熊本県入試問題 英語正解 大学・短大・医療系 2007 年 受 験 用 y O x Typed by LATEX 2ε 序 熊本県内の高校間,特に工業科をもつ県立高校 10 校を中心に進路情報の共有化を 推進するため,熊本県工業高等学校進学指導連絡協議会が平成 8 年度に発足した.時 代の要請である情報化とそれを支えるインフラが平成 12 年度に整備されたことによ り,同協議会が得意とする情報技術を活用した進路指導の在り方が研究され,学校 間で就職試験問題・入学試験問題などが共有化されることになった (ユーザー名とパ スワードが必要). 平成 15 年 3 月に同協議会は「工業高校生の進学へ英語」を作成して,過去の入試 問題を系統的に配置し,製本ならび電子文書化 (PDF) されたことにより膨大な情報 を効率的に活用できるようになった.本書は,同協議会の技術的支援により完成した 電子文書 (PDF) である.また ICT 事業の一環として,発音・アクセント問題の解答 に掲載した発音記号は音声サイトにリンクしており,インターネットに接続してい れば発音を聞くことができる (崇城大学,九州東海大学,九州看護福祉大学,メディ カルカレッジ青照館). なお,本書は,次のサイトから入手することができる. http://www1.ocn.ne.jp/˜oboetene/plan/eng.html 本書の編集にあたり,以下の点に留意した. 1. 熊本県内の大学・短大・医療系専門学校 (リハビリ・高看) が公開した平成 18 年度 (2006) の入学試験問題 (英語) をすべて掲載した. 2. 試験日程や試験時間を調べて掲載した.なお,複数の教科を同時に受験する入 学試験については,その試験時間を明示しなかった. 平成 18 年 9 月 編者 i 目次 序 i 第 1 章 大学・短大 1.1 熊本大学 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.1 一般前期 (文学部,教育学部,法学部,医学部,工学部 (物質生 命化学科を除く))120 分 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 熊本県立大学 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 一般前期試験 90 分 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.2 一般後期試験 90 分 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 崇城大学 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.1 一般前期 1 日目 (工学部・情報学部・生物生命学部) . . . . . . 1.3.2 一般前期 2 日目 (工学部・情報学部・生物生命学部) . . . . . . 1.3.3 一般後期 (工学部・情報学部・生物生命学部) . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.4 一般前期 (薬学部)60 分 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.5 一般後期 (薬学部)60 分 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 九州東海大学 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.1 一般試験 1 日目 60 分 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.2 一般試験 2 日目 60 分 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 熊本学園大学 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.1 一般推薦試験 60 分 全学科 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.2 A 日程 1 日目 70 分 全学科 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.3 A 日程 2 日目 70 分 商学部第一部 (経営学科) 外国語学部 (英 米学科) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.4 A 日程 3 日目 70 分 商学部第一部 (商学科) 経済学部 (国際 経済学科) 社会福祉学部第一部 (子ども家庭福祉学科) . . . . 1.5.5 A 日程 4 日目 70 分 商学部第一部 (ホスタピリティ・マネジメ ント学科) 経済学部 (経済学科) 社会福祉学部第一部 (環境 福祉学科) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.6 A 日程 5 日目 70 分 経済学部 (リーガルエコノミクス学科) 外国語学部 (東アジア学科) 社会福祉学部第一部 (社会福祉学 科) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.7 B 日程 70 分 全学科 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 熊本保健科学大学 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.1 一般推薦試験 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.2 一般前期 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 iii 2 7 7 13 18 18 22 26 30 35 40 40 49 58 58 64 73 81 87 94 103 111 111 116 1.7 九州看護福祉大学 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7.1 一般試験 (地方試験 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7.2 一般試験 (地方試験 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7.3 一般試験 (看護学科・リハビリテーション学科) 1.7.4 一般試験 (社会福祉学科) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8 九州ルーテル学院大学 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8.1 授業料全額免除試験 70 分 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8.2 一般 I 期試験 70 分 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8.3 一般 II 期試験 70 分 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9 尚絅大学 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9.1 第 1 回一般試験 (文化言語学部)60 分 . . . . . . 1.9.2 第 2 回一般試験 (文化言語学部)60 分 . . . . . . 1.9.3 第 1 回一般試験 (生活科学部)60 分 . . . . . . . . 1.9.4 第 2 回一般試験 (生活科学部)60 分 . . . . . . . . 1.9.5 第 1 回一般試験 (短期大学部)50 分 . . . . . . . . 1.9.6 第 2 回一般試験 (短期大学部)50 分 . . . . . . . . 1.10 中九州短期大学 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10.1 特待生試験 60 分 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.11 熊本県立保育大学校 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.11.1 一般試験 60 分 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.12 熊本県立技術短期大学校 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.12.1 一般入学試験 60 分 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 第 2 章 医療系 2.1 メディカルカレッジ青照館 . . . . 2.1.1 推薦前期 . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 推薦後期 . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.3 一般試験 A 日程 60 分 . . 2.1.4 一般試験 B 日程 60 分 . . . 2.1.5 一般試験 C 日程 60 分 . . . 2.2 熊本リハビリテーション学院 . . 2.2.1 一般前期 . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 一般後期 . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 九州中央リハビリテーション学院 2.3.1 一般試験 A . . . . . . . . 2.3.2 一般試験 B . . . . . . . . 2.4 西日本リハビリテーション学院 . 2.4.1 一般試験 (昼間部) . . . . . iv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 123 129 135 141 147 147 154 161 168 168 174 178 183 188 192 197 197 201 201 205 205 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 212 212 216 222 232 242 253 253 258 263 263 269 275 275 2.5 2.4.2 一般試験 (夜間部) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 熊本労災看護専門学校 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 2.5.1 一般試験 60 分 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 v 第 1 章 大学・短大 平成 18 年度 (2006) に新教育課程での入学試験に移行し,熊本県内の大学・短大の 入学試験については,リスニング能力を問う出題が増えた.こうした状況下にあっ て,県内で進学を目指す者にとって何を学んでおくべきか.またどのような受験対 策をとるべきであるか.これらの問いに本書が何らかの解答を与えることを編者は 希望するものである.また,本書に掲載した入学試験問題は,次のサイトからもダ ウンロード (PDF) することができるようにした. http://www1.ocn.ne.jp/˜oboetene/plan/eng.html 本書に掲載した平成 18 年度 (2006) 入学試験問題は次のとおりである. 本書に掲載した 2006 年度入学試験問題 学校名 試験科目 熊本大学 (文系一般 2 次前期) I・II・R・W・OCI・OCII 熊本県立大学 (一般 2 次前期) I・II・R・W 熊本県立大学 (一般 2 次後期) I・II・R・W 崇城大学 (一般前期・後期) I・II 崇城大学薬学部 (一般前期・後期) I・II・R・W 九州東海大学 (一般) I・II 熊本学園大学 (一般推薦) I・II・R・W 熊本学園大学 (一般 A 日程) I・II・R・W 熊本学園大学 (一般 B 日程) I・II・R・W 熊本保健科学大学 (一般推薦) I・II 熊本保健科学大学 (一般) I・II 九州看護福祉大学 (一般) I・II 九州ルーテル学院大学 (特待生) I・II 九州ルーテル学院大学 (一般) I・II 尚絅大学文化言語学部 (一般) I・II・R・W 尚絅大学生活科学部 (一般) I・II・R・W 尚絅大学短期大学部 (一般) I・II・R・W 中九州短期大学 (特待生) I・II 熊本県立保育大学校 (一般) I・II 熊本県立技術短期大学校 (一般) I 1 試験日 2/25 2/25 3/12 1/30·31,3/14 1/30,3/14 2/2·3 11/20 2/9·10·11·12·13 3/5 11/19 2/4 2/1·2·3 11/26 2/4,3/4 2/3,3/7 2/8,3/13 2/1,3/8 11/16 2/3 2/12 2 第 1 章 大学・短大 1.1 1.1.1 熊本大学 一般前期 (文学部,教育学部,法学部,医学部,工学部 (物質 生命化学科を除く))120 分 I. 次の英文を読んで問いに答えなさい。 It was the summer of 1923, the summer I came down from Cambridge, when despite my aunt’s wishes that I return to Shroshire, I decided my future lay in the capital and took up a small flat at Number 14b Bedford Gardens in Kensington. I remember it now as the most wonderful of summers. After years of being surrounded by fellows, both at school and at Cambridge, (1) I took great pleasure in my own company. I enjoyed the London parks, the quiet of the Reading Room at the British Museum; I indulged entire afternoons strolling the streets of Kensington, outlining to myself plans for my future, pausing once in a while to admire how here in England, even in the midst of such a great city, ivy and other creeping plans are to be found clinging to the fronts of fine houses. It was on one such leisurely walk that I encountered quite by chance an old schoolfriend, James Osbourne, and discovering him to be a neighbor, suggested he call on me when he was next passing. Although at that point I had yet to receive a single visitor in my rooms, I issued my invitation with confidence, having chosen the premises with some care. The rent was not high, but my landlady had furnished the place in a tasteful manner; the drawing room, which received plenty of sun throughout the first half of the day, contained an ageing sofa as well as two armchairs, an antique sideboard and an oak bookcase filled with old encyclopaedias — (2) the whole atmosphere of the room, I was convinced, would win the approval of my any visitor. Moreover, almost immediately upon taking the rooms, I had walked over to Knightsbridge and acquired there a decent tea set, several packets of fine teas, and a large tin of biscuits. So when Osbourne did come along one morning a few days later, (3) I was able to serve out the refreshments with an assurance that never once permitted him to suppose he was my first guest. For the first fifteen minutes or so, Osbourne moved restlessly around my drawing room, complimenting me on the premises, examining this and that, looking regularly out of the windows to exclaim at whatever was going on below. Eventually he dropped down into the sofa, and we were able to exchange news — our own and that of old schoolfriends. I remember we spent a little time discussing the activities of the workers’ unions, before embarking on a long and enjoyable debate on German philosophy. (4) The debate enabled us to display to one another the intellectual brilliance we each had gained at our respective universities. Then Osbourne rose 1.1. 熊本大学 3 and began his pacing again, pronouncing as he did so upon his various plans for the future. ‘I’ve a mind to go into publishing, you know. Newspapers, magazines, that sort of things. In fact, I fancy writing a column myself. About politics, social issues. That is, as I say, if I decide not to go into politics myself. I say, do you really have no idea what you want to do? Look, it’s all out there for us’ — he indicated the window — ‘Surely you have some plans.’ ‘I suppose so,’ I said, smiling. ‘I have one or two things in mind. I’ll let you know in good time.’ ‘What have you got up your sleeve? Come on, out with (5) it! I’ll get it out of you yet!’ But I revealed nothing to him, and before long got him arguing again about philosophy or poetry or some such thing. Then around noon, Osbourne suddenly remembered a lunch appointment in Piccadilly and, gathering up his belongings, left in a hurry. (問 1) 下線部 (1) を日本語に直しなさい。 (問 2) 下線部 (2) を日本語に直しなさい。 (問 3) 下線部 (3) を日本語に直しなさい。 (問 4) 下線部 (4) を日本語に直しなさい。 (問 5) 下線部 (5) の “it” が指す内容を日本語で答えなさい。 II. 次の英文を読んで問いに 英語で 答えなさい。 One of the reason why immigrants have traditionally been drawn to the United States is the belief that everyone has a chance to succeed here. Generations of immigrants, from the earliest settlers to the present day, have come to the United States with this expectation. They have felt that because individuals are free from excessive political, religious, and social controls, they have a better chance for personal success. Of particular importance is the lack of aristocratic families. Because titles of nobility were forbidden in the Constitution, no formal class system developed in the United States. In the early years of American history, many immigrants chose to leave the older European societies because they believed that they had a better chance to succeed in America. In Europe, their place in life was determined largely by the social class into which they were born. They knew that in America they would not have to live among noble families who possessed great power and wealth inherited and accumulated over hundreds of years. 4 第 1 章 大学・短大 The hopes and dreams of many of these early immigrants were fulfilled in their new country. The lower social class into which many were born did not prevent them from trying to rise to a higher social position. Many found that they did indeed have a better chance to succeed in the United States than in the old country. Because millions of these immigrants succeeded, Americans came to believe in equality of opportunity. It is important to understand what most Americans mean when they say they believe in equality of opportunity. They do not mean that everyone is — or should be — equal. However, they do mean that each individual should have an equal chance for success. Americans see much of life as a race for success. For them, everyone should have an equal chance for success. Americans see much of life as a race for success. For them, everyone should have an equal chance to enter the race and win. In other words, equality of opportunity many be thought of as an ethical rule. It helps ensure that he race for success is a fair one and that a person does not win just because he or she was born into a wealthy family, or lose because of race or religion. This American concept of “fair play” is an important aspect of the belief in equality of opportunity. There is, however, a price to be paid for this equality of opportunity: competition. If much of life is seen as a race, then a person must run the race in order to succeed; a person must compete with others. If every person has an equal chance to succeed in the United States, then it is every person’s duty to try. American match their energy and intelligence against that of others in a competitive contest for success. People who like compete and are more successful than others are honored by being called winners. On the other hand, those who do not like to compete and are not successful when they try are often dishonored by being called losers. This is especially true for American men, and it is becoming more and more true for women. The pressure of competition in the life of American begin in childhood and continue until retirement from work. Learning to compete successfully is part of growing up in the United States, and competition is encouraged by strong programs of competitive sports provided by the public schools and community groups. The pressure to compete causes Americans to be energetic, but it also places a constant emotional strain on them. When they retire (traditionally at age 65), a new problems can arise. They may feel useless and unwanted in a society that gives so much prestige to those who compete well. This is one reason why older people in the United States do not have as much honor and respect as they have in other, less competitive societies. Although competition brings problems for any group of people who do not compete successfully, it seems it will remain a part of the mainstream of American life. 1.1. 熊本大学 5 1. Why is there no traditional aristocracy in the United States? 2. What caused many immigrants to remain unsuccessful before they came to the United States? 3. What does “the old country” refer to? 4. What do Americans mean by equality of opportunity? 5. Why can competition become a problem for Americans if they do not succeed? 6. How do some Americans see themselves after retirement? III. 次の文の,日本語で書かれた部分 (1),(2),(3) を英語に直しなさい。 We are all seeing rather less of the sun. Scientists looking at five decades of sunlight measurements have reached the disturbing conclusion that (1) 地表に到達す る太陽エネルギーの量は徐々に減少してきている. The effect was first spotted by Gerry Stanhill, an English scientist working in Israel. Comparing Israeli sunlight records from the 1950s with current ones, Stanhill was astonished to find a large fall in solar radiation. He found the same story in different parts of the world, such as the USA, the former Soviet Unioin, and the British Isles. Although the effect varied greatly from place to place, on the whole the decline amounted to one to two per cent globally per decade between the 1950s and 1990s. Stanhill called the phenomeon global dimming, but his research, published in 2001, met with a doubtful response from other scientists. However, a few years later his conclusions were confirmed by Australian climate scientists using a completely different method to estimate solar radiation. (2) 気候学者たちが地球薄暮化の現象に ようやく目覚めたのはつい最近のことであった. Dimming appears to be caused by air pollution. Burning coal, oil and wood, whether in cars, power stations or cooking fires, produces not only invisible carbon dioxide (CO2 ) but also tiny particles of soot,* ash and other pollutions.** (3) この 目に見える大気汚染によって太陽光は宇宙に反射され、地球へのその効果は弱めら れてしまう. But the pollution also changes the properties of clouds. Because the particles seed the formation of water droplets,*** polluted clouds contain a larger number of droplets than clouds. Recent research shows that this makes them more reflective than they would otherwise be. Scientists are continuing to research the effects of global dimming. NOTES *soot : fine, black dust produced by burning coal, oil, and other fuels **pollutant : anything that causes pollution ***droplet : tiny drop 6 第 1 章 大学・短大 IV. リスニング問題 (省略) 解答例 I. (問 1) 私は一人でいることをとても楽しんだ. (問 2) 部屋全体の雰囲気は誰が訪ねてきても称賛されると私は確信した. (問 3) 彼が私の最初の来客であることを全く悟られることがなかったと確信し ながら,私は軽食を振舞うことができた. (問 4) その討論のおかげで,我々が各大学で身に付けた知的才能を披露しあう ことができた. (問 5) 筆者が考えている将来の計画 II. 1. Because titles of nobility were forbidden in the Constitution. 2. The social class into which they were born. 3. It refers to Europe. 4. They mean that each individual should have an eqaul chance for success. 5. Because they are often dishonored by being called losers. 6. They see themselves as useless and unwanted. III. (1) the amount of soloar energy reaching the earth’s surface is gradually decreasing (2) It was quite recently that climate scientists came to be aware of the phenomeon of global dimming. (3) Sunlight is reflected back into space by this visible air pollution and its effects on the earth are weakened. 1.2. 熊本県立大学 1.2 1.2.1 7 熊本県立大学 一般前期試験 90 分 【1】リスニングテスト問題 (この問題は試験開始後 30 分たってから始めます。それ までに答案用紙の指示を読んでおいてください。) —省略— 【2】次の英文を読んで設問に答えなさい。 Any discussion of English conversation, like any English conversation, must begin with the weather. And in this spirit of observing tradition, I shall, like every other writer on Englishness, quote Dr. Johnson’s famous comment that ‘When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather’, and point out that ° 1 this observation is as accurate now as it was over two hundred years ago. This, however, is the point at which most commentators either stop, or try and fail, to come up with a convincing explanation for the English passion for the weather. They fail because their assumption is mistaken: they believe that our conversations about the weather are conversations about the weather. In other words, they assume that we talk about the weather because we have a keen interest in the subject. ° 2 Most of them then try to figure out what it is about the English weather that is so fascinating. Bill Bryson, for example, concludes that the English weather is not at all fascinating, and that our strong interest in it is therefore a mystery: ‘To an outsider, the most striking thing about the English weather is that there is not very much of it. All those phenomena that elsewhere give nature an edge of excitement, unpredictability and danger — tornadoes, monsoons, violent blizzards, hurricanes — are almost wholly unknown in the British Isles.’ My research has convinced me that Bryson is missing the point, which is that our conversations about the weather are not really about the weather at all: English weather-speak is a custom which evolved to help us overcome our natural shyness and actually talk to each other. Everyone knows, for example, that ‘Nice day, isn’t it?’, ‘Ooh, isn’t it cold?’, ‘Still raining, eh?’ and other variations on the theme are not requests for weather information: they are ritual greetings or conversation-starters. (Adapted from Kate Fox, Watching the English) 1. 下線部 ° 1 を,“this observation” の内容を明らかにしながら,日本語に訳しな さい。 2. 下線部 ° 2 を日本語に訳しなさい。 8 第 1 章 大学・短大 3. 筆者によれば,Bill Bryson はイギリスの気候についてどのように考えているの か,本文に即して 45 字以内にまとめなさい。 4. 天候に関するイギリス人の会話について,筆者自身の意見を本文に即して 60 字 以内にまとめなさい。 【3】次の英文を読んで設問に答えなさい。 In our everyday lives, we seldom think about how our way of living is remarkably different from our ancestors. Even the simplest of actions, such as getting a cold drink from the refrigerator, is something that was impossible for over 99.9% of human existence. ° 1 Everyone knows that modern technology has made life much more convenient, but we usually take all of its benefits for granted. Because we grew up with telephones, computers, air conditioners and many other modern conveniences, we consider them to be basic necessities. However, most of the conveniences that we have become accustomed to would have seemed like magic to most of our ancestors. This remarkable change in the way we live, which began a few generations ago, has meant that we have lost some of our understanding of how we should behave. For example, unlike a wild animal, we have no instinctive idea of what a healthy diet is. Moreover, because we no longer need to hunt or gather food, we also have much less need to be active. In the developed world, most of us eat too much sugar and fat, and fail to get enough exercise. As a result, decayed teeth, heart diseases and high blood sugar have become common problems, but these diseases are rare in the animal world except for pet dogs and cats. ° 2 They were also unusual among our ancestors because these types of foods and behavior are not very common in the natural world. ° 3 Now, however, obtaining sweet or fatty foods is as simple as walking, or perhaps driving, a block or two to a convenience store. Our enjoyment of sugar and fat reflects our instinctive attractions to high calorie foods. Long ago, starvation was always a real possibility so we developed an instinct to seek out food that was high in sugar and fat. Now, suddenly, starvation is no longer a threat in developed countries, but we still have the instinct to seek out sweet and fatty foods. This seems to tell us that ° 4 some of our behavior in the present can be explained by examining our distant past. (Adapted from Paul Stapleton, New Perspectives) 1. 下線部 ° 1 と° 3 を日本語に訳しなさい。 2. 下線部 ° 2 が指す内容を具体的に表す部分を,本文中の英語から抜き出しなさい。 3. 下線部 ° 4 を本文に即して具体的に日本語で説明しなさい。 1.2. 熊本県立大学 9 【4】次の英文を読んで設問に答えなさい。 There is general agreement about the main purposes for which universities exist, but there are many differences of emphasis. Most people probably agree that universities should be concerned with the pursuit of knowledge of its own sake and with the training of the mind, but ° 1 there are some who emphasize the importance of preserving the culture of the past, others who claim that the culture of the present day is chiefly scientific and that this should be a university’s main focus. There is room for difference of opinion about some of these matters, but there would be wide-spread agreement with the view that the fundamental characteristic of a university is the combination of research with teaching. Research is simply the pursuit of knowledge accompanied by ° 2 the realization that knowledge is not only something to be acquired but something to which the students himself can make a contribution. Among the aims of a university education must be included the acquisition of knowledge, but of far greater importance are the development of intellectual curiosity and the realization that the acquisition of knowledge is enjoyable, since the development of ° 3 these qualities is a guarantee that the acquisition of knowledge will continue after the student has left the university. The student has to develop his powers of assessing the value of evidence in order to decide for himself whether his discoveries have any value. He has to be objective and impartial in order to make sure that his conclusions will be such as any other intelligent and honest scholar will confirm when confronted with the same facts. ° 4 The ability to assess the relative importance of things is one of the most valuable qualities to be gained from the pursuit of knowledge, and it extends to the moral as well as to the intellectual field. Hence universities are concerned with the formation of character, although many university teachers who are deeply concerned with moral problems both for themselves and their students would not openly admit their concern in case students think they are too strict and old-fashioned. (Adapted from G. L. Brook, The Modern University) 1. 下線部 ° 1 と° 4 を日本語に訳しなさい。 2. 下線部 ° 2 の表す内容を日本語で具体的に述べなさい。 3. 下線部 ° 3 が指す内容を本文に即して日本語で述べなさい。 10 第 1 章 大学・短大 【5】次の文章の下線部 ° 1 と° 2 を英語に訳しなさい。 外国を旅行したり,住んだりすると, 「人間,みな同じ」との感想を持つ。と同時 に人間が場所場所でいかに違っているか,との思いも抱くものだ。 ° 1 イギリス人と付き合ってみてもたしかに「人間みな同じ」に思えてくる。彼ら が悲しみや喜びに反応するさまは,日本人とまったく同じだし,相手の立場を考え る点でも日本人に似ている。島国に生まれ育ったから同じ島国の日本人に似て,内 弁慶のところがある。° 2 恥ずかしがりやで,すぐには友人にはなれないが,いった ん友人になれば驚くほど互いに心の琴線に触れ合うことができる。 (黒岩 徹『イギリス式人生』より) 1.2. 熊本県立大学 11 解答例 【1】 (リスニング解答省略) 【2】 1. この天候で会話が始まるという意見は今でも 200 年以上前と同じくらい的 確だ 2. それで彼らのほとんどは,イギリスの天候の何がそんなに魅惑的なのか解 明しようとする. 3. 厳しい現象のないイギリスの天気は全く魅惑的でなく,イギリス人の天気 への強い関心はなぞだ.(44 字) 4. イギリス人の天気に関する会話は天候の情報を得るためでは全くなく,生 来の気恥ずかしさに打ち勝ち,会話を始めるための挨拶だ.(60 字) 【3】 1. ° 1 現代の科学技術が生活をはるかに便利にしてきたことはだれにもわかっ ていながら,ふつうは,その恩恵を当然だと見なす. ° 3 しかしならが,今や,甘い食品や高脂肪の食品を手に入れることは,1, 2 ブロック先のコンビニエンスストアまで歩いて,もしくは運転してい くことと同じくらい単純なことだ. 2. decayed teeth, heart diseases and high blood sugar 3. 甘いものと高脂肪のものを求めるという現在の人間の振る舞いは,遠い昔 に,飢餓が常に起こりえた本能に基づいていることを考えれば理解できる ということ. 【4】 1. ° 1 過去の文化の保存が重要だと強調する人々もいれば,現代文化は主に科 学に関するもので,大学はこれに主に焦点を合わせるべきだと主張する 人々もいる. ° 4 物事の相対的な重要度を評価する能力は,知識の探求から得られる,最 も価値ある特性の 1 つであり,それは,知的分野と同様に道徳的分野へ も広がる. 2. 知識は手に入れるべき何かであるだけでなく,学生自身が貢献できる対象 でもあるという認識. 3. 知的好奇心の発達と,知識の獲得は楽しいものだという認識. 【5】 ° 1 When you associate with English people, you begin to think that “people are all the same.” The ways in which they react to sadness and happiness are just the same as the Japanese people. And the way they consider the feelings of other people is also similar to the Japanese. 12 第 1 章 大学・短大 ° 2 They are shy and it is not easy to become friends with them, but once you do become friends, you can understand each other surprisingly well. 1.2. 熊本県立大学 1.2.2 13 一般後期試験 90 分 【1】リスニングテスト問題 (この問題は試験開始後 30 分たってから始めます。それ までに答案用紙の指示を読んでおいてください。) —省略— 【2】次の英文を読んで設問に答えなさい。 One definition of humour is: “something that makes a person laugh or smile.” People laugh in company. Research has shown that when people are alone they rarely laugh, even though the same example of humour make them ° 1 do so in a room full of people. There is a strong social aspect to the way people respond to humour. If you watch your favorite comedy in the presence of people who remain unsmiling, it can stop you finding it so funny. Because it’s important to sense other people responding to humour, recorded laughter is used for television or radio comedy. The same joke can work brilliantly in one context and die in another, as stand-up comedians find, traveling from one place to another. Like other aspects of language, ° 2 humour is a way in which people show their sense of belonging to a group. If someone signals their intention to say something humorous, the listeners are immediately ready to laugh. People often laugh when given this sort of sign regardless of whether they even got the joke. The opposite happens if the listeners want to distance themselves from the speaker. Once you feel that someone is old-fashioned, silly or racist, for example, you are unlikely to laugh. The social context is important for the creation and reception of humour. It is hard for humour to cross boundaries of time and social groups — humour becomes out of date as quickly as fashion, and is often dependant on particular cultures and attitudes. There are other ways in which the context is important. The phrase “There’s a time and a place for eveything” is true of humour. ° 3 It is not felt to be appropriate in certain situations, for example, if it seems trivial or makes fun of serious matters. ° 4 It’s also difficult to take humour “cold”. For people laugh first thing in the morning, so broadcast comedy programs are scheduled for the relaxing parts of the day. Even when a comedy event happens in the evening, warm-up entertainers are often used to get audiences in the right mood. (Adapted from Alison Ross, The Language of Humour) 1. 下線部 ° 1 の指す内容を本文中の英語で言い換えなさい。 2. 下線部 ° 2 を本文に即して日本語で具体的に説明しなさい。 3. 下線部 ° 3 を,二つの “it” の内容を明らかにしながら日本語に訳しなさい。 4. 下線部 ° 4 はどのようなことか,本文に即して日本語で具体的に説明しなさい。 14 第 1 章 大学・短大 【3】次の英文を読んで設問に答えなさい。 The Amish, a highly religious society that fled religious discrimination in Europe in the 1700s, first settled in Pennsylvania, U.S.A. because of the promise of religious freedom. There are still Amish societies in Pennsylvania today, but they have also spread to Ohio, Indiana and even as far as California and Canada. What sets the Amish apart from the rest of society? Lifestyle. One of the appealing aspects of Amish life is its slow pace. Centered around traditional activities like farming, carpentry and milk production, being in Amish society is really like stepping back in time. Another key aspect of Amish life is their refusal to use modern conveniences like electricity, cars, television, radio, and telephones. That’s why Amish houses have no wires running to them — they don’t need them. With no electric dryers, outside most homes you will see freshly washed clothes, hanging on the line, drying in the breeze. Instead of cars, the Amish use horses and buggies (a carriage with four wheels). For light and heat, they use candles and fires. One goal of Amish life is to keep their community together — one reason they don’t use cars or many modern conveniences. ° 1 Cars would allow them to travel too far, making it harder for the community to stay together. If the Amish don’t feel an appliance will assist in keeping their lives simple and families together, they won’t use it. However, no one is forced to remain in the Amish society. In fact, during teenage years when kids go a little wild, the might won cars, drink, smoke, and more. It’s a period where the children experience some of the modern world and the community hopes that they choose the Amish lifestyle again. ° 2 Most do. “The belief of the Amish haven’t changed over the last 400 years, though ° 3 their lifestyle certainly has, because of tourism and the Amish involvement in other business besides farming,” says Rose Heiberger, Head of the Pennsylvania Visitors Bureau. “The Amish truly are part of society here. We all work together, especially in charity events, markets and other events. When you are working together, it doesn’t matter — your race, color or religion.” (Adapted from English Zone, July 2003) 1. アーミッシュの人々の生活の大きな特徴を二つ,本文に即して日本語で説明し なさい。 2. 下線部 ° 1 を日本語に訳しなさい。 3. 下線部 ° 2 が表す内容を本文に即して日本語で説明しなさい。 4. 下線部 ° 3 の内容を本文に即して日本語で具体的に説明しなさい。 1.2. 熊本県立大学 15 【4】次の英文を読んで設問に答えなさい。 