This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 4/19/194[8] [4]/[19]/194[8] 48-loc-0789 48-loc-0790 48-loc-0790a 4/19/194[8] [4]/[19]/194[8] [4]/[19]/194[8] 4/21/194[8] 5/19 6/19 6/19 48-loc-0791 4/19/1948 4/23/1948 7/19 48-loc-0792 4/19/1948 4/23/1948 8/19 48-loc-0793 [4]/[19]/194[8] 48-loc-0794 [4]/[19]/194[8] 48-loc-0795 4/19/1948 48-loc-0795a Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary アカハタ 時事通信 Akahata Jiji Tsushin (2) Akahata Jiji Tsushin No. 2 世田ヶ谷労働者大会 大量の砂糖放出許可申請 国際特信 時事通信 運輸・観光版 夕刊みやこ 第一新聞 共同通信 Kokusai Tokushin Jiji Tsushin Unyu Kankoban Yukan Miyako Daiichi Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (Osaka) Kokusai Tokushin Jiji Tsushin Unyu Kankoban Yukan Miyako Daiichi Shinbun Kyodo (Osaka) 四月中旬までの輸入食糧 青森室蘭に定期航路. 大阪商船が若草丸配船 H, P 不當課税問題への農村問題 初の次官會議 綿製品のストツクを配給. 首相大阪各界代表懇談会で演説 H, P H, P H, P News Item; Comment 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 新物價と農業物價格 News Item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (36) Tokyo Shimbun (#36) 遠洋航行再開へ. 貿易発展に備へ船体整備を急ぐ 9/19 共同通信 時事通信 Kyodo Tsushin (Sapporo) Jiji Tsushin (Osaka) Kyodo (Sapporo) 10/19 Jji Tsushin (Osaka) 11/19 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (Akita) Asahi (Akita) 4/19/1948 11/19 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (Akita) 48-loc-0795b 48-loc-0795c 4/19/1948 4/19/194[8] 11/19 11/19 日本経済新聞 読売新聞 The Nihon Keizai Yomiuri Shimbun (Akita) 48-loc-0796 48-loc-0797 [4]/[19]/194[8] 4/19/1948 共同通信 The Yomiuri Weekly Kyodo Tsushin (Moji) The Yomiuri Weekly 48-loc-0798 4/19/194[8] 読売新聞 48-loc-0799 4/19/1948 4/22/1948 15/19 Yomiuri Shimbun (Osaka) Kyodo Tsushin (73) 48-loc-0799a 48-loc-0800 [4]/[19]/194[8] [4]/[19]/194[8] [4]/21/194[8] 16/19 17/19 48-loc-0801 4/19/194[8] 4/23/194[8] 20/19 48-loc-0802 48-loc-0803 4/19/1948 4/19/194[8] [4]/21/194[8] 21/19 22/19 48-loc-0804 4/19/1948 4/23/1948 23/19 48-loc-0805 48-loc-0806 [4]/[19]/194[8] 4/19/194[8] 48-loc-0807 4/19/1948 48-loc-0808 4/19/194[8] 48-loc-0809 4/19/1948 4/26/1948 29/19 News Item 48-loc-0810 48-loc-0811 48-loc-0812 [4]/[19]/194[8] [4]/[19]/194[8] 4/19/1948 4/23/194[8] 4/23/1948 30/19 31/19 32/19 48-loc-0813 4/19/1948 4/24/1948 33/19 48-loc-0814 [4]/[19]/1948 4/20/1948 34/19 48-loc-0815 4/19/1948 4/23/1948 35/19 Editorial 48-loc-0816 4/19/1948 4/22/1948 36/19 48-loc-0817 4/19/194[8] 5/1/194[8] 48-loc-0818 4/19/1948 4/23/1948 48-loc-0819 4/19/1948 4/23/1948 48-loc-0820 4/19/194[8] News Item 3/19 4/19 4/22/1948 12/19 13/19 News Item 14/19 News Item 時事通信 時事通信 貿易情報版 News Item 民青時報 Jiji Tsushin (Osaka) Jiji Tsushin Boeki Johoban Minsei Jiho Mercola Ito Yoshimoto Nomura 国鉄室蘭支部全線スト; 国鉄労組室蘭支部を提訴 H, P [Naito] "三党協定に修正の要". 北村蔵相、大阪各界懇談会で言明 H, P お茶の(公)ついに撤廃 Criticism of the Public Safety Committee and tbe police force in connection with the Hamamatsu riot "Official Price of Tea Lifted" Price control on tea is abolished 争議禁止特に必要なし. 加藤労相永江農相車中談 三井物産系の貿易新会社 東京にも閉鎖令. "授業の場合は検束" Closing order is issued to Korean school in Tokyo School closing order has been issued in Tokio Asahi Yomiuri (Osaka) 厚生省で米へ留學生 政府は新内閣の政策を浸透させ廣く國民に協力を求めるた め去る十日東京における各界代表との懇談会に引続き十九 日午前十時から大阪商工会議所で芦田首[相]以下全閣僚( 苫米地、森戸、相溝各相欠席)および新政務官が出席の上 、京阪神各界代表者百余氏を招いて同様懇談会を開催した 民靑時報 Minsei Jiho (22/31, 32, 33, 36) Minsei Jiho No. 22/31, 32, 33, 36 Closed Korean School Account of police abuse 共同通信 読売新聞 Kyodo Tsushin Yomiuri Shimbun (Niigata) Kyodo Tsushin (99, Osaka) Kyodo Yomiuri (Niigata) オシ戰術で斗争. 兵庫の七三名刑務所え; 日警に足蹴りされ胎児死亡[!]; 森戸文相語らず; 大阪でも四五名検束 "取越苦労は不要". 在ソ同胞引揚にゲ氏語る 傳染性下痢の病源なお不明 Kyodo 99 (Osaka) 大臣何れも固くなる. 大阪の各界代表懇談会 Sugar Unfit as a Staple Food Women's Society for Moral Reform says that sugar is not fit to be distributed as a staple food Yomiuri Shimbun (Seibu) Minsei Jiho (22-25) Yomiuri (Seibu) 台湾バナナ近くお目見得か 民青時報 Minsei Jiho 22-25 一大救国斗爭え. 朝連十四中終る "To Start A Great National Salvation Struggle; The 14th Central Committee Meeting of the League Of Koreans Ended." League of Koreans discusses the struggle for the Korean salvation under the three principles of the racial united front of democracy Commentary 共同通信 東京民報 時事通信 Kyodo Tsushin Tokyo Mimpo Jiji Tsushin (109) Kyodo Tokyo Mimpo Jiji Tsushin, 109 車台檢査問題に新橋管理部長申入れ 慰労休暇戦術 輸入自動車にデイーラー契約復活か News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (112) Jiji Tsushin 112 時事通信 映画芸能版 アカハタ Jiji Tsushin Eiga Geinoban Akahata Jiji Tsushin Eiga Geino Akahata キヤロル氏、松竹と提携か. 日本側出演俳優は松竹優先申入れ 婦人、青少年の獲得 News Item アカハタ Akahata (26) Akahata 26 引揚げ問題会見 37/19 News Item アカハタ Akahata (30) Akahata 30 引揚懇談会 38/19 Commentary アカハタ Akahata (3-A) Akahata 3-A 黨財政への理解. デマとオルグの頭 39/19 News Item アカハタ Akahata (21) Akahata 21 勞働法規の改惡 アカハタ Akahata (Hokkaido) Akahata (Hokkaido) 國鉄追分機関区 26/19 News Item from Osaka 読売新聞 28/19 40/19 共同通信 Kuwata 1 Y Y 3 3 Y Y Y 1 1 30 Y 20 Y 5 Y 6 Y 2 Y 1 Y 2 H [Naito] Y Y 1 1 Y Y 3 5 H, P H, S Nagakura Mercola Yoshimoto Iwasaki Yabuki H, P Mercola Ebisawa Murao M. Nagashima H H, P [Mercola] H, P T. Kato H, P H, P [Mercola] H, S Mercola Naito Takam[u]ra Richardson Nakano Takebe Mercola T. Kato Yoshimoto M. Kawamoto Mercola Naito Takebe H. Okada Kato Hayashi Takamura T. Hori Yabuki H, P H, P News of Local Companies Hayashi 1 6 7 Notes envelope [Naito] H, D H Mmay be Revived" Doi Y Y H H, P Asahi shimbun Yomiuri shimbun (Osaka) News Item [Mercola] H, P Criticism on the Public Safety Commission. Examiner5 Examiner6 Matsumo[t]o Sasaki Yoshimoto 主食. 砂糖・大豆粉 38 vessels are being made ready for use in the development of foreign trade Examiner4 M. Hori Kyodo Tsushin No. 73 Jiji Tsushin (Osaka) Jiji Tsushin Boeki Johoban Minsei-J[i]ho H, P Hudnall Examiner3 Matsumoto Yomiuri (Osaka) New wage base is the first step in the new price structure Examiner1 Examiner2 Mercola 26日から直接行動に突入. 敎組臨時大会・要求項目を再確認 Mainichi (Akita) あつ旋案ねる. 不祥事回避へ縣民の声; 廿六廿七両日一せいに実力行使. 縣敎組臨時大会で決定. 修正要求案さらに上回る Nihon Keizai 秋田敎組スト決議 Yomiuri (Akita) 敎組今後の対策を決する縣敎職組第四回臨時大会は十八日 秋田市女師付属小学校で六百余名の代議員が出席開催かれ たが... Kyodo (Moji) 海南島の鉄鉱石近く到着 Yomiuri Shimbun No. 公安委員問題 325 New price system and agricultural products; "New Commodity Prices and Agricultural Products." To Re-opening of Ocean Navigation - Ships' Equipment Under way Providing for Development of Foreign Trade 朝日新聞 読売新聞 24/19 25/19 4/22/1948 共同通信 Petition for Release of Sugar at Petition for the release of sugar Large Scale as staple food H, D H, P H, S H, P H Negotiations in progress H, D, S between Ford and Empire Motor Co. (Japan) for the revival of private contracts Mr. Izumi of Sanshin Textile Trade Co. has been selected as an overseas inspection delegate Y 1 Y 13 Y Y 11 1 Y 4 Y Y 1 1 Y 14 Y Y 23 1 Y 14 Y 1 Y 6 Y Y Y 12 5 3 1 H, P [Mercola] Y 1 "Acquirement of Support By Women and Young Men." Account of how young people, especially women, were exploited by the government H, D Mercola Gomes M. Kawamoto Y 9 Talks on Repatriation Problem between the Communist and All-Japan Repatriation Promotion Council Representatives. Round Table Cnference on Repatriation "Comprehension of the political party's finance" Soviet representative addresses the families of detained Japanese concerning the problems of repatriation H, S Kato Hudnall Yabuki Y 19 Roundtable conference on repatriation Communist Party might have tried to spread the rumor that it was funded by western money H, S Kato Hudnall T. Hori Y 39 Mercola Jan[e] Hudnall T. Nakayama Y 2 "Deterioration of Labor Law" The induction of American capital of 120 or 130 million dollars may end in failure Mercola Jane Hudnall K. Minami Y 5 Y 11 H, P D H Morio Inoue Oversized 48-loc-0787 48-loc-0788 News Agency Photograph(s) 4/22/1948 1/19 2/19 Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted 4/19/1948 4/19/194[8] 4/1/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-0785z 48-loc-0785 48-loc-0786 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-0823 48-loc-0824 4/19/194[8] 4/19/1948 アカハタ Akahata (31) Akahata 31 4疊半の部屋一つないばつかりに結婚式の日取りもきめか ねているK君「戰争のデマをとばすことによつてトクをす るのははたしてだれか」とこのところ平和宣傳に大わらわ ですが、最近郷里の母親から次の手紙がとどきました 43/19 46/19 アカハタ 朝日新聞 Akahata (Akita) Asahi Shimbun Akahata (Akita) Asahi 秋田敎組. 無期限スト決議 調味料を增配. 大豆粉のふりむけで 42/19 Comment Headline (Japanese) 48-loc-0824a 4/19/194[8] 46/19 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo ミソ∙ショウ油に回す. 「脂肪」は都会から追放する 48-loc-0824b [4]/[19]/194[8] 46/19 東京タイムズ The Tokyo Times Tokyo Taimusu 牛様か人間野郎か. 醤油原料か餌料に. みそは八月まで大丈夫 48-loc-0825 4/19/1948 4/23/1948 47/19 News Item 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun (9) Nishi Nippon #9 48-loc-0826 48-loc-0827 [4]/[19]/194[8] 4/19/1948 [4]/21/194[8] 4/23/1948 48/19 49/19 Political Item 共同通信 毎日新聞 Kyodo Tsushin Mainichi Shimbun (14) Kyodo Mainichi Shimbun #14 48-loc-0828 4/19/1948 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 48-loc-0829 4/19/1948 4/22/1948 51/19 News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (951) Nihon Keizai 951 48-loc-0830 4/19/1948 4/23/1948 52/19 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (120) 48-loc-0831 4/19/1948 53/19 毎日新聞 48-loc-0831a [4]/[19]/194[8] 54/19 共同通信 Mainichi Shimbun (Osaka) Kyodo Tsushin 48-loc-0832 4/19/1948 アカハタ Akahata (42, Kansai) 48-loc-0833 4/20/194[8] 50/19 4/23/1948 55/19 News Item 6/20 News Item Subject "Democratization of Broadcasting" Brief Summary Proposal for a broadcasting administration committee to democratize broadcasting "Rumors of war" Rumors of war Rationing of miso and soy sauce is scheduled to begin in November Communists and Delegates of the Repatriation Furtherance Council Interviewed with the Soviet Delegation to question about the Repatriation Problem Interview with the Soviet delegation about the repatriation problem: 600,000 men might be repatriated this year Shipping business will gradually be returned to a private enterprise Shipping business will gradually be returned to private enterprise 砂糖の公價引上か. 浮動購買力の吸収策 "Official Price of Sugar May Be Raised, As a Measure For Absorbing Floating Purchasing Ppower" Jiji Tsushin 120 パキスタンもスターリング圏 ”Pakistan Belongs to the Sterling Bloc" Plans to import tobacco leaves, manufacture cigarettes in Japan, and sell it for domestic use for about 50 yen/10 cigarettes Pakistan is now a member of the sterling bloc that trades with Japan Mainichi (Osaka) 加配米 Kyodo 主食は米、麦、いも. 砂糖は調味料として配給か Akahata 42 (kansai) 米のメシを食わせろ. 引揚病院船員要求を認めさす 48-loc-0834 4/20/1948 19/29 News Item 共同通信 48-loc-0835 4/20/194[8] 25/20 News Item 毎日新聞 Kyodo Tsushin (113, Ky[o]do 113 (Gifu) Gifu) Mainichi shimbun (118) Mainichi No. 118 48-loc-0836 4/21/1948 5/21 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi shimbun (114) Mainichi No. 114 48-loc-0837 4/21/1948 8/21 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 48-loc-0838 4/21/194[8] 9/21 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (100) Kyodo 100 48-loc-0839 4/21/1948 11/21 News Item 貿易日報 Boeki Nippo (12) Boeki Nippo No. 12 48-loc-0840z 48-loc-0840 4/22/1948 4/22/1948 48-loc-0841 4/22/1948 48-loc-0842 4/22/1948 48-loc-0842a [4]/22/194[8] 48-loc-0843 4/22/1948 4/27/1948 Headline 資本参加の形で外資導入. 栗栖長官語る 関西汽船社長神田外茂夫氏. 一、海運復興のため民営還元が必要である、速やかに還元 してもらいたい 効果は着々とあり. 首相民主党役員と懇談 コカイン式麻睡剤の登場 "Feed Us With Rrice! Repatriation Hospital Ship's Company Had Their Demand Aadmitted." The Holding Company Liquidation Commission Holds A Round Table Conference The crew of repatriation ship in demanding more food, mainly rice New Narcotic was Found in Gifu "A Srong Suspect of Captain John Ryan Murder Case" "10,000-ton Class Tankers, etc. Have a Crowd of Orders from Foreign Shipping Companies." New, superior form of cocaine produced in Gifu Suspect arrested in the John Ryan murder case Shipbuilding yards are receiving large orders from foreign shipping companies Artificial Mummy was Achieved Revision of Prices limited to a minimum A recipe for making artificial mummies Revision of prices will be done on the snall scale by the government Jiji Tsushin (44) Jiji Tsushin 44 4/26/1948 4B/22 Contribution アカハタ Akahata (34) Akahata No. 34 反動的ヒロイズム Reactionary Heroism 4/28/1948 5/22 News Item 第一新聞 Daiichi Shimbun Daiichi Shimbun デンマーク大会へ. 國際ペンクラブから招待. 川端康成氏が出席 "Mr. Yasunari KAWABATA Invited From International Pen Club To Attend Denmark Rally" 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishinippon 国際ペンクラブから招待状. デンマーク大会へ代表を 新夕刊, 共同通信 Shin Yukan (16), Kyodo Shin Yukan #16 Tsushin Commentary "Travelling Aborad Without Passport". 運賃値上は必至. きようから閣議開く 48-loc-0844 4/22/1948 7/22 朝日新聞 Asahi shimbun 48-loc-0845 4/22/194[8] 11/22 読売新聞 48-loc-0845a [4]/[22]/194[8] 13/22 東京タイムズ Yomiuri shimbun (Hokkai[do]) The Tokyo Times 48-loc-0846 4/22/194[8] 4/26/194[8] 14/22 News Item アカハタ Akahata (2) Akahata No. 2 都では新物價體系に呼應して都電都バスの値上げを行うこ とになり目下物價廳と接衝を續けている 税金引上げ 48-loc-0847 4/25/1948 4/26/1948 15/22 Commentary アカハタ Akahata Akahata 飯米よこせ∙各地農民起つ Comment on MacArthur's announcement that Japanese should be allowed to travel abroad as much as possible Mass dismissal of Toho will serve as a model for enterprises interested in inducing foreign capital into Japan Kawabata Yasunari has been invited to attend Denmark Rally of the International Pen Club T. Nakayama 都電∙バスは五円. "女中、小僧さん税"5百円など. また考えた都の赤字うめ Yomiuri (Hokkai[do]) 樺太炭の輸入再開 "Increase of Taxes" "Farmers throughout Japan request their rice." An increase in indirect tax is necessary in the formation of the fiscal budget Farmers who have met their obligations to deliver rice have been suffering themselves from shortage of rice Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 3 Y 2 Takamura H H, D [Kikuchi] Y Y 1 1 D [Kikuchi] Y 1 H, P [Kikuchi] Y 1 S Mercola Gomes Iwasaki K. Yoshida H, P H, P [Hudnall] Mercola Yoshimoto Iwasaki M. Hori H, P [Gomes] H, D T. Kato Ashikawa M. Kawamoto H, P Mercola Ito Moriyama H, C, P [Takamura] H, S Kawamoto M. Nagashima Hudnall M. Kawamoto 2 Y Y 8 4 Y 1 Y 2 Y 2 Y 1 Y 25 Y 2 T. Hori H, P S Richardson Naito Ogino Ogino Doi T. Hori Mercola Ebisawa Yoshimoto Kaneko Matsumoto Yokoyama Ito Moriyama Yabuki Yokoyama P H, D Y K. Tezuka Y S 3 1 7 1 2 4 1 2 1 3 [Kikuchi] Tokukichi Tayama Mercola Tanaka [Yoshio Nakano] Takamura Sasaki Murao Iwasaki M. Kawamoto Takamura Iwasaki T. Nakayama [Kikuchi] envelope "Miss Konishi" is crossed out. Takamura 1 1 1 2 1 Y 2 Y 3 Y 5 Y 3 H, D Y 1 H, P Y 1 H Y 1 Y 13 Y 2 H, S H, S "Railway fares and freight will Railway fares and freight will be raised inevitably, Cabinet be raised with the current price meeting will be held today" revision Asahi Tokyo Taimusu Examiner4 H, S 時事通信 6/22 Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Mercola Takamura Hayashi H, S Holding Company Liquidation Commission holds a roundtable conference (translation unfinished) 火器を持つ巡視船. 準備進む海上保安部 Commentary 5/22 Naoichi Nakajima, Zentei Ominato Shibu H, D 3/22 4/24/1948 H, P H, P [Fukunaga] H, S Niiya T. Hori H, S Mercola Gomes Motoichiro Tamai 2 Oversized 4/23/1948 Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Akahata 5 放送の民主化 Photograph(s) 4/19/1948 Submitted by Akahata (5) News Agency Duplicate 48-loc-0822 Submitted by (Japanese) アカハタ Hold No. Source 41/19 Readers' Contribution Number of Pages Date Censored 4/27/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 4/19/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-0821 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-0849 4/22/1948 4/30/1948 17/22 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (44) Yomiuri No. 44 民間外資 Private Foreign Credit. 48-loc-0850 4/22/194[8] 4/26/194[8] 19/22 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 物價改訂の大綱審議 Revision of Price Set-up 48-loc-0851 4/22/1948 48-loc-0852 4/22/1948 4/25/1948 20/22 News Item 政治新聞 Seiji Shimbun (17) Seiji Shimb[u]n 17 4/26/1948 21/22 News Item アカハタ Akahata (30) Akahata 30 代替配給に主婦起つ "Housewives Rise Against Substitute Ration" 48-loc-0853 4/22/1948 4/22/1948 News Item 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji- Shimpo ふりそで姿で. 織姫渡米. 選手を送る西陣 48-loc-0854z 48-loc-0854 4/23/1948 4/23/194[8] 4/26/194[8] News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 渡米の女工さん決る. 米国でつヾれ錦の妙味を実演 48-loc-0854a 4/23/194[8] 48-loc-0855 4/23/1948 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Kyoto) Akahata (35) Yomiuri (Kyoto) つヾれ織の名手. 選ばれた晴の織姫 アカハタ Akahata 35 日本タイプの暴圧. 三田工場[も]おそう Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject "On rice" "Raise of Railway Fare within This Month." Brief Summary The nation cannot live on rations only; people must rely on the black market to maintain a minimum standard of living The introduction of private foreign capital in connection with mining of sulphur, aluminum, and canned goods Revision of price structure: wage standard will be raised to 3,600 yen The railway fare will be raised about 2.5 times the current rate Examiner1 Examiner2 Sakaino M. Kawamoto Examiner3 D Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes S Mercola Ebisawa Ashikawa Yokoyama Y 2 H, S Mercola Nakano Gomes T. Hori Y 13 K. Tezuka 2 P Mercola Nakano Gomes H, D Mercola Gomes M. Kawamoto Y 4 A Skillful Girl Weaver Goes to A girl weaver goes to America America She Will Weave in to introduce the art of Japanese 'KIMONO' with Long Sleeves textile weaving D, S Ebisawa Takebe S. Konishi Y 4 Weaving maid has been decided to go to [the] U.S. H, S Kaneko T. Hori Kaneko M. Nagashima Women's groups protest substitution of sugar and soybean flour for staple foods 1 envelope 1/23 1/23 4/27/1948 2/23 News Item Weaving maid expected to go to the US to attend the International Textile Exhibition H, S "Japan Typewriter workers Japan Typewriter workers were oppressed; Mita Plant Raided" battered by 500 police officers while workers were defending the plant from disposition H, S Y 1 11 Y 1 Y 6 48-loc-0856 [4]/[23]/194[8] 3/23 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin オリンピック目指し国際馬術協会設立 H, P Y 3 48-loc-0856a [4]/[23]/194[8] 3/23 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 日本国際馬術協会設立. オリムピック目標に各種生産計画 H, P Y 6 48-loc-0856b 48-loc-0857 4/22/1948 [4]/[23]/194[8] 3/23 4/23 日本経済新聞 朝日新聞 The Nihon Keizai Asahi Shimbun Nihon Keizai Asahi 日本國際馬術協会設立. 蘭印へ綿織物輸出. 近く商談成立. 一億三千万ヤード H H, P Y Y 1 1 48-loc-0858 4/23/1948 4/2[8]/1948 5/23 News Item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (37) Tokyo Shimbun 37 物價改訂 48-loc-0859 48-loc-0860 [4]/[23]/194[8] 4/23/1948 4/28/1948 7/23 9/23 News Item 世界日報 貿易日報 Sekai Nippo Boeki Nippo (9) Sekai Nippo Boeki Nippo No. 9 オリムピックは備へ馬術協會 煙草輸入は当分望み薄. 葉煙草はエヂプトで好評 48-loc-0861 4/22/1948 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 48-loc-0862 4/23/1948 4/23/1948 11/23 News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (320) Nihon Keizai (320) 蘭印向契約成る. 綿布一億二千五百万ヤール. 國内放出計画中止か 株式大量放出近し. 持株委員会が制限撤廢 48-loc-0863 4/23/1948 4/29/1948 12/23 Conference 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (326) Nihon Keizai 326 憲法座談会 "Mass Release of Stocks Expected In Near Future; Restriction Removed By Holding Co. Liquidation Commission." "On the New Constitution" 48-loc-0864 4/23/1948 4/27/1948 13/23 Comment 第一新聞 Daiichi Shimbun (2) Daiichi No. 2 周波. 二つの聲 "Cycle" " Two voices" 48-loc-0865 4/23/1948 4/27/1948 15/23 23-3 民青時報 (23-3) Minsei Jiho 23-3 Minsei Jiho 23-3 賣国奴、民團. 單選支持を声明 48-loc-0866 4/23/1948 4/25/1948 16/23 News Item from Kyushu アカハタ Akahata (22, Kyushu) Akahata 22 (Kyushu) 供出用の買出し 48-loc-0867 4/23/1948 4/24/1948 17/23 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (192) Kyodo 192 48-loc-0868 4/23/1948 4/28/1948 18/23 Editorial アカハタ Akahata (6) 48-loc-0869 4/23/1948 5/4/1948 20/23 読売新聞 48-loc-0870 48-loc-0871 [4]/[24]/194[8] 4/24/1948 4/26/1948 6/24 48-loc-0871a 48-loc-0872z 48-loc-0872 [4]/[24]/194[8] 4/25/1948 4/25/1948 4/26/194[8] 4/24 4/26/1948 1/25 Commentary 48-loc-0873 4/25/1948 5/3/1948 3/25 48-loc-0874 4/25/1948 4/28/1948 7/25 10/23 "Price Revision" Import of Tobacco will not be realized in the near future. Japanese leaf tobacco is popular in Egypt. [Kikuchi] Commodity prices will go up H, P, D by 70% and the wage scale will be raised to 4,000 yen H No further import of finished H, S tobacco is expected; Japanese leaf tobacco will be exported to Egypt H, D, P Richardson Moriyama Doi M. Kawamoto Y 5 Gomes Kato Takashima Yabuki Y Y 1 2 Y 2 Previously restricted stocks will be released in large quantities H, P Richardson Yoshimoto Takashima M. Kawamoto Y 2 Conference on the new constitution H, P [Kikuchi] Y 58 Mercola Gomes M. Kawamoto, Sasaki Iwasaki H. Okada The Japanese are too poor to H, D buy a radio, so how can the people listen to the two powers-Moscow Radio and Voice of America? "Traitor Korean Settlement The Korean Settlement H, D Corporation Issues a Statement Corporation issued a statement Supporting Separate Election." supporting the separate election "Rice Hunting for Delivery" Villages resort to rice hunting H, P in order to complete delivery H. Obata Y 4 Mercola T. Kato Takebe M. Kawamoto Y 8 Mercola Gomes Hayashi Y 2 デモ隊日本タイプ三田工場へ. 不法弾圧反対大会の流れ "Demonstrators of Mita Plant of Nihon Typewriter Co." H, D Kawamoto Moriyama Iwasaki Y 6 Akahata No. 6 なぜ本予算はおくれるか "Why There Is A Delay in The Budget Proper." H, P Niiya Hayashi Y 8 Yomiuri Shimbun (45) Yomiuri 45 河山鉱山 "Kawayama Copper Mine" H, P Mercola M. M... Y 2 朝日新聞 東京新聞 Asahi shimbun Tokyo Shimbun (53) Asahi Tokyo Shimbun No. 53 具体的計数調整へ. 物價改訂の檢討進む H, D D Y Malloy Ito Yoshimoto Yabuki 1 1 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 米国へ渡る糸姫北出タヅエさん 新報知 Shin Hochi (2) Shin-Hochi 2 Richardson Nakano Ogino K. Tezuka News Item アカハタ Akahata P Kaneko Matsumoto News Item アカハタ Akahata (Hokkaido) S Kaneko Matsumoto News Item Nihon Typewriter Co. workers who demonstrated were arrested Bourgeousie and bureaucrats delay the formulation of the budget Copper company and mining company are negotiating to exploit the Kawayama copper line Democratic Liberal Party The small and medium enterprisers are hard-pressed for money because of heavy takes and price control 食料事情樂観は早過ぎる "Optimism on Food Issue Yet Too Early" It may be too early to hope for an increase in food rations Akahata 月別にスライド. 米價算定∙福岡農青連の要求 Sliding System for Rice Price Per each Month. Akahata (Hokkaido) 札[幌]電話局犠牲者の無罪釋放斗爭 Sasa, Kanamori, etc. Mercola, T. Niiya, Hori Hayashi Hayashi S Abe H. Obata Y Y 2 1 2 Yokoyama Y 2 Motoichiro Tamai Y 2 envelope Fukuoka Youth League demands higher rice prices and delivery of necessities to farmers "Struggle for release of victims Hokkaido communications of Sapporo telephone office workers demand the release of struggle." a man arrested for cutting off telephone wire to an American camp H, P Oversized Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Akahata Photograph(s) Submitted by Akahata News Agency Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) アカハタ Hold No. Source 16/22 Commentary Number of Pages Date Censored 4/25/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 4/22/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-0848 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 42 1 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-0877 4/25/1948 48-loc-0878 4/25/1948 48-loc-0879 48-loc-0880 48-loc-0881 4/25/1948 Submitted by (Japanese) 中部日本新聞 Submitted by Chubu Nihon Shimbun Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Chubu Nihon 兵庫縣では去る十日朝鮮人学校に対し閉鎖命令を出した 時事新報 東京タイムズ Jiji Shimpo (Kobe) The Tokyo Times Jiji Shimpo (Kobe) Tokyo Times 非常事態宣言発す. 神戸事件二百名を檢挙 進駐軍神戸地區司令官. 非常事態宣言. 神戸件三百餘名を[検]擧 丗日に電氣民主化委員会. 水谷商相語る 9/25 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (4, Utsunomiya) Mainichi Shimbun 4 (Utsunomiya) 10/25 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (92) Kyodo Tsushin No. 92 5/2/1948 11/25 News Item 第一新聞 Daiichi Shimbun (1) Daiichi No. 1 憂うべき世相 4/25/1948 4/26/1948 13/25 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 朝鮮人学校問題で近く政府声明せん 4/25/1948 4/29/1948 14/25 Criticism 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 生管の合法性について 16/25 News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 4/28/1948 Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes P Y 8 P P Y Y 1 1 Y 3 Commerce-Industry Minister Mizutani talks on ration of clothing. Four hundred and twenty men were arrested in the Kobe case. The arrest is still continuing. Ration of clothing will be increased for 1948 H, P Mercola Kaneko Matsumoto M. Hori Mercola Kaneko Matsumoto Yabuki Deplorable phase of Japanese life Does democracy have any affect on the Japanese people? Will it bring happiness? Richardson Sakanouye Murao S. Konishi "On the legality of Production Control" Police Director Talks On Kobe Incident The government wrongfully opposes production control Police must obey the governor's decision on the Kobe incident H, P Mercola T. Kato Ogino Shigeru Nomura P Kawamoto Matsumoto Abe "54 Persons Were Released: Kobe Incident" "Production Control" 54 people have been released in the Kobe incident Cartoon showing the capitalist opposition to worker production control P Kawamoto Matsumoto Abe P [Richardson [T. ] Matsumoto] 420 men have been arrested in connection with the Kobe case H, S H, P 48-loc-0882 4/25/1948 4/26/1948 17/25 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (99) Kyodo Tsushin (99) 48-loc-0883 4/25/194[8] 4/26/1948 18/25 Cartoon アカハタ Akahata (16) Akahata No. 16 48-loc-0884 48-loc-0885 4/25/1948 4/25/1948 朝日新聞 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun Asahi Asahi 朝鮮問題 神戸基地に非常事態. 警察を米憲兵司令官の指揮下へ. 朝鮮人学校閉鎖の紛糾に断 48-loc-0886z 48-loc-0886 4/26/1948 4/26/1948 4/26/1948 1/26 News Item アカハタ Akahata (40) Akahata No. 40 斗爭声明要旨. 企業整備斗爭懇談会 48-loc-0887 4/25/1948 4/29/1948 2/26 News Item アカハタ Akahata (29) Akahata 29 国鉄、五支部共斗にたつ 48-loc-0888 4/26/1948 4/26/1948 3/26 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (6) Kyodo 6 48-loc-0889 4/26/194[8] 4/29/194[8] 4/26 News Item 夕刊みやこ Yukan Miyako (10) Miyako (10) 48-loc-0890 4/26/1948 4/29/1948 5/26 Commentary 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (22) Tokyo 22 48-loc-0891 48-loc-0891a 48-loc-0891b 48-loc-0892 4/26/1948 [4]/[26]/1948 4/26/194[8] 4/26/1948 4/26/1948 6/26 6/26 6/26 7/26 News Item 毎日新聞 新報知 読売新聞 共同通信 Mainichi Shimbun Shin Hochi Yomiuri Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (47) Mainichi Shin-Hochi Yomiuri Kyodo 47 西尾副総理らキレン氏用談 六相キレン、課長訪問 労働関係閣僚. キレン氏訪問 砂糖の調味料まわしは困難. 永江農相談 48-loc-0892a 4/26/194[8] 読売新聞 主食增配の鍵. 事前割当完遂. 永江農相談 4/26/1948 4/27/1948 9/26 News Item 共同通信 Yomiuri Shimbun (Nagoya) Kyodo Tsushin (61, Kobe) Yomiuri (Nagoya) 48-loc-0893 Kyodo #61 (Kobe) 逮捕された朝鮮人は軍事裁判に. 第八軍発表 "Arrested KOREANS To Be A state of semi-emergency has Brought Before Court Martial, been declared because of the Eighth Army Declared" week-long demonstration held by Koreans 48-loc-0894 4/26/1948 5/2/1948 12/26 Commentary [The Yomiuri Weekly] [The Yomiuri Weekly] Yomiuri #311 新憲法一年. 48-loc-0895 4/26/1948 4/26/1948 15/26 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (70, Kobe) Kyodo Tsushin 70 (Kobe) 明らかに占領政策違反. ア司令官、神戸へ飛来 "It is one year since the new Constitution was established. It takes all sorts to make up a world." Gen[eral] Eichelberger went to Kobe. 48-loc-0896 4/26/1948 共同通信 共同特信 D (渉外版) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Tsushin D Tokushin D (shogaiban) 朝鮮人学校閉鎖問題 48-loc-0897 4/26/1948 4/28/1948 21/26 Commentary 共同通信 共同特信 B Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin B (14) Kyodo Tsushin #14 絵本と兒童敎育 "Picture books and the education of children" Picture books should be more tailored to teach Japanese children new democratic ideals H, P 48-loc-0898 4/26/1948 4/28/1948 22/26 News Item 貿易日報 Boeki Nippo (5) Boeki Nippo 5 富士に登山鉄道.岳麓を一大公園化. 米國財團と交渉中 "Plans of Fuji Cable Car and Providing of a Grand Park at the Bottom of Mt. Fuji; Negotiating with American Foundations" Negotiations are in progress to build a sightseeing park at Mt Fuji H, P 48-loc-0899 4/26/1948 [The Yomiuri Weekly] [The Yomiuri Weekly] Yomiuri 新憲法一年の試練 48-loc-0900 4/26/1948 4/28/1948 24/26 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 88 Kyodo No. 88 お米は平均二十三日分. 全国の五月の主食見透し 48-loc-0901 4/26/1948 4/27/1948 25/26 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (68) Jiji Tsushin (#68) 共産党芦田内閣打倒を宣言 48-loc-0902 4/26/1948 4/28/1948 26/26 News item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (70) Jiji Tsushin 70 フォードの購入販売店近く決定 [Richardson ] Eizaburo Morinaga [Naito] Y 3 Checked with Lt. Richardson Y 7/26 20/26 23/26 割安のパトナー持参. お陰でホールは上つたり. 心ウキウキ胸はワクワク. 神奈川縣ダンス展望 補助金五百億を容認. 財源は輸入品の値上げ. 大藏省事務当局で檢討 世態さまざま P Niiya Matsumoto H, P Jane Hudnall K. Kawamoto 1 Please put action mark on the sheet Sasaki 1 1 Y 1 3 Y 10 Osaka military government orders people not to congregate in front of government and police offices P Takebe Takashima T. Nakayama 1 Dance halls in KANAGAWA Prefecture "Approval of 50 Billion Yen For Subsidy. The Resources Will Be Raised By Advancing Prices Of Imported Goods. Being Discussed By Business Authorities." The Grand Cherry dance hall has 300 cabaret dancers Finance Ministry approved the subsidy amounting to 50 billion yen; prices of imported goods will be raised to provide funds H, P Mercola Yoshimoto Takashima T. Hori Y 3 H, S Mercola Gomes Iwasaki K. Tezuka Y 2 "Rationing of Sugar for Cooking Purposes is Difficult", Says Agricultural Minister Nagae. Agriculture Minister Nagai says that the rationing of sugar for cooking purposes is difficult at this time H, P H, P H, P D, P Mercola Shimokura Shigeru Nomura Y Y Y Y 1 1 1 10 Kikuchi Matsumoto K. Yoshida Increased gambling is allowed H, P, D by the defects of the new police system Mercola Murao Iwasaki Gen. Eichelberger went to Kobe to investigate the situation Mercola Kikuchi Matsumoto D P H, S 23 days may be rationed by rice 23 days' ration of rice will be delivered in May; the rest will be supplied with sugar "Communist Party Declares Communist Party declares the Over-throw of Ashida Cabinet" overthrow of the Ashida Cabinet "Company to Sell "Ford" Will Negotiations are being held Shortly be Settled" which will allow Ford cars to be sold in Japan [Tsunego Baba] 1 1 Y 1 Y 30 2 T. Nakayama Y 8 3 M. Hori Y 20 Y 11 H, P Tosuke [Takeno] 1 1 "Osaka Occupation Army proclamed that people can not throng in front of Government or Police offices" D, P 1 1 envelope Committee of Struggle for Coordination of Enterprise is ready to struggle with capitalists "Five Chapters of the Five chapters of the Government Railway Workers Government Railway Workers Union Rise For Joint Struggle" Union rise for a joint struggle 5 8 Y Y Gist of Struggle Statement of the Committee of Struggle for Coordination of Enterprise. 1 1 Y Richardson Tanaka Takamura T. Nakayama Y 8 Richardson Ishibashi Gomes K. Minami Y 7 Y 2 H, P [Kaneko] Mercola Takamura Iwasaki Sasaki Y 9 H, D Mercola Hattori Gomes D. Nomura Y 9 H, S Mercola Takamura Iwasaki K. Minami Y 4 Oversized 4/25/1948 8/25 8/25 News Agency Photograph(s) 48-loc-0876 Source Duplicate 4/25/194[8] [4]/[25]/194[8] Hold No. 8/25 Number of Pages 48-loc-0875a 48-loc-0875b Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [4]/[25]/194[8] Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-0875 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 4/26/1948 4/29/1948 29/26 News item アカハタ Akahata (4 A-B) Akahata No. 4 A-B メーデーの用意はいいか. 全黨員に檄す. 組織活動指導部 48-loc-0905 48-loc-0906 [4]/[26]/194[8] 4/26/1948 4/27/194[8] 4/29/1948 30/26 31/26 News item 東京都民新聞 共同通信 Tokyo Tomin Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (123) Tomin Kyodo 123 在日朝鮮人と國民に與える 平和的に要求貫徹に努める. 崔氏語る 48-loc-0907 48-loc-0908 4/26/194[8] 4/26/1948 4/30/1948 32/26 33/26 News Item 読売新聞 共同通信 Yomiuri Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Yomiuri Kyodo 綿製品一億八千五百万ヤール. 放出許可懇請 輸出品の円ドル交換率検討. 物価改訂後実施せん 48-loc-0909 4/26/1948 5/2/1948 35/26 News item 民青時報 Minsei Jiho (23-8) Minsei Jiho 23-8 札幌で青斗蹶起大會. 共同斗争強力に進む 48-loc-0910 [4]/[26]/194[8] 48-loc-0911 4/26/1948 4/28/1948 37/26 Comment[ary] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (Chiba) Kyodo Tsushin (99) Mainichi (Chiba) 出漁を懇請. 山武、長生沿岸漁師 共同通信 48-loc-0912 4/26/1948 4/28/1948 38/26 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (136) Kyodo Tsushin 136 48-loc-0913 4/26/1948 4/28/1948 40/26 News item アカハタ Akahata (23, Kansai) 48-loc-0914 4/26/1948 4/30/1948 42/26 Commentary アカハタ 48-loc-0915 48-loc-0916 4/26/1948 4/28/1948 43/26 Ne[w]s item 4/26/1948 4/28/1948 44/26 48-loc-0917 4/26/1948 5/5/1948 46/26 48-loc-0918 4/26/1948 48-loc-0919 4/26/1948 4/27/1948 48-loc-0919a 48-loc-0920 [4]/[29]/194[8] 4/26/1948 4/26/1948 48-loc-0921 [4]/[26]/1948 4/26/1948 48-loc-0922 4/26/1948 News Item 48-loc-0923 4/26/1948 48-loc-0924 Subject Question to MIBUCHI, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Brief Summary Why does the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court submit his proposal to MacArthur, without first going to the National Diet? "Are we ready for May Day?" Getting ready for May Day-So appeals the Fraction rounding up the oppressed Activity Agency to all the Party masses Members. "Mr. Chue Promises Efforts for Mr. Chue wishes to solve the Completion of Request in problem of Korean schools Peace." peacefully Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 H, D, S Yoshitaro Mercola Takebe Takashima Saito, trader; [Mutsuaki Nakajima] S Examiner4 Yabuki Y 4 H, D H, S Ito Murao Hayashi Y Y 2 11 H, P H, S Mercola Takashima Takebe D. Nomura Y Y 1 10 H, S Mercola Tanaka Gomes K. Minami Y 7 A list of the articles of the constitution that the Diet proposes to reinvestigate H, P Mercola T. Kato Gomes I. Abe 知恵と徳義なければ新憲法も文字に終る. 国会に苦言呈する尾崎翁 "Effort for a Better Constitution: Opinion for the Revision of Paragraph 43 of Article 8." Mr. Yukio OZAKI talks on the new Constitution H, D Mercola Tanaka Murao M. Hori Akahata No. 23 (Kansai) 知事に抗議 "Protest filed with Governor" Mr. Ozaki says that parts of the constitution are "not easily understood, so that those carrying them out do so willfully" All-Japan Machine Workers protest government's action regarding Korean schools as persecution of a minority race H, P Mercola Takamura Akahata (2) Akahata #2 大井憲太郎 KENTARO OI, A Herald of Socialism Mr Oi says that "the Communists love liberty much more, as compared with Conservatives whose imperative is to protect the right of property" H, S Taro Hirata Mercola 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (Fukushima) Asahi Shimbun (Fukushima edition 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (44) Yomiuri (44) アカハタ Akahata Akahata News item 共同通信; 毎日新聞 Kyodo Tsushin (173) ; Mainichi Shimbun News item 毎日新聞 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Mainichi Shimbun (111) Mainichi (111) [時事通信] [Jiji Tsushin] (Osaka) [Jiji Tsushin] (Osaka) 一万の朝鮮人大阪府庁を取囲む 東京タイムズ The Tokyo Times Tokyo Taimuzu News item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 4/26/1948 NEWS ITEM 新夕刊 Shin Yukan Shinyukan The Trouble of the Close of Korean Schools Subsided the Demand of Korean Group was Wholly Accepted 48-loc-0925 4/26/1948 KYODO 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Close Order Withdrawn, Hyogo Prefecture Yielded in Korean School Problem. 48-loc-0926 4/26/1948 NEWS ITEM 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun 48-loc-0927 [4]/[25]/194[8] 第一新聞 Daiichi Shimbun 48-loc-0928 4/26/1948 News item 日本経済新聞 48-loc-0929 4/26/1948 News Item 48-loc-0929a 4/26/1948 News Item Contribution 49/26 4/27/1948 50/26; 50B/26 48/26 Kyodo Tsushin (#99) よりよき憲法への努力. 八条四十三項に改正[論] H, S "Two dubious Koreans caught" Two Koreans were caught on charges of blackmarketeering 大阪の動向を調査. 総司令部ワ代將談; 四百名を軍事裁判. メノハ司令官声明 生鮮食品の統制に就て 特殊性を認めよ. 朝連を支持. 伊藤 律氏談; 検閲・確答さく. 印刷物海外輸送を許可 Kyodo 173; Mainichi スト防止へ紛爭処理委員. 臨時閣議で労働閣議協議; 政府労組法規改正か. キレン課長六相に四点指摘 個人は不許可. 印刷物の國際郵便に総司令部談 "On the Raw Foodstuff Distribution Control" "Labor legislation put under deliberation at Extraordinary Cabinet Meeting" Stop Order To Zentei strike "International mails are not Permitted for Private Trade of Printings" Explanation of distribution, price, and production control of foodstuffs Premier Nishio met with SCAP's Labor Division Chief about the Public Workers' union dispute SCAP explains about the censorship of books to be transported by mail P Ebisawa H [Naito] H, P Araki Mercola Y 1 Y 38 Y 42 M. Nagashima Y 4 Takamura K. Yoshida Y 5 Yoshimoto M. Nagashima T. Kato H, D [Kikuchi] H, D; H, D, P Ashikawa Hayashi Fujinami Richardson T. Kato D Murao Ashikawa H. Okada 1 1 H. Okada Hayashi H, S 220 Persons Arrested in the Prefectural Governor Confinement Case: Korean Students' Problem in Kobe." "The Perfectural Office of Hyogo Prefecture cancelled the order of closing Korean schools in the prefecture:" 2 Takamura The establishment of the conversion rate between the yen and dollar for exported goods 36/26 Notes Y Mercola "Study on Conversion Rate Between Yen and Dollar For Exported Goods - Likely to be enforced on Revision of Commodity Prices" "Korean young men and women Held a meeting in Sapporo; Joint Struggles were advanced" Korean young men and women held a meeting to fight for the rights of Koreans living in Japan Examiner5 Examiner6 Yabuki Y 1 Y 18 Y 1 Y 8 Y 1 3 Y 4 1 220 people were arrested in connection with the Kobe incident D Abe 1 1 Governor of Hyogo says that withdrawing the order to close Korean schools was the only peaceful way to solve the problem Governor of Hyogo says that withdrawing the order to close Korean schools was the only peaceful way to solve the problem Governor of Hyogo says that withdrawing the order to close Korean schools was the only peaceful way to solve the problem P Nakayama 1 1 P S. Konishi 1 1 1 1 More than 1,000 Koreans Beseige the Hyogo Prefectural Office. Governor Withdraws Order of Closing Schools. 1,000 Koreans beseige the Hyogo prefectural office, forcing the governor to withdraw the school-closing order P Yabuki 1 1 Dai Ichi Shimbun "The Mass Arrest of Koreans Concerning The Detention of Hyogo Prefectural Governor." Koreans who participated in the demonstration are being arrested Hayashi 1 The Nihon Keizai Nippon Keizai "Large Mob of Koreans Attacks Hyogo Prefectural Gov't, Authorities Retract School Close Order At Last" 1,000 Koreans beseige the Hyogo prefectural office, forcing the governor to withdraw the school-closing order H. Okada 1 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (167) Kyodo (#167) 不当な重税に農業経済は危機. 課税問題公聴会内容 共同通信 共同特信 B Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin B Kyodo Tokushin 夜明けのなやみ "Agricutural ...takings Face Crisis from Unjust Taxation" Troubles about the Dawn of Japan P P H, P What has the new democratic Diet impressed upon the people? D An critic Ito Kato S. Oversized 48-loc-0904 Headline Photograph(s) Submitted by (based Submitted by on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Mainichi Shimbun (116) Mainichi Shimbun 三[淵]長官に問う; 大臣の言動 No. 116 News Agency Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) 毎日新聞 Hold No. Source 27/26 news item Number of Pages Date Censored 4/29/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 4/26/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-0903 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Konishi Y 25 Y 11 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-0934 4/27/1948 48-loc-0935 4/27/1948 48-loc-0936 4/27/1948 48-loc-0936a 48-loc-0936b 48-loc-0936c 48-loc-0937 48-loc-0938 Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 組合専従者の給与は組合で負担 3/27 News Item [朝日新聞] 国際特信 [Asahi Shimbun] Kokusai Tokushin (2) [Asahi Shimbun] Kokusai Tokushin No. 2 組合専從者. 無給休職に. キレン課長談 貴重薬人参の密貿易は事実外国船船員の利益三〇割 5/27 6/27 Comment 時事通信 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin (7) Jiji Tsushin Kyodo 7 都内会見に非常待機命令 新生國会に幣風なお残存. 国権の最高機関、國会の相貌 5/3/1948 8/27 News Item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 爲替レート 9/27 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (67) Kyodo Tsushin 67 5/5/1948 10/27 Ne[w]s item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (68) Jiji Tsushin 68 朝鮮人敎育対策委員会で神戸事件に関し声明 [4]/[27]/194[8] 4/27/1948 [4]/[27]/194[8] [4]/[27]/194[8] 4/27/1948 5/4/1948 10/27 10/27 10/27 11/27 12/27 Commentary 共同通信 日本経済新聞 世界日報 時事通信 共同通信 共同特信 B Kyodo Nihon Keizai Sekai-Nippo Jiji Tsushin Kyodo-Tokushin 1 "円満解決に努力" 朝鮮人連盟敎育委員会声明 ワク内で特殊性を認めよ. 朝鮮人対策委員会声明 朝鮮人側聲明 円満評議に最善をつくす. 崔敎育対策委員長談話 「テイ談会」. 憲法は実生活をどう変えたか(上) 48-loc-0939 48-loc-0940 [4]/[27]/194[8] 4/27/1948 4/27/1948 5/1/1948 14/27 15/27 Commentary [時事通信] 共同通信 共同特信 A Kyodo Tsushin The Nihon Keizai Sekai Nippo Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin B (1) [Jiji Tsushin] Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin A (14) [Jiji Tsushin] Kyodo Tokushin No. 14 変換率を早急に作成. 実施の時期も早まる見込み 「コント」. 悲しきケンポー 48-loc-0941 4/27/1948 5/1/1948 16/27 Commentary. 共同通信 共同特信 A 外資導入の問題 4/27/1948 4/28/1948 17/27 News Item 共同通信; 東京民報 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin A Kyodo Tsushin (183); Tokyo Mimpo (8) Kyodo (Tokushin) 48-loc-0942 Kyodo 183; Tokyo Mimpo 8 朝鮮人敎育には民族の特殊性をとり入れよ. 徳田共産党書記長談; 朝鮮人事件. 反動分子挑発者利用. 徳田書記長談 48-loc-0942a 48-loc-0942b 48-loc-0942c 4/27/194[8] 4/27/1948 4/27/1948 4/27/194[8] 4/27/1948 4/28/1948 17/27 21/27 News item Jiji Shimpo Mainichi Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (140) Jiji Shimpo Mainichi Osaka. Jijishimpo, Osaka. Shimbun Yomiuri Kyodo Tsushin 140 暴力主張せず. 共産党声明 暴力革命を主張せず. 徳田球一氏談 徳田球一氏談 48-loc-0942d 48-loc-0943 時事新報 毎日新聞 大阪時事新報, 大阪新聞 読売新聞 共同通信 5/1/1948 23/27 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 主食増配は来年度から. 永江農相答弁 23/27 25/27 News Item 西日本新聞 共同通信 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (163) Nishi Nihon Kyodo 163; Kyodo Shashin Tsushin 砂糖十一月から主食から除外 平静に授業. その日の朝鮮中学校を見る; 閉鎖命令もきかず. 相変わらずの授業ぶり 26/27 News Item. 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin. 神戸事件は日本政府の責任. 在日朝鮮人連盟声明 4/30/1948 17/27 17/27 17/27 Headline Subject H, P "Smuggling of Ginseng, Precious Medicine; ForeignShip Crews' profit 30 0/0."" High quality ginseng is often smuggled into Japan "Status of the Diet as the Supreme National Organ" Status of present Diet cannot be evaluated because Japan is still under occupation and there are restraints on national policies Conversion rate between yen and dollar worked out by the Board of Trade is about yen 164 Prices of the return rice rations "Exchange Rate" "Prices of return rice... 日本共産党に関係なし. 徳田書記長談 不法弾圧反対大会. 日本青年会議主催で二十八日開催 Brief Summary "Korean Educational Measures Korean Committee says that Committee Issues Statement on Japanese authorities showed no the Kobe Incident" sincerity in settling the Kobe issue Round Table conference on the Roundtable conference on the Constitution new constitution Sorrow-giving Constitution Problems on Induction of Foreign Capital. Communist Leader Tokuda's Statement About Korean Education. Not all of the articles of the constitution are being honored Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 [Maruyama ] 1 Yoshimoto Doi K. Tezuka Y Y 1 4 H, P D Richardson Nakano Ashikawa Hayashi Y Y 2 42 Mercola Sakanoue Kato Daizo Nomura Y 10 Mercola Takamura M. Iwasaki M. Nagashima Gomes Takashima M. Nagashima Y 11 12 1 1 7 10 H, D Takata, an editor H, S S S H, S H, P P Mercola Kato H, S H, P Doi T. Hori Y Y Y Y Y Ogino Yabuki Y Y 4 9 Hudnall Yokoyama Y 10 Y 7 Y Y Y 1 1 5 Y Y 1 5 Y 13 Y Y 4 11 Y 7 Y 5 Y 1 Y Y 9 11 1 1 2 12 Shigeru Nomura H, D H, P Mercola Yoshimoto Doi M. Nagashima Naito Murao T. Hori Takashima Yokoyama 48-loc-0944 4/[27]/1948 [4]/27/194[8] 4/27/194[8] 48-loc-0946 4/27/1948 48-loc-0947 [4]/[27]/194[8] 27/27 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 48-loc-0948 4/27/1948 4/28/1948 30/27 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 48-loc-0948a 48-loc-0948b [4]/[27]/194[8] [4]/[27]/194[8] 4/28/194[8] 4/28/194[8] 30/27 30/27 北海道新聞 共同通信 Hokkaido Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Hokkaido Kyodo 國際ペンクラブ大會主席代表に志賀氏. 殘る一名は芹澤氏に落着か; 招待状 コレラに似た傳染病. 新潟で六十名死亡; 司祭殺し一名自主; 強盗 新潟県下に奇病 軽いコレラのような症状. 新潟県の奇病. 福見技官の談 48-loc-0948c 48-loc-0949 48-loc-0950 48-loc-0950a 4/27/194[8] [4]/[27]/194[8] 4/27/1948 [4]/[27]/194[8] 4/28/194[8] 30/27 31/27 33/27 32/27 読売新聞 日本経済新聞 朝日新聞 共同通信 Yomiuri Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Asahi Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Yomiuri Nihon-Keizai Asahi Kyodo 患者一万越す. 厚生省で新潟の奇病を調査 朝連東京本部都敎育局に要求 都から「強制閉鎖」. 授業やめぬ朝鮮人学校 命令無視、依然授業継続. 都の勧告に朝鮮人側強硬 H, P H, P H, P H, P Y Y Y Y Korean Schools are not closed yet Korean schools have not been closed yet; children go to school as usual "Koreans Federation In Japan Published Statement against Kobe Incident. Koreans Federation in Japan speaks out against the Japanese authorities in regard to the Kobe incident H, P H, P H, S, P Masatoshi Malloy [Genseki], photograph er H, S Kato H, P, S [Takashima] H, P H, P H, P [Nohira] 48-loc-0951 4/27/194[8] 33/27 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo 都で強制閉鎖命令. きのうも授業を[継]続; 命令を拒否 H, D Y 1 48-loc-0951a 48-loc-0951b 48-loc-0952 [4]/[27]/194[8] 4/27/1948 4/27/1948 5/4/1948 33/27 33/27 34/27 News Item. 共同通信 毎日新聞 読売新聞 Kyodo Tsushin Mainichi Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (52) Kyodo Tsushin Mainichi Yomiuri 52 都の再三の注意にも無効. 近く十四校に封印か 学校を強制閉鎖. 都知事戒告犯を発す 柔道 H, P H, P H, D Malloy Naito Murao Yokoyama Y Y Y 13 2 2 48-loc-0953 4/27/1948 5/2/1948 35/27 News item アカハタ Akahata (15) Akahata #15 朝鮮人連盟聲明 Statement of Korean Federation H, S Mercola Hattori G. Gomes M. Hori Y 7 48-loc-0954 4/27/1948 4/30/1948 36/27 News Item; News item アカハタ Akahata (8, Kansai) Akahata No. 8 (Kansai) 徳田書記長聲明; 全遞大阪地協聲明; 徳田書記長聲明 "Secretary-General Tokuda of the Japan Communist Party issues statement"; 1. Tokuda's Statement About Korean School Troubles. 2. Osaka Chapter of AJCWU's Statement. H, D Mercola Gomes Shigeru Nomura M. Nagashima Y 5 48-loc-0955 4/27/1948 5/1/1948 36A/27 News item アカハタ Akahata (8, Kansai) Akahata No. 8 (Kansai) 全逓大阪地協聲明 Statement of ZENTEI Osaka local on the Korean Issue Zentei says that workers should join with the Korean and break down the common enemies H, S Matsumoto Sasaki Y 3 48-loc-0956 4/27/194[8] 4/30/1948 37/27 Commentary アカハタ Akahata (21) Akahata No. 21 戰争をあおるもの Who stirs up next war. Commentary on who will start the next war H, S Mercola Gomes Y 3 A Jujitsu-expert will go to France. Judo expert will go to France to develop the jujitsu circle of France Korean Federation says that the Kobe case is a measure of the insincerity of the Japanese government Japanese government is oppressing Japanese workers as well as Koreans Hisashi Imamoto Yabuki 5 1 48-loc-0944a 48-loc-0945 4/29/1948 "Food ration increase from next Food ration will increase from rice year" last year 1 5 Notes envelope Richardson Ichiro Richardson Nakano Tamagawa, conte writer Problems concerning the H, P Jin [Richardson Tanaka induction of foriegn capital Kuwano ] Communist Party's Tokuda said H, D; Ogino Iwasaki that the Japanese authorities H, D use oppression in the matter of Korean education Japan Youth Council will hold a rally against oppression Y H, P H, D H, D H, D "Illegal Suppression Opposition Mass Rally to be held under sponsorship of the Japan Seinen Kaigi (Ex: The Japan Youth Council) on 28 April" Examiner5 Examiner6 Oversized [4]/[27]/194[8] 4/27/1948 1/27 News Agency Photograph(s) 48-loc-0932 48-loc-0933 Source Duplicate [4]/[27]/194[8] 4/27/1948 Hold No. Number of Pages 48-loc-0930a 48-loc-0931 Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted 4/27/1948 [4]/[27]/194[8] Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-0930z 48-loc-0930 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 4/27/194[8] 40/27 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 都内の朝鮮人学校も去る廿日に発せられた都敎育局の閉鎖 命令に従わす引続き授業を続けているので警視廳捜査二課 では安井都知事の告発により東京地検大沢檢事の指揮で学 校敎育法第十三條第一項および第二項違反として調査檢討 をすすめていたが廿六日夜安井都知事の出頭を求め事情を 聴取 48-loc-0959 4/27/1948 41/27 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (71) Yomiuri 71 会見もの別れ. 李文敎部長と宇佐美局長 48-loc-0960 4/27/194[8] 48-loc-0961 4/27/194[8] 4/30/194[8] 44/27 News Item 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nihon Shimbun 第二封鎖切捨率拡大せん. 金融機関整備 アカハタ Akahata (Kansai) Akahata (Kansai) 48-loc-0962 4/27/1948 5/3/1948 45/27 Commentary アカハタ Akahata (5) Akahata #5 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (63) Kyodo Tsushin, 63 43/27 Headline Subject "Viewpoint of the Communist Party on the Introduction of Foreign Capital" Brief Summary Communsits think that no political limitation should be attached to the induction of foreign capital so that rations may become totally independent The meeting of Koreans and the chief of the Tokyo Metropolitan Education Board 大衆に責任おしつける朝鮮人問題 The Question of Korean Schools The Educational Committee for Koreans in Hyogo met with Governor Kishida about the closing of Korean schools 問=四月二日の夕刊「フクニチ」と「九州タイムス」など によりますと社会党の鈴木茂三郎氏が九州の演説旅行で共 産党攻撃をやっていますが、その内容はだいたい二つに要 約されると思います "Why does the Social Democratic Party blame the Communists?" Why the Social Democratic Party blames the Communists "Koreans in Japan Must Observe Japanese Law, Declares Government" Government says that Koreans in Japan must observe Japanese law 48-loc-0963 4/27/1948 4/28/1948 4/28/194[8] 5/11/194[8] 1/28 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji-Tsushin 八大銀行も大部分資本金金額切捨. 金融機関の最終処理月末に完了 48-loc-0965 4/28/1948 5/4/1948 2/28 News item アカハタ Akahata (38) Akahata No. 38 朝鮮人は外国人. 要求も正当. 細川議員冷静を要望 48-loc-0966 48-loc-0967 [4]/[28]/194[8] 4/28/1948 Hokkaido Shimbun Jiji Tsushin Hokkaido Jiji Tsushin 4/28/1948 5/1/1948 3/28 4/28 (17/27) 6/28 北海道新聞 時事通信 48-loc-0968 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (Kurashiki) Mainichi Shimbun (Kurashiki) 48-loc-0969 48-loc-0969a 48-loc-0970 4/28/194[8] 4/28/194[8] [4]/[28]/194[8] 東京新聞 読売新聞 共同通信 Tokyo Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Tokyo Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Kyodo 48-loc-0971 4/28/1948 4/28/1948 7/28 7/28 8/28 (12/28) 9/28 新報知 Shin Hochi (9, 10) Shin Hochi 9, 10 都内一部では依然授業. 学校閉鎖問題. 朝連支部の動き活発; 授業継続校は接收. 父兄らが閉鎖命令反対大会 48-loc-0971a 48-loc-0972 4/28/194[8] 4/28/1948 東京新聞 共同通信 Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo 校門敎室を封印か. 都、閉鎖強行を決意 五十八回対日理事会. 海上保安庁法案を審議 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 海上検察廳問題を討議. 対日理事会 News Item 日本経済新聞 朝日新聞 The Nihon Keizai Asahi Shimbun (Niigata) Nihon Keizai Asahi Shimbun (Niigata Edit.) 六十七名を留置. 日本人関係者一せい檢挙開始 手當米の價格下がる Examiner1 Examiner2 Tanaka K. Minami Examiner3 Examiner4 H The meeting of Koreans and chief of Tokyo Metropolitan Education board 48-loc-0964z 48-loc-0964 S H, P Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 10 Y 1 Y 2 Naito Murao Y 5 H, S Mercola Kikuchi T. Hori Y 7 H, P Mercola Gomes T. Nakayama [Kikuchi] Y 5 P Gomes H. Okada H, P Y 2 envelope News Item Y 8 [Kikuchi] Y Y 6 7 [Kaneko] Y 1 Y Y Y 1 1 13 Y 3 Y Y 1 3 Y 1 Y Y 1 2 Y Y 7 31 Y 11 Y 2 1 [Maruyama Kaneko ] T. Hori S Mercola Kaneko 出炭低下に強力措置 共産党は秩序ある大衆行動を主張. 徳田書記長談話を発表 P H, D ホンダ彗星発見に手柄をたてた倉敷天文台の望遠鏡さぞか し新鋭な性能と思いきや戰争中からレンズ反射鏡に曇りが 來て、本田技師以下自分の眼がくもつたように氣にしてい たしろもの 三校が依然授業. 都内の朝鮮人学校 都内の十校依然授業 第五十八回対日理事会要旨 H, P 48-loc-0972a 4/28/1948 48-loc-0973 48-loc-0974 4/27/1948 4/28/194[8] 5/4/194[8] 48-loc-0975 48-loc-0976 [4]/[28]/194[8] 4/28/1948 5/1/1948 12/28 13/28 Interview 時事通信 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin (55) Jiji Tsushin Kyodo 55 海上保安廳問題を審議. 對日理事会特別会議 新憲法を現実生活に生かせ. 金森さんと新憲法問答 48-loc-0977 4/28/1948 4/29/1948 14/28 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 都下の朝鮮人平静 48-loc-0977a 48-loc-0978 [4]/[28]/194[8] 4/28/1948 Commentary 時事通信 貿易日報 Jiji Tsushin Boeki Nippo (5) Jiji Tsushin Boeki-Nippo No. 5 都内の朝鮮人学校依然授業を継続 4/30/1948 14/28 15/28 48-loc-0979 48-loc-0980 4/28/1948 4/28/1948 5/4/1948 17/28 18/28 Commentary 毎日新聞 時事新報 Mainichi Shimbun Jiji Shimpo (4) Mainichi Shimbun Jiji Shimpo No. 4 金氏ら反共声明 課税の重圧に悩む農村. 好景氣も今は夢. 資本財に食込む"タケノコ納税" 48-loc-0981 4/28/1948 4/30/1948 21/28 News Item 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun (3) Nishi Nippon Shimbun 3 メーデー近づく. 全国六百万の労働祭 48-loc-0982 4/28/1948 5/2/1948 22/28 News Item 時事通信 時事解説版 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Kaisetsuban (110) Jiji Tsushin #110 新憲法の實績を檢討する 48-loc-0983 4/28/1948 4/30/1948 23a/28 Ne[w]s item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (821) Nihon Keizai Shimbun 821 Eight banks will be reorganized completely by the end of the month "Koreans are Foreigners. Their Diet member states that Korean Demands Just Diet Member demands are not unreasonable HOSOKAWA Demands Cool in the Kobe school closing case Attitude" Y P 9/28 10/28 (12/28) 10/28 (12/28) 11/28 11a/28 Reorganization of the major eight banks 1 10 H H P "Closing of the Korean Korean schools that are still Schools": Brisk Activity of the teaching lessons will be closed Korean League. Teaching still and the teachers arrested going on in some schools. H, P Sakanouye Takebe Shigeru Nomura H, P P H, P "Price of Allowance Rice Goes Explanation of the allowance Down." rice price revision for farmers "Interview with Dr. KANAMORI on New Constitution" "Koreans in Tokyo have recovered composure." Current Topics: On the Jap Going Abroad メーデー要項決る M. Nagashima Dr. Kanamori says that any rightist tendencies that may exist are confined to a small sphere Koreans in Tokyo have been going door to door about the school closing issue Japanese travel to objecting countries have been carried out according to the directive of Gen. MacArthur H, P H, P Kaneko Ito Abe P H, P Mercola Inoue Yoshimoto D Mercola Kikuchi T. Nakayama H D Hayashi Mercola Takebe Doi H. Obata H, P H, S Richardson T. Kato Ogino H. Okada Y Y 1 7 "May Day Drawing Near; May Day rally will submit a Labor Fete Involving 6 Million letter to SCAP denouncing the Workers throughout Japan" reactionary character of the government On actual results of the new Roundtable conference on the Constitution results of the new constitution H, D Richardson Takebe Doi M. Nagashima Y 5 H, P Richardson Moriyama Doi M. Hori Y "May Day Program Decided" H, D Ishibashi Shimokura M. Nagashima "Farm Villages Suffering The financial difficulty in Under Heavy Burden of Taxes; farming villages is due to Prosperity is Now Past Dream; double taxation 'Clothes-Stripping Tax Payment' Encroaching on Business Funds" Committee decided on the text of the entreaty that is to be presented to SCAP on May Day Y Keishiro Irie, Tokujir Kanamori, Akira Nakamura, Setsuko Hani, Michitaka Kaino 11 2 Oversized Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Akahata 35 独立を傷つけぬ外資を導入. 共産党の見解 Photograph(s) Submitted by Akahata (35) News Agency Duplicate 48-loc-0958 4/27/1948 Submitted by (Japanese) アカハタ Hold No. Source 39/27 News item Number of Pages Date Censored 4/30/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 4/27/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-0957 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 24a/28 4/29/1948 4/29/1948 4/29/1948 5/1/1948 25/28 25/28 25/28 27/28 48-loc-0988 48-loc-0989 48-loc-0990 [4]/[28]/194[8] [4]/[28]/194[8] 4/28/1948 Submitted by Yomiuri Shimbun (Kanagawa) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Yomiuri Shimbun 対日理事会に陳情. 暴圧反対調査團代表 (Kanagawa edition) News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (32) Yomiuri (32) 留学 News item 朝日新聞 時事新報 共同通信 東京都民新聞 Asahi Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Kyodo Tsushin Tokyo Tomin Shimbun (31) Asahi Jiji Shimpo Kyodo Tsushin Tomin 31 朝鮮人連盟で声明 朝連本部声明 全責任は日本政府の挑発にあり. 朝鮮人連盟声明 都内各所で閉鎖反對運動 28/28 29/28 30/28 世界日報 共同通信 朝日新聞 Sekai Nippo Kyodo Tsushin Asahi Shimbun Sekai-Nippo Kyodo Asahi 平穩裡解決へ. 朝連本部愼重な態度 綿布放出も懇請中. 首相答弁 英独人の僧正 48-loc-0990a [4]/[28]/194[8] 30/28 新聞之新聞 Shimbun no Shimbun Shimbun no Shimbun 天台...はドイツ人一...師ペツオール...僧正、英國陸軍の...氏 に...僧正の...階を... へ...僧正は...はじめてである。 48-loc-0990b 48-loc-0991 4/28/194[8] 4/28/1948 5/1/1948 30/28 32/28 News Item 読売新聞 東京民報 Yomiuri Shimbun Tokyo Mimpo (9) Yomiuri Mimpo 9 外人に僧正位. 天台宗で授興 朝鮮人の騒乱事件の教訓 48-loc-0992 4/28/1948 4/29/1948 33/28 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 生管は違法ではない. 労相答弁 48-loc-0993 4/28/1948 5/2/1948 34/28 Commentary アカハタ Akahata (12) Akahata No. 12 旅中随筆. 車中にて 48-loc-0994 4/28/1948 5/3/1948 35/28 Commentary 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (15) Mainichi Shimbun, No. 15 警察法を再改正. 非常事態に緊急ニ措置 48-loc-0994a 48-loc-0994b 48-loc-0995 [4]/[28]/194[8] 4/28/194[8] 4/28/1948 5/3/1948 35/28 35/28 36/28 Commentary 共同通信 読売新聞 アカハタ Kyodo Tsushin Yomiuri Shimbun Akahata (6) Kyodo Yomiuri Akahata No. 6 国家自治体両警察の積極協力 警察制度 朝鮮人問題について 48-loc-0996 4/28/1948 5/4/1948 37/28 News Item アカハタ Akahata (40) Akahata 40 予算委員会における野坂氏の質問 48-loc-0997 48-loc-0998 48-loc-1000z 48-loc-1000 4/28/194[8] 4/28/1948 アカハタ 東京民報 Akahata (Kansai) Tokyo Mimpo Akahata (Kansai) Tokyo Minpo 4/29/1948 5/1/1948 1/29 Editorial 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimusu 48-loc-1001 4/29/1948 5/16/1948 2/29 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (32, Kyoto) 38/28 Headline Subject "Petitions Filed with Allied Council for Japan by Representatives of Antisuppression Inspection Group" Brief Summary Petitions filed with Allied Council by representatives of the Anti-suppression Inspection Group "Students Are Going Abroad" Students from various universities are preparing to go abroad "Move for Opposition in Closing of Korean Schools in Different Places in Tokyo" Koreans in Tokyo protest the school closing order What we Learned from the Korean Riots The basic cause of Korean riots lies in the attitude of the government, which ignores the peculiarity of Korean education Labor Minister answered, "Production control is not illegal" "In the Train" Labor Minister says that production control is illegal S Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Mercola Shimokura Kaneko M. Nagashima Notes Y 2 Y 2 Y Y Y Y 1 1 11 5 H, D H, P P Y Y Y 1 16 1 H, P Y 1 H, P H, D Takeda Iwasaki S. Konishi Y Y 1 13 H, P H, P Richardson H, S H, S H, S H, P Inoue Tanaka Kato Ogino K. Tezuka K. Minami Ito Moriyama Sasaki Mercola Takamura Shimokura Ito Yoshimoto Mercola Kikuchi Kikuchi M. Kawamoto 一部分子が挑発行. 大阪朝鮮人の抗議事件 一部は依然登校. 都の朝鮮人学校 Talk of a possible RussoH, D, S [Hiroaki American war and the Hosaka] Communist position if that happens "Police Law to be Revised for Police law to be revised H, S 2nd Time with 2 Urgent because of the Korean case, Measures To Meet which revealed some defects of Emergencies" the police system S H, S On the Korean Question Communists criticize the H, S government for suppressing Koreans in the school closing incident "Mr. NOZAKA's Interpellation Nozaka advocates higher H, D, P In Budget Committee" government wages so that government workers will not be susceptible to corruption P H, P Y 7 Y 20 H. Okada Y 4 Yabuki Y Y Y 18 2 8 Y 12 神戸事件に寄せて "On the Riot at Kobe" H, P Mercola Naito Takamura Kyodo 32 (Kyoto) アメリカに渡る織姫. 五月中旬空路出発 Weaver girl to go to U.S. by plane In May. P Kaneko Matsumoto Yokoyama Abe Y Y Y 4 2 1 3 Y 16 envelope Japan should learn a lesson from the Kobe incident Weaver girl will go to the US in May to introduce handwoven silk brocade to the US Shigeru Nomura Niiya Sakaino 48-loc-1001a 4/29/1948 2/29 毎日新聞 渡米する『織姫』 H, P Y 1 4/29/1948 4/29/1948 5/11/1948 2/29 3/29 News Item 日本経済新聞 朝日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (Kyoto) The Nihon Keizai Asahi Shimbun (2) Mainichi (Kyoto) 48-loc-1001b 48-loc-1002 Nihon Keizai Asahi No.2 米國へ西陣の出陣 ソ連からの脱出者談る P H, D 1 8 48-loc-1003 4/29/1948 5/3/1948 5/29 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (5) Asahi 5 朝鮮人暴動事件の底流 48-loc-1004 4/29/1948 5/3/1948 6/29 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (20) Yomiuri Shimbun, No. 20 鈴木帰京談 48-loc-1005 4/29/1948 5/3/1948 10/29 Commentary 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 再建に役立つもの. 勤労階級の犠牲は困る. 産別亀田東伍 48-loc-1006 4/29/1948 5/7/1948 11/29 Editorial 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 48-loc-1007 4/29/1948 5/4/1948 12/29 News Item アカハタ Akahata (19) Akahata No.19 48-loc-1008 4/29/1948 5/3/1948 13/29 Comment アカハタ Akahata (23) Akahata (No.23) 政局危機深まる 48-loc-1009 4/29/1948 5/3/1948 14/29 Comment アカハタ Akahata Akahata メーデーに際し日本共産党中委会メーデー参加組合に申入 れ 48-loc-1010 4/29/1948 5/4/1948 15/29 News Item アカハタ Akahata (Kansai) Akahata (Kansai) 大阪メーデー行進制限に各労組抗議 48-loc-1011 4/29/1948 5/3/1948 16/29 News Item アカハタ Akahata (5) Akahata 5 外資導入經営權. 日鑛の場合 48-loc-1012 4/29/1948 5/2/1948 17/29 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 48-loc-1012a 4/30/1948 5/2/1948 17/29 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (117, 119, Yokohama) Kyodo 117, 119 (Yokohama) 次いで弁護團側の尋問により小森は死亡する前偕行社病院 で人間の肝藏を食つたといつたことはないかとの尋問に対 しては「絶対似ない」と答弁 生体解剖公判(一); 生体解剖公判(二) The Story of the Runaway from A Japanese runaway speaks of USSR the present situations in Korea and Manchuria About the Korean Riot Korean Federation declares H, D, P that Korean children should be educated in Korean to prepare them to go back to Korea Richardson Ito Moriyama H. Obata Y Y Mercola T. Kato Ogino K. Minami Y 8 "Attorney-General SUZUKI's statement on Returning to Tokyo" "What is useful for reconstruction of our economy? Don't make it at the sacrifice of the salaried class." Gen. Suzuki speaks of the premeditated, revolutionary nature of the Korean riots The salaried class should not be sacrificed for the reconstruction of the economy H, P Mercola Ogino Doi H. Okada Y 4 Mercola Gomes T. Nakayama Y 4 今年のメーデーの意義 "May Day and Soviet broadcasting" Mercola Inouye Yoshimoto Y 9 Labor unions are treated as if they were Political Parties-They are oppressed by heavy crimes. "Political Crisis Deepens." Moscow Radio says the World Labor Union issued a May Day declaration Labor unions are treated as if they were political parties H, S 組合も政党扱い. 