7] 3:4 Associated Press (3, 5, Anchorage) The Dutch-Indonesian dispute will come before the UN Security Council Russia is constructing "rock houses" on the Siberian coast opposite Alaska H, P 1 Profitable barter trade between Philippines and Japan developing under sponsorship SCAP and Phil[ippines] gov[ernmen]t, MacArthurs trade representative Colonel Bernard Anderson said. A profitable barter trade between Philippines and Japan is developing under the sponsorship of SCAP and the Philippine government, Gen[eral] MacArthur's trade representative, Colonel Bernard Anderson, said today. UN: Indonesian case up again before Security Council 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Reports that Russia is constructing "rock houses" in the cliffs lining the shores of Siberia opposite Saint Lawrence Island have been received from Siberian natives visiting the American island the reverend E. R. Parker... 2 Oversized News Agency Associated Press (Manila) Photograph(s) Source 2:48 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [9]/[26]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0925 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Pyong Yang Radio (KIP) Submitted by (Japanese) 47-frn-0946 10/3/194[7] 3:6 47-frn-0947 10/3/194[7] 3:7 Associated Press (8, Casper) 47-frn-0948 [10]/[2]/194[7] 3:8 United Press 国際タイムス (Cambridge, Mass.) 47-frn-0949 10/3/1947 3:9 NEA (Tokyo) 47-frn-0950 10/3/194[7] 3:10 47-frn-0951 10/3/1947 3:11 47-frn-0952 10/3/1947 3:12 47-frn-0953 10/3/194[7] 3:13 Reuters 47-frn-0954 10/3/1947 3:14 47-frn-0956 10/3/1947 47-frn-0957 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 北鮮各政党、社會團体スチコチ大将の撤兵提案を絶対 支持. 談話第二報 The Korean Information Chosen Tokushin Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times ウオーレス氏の演説 The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 日本経済強化は民主促進のカギ. 衣食住の安定は共産主義者を封ず Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (14, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun United Press 日米通信 (Washington) The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service United Press 日米通信 (New York) The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 3:16 United Press [毎日新聞] (Tokyo) [Mainichi Shimbun] [Mainichi] 10/3/194[7] 3:17 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-0958 [10]/[3]/194[7] 3:18 Radio Press Sokuho (Nanking) 47-frn-0959 10/3/1947 3:19 News Item 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 47-frn-0960 10/3/1947 3:20 Commentary 貿昜日報; 日本通信 Boeki Nippo; Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo; Nihon 片山内閣の難関 Tsushinsha 47-frn-0961 [10]/[3]/194[7] 3:21 47-frn-0962 10/3/1947 3:22 47-frn-0963 10/3/1947 3:23 Telepress 民報 Mimpo World Labor News (Moscow) Commentary 時事通信 渉外資料版 Jiji Tsushin Shogai Shiryoban Kyodo Nippon Times Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Frankfurt) 東京新聞 日米通信 共同通信 ト大統領の哲学. "美しい監獄"を語る 明るみに出たソ連の対米陰謀. 共産党員裁判で証言 Nippon Times Foreign Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Former Vice President Henry A. Wallace, speaking in this city where Secretary of State George Marshall last spring announced his now famous "plan," said he hoped Congress would appropriate $8,000,000,000 (B) in American aid requested by European nations. For two years Japan has been occupied and controlled by U.S. troops. Henry Wallace criticizes the State Dept. for coming "to the brink of resurrecting" Nazism in Germany H, D Y 2 The Japanese appear to like democracy, but it will take more education before they will truly embrace it US is contemplating a $150 million loan to France; this will include French gold that was seized by Japan H, D, C Y 3 Truman calls the White House the "finest jail in the world" H, P Labor's dissatisfaction with the present government Patterson (former Sec. of Defense) says that US military is inadequate against the Russian threat H, P 3 H, P 2 Former member of the American Communist Party says Communists had planned the overthrow of the US H, S US Army uncovers 32 tons of silver wire in a stockyard near Tokyo The USSR is the upholder of the principles of the UN, while the US uses propaganda against the USSR H ユダヤ帝国. 現実に昻奮するジュー Korean workers say that civil war is inevitable, and it must come soon "The Jews Are Excited Over All Europeans have always Possible Establishment of the persecuted the Jews; the Jewish [E]mpire After Many USSR is their refuge Years of Cherished Desires." Katayama cabinet's difficult situation. French labor leader denounces suppression of Greek Trade Unions 野人スターリンの禮儀 Bumpkin Stalin's courtesy. Airline Official Probes G.I's Box, Discovers Scantily Clad 'Baggage' Hideo Watanabe Y Notes H, S United States Government Officials are at present cotem...ating the possibility of extending a $150 or 175,000,000 dollar credit to France by the end of next October. Memo to Robert A. Taft, Tom Dewey, Harold Stassen and anyone else who may have his eye on that White House job: Being President of the United States is not the softest touch in the world. Labor's Dissatisfaction with the Present Government ... -world war three "lies dead... unless the American people drop their ... ual attitude," mister Robert ... former Uni[ted] States minister of war,... in the article published by the Cosmopolitan Magasine yesterday. A former member of the Communist Party testified at a Department of Justice hearing that the Communists set several dates for the "overthrow" of the United States but "they always changed them." Buried silver wire Gomes Examiner3 Suchkov's proposal for Koreans rejoice after the withdrawal of troops USSR proposes joint Allied supported by various groups withdrawal from Korea in North Korea The present stage of Anglo-American Soviet economist Varga says relations is marked by a peculiar that the Marshall Plan will combination of conflict and cooperation make Britain into a satellite with USA increasingly gaining of the US upperhand and pushing Britain economically and politically to the position of second rate power as compared with USA and USSR, academician Evgeni Varga writes in the latest issue of 'World Economics and Politics' journal. Senator Taft (Republican Ohio) closed Sen. Taft criticizes the a western speaking tour here Thursday Truman administration of with a slashing attack on what he called being disorganized and " the wavering uncertainty and lack of indecisive principle" of the democratic administration in h[an]dling foreign and domestic affairs. Izvestia Diplomatic Observer writes that having advanced at general assembly proposal towards curbing of propagandists and inciters of new war, Soviet Union has made up new constitution to cause of peace. Korea: Withdrawal will mean civil war Mimpo Jiji Tsushin Headline 11 H, S 5 H, P 1 H, P 1 Y Y [Matsuda] 2 1 1 H, S 4 H 1 H, D Gomes Isamu Abe Y 5 Japanese capitalists take advantage of the working class and prevent democratization French Labor Secretary denounces the lack of trade union freedom in Greece H, D Kawamoto Tsumuraya Y 5 Stalin looks "coarse" and is a "bumpkin" A girl is found hidden in a box bound for America via plane H, D H, P H, P 1 Tsumuraya Gomes Y 2 2 Oversized News Agency Korean 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Information Press (Pyong Yang) Telegrafnoe 共同通信 agentstvo SSSR (Moscow) Photograph(s) Source 3:5 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/3/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0945 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-0965 10/2/1947 3:25 The Christian The Yomiuri Weekly Science Monitor (Tokyo) The Yomiuri Weekly Yomiuri Uikuri 47-frn-0966 [10]/[3]/194[7] 3:26 United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0967 10/3/1947 3:27 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Washington) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 共和党臨時議会招集を非難 47-frn-0968 10/3/1947 3:28 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Berlin) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 共産主義は政治の癌 47-frn-0969 [10]/[3]/194[7] 3:29 International 貿昜日報, 日本通信 News Service (Casper, Wyoming) Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin 47-frn-0970 10/3/1947 3:30 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (356) Nihon Keizai 356 47-frn-0971 [10]/[1]/194[7] 朝鮮特信 日本語版 The Korean Information Korean Information 47-frn-0972 [10]/[4]/194[7] 5:1 [Radio Press (Delhi)] 47-frn-0973 [10]/[4]/194[7] 5:1a 47-frn-0974 [10]/[4]/194[7] 47-frn-0975 Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Uncle Sam' May Get a Wife; Menuhins Secretly Divorced; British Ban Newsreel Of Skewered Dutchman; White Girl Sentenced For Affair With Negro; Alleges Smuggling By Marine Colonel US Marine is under investigation for smuggling American products into China H, P, S Land Reforms in Japan Strike at Serf System The Japanese were reluctant to instigate far-reaching agricultural reform The State Department has received from the united States embassy in Moscow highlights of another antiAmerican Soviet magazine article describing Secretary of States George C. Marshall as a "dreadful old man, Shylock of Wall Street," in has been learned. Halleck says congress given too short notice on special session Moscow magazine called Marshall "the Shylock of Wall Street" H, D [Gordon Walker, Chief Far Eastern correspon dent of The Christian Science Monitor] H, P Republicans criticize Truman for not giving more notice that the US will have to provide stopgap aid to Europe H, P U.S. congressman says communists "wart on body politics" Rep. Taber tells Berlin that Communists are bent on destroying European economies H, P Taft denounces President Truman for "wavering" foreign policy Sen. Taft criticizes the Truman administration of being disorganized and indecisive H, P MacArthur is hugely popular in America; he might run for political office H, D Korean rightists demonstrate against the withdrawal of American troops from Korea D 3 Japan: Occupation: British troops to be withdrawn Britain has told Australia that she would like to withdraw all troops from Japan H, P 1 Radio Press Sokuho (Singapore) Occupation: Britain to withdraw all forces Britain has told Australia that she would like to withdraw all troops from Japan H, P 1 5:1b Radio Press Sokuho (Melbourne) Occupation: Britain sounds Australia on troops withdrawal Britain has told Australia that she would like to withdraw all troops from Japan H, P 1 [10]/[4]/194[7] 5:1c Reuters (Canberra) Britain has told Australia that she would like to withdraw all troops from Japan H, P 1 47-frn-0976 10/5/194[7] 5:2 British gov[ernmen]t has given Australia notice that she intends to withdraw all troops from Japan Australian mi[n]ister for Army Cylil Chambers stated here today London authoritative quarters confirm Britain, shortly, withdrawing all Uni[ted] Kingdom troops in Japan Britain has told Australia that she would like to withdraw all troops from Japan H, P 4 47-frn-0977 [10]/[5]/194[7] 5:2a Authoritative quarters confirmed that Great Britain shortly will withdraw all United Kingdom troops from Japan. Britain has told Australia that she would like to withdraw all troops from Japan H, P 47-frn-0978 [10]/[5]/194[7] United Kingdom troops withdraw from Japan Britain has told Australia that she would like to withdraw all troops from Japan H, P 1 47-frn-0979 U.S.: Int'l: Renounces share of Italian Navy US has renounced her share of the Italian fleet H, P 1 47-frn-0980 Japan: A-bomb: 600 bodies of Hiroshima victims found on island 600 bodies of Hiroshima victims have been found on an island to the south H, P 2 News item KP-KIP (Seoul) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service United Press 共同通信 (13, San Francisco), Reuters United Press 国際タイムス (London) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 5:2b United Press [毎日新聞] (London) [Mainichi Shimbun] [Mainichi Shimbun] [10]/[4]/194[7] 5:4 [10]/[4]/194[7] 5:5 [Radio Press (London BBC)] [Radio Press (Singapore)] 日本の農民共同組合 數年は保守傾向. 前陗戰に入った選挙. 米國の政局 First demonstration staged in Seoul opposing withdrawal of American troops 英國占領軍(二三百名)日本から撤退言明 "Conservative Tendency Will Prevail for Years to Come" Presidential Election In State of Skirmish Korean rightists demonstrate in opposition to withdrawal of US troops Oversized News Agency Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York; Reno); Kyodo Tsushin, United Press (London; Peabody; Tientsin) Photograph(s) Source 3:24 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/3/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0964 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 2 Y 3 1 [Frederick Tuttle, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [Omar Anderson, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [William Theis, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Y 7 Y 8 2 Kawamoto M. Nagashima Y Y 6 2 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by The Kokusai Times Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Kokusai Times 米ソ軍撤退後は共産黨政府を造れ. 北朝鮮から全道に命令 Akahata 5 インフレ・内戦投機. 解決の道は一つ・民主化 Headline 47-frn-0983 10/5/1947 5:8 47-frn-0984 [10]/[4]/194[7] 5:9 Agence [毎日新聞] France-presse (Brighton) [Mainichi Shimbun] [Mainichi Shimbun] Churchill to work for Commonwealth 47-frn-0985 10/5/194[7] 5:9a Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (4, Brighton) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-0986 10/5/1947 5:10 Agence 毎日新聞 France-presse (London); United Press (Lake Success) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-0987 10/5/194[7] 5:10a Agence 読売新聞 France-presse (London) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 47-frn-0988 [10]/[4]/194[7] 5:10b Agence 世界日報 France-presse (London) Sekai Nippo 47-frn-0989 10/5/1947 5:10d Agence 朝日新聞 France-presse (London) 47-frn-0989a [10]/[5]/194[7] 5:10e 47-frn-0990 10/4/1947 47-frn-0991 Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes North Korean broadcast advocates a united communist government in Korea after the Allies withdraw H, P China's economic crisis can only be overcome by complete democratization Churchill vows to improve standards in Britain and in Europe H, S H, P 1 Suite. Conservative congress. Churchill attacks the government. Churchill vows to improve standards in Britain and in Europe H, P 1 Yorkshire wool circles worry over the reappea[r]ance of Japanese competition; Big Four Council of Foreign Ministers Yorkshire wool manufacturers are worried that Japan will once again begin copying their products H, P 1 日本の業者の模倣を警戒. 英國の羊毛業界 British manufacturers said worrying over possible Japanese competition in wool textile industry H, P Y 2 Sekai-Nippo 英の毛織物業者日本の進出に憂慮 British manufacturers said worrying over possible Japanese competition in wool textile industry H, P Y 2 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 日本の進出懸念. 英の毛織業者 British manufacturers said worrying over possible Japanese competition in wool textile industry H, P Y 2 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (London) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 5:10f Agence 時事通信 France-presse (29, London) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Yorkshire wool manufacturers are worried that Japan will once again begin copying their products Yorkshire wool manufacturers are worried that Japan will once again begin copying their products Yorkshire wool manufacturers are worried that Japan will once again begin copying their products Yorkshire wool manufacturers are worried that Japan will once again begin copying their products Yorkshire wool manufacturers are worried that Japan will once again begin copying their products 10/5/194[7] 5:11 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (9, London) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Britain has not yet decided to withdraw from Japan, but she would like to H, P 1 47-frn-0992 10/5/1947 5:12 International Nippon Times News Service (London) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Britain will withdraw from Japan because of the expense H, P 1 47-frn-0993 10/5/194[7] 5:12a International 読売新聞 News Service (London) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 在日英軍早期引揚げ Britain will withdraw from Japan because of the expense H, P Y 2 47-frn-0994 10/5/194[7] 5:12b International 西日本新聞 News Service (London) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishinippon 日本占領英軍隊. 早期引き揚げか Britain announces early withdrawal of occupation troops from Japan Britain will withdraw from Japan because of the expense H Y 3 47-frn-0995 10/5/1947 5:13 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Formosans to Ask for Plebiscite On Separation From Chinese Rule Formosa wants to be neutral between Chinese Communists and Nationalists H, D 1 47-frn-0996 10/5/194[7] 5:13a Associated Press (Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Formosa wants to be neutral between Chinese Communists and Nationalists H, D [Masterso n] 2 47-frn-0997 10/5/194[7] 5:14 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (8, Brighton) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Churchill urges House of Commons to work to improve the situation in India H, P 1 47-frn-0999 [10]/[5]/194[7] 5:15 47-frn-1000 10/5/1947 3:16 Radio Press Sokuho (Nanking) Associated 朝日新聞; Nippon Press World Times Service (Rome); Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Rome) Leaders of separatist movement on Formosa will tomn formally demand representation at forthcoming Japan Peace Conference Associated informed today and will request plebiscite in which former Japanese possession can choose between remaining under Chinese rule or separating from China entirely. "I must register before your eyes the tragedy which has already begun to engulf India" declared Winston Churchill speaking at the closing session of the Conservative Congress in Brighton today. Japan-Peace Treaty: Japan's big four to meet [again] Asahi Shimbun; Nippon Times Asahi; Nippon Times Foreign アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri (5) ー Commentary 共同通信 The United States has intercepted a communist propaganda order proposing that a communist government be set up in Korea after Soviet and American occupation forces are withdrawn it was learned. "Comment on Chinese economic crisis." Yorkshire wool circles worry over reapparition of Japanese competition 日本毛織物の競争を懸念 日伊艦隊の分前放棄 The Yorkshire wool circles are worrying over the reapparition of Japanese competition for wool textiles and are fearing the recurrence of unfair commercial [maneuvers] on the part of the Japanese manufacturers. Official circles here explain that the British [g]overnment has not yet taken the decision to withdraw their troops from Japan but that it has informed the Australian government of its desire to do so and is at present studying how and when this withdrawal from Japan would be possible. Troop withdrawal from Japan is set by United Kingdom. Manpower Dollar Expenditures Involved Cited As Reason For Decision Britain announces early withdrawal of occupation troops from Japan U.S. gives up share of Itaky's warships. Battle Rages in Assembly Over Leftist Move to Force No Confidence Vote; Kawamoto Tabata Y 2 Y 10 H, P H, P Japan's four main diplomats H, P will meet on Oct. 8 to discuss the peace treaty Socialist minister in the H, D Italian cabinet attacks Foreign Minister for announcing the US is giving up its share of Italian warships 1 Y 3 1 Y 6 Oversized News Agency United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) Photograph(s) Source 5:7 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [10]/[4]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-0982 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー Akahata Weekly 内戰反對は國事犯 47-frn-1002 [8]/[21]/194[7] 5:18 Telepress アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri (Hong Kong) ー Akahata Weekly 中共、國府のインドネシア政策非難 47-frn-1003 10/5/1947 5:19 Commentary Telepress 堂々"雪だるま進軍". 反動政府をじりじりと脅威す 10/5/1947 5:20 Comment アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri (16) ー Akahata 47-frn-1004 Akahata 16 白を黒という. ドイツ社民黨のデマ 47-frn-1005 10/5/1947 5:21 Excerpt from the magazine "New Age" アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー Akahata 勝利の"酒杯"女學生の生首. 血でつずる王黨派の政府 47-frn-1006 10/5/194[7] 5:22 International 読売新聞 News Service (Tokyo) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 引揚兵力四千七百 47-frn-1007 [10]/[5]/194[7] 5:23 United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 朝鮮人部隊滿州へ. ソ軍訓練の二萬五千 47-frn-1008 [10]/[5]/194[7] 5:24 United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 暴露せよソの宣傳. 米紙對朝鮮策を痛評 47-frn-1009 10/5/1947 5:25 Akahata (37) Akahata 37 47-frn-1010 10/5/194[7] 5:26 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 米ソ巨頭会談 47-frn-1011 10/5/1947 5:27 News Item アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー Akahata リアリズムの沒落支配的な「觀客の趣味」 American Movie Films. 47-frn-1012 10/5/1947 5:28 Commentary アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー Akahata 救われぬ「共和國」踊出した反動群. 勤勞者は結集せよ "Secretary-General Traise's report at the French Communists' assembly." 47-frn-1013 [10]/[5]/194[7] 47-frn-1014 10/5/1947 アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー Akahata Uiikuri まつている國府の誠意. 中共地區を語るカナダ靑年 47-frn-1015 10/5/1947 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 國際新人五日出稿. 米國務省顧問チャールズ・ボーレン 47-frn-1016 [10]/[5]/194[7] 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Reaction seven-lord Vansittart who was formerly chief diplomatic adviser to British government commented... Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Food conservation program Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun American occupation troops will begin pulling out of Italy Monday, United States Mediterranian theater headquarters announced today. Occupation: Australia not sure of British withdrawal アカハタ Columbia Broadcasting Corporation International 読売新聞 News Service (South Hadley, Mass.) Chinese anti-civil war professors dismissed Associated Press (Peking) United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Associated 東京新聞 Press (57, Rome) Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes S Y 2 B[CO]F receives no word of British troops withdrawal from Japan Britain will withdraw from Japan, leaving Australia to represent the Commonwealth Scripps-Howard correspondent Clyde Farnsworth, in a dispatch from Shanghai, said that the Russians "have moved 25,000 red-trained Korean troops from the peninsula of Korea onto the mainland, apparently to join the battle for Manchuria, according to Chinese intelligence reports. The New York Herald Tribune in an editorial today said that far and wide exposure of Russian propaganda tactics is the only way to produce results in Asia. "Operation of 100,000,000 yen political party; new conservative party prevent democratic reform; American correspondent lays bare truth" Wallace suggests Truman, Stalin meet in Berlin to settle differences Young Canadian states on Communist district 10/5/1947 10/5/194[7] 47-frn-1019 [10]/[5]/194[7] 6:1 Radio Press (London BBC) 47-frn-1020 [10]/[4]/194[7] 6:2, 9:10 Radio Press (Delhi) Occupation: British troops to be withdrawn 47-frn-1021 [10]/[5]/194[7] 6:3 Radio Press (London BBC) Occupation: Dedman no idea on military withdrawal 47-frn-1022 [10]/[4]/194[7] 6:4 Nanking Radio Press (Nanking, Singapore) 47-frn-1022a [9]/[5]/194[7] 6:6 Nanking (Broadcast) Radio Press (Nanking) Japan: exchange rate to be fixed shortly; Japan: Economic: Yen exchange rate difficult end of year; Exchange: Dollaryen rate to be fixed Whaling: Second expedition to start 47-frn-1023 10/6/194[7] 6:7 Kyodo News Service Examiner4 3 47-frn-1018 Kyodo Tsushin Examiner3 Y 47-frn-1017 Reuters 共同通信 (Washington) Examiner1 Examiner2 H, D, P Here follows text of communique of conference of nine Communist parties in Warsaw. AP, Peking, 12th Brief Summary Professors who supported the student movement against the civil war have not been reappointed Chinese Communists denounce Chiang Kai-shek's support of Dutch fighting in Indonesia "The free military The Greek civil war was government in Greece" started by rightists "Demagogue on the German Schumacher, head of the Social Democratic Party." German Social Democrat Party, is a demagogue "A letter from Greece" Greek fascists are ruthlessly beheading people suspeacted of being enemies Announcement today of new nine Comintern meets in Poland nation Communist conference in Warsaw was described by United States officials in Washington... H, P Kawamoto Yamaguchi Y 3 H, D Kawamoto Tabata Y 2 Kawamoto Yamaguchi Y 3 H, P Y 2 The Russians have ordered Korean troops to Harbin to fight for Manchuria D, H Y 2 Americans must expose Russian propaganda if they are to achieve their aims in Asia H, S Y 2 Description of Japanese coal mine managers' plot to halt SCAP's democratic reform with the help of Yoshida S Wallace suggests that Stalin and Truman should meet face to face to reconcile their differences H, P American movies are brainless because movie capitalists impose their own tastes on them The report of the Secretary General of the French Communist Party: reactionary interests prevail in the government Text of the resolution passed at the nine0nation Communist information meeting Anti-American feeling is rampant in China H, S Gomes H, D Kawamoto Yamaguchi H, S G.D. of Athens Kawamoto Fujinami Abe 4 Y 2 Y 7 Y 7 S D 6 Fujinami Y 2 Y 1 Report from the conference of 9 Communist parties: discussed and coordinated activities Fighting has increased in Manchuria US troops will begin withdrawing from Italy S Australian government has no information about British troops being withdrawn from Japan Britain has told Australia that she would like to withdraw all troops from Japan H, P 1 H, P 1 Australian Defense Minister says occupation of Japan will end when the peace treaty is signed Exchange rate between US dollar and yen to be fixed soon H, S 2 H, S 4 The second Japanese whaling expedition will begin tomorrow US interprets Communist conference as expression of USSR's determination to thwart the US H, S 1 1 H, P 1 5 Malloy Spaulding 2 4 1 Oversized News Agency Telepress (Shanghai) Photograph(s) Source 5:17 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/5/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1001 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline 47-frn-1025 10/6/194[7] 6:8a Agence France-presse (1, Paris) 47-frn-1026 10/6/194[7] 6:8b Agence 朝日新聞 France-presse (Paris) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 共産党國際連絡機関を新設 47-frn-1027 [10]/[5]/194[7] 6:8c Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Paris) Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 共産黨の國際的團結なる. まず情報機關を設置. ワルシャ[ワ]會議で共同宣言 47-frn-1028 [10]/[6]/194[7] 6:10 Associated 時事通信 Press (4, 5, 14, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1029 10/6/194[7] 6:10a Associated 東京新聞 Press (4, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1030 [10]/[6]/194[7] 6:10b Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-1032 [10]/[6]/194[7] 6:10d Associated 北海道新聞 Press (Washington) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-1033 10/6/1947 6:10e Associated 朝日新聞 Press (Washington) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 47-frn-1034 [10]/[6]/194[7] 6:11 Associated Press (Moscow) 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service Jiji Red leaders of 9 nations meet for avowed purpose of wrecking U.S. plans 47-frn-1035 10/6/194[7] 6:11a Associated Press (2, 3, Moscow) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1036 [10]/[6]/194[7] 6:11b Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo A new Communist international organization was announced Sunday to fight the [Marshall] plan and "United States imperialism". A new Communist international organization was announced Sunday to fight the marshal plan and "United States imperialism" 47-frn-1037 10/6/1947 6:11c Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Moscow; Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-1038 [10]/[5]/194[7] 6:12 47-frn-1039 [10]/[5]/194[7] 6:13 47-frn-1040 [10]/[5]/194[7] 6:14 47-frn-1041 [10]/[5]/194[7] 6:15 47-frn-1042 [10]/[5]/194[7] 6:16 47-frn-1043 [10]/[5]/194[7] 6:17 47-frn-1044 [10]/[5]/194[7] 6:18 Nanking (Broadcast) Sydney (broadcast) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes A conference of the representatives of the Communist parties i[n] Yugoslavia Bulgaria Rumania Hungary Poland France... Communist conference has created an information office and communique of resistance to imperialism H 3 A conference of the representatives of the Communist parties in Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungary, Poland, France, Czechoslovakia, Italy and Russia was helf in Polad at the end of September. Rally of Communist representatives from major European powers disclosed held in Poland late September Communist conference has created an information office and communique of resistance to imperialism H, P 1 Communist conference has created an information office and communique of resistance to imperialism Communist conference has created an information office and communique of resistance to imperialism US interprets Communist conference as expression of USSR's determination to thwart the US H, P Y 2 H, P Y 2 Rally of Communist representatives from major European powers disclosed held in Poland late September Moscow[']s announcement of aye nine nation Communist conference [a]nd its virtual declaration of political war against the United States was described by American officials Sunday as the most striking evidence of the continued working of an international Communist movement... Moscow[']s announcement of aye nine nation Communist conference and its virtual declaration of political war against the United States was described by American officials Sunday as the most striking e[v]idence of the continued working of an international Communist movement... H, P, [John S High[t]ow er] 3 US interprets Communist conference as expression of USSR's determination to thwart the US H, P 1 Moscow's announcement of a ninenation Communist conference and its virtual declaration of political war against the United States was described by American officials Sunday US interprets Communist conference as expression of USSR's determination to thwart the US H, P Moscow's announcement of a ninenation Communist conference and its virtual declaration of political war against the United States was described by American officials Sunday as the most striking ev[i]d[e]nce of the continued working of an international Communist movement which the Russians have furnished since pre-war days. Moscow's announcement of a ninenation Communist conference and its virtual declaration of political... US interprets Communist conference as expression of USSR's determination to thwart the US H, P US interprets Communist conference as expression of USSR's determination to thwart the US Formation of the new Communist organization means the formation of two camps in the world Formation of the new Communist organization means the formation of two camps in the world Formation of the new Communist organization means the formation of two camps in the world H, P [John Hightower ] P [Thomas [Whitney] ] Russia Revives Comintern! U.S. Sees Move As Opening Of Virtual Political War. Red Leaders of 9 Nations Meet For Avowed Purpose of Wrecking U.S. Plans.; Moscow Seen Waging All-Out Campaign Against U.S. And Its Leaders Formation of the new Communist organization means the formation of two camps in the world P 2 Radio Press (Nanking) U.S.: Mrs. Roosevelt attacks Russia policy H, P 1 Radio Press (London BBC) Radio Press (London BBC) Communism: Secret European meeting held Eleanor Roosevelt charges USSR with using Nazi propaganda techniques New Communist organization will be in Belgrade Austrian Foreign Minister says that the Allies should end the occupation of Austria H, P 1 H 1 [Radio Press (London BBC)] Radio Press (Nanking) Radio Press (Sydney) Radio Press (Moscow) Communism: de Gaulle warns against Red infiltration de Gaulle says that France is threatened by Communist eastern Europe Nazi anti-Allied leaflets found in Munich Soviet paper calls Dr. Evatt a maker of national scandals Wallace denounces proposals for compulsory military training H, P 1 H, S 3 H, S 2 H, P 1 焦点は明に米. 