Nineteeth-century authors tended to see history as a progression from savageness to civilization. Key characteristics of ° 1 this transition included the development of agriculture, complex technology, centralized government, and writing. Of course, writing was traditionally the one most restricted geographically: until the expansions of Islam and of colonial Europeans, it was absent from Australia, Pacific islands, most part of Africa, and the whole New World except for a small part of Central America. As a result of that limited distribution, peoples who pride themselves on being civilized have always viewed writing as the sharpest distinction raising ° 2 them above “savages.” Knowledge brings power. ° 3 Hence writing brings power to modern societies, by making it possible to transmit knowledge with far greater accuracy and in far greater quantity and detail, from more distant lands and more remote times. Of course, some peoples, for example the Incas, managed to govern empires without writing, and “civilized” peoples don’t always defeat “savages.” But the European conquests of the Americas, Siberia, and Australia show the typical recent outcome. Writing marched together with weapons and centralized political organization. The orders of the kings, who sent armies and navies to foreign lands, were conveyed in writing. The ships set their courses by maps and written sailing directions prepared by previous expeditions. Written records of earlier expeditions encouraged later ones, by describing the wealth and fertile lands awaiting the conquerors. The records taught later explorers what conditions to expect, and helped them prepare themselves. The resulting empires were governed with the aid of writing. While ° 4 all those types of information were also transmitted by other means in societies which had not developed written languages, writing made the transmission earlier, more detailed, more accurate, and more convincing. (Adapted from Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel) 1. 下線部 ° 1 の指す内容を本文中の英語で言い換えなさい。 2. 下線部 ° 2 の指すものは何か,本文に即して日本語で答えなさい。 3. 下線部 ° 3 を日本語に訳しなさい。 4. 下線部 ° 4 の具体例のうち二つを本文に即して日本語で答えなさい。 16 第 1 章 大学・短大 【5】次の文章を英語に訳しなさい。 (1) 良い英語の辞書は,単語の意味だけでなく他の重要な情報も与えてくれま す。その単語に発音やつづり方が二つ以上あるかどうかがわかるし,その 単語がいつ,どのようにして英語に入ってきたかもわかります。 (2) 目的地に着くのにどれだけ時間がかかるかは問題ではありません。大切な のは目的地を持つことなのですから。 解答例 【2】 1. laugh 2. もし誰かがユーモアのあることを言う意図が見えたら,聞く人はすぐさま 笑う心ががまえができているように,ユーモアとは人があるグループに属 している帰属感を示す方法のひとつである. 3. ユーモアが取るに足りなかったり,重大なことをからかう様であれば,その 場に適切なユーモアではないと人は感じる. 4. 朝に人が笑うようなユーモアは,昼のリラックスした時間帯に合わせて放 送番組として組まれ,また,夜のコメディーに至っては観客をそれなりに楽 しませる前座のエンターティナーが準備されるなど,ユーモアが冷めきって 面白くなることも少ない. 【3】 1. (1) 農業,大工,酪農などに従事しながら,ゆったりとしたペースを好む. (2) 文明の利器,車,電気,テレビ,ラジオ,電話などを利用せず,代わり のもので済ます. 2. 自動車は人々が遠くまで出かけ,地域社会が一緒の場所に留まることを困 難にしている.もし,アーミッシュが人々の簡素の生活と家族の絆を保つの に (便利な) 器具が役立たないと感ずれば,彼らは使わない.しかしながら, 人々はアーミッシュの社会に留まることを強制されない. 3. 大部分の子どもたちはアーミッシュのライフスタイル (生活様式) に戻る. 4. 農業以外の職に就いたり,観光産業が盛んになっているため,彼らの生活様 式は変化している. 1.2. 熊本県立大学 17 【4】 1. 野蛮社会から文明社会への移行 2. 文明化の進む国々の人たち 3. したがって,文学は近代社会に力を与えることになり,以前よりもさらなる 精度をもって,そしてさらに大量にまた詳細に,遠隔の国々から,又,遠く 昔の時代から知識を伝達することを可能にした. 4. (1) 以前の探検家たちが調べた土地の状況 (肥沃であるとか,住民が豊かな 生活を送っているかなど) を後世の探検家たちに文書で伝える方法 (2) 同時に王は中央集権化を目指して,軍隊と移民を派遣したために,彼ら の見た状況を文書で逐一本国に報告するという方法 【5】 (1) By a good English dictionary, we are given not only the meaning of a word but any important information about it. For example, we can learn whether or not the word has more than two pronunciations and spellings. In addition, we can learn when and how the word came into English. (2) It doesn’t matter how long it takes to get to your destination(=goal). What matters is to have a destination(=goal) for yourself. 18 第 1 章 大学・短大 1.3 崇城大学 1.3.1 一般前期 1 日目 (工学部・情報学部・生物生命学部) I. 次の (1)∼(15) の単語のなかで、第 1 音節 (左端の音節) を最も強く発音するも のを五つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 (1) ac-ci-dent (4) No-vem-ber (7) pro-gram (10) ca-reer (13) mi-cro-scope (2) (5) (8) (11) (14) fun-da-men-tal po-lice dem-o-crat-ic gov-ern-ment re-li-gion (3) (6) (9) (12) (15) an-nounce al-low for-get kan-ga-roo sur-face II. 次の 1.∼10. の文には文法的に誤りのある文が四つある。その番号を書きなさい。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Are there any good programs in the TV? The baby kept crying all night. Did you stay up lately last night? Some of the boys are here, but where are the other? Young people look up to this musician. He’s on vacation until next week? Who were you talking with? You had better not to open the box. How is he getting along these days? The black suit made her look thin. III. それぞれの日本文の意味になるように、( を完成しなさい。 ) 内の語 (句) を並べ替えて英文 1. 母はよくその歌を歌っていたものでした。 ( my mother / often / sing / song / that / would ). 2. 彼のお父さんは金持ちだったようです。 ( appears / been / his father / have / rich / to ). 3. 学校が終わったらお茶を飲みに行きませんか。 ( a cup of tea / after / do / for / going / say / to / what / school / you )? 4. 次の列車が到着する時間を教えてください。 ( arrive / me / next / tell / the / the / time / train / when / will ). 5. 自分の家ほど良いところはない、というのは言うまでもありません。 ( goes / home / is / it / like / no / place / saying / that / there / without ). 1.3. 崇城大学 19 IV. 下線部 (A) および (B) を日本語に訳しなさい。 We know Edison made many inventions and that Bell invented the telephone. But who was the first person in the world to invent the computer? (A)This question is probably impossible to answer correctly or at least to do so one person’s name. The first practical computer is generally said to be ENIAC, buit in1946 by engineers at the University of Pennsylvania. The machine was so big that it occupied one large room. It also weighed many tons. The shape and size of computer have changed a lot since then. On the other hand, (B)computers have also greatly changed society as well as our own personal lifestyles. They will probably continue to do so for a long time to come. V. 次の英文を読んで,下の設問に答えなさい。 It is said that one of the greatest differences between the British and the French is their attitude towards food: the French live to eat, but the British eat to live. Traditionally, the French have made good food and drink a central part of their culture, while the British seem content with plain food or deep-fried food. But this description of British food would not have been accepted by earlier generations. The traditional British dishes were based on a variety of fresh ingredients, whose natural flavor was not changed by thick sauces. However, although this traditional food is tasty and healthy, it is not suitable for the fast pace of modern life because it consist mainly of roasted and baked dishes which have to be cooked for a long time in the oven. In recent times it has only been on Sundays that people have had time to prepare a typical dinner of roast lamb or beef with vegetables, followed by baked fruit pies. They may even have a cake for afternoon tea. On other days, people choose food that can be prepared quickly. Also, eating in restaurants was not a popular custom in Britain except on very special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries. As a result, restaurants tended to be either very expensive or very cheap. These days, however, the British like eating out and have become much more interested in what they eat. This change in attitude is partly due to the large number of people from Asian countries such as India and Pakistan who came to live in Britain and opened restaurants. Foreign travel has also made many British people aware of different food and eating habits. These days, there are many TV cooking programs. Magazines and newspapers have pages about dishes from all over the world. Also, supermarkets stock every type of herb and spice. London now has such a good reputation for its young chefs and new restaurants that even French people are going there to eat — a real sign that times have changed. 20 第 1 章 大学・短大 注) ingredients (食材) 設問:本文の内容と一致するものを四つ選んで、番号で答えなさい。 1. The quality of British food changed a lot due to the development of the society. 2. Traditional dishes are tasty and healthy, so most British people enjoy them every dinner time. 3. In Britain today, not many people eat out with friends. 4. Many British people stared to become aware of different dishes by traveling abroad. 5. A typical British weekday dinner has meat and vegetables followed by cake. 6. The British dislike fried food. 7. People from Asia have helped to change British attitudes to food. 8. These days, London is well known for its good restaurants specializing in food from all over the world. 1.3. 崇城大学 21 解答例 I. 1,7,11,13,15 (2) fun-da-men-tal [f2̀nd@mént l] (4) No-vem-ber [nouvémb@r] (6) al-low [@láu] (8) dem-o-crat-ic [dèm@krǽtik] (10) ca-reer [k@rı́@r] (12) kan-ga-roo [kæ̀Ng@rú:] (14) re-li-gion [rilı́à n] e e (1) ac-ci-dent [ǽksid nt] (3) an-nounce [@náuns] (5) po-lice [p@lı́:s] (7) pro-gram [próugræm] (9) for-get [f@rgét] (11) gov-ern-ment [g2́v@rnm@nt] (13) mi-cro-scope [máikr@skòup] (15) sur-face [s´@:rfis] e II. 1,3,4,8 1. (in → on) 3. (lately → late) 4. (other → others) 8. (to open → open) III. 1. My mother would often sing that song 2. His father appears to have been rich 3. What do you say to going for a cup of tea after school 4. Tell me the time when the next train will arrive 5. It goes without saying that there is no place like home IV. (A) この質問に正確に答えるのは多分不可能であるか,或いは少なくとも一人 の名前をあげることはできない。 (B) コンピュータは私達個々のライフスタイルだけでなく、社会も大きく変え てしまった。 V. 1,4,7,8 22 第 1 章 大学・短大 1.3.2 一般前期 2 日目 (工学部・情報学部・生物生命学部) I. 次の (1)∼(15) の単語のなかで、第 2 音節 (左から 2 つ目の音節) を最も強く発 音するものを五つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 (1) ac-a-dem-ic (4) fa-mil-iar (7) re-flect (10) en-er-gy (13) pre-fer (2) (5) (8) (11) (14) in-flu-ence ef-fort i-mag-ine ex-per-i-ment caf-e-te-ri-a (3) (6) (9) (12) (15) in-dus-try vi-o-lin mod-ern vol-ume eve-ning II. 次の 1.∼10. の文には文法的に誤りのある文が四つある。その番号を書きなさい。 1. I cound’t make myself understand in English. 2. My sister got married to a baseball player. 3. What do you call this in English? 4. Today’s weather is worse than yesterday’s. 5. How do you do when you have free time? 6. Please feel free to make yourself at home. 7. I’ve lost my watch, so I must buy it. 8. My income is twice as large as yours. 9. This is a painting I can be proud of. 10. I’m really sorry for trouble you. III. それぞれの日本文の意味になるように、( を完成しなさい。 ) 内の語 (句) を並べ替えて英文 1. 車をもう一台などとても買えません。 ( afford / another / buy / car / can’t / I / to ). 2. 蒸気機関は誰によって発明されましたか。 ( by / engine / invented / steam / the / was / who )? 3. 長旅のせいで少し疲れているみたいです。 ( a / a little / because / feel / flight / I / long / of / tired ). 4. 熊本から鹿児島までどれくらいありますか。 ( far / from / how / is / it / Kagoshima / Kumamoto )? 5. 朝早く起きられるように、もう寝なさい。 ( bed / can / early / get / go / now / so / that / to / tomorrow morning / up / you). 1.3. 崇城大学 23 IV. 下線部 (A) および (B) を日本語に訳しなさい。 (A)Recently, many studies have been carried out on the close relationship between sleep and the wealth of a nation. According to a major study done at an American university, even one night of interrupted or missed sleep by healthy people can greatly change their physical and mental balance. This can cause disease and increase health costs. Poor sleep quality also reduces the productivity of workers, which results in a huge economic loss to a country. Also, research on sleep shows that (B)even a small loss of the required amount of sleep increases the chances of accidents at home or at work. So, it is important to get enough of sound sleep every night. V. 次の英文を読んで,下の設問に答えなさい。 What makes a hero? The question seems so simple. Yet, like similar questions that sound easy at first, many things need to be explained before you begin to answer it. First, few will agree on what a true hero really is. Secondly, if you look up the word in a British English dictionary and then in an American one, you will be surprised at the order in which they list the admired qualities of a so-called hero. This is due to the different cultural values. Finally, many people will agree that the question itself is wrong. For them, a hero is not made but rather is born having some special ability to be good at something. However, it is a fact that people of every color and culture usually have somebody they look up to. For a baby, Dad and Mom are giants who stand tall like a solid tower. Parents are heroes that children come to adore naturally. Then as they grow aware of the world around them, you will often find that for a child the person who hates evil is much more of a hero than someone who can do something well. When children come to belong to some group such as a school, they start to admire somebody who is good at something that they themselves are interested in. That person may be real or imagined but he or she becomes a kind of guiding star or idol to be imitated or to dream about. Basically there are two kinds of heroes, the unknown and the famous. The majority of people in the world neither makes the news headlines every day nor even once in their lifetimes. A poor farmer working hard in his fields in rain or sunshine is a good example of the former. Someone who is only too eager to swing his bat in front of huge crowds and get richer and richer may be praised for his ability to hit fast balls thrown to him. Who is the real hero? People who find baseball boring or those who consider sports to be merely a pastime will surely choose the farmer as being more human and heroic. 24 第 1 章 大学・短大 On the question of a hero, you also need to touch on ideas such as justice, courage, leadership, success and failure. Then at last one thing should become as clear as crystal: whether a hero is born or is made, nobody could ever be a hero without others, that is, both the people who cheer him on and those he must oppose bravely for some reason or other. A true hero is a person who at heart knows this. 設問:本文の内容と一致するものを四つ選んで、番号で答えなさい。 1. It is not only people who make news headlines often that can be thought of as heroes. 2. In America, the abitlity to hit fast balls is necessary in order to become a rich player and hero. 3. English dictionaries always agree on the qualities that people admire in a hero. 4. If a child is interested in music, he or she will soon like some young idol at school. 5. Not everybody agrees on the reasons why one person may be a greater hero than another. 6. People come to regard somebody as a hero based on their culture and values. 7. If you have a dream and work hard, you can become a hero with the help of other people. 8. A true hero may not necessarily be born with some special ability that is used to become one. 1.3. 崇城大学 25 解答例 I. 4,7,8,11,13 (2) in-flu-ence [ı́nflu@ns] (4) fa-mil-iar [f@mı́lj@r] (6) vi-o-lin [vài@lı́n] (8) i-mag-ine [imǽÃin] (10) en-er-gy [én@rÃi] (12) vol-ume [vÁlju:m] (14) caf-e-te-ri-a [kæ̀f@tı́ ri@] e (1) ac-a-dem-ic [æk@démik] (3) in-dus-try [ı́nd@stri] (5) ef-fort [éf@rt] (7) re-flect [riflékt] (9) mod-ern [mÁd@rn] (11) ex-per-i-ment [ikspérim@nt] (13) pre-fer [prif´@:r] (15) eve-ning [ı́:vniN] II. 1,5,7,10 1. (understand → understood) 5. (How → What) 7. (it → one) 10. (trouble → troubling) III. 1. I can’t afford to buy another car 2. Who was the steam engine invented by 3. I feel a little tired because of a long flight. 4. How far is it from Kumamoto to Kagoshima 5. Go to bed now so that you can get up early tomorrow morning IV. (A) 近年,睡眠と国家の豊かさとの密接な関係について多くの研究が行われて いる。 (B) 必要な睡眠量が僅かに不足しただけでも家庭や職場での事故の可能性が高 くなる V. 1,5,6,8 26 第 1 章 大学・短大 1.3.3 一般後期 (工学部・情報学部・生物生命学部) I. 次の (1)∼(10) の単語について、最も強く発音する音節を選び、番号で答えな さい。 (1) del- i -cate 1 2 3 (4) pol- i -ti-cian 1 2 3 4 (7) res-tau-rant 1 2 3 (10) re-fer 1 2 (2) re-quire 1 2 (5) im-age 1 2 (8) es-pe-cial-ly 1 2 3 4 (3) nei-ther 1 2 (6) im-me-di-ate-ly 1 2 3 4 5 (9) pi-o-neer 1 2 3 II. 次の 1.∼10. の文には文法的に誤りのある文が四つある。その番号を書きなさい。 1. Green leaves are coming out little by little. 2. I bought the same computer as he did. 3. The dog that I am so fond of belongs to my uncle. 4. Sorry, I mistook you to someone else. 5. Who in particular would you like to talk? 6. We are sorry for not answering your letter sooner. 7. He drives the more carefully of us all. 8. There is some truth in what Tom says. 9. We take pleasure in informining you of our son’s marriage. 10. He is said that he is a great musician. III. それぞれの日本文の意味になるように、( を完成しなさい。 ) 内の語 (句) を並べ替えて英文 1. 奥様によろしくお伝えください。 ( best / give / my / regards / to / wife / your ). 2. 彼が来るかどうかは問題ではありませんか。 ( come / doesn’t / he / it / matter / not / or / whether / will ). 3. エベレスト山は一年中雪でおおわれています。 ( all / covered / is / Mt. Everest / round / snow / the / with / year ). 4. そこに着いたら忘れずにすぐ電話してください。 ( arrive / as / as / call / don’t / forget / me / soon / there / to / you ). 5. 彼の言うことを信じるほど馬鹿な人はいません。 ( as / believe / foolish / he / is / no / one / says / so / to / what ). 1.3. 崇城大学 27 IV. 次の英文を読んで,下の設問に答えなさい。 In English, watching television has been for many years the most popular homebased leisure activity. This is unlikely to change because the choice of programs has greatly increased thanks to the introduction of cable, satellite and digital TV. Besides, almost every household now has a DVD player. Listening to the radio or to music on a hi-fi system, entertaining friends and relations, reading, gardening and ‘do-it-yourself’ are also popular home-based activities, but, now that many households have at least one computer, an increasing number of people spend time playing computer games and suffering the Internet. But where do the English go when they have had enough of all these home-based activities? The pub is still the first choice, but the next most popular activity is going out for a meal, in either a pub or a restaurant. Even though eating out in England is still quite expensive, the standard of food in most places has improved considerably, so dining out has has become much more commonplace than it used to be. Pubs and clubs also provide the setting for some of the most popular sports: billiards and darts. However, these are not as popular as cycling and walking. In fact, cycling is the fastest growing sport in Britain. And yet, (A)though these leisure activities are popular, it is interesting that fewer people walk or cycle to work these days. Apart from these generally popular activities, many English people have hobbies. The most popular are those that involve collecting things, like stamps or coins, or ‘spotting’ things, which means looking at things such as trains, planes or birds. Stamp collectors have a busy life because the Royal Mail regularly introduces now collections: a special set of postage stamps is always introduced at Christmas, but throughout the year stamps on almost anything to do with Britain and the British are produced in addition to the regular ones. Train spotting, like most hobbies to do with trains, is associated mainly with men. (B)Train spotters often stand at the end of railway station platforms, writing down the number of every train that comes in. For most people a hobby is something they can do only when they have free time; the lucky ones are those who can turn their hobby into a way of earning money. 28 第 1 章 大学・短大 設問 1:本文の内容と一致するものを四つ選んで、番号で答えなさい。 1. Watching TV has long been the most popular leisure activity in England. 2. Most English households have digital television but not a DVD player. 3. More and more English people engage in gardening and ‘do-it-yourself’ these days. 4. Eating out in England has become quite cheap, and so people eat out more frequently now. 5. Stamp collecting is one of the most popular hobbies. 6. The Royal Mail introduces new stamp designs for every Christmas. 7. Train spotters often stand at the end of platforms to take better photographs. 8. People who can make momey from their hobby are lucky. 設問 2:下線部 (A) および (B) を日本語に訳しなさい。 1.3. 崇城大学 29 解答例 I. (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 1 (4) 3 (5) 1 (6) 2 (7) 1 (8) 2 (9) 3 (10) 2 (2) re-quire [rikwái@r] (4) pol-i-ti-cian [pÀl@tı́S n/pÒ-] (6) im-me-di-ate-ly [imı́:di@tli] (8) es-pe-cial-ly [ispéS li] (10) re-fer [rif´@:r] e del-i-cate [délik@t] nei-ther [nı́:D@r/náiD@] im-age [ı́miÃ] res-tau-rant [rést r nt/-t@rÒnt] pi-o-neer [pài@nı́@r] e ee (1) (3) (5) (7) (9) II. 4,5,7,10 4. (to → for) 5. (talk → talk to) 7. (the more → most) 10. (He is → It is) III. 1. Give my best regards to your wife. 2. It doesn’t matter whether he will come or not. 3. Mr. Everest is covered with snow all the year round. 4. Don’t forget to call me as soon as you arrive there. 5. No one is so foolish as to belive what he says. IV. 設問 1 1,5,6,8 設問 2 (A) このような余暇活動は人気があるが,おもしろいことに,最近は徒歩や自 転車で通勤する人が減っているのだ。 (B) 鉄道マニアたちはよく駅のプラットホームの端に立ち,入ってくるあらゆ る列車の番号を書き取る。 30 第 1 章 大学・短大 1.3.4 一般前期 (薬学部)60 分 I. 次の (1)∼(15) の単語のなかで、第 2 音節 (左から 2 つ目の音節) を最も強く発 音するものを五つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 (1) ig-no-rant (4) cir-cum-stance (7) dem-on-strate (10) bar-be-cue (13) ba-rom-e-ter (2) (5) (8) (11) (14) in-dus-tri-al de-lib-er-ate in-se-cure del-i-ca-cy con-se-quence II. 次の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように ( さい。 (3) (6) (9) (12) (15) si-mul-ta-ne-ous in-tel-lec-tu-al au-thor-i-ty su-per-fi-cial par-tic-i-pate ) 内に適当な 1 語を入れな 1. We couldn’t help laughing at his joke. = We coudn’t help ( ) laugh at his joke. 2. He is two years older than I = He is two years ( ) to me. 3. My success is due to your kindness. =I( ) my success to your kindness. 4. Try as you may, you’ll not be able to cheer him up. =( ) hard you may, you’ll not be able to cheer him up. 5. He is anything but diligent. = He is ( ) from diligent. 1.3. 崇城大学 31 III. 次の日本文の意味になるように、英文 ( a )∼( h ) の空欄を 1)∼8) の語 句で埋め、その番号を記入しなさい。なお、文頭にくる語も小文字にしてあり ます。 1. 彼が怒るのも無理はない。一週間近く待たされたのだから。 It ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) that he is angry, for ( d ) ( e ) ( f ) ( g ) ( h ) for nearly a week. 1) wonder 5) been 2) waiting 6) no 3) has 7) he 4) kept 8) is 2. 僕たちが一緒に遊んでいた時に起きた事故のことは君の責任ではない。 You ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) ( d ) ( e ) the accident ( f ) ( g ) ( h ) we were playing together. 1) blame 5) are 2) not 6) that 3) when 7) for 4) happened 8) to 3. 彼を訪れて初めて彼の病気がどんなに重いかわかった。 It ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) ( d ) ( e ) him ( f ) ( g ) ( h ) how ill he was. 1) not 5) visited 2) realize 6) I 3) was 7) I 4) that 8) until 4. 五分早く着いていたら汽車に間に合っていたのに。 ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) ( d ) ( e ), I ( f ) ( g ) ( h ) in time for the train. 1) earlier 5) have 2) arrived 6) I 3) been 7) could 4) five minutes 8) had 5. 人の価値は財産にあるよりむしろ人柄にある。 A man’s ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) ( d ) ( e ) ( f ) ( g ) ( h ) in what he is. 1) what he has 5) worth 2) much 6) not 3) as 7) in 4) so 8) lies 32 第 1 章 大学・短大 IV. 下線部 (A) および (B) を日本語に訳しなさい。 Japanese travel agencies often arrange package tours abroad that include frequent stops at local gift shops, but such “shopping tours” are on the decline. (A) Some agencies point out that shopping was selling point about a decade ago but is not popular now as customers feel they are being forced into it. In some cases, tourists have to spend more time shopping at souvenir shops than sightseeing. (B) Tourists have been increasingly complaining that they want more free time and to be able to shop on their own while on tours. One travel company recently introduced a “no shopping” tour to South Korea and found it was very popular. V. 次の英文を読んで,下の設問に答えなさい。 The movement or spread of culture is an interesting phenomenon that happens in various ways. One natural channel for the transfer of culture opens up when people travel to some unfamiliar place. On returning home, travelers usually bring back some customs, idea, or object that attracted them when they were staying in that place. After eagerly showing the new cultural property to neighbors, they too come to like it and the imported item begins to set down root in that area. Let’s look at gyoza as an example. Among the legends of Manchuria, there is a story set during the early Ching Dynasty(1644–1912) which tells of a young man who goes off on a journey through the northeast part of China. After a few days of traveling, he gets hungry and stops at a small village to ask for food. However, none of the people in the village opened their doors. They were afraid of a monster that was stalking the neighborhood. The people thought that the stranger outside the door might be the monster who had changed its shape. The poor traveler was at a loss as what to do. Finally he got an idea. He told some villagers that the real purpose of his travel was to find and slay the monster that was threatening them. On hearing this, they offered the man warm hospitality and shelter. When the monster eventually appeared, it mistook the young man for a powerful king and it dropped dead in awe. The villagers celebrated the monster’s death by mincing its flesh with vegetables and wrapping the ingredients in thin skinlike folds made of flour, which they then fried. The curved shape of the gyoza is said to derive from the pieces of silver that were used as money at that time. Money was believed to bring food luck and the gyoza was therefore shaped to resemble it. According to the legend, this is how gyoza was born and is one reason why it is eaten in China on New Year’s Eve, the day when the slaying of the horrible monster is celebrated. 1.3. 崇城大学 33 Why gyoza is popular in Japan is also a very interesting tale. However, Japan was not the first country to make this tasty Chinese dish part of its diet. Legend has it that Marco Pole, during his travels in China, became fond of the gyoza dumplings that were served him. On returning to Italy, he introduced them to his fellow countrymen. The dish resulting from this cultural import was called ravioli. You will find this dish on the menu in any Italian restaurant in Japan today. Few diners hardly realize or care how it got there. 設問:本文の内容と一致するものを四つ選んで、番号で答えなさい。 1. The purpose of this essay is to descibe the origin of gyoza during the early Ching Dynasty. 2. The essay also gives a brief explanations of how gyoza came to Japan and Italy from China. 3. Without knowing it, very often people’s lifestyle is deeply related to transfer of culture. 4. A certain Italian dish closely resembles what was originally the Chinese dish gyoza. 5. Chinese dumplings that Marco Polo is said to have liked are now available in Japan as Italian food. 6. The traveler described in the legend persuaded the villagers to help him by telling them a lie. 7. The traveler was able to stay the monster became the villagers gave him food eventually. 8. New Year celebrations in China include gyoza, money, dumplings and telling legends. 34 第 1 章 大学・短大 解答例 I. 2,5,9,13,15 (1) ig-no-rant [ı́gn r nt] (2) in-dus-tri-al [ind2́stri@l] (3) si-mul-ta-ne-ous [sàim@ltéini@s/sı̀-] (4) cir-cum-stance [s´@:rk@mstæ̀ns/s´@:k@mst@ns] (5) de-lib-er-ate [dilı́b r@t] 形 故意の,慎重な, [dilı́b@rèit] 動 熟慮する (6) in-tel-lec-tu-al [ı̀nt lékÙu@l/-tju-] (7) dem-on-strate [dém@nstrèit] (8) in-se-cure [ı̀sikjú@r] (9) au-thor-i-ty [@TÓ:r@ti/O:TÓr@ti] (10) bar-be-cue [bÁ:rbikjù:] (11) del-i-ca-cy [délik@si] (12) su-per-fi-cial [sù:p@rfı́S l] (13) ba-rom-e-ter [b@rÁmit@r/-rÓmit@] (14) con-se-quence [kÁns@kwèns/kÓnsikw@ns] (15) par-tic-i-pate [pA:rtı́sipèit] ee e e e II. 1. but 2. senior 3. owe 4. However 5. far III. 1. (a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 1 (d) 7 (e) 3 (f) 5 (g) 4 (h) 2 2. (a) 5 (b) 2 (c) 8 (d) 1 (e) 7 (f) 6 (g) 4 (h) 3 3. (a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 8 (d) 6[7] (e) 5 (f) 4 (g) 7[6] (h) 2 4. (a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 2 (d) 4 (e) 1 (f) 7 (g) 5 (h) 3 5. (a) 5 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) 4 (e) 2 (f) 7 (g) 1 (h) 3 IV. (A) いくつかの旅行会社の指摘によると,約十年前には買い物が (ツアーの) セールス・ポイントになっていたが,旅行客が買い物を強制されているよ うに感じるということで,今では人気がない。 (B) 旅行客が次第に漏らすようになった不満とは,ツアー中により多くの自由 時間があって自分達だけで買い物できるようになりたいということだ。 V. 3,4,5,6 1.3. 崇城大学 1.3.5 35 一般後期 (薬学部)60 分 I. 次の (1)∼(15) の単語のなかで、第 2 音節 (左から 2 つ目の音節) を最も強く発 音するものを五つ選び、番号で答えなさい。 (1) prop-a-gan-da (4) ap-pro-pri-ate (7) al-ti-tude (10) vol-un-tar-y (13) oc-cur-rence (2) (5) (8) (11) (14) mo-not-o-nous ter-ri-to-ry ar-is-toc-ra-cy char-ac-ter-is-tic ex-pec-ta-tion II. 次の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように ( さい。 (3) (6) (9) (12) (15) en-thu-si-as-tic ac-cu-rate me-chan-i-cal com-pro-mise cou-ra-geous ) 内に適当な 1 語を入れな 1. He has not more than five dollars in his pocket. = He has at ( ) five dollars in his pocket. 2. I haven’t finished any of my homework yet. = I have finished ( ) of my homeowrk yet. 3. No one knows what will happen next. =( ) knows what will happen next? 4. I will not call on you tomorrow in case I disturb you. = I will not call on you tomorrow for ( ) of disturbing you. 5. Why didn’t you join the party? = What ( ) you from joining the party? 36 第 1 章 大学・短大 III. 次の日本文の意味になるように、英文 ( a )∼( h ) の空欄を 1)∼8) の語 句で埋め、その番号を記入しなさい。なお、文頭にくる語も小文字にしてあり ます。 1. 列車がとても混んでいたので博多まで立ち通しだった。 The train ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) ( d ) we ( e ) ( f ) ( g ) ( h ) all the way to Hakata. 1) crowded 5) keep 2) was 6) that 3) to 7) had 4) standing 8) so 2. 言語は常に変化しているとよく言われるが、我々はそうした変化に気付かない。 It is often said that ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) ( d ), but we ( e ) ( f ) ( g ) ( h ) this kind of change. 1) constantly 5) is 2) of 6) are 3) not 7) changing 4) aware 8) language 3. 人の言うことなど気にしないで正しいと信じることをせよ。 ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) what other people say and do ( d ) ( e ) ( f ) ( g ) ( h ). 1) about 5) right 2) don’t 6) what 3) is 7) believe 4) you 8) worry 4. 法律を知らないからといって、破ってもよいということにはならない。 ( a ) ( b ) ( c ) ( d ) ( e ) ( f ) ( g ) ( h ) it. 1) of 5) doesn’t 2) you 6) ignorance 3) breaking 7) in 4) justify 8) a law 5. 二年間外国に住んでいる間に、彼はいっそう母国を愛するようになったらしい。 During his two-year ( a ) ( b ), he ( c ) ( d ) ( e ) ( f ) ( g ) ( h ) to his own country. 1) attached 5) have 2) to 6) seems 3) become 7) more 4) stay 8) abroad 1.3. 崇城大学 37 IV. 下線部 (A) および (B) を日本語に訳しなさい。 Tobacco companies did extensive studies of gender differences in smoking so they could design cigarettes with special appeal to women. (A)Their studies reveled that women were more likely to be concerned about their health, so cigarette companies appealed to them by offering brands low in nicotine, even though there is no evidence these brands are less harmful. Other studies examined the differences between men and women, learning that women are more likely to smoke to relive a stress. (B)While male smoking rates are declining throughout the world, female rates are expected to continue to rise and reach 20 percent by 2025, mainly because of increased smoking in developing countries. The growth represents a huge potential market for tobacco industry. V. 