重罪をもって圧迫す H, P Mercola Niiya Yabuki Y 8 Political crisis deepens: budget problems, labor policy "The Communist Party Central Communist Central Committee Committee offer suggestion to denounces government every labor union participated propaganda in May Day rally" "Several labor unions in Osaka make strong protests to superintendent against restriction on May Day demonstration" "Introduction of Foreign Ccapital and Management Right" "Vivisection Trial at Yokohama MilitarTtribunal" "Vivisection trial at Yokohama military tribunal" Osaka labor unions protest government restrictions on May Day activities Foreign capital will be introduced into the Kawayama mine Accused admit to eating a human liver at the Yokohama military trials H, P P Togo Kameta Motoichiro Tamai Niiya Abe Y 6 H, D Mercola Gomes Motoichiro Tamai Y 7 H, S Mercola Gomes Motoichiro Tamai Y 3 Y 6 H, P Mercola G. Gomes K. Minami H, D, S Mercola Niiya Takashima T. Hori Y 3 H, D Mercola Takebe Takashima Moroichiro Tamai Y 23 Oversized 5/3/1948 4/28/1948 4/28/1948 [4]/[28]/1948 4/28/1948 Submitted by (Japanese) 読売新聞 Photograph(s) 4/28/1948 48-loc-0986 48-loc-0986a 48-loc-0986b 48-loc-0987 News Agency Duplicate 48-loc-0985 Hold No. Source 24/28 News item Number of Pages Date Censored 4/30/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 4/28/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-0984 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 毎日新聞 Submitted by Mainichi Shimbun (Kanagawa) Yomiuri Shimbun (Ueda) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Mainichi (Kanagawa) メーデーに酒販賣禁止 Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 H, P Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 1 Y 2 6/30 News Item 読売新聞 4/30/1948 9/30 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (8, Kanagawa) 48-loc-1015a 4/30/1948 9/30 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (110) Yomiuri 110 48-loc-1016 4/30/194[8] 17/30 News Item 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 48-loc-1017 4/30/1948 25/30 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (81) Asahi 81 48-loc-1018 48-loc-1019z 48-loc-1019 4/30/1948 5/1/1948 5/1/1948 27/30 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (63) Yomiuri No. 63 5/6/1948 1/1 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 機関車三〇、貨車三〇〇ソ聯より注文 "Soviet Russia Orders Locomotives and wagons" Russia has ordered locomotives and wagons from Japan H, S Mercola Ishibashi Takeda D. Nomura Y 1 1 2 48-loc-1020 5/1/1948 5/6/1948 2/1 News Item 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times (3, Kobe) Kokusai Times 3 (Kobe) 不安に戰く神戸の朝鮮人. 街頭や電車等至る所で檢束 Koreans in Kobe are arrested daily for no reason H, S Mercola Naito Takebe H. Obata Y 3 48-loc-1021 5/1/1948 5/4/1948 3/1 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (53) Jiji Tsushin 53 シヤム米輸入可能か Mercola Naito Hudnall Hayashi Y 2 5/1/1948 5/5/1948 4/1 Commentary 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo (124) Tokyo Mimpo 124 正しい主張は証明された Rice may be imported from Siam People must struggle to obtain the basic rights guaranteed them in the constitution H, S 48-loc-1022 "Koreans in Kobe tremble for uneasiness"; "Arrested everywhere in the street on in a car" "Possibility of Import of Rice from Siam." "Our assertion proved right." Mercola Takebe Ichiko T. Nakayama Y 3 48-loc-1023 5/1/1948 5/4/1948 7/1 Commentary 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (2) Asahi No. 2 神戸事件 Kobe Incident H, P Mercola Ebisawa Gomes Sasaki Y 3 48-loc-1024 5/1/1948 5/1/1948 9/1 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local Koreans must follow Japanese laws, but they are entitled to basic rights Points in Constitution Require The government should follow Further Study the constitution more closely H, P [Bunshiro Suzuki] 48-loc-1025 5/1/1948 5/4/1948 10/1 Commentary 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (4) Asahi Shimbun No. 4 新警察制度を見る "On New Police System" H, S Kawate Doi Kato Yabuki Y 4 48-loc-1026 5/1/1948 5/3/1948 11/1 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun 中、小学生も罹病. 奇病は山形、長野、福島にも Primary School Kids and Middle School Students Too Contract Disease; This Mysterious Disease Breaks Out in Yamagata, Nagano, and Fukushima Pre[fectures] Niiya Iwasaki Abe Y 4 48-loc-1027 5/1/1948 5/5/1948 12/1 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (92) Jiji Tsushin 92 芸能紹介雑誌CHEERIO "Entertainments Magazine 'Cheerio'" Mercola Sakanoue Murao Y 5 48-loc-1028 5/1/1948 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun 一日東京をはじめ全国各地で、終戰後復活三回目『働くも のゝ祭典』第十九回メーデーが華やかに繰りひろげられた 48-loc-1029 5/1/1948 5/1/1948 14/1 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (73) Kyodo Tsushin 73 憲法精神結実へ新たな決意. きよう憲法施行一周年 48-loc-1030 48-loc-1031 [5]/[1]/1948 5/1/1948 5/1/194[8] 15/1 16/1 共同通信 時事通信 Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Jiji Tsushin 賊と戦う灯台守. 活躍する海上保安官 メーデー大会詳報 48-loc-1032 5/1/1948 5/3/1948 17/1 Comment 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (23) Asahi Shimbun, 23 憲[法]の肉体化 "Personification of Constitution" 48-loc-1033 48-loc-1034 5/1/1948 5/1/1948 5/3/1948 5/5/1948 18/1 19/1 Commentary Essay 時事新報 世界日報 Jiji Shimpo (117) Sekai Nippo Jiji Shimpo No.117 Sekai Nippo 交番日記 今の世昔の心 48-loc-1035 5/1/1948 5/5/1948 20/1 Reader's Contribution 東京タイムズ The Tokyo Times (4) Tokyo Taimuzu 4 警察力の擴充 Report of a Police Box "Society of Today, Feeling of Yore" "Expansion of Police Forces" 48-loc-1036 5/1/1948 5/3/1948 21/1 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 綿花三万五千俵日本へ 48-loc-1037 5/1/1948 5/5/1948 23/1 News Item 朝日新聞 5/1/1948 5/4/1948 25/1 News Item 時事新報 Asahi Local 11 (Kanagawa) Jiji Shimpo 11 朝鮮人敎育委員会で声明 48-loc-1038 Asahi Shimbun (11, Kanagawa) Jiji Shimpo (11) 48-loc-1039 48-loc-1040 5/1/1948 5/1/1948 5/26/1948 5/7/1948 26/1 27/1 News Item 毎日新聞 アカハタ Mainichi Shimbun Akahata Mainichi Akahata 新憲法 野坂代議士の朝鮮人問題演説 48-loc-1041 5/1/1948 5/5/1948 28/1 Editorial アカハタ Akahata (7) Akahata, 7 新憲法制定一周年にあたって人権の擁護をさけぶ 48-loc-1042 5/1/1948 5/3/1948 29/1 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 新米價二千八百五十円に引上げか. 物價改訂と併行して当局準備 48-loc-1043 5/1/1948 共同通信 共同特信 B Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin B Tokushin Bunka B 戰爭放棄の一線をぜひ守れ. 天皇巡幸は時期が早い; 憲法は実生活をどう変えたか(中). 家庭生活の向上を経済力が阻害. 男女平等は自然さと理解の上に; 憲法は実生活をどう変えたか(下). 自由のトリデ、國会を守護. 國民こぞって憲法を生かせ 48-loc-1044z 5/2/1948 5/3/1948 5/7/1948 Yomiuri Shimbun (Ueda) 長野縣に学童傳染病 Headline Asahi, Local 8 Kanagawa Edition "Epidemic Disease Among School Children in Nagano Pref[ecture]." The use of red flags forbidden Sale of wine also prohibited. "Prohibitation of Red Flag." Yokosuka Police Office Notices Price-raise of tobacco "Capitals of 3 Big Banks Will be Cut off Entirely" "Police system" Unidentified epidemic strikes schoolchildren in Nagano Use of red flags on May Day is forbidden H, P Richardson Naito Ogino P S. Konishi P Richardson Naito H[u]dnall D, S Takebe Doi T. Hori Reorganization of three banks S Takebe Takashima K. Minami Mercola Murao Takashima K. Tezuka 2 4 8 Hayashi envelope 13/1 Commentary 惡質朝鮮人送還. 鈴木総裁説明. 総司令部で強調 The police system should be strengthened and revised once more Unidentified children's disease breaks out in Nagano, Yamagata Price of a magazine H, P No[s]aka H, P D 3 Hayashi H, P On the 1st anniversary of the enforcement of the new Constitution On the first anniversary of the new constitution H, P H, P H, P "Import of 35,000 Bales Raw Cotton" "Statement of the Korean Education Committee" "Evil-disposed Koreans be Sent Back: Explained By AttorneyGeneral SUZUKI and Emphasized by SCAP Officials." Japanese must not be politically indifferent if Japan is to effectively democratize A day in a police box Nostalgia for the old Japan and the emperor Due to recent Korean disturbances, the police force should be expanded 35,000 bales of cotton will shortly be shipped to Japan Government educational policy is an insult to Koreans Attorney General Suzuki's explanation of the Kobe riots to the House H, P H, P H, D H, P Naito Ogino M. Hori [Yamazaki] Yoshio Nakano [Yutaka] Tatsuno Yozo Tanaka, a company's employee Y 3 Y 45 Y Y 10 15 Mercola Naito Ogino H. Okada Y 7 Mercola Doi Doi Kato Kato Yabuki Y Y 5 3 Mercola Naito Hudnall Hayashi Y 3 H, P Mercola Ebisawa Hudnall Daizo Nomura Y 3 H, D Mercola Inoue Murao M. Kawamoto Y 2 P Mercola Hudnall Shimokura M. Kawamoto Y 3 Mercola Gomes Daizo Nomura Y Y 2 12 Mercola Gomes H. Okada Y 9 Mercola Gomes Iwasaki Y 7 Y 75 H, P Communist says the H, D, S government should take responsibility for violations of Koreans' rights "We Proclaim the Protection of Reactionaries are trying to H, P Human Rights on the 1st destroy the rights guaranteed Anniversary of the by the constitution Enforcement of New Constitution" "New Rice Price Likely be The rice price will probably be H, S Raised to Yen 2850 Projected raised by the Government in Parallel with Revision of Price Structure" H, D, P "Communist NOSAKA's Speech on Korean School Issue" Mercola [Kato] 1 2 Tobacco prices will be doubled Police system (retranslated) Abe Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) 48-loc-1015 Source Duplicate 4/30/1948 Hold No. Number of Pages 48-loc-1014 Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted 4/30/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1013 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Daizo Nomura envelope 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1047 5/2/1948 48-loc-1048 48-loc-1049 5/2/1948 [5]/[4]/194[8] 48-loc-1049a [5]/[4]/194[8] 48-loc-1050 6/2 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (8) Yomiuri No. 8 造船 Essay [アカハタ] [Akahata] [Akahata] 米騒動が敎えるもの. 大正七年の暴動 Editorial Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local アカハタ 時事通信 English Section Akahata (Kansai) Jiji Tsushin English Section Akahata (Kansai) 大阪のメーデー Jiji Press, Jiji English Section Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary The Shintoism Has Not Shintoism has not declined Declined. Mr. Sokei , [one] of since the war Board of Temple told regarding the Shintoismas follows: ShipBbuilding Orders came in Succession From Various Countries. "Lesson from the Rice Trouble Riot of 1918" Tokyo papers flay Korean riots in Kansai--May Day given prominence Japan is receiving orders from various countries to build ships Police system revision to be discussed Cabinet will hold a conference to discuss flaws in the new police system H, P H, S D Study of the subjects of editorials for the past week 3/4 共同通信 English Kyodo Tsushin English Kyodo Cabinet to study measures for strengthening police system 5/5/1948 5/6/1948 34/5 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (179) Kyodo Tsushin (179) "Railway and Communications Charges Will Be Rraised More Than Three Times, States Finance Minister Kitamura." It will be decided by the end of the month whether interest on wartime military bonds should be paid or not D, P 48-loc-1051z 48-loc-1051 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 5/10/1948 1/6 Comment 第一新聞 Daiichi Shimbun Daiichi Shimbun 食糧輸入と日本農村 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 3/6 News Item 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimuzu 奇病の正体わかる. 日本の醫學上には前例のない新病 "Import of Foodstuffs and Japanese Farming Villages" "Nature of Mysterious Disease Discovered: It's New Disease Unprecedented in Japanese Medical History." Problems in Japanese agriculture Disucussion of the epidemic that has broken out in Nagano P 48-loc-1052 48-loc-1053 5/6/1948 時事通信 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 8/6 Jiji Tsushin (Yamaguchi) Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin (Yamaguchi) Kyodo 山口の朝鮮人大会に禁止令 48-loc-1054 T. Kato Yoshimoto Yokoyama Notes Y 2 Y 2 Y 5 "The Emperor Visits MacArthur." The emperor visited Gen. MacArthur on May 6 48-loc-1054a 48-loc-1054b 48-loc-1054c 48-loc-1054d 48-loc-1055 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 5/7/1948 8/6 8/6 8/6 8/6 9/6 48-loc-1055a 5/6/1948 48-loc-1056 5/6/1948 5/7/1948 10/6 48-loc-1057 5/6/1948 5/11/1948 12/6 48-loc-1058 5/6/1948 5/7/1948 48-loc-1059 5/6/1948 48-loc-1060 2 P H, D Y 5 1 H 1 Mercola Ebisawa Niiya Daizo Nomura Kato Abe 2 envelope 5/6 News Item 共同通信 News Item 朝日新聞 時事新報 時事通信 毎日新聞 共同通信 Asahi Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin Mainichi Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (Maizuru) Asahi Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin Mainichi Kyodo (Maizuru) 天皇、マ元帥御訪問 天皇陛下、マ元帥ご訪問 天皇マ元帥御訪問 天皇、マ元帥をご訪問 一般邦人二六名交えて二、二〇一名引揚再開第一船入港 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Maizuru) Yomiuri (Maizuru) 三年越しに夢に見つゞけた母國の初夏の空の下にシベリア 引揚げ第一船明優丸が姿を現わしたのは六日午前十時半、 舞鶴港外新井岬東北方約三海里の海上であつた News Item 毎日新聞 News Item 毎日新聞 13/6 News Item 共同通信 Mainichi Shimbun (Maizuru) Mainichi Shimbun (107, Hakodate) Kyodo Tsushin (69, Hakodate) Mainichi Shimbun 引揚入港. シベリヤから (Maizuru) Mainichi Shimbun 樺太事情 No. 107 (Hakodate) Kyodo 69 (Hakodate) 故国のことが知りたかつた. 感激に涙する引揚者 5/12/1948 14/6 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (14, Kansai) Yomiuri Shimbun 新警察制度の欠陥か; 朝鮮人暴行事件・当事者はかくみる; No.14 (Local: Kansai) 非常宣言の権限. 管区本部に委譲が必要; 繩張り根性を一掃. 臨機に自治体を國警指揮下へ; 要は最高責任者の勇氣と果断; 制度改正されん. 運用に妙味 5/6/1948 5/8/1948 15/6 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (103, Mainichi Shimbun Hokkaido) 103 (Hokkaido edition) 泣で報す樺太の食糧難. 函館港内引揚者のに漂う歓声 48-loc-1061 5/6/1948 5/14/1948 17/6 Commentary 共同通信 共同特信 A Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin A (special 1) Kyodo Special 1 公職審査委員会の廃止 48-loc-1062 5/6/1948 5/7/1948 18/6 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (9, Hokkai[do]) Asahi Shimbun, Local 意外に元氣で安心. 田村函館檢疫所長談 9 (Hokkai[do]) 48-loc-1063 5/9/1948 5/11/1948 19/6 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri (Nagoya) 電氣料値上げ三倍程度. 森需給課長談 48-loc-1063a 48-loc-1064 5/6/194[8] 5/6/1948 5/7/1948 19/6 20/6 News Item 時事新報 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Nagoya) Jiji Shimpo Yomiuri Shimbun (8, Maizuru) Jiji Shimpo Yomiuri 8 (Maizuru) 48-loc-1065 5/6/1948 5/7/1948 21/6 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (11, Hakodate) Yomiuri 11 (Hakodate) 電力三倍値上げか. 六月頃実施 シベリア抑留同胞六十九万人の遺家族がしびれを切らせて 待つた引揚げ再開第一船、明優丸は六日午前十一時過ぎ舞 鶴港へ帰つて來た 南樺太の寒風とソ連共産主義のワクの中に生き抜き五日夜 引揚第一船千歳丸でなつかしい故國の玄関函館に帰えつて きた邦人千五百九十二名が感激の一夜を明した 48-loc-1066 48-loc-1066a 48-loc-1066b 48-loc-1066c 48-loc-1066d 48-loc-1067 [5]/[6]/194[8] [5]/[6]/194[8] 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 5/10/1948 23/6 23/6 23/6 23/6 24/6 News Item 北海道新聞 共同通信 毎日新聞 東京新聞 読売新聞 共同通信 Hokkaido Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Mainichi Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Yomuiri Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (Tsu) Hokkaido Kyodo Mainichi Tokyo Shimbun Yomiuri Kyodo (Tsu) アメリC.I.O大会に國鉄労組からメッセー[ジ] 国鉄労組CIOにメッセージ 世界平和の友. 加藤國鉄委員長CIO大会へ便り CIO大会へメッセージ送る. 國鉄加藤委員長から CIOへ國鉄メッセージ 不治の"つんぼ"も見事になおる. 三重医大で新療法案出 48-loc-1068 5/6/1948 5/7/1948 25/6 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (24) Asahi Shimbun, 24 都会生活はひどい. 樺太みやげ話 48-loc-1068a 5/6/1948 5/7/1948 25/6 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (116, Hakodate) Kyodo 116 (Hakodate) 故国の山河に感激のほおをぬらす引揚者 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 Mercola Karoku H. Okada Hosokawa Examiner5 Examiner6 P 5/2/1948 5/8/1948 3/4 Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Sokei Ono Richardson Naito Ogino Yokoyama 9/6 天皇陛下、マ元帥御訪問 P H, P "Arrival of the First Steamer of A list of the numbers of sick Re-Started Repatriation" and dead on the latest repatriate ship [Takashima] p Mercola P P H, P P P Mercola J. Hudnall Kaneko Isamu Abe Daizo Nomura P "Repatriating Vessel Returns." Vessel of repatriatess returns to Maizaru Harbor Repatriation Condition in Conditions among repatriates Saghalien in Saghalin Repatriates from Russian Repatriates from Russian Districts districts talk of Russian propaganda against Japan Defects of the New Police Premier Ashida said that the System Korean incident was caused by some defects in the new police system "Food Shortage in Saghalien Repatriates arrive at Hakodate Reported by Repatriates with Tears" Shouts of Joy Raised for Repatriates arriving at Hakodate Harbor "Abolition of Screening Screening committee has Committee" completed its duties and will be dissolved All Returnees Are Cheerful, Repatriates are cheerful Hakodate Quarantine Station Chief TAMURA states "Electric charge hike around Electric charge expected to [triple]" triple in June "About repatriates from Soviet" Ragged repatriates arrive at Maizaru Stories of Repatriates from Sagahlien "Deafness Can Be Cured Completely: Lecturer at Miye Medical University Devises a New Method of Treatment." Give Life Is Miserable--Talks on Saghalien "Repatriates Moved To Tears At The Sight Of landscape of Their Native Land." City life is miserable -- talks on Saghalien Repatriates from Russian districts talk of Russian propaganda against Japan Mr. Kato of Miye University has developed a cure for deafness Repatriates are glad to be home Y 1 3 Y 2 Y 4 Y 5 Y Y Y Y Y 1 1 3 1 11 Y 2 Y 2 H, P Mercola Shimokura Abe H, P Mercola Nakano Gomes Yabuki Y 2 H, D Mercola Nakano Ogino Araiso Y 12 H, D Mercola Tanaka Gomes Yabuki Y 5 H, P Tokuda Mercola Tanaka Gomes M. Nagashima Y 3 H, P Shun Ushijima Mercola Takebe [Daizo] Nomura [Takashima] Y 9 H, P Hudn[a]ll Iwasaki Fujinami Y 2 H, D Mercola Nakano Gomes Motoichiro Tamai Y 3 Ogino Takashima T. Nakayama Y Y 1 2 Nakano Gomes Shigeru Nomura Y 4 2 10 1 1 1 17 D H, P H, D H, P H, P H, P H, P P P Oversized 5/6/1948 5/2/1948 Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Shin Yukan no.2 衰えぬ氏神信仰 Photograph(s) 5/2/1948 48-loc-1046 Submitted by Shin Yukan (2) News Agency Duplicate 48-loc-1045 Submitted by (Japanese) 新夕刊 Hold No. Source 3/2 Commentary Number of Pages Date Censored 5/4/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/2/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1044 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) [Hiramatsu, Mercola Furuya, Mori] [Yanagisa Mercola wa] Mercola Nakano Niiya Abe Y Y Y Y Y Y H, P Mercola Nakano Gomes Fujinami Y 2 H, P Ebisawa Ogino M. Kawamoto Y 10 [Kikuchi] 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by Asahi Shimbun (11, Hokkai[do]) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Asahi No. 11 たゞ歸りたいの一心. 引揚第一陣は豊原の農村部落民 (Hokkai[do]) 5/8/1948 27/6 31/6 48-loc-1072 5/6/1948 5/8/1948 33/6 Reader's question and answer News Item 共同通信 東京タイムズ Kyodo Tsushin The Tokyo Times (7) Kyodo Tokyo Times 7 5/6/1948 5/11/1948 34/6 News Item 毎日新聞 Jiji Tsushin (Fukuoka) Mainichi Shimbun (114) Mainichi 114 福岡で朝鮮人一万がデモ行進 48-loc-1073 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (Fukuoka) 48-loc-1074 5/6/1948 5/9/1948 35/6 News Item 東京タイムズ The Tokyo Times (3) 早ければ今月末から遲配のおそれ. 都の食糧に赤信號揚る 48-loc-1075 5/6/1948 5/12/1948 36/6 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (115, Mainichi 115 hakodate) (Hakodate) 米ソ関係目隱し. 孤兒はソ連國籍へ 48-loc-1076 5/6/1948 5/17/1948 37/6 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (104) 民間輸入貿易の進展 48-loc-1077 5/6/1948 5/7/1948 38/6 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (129, Mainichi 129 Sasebo) (Sasebo) 中國引揚船も出帆 48-loc-1078 5/6/1948 5/11/1948 39/6 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (68) Asahi Shimbun 68 政治物價改訂 48-loc-1079 5/6/1948 5/11/1948 40/6 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (49、Yokosuka) Asahi, 49 (Yokosuka) Kyodo Tsushin (180, Maizuru) Yomiuri Shimbun (118, Saitama) Asahi Shimbun Kyodo No. 180 (Maizuru) Yomiuri 118 (Saitama) Asahi Yomiuri Shimbun (Kana[gawa]) Asahi Shimbun (52) Yomiuri (Kana[gawa]) Asahi Shimbun No.52 赤ちゃん増配十一月から Tokyo Times 3 Jiji Tsushin 104 H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Mercola Gomes Iwasaki H. Obata H, S H, P Niiya H. Okada H, P Mercola Sakanouye Ogino H, P Mercola Hudnall K. Tezuka Food rations may be delayed at the end of the month H, P Mercola T. Kato Kikuchi Repatriate writes to the newspaper concerning a rumor he heard in the USSR, that war may break out between the US and USSR H, D Mercola Kato "Development of Private Import Development of private import H, S Trade" trade leading towards free trade for Japan "Ship Will Set Sail from Ship will set out the bring back H, C, P Sasebo to Carry Repatriates repatriates from China from China" "Price Revision" Prices will be revised June 1 H, P Richardson Kikuchi 『非共産党』の宣誓を求む. 横須賀の進駐軍労務者に Yokosuka Occupation Troops Workers Asked for Oath of Being Non-Communists. 明優丸は約二千名が乗船 "Meyu-Maru" has 2,000 Repatriates Aboard. Talk of a Repatriate from the USSR 平野義太郎氏など軽犯法に反対 きちがいの新療法 神宮球場取上げ. 御神体「那智の滝」まで切取りか. "無常"の社寺土地処分 Headline Subject Brief Summary Story by the Repatriated Difficult conditions for Japanese from Soviet Territory Japanese in Russian territory "New Cure For Insanity" Explanation of the marvelous new cure for insanity, the lobotomy 10,000 Koreans' Demonstration Koreans demonstrate for their in Fukuoka rights in Fukuoka "The Meiji Shrine May Be Temples will no longer receive Taken; Even The Object Of their land from the government Worship, Nachi Water-fall. without compensation Ad[ju]stment Of Lands Of Shrine And Temple." Food Ration Delay Looms At End Of This Month At The Earliest. Metropolitan Food Situation Is At Danger. Hand-writhing of repatriate from Saghalien. The Soviet authorities never informed us of the present relation between the United States and the Soviet Unions, and [naturalized] Japanese orphans. Laborers working for the Allied H, D, S troops required to sign an oath saying they are not Communists Repatriates arrived at Maizaru H, C, P 48-loc-1080 5/6/1948 5/7/1948 41/6 News Item 共同通信 48-loc-1081 5/6/194[8] 5/11/194[8] 42/6 News Item 読売新聞 48-loc-1082 5/6/1948 48-loc-1083 5/6/194[8] 48-loc-1084 5/6/1948 5/11/1948 45/6 News Item 朝日新聞 48-loc-1084a 5/6/1948 5/7/1948 45/6 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (43, Hakodate) Yomiuri No. 43 (Hakodate) 上陸延びる. 函館の千歳丸 48-loc-1085 5/6/1948 5/9/1948 46/6 News Item アカハタ Akahata (25) Akahata 25 山梨の遅配欠配 "Delay in Rice Delivery in Yamanashi Prefecture" 48-loc-1086 5/6/1948 5/6/1948 News Item 民青時報 Minsei Jiho Minsei Jiho 日本政府はわれらの自主的敎育にたいする不当なる干渉に たいし、われらはその非民主々義的な点を指摘すると共に 、民主民族文化擁護の立場から、正当且当然なる、しかも 最低線の要求をかゝげて解決点をきめることに努めてきた On Korean Incident 48-loc-1087 5/6/1948 東京民報 Tokyo Minpo Tokyo Mimpo 犯罪はおどる. いつくる明るい淺草. 機動部隊もヌカにクギ News Item 解放新聞 Haebang Shinmun Haebang Shinmun Asakusa is a Hotbed of Crimes; Mobile troop of police The Mobile Troop Is Just Like established at Rokku in Ploughing Sands Akasuka, notorious for its hotbed of crimes Severe punishment, if a person Severe punishment of rejects to be dispatched to policemen if they refuse to go JAEJU-(TO) as a policeman to Jeaju-To Akahata 32 48-loc-1088 朝日新聞 43/6 読売新聞 44/6 5/6/1948 六日舞鶴に歸つて來た引揚再開第一船明優丸で本縣出身者 五十名が帰還したが... 政府は六日の経済閣僚会議で前日に引続き運賃値上げを中 心とする物價改訂問題を檢討した結果...; 鉄道通信料金値上げについて 米國へ初の留学生. 関東学院から選ばれた二人 5/7/1948 5/7/1948 5/11/1948 1/7 News Item アカハタ Akahata (32) 5/7/1948 5/11/1948 2/7 Commentary 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times (47) Kokusai Taimusu No. 片隅の言 47 48-loc-1092 48-loc-1092a 5/7/194[8] 5/7/194[8] 東京新聞 東京新聞 ペンクラブ 大麦のワラで虫下し藥. 千葉医大の二博士が研究を発表 48-loc-1093 5/7/1948 5/10/1948 5/7 News Item 共同通信 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun (Chiba) Tokyo Shimbun (Chiba) Kyodo Tsushin (60) Kyodo Tsushin # 60 48-loc-1094 5/7/1948 5/11/1948 6/7 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (101, Yomiuri Shimbun # Kansai) 101 (Kansai) 関西経済連合会では貿易問題につき爲替專門委員会を開き 檢討中であつたが、今回次のように関係各省に建議する 48-loc-1095 5/7/1948 5/10/1948 7/7 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (104, Yomiuri No. 104 Hokkai[do]) (Hokkai[do]) あの終戰のどさくさのとき、若い村の衆が二人ソ連兵に射 殺されたときは豊原郊外並川部落一千名の農民はどうなる ことかと動搖した Story of the Repatriate from Soviet Occupied Saghalien 48-loc-1096 5/7/1948 9/7 News Item 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo (14) Tokyo Mimpo 14 三、五倍は最低限運輸省言い分 48-loc-1097 5/7/1948 5/10/1948 10/7 News Item 読売新聞 帰りたさに我身を傷つく. 思い叶つて30名涙の上陸 5/7/1948 5/8/1948 11/7 News Item 共同通信 Yomiuri Shimbun (Gunma) Kyodo Tsushin (96, Maizuru) Yomiuri (Gunma) 48-loc-1098 Kyodo 96 (Maizuru) 何年ぶりかでめしの味. 母国第一夜に眠られぬ引揚者たち "3, 5-Fold Hike Is The Minimum One, Say of the Transportation Ministry" "Details of repatriation from Siberia" Statement of Repatriates from Russia 48-loc-1099 5/7/1948 5/17/1948 12/7 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (101, Maizuru) Kyodo 101 (Maizuru) 製材、鉱山、コルホーズで労動. 引揚者こもごも語る フラダンスを日本に紹介 H, P Mori, report[e]r 2 Y Y 10 3 Y 7 Y 3 M. Kawamoto Y 4 Kikuchi T. Nakayama Y 2 Ishibashi Gomes K. Minami Y 9 Inoue Takebe K. Minami Y 3 Mercola Nakano Niiya M. Nagashima Y 4 Malloy Nakano Ogino Araiso Y 2 Malloy Tanaka Ogino Yokoyama Y 13 Gomes Iwasaki S. Konishi Y 2 Y 4 Y 1 Y 3 Y 2 Y 8 Y 9 Y 3 Sasaki H, P Food ration for babies will be increased from November. Adjournment of landing by CHTISE Maru in Hakodate 48-loc-1091 4/7 Repatriate reports conditions in the USSR The Frst Repatriation Ship returned. Soliloquy of an insignificant man. Repatriates on the first repatriation ship will be landed on the 8th Farmers tried to plunder a government warehouse full of rice, because they have no rice themselves Koreans organize themselves to fight the Japanese government for the right to independent Korean education First repatriation ship has returned Soliloquy of a man who does not know what to do with the freedom given to him H, P Malloy Tanaka Ogino H, P Ebisawa Murao Sasaki D J. Niiya K. Minami Mercola Sameshima S Mercola Inouye Takeda S. Konishi S Mercola Ogino S. Konishi S Kawamoto Chung Richardson Hudnall Sasaki Mercola T. Kato Hudnall P H, S Makoto Mitsui, poet. Yabuki Nakano Things as Told by Repatriates from Russia. The hula dance will be introduced to Japan Kansai Economic Joint Association makes recommendations on the exchange rate Repatriate tells about his hardships in Saghalien, and also his impressions upon returning to Japan Railway fare will be increased by 5 times Details of repatriation from Siberia The appearance of the returning repatriates "sadly told of their life of suffering and hardships" Repatriates tell of harsh conditions in Siberia Ogino ハングル 文字で書 かれてい るゲラあ り envelope Yabuki H, P I, D Introduction of "Hula" dance into Japan. Exchange rate Notes Y H, P 48-loc-1090z 48-loc-1090 引揚第一船帰る [Tokuide] Examiner5 Examiner6 3 Y 1 5 Y 3 Y Y 1 1 H, S Richardson Nakano Gomes M. Hori Y 8 H, P Richardson Ishibashi Gomes M. Hori Y 3 H, D Richardson Ishibashi Ogino H. Obata Y 6 H, P Ebisawa Kikuchi M. Kawamoto Y 4 Y 2 Y 8 Y 17 H, P Mercola Hattori Takamura H, D Ishibashi Ogino Shigeru Nomura H, P Mercola Nakano Takeda Motoichiro Tamai Shigeru Nomura M. Hori Oversized Submitted by (Japanese) 朝日新聞 Photograph(s) [5]/[6]/194[8] 5/6/1948 News Agency Duplicate 48-loc-1070 48-loc-1071 Hold No. Source 26/6 News Item Number of Pages Date Censored 5/11/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/6/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1069 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1101 5/7/1948 5/[13]/1948 14/7 News Item 毎日新聞 48-loc-1102 5/7/1948 5/12/1948 16/7 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (109, Hakodate) Mainichi Shimbun (115, Hakodate) Mainichi Shimbun No. 109 (Hakodate) Mainichi 115 (Hakodate) 48-loc-1103 5/7/1948 5/11/1948 17/7 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 48-loc-1104 5/7/1948 5/17/1948 19/7 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (19, Kanagawa) Asahi Shimbun 19 (Kanagawa) 首切りの原因は選挙運動 48-loc-1105 5/7/1948 5/11/1948 48-loc-1106 5/7/1948 5/12/1948 20/7 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (161, Nagoya) Kyodo 161 (Nagoya) 南鮮の総選挙反対. 名古屋で朝鮮人大会 21/7 Commentary 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Tochigi) Yomiuri (Tochigi) 自治ケイサツ 48-loc-1107 5/7/1948 48-loc-1108 5/7/1948 5/10/1948 22/7 Editorial 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo (11) Jiji Shimpo, 11 証券取引所法いよいよ実施 5/12/1948 23/7 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (17, Yamagata) Asahi Yamagata edi, 17 違法承知でお米追加特配. 養蚕用木炭確保に縣の非常手段 48-loc-1109 5/7/1948 5/11/1948 24/7 Commentary 新聞之新聞 Shimbun no Shimbun Shimbun-no-Shimbun 毎日懇話會第二日 48-loc-1110 5/7/1948 5/10/1948 25/7 News Item 世界日報 Sekai Nippo (27) Sekai Nippo (No.27) 48-loc-1111 5/7/1948 5/10/1948 26/7 Commentary 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (79) Kyodo.No.79. 48-loc-1111a 5/7/1948 26/7 毎日新聞 Mainichi (Maizuru) 生活保護金値上げ. 竹田厚相談 48-loc-1112 5/7/1948 5/8/1948 28/7 朝日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (Maizuru) Asahi Shimbun (57) Asahi 57 都会生活はひどい. 樺太みやげ話 "Living in Town is Miserable; A Repatriate Talks About Recent Saghalien" 48-loc-1113 5/7/1948 5/11/1948 29/7 News Item 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo (23) Tokyo Mimpo #23 小作人を死の圧[迫]. 地主勢力に味方する司法官憲農地改革阻害の実例 Instances defying land reform 48-loc-1114 5/7/1948 5/10/1948 30/7 共同通信 48-loc-1115 5/7/1948 5/8/1948 31/7; 26/7 News item from Osaka News item, from Maizuru 共同通信; 毎日新聞 Kyodo Tsushin (194, Osaka) Kyodo Tsushin (197, Maizuru); Mainichi Shimbun (129) Kyodo Tsushin 194 チブロワヤに九百名残留 (Osaka) Kyodo Tsushin, #197 "援護金近く増額". 竹田厚相舞鶴で語る (Maizuru); Mainichi Shimbun #129 48-loc-1116 5/7/1948 5/15/1948 32/7 Commentary 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 48-loc-1117 5/7/1948 5/11/1948 33/7 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (78) 48-loc-1118 5/7/1948 5/12/1948 34/7 News item, from Maizura 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (64, Maizuru) Yomiuri Shimbun 物價改訂 (78) Yomiuri Shimbun, 64 舞鶴談話 (Maizuru) 48-loc-1118a [5]/[7]/194[8] 共同通信 48-loc-1119 5/7/1948 5/12/1948 35/7 News Item アカハタ Kyodo Tsushin (Maizuru) Akahata (11-A-B, Iida) 48-loc-1120 5/7/1948 5/11/1948 36/7 Commentary アカハタ 48-loc-1121 5/7/1948 5/10/1948 37/7 News Item 48-loc-1122 5/7/1948 48-loc-1123 5/7/1948 48-loc-1124 5/7/1948 48-loc-1124a 5/[7]/194[8] 48-loc-1125z 48-loc-1125 5/8/1948 5/8/1948 5/13/1948 1/8 48-loc-1126 5/7/194[8] 5/13/194[8] 2/8 48-loc-1127 48-loc-1128 5/7/194[8] 5/8/1948 5/13/1948 3/8 4/8 引揚者佐々木スエさん(三一)-豊原氏並川部落-は最近 の樺太農村事情を次のように語つた 引揚座談会 一般に公開. 米國文化映畫 民族間の融和破壊. 朝鮮人問題. 高津氏政府を追及 Headline Subject Brief Summary "The Greatest Cause of Government has made a Railway Accidents Is Worn-out petition for import of 50,000 Rails." tons of steel for railway equipment Repatriates' talks on the plight Repatriates tell of harsh of Sagahlien conditions in Siberia "Round table talk on Roundtable discussion on repatriation" repatriation--one repatriate said he was told that in the event of a war, the USSR would be beaten High class fish will be out of The existing price control of control high class fish will be removed Naito Ogino Hattori Yoshimoto T. Nakayama D Kikuchi T. Hori A person is dismissed from the Yokosuka Liaison Office for donating money to a Communist "The Korean Meeting Opposes Korean meeting against general to the General Election in elections in South Korea South Korea." On the new police system Profile of the new police system; problems caused by the separation of the local and national police systems "Securities Exchange Law The Securities Exchange Law Validated at Last" has passed the Diet "Additional Special Rice Lack of rice rations creates Ration, Aware of its Illegality; problems for silk raisers Exceptional measures of securing charcoal for Silk worm Culture." H, S Mercola Kikuchi M. Hori H, P Mercola S. Sakanouye Murao H, S Mercola Naito Ogino H, P Mercola H. Hattori Murao H. Okada H, P Mercola S. Sakanouye Kato K. Minami "Speech on current topics" H, D Mercola Tanaka Murao Cause of dismissal held to be election canvassing The Liberal Party should have composed the new Cabinet instead of the Democrats H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Mercola Inouye Yoshimoto Hayashi Mercola H, D [Tokuda] Fujiwara Notes Y 6 Y 6 Y 4 1 Y 3 K. Minami Y 8 T. Hori Y 5 M. Hori Y 7 Niiya Y 9 T. Nakayama Y 5 Y 2 H, P Mercola Sakanouye Kato Abe Protection against the Minor Crimes Law. D, S Mercola Tanaka Takebe Yokoyama Criticism of the minor crimes law; the authorities should not infringe upon labor rights Examiner5 Examiner6 Sameshima M. Hori "U.S. Cultural Films To Be US cultural films will be Shown to The General Public" shown to the general public 2 H, D Y 2 Repatriate talks about Saghalien: 'the people in town are leading miserable existences' Authorities are supporting landlords' resistance to land reform 900 Japanese nationals are still stuck at Tivroya Of the 400,000 Japanese still remaining in the USSR, 50,000 will return in the current year H, D Mercola S. Sakanouye Murao K. Minami Y 3 H, P Mercola Nakano Murao M. Hori Y 9 H, P Paradin Naito Murao M. Nagashima Y 8 H, D Matusmoto Mercola Naito Takebe Y 8 A Socialist criticizes the government for its position on the Korean incident Government will revise rice prices Repatriates' story: the strained US-USSR relations are making the masses nervous H, S Kikuchi Naito Ogino T. Hori Y 19 H, P Sakanouye Takebe Abe Y 3 Hattori Ogino H. Okada Y 4 Y 7 Communists are the real H, P, S Nakazawa pacifists Mr. ARAI's Resignation Resignation of Mr. Arai who S had hoped to make Suginami into a utopia [K]orean Problem at Diet. Investigations in progress to H, D prevent outbreaks like the Korean incident, in rural as well as state police "Bill of Narcotic Law": The Welfare Ministry S Sufferers of narcotic poisoning determined to enforce strict are to be Forced into Hospitals. control over the licensing and punishing of narcotics Koreans' Demonstration Koreans demonstrated to object S to the independent election by South Korea Revision of the Regulations for New regulations for the S Narcotics production of narcotics D Mercola Kikuchi Yabuki Y 4 Kikuchi T. Hori Mercola Inouye Y 14 Y 10 Y 3 "900 Japanese nationals Still stranded at Tivroya" Repatriate's story Mr. TAKATSU's speech on the Question of the KoreanOperated School "Revision of Prices" Repatriates' Story in Maizuru Kyodo (Maizuru) 簡素なソ連人の生活 眞の愛國者は共産黨. 「煤煙」の炎脈々波うつ Akahata Akahata No.11-A-B (Iida) Akahata 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (208) Kyodo No. 208 衆議院本会議(二) News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 麻薬中毒者は強制的に療養所へ. 麻薬法案次期国会に提出 5/7/1948 News Item from Aichi 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Aichi) Yomiuri, Chukyo Edition (Aichi) 朝鮮人デモ 5/7/1948 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 麻藥の取締法規改正 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 本予算編成の基礎条件一応決定. 七日夜の経済閣僚懇談会 News Item アカハタ Akahata (29) Akahata No. 29 朝鮮人問題に対し林代議士談 "Talk by M. P. HAYASHI on the Korean Issue" Commentary アカハタ Akahata Akahata 神戸朝鮮人「暴動」事件詳報. 明らかに[挑]發. 病院にまで"準備態勢令" Korean incident in KOBE アカハタ アカハタ Akahata (Kyushu) Akahata (7) Akahata (Kyushu) Akahata 7 選擧に反對. 朝連福岡大會 メーデーの意義 34/7 H, D H, D Ino, reporter H, P Communists are real pacifists. Okada 3 Takebe Yokoyama Shigeru Nomura Richardson Tanaka Takebe Ogino Nakano S. Konishi S. Konishi Y 3 [Richardson [Takashima] ] Y 23 S Kaneko M. Nagashima Y 1 8 S Niiya T. Hori Y 8 Y Y 1 2 envelope News Item (comment) "Significance of May Day" Hayashi of the Communist Party talks about the Korean incident: 'undue pressure was applied on the Koreans and the Communists' The police provoked the Koreans into violence in Kobe May Day is holiday of unity of workers against ma.lignant reactionary offensive H, P H, S [Niiya] Momohiko Niiya Hagisaka M. Nagashima Oversized Submitted by (Japanese) 時事通信 Photograph(s) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Jiji Tsushin 101 軌條の老朽が事故の最大[因]. 國鉄当局に防止對策をきく News Agency Duplicate Submitted by Jiji Tsushin (101) Hold No. Source 13/7 Comment Number of Pages Date Censored 5/12/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/7/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1100 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 6/8 News Item Submitted by Akahata (8, Kansai) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Akahata 8 (Kansai) "射殺は當然だ"(うそぶく警官) アカハタ Akahata (10) Akahata, 10 不當裁判の調査會 Headline Subject "We Have the Right to Shoot; Stated by Policemen" Brief Summary A policeman who fired at the H, D, S Korean crowd at random stated that he had a right to shoot "Committee for Investigation of Establishment of an Wrongful Trials" investigation committee concerning the wrongful disposal of criminal cases by judges H, S Examiner1 Examiner2 Niiya K. Minami Niiya Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 H. Okada Notes Y 6 Y 2 48-loc-1131 5/8/1948 7/8 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun Asahi 2 7/8 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun Asahi Shimbun Y [5]/[8]/194[8] 大阪時事新報, 大阪新聞 朝日新聞 新給与水準は三千七百円 48-loc-1131a 新物價賃金水準 H, P [Takashima] Y 5 48-loc-1132 48-loc-1133 [5]/[8]/194[8] 5/8/1948 5/10/1948 5/12/1948 8/8 9/8 Explanation 共同通信 東京新聞 Kyodo Tsushin Tokyo Shimbun (57) Kyodo Tokyo 57 海上運賃三倍値上げ有力 新安定帶. 解説 H, P H, D [Kaneko] Naito Ogino T. Nakayama Y Y 5 4 48-loc-1134 5/8/1948 5/31/1948 10/8 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 造船注文殺到 H, S Mercola Naito Gomes Y 3 48-loc-1135 5/8/1948 5/10/1948 11/8 朝日新聞 Asahi (Nagano) 鐘通防衞委員会声明; 上田鐘通労組、市署へ釈放のデモ H, P [Kaneko] Y 2 48-loc-1136 48-loc-1137 [5]/[8]/194[8] 5/8/1948 5/11/1948 13/8 14/8 News Item 時事通信 毎日新聞 H, P H, P Richardson T. Kato Kaneko Y Y 3 3 5/9/1948 5/10/1948 15/8 News Item 新夕刊 Jiji Tsushin Mainichi No. 109 (Maizuru) Shin-yukan 南鮮選挙反対大会中止 引揚談 48-loc-1138 Asahi Shimbun (Nagano) Jiji Tsushin Mainchi Shimbun (109, Maizuru) Shin Yukan Ashikawa Takashima T. Hori Y 6 48-loc-1139 5/8/1948 5/14/1948 16/8 News Item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (60) Tokyo 60 「八号八勺増配可能[」]という芦田首相の言明以來、國民 は食糧の前途にボーツと明るい希望を持たされながら、一 方では樂観禁物の声があつて、このところどちらに信をお いたらよいのか大いに迷つている Richardson Murao Takashima T. Nakayama Y 5 48-loc-1140 5/8/1948 5/12/1948 18/8 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shiimbun (Tochigi) Asahi Shimbun, Tochigi Ed. ミソ工場活氣付く. 原料入荷で配給も滑らかに "Expected Arrival of Soybean Flour Animates Bean Aaste Manufacture Plants, Smoothens Distrobution" Soybean paste plants anticipate large delivery of soybean flour H, P Richardson T. Kato Gomes H. Okada Y 2 48-loc-1141 5/8/1948 5/14/1948 20/8 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Toyama) Yomiuri Shimbun, Toyama Edition 米・石当り生産費三千円. 現在米價より千二百円超過 "Rice production Costs 3,000 yen a Koku, 1,300 yen Higher Than Present Rice Price" Concern over the rise of rice production costs, due to overall price revision H, S Malloy Takashima Murao H. Okada Y 2 48-loc-1142 48-loc-1142a 5/8/1948 [5]/[8]/194[8] 5/10/1948 5/10/1948 21/8 21/8 朝日新聞 共同通信 Asahi Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Asahi Kyodo 私鉄は七割五分引上げ 私鉄運賃値上七割五分 P H, P [Kaneko] [Takashima] [Kaneko] Y Y 1 5 48-loc-1142b 48-loc-1142c 5/8/1948 5/8/194[8] 5/10/1948 5/10/194[8] 毎日新聞 読売新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Mainichi Yomiuri 七割五分値上げ. 私鉄関係十五日から 私鉄運賃七割五分引上. 十五日から全國暫定的に実施 H, P H, P [Kaneko] [Kaneko] Y Y 1 1 48-loc-1143 5/8/1948 6/21/1948 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 業者、バイヤー直結. 十五日に一部実施. 制限撤廃又は緩和 H, S Richardson Y 4 48-loc-1143a 5/8/194[8] 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo バイヤーと直接契約へ. 十五日実施. 民間貿易の手続簡易化 Y 1 48-loc-1144 5/8/1948 5/11/1948 23/8 News Item 東京都民新聞, 共同通信 Tokyo Tomin Shimbun (2), Kyodo Tsushin Tomin 2 ベルギー製鐵等實況映画を公開 2 48-loc-1145 5/8/1948 5/10/1948 24/8 Editorial 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon-keizai 警察力強化と警官の威信 48-loc-1146 5/8/1948 5/9/1948 25/8 News Item 中部日本新聞 Chubu Nihon Shimbun (Maizuru) Chubu Nippon (maizuru) シベリアからの再開引揚第一船明優丸の舞鶴入港と伴に数 々の新情報がもたらされたが... Talks of Repatriates from Siberia at Maizuru 48-loc-1147 5/8/1948 5/13/1948 26/8 News Item 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo (17) Jiji Shimpo, 17 廿数品目、一本の爲替比率へ "Single Exchange Rate to be Fixed for Some 20 Items" 48-loc-1147a 5/8/1948 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 民間貿易. 價格比率制(プライスレーシヨ)採用. 十五日から廿四、五品目に実施. 手続もぐつと簡單に 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 民間貿易手續簡素化 時事通信 時事解説版 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Kaisetsuban Asahi 50 補給金問題の結論 22/8 Comment 22/8 26/8 6/21/1948 27/8 News item 醤油増配に明るい希望. コブラカス愈々入港 48-loc-1147b 5/8/1948 48-loc-1148 [5]/[8]/194[8] 48-loc-1149 5/8/1948 5/11/1948 29/8 News Item 朝日新聞 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Kaisetsuban Asahi Shimbun (50) 48-loc-1150 48-loc-1151 5/[8]/194[8] 5/8/1948 5/12/1948 30/8 31/8 News Item 共同通信 読売新聞 Kyodo Tsushin Yomiuri Shimbun (65) Kyodo インフレ防止の意義希薄. 無理の多い新物價改訂 Yomiuri Shimbun 65 麦・ジヤガ芋生産者價格 48-loc-1152 48-loc-1153 5/8/1948 5/8/1948 5/8/1948 5/12/1948 32/8 33/8 日本経済新聞 アカハタ The Nihon Keizai Akahata (24, Kansai) Nihon Keizai Akahata No. 24 (Kansai) 物價七割引上げか. 米價補給金は考慮せず 祖國獨立叫ぶ京都の人民大會; 先日、東京の某ニユース映画館で一九四五、六年のソヴエ ート・ニユース映画が上映された 48-loc-1153a 5/8/1948 5/11/1948 33/8 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (188, kazazawa, Kyoto) Kyodo No. 188 (kazazawa, Kyoto) 48-loc-1154 5/8/1948 5/8/1948 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 48-loc-1155 5/8/1948 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (48) Asahi 48 48-loc-1156 5/8/1948 The Yomiuri Weekly The Yomiuri Weekly Yomiuri No. 303 48-loc-1157z 48-loc-1157 5/9/1948 5/9/1948 48-loc-1157a 5/9/1948 28/8 News Item (dispatch from Kansai General Office) News Item 5/8/1948 配給タバコは値上げ. 政府案 H "The new price stabilization zone" The government should adopt a wage control system that will be revised every three months "Orders of ships are pouring into Japan." Orders of ships (including whaling ships) are pouring into Japan Talks on Repatriation SHOYU sauce ration will be increased "Agriculture Minister, NAGAE's speech at a press conference." "Direct dealings between traders and buyers after May 15" Repatriates speak of conditions in the USSR Soy sauce ration will be increased in November Agriculture Minister says that food rationing will probably be increased to 2.8 go Restrictions on private foreign trade will be lifted after May 15 H, P H, P [Moe] Sakanouye Yoshimoto H. Obata Motoichiro Tamai H, S "Belgium Pictures of Iron Industry Will bBe Opened to the Public." "Strengthening of Police Power and Dignity of Police-men" Film showing the state of Belgian iron industry will be shown Ways to strengthen the police force while maintaining democracy Some anti-Communist Japanese were prevented from being repatriated by the Russians A single exchange rate will be fixed for 25 silk items "Procedure for civil trade simplified" H, P Richardson Sakanouye Kato Hayashi Y Mercola Ishibashi Moriyama T. Hori Y 4 Richardson Sakanoue Ogino M. Kawamoto Y 32 H, S Richardson Shimokura H... Y 2 H, S [Murao] Y 3 H, S Inoue Y 2 Y 1 H, P H, D Deguchi, reporter Kato Motoichiro Tamai H, P Increases in ration tobacco prices (Government's plan) Increase in price of rationed tobacco Official prices of wheat and potatoes to be raised to twofold sums Official prices of wheat and potatoes to be raised to twice the present rate "Korean People's Rally in Kyoto Camoring for Independence of Fatherland" Korean People's Rally addressed to Ashida demands that he control the police 單独選挙反対デモ; 京都で南鮮單独政府反対デモ Movement against the General Election Limited to South Korea. Korean People's Rally addressed to Ashida demands that he control the police 税引き三千七百円. 水準賃金. 消費物資は七-八割引上げ Salary Standard Will Be Commodity prices will be Raised to 3,700 yen, Excluding raised 70 to 80 percent TAXES; Prices of Commodities Will Be Raised 70 to 80 Percent of the present prices Repatriates from Hawaii 地主側の反攻 [Ogawa] [Ineno] T. Hori Opposition on the side of the landowners Some Japanese in South America do not believe that Japan was defeated Opposition of the landowners D Malloy Kikuchi T. Nakayama Y H, P H, S Mercola Inouye Murao 4 Y Y 20 4 H, D H, S Kaneko M. Nagashima Y Y 2 2 H, P Sakanouye Kato Sasaki Y 12 S Takebe Takashima S. Konishi Y 4 D S. Konishi I Richardson Ebisawa Shimokura Y M. Hori Sameshima 2 2 envelope 5/12/1948 1/9 1/9 News Item 貿易日報 Boeki Nippo (5) Boeki Nippo. No. 5 シヤムから. 邦人漁夫を招へて優秀な技術が買わる 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 招かれる日本漁夫. シヤムから技術員に Siam Invites Japanese Fishermen. Siam invites Japanese fishermen H, P H, P Richardson Tanaka Ogino Yokoyama Y 1 2 Y 1 1 Oversized 5/16/1948 Submitted by (Japanese) アカハタ Photograph(s) 5/8/1948 News Agency Duplicate 48-loc-1130 Hold No. Source 5/8 News Item Number of Pages Date Censored 5/13/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/7/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1129 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 5/12/1948 3/9 News Item from Urawa 共同通信 Kyodo Shimbun (62, Urawa) 利拂問題解決せん. 永江農相浦和で語る "Agriculture-Forestry Minister Nagae's Speech at Urawa." 5/9/1948 5/12/1948 4/9 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (102, Yomiuri No. 102 Seibu) (Seibu) デモに禁止命令. 教育法反対の朝鮮人に 48-loc-1160 5/9/1948 5/11/1948 5/9 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (34) Asahi, 34 共同経営へ. 日本軽金属とレイノルズ社 Commander of the 8th Army prohibited the Korean demonstration. "Joint Management of Japan Light Metal Co., and Reynolds Metal Co." 48-loc-1161 5/9/1948 5/15/1948 6/9 News Item 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo (10) Tokyo Mimpo # 10 高まる国会斗爭熱. 議員と結び労働運動に新生面. 各党へも大きくひびかん New labor union movement in the Diet 48-loc-1162 5/9/1948 5/12/1948 8/9 News Item アカハタ Akahata (23) Akahata No. 23 民主党の主張する裏付のない無制限な外資導入に心配した 一聽衆立つて... Foreign Capital Induction Policy of Democratic Party Submitted by Akahata (4) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Akahata #4 米賣惜み、砂糖買溜め. 物價改訂ねらうヤミ屋. 惡條件に遲欠配全國に續出 Kyodo (62) (Urawa) 48-loc-1163 5/9/1948 9/9 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 賃金水準二倍余に. 基礎物資は七割値上げ 48-loc-1164 48-loc-1165z 48-loc-1165 5/9/1948 5/10/1948 5/10/1948 10/9 アカハタ Akahata Akahata 鐵道値上げ 5/15/1948 1/10 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (2, Tottori) Kyodo No. 2 (Tottori) 思うようにならぬ帰還. ソ連引揚の元少尉、傳聞を語る 48-loc-1166 5/10/1948 5/10/1948 2/10 News Item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (3) Tokyo Shimbun No. 3 証券取引法施行に甘んずるな 48-loc-1167 5/10/1948 [5]/16/1948 3/10 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin. 希望輸入制度檢討 48-loc-1168 5/10/1948 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 一般予算案を内定. 臨時閣議 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 48-loc-1168a Headline Subject Blackmarketeers Are Going to Take Advantage of the Revision of Prices of Materials, Reluctant to Sell Rice and Hoarding Sugar Brief Summary Sugar distribution as staple H, D, S food will force working people to sell sugar for rice Because of Korean unrest, demonstrations have been prohibited in Chugoku district Joint management of Japan Light Metal Co. and Reynolds Matel Co.--first private investment in Japan since the war Labor unions are waging a political battle through their contacts in the Diet Foreign captial Induction Policy of the Democratic Party challenged by Yuge, of the Communist Party Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Kikuchi Matsumoto S. Konishi Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 7 H, D, S Richardson Tanaka Yoshimoto Hayashi Y 10 H, P Richardson Naito Ogino Sasaki Y 2 H, D Richardson Naito Niiya Araiso Y 3 H, P Richardson Naito Murao M. Hori Y 14 H, D Kaneko Matsumoto Hayashi Y 4 H, D, P Y 2 Y Y 3 1 9 Yabuki Y 3 Takamura Yokoyama Y 4 Takamura T. Hori Y 8 envelope 5/10/1948 4/10 5/[11]/1948 4/10 "Repatriation Makes Little Progress," Says Former SubLieutenant Repatriated from USSR Don't be satisfied with the Enactment of the Stock Exchange Law Another Import System is Considered. Repatriation makes little progress; some repatriates are lynched on ships D Hudn[a]ll Matsumoto H. Okada The stock exchange law will add to the stability of the stock exchange Some traders are considering instituting the German import system in Japan H, P Mercola Takamura Hattori H, P Richardson Tanaka Budget for the current fiscal year Meeting of the Cabinet to decide on the 1948-49 budget H, S Mercola Hattori Cabinet Ministers met at 0930 on the 10th to discuss the new budget. They agreed to sound out Dr. Fine, Economic Advisor, ESS at a regular meeting on the 11th. 48-loc-1168b 48-loc-1169 5/10/1948 5/10/1948 5/10/1948 5/11/1948 4/10 5/10 News Item 朝日新聞 東京新聞 Asahi Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun (40) Asahi Tokyo Shimbun 40 政府フ博士と懇談 賃金 48-loc-1170 5/10/194[8] 6/21/194[8] 6/10 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji-Tsushin 半民間羊毛買付方式を檢討 S Wage Wage scale will be set at 3700 yen per month A new wool purchasing system A new purchasing system for wool "Breakdown of Budget for Breakdown of the budget for Current Fiscal Year" the current year Vincent E. Mercola 1 S H, P Mercola Naito Gomes M. Kawamoto Y Y 1 2 H, S Mercola Inouye Moriyama T. Hori Y 14 Kikuchi Yoshimoto Takashima H. Okada Y 5 Richardson Inouye Moriyama Araiso Y Y 3 3 Mercola T. Kato Gomes K. Minami Y 16 Y Y Y Y Y 1 8 1 3 1 48-loc-1171 5/10/1948 5/11/1948 7/10 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (60) Jiji Tsushin, 60 本年度予算の内訳 48-loc-1171a 48-loc-1172 5/10/194[8] 5/10/1948 5/12/1948 7/10 8/10 News Item Editorial 時事新報 夕刊みやこ Jiji Shimpo Yukan Miyako (14) Jiji Shimpo Miyako, 14. 利拂問題きょう閣議で結論 朝鮮學校問題の解決を喜ぶ 48-loc-1173 5/10/1948 5/15/1948 9/10 Commentary 共同通信 共同特信 B Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin B (7) Kyodo 7 爲替問題はどうなるか 48-loc-1174 48-loc-1174a 48-loc-1174b 48-loc-1174c 48-loc-1174d 5/10/1948 [5]/[10]/194[8] 5/10/194[8] [5]/[10]/194[8] 5/10/1948 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 朝日新聞 北海道新聞 時事新報 [時事通信] 毎日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Jiji Shimpo [Jiji Tsushin] Mainichi Shimbun Asahi Hokkaido Jiji Shimpo [Jiji Tsushin] Mainichi 公訴棄却を申立. 平野公判 平野公判. 被告ら裁判長陪席判事に忌避申立て 平の公判 平野氏公判 裁判長らを忌避. もめる平野裁判 H, P H, P H, P H, P H, P 48-loc-1174e 48-loc-1175 5/10/194[8] 5/10/1948 10/10 11/10 読売新聞 朝日新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Asahi Shimbun Yomiuri Asahi 裁判長を忌避. 平野公判 賃金水準三七七一円. 消費財は七割引上げ. 栗栖長官説明 H, P H, P Y Y 1 3 48-loc-1175a 48-loc-1175b 48-loc-1176 [5]/[10]/194[8] 5/10/1948 [5]/[10]/194[8] 11/10 11/10 13/10 [時事通信] 日本経済新聞 共同通信 [Jiji Tsushin] The Nihon Keizai Kyodo Tsushin [Jiji Tsushin] Nihon Keizai Kyodo 栗栖長官、物価改訂方針を説明 閣議 價格改定、三回にわけて六月実施. 安定帯の考え方後退す H, P p H, P Y Y Y 6 1 13 48-loc-1177 48-loc-1177a 48-loc-1177b 5/10/1948 5/10/194[8] 5/10/1948 5/10/1948 15/10 15/10 15/10 朝日新聞 時事新報 毎日新聞 Asahi Jiji Shimpo Mainichi (Gunma) 電氣、ガス税實現か 電氣・ガス税を檢討 "お布施の課税を公平に". 利根郡下の坊さんいきまく H, P P H, P Y Y Y 1 1 4 48-loc-1177c 48-loc-1178 48-loc-1179 5/10/194[8] [5]/[10]/194[8] 5/10/194[8] 5/11/194[8] 5/13/194[8] 15/10 16/10 18/10 News Item 東京新聞 共同通信 共同通信 Asahi Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Mainichi Shimbun (Gunma) Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo Kyodo 税制 通信特別会計の赤字. 逓相、繰入れを求む 交付公債二百五十億 Y Y Y 4 11 6 48-loc-1180 5/10/1948 5/13/1948 20/10 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (117) Kyodo 117 育兒食と離乳期食餌完全配給へのつなぎに配給 Y 11 48-loc-1181 5/10/1948 5/13/1948 22/10 Comment 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (24) Yomiuri Shimbun (No. 24) シベリア近況 48-loc-1182 5/10/1948 5/13/1948 23/10 News Item 東京タイムズ The Tokyo Times (6) Tokyo Times. (6) 瀬戸内海沿岸に海賊船が出没. 当局徹底的掃滅を期す 48-loc-1183 5/10/1948 5/14/1948 24/10, 24B/10 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (122) Kyodo Tsushin, 122 統制団体の解散まず二百団体に指定 48-loc-1183a 48-loc-1183b 48-loc-1183c 5/10/1948 5/10/194[8] 5/10/1948 朝日新聞 時事新報 日本経済新聞 Asahi Shimbun Jiji Shimpo The Nihon Keizai Asahi Jiji Shimpo Nihon Keizai 公取の指定統制團体二百社 化学工業連盟外二百社解散 二百團体に解散指示 24B/10 24/10 24B/10 On Korean Problems and Spiritlessness of Japanese. The government has solved the Korean education problem by compromising, and this is part of the democratization of Japan "What Would Become of Exchange Rate Problem" Establishment of exchange rate difficult because prices are not stabilized due to inflation Compensation Bonds of 25 billion The government will issue compensation bonds of 25 billion yen Food for babies will be rationed "Food for babies and the weaning period will be rationed." "Recent Conditions in Siberia" Democratic Group of radical Japanese who wanted to stay in the USSR rather than be repatriated Pirate ships Haunt in SETO Pirates plague the Seto Inland Inland Sea. Sea "First Dissolution Order Given First dissolution order given to to 200 Control Organizations" 200 control organizations H, P [Ono] H, P H, P H, S H, P H, P H, S Keizo Mizutani, Economic Section of Kyodo Tsushin [Kondo] [Takashima] Richardson Ashikawa Takashima T. Hori P H, D Mercola Hattori Takamura Abe Y 4 H, P Richardson Takebe Takashima Yokoyama Y 18 Mercola Kikuchi H. Okada Y 14 Y Y Y 1 1 1 P H, P H, P P 2 4 Oversized Submitted by (Japanese) アカハタ Photograph(s) 5/9/1948 48-loc-1159 News Agency Duplicate 48-loc-1158a Hold No. Source 2/9 News Item Number of Pages Date Censored 5/15/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/9/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1158 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1185 5/10/1948 5/13/1948 29/10 News item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (23) Asahi Shimbun 23 敎育法反対を國会に陳情. 新制高校生が街頭で反対署名運動 To Appeal to the National Diet Students launch a petition in Opposition to the Education against the Education Law Law" New-system High School Students to launch a Signature Drive in Opposition in the Street H, P Mercola T. Kato Murao 48-loc-1186 5/10/194[8] 5/12/194[8] 30/10 News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon-keizai 輸出の新價格比率. 物價改定を機に六月から実施か Rate of Exchange New exchange rate for export goods expected to be put into operation in June H, S Mercola Kato 48-loc-1186a 5/9/194[8] 48-loc-1187 5/10/1948 5/15/1948 Yomiuri, 11 (Joetsu) 思わず歓声. 四年ぶりに見る故郷 Repatriates Going Home. Mercola 34/10 News item 世界日報 Sekai Nippo 住民の感情は解放的. 千葉元少尉の話 "Sentiments of Inhabitants Liberal" H, P Ebisawa 5/10/1948 5/12/1948 35/10 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (41) Asahi (41) 列車内の会話 "Conversation In A Train" H, D 48-loc-1190 5/10/1948 5/15/1948 39/10 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (45) Asahi (45) 変動する地方経済. 茨城栃木. 農地改革を中心とした民主化の動態視察 "Changing Local Economy" Repatriates say fellow prisoners died of malnutrition Repatriate talks of the political education given to prisoners in Russia Conversation on a train about bribery A large landowner claimed that land reform is against the consitution, but was given a verdict to the contrary H, D 5/13/1948 Kyodo Tsushin, Tokyo Tomin Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (11, Joetsu) Sekai Nippo 公債財源に難色. 歳入面更に檢討. 本年度豫算の特徴 News Item 共同通信, 東京都民新聞 読売新聞 Kyodo, Tomin 33/10 48-loc-1188 5/10/1948 48-loc-1189 H, D Sei Mercola Yoshimura Ishiwara, Mercola correspond ent 48-loc-1191 5/10/1948 41/10 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (48) Yomiuri, # 48. 5/10/1948 5/12/1948 42/10 News item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (100, Osaka) Jiji Tsushin No. 100 (Osaka) 一問一答. 一年前にシベリヤから帰還した本社三田記者とこんどの帰 還者の一問一答 統一政府を支持. 朝鮮建国青年同盟決議 Questioning and Asking with a Repatriates talk about Repatriate. propaganda they were exposed to in Siberia Osaka Koreans' Independence Osaka Koreans' League League decided to support supports a unified Korea Unified Government throughout Korea. H, D 48-loc-1192 H, P 48-loc-1193 5/10/1948 5/13/1948 43/10 News item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (119) Mainichi 119 全逓CIOにメッセージ 48-loc-1194 5/10/194[8] 5/30/1948 44/10 News item 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo (20) Jiji Shimpo # 20 "Zentei Sends a Message to CIO" "Premier & Mrs. ASHIDA to Visit Gen[eral] and Mrs. MacArthur" 48-loc-1195 [5]/[10]/194[8] [読売新聞] [Yomiuri Shimbun] [Yomiuri] 48-loc-1196 5/10/1948 5/15/1948 46/10 News item アカハタ Akahata (13) Akahata No. 13 48-loc-1197 5/10/1948 5/15/1948 48/10 News Item アカハタ Akahata (3) Akahata, 3 自國語へひたぶるの愛. 民科、文連代表都内朝鮮人學校を見學 48-loc-1198 5/10/1948 5/15/1948 49/10 news item アカハタ Akahata (1) Akahata No. 1 でたらめな本予算案 48-loc-1199 5/10/1948 6/12/194[8] 50/10 News Item アカハタ Akahata (Sasebo) Akahata (Sasebo) ソ同盟からの引揚者達に与えるビラ。; 天皇へのお世辞まっぴら. シベリアから元気なたより 48-loc-1200 5/10/1948 5/13/1948 51/10 News item アカハタ Akahata (21) Akahata No. 21 新聞課ケイ告 48-loc-1201 5/10/194[8] 5/13/194[8] 52/10 News Item 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 修正意見強硬. 社会左派 48-loc-1202 5/10/1948 5/17/1948 53/10 Commentary アカハタ Akahata Akahata 労働運動の焦点. 国鉄大会を前に 48-loc-1203 5/10/1948 5/10/1948 News item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 栗栖、北村両相總司令部を[訪]問 48-loc-1204 5/10/1948 5/10/1948 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (30) Kyodo 30 思つたより明るい祖国. 引揚列車に帰還の感想をきく "Fatherland Brighter Than Expected--The impression of The Repatriated." 5/10/1948 Statement 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 産別文連声明書を発表 "Statement of NC10 and Cultural Association for Toho Struggle." 32/10 45/10 Headline Subject "New Prices of Tobacco Informally Decided" Brief Summary New prices of tobacco informally decided H, D, S Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Mercola Yoshimoto Iwasaki M. Nagashima 2 M. Nagashima Y 2 Murao T. Hori Y 2 Y 3 T. Kato Murao Araiso Y 3 Ashikawa M. Nagashima Y 2 Kato Murao K. Tezuka Y 6 T. Kato Moriyama K. Tezuka Y 9 Mercola Ebisawa Ashikawa Araiso Y 3 Mercola Inouye Murao Sasaki Y 4 Mercola Inoue Ashikawa Hayashi Y 3 Mercola Naito Murao H. Okada H [Sugita] Zentei sends a message to CIO H, D, P for advice Premier and Mrs. Ashida will W visit the MacArthurs 加藤労働相は十日午後総司令部にキレン労働課長を訪問 1 H, P Repatriates state Reflections of a repatriate upon arriving in Japan Korean Lnaugage Teaching at On the walls of the hallways of Korean Schools. a Korean schools were posted, "Let's protect our language," etc. The Haphazard Regular Budget Criticism of the budget bill of Bill the Ashida Cabinet Hand-Bill To Be Given To The Communist Party has Repatriater's from Russia distributed hand-bills to the repatriated from Russia Warning by a Representative of SCAP warnings to newspaper the News Publication Section, publishers SCAP. Strong Opposition to the The new budget will worsen Budget the lives of the masses ["Features of labor movement"] Future plans for the All-Japan Government Railway Workers Labor Union "Mr. Kurusu, Director General GHQ consults with the of ESB, and Finance Minister government over budget KITAMURA called on SCAP's problems ESS." Repatriates say Japan cannot be reconstructed when she is plagued by murder and burglary Y S Gomes K. Suzuki H, D Kikuchi Naito Araiso H, D Mercola Kikuchi Naito Yabuki H, S Mercola T. Kato Kato Kikuchi H, S Mercola Kikuchi H, D Kawamoto Moriyama Kaneko T. Hori Mercola Yoshimoto Iwasaki D Mercola Naito S Mercola Moriyama S S Notes Y [Sato] 2 5 Y 3 Y 4 Y 14 Yabuki Y 7 T. Hori Y 6 Y 28 Hayashi Y 5 Ashikawa Hayashi Y 33 Iwasaki Hayashi Y 48-loc-1205 5/10/1948 48-loc-1206z 48-loc-1206 5/11/1948 5/16/194[8] 5/24/194[8] 1/11 [Editorial] アカハタ Akahata Akahata わが民族の進むべき途 48-loc-1207 5/11/1948 5/11/1948 2/11 News Item 共同通信 [5]/[11]/1948 5/11/1948 5/11/1948 5/15/1948 3/11 4/11 東京民報 東京民報 48-loc-1210 [5]/[11]/1948 5/11/1948 5/11 国際特信 Kokusai Tokushin Kyodo, #4. (Hakodate) Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo No. 104 Kokusai Tokushin 無縁故引揚者予想外に増加 48-loc-1208 48-loc-1209 Kyodo Tsushin (4, Hakodate) Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo (10-4) 48-loc-1210a 5/11/1948 5/14/1948 10/11 News item from Moji 共同通信; 読売新聞 "Repatriation from Hulutao To Repatriation of Japanese from Be Resumed" Hulutao to be resumed H, S; H, S Mercola Iwasaki Takamura 5/11/1948 5/15/1948 11/11 News Item 時事通信 Kyodo Tsushin 45 (Moji); Yomiuri Shimbun (Fukuoka) Jiji Tsushin #36 胡芦島の引揚も再開; コロ島からも引揚 48-loc-1211 Kyodo Tsushin (45, Moji); Yomiuri Shimbun (Fukuoka) Jiji Tsushin (36) 規則の改正を考慮 H, P Mercola Gomes 48-loc-1212 5/11/1948 5/15/1948 12/11 news item 新夕刊 Shin Yukan (18) Shin Yukan No.18 釣瓶落しの農村擔税力. 農業事業税は酷だ. 