ARM Linux、Android、RaspberryPiで WindowsとアプリをX86エミュで動かそう 1 x86 Emulation on ARM devices, and Wine on ARMhf ExaGear-Desktop 1、 自己紹介 Self introduction 2、x86 Emulation on ARM devices 3、Qemu i386 Emulation on ARM devices 4、x86 Emulation on ARM Andriod 5、x86 Emulation on ExaGear-Desktop & Wine 1 board PC, and ARM Chromebook 6、x86 Emulation on ExaGear-Desktop & Wine ARM RspberryPi, RaspberryPi2 7, x86 Emulation on DOSBox and Bochs 8, x86 Emulation on Qemu-user-static NetBSD Teokure Live Image debootstrap and schroot On chromebook 9, Next My Presentations OSC Nagoya, This Presentation: Taiwan MOPCON OSC Hamanako2016 2016/1/23 14:30~ Place:浜松 Hamamatsu 浜松市市民協働センター 2F ギャラリー Slideshare & PDF files publication of my HP Speaker: Kapper 2 Self Introduction ● My name: Kapper ● Twitter account:@kapper1224 ● HP: ● Slideshare: ● My Hobby:Linux、*BSD、and Mobile ARM Devices ● My favorite words:Record than experiment important ● Test Model:Netwalker(PC-Z1,T1)、Nokia N900、DynabookAZ、RaspberryPi Nexus7(2012、2013)、Hercules eCAFE EX HD、Jetson TK-1、 OpenPandora、ARM Chromebook、ZTE OPEN C(FirefoxOS) 台湾Android電子辞書 無敵CD-920、CD-928 ● Recent Activity: Netwalker on the Linux from Scratch. Hacking of Android Nexus7. I have recently often use the ARM Chromebook. Recent test こんな事やってます 1.Linux distributions on Android 3. Windows and Wine on ARM 3 2. Hacking with SmartWatch 4. Plesentations in Asia(HongKong,Taiwan) Opensouce Conference 4 今回のテーマ This Presentation ● 今回はマニアックにARMからx86をエミュレート To emulate the x86 from ARM devices ● RaspberryPiやARM ChromebookでもWindows Windows on RaspberryPi and ARM Chromebook ● 古いアプリや環境をARMでも再現 Operation the old Windows apps and OS on ARM ● LinuxZaurusやNetwalkerなどの12年の経験のまとめ I put together my 12 years of experience about ARM Linux ● 処理速度が上がれば色々と・・・実現出来るかも? I can be variously realized if rises ARM processing speed? ● 海外で発表する資料と共有する為に一部英語で作っています。 ご了承願います。 I am made presentation materials in English in order to share content and information for oversea presentations. Please understand. Target ARM devices on PC Market $1000 Mac PC Windows PC Google Glass Apple Watch $500 $200 Smart Watch ChromeBox Android Stick 1board PC RaspberryPi $100 Desktop PC Mac book iPhone iPad Android Smart Phone Windows Notebook PC Android Windows Tablet Chinese Tablet Chromebook $149~$350 Mobile PC 0 inch 6 inch Display Size 10 inch 5 ARM devices Benchmark score 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ARM Cortex-A roadmap Estimation The same frequency Relative single thread performance 1.0GHz Cortex-A8 1.6GHz Cortex-A9 1.9GHz Cortex-A15 2.2GHz Cortex-A57 2.5GHz Cortex-A72 Reference:A Walk Through the Cortex-A Mobile Roadmap ARMdevices BOINC benchmark x86 ARM Reference:Kapper blog 7 x86 Emulation on ARM Linux Devices 8 In 2004,Windows95 on ARM LinuxZaurus ● ● ● I was operated in the bochs emulator the Windows95 using the first ARM Linux Zaurus in Japan in 2004 ARM LinuxZaurus was emulated x86 about 486 20MHz on Xscale 400MHz. My Website documentations Linux Zaurus上でBochs、Win95を動かす方法について About the method of using Bochs and Win95 on Li nux Zaurus My ARM LinuxZaurus ● In 2004, 2ch board, ARM LinuxZaurus Emulator 221 :いつでもどこでも名無しさん:04/03/26 13:14 ID:??? Bochsを使ってZaurusでWindows95を起動してみました。 