次の英文を読んで,下の設問に答えなさい。 Human beings are pretty good at learning language. In normal circumstances, most people usually manage to come to speak at least one language quite early and without much effort. We call this a native language. Of course, learning a foreign language is much harder than one began to acquire in your mother’s womb. It also takes longer to master. But you must remember that, in order to keep up with the times, you have to continue learning both your native language and a foreign one all your life. But it is the acquisition of a foreign language that demands the most effort. Somehow it has a very different tone, taste and feeling from the ones we are used to. The backgrand of a language needs close attention too. Accuracy is also desirable to avoid misunderstanding. For example, in English “most” does not include all, “manners” are not always equal to rules, and “I see.” does not necessarily mean “I agree.” If the teacher says that most students study hard, you also know that a few do not. Sometimes the information conveyed is not so clear though. When driving, I often see stickers on cars with “Let’s raise traffic manners” written on them in Japanese. This phrase seems odd to me. A very polite lady can also become a terrible car driver. This is because traffic safety is based not on manners as such but on a clear set of rules that each driver must obey. If a traffic light turns red, then the driver should stop or he or she is likely to cause an accident. This is the law all over the world. Even though you may not always be sure of how to behave yourself in some country, you know well that you must stop at a red light when you drive there. If you don’t stop you may be arrested by the police, but not because of your manners. 38 第 1 章 大学・短大 Very often, a failure of communication between native speakers occurs. Sometimes this is due more to psychology than language. Taking things for granted is a natural but selfish human habit. Historians say that assumption can be our worst enemy. Think of what happens in international negotiations. The participants fully understand each spoken word but they make a different interpretation of what is heard. Understanding alone does not guarantee agreement. So agreeing to disagree and remain friends is really wonderful. Language enables us to do so. Thanks to language, world peace will be realized someday. 設問:本文の内容と一致するものを四つ選んで、番号で答えなさい。 1. In order to build world peace, we should study history and at least one foreign language. 2. Learning a foreign language is a much more difficult process than learning our native language. 3. Acquiring a foreign language becomes easier if we start studying it at the same time as our native language. 4. Even if other people fully understand your way of thinking, they may still refuse to agree with you. 5. International negotiations fail if those involved do not have good linguistic and speaking skills. 6. English words when used in Japanese can have a different meaning from the original English. 7. A good knowledge of English words enables you to communicate well with people from other countries. 8. The writer of this essay seems to think that good manners alone will not prevent traffic accidents. 1.3. 崇城大学 39 解答例 I. 2,4,9,13,15 (1) prop-a-gan-da [prÀp@gǽnd@/prÒp-] (2) mo-not-o-nous [m@nÁt n@s/-nÓt-] (3) en-thu-si-as-tic [inTù:ziǽstik/-Tjù:-] (4) ap-pro-pri-ate [@próupri@t] 形 適切な,[@próuprièit] 動 充当する (5) ter-ri-to-ry [tér@tÒ:ri/-t ri] (6) ac-cu-rate [ǽkj@r@t] (7) al-ti-tude [ǽltitjù:d/-tjù:d] (8) ar-is-toc-ra-cy [æ̀ristÁkr@si/-tÓk-] (9) me-chan-i-cal [mikǽnik l] (10) vol-un-tar-y [vÁl@ntèri/vÓl@nt ri] (11) char-ac-ter-is-tic [kæ̀r@kt@rı́stik] (12) com-pro-mise [kÁmpr@màiz/kÓm-] (13) oc-cur-rence [@k´@:r ns/@k2́r-] (14) ex-pec-ta-tion [èkspektéiS@n] (15) cou-ra-geous [k@réiÃ@s] e e e e e II. 1. most 2. none 3. Who 4. fear 5. kept III. 1. (a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 1 (d) 6 (e) 7 (f) 3 (g) 5 (h) 4 2. (a) 8 (b) 5 (c) 1 (d) 7 (e) 6 (f) 3 (g) 4 (h) 2 3. (a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 1 (d) 6 (e) 4 (f) 7 (g) 3 (h) 5 4. (a) 6 (b) 1 (c) 8 (d) 5 (e) 4 (f) 2 (g) 7 (h) 3 5. (a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) 2 (e) 5 (f) 3 (g) 7 (h) 1 IV. (A) 女性のほうが (男性よりも) 健康に気遣う傾向が強いことがタバコ会社の調 査で明らかになったので,タバコ会社はニコチン含有量の低い銘柄を提供 するなどして女性たちの関心を引きつけた。しかし,これらの銘柄が (他 の銘柄に比べて) 有害ではないという証拠はないのである。 (B) 男性の喫煙率は世界全体で現象している一方で,女性の喫煙率は,主に発 展途上国での喫煙率増加によって上昇を続け,2025 年には 20 パーセント に達する見込みだ。 V. 2,4,6,8 40 第 1 章 大学・短大 1.4 九州東海大学 1.4.1 一般試験 1 日目 60 分 I 注意事項 1. 試験開始の合図があるまで,この問題冊子の中を見てはいけません。 2. 解答用紙には解答欄以外に次の記入欄があるので,監督者の指示に従ってそ れぞれ正しく記入し,マークしなさい。 ° 1 氏 名 欄 氏名を記入しなさい。 ° 2 受 験 番 号 受験番号を記入し,さらにその下のマーク欄にマークしな さい。正しくマークされていない場合は,採点できないこ とがあります。 3. 試験終了後,問題冊子は持ち帰りなさい。 II 解答上の注意 • 解答は解答用紙の解答欄にマークしなさい。例えば, 10 と表示してあ る問いに対して ° 3 と解答する場合は,次の「例」のように解答番号 10 の 解答欄の 3 にマークしなさい。 例 解 10 1 2 3 答 4 5 6 欄 7 8 9 0 1.4. 九州東海大学 I 41 (A) 各組の語において,下線部の発音と同じものを,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから 一つずつ選びなさい。 (1) trouser ° 1 aloud (2) atmosphere ° 1 phenomenon (3) growth ° 1 thorough (4) reduction ° 1 introduce (5) virus ° 1 key 1 ° 2 could ° 3 cruise ° 4 courage 2 ° 2 inclination ° 3 automatic ° 4 sunshine 3 ° 2 though ° 3 bathe ° 4 breathe 4 ° 2 include ° 3 abduct ° 4 attitude 5 ° 2 virtue ° 3 visual ° 4 lively (B) (1),(2) の (ア)∼(エ) を並べかえて論理的に一貫した文章を作るとき最も 適当な配列を,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。 (1) (ア) All of these abilities are passed on to us by genetic transmission, that is, by way of the genes that we inherit from our parents. (イ) A language is, however, something that we learn and are taught, not something that we know by instinct. (ウ) It is said that every normal human being is able to use language. (エ) Yet it is misleading to compare this with the ability to eat, sleep, or walk. 6 ° 1 (イ)–(ア)–(ウ)–(エ) ° 2 (イ)–(ウ)–(エ)–(ア) ° 3 (ウ)–(エ)–(イ)–(ア) ° 4 (ウ)–(エ)–(ア)–(イ) (2) (ア) But the food was terrible, and Monica said, “It was terrible when I had lunch here with Sondra too.” (イ) Jay felt tricked, saying, “Why didn’t you say so?” (ウ) Monica answered, “You didn’t ask me.” (エ) When Monica asked Jay, “Where should we go for dinner?”, he named a restaurant and they went there. ° 1 (エ)–(ウ)–(イ)–(ア) ° 3 (イ)–(ウ)–(ア)–(エ) ° 2 (エ)–(ア)–(イ)–(ウ) ° 4 (イ)–(ア)–(エ)–(ウ) 7 42 第 1 章 大学・短大 II (A) 各英文の下線部に最も近い意味をもつ語 (句) を,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちか ら一つずつ選びなさい。 (1) In brief, his answer was no. ° 1 To make a long story short ° 3 Frankly speaking 8 ° 2 To do him justice ° 4 Judging from his accent (2) Steam locomotives were replaced by electric locomotives. ° 1 took the place of ° 2 gave way to ° 3 overwhelmed ° 4 occured to 9 (3) She thought of a brilliant idea. ° 1 came up with ° 3 put up with 10 ° 2 kept up with ° 4 took up with (4) You should consider the matter in terms of of the economy. ° 1 in place of ° 2 on account of ° 3 on behalf of ° 4 in light of 11 (5) You’re so mean. Why do you pick on me? ° 1 praise ° 2 preserve ° 3 tease ° 4 remember 12 (B) 各英文の空所に入れるのに最も適当な語 (句) を,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちか ら一つずつ選びなさい。 (1) ( ) your help, I would have drowned. ° 1 If it were for ° 2 If it had not been for ° 3 Has it not been for ° 4 If there were 13 (2) Kent ( ° 1 will be ° 3 was 14 ) unconscious for 24 hours at midnight. ° 2 would be ° 4 will have been (3) ( ) heavy snow, Martha went out to help the poor dog. ° 1 Despite ° 2 In spite ° 3 Although ° 4 Meanwhile 15 (4) Sally ( ) her father paint the wall. ° 1 asked ° 2 encouraged ° 3 helped ° 4 caused (5) I have two sisters. One is in Chicago, and ( 16 ° 1 one another ° 3 another ° 2 the other ° 4 other ) is in London. 17 1.4. 九州東海大学 III 43 日本文 (1)∼(5) の意味を表す英文になるように,それぞれ与えられた (ア)∼ (カ) の語 (句) を並べかえて空所を補うとき,2 番目と 5 番目に該当する記号の 組み合わせとして最も適当なものを,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一つずつ選びな さい。 (1) 彼の顔を見さえすれば,試験の結果がどうだったかわかるよ。 You ( )( the examination. (ア) have )( (イ) his face )( )( (ウ) know )( (エ) look at ) the result of 18 (オ) only to (カ) to ° 1 (ウ)–(イ) ° 2 (エ)–(ア) ° 3 (オ)–(カ) ° 4 (ア)–(エ) (2) 浪費家であることに自慢することなんて何もない。 There ( ful. (ア) in )( (イ) is )( )( (ウ) nothing )( (エ) of )( (オ) proud ) being waste19 (カ) to be ° 1 (ウ)–(ア) ° 2 (オ)–(ア) ° 3 (イ)–(カ) ° 4 (ウ)–(エ) (3) ジョージはさよならも言わずに出て行った。 ) ( ) ( ) ( (イ) much (ウ) out (エ) so George ( good-bye. (ア) as ) ( (オ) went ) ( ) saying 20 (カ) without ° 1 (ウ)–(イ) ° 2 (エ)–(ア) ° 3 (オ)–(カ) ° 4 (ア)–(ウ) (4) 私がみすぼらしい格好をして,旅の経験がなかったことが,周りの人々の同情を ひいたに違いない。 My miserable ( )( sympathy of onlookers. )( )( )( )( (ア) and lack (イ) sppearance (ウ) aroused (エ) have (オ) must (カ) of travel experience ) the 21 ° 1 (ウ)–(ア) ° 2 (ア)–(エ) ° 3 (カ)–(イ) ° 4 (オ)–(ア) (5) 最も広く用いられている知能テストにおける様々な作業は,通常,多くの「副次 的検査」に分類される。 The different tasks in ( ‘sub-tests’. )( )( )( )( )( ) 22 (ア) a number of (イ) are (ウ) intelligence tests (エ) into (オ) the most widely used (カ) usually grouped ° 1 (ウ)–(エ) ° 2 (オ)–(ア) ° 3 (イ)–(カ) ° 4 (ア)–(エ) 44 IV 第 1 章 大学・短大 次の英文を読んで,下の問いに答えなさい。なお,*のついた語句には注が あります。 Water power is (a) at once the oldest and the most highly developed of all renewable energy technologies. Three thousand years ago, water wheels provided people with their first real alternative to muscle power, driving mills to grind corn and moving water in irrigation* systems. (b) These creaking wooden devices, which were developed independently in different parts of the Near and Far East, were the (c) forebears of today’s giant, advanced hydroelectric installations, which generate 19 percent of the world’s electricity at operating efficiencies of up to 90 percent. Hydroelectric power stations work on simple principles. Turbines extract energy from moving water as it flows down a river and use this energy to turn electric generators. Damming the river gives far more control over the amount of water flowing through the turbines, so [ W ]. The engineering challenge of hydroelectric power is one of scale. The largest installations today, such as that at Itaipu on the Parana River in Brazil, have a capacity of over 10,000MW* — equivalent to ten large fossil fuel power stations — and handle water flowing at the rate of 9,000 tons per second. (d) These existing plants will be dwarfed by those still in the pipeline. The Three Gorges Dam on China’s Yangtze River, due for completion in 2010, will have a capacity of 19,000MW and provide 10 percent of China’s electricity. The structure will be 1.4 miles (2.3km) long and will create a reservoir* 375miles (630km) across. Although hydroelectric power is clean, producing no emissions during operation, [ X ]. The giant reservoir created by the Yangtze (e) scheme will displace more than one million people, submerge 100 towns, and destroy many valuable habits. Dams can concentrate pollutants that enter the water from large cites upstream, and disrupt important activities downstream; [ Y ]. Hydroelectric generation has massive undeveloped potential: the current world capacity of about 700 GW* is a small fraction of the estimated 3TW* that could be generated if all accessible resources were used. At present, [ Z ], but only at relatively modest rate of 1.5 percent a year. (f) Its adoption is being slowed by concerns about the economic viability and environmental effects of building yet more massive dams and resevoirs. The growing exploitation of hydroelectric power on a smaller scale (so called micro-hydro) may yet breathe new life into this old technology. Micro-hydro plants have a capacity of less than 5MW — ideal for supplying local villages and industries without the costs of long-distance power transmission. They have minimal impact on the landscape and can sometimes even be “bolted on” to existing water works and sluices*, thus minimizing construction work. Micro-hydro is burgeoning in countries like China, where more than 100,000 units have been installed, and the technology 1.4. 九州東海大学 45 is rapidly extending its reach across the world. (Marek Walisiewicz, Alternative Energy より抜粋,一部改稿) かんがい [注]*irrigation:灌漑 *MW:メガワット *reservoir:貯水池,ため池 *GW:ギガワット (MW の 1,000 倍) *TW:テラワット (GW の 1,000 倍。1 兆ワット) *sluice:水門 (1) 下線部 (a)・(c)・(e) の意味として最も適当なものを,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一 つずつ選びなさい。 (a) ° 1 soon ° 2 one time ° 3 both ° 4 either 23 (c) ° 1 descendants ° 2 fears ° 3 enemies ° 4 ancestors 24 (e) ° 1 shame ° 2 plan ° 3 niche ° 4 stream 25 (2) 空所 [ W ],[ X ],[ Y ],[ Z ] に入れるのに最も適当なものを,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。なお,[ W ] は 26 に,[ X ] は 27 に,[ Y ] は 28 に,[ Z ] は 29 に,それぞれマークすること。 ° 1 construction of Egypt’s Aswan dam in 1964, for example, seriously disrupted fish stocks and the fishing industry in the Eastern Mediterranean ° 2 the output of the power station can be matched to demand ° 3 the vast development needed has clear drawbacks ° 4 the use of hydroelectric generation is increasing worldwide (3) 下線部 (b) の These creaking wooden devices の内容として最も適当なものを,次 30 の° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一つ選びなさい。 ° 1 all renwable energy technologies ° 3 mills ° 2 water wheels ° 4 irrigation systems (4) 下線部 (d) の意味として最も適当なものを,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一つ選びな さい。 31 ° 1 これら既存の発電所は,まだ計画進行中の発電所に比べると小さく見えてしまう であろう。 ° 2 これらの存在している発電所は,輸送用のパイプラインの中にあるものによって妨 げられてしまうであろう。 ° 3 これらの存在している植物は,パイプラインの中にまだ残っている植物によって発 育が妨げられてしまうであろう。 ° 4 これら既存の植物は,パイプラインの中にまだ閉じ込められている人々によって食 べつくされてしまうであろう。 46 第 1 章 大学・短大 (5) 下線部 (f) の理由として最も適当なものを,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一つ選びな さい。 32 ° 1 経済的には実現の可能性が高いが,さらに大きなダムや貯水池を作ることによる 環境への悪影響が懸念されているため。 ° 2 世界的なエネルギー不足の現状を考えると,これ以上水力発電に頼ることはでき ず,他の手段を考えざるを得ないと判断されたため。 ° 3 生態系への悪影響を与える可能性はきわめて少ないが,水力発電が経済的にあま り効率的ではないと判断されたため。 ° 4 経済的に実現できる可能性があるかどうかが懸念されていることと,さらに大き なダムや貯水池を作ることで環境への悪影響が懸念されているため。 (6) 本文の内容と合うものを,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一つ選びなさい。 33 ° 1 水力発電は,かっては最も効率的な発電方式とみなされていたが,稼働率が悪く, 世界の電力の 19%しかまかなうことができない。 ° 2 水力発電所の仕組みは単純で,タービンを使って流れる水のエネルギーを引き出 し,発電機をまわすエネルギーとして利用するものである。 ° 3 現在,中国やブラジルに新しいダムの建設が進んでいるが,規模が大き過ぎるた め,工期が延び,完成が大幅に遅れることが予測されている。 ° 4 現在の水力発電では,どんなに出力を上げても 7,000 億ワットまでしか発電するこ とができず,深刻な電力不足の解決策にはなりえない。 (7) 本文の論旨として最も適当なものを,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一つ選びなさい。 34 ° 1 水力発電は最古の発電様式であるが,今日では,生態系への悪影響が懸念されてお り,その規模は年々縮小され,近い将来,次第に姿を消す運命になる。 ° 2 水力発電は再生可能なエネルギー利用技術の中で古くからあるものだが,規模が 大きいほど周囲への影響が大きくなるため,現在では,小規模水力発電所の開発が 進んでいる。 ° 3 水力発電は,古くから存在し,単純な原理で動くものだが,他の発電技術に比べる と効率が悪く,発展途上国では費用の負担も重荷になるため,建設が見送られるこ とが多くなった。 ° 4 水力発電は,中国のように,小規模発電所によってまかなわれることが多くなった が,小規模発電は,近隣の住民や産業に電力を供給するのにコストがかかりすぎる という欠点がある。 1.4. 九州東海大学 47 解答例 I (A) (1) ° 1 (2) ° 3 (3) ° 1 (4) ° 3 (5) ° 4 (1) trouser [tráuz@r] ° 1 aloud [@láud] ° 2 could [(弱)k@d,(強)kúd] ° 3 cruise [crú:z] ° 4 courage [k´@:riÃ/k2́r-] (2) atmosphere [ǽtm@sfı̀r] ° 1 phenomenon [finÁminÀn] ° 2 inclination [ı̀nklinéiS n] ° 3 automatic [Ò:t@mǽtik] ° 4 sunshine [s2́nSàin] (3) growth [gróuT] ° 1 thorough [T´@:rou] ° 2 though [Dóu] ° 3 bathe [béiD] ° 4 breathe [brı́:D] (4) reduction [rid2́kS n] ° 1 introduce [ı̀ntr@djú:s] ° 2 include [inklú:d] ° 4 attitude [ǽtitjù:d] ° 3 abduct [æbd2́kt] (5) virus [vái r@s] ° 1 key [kı́:] ° 2 virtue [v´@:rtSu:] ° 4 lively [láivli] ° 3 visual [vı́Zu l] e e e e III (1) You have only to look at his face to know the result of the examination. (2) There is nothing to be proud of in being wasteful. (3) George went out without so much as saying good-bye. (4) My miserable appearance and lack of travel experience must have aroused the sympathy of onlookers. (5) The different tasks in the most widely used intelligent tests are usually grouped into a number of ‘sub-tests’. 48 第 1 章 大学・短大 解 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 答 欄 解 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 答 欄 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1.4. 九州東海大学 1.4.2 49 一般試験 2 日目 60 分 I 注意事項 1. 試験開始の合図があるまで,この問題冊子の中を見てはいけません。 2. 解答用紙には解答欄以外に次の記入欄があるので,監督者の指示に従ってそ れぞれ正しく記入し,マークしなさい。 ° 1 氏 名 欄 氏名を記入しなさい。 ° 2 受 験 番 号 受験番号を記入し,さらにその下のマーク欄にマークしな さい。正しくマークされていない場合は,採点できないこ とがあります。 3. 試験終了後,問題冊子は持ち帰りなさい。 II 解答上の注意 • 解答は解答用紙の解答欄にマークしなさい。例えば, 10 と表示してあ る問いに対して ° 3 と解答する場合は,次の「例」のように解答番号 10 の 解答欄の 3 にマークしなさい。 例 解 10 1 2 3 答 4 5 6 欄 7 8 9 0 50 第 1 章 大学・短大 I (A) 各組の語において,下線部の発音と同じものを,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから 一つずつ選びなさい。 (1) gravity ° 1 bravely (2) cucumber ° 1 number (3) cling ° 1 system (4) cosmos ° 1 increase (5) charity ° 1 chaos 1 ° 2 factor ° 3 undertake ° 4 apron 2 ° 2 customary ° 3 useful ° 4 jutify 3 ° 2 climb ° 3 realize ° 4 illegal 4 ° 2 surely ° 3 aerosol ° 4 scissors 5 ° 2 architect ° 3 merchant ° 4 headache (B) (1),(2) の (ア)∼(エ) を並べかえて論理的に一貫した文章を作るとき最も 適当な配列を,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。 (1) (ア) Their social life usually centers around a best friend, and friendships are made, maintained, and broken by talk. (イ) On the other hand, little boys tend to play in larger groups, often outdoors, and they spend more time doing things than talking. (ウ) Little girls tend to play in small groups or, even more common, in pairs. (エ) Anthropologists Daniel Malts and Ruth Borker point out that boys and girls socialize differently. 6 ° 1 (エ)–(ウ)–(ア)–(イ) ° 2 (エ)–(ア)–(ウ)–(イ) ° 3 (エ)–(イ)–(ウ)–(ア) ° 4 (エ)–(ア)–(イ)–(ウ) (2) (ア) And so a school trip — getting to go on an expedition with Sensei and my friends and to ride the train — was the best treat ever. (イ) Since my family mostly used the car when we went out, I rarely had a chance to take the train. (ウ) Part of the fun, of course, was going on an outing with my friends, but an added thrill for me was the train ride. (エ) I always looked forward to our school trips, which happened twice a year. ° 1 (イ)–(ウ)–(エ)–(ア) ° 3 (イ)–(ウ)–(ア)–(エ) ° 2 (エ)–(ウ)–(イ)–(ア) ° 4 (エ)–(イ)–(ウ)–(ア) 7 1.4. 九州東海大学 II 51 (A) 各英文の下線部に最も近い意味をもつ語 (句) を,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちか ら一つずつ選びなさい。 (1) As soon as the teacher’s back was turned, the student passed a note to her friend. 8 ° 1 the teacher began to speak ° 2 the teacher’s attention was diverted ° 3 the teacher was ignored ° 4 the teacher started to sleep (2) Some philosophers regarded animals as nothing more than living robots. 9 ° 1 nothing but ° 2 as many as ° 3 far from ° 4 anything but (3) When it comes to playing the guitar, Tom is second to none in my class. 10 ° 1 preferable to someone ° 2 junior to anyone ° 3 superior to everyone ° 4 equal to nobody (4) This train is bound for Osaka by way of Nara. ° 1 via ° 2 within ° 3 before ° 4 during 11 (5) It occured to me that there’s no one who doesn’t have a fault. ° 1 hit upon ° 2 dawned ° 3 took place ° 4 struck 12 (B) 各英文の空所に入れるのに最も適当な語 (句) を,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちか ら一つずつ選びなさい。 (1) “He’s been waiting for her for a long time.” “( ° 1 Neither do I ° 2 So have I ° 3 So is he ° 4 So he is ).” 13 (2) At present, many houses ( ) near the station. 14 ° 1 have been building ° 2 will have built ° 3 had been building ° 4 are being built (3) I’d like to know about the conditions ( ) the experiment was done. 15 ° 1 under which ° 2 what ° 3 for whom ° 4 which (4) Keiko was ( ° 1 spoken ° 3 spoken to (5) He is so ( ° 1 sensible ° 3 sensory ) an American in front of the library. 16 ° 2 speaking ° 4 spoken to by ) about his looks that he often looks in a mirror. 17 ° 2 sensuous ° 4 sensitive 52 III 第 1 章 大学・短大 日本文 (1)∼(5) の意味を表す英文になるように,それぞれ与えられた (ア)∼ (カ) の語 (句) を並べかえて空所を補うとき,2 番目と 5 番目に該当する記号の 組み合わせとして最も適当なものを,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一つずつ選びな さい。 (1) 何年も前,私は,内科医になるのが夢だと教えてくれた若者にオーストラリアで 出会った。 Many years ago, I met ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ( ) a physicain. (ア) a young man in Australia (イ) his dream (ウ) to become (エ) told me that (オ) who (カ) was ° 1 (イ)–(ウ) ° 2 (ア)–(エ) ° 3 (オ)–(カ) ° 4 (オ)–(エ) ) 18 (2) 他の人が言うことは,それが自分を悩ませることを自分が認めないかぎり,自分 を悩ませたりいらいらすることは本当はありえないのだ。 What someone else ( to disturb you. (ア) annoy or irritate you (エ) says ° 1 (イ)–(カ) ° 2 (ウ)–(ア) )( )( )( )( )( ) 19 (イ) cannot really (オ) unless ° 3 (ア)–(カ) (ウ) permit it (カ) you ° 4 (エ)–(オ) (3) 私たちは,自分に最も身近な人々に援助を求める傾向にある。 We are ( 20 )( (ア) closet )( (イ) for )( (ウ) likely )( (エ) on those )( ) support. (オ) to rely (カ) to us ° 1 (オ)–(イ) ° 2 (エ)–(イ) ° 3 (ウ)–(ア) ° 4 (オ)–(カ) (4) もし目の前に困難が待ち構えているとしたら,自分のまわりにどんな人にいて欲 しいと思いますか。 If you had a challenge ahead of you, what ( ( )( )( )? (ア) kind of (イ) people would (エ) to be ° 1 (ア)–(オ) (オ) want ° 2 (イ)–(エ) ) ( ) ( ) 21 (ウ) surrounded by (カ) you ° 3 (カ)–(ウ) ° 4 (イ)–(ア) (5) きみは,彼が試験に合格する手助けをしさえすればいいのだ。 All ( tion. (ア) him )( (イ) is )( (ウ) pass )( )( (エ) to do )( (オ) to help ° 1 (ウ)–(カ) ° 2 (エ)–(ア) ° 3 (オ)–(イ) ° 4 (ア)–(ウ) ) the examina22 (カ) you have 1.4. 九州東海大学 IV 53 次の英文を読んで,下の問いに答えなさい。なお,*のついた語句には注が あります。 Transport is the fastest-rising sector of carbon dioxide emissions. Emissions from vehicles of all sorts are rising annually by 2.5 percent globally, and by 7 percent in Asia, where car ownership is growing fastest. Meanwhile, the US has 4 percent of the world’s population, but consumes 43 percent of the world’s gasoline. Real technological improvements in vehicles are being (a) outpaced by soaring vehicle use. Moreover, (b) as the IPCC* reports, “improvements in design have largely been used to enhance performance rather than to improve fuel economy.” And when vehicles do run more efficiently, [ W ] and idle away the emission gains because there are too many vehicles on the road. Most difficult of all, we have designed our urban environments around the limitless use of vehicles. To make progress in reducing vehicle emissions, we need to start redesigning our cities. Architects such as Britain’s Richard Rogers have pioneered schemes for much denser urban development, centered on nodes for efficient urban public transit systems. (c) Even in present-day cities, authorities are investing more heavily in subways, trams, and so on. In the not-too-distant future, long-distance mass movement could be by magnetically levitated* (“maglev”) trains traveling underground in low-pressure tubes, and consuming one tenth as much energy as today’s trains. With populations based around a maglev station, the numbers of roads and cars could be reduced in favor of pedestrianized* areas. An alternative future sees us sticking with the car — but in new forms that are (d) virtually pollution-free. To do this, [ X ]. The Rocky Mountain Institute in Colorado — a think-tank for technologists — has developed designs for (e) an ultra-efficient “hypercar”, made of light materials with vastly improved traction* and driven by an electric motor for improved efficiency. It would be fuelled by hydrogen. Hydrogen is the ultimate inexhaustible fuel. It can be made from water and burned just like petrol. But rather than burning it, the key to a future hydrogen economy is likely to be the hydrogen fuel cell — a portable, versatile* energy storage medium that produces no pollution. The (f) critical question is how the hydrogen is produced. Large amounts of power are required. If that comes from fossil fuels, the gains are minimal. So [ Y ]. Enthusiasts see massive production plants for hydrogen being set up in parts of the world where there is ample water and plenty of large-scale renewable energy available. Even oil companies and car manufacturers agree [ Z ]. But the distribution infrastructure required to create a “hydrogen economy” would be considerable. And 54 第 1 章 大学・短大 until energy from hydrogen is available everywhere, very few drivers will want to switch to a hydrogen-fueled car. (Fred Pearce, Global Warming より抜粋,一部改稿) [注]*IPCC:Intergovernmetntal Panel on Climate Change (気候の変化に関する国際委員会) *levitated:宙に浮かんだ *pedestrianized:歩行者専用の *traction:摩擦 *versatile:多用途の,何にでも使える (1) 下線部 (a)・(d)・(f) の意味として最も適当なものを,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一 つずつ選びなさい。 (a) ° 1 exceeded ° 2 undermined ° 3 estimated ° 4 explained 23 (d) ° 1 particularly ° 2 imaginatively ° 3 practically ° 4 partially 24 (f) ° 1 meaningless ° 2 crucial ° 3 fortunate ° 4 wealthy 25 (2) 空所 [ W ],[ X ],[ Y ],[ Z ] に入れるのに最も適当なものを,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一つずつ選びなさい。なお,[ W ] は 26 に,[ X ] は 27 に,[ Y ] は 28 に,[ Z ] は 29 に,それぞれマークすること。 ° 1 a renewable source of energy must be found ° 2 the car would have to be totally redesigned ° 3 this is the way in which the world is heading ° 4 they often get snarled up in traffic (3) 下線部 (b) の as と意味・用法が同じ as を含む英文を,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一 つ選びなさい。 30 ° 1 He made three mistakes in as many lines. ° 2 We regarded his behavior as illegal. ° 3 You may dance as you please. ° 4 Careless as she was, she managed to paas the examination. (4) 下線部 (c) の意味として最も適当なものを,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一つ選びな さい。 31 ° 1 現在の都会でも,権威のある人々は,地下鉄やトラムなどを軽んじている。 ° 2 現在の都会では,権力者が地下鉄やトラムなどに対して重い税をかけている。 ° 3 現在の都市でも,当局は,地下鉄やトラムなどのほうに重点的に投資している。 ° 4 現在の都市では,権威的な人々が地下鉄やトラムなどに重い負担を負わせている。 1.4. 九州東海大学 55 (5) 下線部 (e) の an ultra-efficient “hypercar” の特徴として,本文中で述べられてい ないものを,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一つ選びなさい。 ° 1 軽い素材でできている ° 3 電動モーターで走る 32 ° 2 磁力を使って走る ° 4 水素を燃料として走る (6) 本文の内容と合うものを,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一つ選びなさい。 33 ° 1 アメリカの人口は世界の人口のわずか 4%に過ぎないにもかかわらず,アメリカは 世界中のガソリンの半分以上を消費している。 ° 2 自動車の排気ガスを減らすためには,都市計画の見直しを図り,自動車をむやみに 利用せざるをえないような環境を改善し,効率的な輸送システムを構築すること が必要である。 ° 3 磁力で浮上する鉄道は,まだ,従来からある鉄道の 10 倍のエネルギーを必要とす るので,実用化されるためには,消費エネルギーを抑えることが最大の課題となっ ている。 ° 4 水素は,再利用可能な無尽蔵のエネルギーとして注目されているが,爆発の危険性 があるため,安全性がかくされるまでは実用化に踏む込むのを思いとどまるべき である。 (7) 本文の論旨として最も適当なものを,次の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから一つ選びなさい。 34 ° 1 二酸化炭素による公害が深刻化しつつある現在,公共交通機関も含め,二酸化炭素 を排出するすべての乗り物は廃止して,水素をエネルギー源とする乗り物に切り 替えるべきである。 ° 2 二酸化炭素の排出を減らすためには,水素のような不安定なエネルギー源に依存 するよりも,歩行者専用の地域を中心とした都市計画を策定するほうがはるかに 有効である。 ° 3 二酸化炭素を削減するためには化石燃料の利用を削減することが最善の策である が,長距離輸送や移動には石油を使うコストが低いので,化石燃料の利用はある程 度容認されるべきである。 ° 4 二酸化炭素の排出量を減らすために,究極の無尽蔵エネルギー源として水素が注 目されているが,水素の製造には膨大なエネルギーが必要とされるため,現状では 実用化に至っていない。 56 第 1 章 大学・短大 解答例 I (A) (1) ° 2 (2) ° 3 (3) ° 1 (4) ° 4 (5) ° 3 (1) gravity [grǽv@ti] ° 1 bravely [bréivli] ° 2 factor [fǽkt@r] ° 3 undertake [2̀nd@rtéik] ° 4 apron [éipr n] (2) cucumber [kjú:k2mb@r] ° 1 number [n2́mb@r] ° 2 customary [k2́st@mèri] ° 3 useful [jú:sf@l] ° 4 jutify [Ã2́st@fài] (3) cling [klı́N] ° 1 system [sı́st@m] ° 2 climb [kláim] ° 3 realize [rı́(:)@làiz] ° 4 illegal [ilı́:g@l] (4) cosmos [kÁzm@s] ° 1 increase [inkrı́:s] 動 増える,増やす,[ı́nkri:s] 名 増加 ° 2 surely [Sú@rli] ° 3 aerosol [ér@sÒ:l] ° 4 scissors [sı́z@rz] (5) charity [Ùǽr@ti] ° 1 chaos [kéiAs] ° 2 architect [á:rk@tèkt] ° 3 merchant [m´@:rÙ nt] ° 4 headache [hédèik] e e III (1) Many years ago, I met a young man in Australia who told me that his dream was to become a physician. (2) What someone else says cannot really annoy or irritate you unless you permit it to disturb you. (3) We are likely to rely on those closest to us for support. (4) If you had a challenge ahead of you, what kind of person would you want to be surrounded by? (5) All you have to do is to help him pass the examination. 1.4. 九州東海大学 解 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 答 欄 解 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 答 欄 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 57 58 第 1 章 大学・短大 1.5 熊本学園大学 1.5.1 一般推薦試験 60 分 全学科 【1】次の英文を読んで、設問に答えなさい。 A rainy day, bored kids and some plastic cups. It may be hard to believe, but if you put those together, you have a sport. *Cup stacking was started by a gym teacher in Southern California who couldn’t take his students out. So he made a relay race with teams of students who had to arrange stacks of cups as quickly as possible. Soon the idea spread to other schools, and both individual and team competitions began from that. From those small beginnings, cup stacking (or sport stacking, as it has come to be called) is now an international sport. The 2005 World Sport Stacking Championship, organized by the World Sport Stacking Association (WSSA), was held in Denver, Colorado and ‘stackers’ from 21 US states as well as from Canada, England, Japan, Australia and Germany competed. For individual competition, players have to arrange 12 cups in three different patterns. They first have to make three separate ‘stacks’, two of 3 cups and 1 of 6 cups. Next they have to make two stacks of 6 cups. Finally, they have to make a stack of 10 cups, with the two extra cups placed on the right and left. Though this may sound easy, the world record is less than 7.5 seconds! Though the first cup stacking began with everyday plastic cups, people now use specially designed cups. They are a bit thicker and have air holes in the bottom to reduce the air pressure and make sure that they don’t get stuck together. While this may not sound too physical, experts say that it improves hand-eye coordination. It also is something that handicapped students can participate in, and, unlike other sports, has a very low risk of injury. It is now estimated that 10% of all elementary schools do some kind of sport stacking, not only for the reasons given above, but because the equipment is inexpensive and it is easy to teach. KGU staff (2005) (注) *cup stacking コップを重ねる競技 1.5. 熊本学園大学 59 設問 1. 本文のタイトルとして最も適切なものを a∼d から選び、記号で答えなさい。 a. Activities for handicapped c. Rainy day idea becomes a sport b. Cup stacking for fun and profit d. The dangers of cup stacking 設問 2. この競技の発祥地はどこか、a∼d より選び、記号で答えなさい。 a. California b. Canada c. Colorado d. England 設問 3. この競技の長所として本文中に書かれていないものを a∼f から 2 つ選び、記 号で答えなさい。 a. easy to teach b. good for any age c. good for handicapped students d. good mental exercise e. helps hand-eye coordination f. inexpensive 設問 4. 競技者が 2 番目に作らなければならないパターンを下の 4 つの図ア∼エから 選び、記号で答えなさい。 設問 5. 競技者が作る必要のないパターンを下の 4 つの図ア∼エから選び、記号で答 えなさい。 ア ウ イ エ 設問 6. 本文中の下線部を和訳しなさい。 60 第 1 章 大学・短大 【2】次の英文の空所 (A)∼(E) に入れるのに最も適切な語を下記の 1∼4 から選び, 番号で答えなさい。 