政界各派にも反對意向昻る Commerce & Industry Ministry Considers Revision of Textile Products Distribution Regulations Severe Farming Tax. Sudden weakening of the tax-paying capacity of the farming people. Opposition to the severity is voiced loudly among several political parties. P Mercola 48-loc-1213 48-loc-1214 48-loc-1215 5/11/1948 [5]/[11]/194[8] 5/11/1948 5/14/1948 5/14/194[8] 5/15/1948 13/11 14/11 15/11 News Item 新報知 共同通信 共同通信 Shin Hochi Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin (78) Shin-Hochi Kyodo Kyodo (No. 78) 消費物資八割引上か. 藤井次官言明 砂糖、油、菓子など炭鉱夫へ. 点数制で近く特配 人絹貿易六十五万ドル破談. 梅干・らつきようと逆戻り H, D H, P P Mercola N. Tateuma 5 envelope Reader's Contribution 解放言 親睦會と軍歌 Course our race must take What our race must do to keep peace Repatriatiates without Home to 40-50% of repatriates are Return to. homeless Friendship Party and War Songs University students still sing war songs at parties 五月中砂糖船、...入港予定. 爾[後]は輸入増加の傾向にあり H, P, S [Mura]ichi Gomes Horie S Ebisawa H, S H, P Richardson Y 1 15 Araiso Y 7 Takeda Y Y 1 3 Y 3 M. Nagashima Y 8 Iwasaki K. Yoshida Y 3 Richardson Takamura Yabuki Y 4 Hudnall K. Suzuki Y Y Y 1 12 13 K. Suzuki Hudnall Nakano Sasaki H, P Commerce Ministry considers revision of textile distribution regulations Proposed farming tax would create severe hardship Cancellation of Rayon Exports Rayon contract with the US has $650,000 been cancelled Oversized Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Asahi Shimbun 29 ハツピーは廿五圓. タバコの新値段内定 Photograph(s) Submitted by Asahi Shimbun (29) News Agency Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) 朝日新聞 Hold No. Source 26/10 News item Number of Pages Date Censored 5/15/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/10/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1184 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 5/11/194[8] [5]/[11]/194[8] 16/11 16/11 48-loc-1217 5/11/1948 18/11 News item 時事新報 共同通信 Jiji Shimpo (Osaka) Jiji Shimpo (Osaka) Kyodo Tsushin (Osaka) Kyodo (Osaka) 爲替相場場近く決定. 廿七種目三百円-五十円 七十万種の丸公を減らせ. 一万田総[裁]語る 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (105, Yomiuri Shimbun Niigata) 105 (Niigata edition) 48-loc-1217a 5/11/1948 5/13/1948 18/11 News item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (108, Yomiuri Shimbun Fukushima) 108 (Fukishima edition) 48-loc-1218 5/11/1948 5/15/1948 48-loc-1219 5/[11]/1948 5/14/1948 19/11 News item 読売新聞 20/11 News Item 共同通信 Yomiuri Shimbun (107, Yomiuri Shimbun No. 何年かぶりで相みる親子、兄弟たちはもう泣いていた Miyagi) 107 (Miyagi) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 日産協評議員会 48-loc-1220 5/11/1948 48-loc-1221 5/11/1948 5/15/1948 21/11 News item 読売新聞 5/15/1948 22/11 News item 毎日新聞 48-loc-1222 5/11/194[8] 5/14/194[8] 23/11 48-loc-1223 48-loc-1224 [5]/11/194[8] 5/11/1948 6/21/194[8] 5/14/1948 24/11 26/11 News item (from Maizuru) Naito 湯茶の接待にうるむ瞼. シベリヤ引揚第一陣. 六氏懷し故郷へ "Six Repatriates of the First Russians were comparatively Batch of Repatriates from kind, according to a repatriate Siberia Heading for Homes; They Receive Cups of Tea with Tear-dimmed eyes" H, P Kaneko M. Nagashima Repatriates' talk on Soviet Russia "Meeting of Councillors of Nissan Kyo" H, P Mercola Hattori Gomes Kotaro Fujii Y 6 H, P Mercola Naito Gomes Diazo Nomura Y 13 H, D Mercola Tanaka Yoshimoto M. Nagashima Y 4 H, D Mercola Hattori Gomes K. Suzuki Y 4 1 H, P Nakano Ogino Y 2 1 H, S H, P Richardson Nakano Y Y 2 5 Y 14 3 3 シベリヤ抑留生活を語る 貿易日報 共同通信 Boeki Nippo Kyodo Tsushin (111, Maizuru) Boeki Nippo Kyodo Tsushin 111 (Maizuru) 自由貿易へ一歩前進. 輸出手続の簡素化案成る 引揚船予定変更 Kyodo 岩田、丹羽、石川、木村の四氏非該当; 岩田、丹羽、石川、木村氏ら非該当. 文筆家追放の最終審査終る 文筆家丹羽石川氏ら四十余名非該当と決定 國鉄の電化. 沼津-浜松だけ 沿海州方面にまだ四十万. シベリヤ引揚者が語る近況 織姫海を渡るは廿日頃か. チルトン夫人に同伴で 5/14/194[8] 27/11 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 5/14/194[8] 5/13/1948 27/11 28/11 News Item 西日本新聞 日本経済新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon The Nihon Keizai (121) Nihon Keizai (No. 121) 48-loc-1227 5/11/1948 5/13/1948 29/11 News Item 毎日新聞 5/11/1948 30/11 news item 共同通信 Mainichi Shimbun (9, Saitama) Kyodo Tsushin (119) Mainichi No. 9 (Saitama) Kyodo Tsushin No. 119 シベリヤ引揚げ 48-loc-1228 48-loc-1228a 5/12/1948 30/11 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 行革 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 全持株会社近く一掃 朝日新聞 時事新報 時事通信 共同通信 Asahi Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Asahi Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin Kyodo 民自黨予算案に反對 インフレ助長. 民自、本予算に反対 民自党予算案内容に不満 予算審議で断乎斗う. 利拂のタナ上げには反対. 山崎民自党幹事長談 國民の擔税力無視. 民自党、本予算に反対 インフレ助長予算. 民自党は全面的に反対 民自党軍公妥協案に反対. 幹事長談 益々インフレを助長. 豫算案民自黨痛烈に反對 出先機関整理問題協議. 行革閣僚懇談会 48-loc-1229 [5]/11/194[8] 48-loc-1230 48-loc-1230a 48-loc-1230b 48-loc-1230c 5/11/1948 5/11/194[8] [5]/[11]/194[8] [5]/[11]/194[8] 25/11, (34/11) 35/11 35/11 35/11 35/11 48-loc-1230d 48-loc-1230e 48-loc-1230f 48-loc-1230g 48-loc-1230h 5/11/1948 5/11/1948 [5]/11/194[8] [5]/[11]/194[8] 35/11 35/11 35/11 35/11 毎日新聞 日本経済新聞 西日本新聞 政治新聞 サン写真新聞 Mainichi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Nishi Nihon Shimbun Seiji Shimbun The Sun Pictorial Daily Mainichi Nihon Keizai Nishi Nippon Seiji Shimbun Sun Photos 48-loc-1230i 48-loc-1230j 48-loc-1231 5/11/194[8] [5]/[11]/194[8] 5/11/194[8] 5/14/194[8] 35/11 35/11 36/11 読売新聞 北海道新聞 共同通信 Yomiuri Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (Nagasaki) Yomiuri Hokkaido Kyodo (Nagasaki) 民自党談 予算案に民自党反対. 幹事長談発表 華北残留の邦人引揚 48-loc-1232 5/11/1948 5/14/1948 37/11 東京都民新聞 Tokyo Tomin Shimbun (9, Maizuru) Tomin No. 9 (Maizuru) 引揚船就航豫定 6/21/1948 38/11 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun (15) Nishi Nippon 15 新貿易手續きを近く実施. 業者間に正式契約を許す 38/11 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun 48-loc-1233 民間貿易業者同士の取引. 対ドル換算に價格比率採用. 來月実施か Yomiuri Shimbun (111, Yomiuri Shimbun No. 並川部落の思い出. 引揚者座談会 Aomori) 111 (Aomori) Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo 民自、利拂妥協を攻撃 Tokyo mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 労農議員、労組間に猛烈な反対運動起る. 鉄道運賃通信料値上げ Jiji Tsushin Sangyo Jiji Tsushin Sangyo 大巾に末端物資の(公)撤廢. 自由價格品にも資材割当 Bukkaban Bukkaban Kyodo Tsushin (167, Kyodo No. 167 引揚船新興丸十三日函館入港 Hakodate) (Hakodate) 5/11/194[8] 48-loc-1234 5/11/1948 48-loc-1235 48-loc-1236 5/11/194[8] [5]/[11]/194[8] 48-loc-1237 [5]/[11]/1948 5/14/1948 42/11 48-loc-1238 5/11/1948 5/13/1948 43/11 News Item 時事通信 産業・物価版 共同通信 48-loc-1239 5/11/1948 44/11 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (76) Asahi Shimbun (No. 76) 造船注文來る. 四ケ國から 48-loc-1239a 5/11/1948 6/21/1948 45/11 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbu Asahi 貿易体制を大轉換. 準民間取引. 近く円ドル交換率決定 48-loc-1240 5/11/1948 5/17/1948 46/11 Comment 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo (6) Tokyo Mimpo (No. 6) 奴隷の心理 48-loc-1241 5/11/1948 5/12/1948 47/11 Editorial 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 予算と賃金の安定. フ博士閣僚懇談で強調 48-loc-1242 5/11/1948 5/20/1948 48/11 News item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (68) Asahi 68 新米價を檢討 38(a)/11 news item 読売新聞 時事新報 東京民報 39/11 41/11 P "A Repatriate Narrates life on Detention in Siberia" Repatriates talk on Soviet Russia Weaversses who go overseas Repatriates describe conditions in the USSR Japan Industrial Association held a meeting to discuss indutrial problems There are 400,000 Japanese still in Siberia There are still 400,000 internees in Siberia Weaveresses who go overseas "Schedule of Repatriation Ships Changed" Schedule of repatriation ships changed M. Nagashima Gomes M. Nagashima H, P Electrification of national Railways Only NumazuHamamatsu Repatriation from Russian zone Cabinet Meeting concerning Readjustment of Government Detached Administrative Organs. Cabinet meeting concerning readjustment of government detached administrative organs Electrification of national railways is underway P H, P [Ozaki] Mercola Ebisawa Gomes K. Suzuki Y Y H, P Mercola Kaneko Iwasaki H. Obata Y 2 H, P Mercola Hudnall Iwasaki Yabuki Y 9 Government met to consider revision of the ministry structure P Y 3 P Y 7 P Y Y Y Y 2 1 5 14 Y Y Y Y 1 1 6 2 2 1 7 6 H, P H, P [Takashima] [Kikuchi] H, P H H S "Repatriation of the Japanese in North Korea" There are still 500 Japanese left on Koro Island; a ship will leave around May 13 and bring them back to Japan "Schedule of Ships to be placed for Repatriation of Japanese from Siberia" "New Boeki Cho Transactions To Go Into Effect" Schedule of ships to be placed for repatriation of Japanese from Siberia New Boeki cho transactions to go into effect Yomiuri Symposium on repatriation Richardson Nakano Ogino P H, D H, D Richardson Ishibashi Yoshimoto T. Hori Y Y Y H, D Mercola Naito Ogino M. Nagashima Y 2 Y 9 Y 1 Y 5 Y Y 1 5 H, P, S H, P Symposium on Repatriation [Katsuta] Mercola Hudnall Niiya P Mercola H, P H, D [Kaneko] Sakanoue Kaneko Yabuki H, P Repatriation Ship "Shinkomaru" Arrives at Hakodate "An order for Ship-building Comes Here from Four Countries" Notes Repatriate speaks of life in Russia Government met to consider revision of the ministry structure Outlaws near [S]hinjuku station 48-loc-1233a 5/17/1948 2 Kaneko [5]/11/194[8] 5/11/1948 News item (from Maizuru) 2 Y H, P [5]/[11]/194[8] News Item 1 5 Y Russians were comparatively kind, according to a repatriate 48-loc-1225 5/9/194[8] Y Y "A Story of A r[e]patriate" 48-loc-1225a 48-loc-1226 5/15/1948 4 引揚者の話. 大内孫一君 Yomiuri Shimbun 104 (Nanshin) Mainichi (Gunma Pref Edi.) Boeki Nippo (8) 貿易日報 6 Brief Summary Bank of Japan's President's talk on the reduction of the number of official prices for commodities Yomiuri Shimbun (104, Nanshin) Mainichi Shimbun (Gunma) Boeki Nippo (8) Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Subject President of the Bank of Japan Ichimanda's talk on reduction of number of official-priced commodities. H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Richardson Nakano Kikuchi M. Hori Oversized 48-loc-1216a 48-loc-1216b Headline Photograph(s) Submitted by (based Submitted by on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Jiji Tsushin (66, Osaka) Jiji Tsushin 66 丸公商品を現在の百分の一に減らしたい. 一万田総[裁]談 (Osaka) News Agency Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) 時事通信 Hold No. Source 16/11 News item Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/11/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1216 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Y 1 Repatriation ship arrives at Hakodate H, P Mercola S. Sakanouye Murao H. Obata Y 3 Japanese government received an order for 15 ships from 4 countries H, S Mercola Ogino Iwasaki N. Tateuma Y 2 H, S "Slave Psychology" (Comment Some ideas about "slave on Other People's Essays and psychology" versus "liberty or Radio Broadcasting." death" in relation to the Japanese people "Stabilization of Budget and Cabinet ministers and Dr. Fine, Wage" ESS, discussed Japanese budget and wage stabilization H, S Hirokichi Mercola Otake Ogino Iwasaki Abe H, S Mercola Sakanouye Murao T. Hori "Minister NAGAE's speech on Government is deliberating on rice price." the revision of the rice price P Mercola Tanaka Moriyama T. Nakayama Sameshima Y 1 Y 27 Y 7 Y 8 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 5/11/1948 5/15/1948 50/11 News item アカハタ Akahata (11, Kesennuma) Akahata no. 11 (Kesennuma) 朝鮮問...感銘與... . 宮城縣議補選の佐藤候補 Communist comments on Korean problem. 48-loc-1245 5/11/1948 5/15/1948 51/11 News Item アカハタ Akahata (9) Akahata (No. 9) 近く歸ります. ソ同盟抑留者消息 Moscow Broadcast 48-loc-1246 5/11/1948 5/15/1948 52/11 news item アカハタ Akahata (10) Akahata. No. 10 戰爭デマをくじけ 48-loc-1247 5/11/1948 5/15/1948 53/11 Declaration アカハタ Akahata (16) Akahata 16 全勤勞者諸君に訴える. 芦田内閣を倒せ!. 生活の安定と向上、人權の擁護のために 48-loc-1248 5/11/1948 5/15/1948 54/11 News Item 世界日報 Sekai Nippo (13) Sekai-Nippo, # 13. 引揚者にきく. シベリア抑留生活報告; ソ連娘と"戀の花". 各地に點々苦難の作 48-loc-1249 5/11/1948 5/11/1948 News item 時事新報; 日本経済新聞 Jiji Simpo; The Nihon Keizai Jiji-Shimpo; NihonKeizai 経済閣僚、総司令部顧問と懇談; 閣僚財政懇談会. フアイン博士も交えて News item 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo Confab アカハタ Akahata (29) Akahata No. 29 国際特信 Kokusai Tokushin Kokusai Tokushin 国際特信 Kokusai Tokushin (5) 紡織機用モーター約七〇〇台上海マジソン会社、貿易庁と 商談中 Kokusai [Tokushin] 5 今日の宝. 洋画フィルム保証金四〇万円也 Headline Subject Brief Summary "Treatment Getting Better and Repatriates from Soviet Union Better; Don't Be Worried about speak of the big improvement the Remaining Compatriots" in how they were treated S Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Mercola Sakaino K. Minami Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 5 Sato, a candidate of the Communist Party, commented sympathetically on the Korean problem Moscow Broadcast regarding Japanese prisoners: they are getting alond splendidly H, S Mercola Takamura Sasaki Y 2 H, S Mercola Takamura N. Tateuma Y 2 Stamp out Rumors of War. Rumors of war between US and USSR: true democrats should stamp out such a rumor H, S Mercola Takam[u]ra Yabuki Y 2 To the Workers: Down with the ASHIDA Cabinet: For improving stabilization of our living, For protecting the people's rights! Captive Live in Siberia. Criticism of the Ashida Cabinet, which is one month old Mercola Sakaino T. Nakayama Y 4 Diary of life in Siberia: there H, D [Hasegawa] Ebisawa are more than 10,000 Japanese awaiting return "Meeting of Cabinet Ministers Meeting of Cabinet members of H, S; S Mercola in Charge of Financial Affairs" financial affairs with the advisor of ESB, SCAP Hudnall Araiso Y 5 Shimokura Iwasaki Gomes Y 5 "値上げせねば出荷せぬ". 野菜供給基地茨城縣が強談判 Farmers in Ibara[k]i Request Price Raise of Vegetables Farmers in Ibaragi request price raise of vegetables S Mercola Naito Ogino Hayashi 民主民族戦線で文化人と懇談会 Round Table Talk between Ryuichi TOKUDA And [Cultural Minds]. Communist Party chief met with cultural group to discuss the formation of a democratic racial front in order to maintain the independence of the Japanese race S J. Niiya Shigeru Nomura "400,000 yen security on foreign films". A comment about securities on foreign films and the confiscation of the securities if the film is damaged during its projection D Richardson Jone Hudnall T. Nakayama P [Takashima] 48-loc-1250 5/11/1948 5/11/1948 48-loc-1251z 48-loc-1251 5/12/1948 5/12/1948 5/17/194[8] 1/12 48-loc-1252 [5]/[12]/194[8] 5/15/1948 2/12 48-loc-1253 5/12/1948 5/15/1948 3/12 48-loc-1254 [5]/[12]/194[8] 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 羊毛工業に注文生産方式; 羊毛二十万俵輸入懇請 48-loc-1255 5/12/1948 5/15/1948 5/12 News item from Hakodate 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (23, Hakodate) Kyodo Tsushin 23 (Hakodate) サガレンガールも流す豊原の街. 敗戦が身にしむ樺太の近況 "Saghalien Girls Roaming Japanese prostitutes roam the About the Streets of Toyohara; streets of Saghalien War-defeat Comes Home to our Heart in Saghalien" 48-loc-1256 5/12/1948 5/15/1948 7/12 News item 夕刊みやこ Yukan Miyako (5) Miyako Shimbun 5 農業事業税取止めか 48-loc-1257 5/12/1948 5/15/1948 8/12 News item from Hakodate 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (101, Mainichi (101), Hakodate) (Hakodate) 下旬の樺太引揚配船; 本妻を刺す. 身重のインテリ女教師 Establishment of agricultural tax may be suspended Schedule of repatriation ships coming from Saghalien 48-loc-1258 5/12/1948 5/18/1948 9/12 News Item. 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (48, Osaka) Kyodo (48), (Osaka) 自由港制度は時期尚早. 関西経済同友会建議 Establishment of agricultural tax may be suspended. "Scheduled Repatriation Ships From Saghalien at The End of May" The Kansai Economic Association Proposes that Free Port System is a little Early. Regulations for establishing free ports should be examined carefully 48-loc-1259 5/12/1948 5/15/1948 10/12 News item 朝日新聞 ルーブル切下げで物價安. 良くなったサラリーマンの生活 5/12/1948 5/15/1948 11/12 News item 共同通信 Asahi Shimbun (Hokkai[do]) Kyodo Tsushin (40, Aomori) Asahi (Hokkai edit.) 48-loc-1260 Kyodo Tsushin 40 (Aomori) 主食は自由販売. 引揚者の語るカラフト近況 Account of Repatriates from the Soviet "Staple Food is Sold Freely; Told by Repatriates from Saghalien" 48-loc-1261 5/12/1948 5/16/1948 12/12 News item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (102, Yomiur[i] 102 Ibaraki) (Ibaraki) 自刊雜誌に偲ぶふるさと. "食物はあまり心配しなかつた". ソ連から縣人帰る 48-loc-1262 5/12/1948 読売新聞 貿易手続きを簡易化か 5/12/1948 5/12/1948 朝日新聞 共同通信 Yomiuri Shimbun (Hiroshima) Asahi Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (60) Yomiuri (Hiroshima) 48-loc-1263 48-loc-1264 Asahi Kyodo Tsushin, 60 "賃金は低すぎる". 新水準に労組の見解 建設院出張所などを整理. 統制関係出先機関は残存 48-loc-1264a 5/[12]/194[8] 16/12 時事新報 Jiji Simpo Jiji Shimpo 48-loc-1265 5/12/1948 17/12 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (7, Aomori) 48-loc-1266 5/12/1948 5/17/1948 18/12 Essay 時事通信 政治労働版 五月の話題; 見なおす日本 48-loc-1267 5/12/1948 5/18/1948 19/12 News Item 読売新聞 Jiji Tsushin Seiji Jiji Tsushin 71 Rodoban (71) Yomiuri Shimbun (104, Yomiuri 104 (Nara) Nara) Shiro Hinado S Hayashi Y 5 envelope News item 4/12 14/12 5/16/1948 5/15/1948 15/12 16/12 News item 行政整理早急に実施へ. あす原則方針決定. 基準は四月一日の予算定員 Asahi No. 7 (Aomori) 芋の皮を拾う町の人. 樺太の生活を語る 大統領夫人の返書 P M. Hori Y 3 Hayashi Y 2 Iwasaki Yokoyama Y 10 Nakano Ogino Hayashi Y 4 Ishibashi Ashikawa K. Minami Y 15 Nakano Shimokura T. Nakayama Y 3 H, P Mercola Ogino Iwasaki H, P, D Mercola Kato Ogino H, P Richardson Ogino Conditions in Siberia H, P Richardson Repatriates speak of Saghalien; what is taught in schools, condition of staple foods, etc. H, S Richardson H, P Richardson H, S [Moriyama] H, P H, P [M[er]cola] Tanaka Hudnall H. Okada Richardson Hattori Sakaino Richardson Ebihara Richardson Tanaka Shi[m]okura Shigeru Nomura Moriyama M. Kawamoto 48-loc-1268 5/12/194[8] 20/12 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo 建設省、水産廳新設. 改革小委で結論. 廿日頃法案を國会へ 48-loc-1268a 5/12/1948 20/12 20/12 Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun Yomiuri H, P 5/12/1948 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun 行政機構改革 48-loc-1268b 大阪時事新報, 大阪新聞 読売新聞 建設省、水産廳設く. 行政機構改革小委員会案決る H, P [Ikeda] 4 6 M. Nagashima Hard conditions in Saghalien: H, D prices of goods after devaluation deleted Chat on domestic and foreign H, P, D relations Wife of governor of Nara sent a H, S letter of petition for acceleration of repatriation to Mrs. Truman, and received a cordial reply H, P 1 Y 13 Moriyama P "Townfolks in Saghalien Picked up Potato Peelings to Eat" "Chat On Domestic and [Foreign] Relations" "Mrs. Truman's Reply" Y Y Ishibashi "Number of Construction Ministers discussed the Board Branches Others to be reduction of local government Reduced; Field Agencies for offices Control Affairs to be Retained" 1 9 Y H, D "Natives of Ibara[k]i Prefecture Natives of Ibaragi Prefecture came back from Siberia. came back from Siberia Magazines compiled by them remind[ed] them of their dear native place. They say they were not so much troubled about provisions." Y H. Obata Y 1 Y Y 2 14 Y 1 Y 3 Y 6 Y 3 [Hudnall] Y 1 [Takashima] Y 14 [Hudnall] Y 1 1 Oversized 48-loc-1244 Submitted by (Japanese) アカハタ Photograph(s) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Akahata 12 待遇はますますよくなる. 殘留者の心配はいらない. (Ishikawa) 金澤で引揚者語る News Agency Duplicate Submitted by Akahata (12, Ishikawa) Hold No. Source 49/11 News item Number of Pages Date Censored 5/[15]/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/11/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1243 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1271 48-loc-1271a 48-loc-1271b 48-loc-1271c 48-loc-1271d 48-loc-1272 5/12/1948 [5]/[12]/194[8] [5]/[12]/194[8] [5]/12/194[8] 5/12/194[8] [5]/[12]/194[8] 48-loc-1272a 48-loc-1273 5/12/1948 5/12/1948 5/17/1948 25/12 28/12 48-loc-1274 5/12/1948 5/17/1948 48-loc-1274a 48-loc-1275 5/12/194[8] 5/12/1948 48-loc-1276 Submitted by Asahi Shimbun (2, Kumamoto) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Asahi Shimbun, 2 変相する地方経済. 農家経済の実態 (Kumamoto) 共同通信 Kyoto Tsushin (92, Maizuru) Kyodo 92 (Maizuru) 引揚収容所内に流血の不祥事. 共産主義者に暴行沙汰 朝日新聞 北海道新聞 共同通信 西日本新聞 政治新聞 共同通信 Asahi Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Nishi Nihon Shimbun Seiji Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (Chiba) Asahi Hokkaido Kyodo Nishinippon Seiji Shimbun Kyodo (Chiba) 事業者團体法. 近く國会提出 事業者団体法案きまる 事業者団体法案を決定. 経済閣僚懇談会 事業者団体法案経済閣僚懇談会で決定 事業者團體法案近く決定 出荷拒否に軍政部も関心. 千葉に早くも遅配 News item 日本経済新聞 読売新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai Yomiuri Shimbun (113) Yomiuri (NO. 113) 最高廿一日. 千葉の遲配惡化 引揚者の話 31/12 News item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (216) Nihon Keizai, 216 鉄道輸送に赤信号. 計画の一億三千万トンは心配. 労需物資の確保が急務 5/14/1948 32/12 33/12 Editorial 時事新報 読売新聞 Jiji Shimpo Yomiuri Shimbun (37) Jiji Shimpo 貿易手続、簡易化 Yomiuri Shimbun, 37 共産党の民主民族戰線提唱 東京タイムズ The Tokyo Times Tokyo Taimuzu 貨物輸送動脈を打診 時事通信 運輸・観光版 朝日新聞 西日本新聞 Jiji Tsushin Unyu Kankoban (95) Asahi Shimbun Nishi Nihon Shimbun Jiji-Tsushin 95 國鐵危機の實相. 東京と大阪の場合 Asahi Nishi-Nippon 消費財輸入を懇請. 物價、賃金新水準の対策 楢橋、犬養非該当か 23/12 News Item 24/12 24/12 24/12 24/12 24/12 25/12 5/12/1948 34/12 48-loc-1277 5/12/1948 5/20/1948 35/12 News Item 48-loc-1278 48-loc-1279 5/12/1948 5/12/194[8] 5/18/1948 36/12 37/12 News Item 48-loc-1280 5/12/1948 5/15/1948 38/12 Reader's Contribution 民青時報 Minsei Jiho Minsei Jiho 48-loc-1281 5/12/1948 5/17/1948 39/12 News Item 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo (11) 48-loc-1282 5/12/1948 5/17/1948 40/12 News item 東京民報 48-loc-1283 5/12/1948 5/18/1948 41/12 News Item 48-loc-1284 5/12/1948 5/15/1948 42/12 Headline Subject Brief Summary Economic Situation of Farmers Further cultivation will lead to worse debts for some farmers "Blood-shed Scandal Occurred Fight breaks out among At Repatriate's Home; Violence repatriates Used To Communists." H, P H, P P P P P H, P H, P "Repatriate from Soviet speaks One repatriate from USSR about his intern life" claimed that the results of the Japanese were superior to those of other foreign prisoners "Red Light to Railway Increase in freight carried by Transportation; 130 Milliontrain since last year ton Transportation Plan for the Year Doubtful; Urgent Need is Securing Transportation of Laborers' Necessaries" "Communists’ Proposal to Howard handleman, Form Democratic Racial Front" representing the US authorities, said that slogan of democratic racial front will be used all over Asia "Real Aspects of Peril of Government Railway" A list of government railway definciencies "Mr. NARAHASHI and Mr. INUKAI will not be purged" Narahashi and Inukai will not be purged エゴイズム "Egoism" Tokyo Mimpo 11 Tokyo Mimpo (6) 時事新報 Comment. Richardson Ogino Iwasaki M. Kawamoto [Yoshida] Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 2 Y 8 Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 3 3 2 1 8 P H, D Richardson Ashikawa Takashima K. Suzuki Y Y 1 8 H, P Mercola T. Kato Moriyama H. Okada Y 4 S H, D Kawamoto Ebisawa H. Okada Y Y 1 5 H, P [Kawamoto] Y 2 H, S Kawamoto Hattori Ogino K. Tezuka Y 5 H, S H, P [Okamura] Richardson Ogino Iwasaki T. Hori Y Y 2 5 Criticism of people who complain about public transportation which is overburdened and in need of repair H, D Richardson Ogino Iwasaki Hayashi Y 7 軍国主義の象徴除け. 大村益次郎の銅像や五月人形. 市来氏(緑風)首相に質問書 Mr. ICHIKI, a member of the Ichiki calls for removal of Ry[o]-ku-fu-kai, Presents a militaristic statue of Omura in Written Inquiry to the Prime Yasukuna Shrine Minister Calling For Removal of Symbols of Militarism, Such As Bronze Statue of Masujiro OMURA And Warrior Dolls.” H, P Richardson Ogino Iwasaki M. Kawamoto Y 6 Tokyo Mimpo 6 三冬の捕虜生活をきく "To hear the stories of Japanese Stories of Japanese prisoners in Prisoners' Life for three years Soviet areas: Japanese POWs in the Soviet Areas." were fed while Russians were starving H, S Richardson Ogino Iwasaki K. Minami Y 15 Jiji Shimpo (117) Jiji Shimpo 117 引揚げ嘆願に希望の返信 "A Reply Of Good Hope To A Petition For Acceleration of Repatriation" A wife of an internee in the USSR wrote Mrs. Truman imploring her to help in the return of her husband, and received a hopeful reply from the US H, S Kawamoto T. Kato Ogino M. Kawamoto Y 3 アカハタ Akahata (5) Akahata, 5. 大井憲太郎 Kentaro OI, Fighter for Communistic Liberalism. Comment on Kentaro Oi, who wished for the independence of Japan by protecting the interests of the working class H, D Sakaino Araiso Y 6 "No Thanks For further Distribution Of Sugar For Staple Food" People demand the formation of a democratic popular front Criticism of the distribution of sugar as staple food S Sakaino M. Kawamoto Y 3 People demand the formation of a democratic popular front H, S Sakaino Fujii Y 19 H, P Y 1 H, D Y 3 48-loc-1285 5/12/1948 5/15/1948 43/12 News Item アカハタ Akahata (8, Kansai) Akahata 8 (Kansai) 主食がわりの砂糖は今後ごめんです. 兵庫に全県運動展開 48-loc-1286 5/12/194[8] 5/17/194[8] 44/12 editorial アカハタ Akahata (6) Akahata 6 民主民族戦線は人民の要求 48-loc-1287 5/12/1948 5/14/1948 45/12 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 48-loc-1288 [5]/[12]/194[8] 46/12 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo The Tokyo Mimpo 秋田縣にも奇病; これ以上純税できぬ. 靜岡で農民世論調査会 約十七%の引下げ. 危機に追込む新賃金全官公の見解 48-loc-1289 5/12/1948 5/17/1948 Commentary 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo-Mimpo ソ連引揚者諸君を迎え "In receiving the repatriators from Soviet" Commentary on the miserable condition of Japan which greets the repatriates who arrive with great anticipation H, S 48-loc-1290 5/12/1948 5/12/1948 Caricature 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Shashin Manga Tsushin こりずに第三のドロ舟 Failure of the New ¥ 3521 Wage Base 5/12/1948 5/12/1948 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 経済閣僚会議 The Cabinet Council on Economic Affairs Failure of the new 3,521 yen wage base predicted in caricature Cabinet Council of Economic Affairs was advised by Dr. Fine of GHQ S 48-loc-1291 48-loc-1292z 48-loc-1292 48-loc-1293 5/13/1948 5/12/194[8] 5/13/1948 [5]/17/194[8] 5/17/1948 1/13 2/13 News item アカハタ 国際特信 Akahata Kokusai Tokushin (2) Akahata Kokusai Tokushin 2 樺太引揚者上野へ 米優良映画の入荷は促進せん. 大統領声明でセ社の悩み解消 48-loc-1294 5/13/1948 5/21/1948 3/13 news item 共同通信 共同特信 D (渉外版) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Tokushin No. Tokushin D (shogaiban) 16 (16) 47/12 Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 [Nakagawa Richardson Ebisawa Takebe H. Okada ] Mercola Kato Kikuchi T. Hori Y 9 Richardson T. Kato Shimokura Hayashi Y 6 Ogino Iwasaki S. Konishi Y 4 H, S H, S Richardson Ishibashi Ashikawa M. Hori Y Y 1 8 5 H, P Mercola T. Kato Ashikawa Yabuki Y 10 S Masaya Ishikawa envelope 東京に二十の代表部がある米国の外交局から法王庁代表ま で Importation of American good films will be furthered. Importation of American films to be resumed due to Truman's statement Twenty Diplomatic Agencies of List of the representatives of various countries residing in foreign governments who Tokyo. They are representatives reside in Tokyo of the U.S. Foreign Affairs [Division], the Vatican and others. Oversized 5/15/1948 Submitted by (Japanese) 朝日新聞 Photograph(s) 5/12/1948 News Agency Duplicate 48-loc-1270 Hold No. Source 21/12 Commentary Number of Pages Date Censored 5/15/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/12/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1269 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by Kyodo Tsushin (33) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Kyodo 33 暮しよくなつたこの頃の樺太. 引揚者たちにきく 48-loc-1296 5/13/1948 5/15/1948 5/13 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (42) Jiji Tsushin 42 廿三年度工作機生産計畫 48-loc-1297 48-loc-1297a 5/13/194[8] [5]/[13]/194[8] 5/14/194[8] 6/13 6/13 時事新報 共同通信 Jiji Shimpo Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Shimpo Kyodo 48-loc-1297b 48-loc-1297c 48-loc-1297d 48-loc-1297e 5/13/1948 5/13/1948 [5]/13/194[8] 5/13/1948 6/13 6/13 6/13 6/13 毎日新聞 日本経済新聞 西日本新聞 大阪時事新報, 大阪新聞 大阪新聞 Mainichi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Nishi Nihon Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun Osaka Shimbun Mainichi Nihon Keizai Nishinippon Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun Osaka Shimbun 各省設置法案きょう閣議決定 行革審議会; 行政機構改革審議会; 大体現状のまヽ. 各省設置法案十四日の閣議で決定 行政改革審議会 行政管理院を設置 行政機構改革審議会 河上氏非該当取消 News item 6/13 政府は十三日午前十時半から臨時行政機構改革審議会を開 き... 建設省を経安本部. 行政審議会設置を決定 樺太からの引揚第一陣上野着. 駅頭で嬉し泣きの村上さん一家 48-loc-1297f [5]/[13]/194[8] 48-loc-1297g 48-loc-1298 5/13/194[8] 5/13/1948 5/17/1948 6/13 7/13 news item 読売新聞 共同通信 Yomiuri Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (79) Yomiuri Kyodo 79 48-loc-1299 5/13/1948 5/17/1948 8/13 Editorial 新報知 Shin Hochi Shin Hochi 予算案はインフレを煽る 48-loc-1300 Headline Subject Brief Summary ... [state] of living conditions in Repatriate speaks about life Saghalien". under detention in Saghalienthey could live for cheaper there than in Japan "Construction machineries Construction machineries production plan for 1948." production plan for 1948 5/13/1948 5/18/1948 9/13 News Item 時事通信 政治労働版 濱松なぐりこみのこと "Skirmish in Hamamatsu". 6/21/1948 10/13 News Item 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin Seiji Rodoban (40) Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin (40) 5/13/1948 Kyodo 手続きも一本建に簡略. 輸出貿易の振興対策決る Measures Decided for Promoting Export Trade Procedures are Simplified" 48-loc-1301a 48-loc-1301b 48-loc-1302 48-loc-1302a 48-loc-1302b 48-loc-1302c 48-loc-1302d [5]/13/194[8] 5/13/1948 5/13/1948 [5]/[13]/1948 5/13/194[8] [5]/[13]/194[8] [5]/[13]/194[8] 5/13/1948 10/13 10/13 12/13 12/13 12/13 12/13 12/13 貿易日報 毎日新聞 朝日新聞 北海道新聞 時事新報 時事通信 共同通信 Boeki Nippo Mainichi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Boeki-Nippo Mainichi Asahi Hokkaido Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin Kyodo バイヤーに纖維品の直接注文を許可 業者、バイヤー直結. 貿易廳、制限の緩和立案 河上丈太郎氏追放に確定 河上丈太郎氏非該當取消 河上氏非該当取消し. 総司令部から指令 河上丈太郎氏非該当取消 河上氏非該当取消し; 河上丈太郎氏非該当取消 さる 5/13/1948 5/13/1948 12/13 12/13 毎日新聞 日本経済新聞 Mainichi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Mainichi Nihon Keizai 河上氏は結局該当 河上氏非該当取消. 翼政会発起人などの理由で 48-loc-1302g 48-loc-1302h 48-loc-1302i [5]/[13]/194[8] 5/13/194[8] [5]/[13]/194[8] 5/13/194[8] 新報知 東京新聞 共同通信, 東京タイムズ 読売新聞 Shin Hochi Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin, The Tokyo Times Yomiuri Shimbun Shin Hochi Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo, Tokyo Taimuzu Yomiuri 河上氏の非該当に取消指令 河上氏非該当取消し 行革、行整方針きょう決定; 河上氏非[該]當取消 48-loc-1302j 12/13 12/13 12/13, 30/13 12/13 48-loc-1303 5/13/1948 5/16/1948 13/13 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (3, Nagano) Asahi, Local 3. (Nagano) 早晩できる民主民族戰線 48-loc-1304 5/13/1948 5/17/1948 14/13 News item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (31) Tokyo Shimbun 31 二合七勺へ增配せん. 主食增産と輸入の見透しつく; 增配 48-loc-1305 5/13/1948 5/17/1948 15/13 Comment 新夕刊 ShinYukan (18, Shimane) Shin-Yukan. 18. (Shimane) 田舎の[芝]居 48-loc-1306 5/13/1948 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (Hokkaido) Mainichi (Hokkaido) 住宅難と経済不安. 根室. 引揚者受入れに苦悩の色; 出先機関を支廳に移[管]. 道廳根本的機構改革を遂に断行か; 本道初の炭鉱レクリエーション講習会 16/13 5/13/1948 5/17/1948 17/13 News item 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo (102) Jiji Shimpo 102 南樺太から. 上野に着いた引揚げ者五人 48-loc-1307a 48-loc-1308 48-loc-1309 [5]/[14]/194[8] 5/13/1948 5/13/1948 6/2/1948 5/16/1948 17/13 18/13 19/13 News Item 新報知 毎日新聞 時事通信 Shin Hochi Mainichi Shimbun Jiji Tsushin (56) Shin Hochi Mainichi Jiji Tsushin (No. 56) あす行政整理. 原則方針決定 國有綿、拂下制へ. 輸入面も民間取引 南米より銑鉄輸入か; 南米銑鉄二万三千トン輸入懇請 48-loc-1310 48-loc-1311 [5]/[13]/1948 5/13/1948 5/31/1948 5/18/1948 20/13 21/13 news item 時事通信 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin (112) Jiji Tsushin Kyodo 112 新輸出手続延期 シベリア引揚者の談 48-loc-1312 48-loc-1312a [5]/[13]/1948 5/13/1948 5/13/1948 5/13/1948 22/13 22/13 共同通信 読売新聞 5/13/1948 5/17/1948 23/13 Kyodo Tsushin Yomiuri Shimbun (Kana[gawa]) Yomiuri Shimbun (115, Hokkai[do]) 富士の版画をマ元帥に贈呈 マ元帥へ日本画贈呈 48-loc-1313 48-loc-1314 48-loc-1314a [5]/[13]/194[8] 5/13/1948 48-loc-1315 48-loc-1316 [5]/[13]/194[8] 5/13/1948 5/17/1948 25/13 26/13 48-loc-1317 5/13/1948 5/15/1948 48-loc-1318 5/13/1948 5/16/1948 48-loc-1319 5/13/1948 48-loc-1320 5/13/1948 48-loc-1321 [5]/[13]/194[8] 48-loc-1322 5/13/1948 48-loc-1322a 48-loc-1322b 48-loc-1323 5/13/194[8] [5]/[13]/1948 5/13/1948 北海道新聞 毎日新聞 Hokkaido Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun Kyodo Yomiuri (Kana[gawa]) Yomiuri Shimbun (No. 115 Local) (Hokkai[do]) Hokkaido Mainichi News Item 北海道新聞 貿易日報 Hokkaido Shimbun Boeki Nippo (11) Hokkaido Boeki Nippo 11 27/13 News item 読売新聞 News Item 毎日新聞 5/18/1948 29/13 News item 毎日新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (104, Miyagi) Mainichi Shimbun (7, Chiba) Mainichi Shimbun, Local 3 (Hokkai[do]) Yomiuri Shimbun Local 104 (Miyagi) Mainich Local 7 (Chiba) Mainichi, Local 3 (Hokkai[do]) 引揚待つ人々 28/13 5/18/1948 31/13 Comment 東京都民新聞 Tokyo Tomin Shimbun (17) Tomin. 17. 事務の圓滑化へ. 引揚げ相談所長、援護局と折衝 東京都民新聞 Tokyo Tomin Shimbun Tomin 正業貸付金も用意. 引揚者に都の援護 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 厚生省に清算課などを新設 政治新聞 東京都民新聞 日本経済新聞 Seiji Shimbun Tokyo Tomin Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Seiji Shimbun Tomin Nihon Keizai 厚生省に療品局新設. 衛生行政機構全面的改革 厚生省に療品局を新設; 厚生省に三課新設 各省設置法案きよう決定 [5]/[13]/194[8 ] 24/13 24/13 32/13 5/14/194[8] 5/14/1948 5/14/1948 News Item 33/13 33/13 34/13 読売新聞 Japanese and Koreans fought in Hamamatsu Measures described for promoting export trade-procedures are simplified 両船で千余名. 所持金なきもの 逓信運輸の解任は二段構えで進める あすから直接交渉許可. 纖維品、藥品の取引; 歳入に問題殘す. 大藏省で提示. 地方財政予算案; 河上氏は結局該当; 本予算に反対.民自党声明; 現業部門の独立間に合わず; 行政改革審議会 建設院の昇格. 尚結論を得ず 茶の輸出價格決定おくれる 國興す一念に生く. 六年ぶり帰郷の憶はシベリアへ 住宅難と経済不安. 根室. 引揚者受入れに苦悩の色 Mercola Kaneko T. Nakayama Oyama says he's not worried about war between the US and USSR Staple food ration will be increased to 2.7 go Traveling drama troupes present ideas that are banned Five repatriates from Saghalien arrived at Ueno "The Import of Pig Iron from South America." Government is asking to import pig iron from South America "Accounts of Repatriates from Saghalien" Repatriates speak of Saghalien "More than 1000 Repatriates Have No Money." Many repatriates have no money 14 4 1 21 H, P P H, P C, P Y Y Y Y 1 1 3 3 P H, P Mercola Sakanoue Ashikawa Hayashi H, P Richardson Ishibashi Takebe Motoichiro Tamai H, P Tanaka Takamura Abe H, S Naito Ogino D. Nomura Y 6 Y Y 1 17 Y 3 Y 6 Y 16 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 1 2 5 1 2 11 P H, C, P Y Y 1 1 C, P P H, P Y Y Y 2 1 1 Y. Yabuki [Fujimoto] Y 1 H, P Mercola Takamura Iwasaki Araiso Y 2 H, P Mercola Naito Takebe M. Hori Y 4 Richardson Takamura Iwasaki Araiso Y 2 Y 1 K. Minami Y 4 1 1 3 H, D [Shimazu] H, P Mercola T. Kato Sakaino H, P S H, P Richardson Ishibashi Ashikawa N. Tateuma Y Y Y H, S H, P Mercola Nakano Takamura Hayashi Y Y 1 13 Y Y 5 1 Mercola T. Kato Sakaino N. Tateuma Y 3 Y Y 8 1 H, P H, P H, P H, P H H, P H, S Richardson Ebisawa Ogino M. Kawamoto Y Y 4 2 H, P Mercola Tanaka Moriyama M. Hori Y 2 H, P Mercola Tanaka Shimokura K. Yoshida Y 2 H, D Naito Moriyama Hayashi Y 3 Improvements will be made in the system for letting families know of repatriates' arrival H, P Kaneko Naito Araiso Y 2 Symposium will be held on helping repatriates rebuild their lives H, P Y 1 H, P Y 1 H, P H, P Y Y Y 1 3 1 "Export Price of Tea Will Be Delayed In Its Decision" The setting of the new price for export tea will be delayed Actuality of repatriation from Siberia The Voice of a Repatriate List of people waiting for repatriation Repatriates endured hardship to return to Japan The foundation of repatriates' survival is still unstable "Housing Shortage And Economical Instability Cause Difficulty In Accepting Repatriates." Improvements are Expected to be Made in Repatriation Problems. Notes Y Y H, P "Five Repatriates From South Saghalien Arrived at Ueno" Y Y H, C, P Ikuo OYAMA Expresses Opinions Concerning Home & International Affairs. Increasing of staple food-stuff rationing. Dramas produced in Rural Districts. Examiner5 Examiner6 H, P P H, S S C, P D C C C, P 河上丈太郎氏非該当取消し 48-loc-1307 P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Mercola Kato Sakaino T. Nakayama P "The First Group of Repatriates Group of repatriates from from Saghalien Arrived at Saghalien arrived at Ueno Ueno." "Re estimate for budget" The budget should be revised to take into account inflation and local finance problems 48-loc-1301 48-loc-1302e 48-loc-1302f H, D Oversized Submitted by (Japanese) 共同通信 Photograph(s) News Agency Duplicate Hold No. Source 4/13 News item Number of Pages Date Censored 5/15/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/13/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1295 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1325 5/13/1948 5/19/1948 36/13 48-loc-1326 [5]/[13]/194[8] 5/14/194[8] 37/13 48-loc-1327 5/13/1948 5/17/1948 39/13 48-loc-1328 48-loc-1329 48-loc-1329a [5]/[14]/194[8] 5/13/1948 5/15/194[8] 5/14/1948 40/13 42/13 42/13 Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Mainichi Local "何んだシベリア帰りか". 郷土の冷淡さに引揚者カンカン 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (95) Kyodo 95 海外旅行者へ新"旅券"登場 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 西尾さんもやじりたおす. 意気さかんな全国町村長大会 Editorial 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun (1) Nishi Nippon 1 米は月十日、中間端境期のみとおし Kyodo Tsushin Asahi Shimbun Jiji Tsushin Unyu Kankoban Yomiuri Shimbun (Niigata) Kyodo Asahi Jiji Tsushin 小額紙幣いよいよ閉め出し 闘牛興業は禁止 牛相撲愈々十五日上野で開く News Item 48-loc-1330 5/13/1948 5/24/1948 43/13 News item 共同通信 朝日新聞 時事通信 運輸・観光版 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Niigata Ed. 農業恐慌は始つている. 目立つ耕作権放棄. 縣経済調整課が警告発す; ユネスコ参加決議 48-loc-1331 48-loc-1332 [5]/[13]/194[8] 5/13/1948 5/17/1948 44/13 45/13 News Item 東京民報 毎日新聞 Tokyo Mimpo Mainichi Shimbun (11, Saitama) The Tokyo Mimpo Mainichi (11) (Saitama) 大衆課税に反対. 全財労組反対運動を展開 シベリア. ソ連の國民生活 48-loc-1333 5/13/1948 5/15/1948 46/13 News item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Aomori) Yomiuri (Aomori) 第二陣三百廿六名到着; 並川部落の思い出. 引揚者座談会 48-loc-1334 5/13/1948 5/20/1948 47/13 Comment item 西日本新聞 Nishi Nippon 4 課税と農民 48-loc-1335 [5]/[13]/194[8] 48/13 共同通信 Nishi Nihon Shimbun (4) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 鉄鋼増産に加工貿易方式 48-loc-1336 [5]/[13]/194[8] 49/13 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 経済査察庁来月一日発足 48-loc-1336a 48-loc-1337 48-loc-1338 [5]/[13]/1948 5/13/1948 5/13/1948 49/13 50/13 51/13; 32/13 New item 共同通信 朝日新聞 政治新聞; 都民新聞 Kyodo Tsushin Asahi Shimbun Seiji Shimbun (14); Tomin Shimbun (18) Kyodo Asahi Seiji Shimbun No. 14; Tomin Shimbun No. 18 経済査察庁法案を国会提出 海を渡るか絵画織物. GHQにサンプル提出 北方引揚者に都が援護の手 48-loc-1339 48-loc-1340 [5]/[13]/194[8] 5/13/1948 Comment 時事通信 共同通信 共同特信 B Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin B (12) Jiji Tsushin Kyodo 12 輸入懇請で実質賃金維持 横浜を自由港にせよ 48-loc-1341 48-loc-1342 [5]/[13]/194[8] [5]/[13]/194[8] 5/14/194[8] 54/13 55/13 共同通信 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo 西尾国務相壇上に立往生. 全国町村長会議余録 二十二年産米價格調整. 値上り分全額消費者負担か 48-loc-1343 5/13/1948 5/18/1948 56/13 世界日報 Sekai Nippo (23) Sekai Nippo 23 歸らぬ子に涙ぐむ. 悲嬉こもごもの品川驛頭 48-loc-1344 48-loc-1345 5/13/1948 5/13/1948 5/18/1948 5/14/1948 59/13 60/13 毎日新聞 日本経済新聞 Mainichi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Mainichi Nihon Keizai 安定帯を二本建. 石炭以外は百十三倍 中労委をどうするか. 行政機構改革で問題表面化 48-loc-1346 48-loc-1347 48-loc-1348 5/13/1948 5/13/194[8] 5/13/1948 5/14/194[8] 5/15/1948 61/13 62/13 63/13 朝日新聞 読売新聞 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Asahi Shimbun (10) 本年産米の調整金を協議. 安本幹部会 行革小委員会案通り. きよう閣議付議 中國へ廣[幅]力織機 48-loc-1349 5/13/1948 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Asahi Yomiuri Asahi Shimbun No. 10 Local Nihon Keizai 48-loc-1350 48-loc-1351 5/13/1948 5/13/1948 5/16/1948 65/13 66/13 朝日新聞 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun (34, Maizuru) Asahi Asahi. 34 (Maizuru) 戦裁. 本年中にほゞ完了 獨捕虜と共同作業. 欧露引揚げたより 48-loc-1352 48-loc-1353 5/13/1948 5/13/1948 5/19/1948 67/13 68/13 News item 日本経済新聞 アカハタ The Nihon Keizai Akahata (2) Nihon Keizai Akahata (No. 2) 輸出額だけ輸入. 羊毛業界の活況期待. 解説 新制高校移管と自治体財政 48-loc-1354 5/13/1948 5/20/1948 69/13 News Item アカハタ Akahata (3) Akahata (No. 3) 国鉄大会を注視せよ 48-loc-1355 48-loc-1356 5/13/194[8] 5/13/1948 5/181948 70/13 71/13 アカハタ アカハタ Akahata (Ueda) Akahata Uueda) Akahata (12, Yokosuka) Akahata No. 12, Yokosuka デマ紛碎に大活躍. 長野上田細胞 三被告無罪. 横須賀メーデー事件 48-loc-1357 5/13/194[8] 5/13/1948 72/13 アカハタ Akahata Akahata 人員整理も急ぐ. 行政機構改革に併行; 勞農、機關紙締め出し. 政府が狙う用紙割富の新構想 48-loc-1358 5/13/1948 5/18/1948 73/13 News Item アカハタ Akahata (25, Omuta) Akahata 25 (Omuta) 民主化運動でよみがえる. 千歳丸の引揚者語. ソ同盟人はよく働く 48-loc-1359 5/13/1948 5/18/1948 74/13 News item アカハタ Akahata (34) Akahata No. 34 犬養氏追放解除か. 栖橋河合石黒氏らも 48-loc-1360 5/13/1948 5/17/1948 75/13 News item アカハタ Akahata (31, Hokkaido) Akahata No. 31 (Hokkaido) 5/14/1948 5/17/1948 5/18/1948 52/13 53/13 News item News Item 64/13 News Item. from Maizuru News item (from Yokosuka Branch Bureau) Headline Subject Repatriates were given cool receptions in Yamanashi Prefecture New passport will be issued to the travelers to go abroad. Brief Summary Repatriates met with indifferent attitudes by the natives of their prefecture New passports will be issued with improved cover design and paper Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Mercola Tanaka Moriyama Fujii H, S Mercola S. Sakanouye Moriyama Examiner5 Examiner6 Yokoyama H, P "Ten Day Supply Of Rice Per People are worried about ration Month Forecast Of Temporary delay in the off-crop season Off-crop Season." H, P Richardson Sakanouye Takebe M. Kawamoto P P H, S Agricultural panic has already set in Agricultural panic has already set in in Niigata Prefecture Russian Life in Soviets. Some of the hardships of life for Russians living under Communism "The arrival of the 2nd group of Second group of repatriates has repatriates from Saghalien." arrived from Saghalien Taxation and farmers. Unfair taxation causes great difficulty for farmers Help to Repatriates from the North. Symposium will be held on helping repatriates rebuild their lives (same as 32/13) Proposal for marking Yokohama harbor a free port Japan must not rely on US help too much H, P Richardson H, S H, P H, P T. Kato Takamura Kaneko Iwasaki Yokoyama Sakaino Iwasaki T. Nakayama Richardson Ishibashi Gomes M. Hori 1. "Joys and Sorrows at Description of the arrival of the Shinagawa Station; A Woman second group of repatriates Drops Tears Because of Seeking for Her son In Vain" 2. "Quarrel Between members of the Communist Party and gakudo (ex. Student's League)" "Wonderful Textile looms To Be Exported to China." Textile looms will be exported to China The second repatriation ship carried 69 repatriates from Russia New high school and Autonomous bodies financial policy Criticism of the budget for a new school--expense for maintenance a great tax burden Watch over mass meeting of National Railway's Worker's Union The coming meeting of the National Railway Workers Union is the target for concern by the entire labor class "Three Defendants Declared Not Guilty" Union members who marched with red flags on May Day declared not guilty because they did not understand the SCAP directive 6 Y 10 Y 8 Y 14 Y Y Y 5 1 3 Y 5 Y Y 3 4 2 Y 29 H, D, P P [Sato] Y 13 Y 4 H, P H, P H, P Y Y Y H, S H, P Harumaru Inoue M. Hori Mercola Nakano Gomes Kaneko Mercola Sakanouye Gomes Fujii Naito Yabuki 東京都民 新聞, Tokyo Tomin Shimbunの 可能性も あり 7 1 2 Y Y 12 12 Y Y 9 12 Y 6 H, P, S H, P Y Y 1 1 H, S H, P H, P Y Y Y 2 1 2 Y 2 Y Y 3 3 [Seishi Idei] P Kaneko Mercola Shimokura Inouye K. Minami Gomes N. Tateuma H, S Lives of Russian Seen by Japanese. Notes Y Y H, P H H, S 新米價決定に苦慮. 賃金ベースの影響大 無縁故引揚者収容所訪問記 H, S H, P H, P Mercola Kaneko Iwasaki H, P H, S Mercola Gomes K. Suzuki Y Y 1 14 H, S Mercola Gomes K. Suzuki Y 16 Mercola Gomes M. Nagashima Y Y 1 2 Y 3 H, S H, S [Higuchi] H, P, S Araiso "Freshened By Democratization Movement, Russians Work Hard; Talks of Repatriates Of The Chitosemaru" "Mr. INUKAI may be cleared from Purge; Narahashi, KAWAI and ISHIGURO may also be cleared" Repatriates talk about the Soviet state of affairs--the fiveyear plan is showing good progress H, S Mercola Takamura M. Kawamoto Y 3 Four purgees are being cleared H, P Mercola Takamura M. Nagashima Y 2 A story of a Japanese who repatriated from Soviet. Repatriate says he was treated very well by the Russians H, S Mercola Gomes Sasaki Y 4 1 Oversized Submitted by Mainichi Shimbun News Agency Photograph(s) Submitted by (Japanese) 毎日新聞 Source Duplicate Hold No. 35/13 Number of Pages Date Censored 5/19/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/13/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1324 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1363 5/12/1948 48-loc-1365 5/13/1948 5/13/1948 48-loc-1366 5/13/1948 48-loc-1367 48-loc-1368 77/13 78/13 アカハタ Akahata Akahata 朝日新聞 Subject "Party's Defense Counsel Presents Extensive Plea for Release" Brief Summary Members of the Oppression Opposition Investigation Group were arrested for demonstrating without notice The government plans for setting up new organization to allocate papers Government is revising paper allocation in order to strengthen bureaucratic control over newspapers S The price of new netting machines for export Criticism of General Hodge D 労組法違反提訴を断念. 労組幹部解雇事件 共同通信 Asahi Shimbun (Kana[gawa]) Kyodo Tsushin (Tsu) Asahi , Kana[gawa] Kyodo Tsushin (Tsu) 漁網機を初輸出 Export of Netting Machines 5/18/1948 News Item from Tsu. Own 解放新聞 Haebang Sinmun Haiban Shibun General Hodge 5/13/1948 5/13/1948 News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 希望輸出レート. 最高限度三百円. 関西経連爲替対策を建議 5/13/1948 5/13/1948 News item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 商品丗種に新爲替率. 輸出貿易促進に檢討中 48-loc-1369 5/13/1948 5/13/1948 Editorial 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 食糧輸入を懇請する 48-loc-1370z 48-loc-1370 5/14/1948 [5]/[14]/194[8] 48-loc-1371 5/14/1948 48-loc-1372 48-loc-1372a 48-loc-1372b 48-loc-1372c 48-loc-1372d 48-loc-1373 5/14/194[8] 5/14/1948 5/14/1948 [5]/[14]/194[8] 5/14/194[8] 5/14/1948 48-loc-1374 5/14/194[8] 48-loc-1374a 48-loc-1375 5/14/194[8] 5/14/1948 48-loc-1376 5/14/1948 5/17/1948 10/14 48-loc-1377 5/14/1948 5/17/1948 48-loc-1378 48-loc-1379 5/14/194[8] 5/14/1948 5/20/1948 48-loc-1380 48-loc-1381 48-loc-1382 [5]/[14]/194[8] [5]/[14]/194[8] 5/14/1948 48-loc-1383 5/14/1948 48-loc-1384 5/14/1948 48-loc-1385 H, S Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Mercola Gomes M. Nagashima Mercola Gomes Fujii Mercola Sakanouye Ashikawa Examiner4 Exchange rate desired for exports is 300 yen New exchange rates will be set for 30 kinds of materials Notes Y 2 3 S Exchange Rates Desired for Export Will Be 300 yen New Exchange Rates for 30 Kinds of Materials "Entreat Foodstuff Importation." Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Fujinami H, S 1 Y Y 7 ハングル 文字で書 かれてい るゲラあ り S Mercola Inouye Moriyama S. Konishi Y 5 S Mercola Nakano Ogino S. Konishi Y 3 D Mercola T. Kato Ogino Hayashi Y 4 envelope Y 1 2 Hayashi Y 3 Ito Y Y Y Y Y Y 4 1 1 1 1 5 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 融資準則は六月一日から. 改正実施 Photograph 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 海外旅行者に新旅券登場 News item 時事新報 毎日新聞 新報知 東京民報 読売新聞 時事通信 Jiji Shimpo Mainichi Shimbun Shin Hochi Tokyo Mimpo Yomiuri Shimbun Jiji Tsushin Kyodo shashin tsushin Jiji Shimpo Mainichi Shin-Hochi Tokyo Mimpo Yomiuri Jiji Tsushin 7/14 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 米の價格も調整 H, P Y 7/14 8/14 読売新聞 朝日新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Asahi Shimbun Yomiuri Asahi 米價 戰裁. 本年中にほゞ完了 P H, P Y Y News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi. Ibara[k]i. 2. 寝言にお母さん. シベリア残留者の消息 11/14 News Item 夕刊みやこ Asahi Shimbun (2, Ibara[k]i) Yukan Miyako (2) Miyako #2 イワン電帝で東宝、日ソもめる 12/14 13/14 News Item 東京新聞 共同通信 共同特信 B Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin B Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo 廿日ころまでに全法案提出. 行政機構改革 密入國、密貿易の実態をつく. 海上保安廳の活躍に期待 14/14 15/14 16/14 時事通信 時事通信 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin (76) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo 76 建設省設置決定. 水産庁は保留 五万俵は六ヵ月で消化. 原毛輸入に官民活況 News item 5/17/1948 17/14 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (102, Yomiuri No. 102 Shizuoka) (Shizuoka) 5/17/1948 18/14 News item 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji-Shimpo 5/14/1948 5/17/1948 19/14 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (5, Aikawa) Asahi Shimbun (No. 5) (Aikawa) "今年中に終えたい". 竹田厚相相川町で語る 48-loc-1385a 5/14/1948 5/17/1948 19/14 読売新聞 ソ連引揚げは本年中に完了. 竹田厚相語る 5/14/1948 5/18/1948 20/14 News item 国際特信 Yomiuri Shimbun (Aikawa) Kokusai Tokushin (4) Yomiuri (Aikawa) 48-loc-1386 Kokusai Tokushin No. 4 繊維製品の国内放出近く実現. 生地か、縫製品か具体策をねる 48-loc-1386a 48-loc-1387 5/14/1948 5/14/1948 6/21/1948 5/19/1948 21/14 22/14 News item 東京新聞 共同通信 Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (80) Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo No. 80 準備、許可の両申請を一本に. 貿易手続簡素化 初の日米合作会社誕生 48-loc-1388 5/14/1948 5/17/1948 23/14 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (104, Mainichi Shimbun 樺太引揚第三船入港; シベリア第二船も Hakodate, Maizuru) (No. 104) (Hakodate, Maizuru) 48-loc-1389 5/14/1948 5/17/1948 24/14 News item from Maizuru 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (68, Maizuru) Kyodo 68 (Maizuru) 恵山丸入港 48-loc-1389a 5/14/1948 5/17/1948 24/14 読売新聞 Yomiuri (Maizuru) シベリア引揚第五船舞鶴へ 48-loc-1390 48-loc-1391 [5]/[14]/194[8] [5]/[14]/194[8] 28/14 29/14 共同通信 時事通信 Yomiuri Shimbun (Maizuru) Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Jiji Tsushin 各省の機構大体現状通り 第二封鎖預金20億切りすて. 金融機関の最終処理 H, P H, P 5/18/1948 1/14, (6/14) 3/14 5/14/194[8] 5/18/1948 4/14 4/14 4/14 4/14 4/14 5/14 経済査察廳法 来月一日発足. 経済査察廳法案を提出 経済けいさつ 經濟統制の總元締め. 六月一日發足の豫定 経済査察法案衆院へ提出 衣料の配給六月末に完了か ソ連の抑留生活から開放されて懐しの國土を踏んだ浜松市 出身の三氏に三年間抑留生活からみた"鉄のカーテン"の内 幕を聞く 引取られぬ遺骨 H, P "New Pass-Port Issued to Travelers Going Abroad" Photos of Japanese and European passports "Clothing Distribution May Be Clothing distribution may be Completed By The End of completed by the end of June June" [Sato] H, P Kaneko P H, P P H, P P H, P Mercola Captive Life in Russian [camps]. Trouble Between the Toho Movie Co. and the Nisso Movie Co. Owing to "Thunder Emperor Ivan" Repatriates speak of hard labor in Russian camps Toho Movie Co. may not be able to distribute all films offered by the Nisso Movie Co. Illegal Entry and Smuggling, and New Countermeasure for Them. Description of the types of smuggling that are taking place, and how "Repatriation from the Soviet will be suspended for ten days." Prisoner's Life in USSR Repatriation from the USSR will be suspended for ten days Repatriates speak of life in the USSR H, P "No one receives ashes" Many bereaved families cannot receive the ashes of their soldiers H, P The Ashes Kaneko Managing Office at Shinjuku Ward Office "Welfare Minister Takeda's Speech about Repatriation." Welfare Minister speaks of accomodations for repatriates without families H, P "Domestic Release of Textile Goods To Be Realized Soon" Domestic release of textile goods to be realized soon, taking purchasing power oof the labor classes into consideration The first U.S.-Japan Joint Company. The first US-Japan joint company produces and sells medicine Third repatriation ship has reached Hakodate Ogino H, P Mercola Nakano Ogino H, P Mercola Sakaino H, P H, P [Gomes] [Tatsu]oka, Nakano Kyodo reporter [Fujimoto] Hayashi "Keizan-maru Arrives" Breakdown of the repatriates on the fifth ship by prefecture 1 Same as 65/13 1 1 Y 3 S. Konishi Y 2 Ogino Araiso Y Y 1 13 Y Y Richardson Naito Ogino T. Nakayama 5 4 1 Richardson Naito Takamura H. Obata Y 4 Matsumoto Y. Takaoka Y 3 Mercola Tanaka Moriyama Tateuma Y 2 Y 1 H, S Mercola Nakano Ogino Hayashi Y 6 H, S H, S Mercola Naito Ogino Sasaki Y Y 1 6 H, P Kaneko Matsumoto Tateuma Y 3 H, P Mercola Hattori Takamura Y 10 H, P [Takashima] Y 1 Y Y 6 3 Y 13 P H, P C, P Araiso H, P "Repatriation Ships from SAKHALIEN and SIBEIA." 2 Hayashi [Maruyama ] 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (Morioka) Kyodo (Morioka) 鉄鋼生産は外資導入の第一條件. 商相、盛岡で語る 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 銀行の資本切捨決る H, P Y 1 [5]/[14]/194[8] 32/14, (33/14) 33/14 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo H, P Y 14 48-loc-1394a 5/14/1948 33/14 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 金融機関の最終処理. きよう(十五日)正式認可; 郵貯第二封鎖は全額打切り 郵貯第二封鎖は全額打切りに [Takashima] Y 1 48-loc-1394b 48-loc-1394c 5/14/194[8] 5/14/194[8] 33/14 33/14 日本通信 西日本新聞 Nihon Tsushin Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nihon Tsushin Nishi Nihon 郵貯第二封鎖打切り 郵便貯金の第二封鎖は全額切捨 H, P H, P [Murao] Y Y 1 2 48-loc-1392 5/20/1948 48-loc-1393 5/14/194[8] 48-loc-1394 5/20/1948 31/14 News item "Steel and iron production is prerequisite to introduction of foreign investments" This year, of the raw cotton import, 40% will be allocated to domestic demand H, D, P Mercola P [Aoki] T. Kato Ogino Motoichiro Tamai 1 Oversized 5/18/194[8] Headline Photograph(s) 5/13/194[8] Submitted by (based Submitted by on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Akahata (39, Yokosuka) Akahata No. 39 黨辯護團大々的に釋放請請. 横須賀無届デモ事件判決 (Yokosuka) Duplicate 48-loc-1362 Submitted by Hold No. Source News Agency (Japanese) 76/13 News item アカハタ from Yokosuka Branch Office Number of Pages Date Censored 5/18/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/13/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1361 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1396 48-loc-1397 48-loc-1398 [5]/[14]/194[8] [5]/[14]/194[8] 5/14/1948 5/15/1948 35/14 37/14 39/14 48-loc-1399 5/14/1948 5/31/1948 44/14 48-loc-1400 5/14/1948 5/18/1948 45/14 48-loc-1401 5/14/1948 5/19/1948 48-loc-1401a 5/14/1948 48-loc-1401b 5/14/194[8] 48-loc-1401c 48-loc-1401d [5][14]/1948 5/14/1948 48-loc-1401e [5]/14/194[8] 48-loc-1402 5/14/1948 5/20/1948 48-loc-1403 48-loc-1404 [5]/[14]/194[8] 5/14/1948 5/14/194[8] 5/15/1948 50/14 51/14 5/31/1948 Submitted by The Tokyo Times Yomiuri Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun (Fukushima ) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Tokyo Taimuzu 第二封鎖大巾切捨て. 金融機關最後處理決る Yomiuri 郵貯の第二封鎖全額打切り Mainichi Shimbun (Fukushima edition) 時事通信 共同通信 読売新聞 Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Yomiuri Shimbun (Kana[gawa]) Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Yomiuri ( Kana[gawa]) 郵貯第二封鎖全額切りすて 八大銀行の切捨率 十三日午後七時半ころ川崎市浅野町日本鋼管大島工場の正 門から同工場の下請工場の同市大師河原太平工業川崎工場 のトラツクが人夫数名を乗せて外出しようとしたとろ守衛 が同トラツク内に大量のサツカリンが隠匿されているのを 発見、... 朝日新聞 Asahi (Kana[gawa]) 誓約拒否に処置か. 進駐軍労組の新問題 Asahi (Kawa[gawa]) 岡崎弁護士ら三氏釈放 Tokyo Taimuzu 增資額の基準 Headline Subject "Suspected Criminal of Chaplain Murder Case" Brief Summary Police have apprehended a suspect in the murder of an American chaplain H, P H, P S H, P H, P H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 Mercola Naito Examiner3 Examiner4 Ogino [Ono] [Hudnall] Notes Y Y Y 1 1 1 2 Y Y Y 1 9 1 1 Y 3 Y 2 Y 2 (33/14), News item 46/14 (33/14), 46/14 46/14 東京タイムズ Asahi Shimbun (Kana[gawa]) Asahi Shimbun (Kana[gawa]) The Tokyo Times 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 帝國、住友は全額. 資本金などの切すて率決る H, P Y 1 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo H, P Y 1 46/14 (33/14), 46/14 (33/14), 46/14 47/14 News Item 共同通信 日本経済新聞 Kyodo Tsushin The Nihon Keizai Kyodo Nihon Keizai 六月暫定予算きよう提出; 新旧勘定区分は消滅. 金融機関最終処理、きょう認可 金融機関の再編成. 近く十社内外に指定 八大銀行最終処理認可 H, P, S H, P Y Y 8 1 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nihon Nippon 金融機関の最終処理十四日認可. 増資基準きまる 政治新聞 Seiji Shimbun (17-1) Seiji-Shimbun, 17-1 共同通信 時事通信 Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin (104) Kyodo JijiTsushin 104 身寄りもない引揚者に群衆分けて飛びつく伯母. シベリヤ引揚げ第三陣を拾う 経済復興計画第一次試案 芦田首相、マ元帥訪問 News item News item 朝日新聞 H, S Examiner5 Examiner6 "Attorney Okazaki and two others... [rel]eased" "Standard for increase of capital" Attorney Okasaki has been acquitted P Kaneko Matsumoto H, P Mercola Tanaka H, P Captive Life in Siberia Talked by a Repatriate. Repatriates talk about life in Siberia "Prime Minister Calls on General MacArthur" Premier Ashida met with MacArthur on May 14 to discuss important business H, P H H, D [Aoki] Motoichiro Tamai Takebe M. Nagashima [Takashima] Mercola [Hudnall] [Sato], Mercola [Fujimoto] Y 9 Murao Takashima Araiso Y 6 H. Hattori Takebe M. Nagashima Y Y 4 3 48-loc-1404a 5/14/1948 5/15/1948 51/14 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo 首相、マ元帥訪問; 政府態度表明か. 河上氏追放問題 48-loc-1404b 48-loc-1404c [5]/[14]/1948 5/14/1948 5/15/1948 51/14 46/14 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Mainichi 首相マ元帥訪問 首相マ元帥訪問; 金融機関の最終処理確定 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun 48-loc-1404d [5]/[14]/194[8] Nihon Tsushin 首相、マ元帥訪問 48-loc-1405 5/14/1948 5/19/1948 52/14 Comment 日本通信 アカハタ Nihon Tsushin Akahata Akahata 割当廳設置の陰謀について 48-loc-1406 5/14/1948 5/17/1948 53/14 news Item アカハタ Akahata (14) Akahata NO. 14 九日舞鶴へ上陸したソ同盟引揚者は元氣で「革命音頭」を 歌つてくれました 48-loc-1407 5/14/1948 5/20/1948 54/14 news item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (121, Yomikuri Shimbun Kana[gawa]) NO. 121 (Kana[gawa]) 夢にも忘れず祖國の土を踏んだ再開シベリヤの引揚者達が 長途の疲れをふきとばして郷里のプラツトホームに降り立 つても家族が行方不明で出迎えとてもなく駅の待合室を仮 の宿として家族を探している氣の毒な引揚者が去る十日横 浜駅に到着第一次中に十一名続いて十三、四の両日小田原 、大船、横浜に下車した四十九名の引揚者中八名という家 族不明の悲嘆にくれた人がいる 48-loc-1407a 5/14/1948 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 苫米地案に反対の氣運. 愛知銀行局長談 Y 1 5/14/1948 5/20/1948 33/14, 54/14 55/14 朝日新聞 48-loc-1408 Commentary アカハタ Akahata (27) Akahata 27 不当課税反対弾圧法案について "About a Bill of Suppressing Struggles Against Unjust Taxation" Government may draw up a bill which suppresses those who go against unjust taxation H, S J. Niiya K. Minami Y 13 48-loc-1409 5/14/1948 5/18/1948 56/14 News item アカハタ Akahata (29, Tokai) Akahata 29 (Tokai) 引揚者出迎え "To meet Repatriates" S J. Niiya K. Minami Y 5 48-loc-1410 5/14/1948 5/18/1948 57/14 News Item アカハタ Akahata (28) Akahata No 28 ソ連歸還者生活ようご同盟. "Association to Protect Repatriates from Soviet Zone" Communists arrested when a group of them met the repatriates from Siberia at Nagoya Station on May 13 Association formed to protect repatriates and also to promote further repatriation by serving as liaison between those who are still detained and their families H, S J. Niiya Shigeru Nomura Y 12 48-loc-1411 5/14/1948 5/18/1948 58/14 Commentary アカハタ Akahata (7) Akahata 7 国税規則取締法について "On control regulations of crimes against national taxes.: H, S Gomes T. Nakayama Y 9 48-loc-1412 5/14/1948 5/18/1948 59/14 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (161) Kyodo Tsushin 161 再編成指令案通告. 三、四十社に及ばん. 二十日に持株整理臨時委員会 H, P Mercola H. Hattori Yoshimoto M. Nagashima Y 5 48-loc-1412a 5/14/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 私鉄値上げ二三日遅れる; 廿数社指令か. 分割せ[ず]再編 48-loc-1413 5/14/1948 5/18/1948 60/14 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (75) 南米への使節團内定 48-loc-1414 5/14/1948 5/18/1948 61/14 News item 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo (106, Yamaguchi) Asahi Shimbun (No.75) Jiji Shimpo No. 106 (Yamaguchi) 48-loc-1415 5/14/1948 5/14/1948 News Item 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 外資導入法. 今期國會に提出か Law for Introduction of Foreign Funds 48-loc-1416 5/14/1948 5/14/1948 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 岡田運輸相総司令部を訪問 Communications Minister OKAD[A] Visited the GHQ 51/14 59/14 朝鮮における共産党の活動 D Conspiracy of setting up a Newsprint Allocation Bureau Reactionary elements are threatening the principle of democracy granted to the Japanese people Popular Dance Music of Popular dance music of Revolution. revolution sung by those detained in Soviet Russia Repatriates speak at Yokohama Newly arrived repatriates speak station at Yokohama [Takashima] Y 1 H, P H, D [Takashima] Y Y 2 1 P [Takashima] Y Gomes Kotaro Fujii H, S Mercola Gomes Yabuki Y 2 Takashima Yabuki Y 3 H, P [Masami Gomes Yagi], [Fumiko Miyashita] Y H, P Regulation to control the increasing movement against unreasonable taxation "Holding Company Liquidation Holding Company Liquidation Commission to hold Special Commission will decide on Meeting of Commissioners on reorganization orders 20 May; Proposed Orders to be issued to 30 or 40 companies' Reorganization" "The members of Trade Mission De[c]ided." The Communist Movement in South Korea 1 D, P Check D. Brown CIE 16 H, P [Takashima] Y 1 Members of a textile trade mission unofficially decided A student who arrived on an illegal smuggling ship speaks of the Communist movement in S. Korea The government and the Democratic Party have established a Committee for the Introduction of Foreign Capital H, S Richardson Nakano Takebe N. Tateuma Y 2 H, S Mercola Tanaka Moriyama Sasaki Y 8 S Mercola Yoshimoto S. Konishi Nakano Y 4 Communications Minister Okada visited Dr. Fine of GHQ about the rise of railway fares S Mercola Tanaka Takebe S. Konishi Y 3 Oversized Submitted by (Japanese) 東京タイムズ 読売新聞 毎日新聞 Photograph(s) News Agency Duplicate Hold No. Source 33/14 33/14 34/14 News item Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [5]/[14]/194[8] 5/14/194[8] 5/14/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1394d 48-loc-1394e 48-loc-1395 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1417d 48-loc-1417e 48-loc-1417f Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Akahata 強硬"業管"も決意. 全國民の名で断固斗いぬかん; 各單産に呼びかく; 國鐵新橋. 下部の聲. 注視あびる代議員選挙; "革同"の動きに疑問. 分派行為、もうごめんだ; 労働者の裏切りやめよ; だいじにされたよ. 品物も山ほどある. 入京の[樺]太引揚者語る; これはみごと!さておねだんは?; モスクワ通信を國内に放送せよ; 無効の場合. 