ただ、今の所では凄く遅いです。 起動に10分以上、 マイコンピュータを開くのに30秒ほど掛かりますが、 思ったほど遅くは無いようです。 気が長い人なら気合いで使えるかもしれません。 とりあえず設定等を最適化してみようと思います。 まともに使うならDOSかWindows3.1で運用するのが良いかと。 とりあえずDOS端末として使ってみる事にします。 225 :いつでもどこでも名無しさん:04/03/26 20:07 ID:??? >>222,223 昔PC9801FAで95を動かした時はもっと遅かったので。 Pen266MHz位でBochsを動かしたのと似たような動作です。 bochsの体感速度はベンチ取れないので表現しにくいです。 >>224 元々DOS世代のユーザーなんで。 200LXのソフトを動かしたり、アプリを動かしていましたから。 Win95 on bochs/XQt LinuxZaurus MSDOS on bochs/XQt x86 Emulations on ARM Devices 9 VMWare and Virtualbox are not working on ARM devices.(Only x86) Emulation OS Qemu Linux Android RaspberryPi Linux Android RaspberryPi Linux RaspberryPi Linux RaspberryPi Linux Android RaspberryPi iOS,DS,PSP Linux Android RaspberryPi iOS,PSP Linux Android RaspberryPi iOS Qemu+Wine Exagear-Desktop Exagear-Desktop +Wine DOSBox Bochs XNP2 (PC-98 Emulation) Root Device No Emulated OS Spec Comment Windows MacOSX? Linux,*BSD Required +Windows APP Slow Required Ubuntu,Debian Fast Required Ubuntu+Wine Windows APP No DOS, WIndows9x (i386〜i586) Fast No Windows〜XP (i386〜x86-64) Linux,*BSD Slow Tegra K-1 ⇒PenⅡ 266MHz Ver1.5〜(ARM GUI) Difficult kernel 3G/1G only chroot environment Tegra K-1 ⇒Pen4 1.8GHz Tegra K-1 ⇒Pen4 1.8GHz Tegra K-1 ⇒PenⅡ 266MHz NEON Supports Voodoo1+Glide Tegra K-1 ⇒PenⅡ 266MHz No DOS、 Windows95? Slow Slow Slow Tegra K-1 ⇒? Internet dogmatic investigation of Kapper (if I wrong it, I'm sorry. ) x86 Qemu Emulation on ARM devices 10 ● ● ● 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 You can use the x86 emulator will be like can be moved and Wine Windows apps and Steam and Skype. The x86 emulator also works such as Windows and NetBSD. TegraK-1 in Using Qemu Pentium2 266MHz equivalent Win98 is in HDBench, it was to use and Pentium4 1.8GHz equivalent to ExaGear-Desktop. In ARM Devices,Qemu is x86:ARM=3:1 (proportional to the floating point?) 35,526 Qemu WIndows2000 HDBench ARM x86 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU BOINC Bench ARM x86 Windows98、2000 on chromebook 12,119 1,301 Cortex-A15 Tegra K-1 2.1GHz Acer Chromebook13 Qemu Win2000 HDBench4.6.1 4,062 Core i5-2540M 2.60GHz CF-S10 Qemu Win2000 HDBench4.6.1 6,118 914 Cortex-A15 Tegra K-1 2.1GHz Acer Chromebook13 BOINC Benchmarck 8,064 2,941 Core i5-2540M 2.60GHz CF-S10 BOINC Benchmarck NetBSD Teokure Live Image On chromebook x86 Emulation on Android ● ● ● 11 You can operate the Windows or NetBSD by the use of Android even x86 emulation PC: Bochs,Qemu,DOSBox,Linbo PC emulation MAC:vMacMini In the case of Qemu、Windows and NetBSD, and the others operation. Windows9x、2000(Qemu) on Nexus7 NetBSD Teokure Live Image(Qemu) on Nexus7 x86 Emulation on ExaGear-Desktop 1 board PC, and ARM Chromebook ● ExaGear-Desktop is 4.5 times faster than qemu. ● i686 Ubuntu12.04LTS on ARMhf Ubuntu 14.04,12.04 ● ● Boinc Benchmarchs:@ ARM Chromebook CB5-311 TegraK-1 Integer points (ARMhf Base) : 6118 ⇒ (i686): 1800 29.4% Flotings points (ARMhf Base) : 914 ⇒(i686): 700 76.6% about Pentium4 1.8GHz on ARM.