Recently, *raccoons have become an increasingly ( A ) problem in Japan. Raccoons are not native to Japan, but many people have bought them as ( B ) and have let them go to live in the wild. Unfortunately, raccoons are very intelligent and will eat almost anything and now cause great damage to crops. In the wild, raccoons usually ( C ) between 5 and a half to 8 kilograms, but they can ( D ) much bigger. The largest one on record is 30 kilograms! Raccoons use their hands as humans do, turning over things or opening containers. One of the things that people often note is that raccoons sometimes put their food in water, and appear to be washing it. But no matter how ( E ) these animals may be, they are going to continue to cause problems for many living in the Japanese countryside. KGU staff (2005) (注) *raccoon アライグマ (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. bigger animals count eat athletic 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. small guards heavy grow cute 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. wider pets light jump helpful 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. wrong presents weigh live quiet 【3】次の英文の空所に入れるのに最も適切なものを a∼d から選び、記号で答えな さい。 1. Haven’t I seen you ( a. ago b. before 2. This movie is ( b. less a. a d. very c. Who d. Whose ) speak to him. b. have to 5. The nurse doesn’t have ( 6. Tom is ( c. more b. Which 4. If I knew him, I ( a. few d. yesterday ) did you get the present from? a. What a. do c. since ) worse than that. a. far 3. ( )? b. many c. should have d. would ) experience. c. much d. very ) fastest runner of the five boys. b. most c. the d. the most 1.5. 熊本学園大学 7. She ( 61 ) her purse when she was shopping. a. has been lost b. lose 8. He is very ( a. excite c. loses d. lost ) about getting a new car. b. excites c. excited d. exciting 9. My grandfather was so rich that he paid for ( a. me b. mine 10. The man ( a. who ) education. c. my d. myself ) broke into the bank has been arrested. b. whoever c. whom d. whose 【4】次の英文の空所に入れるのに最も適切なものを a∼d から選び、記号で答えな さい。 1. ( ) to the heavy rain, I could not go out all day long. a. Owe b. Owed c. Owes d. Owing 2. Mexico City is one of the largest cities in the world, ( of over ten million. a. for 3. ( b. of c. on d. with ) a rule, Jane has no lunch, but she has a big dinner. a. As b. For c. In 4. If you could give me your ( a. attention d. With ), we can begin. b. connection c. favor d. will 5. The actor’s fantastic performance on the stage ( all the audience. a. called 6. ( b. caused c. drew b. Because d. paid c. So d. Unless ) you go to the hospital, you can see Dr. Yamada. a. However b. Whatever c. Whenever 8. Keiko speaks English very well. In ( English at the meeting. a. fact b. spite 9. This bag is as light as ( a. a feather b. a lamp b. go d. Whoever ), she made a nice speech in c. time d. words c. my weight d. the sun ). 10. Her black hair and the red dress ( a. get ) the attention of ) you study harder, you will not pass the entrance exam. a. After 7. ( ) a population ) together very well. c. match d. meet 62 第 1 章 大学・短大 【5】次の日本語の意味になるように ( ) 内の語を並べかえて英文を作り、 ( ) 内で 3 番目と 6 番目にくる語を書きなさい。ただし、文頭にくる語 も小文字で示しています。 1. これが地震でけがをした女の子を救助した犬です。 (a / dog / girl / in / injured / is / little / rescued / the / this / which) the earthquake. 2. あれは私が今年観た映画のなかで最高のものです。 (best / have / I / is / movie / seen / the / that) this year. 3. 新型テレビが欲しいけれども僕には買うお金がありません。 I want (a / but / buy / have / I / money / new / no / one / set / to / TV). 4. 京都の気候は熊本の気候とそっくりだと思います。 I think (as / climate / is / Kyoto / much / of / same / that / the /the) of Kumamoto. 1.5. 熊本学園大学 63 解答例 【1】 1 2 3 4 5 b a b d イ ウ 6. 最初のコップを重ねる競技は、日常の (ありふれた) プラスチックのコップ で始められたが、今では特別に競技用にデザインされたコップを使用して いる。 【2】 【3】 【4】 【5】 (A) 1 (B) 3 (C) (D) 4 2 (E) 2 1 2 3 b a c 4 5 6 d c c 7 8 9 d c c 10 a 1 2 3 d d a 4 5 6 c c d 7 8 9 c a a 10 b 1 2 3 3 番目 6 番目 the rescued 3 番目 6 番目 the I 3 番目 6 番目 TV I 4 3 番目 of 6 番目 much 1. This is the dog which rescued a little girl injured in the earthquake. 2. That is the best movie I have seen this year. 3. I want a new TV set, but I have no money to buy one. 4. I think the climate of Kyoto is much the same as that of Kumamoto. 64 第 1 章 大学・短大 1.5.2 A 日程 1 日目 70 分 全学科 【1】次の英文を読んで,設問に答えなさい。 When I was living with a Japanese family in the Shinjuku district of Tokyo years ago, a visitor came to the house one evening. She was a woman in her middle twenties. The members of the family were all extremely polite to her, so polite in fact that I wondered if she might not be the daughter of the Prime Minister or some other high official. I had seen many visitors come to that home, but never had one been given the deep respect and courtesy given to this one. After she had left, (1) I learned that she was a teacher at the *kindergarten one of the children attended. This surprised me, because in America a kindergarten teacher would not have been treated differently from anyone else. About the same time, a friend in America sent me a *clipping from the “Jobs Available” section of an American newspaper. My friend had circled in red ink two *ads, side by side. One ad was for a history teacher for a college; the other ad was for a street cleaner for the city’s *Department of Sanitation. What my friend in America had wanted me to see was that the salary offered for the street cleaner’s job, which required no education at all, was more than the salary offered for the job of the college teacher of history. (2) These two experiences show what is to me the most significant difference between education in Japan and education in the United States: the fact that ( A ) respect it more. I hasten to add, however, that this does not mean that there is no respect at all for education in ( B ). Obviously, there is. But it is a question of degree. Seward, J. (1985). Inside America. NIC (注) *kindergarten = 幼稚園 *clipping = 切り抜き *ad(s) = advertisement(s) *Department of Sanitation = 清掃局 1.5. 熊本学園大学 65 設問 1. 下線部 (1) を和訳しなさい。 設問 2. 下線部 (2)“these two experiences” の内容を示す文として,下の英文が完成 するよう与えられた語句を並べ,2 番目と 4 番目の語句を記号で答えなさい。 ただし,それぞれ一つずつ不要な語句が含まれています。 1. The author found that ア. a kindergarten teacher ウ. not really respected オ. treated very politely 2. The author found that ア. college teacher ウ. a street cleaner オ. than ( ) ( ) . イ. his Japanese family エ. the woman カ. was ( ) ( ) in the US. イ. a higher salary エ. circled in red ink カ. was offered 設問 3. 空所 (A),(B) に入る適切な語 (句) を文脈から判断し,ア∼エから選び,記 号で答えなさい。 (A) ア. the Americans ウ. the Japanese イ. the college teachers エ. the street cleaners (B) ア. a Japanese family ウ. America イ. a kindergarten エ. Japan 66 第 1 章 大学・短大 【2】次の英文の空所 ( A )∼( び,番号で答えなさい。 G ) に入れるのに,最も適切な文を 1∼7 から選 Masaki: Hi, Scottie. Scottie: Hi, Masaki. How are you doing? Masaki: Pretty good. I’m trying to decide where to go for spring vacation. ( A ) Scottie: What’s your budget? Masaki: ( B ) Scottie: Well, then I would recommend going somewhere here in Texas. That way you can rent a car and it’ll be much cheaper than flying. Masaki: ( C ) Where is a good place to go in Texas? Scottie: I think you would like Big Bend National Park. It’s really beautiful. Masaki: ( D ) Scottie: Yes, a couple of times. It’s a great place for hiking and enjoying nature. I usually go there to take pictures. Masaki: It sounds great. ( E ) Scottie: There is an outdoor shop called Backwoods. They have lots of maps and travel information. ( F ) Masaki: Okey, where is it? Scottie: It’s on Coit road in the Plaza Shopping Center. Masaki: Thanks. So where are you going this spring vacation? Scottie: ( G ) Have you ever been there? Weatherly, S. D. (1998). Right Angle. Macmillan LanguageHouse. 1. Do you have any ideas? 2. I’m thinking of going to Florida. 3. It’s pretty small. 4. I would recommend going there. 5. So, you’ve been there? 6. That sounds like a good idea. 7. Where can I get some information on it? 1.5. 熊本学園大学 67 【3】次の英文の意味に該当する単語を下の (A)∼(L) から選び,記号で答えなさい。 1. Apiece of land surrounded by water on three sides. 2. Amount of space between two points or places 3. An ability to remember events and experiences 4. Belonging to or for the use of only one particular person or group 5. Information which supports a belief 6. Known to many people 7. Lasting or expected to last for a long time or forever 8. showing thoughts and feelings openly 9. The state of being well, without disease 10. Unfair and often unfavorable feelings not based on reason (A) distance (E) frank (I) memory (B) earth (F) health (J) peninsula (C) evidence (G) kind (K) permanent (D) famous (H) prejudice (L) private 【4】次の英文の空所 ( A )∼( J ) に入れるのに,最も適切な語を 1∼12 から 選び,番号で答えなさい。ただし,同一語の使用は 1 回限りとする。 “What time is it?” “I don’t have enough time.” “Is it time to go yet?” “Hurry up! We’re going to be late.” We talk about time every day. We measure it by the second, minute, hour, day, ( A ), month, year, and century. But what is time? No one ( B ) say exactly what it is. It is one of the greatest mysteries of our ( C ). We don’t know exactly what time is, but our ( D ) to measure it is very important. It makes our way of life ( E ). All the members of a group have to measure time in the ( F ) way. Time lets us put things in a definite order. We know that breakfast ( G ) before lunch. The reading class is after the writing class. Children can’t play ( H ) school is over. Time enables us to organize our lives. The ( I ) people saw changes around them. They saw day and night, the changes of the moon, and the seasons. They started ( J ) their lives by these changes. Ackert, P. (1985). Concepts and comments. HBJ. 1. ability 5. knows 9. same 2. can 6. lives 10. today 3. comes 7. measuring 11. until 4. earliest 8. possible 12. week 68 第 1 章 大学・短大 【5】次の英文中の ( 答えなさい。 ) に入る最も適切なものを (A)∼(D) より選び,記号で 1. He is either drunk ( (A) and ) mad. (B) but 2. You ( (B) can 3. I don’t feel like ( (A) to work (A) to wash 5. I found ( (B) work (B) wash (A) more ). (C) them (B) Had had (D) washing (D) very (C) Have (D) Having ) because of environment pollution. (B) died (C) killed (D) killing ) come, if it had not snowed heavily. (B) will have 9. This is the coldest winter ( 10. It is ( (D) working ) nothing to do, I went out for a walk. 7. A lot of fish were ( (A) that (C) worked (C) washed (B) so (A) Being had (A) will (D) may ) impossible to explain what I meant. (A) it 8. They ( (C) have ) today. 4. You should have that dress ( (A) death (D) so ) not to go there. (A) are 6. ( (C) or (B) what (C) would (D) would have ) we have had in ten years. (C) when (D) which ) expensive to eat in a restaurant than at home. (B) so (C) the more (D) the most 1.5. 熊本学園大学 69 【6】日本語を参考にして ( ) 内の語を並び替えて英文を作り,( )内 で 4 番目と 8 番目に来る語を書きなさい。ただし,文頭の語も小文字で示して あります。 1. 大事なことはもっと国語の勉強をした方がいいということです。 (important / is / is / Japanese / should / study / that / what / you) harder. 2. 最近,居眠り運転が原因になっている事故も多い。 Recently, (accidents / are / asleep / by / caused /drivers / falling / many / traffic). 3. 私の両親は私を有名大学に入れたがっています。 (a / anxious / are / me / my / parents / send / to / to) famous university. 4. ロンドンに着いたらすぐに電話をしてくださいね。 (a / arrive / as / as / call / give / me / please / soon / you) in London. 5. 英語が嫌いというのではなく,勉強する時間がないのです。 It is (but / English / hate / have / I / I / it / no / not / study / that / time / to). 70 第 1 章 大学・短大 *次の問題は「英米学科」の受験者のみ解答すること。 【7】次の英文を読んで,設問に答えなさい。 He is the host of a segment of a long running television series that is watched by over 5 million people, where he often demonstrates his love for tap dancing and playing the piano. He has appeared with many of Hollywood’s most famous stars as well as people like the United Nations (UN) secretary general Kofi Annan and most recenty, with the wife of President Bush, Laura Bush. He has starred in his own full length motion picture, and he has worldwide recognition. A doll in his likeness was the most popular present for children during Christmas in 1996, when it was sold out almost everywhere. Everyone likes him even though he is a monster. Oh, and he is covered with red fur and has big round eyes and a large orange nose. Yes, he is Elmo of Sesame Street. Elmo is supposed to be the same mental age as a three and a half year old child. This is why he speaks of himself using the third person, saying ‘Elmo likes apples’ instead of ‘I like apples’. This trait makes some people worry that children who watch Elmo will end up speaking English like an infant. However, this shows a misunderstanding on how children learn how to speak and the problems of pronouns. When a person says ‘I’m from America’ and you answer ‘I’m from Japan’, both of you know that ‘I’ means ( ア ). All children go through a stage where they use their names instead of ‘I’ and many parents and caregivers automatically modify their language when they talk to children, for example, saying ‘what does Johnny want to do?’ rather than ‘what do you want to do?’ Demanding that children don’t do this is similar to making children run before they can walk. But returning to Elmo, even though he was introduced to Sesame Street almost 20 years ago, he still remains the three and a half year old monster that he has always been. KGU staff (2005) 1. Translate the underlined sentence. 2. Choose the answer that best fits in ( ア ). (A) a Japanese (C) Elmo (B) an infant (D) the person who is talking 3. Who is Elmo? Please write one paragraph introducing him, telling why he is famous. 1.5. 熊本学園大学 71 解答例 【1】 1. 彼女がその家の子どもの 1 人が通っている幼稚園の先生だということを知 った。 2. 1 2 2 番目 4 番目 イ カ 2 番目 カ 4 番目 オ 3. (A) ウ (B) ウ 【2】 【3】 【4】 【5】 【6】 A B 1 3 C 6 D 5 E F 7 4 1 2 J A 3 4 5 I L C 6 D A B 12 2 C 6 D 1 1 2 C A 3 D 4 5 6 C A D G 2 7 K E F 8 9 1 4 番目 8 番目 is study 8 9 E F G H 3 11 7 C 8 D 2 4 番目 are 10 H I J 4 7 9 10 A A 3 8 番目 falling 4 番目 anxious 4 8 番目 to 4 番目 a 8 番目 as 5 4 番目 8 番目 hate have 1. What is important is that you should study Japanese harder. 2. Recently, many traffic accidents are caused by drivers falling asleep. 3. My parents are anxious to send me to a famous university. 4. Please give me a call as soon as you arrive in London. 5. It is not that I hate English, but I have no time to study it. 72 第 1 章 大学・短大 【7】 1. 子どもたちにそんなこと (「僕 (私)」の代わりに自分の名前を使うこと) を しないよう求めるのは,彼らが歩けるようになる前に走らせようとするの と同じだ。 2. D 3. Elmo is a monter. He is very famous because he is the host of a very popular TV series, Sesame Street. His fame has enabled him to meet lots of celebrities, or even to star in a motion picture. A doll in his likeness is the most favored present during the Christmas season. 1.5. 熊本学園大学 1.5.3 73 A 日程 2 日目 70 分 商学部第一部 (経営学科) 外国語学部 (英米学科) 【1】次の英文を読んで、設問に答えなさい。 At *St Peter’s, Sunday morning was letter-writing time. At nine o’clock the whole school had to go to their desks and spend one hour writing a letter home to their parents. At ten-fifteen we put on our caps and coats and formed up outside the school in a long *crocodile and marched a couple of miles down into Westonsuper-Mare for church, and we didn’t get back until lunchtime. Church-going never became a habit with me. Letter-writing did. From that very first Sunday at St Peter’s until the day my mother died thirtytwo years later, I wrote to her once a week, sometimes more often, whenever ( 1 ). I wrote to her every week from St Peter’s (I had to), and every week from my next school, Repton, and every week from Dar es Salaam in East Africa, where ( 2 ), and then every week during the war from Kenya and Iraq and Egypt when I was flying with the *RAF. My mother, for her part, kept every one of these letters, binding them carefully in neat bundles with green tape, but this was her own secret. She never told me she was doing (1) it. In 1957, when she knew she was dying, I was in hospital in Oxford having a serious operation on my *spine and ( 3 ). So she had a telephone specially installed beside her bed in order that she might have one last conversation with me. She didn’t tell me she was dying nor did anyone else for that matter (2) because I was in a fairly serious condition myself at the time. She simply asked me how I was and hoped I would get better soon and sent me her love. ( 4 ), but she knew all right and she wanted to reach out and speak to me for the last time. When ( 5 ), I was given this vast collection of my letters, all so neatly bound with green tape, more than six hundred of them altogether, dating from 1925 to 1945, each one in its original envelope with the old stamps still on them. I am awfully lucky to have something like this to refer to in my old age. Dahl, D. (1999). Boy: Tales of childhood. Puffin Books. (注) *St Peter’s *crocodile *RAF *spine 筆者が 9 歳から 4 年間いた全寮制の学校の名 列のこと 英国空軍 脊柱,背骨 74 第 1 章 大学・短大 設問 1. 文中の空所 ( 1 )∼( 5 ) に入れるのに最も適切なものを下の (A)∼(E) から選び,記号で答えなさい。 (A) I was away from home (B) I recovered and went home (C) I was unable to write to her (D) I went on my first job after leaving school (E) I had no idea that she would die the next day 設問 2. 文中の下線部 (1)it の指す内容を,日本語で書きなさい。 設問 3. 文中の下線部 (2) の内容として最も適切なものを下の (A)∼(D) から選び,記 号で答えなさい。 (A) 私自身,その時母とかなり険悪な関係だったので。 (B) 私自身,その時かなり悲観的な精神状態だったので。 (C) 私自身,その時かなり母を心配していたので。 (D) 私自身,その時かなり深刻な病状だったので。 【2】 The Tokyo Center for Language and Culture (1986). Going overseas. — 著作権上の問題により非公開 — 1.5. 熊本学園大学 75 【3】文中の空所に入る最も適切な語を (A)∼(J) から選び,記号で答えなさい。同 一語の使用は一回限りとします。(文頭の語も小文字で示してあります。) I have always believed that dinner guests should be on time and never cancel unless sick. However, Latinos, or Hispanics are culturally different in this regard. They see no ( 1 ) why they should be on time, and cancellations are often made at ( 2 ) last minute. A no-show is not uncommon. I lived in Mexico for ( 3 ) winter months in 1992. I rented a house and on several occasions ( 4 ) Mexican friends to dinner. In most cases, they arrived one hour late. ( 5 ) several cases, they never showed up and never called. The same thing ( 6 ) happened to me in Washington, D.C. with friends from Central America. Either ( 7 ) showed up late or pulled a no-show. There is obviously a cultural ( 8 ) at work here. Latinos do not see any reason to be on ( 9 ). I call it “Mexican time” as opposed to “American time.” Latino guests ( 10 ) a dinner invitation for 7 o’clock means 8 or that 8 means 9. They are even shocked when guests show up on time. McLean, P. (1996). American pet peeves. Asahi Press. (A) assume (F) reason (B) difference (G) the 【4】各英文中の なさい。 (C) has (H) they (A) have my hair cut. (B) having 2. Have you got (B) any (C) few of 3. I enjoyed watching tennis on TV, (A) although (B) as 4. Alexander Fleming, in 1945. (A) as well (D) to have (D) many of I prefer playing it. (C) because (D) despite discovered penicillin, received the Nobel Prize (B) that 5. The sky was cloudy and dark 6. She was (C) not have to good computer games? (A) a lot (A) as if (E) invited (J) time に入る最も適切なものを (A)∼(D) から選び,記号で答え 1. My girlfriend persuaded me (A) he (D) in (I) three (B) even if (C) which (D) who it was going to rain. (C) in case (D) unless hungry and tired when she returned from the hike. (B) both (C) either (D) together 76 第 1 章 大学・短大 7. I wouldn’t do that if I (A) am 8. We’ve spent (A) all money you. (B) can be (C) were (D) would be (C) the all money (D) the money all you gave us. (B) all the money 【5】次の 1∼8 の意味説明に一致する単語を下の (A)∼(I) から選び,記号で答えな さい。 1. the quality or appearance of something that is graceful or gentle, or of something that can be easily damaged or broken 2. what makes a person or a thing different from other persons or things 3. cheerful or colorful and bright, or quick and full of energy, or filled with interest and excitement 4. something that must be repaid, or something that is the result of somebody’s help 5. something that really exists, or has rellay happened, or is known to be true 6. hard to find, not common, or not enough 7. wanting to have what someone else has 8. the light produced by something that is burning (A) character (F) guilty (B) debt (G) jealous (C) delicate (H) lively (D) fact (I) scarce (E) flame 【6】日本語の意味になるよう,[ ] 内の与えられた語句を並べ替え,[ の中で 3 番目と 6 番目に来るものを記号で答えなさい。 ] 1. 文化が違うと,手を振るような同じ動作が違った意味を持つことがある。 In different cultures, [ (A) different / (B) may have / (C) motion / (D) such as / (E) the same / (F) waving / (G) your hand ] meanings. 2. 表面の高熱のため,その惑星には生命が存在することは不可能である。 It [ (A) exist / (B) because / (C) for life to / (D) impossible / (E) is / (F) of / (G) on that planet ] its intense surface heat. 3. トムとジムは,彼らの次の旅で訪れたい場所を全部リストに挙げるつもりです。 Tom and Jim are [ (A) a list of / (B) all the places / (C) going to / (D) make / (E) they / (F) visit / (G) want to ] on their next trip. 4. 長期にわたって十分な睡眠をとらないのは,健康にとって害なる。 Not [(A) a / (B) enough sleep / (C) getting / (D) harmuful / (E) long / (F) may be / (G) over / (H) period of time ] to your health. 1.5. 熊本学園大学 77 *次の問題は「英米学科」の受験者のみ解答すること。 【7】次の英文を読み,設問に答えなさい。 The increasing activity and success of foreign firms in Japan has made them the focus of much interest from job seekers, both Japanese and non-Japanese. Due to their foreign roots, the process these firms use to select employees can be quite different from that of Japanese firms. Not only is the hiring process conducted in English, but the actual steps differ and a different set of cultural assumptions underlies them. For those who are considering applying to a *foreign-affiliated company, here’s a fast test of how well you might fare in the application process. Quick — what are your top 10 strengths that would be valuable to an employer? You have one minute to answer. Go! Were you able to do it? Candidates hoping to get a job with a foreign-affiliated company should be able to answer this question easily. One’s key strengths should be foremost in your mind and roll easily off the tongue. Yet, for many people in Japan such a question is a very difficult one. In Japanese society, modesty is highly valued. People tend to (1) downplay their strengths, and instead focus on the areas in which they need to improve. As a result, many Japanese are (2) flummoxed when asked to list their strengths. It’s often something they haven’t thought about consciously, so they have trouble answering quickly. For non-Japanese, living in Japan surrounded by the Japanese culture, the question may also be difficult to answer. After working hard to fit into an environment that rewards and encourages modesty and focuses on areas needing improvement, non-Japanese may be out of practice discussing what they are good at. In a Western-style job search process, the candidate is essentially selling him or herself. When selling anything, it’s necessary to make a case for its features and benefits. The three main components of the job search process — the(3) resume, the cover letter, and the interview — are opportunities to highlight what makes you, as a candidate, special, and why you are a good fit for the job. This requires an emphasis on the positive, your strengths. Being overly modest, in a way that would be typical and approved of in Japanese culture, would likely be perceived by Westerners as a lack of confidence. Success in the job search with foreign firms requires being able to be bicultural — to shift into different modes of “selling yourself” and (4) ‘‘tooting your own born.” Kopp, R. (2004, August 31). The Japan Times. (注) *foreign-affiliated company=a company with foreign roots 78 第 1 章 大学・短大 設問 1. 文中の下線部 (1)∼(4) の表現は,文脈から推測すると,どのような意味か。 適切と思うものを記号で答えなさい。 (1) downplay (A) lose confidence in something (B) make efforts to improve something (C) take about something in great detail (D) give little importance to something (2) flummoxed (A) happy and smiling (B) disappointed and sad (C) offended and upset (D) surprised and confused (3) resume (A) plan for, or record of, a journey (B) brief account of one’s past employment (C) written instructions for the use of medicine (D) type of product made by a particular company (4) tooting your own born (A) speaking slowly in a low voice (B) speaking proudly about yourself (C) speaking only about your weak points (D) not wanting to speak about yourself 設問 2. 次の英文は本文を要約したものである。空所 ( 1 )∼( 8 ) に入れるのに 適切な語をひとつずつ本文中から探し入れなさい。(動詞の語形変化は本文 中の形と異なってもよい。) In order to be hired by a foreign company in Japan, you need to ( 1 ) yourself by pointing out only your ( 2 ). This is a difficult thing to do for many ( 3 ) people who grew up learning to be as ( 4 ) as their society may require. Even non-Japanese residents in this country may find it hard to advertise themselves after struggling to ( 5 ) ( 6 ) Japanese culture. However, when seeking employment with a foreign company, excessive ( 7 ) is likely to come across as a sign of no ( 8 ). 設問 3. Write down in English what you think of people who advertise themselves during a job interview. 1.5. 熊本学園大学 79 解答例 【1】 1. 1 A 2 D 3 4 5 C E B 2. これらの手紙の一つ一つを入念に緑のテープできちんと束ねて保管してい たこと。 3. D 【2】 【3】 【4】 【5】 【6】 1 2 I F 3 4 E C 5 6 G H 5 D 7 B 8 A 6 7 C H 8 B 1 F 2 3 4 G I E 1 D 2 B 3 4 A D 5 A 6 7 B C 8 B 1 2 C A 3 4 H B 5 D 6 7 I G 8 E 1 3 番目 6 番目 D B 9 10 J A 2 3 番目 C 3 6 番目 B 3 番目 A 4 6 番目 G 3 番目 G 6 番目 H 1. In different cultures, the same motion such as waving your hand may have different meanings. 2. It is impossible for life to exist on that planet because of its intense surface heat. 3. Tom and Jim are going to make a list of all the places they want to visit on their next trip. 4. Not getting enough sleep over a long period of time may be harmful to your health. 80 第 1 章 大学・短大 【7】 1. 2. 1 D 2 D 1 sell 5 fit 3 B 4 B 2 strengths 6 into 3 Japanese 7 modesty 4 modest 8 confidence 3. I think that those people who don’t hesitate to stress their strengths would be successful when they try to get a job with a foreign company, but they will not be accepted easily by a Japanese one which value modesty. 1.5. 熊本学園大学 1.5.4 81 A 日程 3 日目 70 分 商学部第一部 (商学科) 経済学部 (国際 経済学科) 社会福祉学部第一部 (子ども家庭福祉学科) 【1】次の英文を読み,設問に答えなさい。 In the middle of the twentieth century, many African Americans were kept out of many things. Especially in the southern states, black people were kept separate and apart from white people. In restaurants, black people were told to sit in a separate section, or (1) often they weren’t allowed in at all. Black children went to separate schools from white children. There were even separate drinking fountains for white people and black people. This separating of people just because of their skin color is called “segregation” Segregation is wrong. (2) It’s just about as far from the idea that “all men are created equal” as you can get. In 1955, even the buses in southern states were segregated. If you were white, you could sit in the front. If you were black, ( 1 ), or give up your seat to a white person if there were no empty seats left. One day in 1955, black woman named Rosa Parks got on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. She had worked hard all day and ( 2 ). She sat down in a seat at the back of the bus. But later the bus got crowded and all the seats in the white section were filled. Well, the next time the bus stopped, a white man got on, and the bus driver told Rosa Parks to get up and give her seat to the white man. ( 3 ). She was not going to move, even if the law said she should move. It was a bad, stupid law. Still, it was a law. And so she was arrested. When people heard that Rosa Parks had been arrested, ( 4 ). African Americans in the city of Montgomery decided that they would stop riding the buses. They would walk or share riders in cars. But they would not pay the bus company to ride as long as the company practiced segregation. For a whole year, African Americans refused to ride the buses in Montgomery. This became known as the Montgomery Bus Boycott. (To “boycott” is to refuse to buy or use something.) A little more than a year Rosa Parks was arrested, the highest court in the United States, the Supreme Court, said that she was right and Alabama law was wrong. ( 5 ) (Based on E. D. Hirsch, Jr. What Your Second Grader Needs to Know) 82 第 1 章 大学・短大 設問 1. 本文の内容と 一致しない ものを (A)∼(D) から一つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 (A) The author thinks segregation is bad. (B) Under segregation, African American children could not go to school with white children. (C) Under segregation, skin color was used to decide where people could or could not sit on buses. (D) Segregation was equally common throughout the United States in the middle of the twentieth century. 設問 2. 下線部 (1) を和訳しなさい。 設問 3. 下線部 (2) の趣旨に最も近いものを (A)∼(D) から選び,記号で答えなさい。 (A) Segregation and the idea that “all men are crreated equal” are similar. (B) Segregation is the opposite of the idea that “all men are created equal.” (C) Segregation was common in areas that were very far away from the capital. (D) Many years had passed since the words “all men are created equal” were written in the Declaration of Independence. 設問 4. 本文の空所 (1)∼(5) に入れるのに最も適切なものを (A)∼(E) から選び,記 号で答えなさい。(文頭に来る語も,固有名詞以外は全て小文字で示してあ ります。) (A) she was tired (B) they got very angry (C) you had to sit in the back (D) Rosa Parks did not give up her seat (E) her determination helped to end a bad law 1.5. 熊本学園大学 83 【2】次の英文の空所 ( 1 )∼( 10 ) に入れるのに最も適切なものを (A)∼(J) か ら選び,記号でで答えなさい。ただし,同一語の使用は一回限りとします。 In 1918, the year the First World War ( 1 ), and partly due to women taking over men’s ( 2 ) during that war, the British government gave voting ( 3 ) to certain women. These were “women *householders, wives ( 4 ) householders and women university graduates ( 5 ) 30.” That still excluded a lot of women, but it was a ( 6 ) and an incredible victory for all those people ( 7 ) had fought for their rights, then put aside their differences to ( 8 ) their country fight for a different cause. In 1928, British women ( 9 ) given the same voting rights as men. The ( 10 ) had been won. (Based on P. Ardaph, Discoveries, Inventions, Ideas and Events that Changed the World) (注) *householders 家屋所有者 (A) battle (F) over (B) ended (G) rights (C) help (H) start (D) jobs (I) were (E) of (J) who 【3】次の各英文の下線部 A∼D のうち,一か所だけ誤りがあります。その部分を記 号で答えなさい。 1. My mother frequently told me that I should treats everyone I meet with A B C D respect. 2. If you want to get an “A” in this class, try to read as many essay as posssible. A B C D 3. Until last year, John has been doing his best to improve his grades. A B C D 4. There are some beautiful beach and park near Joe’s home in Minami. A B C D 5. Mary was exciting to see her host family for the first time. A B C D 6. At first I thought I would buy an apple to my lunch, but then I decided to A B C make a sandwich instead. D 7. I know he likes chocolate, but I’ll buy some imported chocolate for him at A B C D a department store. 