農業會財産處分委員の選出 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 アカハタ 第一新聞 北海道新聞 時事新報 Akahata Daiichi Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Akahata Daiichi Shinbun Hokkaido Shimbun Jiji Shimpo [5]/[15]/194[8] [5]/[15]/194[8] [5]/[15]/194[8] 1/15 1/15 1/15 時事通信 共同通信 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 48-loc-1417g 48-loc-1417h 5/15/1948 5/15/1948 1/15 1/15 毎日新聞 日本経済新聞 48-loc-1417i 5/15/1948 1/15 48-loc-1417j 48-loc-1417k 48-loc-1418 5/15/1948 5/15/194[8] 5/15/1948 5/15/1948 48-loc-1419 48-loc-1420 Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 1 envelope P H, P H, P Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 臨時閣議 國際勞働會議への復歸. 總司令部に援助懇請 国際労働会議へ復歸を懇請 國際労働会議復帰. 西尾國務相閣議に提案; 六月分暫定予算提出 国際労働機関への復帰を閣議で協議 国際労働会議への復帰. 西尾国務相提言 国際労働総会へ出席を懇請. 政府、手続きを進める Mainichi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Mainichi Nihon Keizai 國際労働機関への復帰. 政府、方針を決定 國際労働機関へ早急の復帰懇請. 西尾國務相閣議へ提案 P H, P Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun Shin Hochi Yomiuri Shimbun Akahata (32) Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun Shin-Hochi Yomiuri Akahata #32 国際労働機関えの復帰 H, P 世界労連への参加. 政府も積極的に斡旋 國際労働会議へ復帰を決定 自由民権の闘士④福沢諭吉 H, P P H, S 5/22/1948 28/15 1/15 2/15 Criticism 大阪時事新報, 大阪新聞 新報知 読売新聞 アカハタ 5/15/1948 5/14/1948 4/15 Commentary アカハタ Akahata (Pippu) Akahata (Pippu) 5/15/1948 5/20/1948 6/15 Commentary 時事通信 政治労働版 Jiji Tsushin Seiji Rodoban Jiji-Tsushin 高い報奬用衣類. 北海道に値下げ署名運動; 九日舞鶴へ上陸したソ同盟引揚者は元氣で「革命音頭」を 歌つてくれました 渡航; 移民; える、五百三十億円が全部安定帶物資にふりわけられるの なら物價のウナギのぼりもくいとめられようが、どうも、 この五百三十億円のうち本当に安定帶につかえるのは四百 五十-六十ぐらいになりそうである 48-loc-1421 5/15/1948 5/20/1948 7/15 News Item 時事通信 農林水産版 Jiji Tsushin Norin Suisanban (27) Jiji Tsushin # 27 適正米價; 農業手形製糸業にも適用. 北海道沿岸の捕鯨計畫. 本年は六百四十一頭を目標 48-loc-1422 5/15/1948 8/15 News item 新聞之新聞 Shimbun no Shimbun Shimbun No Shimbun 紙貿易やや活況 48-loc-1423 5/15/1948 5/19/1948 9/15 News item 時事通信 農林水産版 Jiji Tsushin Norin Suisanban (25) Jiji Tsushin 25 生鮮食料の需給大綱決る; [食]糧事情樂觀許さず. 端境期の混食率低下. 遲配もようやく始まる 48-loc-1424 5/15/1948 5/20/1948 10/15 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (48, Gifu) Jiji Tsushin (No.48) (Gifu) 十一月からの二合八勺は疑問. 永江農相岐阜で語る 48-loc-1425 5/15/1948 5/19/1948 12/15 news item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (8) 48-loc-1426 5/15/1948 5/19/1948 13/15 News Item アカハタ 48-loc-1427 5/15/1948 5/20/1948 14/15 News item 48-loc-1428 5/15/1948 5/19/1948 15/15 P P P [Ikeda] [Hudnall] 1 1 2 1 1 Y Y Y 7 8 20 Y Y 1 1 Y 9 Y Y Y 1 1 7 Yukichi Fukuzawa, civil rights activist: "Heaven makes no man above a man and no man below a man" "Bounty clothes for farmers are Farmers want money for their H, P, S too dear" rice, not clothes Mercola Sakaino Shig[e]ru Nomura Hudnall Matsumoto T. Hori Y 3 a) Going abroad, b) Emigration Going abroad may not be practically feasible right now H, P Sakanoue Ogino T. Hori Y 5 Moderate rice price. Farmers league will discuss the fair price of rice at a rally H, P Mercola Tanaka Ogino M. Hori Y 4 Paper made from imported pulp is selling well "General Principles of Demand ESB will determine the supply and Supply of Perishable and demand of perishable Foodstuffs Determined" foodstuffs H, P Mercola Tanaka Yoshimoto M. Nagashima Y 2 H, P Mercola Tanaka Yoshimoto M. Nagashima [Kamoto] Y 3 "Minister NAGAE's Statement Agricultural Minister assures at GIFU." farmers that there will be imported foodstuffs after July H, P Mercola Tanaka Ogino Tateuma Y 6 Tokyo Shimbun No.8 復員者の氏名; 詳細に公表せよ Names of Repatriates A woman who is awaiting her husband's return from Siberia is wearied by the bureaucracy H, S S. Sakanouye Ogino Yabuki Y 2 Akahata (Asahikawa) Akahata (Asahikawa) 乘客は業管に歡呼. 意氣上る基準法實施斗爭. 北海道國鐵 "Passengers ... laud operation control" H, P Sakanouye T. Hori Y 3 アカハタ Akahata (1, Kansai) Akahata no. 1 (Kansai) 舞鶴の各船舶では最近共産党員にたいする下船命令が目立 ちはじめ、高砂丸では五名、永徳丸でも一名、また南龍丸 では共産党員として船内の信望を集めている岩沢事務長に 下船を命じてきたが、乘組員卅六名が一致してこれに反対 "Red Corner" Number of railway cars will be cut down so that trains can pass the Karikatsu tunnel safely Popular Communist purser Iwasawa was ordered to leave his ship Seiichi Mercola Saito, Kinuko Otsukasa Mercola H, P Mercola Sakaino Hayashi Y 2 News Item 時事通信 運輸・観光版 Jiji Tsushin Unyu Kankoban (62) Jiji Tsushin 62 本邦船が樺太炭積取に積地ランは一日五百トン; 國鐵の獨立採算制. 運賃三倍半でなお赤字; クライスラー自動車罷業決行 "Home Vessels Go To Saghalien For Shipping Of Coal There; Contract Made Shipping 500 tons Per Day." Repatriation from the Soviet will be suspended for ten days". Foreigners owned war bond will be disposed of by the International Private Law Coal will be imported from Saghalien H, P Malloy Ito Ogino M. Kawamoto Y 4 H, P Richardson Naito Ogino T. Nakayama Y 5 Malloy Sakanoue Yoshimoto K. Suzuki Y 9 Y 2 H, P H, D, P Y Y 1 6 H, P H, P H, P Y Y Y 2 1 1 Y 2 Y 2 48-loc-1429 5/14/1948 5/14/1948 16/15 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (76, Maizuru) Kyodo 76 (Maizuru) シベリア引揚は十日間中休み 48-loc-1429a 5/15/1948 5/15/1948 16/15 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (19) Kyodo (NO.19) 外人所有軍事公債の措置. 国際私法にてらして研究 48-loc-1429b [5]/[15]/194[8] 16/15 第一新聞 Daiichi Shimbun Daiichi Shinbun 48-loc-1429c 48-loc-1429d 5/15/194[8] [5]/[15]/194[8] 16/15 16/15 時事新報 時事通信 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin (Sendai) Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin (Sendai) 政府は十四日夜の閣議で軍事公債利拂一ヵ年棚上げの苫米 地案を正式決定し、十五日つぎの聲明を發表するとともに 利拂停止的處理方策もあわせて明らかにした; 六月分指定豫算國會へ提出 軍公利拂延期決る. 七月一日から一か年 本予算案も二十日前に提出. 芦田首相談 48-loc-1429e 48-loc-1429f 48-loc-1429g 5/15/1948 5/15/1948 [5]/[15]/194[8] 16/15 16/15 16/15 毎日新聞 日本経済新聞 政治新聞 Mainichi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Seiji Shimbun Mainichi Nihon Keizai Seiji Shimbun "延期"正式に決定. 軍公処理に政府声明 利拂停止 金融機關の影響速に適宜の措置. 軍公タナ上、正式決定 48-loc-1429h 5/15/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 48-loc-1430 5/15/1948 5/19/1948 17/15 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (Hokkaido) Mainichi, Hokkaido Edit. 労働法規改正は情勢次第. 芦田首相語る. 政府声明; 負担軽減廿七億. 大藏当局見解 カナダからパルプ五十万石; 出先機関を市廳に移管. 道廳根本的機構改造を遂に断行か; 稚内の引揚者受入れ 48-loc-1431 [5]/[15]/1948 5/15/1948 18/15 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (Sendai) Kyodo (Sendai) 国会乘切りの確信あり. 首相仙台で語る 48-loc-1432 5/15/1948 5/17/1948 19/15 News Item 読売新聞 5/15/1948 5/19/1948 20/15 News item 朝日新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Hakodate) Asahi (Iwate 8) 樺太第四船帰る 48-loc-1433 48-loc-1434 5/15/1948 5/20/1948 21/15 News Item 朝日新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Hakodate) Asahi Shimbun (8, Iwate) Asahi Shimbun (Nagano) Asahi (Nagano) 働けば樂なくらし. 引揚者の語るソ連生活 48-loc-1435 5/15/1948 5/19/1948 22/15 News item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (32, Ashikaga) Tokyo Shimbun (32) (Ashikaga) 東京競馬六日目から米人騎手出場; 一夜に六百万円の荒かせぎ. 朝鮮人窃盗團檢挙 16/15 News item 二合五勺に加配米. 新賃金は石炭・電氣なみ "Yukichi FUKUZAWA, Fighter for Civil Rights" [Kimura] [Kikuchi] Y Y Y Y "Paper Trade Slightly Brisk" Government will refund foreign- H, P held war bonds to maintain international trust H, P Tanaka H, P "500,000 koku of Pulp Imported from Canada." 500,000 koku of Canadian pulp will arrive in Hokkaido "The 4th Repatriation Ship From SAGHALIEN" "2.5 go Ration With Additional Distribution" "If You Work Hard, You Will Live in Comfort," So the Repatriates Told About their Lives in USSR American jockey takes part in Tokyo Horse-Racing Fourth repatriation ship reaches Hakodate Steel and fertilizer workers will receive extra rations Repatriates say that if they worked hard, they were treated well in Siberia American jockey to take part in Tokyo horseracing H, P Gomes Kawamoto Ogino Iwasaki Hayashi Y 9 H, P Mercola Ito Yoshimoto Tateuma Y 2 H, P Mercola Kato Murao Hayashi Y 2 H, P Sakanouye Murao H. Obata Y 3 H, P Mercola Sakanouye Yoshimoto Y 2 H, P M. Hori Oversized 5/15/1948 5/14/194[8] [5]/[15]/194[8] [5]/[15]/194[8] 5/15/194[8] News Agency Photograph(s) Submitted by Akahata Source Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) アカハタ Hold No. Number of Pages 48-loc-1417z 48-loc-1417 48-loc-1417a 48-loc-1417b 48-loc-1417c Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [5]/[14]/194[8] Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1416a Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 5/15/1948 5/19/1948 24/15 48-loc-1438 5/15/1948 5/31/1948 30/15 News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (529) Nihon Keizai 529 遲配各地に擴がる "Ration Delay Overspreading Throughout The Nation" News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (15, Kanagawa) Asahi (l-15, Kanagawa) 新誓約書提出とり止め. 労組横須賀分会の署名拒否から Yokosuka Division of the AllJapan Occupation Forces Employees Labor Union refused to submit a written oath 31/15 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (62, Gifu) Kyodo 62m(Gifu) 土地使用税はとらず. 永江農相談 33/15 News Item. 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (109) Yomiuri. 109 34/15 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (161) Kyodo 161 シベリヤ引揚船明優丸で舞鶴入港九日帰縣した本縣引揚者 第一陣六十五名中の諏訪郡宮川村堀昇(三九)氏ら廿七名は 十四日出縣伊藤副知事を囲んでシベリヤ抑留生活を語り合 った ゴム製運動具は昨年の倍 "The YOKOSUKA Division of All-Japan Occupation Forces Employees Labor Union refused to submit a written oath" "Land Utilization Taxes Will Not Be Levied; Agriculture Forestry Minister NAGAE stated." Siberian Life Talked by a Repatriate. 48-loc-1439 5/15/1948 5/19/1948 48-loc-1440 5/15/1948 5/20/1948 48-loc-1441 5/15/1948 5/18/1948 48-loc-1442 5/15/1948 35a/15 Prospect of Sporting goods Ration 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (Sendai) Yomiuri Shimbun [Sendai) Mainichi Shimbum (special 1) Mainichi (Sendai) 減配の憂なし. 食糧マ帥の意向. 芦田首相演説 48-loc-1442a 5/15/194[8] 35a/15 読売新聞 Yomiuri (Sendai) 芦田演説 48-loc-1443 5/15/1948 5/22/1948 36/15 News item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Special 1 激增する無縁故者. 援護に万全の當局 48-loc-1444 5/22/1948 5/24/1948 37/15 Comment 48-loc-1445 5/15/1948 5/18/1948 38/15 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 二十万トン機械輸出に難色. 百二十万トン鉄鋼生産計画 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (182,Otaru) Kyodo 182 (Otaru) 樺太炭の輸入予定量 48-loc-1446 5/15/1948 5/18/1948 39/15 News Item. 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (185, Nemuro) Kyodo 185 (Nemuro) 根室の漁船行方不明あるいはソ連のだ捕か The Hamato Maru a fishing Boat of Nemuro has been missing, she may be caught by Soviets. 48-loc-1447z 48-loc-1447 5/16/1948 5/16/1948 5/20/1948 1/16 Comment (Editorial) 第一新聞 Daiichi Shimbun (21) Daiichi Shimbun (No. 國家破産 21) "Bankruptcy of the State." 48-loc-1448 5/16/1948 48-loc-1449 5/16/1948 5/19/1948 2/16 News item 共同通信 3/16 News item 共同通信 5/16/1948 5/20/1948 4/16 News Item 東京新聞 Kyodo Tsushin (20, Hakodate) Kyodo Tsushin (22, Hakodate) Tokyo Shimbun (4) 5/16/1948 5/17/1948 5/16 Editorial 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kyodo No. 20 (Hakodate) Kyodo No. 22 (Hakodate) Tokyo Shimbun (No. 4) Kokusai-Taimuzu 樺太引揚船三隻相次いで入港 5/20/1948 48-loc-1450 48-loc-1451 Commentary. 民青時報 Minsei Jiho Minsei Jiho 教育基本法と人権蹂[躙] 北海道新聞 Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido 五ヶ年計画の全ぼう. 政府委員会に提示 Headline (Japanese) Subject "A Celebrated General" "Repatriates Who have no Relatives are increasing; Relief Plan by Authorities Concerned" "Export of 200 thousand ton Japanese machines are impracticable" "Prearranged Imported Amount of Saghali[e]n Coal" Brief Summary Essay about celebrated generals and how they must deal with homesickness--relates it to MacArthur Ration delay is spreading throughout the nation H, S Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Mercola Murao Iwasaki Y. Takaoka H, P Mercola Ebisawa Hudnall S Sakaino Matsumoto T. Hori M. Kawamoto Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 3 Y 3 Y 3 Land utilization taxes will not be levied H, P Ito Ogino M. Kawamoto Y 21 Repatriate speaks of Siberian life H, P Ebisawa Ogino Araiso Y 3 Sporting goods distribution discussed H, P Mercola Takebe Ito Y 7 H, S [Takashima] Y 1 H, D, S [Takashima] Y Hayashi K. Minami Y 1 Authorities are concerned by the increasing number of repatriates without families H, P Mercola Naito Murao Check Anderson 63 Export of 200,000-ton machines is impracticable H, P Takebe Ito Motoichiro Tamai Y 7 List of the prearranged amounts of coal to be imported from Saghalien Nemuro fishing boat is missing H, P Mercola Murao Iwasaki M. Kawamoto Y 4 H, P Mercola Murao Iwasaki Yokoyama Y 7 If union struggles continue, the Japanese state will break down H, P Ryokichi Kawamoto Minobe, Chief of the Administra tive Division of the Statistical Committee Nakano Ogino Abe Y 1 4 Three repatri[a]tion ships come Three repatriation ships arrived back from Saghalien. from Saghalien Repatriates without relatives. Accomodations for the repatriates with no relatives "Control is Meaningless." Certain items to be removed from the list of control goods "On Problems of Repatriates The great number of repatriates from Russian Districts." to an unprepared country has created numerous social problems, such as housing shortages H, P Kawamoto Tanaka Ogino Sasaki Y 5 H, P Kawamoto Sakanoue Ogino Sasaki Y 9 H, S Mercola Hudnall Tateuma Y 3 H, S Kawamoto S. Sakanouye Naito Ogino Araiso Y 5 Education Standard Law and Trampling of Human Rights. H, S T. Kato Shimokura Yokoyama Y 16 Y 4 Y 3 Y 4 envelope 無縁故引揚者の行先. 東北六県の受入れ態勢進む 意味のない統制. 商工省でマツチ洋ガサ等の解除案 ソ連地区引揚者問題に就て 48-loc-1452 5/16/1948 5/20/1948 6/16 48-loc-1453 [5]/[16]/194[8] 5/17/194[8] 7/16 48-loc-1454 5/16/1948 5/19/1948 8/16 News Item 新報知 Shin Hochi (5) Shinhochi #5 引揚者に温かい手を 48-loc-1455 5/16/1948 5/21/1948 9/16 EDITORIAL アカハタ Akahata Akahata デモクラシーと形式主義 48-loc-1456 5/16/1948 5/21/1948 10/16 news item アカハタ Akahata (1, A-B) Akahata No. 1 A-B 國鐵大會を前に. 勞働法規の實質的改惡 48-loc-1457 5/16/1948 5/20/1948 11/16 News item アカハタ Akahata (9, Hokkaido) Akahata No. 9 (Hokkaido) 大衆の壓力で全員を釋放. 空知鉱の被檢束者 48-loc-1458 5/16/1948 5/20/1948 12/16 News item アカハタ Akahata (13, Fukushima) Akahata No. 13 (Fukushima) "税斗爭は共産黨と". 大衆、社黨幹部を見放す Daiichi Shinbun 實施は七月か. 運賃赤字處理で結論得ず; 芦田首相言明 5/19/1948 13/16 第一新聞 Daiichi Shimbun 48-loc-1460 5/16/1948 5/20/1948 17/16 News Item 毎日新聞 48-loc-1461 5/16/1948 5/21/1948 18/16 News Item. アカハタ Mainichi Shimbun (109) Mainichi Shimbun (No. 109) Akahata (24) Akahata, 24. 48-loc-1459 Headline 保釈制度 内政に干渉せず. マ元帥、首相に答う Commentary on the new educational standard law and fundamental human rights H, P Warm Hand Should Be Extended to Repatriates Problem of the relationless repatriates--how the government plan to care for them has failed [Democracy] and formalism Editorial on bourgeois democracy which uses formalism at the expense of the interests of the masses "On the Eve of the Kokutetsu The government has suppressed Rally. Substantial Revision of labor disputes the Labor Laws in an inept way." (Ex. Kokutetsu--The National Railway Workers Union) H, D "Entire Members Released by Mass Pressure" Union executives of the Hokkaido Coalminers Union were arrested during a strike and later released due to a mass demonstration "Wage Tax Struggle in Concert Mass rally in opposition to with Communist Party; Masses taxes was held of People Desert Executives of Socialist Party" [Saeki] [Shimokura] Kato Ogino S. Konishi H, S H, P Masaji Nomoto Criminals out on bail often commit more crimes "General MacArthur Specifies MacArthur states that he will his Attitude Not to Interfere in not interfere in the internal Internal Affairs of Japan." affairs of Japan, when questioned about the problem of interest payment on war bonds 9 Mercola Sakaino Yabuki Y 5 H, D Mercola Sakaino M. Nagashima Y 2 H, P Mercola Sakaino M. Nagashima Y 3 Y 2 H, P Kawamoto Moriyama Inouye Y 6 H, S Niiya Araiso Y 2 H, D, P "Bail System" Abe Oversized 48-loc-1437 Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Jiji-Tsushin 名将 Photograph(s) Submitted by Jiji Tsushin News Agency Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) 時事通信 Hold No. Source 23/15 Essay Number of Pages Date Censored 5/19/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/15/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1436 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1463 5/16/1948 5/19/1948 20/16 48-loc-1464 5/16/1948 5/22/1948 21/16 Weekly Review of Social Affairs News Item 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (641) Nihon Keizai (No. 641) 食糧需給計画練直し. 凍結米繰上放出懇請か 48-loc-1465 5/16/1948 5/31/1948 22/16 News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (645) Nihon Keizai (No. 645) 日本の造船状況 48-loc-1466 48-loc-1467z 48-loc-1467 5/16/1948 5/17/1948 5/17/1948 5/19/1948 23/16 5/24/1948 1/17 News item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 外資導入の決定案. 「経済復興第一次試案」 時事通信 農林水産版 Jiji Tsushin Norin Suisanban (19) Jiji Tsushin 19 牛肉の丸公; 農業手形製糸業にも適用; 北海道沿岸の捕鯨計畫. 本年は六百四十一頭を目標 Official price of beef. Official price of beef H, P Takashima Richardson "Signature Collection Campai[g]n for the Maitenance of Peace" "Notice to the Families of Repatriates." Petition launched to get Truman and Stalin to agree to peace Families of unclaimed repatriates must come forward H, P H, P 家族共犯の流行 Headline Subject "'All-Spring-Up' Mass Rally Held in Senhoku County, Akita Prefecture" "Joint Wrong-Doing by the Entire Family Is In Fashion". Brief Summary "Give us rice" rally held in Akita-ken because of nonrationing of rice for 50 days Whole families are committing crimes together H, D H, P [Tadashi Tanaka] Examiner1 Examiner2 Niiya M. Nagashima Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y Yokoyama Niiya Tateuma Inouye Yoshimoto Tateuma Tanaka Hudnall M. Hori Y 13 1 4 Richardson Sakanoue Ashikawa H. Okada Y 5 T. Kato Niiya Abe Y 7 Comment on the Korean school Comment on Korean school H, D, S cases case: that the local authories undermine the solidarity of the Koreans by their villainous measures "Mr. HIRANO's talks on the Hirano protests the H, P Government's policy towards government's closing of Korean the Koreans school problem" schools H, D Mercola Tanaka Moriyama Fujii Y 9 Mercola Sakaino Moriyama T. Nakayama H, P Mercola Tanaka Niiya Takamura Mercola Abe Y 2 Tanaka "Demand and Supply program Demand and supply program of H, P of Foodstuffs May Be foodstuffs may be reformed Reformed." "Ship building Plan for 1948." Plans are drawn up for the H, D, S building of ships for both domestic and export use H, P Ango Kawamoto Sakaguchi, novelist T. Kato Examiner3 Taizo Yokoyama, illustrator 5/17/1948 5/21/1948 3/17 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (22) Kyodo Tsushin, 22 平和維持の署名運動 48-loc-1469 5/17/194[8] 5/20/194[8] 4/17 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (27) Kyodo Tsushin (No. 27) 引揚者の家族に注意 48-loc-1470 5/17/194[8] 6/10/194[8] 5/17 News Item 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 事件発展の導火線は一新的な強制から. 日本政府の深い理解が必要 3 Y 2 Y 48-loc-1471 5/17/1948 5/20/1948 6/17 News item 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times (26) Kokusai Times 26 "言葉と文化"護る. 当然の義務だ. 平野氏語る 48-loc-1472 5/17/1948 5/19/1948 7/17 5/17/1948 5/20/1948 8/17 News item Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (36, Utsunomiya) Osaka. Jijishimpo, Osaka. Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin, 36 (Utsunomiya) 芦田内閣の展望 48-loc-1473 大阪時事新報, 大阪新聞 共同通信 栃木茨城両縣にまたがる出入り朝鮮人と博徒あわや血の雨 "Bloodshed Trouble Involving Koreans and Japanese fought Tochigi and Ibaraki Prefectures over gambling Takes Place Between Korean & Japanese Gambler" 48-loc-1474 5/17/1948 5/21/1948 9/17 Commentary 読売新聞 5/20/1948 11/17 12/17 News item 共同通信 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun #105 (Shizuoka) Kyodo [Yomiuri] Shimbun, #108 (Hokkai[do]) Unsatisfactory Effect of the New Police System" [5]/[17]/194[8] 5/17/1948 Yomiuri Shimbun (105, Shizuoka) Kyodo Tsushin Yomiuri Shimbun (108, Hokkai[do]) 警察 48-loc-1475 48-loc-1476 48-loc-1477 5/17/1948 5/21/1948 13/17 News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (726) The Nihon Keizai 726 埼玉で農地放棄の実情調査 48-loc-1478 5/17/1948 5/20/1948 14/17 News item 民青時報 Minsei Jiho (24-17) 48-loc-1479 5/17/1948 5/19/1948 15/17 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (107, Yomiuri Shimbun Toyama) (No. 107) (Toyama) 人種的偏見のないソ連人. 内地は物資が豊富で驚いた Repatriate's story: "Russians Russians have no racial Have No Racial Prejudice... ; I prejudice Was Surprised to Know that Japan Has Commodities... 48-loc-1480 5/17/1948 5/21/1948 16/17 News Item 読売新聞 Yomirui Shimbun (113, Yomiuri Shimbun Yamanashi) (113, Yamanashi) 米軍僧殺害犯人か A Murder Suspect of an American Chaplain 48-loc-1481 5/17/1948 5/22/1948 17/17 News item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Toyama) 懐かしの祖國へ帰って. 引揚者の感想 48-loc-1482 5/17/1948 5/20/1948 18/17 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (109, Yomiuri 109 (Joetsu) 初の外資導入. 三面川発電へ五億円. 岡田知事公表 Joetsu) 48-loc-1483 5/17/1948 19/17 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (110, Hakodate)) Kyodo No. 110 (Hakodate) 樺太引揚者五月中に二万名程度 48-loc-1484 5/17/1948 5/19/1948 21/17 news item アカハタ Akahata (12) Akahata No.12 "共産主義への憎惡"表明. G・H・Q労働課ハルド氏 48-loc-1485 5/17/1948 5/19/1948 22/17 News Item アカハタ Akahata (32) Akahata (No. 32) 48-loc-1486 5/17/1948 5/22/1948 23/17 News Item. アカハタ Akahata (19) Akahata, 19. 日本経済の再建について、NANA通信フオーク東京支局長 が財界の意見をきいた 48-loc-1487 5/17/1948 5/21/1948 24/17 news item アカハタ Akahata (17, Nagano) Akahata No. 17 (Nagano) 引揚者の抗ギ 48-loc-1488 5/17/1948 5/19/1948 25/17 Commentary アカハタ Akahata (35) Akahata NO. 35 Minsei Jiho 24-17 Yomiuri (Toyama edition) 人件費に食れる私鉄. 解説 第一次引揚げ終る. 第二次は十九日から 静岡県における救国斗爭人民大會は四月三十日に開かれた が、県当局に1. 不法弾圧反対、2. 朝鮮人に職を与えよ、3. 選挙権、被選挙権を与えよ、4. 教育の自主性を認めよ、5. 阪神地方の被拘束者を即時釈放するよう県当局より申入れ よの五つの要求條項を出したが... 48-loc-1489 5/17/1948 5/28/1948 26/17 Commentary アカハタ Akahata Akahata 獅子文六というペンネームの岩田豊雄が「海軍」を書いた 時、自分一世一代の仕事としてこの作品を書く、だからト ク名をやめて本名で書くと見えを切ったのは、彼の読者な ら誰でも知っている ソ同盟引揚者の手記 48-loc-1490 5/17/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 27/17 Commentary 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo-Mimpo 権利の圧迫への抗議. 神戸事件真相調査団の報告 Various shortcomings of the new police system "First Repatriation Ends; The 2nd to Begin on May 19th" Second group of repatriation boats should arrive by the end of the month "Investigation for Many farmers are abandoning Abandonment of Agrarian Land their land due to high rice in Saitama Prefect[u]re" collection quotas and heavy tax rates Korean National Salvation Korean conference submits a Strife People's Convention held declaration to prefectural in Shizuoka Prefecture authorities Man staying at hot springs resembles suspect in the murder of the American chaplain "Impressions of repatriates who Repatriates' impression of came back to dear fatherland USSR, of Japan, and their from Soviet" plans for the future "The First Introduction of Announcement of the Foreign Capital. 500,000,000 investment in the Minomo ye[n] Of Investment In The River Hydraulic Power Plant [Mimimote] River Hydraulic Power Plant. Prefectural Governor OKADA's Announcement." The truth of the KOBE incident Criticism of the government for infringement of the Koreans' rights in the Kobe case Y 6 Y 46 Y 11 H, S T. Kato H. Okada Y 3 H, D H, P S. Sakanoue Hudnall H. Okada Y Y 10 2 H, S Mercola Niiya Iwasaki K. Tezuka Y 2 H, P Richardson Ito Shimokura M. Hori Y 7 H, D Tanaka Takamura Abe Y 2 H, C, P Kaneko Matsumoto S. Konishi Y 2 H, S Mercola Nakano Takamura T. Nakayama Y 7 H, S Mercola Yoshimoto Sakanoue K. Tezuka Y 2 Mercola Shimokura Sasaki Y 9 Mercola Takamura Yabuki Y 2 J. Niiya Tateuma Y 1 Takamura Araiso Y 2 Mercola Takamura Y 2 Niiya H. Obata Y 3 Niiya T. Hori Y 40 Naito Moriyama Y 12 Repatriates from Saghalien will Rate of repatriation should be H, P total about 20,000 through increased so that it can be May. completed in six months instead of a year Declaration of "Hatred for Mr. Harold of the Labor H, S, D Communism" by Mr. Harold. Section, SCAP, declares his hatred of Communism, and expresses concern for Japan's vulnerability "Demobilized Soldier Joined One repatriate has joined the P Communist Party" Communist Party Head of Specie Bank at Head of Bank of Yokohama H, P Yokohama Expresses Opinion says that everything the US to Check Inflation. does not need should be shipped to Japan Repatriates' Protests. Grievances of repatriates H, S concerning making a living once back in Japan Commenting on Purged Writers beguile their readers by H, P Authors writing to gain the support of reactionary powers "A [repatriates]'s memorandum Repatriate remembers from Soviet, Nobuo SEKI" experiences from the USSR H. Okada Shigeru Nomura 3 Y envelope 48-loc-1468 S H, D Nobuo Seki Yabuki T. Hori Oversized Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Akahata No. 26 仙北では總ケッキ大會; メーデーと新聞 (Omagari) Photograph(s) Submitted by Akahata (26, Omagari) News Agency Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) アカハタ Hold No. Source 19/16 News item Number of Pages Date Censored 5/20/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/16/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1462 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1493 48-loc-1494z 48-loc-1494 5/17/1948 5/18/1948 5/18/1948 5/25/1948 4/18 News item News Item. 29/17 News item 51/17 Submitted by Tokyo Mimpo Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Tokyo-Mimpo 労働組合と假処分(上); 労働爭議と假処分(下) アカハタ Akahata Akahata 「労働組合法改悪の陰謀」 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 袋一平氏を取調; 袋一平氏送檢 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (29, Nagasaki) Kyodo Tsushin 29 (Nagasaki) 淡々なる東条の心境. 塩原弁護人語る 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (24) Kyodo-24 私鉄声明書発表 東京民報 東京新聞 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Minpo Tokyo Shimbun Headline Subject "Labor dispute and temporary disposal" Brief Summary Labor disputes in Tokyo machine company and Japan Typewriter Company Conspiracy of bad reformation Conspiracy to revise the labor of Labor Union Law union and to trample the human right by strengthening the administration P Umon Takagi H, S Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Mercola Iwasaki Kaneko T. Hori Takamura K. Suzuki H, D Richardson Tanaka Ashikawa P Richardson Shimokura Araiso H, P Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 21 Y 10 Y Y 2 1 7 Y 5 envelope "Defense Counsel SHIOBARA Defense Counsel Shiobara Speaks on TOJO's Serene State comments on Tojo's serene of Mind" state of mind even in the face of a death sentence Private Railway Workers Private Railway Workers Union Declares Strike. Union declares strike 48-loc-1495 5/18/1948 5/18/1948 5/18 48-loc-1495a 48-loc-1495b [5]/[18]/194[8] 5/18/1948 5/18/1948 5/18/1948 5/18 5/18 48-loc-1496 5/18/1948 5/19/1948 6/18 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (48) Kyodo 48 責任経営者側に声明発表 なお私鉄総連および経連ではそれぞれ十八日左の声明を行 った 産別は日本共産党と別個のもの. 吉田事務局長談 48-loc-1496a 5/18/1948 5/19/1948 6/18 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin ハロルド談話に産別声明書発表 48-loc-1497 5/18/1948 5/22/1948 8/18 News Item 毎日新聞; 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (2, Miyagi); Mainichi Shimbun (3, Shinshu) Mainichi Shimbun NO.2 & NO.3 (Miyagi, Shinshu) "内地の生活は天國". 引揚の津久家さん語る; ふる里人は他力本願. ソ連の引揚者が祖國の直感 48-loc-1498 5/18/1948 5/18/1948 5/22/1948 11/18 News Item 大阪時事新報, 大阪新聞 朝日新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun Asahi Shinbun (18, Hakodate) Osaka. Jijishimpo, Osaka. Shimbun Asahi Shimbun (No.18) (Hakoate) 芦田内閣の展望の全文 48-loc-1499 48-loc-1500 5/18/1948 6/21/1948 12/18 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (88) Jijitsushin #88 今後の檢査制度を検討. 国営檢査と檢品を併用 48-loc-1501 5/18/1948 5/24/1948 13/18 News Item 第一新聞 Daiichi Shimbun (12) Daiichi (12) 48-loc-1502 5/18/1948 5/21/1948 14/18 News Item 共同通信 48-loc-1503 5/18/1948 5/22/1948 15/18 News item from Tsu 時事新報 Kyodo Tsushin (91, Maizuru) Jiji Shimpo (1, Tsu) Kyodo (No. 91) (Maizuru) Jiji Shimpo 1 (Tsu) 48-loc-1504 5/18/1948 5/22/1948 16/18 News item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (101, Yomiuri No. 101, Ibaraki) (Ibaraki) 引揚者座談会 Round-table discussion by repatriates. 48-loc-1505 5/18/1948 5/27/1948 20/18 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (106) Kyodo 106 邦船による対外輸送二百五十万ドル 48-loc-1506 5/18/1948 5/22/1948 21/18 News item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (Fukushima) Asahi Shimbun, Fukushima Ed. 還元米を確実に下さい. 地方事務所に陳情 48-loc-1507 5/18/1948 5/24/1948 22/18 News Item 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo (110) Jiji Shimpo (No. 110) 「本年完了へ努力」. 引揚げ当局の答弁 "Foreign Transportation by Japanese Ships Amount to $2,500,000" "Petitions District Office for Securing Return Distr[i]bution Of Rice" "The Authorities replied about the Repatriation from the Soviet Union." 48-loc-1507a 5/18/1948 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 年内終了に努力. 卅万人死亡は誤報 48-loc-1508 5/18/1948 5/22/1948 27/18 News Item アカハタ Akahata (1, Kansai) Akahata #1 (Kansai) 明るい同盟の生活. 引揚軍人語る 48-loc-1509 5/18/1948 5/22/1948 28/18 Editorial 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo (18) The Tokyo Minpo, 18 不当裁判事件の追及に期待する 48-loc-1510 [5]/[18]/1948 5/19/1948 29/18 共同通信 七月から労務加配米増加. 水谷商相説明 5/18/1948 5/18/1948 5/19/1948 5/22/1948 30/18 31/18 読売新聞 日本経済新聞 Kyodo Tsushin (Fukushima) Yomiuri Shimbun The Nihon Keizai (26) Kyodo (Fukushima) 48-loc-1511 48-loc-1512 Yomiuri Nihon Keizai 26 鉄道運賃二段階で改訂 朝鮮人の神戸入市制限解除 48-loc-1513 [5]/[18]/1948 5/19/1948 32/18 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (Chiba) Kyodo (Chiba) 千葉の最高遅配三十日 48-loc-1514 5/24/1948 5/25/1948 34/18 アカハタ Akahata Akahata 朝鮮人問題 48-loc-1515 [5]/[18]/194[8] 東京タイムズ The Tokyo Times Tokyo Taimuzu 48-loc-1516 5/18/1948 5/26/1948 36/18 News Item 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Seikai-Nippo 惡玉裁判官調査に参院司法委乗出す. 拘留中の尾津氏を出張尋問 早期講和の望み薄. 外務省與謝野情報部長. 衆院委員會で説明 48-loc-1517 5/18/1948 5/21/1948 37/18 News Item 共同通信 5/18/1948 5/21/1948 38/18 Politics 時事通信 Kyodo (No. 156) Shizuoka Jiji-Tsushin 輸出茶の為替レート. 二百八十円に決定 48-loc-1518 Kyodo Tsushin (156, Shizuoka) Jiji Tsushin 48-loc-1518a 5/18/1948 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 政府決定法案 10/18 22/18 News Item News item 35/18 38/18 YOSHIDA, chief secretary of Sanbetsu stated that Sanbetsu was different from The Communist Party". JCIO Issues Statement Concerning Mr. Harold's Talk." I) "Living in Japan is Like that in Heaven" ; II) "People of Native Land Depend upon Help from without" Congress of Industrial Organization met at the Labor Division, SCAP, to reply to Mr. Harold's talk Congress of Industrial Organization met at the Labor Division, SCAP, to reply to Mr. Harold's talk Repatriates say Russia's culture lags far behind that of other countries M. Nagashima H, P H, P [Hudnall] H, P Richardson Sakaino D Shimokura Abe H, P Richardson Hattori Ogino H. Obada Takashima T. Nakayama 3 1 Y 11 Y 13 Y 4 Y 3 "The 1st Group of Repatriates The first group of repatriates from SAKHALIN Completed." from Saghalien has been completed "Government's Plan Of The Concrete plan for the New Export Examination government's new export System Will Be Discussed. examination system being Application Of State discussed Examination And Inspection System." H, P Mercola Sakaino Iwasaki Tateuma Y 2 H, S Richardson Naito Ogino K. Tezuka Y 5 米を含む三貿易か. ポン[ド地域]とのバーター. 東京會談の課題 "Tokyo Foreign Trade Barter system of trade being Conference including America considered to break the will be Held On Barter System depression of trade with Japan In Sterling Area." H, S Richardson Tanaka Yoshimoto K. Tezuka Y 2 朝嵐丸ナホドカへ "The CHORAN-MARU Delayed for NAHODKA." Labor Minister KATO's Talk on labor offensive Y 4 Y 2 Y 3 Y 10 Y 2 Y 2 引揚だより 夏期労働攻勢は起らぬ. 東宝問題は労調法十一條該当. 加藤労相談 臨時閣議 H, S Y Y Sixth repatriation ship will arrive on May 24 Labor Minister Kato says he does not think that a labor offensive will arise Repatriates recount hardships experienced in the USSR Mercola Kaneko Tateuma H, P P Richardson Naito Ogino P, S Mercola Kaneko Sasaki Government has reached a transportation plan for this year H, P Richardson Ebisawa Ogino People beg for assurance of the return distribution of rice H, P Ishibashi Ogino H. Okada Government is endeavoring to finishi repatriation this year H, P Mercola S. Sakanouye M. Nagashima K. Minami H, P, D "Bright Living in USSR"; Account of Repatriate from Russia. "We Are Looking Forward to the Disposition of Cases of Undue Trials" Repatriates turn to the Communist Party because life was better in the USSR Government should investigate undue trials by the courts "Curbs On Korean Entry Into Kobe City Lifted." Curb on entry of Koreans into Kobe lifted, but the police want to keep strict watch over those involved in the Kobe incident "Korean issue" Claims that the Kobe incident was actually a quiet demonstration which the government propagandized as a riot Attitudes towards Japanese Peace Treaty of Nations Concerned. "Exchange Rate of Export Tea" China, Britain, and Australia's viewpoints on the Japanese peace treaty Exchange rate of teas for export A bill which concerns delivery of bullion of precious metals to Allied Forces, in place of precious metals which were released from the Allies' control H, S Takamura Shigeru Nomura H, P Richardson S. Sakanoue Murao [Kaneko] Sakanouye Ashikawa H. Okada H, P H, P H, D M. Kawamoto H, P "Extraordinary Cabinet meeting" H, D Richardson H, S [Takashima] H, P Richardson Inouye Murao Ishibashi Murao Tateuma Richardson Ishibashi Murao P H, D D Kikuchi Motoichiro Tamai Araiso Y. Takaoka Y 1 Y 13 Y 8 Y 4 Y Y 2 2 Y 4 Y 5 Y 1 Y 3 Y 6 Y 4 Y 1 2 Oversized 5/22/1948 Submitted by (Japanese) 東京民報 Photograph(s) 5/17/1948 News Agency Duplicate 48-loc-1492 Hold No. Source 28/17 Commentary Number of Pages Date Censored 5/21/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/17/194[8] Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1491 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 38/18 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 臨時閣議 H, D [Takashima] Y 48-loc-1518d 7 [5]/18/194[8] 38/18 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishinippon 臨時閣議 H, D [Takashima] Y 3 48-loc-1518e [5]/[18]/194[8] 38/18 東京タイムズ The Tokyo Times Tokyo Taimuzu 十一法案決定. 昨日臨時閣議 H, D [Takashima] Y 1 48-loc-1518f 48-loc-1519 5/18/194[8] 5/18/1948 5/20/1948 38/18 39/18 Commentary 読売新聞 共同通信 Yomiuri Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (147) Yomiuri Kyodo Tsushin. 147 商工省設置案等決る 長期計画の実施に支障なし H, D H, P Richardson 48-loc-1520 48-loc-1521 [5]/[18]/194[8] 5/18/1948 5/22/1948 40/18 41/18 News Item 共同通信 北海道新聞 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Hokkaido Shimbun (15) Hokkaido 15 一段と日本経済再建に重点 賃金安定考慮 48-loc-1521a 48-loc-1522 5/18/194[8] 5/18/1948 5/22/1948 41/18 42/18 News Item 時事新報 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo (13) Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo 13 大蔵省案を本極り案に. [種]制改正懇談 官僚統制では失敗. 二宮興銀副総裁談 48-loc-1523 5/18/1948 5/21/1948 43/18 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsusin (138) Kyodo (No. 138) 大相撲雑感 48-loc-1523a [5]/[18]/194[8] 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 廿日衆議院外部委員會で論議の夏場所を展開、ことの起り は日本角力協會からいま占領軍接収のメモリアルホールを 「年二回だけ拝借したい」との依頼に[蓋]開け 48-loc-1524 5/18/1948 5/22/1948 44/18 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (163) Kyodo Tsushin 163 最高賃金制と企業整理. 労働法規改正の気運濃化す "Maximum Wage System and Officials asked Dr. Sine of Enterprise Readjustment " " SCAP for views on the wage Government markedly inclined system revision to the revision of Labor Laws" H, D Mercola Iwasaki Ogino 48-loc-1525 5/18/1948 5/20/1948 45/18 News item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 留学生 4 Japanese young men and girl Prevailing aspiration of young are going to the United States generation of Japan is to leave as college student Japan and go to the US H, D Richardson [I]noue 48-loc-1526 5/19/1948 5/25/1948 46/18 news item 政治新聞 Seiji Shimbun (21) Seiji Shimbun No. 21 民間施設借上も行う. 國家非常事態警備の要綱決定 H, P Richardson 48-loc-1527 5/18/1948 5/24/1948 47/18 Comment アカハタ Akahata (11) Akahata. #11 資本攻勢 H, P 48-loc-1528 5/18/1948 5/22/1948 48/18 news item アカハタ Akahata (8) Akahata 8 前進 H, P 48-loc-1529 5/18/1948 5/22/1948 49/18 Commentary アカハタ Akahata Akahata 勞委は御用機關に. 公選知事も意のままにクビ.國家行政組織法案∙國會へ Protective Measures against the State Public Safety Emergency Status Commission is looking into protective measures against the state of emergency "The Capital Offensive" Toho Motion Picture Co. continues its stand against its workers "Zenshin" (EX: Advance) Former labor activist, made rich by the war, now lives in a mansion "The Government will submit National Administrative to the Diet a bill for Kokka System Law aims toward the Soshiki Ho (Ex. The National disruption of the labor Administrative System Law) movement which aims to change labor committee in a Government organ and dismisses Governors elected by popular vote on its own authority." 48-loc-1530 5/18/194[8] 5/22/194[8] 50/18 Editorial 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 国民生活の安定と経済機構の安定 48-loc-1532 5/18/1948 5/18/1948 News Item from Gifu 解放新聞 Haebang Sinmun (Gifu) Kaiho Shimbun Gifu edition Stabilization of economic structures as well as of national life A Koreans' Mass Rally in Gifu Prefecture Decided upon Objection to the Election in South Korea Criticism of government's fiveyear economic recovery program Korean people's mass rally in objection to oppression of Koreans, especially education 48-loc-1534z 48-loc-1534 5/19/1948 5/19/1948 5/2[8]/1948 1/19 News Item 国際特信 Kokusai Tokushin 48-loc-1535 5/19/1948 5/24/1948 2/19 News Item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (1) Export Prices of Peppermint, Camphor etc. Decided. "Pirate Story" Export prices of peppermint has been fixed Investigation revealed 139 smuggling vessels were detained. This number should increase for the summer 48-loc-1536 5/19/1948 5/20/1948 4/19 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (54) Kyodo 54 東京裁判判決は七月か. 判事会議は長びく模様 48-loc-1537 5/19/1948 5/22/1948 5/19 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi, Nagano. 2. "特別な民主敎育はしない". 引揚者を囲み留守家族座談会 48-loc-1538 5/19/1948 5/25/1948 6/19 News Item 大阪時事新報, 大阪新聞, Asahi Shimbun (2, Nagano) Osaka Jiji Shimpo (4), Osaka Shimbun 48-loc-1539 5/17/1948 5/25/1948 7/19 News item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (75) Jiji Tsushin 75 生糸の新販売方法. 任意三百俵取組販売 48-loc-1540 5/19/1948 5/24/1948 8/19 News item 貿易日報 Boeki Nippo (1) Boeki nippo 1 円ドル交換率制度を通じ. 世界價格に直結. 輸出手続改正. 貿易界に意義重大 "Our prices are combined with world Prices Through Exchange Rate System Between yen and Dollar, Revision of Export Proceedings has...effect upon Traders." 48-loc-1541 5/19/1948 5/24/1948 10/19 News Item 貿易日報 Boeki Nippo (3) Boeki Nippo. 3. 米國南米にも通商使節團 More Missions from Japan. This Time, to South & North America. 43/18 News Agency Headline (Japanese) 單選反対決議岐阜人民大会 化学農産品の報奨制に依る輸出. 薄荷、樟脳、椎茸の新価格決定 Tokyo Shimbun (No. 海賊記 1) Kokusai Tokushin Osaka Jiji Shimpo #4, 相撲界の新しい悩み Osaka Shimbun Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H, D "No Hitch to the Execution of a Draper reparations plan will Long-term Plan" not obstruct long-term reconstruction "Stabilization of Wages Contemplated" 1 H, P [Hudnall] Dr. Fyle of GHQ pointed out H, S, D [Yamashita Richardson that for the economic self] support of the nation, laborers' wages must be stabilized "Vice President NINOMIYA Of the Industrial Bank Of Japan States That Official Control Would Result In Failure" Official control of industry would result in failure "Petition for Using the Memorial Hall." Sumo-lovers' Association petitioned to ask for the use of Memorial Hall for matches because of rainy weather Ito Ogino H. Okada Y Y 1 24 Ito Moriyama M. Kawamoto Y Y 13 15 H, D H, P Mercola Ogino Iwasaki M. Kawamoto Y Y 2 2 H, S Richardson Naito Sakaino Tateuma Y 5 Y 1 M. Nagashima Y 29 Sakaino Fujii Y 5 Naito Sakaino Yabuki Y 3 Mercola Richardson Sakaino Okada Y 9 Richardson Takamura K. Minami Y 5 H, P Kaneko T. Nakayama Y 2 H, D Richardson Ishibashi H, S Kawamoto S. Konishi H, S Murao K. Fujii Yabuki Y Y 15 ハングル 文字で書 かれてい るゲラあ り envelope 5 H, P Mercola Yoshimoto Takashima Yokoyama Y 1 6 H, D Mercola Yoshimoto Takashima Abe Y 9 P Mercola Hudnall S. Konishi Y 7 H, S Mercola Nakano Ogino Araiso Y 2 Mercola Ebisawa Sakaino S.Konishi Y 32 H, P Mercola Nakano Ogino M. Hori Y 7 Trade Board is preparing to carry out new export proceedings in June H, P Kato Kaneko K. Minami Y 5 Trade missions will leave Japan for North and Couth America in June H, D T. Kato Kaneko Araiso Y 2 Verdict for War Criminals Will Verdict for war criminals will Begin in July. The Meeting of begin in July Judges Delayed. Repatriates talk Captive Lives. Repatriates talk about Russian camps A New Trouble of the Summer wrestling match was Wrestling Circle cancelled due to rain. Since the war, wrestling has been held out of doors New procedure of dealing in SCAP silk trade office in New raw silk York will cease to be a sale organ and will be a research and information organ H, D Minami, Yada Oversized Submitted by (based Submitted by on CCD doc) Hokkaido Shimbun (14) Hokkaido No. 14 臨閣 Source Photograph(s) Submitted by (Japanese) 北海道新聞 Hold No. Duplicate [5]/[18]/194[8] Number of Pages 48-loc-1518c Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [5]/[18]/194[8] Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1518b Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 5/19/1948 5/19/1948 48-loc-1542b [5]/[19]/194[8] 11/19 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (16) Yomiuri (16) 農相談 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 農業復興金庫の設立を準備. 農相説明 48-loc-1542c [5]/[19]/194[8] 11/19 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 主食価格近く改訂. 今秋の増配主案中. 永江農相説明 H, D, P 48-loc-1542d 48-loc-1542e 48-loc-1542f 48-loc-1543 5/19/1948 11/19 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 農業所得税の軽減考究中. 永江農相言明 H, D, P [5]/19/194[8] [5]/[19]/194[8] 5/19/1948 5/24/1948 11/19 11/19 12/19 西日本新聞 東京民報 毎日新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Tokyo Mimpo Mainichi Shimbun (Chiba) Nishinippon Tokyo Mimpo Mainichi (Chiba) 米価改訂は物価改訂と同時に. 永江農相答弁 米價の引上げを考慮. 農相談 "新潟の奇病"本縣に侵入. 利根沿岸に多く腐敗臭が特徴 48-loc-1543a [5]/[19]/1948 5/24/1948 12/19 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (Chiba) Asahi (Chiba) 千葉縣下にも奇病 48-loc-1543b [5]/[19]/1948 5/24/1948 12/19 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (Chiba) Kyodo (Chiba) 千葉の奇病三十四名 48-loc-1544 5/19/1948 5/22/1948 13/19 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo 82 (Kobe) 神戸の警備本部解消 48-loc-1545 5/19/1948 5/22/1948 14/19 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (82, Kobe) Kyodo Tsushin (99) Kyodo (99) さすがは三井、三菱(?). 新税未納組でもトツプ 48-loc-1546 5/19/1948 5/22/1948 15/19 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Shimpo (5) Jiji Shimpo 5 民∙自攻勢方針決る 48-loc-1546a 48-loc-1546b 5/19/1948 5/19/194[8] 15/19 15/19 毎日新聞 東京新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Mainichi Tokyo Shimbun 総生産態制の確立. 民自党. 野党攻勢を積極化 民自党本格的攻勢へ. 緊急役員会で具体方針を決定 H, P H, P 48-loc-1547 5/19/1948 16/19 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 経済閣僚会議 H, P 48-loc-1547a [5]/[19]/194[8] 16/19 北海道新聞 Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido 経済閣僚懇談会. 新米価問題を協議 48-loc-1547b 48-loc-1547c 48-loc-1547d 48-loc-1547e 48-loc-1547f 5/19/194[8] 5/19/1948 5/19/1948 [5]/19/194[8] 5/19/194[8] 16/19 16/19 16/19 16/19 16/19 時事新報 毎日新聞 日本経済新聞 西日本新聞 政治新聞 Jiji Shimpo Mainichi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Nishi Nihon Shimbun Seiji Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Mainichi Nihon Keizai Nishi Nippon Seiji Shimbun 新米價遡及で食違い. 経済閣僚懇談会纏らず 供出米價の割戻し. 政府更に協議 新米價審議始まる. 石二千九百円前後か 新米価...結論へ. 十九日の経済閣僚懇談 産米價格改訂. 差額の農家還元. 經濟閣僚懇談會で決らず 48-loc-1547g 48-loc-1547h 48-loc-1548 [5]/[19]/194[8] 5/19/194[8] 5/19/1948 5/24/1948 16/19 16/19 17/19 News item 東京タイムズ 読売新聞 朝日新聞 The Tokyo Times Yomiuri Shimbun Asahi Shimbun (Hokkaido) Tokyo Taimuzu Yomiuri Asahi Shimbun No. (Hokkaido) 米價改訂を検討. きのう經濟閣僚懇談會 差額支拂で意見対立. 米價改訂問題 今度は"鉄橋闘争". 「茶屋沢」が危險と乗務拒否; 土地も家もない. 夢破れた無縁故引揚者 48-loc-1549 5/19/1948 5/24/1948 18/19 Comment 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun (5) Nishi Nippon 5 調整察制度雑感 "Impressions Of New Police System" 48-loc-1550 5/19/1948 5/24/1948 19/19 News item 朝日新聞 5/19/1948 5/22/1948 20/19 News item 時事新報 Asahi Shimbun (12, Niigata) Jiji Shimpo (6) Asahi Shimbun 12 (Niigata) Jiji Shimpo 6 採算とれぬ繭價. 目標六十二万グラムに遠い 48-loc-1551 48-loc-1552 5/19/1948 5/22/1948 21/19 Editorial 政治新聞 Seiji Shimbun (6-1) 48-loc-1553 5/19/1948 5/24/1948 23/19 Commentary 北海道新聞 Seiji Shimbun No. 6- インフレ順應か防止か 1 Hokkaido Shimbun (15) Hokkaido 15 憂慮すべき農村行政の後退 Current price of cocoon is not paying Standard fiscal year applied to estimation of reparation from Japan set to be same as that for Germany Rice price will be raised less than 70%. "Anxiety for retreating agriculture-forestry administration". 11/19 News item News Item 賠償評價. 基準年度は独と同じ 48-loc-1554 5/19/1948 5/27/1948 24/19 news item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (146) Kyodo Tsushin No. 146 進駐軍貨客輸送事情. 加賀山長官説明 48-loc-1555 5/19/194[8] 5/20/194[8] 25/19 news item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (158) Kyodo 158 新米價の基本方針. 二十日決定したい. 永江農相語る 48-loc-1556 5/19/1948 6/1/1948 26/19 Editorial アカハタ Akahata (5) Akahata #5 産業復興五ヶ年計画 48-loc-1557 48-loc-1558 5/19/1948 5/19/1948 5/21/1948 27/19 28/19 News Item 朝日新聞 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun (51) 5/19/1948 6/26/1948 29/19 News Item アカハタ Akahata (8, MOrioka) Asahi Asahi Shimbun (No. 51) Akahata (No. 8) (Morioka) 新米價一両日中に. パリティー計算百十九倍に 1億6千万ドルはいくらになるか 48-loc-1559 48-loc-1560 5/19/1948 5/20/1948 30/19 News アカハタ Akahata (11) AkahataNo. 11 48-loc-1561 5/19/1948 5/25/1948 31/19 Comment. アカハタ Akahata (16) 48-loc-1562 5/19/1948 5/22/1948 32/19 news item アカハタ Akahata (15) 48-loc-1563 5/19/1948 5/23/1948 33/19 Commentary アカハタ Akahata (5A) Headline Subject Agricultural Minister Mr Magae speaks about the r[e]vision of rice price Brief Summary Rice price revision will be extended to barley and potatoes Agricultural Ministers statement on the rice price Strange Sickness Infiltrated To New infectious sickness has Chiba Prefecture from Niigata arisen in several prefectures Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Richardson Takebe Takashima K. Suzuki H, P Mercola H, P [Takashima] H, P H, P H, P Ishibashi Moriyama K. Suzuki [Sugizaki] Nakano Ogino Yokoyama P H, P "The Guard Headquarters In Kobe Dissolved." Tax arrear Guard headquarters in Kobe has been dissolved Tax arrears remain a problem The Democratic Liberals Democratic Liberal Party says Decided Upon The Program Of the Ashida government should Attacking The Government." stop using American goodwill for its own political purposes Promising silkworm crop this year, despite bad conditions Both Japanese and German reparations will be appraised from the standard of 1939 Rice price will be raised less than 70% The retreat of the agricultureforestry administration will mean bad news for many selfgoverning bodies, including Hokkaido On the operation of Freight and Head of Budget Committee Passenger Trains of the Allied speaks about freight Forces. transportation burdens Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Agriculture says a Forestry NAGAE's speech new rice price will be fixed about rice price around May 20 "Five Year Industrial The fiver-year industrial Reconstruction Plan" reconstruction plan of the government will prove only a 'paper' plan without any possibility of realization 8 Y 2 Y 5 Y 13 Y 1 Y Y Y 4 1 3 Y 1 Y 3 Ebisawa Kaneko M. Kawamoto Y 8 H, P Richardson H. Hattori Sakaino Yokoyama Y 13 H, P Mercola T. Kato Niiya M. Kawamoto Y 2 Y Y 1 1 Y 1 Y 6 Y Y Y Y Y 1 1 1 7 1 Y Y Y 1 2 2 Y 21 H, P H, P H, P Hokkaido authorities have no way of accomodating all of the repatriates who want to find farming work there Tokyo University professor expresses apprehensions about the new police system Notes Y Richardson H, P Broken-hearted Repatriates, without any land or houses. Examiner5 Examiner6 H, P [Yamashita ] [Sugizaki] H, P H, P H, P H, S H, P T. Kato Shigemitsu Mercola [Dando], Professor of Tokyo University Richardson Moriyama Yabuki Hudnall M. Kawamoto T. Kato Ogino M. Hori Y 4 H, P Mercola T. Kato Ogino M. Hori Y 4 H, P Mercola Tanaka Yoshimoto Yabuki Y 3 H, D, [Jojima] S, P Mercola Nakano Ogino T. Nakayama Y 39 H, P Mercola Inouye Yabuki Y 11 H, P Tanaka Takebe T. Hori Y 10 S Sakaino Shigeru Nomura Y 10 H H, P Ebisawa Ogino Tateuma Y Y 2 2 H, S Mercola Niiya Abe Y 3 H, P Mercola Niya Sasaki Y 2 Answers to false rumors concerning the Communist Party NOZAKA attacks Government Diet member Nozaka criticizes for Budget. the government for the budget, and the treatment of laborers S Mercola Sakaino Araiso Y 2 S Mercola Sakaino Yabuki Y 3 A Life of Stalin. S Y 4 "How Much Yen does $160,000,000 Cost?" "People Almost Come To Grips With Commerce Minister MIZUTANI After Being Piqued At His Unreserved Speech. They Force Themselves Into His WaitingRoom. " Reparations will probably total 71 billion yen An angry mob confronts Commerce Minister Mizutani after hearing his unreserved speech ヒツトラーを滅ぼしたのはだれでせう Who destroyed Hitler? Celebration of Soviet soldiers as "October children" who destroyed Hitler Akahata. 16. 軍国主義と死の斗い. 共産黨こそ平和の黨. 組織活動指導部、悪質デマに答う Answers to False Rumor against Communist Party Akahata No. 15 インフレ∙ヤミ∙生活窮乏. 豫算編成もできぬ現内閣. 野坂代議士∙倒閣を強調 Akahata. 5A. 少年スターリン. 世界でいちばん名だかい人 あわや摑みあい. 水谷商相の放言に怒り. 大衆、休憩室までつめよる H, P; H, P The story of Stalin's youth Nobuo Uryu Oversized 48-loc-1542a Submitted by (Japanese) 北海道新聞; 読売新聞 Photograph(s) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Hokkaido; Yomiuri 農業復興金融金庫を設置; 新米價物價改訂と併行決定. 永江農相言明 News Agency Duplicate Submitted by Hokkaido Shimbun; Yomiuri Shimbun Hold No. Source 11/19 News item Number of Pages Date Censored 5/19/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/19/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1542 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 1/20 48-loc-1566a [5]/[20]/1948 5/23/1948 1/20 48-loc-1567 5/20/1948 5/25/1948 2/20 News Item 48-loc-1568 5/20/1948 5/26/1948 3/20 48-loc-1569 5/20/1948 5/25/1948 4/20 48-loc-1570 5/20/1948 5/24/1948 48-loc-1571 48-loc-1572 [5]/[20]/194[8] 5/20/1948 48-loc-1572a 48-loc-1573 Submitted by Nishi Nihon Shimbun (9) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Nishi Nippon #9 引揚問題、ソ聯代表部に質問. 共産党と促進全協代表会見 Headline Subject Communists and Delegates of the Repatriation Furtherance Council Interviewed with the Soviet Delegation to question about the Repatriation Problem Brief Summary Mr. Generalov of the Soviet Delegation answers some questions about the problems of repatriation Niimi Violence Incident. A raid upon the chief of Koreans' League and the resulting violence H, D H, S [Matsui] Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Mercola Gomes Iwasaki K. Yoshida Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 13 envelope 1 7 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (Okayama) Jiji Tsushin (Okayama) 新見暴行事件詳報 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (Okayama) Akahata Kyodo (Okayama) 公務妨害で朝鮮人十一名逮捕 アカハタ Akahata 「日本文化を守る会」誕生. 全民主団体を結集して "Birth of organization for protecting Japanese culture" An effort to preserve Japanese culture and struggle against the "reactionaries led by Ashida" Editorial 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai-Taimuzu 神戸事件の眞相報告 "The Truth of the Kobe Case Made Public." News item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (48) Jiji Tsushin 48 ジヨンストン報告に金融界好感 7/20 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (2 & 3, Hokkaido) Asahi. Hokkaido. Local # 2 & 3. 引揚者は道内へ入植を希望. さてどうするか受入れ態勢; 開拓計画に組入れよ. 加藤援護次長談 Financial circles receive Johnston's report with favor. Homeless Repatriates Wish to Work for Development of Hokkaido. Democratic groups must prevent things like the Kobe incident Financial circles receive Johnston's report with favor Homeless repatriates wish to work for the development of Hokkaido 6/21/1948 8/20 9/20 News Item 時事通信 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 二十二年産米価格差交付金は消費者負担か ポンド領域と貿易を強調. 新井貿易庁次長言明 5/20/1948 5/20/1948 5/24/1948 9/20 10/20 News Item 朝日新聞 新夕刊 Asahi Shimbun Shin Yukan Asahi Shin-Yukan 貿易手續の簡素化. 新井貿易廳次長衆院で説明 百萬圓奪うピストル二人組. けさ横濱中華街襲う 48-loc-1574 5/20/1948 5/22/1948 11/20 News Item 新報知 Shin Hochi (15) Shin Hochi (No. 15) 消費物資の輸入増加懇請. 堀越安本副長官言明 "Ask to increase imports of consumption goods" 48-loc-1575 5/20/1948 5/28/1948 12/20 Comment 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 平和移民の將來性 Prospect of the peaceful emigrants 48-loc-1576 5/20/1948 5/22/1948 13/20 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (103, Yomiuri No. 103 Saitama) (Saitama) モスクワ南方三百キロのマルシヤンスク収容所から三年ぶ りで引揚げた浦相市岸町一の九五黒田...也(四二)さんは 廿日自宅で抑留生活をつぎのように語つた Re[p]atriate's T[al]k of Internment Life in Soviet 48-loc-1577 5/20/1948 5/22/1948 14/20 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (9, Local Hokkai[do]) 無縁故者が四割 "48% of Repatriates is Relativeless." 48-loc-1578 5/20/1948 5/25/1948 16/20 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (125, Hakodate) Asahi Shimbun (Local-No. 9) (Hokkai[do]) Kyodo Tsushin No. 125 (Hakodate) 樺太からの引揚すでに一万二千余. 売り喰いで小さくなった荷物 48-loc-1579 5/20/1948 5/22/1948 18/20 news item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (18) Nihon Keizai No. 18 食調委丗六名が辞任. 庄内米の本場で 48-loc-1580 5/20/1948 5/25/1948 19/20 Editorial 夕刊みやこ Yukan Miyako (22) Miyako (No. 22) 勞働組合運動の邪道を正せ Correct the evil way of laber union movement 48-loc-1581 5/20/1948 5/25/1948 20/20 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (126) Kyodo Tsushin 126 ドルと円との計算比率設定研究中. 新井貿易庁次長貿易手続き簡素化説明 48-loc-1582 5/20/194[8] 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo 農林省案を承認. 経済閣僚懇談会、米價問題結論へ; 米價改訂差額再生産費... [還]. 國協党主張 48-loc-1582a 48-loc-1582b 5/20/1948 5/20/1948 毎日新聞 日本経済新聞 Mainichi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Mainichi Nihon Keizai 米價の改訂. きよう閣議 新米價の審議は持越. 旧價の差額支給も問題 Y Y 1 1 48-loc-1583 5/20/1948 5/25/1948 23/20 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (171) Kyodo No. 171 百隻の掃海艇で二十年かゝる. 瀬戸内海の掃海艇状況を説明 The mine sweeping of the Inland Sea of Seto To sweep the entire Inland Sea of Seto for mines it would take 100 vessels 20 years H, P Mercola Naito Niiya Yokoyama Y 14 48-loc-1584 5/25/1948 5/26/1948 24/20 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 粟村鉱業所他七十社に再編指令 "Decision of H.C.L.C." Holding Company Liquidation Commission has chosen 70 companies to be reorganized rather than dissolved H, P Mercola Inouye Ashikawa Motoichiro Tamai Y 7 48-loc-1586 5/20/1948 5/22/1948 25/20 News Item 時事通信; 日本経済新聞 Jiji Tsushin; The Nihon Jiji Tsushin; Nihon Keizai (42) Keizai. 42. "Surveying Committee of Criminal Case Illegal Treatment Has Taken up the OZU Case" Committee to investigate illegal treatment of criminal cases by judges will take up the Ozugumi case first P Mercola Inouye Niiya Araiso 48-loc-1586a 48-loc-1586b 48-loc-1586c 48-loc-1586d 48-loc-1586e 48-loc-1586f 5/20/1948 5/20/194[8] [5]/[20]/194[8] 5/20/1948 5/20/1948 [5]/[20]/194[8] 48-loc-1586g 48-loc-1587 5/20/194[8] 5/20/194[8] 5/26/194[8] 25/20 26/20 朝日新聞 時事新報 共同通信 毎日新聞 西日本新聞 共同通信; 東京タイムズ 読売新聞 アカハタ Asahi Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Kyodo Tsushin Mainichi Shimbun Nishi Nihon Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin; The Tokyo Times Yomiuri Shimbun Akahata Asahi Jiji Shimpo Kyodo Mainichi Nishinippon Kyodo; Tokyo Taimuzu Yomiuri Akahata 48-loc-1588 5/20/1948 5/26/1948 27/20 アカハタ Akahata (13, Kyushu) Akahata 13 (Kyushu) 共産党員調査の秘密指令. 熊本逓信局労務課長から出す News Item 22/20 22/20 22/20 25/20 25/20 25/20 25/20 25/20 25/20 News item Richardson Sakaino Yokoyama Y 6 H, S Richardson Sakaino T. Hori Y 13 H, P Richardson Sakaino Araiso Y 3 H, P Richardson Sakaino M. Hori Y 10 H, P Mercola Ito Hudnall Araiso Y 4 Richardson Nakano Shimokura Abe Y Y 3 7 Richardson Ito Kato Tateuma Y Y 2 2 Richardson Ito Ashikawa Y 4 Richardson Ito Murao Fujii Y 11 Richardson Nakano Niiya H. Obata Y 2 P Hudnall Ito Tateuma Y 3 "Repatriates from SAKHALIN Repatriates from Saghalien Amount To 12,000 Already." amount to 12,000 H, P Mercola Hudnall Matsumoto Tateuma Y 15 "Food Adjustment Committee Members resign." H, P Richardson Nakano Niiya Yabuki Y 2 H, P Richardson Ebisawa Niiya K. Suzuki Y 5 D Richardson Hudnall Matsumoto M. Nagashima Y 28 Y 2 D "Statement of Arai, Assistant Chief of the Trade Board" "A Chinaman Had 1 million Yen Stolen By 2 Burglars." H, S [Ono] Mr. Arai, assistant chief of the H, P, S [Yamada] Trade Board declared that trade operation should be transferred from the government to civilians Two white soldiers robbed a Chinese man of over 1 million yen Government plan to increase imports of consumption goods The idea of Japanese immigrating to America as a way to ease the population problem in future Japan Repatriates recall internment life in USSR with no negative feelings List of repatriates by district 36 Food Adjustmen Committee members resign because allotment decisions were not scientifically investigated WFTU said that it would consider whether Japan's labor movement had reached the international level Rates of caluculation between Establishing the ratio of Dellar and Yen is under study: calculation between the dollar Vice director general ARAI of and the yen the Trade Board explains Simplification of the Trade Procedure D H, S H, S Kotaro Tanaka H, S Tateuma H, P P H, D, P 尾津事件から調査. きょう参院司法委員会 尾津関係から喚問. きょう参院司法委員会 尾津事件の調査方針決る. 参院司法委員会 尾津氏仮釈放. 事件に証人喚問. 参院司法委員会 裁判官の刑事上の不当処理調査 政治工作の有無. 尾津事件調査方針決る. 尾津事件から証人喚問. 裁判官の不当処理問題 最高賃[金]制の歴史 Y P H, S P H, P P H, P History of the highest wage system Commentary about the rights of working masses to have high enough wages to lead decent lives "Secret Instructions to Examine Secret investigations into the Communists Among the activities of Communists and Communications Workers their sympathizers within the Union; Issued by Chief of Communications Workers Labor Section, Union Communications Bureau, Kumamoto Prefecture" [Shimoda] 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 1 11 1 5 1 H, S Mercola Gomes K. Suzuki Y Y 1 12 H, S Mercola Gomes K. Minami Y 4 Oversized 5/23/1948 Submitted by (Japanese) 西日本新聞 Photograph(s) 5/20/1948 5/20/1948 News Agency Duplicate 48-loc-1566z 48-loc-1566 Hold No. Source 47/19 News item Number of Pages Date Censored 5/23/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/19/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1564 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1590 5/20/1948 5/25/1948 30/20 アカハタ Akahata 48-loc-1591 48-loc-1592 [5]/[20]/194[8] 5/20/1948 5/29/1948 31/20 32/20 Commentary 共同通信 アカハタ Kyodo Tsushin Akahata Kyodo Akahata 公共事業に共産党員の就職禁止を考慮. 首相答弁 朝鮮人学校問題の意議 48-loc-1593 48-loc-1593a 48-loc-1593b 5/20/1948 5/20/1948 [5]/[20]/194[8] 読売新聞 読売新聞 共同通信 Yomiuri Shimbun (61) Yomiuri Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Yomiuri 61 Yomiuri Kyodo 農林、物價両当局見解 48-loc-1593c 48-loc-1594 [5]/[20]/194[8] 5/20/1948 5/22/1948 33/20 34/20 48-loc-1595 5/20/1948 5/25/1948 35/20 共同通信 共同通信 アカハタ Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin (204, Maizuru) Akahata (Chiba) Kyodo Kyodo (No. 204) (Maizuru) Akahata, from Chiba 48-loc-1596 48-loc-1597z 48-loc-1597 48-loc-1598 [5]/[21]/194[8] 5/21/1948 [5]/[21]/194[8] 5/21/1948 5/25/1948 1/21 2/21 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 尾津関係上條弁護士証言. 参議院司法委員会 共同通信 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Photo 新米價改訂問題等を協議. 定例閣議 関の孫六町工場を経営. 写真は孫六の町工場 48-loc-1599 5/21/1948 4/21 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 判検事への圧迫. 尾津公判を参議院で査問 48-loc-1599a 48-loc-1599b 48-loc-1599c 5/21/194[8] [5]/[21]/194[8] [5]/[21]/194[8] 4/21 4/21 4/21 時事新報 時事通信 西日本新聞 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin Nishi Nihon Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin Nishi Nihon "尾津釈放"に夫人証言. 参院司法委員会 刑事事件不当処理調査会 参院裁判官の不当処理. 調査会尾津事件を取り上ぐ D H, P 48-loc-1599d [5]/[21]/194[8] 4/21 サン写真新聞 The Sun Pictorial Daily San Nyusu Fotosu 尾津久子証言. 参院司法委員会 H, P 48-loc-1599e 48-loc-1599f 48-loc-1600 48-loc-1601 48-loc-1601a 48-loc-1601b 48-loc-1601c 48-loc-1602 5/21/194[8] 5/21/194[8] [5]/[21]/194[8] [5]/[21]/194[8] [5]/[21]/194[8] 5/20/1948 5/21/194[8] 5/21/1948 5/24/1948 4/21 4/21 5/21 7/21 7/21 7/21 7/21 8/21 News Item 東京新聞 読売新聞 時事通信 時事通信 共同通信 日本経済新聞 東京新聞 朝日新聞 P P H, S P P P P H, P 5/21/1948 5/25/1948 9/21 Opinion 共同通信 Tokyo Shimbun Yomiuri Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Nihon Keizai Tokyo Shimbun Asahi NO. 1 (Hokkai[do]) Kyodo 74 尾津事件究明. 参院司法委員会 尾津 米価問題は更に調整の要. 北村蔵相談 たい、さわら等高級魚の統制撤廃 高級魚の(公)廃止 高級魚の(公)を撤廢. きようから たいなど高級魚の(公)を撤廢 腹が減つた. ソ連收容所の話 48-loc-1603 Tokyo Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin The Nihon Keizai Tokyo Shimbun Asahi Shimbun (1, Hokkai[do]) Kyodo Tsushin (74) 48-loc-1604 5/21/194[8] 5/22/1948 10/21 引揚げ. 病院船ナホトカへ 5/21/1948 5/25/1948 11/21 [5]/[21]/194[8] Asahi NO. 2 (Hokkai[do]) Hokkaido 引揚者、先生に引張りダコ 48-loc-1606 Yomiuri Shimbun (Maizuru) Asahi Shimbun (2, Hokkai[do]) Hokkaido Shimbun Yomiuri (Maizuru) 48-loc-1605 48-loc-1606a 48-loc-1606b 48-loc-1607 5/21/194[8] [5]/21/194[8] 5/21/1948 5/26/1948 13/21 13/21 14/21 News item 時事新報 政治新聞 朝日新聞 Jiji Shimpo Seiji Shimbun Asahi Shimbun (4, Yamagata) Jiji Shimpo Seiji Shimbun Asahi 4 (Yamagata) 米価問題 産米價格補正 山形縣下で六百件. 