米官辺の見解 Communism: Attacked by Gruber Germany: Pro-Nazi anti-Allied leaflet discovered USSR: Soviet paper criticizes Evatt U.S.: Wallace opposed to compulsory military training Pro-Nazi leaflets found in Munich [John Hightower ] 1 P H, P 3 Y 3 6 2 [Tom Whitney] 3 Oversized News Agency Agence 時事通信 France-presse (Budapest, Paris) Photograph(s) Source 6:8 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [10]/[6]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1024 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 6:20 Associated Press (12, Moscow) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Pravda said aye joint resolution adopted at the conference pictured the world as split into camps led by the Soviet Union and the United States. Pravda says that Communists feel that the world is split into two camps, with the US as aggressor H, P 1 47-frn-1047 10/6/194[7] 6:20a Associated Press (12, Moscow) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Pravda said aye joint resolution adopted at the conference pictured the world as split into camps led by the Soviet Union and the United States. Pravda says that Communists feel that the world is split into two camps, with the US as aggressor H, P 1 47-frn-1048 [10]/[6]/194[7] 6:20b Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Pravda says that Communists feel that the world is split into two camps, with the US as aggressor H, P 2 47-frn-1049 10/6/1947 6:20c Associated Press World Service (Moscow) 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Pravda says that Communists feel that the world is split into two camps, with the US as aggressor H, P 47-frn-1050 [10]/[5]/194[7] 6:21 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (Paris) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Pravda said to-day a joint resolution adopted at the Polish conference of Communists pictured the world as split into camps led by the Soviets and the United States. Pravda said today a joint resolution adopted at the Polish conference of Communists pictured the world as split into camps led by the Soviets and the United States. de Gaulle warns French of crisis de Gaulle attacks French Communist Party as a pawn of the USSR H, P 2 47-frn-1051 [10]/[5]/194[7] 6:22 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (Vienna) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Austria wants occupation forces to withdraw H, D 3 47-frn-1052 10/6/194[7] 6:23 Reuters Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service American imperialism 47-frn-1053 [10]/[6]/194[7] 6:24 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1054 10/6/1947 6:24a Associated 時事通信 Press (21, Paris) Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Paris) Nippon Times Nippon Times Red headlines in the communist newspaper lhumanite heralded to its readers Sunday the opening of... European communists plan anti-U.S. drive 47-frn-1055 [10]/[6]/194[7] 6:25 United Press 時事通信 (3, 4, Moscow) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Third declaration added " aggressors of yesterday- capi[t]alistic magn[et]s of Germany and Japan... 47-frn-1056 10/6/1947 6:25a United Press 毎日新聞 (Moscow) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Communist parties of Russia and eight other European states announced they have formed a new Communist International Bureau with headquarters in Belgrade. 47-frn-1057 10/6/194[7] 6:26 Reuters (Paris) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service French political circles regarded the new organization as the forerunner of a new Soviet policy... 47-frn-1058 10/6/194[7] 6:27 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (2, Paris) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1059 [10]/[6]/194[7] 6:28 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Paris) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Over 150,000 people flocked to the Vincennes racetrack today to hear General de Gaulle's first speech to be delivered in the paris area since the foundation of the French People's Rally (R. P. F.) Gen. Charles de Gaulle said today that France is a "threatened country" while two-thirds of... 47-frn-1060 10/6/194[7] 6:29 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (9, Berlin) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo 47-frn-1061 10/9/1947 6:30 United Press 国際タイムス, (Seoul) 日米通信 The Kokusai Times, The America-Japan Press Kokusai, Nichibei Tsushin 京城に反ソデモ. 米軍朝鮮撤退に反対 47-frn-1062 [10]/[6]/194[7] 6:30a Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 米軍の撤退に反對. ソウルで國民大會開かる 47-frn-1063 10/6/1947 6:32 United Press 共同通信 (13, 14, San Francisco, Seoul) NEA 日米通信 (Washington) Nichibei Tsushin Nichibei Tsushin 批判されるVAの業績. ブラッドレー長官に注ぐ賛否両論 47-frn-1064 [10]/[6]/194[7] 6:33 International 北海道新聞 News Service (Seoul) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-1065 [10]/6/194[7] 6:33a International 西日本新聞 News Service (Seoul) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishinippon 南鮮で反ソデモ 47-frn-1066 [10]/[6]/194[7] 6:33b International 読売新聞 News Service (Seoul) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 南鮮の反ソデモ 共同通信 共同通信 反逆者排撃. ソ紙論評 Austria wants the occupation Austria wants the Allied to move out. occupation forces to leave 2 H 2 H, D 2 Communist leaders vow to attack US policy H, P 1 Communist communique states in part that the US is preparing Japan and Germany to be her pawns of aggression Communist communique states in part that the US is preparing Japan and Germany to be her pawns of aggression H, P [Crowkite] 2 H [Walter Crowkite, United States staff correspon dent], [Hironaga] 1 France sees new Communist organization as Soviet attempt to safeguard against isolation de Gaulle attacks French Communist Party as a pawn of the USSR H, P 2 H, P 1 de Gaulle declares France in danger of Soviet expansion (same speech as 6:21, 6:27) H, P 2 The diet of Saxony passed a resolution protesting against the creation of the Saar territory. Status of Saar territory should not be decided solely by the occupying powers D 1 Approximately 60,000 members of Rightist Daihan Youth Association, displaying banners such as "Overthrow Russia Like a Robber" ... Approximately sixty thousand members of Rightist Daihan Youth Association displaying banners such as 33 overthrow Russia... The VA: Bradley's $12 Billion In Two Years, It Has Spent Headache. In Two Years, It Has Spent 20% of the Total U.S. 20% of the Total U.S. Budget Budget Deleted: mentions of USSR from an account of an antiSoviet demonstration in South Korea Deleted: mentions of USSR from an account of an antiSoviet demonstration in South Korea Gen. Bradley has generally done a good job as head of the Veterans' Administration H, D Y 4 H, D Y 4 Y 3 Anti-Russian demonstration was staged Sunday in Seoul by more than 30,000 South Korean rightists carrying banners reading, "Russian Robbers Must Leave Korea." Korean Rightists sta[g]e anti-Russian demonstration Deleted: mentions of USSR from an account of an antiSoviet demonstration in South Korea H, D, [Douglas P Larsen, NEA staff correspon dent] H, D H, [D] Y 2 H, [D] Y 2 Korean Rightists sta[g]e anti-Russian demonstration World wide Commy papers to attack U.S. policy Communist resolution says that Communists must resist imperialist forces Communist leaders vow to attack US policy Y Deleted: mentions of USSR from an account of an antiSoviet demonstration in South Korea Deleted: mentions of USSR from an account of an antiSoviet demonstration in South Korea Oversized News Agency [10]/[6]/194[7] Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-1046 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-1068 10/6/1947 6:34 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Indianapolis) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Shimbun, Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Sangyo Keizai 47-frn-1069 [10]/[6]/194[7] 6:35 Associated Press (Nanking) Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun High Chinese official who declined be q[uo]ted said Allied occupation troops should not be withdrawn from Korea until adequate safeguards established prevent North Korean... 47-frn-1070 [10]/[6]/194[7] 6:35a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Nanking) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo A high Chinese official who declined to be quoted said Allied occupation troops should not be withdrawn from Korea until... Chinese official says that US should not withdraw from Korea before safeguarding the South against takeover by the North H, P 2 47-frn-1071 10/6/194[7] 6:37 Reuters (Paris) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service de Gaulle attacks French Communist Party H, P 5 47-frn-1072 [10]/[4]/194[7] 6:39 USIS 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Nearly half a million Parisians cheered general Charles de Gaulle on the Vincennes rac[e]track, Paris... Soviet intimidation campaign seen Rep. Eaton says that USSR's charge of warmongering against the US is part of a campaign of intimidation H, P 3 47-frn-1073 [10]/[5]/194[7] 6:11, 6:40 Associated Press (Moscow) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji "Communist Countries" to set up body to coordinate activities H, P 2 47-frn-1074 [10]/6/194[7] 6:41 International 西日本新聞 News Service (Belgrade) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon コミンテルン復活, 欧九カ国共産党で構成 European Communists announce revival of Comintern Communist conference has created an information office and communique of resistance to imperialism Communist parties announce the revival of the Comintern H, P Y 5 47-frn-1075 [10]/[6]/194[7] 6:42 United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai 全歐州の共産黨 米英に宣傳闘争. 米代表政府の政策明弁 Warren Austin refutes Communist charges against the US in speech to the UN H, P Y 4 47-frn-1077 [10]/[6]/194[7] 6:44 Associated Press (Shanghai) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Chiang Kai-shek conferred with generals in Peiping P 1 47-frn-1078 10/6/194[7] 6:45 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (44, Batavia) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service H, S, D 4 47-frn-1080 [10]/[5]/194[7] 6:47 Radio Press (New York) Warren Austin, chief United States delegate to the United Nations, delivered Sunday what to many appeared to be the answer to the European communist communique declaring ideological war on the capitalistic structure of the United States. Chiang Kai-shek spent busy day Peiping in conferences with General Li Tsungjen director his headquarters .. and Sun Lien-chung... An appeal to all Republican armed forces to continue opposing the Dutch imperialism and colonial war, was launched tonight by President Soekarno on the occasion of the second anniversary of the creation of the Republican army which will be celebrated tomorrow. Russian campaign 47-frn-1082 10/6/194[7] 6:49 Associated 朝日新聞; 時事通信; Press (24, 26, 共同通信 San Francisco, London); Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (London); Associated Press World Service (London) Asahi Shimbun; Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin; Asahi; Jiji; Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1083 10/6/1947 6:49b Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (London) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign See intensified drive by Europe's Leftists. Merger Of Social Democrats With Communists Held Likely New Communist organization aims to create new leftist parties in all European countries H, P 1 47-frn-1084 10/6/1947 6:50 International Nippon Times News Service (London) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Russians unleash new tirade on U.S. Pravda Diatribe Says Greeks Being Fed With Ammunition, Shells and Bombs Moscow press denounces Truman and Churchill H, S 1 47-frn-1085 10/6/1947 6:52 Radio Press (New York) Good evening, neighbors. We are glad to be discussing to night's [q]uestion here in the heart... Transcript of a town meeting to discuss how US-USSR differences can be resolved H, P 20 47-frn-1086 10/6/1947 6:54 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Paris) U.S. opposition to Russia held essential to France. De Gaulle's Speech Opens Campai[gn] For Election of Anti-Red Party De Gaulle says in first speech since 1946 that US opposition to the USSR is essential for safety of France H, P 1 東京新聞 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign "当然の発展". 英彿官辺の見解 Senator declares Russia preparing for war which U.S. can prevent. Aye Bucharest dispatch indicated Sunday night that the first practical result of the Communist declaration issued in Moscow would be intensified drives to created new mass left wing [p]arties in all European countries.; A Bucharest dispatch indicated today that the first practical result of the Communist declaration issued in Moscow would be intensified drives to create new mass left wing parties in all European countries.; A Bucharest dispatch indicated today that the first practical result of the Communist declaration issued in Moscow would be intensified drives to create new mass left wing parties in all European countries. Deleted: mentions of USSR H, D from an account of an antiSoviet demonstration in South Korea Sen. Capehart says that H, P USSR is preparing for war but US may prevent it by rehabilitating Europe Chinese official says that US H, P should not withdraw from Korea before safeguarding the South against takeover by the North Examiner1 Examiner2 Nippon Times ソ連第三次大戦を準備 Korean right wing youths parade to have Russians leave Brief Summary International Nippon Times News Service (Seoul) 東京新聞 Stage anti-Russian rally, 30,000 S. Korean Rightists Demand Soviet Withdrawal Subject 6:33c Holland's war against Indonesian rebels is "imperialist" US journalists react angrily to Soviet charges against the US H, P Member of Romanian Communists vow to defeat polit[ical]-bureau urges social "imperialism threatening with democrats to help defeat atomic bombs" "imperialism threatening with A bomb." D, H 2 Y 5 1 4 Y 8 Oversized News Agency 10/6/1947 Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-1067 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Nippon Times Submitted by Nippon Times Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Nippon Times Foreign Headline 47-frn-1088 10/6/1947 6:56 47-frn-1089 [10]/[4]/194[7] 6:57 United Press 時事通信 (Berlin) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1090 [10]/[4]/194[7] 6:58 Reuters (New 時事通信 York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1091 10/6/1947 6:59 International Nippon Times News Service (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-1092 10/6/1947 6:60 Zhong yang 共同通信 tong xun she (Hsinking) Kyodo Tsushin (76) Kyodo Tsushin 76 満州中共地区に残留邦人十数万 47-frn-1093 10/6/1947 6:61 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (New York) 産業経済新聞 Silk dealers disappoined in no early announcement of new prices [10]/[5]/194[7] 6:62 Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Budapest) Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Sekai-Nippo 米絹業界生糸改訂價格発表遅延に失望 47-frn-1094 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Sekai Nippo コミンテルン復活第一歩. ハンガリー消息筋の觀測 Rally of European Reds seen as rebirth of Komintern. 47-frn-1095 [10]/[2]/194[7] 6:64 Agence 世界日報 France-presse (New York) Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 47-frn-1096 10/6/194[7] The Kyodo 読売新聞 News Serivce Yomiuri Shimbun 47-frn-1097 [10]/[6]/194[7] 7:2 Radio Press (Nanking) 47-frn-1098 [10]/[5]/194[7] 7:3 Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Berlin) 47-frn-1099 [10]/[6]/194[7] 7:4 47-frn-1100 [10]/[6]/194[7] 47-frn-1101 共同通信 共同特信 C Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Tokushin Tokushin C Bunka Editorial Subject U.K. troops' withdrawal surprises BCOF command. Pulling Out of 4,500 British Troops To Leave 14,000 Anzacs Here 対日講和と中國の世論. 大公報の社説に聞く Brief Summary 4,500 troops are involved in British withdrawal from Japan "Peace with Japan and Chinese newspaper states the Chinese public opinion, Tai importance of China's having Kwan Pao states in editorial" a say in the Japanese peace conference Lucius Clay approves conditional Gen. Clay approves amnesty plan conditional amnesty for Nazi offenders Progress of UN assembly work The UN Assembly is progressing slowly partly because of the US-USSR deadlock Charges Greek guerillas told to fight or State Dept. claims that USSR be shot. Henderson Repudiates is forcing Greek guerillas to Accusation Of U.S. Dictation in Athens continue to fight against the Greek government "Over hundred thousand Japanese remaining in Manchu- main Communist zone" Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 H, P Notes 1 Makoto Ota, reporter Kawamoto Fujinami Y 13 H, P 2 H, P 4 H, P 1 Y 14 H, C [Theodore Koslow] Y 22 Hungarian observers see the new Communist organization as a new Comintern H, P Y 2 鐵のカーテン内になお西歐の影響. トリビューン紙社説 Americans warned against overs[i]mplifying problems beyond "Iron Curtain" by Herald Tribune Leader Americans must not be too hasty to divide the world into two hostile camps H, P Y 3 Yomiuri ワルシャワでさる九月開かれた九ヶ國共産党会議で「 共産主義情報本部」設置案が決議されたとの報は各國 に大きな衝動を與えた様子で、これは戰時中の一九四 三年六月"対独戰完遂のため民主主義陣営の提携強化" を理由にモスクワの指令で解散された第三インターナ ショナルに代つてコミンテルン(國際共産主義同盟) 復活企図の第一歩でさると信ぜられている。 Communist organization declares its intention to thwart capitalism D, P Y 4 Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 日獨貿易禁止 Japan barred to German traders. United Press 時事通信 (Canton, OH) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 欧州共産党会議は対米戰準備が目的 Former editor Communist Daily worker Louis Budenz said purpose behind formation Communist International Bureau by nine European countries... 7:5 United Press 時事通信 (London) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 欧州共産党会議はマーシャル案破壊が目的 10/7/194[7] 7:5a United Press 共同通信 (London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1102 [10]/[6]/194[7] 7:5b United Press 時事通信 (London) Jiji Tsushin Jiji High Left[-]Wing political sources here predicted first goal of Moscow resurrected Comintern would to wreck Marshall Plan in Europe. High Left[-]Wing political sources here predicted first goal of Moscow resurrected Comintern would to wreck Marshall Plan in Europe. British Leftists see sabotage in resurrected Comintern 47-frn-1103 [10]/[7]/194[7] 7:5c United Press [毎日新聞] (London) [Mainichi Shimbun] [Mainichi Shimbun] The British foreign office interpreted the rebirth of the Communist Internationals as the formal end of wartime cooperation among the big powers. 47-frn-1104 10/7/1947 7:5d Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Comintern revival in Asia predicted. Present Kremlin Move Expected To Be Followed Up by Regional Groupings 47-frn-1105 10/7/194[7] 7:6 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (London) United Press 共同通信 (17, Lake Success) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Russia[']s new Internatioinal Communist Organization tossed Uni[ted] Nations General Assembly into turmoil and blasted whatever... Conference of communist parties of nine European countries which met recently in Poland and agree to set up new nice nation communist organi[z]ation in Belgrade called for... Occupation: Chinese mission to celebrate anniversary Japanese repatriates say that many Japanese are still laboring in Communist Manchuria Changed: mentions of SCAP to Boeki Cho Examiner1 Examiner2 H, P H, P Kawamoto Fujinami Chinese mission to celebrate MacArthur has been invited H, D anniversary to a Chinese Republic anniversary celebration Japan is not one of the P countries to which authorized German traders can go 2 Y 2 American communist Budenz says that the purpose of the new Comintern is to consolidate strength for possible confrontation with the US Britain interprets the new Comintern as end of postwar cooperation between big powers Britain interprets the new Comintern as end of postwar cooperation between big powers Britain interprets the new Comintern as end of postwar cooperation between big powers Britain interprets the new Comintern as end of postwar cooperation between big powers H, P Y 3 H, P Y 2 Britain interprets the new Comintern as end of postwar cooperation between big powers Formation of new Communist organization has thrown UN into turmoil; USSR condemns American warmongering Formation of new Communist organization has thrown UN into turmoil; USSR condemns American warmongering H, P H, P 2 H, P 2 H, P 1 [Tanaka] 47-frn-1106 47-frn-1106a [10]/[7]/194[7] 10/7/1947 7:6a 7:6a United Press [毎日新聞] (Lake Success) Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Lake Success) [Mainichi Shimbun] Nippon Times [Mainichi Shimbun] Nippon Times Foreign Russia's new international Communist organization tossed the United Nations General Assembly into a turmoil and blasted whatever hope remained the East-West split can be healed at this session or any other meeting in the foreseeable future. Comintern rebirth shatters U.N. Hopes; assembly is upset. Russia's New Move Blasts All Hopes of Breaching Split Between East and West 1 H, D 2 [Shackfor d] H, D, P 1 [R. H. Shackford ], [Matsuda] H, D, P 1 Oversized News Agency ReuterAustralian Associated Press Photograph(s) Source 6:55 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/6/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1087 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 7:6c Submitted by (Japanese) 47-frn-1108 10/7/194[7] 7:7 共同通信 47-frn-1109 [10]/[6]/194[7] 7:7a United Press 時事通信 (London) 47-frn-1110 [10]/[7]/194[7] 7:8 Radio Press 10/11/1947 Submitted by The Kokusai Times Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Kokusai Times Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Jiji Tsushin Jiji Headline (Japanese) 米國側の成果. 國連總會に於ける空氣; 歐州の分裂阻止望み絶ゆ. 歐州共産黨會議發表に國連總會の觀測 Headline Subject Russia's new international Communist organization tossed the United Nations General Assembly into a turmoil and blasted whatever hope remained the East-West split can be healed at this session or any other meeting in the foreseeable future. Lead London foreign office interpreted rebirth of Communist International formal end of wartime cooperation among big powers. British spokesman on Communist Organization The Communist Party newspaper, Pravda, has published in Moscow an announcement of Moscow's return to the original Marxian concept of proletarian revolutions among highly industrialized countries such as Germany and England. 時事通信 海外電報版 Jiji Tsushin Kaigai Dempoban (13) Jiji Tsushin 13 ユーゴスラヴイア. チトー元師. 反フアシスム戰線結成を提唱 47-frn-1111 10/7/1947 7:9 Commentary Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1111a [10]/[6]/194[7] 7:10 Austria: Gruder criticizes Communism again 47-frn-1112 [10]/[6]/194[7] 7:11 Radio Press (London BBC) Radio Press (Moscow) "Tito's statement" 47-frn-1113 [10]/[6]/194[7] 7:12 Radio Press (London BBC) Comments: British, U.S., French reactions 47-frn-1114 [10]/[6]/194[7] 7:13 47-frn-1115 [10]/[6]/194[7] 7:14 [Radio Press (London BBC)] United Press 時事通信 (Washington) 47-frn-1116 [10]/[7]/194[7] 7:15 47-frn-1117 [10]/[7]/194[7] 7:16 47-frn-1118 [10]/[6]/194[7] 7:17 Associated Press (London) 47-frn-1119 [10]/[7]/194[7] 7:18 47-frn-1120 10/7/1947 47-frn-1121 Radio Press Sokuho (Moscow) Radio Press Sokuho (Moscow) Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Britain interprets the new Comintern as end of postwar cooperation between big powers Britain interprets the new Comintern as end of postwar cooperation between big powers Comintern announces that it will encourage proletarian revolutions in France and England H, P 2 H, P 2 H, S 2 Prine Minister Tito says the US is encouraging the recovery of fascism Y 4 H, S Kawamoto Tabata Y 4 1 H, S 2 H, P 2 H, P 1 H, P 8 H, S 2 US Political: African Comm[ittee] Protests to State Dep[artment] US refuses visa to Reverend Scott, who was going to give the UN information on racism in South Africa H, S 2 Britain interprets the new Comintern as end of postwar cooperation between big powers Iraqi Foreign Minister calls formation of new Comintern a "declaration of war" H, P 1 H, P 1 Japan's first soil survey is being conducted by American scientists H, P MacArthur will discuss British withdrawal from Japan with the Britsh delegation Comintern denounces imperialists "threatening with atom bombs" H, P 2 H, D 1 Comintern denounces imperialists "threatening with atom bombs" H, P 1 Britain interprets the new Comintern as end of postwar cooperation between big powers Vishinsky charges capitalists with wanting world domination in a UN speech H, P 7 P 1 Vishinsky charges capitalists with wanting world domination in a UN speech H, P AEC Chairman Lilienthal refutes Soviet rumors that the US could heat Europe with nuclear energy if she wanted to H, P 2 or 3 years needed for Japan to become self-sustaining country Argentina: Textile workers on strike 時事通信 Examiner3 [R. H. Shackford , United Press staff correspon dent] Anglo-Soviet Friendship Society criticizes British government for being allied with America British papers are optimistic about relations with the USSR, despite the new Comintern There is no official comment from US or Britain about the new Comintern Draper believes that Japan needs three more years to attain economic selfsufficiency Egypt will establish a ministry in Japan Comments: No official comment from Western Powers Jiji Tsushin Examiner1 Examiner2 H, D H, D Britain: Anglo-Soviet confab held in London Jiji Tsushin Brief Summary Formation of new Communist organization has thrown UN into turmoil; USSR condemns American warmongering Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin London reactions to Comintern Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Lake Success) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Foreign Minister Fadhil Jamali of Iraq Declared today that the manifesto issued by the nine-nation... 7:19 Science 日米通信 Service (New Haven, CT) The America-Japan Press Nichibei 10/7/194[7] 7:20 Reuters (Karachi) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Agency Withdr[a]wal of British occupation troops from Japan will be discussed by general [D]ouglas Mac[Arthur]... 47-frn-1122 [10]/[7]/194[7] 7:21 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo B Western European governments and most newspapers withheld comment on the announcement that Communists of nine... 47-frn-1123 10/7/194[7] 7:21a Associated Press (50, London) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1124 10/7/194[7] 7:24 Associated Press (9, London) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Agency Western European governments and most newspapers withheld comment today on the announcement that Communists of... Diplomatic sources here said Monday that cr[ea]tion of [a] new international Communist organisation was the... 47-frn-1125 [10]/[7]/194[7] 7:26 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1126 10/7/194[7] 7:26a Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1127 10/7/1947 7:27 Associated 東京新聞 Press (16, Lake Success) Associated 共同通信 Press (16, Lake Success) United Press 毎日新聞 (Detroit) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 日本に最初の近代的農地測量実施. スワンソン博士語る First modern soil survey being conducted in Japan Russia[']s [Andrei] Y Vishinsky brought the ideological struggle between Communism and Capitalism into United Nations... Russia[']s [Andrei] Y Vishinsky brought the ideological struggle between Communism and Capitalism into United Nations... Atomic Furnaces Argentine textile workers on strike Y [Max Harrelson] 2 2 1 Oversized News Agency United Press 国際タイムス (Lake Success, Washington) Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [10]/[7]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1107 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1129 10/7/1947 7:30 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (London) 産業経済新聞 [10]/[7]/194[7] 7:30a International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (London) Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin フーバー前大統領非難さる 47-frn-1130 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin 47-frn-1131 10/7/194[7] 7:31 International 読売新聞 News Service (Washington) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 米の反響. 