(Qemu =Pentium2 266MHz) Windows applications on Wine, on ARM devices. Touhou(Wine) on ARM Chromebook Bonanza(Wine) on ARM Chromebook 12 x86 Emulation on ExaGear-Desktop ARM RaspberryPi, RaspberryPi2 ● ExaGear-Desktop RaspberryPi is 5 times faster than Qemu. ● i386 Debian7Wheezy on ARMhf Raspbian,Ubuntu14.04,Debian7 ● ● 13 HDBench Benchmarchs:@ ARM Raspberry Pi2 Integer points (ExaGear i686) : 7586 (Qemu i386: 1999 26.4%) Flotings points (ExaGear i686) :6224 (Qemu i386: 384 6.2%) about MMX Pentium 200MHz on ARM. (Qemu =Pentium 40MHz?) Windows applications on Wine, on ARM devices. HDBench3.40(Wine) on ARM RaspberryPi2 Maujan(Wine) on ARM RaspberryPi2 x86 Emulation on DOSBox and Bochs 14 ● DOSBox can operate 〜Windows9x in the i386〜i586 emulator DOSBox has been ported MobileOSs, about Android, iOS, WindowsMobile, Blackberry, PSP, Vita, 3DS and others. It is a way to activate the img file in the DOSBox command line imgmount c hd0.img -size 512,63,16,1021 -fs fat boot -l c ● Bochs will start once 〜WindowsXP is now supports up to i686〜 x86-64.(But too slow) DOSBox on Android Wear DOSBox on iOS m/watch?v=ZgX2BkM_6q4 DOSBox on 3DS x86 Emulation on DOSBox and bochs 15 ● Old apps and emulator works with DOSBox ● Old MacOS、the OtherOS and APP opereted any ARM devices ● DOSBox SVN build can run CD-ROM boot and operate i386Linux? ● To high-speed operation x86 emulator is in RaspberryPi HP200LX APP on DOSBox blog/2012/10/nokiahp200lx-c1.html Mini vMAC on DOSBox Simcity2000 on DOSBox ● x86 Emulation on Qemu-user-static debootstrap and schroot Using Qemu and schroot to operate the x86 environment on ARM ● Qemu-i386-static and binfmt-support, you can operate x86 app ● Install schroot and debootstrap in ARM Debian,Ubuntu. 16 #sudo -s #apt-get install debootstrap schroot binfmt-support qemu qemu-user-static #cp /etc/schroot/schroot.conf /etc/schroot/schroot.conf.old #mkdir debian_i386_wheezy #debootstrap --foreign --arch i386 wheezy debian_i386_wheezy #cp /usr/bin/qemu-i386-static debian_i386_wheezy/usr/bin x86 Wine #chroot debian_i386_wheezy /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage #apt-get update && upgrade #apt-get install (x86 app) Linux #exit (x86 Chroot) #(Edit /etc/schroot/schroot.conf) Linux(ARM base) #schroot -c debian_i386_wheezy ● ● Debian supports multi-lib,but doesn't support multi-binary. If you use 「apt-get install *:i386」command,overwrite the x86 binary on the ARM binary(/usr/bin).So Qemu requires chroot environment. Wine only works with normal user. Wine doesn't work with superuser account. So you have to use the schroot command. RaspberryPi2+Qemu-i386-static Wine patch for 2G/2G kernel 17 Next My Presentation OSC Nagoya、Kyoto、Taiwan MOPCON 18 ● ● ● ● OSC Nagoya Kyoto、and Taiwan MOPCON my exhibition schedule Content:OSC Nagoya:Hacking of Android? :OverSea:Hacking with ARM devices FOSSASIA2016 Singapole 3/18〜20 OSC Nagoya 5/28 HongKong OSC 6/M? OSC Kyoto 8/E? Taiwan COSCUP 8/M? KOF(Kansai Open Forum) 11/? Taiwan MOPCON 10/E? ・・・And Tokaido Linux Users Group
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