84 第 1 章 大学・短大 8. After living in Tokyo for ten years, I returned to Kumamoto the year before last A B C because I am missing the beautiful natural environment. D 9. One of the things I enjoy most is go to Grandmother’s house with my little A B C D sister. 10. Jim plays the tennis with a friend of his almost every weekend. A B C D 【4】次の各英文の空所に入れるのに最も適切なものを (A)∼(D) から選び,記号で 答えなさい。 1. What happened to you? You ( (A) discussed (B) promised ) to meet me here last night. (C) said (D) talked 2. The waiter left with their order, and soon came ( (A) across (B) back 3. Bill was ( (A) far (B) less (C) quite (D) too ) when Rome was founded. (B) fear 5. She lowered her ( (A) bottle (D) on ) drunk to know what Jim was saying. 4. No one knows for ( (A) ever (C) into ) with their drinks. (C) lost (D) sure ) so the boy would not hear. (B) earrings (C) flashlight (D) voice 6. X: What do you want to be when you grow up? Y: ( ) (A) A computer programmer. (C) I don’t want to do it. (B) Any kind of food. (D) I want to grow up. 7. X: How about another cup of tea, Ken? Y: ( ) (A) No, I don’t. (C) Yes, I do. (B) So do I. (D) Yes, Please. 8. X: I can’t go swimming today. Y: ( ) (A) I can’t, either. (C) Sure. (B) Oh, can you? (D) Yes, let’s. 1.5. 熊本学園大学 85 9. X: Do you mind if I smoke here? Y: ( ) (A) No, go ahead. (C) Yes, I can. (B) No, I haven’t. (D) Yes, don’t have. 10. X: I took the wrong bus on my way to my aunt’s house. Y: ( ) (A) Did you like the bus? (C) That’s too bad. (B) How long was the bus? (D) You’d better go to the bus stop. 【5】日本文を参考に [ ] 内の語句を並びかえて英文を完成させ,[ 3 番目と 6 番目に来るものを記号で答えなさい。 ] 内で 1. ロシアの歴史上最悪の事故が,その原子力発電所で起こった。 The worst [(A) accident (B) at (C) in (D) occurred (E) power (F) Russian history (G) station (H) the nuclear]. 2. どれくらい前にその惑星に水があったのか,科学者たちは誰一人として知りません。 None of the [(A) ago (B) existed (C) how long (D) know (E) on (F) scientists (G) the (H) water] planet. 3. ソフィアと私は,ハンガリーへの週末旅行から戻ってきたばかりです。 Sophia and [(A) back (B) from (C) got (D) have just (E) I (F) our (G) trip (H) weekend] to Hungary. 86 第 1 章 大学・短大 解答例 【1】 1. D 2. 彼らは全く中に入れてもらえないこともしばしばあった。 3. B 4. 【2】 【3】 1 B 1 C 2 3 A D 4 B 5 E 2 D 3 4 G E 5 6 F H 7 8 J C 9 10 I A 1 2 C C 3 4 A B 5 6 A B 7 B 9 C 8 D 10 A 1. treat 2. essays 3. had been 4. beaches and parks 5. excited 6. for 7. so 8. missed 9. going 10. tennis 【4】 【5】 1 B 2 B 3 D 4 D 5 6 D A 1 3 番目 6 番目 F H 7 D 8 9 A A 10 C 2 3 番目 C 3 6 番目 B 3 番目 C 6 番目 F 1. The worst accident in Russian history occured at the nuclear power station. 2. None of the scientists know how long ago water exsited on the planet. 3. Sophia and I have just got back from our weekend trip to Hungary. 1.5. 熊本学園大学 1.5.5 87 A 日程 4 日目 70 分 商学部第一部 (ホスタピリティ・マネジ メント学科) 経済学部 (経済学科) 社会福祉学部第一部 (環 境福祉学科) 【1】次の英文の空欄に入れるのに最も適切なものを (A)∼(J) から選び,記号で答 えなさい。なお,同一語の使用は一回限りとします。 Whillie Chandran and his sister Sarojini went to the ( 1 ) school. One day one of the Canadian teachers ( 2 ) Willie, in a smiling friendly way. “what does your father do?” It was a ( 3 ) he had put at various times to other boys as well, and they had ( 4 ) readily spoken of the various “degraded callings of their fathers.” Willie ( 5 ) at their *shamelessness. But now when the question was put to him, Willie found he ( 6 ) know what to say about his father’s business. He also found he was ( 7 ). The teacher kept on smiling, waiting for an answer, and at ( 8 ) Willie Chandran said with *irritation, “You all know ( 9 ) my father does.” The class laughed. They laughed at his irritation and ( 10 ) at what he had said. From that day Willie Chandran began to despise his father. (Based on Half a Life by V. S. Naipaul, the 2001 Nobel Prize winner) (注) *degraded callings (偏見で) さげすまれている職業 *shamelessness 恥ずかしげのなさ *irritation いらだち (A) all (F) mission (B) ashamed (G) not (C) asked (H) question (D) didn’t (I) what (E) last (J) wondered 88 第 1 章 大学・短大 【2】次の英文を読み,設問に答えなさい。 Do you get enough sleep? According to a recent survey by the National Sleep Foundation, (1) chances are you’re not getting the sleep you need. The foundation is an independent organization that promotes sleep education. Its annual survey found that children, from newborns to fifth-graders, are getting one to two hours less sleep every day than is recommended. “Our new *poll finds that many children are not sleeping enough and (2) many experience sleep problems,” said Richard L. Gelula, the foundation’s chief executive officer. Survey results were announced Tuesday. Television and caffeine found in soft drinks are helping to keep many kids awake at night, the study day. Of the more than 1,400 households *polled, the survey found that 26 percent of children ages 3 or older drink at least one *caffeinated beverage a day, including sodas or iced tea. Those children slept 30 minutes less each night than those who did not drink caffeine. The survey also found that 43 percent of school-aged kids had their own television sets in their bedrooms. These kids went to sleep 20 minutes later than those without a TV in their room. Those minutes add up mean that kids with TVs lose more than two hours of sleep each week. Getting less sleep can make kids *cranky and not learn as well as they should. Children in the first through fifth grades average about 9.5 hours of sleep daily, according to the survey. Experts say kids this age should sleep 10 to 11 hours a night. About 69 percent of kids in the households surveyed said they experienced sleep problems, including difficulty falling asleep, sleepwalking, and snoring, a few nights a week. (3) Kids are not alone when it comes to needing more sleep. The poll also found that the parents need more asleep, too! Here are a few things you, and your parents, can do to stay well-rested: ・Try going to bed at the same time every night. ・Avoid drinks with caffeine and late-night meals before bed. ・Develop a relaxing routine right before bedtime (Reading is good!). ・A warm bath is a great way to relax before bedtime. ・Make sure your room is quiet and dark so you can relax. (Based on “Survey: Kids Need More Sleep,” Time for Kids, March 31. 2004) (注) *poll 世論調査 *polled 世論調査された *caffeinated beverage カフェイン飲料 *cranky 不機嫌な 1.5. 熊本学園大学 89 設問 1. 本文の内容と一致するものを (A)∼(H) から 3 つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 (A) The National Sleep Foundation makes a survey every other year for the promotion of sleep education. (B) The foundation excluded babies from the survey. (C) The survey shows that most children need more sleep. (D) The foundation surveyed around 1,400 children. (E) Children sleep soundly for only half an hour when they have a drink with caffeine at night. (F) Avoiding drinks with caffeine helps children fall asleep. (G) Children should watch relaxing TV programs before bed. (H) The foundation hopes that both children and their parents will get more sleep. 設問 2. 下線部 (1)chances are の意味を最も適切に表したものを (A)∼(D) から選び, 記号で答えなさい。 (A) fortunately (C) with any luck (B) it is very likely that (D) you’re taking a risk if 設問 3. 下線部 (2)many experience sleep problems の意味を最も適切に表しているも のを (A)∼(D) から選び,記号で答えなさい。 (A) It is many experience problems that happen while sleeping (B) It is many problems that sleep experiences (C) It is sleep problems that happen to many children (D) It is sleep problems that many children want to experience 設問 4. 下線部 (3)Kids are not alone when it comes to needing more sleep. の意味と して,最も適切なものを (A)∼(D) から選び,記号で答えなさい。 (A) 寝る時は子供を一人にしない方がよい。 (B) 十分な睡眠を取っている子供は孤独ではない。 (C) もっと睡眠を取った方がよいのは子供だけではない。 (D) 寝る時間になっても一人になれない子供は問題である。 設問 5. 自室にテレビがある子供の場合,そうでない子供に比べてどのくらい睡眠不 足になりますか。日本語で答えなさい。 設問 6. 本文に挙げてある sleep problems の具体例を英語のまま書きなさい。 90 第 1 章 大学・短大 【3】日本語を参考に [ ] 内の語句を並びかえ,英文を完成しなさい。[ の中で 3 番目と 8 番目にくるものを記号で答えなさい。 ] 1. 職を変えることはよくないことだと見られていたが,この点は最近ずいぶん変わった。 Changing [(A) this (B) things to do (C) seen (D) jobs was (E) has (F) changed (G) but (H) bad (I) as a (J) a lot] recently. 2. 少し常識を働かせると,楽しくて問題のない旅行ができるはずです。 With [(A) you (B) trouble-free (C) trip (D) should (E) sense (F) have a (G) fun (H) common (I) and (J) a little]. 3. その国は前の大統領が辞任してから,一層平和なところになっています。 That country [(A) stepped (B) since (C) president (D) place (E) peaceful (F) its former (G) has (H) down (I) been (J) a more]. 1.5. 熊本学園大学 91 【4】次の各英文の空所に入れるのに最も適切なものを (A)∼(D) から選び,記号で 答えなさい。 1. They were quickly ( (A) appeared ) once they got to the restaurant. (B) parked (C) seated 2. He ordered a glass of wine for her ( (A) and (B) eithr ) a beer for himeself. (C) nor 3. All of a sudden, the waitress accidentally ( Brad. (A) attended (B) handed 4. When Mary come home, ( and change clothes. (A) all (d) talked (C) leaked (d) so ) a glass of water on (d) spilled ) she wanted to do was to take a bath (B) how (C) somewhat (d) why 5. No matter what ( ) in the morning Anne arrived at the embassy, Mike was always there ahead of her. (A) hurry (B) purpose (C) speed (d) time 6. They were all exhausted by the time they reached the top of the steep stone stairs ( ) to the castle. (A) affording (B) composing (C) leading (d) surrounding 7. A blue and white ( ) with the word POLICE on the side and a flashing blue light on top stopped in front of Joan. (A) agent (B) banker (C) car (d) lawyer 8. There was a cocktail party to attend at the French embassy that evening in ( ) of a visiting French pianist. (A) appeal (B) honor 9. I didn’t pay much ( other. (C) memory (d) pleasure ) to the lecture. It went in one ear and out the (A) achievement (B) agreement (C) application (d) attention 10. Mike is ( ) about speaking English, although she enjoys visiting English-speaking countries. (A) broad (B) modern (C) pretty (d) shy 92 第 1 章 大学・短大 【5】次の各英文の下線部 A∼D のうち,一か所に誤りがあります。その部分を記号 で答えなさい。 1. As the population of the world grows, the need to find ways to feed it also grow. A B C D 2. Karana, a twelve-year-old girl, is a member of a tribe of Indians who lived A B on an island who lies less than one hundred miles off the coast of California. C D 3. Hurricanes do not come as surprises. Weather people watch them develop A B C and issue warning about them. D 4. With his cartoon characters, Walt Disney probably provided moviegoers A B with the most enjoyment than any other person in the movie world. C D 5. Madagascar is the world’s fourth larger island, with a land area of approximately A B C 226,000 square miles. D 6. Upon their arrival in the late 18th century, Europe settlers began A B C clearing and cultivating land in Australia. D 7. The skins of lizards, crocodiles and snakes used to make leather goods such as A B C D belts, handbags and shoes. 8. We were in a hurry, so we asked him to get out of the car before the traffic A B C light change to green. D 1.5. 熊本学園大学 93 解答例 【1】 【2】 1 F 2 3 C H 1 C F H 4 5 6 A J D 2 B 7 B 8 E 9 10 I G 3 4 C C 5. 一晩に 20 分。(1 週間で 2 時間以上)。 6. difficulty falling asleep, sleepwalking, snoring 【3】 1 2 3 番目 8 番目 I E 3 番目 E 3 8 番目 I 3 番目 J 8 番目 C 1. Changing jobs was seen as a bad things to do, but this has changed a lot recently. 2. With a little common sense, you should have a fun and trouble-free trip. 3. That country has been a more peaceful place since its former president stepped down. 【4】 【5】 1 2 C A 1 D 3 D 4 5 A D 6 7 C C 8 B 2 3 C D 4 5 C A 6 7 C B 8 D 9 D 10 D 1. also grows 2. that lies 3. warnings 4. more enjoyment 5. world’s fourth largest 6. European settlers 7. are used to make 8. changed 94 第 1 章 大学・短大 1.5.6 A 日程 5 日目 70 分 経済学部 (リーガルエコノミクス学科) 外国語学部 (東アジア学科) 社会福祉学部第一部 (社会福祉 学科) 【1】次の英文を読み,設問に答えなさい。 In Japan, a land with about as many telephones as people, over 300 million phone connections are made each day. Japan also receives some one million international (A) calls daily, and about the same number of overseas phone calls are made. Likely, you too use the telephone — be it ordinary (fixed line) or cellular — almost every day. As the world becomes more modern, calling someone on another continent has become a routine matter for many people. But have you ever wondered how your telephone is connected to the telephone of the (B) party you are calling? First of all, your telephone needs to be hooked in to a telephone network. If you were to trace the wire attached to an ordinary telephone, it would eventually lead you to a telephone (C) exchange in a local telephone office. This exchange, in turn, is connected to a bigger exchange, thus forming a telephone network. So when you call a friend in the same town, you can imagine one wire that is connecting your telephone to his telephone. What happens in the case of cellular phones? How are they connected? Here, too, the principle remains the same as with ordinary telephone. An invisible “wire”, namely a radio (D) wave, links your cellular phone to a nearby mobile telephone switching office that is connected to a telephone network. But what about when you talk to someone on another continent? (ア) Connecting by cable two continents separated by an ocean is a gigantic project. This requires installing a cable thousands of miles long under the sea and crossing undersea valleys and mountains. Yet, this is how telecommunication between continents had its start. The very first underwater telephone cable across the Atlantic was completed in 1956. It linked Scotland to Newfoundland and carried 36 telephone circuits. In 1964 the first cable across the Pacific was (E) laid between Japan and Hawaii. That cable carried 128 telephone circuits. A number of other undersea cables followed, linking continents and islands. Awake! May 22, 2001(slightly modified) 1.5. 熊本学園大学 95 設問 1. 本文の内容から考えて,下線部 (A)∼(E) の意味に最も近いものを 1∼4 から 選び,番号で答えなさい。 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 訪 問 相 手 交換板 パーマ 敷かれた 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 必 要 パーティ 為 替 海の波 嘘をつかれた 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 通 話 宴 会 取り替え 電 波 聞かれた 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 呼び出し 部 分 やり取り 音 波 壊された 設問 2. 本文の内容と一致するものを三つ選び,その番号を○で囲め。ただし,指示 した数より多く選んだ場合は,全て無効とする。 ア. People in Japan make about a million phone calls to foreign countries every day. イ. Ordinary telephones use radio waves to form telephone networks. ウ. Your telephone is connected by wires to a local telephone office. エ. Cellular phones are connected to telephone networks using invisible “wires”. オ. Radio waves can be used to telephone people overseas too. カ. The first underwater cable connected Japan and Hawaii. キ. Telephone communication between Japan and Scotland was first possible in 1964. 設問 3. 下線部 (ア) を和訳しなさい。 96 第 1 章 大学・短大 【2】次の英文を読み,設問に答えなさい。 We often hear that Japan is a group society and America is an individualistic society. Is this really true? ( A ). What sports were born in American? Baseball, American football, basketball, volleyball. What are some traditional Japanese sports? Sumo, kendo, judo. Do you notice the difference? The American-born sports are team sports. The traditional Japanese sports are individual sports. These sports illustrate an important point. Both America and Japan are group-oriented societies. But the concept of group is rather different. Sumo and football illustrate this difference. ( B ). Sumo wrestlers live the Sumo “way” all year round. The group is like a Sumo wrestler. It covers every aspect of life. *Commitment to a group affects many areas of a person’s life. Being a sports team member in Japan requires a total commitment. A book on Japanese baseball written by an American is titled “You Gotta Have Wa”. Wa(harmony) with other group members is another important aspect of the Japanese group *mentality. During the season, football players are totally dedicated to the team. When the season ends, the team separates. ( C ). Rather, members are committed to the purpose of the group. When the purpose is achieved, group commitment may end. Even during group activities, commitment to the goal is important. Relations among group members are secondary. The team members can hate each other as long as they play together on the field. One year, the New York Yankees were playing well, but they were famous for arguments and fights among the players. After a game, as the team was boarding the team bus, a fan asked Reggie Jackson for an autograph. ( D ). “Could you get the autograph of some of your friends on the bus?” Reggie replied, “Son, there *ain’t no friends on that bus.” This is the American group mentality. Hakes, T. and Honna, N. (1992) Not so foreign, me and you. Sansyusha (slightly modified) (注) *commitemtnt = 専念,忠誠心 *ain’t no = are not any 設問 1. 本文中の ( A 答えなさい。 *mentality = 考え方 )∼( D ) に入るのに適切なものを 1∼4 から選び,番号で 1. Group commitment is not so much to the group itself 2. Let’s look at sports 3. Sumo is a way of life 4. The fan said to Reggie 1.5. 熊本学園大学 97 設問 2. 本文の内容と一致するものを三つ選び,その記号を○で囲みなさい。ただし, 指示した数より多く選んだ場合は,全て無効とする。 ア. Traditional Japanese sports are individual sports. イ. American-born sports include tennis, American football and basketball. ウ. A book on Japanese baseball called “You Gotta Have Wa” because harmony is important in Japanese baseball. エ. American sports tennis often separate after the season is finished. オ. American sports players always hate each other. カ. The Yankees are an example of a Japanese style team. キ. Reggie Jackson collected autographs from his friends. 設問 3. アメリカと日本で “group” の概念がどう違うか,日本語で簡潔に説明しな さい。 アメリカのグループは 日本のグループは 【3】次のそれぞれの応答として最も適切なものを A∼D から選び,記号で答えな さい。 1. I’m looking for the library. A. I will need to see your library card. B. It’s a big building with lots of books. C. It’s across the street, on your left. D. It’s nice to meet you. 2. Are you ready to order? A. I’m sorry, could you give me a little more time? B. I’m sorry, what was your name again? C. No, I’m John. D. Yes, it’s over there. 3. Could you speak up? I can’t hear you. A. I’m sorry, I’m not from here. B. Of course not. C. Sorry, it is noisy in here, isn’t it? D. That’s not important now. 98 第 1 章 大学・短大 4. Could you help me lift this up? A. I don’t know, it looks heavy. B. It doesn’t look like the color I ordered. C. Sure, but in America, we call it an elevator. D. Yes, I’m sure the store is open. 5. I’m looking for a present for my wife. A. Have you tried the fish? B. These earrings might be what you are looking for. C. We’ve been married for 5 years. D. What’s her name? 6. What is the name of this song? A. I want to buy the album. B. I’m not sure, but it’s always on the radio. C. I’m playing the piano tomorrow, so I’ll try it. D. I’m sure that the group will play in the concert. 7. Could you check if my answers are correct? A. Did you make any mistakes? B. I think you need to take two rights. C. Of course, though I don’t think you missed anything. D. Thank you, that would be a big help. 8. What computer do you recommend? A. A computer is a very helpful tool. B. No, this is my email address. C. The one made of cotton would be best. D. You need one with a lot of memory. 1.5. 熊本学園大学 【4】次の英文の空所 ( A )∼( 選び,記号で答えなさい. Salesperson: Will: Salesperson: Will: Salesperson: Will: Salesperson: Will: Salesperson: Will: Salesperson: Will: Salesperson: 99 G ) に入れるのに,最も適切なものを 1∼7 から Can I help you, sir? No thanks. I’m just looking. (A) Twenty-nine, ninety-nine. Really! (B) . She loves jewelry. I just wasn’t sure I could afford it. You’ll find that a lot of our stuff is amazingly affordable. . I’ll take it. (C) It’s a good choice. (D) . Let’s hope so. (E) Charge please. Do you accept Visa? (F) Great. That comes to thirty one, ninety-nine with tax. (G) Liang, J. (n.d.) Learning Oral English Online. (slightly modified) 1. Cash or charge, sir? 2. I’m sure she’ll love it. 3. My sister’s birthday is tomorrow. 4. Please sign next to the “X”. 5. Well, just out of curiosity, how much is that necklace? 6. Well, that’s certainly nice to know. 7. Yes, we do. 100 第 1 章 大学・短大 【5】次の英文の空所 ( A )∼( 選び,番号で答えなさい。 F ) に入れるのに,最も適切な語を 1∼10 から *Dice are man’s ( A ) game and it appears that dice were developed independently by ( B ) different cultures. The oldest dice ever found may date back to 8000 years ago. In ancient times, it was not luck that determined how the dice fell. It was thought to be controlled by the ( C ). The Romans were constantly playing dice. They had a god, Fortuna, who was supposed to be a ( D ) of Zeus, and it was her job to determine the outcome of a throw. Before standard six-sided dice became ( E ), ancient people would use sets of flat sticks, sea shells, and other objects for games. Next, certain small bones of sheep, which have a roughly *rectangular shape, were used as four-sided dice in the days of both ancient Greece and Rome. Soon the idea of ( F ) *cubes, which gives a possibility of 6 numbers, began. Playing with dice is still known as “rolling the bones” to this day. KGU staff(2005) (注) *dice = さいころ 1. better 6. one *rectangular = 長方形 2. common 7. several 【6】次の各英文の ( 3. daughter 8. there *cube = 立方体 4. gods 9. using 5. oldest 10. useful ) の動詞を適切な形 (一語に限る) に答えなさい。 1. The teacher always used to (come) at eight in the morning. 2. I (study) English last night. 3. Taro (be) 12 years old when he went to America in 1997. 4. Cathy was (sing) a very beautiful song as she worked. 5. I (hear) a strange noise last night after I went to bed. 6. Yesterday, I (watch) the news and saw the election results. 7. I have (know) her for a long time. 8. Peter has already (finish) breakfast and is ready to go. 9. He had to (run) to catch the bus yesterday. 10. A picture was (take) of him when he left the building. 1.5. 熊本学園大学 101 【7】文中の (1) と (2) の { } 内の語を下に示された日本語の意味になるように 正しく並べ替え,3 番目・8 番目・12 番目に来る語を書きなさい。 The secret of successful public speaking is much more than the words you say. (1) {and / between / difference / does / in / not / one / public / someone / speaks / the / well / who / who} is how they say those words. To be a good public speaker, you should grab the attention of the audience from the very beginning. When you begin your speech, you should make sure you are standing straight. (2) {as / as / at /audience / can / important / is / it / look / much / the / to / you}. Make sure you stay relaxed and balanced. KGU staff(2005) (1) 多くの人の前でのスピーチが上手な人と,そうでない人の違い (2) できるだけ聴衆の方を見ることが大切です 102 第 1 章 大学・短大 解答例 【1】 1. A 3 B 1 C D 1 3 E 1 2. ア, ウ, エ 3. 海で隔てられた 2 つの大陸をケーブルで結ぶのは大規模な事業である。 【2】 1. A 2 B 3 C D 1 4 2. ア, ウ, エ 3. (アメリカのグループは) グループの目標を達成するための活動を指す。 (日本のグループは) 成員間の関係を示す。 【3】 【4】 【5】 【6】 【7】 1 2 C A 3 4 C A 5 6 B B 7 C A B 5 3 C 6 D 2 E F 1 7 G 4 A B 5 7 C 4 D 3 E F 2 9 1 come 6 watched 2 studied 7 known 1 3 番目 8 番目 between in 3 was 8 finished 12 番目 who 8 D 4 singing 9 run 3 番目 important 5 heard 10 taken 2 8 番目 audience 12 番目 you (1) The difference between someone who speaks well in public and one who does not. (2) It is important to look at the audience as much as you can. 1.5. 熊本学園大学 1.5.7 103 B 日程 70 分 全学科 【1】次の英文を読んで,設問に答えなさい。 In ancient Greece, did civilization begin by a big, flooding river? No! Greece is different. Greece has no flooding river like the Nile in Egypt. Greece is mostly a rocky, dry land, (1) broken by many hills and mountains. The hills and mountains of Greece kept groups of people apart. Each group didn’t have much to do with its neighbors, because its neighbors were so far away. Some of these groups of people grew into large communities, which were called city-states. Athens, Sparta, and Thebes were important city-states in ancient Greece. The people in these separate city-states all spoke the Greek language. They told many of the same stories, and worshipped many of the same gods. But the Greeks did have a single ruler. In fact, the city-states often argued and sometimes fought against each other. Many things important to us today got their start in the ancient civilizations — things like agriculture (growing food crops), cities, and writing. From the ancient Greeks, we got many new ideas, including a very important idea from the city of Athens. Let’s find out about this idea, called “democracy.” For hundreds of years, the Athenians had tried different ways of governing their city. They argued a lot about the best way. Some Athenians got tired of being ruled by a small group of powerful and strict leaders. They spoke up and said, “Why should just a few people make laws for everyone else, especially when they make bad laws?” Leaders who make bad laws and are cruel to the people are called “tyrants.” Many Athenians got tired of being ruled by a few tyrants. “Let’s get rid of the tyrants and rule ourselves!” they said. And that is what the Athenians did. They invented a new kind of government, in which the people chose their leaders. And if those leaders began to act like tyrants, then the people had the power to choose new leaders. This new kind of government, born in Athens and still with us today, is called “democracy.” Democracy means “rule by the people” or “people power.” In Athens, democracy was not perfect. Not all the people had power. Not all the people were allowed to take part in the government. Only citizens were allowed to vote and not every adult was a citizen. Women and slaves were not citizen, so they could not vote. It would take many more years for human beings to figure out that all people are created equal and should have equal rights, not just grown men who own a lot of property. Still, even though democracy in Athens left out women and slaves, it was the beginning of an idea that is very important today — the idea that ordinary people 104 第 1 章 大学・短大 can help make the laws and choose then own leaders. This idea of democracy made ancient Athens different from most other places on earth at that time, where the laws were made by a king, or a small group of *warriors or priests. Where would you rather live? In a place where you helped make the laws and pick the leaders, or where (2) you never had any say? (Based on E. D. Hirsch, Jr.,What Your Second Grader Needs to Know) (注) *warrior 軍人 設問 1. 本文の内容に合うものをア∼エから一つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア Democracy in ancient Athens had serious problems but led the way to the more thoroughly democratic systems we enjoy today. イ Democracy in ancient Athens was enjoyed by a larger percentage of the population than in today’s democratic countries. ウ Democracy in ancient Athens was not an improvement on previous forms of government. エ Democracy in ancient Athens was typical of the style of government that was common throughout the world at the time 設問 2. 本文の内容と 一致しない ものをア∼エから一つ選び,記号で答えなさい. ア Athenians believed that citizens should be able to choose their own leaders. イ Athens was one of several important city-states in ancient Greece. ウ Everyone was allowed to participate in the government of Athens. エ The style of government invented by the people of Athens has had a great influence on modern governments. 設問 3. 下線部 (1)broken の意味として最も適切なものをア∼エから選び,記号で答 えなさい。 ア たどたどしい イ 壊れている ウ 隔てられている エ 財源がない 1.5. 熊本学園大学 105 設問 4. 本文中の city-states(都市国家) の形態についての記述として,最も適切なも のをア∼エから選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア Their cultures and governments were different. イ Their cultures were different but they had one common government. ウ Their cultures were similar but their governments were different. エ Their cultures were similar and they had one common government. 設問 5. 文中の tyrant の特徴として最も近いものをア∼エから選び,記号で答えな さい。 ア democractic イ kind ウ unjust エ wise 設問 6. 下線部 (2)you never had any say の意味に最も近いものをア∼エから選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ア you had difficulty speaking the language イ you had no influence on political decisions ウ you had nothing to look at エ you had nothing to talk about 【2】各文の空所に入れるのに最も適切なものをア∼エから選び,記号で答えなさい。 1. Start at once, ( ア and ) you will be able to catch the train. イ but 2. American people use ( ア many 3. In our office, work begins ( 4. Was ( イ from ウ most エ much ) 8:30 in the morning. ウ on エ to ) easy for you to climb Mt. Fuji in winter? ア it イ that 5. There was no chair to ( ア sit 6. The rain was ( ア get 7. He had much ( ア difficult エ yet ) gestures than Japanese do. イ more ア at ウ or ウ they エ this ) in the room. イ sit down ウ sit on エ sit up ) worse so we canceled the picnic. イ getting ウ got エ gotten ) finding his way back. イ difficulty ウ distance エ time 106 第 1 章 大学・短大 8. Don’t you know who lives in the house ( ア across イ in front ) yours? ウ opposite エ the other side 9. We regret ( ) passengers that the 14:40 train for Cardiff will leave approximately 15 minutes late. ア inform 10. His firm does ( ア a quite lot of イ informing ウ to be informed エ to inform ) business in Japan. イ a quite lot ウ quite a lot エ quite a lot of 【3】各文の空所に入れるのに最も適切なものをア∼カから選び,記号で答えなさい. 1. Steve can ( ) the highest shelf in the closet. He is tall. 2. My real name is William, but most people ( 3. I fell asleep as soon as I ( 4. Could you ( 5. Paper and wood ( ア burn エ lay ) me Bill. ) on the bed. ) the TV? I’m going to talk on the telephone. ) easily, but metal doesn’t. イ call オ reach ウ hurt カ turn down 【4】各文の空所に入れるのに最も適切なものをア∼カから選び,記号で答えなさい. 1. Education is a ( from school. ) process. Learning doesn’t stop when we graduate 2. I thought the department store was having a sale, but they were selling things at the ( ) prices. 3. The white walls of the houses in the village were a remarkable ( to the deep blue of the sea. ) 4. You may think that your troubles will last forever. But I can assure you that they are only ( ). 5. You can’t come to any conclusion about it before you know the ( ア circumstances エ lifelong イ contrast オ regular ウ disk カ temporary ). 1.5. 熊本学園大学 107 【5】次の二つの会話が成立するように,空所に入れるのに最も適切なせりふをア∼ オから選び,記号で答えなさい。 (会話 I) A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: ( 1 ). Oh, really? Are they serious? Yes. ( 2 ). Do you spend a lot of time in front of a computer? ( 3 ). That’s probably causing it. ( 4 ). So did you stop using the computer? No, I didn’t need to. ( 5 ). Here. Let me show you. ア イ ウ エ オ But I changed the way I sat, and that made a difference I used to get that problem, too I’ve been getting backaches recently Sometimes the pain is so bad I can hardly move Yes, I do (会話 II) A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: Excuse me. Do you need help? Yes. ( 1 ). OK. Let’s see. From here it’s 480 yen. Wow! ( 2 ). How far is it? It’s the end of the Seibu-shinjuku Line. ( An hour? ( 4 ). That won’t be any problem at this time. ( Where can I get the train? On Platform 7. Thank you for your help. You’re welcome. ア イ ウ エ オ 3 ). 