新らしい國際共産党結成の報道はワシントン政界に少 からざる反響を呼んでいるがこれを要約すると米國は 新國際共産党の再生を東西二つの世界の間の政治的、 イデオロギー的宣戰布告だとみているといえよう U.S. views Internationale organization as sign of political warfare US has accepted new Comintern as declaration of ideological warfare between east and west H 47-frn-1132 10/7/1947 7:31a International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Washington) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai. Shimbun 共産的インターナショナルは政治的戦略である U.S. views Internationale organization as sign of political warfare US has accepted new Comintern as declaration of ideological warfare between east and west H, P 47-frn-1133 10/7/194[7] 7:31b International 西日本新聞 News Service (Washington) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishinippon 共産党国際組織に対する米の見解 U.S. views Internationale organization as sign of political warfare US has accepted new Comintern as declaration of ideological warfare between east and west H, P 47-frn-1134 10/7/194[7] 7:32 Agence FrancePresse (16, Moscow) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Pravda says the US wants to permanently establish her "policing regime" in Korea H, S 47-frn-1135 10/7/1947 7:34 Reuters (Shanghai) 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi "The Korean people have become attached to their liberty and independence and will never accept the yoke of American colonists, writes the Pravda today in a denial of the authenticity of the document published by the New York Herald Tribune that the Soviet command allegedly sought to create a Communist government in Korea as soon as the American and Soviet troops had withdrawn. Abolition of the Mikado is demanded 47-frn-1136 [10]/[6]/194[7] 7:35 United Press 時事通信 (Montpelier, Vermont) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1137 10/7/194[7] 7:36 Associated 共同通信 Press (27, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1138 [10]/[7]/194[7] 7:36a Associated 時事通信 Press (27, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1139 [10]/[7]/194[7] 7:36b Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1140 10/7/194[7] 7:36c Associated 朝日新聞 Press (27, Washington) Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun 47-frn-1141 [10]/[7]/194[7] 7:37 International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Warsaw) Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin 47-frn-1142 [10]/[7]/194[7] 7:37a International 北海道新聞 News Service (Warsaw) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun The IT dep[ar]tment was sometime [un]infor[m]ed of the meeting European Communist Leaders in Warsaw... ; Semi[-]Official Washington reaction tonight to setting up of new nine nation Communist International Bureau in... Hoover charged with advocating separate peace for Japan Marshall Plan might be passed by Congress more quickly as a result of the formation of the new Comintern H, P Soviets say that Herbert Hoover has wanted a crusade against the USSR for 30 years H, S Hoover charged with advocating separate peace for Japan Henry Wallace says the United States and Russia are planning an international drive to win the control of the Middle Eastern oil resources. Undersecretary of the army William [H.] Draper dis[c]losed Monday that the possibility of allowing Japanese business men to travel to America and other countries in search of trade is being studied. Undersecretary of the army William H. Draper disclose[d] Monday that the possibility of allowing Japanese business men to travel to America and other countries in search of trade is being studied. Japanese suggested to be allowed to travel abroad 日本実業家の海外旅行考慮 Undersecretary of the army William H. Draper disclosed Monday that the possibility of allowing Japanese business men to travel to America and other countries in search of trade is being studied. Intensification of Soviet political warfare expected Intensification of Soviet Political warfare expected Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 3 Y H, S China recommends a harsh settlement for Japan at the peace conference Henry Wallace says Britain's foreign policy is reactionary H, S Notes 5 1 [George Durno, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [George Durno, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [George Durno, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Y 3 Y 9 Y 7 1 [Thomas Aldeguer], [Tanaka] 3 H, D 2 Draper announces that Japanese businessmen may be allowed to travel to the US and other countries H 2 Draper announces that Japanese businessmen may be allowed to travel to the US and other countries H 1 Draper announces that Japanese businessmen may be allowed to travel to the US and other countries Draper announces that Japanese businessmen may be allowed to travel to the US and other countries H, P 1 Observers believe the formation of the new Comintern increases the danger of war H, P Observers believe the formation of the new Comintern increases the danger of war H H, P Y [Kingsbur y Smith, European General Manager Internation al News Service] [Kingsbur y Smith, European General Manager Internation al News Service] 2 2 1 Oversized News Agency Agence 共同通信 France-presse (48, Washington); Reuters (London) Photograph(s) Source 7:28 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/7/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted 47-frn-1128 Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 7:37b International 読売新聞 News Service (Warsaw) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 信賴すべきポーランド政府当局筋から得た情報による と欧州九カ國共産党代表の会議は九月廿六日から廿九 日までの間に下部シレジアのある共産主義青年学校で 開かれたといわれる、右会議が起草された共産党の政 治戰略は Intensification of Soviet Political warfare expected Observers believe the formation of the new Comintern increases the danger of war H, P 47-frn-1144 10/7/194[7] 7:37c International 西日本新聞 News Service (Warsaw) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi nippon 共産党会議にたいする見解 Intensification of Soviet political warfare expected Observers believe the formation of the new Comintern increases the danger of war H, P 47-frn-1145 10/7/194[7] 7:39 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun The situation created by the formation in Belgrade of the new Communist European headoffice will... 1 10/7/194[7] 7:40 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun H, P 1 47-frn-1147 [10]/[7]/194[7] 7:41 Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun The State Department had been informed of the convention of the European Communist Leaders in Warsaw... British regards revived Comintern as explanation of Moscow policy H 1 47-frn-1148 10/7/194[7] 7:41a International 西日本新聞 News Service (London) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishinippon High US officials will study the situation created by the formation of the new Comintern State Dept. knew about the Communist convention ahead of time; has no comment on the Comintern Britain says that the Comintern explains the lack of cooperation between the big powers after the war Britain says that the Comintern explains the lack of cooperation between the big powers after the war H, P 47-frn-1146 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (22, Washington) Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (23, Washington) International 北海道新聞 News Service (London) 47-frn-1149 [10]/[6]/194[7] 7:42 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji US spokesman refuses to comment on Comintern revival H, P 1 47-frn-1150 [10]/[7]/194[7] 7:43 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Batavia) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo H, D 3 47-frn-1151 [10]/[6]/194[7] 7:44 Reuters (London) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji 3 [10]/[6]/194[7] 7:45 Jiji H, P 5 10/7/1947 7:46 Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) Agence 毎日新聞 France-presse (Washington) Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1153 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Comintern warfare H, P 1 47-frn-1154 10/7/194[7] 7:46a Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service The situation created by the constitution in Belgrade of the new Communist European head office will... H, P 3 47-frn-1155 10/7/1947 7:46b Agence 共同通信 France-presse (41, Washington) Agence 朝日新聞 France-presse (Washington) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 米政府、對應策練る. 國際共産黨再建を重視 US government to plan at weekend measure to counteract Comintern warfare 47-frn-1156 [10]/[6]/194[7] 7:46c Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Washington) Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 米國の見解 US government to plan at weekend measures to counteract Comintern warfare 47-frn-1157 10/7/194[7] 7:47 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (21, Lake Success) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service All nations view the new Comintern as an important political development New Comintern is declaration of political war against the US High US officials will study the situation created by the formation of the new Comintern High US officials will study the situation created by the formation of the new Comintern High US officials will study the situation created by the formation of the new Comintern High US officials will study the situation created by the formation of the new Comintern UN diplomats expect to make moves to strengthen the coalition of western powers H, P 47-frn-1152 A major incident appeared Monday night to be developing over the Republican arrest of three members of the Dutch military who were on a United States Navy plane forced down Saturday in the Republican territory in West Java. "Drive of world Communism", is London comment on revival of Comintern Moscow seen waging all-out campaign against U.S. and its leaders New Comintern caught the US by surprise; still no comment from the State Dept. Indonesian republicans criticize the Dutch use of a US plane, saying it was a violation of US neutrality 47-frn-1158 [10]/[6]/194[7] 7:48 Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Berlin) Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 佛へのザール經濟統合實現. 人民々主黨、第一黨へ躍進! Reds comment on Saar defeat: "The stomach has spoken". Only the USSR will protect German interests in the Saar H, S Y 2 47-frn-1159 [10]/[7]/194[7] 7:49 United Press 国際タイムス (Lake Success) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times コミンテルン再建に動揺. 國連イラク代表米を非難 Arab leader accuses the US of not protecting Arab interests in Palestine H, P Y 2 47-frn-1160 10/7/194[7] 7:50 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service [Roderick] 7:50a 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Mao Tse-tung will probably not opt to join the new Comintern Mao Tse-tung will probably not opt to join the new Comintern H, P 10/7/194[7] Associated Press (Shanghai) Associated Press World Service (Shanghai) 共同通信 47-frn-1161 H, P [John Roderick] 47-frn-1163 [10]/[7]/194[7] 8:2 A spokesman for the Arab countries accused the United States -- in contradiction of the Truman doctrine -of tolerating United States financing of minority "terrorism and illegal immigration" into Palestine. Will Chinese Communist Party- which claims [to] b[e] [se]cond largest in world- publicly join [esta]bl[i]shed... Will the Chinese Communist Partywhich claims to be the second largest in the world-publicly join the just established Comintern and openly avow its relations with Moscow? Trade: Must be on barter basis with sterling areas Japan's trade with sterling countires will be on a barter basis H, S Radio Press (Sydney) Britain regards revived Comintern as explanation of Moscow policy New steps to strengthen the workday coalition of the Western Powers are expected by many diplomatic experts... 結局不参加か H, P Y 3 Y 8 Y 8 [Thomas G. Watson, International News Service staff correspondent] 英、見解を発表 [Kingsbur y Smith, European General Manager Internation al News Service] [Kingsbur y Smith, European General Manager Internation al News Service] Oversized News Agency 10/7/194[7] Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-1143 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) H, P Y 5 H, P Y 3 H, P [Jolin M. Hightower ] 2 3 Y 3 2 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Kyodo Tsushin, Nippon Times Kyodo, Nippon Times Foreign Europe Comintern Bloc Termed AntiWall Street Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Army Undersecretary Draper said Tuesday American occupation forces in Japan will take over areas which... 8:4a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Army Undersecretary William H[.] Draper, Jr. said Tuesday the American occupation forces in Japan will take over... 10/8/194[7] 8:4b Associated 東京新聞 Press (27, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1168 [10]/[7]/194[7] 8:5 United Press 時事通信 (Shanghai) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1169 10/8/194[7] United Press 共同通信 (Shanghai) Undersecretary of the Army William H[.] Draper disclosed Monday that the possibility of allowing Japanese business men to travel to America and other countries in search of trade is bei[ng] studied. [Yang Tsin Sheng] assistant manager barter section central trust of China scheduled leave for Japan... [Yang Tsin Sheng] assistant manager barter section central trust of China scheduled leave for Japan... 47-frn-1170 10/8/1947 47-frn-1171 10/8/194[7] 8:7 47-frn-1172 [10]/[8]/194[7] 47-frn-1173 [10]/[8]/194[7] 47-frn-1174 47-frn-1165 10/8/194[7] 8:4 47-frn-1166 [10]/[8]/194[7] 47-frn-1167 8:5a 中国日本よりの人絹積出増加 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (20) Jiji Tsushin 20 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 8:8 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 8:9 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo [10]/[7]/194[7] 8:10 Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1175 [10]/[7]/194[7] 8:10a 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1176 10/8/194[7] 8:10b Associated 共同通信 Press (6, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1177 [10]/[8]/194[7] 8:10c Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-1178 10/8/194[7] 8:10d Associated 時事通信, 東京新聞 Press (6, Washington) Jiji Tsushin, Tokyo Shimbun Jiji Tsushin, Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1179 10/8/1947 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (8) Tokyo Shimbun 8 47-frn-1180 10/8/1947 8:12 Chicago Tribune Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-1181 10/8/194[7] 8:13 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (22, 23, New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1183 10/8/194[7] 8:15 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (17, Sydney) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun The Australian war office issued today a denial of allegations from repatriated troops that Australian... 47-frn-1184 10/8/194[7] 8:16 Associated Press (Nanking) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1185 [10]/[8]/194[7] 8:16a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Nanking) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kuomintang minorganization [Chen Li Fu] told associated Russia[']s announcement reestablishment Co[m]intern reflected "Soviet efforts... Kuomintang Minister Chen Li-fu told Associated Press today Russia's announcement of the re-establishment of the Comintern reflected... 47-frn-1186 [10]/[8]/194[7] 8:17 United Press 国際タイムス (Chicago) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-1187 10/8/1947 8:18 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 10/12/1947 8:6 Commentary Subject "International Comintern Conference." 10/12/1947 8:11 Reuters (Tokyo) Commentary At least three four five banester organizations were involved in black market operations covered by a "Kuromaku"... Informed sources said the Arab League would plan at sessions here tonight for military support... The periodical New Times asserted today the U.S. and the Vatican had entered into an alliance against the Soviet Union. Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H, S 3 H, P 2 H, P 1 US occupation forces will take over the areas that Britain and India are evacuating H, P 1 China to import more rayon from Japan to cover shortage H, P China to import more rayon from Japan to cover shortage H, P Summation of the current world situation from the Communist viewpoint Organization called Kuromaku made 500,000 million yen worth of black market transactions Arabs will seek a US-Britain split on the Palestine question S Y 3 2 3 Kawamoto Tabata H, P 3 H, P 1 The US-Vatican alliance against the USSR is not surprising because the Pope formerly supported fascism H, S 1 Japan to get smaller imports of foods Less food is being shipped to Japan from the US because of lowwered production H 1 Increased European needs and lower United States production have combined to decrease the flow of American food shipments to Japanese civilians. Increased European needs and lower United States production have combined to decrease the flow of American food shipments to Japanese civilians. Increased European needs and lower United States production have combined to decrease the flow of American food shipments to Japanese civilians. Increased European needs and lower United States production have combined to decrease the flow of American food shipments to Japanese civilians. Less food is being shipped to Japan from the US because of lowwered production H 1 Less food is being shipped to Japan from the US because of lowwered production H 2 Less food is being shipped to Japan from the US because of lowwered production P 1 Less food is being shipped to Japan from the US because of lowwered production H, P 2 The Comintern is a response to the anti-Russian Marshall Plan Prosecutor Keenan says that gansters were responsible for the war effort; Hirohito wanted peace H, D コミンテル[ン] "Comintern" Japan's Business Leaders Did Not Help Foment War, Says Prosecutor Keenan. No Evidence Unearthed to Show Businessmen Were Responsible For War Communist announcement of what amounts to [a] new Comintern dedicated to rubbing out of Western Democracy... 第三次大戰勃發せば十五分で英は壊滅. 英勞働黨議員オスボン氏語る Brief Summary US Communist paper says Comintern will battle US's economic dominance in Europe US occupation forces will take over the areas that Britain and India are evacuating US occupation forces will take over the areas that Britain and India are evacuating A Labor Party member of the British Parliament said England "may survive about 15 minutes in the Third World War." Evatt sees Truman; urges him to hurry Japan peace talks. Main Fundamentals of Treaty Said Already Established In Many Conferences Y 4 Kawamoto Fujinami H, D [Walter Simmons] 1 New Comintern is the H, P formalization of the new Axis alliance of the Russians 3 Australia denies that her troops in Japan were treated worse than other Allied troops Kuomintang minister says Comintern is USSR's attempt to create its own UN H, S 1 H, P 1 Kuomintang minister says Comintern is USSR's attempt to create its own UN H, P 3 Europe's greatest fear is a war between the US and USSR H, P Herbert Evatt urges Truman to hurry the Japanese peace talks H Y 2 1 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Kyodo 共同通信, Nippon Tsushin, Times United Press (New York) Associated 共同通信 Press (28, 50, Washington) 8:3 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/8/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1164 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Subject Brief Summary Kokusai Times 47-frn-1189 [10]/[8]/194[7] 8:18b United Press [毎日新聞] (Washington) [Mainichi Shimbun] [Mainichi Shimbun] Australia's Deputy Prime Minister Herbert V. Evatt called upon President Truman Tuesday (U.S. time) and said he discussed "the immediate urgency of the Japanese settlement" with the president. Anglo-American talk on Japan 47-frn-1190 10/8/1947 8:19 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign MacArthur Plans to Visit Birthplace of His Father 47-frn-1191 10/8/1947 8:20 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Chicope, MA) Associated Nippon Times Press Nippon Times; Nippon Times Foreign Japan impressed by U.S. food drive. Japanese Now Realize Necessity Of Depending More on Own Food Resources 47-frn-1191a [10]/8/194[7] Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon アメリカの食糧節減と日本の立場 President Truman's appeal for food holidays sharply impressed the Japanese today with the necessity of depending even more on their own foodresources. 47-frn-1192 10/8/1947 8:21 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Washington) 産業経済新聞 Evatt urges Truman to work for immediate Far Eastern Conference Herbert Evatt urges Truman to hurry the Japanese peace talks [10]/8/194[7] 8:21a International 西日本新聞 News Service (Washington) Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Nishi Nippon 濠外相極東会議促進を大統領に進言 47-frn-1193 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Nishi Nihon Shimbun エヴアツト外相. 対日講和促進を提案 Evatt urges Truman to work for immediate Far Eastern Conference 47-frn-1194 10/8/194[7] 8:21b International 読売新聞 News Service (Washington) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 速かに予備會議. 濠外相米大統領に要請 47-frn-1195 [10]/[8]/194[7] 8:21c International 北海道新聞 News Service (Washington) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-1196 10/8/1947 8:22 Nippon Times Nippon Times Local 47-frn-1197 [10]/[8]/194[7] 8:23 United Press [毎日新聞] (Lake Success) [Mainichi Shimbun] [Mainichi Shimbun] United Nations, sits helpless and dejected 47-frn-1198 10/8/1947 8:24 Yomiuri Shimbun Nippon Times Nippon Times Local 47-frn-1199 10/8/194[7] 8:25 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (50, London) Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-1200 [10]/[7]/194[7] 8:25a Agence [毎日新聞] France-presse (London) 47-frn-1201 10/8/1947 8:26 47-frn-1202 10/8/194[7] 47-frn-1203 Associated Press (Tokyo) 西日本新聞 急げ封日講和條約. 濠外相、米大統領に強調 Headline The Kokusai Times Herbert Evatt urges Truman to hurry the Japanese peace talks H, P Herbert Evatt urges Truman to hurry the Japanese peace talks MacArthur will visit the birthplace of his father H Japanese realize they must depend more on their own food sources Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y [Matsuda] 2 1 H, P H, P Notes 1 [Russell Brines, Chief of Tokyo Bureau, The Associated Press] 1 Y 10 H, P Y 7 Herbert Evatt urges Truman to hurry the Japanese peace talks H Y 5 Evatt urges Truman to work for immediate Far Eastern Conference Herbert Evatt urges Truman to hurry the Japanese peace talks H, P Y 3 Australian Minister for External Affairs Herbert V. E[v]att Tuesday [urged] President Truman to lend his efforts to immediate calling... The Latest Language Reform Attempt Herbert Evatt urges Truman to hurry the Japanese peace talks H, P 1 Education Ministry has come up with 881 simplified characters in an attempt to simplify the Japanese language The UN is rendered helpless by the standoff between the US and USSR H, P 3 Revival of Comintern Yomiuri agrees that the new Comintern is a declaration of political war against the US H, P 1 Kyodo News Service Harry Pollitt Secretary General of the British Communist Party, declared in a speech delivered at Ilford... H, S 2 [Mainichi Shimbun] [Mainichi Shimbun] British Communist Party hails Warsaw Manifesto United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Army holds Sham War in Kyoto Prefecture. Gen. Woodruff's Headquarters Set Up At Fukuchiyama British communists express support for the Communist "information center" in Belgrade British communists express support for the Communist "information center" in Belgrade US Army conducts war games near Wakasa Bay H, P 1 8:27 Associated 共同通信 Press (33, Pearl Harbor) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service [A] Navy spokesman said Tuesday the Hawaiian Tuna Packers Company had begun preliminary discussions for the... H 3 [10]/[8]/194[7] 8:27a Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Pearl Harbor) US is discussing fishing rights for Truk and Palau, former important Japanese fishing grounds US is discussing fishing rights for Truk and Palau, former important Japanese fishing grounds H 1 47-frn-1204 [10]/[7]/194[7] 8:27b Associated Press (Pearl Harbor) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin H, P 1 47-frn-1205 10/7/1947 8:27c Associated 時事通信 Press (33, Pearl Harbor) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 前日本委任統治領の漁業権問題 [A] Navy spokesman said Tuesday the Hawaiian Tuna Packers Company had begun preliminary discussions for the... 47-frn-1206 10/8/1947 8:28 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Vienna) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun オーストリアの鉄幕を開けろ Lifting the "Iron Curtain" in Austria US is discussing fishing rights for Truk and Palau, former important Japanese fishing grounds US is discussing fishing rights for Truk and Palau, former important Japanese fishing grounds The Austrian occupation is such that many points of contention between the US and USSR exist in Austria Nippon Times Nippon Times A Navy spokesm[a]n said Tuesday the Hawaiian Tuna Packers Company had begun preliminary discussions for the first... U.S. tuna packers start to discuss fishing right in Pacific H, P H, S [R. H. Shackford , United Press staff correspon dent] 1 [Matsuda] H, P H, P Oversized News Agency United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) Photograph(s) Source 8:18a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [10]/[8]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1188 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) [Kingsbur y Smith, European General Manager, Internation al News Services] 1 Y 4 Y 9 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 8:29 United Press 時事通信 (Seoul, Korea) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Hodge issues statement to Koreans Gen. Hodge, US commander is Korea, says that he doesn't have the authority to set a general election H, P 2 47-frn-1208 10/8/194[7] 8:29a United Press 共同通信 (13, Seoul) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Shortly after noon Secretary Syngman Rhee informed Hodges Korean advisor five hundred Koreans marching toward Banto... Gen. Hodge, US commander is Korea, says that he doesn't have the authority to set a general election H 3 47-frn-1209 10/9/1947 8:30 Radio Press (London BBC; New York) Associated 日本経済新聞 Press (Tokyo) International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Tokyo) Communist Internationale: Howard (Shapin), London Press Comments. Communist Campaign Formation of the new Comintern is an important political development H, P 11 United only by their desire for power, certain Japanese ex-diplomats, politicians in the Diet, gangbosses... Kades says basic struggle between Japanese law, gangs SCAP urges Japanese government to exert firm control over gangsters SCAP urges Japanese government to exert firm control over gangsters H, P 47-frn-1210 10/8/1947 8:31 47-frn-1211 [10]/[7]/194[7] 8:31a The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin 47-frn-1212 [10]/[7]/194[7] 8:31b International 西日本新聞 News Service (Tokyo) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon Kades says basic struggle between Japanese law, gangs SCAP urges Japanese government to exert firm control over gangsters H, P 47-frn-1213 10/8/1947 8:31c International Nippon Times News Service Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign SCAP urges Japanese government to exert firm control over gangsters H, P 10/8/1947 8:32 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local Says Japan's Basic Political Fight Is Between Law and 'Hidden Rule'. Kades Charges Political Parties With Receiving Financial Support From Behind 'Black Curtain' The National Diet Library 47-frn-1214 The National Diet Library will enhance the culture of Japan H, P 47-frn-1215 10/8/1947 8:33 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 對日食糧輸出減少か. 米、價格値上りに苦慮 Y 2 47-frn-1216 [10]/8/194[7] 8:34 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 米共産党機関紙の論評 Daily Worker says democratic forces aided by Polish meet American Communists express support for the new Comintern H, S Y 3 47-frn-1217 [8]/[9]/194[7] 8:35 Business Week Jiji Tsushin Jiji 民間人による政府援助の新形式 Overseas Consultants Incorporated will determine how much industrial capacity Japan can afford for reparations. H, P Y 9 47-frn-1218 10/8/1947 8:36 Agence 毎日新聞 France-presse (Moscow) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi US consultants will conduct an industrial survey of Japan that will help in drafting the peace treaty Comintern's purpose is to fight western aggression 47-frn-1219 10/8/1947 8:37 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (London) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Britain embarrassed by reports that Ambassador advised Iran to compromise with the USSR H, P 47-frn-1220 10/8/1947 8:38 47-frn-1221 10/8/1947 47-frn-1222 10/8/194[7] 47-frn-1223 10/8/1947 47-frn-1224 [10]/[7]/194[7] 47-frn-1225 [10]/[8]/194[7] 9:1 47-frn-1226 [10]/[8]/194[7] 9:2 47-frn-1227 [10]/[9]/194[7] 9:3 時事通信 47-frn-1228 10/9/194[7] 9:3a United Press 共同通信 (1, New York) 47-frn-1229 [10]/[8]/194[7] 9:4 Radio Press (Melbourne) Associated 朝日新聞 Press (Washington) International 西日本新聞 News Service (New York) 時事通信 共同通信 共同特信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Tokushin Tokushin 乱暴な宗教「自由の子」 8:39 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 迎...地方自治体選挙 8:40 夕刊みやこ Yukan Miyako The Yukan Miyako 歐州共産黨の新動向と日本 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Magazine Post United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) P Rebirth of Comintern is bulwark of peace 英国ペルシヤ石油問題を注視 Whit[e]hall watching new SovietPersian crisis "Rough religion 'Sons of Freedom'" Japan's coal put[o]ut Ruark Sati[s]fied [Radio Press (Singapore)] Trade: Purchase of rayon pul[p] considered Peter M[c]Derm[o]tt Chief SCAP Foreign Trade Division said Japan[']s greatest handicap in moving towards recovery is... Peter McDermott Chief SCAP Foreign Trade Division said Japan[']s greatest handicap in moving towards recovery is... Japan: Report of barter [s]ystem surprises Australia Trade: Australian firms willing to be wool agents Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Canadian "Sons of Freedom" believe world peace will come if they burn down houses Japanese increasing coal production to near goal levels. Yamaguchi and Kyushu miners are to be given extra sake Columnist Ruark satisfied that his articles have improved conditions for soldiers in Italy Australian firms eager to act as wool buying agents for Japan Japan will soon be importing rayon pulp SCAP foreign trade chief says that Japan's biggest trade handicap is the international dollar shortage SCAP foreign trade chief says that Japan's biggest trade handicap is the international dollar shortage Trade between Japan and the sterling countries will be on the barter system [H. Handlema n] [Howard Handlema n, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [Howard Handlema n, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [Howard Handlema n] 1 3 3 1 2 [Morris Harris] H, S P H, P, W H Kyodo Tsushin, United Press (New York) Radio Press (Melbourne) Jiji Tsushin H, P 1 [James E. Brown, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Y 8 Kawamoto Fujinami Y 6 [Kawamoto ] [Kawamoto ] Y 12 Y 1 D 3 H, P 1 H, P 2 H, P 1 H, P 1 H, P 2 H, S 1 Oversized News Agency [10]/[7]/194[7] Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-1207 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 9:5 Radio Press (Moscow) Greece: U.S. Intelligence Chief promises military aid US intelligence chief told H, S government official in Athens that he would increase military aid the Greece 2 47-frn-1231 [10]/[8]/194[7] 9:6 [Radio Press (Moscow)] Puerto Rico: U.S. Naval installations strengthened H, S 1 47-frn-1232 [10]/[9]/194[7] 9:7 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (Moscow) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Allied military aid to Russia, compared to the real needs of the Soviet Army, and... US has finished plans for a huge naval base on Puerto Rico Soviet academician says that the Allies hardly helped Russia during the war H, S 1 47-frn-1233 [10]/[9]/194[7] 9:8 United Press 時事通信 (New Haven, CT) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Henry A[.] Wallace said he would willing head third party "Party for Peace" if it de[ve]loped... H, P 1 47-frn-1234 [10]/[8]/194[7] 9:8a United Press 時事通信 (New Haven, CT) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Wallace says willing to head third party H, P 1 47-frn-1235 10/9/194[7] 9:8b United Press 共同通信 (2, New Haven, CT) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Henry A[.] Wallace said he would willing head third party "Party for Peace" if it developed... H, P 2 47-frn-1236 [10]/[9]/194[7] 9:9 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Rep[resentative] Eugen[e] Cox said on his return from Europe [i]t would [be] "tremendous mistake- calamitous" to replace army control by civilians in American occupied Germany. Henry Wallace will head a third party instead of remaining within the Democrats Henry Wallace will head a third party instead of remaining within the Democrats Henry Wallace will head a third party instead of remaining within the Democrats Rep. Cox says that it would be a mistake to replace US military control in Germany with a civilian government H, P 1 47-frn-1237 [10]/[8]/194[7] 9:9a United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Representative Cox says replacement of Army control in Germany by civilian as calamitous H, P 2 47-frn-1238 [10]/[9]/194[7] 9:10 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Republican representative Parnell Thomas, Chairman of the Congress Committee investigating on anti American activities, yesterday asked... Rep. Cox says that it would be a mistake to replace US military control in Germany with a civilian government Rep. Thomas wants international effort to ferret out hiding Communists H, P 1 47-frn-1239 10/9/194[7] 9:12 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service H, P 4 47-frn-1240 10/10/1947 9:12a Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Chicago group advocates MacArthur for President H, P 1 47-frn-1241 [10]/[9]/194[7] 9:13 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Chicago) Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) United States government today accused new Nine Nation Communist Bureau of information of deliberately trying to wreck Europe[']s economic recovery... Plan to Elect MacArthur Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin H, P 1 47-frn-1242 10/9/194[7] 9:13a Associated 共同通信 Press (1, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service H, P 2 47-frn-1243 [10]/[9]/194[7] 9:13b Associated 共同通信 Press (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo B H, P 1 47-frn-1244 [10]/[8]/194[7] 9:14 Radio Press (New York) 47-frn-1245 [10]/[8]/194[7] 9:15 Radio Press (Singapore) 47-frn-1246 10/9/194[7] 9:16 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 満州中共軍の兵力四十四万五千 Undersecretary of State Lovett says the USSR is trying to prevent European recovery Undersecretary of State Lovett says the USSR is trying to prevent European recovery Undersecretary of State Lovett says the USSR is trying to prevent European recovery A communist spokesman in Bulgaria attacks "North American imperialism" Kuomintang leader deplores formation of the new Comintern Outcome of Chinese civil war cannot be predicted yet Y 10 47-frn-1247 10/9/1947 9:17 United Press 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 米國軍人をアパートから追出し訴訟 Apartment owners attempt to evict US servicement from their apartments H, P Y 1 47-frn-1248 10/9/1947 9:18 United Press 日米通信 (New York) The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin "海上権は最強の防壁だ". 