耕作権放棄が続出 48-loc-1608 5/21/1948 5/26/1948 15/21 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Kansai) Yomiuri (Kansai) 機雷まだ千五百個. 大久保長官談. 瀬戸内海の掃海現況; 輸出三百万尾へ. 戰前貿易目指す"金魚の町" 石・三千百円前後か. 昨年産米の生産者價格; 米價で意見一致. 農相発表 米價改訂につき意見一致. きのうの閣議 米価問題 米の補給金の交付方針きまる 米価補正額は再生産費とす. 農相談; 石当り三千百六十円. 米價改訂二十一日の閣議で内定 H, S S S S S H, S 5/25/1948 5/24/1948 33/20 33/20 33/20 News Item News Item News Item News Item from Chiba 新米價一.八倍に引上げ. 二十一日の閣議に附議; 新米価は現行価格の二倍弱 予算の中核問題再検討. 二十一日の定例閣議 引揚病院船舞鶴発 賃金水準決定は管轄外. 千葉地勞委で軍政部代表談 Headline Subject Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to be Inaugurated in Japan. Democratized Police Brief Summary Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to be inaugurated in Japan People detained by the police complain of undemocratic, harsh treatment "Significance of Koreanoperated school question" The Korean-operated school question and how it relates to general Japanese oppression of Koreans Price of rice "Price of Rice." The new rice price problem "Hospital Ship Le[ft] MAIZURU" "Decision on Wage Level is Out of Authority." First hospital ships left for Siberia to pick up repatriates Deleted: the name of the SCAP member who commented on the wage level H, P H, P Koichi Shimizu, Mita Cell, Nippon Electric Co. Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Mercola Sakanouye Takamura Araiso Takamura Araiso Mercola Joe Niiya T. Hori Ebisawa Mercola Sakaino Naito K. Tezuka Ashikawa K. Suzuki H, D H, P Mercola Sakanouye Maruyama Tateuma H, D Richardson Takamura Araiso Richardson Naito Takamura H, P H, S H, D H, S H, S P Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 2 Y 3 Y Y 14 20 Y Y Y 2 2 8 Y Y 17 4 Y 2 Y Y Y 11 1 5 3 Y 1 Y Y Y 1 11 7 Y 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 1 3 3 8 1 1 2 Y 8 Y 2 envelope 5/24/1948 News Item 読売新聞 News Item 朝日新聞 北海道新聞 13/21 共産党追放言明は憲法違反. 伊藤中央委員語る 5/21/1948 17/21 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 48-loc-1609a 48-loc-1609b 48-loc-1609c 48-loc-1609d [5]/[21]/194[8] 5/21/194[8] [5]/[21]/194[8] [5]/[21]/194[8] 17/21 17/21 17/21 17/21 北海道新聞 時事新報 時事通信 共同通信 Hokkaido Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Hokkaido Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin Kyodo 48-loc-1609e 48-loc-1609f 48-loc-1609g 48-loc-1609h 48-loc-1609i 5/22/1948 [5]/21/194[8] [5]/[21]/194[8] 5/22/194[8] [5]/[21]/194[8] 17/21 17/21 17/21 17/21 17/21 5/21/194[8] The Nihon Keizai Nihi Nihon Shimbun Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin, The Tokyo Times The Kokusai Times Nihon Keizai Nishinippon Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo, Tokyo Taimuzu Kokusai-Times 米價倍率内定. 一一六・三一倍、三千百六十円 新米価閣議で検討 産米価格調整案 米價 新米價改訂方針内定 48-loc-1610 日本経済新聞 西日本新聞 東京民報 東京新聞 共同通信, 東京タイムズ 国際タイムス 18/21 Speeches on Korean problem 民族文化を守る. イン・[鹿]地・野坂氏熱弁. 早稲田大学民主團體主催 H, D H, P H. Obata H, P, D "We were Hungry" "Communist ITO Accuses Premier of His Intention to Purge Communists" Repatriate describes life in Siberia Communist Ito says Ashida's intention to purge Communists from the government will lead to the destruction of the living of the people Repatriates are in Great Demand as Teachers Repatriates are in great demand as teachers 米價改訂検討進む; 物價改訂に伴い米價近く改訂 48-loc-1609 5/26/194[8] SEKI NO MAGOROKU Runs Famous sword maker Seki runs Town Factory a town factory now Meeting to protect "racial culture" held at Waseda University: speeches made concerning Korean education [Ono] Richardson Naito Ogino H. Obata Mercola Naito Takamura Shigeru Nomura H, P [Kaneko] H, P Mercola Hattori Takamura H. Obata [Jojima] [Takashima] [Moriyama] Y 2 Y 11 H, S H, S H, S Nakano Ogino K. Minami Y Y Y 13 1 4 H, P Ishibashi Ashikawa H. Obata Y 3 H, S H, S S H, S "The meeting for protection of racial culture" was held at the Okuma hall of Waseda University begin[n]ing from 1 P.M. under the [auspices] of democratic bodies within the campus and Japan Communists Waseda University cell and supported by Japan Communist cells of 1-chome, Tozuka-cho, and of Sekiguchi-dai respectively. [Yatagai, photograph er] H, D H, S "Abandon of Right of Many farmers resigned their Cultivation Amounts to 600 in right to cultivation due to Yamagata Prefecture" difficulty in maintenance and high taxes Mines are still in the Inland There are still mines left in the Sea Inland Sea of Seto [Shimoda] H, S [Jojima] [Moriyama] Mercola Ishibashi Sakaino K. Suzuki Y 2 Y Y Y Y 4 15 3 8 Y Y Y Y Y 1 4 3 2 1 Y Hokei In, Wataru Kaji, Sanzo Nosaka 13 48-loc-1611 5/21/1948 19/21 朝日新聞 物價の後を追う米價. 値上げに不安な農民 H, S Y 1 5/21/1948 [5]/[21]/194[8] 20/21 20/21 朝日新聞 共同通信 Asahi Shimbun (Niigata) Asahi Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Asahi (Niigata) 48-loc-1612 48-loc-1612a Asahi Kyodo 新米價を政府檢討. 倍率なお結論に達せず 生産者価格は現行の一.八倍. 米価改訂閣議で内定 S S Y Y 1 5 48-loc-1612b 48-loc-1613 [5]/21/194[8] 5/21/1948 20/21 22/21 西日本新聞 日本経済新聞 Nihi Nihon Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Nishinippon Nihon Keizai 新米価石三千二百円か 新米價指数百十九倍. 十月までの差額は追加拂い S S Y Y 3 1 Oversized Comment Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Asahi. 38. 動物虐殺防止会(略称SPCAとして世界的に有名)が、 こんどプリンクリー英少佐を理事長として日本にも生れ、 二十四日商業クラブに... Akahata 民主警察 Photograph(s) Submitted by Asahi Shimbun (38) News Agency Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) 朝日新聞 Hold No. Source 29/20 News Item Number of Pages Date Censored 5/24/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/20/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1589 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1615 5/21/1948 5/26/1948 25/21 News Item 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 安田ほか五大銀行適用か. 金融機関集中排除 48-loc-1616 5/21/1948 5/24/1948 48-loc-1617 5/21/1948 5/25/1948 26/21 News Item 朝日新聞 News Item 共同通信 Asahi Shimbun (11, Niigata) Kyodo Tsushin (121) Asahi Shimbun (L. No. 11, Niigata) Kyodo Tsushin, 121 ソ連からハシケ注文 27/21 48-loc-1618 5/21/1948 5/26/1948 28/21 news item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (Hokkaido) Mainichi Shimbun (Hokkaido) Edition 48-loc-1619 5/21/1948 5/25/1948 29/21 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (2) Mainichi Shimbun 2 48-loc-1620 5/21/1948 5/26/1948 31/21 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (136) 48-loc-1621 5/21/1948 5/25/1948 32/21 News Item 北海道新聞 48-loc-1622 5/21/1948 5/25/1948 33/21 News Item 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun 48-loc-1623 5/21/1948 5/26/1948 34/21 Answer Column サン写真新聞 48-loc-1624 5/21/1948 5/26/1948 35/21 News Item 48-loc-1625 5/21/1948 5/25/1948 36/21 48-loc-1626 5/21/1948 5/26/1948 48-loc-1627 5/21/1948 48-loc-1628 48-loc-1629 [5]/[21]/1948 5/21/1948 48-loc-1629a 48-loc-1630 Subject American youth studying at Tokyo University Brief Summary An American student is studying Japanese literature at Tokyo University "Economic Deconcentration Measure May Be Applied To Big Five Banks, Including Yasuda Bank, Of Banking Organs." "An Order for Lighters from Soviet Russia." "Yen-Dollar Exchange Rate Already Starts for Tea Leaves, Furs, [Vitamin] Oils" Economic decentralization measures may be applied to the five big banks H, P USSR has ordered lighters of wood from Japan Yen-dollar exchange rate already in effect for tea, furs, and vitamin oils H, P Mercola Ebisawa Takamura Tateuma Y 2 H, S Mercola Naito Ogino H. Okada Y 10 引揚船の回送に支障. 人手不足に荷物の陸揚げ遅る; 佐藤船小樽へ; カナダ炭室蘭へ Labor shortage for the discharging of cargoes, inconveniencing the repatriation ship's forwarding. Repatriation ships are delayed due to shortage of unlaoding personnel, but this problem is on the way to being solved H, S Mercola Naito Ogino Yabuki Y 2 南方米、買附も可能. 總司令部傳達"救濟基金"を流用 "SCAP Memorandum Issued SCAP says that Japan can now on ‘Relief Fund;’ Japan can purchase foodstuffs from buy Rice from Southern Areas" nondollar areas P Mercola Kaneko M. Nagashima Y 2 "Presentation of Photograph to Photo of the Imperial Palace General MacArth[u]r." will be presented to MacArthur H, P Mercola Naito Ogino Tateuma Y 7 "The Rationing of Staple Food Agriculture Minister says Centered In Rice and Barley." rationing will be increased H, P Mercola Naito Ogino Tateuma Y 5 衆院常任委員長会議 "Chairmen's Conference of Standing Committees of the House of Representatives" Mr. and Mrs. Williams of SCAP attended the conference of standing committee of the House of Representatives H, D Ito Takamura T. Hori Y 4 The Sun Pictorial Daily [... ]News 11 (11) 裁判官の化石を排す. 伊藤(修)参院司法委員長語る "Reject judges to become fossils" The problem of judges having a narrow field of vision is due to that fact that judges have been able to isloate themselves from society H, S Ito Ogino T. Nakayama Y 6 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (144) Kyodo 144 十一月からの増配は空想に非ず. 農相答弁 Agriculture Minister says that rations really will be increased H, P Sakaino Takashima M. Kawamoto Y 6 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (145, Gifu) Kyodo # 145 (Gifu) 赤化教員は退職してもらいたい. 首相の言辞問題化す "The Plan To Increase Food Rationing From November Is Not A Mere Dream: The Agriculture-Forestry Minister Replied" Communist I[m]bued Teachers Should Be Dismissed The Address of Premi[er] ASHIDA Has Been Brought up for Discussion Communist teachers should be dismissed H, P Mercola Takashima Takamura Y 8 37/21 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (146) Kyodo # 146 米価補正額は消費者負担. 肥料値上は国庫負担 The Balance between the Present Price and the Revised Price of Rice Will Be Paid by Consumers. Rai[s]ed Amount of Fertilizer Will Be Supported by the National Treasury The balance between the present prices of rice and fertilizer and the revised prices will be paid by consumers and the national treasury, respectively H, S Sakaino Takashima S. Konishi Y 24 5/26/1948 38/21 News Item. 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (153) Kyodo (153). シヤンハイに日籍技術員連絡所発足 Starting Japanese Engineering Liaison Office in Shanghai. There are 471 Japanese families left in Shanghai H, P Mercola Nakano Yoshimoto Y 5 6/5/1948 5/21/1948 39/21 40/21 時事通信 時事新報; 日本経済新聞 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Shimpo (119); The Nihon Kezai (152) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Shimpo (119); Nihon Keizai (152) 価格比率制度作業進捗 衛生施設改善を賞贊. サムス代將 Y Y 4 2 5/21/1948 5/25/1948 40/21 news item 北海道新聞 5/26/1948 41/21 News Item. 共同通信 Hokkaido Shimbun (19) Hokkaido Shimbun NO. 19 Kyodo Tsushin (166) Kyodo (166) 総司令部サムス代將わが国衛生対策の改善を称讃 5/21/1948 48-loc-1630a 48-loc-1630b 48-loc-1631 5/21/1948 5/2]/194[8] 5/21/1948 5/25/1948 41/21 41/21 42/21 News Item 朝日新聞 時事新報 毎日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Mainichi Shimbun (18) Asahi Jiji Shimpo Mainichi NO. 18 國際衞生総会に代表 スイスへも代表. 國際衞生の総会 供出農家追加補正再審議 48-loc-1632 5/22/1948 5/24/1948 43/21 Comment 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 商品輸出、貿易外收支に円ドル・レート検討 48-loc-1633 5/21/1948 5/25/1948 44/21 News Item アカハタ Akahata (11, Kansai) Akahata, 11 (Kansai) 神戸 48-loc-1634 5/21/1948 5/25/1948 45/21 News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata ス首相聲明の反響 "Repercussion of Stalin’s Statement." 48-loc-1635 5/21/194[8] 5/27/194[8] 46/21 News Item アカハタ Akahata (27, Saitama) Akahata (NO. 27) (Saitama) 深夜、...く"赤旗の歌". 埼玉更生決定變更を認めさす Demonstration at midnight in Saitama 48-loc-1636 5/21/1948 5/28/1948 47/21 News item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 割當ての十五倍. 報告されたデタラメ課税 "15 Times of Assessed Taxes; Reports of absurd Taxation" 48-loc-1637 5/[21]/1948 5/26/1948 48/21 News item 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo (21-15) Tokyo Mimpo 21-15 生きていた教育勅語. 未練を残す参院廿四日両院合同審査会で運命決定; そっとして[お]きたい. 田中耕太郎氏談; けしからぬ存在. 岩間正男氏談; たしかめた上で首相答辯に徳田書記長声明 Educational rescript still alive 茶、毛皮、ビタミン油等に円ドル交換比率制始まる Kyodo Tsushin (No. マ元帥に新生日本の寫眞贈呈; 新生日本の姿を表した写真 136); Kyodo Shashin Tsushin Hokkaido Shimbun (13) Hokkaido Shimbun 主食配給は米麦中心に. 二合八勺は來米穀年度 (No. 13) Nishi-Nippon 国際衛生憲章総会へ日本代表 共産黨の夕[べ] Headline Bri-General Sams Praises Improvement of Japanese Sanitary Facilities SCAP praising improvement of national hygienic policy. Japanese representatives will be present at the G[e]neral Meeting of the International Health Constitution. Compensation for the Delivered Rice "New exchange rate being considered as basis for export and invisible balance of payment" Communists Meet for Speech and Entertainme[n]ts. P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Chokichi Mercola Kawamara Sasaki [Kaneko] Miyatani, photograph er [Oriya] Kato Takashima M. Kawamoto Yoshino [Matsui] S H, D H, D T. Kato Gomes Yokoyama Y Notes James Hoyt 15 1 6 Mercola Nakano Moriyama Y 4 Mercola S. Sakanouye Murao Y 5 H, P H, P H, S Do[i] Murao H. Obata Y Y Y 1 1 2 H, S Sakanouye Ashikawa Motoichiro Tamai Y 17 Communists met for a night of speech and entertainment H, S Gomes Araiso Y 2 Stalin announced that he was ready to talk with the US to settle their differences Farmers led by the Communist Party demonstrated at midnight in Saitama over the revised tax decision H, S Gomes Araiso Y 2 S Kaneko Matsumoto K. Suzuki Y 3 Reports of unreasonable taxes-at certain places, 15 times the amount of taxation has been imposed forcibly Educational Rescript still alive H, S Kaneko Matsumoto K. Minami Y 5 H, S Mercola Sakaino M. Hori Y 14 Because of the rice price revision, the delivering farmers must be paid supplementary money New rate being considered as a basis for export Yabuki Y H, P Japanese representatives will be present at the meeting of the International Health Constitution [Nodaira] Mercola S. Konishi Examiner5 Examiner6 Oversized Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Kyodo No. 5; Kyodo アメリカ青年が東大で研究; Shashin Tsushin 東大へ研究生として通学しているジェームス・ホイト君 Photograph(s) Submitted by Kyodo Tsushin (5) News Agency Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) 共同通信 Hold No. Source 24/21 News item Number of Pages Date Censored 5/24/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/21/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1614 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1639 5/21/1948 5/25/1948 50/21 Comment アカハタ Akahata (2) Akahata, #2 48-loc-1640 5/21/1948 5/25/1948 51/21 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (318) Yomiuri NO. 318 柔道. あこがれのブラツク・ベルト 48-loc-1641 5/[21]/1948 5/27/1948 52/21 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (182) Kydo 182; Kyodo Shashin Tsushin 末弘博士反証声明. 森戸文相五月中に裁断せん; 末広博士追放問題の書 "Dr. SUEHIRO produces a bomb-counter evidence." Chairman of the Central Labor Relations Board presents a petition against his purge 48-loc-1642 48-loc-1643 5/21/1948 5/24/1948 53/21 News Item 共同通信 5/25/1948 56/21 Politics 時事通信 Kyodo Tsushin (181, Sasebo) Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Chushin (No. 181) (Sasebo) Jiji Tsushin 引揚船海王丸二十五日佐世保入港予定 5/21/1948 "The KAIO-Maru Will Enter Into SASEBO on May 25." "About official post of communist—answer by Premier Ashida—" Repatriate ship from China will arrive on May 25 The cold war crisis is gradually approaching 48-loc-1644z 48-loc-1644 48-loc-1645 5/22/1948 5]/21/194[8] 5/22/1948 5/26/1948 1/22 2/22 News item アカハタ アカハタ Akahata Akahata (36) Akahata [A]kahata No. 36 米価格改定問題廿一日定例閣議 前進 48-loc-1646 5/21/1948 5/26/1948 3/22 News Item アカハタ Akahata (42) Akahata (42) 仕事初めに尾津組事件. 不当裁判特別調査委 48-loc-1647 5/22/1948 5/25/1948 4/22 News Item アカハタ Akahata (39) Akahata (No. 39) 食糧事情の見透し. 衆院農委 48-loc-1648 5/22/1948 5/26/1948 6/22 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (54) Kyodo No. 54 教員の米国留学近く実現. 来月中に五名の候補者決[定] Agriculture Minister says that 2.5 go ration will be maintained until October It will be realized in near future Japanese teachers have been that teachers go to America for invited to study in America study. Five applicants will be decided within next month. 48-loc-1648a 5/22/1948 5/26/1948 6/22 News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (267) Nihon Keizai 267 日本の教員たちから留学生を招こうという嬉しい便りがこ のほどアメリカ國民委員会から日本教育委員会へ届いた Japanese Teachers Invited To Study In America. 48-loc-1648b 48-loc-1648c 48-loc-1648d 48-loc-1648e 48-loc-1648f 48-loc-1648g 48-loc-1648h 48-loc-1648i 48-loc-1648j 5/22/1948 [5]/[22]/194[8] [5]/[22]/194[8] [5]/[22]/194[8] 5/22/1948 [5]/22/194[8] [5]/[22]/194[8] [5]/[22]/194[8] [5]/[22]/194[8] 朝日新聞 北海道新聞 時事新報 時事通信 毎日新聞 西日本新聞 世界日報 東京新聞 東京タイムズ Asahi Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin Mainichi Shimbun Nishi Nihon Shimbun Sekai Nippo Tokyo Shimbun The Tokyo Times Asahi Hokkaido Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin Mainichi Nishinippon Sekai-Nippo Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Taimuzu 48-loc-1648k 48-loc-1649 5/22/194[8] 5/22/1948 5/26/1948 米敎育会が留学生招待 アメリカ敎育会の厚意で日本の先生も留学 招かれる留学敎員 米国から留学を招聘の朗報 敎員にも留学の道. 米國敎育会から招き アメリカから教員留学生を招待 先生にも留學の途. 米敎育會から招請状 先生を留学生に. 費用は一切アメリカで支給 米國敎育會からうれしい便り. 日本敎員五名に招き. 敎育圖書も送ります 招へい 持株整理委員会の十一條問題. 都労委で第一回の事情聴取 48-loc-1650 5/22/1948 48-loc-1650a 48-loc-1651 [5]/[22]/1948 5/22/1948 48-loc-1651a [5]/[22]/194[8] 48-loc-1651b 48-loc-1652 48-loc-1653 [5]/[22]/194[8] [5]/22/194[8] 5/22/1948 48-loc-1654 48-loc-1655 朝鮮人事件 共産党員の公共就職問題. 芦田首相答弁速記録 Headline Subject Brief Summary "Anti-Communist statement by Ashida's anti-Communist Premier ASHIDA and the statement and the Social Social Democratic Party." Democrat Party Appeal to the Japanese People Appeal to the Japanese in in Relation to Korean Issue. relation to Korean issue: it is an insult to Koreans to learn Japanese as their mother tongue "Judo; Aspired Black Belt" Judo has become very popular among the Allied Forces H, S Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Mercola Murao T. Nakayama Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 9 Y 4 H, D, S Gomes Kaneko Araiso H, P Mercola Nakano Takano H. Obata Y 2 H, P Mercola Nakano Murao T. Nakayama Y 54 H, P Mer[c]ola Nakano Moriyama Tateuma Y 6 H, D Mercola S. Takebe Sakanouy[e] Y. Takaoka Y 11 S D Takamura Sasaki P Takamura M. Kawamoto P Richardson Takamura D Kaneko Sasaki Richardson Inouye envelope 6/22 6/22 6/22 6/22 6/22 6/22 6/22 6/22 6/22 Comment on Ashida’s Statement of Eliminating Communists from the Public Activities. "The Unlawful Trial Special Investigation Committee Begins With The Ozugumi Case." "[Outlook] of Food Condition." News item 読売新聞 共同通信 Yomiuri Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (73) Yomiuri Kyodo Tsushin, #73 5/26/1948 9/22 News item 読売新聞 9/22 10/22 News item 時事通信 朝日新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (101, Kansai) Jiji Tsushin Asahi Shimbun (19) Yomiuri Shimbun 101 (Kansai) Jiji Tsushin Asahi Shimbun 19 爲替レート建議 5/26/1948 5/26/1948 10/22 北海道新聞 Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido 軍人三百七十四名も非該当に決定 5/26/1948 10/22 11/22 12/22 Comment 共同通信 政治新聞 朝日新聞 Kyodo Tsushin Seiji Shimbun Asahi Shimbun Kyodo Seiji Shimbun Asahi Shimbun 5/22/1948 5/26/1948 13/22 News Item 毎日新聞 5/22/1948 5/26/1948 14/22 News Item 日本経済新聞 48-loc-1656 5/22/1948 5/26/1948 15/22 News item 時事通信 Mainichi Shimbun (17, Mainichi Shimbun Saitama) (No. 17) (Saitama) The Nihon Keizai (234) Nihon Keizai (No 234) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 軍人憲兵の非該当二十四日発表 還元米の値段 天皇陛下の退位問題がこのごろまたあちこちの話題になつ ている。 犯罪農村に移る. 國家警察要員不足が原因 48-loc-1657 5/22/1948 5/27/1948 17/22 News Item 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo 加藤労相有力. 國際労働総会オブザーバー 48-loc-1657a 5/22/1948 5/25/1948 18/22 news item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (Shizuoka) Asahi Shimbun (Shizuoka Edition) 生産技術で補う. 期待外れのドル換算に業者 Exchange rate of tea. 48-loc-1657b 5/22/1948 5/25/1948 19/22 Reader's contribution 世界日報 Sekai Nippo (3) Sekai Nippo No. 3 ウソを一掃せよ "Make a Clean Sweep of Falsehood" 48-loc-1657c 5/22/1948 5/22/1948 20/22 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (143) Kyodo, 143 G・H・Q労働課国鉄に勧告 "An Officer Of SCAP’s Labor Division Advised The Government Railway Workers Union" 呼び値は貫当り七八百円. 來月早々浜名地方の初取引 和田敏明氏質問 48-loc-1657d 48-loc-1657e 5/22/1948 5/22/1948 20/22 20/22 朝日新聞 日本経済新聞 Asahi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Asahi Nihon Keizai 國鉄労組へ. ローマ氏勧告 総司令部國鉄労組へ警告; 証劵界の増資. 借入限度拡張 48-loc-1657f 5/22/194[8] 20/22 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 國鉄. 國鉄労組加藤委員長は廿二日午後G・H・Q労働課ローマ氏 に招かれ國鉄のサボ、職階制問題につき大要次のごとき勧 告をうけた H, P P H, P P D P P D H, D D 6/22 8/22 生糸爲替レート決定は困難 元軍人憲兵ら三七四人解除 The unlawful trial special investigation begins with the Ozugumi case "Metropolitan Labor Relations Union protests the HCIC's Board Hears Explanations on dismissal of nine employees Labor Union Article 11 Issue Involving HCIC" "Recommendation on Exchange Rate" Plural exchange rate should be established "374 Ex-soldiers and Gendarmes to be Cleared of Purge Designations" 374 previously purged persons to be cleared after reexamination Speculation about the abdication of the emperor "Criminal Cases Increase In Criminal cases increase in rural Rural Districts" districts Price of cocoon Prices for silk cocoons will be set next month Socialist Party’s Mr. WADA’s Mr. Wada speaks in the interpellation Concerning War parliament about the war crisis Crisis "Labor Minister KATO Is A Japan will send a delegate to Powerful Candidate To Attend attend as an observer at the The International Labor Organ International Labor General As An Observer" Assembly in San Francisco Newly-settled exchange rate of exported tea much lower than earlier expected GHQ is accusing the Japanese of making false representation and false testimony SCAP Labor Division advises the Government Railway Workers' Union Murao M. Kawamoto [Nagata] 1 9 7 Y 6 Y 7 Y 11 Y 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 8 1 4 1 5 1 1 1 P H, P Mercola Ebisawa Shimokura H. Okada Y Y 1 11 H, P Mercola Ito Takebe M. Nagashima Y 2 D H, S Richardson T. Kato Ogino M. Nagashima Y Y 4 2 Y 3 Y Y Y 3 1 3 Y 3 Y 3 S Emperor's Abdication Tateuma Y Y S H, S H, S [Yamashita ] Hayashi H, P Mercola Ito Takebe Takebe Takashima Tateuma H. O[k]ada H, P H, P [Shimizu] Richardson Ashikawa Takashima K. Fujii Y 9 Mercola Ishibashi Ashikawa M. Kawamoto Y 3 Naito Shimokura Yabuki Y 2 Mercola Naito Moriyama M. Nagashima Y 2 Mercola Naito Ogino M. Kawamoto Y 11 P H, P Y Y 1 1 P Y 1 H, S H, S H, D P Shio Sakanishi Oversized Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Akahata 16 首相の反共言明と社会党 Photograph(s) Submitted by Akahata (16) News Agency Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) アカハタ Hold No. Source 49/21 Commentary Number of Pages Date Censored 5/25/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/21/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1638 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by Jiji Tsushin (108) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Jiji Tsushin 108 民主化の程度 48-loc-1658 5/22/1948 48-loc-1658a 5/22/1948 48-loc-1658b 48-loc-1666z 48-loc-1666 5/22/1948 5/23/1948 5/23/1948 5/27/1948 2/23 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (27) Kyodo No 27 農家労務者に四合配給考慮 48-loc-1667 5/23/1948 6/2/1948 3/23 Political item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (31) Kyodo Tsushin 31 耕作放棄漸増. 原因は税金と割当不適正 48-loc-1668 5/23/1948 5/28/1948 4/23 News Item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (23) Tokyo Shimbun, 23 終戦以來学園もようやく変ぼうしつつある 48-loc-1669 48-loc-1670 5/23/1948 5/23/1948 5/24/1948 5/27/1948 5/23 6/23 News Items News Item 読売新聞 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (5) Yomiuri Yomiuri, 5 48-loc-1671 5/23/1948 5/26/1948 7/23 News item アカハタ Akahata (16, Kansai) 48-loc-1672 5/23/1948 5/26/1948 8/23 Commentary アカハタ 48-loc-1673 5/23/1948 5/26/1948 9/23 NewsItem 48-loc-1674 5/23/1948 5/26/1948 10/23 News Item 48-loc-1675 5/23/1948 5/28/1948 11/23 48-loc-1676 5/23/1948 5/27/1948 48-loc-1677 5/23/1948 5/26/1948 48-loc-1678 5/23/1948 48-loc-1679 5/23/1948 48-loc-1680z 48-loc-1680 Headline (Japanese) 23/22 Editorial 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (13) Mainichi Shimbun, #13 保釈中の犯罪 24/22 News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 輸出實績を基礎に. 各商品に漸次適用 25/22 Editorial 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (109) Jiji Tsushin 109 経済追放の方向 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 文章家はあす発表 27/22 Headline Subject "Degree of Democratization" Brief Summary Newsweek reflecting on changes taking place in Japan: how many times Diet members bow before the emperor, etc. "Crimes Committed During Release" Many prisoners are released before they should be; many commit new crimes while out on bail Establishment of exchange rate A list of the exchange rates for between Dollar and Yen different goods "Direction of the Economical Purge" The economical purge will probably not be relieved H, S Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Mercola Naito [M]urao Hayashi H, P Mercola Niiya Iwasaki H, P Ogino Iwasaki K. Suzuki H, P Mercola Naito Yoshimoto H. Okada Hayashi H, P, S Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 4 Y 3 Y 12 Y 6 Y H, P Richardson Naito Ogino K. Minami Y 1 1 8 H, D Mercola Naito Ogino M. Hori Y 69 H, D Richardson Ogino Takashima Araiso Y 3 米價 厚生省医務局長東龍太郎氏は六月廿四日からスイスのジュ ネーヴでひらかれる國際保險会議にマッカーサー司令部か ら出席する派遣團の随員として個人の資格で随行すること に内定した Farmers are increasingly giving up their right to farm because of heavy burden of taxes and delivery quotas "Tendency of Tokyo University Some people are worrying Students’ Groups." about an ultra-national student group conducting secret activities "Rice price will be raised" Price of rice will be raised International Insurance Mr. Azuma, chief of Medical Conference to Be Attended by Affairs Bureau, will attend the a Japanese. International Insurance Conference in Geneva H, S H, S Kato Mercola Takashima T. Kato K. Suzuki Takamura Araiso Y Y 9 2 Akahata 16 (Kansai) 赤隅 "Seki-gu (EX. Red Corner)" H, S Kaneko K. Minami Y 3 Akahata (24) Akahata 24 共産党員公職禁止にたいする野坂氏談 D Kaneko T. Nakayama Y 3 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times [Kokusai]-Taimuzu 世界平和維持. 大衆運動をくり展[ぐ] "NOZAKA’s statement on ban Criticism of Ashida's ban on on Communists from holding Communists from public office public office." as an "infringement of freedom of thought" "People’s Movement for Petition for peace will be sent Maintenance of World Peace" to Stalin and Truman H, P Mercola Kato Takashima Araiso Y 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai-Taimus 文部省当局の朝鮮人学校強制閉[鎖]問題に関し朝鮮人敎育 対策委員会では各界文化人に葉書でアンケートを求めた The Question of Koreanoperated Schools Opinions of educated citizens on the question of education of Koreans in Japan H, D Kaneko Kato Takashima T. Hori Y Commentary 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (13) Asahi Shimbun #13 參院の不当裁判調査会 H, P Mercola Ogino Takashima H. Okada Y 5 13/23 News Item 世界日報 Sekai Nippo (16) Sejai-Nippo 16 七、貿易の今後の見透し H, P Richardson Nakano Ogino K. Tezuka Y 2 14/23 Assertion アカハタ Akahata (41) Aka[h]ata 41 首相の反共言明に答ふ "House of Councillors Unjust The Unjust Trials Investigation Trials Investigation Committee" Committee will take up the Ozugumi case and others that might have been conducted unfairly Insight To The Future Of The outlook for foreign trade is Trade. good "Criticism of Prime Minister’s Anti-Communist Statement." H, S Shigeru Nomura Y 8 16/23 News item in Yamato Taimuzu 新夕刊 Shin Yukan (5) Shin Yukan No. 5 5/27/1948 16/23 Comment アカハタ Akahata (40) Akahata #40 野坂氏の質問 "NOZAKA’s Interpellation" 5/24/1948 5/24/1948 5/27/1948 1/24 News Item 時事通信 政治労働版 Jiji Tsushin Seiji Rodoban Jiji Tsushin 勞働界へ投ずる波紋. 國際勞働機關復歸の問題 Problem of Japanese Returning Delegates will be dispatched as to International Labor observers to the International Organization (EX: Note: Labor Organization conference KOKUSAI-RODO-KIKAN) H, P [Kawasaki] Doi Takebe T. Hori 48-loc-1681 5/24/1948 5/28/1948 2/24 Comment 新夕刊 Shin Yukan (2) Shin-Yukan# 2 平和への祈り Prayer for Peace H, S Sogoro Tanaka Mercola Nakano Takamura 48-loc-1682 5/24/1948 5/26/1948 3/24 News Item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (14) Tokyo Shimbun, 14 中南米へ貿易使節 Trade Missions to Central and South America. Richardson Naito Gomes 48-loc-1683 [5]/[24]/194[8] 4/24 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 河上、尾崎、亀井氏らの追放決定. 資格審査結果発表 H, P 48-loc-1683a [5]/[24]/194[8] 4/24 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo H, P 48-loc-1683b 5/24/1948 4/24 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 河上氏等非該当決定取消; 該当決定五二六名. 公職資格審査結果 なお仮指定に対する異議申立期間の満了したのも同時に発 表されたがそのうち著述家の主なるものは... 48-loc-1683c 48-loc-1683d 48-loc-1684 5/24/194[8] 5/24/194[8] 5/24/1948 5/27/1948 4/24 4/24 6/24 News Item 大阪新聞 東京新聞 貿易日報 Osaka Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Boeki Nippo (2) Osaka Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Boeki Nippo (No. 2) 公職審査結果発表 著述家五二六名の追放確実. 非該当一七名 アメリカ行き雜誌倉庫で居ねむり. 近く解決と貿易廳の弁 H, P H, P H, P 48-loc-1685 5/24/1948 5/26/1948 7/24 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 輸出船舶は七造船所で建造 48-loc-1686 5/24/1948 6/6/1948 8/24 News item 貿易日報 Boeki Nippo (11) Boeki Nippo No 11 問題の円ドル交換率. 物價補訂と共に後れる 48-loc-1687 48-loc-1688 48-loc-1689 5/24/1948 5/24/1948 5/24/1948 5/25/1948 5/26/1948 9/24 10/24 12/24 News Item. 日本経済新聞 時事新報 共同通信 The Nihon Keizai Jiji Shimpo Kyodo Tsushin (117) Nihon Keizai Jiji Shimpo Kyodo (117) 原料輸入が第一. 商船隊を実質的に拡充せよ 奇病"水"にひそむ? 糖蜜利用の合成酒賣り出し envelope "4 go (EX: about 557 grammes) of Ration To Farm Employe[e]s" Gradual increase of farmers giving up cultivating right. Petition of the Repatriation Promotion League Farm employees will receive additional rations of 4 go War-time ship used to carry repatriates home from Siberia A delegate of the Nara repatriation committee complains to the Soviets that the prefectures' repatriation committees lack integrity Nozaka's criticisms of Premier Ashida's past statements S H, D Richardson Naito Niiya H. Okada Ogino 2 Yozo Takaoki, Sakaji Yamada, Eitaro Hironaka, Masayuki Tsuchiya, Jiro Abe Hayashi 4 Y 3 envelope Tragedy of war and prayer for peace List of the members who will be sent to South America to study trade potential there H, P Y 1 4 S. Konishi Y 3 Araiso Y 2 [Takashima] H, P "Japanese Magazines Had a Poor Sale in America" "Vessels For Export To Be Built At 7 Shipyards" "Enforcement of Price Ratio System and Revision of Prices Will be Postponed." Japanese magazines sold poorly in America Vessels for export to be built at 7 shipyards Normal foreign trade is expected to be set up gradually Monopoly Bure[a]u intends to Monopoly Bureau intends to sell Synthetic Wine. sell synthetic sake 9 8 Y 14 Y 2 4 1 4 Mercola Sakaino Iwasaki Tateuma Y Y Y S Richardson Tanaka Moriyama M. Kawamoto Y 2 D Ishibashi Moriyama K. Minami Y 6 Murao Y Y Y 4 1 7 H, P H, P H, S [Ikeda] Y Richardson Tanaka Yokoyama Oversized 5/27/1948 5/26/194[8] Submitted by (Japanese) 時事通信 Photograph(s) 5/22/1948 News Agency Duplicate 48-loc-1657h Hold No. Source 22/22 Comment Number of Pages Date Censored 5/26/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/22/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1657g Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 5/24/1948 5/26/1948 13/24 NEWS ITEM 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Ibaraki) Yomiuri (Local) (Ibaraki) 軍政部へ報告. 50人以上の集会 48-loc-1692 48-loc-1693 5/24/1948 5/24/1948 5/26/1948 14/24 15/24 News Item 毎日新聞 読売新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (Tochigi) Mainichi Yomiuri Shimbun, Tochigi Ed. 一区三円五十銭. 都電、バス暫定値上げ上提 農業事業税は惡税. 野溝さん「閣議で反対...」と記明 48-loc-1694 [5]/[24]/194[8] 48-loc-1694a 48-loc-1695 48-loc-1696 48-loc-1697 [5]/[24]/194[8] 5/24/1948 [5]/[24]/194[8] 5/24/194[8] 16/24 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 5/28/194[8] 16/24 17/24 19/24 20/24 News Item 世界日報 毎日新聞 共同通信 政治新聞 Sekai Nippo Mainichi Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Seiji Shimbun Sekai-Nippo Mainichi Kyodo Seiji-Shimbun 第三回定例都議会二十五日から. 都民のふところに痛い両議案 都電バス値上. 都議會に上程 糖[蜜]酒も賣出し. 一級酒八百円 大蔵、農林間に妥協の見透し 國協代議士會; 値上益金歳入繰入れ反對. 豫算大綱最後に難關 48-loc-1698 5/24/1948 5/28/1948 21/24 Editorial 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 「公職追放」新段階に入る 48-loc-1699 5/24/1948 5/26/1948 22/24 Editorial アカハタ Akahata (21) Akahata 21 48-loc-1700 Akahata Abe Y 2 Richardson Sakaino H. Okada Y Y 1 2 Nakano "Purge has entered a new stage" 129 persons have been released from purge; "the fundamental spirit of the purge may be lost" H, D Mercola Ishibashi Murao Y 8 前進 "March Ahead" H, P Mercola Sakaino Hayashi Y 2 人民の見方・保守の敵. 共産黨こそ反フアツシヨの黨. 首相の反共言明. 伊藤中央委員談 Communist / To refute ASHIDA’s Anti-Communist statement "Outrageous Behavior of the Students' League" H, D Gomes Fujii Y 4 H, S Mercola Gomes Araiso Y 2 H, P Mercola Gomes T. Hori Y 6 Kaneko T. Nakayama Y 18 Y 2 Y 2 アカハタ Akahata アカハタ Akahata (24, Shizuoka) Akahata, 24. (Shizuoka) 學生連盟の暴行 48-loc-1702 5/24/194[8] 5/28/194[8] 25/24 News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 参院運営委員会 48-loc-1703 5/24/1948 5/28/1948 26/24 NEWS ITEM アカハタ Akahata (5) Akahata #5 ソ領から歸って来たセガレ Cartoon 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo (2) Tokyo Mimpo extra No. 2 昼寝のジャングルを行く News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 物價改訂半月遅る. 六月十五日から実施に内定 共同通信, 東京タイムズ Kyodo Tsushin, The Tokyo Times Kyodo, Tokyo Taimuzu 水道も二倍値上げ. きょう都議會に提出 Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin (31) Jiji Tsushin Kyodo (#31) 臨時閣議で米価問題を討議 経済代表近く南米へ 48-loc-1710 Iwasaki 1 1 8 4 News Item. Shizuoka Br. 48-loc-1709 4 R[i]chardso Sa[k]aino n T. Hori News Item 5/25/1948 [5]/[25]/194[8] 5/25/1948 Notes Y Takashima 24/24 48-loc-1707z 48-loc-1707 48-loc-1708 Examiner5 Examiner6 Kato 23/24 5/24/1948 H, P H, P Examiner4 10 5/26/1948 ?/[24]/194[8] H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Ogino Takashima T. Hori Y Y Y Y 5/27/194[8] 48-loc-1706 "Agricultural Business Tax is a State minister Nomizo vows to Bad Tax; State Minister oppose the agricultural NOMIZO Says He Will business tax Oppose it at the Cabinet Session" H, D Y 5/24/1948 48-loc-1705 "Meeting With Over 50 Persons To Be Reported To Mi[l]itary Government." Brief Summary Deleted: reference to the as yet undecided exchange rate Assemblies of more than 50 people must be reported to the US military government office H 5/24/194[8] 5/24/194[8] Subject Incentive System H, P S H, D H, S 48-loc-1701 48-loc-1704 Headline Objection to the budget (A) (B) The People's Cooperative Party's opposition to the budget Attack on Yomiuri for translating "minzoku" as race, thereby feeding conflict Ashida's anti-Communist statements reflect the Cabinet's weakened position "Outrageous" behavior of a reactionary member of the Students' League "The Steering Committee of the Union leaders protest the use House of Councillors (EX. of the Political Funds Note: UNEI-IINKAI)" Controlling Bill to oppress unions "My Son Who Has Returned Families of Japanese POWs From Soviet Zone" should not be too anxious because "the situation in Soviet areas in quite satisfactory" Through the jungle of noon time Sleep Drawing depicting the situation one year after the new constitution, including reactionaries and terrorists Revision of Prices Lags by Half Revision of prices lags by half a Month a month S Katsuo Nose T. Nakayama S S Nakano Ogino S. Konishi P Y 1 envelope 5/28/1948 1/25 2/25 News Item 時事通信 共同通信 5/25/1948 5/29/1948 4/25 news item 新報知 Shin Hochi (2) Shin Hochi No. 2 政府は近く代替主食の総合配給制を実施するそうだ 5/25/1948 5/26/1948 6/25 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (62) Kyodo No 62 マ元帥へ平和日本の大写眞 48-loc-1711 5/25/194[8] 5/28/194[8] 8/25 News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 勞組運動まつ殺. 證人揃て反對. 政治資金法 48-loc-1712 5/25/1948 6/1/1948 9/25 News Item 共同通信, 新夕刊 Kyodo Tsushin, Shin Yukan (19) Kyodo, Shin-Yukan (No. 19) 三年前のきようの新聞(五月廿六日) 48-loc-1713 5/25/1948 5/27/1948 10/25 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (65) Kyodo Tsushin, #65 特別会計黒字の使途、地方財政等で意見一致せず. 本予算、国会提出遲れん 48-loc-1714 5/25/194[8] 5/28/194[8] 11/25 Contribution 新夕刊 Shin Yukan Shin-Yukan 砂糖は果して甘いか 48-loc-1715 48-loc-1715a [5]/[25]/194[8] 5/25/194[8] 12/25 12/25 共同通信 東京新聞 Kyodo Tsushin Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo Tokyo Shimbun 味の素など八社に再編指令 集排 48-loc-1715b 48-loc-1716 5/25/194[8] 5/25/1948 12/25 13/25 読売新聞 朝日新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Asahi Shimbun Yomiuri Asahi 48-loc-1716a 48-loc-1717 [5]/[25]/194[8] 5/25/194[8] 13/25 14/25 時事通信 読売新聞 5/25/1948 5/30/1948 16/25 時事通信 金融財政版 Jiji Tsushin Yomiuri (Kana[gawa]) Jiji Tsushin 八社に第一次指令. 独禁法に沿う株式処分 價格差益金でもむ. 予算案大綱提出遅れん ; 政府の態度注目「價格差益金問題」の経済 米補給金問題は妥協案で切ぬけか 耕作権放棄の叫び. 重税に泣く山間地の貧農 48-loc-1718 48-loc-1719 5/25/1948 5/28/1948 17/25 News Item 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin Yomiuri Shimbun (Kana[gawa]) Jiji Tsushin Kinyu Zaiseiban Kyodo Tsushin (109) 48-loc-1719a 48-loc-1720 5/25/1948 5/25/1948 5/28/1948 17/25 18/[2]5 Comment 毎日新聞 時事新報 Mainichi Shimbun Jiji Shimpo (10) 48-loc-1721 5/25/1948 5/29/1948 19/25 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (169) Kyodo 169 手持米益金百二十億円プール計算に流用; 予算編成、政治問題化す 48-loc-1721a 48-loc-1721b 48-loc-1721c 5/25/1948 [5]/25/194[8] [5]/[25]/194[8] 毎日新聞 西日本新聞 東京民報 Mainichi Shimbun Nishi Nihon Shimbun Tokyo Mimpo Mainichi Nishinippon Tokyo Mimpo 新旧米價の差額追拂せず. 北村藏相談 二十四日夜臨閣. 食管財政問題持越 永江農相苦境に. 価格差益金で北村藏相と対立 19/25 19/25 19/25 H, S H, S Economic Representatives Start For South America. Representatives will be sent on missions to Central and South America to stimulate foreign trade Criticism on Substitutes for Criticism of substitution of H, S Staple Food. sugar and sweet potatoes for staple food The Peace Japan company The Peace Japan Company P presented a picture to General presented a picture to Gen. MacArthur. MacArthur Destroys Labor Movement Deliberation over the H, P controversial Political Funds Regulation Bill "What was reported on What appeared in the H, S newspapers 3 years ago?" newspapers three years ago today "Government Fails to Agree on Government fails to agree of H, D, P Use of Available Portions in the use of portions of available Special Accounts; special accounts Submi[ss]ion to the Diet Of Ordinary Budget Bill Likely to Be Delayed" "Is it true that sugar is sweet?" A bucketful of sugar when what everyone needs is rice H, S A boarder in the Boshiryo H, P H, P S Nakano Gomes Yokoyama Richardson Nakano Sakaino Yabuki Y 2 [M]ercola J. Hudnall Hudnall Sasaki Y 4 Y 3 Mercola Niiya Iwasaki Tateuma Y 2 Richardson Ito Murao H. Okada Y 36 Richardson Doi Yoshimoto T. Hori Y 2 Y Y 7 2 Y Y 1 5 Y Y 4 1 [Takashima] [Ono] H, D "Food Rationing during June will be Bright." Food rationing during June will be better P S Those released from purge H, P should nonetheless meditate on how they have deceived the nation Appropriation Of A Profit On Appropriation of a profit on H, D, S Rice In Stock Worth 12 Billion rice in stock worth 12 billion Yen For Pooling Account. yen Release from Purge H, S D H, S 1 3 11 Richardson Y Y H, P H, D, S 「金融業法」意見書成る. 全銀連、全國本會へ提出 Kyodo [Ts]ushin (No. お米21日、砂糖5日. 凍結米動員で明るい六月の主食 109) Mainichi 再生産費の含み. 農相談. 米價補正の眞意 Jiji Shimpo #10 政界、学界、実業界、出版界関係の数十氏の追放解除が発 表された [Ono] Mercola Kaneko Tateuma Mercola Ebisawa Sakaino Hudnall Iwasaki K. Tezuka H. Okada Y 2 Y 13 Y Y 1 2 Y 37 Y Y Y 1 5 2 Oversized 48-loc-1691 Submitted by (Japanese) 時事通信 Photograph(s) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Jiji-Tsushin 66 しいたけ、ハツカ、木蠟にもインセンチブ・システム News Agency Duplicate Submitted by Jiji Tsushin (66) Hold No. Source 12a/24 News Item Number of Pages Date Censored 5/29/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/24/194[8] Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1690 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 5/24/1948 5/27/1948 48-loc-1724 48-loc-1725 48-loc-1725a 48-loc-1725b [5]/[25]/194[8] 5/25/1948 [5]/[25]/194[8] [5]/[25]/194[8] 23/25 24/25 24/25 24/25 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (141, Maizuru) Kyod NO. 141 (Maizuru) 高砂丸病院船としてナホトカへ 東京タイムズ 朝日新聞 時事通信 共同通信 The Tokyo Times Asahi Shimbun Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Tokyo Taimuzu Asahi Jiji Tsushin Kyodo 農林省強硬反對. 價格差の國庫繰入 衆本. 講和條約の締結を要望. 芦田首相答弁 戦爭再発は信ぜられぬ. 芦田首相、和田氏に答弁 衆院本会議; 米ソ戦争のごときは考えられず. 芦田首相答弁 H, S H, P H, P P 48-loc-1725c 48-loc-1725d 48-loc-1725e 48-loc-1725f 48-loc-1725g 48-loc-1726 48-loc-1727 48-loc-1728 [5]/[25]/194[8] 5/25/1948 [5]/[25]/194[8] [5]/[25]/194[8] 5/25/194[8] [5]/[25]/194[8] [5]/[25]/1948 5/25/1948 5/25/1948 5/28/1948 24/25 24/25 24/25 24/25 24/25 25/25 26/25 27/25 News item 毎日新聞 日本経済新聞 [西日本新聞] 東京民報 読売新聞 共同通信 東京都民新聞 読売新聞 Mainichi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai [Nishi Nihon Shimbun] Tokyo Mimpo Yomiuri Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Tokyo Tomin Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (27) Mainichi Nihon Keizai [Nishinippon] Tokyo Mimpo Yomiuri Kyodo Tomin Yomiuri Shimbun 27 "戰爭はあり得ぬ". 首相答弁. ファッシヨを否定 "米ソ戰はあるまい". 首相危機切迫を否定 衆本 米ソ戰は考えず. 軍国主義の台頭なし首相答辯 戰爭首相答弁 歳出入ともにさらに移動せん. 予算閣議白熱化 生活水準向上の見透し 文藝春秋新社「菊池寛追悼号」は発行の直前都合により中 止 P H, P H, P P H, P H, D H, P H, P 48-loc-1729 5/25/1948 5/27/1948 28/25 News Item 朝日新聞; 読売新聞 Asahi Shimbun; Yomiuri Shimbun Asahi; Yomiuri 國際労働情報機関への賛同. 社会党へ申入れ; 社党英労働党と連繋. 國際情報機関から招請状 48-loc-1729a 5/25/1948 5/27/1948 28/25 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 國際労働情報中央機関へ参加勧請. 社党二十七日態度決定 48-loc-1730 48-loc-1731 5/25/194[8] 5/25/1948 5/29/1948 29/25 30/25 News Item 時事新報 時事通信 産業・物価版 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin Sangyo Bukkaban (95) Jiji Shimpo Jiji-Tsushin No. 95 米價遡[及]に反對論. 差益金問題まとまらず 安定帶物資の百十倍價格; 新物價体系設定は更に遷延 48-loc-1732 5/25/194[8] 5/25/194[8] 31/25 News Item 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 陸奧宗光は條約改正の話が出ると「世間では條約改正をや つたのは儂達のように言つているが、實はハウスという先 生が前からお膳立てしておいてくれたので功勞者はあの老 人なのだ」と話したとのことである 48-loc-1733 5/25/1948 5/27/1948 32/25 Editorial 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun 引揚者に門戸を開放せよ 48-loc-1734 5/25/1948 34/25 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 差益金の還[元]. 國協党主張 48-loc-1734a [5]/[25]/194[8] 34/25 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 三木委員長芦田首相と会見. 予算問題で善処方を要望 48-loc-1734b 48-loc-1734c 48-loc-1735 [5]/[25]/194[8] 5/25/1948 5/25/194[8] 5/27/194[8] 34/25 34/25 35/25 Commentary 共同通信 日本経済新聞 アカハタ Kyodo Tsushin The Nihon Keizai Akahata Kyodo Nihon Keizai Akahata 三木委員長首相に申入れ 國協党は強硬. 米價差益金拂戻 国会録音 48-loc-1736 5/25/1948 5/28/1948 36/25 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (185) Kyodo (185). 天皇は世界屈指の平和愛好者. マ元帥武井氏に語る General MacArthur was Members of Peaceful Japan presented with a picture "Status Company presented MacArthur Of Peaceful Japan" with a photograph of "peaceful Japan" 48-loc-1737 5/25/1948 6/1/1948 37/25 Commentary アカハタ Akahata (8) Akahata 8 経済実相報告 "Report on true phase of economy" 48-loc-1738 5/25/1948 5/28/1948 38/25 News item アカハタ Akahata (13) Akahata No. 13 引揚者の見たコルホーズ 48-loc-1739 5/25/1948 5/28/1948 39/25 News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 民族語使用問題でまず論戰. 神戸事件第二回公判 Kolkhos as seen by repatriates. Repatriates talk about life in Kolkhos of the USSR Korean Trial at Kobe The second open trial of the men indicted in the Kobe Korean incident 48-loc-1740 5/25/1948 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 米價差[益]金浮ばず. 苫米地長官談. 新麦價とで帳消 48-loc-1741 5/25/1948 5/28/1948 41/25, 42/25 アカハタ Akahata (Kansai) Akahata (Kansai) 神戸事件第三回公判 48-loc-1742 [5]/[25]/184[8] [アカハタ] [Akahata] (Kansai) [Akahata] (Kansai) 48-loc-1743 5/25/1948 5/29/1948 43/25 News item from Kyushu General Office アカハタ Akahata (17, Kyushu) Akahata No. 17 (Kyushu) きりもない官憲不法彈壓. 人權擁護公判対策懇談會で明みへ ソヴエト文化民科でロシア語講習會 48-loc-1744 5/25/1948 5/29/1948 44/25 Comment アカハタ Akahata Akahata 48-loc-1745 5/25/1948 5/27/1948 45/25 news item アカハタ Akahata (20) Akahata NO.20 22/25 News Item 40/25 News Item 42/25 Subject Penniless Repatriates Increasing Brief Summary Number of penniless repatriates is increasing Takasago Maru Goes to Nahodka as Hospital-Steamer Hospital ship will bring 1,000 sick repatriates back to Japan "Memorial Number of the Bungei Sh[u]nju Magazine for the late Kan KIKUCHI" Co-operation Between the Japan Social Democratic Party And the British Labor Party. International Information Center Too [Sends] Invitation To Social Democratic Party. Publication of a memorial for Kikuchi has been suspended "Open Door to Repatriates". "Diet meeting on May 25" H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Richardson Sakaino K. Minami Mercola Nakano Takamura Examiner4 H. Obata 4 Y 4 Y Y Y Y 1 1 10 23 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 1 4 2 2 10 2 2 Y 3 Y 9 Naito Murao Mercola Shimokura Abe H, P Mercola Doi Murao Ashikawa H, S H, D, P, S Richardson Ito Murao K. Tezuka Y Y 1 3 Praise for Professor House who is responsible for the revision of the treaties H, S Mercola Doi Murao Fujii Y 4 Repatriation resumed--more than 50,000 persons monthly H, S Mercola Doi Takeda Abe Y 5 H, S [Takashima] Y 1 H, D Y 3 H, S H, S D Mercola Sakaino T. Hori Y Y Y 6 1 13 H, S Mercola In[o]uye H. Ishikawa Y 13 S Mercola Sakaino T. Nakayama Y 11 S Mercola Sakaino Sasaki Y 5 S Mer[c]ola K. Suzuki Y 8 Y 1 Mercola Sakanoue Y 5 Y 1 Y 2 Y 2 Y 2 Revised prices of coal and other materials Mr. Wada's speech at the Diet meeting. Deleted: "Defense against the A-B-C-D Line" Criticism of the Ashida Cabinet's new "Report on Natural Economic Conditions" M. Nagashima Notes Y Mercola Yokoyama H, S Third trial of Kobe incident Examiner5 Examiner6 H, P; H, P British Labor Party will cooperate with the Japan Social Democratic Party "Japanese Socialists Receive Suggestion from U.S. to Join Central Body for International Labor Information; will Decide on Answer May 27" 110-fold Prices Of The Socalled Stabilizing (Basic) Commodities. P The third open trial of the men indicted in the Kobe Korean incident S, P K. Suzuki S "Soviet Cultural Club to give a Soviet culture club in Kukuoka course of Russian" to give a course in Russian H, S Mercola Kaneko 豫算純計 "Total net budget" Explanation of the general and special accounts in the budget H, P Kaneko Motoichiro Tamai 紙が少いということは大商業新聞にとつてまことに困つた 問題だろうと世間の人は同情しがちだが、それがどうして 願つてもない有難いことなのである Allocation of Paper to Press. Paper shortage will become the means of reactionary control over the press H, P Mercola Kaneko Yabuki H, S 48-loc-1746 5/25/1948 5/27/1948 46/25 Joking verses アカハタ Akahata (4) Akahata #4 反戰小唄 "Anti-war Songs" Anti-war song 48-loc-1747z 48-loc-1747 5/26/1948 5/26/1948 5/29/1948 1/26 News ITEM アカハタ Akahata Akahata 神戸事件岸田知事證言 Governor Kishida testifies on Kobe incident 48-loc-1748 5/26/1948 5/28/1948 2/26 news item アカハタ Akahata (41) Akahata NO; 41 和田氏質問 Mr. WADA interpellates. Governor Kishida testified at the military trial on the Kobe incident Mr. Wada of the Social Democratic Party asks about the crisis between the US and USSR; Ashida responds 48-loc-1749 48-loc-1750 48-loc-1751 [5]/[26]/194[8] [5]/[26]/194[8] [5]/[26]/194[8] 時事通信 アカハタ 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin Akahata Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Akahata Kyodo 新米価は一・八倍程度 本予算難関へ 衆院本会議 Kan Eguchi M. Nagashima Mercola Kaneko H. Okada S Richardson Sakaino K. Suzuki S Mercola Sakaino Yabuki Okada H. O[k]ada [Takashima] Y 2 envelope 3/26 4/26 5/26, (24/25) S H, D H, P [Kikuchi] Y 1 6 Y 6 Y Y Y 3 6 6 Oversized 48-loc-1723 Headline Photograph(s) Submitted by (based Submitted by on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Yomiuri Shimbun (108, Yomiuri 108 悲喜こもごもの思いを乘せて北方の引揚船はソ連領の眞岡 Hokkai[do]) (Hokkai[do]) から廿五日もまた無事に函館に帰つてきた News Agency Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) 読売新聞 Hold No. Source 21/25 News item Number of Pages Date Censored 5/28/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/25/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1722 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 7/26 5/27/1948 9/26 News Item 国際特信 Kokusai Tokushin Kokusai-Tokushin 五月一〇日決定された最低ドル価格は次の通りで当分の間 これに依り価格報奨制度の輸出が行はれる Incentive System News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (21, Hakodate) Kyodo Tsushin 21 (Hakodate) 六月前半期の引揚船計畫; 六月上旬の樺太引揚船決定 Repatriation ship program for former half period of June. Mainichi (Hakodate) 樺太引揚船入港予定 Kyodo 25 特別会計の益金はプール計画. 永江農相談 Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject "Sound Record of the Diet" Brief Summary Social Democratic Party's Mr. Wada's talk on the war crisis and the reaction of the Lower House members Incentive system of pricing the export goods 48-loc-1754a 5/26/194[8] 9/26 毎日新聞 48-loc-1754b 48-loc-1754c 5/26/194[8] 5/26/194[8] 9/26 9/26 読売新聞 読売新聞 48-loc-1755 5/[26]/1948 5/29/1948 10/26 News Item 共同通信 Mainichi Shimbun (Hakodate) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (Hokkai[do]) Kyodo Tsushin (25) 48-loc-1756 48-loc-1757 [5]/[26]/194[8] 5/26/1948 5/28/1948 11/26 13/26 News Item. 朝日新聞 東京新聞 Asahi Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun (7) Asahi Tokyo-Shimbun, 7. 予算臨時閣議 焦土にわく批判精神. 平和文学創造へ確実な歩み 48-loc-1758 48-loc-1759 [5]/[26]/194[8] 5/26/194[8] 6/1/194[8] 14/26 15/26 Editorial 東京民報 東京新聞 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo-Shimbun 財源調達で行悩み. 予算編成今月中提出困難 多彩の六十一編. アメリカ戯曲の上演について 48-loc-1760 5/26/1948 5/29/1948 16/26 news item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (6) Tokyo Shimbun No. 6 銀行も再編成指定. 集中排除. 予定の六月新発足遅れん 48-loc-1761 5/26/1948 5/27/1948 18/26 5/26/194[8] 5/26/194[8] 5/26/1948 5/28/1948 18/26 20/26 21/26 News Item Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (105, Hokkai[do]) Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Yomiuri, #105 (Hokkai[do]) 本予算財源問題 48-loc-1761a 48-loc-1762 48-loc-1763 大阪時事新報, 大阪新聞 東京新聞 東京新聞 読売新聞 本予算. 大綱決定に見透し. 三九八億のワク内で 米價追拂い取止めか シベリア 48-loc-1764 5/26/1948 5/28/1948 22/26 News Item. 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (80) Jiji Tsushin (80) 鉄鉱石の輸入遅延. 一二〇万トン計画に支障 48-loc-1765 48-loc-1766 48-loc-1767 [5]/[26]/194[8] 5/26/194[8] 5/26/1948 6/1/1948 23/26 24/26 25/26 News Item 時事通信 時事新報 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Shimpo Kyodo Tsushin (98) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Shimpo Kyodo Tsushin (No. 98) 見つもり違いを訂正してなお五十四億の才入不足 「予算問題」 平和のホールに刻まれる氏名. 選ばれた戦没日本青年十二名 48-loc-1768 5/27/1948 5/29/1948 28/26 News item 読売新聞 48-loc-1769 5/26/1948 5/29/1948 29/26 News item 東京民報 Yomiuri Shimbun (307, Yomiuri Shimbun Yamagata) 307 (Yamagata edition) Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 異郷の地に生死不明となつているわが子の消息を必死に探 すいたましい母性献身的な援助をさゝげる一青年の人情美 談 「無力な警察」 48-loc-1770 5/26/1948 5/28/1948 30/26 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (118, Shimane) Kyodo Tsushin (No118) (Shimane) すごいラジウム鉱泉発見 48-loc-1771 48-loc-1771a 5/26/1948 5/26/194[8] 31/26 31/26 朝日新聞 東京新聞 Asahi Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Asahi Tokyo Shimbun 持株整理十六社に指令 株式処分指令さらに十六社へ 48-loc-1771b 48-loc-1771c 48-loc-1772 [5]/[26]/194[8] 5/26/194[8] [5]/[26]/194[8] 31/26 31/26 32/26 東京都民新聞 読売新聞 日本経済新聞 Tokyo Tomin Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Tomin Yomiuri Nihon Keizai 味の素など八社に再編成指令案 廿四社に株式処分を指令 消費者米價は現行價格で米の価格差益金はない. 農相語る 48-loc-1773 5/26/1948 36/26 Commentary [国際新聞], 共同通信 [Kokusai shimbun], Kyodo Tsushin Chinese International 高松宮宣仁氏は元海軍大佐という『現職將校』のためポツ News, Kyodo ダム緊急勅令によつて一切の公職から追放されたはずだっ たが、意外にも日本赤十字社總裁... 48-loc-1774 5/26/1948 6/7/1948 37/26 News Item 貿易日報 Boeki Nippo (11) Boeki-Nippo (No. 11) ソ連向車輪内[訳]決定. 九月から製作開始の予定 48-loc-1775 5/26/1948 6/1/1948 39/26 読売新聞 48-loc-1776 5/26/1948 6/1/1948 40/26 News Item, Maizuru. News item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (26, Maizuru) Yomiuri Shimbun (25) Yomiuri, 26. 在満同胞 (Maizuru) Yomiuri Shimbun, 25 田村君談. ソ連近況 48-loc-1777 5/26/1948 5/29/1948 41/26 News item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 近畿トラツク協会結成; 還元米の穴埋めに輸入懇請. 片柳長官答弁 48-loc-1778 [5]/[26]/194[8] 共同通信 シベリア引揚船函館から出港 5/26/1948 5/29/1948 43/26 News item 毎日新聞 Kyodo Tsushin (Hakodate) Mainichi Shimbun (1, Kanagawa) Kyodo (Hakodate) 48-loc-1779 Mainichi Shimbun NO (Kanagawa Edition 1) 工夫して食い延ばせ. 六月以降・遅配は必至 Let rationed rice last by device Delay in rice ration after June as long as possible. Delay in is inevitable ration after June is inevitable. 48-loc-1780 5/26/1948 5/28/1948 44/26 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (17, Niigata) "Rice In Hand Decreases" [5]/[26]/194[8] 5/26/1948 5/28/1948 45/26 46/26 News Item 時事通信 読売新聞 48-loc-1783 5/26/1948 5/27/1948 47/26 News Item 朝日新聞 Jiji Tsushin Yomiuri Shimbun (116, Kanagawa) Asahi Shimbun (51) Yomiuri-Shimbun (Local. No. 17) (Niigata) Jiji Tsushin Yomiuri 116 (Kanagawa) Asahi Shimbun, #51 めっきり減つた手持米. 今から食延ばしのご用意を 48-loc-1781 48-loc-1782 48-loc-1784 5/26/1948 5/28/1948 48/26 News item 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo (11) Tokyo Mimpo NO. 11 引揚げ促進に大影響. 共産党員就業禁止. 星野氏再び質さん 48-loc-1785 [5]/[26]/194[8] 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 48-loc-1786 5/26/1948 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (13, Kanagawa) 42/26 49/26 5/28/1948 50/26 News Item Yomiuri 予算 Yomiuri (Hokkai[do]) 引揚予定 ヤング使節団来朝 引揚者の歸縣日程 米の價格[差益]金は農家還元. 民自党の方策 本予算案ようやく難関突破. 修正案二十六日夜の閣議で内定 Yomiuri Shimbun (L. 主食七月は六万石の穴で遲配. 縣樂観説取消し食延し要望; No. 13) (Kanagawa) 連合軍戰死者の追悼式. ア中將臨席し31日嚴粛に挙行; 朝嵐丸引揚者廿八日横浜へ "Pool Account Will Be Applied To Special Account Differential Profit: AgricultureForestry Minister NAGAE Reveals" The International conference of Report of the PEN Club of Pen Club Japan to the 20th World Conference of the PEN Club "On Staging American Dramas" SCAP will permit the staging of American dramas Banks designated to be List of the banks designated to reorganized be reorganized Captive Life in Russian Camps Repatriate speaks of captive Talked by a Former Japanese life in Russian camps Officer. Import of Iron ore delayed. Import of iron ore from Hainan island delayed "Names of Twelve War-Dead Japanese Youths To Be Inscribed in Peace Hall." Names of twelve Japanese youths killed in the war inscribed in recreation hall in Alabama "Couple Eagerly Looking For Japanese couple looking for their Daughter Still Marooned their daughter stranded in in Manch" Manchuria "Incompetent Police" Crime is on the increase; criticism of the police "Wonderful Radium Watering- Healing watering place found Place Discovered." in Shimane Prefecture S Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Sakaino Matsumoto K. Minami H, S Tanaka Ogino T. Hori P Mercola Kaneko Matsumoto Examiner4 3 10 H, P Y 1 H, D P Y Y 1 1 H, S Mercola T. Kato Ogino M. Kawamoto Y 7 H, D H, P Mercola T. Kato Hudnall Araiso Y Y 8 4 Mercola Tanaka Hudnall T. Hori Y Y 3 9 Mercola Tanaka Ogino Yabuki Y 2 H, D Y 8 H, D H, S H, P Y Y Y 1 1 2 Y 4 6 1 16 H, D H, P Makoto Sugiyama H, P H, D H, D H, S H, P Ito Kaneko Araiso Mercola Kaneko Ito Yoshimoto [Ono] Considerable influence on repatriation promotion. Mr. HOSHINO will interpellate once more about the matter. Schedule of repatriation ships from Siberia Democratic Party says that the profits from rice should be returned to farmers in the form of goods The repatriation promotion corporation says that antiSoviet acts will hinder the repatriation of Japanese still in Soviet areas Mercola Nakano Sakaino Abe H, S Mercola T. Kato Ogino M. Nagashima Y 4 H, S Kawagishi Mercola T. Kato Shimokura K. Minami Y 5 H, S Mercola T. Kato Niiya Abe Y 9 Y Y 1 1 Y Y Y 1 1 2 [Takashima] S Mercola Ogino Kabayama T. Nakayama Y 41 H, P Mercola Tanaka Moriyama Tateuma Y 3 P Mercola Hudnall H. Okada Araiso Y 3 H, P Ogino Takashima K. Yoshida H, S Mercola Nakano Sakaino Hayashi H, S Mercola Ito Kato Yabuki H, P Inouye Kato Y Toshio Tamura, interviewee 10 2 Y 3 Y 2 1 Tateuma Y 3 1 1 3 H, P H, P Nakano Ashikawa K. Minami Y Y H, S Mercola Shimokura H. Okada Y 2 H, D Mercola Nakano Kaneko Y 2 Y 16 Inouye Kato Tateuma Y 5 H, P 1 Y H, D a. "Repatriation Schedule from Schedule of repatriation ships Siberia" b. "Pessimi[s]tic Food from Siberia Supply" Yokoyama Y Y Y P "Schedule of Repatriate Boats from Siberia" "Democrats Claim Profits from Rice Price Balance Should Be Returned to Farmers" 5 Y M. Hori H H H, S Amount of rice in hand in Niigata-ken has decreased slightly Notes Y Y H "Prince TAKAMATSU still Prince Takamatsu should give holds many official positions." up his many positions in accordance with the Potsdam Declaration "Vehicles will be made for List of the vehicles that will be So[v]iet Russia." made for Russia "Japanese Nationals Remaining There are 65,000 Japanese In Manchuria" forgotten in Manchuria "TAMURA Talks About Repatriate speaks of conditions Recent Circumstances in in Russia Russia" "Request of Release of Request for distribution of Imported Foodstuffs To Cover imported foodstuffs to cover the Deficit of Returnthe deficit in supplies Distribution." Examiner5 Examiner6 Oversized 5/29/1948 5/26/1948 Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Akahata 39 国会録音 Photograph(s) 5/26/1948 48-loc-1754 Submitted by Akahata (39) News Agency Duplicate 48-loc-1753 Submitted by (Japanese) アカハタ Hold No. Source 6/26 news item Number of Pages Date Censored 5/29/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/26/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1752 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Yabuki 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1788 5/26/194[8] 52/26 48-loc-1789 5/26/194[8] 5/29/194[8] 53/26 News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 北鮮委、送電の用意あり News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 国家行政組織法に関する反対声明書. 日本共産党議員団 48-loc-1790 5/26/194[8] 6/26/194[8] 54/26 News item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 朝連声明 48-loc-1791 5/26/1948 5/28/1948 56/26 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (181) Kyodo 181 48-loc-1792 48-loc-1793 5/26/1948 5/29/1948 57/26 News Item 北海道新聞 5/26/1948 5/28/1948 58/26 朝日新聞 48-loc-1794 5/26/1948 5/26/1948 News item from Maizuru News Item News Item 毎日新聞 第一新聞 Subject Repatriates without relative live uncertain [day], not even bath provided for at dorm[ito]ry Northern Korean is ready to send electricity Brief Summary The miserable living situation of repatriates who have no relations North Korea is ready to send electricity to South Korea Announcement as to anti-state Administrative Organization Law Korean Federation Announcement Anti-state sdministrative organization law Chairman of League of Koreans Residing in Japan declaired that the results of the general election held in S. Korea are null H, S [Kikuchi] 元林弁護人を尋問. 参院司法委員会 The Judicial Committee in the House of Councillors Inquires the Ozu's Case MOTOBAYASHI, Defence Attorny was Questiones at the Committee Witnesses are questioned about the Ozu case H, D Mercola Moriyama Iwasaki Hokkaido Shimbun (21) Hokkaido 21 主食の消費者價格プール計算で改正 Asahi 88 (Maizuru) 引揚患者用に高砂丸 Da[iichi] Shimbun 留任嘆願 The method by which food prices will be raised Hospital ship will pick up 1000 sick repatriates US War Dept. has fired several defense attorneys in the war trials Mainichi Shimbun (Niigata) Mainichi, Niigata Edition 九月までに六万八千石不足 Revision Of Co[n]sumer Price By Pooling Food. "Takasago-maru for repatriation of patients" Defense Attorneys in the International Military Tribunal Have Been Fired by the War Department Deficit of Rice Is 68,000 "Koku" by September H, S Asahi Shimbun (88, Maizuru) Daiichi Shimbun Deficit of rice must be substituted by other foodstuffs 48-loc-1795 5/26/1948 48-loc-1796z 48-loc-1796 5/27/1948 5/27/1948 6/3/1948 1/27 News item アカハタ Akahata (30) Akahata 30 「教育勅語」の廃止. まだがんばる田中前文相 48-loc-1797 48-loc-1798 [5]/[27]/194[8] 5/27/194[8] 6/2/194[8] 2/27 3/27 News Item 時事通信 国際特信 Jiji Tsushin Kokusai Tokushin Jiji Tsushin Kokusai-Tokushin 三相、マ少將を訪問 宝. 開拓ノ話 48-loc-1799 5/27/1948 6/2/1948 4/27 news item 時事通信 運輸・観光版 Jiji Tsushin Unyu Kankoban (61) Jiji Tsushin NO.61 誰でもほとんど毎日のように經驗していることであるが、 國鉄の車体は實におどろくべき破損だらけであり、架線の 斷線や車体の脱線事故は繁々として起つているのである 48-loc-1800 5/27/1948 6/1/1948 5/27 News Item 5/29/1948 6/27 News Item Jiji Tsushin Sangyo Bukkaban (60) Kyodo Tsushin (63) バルクライン方式 5/27/1948 時事通信 産業・物価版 共同通信 Jiji-Tsushin 60 48-loc-1801 Kyodo 63 ブラジル邦人からふとん用の綿 48-loc-1802 5/27/1948 5/30/1948 7/27 News Item 時事通信 農林水産版 Jiji Tsushin Norin Suisanban (58) Jiji Tsushin 58 横流しもやむを得ない. 定置漁業の實相はこうだ; 部分的遲配の対策決る; 政府の熱意 48-loc-1803 5/27/1948 6/1/1948 8/27 News item 新夕刊 Shin Yukan (9) Shin Yukan #9 三年前のきようの新聞(昭和二十年五月廿八日) 48-loc-1805 5/27/1948 5/31/1948 11/27 News item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (104, Yomiuri 104 (Gifu) Gifu) 耕作権を放棄. 飯米にこと欠く不作地で 48-loc-1806 5/27/1948 6/1/1948 12/27 News item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (706) Nihon Keizai #706 汽船捕鯨取締規則反対運動. 太地の業者 48-loc-1807 5/27/1948 5/31/1948 13/27 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (2) Asahi 2 48-loc-1808 5/27/194[8] 6/1/194[8] 14/27 Comment アカハタ Akahata Akahata 小麦の祖先を発見してノーベル賞に擬せられたこともある 遺傳学の京大木原助敎授が、ストックホルムの第八回國際 遺傳学会から招かれているが、日本の学者には金がないと いう悲しい定義ゆえに晴れの國際舞台に出かけられそうも ない 最高賃金制は何を意味するか 48-loc-1809 5/27/1948 6/1/1948 15/27 News Item 日本経済新聞 5/27/1948 6/1/1948 16/27 News Item 共同通信 The Nihon Keizai (721) Nippon Keizai (No. 721) Kyodo Tsushin (92) Kyodo 92 遅配は続くか 48-loc-1810 48-loc-1810a 48-loc-1811 5/27/1948 5/27/1948 6/1/1948 16/27 17/27 news item 日本経済新聞 共同通信 The Nihon Keizai Kyodo Tsushin (94) Nihon Keizai Kyodo Tsushin No. 94; Kyodo Shashin Tsushin 國内向け綿製品. 