5 ). I hope I can get a seat I’m trying to buy a ticket to Honkawagoe Station It’ll take about an hour That’s a little high There aren’t many people lined up now 108 第 1 章 大学・短大 【6】日本語を参考に [ ] 内の語句を並べかえ,英文を完成しなさい。 1. 私は芝生に横になって空を眺めるのが好きだ。 I [ and / at / lie / like / look / on / the grass / the sky / to / up ]. 2. オリエント急行はおそらく世界で一番有名な豪華列車だ。 The [ famous / in / is / luxury train / Orient Exprss / probably / the most / the world ]. 3. 彼がデジカメで撮った犬の写真を見せてあげよう。 I’ll [ I / my digital camera / my dog / of / pictures / show / some / that / took / with / you ]. 1.5. 熊本学園大学 109 *次の問題は「英米学科」の受験者のみ解答すること。 【7】次の英文を読んで,設問に答えなさい。 A “NIMBY” is someone who does not want any changes in their local area. They may not be against change, but they think it should happen somewhere else. NIMBY means “Not In My Back Yard.” People often object to new planning proposal: new airport runways, new low cost housing, waste *incinerators, new roads, *centers for asylum seekers. What would you say if your local *council said your area was the best place to put one of them? Would you be a NIMBY too? The nicer the place, the more locals want to keep it that way. They will often fight against proposals like this. But are they being fair? If everyone fights change, it can *end up dumped on the doorstep of those too weak to fight it. Some areas may miss out on useful development . Local councils must plan for new housing and industry. Even if local councils don’t want any change, they can be told to produce a Development Plan if the government has decided that new development is needed. Devon County Council was told by the government that Devon needed to build 99,000 new homes between 1991 and 2011. The council had to decide whether to add them to existing towns and villages, or whether to build new towns. Devon decided to build new towns. One was to be in South Hams. Local set up a pressure group, SHARD (South Hams Against Rural Destruction). SHARD was successful because it used different ways to campaign. It: • recruited lots of members (to raise money and ideas); • researched the issue so as to challenge the experts: • used the media well. To make the public aware the group put out press releases, spoke on local radio and appeared on regional television. The group held numerous marches and protests to gain publicity. (Based on Cathy Rushforth, Citizenship Studies for AQA GCSE Short Course) 注 *incinerator (ごみなどの) 焼却炉 *centers for asylum seekers (亡命者などの) 一時的避難所 *council 議会 *end up dumped on the doorstep 結局は∼に押しつけることになる 設問 1. What do you think about NIMBYs? Are they fair or not? Why? Write your answer in English. 設問 2. SHARD が生まれたいきさつとその活動内容について,日本語 で説明しな さい。 110 第 1 章 大学・短大 解答例 【1】 【2】 【3】 【4】 1 ウ 2 ウ 3 4 ウ ウ 5 ウ 6 イ 1 ア 2 イ 3 4 ア ア 5 ウ 6 イ 1 オ 2 イ 3 4 エ カ 5 ア 1 エ 2 オ 3 4 イ カ 5 ア 3 4 オ イ 5 ア 3 4 ウ ア 5 オ 7 イ 8 ウ 9 エ 10 エ 【5】 (会話 I) 1 ウ 2 エ (会話 II) 1 イ 2 エ 【6】 1. like to lie on the grass and look up at the sky 2. Orient Express is probably the most famous luxury train in the world 3. show you some pictures of my dog that I took with my digital camera 【7】 1. I do not think that NIMBYs are fair because they are self-centered. I believe it is wrong to try to protect their own places at the cost of other people’s. 2. SHARD は群議会の新たな住宅建設に反対する地元住民によって組織された が,彼らは資金とアイデアを求めて多数の会員を集め,専門家に対抗する ために問題を調査研究し,マスコミを有効に利用することで,その存在を 大衆に認知させ,活動を成功させた。 1.6. 熊本保健科学大学 1.6 111 熊本保健科学大学 1.6.1 一般推薦試験 5 次の英文の空欄に入れるのに最も適切な語を,一つ選び記号で答えなさい。 解答番号は 1 ∼ 6 。 問 1 He went out of the building and walked ア ウ 問 2 As ア ウ to toward 2 イ エ 問4 the direction of the bridge. for in as I’m concerned, there’s no objection to your staying. much well イ エ 問 3 Tom made a speech on ア ウ 1 account behalf 3 far long of his class. イ エ terms going 4 is the money that you must pay to the government according to your income, property, goods and so on. ア ウ tax fee イ エ fare fine 問 5 The team provided the earthquake victims ア ウ for by 問 6 It is nine years ア ウ before until イ エ 6 with in we got married. イ エ during since 5 relief. 112 第 1 章 大学・短大 6 次の英文の空欄に入れるのに最も適切な語 (句) を,一つ選び記号で答えなさ い。解答番号は 7 ∼ 12 。 問 1 I’m not quite sure what book ア ウ he was talking he was talking it about イ エ 7 he was talking about he is talking about it 問 2 While I was away on business, my cat was ア ウ 問3 I ア ウ being taken care of taking care of by 9 will be working will be worked 10 read to read 問 5 The ticket ア ウ taken care of by taken care of 11 イ エ will have been working will have worked イ エ reading having read a book. you to stop over at any station. lets takes イ エ 問 6 Judging from her face, she was ア ウ my sister. for the company at this time of the next year. 問 4 He pretended ア ウ イ エ 8 the more angry more angry イ エ makes allows 12 than frightened. angrier the angrier 1.6. 熊本保健科学大学 113 7 次の会話文の空欄に入れるのに最も適切なものを,一つ選び記号で答えなさい。 解答番号は 13 ∼ 14 。 問 1 A: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the station? B: 13 A: Thanks, anyway. I’ll try another person. ア I’m afraid I’m a stranger here myself. Sure, go straight along this street, and turn to the left at the first corner. ウ You’re welcome. イ エ You’d better look for the airpport, instead. 問 2 A: I tried to do the impossible last Saturday. I played a match of tennis with my brother. B: 14 I hear he won the high school tennis championship last year. A: True. As you can imagine, I’m no match for him. ア You can say that again. イ You should beat around the bush. ウ That’s kind of you. エ You should know better. 114 第 1 章 大学・短大 8 次の日本文の意味を表すように,それぞれ下のア∼オの語 (句) を並べかえて空 欄や下線部を補い,英文を完成しなさい。 問 1 彼は始発列車に間に合うように早起きした。 He ア エ 15 16 early the first train イ オ . enough to catch ウ got up ウ the house 問 2 ここが,犬養毅の生家です。 This is ア エ 17 born Tsuyoshi Inukai 18 イ オ . in was 問 3 私はその文が自然な表現であることを確かめるために,ALT に見てもらった。 19 I consulted an ALT to ア エ make sure イ オ natural the sentence 20 ウ . sounded 1.6. 熊本保健科学大学 解答例 5 6 7 8 問1 1 エ 問2 2 イ 問3 3 ウ 問4 4 ア 問5 5 イ 問6 6 エ 問1 7 イ 問2 8 イ 問3 9 ア 問4 10 ウ 問5 11 エ 問6 12 ウ 問1 13 ア 問2 14 エ 問1 15 16 ア オ 問2 17 18 エ ア 問3 19 20 エ ウ 問 1 He got up early enough to catch the train. 問 2 This is the house Tsuyoshi Inukai was born in. 問 3 I consulted an ALT to make sure the sentence sounded natural. 115 116 第 1 章 大学・短大 1.6.2 一般前期 1 次の問 1∼問 10 の各英文の空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下 のア∼エのうちから 1 つずつ選び,記号で答えなさい。 問 1 I don’t hear the telephone ring because I ( ア took イ have taken 問 2 The poor dog was kept ( ア tied イ tie ウ had taken イ why 問 4 He’s very busy this week; ( ア only if イ contrary エ was taking ) fast to a pole for a long time. ウ tying 問 3 He gave no explanation as to ( made public. ア what ) a bath. エ to tie ) the new product had not been ウ which エ that ) he would surely come to the party. ウ otherwise エ as if 問 5 “What’s that noise?” “That’s not traffic noise. A large apartment house ( neighborhood.” ア is built イ is to build ウ builds エ is being built 問 6 It was not until three days after the accident ( ア when 問7 ( イ that ) in my ) they were rescued. ウ before エ since ) the door half open, she could hear their whispers. ア On イ Into ウ With 問 8 What musicians say about music is also ( ア right イ true エ Between ) of painting. ウ good エ suitable 問 9 “Where did you find that lovely painting?” “I ( ) it in a shop on 42nd Street.” ア ran into イ took up ウ came across 問 10 No airplanes were allowed to take off ( ア on account イ in spite ウ in case エ met with ) of the storm. エ for the sake 1.6. 熊本保健科学大学 117 2 次の英文を読み,各問い (問 1∼6) に答えなさい。 Vegetarian diets are often praised for their health benefits. Vegetarians usually have lower levels of heart disease, and studies have also shown that they have a lower risk of diabetes than people who eat meat. (1)What most people are less aware of, however, are the effects that a vegetarian diet, compared to a non-vegetarian diet, can have on the environment. Researchers from the Union of Concerned Scientists in the U.S. recently studied how consumer behavior affects the environment. The study showed that meat consumption is one of the main ways that humans can damage the environment, second only to the use of motor vehicles. So, how can eating meat have a negative effects on the environment? ( 2 ), all livestock animals such as cows, pigs, and sheep release methane gas expelling wind from their bodies. One cow can produce up to sixty liters of methane each day. Methane gas is the second most common greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide. Many environmental experts now believe that methane is more responsible for global warming than carbon dioxide. It is estimated that twenty-five percent of all methane released into the atmosphere comes from farm animals. Another way in which meat ( 3 ) affects the environment is through the use of water and land. Two thousand five hundred gallons of water are needed to produce one pound of beef, ( 4 ) only twenty gallons of water are needed to produce one pound of wheat. One acre of farmland used for raising livestock can produce 250 pounds of beef. One acre of farmland used for crop production can produce 40,000 pounds of potatoes, 30,000 pounds of carrots, or 50,000 pounds of tomatoes. Many people now see the benefits of switching to a vegetarian diet, not just for health reasons, but also because it plays a vital role in protecting the environment. However, some nutritionists advise against switching to a totally strict vegetarian, or vegan, diet. They believe (5)a vegan diet, which excludes all products from animal sources, such as cheese, eggs, and milk, can be deficient in many of the necessary vitamins and minerals our bodies need. Today, many people know that it is important to take better care of their bodies, and to use the earth’s resources more efficiently. (6)As this understanding spreads, more people may realize that to help the environment and for the human race to survive, more of us will need to become vegetarian. 118 第 1 章 大学・短大 問 1 下線部 (1) に最も近い内容の文を 1 つ選びなさい。 ア But one fact which most people don’t know is that it is possible for vegetarians to pollute the environment more than non-vegetarians. イ But most people don’t know how a vegetarian diet can influence the environment in comparison with a non-vegetarian diet. ウ But most people are not quite sure whether vegetarians can damage the environment more than non-vegetarians. エ But most people have less information as to what vegetarians can eat, compared with non-vegetarians, in their surroundings. 問 2 空所 (2) に入る最も適当な句を 1 つ選びなさい。 ア As a consequence イ On the contrary ウ In the end エ For a start 問 3 空所 (3),(4) に入る語の組み合わせとして最も適当なものを 1 つ選びなさい。 ア イ ウ エ (3) shortage taste production surplus (4) while because whereas so 問 4 下線部 (5) に最も近い内容の文を 1 つ選びなさい。 ア since a totally strict vegetarian diet goes so far as to exclude all dairy products, it can be good enough to keep our health イ a totally strict vegetarian diet, which keeps out all dairy products as well as meat, can make up for our lack of many necessary vitamins and minerals ウ a vegan diet can be dangerous to our health, so we are likely to live on meat and dairy products in order to stay healthy エ a vegan diet, which never includes either meat or dairy products, can be lacking in certain vitamins and minerals essential to us 1.6. 熊本保健科学大学 119 問 5 下線部 (6) の意味として,最も適当なものを 1 つ選びなさい。 ア 健康にもっと配慮し,資源をより有効に使うことの重要性が理解されるに つれて,環境を保護し,人類が生き残るためには,もっと菜食主義者を増 やす必要があると実感する人たちが多くなるかもしれない。 イ 身体を大切にし,地球資源を効率的に使うことの重要性をより多くの人々 が理解している。そのために,人類が生き残るための自然環境を保全する ことともっと菜食主義者の数を増やすことの必要性に私たちは気づいて いる。 ウ 極端な菜食主義者にはならないようにという栄養学者の忠告が広まってい るので,人類が生き残るための環境を守るために,私たちは適度の菜食主 義者にならなければいけないと考える人々が増えるかもしれない。 エ 菜食主義についての理解が広まると,より多くの人々が,環境を助け人間 が生き抜くためにそれを受け入れるかもしれない。そして,今後多くの人 たちが菜食主義者になっていくだろう。 問 6 次のア∼カの中から,本文の内容と合うものを 2 つ選びなさい。ただし,解答 の順序は問わない。 ア 菜食主義者は心臓病や糖尿病にかかる割合が低いので,菜食主義者用の食 品は健康産業の利益を生んでいる。 イ 最近のアメリカの研究によれば,肉食をすることが環境を破壊する最大の 要因であり,次に自動車の使用が続く。 ウ 二酸化炭素に次いで多い温室ガスであるメタンガスは,その 4 分の 1 が農 場の家畜が放出したものである。 エ 環境問題の多くの専門家によれば,家畜が放出するメタンガスが,二酸化 炭素に次ぐ地球温暖化の原因である。 オ 1 エーカーの農場があれば,ジャガイモ 4 万ポンドとニンジン 3 万ポンド, さらにトマト 5 万ポンドを生産することができる。 カ 菜食主義者になることは,健康によい面があるだけではなく,環境保全に きわめて重要な役割を果たす。 120 第 1 章 大学・短大 3 次の対話文を読み,各問い (問 1∼5) に答えなさい。 Jane: Shop Owner: Jane: Shop Owner: Jane: Shop Owner: Jane: Shop Owner: Jane: Shop Owner: Jane: Shop Owner: Jane: Shop Owner: Jane: Shop Owner: Jane: Shop Owner: Hello! Hi. This shop is so lovely! Thank you! You’ve got lovely things in the window. I’m looking for a present for my mother. It’s her 50th birthday, so it (1)( ) something really ( ). You’ve got a pair of earrings in A I guess they might be rubies. the window. They went in this week. B I wondered if I could have a look at them. Yes, of course. ( 2 ) They’re so beautiful! Could you tell me the price? They were just $( 3 ). C They’re so Oh, that’s more than I was thinking of. pretty. That’s your final price? Well, I think (4)you’ll find that ( ), they are quite ( ) priced. What would you be prepared to pay for them? Well, I was really thinking about $250, $50 less. D Are you thinking of paying cash? Yes, I would pay cash. OK. How about a compromise of $260? That’s great! Thank you. I’ll take them. Thank you very much. 問 1 下線部 (1) の空所に入る語句の組み合わせとして最も適当なものを 1 つ選 びなさい。 ア must be — familiar イ must have been — cheap ウ has to be — special エ had to be — rare 問 2 空所 ( ア ウ 2 ) に入る表現として最も適当なものを 1 つ選びなさい。 Buy these, please. They’re not very expensive. 問 3 空所 ( 3 イ エ There you are. Let’s me help you. ) に会話の内容から考えて最も適当な数字を記入しなさい。 1.6. 熊本保健科学大学 121 問 4 下線部 (4) の空所に入る語句の組み合わせとして最も適当なものを 1 つ選 びなさい。 ア whatever they are — high イ in spite of the rubies — double ウ if we reduce the price — moderately エ for what they are — reasonably 問 5 次の表現を会話中の A ∼ 解答は記号で答えなさい。 D の最も適当な箇所に入れなさい。 What a shame. 4 次の問 1∼問 5 の各日本文に合うように,それぞれ下のア∼オの語 (句) を並べか えて空所を補い,文を完成させなさい。ただし,解答は空所 a ・ b に入るものの記号のみを答えなさい。 問 1 彼は自分の考えを英語で彼らに説明するのに,ぜんぜん苦労しなかった。 He ア エ a his idea had b イ オ them in English. explaining no difficulty ウ to 問 2 駅の近くにはたくさんの自転車が乗り捨てられていた。 I found that ア エ there bicycles a イ オ b a lot of left ウ near the station. were 問 3 インターネットのおかげで,世界中の情報を入手することができる。 The Internet the world. ア us エ to a イ オ b enables information ウ from all over gather 問 4 それが努力する価値があるのかどうかという疑問が,ふと心に浮かんだ。 The question ア エ worth was a イ オ b the effort whether ウ occured to me. it 問 5 川幅が広くなればなるほど,流れはゆるやかになる。 The wider the river becomes, ア エ flows it イ オ slowly the a b ウ more . 122 第 1 章 大学・短大 解答例 1 2 3 4 問1 エ 問2 ア 問3 イ 問4 ウ 問5 エ 問6 イ 問1 イ 問2 エ 問3 ウ 問4 エ 問5 ア 問6 ウ カ 問1 ウ 問2 イ 問3 300 問4 エ 問5 C 問1 a b オ ア 問2 a b ウ エ 問3 a b ア ウ 問4 a b ウ ア 問7 ウ 問8 イ 問9 ウ 問 10 ア 問5 a b ウ エ 問 1 He had no difficulty explaining his idea to them in English. 問 2 I found that there were a lot of bicycle left near the station. 問 3 The Internet enables us to gather information from all over the world. 問 4 The question whether it was worth the effort occured to me. 問 5 The wider the river becames, the more slowly it flows. 1.7. 九州看護福祉大学 1.7 1.7.1 123 九州看護福祉大学 一般試験 (地方試験 1) 入学試験問題 英 語 I・II (地 方 試 験) 福岡・長崎・宮崎・那覇 看護学科・社会福祉学科 平成 18 年 2 月 1 日実施 注意事項 1. 「始め」の合図があるまで問題用紙を開かないこと。 2. 受験票、筆記用具 (鉛筆・消しゴム)、時計 (時間表示機能のみ) 以外の物は机の下 に置くこと。 3. 問題用紙は、表紙をふくめて 5 ページ あり、これとは別に 解答用紙が、1 枚 ある。 4. 受験番号と氏名は、監督者の指示に従って記入すること。 (解答用紙の受験番号と氏名欄はすべて記入すること。) 5. 質問事項等がある場合や特別な事情 (病気・トイレ等) のある場合には、その場で 手を挙げて待機し、監督者の指示に従うこと。 6. 原則として、試験終了まで退出できない。 7. 試験終了後は、監督者の指示があるまで、各自の席で待機すること。 8. 解答用紙を回収した後、問題用紙は持ち帰ること。 9. 試験会場では、携帯電話・PHS・ポケベル・時計のアラーム等の電源を切ってお くこと。 124 第 1 章 大学・短大 1 次の英文を読み、設問に答えなさい。 Let me talk about an American movie, “The Secret of My success,” starring Michael J. Fox. It is about success and competition in business. One theme that runs through American tradition is the idea of “getting ahead.” This theme had its origin in the very beginning of the country. Immigrants came to America to escape the poverty of the “old country,” whether the “old country” was England, Italy, or China. They came ( 1 ) the idea that America represented a Land of Opportunity, a place where a person could be successful and gain wealth and happiness through struggle and hard work. At the same time, these people came to America to escape systems where a person had ( 2 ) chance of getting ahead unless his or her family was wealthy or influential. To a great extent many people did realize their dreams in America. In the young country there were indeed many opportunities for people who were willing to work hard. Of course, like all cultural stereotypes , the idea that America was the land of = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = opportunity for all people was not entirely true. Hard work was always needed, but often people needed help from friends or relatives to get the opportunities that they needed for success. Whole segments of society were excluded from these opportunities. The best examples of such “excluded” peoples include Black Americans and even women. Of course, there are laws in America these days to guarantee freedom of opportunity to all Americans, regardless ( 3 ) race, religion, age, or sex. The movie “The Secret of My Success” depicts the struggles of a young man = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = who is trying to get ahead in New York City. The hero of the movie works hard, but his success depends to a great extent ( 4 ) help from friends and relatives. This film also shows the great emphasis on competition in America, both between companies and within companies. “Getting ahead” means hard work, but it also ( 5 ) struggling against others. This competition is often very hard. Everyone tries to be number 1, the best, the richest, the most powerful. While many people think there is too much competition in daily life, it remains an important part of life in the modern world. stereotypes 固定観念 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = depicts 描く = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1.7. 九州看護福祉大学 125 問 1 ( 1 )∼( 5 ) の空欄に入れるのにもっとも適当な語を下記の a∼e から選び、 その記号を解答欄に記入しなさい。 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) a. a. a. a. a. with many at by shows b. b. b. b. b. to much of for believes c. c. c. c. c. on no in with stands d. d. d. d. d. in more from in means e. e. e. e. e. at few for on tries 問 2 下線部の英文を日本語に訳し解答欄に記入しなさい。 問 3 下記の文 (1)∼(10) が問題文の内容と一致していれば○を,誤っていれば×を解 答欄に記入しなさい。 (1) The theme of the movie “The Secret of My Success” is not clear. (2) The idea of “getting ahead” is an American tradition. (3) The American tradition of “getting ahead” has its origin in the very early days of America. (4) The immigrants escaped their home countries and came to America because their relatives had been there. (5) There were no immigrants who could make their dreams true. (6) Those immigrants thought they could realize their dreams without working hard in America. (7) Black Americans and women in earlier times did not have the same opportunities that other people had. (8) Even in America people often needed help from other people to get chances for success. (9) Today there are less problems of separation by race, religion and sex. (10) People want to “get ahead” even though there is much competition. 126 第 1 章 大学・短大 2 次の単語の中で,もっとも強く発音される位置に下線が引いてあるものを 5 つ 選び,その番号 1∼12 を解答欄に記入しなさい (順不同)。 1. a-mong 4. to-mor-row 7. his-tor-i-cal 10. ma-jor-i-ty 2. 5. 8. 11. bet-ween en-cour-age en-ter-tain-ment mem-o-ra-ble 3. 6. 9. 12. cal-en-dar dic-tio-nar-y leg-is-la-tion ne-go-ti-a-tion 3 次の (1)∼(5) の空欄に入れるのにもっとも適当な語を a∼d の中からそれぞれ 一つ選び、その記号を解答欄に記入しなさい。 (1) Lynn met her uncle ( a. on b. in ) her way to school this morning. c. at (2) If you are going to Tokyo, please call ( get my book back from him. a. on b. in c. at d. by ) Mr. Yamada’s house and d. by (3) I came here in 1998, and it is 2006 now so I have been here ( years. a. in b. at c. for d. during (4) I have been to two countries in Africa. One is Egypt, and the ( is South Africa. a. another b. other c. else d. elsewhere (5) A: How ( ) is it from here to the train station? B: It’s about 2 km. a. long b. many c. far )8 d. distance ) 1.7. 九州看護福祉大学 127 4 次の (1)∼(5) の日本文の意味になるように、下の語・句を正しく並べ替え、そ の語順を記号で解答欄に記入しなさい。終止符 (.)・疑問符 (?) は省略されてい ます。 (1) あなたは彼がカナダではどこに住んでいたか知っていますか。 a. you b. Canada g. where h. he c. in d. lived e. know f. do e. hot f. want (2) 私は何か暖かい飲み物がほしい。 a. to b. something c. drink d. I (3) 山田さんはニュジーランドで取った写真を見せてくれました。 a. photos b. New Zealand c. the d. Mr. Yamada f. he g. me h. in i. that j. took e. showed (4) 私は新しい車を買うためにお金を貯めるつもりです。 a. buy g. save b. I h. to c. new i. a d. money e. will f. car (5) あなたのカメラはどこか壊れてると思いますよ。 a. wrong b. is c. camera g. something h. think d. I e. your f. with 128 第 1 章 大学・短大 解答例 1 問 1 (1) a (2) c (3) b (4) e (5) d 問 2 限りなく多くの人たちはアメリカで「夢」を実現している。その若い国で 一生懸命に働きたいと思う人たちにとって、これまで実に沢山の好機が生 み出されてきた。 問 3 (1) × (2) ○ (3) ○ (4) × (5) × (6) × (7) ○ (8) ○ (9) × (10) ○ 2 2. 6. 8. 10. 11. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. e e e 3 (1) a (2) c (3) c (4) b (5) c 4 (1) f-a-e-g-c-b-h-d? (f-a-e-g-h-d-c-b?) (2) d-f-b-e-a-c. (3) d-e-g-c-a-f-j-h-b. (4) b-e-g-d-h-a-i-c-f. (5) d-h-g-b-a-f-e-c. bet-ween [bitwı́:n] to-mor-row [t@mÓ:rou] dic-tio-nar-y [dı́kS@nèri/-n -] en-ter-tain-ment [ènt@rtéinm@nt] ma-jor-i-ty [m@ÃÓ:r@ti] ne-go-ti-a-tion [nigòuSiéiS n] e a-mong [am2́N] cal-en-dar [kǽl@nd@r] en-cour-age [ink´@:riÃ] his-tor-i-cal [histÓ:rik l] leg-is-la-tion [lèÃisléiS n] mem-o-ra-ble [mém r@bl] e 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. 1.7. 九州看護福祉大学 1.7.2 129 一般試験 (地方試験 2) 入学試験問題 英 語 I・II (地 方 試 験) 広島・佐賀・熊本・大分・鹿児島 看護学科・社会福祉学科 平成 18 年 2 月 2 日実施 注意事項 1. 「始め」の合図があるまで問題用紙を開かないこと。 2. 受験票、筆記用具 (鉛筆・消しゴム)、時計 (時間表示機能のみ) 以外の物は机の下 に置くこと。 3. 問題用紙は、表紙をふくめて 5 ページ あり、これとは別に 解答用紙が、1 枚 ある。 4. 受験番号と氏名は、監督者の指示に従って記入すること。 (解答用紙の受験番号と氏名欄はすべて記入すること。) 5. 質問事項等がある場合や特別な事情 (病気・トイレ等) のある場合には、その場で 手を挙げて待機し、監督者の指示に従うこと。 6. 原則として、試験終了まで退出できない。 7. 試験終了後は、監督者の指示があるまで、各自の席で待機すること。 8. 解答用紙を回収した後、問題用紙は持ち帰ること。 9. 試験会場では、携帯電話・PHS・ポケベル・時計のアラーム等の電源を切ってお くこと。 130 第 1 章 大学・短大 1 次の英文を読み、設問に答えなさい。 Let’s talk about time. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, centuries. All these are words that relate to time. But there is more to “time” than just simple words for its duration. The English language has a host of colorful phrases and idioms that include references to time. Today we will talk about some of these. In English we sometimes say that we cannot change the weather. But an even more impossible thing to change is time. The expressions “time marches on” and “the march of time” refer to this implacable nature. Another phrase that is similar is this: “we cannot turn back the hands of time.” This idea refers to turning ( 1 ) the hands of a clock. So if we cannot “turn back the hands of time,” then we cannot go back to an earlier ( 2 ). We cannot become young again, or go back and correct a mistake we made in the past. Another way the word “time” is used in English is to express the idea of “now.” For example, the sentence “It’s time to go ” means “Let’s go now.” The phrase “high time” is used when we think that something should have been done already, but has been delayed. Let’s do it now! For example, “It’s high time we washed the car!” means “The car has been very dirty for too long; let’s wash it now!” Another example of how we use the word time ( 3 ) in the expression “give someone the time of day.” If I “give you the time of day,” I tell you what time it is. This is a very simple and friendly act that most people would even do for a complete stranger ( 4 ) the street. Thus, “giving someone the time of day” also means to perform a simple courtesy, even to a stranger. On the other hand, if we say, “I wouldn’t give him the time of day,” that means we dislike the person we are talking about ( 5 ) much that we wouldn’t even do a simple act of courtesy for him. Of course, there are many other expressions related to time. We often say that “Time flies” when we feel that events are happening too quickly. We often wish that we had more time to enjoy our vacation or to finish some important task. But when we are doing something that we dislike, or when we are bored, we say “Time drags,” which means that time is passing very slowly. 1.7. 九州看護福祉大学 131 問 1 ( 1 )∼( 5 ) の空欄に入れるのにもっとも適当な語を下記の a∼e から選び、 その記号を解答欄に記入しなさい。 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) a. a. a. a. a. on time and after very b. b. b. b. b. back clock is from not c. from c. hands c. will c. to c. so d. d. d. d. d. through birds can with what e. e. e. e. e. fast bus have on in 問 2 下線部の英文を日本語に訳し解答欄に記入しなさい。 問 3 下記の文 (1)∼(10) が問題文の内容と一致していれば○を,誤っていれば×を解 答欄に記入しなさい。 (1) There are not many words related to “time” in English. (2) In English people say that they can change neither time nor weather. (3) If we can turn back the hands of time, we can travel back in time. (4) The expressions “time marches on” and “the march of time” mean that “time flies like an arrow.” (5) “Hands of time” means hands of clocks or watches. (6) In English the word “time” sometimes means “now.” (7) “High time” means your job in the afternoon, because you have already worked hard in the morning. (8) The expression “give someone the time of day” means to act friendly to another person. (9) When we say “time flies,” we feel the events are happening very quickly. (10) We sometimes say “Time drags” when we are tired of doing something. 132 第 1 章 大学・短大 2 次の単語の中で,もっとも強く発音される位置に下線が引いてあるものを 5 つ 選び,その番号 1∼12 を解答欄に記入しなさい (順不同)。 1. an-ces-tor 4. cer-e-mo-ny 7. en-gi-neer 10. mas-ter-piece 2. 5. 8. 11. bam-boo de-gree fer-ti-liz-er min-er-al 3. be-hind 6. em-ploy 9. har-mo-ni-ous 12. neigh-bor-hood 3 次の (1)∼(5) の空欄に入れるのにもっとも適当な語を a∼d の中からそれぞれ 一つ選び、その記号を解答欄に記入しなさい。 (1) We were late because ( a. of b. ) the snow. for c. in d. (2) How did you come here? Did you come ( a. of b. for c. by ) air? in d. by (3) I have been here for almost a year, but he hasn’t visited me at all ( that time. a. while b. for c. during d. (4) I go jogging every morning if the weather ( a. permitting (5) How ( a. long b. to permit c. when ). permitted ) did it take you to fix that old car? b. most c. many d. far d. permits ) 1.7. 九州看護福祉大学 133 4 次の (1)∼(5) の日本文の意味になるように、下の語・句を正しく並べ替え、そ の語順を記号で解答欄に記入しなさい。終止符 (.)・疑問符 (?) は省略されてい ます。 (1) あなたは彼女がいつオーストラリアに出発したか知っていますか。 a. Australia b. for g. she h. you c. know d. do e. when (2) 何か冷たい飲み物でもいかがですか。 a. to f. cold b. you g. like c. drink d. would e. something (3) できるだけ早く次の旅行の計画をたてましょう。 a. the f. next b. possible g. plan c. make d. let’s h. as i. trip e. soon as (4) 彼女は日本語の勉強のために日本に来ました。 a. study f. came b. to c. she d. Japanese e. to Japan (5) 母は有名な日本人画家が描いた絵を買いました。 a. painted b. Japanese c. my mother d. a picture e. by f. bought g. artist h. a famous f. left 134 第 1 章 大学・短大 解答例 1 問 1 (1) b (2) a (3) b (4) d (5) c 問 2 私たちは若返ること,過去に遡り過去に犯した過ちを訂正することはでき ない。 問 3 (1) × (2) ○ (3) ○ (4) × (5) ○ (6) ○ (7) × (8) ○ (9) ○ (10) ○ 2 1. 6. 8. 9. 11. an-ces-tor [ǽnsest@r] be-hind [biháind] de-gree [degrı́:] en-gi-neer [ènÃinı́@r] har-mo-ni-ous [hA:rmóuni@s] min-er-al [mı́n r@l] e 3 (1) a (2) d (3) c (4) d (5) a 4 (1) d-h-c-e-g-f-b-a? (2) d-b-g-a-c-e-f? (3) d-c-a-f-i-g-h-e-b. (4) c-f-e-b-a-d. (5) c-f-d-a-e-h-b-g. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. bam-boo [bæmbú:] cer-e-mo-ny [sér@mòuni/-m@-] em-ploy [imprÓi] fer-ti-liz-er [f´@:rt làiz@r] mas-ter-piece [mǽst@rpı̀:s/mÁ:s-] neigh-bor-hood [néib@rhùd] e 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. 1.7. 九州看護福祉大学 1.7.3 135 一般試験 (看護学科・リハビリテーション学科) 入学試験問題 英 語 I・II (看護学科・リハビリテーション学科共通) 本学会場 平成 18 年 2 月 3 日実施 注意事項 1. 「始め」の合図があるまで問題用紙を開かないこと。 2. 受験票、筆記用具 (鉛筆・消しゴム)、時計 (時間表示機能のみ) 以外の物は机の下 に置くこと。 3. 問題用紙は、表紙をふくめて 5 ページ あり、これとは別に 解答用紙が、1 枚 ある。 4. 受験番号と氏名は、監督者の指示に従って記入すること。 (解答用紙の受験番号と氏名欄はすべて記入すること。) 5. 質問事項等がある場合や特別な事情 (病気・トイレ等) のある場合には、その場で 手を挙げて待機し、監督者の指示に従うこと。 6. 原則として、試験終了まで退出できない。 7. 試験終了後は、監督者の指示があるまで、各自の席で待機すること。 8. 解答用紙を回収した後、問題用紙は持ち帰ること。 9. 試験会場では、携帯電話・PHS・ポケベル・時計のアラーム等の電源を切ってお くこと。 136 第 1 章 大学・短大 1 次の英文を読み、設問に答えなさい。 A seedling’s struggle to survive is eased by the gentle touch of the rain. Its = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = hope to live comes from the warmth of the sun. Its strength is nurtured by the soil = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = where it is rooted, until one day it spreads itself in glory and becomes a part of this wonderful creation. The children of the world are like this seeding. Their will to survive, their hope to live, and their strength are all rooted ( 1 ) their education, and that education informally starts ( 2 ) home and in the community. It is in this that the children will find the realization of their selves and a keen perception of their goals. The home is the first school of each child. Parents are the first teachers. It is then important for parents to be aware of their part in bringing up and educating their child. The development of the senses of awareness and responsibility springs from the consistent guidance and moral education given ( 3 ) parents, an education that will make the child live with self-confidence. When the education provided by parents helps the child in understanding and respecting himself, the child will then move outside of the home, extending the same understanding and respect to the world outside. The realization and recognition of the beauty and worth of the child’s self is an educational process that will properly prepare the child for the task that he will undertake in the world. We have to understand that the children of today will be the molders and = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = leaders of the world. With education as the root and the deciding factor in their future participation in local, national and international concerns, perhaps the elusive = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = dream of peace may come to ( 4 ) a reality. It is then that a child achieves. It is when his home teaches him to create good; when his school teaches him the relevant cultural and moral values: Upon this a child builds his character. Then education accomplishes its goal. Isn’t this what education is ( 5 )? To build citizens of character, so that the world will be a better and safer place in which to live. seedling 若木 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = is nurtured 育まれる = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = molder 鋳型工 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = elusive 不確かな = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1.7. 