海軍退役大佐の新著 Review of Capt. Puleston's book on the role of seapower in WWII H, P Y 2 47-frn-1249 [9]/[23]/194[7] 9:19 Agence アサヒニュース France-presse (Shanghai) The Asahi News Asahi News 米國案では高すぎる. 一九二〇年案や二八年案を提唱 Syquia Brothers, prominent city apartment owners, initiated before the Supreme Court last week a final attempt... Bound to be read. Before the last war was fairly started, the armchair admirals were arguing about the role of the navy in modern warfare. The rapid post-defeat resurgence of the Japanese industrial economy, combined with the confused and... China is alarmed that Japan will regain her old dominance in Asia H, P Y 11 47-frn-1250 10/10/194[7] 9:20a Associated Press (Nanking) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun First Japanese reparations shipment to China will be 28% of the total reparations D 1 47-frn-1251 10/9/194[7] 9:21 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (14, Budapest) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun "Reparations commission of executive Yuan said the first shipment Japanese reparations to China, consisting 9780 pieces of... "We, communists, accept any opposition that is not turned only towards foreign countries and it is not allied with foreign reaction", Mr. Revay, communist member of the Hungarian Parliament and who attended the Warsaw conference of the communist parties, declared in Parliament today. Communists will accept any opposition not allied with foreign reaction H, D, S 1 10/9/194[7] Undersecretary of State Robert Lovett declared Wednesday that the Soviet Union and its associated Communist Parties... Bulgaria: U.S. imperialism attacked China: Sin Min Pao comments on set[t]ing up a Comintern 共同通信 News Item (Nanking cable) Undersecretary of State Logett Lovett declared Wednesday that the Soviet Union and its associated Communist Parties... Undersecretary of State Lovett declared Wednesday that the Soviet Union and its associated Communist Parties... Strength of Chinese Red Army is estimated at 445 thousand strong H, S Malloy Spaulding 2 H, P 1 H, P Gomes [Leslie L. Sung (AFP correspon dent)] Hideo Watanabe Oversized News Agency [10]/[8]/194[7] Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-1230 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-1253 10/9/1947 9:23 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Berlin) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 47-frn-1254 10/9/1947 9:24 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Paris) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 47-frn-1255 10/9/194[7] 9:24a International 読売新聞 News Service (Paris) 47-frn-1256 10/9/194[7] 9:24b International 西日本新聞 News Service (Paris) 47-frn-1257 [10]/[8]/194[7] 9:26 47-frn-1258 [10]/[8]/194[7] 9:27 47-frn-1259 [10]/[8]/194[7] 9:28 Radio Press (Nanking) 47-frn-1260 10/9/1947 9:29 International Nippon Times News Service (Hollywood) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-1261 10/9/1947 9:29a International 読売新聞 News Service (Hollywood) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 47-frn-1262 10/9/1947 9:30 Nippon Times 47-frn-1263 10/9/1947 9:31 47-frn-1264 10/9/1947 9:32 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Moscow) Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) Commentary 朝鮮新聞 47-frn-1265 10/9/1947 9:33 Commentary 47-frn-1266 [10]/[9]/194[7] 9:34 International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Tokyo) 47-frn-1267 10/9/1947 9:35 Associated Press (Tokyo) 47-frn-1268 10/9/194[7] 9:36 47-frn-1269 [10]/[10]/194[7] 9:37 47-frn-1270 10/9/194[7] 10/13/1947 10/11/194[7] 9:39 Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Indian businessmen face difficulties. Private Traders Here Complain Against Lack of Necessary Arrangements SCAP says that Indian traders in Japan may pay their expenses in sterling ソ連炭鉱に働くベルリン少女 Berlin girl forced to work in Soviet mine tells of her experiences German girl recounts brutal conditions at a Russian coal mine Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 西欧は新コミンテルンに無理解 West unaware of full implications of new comintern The West must not underestimate the new Comintern; it is a preparation for world revolution Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri スミス氏記 West unaware of full implications of new comintern The West must not underestimate the new Comintern; it is a preparation for world revolution Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 共産党会議の狙いは世界革命に West unaware of full implications of new comintern The West must not underestimate the new Comintern; it is a preparation for world revolution Radio Press (New York) Press Opinion U.S.A. Korea: Wide comment on Soviet proposal Radio Press (New York) Press Opinion U.S.A. European comintern US newspapers scoff at the Soviet proposal for withdrawal from Korea European press reacts disapprovingly to the new Comintern New York Times calls new Comintern an attempt to dominate the world MacArthur's cousin applies for a marriage license U.S. Press Comments. Communist internationale MacArthur's Cousin to Wed マ元帥の従妹結婚 Examiner1 Examiner2 H, D [K.V. Narain, United Press staff correspon dent] H, P [Omar Anderson, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] H, P [Kingsbur y Smith, European General Manager Internation al News Service] H, P [Kingsbur y Smith, European General Manager Internation al News Service] H, P [Kingsbur y Smith, European General Manager Internation al News Service] H, P Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 1 Y 10 Y 11 Y 7 Y 19 4 H, P 2 H, P 2 H, S 1 Jackie MacArthur, cousin of General, to wed announcer MacArthur's cousin applies for a marriage license H, S Nippon Times Foreign Soviet writer ridicules President Truman, Pope. Says Alliance Seeking to Further U.S. Monopolies' Aggression Soviet author accuses Truman and the Pope of furthering American aggression H, S 1 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Lay-Off Ruling Ires U.S. Distillers; Meatless Tuesdays Not Popular US whisky distillers protest Truman's demand for a 60day whiskey holiday H, P 1 Chosen Shimbun (1) Chosen Shimbun 1 Pravda discloses formation of new Comintern H, P Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin S Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin Chinese Communists say fights against the reactionary US will rage all over the world MacArthur orders the Japanese government to break up its national police system 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Associated 共同通信 Press (41, San Francisco) Telepress 民報 (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Mimpo Mimpo Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 時事通信 Associated Press (Tokyo) 西日本新聞 國際情勢に一轉機. 中國の對ソ同調と歐州共産黨 "Turning point of international situation; China's accord with Russia and European Communists" "The conference of European Communists and China" MacArthur orders Japanese government to break up national police system 日本人よ食糧增産にはげめ 四外交長老会談 SCAP officials are seriously concerned over the Japanese food situation, and their recent warnings are meant to be accepted in that way. Archbishop Paul Yu Pin of Nanking said Wednesday night upon his arrival by Skymaster plane from China that there is no civil way in China. Japanese Seamen's Union may be admitted to international body Four of Japan's top diplomats met secretly in what is believed to be an important session to hand pick delegates and prepare the final program for the Peace Conference. H, P Y Fujinami [Kawamoto ] Y Kawamoto Yamaguchi [Howard H[an]dlem an, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [Russell Brines] 2 8 2 3 Japan should be convince that the food situation is serious H, P Archbishop emphasizes that USSR is aiding Chinese Communists in their civil war H, P 2 Japanese Seamen's Union may be admitted to international body Four top Japanese diplomats met secretly to pick delegates for the peace conference P 1 S [Russell Brines, Chief of Bureau, the Associated Press] Oversized News Agency United Press Nippon Times Photograph(s) Source 9:22 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/9/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1252 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Y Y 5 11 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 10/9/1947 47-frn-1272 10/9/194[7] 47-frn-1273 [10]/[8]/194[7] 47-frn-1274 [10]/[10]/194[7] 47-frn-1275 Submitted by (Japanese) 東京民報 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Tokyo Mimpo (9-17) Tokyo Mimpo No. 9, 17 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (20, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Budapest) Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 10:1 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (Hong Kong) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin [10]/[10]/194[7] 10:1a Agence 時事通信 France-presse (15, Hong Kong) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1276 [10]/[10]/194[7] 10:2 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (Hamburg) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1277 [10]/[9]/194[7] 10:2a Agence 時事通信 France-presse (9, Hamburg) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1278 10/10/194[7] 10:2b Agence 共同通信 France-presse (9, Hamburg) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1279 [10]/[9]/194[7] 10:3 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1280 [10]/[9]/194[7] 10:3a United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1281 [10]/[10]/194[7] 10:3b United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-1284 [10]/[9]/194[7] 10:6 47-frn-1285 [10]/[9]/194[7] 10:7 47-frn-1286 [10]/[9]/194[7] 10:8 47-frn-1287 10/10/194[7] 10:9 Reuters (Rome) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1288 10/10/194[7] 10:10 Tanjug (News Agency) (Paris) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1289 10/10/194[7] 10:11 Tanjug (News Agency) (Budapest) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1290 10/10/1947 10:12 United Press 共同通信 (Chicago) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Nanking (Broadcast) Radio Press (Nanking) Radio Press (London, BBC) Radio Press (Brazzaville) Headline (Japanese) Headline 欧州共産黨会議とわが国の民主化 反對派を容認. ハンガリー共産議員聲明 米海軍広東基地建設を促進 ドイツ共産黨ルール問題で全政黨に呼びかけ 対華援助三ヵ年計画を承諾 中國の赤化防止には十三億ドルの援助が必要. ビユリツト氏の寄稿 Subject "European Communists Meeting" President Truman and Defense Secretary James Forrestal have agreed to appoint General Spastz to the post of commander in chief of the United States armed forces in January 1948 when General Eisenhower takes up his appointment as chairman of the Columbia University. Communists accept opposition not allied with foreign reaction, declares Hungarian communist deputy. Brief Summary The new Communist organization is not a new Comintern, but an information center Gen. Spastz will be the next head of the Army H, S Examiner1 Examiner2 Kawamoto Nomura Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y P An American naval delegation yesterday visited Hong Kong with orders to accelerate work on the building of the Whapoa naval base on the outskirts of Canton. An American Naval delegation yesterday visited Hong Kong with orders to accelerate work on the building of the Whapoa Naval Base on the outskirts of Canton. The communist party in the British zone has invited all other political parties to a conference to decide on a common attitude re[g]arding the question of the dismantling of German factories, reports the Berlin radio today. US Navy steps up construction of a naval base in Canton H, S US Navy steps up construction of a naval base in Canton H, S British Communists say that US and British capitalists are causing trouble with German reparations H, D The communist party in the British zone [h]as invited all other political parties to a conference to decide on a common attitude re[g]arding the question of the dismantling of German factories, reports the Berlin radio today. British Communists say that US and British capitalists are causing trouble with German reparations H, D The communist party in the British zone [h]as invited all other political parties to a conference to decide on a common attitude regarding the question of the dismantling of German factories, reports the Berlin radio today. British Communists say that US and British capitalists are causing trouble with German reparations H, S Former Ambassador to Russia William C. Bull[i]tt said in Life Magazine if Uni[ted] States allows China fall under control Stalin "all Asia including Japan sooner or later will fall into his hands." William Bullitt says that if the US allows China to fall into Soviet hands, the rest of Asia will follow H, P Former United States Ambassador to the Soviet Union William Bullitt said in Life Magazine that if United States allows China to fall under the control of Stalin "all Asia including Japan sooner or later will fall into his hands." Former Ambassador to Russia William C. Bullitt said in Life Magazine if United States allows China to fall under the control of Stalin "all Asia including Japan sooner or later will fall into his hands." International: Chinese to appeal for living rights William Bullitt says that if the US allows China to fall into Soviet hands, the rest of Asia will follow H, P William Bullitt says that if the US allows China to fall into Soviet hands, the rest of Asia will follow H, P Chinese residents of Japan will appeal to MacArthur for the right to live without terror H, S Notes 7 1 H, [D] Police: Local system ordered Examiner3 Y 2 1 Y 2 1 Y 4 2 Y 3 2 Y Malloy Spaulding 2 3 H, P 1 Molotov will propose withdrawal of all occupation troops from Germany at next Big Four conference Italian Communist leader says the new Communist organization is not a new Comintern H, P 1 H, S 2 French communist press calls upon the French to unite against the US H, S 2 Entire Hungarian Press devotes greatest attention to declaration nine communist parties of Europe and stresses that this consultation is great contribution to world peace and security. Hungarian press lauds the new communist organization and criticizes the American Federation of Labor H, S 2 Formation of MacArthur for President Committee of Illinois announced by three Chicagoans. Chicago committee to elect MacArthur president has been formed H, P 4 International. Big 4: Moltov may propose withdrawal from Germany Signor Palmiro Togliatti, Italian communist leader, said in an interview last night that the creation in Poland of the new information office of the communist organization in no way represented the reconstruction of the Comintern. In connection consultation held by nine communist parties in Poland, Paris progressive Press calls upon democratic forces of country to unite in ...ce of danger represented Uni[ted] States by Uni[ted] States expansionist policy. Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source 9:40 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1271 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Pravda warned Iran Pravda warns Iran against continuing to accept American aid over Soviet aid 47-frn-1292 [10]/[10]/194[7] 10:14 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo William C. Bullitt, former Ambassador to Russia and France, today proposed a three-year, $1,350,000,000 program of American aid to the Chinese government to prevent Russia "from taking over China." Bullitt proposes US aid to China to keep USSR from taking over China 47-frn-1292a 10/10/194[7] Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 47-frn-1293 10/10/194[7] 10:14a Associated 共同通信 Press (27, 47, 54, 28, San Francisco; New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1294 10/10/194[7] 10:14b Associated Press (47, New York) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1295 10/10/1947 10:15; 10:15a United Press 共同通信; (New York) 日本経済新聞 Kyodo Tsushin; The Nihon Keizai Kyodo; Nihon Keizai 47-frn-1297 [10]/[9]/194[7] 10:16 Reuters (Jerusalem) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1298 [10]/[10]/194[7] 10:17 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1299 10/10/194[7] 10:18 United Press 共同通信 (12, San Francisco) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1300 [10]/[10]/194[7] 10:18a [Mainichi] 10/10/1947 10:18b Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-1302 [10]/[10]/194[7] 10:18c United Press [毎日新聞] (San Francisco) Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (San Francisco) United Press 時事通信 (San Francisco) [Mainichi Shimbun] 47-frn-1301 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1303 10/10/194[7] 10:19 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1304 10/10/1947 10:20 United Press 日米通信 (Tokyo) The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 日本経済再建に外資導入が必要. ウエルテル氏新聞会見で財閥解体動機を語る 47-frn-1305 10/10/194[7] 10:21 Associated Press (Tokyo) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 47-frn-1306 10/10/1947 10:22 The Christian 日米通信 Science Monitor (Tokyo) The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 47-frn-1307 10/10/194[7] 10:23 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (11, Nanking) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Associated Press (New York) 10/11/1947 西日本新聞 東京新聞 共同通信 読売新聞 バリツト氏対華援助を提案 William C. Bullitt, former Ambassador to Russia and France, today proposed a three-year, $1,350,000,000 program of American aid to the Chinese government to prevent Russia "from taking over China." Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes S 1 H, P 3 H Y 4 William C. Bullitt, former Ambassador to Russia and France, today proposed aye three-year, one billion three-five zero million dollars program of American aid to the Chinese government to prevent Russia "from taking over China". William C. Bullitt, former Ambassador to Russia and France, today proposed a three-year, one billion three five zero million dollars program of American aid to the Chinese government to prevent Russia "from taking over China." Bullitt proposes US aid to China to keep USSR from taking over China H, P 4 Bullitt proposes US aid to China to keep USSR from taking over China H, P 2 Trade sources were buzzing with Beet sugar to be sent to reports of Commodity Credit Japan and Korea Corporation purchases of 70,000 tons of beet sugar for shipment to Japan and Korea. Jewish mobilization is urged Beet sugar will be shipped to Japan H, D 4 Tel Aviv politician criticizes H, D Britain for "spreading rumors and warmongering" Truman says that US is H, P [Donald J seeking peace, not world Gonzales] domination 1 American President Lines applied to SCAP to reopen its offices in Japan H,P 2 American President Lines applied to SCAP to reopen its offices in Japan American President Lines applied to SCAP to reopen its offices in Japan H, P 1 H, P 1 American P[res]ident Lines [r]eported it applied to MacArthurs headquarters for permission reopen offices Kobe Tokyo Yoko[h]am[a] which closed since Pearl Harbor. Board of Directours of "progressive citizens of America" adopted foreign policy statement sharply attacking "Marshall Plan" as threat to world unity and peace. Invitation of foreign capital to help restore Japan's economy is one of the motives behind the current efforts by SCAP to democratize the former Zaibatsu financial institution as quickly as possible, Edward C. Welsh, chief of the Anti-Trust and Cartel's Division, told a press conference today. American President Lines applied to SCAP to reopen its offices in Japan H, P 1 Progressive Citizens of America criticize the Marshall Plan H, P 5 Democratization of the Zaibatsu will help restore Japan's economy H, P [Ian Mutsu, United Press staff correspon dent] Y 2 新コミンテルンと極東への影響 If the nine-power conference in Poland actually means a revival of the Comintern -- and all signs point in that direction-- it seems likely that the movement will be extended to as many East Asiatic countries as possible. Communists will probably try to expand into Asia H, P [Russell Brines] Y 4 日本民主化に不安. 早期講和をめぐり異議起る American occupation authorities here are expressing serious concern over the possibility that an early peace treaty, as heralded in Washington and the recent Canberra conference, may result in a premature ending to Japan's lessons in democracy. Generalissimo Ch[ia]ng Kai Shek was termed as a supreme war-criminal and threatened with trial and punishment together with all his collaborators in a manifesto broadcast over the Chinese Communist radio today on the 36th Anniversary of the Chinese Revolution. Occupation authorities are worried that an early peace treaty will force them to leave Japan before they have fully established democracy H, S Y 7 Chinese Communists have declared Chiang Kai-shek a war criminal H, S Striking baskat Russian "war mongering" accusations Truman said Uni[ted] States seeking only peace not territory or economic control throughout world. American President Lines reported it applied to MacArthurs headquarters for permission reopen offices Kobe Tokyo Yokohama which closed since Pearl Harbour. American President Lines to reopen branch office in Kobe, Tokyo, Yokohama Pres. Lines Ask for Offices 2 1 Oversized News Agency United Press 時事通信 (Moscow) Photograph(s) Source 10:13 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [10]/[9]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1291 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 10:24 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Buenos Aires, Santiago) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 2 Yugoslav envoys deported by Chile. Accused of Fomenting Red Campaign Against U.S., Hemispheric Solidity Two Yugoslav diplomats were expelled from Chile H, P 2 47-frn-1309 10/10/194[7] 10:25 United Press 共同通信 (18, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Rep. Eaton advocates emergency aid for France and Italy H, P 3 47-frn-1310 [10]/[10]/194[7] 10:25a United Press [毎日新聞] (Washington) [Mainichi Shimbun] [Mainichi Shimbun] 1 [10]/[10]/194[7] 10:26 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Tsingtao) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Rep. Eaton advocates emergency aid for France and Italy US mission in Asia says that forces should not be withdrawn from Korea until her national security can be protected H, P 47-frn-1311 H, P 1 47-frn-1312 10/10/194[7] 10:27 Associated Press (Peiping) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Chairman Charles Eaton of House Foreign Affairs Committee came out flatly for "some kind of e[m]ergency relief for France and Italy and expressed hope for action by special session o[f] [c]ongress by December. Chairman Charles Eaton of the House claimed for emergency relief for France and Italy The Congressional mission touring the Far East believes occupation forces should be withdrawn to permit the Koreans to work out their own government but not until international forces are organized to protect the nation's security, Mission's chairman W. Sterling Cole said Thursday. In Peiping Chiang Kai Shek is back from talks with Prince Teh, who during war headed the Japanese sponsored puppet Inner Mongolian Government . Chiang Kai-shek has been meeting with General Teh, in order to win Mongolian support H, S 1 47-frn-1313 10/10/194[7] 10:28 Associated Press (4, Boston) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Draper says that $725 million has been spent on aid to Asia and Europe P 1 47-frn-1314 10/10/194[7] 10:29 Associated Press (42, Lake Success) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun US will press for UN condemnation of Soviet satellite countries for their role in causing the Greek civil war P 1 47-frn-1315 10/10/1947 10:30 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local United States spent seven two five million dollars last year to feed Japanese, Koreans, Germans and Austrians-aye contribution amounting to five dollars for e[a]ch American-said under secretary of the army William H. Draper Junior. The United States, apparently certain of victory in its fight for aye United Nations "watch dog" commission in the Balkans, made plain today its [intention] to press for U.N. conde[m]nation of three Soviet satellites accused of responsibility for Greece border troubles. Democratization of the Police System 47-frn-1316 10/10/194[7] 10:31 Xin hua tong 共同通信 xun she Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1317 [10]/[9]/194[7] 10:32 47-frn-1318 [10]/[9]/194[7] 10:33 47-frn-1319 [10]/[10]/194[7] 10:34 Radio Press (New York) Radio Press (New York) United Press (New York) 47-frn-1320 10/10/1947 10:35 47-frn-1321 10/10/194[7] 10:36 47-frn-1322 10/10/194[7] 47-frn-1323 [10]/[10]/194[7] 47-frn-1324 10/10/1947 47-frn-1325 10/10/1947 47-frn-1326 10/10/1947 The Chinese Peoples Liberation Army has now launched aye great counteroffensix cq after s... shing the attacks of Chiang Kai Shek . United Nations 4 H, P 3 H, P 2 H, P 2 Reopening of foreign trade has revived the vitamin oil industry in Japan US Navy steps up construction of a naval base in Canton H, P 2 H, S 1 There is now weekly air service between London and Tokyo H, P Former Vice President Henry Wallace said today that "I will do everything I can to see that there is a party of peace if both the Democratic and Republican parties are clearly parties of war in the 1948 presidential campaign.["] Henry Wallace says that Eisenhower is not a presidential candidate H, D As Communism intensifies its drive for world revolution Russian holds the upper hand at outset in the European struggle. Approval on police hailed by Japanese. Authorization Partially Quiets Japanese Fears for Policing After Occupation Lifted Russia has the upper hand in the struggle for Europe, because of her resources H, P [Mackenz e] SCAP authorizes new police force to fill the gap left by the prohibition of armed forces H, P The Purpose of the Russian Campaign US is being subjected to abarrage of negative propaganda from the Communist countries H, P [Russell Brines, Chief of Associated Press Tokyo Bureau] [Dorothy Thompson ] Nippon Times Nippon Times Magazine Export of vitamin oil Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (12, Hong Kong) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 10:37 Agence 読売新聞 France-presse (London, Paris) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri The American Naval delegation who visited Hong Kong yesterday has received definite instructions to accelerate the construction of the Whampoa Naval Base on the outskirts of Canton, it was learnt from reliable sources today. Clipper inaugurates London-ShanghaiTokyo weekly route. 10:38 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New Haven) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Associated Press (New York) アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News 10:40 Associated Press (Tokyo) Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 10:41 North American Newspaper Alliance アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News 倫敦東京間空路開く 歐州東洋で米國先手. “思想戰希告”を予知 ["防衛]者を侵略者呼ばわり". 米國は欧州復興案を促進せよ 3 H, S Press Opinion USA. UN General Assembly A leading Taxes Democrat today called upon the Republican Party to nominate Gen. Douglas MacArthur for President. Nippon Times Significant step in democratization of Japan will be taken with the complete reorganization of the police and judicial administration systems The Chinese People's Liberation Army demands withdrawal of US troops from China US-USSR bickering in the UN New Yoke media takes jabs at USSR Texas Democrat wants MacArthur for President Oversized News Agency 10/10/1947 Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-1308 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Y 2 2 Y 4 1 Y 4 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News 世界革命政策の再現 47-frn-1328 10/10/1947 10:43 Agence アサヒニュース France-presse (Paris) The Asahi News Asahi News ワルソー会議声明文 47-frn-1329 10/10/194[7] Akahata Uikuri 中國の神聖家族會社. 米記者が指摘 47-frn-1330 10/10/1947 Tokyo Shimbun (43) 共産党情報本部と國際的過紋 47-frn-1331 [10]/[10]/194[7] 10:47 時事通信 時事解説版 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Kaisetsuban Jiji Tsushin 米ソ對立の要因 47-frn-1332 10/10/1947 10:48 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimuzu 世界の大勢を靜觀せよ 47-frn-1333 [10]/[10]/194[7] 10:49 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimuzu 47-frn-1334 10/10/1947 10:50 News item- Zhong yang アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri (4) Central News tong xun she ー Agency (Nanking) 孤立化防衛に必死. マ計畫に対抗する[コミンテルン]の發足 宋家へ高まる非難. 監察院金融操作の責を負う 47-frn-1335 10/10/194[7] 10:51 United Press 共同通信 (Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service General MacArthur has proposed that the next meeting of the Allied Council for Japan take up for discussion one of the knottiest and most vital issues of the Occupation and Japan's future, that of establishing an exchange rate for Japanese money, it was disclosed today. 