Page 1 Bid Document:- of2 S No 02 Name of wOrk:‐ Improvement/Patch or Roads UC,No‐ 2 Shah Faisal ZOne DMC 節 rand Estimate COst:‐ Rζ 9,36.882た +0/R Cost Of Bidding Document Rs 2000ム Bid Securi″ 20/。 Of TotaI Bid amount 8 o N 1 Descriptiou lartl work excavation undressed lead up o a single tkow of Krsi Phawarah or Rs 1361 25 2 ;havel in ordinarv soil (lartage of 100 cft/5 ton 3 P/L base course aggregate CBR 80 % its of all material likes on aggegates spawl coal lime Rs 579 41 r$ per (AASHTO) Standard size ripecification i/c compesting to tequired rlensiry by approved mechanical means lvibrating ruler, Road packer & smooth ,vheel roller) i/c watering with all needs lnd lin 4 lctcd 4950 clt Rs 5542 24 2,74,341/‐ 'rime coat providing and spraying prime )oat with medium curing asphalt ofgrade i0/70 prime coat shall be penetmtion used of 11 LiteG / 100 sft. At 70 degee 's jentigrade mixed with adequate quantity rf kerosene oiI.......... Materials and rethodology shall fully comply the tests 1c........ as directed by 5 Engineer 13200 sfl Rs 7 00 13200 sfl Rs 4107 84 92,400/‐ 'roviding 1" (Consolidated) Premi"\ed ( arpet in propq chamber i/c grade rupplying 15 Cfl bajri 5 Cft hill sand of i pproved quality and gmde between of {10/100 penehation i/c mixing in lnechanical mixture in requircd proportion i/c heating materials and cleaning the road lurface (hill sand 3 Cft for mixing 3.0 Cft 1br desalting (rate natcials T&P and i/c of all cost of 3 chaln %sft Page 2 of 2 P7L singL Lycr o「 百扇 冨両面頭竃 「 冊WS蒜需普瑞1器 潟″留譜 Contellt wcigllt 4 5%Of TOlal mix νc rolling and finishins etc c Time limit 60 Day penalty Rs. 2000/- p. Day. YWe hereby quoted % above /below the Scht of Rate, plus open mtes. Cost of schedule items (i/c quoted premium Rs: Cost ofOffer Rates Rs: Total Bid Alllount Name of Conkactot. Signature. Address. ― しヽ (Ci宙 ll Shah Faisal ZOnc DMC Korangr Assistant Executive Engineer, (B&R) Shah Faisal Zone DMC Korangi. Page Ilid Documetrt:Name of work:- rlstimate +!g+pgir-9iBgg!iue,Nq-3 KoraDci- shah Faisal zone pMC cost.-B++3!ry41q4{b!-q!.Eldd!!glocument Sヽ c 呻¨] t 一 n c o 赫 ﹄ '慰 Quatrtity Z ^ n lυ υ Rs. 2000r Rate Ulllt し■VD Ю ■ Alllount (Rs) [ξ ∬ 1器 選 写]:l情 llnary soil likcs 3 S No 03 Description 1 I of2 3900 cn Rs 1361 25 %。 3900 cft Rs 579 41 %cn 22,597‐ 4950 cft Rs 5542 24 %cft 2,74,341/‐ 13200 sft Rs 7 00 P/St 92,400/― 13200 sfr Rs 4107 84 %sft ol all matcnal Cn 5,309み aggcgatcs spawl cOal lilnc し υ00し しUulsc ag,cgaic tЬ K 80%lts as pcr lヽ ヽsHTO) Standard sizc '′ 恩 ・ 器 守 細 哩 踊 湘 a「麗 :i: 諸ih蹴 需l誰∫¨血g“饉洲 nceds 4 rrxxc uoar pro\4qmg and spEymg prime coat with l]ledium curing asphalt of grade 50/70 prime coat shallbe penetation useJ 1s of Liters I0O sft. At 70 decree Il / :entigrade rentigrade mixed with adequate quan'tity oil.......... Materials and nethodolo nethodology shall fully comply the tesrs ,itc........ )1c........ as directed by Engineer rf )l 5 kerose kerosene rurruuts l (Lonsolloatect) premlxed arpet in proper chamber i/c grade supp .upplyrng 15 Cft bajri 5 Cft hil sand of quality and grade between of 'pproved ;0/100 penetration i/c mixing in nechanical mixfure in required proporlion 'c heating materials and cleaning the road urface (hill sand Cff for mixiig 3.0 Cft or I desalting (raG i/c of all cost of r mterials T & P and carriage upto 3 chain. 5,42,235/‐ Page 2 of 2 layer P,{. single sin5 of 3cm compacting kness wearing course on the following thir:kness jolk mix formula: Asphalt (60/70 grade) COll tent weight 4.5 Yo of Total mix. llc rc lt ins and finishing etc complete. 1000 sn 0/R %Sft Time limit 60 Day penalty Rs. 2000/- P. Day. % above / below the Sch: ofRate, Plus open rates L^Me hereby quoted Cost of schedule items (i./c quoted premium Rs:. Cost of Offer Rates Rs: To● I Bidん■ount Name of Contractor. Rs: Signature. .Address. Exc島 [豪│:言 J言 :よ :そ Shah〕 'aisal Zonc DMC Kolangi き 蓄 Assistant Executive Engineer, (B&R) Shah Faisal Zone DMC Korangi. ヽ Page 1 Bid Document:- Name of2 S No 01 ofworkF Estimat€ Cost:Bid Securi S o N 1 2%Of TOtal Bid amount Descriptiotr QuaDtity Unit if織 鴛Fth shavel in ordinary soil. Cartage of 100 cffl5 tol-of 3 P L basc cOursc aggregatc CBR 80%its 3900 cft Rs 1361 25 %OCft 5309だ 4900 cn Rs 579 41 %cft 28.391/― 4950 cn Rs 5542 24 %ct 2,74,341/‐ 13200 sft Rs 700 P/Sft 92,400/― 13200 sft Rs 4107 84 %s住 all material likes on aggregates spawl coal lime as per (AASHTO) Standard size jpecification i/c compesting to required Jensity by approved mechanical means iVibrating ruler, Road packer & smooth roller) i/c watedng with all needs 'vheel and lin 「 ‖ 鷺躍馳 路酬 T認 ri0l70 p coat shall penehation Il :『 I‖ me / Anlount rRsヽ 2 4 Rrte : be used ,rs 0f Lirers 100 sff. Ar 70 decree L entigrade mixed with adequale quanriry L'f kerosene oi1.......... Materials and rnethodology shall ftlly comply the tests ‐ tc........ as directed by 々υ 'roviding l" Engineer lconsolidaGd; premixed s 滞 舞 bcⅢ h#田 ∬ 111興 讐 『 :結radc pprOvcd qual,and a ‘ ccn of r L s i n latcrlals T&P and to 3 chain. 5,4223″ ‐ Page 2 of 2 P′ L sn thich,s飩 job mx 溜 蠅 醐 contentt wciま t45%of TOtal miX rollin and inishlng ctC CO型 里堕 i/C te _ 2000 Sfl 0′ R %Sft Tirne limit 60 Day penalty Rs. 20001 P Day' rates % above / below the Sch: ofRate, Plus oPen V\Ve herebY quoted C(,st of schedule items (i/J quoted premium Rs: Rs: Cost of Offer Rates Total Bid Amount... Name of COntraCtOr Rs: Signature. l.d&ess. Exc`utlvc Enま nccr,(C市 lll sllah Falsal ZOnc DMC KIIan3 Assistant Executive Engineer, @&R) Shah Faisal Zone DMC Korangi Pagc l of2 ´ 一 、 ¨ (:::)) S No 04 Bid Doc ment:- Name o.r: workt Patch Reortu ofRoads in UC' No-4 Shah Faisat Zone DMC Korand Estimate Cost:- Rs. 9.36.tE0/- + O/R Cost ofBidditrs Documert Rs. 2000/- Bid SeCuHtv 20/0 0r Iotal Bid amount 。 S N Quatrtity Description Earth work excavation undressed lead up to a single tkow of Kasi Phawarah or -L^-.1 l- ^.,iin,ru $il 1 需蜘 2 P・ 3 l錮 咄la駆 1.体 。 CBR Rate Ullt Amount (Rs) 3900 Ct Rs 1361 25 %OCft 5,309/‐ 3900C' Rs 579 41 %cft 22,597′ ― 4950 cft Rs 5542 24 %cft 13200 sl Rs 700 80%its ■ψ ``'P 2,74,341/― 4 ― y乱 ∞ ° な こげ 総 ∫ 1響 考 ‖ ′ Incllargc P/Si 92,400生 5 13200sftl Rs 410784 1%S' 5,42,235た PaEe 2 of 2 6 P7L dnJe¬ ayCr Of 3cm conlpaclng tlllttncsξ wcaing cOuISC On the fonOwig 鵬 静還馴町翔Ψ{∬ゝ雷呪 rolliltt alld illlshinttlC l'ime limit 60 DaY Penalty Rs 2000′ ‐P 1020 sft 0/R 96 Sft Day %abOVC/bClow thC Schi ofRate,Plus open rates IruVe hereby quoted (,ost Of SChcdulc items ost ofOfFcr Ratcs Rs: Rs: otal Bid Amaュ i Rs:__ _ (プ (〕 「 C quOtCd PIcmium \ame of Contractor' _ Signature. Ad&ess. Exc派 学砦幾マ雨戸 shall Faisd Zonc DMC卜おrangi AssistantExecutive Engineer, (B&R) Shah Faisal Zone DMC Korangi Page CIVIL INEEI I of2 ④ FAISAL DISRCT 14UNICIPAL CORPORAT10N(KORANGI). Bid Document:‐ S No 07 Na■ le of work:‐ Patch Rellair of Roadsin UC、 No‐ 7 Shah Faisal Zone DMC ICorallgi Esilmate Cost:‐ Rs 9,38.490/+(ン R Cost of Biddillg Documellt Rs 2000/_ Bid Securitv 2%of Total Bid amount DescriptioE Larth work excavation undressed lead up n) a single throw of Kasi Phawamh or s havel in ordinary soil. (lartage of 100 cft/5 ton of all material l:kes on aggregates spawl coal lime etc complete LIL base course aggregate CBR 80 % its as per (AASHTO) StaDdard 4125 cft Rs 1361 25 4125 cft Rs 579 41 4950 cft Rs 5542 24 5,615/― size specification i/c compesting to rcquired denoity by approyEd moohoniool moans (Vibrating ruler, Road packer & smooth v.,heel roller) i/c wlatering with all needs alld lifr com 2,74,341/‐ I'rime coat providing and spraying prime coat with medium curilg asphalt of gade 60/70 prinie coat shall be penetration used as of Liters 100 sft. At 70 degree centigrade mixed with adequate quandry cf kerosene oiI.......... Matedals and ethodology shall tully comply the tests ll / etc........ as directed by Engineer 13200 sft Rs 700 13200 slt Rs 4107 84 I'roviding 1" (Consolidated) Prcmixed carpet in proper chamber i/c grade supplying 15 Cff bajri 5 Cft hill sand of approved quality and grade between of [0/100 penetration i/c mixing in r rechanical mixfure ilr required proportion ib heating materials and cleaning the road surface (hill sand 3 Cft for mixing 3.0 Cft lor desalring (rate r]aterialsT&Pand i/c oI all cos! oI 3 chain. %sft 5,42,235/‐ Page 2 of 2 P′ 3cm cclmpactlng L sine mcssヽ Vearillg course on the fo■ oW■ ng llliccncss … fo.,.lllla:Aspllalt(60/70 gadc) iOb mlx mlX ent weight 4 5%of TOtal mix νC con,ent roll ng and lnishing ct complcte_ 1000 sft 0/R CO S■ Rs. 2000/- P. Day Iime limit 60 Day penalty % above / below the Sch: ofRate, Plus open lates' ルヽVc hercby quotcd Cost of schedule items (i/c quoted prcmium Rsi RsI Cost of Offer Rates Total Did Amount ,, も : .... Signature Name of Contractor. Addrcss 事 ご ll Excculivc Enginccr,(Cl■ ■ shah l alsal ZollC DlvIIC Korangi 一 Assヽ ●nl ExeclltlVC En」 nccr,(BaRl Sllah Faisal Zonc DヽlC ICorangi Page 1of2 DISTRICr MUNICIPAL CORPORAT10N(KORANGI). Bid Documelt:- Nirme of work- Patch Repair ofRoads in flc. No-6 Shah Faisal timate Costt 8ri9,39.02El- + O/R Cost of Biddipe Docum€nt Rs. 2000/Bid Securitv 27o ofTotal Bid amoutrt. s. No. 1. 2. Zone DMC Koransi. . Es S No 06 DescriptioD QuaDtity Earth work excavation unalressed lead up to a single tkow of Kasi Phawarah or shavel in ordinary soil. Cartage of 100 afv5 ton of all material Rate Unit AmouDt (Rs) 4200 cfl Rs 1361 25 %。 Cft 5,1t71- 4200 ct Rs 579 41 V. cft 24.335/‐ 4950 cft Rs 5542 24 Yo cft 2,74,34]/- 92.400/‐ likes on aggregates spawl coal lime 3. svstem etc comDlete P1L base course aggregate CBR 80 % its (AASHTO) Standard size es per specification c compesting to required density by appoved mechanical means (Vibrating ruler, Road packer & smooth wheel roller) i/c watering v.ith all needs and 4. lift completed. Prime coat providing and spraying prime coat with medium curing asphalt of gade 60/70 prirne coat shall be penetration used / as of 1l Liters 100 sft. At 70 degee oentigrade mixed witl adequate quantity of kerosene oiI.......... Materials methodology shall fully comply fte etc........ as directed by 5. Providing and tests Engineer 13200 sft Rs 700 P/Sft 13200 sft Rs 4107 84 %sft l" (Consolidated) Premixed .arp€t in proper chamber i/c gade supplying 15 Cft bajri 5 CA hill sand of approled quality and grade between of 80/100 penetration mixing in mechanical mixture in required propodion i/c r/c heating materials and cleaning the road (hill sand 3 Cft for mixing 3.0 Cft lor desahing (rate i/c oI all cosl of materials T & P and carriase uDto 3 chain. surface Page 2 of 2 P′ L singlc laycr of 3cm compacting tllicb lCSS WCahng couse on tlle fo■ owing job r ix fomlula:Asphalt(60/70 gradc) conte 1■ wcight 4 5 % of TOtal mix 1/C lollin g and rlllislllng etc COmplcte_ 1000 sft 0/R %S■ Time limit 60 Day penalty Rs.2000/- P. Day' yo above / IWc hcrcby quo"d (ost of SChCdulo itcms Rs: lbtal Bid Anlount Rs 1,alnc of COntractoI ヽ″ … … …… …… … … … … Signahre. Address. 欧c話 続 Shah Fθ isal Zonc DMC KOrang ヽシ Rs:… (/C quCltCd prcmiuln ('ost OfOffcr Ratcs below the Sch: ofRate, Plus open rates' Assistant Executive Engineer, (B&R) Shah Faisal Zone DMC Korangi. Pagc 1 0f2 Ilid Documenti S No 05 Name ofwOrk卜 Patch Repair of Roadsin tlc,N05 Shah Faisal ZOne DMC Korallgl f stimate Cosf:Bid Securi"20/。 Of TOtal Bid amOunt S o N Descriptiotr Quatrtity 1 静T品踊脚Ψ遇∬ 翻:t脚 w 2 しartagc Oi loo c″ 5 toll of a1l matchal shavel in ordinary sOil Rate Ullit Amoutrt (R$ Ct 3900 cft Rs 1361 25 %。 3900 cft Rs 579 41 %cft 4950 cn Rs 5542 24 %cft 2,74,341/‐ Sn 92,400/― 5,309/― likcs on agェ cgatcs spawi cOal limc syslcnl ctc cOmDlete 3 r/L oase course aggegate as per 4 5 22,597′ ‐ CBR E0 % its (AASHTO) Standard size specification i/c compestinq to reouired density by approved meclranical means (Vibrating ruler, Road packer & smooth wheel roller) i/c watering with all needs and lift completed. rnme coat provrdmg and spraying pdme coat with medium curing asphalt of grade 60 70 prime coat shall be peneralion useo as of 11 Lirers ' 100 sft. Ar 70 degree centigrade mixed with adequate quantity of kerosene oil.......... Mut".iul" "nd methodology shall fully comply the tests 31c........ as directed by Engineer rrcvromg l (Uolsohdated) premixed rarpet in proper chamber i/c L.rade iupplying 15 CR bajri 5 Cfl hilt sa;d of rpproved qualiry and grade berween o[ 10/100 penetration 7c mixing in 13200 sfl Rs 7 00 13200 sFl Rs 4107 84 ツ nechanical mixture in required proportion /c heating mateials and cleaning the road (hill sand 3 Cft for mixing 3.0 Cft desalting (rate i/c of all cost of naterials T & P and cariage uDto 3 chain. rurface br %sft 5,42,235/‐ Page 2 ot 2 of PiL single layer 3cm compacting thickness wearing course on the following job mix formula: Asphalt (60/?0 grade) cr ntent weighl 4.5 o/o of Total mix. i/c rollins and finishine etc c Time limit 60 Day penalty Rs. 2000/- P. Day. % above /below the Sch: ofRate, Plus open mtes. LtVe hereby quoted Cost of schedule items (i/c quoted premium Rs: Cost of Offer Rates Rs: Total Bill Alnount¨ Name ofConEacior. Rs: Signature. Address. Sllah Falsal Zonc Assistant Executive Engineer, (B&R) Shah Faisal Zone DMC Korangi DMC Korangi. Excα ‐ Iiid DocuhenhNam€ S No 08 ofwork:- bin UC No_l shah F」 sal ZOne DM Istlmate COst:_ Bid Securi" S恥 1 p奎 ギ Descriptiotr 迎 」」[』 │工』 g」 2ocument Rs 20001_ Rate Unit R00● fl Rs 3176 25 %OC, 1060 cn Rs 9416 28 %cft Quantity tttlel:‖ ち 」 慇 比 帯挙refilling *itf,認』 i AmouDt (Rs) dressing ut watering and ramming lead"r"n "urtfl up to 5 feet iil6niliiliG 2 Cement concrete 3 ceiinii6iiilii6El/"繁 よ電肥lmttatT驚 1:b:l"』f -1礼 briil 8 Reinforc"meni 2.541/‐ 99,813/― Clス 柵 ∬T鷺 :鶴 計 c:路 ∬ ∫ iC鶴 │ respects 1;2;4 4 IIsing tor bars. 5 P/Cfl 48 57 cwt Rs 5001 70 P/cwt 2,42,933/‐ up t0 0nc chttn ht up tO s Fect 3000 Cft Rs 3630 00 ‰ cft 10890た 1吻 900cn Rs 5377 63 %cn 48.399/_ 1200s, Rs 3275 50 %sn 39,306/‐ :l柵 Ⅷ甜 市 Cご 電 晶 」 ]胤 陽 )¨ ding and laying tOpping ccmcnt 1よ 7 Rs 337 00 1:lg淵 響、 鶴Ё #。 1 製c慇織 旦」C)に ad ` 1088 cn Itabrication of mild steel reinforcernent for lt』 Pro宙 :胤 alⅧ 卿 11“Л8∝ 3,66.65α ― i“ a)A''dlick PaEe 2 of 2 Cement plasters (52/11 ,ろ up to 20 Fcct hcight "tlllck Rs 2283 93 Colour washing (54125) a Two coat Rs 859 90 Time limit 60 Daypenalty Rs. 2000/- P. Day. L{Ve hereby quoted o% above / below the Sch: ofRate, Plus open mies. Cost of schedule items (Vc quoted preniium Rs: Cost ofOFfcr Rates Tolal Bid Amount 應 : Rs: Name of Contractor. Signature. Address. - \\\.s......- Exeoutive Enginecr, (Civil) Shalr Faisal Zone DMC Korangi. Assistant Executive Engineer, (B&R) Shah Faisal Zone DMC Korangi. ノ 逢名 Page lBid Document:- I of2 S No 09 l{ame ofworkF Estlmate COst_骨 :│::〕 ::`:4:δ .7■ Bid Securi6 「 =■ ■,■ =■ o S N Description C° st Of Bidding Document Rs 20007 Quatrtity Rate Ulllt 時 ヽ 鵠lcl器驚』 ち 慇‖:: :挙 dressing refilling with excavatei eartt watering and ramDing lead up to 5 feet a) In ordinary soil 3 Cement concrele U.ict oi srone butt*-rs 1 5to 2" Ratio 1;4;8 Reinforcement ce-ent con..ete *o.k irc 800 cft Rs 3176 25 %。 Cn 2541/― 1060 cft Rs 9416 28 %cFt 99813だ 1088 cft Rs 337 00 P/Cn 3,66,656/― 4857c、vt Rs 5001 70 P/c、 vt 2,42,933/― 3000C, Rs 3630 00 ‰ cn 10,890/_ 900cft Rs 5377 63 %cn 48399´ 1200 sn Rs 3275 50 %s, 39,30α ― 誰∬ 電認淵鷹J∬ 壕1認 “ ∫ 貼 :撫 IsTtts滞 吼ξ 撃 1∫ lⅡ 楡 翼猾 猛 滞槙∬撃誂:庶 撫 ncllpllよ T樹 ts l:2:4 4 Alllount FabHcat10,Ofmid stcd“ hhanm資 “ Using tor bars. 5 認 臨臨麗需繭面輛 lift side ) lead up to one chain 6 7 ■溜v甘 1鮨 up to 5 feet. 訛1よlilT脳 男3r Ca」 ar Of ボ :b宙 ding and htt toppng ccmcnt 1響 ξ tta三 七 綿 胤 13“引8∝ i鴨 lal A''allck 1畠 Page 2 of 2 8 9 87],薦 Colour washing (54125) 2720 sft Rs 2283 93 %st 62,123/‐ 2720 sft Rs 859 90 %st 23,389/‐ TImc limit 60 Day penalty Rs 2000/_P Day l Me hereby quoted % above / below the Sch: of Rate, plus open rates. Cost of schedule items (rc quoted premium RsI Cost of Offer Rates Rs: Total Bid Amount... Name OfcOntractOr Rs: Signature. Addrcss E13:赫 Sh ih Faisal zOnc DMC Korangi 柵 織:胸:I!VC h」 DMc Korangi nea,① &尉 6) Page l oF2 lSid Document:- Name S No 10 ofworki Esumate cos“ _発 聖 早 ≒ ァ Bid 濯Securi∼ 塾 Ш =T==」 SM一 . Descriptiotr ttd“ 聖 Docume■ Rs 200α _ QuaEdry Rate Unit 800 cn Rs 3176 25 %oCn 014β ・ Kemlorceme cement concrete work i/c … all labor and material except the cost of sleel reinforcement and its labor for bending and binding which will paid separaEly this rate also Vc all kinds of forms moulds lifting shunering curing rendering tincluding screening and washing ofshingle) a) R.C.C work in roof sldl.r. lrcams columns raft, llntels and otler strucfure members laid in sifu or pre cast laid in situ or positio[ compleie in all 1060 cn Rs 9416 28 %cn respects 1;2;4 1088 cn Rs 337 00 P“Oft D^savarron In rounqatron ot tsuildinr AmouDt (Rs) bridges and o0ler strucrure i/c dasbellini dressing refilling *irI excaratei eani watering and mmming lead up to 5 feet a) In ordinary soil 2 V 3 4 ししlilじ HI ConCre[c oncК Or stOnc ballasts ° 『 llm品町ldttd漁 期ltぱ 樹 」 W鷺 譜 増 2,541/― 99,813/― 3,66,65α ‐ 1。 5 6 鰍脚 『 4857c、 型 1 Rs 5001 70 ″ cwi 2,42,933/― floors with new earth(excavated ftom out side ) lead up to one chain lift uD to 5 feet. 3000 Cft Rs 3630 00 %O cft 10,890/― 900clt Rs 5377 63 %cft 48,39γ ― 1200 sft Rs 3275 50 %sn 39,306/‐ rlllrng, watenng and ramming earth in ltョ溜 「 謂 T需 :冤 1盤 y:i 1:‖ surfacc lald in cOursc yc camagc Of mateHals cllain ctc(3223) 7 rrOvlding and laying tOpping ccmcnt ooncrctc ooncrctc (1:2i4) includig surfacc anishlng and di宙 ding intO pancl142/16) (OA''thick… … … … … Page 2 0of 2 酬 朋 2フ 20 st Rs 2283 93 %sft 62,123た Rs 859 90 %sn 23,389/― ′ (a)TIVO coat 2720 sfl Time limit 60 Day penalty Rs. 2000/_ p. Day. L,!Ve hereby qugted % above / below the Sch: ofRate, plus open rates. Cost of schedule items (i/c quoted premium Rs: CostofOfferRates Rs: Total Bid Anlount¨ Name of Contactor. Sigrature. Address. Executlvc Enginccr, (Ci宙 1) Shilll Faisal ZOnc D卜 IC Korangi ぶ∬搬 :i雪 :I:VC En」 DNIC IcOlangi nccL C&Rl Page llid Docuhent:I{ame S No ll ofworkr 0“ llstimate Cost! ost Bid SccuH● 20/O ofTotal Bid amount Excavarion in Rate Quatrtity Ullit n Descdption of u 。m m A Sヽ I. I of2 forndarion ot' Britaing bridges and orher srrucrure i/c dagbelling dressing refilling with excavaled earlh watedng and raoming lead up to 5 feet a) In ordinary soil しemcnt cOncretc bnck OI stOne ballasts z- = __1 5to2"gaugc ф)Ratlo l`謁 0 800c命 Rヽ 317625 ‰ Cft 2,541/― 1060 ca Rs 9416 28 %cn 99,813だ 1088 cft Rs 337 00 PICft 3,66,656だ Using tor bars. 48 57 cwt Rs 5001 70 P7c■ Filling, watering and .amming iarth in floors with new earth(excavated fiom out side ) Iead up to one chain lift uo ro 5 feer 242933/ 3000C■ Rs 3630 00 ‰ 900cft Rs 5377 63 %c, 48,399/‐ 1200 sfl Rs 3275 50 %s, 39,30α ‐ Kernlorcement cement concrete work i/c all labor and material except ihe cost of steel reinforcemenl and its labor for bending and binding which will paid separarely this rale also i/c all kinds of forms moulds lifting shutrering curing rendering lincluding screening and washing of shingle) a) R.C.C work in roof colunm5ldn, li[lels dd ulhet structure members laid in siru or pre cast laid in situ or position complete in all Elab. boams 4 respects 1;2;4 t aDncaflon ot mlld steel teinforcement for cement concrete i/c cutting, bending, in position makiDg joints and fastening i/c cost of binding wire (also includes removal of rust ftom bars) B laying 5 @ 0 sub-base with hammer dressed slone surface laid in course i/c rrovrdrng and laylng topping cement concrete (It2:4) including 10,890/‐ on carriage of materials chain etc.(32123) ′ cn surface finishing and dividing into panet(42116) (a) A" rhick .................. ― ―― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― __― ― ― __― ― … ― … … … … … ______― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ¨ ¨ … … … … ― _____― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― Page 2 of 2 8 9 0“ , VV● o■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ・ り│′ Z」 じ、 2720 sft Rs 2283 93 %sn 62,123/― 2720 st Rs 859 90 %st 23,389/― ′ la)nvo coat Time limit 60 Day penalty Rs. 2000/- p. Day. L I/e hereby quoted oZ above / below the Sch: ofRate, plus open rates. Cost oFschcdulc ltcnls (■ C quOtcd prcmmm ぉ COSt OfOffCr Ratcs Total Bid Amount Name of Contractor. │ Rs Rs: Signature. Address. V Executive Engineer, (Civil) Shrh Faisal Zone DIVIC Korangi. ξ 醤 lYl:湯 呪 Iよ DMC IcOrangi VC Enginccr・ (B&Rl Pagc 1 0f2 Bid DocumeDt:- S No 12 Name ofworkt Co ra ヽ一 Estimate CostF S Description No 口 1 _ Quatrtity 2 一■ ¨ 嚇 5 Rate Unit Ahoutrt (Rs) 800 cft 4 I 6 ー 1088 cft Rs 3176 25 ° oo Cn Rs 9416 28 %cn Rs.337.00 ] P/cft | 2,541/_ 99,813′ t,ea,eset 4857c、 vt Rs 5001 70 P/cwt 3000 cn Rs 3630 0o ‰ c■ 10,890た 900cn Rs 5377 63 %cn 48,397_ 1200 sft Rs 3275 50 %sn 39,306″ 2,42.933/ s s m P 7 υ 5 ^ Pa"2 お 6勺 鋭機 ° TIme limit 60 Day penalサ LAMe hereby quoted Cost of schedule items (i/c quoted premium Rs: Cost of Offer Rates Rs: Total Bid Amount.. Name of Contractor. Address CtkG呻 記 ∬ 蹴∫ 辮 D14c KOrang . Rs 2000た f2 01 2フ 20 sfl Rs 2283 03 %sn 62,123ノ ー 2720 sft Rs 859 90 %sn 23,38ツ _ P Day % above /below the Sch: ofRate, plus open rates. Rs: Signature. 鑑Ⅷ :il,:I」 DMc lcOrallgi VC En」 nccら (B&Rl S N0 16 Nallle Ofwork:_:i営 [:::i」 i]」]::ilii:ififiil:二 」坐二LLヨコ望国LsL`cn Town Estimate Cost:- S Descriptioo No 1 棚 漑 li濡 2 3 Uni Rate Amoutrt (Rs) 照 !L Quantity :::1111嘔 :漱 fflil鷲 In ordirEry soil 郡:ettTttt鍔 憮鉾 800 cn Rs 3176 25 %。 1060 cft Rs 9416 28 %c, ri 2,541た 99,813た rp面 On cttLご `L瑞 4 撤 壮ノ ・ c 1郷:Tttdttet需 1088 cft l ?Ⅷ ・ t y漑 Rs 337 0o P/Cn F 皿出宵 蹴語 蒼 認 ≒ J°fm・ 温五薔St n t V Ы tt br hに F n 5 i s :蹄 6 服轟翼 蹴:]│。1 ポ 300o cFt D Su Su PcM 2,42,933/‐ Rs 3630 0o %。 c, 10,890/_ 質どト ギ 凛l愛 聴尊 r 。 P c価 mi te'j,nls chain etc.(32123 7 Rs 5001 70 gT 串 31瑞肝11ゞ融 4』 900cft Rs 5377 63 %o金 48,399 1200s■ ヽ 327550 %s金 39,306 あ Cerfient plaGrs 1`up to 20 Fcet hdgllt 5211)zl tllick Fd器 総lM Rs 859 90 Timc limit 60 Day pcnaiυ L 蹂 200α _P Day e hereby quoted Total Bid Amount... ヽk 聴 Cost of schedule items (i/c quorcd premium Cost qfOffer Rates Rs 2283 93 % above / below the Sch: ofRate, plus open rates. Namc OFCOntractOr ‐ Address Slah Faisal zOnc Dlllc KOrangi Signature. VC EnginccI,lB&尉 ξ 滉 11lli雪 :薯 DMc lcOrangi Bid Docum€nt:. Name S No 13 olwork:- Co … Estimate COst:_:l:│:::::ilF;3ァ Bid Securl" ニ =Fl===11,=r=妥 ︲ SM一 Description Quantity F,.*,rr,;Fr^.=[_-uu=。 1 bndg::II:品 c業 :‐ “ DOcument Rs 200o′ _ 。 』 ♀1聖 旦 」亜 聖 Ratc Unit Amoutrt 0Ш Ю ng (Rs) sn Ю mhg器 1蠍 r棚 “ 2 一 3 800 cft Rs 3176 25 ‰ Cft 1060 cn Rs 9416 28 %cfl 2,541/‐ 99,813/― C槙 淵 ∬撃鴇齢Pc乳抵 ξ T需 4 ――‐――‐―‐‐ツ‐● ,… `● o● ■■■■ ,111■ 01し ] ﹃ ¨ ¨ 5 6 7 1088 cft Rs 337 00 4857c、 vt Rs 5001 70 Pc■ 2,42,933/‐ 300o cFt Rs 3630 0o %。 cft 10,890/_ 900cft Rs 5377 63 %ct 48,39ツ ‐ 1200s■ Rs 3275 50 %sn 39,306/― じIIICnI IOr P/Cft ) 3,66,656/_ ° il脇 liⅢ litti鮮 C° l?l・ ヤ 芽 総11「Pttm Washhg(54725) Rs 859 9o TImc limit 60 Day pcnalり Rs 2000た tr e hereby quoted o/o Cost ofschedule items (i/c quoted premiun Rs: Cost ofOffer Rates Rs: Total Bid Amount Nanlc OFCOntractOr P Day Rs: _ above / below the Sch: ofRate, plus open rates. … … Signature. Address 3甜 D〕 Ⅵ et cM)一 吼 諺精 C KOrangi sharlatiz:‖ :VC EnJnccr,lB&R) DMC IcOrangi S N0 14 Name ofwork:- Estimate Cost:- Cost Bidding Do ¨ S o N Description 誡拠基lttIT』裾靴 I導話 猥 選聴嘘l計‖ 800 cft Rs 3176 25 1060 cft Rs 9416 28 ゴ ∬盤Fi:鶴 準 翌 町Td■ に 〒蕊 li毀 :Ψ 珊轟ぶ _摯 r"品 f嚇 離'L° 謝 ∝ 漑′ dttCWⅧ 椰1卦鍔 1檄 l]sing tor:│∬ bats_ 1088 cn 借 Rs 337 0o P Cn 3,66,65α L レ ‖ 聾 IF濡: l鵠 綱蕊需蕊聴 Rs 5001 70 2,42,933た i 聴尊 :投 げrttd勇 理 haterials chain etc.(32123 g8:羅 鴨ppng∝ mm t° I:拌 1出 rl肝 葛 現 ⅢⅢ覇 』 Rs 53フ 763 I]“ Rs 3275 50 39,30α _ 8 一 , age 2 oF 2 お 慌樵 rL勺 2720s■ Rs 2283 91 %s, 62,123/‐ 2720 sft Rs 859 9o %st 23,38ツ _ Time limit 60 Day penalty Rs. 2000/_ p. Day. YWe hereby quoted Cost of schedule items (7c quoted premium Rs: Cost ofOffer Rates Rs: Total Bid Amount... Name of Contlactor. % above /below the Sch: ofRate, plus open rates. Rs: Signaturc. Address. 熱 ζ 濫視IL;塊 精 Cち D]IIc KOran」 ‐ 一 (C市 iり sha:iail』 1』::!VC Engincer・ DSIc KOmngi fll&Rl Bid Documetrt:- S No 15 Name ofworkr Estimate Cost:- ‐ Cost Of ¨ S No QuaEtity Rate Unit 1 _fRs) 2 一 ■ К 珈 薇 4 ‐ 5 6 ●● ',,ビ o■ o、J hamlmcr S n , 1 c C 一 1 t di¨ 宙 P Ю Щ n 7 Anloullt 8000■ Rs 3176 21 %。 1060 cn R 94162R %cft s cn 2,541/_ 99,813ム 1088 cft Rs 337 00 p″ ‐, 4857c、 vt Rs 5001 70 PIclル■ 300o ci Rs 3630 0o ‰ 900cn Rs 5377 63 %cn 48,399/_ 1200 sn Rs 3275 50 %s, 39,306/_ 魁盤盤T響 i/c cardagc Of ci 3,66,656/ 2,42,933′ 10,890た 8 4 up● 20た 糊T歩 精 ■ … Page 2 O llclgllt 9 CdOur washn。 ィ 、 ラ 歳■ =… oT.。 :3昴 2720 sft 2720 sFl Rs.2283.93 _ Rs 859 9o Timc Lmit60 Day pcnal,Rs 200o7_P Day I/We hereby quoted of2 %sft 62,123た %sn 23,389た %abOve/be10w thc schi ofRalc,Plus Opcn ratcs COst oFschcdulc itcms 漁麗 F::』 冊LF億 : Tolal Bid AInount Name of Contractor. Signature. Address. 5げ ζ ttI層 薫 Ⅲ DMc KOrang V Asi概 En」 ヽ 0&聡 “ 豚 “ “ DMc KOmngi Pagc l ofl 7呻 興 鴨 器 麗 罫 製 岬 製 ユ ① 27o EartrestMotrey: ヽ :9,96.830′ ‐ 2●/O QuOted Amount Tender Cost: Penalry Per d3y: Time Limit: Rs:2,000″ 01 Montll Estimate Costl o S N : Reoai Moi tenonce ofDiffercfit Parks レ Description 1 Disnontling cement concrete plain l;2;4 2 f*cavatio" 3 4 5 笏 ″′2ZC I Sllα ″ル 磁 ′ ル‐ Quatrtity “ Uit Rate Amount (Rs) Rs 3327 50 %C金 13,377/‐ 6000 cft Rs 3176 25 ‰ Cft 19058/― 1800 cn Rs 9416 28 %cft 1,69,493だ 5000 cft Rs 14429 25 %cft 7,21,463/― 2350 cft Rs 3127 41 %Ct 73,494/― 402 cft foundation of Building and other structure i/c dagbelling in dressing refilling with excavated earth watering and ramming lead up to 5 feet a) In ordinary soil Cement concrete brick or stone ballasts 1.5 tr 2" qauqe (b). Ratio 1;4;8 Cernerrt concret" plain including placing comzcting finishing and cudng complete (including searching and washing of stone Agg.egate) without shuttering (18/5) Rati r l:2:4 Exar:tion of temoval of cente ng of RCC for llain cement concurrent work ofportal wood venical. LA ,A.nd S No 01 Rs:2,000- e hereby quoted the Total Amount for iteds on Open Rate Rs: of the Contractol ol"o ,hull una"rhk" to abide by prescribed terms and condition Contractor Sigllatur€ Address V 師認喜器淵裁 m」 Asslstallt Dircctor lPalkS) D M C Korangl Page DISTRICT ⅣIUNICIPAL CORPORAT10N(KORANGI)KARACⅡ I ofl I. SHAH FAISAL ZONE. C) Rs:9,96,8897‐ Estimate Cost: 20 Earnest Motrq: Terlder Cost: Penalty Per day: 'l ime Limit: 2%Qucted Amount S No 02 Rs:2,000′ ‐ RS:2,000た 01 Montll Subject:Z″ ″ り,θ″ ′OFBο ″″″αrl・ ″″ ″ Fθ ο′Farr Crο″″″ & o N DescriptioD 2 Earth work excavation in foundation of buildiogs. Exca\ atiofl in foundation of Building bridgcs and other structue i,lc dagbelling dressing refilling with excavated earth waterng and ramming lead up to 5 feet a) In ordinary soil Cement concrete brick or stone ballasts 1.5 to 2" sause (b). Ratio 1;4:8 Providing & laying l:3:6 cement concrete solid >lock masonry wall 6" and below in thickr ess set in L6 cement sand mortar in gound floor super structue including Iakintl out joints and curing etc. complete more than 6" think (22123) 5 Rs l134 38 %C, 320 Cft Rs 5445 00 %。 cn 600 cn Rs 3176 25 ‰ Cn 200 cft Rs 9416 28 %cn 18,833/― 500 Cn Rs 15771 08 %cn 78,855/― Rs 2283 93 %Cn 68,518/― Cemc lt plastcrs l:4 up to 20 fcct hcigllt 3000 Sft 7 (58/1) 1/2''tllick S/Spreading Ordinary earth ftom approved out side soulce laid in layers of free 6 om organic matters. Boring 100 ft deep with PVC pipe 4" dia for core & 2" dia for suction ofwater with app; HP electric motor pump pump of speciiication i/c construction Roon of5'x5'x5'i/c %" thickness cement plaster & 2 coats Painting as per direction of En :ineer incharqe 23731 cfl I n e herehy quoted the 0′ R 30 1,792/― 17.42″ ‐ 817/‐ cn 7,11,930/― Each 1,00,000/― P′ of 2 V Amount 158 Cn 6 8 Unit (Rs) Dismrmtling cement Block masonry etc. 4 r sIIα ヵFαrsarZ。 ″ι c,,Vο ― Rate Quantity 1 3 "υ "И “ “ l No ORl,00,000/‐ Total Amount for items on Open Rate Rs: And also shall undertake to abide byprescribed terms and condition ofthe Conkactor' Contractor Signature Address Shall Falsal Zorc D M C Korangl Assistant Director (Parks) D.M.C Korangi ︲ D一 .´ Page 1 COR N SIAH FAISAL ZoNE Esdmate COst: of2 C) Rs:9,99,168た :靴 R「:なlYOney: 2%Quoted Amount Rs:2,Ooo/ S NO o3 コも:2,00o/ :il」 lilliday: 01 MOntll SIbi SNO RATE 8 爾 Quanrity 1 2 Fttll・ 125 cn Oよ ー 3 4 謬哺薦 郷讐 鍔塊』 F,7 堕 Aル louNT 1,418/‐ 22000■ 里⊆25 ‰ cn 1300 cn 941628 %ct 1050 cn 1442925 %cn 210o st 312741 %sn 2,995´ 122412た 0∫ shuttcn■ (18ん )RatiO i殿 離 1鳳 Tc響 』 :∫ 闘碍。 I 6 1,51,507 65,676た 鞣腸i菰師鐵 ■Ortar 7 oF l:4 犠F雛 たり露路 締 ∬雷 130 rn 297 01 P rn 38,6,114 1。 需lm語雲 沌 鶯 獅ギ こ R 麗糖:wi¨ har』 器 c灘 lbnCanclnofMiustcclК cnfOrccmcnt i■ lTTitlrCtCttCY摯 216 cn 4 Pct 72,792た hg,benan3 “ 樫 9 ‐ 嘔 !鍼 蝦拌 11 12 蘇 : :噌 農 :品 10 』 [棚 d lM藁 1:1。 Pc、 vt 4000 sn 327550 %sft 1460 sn 228393 %si 38.563た 1縞 叩o¨ tlll中 “ lIEF「 1,F「 5001 70 。 l plas昧 「 )i:iEI再 771c、 vt 屁 ギ 1ま:普 争 」 I温 星 品 臨 rd硫 弓 600 sa 11 2600 sft 呻 60225 %S, %sn 1,31,02α L ___33,345/‐ 6.085た 15,659た Page 2 of 2 半郡 品 田∬棚脚 hЮ Ctd″ ふ籠 述饉Tal畷 乳l寵 認 胤 ∬ Pl鷺 厭可 Pcn 35/‐ 1lIК :ξ CCr in char _ 30/‐ 需T謂 脳糖 よ 聾FTf鰍 oo*", up tt* ンcft ― lii"".:ft"' ^o.J i鵠 1 舞 爛蕊誦潔誦 1554 sn WTT面説輛藤 1875 cft 靱 惣Im恵 題 槻鰍 臨 計 Jttgぷ ln charge etc. IS、 hcrcby 15/‐ P/cn 100/ ツsft 奪 quOtcd dF Total Amclllnt fOrilcnls On Opcn Ratc Rs And alsO shall undcrtakc 10 abidc by prcscibcd tcnns and cOndition OFthc cOntractOr ContractOr sittaturc Addrcss 鋤 a占 冊帰舗記mn」 / Assili↓ :疑 :llrarkS) Page ORPORATION ORAN, SHAII FAISAL ZONE. Estimatr Cost: Rs:9,98256/ 2oZ Errnest Motrey: 2%Quoted Amount Tetrder Cost: Rs:2,000´ Rも :2,00o/ 01 MOllth P€nrlty Per doy: Time Lirmit: 2 1一 SNO 2200 Cft 1300 cn 5 6 7 Reinforcement Cement co"crA" wo* /c all labor (a) RCC work in roof slab. irearn column rafts and other sEucfur; rnembeE laid in situ or pre cast laid in l)osition complete in all respect. (i) Ratio lr2:4 8 liabrlca10n OfMild stccl rc cnfOrccmcnt AMOUNT 2''dlick ∞ "り 柵 I聖:宣 r■ 叩 f墨 翌 8盤J:∬ 8R祗 4中 :° :姜 磁 ]lillξ :° :ll譜 136125 o/o %。 cfr. cft 941628 %ct 1,418た 2,995/‐ 1,22,412た 1050 Cn 1442925 %cft 1,51,507だ 2100s■ 312741 %s, 65,676/‐ p/rft 38,611た \10 fil 297.0t 200 cft 7.5 9 12 RATE 125C, I134.3E 4 11 S No 04 Quantity 3 10 I of2 337た cwt 5001 70 4000 sft 327550 1460 Sft 228393 600 Sn P/cft 67,400 νc、 vi 37,513/‐ 0。 sft 1,31,020/― %sn 33,345/― 101414 %s■ 6,085た Ъ ∫ :1111 2600 st 60225 %sft 15,6597_ Pagc 2 oF2 12A 幽印 翻 需 榊鮮 脚 群1榊 赫 yt∬ 悧慧 13 attV wit『 … r/」 22397 準 Officer in cha 14 2650 Cn ]5/ 2300 cft 3α ‐ ンsn 23,695 P/cn 92,750/― P cft 69,00o/_ 15/‐ ンcft 23.400た lo∩ n′ヽ, 45/― P/Cft 85,500 300 sft 100た ン s金 30 00oL lf]11』 ITttilll,Pl鷺 鳳可 concemi:d Officer in 15 認 」 出 :∬酬ξ 調 す 器 o.*,t up dお more then :*i".:*. 16 17 3 ittISΨ 蠍 電 器rttdピ l胤:gl: 選盤1酬 Tt譜l:lttT' 濡守1羅坪TT誦露 ′ 1躍 i夢 ∴[X詣ぶξ臨 写 In 1560s, )圧 Ilngineer I /yve hereby quoted the Total Arnount for items on Open Rate Rs: And alsO shall undenkc tO abidc by prcsc五 bcd tclllls and conditiOn Of alc colltractOr Conhactor Signatue ‐ Address Dq,uty Director @arks) laisal Zone D.M.C Koraagi Shah Assistant Director (parks) D.M.C Korangi PagC l oF2 DIs SHAH F41R:9,98,972た 「凛iド ney 雀認 N … 2%Quoted Amount Rs:2,ooo/ Rs:2,00o/ :ilTlll:lday: S NO o5 01 MOnth SN0 コ 2 一 ■ 1 売 面品蔽高耐薦i 選十 Cem"nt ーcoriiFEi"-l on stOnc ballast 拙 15t02'' 1,4,8 200 cn 漁 慧憮 留 露 6 %ct 堕 2200c■ 塾■≧ ‰ cn 1300 cn 941628 蜃 五篇 榔讐01Ψ 玉 5 RATE ntl″ %cft 1100 Cft 1442925 %cn 2200s■ 312741 話 JIttI場 。 1 ▲ 、fnIT、T 2,26%_ 2,995/‐ 1,22,412た 1,58、 722/‐ n」 網織 椰 Ψ軍叩 れ 「 %s■ __18,803た :!ボ 獄 、 肥:fil藷 1 どこ ■Ortar Of l: 7 ピ 燿 記 110 rn 29701 ッ綸 32.671′ ッcn 67,40oL itiliiI争 q翌 17。 f slab, 1昴 I∬ I習 TttLi嗜 1 01望 脳 !出臆 珊 『 1“ h tt is品 ] 8 1玲躙 臨 蘊… t λ 胸 蘇 :乱 11ぶ c:∬ 9 :寧 [g肥 :PIcttg 200 ct 337_ 6 5c、 vt 500170 助 И 400o sft 327550 %sn 1,31,020/_ 228393 %sft 33,345た cement 32,511/_ sr.rrface iTii}[: -, dividing iito 扇面而面漏覆 ゆ 8酬 panel 10 11 主 要 干 晨 語 寺 Ili雄 TT3面 T≡Tr31緯 hstrcd)Ow co■ s(adζ 品誌 :搬 :町 corL (Old TW輛蘊 surface 600S, 2800s■ 101414 %si ⊇225 %sn 6085/ 16,863′ Page 2 of 2 13. Providing & talng l:3:O cerne.rt concrete solid block masonry wall 6,' and below in thickness set in 1.6 cement sand mortar in ground floor super structure including raking outjoints and crdng etc. complete more than 6" think 600 Cft 14 1577108 %cft 94626′ S/S approved sweet eafih (Garden Soil) fice ftom salts, pebbles, suitable for plants brought ftom app: query near Noori Abad, i/c loading, cariage, unlording at site of work and spreading in even layer of req: thickness to proper le rel as required,/ directed by concemed Oilcer !n charge. 15 S /S and spreading appr: well decayed cow dung i/c mixing in earth, laying spreading even layets of req: th:ckness as require<l/ directed by coocemed Oflicer in charge. t6. PrJviding of Dhaka grass and trufing lar\,'ns i/c watering and cutting at least once after growing up morc then 3 2650 Cn 35/ P Cft 92,7s0/- 2300 Cn 30/ ンCft 69,000/- 1530 sft 15/‐ P/c, 22.950/― 990 Cft 45/‐ P/Cn 44550/― in inrihes. 17. Pr:viding suppllng and spreading in evan layer of required thickness red mrrum of approved quality ftom app; qu ery as desired by Engineer In charge I nve hereby quoted the Total Ahount for itehs on Open Rate Rs: And also shall undertake to abide by prescribed terms and condition ofthe ContEctor. ConEactor Signature Address DeprLty Shah Fai ul Direitor (Parks) Zone D.M.C Korangi Assistant Director (Parks) D.M.C Korangi Page 1 of 2 SIIAH FAISALZONE Estim:rte Cost: Rs:%98● 22た 2%QuOted A■ ount ElrhestMotrev: Tender Cosl Pctrrlry Per dry: 27o Time S No 06 Rs:2,00o/_ Rs:2,000L l,imit: 01 MOlltll SNO 〇 C 一︲ I 2 〓f l Earlh ng… buildi 3 4 5 shuttcHng≦ 18ん )RI10 r2:イ mt:∫」 :螺 ∬ 黎讐』 RATE Quentity 200 cn 1134.38 ANIOUNT cft 2,269た cn 2,995/― %o 2200C■ 131125 ‰ 1300 cn 941628 %cn 1,22,412だ 1100 Cft 1442925 %cn 1,58,722た 2200 Sft 312741 , 68,803た 110 rft 29701 13。 6 0/.。 … 7 P/n 32,671み 鼎臨r鶯 需柵¶胤 8 9 200 ct 337L Pc金 67,400だ 6.5 cwt 500170 ,ls、 4 32,511た %sn 1,31,020/‐ V 10 3cnlcnt plastcrs 1 4 up 0 20 fccthagh「 58/11ヽ 11 12 ____ %"mick 4000s■ 327550 1460 Sft 228393 %sa 600S, 101414 %sn 2800 sa 60225 %st 33,345た 6,085/‐ 16,863だ 郡 i鶯 鰤 職 饉 鶉 滋 ・ ∞ 群 淵 湯 mplCtc m高 :f“ 1577108 %cft ::肥 晋弔 鍬設 ew 霊i串写】 94,626 :,堰 満 騒:∬ imttb“C」 市品魔 ST盤 躍.炒 帯 乳 l硼 = ml慕 」鷺j蔦蕗 30/ 富魔 騰 譜脳 聾FT∫蹴鵠ψ mOЮ ■ cn: 器lsinCr growitt 鞘鵠W蕊蕊電麗 17 I′ P Cn 92,750/_ P/ct 1500 st ヽVc hcrcby quOtcd d“ Total An10unt fOriteltls On Opcn Ratc Rsi And ats( shalr undertake to abide by prescribe,;m;;"*;; ContractOr signatc Addrcss V 鍋 詰懲λ珊 き 毬噸 Assiぢ 盤 ぞ 罵llrark9 Page CORPORAT10N Estimxtc Cost: 2o% Enrtr€sJ Rs:9,99.556/ Tender Cost: Penrlty Per doy: Time l,imit α Rs:2,0007_ 01 MOnth C鞘 駅蘇 焉 ∫ 識塊ざ嶽 i濡 郡讐。 (18/5) Ratio l:2r4 般筆』 肝咄繭輛蔀需 vertical. Aル IOuNT 4410 cn 1442925 %cn 6,36330/‐ of portal wood 9920S, 312741 %s, 3,10,239た %s■ 52,987‐ 9響 58/11) L RATE Qurtrtity shuttedng. C■ pLSICrs l`up 10 20 fecl llclgllt ● S No 07 Rs:2,00o″ DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1 A/e hereby %''thick 2320 Sn 228393 quoted the Total Amount for items on Open Rate Rs: And also shall undertakc to abide by prescribed terms and conalition of ihe Contactor. Contractor Signatue Address Dcputy Dllcctor lParkS) Sllal Falsal ZOnc D M C KOrangi V oft CHI. 2%QuOted Amount Money: S NO I Assistant Director (Parks) D.M.C Korangi Pagc 1 0fl DISTRICT MuN CIP ORANIGD KARACⅡ ユ SIIAH FAISAL ZONE. -ON Estimate Cost: Rs:9,99,200/ 27o EarDest Money: 2%Quoted A‐ ount TeDder Cost: Penalty Per day: Time Limil: S No 08 Rs:2,000/ Rs:2,000/ 01 MOnth SIIbル ″ =Pッ 」 幽 製 些 喫 2- 幾 響 等 警 ι′ι θαFrl′ 。ぉ″形 勧 ′s″ ル″M″ sι ″ 絣 α″ル ぉ″笏 71a S NO RATE QuaDtity 1 2 そ tnd AMOuNT 11000 Sft 32/ P/sn 5000 5000 5000 1500 1000 l10 10- Each 18/ Each Each Each Each Each 3,52,00ol lifts A19"ordina7 B)12''Ordinaγ C)12''Spccial D)14''Spccial E)18''Spccial 3 ③ 3 Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos Nos 25/‐ 45/ 75た 720/‐ 50,000/_ 90,000 1,25p00/ 67,5007 75,000/‐ 29,700L as per app, 4 つ 4"x6"ζ ze B)6''x8"sizc Supplying of Manual Lawn rnover nrachine 14" size with five blades and g-ass box with best quality made by Pakistan as Der aDD: samDle etc. 50 Kgs 50 Kgs ⊇∝ 15 Nos 12000_ 300/‐ PKg P rICg PNO 15,000/‐ 15,000/_ 1,80,000た I ,^M(i hereby quoted the Total Amount for items on Open Rate Rs: And also shall undertake to abide by prescribed terms and cordition ofthe Contractor. Contractor Signatule Address Deput y Director (Parks) Shah Faisa.l Zone D.M.C Korangi Assistant Director (Parks) D.M.C Korangi Page I of 2 CORPORAT10N SIAH FAISAL ZONE Esfimate Cost: 2'Z Earnest Motrey: Tetrder Cost: Penalt] Per day: Time Limia: Rs:9,94■ 50´ 2%Quoted Amount Rs:2,000/ 01 MOnth 2ZC&″ ″配 DESCRIPTION OF WORK S NO Supplllng Of PLsuc P,c flnc qudi″ aS pcr App,samplc ctc 1 a1 1"0 bl %"0 2 S No 09 Rs:2,000´ RATE Quantiw 7000 rft 4000遣 407_ 35/― AMCIUNT さR 2,80,000み P/■ 1,74,650/― Supplyng olHage Seasors Best Quality made by china as per apD: sarnple etc. 30 Nos 1500だ Each 45,000′ sample etc. 30 Nos Each 9,000だ Each 45,000/― 3 Supplying of Prooning Seasots Best Quality made by china as per app; 4 Snpplying of Quality made Sh"-"I" S.*s B."t by china as per app; sainple etc. Suppllng 5 '00だ 50 Nos of 900/‐ Tickems (Ganti) Best made by china as per app; Quality sample etc. 50 Nos 6 Supplllng Of PllaOcrra Bcst Qualiけ 7 Suppl,ng oF Sllawar(V`atCr canl BcSt madc by china as pcr app,samplc ct Qualiけ 8. 錮mplc 50 Nos Supplying of Basket of Date Best Quality nade by china as per app; chlna as pcr app:salll。 lc ctc U. Supplymg V of 12 Nos 500/ Each 7,200/― 100 Nos ,α ‐ Each 5,000/‐ 40 Nos 700た Each 28,000み Each 20.000た Each 14,000/‐ Each 60,000だ Khurpees Best Quality made by china as per aDp: samDle etc. 2湿 200/― 04 Nos ,500/ ctc ^ 3 驚譜鵠‰滞n」 瑠 Supplying daに of Urea manure F.F.C inc てυ 200 Nos 300/‐ 100 Nos 90た Each 9,000/― 100 Nos 120/‐ Each 12,000/‐ 18 Nos 300/‐ Each 54.000″ as per aPP; samDle etc. 14 100 Nos SupplFng of Spray pumps 10 Litters capacity made by Italy as per app; Sa 25.000t '00/‐ supplylllg Of Exc Bcst Qualiけ madC by l. 15,000/‐ Each Each madc b'Chlna as pcr app; ctc samDle etc. , '00/ Supplying of D.d.P marure as per app; samPle etc. Suppllng of Wheel barow Trolley Best Quality made by chim as per app; sample etc. P^ge 2 of 2 16 17 1,, 11) my llledld“ 餡 長t盤犠ど 12 Nos 125/― Each 1,500/― 饉 12N, 125/― Each 1.500´ 30 Nos 450/ Each 13,500′ ]l:翌ry meoanc 翌器∫L概 ::褥 anual laml movcr 0“ PPlyll■ ol l■ ■ machinc 24'' sizc w■ th ivc bladcs and :淵 :ま Cladc by 05 Nos 5000L Each 1,75,000た I Avc hereby quoted the Total Amount for items on Open Rate Rs: ― And also shall undertake to abide by prescdbed terms and condition ofthe Contractot. Contractor Signature Address ー Dcpuサ Dircc10r(Par Shah Faisal Zone D.M.C Komryi V Assistallt Dircctor(ParkS) D M c Korang ofl ORPORATIoN SIIAII FAISAL ZONE. Estimate Cost: 27o Earnest Monev: Tender Cost: Time Lirnil: RS:9,94,107/_ 2%Quoted Amount S N0 10 Rs:2,000た Rs:2,000/ 01 Month ゴ &恥 1 θ″′ tiOll ― ― I Dcscr● Earlh wOrk cxcavaliOn in fOundat10n 74r Quantiけ '″ D″ r“ 露 “ 3 ね 蝙 ‐ itti爾 4 cgulredl dlrcctcd塾 Amount Unit %Cn Rs 1361 25 3,267だ 1200 Cfl Rs 35′ AR P/Cn 42,000/_ 528 cn Rs 30/― ´υR P/Ct 15,840/_ : 辟胤肌=l滅 乳:乳ぶ:鑑 1'淵 as〕 zO″ ′ ν И CK` (Rs) 2400 Cn 2 =Srlι Rate 蜃OnccmCd Offlccr l」 鐸盛異,I》肌』 勲 5 No __ 6 al l"。 