增産運動を展開 故郷を訪れる「帰化日本人」. 一柳老、十年振りに米国へ; 故郷へ帰える帰化日本人一柳老 48-loc-1812 5/27/1948 6/1/1948 18/27 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (115) Kyodo Tsushin 115 国家警察官を五万に増員. 警察法改正されん 48-loc-1813 5/27/1948 5/29/1948 19/27 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (109) Kyodo 109 国内用綿製品増産運動 48-loc-1814 [5]/[27]/1948 5/27/1948 20/27 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 天皇御自身を責める勅語が欲しかつた. 三淵長官語る 48-loc-1814a 48-loc-1814b [5]/[27]/1948 [5]/[27]/194[8] 5/27/1948 20/27 20/27 共同通信 共同通信, 東京タイムズ Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin, The Tokyo Times Kyodo Kyodo, Tokyo Taimuzu 天皇は日本再建に努力. 某宮内官語る 御自身を責める勅語が欲しい. 三淵長官談 Headline S Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Mercola Takamura K. Suzuki Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 7 H, S Y 4 H, S Y 6 Y 7 Y 18 [Jojima] S. Konishi Nakano Kato K. Tezuka Y 5 H, P Nakano Niiya Hayashi Y 2 S Mercola Ito Yoshimoto Y 4 S Doi Sakaino S. Konishi S. Konishi Y 2 envelope 生産増強のため原綿増配 "Abolition of the Imperial Rescript on Education; Opposed by the Former Minister TANAKA of Education" Abolition of Imperial Rescript on Education opposed by the former Minister of Education Y 1 5 Y Y 1 5 Y 4 D Kaneko Matsumoto K. Minami H, D H, S Mercola Ito Ashikawa H, S Ogino Yabuki Formula by which prices are H, P revised Japanese will participate in the H, P LARA meeting in New York this summer I. "Measures To Check Ration Measures to prevent ration H, P, D Iwasa, Delay Cropping Up Partially delay have been partially reporter; Determined" determined [Iwasaki, II. "Government's Earnestness" reporter] Ogino K. Tezuka Y 2 Richardson Naito Gomes M. Kawamoto Y 20 Kaneko Yoshimoto Ito M. Kawamoto Y 5 An article in a newspaper dated A newspaper article from three May 28, 1945 years before: "report of overwhelming losing battle in Okinawa" "Abandonment of Farming Farmers who have bad crop Right by Farmers who Have yields are giving up their right Bad Crops and is Short of to them Rice" Opposition movement to the Small ship whalers oppose the Steam-ship Whaling Control Whaling control Law, saying it Law will ruin them KIHARA Is Invited From The Scholar at Kyoto University International Heredity Research invited to attend the Society International Heredity Research Society in Stockholm S Mercola Takebe Katayama M. Hori Y 2 S Mercola Hudnall K. Minami Y 4 H, P Mercola T. Kato Shimokura M. Hori Y 2 H, D Mercola Shimokura Iwasaki M. Kawamoto Y 3 Niiya K. Fujii Y 19 "On reclamation of waste land" A plan for the reclamation of wasteland for the purpose of self-sufficiency in food Dilapidation of the National The National Railway is in a Railway state of dilapidation and the government is doing nothing Formula by which prices Are Revised. Mrs. Rose Talks About LARA Meeting What is meant by the highest wage structure "Rice Rationing Delay Will Continue" "More Amount of Raw Cotton Supplied To Boost Output." "The aged Hitotsuyanagi, a naturalized Japanese visits America after the absence of 10 years." Increasing of state police power. Special Rationing Of Rice To Cotton Mill Workers The laboring class wants the lowest wage structure, which will give them a decent standard of living Rice rationing delay will continue Japanese shopkeepers and industrialists informed by SCAP that as of May 18, limitation of cotton for domestic use is lifted Hitotsuyanagi, a naturalized Japanese, visits America after 10 years H, P Kisaburo Kawasaki T. Hori P Mercola J. Hudnall Tateuma Y 7 H, D, P Mercola Ito Yoshimoto M. Kawamoto Y 10 H, P H, S Mercola Ishibashi Murao Yabuki Y Y Mercola Naito Shimokura M. Hori Y 27 Mercola Tanaka Moriyama M. Kawamoto Y 9 H, P Y 7 H, P H, P Y Y 8 1 National policemen will be H, P, S increased to 50,000; the police law will be revised Additional rationing of rice to H, D be given to cotton mill workers in an effort to increase cotton manufactures for domestic use 3枚の写真 が全部付 着してい る 1 18 Oversized Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Akahata (Tohoku) 無縁故者不安な毎日. 風呂もない仙台の引揚者寮 Photograph(s) Submitted by Akahata (Tohoku) News Agency Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) アカハタ Hold No. Source 51/26 News Item Number of Pages Date Censored 5/29/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/26/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1787 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 3 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1815a 48-loc-1815b 48-loc-1815c 48-loc-1815d 5/27/1948 [5]/[27]/194[8] 5/27/194[8] [5]/[27]/194[8] 21/27 21/27 21/27 21/27 朝日新聞 北海道新聞 時事新報 共同通信 Asahi Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Kyodo Tsushin Asahi Hokkaido Jiji Shimpo Kyodo 労働基準法変更の考えなし. キレン課長演説 キレン労働課長講演 職業安定行政不満足. キレン労働課長訓示 労務供給におけるボスを根絶せよ. キレン労働課長談 H, P P P H, P 48-loc-1815e 48-loc-1815f 48-loc-1815g 48-loc-1815h 48-loc-1816 5/27/1948 5/27/1948 [5]/27/194[8] 5/[27]/194[8] 5/27/1948 21/27 21/27 21/27 21/27 22/27 毎日新聞 日本経済新聞 西日本新聞 読売新聞 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Nishi Nihon Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Nihon Keizai Nishi Nippon Yomiuri Mainichi 労基法変更を奬めず. キレン課長談 失業保險を活用せよ. キレン労働課長講演 労働基準法変更の意思なし. キレン労働課長談 行政整理に失保を活用. キレン課長談 警察法改正. 國会、政府と交渉始む P P P H, P H, S 48-loc-1816a 48-loc-1816b 5/29/194[8] [5]/27/194[8] 時事新報 [西日本新聞] 緊急措置の徹底. 警察法の改正案 警察法改正試案成る 朝日新聞 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo [Nishi Nihon Shimbun] [Nishi Nihon Shimbun] Asahi Shimbun Asahi 48-loc-1817 5/27/1948 6/21/1948 24/27 Commentary 48-loc-1818 5/27/1948 5/31/1948 28/27 Ironical Book Notice サンデー民報 Sande Mimpo Sunday Mimpo 29/27 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (137) Kyodo 137 [コン]忠記. 東條英機著; 硝子戸の中. 片山哲著; 崩壊無感覚. 芦田均著; 轉落の歴史. 田村泰次郎; 貝谷八百子バレエ團創立十周年記念舞踏会; 上唄声明会発表会 "甘いのもほどほどですわ". 婦人部隊が砂糖配給に抗議 48-loc-1819 5/27/1948 6/1/1948 48-loc-1820 5/28/1948 48-loc-1821 5/27/1948 5/31/1948 30/27 Comment 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 米の差益還元成立困難か 5/29/1948 31/27 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (142) Kyodo 142 米の価格差益金問題再び表面化せん 48-loc-1822 5/27/1948 6/2/1948 32/27 News item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Niigata A) Yomiuri Shimbun, Niigata Ed. A 48-loc-1824 5/27/1948 6/1/1948 37/27 News item 読売新聞 48-loc-1825 5/27/1948 5/31/1948 38/27 News Item 48-loc-1826 5/27/1948 6/3/1948 39/27 Comment 48-loc-1827 5/27/1948 48-loc-1827a 48-loc-1828 48-loc-1828a 48-loc-1829 48-loc-1830 5/31/1948 News ITEM 22/27 22/27 Headline Subject "Labor Division Chief Killen States Labor Legislation Would Be Enough As It Stands" R[e]vision Of P[o]lice Law Brief Summary SCAP official says that SCAP considers present Japanese labor legislation sufficient Provisions of the police reform bill P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Mercola Hudnall M. Kawamoto Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 [Kurihara] [Shiraki] 3 Y Y Y Y 1 7 1 14 Y Y Y Y Y 1 1 6 1 4 Y Y 1 5 Future of foreign trade looks bright, although not without problems "'Konchu-ki' By Hideki TOJO" Tojo has published a book in which he asserts that the war was righteous H, S Mercola Ito Takebe T. Nakayama Y 5 H, S Kaneko Nakano Ogino M. Kawamoto Y 2 "No Thanks For Too Much Distribution of Sweets' Women Corps To Protest Against Sugar Distribution" "The returning of profit by different rice price to farmers may be difficult" "The Question of Profit Due to Balance of Rice-Price will again Be Brought to Light" Female communication workers protest the distribution of sugar as staple food H, P Mercola Naito Nakano Ogino Y 12 H, S Ebisawa Shimokura Motoichiro Tamai Y 21 H, S Ebisawa Shimokura Hayashi Y 8 地労委の裁定は当然. 新潟軍政部労働課長談. 小千谷理研問題; 無期限スト通告. 青海電化險惡; 倉敷紡績二工場も動揺 Statement of Niigata Military Gov't's Labor Division Chief Computation of reproduction fund and profit difficult in the midst of changing rice prices The question of profit due to balance of rice-price in the course of the budget formulation Niigata military government official says that Local Labor Relations Board's decision that production control is not allowed is lawful H, P Mercola Nakano Gomes Yomiuri Shimbun (115, Yomiuri 115 Nagano) (Nagano) "タス"の飜訳に故國を偲ぶ. シベリア抑留生活の思い出話 "We think of Our Native Land Repatriates say they learned of by Translations from the Tass; Japan's situation by listening to A Story of a Japanese Tass news Repatriate from the Soviet area H, P Hudnall Iwasaki 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (159) Kyodo 159 米価改訂案一両日中に決定せん Revision Of Rice-Price May Be Decided Soon. H, S Doi 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (17) Mainichi Shimbun #17 教育勅語の失効問題はむしろ奇怪に感じられる。 Invalidation of the Imperial Rescript on Education Mercola 40/27 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 5/27/194[8] 40/27 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 九氏が渡米. 平和世界建設運動大会へ; 米国で開かれる世界平和運動会議に出席する日本代表の人 々 "道徳の武裝"に築く平和. M・R・A大会へ、九氏卅日渡米 [5]/[27]/194[8] 5/28/194[8] 5/27/1948 5/31/1948 41/27 41/27 43/27 News Item 時事通信 東京新聞 朝日新聞 Jiji Tsushin Tokyo Shimbun Asahi Shimbun (Kana[gawa]) Jiji Tsushin Tokyo Shimbun Asahi (Kana[gawa]) 本年産米の消費者価格据置きか 米價調整に反対意見 自動車強盗團捕る 5/27/1948 5/31/1948 44/27 news item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Fukushima) 自治警察官一齊退職の氣運. 旧制時代の勤続年数未加算で. 休日の加配米配止. 炭價改正は十五日ごろ. 水谷商相談 48-loc-1831 5/27/1948 6/1/1948 45/27 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (11, Hokkai[do]) Yomiuri Shimbun No. x (Fukushima Edition) Mainichi (No. 11) (Hokkai[do]) 48-loc-1832 5/27/1948 6/1/1948 46/27 Editorial アカハタ Akahata Akahata 日常斗争と政治 48-loc-1833 5/27/194[8] 5/28/194[8] 47/27 Editorial 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo-Mimpo 大学新聞の発禁について 48-loc-1834 5/27/1948 5/31/1948 48/27 news item アカハタ Akahata (38) Akahata No. 38 米價益金くりいれとりやめ 48-loc-1835 5/27/1948 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun 第三次調整案才出入表 48-loc-1836 5/27/1948 news item 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo 廿二年度産米價は据置き 48-loc-1837 [5]/[27]/194[8] 時事通信 English Section Jiji Tsushin English Section Jiji Press, Jiji English Section 48-loc-1838z 48-loc-1838 5/28/1948 [5]/[28]/194[8] 6/26/194[8] 3/28 48-loc-1839 5/28/1948 6/1/1948 4/28 5/27/1948 貿易界当面の課題(解説) ソ連情報. 樺太豊原市で弁護士を開業していたが終戰後ソ連発行の"新 生命"の嘱託政治部記者として活躍していた等刀了氏(六七) =石川縣七尾市飯川出身=は十六日函館入港の北進丸で帰っ たが同氏は在樺中共産党員としてロシヤ側のために働き今 回の帰還にはロシヤ側からある種の密命を帶びて来たとも いわれる H, S H, S Notes Y "Current topic of the foreign trade circles." The government is expected to submit its conclusion concerning the revision of the rice price soon Authorities seem to have taken a "let sleeping dogs lie" approach when it comes to the Imperial Rescript on Education Motor car robbers have been caught at Tsurumi, Kanagawa Pref. Four robbers driving a car caught in Kanagawa-ken. Deleted: reference to their ethnic origin All the autonomous policemen Autonomous policemen in are going to resign en bloc in Fukushima plan to resign as a Fukushima. group Reports of repatriation from Repatriates speak of life in the U.S.S.R. USSR "Daily strife and politics by the The daily suffering of the Communist Party" people under the Ashida government as reported by the Communist Party Prohibition of publishing Prohibition of the publication University Papers of some controversial papers at the Japan Women's University "Transfer of Profit Due to RicePrice Revision Is to Be Suspended" The List of Expenditures and Revenue by the Third Draft "Price of Rice Cropped in 1947 will Remain Unchanged." Ashida to make final decision on budget The transfer of profit due to rice price revision is to be suspended List of expenditures and revenue The price of rice crops in 1947 will remain unchanged due to recent situations The Cabinet will leave the final decision on the budget to Ashida Y Lt. Hino Retranslate 5 K. Minami Y Naoichi Takashima, interviewee 5 Moriyama K. Tezuka Y 8 Ebisawa Hudnall Y 2 H, P Y 2 H, P Y 1 H, S S H, D Mercola Gomes Iwasaki K. Suzuki Y Y Y 2 1 3 H, P Mercola Naito Takebe Yabuki Y 3 H, P Mercola Doi Moriyama K. Suzuki Y 12 H, S Gomes Motoichiro Tamai Y 6 H, P Mercola Tanaka Takamura Y 11 H, S Ebisawa Takamura Hayashi Y 3 H, D Doi S. Konishi Y 3 Mercola Ito Y 3 H, D S Hayashi Ashikawa K. Suzuki M. Kawamoto H. Okada T. Hori Hayashi H. Okada I 4 envelope News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (Osaka) Kyodo (Osaka) 大型油槽船九隻油積取りのためペルシヤ湾へ 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (12) 永江農相が主食の二合八勺配給案を考慮中であると聞く Tokyo Shimbun #12 On increase of staple food ration now under consideration by Agriculture-Forestry Minister Nagaye. Despite promises of increased rations, grain will probably still run out by the middle of the year H, S [Kikuchi] H, P Mercola Ito Yoshimoto M. Hori Y 1 4 Y 4 Oversized Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Tokyo Shimbun 48 労働法規現状で十分. キレン課長談 Photograph(s) Submitted by Tokyo Shimbun (48) News Agency Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) 東京新聞 Hold No. Source 21/27 News Item Number of Pages Date Censored 5/30/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/27/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1815 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 6 1 1 2 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by Jiji Tsushin Seiji Rodoban Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Jiji Tsushin 經濟追放の方向 Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject "The Direction of Economic Purge" Brief Summary Mitigation of the economic purge may be under consideration Problems associated with joining the ILO 48-loc-1841 5/28/1948 6/1/1948 6/28 news item 時事通信 政治労働版 5/28/1948 5/29/1948 6/28 News Item 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin Seiji Rodoban (33) Kyodo Tsushin (46) Jiji Tsushin NO. 33 48-loc-1841a Kyodo 46 國際的視野から見たILO加入の諸問題. 「やはり條約締結後か」 マ元帥語らず 48-loc-1842 5/28/1948 5/31/1948 夕刊みやこ Yukan Miyako The Yukan Miyako 警察官六割增員. 夏期犯罪に備へて 48-loc-1843 48-loc-1844 [5]/[28]/194[8] 5/28/1948 5/30/1948 第一新聞 時事通信 Daiichi Shimbun Jiji Tsushin (74) Daiichi Shinbun Jiji Tsushin 74 シベリヤ第二船 社党政調. 予算問題を検討 48-loc-1844a 48-loc-1845 [5]/[28]/194[8] 5/26/1948 5/31/1948 10/28 11/28 News item 北海道新聞 共同通信 Hokkaido Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (83) Hokkaido Kyodo No. 83 社連絡会議. 六、三予算削減に反対 南方引揚の南光互助協會生る 48-loc-1846 5/28/1948 6/1/1948 14/28 Tr[ea]tise 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 教育勅語の存廃 48-loc-1847 5/28/1948 6/1/1948 15/28 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (105, Yomiuri (No. 105) Toyama) (Toyama) 地方の特殊性を考慮. 日鉱指定業種以外にも労務加配 48-loc-1848 5/28/1948 5/31/1948 17/28 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (Hokkaido) Mainichi Shimbun (Hokkaido edition) 旭川の遅配廿日. 労働会議から市へ陳情 48-loc-1849 5/28/1948 5/31/1948 18/28 Editorial. 第一新聞 Daiichi Shimbun (28) Daiichi Shimbun, 28. 引揚者に思索の自由を "Freedom of Contemplation to Questions about whether it is Repatriates." proper or not to make political propaganda towards repatriates who have only just returned 48-loc-1850 5/28/1948 5/28/1948 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (134) Kyodo Tsushin 134 "Problem of General MacArthur's Return to the States and Correspondents" Most foreign correspondents think that MacArthur will go to the US as is requested 48-loc-1850a 48-loc-1851 [5]/[28]/194[8] 5/28/1948 5/31/1948 19/28 20/28 Commentary. 時事通信 朝日新聞 Jiji Tsushin Asahi Shimbun (36) Jiji Tsushin Asahi, 36. 速やか帰任を望む. 安東外務委員長談 美濃部博士の遺著. 「日本國憲法原論」 "'Principles of Japanese Constitution.' Dr. MINOBE's Last Work." Dr. Minobe's "Principles of the Constitution" fails to adequately capture the revolutionary aspects of the document 48-loc-1852 48-loc-1853 [5]/[28]/194[8] 5/28/1948 5/31/1948 21/28 22/28 News Item. 東京民報 東京タイムズ Tokyo Mimpo The Tokyo Times The Tokyo Minpo Tokyo Times 反國民的予算の見本 七、八月は十日分. 心細い都のお米. 食いのばしに四苦八苦 Slim Supply of rice in Tokyo Prefecture. Slim supply of rice in Tokyo Prefecture 5/31/1948 (22/27), 8/28 9/28 10/28 News Item 48-loc-1853a 5/28/1948 22/28 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 米23日、砂糖5日. やりくり満配の六月 48-loc-1853b 5/28/1948 22/28 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 米は20日分前後. 凍結米繰上げ放出か 48-loc-1853c [5]/28/194[8] 22/28 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 六月は米で二十三日分. 七、八、九月は苦しくなる 48-loc-1853d 48-loc-1854 5/28/194[8] [5]/[28]/194[8] 読売新聞 時事通信 Yomiuri Shimbun Jiji Tsushin (Nagano) Yomiuri 六月の主食 Jiji Tsushin (Nagano) 苦情処理機関は労組の武器. ロメル労働班長談 48-loc-1854a [5]/[28]/194[8] 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (Suwa) Kyodo (Suwa) 労働課ロメル氏電産大会で講演 48-loc-1854b 5/28/194[8] 48-loc-1855 5/28/1948 5/31/1948 22/28 23/28, (20/29) 23/28, (20/29) 23/28, (20/29) 24/28 48-loc-1856 5/28/1948 5/31/1948 48-loc-1857 5/28/1948 48-loc-1857a 48-loc-1858 48-loc-1859 5/29/1948 [5]/[28]/194[8] 5/28/1948 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 電産労組大会. 第二日 アカハタ Akahata (5) Akahata NO. 5 白書-何も書かなかつた方がねうちのある紙のこと 25/28 Commentary (Staire) news item アカハタ Akahata (20, Kansai) 朝鮮人裁判休廷 5/31/1948 26/28 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (165) Akahata NO. 20 (Kansai) Kyodo (165) News Item 日本経済新聞 北海道新聞 朝日新聞 The Nihon Keizai Hokkaido Shimbun Asahi Shimbun (11) Nihon Keizai Hokkaido Asahi Shimbun (Local No. 11) 差益金は農民に還元. 日農議員團の申合 端境期の食糧事情 5/31/1948 26/28 27/28 28/28 手持米一・五日. 横浜市、頼みは凍結米放出; 砂糖を調味料配給に. 御婦人たちが署名運動 米價は一体どうなる?. 消費者價格値上げ必至. 新賃金ベースの維持は可能か 米人技術者五名. 八幡製鉄が招聘 價格差益金還元. 日農議員団で申合せ "General MacArthur keeps silence" 5/28/1948 28/28 毎日新聞 48-loc-1860 [5]/[28]/1948 6/6/1948 29/28 東京タイムズ Mainichi Shimbun (Kanagawa) The Tokyo Times Mainichi (Kanagawa ban) The Tokyo Times 48-loc-1861 5/28/1948 5/31/1948 31/28 News item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 48-loc-1862 5/28/1948 5/31/1948 32/28 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (171) 48-loc-1863 48-loc-1864 5/28/194[8] 5/28/1948 5/28/1948 Comment 読売新聞 第一新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Daiichi Shimbun Kyodo [Ts]ushin (No. 端境期の主食、楽観を許さず. 農林事務当局苦慮 171) Yomiuri 食糧. 片柳食糧管理局長官との一問一答 Daiichi Shimbun 外国文化の導[入] 48-loc-1865z 48-loc-1865 5/29/1948 5/31/1948 時事通信 農林水産版 Jiji Tsushin 自家用繭は一・二五割; 農業手形の次にくるもの 48-loc-1866 48-loc-1867 5/29/1948 5/29/1948 6/1/1948 3/29 5/29 News item 朝日新聞 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin Norin Suisanban Asahi Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (52) Asahi Kyodo 52 飛沫傳染に注意. 厚生省予防局防疫課柴山技官談 銀行家の初渡米 48-loc-1868 5/29/1948 6/5/1948 6/29 Commentary. 6/2/1948 7/29 News Item Jiji Tsushin Sangyo Bukkaban Tokyo Shimbun (24) 出炭計畫達成は困難. 全國石炭復興會議で檢討 5/29/1948 時事通信 産業・物価版 東京新聞 Jiji Tsu[s]hin 48-loc-1869 Tokyo Shimbun #24 食糧. やがて六月いよいよ中間端境期に入るがこの期間(六月十月)の食糧事情はどうだろうか H, D, S Okichi Tayama P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Kikuchi H. Okada Mercola Naito Mercola Naito Richardson Jane Hudnall T. Hori Hudnall Yabuki D, C H, P H, P Rice Price Issue Was Discussed by the Socialists NANKO GOJO KAI (Ex: Mutual Assistance Association South Light Mutual Assistance supports poor repatriates and Association) was set up. the families of those still abroad Continuation and abolition of Military interference with Imperial Rescript on Education education has only been replaced by political interference Addition distribution of rice Additional allocation of rice to for laborers be made to workers of Takaoka's industry beginning in May "Rationing Delay in Asahikawa Rationing has been delayed for City." 20 days in Asahikawa city Rice and other foods are running out in Yokohama "Yahata Steel Plant is going to Yahata steel plant is to engage engage the service of 5 services of 5 American experts American Experts." in order to improve steel manufacturing techniques "Rationing of Staple Food Is Not Optimistic." Rationing of staple food is not optimistic "Induction of Foreign Culture" The copyright problem will be settled in the peace treaty; but the situation looks bleak for the freedom of translation to be recognized 4 Y 9 Y 5 Y 1 Y Y 1 7 Y Y 5 5 Y 12 Y 5 Y 2 Y 3 Y 4 M. Kawamoto Mercola T. Kato Gomes Nakano Ogino K. Suzuki H, S Mercola Ebisawa Ogino H, P Kato Katayama Tateuma H, S Ogino Araiso Mercola Kawamoto M. Nagashima Nakano Ogino Araiso Y Y 4 3 Nakano Ogino Yokoyama Y Y 4 2 Y 4 Y 1 Y 4 H, P H, P [Kunugi] H, P [Kensho Honda] P P H, P [Aoki] Tetsu Mercola Nakamura, professor of Hosei University H, S H, P Mercola Sasaki K. Suzuki [Ogino] H, P D, P Y Y 1 4 H, D Y 12 H, P Ironic definitions of expressions Korean Trial Recessed. Kobe trial has been recessed until June 1 "Profit due to price revision Profit due to rice price revision should be returned to farmers." should be reutrned to farmers Notes Y H. Kato H, P Definitions Examiner5 Examiner6 Hudnall Tanaka H, D, S, P H, D, P (1) "Ration Rice in Stock for only 1.5 Day." (2) "Women wish Sugar distributed as Seasoning Stuff." 48-loc-1859a 33/28 Joining the ILO. H, P Y 1 Mercola Gomes Yabuki Y 2 P Mercola Sakaino Yabuki Y 4 H, S Tanaka Ogino Hayashi Y 6 H, S H, D P [Ogino] Tateuma Y Y Y 1 10 2 H, P Y 1 1 H, S Y 2 1 Y 2 Y 16 Y Y 9 4 [Jojima] Tataka S H, P H, D D H, S "1st visit by bankers to U.S." Director of the Bank of Japan to go to US to interview bank representatives--a golden opportunity to deepen mutual understanding Attainment of the Coal Mining The attainment of the coal Plan Difficult. mining plan will be difficult "Food" There will be a food shortfall in late summer 1 H, D Hidefumi Egawa, professor of Tokyo University Ogino Mercola Takebe Y. Takaoka Kato Ogino Tateuma Richardson Yoshimoto Takashima Hayashi envelope 1/29 Oversized Submitted by (Japanese) 時事通信 政治労働版 Photograph(s) News Agency Duplicate Hold No. Source 5/28 Comment Number of Pages Date Censored 6/7/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/28/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1840 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) [Takashima ] H, P D Richardson Sakaino T. Nakayama H, P Richardson Ito Shimokura H, P Takebe Iwasaki H. Okada Yokoyama Y 1 1 Y Y 1 6 Y 2 Y 4 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1870a [5]/[29]/194[8] 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 米価問題で日農議員団声明 48-loc-1870b [5]/[29]/194[8] 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 農民大会実行委員会政府回答に不満 48-loc-1870c [5]/[29]/194[8] 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 米価差額の還元を要望. 社党日農議員団声明 48-loc-1870d 48-loc-1870e 48-loc-1870f 48-loc-1871 5/29/1948 [5]/[29]/194[8] 5/29/194[8] 5/29/1948 News item 毎日新聞 東京民報 読売新聞 読売新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Tokyo Mimpo Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (14) Mainichi The Tokyo Minpo Yomiuri Yomiuri 14 米價引上げよ. 日農議員團声明 物価に均[衡]引上げ. 日農議員団米価改訂に声明 米價差額の還元支拂い. 日農議員團声明 物價改訂 6/2/1948 9/29 48-loc-1872 5/29/1948 6/1/1948 48-loc-1873 5/29/1948 6/1/1948 10/29 News item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (94) Nihon Keizai 94 貯炭拂出をしぶる. 炭價値上り見越しで 11/29 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (98, Shizuoka) Kyodo 98 (Shizuoka) 三保の松原を観光地に 48-loc-1874 48-loc-1874a [5]/[29]/194[8] [5]/29/194[8] 北海道新聞 [西日本新聞] Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido [Nishi Nihon Shimbun] [Nishi Nihon Shimbun] Mainichi Shimbun (109, Mainichi, 109 Sasebo ) (Sasebo) 米價問題で声明. 日農議員団 米價問題に声明. 日農議員団 48-loc-1875 5/29/1948 6/1/1948 16/29 News Item. 毎日新聞 中國看護婦の美談 "Heart-Touching International Episode Centering on a Chinese Nurse." Young Chinese nurse successfully petitions for the release of a Japanese war criminal whom she cared for during the war H, P 48-loc-1876 5/29/1948 6/6/1948 17/29 Commentary 西日本新聞 48-loc-1877 5/29/1948 18/29 News Item 共同通信 経済白書をめぐって "Having read Economic 'Blue' Book." "Rationing Delay In CHIBAken Becoming Serious" This year's economic 'blue book' is hardly noticed The rationing delay in Chibaken is becoming serious H, S 朝日新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun (2) Kyodo Tsushin (104, Chiba) Asahi Shimbun (Chiba) 48-loc-1877a 5/28/1948 18/29 48-loc-1878 5/29/1948 6/2/1948 19/29 News Item. 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (29) 48-loc-1879 48-loc-1880 [5]/[29]/1948 5/29/1948 6/1/1948 6/2/1948 21/29 22/29 48-loc-1881 48-loc-1882 [5]/[29]/194[8] 5/29/1948 5/31/1948 23/29 24/29 News item 時事通信 日本経済新聞 Jiji Tsushin (Moji) Jiji Tsushin (Moji) The Nihon Keizai (915) Nihon Keizai # 915 八幡製鉄でノルウェー捕鯨船建造に着手 繭價大巾引上か News item 共同通信 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin (116, Yokohama) Kyodo Kyodo 116 (Yokohama) 米價改訂の方針. 野田次長答弁 統制物資数千万円不正取引. 國際工業社長を検挙 Asahi Shimbun (Yokohama) Yomiuri Shimbun (Yokohama) Jiji Tsushin (93) Asahi (Yokohama) また進駐軍公文書僞造のサギ Kyodo No. 126 (Gifu) 岐阜に奇病. 新制中学校休校 13/29 13/29 Nishinippon 2 Kyodo [Ts]ushin (No. 千葉県の主食遅配深刻 104) (Chiba) Asahi (Chibaban) 凍結米約九日分を振替え. 生でんぷんの配給合せ遅配解消か Yomiuri, 29. 共和制にせよ Headline Subject Brief Summary "Revision of [Price] of Commodities" "Kyushu Coal Mines Hold their stocks for higher prices" Revision of the prices of fundamental articles Kyushu coal mines hold their supply for higher prices "Miho Pinery For Sightseeing Place" Mr. Ishikawa, based in Los Angeles, is looking into creating tourist attractions in Shizuoka Examiner5 Examiner6 "Republicanize Japan." "People did not die for the sake of Tojo, but for the emperor" Price of cocoons may be hiked Price of silk cocoons may be to a large extent. hiked "The President of the Kokusai President of Kokusai Kogyo Kogyo Co. ltd. was arrested for has been arrested for illegal illegal transactions on transactions controlled goods." 5/29/1948 24/29 朝日新聞 24/29 読売新聞 48-loc-1883 5/29/1948 5/31/1948 25/29 News item 時事通信 48-loc-1884 5/29/1948 6/1/1948 27/29 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (126, Gifu) 48-loc-1885 5/29/1948 28/29, (24/29) News Item. 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (117, Mainichi Shimbun. Yokohama) 117 (Yokohama) 米軍の注文と僞り繊維品を不正買入. 強羅ホテル経営者ら檢挙 48-loc-1886 5/29/1948 6/1/1948 29/29 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (Shizuoka) Asahi (Shizuokaban) ハワイ便り. 忘られぬオサ[シ]ミの味. 上遠野氏へ. 熱海の心盡しの感謝 The Letter from Hawaii 48-loc-1887 5/29/1948 6/1/1948 30/29 News item 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo (112) Jiji Shimpo 112 技術面で崩れる. 生産縣遅配に公團がわ見通し 48-loc-1888 5/29/1948 6/2/1948 31/29 News item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (41) Asahi Shimbun #41 三縣下に別の奇病. ショーコー病に似たもの 48-loc-1889 5/29/1948 6/1/1948 32/29 Editorial 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo (14) Tokyo Mimpo No. 14 天皇制を眞剣に考えよう 48-loc-1890 5/29/1948 6/4/1948 33/29 Contribution 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo (2) Tokyo Mimpo NO. 2 48-loc-1891 5/29/1948 5/29/1948 News item 東京新聞 48-loc-1892 5/29/1948 朝日新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (4, Tokyo Shimbun no. 4 國鉄大会 Nara) (Nara) Asahi Shimbun (Sasebo) Asahi (Sasebo) 門屋氏が語る中國の現状 48-loc-1893z 48-loc-1893 5/30/1948 5/30/1948 6/2/1948 1/30 News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (3) Nihon Keizai (No. 3) 價格差益納付は困難. 纖維業界、政府に改善を要望 48-loc-1894 5/30/1948 6/2/1948 2/30 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (34) Kyodo 34 48-loc-1895 5/30/1948 6/1/1948 3/30 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (Hakodate) 48-loc-1896 5/30/1948 6/2/1948 4/30 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (32) Yomiuri (Yokohama) 繊維品三千万をヤミ流し. 進駐軍公文書を偽造 "Revision to be effected in commodity prices from 15 June" Peculiar Epidemic are Prevalent IN Gifu ; Closure of High School IN New Education System. Gang of Black Marketeers Arrested. Revision of commodity prices will take effect on the 15th of June Epidemic strikes students of Imasu High School 5 S Y 4 S Y 4 H, S S H, S H, S Mercola Ebisawa Shimokura K. Minami Y Y Y Y 1 1 1 5 H, S Mercola T. Kato Ogino K. Minami Y 3 H, P Mercola Naito Niiya Hayashi Y 8 Y Y 3 4 Y 4 Y 15 Y 11 Y 1 [Kunugi] [Yamamoto ] Masao Takahashi H, P Malloy Inoue Moriyama Araiso Mercola Ito Gomes T. Nakayama Ito Kato Tateuma Niiya H, D Mercola Gomes Iwasaki Araiso Y 2 H, P H, P Mercola Niiya Iwasaki M. Hori Y Y 1 3 T. Nakayama Y Y 4 10 P Y 1 H, P Y 1 H, S H, P D Richardson Sato Hattori Niiya Richardson Hattori Ogino M. Nagashima Y 2 H, P Richardson Ito Ogino K. Tezuka Y 7 Y 3 Y 2 Y 3 H, P Ogino Takashima Araiso H, D Richardson Naito Sakaino Delayed Distribution of Staple A list of the circumstances that Food cause delays in food rationing H, P Naito Hudnall K. Minami Another curious epidemic break out in three prefectures. Epidemic resembling scarlet fever has broken out in three prefectures Sentiment for the abdication of the emperor, based on the spirit of the new constitution--the emperor is a human being H, P Richardson Doi Kato M. Hori Y 4 H, S Mercola Murao Iwasaki Yabuki Y 8 Criticism of the fact that two literary men were exempted from purging National Railway Workers' rally over pay scale H, S Hiroshi Nakanishi Mercola Murao Iwasaki H. Obata Y 9 [Sakai] Richardson T. Kato Sakaino Hayashi Y 3 Let us consider the "Tenno System" Seriously. "Japanese Literary Men's Responsibility for the War" "National Railway Workers' Rally" President of Kokusai Kogyo has been arrested as a blackmarketeer A letter from Hawaii: "it seems to me that US aid to Japan will be increased if MacArthur becomes president" Notes 1 [Shimizu] H, P 5/29/194[8] 日本文学者の戦争せきにん Examiner4 Y H, S H, S 48-loc-1882a 六月十五日から物価同時改訂 Examiner3 Y H, S 48-loc-1882b Jiji Tsushin 93 Examiner1 Examiner2 H, S D H. Obata D Y 1 "Textile Industry Workers Request Revision of National Treasury Collection." Textile industries are negotiating with the government to improve profits resulting from the price revision H, P Mercola T. Kato H. Kato Tateuma Y envelope 1 4 注目される五人委員会の活動. 解説 "Noteworthy Activities Of 5Man Committee" H, P Kawamoto Tanaka Moriyama M. Kawamoto Y 33 Kyodo (Hakodate) 高倉山丸で一,七七一名帰国. 樺太引揚第十四船 H, P [R]ichardso Naito n Ashikawa Sasaki Y 5 Kyodo 32 五カ年間造船百七十万トン計畫 1771 came back from Saghalien by the 14th repatriation ship, the Takakura[yama] maru Five-Year Ship Building Plan The five-man committee, having just arrived, has already begun studying economic concentration 14th repatriation ship has returned from Siberia If ship-building plan is realized, freightage income of 30-40 million dollars a year will be possible H, D, S Richardson Takebe T. Hori Y 25 Naito [Mercola] Oversized Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) [Jiji Shimpo] 米價値上差額は農民に還元. 日農議員團決議 News Agency Photograph(s) Submitted by [Jiji Shimpo] Source Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) [時事新報] Hold No. 8/29, (13/29) 8/29, (13/29) 8/29, (13/29) 8/29, (13/29) 13/29 8/29 Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [5]/[29]/194[8] Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1870 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1900a 5/30/194[8] 48-loc-1901 Submitted by Kyodo Tsushin (58) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Kyodo 58 賃金安定問題今週中に表面化 Asahi Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Mainichi Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (4) Asahi Kyodo Mainichi Yomiuri Yomiuri No. 4 自動車の中に怪死体 ジープ内に怪死体. 毒薬による他殺か 小型自動車助手席に変死体 盗難ジープに変死体 引揚 5/31/194[8] 6/1/1948 6/30 6/30 6/30 6/30 7/30 News item 朝日新聞 共同通信 毎日新聞 読売新聞 読売新聞 6/2/1948 9/30 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (Hachioji) Mainichi (Hachioji) 勤労加配米等增配を考慮. 加藤労相談 読売新聞 労務加配米一日二合に. 加藤労相談 6/2/1948 10/30 News item アカハタ Yomiuri Shimbun (Hachioji) Akahata (12-AB) Yomiuri (Hachioji) 5/30/1948 Akahata 12-A B 豫算案との斗爭 48-loc-1902 5/30/1948 6/2/1948 11/30 Reader's Contribution. アカハタ Akahata (4) Akahata, 4. 野菜値下問題 48-loc-1903 5/30/1948 6/1/1948 12/30 News Item. アカハタ Akahata (16, Tokai) Akahata, 16. (Tokai) 48-loc-1904 5/30/194[8] 6/4/194[8] 13/30 Treatise アカハタ Akahata Akahata 48-loc-1905 5/30/1948 6/2/1948 14/30 News Item, Hokkaido Br. アカハタ 48-loc-1906 5/30/1948 6/1/1948 15/30 Comment. 48-loc-1907 5/30/1948 6/3/1948 16/30 48-loc-1908 5/30/1948 6/1/1948 17/30 48-loc-1909 48-loc-1910 [5]/[30]/194[8] 5/30/194[8] 6/3/194[8] 18/30 19/30 48-loc-1911 5/30/1948 6/2/1948 48-loc-1912 5/30/1948 6/1/1948 48-loc-1913z 48-loc-1913 5/31/1948 5/31/1948 48-loc-1914 48-loc-1915 5/31/194[8] 9/30 Headline Subject Wage Stabilization Issue Brief Summary Wage stabilization issues are in danger of becoming a basis for a new labor offensive Repatriation Repatriates from the internment camp of the Far East have arrived Labor Minister KATO's Speech Labor minister says that rice on Increase in Rations of Rice, rations will be increased for Seasoning, and Soft goods workers H, P D H, P H H, P H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Richardson Hudnall Matsumoto M. Kawamoto 税務署長を告發. 納税者脅迫のかどで Revenue Office Superintendent Democratic League sues the to Be Sued. Seki Revenue Office after a man commits suicide because he was too heavily taxed H, P, S 栗栖長官の言明 Declaration by Kurusu Akahata (21, Hokkaido) Akahata, 21 (Hokkaido) "米よこせ"に主婦たち懸命 "Housewives Crying ‘Give Us Rice’ in Hokkaido." アカハタ Akahata Akahata. 追放取消 Comment アカハタ Akahata (2) Akahata (No. 2) News Item 中部日本新聞 Chubu Nihon Shimbun Commentary アカハタ アカハタ Akahata Akahata 20/30 Commentary アカハタ 21/30 News Item アカハタ 6/4/1948 2/31 News item 5/31/1948 6/2/1948 3/31 5/31/1948 6/2/1948 5/31 48-loc-1916 5/31/1948 6/1/1948 7/31 48-loc-1917 5/31/1948 6/1/1948 9/31 48-loc-1917a 5/31/1948 6/5/1948 48-loc-1918 5/31/194[8] 48-loc-1919 5/31/1948 48-loc-1919a [5]/[31]/194[8] 48-loc-1920 5/31/1948 6/8/1948 12/31 48-loc-1921 5/31/1948 6/2/1948 13/31 48-loc-1922 5/31/1948 6/1/1948 14/31 48-loc-1923 5/31/194[8] 6/9/194[8] 15/31 P 1 8 1 1 2 [Sakaino] [Mercola] Richardson [Sakaino] Ashikawa Takashima Sasaki Y Y Y Y Y Richardson Shimokura Iwasaki T. Hori Y 3 Y 1 Soichiro Hudnall Matsumoto Matsumoto K. Minami Y 6 Seiichi Richardson Mizutani, a trustee of Greens Forwarders Associatio n Niiya Araiso Y 3 Richardson Niiya Araiso Y 3 Y 10 H, P H, P 26 [Mercola] H, P "Struggle with the Budget Bill" The budget for next year taxes the laboring class as much as possible "How to Get Low-Priced Setting up a people's front will Greens." make it easier to get cheap vegetables Notes Y To not appoint Communist party members to office is unconstitutional--freedom of thought and conscience should never be trespassed A group of housewives demnded rice at the government office in Hokkaido, and were successful H, S Rich[a]rdso K. Suzuki n H, S Richardson Niiya Araiso Y 2 "Cancellation of purge." The government has cancelled the purge of 29 people H, P Richardson Niiya Araiso Y 2 ILO参加問題 "Participation in International Labor Organization" H, D Mercola J. Niiya Abe Y 15 Chubu Nippon シベリヤ引揚者は連日相次いで舞鶴に着き、なつかしの故 郷に帰りつゝある About Repatriates Returning from Siberia Since the representative to the ILO was chosen by the employer organization and the government, he must please both Numbers of people who died in Russian-occupied territories H, P Richardson Ito Yoshimoto Y 12 Akahata Akahata 本予算案大綱をめぐつて 週間の動き、 続き Y Y 7 8 Akahata (24) Akahata 24 最高賃金制 "The highest standard of wages." Y 11 Akahata Akahata 東部の値上反対運動 Against the railway Fare Hike Opposition to the railway fare hike is steadily growing 新夕刊 Shin Yukan (9) Shin yukan 9 三年前のきようの新聞. (昭和二十年五月卅一日) Commentary. 時事通信 金融財政版 Jiji Tsushin Kinyu Zaiseiban (50) Jiji Tsushin (50). 金融業法に基き増資. ここ一兩月は模様眺め News Item. 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin. 棉製品民間取引近く実施 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local "War news in the newspaper on May 31, 1945, or Three Years Ago" Increase of Capital in Accordance With the moneylending Law. Pr[i]vate Contract of Cotton Fabrics. Nippon traders to hold parley News Item. 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (1, Hokkai[do]) Asahi, Local 1. (Hokkai[do]) Topics this week The government is secretly preparing to provide for a grievance committee (a labor dispute settlement organ in disguise) The plan for the enforcement of the highest wage standard Masahiro Hosono S. Konishi D D Murao T. Hori P Richardson Hudnall H, S Richardson K. Suzuki H, S Mercola Takebe Katayama K. Minami Y 1 4 H, P Mercola Ebisawa Ogino Yokoyama Y 2 Naito Ogino Yokoyama Y 4 P Mercola Ito Takebe P T. Nakayama Y 10 envelope 6/1/1948 引揚者は何を感じたか Repatriates' First Impressions of Fatherland. May 1945: Gigetsu dared to attack American squadron and sank 7 ships at a blow Captial will be increased in accordance iwith the moneylending law Board of Trade will enforce private transactions of cotton Global cruise of ship displaying samples of planned export merchandise Repatriates surprised by the changes taking place in Japan "Taiyo Gyogyo Begins Whaling" Latest Dollar Price of canned goods to be announced soon Taiyo Fishing Co. has begun whaling Dollar price of canned goods will be made public shortly "1st Group of Repatriates Returned from China." First group of repatriates has returned from China 9/31 News item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (110) Nihon Keizai 110 大洋漁業捕鯨開始 10/31 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin カン詰類も直接売買方式. 最低ドル値等近く発表 11/31 News Item 時事通信 元第三師団長ら帰る 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin (62, Sasebo) Jiji [Ts]ushin (No. 62) (Sasebo) Kyodo Tsushin (Sasebo) Kyodo (Sasebo) News item (biography) 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (31) 天の父 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (Chiba) Asahi (Chiba) Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local 共同通信 共同特信 A Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin A Kyodo 11/31 Comment Jijitsushin Yomiuri Shimbun #31 華北の引揚者佐世保帰着 主食見通し立たず. みそ三倍に引上げ交渉中 経済自立と輸出 P H, D 2 Araiso Japanese couple in Korea brings up homeless korean children It's hard to have an insight into Predictions on how fish and the rationing of major Food condiments will be rationed 2 Mercola Sakaino Y 3 H, D Niiya Matsumoto K. Suzuki Y 5 H, P Mercola Kaneko Tateuma Y 3 P "Father from Heaven" Y Y 4 H, P Mercola Ogino Kaneko Shigeru Nomura Y 14 H, P Mercola Ito Kato K. Suzuki Y 4 The Antarctic Whaling Issue Japan should be allowed to continue whaling expeditions so that the US won't have to export so much food into Japan S E[c]onomic Self Help and Exportation Japan lacks raw materials, so it must rely on unprofitable processing trade H, D 2 Ichiro Yoshida Mercola Tanaka Murao K. Fujii Y 12 Oversized 5/30/1948 Submitted by (Japanese) 共同通信 Photograph(s) 48-loc-1900 News Agency Duplicate 5/30/1948 [5]/[30]/194[8] 5/30/194[8] 5/30/194[8] 5/[30]/1948 Hold No. Source 5/30 News Item Number of Pages 48-loc-1898 48-loc-1898a 48-loc-1898b 48-loc-1898c 48-loc-1899 Date Censored 6/2/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/30/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1897 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1927 48-loc-1928 Submitted by Kyodo Tsushin (65) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Kyodo Tsushin 65 八社に再編指令案 朝日新聞 時事新報 毎日新聞 日本経済新聞 東京新聞 読売新聞 共同通信 Asahi Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Mainichi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Tokyo Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (66) Asahi Jiji Shimpo Mainichi Nihon Keizai Tokyo Shimbun Yomiuri Kyodo Tsushin 66 八社へ保有他社株の処分を指令 八社に持株処分指令 八社に再編成指令. 持株整理委員会 集排BC級八社に指令 八社に集排法指令 八社に第六次指令 社会党役員会; 社会党農家還元を主張. 近く決議案提出 朝日新聞 時事新報 日本経済新聞 東京民報 読売新聞 毎日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Jiji Shimpo The Nihon Keizai Tokyo Mimpo Yomiuri Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun (Hokkaido) Asahi Jiji Shimpo Nihon Keizai The Tokyo Mimpo Yomiuri Mainichi Shimbun (Hokkaido) 價格差益金は農家へ. 社会党で意見一致 米價と六三制. 社の態度決定 米の價格差は農民に支給. 社会党予算の態度 差額金の農家還元. 米價改訂社党中委で決議 米價格差益金還元. 社党役員会意見一致 遅配の穴埋め; "母はいずこ". 引揚少年の悲話 6/1/194[8] 5/31/1948 17/31 17/31 17/31 17/31 17/31 17/31 18/31 5/31/1948 18/31 18/31 18/31 18/31 6/2/1948 20/31 Question and answer 5/31/1948 6/2/1948 23/31 News item 読売新聞 6/2/1948 24/31 News Item 朝日新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (102, Yomiuri Shimbun Akita) 102 (Akita edition) Asahi Shimbun (19) Asahi NO. 19 抑留手帳より 5/31/1948 48-loc-1929 5/31/1948 6/3/1948 25/31 News Item 貿易日報 Boeki Nippo (10) 注文外國船の建造割当決る 48-loc-1930 5/31/1948 6/4/1948 27/31 Essay 時事通信 時事解説版 48-loc-1931 5/31/1948 6/2/1948 28/31 News item 朝日新聞 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Jiji Tsushin 66 Kaisetsuban Asahi Shimbun (Sasebo) Asahi (Sasebo) 48-loc-1932 5/31/1948 6/3/1948 29/31 News Item 朝日新聞 満州に残る一万二千 48-loc-1933 5/31/1948 6/5/1948 30/31 News Item 読売新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi (Maizuru) (Maizuru) Yomiuri Shimbun (104, Yomiuri 104 Kana[gawa]) (Kana[gawa]) 48-loc-1934 [5]/[31]/1948 6/1/1948 32/31 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 石炭、鉄鋼案は六割九分引上げ. 当局物価改訂案を説明 48-loc-1935 5/31/1948 6/5/1948 34/31 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Aomori) Yomiuri (Aomori) 自治警察はママ子扱い. "よい物は國警"の不平等をつく. 三市公委連絡会議 News item Boeki-Nippo No. 10 Headline Subject "HCLC (ex: [T]he Holding Company Liquidation Commission) Slated to issue Reorganization Orders to 8 companies" "Cau[c]us of the So[c]ial Democratic Party Held" Brief Summary List of eight companies slated for reorganization P H, P P P H, P H, P Social Democratic Party met to H, D, S discuss rice price revision and payment of price balance to farmers who met quotas "Recovering of Delayed Food Distribution" Delayed food rations will be recovered only if the means of shipment is improved "From a note-book of my detained life" "Final Decision on the Revision of [Taxation] System" Allotment Of Foreign Ship Building Decided. Verses composed by a repatriate Reduction of income tax of workers willbe put into effect Sept. 1 A two-year plan to build foreign ships has been decided 日本のニヒリズム. ジャーナリズム愛好の一題目 "Nihilism in Japan" Essay on nihilism in Japan 長春引揚者 Repatriates from Hsinking 税制改革案本極り 米は八-十日分. 野菜は下旬に減少. 待たれる湾内イワ[シ] H, P 15 repatriates from Hsinking returned to Japan 12,000 Japanese remaining in 12,000 Japanese are still left in Manchuria Manchuria Food Situation In June; Rice is Prediction of the food situation Provided For 8-10 Day's in June Ration. Vegetable Will Decreased Late In This Month. Sardine Is Waited From the Gulf. Mercola S H, D D S D H, P P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Mercola Sakaino Iwasaki M. Nagashima Iwasaki Kato Katayama H. Ijada M. Nagashima Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 1 1 1 1 2 Fujio Kitamura, questioner, Food Department, Hokkaido Gov’t, answerer Richardson Nakano Ogino M. Nagashima Y 2 Richardson T. Kato Hudnall H. Obata Y 2 H, S Mercola Ebisawa Niiya K. Tezuka Y 2 Richardson Ito Yoshimoto Shigeru Nomura Y 5 J. N[i]iya Sasaki Y 3 Y 4 Y 2 Y 6 Y 5 Shinko Okuma H, P H, S P Kaneko Matsumoto K. Tezuka Richardson Nakano Ogino T. Hori Malloy T. Kato Takamura Tateuma Richardson Na[i]to Ogino K. Suzuki Takamura Shimokura H. Okada S Mercola Takamura Shimokura H, P Kaneko Ashikawa Takashima H, S [Unjiku Ri] Kaneko S The local police like a stepchild 48-loc-1936 5/31/1948 6/2/1948 35/31 News Item 東京タイムズ The Tokyo Times 48-loc-1937 5/31/194[8] 6/21/194[8] 36/31 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Tokyo Times (Page Proof) Yomiuri 貿易廳の地方分権纒る. 三案構想纒る Public Safety Committee H, D, S complains to national police headquaters that local police are treated like stepchildren "What Would Become of New Uncertainty about the new rice S Rice Price?" price New plans Of the Trade Board New plans of the Trade Board H, S 48-loc-1938 48-loc-1939 [5]/[31]/1948 5/31/1948 5/31/1948 6/3/1948 37/31 38/31 時事新報 アカハタ Jiji Shimpo Akahata (6) Jiji Shimpo Akahata #6 米價差額金の交付. 國協党意見書を承認 私の共産主義 "My communisim" 48-loc-1940 5/31/1948 6/2/1948 39/31 Reader's contribution News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 引揚者入党 48-loc-1941 5/31/1948 6/1/1948 40/31 News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (146) Nihon Keizai (No. 146) 予算・税制改革両案に反対. 全財声明 48-loc-1942 5/31/1948 6/3/1948 42/31 Comment. アカハタ Akahata (2-A) Akahata, #2-A. 飢えた子供たち 48-loc-1943 6/3/1948 6/3/1948 news item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 新米價の遡及補正を再確認. 衆院農林委員会 48-loc-1944 6/4/1948 6/8/1948 40/4 News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 引揚者 48-loc-1945 6/4/1948 41/4 Editorial アカハタ Akahata (3) Akahata #3 "Emperor's Abdication and U.S. Public Opinion"; "The Emperor's Abdication and America's Opinion." Discussion of the rumor in the US that the emperor will abdicate 48-loc-1946z 48-loc-1946 6/5/1948 6/6/1948 6/7/1948 1/5 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (20, Okayama) Kyodo [Ts]ushin (No. ノルウエーの注文船起工式 20) (Okayama) "Order Ships from Denmark" 48-loc-1947 6/5/1948 6/8/1948 2/5 news item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (2) Tokyo Shimbun 2 百卅一社の分割へ. 集配指定近く審議を開始 "Division of 131 companies" Mitsui Shipyard received as order to build ships for Denmark Holding Company Liquidation Commission will decide upon companies to liquidate holdings, change names, etc. 48-loc-1948 6/5/1948 6/8/1948 3/5 News Item 時事通信 産業・物価版 Jiji Tsushin Sangyo Bukkaban (32) Jiji Tsushin # 32 持株整理. 委員會第四群を指令. 内容は名稱變更株式處分. 發表は來月上旬ごろか; 化學藥品鶏肉などの(公)廢止 The Holding Company Liquidation Commission Designates the Fourth Group for Liquidation The Contents Are Change of Names of Companies and Disposal of Shares Held by Companies It Will be Disclosed the Former part of Next Month 48-loc-1949 6/5/1948 6/7/1948 5/5 Comment. 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (101, Yomiuri, 101. Miyagi) (Miyagi) 週評. 十五歳の共産青年同盟員が仙台市内の新制中学に在学して いると最近のニユースは報じている "15-Year-Communist in A High-School of Sendai." Reader's account of why he joined the Communist Party Repatriates joined Communist Repatriates joined the Party Communist Party "N.FWU Opposes to Budget National Financial Workers and Tax Reforms" Union opposes the tax reform and new budget "Children Hunger for Children of poor families are Education." unable to gain admittance to primary school "Agriculture & Forestry Agriculture Committee met and Committee in Diet Recognizes revalidated the Cabinet Again Validity of Back decision to return profits from Payment of Difference in Rice the revision of the rice price to Price" farmers Repatriation Story Repatriates from the USSR and the Japan Communist Party 5 H, D H, S Ryoi Kubota Hudnall Notes Y H, S S Yuki Asano S Kikuchi S Mercola 4 Y Y 1 5 K. Suzuki Y 6 Tateuma Y 2 Y 4 Y 3 Y 7 Araiso Shimokura 3 Y Hayashi Takamura Shigeru Nomura 6 H, D Richardson Kaneko Tateuma Y 1 4 H, D Ashikawa Takashima Hayashi Y 2 The Economic Decentralization Law will issue directive to 144 companies to decentralize H, C, P, S Ishibashi Ashikawa S. Konishi [Richardson] Y 6 Report of a 15-year-old Communist found in a junior high school H, S Mercola Naito Ogino Araiso Y 3 envelope Oversized 5/31/1948 5/31/194[8] 5/31/1948 [5]/[31]/1948 5/31/194[8] 5/31/1948 Submitted by (Japanese) 共同通信 Photograph(s) 48-loc-1925a 48-loc-1925b 48-loc-1925c 48-loc-1925d 48-loc-1925e 48-loc-1926 6/1/1948 News Agency Duplicate 5/31/1948 [5]/[31]/194[8] 5/31/1948 5/31/1948 5/31/194[8] 5/31/194[8] 5/31/1948 Hold No. Source 17/31 News item Number of Pages 48-loc-1924a 48-loc-1924b 48-loc-1924c 48-loc-1924d 48-loc-1924e 48-loc-1924f 48-loc-1925 Date Censored 6/1/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 5/31/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1924 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 6/5 48-loc-1951a [6]/[5]/1948 6/8/1948 6/5 48-loc-1952 6/6/1948 6/9/1948 8/5 News Item: 国際タイムス 48-loc-1953 6/5/194[8] 6/12/194[8] 10/5 Commentary 共同通信 共同特信 A 48-loc-1954 6/5/1948 6/8/1948 11/5 Round-table Conference 西日本新聞 48-loc-1955 6/5/1948 6/7/1948 12/5 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shiimbun (109, Yomiuri Shimbun Gunma) (No. 109) (Gunma) 次の改訂に期待. 麦、芋の暫定價格へ農民の声 48-loc-1956 6/5/1948 6/8/1948 14/5 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (128) Kyodo Tsushin NO. 128 炭価は現行の二、六倍で計画. 運輸相説明 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (Miyagi) Mainichi (Miyagi) 漁業権民主化公聽会を計画 Commentary 日本経済新聞 北海道新聞 The Nihon Keizai Hokkaido Shimbun Nihon Keizai Hokkaido 七千五百トン目標. 染料工業再建策成る 外資援助とインフレーシヨン Nishi Nippon 5 政党と献金座談会 News Item. FROM Maizuru. Submitted by (Japanese) 時事通信 農林水産版 朝日新聞 共同通信 Submitted by Jiji Tsushin Norin Suisanban Asahi Shimbun (10, Maizuru) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Jiji Tsushin Norin 食糧需給の見通し Suisanban Asahi, 10. (Maizuru) シベリアから病院船が入港 Kokusai Times 宿望の飜譯權獲得. シンクレアが寄せる温い破格の厚意. 念願かなつた並河[氏]; 未だ一面識もない. しかし充分汲みとられる. 並河氏、感謝の言葉 [Namikawa] attained his long Mr. Kawanami has been cherished desire to translate the permitted to translate a book by book by synclair through the Sinclair Lewis good offices of the latter Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin A Nishi Nihon Shimbun (4) Kydo-Tokushin 集中排除新段階に入る. 金融機関も再編成指定 Nishi Nippon 4 「政党と献金」座談會 Decentralization of Economic Power "Political Parties and Contribution" 6/11/1948 15/5 6/9/1948 6/5/1948 6/8/1948 15/5 16/5 48-loc-1959 6/5/1948 6/26/1948 17/5 Political [i]tem 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun (5) 48-loc-1960 6/5/1948 6/8/1948 18/5 News item, from Moji 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (115, Mainichi Shimbun, Moji) 115 (Moji) 地下工作 6/6/1948 20/5 News Item 48-loc-1961 6/5/1948 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (139) Kyodo 139 衆院本会議 48-loc-1961a 6/5/194[8] 20/5 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo 衆本. 五日の衆議院本会議は午後二時四十二分開会 48-loc-1961b 6/5/194[8] 20/5 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 48-loc-1961c 6/5/1948 20/5, (14/5) 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 48-loc-1961d 6/5/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 衆本. 一、経済危機突破の政府の熱意をこめた政策をもつた宣言 を出すことは考えていないが 衆議院. 芦田首相. 一、米國下院で対日援助資金が削除されたことは遺憾であ る; 新炭價は二・六倍. 三千七百二円四十銭を予定. 運輸省答弁 衆本. 五日の衆議院本会議は午後二時四十三分開会 48-loc-1962 6/5/1948 世界日報 Sekai Nippo (15) Sekai-Nippo, 15. 世界國家の建設は可能か 48-loc-1963 6/5/194[8] 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 戰後の文学を復讐の文学として見ようとする考えがある。 48-loc-1964 6/5/1948 6/7/1948 24/5 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (112, Yomiuri Shimbun 板谷峠国鉄電化問題 Yamagata) (No. 112) (Yamagata) 48-loc-1965 6/5/194[8] 6/7/194[8] 25/5 Editorial 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo-Mimpo 対日復興費の削除 48-loc-1966 6/5/1948 27/5 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 衆本. 野溝國務相. 地方財政の再建については大体二千億を必要とする 48-loc-1966a 48-loc-1966b [6]/[5]/194[8] [6]/[5]/194[8] 27/5 27/5 西日本新聞 読売新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Nishi Nihon Yomiuri 48-loc-1967 48-loc-1968 [6]/[5]/194[8] 6/5/194[8] News item アカハタ 国際タイムス Akahata Akahata The Kokusai Times (47) Kokusai-Times (47) 北村藏相 衆本. ついで日程を追加、公職資格訴願委員の処置に関する緊急 質問に移り; 衆本. 鈴木法務総裁. [政]府としてはこの仕事の困難性から延長または再出発も 考慮したが事情が許されなかつた 元氣な足どり. 「療養」の引揚者 48-loc-1969 6/5/1948 Comment 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (173) Kyodo 173 七月攻勢の兆漸次表面化 News Item 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun NishiNippon 二十二年には農家収支はマイナス News Item, Broadcasting. 23/5 35/5 6/5/1948 "A Hospital Ship from Siberia." Hospital ship arrives with repatriates from Siberia 引揚病院船高砂丸帰る 6/5/1948 21/5 Brief Summary Kyodo (Maizuru) 48-loc-1957 20/5 Subject Kyodo Tsushin (Maizuru) The Kokusai Times 48-loc-1957a 48-loc-1958 6/8/1948 Headline H, D [Ogata] H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 Mercola T. Kato Examiner3 Ogino Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Araiso P 2 Y 7 Iwasaki K. Fujii Y 4 Report on the status of H, D, P Hosokawa Richardson economic decentralization The Communist Party has H, D Mercola considerable numbers of sympathizers among the Japanese "Complains for Newly Revised New prices for barley and H, P Tanaka Prices of Barley and Potatoes." potatoes are much lower than farmers had hoped Transportation Minister says Coal price will be raised to 2.6 H, P Mercola that coal price is planned to be times the present price 2.6 times the present price. Kato Katayama T. Hori Y 15 Naito Niiya Hayashi Y 36 H. Kato Tateuma Y 3 Kaneko Yabuki Y 7 The Public Meeting for Democratization of Fishery Right Is Planned Gomes Iwasaki Y 2 Y Y 1 39 Y 47 Y 3 "Foreign fund aid and inflation." "It is necessary to import a large quantity of goods in order to stabilize inflation" Gifts of money toward political Polotocal bribes are nothing parties. new--they've been around since the Meiji Period "Underground movement" A secret organization of Japanese detained in the USSR: underground activities for liberation from Communism "The Lower House Plenary Ashida speaks about Session" Congress's slashing federal aid to Japan Mercola 2 Y Gomes Bill for the deomcratization of fisheries H, P Notes Y H, P P H, D Mercola S. Kimura Kato Ogino T. Nakayama Richardson Inouye Yoshimoto S Kaneko H. Okada H, P Mercola T. Kato H, D Ogino H. Obata M. Hori M. Kawamoto Y 22 H, P Y 1 P Y 1 H, P Y 2 Y 1 Y 2 H, P "Is the Establishment of a World Union Possible?" Possibility of the establishment of a world union Hudnall H, S H, D Mercola T.Kato Niiya Araiso Y 2 "Electrification of Government The government railway at Railway at ITAWA Pass." Itawa pass will continue to run H, P Mercola Takamura Iwasaki Tateuma Y 3 "Slash in Fund for Recovery of Congress has slashed funds for Japan" the rehabilitation of Japan H, P Mercola Takebe Katayama T. Hori Y 8 H, P Y 1 H, P H, P Y Y 12 2 Fraud cases using badges of G.H.Q, J.OAK "Signs of July Offensive Gradually Disclosed" GHQ badges are sold for fraudulent purposes Labor offensive against the governmental wage and prices is probably inevitable Farmers' Balance of Account in In 1947 there were clear signs 1947 Was in the Red of agricultural panic 48-loc-1970 6/5/1948 48-loc-1971z 48-loc-1971 6/6/1948 6/6/1948 6/7/1948 1/6 News item アカハタ Akahata (19) Akahata No 19 引揚者談話 48-loc-1972 6/6/194[8] 6/11/194[8] 3/6 Editorial アカハタ Akahata Akahata 北村藏相の財政演説 48-loc-1973 6/6/1948 6/11/1948 4/6 Commentary アカハタ Akahata (13 A-B) Akahata NO.13 A-B やめよ"青共まかせ". 幅ひろく青年をつかめ The Present Youth Situation 48-loc-1974 6/6/1948 6/8/1948 5/6 News Item アカハタ Akahata (Kyushu) Akahata (Kyushu) 黨、縣勞協犠牲者釋放に大々的運動. 薩摩木工要求貫徹 "Sweeping Campaign Asking For Release Of Victims Of Party And Prefectural Labor Council: Satsuma Woodworking Co. Employe[e]s Carried Their Demand Through" Hiroshi Noma S D Y Richardson Ashikawa Takashima K. Suzuki 1 3 D Mercola Naito Moriyama Hayashi Y 23 Ito Ashikawa S. Konishi Y D [Matsuzaki Richardson ] 14 envelope S Kaneko Sasaki Y 1 3 P, S Ni[i]ya Fujii Y 3 The oppression of youth organizations and labor unions by the "reactionary governmentsupported groups" H, D J. Niiya Yabuki Y 4 Satsuma Woodworking Co.'s workers struggle resulted in the realization of their demands H, D J. Niiya M. Kawamoto Y 3 Stories by repatriates from the Soviet Union. Repatriates from Soviet Union discuss the postwar price of goods Speech on finance made by Criticism of Finance Minister Finance Minister KITAMURA Kitamura's speech on economy Oversized 6/8/1948 News Agency Photograph(s) 6/5/1948 Source Duplicate 48-loc-1951 Hold No. 5/5 Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted 6/5/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1950 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-1976 6/6/1948 6/8/1948 7/6 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (66) Kyodo No. 66 九割が死因不明. 恐怖の島、日本海の粟生島 48-loc-1977 6/6/1948 6/7/1948 48-loc-1978 6/6/1948 6/9/1948 8/6 News Item. 世界日報 Sekai Nippo (2) Sekai-Nippo, 2. 山崎教授愛孃パリ留學 9/6 News item アカハタ Akahata (25) Akahata 25 なやむ中小企業 48-loc-1979z 48-loc-1979 6/7/1948 6/7/1948 6/9/1948 1/7 News Item. 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin. 二十三年度塩輸入契約分一四二万トン 48-loc-1980 6/7/1948 6/8/1948 2/7 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (15, Sasebo) Kyodo [Ts]ushin (No. 食糧は飛行機で輸送. 最近の太原事情 15) (Sasebo) 48-loc-1981 48-loc-1982 6/7/1948 6/7/1948 3/7 News Item 共同通信 6/11/1948 5/7 News Item 時事通信 産業・物価版 Kyodo Tsushin (Sasebo) Kyodo [T]sushin (Sasebo) Jiji Tsushin Sangyo Jiji NO. 20 Bukkaban (20) "食糧はじめ物資は豊富". 引揚者が語る最近の朝鮮事情 6/7/1948 48-loc-1983 6/7/1948 6/8/1948 8/7 News item 共同通信 6/6/1948 6/8/1948 9/7 News Item 時事通信 Kyodo Tsushin (53, Kumamoto) Jiji Tsushin (63) Kyodo No. 53 (Kumamoto) Jiji Tsushin (No. 63) 世界初の「らい」の博物館 48-loc-1984 48-loc-1984a 48-loc-1985 6/7/1948 6/7/1948 6/8/1948 6/8/1948 9/7 10/7 News Item 日本経済新聞 時事通信 The Nihon Keizai Jiji Tsushin (67) Nihon Keizai Jiji Tsushin (No. 67) 輸入期待の米纖維原料 スエーデンより初のバーター交渉 48-loc-1986 6/7/1948 6/8/1948 11/7 Comment 時事通信 政治労働版 Jiji Tsushin Seiji Rodoban (52) Jiji Tsushin 52 行政整理と民營を主張. ふたたび焦點となつた運賃値上げと民自黨の態度; 民主日本への...の橋. 國立國會圖書館とは 48-loc-1987 6/7/194[8] 6/15/194[8] 13/7 Editorial 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (4) Yomiuri (No. 4) 官僚の攻勢を警戒せよ 48-loc-1988 [6]/7/194[8] 貿易日報 Boeki Nippo Boeki-Nippo 対ポンド地域支拂協定. 滯荷綿布一億ヤードにも適用 48-loc-1989 6/7/194[8] 6/18/194[8] 15/7 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (82) Kyodo Tsushin (82) 世界衛生機構會議に東博士出席 48-loc-1989a 48-loc-1990 6/14/1948 6/7/1948 6/26/1948 15/7 16/7 朝日新聞 朝日新聞 Asahi Asahi (Hokkai[do]) 東博士ジュネーブへ 30%の使節を残せ. 國策パルプで署名運動 48-loc-1990a [6]/[7]/194[8] 6/26/1948 16/7 共同通信 Kyodo (Sapporo) 48-loc-1991 48-loc-1991a 48-loc-1991b 48-loc-1991c 48-loc-1991d 48-loc-1991e 48-loc-1992 6/7/1948 [6]/[7]/194[8] [6]/[7]/194[8] 6/7/1948 6/7/1948 6/7/194[8] 6/7/1948 6/8/1948 17/7 17/7 17/7 17/7 17/7 17/7 18/7 news item 朝日新聞 時事新報 共同通信 毎日新聞 日本経済新聞 読売新聞 国際タイムス Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun (Hokkai[do]) Kyodo Tsushin (Sapporo) Asahi Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Kyodo Tsushin Mainichi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Yomiuri Shimbun The Kokusai Times Asahi Jiji Shimpo Kyodo Mainichi Nihon Keizai Yomiuri Kokusai Taimuzu 48-loc-1993 6/7/1948 6/8/1948 19/7 News Item. 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (105, Yomiuri, 105. Toyama) (Toyama) 民衆の立場で協力したい. 大山郁夫氏語る 48-loc-1994 6/7/1948 6/9/1948 20/7 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Tochigi) Yomiuri (Local) (Tochigi) 改らない警察刑務所. 少年決囚が語る手記; まだのこる拷問. 朝食は古参囚に捲きあげらる 48-loc-1995 6/7/1948 6/8/1948 21/7 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (80) Kyodo 80 衆院本会議 "Sake" From Molasses 48-loc-1996 6/7/1948 6/8/1948 23/7 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (136, Maizuru) Kyodo No.136 (Maizuru) 六月下旬の引揚配船決定 48-loc-1997 6/7/1948 6/8/1948 24/7 News Item. 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (38) Yomiuri, 38. 日ソバーター協定成る "The Placing of Repatriation Ships for the Latter Part of June Has Been Decided On" "Japan-Russia Barter Contract." 48-loc-1998 6/7/1948 25/7 News item 共同通信 Kydo Tsushin (146) Kyodo Tsushin 146 米価調整金を農家に還元. 決議案近く共同提案 48-loc-1999 [6]/[7]/194[8] 26/7 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 価格比率は七〇円より三五〇円 Headline Subject Brief Summary "The Second Strike of Nittsu Transportation workers strike (Ex: Japan Express Company)" despite SCAP's request that they not "90% Died from some On Awaoshima, remote island, unknown Cause. Dreadful 90% of deaths have Island, 'Awao Shima' in the undetermined causes Japan Sea" "Prof. YAMASAKI's Daughter Prof. Yamasaki's daughter will to Go to Paris." go to France to study "Medium and Minor Small and mid-sized companies Industrialists in Distress" are hurt by the current economic situation H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Mercola Ito [T]akebe K. Minami H, P Mercola Hattori Kaneko H, P Ogino Mercola Nakano P Niiya K. Minami Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 3 H. Obata Y 5 Araiso Y 2 Y 5 envelope 14/7 News Item Contract on Importation of Salt amounts 1 million 420 thousand Tons for This Fiscal Year, Says Nagai. "The Recent State of TANGKU." Over 1 million tons of salt will be imported this year P Mercola Kaneko Yokoyama Y 1 5 Repatriate from Tangku tells of recent state there: life was difficult, but the Japanese were better provded for than the Chinese S Mercola Kaneko Tateuma Y 14 "Korean Conditions As Told By A Repatriate." "The View of Division is Valid to Textile Industries, the DAINIPPON Brewing Company Will be Divided by Economic Deconcentration Law" Repatriate speaks of conditions in Korea 144 companies will have to dispose of their stocks or change their names The First Museum of Leprosy in the World "Textile Importing Plan of ESB" A museum of leprosy will be established Textile importing plan for the next fiscal year: materials ration should be increased to relieve clothes shortage "Sweden Wants Barter with Japan." "Bridge To Democratic Japan—What is National Diet Library?" First barter order has come in from Sweden Correspondence was sent to MacArthur to ask his advie as to the structure and management of the National Diet Library Bureaucrats are rapidly regaining ground they lost after the war P Mercola Kaneko Abe Y 14 H, P Mercola Ashikawa Takamura H. Obata Y 3 H, P Mercola Nait[o] Shimokura Sasaki Y 4 H, S Mercola Takebe Katayama Tateuma Y 8 Mercola Tanaka Yoshimoto Tateuma Y Y 1 2 Kato Niiya Hayashi Y 7 Mercola Doi Kaneko Abe Y 6 Y 1 H, P, D Mercola Ito Takebe Abe Y 6 H H, S [Kikuchi] Y Y 1 1 [撤]去機械の三割残置懇請. 