47-frn-1336 10/[10]/1947 10:51a United Press 日本経済新聞 (Tokyo) The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai 47-frn-1337 10/10/1947 10:51b United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun 47-frn-1337a 10/11/1947 10:51b United Press Nippon Times (Tokyo) 47-frn-1338 10/10/1947 10:52 47-frn-1339 10/10/1947 47-frn-1340 10/10/1947 47-frn-1342 [10]/[10]/194[7] 47-frn-1343 [10]/[10]/194[7] 47-frn-1344 [10]/[10]/194[7] 11:3 47-frn-1345 [10]/[10]/194[7] 47-frn-1346 [10]/[10]/194[7] 10:45 10/13/1947 10:46 Editorial Editorial アカハタ Commentary Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Jerusalem) Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (New Haven, CT) Radio Press (Melbourne) Radio Press (London, BBC) 11:1 10/11/194[7] United Press アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri (New York) ー 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (43) 11:2 BBC, London Akahata Uiikuri 4 Subject [N]ow [do] doubters finally understand that the Bolshevist world revolution for the establishment of communism is really under way query if not let them study Moscow[']s announcement of the red conference in Poland and the establishment of aye headquarters in Yugoslavia for coordination of the Bolshevist drive against American imperialism. Brief Summary New Comintern signifies Communist desire for world revolution H, P French article about the formation of the new Comintern H, S Communists are determined to fight against America H, D "Adverse criticism on Tsungs head; inspection Yuan takes responsibility for financial operations." Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y [Kawamoto ] Kawamoto Abe [Fumio Tsuburaya ] "Watch the World Situation." Violent hostility between the US and USSR sharpens tensions in the rest of the world Examiner3 Y H, S "Communist Intelligence Headquarters and Its International Influences." Examiner1 Examiner2 [Mackenz e] H, D, S Gomes Abe H, D [Kawamoto ] Gomes Fujinami 2 フランス 語で書か れている 電報あり 6 Y 1 Y 3 Y 4 Y 3 Y 1 Y 7 Chinese financial investigation condemns Tsung Tzu Wen for unnecessary imports MacArthur suggests that the next Allied Council for Japan discuss setting the yen-dollar exchange rate H, S H, P [Ian Mutsu, United Press staff correspon dent] 3 General MacArthur has proposed that the next meeting of the Allied Council for Japan take up for discussion one of the knottiest and most vital issues of the Occupation and Japan's future, that of establishing an exchange rate for Japanese money, it was disclosed today. MacArthur suggests that the next Allied Council for Japan discuss setting the yen-dollar exchange rate H, P [Ian Mutsu] 6 Mainichi Allied Council MacArthur suggests that the next Allied Council for Japan discuss setting the yen-dollar exchange rate H, P 2 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign M'Arthur proposes that Allied Council study Yen exchange. Success of Foreign Trade Will Depend to Large Degree on This Problem [Tanaka], [Ian Mutsu, United Press staff correspon dent] [Ian Mutsu, United Press staff correspon dent] Akahata (10) Akahata 10 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 國際連合は危機にあるか H "Is the UNO facing crisis?" 1 The US-USSR opposition may lead to a crisis in the UN H, P Arabs mass armies on Palestine front poised for invasion. Lebanon, Syria Order Troops To Border-Egypt Also Sending Forces Wallace is ready to head 3rd party. Would Do Everything, He Says, To See That it Would Be 'Party of Peace' Jewish army is being formed to combat the Arab armies massing in Jerusalem H, P 1 H 1 Whaling: Second expedition leaving Oct. 16 USSR: Pravda explains new Communist bureau Japanese whaling expedition will leave on Oct. 16 Pravda says that the new Communist organization is not a recreation of the Comintern BBC points out that the new Comintern does not bring any new factors into the European political situation H, D 1 H, S 1 H, S 3 Head of Kuomintang emphasizes the importance of suppressing Communists in China Food may determine whether some European countries follow the US or USSR H, P 1 H, P 1 Radio Press (London, BBC) Britain: BBC comment on Pravda view 11:4 Radio Press (Nanking) China: Wu Te-Chen comments on New Comintern 11:5 Radio Press (Melbourne) Food: Gloomy picture seen in Europe Wallace will head a third party instead of remaining within the Democrats Kawamoto Tabata Y 8 Oversized News Agency Associated Press (New York) Photograph(s) Source 10:42 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[10]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1327 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-1348 10/11/1947 47-frn-1348a [10]/[10]/194[7] 47-frn-1348b 10/11/194[7] 47-frn-1349 47-frn-1350 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) 10/11/194[7] 11:7 Agence 時事通信; 毎日新聞; France-presse 世界日報; ( Moscow) 読売新聞 Jiji Tsushin; Mainichi Shimbun; Sekai Nippo; Yomiuri Shimbun Jiji Tsushin; Mainichi; SekaiNippo; Yomiuri 10/11/194[7] 11:7a Agence 時事通信 France-presse (Moscow) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (1, Moscow) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 11:8 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (Buenos Aires) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 11:8a Agence 共同通信 France-presse (15, Buenos Aires) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 11:9 United Press 時事通信 (8, New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 11:10 United Press 国際タイムス; (19, London) 共同通信 The Kokusai Times; Kyodo Tsushin Kokusai Times; Kyodo News Service International 西日本新聞 News Service (London) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishinippon 10/11/194[7] 10/11/194[7] Headline (Japanese) 沈黙を破ったプラウダ紙. コミンテルンの復活説を否定. 九カ國決議への批判に應酬; 國際組織に非ず. ソ連紙「コミンテルン再建」否定 Headline Scripps Howard newspapers foreign editor William Philip Simms warned while Uni[ted] States attention centered on saving Europe from reds "communists may wreck Uni[ted] States by wrecking Asia while we not looking *Chiang Kai Shek fighting rearguard action* Manchuria already seems doomed as does Sin Kiang. Korea being softened up for red coup de tat. Japan would next in line and after that perhaps Phili[p]pines." Moscow Radio this morning broadcast first comments from the official Communist party organ "Pravda" on the recent formation of a nine country Information Bureau of communist parties with headquarters at Belgrade; Pravda denies rebirth of Komintern The "Pravda" then cites the "New York Times", the "Daily Mail", the "Manchester Guardian" and the "Figaro" as special examples of the "bourgeois press" which have made a lot of noise about the resolution adopted by the nice Communist parties", and points out that the formation of the Information Bureau is no more alarming than the recent Paris conference of Western European powers. The Argentine communist party this morning published a declaration expressing indignation at the document recently made public by the Chilean government which exposed an alleged communist plot in Chile. The Argentine communist party this morning published a declaration expression indignation at the document recently made public by the Chilean government which exposed an alleged communist plot in Chile. Colliers Magazine article by publisher William L. Chenery who recently toured Far East "why don’t we get out of Korea query we [sh]ould move out bag and baggage but if we did we might not be sure of where line between communist ideas and liberal d[e]mocratic ideas might be drawn. コミンテルンの復活今更必要ない. 一笑に附したタス紙 Pravda official organ of central committee of communist party ridiculed reports Comintern been revived asserting communism become so strong in individual nations such international organization no longer necessary. 10/11/194[7] 47-frn-1352a 10/11/194[7] 47-frn-1353 [10]/[11]/194[7] 11:11 United Press 時事通信 (12, Lake Success) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1354 [10]/[11]/194[7] 11:12 United Press 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1355 [10]/[11]/194[7] 11:13a United Press 時事通信 (10, 11, Lake Success) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1356 10/11/1947 11:13b United Press 毎日新聞 (Lake Success) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi US policy for Japan 47-frn-1357 [10]/[11]/194[7] 11:14 United Press (9, Washington) 47-frn-1358 10/11/1947 11:15 Associated 共同通信; Nippon Press, Kyodo Times Tsushin (Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin; Nippon Times Foreign Army department announced limited number dependents of Army and Air Force unlisted and officer personnel stationed Pacific area will flown to their destinations to avoid delay during reconversion of many Army transport vessels for p[e]ace time use. Pravda scouts talk of second comintern. Communist 'Information Bureau' Held Not Revived International Kyodo Tsushin; Nippon Times Brief Summary USSR may be plotting to dominate Asia H, P Pravda says the new Communist organization is an information bureau, not a Comintern H, S Pravda on Comintern 47-frn-1352 10/11/1947 Subject ソ連紙正式説明を発表. 九カ國共産党会議 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 1 Y 6 H, S 2 S 1 Argentine Communist party denies the existence of a Latin American Communist organization H, S 1 Argentine Communist party denies the existence of a Latin American Communist organization H, S 2 The Japanese think Russia has designs on Japanese resources H, D 1 Pravda denies that the Comintern has been revived Pravda denies restoration of 'global' communist organization Third Sov[iet] spokesman charged American Far Eastern policy would lead to "restoration of economic basis of imperialism in Far East under American direction." First naturally grown colored cotton shipped from Sov[iet] Union currently on its way to Uni[ted] States cotton merchant Beryl Lush of Philadelphia said. Russian commenced attack in Uni[ted] Nations on Uni[ted] States policy in Japan. Examiner1 Examiner2 S Y 4 S Y 4 USSR says US economic policies in Asia will lead to imperialism H, P 1 Trader is shipping Soviet cotton to the US H, P 1 Hungarian press lauds the new communist organization and criticizes the American Federation of Labor Hungarian press lauds the new communist organization and criticizes the American Federation of Labor Dependents of military personnel will be flown to their destinations Pravda denies that the Comintern has been revived 1 P [Stewart Hensley] 1 H, P 1 H, S 2 Oversized Submitted by (Japanese) Photograph(s) News Agency United Press (2, New York) Duplicate Source 11:6 10/11/194[7] 47-frn-1351 Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[11]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1347 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-1359 [10]/[10]/194[7] 11:15a 47-frn-1360 [10]/[11]/194[7] 11:16 47-frn-1361 10/11/194[7] 11:16a Associated Press (43, Nanking) 47-frn-1362 [10]/[11]/194[7] 11:17 47-frn-1363 [10]/[11]/194[7] 47-frn-1364 10/11/194[7] 11:19 Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) Radio Press Sokuho (Moscow) Associated Press (16, Lake Success) 47-frn-1365 [10]/[11]/194[7] 11:19a 47-frn-1366 10/[11]/1947 11:20 47-frn-1367 47-frn-1368 10/11/194[7] 10/11/194[7] [10]/[10]/194[7] 47-frn-1369 10/11/1947 News Agency Associated Press (63, Moscow) Associated Press World Service (Moscow) 11:18 Submitted by (Japanese) 朝日新聞; 東京新聞 Submitted by Associated 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Press Service News Service (Moscow) Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Nanking) 東京新聞 Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Asahi Shimbun; Tokyo Asahi; Tokyo Shimbun Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Headline (Japanese) コミンテルン復活にあらず. プラウダ紙論評 Jiji World Headline Pravda said today that the recent dec[is]ion to establish aye nine nation communist "Information Bureau." The Pravda said today that the recent decision to establish a nine-nation Communist "information bureau" in Belgrade "by no means signified the restoration of a global Communist organization" such as the Comintern which the Russians declared dead in 1943. Pravda on new Communist organisation Rep. W.S. Cole proposed on his arrival here today that Gen. MacArthur head up a suggested $1,350,000,000 U.S. aid program for China as advanced by William C. Bullitt, former ambassador to Russia. Representative W.S. Cole of New York proposed on his arrival today that general MacArthur head up a suggested one billion 350 million dollars US aid program for China as advanced by William C. Bullitt, former ambassador to Russia. Britain: Agreement with U.S. to effect empire trade Tokyo Shimbun Poland: Criticizes Anglo-U.S. plan for Germany 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service A. A. Arutinian, chief economist on the Soviet Union delegation, told the United Nations assembly's economics committee Friday that all forms of American aid to other countries were "direct exploitation for the economic and political enslavement of the countries which receive the aid." A. A. Arutinian, chief economist on the Soviet Union delegation, told the United Nations assembly's economics committee Friday that all forms of American aid to other countries were "direct exploitation for the economic and political enslavement of the countries which receive the aid." Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Lake Success) 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 朝鮮特信 日本語版 The Korean Information Korean Information 警察官と南勞働党員暴動計画 Roit plot unearthed; South Korea labor party members and policemen involved Formation of a MacArthur for President Committee of Illinois was announced by Chicagoans. United States Lines' Vice President Giles C. Stedman who has just returned from an extensive Far Eastern tour said reconstruction and normal postwar improvements offer the best prospects for the American merchant marine in the Pacific. United States Lines' Vice President Giles C. Stedman who has just returned from an extensive Far Eastern tour said reconstruction and normal postwar improvements offer the best prospects for the American merchant marine in the Pacific. General MacArthur remained silent today on proposal that he be selected to administ[e]r a billion dollar aid program for China and the[re] was no indication from headquarters as to his reaction to the suggestion. China's national leaders generally acclaimed Bullitts "report to America people" in Life Magazine but individually they exercised caution learned after Wedemeyer visit by declining accept his suggestions as forerunner large scale assistance China. 11:21 KP-KIP (Seoul) 11:22 United Press 国際タイムス (Chicago) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 11:23 United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times United Press [毎日新聞] (New York) [Mainichi Shimbun] 47-frn-1369a [10]/[11]/194[7] 47-frn-1370 10/11/194[7] 11:25 Associated Press (57, Tokyo) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1371 10/11/194[7] 11:26 Associated Press (Nanking) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1372 10/11/194[7] 11:26a Associated Press (Nanking) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 穴だらけの"鉄の幕". ポーランドへの情報計画今や拡張の秋 米國貿易は有利. 對日貿易の再開により China's national leaders generally acclaimed Bullitts "report to America people" in Life Magazine but individually they exercised caution learned after Wedemeyer visit by dec[l]ining accept his suggestions as forerunner large scale assistance China. Subject Brief Summary S Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Notes 2 S 1 Pravda denies that the Comintern has been revived H, S 1 Rep. Cole proposes that MacArthur manage US aid to China H, P 1 Rep. Cole proposes that MacArthur manage US aid to China H, P 1 Agreements with America will change the face of British trade Poland criticizes the USBritain plan to increase industry in Germany USSR economist says that US aid to other countries is aimed at political enslavement H, P 1 H, S 1 H, P 2 USSR economist says that US aid to other countries is aimed at political enslavement H, P 1 Iron curtain that covers Poland is full of holes; we should take advantage of the situation A police and Labor Party plot to stage an uprising has been uncovered A MacArthur for President Committee has been formed in Illinois Col. Syran may soon be sent to Japan to study Japanese shipping H Y 1 H, S Y 3 H, S 1 H, D D Y [Tanaka] 2 1 MacArthur may be selected to head a billion-dollar aid program in China; he is strongly anti-Soviet H, S 1 China praises Bullitt's aid to China proposal H, P 2 China praises Bullitt's aid to China proposal H, P 1 Oversized [10]/[11]/194[7] Source Photograph(s) 47-frn-1358b Hold No. Duplicate 10/11/1947 Number of Pages Date Censored 10/11/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1358a Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 11:26b 47-frn-1374 10/11/1947 47-frn-1375 10/11/194[7] 11:28 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (Moscow) 47-frn-1376 [10]/[11]/194[7] 11:29 47-frn-1377 [10]/[11]/194[7] 47-frn-1378 Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline China national leaders generally acclaimed Bullitt's "report to the America people" in Life Magazine, but individually they exercised caution, learned after general Albert C. Wedemeyer's visit, by [declining] to accept his suggestions as forerunner large scale assistance China. Brief Summary China praises Bullitt's aid to China proposal H, P In order to strengthen democratic power to defeat facism, the anti-capitalistic Comintern had to be dissolved A detailed account of the Belgrade Communist conference H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 2 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Pravda editorial notes paragount political significance of documents which were published the other day: communique on information conferen[ce] of representatives of nine communist parties, declaration on international situation and resolution on exehunge of experience and coordinane t of activities of central and southeastern Europe enriched with e[x]perience of directing successful struggle of working class and all democratic forces against fascism and reaction, parties which ... United Press [毎日新聞] (Lake Success) [Mainichi Shimbun] [Mainichi] IST lead Uni[ted] Nations. USSR says that Marshall Plan and occupation of Japan are part of a US plan for world domination 11:30 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Genetic effects on atom bomb victims may be much greater than previously thought H, S [10]/[11]/194[7] 11:31 United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times The genetic effects of the atom bomb on the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki may be far greater than reports so far indicate, a committee of scientists said today. A Scripps-Howard newspapers editorial on William C. Bullitt's proposal for a three year plan for China costing $450,000,000 (M) annually said: "The report deserves serious consideration US press praises Bullitt's plan for aid to China H, P 47-frn-1378a 10/11/1947 11:32 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Truman Food Policy and Japan H, D 3 47-frn-1379 10/11/194[7] 11:33 Reuters (New 共同通信 York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service H, P 3 47-frn-1380 [10]/[11]/194[7] 11:34 International 北海道新聞 News Service (Paris) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido American attempt to bypass Security Council veto has achieved victory which is largely on paper New York Herald Tribune said today commenting on adoption in United Nations General Assembly[']s political committee of American proposal to creates semi permanent Balkan commission and Soviet Russias announced decision to boycott it. Russia said orders Europe-U.S. campaign It is Japan's duty to sacrifice in order to aid in the execution of the Truman food policy UN effectiveness has been undermined by US bypass of the Security council USSR ordered a Europewide anti-American campaign H 1 47-frn-1381 10/11/1947 11:34a International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Paris) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun ソ連全欧反米運着手 Russia said orders Europe-wide antiU.S. Campaign USSR ordered a Europewide anti-American campaign H, P 47-frn-1382 10/11/194[7] 11:34b International 読売新聞 News Service (Paris) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri ソ連指令か Russia said orders Europe-wide antiU.S. Campaign USSR ordered a Europewide anti-American campaign H, P 47-frn-1383 [10]/11/194[7] 11:34c International 西日本新聞 News Service (Paris) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nihon ソ連反米運動を指令 Russia said orders Europe-wide antiU.S. Campaign USSR ordered a Europewide anti-American campaign H, P 47-frn-1384 10/11/1947 11:34d International Nippon Times News Service (Paris) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign USSR ordered a Europewide anti-American campaign H 47-frn-1385 10/11/1947 11:35 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (New York) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Europe-wide Anti-American Driva Held Ordered by Communists. French Red Held Fearing Effect on Coming Elections As People Counting on Marshall Plan. American silk industry continues hopeful but situation unchanged 10/11/1947 10/14/1947 11:27 Nippon Times 後の各國共産黨コミンテル[ン]解散 Subject 米は中國を援助せよ. 米紙説く 米国絹業界好況持続 The silk market is depressed because of oversupply [Gomes] Y H, S P H, P 5 5 [Stewart Hensley, United Press], [Matsuda] 1 1 Y [Kingsbur y Smith, European General Manager Internation al News Service] [Kingsbur y Smith, European General Manager Internation al News Service] [Kingsbur y Smith, European General Manager Internation al News Service] 2 Y 5 Y 3 Y 4 1 [Theodore Koslow, Internation al News Service Financial Authority] Y 12 Oversized News Agency Associated Press , Kyodo Tsushin (Nanking) Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[11]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1373 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Headline (Japanese) Headline 米の朝鮮行政は惨たる失敗. 米民権協会長談 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun 國際新人十一日出... インド駐ソ大使ヴィジャヤヮラクシミヮパンティット 夫人 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kokusai Tokushin; The America-Japan Press Kokusai Tokushin; Nichibei 恐喝手段で対米の供款を狙ふ中国を非難. 在米中国代表の言明; 中國の親ソ説は借款獲得への強請. 馮將軍米國で語る 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 対日講和條約の焦点 The Yomiuri Weekly The Yomiuri Weekly (313) Yomiuri Uriikuri (313) 対日講和予備会議と中國の立場. 出席承認に代償要求か. 見逃がせぬ自主独往外交の擡頭 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Seattle) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Japanese Stowaway Held Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Manila) United Press 毎日新聞 (Manila) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Col. McCormick Plans To Tour the Far East Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Col. R. J. McCormick, editor and publisher of the Chicago Tribune, will visit Manila next month and will stay at the Malacann as the guest of President Manuel A. Roxas, the United Press learned today. Tokyo Mimpo (11-5) Tokyo Mimpo 11-5 国際政局の新段階 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Asahi Shimbun Asahi 欧州復興計画 Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 「武器貸與法」の延長を主張. モーゲンソー前米財務長官 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 朝連四全大会に與う 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun (17) Nishi Nippon 17 共産党会議の影響 Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 中歐の文化協定. まづハンガリーとユーゴ.; ブルガリア作家同盟決戰 10/11/1947 11:37 47-frn-1388 [10]/[11]/194[7] 11:38 47-frn-1388a 10/14/1947 47-frn-1389 10/11/1947 11:39 Commentary 47-frn-1390 10/11/1947 11:40 Commentary 47-frn-1391 10/11/1947 11:41 47-frn-1392 10/11/1947 11:42 47-frn-1393 10/11/1947 11:42a 47-frn-1394 10/11/1947 11:43 47-frn-1395 10/11/1947 11:44 United Press 毎日新聞 (London) 47-frn-1397 10/11/1947 11:46 The New York Times 47-frn-1398 [10]/[10]/194[7] 11:47 Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Washington) 47-frn-1399 [10]/[11]/194[7] 47-frn-1400 10/11/1947 Comment Associated Press , Kyodo Tsushin (New York) United Press 国際特信; 日米通信 (New York) 東京民報 Editorial 11:48 11:50 Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Yomiuri 47-frn-1387 10/11/194[7] Submitted by Yomiuri Shimbun Commentary 朝日新聞 Radio Press Sokuho (Moscow) Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Sofia; Budapest) The policies of Generalissumo Chiang Kai-shek are driving whole divisions of the nationalist army over to the side of the communists, and Chiang himself "is like the head of a factory manufacturing communists," General Feng Yu-hsiang declared yesterday. Charge China Aiming At U.S. Loan By Blackmail "New Stage of International Political Situation " It was learned today that among the topics discussed at a closed meeting of the Institute of Pacific Relations was a report from Japan that "present tranquility is deceptive" and that forces are gathering "under the protection of the Allied occupation which may prevent an essential economic revolution and reestablish a reactionary regime." Aid for Europe: The issues before the United States. Program Drawn Up by 16 Nations Is Start Of a big Debate Morgenthau scores Truman for stopping lend-lease to Europe Examiner3 Examiner4 Gomes Notes Y 2 Y 2 1 [Don Dillon] H, D H, P Abe Examiner5 Examiner6 Hideo Umino Nomura H. Okada Gomes Fujinami Gomes Hori Y 4 Y 13 Y 8 H, P 1 MacArthur is a possible candidate for president H, P 1 MacArthur is a possible candidate for president H, P US policies stress economic recovery and world peace Allied occupation in Japan will establish a reactionary regime H, P H, S [Yasuike] The debate over aid to Europe is whether the US should aim for relief or recovery Morgenthau criticizes Truman for ending lend-lease before Europe has recovered H, P [James Reston] [Yasuike] 2 Gomes Nagashima Y 6 1 H, P Y 7 Y 2 H, P [Gomes] A description of the new Communist organization in Belgrade The terms of a proposed US loan to France are shocking H, S Gomes Hungary soon to sign cultural agreements with European Eastern neighbors, France.; Bulgarian writers protext "American slander" Hungary will sign cultural agreements with the Eastern bloc countries D, S MacArthur and Eisenhower might become presidential candidates Japan's Cabinet is meeting tonight to discuss decentralization of the police system Japanese Imperial families and army officers will not get pensions when they become commoners Moscow Radio says Yugoslavian diplomats were expelled from Chile to satisfy US reactionary interests H, S 1 H, P 1 "Reaction of Communist Conference" [10]/[11]/194[7] [10]/[11]/194[7]; [10]/[12]/194[7] France: New Economic Restriction Announced 47-frn-1403 [10]/[11]/194[7] 12:1 [Radio Press (New York)] US Political: MacArther, Eisenhower prexy possibilities 47-frn-1404 [10]/[11]/194[7] 12:2 Radio Press Sokuho (Singapore) Japan: Cabinet meeting to approve police decentralization pla[n] 47-frn-1405 [10]/[11]/194[7] 12:3 Radio Press (Singapore) Japan: Imperial families and army officers not to get pension 47-frn-1406 10/12/194[7] 12:4 Reuters (London) 47-frn-1407 [10]/[11]/194[7] 12:5 Radio Press Sokuho (Nanking) Kyodo News Service S Foreign nationals will not have extraterrestrial rights in Japan after the peace treaty "Japanese Preliminary Peace China appears to be siding Conference and China's with Russia on foreign policy stand point: Indemnity may issues be demanded for participation: Appearance of independent policy is noteworthy." Japanese stowaway held in Seattle Examiner1 Examiner2 H, S One of the leaders of the anti- H, D British struggle in India is also ambassador to the USSR, where she is very popular Gen. Fang says that a US H, S loan to China would only be used for munitions "Focus of Japanese Peace Pact." 47-frn-1402 Kyodo Tsushin Brief Summary Head of ACLU accuses the State Dept. of failing to establish democracy in Korea "International New Face: Mrs. Vijah Yawarakshimiah Pandit, Indian Ambassadoress to Soviet." 47-frn-1401 共同通信 Subject ...[de]partment blamed for failure to democratize Korea Although the Chilean government had tried to justify its expulsion of two Yugoslav diplomats recently... Japan-Legislative: adultery not to be c[r]ime Adultery will no longer be a crime for men in Japan; for women it still is Fujinami Y 2 Y 16 D H, D 1 Y Mercola Sameshima H, S H, S, D Oversized News Agency International 読売新聞 News Service (Cleveland) Photograph(s) Source 11:36 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/11/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1386 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 3 2 2 Mercola Sameshima 2 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary 47-frn-1409 [10]/[12]/194[7] 12:7 時事通信 47-frn-1410 [10]/[11]/194[7] 12:8 47-frn-1411 10/12/1947 12:9 news item 47-frn-1412 10/10/1947 12:10 Editorial 47-frn-1413 10/12/194[7] 12:11 United Press 共同通信 (21, 60, Lake Success) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1414 [10]/[12]/194[7] 12:12 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-1415 10/12/1947 12:13 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-1416 10/12/1947 12:14 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Yugoslavia decides to sever relations with gov't of Chile 47-frn-1417 10/12/1947 12:14a Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Yugoslavia decides to sever relations with gov't of Chile 47-frn-1418 10/12/1947 12:14b 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Soviet Embassy Attacked 47-frn-1419 [10]/[11]/194[7] 12:15 47-frn-1420 [10]/[11]/194[7] 12:16 47-frn-1421 10/12/194[7] 12:17 Kyodo Tsushin, United Press (Lake Success) Kyodo Tsushin, United Press (Belgrade) Kyodo Tsushin, United Press (Santiago, Belgrade) United Press (Santiago) Radio Press Sokuho (London BBC) Radio Press Sokuho (London BBC) Associated Press (52, Moscow) Korean government has launched mission to recover Korean POWs in Asia Revival of the Comintern The new Communist organization has caused the UN to split into two blocs "Comintern and the Chinese Chinese Communism will go Communist Party" ahead regardless of the new Comintern India's Missus Pandit told Palestine India disagrees with US commi[ttee] India refused back majority suggestion to partition report of special committee Palestine recommending partition Palestine declaring instead Palestine should be one independent state with adequate protection for Jehwhi minority. General Wutechen Sec[retary] General Head of Kuomintang wants Kuomintang told Unipress "all Chinese MacArthur to head aid welcome Bullit[']s recommendations" program to China which he described "sound etpenetrating" said if MacArther would agree serve military adviser China would "benefit [not ]only China but entire Far East." America announces acceptance of plan US backs proposal to to divide Palestine partition Palestine 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1422 10/12/1947 12:17a Associated Press (Moscow) 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 47-frn-1423 10/12/194[7] 12:18 Associated Press (48, Belgrade) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1424 10/12/1947 12:18a Asahi Shimbun; Kyodo Tsushin Asahi; Kyodo News チリーと國交斷絶. ユーゴ政府聲明を發表 Service 47-frn-1425 10/12/194[7] 12:19 Associated 朝日新聞; 共同通信 Press World Service (48, 51, Belgrade); [Radio Press (London BBC)] Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (7, Hong Kong) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Korean 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Information Press (Seoul) 国際タイムス 国際タイムス Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin The Korean Information Korean Information 南方残留同胞救出に辨護士等代表團派遣 The Kokusai Times (6) Kokusai Taimuzu 6 「驚爭こそ万物の父である」とはギリシヤのヘラクリ トスの哲学である。 