b)%0 3000 rn Sttplメ ng ofTidcems(Gana)bcst qudi″ 7 -.rU!plying of Phawra besr quality etc. lupplying of Shawals seasoribest qualiLv lypplying ofKhurpees best quality etc 8 9 10 Suppllng of Spray pumpi t0 甍 12 Sup:lying of I /![€ 40 35/― AR No No No No Rs Rs 9oo/‐ 300/‐ 04 No Rs 3500 40 No Rs 30υ ― AR 10 No 50 No Rs 4007 Rs 300/‐ Rs 50α L Aυ R AR 力R Each 5,00,000/― P/rn P/r, 1,05,000/‐ 1,60,000/― Each Each Each Each AR Each wheel berow trolley best ― etc. quality Suprt],llrg ot Pariass best oualitv etc. 13 50 50 50 100 AυR 45,000/‐ 30,000/‐ Rs 460/― AR 力R 14,000/_ Each 12,000/‐ Each Each 4,00α L hereby quoted the Total Arnount for items on Open Rate Rs: And also shall udertake to abide byprescribed terms ard condition ofthe Contactor. Contractor Signature Addrcss Deputy Director (Parks) Shah Faisa.l Zone D.M.C Korangi 15,000/_ 25,000/― lerte.s caplcity made by Italy best qualitv etc. Supロ メng of Jhar00 sttks Of datc inc 11 4000 rft s 蹂 R pcr app,ctc Rs 100000/ 駅駅 盤 5 Assistart Dircctor (Parks) D.M.C Korargi 23,000/‐ S No 19 Nanle Ofwork:_ Shab Fal Esulllate cost:_:i[:ili廿 Bid Secur:i:::2こ :EI:::三 :iii」 J:lilil,2」 Sヽ Descriptiotr 1 野rr::i` 2 │ :L二 Quatrtity ⊇堕≦ユLコ 菫」墜o=20ooた `コ Rate U壺 t (Rs) ‖二 II腫 ∫ 鯖1淵常1 覆麟群:路 繁選 attaL∬ a潔 Tlme limit 60 Day penal,Rs 20ooム LWe hereby quoted Cost ofschedule items (i/c quoted premium Rs: Cost ofOffer Rates Rs: Amount 12690o cft 95175 cn Rs 1663 7ヽ Rs 714 29 %。 C命 %cn 2,11,130 6,79,825/‐ P Day % above / below the Sch: ofRate, plus open mtes. Tolal Did Amount Namc OFCOntactOr Signature Addrcss V 臨楊 DM(,KOran81 ‐ S‐い ― ― lCi宙 ) ShahFail』 1::I:VC En」 DMc KOmngi nccち (B&Rl Esdnlate cOst:_ Bid Secur S o N 1 2 DescriptioD Quantity Rate Uゴ it F,7th口 ^ル I:腫 ∫ ∬ fi漏 1∬ 諄rr:1ふ 葛瑞』 am :鵠 品∬ : , , ,, quoted Amount... Narne of Contractor. Rs 1663 75 Rs 714 29 %。 Cff %cn 1,93,660た 6,23,575た 、 200o/_PDッ % above Cost ofschedule items (i/c quoted premium Rs: Cost ofoffer Rates Rs: Total Bid 11640o cft 87300 cn Tlmc Hmit 60 Day penalし LAiVe hereby (Rs) a比 蜘[嗅 ヒ 濡器 Amoutrt /below the Sch: ofRate, plus open rates. Rs: Signature. Address. V 錦眈 Dル К )KOrallgi Assistant Executive Engineer, (B&R) Shah Faisal Zone DMC Korangi. S No 21 Name ofltlrk卜 MJi聾 Shah Fa 醐 “ S 。 N 1 "er m“ Bid secロ Description Qu[ntity Rate Unit r ∬rrSI『 濫認∫ ]11』 :鯖 i淵 2 L∬ 1用 a麗 114800 ct 8610o cft Tlmc limit 60 Day pcnaltv Rs 20ooた ItVe hereby quoted Cost ofschedule items (i/c quoted premium Rs: Cost of Offer Rates Rs: Total Bid Amount... Name of Contactor. Iも Anloullt Rs 1663ワ 5 Rs 714 29 %。 cft %cn 1,90,985た 6,15,004た P Day % above / below the Sch: ofRate, plus open rates. : Signaturc. Address. V 語露萬戸蒟 DNI(3 KOrangi Shah Fai:∫ 1,::!VC En」 DMc KO口 ngi nccち lB&Rl Bid Document:- S N0 22 Name ofwOrk:‐ allah Es● lllate COst:_lilL:」 曽 liii:」三 z二こ ::ii」 [ii[:J:::」 l:iユ 堅 コ 墜 コ 菫 」 墜 二 =2000だ S恥 Quantiけ Rate Unit 2 Amoutrt (Rs) 1 loo;ftA-;;;; Cartase of likes On aggrcgatcs spawl 113375 cftl TImc hmit 60 Day pcnalty Rs 200oた quohd %。 Rs 714 29 %cn 1,88,628/‐ 乱I 1蔦 8503 1 cft L4 /e hereby Cn Rs 1663 751 6,07,368/― P Day %abOve/bc10w tlle schi OfRalc,Plus Opcn mtcs Cost of schedule items (i/c quoted Fernium Rs: Cost Rates Rs: Amouht... Rs: ofOffer Total Bid Namc OfcOntractOr Signature. Address Shan Faisal zOllc DMC KOrangi (Ci宙 1) ξ 醤 1,搬 VC En」 nccろ [fi,::よ DMc Korangi lB&Rl Q I咀一 Bid Document:_ SN NaEte 18 ofwork:- Estimate Costt ¨ S o N 1 2 Description ]電 蕊 需蕊W爾 絆ム ∫ ち 轟慇彎 L∬ 躍電 al∬ ¶ Quatrtity 115694 cFt 4900 cn Unit Rs 1663 75 %。 Rs 714 29 %cFt Cn AInoullt い ) 1、 92786た 19,796/― Time limit 60 Day penatry Rs. 2000/_ p. Day. lA e hereby quoted Cost ofschedule items (i/c quoted premium Rs: Costofoffe.Rates Rs: Total Bid Rs: NuLrne Arnount... of Conhactor. % above / below the Sch: ofRate, Plus open rates. Signature. Address. V (Ci宙 ll Shah Faisal Zone DM: Komngi. ShahFaili雪 :Iξ DMc KOrangi VCEn」 nccL(B&Rl Page I ofl Bid Documetrt:Name OFwOrk:_:iliii:iilil::i]:与 :i;}:1:│:ll:f:窒 笙LL二 聖」堕」堕Lrellt arca u≦ L S N017 Es(imate Costr Rs. 9.30.2S0l- B 00o′ L DescriptioD Quatr tity 島 l鷹;TIttlltよ 麗 槻ど 購 i夢 翼 0'105 d Rs.4650.00 88,328/‐ :超 駐吼I蕊I 峰 蹴び 露 8''dia 12''dia 800 rft 400 rFl 出 1群 MttI11薦 £ ご 漁酔苫 面品ぎ 醐 of man hole tion. 1'2 措 Ъ ttS需 of excava tediiiff1"llChCS h Lycrs not more thau 6,, ing tO fun tlon lilnc llllJt 60 Day penalヶ Ir 場FSさ Total Bid Anloult 64,928′ Rs.2538.62 10,154 Rs 280 oo Rs 2760 0o 440た Rs 20011_P Day We hereby quoted :Illl漢 Rs 14529 oo and making lerlll… ― l,46,80∝ : γdel"t For dcptll lrlcd in its dcs M鞘臨 l訴 旦 盤3猟僣 里 1,64,800L l黎 1出 1籠 ifll臨 ,dd Rs 206 0o Rs 367 0o % above / below the Sch: ofRate, plus open rates. │ Rs: Nirlne of Coltractor. Signature. A ddress 型 輯 喘 駅 嗜 _ 鑑Yttf辮軋。つ DMC Korrrngi. 鑑111:fり :‖ !VC DMc lcorangi Enginccr・ o_ :EStta● d cosi Rs.′ `a′ o′ lar S″ o L面 イ 扁罰 2 02/ω o/Ra“ Tender Cost Rs.lSOO/_ Palsa′ z。 ″e DIИ c κOra″ ●J: 『 垂壼三二二:三二三二三二二三二 Quantitv 38-O ct FF雨 高 層1:P'単 111呈 :│::::]『 =口 3 ´‐.‐ UOυ ' Rare υ 4"0″ ,` 54450 "rf ● /.OCFl Rs 20697‐ 56‐ O Cft 317625 %Cft Rs,77/‐ 94‐ O CFt 71429 %C" Rs 671″ 4428875 %CFt 233‐ O cft 3370 P Cft Rs 78,521′ 7 28 Cwt 5001 70 C,″ t Rs 36,412た 150-O sft 312741 υし:[′ OIOnS- Ol a‖ matenal like lυ stone aggregate sprawis cOal"me surkhi etc 半 誦「 スコ 晨 =慕 イ lilttζ 1:♀fJ:キ Fテ 5 → ll‐ O Cl Rs 1242′ ‐ 0 Z %S■ Rs 4691″ イ イ26853 %C層 Rsア イ3ィ ′ 228393 42584 O/h Sfl θ 50‐ Oc″ 9 面 `0 ′イ 180-O Sft イ896‐ O sft 449oo sn `50 %Sfl P Sft Rs 4414′ Rs 8074′ ‐ Rs 178,500′ _ 0′ R21e り の 71meと lr,た One″ Oη " に′ Ooo/.per dav pe″ a″ l/ wo hercby euoted the Conaractor,s Signafure Address ― _ ― ― ― ou rate at %ス │● レe/Be10″ めe scゎ edule orrare 堕壺塑墨堕″■ I Estimated Cost RS.2SO.24S/_ 2ol Earnest Money RS.SOOS/- Tender Cost Rs.lSOO/- ‐ S″″eCr_ S″ 。 Quantii ′ 2 3、rf 230-O cft 蒲出 54450 %OC" Rs 12 523/ 240-Oc" 317625 %Cft Rs 7,623/‐ 毀翡 470-O cft 7,429 %CFt Rs 3357/― 1128875 0/OC仕 405-O cFt 3370 P CFt 13 Cwi 5004 70 C、″ 1 Rs 65,022た 380‐ os負 31274` %St Rs l,,884´ %Si Rs 6 5781‐ with in ordinary soil. 3 Rare メ モ :: イ 00・ O 5 1122Ч ]ヽ `,] 1渉J::な iC 00mpiete :覧 o)Ra“ 駆 」 語ifttjiT萱 曇 Crt Rs 6,773だ Rs.1,36,485t 0■ 2:4 0 お 出嬰 F暉記誦莉蔦 `〕 咄 :畔 磐 器 よ濡L棘 1認 :arS)B ushg TOr Bars:Fラ 81a Z il墨 9 │。 :淵 Oement ster 58′ m 288‐ O Sft `イ 228393 jOη ●″。 り¬ηθιわ″ 。0 0 pena″ ″ Rs′ 0● ● /per daν ′weゎ ereby oの red rr2● 。υr rare ar %ス Oο ye/8eゎ ″ rlle scゎ edυ le οrra`e Contractor,s Signature ― _ 認 潔:囲ξ響 語£現′ ― Work″ γ l ヽ 嚇 解 硼 E□躙 馴 鵬 . 鰤 躙 搬 蜘 帥 脚 Tender Reference No ADMTR/K/247/2014-15 Dated: 060,2015 DATE OF OPEANING: 29_Os_20、 5 VOLUME¨ il B:LL OF QUANTIT:ES (SiNGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD} θι働4Ⅳ〃vε θFSTROИ PC COst:‐ Rs,13,99,594/‐ Rs,28,000/イ ‐ Bid Security: Tendel cOst: NOTE: 3監 Ffl∬:∬ NArFR DR4″v47κ Pr″vrERttANGEnA力 V Rs.2500/_ e∝ d面 鴨 血 sP辟 電 :T淵 霊胸 lon Of Bidding DOcuments mc_I)aVallable in the Offlce&websie ofDMc Korangi (V01ユ =‐ 厳ec● ″ [ゐ ンneer “ Dお trict陶 た η ゎα′Corpο ra餞フ ― KOr● ″9′ κ●′α●ヵ∴ ‐ Issue to M/S. P,NO Dated: Bank: iEnature & StamD oflssuine Authority. _ 囃 _ 解 職 嗣 酬 議 魂催 職 θι島4Ⅳ〃v60FSTRα И ⅣA「ERDRИ 〃vИ 7 κPr″ vTIR Tender Reference No.ADMTR/K/247/2014‐ ¨ ¨ ¨ S No 翻 闘 脚 Ψ ¨ m ¨ ULヽ しК[″ ‖ON 乙 CHANCF MAiV 15 Dated:ハ 4_^5_,ハ 〕 5 QUANTITγ RATE ・ 1卿 618463 AMouNT ¬ 「 │ 20,30 34,そ 12,94144s/- イア P/Wο ココ θ″′ ′ 104フ 20 71429 %Cft 748004 250 3370 P/Cft 8,42s1- 201 500170 P/CWT rI,d53t. 叫 ρ力わ 02 n い一 f 03 Cleoning e- J utts vt ,tru , trute rnspeclon cnombers i/c cleoning ng of connected sewe6 (Averoge 5O-O per M.Hole Removin! 'tlewoge ond solid wostes ond Carriage i )t 100 Cft/5 tones of ol thtowing outride KMC timitr. a ,at"rial likei6ni - _- 250 aggregat( ,spawl.coal Lime, sukhi etc. B.G railfastenings points and etc,or 1000Nos `83 crossinB I ridge, Girders, pipes, sheet rails, M.S bar bricks,10' x 5" x 3" or lOOONos etc. 04V RC t"-l complete 05 Fabricatio @ (PH 16 item 5 a) @. ; α一 A ″一 I {item as follows: based on A/R) -%Below/ (item hased 6h 0, “ OF わ 層αυre (item based on S/R) Above r ra ttords Rs Rs o/R) Rs Grand Tota │(A+B+c) -he Total artount is Ys. (Rupees for the complete job for all schedule of rate & offer rates(which ever is inc uded in the BoQ) /We No have n lached a Bid Security amou nting to dated Rs. /- as per issued from N lT is shape of pay order bearing (38nk) T'me Limit,60 Caiendar Days Val dity: 9o+30 0avs as per spp Rules 201o Pena tt per D8y Rs 9,327′ per dav(MaX 10%oF sanct 00ed cOst) NOTE: . . ' Tender mud be quoted rn figure & in words both otherwise tiable to be cance ed. Atloverwriting & correction ifany must be initiated &stamped by the bidd;; we/lread rhe standard biddins Documentslvolumn r)and availabte;cr!tiorangiano agreeoto auiaea ofthem and atso provid€ all thege d( cuments wirh our tignarures .s & whedirected SiBnature Address: ofthe contractor with stamp ´ ly quoted D″ εКり翻 2 , Sυ″″ 4RyOF 3flι KPT〃 VrFR CHAⅣ 6E協 ″v “ ειE4NINGOFSTRaИ wArFR DR4カ V4r κOR4NGIPOИ D κθMⅣ Gr"ME .ll o「 0『 『 ICE OF THE EX=CUTIvl ENGIN田 目 R KORANG120NI DMC KORANCI 1■ ndeLtteference No ADMTR/K″ 4フ /2014-15 Dated i 06・ oS‐ 2ゅ :5 DATE OF OPEANING:29‐ OS_201s VOLUME‐ ::B:LL OF QUANT:丁 :ES {SINGLE SttAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD) REPArR θF D/1MA6FD NAι ι OF7V/ι ι4ff&`ι E4′v′ Ⅳε OF M ιιИ″ ′Ⅳ θυ ノ ИMD κθMⅣ εfzθ ⅣED″ θfrOMⅣ εl “ “ irC Cost:- Rs,38,57,091/‐ tid Rs,77,142/‐ Securit,r:Tc nder Cosl:- Rs,3,000/‐ N1]] II: 1) 'l'his Docr.rment contains 03 page excluding this page 2) 'l hc Standat.d Terrns &Condition of Bidding Docur"rrents lVolLrme-l) rvailable in the ollice & u,ebsite ol DMC Korangi Di strict M u n iii pd I Cot po rct io n κOrα ″g′ κ。 αcヵ ∴ 「 F、 eら i l・ `Fnl:incer l:: i` ァ│111( H● r● 1=i IssLLe to l\4 /S PNo Dated: 3ank: rF」 k,95 J!咀 e&stuttP Of lssulュ &Autho‖ 墜 KORANGl・ ZONE DMC KORANGl REPA′ R θF D4MAGED″Aι ιOF A14ι ι4fr&`LE4 vIN6 θF ′ V4L“ ″ ″vOυ ンγ」MABИ D κOR4Ⅳ 6′ zθ Ⅳε D″ εKOMⅣ c‐ ■ Tender Reference No ADMTR/K/Z47/2014‐ 15 Dated:^A_^c_ウ ハ15 ―― ― 「 帥 QI DE SCRIPTloN δ I「 品′ 5tolTlou高lation of buildrnS bridSes and ucture with excavated earth ● ]dに m引 ning lead u pto5 ft IWa日 3創 55 「ビ 晨 allast rn 1:4:8 R13稿 幌 al oi centering fOr c c Plain `l or,One h imi =iヽ 15000 317625 941628 312741 %O Cft 3750 35000 4 %Cft %Sft 3 5′ 311/ 21880 1442925 %Sft 115フ 0 1462144 %Cft 210S O 228393 %CFt 323375 330000 20930 32200 P/R贅 6. P/RR 1( 528000 71429 %Cft 3 10500 465000 %OCFt 4 8,825/ 1 09,45,/‐ 3 15 712/ aln i/C tinishing&carring et humne1 2 4● D rtO「 nG/F superstructure 一4 熙 tt l lock masOnry wa‖ above 6'′ :乖 AMOUNT fRs l 1 =硼 ]Ⅲ UNIT │ ___:t壁 Jl■ 9坦 ュ__ 2_rCけ RATE uding dag bellin8 dressing │:『 │ ;:liliよ :│:ii。 QUANTITY t etc │ %″ th ck etc cOmp ete rate lines completelY free space/diameter of 69,170′ ― 8′ 077/ 7682S/‐ 0.6,60ソ rones ot at material like stone Lim€, sukhietc. B.G rart crossing bridge, crrders, pipes, c,or 1000No5 bricks,lO" 09 1f・ cc・ IЮ ″ rOpe l。 e 1n Itenches ond pn5 sols ttav ar nud i/c “ Lo ttL) chgnn.-nt ttenel e\ ta catect ttnm tnmlnqond x 5,, x 77145/ t.wel ond dresrng edes onC shope shot )eveling ofbeds ol leftldt 'elond grode cuttng joint hotes eot wnhin o one choin o\ ).,nti d 'posotal sLtptu\s eorth dne.t d by enqineet t.cho lchoee. I Prcvidnq jrnce guotds, I light ! aqs ond tenporcry ory tcroswsihgs for nan vehculot loJlrc where evar requnes tnes hft upto sft (1.2sn)ond Lc wtth Rubber ting toints ond 'ding cuting ttting ond tojnting ttng wnh woter to specited ユ __Jヱ _ 就 方 $i\ri.\l .r/fi f irlr,r ″ Fnt 56900/ ヽ ′ ′ 一 〇 ´ ③ 『 『 ]GE OF THI EXECUTIVE ENGIN□ 医醜 ― _ ・ 1,Itti鰤 ― 豆 競]流 犠場 1瑞 ″ η,た │′ l 、,^ 3δ ´ υゎ ου ^_´ `″ i452oた ζ75レ d,ヵ ο.σ 6″ 『 305 1119/_ 176 44 0 Nos l,Ql[2`P/ ∬ 雅 ¬ 協芋 畔器鵠織留鶏嘉 rttθ 二重 滞ど nig甥″霊∬光 :″ ξO`カ め,aヨ 0″ υ′ σθ :″ 1鍼 雌 l出 畷 #1予 11廃 FWittλ ∈ つ」36J 28 lsot .__│__ 2′ 26,080/ Total Amountfu. 385Zθ 91/‐ V lrsirri-W. il,t i j i)\i( 「 │!ilcer ; REPAIR OF DAMAGED NAι ι OF,v“ ιι4″ & ειEκ Ⅳ′ Ⅳ6‐ エ F κ = θF ― 6υ ″躍 RyOF ttι ιOF c“ Ⅳ ■76リ i/We her:by quoted as follows: ′ ″″ οrds :聖聖鳳 謳1lT 円三 ミ 可雨 Iご戸 ι On″ “ Rs 耐 ― ― 略 (Rupees for the completejob fo. ,ncluded itr :he BOe) 選 世 ltaChed現 ecur ty¨ Ount冨 蹴 誹計 rttr.lffi …per N T sshape Ofpay Order嚇 聰 (38nk, :lilΨ t凝 ∫ll::絆 :PPRIles201o :∫ Pena tv per D]y:Rs 25 715/ per dav(Ivlax lo%OF senc:Oned cOst, NOT:: lable tO be canceled led by the bidder Valable DCiИ Ko「 angi and agreed tO abide 31 0fthenl.n〔 alsO I,「 Ovide A.E.I licrangi ! 8"J'{!_ilrlJl{p- ︱=﹁︱∃ ・ │, ,│ Signature of the conkactor with starnp Address. l work 僻 酔遭岬 THE隊 鷺 蜘 鵬 照蝋睛酬磯 ― 聰舵 躙側闘Ⅷ胸l :o6-os.zors DATE OF OPEANING:29‐ 05‐ 2o15 VOLUME‐ li BILL OF QUANT:T:ES {SINGLE SttAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD) PC 21χ ″ ″θRK/REPArR θF 5θ θθ Rθ4D Kθ R4ⅣGrZoNE DMCκ θR4Ⅳ Gr Rs,31,37,588/‐ p2,752 壁′ Costi Bid Security:. Tender Cost: - Rs.3000/‐ 1 NOTD; I) This Document contains 03 page excluding this page 2) The fitandard Terms &Condition of Bidding Documents (Vol.rme-l) available in the office & website of DMC Korangi -l:-tt-*'- Executive Engineer Disttict M un icipol Cotpotdtion Kordngi Koruchi, V Issue to M/S. P.No Dated: Bank: p Of ISSuing Authoritv ― .16 Ⅲ圃嗣鵬 Tender Reference No. ADMTR/K/247/201_4-15 Dated V fi , ー 餅膿 壁盟翌 L島 帥 ユ 巳 ― ‐ ― :l:111〕 弯 年tノ ‖ lI:::鵬 ¨ ヽ ・ ― ‐ ロ ー ´ … … 1‖ Tender Reference No.ADMTRノ K/2夕 7/2014‐ 15 Dated: Particular 0uantiW Dismantling Stone metal road. Ca「 r age ofつ Total Unit 140000 6050 ・/・ Cft 140000 71429 %Cft 12964 554224 ・/・ Cft 280000 7000 %Sft 280000 648832 ・/.Sft 84,7 oo cft/5 tones of a‖ mater al‖ ke stone aggregate,sr'avVI coal Li(η and c「 Rate e′ sukhi etc B G ra‖ Fastenings p。 lnts 。551ng br dge,Glrders,pipes′ 1000Nos br:ks,10″ x5″ x3″ o「 sheet rals,I S b8retc′ o「 1′ 00.001/ 1000Nos etc P/L a88regate base course in proper grade and chamber having CBR 80% as )per AASHTO standard specification l/c spreading mechanical neans {Motor grader, vibatory ro ler and smooth フ ,18,501/― Providinq and spraying prime coat with medium curing asphalt ofpenekation grade 60/70. primecoat shatlbe used @ kerosene oi using uniformly pressure spray distrib!tor/boiler with automatic temperature controller prior to application of 96,000/‐ ー chains)(ltemr#19/ P#8 1′ ︲ ︲コ the prime ccat all user material shall be removed from the base course and tre same shall be cleaned by means of approved rnechanicalrweeper, blowers, hard brooms and disposal the lavrnC 6f bltr mln6uq.o rcc materi.l ind method6togy !h:tt fully comply the tests and specification ofAASHTO and as directed by the engineer incharge.(rates include alt cost of material labo!r all test T&P and all lead and lifts) (app:rate from thego!t). Providingl r! " Thick " (Conso idated) premixed carpet with paver in pro )er chamber and grade r/c supplylng 15 cft bajr 5cft hillsand (ofapproved quality and erade)between of 80/100 pen6tration i/c mixing in mechanica mixture in requlred proportion i/c heating materialand cleanrng the road surface (hill and 3.cft for mixing 3.0 cft for desaltlng (rare includes a I cost of materials T&p and ca(iage upto 3 7● ra′ 1 18′ 16′ 730/ _1 R52o15932/1 'a rt‐ B 0も 0ア weiiibiiili, iiii/- ExrovotionJar pipe tine in trenches ond pits in Uinmingona ond dressing sidesto iue olignment ond shope teveting ol beds oftrenches to correct levetond grode cutting ioint holes ond d isposol of s! rplus eorth within o one choin os directed by engjneer inchorye- Prcvidtng lrnce guords, lighrllogs ond temporcry croswsinqs Iat non-vehctlar trofficwhete ever rcquires lift upto 5ft (1.25n) ond leod upto onc choin (30.5n) Provtdins / L.tyns ot Rc( w,tn au*e, including cut ing litting ond jointjng with rubbet ing i/c testing wjth wote r to spet iJied pressu re 2 1,, dio Pro dinq .nolhote 4- internot oio aCC covii,tn lrone (lskg)& 5le,rt cleor depth cost in situ 1:2:4 bojri g,, thick woll 1:4:8 CC in S' dio 6" thick n Joundotion 1:2)4 CC in benching y,,, thick cenent plostet 1:3 or inside woll& surfoce ol chonnel & i/c mokjng requked nos ol moin bron.hes chonneli/c excovotian in ollkind soit, bockJilljng dkposdl ol \[plus stuffcornptete os per drcwing & dtessing & inslruction ol the Engineet tnchorge Monuloctunrg dnd supplying of RCC ring slob 21,,dio inside 36,,dio outside 7.5 w dth ond 6" thick 3'8,, dio Nos cross Linked borc welded ond two sunk type hooks. Costed in o 1 7 j Conc. With enbedded 15kg C.lfrome in piect postion i/c tronsportotian choges lor on ove.oge leod ol 20 Kfv per tip from cost yord to town olficet (A minimum oJ 2 s /lobs per trip ,illbe tronspoded ) S力 ′ 9&「χ ,ng″ ョ 6 daRぃ 。sを し s′ η ′ Sた めηOη υ ″クed σ ρe″ υε ρο iiii, iiiiiiiidcnes w,nii (こ 3ω aο 4“ ″ %000 13,9507 2000 ヨ67/ ″雛 73′ 400/‐ 06″ Os 14529/ Facわ 87.17″ ― 100 190660 P/Aο s 19,066/‐ ,00 56ヨ ユO ll 91353 P/VO∫ 14′ 618/― r140 90た P/V“ 36oた 276oた %00' ろ45る た tt Z I mOβ"η わ ο′ θ s 7/r,υ l″ η ″aged ρOに わη。 っ。 /α θ 力01eSあ ρ′ ο /1ゎ εttσ η ρer sわ Oρ 8 ondル シ θ●ソ erげ ″e″ 劇οrtarげ 2″ めた々 η で ss α ρυυ O`θ ′ ο′υθ br “ "コ s 09 S′ 636/ `ρ ′ οη″sυ ρρ″ 21′ RCC ttOη 力 0′ g`ο ν ers cas■ ηユ 1214 "g″ ″meη Л5ο %C/」 sh′ 50%6Bり ″′ ヨ″わdeθ ρσt“ ″re `conacte /2″ rPO`ゎ rei可04Ced"`力 ″[ο rsに er bα 14″ C/C wθ 〃eα め3/26″ 2 `σ `々 ●c力 deeρ ν 0に θη d 2カ ο "′rrlク ο 々07F378“a bacrクl cυ ll● gs● c々 Oη α Ma月 り。 Crυ 商 9 ユ `P′ o● ,PO`■ arror,■ `′ 12 in 10口 ″cj``● [υ ttρ lC● 21 pla `々 Moking conn(ction with the existing monhole i/c the cost of cufting hole in wollmokinq them good in CC 1 2:4 & noking rcquied chonneletc R9'″ ng ヨ iわ ee``Oν Oted,″ア ram″ ′ ng● Sclleα 20コ Ft〃 2, ωηροC″ ng -1 │ めた々′ aノ erレ ″″ng "`で eに `Wσ ε Omρ ′ α87′ υ ge″ 053 ρα 7Z/24 nCわ es 6″ 2ア ω 0 rOrα ′ ,.ι 21′ 656/‐ │ ヽψ (1``し /ノ l/We heret,y quoted as follows: 0コ fr″ α″re (item based on 5/R) Above Rs (item based on A/R) Rs 麟 ″οrds _%Below/ ”一 “一 (tem based On o/R) Rs Grand Tota (A+B+C) The Total anrount is (Rupees Rs. for the complete job for all schedule of rate & offer rates(which everis Ycluded in rae BOe) Rs. l/We have altached a Bid Security amounting to No dated issued from /- as per NITis shape of pav order bear ng (Bank) Time tinit:60 Calendar Days Validitv 1 9o● Pena 3,Days as per sPP Ruies 2010 ty Per Day:R5.20,920/ perday (Mar.10%ofsanctioned Cosr) NOTE: . . ' Tender mu!t be quoted in figure & in words both otherwise liable to be cance ed. Alloverwr ting & correction ifany mustbe nitialed & stamped bythe bidder. We/l read he standard bidding Documents (Vol!mn- ) and avallable DCM Korangi and agreed to abide all of thern and atso prov all these d( cuments with our signatures as & when directed. For Ofrce use O:DMC Кorangi Sitnature of the contractor with stamp Address: 2 d€ θ Q『 『 lCE Q 可HE: DlREC70R PARI 悧ORANOI ZO‖ 目DMC雁ORAN鋼 NURSERY OF KORANGiZONE TenderFeFerence NO AnTR′ K/247 Dated 06‐ 05‐ 2015 瑯 一 ︲ ︶ Part''A・ Description ´ 0 ^ づ Cement Concrete. (10/19-c) Excavatic n in foundation brjdges ar rd %cn 315 14621 44 %cn 105 309フ 8 PCFT 4300 228393 %Slt 31フ │ l:-1 6 C(.rI]cIl li(l l)l0uli llritsoIry \\,itllitlx)vc 6" in thicl lness sot in I:6 cenrent lnortar in C.F grour d floor supel'structure i/c raking outjoints & ceiling etc. complete. Above 6" thick ( 9t23). ) 471/4% thick cement plaster l wa1ls and .olumns etc 5t/l I (b). ︱ 〓 ﹁ With Cirders. (1716-ii-i) ︲︱■ Casr Slab ︱︱ ︶ 一 ′ 625 6000 ︱ I ︲ ︱I Irxl lrriIB ( - %cFt │ with exca vated earlh watcring and ramming ead upto 5 feet 4/18 (b). Pre 332750 ofbuilding other structure including dig belling dr 3ssing refilling around shucture 3 ■ l , ︲r l !cE$ rg 2 unit Rate ″ た ∴ ︲ 月 5 8 7 2 5 2 S 0 嘲 5 4 9 2 ・ 3 Scheduie l Quantity 4 on (b)%''thi rk cement plaster. 98209″ │ │( grill usingsolid squrre bars of size %' placed at 4 r/c and lrame of flat iroo pr rtli of%" x %' i/c circle shape a! I-0 apar i equivalen! fitted with scre\ s or i/c pain ing I coats wilh I'' coat ofred P/F iron sl eel 6 oxide Dain r (94110 ). 64 19416 │ Psft 1242,/‐ I I I ,■ ¨ ︱﹁● 1 ・ , t い ● 一● ・〓L 、 ■■ ﹂ , ・ _REPAIR&MAINTENANCE OF FAMILY PARK 33‐ D UC 07,FAR00QUI PARK UC‐ 03 KORANCIAND PROViDING&St PPLYING OF CARDEN ACCESSORlES AND MATERIAL FOR VARIOUS PARKS AND Description M/r st€al grated doors complete with (ihg loc arrangement angle iron fra,ne 2,, x 2" ( 3/8" and ,/.,, Sq: bars 4', center ro center (92123). P/L 2" topping CC l:2:4 i/c surface finir;hing & dividing inro panels I % thick (421 t 332750 6-c) Pro',iding and lixing ofkerh stone sizc l2" x 18" x 6,' maklnglolnts lhe kerbs with l:6 cement mortar 5mm thick over 'i rlnfl,rr hn.c (. rtri..l. r ',,,.r,,,1,rI t.\ irI lll r r rr!t.l nliL|lrrr!rtl .1, rt t,tLr ,lr.t I lI IIB etc. ,:olnplcte as directly by the cnginecr I ,'ワ ィ │ lnch uge. Pain,ing Iron work surface painting etc. (70/:c) 149968 Dist(mpering three coats i/c one coat over prim hg coat erc.(68/4a) 1072o6 Wealher Shield paint 1948101 Providing )2 / )(v)) J & Fixing ofGl pipe I _l │= /2,, Dia 18897 15319 Colored cement tiles (p atle.lrt \2,,x 12,,x l') ol approvcd shade and pattern lajd flat 」 229ラ ! ll `│ 942フ 841 in 1:2 grey cement mortar. (47159\ 156502 / x8 Manglore Tjles 1S', x7_t/2,,of appro\ ed desi8n / shape laid flat in 1 . 2 grey cement rnortar over a bed of 3/4,, thick grey cement rnortar. (38 / 39) iJ 94485 1. Proviling & Fixing ofGI pipe l_1/4,,Dia I2 / l(v)) Khepri 34676P/‐ Suppll,ing earth from approve outside sources within a radius of5 miles. 27681 107729o 150821/‐ θ Descrlption rvrorng & Fixing ofCemenr ,cks Flooring having size of pavins 197 fi lhejo;nls ing hill sand and taying in specitied rner / paftern and desiAn etc h I I I I 500 ta) :, I "l ,l of scheduted rrems PsFt I ,il;"",, L,"r 1フ 19977 16000 P「 ft I 181■ 52/ ,c, 11 i 1: ′ l garden soil (sweet eal1h) irr Lrnilbnn ness i.c mixing & breading etc. 37000 ヽ′ %雌 一 8 ﹂ 一 ・ Non Scheduled ltem< Lrrl rltliLi |1ltliLir! |\ r]lt],IlL{ lttL \!|l|le lry deDth iI tllc l)l,cprrrcd uscd i/c break rng clods dressing fine for grass,n( i/c disp。 salofrubbish within i chains. ) u,1。 P/F4 seated lvhite mosaic benches (new stylisl l & colored). ling & Supptyrng ofplastic Rubber pipe ling 22 & Supplying of ptastic Rubber 19880 PcFt 30 Each 50oo Prrt piDe Dia P「 Ft P.ov,. ing & Supplying ofptasrrc Rubber pipe l" Di, Provic ing PrFt & Fixing ofMono Block Moror 2HP, Provid rflg& t-rxingof Mono Block IHP. l- 35542′ lCost ofScheduted ttems (a) lb、 38i4oo t7777to 2% Contengency Part 「it An,um ´ t a r 知 i 。 w m c t0 psi lo 8500 psi i/c unit I x;7 x (Drn) of Ciry / euddra / Cobbte shrpe h natural colors. having strength b/w Rat€ b ︲ ● . 8 , 9 . . 牌 獣 嚇 quantlty Each Motor I [ach │ σ Description ´ b Pr)viding & Supptying ofGenerator for Lawn M,:)ver Machine (Honda 1.5 KVA) 7 2 Pn)viding & Supplyrng ofGeneraror to. Wxter Tanker (Robin) 一 8 2 Pl(,viding & Supplying ofplant pols Specral (Size 14 ") Pr( viding & SupplyinE ofEarthen pots (Siz 12") Prcviding & Supplyrng ofEarthen pors (Size ●0 Providing & Supplying ofLarBe Bottle (Size Each 20") rairing OfLa、 vn Mover Machine 3ヨ Proyiding& Supplying ofplastic Bags for Kor engi Nursery. [ach Pkg 34 Repairing of Motor Winding. Each 35 Repliring & Refixing of Main Gate. E8ch 36 Pror iding 37 Pro\ rding & Applying ofplant Spray (Brand 38 & Supplying of Lime (Choona). MALOTHENE). Pror iding plob & Fixing of t,iaying Equipnrents a. Stiding h S.l lNs c, Pkg Murygorou d Totl1 0∫ No■ Sche(Illlc itenls(b) +Add(a) Tola Cos(OF A+B Each Fl [och Rs Rs Rs Tota Cost(a+b) ︱ ¨ ′ , NAME OF WORK:REPAIR&MAINTENANCE OF FAMILY PARK SECTOR 33‐ D UC‐ 07,FAR00QUIPARK UC‐ 03 KORANGI&PROVIDNG&SUPPLYING OF GARDEN ACCESSORIES&MATERIAL FOR VAR100 PARKS&NURSERY OF KORANCIZONE ∂ Sυ MM4RYOF3′ ユニOF l/We hereby quoted as follows: rn wOrds 詢 層α″re (item based on S/R) %Below/ Above │ Rs tem based On O/R) “ Rs Grand Tota (A+B) re Total arYrount Rs (Rupees for the complete job for all schedule of rate & offer rates(which ever is included in the BOQ) l/We have attached NcL a Bid Security _dated amounting to Rs. issued from ■me umL:60 Calendar Davs Validitv: 9〔 +30 Davs as per SPP Rules 2010 /- _. as per NIT is shape of pay order bearing (0onl() PenaltyPerDay: Rs. !,100/- perday (Max.10% ofSanctioned Cost) NolE: . . . Tender mLst be quoted in figure & in words both otherwise liable to be cancelled. Alloverw'iting & correction ifany must be initialed & stamped by the bidder. We/lread the standard bidding Documents lvolume-l)and available DCM (orangiand agreed to abide allofthem and also provid(l allthese documents with oursignatures as & when directed. Ofrce use Of oMc КOrangi ● た ″ / ン 1 0 “ 一 V 野︶ Fo「 Dy.Directo(Parl s) Kora nsi zone Signature Address: ofthe contractor with stamp C ヽ1 / FICE OF THE Di RECTOR Es■ mated Cost 9′ 99′ 500/ Subject: PARK 02% Earnest Money Repair A aintena Zone Dmc Korangi DMC KOR Tender Cost Rs 2000/= und ln D S“ DescriDtion Qty Rate UNIT 1 Dismar)tling cement Block masonary etc Disma rtling & Removal of CC !@1:2:4 1250 4800 113438 %cFt 1418/‐ @136080 %cft 6273/― 22000 @136125 ・/.OCft 2995/‐ 13Cl1 0 0941628 %Cft 1′ 22′ 412/― 10500 1442925 %cft 1′ 51′ 507/― rte)without shuttring (18/5) ratio 1:2:4 Erection and removal of centring of RCC for palin cament concurrent work of portal wood vertica, Providint and lying topping cement concrete 21000 312741 %sft 65,676/ (1:2:4) including surface finishing and dNidrng 40000 32フ 550 %sft 1′ 14600 228393 %sft 33,345/― 6000 101414 %sft 6085ノ ー 26000 60225 %5ft 15′ 659/‐ 90 29701 n 2670/ 2160 337 cFt 72′ 792/‐ 26400 035/‐ P/Cft 92′ 030/ │ _ P/Cft 69′ 000/― つ 4 5 Eanh rvork excavation in foundation of buildings. Cemert concrete bricks on stone ballast 1 2" guatle 1:4:8 S to Cement concrete plarn including placinB compa:ting finishrng and curring complete (includ ng searching and washing of stone 6 フ 31′ 020た into panel. Cement plaster l14 up t0 20 feet height ●8/1■ ツ 10 11 13 1/2 thck Paintinlwith Enamel paint on masonry (plaste[ed)two coats (old surface). Distemlering two coats with distemperofapp :Quality and shade,i/c priming coat P/ fixinil industrially manufactured Kerb Block of size 18"12*5 having strength of 4700psi, Reinfor:ement cement concrete work l/C all labour a)RCCwork in roofslab, beam, column rafts. Supplyilgand spreading Garden Soil (sweet eanh)free for salt and Brass roots etc. 403/ complele 14 Supplyirg and spreading cowdung manure same u, to any dept etc. complete 23α D 0 Og!) ●フ ●■ Provic ing of Dhaka Grass and Turfing lawns y'c water ng and cutting at least one after growing 15540 015/ P/sft 23,310/‐ 50 045′ P/ct 84,375/‐ uP mcre then 3 inches. 16 Providing and supplying and spreading in even iaver(〕 frequired thickness Red mourum of app「 oved qua‖ ty frOm applquery as desired by 18フ EnJ“ er n charge 17 18 Fabricrtion of mrld steel Rainforcment of cemer t concrete r/c cutting bending lying in フフ1 positron etc complete. Repairing and maintenance of still gnll using solid srrface etc complete. @511C17/ P/cl″ t 38,563/‐ 8000 @100/‐ P/sft 80′ 000/‐ V 1) Time Limit : 2) Penalty: Rs. 10OO/= Per Day One Month l/we hereby Cluoted the our rate at Contracto/s Signature % above / below the schedule of rate Address: DMC KORANGI ‐ ― ― ¨ ¨ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ¨ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ¨ ¨ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ― ― ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ― ― ― ― ― ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― 0 FTHE D:RECT FFiCE Esumated cost 9′ 94,350と DMC KORANGl 02% Earnest Money Tender cOst Rs 2000/= Subject: S II ,t[on Descri)ti Supplv′ ing of plastic nylon pipe fine qualtv Qty Rate UNIT 7000 0Rt 5000 0Rft @40/ o35/ P/Rft P/Rft Supply nB of Hedge seasors best quality as per china e tc complete 30 0 Nos 01500/ P/ No 45′ 000/‐ Supply ng of Prooning seasors best quality as per china e tc complete 30 0Nos @300/‐ P/No 9′ 50 0Nos 0900/‐ P/No 45′ 000/‐ 50 0Nos 0300/ P/No 15′ 000/ 50 0 Nos @500/ P/No 25,000/― 12Nos @600′ P/No フ200/‐ 100Nos @50/‐ P/No 5000/‐ 40 0Nos 0700/‐ P/No 28′ 000/‐ 100 0Nos @200/ P/No 20′ 4 0Nos o3500/― P/No 14′ 000/‐ 2000 @300/ P/No 60′ 00)た 100kgs 090/‐ P/kg 9,000/‐ etc con plete. l lllkgs 0120′ P/kg Supplyr rB ofWheel barrow Trolley Best quality as pera pp:etc complete. 18 Nos 0300/‐ P/No etc cormp A)1″ ete d la B}3/4′ dia 2 3 4 supplv ng oI shawals sewasors best quality as per china e tc complete supply ng ofTickems Seasors best quality as per china e tc complete 5 6 Supply ng of Phaowarra best quality as per china フ 8 q 10 11 12 etc con lplete Supplyin ng of shawar (water cane)best quality as r chi la etc complete Supplyl nt of Basket date best quality as per kista n etc complete Supplvi nB oF Exe best quality as per chrna etc compl€ te Supplyinng of Khurpee best quality as per Pakistal1 etc complete Supplyi nE of Spray pump 10 ltrs capacity made Supplyi 1g of Jharoo sticks of date fine quality etc ^ J comp[e te 80,000/‐ 1,74,65077 000/‐ 000/ Supplyi 18 of Urea manure F.F.C as per app: quality etc complete. 14 2′ Supplyi 1g of 0.A.P manure as per app: quaiity 12,000/ ‘υ 4← 54′ 000/‐ ― ● , 0 19 /rng orthatooan spray medicine for plant p 廊 p u a CO ヽr 18 plant ualty etc q 耐 t s u e ●0 ス0 17 ing oi malathin sprav medicine fo「 ′ uality etc. ngolpunJass best quality made by n as per app:etc complete. Suppl,lv nB ot manual lawn mover machine 24,, h five blades and grass box with best ●r ︲ p 董 p u e ●O Lυ 16 1500/ 121tr @125た 12 tr @125/‐ P力 t「 150ol 30Nos @450/‐ P/Nos 13500/‐ 05Nos 35′ 000/― P/No 1′ qualit made by Pakistan as per app:sample etc. TOTA 75′ 000/‐ 9,94,350/― ︶ 1 2 T mettmt i Pena ty: Rs 1000/=Per Dav one MOnth l/we hereby (luoted the our rate at % above / below the schedule of rate. Contractor's :,ignature Address: DMC KORANG: V 1 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTⅣ E ENGINEER OI&E〕 DISTRICT Ⅳ脚 CIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI KARACHI NO:EE/MIEわ MC7K/ Datcd‐ Tender Reference No Dated: VOLUME‐ ll BILL OF QUANTITIES {SiNGLE SttAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD} R"α fr α nd MaFη ″η α η of“だθ ηι ′ むみなり Rψ lα ε り げ θ ′ル ο rn― ο υ ι′“θ たε α ′α σ ε assο ″ ●● η S /ル υη協′ "σ yε Ⅳ .θ η σκο raηθ :3%″ οdθ ′ aυ εⅣaθ 4υεⅣ。 z α ルr“ “ αθ Dα V Pα tt Kara72J′ PC ゐ ηθDν εЮ ″ り i Open Rate Cost: - Bid Security: - 02%of QuOted Bid Tender Cost: - Rs,3000.00 NO'IE: 1) This Document contains 04 pages including this page 2) The Standard Terms &Condition ofBidding Documents (VolumeJ) available in the office & website of DMC Korangi V lrxecwi$ frfii"er (M&E), D istt ict M un iciial Co ?p orution bFa″ ゴK"“おユ P No Issue to M/S. Dat(ld: Branch: Bank: S量 !ature&stamD oflssuing Autho五 " ノイマ ′ 2015 2 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTⅣ E ENGINEER.01&E) DISTRICT Ⅳ団 ICIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI.KARACHI NAME OF WORK:ReDalr and Maintenance of Carden Lights bv Replacln2 0F Damaged 7■ Orn‐ out yc Tender Reference: No Dated: (PART“ A"SCHEDULE RATEITEMSl S No. Descriptioll Ouatrtitv R/M of Model Parks 3 % NoUC-04. UC-07 K.Zone 01 Replacement of darnage / broken and providing fixing new globe lights fixtules (APS). of 02 of Providing and fixing 164 Nos Saver 164 Nos bulbs 24 watts (Philips). ― 03 of Providing and fixing Saver 10 Nos bulbs 85 watts (Philips). 04 05 06 07 Painting of garden poles as per colour suggested by E/I. 141 Nos Providing fxing of garden poles ranopy for lights fixhre. 80 Nos Providing fixing of brass holder iAPS) for lights. 80 Nos Repairing / maintenance of ,:xisting HPIT 400 watts (Son) ights with rcplacement of rlamage worn out and providing rixing of new foltowing irccessoriesi ll P/F of Tube (Ph‖ ps)(sOnl b)P/F Of chOkc 400 watts 400 watts 20 Nos (Plulipo(SOn) c)P/F oflgnatOr(PhHps) (り 20 Nos 20 Nos CICanlng and washtt Of IPIT lixtcs 20 Nos llroviding and Layillg Of )vcrhcad Pvc / Pvc lnsOlatcd 〔 08 `oppcr cablc size 7/029 2 core izlntt Of li 1540 Mtrs Rate Ullit Amoutrt S. No. DesciiDtiotr Ouantitv 09 Providing and Laying ofPvc / Pvc Insolated copper cable size 3/029 single core for coinection cf light fixture. 1500 Mtrs 10 Repairing / mainrenance of main panel board system $/ith feplacement of damage u/om out ud providing fixing ofnew rircuit breakers of I 0 Amps and I 00 Amps i/c of intemat ,)omplete in all resp€ct. wiring Repairing of C.C foundations of ,:xisting garden poles with l:3:6 ratio including from work lodding and cudng etc complete. 132 Nos つ4 -leplaaement of damage wom ,)ut and providing fixing of new circuit brcake$ 30 amps ('.Terasaki). う0 14 03 Job 20 Nos i?roviding and lafng of Pvc / .lYc insolated copper cable sizE '//036 2 corc overhead for cnergizing of HPIT 400 watts lights. 270 Mtrs l)roviding and laying of Pvc / l)vc cable copp€r siz€ 7/044 2 oore with Pyc conducit pipe. 270ヽ 1● s くリ )'roviding and fixing ofHPIT ,100 watts (Son) tight lxture r:omplete with Lamp, Choke and ienator (Phitips). 04 Nos Rate Unit Amount RyaFBLZ OF Sろう %ツ И IAffe hereby quoted as follows: UANTITIES In Fipurc I1 Wotds Part .A (item based on S/R) θ′ % Below / Aboye ″ Rs. Part .B (item based on O/R) Rs. Gand TOtal`A+B Rs. The Total arnount is Rs. Rupees ( for the complete job for all schedule of rate & offer rates (which ever is inctuded in the BOe) l/We have attached a Bid Security amounting to ord€r bearing No. dated _ Rs. /- as per NIT is shape ofpay issued from (Bank) Days Tlme llmlt : :'0 Calend.r Validity : 90.30 Dayi as pe. Spp Rules 2O1O . . . v penatty per Day: Rs. 3CIOO/- p€r day ( of S.nctioned Cost) TIOTE: Tend{lr must be quoted in fi8ure & in words both otherwise liable to be cancelled. All over writing & correction if any m ust be initialed & stamped by the bidder. we/l read the standard bidding Documents (volume nl) and available DcM Korangi and agreed to ablde them and also provide allthere documents with oursignatures as & when directed. ler-qile-Ule-d.Pul Address: (orangi of Signatue ofthe contactor with stamp XsrarEl A.E.E (tu&E) D.M.C. a DISTRICT MUNICIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANCI. SUBJECT:‐ ANNUAL CONCRAT FOR LIFTING OF GARBAGE FROM GARBAGE TRANSFAR STAT10N BEHIND AZEEM PURA GRAVE YARD OF SHAH FAISAL ZONE D.M.C KORANGI.TO LAND FILL SITE AT DEⅡ JAM CⅡ AKRO. FOR THE PERIOD ONE YRAR FROM THE AWARD OF CONTRACT. V TENDER DOCUMENTS Bid Securitv: - 02%OFFER RATE Tender Cost: - Rs,3,000/― ム ヽン TENDER OPENING ON DESTRICT MLINECIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANCI. SHAH FAISAL ZONE ANNUAL CONCRAT FOR L:FTING OF GARBAGE FROM GARBAGE TRANSFAR STAT:ON BEHIND AZEEM PURA SJB」 ECT:‐ GRAVE YARD OF SHAH FAISAL ZONE DMC KORANGL TO LAND F:LL SiTE AT DEH JAM CHAKRO FOR THE PER10D ONE YRAR FROM THE AWARD OF CONTRACT. S 一 一 # DescriDtion unit Quantity Rate Amount Lifting and transportation of all sort of solid waste i.e garbage, rubbish shrubs tree cutting of any condition V mechanical means (by means of etc) lncluding loading, unloading, haulage Dumper, Loader transportalion etc. complete from Garbage transfer station behind Azeem Pura Grave Yard of Shah Faisal Zone to land fill site Jam Chakroo, including all charges and the cost ofweighting the solid waste complete as dlrected by in-charge officer for the work. P′ Ton (1000 kg) 62,400 Tons Totai r\mount per year in Figures Rupees ,\mount per year in words Rupees Only I'lame of Conhactor ,\ddress ,\uthorized Siguture: Datc: DEPUTY DIRECTOR HEALTH SERVICES SHAH FttSAL ZONE D M C KORANGI `r ヽ 1 DISTRICT MuNICIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI SIBIEC■ Bid Security:Tender Cost: - 020/。 oFFER RATE Rs,3,00o/_ 岬 ON § BILL OF QUANW SCrFD1/LE OF′ 4″ⅣυИι CoNTR4ε Fθ R ιttvθ θF G4RB4GE 『 FRθ ″ lθ θ o開 RTmaFκ θMⅣ α zo席 70 NDFfZL Sfrε 4 rDFrf´4″ cHAκRθ .FaR ruE PERIθ D OJv『 yE4R FRθ ノ イ ■″F4NARD θF “ Description 01 lifting and transportation of all sort of solid Unit Quantity Rate i.e Barbate, rubbish shrubs tree cuttjng ^,aste of any condition mechanical means (by means of Dumper, loader etc) including loading, unloading, haLrlage transportation complete from transfer station with etc. jn the iurisdiction of korangi zone to land fill site jarr chakroo, jncluding all charges and the cost of \veightinB the solid waste comptete clirected by in-charge offjcer for the work. as P/TOn 85,800/ (1000 kg} Tons TOTAL .Amount per year irt Figures Rupees ,lmount per year in words Rupees only ●‐ i{ame of Contractor /\ddressed: ′ ヽ uthorized Signature: Date: (With Stamp) DEPUTY DIRECTOR HEALTH SERViCES KORANGIZONE DMC KORANGI i Amount (.r ..- KORANGI EstimatedCost Open Rate Subier:t:- nd Su Provi 1 Furnitu on ofWork No S. 2oloEarnest Money quoted Amounts Tetrder Cost Rs.2000/- he Counci Ouantitv pplyrngand fixingshesham wooden Tablewith 9MM thlck uppas sideglass and Polishingal accessoryfining. [size 19x7) l Nos SLpplyrng and fixing Shesham woo.l chairwirh Leather sheet coushan rn all accessory fining. 60 Nos II of Rate Unit Amount Sr 3 Supplyin8and fixingSound system Hifi wirh speakerall ac3essory fifi ng.0apan Made) l lob 4 Supplying and.fixins "LED" siz€ ss'(rapan Made). l NOs 0pen Rate Supplyingand fixing MIC in all accessory nning.(lapan M,'de) A' Cordless Mic 2 Nos 'B'wireMic 2 Nos Open Rate 5 'C' Reteam Mic Open Rate 25 Nos Open Rate 6. Supplying and fixing SplitAC in all accessory tfttinB. 0apan Made)111 Ton. 3 Nos oDen Rate 7 Suppllng and nxingwooden sofa seats wirh table sMM 2 NOs 8 SurplyingandfixingBreaketfans allaccessoryfining. 16 Nos oDen Rate 9. 10 Providing & Supplying of Revolving chair Hi Class with Pfl,viding & Suppllng of Stabilizer for A {Universal) 1) Time LimiL C 5000 volr 3 Nos 0oen Rate Orqugnjh 2) Penalrv: Rs.1000/- Der dav I/we hereby Quoted lhe our rate al Contra( tor's Signature Rs, onen Rrte. _ Addrer;s . lirir,, *-- - EXECUTIVEENGINEER [B&R) (Landhi Zone) D.M.C Korangi .M.C KORANGI r,_ ENGINEER B Estima"d COst Rs 8.96050た ub trarnest Motrey otr ℃k c t e m”5 G E d ot > aり一 1 &jjl12!! Tender Cost Rs 2000″ Dust Bins iect:- S No ヽ、 ofwork Ouantitv Rate Unit 800‐ Ocft 317625 %o crt %O Cft ヽ 2541ル 3SS4 38 1060‐ O Cft 941628 %CFt Rs 99,813´ 1088-OCt 3370 P cri 48 57Cwt 500170 Cwt 3000 0 Crt 36300 ・/.OCft 900‐ O Cft 537763 ・/.crt Rs 48,39,7‐ 254829 1200‐ OSFt 327550 ・/.Sft ・/● Sft Rξ 2720-OSit 2283,3 ・/.Sft Rs 62,123´ 301546 %Sfl {cavation in foundation of building bridges and her structure/c dagbelling dressing refilling with lcavated earth watering and mmming lead up to 5 et. 2 in ordinary soil in hard soil on soft soil. iment conctete bricks or stone ballast 1 5''to 2" Ratio 1 4 8 c“ 3 S 6 7 8 ︲中 鳳 Ш一 理“″一 ︲ F 4 lete. R:irinforcehent cement concrete work i/c all labour and rd matedal except the cost of steel reinforcement ar.d .d its labour for bending and binding,which will p. i( id separately. This rate also including all kinds of forr rms moulds: lifting shuttering curring rendering and .filrir rishing the exposed surface (including screening ardd washing of shingle). 