九州看護福祉大学 137 問 1 ( 1 )∼( 5 ) の空欄に入れるのにもっとも適当な語を下記の a∼e から選び、 その記号を解答欄に記入しなさい。 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) a. a. a. a. a. in in for as from b. for b. at b. to b. if b. of c. c. c. c. c. from with at be at d. d. d. d. d. much for with at given e. e. e. e. e. good of by for for 問 2 下線部の英文を日本語に訳し解答欄に記入しなさい。 問 3 下記の文 (1)∼(10) が問題文の内容と一致していれば○を,誤っていれば×を解 答欄に記入しなさい。 (1) Home education and education in the community are both important for children to have the will to survive, hope to live, and strength. (2) For all children their homes are the first school to learn English. (3) Parents need to know their role in educating their child. (4) Parents should give their children consistent guidance and moral education. (5) A child will learn the beauty and worth of his own self by education. (6) We have to understand that the children of today will be leaders of the world in the future. (7) The child builds his education through character. (8) The parents of today will be the leaders of the future. (9) Children need to be nurtured by the soil where they are rooted. (10) The sense of awareness is the responsibility of the guidance of the seedling. 138 第 1 章 大学・短大 2 次の単語の中で,もっとも強く発音される位置に下線が引いてあるものを 5 つ 選び,その番号 1∼12 を解答欄に記入しなさい (順不同)。 1. an-nu-al 4. char-ac-ter 7. fa-mil-iar 10. im-me-di-ate 2. bar-ri-er 5. de-lay 8. sur-roun-ding 11. mil-i-tar-y 3. 6. 9. 12. bor-row de-moc-ra-cy gen-er-a-tion par-tic-i-pant 3 次の (1)∼(5) の空欄に入れるのにもっとも適当な語を a∼d の中からそれぞれ 一つ選び、その記号を解答欄に記入しなさい。 (1) James did very well ( a. on b. for ) business in 2005. c. since d. in (2) When you find a word which you don’t know, look it up ( dictionary. a. in b. with (3) I believe he has lived ( London. a. in b. on c. for d. ) your at ) this address since he came back from c. at d. for (4) I like the style of this jacket, but I don’t like the color. Could you show me ( ) one? a. other b. another c. others d. else d. often (5) A: How ( ) do you take this medicine? B: Three times a day. a. many b. would c. much 1.7. 九州看護福祉大学 139 4 次の (1)∼(5) の日本文の意味になるように、下の語・句を正しく並べ替え、そ の語順を記号で解答欄に記入しなさい。終止符 (.)・疑問符 (?) は省略されてい ます。 (1) あなたは彼があの古い車にいくらお金を使ったか知っていますか。 a. for g. he b. old h. that c. much i. how d. you j. do e. know k. spent f. money l. car (2) 何か冷たい飲み物をいただけますか。 a. drink b. have g. something c. cold d. to e. could f. I (3) 彼にはギターを練習する十分な時間がありませんでした。 a. to b. guitar g. enough h. the c. he d. have i. practice e. time f. didn’t (4) 彼は三人の息子たちに会うためにそこへ行きました。 a. went g. to b. sons h. three c. he d. there e. see f. his (5) 私たちは彼が決して約束を破らないから信頼しています。 a. promises b. never g. we h. him c. trust d. as e. breaks f. he 140 第 1 章 大学・短大 解答例 1 問 1 (1) a (2) a (3) e (4) c (5) e 問 2 両親が与える教育が子ども理解力や自身 (自尊心) の醸成に役立つとき、子 どもは学校の外に出て外部の世界を理解したり尊敬の気持ちを持つように なる。 問 3 (1) ○ (2) × (3) ○ (4) ○ (5) ○ (6) ○ (7) × (8) × (9) ○ (10) ○ 2 1. 2. 4. 10. 12. e 3 (1) d (2) a (3) a (4) b (5) d 4 (1) j-d-e-i-c-f-g-k-a-h-b-l? (2) e-f-b-g-c-d-a? (3) c-f-d-g-e-a-i-h-b. (4) c-a-d-g-e-f-h-b. (5) g-c-h-d-f-b-e-a 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. bar-ri-er [bǽri@r] char-ac-ter [kǽrik@r] de-moc-ra-cy [dimÁkr@si] sur-roun-ding [s@ráundiN] im-me-di-ate [imı́:di@t] par-tic-i-pant [p@rtı́s@p nt/pA:-] e an-nu-al [ǽnj l] bor-row [bÓrou/bÁr-] de-lay [diléi] fa-mil-iar [famı́lj@r] gen-er-a-tion [Ãèn@réiS n] mil-i-tar-y [mı́l@tèri] e 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. 1.7. 九州看護福祉大学 1.7.4 141 一般試験 (社会福祉学科) 入学試験問題 英 語 I・II (社会福祉学科) 本学会場 平成 18 年 2 月 3 日実施 注意事項 1. 「始め」の合図があるまで問題用紙を開かないこと。 2. 受験票、筆記用具 (鉛筆・消しゴム)、時計 (時間表示機能のみ) 以外の物は机の下 に置くこと。 3. 問題用紙は、表紙をふくめて 5 ページ あり、これとは別に 解答用紙が、1 枚 ある。 4. 受験番号と氏名は、監督者の指示に従って記入すること。 (解答用紙の受験番号と氏名欄はすべて記入すること。) 5. 質問事項等がある場合や特別な事情 (病気・トイレ等) のある場合には、その場で 手を挙げて待機し、監督者の指示に従うこと。 6. 原則として、試験終了まで退出できない。 7. 試験終了後は、監督者の指示があるまで、各自の席で待機すること。 8. 解答用紙を回収した後、問題用紙は持ち帰ること。 9. 試験会場では、携帯電話・PHS・ポケベル・時計のアラーム等の電源を切ってお くこと。 142 第 1 章 大学・短大 1 次の英文を読み、設問に答えなさい。 Today let’s talk about some common American English expressions using the word “break.” If you look ( 1 ) “break” in your dictionary you will find that it has several meanings. Some of these meanings are verbs that have to do with destroying something. For example, if a child is playing carelessly with a toy that is valuable, the mother may say, “Be careful, or you will break it!” The word “breakfast” comes ( 2 ) this from of “break.” To “fast” means to go without eating, and that is what we do during the night when we ( 3 ). In the morning we get up and eat; we break our fast. We have break fast or breakfast. But the word “break” is also used informally as a noun. It means something that happens, usually quickly, and it is usually good. For example, a student may say, “The teacher gave his students a break today because the test was very easy.” “To give someone a break” means to be kind or to do something nice. On the other hand, if someone feels that another person is being unkind, they may say, “Give me a break!” This means, “Please be kind to me!” “Give me a break!” is used very often in conversation between friends. it is an informal exclamation. Of course, the word “break” can also be used ( 4 ) bad luck. If something bad happens, we can say, “what an unlucky break!” This means that we think that something bad has happened. Another sentence is “Those are the breaks!” It means that I think something bad has happened, but that nothing could have been done to stop or prevent it ( 5 ) happening. For example, if we had planned to play baseball on Sunday, but it rained, I could say, “Those are the breaks!” Another use of “break” means to take a short rest. If you are working or playing very hard, you may say to your friends, “I’m getting tired! Let’s take a break!” Well, time is about up. It’s time for us to take a break! 1.7. 九州看護福祉大学 143 問 1 ( 1 )∼( 5 ) の空欄に入れるのにもっとも適当な語を下記の a∼e から選び、 その記号を解答欄に記入しなさい。 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) a. a. a. a. a. on for sleep with at b. b. b. b. b. in at are for for c. up c. to c. dream c. at c. from d. d. d. d. d. into with go out from on e. e. e. e. e. like from work in is 問 2 下線部の英文を日本語に訳し解答欄に記入しなさい。 問 3 下記の文 (1)∼(10) が問題文の内容と一致していれば○を,誤っていれば×を解 答欄に記入しなさい。 (1) The word “break” has only a few meanings. (2) The word “breakfast” means to go out without eating. (3) The word “break” is used as a verb but is also used as a noun. (4) “Give me a break” usally means “give me some time to rest.” (5) “Give me a break” is seldom used between friends. (6) If a bad event cannot be prevented, we say “Those are the breaks.” (7) When we are afraid someone will hurt a child, we say “Be careful, or you will break it.” (8) “Break” can only be used for bad luck. (9) When we get tired, we sometimes say we will “take a break.” (10) To “fast” means the same as “break.” 144 第 1 章 大学・短大 2 次の単語の中で,もっとも強く発音される位置に下線が引いてあるものを 5 つ 選び,その番号 1∼12 を解答欄に記入しなさい (順不同)。 1. an-ni-ver-sa-ry 4. cir-cu-la-tion 7. fel-low-ship 10. mag-net-ic 2. 5. 8. 11. be-gin-ning de-scrip-tion hel-i-cop-ter mis-cel-la-ne-ous 3. broad-cast 6. dis-cour-age 9. mem-o-ran-dum 12. par-tic-u-lar 3 次の (1)∼(5) の空欄に入れるのにもっとも適した語を a∼d の中からそれぞれ 一つ選び、その記号を解答欄に記入しなさい。 (1) Nancy is not a good swimmer but she is good ( a. at b. in c. for d. ) basketball. with (2) Can you believe that such a small child knows the poem ( a. at b. for c. (3) Our plane leaves ( a. for who b. in (5) How ( a. heavy b. d. by ) New York at 10:30am. (4) I know the man ( a. in c. to d. at ) designed that strange building. whom c. which d. whose c. long d. big ) do you weigh? b. much ) heart? 1.7. 九州看護福祉大学 145 4 次の (1)∼(5) の日本文の意味になるように、下の語・句を正しく並べ替え、そ の語順を記号で解答欄に記入しなさい。終止符 (.)・疑問符 (?) は省略されてい ます。 (1) あなたは彼女がどのくらいオーストラリアに住んでいるか知っていますか。 a. Australia b. do c. many d. you e. how g. years h. she i. lived j. in k. has f. know (2) 私たちと一緒に明日映画に行きませんか。 a. about f. going b. how g. a c. to d. tomorrow e. movie (3) 山田さんと 3 時にお会いする約束なんですが · · · 。 a. see b. appointment g. Mr. Yamada h. I c. have i. at d. 3:00 e. an f. to (4) 私はアメリカで英語を勉強するためにお金を貯めるつもりです。 a. study g. money b. I h. to c. English i. America d. will e. save f. in (5) 駅へ行く道を教えていただけませんか。 a. the train staion f. me g. show b. could c. you d. the way e. to 146 第 1 章 大学・短大 解答例 1 問 1 (1) c (2) e (3) a (4) b (5) c 問 2 たとえば、子供が高価なおもちゃを不用意に使って遊んでいると、母親は 言うかもしれない。「用心しないと、壊してしまいますよ。」 問 3 (1) × (2) × (3) ○ (4) × (5) × (6) ○ (7) × (8) × (9) ○ (10) × 2 1. 4. 6. 9. 12. e 3 (1) a (2) d (3) a (4) a (5) b 4 (1) b-d-f-e-c-g-h-k-i-j-a. (2) b-a-f-c-g-e-d. (3) h-c-e-b-f-a-g-i-d. (4) b-d-e-g-h-a-c-f-i. (5) b-c-g-f-d-e-a? 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. be-gin-ning [bigı́niN] cir-cu-la-tion [s`@:rkjuléiS n] dis-cour-age [disk´@:riÃ/-k2́r-] hel-i-cop-ter [hélikÀpt@r/hı́:l-] mag-net-ic [mægnétik] par-tic-u-lar [p@rtı́kjul@r] e an-ni-ver-sa-ry [æ̀niv´@:rs ri] broad-cast [brÓ:dkæ̀st/-k:̀st] de-scrip-tion [diskrı́pS n] fel-low-ship [félouSı̀p] mem-o-ran-dum [mèm@rǽnd@m] mis-cel-la-ne-ous [mı̀s@léini@s] e 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11. 1.8. 九州ルーテル学院大学 1.8 1.8.1 147 九州ルーテル学院大学 授業料全額免除試験 70 分 I 次の 2 種類の会話を読み,それぞれの会話が成立するように下線部 (1)∼(10) の 空欄に適切な英文を書きなさい.ただし,最初の空欄については解答例が書か れています. Hal: Hi Sal. Did you hear the (例)news about John? Sal: (1) ? Hal: He was hired at USA Bank yesterday and starts working in one week. Sal: That’s great! How about you, (2) . Hal: No, not yet. I’m still (3) . But, I have an interview at RKK Hotel tomorrow. Sal: That’s good. Are you nervous? Hal: Yeah, a little. I think I’ll do O.K. though; I’ve been practicing and studying all week. Sal: Well, (4) . Hal: Thanks, I’ll need it. Talk to you later. Sal: O.K. (5) . Bye. Yukiko: Madoka: Yukiko: Madoka: Yukiko: Madoka: Yukiko: Madoka: Yukiko: Madoka: Yukiko: Madoka: Hi! I have to interview people for Mr. Johnson’s class. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? . How would you describe your personality? I guess I’m kind of talkative, but a little rude. Rude? What (7) ? Well, I talk too much. Sometimes I say things to my friends that hurt their feelings. Hmmmm.... Can you (8) ? Well, yesterday I saw my friend and I said “Hey I know that dress. That’s you older sister’s dress, isn’t it?” She got really mad! I see what you mean. Yeah, I felt really bad. Do you (9) ? Well, I’m kind of quiet, so I don’t talk much. My friends say they wish I would talk more. (10) ? When we talk, you always say interesting stuff and you always make me laugh! 148 第 1 章 大学・短大 II (1)∼(5) の英文中の空欄に最も適切な語句をそれぞれ (ア)∼(ク) から 1 つ選んで 記号で答えなさい. (ア) northern (イ) nonverbal (ウ) equipment (エ) nervous (オ) environmental (カ) expensive (キ) southern (ク) benefit (1) I need a tent and other camping ( (2) One ( of the day. ) for my trip to Mt. Aso. ) of e-mail is that you can send messages to people any time (3) The handshake is a ( (4) Canada is in the ( (5) Big cities may have ( ) way of greeting people. ) hemisphere. ) problems such as an air pollution. III 次の英文中の (1)∼(10) に入る最も適切な語句をそれぞれ (ア)∼(エ) から 1 つず つ選び記号で答えなさい. It is 200 miles south of Kansas City, near the center of the U.S. but isolated from everything. You ( 1 ) it by a two-lane highway that snakes through the Ozark Mountains with nothing but oak trees for company. You round a corner and —Look!— there is a line of campers and cars ( 2 ) to the horizon, crawling along a five-mile strip of neon lights that flash ( 3 ) theaters, motels, and miniature golf courses. Welcome to Branson, Missouri (population 3,706). This rugged, country town attracts 5 million tourists a year, who drop an ( 4 ) $1.5billon dollars into local pockets. In a recession-slowed summer ( 5 ) many travelers are staying close to home and spending less, business in Branson is up 5% from last year. The draw: big-time country music shows, ( 6 ) to fill 24 theaters every afternoon and evening, with stars such as Mickey Gilley, Loretta Lynn, Mel Tills, and Reba Mclntyre, several of whom ( 7 ) to the area and own the theaters in which they perform. Nashville may still ( 8 ) the capital of country music, its recording and publishing hub, but Branson has become its Broadway... Down-home hospitality keeps the audiences coming — mostly from a 300 mile radius that takes in St. Louis, Memphis and Wichita, but ( 9 ) from all across the U.S. Patrons can meet the stars’ families in theater lobbies; Tillis’ wife, for one, sells candy. Most of the performers sit onstage ( 10 ) intermission to sign autographs, and violinist Shoji Tabuchi heads to the parking lot after his show to wave good-bye to the tour buses. (Adapted from Snow, R. A. 1994. Advanced Reading Skills. New York: Amsco School Publications pp. 82-83) 1.8. 九州ルーテル学院大学 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (ア) (ア) (ア) (ア) (ア) (ア) (ア) (ア) (ア) (ア) travel to stretch with estimating when much have moved has increasingly while (イ) (イ) (イ) (イ) (イ) (イ) (イ) (イ) (イ) (イ) reach stretching to estimates whose many had moved have increasing to (ウ) (ウ) (ウ) (ウ) (ウ) (ウ) (ウ) (ウ) (ウ) (ウ) drive stretches in estimated which enough moved have been increased on (エ) (エ) (エ) (エ) (エ) (エ) (エ) (エ) (エ) (エ) 149 arrive stretch from estimate that a lot moves be increase at IV 次の各組の a,b がほぼ同じ意味になるように空所に英単語を 1 語入れなさい. 1. a. I have an American friend named Paul. b. I have an American friend ( )( ) is Paul. 2. a. While I was staying in London, I went to the British Museum. b. ( )( ) stay in London, I went to the British Museum. 3. a. He left early in case he should miss the bus. b. He left early so that he ( )( ) miss the bus. 4. a. he said to me, “Do you feel tired?” b. He asked me ( )( ) felt tired. 5. a. It is certain that you mistook me for my younger brother. b. You ( )( ) mistaken me for my younger brother. 150 第 1 章 大学・短大 V 次の英文を読んで設問に答えなさい. When the Europeans came to the North American continent, they encountered the completely new cultures of the Native American peoples of North America. Native Americans, who had highly developed cultures in many respects, must have been as curious about the strange European manners and customs as the Europeans were curious about them. As always happens when two or more cultures come into contact, there was a cultural exchange. Native Americans adopted some of the Europeans’ ways, and the Europeans adopted some of their ways. As a result, Native Americans have made many valuable contributions to American culture, particularly in the area of language, art, food, and government. First of all, Native Americans left a permanent imprint on the English language. The early English-speaking settlers borrowed from several different Native American languages words for the new places and new objects that they had found in this new land. All across the country, (ア)one can find cities, towns, rivers and states with Native American names. For example, the states of Delaware, Iowa, Illinois, and Alabama are named ( イ ) Native American tribes, as are the cities of Chicago, Miami, and Spokane. In addition to place names, English adopted from various Native American languages the words for animals and plants that were to be found only in the Amerians and no place else. Chipmunk*, moose*, raccoon*, skunk, tobacco, and potato are just a few examples. (ウ)Although the vocabulary of English is the area that shows the most Native American influence, it is not the only are of American culture that was shaped by contact with Native Americans. Art is another area of important Native American contributions. Wool rugs woven by women of the Navajo* tribe in Arizona and New Mexico are highly valued works of art in the United States. Also, Native American jewery made from silver and turquoise* is very popular and very expensive. Especially in the western and southwestern regions of the United States, native crafts such as pottery, hand crafted leather products, and beadwork* can be found in many homes. Indeed, native art and handcrafts are a treasured part of American culture. (Adapted from A. Oshima and A. Hogue, Writing Academic English, Third Edition. Longman, 1991) [注] Chipmunk: シマリス,moose: ヘラジカ,raccoon: アライグマ,Navajo: ナバ ホ (北米インディアンの一部族),turquoise: トルコ石,beadwork: ビーズ細工 1.8. 九州ルーテル学院大学 151 1. 本文の内容と一致する英文を次の (a)∼(f) の中から 2 つ選び記号で答えなさい. (a) When Europeans met Native Americans, only the Europeans were influenced. (b) Native American languages borrowed some English words. (c) Some names of the US states are from Native American languages. (d) Native American culture had an influence on American music. (e) The Navajo tribe is famous for its wool rugs. (f) There is no craft made by Native Americans today. 2. 下線部 (ア) の one と同じ意味を含む英文を (a)∼(d) の中から 1 つ選び記号で答え なさい. (a) One of the students went to France to study French. (b) One should always be careful in driving a car. (c) The one thing I can do is to tell the truth. (d) My new bicycle looks just as good as John’s new one. 3. ( イ ) に入る最も適切な前置詞を次の (a)∼(d) の中から 1 つ選び記号で答えな さい. (a) from (b) by (c) with (d) after 4. 下線部 (ウ) を日本語に訳しなさい. 152 第 1 章 大学・短大 VI 以下の質問の答えを A∼H の中から 1 つずつ選び記号で答えなさい. 1. On which tour would you be able to go to one of the Poles? 2. Which tour company offers chances to see wildlife on isolated islands? 3. Which tour company gives the chance to go where artist have been inspired? 4. From which company can you find visiting cooks experiences? 5. Which tour company was voted the world’s best by Travel and Leisure magazine? 6. Which company promises to give you the world? 1.8. 九州ルーテル学院大学 153 解答例 I (1) No, what happened (2) having you found a job yet (3) looking (4) Good luck (5) Nice talking with you (6) Go ahead (7) do you mean (8) give me an example (9) do that (10) Are you kidding II (1) ウ (2) ク (3) イ (4) ア (5) オ III (1) イ (2) イ (3) エ (4) ウ (5) ア (6) ウ (7) ア (8) エ (9) ア (10) エ IV 1. whose, name 2. During, my 3. might, not 4. if, I 5. must, have V 1. (c), (e) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. 英語の語彙はネイティブアメリカン (アメリカ先住民族) の影響が最も顕著な 分野であるが,それはネイティブアメリカンとの接触 (関わり合い) によって 形成された唯一の分野というわけではない. VI 1. G 2. D 3. C 4. H 5. B 6. A 154 第 1 章 大学・短大 1.8.2 一般 I 期試験 70 分 I 次の 2 種類の会話を読み,それぞれの会話が成立するように下線部 (1)∼(10) の 空欄に適切な英文を書きなさい.ただし,最初の空欄については解答例が書か れています. ¶ ³ Bob: Hi Ted. (例)What’s up? Ted: Hey Bob. Not much, just going to get something to eat. (1) ? Bob: (2) I’m starving. Where’re you going? Ted: I thought about Mura Ichiban Izakaya. Is that (3) . Bob: Sure. I love Izakaya and Japanese food, (4) Ted: Me too. I hate octopus, whether it’s cooked or raw. Let’s go, it’s right up here. Bob: Oh yeah, I see it. Thanks (5) Ted: No problem. It’ll give us a chance to catch up. µ ¶ ´ ³ Hiroyuki: John: Hiroyuki: John: Hiroyuki: John: Hiroyuki: Hey, John! (6) Yeah! when did I see you last? I think it was last March, right? That’s right. doing for the last eight months? So, what (7) Well, I lost my job last June. (8) Thanks. I was looking for one for several months, and just last week I got a job at a juku downtown. John: Conguratulations! You’ll be great as a juku teacher. Hiroyuki: Thanks. Oops, it’s getting late! Sorry, but I (9) I have an appointment downtown in 15 minutes. John: That’s OK. Hey, we should (10) sometime soon. Hiroyuki: Yeah! Give me a call and we’ll plan a time. John: It was great seeing you again. See you soon, I hope. Hiroyuki: Right. I’ll be looking forward to it. µ ´ 1.8. 九州ルーテル学院大学 155 II (1)∼(5) の英文中の空欄に最も適切な語句をそれぞれ (ア)∼(ク) から 1 つ選んで 記号で答えなさい. (ア) ethical (オ) original (イ) wood (ウ) ornamental (エ) associated (カ) degree (キ) education (ク) plastic (1) All people require a certain ( ) of privacy in their everyday life. (2) AIDS should not be too closely ( (3) Scientific advances create ( (4) Most people prefer the ( ) with Africa alone. ) and moral problems. ) to a fake. (5) Disposable chopsticks are generally made of ( ). III 次の各組の a,b がほぼ同じ意味になるように空所に英単語を 1 語入れなさい. (1) a. She speaks Chinese well. b. She is a ( )( ) of chinese. (2) a. Your garden is twice the width of mine. b. Your garden is twice ( )( ) as mine. (3) a. He appears to have known the secret. b. ( )( ) that he knew the secret. (4) a. Bob is proud that he was chosen chairman. b. Bob is proud of ( )( ) chosen chairman. (5) a. I am sorry I was not with you at that time. b. I wish I ( )( ) with you at that time. (6) a. It began to rain three days ago, and it is still raining. b. It has ( )( ) for three days. (7) a. Could you tell me which dictionary I should buy? b. Could you tell me which dictionary ( )( )? (8) a. He said to me, “Do you know my father?” b. He ( ) me whether I ( ) his father. (9) a. He used to get up early when he was young. b. He was an early ( ) in his ( ). (10) a. I had no difficulty in carrying the plan out. b. It was quite ( )( ) me to carry the plan out. 156 第 1 章 大学・短大 IV 次の英文中の (1)∼(10) に入る最も適切な語句をそれぞれ (ア)∼(エ) から 1 つず つ選び記号で答えなさい. Charles Waterton loved animals — especially those creatures that other people found unpleasant. His favorites included vultures, buzzards, bats, and reptiles. Waterton ( 1 ) a large number of unusual pets in his grand house in Yorkshire, England. He once sheltered a sloth in his bedroom ( 2 ) months because he felt sorry for the hairy little thing and figured it needed the company. He took care of a whole collection of toads and often spoke to them for long periods of time, as though he were holding a conversation with them. Also, his day was ( 3 ) until he had kissed his chimpanzee. Waterton could easily ( 4 ) his life examining animals without ever leaving his thirty-acre estate. He had enough money to buy and care for a great number of creatures, but Waterton didn’t just want the animals brought to him — he wanted to go to ( 5 ). He wanted to study them ( 6 ) their native surroundings. ( 7 ), in 1812, at the age of thirty, he shock off his comfortable life and set out for the jungles of Brazil. Waterton had a wonderful time. He had ( 8 ) fun, in fact, that he returned to Brazil several times. On his most famous journey, in 1820, Waterton walked through the tropical forests for months. He walked barefooted ( 9 ) he believed shoes should be worn only indoors. Every now and then he ( 10 ) to cut stones, insects, and other things out of the bottoms of his feet. At night he hung a hammock between trees and slept for just a few hours. (Adapted from Billings, H. & Billings, 1987. Eccentrics. Chicago: Jamestown Publishers, p.125) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) ( ア) (ア) (ア) (ア) (ア) (ア) (ア) (ア) (ア) ( ア) held during complete be spending them at However a lot of because was stopped (イ) (イ) (イ) (イ) (イ) (イ) (イ) (イ) (イ) (イ) kept for completed have spent these by Moreover not enough but stops (ウ) (ウ) (ウ) (ウ) (ウ) (ウ) (ウ) (ウ) (ウ) (ウ) managed in not complete had spent they in Otherwise so much so will stop (エ) (エ) (エ) (エ) (エ) (エ) (エ) (エ) (エ) (エ) owned since not completely spend those on Therefore too much while would stop 1.8. 九州ルーテル学院大学 157 V 次の英文を読んで設問に答えなさい. For some people, September 11, 2001 was the most terrible day of their lives, but for 24 Japanese citizens, it was the last day of their lives. Almost 30 Japanese companies, with offices in New York City’s World Trade Center and surrounding buildings, lost their offices and hundreds of employees were affected. Half of the Japanese who died were employees of Fuji Bank (now Mizuho Bank), which was located in the South Tower. Those ( ア ) survived have either stayed on in New York or returned to Japan, but only a few of them have been willing ( イ ). One man said he stopped (ウ)to get coffee on the way to work, and was just getting into the North Tower. He managed to escape and warned other people (エ)to leave the building. Another survivor, speaking to Ikuko Yuge, Program Director of Fuji TV in Tokyo, simply said, “I don’t like clear and sunny skies anymore,” a reference to the beautiful weather on that fateful day. Those ( オ ) felt comfortable about ( カ ) their thoughts about 9/11 were mainly volunteers. In a newspaper from the Consulate General of Japan in New York, Sadahei Kusumoto, former chairman of Minolta, praised the involvement of the Japanese community. “One Japanese businessman became a volunteer in the rescue and recovery efforts,” Kusumoto wrote. “When asked why, he commented that he had spent many afterwork hours wth American friends at a nearby bar. He felt he had to do something because those friends might have been under the debris.” The Consulate because a help-action center for Japanese who needed counseling, housing and even financial help. Sanae Yonemichi, 28, Education Project Coordinator, says, “We had a hot line and counselors on duty for four to five weeks. We sometimes loaned hotel rooms for people with no place (キ)to stay because they could not use their apartments or hotel rooms.” Some New York hotels even provided free rooms. Teams from the Consulate went to every hospital, looking for Japanese victims. (ク)“We replaced lost passports, handled visa problems and referred to a lawyer if they needed one,” Yonemichi says “We all did everything we could for people who needed any kind of help.” Adapted from “English Zone No.2,” Chukei Publishing Company(2003) 158 第 1 章 大学・短大 (1) カッコ内 ( ア ),( オ ) に共通して入る関係代名詞を書きなさい. (2) カッコ内 ( イ ) に入るべき最も適切な形を以下から選び,記号で答えなさい. (a) to interview (b) for interview (c) interviewing (d) to be interviewed (e) was interviewed (3) 下線部 (ウ),(エ),(キ) の不定詞と同じ用法のものを以下から選び,記号で答え なさい. (a) The teacher advised the students to practice English pronunciation. (b) I am very glad to know his success. (c) He lent the girl jacket to wear. (d) She made a promise to write to me. (e) I went to the travel agency to get some information. (f) The old man lived to be ninety. (g) To do him justice, he is a kind person. (4) カッコ内 ( カ ) に入る最も適切な形を選び記号で答えなさい. (a) share (b) to share (c) shared (d) sharing (5) 下線部 (ク) を日本語に訳しなさい. (6) 本文の内容と一致するものを 2 つ選び,記号で答えなさい. (a) Most of the Japanese who lost their lives at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 worked for Fuji Bank. (b) Most Japanese people who survivd the September 11th attack returned to Japan. (c) Ikuko Yuge was one of the survivors of the September 11th attack. (d) Sadahei Kusumoto became a volunteer because he wanted to be involved in the rescue and recovery efforts. (e) The Consulate of Japan in New York provided housing and even financial help. (f) Some Japanese could not stay in their homes after the September 11th attack. 1.8. 九州ルーテル学院大学 159 VI 以下の質問の答えを A∼H の中から 1 つずつ選び記号で答えなさい. (1) Which tour company offers at least 20 years of experience in all inclusive tours? (2) Which company sends you up-river for family oriented tours? (3) Which company offers luxurious tours up-river? (4) Which tour company departs from Rhode Island and has been in business for 37 years? (5) Which company allows you to experience history and restore cultural treasures? (6) Which company claims to know Ireland best? 160 第 1 章 大学・短大 解答例 I (1) Would you like to come? (2) Yes. (3) Okay? (4) Except for octopus and squild. (5) for inviting me. (6) I haven’t seen you for a long time. (7) have you been (8) That’s too bad. (9) have to go. (10) get together II (1) カ (2) エ (3) ア (4) オ (5) イ III (1) good, speaker (2) as, wide (3) It, appears (4) having, been (5) had, been (6) been, raining (7) to, buy (8) asked, knew (9) riser, youth (10) easy, for IV (1) イ (2) イ (3) ウ (4) イ (5) ア (6) ウ (7) エ (8) ウ (9) ア (10) エ V (1) who (2) d (3) (ウ) e (エ) a (キ) c (4) d (5) 「私たち (領事館) は,失われたパスポートを交換したり,ビザの問題を処 理したり,必要とあれば彼らを弁護士に照会 (引き合わせる) など,あらゆ る手助けを必要とした人々にできる限りのことをした」とヨネミネは言って いる. (6) e, f VI (1) F (2) B (3) D (4) G (5) C (6) H 1.8. 九州ルーテル学院大学 1.8.3 161 一般 II 期試験 70 分 I 次の会話を読み,それぞれの会話が成立するように下線部 (1)∼(5) の空所に適切 な英文を書きなさい.ただし,最初の空所については解答例が書かれています. Bill: Hi Jill. How’s it going? Jill: (例)It’s going great. I won = Y1,000,000 in the last night! Bill: Wow! Congratulations. (1) . Jill: I was thinking of traveling and maybe buying some new clothes. Bill: By the way, I’m going to a Sumo match in Fukuoka this weekend, (2) Jill: Yes, I love Sumo. Can I pay for your ticket? You can drive. Bill: (3) , but I can pay for myself. And, I’d be happy to drive. Jill: I insist. I wanto to pay for your ticket. . I will pick you up at 9:00 on Saturday morning. Bill: (4) Jill: Great. See you then. Bye bye. Bill: (5) . II 次の質問の答えを英語で書きなさい. (1) A: How is your friend these days? B: (2) A: I live in Meito-ku Nagoya. B: Excuse me? A: (3) A: Let’s go to lunch. B: (4) A: Why didn’t you come to school yesterday? B: (5) A: Well, I have to go now. B: 162 第 1 章 大学・短大 III 次の各組の a,b がほぼ同じ意味になるように空所に英単語を 1 語入れなさい. (1) a. That necklace is not Mary’s. b. That necklace does not ( (2) a. What is the day today? b. What ( ) of the ( )( ) Mary. ) is it today? (3) a. Do you mind if I turn on the TV? b. Do you mind ( )( ) on the TV? (4) a. She can play the piano best of all the students in our class. b. ( )( ) student can play the piano as well as she. (5) a. As I had a previous engagement, I could not come to the party. b. If I had ( )( ) a previous engagement, I could have come to the party. (6) a. I paid 40,000 yen for this digital camera. b. This digital camera ( )( ) 40,000 yen. (7) a. This is a proverb the meaning of which I do not understand. b. This is a proverb ( )( ) I do not understand. (8) a. Do you know the distance from the bus center to this college? b. Do you know ( )( ) it is from the bus center to this college? (9) a. She was the first Japanese woman that climbed that mountain. b. She was the first Japanese woman ( )( ) that mountain. (10) a. Ken regretted having given the singer’s poster to Bob. b. Ken regretted that he ( )( ) the singer’s poster to Bob. 1.8. 