The Kokusai Times (8) Kokusai Taimuzu 8 國際共産黨と中國共産黨 Professor Ikuo Oyama, former Japanese political leade[r] who has lived for some years in the United States, sailed for Yokohama Friday on the Marine Swallow, an American President lines ship. Philippines Senator Tomas Confesor [h]as said Uni[ted] States is spending and wasting money in Europe which could used in Far East to make Philippines "broadcasting station of democracy." South Korean interim government dispatching representatives to south to help Koreans still remaining there Palestine: Arabs to fight partition by force ソ、チリーを論難 "米の反動グループに迎合" Prof. Oyama, former Japanese political leader, returns to Japan today Philippines senator says the US is wasting money in Europe that she should spend in Asia Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H, P 2 P 1 H, P Y 5 H, S Gomes M. Nagashima Y 3 H, P Gomes M. Nagashima Y 4 H, P 4 H, P 2 H 1 Radio Moscow accuses Chile of violating international law in expelling to Yugoslavian diplomats Gunmen in Chile fired shots at the Soviet embassy H 1 H 1 Gunmen in Chile fired shots at the Soviet embassy Arab states threaten force to prevent the partition of Palestine H, D 1 H 2 H 1 1 UN: U.S. supports Palestine partition plan US backs proposal to partition Palestine The Soviet press and [r]adio today assailed Chile[']s "uncer[e]monious action" in expelling two Yugoslav diplomats as an undertaking intended to "gratify reactionary circles of the United States which have been conduct[ing] [a] frantic campaign in connection with the so called communist me[n]ace." Soviet press castigates Chile for expelling two Yugoslav diplomats H, S The Soviet press and radio Saturday assailed Chile's "unceremonious action" in expelling two Yugoslav diplomats as an undertaking intended to "gratify reactionary circles of the United States which have been conducting a frantic campaign in connection with the socalled communist menace." Soviet press castigates Chile for expelling two Yugoslav diplomats S The Yugoslav Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced today that Yugoslavia had decided to break off diplomatic relations with Chile. Yugoslavia breaks off relations; The Yugoslav Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced Saturday that Yugoslavia had decided to break off diplomatic relations with Chile. Yugoslavia is breaking off relations with Chile H, P Yugoslavia is breaking off relations with Chile H, P "We are in favour of a restricted occupation of Japan by civil Allied commissions and by small military units", General Sturdee, Australian Chief of Staff, told an Agence FrancePress correspondent before leaving Hong Kong for Singapore today. Australian general says he favors limited Allied occupation of Japan H Y 2 1 Y 6 1 Oversized News Agency Associated 共同通信 Press (4, San Francisco) Photograph(s) Source 12:6 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/11/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1408 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1427 10/12/1947 12:20a Agence 朝日新聞 France-presse (Santiago) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 47-frn-1428 [10]/[11]/194[7] 12:20b Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Belgrade) Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 47-frn-1429 [10]/[12]/194[7] 12:21 United Press 共同通信 (12, Buenos Aires) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-1430 10/12/194[7] 12:22 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (11, London) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1431 10/12/194[7] 12:23 Associated Press (Peiping) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1432 10/12/194[7] 12:24 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-1433 10/12/1947 12:25 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-1434 10/12/1947 12:26 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Providence) Associated Nippon Times Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-1435 10/12/194[7] 12:27 International 読売新聞 News Service (Belgrade) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 47-frn-1436 [10]/[12]/194[7] 12:28 International 西日本新聞 News Service (Beirut) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nihon チリー政府がユゴ外交官二名を國外追放処分に付して から三日目の十一日、ユゴスラヴィア政府はチリとの 外交関係を断絶し、その旨同國外務省を通じて発表し た アラブの態度強硬 47-frn-1437 [10]/[11]/194[7] 12:29 Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Santiago) Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo ユーゴこそ某國のかいらい. チリ政府聲明 47-frn-1438 10/12/1947 12:30 United Press 毎日新聞 (Moscow) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-1439 10/12/1947 12:31 Commentary 第一新聞 Daiichi Shimbun (12) Daiichi #12 人民戰線の基礎の崩壊 47-frn-1440 10/12/1947 12:32 Editorial 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 單獨講和條約への憂慮 47-frn-1441 [10]/[11]/194[7] 12:33 Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Washington) Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo アフリカにも共産黨の手が. 米議員語る 47-frn-1442 [10]/[4]/194[7] 12:34 United Press 国際タイムス (Guam) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 急げ米の軍事基地. グワムの計畫作成凡てこの點に集約 Americans here and generally throughout Asia look upon this island as the spearhead of American might in the western Pacific ocean designed not only as a powerful sea and air base in time of war but also as a permanent warning to any potential aggressor such as Japan was in the past that the American people have not only the will but the means to preserve order in this part of the world. 47-frn-1442a 10/12/1947 12:34 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Guam) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-1443 10/12/1947 12:35 Associated Press (Tokyo) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 朝日新聞 Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Yugoslavia today decided to break off all diplomatic relations with Chile following the expulsion by the Chilean government of the Yugoslav Charge d'Affaires on October 8, a communique issued by the Yugoslavian Foreign Office in Belgrade announced. Yugoslavia is breaking off relations with Chile P 無根の言いがかり. チリー反撃声明 Chile charges Yugoslavian government with being "mere satellite" Yugoslavia is breaking off relations with Chile H, P Y 2 ユーゴ、チリと斷交代理大使追放の報復手段 Yugoslavia breaks off relations with Chile: charges "premediated campaign" Yugoslavia is breaking off relations with Chile P Y 2 Diplomatic quarters said Argentina Brazil Chile may soon form united front against international communism as a result Yugoslavias diplomatic break with Chile. The declaration made by Johnson be[f]ore the UNO Assembly was received in London with some surprise and a certain disappointment, It brought disappointment to know that the USA leaves the responsibilit[y] first to Britain and then to an international police force composed of volunteers. South American countries may form a front against the USSR because of Yugoslavia's break with Chile H, P 2 Britain disappointed at US declaration before the UN H, P 1 Grim view China[']s internal international situation taken in double tenth editorial in Shih chieh Jih pao commonly regarded reflecting views C.C. Cliquo. Chinese commercial representative. To pave the way for a full-fledged revival of Sino-Japanese trade, Tang Chusheng, Chinese commercial representative in Japan, arrived at Haneda yesterday at 10 p.m. and several hours later than schedule due to bad weather. Wallace Hints Third Party Chinese article takes a grim view of China's current situation H, P 1 Chinese commercial representative arrives to begin reviving Sino-Japanese trade H, P Wallace says he will probably head a third party in 1948 H, P 1 British party arrives: 5 Members of the House of Commons Scheduled to Tour Japan Yugoslavia breaks off relations with Chile British delegation arrives in Japan to confer with MacArthur Yugoslavia is breaking off relations with Chile H, P 1 H, P Y 3 Arab army of 230,000 ready to fight against separate Jewish state Head of Arab League says that Arab army is ready to fight anyone who tries to partition Palestine Chile charges Yugoslavia with being a satellite of the USSR H, P Y 3 H, P Y 2 Chile charges Yugoslavian government with being "mere satellite" Battle of Democratic forces "Collapsion of base of people's front." "Anxiety about Separate Peace Treaty." Communists may lead Italy to revolution and then Africa, says a U.S. deputy. 王外交部長近く訪日 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang ShihChieh will spend a few days in Japan later this month while en route to China from the United Nations meeting, officials of the Chinese mission said today. 1 [Hironaga] Communist publication H, S mentions Asia as the battleground for democracy Japan is under direct control H, D Gomes of the US US-USSR antagonism may H, P Gomes have an adverse effect on the Japanese peace treaty Rep. Lane favors quick aid to H, P Europe in case the Communist threat spreads to Africa Americans are frightened that H, D [Miles W. another war is imminent Vaughn, United Press Vice President for Asia] Guam Expected to Assume Role Of U.S. Gibraltar in the Pacific. Most Americans In East Favor Retaining Present Military Administration D Chinese Foreign Minister will confer with MacArthur about the peace treaty H, P Oversized News Agency Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (4, Belgrade) Photograph(s) Source 12:20 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/12/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1426 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 Tabata Abe Fujinami Y 5 Y 3 Y 2 Y 4 [Miles W. Vaughn, UP Vice President for Asia] 1 Y 2 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun アカハタ Akahata (3) Akahata (No.3) 講和に臺灣代表派遣を要求 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 対日講和條約 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun The British Communist Party expressed its full support of the [W]arsaw decision providing for the establishment of a Communist Information Bureau, in a communique issued today. Agence 共同通信 France-presse (27, London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 13:2c Agence 朝日新聞 France-presse (London) Asahi Shimbun Asahi [10]/[13]/194[7] 13:3 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (Budapest) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1453 [10]/[13]/194[7] 13:4 United Press 時事通信 (2, New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1454 [10]/[13]/194[7] 13:4a United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-1455 [10]/[13]/194[7] 13:5 United Press 時事通信 (Topeka, KS) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1456 [10]/[13]/194[7] 13:7 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1457 [10]/[12]/194[7] 13:7a United Press (Washington) 47-frn-1458 10/13/194[7] 13:7b United Press 共同通信 (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1459 [10]/[12]/194[7] 13:8 47-frn-1460 [10]/[13]/194[7] 13:9 [Radio Press (Singapore)] United Press 時事通信 (Sydney) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1461 [10]/[12]/194[7] 13:9a United Press 時事通信 (Sydney) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1462 10/13/194[7] 13:9b United Press 共同通信 (18, Sydney) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1463 [10]/[13]/194[7] 13:10 Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) 47-frn-1445 10/13/1947 12:36 47-frn-1446 10/12/194[7] 12:37 47-frn-1447 10/12/194[7] 47-frn-1448 [10]/[12]/194[7] 13:1 47-frn-1449 10/14/194[7] 13:2a 47-frn-1450 10/13/194[7] 13:2b 47-frn-1451 10/12/1947 47-frn-1452 AP from Shanghai Associated Press (24, London) Radio Press (London BBC) Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (4, London) Subject Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Shihchieh will spend a few days in Japan later this month while en route to China from the United Nations meeting, officials of the Chinese mission said today. Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Formosa wants to attend the Japanese peace conference so that she can make a bid for independence S Japanese peace conference may be held sometime in March Molotov complained that the US had not replied to his proposal to withdraw from Korea H, P H 1 de Gaulle attacks USSR for attempting to gain a stranglehold on Europe British Communist Party supports the new Comintern H, P 1 H, P 1 In a communique published today the Britain Communist Party pledges its full adhesion to be Warsaw decision for the establishment of a Communist Information Bureau (Cominform) in Belgrade. British communists "in full support of [W]arsaw decision" British Communist Party supports the new Comintern H, S, P 2 British Communist Party supports the new Comintern H, P Mr[.] Molnar Communist Foreign Minister of Hungary, who is due to leave for Belgrade this evening to sign a cultraul agreement with Yugoslavia outlined... Herald Tribune editorially commenting on Sanzo Nozaka statement Jap[anese] communists might join new European comintern whereafter few hours later reversed position said "on face of evidence Nozaka does not seem to be one brighter communists. The New York Herald-Tribune, editorially commenting on Sanzo Nosaka's statement that the Japanese Communists might join the new European Comintern, after which he reversed his statement a few hours later, said: "On the face of the evidence, Nosaka does not seem to be one of the brighter Communists. Alf M[.] Landon charged "gangsters who rule Kremlin" have openly established axis for next war. High ranking officers of armed forces believe revival of communist international is another step toward war and in the long run it will boomerang against Russians. US Armed Forces leaders comment on Comintern Hungary to sign a cultural agreement with Yugoslavia H, P 1 Head of Japanese Communists is stupid for saying that his organization will join the Comintern H, P 1 Head of Japanese Communists is stupid for saying that his organization will join the Comintern H Landon says that USSR has established the Axis for the next war High-ranking Army officials believe Comintern is a step toward the next war H, P 1 H, P 2 High-ranking Army officials believe Comintern is a step toward the next war High-ranking Army officials believe Comintern is a step toward the next war H 3 H 2 Katayama says he wants to establish socialism in Japan Japan seeks to take advantage of the hostility between the US and USSR H, P 1 H, S 2 Japan seeks to take advantage of the hostility between the US and USSR Japan seeks to take advantage of the hostility between the US and USSR H, S 2 H, S 2 Australian Army minister not in favor of increasing Australian occupation forces in Japan H, P 1 "Despatch of Formosan Delegates to Peace Treaty Demanded." France: De Gaulle makes bitter attack on USSR 指導者の資格缺如. ヘラルド紙野坂氏の態度を痛論 Examiner1 Examiner2 H The [M]oscow [r]adio said today Soviet Foreign Minister V.K. Molotov had compl[a]ined to Secretary of State Marshall that the United States had not replied to [a] Russian proposal for withdrawal of foreign troop[s] from Korea and thus was hindering [a] solution of the Korean question. 英共産党声明発表 Brief Summary Chinese Foreign Minister will confer with MacArthur about the peace treaty High ranking officers of armed forces believe revival of communist international is another step towards war and in the long run it will [boomerang] against Russians. Political: Katayama wants to realize socialism MacMahon Ball ex[-]member Allied Council Japan said in article written for Sunday telegraph that "Japan[']s policy today... MacMahon Ball writes on Japan's policy W[.] MacMahon Ball ex[-]member Allied Council Japan said in article written for Sunday Telegraph that "Japan[']s policy today is to [exploit] it every way possible America[']s fear suspicion of Russia and Communism." Japan: Occupation: Increase in Aussie troops not favored 1 Gomes [Gomes] Abe Y 2 Y 6 Y Y 2 2 Oversized News Agency Associated Press (Tokyo) Photograph(s) Source 東京新聞 12:35a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/16/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1444 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes [Radio Press (Brazzaville)] 47-frn-1465 [10]/[13]/194[7] 13:12 Associated 時事通信 Press (5, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1466 10/13/194[7] 13:12a Associated 共同通信 Press (4, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1467 10/16/194[7] 13:12b Associated 東京新聞 Press (4, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1468 10/14/1947 13:13 Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1469 [10]/[13]/194[7] 13:14 United Press 時事通信 (Milwaukee, WI) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-1470 10/13/1947 13:15a United Press 毎日新聞 (Sydney) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-1471 10/16/194[7] 13:16 Associated Press (15, Moscow) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1472 [10]/[13]/194[7] 13:17 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) 47-frn-1473 10/13/194[7] 13:17a Associated 東京新聞 Press (35, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1475 [10]/[13]/194[7] 13:19 United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-1476 10/13/194[7] 13:19a United Press 共同通信 (17, New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1477 [10]/[13]/194[7] 13:19b United Press [毎日新聞] (New York) [Mainichi Shimbun] 47-frn-1478 10/13/194[7] 13:20 United Press 時事通信; 共同通信 (1, Manila, Moscow) Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji; Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1479 10/13/1947 13:21 日米通信 10/13/1947 13:22 Nichibei 47-frn-1481 10/13/1947 13:23 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi U.S. negroes charge discrimination NAACP asks the UN to look into discrimination in the US H, P 1 47-frn-1482 10/13/194[7] 13:24 United 日米通信 Feature Syndicate (Sydney) United Press 毎日新聞 (Lake Success) Associated 東京新聞 Press (10, 20, New York) The America-Japan Press The America-Japan Press Nichibei 47-frn-1480 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Senator Claude Pepper, democrat Florida, Sunday deplored the growing conflict between east and west which he said might re[s]ult in a "struggle to the death when both of the 2 fighting for the mast[er]y of the world shall utterly disappear from the face of the wor[l]d". Sen. Pepper blames the USUSSR split on powerful politicians who once backed the Nazis H, D 2 47-frn-1483 [10]/[13]/194[7] Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Senator Claude Pepper, Democrat from Florida, Sunday deplored the growing conflict between east and west which he said might result in a "struggle to the death when both of the two fighting for the mastery of the world, shall utterly disappear from the face of the world." Sen. Pepper blames the USUSSR split on powerful politicians who once backed the Nazis H, D 2 10/13/1947 10/13/194[7] 13:24a Bulgaria: Appeals against reaction to Petkov execution Subject 13:11 東京新聞 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) By protesting the execution of Petkov, the US is trying to start another war US must be prepared for a French economic crisis because of the Communist threat H, S P [John M. Hightower ] 1 US must be prepared for a French economic crisis because of the Communist threat H, P [John M. Hightower ] 2 US must be prepared for a French economic crisis because of the Communist threat H, P 1 MacArthur for President supporters plan to expand their activities Arabs predict bloodshed over the partition of Palestine H, P 2 H, P 1 McMahon Ball says that Japan wants to take advantage of US-USSR hostility (same as13:9) Chile blames communists for coal mine strike activities H, S 1 H, P 1 US will probably not accept the Soviet proposal to withdraw from Korea H, P [John Hightower ] 2 Authoritative informants said today the United States i[s] not likely to accept Foreign Minister Molotov[']s proposal for simultaneous withdrawal of American and Soviet troops from Korea. It is authoritatively said that the Chinese and British have approved "in principle" the United States' resolution on Korea which will be submitted to the United Nations within a few days and which calls for the establishment of a United Nations' overseer of the elections and withdraw[a]l of the Soviet and American troops. Add fact that Chinese intend take intense by fact that they have flown to New York from Seoul their Consul General in Korea. US will probably not accept the Soviet proposal to withdraw from Korea H, P [John Hightower ] 1 China will oppose US resolution on Korea which calls for US/USSR withdrawal under UN control P [Stewart Hensley, United Press correspon dent] China will oppose US resolution on Korea which calls for US/USSR withdrawal under UN control H, P [Hensley] 3 Korean issue China will oppose US resolution on Korea which calls for US/USSR withdrawal under UN control H, P [Stewart Hensley], [Matsuda] 1 Soviet newspapers claimed Sunday that the large number of abstentions in the United Nations voting was a moral victory for the Russian delegation. Moscow says the large number of abstentions from voting in the UN was a moral victory for the USSR H, S 5 國際的生活の根本 U.N. Reform: Secretary Marshall's Plan 英國は依然一等國. 社会主義者の讓りうけた遺産は大きい World Events Russia's rise is similar to that of Hitler and the Japanese The British government has squandered American loans [Walter Cronkite, United Press staff correspon dent] H, D [Barnet Nover] H, P [Randolph Churchill] [A] French economic crisis now seems certain, in the opinion of American diplomatic officials, to catch the United States in the position of doing too little too late. [A] French economic crisis now seems certain, in the opinion of American diplomatic officials, to catch the United States in the position of doing too little too late. [A] French economic crisis now seems certain, in the opinion of American diplomatic officials, to catch the United States in the position of doing too little too late. General MacArther's supporters to hold meeting Jews generally expressed gratification and Arabs voiced disappointment over United States support of Palestine partition as announced at Lake Success Saturday. McMahon Ball on Japan The official Soviet news agency Tass said Sunday Russia had protested formally to Chile against a gunfire attack upon the Soviet Embassy in Santiago as a "shocking infringement upon diplomatic immunity". Authoritative informants said today the U.S. is not likely to accept Foreign Minister Molotov's proposal for simultaneous withdrawal of American and Soviet troops from Korea. 中國及び英[國]は[米]提案を支持せん. 國連總會の朝鮮問題; 米華代表協議. 對日講和会議の下交渉 1 Y 5 Y 2 Y 4 Oversized News Agency [10]/[12]/194[7] Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-1464 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 西日本新聞 Submitted by Nishi Nihon Shimbun 47-frn-1485 [10]/[13]/194[7] 13:26 United Press [毎日新聞] (New York) [Mainichi Shimbun] 47-frn-1486 10/13/1947 13:26a Nippon Times 47-frn-1487 10/13/194[7] 13:27 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (New York) United Press 共同通信 (New York) 47-frn-1488 10/13/194[7] 13:28 United Press 共同通信 (7, Washington) 47-frn-1489 [10]/[13]/194[7] 13:28a 時事通信 47-frn-1490 10/13/1947 13:28b Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Nishi Nippon Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 US will probably not accept the Soviet proposal to withdraw from Korea H, P Nippon Times Foreign U.S. rejection seen of Soviet proposal for Korea solution US will probably not accept the Soviet proposal to withdraw from Korea H, P 1 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Sen. Pepper calls for total disarmament and European recovery program H, P 4 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Japanese peace conference will begin tonight in Pearl Harbor H, S 2 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Japanese peace conference will begin tonight in Pearl Harbor H, S 1 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Senator Claude Pepper proposed plan for p[e]ace calling for total disarmament and fifty[-]thousand million dollar Uni[ted] States contribution to finance [year] [program] of world reconstruction. Radio commentator Drew Pearson said tonight long delayed Japanese Peace Conference would begin at Pearl Harbor in January with General MacArthur as chief Uni[ted] States delegate. Radio commentator Drew Pearson said tonight long delayed Japanese [P]eace Conference would begin at Pearl Harbor in January with General MacArthur as chief Uni[ted] States delegate. Holds Peace Talk Date Set Japanese peace conference will begin tonight in Pearl Harbor H, S 1 Japanese Peace Confab begins at Pearl Harbor in Jan. Japanese peace conference will begin tonight in Pearl Harbor Japanese peace conference will begin tonight in Pearl Harbor H, S H, S Britain's communists approve new red international body Japanese peace conference will begin tonight in Pearl Harbor First shipment of Japanese merchandise has arrived in the US The Soviet dictatorship lives on fear British Communist Party supports the new Comintern Britain's communist approve new red international body British Communist Party supports the new Comintern Hungary: New communist ... welcomed Czechoslovakia lauds the new Communist information bureau 10/13/1947 13:28c Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 13:28d United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-1493 [10]/[12]/194[7] 13:28e United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1494 10/12/1947 13:29 The New York Times (New York) 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 47-frn-1495 10/13/1947 Nippon Times Nippon Times 47-frn-1496 10/13/194[7] 13:31 International 読売新聞 News Service (London) Yomiuri Shimbun Nippon Times Foreign Yomiuri 47-frn-1497 [10]/[13]/194[7] 13:31a International 北海道新聞 News Service (London) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-1498 [10]/[13]/194[7] 13:32 Radio Press Sokuho (London BBC) 47-frn-1499 10/13/1947 13:33 47-frn-1500 10/13/194[7] 13:34 Associated 共同通信 Press (30, Washington) 47-frn-1501 10/14/1947 13:35 International News Service (Copenhagen ) 47-frn-1502 10/13/1947 13:36 United Press 日米通信 (New York) 47-frn-1503 10/13/1947 13:37 13:30 朝鮮新聞 News Item 世界日報 Chosen Shimbun (10) Chosen Shimbun (10) Kyodo Tsushin 對日講和來年一月か. マ元師米首席代表に Radio Commentator Drew Pearson said tonight in a broadcast that the longdelayed Japanese Peace Conference would begin at Pearl Harbor in January, with Gen. Douglas MacArthur as the chief United States delegate. Pearson on Japanese Peace Conference 金融難打開に期待. 明るい貿易の見通し 欧州共産党宣言を支持英共産党声明 ... of private trade with Japan for... the first shipment of Japanese mer[c]handi[s]e has a[rr]ived in... Men [and] Politics. Is war imminent? 愛想をつかした英國人濠州や米國へ移民を希望し政府 健気躍氣に引止め策 Kyodo News Service American commercial travele[r] returning from Japan see [a] rocky [r]oad ahead of Nippon in her efforts to regain her place in world trade. German village bombed. Soviets Use Petersheim as Target For Aerial Bombing Practice. The America-Japan Press Nichibei 北鮮の左派、政治的眼覚め. ソ連通のストロング女史の第一次報告 Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo フランス共産黨の砂糖戰術 "Englishmen are Disgusted Many British people are with their Homeland, and anxious to imigrate to Desire to Migrate to Australia America or Australia or America. The British Government is Desperately Dissuading them from Going Away. US traders see problems in the future of Japanese trading The first report from North Korea by an American journalist has just been received in this country and appears in the current issue of Soviet Russia Today. "Sugar Tactics of French Communists" Y Notes H, P [10]/[13]/194[7] News Item Subject Chinese Foreign Minister will confer with MacArthur about the peace treaty 47-frn-1492 10/14/194[7] Headline Chinese Foreign Minister Wang ShihChien will spend a few days in Japan later this month while en route to China from the United Nations meeting, officials of the Chinese mission said today. U.S. to reject Soviet demand on Korea 47-frn-1491 10/14/1947 Headline (Japanese) 王外交部長近く訪日 [Stewart Hensley, United Press staff correspon dent] 1 [Matsuda] 1 H, S Y H, P Y The Russians are treating the North Koreans well H, P French Communists cause demonstrations by saying that the US wants to reconstruct Germany before France H, S 3 1 1 S H, P 8 7 Y H, S Soviets carried out practice air raid on German village, killing 18 2 1 H, D [Louis Fischer] H, S, [John P Camsell, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] H, P D 3 Gomes Abe Y [Morris Harris] 3 4 1 Kawamoto Abe Y 5 Y 2 Oversized News Agency Associated Press (Tokyo) Photograph(s) Source 13:25 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [10]/13/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1484 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 13:38 47-frn-1505 10/13/1947 13:39 47-frn-1506 [10]/[8]/194[7] 47-frn-1507 10/13/1947 13:41 47-frn-1508 10/13/1947 13:42 47-frn-1509 [10]/[13]/194[7] 10/14/194[7] Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo ソ連は社會黨の破壞を企圖. ブルム氏、黨の會合で演説 Soviet Union aiming at destruction of Socialist parties - Blum says. 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichi-Bei Tsushin 名選手も勘ちがい 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo コンゴーの原子力資源 Editorial 政治新聞 Seiji Shimbun (3) Seiji Shimbun (No. 3) 二つの世界 "Two Worlds" Their own 夕刊みやこ Yukan Miyako The Yukan Miyako 赤化功勢の温床を除去せよ "Eliminate the Hotbed of the Japan must work to drive out Communistic Offensive" conditions that might allow the spread of Communism Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shoe Maker Cartoons 13:40 Reuters (Brussels) United Press 共同通信 (6, San Francisco, Washington) 毎日新聞 USSR will not hesitate to destroy the French socialist party "The Fine Champion gets a wrong idea" Belgium opposition attacks Congo uranium secrecy exclusive sale to U.S. criticised Examiner1 Examiner2 H, P Political cartoon: the UN is H, S aiming for peace, but Stalin seems determined to head for war Communists say that the US H, D uses uranium from the Belgian Congo solely for war purposes Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 2 Y 2 Y 4 Kawamoto Abe Y 3 Yoshimoto Y 4 [Patrick Crosse, Reuters correspon dent] H, S Examiner4 Y Kawamoto Yamaguchi Despite the UN, the world is H, S split into two opposing camps Examiner3 Marshall plan negotiations enter political phase here Monday amid signs Uni[ted] States officials thinks Paris conference report needs much remodeling. US thinks the Paris conference report needs some remodeling Shipping: unauthorized fishing boats ... built 12 shipyard operators have been prosecuted for violating a SCAP directive AFL delegates feel that MacArthur has anti-labor views H, D 2 H, D 3 AFL delegates feel that MacArthur has anti-labor views H, D 4 AFL delegates feel that MacArthur has anti-labor views H 殴州諸國の経済復興 2 47-frn-1510 10/13/1947 47-frn-1512 [10]/[13]/194[7] 14:1 Radio Press (Nanking) 47-frn-1513 [10]/[14]/194[7] 14:2 United Press 時事通信 (6, 7, San Francisco) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1514 10/14/194[7] 14:2a United Press 共同通信 (6, 7, 11, San Francisco) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1515 [10]/[14]/194[7] 14:2b United Press 国際タイムス (San Francisco) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-1516 10/14/1947 14:2c United Press 毎日新聞 (San Francisco) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi James S. Killen, chief labor adviser to General MacArthur, told the American Federation of Labor convention that a big upheaval is brewing in the Japanese labor movement because of "vicious Communistic" activities. AFL delegates feel that MacArthur has anti-labor views H 47-frn-1517 [10]/[14]/194[7] 14:2d Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Killen tells AFL convention Japanese labor union membership increased AFL delegates feel that MacArthur has anti-labor views H, P 1 47-frn-1518 [10]/[14]/194[7] 14:3 International 北海道新聞 News Service (San Francisco) United Press 時事通信 (2, 3, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin List of the US companies permitted to trade with Japan H, P 5 47-frn-1519 10/14/194[7] 10/14/194[7] 14:4 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 2 10/14/194[7] 10/15/194[7] 14:5 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service H, S 3 47-frn-1521 [10]/[14]/194[7] 14:5a United Press 時事通信 (Shanghai, Nanking) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 日本の軍事力復興をおそる General Wu [T]echen secretary General Kuomintang told Uni[ted] Press that fear Japanese military... 