16/6 a)R RCC work in , roof, Slab beams. coloums lintel and othr her structue member laid in sifu or precast laid in tion Com brication of mild steel reinforcement for cement ncrete i/c cutting bending, lying in position making ints and fasting i/c cost ofbending wire (also ludos romoyol ofrust form bars)D.using Tor Bdrs. /8● ling waterurg a rammirg earth m floors with new th (excavaied ftom out side) lead upto one chain,liit Rs3,66,656 Rs2,つ ,933^ Rs 10,890 to 5 feet. !!!9 PIL:stone pitching / stone soling including sub-base wrlh ham mrner dressed stone on surface laid in course i/c !38 of matend t・ hah ctc(32ρ 3 D、 ■ ding and Lying topping Pr:r jn,lr Judlng suJre inishlng and cement concrete(112141 dividing into panel14ν a)l1%''thick __ 2''duユ _ E4 … …… … 3ment plaster 1:4 upto 20 feet height. Crn t/,''thick t 16) %"1thlck 3 4 4 7 9 5 8 0 Colo lour Washing (54125) a) (One Coat b)r Coat 2720-OSit %Sft %Sft R● 39,306 23,389 1)Time Lii● One Month 2)Penalty Rs 1000ハ Der dav V we hereby Quoted th€ our.ate at %Above / Below the schedule of Iate Contrrctor's SiSnature Address I UT晰 ︲ ︱ ︱ Ψ Ⅷ Ⅷ ︲ ︲ ︲ C ︲ ︲ ︲ 4緊 EXEC ゝ __ IVE ENCINEER IIl&Rl OFFICE oF THE EXECUTIvE ENGINEER B&R LANDHIZONE D.M.C KORANGI Estimated COst Rs 8 96 050′ Earn€stMoney Rs: .17.921l- Tender COst Rs 2000´ Subject S No Exc 1 Sm earl a)in tiotr of Work 褥 憔轄l蹴電 3 Ccn Cυ :lCκ Unit 317625 355438 %O Cft %O Cft 106● o cfi 941628 %CFt Rs 99,813´ 1088-OCft 3370 P Cft Rs3,``,656だ 485,Cwt 5001,0 Cwt Rs2,42,933だ 300o_o Cft 3`30o ・ /. OCft 900 0 crt 537763 %Cft 254829 ・/.Sfi 120o‐ osrt 327550 %Sft 2,20‐ osft 2283,3 301576 %Sft %Sft 44327 85,90 %srl %srt tl棚 b)il lllard sOi1 0n sOft sOil 2 Rate Quantitv 800ocrt lC OncKS Or stone baliast 1 5 t0 2' D Ratio 1 4:8 ctc cOmplctc Reirforcement Lrorcemenr cement concrete work i/c all labour and mat( irial except the cost of steel reinforcement and its labo ur for bending and binding,which willpaid sepa rately. This rale also including all kinds of lorms mou Ids: lifting shuttering curing rendering and finis hing the exposed surface (including screening and wasl ring ofshingle). I 6/6 Rξ 2541′ a)R( )C work in , roof, Slab beams, coloums lintel and othe 'structure membet laid in situ or precast laid in Sll 4 5 ion Complete in all respects.lt2:4 FabliLcalron or m o $eel relntorcement lbr c€ment conc]rete i/c crltting bending, lying in posifion making jdi:i and fasting y'c cost of bending (also wire includes rcmo val ofrust form bars)B.using Tor Bars. 1718 (a). Fillin g watenng and mrruIllng earth in floors with new earth (eXCa vated fiom out side) lead upto oDe chain, lift upto 5 Fcet 6 P/L s one one plicnlng′ stOne s01ing includlng sub‐ basc with hamnrer c LCelald h Co‐ seノ c camagc ofma teriz:「 11服 i拐 :∬ 島 稲 7 ち ′ 鷲#i:歳 響キ‖ Ⅷ跳子 Rs 48,399′ ― Provid 11ど inclull a)1': b)2'' 8 Rs 10,890L 4。 i『 thick Cem ,llt %''ul ick %'.饉 ick _ _ _ Colol r wasnmg ()4/2) a)o 1e Coat b)T、 ,,o R§ 39,3067 Rヽ 62,123た plaster l:4 upt0 20 Fcet height coat 2720‐ OSrt Rs 23,389 1)Time Liri● One Month 2)Pendty… Il wc hereby Quoted thc our rate at ColltractorI s %Above / Below the schedule ofrate Signoture Address EXⅧ 肥 勝∬ 蹄狙 P い ) INE Estimated Cost Rs.8.96.0s0/- B& Z0 D.ⅣI.C Esrnest Motrey Bq: ,17.921l- K0 GI Tetrder Cost Rs.2000/- Subject S No Ijescnpnol1 0i wOrk 1 Exca 舗 灘]1棚 撚鱗ギ鰍電 Ouantitv Rate Unit 800-ocft 317625 355438 %O Cft %O CFt R2541´ 1060‐ O cFt 941628 %Cft Rs 99,813た 108,Ocft 3370 P crt Rs3,6`,656 48 57Cwt 50017o Cw( Rs2,42,,33だ 30o● o cft 36300 %OCFt Rs 10,890″ %crt Rs 48■ 99´ stru; eart:r a)in ( b) iu hard sOi1 0n sOn soil Ccn lCill COnCrcle DnCKs or stOnc ballast 0tiol:4 8 elc cOmplcte 3 1 5''to 2 Rei1lforcement rurcemenr cement conctete work i/c all labour and ma“ irial except the cost of steel reinforcement and its labo ur for bending and binding,which will paid scpa mtely. This rate also including all kinds of forms lnou lds: lifting shuttering curring rendering and rlnis hing the exposed surface lincluding screening and wasl ing ofshingle). I 6/6 a)K )C work in, roof, Slab beams, coloums lintel anil structurc membet laid in situ or precast laid in 11 ion Complete in all resDects.t:2:4 Fabri.cauon or m d steel rerDlorcement fbr cement concrrete i/c cutting bending, lying in position making joint,i and fasting i/c cost ofbending wire (also includes rcm。 1val ofrust form bars)B.using Tor Bars. 17lg (a). otllc ' 4 5 Fillin g warcnng ano ratuirng eaflh ln lloors with new earth fiom out side) lead upto one chain, liftupto 5 (eXCa vated Fect P/L onc plicmn8′ stOnc sollng ineluding sub― base、 vith c ca● age 900‐ O cft 537763 『‖ 朧跳誂 哺 瀞 i:II準 ick _ _ _ 1200-OSft 327550 ・ /.Sfl コヽ3,,306み 2720-Osft 228393 301576 ● /● Sft ・/.Sfl Rs`2,123だ s han]n ofma 7 i総 11謡 拐〕 ;rCehdhCOwseν PЮ viJ■ ng li層 inclu(1■ ng a11カ ''dli b)2'' 雌 4。 254829 %srt Cem, :n:plasler li4 upto 2o ieet hclght vi _ S 44327 85,90 S 2,20-OS,t “ ■ ()4/t) % % , rh ick %" th lCk Colo[ r wasnlng a)o le Coat b /o Coat Rs 23,389′ ‐ 1)Time LIn 1 0口 e MOntll 2)Pcna■ y Rs1000た Der daV I/ we hereby Quoted the our nre at %Above / Below the schedu,e of mte. Contrrctorr I Signstur€ Address EXⅧ 肥 器 冊器狙 ]尉 ●鮮 、 THE OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIvE ENGINEER B&R LANDHIzoNE D.M.c KORAN⊆ I Estimate,l Cost &s.t.96.050/- EartrestMoocy Rs:.17.921l- Tender Cost &s,2000/- Subject:S No 1 2 n。 .^_.ぃ ^ Ixcawation i" r^.if,ir:Il“ r l7I.lI w, uu,ruIrts urroges ano ofher sructure,c dagbelling dressing refilling wilh e\cavaled eanh waleri0g and rammjng lead up lo 5 lirer a )in ordinary soil b) in hard soil on soft soil ...,,.ffi" gruge (b) Ratio D^:ぃ l:4 8 etc comDtefe r\lxlurlclrerr u€meff conctete work /c all ` a Quanti■ 800_ocrt Rate 317625 Ullit 355438 %O Cft %O Cft 106● O cft 941628 %crt 1088-Ocft 3370 P CFt 485,CIvt 500170 Cwt 3000_o crt 36300 %OCft Rs 10,890′ ‐ 90o‐ o cfr 537763 %Cft Rs 48,399た 254829 1200_osft 327550 %SFt %Sft Rs 39,306 2720‐ Osrt 228393 Rs 2541´ Rs,9,813/‐ labour d material except the cost of steel rcinforcement and iB Iabour for bending and binding.which will pi.rd separately. 'l hr_.s mle also including all kinds of I( rms.moulds: lifring shunering cuning rendering and ur)rshlng the exposed surface (including screening ard washing ofshingte). t616 R§ 3,66,656´ a) RCC work in , roof, Slab beams, coloums lintel and otLrer structure member laid in situ or preca,t laid in 4 5 Esirion Complete in all respects.l:2:4 r..urriiauon or m o steel terntdrcement for cement concrete i/c cuning bending. lying in position making .;o nts_and fasting i/c cost ofbending wire (also rn, ludes removalofrusl form bars)B.using Tor Bars. Rs2,42,933´ L718 (a). 6 7 8 9 υ'00■ ● VOヽ ■lug %Sft %srl 44327 8599o %Sft %srt t。 ッzD, a10ne Coat b)「 wKI 301576 Coat 2720-OSft Rξ 62,123だ Rs 23,389た 1)Time Lln it One MOnth 2)Pena■ yヽ 10ooハ Der dav Vwe hereby Quoted the our rate at %Above / Below the schedule ofrate. Contractor,s Signature Address 二 ね 工 _、 EX器 D 織 冊 躙蹄獄 ま は , は ´ Esdmateo cOst Rs 8、 96.050/― Eamest Mon€y Rs: .17.921l- Tender Cost Rs.2000/- Subject:- Kor S No Quantity 1 a)in Ordinary sOil 800‐ ocrt bl in llard sOi1 0n son sOil 2 3 4 | I ( Unit 317625 %OC■ 355438 :menr concrele bncks or stone ballast L5 . to 2.. E ugg fbl Rario l:4:8 err cornflete. x.)ruorcement cement concrete work i/c all labour I I ard materialexcept lhe cost ofsteel reinforcement I ar d its labour for bending and binding,whrch will paid separately. This rate also inc)uding all kinds of I lo-rns moulds: liffing shunering curring rendering and I lrrrrsh,ng l}le exposed surlace (including screening I and washing ofshingle). I616 I a) ICC work in . roof, Slab beams. coloums linrel and olller strucrure melnber Iaid in situ or precast laid in position Complete in all resoects.l:2:i Rs 2541´ %O CFt 1060 0 Crt 941628 %Cft Rし 99,813′ 1088-Ocft 3370 P crt ヽ 3,66,656た 485,Cwi 500170 Cw( Rs2,42,933´ 300● O crt 36300 ・/・ OCrt Rヽ 10,890 900‐ o crt 537763 ・/.Cft R● 48,399 lalso 17 8 (a). 1200‐ OSrt 327550 ] I I l irl rng warering aod ear ih (excavaed ftom out srde) lead uplo one charn. IiR mnming eaflh in floors wirh new I 6 ha■ ller 7 dlessed stOne on stlrace laid in cOurse i/c ■笙dage Of nlalcdal chain c(c(32/231 li淵 跳 子 24o 雫 響 :曹 I嘴 伴 b)2"uuck …… …… 25482, %Sft ・/.srt RsS,,306´ 228393 %Sft Rs 62,123だ 301576 ・/.Sft Cement plasle1 1 4 upt0 20 tet heigllt ‰"thick V _ %"nuck _ 272● OSft 2,2● osrt 44327 8599o ■ S a)One Coat b)ヽ、 Coat ” S Co OurWashng o″ 2, %% 9 ‐ Hffi colcrere i/c cutting bending. lying in position making Jornrs and fasring i/c cost ofbending wire in. ludes removalofrusl form bars.;B.using Tor Bars. 5 Rate Rs 23,389 1)Time Liriし 0口 e Montll 2)Pcnalty… l/ we her€by Quoted the our rate at %Above / Below the schedule ofrate. Contractor, ! Signature Address EXⅧ ●― ― ` 肥 冊 ∬踏■i尉 OFFI(〕 E OF THE EXECUTIvE ENGINEER B&R LANDHI zoNE DoM.C KORANGl Esdmat(d cOst Rs 8 96 050″ f,arn€stMoney Rs: .17.921l- Subject:- t BiDs in Area S No 1 Lan tion oFヽ VOrk 驚い 躍 躍炒 酬柵 d calth waldngttd.品 ingtadijIЪ cxcaⅦ lじ Tender Cost Rs.2000/- et Quantitv Ra te Unit 800-ocrt 317625 355438 %o crt %O Cft Rs 2,541■ 1060‐ o crt 941628 %Cft 島 ,9,813た 1088 0crt 3370 P Cft Rs3,66,6S6 48 57 Cwt 5001,o Cw` Rs2,42,933た 300● O cft 36300 %OCft Rs lo,890 cft 537763 %CFt Rs 48,399′ 254829 1200‐ osfi 327550 %Sft %Sft ヽ 39,306′ ‐ 2720‐ Osft 228393 30157` %Sft %Sft “ `,)in Ordina,sOil in hard soil on soft soil. (lement concrete bdcks o.iton" L,) 2 balE.t Ratio l:4:8 ctc lF to7 'Ileinforcement cement conireG wo.k7al hbo*and matedal except the cost of steel .einforcement and its labour for bending and binding,which will traid separately. This mte also ircluding allkinds f)ms 4 of moulds: lifting shuttering curing rendering and I nishing $e exposed surface lincluding screenir[ and washing ofshingle). l616 a )RCC work in , roof, Slab bearirs, coloums lintel and other structure member laid in sifu or precast laid in osition Complete in all resDects.l:2:i FabHcatiOn OFm‖ d stecl rcinfOrcemcnt fOr ccment c mcrere i/c cuning bending, lying in posirion making j,'inrs and fasring i/c cosr ofbending wire (also includcs rcmOva1 0fmst f0111l bars)B using Tor Bars 17/8 ra) F lling watedng and lallnling ealth in■ oOrs with new €rrth (excavared ftom out sid;) leBd upto one chain,lift R L stOne plthig/stme sOling hcludng sub_base wi血 h:■ lmer dressed stone on st lface laid in course i/c ca 7 rriage of material chai D etc. (32/23 lli耀 轟:き 1島 盟よ 島 『 a)1%''lllick __ V 8 9 :Ⅷ 輩lIIrt° 『 __ li眉 900‐ o 躙跳缶 24。 20 feetllelghl 272o‐ osrt 7 0 2 , 4 5 4 8 Cr,lour Washing (5425) %Sft %srt ヽ 62,123L Rs 23,389み 1)Time Lin■ Ome MOnth 2)Pena■ yお 10oo′ _Der dav Y we hereby Quoted the our rate at %Above / Below the schedule ofrate. Contractor's Signature Address 4Lふ ″…二釣_ EXⅧ 肥 勝∬ :蠍 盟 ま .M CK0 Eornest Mon€y Bs: .17.921l- GI Tetrder Cost Rs.2000/- Subject:S No 1 of :l鞘辮 財 麗r"dCan Work 熙讐 l枇 鳳 watcing and mm前 alin ordinary soil C:ment concrete britGirsi6iiTiiiiiltFlT tu 3 R :inforcement cement Unit 800‐ Ocrt 317625 355438 %O CFi %o crt 1060‐ O cft 941628 %Cft Rs 99,813´ 1088-OCrt 3370 P Cft Rs3,66,656´ 48 57Cwi 500170 Cwt 聰 2,42,933´ 3000_o crt 3`300 ・ /・ OCfi 900‐ O Cft 537763 %Cft Rs 48,399′ ‐ 12oo_osft 254829 327550 %srt %Sit Rs 39,3067 228393 301576 %Sft %Sfl 44327 85990 %Sft %Sft ng tadup b 5 b' in hard soil on soft soil. 2 Rate マ ua nil● ciiffiG[ Rs 2541た ?l hbourmaterial except the cost ofsteel reinforcement ar d its labour for bending and binding.which will pard separaEly. This rale also including all kinds of lorms.moulds: Iifting shunering curring rendering and arLd 4 lirishing rhe exposed surface lincludirig screening and washing ofshingle). l616 a) 1CC work in , roof, Slab beams, coloums lintel and otller sFucture member laid in siru or precast laid in posrhon Coinplete in all resDects.l:2:4 Fabrication of mild steel reiiforcernent for cement- 郵 郡嵐I暢:器躙 駆糧∫ aklng includcs rcmOva1 0Frust fo.11l bars)B uslng TOI Bars 17.8 ra) 5 Fllhng waに Hng and ram nlng ealth ln 000rs wllh new ear h {€xcava ted from our side) lead upto one chain, lift P71 sbnc pichn」 One sdig hduang Sub baselll饉 “ harmer lressed stOne On surFacc laid in cOulse 1/c cariage ofmatenal chain etc. (32123 驚11讐 認 臨i霊誂 ち 4。 ♯ 『柵 棚跳子 mた 。 b山 ぷ器lill1ll・ ° b)]%"ulick 8 Ⅵ 9 i眉 … 2,20-Osft CotourWashing (54l25) a) One Coat b)「 Wo Rs 10,8907 Coat 2720-Osit Rs 62,123′ ‐ Rs 23,389´ 1)Time Lim■ One MOnth 2)Penalty Rs 1000た Der dav I/ we hereby Quot€d the our rate at %Above / Below (l1e schedule ofrate. Cotrtr actor'ri Sigrature Address EXicuTII■ l】 Rl ∫ W:]1`lま ヽ Estimate(l Cosr Rs.8.96.050/- ^ し CE OF OFFICT守 型 堕 興 嘔 型 興 聾 塁 塾 Ш ザ ザ 警 Esdmate〔 l cOst Rs8.96050だ Earnest MOney Rs:17921′ ttI ZONE D.M.CKOMNGIc ‐ Tender COst恥 2000た Subjecl:tlon ofヽ VOrk I S No 1 Ou{trtitv Ra te Unit 800‐ ocrt 317625 355438 %O CFt %o crt Rs 2541だ 1060‐ o crt 941628 %crt Rs,9,813´ 1088‐ OCff 3370 P CFt 48 57Cw( 500170 Cwi 300● O Cft 3630o %OCft 900-O crt 537763 %Cft o tn rounoauon ot Dutldrng bndges and ^(avaUon lher strucrure'c dagbelling dressing refilling wirh rcavated earlh walering and ramming lead up to 5 O ■ a b ret. tin ordinary soil )in hard soil on soft soil. 2 じIncnl concrctc oncks Or stOnc ballast 1 5''lo 2 l pt i rゥ l R a a a a o tugc O)Ratio l:4:8 clc cOm。 lete 4 ernrorcemenl cement conqete work /c all labou( d material except the cost of steel reinforcement rd its labour for bending and binding.which will rid separately. This rare also including all [.inds of rms moulds: lifting shunering curring rendering and rishing the exposed surface tincluding screenir;g rd washing of shingle). 16/6 RCC work in , roof, Slab beams, coloums lintel and her structure membet laid in situ or precast laid in rsition Complete in all respects.l:2:4 Fr'bricat .oncaDon ot mrtd steel relnlbrcement for cement cc,ncrete ncrete i/c cutting bending, lying in position making ints and fasting 7c cost of bending wire (atso ,011 lnc,udes removal Rs3,66,656 Rs2,42,933′ ‐ ofrust form bars)B.using Tor Bars. /8 (a). i 田 F l,′ 5 xng watenng and ramming earth in floors with new th (excavated ftom out side) lead upto one chain, tift to 5 feet ン ´ ´stone pltch:ng/stOne soling including sub‐ base、 ■lll ha■ ll ner dressed stOne on s品 ce laid in cOulse■ /c t n> r P aい iagc Of mateHal chaln elc(3223) Rヽ 10,8907 Rs 48,399´ cal■ 7 )vldmg and Lying toppng cement concrete (1:2:4) tuding surface finishrng and dividing into parct (42116) I /,"thick... ........... ... 2" thick....................... 8 ・/.srt 327550 %Sft 2720‐ osft 228393 301576 %srt %Sit 44327 %S■ %Sft Rヽ 39,306 C( )lnent Piaster i:4 upt0 20 1ect hcight %' ¨ ck ′ thick ' 9 254829 1200-OSft Co lour a b …… _ … Rお 62,123′ Washing(54/25 0nc Coat lTwo Coat 1)Timc Lir」 ●One 2720-OSFt 85990 Rs 23,389た Month 2)Penalty: Rs 1000′ ‐Der dav V we hereby Quoted the our rate at %Above / B€low the schedule of rate. Contractor's Signstuie EXECUTⅣ E ENCINEER(B&Rl (Landhi Zo■ e)D M C Korangi ‐ e Subject S No on of Work tcavation in founalation of building bridges and orher structure/c dagbelling dtessing refilling with e):cavated earth watering and mmming lead up to 5 1 Ouantitv Rate 800-OCft 317625 %O Cft 3S5438 ・/.O Crt 1060-O cft 941628 %Cft Rs 99,813′ ― 1088‐ Ocrt 3370 P Cft Rs3,66,656′ ‐ 48 57Cwt 5001,0 Cwt ヽ 2,42,,33′ ‐ 3000‐ o crt 36300 %ocrt Rs 10,890′ ― 900-O CFt 537763 ・/.crt 254829 327550 ・/.Sft 1200‐ OSft 228393 301576 ・ /.Sfl Unit E feet. a)in ordinary soil bJ in hard soil on soft soil. C3mcnt cOncrcte b五 cks or stOnc baHast 1 5''lo 2.' g ugC(b)Ralo li4 8 c“ complctc R rinforcement cement concrete wotk i/c all labour arLd material except the cost of steel reinforcement ar.d its labour for bending and binding,which will pz id separately. This rate also including all kinds of forms moulds: lifting shuttering curdng rcndering and firrishing the exposed surface (including screening ard washing of shingle). 16/6 a) RCC work in , roof, Slab beams, coloums lintel and other shucture member laid in situ or precast laid in p(sition Complete in all respects.l:2:4 F, brication of mild steel reinforcement for cement ccocrete i/c cutting berding, lying in position making joints and fasting i/c cost ofbending wire (also in:ludes removal ofrust form bars)B.using Tor Bars. 4 l't/8 (a). Fi llDg watniig and ramming earth in floors with rew ea th (excavated from out side) lead upto one chain, ln S Rs 2541′ _!pto 5 feet. P/- stone pitchhg/ stone soling including sub-base wirh xlmer ahessed stone oo surface laid in cource i/c ca.riage ofmaterial chain etc. (32123) ` ha 7 PDVidhg and Lying loppig cclllent COncrete(124) in(ludlng sllrFace FInishing and dividlng intO panel(42′ 16) a11%"thiCk b)2"ulick 8 %Sft Rs 39,306′ ‐ C:ment plaster l:4 upto 20 feet height. %' thick...... .. ... %' thick..... 9 … …… … R348,399 2,20‐ osft . Cclour Washing (54125) a r One Coat blTwo Co3t 2720‐ OSft 44327 85990 Rヽ 62,123 n● 23,389 %Sft %Sff %Sft 1)Time L"“ ●Ome Montll 2)Pcnalty: Rs 1000´ 口er dav I/ we her€by Quoted the our rate at %Above / Below the schedul€ ofrate- Cotrtrrctor's Signature Address ・ EXECUTIVE ENCINEER(B&Rl (L2ndhi Zone)D M C KOrangi 一 ― [stimak d Cost Rs.9.45.250 /-(+l O/Itat€ 2% Earnesr Money Rsr19.7O5l- Subiect:- Patch Repair ofRoads in UC No.0l Landhi Zone No S. DescriDtion of Work CC work in situ and basement Plaster and underfloor includinglaid upro one chain etc. Tende. Cost Rs.2oOOl- D.M.C Korangi. Ouantitv Rate 450 CFt 332750 o/o Cft k.74,97 4/- 3850 Cfl 136125 o/o Cft k.5241/- 4300 Cft 579‐ 41 o/o Ctt Rs.24975 / - 4400 CFt 554224 Vo Cft Rs.2,43,859/- 8800 Sft 7-0 o/o Sft tu.61600/- Unit Amount Disrnantling of 1 complete.(Chap.2 Page 10 Sr.19-A) Eanh workexcavation undressed upto a single rhrow ofI{rssi Phawra or Shovel in ordinary Soil etc complete. (Chap.1,Page 1 Sr.1-A) 2 3. / 5tons ofall material like stone sprawls coal time system etc complete. Can iage of 100 Cft a88r egate [3 4 rlile) [Chap.1 Page 10 Sr.1] P/L base course agreed CBR 80% its as per (AAi;HT0) Standard size specification i/c composting lo rcquired density by approved mechanical means (Vibrating ruler, Road packer &smoothwheel roller) i/c r yatering with all needs and lift completed.(ch ap.1 Pagii 5 Sr.12-B) Providing and spEyingprime coatwith medium curirgasphalt ofgrade 60/70 prime coat shall be penr)tration used as of 11 Liters/100 sft. At 70 degree centigrade mixed with adequate qualily ofkerosene oil .......... Materials and methodology shall fully comoly the tests etc.......,. as directed by Engineer 5 A/R Incharge. 6. :7. 1J 2J P/L 1" thick (consolidared) asphalted macadam using shellie B.S or its equivalent grade in any other app: Propriety brand with remarked coat using bitumen 15 ll)s 0/o sft for tack coat 3 ,, lb per Cft [total bitumen 65 lbs i/c sftJ P/L single Layer of3 CM compacting thickness course on the followingiob mix lormula : Asphalt [60/70 grade) content weight 4.5 0/o ofTotal mix. i/c rollingand finishing etc complete. Trme l,irhit: Penal! 4107‐ 34 15450 Sft 2000 Sfl %sft Yo k.6,34,661/- Sfi 0/R 0/Rate oDgMlntb y: BI"looolIsulay 1/We hereby Quoted the Our rate at %oAbove / Below the schedule ofrare. Contractor's Signature Addresi EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (B&R) (Landhi zone) D.M.C Korangi @ Estimanid cosr Rs.9,as.064 /-{+} o/Rat 2olo Earnest Money Rs:19.701l- render cos r Br.2!00[ Subiect:- 2 3. 4 / Stons ofall material like stone aljgregate Sprawls coal time System efc complete. [ ] mile) (Chap.1 Page 10 Sr.1) Rate 435 Cft 332750 .o/o Cft 3906 CFt 136125 0,6 cft Rs.5317l- 4341 CFt 579‐ 41 o,4 cft Rs.25152/' 4400 Cft 554224 o/o Cft Rs,2,43,A59 / - 8800 SFt % slt Rs.61600/- 15450 Sft 4107‐ 34 %Sft Rs.6,34,661/ - Amount Rs.14,475 /- C,rrriage of 100 Cft P,/L base course agreed CBR 80% its as (luqSHTO) Standard size specificarion per i/c composting to required densiry by approved mechanical means fvibrating ruler, Road packer & srnooth wheel roller) i/c wateringwith all needs a 5 Unit Quantitv 7 A Dismantling ofCC work in siru and basement P asterand under floor including laid upto one cluin etc. complere.(Chap.2 Page 10 Sr.19-A) E rrth work excavation undressed upto a single throw ofKassi Phawra or Shovel in Ordinarv Soil elc complete. (Chap.1,Page 1 Sr.1-Al 1 0 ・ハ Desc ption ofwork No S. d lift completed.(chap.1 Page 5 Sr.12-B) Pr-oviding and spraying prime coatwirh medium ctLring asphalr ofBrade 60/70 prime coat shall be penetration used as of11 Liters/100 sft. At 70 dcgree centigrade mixed wirh adequate quality of kerosene oil ......,... Materials and methodoloBy shall fullycomply.the tests etc.......,. as direcred by Elrgineer Incharge. Pi'L 1" thick [consolidated] asphalred macadam 6. 7 ulingsheltie B.S or its equivalent grade in any other af)p: Propriety brand with remarked coat using bilumen 15 lbs % sft for rack coat 3 lb per Cft [trral bitumen 65 lbs i/c sft) P/'L single Layerof3 CM compacting thickness w3aringcourse on the followingiob mix formula: A;phalt (60/70 grade) conrenr weight 4.5 0/o of Total mix. i/c rollingand finishing etccomplete. 2000 SIt o/o 0/R Sft 0/Rate 1l Tim( LimitrS4sMonlh 2) Pen; ty: Rs.1000/- per da!. I/ w€ hereby Quoted the our rate at o/oAbove / Below the schedule ofrate. Contra.tor's Signature Address EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (B&R) (Landhi Zone) D.M.C Korangi Subie(■ on of D smantling ofCC work in situ Pl Tender Cost Rヽ 20007‐ :‐ S No 1 20/c Earnest Money R‐ 197057‐ Work Ouantitv Rate Unit Amount 420 Cft 332750 %Cft Rs 13976/‐ 3850 Cft 136125 0/O Cft Rs 5241/‐ 4270 Cft 579‐ 41 %CFt Rs 24741/― 3300 CFt 554224 0/c Cft Rs l,82,894/‐ 8800 Sfl 70 A/R %Si Rs 61600/― ■1450 SFt 4107-04 ● /● Sft R,6,94,661′ and basement asrer and under floor including laid upto one Cr ain etc. complete.(Chap.2 Page 10 Sr.19-A) E[ lrth work excavation undressed upto a single th row ofKassi Phawra or Shovel in OrdinarySoil et c complete, (Chap.1,Page 1 Sr.1.AJ 2 い α ■ ¨ 3 / Stons ofall material like stone greSate sprawls coaltime system etc compleLe. I mile) (Chap.1 Page 10 Sr.1) Lrriag€ of 100 Cft 4 P′ 'L base course agreed CBR 8070 its as per ASHToI Standard size specification i/c 0 ASHTO〕 CC mposting to rcquired densi ry by approved m echanical means [Vibrating ru]er, Road packer& Sr rooth wheel n a μ よ k “ D al Ld 5 roller) i/€ wateringwith all needs lift compleled.(chap.1 Page 5 Sr.12-B) oviding and sprayingprime coatwith medium ring asphalt ofgrade 60/70 prime coat shall be ,netration used as ol11 Liters/100 sft. At 70 'gree centigrade mixed with adequate quality of ,rosene k€,rosene oil .......... Malerials and methodology shall Lly comply Lhe tests etc...,,.,.. as directed by rgineer Incharge. 'L 1" thick (consolidated) asphalted u` orits equivalentgrade in any other 'p: Plopriery bland with remrrked coar usin8 macadam inB sheltie B.S i 0 “ b ● P rral bitumen 65 lbs i/c sft) P 'L single Layerof3 CM compacting thickness raringcourse on the followingjob mix formula: iphalt [60/70 grade) content weight 4.5 0/o of )tal mix. i/c rolling and finishing etc complete. wA ■ 7 %SA 2000 Sft 0/R V 0/Rate 1)Tim(Limi● One Month 2)Pen ilり I Rs1000/‐ Der daV 1/We hereby Quoted the Ourrate at %Above / Below the schedule ofrate. Contractor's Signature EXECUTIVE ENCINEER(B&R〕 (Landhi Zone〕 D M C Korangi 、 ヽ ン C Estilnar d Cost Rs 9 23 113/‐ r+10/Rate Estimakld CostRs.9.31.A13 Subie(■ 1 2% Earnest Mon€y Rs:1a.636 /_ Tende r Cost Rs.2O0O Patch R4palェ ェf Roattin UC No 04 LandhiZone D M QKo興 単 :‐ Description of Work pismantlingOFCCwOrkinsituandbasement Plaster and under n00rincluding laid upto one Quantity Rate Unit Amount 485 Cft 332750 %Cft Rs 16,138/‐ 3850 Cft 136125 %Cft Rs 5241/ 4335 CFt 579-41 %Cft Rs 25,117/‐ 3300 Cft 554224 %Cft Rs l,82,894/‐ 8800 Sft %Sft Rs 61600/‐ ● /.Sft Rs6 40823/_ ユlain etc complete〔 Chap 2 Page lo sr19 A) 2 E〔 lrth lν ork,xcavatiOn undressed upto a single thrO、νOflCassi Pha、 vra Or Shovelin Ordinary SOil 望C COmplete(Chap l,Page l srl A) C:Lrriage of100 Cft / 5rons ofall material like srone aFgregare sprawls coal time system etc complete, (:l mile) (Chap.1 Page 10 Sr.1) 3 4 P/ Lbase course agreed CBR 80% its as [,4ASHTO) Standard size specification per i/c ccmposting fo required density by approved m:chanical means [Vibrating ruler, Road packer& snroothwheel rcller) i/c wateringwith all needs ard lift completed.(chap.1 Page 5 Sr.12-B) Providing and sprayingprime coatwith medium turingasphaltofgrade 60/70 primecoatshall be p€netration used as ofll Lirers/100 sfr. At 70 d€gree centigrade mixed wiLh adequate quality of kerosene oiL......... Materials and methodolos/ shall fu ly complythe tests etc......... as direcfed by Ergineer Incharge. P/L 1" thick (consolidated) asphalred macadam usingsheltie B.S orirs equivalentgrade in anyother app: Propriety brand with remarked coat using bi.umen 15 lbs % sft for tack coat 3 * lb per Cft (k)talbitumen 65lbs i/c sfrJ P/Lsingle Layer of3 CM compacting rhickness w{raringcourse on lhe following job mix formula: Asphalt (60/70 grade) conrenr weighr 4.5 % of Tc tal mix. i/c rollingand finishing etc complete. 5 6 7 4107‐ 84 15600 Sft %Si 2000 Sft 0/R V 1〕 /. 0 ハ ・ 7 A S No /,t+l O/Rate Time Liniヒ 0/Rate One Month 2)Penalり IRェ 」QQコ 四■■撃 I/ we herebyQuoted the our rate at %Above / Below the schedule ofrate. Contractort Signature Addreris EXECUTIVE ENCINEER(B&R〕 Landhi Zo ne〕 D M c Korangi 〔 一 0 Estimated Cost Rs.7.R4.621 /-f+r O/Rate 2o/o Earnest Mon ey Rs:a9.7 7 Z /- Tender Cost Rs.2ooo/- Subiect:- 1 眺鋼鰤 No S. tioll oFWOrk nanrlrng ol CC work in situ and basement plaster under floor including laid upto one charn etc. Ouantitv Rate 264 Cft 332750 o/o Cft Rs.8785/- 2000 Cft 136125 o/o Cft Ps.2?22/ - 2264 Cft 579-41 o/o Cft tu.13,118/- 3060 CFt 554224 o/o Cft k.7,69,593 / - 6800 Sft 7-0 A/R 13200 Sft 4107‐ 84 UIlit rplete.(Chap.2 Page 10 Sr19-A) 2. Earlh .h work excavation undressed upto a single thro of Iras assi Phawra orShovel in OrdinarySoil etc r 機鰤 a C conrpl Lplete. (Chap.1,Page 1 Sr.1-AJ 'iage of100 Cft 3. / Stons ofall material like stc'ne -egate Sprawls coal time System elccomplete. nile) lchap.1 Page 10 Sr.1) PlLbt base course agreed CBR 80% irs as per (AASr SHT0) Standardsizespecificarion i/ccomposting 4 Amount to r,-,q -,quired density byapproved mechanical means ra ruler, Road packer& smdothwheel roller) [Vit rafing vateringwith all needs and lift completed. (chap.1 PaSrr 5 5 Sr.12-B) Pro','iding /iding and sprayingpdme coatwith medium asphalt ofgrade 60/70 prime coar shall be 5. cur] ng pen3trati 3tration used as of ll Lit€rs/100 sft. At 70 degree cenliSrad iSrade mixed with adequate qualityofkerosene oi1......... ........ Materials and methodolos, shall tully ply the comply tl tests etc......... as directed byEngineer %sft k.47,600/- Yo sft Rs.s,42,235 / - o/o Sft Inalarpe. arge. PlL 1" thick (consolidatedl asphalted macadam using or its eouivalent grade in any other app: Prol )riety brand with remarked coat using bitumen shel tie B.S 6_ 15 65 lr )s '7. i/c sft) PlL single Layerof 3 CM.compactingthickness ringcourse on the followingiob mix formula: Aspl ralt (60/70 grade) contenr weight 4.5 %o of Total mix, i/c rollingand finishing etc complete. 1J 2000 Sft 0/R 0/Rate Tim( Limit: One Month 2l Penirlty: Rs.1000/- per da!, I/we herebyQuoted the our rate at o/oAbove / Below rhe schedule ofrate, Contractor! Signature Addr€ss - \blr, *--- EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (B&R) [Landhi Zotre) D.M.C (orangi Estimated cKlst p、 7 nn■ 46′ ‐ r+1()′ Rate 誦 2% Eamen Motrey Rs:15.767l- 6) Subiect;S No 1 Description ofWork E`mandinξ ofCCworlcinStuandbasement Ouantitv Rate Unit Amoutrt Plaster and under n00rincludingiaid upto one 264 Ct 332750 %CFt Rs 8785/― 2600 CFt 136125 %CFt Rs 3539ノ 2864 Cft 579‐ 41 %Cft Rs 16`594/‐ 3060 CFt 554224 %CFt llainetc cOmplete(Chap 2 Page lo sL19 A〕 2 Earth、 vork excavatiOll undressed uptO a single tllЮ wOflKassi Pha,vra Or Shovelin Ordinary S011 ■r Cmplete(Chap l,Page l srl Al 3 rrriage of100 Cft / stons ofallmaterial like srone ailSreSate sprawls coal time system etc complete. [ 3 mile) (Chap.1 Page 10 Sr.1) C 4 P/L base course agreed CBR B0% irs as per (rlASHT0) Standard size specifica!ion i/c composting to required density by approved nechanical means [Vibrating ruler, Road packer & srnooth wheel roller) i/c watering withallneeds V Rs l,69,593/ arld li ft completed.(chap.1 Page 5 Sr.12-BJ oviding and sprayingprime coatwith medium cLrring asphalrofgrade 60/70 prime coafshall be p,)netration used as ofll Lirers/1oo sfr. At 70 d,)gree centigrade rhixed with adequate qualiry of kcrosene oil .......... Materials and methodology shall fL liy comply the tests etc..,,,.... as directed by Engineer I!aharge. P,/L 1' thick fconsolidated) asphalted macadam usingsheltie B.S or iLs equivalent grade in any ofher app: Propriety brand with remarked coat using bjtumen 15 lbs yo sft for tack coat 3 14 lb per Cfr [t)tal bitumen 65lbs i/c sfr) P,/L single L4yerof3 CM compacting thickness wearing course on the following iob mix formula: A;phalt (60/70 grade) conrenrweight 4.5 % of Total mix. i/c rollin8 and finishing e tc complete. 5 P 7 ヽシ 0 駅 . 7 6 6800 Sft 4107‐ 34 13200 Sft %Si Rs 47,600ノ ‐ O/O Sft 應 5,42.235/‐ %St 2000 SIt 0/R 0/Rate 1)Ti,o Limに One Month 2〕 Penalり :B國 Ш」νコ四L止撃 1/We hereby Quoted the Our rate at ToAbove / Below the schedule ofrate. Contra ltor's Signature Address ‐ ― ― EXECUTIVE ENGINEER(B&R〕 ― (Landhi Zone) D.M,C Korangi ― Estimated Cost Rs 7 89 752′ ‐r+lo/Rale 2olo 蜀 Earnest Money Rs:15.795l- Srbi".t'KorargL S No Description of Work Dismantling OF CC ivOrk in situ and basement 1 Plaster and under noorincludinglaid upto one Jlainetc complete(Chap 2 Page 10 Sr 19‐ A) E rrth work exca\,?tion undressed upto a single tlrrow olKassi Phawra or Shovel in Ordinarv Soil e c complere. (Chap.1,Page 1 Sr.1-AJ 2 3 Crrriage of 100 Cft / Srons mile) (Chap.1 Page 10 Sr.1) P/Lbase cotrse agreed CBR 80yo its as per 0\ASHTo) Standard size specification i/c compostingto required density by approved nechanical means Mbratingrul€t Road packer & 4 P,/L single Layer ol3 (60/70 grade) content weighr 4.5 yo of T,)talmix. i/c rolling and finishing etccomplete. A rphalt 1〕 2〕 %CFt Rs,982/‐ 2600 Cfl 136125 %CFt Rs 3539/‐ 2900 Cft 579‐ 41 0/cCi Rs 16,803/‐ 3060 Cfl 554224 %Cft Rs l,69,593/‐ %Sft Rs 47,600/ %Sft R55,42,235/ Timo Limiヒ 6800 Sft 4107‐ 34 13200 Sft CM compacting thickness wearing course on the followingibb mix formula: ‐ 332750 7 A 7 300 CIt 0 ハ ・ 6 Amount 3 srnoothwheelroller) i/cwateringwith all needs and lift completed.(chap.1 Page 5 Sr.12-B) P'oviding and sprayingprime coatwith medium cuing asphall ofgrade 60/70 prime coar shall be penetration used as ofll Liters/1oo sft. At 70 d,igree centigrade mixed with adequate quality of k(jrosene oil .......... Materials and methodoloB/ slrall fully comply the tests etc......... as directed by X lgineer Incharge. P,/L 1' thick [consolidated] asphalied macadarn u,:ing sheltie B.S or its equivalent grade in any olher app: Propriety brand with remarked coat uriing bitumen 15 lbs % sft for tack coat 3 ,4 lb per Clt (totalbitumen 65lbs i/c sft) 5 Unit ofallmaterial like stone ailgregate Sprawls coal time System etc complete. ( titv Rate Ouan 2000 Sft 0/c Sft 0/R 0/Rate One Month Pen ilty: Rs 1000/― Der daV I/ we hereby Quoted the ourftlte at %Above / Below the schedule ofrate, Contractor's Signature Addr(,ss EXECUTIVE ENGINEER(B&R〕 Landhi Zon● D M C Korangl 〔 ― Estimated cost R■ 927214/‐ f● 10/Rnね 2% Earnest Money Rs:ra.S44l- Tender Cost Rs.2OOO/- Suい Ct‐ Landhi ZOne D,M c Korand S No 1 DescriDtion ofv,/drk I)ismantling of CC work in situ andlGmeir 1)lasterand under flooi includinglaid upro one ( C 0uantitv Rate Ullit Amount 525 Cft 332750 %Cft お 17469/― 3850 CFt 136125 0/OCR Rs 5241/‐ 4375 CFt 579-41 %Cft 路 25349/― 3300 CFt 554224 %Cft Rs 182894/‐ %Sft Rs 61600/― %Sft Rs 6,34,661/‐ hain etc. complete.(Chap.2 page 10 Sr.19-A) 2 3 4 5 0 駅 . 7 degre9 centigrade mixed with adequate qualiけ Of k3rosene oll … ……Materials and methOdO10gy shan ■1ly compし the tests etc… ……as directed by 8800 SIt E ngineer lncharge 下′ Ll"mick lcOnsddated)asphJted macadam u,ing sheltie B S orits equivalent grade in any other 6 al)pI Propriety brand with remarked cOat using l'tumen 15 1bs%sFt Fo「 15450 Sft 4107‐ 84 tack cOat 3 1/21b per Ci ftOul bltumen 65 1bs1/CS■ 〕 ′ P/LsingieLayerof3CMcOmpactlllgthlcklless wearing cOurse on the fo‖ Owing,Ob miX fOrmula: 1鼎 if胤需:辮 器鑓灘撫 V 1〕 Timt Limiヒ %Si 2000 SFt : 0/R 0/Rate One Month 2)Penalり :Rs 100o/‐ Der daV I/ we hereby Quoted rhe our rate at_%Above / Below the schedule of rate. Contrar:tort Signature Address J́ヽL応 ぃ … EXECUTIVE ENCINEER(B&R〕 (LandhiZone)D M c Korangi llillil」liIZQNEIギ 11」1:t」llitさ SutteCt‐ S No DescriDtion of Work 0uantitv Rate Unit Ariount 420 CFt 332750 %CFt Rs 13,971/‐ :hrOw OfК hssi Phawra Or ShOvelin O「 dinarv SOil 3850 CFt 136125 %Cft Rs 5241/‐ aggregate Spra■ vls cOal time system etc cOInplete 4270 Cft 579-41 %Cft Rs 24741/‐ 3300 Cft 554224 %Cft Rs l,82,894/‐ %Sft Rs 61600/― %S■ Rs 6,34,661/‐ ulsmancxngot LLwork in siLu and basement Plasterand und er floor including laid upro one 1 rhain etc. cornplere.(Chap.2 page 10 Sr.19-A) Ealth work excam● on undressed upto a● ngle 2 3 i J3m‖ 4 e〕 (Chap l Page lo sr l〕 5 8800 SIt 0 駅 . 7 l)/L base course agreed CBR SOTl" as per 'ts (AASHTO) Standard size specification i/c composting to required densi fy by approved rnechanical means (Vibratingruler,Roadpacker& . moofh wheel roller) i/c wateringwith all needs ;Lnd lift complered.(chap.1 page 5 Sr.12.B) Iirovidingand spraying prime coat with medium (uring asphalt ofgrade 60/70 prime coat shall be penetration used as of ll Liters/100 sft. At 70 (LeBree centigrade mixed with adequate quality of [:erosene oil :......... Materials and methodology shall fully comply the rests etc..,,..... as directed by [;ngine€r Incharge. r/L 1" lhick (consolidared) asphalted macadam 6 L sing sheltie B.S or its equivalentgmde in any other app: Prcpriety brand with remarked coat using titumen 15 lbs 70 sft for tack coar 3 14 lb per Cft Irotal birumen 65lbs i/c sfr] 15450 Sft 4107‐ 84 f/L 7 single Layer of 3 CM compacting thickness v/earin8 course onthe followingiob mix formula: Isphalt (60/70 grade) content weight 4.5 % of 'lotalmix. i/c rolling and finishingetc complere. V 1〕 2〕 Tlme Limi● Per alり 2000 st %Sft 0/R 0/Rate One Month :Es 1000′ ‐ pcr颯 1/We hereby Quoted the Our rate at %Above/Be10w the schedule Ofrate Contractor's Signature Addr,rss 二 螢述ゝ _― EXECUTIVE ENCINEER〔 B&R〕 (Landhi Zone)D M C Korangi ) Estimated cOstBぃ E乙 ご 堕LSJ眸 /‐ r+lo′ Rate 2o/o EarnestMoney Rstls-731 /- Tender Cost Rs.20O0l, SubioctS No υescrlpt10n O!wOrk ′ ISHlan[llng OIし しwOrk in sltu and basement I 'laster and under n00rincludingiaid upt0 0ne Quantrtv Rate Ullit Amount 402 CFt 332750 %CIt Rs 13376/― 2000 Cft 136125 %Cft Rs 2722/ 2402 CFt 579‐ 41 %Cft Rs 13917/‐ 3000 CFt 554224 0/c CFl Rs l′ 66′ 267/― ap 2 Page 10 sr19 A〕 2 artil worK eXCaVat10n undressed upto a single hrolν of KaSsi Phalν ra Or ShOvelin Ordinary SOil ― tc complete(chap l,Page lsrl A) 3 arnage or luU Lft / 5tons ofall materiallike stone Sprawls coal time Syst€m etc complet€. ( a Sgregate 〔3 mile) (Chap.l Page 10 Sr.1) F /L base course agreed CBR 80% its 4 as p€r qASHToJ Standard size ( specification i/c C rmposting to required density byapproved n Iechanical means (Vibrating ruler, Road packer & noothwheel roller) i/cwareringwith all needs a nd lift completed.[chap.1 Page 5 Sr,12-B) rovicling and spraying prime coatwith medium rring asphalt ofgrade 60/70 prime coat shall be -.netration used as olll Liters/1oo sft. At 70 egree 3SreecenligrademixedwithadequaLequalityof erosel rrosene oil.......... Materials and methodology shall LIly comply the tesLs etc,........ as directed by S 5 c p d k 7800 Sft 7‐ A E 一P 6 0 A/R /L 1" thick (.""r"lid"r"d) 1〕 %SFt Rs5,35,662/‐ rr*rdr. u ".phrtr"d iing sheltie B.S or its equivalentgrade in any other a )p: Propriety brand wit} 〔otal bitumen 65lbs i/c sftJ remarked coat using P /L slngte Layerot 3 CM compacting thickness W earing course on the followingiob mix formula A +halt [60/70 grade] contenrweight 4.5 o/o of TI )tal mix. i/c rolling and finishing etccomplete. V Rs 54600/‐ ,Igineer Incharge. 410784 13040 Sft b 7 %Si Time Limiし 2000 Sft %Sft 0/R 0/Rate One Month 2)Pen iltyI… I/ wehereby Quoted the our ra te at o/oAbove / Below the schedule ofrate. Contra ctor's Signature Addr€ss EXECUTIVE ENGINEER〔 B&R〕 (Landhi ZO ne)D M C KOrangi 一 健〕 OFFI Estimarr€d CostRs.9.23.3as /-r+) o/Rare 2qo Eamest Money Rs:14.46al- TenderCost R-!.200o/. Subi€,ct:oF Work No S. nsmanurngot CC workin sifu and basemenr 'lasterand under floor including laid upto one 1 2. II t Ouantitv Rate 42 7 Cft 332750 o/o cft Rs.14,208 /- 3850 CFt 136125 o/o Cft k.s241/- 4277 CFt 579-41 o/o Cft k.24781/- 3300 CFt 554224 Vo Cft 8800 SIt 7-0 7o Sft Rs.61600/- % sfr k.6,34,667 /- Unit hain etc. complere.(Chap.2 page 10 Sr.19-A) arrh workexcavation undressed upto a single lrow ofKassi Phawra or Shovel in Ordinary Soil e cc 3. 4 complere. (Chap.l,Page 1 Sr.1-A) arriage oi100 Cft / Stons ofall material Iike stone ggregare a Sprawls coal time System etc complete. 〔3 mile) [Chap.l Page 10 Sr.1) P /L base course agreed CBR 80% its as per IASHTo) Standard size specification i/c C )mposting to required densi fy by approved Amount ( n rechanical means (Vibratingruler, Road packer & S noochwheel roller) i/c watedngwith all needs a 1d lift complered. (chap.1 Page 5 Sr12-Bl P ro\,'rdlngand spraying prime coatwith m€dium C rringasphalt ofgrade 60/70 prime coat shall be penetri enetration used as of11 Liters/100 sft.At 70 degrce d egrce centigrade mixed with adequate qualifyof kk:rose :rosene oil .......... Materials and methodolos, shall fr. ly complythe tests etc,,....... as directed by 5 E ngineer P /L k.\,42,89 4/ A/R Incharge. 1" thick (consolidated) asphalted macadam orifs equivalenLgrade in anyother rpr Propriety brand with remarked coat using b tumen 15-lbs 0/o sft for tack coar 3 16 lb per Cft (r otal birumen 65lbs i/c sft) /L single Layer of3 CM compaclinB thickness earing course on the.following iob mix formula : jphall (60/70 grade.) content weighr 4.5 o/o of )tal mix, i/c rollinB and finishing e fc complete. u,l iingsheltie B.S 6. a 15450 Sft 4107‐ 84 P '7. ︲ w A T 2000 SFt %o sft 0/R 1l Timri Limit 2J 0/Rate otrliueElh Penllry: Rs.1000/- per dav I/we herebyQuoted the our rateat %Above / Below the schedule ofraLe. Contractor's Signature Addr€ss EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (8&RJ (Landhi zone) D.M.c Korangi - G \* Estima ed cost Rs.9.9a.621l- 2%Earnesr l\4oney ns:1e.972l- Tender Cost Rs.2o0O /- Subiect:Roads in Landhi Zone D.M.C Koranci. ofWOrk No S. xsmanflingot cc work in siru and basemenr laster and under floor includinglaid upto one 1 hain etc. complete.