國策パルプ勇拂労組が運動 S [Kikuchi] Y 6 十六社へ持株整理指令 16社に株式処分指令 集排、第十次指令十六社 持株整理第十次指令 集排 B・C級十六社に指令 16社に株式処分指令 も一度黄金時代を. 学生ラグビー低調に憤激. かつての花形選手リンタク屋に; 供出ある程度減免. 苦闘の開拓者へ親心; 家財を賣盡して犯罪の途へ. 麻藥常習者の末路; テレヴイジヨンも登場. NHKの研究所を公開; 私鐵直接交渉開始. 争議解決の兆; "時の貞操"(後編)大映作品; 国鐵運賃値上げにからむ問題. 未だ殘る無賃バス. 是非論波紋次第に曠大化; ヘタすると内閣の命とり. 野黨の攻勢激化へ. 運賃値上げや軍公、勞働攻勢など. どう切り抜くか? 多くの惡條件; 佛映界の巨匠"ジヤツク、フエーチの死"; 新作曲派協會. 第二回作品発表; 『心』(創刊号); 「夜陰」(北川冬彦著); 丸公より安いヤミ製品. 廣島で丸公縫針が大あくび H, P H, P H, P H, P H, P H, P P Mercola Kato Hayashi Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 1 6 1 1 1 2 繊維に分割説有力. 大日本ビールは二社に. 經濟力集中排除; 委員會三十七社を審査 繊維輸入計画成案; 綿花輸入計画百丗十万俵. 安本貿易局の原料輸入計画 "[Guard] against the Bureaucratic Offensive." S H, P H, D H, P [Hirai], Choji Oi H, D "Dr. AZUMA To Attend International Hygienic Structure Conference." Dr. Azuma to attend World International Hygenienic Structure Conference in Geneva; will stay there three weeks Kawamoto "NHK Laboratory Opened To Public" NHK laboratory is open to the public in commemoration of its anniversary "Wish to Co-Operate with Masses", So Tells Mr. Ikuo OYAMA. "Prison House Yet Remains To Be Improved: A Boy Convict Writes a Note:" Oyama gives a speech encouraging labor movements H, P Mercola Ito Sakaino Araiso Y A boy's account of the civil treatment he recieved during police investigation and in prison Government requesting import of molasses, for purpose of making sake without using staple foods Repatriation schedule for the second half of June H, D Mercola Tanaka Kaneko Abe Y 3 H, D Mercola Doi Ashikawa M. Kawamoto Y 15 "Rice Price Adjustment Funds to be delivered to Farmers; Draft resolution to be shortly introduced to Diet jointly by all parties" $3,780,000 will be received next March as a result of barter trade with Russia The resolution to deliver rice price adjustment funds to farmers is soon to be presented to the Diet H, C, P Ikuo Oyama, interviewee 1 1 2 Niiya Matsumoto H. Obata Y 5 D Mercola Hudnall Araiso Y 2 H, S T. Kato Gomes M. Nagashima Y 5 Y 2 S Oversized Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Asahi 10 日通第二次スト. 九日から三日間 Photograph(s) Submitted by Asahi Shimbun (10) News Agency Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) 朝日新聞 Hold No. Source 6/6 News item Number of Pages Date Censored 6/8/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 6/6/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1975 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 共同通信 Submitted by Kyodo Tsushin Mainichi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Yomiuri Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (135) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Kyodo 七十円から三百五十円までの複数制. 永井長官円ドル交換比率説明 Mainichi 爲替レートは交換比率制. 永井貿易廳官答弁 Nihon Keizai 價格比率 生糸は二百廿円. 永井貿易廳長官答弁 Yomiuri 円ドル交換率 Kyodo (135). 軍事郵便貯金の凍結解除. 来る十日に告示 Headline Subject 6/7/1948 26/7 26/7 26/7 27/7 News Item. 毎日新聞 日本経済新聞 読売新聞 共同通信 6/7/1948 6/8/1948 28/7 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (151) Kyodo Tsushin, 151 郵貯第二封鎖切捨を中止 48-loc-2002 [6]/[7]/194[8] 6/8/194[8] 29/7 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 物価改訂とともに統制の枠を検討. 栗栖長官答弁 48-loc-2003 6/7/194[8] 6/9/194[8] 30/7 Commentary アカハタ Akahata Akahata 48-loc-2004 6/7/1948 6/8/1948 31/7 News Item, from Matsuyama. アカハタ 48-loc-2005 6/7/1948 6/8/1948 32/7 News Item. 48-loc-2006 6/7/1948 6/9/1948 33/7 News Item 48-loc-2006a 48-loc-2006b 6/7/1948 6/7/1948 48-loc-2007 6/7/1948 6/10/1948 33/7 33/7, 86/2 34/7 News Item 48-loc-2008 6/7/1948 35/7 Conversation 48-loc-2009 48-loc-2010 48-loc-2011 48-loc-2012z 48-loc-2012 [6]/[7]/194[8] [6]/[7]/1948 6/4/1948 6/8/1948 6/8/1948 6/8/1948 1/8 News Item from Kobe 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (1, Kobe) Jiji Tsushin 1 (Kobe) 綿糸布の大量積出しはじまる 48-loc-2013 6/8/1948 6/9/1948 2/8 News item アカハタ Akahata (27) Akahata No. 27 林代議士演説 "Statement of Mr. Hayashi of the [Parliament]." 48-loc-2014 6/8/1948 6/14/1948 3/8 News item 時事通信 農林水産版 Jiji Tsushin Norin Suisanban (36) Jiji Tsushin 36 寒天を自由貿易に. まず生産數量を確保 Free trade system adopted in exports of agaragar. 48-loc-2015 [6]/[8]/194[8] 4/8 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo "虫下し"に麥ワラが安上り. 酒井博士が科学的に分析 48-loc-2015a [6]/[8]/194[8] 4/8 共同通信, 新夕刊 Kyodo, Shin Yukan 虫下しに名藥むぎワラ 48-loc-2015b 48-loc-2016 [6]/[8]/194[8] 6/8/1948 東京タイムズ 新報知 Kyodo Tsushin, Shin Yukan The Tokyo Times Shin Hochi (23) Tokyo Times Shin Hochi 23 蟲下しの妙藥麥ワラ 八日の衆院本会議で米價改訂にかんする決議案(稲村順三 氏提出)を可決した 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 差額は農民に月割返還. 米價改訂に衆議院決議案決る 読売新聞 読売新聞 毎日新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun Yomiuri Yomiuri Mainichi 米價補正に調整金交付案上程 米價差額の還元支拂い. 衆院委員会決議 "米價補正"可決す; 調整金 6/7/1948 6/7/1948 36/7 37/7 Brief Summary Frozen Military Postal Savings Frozen military postal savings Released. will be released to repatriates Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes S Y 8 S S S H, P Mercola Ishibashi Moriyama Yokoyama Y Y Y Y 1 1 1 15 H, S Mercola Naito Moriyama H. Okada Y 11 Y 9 Kawamoto Jane Hudnall T. Hori Y 13 Y 2 Y 2 Y 2 "Annulment of Postal Savings in 2nd Restricted Accounts to be Abandoned" Abandonment of the previous plan for the "annulment of postal savings in second restricted accounts" 前進 Zenshin (ex. Note: Forward!) Criticism of Ashida administration's efforts to stabilize the economy: "sacrifice the workers in order to introduce foreign money" Akahata (6, Matsuyama) Akahata, 6. (Matsuyama) 事前割當責任者が自殺 "Suicide of Those Responsible Government-forced prefor Delivery Allotment allotment of farmers' delivery is Frequent." responsible for the suicide of the man who is responsible for delivery allotment H, S Mercola Gomes Araiso 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (47) Yomiuri, 47. 鈴木氏近く渡米 "Mr. SUZUKI to Go to U.S. Shortly." H, P Kawamoto Naito Moriyama 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo (25) Jiji Shimpo 25 新炭價決定か. 五千六百カロリーで二千四百円 H, P Mercola Takamura M. Kawamoto 毎日新聞 日本経済新聞 Mainichi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Mainichi Nihon Keizai 改訂炭価内定 石炭一トン二千四百円. 新標準生産者價格近く決定 Y Y 7 1 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (167) Kyodo [Ts]ushin (No. 米の差益金で新麦価格を調整. 北村蔵相答弁 167) H. Kato Iwasaki Tateuma Y 7 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (special 1) Mainichi Tokushin 農業危機はもう來ている. 農林省井上經營課長に聞く T. Kato Yoshimoto Abe Y 8 アカハタ 時事通信 日本経済新聞 Akahata (Kyushu) Jiji Tsushin (Kobe) The Nihon Keizai Akahata (Kyushu) Jiji Tsushin (Kobe) Nihon Keizai 再建に二本建. 日農福... 反共派の奇妙な聲明 印度ジュート七千俵[入] 五円と一円の新貨幣. 近くお目見得 H, P Editor of Japanese edition of Reader's Digest will go to the US shortly "New Coal Price May Be New coal price may be Determined At ¥2,400 On The determined soon Basis Of 5,600 calory-Coal" [Takahashi ] S Araiso H, P H, P "Finance Minister KITAMURA's Answer about Rice Price." "Agricultural Crisis Is At The Threshold: Converstaion with Mr. INOUYE, Chief of the Management Section of the Agricultural and Forestry Min." Finance Minister says the government is attempting to alleviate the rice price balance problem Agriculture Ministry Chief talks about the possibility of an agricultural panic H, P H, P Sato, reporter H, S P H, P Y Y Y Y 1 1 1 1 6 Y 2 Y 4 Y 9 Y 1 Y Y 1 5 P Y 1 S H, P H, P, S Y Y Y 1 1 5 Y 1 Y 3 envelope 6/10/1948 4/8 5/8 News Item 48-loc-2016a 6/8/1948 5/8 48-loc-2016b 48-loc-2016c 48-loc-2017 6/8/194[8] 6/10/194[8] 6/8/194[8] 6/10/194[8] News Item 48-loc-2017a 6/8/1948 5/8 5/8 5/8, 5(B)/8 5(B)/8 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 農家調整金全額農家交付を決議. 衆議院農林委員会 48-loc-2018 6/8/1948 6/8/1948 6/8 News Item. 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (68) Kyodo, 68. 閉鎖機関指定 48-loc-2019 6/8/1948 6/10/1948 7/8 News Item 新報知 Shin Hochi (12) Shin Hochi (No. 12) 48-loc-2020 6/8/1948 6/9/1948 8/8 News item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (73, Kobe) Jiji Tsushin No. 73 (Kobe) 正体なき病源. 拡大する新潟の奇病. 消化器管の張る時が危險 戰[後]はじめてのソ連貿易船近く神戸へ 48-loc-2021 6/8/194[8] 6/10/194[8] 10/8 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji-Tsushin 全国労働委員会連絡協議会ひらく 48-loc-2021a 48-loc-2021b [6]/[8]/194[8] 6/8/1948 北海道新聞 日本経済新聞 Hokkaido Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Hokkaido Nihon Keizai 48-loc-2022 6/8/1948 6/10/1948 11/8 news item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (600) Asahi 600 労働法規の改悪行う意志なし 労働協議会の続き. キレン労働課長はあいさつの後、委員との間に次のような 一問一答を行つた 日農議員団 48-loc-2023 6/8/1948 6/11/1948 12/8 News item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (102, Mainichi No.102 Hakodate) (Hakodate) 10/8 10/8 來月二日迄に八隻 Shipment of a Large quantity of C[o]tton Cloth Has Begun First export of cotton since the resumption of trade is going to the Dutch Indies Communist Representative Hayashi declares that policies of the Ashida Cabinet as a source of international criticism Free trade system has been adopted in exports of agaragar A Resolution On The Revision Government will revise the rice Of Rice Price price to keep it in line with other commodities Change of rice price Change of the rice price "Facilities Nominated to Be Closed." "Spread of strange sickness in NIIGATA" The First Soviet Merchant Ship is coming to Japan in near future. Questions and Answers Between Labor Division Chief Killen and the Representatives of the Labor Relations Committees in Japan List of facilities that will be closed Unidentified epidemic is spreading in Niigata First Soviet merchant ships are coming to Japan soon Question and answers between Labor Division Chief Killen and the Japanese Labor Relations Committee P Mercola Takamura [P]int[o] H, D Mercola Takamura Hayashi H, P Mercola Moriyama Takashima H, P H, P Gomes Iwasaki S. Konishi M. Hori M. Kawamoto Naito Ogaino K. Suzuki H, P Mercola Sakaino Araiso H, P Mercola Niiya Tateuma Y 5 H, P Mercola Tanaka Jodna P[i]nto Yoshimoto Sasaki Y 3 H, D Mercola Tanaka Mor[i]yama T. Hori Y 6 Y Y 6 1 H, P H H, P "Nichino Diet members." Repatriation Ships will come back Japan by July 2. House met to revise the rice price, with considerations for balancing the rice price with other commodity prices Repatriation ships will come back to Japan by July 2 [Koizumi] S Mercola H[u]d[n]all Hayashi Y 11 H, P Ishibashi Moriyama Sasaki Y 2 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) 48-loc-2001 Source Duplicate 6/7/1948 6/7/1948 6/8/194[8] 6/7/1948 Hold No. 26/7 Number of Pages 48-loc-1999b 48-loc-1999c 48-loc-1999d 48-loc-2000 Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [6]/[7]/194[8] Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-1999a Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by Sekai Nippo (3) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Sekai-Nippo, 3. 平和について. 戰後の精神的現實 Headline Subject "On Peace (Mental Reality in Post-War Japan.)" Brief Summary Comment of the mentality on peace--how people speak "of his plan after the outbreak of war, never of any plan to prevent war" Reconstruction measure For Dye Stuff industry "Reconstruction plan for the dye-industry" Reconstruction plan for the dye industry H, P, S Jisaburo Hirata Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Naito Ogino Araiso Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 3 Y 5 Y 4 1 15/8 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji-Tsushin 染料工業再建対策きまる 15/8 News item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji-Tsushin 染料工業再建対策 15/8 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi P Y 6/8/194[8] 15/8 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo 纖維産業生産促進対策決る. 一人・二ポンドの衣料配給可能か 纖維産業の総合增産計画. 纖維、染料両審議会設置 P Y 1 48-loc-2025d 48-loc-2025e [6]/[8]/194[8] 6/8/1948 15/8 15/8 共同通信 日本経済新聞 Kyodo Tsushin The Nihon Keizai Kyodo Nihon Keizai 染料工業再建対策決まる 纖維生産目標七億八千万封度. 本年度纖維增産対策決る P P Y Y 10 1 48-loc-2025f [6]/[8]/194[8] 東京タイムズ The Tokyo Times Tokyo Taimuzu 染料工業再建對策; 纖維生産七割增へ. 促進對策閣議決定 48-loc-2025g 48-loc-2026 6/8/194[8] 6/8/1948 6/9/1948 15/8 16/8 News item 読売新聞 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (Chiba) Yomiuri Yomiuri, Chba edit. 商工省に染料対策協議会 遲配慢性化か. 六市四十五町村に及ぶ; 幸福を與えるため. 軍政部の一行館山へ; 還元米の秘密割当. 日農縣連がつく "Secret Allotment of Rice." Japan Farmers Union will ask prefectural authorities why they negotiated secretly with individual farmers on the return distribution of rice 48-loc-2027 6/8/1948 6/10/1948 17/8 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (20) Asahi (No. 20) 協約内では平和的に. キレン労働課長講演 Mr. Kil[l]en's Speech Killen gives a speech on labor contracts 48-loc-2027a [6]/[8]/194[8] 17/8 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 労協の期限を明確にすべし. キレン課長講演 48-loc-2027b [6]/[8]/194[8] 17/8 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 48-loc-2027c 6/8/1948 17/8 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 労働協約と紛爭処理機関を重視せよ. キレン課長あいさつ要旨 労働協約に有効期間を. 労働協議会でキレン課長談 48-loc-2027d 6/8/194[8] 17/8 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 48-loc-2028 6/8/1948 6/9/1948 18/8 News Item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (57) Tokyo Shimbun No. 57 キレン. 全国労働委員連絡会議(八日)における総司令部キレン労 働課長のあいさつ要旨 纖維、染料対策決定 48-loc-2029 6/8/1948 6/9/1948 19/8 News Item. 毎日新聞 Mainichi shimbun (Saitama) Mainichi (Saitama). 奇!戰時債劵を買漁る男. なぞの珍商人の正体は何 Trade Fishing For War Time Debentures 48-loc-2030 6/8/1948 6/15/1948 20/8 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (174) Kyodo 174 輸出四百八十億輸入五百三十億円. 本年度貿易計画 "¥48 Billion Of Exports And Foreign trade program for the ¥53 Billion Of Imports: The current fiscal year Foreign Trade Program For The Current Fiscal Year" 48-loc-2030a [6]/[8]/1948 6/15/1948 20/8 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 輸出三億ドル、輸入七億ドル. 安本の輸出入実行計画 48-loc-2030b 48-loc-2031 6/8/194[8] 6/8/1948 6/9/1948 20/8 21/8 Criticism 読売新聞 東京民報 Yomiuri Shimbun Tokyo Mimpo (6) Yomiuri Tokyo Mimpo #6 輸入七億七千万ドル. 藤井経本次官貿易計画説明 日本共和国 48-loc-2032 6/8/1948 6/16/1948 22/8 News item 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo (17) Tokyo Mimpo 17 世論をみる天皇制. 松本参院副議長への投書. 横ばい是非論動き出した国民の念頭 48-loc-2033 6/8/1948 6/9/1948 23/8 Commen 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 文学座の「わが町」 48-loc-2034 6/8/1948 6/11/1948 24/8 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (196, Maizuru) 48-loc-2036 [6]/[8]/194[8] [読売新聞] [Yomiuri Shimbun] 48-loc-2037z 48-loc-2037 6/9/1948 6/9/1948 6/10/1948 48-loc-2038 6/9/1948 6/11/1948 48-loc-2039 6/7/1948 48-loc-2039a 48-loc-2040 6/9/194[8] 6/9/1948 6/11/1948 3/9 5/9 News Item. 48-loc-2041 6/9/1948 6/11/1948 6/9 News item 48-loc-2025 6/8/194[8] 48-loc-2025a 6/8/1948 48-loc-2025b 6/8/1948 48-loc-2025c 6/9/1948 15/8 H, P H, P Takahashi [Takahashi Mercola ] K. Suzuki Ashikawa Kitayama T. Nakayama H, P Y 1 Mercola Hudnall Iwasaki Hayashi Y Y 1 2 Merc[o]la Doi Moriyama K. Suzuki Y 5 2 Y 10 3 H, P Y 12 H, P Y 1 H, P Y 1 2 P H, P H, P P "Plans for Textile and Dye Industries are Decided" Government decided on a plan for promoting the textile industry Someone is buying up wartime bonds at half their value [Nakayama ] H, P Mercola Ashikawa Takashima H. Obata Y H, P Mercola Nakano Kikuchi Yokoyama Y 2 H, P Mercola Gomes Iwasaki M. Kawamoto Y 20 Y 4 H, P H, P Kikuchi Naito Nomura Y Y 1 5 "Public Opinion on the Opinion of the emperor system: Emperor System as observed in "Japanese people are the the letters of contribution to emperor's branch families" Vice-President MATSUMOTO of the House of Councillors" Propriety of otherwise of 'Walking Sideway' in the Presence of the Emperor Coming to be Much-Mooted Issue of the Japanese People at Large H, D Mercola Yoshimoto Iwasaki M. Nagashima Y 17 "Bungakuza Players Stage 'Our Wilder's play "Our Town" is Town'" anachronistic already, because of the atrocities of WWII H, D Mercola Inouye Murao Isamu Abe Y 4 Kyodo 196 (Maizuru) 郷愁も感じない抑留生活. 引揚の三女性語る "Stories of 3 Japanese women from the Soviet area; No Homesickness is caused by Detention Life" Three Japanese women returned from the USSR and said that no homesickness was experienced in detention camps H, S Mercola Ogino Iwasaki K. Minami Y 13 [Yomiuri] International Telephone Conversation Between Cuba and Tok[yo] Communists use the term "yankee imperialism" whenever they feel like it D H, P "Republic of Japan" The emperor must become a symbol of goodwill and liberty Takuzo [O]base 4 envelope 1/9 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (17, Okayama) Kyodo 17 (Okayama) 片山潜氏の「おい」帰還 2/9 News item 国際特信 Kokusai Tokushin (5) Kokusai [Tokushin] #5 時事通信 農林水産版 Jiji Tsushin 綿布綿製品の國内放出なるか. メリヤスシヤツ、タオルも含めて. 今秋頃までに一般家庭へ配給 値上り分は農家に還元せよ 東京新聞 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin Norin Suisanban Tokyo Simbun Kyodo Tsushin (29) Tokyo Shimbun Kydo, 29. 國協党強硬. 價格差益金問題 判決は九月上旬か?. 三度び夏を迎えた市ヶ谷法廷 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (11) Tokyo Shimbun 11 東京裁判判決九月以後か 3/9, (5/8) 48-loc-2042 6/9/1948 7/9 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 48-loc-2042a 6/10/1948 7/9 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 48-loc-2043 6/9/1948 時事通信 農林水産版 Jiji Tsushin Norin Suisanban (53) Jiji-Ts[u]shin No. 53 貿易体制を大轉換. 制限つき民間取引. 近く円・ドル交換率決定 貿易体制を大轉換. 制限つき民間取引. 近く円・ドル交換率決定 南氷洋捕鯨に三船團. 政府、食糧政策上から切望 48-loc-2044 [6]/[9]/194[8] 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 米価格差金還元の決議案あす衆院上程 6/11/1948 8/9 11/9, (5/8) Commentary Mr. Sen KATAYAMA's Nephew Returns" Nephew of Communist Katayama returns to Japan from Siberia Cotton goods may be Cotton goods are ready to be distributed for domestic use by distributed for domestic use by this fall. fall H, P Mercola Doi Yoshimoto M. Kawamoto Y 1 6 H, S Mercola Hattori Ogino M. Hori Y 8 H, S "Decisions to Be Delivered on War Criminals Early in September." "Verdict of Tokyo Tribunal may come down after September" Verdicts on war criminals will be delivered in December Verdicts on war criminals may be delivered after September Third Group Of Whaling Government hopes to send F[l]eet To [Antartic] Ocean; three whaling fleets to the The Government Desires Antarctic next year Earnestly From A Food Policy. Y 1 H, S H, P Mercola Doi Yoshimoto Araiso Y Y 1 12 H, P Mercola Nakano Sakaino K. Minami Y 7 H, S Y 2 H, S Y 2 Y 3 Y 5 P S Kaneko K. Tezuka Oversized Submitted by (Japanese) 世界日報 Photograph(s) News Agency Duplicate Hold No. Source 13/8 Comment. Number of Pages Date Censored 6/11/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 6/8/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-2024 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 4 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Yomiuri Shimbun 大阪氏が新駆虫剤D・M・P賣出す (Kansai) Yomiuri (13) 住宅. 米軍が作戰用に使う小粋な文化住宅がこんど大量に民間に 拂下げられ近く集團住宅として住宅難の都民にお目見得す ることになつた 13/9 News Item 読売新聞 48-loc-2047 6/9/1948 6/14/1948 14/9 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (82) Jiji Tsushin 82 シヤムへ使節二名派遣 48-loc-2048 6/9/1948 6/16/1948 16/9 News item サンデー民報 Sande Mimpo (4) Sunday Mimpo 4 48-loc-2049 6/9/1948 6/16/1948 17/9 Editorial 時事[新報] Jiji [Shimpo] Jiji [Shimpo] 48-loc-2050 6/9/1948 6/10/1948 18/9 News item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (99) Yomiuri Shimbun 99 制限小切符本極り. 衣料・來月から廿五点増量も計画; タコ釣. 一日五千円の稼ぎ; 降雨はおくれる. 高温、雨量は平年並み 48-loc-2051 6/9/1948 6/10/1948 19/9 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (127, Hakodate) Kyodo Tsushin 127 (Hakodate) 樺太引揚船入港 48-loc-2052 6/9/1948 6/15/1948 21/9 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (26) Yomiuri 26 和[智]. 東京裁判の判決を前にして各被告処刑に関する國民の要請 がようやくいろいろな形で現れてきたが... 48-loc-2053 6/9/1948 6/11/1948 22/9 News item 読売新聞 6/9/1948 6/10/1948 23/9 News item 共同通信 Yomiuri Shimbun (109, Yomiuri Shimbun Ibaraki) #109, Ibaraki Ed. Kyodo Tsushin (153) Kyodo Tsushin #153 年内に五千人引揚 48-loc-2054 48-loc-2054a 48-loc-2054b 48-loc-2055 48-loc-2055a 48-loc-2055b 48-loc-2056 6/9/1948 6/9/1948 [6]/[9]/194[8] 6/9/1948 6/9/194[8] 6/9/1948 News item 朝日新聞 毎日新聞 共同通信 日本経済新聞 読売新聞 アカハタ Asahi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin The Nihon Keizai Yomiuri Shimbun Akahata (4) Asahi Mainichi Kyodo Nihon Keizai Yomiuri Akahata #4 木原均博士が渡欧 木原博士、國際遺傳学会議へ 中間安定に通貨措置は不要. 一万田総[裁]語る 通貨安定が中間安定の條件. 一万田総裁語る 中間安定の構想. 日銀総裁談 脱黨すれば不起訴. 供米問題で浦和地檢の強要 Subject "D.M.P., a new Insecticide; on Sale in OSAKA." Up-to-date American Houses Will Be Sold to Japanese People Brief Summary DMP, a new insecticide, is on sale in Osaka Houses that the US Army has used for military operations will be sold to Japanese to alleviate the housing shortage "Two Delegates To Be Dispatched As A Mission To Siam" "Sugar" Two delegates will go to Siam on a trade mission H, P 砂糖 Sugar is no substitute for rice H, P 共産主義と軍國主義 Communism and militarism Similarities between Communism and militarism ESB is deliberating increasing the portion of cotton allotted for domestic use 木原博士、国際遺伝学会議へ. 国境越えた学者の愛ついに結実; 國際間の學者愛結実. 木原均博士國際遺傳学会へ Headline Limited clothing small ticket formally decided. H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Mercola Nakano Ashikawa Tateuma H, P Mercola Hatto[ri] Hud[na]l[l] Mercola Doi Kikuchi Mercola Kikuchi K. Minami S Mercola Kikuchi Pinto K. Suzuki H, P Mercola Kato Ogino M. Hori M. Hori [Akiba] Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 3 S. Konishi Y 3 M. Kawamoto Y 3 Y 16 Y 11 Y 4 Abe Schedule of repatriation ships from Saghalien in the last decade of June. A Monk, Former Commanding Officer of a Garrison in Iojima Petitioned to Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York for Reduction of Penalty of War Criminals Schedule of repatriation ships for the last part of June H, P Mercola Ashikawa Takashima Y 4 A monk petitioned for reduced penalties for war criminals H, S Mercola Sakaino S. Konishi Y 3 "Another 5,000 to be Returned by End of Year" "International Academic Brotherhood Yields Fruit; Dr. Hitoshi KIHARA to Attend Convention of International Genetics Association" 5,500 Japanese remain alive in the USSR Well-known Japanese geneticist to attend Convention of International Genetics Association H, P Takebe Katayama H. Okada Y 2 S Kikuchi H. Okada Y 22 1 1 9 1 1 3 H, S S P H, P H, S Mercola Sakaino H. Okada Y Y Y Y Y Y H, P Kawamoto Kikuchi H. Okada Y 4 Kaneko T. Hori Y 2 P Mercola Kaneko Y 3 S Kaneko Abe Y 2 Mercola T. Kato Kikuchi Abe Y 11 Mercola T. Kato Kikuchi Sasaki Y 3 Mercola Kato Kikuchi T. Hori Y 4 "Quit the Party if You Want to be Released from Prosecution," Demands Urawa Prosecutor's Office in Rice Delivery Trouble" Prosecutor's Office demands that those who became Communists through struggle against improper rice delivery quotas must leave the Party or be prosecuted "Group of Strange Malady Cases Breaks Out in Shizuoka Pref." Russians treated us like their younger sisters, says one of the female [repatriates] from Soviet Unidentified disease breaks out in Shizuoka Female repatriate from the USSR declares that she was treated like a sister S Interpellation by the Diet member NAKANISHI on financial speech. "Mass Meeting for the Protection of Japanese Culture Will Be Held Soon, Participated In by More Than 100 Organizations: Articles and Slogan Will Be Determined" Communist member attacks the "insecurity" of the Ashida Cabinet Mass meeting for the protection of Japanese culture to be held Police are criticized for not controlling the theft of coal at Wakamatsu Harbor Repatriate claims that he was treated as well as Soviet citizens during his detention H, S H, S H, S 48-loc-2057 6/9/1948 6/10/1948 26/9 News item, from Shizuoka 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (177, Shizuoka) Kyodo Tsushin #177 (Shizuoka) 静岡県下に奇病集団発生 48-loc-2058 6/9/194[8] 6/10/1948 27/9 News Item アカハタ Akahata (25) Akahata 25 私達を妹のように. ソ同盟を語る引揚の中村さん 48-loc-2059 6/9/1948 6/11/1948 28/9 News item アカハタ Akahata (22) Akahata No. 22 中西議員の財政質問 48-loc-2060 6/9/1948 6/11/1948 29/9 News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 參加百團體を起ゆ. 會則・スローガン決定. 日本文化を守る會大會迫る 48-loc-2061 6/9/1948 6/16/1948 30/9 News Item アカハタ Akahata (27, Kitakyushu) Akahata (No. 27) (Kitakyushu) 石炭泥棒 "Stealing of Coal" 48-loc-2062 6/9/1948 6/10/1948 31/9 News item アカハタ Akahata (16) Akahata No. 16 引揚者感想文 Repatriate's Impressions 48-loc-2063 6/9/194[8] 6/10/194[8] 32/9 News Item アカハタ Akahata (23) Akahata 23 学生同盟の挑発 "Several students provoked communists at the SHINAGAWA Station" Buddhist students interrupted communists welcoming repatriates at the train station 48-loc-2064 6/8/1948 6/14/1948 33(a)/9 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 南方米輸入に期待. シヤムへ貿易使節團派遣 Y 1 48-loc-2065 6/9/1948 6/16/1948 33/9 Commentary 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (29) Mainichi 29 卅万俵は不足. 綿紡復興に大きなヒビ "Japan will fall short of raw cotton by 300,000 bales. It will be a big obstacle to the restoration of Japanese cotton spinning industry." Japan will have a cotton shortfall of about 300,000 bales H, P Kawamoto Sakaino Iwasaki T. Nakayama Y 2 48-loc-2066 6/9/1948 6/16/1948 34/9 News item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 援助費削減に関心. 栗栖安本長官答辯 "Kurusu's reply on support expenditure from U.S." Chief of the ESB speaks about the cut in US aid to Japan H, P Mercola Ebisawa Kaneko Motoichiro Tamai Y 2 48-loc-2067 6/9/1948 6/10/1948 35/9 News item アカハタ Akahata (24) Akahata # 24 S Kaneko H. Okada 48-loc-2068 6/9/1948 6/11/1948 36/9 New’s Item. 民青時報 Minsei Jiho (23-15) Minsei Jiho 23-15. 百通の手紙より百圓の救済費を H, S Kaneko Ashikawa Takashima Yokoyama Y S Kikuchi H. Okada Y 4 Niiya K. Suzuki Y 10 Y Y 1 7 H, D, P "Recuperating Repatriates Come with Healthy Steps" 48-loc-2069 6/9/1948 6/19/1948 37/9 News item アカハタ Akahata (40) Akahata #40 労農連絡会世話人会 48-loc-2070 6/9/194[8] 6/12/194[8] 38/9 News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 労農連絡協議会発会式 48-loc-2071 48-loc-2072 6/9/194[8] 6/9/1948 6/26/194[8] 39/9 News item アカハタ 共同通信 Akahata Kyodo Tsushin (105) Akahata スペルマン大司教 Kyodo Tsushin # 105 米価改訂問題で衆院十日に決議 48-loc-2073z 6/10/1948 Azuma Yabuki Communists received 16 repatriates from Russia, tanned and strong Koreans In K[o]be need Rescue Koreans in Kobe need rescue Funds. money instead of "ego messages" "Promoters' Meeting for Farmer- Budget meeting of the FarmerLabor Liaison Association" Labor Liaison Association Initiation ceremony of labor Farmer liaison Council "Resolution on Rice Price Revision" The initiation of Farmer-Labor H, D, S Liaison Council S The balance created by the S price revision should be returned to the farmers, said a socialist from Niigata [Kikuchi] H. Okada 1 6 envelope 1 Oversized 6/11/1948 23/9 23/9 24/9 24/9 24/9 25/9 Submitted by (Japanese) 読売新聞 Photograph(s) 6/9/1948 News Agency Duplicate 48-loc-2046 Submitted by Yomiuri Shimbun (Kansai) Yomiuri Shimbun (13) Hold No. Source 12/9 News Item Number of Pages Date Censored 6/10/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 6/9/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-2045 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 6/19/1948 3/10 Commentary 共同通信 共同特信 D (渉外版) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Tokushin Tokushin D (shogaiban) 組合指導の新しいコース 6/10/1948 6/14/1948 4/10 News item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 48-loc-2076 6/10/1948 6/14/1948 5/10 News Item 朝日新聞 48-loc-2077 6/10/1948 6/11/1948 6/10 News item 毎日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (6, Chiba) Mainichi Shimbun (Gunma) 48-loc-2078 6/10/1948 6/14/1948 7/10 News item 朝日新聞 48-loc-2079 6/10/194[8] 6/14/194[8] 9/10 News Item 48-loc-2080 6/10/1948 6/10/1948 11/10 48-loc-2081 6/10/1948 6/11/1948 12/10 48-loc-2082 48-loc-2082a [6]/[10]/194[8] 6/10/1948 48-loc-2082b 48-loc-2082c 48-loc-2082d [6]/[10]/194[8] [6]/[10]/194[8] 6/10/194[8] 48-loc-2083 6/10/1948 6/11/1948 14/10 48-loc-2083a 48-loc-2084 6/10/1948 6/10/1948 6/11/1948 6/14/1948 48-loc-2085 6/10/1948 6/16/1948 48-loc-2086 6/10/194[8] 48-loc-2087 6/10/1948 6/11/1948 Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Kyodo Tsushin No. 京大湯川博士渡米 70 (Kyoto) 19/10 news item 毎日新聞 48-loc-2088 6/10/1948 6/16/1948 20/10 News item 毎日新聞 48-loc-2089 6/10/1948 6/11/1948 21/10 News Source 毎日新聞 48-loc-2090 6/10/1948 6/11/1948 23/10 News Item 48-loc-2091 6/10/1948 6/15/1948 24/10 Commet. 48-loc-2092 48-loc-2092a 48-loc-2092b 48-loc-2092c 6/10/1948 6/10/194[8] [6]/[10]/194[8] [6]/[10]/194[8] 25/10 25/10 25/10 25/10 48-loc-2092d [6]/[10]/194[8] 48-loc-2092e 48-loc-2092f 48-loc-2092g 48-loc-2092h 6/10/1948 6/10/1948 [6]/10/194[8] [6]/[10]/194[8] 48-loc-2092i 48-loc-2093 6/10/194[8] 6/10/194[8] 6/16/194[8] 25/10 26/10 48-loc-2094 6/10/1948 6/14/1948 27/10 48-loc-2095 48-loc-2095a 48-loc-2095b 6/10/1948 [6]/[10]/194[8] 6/10/194[8] 28/10 28/10 28/10 48-loc-2095c 48-loc-2095d 48-loc-2095e [6]/[10]/194[8] [6]/[10]/194[8] 6/10/1948 28/10 28/10 28/10 Subject Dr. YUKAWA of the Kyoto University to go over to America. "A new course open to leaders of labor unions" Brief Summary Oppenheimer has invited Prof. Yugata to teach at Princeton Summary of the current status of labor unions H, P Sakaino Shimokura Ito ソ連の注文船 Boats ordered from the Soviet Union. Japan will receive coal from the USSR in exchange for boats H, P Mercola Nakano Shimokura Asahi Shimbun (Local 6) (Chiba) Mainichi (Gunma) 最高臼井村の卅三日. 遲配解消のぞみうす Delayed Delivery of Rice in Chiba Prefecture. "Sick-beds decorated with lilies of the valley. Nurses accompanying the army came back home who had been attending on sicked Japanese in Siberia." Rice delivery is delayed in Chiba Three nurses who voluntarily stayed 1 year longer in Siberia to care for the sick Japanese have come back H, P H. Kato Iwasaki Yabuki H, S Mercola Nakano Shimokura Asahi Shimbun (8, Shizuoka) Asahi Shimbun 8 (Shizuoka) 黒船祭り KUROFUNE Festival will be held at Shimoda Town. Black Ship Festival in Shimoda to commemorate the arrival of Commodore Perry H, P Mercola Kato Takashima 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Keizai 五月の大阪港輸出は全部、朝鮮向け Import of 1,237,654 tons of refined molasses H, P Mercola Shimokura K. Fujii News item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (84) Jiji Tsushin 84 近く貿易機構を改革 "Foreign Trade machinery will be Reformed" 1 million tons of molasses have been imported from the Philippines Foreign trade reform-$60,000,000 contracted to buy American cotton and materials H, C, D, P Mercola Tanaka Ashikawa News Item 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo (103) Jiji Shimpo (No. 103) 半分は無緣故者. 樺太引揚げ受[入]れに徹底対策 H, P Mercola Ebisawa Gomes 13/10 13/10 北海道新聞 日本経済新聞 Hokkaido Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Hokkaido Nihon Keizai 樺太引揚者住宅. 竹田厚相答弁 参本. 十日の参議院本会議は午前十時廿一分開会、苫米地官房長 官から議員の質問中における大臣の退席に遺憾の意を表明 13/10 13/10 13/10 西日本新聞 [政治新聞] 読売新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun [Seiji Shimbun] Yomiuri Shimbun Nishi Nihon [Seiji Shimbun] Yomiuri 参院本会議 樺太引揚民の受入れ措置. 竹田厚相答辯 参本. 十日の参議院本会議は午前十時廿分開会、まず苫米地官房 長官から九日の本会議に関係大臣が中座したことは遺憾で ある、今後善処する旨の発言があつて質疑に入り News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (97) Kyodo 97 六・三制を完全実施せよ. 藤田氏(社革)質問要旨 14/10 16/10 News Item 日本経済新聞 毎日新聞 News Item 毎日新聞 The Nihon Keizai Mainichi Shimbun (Hokkaido) Mainichi Shimbun (5) Nihon Keizai Mainichi Shimbun (Hokkaido) Mainichi 5 衆本. 税金額を農民に團体交渉させよ 北海に鯨を追う 17/10 Yomiuri Shimbun (Shizuoka) Mainichi Shimbun (Saitama) Yomiuri (Shizuoka) 奇病、南崎村にも集團発生 Mainichi. Saitama Edit. 農協設立を苦に自殺 Mainichi Shimbun (Shinshu) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Local (Shinshu) [Mainichi] 野菜の統制[撤]廃. 南瓜、玉ネギは從前通り 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (166, Sasebo) Kyodo Tsushin (No. 166) (Sasebo) 胡芦島引揚船十四日入港 東京タイムズ The Tokyo Times (11) Tokyo-Taimuzu, 11. 國亡[捨]子在 Asahi Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Sangyo Bukkaban Kyodo Tsushin Asahi Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 國際労働会議への加入問題. 加藤労相答弁 専門委員派遣[可能]か. 國労問題で加藤労相答弁 ILO参加許されれば代表派遣. 加藤労相答弁 國際勞働機關へ隨員[派]遣か 25/10 朝日新聞 時事新報 時事通信 時事通信 産業・物価版 共同通信 Kyodo 25/10 25/10 25/10 25/10 毎日新聞 日本経済新聞 政治新聞 東京タイムズ Mainichi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Seiji Shimbun The Tokyo Times Mainichi Nihon Keizai Seiji Shimbun Tokyo Taimuzu News Item 読売新聞 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Yomiuri 承認を得ればオブサーバーとして出席. 労相国際労働会議復帰問題を説明 國際労働会議再加入努力中. 加藤労相答弁 國[際]労働機関へ日本代表を. 加藤労相答弁 國際勞働會議再加入困難. 隨員で出席の程度 國際勞働會議へ早急復歸は困難. 勞相答辯. 準備會議で招聘決定 労働会議 予算物價改正. 政府は十日までに廿三年度予算並びに物價改定問題に対す る根本的な態度を決定することになつていたが漸く既定方 針を強行する腹を固めた模樣である News item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (11) Mainichi 11 麦、じやがいも新價内定 朝日新聞 北海道新聞 時事新報 Asahi Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Asahi Hokkaido Jiji Shimpo 時事通信 共同通信 毎日新聞 Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Mainichi Shimbun Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Mainichi 外資導入の方式. 栗栖長官説明 受入れが整備されれば民間外資は導入される 外資. 去る三日の衆議院外務委員会で堀越安本次長は民間外資導 入は日本経済の現状においては多大の困難があることを指 摘したが栗栖安本長官は十日の同委員会でこれを補足し大 要次の如く説明した 民間外資導入も既に具体化. 栗栖安本長官言明 外資導入は実施段階にある. 栗栖安本長官言明 外資の現況近く発表. 栗栖長官言明. 具体交渉進む 読売新聞 18/10 Submitted by Kyodo Tsushin (70, Kyoto) 病床なぐさむ鈴らん. ソ連同胞を護る・從軍看護婦帰郷 全國貿易業者大会 逆用される新刑事訴訟法. 脅迫して証言妨ぐ. 被害不十分で犯人逃る Headline "Thorough Counter Measures Conference will be held on to Receive the Repatriates from how to accomodate relativeless SAGHALIEN." repatriates P [Kuga] Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Kaneko Matsumoto Abe Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 7 T. Hori Y 17 Sasaki Y 2 Y 2 T. Nakayama Y 3 M. Hori Y 5 Y 2 K. Minami Y 4 Tateuma Y 3 Y Y 5 1 Y Y Y 15 1 1 Y 9 Y Y 1 2 Y 3 H H, D H, P [Shimoda] H, D, P 6:3 Educational System And Others Interpellated By FUJITA. Mr. Fujita of the Social Renovation Party addressed the Diet about building of ships and revision of the rice price "Whale-fishing Reopened In the North Sea" Foreign Trader Rally Passes Decision Of The Improvement On Mail Censorship.; "An allJapan rally of foreign traders." Whaling has been resumed in the North Sea Foreign trader Ralley will speak on the improvement of mail censorship H, D Mercola Nakano Kaneko K. Tezuka H, D H, P Mercola Ashikawa Katayama Tateuma H, D Mercola Kato Takashima K. Tezuka Y 1 H, P Mercola Ebisawa Gomes Hayashi Y 2 H, S Kikuchi Naito Sakaino 3 Mercola Ebizawa Kaneko Motoichiro Tamai K. Suzuki Y H, P Y 7 Kaneko Matsumoto Tateuma Y 5 Mercola Iwasaki Sakaino Y 3 Y Y Y Y 2 1 6 2 S Y 19 S H, S S S Y Y Y Y 1 1 1 1 1 4 P "Suicide Resulting From Sugiyama committed suicide Establishment of The Farmers’ because he was worried about Conference." the establishment of the Farmers' Conference "Abolishing the control of Control of vegetables lifted due vegetables" to good harvest The New Co[de] of Criminal The new code of criminal Procedure employed badly procedure clarifies deliberations principle and direct proof principle "Repatriation Ship from Repatriation ship will arrive HULUTAO Will Arrive Here from Hulutao June 14 June 14." "On Foundlings." Abandonment of children is becoming a problem P H, P S H, S H, S H, S "Price Revision and the Budget" List of commodities included in the price revision plan "New Prices of Corn and Potato Informally Decided." New prices of corn and potato informally decided Notes Y Shinjiro Yamane Araiso [Yamada] S H, D H, P H, P H, P [Ozawa] P [Yamada] T. Nakayama Mercola Doi Takebe T. Hori Y Y Mercola Naito Ogino Hayashi Y 2 Y Y Y 3 20 1 Y Y Y 5 19 1 Oversized Submitted by (Japanese) 共同通信 Photograph(s) 6/10/1948 48-loc-2075 News Agency Duplicate 48-loc-2074 Hold No. Source 2/10 News item Number of Pages Date Censored 6/11/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 6/10/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-2073 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-2095g [6]/[10]/194[8] 大阪時事新報 Osaka Jiji Shimpo Osaka Jiji Shimpo 48-loc-2095h 48-loc-2096 6/10/194[8] 6/10/1948 6/14/1948 28/10 29/10 読売新聞 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (32) Yomiuri 外資導入 Yomiuri Shimbun No. 日本の決心 32 48-loc-2097 6/10/1948 6/12/1948 30/10 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (35) Asahi, 35. 日本人になつた元中國軍中佐 "Former Chinese Colonel Naturalized to Japan." 48-loc-2098 6/10/194[8] 6/15/194[8] 31/10 News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 歸國の喜び; ソ同盟の人と; ナターシャ; 収容所の花; 音樂と芝居; 手 A Repatriate's note 48-loc-2099 6/10/1948 6/16/1948 32/10 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (18) Mainichi 18 さく及補償難色 "Difficulty Looms Over Retroactive Compensation" 48-loc-2099a 48-loc-2099b 48-loc-2100 6/10/1948 6/10/1948 6/10/1948 6/14/1948 32/10 32/10 33/10 News item 朝日新聞 日本経済新聞 共同通信 Asahi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Kyodo Tsushin (195) Asahi Nihon Keizai Kyodo 195 差益金還付見込なし. 政府の答弁態度を決定 差益金は農家へ. 農民代表者会議で決議 二段補正で新價格実施 48-loc-2101 6/10/1948 6/12/1948 34/10 News item アカハタ Akahata (33) Akahata No. 33 ... 引揚[者]をめぐつて学生同盟の反共活動がさかんにおこな われているが、援護局の寮から東舞鶴駅へとシツヨウな彼 等の宣傳になやまされつずけた引揚者たち、京都へつくこ ろになるとだいぶリコウになつて学生同盟のワン章を見る と一せいに窓のオオイをおろす 48-loc-2102 6/10/1948 6/12/1948 35/10 News Item アカハタ Akahata (6, Kansai) 6/10/1948 6/11/1948 36/10 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (197) Akahata No. 6 (Kansai) Kyodo 197 神戸事件公判 48-loc-2103 48-loc-2104 6/10/1948 6/11/1948 37/10 News Item アカハタ Akahata (11, Higashikane) Akahata 11 (Higashikane) 48-loc-2105 6/10/1948 6/11/1948 38/10 News Item アカハタ Akahata (23) 48-loc-2106 6/10/1948 6/14/1948 39/10 News Item 時事通信 映画芸能版 48-loc-2107 6/10/1948 6/14/1948 40/10 News Item 48-loc-2108 6/10/1948 6/11/1948 41/10 News item 48-loc-2109z 48-loc-2109 6/11/1948 6/11/1948 6/11/1948 1/11 48-loc-2110 6/11/1948 6/12/1948 2/11 48-loc-2111 6/11/194[8] 48-loc-2112 6/11/1948 6/12/1948 4/11 48-loc-2113 6/13/1948 6/15/1948 5/11 48-loc-2113a 48-loc-2114 48-loc-2115 6/11/194[8] [6]/[11]/194[8] 6/11/1948 6/11/1948 6/16/1948 5/11 6/11 9/11 48-loc-2116 6/11/1948 6/18/1948 10/11 48-loc-2117 6/11/1948 6/15/1948 48-loc-2118 6/11/1948 48-loc-2119 6/11/1948 48-loc-2119a 6/11/1948 48-loc-2120 6/11/1948 28/10 Editorial (or Commentary) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary "New price system will be enforced on June 15th regardless of revision of railway fares," "Anti-Communism Movements are Active by Student League" Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y H, P [Matsumot o] Y 5 Commentary on Japan as a defeated country and how it must initiate its own rehabilitation A Chinese colonel became a naturalized Japanese and is preparing to work at the Repatriates' House Repatriate tells of pleasant aspects of life in Russian camps H, S Tsunego Baba Retroactive compensation for farmers met with opposition-alternate plans are being considered H, S 栗栖長官答弁 Japan's Resolution Examiner1 Examiner2 [Okamura] H, S S Mercola Murao Katayama Yabuki Y Y 2 10 Mercola Naito Ogino Araiso Y 4 Y 6 Y 3 [Hiroshi] Gomes Takahashi, [Hiroshi] Takayanagi , Hiroya Takayanagi , [Hiroshi] Takano S S New price system will be H, D, P enforced on June 15 regardless of the revision of railway fares 6 K. Fujii Kato Takashima M. Kawamoto Takebe Iwasaki T. Nakayama Kawamoto Y Y Y 1 1 9 2 Anti-Communist movement toward repatriates launched by the Students' League H, S Mercola Gomes K. Minami Y The 11th trial of Kobe Korean riot. "MINAMIHARA, the president of the Tokyo University, talks on the abdication of the Emperor. He has never said that it is natural that the Emperor should abdicate the throne. Account of the eleventh trial of the Kobe Korean incident President of Tokyo University thinks the emperor should abdicate H, S Mercola Gomes Sasa[k]i Y 3 P Kaneko Matsumoto T. Nakayama Y 10 還元米ないため千葉農民苦しむ "Farmers In Chiba Suffering From Lack Of Returned Rice" Farmers in Chiba suffering from shortage of food due to lack of the returned rice that was promised by the authorities H, S Kaneko Matsumoto M. Kawamoto Y 2 Akahata 23 強い反政府熱. 全國農民代表者會議ひらく Anti-government sentiment at the meeting of the Farmers' Convention representatives H, S Kaneko Matsumoto S. Konishi Y 3 Jiji Tsushin Eiga Geinoban (108) Jiji Tsushin 108 海を渡る日本映畫. 第二次輸出映畫契約要領きまる Strong Anti-Government Sentiment Nationwide Farmers' Representatives Held A Meeting The Second Shipment of Japanese Movices To Abroad. The General Outline Of The Contract Is Decided. Plan for exporting Japanese movies H, P Mercola Shimokura Iwasaki Y 5 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (29) Mainichi 29 東京で百廿万石不足. 端境期の食糧需給推算 "Survey of Food Supply and Demand In Crop-gap Season" List of the food shortages in major cities P Mercola Niiya Hayashi Y 3 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (218) Kyodo No. 218 日通スト中止 "Suspension of Strike of NITTSU" Japan Express workers stop their strike because GHQ orders them to P Kaneko Matsumoto K. Minami Y 5 News item アカハタ Akahata (48) Akahata No. 48 日通スト中止 "The Japan Express-Company was ordered to cease strike" P Kaneko H. Obata Commentary 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times (37) Kokusai-Taimuzu 37 ニューヨークタイムズ紙は「日本が自由な國となるために 、最も望ましいことは化石的遺物である天皇制を完全にな くしてしもうことだ」と論じている Voluntary Service Corps for Repairing Emperor's Palace. Japan Express workers stop their strike because GHQ orders them to Criticism of the emperor's inactivity H, S Mercola Sakaino News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 主食需給推算 Calculation of supply and demand of staple food Round Table Conference Comment 新聞之新聞 Shimbun no Shimbun (22) Tokyo Shimbun Shimbun no Shimbun 歐米と技術比較 22 Tokyo Shimbun シヤムと貿易使節團交換. 米穀の輸入促進 News Item 貿易日報 共同通信 新聞之新聞 Boeki Nippo Kyodo Tsushin Shimbun no Shimbun (28) Boeki- Nippo 通商使節團第二陣シヤムへ Kyodo 資本構成の不均衝是正. ビープラツト課長演説 Shimbun no Shimbun エロ限界の見判け役. 大阪警察乗出す No. 28 News item 新聞之新聞 11/11 News Item 共同通信 Shimbun no Shimbun (26) Kyodo Tsushin (57) Shimbun no Shimbun 京都もエロ追放 26 Kyodo Tsushin No. 比島から「主食でない主食」. イーストの原料に"糖蜜"渡来 57 6/14/1948 12/11 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (80) Jiji Tsushin 80 6/11/1948 15/11 News item from Nigata 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (96, Niigata) Kyodo 96, from Ni[i]gata 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi (Niigata) (Niigata) Yomiuri Shimbun (103, Yomiuri. 103 Shizuoka) (Shizuoka) 共通意見といつた事実なし. 天皇退位問題で南原総長釈明 K. Tezuka envelope 6/16/194[8] 3/11 15/11 6/15/1948 16/11 News Item 東京新聞 読売新聞 "Comparison of Technic with America" "Exchange of trade mission with Siam" Agricultural Ministry is trying to calculate the current food shortfall American printing technique is way ahead of Japan's Rice might be imported from Siam (rumor) Araiso H, P 1 7 Y 2 Y 8 2 H, P Mercola Kaneko Hayashi Y H, D Mercola Sakaino Motoichiro Tamai Y 6 H, P P H, P Kawamoto Kaneko Ogino Matsumoto Y Y Y 1 22 9 H, P Kaneko Matsumoto Kato Katayama M. Nagashima Tateuma Osaka Police Station Launches Out Discernment Of The Limit Of Eroticism "Kyoto is also Determined to Rid Itself of Eroticism" "Molasses Imported from the Philippines." Committee to investigate erotic publications has been formed in Osaka Kyoto will also attempt to rid itself of indecent publications Molasses have been imported from the Philippines ベルギーとも民間取引 "Private Trade To Be Opened With Belgium, Too." Private trade will be reopened with Belgium and the Congo H, P Kawamoto Ito Kato 日通新潟ストに突入 "Japan Express Co. Niigata Chapter To Go Strike." Niigata chapter of Japan Express Co. has gone on strike P Kawamoto Sakaino Pinto "Former Japanese Sergeant's Captive Life in Saghalien." Former sergeant describes life in Saghalien H, P Mercola Inoue Yoshimoto Araiso H, P Araki S. Konishi Y 6 Y 11 M. Kawamoto Y 2 Hayashi Y 4 Y 1 Y 3 新潟地区はスト 樺太抑留二年八ケ月この程帰國した吉原市元陸軍軍曹仁藤 久司(二七)君は樺太生活の思い出記を本社靜岡支局に寄 せた Y 2 2 Oversized Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Nishi Nihon 民間外資導入 News Agency Photograph(s) Submitted by Nishi Nihon Shimbun Source Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) 西日本新聞 Hold No. 28/10 Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [6]/[10]/194[8] Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-2095f Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Boeki Nippo (No. 11) 廿三年度輸入百廿万トン確実か 48-loc-2122 6/11/1948 6/14/1948 18/11 News Item 貿易日報 Boeki Nippo (8) Boeki -Nippo No. 8 48-loc-2123 6/11/1948 19/11 Comment 新夕刊 Shin Yukan (25a) Shin- Yukan No. 25a 野黨陣、倒閣へひた押しし相次ぐ難問に崩れ行く支柱 48-loc-2124 [6]/11/1948 6/15/1948 20/11 News Item 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun (1) Nishi Nippon No. 1 48-loc-2125 48-loc-2126 6/11/1948 6/15/1948 21/11 News item 貿易日報 Boeki Nippo (13) 6/11/1948 6/14/1948 24/11 News item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (79) 48-loc-2127 6/11/1948 6/16/1948 25/11 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (124) 48-loc-2128 6/11/1948 6/16/1948 26/11 Commentary 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (105, Yomiuri 105 Ishikawa) (Ishikawa) 大物檢挙は影をひそむ. 悩みは人員僅か八名の美川、鶴來署 48-loc-2129 48-loc-2130 [6]/[11]/194[8] [6]/[11]/194[8] 東京タイムズ 共同通信 The Tokyo Times Kyodo Tsushin Tokyo Taimuzu Kyodo 總裁の獨斷に不滿. 木村氏役員會で發言 芦田総[裁]の独断に堪え得ず. 木村氏幹事長辞任あいさつ 48-loc-2131 6/11/194[8] Editorial 東京タイムズ The Tokyo Times Tokyo Taimes 輕犯法の趣旨を徹底させよ 48-loc-2132 6/11/1948 6/14/1948 32/11 News item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (111) Jiji Tsushin #111 新手続七月一日より実施決定 48-loc-2133 6/11/1948 6/15/1948 33/11 News item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (Kyoto) Mainichi Kyoto 高橋の話 48-loc-2134 6/11/1948 6/16/1948 35/11 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (110, Yomiuri Shimbun Kana[gawa]) (Local No 110) (Kanagawa) 乗り切れるか食糧端境期. 縣が苦しい四ケ月の需給計画 48-loc-2135 6/11/1948 36/11 News Item アカハタ Akahata (18, Hokkaido) Akahata 18 (Hokkaido) 引揚無緣故施設取上け. 警官增員にあてる 48-loc-2136 6/11/1948 37/11 News Item アカハタ Akahata (12) Akahata 12 引揚者黨へ基金 48-loc-2137 6/11/1948 38/11 News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (58) Nihon Keizai 58 大豆が輸入されゝば食油も三十四倍增配できる. 三堀食品局長の談 48-loc-2139z 48-loc-2139 6/12/1948 6/12/194[8] News Item 共同通信 共同特信 B Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin B Kyodo-Tokushin 三面鏡. 嘆きの曲 "Mr. Ichiro TAMAGAWA deplores" 48-loc-2140 6/12/1948 6/17/1948 2/12 Comment 共同通信 共同特信 B Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin B Kyodo- Tsushin 五人委員会 Five-Men Economic Mission. 48-loc-2141 6/12/1948 6/15/1948 3/12 Editorial 新報知 Shin Hochi Shin Hochi 雑誌文化を昻揚せよ "Enhance the Culture of Magazines" 48-loc-2142 48-loc-2143 6/12/194[8] 6/12/1948 6/17/1948 4/12 5/12 News Item 読売新聞 新夕刊 Yomiuri shimbun Shin Yukan (5A) Yomiuri Shin- Yukan 5A 封鎖解除は九月か "新生命の思い出["]. 赤軍将校に誉められた記事 48-loc-2144 6/12/1948 6/15/1948 6/12 News Item 朝日新聞 48-loc-2145 6/12/1948 日本経済新聞 Asahi Shimbun (6, Saitama) The Nihon Keizai Asahi Shimbun (local 収容兒の食糧が皆無. 遅配で苦しむ嘉美学園が陳情 6) (Saitama) Nihon Keizai 國際的密輸 48-loc-2146 6/12/1948 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (71) Kyodo Tsushin 71 物価の二段補正に大蔵省反対 27/11 29/11, (27/11) 6/16/194[8] 30/11 6/15/1948 Subject "1,200,000 tons of Salt May Be Imported In 1948 Fiscal Year." "Mr. Takio YAMADA was Nominated As A Resident Officer At India of the Board of Trade" "Objection's Forcible Movement to Unseat the Cabinet" Brief Summary The price of salt that will be imported in 1948 from China and the US Mr. Yamada will be sent to India as resident officer of the Board of Trade 日本軍の鉄輪に荒されたジヤワも終戦後すでに三年を経て 今日「バタビヤの夜は更けて」の型の如く情熱の国ジヤワ に復帰し対日悪感情もぐっと和らいで来たと戦犯容疑者と してバタビヤチビナン刑務所に拘禁されること一年有余 The Present Situation in Java Boeki Nippo #13 全国貿易業者大会第二日 "2nd Day of the Meeting of All- Resolution passed at the Japan Traders" meeting of All-Japan Traders Jiji Tsushin #79 香港取引のクレーム手続 "Hongkong Gov't Takes Step for Claim in Trade" Kyodo Tsushin (124) 新米の生産奨励金考慮. 差益還元は取止めか; 農民に供出奨励金價格差還元は取止め "Government Is Taking Into Consideration Of The Money of Encouragement For New Rice: Return of Differential Sum [Might] Be Cancelled." 貿易廳印度駐在員に山田多喜男氏起用 Headline H, S Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Kawamoto Takamura Pinto Tateuma H, P Kawamoto Nakano Ogino The budget must be formulated to repay farmers for their rice, but it seems impossible H, D Kawamoto Tanaka Murao A repatriate says that the situation in Java is better than that in Japan S Jane Hudnall H. Obata P Kawamoto, Yokoyama Hattori, M. Hori Hudnall H. Okada H, P Kawamoto Ito Ogino H. Okada Malloy Hudnall Abe Kawamoto Yoshimoto Katayama Hong Kong sends notification of its trade claims policy to SCAP The Cabinet is discussing how to repay farmers the money that they are owed for rice delivery Police cannot seize big The new police system is criminals. Every police station ineffective, and there are not is suffering the insufficiency of enough policemen in cities the number of policemen. S H, S Examiner5 Examiner6 3 H. Obata Y 2 Hayashi Y 3 Y 12 Y 15 Y 3 Araiso The minor offense law is being enforced in place of the old police regulations "New Export Procedures to Go The new export procedures will into Effect 1 July" go into effect July 1; but the price ration system won't until August 1 Takahashi on his charge as a Former police chief defends burglar. himself against a charge of burglary "Prefectural Distribute Plan Nagawa-ken experiencing a Difficult to Tide Over 4 food shortfall in between Months of the Between seasons Season" "Relativeless Repatriates' The Hokkaido government is Homes Forfeited To Meet pushing repatriates out of their Increase In Policemen" homes in order to accomodate trainee policemen H, P "Contribution to the Repatriates made contributions Communist Party by to the Communist Party repatriates" "Upon importation of soya Some vegetable control may be beans "miso", "shoyu" and food- removed for vegetables in oil will be increased by three or season four times" Abe 17 T. Nakayama H, P H, P The minor offense Law Notes Y Y 4 Y Y 1 15 Y 7 H, S Spaulding Murao Katayama H. Okada Y 3 H, S Kawamoto Nakano Ogino Sasaki Y 12 H, P Ogino Tateuma Y 4 H, S Murao Spaulding Y 3 S Kikuchi Minami Y 2 H, D Kikuchi Nakano Ogino Minami Y 2 Kawamoto Hudnall Joana Pint T. Hori Y 1 3 H, P Kaneko N. Hattori Hundnall K. Tezuka Y 6 H, P Kawamoto H. Hattori Hudnall I. Abe Y 3 1 6 2 M. Kawamoto envelope 6/15/194[8] 1/12 7/12 6/14/1948 8/12 News item "Memories of 'New Life', Saghalien Newspaper." "Orphans have no food." Booksellers reject new "refined eroticism" publication in the face of crackdown by the authorities The five-man economic mission to Japan will pave the way for Japan's recovery The flood of erotic magazines is the deformed product of war Repatriate tells of working on "New Life," the Japanese language paper in Saghalien Kami orphanage has no food due to the rationing delay P H, P H, P [Tetsuo Kato] H, P Gomes Katayama Araiso Y Y Hudnall Naito T. Hori Y H, P Finance Ministry opposes the two way revision of prices Finance Ministry opposes the two-way revision of prices H, D Y 1 Y 12 [Kawamoto] Y 1 [Kawamoto] Y 9 Y 4 Malloy Tanaka Kikuchi 48-loc-2146a 6/12/194[8] 6/14/194[8] 8/12 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo 物價改訂∙二段構え. まず十五日響施行か 48-loc-2146b [6]/[12]/194[8] 6/14/194[8] 8/12 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 物価改訂. 十五日実施は困難 48-loc-2147 6/12/1948 6/16/1948 9/12 News item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (107, Yomiuri Shimbun Toyama) (Toyama Local 107) 警備刑事愛人に情報提供を依頼. 全逓地協スパイ行爲だと副知事へ抗議 Revival of high police system in Toyama Prefecture The Toyama Communications Union filed a complaint against the police department after it attempted to spy on the Union H, S Malloy Takamura Iwasaki 48-loc-2148 6/12/1948 6/14/1948 10/12 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (7, Osaka) Yomiuri Shimbun (No. 7) (Osaka) 関西経済同友会爲替相場に要望 "Businesmen in OSAKA Request On The Bills of Exchange" Osaka businessmen request a decision on the bill of exchange H, P Kaneko Naito Tateuma 48-loc-2148a [6]/[12]/194[8] 10/12 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (Osaka) Jiji Tsushin (Osaka) 標準相場ドル二五〇円見當. 関西経同、政府に建議 48-loc-2148b 48-loc-2149 6/12/1948 6/12/1948 10/12 11/12 日本経済新聞 共同通信 共同特信 D (渉外版) The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Special 13 Tokushin D (shogaiban) 6/15/1948 News Item 爲替レート. 関西経済同友会建議 日本婦人についていろいろ. エドマンド∙ブランデン博士談 H. Okada H, D D Dr. Branden's Talk on Japanese English literature lecturer Women speaks on the new position of Japanese women [Sato] M. Hori M. Hori [Kawamoto] Y 2 P Y 7 H, P H, P Y Y 1 8 Miyasaki Malloy Naito Ogino Shigeru Nomura Oversized Submitted by Boeki Nippo (11) Photograph(s) Submitted by (Japanese) 貿易日報 News Agency Duplicate Hold No. Source 17/11 News Item Number of Pages Date Censored 6/14/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 6/11/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-2121 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 2 1 6 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-2150a [6]/[12]/194[8] 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 48-loc-2150b 48-loc-2151 6/12/1948 6/12/1948 6/15/1948 12/12 13/12 News item 読売新聞 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (12) Yomiuri Yomiuri Shimbun #12 48-loc-2152 6/12/1948 6/21/1948 48-loc-2152a 6/19/1948 6/21/1948 14/12 News item 時事通信 時事解説版 Comment 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Kaisetsuban (85) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 85 14/12 48-loc-2153 6/12/1948 6/15/1948 15/12 News item 新聞之新聞 Shimbun no Shimbun Shimbun No Shimbun プレスコード違反事件. 各紙著しく緊張. 取材編集に嚴戒 48-loc-2154 48-loc-2155 6/12/1948 6/16/1948 16/12 News Item 読売新聞 6/12/1948 6/14/1948 17/12 news item 民青時報 Yomiuri Shimbun (108, Yomiuri Shimbun Toyama) (No. 108) (Toyama) Minsei Jiho (23--20) Minsei Jiho No. 23-20 村長の権限で供米個人割当. 老田村々民大会粉糾解散を命ぜらる 志賀義雄氏あいさつ 48-loc-2156 6/12/1948 6/13/1948 18/12 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (103, Nagoya) Jiji Tsushin 103 (Nagoya) 産別民同大会ひらく 48-loc-2157 6/12/1948 6/14/1948 19/12 Comment 民青時報 Minsei Jiho Minsei Jiho 日本帝国主義者どもの虐政にたいする全民族の自然発生的 な抗議である三一運動がすんで七年めの一九二六年六月十 日に、日本侵略者のギマン政策にその協力者となり下った 民族資本家、宗教家に代って成長の一路をたどった労働者 階級とその前衛である朝鮮共産党と共産青年同盟の指揮の よって... 48-loc-2158 6/12/1948 6/15/1948 21/12 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (113) Kyodo Tsushin No. 113 終戦信じぬ南米邦人 48-loc-2159 6/12/1948 6/19/1948 22/12 Treatise 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 日通爭議の特異性 48-loc-2160 6/12/1948 6/16/1948 23/12 News Item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (57) Tokyo Shimbun 57 今年産米で考慮政府決定. 米價差益、追拂いせず 48-loc-2160a 6/12/1948 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 米價の差益金は供[米]奨勵金の形で. 政府根本方針を決定 48-loc-2161 6/12/1948 6/15/1948 24/12 News Item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun 60 Tokyo Shimbun (60) 48-loc-2162 6/12/1948 6/16/1948 25/12 News item 民青時報 Minsei Jiho (23-21) 48-loc-2163 6/12/1948 6/15/1948 27/12 Editorial 東京タイムズ 48-loc-2164 6/12/1948 6/14/1948 20/12 News Item 共同通信 48-loc-2165 6/12/1948 6/15/1948 29/12 News item 48-loc-2165a 6/12/1948 6/15/1948 29/12 48-loc-2166 6/12/1948 6/15/1948 30/12 48-loc-2167 6/12/1948 6/14/1948 48-loc-2168 6/12/1948 48-loc-2169 12/12 五、二〇〇円ベースの要求書提出. 全官公代表、首相と会見 十七日を回答期限. 全官公申入 移民問題 Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H, P Y 2 P Y 13 H. Okada Y Y 1 4 23 H, P H, S Malloy Shimokura Iwasaki H, S Malloy Kaneko Shimokura M. Hori Y S Malloy Inouye Murao H, P Malloy Gomes Iwasaki Motoichiro Tamai M. Nagashima Y 4 "Individual distribution of Rice Individual rice distribution in Delivery" complicated in Oita village Mr. Yoshio SHIGA's address. Communists must band together to fight the remains of Japan's military clique "The Democratization League Convention of the Of Sanbetsu Holds Its Democratization League of Convention" Sanbetsu The Koreans in Japan should Korean declaration of unity cooperate in the independent with the North Korean movement in Japan Communists H, P Malloy Ebihara Ogino Tateuma Y 3 H, S Kawamoto Murao Takashima Yabuki Y 2 Gomes Matsumoto M. Kawamoto Y 9 H, S Kawamoto Murao Takashima K.Fujii Y 2 The Japanese in South America Japanese in South America don't believe in Japan's Defeat believe that Japan was victorious in the war Peculiarity of Japan Labor disputes in the Japan Transportation workers union's Transportation Co. stem from dispute the adjustment designated by the decentralization law H, S Malloy H. Hattori Takamura Yabuki Y 7 H, P Malloy Ogino Iwasaki K. Suzuki Y 26 "The government Decides Not To Repay Rice Price Differential Profit Retroactively But To Consider On The 1948 Rice" The government will not pay farmers retroactively the profits that would have accrued with the new, higher rice price H, S Kawamoto Gomes M. Kawamoto Y 3 Y 1 "国労"への派遣内定. 政府、七名の人選急ぐ "Dispatch of Delegates to The government is selecting International Labor Conference candidates to go to the Decided Unofficially; The International Labor Conference Government Selecting 7 Candidates Hurriedly" H, S Kawamoto Tanaka H. Kato M. Kawamoto Y 3 Minsei Jiho 23-21 六・十運動二十二[周]年記念南鮮軍政粉砕統一政府樹立促 進東京人民大會は六月十日日比谷公会堂で開かれた Korean People's convention held at Hibiya Public Hall on June 10 The Korean People's Tokyo Convention decided on several resolutions, including a protest to be sent to Premier Ashida H, S Kawamoto Takebe Katayama M. Hori Y 8 The Tokyo Times (5) Tokyo Taimuzu #5 中央地區の同胞 "Japanese in Communist control[l]ed Area, China" Kawamoto Tanaka Yoshida Shigeru Nomura Y 3 Kyodo 112 合法的ヤミ(?)大はやり "Lawful Blackmarketing In Great Vogue" H, S Malloy H. Hattori Takamura M. Kawamoto Y 7 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (37) 資材割当審議会の運用要領決る Committee for Allocation of Raw Materials P Hudnall Matsumoto Yabuki Y 3 1 31/12 News item 第一新聞 Kyodo Tsushin, The Tokyo Times Asahi Shimbun (38, Sasebo) Daiichi Shimbun (3) Y News item 共同通信, 東京タイムズ 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun No. 37 Kyodo, Tokyo Taimuzu Asahi No. 38 (Sasebo) Daiichi Shimbun 3 Japanese being held in Communist hina must be repatriated to Japan Farmers are selling their reward sugar on the black market for a profit Summary of the plan for the Materials Allocation Council H, S Kyodo Tsushin (112) 6/16/1948 32/12 News item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (Nagano) 6/12/1948 6/15/1948 33/12 News item 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo (13) Asahi Shimbun Local 米の差益金は還る. 青木委員の帰縣談; 自首がむすんだ結婚. Nagano 捨子をめぐる明るい話; 手作りの球具で; ブリキ板をトラックで盗む Tokyo Mimpo No. 13 芦田内閣退陣せよ 48-loc-2170 6/12/1948 6/15/1948 35/12 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (169, Urawa) Kyodo Tsushin No. 169 (Urawa) 48-loc-2170a 6/14/1948 6/15/1948 35/12 東京新聞 48-loc-2171 6/12/1948 6/14/1948 36/12 Tokyo Shimbun (Urawa) Tokyo Shimbun (Urawa) Kyodo Tsushin (174) Kyodo Tsushin No. 174 48-loc-2173z 48-loc-2173 6/13/1948 6/13/1948 48-loc-2174 6/13/1948 48-loc-2175 6/13/194[8] 23/12 news item 共同通信 端境期をどうして乗りきるか Jiji Tsushin "Emigration Issue" How to tide over the off-crop season. "Rice situation; delayed delivery may happen" "Violation of Press Code takes place; All Press Circles bitterly enveloped in strain Exercising strict caution in collection of materials and editing" A Catholic federation wants to help Japanese emigrate to other countries to help solve Japan's overpopulation problem Rations may be delayed Sports Daily is prosecuted for a press code violation because of an article that said SCAP officer was producing a nude play for the Daito Theater S 指定生産資材割當審議會設置 H, P 沖縄、大島の近況 News of Okinawa. ポンド地域から戰後初の外米が八月ごろ輸入される お医者さんが一日スト. 埼玉 Conditions in Okinawa H, P Malloy Hudnall T. Kato Sasaki Y 4 Importation of rice from Egypt. Rice will be imported from Egypt Differenti[al] profit of rice Differential profit from rice prices will be given back to prices will be given back to farmers farmers in Nagano All-Japan Government & Government Workers Union Public Office Workers Union's demands that the Ashida Demand of the Premier. Cabinet should go out of power H, S Mercola Naito Ogino M. Hori Y 3 H, P Malloy Gomes Iwasaki M. Hori Y 3 H, S Kawamoto Naito Murao Yabuki Y 4 Doctors at Saitama Prefecture decided on 24-hour-strike. H, S Malloy Ashikawa Takashima Yabuki Y 6 Y 1 Doctors Association will go on a one-day strike 埼玉のお医者24時間スト 外米輸入ほぼ確定的 P 12 H, S Import of Foreign Rice nearly definite. Rice will be imported from Siam and Egypt S Mercola Kikuchi Shimokura Yabuki Y 6 envelope 6/17/1948 1/13 news item アカハタ Akahata (10, Kansai) Akahata No. 10 (Kansai) 6/22/1948 2/13 Comment 第一新聞 Daiichi Shimbun (5) Daiichi Shimbun No. 引揚者 5 Commentary 東京タイムズ The Tokyo Times Tokyo Taimuzu 6/16/194[8] 3/13 トラックで捨てる. 大阪. 無責任な浮浪者狩り 枕を高く眠れませぬ. 惱みは資金. 請負師が[恐喝] Abandoned by Tracks. "Repatriates" Levee works progress at a snail's pace Tramps in Tokyo and Osaka were driven out of their shelters. Most were ex-soldiers or repatriates Many disillusioned repatriates are turning to crime The Metropolitan Construction Board has been able to repair only a few of the river banks destroyed in the flood, because of financial problems S Jane Hudnall Yabuki H, S Doi Takeda Hayashi H, S Kawamoto Ito Sakagami T. Hori Y 1 2 Y 7 Y 6 6 Oversized Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Asahi 「五千二百円」を要求. 