47-frn-1522 [10]/[14]/194[7] 14:5b United Press 国際タイムス (Nanking) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 日本を再び強國化する虞れが多分にある. 國民黨呉将軍、對日態度を語る General Wu Te-chen, Secretary General of the Kuomintang, told United Press that fear of Japanese military resurgence was the key factor governing Chinese foreign policy. Pravda says the UN is no longer what it was meant to be because it has become a US-controlled agency Gen. Wu says Japan hopes for a third world war so that she can regain her international position Gen. Wu says Japan hopes for a third world war so that she can regain her international position Gen. Wu says Japan hopes for a third world war so that she can regain her international position H, S 47-frn-1520 Washington Commerce Department announced third group of American business firms to which General MacArthur has grandted permission to trade with Japan. The United Nations "no longer fits the conception of its initiators in the terms of the great struggle of the peoples against... "China deeply fears another world war because we stand to lose regardless whose victorious," Wu said. 47-frn-1523 10/14/1947 14:5c United Press 毎日新聞 (Nanking) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Gen. Wu comments on Japan H, S 47-frn-1524 10/14/194[7] United Press 日米通信 (Nanking) The America-Japan Press Nichibei 47-frn-1525 10/14/194[7] Associated 共同通信 Press (3, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo General Wu Te-chen, secretary general China says Japan wants 3rd of the Kuomintang, told United Press world war that fear of Japanese military resurgence was the key factor governing Chinese foreign policy. The Commerce Department Office of International Trade announced Monday the third list of American business firms approved by SCAP to enter Japan for private trade. Gen. Wu says Japan hopes for a third world war so that she can regain her international position Gen. Wu says Japan hopes for a third world war so that she can regain her international position List of American firms allowed to trade in Japan H, P 14:6 共産主義者が誤導. 日本勞働運動に警告. ALFでキレ[ン]氏重要談話 D James S. Killen chief labor advisor to MacArthur told AFL convention big upheaval brewing in Japanese labor movement because "vicious Communistic agitation." James S. Killen chief labor advisor to MacArthur told AFL convention big upheaval brewing in Japanese labor movement because "vicious Communistic agitation." James S. Killen, chief labor adviser to General MacArthur, told the American Federation of Labor convention that a big upheaval is brewing in the Japanese labor movement because of "vicious Communistic" activities. 6 [Yamamot o] Y Y [Tanaka] 4 2 1 H, S [Clurman] Y 6 H, S [Robert Clurman, United Press staff correspon dent] [Matsuda] , [Robert Clurman] Y 3 H, S [Robert Clurman] 1 2 3 4 Oversized News Agency Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Angouleme) Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[12]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1504 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) 時事通信 47-frn-1527 10/14/1947 14:7a United Press 毎日新聞 (Ottawa) 47-frn-1528 [10]/[14]/194[7] 14:10 Reuters 47-frn-1529 [10]/[13]/194[7] 14:11 Reuters (Baghdad) 47-frn-1530 [10]/[13]/194[7] 14:12 Radio Press Sokuho 47-frn-1531 [10]/[14]/194[7] 14:13 United Press 時事通信 (6, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1532 [10]/[14]/194[7] 14:14 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1533 10/14/1947 14:14a Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-1534 10/14/1947 14:14b Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-1535 10/14/194[7] 14:14c United Press 共同通信 (6, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1536 [10]/[14]/194[7] 14:9; 14:15 Reuters (Tokyo; London) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1537 [10]/[14]/194[7] 14:16 Associated Press (6, 22, San Francisco) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1538 10/14/194[7] 14:16a Associated Press (22, San Francisco) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1539 [10]/[14]/194[7] 14:16b Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (San Francisco) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-1540 [10]/[15]/194[7] 14:17 United Press 国際タイムス (Boston) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-1542 10/14/194[7] 14:19 Reuters (London) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1543 10/14/1947 14:20 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local 47-frn-1544 10/14/194[7] 14:21 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 10/14/194[7] 10/14/194[7] 時事通信 United Press 共同通信 (Tokyo) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Headline (Japanese) Headline Canadian government authorities discounted Drew Pearsons report Truman Evatt agreed last week Japanese peace conference will held January Pearl Harbor. Japanese peace confab Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Canada denies report that Japanese peace conference will be held in January H, P 1 Canada denies report that Japanese peace conference will be held in January Egyptian ministry says that Egypt should stop bartering with US for goods because dollars are more important H, P 1 H, P 1 U.S. congressional committee cancels visit to Bag[h]dad US mission to Iraq cancelled because of Iraq's protest of the partition of Palestine H, P 1 Poland: Sec. gen. of Worker's Party attacks Western powers Poland says the US and Britain are rearming so that they can dominate the world Summary of some of the points in former Sec. of State Byrnes' new book H, S Byrnes proposes US make bigger bombs to drive USSR out of Germany H, P 2 Byrnes proposes US make bigger bombs to drive USSR out of Germany H, P 1 Byrnes proposes US make bigger bombs to drive USSR out of Germany H, P Byrnes proposes US make bigger bombs to drive USSR out of Germany H 3 Britain need not fear Japanese textile competition if industry in Japan is run on fair commercial basis with comparative standard of living and pay for it is states member of delegation of business members parliament visiting Japan.; World commodity prices refuse fall with one exception namely silk. Japan will be hurt by falling silk prices H, P 2 Japanese communists are trying to promote new strikes and labor troubles in Japan, James S. Killen, advisor to General MacArthur, told the American of Labor National Convention here Monday. Japanese communists are trying to promote new strikes and labor troubles in Japan, James S. Killen, AFL labor advisor to General MacArthur, told the American Federation of Labor National Convention here Monday. Advisor to MacArthur says that Japanese communists are trying to spark strikes and labor conflicts H, P 1 Advisor to MacArthur says that Japanese communists are trying to spark strikes and labor conflicts H, P 1 Japanese communists are trying to promote n[e]w strikes and labor troubles in Japan, James S. Killen, A.F.L. Labor advisor to General MacArthur, told the American Federation of Labor National Convention here Mon[d]ay. The Congress of Industrial Organizations, opening its ninth annual convention here, has prepared a foreign policy declaration for Secretary of State George C. Marshall which reportedly cuts the middle ground between the left and right wing CIO factions. Advisor to MacArthur says that Japanese communists are trying to spark strikes and labor conflicts H, P 1 Congress of Industrial Organizations prepared a foreign policy declaration which cuts a mibble ground between left and right factions H, P "Reports that more than two hundred American senators and members of the House of Representatives were now abroad on investigation missions, drew this statement from Moscow Radio during the night... Split in coal mine. Workers unions Moscow says tha delegations of US congressmen sent to Europe are equipped in military fashion H, S 3 Japanese labor's "October offensive" against the government may happen SCAP narrowly avoided a strike of domestics working in Occupation homes by raising their salaries C, D 4 Cairo[']s bartering of Egyptian cotton for goods imported from America should be stopped because dollars are "much more important than goods." Some sensations in Byrnes['] book: firstly inside Uni[ted] States argumen[t]s for giving Russia small voice in Japanese treaty weakened by fact... Former Secretary of State James F. Byrnes['] proposed Uni[ted] States answer Russia[']s "obstructionism" on atomic energy ... ; Byrnes['] book guarantees him place high on Soviet list of American "warmongers." Byrnes Advocates Tough Policy Toward Stubborn Soviet Union. Use of Force If Necessary Proposed by Former Secretary of State in Memoirs Former Secretary of State James F. Byr[n]es proposed that the United States reply to Soviet obstructionism on the atom bomb and German peace treaty problems with... Some sensation in B[y]rnes book: Firstly inside Uni[ted] States arguments for giving Russia small voice in Japanese treaty weakened by fact... アメリカの産別年次大會 Subject "A dead-pan pronouncement that a strike resulting in unmade beds and dirty dishes would be against the objectives of the Occupation was narrowly avoided Monday when SCAP's Labor Division okayed a raise to domestics working in dependents' homes. H, P H, S 1 [Shackfor d] 1 [Tanaka] 1 Y [Peter Kalischer, United Press staff correspon dent] 2 2 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source 14:7 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[14]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1526 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 14:22 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Peiping) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo General Feng Yuh-siang's strictured against the Chinese government's drew fresh attention today to the existence of a group... Two Chinese generals criticize the reactionary nature of Chiang Kai-shek's regime H, D [Spencer Moosa] 2 47-frn-1546 10/14/194[7] 14:23 Associated 共同通信 Press (24, 32, 38, 55, San Francisco, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Despite Russia's all out battle against the Marshall Plan, top American informants now predict that the Soviet Union will stop short of [a] final breakdown of relations with this country any time soon. H, P 3 47-frn-1547 10/15/1947 14:23a Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Soviet seen chary of complete break with U.S. on Europe. Major Developments Expected On Economic Aspects Of Aid to Europe Washington: American informants now predict that despite Soviet opposition to the Marshall Plan, the Soviets will stop short of a final breakdown of relations with US Soviet seen chary of complete break with US on Europe 47-frn-1547a 10/14/194[7] 14:23a Associated 東京新聞 Press (38, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1548 [10]/[13]/194[7] 14:24 Agence [毎日新聞] France-presse (London) [Mainichi Shimbun] Despite Russia[']s all out battle against the Marshall Plan, top American informants now predict that the Soviet Union will stop short of [a] final breakdown of relations with this country any time soon. The British silk industry is expecting further drop in prices of silk, it is learned here today. 47-frn-1549 10/14/194[7] 14:24a Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (6, London) Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1550 [10]/[14]/194[7] 14:25a Kyodo Tsushin, United Press (Chicago) 47-frn-1551 10/14/1947 14:25b 毎日新聞 47-frn-1552 10/16/1947 14:25c 47-frn-1553 10/18/1947 47-frn-1554 47-frn-1555 Tokyo Shimbun H, P 1 MacArthur' Pencil Valued at $5,000 MacArthur pencil valued at $5,000. (Changed Allied "big shots" to "individuals") H, C 1 MacArthur pencil valued at $5,000. (Changed Allied "big shots" to "individuals") H Y 1 MacArthur pencil valued at $5,000. (Changed Allied "big shots" to "individuals") Walter Winchell devoted an entire broadcast to " wake up America to foreign dangers" H Y 1 H, P Y 2 最近シカゴで開かれた"趣味の展覧会"に同市のビル・ ハウスマン君は使い古した鉛筆を出品して『よく書け るというわけではないが、この鉛筆は五千㌦でも賣り ませんよ』といきまいている。 マ元帥の鉛筆が五千ドル. 古物と趣味の展覽会 Nichibei 14:26a United Press 日米通信 (Hollywood) The America-Japan Press Nichibei [10]/[14]/194[7] 14:27 United Press [毎日新聞] (Tokyo) [Mainichi Shimbun] [10]/[14]/194[7] 14:27a United Press 共同通信 (Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1556 10/14/194[7] 14:28 United Press 共同通信 (5, Lake Success) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1557 10/14/1947 14:29 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 47-frn-1558 [10]/[13]/194[7] Jiji Tsushin Jiji U.S. comments on Soviets' Comintern 47-frn-1559 10/14/194[7] Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Nippon Times Nippon Times Local Moscow radio dissected American press for its listeners and charged it with playing "special part" You Can Lead a Horse... 14:30 10/14/194[7] 14:31 Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) United Press 共同通信 (London) 47-frn-1560 10/14/1947 14:32 47-frn-1561 [10]/[13]/194[7] 14:33 Radio Press (New York) Nippon Times 47-frn-1562 10/14/1947 14:34 New York Herald Tribune 47-frn-1563 [10]/[14]/194[7] 14:35 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) 47-frn-1564 10/14/194[7] 14:36 朝鮮新聞 47-frn-1565 10/14/1947 14:37 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Trieste) 産業経済新聞 47-frn-1566 10/14/1947 14:38 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (San 産業経済新聞 Francisco) Walter Wincell, who is one of Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Vishinsky's alleged "war-mongers,"... Ceylon needs Japanese industrial plants Ceylon needs Japanese Industrial plants H, P Ceylon is in great need of a number of industrial plants that are available as reparations from Japan, J.E. R. Nensman, Ceylon's representative on the United Kingdom Reparations Team to Japan, told the United Press. Uni[ted] States delegate John Foster Dulles challenged Russia by implication to place Kuriles Islands under Uni[ted] Nations trusteeship. Ceylon needs Industrial plants that are available as reparations from Japan H, P US delegate Dulles challenged Russia by implication by placing Kuriles Island under United Nations trusteeship Soviets promised Japanese POW's that they could return to Japan if they were "denounced" US comments on Soviet Comintern H, P 鉄のカーテンの彼方、ソ連地区にはまだ還らざる同胞 六十万人があり、三たび戰慄すべき厳寒の冬を迎えよ うとしている Writer of S[i]beria Corregidor: New York Times Nippon Times 1 British silk prices to drop further The America-Japan Press 読売新聞 P The British sil[k] industry is expecting further drop in the prices of silk, it is lean[ed] here today. United Press 日米通信 (Chicago) Contribution 1 H, P Mainichi 共産党会議は対米第五列戰爭の宣言. ウィンチェル氏警告 P British silk prices to drop further Mainichi Shimbun 10/18/194[7] [John Hightower ] Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Today and Tomorrow. The Cold War XII Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Persistent recent public criticism by Minister of Information Hollington K. Tong of the kind of world press China is receiving, coupled with past government... Chosen Shimbun Chosen Shimbun ソ連は國連を脱退するか. 根據なき脱退説. 米ソの對立は技術面 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun ソヴィエト、トリエストを回る戰爭を慾せず Soviet Russia wants to avoid war over Trieste 総司令部勞働課長. 日本勞組を語る Killen tells AFL convention Japanese labor union membership increased [Tanaka] 1 [Matsuda] , [K. V. Narain] [K.V. Narain, United Press staff correspon dent] 1 2 2 H, D Kiyoshi Gomes Takahashi Fujinami Y 8 H, P 2 Moscow radio says that the American press is under the control of the monopolies How to make the general public more politically conscious Handing over of the island of Corregidor by the US to the philippines An article on the cold war: How we are to relate our role in the United Nations to our policy in the conflict with Russia Possible moves toward censorship of the foreign press H, S 2 H, P 4 From a speech made by Marshall Vishinsky it is rumored that Russia may withdraw from United Nations Soviet Russia wants to avoid war over Trieste H, P Killen tells AFL convention in San Francisco that Japanese labor union membership has increased H, P H, P 1 H, P [Walter Lippmann ] 9 H, P [John Roderick] 3 H, P [Gomes] [Kingsbur y Smith] Y 1 Y 29 Y 7 Oversized News Agency [10]/[14]/194[7] Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-1545 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) 14:38b 47-frn-1569 [10]/[14]/194[7] 14:38c 47-frn-1570 10/14/194[7] 14:39 47-frn-1571 10/14/194[7] 47-frn-1572 10/14/1947 47-frn-1573 [10]/[13]/194[7] 47-frn-1574 10/14/1947 47-frn-1575 10/14/1947 47-frn-1575a 10/15/1947 47-frn-1577 [10]/[14]/194[7] 47-frn-1578 [10]/[13]/194[7] 47-frn-1580 [10]/[14]/194[7] 15:1 Radio Press (New York) U.S.: Democratic Japan essential 47-frn-1581 [10]/[14]/194[7] 15:2 Radio Press (Melbourne) 47-frn-1582 [10]/[14]/194[7] 15:3 Radio Press (Singapore) 47-frn-1583 [10]/[14]/194[7] 15:4 Radio Press (Melbourne) 47-frn-1584 [10]/[15]/194[7] 15:4a Reuters (Canberra) 47-frn-1585 10/15/1947 15:4b Associated 共同通信 Press (26, 37, Canberra) 47-frn-1586 [10]/[15]/194[7] 15:4c [Radio Press (Melbourne)] 10/15/194[7] 10/15/1947 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishinippon 貿易日報, 日本通信 Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo United Press 共同通信 14:40 世界日報 Commentary 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service キレン労働課長サンフランシスコで語る 沖繩と硫黄島 Final sovereignty on Okinawa, and possibly Iwo Jima as well, may prove to be one of the major problems of the Japanese peace conference. ...lized and socialized German state free of foreign capital and ... secondly refusal recognize [F]rench... 貧富の差の甚しい社會が共産分子活動の温床. エービーシー三國の強硬態度 Jiji World Communists in South America Paris bus and subway services stopped by strikes 14:43 New York 朝日新聞 Times (Paris) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 14:44 United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Food conditions in Japan 14:44 United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Imports of food from U.S. to drop. SCAP Official Warns Worldwide Food Production Lowest Since War's End United Press 共同通信 (4, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Former Secre[ta]ry of State, James F. Byrnes proposed Uni[ted] States answer Russia's "Obstructionism" on atomic energy and German peace treaty agreements with "Better and more" atomic bombs and decision to drive red army out of Germany by force if necessary. Japan: Ball criticizes occupation progress "アジア・ソ連邦"を破壞. 佛、インドシナ軍事行動に声明 French officials said today that French troops moving from Mon-Kay on Tonking coast had now... Killen tells AFL convention in San Francisco that Japanese labor union membership has increased Killen tells AFL convention in San Francisco that Japanese labor union mwmbership has increased Final sovereignty on Okinawa, and possibly Iwo Jima as well, may prove to be the major problems of the Japanese peace conference H, P Communists are intensifying their offensive in Germany, hoping to control Europe through Germany Communists in South America: Uneven wealth of individuals is hotbed for Communist movement Paris bus and subway services stopped by strikes (Reference to Stalin's and Tito's propagandists) French officials said that French troops moved to frontier between Indochina and China; a Soviets scheme to create in Indochina a Communist state H, S Imports of food from US to drop (Koreans and Indians have been the least cooperative about accepting rice substitutes) Imports of food from US to drop (Koreans and Indians have been the least cooperative about accepting rice substitutes) Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 H 1 Y H, P H, P H, P 9 3 [Ralph Chapman] Y 3 3 Masao Tsuda Gomes H. Okada Y H, D 6 3 H, P Y H, D [Matsuda] , [Sidney B. Wipple] D Notes [Sidney B. Wipple, United Press staff correspon dent] 2 1 1 Former Sec. of State Byrnes admitted reluctantly that US may have to make peace with Japan, Germany, Austria without Russia H 1 Macmahon Ball stated that there must be revolutionary changes in Japanese social, economic system, and political outlook to make the changes lasting Japan Peace Treaty: Member of US educational mission to Japan said that completion of treaty essential to establish industry big enough to employ the Japanese people H, S 1 H, P 1 China: Hopes for USSR participation Japan Peace Treaty: General Chang Chun's discusses China's position on the Japanese peace treaty H, P 1 China: Fears rise on militarism Japan Peace Treaty: China believes that Japan wants a third world war Occupation: Withdrawal of British troops from Japan discussed Australia not likely to send additional troops to Japan despite the possible withdrawal of british troops H, S 1 H, P 1 H, P 1 Australia not likely to send additional troops to Japan despite the possible withdrawal of british troops P 2 H, P 1 Occupation: Withdrawal of British troops discussed 時事通信 Brief Summary Reds losing ground on the labor front, SCAP official says Killen tells AFL convention Japanese labor union membership increased Associated Press (Paris) Radio Press (Nanking) Subject Reds losing ground on the labor front, SCAP official says. Killen Tells AFL Communists Here Attempting to Enforce Totalitarian Policies Killen tells AFL convention Japanese labor union membership increased 14:42 10/14/194[7] 10/15/194[7] Nippon Times Foreign Headline 10/14/194[7] 14:41 Nippon Times Headline (Japanese) 47-frn-1568 10/14/194[7] Nippon Times Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Defense Minister John Dedman said today Australia was not likely to send additional troops to Japan de[sp]ite the possible withdrawal of British troops from the common occupation force. Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Defense Minister John Dedman said today that Australia was not likely to send additional troops to Japan despite the possible withdrawal of British troops from the common occupation force. Japan: Occupation: British & Australia still discuss Brit[i]sh withdrawal Withdrawal of British troops from the occupation forces in Japan is still being discussed by British and Australian governments Oversized News Agency International News Service (San Francisco) International News Service (San Francisco) International News Service (San Francisco) New York Herald Tribune Photograph(s) Source 14:38a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/14/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1567 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) 47-frn-1588 10/15/194[7] 15:4e Associated Press (57, Canberra) 47-frn-1589 [10]/[14]/194[7] 15:5 [Radio Press (Singapore)] 47-frn-1590 [10]/[14]/194[7] 15:6 Reuters (Chicago) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1591 [10]/[14]/194[7] 15:7 United Press 時事通信 (Chicago) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1592 [10]/[14]/194[7] [15]:7a United Press 時事通信 (Chicago) Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1593 10/15/194[7] 15:7b United Press 共同通信 (16, Chicago) 47-frn-1594 10/14/1947; 10/15/194[7] 14:45; 15:8; 15:8a; 15:8b; 15:8c; 15:8d The New York Times; United Press (Washington) 47-frn-1599 10/15/194[7] 15:9 47-frn-1600 [10]/[15]/194[7] 47-frn-1601 [10]/[15]/194[7] 47-frn-1602 [10]/[15]/194[7] 47-frn-1603 [10]/[14]/194[7] 47-frn-1604 [10]/[15]/194[7] 47-frn-1605 10/15/194[7] 10/15/194[7] 10/15/194[7] 10/15/194[7] Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 1 Australia not likely to send additional troops to Japan despite the possible withdrawal of british troops H 1 Shortage of cereal crops in US may result in curtailment of grain shipments to Japan (farmers will have to deliver 6.5 million more tons of rice) H, D 1 Chicago Tribune in leading article today said Britain was planning to transfer her government to East Africa in the even of a future emergency. Secretary Harriman charges Russian leaders sorting to "hate and [fe]ar" campaign through press Britain may move its government to Africa, in case Russia attacks tha British Isles Sec. of Commerce Harriman charged that Russian leaders are resorting to a "hate and fear" campaign through the press H, S 1 H, P 2 Jiji Tsushin Secretary Harriman charges Russian leaders sorting to "hate and [fe]ar" campaign through press Sec. of Commerce Harriman charged that Russian leaders are resorting to a "hate and fear" campaign through the press H, P 2 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Secretary [of] Commerce Averell Harriman charged Russian leaders through controlled press resorting to deliberate "hate... Sec. of Commerce Harriman charged that Russian leaders are resorting to a "hate and fear" campaign through the press H, P 3 Asahi Shimbun; Kyodo Tsushin; Jiji Tsushin; [Mainichi Shimbun]; The Kokusai Times; Jiji Tsushin Asahi; Kyodo; Jiji Tsushin; Kokusai Times; Jiji Tsushin An order to dramatize the need for food in Japan was sent directly to Gen. MacArthur H, D; [Tanaka] H, D, P; H, [D]; H, D; D, H, P; H United Press 共同通信 (9, San Francisco, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service The government today directed Foodless situation in Japan commanders in the occupation areas of and Germany. Program to be Japan and Germany to get and rush used for US conservation. home [a] series of pictures and other illustrative material for use here in dramatizing the need of food to prevent starvation abroad.; Foodless situation in Japan and Germany to be used for U.S. conservation program Former Secretary [of] State James F. Byrnes in sensation packed book memoirs "Speaking Frankly" disclosed that when time came for Russia to fulfill her agreement to enter war against Japan he would have been very happy if Russia had decided not to enter war. Former Sec. of State Byrnes' memoires "Speaking Frankly" H, P 3 15:9a United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times Former Sec. of State Byrnes' memoires "Speaking Frankly" H, P 1 15:9b United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun The Mainichi Former Sec. of State Byrnes' memoires "Speaking Frankly" H, P 1 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Former Secretary of State James F. Byrnes suggested in his memoirs that Russia might have fought World War II with Germany rather than with the Allies had it not been for "blunder" by Russian Foreign Minister V.M. Molotov. Former Secretary of State James F. Byrnes suggested in his memoirs that Russia might have fought World War II with Germany rather than with the Allies had it not been for a "blunder" by Russian Foreign Minister V.M. Molotov. Former Secretary State James F. Byrnes in sensation packed book memoirs "Speaking Frankly" disclosed that when time came for Russia to fulfill her agreement to enter war against Japan he would have been very happy if Russia had decided not to enter war. Former Sec. of State Byrnes' memoires "Speaking Frankly" S, P 2 Radio Press (Brazzaville) USSR: Attacks S. Africa's color bar & Britain in Greece H, S 15:11 Radio Press (Melbourne) Japan: Whaling: Allies to supervise Antarctic expedition 15:12 Associated 共同通信; 東京新聞 Press (30, 52, Boston) Pravda: Sec. Gen. of communist Party calls policy of color bar in South Africa as "Imperialism in all its ugliness" Australian Prime Minister said that Japanese whaling expedition to the Antarctic will be under allied supervision CIO made an official declaration on foreign policy: a plea to all nations to not interfere with the independence of other peoples 15:10 Brazzaville (Broadcast) Tokyo Shimbun Subject H, P 時事通信 Tokyo Shimbun Headline Australia not likely to send additional troops to Japan despite the possible withdrawal of british troops 朝日新聞; 共同通信; 時事通信; [毎日新聞]; 国際タイムス; 時事通信 Kyodo News Service Headline (Japanese) Defense Minister John Dedman said today that Australia was not likely to send additional troops to Japan despite the possible withdrawal of British troops from the common occupation forces. Defense Minister John Dedman said today Australia was not likely to send additional troops to Japan despite the possible withdrawal of British troops from the common occupation force. Food: imports from U.S. to be cut 東京新聞 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin; Tokyo The Kyodo News Shimbun Service; Tokyo Shimbun 米政府・節食運動に[拍]車. 食糧難の寫眞を送れ. 日擉占領軍司令官に要請; 日獨の食糧事情. 