(Chap.2 pase 10 Sr.19-Al I arlh workexcavation undressed upto a single t rrow ofNassi Phawra or Shovel in Ordinary Soil e tc complete. fchaD.l,Paee 1 Sr.1-Al ( arnage of 100 Cft/ Stons ofall material like stone a ggregate Sprawls coal tirne Surkhi etc complete.(3 n rilel (ChaD.l Pase 10 Sr.1l 2 3 Ouantitv Rate 562 Ct 332750 o/o Cft Rs.18,700/- 4000 Cft 136125 o/o Cft Rs.5,445l- 4562 CFt 579-41 o/o cft k.26,433./- 3300 CFt 554224 o/o Ctu 8800 Sfl 7-0 A/R P/Sft 17127‐ SFt 4107‐ 84 %sft Amount Ullit P base course agreed CBR B0% its as per {ASHTO) Standard size specificarion i/c rmposting to required densi!y byapproved lechanical means (Vibrating ruler, Road packer & nooth wheel roller] i/c wateringwith all needs nd lift complered. (chap.1 paee 5 Sr12-Bl < /L c n 4 Rs.1,82,893 s /- a P 5 c rovrdingand spraying time coat with medium rringasphalt ofgrade 60/70 prime coat shall be p ofll d enetration used as Liters/1oo sft. At 70 egree centigrade mixed wjth adequate qualiryof rrosene oi1........... Materials and methodology shall ly comply the tesls erc......... as directed by ngineer Incharse, k Rs.61,600 /- n E 6 P /L l" thick (consolidatedl asphalted macadam sheltie B.S or its equivalent grade in any 0 lher app: Propriety brand with remarked coat u sing bitumen 15 lbs % sft for tack coat 3 % Ib er Cft (total birumen 65lbs i/c sftl U sing 1) tu.7,03,ssq/- Tim: LimitiOne Month 2) Penaltyr BL!00!/!Jeday I/we herebyQuoted the our rate at o/oAbove / Below the schedule ofrate. V Contra ctor's Signature Addrcss - \\\-L\. "."_,- EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (B&R) (Landhi zone) D.M.C Korangi Estimalred Cost Rs.19.99.979 /, 2olo Earnest Money RS:4O.OOO/- TenderCostRs.2S0Ol. Subie.ctS No 1 2 3 4 … Description of Work l)ismantling ofCC work in situ and bas€menr I'lasrerand under floor including laid up[o one rhain etc. complete.fchap.2 Pase 10 Sr.19-A) [)ismanding CC Block Masonrv. l]arth workexcavafion undressed upfo a single throw ofKassi Phawra or Shovel in ordinary Soil (tc complete. [Chap.1,Page I Sr.l-A) 塩獣轟晰蹴R踊 鼎鮮躍 躙淵: 、 granular sub-base Course as per IAASHTO Standard specification)including compacting to the required density by approved mechanical means [Vibrarory roller road Packer and smooth wheel roller etc.) including watering with all lead and Iift,, Ilile〕 [/L 5 C Ouantitv Rate Unit Amount 787 Ci 332750 %CFt Rs26,187/― 220Cft 113438 0/O Cft Rs 2 496/‐ 9600 CFt 136125 0/O Cft Rs 13,068/‐ 1060 Cft 71429 %Ci Rs 75,765/ 16m:駈 334171 %CFt Rs 55,138/‐ フ425Ci 554224 0/o Ci Rs 4,11511/‐ 22500SIt 70000 %Sft Rs 15,7500/― 30632 Sft 410784 %Sft Rs 12,58,314/― (Chap l Page 10 Srl) tc. Complete. l:hap.l Page 5 Sr.12-Bl [ /L base course agreed CBR 80 e 6 7 8 ‐ 0/o its as per (MSHToI Standard size specification i/c compostingto required density by approved rlechanical means (Vibrating ruler, Road packer& smoothwheelroller) i/cwateringwithall needs and lift comDle ted. fchaD.1 Pase 5 Sr.12-Bl Iroviding and spraying prime coat with medium curingasphalt of grade 60/70 prime coat shall be penerarion used as ofll Liters/100 sft. At 70 d egree centigrade mixed with adequate quality of kerosene oil .......... Materials and methodology shall frlly comply the tests etc......... as directed by Engineer Incharse. f/L single Layer of 1 thick compacting thickness v/earingcourse on the following job mix formula: Lsphalt (60/70 grade) contentw€ight 4.5 % of 'I otal mix. i/c rollingand finishinq etc complete. 1) Time Limih oEsMoDlth 2) PerLaltyi Rs.1000/- per day I/we herebyQuoted the our rate at o/oAbove / Below the schedule ofrate. Contr:rctor's Sitnature Address ― _ヽ 注 _ EXECUTIVE ENGINEER(B&R〕 Landhi Zone〕 D M C КOrangi 〔 OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER fB&Rヽ LANDHIZONE D M.C KORANGI 岬 ( Estinared Subiect:- ost lts.7la2.494l_(+'l o /Rat€ 2%o render cosi Earnest Money 8t15,.6501 Br4lQol ll 1)M C KtlranEl S N0 1 DescriDtion of Work Disn randing ofCC work in situ and basement PlasLer and inder tloor includin8 laid upto one chain etc COm plete.(Chap.2 Page 10 Sr.19-A) hwork excava tion undressed upto a single thro w ofKassi Phawra or Shovel in ordinary Soil etc COm plete. (Chap.1,Page 1 Sr'1-A) 2 Quantity Rate Unit Amoulrt 360 Cft 332750 0/O Cft Rs ll,979/― 2250 CFt 136125 %Cft お 3,063/‐ 2610 CFt 579‐ 41 %Cft Rs 15,123/‐ 3000 Cft 554224 C/o Cft Rs l,66,267/‐ Earl Cari 3 i[-of t oo cfl 7 stons ofall material like stone aggl 'egate sprawls coal time system etc (3r rile) (Chap.1 complete ] l Page 10 Sr'1) P/L base course agreed CBR 800/0 ils as per RAA SHTO) standard size specificaLion COIr posting to required density by me( hanical means (Vibratin8 ruler, Road packer sm( oth wheel rolter) i/c watering with alt needs 4 i/c approved & and lift completed.(chap,l Page 5 I sr.l2-B) I | I I ︲ n い 餌 四L b 剛 E "@l 5 ofgrade 60/70 prime coat shall be etrationused as ofll Liters/loo sft' At 70 ree centi8rade mixed with adequaLe qually of .ng asphalt rose osene oil .,......., Materials and methodology shall y comply Lhe tests etc.. .. .., as directed by 7200 SIt 7‐ 0 %Sft Rs5Q400/‐ A/R lineer Incharge. -........ -........ -....... -.......' Pノ │ ,.......' --t'tnicttcon.ono"teot".pn,*"'""' other sheltie B.S or its equivalent grade in any appD:): Propriery brand wilh remarked coat using us] ng 6 13040 Sft 4107‐ 34 3/O Sft Rs 5,35,662/‐ bit V (tt sm Ⅳ ︼A 7 tal bitumen 65lbs i/c sftJ I-.nete t-ave. ot r cer compacr,,u t""'"*' ,arinicourse on the followint job mix lormula: pf,alileOTzO g."a"1 contentweight 4 5 %o ofTotal x. i/c rolling and finishing elc comPlete' 0/c Sft 4500 Sft 0/R 0/Rate 1)Time Limlt:One Month 2〕 Penalヽ ■Rs 1000/‐ Iler dav 1/We hereby Quoted the Our rate at yoAbove / Below the schedule ofrate. Con,act(r's Signature EXECUTIVE ENCINEER(B&R) Landhi 2one〕 D M C Korangl 〔 V OFFiCE Estimated llost Rs.9.94.442 /- 2 Yo Earnest Mo ney lendercilB'2工 」四ン生 Brl9,92r.L Si subiecLDescriptiotr ofWork Ouantitv Rate Unit Amount Exca,/ation for pipe line in trenches and pits in wet soil clay Э 「 mud etc complete 15575-O Crt 4650-0 %OCi Rsフ 2′ 424′ 700-O Ra 2060 3670 P Rft P Rft 14529-0 Each RFt 2538‐ 62 P Rft Rs 68.543た 20 Nos 190660 Each Rs 38,132/ 20 0 Nos 91363 Eaぬ Rs 18,273′ ― 15575‐ OCft 2760-0 %OCi Rs 42,98‐ l― 10 Nos 180‐ 0 Each S No l ^ Z O'to 5′ Pro\iding and Laying of RCC Pipe with (Rubber ring Joint and fitting in henches i/c cutting fitting and Jointing with rubber furg i/c testing with wai)r specifi ed pressue). 08" lia 12" )ia P..rdmg N'Iam holes 4'feet irtemal diameter without RCC cover CI frarne (l5Kg)and s'feet clear depth cast in sih.l l:2:4 using 50% crush store and 50% graded bajri g"thick wall l:4:8 cer.e[t concrete iD 6'feet dia and 6"inch thick in fouldation 1:2:4 CC in benching to top i/c makiru req: No of main and branches channels etc 3 600‐ O Rfl 2,Nos Rs l′ 44,200μ Rs 2,20′ 200/‐ Rs 3,92,283/ COn 4 A/R Add′ deduct fo「 Extra Depth pe「 nt 5 Ma :lufacturing and Supplying RCC iDside diameter 36"outside diameter 27‐ O ring slab lctc 7′ "■l■ dth CtC Mallllfacturing and supplying of 21'' diamctcr 6 7 illing the excavated stuff in trenches 6" Laver included watering ramming to Re 血制 RCC Main Hole covers cast in 1:2:4 cement corcrete ratio (50%) gaded Bajri and 50% crush ) 3" deep at centre reinforced with %" dia M.S tor bars with 4" C/C welded Vc complete cornpaction elc comPlete. 8 准鶴 茫 黒cL需 1笠∬鵠 t Rs 1800′ ― c(1 2 4 ctc complctc 1〕 Time Limi● One Month 2)Penaり :Rs 1000′ ‐Der dav 1/We hereby Quoted the Our rate at %Above/Be10w the schedule ofrate Contractor's Signature Address ヽ =二 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER(B&R〕 (Landhi Zone)D M C Korangi Estlmated cost Rs.9.9a.902 Subiect:- Providinq S No ― -- 1 / /' LaYins RC'C PiDe Drain 36-8' 37B'36D'37C DescriPtion of work ScariLiying the exisling Road Surface prls in wet Excavation for pipe Iine in trenches and soil ctayormud etc complete. 0' to R麺 "③ ir Landhi Zone Quantity Rate unit AmouIrt 3000 Sft 116‐ 16 %Si Rs 348S ・/・ OCft Rs 62′ 775/‐ %OCft Rs 23.205/― 13500‐ OCi 13500-O Cft 0 0 ・ ・ 0 0 5 5 6 9 5 4 2 Tendelい 2% Earnest Money Rs:19.974/_ i' 5' to 3' 3 08・ I)ia Rs l′ 44,200/‐ 700‐ O Rft 2060 P Rft 850‐ O Rft 36フ 0 P Rft Rs l,83′ 500/― Each R54,64,928/‐ 12・ 1)ia ヽク 4 32 Nos 14529-0 25 Nos 91363 Each Rs.22,E4d- 10 Nos 190660 Eacll Rs 19,066′ ‐ 18150-O Cft 2760-0 %OCft RS 50′ 094/‐ 25 Nos 180‐ 0 Each Rs 4500/― 2538‐ 62 P Ft 二 ●フ 6 フ 8 9 (+)8t Rs.20,309/- l 3Ⅷ ∬t=器哩rdN 1/We hereby Quoted me Our rate at O/OAbOVe/Be10w the schedule Ofrate Contra ctor's Signature Addrr)ss EXECUTIVE ENGINEER(B&R〕 ZONE D'M'C KORANGI oFFICE oF THE EXECUTM ENGINEER (B&R) LANDHI Esrimated costBs,!21,6441 Subiect- zolo Earnest Morev E l6tr93l rh \7 Tendetcostns2o0o/- i ”︲ o¨﹃ s UC No'01Landhi Zone Providins / LavinqRC C PiDe Drain in Mai€ed Colonv D'M.C Koransi. Amount Unit Rate Ouantity 12750-O Cft 4650‐ 0 %OCft 2060 P Rft 0 P Rft Rs.11,950/- Rs 59,288/‐ Proマ rlng rlttir with Rft 08'I 8'I)ia 36フ 850-O Rft 12'.I Pro\ witl clea stor 22 Nos 14529-0 Each Rs.3,19,638/' 22 ft 2538-62 P ft Rs 55′ 850/― 22490‐ O Cft 2760-0 %OCft Rs-62,o121' 7 NoS 180‐ 0 Each RS l,260′ 1275-O CFt 3341-71 %Cft Rs 42′ 607/― cer inf mal 'etc 鵠 薫 薫 薫 離 藉 ま 蓄 需 要 1茸F華鷲 前 『 モ モ 面 「 請 7τ ⊆ ■24 etccanpに い lttn,aSe 「 :11::■::駈 ヽ r“ v Ⅲ Ⅲ I I I I Ⅲ Ⅲ I I I I Ⅲ Ⅲ I I I I Ⅲ 爬 nH = = = = = H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H U m ︱︰ ︰ ︰ 〓︰ ︰ ︰ 〓︰ ︰ ︰ 〓︰ ︰ ︰ 〓1 1 1 11 1 1 0 0 ” l/we herebyQuoted nH=====================0 靱 3槻 ど` JЛ = == = == = = == = == = == = = == = == = u _ coVers u the our rate at Contraotor's Signature Address つ ヽ 一 EXECUTIVE ENCINEER(B&R〕 Candhi ZOne)D M C Korangi Estimat€d cosr Rs.9.07.75 9/- Tender Cost― 2% f,arnest Money Rs:1a.155/- SubieCt:‐ PrOvidillg/Laving RC c sewerage Linein Area 89 UC No 6 Descri on &area 82 UC No 10 ofWork Excavation for pipe line in tr€nches and pits rn wer sril clayor mud etc complete. 0'to 5' 13500‐ O CFt Rs 71,745/‐ 5' ro 8' Providing and Laying of RCC Pipe with [Rubber r ng Joint and fitting in trenches i/c cutting fifting and Jointing with rubber tung i/c resting u.ithwaterspecified pressure CompleteJ. 08'Dia t2" Dia Providing Main holes 4'feet internal diameter u'ithout RCC cover C/l frame (15Kg)and 5'feet c ear depth cast in situ 1:2:4 using 500/0 crush s one and 50yo graded bajri g"thick wall 1:4:8 c,rment concrete in 6'feet dia and 6"inch thick ir foundation 1:214 CC in benching to rop i/c making req: No of main and branches channels e:c complete, A/R add/deduct for Extra Depth per fit Rs 3.74,340/‐ 1020-O Rft 145290 Nlanufacturirg and suppllng of 21" diameter RCC Main Hole covers cast in l:2:4 c€ment concrete ratio (50%) graded Bajri and 50% crush ) 3'' deep at centq reinforced with %" dia MS to( Rs 3フ 7754/‐ 91363 blrs wlu1 4''C/C wcldcd ctc Ⅳ[anufacω ■ng and Supplyig RCC ring slab 21'' irside diametc1 36''outも ide diametcr 7′ ''width elc Refilling the excavated stuff in trenches 6" thick Layer included watering rammirg to full cr)mpaction etc comDlete, Iv aking connection in the existing manholes i/c the cost of cutting holes in wall Making good in C: 1:2:4 etc comDlete. 1〕 2〕 Tinc Liniヒ 4 0 Nos QI10mL PenJり 睦 10- I/we hereby Quoted the our rare at %Above / Below the schedule ofra!e. Contractor's Sitnahrre Addr(.ss _塾 ユニ_「 . EXECUTIVE ENCINEER(B&R〕 (Landhi zOne〕 D M C КOrangi f,stimared Cost R\4.97.246 /- 2%o Earnest Money Rs:17..,45/- TenderCost SubieCt:― L … S No Descriirtion ofWork Ouantitv Rate Unit Amount 18000-O CFt 4650-0 %ocrt Rs 83700/‐ 1500‐ ORft 2060 P Rft 1020‐ ORft 36フ 1 E s 一 U [xcavation for pipe line in trenches and pits in wet scil clayor mud elc complete, 0' to 5' 5'ro 8' ´ b P@r P 2 r n ● ring Joint and fitting in trenches i/c cutting fitting and Jointing with rubber Ring i/c tesring o v/ilh water specified pressure Completel. l 08" Dia 3 4 | )'Di, PProviding Main holes 4'feet internal diameter without RCC cover C/l frame (15Kg)and 5'feet Cclear depth cast in situ 1:2:4 using 5070 crush Sstone and 5070 graded bajri g"thick wall 1:4:8 Cc3ment concrete in 6'feet dia and 6"inch thick ll irr foundation l:2:4 CC in benching to top i/c nnlaking req: No of main and branches channels eetc complete. AA/R add/deduct for Extra Depth per fit ヽ R Ir@ brrs with 4" C/C welded etc complere. Nlanufacturing and Supplying RCC ring slab 21" irside diameter 36"ouLside diameter 7 %"width etc t r O ■R u C ヽ l 6 RCC Main Hole covers cast in 1:2:4 cement concrete ratio (50%) graded Bajri and 50% crush ) 3 ' deep at center reinforced with %" dia MS tor ︲ c 3 b 5 0 Rs 30′ 9000′ P Rft Rs 73400′ 28 Nos 14529‐ 0 Each Rs 406812/‐ 15 0 ft 2538‐ 62 Each ←)Rs38′ 079/ 5 0 Nos 91363 Each Rs 4568′ ― 5 0 Nos 190660 Each Rs 9533/‐ 16200-O Cft 2フ 60‐ 0 %ocrt Rs 44712/‐ 20 0 Nos 180‐ O Each Rs 36007t q,rmplete. V 7 Refilling the excavated stuff in trenches 6" thick Layer included watering ramming to full )mpaction etc complete. lvtaking connection i; the existing manholes i/c the cost of cutting holes in wall Making good in CC 1:2:4 etc comDlete. c C 1〕 ︲ t 8 Time Limlt One Month 2)PenaltyI Rs 1000/‐ Der daV I/we hereby Quoted the our rate at %Above / Below the schedule ofrate. Cotrtra ctor's Signature Addrcss 、 ハゝヽ 、 ____ EXECUTIVE ENGINEER(B&R〕 Landhi zOne〕 D M C Korangi 〔 EsumJ ed cost_ zYo Earnest Money Rs:1a.O6A/, Te Subiecr- nder Cost Rs.2OOO /- 10 UC NI ofWOrk Descri Ixcavation fOr pipe line in trenches and pits in wet soil clay o「 mud etc cOmplete O'to 5' 15500-O CFt Rs 72075/ 5 to8' 絲靴撃 韮凛l卓:覇籍靴 08''Dia 1000‐ ORft Rs 206000/― 12''Dia 206-O RFt Rs 73400/ Providing Main holes 4'feet internal diameter u'ithout RCC cover C/l frame (15Kg)and s,feet c ear depth cast in situ 1:2:4 using 500/0 crush sr-one and 50yo graded bajri g"thick wall 1:4:8 cement concrete in 6'feet dia and 6"inch thick in foundation TZ4 CC in benching to top i/c making reqi No of main and branches channels 14529‐ 0 R5479457/‐ 9-,!lSmP19!e._ A/R add/deduct for Extra Depth per fir Rs 15232/― Nlanufacturing and supplying of 21" diameter RCC Main Hole covers cast in 1:2:4 cement concrete ratio (50%) gmded Bajri and 50% crush ) 3' deep at center reinforced with %" dia MS tor b lls wiu1 4"OC wcldcd ctc M allllfacturing and Supply■ lclc ng RCC ring slab 21'' insidc dianlcter 36''outside diametcr 7%"width clc R:filling the excavated stuff in trenches 6" tl.ick Layer included watering ramming to full on etc complete, Making connection in the existing manholes i/c tte cost of Futting holes in wall Making good in Cil 1:2i4 etc complete. 1〕 2〕 Timc Liniヒ One Month Pen■ lty:歴 1000/‐ I/ Der daV we hereby Quoted the ourrate at %Above / Below the schedule ofrate. Cootractor's Signature Address ― ■‐ EXECUTIVE ENCINEER(B&R〕 (Landhi Zo ne〕 D M C Icorangi C) ・ m t ︰ c m e L m ・ 耐り L u Estilnated Costlls 9 02 409/‐ S S No 2olo /- Eamest Money Rs:18.O48 Descriptlol1 0rWork Ouantitv Rate Unit Amount 3870 St 116-16 %Sft Rs● 495/ 14403‐ O Cft 4650-0 59500 %OCft %OcFt Rs 66′ 974/‐ 2250-O Cft 1 S 2 cari8/ing thd existing Road Surface. Ixcavatlon for pipe line in trenches and pits in wet soilclay Or mud etc complete ('to 5' Rs 13′ 387′ 5'to 8' 3 4 f'roviding Main holes 4'feet internal diameter !r'ithout RCC cover C/l frame [15K9]and s'feet clear depth cast in sitrr 1:2:4 using 50% crush slone and 50%o graded bajri g"thick wall 1:4:B cement conbrete in 6'feet dia and 6"inch thick ir foundation 1:2:4 CC in benching to top i/c rlaking req: No of main and branches channels 600-O Rft 2060 3670 R R 12" Dia 206-O Rf″ i t I'roviding and Laying of RCC Pipe with fRubber ring Joint and fitting in trenches i/c cutting fLtting and Jointing with rubber Ring i/c testing !,/ith water specified pressure Completel. C8" Di Rs 41′ 200/‐ Rs 2′ 20′ 200/― 26 Nos 14529‐ 0 Each Rs 3,77′ フ 54/― (+)30 0 Ri 253862 P Rft (+)Rs 76,159′ 10 Nos 91363 Each Rs 9136′ ― 10 Nos 190660 Eaぬ Rs 19,066′ ― 20523‐ O Cft 2760‐ 0 %OCFt Rs 56′ 643/‐ 25 Nos 180-0 Each R54500/― etc complete. 5 l,/R Add / deductfor Extra Depth per fit. lvlanufacnrring and supplying 6 of 21" diameter I'.CC Main HoIe cove6 cast in 1:2:4 cement concrete ratio (50olo) gaded Bajri and 50% crush ) 3" deep at center reinforced with 7r" dia MS tor tals with 4" C/C welded etc complete. ヽlallufaclling and Supplyulg RCC Iing siab 2r' 7 00 9 1〕 ilside dlamcter 36''outside dlalneter 7%''widlll clc 10mplCtC [:efilling the excavated stuff in trenches 6" thick Layer included watering ramming to full compaction etc complete, Ilaking connection in the existing manholes i/c the cost of cutting holes in wall Making good in ( C 1:2:4 etc complete. Tim e Limi● One Month 2)P,nalty:Rs 1000′ ‐Der daV I/ we hereby Quoted the our rate at o/oAbove / Below the schedule ofrate. Contrtlctor's Signature Address 狐 ― ― ― EXECUTIVE ENGINEER(B&R〕 LandhiZonel D M C Кorangl 〔 EstiInated Cost Rs.9.5O 767l- 2o/oEamest Money Rs:lg-Z1S t - Tender CostRS.30OO/- a) Subiect:S No … 1 ] 1 I 〔 ) 8"Dih i) 12''Dia 〕ii) 18"Dia 0‘ C l り ´ し Ⅵ N ヽ n 12o Nos 3 P,Nos Rs S6,900/‐ 30 NOs 19066 Each Rs 57,198´ 25 NOs 20 Nos 91363 105125 Each Rs 22,841´ Eacll Rヽ 30 NOs 56309 Each ヽ 16,893/‐ M d 4 a)21"Dia 5 474‐ 83 21,025た SI ″Pend.PI:鶴 譜把鼻dav i/We hereby Quoted the Our rate at %Above / Beiow the schedule ofrate. Contrador,s Sigruture Address EIEC rkrimated cost Etir.8a 895 2oloEartrest Money Rsr19 ^ Tend€r cost 77al' Sublect:¨ S No ^ Z 1 Dismantl 岬 Earth w, clearan( ^ 6 Ullit Cft 113438 %Cft 366‐ OCrt 332750 ● /.Cft ■1000‐ OCft ■66375 2000‐ OCft 317625 355438 %O Cft 11429 0 Ct 5794■ O/O Cft Rs 66.221/ 50● O Crt 941628 %crt Rs 47,0817‐ 3000‐ Sft 312741 1■ 25‐ Cft ■442925 263‐ O Ccment b10Cゝ Dismanu ::iti511る 71正 雨 罵 Amoutrt Rate Ouantity ll O/。 Rs.2,9E3/- cFt Rs 12,1'9´ Rs■ 0.30■ /‐ Excaval other st: │ excaval( feet. 4 a)in Inary sOil oniinary bl lll ha 5 CarriaS 6 Celnenl 響 梨 拙 喘 器 齢 淵 311511「 Raも ヽ _ 7 ErectiDn plain ・/・ O Cit Rs6,353■ O/O Sft Rs 93,822/‐ ・/・ Cit Rs■ ,62,329/‐ ce Vertical Cemer. 8 finishil and stutte ProVid: 9 slin l cunng a lnP b inヽ c inヽ 洲器 flⅧ 乳 幣紺冊 潔 1750‐ OCrt 1426853 1462144 %cFt %crt ‐ ‐ Rs2,55,875′ 9500-OSft 2283'3 %srt Rs2,16,973′ 85990 %SIt 670‐ OCrt e etc 10 Rs 95,599′ Cenlent ‐ %''慟 i詠 %"tlliよ 11 1300‐ OSft Colo' a) Or Rsll,1'9′ ‐ DTヽ vO Coat 1) Time Linit' OIe4+Ih 2) PenaltY: I 1/We hereby Quoted he our rate at__一 _一 -96Al10Ve/BdOW he schedme ofrate cOntractOr's Signature AddreSS_ ― EI儒 脳 楡爾 Se― Estimak!d Cost Rs.9.94.456 /- 2qoEarnest Morey Rs:1 9.969/- Subjecじ ― Improvement&ReDair OfNJhh&R C C Culve“ in different area Landlll Zone … S No 1 of 332750 Rs 6,023´ 674‐ O Clt 54450 %Cft Rs 36.699/ 100● O CFt 317625 355438 %O CFt %O Cft フ000‐ OCIt 166375 O/O Cft 9005 0 Cft 5フ 9‐ 4■ 1/OCt Rs 52,■ 76/‐ 10● O Cft 941628 %Cft Rξ 9,416′ %CFt Rs 64,932/‐ %SFt Rs 37,529/‐ 150‐ O Cement concrete Plain t:2:4 Dismanrling Unit %crt %CFt Quantitv Cementblock 2 3 Tender Cost concrete relnforcement separating reinforcement from concrete cleaning & Cft 181 0Crt Rate 1134‐ 38 Amount Rs l,702′ Cement ing the stone. Excavation in foundation Ofbuilding brid8cs and olllcr slrucalrc/c da♪ Clling drcssing rcilling with 4 excavated earth watering aIId ramming lead up to 5 feet. a)in ordinary soil b)lll itt soi1 0n sOn soil 5 Earth workexcavation in ashes, sand soft soilor silt clearance undresses lead upto 50 feet 6 Carriage of 7 te sprawl coal lime surkhi erc. f3 miles Cement concrete bricks or stone ballast 1.5" to 2,' gauge 100cft 5 tons of all marerial like stone Ratio 1 4:8 etc 8 Cement concrete plain including placing compacting finishing and curing complete (including screening and washing of stone aggregate) without 450 0 Ct 1442925 Rs3,17α ‐ Rs■ 1,646/‐ stuttering(AI Ratio l:2:4r16/5 9 Erection and removal of centering for RCC or plain cement concrete works of portal woo.(b] 1200‐ O Sft 312741 1362‐ o cft 337o P CFt Rs4,58,9,47 4864 Cwt 500171 Cwi Rs2,43,283´ 468-O sFt 223393 %srt Rs 10,689だ 300‐ O sft 327550 %S“ R§ Vertical f13/191 10 V *o*7ilii6ou, Reinforcemgnt cement coocJete aod material except the cost ofsteelreinforcement and ih labour forbendhg and binding, which will paid separately. This rate also including all kinds of forms moulds: lifting shunering curing rendenng and 6njshing the exposed surface (rDcluding screenmg and washing of shinsle). I 6/6 a)RCC work in , root SIab beams, coloums lintet and olher structure member laid in situ orprecast laid in In all 11 ts l:2i4 ^ ∠ Fabrication of mild steel reirErce,*nt fo. ".mert concrete i/c cu tting bending, lying in position making and fasting i/c cost ofbending v.ire (also includes iomts removal of rust form bals Toll Bars l‐ 78(a 9,■ 9,plaster l`up10 20 fecllleiま │ %''饉 ick_ _ ^ 3 %''mick l』『 島Itti∬ ]:i:[鳥『° り月 中gttL::需 淑 142/16) 〕 )1%"dlick_ 14 _ … … _ … … ・・ 盤出lR艦 [鯖 島1躍 “b品 419o stt 5融 2 ︲ ))2"■ tk… ・/.srt 9,826L Rs S2,375´ 1)Timc Limiし One Month 2)Pen31ッ :Rs 1000/‐ Der daV I/ we hereby Quored the our rate at %Above / Below the schedule ofrare. Contnrdor's Signature Address EXECUTIVE ENGINEER(B&R〕 (LandhizOneD D M C Кorangl V V ヽ ヽ Q ヽ で、 ´ Estimared Cost Rs.9.99.367 SubieCt:― /. 2oloEarnest Money Rs:19.9a7l- Imlllrovementand Repair ofNallttsユ LandhizOne D M C Korangi 腱 realD 2B 37D 5A.and loooo Roadin S No 1 Masonrv. 2 :E,Er"ltE!!l]ls!!l!9cK U,tW 3 Earrn work excavation in ashes, sand soft soil or sill clearance undresses lead uDto s0 lepr Tender CostRs.2O0Ol- Quantitv Rate 31● O cft 1134‐ 38 450‐ OCrt 332750 Unit %CFt %crt ■200o‐ oclt 166375 %CFt Rs■ 2965/‐ 2000_ocrt 317625 %O Cft %o crt Rs 6,353だ 41 O/OCに Rs,1,644/ 50● o crt 941628 %Cft Rs 47,081´ 3000‐ sA 312741 O/O Sft Rs 93,822/‐ 1■ 25‐ Cft ■442925 %Cft Rs■ .62,329/‐ 67● ocrt 1750-OCft 1426853 1462144 %crt %crt Rs2,55,875´ 950o_osrt 228393 %Sft Rs2,16,973だ 1300-OSft 85990 %srt Rs ll,179た Arnount Rヽ 3,573た Rs 14,974 l脂 盤 層 4群"dC鸞棚 Ⅷ‖ J° 6 ° ne ・ il∬ 器 コ ll片 Celncnt cOnclcle bHcks Or stOne ballast 1 5"to 2・ O)Ra“ 。1 gaugc 4 8 ete cKlnlplete 355438 12365 0 Ci 579‐ 7 8 9 cunng etc illl:]I義 10 !1;llli:I:ξ :18:1:llily:補 i『 : rttllTillllp。 芽 %"ulick 2U led hel」 │ Rs 95,S99´ t _ Cobur Wasing 0472つ V ])One Coat 。Coa` JЪ″ 1)Time Limiじ QlleM‐■th 2)Penal,7: Rs looo7‐ Der daV 1/We hereby Quoted the Our rate at o/oAbOve/Be10w the schedule Ofrate Contractor's Signature Address Eぅ 「 CuTIVEENGINEEI(B&R〕 (Landhizore) D.M.C xo;ngi Estimated Cost Rs.6.S4.3OO/- SutteCt 2%Earnest Motrey Rs:13.Oa6/- ttraⅣ alLЯ ndLl Description 。C=dI‐ 8 a)Whte/c。 lour 1 b)Ord・ narv _ 6 Unit Amoutrt 4866 0 sn 22688 %Sn Rs llo40/‐ 1400‐ O cft 317625 355438 ・・ OCR Rs 4447′ 350-OC, ,41628 %Cn Rs 3295‐ l_ 340‐ o cft 1442925 %Cft Rs 121206/‐ 2240‐ O Sft 312741 %Sft Rsフ 0054′ 盤蟷瀧 締懲 部糖&出脳 5 temcntし Oncrelc bnck Or stollc ballast l:5to 2'' gaugc.b'Ratlo l:4:8- 鮮辮 rFttΓ stuttering〔 A)Ratio l:2:4(16/5〕 5 Rate pahtOn wall b)ul hard soi1 0n son soil 4 Quantity wash dlstenlper,Oil band distempcl or alin Ordina,sOil 3 tt UCNo06Landm 2。 nρ … S No 2 Tender Cost Rs.2000/- 鰤聯 Erection and removal of centering for RCC or plain cement concrete work of portal woo.[b) Vertical f18l191. Providing & Laying 113:6 cement conc.ete solid block masonry set in 1:6 cement mortar i/c ranking out joints and curing etc. al In plinth bJ In wall above 6" thickness in G.floor super structure etc. c) In wall 6" and below thickness in C.floor / Super structure etc, %Oca / 7 %"1澁 ck:asler 1 4 uptO zυ V 9 aoor、 vlth cho、 vket etc xanrc / cnuKna6 or stzee t1A \4 th x3for loor using 20 gauge G,l she€t y'c fixing on walis etc. t,r u,r 10 )aneled 11 12 o 15771 0 %CFt Rs i7506/‐ t5-0 Sft i 228193 %Sn Rs 130527み 14218 Each Rs 711/ 228‐ 90 P RA Rs 16481′ li2_O sR n31H %Sa Rs 126684た 96 o slt 163-90 %SR Rs 15734/ 116● o6 %SfI Rs 63117 896‐ 39 %Si Rs 34421/ leet helght(5ν ll) ′''thick 8 111‐ 57 5 Nos 72‐ ORR 544‐ O se 3840_o sn a) 1)Time Limiけ Ono M● "■ h 2)Penalり :塁 ■∝型ムp虹 dav I/ we hereby Quoted the our rate af _%Above / Below the schedule of rate. Contracl or's Signature Addresi 二」Nゝ ._ EXECUTIVE ENCINEER(B8R〕 (Landhi zOne)D M C Кorangl V V OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER B&R LANDHIZONE D.M.C KORANGI(39) Estimated cOst ps 7 71 723′ f+lo′ Rate 2%Earnest Money Rs:, 5.434l. T€nd€r CostRs.2O0Ol. Subiet:tS No Descriptiotr 1 Excavation in foundation ofbuilding bridges and other shucture/c dabbling dressing refilling with excavated earth watering and ramming lead up to 5 OuaDtity Rate Unit 1400_o cfl 317625 355438 %OC彙 %O Ca Rs 3337′ 350_Ocn 941628 %Cn Rs 32957′ 840‐ O Cft 1442925 %CR Rs 121206/‐ 2240‐ O Sft 312741 5715‐ O 228393 ・ ●Si 18 Each Rゞ 7107 4866 0 Sn 22688 %S合 Rs ll,040/ 72-O RIt 228‐ 90 P Rn Rs 16481′ 112 0 Si 1131 11 P Sft Rs 126684/ 96 0 Sn 163-90 P Si お 15734/ 1160‐ 06 %SIt Rs 6311′ 3840_osR 674‐ 6 %Sn 路 25905″ 25_O si 59475 P sR Rs i4864′ 16oo_o sn ]77238 %Sn Rs 28358′ ‐ 55000sft 85990 %SR 應 472954 6336_o sn 1043_9o %Sn R、 66142′ ‐ Amount feet. a)in ordinary soil !!!4 hard soil on soft soil. Cement CoDcrete bdck or stone ballast 1:5 to 2" gauge 'b' Ratio 1:4:8 Cement concrete plain including placing compacting 2 3 finishing and curing complete (including screening aggregate) without stutterinE.fA) Ratio 1:2:4[1615). Erec[ion and removal of centering for RCC or plain cement concrete works of portal woo.(b) Verrical [18/19). and washing of stone 4 V 5 O/O Sft Rs 70054/‐ Cement plastcr 1 4 11pto 20 feet heigllt %'.饉 ick _ _ Removing door with chowkhat etc. SR ′"thick 6 7 5 Nos Scmping a) Wtrite /colourwashl b) Ordinary dEtemper, oil band distemper or paint 142‐ Rs 130527[ on walll 8 9 10 V 11 G.I frmes /chowkh aE of size 7" x2"x4 %" 3" Door using 20 guage G.I Sheet i/c fixing ofwalls etc. First class deodar wood frrned and fi"xed place i/c )ld fast tower bolts handle, card with hooks i/c raneled or paneled & gl azed ot fnlly Elazed I y,', hick etc P/F fot ° りudng pⅢ dng[ 寵 話 :喘 壼 lal,:照 ‰ :″ l)ainting old'surface door & window any t)?e etc. ^ Z l two coats) 一 3 │た 埋踊品%常 ::臨nl:3Sttillg,IttHng & fixing steel grated doors complete wittr ocking arrengenrnent angle iron frme 2',x 2 3/8,, & : i" Sq bars4" C/C etc. l'reparing lhe surface & pains with mirt finistred faint of app: mak two old matt finished surface two 544‐ O Se ]v{aking J 14 イェ aoats etc. Colour Waslung(54725) a)One Coat t)TWO Coat 16 17 _ ■J里2里221B」■0 00atS CtC ■ opar′ Malltcnancc or■ On Jn′ "&%"tlllck Sq tars&nat lron Pattics l c cuttng itting&wclding etc %Sn 400‐ O sFl 0′ Rale 0′ Ratc 1) Time LimiE One Month 2J Penalty: Rs.100O/- per day l/ we hereby Quoted the our rate ar o/oAbove / Below the schedule ofrate. Cortractor's Signature Address ―_ Iヽ ヽヽ _二 " EXECUTIVE ENGINEER(B&R〕 (LandhiZolo D M C Korangl V f,stiha:ed Cosr Rs.9.1 7.0sS /- f+lO /Rate o/of,arnest Money Rsrt8.342l- Tender cOst Rs 20oo/ Subject:S Nc Ouantitv 1 382-O Cn 2 驚F識 3 :50‐ O 諸留 ぶ皆 も 認認::燎 ∬ Unit Rate 1134-38 Amount %Cn Rs 4333′ %Ca Rs 49,1だ cR 332750 60o_o cft 317625 %Cn Rs 19o58′ 6504 0 SR 22688 %Sn Rs 14756′ 417-O cn 15771‐ ol %Oca Rs 65,76Sた %Ct Rs 50502/‐ Scraping a)WЪ ite/c。 10ur 4 waslli :船 犠 my洲 鸞淵酬雨 誦燻:鷺dbdW価 ん 5 m常 :″ Ch“ n cnO∝ u"r 6 V 7 35o o cFt 1442925 8oo_o sft 312741 ル=0し ■ 101l dnu remova1 01 centering FOr RCC Or 1 phin cement cOncrete wOrks OF pOrtal w00(b〕 O/O Sft Rs 25019/‐ │ 8 ■sttg.温 :=結摺I[:詰簾]『 du“ ng Sulface “ 6400‐ OSfl 1400_o sn 3096-0 ]l」 ° ざ 樵 ル:1需 ↓κ囃碓:13・ rd°・ inとl...カ [鳥 :よ ざ Fi,● +´ 13 14 l %Sn Rs 1694′ sfl I 2281 93 "" Rft 228‐ 90 P Rn 56 0 sn 1131H %S■ Rs 633424 sR 163_9o %sR 郎 5573み O Sa 1043_9o %Si Rs 8242`´ %SR Rs lol16■ %sfl Rs 26892′ 36‐ O 34‐ O alも ::ふ 「 b)3″ o ワ coat 15 i:::,i::i:!::::ii:i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I:::::: 16 o Rs 209632′ Rs.70710/- Rs 824α ‐ _ │ │ 121‐ %Sn に 12 V sft | 327550 7896‐ 872 o sn l160o 30oo_o sll 896‐ 39 Osn 425-84 %Si Rs 15143/ 859‐ 9o %SR Rs 84270′ 17 35S6‐ 9800 o sA Continue Next page てご :f′ P/F squa“ ngt"el■ hit′ cdOuuazcd eartllen ware w e pal with tont nasllinlct w c pan 23''&10w ievel 19 earthen ware nush● nk 3。 nl[。 ハぃ.。 ,´ PT,4''vl只 ― ^● 0 ''1 `● ‐ 厚 ●o,o,) o`` 1011 璽 hell War Wash basin ctc 2 一 2 La、 inO n o Nos 5772‐ 80 Each お 11546´ 2‐ O Nos 4253‐ 70 Ea.h Rs 8507■ 2‐ O Nos 938‐ 47 Ea.h Rs 1877■ ■lle′ cOIOur gla2cd ハf 160‐ O 24 -― ――― ¬ 2‐ sn 2774706 ・ ●SΠ 318_o sn 282,9_30 %Sfl 120_o sa │ 25 :ifrメ ′0 ^ Z 27 ∵ガ皿i∬ 量l燦 ザ熙獣l`:OVdも I Fp `: , `, . ・ Each l NOs J鮮 語 癬Ψ 需輔 驀 iII‖ ORate Each 0/Rate . r'碑 44395´ 應 89992た 0′ Rate C V Rヽ l Nos α Rate Each 0′ Rate 0′ Rale ]│:盪 ililiilllillt[:′ C 80o_os■ 0′ Rate O′ Rate 1〕 Time Limiヒ one Mon,h 2)Penaly:Rs 10oo/‐ Der daV 1/We hereby QuOted the Our口 te,t / Below Lhe schedule otrate. Contracto/s SigDature Address V -%Above ― ::鍔 馴乳胃 :品 ‖ r.Ingl 響 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER B&R LANDHIZONE D M.C KORANGI Estlmated Costヽ 953830′ ‐ 2olo Eamest Money Rs.19.0771 Tender Cost Rs 2000′ ― SuttCt こめ Korangi. S No 1 DescriDtiotr of Work arth work excavation in ashes ,sand ,soft ,soil r silt, clearances undrcssed lead upto 50 feet. arriage of 1 00 Cft / 5tons of all matedal like one aggregate Sprals coal time Surkhi etc Ouantitv Rate Ullit lS1425-O Crt 16`375 %OCft 121140 11 CFt 57941 %Cft ヽ 251933″ Rs 701897 rlnDlete.( 3 mile) 1)Time Lulli● Ome Month 2)Penalt,・ Rs 1000′ ‐ller dav Y we hereby Quoted the our mte at %Above / Below the schedule of mt€. Cotrtractor's Signature Address (Landhi Zone) D.M.C Korargi oUICE OF THE EXECUTIVE Estimrtod Cost B!9:2Q;20f4 E ANDHI ZONE D.M.C KORANGI 2% Earnest Money Rs.19.804/- Tellder COst Rs 2000/‐ Subject― Dttsilting OF Jallah a10ng l1000 Rgad 13000 ROnd 14000 Road Landhi Zone D M C Korangi S No 1 2 DescriDtion oIWork 8aflh work excavation in ashes ,sand ,soft ,soil )r silt, cleamnces undressed lead upto 50 feet. Saniage of 100 Cft/ stons ofall material like ilone aggregale Sprals coal rime Surkli etc Ouantitv Rate 157200‐O Cft 166375 ・/● OCft ヽ 261541′ 12576‐ O Cft 57941 ・ /.crt Rs 728666だ Unit rompleoe.( 3 rnile) V 1)Time,■ m“ :One Month 2)Penal y: ヽ 1000´ Der dav νК hcreby QuOted the ouIIaに at %Above / Below the sch€dule ofrate. Cotrtracl or's Signature Address ‐、 や 、ヽ 、 __ EXECUTIVE ENCINEER(B&D (Landlli Zono D Itt C Korangi と ' OFFICE Eslima ted Cost Rs.9.60.282- 2olo Earnest Money 8s.19.206/- Tender Cost Iヽ 2000′ ‐ C: Subject:D M c Korangi DescrlptiO■ Of wOrk Darur wor( excavauon tn ashes ,sa[d,soft,soil or silt, cleamnces unalressed lead uDto 50 feet. tamagc ol loO Ctt′ 5tons orall matchallikc sbnc aggcgalc sprals cOal tlnlc surkhi e“ complctc(3 mllc) Quanti● Rate Unit 152450 0 Crt 1`6375 %ocrt Rs 2536391 121960 0 Crt 57941 %crt Rs 706648だ 1)TInle Llml1 0me MOnth a PcnJけ :Rs 1000み per dav V we hereby Quoted the our rate at %Above / Below the schedule of Iate. Contrrc ior!s Signrture Address ,、 ,ン EXECUTIVE ENCINEER(B&Rl (Landhi ZOne)D M C Korangi CE OF TIIE Estimated Cost Bqlgllqgq! ENGINEER B&R 2olo Earnest Money HIZONE D.M.CK B!:!EZiq: Tender Cost Rs 20007 SubieCt- 1)e― Siltin2 of Nanah a10ng 362 Road Area 4/B.36/C and Sector 36/G NJlah Landhi Zolle D.ル 1.C Korangi. S No 1 2 ︶ tion ofWork Earth uork excavation in ashes ,sand,soft,soil or si1t, (leannces undressed lead uDto 50 feet. Carriage of I00 Cfi / 5tons ofall material like stone aljgregate Sprals coal time Surkhi etc comple.e.( 3 mile) Quanti″ Rate Unit Amount 166070-O Crt 166375 %ocrt Rs 276299´ 124552-O Cft 57941 %crt Rs 7216667 1)Timc Limiヒ pne MOllth 2)Pcnal● :塁 S1000′ ‐per dav I Contractor's Sifl / we hereby Quoted the ow rate at a) %Above / Below the schedule of late. nature Address V EXECUTIヽ 電 ENGINEER(B&Rl fLandhi Ztlne)D M C Korangi OFFI(]E OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER B&R LANDHI ZONE D.M.C KORANGI Estlmated Cost Rs 9.83.909ハ 2% Earnest Money Rs.19.678/- Tender Cost Rs 200υ ― SutteCl‐ De.siltins of Nallah Inam Memorial eround 17lJ Bus Stop Narry Road Masiid Landhi Zone D.M.C Koransi. S. No l. 2. Descriptiotr ofWork f.arth work excavation in ashes ,sand ,soft,soil or silt, clea@nces undressed lead upto 50 feet. ( arriage of 100 Cft / 5tons ofall material like s one aggregale Sprals coal time Surkhierc complete.( 3 mile) 1) Time Limit: One & Shahi Ourntitv Rate Unit 156200-O Crt 166375 %ocrt Rs 259818´ 124960‐ O Cft 57941 Clt Rs 724031´ "/o Morth 2) Penaltv: BsJlggg4rsjgy V we hereby Quoted the our rate at %Above / Below the schedule of ra!e. CoDtrrck,r's Sigtrrture Address ,=l\\AJ; o- EXECUTIVE ENGINI ER (B&R) (Lindhi zotre) D.M.C Koransi OFFI(lE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER B&R LANDШ ZONE D.M.C KORANCI Estimrte(l Cost B!!25i!p54 2olo Tender Cost Rs 2000″ Earnest Money Rs.19.910/- Subjecl:‐ De‐ siltill■ of Nallah along 6000 Road to X‐ 23.Bus StoD Gulshan‐ e‐ Latif&awami colollv Masiid Landhi Zolle D ⅣI C Korangi S No Description of Work arth work excavation in 6shes ,sand ,soft,soil r silt, clearances undressed lead upto 50 feet. larriage of 100 Cft / 5tons of all material like lone aggregate SpBls coal time Surkhi etc 1 2 Quantit Rate Unit 165660-O Cft 166375 %ocrt Rs 275617´ 124245‐O Cft 57941 %crt Rs 719888/ omDlete.( 3 mile) 1) Time 2) Limit: Penalt gggugglt! /: B!:!!qg4J94sr Y we hercby Quoted the our rate at %Above / Below the schedule of rate Cotrtract,)r's Sigtrrture Address ︱ ︲ ︱ ︱ 珈︱ ド ︱ Ш ︲ⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢШ lⅢI Vに I 1 I Ш E ツ 工 融 ― (12`) OFFI(〕 E OF THE EXECUTIVE ENCINEER B&RLANDH ZONE D.M.C KORANGI Estimated Cost R、 Su中 ・ S N0 1 2 864590 2o/o Eatrcs. Money _j.j!7:42!: Tender Cos(R§ 2000た 論器珊絆器ギ論淵器謙辞瑞り出器零鋼iCう Description of Work arth work excavation in ashes ,sand ,soft ,soil or silt, clearances unakessed lead upto 50 feet. t arriage of 100 Cft/ 5tons ofall material like s one aggegate Sprals coal time Surkhi etc E Quatrtitv Roに Unit Amount 1438,5つ Cft 166375 %OCft Rs2,39,3,2 107,06 11 CFt 57941 ・/.crt Rs 6,25,218 ccmplete.( 3 mile) 1)Tine L〔 mi● One Month 2)Penalt,l Rs1000´ Der dav Y we lereby Quoted the our rate at %Above / Below the schedule of rate. Cotrtrach,r's Signature Address ユ ヽ ー EXECUrIVE ENCINEER o&Rl (Landhi Zono Dヽ l C Korangi 「 V OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER B&R LANDHIZONE D.M.C KORANCI Estimated Cost Subjec(:― BgLZsJl2!(+) o/Rat€ 2%Eartresr Money &ijl!!.!l!L Tender Cost Rs 2000´ Collstrll● 6oll oF Room ill UC No.7 Lalldhi Zone D.Ⅳ I.C ICOFallgi Karachi. ① S No 1 2 (cment Concrete brlck orstOne ballast l:Sto 2''3auge`b. Rat]o l14:8 ctc 4 5 6 7 8 10 %CFt Rs 16970 4560 Crt 317625 %O Cft Rs 1448だ 435 0 Crt 941628 %Cft R,45,669´ 553-O Sft 312741 %Cft Rs 172957- 345‐ O Cft 1442925 %Cft Rs 49780′ ― 66311C■ 3`3● 0 %O Cft Rs 2407′ ‐ 6540 Crt 15771‐ 01 %O Cft Rs 103142´ 2644S■ 2283‐ 93 ・ /.Sft 145 0Rft 228,0 P Rft Unit rection and removal of centering for RCC or Plain Cement concrete work of portal wood (b) E vertical. ( ement concrete to plain i./c placing compacting irc cudng complete. i/c screening and washing of aggregate) without shatterinq (Ratio l:2i4) Filling watering and ramming earth in floor with I\lew earth lead uDto one chain lift upto 5' feet. P/L 1:3:6 Cement concrete solid block Masonry v all 6" and below set in l:6 cement sand Mortar ir G/F superstructure i/c raking outjoiDts and c rring etc complete. Ctmcllt Platter 1 4 upto 20 fcct Hcight,om (lround noor ctc 9 Rate 332750 oLher $ruclure etc complete. 3 5100 Crt Quanti″ tismartling Cement concrele Plah l 2:4 Excavanon rn foundation ofbuilding bridges and P/F G.I Fmes /Chowkat of size 7'\2" ot 4 Ya" fix using 20 gauge Gl sheet i/c welding hanger & fixing at site with necessary hold fast 7c filling v ith cement sand i./c all caEiage etc. P/F in position Doors & window offirst class ttood shattei (commercial Ply wood) 3 Ply on bath side etc complete. 167● Sft Rs 60387 Rs 33,190´ P Sft Open IGle Open Kal€ PL in Topping ccmcnt cOncrctc(1214)l rc s,rfacc inishlllg and pants ctc cmplelc 1207 Srt 3275‐ 50 %Sft 537-O Sft 27747‐ 0` %Sft 5● O RFt Rrt 199‐ 25 206‐ 0 P Rft P Rft Rs 20600 2 Nos 14592‐ 0 Each Rs 29184だ 100-ORrt 160‐ ORrt 73-21 95‐ 99 P Rft P RFt R● 15326′ ‐ S Nos 271-92 Each Rs 41271′ 2''饉 ick 12 f aying of approved colourd glazed tile %" thick ir V 13. l white cement 1:2 over %"cement mortar %" ccmplete. P/L RCC pipE a & fixirg irl uerchEs to rorect lignment jointing with rubber ring etc complete. Dia 8" Dia ( onstruction ofMasonry Chamber for 2x2x1.6" cLear in side depth of9" thick BM in cement nrortar l:3 % cement plaster or 3"thick etc 6',', 14 Rs 14900ν ‐ 100‐ O R9963´ complete. 15 Pro■ ■ dlng G´ I Pipc Spccial&Clamp ctc COlllplctc ,1''Dia Rs 7321´ ラ:"Dia 16 Froviding and ixing handlc valvcs ctc シ:''Dla R313607 Continu€ N€xt Pag€ (電 : 17 Itoviding 18 slT nbbcr cLss● nk Ofapprovc quaiけ ded" ι nd■ all tlli‐ less as speciflcd■ c gurts Ofnuts and fixing in position bib cocks etc. l)ults and flxing in plat fOnn Ofcc l:3:6 and lnak■ ng comec10n forin lct Ollt and ovcr now S Noξ 348‐ 92 Eacll Rs 17457 l Nos 30773‐ 42 Each Rs 30773´ 5 Nos 408‐ 14 Each Rs 20407 288● O sft 1043‐ 90 %SFt 310-OSrt 1160-06 %Sft l ipes ctc i50 ga1lons 19 I',F app: quality rim lock ad.lustable over the s$e 20 I)istempering Two coats at anyheight any floor e 21 22 surface tc. I'ainting of wood work door & window ofany type i/c edggs. I'lF chequered Tile i/c CC floor under bad CM Jointing glay cement elc colnplete. 500‐ O Sft R鬱 Rs 3596 P Sft 0′ Rate 23 24 25 26 Fツ T Prccastl beam and Precast● lc 2'x2'and femCnt mO■ ljointing ctc cOmpletc SF in position Iron of Steel grill of !t'"' x%" xh" size offlat kon ofaDp: desiqnetc P/F ofwooden partition with wood fiame 2"xl%" thick portal wood and %" thick MDF portal sheet double side i/c making door with s rme material oftequired: with all fitting & f xing /fixture etc. Pil Squatting type white glMes earthen ware WC 'etc 27 28 complete. P/F 22"x16" Lavatory bassoon in white glazed €arthen ware complete. ( olor washing two coats at any height any floor. 6400 Sft 142‐ O sft 30106L 0′ Rate 194‐ 16 120-O Sft 0/Rate P Sft P Sft 0′ Rate Rs 275,1″ P Sft 0′ Rate 0′ R3te 3 Nos 504460 Each Rs 1513● L 3 No§ 469■ 80 Each Rs 14084 5400‐ O Sft 859つ 0 %srt Rs 4643Sた 1)Time L― ●One Montll 2)Penalt,■ Rs 1000′ ‐Der dav Il we hereby Quoted“ Our 2te at %Above / Below the schedule ofrate. ヽψ Contract(,r's Sigtrature Address EXECUTIVE ENCINEER(B&Rl (Landhi Zonc)D M C IKorangi 延〕 OFFI(〕 E OF Esdmated cOst Rs 8.45179´ 2olo Earnest Money Rs. 16,904/- Tender Cost Rs 2000´ こ〕 Subjecr.:- UC No2 LandhiZone D M.C Koran」 on ofWork larth work excavation in ashes ,sand ,soft .soil r silt, clearances undressed lead uDto 50 feet. lamage of 100 Cft/ 5tons ofall material like tone aggrcgate Spmls coal time Su*hi etc omplete.