全官公廳代表、首相と会見 News Agency Photograph(s) Submitted by Asahi Shimbun Source Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) 朝日新聞 Hold No. 12/12 Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted 6/12/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-2150 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-2178 6/13/1948 6/16/1948 6/13 Commentary 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 48-loc-2179 6/13/1948 6/15/1948 8/13 News item アカハタ Akahata (21) 48-loc-2180 6/13/1948 6/19/1948 9/13 Comment アカハタ 48-loc-2181 6/13/1948 6/16/1948 10/13 News Item 48-loc-2182 6/13/1948 6/17/1948 11/13 48-loc-2183 6/13/1948 6/16/1948 12/13 48-loc-2184 6/13/1948 6/15/1948 48-loc-2185z 48-loc-2185 6/14/1948 6/14/1948 48-loc-2185a 6/14/1948 48-loc-2186 朝日新聞 世界日報 Submitted by (based Submitted by on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) The Nihon Keizai (319) Nihon Keizai 319 日本経済自立の手がかり. 経済同友会案. 重化學中心へまず輸出の限度を測定 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 経済同友会の日本経済再建案 Sekai Nippo Sekai- Nippo 近頃もなかなか英語の看板が多いようだが、これもおそら く「英語を勉強している日本人にとても素敵に見えるよう にしている」のだろう、ところが日本語で「第八軍御用」 と書きそえてある看板をときどき見かける Headline Subject Guide to making Japan's economy self-sufficient Brief Summary Guide to making Japan more self-sufficient H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Sakaino Ito Yoshimoto M. Hori Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 15 Y Y 6 2 P H, D Sakaino Tanaka Ogino H, S Kato Takashima T. Nakayama Y 7 H, S Hudnall Matsumoto M. Nagashima Y 3 Sign boards with the words of "patronized by the Eighth Army" Shop signboard's saying, "Patronized by the Eighth Army" should be removed because they are antidemocratic T. Hori エログロ出版物の追放 "Oust erotic and grotesque publications." Akahata 21 一七七萬町歩. 十日現在麥類被害; 決議文の内容 "177,000 "chobu" (ex: 1"chobu"approximates 2.45 acres) of farmland damaged; Wheat and Barley revaged"; "Contents of Resolution" Erotic publications are a product of enforced repression during the war, and must be eradicated Government Workers' Union demands the resignation of the Ashida Cabinet Akahata (2-A.B) Akahata No. 2-A.B. 職権委囑の意義 H, S Murao Matsumoto M. Nagashima Y 5 アカハタ Akahata (17, Kansai, Yawatahama) Akahata (No.17) (Kansai, Yawatahama) 開墾地をトバク街へ. 狙う川西航空機工場跡; いも、麥の耕作放棄の續出 H, S Hudnall Matsumoto K. Suzuki Y 4 News Item アカハタ Akahata (Ishikawa) Akahata, Ishikawa 石川県労会議即時釈放を要求 S Kawamoto Sakaino K. Suzuki Y 5 News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 自由な協同組合へ. 政府 , 與黨・[反]動的法案に反對. 共産党が聲明を發表 S Kawamoto Sakaino K. Suzuki Y 5 13/13 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (26, Numazu) Asahi Shimbun (No. 26) (Numazu) 一人に五万円分. 引揚者への給與物資增加 "Significance of the Delegation The governors' delegation of of Official Power" official power to the Labor Committee is a violation of the constitution 1. Reclaimed land was made Farming land in Yoshimoto gambling street 2. village will be made into a Re[nuncia]tion of right of gambling venue [cultiv]ation Ishikawa Pref. Labor Union Labor Union demands the demands immediate release release of two of its members from custody Japan Communist Party issued The Communist Party issues a statement statement against the proposed livelihood cooperative union law bill "Welfare Minister TAKEDA's Welfare Minister Takeda Speech About Supply for promises to repatriate all Repatriates from SIBERIA and prisoners from Siberia this year SAKHALIN at Numazu" H, S Hattori Ashikawa Tateuma Y 3 6/17/1948 1/14 News Item 共同通信 Ishibashi Takebe Y 1 4 毎日新聞 P Takamura Matsumoto Sasaki Y 2 6/13/1948 6/16/1948 3/14 アカハタ H, S Malloy Hudnall H. Okada Y 2 48-loc-2187 6/14/1948 6/16/1948 5/14 News item Kansai Head Bureau, Akahata News Item "Conference of Measures for Relativeless Repatriates" Recent Condition of Okinawa Island. "Japan Congress of Industrial Unions Holds Convention in Osaka" Kawamoto News item Kyodo Tsushin (No. 引揚無縁故者の対策協議 15) (Hakodate) Mainichi 101 沖縄の近況 (Sasebo) Akahata #29 (Kansai) 大阪産別大會 H, S 2/14 Kyodo Tsushin (15, Hakodate) Mainichi Shimbun (101, Sasebo) Akahata (29, Kansai) Relativeless repatriates will be accomodated in Hokkaido 6/16/1948 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (46) Tokyo Shimbun 46 Side Work Permitted to Policemen. Policemen are now allowed to do side work, if it does not interfere with their duties H, P Kawamoto Doi Murao Y 3 48-loc-2188 6/14/1948 6/14/1948 6/14 Tokyo Shimbun 最近生活苦から警察官の各種犯罪やヤミ行爲があとを絶た ないので警視廳では警察官消防官吏及びその同居家族に内 職を認めることになり、このほどその旨を全警察官に通達 した 物價改訂廿日から. 値上まで現行運賃で計算 H, D [Kawamoto] Y 1 48-loc-2189 6/14/1948 6/17/1948 7/14 H, P Kawamoto Matsumoto M. Nagashima Y 2 48-loc-2190 6/14/194[8] Korean refugees are able to land undetected on the Shimane coast Striking railway workers should not refuse to give tram rides to passengers, because they cannot realize their goals without the help of the masses H, S Mercola Takebe Takayama Y 4 48-loc-2191 6/14/1948 6/14/1948 10/14 Agricultural chief at GHQ warns the government that it must improve the condition of farmers P Sakaino Matsumoto K. Fujii Y 23 48-loc-2192 6/14/1948 6/14/1948 11/14 P [Sakaino] Y 1 48-loc-2192a 6/14/1948 6/17/1948 13/14 48-loc-2193 6/14/1948 6/17/1948 15/14 48-loc-2194 6/14/1948 6/15/1948 48-loc-2195 6/14/1948 envelope 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun News item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (102, Yomiuri Shimbun Seibu) 102 (Seibu) 密航朝鮮人 "Korean Stowaways" Editorial 夕刊みやこ Yukan Miyako (8) Miyako No. 8 スト團員の一般乗車拒否 "The YOKOHAMA Local of the Government Railway Workers Union goes on a strike" News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 当局の猛省を促す. デーヴイス課長談 Mr. Davis warned the Government Authorities 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai News Item 朝日新聞 第三次農地改革必要なし. 総司令部農業課長R.H.デイヴイス氏一部の官僚主義を 痛論 全部落捜査に抗議 News Item 毎日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi (Shizuoka) (Shizuoka) Mainichi Shimbun (109, Mainichi Shimbun イランへ商船9隻. 戰後初めての遠洋航海 Nagasaki) (No. 109) (Nagasaki) 16/14 News Item 時事通信 貿易情報版 Jiji Tsushin Boeki Johoban (87) Jiji Tsushin 87 南鮮貿易の現況と將來 "Future Private Trade" 6/14/1948 17/14 Photo 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Photo 小田原国旗事件の旗 Flag in question in the Odawara flag incident. 6/21/1948 18/14 Serial 東京タイムズ The Tokyo Times (4) Tokyo Taimuzu No. 4 見たり聞いたりためしたり. 御退位説を聞き News Item 新聞之新聞 Shimbun no Shimbun Shimbun no Shimbun 用紙. 王子十五日より二∙五倍値上げ懇請. 現公價では自滅の他なし News Item 共同通信 在満同胞の引揚第一船; 胡芦島引揚再開 6/18/194[8] 8/14 48-loc-2196 6/14/1948 48-loc-2197 6/14/194[8] 48-loc-2198 6/14/1948 48-loc-2198a 6/14/1948 朝日新聞 Kyodo Tsushin (Sasebo) Kyodo Tsushin (Sasebo); Kyodo Shashin Tsushin Asahi Shimbun (Sasebo) Asahi (Sasebo) 48-loc-2199 6/14/1948 6/17/1948 21/14 news item 民青時報 Minsei Jiho (22:24) Minsei Jiho 22:24 日警の不法家宅捜査. 朝連三島支部に発生 48-loc-2200 6/14/1948 6/17/1948 22/14 News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 差益金解決せねば財政の審議は留保. 國協党強硬 48-loc-2201 6/14/1948 News Item 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo (20) Jiji Shimpo 20 武藤委員長ら総司令部訪問 6/16/194[8] 19/14 6/17/1948 20/14 20/14 23/14 All Community Protested against Search. "9 Ships For Iran" "Hearing abdication of the Emperor." The Oji Paper Manufacturing Co. asked the Government for the rise in prices of papers H, S Japan will import oil from Iran H, S in the first ocean mission since the war Private trade could open H, D, S between S. Korea and Japan, but it will noo go smoothly as long as it is restricted by the Occupation President of the Fishery Union H, S was given hard labor for displaying the pictured flag A poem urging the emperor not to abdicate "The Oji Paper Manufacturing Co. asked the Government for the rise in prices of papers" H, S P Tateuma Shigeru NOMURA T. Hori Malloy Ebisawa Hudnall Yokoyama Y 2 Kawamoto Ishibashi Ashikawa Tateuma Y 2 J. Niiya M. Kawamoto Y 2 Y 2 N. Kawamoto Ha[ch]iro Sato Mercola Kikuchi Doi Y 3 Doi K[a]to K. Fujii Y 3 Y 6 Y 1 Y 3 Y 2 Y 2 The First Repatriates Ship from First repatriate ship from Manchuria. Manchuria has arrived H, P Ebisawa Kaneko Yabuki "Unlawful House Search by Japanese Police" H, S Kawamoto Ito Murao H, P Mercola MURANO T. HORI H, S Malloy Naito Takamura Takebe 引揚. コロ島から山澄丸 13 Korean houses were unnecessarily searched and damaged by the police The People's Cooperative Party People's Cooperative Party Takes A Firm Attitude firmly proposes the return of differential profits to farmers "Chairman MUTO And Others Chairman of Illegal Property Visit GHQ" Transaction Committee visits GHQ Hayashi M. Kawamoto Tateuma Oversized Submitted by (Japanese) 日本経済新聞 Photograph(s) 6/12/1948 6/13/194[8] News Agency Duplicate 48-loc-2176a 48-loc-2177 Hold No. Source 4/13 Economic item 4/13 5/13 Commentary Number of Pages Date Censored 6/21/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 6/13/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-2176 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-2203 6/14/1948 6/16/1948 26/14 News item アカハタ Akahata (10) Akahata 10 御用心!黒いトカゲがねらつている "Beware of Black Lizard" 48-loc-2204 6/14/194[8] 6/16/194[8] 48-loc-2205 6/14/194[8] 6/16/194[8] 27/14 News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 野坂氏、野次を完封 NOZAKA's speech 28/14 News Item アカハタ Akahata (26) Akahata NO. 26 現内閣は日本の民主化を阻んでいる. 野坂議員の追撃急 [A ]member of parliament Nozaka's interpellation; Diet member NOZAKA’s Interpellation at the Diet. 48-loc-2206 6/14/1948 6/16/1948 29/14 News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 受入れに温い手. 民主団体から引揚問題懇談 48-loc-2207 6/14/1948 6/16/1948 30/14 News item アカハタ Akahata (30) Akahata 30 48-loc-2208z 48-loc-2208 6/15/1948 6/15/1948 6/17/1948 1/15 Comment 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times (7) Kokusai Taimuzu #7 48-loc-2209 6/15/194[8] 6/19/194[8] 2/15 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (Sasebo) Kyodo (Sasebo) 48-loc-2210 6/15/1948 6/19/1948 3/15 News Item 新夕刊 Shin Yukan (5A) 48-loc-2211 6/15/1948 6/22/1948 4/15 News Item. 共同通信 共同特信 D 48-loc-2212 6/15/1948 6/16/1948 5/15 News Item 東京新聞 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin D Tokyo Shimbun Headline Subject Jotting on Police (Thirty years after the Teigin Incident) Brief Summary Thirty years after the Teigin poisoning incident: supposition The screening of a Lenie Riefenstahl film can only promote facism, and therefore should not be allowed P Examiner1 Examiner2 Kaneko Yabuki S Kaneko M. Nagashima H, S Kawamoto Takamura "[Warm Hands] To Reception; Several labor unions met to Confabulations By Democratic discuss how to receive Organizations On Repatriation repatriates from the USSR Question" S Takamura 千数百万の値上反対署名を先頭に一大反対闘爭え "A big struggle against the Demonstrations against the Government, with signatures of raising of railway fares will be ten million odd persons who held in Tokyo and Yokohama are opposed to the raise of [railway fares] and etc." S しばらく途絶えていたソ連からの引揚げが再開されて、た のもしい若者たちが、リユツクをかついで続々となつかし い故國え帰つてくる Suggestion on Piece Work in Connection with Soviet Method Japan should adopt the Soviet system of work incentives to help rebuild the economy S Shi[n]yukan No. 5A 炭鉱に働く開拓団や 悲惨な大陸の花嫁や孤児たち. コロ島引揚者の話 難船には救い神. 激...と戰う豆警備船 Account of repatriates from Ko[r]o Island G-Men On The Sea; Activity And Its Development Kyodo To[ku]shin. ねらわれる密輸と密入国 Smuggling. Accounts of repatriates from Kalo Island The Maritime Guard is too scanty to actually be able to defend Japan's coasts Smuggling is prevalent in Japan 40,000 tons of rice will be imported from Egypt and distributed in August Communist Diet member Nozaka's speech was welldelivered and witty Diet member Nozaka accuses the Ashida Cabinet of preventing democratization and exploiting the masses Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 2 Y 2 Y 11 Y 8 M. Kawamoto Y 4 Kaneko T. Nakayama Y 3 Kaneko H. Okada Y 1 2 H, P Kawamoto Nakano Kaneko K. Suzuki Y 23 H, S Kawamoto Doi Takamura K. Tezuka Y 3 P Kawamoto Kaneko Yokoyama Y 13 Kaneko Katayama Abe Y 3 H, D Y 1 H, P H, P Kaneko Yabuki Y Y 9 2 H, S Kawamoto Naito Ogino K. Suzuki Y 5 H, P Kawamoto Ashikawa Takashima Araiso Y 2 H, P Kawamoto Ishibashi Murao K. Tezuka Y 2 H, D Kawamoto Naito Ogino Hayashi Y 3 H, S Kato Takashima Araiso Y 2 H, P H, P D [Kaneko] Kawamoto Y Y Y 2 4 2 H, P Kawamoto Y 7 Y Y 1 2 Araiso Y 4 H. Okada Y Y 4 8 Y 7 Y Y 4 4 Y 2 S K. Fujii Yabuki envelope 48-loc-2212a 6/15/1948 5/15 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun 48-loc-2213 48-loc-2214 [6]/[15]/1948 6/15/1948 6/15/1948 6/18/1948 6/15 7/15 news item 共同通信 東京新聞 Kyodo Tsushin Tokyo Shimbun (4) 外米. 既報の通り政府はかねて外米の輸入を懇請中であつたが占 領地救済勘定の地域的拡大という好條件に惠まれて今やそ の実現は確実視されるに至つた Mainichi ポンド域からも「米」. 食糧輸入・下旬から好轉. 片柳長官談 Kyodo 政府国貯蓄運動再出発. 通貨安定対策本部総会 Tokyo Shimbun No. 4 厚生省東衞生局長ジユネーヴへ 48-loc-2215 6/15/1948 6/17/1948 9/15 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 48-loc-2216 6/15/1948 6/21/1948 10/15 News Item. 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (523) Nihon-Keizai, 523. "安くて良すぎる". 香港で日本品ボイコット 48-loc-2217 6/15/1948 6/17/1948 11/15 News Item 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo (1) Jiji Shimpo No. 1 制限会社初解除. 近く十二社 48-loc-2218 6/15/1948 6/15/1948 12/15 News item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (2, Chiba) Mainichi Local 2 (Chiba) 大星公司を閉鎖. 軍政部・ヤミ菓子に斷 48-loc-2219 6/15/1948 6/17/1948 13/15 News Item. 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (3, Niigata) Mainichi, 3. (Niigata) 米價引上げ運動. 農協組協議会が農民に呼びかく 48-loc-2220 48-loc-2220a 48-loc-2221 6/15/1948 [6]/[15]/194[8] 6/15/1948 6/15/1948 6/15/194[8] 6/17/1948 15/15 15/15 16/15 News Item 朝日新聞 共同通信 時事通信 Asahi Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin (89) Asahi Kyodo Jiji Tsushin 89 解散はあり得ぬ. 値上延期に補正予算. 首相答弁 産児制限はやらぬ. 芦田首相言明 冷凍びん長まぐろ一トン四四八ドル 48-loc-2222 6/15/1948 6/17/1948 18/15 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (99) Kyodo Tsushin 99 元軍人皇族の総裁推戴を中止 48-loc-2222a 48-loc-2223 6/15/1948 [6]/[15]/1948 6/15/1948 18/15 19/15 朝日新聞 共同通信 Asahi Kyodo (Hakodate) 旧軍人皇族に制限 北鮮丸入港 48-loc-2224 6/15/1948 6/17/1948 20/15 48-loc-2225 48-loc-2226 [6]/[15]/194[8] 6/15/1948 6/15/1948 6/17/1948 21/15 23/15 48-loc-2227 [6]/[15]/194[8] 48-loc-2228 48-loc-2229 [6]/[15]/1948 6/14/194[8] 6/16/1948 6/16/194[8] 25/15 26/15 News Item 48-loc-2230 6/15/1948 6/19/1948 27/15 News item Tokyo Shimbun 供米奬励金 News Item. 読売新聞 Asahi Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (Hakodate) Yomiuri Shimbun (26) Yomiuri, 26. ミス・ハワイ來朝 News item 北海道新聞 共同通信 Hokkaido Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (125) Hokkaido Kydo Tsushin #125 指定生産資材割当規則の公布 官有特許の使用許可. "本稿は民間財産管理局及新聞課の許可を得てあります" 共同通信 Kydo Tsushin Kyodo 物価改訂実施方針変更. 運賃値上未決定でも実施か 時事通信 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin Kydo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo 米二千五百トンを輸入; エジプトより米輸入 米價改訂の新方針. 一両日中に閣議決定 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (110) Mainichi Shimbun, 110 24/15 堕胎厳しく監視. ふえる一方のヤミ埋葬 Rice may be imported from Egypt. Director of Health Bureau, Welfare Ministry, to Geneva. Director of the Health Bureau will attend the World Health Organization meeting Incentive Fund For delivery of The Agriculture Ministry is rice working on several plans to compensate farmers for delivering rice Articles of Japanese Make Japanese products are Boycotted in [Hong Kong]. boycotted in Hong Kong Release Of Limited Companies List of companies that have Under Elimination Of been released from parent Concentration Of Excess companies' control under the Economic POwer Law decentralization law "Military Government Control[l]ed Dark Market Cake." "Up Movement of Rice Price in Niigata Prefecture" A Chinese cake factory was closed for violations of foodstuffs control A Niigata agricultural association is circulating a petition saying that the raise in the rice price is not enough to cove production costs "Frozen Long-Side-Locked Tunny Concluded At $448 Per Ton" "Practice of having Ex-soldier Princes of the Blood for Presidents of Associations discontinued" Contracts were concluded on the sale of tunny for $448/ton Princes of the blood can no longer be honorary presidents of associations H, S Jane Hudnall M. Kawamoto Kato Ishibashi M. Nagashima P P "Miss Hawaii to Visit Japan." Miss Hawaii might visit Japan to show the Japanese real huladancing "Gov’t-Possessed Patent Rights Deleted: article approved by to be Released for Public Use" the Press Division (This article OK'ed by Civil Property Custodian Section & Press Division) H, S H, P H, D Kawamoto Ebisawa Takamura Kawamoto Tanaka Ogino H, S P Malloy H[u]dnall K. Suzuki H, P Kawamoto Murao Takashima H, D, C New Policy Of Rice Price [Revision] Government is deliberating on adjustments of the rice price in conformity with price revision "Will Strictly Look Out for Abortion; Secret Burial Cases Keep on Increasing" Abortions have gone up tenfold due to living difficulties H. Okada 1 Oversized Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Akahata No. 19 三十年後のある日、街々には、白髪、白ひげ、鼻すじのと おつた品のよい老人の肖像が、はり出されていた Photograph(s) Submitted by Akahata (19) News Agency Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) アカハタ Hold No. Source 25/14 Comment Number of Pages Date Censored 6/16/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 6/14/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-2202 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 48-loc-2232 News Item. Submitted by Yomiuri Shimbun (Akita) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Yomiuri Shimbun 供米督励賞の全額國補要請. (Akita edition) 副知事会議本縣提案を満場一致支持 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (55) Nihon-Keizai, 55. Headline Subject "Demand for payment for full amount of Incentive Prizes for Rice Delivery from National Treasury; This Prefecture's Proposal Wins Unanimous Support at Conference of Deputy Governors" Brief Summary Demand that the incentive prices for rice delivery be paid in full H, D Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Naito Hudnall M. Nagashima 南方米の輸入懇請. 本米穀年度中に実現を要望 Japanese Government to Beg for Southern Rice. To make up the food shortage, the government wants to import rice; Burma and Siam are the best possibilities H, D Kawamoto Naito Ogino "Import of cows from Korea for Cows will once again be tilling the land" imported from South Korea Tokyo Trial MacArthur will probably ask for the supplementary budget because the war tribunal is expensive H, P Kawamoto H. Kato H, S Kawamoto Naito "Petition Committee to Be Organized by Japanese Defenders." H, P Kawamoto H, P H, S H, P 48-loc-2233 6/15/1948 6/18/1948 30/15 News Item 西日本新聞 6/15/194[8] 6/19/194[8] 31/15 News Item 時事新報 Nishi Nihon Shimbun (26) Jiji Shimpo Nishi Nippon (No. 26) Jiji-Shimpo 南鮮牛の輸入へ. 貿易再開へ朗報 48-loc-2234 48-loc-2234a 6/15/1948 6/17/1948 31/15 News Item. 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (38) Yomiuri, 38. 日本弁護團の訴願委員. 東京裁判 48-loc-2234b 48-loc-2235 [6]/[15]/194[8] 6/15/1948 6/19/1948 31/15 32/15 News item 北海道新聞 読売新聞 Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Yomiuri Shimbun (107, Yomiuri Shimbun Kansai) No:107 (Kansai) 日本弁ご團減刑歎願の準備 更生するヤミの女 48-loc-2236 6/15/1948 6/17/1948 33/15 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (115, Mainichi, 115 Maizuru) (Maizuru) きよう引揚船入港 48-loc-2236a [6]/[15]/194[8] 共同通信 Kydo Tsushin (Maizuru) Kyodo (Maizuru) 引揚船栄豊丸舞鶴へ入港 48-loc-2237 6/15/1948 6/16/1948 36/15 News Item. 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (47) Yomiuri, 47. シヤム米輸入交渉に. 貿易使節團派遣 48-loc-2238 6/15/1948 6/17/1948 37/15 News Item アカハタ Akahata (Takamatsu) Akahata (Takamatsu) 引揚者差別待遇に抗議 48-loc-2239 6/15/194[8] 6/21/194[8] 38/15 News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 米よこせ交渉の戰法をききたし. 主婦、つれだって黨本部へ We want to hear give-us-Rice Strategy; House wives visited Communist Party 48-loc-2240 6/15/194[8] 6/17/194[8] 39/15 News Item アカハタ Akahata (Kansai) Akahata (Kansai) "無罪判決"は正當. 元裁判長が語る山田鉱業生管 48-loc-2241 6/15/1948 6/17/1948 40/15 News Item アカハタ Akahata (9, Kyushu) Akahata, 9 (Kyushu) 特に多い生活苦. ふえる自殺、日に二人. 福岡 48-loc-2242 6/15/1948 6/17/1948 41/15 News Item アカハタ Akahata (Tomakomai) Akahata (Tomakomai) 新たな斗爭へ. 賠償撤去の勇拂工場 48-loc-2243 6/15/1948 6/17/1948 42/15 News Item 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo (18) Jiji Shimpo, 18 爲替レート. 單数制が有力 48-loc-2244 6/15/1948 6/17/1948 43/15 News Item 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo (17) Jiji Shimpo 17 松岡議長、ウ博士らと政務官問題協議 48-loc-2245 6/15/1948 6/17/1948 44/15 News Item 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo (14-13) Tokyo Mimpo 14-13 物価引上げ反対. 叫ぶ十万余きよう人民大会ひらく 48-loc-2246 6/15/1948 6/17/1948 45/15 News item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun, page proof 虚無を慕いて. 太宰治氏情死行. 愛人と玉川上水へ投身か; 警察官百名買收さる. "銀座の殿様"に絡む京橋署の疑獄; 『左派』が圧倒的. 國鉄労組の"中鬪姿"新発足 48-loc-2246a 6/15/1948 6/19/1948 45/15 news item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (37) 6/15/1948 6/16/1948 46/15 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (126) Tokyo Shimbun No. 37 Kyodo 126 警視廳 48-loc-2247 48-loc-2248z 48-loc-2248 6/16/1948 6/16/1948 6/19/1948 1/16 Commentary アカハタ Akahata Akahata 学生十七名を検束. 杉並第二学生寮 48-loc-2249 [6]/[16]/194[8] 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (Osaka) Kyodo (Osaka) インドから黄麻三八〇〇トン二十一日神戸へ入荷 48-loc-2250 6/16/1948 6/18/1948 5/16 News item, from Sasebo 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (15, Sasebo) Kyodo Tsushin #15 (Sasebo) 胡蘆島引揚第一陣十七日上陸 "First Repatriates from Huloo Island to Land June 17th" 48-loc-2251 6/16/1948 6/19/1948 7/16 News item, from Saga 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (23, Saga) Kyodo Tsushin #23 (Saga) 全財井上委員長らの公判開始 48-loc-2252 6/16/1948 6/17/1948 8/16 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (Maizuru) Kyodo Tsushin (Maizuru) 引揚船恵山丸十八日入港 "Trial of Ch[a]irman INOUE of Trial of Chairman Inouye All-Japan Financial Affairs begins; charged with violating Labor Union & Others Starts" the Labor Relations Adjustment Law "Repatriation ship will come Repatriation ship from Siberia back here on June 18" will arrive on the 18th 48-loc-2253 6/16/1948 6/22/1948 9/16 News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (601) Nihon Keizai, 601 48-loc-2254 6/16/1948 6/19/1948 10/16 news item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (8) 33/15 また日本人弁護團では十五日の会議で鵜沢、清瀨、岡本( 敏)(以上陸軍関係担当)山田、高橋、小野(以上海軍関 係担当)穂積、花井、西、島内(以上、外交関係担当)の 十弁護士によつて審査委員会を結成することになつた 還元取り止め、奨励金交付. 米價改訂の新方針 Revival of Street-walkers. Women driven into prostitution after the war begin new lives, as there is hope that their relatives will be repatriated "A repatriation ship will arrive Repatriation ship from Siberia at Maizuru on June 16" will arrive on the 16th Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 2 Araiso Y 2 Iwasaki Tateuma Y 6 Ogino K. Suzuki Y 4 Niiya Iwasaki Araiso Y 2 Kawamoto Niiya Iwasaki Yabuki Y Y 3 4 Kawamoto Niiya Iwasaki Minami Y 2 Y 8 Y 2 Y 3 Y 4 Y 5 H, P "Japanese Trade Mission to Negotiate With Siam for Rice Import." Repatriates protested de pre[fe]rential treatment Notes Y Japan will negotiate with Siam to import rice in exchange for machines Repatriates staying in Kagawa protest the preferential treatment given to those born in Kagawa Housewives frustrated by the delay in food rationing visit the Communist Party headquarters H, D Ishibashi Yoshimoto H, S Takamura K. Suzuki Production control incident The judge whose labor ruling was overturned by the Osaka high Court has resigned for "personal reasons" S, I K. Suzuki "Many suicides because of living difficulties; two persons a day in Fukuoka" Towards new fighting The number of suicides has increased due to bad living conditions The Yubara Pulp Plant is being removed for reparations; this will hurt employment and the paper industry H, S Takamura Minami Y 2 H, S Murao K. Suzuki Y 3 "Single exchange rate will be established" "Speaker MATSUOKA Confers With Dr. William And Others On Parliamentary Administrator Issue" A single exchange rate will be established House Speaker confers with Dr. Williams of the SCAP Government Section H, P Kato Takashima Minami Y 2 H, P Kawamoto Hudnall Takashima M. Kawamoto Y 2 "Crying Against Price Hike, Over 100,000 Persons Hold People's Rally Today" "100 Police Bribed; Kyobashi Police Station's Scandal Involving 'Lord of Ginza'" 100,000 people attended a rally protesting an increase in commodity prices 80 Kobayashi policemen are thought to have taken bribes from swindlers--this is part of a general postwar trend H, S Kawamoto Ishibashi Yoshimoto M. Kawamoto Y 11 H, S Hudnall Ogino H. Okada Y 3 H, D Ebisawa Kato Yabuki Y 2 H, S Kawamoto Kaneko M. Kawamoto Y 12 Kikuchi Matsumoto T. Hori Y 1 7 Y 3 H, P Kawamoto Ito Yoshimoto H. Okada Y 7 H, P Kawamoto Doi Ogino H. Okada Y 9 H, C, P Kawamoto Inouye Takebe Tateuma Y 4 Ito Takebe Minami Y 2 Kawamoto Doi Ashikawa Y 3 The Metropolitan Police Board. "To Grant Incentive Pay Instead Of Making Repayment; New Policy For Revision Of Rice Prices" The government is discussing the new rice delivery incentive plan, the burden of which will be borne by the consumers Araiso S envelope 3/16 生糸と農業生産の競合 Tokyo Shimbun No. 8 再建とハチ公 Seventeen students are arrested Todai students were unfairly arrested because they wanted to board ina partially vacant repatriates' dormitory S H, P First repatriation ship from Huloo Island arrives "Emulation of raw silk and agriculture products" Farmland should be converted to mulberry fields because silk is more profitable than wheat H, P The Loyal Dog "Hachiko" & Reconstruction of its Statue. Statue of a dog should not be rebuilt when many Japanese need houses H, P Minoru Okada Yabuki [Hudnall] Oversized 29/15 Submitted by (Japanese) 読売新聞 Photograph(s) 6/17/1948 News Agency Duplicate 6/15/1948 Hold No. Source 28/15 News item Number of Pages Date Censored 6/17/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 6/15/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-2231 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 6/16/1948 6/19/1948 12/16 News item 貿易日報 Boeki Nippo (2) Boeki Nippo #2 48-loc-2257 6/16/1948 6/17/1948 13/16 48-loc-2258 6/16/1948 6/18/1948 14/16 News Item, from Hakodate. News item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (5, Hakodate) Asahi, #5. (Hakodate) 引揚. 樺太からきよう約千五百名 "Repatriates from Saghalien." 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (18) Yomiuri Shimbun 18 石当り三七五円. 供出奬励金 15/16 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (106, Yomiuri Shimbun, Nagano) 106 (Nagano) キリスト敎強制で一齊辭職. 宗教校轉換にもめる伊那時計校 "Bonus of Yen 375 per "koku" The government will apply rice for Rice Delivery" incentive money towards covering farmers' production costs "INA TOKEI (ex: clock and Teachers at the Ina Tokei watch) school has trouble; all school resign in protest of the teachers resign en bloc in school's conversion into a opposition to the management Christian mission school compelling them toward the Christianity" 48-loc-2259 6/16/1948 6/18/1948 48-loc-2260 6/16/1948 6/18/1948 16/16 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (101) Kyodo 101 ポンド地域に綿製品許可 48-loc-2261 6/16/1948 6/19/1948 17/16 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (89) Kyodo 89 主食遅配防止を決議. 衆院農林委員会 48-loc-2262 6/16/1948 6/19/1948 18/16 Commentary 6/19/1948 19/16 News Item Jiji Tsushin Sangyo Bukkaban (100) Yomiuri Shimbun (Nagano) 放出株の處分方針 6/16/1948 時事通信 産業・物価版 読売新聞 Jiji Tsushin 100 48-loc-2263 Yomiuri Shimbun (Nagano) りんかん. 新制中学生の兄妹が合作したアメリ大統領リンカーンの肖 像画と英文の手紙がG・H・Q民間情報敎育局報道部長ニユ ージエント中佐の目にとまり同中佐のはからいでアメリカ に渡り日米親善に一役買うという話 48-loc-2264 6/16/1948 6/19/1948 21/16 News item, from Morioka 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (157, Morioka) Kyodo Tsushin, 157 (Morioka) 盛岡でサムズ代將講演 48-loc-2264a 6/17/1948 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi マ元帥アメリカへ放送. 全國へ魁けた模範保健所(盛岡) 48-loc-2265 6/16/1948 News Item 新聞之新聞 Shimbun no Shimbun (7) Shimbun-no Shimbun 新聞定價も同時値上要請; 放送聽取料二倍値上か #7 21/16 6/19/1948 22/16 Headline (Japanese) PRS実施に伴い國有綿を拂下げか. 貿易廳準備進む Headline Subject Inside Stories of the Soviet Union. H, S Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Kawamoto Sakaino Sasaki H, D Kawamoto Doi Yoshimoto H, P Kawamoto Doi H, S Kawamoto Doi H, P Kawamoto "Cotton products permitted for 100 million yards of cotton can sterling area." now be exported to sterling areas "The Agriculture-Forestry Agricultural Ministry issues Committee resolved to prevent resolution for preventing the the delay of stable food delay of staple food rations distribution." "Policy of Disposal of Stocks Breakdown of the stocks that Released for Sale" will be released for sale Lincoln's portrait goes to Portrait of Lincoln drawn by America. middle school students is sent to America H, P "Brig. Gen. Sams Ad[d]resses in Morioka" Price of newspapers Will Be Raised with Increase of Price of Paper; Radio Charges Will Be Doubled Price Ratio System and Disposal of State-Owned Cotton Brief Summary Repatriates from the USSR give accounts of harsh conditions and demagoguery When the price ratio system goes into effect, state-owned cotton will be disposed of through private sale Two repatriation ships from Siberia will arrive on the 17th Examiner4 6/16/1948 23/16 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 48-loc-2266a 6/16/194[8] 23/16 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 48-loc-2267 6/16/194[8] 6/19/194[8] 24/16 Commentary 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji-Tsushin "毛釣投げ"を傳授; C.T.Sのミッチェル氏に毛鈎投げのコツを聞く会 日本一の太公望佐藤垢石さんがリール竿の手ほどきをうけ る 眞珠販売に新方式 48-loc-2268 6/17/1948 6/18/1948 25/16 News item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (12) Yomiuri 12 地銀増資 48-loc-2269 6/16/1948 6/19/1948 26/16 News item 毎日新聞 6/16/1948 6/19/1948 27/16 Comment: 共同通信 共同特信 A Mainichi Shimbun, Kanagawa Ed. Kyodo Tokushin No. 7 クズ鉄初輸出 48-loc-2270 Mainichi Shimbun (Kanagawa) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin A (7) 輸出入の増強態勢整備. 最近の貿易事情 "Recent Situation of Foreign Trade." 48-loc-2271 6/16/1948 6/19/1948 28/16 News Item アカハタ Akahata (4) Akahata #4 人民大会 "Anti-Prices Raise People's Convention" 48-loc-2272 6/16/1948 6/17/1948 29/16 News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (685) Nihon Keizai, 685 タバコの値上. 自由販賣廿五日配給は來月から "Tobacco, advanced in price." 48-loc-2272a 48-loc-2273 6/16/194[8] 6/16/1948 6/19/1948 29/16 31/16 News Item 読売新聞 アカハタ Yomiuri Shimbun Akahata Yomiuri Akahata タバコの値上げ廿五日から. 配給は七月一日 地下鉄斗爭へ Subway worker's struggle 48-loc-2274 6/16/1948 6/19/1948 32/16 News Item アカハタ Akahata (5, Ishikawa, Kansai) Akahata #5 (Ishikawa, 人民斗爭へ擴大. 石川の黨不滿彈壓反對運動; Kansai) 京都御所の外苑は終戰後解放され、いまでは緑陰にいこう 市民の姿も多く、この暑さに行商人のアイス・キヤンデー がとぶように賣れている 48-loc-2275 6/16/1948 6/19/1948 33/16 News item アカハタ Akahata (9) Akahata No. 9 オリムピア Movie "Olympia"—a Propaganda Picture. 48-loc-2276 6/16/194[8] 6/18/194[8] 34/16 News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 兵器処理委員会報告 48-loc-2277 6/16/1948 6/19/1948 35/16 News Item アカハタ Akahata (Kamisugaya) Akahata (Kamisugaya) 党員をテロる Arms Disposal Committee's Report Communist Attack "The new method of selling pearls" "Banking organs will increase the capital." "First Scrap Iron Exports" Communists in Ishikawa Prefecture Protest Against Unjust Arrest of 10 Members; Bosses Sway Over Street Venders In Kyoto 48-loc-2277a 6/16/1948 6/19/1948 37/16 News Item 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (1) Nippon Keizai 1 海上運賃値上げは二十日に実施か 48-loc-2278 6/16/194[8] 6/18/194[8] 38/16 Commentary アカハタ Akahata (7) Akahata 7 官規びんらん "Marine transport charge will be raised on June 20" "Laxity of official discipline" 48-loc-2279 6/16/1948 6/19/1948 39/16 News Item アカハタ Akahata (29) Akahata 29 同盟休校へ "College strikes" 48-loc-2280 6/16/1948 6/19/1948 40/16, 45/15 News Item 第一新聞 Diichi Shimbun (9) Daiichi Shimbun # 9 「銀座の殿樣」事件. 收賄警官八十名 Eighty Corrupt Policemen Concerned with the Case "a lord in Ginza" 48-loc-2280a 6/[16]/194[8] 共同通信 共同特信 A Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin A Kyodo Tokushin A 世界は日本に何を期待するか. 世界的放送説敎家フルトン・シーン氏講演 48-loc-2281z 48-loc-2281 6/17/1948 6/17/1948 新夕刊 Shin Yukan Shin Yukan 子供は眞ッ平だ. 産兒調節生れ出ざる悩み. 相談も眞劔な奧さん Notes Y 3 H. Okada Y 2 Kato Araiso Y 2 Kikuchi M. Nagashima Y 2 Doi Kato Minami Y 2 Kawamoto Nakano Ogino T. Nakayama Y 6 H, P Kawamoto Nakano Ogino T. Nakayama Y 9 H, P Ito Takebe 4 Kawamoto Ogino M. Nagashima Abe Y H, P Y 2 MacArthur will tell the US about the Morioka health centers in Japan, and this will make them famous H, D Malloy Sakaino H. Okada Y 6 Y 1 Price of newspapers will be raised with the increase in the price of paper H, P Kawamoto Ishibashi Kato Y 3 H, P Y 2 H, P Y 2 Y 3 5 D 48-loc-2266 Examiner5 Examiner6 Pearl prices fixed by the Board of Trade were 40% cheaper than international prices 270,000 tons of scrap metal will be exported to the US Deleted: mantion of rice as a possible import from nondollar areas Rain stops a convention of people opposing the price increases Price of tobacco will be increased H, S Kawamoto Ebisawa H, P Kato T. Nakayama [Malloy] Y H, S Malloy Doi H. Okada Y 2 Malloy Ebisawa Ogino Y 21 Y 7 H, D Inoue, Kyodo stuff Ogino S. Konishi T. Hori Hayashi S Kawamoto Jane Hudnall Shigeru Nomura H, P Kawamoto Takebe Katayama P H, S Kawamoto Sakaino H, S Takamura K. Yoshida Lenie Riefenstahl's film about H, P, S the 1936 olympics shouldn't be shown, as it is facist and a bad influence Interim report of the Arms H, P Disposal Committee A Communist leader was H, S brutally attacked in his home by anti-Communists H, P Takamura Yabuki Kawamoto Sakaino K. Suzuki Y 5 Kawamoto Sakaino K. Suzuki Y 22 Kawamoto H. Hattori Ogino Y 2 The police system must be democratized, as there have been several recent abuses of discipline All-Japan Representatives' Conference of National Universities was held at Tokyo University Deleted: eighty policemen implicated in accepting bribes from a Ginza lord Niiya T. Hori Y 3 P Kaneko Minami Y 6 D S. Konishi Shibuya station's disciplinary actions against disgruntled workers is unconstitutional The Joint Struggle Committee will hold a people's rally, prompted by the wrongful arrests of ten Communists H, S Minami Y 2 K. Suzuki Y Y 1 10 Takashima Y 3 Y 3 Minami Y 3 Y 17 envelope 6/22/1948 1/17 News Item Birth Control Birth control centers have arisen to meet demand P K. Suzuki Y 1 5 Oversized 48-loc-2256 Submitted by (Japanese) 毎日新聞 Photograph(s) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Mainichi (Local 1) ソ連の内情 (Shizuoka) News Agency Duplicate Submitted by Mainichi Shimbun (1, Shizuoka) Hold No. Source 11/16 News item Number of Pages Date Censored 6/21/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 6/16/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-2255 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Headline (Japanese) 今度こそは實現へ. 優生保護法案再び登場 太原に邦人八百五十名残留 48-loc-2284 48-loc-2285 [6]/[17]/1948 6/17/1948 6/17/1948 6/26/1948 5/17 6/17 News Item. 東京民報 新夕刊 48-loc-2286 6/17/1948 6/19/1948 7/17 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (49, Osaka) Kyodo 49 (Osaka) 48-loc-2286a 48-loc-2287 [6]/[17]/194[8] 6/17/1948 6/20/1948 7/17 8/17 News Item 時事通信 新聞之新聞 Jiji Tsushin (Osaka) Shimbun no Shimbun (17) Jiji Tsushin (Osaka) 大阪国際無線支部二十四時間スト Shimbun no Shimbun 賣り出し作家とロ財團フ氏會談 17 48-loc-2288 6/17/194[8] 6/24/194[8] 9/17 Editorial 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 資本家の自覺を要望す 48-loc-2289 6/17/1948 6/27/1948 10/17 News item 民青時報 Minsei Jiho (23-25) Minsei Jiho 23-25 幹部の動揺について 48-loc-2290 48-loc-2290a 48-loc-2291 [6]/[17]/194[8] 6/17/194[8] 6/17/1948 6/22/1948 11/17 11/17 12/17 時事通信 読売新聞 毎日新聞 Jiji Tsushin Yomiuri Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun (103, Hakodate) Jiji Tsushin Yomiuri Mainichi Shimbun 103 (Hakodate) 庄野最高裁判事辞職 庄野判事辞職 本年中に完了. 樺太の引揚好調 48-loc-2292 6/17/1948 6/22/1948 13/17 News item from Nara 共同通信 48-loc-2293 6/17/1948 6/21/1948 14/17 [news] item 日本経済新聞 Kyodo Tsushin (36, Nara, Shizuoka, Chiba, Takamatsu) The Nihon Keizai (703) Kyodo 36 ( Nara, Shizuoka, Chiba, Takamatsu) Nihon Keizai Shimbun No. 703 48-loc-2294 6/17/1948 6/20/1948 15/17 News item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (40) 48-loc-2295 6/17/1948 6/26/1948 17/17 News Item アカハタ Akahata (1) Tokyo Shimbun No. 40 Akahata (No. 1) 48-loc-2296 6/17/1948 6/24/1948 19/17 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (103, Yomiuri 103 (Seibu) Seibu) アインシユタイン博士に招待状. 原爆記念日に廣島市 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (8, Hokkai[do]) Jiji Shimpo Asahi (local 8) (Hokkai[do]) Jiji Shimpo ダンスホールに武裝警官が警戒 時事新報 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (88) Kyodo Tsushin #88 占領軍の対日政策は公平. 首相衆院外務委員会で答弁 全国一せい盟休. 官公立大学高專自治連で決定 岩手縣宮古市藤井市太郎さんのところえ舞い込んだハガキ 業通いずれも「お子さんの正男さんが[シ]ベリアで元氣に 暮しており近く帰るとの放送が、二日夜あつたのを短波で 聞いたから」との知らせ; 最近しきりに外電が傳える天皇退位説に対し、宮崎縣下で は退位説粉碎運動が起つている 国際無線支部二十四時間スト突入 1. Information through Radio Citizens are sending cards to from Siberia. 2. Abdication of the emperor begging him not to Emperor. abdicate "Kokusai Musen Branch Goes On 24-Hour Strike" Osaka chapter of the International Wireless Branch goes on strike "Confab. Between Rising Writers And Mr. Firth Of Rockefeller Foundation" Editorial calls for the awakening on the part of the capitalists Confab between Mr. Firth of the Rockefeller Foundation and Japanese writers Labor Minister Kato says that applying the Taft-Hartley labor law to Japan would be inappropriate Criticism of people's movement leaders as lacking determination and integrity Fluctuation in the attitude of leaders Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 H, P H, P Kawamoto Niiya Joana Pint[o] Sasaki Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Y 1 5 P H, S Kawamoto Ishibashi Ashikawa Araiso Y Y 1 2 P Kaneko Matsumoto M. Kawamoto Y 3 H, P H, P Malloy Ashikawa Ito M. Kawamoto Y Y 1 2 H, S Kawamoto Nakano Kaneko K. Fujii Y 3 H, S Mercola T. Kato Kaneko M. Hori Y 11 P H, P H, S Nakano Kikuchi M. Nagashima Y Y Y 2 1 2 [Kikuchi] Notes 国内短信; "奈良の鹿を護れ". 軍政長官が警告; 「光で魚をつる」実用化へ; 房州のびわ大豊作; 四国のしようのう増産 あの手この手と苦しい縣財政を乘切り策がもつぱら流行の このごろ、和歌山縣で思いついたのは外資導入? "Protect Deers At Nara Park—Military Governor Warns." To get help form the Japanese who are in America, Canada, etc. Military government warns people to stop secretly killing deer in Mara Park To make up the food shortage, the government wants to import rice; Burma and Siam are the best possibilities H, P Malloy Ashikawa Takashima Y 18 H, P Kikuchi Joana Pinto Yabuki Y 2 銀座の殿樣. サギの達人内田 UCHIDA, an Expert in Fraud. Lord of the Ginza. "Round-Table Confab between Medium and Small Industrialists and the Communist Party." Uchida, Lord of the Ginza: expert swindler The Communist Party met with smaller industrialists; the two groups declared their unity in the struggle for the betterment of the working class H, P Ebisawa Sakaino Yabuki Y 2 S Kikuchi Abe T. Nakayama Y 11 "To write an invitation to Dr. Einstein; on A-Bomb Memorial Day at Hiroshima City" "Dance-halls put under the watch of armed policemen." Hiroshima invites Einstein to its peace festival commemorating the atomic bomb Police are patrolling dance halls and liquor stores H, P Kaneko Matsumoto M. Kawamoto Y 2 H, S Kawamoto Kato Kato Y 2 H, S [Takashima] P, D Kawamoto 中小工業者と共産党との懇談会 6/17/1948 6/19/1948 20/17 [6]/[17]/194[8] 6/21/194[8] 20/17 48-loc-2298 6/17/1948 6/17/1948 21/17 48-loc-2298a 48-loc-2298b 48-loc-2298c [6]/[17]/194[8] 6/17/194[8] [6]/[17]/194[8] 21/17 21/17 21/17 北海道新聞 時事新報 時事通信 Hokkaido Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin Hokkaido Jiji Shimpo Jiji Tsushin 終戦處理費は減額せず 芦田答弁 占領政策はきわめて公正寛大. 芦田首相所信を披攊 48-loc-2298d 48-loc-2298e 6/17/1948 6/17/1948 21/17 21/17 毎日新聞 日本経済新聞 Mainichi Shimbun The Nihon Keizai Mainichi Nihon Keizai 48-loc-2298f 6/17/194[8] 21/17 大阪新聞 Osaka Shimbun Osaka Shimbun 貿易資金は減少出來ぬ. 首相答弁 米國の経済援助"亡國論"は暴論. 首相答弁. 貿易は東亞に重点 芦田総理答弁要旨 48-loc-2299 6/17/1948 6/18/1948 24/17 News Item 共同通信 Kydo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 議員団の外国訪問国会でまとめよ. 首相答弁 48-loc-2299a 48-loc-2299b 48-loc-2300 [6]/[17]/194[8] 6/17/194[8] 6/17/1948 6/21/1948 24/17 24/17 26/17 News item 西日本新聞 読売新聞 時事通信 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Jiji Tsushin (72) Nishi Nihon Yomiuri Jiji Tsushin #72 対日援助方策の公正に感謝. 芦田首相答弁 外相答弁 鉄鋼類大巾に増加. 二・四半期輸出用資材割当 48-loc-2301 6/17/1948 6/22/1948 27/17 News item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (9, Hokkaido) Asahi Shimbun 9 (Hokkaido edition) 樺太引揚者に発しんチブス 48-loc-2302 6/17/1948 6/22/1948 28/17 Commentary 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (74) Jiji-Tsushin No. 74 48-loc-2303 48-loc-2304 [6]/[17]/194[8] 6/17/1948 6/19/1948 29/17 32/17 News Item 共同通信 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 48-loc-2305 6/17/1948 6/19/1948 36/17 News item 共同通信 48-loc-2306 6/17/194[8] 37/17 48-loc-2306a 48-loc-2307 6/17/1948 6/17/1948 37/17 38/17 NEWS ITEM Brief Summary 850 Japanese are still left in Taiyuen, China Repatriates from the USSR may exceed previous expectations this year 48-loc-2297a 6/21/1948 Subject 850 Japanese still left in T[a]iyuan. "Repatriation from Saghalien to be completed in the course of this year; Satisfactory Progress Noted" 48-loc-2297 News item Headline 來月早々実施か. 政府・輸出貿易の簡素化計画 "Occupation Policy to Japan is Fair, says Premier at House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee Session" Ashida says that US occupation policy towards Japan is very fair, and will help Japan P H, P H, P Matsumoto Hayashi T. Nakayama H. Okada [Ozawa] [Yamada] P P P "Diet should Determine the Visit of Diet Members' Mission to Foreign Count[ri]es, Replies Premier ASHIDA at the Diet." Ashida says the Diet should confer with SCAP about sending Diet missions abroad Iron and steel export quoates have been drastically increased for the second quarter PRS調整要領檢討 "Iron & Steel Drastically Increased in the List of Raw Material Quota for the 2nd Quarter of this Year" "Eruptive Typhus Patients Among Repatriates from Saghalien" "Discussion on P R S Control" Kyodo Kyodo 大蔵省が"話の泉" 続、左党に告ぐ "Brewing Wine From Sugar." Kyodo Tsushin (103) Kyodo Tsushin, 103 買溜め症で一躍成金. 「ストコフスキーに呼ばれてネ」. "左まき"のメッカにも時代色 It is possible to make unrefined rum from yeast, water, and sugar Many people have gone mad as a result of the horrors of the war 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo 毎日新聞 読売新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (30) Mainichi Yomiuri, 30 庄野判事免官中止. 衆院訴遣委員会で調査; 『國民金融公團』庶民、恩給両金庫を改組. 初の預金保險金庫も計画 庄野判事辞任問題を調査. 裁判官弾劾訴追委員会 申込三千五百. 審査は三回に発表. 放出住宅 "Some Become Millionaires Overnight Through Buy-up Mania, Others Say, 'You See, Stokovsky Has Invited Me'; 'Palace of the Cra[z]y' Reflects Current Events" [Matsumot o] Y 1 Y 17 Y Y Y 8 1 4 Y Y 1 1 Y 15 H, P Kawamoto Naito Shimokura Abe Y 6 p p H, P Kawamoto Murao Takashima H. Okada Y Y Y 9 1 8 Typhus has erupted among repatriates from Saghalien H, P Kawamoto Doi Murao M. Nagashima Y 2 Plan for PRS control H, P Kawamoto Murao Katayama K. Tezuka Y 5 H, P H, P Kaneko Doi Ogino Tateuma Y Y 6 8 H, S Ito Kaneko H. Okada Y 16 Y 1 Y Y 1 2 "Applicants of released houses 1,000 houses used by the US reached 3,500; results of Army will be sold examination will be announced three times" P H, P Kawamoto Sakaino Minami 6 Oversized Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Shin-Yukan Kyodo No. 19 (Aomori) The Tokyo Mimpo Shin-Yukan, #5A. Photograph(s) Submitted by Shin Yukan Kyodo Tsushin (19, Aomori) Tokyo Mimpo Shin Yukan (5A) Duplicate Submitted by (Japanese) 新夕刊 共同通信 6/18/1948 News item (from Hakodate) News Agency Number of Pages Hold No. Source 2/17 4/17 News item Japanese Article Date Censored Date Submitted 6/17/194[8] 6/17/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-2282 48-loc-2283 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 41/17 News Item. 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (Shizuoka) Mainichi, Shizuoka 敎育心理学の專攻に. 名通訳川口さん渡米 48-loc-2310 6/17/1948 6/18/1948 42/17 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (121) Kyodo 121 社会党予算修正案まとまらず. 三派政調会長会議延期 48-loc-2310a 48-loc-2311 [6]/[17]/194[8] 6/17/1948 6/19/1948 42/17 43/17 News item 東京タイムズ 共同通信 6/17/1948 6/22/1948 44/17 news item 政治新聞 The Tokyo Times Kyodo Tsushin (135,Hakodate) Seiji Shimbun (8) Tokyo Taimuzu Kyodo No135 (Hakodate) Seiji Shimbun NO.8 肅黨派の態度硬化. 社の修正案なお纒らず 樺太から引揚船二隻 48-loc-2312 48-loc-2313 6/17/1948 6/22/1948 45/17 NEWS ITEM 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (730) Nihon Keizai, 730 新潟縣耕作放棄增加 48-loc-2314 6/17/1948 6/21/1948 46/17 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (34) Yomiuri (34) バイヤー 48-loc-2315 6/17/1948 6/19/1948 47/17 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 增産奬励金交附か. 改訂米價の正補 48-loc-2316 6/17/1948 6/19/1948 48/17 NEWS ITEM 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo (14) Jiji Shimpo, 14 外米輸入 48-loc-2316a 48-loc-2317 6/17/1948 6/17/1948 6/22/1948 48/17 51/17 News item 毎日新聞 共同通信 Mainichi Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (195) Mainichi Kyodo No. 195 エジプトから米麥. 三万二千トン近く輸入 袋一平氏業務横領容疑で取調 48-loc-2317a 48-loc-2317b 48-loc-2317c 48-loc-2318 [6]/[20]/194[8] [6]/[17]/194[8] 6/17/194[8] 6/17/1948 6/20/1948 51/17 51/17 51/17 52/17 共同通信 世界日報 読売新聞 東京民報 Kyodo Tsushin Sekai Nippo Yomiuri Shimbun Tokyo Mimpo (9) Kyodo Sekai-Nippo Yomiuri Tokyo Mimpo, 9 袋一平氏らあげらる 袋一平らを檢擧. 兩[映]画社の業務横領 袋一平氏横領で送檢 司法官の権威 48-loc-2319 [6]/[17]/194[8] 53/17 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 予算公聴会 H, P 48-loc-2319a 48-loc-2320 6/18/194[8] 6/17/1948 6/19/1948 53/17 54/17 News Item 東京新聞 共同通信 Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (143) Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin (No. 143) 現実離れの物價賃[金]水準. 衆院予算公聽会 運賃値上げで炭価の二〇%が輸送費. 安本長官説明 H, P H, S Kawamoto Naito Takebe 48-loc-2321 6/17/1948 6/21/1948 55/17 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (148) Kyodo 148 特殊貿易課を新設 "Special Trade Section Newly Set Up" H, P Malloy Takebe 48-loc-2322 6/17/1948 6/23/1948 56/17 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (157) Kyodo Tsushin 157 板谷問題で施設課長に陳情 "Representations filed with Chief of Equipment Division on Itaya Issue" H, P Kawamoto Naito 48-loc-2322a 6/19/1948 朝日新聞 Asahi (Yamagata) 未だ決らぬ. 板谷電化継続交渉 48-loc-2323 6/17/1948 Asahi Shimbun (Yamagata) Yomiuri Shimbun (45) Yomiuri 45 追放者登録制. 実施要項きよう閣議で決定 48-loc-2323a 48-loc-2324 48-loc-2325 56/17 Headline (Japanese) 製...、筆耕、製本、ラジク組立、修理など、警視廷では警 察官の内職をきめた News item 読売新聞 6/24/1948 57/17 58/17 Comment 時事通信 西日本新聞 Jiji Tsushin Nishi Nihon Shimbun (24) Jiji Tsushin Nishi Nippon Shimbun, 24 訴追委員会で庄野問題を調査 零細農の均分相續問題 6/17/194[8] 6/23/194[8] 59/17 News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 總辭職、解散しどろもどろ 48-loc-2326 6/17/1948 6/20/1948 60/17 NEWS ITEM アカハタ Akahata (4) Akahata, 4 巡査と買い出し 48-loc-2327 6/17/194[8] 61/17 News Item アカハタ Akahata (Kansai) Akahata (Kansai) 神戸事件公判 48-loc-2328 6/17/194[8] 6/19/194[8] 62/17 News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 御好意生かせ 48-loc-2329 6/17/1948 6/22/1948 63/17 News Item アカハタ Akahata (13, Kyushu, Saiki) 48-loc-2330 6/17/1948 6/23/1948 64/17 News Item アカハタ Akahata (Kansai) Akahata #13 (Kyushu, 一割增産返上を決議; Saiki) 共産党大分縣委員会常任書記梅田國貞氏の御父さん、御多 分にもれず共産党ギライで梅田氏が大分市に行つてからは 勘当同様となつていました Akahata (Kansai) ドネリ弁護人無罪を主張 48-loc-2331 6/17/194[8] 6/20/194[8] 65/17 News Item アカハタ Akahata Akahata 48-loc-2332 48-loc-2333 6/19/1948 6/17/1948 6/20/1948 6/26/1948 66/17 67/17 News Item Essay アカハタ アカハタ Akahata (Kansai) Akahata (14-A) Akahata (Kansai) Akahata #14-A 48-loc-2334 6/17/1948 6/30/1948 68/17 EDITORIAL アカハタ Akahata (6) Akahata 6 6/21/1948 57/17 [6]/[17]/194[8] 6/17/1948 Headline Subject Brief Summary "Hard Labor Sentence to Room Man charged with lending an Lender" off-limits house to prostitutes who service Occupation soldiers gets hard labor A Nisei Girl Interpreter to Go Nisei interpreter for military to U.S. for Study of government has decided to Psychology. study psychology at Washington University Socialist Party's Draft Deleted: mention of "war Amendment Of National termination expenses" in the Budget Bill. amendment to the Budget Bill 2 Repatriates Ships from Saghalien. Policemen's Side Work Two repatriation ships arrived today from Saghalien Police are allowed to take sidework because there is no other way for them to survive "Abandonment of cultivation right is increasing in Niigata Prefecture" The Board of Trade Imports New Cars From U.S.A. Bonus for the increased output of rice? Farmers in Niigata are abandoning their cultivation right Ford motorcars will be imported The government is thinking of extending the incentive fund instead of retroactively repaying farmers the new rice price "Import of foreign rice" 110,000 tons of foreign rice are to be imported Mr. Fukuro is tried on charge of mis-appropriation" Movie critic Fukuro will be prosecuted for misappropriating funds of the Japan-Soviet Motion Picture Co. "Integrity of Judicial Officials" Nishio drops complaint about Judge Shono after the judge resigns "New Coal Price In connection New coal price in connection With New Railway fee." with new railway fee Special Trade branch has been set up under the Board of Trade House talks with SCAP about Itaya electrification issues H, S Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Niiya Naito Shimokura M. Nagashima H, P Kawamoto Naito Murao H, D Kawamoto Ishibashi H, D H, P Kawamoto H, P Kawamoto 2 Araiso Y 2 Ashikawa M. Kawamoto Y 19 Naito Ogino Sasaki Y Y 1 4 Ishibashi Ashikawa Yabuki Y 2 Y 2 Y 3 Y 3 P Kawamoto Kaneko Minami H, S Kawamoto Tanaka Ogino H, S Kawamoto Murao K. Suzuki H, S Malloy Takebe Katayama Minami Y 5 S H, P Malloy Takebe Katayama Hayashi Y Y 1 4 Niiya M. Kawamoto Y Y Y Y 6 1 1 6 Y 7 Tateuma Y Y 1 6 Kitayama M. Kawamoto Y 4 Ogino M. Nagashima Y 6 Y 1 T. Nakayama Y 3 Murao Doi Y Y 2 22 P H, P H, P H, P Shigeo Ebisawa Hirase, office worker [Takahashi ] K. Tezuka P "Registration system of the purged." "Issue of Equal Inheritance of Small Farmers" Registration system will be enforced to keep track of those who have been purged Excessively small-scale farming must be alleviated if tenant farmers are to prosper Notes Y H, P H, P H, P Naito [Kikuchi] [Sadame Malloy Tanaka], professor at Kyushu University, President of Agricultura l Rehabilitat ion Congress Ogino H. Okada Threat of resign en bloc and of Only 10% of the budget will be H, S Diet dissolution spent on the people, while 70% of the revenue comes from taxation "A Police-man and marketing" The police are ineffective and H, S [Ohara] irresponsible Kobe trial The prosecution's testimony in S the Kobe trial shows evidence of perjury Criticism of American aid for Corn and flour are being H, D, S [Sakuji Japan distributed as staple foods; Sato] some people are complaining about the unfamiliar foods 10% Increased Production Government's plan of 10% H, S Campaign Rejected in Osaka increase in rice production is rejected in Osaka Malloy Kikuchi K. Suzuki Y 9 Malloy Kikuchi Minami Y 2 Malloy K. Suzuki Y 7 Malloy Kikuchi Y 2 Kikuchi K. Yoshida Y 3 KoBe Trials Chief Defense Counsel in the Kobe trial demands a not guilty verdict for all of the defendants, citing lack of evidence S Malloy K. Suzuki Y 13 農林委員会申入れ Agricultural and Forestry Committee's proposal Government deliberates on returning the rice price revision money to farmers H, P Y 2 大阪の彈壓 ゴーリキー Pressure by Osaka police "Maxim Gork[y]" Malloy Kikuchi Y Y 3 5 東京裁判 "Tokyo trial" K. Suzuki Shigeru Nomura T. Hori Y 25 A composition written in the memory of Maxim Gorki Discussion of the emperor's war responsibility H, S H, S P Yotsuie Kikuchi K. Suzuki Oversized 6/20/1948 Reader's Contribution Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Asahi Shimbun 15 貸席に重労働 (Kanagawa edition) Photograph(s) 6/17/1948 Submitted by Asahi Shimbun (15, Kanagawa) Duplicate 48-loc-2309 News Agency Number of Pages Date Censored 6/19/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 6/17/1948 Hold No. Source 39/17 News item Submitted by (Japanese) 朝日新聞 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-2308 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Asahi 郵貯第二封鎖打切り 48-loc-2335a 6/18/194[8] 6/18/194[8] 69/17 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 48-loc-2336 [6]/[17]/1948 6/17/1948 サン写真新聞 48-loc-2337z 48-loc-2337 6/18/1948 6/18/1948 6/24/1948 1/18 Comment 48-loc-2338 6/18/1948 6/22/1948 2/18 48-loc-2339 6/18/194[8] 6/22/194[8] 48-loc-2340 48-loc-2342 6/18/1948 6/18/1948 48-loc-2344 Headline Subject Brief Summary H, P 郵貯第二封鎖打切 P The Sun Pictorial Daily San Nyusu Fotosu アナポリス兵學校. 卒業祝のキス D 新夕刊 Shin Yukan (1) Shin-Yukan No. 1 砂糖は主食ではない Commentary アカハタ Akahata (39) Akahata 39 警察職務執行法 3/18 Commentary アカハタ Akahata Akahata 解散と選挙法改... 6/21/1948 4/18 News Item. 国際特信 Kokusai Tokushin Kokusai Tokushin 「ホテル東京」ドル稼ぎ 6/23/1948 7/18 Editorial 夕刊みやこ Yukan Miyako (2) Miyako 2 南方未輸入の懇請に就て 6/18/1948 6/22/1948 10/18 Contribution 新夕刊 Shin Yukan (28) Shinyukan (28) 嫌な警官と好きな警官 48-loc-2345 6/18/194[8] 6/18/194[8] 11/18 読売新聞 廿一被告以外の処分は日本委せ. 神戸騒擾事件 6/18/1948 6/21/1948 12/18 News Item 毎日新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (Kansai) Mainichi Shimbun (2, Chiba) Yomiuri (Kansai) 48-loc-2346 48-loc-2347 6/18/1948 6/22/1948 13/18 News Item 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (22, Yokohama) Tokyo Shimbun NO. 22 (Yokohama) 48-loc-2347a 48-loc-2347b [6]/18/1948 6/18/194[8] 13/18 13/18 News Item News Item 朝日新聞 読売新聞 48-loc-2348 6/18/1948 6/21/1948 16/18 NEWS ITEM 日本経済新聞 Asahi Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun (Kana[gawa]) The Nihon Keizai Asahi Yomiuri (Kana[gawa]) Nihon Keizai 48-loc-2349 6/18/1948 6/22/1948 17/18 news item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (4, Sasebo) Mainichi Shimbun NO. 4 (Sasebo) 山澄丸引揚者隔離 48-loc-2350 6/18/1948 6/23/1948 18/18 News item 毎日新聞 6/18/1948 6/22/1948 19/18 News item 東京新聞 48-loc-2352 6/18/1948 6/24/1948 20/18 News item 共同通信 Mainichi Shimbun (103, Sasebo) Tokyo Shimbun (26, Chiba) Kyodo Tsushin (97) Mainichi Shimbun, 103 (Sasebo) Tokyo Shimbun 26 (Chiba) Kyodo Tsushin # 97 コロ島引揚 48-loc-2351 48-loc-2352a 48-loc-2353 6/18/194[8] 6/18/1948 6/24/1948 20/18 21/18 News item 読売新聞 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Yomiuri Shimbun (106, Yomiuri # 106 Yokohama) (Yokohama) 48-loc-2354 6/18/1948 6/19/1948 22/18 news item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (85) Kyodo tsushin No. 85 国際労働会議に出席許可の見込み. 政府、代表の選考着手 48-loc-2354a 48-loc-2354b 48-loc-2354c [6]/18/1948 6/18/194[8] 6/18/1948 22/18 22/18 22/18 48-loc-2354d 48-loc-2354e [6]/[18]/194[8] 6/18/194[8] 22/18 22/18 朝日新聞 時事新報 大阪時事新報; 大阪新聞 世界日報 東京新聞 Asahi Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Osaka Jiji Shimpo; Osaka Shimbun Sekai Nippo Tokyo Shimbun Asahi Jiji Shimpo Osaka Jijishimpo; Osaka Shimbun Sekai-Nippo Tokyo Shimbun 48-loc-2354f 6/18/194[8] 22/18 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 48-loc-2355 6/18/1948 第一新聞 Daiichi Shimbun (12) Daiichi Shimbun 12 48-loc-2355a 48-loc-2355b 6/19/1948 [6]/[22]/194[8] 23/18 23/18 朝日新聞 時事新報 Asahi Shimbun Jiji shimpo Asahi The Jiji Shimpo 48-loc-2355c 48-loc-2356 [6]/[19]/194[8] 6/18/1948 6/22/1948 23/18 24/18 NEWS ITEM 共同通信 朝日新聞 Kyodo Tsushin Asahi Shimbun (1, Niigata) Kyodo Asahi Local, 1 (Niigata) 48-loc-2357 6/18/1948 6/22/1948 25/18 News item アカハタ Akahata (6, Kansai) Akahata (6) (Kansai) 48-loc-2357a 6/18/1948 6/22/1948 25/18 News Item. 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (806) Nihon-Keizai, 806. 鑛區指定を欲せず. 愛知の業者公團と縁切りか Repercussions of Designation of Mining Sections. Examiner1 Examiner2 [Kawamoto] Examiner3 Examiner4 [Kawamoto] Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 1 Y 1 Y 2 envelope 6/22/1948 23/18 NEWS ITEM Mainichi Shimbun 新型木造船ソ連へお嫁入り (Local, No. 2) (Chiba) 日本婦人の見送り制限; 東横、玉川、井の頭各線で通勤するサラリーマンは澁谷駅 目指し早朝から数日來の雨でじめじめした路面をふうふう いゝながらそれでも歩け歩け 米兵見送りに注意 進駐軍將兵見送り遠慮せよ 陶磁器(公)撤廃運動 スミに置けぬ巡査; 神田橋職業安定所に模範的施設 故美濃部博士に勲章贈与 故美濃部氏に従二位旭日大綬章 敗戰を知らぬ在伯日本人. 各國を視察したポ牧師の話 Sugar Is Not Staple Food Distribution of sugar encourages people to sell it on the black market for rice "Police Functions Enforcement Opposition to the enactment of Law." Petty Crime Law (opposes labor movements) Dissolution of the Diet and The ruling class is revising the revision of election law election law for fear that the Communists will interfere with the election Hotel Tokyo Earns $. Hotel Tokyo procures money for traders "Concerning requests on rice The need to import rice from importation from South." the South in order to fight inflation Disgusting Police and Nice Policemen should be conscious Police that they are public servants, and have a good attitude H, S Y 1 2 T. Nakayama Y 3 Hudnall K. Fujii Y 4 Malloy Hudnall Yokoyama Y 6 Kawamoto Sakaino T. Nakayama Y 4 Y 2 Kawamoto Hudn[a]ll Takashima H, S Kawamoto Hudnall H, D Kawamoto H, P H, S P Riichiro Hoashi Shinagawa Takamura K. Tezuka H. Obata Y 1 H, P P Kawamoto Nakano Ogino Tateuma Y 2 H, P Malloy Takebe Katayama H. Obata Y 2 Y Y 1 1 Pottery Association pushes for H, P the abolition of the official price for pottery Repatriates ex s/s "Yamazumi- Repatriates from Manchuria H, S [Nimura] maru" segregated. were quarantined, and not allowed to see visitors ""Repatriation from Hulu Accounts of repatriates H, S, P Island" returned from Hulu Island "A Smart Policeman" Policeman was arrested for H, P smuggling charcoal "Late Dr. MINOBE to be Dr. Minobe of Tokyo P Decorated" University receives posthumous award H, P Japanese in Brazil Are Japanese in Brazil are unaware P Unaware of the Defeat of Japan that Japan lost the war Talk of Minister Ponslate Who Has Just Returned from His Tour of Inspection Abroad Kaneko Yoshimoto Takashima Hayashi Y 2 Kawamoto Ito Murao Yabuki Y 3 Kawamoto Nakano Yoshimoto H. Okada Y 3 Malloy Takamura Iwasaki M. Nagashima Y 4 Kaneko Matsumoto H. Okada Y 4 Kaneko S. Konishi Y Y 1 2 Japanese delegates are Japanese delegates expected to expected to attend the attend the International Labor International Labor Conference Conference in San Francisco to be held in San Francisco. Malloy Takamura Y 6 Y Y Y 1 1 5 "Handing Over Of New Type Wooden Boats To Soviet Russia." Japanese Female Senders-off Are Limited at Yokohama Harbour New type of wooden freight boats have been completed for Russia American soldiers who leave Japan are allowed to have only two women send them off at the port P "Movement for abolition of official price of pottery" H, S Iwasaki Yabuki 國際労働会議参加の見通し 國際労働会議へ出席有望. 人選を首相両相に一任 認可あり次第代表派遣. 国際労働会議の参加 H, S S H, S 國際労働機關へオブザーバー 人選首、労相に一任. 國際労働機構出席の随員へ; 公認資本制の採用が必要. 栗栖長官語る 世界労働会議参加方針決る; 國際労働機関への参加. 閣議で正式決定 電気料[金] H, S H, S Y Y 1 1 S Y 2 Y 2 1 1 新電力料金. 現行の二・九一倍 西尾問題きょう結論へ. 不当財委員会; 電力三倍値上げ不満. 日発当局[談] 電気料金値上正式決定. 電燈三倍、電熱は四倍 農村. ふえた相続権の放棄. コマ切れの田では共倒れになる "Electric fare" "Abandonment of the right of inheritance is increasing in villages; fields in pieces cause common ruin." "State Minister HITOTSUMATSU" 48-loc-2358 6/18/1948 6/26/1948 26/18 Commentary 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 労働攻勢 "Labor Offensive" 48-loc-2359 6/18/194[8] 6/21/194[8] 27/18 News Item 時事新報 Jiji Shimpo Jiji [Sh]impo 農業再生産に新措置. 衆院委員会、政府に要請 48-loc-2360 6/18/1948 6/23/1948 28/18 News Item. 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (107, Yomiuri, 107 Toyama) (Toyama) The Committee asked the Government to take new steps in connection with the agricultural reproduction GHQ Officials Make Lectures at Toyama on New Local Government System. 民主主義に堪能. 総司令部のお歴々. 新地方制度講演 Factors that are under consideration in calculating the new electric fare People in Niigata are abandoning their rights of inheritance Minister Hitotsumatsu angers workers by saying that the government cannot pay them because the workers oppose a hike in railway rates [Sugimoto] H, P Hudnall Iwasaki Hayashi H H, P [Kikuchi] Y Y P H, P [Kikuchi] Malloy Hudnall Iwasaki Y Y 8 4 P Kawamoto Sakaino M. Nagashima Y 2 Mercola Inoue Takamura Y 2 Y 5 Y 2 Y 2 H, P A new labor offensive with a goal of a new wage scale of 5,200 yen Committee of the Agriculture Ministry asks the government to take steps to help agricultural production GHQ officials are giving lectures on the new local government system in order to popularize it Spaulding H, P, S Nasui, reporter Minami Araiso [Kikuchi] H, S M. Nakano Takeda K. Fujii H, P Kaneko Murao Takashima Araiso Oversized Submitted by Asahi Shimbun News Agency Photograph(s) Submitted by (Japanese) 朝日新聞 Source Duplicate Hold No. 69/17 Number of Pages Date Censored 6/18/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted 6/16/1948 Writers Prange Control No. 48-loc-2335 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫(までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 1 1
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