米政府現地報告要求 The CIO[']s official declaration on foreign policy came out today, a plea for all nations to banish war talk, use self restraint, and not interfer[e] with the independence of other peoples. Y Mercola Sameshima 10 2 H, P 1 H, P 3 Oversized News Agency Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Canberra) Photograph(s) Source 15:4d Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[15]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1587 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1607 [10]/[14]/194[7] 15:13a Jiji [10]/[15]/194[7] 15:13b Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1608 47-frn-1609 10/15/194[7] 15:13d Associated 東京新聞 Press (20, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1610 [10]/[15]/194[7] 10/18/194[7] 15:13f Associated 北海道新聞 Press (Washington) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-1611 10/15/1947 10/18/1947 15:13g Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-1612 10/[15]/1947 15:13h Associated 日本経済新聞 Press World Service (Washington) The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai 47-frn-1613 10/15/194[7] 15:13l Associated 共同通信 Press (15, 20, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-1614 10/15/1947 15:14 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) 47-frn-1615 10/15/194[7] 15:14a Associated 共同通信 Press (49, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1616 [10]/[15]/194[7] 15:14b Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1617 [10]/15/194[7] 15:14c Associated 西日本新聞 Press (Washington) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 47-frn-1618 [10]/[15]/194[7] 15:14d Associated 北海道新聞 Press (Washington) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-1618a [10]/[14]/194[7] 15:14d Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1619 10/15/1947 15:14e Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Nippon Times 47-frn-1620 10/15/194[7] 15:15 United Press 共同通信 (4, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline The United States has asked the 11nation Far Eastern Commission to approve General Douglas MacArthur['s] detailed plan for breaking up Japanese industrial and banking monopolies, American officials said Tuesday. U.S. asks Far Eastern to consider antimonopolic [plan] Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes The plan to break up economic monopolies in Japan is Gen. MacArthur's H, D [John Scali] 2 The plan to break up economic monopolies in Japan is Gen. MacArthur's The plan to break up economic monopolies in Japan is Gen. MacArthur's H, D 4 H, D [John Scali] 2 The plan to break up economic monopolies in Japan is Gen. MacArthur's H, D 2 The plan to break up economic monopolies in Japan is Gen. MacArthur's H, D [John Scali] 1 The plan to break up economic monopolies in Japan is Gen. MacArthur's H, D 1 The United States has asked the 11nation Far Eastern Commission to approve Gen. MacArthur's detailed plan for breaking up Japanese industrial and banking monopolies, American officials said today. The United States has asked the 11nation Far Eastern Commission to approve General Douglas MacArthur['s] detailed plan for breaking up Japanese industrial and banking monopolies, American officials said Tuesday. Representative Thor Tollefson, Republican of Washington, said today that he hopes to stir greater interest by the state department in the fishing industry and get international fishery negotiations placed in the hands of an official of policy-making rank. Representative Thor Tollefson, (Republican, Washington), said today he hopes to stir greater interest by the state department in the fishing industry and get international fishery negotiations placed in the hands of an official of policy making rank. Representative Thor Tollefson, (Republican, Washington), said today he hopes to stir greater interest by the state department in the fishing industry and get international fishery negotiations placed in the hands of an official of policy making rank. Representative Thor Tollefson, Republican of Washington, said today that he hopes to stir greater interest by the State Department in the fishing industry and get international fishery negotiations placed in the hands of an official of policy-making rank. Representative Thor Tollefson, Republican of Washington said today that he hopes to stir greater interest by the State Department in the fishing industry and get international fishery negotiations placed in the hands of an official of policy-making rank. U.S. lower house member stresses protection of U.S. fishery from Japan The plan to break up economic monopolies in Japan is Gen. MacArthur's H, D [John Scali] 1 The plan to break up economic monopolies in Japan is Gen. MacArthur's H, D [John Scali] 3 US lower house member Tollefson stresses protection of US fishery from Japan H, P 1 US lower house member Tollefson stresses protection of US fishery from Japan H 2 US lower house member Tollefson stresses protection of US fishery from Japan H 1 US lower house member Tollefson stresses protection of US fishery from Japan H US lower house member Tollefson stresses protection of US fishery from Japan H 1 H 2 Nippon Times Foreign Tollefson Wants to Limit Japanese Fishing Industry US lower house member Tollefson stresses protection of US fishery from Japan H 1 Kyodo News Service Republican presidential candidate [Harold] Stassen told press conference he thought special session congress was imperative and said he long ago taken stand Uni[ted] States must give major aid toward recovery in Europe. Presidential candidate Harold Stassen told press conference that US must give major aid toward recovery in Europe H, P 3 The United States has asked the 11nation Far Eastern Commission to approve Gen. Macarthur's detailed plan for breaking up Japanese industrial and banking monopolies, American officials said today. The United States has asked the 11nation Far Eastern Commission to approve General Douglas MacArthur['s] detailed plan for breaking up Japanese industrial and banking monopolies, American officials said Tuesday. The United States has asked the 11nation Far Eastern Commission to approve Gen. MacArthur's detailed plan for breaking up Japanese industrial and banking monopolies, American officials said today. FEC asked to okay vital SCAP scheme. Detail Plan Submitted for Breaking Up Japanese Economic Monopolies 日本の漁業に関心 Y 5 3 Oversized Associated 時事通信 Press (20, Washington) Source Photograph(s) 15:13 Duplicate Hold No. 10/15/1947 Number of Pages Date Censored [10]/[15]/194[7] Japanese Article Prange Control No. Writers Date Submitted 47-frn-1606 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 朝鮮情報 Korean Information Press Korean Inf. 47-frn-1622 10/15/194[7] 15:17 Associated Press (2, New York) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1623 10/15/194[7] 15:18 Associated 東京新聞 Press (5, San Francisco) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1624 10/15/194[7] 15:18a Associated 共同通信 Press (6, San Francisco) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1625 [10]/[14]/194[7] 15:19 United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 最大の任務は東亞の研究. グ・ハワイ大學總長談 47-frn-1626 10/15/1947 15:20 United Press 日米通信 (San Francisco) The America-Japan Press Nichibei タフト氏の非軍事的行動を攻撃. 郷軍司令オネイリ氏 47-frn-1627 10/15/1947 15:21 United Press 日米通信 (Eureka, KS) The America-Japan Press Nichibei 米ソ間に原子爆彈戰爭が起る. 学一カレッジの校長が予告 47-frn-1628 10/15/194[7] 15:22 United Press 共同通信 (Nanking) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1629 [10]/[15]/194[7] 15:22a 47-frn-1630 10/15/194[7] 15:23 USIS 共同通信 (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1631 [10]/[15]/194[7] 15:23a United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-1632 [10]/[15]/194[7] 15:24 Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1633 10/15/1947 15:25 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Frankfurt) 産業経済新聞 47-frn-1634 [10]/[15]/194[7] 15:25a International 北海道新聞 News Service (Frankfurt) Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-1635 10/15/1947 15:26 United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun The Mainichi 10/15/1947 時事通信 徴用工賠償二千万円日本に請求 ソ連の根膽. 朝鮮も獨逸同様に. 米紙觀測 ソ連軍から脱出兵増加 Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Notes The [civilian] bill to be presented to the Japanese government for outstanding wages of Koreans conscripted during war time President Franklin D [Roosevelt] was disillusioned over [Russia's attitude] toward postwar cooperation and only an hour before he died sent [a] message advising Winston Churchill that "we must be firm," James F. Byrnes discloses in his newly published memoirs. In a sweeping and sharply worded indictment of Soviet foreign policy, the American federation of labor Tuesday endorsed the Marshall Plan for European relief, demanded abolition of the United Nations veto, and called for government curbs on grain speculation if voluntary cooperation fails. Deleted: exact amount of compensation Koreans are seeking for being drafted into the war by Japan Byrnes stated in his memoires that F. Roosevelt was disillusioned over Russian attitude toward postwar cooperation H, D H, P 1 American Federation of Labor endorsed the Marshall Plan, and demanded abolition of the United Nations veto H, P 1 In [a] sweeping and sharply worded indictment of Soviet foreign policy, the American Federation of Labor Tuesday endorsed the Marshall Plan for European relief, demanded abolition of the United Nations veto, and called for government curbs on grain speculation if [voluntary] cooperation [fails]. American Federation of Labor endorsed the Marshall Plan, and demanded abolition of the United Nations veto H, P 2 President Gregg Sinclair of the University of Hawaii said in an interview that he believes the major function of his university is to develop to the highest degree its studies of Pacific-Asiatic affairs. James F. O'Neil, national commander of the American Legion, charged before the AFL convention Saturday, that Sen. Robert A. Taft (R., O.), is "making common cause with the Communists in opposing Universal Military Training" in the United States. Russia May Launch Atomic Attack But U.S. Will Win, Utopian Says U. of Hawaii's main function H, P to develop its studies of Pacific-Asiatic affairs, says its president Y 2 American Legion head singled out Taft's military policies for criticism H, P Y 2 H, P Y 2 Kuomintang Central Daily News in dispatch dated Changchun said trade between Chinese Communists and Soviet is controlled entirely by so-called "Liaotung Agreement" signed last Autumn at Chiamussu by which Chinese reds agreed exchange foodstuffs lumber for munitions, salt, sugar The Kuomintang Central Daily News in a dispatch datelined Changchun said trade between the Chinese Communists and the Soviets is controlled entirely by the so-called "Liaotsung agreement" signed last autumn at Chiamussu by which the Chinese reds agreed to exchange foodstuffs and lumber for munitions, salt, and sugar Utopian predicts RussoAmerican atomic war by 1950, but says that US will win Kuomingtang central daily news said that trade between Chinese Communists and Soviets controlled entirely by "Liaotsung agreement" H, P 3 Kuomingtang central daily news said that trade between Chinese Communists and Soviets controlled entirely by "Liaotsung agreement" H, P 1 New York Times (10/14) commented: "although [problem] of establishing independence of Korea is now before General Assembly of United Nations, Russian [government] continues to press for an immediate American answer to its proposal for withdrawal of both Russian and American troops from that country at [beginning] of next year." The New York Times, in its lead editorial predicted similar action by the Soviets regarding Germany as taken in Korea. Director Wheelock Martin, etc. just returned [next] ree months stay Japan told rotary should restored so onset norder enable Japan assume place [important test] distributor far east wide. Desertions said increase in Soviet army in Germany Deleted the phrase "Russian dominated" in describing the All-Communist Peoples's government of Korea H, D 2 New York times editorially predicts Soviets to take similar action regarding Germany as taken in Korea H, P In Germany Desertions in the Soviet army is on the increase H, P Desertions in the Soviet army is on the increase, especially among those who do not like the idea of having to return to Russia. Allied council for Japan In Germany Desertions in the Soviet army is on the increase H, P Gen. MacArthur cautioned Allied Council that it is too early to set foreign exchange rate for Japan H, P Y H, P 4 2 1 Y 4 1 [Ralph Teatsorth] , [Matsuda] 2 Oversized News Agency KP-KIP Photograph(s) Source 15:16a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[14]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1621 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 47-frn-1637 10/15/194[7] 15:28 Associated Press (17, New York) 47-frn-1638 10/15/1947 15:29 New York Herald Tribune 47-frn-1640 10/15/1947 15:31 47-frn-1641 10/15/1947 15:32 47-frn-1642 [10]/[14]/194[7] 47-frn-1643 10/15/1947 47-frn-1644 [10]/15/194[7] 47-frn-1645 Washington Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (15) Tokyo Shimbun (#15) ケナン氏 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun トリエストの鉄幕をあげれば International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Trieste) 産業経済新聞 United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (Tabriz) Service News Service 朝鮮新聞 Chosen Shimbun Jiji World Chosen-Shinbun たとい呼應するも[依]然獨自の行動か. 中[国]に新たな反共苦悶. 注目される中[国]共產黨 15:35 International 西日本新聞 News Service (Washington) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 米陸軍警告を発す [10]/[15]/194[7] 15:35a International 北海道新聞 News Service (Washington) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido 47-frn-1646 10/15/1947 15:35b International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Washington) 産業経済新聞 47-frn-1647 10/15/1947 15:36 International Nippon Times News Service (Washington) Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Nippon Times Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-1648 [10]/[13]/194[7] 10/15/1947 15:37 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-1649 10/15/1947 10/23/1947 15:38 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 國際組織と中共. 「不參加説」は理由薄弱 47-frn-1650 [10]/[14]/194[7] 10/15/1947 15:39 Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Cairo) Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo ソ連の態度にアラブ側失望 47-frn-1651 10/15/1947 朝日新聞 海外における戰犯の全貌 47-frn-1652 10/15/1947 47-frn-1653 15:33 10/20/1947 15:34 15:40 Commentary Commentary Iran deporting suspected Reds 米国陸軍省全軍に警告. "ソ連の攻撃はあらゆる方向から可能" "New Anti-Communism Struggle in China": Chinese Communist Party may take its own action. Army warns troops throughout world Russia in position to attack Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 6 Soviet American relations as discussed in Byrne's book "Speaking Frankly" P 1 H, P 4 [Walter Lippmann ] USSR accuses Keenan and H, D, Sakai Inouye others of preparing for a USS USSR war US fears that the USSR will D [Kingsbur impede the development of a y Smith, free state in Trieste European General Manager, Internation al News Service] Iran deporting suspected H, P Reds Asian Communist H, S Gomes movements will probably remain apart from the new Comintern US Army warns that Russia H, P is in position to attack "in almost any direction" [Gomes] Y 6 Y 22 2 Nomura Y 5 Y 9 H, P Army warns troops throughout world Russia in position to attack US Army warns that Russia is in position to attack "in almost any direction" H, P U.S. Officials Say Russia Plans To Set Up Satellite in Germany US officials say Russia plans to set up satellite in Germany H, P 1 About a fortnight ago the Soviet Union placed before the joint AmericanRussian commission on Korea the extraordinary proposal that both nations withdraw their military forces from that strategically situated country and let the Koreans form their own government. Yugoslavia broke of relations with Chile at Russian instruction H, D [Mackenzi e] 3 "The 4th International and the Chinese Communists" Arabs "disillusioned" by Russia's stand at UNO Asahi Shimbun 14 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Deals total $3,000,000. Japanese Expect to Broaden Range of Foreign Trade Items 10/15/1947 15:42 International Nippon Times News Service (Fresno, CA) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign To Moot Discrimination In Cotton Buying for Japan 47-frn-1654 [10]/[14]/194[7] 15:43 International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Washington) Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin Congressmen say Russia's march bogged down in Europe 47-frn-1655 10/15/194[7] 15:44 USIS Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-1656 10/[15]/1947 15:44a United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Kyodo News Service The Mainichi 47-frn-1657 10/15/194[7] 15:45 United Press 共同通信 (Auckland) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1658 10/15/1947 15:46 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo Arabs "disillusioned" by Russia's stand at UNO "War-criminals in foreign lands" Contracts totalling over 3 million dollars signed during 1st 40 days of Jap. Foreign trade. In his sensation-packed book of memoirs, published under the title "Speaking Frankly," former Secretary of State James F. Byrnes has disclosed that he wished Russia had not entered the war against Japan. Major General Barrowclough, the Commander of the New Zealand Third Division, serving Pacific during war, urged establishment British Commonwealth Secretariat outside England to coordinate foreign policy defense and inter-Commonwealth relations. 国際情勢の悪循環 Examiner3 US Army warns that Russia is in position to attack "in almost any direction" Asahi Shimbun (14) 東京民報 Examiner1 Examiner2 H, P Army warns troops throughout world Russia in position to attack Nippon Times Editorial Brief Summary Churchill stated that if Soviets poses a threat, that Britain will form solidarity with the US as in the recent victory over Germany, Japan, and Italy The Cold War: US policy with respect to Russia "Mr. Keenan" Associated Press 共同通信 Subject Lifting the curtain in Trieste 15:41 10/15/1947 news item Headline Winston Churchill said in a recorded speech heard at [a] New York dinner tonight that while he could not exclude [the] danger of war, he did not think [the] "violent abuse which [the] Soviet [government] and their Communist adherents all over the world lavished on all existing forms of civilisation was necessarily [a] sign of danger." "The president told me he had grave misgivings about the future" of Soviet American relations, Byrnes says in the book "Speaking Frankly." Today and Tomorrow. The Cold War. XIV "Malcirculation in International Situation" 1 Y Chinese Communists should H, S join the Comintern for solidarity Egyptian newspaper says that H, D the USSR has beaten the US. Hori Yamaguchi Kawamoto Progress of war-criminal H, P trials in foreign lands SCAP says 3 million dollars' H, D, worth of trade contracts have C been signed with Japan Kawamoto Fujinami 12 Y 10 Y 4 Y 11 2 Steps to oppose discrimination against Western cotton in supplying Japanese mills to be discussed Congressmen say Russia's march bogged down in Europe H, P 1 H, P 2 P 1 Former Sec. of State Byrnes reveals that he never wanted Russia to enter the war against Japan S, P 1 British commonwealth should be established outside of England, says Maj. Gen. Barrowclough H, P 2 Malcirculation in International situation H, P Gomes H. Okada Y 6 1 Oversized News Agency Reuters (New 共同通信 York) Photograph(s) Source 15:27 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/15/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1636 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) アサヒニュース 47-frn-1661 10/15/1947 15:49 International Nippon Times News Service 47-frn-1662 10/15/1947 15:50 Associated Press (Kuldja) 47-frn-1663 10/15/1947 15:51 47-frn-1664 [10]/15/194[7] 47-frn-1665 10/15/194[7] 47-frn-1666 10/15/194[7] 16:1 Associated Press (39, Palo Alto, CA) 47-frn-1666a [10]/[16]/194[7] 16:1a Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Palo Alto, CA) 47-frn-1666b [10]/[16]/194[7] 47-frn-1667 [10]/[16]/194[7] 47-frn-1668 News item Associated Press (Manila) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) さながら世紀の戰爭. 貧しく無学で訓練のない歩兵 Asahi News Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News 夕刊みやこ Yukan Miyako (14) Yukan Miyako (14) 大豆二萬五千トン等. 中國の對日輸出割當決る Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 外国砂糖近く入船 Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo News Service 救済用砂糖を比島に交渉 International 西日本新聞 News Service (Tokyo) 10/15/1947 Submitted by The Asahi News 時事通信; 共同通信 Associated 北海道新聞 Press World Service (Palo Alto, CA) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 16:2 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 10/16/194[7] 16:2a United Press 共同通信 (2, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1669 10/16/1947 16:2b United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-1670 [10]/[16]/194[7] 16:2c United Press 国際通信 (Washington) Kokusai Tsushin Kokusai T. 47-frn-1671 [10]/[15]/194[7] 16:2d United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (Washington) Service News Service Jiji W 47-frn-1672 [10]/[15]/194[7] 16:3 United Press 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1673 [10]/[15]/194[7] 16:3a United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (Washington) Service News Service 47-frn-1674 [10]/[16]/194[7] 16:3b United Press [毎日新聞] (Washington) Jiji Tsushin [Mainichi Shimbun] Jiji W 獨立叫ぶイリー民衆. 赤い氣炎を吐く乙女中尉 日本經濟再建に賛意 Headline China's civil war is being fought out on a broad [medieval] pattern, with some of the weapons of 20th century superimposed to give a deceiving semblance of modernity Price Higashikuni, ten otehrs aer hit in new purge move. Government Committee Takes Action Against [I]mperial Princes As 'Career Militarist[s]' Leaders of the Ili region of the vast Northwest Frontier of China are demanding complete independence. Subject Brief Summary Chinese foot soldiers are poor and badly treated D Prince Higashikuni, and 10 others are hit in new purge move H Leaders of Ili region of Northwest frontier of China are demanding complete independence "Export Quota of Salt for Export quota of salt for Export to Japan Determined export to Japan determined by China: 25,000 tons of soy- by China beans to be Exported to Japan." Foreign sugar is expected to arrive in SCAP official said that Japan shortly for distribution among the foreign sugar will soon be Japanese people, SCAP officials said distributed to Japanese Wednesday. people SCAP foreign trade representative SCAP foreign trade [Lieutenant] [Colonel] Bernard representative said US Anderson said United States looking to looking to Philippines to Philippines to supply part of 125 to 200 supply sugar for Army relief thousand tons sugar, which is needed programs in Japan for army relief programs in Japan Germany. Reports that Japan is existing on only Dean of Stanford School of three-fourths its normal food supply are Social Sciences said Japan's overly pessimistic, Dean Merrill K. food situation precarious, but Bennett of the Stanford School of not disastrous Social Sciences, declared in a speech at the university today. Reports that Japan is existing on only Dean of Stanford School of three-fourths its normal food supply are Social Sciences said Japan's overly pessimistic, Dean Merrill K. food situation precarious, but Bennett of the Stanford School of not disastrous Social Sciences, declared in a speech at the university today. Reports that Japan is existing on only Dean of Stanford School of three-fourths its normal food supply are Social Sciences said Japan's overly pessimistic, Dean Merrill K. food situation precarious, but Bennett of the Stanford School of not disastrous Social Sciences, declared in a speech at the university today. Philippine ambassador [Joaquin Japan's Economy: Philippines Elizalde] said it important our Japanese Ambassador, Joaquin neighbors get on their feet. Elizalde, said that it is important for "our Japanese neighbors to get on their feet." Philippine ambassador [Joaquin] Japan's Economy: Philippines Elizalde said it important our Japanese Ambassador, Joaquin neighbors get on their feet. Elizalde, said that it is important for "our Japanese neighbors to get on their feet." Elizalde comments on Japanese Japan's Economy: Philippines economy Ambassador, Joaquin Elizalde, said that it is important for "our Japanese neighbors to get on their feet." The Philippines Ambassador, Joaquin Japan's Economy: Philippines M. Elizalde, said that it is important for Ambassador, Joaquin "our Japanese neighbors to get on their Elizalde, said that it is feet." important for "our Japanese neighbors to get on their feet." Philippine envoy to U.S. comments on Japan's Economy: Philippines Japanese recovery Ambassador, Joaquin Elizalde, said that it is important for "our Japanese neighbors to get on their feet." Washington learned Soviet authorities Soviets ban the distribution banned distribution 5,000 copies State of US State Department Department[']s magazine "America" by magazine, "America" by the American embassy in Moscow. American Embassy in Moscow Soviets ban distribution of State Soviets ban the distribution Department magazine of US State Department magazine, "America" by the American Embassy in Moscow American magazine. It was learned Soviets ban the distribution Wednesday that Soviet authorities have of US State Department banned the distribution of 5,000 copies magazine, "America" by the of the State Department's magazine American Embassy in "America" by the American Embassy in Moscow Moscow. H, P H, S Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y [Howard Handlema n, Far Eastern Bureau Manager, INS] [Peggy Parker] H, P S Examiner1 Examiner2 3 1 Kawamoto Abe [Izawa] Notes Y 6 Y 2 Y 4 Y 5 H, S 2 H, S 1 S 1 H, P 3 H, P 2 H, P 1 H, P Y 2 H, P 3 H, P 1 H, P 2 H, P 1 Oversized News Agency Associated Press World Service (Shanghai) Photograph(s) Source 15:48 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[13]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1660 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Soviets Ban Distribution Of 'America' to Officials 47-frn-1676 [10]/[16]/194[7] 16:4 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Cotton moderately active irregularly higher. 47-frn-1677 [10]/[16]/194[7] 16:5 United Press 時事通信, 共同通信, (New York) 毎日新聞 Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin, Mainichi Shimbun Jiji, Kyodo, Mainichi The New York Times in an editorial on the Japanese war trials which are "proceeding in an atmosphere of almost monumental public indifference," said the Tokyo hearings "suffered from the beginning from the compromising anomaly that while we have put on trial for their lives some two dozen oddly assorted men who were sometimes exponents and sometimes pawns of larger forces, we have not only spared the head in which all these forces found their focal point and from which they derived their strength--namely Emperor Hirohito--but also united with the Japanese to strengthen his position." 47-frn-1678 10/16/194[7] 16:6; 16:6a United Press 時事通信; 共同通信 (18, Washington) Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1679 [10]/[16]/194[7] 16:7 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1680 [10]/[16]/194[7] 16:7a United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-1681 [10]/[16]/194[7] 16:7b United Press 共同通信 (1, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Commerce Department announced first broad list of commodities which nations world permit[t]ed to send to Japan in process of restoring trade... 47-frn-1682 10/16/194[7] 16:7c United Press 共同通信, [毎日新聞] Kyodo Tsushin, (Washington) [Mainichi Shimbun] Kyodo News Service World's list of commodities to be sent to Japan 47-frn-1683 [10]/[16]/194[7] 16:8 [Radio Press (Singapore)] 47-frn-1684 [10]/[15]/194[7] 16:9 Radio Press (Nanking) 47-frn-1685 [10]/[16]/194[7] 16:10 United Press 共同通信 (Baltimore) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 16:11 United Press 時事通信 (New York) 47-frn-1686 [10]/[16]/1947 47-frn-1687 [10]/[16]/194[7] 10/16/1947 47-frn-1687a 10/16/194[7] 47-frn-1687b 10/16/194[7] 47-frn-1688 10/16/194[7] 10/18/194[7] 16:13 47-frn-1689 10/[16]/1947 10/18/1947 16:13a 47-frn-1690 [10]/[16]/194[7] 16:12 16:14 日本の輸入必需品卅八品目許可さる. 米商務省が發表 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shinbun Associated Press (46, Portland) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Associated Press (47, Portland) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun United Press 共同通信 (Hangchow, Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Hangchow) Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 1 Uni[ted] States army pamphlet distributed to American troops world over warned that Russia through control Eurasian land mass in position launch offensive war in "almost any direction." US Army pamphlet warned American troops world over that Russia in position to launch offensive war in almost any direction H 3 Commerce Department announces first broad list of [commodities] which nations world permitted to s[e]nd to Japan in process of restoring trade... Commerce Department announces first list of commodities which nations would be permitted to send to Japan to restore trade Commerce Department announces first list of commodities which nations would be permitted to send to Japan to restore trade H 2 The Commerce Department announced the first broad list of commodities which the nations of the world will be permitted to send to Japan in the process of restoring trade. Political: Press comments on Bullitt article 北海道新聞 Brief Summary Soviets ban the distribution H, P of US State Department magazine, "America" by the American Embassy in Moscow Leading US mills strongly H, P protest the Army's proposal to sell Japanese cotton fabrics in US Hirohito should not be S immune from prosecution in the war trials Zaibatsu: FEC to be asked to approve plan for break up Associated Press World Service (Portland) Subject [Henry A.] Wallace denounced Secretary Defense [James] Forrestal as leader of "the war group in Washington." From Manchuria down to India, Communism is on march in Asia One of the American businessmen allowed to inspect Japanese merchandise offered for export said on returning home today that he believes Japan is on the verge of quick economic recovery. One of the American businessmen allowed to inspect Japanese merchandise offered for export said on returning home Tuesday night he believes Japan is on the verge of [quick] economic recovery. One of the American businessmen allowed to inspect Japanese merchandise offered for export said on returning home Tuesday night he believes Japan is on the verge of quick economic recovery. Miss C. M. Van [Asch] Van Wijck president World Young Women's Christian Association told international council meeting today she [regretted] Japan[']s absence at gathering as she formally opened conference. YMCA's Head Regrets Japan's Absence Winston Churchill says he would be sorry if Russia and the nations close to her walked out of the United Nations, but that he does not necessarily believe that would lead to war. Commerce Department announces first list of commodities which nations would be permitted to send to Japan to restore trade Commerce Department announces first list of commodities which nations would be permitted to send to Japan to restore trade The plan to break up industrial monopolies in Japan is MacArthur's Chinese press comments on W.C. Bullitt's article on China Henry Wallace says James Forrestal and Wall Street are out for world domination 1 1 H, P Y H, P H, P 2 1 [Matsuda] 2 H, D 1 H, P 2 H, D 3 Viet Nam war is turning into H, D a Communist war because of lack of clear US policy American businessman upon inspecting Japanese merchandise said that he believes Japan is on the verge of quick economic recovery 3 American businessman upon inspecting Japanese merchandise said that he believes Japan is on the verge of quick economic recovery 2 H, P American businessman upon inspecting Japanese merchandise said that he believes Japan is on the verge of quick economic recovery 1 1 Head of YWCA regrets Japan's absence from an international conference H, D 2 Head of YWCA regrets Japan's absence from an international conference H, D 1 Churchill stated that even if Russia pulls out of the UN, he does not believe that it would necessarily lead to war H, P 1 Oversized News Agency Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) Photograph(s) Source 16:3c Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/16/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1675 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015)
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