( 3 mile) 1)Tine Limi● Ouantitv Rate Unit 12038o‐o cft 166375 %ocrt Rs2,00,282み 90285 0 cft 71429 %Cft Rs6,44,897■ One Month 2)Pcnalt,1… V we hereby Quoted the our rate at %Above / Below the schedule o f rate. Contrrct( r's Signrture Address ` ゝ ヽも ″…_‐ ENCINEER o&聡 (Landhi zone) D.M.C KoI,nsi V OFFI(lE OF THE EXECUTIvE ENGINEER B&R LANDHIZONE D.M.C KORANGI Estimate(r Cost Rs.7.44.527l- 2olo Earnest Money Rs.t4.89t/- D.M.C KoranJ S No 1 on of Work arur wotk excavahon in ashes,sand,soft,soil ad and New e` M Ouantitv Rate - 1060“ OC“ 1``375 ・/.OCft Rsl,76,431′ onc aggrcgatc Sprals coal tllnc surkhi ctc 79533‐O Cft 71429 %CFt Rs5,68,096′ silt, cleamnces undressed lead uDto 50 feet. amagc Ofloo Cftノ 5tons ofall matcial likc 〕 nlplctc(3 milc) Unit Amoutrt 1)Time L:mi"One Month V 2)Pcnalけ ―Rs 1000″ Der dav I/ we hereby Quoted the our mte at %Above / Below the schedule ofrate Cotrtracto r's Sigtrature Address ― EXECUTIVE ENCINEER o&騎 ― (Landhi Zone) 一 D.M.C Korangi ‐ . ヽ一 Subject:- Tender Cost Rs.2000/- OFFI(3E OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER B&R LANDHI ZONE D.M.C KORANGI Esumated cost Rs 8 44 270´ Subject:_ S No 2olo Earnest Money Rs.16.885/- Desiltil12 of Nallab for Hospital Chowrangito Covt Primarv School Via Rehri han-e- Bu otr of Work tarth work excavation in ashes ,sand ,soft ,soil 1 r silt, clearances undressed lead uDto 50 feet. larriage of 100 Cft / 5tons of all material like ione aggregate Spmls coal time Surkhi etc 2 C Tender Cost Rs 2000′ ‐ Ourntitv Rnte Unit Amount 120250‐ O Cft 166375 %ocrt Rs2,00,066´ 90188‐O CFt 7142, %crt Rs6,“ ,204■ omDlete.( 3 mile) 1)TIme limi"One Month 2)Penali/: Rs 1000´ 口er dav Vwe hereby Quoted the our mte at %Above′ Below dlc sclledule of rate Contractor's Signature Addr€ss ヽ EXECUTIVE ENCINEER 一 o&Rl V (Landhi Zone)D M C Korangi j/ (:」 〕 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR PARK (P& Esti Su nated Cost: 9.86.331/- p:NG H bject: ZONE DMC KORANG: 2 02% Earnest Money 犀 :l翼 li(lli::p・ ] e madtty“ k丁 1400 Rft (p516/― Oz ruo, @2s704/- l uNIT 7,22′ 1P / Nft 400 1,79,928 1400R可 @60002汀 P/R貴 9,86,331 Time Lim■ : 2) Pena ty Tender cOst Rs 2000/= Rate TOTALAMOUNT 、´) KORANGl :NG D Description Boring for tube well in all water bearing soilfrom depth 1OO rft to 2OO rft or 30.51 meter below ground level i/c sinking and with drawing of casing pipe complete P/F sumber saible pump phase 220 volt v/ith shelling and water proof wir" made by china etc. complete ′ LANDHizoNE D : One Month Rs. 1000/= Per Day l/we hereby Quoted the our rate at Contractor'r; Signature Address: % above / below the schedule of rate. DIRECTOR PARK{P&R} DMC KORANG: Estimated Cost: Subject: 9.8G.331/- 02% Earnest Money Tender Cost Rs. 2OOO/= 要 望 Ψ 些 響 聖 國 処 二 璽 型 嘔 ユ 理 型 Ш u咽 興 旦 27To uC12 P&勁 LANDⅢ ZONE DMc KORANG: ヽ# Description Amount Borirrg for tube well in all water bearing soil from depth 1OO rft to 200 rft or 30.5L meter below ground level i/c sinking and with drawing of casing pe irtc. complete 1400 Rft (p516/‐ I P/Rft 7,22,400 P/F sumber saible pump phase ZZO volt v/ith shelling and water proof wire made by chha etc. complete PIF 1,.25"dia plastic pipe made by pak AEq,-,tc comptete. 07 Nos @25704/ IP/Nft 1400Rft @60002/ TOTAL AM()uNT 、 ..4) 2) 79,928 9,86,331 Limit : Penalty One Month : Rs. 100Q/= Ps1P3y Time 1′ l/we hereby Quoted the our rate at Contractor':; Signature Address: % above / below the schedule of rate. D:RECTOR PARK{P&R〕 DMc KORANG: OFHCE OF THE DiRECrrOR PARK`P&R}LANDHizoNE DMc KORANG: Estimated Cost: 9.51.600/- Desc supp Money Tender Cost Rs. 2OOO/= lMPROVEMENT Subject: ヽ# 02% Earnest Qty Rate UN:T 13440cft @35′ P/Cft 4′ 8400cft @18′ P/Cft 1,51,200 10 Nos @15000/ P/No 1′ 50,00o 6000 Rft 030/ P/Rft 1′ 80′ Amount │ (swer :t earth)free fOr salt and grass roots etc cOmplete supp ying and spreading cOwdung manLl re same up tO any dept etc comp lete 70,400 ying l HP electric mOtOr with pistio n purnp etc complete Supplrゾing plastic nay10n pipe l″ diamalde by national cOmpanv etc compllete TOTALAM0 υ lN I 000 9,51′ 600 V 1) Time Lm■ 2) Penalty One Month Rs. 1000/= Per Day l/we herebl Quoted the our rate at Contractor':i Signature % above / below the schedule of rate. Address: DIRECTOR PARK IP&R〕 DMC KORANG: OFFiCE OF THE DIRECTOR PARK〔 P&R〕 EstiTated Cost: 9,8i.,600/- 02% Earnest LANDH:ZONE DMC KORANGl Money Tender Cost Rs. 2OOO/= MENT OF Subject: Desc-iption i』 拝 :聟 思:馨 Γ 詔I[:混 ギ roots etc. complete Supp ying and spreading cowdung manure same up to any dept etc. comp lete Supplying L HP electric motor with pistion pump etc complete 郡糊場 ま 認羊 器緊tc 11“ d “ 4,70,400 1,51′ 10 Nos l ca115000/‐ tti薫 I P/No 200 1′ 50,000 2′ 10,000 TOTALAMOuNT 9′ 81′ 600 V 1) Time Lim■ : 2) Penatty : One lvlonth Rs. 1000/= Per Day l/we hereby Quoted the our rate at Contractor's Signature Address: % above / below the schedule of rate. D:RECTOR PARK IP&R〕 DMC KORANG: 1 ( NO: EE]/M&E/DMC/K/ Dated: - ′ 2015 VOLUME‐ il BILL OF QuANTITIES (S:NGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHoD) PC(:。 st:_ Open Rate Bld Security:‐ 02%。 f QuOted Bid. Tender Cost:_ Rs,1,500.oo NOTE: lhせ:慾 3冊鑑躙1淵 霊脚翻 s COlulnc_I)aVailablc in thc Offlcc&wcbsite OfDMC Korangi ″a催 助 ″ ︲ ll ni l助 J= == 〃 鵬 ¨ ル′ ο″′ ′ フ ′ 、 Kο′α″″ x″′αC力 1 Issue to M/S. Dated: P.No. Bank: &gnalurc&stalnp Oflss」 ng Au山 o」 ″ Branch: 北 V NAMEOF WoRK Rcfe"ncぃ OFSha5こ こ[]:高 Itt E:::面 2言 :35読 3罵 露 iま Tender Reference: (OPEN RATEITEMs S.No 01 DeicriDrior .Hi幡 ∬爾蠍諄 includel; the cost of labor and Lte Ousntitv ctc 400 Nos @ 550 Nns ′ 分 Unit Amount R3 Per JOb 02 V 03 tation etc. includes the cost oflabor and otc inO N● ● OS Nnt Per Job Rs. ゐ │ Arangemcnt 咄 nお Of lo KVA CcncratOr 04 NOs. @ Pcr JOb Rs 08 Nos. @ Pcr JOb 轟 5110 NOs. の Per JOb On 。 7麗 蹄 I∬ ど 辱■tぷIttJ輔 温 : 顆 i蠍 :h団“ 08 k Amgcnlent of 50‐ KVA ccncra10r On trtusportu tion etc. 07 Per JOb 淋 暉lf鳴質 ぎ 」 ITI嚇 牌 潮血鴇 暴鐵W鐵 1 @ R3. Aimgcrlcnt Of loo KVA CcncratOr On tion eh. 06 Pcr Job 2700 Mete_ V @ 臨w:鶏r:導盟ll別器路 闘職 ♂ 椰熙曲 {脱馨 05 Rs. Temporry Illumination with 1000_Watt Flood 鎚,響 」環盤uF評::十 ∬∬ 04 Pe. Job T薔 暮 蹴 鞘量│!ザ 舞 VL鵠 馬 蓬 i卜 話1幕訴 出置墨 [群 惧 Rs. IIWe hcrcby quotcd as f0110ws: ル ル ″ ク ″b″, Partノ 、 (itcnl bascd On S′ To 0ノ ―― ― θ2 %BC10W/Ahove Rs Part .E (item based on O/R) Rs Grand¨ Fし The Total amoutt is Rs. Rupces fOrthc cOmplctcjOb fOrali schcdulc Ofmte&Orer rates(ゃ ソWo have atached a Bid secu“ vhiCh ever isincluded in the BOQ) ty amounungto Rs__as per NIT`shape of pav order bearing No. dated issued from (Bank) ■me um:t:30 Calendar Davs Va“ dltv:9■ 30 . . . Davs as per sPP Rules 2040 PeoaltY Per Oay: Rs. 3OOO/- per day (Mar lO% of Sanctioned Cost) iJoTEi Tend€r must be quoted ln figure & in words both otheMise ltable to be cancelled. olerwrilng& correction if any must be initiateo a srampea Uvtfre UiJier, .All We/t read the standard bidding Documents (Votume n-t;anO avaitaUte OCJ-Xorangiand agreed to abide -. them tnd atso provide alt the5e documents with our signatures as & when di;;;;: - " lo『 allof Ofl… Кorangi Siglature ofthe contmctor with stamp Addrcss AEE(M``E)DM G乙 DIRE OR P RK上 &聾 LANDH: ― Estimated Cost: 9,00,000/- 02% Earnest Money 型EDM NG: Tender cOst Rs 200o/= Subject: On Qty Rate Clourilig′ Fixing etc cOmplete 100Nos @6′ 000/‐ Suppl!inE 16υ ● しヽ POIS W[In colour etc '乙 complete 50 Nos @6,000/ Suppl],i‖も υ ししDenCnes slze(ox1/2xl)with TOTALAMOt,NT UNIT P/Nos P/Nos Amount 6′ 00,Ooo 3,00,o00 9,OQ090′ 1) 2) Time Pena Limit ty : : One Month Rs. 1O0O/= per Day l/we hereby euoted the our rate at Contractor':; Signature Address: % above / below the schedule of rate. DIRECToR PARK{P&R) DMc KORANG: ) CI 0]で Es FICE OF THE DIRECToR PARK(P&R LAN⊇ ⅡIzoNE DMc KORANGI :imated Cost: I 0.00.000/_ 020。 Eamest MOncy Tender COst Rs 200o/= Subject: Landhi zOne DMc KOrang三 Qけ Supp block COml Supp pump 25 Nos 鯨 強 :[よ VimtT:肩肝 罰 TOTAL AM 「 25Nos Rare jUNfr Amount @20,Ooo/_ P/NOs 5,00 ooO/_ @20,Ooo/_ P/Nos 5,00,oOoた 10,00,oooた 夕 蠍iJml: tl棚 JP∝ D等 ywe hereby QuOtcd thc our rate at Contractor's Signature % above / below the schedule ofrate. Address: ― DIRECTP晏 ぶ貧f蒔 `f&R) OFFiCE OF THE D:RECTOR PARK(P&R〕 LANDHiZoNE DMc KORANG: Esumated cost:12,00,oooμ 02%Earnest MOney Tender COst Rs 2500/= Subject: Supp yin8 of Best euatity Oate eatm fZtit Height with Loading unioading,digging and @lQ000/ supplying sweet earth free for a‖ dieses etc complete TOTALAMOUNT 1) Tlme Limit 2) Penalty : : One Month Rs. 1000/= Per Day l/we herety Quoted the our rate at Contractor's Signature Address: % above / below the schedule of rate. ,"( 「く │ル ヽ_/ ' D:RECTOR PARK{P&R〕 DMc KORANG! ⊂ OFFiCE OF TH[D:RECrrOR PARK IP&R〕 Esti mated COst:lo′ Subject: 00,00o/ LANDHIZONE DMc KORANG: 02% Earnest Su Of rent Kind of Deptt LandhizOne DMC Korangi S# her Qtv 5uppl,,,rng of best Quality Different kind mothrrr Plants are as below. 1)Malrysia Palm 9" Earth Pots 2)Areca Palm 9" Earth Pots 3)Saiqus palm 20" Earth Pots 4)Con b palm 20" Earth Pots 5)Tremeria Palm 12" Earth Pots 6)Car(,ton 12" Earth Pots 7)Aexora 12" Earth Pots 8)Spara Grass 9" Earth Pots 9)Mahm kodium 10)Coconut Tree 11)Galfaminum 12)Herneliya 13)Botjan Bella F1 14)Fortail Plam 15)Aerogeria 12′ ′Earth Pots 12′ ′ Earth POts 12''Earth POts ′ 12′ Eo「 th 12″ Earth Pots 9′ Pots a ′ Earth Pots Earth Pots ′ 12′ Earth Pots 12″ 16)Ch;mpa 17)Dr!ckceena 12″ Earth POts ′ 18)SonB of Thai 9′ Earth Pots 1g)Song of lndia 9" Earth pots 2o)FicLs Benjuman 12" Earth pots 21)Zenlbia Palm 12′ ′Earth POts TOTAL AMOU NT Money Tender Cost Rs. 2OOO/= nts Rate UN:T Amount P/Nos P/Nos P/Nos 30′ 00D/― P/N os 25′ 000/― P/Nos 70,000/‐ P/N os 1,00′ 000/‐ of 300 Nos 300 Nos 20 Nos 50 Nos 70 Nos 100 Nos 50 Nos 250 Nos 50 Nos 50 Nos 30 Nos 50 Nos 50 Nos 100 Nos 100 Nos 100 Nos 100 Nos 100 Nos 100 Nos 100 Nos 50 Nos 0100/ 0100/ 02′ 000′ 0500/ @1000/ @1000/ 0500/ @100/ 01000/ 02,000/ @2,000/ 01000/ @500/ 0500/ @500/ 0500/― 0500/ @500/ 0500/ @300′ 01500/ P/Nos P/Nos P/Nos P/Nos P/Nos P/Nos P/Nos P/Nos P/Nos P/Nos P/N os P/Nos P/Nos P/Nos P/Nos 30′ 000/― 000/‐ 40′ 25,000/― 25′ 000/ 50,000/― 1′ 00′ 000/‐ 60′ 000/― 50′ 000た 25′ 000/‐ 50′ 000/‐ 50′ 000/― 50′ 000ノ L 50′ 000/‐ 5Q000/ 50′ 000/― 30′ 000/‐ 75′ 000/― lQ00′ 000/― ) (: 1) Tine Limit : 2) Penalty : One Month Rs. IOOO/= per Day l/we hereoy Quoted the our rate at Contractor's Signature Address: ψ % above / below the schedule of rate. DiRECToR PARK IP&R) DMc KORANG: ツ 一 、 vOrk 1 101 ③『 ICE OF THE EXE 『 KORANG1 20NE Dated Tender ReferenCe OPEANING ‐0 VOLUME‐ ::BILL OF QUANTITiES (S:NGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD) cONST RUCT10N OF DUSTBIN IN UC‐ 01,02,03,04,05&09 KORANGlZONE DMC KORANGl PC COSt:‐ 3id Securitv:‐ Tender Cost:― Rs,32,11,751/‐ Rs,64,235/‐ Rs,3,000/‐ 卜OTE: 1) 2) ral131 Engineer oi strict iuniiiP ol corPordt κOrarlgi καrα Chi. Exe ▼ ■lincer 卜 1` :つ ra llti 11)F)` E、 erⅢ llヽ ヤ (11ミ P.No issue to M/S D ate d; Bank: rlp OfISs面 no Au山 ol● 聾 江Ore&Sい io lr‐ n 0『 『 ` iCE OF THE EXICUTIVE ENGIMIE歴 鳳 KORANelZONE DMC KORANO[ `責 CONSTRUCTIoN OF DUSTBIN IN UC‐ 01,o2,03,04,05&09 KORANGIZONE DMC KORANCI 'l-ender Reference Fs No「 01 Excav, :OA‐ 5_2o旺 璧⊆ pl≦ 型コ些Jい 為 占 DESCRIPTloN ff需 腎 詳告壽12堅 │―肩 〒′ ギ RATE U NIT QTY tbn h lounda10n Ofbutthg bldges and Other τ― :躊 1撃 f器ヨ re 1/c rebellng,dressln8′ n晶 面R百 ref‖ ng arOund structure 浙 ら 「sub bЪ se Thammξ drこξ :d etc comp 祈―刊c。 而t Loncrete nlain rncluding placing compacting, m!l9re-111 J!. 05J棚 E-glqg]]]qIg reno/al ^ ar'd of cenlering tor qCC oip a,niertent parallelwood. l con。 te work of I RCCぃ ork ln roOf Jab′ beams cO umnsra“ s,Inteじ (124) ( 66 l etc c。 ]]p ` ____」 生型 :ng′ [ 1 Pio● d bend 18′ lavlng etc complete lvla50 layilB 1:3.6 Cement Concre!e Solid gtock r ry wall set in L5 CemenI sand mortar in plaint etc -c!I! Earth rll ng watering ramming earth under floor from ou souk %O CFt 13908′ ‐ 941628 %Cft 4887113/ 53フ フ63 %CFt フ3744/‐ 1442925 %CFt 10131,じ 312741 %Sft 2,65698′ フ720 33フ P CFt 2,60164/ 2757 500170 1462144 P/cwT %Cft 1.37896′ ― 36300 %O Cft 43790 31フ 51900 137131 70560 82080 625 ′ ltt Dl「 FF8藁扇扇稲羅罵 覇罵 i■罵昴tconcF" 07 1 Fab百 08 _ TOTA[ s ng and dertc complete. r ck topping cemenr concrete rg etc. L al cement p aster I.4 etc rper ng I Coats etc 168000/ 11490 165310 i:2 4 i/c surface 82560 441182 110080 228393 %Sft 110080 107965 y/讐 %Sft _[推 %Sft 3,64240/ 251415/ 阻 __ 11:ギ J Total Amount Rs 32′ 11′ 751/― CONSl RUCT10N OF DUSTBIN IN UC-01,02,03,04,05&09 KORANGIZONE DMC KORANGI. rSυ MMARYOF he(,by ( uoted as follows: Bllこ OF Qυ ArvTITIE5' E 匹 Rs .A (item bascd on S/R) ln words %Below/ Above B゛ Rs tem based on A/R) │ (tem based on O/R) C I Grand T∝ al (へ ] +B+C) V Tlr(j Total an1(runt is ln Words Rs for the complete iob for all schedule ol rrte & rates(wn'c'r e . e' ts o [1ur in(luded in lhe BOQ). l/\Mc have atlacl'led a Bid SecuritY amounting to Rs.-/issu ed from dated No.-- Time t m ti60 13 endar D8v5 penattperDat as per NIT is shape of pay bi rr rg (Bank) dav(M:vrn%'lsan'l" Rs ---,---)-Ae' Vald tv: 90+3( Dovs as per SPP Rules 2010 ordr 'dC 'l) NOTEI . I be cancel!ed Tender mu,t be quoted in figr'rre & in words both othe'wise liable to the brdder' bv nitialed & stamped AIL ovcr w itlng & colrcction tf anY must be '!/,w(,/Lrei]dhc5tandJldblddingDocUments{VoUmnl)andavallableDMcKolJnBiandagleedtoabldeal]ofthlr]i]N..j5oP,:vidc all these d(,cuments wrLh our 5ignatures as & when directed SiBnature of veriPo 30Q by Address: ヽ、1,1111` │ ツ A:「 塾雙聖 t loringi │ .,1!!:11!s- the conlractor wlth stamp 1 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER,OI&E) ′ °ア DISTRICT Ⅳuヾ IcIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI、 ICARACHI NO:EDヽ 1&Dつ MC′● Datcd:‐ Tender Reference No. Dated: VOLUME‐ i:B:LL OF QUANT:T:ES {SiNGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD} Pノ F Street Lights and Other E:ectrica:Accessories at Different Areas of Korangi Zone′ DMC Korangi. V PC Rs,14,07,485.00 Cost: - Bid Security: - Rs,28,150.00 Tender Cost: - Rs,2,500.00 NO'Tf,: l) This Document contains 03 pages including this page 2) The Standard Terms &Condition ofBidding Documents (Volume-I) available in the office & website of DMC Korangi rИ &り , V D is bicl M unicipal Cotporalion Korangi Karachi P No lssue to M/S. Dat:d: Bank: 迦 lattlre&stalnp oflssuing Alltlloritv Branch: ′ 2015 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER OI&E) DISTRICT NIUNICIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI.KARACHI NAME OF WORK:P/F Street Lights and other Electrical Accessories at different Tenc er Reference: No. Dated: (PART“ A''SCHEDULE RATE ITEMSl S No 01 Descripaion Rate Ouantitv Unit Amount Pro宙 dng&F破 mg Strcd Iま t 125 wats(HPNIV)Ha宙 鴨 IP54 classincaは 。 n nib 125 W Lanlp, Cllokc, capacitor & incrnal ヽ ■ ― g complctc ln all rcspcct at ille height up to 31‐ n as per shc V lこ qulrement & instrudion of ()ngineer in charge lИ akc oF tllc abovc Ligllt is as ibllow 02 75 Nos. の 6、 36500 Per No Rs 477.3757‐ J)roviding & Fixing Street light :)50 watts (SON) Having IP54 classification with 250-W Lamp, l:lallast, capacitd intemal 'uiring complete in all respect at the height up to 3l-ff as per site Jlequirement instruction of & & Inccr ln 03 V 50 Nos. 10,10500 Pcr No Rs 505.25111‐ 20 Nos. 15.44000 PerNo. Rs 308,800/‐ ']roviding & Fixing Flood light 100 watts (HPIT) Having IP54 :lassification with 400-W Lamp, Sallast, capacitor intemal ,viring complete in all respect at he height up ro 40-ft as per site i.equirement instruction of & & ineer in charge, 04 PЮ vidng&laying(MAN or SUB MAN)PVC insulatcd& )VC Sllcctcd with ●●o corc 900 ,izc 2 5nlnt2 uCtOr 300/500 volt 05 ?roviding ll1715 & fixing one way SP switch surface Meters. の 11800 Per Mtr. 蹂 106.200た 170 Nos. D5800 PerNo. Rs 9,860/― “ Rs.14,07,4857‐ OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER.fM&D DISTRICTヽ α分ヾICIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI KARACHI rsoヮ Иじ YWe h,rreby quoted as follows: θ′ ayaFEttZ I″ 4NrrrfFS9 θF θυレ rll″ brrs Fig″ ″ Part A(ltcm bascd on S Rl %Below/Above Rs Part B(item based on O/RI Its Grand rOtalfAIB) Its " V The lotal amount is Rs. Rupees ( for the complete job for all schedule of rate & offer rates (which ever is inctuded in the BOQ) l/We have attached a Bid Security amounting to Rs,--------------order bearing No. dated l as per NIT ls shape of pay issued from (Bank) ■me umlt:3t Calendar Davs Validlty: 90+30 Davs as per SPP Rules 2010 . . . \7 Penalty Per Day: Bs. 1500/- per day (Max.10% of Sanctioned Cost) NOTE: Tend(, must be quoted in figure & in words both otherwise liable to becancelled. Allo\€rwriting& correction ifany must be initialed & stamped bythe bidder. We/l ,ead thestandard bidding Oocuments (volume n-l)and availabl€ DCM Korangiand agreed to abide allof them and also provide allthese documents with our signatures as & when directed, Signatuo of the contmctor with stamp For Oince use Of oMc KoranJ Address: A[:(∼ │&E)D M C Кorangi 1 ′o3 NO:EEIM&Dつ ヽ4c/K/ Datcd:_ VOLUME‐ lI B:LL OF QUANTITIES ISiNGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHoD) PC Cost:‐ Open Rate Bid Security:‐ 02%of QuOted Bid. Tender cost:_ Rs,1,500.oo NOTE: contains 03 pages includhg this page Standard Terms &Condition of Biddin-g (Volume-I) available in the oflice & weUsiie of OV{C tiorangi lJ 2) IHrP*y":l The Do;;nts ecutiye EtB,n'eAW&D, お V ● たゎ″いゃο 潮ね “ α ′ α ュ `FiCtM■ Kο′ α ″g′ J【 `ヵ Issur: to M/S. Dated: P,No. Bank: Sim(■ ure&stam0 0flssuing Autk疸 tv Branch: ′ 2015 0 IS CE CT NAME OF WoRK: Tender Reference: (OPEN RATEITEMs) S.No. 01 02 ‐ Rate Quaotity Temporary Illumination with 400-Watt Flood Lighrs with clamping arrangement, On-Off Swrtch as per instructions of E.l. the job includes the cost of labor and transpoatation etc. Unit Arnoutrt 400 Nos Ω Per JOb R3 500 Nos @ Pcr Job Rs 100 NOs. @ Pcr JOb R3. 2700 Meters α Pcr JOb Rs 04 NOs @ pcr Job R3 06N∝ @ Pcr JOb ヽ 10 Nos. a Per Job Rs. 500 NOs. @ Pcr JOb ヽ Temporary Illumination with 24125 Walts Energr Savor Lamp Chain wirh clamping arangement OnOff Swilch, as per instarctions ol E.l. rhe job includes the cost of labor and tEnsportstion etc. 03 04 脚黎 椰軋 05 V Arrangclne■ Of loo KVA CcncntOr On 脚瑚f鳴蝋書W嚇 輌 sporatiOn ctc 06 A.mngenent of 50-KVA Generator on tempomrv basis for 24 Hou.s including Fuel, operator and 100-AMp change over comilere in all respe(t. thejob includes the cost of hLr and transport ttion etc. . 07 灘 瑞鵬蝋書T購 transpOntiOn etc │ 00 ハυ Rs. . 1ヽヽヽ VWe hereby quoted as follows: θ′ A. (item based on S/R) % Below / Above ] (item ″ based on for In llords Rs, Rs O/R) Total(A+B Tht: Total amount is In Fisarc Rs fu. Rupees completejob for all schedule of rate & olIer rates (which ever is included in the BOe) l/We have attached a Bid Security amounting to /_ as per NIT is shape ofpay order bearing dated issued from the Rs. No.--- _- {Sank) Tlme Llrnlt : 3{, Calend.. O.yr Valldity . . . : 90+30 Oays as pe. Spp nubs 2OtO Penalty Per oay: Rs. ISOO/- per dey (Max.1OX of S.n tioned Cost) NOTE: Tcnder must bequoted in figure & in words both othenvise liable to be canaelled. writing & correction if any must be initiatea a stampea Oy ttre Uiaiei. .Allorer we/tread the standard biddins Documents (volr." *0 and agreed to abide a, of them and also paovideallthese documenB wlrn our slgnatures as & when directed. #.;,;;i;;;;'xorangi l(oranel vertfied Signatue of the contsactor with stamp loqby: Address: tr.e 1uS,r1 O.r,r.C. Slgoa ure with xoran! ==一 = ■卑 〕宮椰屯 Vt ork,lo4 ③『 醇 ICE OF THI EXECUTIvE ENGINEttR KORANGIZoNI DMc KORANG] fence DATE OF OPEANING: 29く )5_201、 VOLUME‐ ‖BILL OF QuANTIT:ES (SiNGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHoD) V ε `)∬ PC Cost:_ 印d TRυ ε7ο Ⅳ θF D1/sT β srfRFFF4B4D&υ ,^._ 型 響 ^h^● κOMⅣ ε′zOⅣ E D″ εκθMⅣ ε′ 『 ,′ SeCuntr‐ Tender cOsti_ θl θ2&θ θ Rs,21,59′ 739/_ Rs′ 43,195/‐ Rs,3,Ooo/_ NOTE: 3冊 蠍織 :畔 累 霊鳳T:i汎 胤糧8:朧 n` railable in the Ofnce&wcbsitc Of DMc KOrangi (VO ume_I)aヽ ‐ Execu g′ ηeer Distri ct M un ic'fid Coryorc ti o n κο″ α″g′ κ。″ ●cヵ i (Rlll:キ ;F軍 1‖ lssue tO M/s P.No Dated: Bank: 主 二 urC&Stanl)。 f]ssuing AuthO‖ tv ふ ◎ 『 ICE OF THE EXECUTIvl ENGINttE11 ∫『 κθR4Ⅳ ε′zθ ノ VE Dル T S,No 1Q9 t !.elg1g9e- No. AD:ral<)zn)za oescRrprroru. に ぃ uぃ ぃ bundabn St「 ucture 1/c rebe‖ Dated: O ‐お QTY I RATE UNIT 19080 317625 %O cit 12930 941628 %CFt 1,21,752′ ‐ 27600 537フ 63 %C Ft 14842せ ′― 31200 33フ P CFt TOTAI′ d b“ ung mdgも an硫 ing′ dressing,ref‖ ing arOund structure wⅢ h excavat On earth watelng and ramm ng etc cOmp ete ∝ mmの に rele P7L:t」 「 RCC wOrk s6「 Rξ lcrst b5[■ ― ―――__ n「 OOlibb beams cOttmns raFts,「 etc c,mp ntds(124) 51440/ てフ ︵υ ‐―――――――___― __ ― fabn:aII「 tioI 「of milcl steel |.einforceme",t for .emenicon.rete i/c cr ttiIg, bending, layjng etc complete Edrl l師 鴨 wal.r ng口 Souk,ide etc cOinplete m面 鴨 eanh ttternOOr"。 m out P/CVVT 2400o Dlslelp..rlng 3 Coats etc ーーーー ______ ー ーー トーー 429o o 5′ %CFt 2760o L 10′ ●、R∴ 50017o 06 6060′ b′ ,28Ч 87]2′ │― 1 ― ― _ __ 1,21,766 441182 %Sft 228393 %SFt 9フ 10796S %Sft 4('31ア 980/ ` Total Anouni \rriltant IicMir e t I Bttll)i)ヽ 1(κ 。 「 ‐ ′ JVsTRυ ε 「 `θ /θ Ⅳ οF Dυ sT BIN//v sffREEFAB4D κθMⅣ 6′ zθ M I/We herrby quoted as lollows: `′ わ 助 献 ba.edois/RIbive Rs … part r「 き 而『ξ 品而 而 │― (/∂ βυ■″ ИRЮ F8た こOF Qt/4Ⅳ η″ 邸リ “ λ 「 蹄 晨 西 璽 塑 &υ Gθ l θ2&θ 3 D″ εκOR/1Ⅳ ε′ 1-― ― ― 「而雨語直品 西 G「 Tl'te and TgJり J+q Totalir nount is Rs. lo Words for the comptete job for all schedule of rate & rates(whict ever i. inctuded in lhe BOel. ソWc have:ttached a Bid secu■ tv amOunlngtO ns No____― ―――d atcd Ssued frOm ーas ノ per NIT is shぬ p。 。F oll.r Pay ordc「 Oc]:flビ (3ank) 棚:iΨ til∫ :∫ ll::孵 :PP penaty Peillay Rs ′ per o8y(M8x lo・ Rues 201o .。 rsenQI)で 0(。 1, NOTEI 13ble tO be cance‖ ed :d by the bldder a18ble DIИ c Ko「 angi 8nd agreed tO nbloe a1 0rth、 ln。 、 (1050。 1 0Vido For office use。 ( vcrified Boe by( ミ雨 stant llec II:il''` A〔 Signature o,the cOntractO「 ,v th stamp Add「 essi . FK( ranEi S,gnature、 ″ lh Stamp 2 ― ヤ ‐ ヽ Vork 1 105 『 IC目 OF THE EXECUTIVE ENG:N腫 (D『 KORANGIZONE D‖ C KORANG] Tender Reference Dated : 一 DATE OF OPEANING: 29-os´ 1ルッ、 VOLUME‐ li B:LL OF QUANTITIES (S:NGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD) , V ″fRIA θθF lfrlε 〃PV`RyFθ R Dε ‐ Sfι T′ Alθ OF NAι L4ff FRO′ И B′ ι /1L CHθ 14/R47Vじ ′ θS〃 ■,V l● ″ lⅣ εf4 Tノ θ′ ⅣrfⅣ εИRE4 fⅣειυDfIVε LEyfL′ ⅣθИⅣD DRESS′ 7Vε θF MArⅣ 7` `1/θ PC Cost;- Bid Security:Tender Cost: B4Z4R Ro/1D υ6‐ θlκ θRИ IV`′ Z07VE DMε κOR4Ⅳ 6′ Rs,5,15′ 754/― 十Open Rate Rs,10′ 315/‐ +Open Rate Rs,3,000/‐ NOTE: 11 This l)ocumcnr contains 02 page excluding this pagc .Iernrs 2) Thc jtandard &Condition ol Biclding f)ocLrrenls (\/olLrme-l)alailable in the otilcc & website ot DMC Korangi ng′ reer [χ c Di strict M u n i cipol Corpo rd t io t) κοrα ngi καrσ c力 ′ ltr4■ c tnlincer (`乱 ■)│′ ヽit Korangi lssue [o Ni/S 1:、 P,No ted: Bank: Da lJr aLurgrtSLAJ Ir (jlfllutg 4!!lq ! ③ 『 『 ICE OF THE EXI DMC KORAN馴 ,中濡 脚 酬 鵬 NIι4〃 FRθ 猛 ´λ ι ε″θ ИⅣ 〃 λ ´f47り ^… ● ● ____‐ ― ― lV4ι JИ B′ n11′ Dパ ,4・ ,― ,― ε″θ:1/R4Ⅳ θ 0″ VTf7v6“ 4ι 6r Tθ sI_lⅣ RE4′ ⅣειυD′ Ⅳ6ι f7fL′ Ⅳ 41vD DRESSIⅣ "鯛 ε θF/1/4/Ⅳ 馴 綱 RR“ D υθ θlЮ R/1Ⅳ α zθ tt D″ εfraMⅣ c‐ Tender Reference No. Pa rt, "A" ― Dated `′ : 6A-09 2o, \- _____ = pa rticu la l iligiilt― r Quantity Nol ) Eo th .ryork Elco,/cl;on Rood sotdeiiotesse Ra te e`ε ︰ (3,10,693/‐ J霊 皿] ] 呵 18055 0 Sft 70`α ′ И r7]ο IIn`Rヽ 互 I12]]z[ ″ 一 Particular 04 Quantity Pravtd ng al wheel exco lxcovotorlor cleoninq ol Nollohs t/c oll access )ties P-O-L apero )erotor cleoners helpu 0B hrs o doy ic 08 Davs Provio ng of wheel Looa .ooder lor rcmovolal slush oJ Noltoni oll occtrssories P-O-L. operotor oot cleoners helpet Og hrs o doy i c 04 Davs Rate Anlo un t t9!1j.o!.1t!1!.n i/7 ご→棚 Mもi"*w t,rcls foiroup*nf 0` σ(,ssO′ たsρ ‐ lα ″θε Noll.h, 昴-4鶴,#器譲争 f"Atertb";f deb,is l"r, /, operotor cleoners helper 08 hrs o doy i c . 24 Nos ″,っ ga′ αde r・ α,t"r s ` ι θηd,そ θ″ο θ ∬οrties P-O-L operotor cleoners hetper 08"lhts 01 11avs “ _塾性 iCク οm,σ Jto 5 p.m “o(a; PrOッ ′ g S々 ′ ″′ η ″θσ′ α lan t ", *, h 刀α′ ′ all ,′ ο ηクlt,あ !0(ol,spowl, phow " roswi th long bomboo 123 Nos Prο y′ │ q;iili,si 08 │ d 力ο洵″′ θisゎ α′ ηbο ο OPEN RAI[ t( l.lliBerr (ll r r'g だ / =R鶯 ん,鵠〃 辮〕 W64R馴 ∬淵 鵠鰍 Dw6ι F観 ′ Ⅳα υ ,na n rir n4″ ^h...^● _^ _ ′ ⅣεttDDREssヵ vε OFttw `篤 κυMttRγ οF3■ 1 0F O吻 ″爾 ηEsJ ソWe here y quOted asfOHOws ′ "F7● Part /\ (item basea on θJ │― 璽 1高 %Bd° F市疏 暉 AbOve l 十 顧―― Rs Inヽ ´ ′。rds for the complete job for all schedule of I ate & rates(which (ver is nc udedin the BoQ) l,/We have at ached d Brd Secuflty amounting to No. d"ted ra И/。 ′ ぁ S7n1 5轟 dttn A P The Total anrount is υre _--- irrr.d Rs. lroi-- o [fel t- -'"'' )< ^^. NIT is shape of pay ordL.r bearlnp (Balrk) imetmれ 1 60 calendar D3ys PenalryPerDayRs Void ty1 90+30 oays as per SPP Rules 201o /-perd.y(MaxrO%otsa.ctro,tsda.,.t NOT[: lable tO be canceled =d by the bldder 81able Korang,8nd agreed tO ab)de al orth(. 。r,〔 ‖s01, ,VidC For oltce use Of Lry ﹁ 岬“ 一 バ 一 ¨ ¨ V0riiiect B0e Signature of the contractor with stamp Addressl )。 1) ◎ 『 『 ]CE OF THE EXECUTiVE ENGl側 層麗腱 KORANGIZONI DMC KORANOI C' P4rCARER Tender Paft "A" F eference No. DESCRIPT10N QUANTITY RATE Drsnlail ; rg aernert concrete p an 112:4 Eart _ y.,or ( excavation undressed iead upto a sing e thorw of (1:l p ra./ar,r Shove n Ord nary Sorl etc Complete. Carr age cf 100 Cit/5 Lones of a I material I ke stone agilrr!1,;t.,spevr'lcoa Lrme, sukhietc. B.c ra lfasten ngs po nts an( crossing brdge,Girders, pipes,sheet rails, M.S bar c lc,o 1000Nos br cks,10" x 5" x 3" or 1000Nos etc. P/l aggre,tate base coLrrse in proper grade and chamber havifg C! I 809/c as oper AASHTO standard specificai on i/c spread fg means (Motor Brader, vrbatory roller 4500 (整 :l 332750 ・ ICn 38500 136125 %O CFt 43000 57941 S No 〔1 IC2 C3 C4ヽ ′ Dated: トー│:吉 :‖ JIJ「 ││ : :411 ,l Dl, 554224 %crt 4107 84 %Sft 2 1385), 謂 1間 iphJ"d macadam踊 百l` │ボ:忍 B.S or ts ( qu ,",a eft shざ ¨ ¨ □ ¨ 嗜・ ¨ 鋼 ¨ 晰 7 ・ ︲ ︲ ︲ ・ t r ︶ a 一 一 一 甑 P ¨ ・ ´︱ ・ grade in any other app: Propriety brand with .emi r (ed coat !5ing bitumen 15 lbs % sft for lack coat 3l', lr fc Cfl (tota! b lumen 65 lbs i/c sft) 154500 TotalAmount CRIPT:ON QUANTITY RATE 6′ 16('1: Rs 9,23,650ノ UNIT ア0ハ │ヽ AMOtJN「 %,t `1 10 Rs 61.600/ ' DESCRIPT10N S No QUANTITY RATE UNIT Aヽ lt)t` lr Rs 07 l.l)crcl I thickcompactrngthLckncss$,earing lornlLLla Asphalt[60/70 )nlcnt,,r'citht 4.5 ofTotal mix i/c rolling and % 18a。 lC lc C(,t ‐ 3,1 Tolal Amount Pa rt“ C′ AM OUNT UNIT ヽ( 131ヽ 111 r ll]! J■ 1r)lLi)r rng job nrix %,t じ 理り」et壁 デ ・ ﹀ 一 i ⊂ l/We herel y quoted as follows: ′ ,Flα ″″ r● e=¨ 堕:■ ・に ず ∬島 ,ibow R「 02 1 Part B Iteln based on A/R) : ″。rds I Rs │ ︲ 十一 ”一 Prrt .( (item based on 0/R) Grand Total(A+B+C) \-/he Total anrount is │ ln Words Rs for the complete job for all schedule of rate & offer rates(which ever is ncluded in the BOe). l/We have a tached No aB J Secuftty amounting to dated Rs. /- issued frOm as per NtT is shape of pay ordrr bedr;rtg (8ank) t:60 calenda. TIme Lim Valldity i Days Penalty Per Day Rr. /- per day (Max tO% of 90+30 Days a! per SPPRutes 2010 San.lo i, al( NOTEI . . ' -ender nrr st be qr ored n figure & rn words both oth€rw s€ ltabte to be cance ed Al over!r iting &.orre.tion rf anymust be init ated & stamped bV the b dder. we/l read !he slanCard Irdding Documents (volurnn l) and available DMC Korangi dnd agreed to abide at ar thes€ d )cunrrnrs \^/ ( I our s gnatures as & when d rected ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― 一 For Off“ 帳 oftherardat!or,ovidrl ― d DVCK闘 Ve Fed BO〔 tb、 │ SiBnature of the conrractor wath stamp Addressl ! ef :l !!. !r!i!i.r,, 2 1 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVI ENGINEER.β /∂ フ &E) DISTRICT NIUNICIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI、 KARACHI V質 NO:EE/M&EIDMC′ Xν /2015 Datcd:― Tender Reference No M C/DMC/K/ / Dated: VOLUME¨ il B:LL OF QUAN丁 :丁 :ES {SiNGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD} P/F Street lights and Other Electrical Accessories at Different Areas of Landhi Zone, DMC Korangi. ヽv PC Cost:‐ Rs,14,07,485.00 Bid SecuritY:‐ Rs,28,150.00 Tender Cost:‐ Rs,2,500.00 NO'[E: l) This Document contains 03 pages including this page 2) The Standard Terms &Condition ofBidding Documents (Volume-I) available in the office & website of DMC Korangi ギ V″ κ 7`И &0, ぶ0′α″g′ KcFCCLi P No Issue to M/S. Dat,:d: Bank: Si臣 lature&Stalno oflssuing Autllorltv Branch: , ' OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER,(M&E) DISTRICT NIUNICIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI、 KARACHI NAIⅥ E OF WORK:P/F Street Lights and other Electrical Accessories at different Areas ofLandhi Zone.DMC Korangi. Tender Rererencc No M.cノ DMCノ K/ / Dated: (PART“ A"SCHEDULE RATE ITEM助 S.No. Descripaion OuatrtitY 01 Providing & Fixing Street light 125 watts (HPlvIV) Having IP54 rlassification with 125-W Iamp, 3hoke, capacitor intemal wiring complete in all rcspect at Ie height up to 3l-ft as per site Requirement instuction of engineer in charge. Vake of the above Light is as 'lollow. 75 Nos. の6.36500 Per No. Rs 477,375/‐ 50 Nos. ι)10.10500 PeF No Rs 505,25α L 20 Nos (D15,44000 PerNo. Rs 308,800/‐ 900 Meter$, の 11800 Per Mtr Rs 106,200/ 170 Nos. の 5800 Pcr No Rate Unit Amoutrt & ヽシ & 02 )roviding & Fixing Sheet light ll50 watts (SON) Having IP54 classification with 250-W Lamp, 3a[[ast, capacitor intemal 'ariring complete in all respect at r.he height up to 3l-ft as per site & & .lequircment instruction of cngineer ilt charge. 03 P…ldlng&F破 ing Flood light 400ゃ va應 (HPITI H″ ing IP54 olassincation.lth 400‐ W Lantp, 3allast, capacitor & intemal ヽ l― g cOmplctc in dl respect江 lhc hcight up to 40‐ ■ as per d“ lRoqulremerlt & instructlon of (m■ lneer m charge 04 〕 ■ovdlng&laying(MAN or SUB MAIs PVC insulatcd& PVC Sllcctcd ■lth ●vo corc 11ll]:謂 05 uct° r Pro‖ dlng&Exhg 300/500 volt onc way SP 10/15alnp switch surfacc● pc Rs 9,8607‐ Rs.14,07,485/‐ OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER,(M&E) RAT10N KORANI RyOFBLι θF 」L4Ⅳ ″ rJES Sろワ ИИИ VWe hereby quoted as follows: θプ ″ ]"F:P″ ル ″♭油 ″ Part A(item bascd on S Rl %Bclow/Abo" Rs Palt B(itcnl bascd on O/R3 Fお G耐 磁 Total(A+B) ヽv The lotal arnount is Rs. Rupees ( for the completejob for all schedule ofrate & offer rates (which ever is included in the BOQ) l/We have attached a Bid Security amounting to order bearing No. dated Rs, /- as per NIT is shape of pay issued from (Bank) Tlme l,lmit: 30 Calenda. Days Validity: 90+30 Dayi as per SPP Rules 2010 . . .:. . Penalty Per Day:Rs. r50O/- p€r day {Max.10% of Sanctioned Cost) NOTE: Tend,rr must be quoted in fi8ure & in words both otherwise liable to be cancelled. Allover writing & correction ifany must be initialed & stamped by the bidder, We/l read thestandard bidding Documents (Volume n-l)and available DCM Koran8iand agreed to abide allof them and also provide all these documents with our siSnatur€s as & when directed. Signatue of the contmctor with stamp Кorangl Address: AEEtヽ 1&E)D M C К orangi si$irtur€ with Sta 1 ` ` OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER.OI&E〕 DISTRICT MllNICIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI、 KARACHI NO:EE/M&E/DNIC′ で ′ 2015 Datcd:‐ Iender Reference No Dated: VOLUME… ‖B:LL OF QUANT:丁 lES (SiNGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD) P/F Street Lights and Other Eiectrlca:Accessories at Different Areas of Shah Faisal Zone′ DMC Korangi. ヽ v PC Rs,ltO乙 485,00 Cost: - Bid Security: - Rs,28,150.00 Tender Cost: - Rs,2,500.00 NO'IE: l) 2) This Document contains 03 pages including this page The Standard Terms &Condition ofBidding Documents (Volume-I) available in the office & website of DMC Korangi 鵬 鼈 ″ 鼈 Korangi Kamchl P No Issue to M/S. Dat,-'d: Bank: S量 lature&stamo oflssuing Authontv Branch: 公 2 OFFICE ΩF THE]XECUTIvE ENGINEER,01&E) DISTRICT NIUNICIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI.KARACHI NAME OF WORK:P/F Street Lights and other Electrical Accessories at different Tender Referencc No Dated: (PART“ A"SCHEDULE RATEITEMS) S.No. Description 01 Providing & Fixing Street lighr 125 watts (HPlvIV) Having IP54 classification with 125-W Lamp, Choke, capacitor & intemal wiring complete in all respect at the height up to 31-ft as per site Requirement & instruction of ヽv Quatrtitv Rate UIli Amoutrt gngineer in charge, Make of the above Light lollow. 02 is as 75 Nos. (D6,36500 Per No Rs 477,375た 50 Nos. @10,10500 Per No. Rs 505,250た PerNo, Rs 308.800ノ ‐ Rs 106.200/ Providing & Fixing Street light 250 watts (SON) Having IP54 jassification with 250-W Lamp, Ballas! capacitor & intemal wiring complete in all respect at rhe h€ight up to 3l-ft as per site lequirement , 03 & instructiotr of gineer in charse. .'roviding & Fixing Flood light .100 watts (I{PIT) Having IP54 r:lassification with 400-W Lamp, llallast, capacitor intemal .riring complete in all respeQt at lhe height up to 40-ft as per site ll.equirement & insfudion of & r:ngineer in charge. 04 20 Nos. `)15.44000 & Iaying (MAIN or liUB MAIN) PVC insulated & J'roviding Sheeted with two core (iopper condualor 300i500 volt l)VC :;ize 05 2.5nn2. & fixing one way SP 0/l 5amD switch sulface WDe. 900 Meters. の 11800 Per Mtr. 170 Nos. @5800 PerNo. l'roviding Rs 9,860/‐ Rs.14■ 79485/‐ OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER,0質 &E) rsolИ ″/RyaFBLZ IIWc l ercby quoted as OF θι “ ル ng″ ″ follows: NTI‐ES ル %ο ′ds (itCm bascd on S′ R) θゴ %Below/Above F` itcm based on O/R ″ 磁 Total`A Rs ヽシ The lotal amount is Rs. Rupees ( for tlre complete job for all s€hedule of rate & off€r rates (which ever is included in the BOQ) l/We have attached a Bid Security amounting to order bearing No. dated Rs. /- as per NIT is shape of pay issued from (Bank) ■ne llmlt:30 Calendar Davs Pena ty Per Dav:Rs 1500/per day(Max lo%of“ nctbned Cost) vanditv: 9o● 30 Davs as per sPP Rules 2010 . . . iIOTE: Tend(:r must be quoted ln figure & in words both otherwise liable to be cancelled. Alloverwriting & correction ifany must be initialed & stamped bythe bidder. we/l read the standard bidding oocuments (volume nl) and available DCM Korangi and agreed to abide allof them and also provideallthese documents with our signaturesas & when dkected. For 01■ ce use Of DMC Signature ofthe contactor with stamp Кorang[ verried 300 by: AEE(Ⅳ I&E)D M C Korangi Addrcss: DISTRICT NIUNICIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI.KARACHI NO:EE/M&E/DMC′ Rν 2o15 Dated:_ TOnder Reference No Dated: DATE OF OPEANING: VOLUME‐ li BILL OF QUANT:T:ES (SiNGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD} R/M of street Lights:nstalled at Different Areas of Korang:zone,DMC KorangL PC tlost:‐ Rs.1■ 17,500+Open Rate 3:d Securlty:‐ Rs.28,350.00+02%of Quoted Bid. Tender Cost:‐ Rs.2,500.00 NOTE: 1)■is Doculllent contams 03 pages lncluding this page 2)The Standttd Tems&COndiOn ofB‖ ng Doculncnts OfDMC Korangi C。 lume_I)aVdlablc in thc Offlce&websitc “ 協 悧 雛 脇 協 κο ′ α″ ′ ■ gi Kα 1 “ ― Issue to M/S. Datod: P No. Bank: SILnature&Stamp oflssuing AuthoHtv Branch: 1瞬 う4 NAME OF WORK: ts lnstaned at Street Zone.DMC Koranゴ Ter der Reference: S Of . No Dated: eART“ A"SCHEDULE RATE ITEMSl S.No. Description 01 Providlng & Fixing 125 watts (HPIIVI Lanlp@thC hCigllt as pcr sitc Rcqlurcment Unit Amount & lnstructlon ofengincer ln clla‐ Rc 02 Rate Quantity 300 Nos. @47000 Per No. Rヽ 141,000み 250 Nos. @1,02000 Per No. RS.255.000た 150 Nos の210500 Per No. Rs 315,750/‐ 100 Nos. )399000 Per No. 島 .399,000/‐ Per No Rs.120200″ PЮ viding & Fi対 ng 125 watts (HPIIV)ぬ okC@tllC hdgllt● pCr dte Reqwcment & ヽ lnstucdon ofcnginecr ln cll■ ‐ Rc 03 Providing & fixing 250 watts (SON-T) Lamp @ the height with the help of hydraulic crane as per site Requiremert & instruction ofengineer in charse. 04 Providing & fixing 250 watts (SON-T) chowk @ the height with the help of hydraulic crane as per site Requirement & instruction ofengineer in charse. 05 abor as pcr si“ Requlrcment& instmctiOn OfEI 06 08 100 Nos. )120200 “ dlng&1等 mg(ヽLtt Or SUB MAIN)PVC insuatcd& Dro宙 PVC Sheeted 宙 dl ●vo cOrc 500 l s』 Fuctor 30υ Meters. の 11800 Pcr ML R.106200/‐ l)roviding & fixing one way SP l0/l5amp swilah surfaae tlpe. 400 Nos. (D5800 Per No. R.23200/‐ 100 Nos. @470/ Pcr No Rζ .47.000/ lぽ 07 “ Providmg & Fixing 250/400 watls(SCN igm“ r h alrespcct at the hdght up● 40■ 宙 th the hdp ofミは lic crane&manual Ю 900 1)rovidlng & Fixing AcuiC Cover 125、 vats Ligllt@thc llCl」 肛as pcr slle Rcquirement& insmctiOn Ofenglnccr in chargc S.No. I)escriDtion 09 Prclvidlllg & Fixlllg H01dcr 125 Ouantitv Unit Amount Pcr No Rs.10,150/‐ Rate waヽ Light@thC hCight as pcr sile Rcquiremcllt&instructlon of cllginecr in chargc 50 Nos. (PART“ B"OPEN S.No 10 Description 'rovidinS & Fixing Moon Lighr with ,amp l25watt and Ballast 125 watt D height as per site Requiement & nstruction ofengineer in charqe. 100 Nos. %RyaFBILZ 1/ミ、トereby quoted as θ′ follows: Rs.14,17,500/ RATEITEMS) Ratc Qurntity rsoヮ ИИ ヽ C)203/‐ Unit Q Pcr NO Amount ヽ . Rs θF θ」レ 4rrrrIEsJ LEた ″″ ル ″いお (itCm bascd on S/Rl %Bclow/Above Rs item based on O/R " Total rA■ Rs Its The Total amount is Rs. Rupees ( for the complete job for all schedule ofrate & offer rates (which ever is included in rhe BOQ) l/We have attached a Bid Security amounting to order bearint No, dated _ Rs. /- as per N lT is shape of pay issued from (Bank) ■me unL:30 Calendar Davs Va:ldltv: 90+30 Days as per SPP Rules 2010 . . . Penalty Per Day: Rs. 1500/- p€r day (t\4ax.lO% otSanctioned Cosr) ヽ│●TE: Tend(, must be quoted in flSure & in words both otherwise liabteto becancelled. Allolerwriting & correction ifany must be initialed &stamped bythe bidder. We/l read the standard bidding Documents (Volume n-t) and available DCM Xoran8iand agreed to abide allof them and also provide allthese documents v/ith oursignatures as & when directed. ForCl ice use Of oMc Кoran21 Signature ofthe coDtractor with stamp Address: AEE(∼ &E)D M C Korangi わ一 OF EN DISTRICT NIIUNICIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI.KARACHI NO:EE/M&Dつ ヽ4c′ で /2015 Datcd: Tender Reference No Dated: DATE OF OPEANING: VOLUME‐ il BILL OF QUANT:T:ES (SINGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE MEttHOD} R/M of Street Lights insta‖ ed at Difrerent Areas of Landhi zone,DMC Korangi. ヽ▼ PC Cost: - Rs.14,17,500+Open Rate Bid Security: - Rs.28,350.00+02%of Quoted Bid. Tender Cost: - Rs.為 500.Oo NOTE: l) 2) This Dosunenr conrains 03 pages including this page The Standard Terms &Condition ofBidding Documents (Volume-I) available in rhe oflice & website of DMC Korangi 晟′ ι ″κ聴 罷ξ磁&ワ , ist ict M uniiipal Caoryo rutio n h■ 暉 J Kα′acねL - lssue to M/S. Datr:d: P.No. Bank: Sigraturc&Stal■ p oflssuing Au血 odtv Branch: 2 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER.01&E) DISTRICT ⅣШ CIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI.KARACHI NAME OF WORK: R/M of Street Lights Installed at Different Areas of Landhi Zone. DMC Koransi. Tender Reference: No. Dat€d: (PART``A"SCHEDULE RATEITEMS) S.No. 01 DescriDtiotr Ouantity Rate 300 Nos. Ullit Amount の47000 Per No Rs.141,000/‐ 250 Nos @1,02000 Pcr No Rs.255.000″ 150 Nos. lc 210500 Per No. R.315,750″ 100 Nos. )399000 Per No R399,000/‐ PerNo. Rs.120200/ Mtr. 磁 .106200/‐ idulg&Fixhg 125 wats P【 ル (HPNIV)Lanlp@tlle height as pcr St Rcqulrcment & illstructiOn Ofcngineer in charOc 02 ヽv Provldlng & Fixing 125 ■am (HPNIV)Cl10kC@thC height as pcr slte RcqlliFCmCnt & instruction ofcngineer in cllarnc 03 PЮvidng & fl対 ng 250 wa“ s (SON‐ DL徊 叩 宙th @dle llCight ofけ れ JiC Crane as pcr sitc Rcqulrement & the heい hstrucdOn ofcnJneer h chargc 04 Providing& i対 ng 250 ■at k@thC hCight (SON‐ T)chO■■ widl ulc help of,と aulic cFane as per siに Requrcmcllt & hstru“ on ofctthccr h chargo 05 PIo宙 dlng&Π xmg WaC(SOniい 。r “ 250/400 h alrespect 配thc heitt up 10 40■ 哺th the heい 。 fhydraulic crane&manual labor as pcr site Rcqulremcnt& instrucは on OfEI 06 100 Nos. の 120200 PЮ 宙dlng&laying(NfAN or SUB NIAIN)PVC hSulatcd& PVC Shccted nidl Ⅲ O cOre l肥 :謂 07 Pro宙 uCt° r"α "0咄 Meters. ra‐ 11800 Per dmg&6xhg one wり sP 10/15amp switch suace w" 08 900 Pro宙 dng 400 Nos. @5800 Per No 100 Nos. (2470/‐ Pcr No Rs.47,000/‐ Continue on next page... ... R.23,200/‐ & Fi対 ng Acヮ lic Covcr 125■ atts Light@the hclBllt as pcr silc Rcqullemcllt& insmcJOn Ofcngineer h cttgc , ` S.No Description 09 Providing & Fixing Holder 125 \ratts Light @ the height as per site Requirement & instruction of m Rate Ouantitv 50 Nos. 墜 @203/‐ Unit Amount PerNo. Rs.10,150″ Rs 14,17,500/ cART“ B"oPEN RATEITEMS) Description Rate Quatrtity Ullit AEoutrl Provdhg&FIxing M00n Ligllt wlul Lamp 125wat and Ballast 125■ att @llCight as pcr● "Requlrcment& instructlo咀 Ofcnginccrin charge 100 Nos. Q PerNo. ヽ Rs ヽψ I/We ,rereby quoted as follows: ル ご ヽ ″ “ frt J7a油 Pat´ 、 (■ cm ttdons/RY ―――――― %Below/Abovc Rs " 」 Parl E,o“ 口 Rs baSed Ol1 0/RY 蜘 ■ tal(A+B) Rs Rupees( The Total anount is Rs. for lhe completejob for all schedule ofrate & offer rates (which ever is included ia the BOe) l/W: have attached a Bid Security amounting ord(!r bearing No. dated _ to Rs. /- as per NIT is shape of pay issued from (Bank) ■me umL:30 Calendar Davs Va!lditv: 9o+30 0avs as per sPII Rules 2010 Penalty Per oay: Rs. l5m/, pe. day (M.x.lO% ofsanctioned Cost) 110TE: . . ' Tend3. must be quoted in fiBure & in words both otherwise liable to be cancelled, All or'er writing & correction ifany must be initialed & stamped by the bidder. we/r read thestandard bidding Documents (vorume n-r) and avairabre Dovr Korangiand a8reed to abide al of them and also provide allthese documents with oursignatures as & when directed. For O nce use OfDMC Кorangl Signature of the contractor with stamp Address: AEE{ヽ ,&E)O M C Korangi Signrture with CE OF /// EN, DISTRICT Ⅳ駅 IcIPAL CCIRPORAT10N KORANGI.KARACHI NO:EE′ ヽ國こE/DMC′lυ Dated:_ /2015 DATE OF OPEANING: VOLUME‐ il BILL OF QUANTIT:ES (SINGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD) R/M of Street Lights insta‖ ed at D:fferent Areas of Shah Faisa:zone′ DMC Korangi. ヽ▼ PC Cost: Rs,14,17,500+Open Rate - Bid Security: - Rs,28,350.00+02%of QuOted Bid. Tender Cost: - Rs,2,500.00 NOTE: I ) 2) This Document contains 03 pages including this page The Standard Terms &Condition ofBidding Documents (Volume-I) available in the offrce & website of DMC Korangi v伽 livg 0, D isticl M unicipal Cory oration `“ Korangi Karachl `馳 P No. Issue to M/S. Dat,:d: Bank: 堕 lature&stalno Oflssuing Autho」 tv Branch: 2 NAMEOF WORK: f Stree ts lnstalled at Different Zone.DMc Korangi. Terlder Reference: No Dated: (PART“ A"SCHEDULE RATEITEMs S.No. Descriptioll 01 Providing & Fixing 125 watts Rate Unit Amounl 300 Nos. @47000 Pcr No Rs.141,000/‐ 250 Nos. @1,02000 Per No Rs.255,000/_ instructlon ofcnginccr h charge 150 Nos. の210500 Per No. R鬱 .315,750/‐ Providing & fxing 250 watts (SON-T) chowk @ the height with the help of hydraulic crane as per site Requirement & instuction ofengineer in charge. 100 Nos. ¨ Per No. ヽ .399,000/‐ 100 Nos. の120200 Pcr No Rs.120200/‐ の11800 Per 400 Nos. @5800 Per No 100 Nos. (2470/‐ Pcr No Rs.47000/‐ Coltinue on next page...... Ouantity lHPIIV)L肛 叩 @the hcight as pcr site Requremcllt & msmctiOn Ofcnghccrin dagc 02 Providing & Fixing 125 watts (HPlvIV) choke @ rhe heighr as per site Requiremelt & instructiol ofengineer in charse. 03 Pro宙 dlng&■ xulg 250 wat T)Lmlp@the helgllt (SON‐ 宙 th ttc help Of、ふ lic crane as pcr shc Requlremcnt & 04 05 Providing Nヽ & Fixing 250/400 (SON)itter in all rcspect ■ the helgllt up o 40n宙 h thc rlp Ofhydraullc crane&manual abor as per dte Requiremcnt& [nstrucdon ofEI 06 Pro宙 ding&laying(ヽ 伍 nヾ 。r SUB MAttD PVC lnsulalcd& )VC Shccted ¬ith ぃ 0 ●Orc 〕 ∝°r mα l鵬 07 謂 Provid崚 "0咄 Pro宙 dhg Meters. Mtr. Rs.106200″ &■ xing one way SP 10/15anlp s宙 tch sCace 6pe 08 900 Rs.23,200/‐ & Fixing AcDlic Cover 125 wars Light@the leight as pcr dte Requlrement& instuctlon ofenginccrin ttge Providing & Fixing H01dcr 125 ξ 獄::濡 躙 農R乱 鷲 : ヽ 10,150/ (PART“ B"oPEN Description Quantity Providing & Fixing Moon Light with Lamp l25watt and Ballast 125 watt @ height as p€r si@ Requiemeft & insfuction ofengineer in charse. 100 Nos Rs.14,17,500/ RATEITEMS) Rate Ullit @ Pcr No Amoutrt Rs. Rs 1/We hcreけ quOted as fO‖ Ows: ヽψ 711 ag″ ″ ,I nυ Part′ 、 (ltem based On s/Rp 一―――――― %BdOw/Abovc ″ ル ″レ d, p=(iem bむ cd On O/RI Cand TOtalcAIB) Rs Its Rs The Total amount is Rs. Rupees ( forthecomplctejobfOrallschcddcOfra“ &OfFer ratcs ehCh cver is included in tllc 30Q) 1/We have atached a Bid securty amounung tO Rs― ord(,r bearing No. dated as per NIT is shape of pay issued from (3ank} Time Limlt : :)0 Glenda. D.ys Validlty: 90+30 Days.s per Spp Rules 2OtO Pena ty Per Day:Rs 1500/‐ per day(Max 10%orsanctbned Cosl }IOTE: 。 Tendor must be quotedin ngure&in wOrds both othe口 ″ise liabie to be cance‖ ed ● A!lo、 ,er writing&correction iF anv must be in tialed&stamped by the bidder O We/read the standard bidding Docurnents{VOLme nl)and ava‖ able DCM Korang and agreed tO aЫ de dlof them and also provide a‖ these dOcuments with Ou「 s18natures as&when directed For Olnce use OF DMC κorangl Signature of the conhactor with stamp Address: A,E.E ([4&E) D.M.C KoGnSi SiSnaiurewith Stam 1 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER.01&Eヽ DIS■ uCT llD_ NIuNICIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI.KARACHI NO:EE/M&E7DMCttυ /2015 Datcd‐ 'lender Reference No. Dated: DATE OF OPENING: VOLUME… ll BILL OF QUANT:TIES (SiNGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD} R/M&Engine Overhauling ofVehicle No:CH‐ 00929〔 APK‐ 02)of Korangi Zone DMC Korangi. V PC Cost:‐ Open Rate Bid Security:‐ 02%of QuOted Bid. Tender Cost:‐ Rs,1,500.00 NOTE: 1)■is Docurncnt contttns 05 pagcs including his page 2)勁 c Standad Tenns&Condidm ofBiddng Doculncnts (VOlulnc_I)av」 lable in tlle Offlcc&wcbstc ofDMC KoranJ 臓′ ι ″蛹 駒静 レ V &,, istricl M nicipal Corporution “ Korungi Kuachi IssDe to M/S Dated: P,No. Bank: Si臣 lature&Stamp oflssuinR Autho■ tv. Branch: 1 ││つ OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER.01&Eヽ = DISTRICT h4UNICIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGl,KARACHI NO:EE/NI&EIDMα マ /2015 Dated:‐ lrender Reference No Dated: DATE OF OPENING: VOLUME‐ ]:B:LL OF QUAN丁 :TIES iSINGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD〕 R/M EL Engine Overhauling ofVehicle No:CH‐ 00929 cAPK‐ 02〕 of Korangi Zone DMC Korangi. ▼ PC Open Rate Cost: - Bid Security: - 02%of Quoted B:d. Tender Cost: - Rs,1,500.00 NOTE: l) 2) This Document contains 05 pages including this page The Standard Terms & Condition ofBidding Documents (Volume-I) available in the office & website of DMC Korangi 聰 C″ ″R昴 話 彪″ ヽ &助 な たilpa′ CoFpο ′ α ″ `M搬 `rたKorungi P No Issue to M/S. Dated: Bank: Sttlature&Stamp oflssuing Authodtv. Branch: KorochL `:ο OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER,(1〔 &E) DISTRICT NIUNICIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI.KARACHI NAllE OF WORK: R/M&EnJne Overhauling of Vehicle Nα CH‐ 00929 rAP【 02ヽ of Dated: Tender Referen.e: No. (OPEN RATEITEMS) S.No. Description 01 Dismant ling the complete Engine Ass€mblies to carry oL Amount of 3 02 UIlit t the repairing / overhauling work. which Includes the cost of lath machine work i.e. facing, polishin work head piece, including dismant ing the valve, valve seats, valve guides, Sleeves Set and Replacing the same with provided (inlct / exhaust) valve, valve seats, valve guides includin g polishing and fitting ofmain and big-end piece ol block object and reass€mbling the same. The job also includes the cost of labour, cotton, Engine oil and kerose[e oil and greasing eto as , complete in all resDect. V Lte Ouallti″ 01 Job. @ Per 01 Job. @ PerNo. 01 Job. @ Pcr No Rs 01 Job. Q PcrNo Rs. No. ヽ EnginO (overhauling wo.k to be complet€d with rcpalnngI / replacing of following engine parts and componl),nts complete in all respect:i P/F, complete Liner Kit / block Sleeves for 04 Cyliinder Engine with new piston, Piston pins, RIneg set and Piston Locks etc. 0l Kit. ‖ PIF(Connecting rods. 04 Nos. iii ツF(cannecting Rod Bushes. 04 Nos. 市 P/FlMain end Begin Piece. 04 Sets. v P/P Tlrust colla$. 04 Nos. vi P/F(Cam set including cam budles. 0 I set. v“ PT(Oilpump 01 No. vili P/Fl water Pump 0l No. ix P/F,valves wilh s€ats and guides. 08 Nos. x, P/FlFull pagkinE Kit, ‐ M]”彎 all other required bushes and bearings as rired. all other required Nut-bolts p€rtains to ine fittings. 03 コ 0. Repair / Maintenance of Fuel Injection Pump by rre3ns d ismantlin& s€rvicing / replacing / repairing plungers injectors, injector nozzles, delivery valves, ! pacers, springs, bearings and other parts as required and .efitting the sarne. The work includes , the cosl of replacing pump seal kit and pump kit ss required. 04 Repair/ Maintenanc€ of existing el€€tric circuits by means ( ,f re-establishing of open electric circuits with rep lacing of wom out wires, relays and fuses as requir ed. The work includes the cost ofreplaciDg indicator 'light bulbs and rear light bulbs etc as uired Continue on next page.,. ,.. Description S, No, Rate Quantitv Unit Amoutrt 々つ ^¨﹀ Wheel liervicing / Brake repairing of both side 04 wheels by means of dismantling wheel drums, replacing Cylinder pistons, cylinder kits, brake shoe an I wom down bearings etc and refitting the same. The work includes the cost of labor, grease, cottor\ Keaosene oil, and refilling the brake fluid with adjusting end bleeding of brake lining and replacing of master cylinder kit complete in all respect. 06 01 Job. @ Pcr No Rs. 01 Job @ PerNo. Rs. 01 Job. @ Per No. Rr. 02 Nos. @ Per No. Rs, 01 Job @ PerNo. Rs. Dismanlling/ repairing and refifting of clutch podion'{ith replacing / rcpairing offollowing parts as requir€d. i. Pfi Clutch plate. 0l No ii, P,4r Pressure Plate 0l No. iii. Faring of flywheel. 0l No. iv. P/l:Thrust bearing. 0l No. R€pair / I{aintenance of both Sides wilh rqairing / replacing of M Springs L€af s€ts, following parts and 1 ︱ ¨ 1 ¨ = Ⅳ V Ⅵ components and reflhing the sarne as requied. R€placement Broken Spring Leafs. R€placement of l,€af Bracts. Rcplacement of Centff BolE. Replac€meot of U4lamps. Replac€ment of l,eaf Bushes. R€ placement of Center Pin / Leaf Pin. 08 P/F l3oAmp Battery with Battery TermiMls as rcquired. 09 Denting / Shaping / refirbishing of Driver's Cabin to be ompleted as per following sp€{ifioations completr) in all respect: - i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Rernoving dents fiom all panels of My surlace in actual shape. The work includes the cost of Welding / Grinding and replacing of rusty MS Panels from the darnaged portions such as, doff panels, roof top, front & rear potions 8s per instructions ofEL R€placing Door Locks.02 Nos. 0l Job. Replacing Door Window Glasses (UR) 02 Nor. Repairing Replacing of Seats with new / colers.0l Job. Replaoing of door seal rubb€rs UR 02 Nos Replacing ofFloor Rubber Sheet. 0l No. Finishing / Painting work with filling material with of leveling dented portions, undercoatin& and two coats best quality japani paint in white color. The wort includes the cost of rubbing polish work complete in all resDect. 0l Job. Continue on next page...... Descriptiotr S.No. 10 Rte Ouantitv Unit AmouDt M Cornplel nplete Cargo Body (Dump Truck Body) on the Given lsuzu lsuz FTR Truck with rhe fouowing R sp€cifica tiotrs tiotrr and components complete as P€r inritruo fructions i) ii) Repairing ring in all respect, of Engineer hcharge. of Longitude Rafier of 4.5 mm Rolled Channels. nels. 02 Nos. All Cross members should be in 4.5mnn Rolled R( Channel. 0l Job Repa ring ring of Cirgo Body (Dump Truck Body) ,ned with U-shap€ stiffeners in 3.25mm'MS supp{)rted Sh€€l having hav sizr 16'X4.5'X3' with sub-ft'ane, side pan€ls! r, Fronl Fr Panels. floor sheet and cab protector the floor loor sheet must be in 5mm'z fiickness as ( requi ed. Compl€le in all rcspect.01Job iii) M/Pr.. Mr Mudguards on rear vheels in I6SWG MS Sheel as required.o r I Job ,TO Pump / Tipping Oear Kit with replacing of iv) R&t ?TO pluneers ers / pistons and complete r€pan kit, packing kitaDdr€l d r€fitting same as rEquired. 0l Job v) R/M of Hydraulic H Iift cylind€r ass€mbly by means iing ofcomplete seal kit, 'O' rings and refitting replar)ing the s€me. me.0l Job vi) Finisldng ng the body with b€st quality rust prev€ntive paint i.e. i.e. 02 coats of Red Oxide and 02 Coats Air paiming in yellow color. The job dyinC Spray Sp inclu(les les the tl cost of necessary undercoat es rcquired. 0l Jo r. ,. vii)Identj 6cat Ecation marking i.e. writing District Muni ripal )ipal Corporalion Komngi, Korangi Zone in Engli jh ih ar and Urdu wordings on bo& side body and portion as r@uired. 0l Job. Driver's r's cabin cl of 01 Job. @ Per No. Rr. Rs. Continue on next pa8e......., OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER,OI&E) STRICT NK RyoFB″ Z Иッァ rsιヮ 171Ve l Ereby θノ θF00%Ⅳ 729 ル ″♭Z, ル E々 〃″ quoted as follows: (item bascd on S/Rl O/O Bclow/Abovc θ2 itcm based On O/R Rs Its Rs Total(A■ The Total amouot is Rs. Rupees ( ヽ for t.rc complete job for all schedule ofrate & offer rates (which ever is inclucled in the BOe) l/W(! have attached a Bid Security amounting to dated order bearing No Rs. /- as per NtT is shape of pay issued from (Bank) ■ me llmlt:30 Calendar oa" Va‖ d叶 :90●30 Davs as persPP Ruに s2010 Pona ty p。 .0,YI。 '■ 500/‐ P・ ,d・ Y{M● X■ 叫 。Fヽ 面 oned c● ェ ) 卜10TE: . . . Tendd must bequoted in figure & in words both otherwhe liable to be cancelled. Allover writing & correction Ifany must be inttialed & stamped by the bidder. We/l read the standard biddlng Documents (Volume n-t) and available DCM KoranStand aSreed to abide altof them and also provide allthese documents with oursignatures as& when dkected. … Кorangl Signature of tle contractor with stamp Address: AEE(Iv&E)D M C Korang 1 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER,01&E) DISTRICT ⅣШ CIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANCI、 KARACHI NO:EDヽ敗 E/DIIC7m 2015 Datcd:‐ Terder Reference No No Dated: DATE OF OPENING: VOLUME‐ ll BILL OF QUANTITIES {S:NGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD} R/M&Engine Overhauling ofVehicle No:CH‐ 3601386ぃ PK‐ 04) ofKorangi Zone DMC Korangi. PC Open Rate Cost: - Bid Security: - 02%of Quoted Bid. Tender Cost: - Rs,1,500.00 NO'TE: l) This Document contains 05 pages including this page 2) The Standard Terms & Condition ofBidding Documents (Volume-I) available in the office & website of DMC Korangi “稀 絣 鋤 E″ is lricl M unicip al Corporalion Korungi Karachl P No Issue to M/S. Datr:d: Bank: Sittlature&Stamo oflssuhg Autho五 ●′ Branch: 理受― OFFICE OF THE EXECTITIVE ENGIIIEER. (M&E) DISTRICT MUNICIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI. KARACHI. NAnIE OF WORK: Ten(ler Reference: R/M & Engine Overhauling of Vehicle No: CH-3601386 (APK-041 ofKorangi Zone DMC Korangi. No. Drted : (OPEN RATE ITEMS) S. No 01 Description Rate Quantity AmouDt Ullit Dismanr.ling the complete Engine Assemblies to carry out the repairing / overhauling work. which Includer the cost of lath machine work i.e. facin& polishing work head piece, including of dismantling the valve, valve seats, valve guides, Sleeves Set and Replacing the sarne with prcvided (inlet / €xhaust) valve, valve seats, valve Suides including polishing and fitting ofmain and big-end piece o, block object and ress€mbling the same. The job also includes the cost of labour, cotton, Engine oil and kerosene oil and greasing elc es required, complete in all respect. V 02 01 Job. @ Pcr No Rs, 01 Job. @ PerNo. Rs. 01 Job. @ Per No. Rs. 01 Job. @ Engine overhauling work to b€ completed with repairing / replacing of following engine pars and compon.nts complete in all r€spechP/F complete Liner Kit / block Sleeves for 04 Cylinder Englne with oew pision. Piston pins. Rrng set and Piston Incks etc. 0l frt. P/F Connecting rods. 04 Nos. iii. P/F connecting Rod Bushes. 04 Nos. iv. P/f Main end Begin Piece. 04 Sets. P/f Thrust collars. 04 Nos. vi. Ptr Cam s€t including cam bushes.olset. vii. P/F Oil pump 0 I No. viii. P/F water Pump 0l No, ix, P/F valves with seats ad guid€s, 0E Nos. P/F Full packing Kit. xi, P,/f all other required bushes and bearings as i. ii. v. V x. required. xii. P/t all other required Nutbolts pertains to eno ine 03 fittincs. Repair ,' Maintenance of Fuel Injection Pump by means (ismantling. servicing / replacing / rcpairing pluryeir, injectors, injector nozzles, delivery valves, ;pacers, springs, b€arings and other parts as requirec and refitting the same. The work includes the cosr of replacing pump s€al kit and pump packing kit as required. 04 Repair / Maintenanc€ of existing eleotric circuits by means r)f rg-establishing of op€n ele.tric circuits with reyrlacing of wom out wires, relays and fuses as regoi.ed. The work include. the 6st of replrcing indicator light bulbs and rear light bulbs etc as required Per No Rs. Continue on next page. .... S. No. 05 Descri Rat€ Quatrtity U■ it Amoutrt Wheel Jeryicing / Brake repairing of both side 04 wheels by means of dismantling wheel drums, replacin g Cylinder pislons. cylinder ki6, shoe an d wom down bearings etc and refitting the sane. he work includes the cost of labor- g.ease, cotton, kerosene oil, and refilling the brake fluid I ad justing with replacin g 06 Disman of and bleeding of brake lining and kit complet€ ir all master cylinder ling/ repairing ard refitting of 01 Job. @ Pcr No Rs. 01 Job @ Pe.No. Rs 01 Job. @ Pe. No. Rs 02 Noc. @ Per No Rl. 01 Job @ Pcr No Rs. clulch portion with replacing / repairing of following parts as requi .ed. i. ii. Pt.I Clutch plate.01 No P/; I Pressure Plate 0l No. P/;l iii. Fac Fa .ing offly wheel. 0t No. iv. P1T P, I Thrust bearing. 0l No. Repan V / vlainhoanc€ of bolh Sides 04 Springs L€afsets, with rol ,airing / replacint of following paris and compone nts and refitting th€ same as requircd. R( plac€ment Broken Spring Leafs. R( pla.ement of Leaf Bracts. R( plac€ment of Center Bolts. R( plac€m€nt ofU-Clamps. Ra placenent of Leaf Bushes. R.?lacenent Rt placem€nt ofCente. Pin / Le5fPin. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. 08 09 P/F13( Amp Battery with Battery Terminals Denting / as Shaping / refurbishing of Driver's Cabin tobec Jmpleted as per following ip€cifications complet ) in all respe.t: - i) Re noving dents from all panels of body sut face in actual shape. The work includes the of Welding / Grinding and replacing of tus ty MS Panels from the damaged portions suc h as, door panels, roof top, front & rear po1 ions as p€r inshuctions of EL 0l Job. Rel ,acing Door Locks. 02 Nos. Rel )lacing Door Window Glasses (UR) 02 cos t V ii) iii) No t. iv) v) Rel niring / Replacing of Seats with new co\ ers. 0l Job. ofdoor seal rubbeE t/R 02 Nos ofFloor Rubber Sheet, 0l No, vii) Fin ishing / Painting wolk widr filling material wil leveling dented portions, un( lercoating and two coats best quality jap rni paint in whirc color. The work includes the cost of rubbing polish work complete in all rcsDect.0l Job. vi) Rel rlacing Re1 rlacing Rep h of Continue on next page. ,. .. 4 S.No. 10 Descri Rale Quantity Unit Amoutrt P"M Cornplete nplete Cargo C, Body (Dump Truck Body) on the Given Isuzu FTR I Truck wirh the following :ions and specifica tions and comf,onents complete as per instructions tructions of En8ineer Incharge. i) ii) h all rcsp€ct, Repa ring of Longitude Raft€r of 4.5 Inm Rolled Chan1els. lels. 02 Nos. l All Crcss membels should b€ in 4.5mnn Rolled Chamel. 01 Job ring of Cargo Body (Dump Truck Body) supp(,rted rted with wid U-shape stiffeners in l.25mn'?MS Sheet having size s l6'X4.5'X3' with sutsftame, side pan€li, r. Front Front Panels. floor sheet and cab prot€ator Repa the floor oor shert sh€{ must be in 5mm' bickness as re4ui ed. Complete Coml in all resp€ct. 0l Job iii) M,?rri Mudsu Mudguards on rcar wheels in I6SWG MS Sheel as required.o requir V I Job ,TO )TO Pun Pump / Tipping Geff Kit with replacing of plungers pisl ers / pistons and complete repan kil packing kit andI refittinl refitting same as requir€d. 01 Job v) RM of Hydra Hydraulic Iift cylinde. assembly by means replar ing of ofcomplete co seal kit, 'O' rings and rEfitting the $me. me.0l 0l Job J( ,ing the body vi) Finishing t with b€st quality rust preventive i.e. 02 o coats of Red Oxide ad 02 Coas Air Paint dying Spray Spray pairting in yellow color. The job iv) &M includes es the lhe cost c( of necessary undercoat as requiaed. 0l Jolr. of vii)ldeotification fication ma*ing i,e. \rriting Distsict Muni,)ipal )ipal Cor Coryoration KoIangL Korangi Zone in ih and Urdu U wordings on both side body and Englifi Driver's cabin Dortion as 0l Job 's cabin 01 Job. @ Per No Rs. Continue on next page..... OFFICE OF THE EXECり TIVE ENGINEER,o匹 &E) RATION KORANI Sろう 幽 I/We hereby quoted as follows: RyaF】疵勘L OF じ4N‐TIES, Ill%凛 ル F=g″ ″ Part A(hcm baSed On S/Rb 0ノ %Below/Above Rs ″ Part B(ltcm bascd on O/R) Rs Grand Total fA+B) Rs ne Total amOuntis Rs Rupees I for tJre complete job for all schedule ofrate & olfer mtes (which ever is included in the BOQ) l/W€ have attached a Bid Security amounting to order bearing No. dated Rs. /- as per NtT is shape of pay issued from (Bank) llmc um“ ;lo● :endar Da" Va‖ d“ v: 90● 30 . . . NO■ PenaLv Per Dav:R51500/・ per uav(Max lい Of"nctloneo cost) pavs as per SPP Ru!es 2010 : Tend(x rhust be quoted in fi8ure & in words both otherwise liableto be cancelled. Allover writin8 & correction ifany must be initialed & stamped by the bidder. We/l read the standard biddin8 Documents (Volume n-l)and available DCM Korangland agreed to abideallof them and also provide allthese documents v,ith oursignaturesas & when directed. For Oince use Of DMC КoranEl Signature of the contractor with stamp veJned BoQ Address: AEE(V&E)D M C Korangl Sianeture with Stam 1 OFFICE ΩF THE EXECり TIvE ENGINEER,01&E〕 DISTRICT NIUNICIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI.KARAこ HI NO:EE′ ヽ,こ E/DMC7K/ ′ 2015 Datedl― Tender Reference No Dated: VOLUME‐ ::BILL OF QUANT:TIES (SiNGLE SttAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD) R/M&Engine overhauling ofVehicle No:CH‐ 3601395 cAPK‐ 05〕 ofKorangi Zone DMC Korangi. PC Cost: - Open Rate Bid Security: - 02%of QuOted Bid. Tender Cost: - Rs,1,500.00 NOTE: 1)Ls Doculnent contains 05 pages including this page 2)The Standard Terms&COndidon ofBidding Doculncnts (VOlulne_I)avJlabb in the offlce&wcbsite ofDMC Korangi 協勒脇脇 ″ V Kο ″″ g′ 胸 Issue to M/S. Datr-.d: P No. Bank: Si&lature&Stamp oflsslling Autho■ tv Branch: 確 ″ム 笙 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER.イ M&Eヽ DISTRICT Ⅳ脚 CIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI KARACHI NAヽ lE OF WORK: of Korangi Zone DMC Korangi. Tende. Reference: llo. Dated : (OPEN RATEITEMS) S.No 01 V 02 OIl Rate Quatrtity A[ount Ullit DismanL.ling ling the complete Engine Assemblies to carry outt lhe thr rcpairing / overhauling work. which Ilcludes lhe the cost of lath machine work i.e. facing polishingg work of head piece, including dismant ling ing the valve, valve seats, valve guides, Sleeves Set and Replacing the same with provided (inlet / exlr exlaust) valve, valve seats, valve guides polishing and fitting of main and big-end includingg po ' piece ol block blo object and .eassembling the same. The job als{ also includes lhe cost of labour, cotton, Engine oil rand kerosene oil and greasing et! as lrcd . comDlete in all resDect. 01 Job. @ PcrNo Rs. 01 Job. @ PerNo. Rs 01 Job. @ Pcr No ヽ 01 Job. @ Pcr No Rs. Enginc(overhauling work to be completed with ropalrlnl:I / replacing of following engine parts and componeJnts complete in all respect:t PT complete Line. Kit / block Sleeves for 04 Cyliindor Engino with nory piston, Pi5ton pim, Rin〔g set and Pison Locks etc. 0l Kit. li P/FI Connecting rods. 04 Nos. iii P/F( connecting Rod Bushes. 04 Nos. iv P/F: Main end Begin Piece. 04 Sets. v P/F Thrust collars. 04 Nos. ‖ PIF I Cam set including cam bushes. 0lset. v‖ P/FI Oil pump 0l No. v“ I V 0l No. PIF water Pump ix PIF valves with x P/FIFull seats and guides. 0E Nos. packing Kit xi P/F all other required bushes and bearings as requuired. xii P/F all other required Nut-bolLs p€rtains to ine Iittinss. OJ ハυ Repair , Maintenance of Fuel lnjection Pump means d isrnantling servicing by / replacing / repairing , plungen injectorc, injector nozzles, delivery pacers, valves, r springs, bearings and oth€r parts as requirei and refitting the same. The work includes thc cos of replacing pump seal kit and pump kit as required. 04 . Repair / Maintenance ofexisting eleotrio circuits by mears ( )f re-establishing of open elechic circuits with rel rlacing of wom out wires, relays and fus€s as rcqul red. The work includes the cost ofreplacing indicato r light bulbs and rear light bulbs erc as i, Continue oII next page..... S No 05 DescH Rate Ouantitv Unit AEoutrt Whe€l rJervicing lervicing / Brake repairing of both side 04 r wheels replacir by means of dismantling wheel drums, I Cylinder pistons. cylinder kils. brake shoe an d wom down bearings erc and refining the s{une. 1 he work includes the cost of labor, greas€, oil, and .e6llin8 the brake fluid and bleeding of brake lining and replacin g of master cylinder kit complete in all cotton, kerosene ad justing with 06 01 Job. @ Per No ヽ 01 JOb. @ Pcr No ヽ 01 Job. @ PerNo. Rs. 02 Nos. @ PerNo. 恥 01 Job. @ PerNo. Rs Disman tling/ repairing and refitting of clutch pOrtiOn with replacing / repairing of following pars as rcqu[ red. i P/ I Clutch plate. 0l No H P/ . Pressure Plate 0 I No. iii Fa cing offly wheel. 0l No. iv P′ r Thrusr b€arins. 01 No. Repair′ !,laiotenance V wial rel Eiring ofboth Sides 04 Springs Laaf sets, rcplacing of following parts and / compone nts and refitting the same as requi.ed. i R( placement Broken Spring Leafs. M R placement of lraf Bracts. ili Rl placenent of Center Bolts. iv Rl v vi 08 placement ofU-Clamps. Rl placement of t €af Bushes. Rl plac€ment of Center Pin / Leaf Pin. P7F13( rAmp Battery \rith Battery Terminals as rect,id 09 , Denting / Shaping / refurbishing of Driver's Cabin as per following specifications complet ) in allrespect: - tobec ompleted panels of body work includes the co! t of Welding / Grinding and replacing of ty MS Panels from the damaged portions h as, door panels, roof top, fiont & rear ions as per inshuctions ofEl. 0l Job. rlacing Door Locks. 02 Nos. rlaoing Door Window Glasses (UR) 02 DRe noving dents from all sur face in actual shape. The > v ↓ う ↓ DD i tm 。 c n蹂 k 計 i l 鵬 肛 脚k k N R w ph l a V s. / Replaoing of Seats with new 'ers.01 Job. rlacing of door seal rubbers l,/R 02 Nos rlacing of Floor Rubber Sheet. 0 I No. ishing / Painting work with filling malerial )airing h leveling lerEoalin& and of dented podons, two coats b€st quality ani paint in white color. The work includes cost of rubbing polish work complete in respect. 0l Job. Continue on next page----- 4 S.No, Pescfiption 10 Complele Cargo Body (Dunp Truck Body) on the foUowing specific,.tions and components complere in all respect, as per instructions of Engineer OuaDtitv Rate Amount Ullit R4v1 Given Isuzu FTR Truck with the i) ii) Reprning of Longitude Rafter of 4.5 mm Rolled Chainels. 02 Nos. All Cross members should be in 4.5mmRolled Chamel.0l Job Repairing of Cargo Body {Dump Truck Body) supp.ned with U-shape stiffeners in 3.Z5mm'!MS Shee. havhg siz€ l6'X4.5'X3' with sub-fi'ame, side pane s, Front Panels, noor sheet and cab Drotactor the .loor sheel musl be in smm'z thicLess as 0l Job iii)M/P/F Mudguards on rear whe€ls in I6SWC MS requi.ed. Complete in sll respect. Shee as required.ol Job iv) R/M PTO Punp / Tipping Cear Kit with replacing of plunt,ers / pistons and complete repair kit, packing kit ard refising same as rcquircd. 0l Job v) &M of Hydraulic lift cylinder &ssembly by m€ans kil 'O' rings and refitting repla :ing of complete s€al the si me. 0l Job vi) Finhl ng lhe body with best quality rust pr€ventive paint i.e. 02 coats of Red Oxide and 02 Coats Air dyinE Spray painting in yellow color. The job inclu,les the cost of necessary undercoat as required. 0l Job. of vii)Ident fication ma*ing i.e. \ariting DisEict Municipal Corporation Korangi, Komngi Zone in English and Urdu wordings on bo$ side body and Driv€r's cabin po.tioo as required. 0l Job. 01 Job. @ PerNo. Rs. Rs.Continue on next page. .... 昴 ″ 0′ お I/We herebY quoted as follows: … つ θ′ Pat A鰤 bas,糧 ″ o^* p rit lcAbo“ m hqsed on C)/R) Gralld Toti(A+B) Rs Rs Rs Rup€es ( The Totat amount is Rs. V in the BoQ) of raie & offer .utes (which ever is inctuded * *.,ori...--oro" ioo ro, u' "nedule as per Nlr is shape of paY Rs""""-/to amounting security Bid a Uwe have attached order bearing No. issued from dated (Bank) -- 鶴器躙∬11露PP m疇 "" pen:tty p.r o.y: Rs- 15oO/- p€r dav (Ma*10% of sanctoned Cost) len″ ise liable to be canCened and agreed tO abide an of lil]llilillillili:『 For Ofnc use of oMC Sipahrc ofthe contractoF With Stamp Address: iE.El irt) o.r.'t.c. xo,anet :『 1 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER.(Ⅳ I&E) DIS■ uCT ⅣШ IcIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI.KARACHI NOIEE/M2F/DMC′ К′ /2015 Datcd:‐ Tender Reference Jender ReterenceNoNo Dated: DATE OF OPENING: VOLUME… ::B:LL OF QUANTITIES iSINGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD} R/M&Engine Overhauling ofVehicle No:CH‐ 3601396い PK‐ 07) ofKorangi Zone DMC Korangi. V PC Open Rate cost: - Bid Security: - 02%of Quoted Bid. Tender Cost: - Rs,1,500,00 NOIE: 1) This Document contains 05 pages including this page 2) The Standard Terms & Condition ofBidding Documents (Volume-I) available in the office & website of DMC Korangi rИ &助 M unicipal Corp oralion gi40″ ● V D P No Issue to M/S. Dat,-'d: S車 !ame&stam● klricl Korangi Korachi Bank: oflss■ ng Autton絆 Branch: . ))ゞ 一 2 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTI\1E ENGINEER. M&E) DISTRICT MI]NICIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI. KARACHI. NAllE OF WORK: R/M & Engine Overhauling of Vehicle No: CH-3601395 fApK-o7) ofKorargi Zone DMC Korangi. Tender Reference: No. Dated ! (oPEN RATE rTf,,MS) S. No. 01 Description Rate Amoutrt Ullit ling the compleie Engine Assemblies to carry orfi the repairing / overhauling work. which Includer the cost of lath machine work i.e. facing polishing work of head piece, including Disman dismantling the valve, valve seats, valve guides, Sleev€s Set and Replacing the same with provided (inlet / exhaust) valve, valve seats, valve guides including polishing and fitting of main and big-end piec€ o| block object and reassembling the same. The job also includes the cost of labour, cotton, Engine oil and kerosene oil and geasing etc as .equired. comDlete in allr€sDect. 02 Ouantiけ 01 Job. @ Per No. R!. 01 Job @ PerNo. Rs. 01 Job. @ Per No. k. 01 Job. @ Per No. Rs. Engine ove auling work to be completed with repairint! / replacing of followinS engine parts and compon rnts complete ill all respecti P/F complete Liner Kit / block Sleeves for 04 Cylinder Engine with new piston, Pi(on pins, Ring set and Piston I-ocks etc. 0l Kit. P/F Connecting rods. 04 Nos. iii. P/F connecting Rod Bushes. 04 Nos. iv. P/F Main end Begin Pi€c€. 04 Sets, P/F Thrust aollars. M Nos, vi. P/F Cam set ircluding calll bushes. 0l set. vii. P/F Oil pump 0l No. viii. P/F water Pump 0l No. ix, P/F valves with seats and guid€s. 0E Nos. P/F Full packing Kit. xi, P/F all other required bushes and bearings as i. ii. v. x. .equired. xii. P/F all o$er re4uired Nut-bolts pertains to engine fi$ings. つ0 ︵υ Maintenance of Fuel Injection Pump by means dismantlin& servicing / replacing / repairing plu[g€n, injectors, injector nozzles, delivery Repair / valves, r paoerq springs, bearings and other parts as required and refitting the same. The work includes the cosl of replaoing pump s€al kit and pump Dackinc kit as required. 04 Repair / Maintenanc€ of existing eleofiio circuits by means r,f re+stablishing of open el€chic circuits with replacing of wom oul wires, relays and fuses as requir ed. The work includes the cost ofreplacing indicatoi light bulbs and rear light bulbs etc as required Continue orl next page...,, S, No, くフ ︵υ 06 DescriptioD Ouatrtitv Rate Unit / Brake repairing of both side 04 wheels by means of dismantling wheel drums, replacing q/linder pistons, cylinder kits, brake shoe and wom down beorings etc and refitting the same. the work includes the cost of labor, greas€, cotton, kerosene oil, and refilling the brake fluid with adjusting and bleeding of brake lining and replacing of master cylinder kit complete in all Wheel iiervicing resp€ct. 01 Job @ Pcr No Rs. Disman ling/ repairing ald refitting of clutch portion with replacing / repairing of following pars as requird. Pli Clutch plare.0t No ii. P/F Pressure Plate 0l No. iii. Facing offly wheel. 0t No. iv. P/F Thrust bearins. 0l No. 01 Job @ PerNo. Rs. 01 JOb. @ PerNo. Rs. 02 Nos. @ PerNo, Rs 01 Job. @ PerNo. Rs. i. / Uainteoance ofbo6 Sides 04 Springs l,eafsets, with rel)airing / replacing of followiog pans and Repair components and refr[ing the same as required. R(iplacement Broken Spring Leafs. R(,placement of Leaf Biacts. R(iplac€ment ofcentq Bolis. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. 08 Rcplacamentof U-CIamps. R(,plac€mentofleafBushes. R(,plac€ment of CenterPin/ L€af Pin. P/F l3(Anp Battery with Battery Terminals as required. 09 Denting / Shaping / refuibishing of Driver's Cabin to b€ completed as per following specifications complet, in all respect: - i) ii) iii) Re noving dents from all panels of body surfac€ in achul shape. The work includes the cort of Welding / Grinding and replacing of rusty MS Panels from the damaged portions su(h as, door parcls, roof top, front & rear polions as per instsuctions ofEI. 0l Job. Re:lacing Door Locks. 02 Nos. Rerlacing Door Window Glasses (1"/R) 02 Nos. / Rerairing Replaaing of S€ats with new coveN.0l Job. v) Rerlacing ofdoor seal rubbers I-lR 02 Nos vi) Rerlaoing ofFloorRubber Sheet.0l No. vii) Fir ishing / Painting work with filling material iv) with leveling of dented portions, undercoalin& and two coats best quality japani paint in white color. The work includes rhe oost of rubbing polish work complete in all resDect. 0l Job. Continue on next page..... S.No. 10 tioll Rate Quentity Unit Amount R/M Co mplete Cargo Body (Dunp Truck Body) on tho D D 聯肺輌呻¨ 陥 Given Isuzu FTR Truck with the following specificr tions and comfon€nts complete in all respect, as Per in ltructiotrs of Engineer Incharge. iring of t ngitude Rafte. of 4.5 mm Rolled nels. 02 Nos. All Cross members should b€ in m Rolled Channel. 0 I Job iring of Cargo Body (Dunp Truck Body) ,red with U-shape stimeners in 3.25rnm'?MS :having size l6'X4.5'X3' with sub-fisme, side pane s. s, Front Panels. floor sheet and cab protector the lloc Ioor sh€€t musi be in 5mm'z fiickness as iiD required red. Complete in aU resp€ct. 01 Job M,"/FF IMudguards on r€ar wheels in I6SWG MS Shee as required.0l Job iv) RM PTO PT Pump / Tipping Gear Kit with replacing of plunlt€rs Frs / pistons eu cornpl€te rcpai kit, packing kitardr d relittio8 sane as required. 0l Job v) R/M of Hydnulic lift cylindff assembly by mefls repla)inl )int of complete seal kit 'O' rings and rcfittitrg the srme me.0I Job vi) Finis fng fnl the body wirh best quallty rust pr€ventive paint i.e. i.e 02 coats of Red Oxide and 02 Coats Air dyinE. SFay s l,ainting in yellow color. The job inclu,les les the cost of necessry und€rcoat as requirEd. 0l Job. b. vii)Ident ific ficnlion marking i.e. w ting of District Municip cipal Corporation Korangi, Korangi Zone in English sh and Urdu u,ordings on both side body and ls Driv€ r's cabin portion as rcquired. 0l Job. 01 Job @ Pcr No Rs. Rs.Continue on nexl page, .. .. CE OFTHE 口ucTⅣШ Sι 塑 幽 フヽVcl rereby quoted as follows: (■ Cnl θノ ″ NG cIPAL T10N RyaFBttZ OF ιttVttS ル f■2″ ″ ル ″♭漱 based On S/RY %Below/Abovc Rs item based on O/R' To●dfAIB The Total arnount is Rs Rs fu. Rupees ( V for t he complete job for all schedule of rate & ofer rates (which ever is included in the BOe) l/W,: have attached a Bid Security amounting to ord(rr bearing No. dated _ Rs. /- as per NtT is shape of pay issued from (Bank) rimc Umit i 30 Colcnd.r Valldity: 90130 DaVs as per SPP Rules 2010 . . . Fendlv Per D31 Rs 190/per oav(Max l隋 of,ndloned co,o I,IOTE: Tender must bequoted in figure & in words both otherwise liableto becanaelled. Allo/er writing & correction if any must be initialed & stamped by the bidder. We/lread the standard biddinS Do.uments (Votume n-t) and avaitable DCM KoranSiand a8.eed to abidealtof them and also provide allthese doauments with our signaturesas & when directed. For Olnce use Of DMC XoranJ Signature ofthe contractor with stamp veined ooQ R Address: AEE(卜 ,&E)O M C Korangi Signaturewith 雌 OFFICE OF TⅡ E EXECUTIVE ENGINEER,01&Eヽ DISTRICT ⅣWCIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI KARACHI NO:EE/NI&EIDMC7K/ /2015 Dated:‐ Iender Reference No Dated: Dated: DATE OF OPENING: VOLUME‐ ‖B:LL OF QUAN丁 :TIES SiNGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD〕 〔 R/M`L Engine Overhauling ofVehicle No:CH‐ 11399〔 APK‐ 09〕 of Korangi Zone DMC Korangi. ▼ PC Open Rate Cost: - Bid Security: - 02%of Quoted Bid. Tender Cost: - Rs,1,500.00 NO'IE: 1) This Document contains 05 pages including this page 2) The Standard Terms & Condition ofBidding Documents (VolumeJ) available in fte office & website of DMC Korangi V 拓Oraragi l【 α ″ α `カ P.No. Issue to M/S. Dat,:d: Bank: S量 lature&stamp oflssuing AuthoHty Branch: ム 2 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTI\TE ENCT]\[EER.IM&E) DISTRICT MIINICIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI. KARACHI. NA14E OFヽ VORK: R/M & Engine Overhauling of Vehicle Nor CH-11399 (ApK-Ogl of Korangi Zone DMC Korangi. T€nder Reference: No, (OPEN RATE ITEMS) Descripaion Quantify 0t Dismanrling the complete Engine Ass€mblies to ca.ry ort the repairing / overhauling work. which Includes the cost of lath machine work i.e. facing, polishing work of head piece, including dismantling the valve, valve seats, valve guides, Sleeves Set and Replacing the same with provided (inlet / exhaust) valve, valve seats, valve guides including polishing and fitting ofmain and big-end piecr ol' block object and reassembling the same. The job also includes the cost of labour, cotton, Engine oil and kerosene oil and greasing etc as required , comDlete itr all resDect. 01 Job. @ PerNo. Rs. 01 Job @ PerNo. Rs. 01 Job. @ PerNo, Rs. 01 Job. @ V 02 価綱 S. No. Rate Unit Amount Engine overhauling work io b€ completed repairing / replaoing of following engine parts components complete in all respect:P/I completr Lircr Kit / block Sleeves for 04 Cylinder Engine with new piston, Piston pins, Rir g set and Piston Locks etc. 0 I Kit. P/f Comecting rods. 04 Nos. iii. P/F connecting Rod Bushes. 04 Nos. iv. P,/F Main end Begin Piece, 04 S€ts. P/F Thrust collan. MNos. vi. P/F Csm set including cam bushes. 0l s€t, vii. P/F Oil pump 0 I No. viii. P/F water Pump 0t No. ix. P/F valves with seats and guides. 0E Nos. P/F Fullpacking Kit. xi. P/t all other re4uire-d bushes and beirings as i. ii. v. ▼ x. req uired. xii. P/F all other required Nut-bolts pert ins to en! ine fitlings. ^ J ハυ Repair ,' Mainienance of Fuel Injection Pump by means dismantling servicing / replacing / rcpairing plungers, injectors, inje.tor nozzles, delivery valves, spacers, springs, bearings and other parts as requircd and refitting the same, The work includes the cos: of replacing pump seal kit and pump packing kit as required. 04 Repair / Maintenance ofexisting ele.hic circuits by means of re-establishing of open ele.hic ckcuits with rcl)laring ofwom out wires, relays and fuses as required. The work inoludes the mst of replacing indicator light bulbs and rear light bulbs etc as requirec k Continue oa next page.. ,.. Per No. S No Rate Quantitv Unit ●つ ハυ Wleel i;eNicing / Brake repairing of both side 04 wheels by means of dismantling wheel drums, replacing Cylinder pistons, cylinder kits, brake shoe and wom down be€rings etc and refitting the sarne. '[he work includes the cost of labor, gre6s€, cotton, kerosene oil, and refilling the brake fluid with adjusting and bleeding of brake lining and replacing of master cylinder kit complete in all 06 01 Job @ Per No 01 Job @ Per 01 Job. の PerNo, Rs. 02 Nos. の PerNo. ヽ 01 Job. の Pcr No Rs Rs of clutch portion with replacing / repairing of following parts Dismanling/ repairing and refitting as requircd. i P/F CIutch plate ol No H P/F PressurO Platc 01 No iii Faclngofflywhcc1 01 No 市 P″ ]Lustbcanng 01 No No. ヽ / \4ainhnanc€ ofboth Sid€s 04 Springs Leafsets, with re},airiry / replacing of following parts and Repair V components and refitting the sam€ as required. Rcplac€ment Broken Spring Lea6. R(iplacement of Leaf Biacts. V Ⅵ i. ii. iii. iv. 08 R0pla.ement ofcenter Bolts. R0pla.ement of U{lamps. Rcplacement of Loaf Bushes. laccncnt oFCeller Pin′ LeafPh P/F l3(Amp Battery with Battery Terminals as uirod 09 . / Shaping / refurbishing of Driver's Cabh to be.ompleted as per following sp€cifications Denting complct. in all respect: - i) V ii) iii) Removing dents fiom all panels of body suface in actual shape. The work includes the oost of Welding / Grinding and replacing of rusly MS Panels from the damaged portions su(h as, door pan€ls, roof top, fiont & rcar polions as p€r hstructions ofEI. 0l Job. Rerlacing Door Locks. 02 Nos. Rerlacing Door Window€s (l"iR) 02 Nos. iv) / Rerairing Replacing of Seats with new covers.0l Job. v) Re:lacing ofdoor seal rubbers UR 02 Nos vi) Re rlacing of Floor Rubber Sheet. 0 I No. vii) Firishing / Painting work with filling material with of leveling dent€d portions, un(lercoatin& and two coats best quality japani paint in white color. The work includes the cost of rubbing polish work complete in 01 Job Continue on next page. ,. .. 4 S.No Descriptioo 10 RIM Co■nplete plc Cargo Body (Dump Truck Body) on the Civen isuz Isuzu FTR Truck wirh $e following . specinc.ll。 tions R3te Quantity Unit Amoutrt and componenls complete in all respect, of Engineer lncharge. as perlns● uc *ructions ll Repainng iring of Longitude Rafter of 4.5 mm Rolled ChanncК nels. 02 Nos. All Cross members should be in 45mmm kRolled Challrel. 0l Job H)RepaLhg iring of Cargo Body (Dump Truck Body) suppo口 にd with U-shape stiffeneN in 3.25mm'1 MS )nEd Shecl having hav size l6'X4.5'X3' with sub-fi-ame, side panelヽ s, F: Front PaDels, ule loor sheet ヽ floor sheet and cab Drotectot must be in smrn'z thichess as required( ed. Complete in all respect. 0l Job iill M/PFF MI Mudguards on rear wheels in 16SWG MS Shee`as as Π required.ol Job PTO Pump / Tipping Gear Kh with replacing of ")RIM phtt ers′ PTO ers / pistons and complete repair kit, packing kit ardd ref refifiing same as.equired. 0l Job /1 RIM of ofHHydrdulic lift cylinder ass€mbly by means ■ repla)h8, )ing ofcomplet€ s€al kit, 'O' rings ad refitting the wme l me.0l Job v)FInilllng dng the body with best quality rust preventive paut ie i.e, 02 coats of Red Oxide and 02 Coa6 Air Spray painting lnclu(les les uthe "itt Sp in yellow color. The job cost ofnecessary undercoat as requied. 01 Jobb. 宙DIdCnt rlcat fication markiog i.e. writing of District Munidpal ;ipal Corporation Korangi, Korangi Zone in Hy English sh al and Urdu wordings on bo& side DHvで r's r's clcabin Dortion as reouired. 0l Job. ard 01 JOb @ PerNo. Rs Rs. Continuc on next page.. ... VWe eereby quoted as follows: θノ Part .l\ (item Part .ti (item Grand Total In Wo s based on S/R) oZ ″ In Fisurc Below / Above Rs. based on O/R) Rs (A+B) Rs The Total amount is Rs. Rupees ヽョ for the complete job for all schedule of rate & offer rates (which ever is inctuded in the BOe) l/We have attached a Bid Security amounting to ordcr bearing No. dated _ Rs. /- as per NIT is shape of pay issued from _ (Bank) Tlme Llmlt 150 Validity . . . : qEnda. DaF Penalty Per Day: Rs. lsm/- per day (Max.10%ofsenctioned Cost) 90+30 D.ys ar per Spp Rutes 2O1O I{OTE: Tendermust be quoted in figure & in words both otherwise liable to be cancelled. All o ver writing & cofiection if any must be initialed & stamped by the bidder. we/rread thestanda.d bidding Documents (volurhe n-r)and available DcM Korangiand agreed to abide allof them and also provide all these documents with oursignatures ai & when directed. For Office t sc ot DMc Xoranrl Sigrahue of the contractor with stamp Address: A.E.E (nr&E) o.M.( Korangi │ヽ 2015 DAIE OF OPENING: vOLUME… :l BILL OF QUANTlTIES (S:NGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD) R/M&EngineOVeilill:皐 1■ 393 CAPK‐ 10)Of DMC Korangi. 』ftthiCleNo:CH‐ open Rate PC COSt:‐ 02%Of Quoted Bid. Bid SeCuritv:‐ Rs,1,500.00 Tender Cost:‐ 酔 `arivθ 鱗 イ &2, ″れわο力″ ぢ蔑 7レL離 ら “ i誌 ヽ _ “ Korangi Karachl PNo Issu: to M/S. Datod: Branch: Bank: S_ignamre&StalnD OfISSlllng塾 』 曇p」 エ 」 ■ 2 NAME OF WORK: Tender ReferenCe: No ated: 01 6hg°・ 諄 ・ ♂ 鷺 F珊 攣 脂 需‰ll謡 En」 ne oCrぃ 中g IPA,埋 上 1∬品 」15準 仰 01 Job. PerNo. 選型Cpttmd :11■ 摯 9聖Ⅲ Ⅲ ⅢⅢ lml■ 樵 ふ 話LⅢ1部′ ま ぼ 高静 lユ ‖ n phs, 「 窃 TW Ⅲ じ 扇]=■ ilt,o"ks l,Pザ "I]:鷲 0l Kit etc l詰 1:「 ii"" *i-a"pi.t" :St° `“ Ii l[ :"ffi"J,ff ifJ;tili]* Piece iv. P/F vii. P/F OilPumP ltain end Begin "", 04 SeIs' , P/F 'Ihrust collars 04 Nos ,i. i/ri*t t i""uaing carn bushes 0lset' Ht I 0l No' lf lfff:,t$il't.|lnd guides. o8 Nos' lf ',iJ'"',ffi1'L'r[ild t,.h". *d t'*ings * reouiled. *ii. rH'"ii orlt"t to require.d Nur-bolts Penains Per No. ut漢 酪 tTttlacintt pulnp"J klt and purnp 01 JOb・ 01 JOb・ uirtd Per No. S No 05 01 JOb 剛 Wle『 ‖ 甜 Per No 馴 臨寵躍 ∝No 1剛島uchメ ¨'品 。 満Ψ卦 l盟 確 田hg o No 01 Job. IP/Fiu“ PerNo. “ ofCenter Pin / LeafPin P/F 130Mlp BattCrv Widl Batteヮ 01 JOb PerNo. TCmninalsお ircd 09 鶴絶R轟淵 ‖ 譜 奮暇 鰐 憲 庶肥霊 鳳鵬ご L濡 語 響驚 瀧 01 JOb Per No. D€scri 10 Pet No Rs. Colltmuc on nCXt page… ヽ_′ OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER.(M&E〕 KORANGI.KARAI ヽ■UNttCIP Uぶ ‐ TIES) 4RyoFBIZZ θF θ rsυ ν″ι ル Fな ″″ VWe hereby quoted as follows: 0ゴ ル ″♭ras Part A● lcm based on S/RY %Below/Abovc Its Part B(1“ m based on O/Rl Its Grand TdJ(A+B) Rs " Rupccs( The l-otal amount is Rs. V ) for the complete job for all schedule of rate & offer rates (which ever is inctuded in the BOQ) l/We have attached a Bid Security amountingto Rs.-/- issued from dated order bearing No as per NIT is shape of pay (Bank) ■lme llm● :¨ Ca饉 ndar Daぃ Penaltv Per oav: Rs.lsoo/- Der day {Max.1096 of San tioned cost} Validitv: 90+30 Davsas per SPP Ru:es 2010 . . . NOIE: Tend€rr must bequoted in flSure & in words both otherwise liable to be cancelled' All or er writing & co(ection if any must be initialed & sta mPed by the bidder' we/t .ead the standard bidding Documents (volume n.l)and available DcM Korangiand aSreed to them and also provide all these documents with oursignatures as & abideallof when directed' For Oflce use Of DMC Signature ofthe∞ ntractor wi■ stamp КoranJ Address: A.E.E ([]&E) D.M.C (orangi 1 度 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER.僻 質&Eヽ DISTRICT NIUNICIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI.KARACHI NOIEDヽ 1&E/DMC7K7 2015 Dalcd:‐ T,-"nder Reference No. Dated : DATE OF OPEANING: VOLUME‐ ll B:LL OF QUANTIT:ES {SINGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD) R/M&Engine Overhauling ofVehicle No:CH‐ 3581275 ofLandhi Zone DMC Korangi. PC(:ost:‐ Open Rate Bid Securitv:‐ 02%of QuOted Bid. Tender Cost:‐ Rs,1,500.00 NO'If,: 1) This Document contains 05 pages including this page 2) The Standard Terms & Condition ofBidding Documents (Volume-I) available in the offrce & website of DMC Korangi ,ginllr (M&E), 続″ 瑞γ ▼ 6θ Fali9″ りθ Korangi Karuchi “ "″ P.No. Issure to M/S. Dated: Si口 lature&Stamp Bank: oflssuhg Authority Branch: 2 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER.僻 I&E〕 DISI RICT MllNICIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI.KARACHI NAME OF WORK:IMMJ国 堕暉LュΩ壼」髄興Ш鴫 止塾山山基望LLgL型霞Lz亜 L止Lttd量 “ Ten(Jer Rererence: No … _ Datell: (OPEN RATEITEMS) S.No. Description 01 Dismanling the complele Engine Assemblies to carry ort the repairing / overhauling work. which Includerr the cost of lath machine work i.e. facing, Ouanti″ work of head piece, including dismantling the valve, valve s€ats, valve guides, Sleeves Set snd Replacing the same with provided (inlet / exhaust) valve, valve seats, valve guides including polishing and fitting of main and big-end piec-e ol' block object and reassembling the same, The job also includes the cost of labour, cotton, Engine oil and kerosene oil end greasing eto as required, complete in all respect. Rate Ullit Amouna polishing V 02 01 Job. @ Per No. Rs 01 Job. @ PerNo. Rs. 01 Job. @ Per Engine overhauling work to be completed with repairintl / replacing of following engine parts and compon 3nts complete iII all respect:P/F complete Liner Kit / block Sle€ves for 04 Cylinder Engine with new piston. Piston pins, Ring s€t and Piston l.ocks etc. 0l Kit. P/f Connec(ng rods, 04 Nos, i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. ▼ viii. ix. x. xi. P/l connecting Rod Bushes. 04 Nos. P/F Main end Begin Piece. (M Sets. P/F Thrust colla$. 04 Nos. PiF Carn set including cam bushes. 0ls€t. P/F Oilpump 0l No. P/F water Pump 01 No. P/F valves with seats and guides. 16Nos. P/F Full packing Kit. Ptr all ofier required bushes and bearings as req rired. xii. P/F all olher required Nut-bolts p€rtains to ensine Iittinss. 03 R€pair / Maintenance of Fuel Injection Pump by / replacing / repairing plungenr, injeotors, injector nozzlcs, delivery mesns dismantlin& servicing valves, rpaccrg springs, bearings and other parts as required and refitting the same. The work includes the cosr. of replacing pump seal kit and pump Dackinfl kit as required. No. Rs Continue on next page...... Rte Ourntitv S. No. DescriDtion 04 Repair ,' Maintenance of existing electric circuits by Unit Amount mears of re-eslablishing of open eleatric circui$ with rel)lacing of wom out wires, relays and fu!€s as requrred. The work includes the cost ofreplacing indicat(,r liSht bulbs and re light bulbs etc as ircd 05 01 Job @ Pcr No Rs- 01 JOb. @ Pcr No Rs. 01 Job. の Per No. Rr. の PerNo. Rs. Wle€l leNicing / Brake repairing of both side 04 wheels by means of dismantling wheel drums, replacirg Cylinder pistons, cylinder kits, brake shoe and wom do$,n b€arings etc and refitting the same. 'l he work includes the cost of labor, greese, cotton, kerosene oil, and refilling the brake fluid with acjusting and bleeding of brake lining and replacing of master cylinder kit complete in all 06 Dismantling/ repairing and refitting of clulch portion with replacing / repairing of following parrs as requircd. i. ii, P/F Clutch plate.0l No P/F Pressue Plate 0l No. iii. Facing iv. P/F Thrust beaing. 01 No. offlywheel.0l No. ■′ ハυ P/F l3t)Amp Battery with Battery Terminals as 02 Nos. 08 Denting / Shaping / r€fubishing ofDriver's Cabin to be completed as per following sp€cifications complele in all respect: - i) V Removing dents from all panels of body surface in actual shape. The work includes the co$t of Welding / Grioding and replacing of rusty MS Panels from the damaged portions suoh as, door panels, roof top, ftont & rcar po.ions as per inshuctions ofEI. 0l Job. Replacing Door I"ocks. 02 Nos. iii) Replacing Door Window Glasses (UR) 02 Ncs. iv) Repairing Replacing of Seats with new co/ers. 0l Job. v) Replacingofdoor seal rubbers UR 02 Nos vi) Replacing ofFloor Rubber Sheet,0l No. vii) Filishing / Painting woIk with Iilling tuaterial leveling dented portions, undenoating, and two coats best quality japani paint in whit€ oolor. The work includes the cost of rubbing polish work complete in ii) / with a‖ respcct 01 Job of 01 Job. Continue on next page... ... S.No. 09 Rte Ourntitv Unit Amount R/M Ccmplete Cargo Body (Dump Truck Body) on the Giv€n huzu FTR Truck with the following specific ions and components complete in all rcspec! a3 i) per ir sEuctions ofEngineet Incharge. of Longitude Rafier of 4.5 nun Rolled Charnels. 02 Nos. All Cross members should be in 4.5rm Rolled Channel. 0l Job ii) Rept iring of Cargo Body (Dunp Truck Body) supported wirh U-shape stimeners in l.25run, MS She€t having size 16'X4.5'X3' with sub-fi-am€, side panels, Front Panels, Iloor sheet and cab ptotector the floor sheet must be in smm'z thickn€ss as requrred. Complete in all respect. 0l Job iii) M/P/F Mudguards on rear wheels in t6SWc MS ReF'iring Sheer as roquired.ol Job iv) RM PTO Pump / Tipping cear Kit with rEplacing of plungers / pistons and compleh repaL ki! packing kit ard rcIitting same as aequired. 01 Job v) RA,I of Hy&aulic lifl. cylinder assembly by means replacing ofconplete seal ki! 'O' rings and refitting ▼ $€ srme. 0l Job vi) Firishing the body with besr quality rust proventive paint i.e. 02 coats of Red Oxide and 02 Coets Air dyinlt Spmy painting in yellow color. The job inclules the cost of rccessary undercoat as required. 0l Jcb. vii)Ide ification marking i.e. writing of Districr Municipal Corporation Komngi, Komngi Zon€ in English and Urdu wordings on both side body and Driv( r's cabin porti 01 Job 01 Job の PerNo. Rs. Rs.Continue on rcxt page. .. ... CE OFTHE E DISI RICT CORP 札 RyaFBLZ ッ И rs6,ル ヮ θF θじぶ TI裂 5, VWe hereby quoted as follows: Part A(item bascd on S/Rp %Bclow/Abovc Part B(item bascd On Grand To● l(A+B Rupees ( The Total amount is Rs. for the complete job for all schedule ofrate & offer Iates (which ever is included in the BOe) l/We have attached a Bid Security amounting to ordc r bearing No. dated _ Rs. /- as per NIT is shape of pay issued from (Bank) llme umlt:30 Ca:endar Davs Va‖ dltv:90● 30 Davs as perSpp RuLs 2040 . . . Penalw Per Day: Rs.15OO/- p€r day (Max.1O% of Sancfioned Cost) TIOTE: Tend:r must be quoted in figure & in words both otherwise liable to be cancelled. Alloyer writint & correction ifany must be initialed & stamped by the bidder. we/l read the standard bidding Do.uments (Volume n,t) and available DCN,I Korangtand aSreed to abide them and also provide all these documents with oursignatures ar & when directed. a of For O nce use of oMc Кoran21 V躍 Signature oftllc cOntractor宙 th stalnp 墨Lθ Address: 1 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIvE ENGNEER.01&E) DISTRICT NIUNICIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI、 KARACHI NOIEE/M&DDMC′87 2015 Dated:― :「 ender Reference No Dated: VOLUME‐ ll B:LL OF QUAN丁 :TIES {SINGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD) R/M ofvehiCles No:GL‐ 7696,GL‐ 6367,GL‐ 7540,202‐ 779 and CH‐ 305335 ofLandhiZone DMC Korangi. ― PC(〕 ost:‐ Open Rate Bid Security:‐ 02%of Quoted Bid. Tender Cost:‐ Rs,1,500.00 NOTE: 1) This Document contains 08 pages including this page 2) The Standard Terms &Condition ofBidding Documents (VolumeJ) available in the office & website of DMC Korangi 風 ″〃勁′″ 拓&の 々ψ “ Municip al Corpo rutio tt islticl , Korangi Karachi P No lssue to M/S. Dat,-'d: Bank: signature dL stamo oflssuing Authontv. Branch: 上金L 2 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER,(M&E) IRPORAT10N DISTRI NA卜 4E OFヽ VORK Tender Reference: Rノ M GI.KARACHI of vehides No: GL‐ 7696 GL‐ 6367 GL‐ 7540 202‐ 779 and Dated: No. (OPEN RATEITEMS) S No DeicriDtion Rate Ouantitv Umit Amoutrl GL169A 01 Dismanlling the complete Engine Assemblies to carry out the repairing / overhauling work. which Includes the cost of la$ machine work i.e. facing polishing work of head piece, including dismantiing the valve, valve seats, valve guides, Sleeves Set and Replacing the same with provide(l (inlet / exhaust) valve, valve seats, valve grrides including polishing and fitting of main ard big-end piece of block object and reassemlrling the same. The job also includes tlre cost of labour, cotton, Engine oil and kerosene oil and tIgssing eto as required, complete in all ▼ Job rcsp€ct. 02 01 ColllP:cte @ Pcr Job Rs. @ Pcr Job ヽ @ Per Job 要 Engine ,>verhauling work to be completed with repei.inlt / replacing of following engine parts and compoflents complete in all respectr i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. ・涎 Xlll P/F P/F P/F P/F P/F P/F P/F P/F P/F Piston 04Nos.. Piston Rings 0l complete Set. Connecting rods 01 complete Set, connecting Rod Bushes 0l Set. Main end Begin Piec.€ 0l Set. Thrust collars Set. timing belt & Timing gear. 0l Set. Cam set including carn bushes. olset. Oil pump 0t No. P/I water Pump 0l No. P/F valves with seah and guides. 16Nos. P/F Full packing Kit. P/F all other rcquired bushes and bearings as re4uired. P/F all other required Nut-bolts pertains to engine fittings. XV P/F lgnition coils as rcquir€d. XVI P/F Pluc includins wire 04 Nos. XlV 01 Complctc Job . 0 ︵ ,υ R-/M of Comple& suspension With repairing / replacinil of following parts and components as per Suptrr specifications of Toyota MotoB. i. ii, iii. Replacement ofFront shock absorber L/R 02l\,los. Replac,emcnt ofconstant velocity Joirts L/Ii. (inner / outer) ass€mblies. Replacement of Balancing rod Bushes, tie rod-end 02Nos. 01 Colllplete Job Cohtin e orl,le page `. S No. 04 Rate Quantity ■ CL63(77 Amount Ullit ︲ ci n︲ 。c an 1詢 駒N k Ⅷ雌 ゆぬ 0 ym駒 R 助 駒i F mu d O> vう ” D DD Dclltine/ Dentine / Shaping / work to be completed as per following rg speoihcations complete in all respecl - noving dents from all panels of My face in actual shape. The work includes cost lacing of of Welding / crinding and rusty MS Sheet from the dalnaged nagedlportions, as per instructions of E[. 01 Job Iob. Rcl)laCing rlacing Door Iocks. 02 Nos. Rcplacing rlacing Door Window Glasses (UR). 02 i. )airing ofSeats with new covers.0l Job )lacing of door seal .ubbers UR 02 Nos rlacing ofFloor Rubber Sheet. 0l No. ishing / Painting work with filling erial with leveling of dented portions, ercoating, and two coats best quality air rg japani paint with same color. The 'k includes the cost of rubbing polish V 'k comDlete in al resDect. 01 Job. 05 01 Complete Job @ Pcr Job Rs. Complete Job @ Pcr Job L 01 Job @ Pcr Job Rs. @ Pcr Job Rs Dismaat ling the comDlet€ Head Assemblies to carry ou t the repairing / overhauling work. which Ircludes the cost of lath machine work i.e. facing I )olishing work of head piece, including dismant, ing the valve, valve seats, valve guides, Sle-eves Set and Replacing the same with New (inlet / r :xhaust) valve, valve seats, valve guides includin g polishing and fitting of main and bigpie<)e of block object and reassembling the end plcK,c job also includes the cost of labour, cotton, l lngine oil and kerosene oil and greasing s8m9. T he eto as re cuired. comolete in all resD€ct. 01 6 0 ︶ Repair c fcompleting seats by means dismantling the s replacing foam, seat oushions and rEfittiog the same with replacing of seat channels ses as reouir ed. ●′ ハυ Gt-754 0 Dismanl ling the mmpletc Engine Assemblies to c6rry ou t the repairiog / overhauling work. which lncludes the cost of lath machine work i.e. facing, rclishing work of head piece, including dismant ing thc valve, valve seats, valvg guides, 1 Sleeves Set and Replacing the same with provida I (inlet €xhaust) valve, valve seats, valve gr rides including polishing and fitting of main alld ar rd big-end piec€ of block object a reatsem )ling the same. The job also includes the cost of labour, cotton, Engine oil and kerosene oil and Ieasing etc as rcquir€d, compleG in all / IESD€Ct. 01 Complete Job Conlinue on next page ... ., 4 S No Description 08 Engine overhauling work to be completed with repairing / replacing of followinS engine parts and conrponents complete in all respectP/Ir Pistons Ser wfth Pins and Locks. P/IrRings Set. P rconnecting rods complete S€t. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) Rate Quatrtitv AmouIrt Ullit P/I connecting Rod Bushes. P/I Main end Begin Piec€. P,lI Th$st colla$ Set. P/I timing belt & Timing gear. P/I Cam bushes. P/t Oil pump. P/I w6ter Pump. P/I' valves with seats and guides. P,4 Full packing Kit. P,t all other required seils, bushes and bearings. P/l all other required Nut-bol6 penains lo ine fittings. P,/t Ignition ooils. enp V o) p) q) r) 09 P/F poht. P/F 03 Spark Plugs. P/F Distributor Wires. 01 Comlllde Job ∝ Per Job Rs. 01 Job @ Pcr Job Rs Dismantling/ rcpairing and refitting of clutch portion wi$ replacing / repairing of following parts as re4uired. P/lr Clutch plate. 01 No i. ii. iii. 10 P/Ir Prcssu€ Plate 0l No. P4r Thrust bearine. 01 No R"/M of CompletE sulpension With repairing / replacin.j of following parts afld components as per Super specifications of Suzuki Motors. Replacement ofFront shock absorbq with Coil Springs t"/R 02 Nos. Servicing ofSteering Box. iii. Re?lacsment of Back€nd Bushes. iv. Re rlac.ement of Balancing rod Bushes. i, ii. v. 11 Rerlacement oftie rod-€nds. 01 Complete Job. Pcr Job Servicing of Radialor by means opening fiom top and bottom sidcs, cle4ning all slide and solderin:l from the leak portion aod refitring as required う´ 01 Job @ Per Job Rs. 01 Job @ Por Job Rs. Repair / Maintenance of existing elechic cirouits by mears of re-€stablishing of open electric ,vilh oircuits replacing of wom out wires, rclays and firses as required. The work includes the cost of repla()ing indicator light bulbs and .ear light bulbs enr as required. Continue on nexl pqge ... .. S. No. D.3criDtiotr 13 Repai ofc.mpleting seats by means dismantling the s€als replacing foam, seat cushions and refitting the same with replacing of seat channels Rete Unit Amount 01 Job @ Pcr Job Rs. 01 Job Q PerJob Rs. 01 Job @ Pcr Job Rs. s€rvicing / replacing / repairing unserviccable / washed out plungers, injectors., nozzles, bearings, seal kit artd packing kit and refittinc the same as required. 01 Job @ Pe. Job Rr. Repair of alternator assembly by means of dismantling the Generator replacing rectifier, amatuft) garbons and armaturE bushes etc and refittins the same. 01 Job @ Por Job Rs. as requi-ed 14 Qu{lrtity 202-779 Mazda T3500 DismanrlinS the complete EnSine Assemblies to carry out the repairing / overhauling work. which V Includes the cost of lath machine work i.e. facing :olishing work of head piece, including dismafiing the valve, valve s€ats, valve guides, Sleeves Set and Replacing the same with providql (ir ct / cxhauit) valvE, valyE scarts! valve guides including polishing and fitting of main ard big-end piec€ of block object and rcass€m)ling the same. Thejob also inoludes the cost of labour, cotton, Engine oil and kerosene oil and greasing etc ss required, complete in all respect. Engine rverhauling work to be completed with repairinli / replacing of following engine parts arld components complete in all respecti a. P/F complete Liner Kit / block Sleeves for 04 Jylinder Engine with new piston, Pislon pini, Ring s€t and Piston cks etc.0l Kit. b. P/F Connecthg rods.04 Nos. P/F coonecting Rod Bushes. 04 Nos. P/F Main end Begin Piece, 04 Sets. P/F Thrust oollars, 04 Nos. P/F timing belt & Timing gear.0l S€t. P/f Carn set including cam bushes. 01set. P/I Oil pump 0l No. P/F water Pump 0l No. P/F valves with seats and guides. 08 Nos. P/F Full packing Kit. P/F all other required bushes and bearings t ●d aC , i l ■k ﹂ V as required. n, P/f dl other required Nut-bolts p€rtains to ensine fittincs. 16 Repair / Maintenanc€ of fuel injection purnp by means 17 of dismantling Continue on next pqge..... 6 S. No. 18 Descdptiotr Repair / Ouantitv Rate Utrit Amoutrt Maintenance of existing electric circuits by mears of re-€stablishing of open elechic circuits ,rith replacing of wom out wires, relays and fuses as required. The work includes the cost of rcpla,ing indicator light bulbs and rear light bllibs cに 19 as @ Pcr Job Rs. 01 Job @ Per Job Rs. 01 Job @ PerJob Rs. Complete Job の POr JOb R!. 01 Job の Per Job R3. 01 Job @ Per Job Rs. 01 Job の Per Job Rs. P/F Complete New Radia0or Assembly with top / bottom inlet and outlet connections complete in all resDe(j. 20 01 Job / Brake repairing of both side 04 wheeJ s by means of dismanding wheel drums, Wheel Servioing replaoing Cylinder pistons, cylinder kits, brake shoe anci wom down bearings etc and rcfitting the sam. The *ork includes the cost of labor, grease, ootton, kerosene oil, and refilling the brake fluid with adjusting and bleeding of brake lining aod replacing V of master cylinder kit in all 2t R/M Ct,mpletp rear Body portion with the following specifications oomplete in all respect, ss pq inrihuotions ofEngineer Incharge. i) Repairing of Cargo Body by means Patch repair work from darnaged portions with same size alrd gauge MS Sheet as requircd complerc in all rrspect. ii) Finishing the body with best quality rust preventivc paint i.e. 02 Qoats of Red Oxide and !2 Coats Air dying Spray painriDg in suitatle color. The job includes the cost of necesssry undercoat as required, iii)ldentrfication i.e. writing of DMC Korangi. Korargi Zone in English and Urdu wordings on both side Hy and Driver's cabin portion uired. V 22 P/F Cornplete new Silencer Assembly with mufflerrnd collar com 23 0l in all CH-305:135 Mazda T-3500 Dismart rng/ repairing afld reliEing 0r clurch po ion .vith replacing / rcpairing of following parts as r equired. P/F Clutch 0 a. b. P/T Pressue Plato 0 . 0l No. 0l No. Facing of fly wheel. P′ 24 plate.0l No T Thutbc■ ・ ing 01 No / Maintenance offuel injection pump by means <,f dismantling servicing / replacing / repairin6, unserviceable / washed out plungers, injeotors, nozzles, bearings, seal kit and packing Repair kit 8nd r.fitting the sarne as Conti ue on nexl psge..,... 25 Repair of alt€mator assembly by means of dismantling the Cenerator replacing rectifier, armature carbons and amatute bushes etc and refitting the same. 26 01 Job @ Pcr Job Rs. 01 Job @ Per Job Rs 01 JOb @ Pcr Job ヽ 01 Job. @ Per Job 磁 Servicing of Radiator by means opening from top and bottom sides, cleaning all slide and soldering from the le3k portion and refitting as required. 27 RM / Hydraulic Pump AssembLy by meaas of I/ d PTO Driven Pump ismantling the same and / repairing servicing gear, bush, spacerc, seals, 'O' rings, complete repai. kit and packing kit and refitting the sarne as required. replacin 28 Denting Cabin / Shaping ,/ refqrbishing of Driver's to be completed as per following sp€cificifiions complete in all respect: V a) Rernoving dents from all panels of body sun'ace in actual shape. The work includes the cost of Welding / Grinding and iacing of rusty MS Panels $e dannged portions such as, door panels, roof top. front & rear potions ss per instructions of tll 0l Job. Replacing Door Locks, 02 Nos. Replacing Door Window Glasses (UR) 02 Nos. Ret)airing / Replacing of S€ats with new coveE. 0l Job. Replacing of door s€ol rubbers UR 02 Nos Replacing ofFloor Rubber Sheet. 0l No. rep b) g) d) e) f) g) Finishing / Painting work with filling ma.erial with leveling of denled ponions" un(lercoating, and two coats best quality japui paint in suitable color. Th€ work includes 6e cost of rubbing polish work cornDletE in 8ll resDcct. 0 I Job. . Rs. Continue on next Wge.,... OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER(M&E〕 AL CO DISTRI β ι物 燿 1/Wcl rereby quoted as follows: (■ RyOFB″ Z ffl RANGI θF θιИⅣ7鶴 π g″ ″ 9 勲 ″♭凛 Cm bascd On S/RY %Bclow/Abovc Rs Part B itcm based on O/R Total(A+B Iζ Rs The Total amount is Rs. Rupees ( V for the complete job for all schedule of rate & offer rates (which ever is included in the BOQ) l/We have attached a Bid Security amounting to ord6rr bearing No. dated _ Rs. /- as per NIT is shape of pay issued from (8ank) Time llmft : 30 c.lendar Days Valldlty: 9l}I3O Days as per SPP Rules 2010 . . . P€oalty Per Dayr Rs. 1500/. p€r day (Max,r0% ofSanctioned Cost) IIOIE: TendJ must be quoted in fiSure & in wo.ds both otherwise liable to be cancelled. Allover u/riting & correctlon Ifany must be initialed & stamped by the bidder. we/l read the standard blddlng Doauments (Volume n-l) and available DCM Xorangiand agreed to abide all of them and also provide allthese doauments vrith oursignatures as& when directed. Signature ofthe contractor with stamp I (lb) KORANGI、 KARACHI NOIEDヽ 1&Dつヽ4cK/ 2015 ヽT10N Datcd:_ Tender Reference No Dated: DATE OF OPEANING: VOLUME‐ ll B:LL OF QUANTIT:ES {SiNGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD) R/M`L Engine Overhauling Ofvehicle No:3576901 ofShah Faisal Zone DMC Korangi. PC(:ost:‐ Open Rate 3id Security:‐ 02%of Quoted Bid. Tender Cost:‐ Rs,1,500.00 NOTE: l) 2) This Document contains 05 pages iocluding this page The Standard Terms & Condition ofBidding Documents (VolumeJ) available in the office & website of DMC Korangi Exe c ut iv e fu{i t$ e r (M A Q, hlrict Municipal Corporation Korangi Karachi, 一 P.No Issue to M/S. Datcd: Bank: Sigrature&Stamp oflssuing AuthoHty Branch: OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIvE ENGINEER.僻 I&E) DISTRICT NIUNICIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI:KARACHI NANIIE OF WoRK: R/11&EDJne Oeぬ aJhE Zone DMC Korand. of VeЫ de N● 3576901 oF Shab F」 s証 Tender Reference: (OPEN RATEITEMS) S.No. Descriptioll 01 Dismanding the complete Engine Assemblies to cany orrt the repairiog / overhauling work. which hcluderr the cost of lath machine work i.e. facing, polishing work of head piece, including dismantlinS the valve, valve seats, vslve guides, Sleeves Set and Replacins the same with provided (inlet / exhaust) valve, valve seats, valve guides including polishing and fitting of main and big-end piece ot' block object and reassembling the same. The joh also includes the cost of labour, ootton, Engine oil and kerosene oil and greasing etc as rcquired , complet€ in all .espect. V 02 Rate Ouatrtitv Ullit Amount 01 Job. に Per No Rs. 01 Job @ PerNo. Rs. 01 Job. @ Pcr No Rs. 01 Job. @ Per No Rs. Engine overhauling work to bo completed with repaidng / replacing of following engine parts and compongnts complete in all respecti P/F cornplete Line. Kit / block Sleeves for 04 Cylinder Engine with new piston. Piston pins. fung set snd Piston Ircks etc. 0I Kit. P/F Connecting rods. 04 Nos. iii. P/f comecting Rod Bushes. 04 Nos. iv. P/f Main end Begin Piec€, 04 Sets. P/F Thflstoollars,04 Nos. vi. P/F Cam set including cam bushes. 01set. vii. P/F Oilpump 0l No. viii. P/F water Pump 0l No. ix. P/F valves wilh seats urd guides. 08 Nos. P/F Full packing Kit. xi. P/F all other required bushes and bearings as i. ii. v. V x. required. xii. P/F all o6er required Nut-bolts pertains to enBine fittings. 03 Repair / Maintenance of Fuel Injection Pump by / replacing / repairing plungers, injectors, injector nozzles, delivery means dismanlling, s€rvicing valves, s.pacen, springs, bearings and other parts as required and refitting ihe same. The work includes the co$ of .eplacing pump seal kit and pump Dackins kit as required. 04 Repair / Maintenaace of existing electric circuits by means re-€stablishing of open elechic circuits with replacing of wom out wires, relays and fuses as re4uiEd. The work includes the cost ofreplacing (f indicator light bulbs and rear light bulbs etc as requircd Continue on next page....,. S No. Descriptio[ 05 Wheel Servicing / Brake repairing of both side 04 wheels by means of dismantling wheel drums, Rate Quantity Unit replacirrg Cylinder pistons, cylinder kits, brake shoe ard wom down bearings etc and refitting the same. ]'he work includes the cost of labor, g.ease, cotton, kerosene oil, and refilling the brake fluid with artjusting and bleedhg of brake lininS and replacir€ of masGr cylinder kit complete in all 06 01 Job の Pe.No. Rs 01 Job. の PerNo. Rs 01 Job @ Per No L 02 Nos. 0 PerNo Rs. 01 Job. @ Per No Rs. Dismantling/ repairing and.efittinS of clutch portion with replachg / repairing of following parts as aequired. i P/F Clutch plate 01 No ii ν F Prcssu e Platc 01 No :“ F,cing oF ny whccl 。l No iv PIF Thstbcarh2 01 No n7 ‐ Repair / l4aintenance of both Sides 04 Springs Le{fse6, with rel)airing / rcplacing of following parts and compoft ots and refitting lhe same as required. Rcplacement Brok€n Spring Leafs. Rcplacement of Lraf Bracts. Rjplacrment ofCenter Bolts. RLplacement of U-CIamps. R)placement of Leaf Bushes. i. ii, iii. iv. oFCcnler Pln′ LcaFPin 08 09 P/F l3(tArnp Battery with Battery Terminals as Denting / Shaping / refirbishing of Driver's Cabin to b€ completed ss per following specifications complete in all respect - i) V ii) iii) Removing dents from all panels of body surface in actual shape. The work includes the co.rt of Welding / Grinding and replacing of rusty MS Panels the damaged portions su<h as, door panels, roof top, fiont & rear polions e! p€r inshuctions ofEI. 0l Job. ReJacing Door Locks. 02 Nos. Re:lacing Door Window Glases (UR) 02 Nos. iv) / Rerairing Replacing of Seats with new covers.0l Job. v) Rerlacing ofdoor s€al rubbers UR 02 Nos vi) Re:lacing of Floor Rubber She€t. 0 t No. vii) Firishing / Painting work with filling material wilh leveling unrlercoating and of dented portions, two coats best quality japani paint in white color. The wo* includes the cost of rubbing polish work qomplet€ in 01 Job Continue on next page,..... 4 S,No. 10 Descri Rate Quatrtitv Unit Amoutrt R4l, Compl€t mpl€tE Cargo Body (Dump Truck Body) on rhe Given Isuzu Isuzr FTR Truck with the folowing specificrtions rtions and components complete in all respect, as i) ii) p€I bstruct structions of Engineer Inchar8e. ,iring of Longitud€ Raner of 4.5 nm Rolled ReE,iring Charnels. nels. 02 Nos. All Cross members should be in 4.5rmRo m Rolled Channel.01 Job Rep iring iriog of CaIgo Aody (Dump Truck Body) supponed .d with U-shap€ stiffeners in 3.25mm, MS Sheett having havi size l6'X4.5'X3'wirh sub.fiam€. side s, Fn Front Panels, floor she€t and cab prolector F,aneLs, $€ loor Ioor sheet musr be in 5mrn'z thickress as ( required. red. Conplete in all respect. 01 Job iii) M/P/F F Mudguards Mu oo rcat wheels in I6SWG MS Sheei: as re required.ol Job iv) R/M PTO Pump / Tipping Cear Kit with of plmgers leB / pistotrs and comDlete reDair kiL Dmkins kit arLd Ld refi refitting same as required. 0l Job v) RM of H' Hydraulic lift cylinde. ass€mbly by means ]ing of o corT,lete seal kit, 'O' rings and refining s[ne. me. (0l Job vi) Finis'ing ng the t body wifi best quality rust Fev€ntive paint i,e. (02 coats of Red Oxide and 02 Coals Ai dyin5;, Spr Spray poioting in yellow color, The job inclu les the th cost of rccessary udercoat as requircd. the ヽ 0l Job. b. na*ing i,e. *rititrg of District Municipal cipal CoDoration Korangi, Korangi Zone in English sh and an Urdu wordings on both side body and portion as required. 0l Job. Drivr r's cabin ca viDldent ificsti ific5tion 01 JOb. @ PerNo, Rs. Rs.Continue on next page. . .. .. ヽ 1 I/We lrereby quoted as follows: Part ハ (ilem based On S′ θ′ ― θ2 ―― ― ル ル ″♭2, E腱 〃″ D %Below/Abovc Rs Part B■em baSCd On O/Rl Rs Gland■ 回 ●ID) Rs The Total amount is Rs. Rupees ( V for the complete job for all schedule of rare & offer rates (which ever is includecl in the BOQ) l/Wo have attached a Bid Security amounting to ord€rr bearing No. dated Rs. /- as per NIT is shape of pay issued from {Bank) ■me llm睫 :30 Calendar Davs Vai:ditv:90● 30 0avsas persPP Ruに pena ty per Dav:Rs 1500/per dav(Max l幌 ofヽ は bned Cost) s2020 il● TE: . . . Tender must bequoted in ligure & in words both otherwise liable to be cancelled. Allover writing & correction ifany must be initialed & rtamped by the bidder. We/l read the standard bidding Documents (Volume n-tland available DCM t(oEngiand agreed to abide a[ of them and also provide allthese documents with our signatures as& when directed. Korand Signature of the contractor with stamp Address: a.E,E (r,r&E) D.M.d xo.ansi 1 2 DISTRICTヽ α分颯cIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI、 KARACHI NO:EE/M&E/DMC′ マ 2015 Datcd:_ Tender Reference No Dated: DATE OF OPENING: VOLUME‐ li B:LL OF QUAN丁 :TIES {SiNGLE SttAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD〕 R/M&Engine Overhauling ofVehide No:360■ 410 ofShah Faisal Zone DMC Korangi. PC Cost: - Open Rate Bid Security: - 02%of QuOted Bid. Tender Cost: - Rs,1,500,00 NOIE: 1) This Document contains 05 pages including this page 2) The Standard Terms & Condition ofBidding Documents (Volume-I) available in the office & website of DMC Korangi V 趙 Issue to M/S Dat(〕 d: 勁脇 ″ Korangi Karachl P.No Bank: Sigrature&StalnD oflssuing AuJloHtv. Branch: ■こヨ7■ OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIvE ENGINEER.01&E) , STRICT NIIUNICIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI KARAC NAME OF WORK:IMM Tender Reference: vehicle No:36014■ O of Shah Faisal … (OPEN RATEITEMS) S.No 01 ― Descripaion Dismantling lhe complete EEGe Assemblies to carry out the rcpairing / overhauling work. which Includer; the cost of lath machine work i.e. facin& polishing work of head piece, including dismantling the valve, valve s€ats, valve guides, Sleeves Set snd Replaclng the same with provided (inlet / exhaust) valve, valve s€ats, valve guides includirg polishing and fitting ofmain and big-end piece o' block object and reassembling the same. The jot also includes the cost of labour, cotton, Engine oil and kerosene oil and greasing eto as In all 02 Quatrtify Rate Unit Amount 01 Job @ Por Job Rs 01 Job の Per Job 熟 01 Job. の Pcr Job Rs. 01 Job. @ Per Job Rs Engine overhauling work to be completed with repairin3 / replacing of following engine parts and components compleie in all respe.t:. P/f complete Liner Kit / block Sleeves for 04 Cy.inder Engine with new pislon. Piston pins, Ring set and Piston Locks etc. 01 Kit. P/F Connecting rods. 04 Nos. iii. P/F conneoting Rod Bushes. 04 Nos. iv. P/F Main end Begin Piece. 04 Sets. P/T Thrust colla$. 04 Nos. vi. P/F Cam set including cam bushes. 01set. vii. P/F Oil pump 0l No. viii. P/F water Pump 0t No. ix. P/F valves with seats and guides, 16 Nos. P/F Full packing Kit. xi. P/F all other required bushes and bearings as req rired. P,iF all othd requircd Nut-bolts pertains to i. ii. v. V x. ine flttings 03 / of Fuel Injection Pump by / replacing / Epairing plung€n, injectors, injector nozzles, delivery Repair MEintenance means dismantling servicing valves, spacers, springs, bearings and other parts as requircd and refitting the sam9. Th€ work inoludes the oosl of replaciry pump s€al kit and pump ing kit as re{uired. 04 Repair / Maintenance of existing ele{hic circuits by means <,f re-establisbing of open elecaic circuits with replaoing of wom out wires, relays and fuses as requir e-d. The wo.k includ€s the cost ofreplacing indicato| light bulbs and rear light bulbs etc as lllrcd Continue on next page.,,,, 3 S. No, 々0 ︵υ 06 Dcscription OuaDtitv Rste Unit Amount Wheel Servicing / Brake repaidng of both side (M wheels by means of dismantling wheel drums, replacirg Cylinder pistons, cylinder kits, brdke shoe and wom down bestings etc and refitting the same. l he work includes the cost of labor, greas€, cotton, kerosene oil, and refilling the brake fluid with acLjusting and bleeding of brake lining and replacirg of master cylinder kit cornplete in all 01 Job Q Per JOb Rs. 01 Job. @ Pcr Job Rs 01 Job. @ Pcr Job Rs. N6. @ Per No. R!. @ Per Job. Rs. Dismantling/ repairing and refitting of clutch portion with replacing / repoiring offollowing parts as aequired. i. ii. iii iv. P/F Clutch plate.0l No P/F Pr€ssure Plate 0l No. offlyuheer 0l No. Thrust bearing. 0l No. Facing P/F / l,laintenanc.e ofboth Sides 04 Springs L€af sets, with rel)airing / replacing of followfurg parts ard Repair 1 ¨ n ¨ ■ Ⅳ v Ⅵ compon(nts and refrtting the same as requied. Rcplacement Broken Spring Leafs. Rcplac€menr of L€af Bracts. 08 Rqla.ement of Ceni€I Bolts. Re?lacenent of U{larnps. Rrplaaem€nt of laaf Bush€s. R(placement of Cenhr Pin / Leaf Pin. P/F l3oAnp Battery with Battery Terminals as rcquircd. 09 02 Denting / Shaping / refurbishing of Driver's Cabin to be completed as p€r following specifications complete in all respect: - i) Removing dents fiom all pa-oels of body surfac€ in actual shape. The woak includes the cort of Welding / Grinding and replacing of rusty MS Panels from the damaged portions such as, door panels, roof top, fiont & rear polions as per inshuctions ofEI. 01 Job. Re:lacing Door tocks. 02 Nos. iii) Re rlacing Door Window Glasses (t /R) 02 Nos. iv) Re xiring Replacing of Seats with new corcrs. 0l Job, Re rlacing ofdoor seal rubben UR 02 Nos vi) Re )lacing ofFloor Rubbq Sheet. 0l No. vii) Fiiishing / Painting work with filling material leveling dented portions, utulercoating, and two coats best quality japani paint in white color. The work includes the cost of rubbing polish work c.mplete in all respect. 01 Job. ii) / v) wilh of 01 Job. Continue on rext page. .. .. 4 Descrl RM Compl( mplete Ouentitv specificl rtion tiotrs and components compl€te in as p€r insEu( structions ofEngineer Inclla ge. ii) Rep,e Unit AmouDt Cargo Body (Dump Truck Body) on rhe Civen Isuzu Isu, FTR Truck with the i) Rate following all respecq ninl of Longitude Rafter of 4.5 mm Rolted iring Char nels nels. 02 Nos. All Cross membffs should b€ in 4.5mm m Rolled R Channel. 0l Job Rep€irin! iring of Cargo aody (Dump Truck Body.) )rtec )rted with U-shape stiffeners in 3.25mm'! MS Shee r:havidg ha\ siz€ l6'X4.5'X3' with sub-Fam€, side pane $, s, F Front Panels, floor sheet and cab Droteclot suPP the :loor Ioor sheet musr be in 5mm': thichess as required. red. Compleie in all respect. 0l Job iiD M/Pi F Mudguards M on rear wheels in I6SWG MS Shee. as requirEd.ol r Job iv) R/M PTC PTO Pump / Tipping cear Kit wirh replacing of plun!rels .ers / Distons and comDleie repair ki! packi.g kit arLdd refitting re same as requied. 0l Job v) &{vI of oflHydraulic lift cylinder essembly by means repla:ing )ing of comple& s€3l kit, 'O' rings and refitting the sime. me.0l Job vi) Finh ring drc body with best quality rust prcventive paint i.e. i.e. 02 coats of Red Oxide and 02 Coats Air painting in yellow color. The job dyin6 Spray SF includes les th€ t cost ofnecessary uDdercoat as required. 0l Job. b. vii)Identifica fication marking i.e. writing of District Municlpa clpal Co,poration Korangi, Korangi Zone in English sh and a Urdu wordings on both side My and portion as required. 0l Job. Driv(r's r's cabin c 01 Job @ Per JOb Rs Rs'Continue on next page. .... ` ヽ OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER,(M&E) DISI RICTヽ■分颯CIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI.KARACHI Sυ ttИ ИRyaFヨ 島口Lθ F VWe }Lereby quoted as follows: OJ ル 1//亜國 mas f■2“ ″ ル 乃 油 Part A(■ enl bascd on S/RI θ2 ____0/O Below/Abovc Rs Part B〔 tcm bascd on O/RI Rs Grand Tott fA+3) Rs The Total amount is Rs. Rupees f for tre complete job for all schedule ofrate & olTer rates (which ever is included in the BOe) lflVtr have attached a Bid Security amounting to ord€r bearing No. dated Rs. /- as per NtT is shape of pay issued from (Bank) ljnlt : 30 C.l€nda. Days Validity : 90+30 Oays as per SPP Rules Tlme . . . Penalty Per Day: Rs, 1500/- per day (Max.1C/X of Sancrbned Con) 2010 IIOTE: Tender must be quoted in figure & in words both otherwise liable to be cancelled. Alloverwriting & correction ifany must be initialed & stamped bythe bidder. we/l read the standard bidding Documents (volume n.t)and available DCM Korangi and agreed to abide allof them and also provide allthese documents with our signatures as & when directed. For Once use Of DMC Кora餃 Signatue of the contractor with stamp l Address: AEE(∼ &〔 )D M C Korangi ヽ22 NO:EE/MaE/DMC′で ′ 2015 Dated:_ Tender Reference No Dated: DATE OF OPENING: VOLUME‐ ::B:LL OF QUANTITIES (SiNGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE MEttHoD} PC Cost:‐ Open Rate Bid Security:‐ 02%of Quoted Bid. Tender Cost:・ Rs,1,500,Oo NOTE: l) 2) This^Document contains 03 pages including this page The Standard Terms &Condition of Biddin-g Docuri'ents (VolumeJ) available in the office & website of DMC Korangi 〕 V ,3111ほ:1);∫ 1;'`t易 :`Iリ κO′α″ K″′α 1 『 Issue to M/S. Dat€,d: P No Bank: Sin■ure&stamD OfISSuhg Authori" Branch: `力 ラ タ ″ NAME OF WORKI RcFerences Of shab_3aratiF SE:EF:i5:i23=こ 瓦置 a k3=EEl Tehder Reference: (OPEN RATEITEMS) S.No ____ 01 Tcmpo,り DescHptiOn Rate Qu{Dtity Ullit Amount 11lu ninatiOn with 400_watt FloOd 脚聯聰 椰 皿〕 1“ 400 Nos. @ Pcr,ob Rs. 400 Nos の PerJob Rs. 100 Nos. @ Pcr JOb L Metes @ Pcr JOb Rs. 06 Nos. @ PerJob 熟 08 Nos. ⊂ Per Job Iζ 06 Nos. ⊂ Per JOb Rs. @ Pcr JOb 02 押締偽輩ゝ 蜘椰 V transpOltatiOn ctc 03 塁脚聯脩 li5 04 臨Wl鶏∬ :卍 訛 肥tl躙 臓籠 譜 2700 でフ ハυ V transpodaJり 06 CIC: Amngcrncnt OF 50‐ KVA CcncratOr on 慰翻襦蝋薄T構 transpOrL峰 07 Arangentent of I0-KVA Generator │ on temporar/ basis for 24 Hours including Fuel, operalor md I00-AMP cha1g6 eysl comp;qte in all respect. thejob includes the cosr of laLr and transport fion etc. 08 500 Nos. Rs. L . 3 L4 e hereby quoted as follows: ル Eを ″″ ― Pa● A(itCm bascd On s/Rl 0フ oZ Below / Above Part」 3(tenl based On ″ Rs Rs Gnn(l Total(A+B Its The Toral amount is Rs. Rupees for lhe comple“ jOb fOr JI schcdule Ofrate&OfFcr ra“ s(wluCh cveris hdudcd ln the BOQ) !/We have attached a Bid securlty amOunting tO Rs ord,:r bearing No._ dated ‐as per NIT is shape of pav ノ ぉsued frOm {Bank) llme umlt:30 Calendar Davs Valldltv: 90+30 Davs as per SPP Rules 2010 . Pendty Per Oav R5 30oo/‐ per dav IMax 10%orsandbned cOsり I,toTE: Tender must be quoted in figure & in words both otherwise liableto becancelled. & if any nust be initiatea a stampeO uytne :' .:l:i:lylrrs Trrection we/rrea. rnestandard brdding Doorments (vorun,e uiiJer. nr)and avairabre ocM r(oranSiand. aSreed to abide al of -l them and also provtde all these documents with ou. signatures as & when direded: Signature ofthe contractor with starnp Address: に置鰤置量墨出 T10N潮 KORANGI、 又 霧KARACHI 器 NO:EDヽ 1&E/DNfC′ で │ニ ″o15 Datcd― Tender Reference No D△ TE Dated: OF OPENING: VOLUME‐ ::BILL OF QUAN丁 :TIES {SiNGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE MEttHOD) R/M ofvehicles No:GL‐ 00392,TT‐ 06,TT‐ 04,CH‐ 100977,CH‐ 107462, CH‐ 3601398,TT‐ 05,TT‐ 02,CH‐ 3600529,CH‐ 16044,CH‐ 16100, CH‐ 100981,CH‐ 158405,TT‐ 09,CH‐ 107429 and CH‐ 1687187 of Korangi Zone,DMC Kbrangi. PC(bst:‐ Open Rate Bid Security:‐ 02%of QuOted Bid. Tender Cost:‐ Rs,1,500.00 NO rE: l) This Document contains 08 pages including this page 2) The Standard Terms &Condition ofBidding Documents (Volume-I) available in the office & website of DMC Korangi V 鵬 シ lssue to M/S. Date,d: ″′ ′ ッ ″″ 饂 &D, “ `吻 恥 F“8=Fararrri P,No Bank: SIalture&stamD OfISSuinQ AuthoHtv Branch: NAME OF WORK: Koran21 Tender Reference: (OPEN RATEITEMS) S No 01 02 Rate Quantity 雨 ° nH".lth salnc 淑蹴1胃│二 獣‖ 」 3 4 0 一﹀0 Replacement of Transmission Shat with Ulli` Amoutrt 01 JOb Ω Pcr JOb Rs. 02 Nos. @ Pcr JOb Rs. 01 JOb ∝ Pcr JOb ヽ 01 Job @ Pcr JOb 熟 01 Job Q Per JOb R3. 01 Job @ Per Job k 01 Job ∝ Pcr Job k 01 JOb Ω Pcr JOb Rs. 02 NOs. @ Pcr Job Rs. Per Job Rs. cross rssembly. P/F Tralisntに slon Ccar ttal asrcq面 lcd ■ ■‐06 . 05 06 Repair of altematoa assembly by means of dismantling ahe Generator replacing recrifie., armatur€ ca.hons and amature bushes etc cad refitting the same, 11‐ 07 04 ne・ ° f TrOll"whed Beahg● 主出塁 Volvo CE-100')77 08 Disnant,ing/ repairing and refitting of clutch portion 'vith replacing / repairing of following parts as requircd. i. ii. iii. iv. 09 10 P/F Clutch plate.0l No P/F Pressur€ Plate Ol No. Facing offly wheel. 0l No. be ing.0lNo. P/F Thrust M/P/F■ ,drallliO pipc wm requircd“ zc and shapc n"壼 as⊇堅 ulred CH-10746? Shehzore wheel Servicing / Brake repairing of both side M wheels by means of dismantling wheel daums, rcplacing Cylinder pistons, cylinder kiE, bmk€ shoe and wom do$T be3rings etc and refifling the same. fie work includes the cost of labor. grease, cotoo, kerosene oil, and ref ling the brake fluid wilh adjusting ,rnd bleedln8 of brake lining and replacing ofmasrcr,ytinder kit complete in allresp€ct. 01 Colllplcte Job Ω Conlinue on next page.-. S.No. DescriDlion CH-36 )1398 FTR Dumper Dismar,tling/ repairing and refitting of clutch portion with replacing / repairing of followin8 parts as requirei. a. l'lF Clutch plate. 01 No b. IYF Pressure Plate 0l No. c. l;acing offly wheel. 0l No. d. l'tr Thrust bearinc. 0l No. ^Z 13 TI{5 ffifrbe size 90G20 as reouired. P/F Wleel Rim size 900-20 as reouired 15 16 V P/F F.o. Wheel as required. P/F Tube sia 9oo‐ 20 as rcquircd Utl-JOt UsZY lsrztr l-TR Dismanling the complete Engine Assemblies to carry out the repairing / overhauling wo*. which Include! the cost of lath machine work i.e. faoing lrclishing work of head piece, including dismant ing the valve, valve seats, valve guidcs, Sleeves Set and Replacing the same with providerl (inlA exhausQ valve, valve seats, valve guides including polishing and ficing of main ard big+nd piec€ of block object and reassemllling thc sarne. The job also includes the cost of Labour, cotton, Engine oil and kerosene oil and greasing e& as rcquired, cornplete in all Unit Amourt 01 Conlplete Job @ Per JOb Rs. 01 No. @ Pcr Job Rs 01 No α Pcr Job Rs. 01 Job @ Pcr Job 10. 01 No α Pcr,ob Rs @ Per Job TT-02 14 Rate Ouatrtitv / 01 ColllPlcte Job 17 ‐ Rs. Engine overhauling work to be completed with repairing / replacing of following engine pafis and components complete in all aespect:P/F Pistons Set with Pins &d Locks. a) b) P,T Rings Set. c) P/F Conne.ting rods complete Set. d) P/F connecting Rod Bushes. c) P/F Main cnd Begin Piece. 0 PiF Thrust collars Set. g) PiF timing belt & Timing gear. h) P,T Cam bushes. i) PiF Oil pump. j) P/F water Pump. k) P/F valves with seats and guides. l) P/F Fullpacking Kit. m) PiI all other require-d seals, bushes and n) bear ings. P/F all other required Nut-bolts peftains to engi ne fittings. P/F lgnition coils. o) p) P/F point. q) P/F 03 Spuk Plugs. r) P/F Distributor Wires. 01 Complete Job @ Per Job Rs. Continue on next page... ... 4 S No. _ 18 Desc■ ptiOn Rate Quatrtitv Unit Amount I投 肥馴 嶋鑑 1棚 [ 理 』 隠 譜 1譜 a b p/F Clutch plate ol No ンT Prcssurc Piatc 01 No c Facing OFny whce1 01 No d l)″ Thnlst bearing 01 No 01 Colllplete Job Ω Rs Per JOb 19 01 CoIIlplete respect ▼ 21 22 器 鵬11蹴躙 脚 掘 P/F Hydraulic Lin Pins widl Bushcs as rcquircd Job @ Pcr JOb 鳳 01 JOb @ Pcr JOb 熟 02 NOs. @ Per JOb Rs. @ Per Job Ω Pcr Job @ Per JOb . 艦器鏃 酬 拙 WF七 a RT Clutch Plate 01 NO b RT Pressure Plate 01 No ● Filcingofny whcel ol No dP′ ¨ 01 Conlplete ゞ。 Job 鳳 23 3:雛柵臨 柵 bム ‐ サI[:鷹1器 :f断批∬ 出 回階/E"r隅 銭 I肥 出 躙 a P″ :s ′竹 う‘ Clutch Platc 01 No b P/1]Prcssurc Platc 01 No c Facing OFny whcc1 01 No d P/11 Thrllst bcarin2 ol N。 01 Colllplete Job Rs. 01 COlllplete Job 磁 Continue on next psge .. . . ,. S.No. 25 ■oll Wheel Jervicing / Brake repairing of both side Or whe€ls by means of dismantling wheel drums replacing Cylinder pistons, cylind€r kits, brak( sho€ and wom down bearings €tc and refifting lh( sarne. the work includes the cost of labot grease cou.on. kerosene oil. and rcfilling the brake flui( with adiusting and bleeding of brake lining an. replacing of maste. cylindcr kit complete in all Rate Oualrtitv Unit Amoutrt 01 Colllplete Job Ω Per Job Rs 01 Job Q Pcr Job R 01 JOb Ω Pcr Job 熟 @ Per Job Rs @ POr JOb Rs 01 Job a Pcr Job R3. 01 Job @ Pcr Job 26 27 鷺 盟::鰤 諦 躍 ¶ ∫ 酬 理 irlttW:I seJs,ick PiStons,`0'rhgs and rel■ ing ttc sa ne as rcoulrcd 当 29 30 V 31 Wheel S ervicing / Brake repairing of both side M wheels by means of dismantling wheel drums, replacin,g Cylinder pistorN, cylioder kils, brake shoe alld wom doun bearings etc and refifiing the same. The work includes the cost of labor, greas€, cottoq lierosene oil, and refilling the bmke fluid with adjusting and bleeding of brake lining aad 01 replacinil of master cylinder kit complete in all Colllplcte Job CH-158{05 Volvo Arm Roll Repair of self assernbly by meors of dismantling the self replacing armature carbons and aamature bushes etc and refitting the same. 01 Job P/F Con plete New Radiator Assembly wirh top / bottom inlet and outlet connections complete in 4lr€speot. IT-09 Disrnant ing the complete Engine Ass€mblies to cary oul the repsiring / overhauling work. which Includes the cost of lath machine work i.e. facing polishing work of head piece, iocluding dismantl ng the valve, valve seats, valve guides, Sleeves S€t and Rephing the sghe wirh provided (inlet exhaust) valve, valve s€ats, valve guides including polishing and fitting of main anl big-end piec€ of block objcct and reass€mbling the same. Thejob also includes the cost of hbour, cotton, Engine oil and kerosene oil and Ereasing etc as required, complete in sll / resDect. 10. Continue on nert page .,, ... S. No. 32 elcriplion workt6EGiiilGiirl[ Engine overhauting repairir g / replacing of following Ouantifv Rate U口 it Alnoutrt engine pans and cornponenls complete in all respecl:a) P/I l,istons Set wirh Pins and Locks. b) P/F ltings Set. c) P/F (lonnecting rods complete Set. d) P/F r:onnecting Rod Bushes. e) P/F lvlain end Begin Piec€. D P,f ihrust colla$ Set. g) P/F liming belt & Timing gear. h) P/F (lam bushes. i) P/F Oil purhp. j) P/F rvater Pump. k) P/F \ alves with seats End guides. l) P/F I'ull packing Kit. m)P/F all other requircd seals, bushes and beari ngs. n) P/F , l other re4uiEd Nut-tbtts engire fittings. o) P/F I lnition coils. p) P/F point. V 01 q) P/F 03 Spa.k Plugs. .) P/F Dishiburor Wires. Complete Job ●J つ , Q Pcr Job P.s. Complete Job @ Per Job Rs. 01 Job @ POr JOb Rs. 01 JOb @ Per Job Rr. @ Pcr Job Rs. Dismanrling/ repairing and refining of clutch po ion with replacing / repairing of following parts 8s .e4uired. a. P/F Clutch plate.0l No b. P/F Pressure Plate 01 No. o. Frcing offly wheel. 0l No. d. Ptr lhnrst bearing. 0l No. 34 RA.{ oF Front-end bucket by meaas of removing oid / damaged scraper blade ard M/P/F double e.dge front-end MS Scrap€r ,lade in same size and gage as required. The work includes the cost of repairing / welding / gindin g ofside panes and as per insfuctions of EI. CH-107n29 Shehzore Repair / Maintenance of fuel irjection pump by means dismantlin& servicing replacing / repairing unserviceable / washed out plugers, injecton nozzles, bearings, seal kit and packing kit and R fittinq ge same a-s reouircd. dismantling ξυ ●J (f 36 / 0t / Wheel Sr:rvicing / Bmke repairing of both side M wheels ly means of dismantling wheel drums, replacinp Cylinder pistonq cylinder kits, brale shoe and wom do*n bearings etc and refitting the same. The work includes the cost of labor, greas€, cotton, keros€ne oil, and refilling the brake fluid with adjrrsting and bleeding of bra[e lining and 0l replacine of master cylinder kit complete h all Complete r9spect. Job Continue on next page..,,.. S.No n.. Rate QuaDlitv Unit ADount 37 01 JOb @ Pcr Job Rs 01 Job @ Per Job Rs 01 Job @ Pcr Job Rs. 01 JOb @ Per Job Rs Pcr JOb R lob Rs. 38 39 判 41 鳳洋 =脚 群 L謀 P制 る ‖ ng寧 d“ ii蠍踊 脚撤ir JP/F handle ValvO set On “ 01 Complete Job @ 42 V 01 Colllplete Job @- | Per Continue on next page, ..,. CE OF ENG TRICT T10N Sιワ レ 働%4RyaFB″ Z I/We tLercby quoted as follows: OF S ― ル ag〃 ″ ル ″レd, Part A(tem bascd on S/R) 0′ %BC10W/Abovc ― 一 Part B(itCm bascd on o/R) ″ Rs Fも 儡 測 Total lA+B) Rs The lotal amout is Rs. V Rupees L for the complete job for all schedule of rate & offer rates (which ever is included in the BOe) l/We have attached a Bid Security amounting to order bearint No. dated Rs. /- as per NIT is shape of pay issued from (Bank) ■me umlt:"calendar Davs Penalty Per Day: Rs, 1500/- per day (Max.1O% of Va!ldltv: 90● 31 Days as per SPP Rules 2010 $nctioned cost) 卜●TE: . . . Tend(,r must be quoted in fi8ure & in words both otherwise liable to be cancelled. Allo\,er writing & correction Ifany must be initiated & stamped bythe bidder. We/l -ead thestandard bidding Documents (Volume n-t)and available DCM Xorangiand agreed to abideallof them and also providc all these documents with our rignatures as & when di.ected. For Ofnce use Of oMc Кorand Signanc Ofthe cOntactOr宙 th sta7np Address: A.E.E (M &E) D.d[c. xoranEi OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER,01&E) DIST RICTヽ■分颯CIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI,KARACHI NO:EE′ ヽ4&E′ DMCrK/ Datcd:‐ /2015 _ DATE OF OPENING: VOLUME‐ ::B:LL OF QUANTl丁 :ES {SINGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD) R/M ofvehiCles No:CH‐ 16057,CH‐ 21278,CH‐ 16103,CH‐ 10048,161‐ 205, CH‐ 2529,CH‐ 141303,CH‐ 21280,CH‐ 03247,CH‐ 1864,CH‐ 0048,and CH‐ 27108 ofShah Faisal Zone DMC Korangi. PC(〕 ost:‐ Open Rate Bid Security:‐ 02%of QuOted Bid. Tender cOst:‐ Rs,1,500.00 NO′ 「 E: > 1 > 2 This Document contains l0 pages including this page The Standard Terms &Condition ofBidding Documents (Volume-I) available in the office & website of DMC Korangi V 懃 ″′ 昭η И&助 蹴輌│レ ′ M u n"rcip o I C o rp o rutbn Korongi Karochi is I r ic I ' - Issu3 to M/S. Dat€d: 興 P.No. Bank: ature&stalllp oflssdng Autho五 Branch: " I&E) OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER● DISTRICT ⅣWCIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI KARACHI NAME OF WKIRK: 161‐ 20S Tender Reference: CH‐ 2529 CH‐ 141303 CH‐ 2■ 280 CH‐ 03247 CH‐ ■864 No. ___Dated: (OPEN RATEITEMS) S.No. Desc ptiotr 01 CH-1605 7 Ilino FB Repair / Maintenance of gear box Assembly by means ol dismantling the gear box, replacing / repairing / servicing, broken / wom do*n gear piece, rearings, bushes, shafts, Shifters, Counters brass cone, shims and other parts as required and refitting the same. The work ircludes the cost of oil, cotton, kerosene oil etc Unit AEount 01 Job. @ PerJob Rs 01 Job. @ Per Job Rs. 01 Job. @ Per Job Rs. 01 Job @ Per Job R3. 01 Job @ Pcr Job Rs. same and rePlacing / repairint / sgrvichg g€ar, bush, sPacers, s€als, 'O' ringi, complet€ rePair kit aad packing kit and refittinp the sane as required. 01 Job. @ Pcr Job Rs. Repair of self assembly by means of dismantling the self r€placing armature carhns and amature bushes elc and rcfining the same 01 Job. @ Pcr Job Rs. 01 Job. @ Per Job ヽ as requi()d. 02 Rate OuetrtitY Dismantling/ repairing and refifting of clutch portion \vith replacing / repairing of following palts as required. a. P/F Clutch plat€.01 No b. P/F Pressure Plate 0l No. c. F cing offly wheel,0l No. d. P/F Thrust bearing. 0l No. 03 Repair of alt&rnator ass€mbly by means of dismantling the Generator replacing rectiher, amature garbons and armature bushes etc and refifiing .he same. 04 P/F PTO Cablo as rcquircd 05 P/F Cear Cable as required. Ч CE-212',8Hino FF R/M of Hydraulic Pump / Tipping Gear Kit by means 07 08 of dismantling $e 勲熙 争椰 4騨ボ rcFltthtt tho salnc _____ . Continue on next Page .. ... , Desci 淵Wご 都ヨ罵酬詩鑑1:呪 尉 lξ ab Qd ptt as rcctulred P/F Cllltch platc 01 No F Pressure Platc 01 No Facing of■ y whcc1 01 No P′ P7TThぷ唸bearing 01 No I\4/P/F Hldraulio plpc with required size 01 Job_ and fittirss as 淵i揺 翔 事徽 聯∫ 3冊 │げ 冊謬 調譜器棚‰ c surfac〕 s 0 0 bis+nd oieces on crEnkhaft. Irio, .]n e". of dismatrlling ard fitlint with oartage, oil, coffon and kerosene oil etc. Beforr fittin8 work ell Parts fom engine side shoul(l be Clo一 01 Job. Per Job 熟11憚嶽恙 鰍 並n ssembly Sll山 ,u"d耐 Ы 針T:鳳 manlo slze down “ り P/F Lincr KI complele with thc fo1lowing pan andComponents: i. P/F kit Sleeves set > 0 0 0 0 0 0 り う D り D m n ii. Itr Pistons set with Pins snd Locks iii. PIF Rings Set. P/F Comectint Rods with Bushes. Beg+nd Pieces set, PiT Ntain a PA 'Ihrust CollaE set. P/f f inhg Piece and Timing Gean with bush€s and tielt. P/F valves. Valte Seals and Valve Guide set P/I (larn Shatu including Cam Bushes P/F tbcker Ann with complete bushes' P/F dl ooer required B$hes atrd Bearings as required. P/t Oil PumP. P/F \Yater PumP Pr llull seal kit and Packlng Klt :刑 Ъ 諄寵謬:忠 鵠 ミ P″ Fan BeL 01 Job Pcr Job Continue on next Po99.. ... S No DescriDlioD Rate Qurntity Unit Amount ^ 5 Repair / Maintenance of Fuel Injection Pump by mear,s dismantling, servicing / replacing / repairinl; plungers, injectors, injector nozzles. delivery valves, spacers. springs. 14 V 15 bearing: and other parts as rcquired and rcfitting the sarne. The work includes the cost of replacing pump seal kit and pump packing kit as required. 01 Job. @ Pcr Job Rs Wheel iiervicing / Brake repairing of both side 04 \xheels by means of dismantling wheel rlrums, replacing Cylinder pistons, cylinder kits, brake shoe and wom doun bearill$r etc and refitting the same. The work includes the cost of labor, grease, cottoo, kerosen) oil, and rcfilling the brake fluid wirh ad usting and bleeding of brake lining and replacing of master cylinder kit complete in all respect. 01 Job. @ Pcr Job Rs. 161-205 Mazda T-3500 Dismantling the complete Engine ass€mblies and rea;sembling the same after rcpairing / ovohauling work. The work Includes the cost of following lath machine work as rcquire(l, complete in all respect: g) Boring / Fitting of liner kit s€t in block objoct. h) Facing polishing of block and head pia:e surfaces. Dismaotling the sets of valve, valve sea.s, valve guide and replacing the sanre with polishing of provided new (inlet / exhaust) head components. Polishing of crankshaft and fitting of ma n and big-end Pieces on crankshaft. k) Lalnr charges of dismaotling and fitting with cfftage, oil, cotton ard kerosene oil / i) ψ j) l) etc 01 Berbre fining work all Pans form engine Complete Job sid : should be Cleaned and carbon ftee. @ Pcr Job Rs Continue on fiexl page .. , , .. S. No. Description 16 Engine Cverhauling work to be completed with rcplacing of following washed engine parts and componer lts [s per super specifications Complete in all rcsFct : a) P/F 3rank shaft assembly slightly used not Rate Ouantitv Unit thanl0 siz€ do\an. Liner Kit complete wiLh the following belo','r' b) P/I parts afld Components: PiF kit Sleeves set. i. ii. c) d) e) 0 g) Pm Pistons Set with Pins and Locks iii. PiF Rings Set. P/F (lonnecting Rods with Bushes. P/I lvloin and Beg-€nd pieces s€t. P/F 'lhrust Colla$ set. P/F liming Piec.e and Timing Gears with bushes and Belt. P/F Valves, valve Seats and Valve Guide set. h) i) j) P/I (lam Shaffs including Cam Bushes. P/F llocker tum with complete bushes. P/F rll other required Bushes and Bearings Ю り ↓⇒> o as requi.ed. P/F rlil Pn 'Water Pump. P/F liull Pump. Seal kit and Packlng Kit. P/F other required size Nut-Bolts. Pm lngine Foundation Set (F&R) P/F Fan B€lt. 17 / の Per Job Rr- 01 Job の Por Job Rs. の PerJob Rs. of Fuel Injertion Pump by replacing / means dismantling, s€rvicing repaidng plungerc, injectors, injoctor nozzles, delivery valves, spacers, springs, bearings and other pafis as required and refiIting the same. The wor( inoludes the cost of replacing pump Repair .\,Ieintenanc€ scal kL ald 18 01 Complete Job / kit as alternator ass€mbly by means of dismantling the Ggnerator replacing rectifler, amEture carbons and armature bushes etc and Repafu of lhe same. 01 Job. Conlinue on next page... .., DescH S.No 19 Rate Ouanti″ Unit Amount t03 Shehzore Open Truck cH-141303 DismantJinp ing the complete Engine assemblies and reasrien ambling the same aftq rcpaidng / mg work. The work Includes the overhaul mg cost V 20 tath machine work of foltowing fol as co in all respect: required, complete Borinl; / Fitting of liner kit set in block a) ; object b) Facing1 / potishing of block and head piece I surfac:s. is, ntling the sets of valve, va.lve seats, c) Dismanrt gui and reptacing the same with valve guide polishing ing ofprovided new (inlet / cxhaust) head com omponents. ing ofcrankshaft and fitting of main d) Polishing g-end pieces on crankshaff. and big-e cb of dismantling and fitting e) [abor charges with ( art artage, oil, cotton aDd kerosene oil elc. re fitting I work all parts form engine a) Before rould be Cleaned and carbon free. side shou 01 Complete Job @ Pcr Job Rs. veH随 ulng work to bo∞ mplc10d with Engine Overlx ing waslled englne paヽ ■週 , Of of follo■ ls &s as per st per specncaticns complele h components all respect : - a) b) P1F Íner Km cKlmplete wim ule f011owing par● Liner i) ii) and P/F P/F (lomp 力Inponenls: c) ,cllnecing Rods Wiul Bushes P/} (tonft “ d) e) Иaln and Beg‐ end picccs sct P/F t,tain iii) V P/F Crank cr6n shan assembly slighmy used nOt than10 sレ,dowll belorvv thar f) Sleeves set ir slr t it lslons Set wn PIns and Locks l,istoi gs Set PF Il.ings ■rust Pn'tuus Collars set runlng Pi“ e ad TInling Ccals with b● hes P,E Timi'l 〕 clt and llelt. g) h) i) j) p,/F,/alve ′ alves,Valvc Scats and Valve Cuide set (lan 〕 aln I Shaヽ ncludhg canl Bushes Pn tOcker Arln with complete buslles P,E lrockr reqlllled Bushes and BeallnF as all Olbcr o P/F an requ ired ired. k) )il Pump P/F,)ilP, m) tr'at€r Pulnp P/F rater :ull1l sSeal klt and Packig Kh P/F ヽ n) o) 6er reql lred slze Nu■ Bolts )tlre. P/F 〕 Engn Foundatlon Setc&Rl P,4 Englne l) Fan Belt 01 Colllplete _ Job @ Por Job Continue on Rs. ne psge.,.... S No 21 22 Rate Ouanti■ DescriDtion / Mein&nance ofFuel Injection Pump by melms ! lismantling, servicing / replacing / repairinS plungerc, injectors, injector nozzles, delivery valves, spaceE, springs, bearings and othe. pa rts as required ard refitting the same. The wor k includes the cost of replacing pump ine kit as rcquired. seal kit a Unit Amount Repair Wheel @ Per,ob R 01 Job @ Per Job Rs 01 Job. の PerJob Rs 01 Job @ Pcr Job Rs. 01 Job. の Pcr Job Rs. 01 Job. の Pcr Job Rs. 01 Job. の Por Job Rs. S ,rvicing / Brake repaning of both side M y t means of dismantling wheel dmms, replacing Cylinder pislons, cylinder kits, bmke shoe and wom down b€arings etc and refitting lhe same. The worl includes the cost of labor, grease, cotton, wheels oil, and refilling the brake fluid adjusting and bleeding with of brake lining and replacing ofmaster 23 Repair o i self assembly by means of dismantling the self r eplacing amature carbons and armature bushes e o and refitting the same. V 24 Repair of r altemator assembly by means of dismantl ng the Gener-ator replacing rectifier, armatureI carbons and amature bushes etc and 'he sarne. 々J ^′´ Servicinl , of Radiator by means opening from and bottom sides, cleaning all slide and solderin6 , from the leak portion and refitting as top required 26 P/F130` Lrnp Battery with Battery Terminals as rcquirod 7 ︶ 2 SEzUilS-l4sllilecder Rcpa"/ Repair / Mainlenanca of both Sides 04 Springs Leaf Leafsc“ ser. with repairhg / replacing of following par partsan( and components and rcfitting the sarne as required )] lleplacrment Broken Spring L€afs. ii)〕lkplac€mgnt of Leaf Bracts. ili)]lkplacement of Center Bolts. 市)1IkplacBment of U-Clamps. V)l lleplacement of vn l kaf Bushes. ofConler Pin/LcafPin Continue ofi next psge.,. ... Ouanti" S. No. DescriDtion 28 CH-032{7 UD Nissan Dismantlng the complete Engine assemblies and reass€mb ing th€ same after repairing / overhauling work. The work Includes the cost of following lath mmhine work as required complete in all respect: Rile Unit Amoutrt a) Borin j / Fitting of liner kit set in block object. b) Facin; / polishing of block aDd head piece sufaces, c) d) Dismrntling the sets of valve, valve seats, valve guide and replacing the same with polishing of provi(led new (inlet / exhaust) head components. Polisting of cmnkshaft and fitting of main a big-er d pieces on crarkshaft. e) Labor charges of dismantling and fitting with carla€e, oil, co&on ald keros€rc oil etc, 0 Befor) fitting work all parts form engirc side 01 Job @ PerJob Rs. 01 Job @ Por Job Rs. CH-1861Hino Repair of self assembly by means of dismantling the selfr€placing aflnature carbons and armature bushes eto and refittinc the same. 01 Job @ Per Job Rs. Repair of altemator ass€mbly by means of dismantling the Generator replaai[g rectifier, almatur(r carbons snd srmature bushes etc and refitting the same. 01 Job @ Per Job R3. shoul(l b€ Cleaned and carbon free. 29 to be completed with following washed €ngine parts ard componerts as per supq sp€cifications Complete in sll rcspert: b) P/F ()ank sllaft ass€mbly slightly used not below Engine Overhauling work replacing V c) of thanl0 siz€ down. Ptr Liner Kit complete with lhe following pais and Oomponents: IYF kit Sleeves set. l'/F Pislons Set with Pins and Ircks iii. I'/F Rings Set. PF (lonnecting Rods with Bushes. P,iF l4ah and Beg€od pieces set. P/T 'l'bnat CollaE s€t. i. ii. d) e) D g) h) i) j) P/F'iiming Piec! and Tining Gears with and bushes llelt. P/F \/alves, Valve S€als and Valve Guide sel P/F Cam Shafts including Cam Bushes. P/F lLocker AIm with complete bushes. k) P/F I othff requircd Bushes and Bearings m) ) required, PIF oil Pump. P/I ryater Pump. n) o) q) P,f I'ull Seal kit and Packing Kit. P/f other required size Nut-Bolts. P/F llngine Foundation Set (F&R) r) 30 as P/F Iran Belt. ●J Conlinue on next page... ... 9 of-.clutch Dismantlins/ r'ipairing and refininB Lnion *ith n placing / r€pairing ot lollowrng Darts as required. iii. P/F Clutc r Plate.0l No' P/I Press rre Plate 0l No l聯Ⅷ 権庶]∬ 選 01 JOb 33 01 Job in dl Por Job Por JOb N1/Pr ttcral11に 口 im"qurcd sia and "「 膠 絣 りlII_I ξttls出 ・ 薔 淵 きま撤 ::籠 厖mcthSOf 01 JOb POr Job Cotrtinue oD Dext Page"'' 10 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER。 (M&E〕 TRICT MLNICIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI 4RyaFB″ Z Иソし rsろヮ 1/Wc hcrl by quoted as θF θιИ … rIES ル ″♭油 17117g″ ″ follows: θ′ cm bascd on S/RY θ2 em based on O1R Rs talfAIB Rs %Below/Above Rs Rupees The Total amount is Rs. V ( for thc complete job for all schedule of rate & offer rates (which ever is ircluded in the BOQ) l^ve l'ave attached order bearing No. a Bid Security amountingto Rs.--rl- as per NIT is shape of pay issued from dated (Bank) ■me umit:30 Caiendar Davs Va:ldltv: 90● 30 Davs as per SPP Rules 2010 Penalty Per DaY: Rs.1500/- Per day {Max 10% ofSanctioned Cost) - . . . ]{OTE: Tender must be quoted ln fiSure & in words both otheMise liable to be cancelled Allover $/riting & correction ifany must be initialed & ttamPed bythe bidder' agreed to ablde we/tr€ad the atandard bidding oocuments (volLlme nt)and avaitabte ocM Korangland directed' & when as them ald also provide allthese documents with oursiSnatures allof Signatue ofthe contmctor with stamp verined 30Q Addrcss: AEE(M■ E10 M C KOrangi │)ゞ NO: EEM&E/DMC/K.i 72015 DAIE OF OPENING: VOLUME‐ ll BILL OF QUANTIT:ES {S:NGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD) open Rate PC COSt:‐ 02%Of QuOted Bid. Bid SeCuritv:‐ Rs,3,000.00 Tender COSt:‐ NOTEニ 楡 ¨」 晰 レ is fi ツ ″舗 ル′ 古nf&0, n ict M un{c iP o I C o rP o r ot io `"リ Korangi Karuchi V PNo. lssue to M/S' Dated: Bank: 山o」 ュ ュ 艶 ature&Starnp ofISSuinq A」 Branch: NAME OF WORIC Co Deoartment DMC Koransi. Tender Reference: (OPEN RATE ITEMS) Rate Ouantity n Amouot Ullit ga containe$ For Hino Fabricatiolr of garbage provided sketches / per FF Multi-.-oaders -oaders as weight calculations chart for gauge, length, width and height n all respeat, as Per instructions of ncharge. t2 CoEplete Job. @ Per Job Rs OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER,01&E) DISIRICT ⅣШ CIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI.KARACHI rSOMZ4RyaFBLZ OF νWchc reby quoted as follows: Ⅵ″259 θυИ」 rrr%ρ″ s ル ド ′ ヽ ″″ itcm bascd on S/Rl θ′ %Below/Abovc 02 The Its item based on O/R Rs otal fAIB Its Rupccs( I otal amount is Rs, V for the completejob for all“ lノ 騰 dulc ofFate&OfFcr rates(whiCh CVcF iS inCludcd in thc BOQ) We have attached a Bid Security amounting to Rs /‐ issued from dated order bearint No. as per NITis shape of pav (Bank) ■me unit:30 Calendar Davs pena ty per Dav Rs 301Xl″ per dav(Max lo%ofヽ ndoneo C● ゞ ) Val:ditv: 90+30 0avs aS per SPP Rules 2010 N OTE: . . . Tender must be quoted in figure & in words both otheMise liable to be cancelled' Allover writing & correction ifany must be initialed & stamped by the bidder' we/tread the standa.d bidding oocuments {volume n'l) and available Dcl{ Korangiand aSreed to abide them rnd also provide allthese documents with our signatures as allof & when directed' ForOfnce use Or DMC Signature oflhe contractor \dth stamp Кo「 an21 Address: A.E.E(M&E)D.M.c. Koransi 1 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER.fM&E) DISTRICTヽ ■■ヾICIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI、 KARACHI 2015 NOIEDヽ 1&DつヽlC′ ● Dated‐ Tender Reference No Dated: DATE OF OPENINQ VOLUME‐ li B:LL OF QUANTITIES {SiNGLE STAGE ONE ENVELOPE METHOD) P/F30 KVA Electric Generator with sound proofcanopy and odler Electrical Accessories for Shah Faisal Zone DMC Korangi. PC Cost: Open Rate - Bid Security: - 02%of QuOted Bid. Tender Cost: - Rs,3,000.00 NOTE: 1)1lds Doculnent contalns 03 pages including thls page 2)ThC Standard Tcrlns&ConditOn ofBiddlng Doculnents Ⅳ Olulne― I)aVailablc in thc offlcc&wcbsite ofDMC Korangi ´ ′ 慮滋ξ &り 蜆需傷 'icipal-Corporutian `И V P.No. Issue to M/s. Datrld: Bank: Sttlaturc&Stamo OfISSuinq Authontv Branch: 2も ヽ , 2 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER ttI&E〕 DISIRICT NIUNICIPAL CORPORAT10N KORANGI.KARACHI NAME OF WORK: other Electrical Accessories for Shah Faisal Zone DMC Korangi. Tender Reference: No. Dated: (OPEN RATEITEMS) S No. riDtion Rate Ouantitv Amount Ullit / & Fixing 30KvA 24Kw Electric Generat(i set @1500 RPM water cooled Prime mover (l)iesel) packed with radiator 50 "C coupled with Air Cooled 0.8 P.F,50Hz 380 i 440 Volt AC Altemat). along widr sound proof MS oanopy of suitable siz€ and gauge with air shutters, display meters, )ircuit breaker and bus bar oonnections to Providing Ol aooomrnodate complete Senemtor acccssories comDlete in all resDect. 02 PЮ viding& s€t and conduct)r30111500 volts size 2‐ 7/064 Providir g & fxing 4-pole change over switch 500 Volts 200amp on a prepared wooden board on surface ,ts Der instructions 々D ^[︶ Pcr Set Rs. 50 Meters @ Per Mtr Rs. M€terr @ Pcr Mtr Rs. 01 No の PerNo. Rs Job. の Pcr Job ヽ 01 Job. @ Per Job ヽ Prrlvidirg&lalhg(NIAN orSUB MAN)PVC insulalcd&PVC sllcolod With singlo core coppcr 04 @ laying(MAN oI SUB NIAIN)PVC lnsulatcd & PVC sllce10d With 4Cclrc coppcr cclnduct 1 600′ 1000 Ю Iss麟 35m『 03 01 Set. ofE.[. 90 of Generalor Set as p€r following specific rtions complete in all lespect. l,Ianual Boring / Machine drilling 8" Dia spproximately 100ft deep and refilling the Earthinl; i, ― ii. same. I'lF Earthing Electsode l"dia5tlongwith Ilrass nut-bolts and earthing materisl (Solid Ooal, Salt and Lime Powder etc). iii. I'lL 25mm'? Beard copper conductor ,rxl1oRff. iv. l'/F 6-Pole Bus Bar 100-AmDs. 06 Const uction ofCC Foundation allied rnaterial suitable / 01 Complete pad at ground with sufficient for 30-KVA eensel \omplete in all respect. Rs. . OFFICE OF DIS■ uCT、 ぃ IcIPAL CORPORA■ ON RyaFE″ Z %ッァ rsろ ぅ θ′ ″ θF θOワ4… 鶴 勁 ffl ng″ ″ YWe horeby quoted as follows: KORANGI.KARACHI rrr%ο ″ ′s Part A 61cm baSed On S/Rl O/O Bclow/Abo" Rs Part .B litem based on O/R) Rs Grand rOtalfAIB) Rs The 'total amouat is Rs. Rupees V ) for tILe complete job for a[[ schedule of rate & offer rates (which ever is included in the BOQ) l/We have attached a 8id Security amounting to Rs.---------------Jl- as per NIT dated order bearing No. is shape of pay issued from (sank) llme um腱 :30 Ca:endar Davs Penalty Per Day: Rs. 1500/- per d.y (Max.10% of Sanctioned Cost) Validitv: 90+30 Davs as per SPP Ru:es 2010 . . . rorE: T€ndor must be quoted ln fi8ure & in words both otheMise liableto becancelled Alloler wrltlng & correctlon ifany must be initialed & stamped bythe bidder' we/t read thestandard bidding oocuments (volume n-l)and available oclvl KoranSiand aSreedto abide allof them and also provide all these documents with our siSnatures as & when dkected, Fo「 0■ Ce use o,DMC Кorand Signature of tlrc conuactor with stamP Address: AEE● 1&● D M C ttran」 turewith
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