九州ルーテル学院大学 163 IV 次の英文中の (1)∼(10) に入る最も適切な語句をそれぞれ (ア)∼(エ) から 1 つ選 んで記号で答えなさい. Everyone loves a sunny room, but did you know that a bright room can make you healthier, happier, and ( 1 )? Amazing new research is teaching us about the effects of natural light. Daylight is important in schools. Canadian research indicates ( 2 ) students do better on tests in sunny, bright schools. What’s more, students are absent less often in these schools, too. Even more ( 3 ), children seem to grow taller in schools with lots of natural light. Sunlight is also good for business. The use ( 4 ) natural light makes customers spend more money than they spend in stores with only electric light. One popular American store put in skylights, and, ( 5 ), business is up 40 percent. In offices, workers who have windows near their desks work harder than ( 6 ) who don’t, and they miss fewer days of works. Another advantage to sunlight is that it is good for ( 7 ). In his book, Sunlight, Dr. Zane Kime ( 8 ) readers to get plenty of it. According to Kime, the sun’s light gives you more energy and ( 9 ) your heart rate to go down. Also, with more windows, you use less electricity; which is good for Mother Earth. Let’s all open ( 10 ) our curtains and let the sun shine in! (Adapted from Huizenga, J. & Huizenga, L. (2005). Totally True. OXford: Oxford University Press, p.66) (1) (ア) (ウ) (2) (ア) (3) (ア) (4) (ア) (5) (ア) (ウ) (6) (ア) (7) (ア) (8) (ア) (9) (ア) (10) (ア) hard working more hard working it (イ) surprise (イ) by (イ) as a result on the contrary these (イ) you’re healty (イ) advises (イ) causes (イ) in (イ) (イ) (エ) that (ウ) surprised (ウ) for (ウ) (イ) (エ) them (ウ) your health (ウ) informs (ウ) has (ウ) out ( ウ) hard workinger more hard workinger which (エ) what surprises (エ) surprisingly of (エ) with in addition on the other hand they (エ) those healthy (エ) health recommends (エ) suggests lets (エ) makes to (エ) up 164 第 1 章 大学・短大 V 次の英文を読んで設問に答えなさい. The modern automobile is a triumph of engineering, quick to respond to the (ア)will of the driver. Unfortunately, the design of the driver has not kept pace. The Travelers Insurance Company reports that 35,500 people died in traffic accidents in 1954 with almost two million injured. Excessive speed contributed to about 50% of the accidents, with recklessness and driving on the wrong side of the road closely following. It’s not the new driver ( イ ) causes most harm; 97% of drivers in accidents have been driving over a year. Drivers under 25 were involved in more than their proportionate share of accidents. And for the age-old controversy: made drivers accounted for 91% of (ウ)fatal accidents. Cars were in good mechanical condition as a whole. If the care of the driver matched the care of his car, we would have 91% fewer accidents. It is sad that for 13,980 drivers Saturday and Sunday became days of permanent rest. The middle of the week is ( エ ) safer. By far, most accidents per cars on the road occurred in the dark, between 1:00 A.M and 6:00 A.M. Dry roads, fair weather and careless driving seem to go together. Auto deaths have decreased slightly. (オ)But there are now roughly double the cars on the road, and deaths per 100,000 vehicles have declined about 50%. Statistics reveal that the decrease came about, not because of our drivers, but in spite of them. This report shows that the ratios of causes of accidents do not substantially differ from figures of previous years. The conclusion is unmistakable: the decrease in deaths is due far more to mechanical and medical progress than to fundamental change in driver attitude. (Adapted from “Faster Reading Self-Taught,” 1981, POCKET BOOKS) 1.8. 九州ルーテル学院大学 165 (1) 下線部 (ア) の “will” と同じ用法を含む文を (a)∼(d) から 1 つ選び記号で答えな さい. (a) I will be a doctor someday. (b) He made a will before he died. (c) The window will not open. (d) You should have a strong will to succeed. (2) カッコ内 ( イ ) に入れる最も適切な英単語を 1 つ書きなさい. (3) 下線部 (ウ) と同じ意味を表す語を (a)∼(e) から 1 つ選び記号で答えなさい. (a) deadly (b) minor (c) trivial (d) major (e) fearful (4) カッコ内 ( エ ) に入る最も適切な副詞を (a)∼(d) から 1 つ選び記号で答えな さい. (a) very (b) much (c) more (d) most (5) 下線部 (オ) を日本語に訳しなさい. (6) 本文の内容と合うものを 2 つ選び,記号で答えなさい. (a) According to the report, two million people died in car accidents in 1954. (b) A little less than 50% of car accidents were caused by recklessness of drivers. (c) New drivers tend to cause car accidents. (d) 13,980 drivers did not drive cars on Saturdays and Sundays. (e) Most car accidents occurred during day time. (f) It is clear that the decrease in deaths from car accidents is due to mechanical and medial progress. 166 第 1 章 大学・短大 VI 以下の質問の答えを A∼G の中から 1 つずつ選び,記号で答えなさい. (1) Where can you see many types of ocean life? (2) Which company has been serving people for over 20 years? (3) Where can you grill your own food? (4) Where can you get a free sample of wine? (5) All of these advertisements are from places in Hawaii except one; which place is not in Hawaii? (6) Where can you find Hawaiian made unique crafts? 1.8. 九州ルーテル学院大学 167 解答例 I (1) What are you going to do with the money? (2) Would you like to go? (3) Thanks. (4) Thank you. (5) See you later. / Bye. II (1) Fine. / Good, thanks. (2) I said, I live in Meito-ku. (3) Ok. / Sure. / No, thanks. (4) I was sick. (5) OK, see you later. / Good-bye. III (1) belong, to (2) day, week (3) my, turning (4) No, other (5) not, had (6) cost, me (7) whose, meaning (8) how, far (9) to, climb (10) had, given IV (1) ウ (2) イ (3) エ (4) ウ (5) ア (6) エ (7) イ (8) ア (9) ア (10) エ V (1) d (2) who (3) a (4) b (5) しかしながら,路上には現在約 2 倍の車があり,車 10 万台あたりの死亡者 数は約 50% 減少した. (6) b, f VI (1) D (2) A (3) F (4) E (5) G (6) C 168 1.9 1.9.1 第 1 章 大学・短大 尚絅大学 第 1 回一般試験 (文化言語学部)60 分 I. 次の英文を読んで、問いに答えなさい。 There’s a quiet revolution going on in the computer world. In just a few decades computers have shrunk from room size to palm size. Although we carry our small laptops with us, we only use them occasionally and switch them off when we are finished. Soon, however, our computers will always be on and they will constantly store and check date for us. In effect, they will be like personal assistants. All this will happen much sooner than you may imagine. MIT, the famous technical college in the USA, has already come up with a lightweight wearable computer. The PC and key pad are built into a jacket. The display screen is incorporated into a pair of ordinary glasses. This lightweight combination allows the users (ア) to have both hands free, to walk about, and even to leave the office. Cell phone software connects the portable system with a main computer and the wearer may listen to music, watch a video, browse the Web, phone friends or send e-mails. A hands-free wearable computer will be a welcome tool for engineers, repairmen, nurses and architects. These people are often away from their desktop computers and they will use these appliances to keep in touch with vital data and records. Similarly, a “wearable” will be very useful for emergency services. For example, small video cameras attached to a firefighter’s “wearable” will transmit pictures back to headquarters. The fire chief will view the pictures and will be able to send instructions directly to each firefighter. Wearable computers will help the rest of us in countless other ways. Imagine that you are at business conference. A woman’s face rings a bell, but you cannot remember her name. You activate the face-recognition system and the woman’s name, company and contact information appear on the screen built into your glasses. “Hi, Angela. Good to see you again. How is everyone at XYZ?” you ask casually. You can expect wearable computers to be a part of our daily lives in the near future. They may one day become as common as wristwatches. 1.9. 尚絅大学 169 1. 下線部 (ア) に書かれていることを可能にする “combination” の中身について、日 本語で具体的に述べなさい。 2. 着用可能なコンピューターはどのような職種の人に歓迎されますか。また、その 理由は何ですか。本文の内容にそって、日本語で具体的に述べなさい。 3. 次の日本文の内容が、本文の内容と一致する場合には○を、異なる場合には×を 解答欄に記入しなさい。 (1) この半世紀でコンピューターの大きさは、部屋程の大きさから手のひらの程 の大きさになった。 (2) 新しいコンピューターは、従来のコンピューターと異なり、常に電源が入っ たまま、頻繁にデータの記憶や確認を行うという点で、個人秘書のような存 在になるだろう。 (3) MIT は間もなく、計量の着用可能なコンピューターの開発に成功するだろう。 (4) 着用可能なコンピューターの利用者が、音楽を聴いたり、ビデオを見たりす る場合は、携帯電話を一台持っていなければならない。 (5) 目の前の人物の名前が思い出せない場合、着用可能なコンピューターを使う と、その人物の名前、勤務先などの情報が、その場で分かる。 170 第 1 章 大学・短大 II. 次の会話文を読んで、問いに答えなさい。 Emi: What are you doing this evening? Jack: Nothing ( 1 ) particular. Why? Emi: We are having a karaoke party. Have you ever been ( 2 ) a karaoke bar? Jack: Yes, I have. ( 3 ) first I didn’t like it very much, but before I knew it, I got addicted. Emi: A friend of mine told me that Karaoke’s popularity has been rapidly spreading to many countries. Jack: That’s right. ( 4 ) a matter of fact, there are a number of karaoke bars in New York City. Emi: It’s quite popular ( 5 ) college students here in Japan, too. Jack: What exactly does karaoke mean? Emi: Well, the word “karaoke” comes from “kara,” meaning “empty,” plus “oke,” which is short ( 6 ) “orchestra.” So it means “empty orchestra.” My friend once thought it referred to a bathtub without hot water in it. You see, in Japanese “oke” also means a “bucket” or a ”bathtub.” Jack: I see. Emi: Do you know where the original karaoke machine was invented? Jack: No. Emi: It was invented in Britain. Jack: Really? I didn’t know that! Emi: So, we’re meeting at 7 o’clock at the karaoke bar. Why don’t you join us? Jack: OK! I’ll be there. 1. (1)∼(6) の空欄に適当な前置詞を入れなさい。 2. Emi はカラオケという言葉の由来をどのように説明していますか。日本語で 答えなさい。 3. Emi の友達はどのような思い違いをしていましたか。日本語で説明しなさい。 1.9. 尚絅大学 171 III. 以下の各文には一ケ所ずつ誤りがあります。その語を選び出し、正しい語に直 しなさい。 1. I saw the man whom you said was away. 2. Students should gain as many knowledge as possible. 3. It is most ten o’clock. 4. I came home very lately last night. 5. I wonder what he will have said if he had known the facts. IV. 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味を表すように ( ) の中に適当な語を入れな さい。 ( I am not in the mood to go out today. 1. I don’t feel ( ) going out today. ( Though he is wealthy, he is not happy. 2. In ( ) of his wealth, he is not happy. ( I’ve never had such a good dinner. 3. This is the best dinner I have ( ) had. ( I don’t want to meet Tom at all. 4. Tom is the ( ) person I want to meet. ( Jim knows much about computers. 5. Jim knows quite a ( ) about computers. 172 第 1 章 大学・短大 V. 次の各文の空欄に下の選択肢より最も適当な語を選んで入れ、その記号を答え なさい。ただし、選択肢の語は 1 度しか使えません。 1. Compared to a similar survey ( ) out last year, the number of overweight people increased in all age groups. 2. It has been revealed that rice balls wrapped in plastic film and ( a microwave may absorb some chemicals. 3. Thirty years ago the British parliament passed a law ( of all races equal opportunities. ) to give people 4. The economy has improved a lot, thanks to factories ( companies. 5. For something to be ( ア. gained カ. carried イ. owned キ. mentioned ) in ) by foreign ), there is always something lost. ウ. heated ク. acknowledged エ. allowed ケ. caused オ. treated コ. designed VI. 次の日本語と同じ意味になるように下線部に英語を書き入れなさい。 1. お会いするのは 2ヶ月ぶりですね。 . It is 2. あなたがパーティーに来ることができるかどうか教えてください。 to our party or not. 3. 彼は 1 年おきに家族と旅行に出かける。 He takes . 1.9. 尚絅大学 173 解答例 I. 1. PC とキーボードを上着に組み込むことと表示画面をメガネと一体化する こと。 2. エンジニア,修理工,看護師,建築家などデスクトップから離れた場所にい ないことが多く,重大なデータは記録に触れるために wearble コンピュータ が必要である。 3. (1) × (2) ○ (3) × (4) ○ (5) ○ II. 1. (1) in (2) to (3) At (4) As (5) among(または with) (6) for 2. カラは「空っぽ」,オケは「バケツ (または湯桶)」 3. 「カラオケ」という装置は日本語で発明されたものと思っていた。 III. 1. whom →who 2. many → much 3. most → almost 4. lately → late 5. will have → would have IV. 1. like 2. spite 3. ever 4. last 5. lot V. 1. カ 2. ウ 3. コ 4. イ 5. ア VI. 1. after a two-month interval that we see each other (is two month since we met last time) 2. Please let me know if you can(=are able to) come 3. a trip with his family every other(=second) year 174 1.9.2 第 1 章 大学・短大 第 2 回一般試験 (文化言語学部)60 分 I. 次の英文を読み、下記の設問に答えなさい。 Last year, I accompanied some of my Japanese students on their first trip to the United Kingdom. They were impressed with the greenness of the countryside, the many old historic buildings, and the old English castles and churches. Because many buildings were made of brick and stone, (1) a lot of towns had a sense of “living” history. Of course, (2) not all the students’ impressions were good. For one thing, they were surprised that in many of the shops and restaurants the salespeople were not very respectful to customers. One student asked a shop assistant to wrap a gift, but the result of wrapping was very disappointing, as if it had been done by a six-year-old child! Moreover, compared to the efficient Japanese rail system, British trains were rarely on time. The Japanese students laughed at the joke that, once, when a British train was actually on time, (3) all the surprised commuters burst into spontaneous applause. Even inside the trains there were many surprises. For example, (4) the man pushing the drinks and snacks trolley seemed determined not to sell anything to the passengers, so quickly did he rush through the car, without even an announcement. It was so different from the polite staff of a Japanese train! Sometimes the students felt as if they had come to a different planet. 1. 下線部 (1) のように感じる理由を日本語で述べなさい。 2. 下線部 (2) の理由を具体的に日本語で述べなさい。 3. 下線部 (3) のような事態に至った理由を日本語で述べなさい。 4. 下線部 (4) を日本語に直しなさい。 1.9. 尚絅大学 175 II. 次のそれぞれの英文について、下線部分に最も近い意味を表す語を ( 内の書き出しで書きなさい。 1. He has set out early tomorrow morning. (s ) ) 2. This dictionary will turn out to be very useful to you. (p ) 3. With his brown hair and green eyes, Michael seems to take after his grandmother. (r ) 4. It is difficult for us to make out what is happening now. (u 5. The company will bring out a new weekly magazine. (p ) ) III. 次の各文の空欄に下の選択肢より最も適当な語句を選んで入れ、その記号を答 えなさい。 1. He proposed that we leave the problems as it is ( 2. She wrote a very good essay in English ( takes. 3. Snowboarding is ( 5. We have had a poor harvest ( above all for the time being after a while in short ) a few grammatical mis- ) the most popular winter sport. 4. If we have reliable information ( ア. エ. キ. コ. ). ), we can find a better solution. ) a wet summer this year. イ. except for オ. on account of ク. in advance ウ. instead of カ. by far ケ. with regard to IV. 会話文 (A) と (B) を読んで、それぞれの設問に答えなさい。 (A) Tom: Ken: Tom: Ken: Tom: Ken: I don’t feel very well. What’s the matter, Tom? ( ア ) You don’t look very well. Can I borrow a themometer? ( イ ) It’s in the living room. Let me get it for you. 1. (ア) と (イ) に入れるのに最も適当な文を選択肢から選んで記号で答えなさい。 (a) I want to take my temperature. (c) That’s very nice of you. (e) I’m afrid I’ve caught a cold. (b) You’re kidding! (d) A little bit, but I’m fine. 176 第 1 章 大学・短大 (B) Cathy: °(you, 1 me, a, do, will, favor)? Mother: Yes. What is it? Cathy: Could you give me a ( ア ) to the shopping mall tomorrow? I have some shopping to do. Mother: Actually, tomorrow isn’t ( イ ) for me. I have an important business meeting. What about the day after tomorrow? I have to do some shopping myself. Cahty: That’d be fine. 1. ° 1 の( ) の中の語を意味が通るように並べかえなさい。ただし文頭に くる語も小文字で示しています。 2. (ア) と (イ) に入れるのに最も適当な語を選択肢から選んで記号で答えなさい。 (a) car (e) problem V. 英文の ( (b) convenient (f) impressive (c) party (g) exhausted ) に入る最も適切な語句を選び、記号で答えなさい。 1. He spoke to my mother as though he ( a. knows b. has known 2. My son is not old enough ( a. traveling b. to travel 3. Broken glass lay ( a. scattering b. scattered c. had known d. knew ) by himself. c. travel d. traveled c. to scatter d. having scattered ) such things about my sister. b. say 5. The typhoon hit the city, ( a. causing ) her all his life. ) on the road. 4. I won’t have her ( a. to say (d) ride b. causes c. said d. to be said ) great damage. c. caused d. having caused VI. 次の日本文を英語に直しなさい。 1. 最寄の駅まで 20 分で歩いて行くことは無理でしょう。 2. ロンドンの人口はニューヨークの人口の半分以下です。 3. ますます多くの人が環境問題に関心を持っています。 1.9. 尚絅大学 177 解答例 I. 1. 石やレンガでできた城や教会が昔の名残のまま建っていたから 2. 店員がさほど客を敬う様子でなかったから (包装を頼んだときなど) 3. よく時間に遅れることのあるイギリスの列車がが時間通りに着いたから 4. 飲み物やお菓子の入った貨車を押している男性が乗客には何も売らないと決 めたかの如く,一言もセールスの呼びかけをするこなくその車両を通り抜け て行った II. 1. start 2. proved 3. resemble 4. understand 5. publish III. 1. エ 2. イ 3. カ 4. ク 5. オ IV. (A) 1. (ア) e (イ) a (B) 1. Will you do me a favor 2. (ア) d (イ) b V. 1. c 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. a VI. 1. It will be impossible (for you) to walk to the nearest station in 20 minutes. 2. The population of London is smaller than that of New York. 3. More and more people are getting interested in environmental pollution. 178 第 1 章 大学・短大 1.9.3 第 1 回一般試験 (生活科学部)60 分 I. 次の英文を読んで設問に答えなさい。 Have you ever seen a greenhouse? Most greenhouse look like a small glass house. Greenhouses are used to grow plants, especially in winter. They work by trapping heat from the sun. (A) The glass of the greenhouse lets in light but keeps heat from escaping. So the greenhouse heats up, much like a car parked in the sun, and warms the plants in winter. The air we breathe is all around us. The “greenhouse gases” it contains behave much like the glass walls in a greenhouse. Sunlight enters the Earth’s atmosphere, passing through these “greenhouse gases.” As it reaches the Earth’s surface, the land and water take in much of the sunlight’s energy. (B) Some of the energy is sent back into space, but much of it remains down here with us, causing our world to heat up. To understand why this happens, you must understand that air is normally ( 1 ) clear that we can see through it, as light travels through it. But the heat sent back from the Earth’s surface lies in what is called “the infrared band.” It does not pass through the air so easily. Instead this “sent back” heat soaks into the air, ( 2 ) to warming. This is the “greenhouse effect.” The “greenhouse effect” is important. It makes the Earth warm enough for humans to live. But if the “greenhouse effect” becomes stronger, it could make the Earth too warm and cause problems for humans, plants and animals. (註) greenhouse 温室 infrared 赤外線の 1. ( 1 ) に最も適当な語を 1 語入れなさい。 2. ( 2 ) に入れる語として最も適切なものを選択肢から選び、記号で答えなさい。 (a) practicing (b) importing (c) referring (d) leading 3. もし「温室効果」がなくなった場合、地球はどうなると思いますか。本文の内 容に即して日本語で簡潔に答えなさい。 4. 下線部 (A) と (B) を日本語に直しなさい。 1.9. 尚絅大学 179 II. 1∼5 までの英文に続く最も適当な文をア∼クの中から選び、記号で答えなさい。 1. The photos always remind me 2. The expression on your face told me 3. Michael came all the way to my office 4. Just keep going straight on this road 5. Without your help ア. until you see a post office on your left. イ. as good as you bought. ウ. we would have been in serious trouble. エ. of the days I spent in London. オ. it is very unusual for him. カ. because we’re having a lot of wet weather. キ. that you weren’t interested in the movie. ク. to apologize for what he did yesterday. 180 第 1 章 大学・短大 III. 空欄に下の選択肢から最もふさわしい語を選んで入れ、会話文を完成させなさ い。ただし、解答欄には記号を記入すること。 Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: May I help you? Are you looking for something? Yes. I want to buy a birthday present for my sister. What kind of present do you have in ( 1 )? I’m thinking of buying a sweater for her. Please come this ( 2 ). Now we have some beautiful sweaters that arrived yesterday. How many colors do you have? Five. How about the beige one? I think the light green one will ( 3 ) her best. How much is it? It’s 8,000 yen, but I’ll ( 4 ) you a discount of 20%. Thank you. I’ll take this one. What size would you like? Let me see. I’d better buy a large. If it is too big for her, you can ( 5 ) it for a smaller one. Can you gift-wrap it for me? O.K. Will that be ( 6 ) or credit? I’d like to pay by credit card. Is that all right? Sure. No problem. That will be 6,400 yen plus ( 7 ). ア. get カ. price サ. mind イ. tax キ. buy シ. pay ウ. make ク. show ス. wear エ. exchange ケ. suit セ. give オ. コ. cash way IV. 英文中の下線部とほぼ同じ意味の語句を選択肢より選び、記号で答えなさい。 1. My teacher wouldn’t be taken in by such an obvious lie. a. understood b. troubled c. deceived d. criticized 2. Could you look over my report before I hand it in? a. write again b. examine c. ignore d. see beyond 3. At last he gave in to the opinion of the majority. a. yielded b. agreed c. was against d. listened 4. My friends held back when I asked for volunteers. a. hesitated b. got angry c. were shocked d. advanced 5. I think she wants to show off her ring to her friends. a. bring b. give c. leave d. display 1.9. 尚絅大学 181 V. 次の各文の空欄に下の選択肢より最も適当な語句を選んで入れ、その記号を答 えなさい。 1. We should be more ( 2. English is ( houses. ) of the nutrients our bodies need to stay healthy. ) in the number of words describing different kinds of 3. Papers are divided between daily and Sunday papers. Daily papers are the ones that are ( ) Monday through Saturday. 4. There was nothing ( ) to this wonderful invention in the last century. 5. The main problem is that many men are not ( life for their family. ア. available オ. frequent イ. characteristic カ. willing VI. 日本語の意味に合うように ( さい。 ) to sacrifice their work ウ. rich キ. typical エ. aware ク. comparable ) 内の単語を並べかえて文を完成させな 1. カレーライスが好きでない人に会ったことがない。 I (a person / doesn’t / have / like / met / never / who) curry and rice. 2. この宿題を終えるのにまる 1 週間かかった。 It (a / finish / me / this / to / took / week / whole) homework. 3. 昨日の夜は、宿題をしていつもより遅くまで起きていた。 I (doing / homework / later / my / stayed / than / up / usual) last night. 182 第 1 章 大学・短大 解答例 I. 1. So 2. d 3. 冷え込んで人は住めない 4. (A) 温室のガラスは光を取り込みますが,熱を外に逃さないのです。 (B) エネルギーの幾分かは空中に放出されますが,その大部分は私たちの所 に残ります。そして私たちの世界を温度上昇させます。 II. 1. エ 2. キ 3. ク 4. ア 5. ウ III. 1. サ 2. コ 3. ケ 4. ウ 5. エ 6. オ 7. イ IV. 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. d V. 1. エ 2. ウ 3. ア 4. イ 5. カ VI. 1. have never met a person who doesn’t like 2. took me a whole week to finish this 3. stayed up later than usual doing my homework 1.9. 尚絅大学 1.9.4 183 第 2 回一般試験 (生活科学部)60 分 I. 次の英文を読んで下の設問に答えなさい。 The relationship between the tempting displays in our stores and supermarkets and the outside environment is a difficult one to see. It is, however, very important; for example, (1) chemicals used by a farmer to keep insects off apples may run into local rivers, which in turn supply drinking water for animals and people. How many times do you use paper plates and cups? Just once? (2) If so, the trees and the electric power used to make them have been wasted. Another problem is packaging. Pretty paper, boxes and labels look nice, but (3) one-third of all garbage is packaging, and all over the world there is a growing problem of where to put it. Landfills are ugly and unstable to build on. Trying to buy goods with minimal packaging can help. In what other ways can we try to be “green” while we shop? There are two areas to think about. Try to walk or cycle to the store instead of going by car. This avoids wasting gasoline, which pollutes the air, and it keeps you healthier as well! Reuse plastic shopping bags, or avoid plastic ones altogether. Before you buy, think about whether you really need the item. Whenever you can, choose recycled paper products. They are expensive now, but in some countries, the price eventually came down. Try not to buy disposable tableware, chopsticks or razors. Take cans to be reprocessed and buy drinks in returnable bottles for which you can claim back money. Ecofriendly goods carry a “green” symbol. Do you know the Japanese ecomark? How many different products can you think of which are ecofriendly? 1. 下線部 (1) を日本語に直しなさい。 2. 下線部 (2) を日本語で分かりやすく説明しなさい。 3. 下線部 (3) を日本語に直しなさい。 4. ゴミを減らす方法を、本文の内容に沿って日本語で 3 つ挙げなさい。 184 第 1 章 大学・短大 II. 日本人の大学生 Hiroki がホテルにチェックインする場面です。( 1 )∼( 6 ) に入れるのに最もふさわしいものを選択肢から選んで、記号で答えなさい。 Hiroki: Clerk: Hiroki: Clerk: Hiroki: Clerk: Hiroki: Clerk: Hiroki: Clerk: Hiroki: Clerk: Hiroki: Clerk: Hiroki: Clerk: Hiroki: Clerk: Hello. Hello. ( 1 ) Yes. ( 2 ) And your name? Hiroki Yoshida. We have your reservation. Will you be checking out Monday morning? Yes, that’s right. Okay. ( 3 ) Okay. Is this all right? Yes, that’s fine. Thank you very much. ( 4 ) Traveler’s checks. Traveler’s checks? ( 5 ) Okay. This is your receipt for your deposit. Okay. Your room number is 1603, on the 16th floor. ( 6 ) Thank you very much. You’re welcome. (a) Enjoy your stay with us. (b) Here you are. (c) You’re lucky — we have on available. (d) I made a reservation from the airport. (e) May I help you, sir? (f) And how will you be paying your account? (g) Would you mind filling in the form, please, sir? (h) How much does it cost? (i) Okay, we will require one night’s deposit. (j) You’ve been very helpful. 1.9. 尚絅大学 185 III. 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、( ) に適する語を書きなさい。 ( A five-minute walk brought us to Lake Ezu. 1. It ( )( ) five minutes to walk to Lake Ezu. ( I visited my grandmother yesterday. 2. I( )( ) my grandmother yesterday. ( We have much snow in February. 3. It ( )a( ) here in February. ( She firmly believed that it was necessary to learn English. 4. She was ( )( ) the necessity of learning English. ( Health is more precious than any other thing. 5. ( ) is more precious than health. IV. 下線部とほぼ同じ意味を持つものを選択肢から選び、記号で答えなさい。 1. How did she come by such a rare book? (a) obtain (b) cease (c) abolish (d) belong 2. You should not count on others for help. (a) go on (b) apply on (c) rely on (d) insist on 3. I will stand by you in case of trouble. (a) criticize (b) encourage (c) respect (d) support 4. She has to study very hard to make up for lost time. (a) require (b) compile (c) compensate (d) reconsider 5. I cannot make up my mind to see him again. (a) fascinate (b) remain (c) decide (d) pretend 186 第 1 章 大学・短大 V. 以下の ( なさい。 ) 内に入れるのに最も適当な語句を a∼g から選び、記号で答え 1. A: Sally, your bag is ( ). I can’t get past. B: I’m sorry. I’ll move it right away. 2. A: Ken, have you made any plans for the party yet? B: Well, I do have something ( ), but I’m afraid it’s a secret. 3. A: Helen, do you know that man talking with Mr. Brown? B: Yes. His name is ( ) my tongue. 4. A: What color sofa do you think would ( B: Something in a soft green, I guess. 5. A: The soccer team is very strong. B: Yes. They’ve won five championships ( (a) on the tip of (e) get by (b) in a row (f) in my way ) the carpet? ). (c) go with (g) in mind (d) at a loss VI. 次の日本文を英語に直しなさい。 1. 妹が帰宅したら、すぐにそちらに電話をかけ直させます。 2. 彼女がパーティーに来ないと、彼はがっかりするだろう。 1.9. 尚絅大学 187 解答例 I. 1. リンゴを昆虫から守るために農家の人が使う化学物質は現地の川に流れ込み, それは巡り巡って動物や人間の飲料水を供給している。 2. 紙コップや紙皿は一度しか使わないこと 3. ゴミの 1/3 は包装類であり,それをどこに捨てるかという問題は世界中で問 題化している。 4. ° 1 再生製品を使うこと ° 2 エコマーク入りの製品を買うこと ° 3 なるべく車を利用せず歩くこと II. 1. e 2. d 3. g 4. f 5. i 6. a III. 1. takes, us 2. called, on 3. snows, lot 4. convinced, of 5. Nothing IV. 1. a 2. c 3. d 4. c 5. c V. 1. f 2. g 3. a 4. c 5. b VI. 1. As soon as my (younger) sister gets home, will make(=have) her call you back. 2. If she doesn’t come to the party, he will be discouraged(=disappointed). 188 1.9.5 第 1 章 大学・短大 第 1 回一般試験 (短期大学部)50 分 I. 次の英文を読んで問に答えなさい。 Today, America is almost completely integrated. Schools, theaters, housing, and churches are open to people of all races, colors, and nationalities. In hospitals and nursing homes, the people giving the care and those receiving it are Black, White, Asian, or Latin. Nobody noticed the difference. But just 40 years ago, most institutions in America were segregated. Back in 1963, a white doctor named Jesse Coggins died and left a large fortune to his widow. His will said that when she died, the fortune was to go to the Keswick nursing home. But Dr. Coggins had one condition: Keswick must remain all-white home, as it always had been, or the money would go somewhere else. But in 1964, the Civil Rights Act in America outlawed segregation. So Blacks were admitted to Keswick in accordance with law. As a result, last year, when Dr. Coggins’ wife died, ° 1 Keswick lost nearly $30 million. ° 2 What does this have to do with Japan? Everything. Japan is said to be a homogeneous society. But that is not really true. Slowly but surely, Japan is becoming “international.” Caregivers are having to care for people of all kinds. And they have to work with people of all kinds, too, since the Japanese government plans to import home helpers from abroad. ° 3 Prejudices like those of Dr. Coggins have no place in today’s multicultural world. 1. 現在のアメリカと 60 年代のアメリカの違いは何であると書いてありますか。日 本語で具体的に答えなさい。 2. 下線部 ° 1 の理由を日本語で答えなさい。 3. 下線部 ° 2 を日本語に直しなさい。 4. 下線部 ° 3 を日本語に直しなさい。 1.9. 尚絅大学 189 II. 以下は David と Hiroshi の会話です。正しい順番になるように、(ア)∼(カ) の英 文を並べ替え、記号で答えなさい。 David: Hiroshi: David: Hiroshi: David: Hiroshi: David: Hiroshi: It’s really hot and humid today, isn’t it? ( A ) ( B ) ( C ) ( D ) Why did you come to Japan? ( E ) ( F ) (ア) Just fine. At first I lost my way a lot and had some trouble with the language, but now everything is great! (イ) I came to Japan from the US nine years ago. How about you? Have you ever been to the US or anywhere else abroad? (ウ) I’m going to study sports management. I want to become a pro baseball manager. (エ) Yes, it is. By the way, your Japanese is very good! How long have you been in Japan? (オ) At first I studied Japanese at a language school, but now I’m teaching English. Someday, though, I want to become a translator. How about you? What are going to study in the US? (カ) No, I haven’t yet, but I will be going to Virginia to study next year. How do you like living in Japan? III. 英文中の下線部とほぼ同じ意味の語句を選択肢より選び、記号で答えなさい。 1. His family makes much of Japanese custom. a. ignores b. respect c. creates d. destroys c. got out of bed d. handed in 2. Tom turned up half an hour late. a. went home b. showed up 3. I came across this toy at a secondhand store. a. turned in b. stole c. found by chance d. bought 4. My friend dropped in to see me yesterday. a. came over b. jumped down c. fell d. stayed 5. We had to put off the meeting till next Monday. a. hold b. cancel c. attend d. postpone 190 第 1 章 大学・短大 IV. 次の各文の下線部のうち、明らかに間違っているものがあります。その番号を 書き、正しく書き直しなさい。 1. I’m looking forwad to hear from you soon. ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 2. I believe it is not you but she who are wrong. ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 3. As his present passport will be expired in a month, he has to get a new one ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 for the next trip to Canada. ° 4 4. Scarcely had a plane taken off as it crushed into the ground. ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 5. If it were not with your help, I would be pretty badly off. ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 V. 以下の英文の ( ) 内に、下記の語群の中から最も適当なものを選び、記 号で答えなさい。ただし、同じものを 2 度用いても構いません。 1. He said nothing ( ) the book I had lent him. 2. The doctor was misteken ( ) an assistant. 3. The rich have no neighbors ( 4. She breathed her last ( ) the sense that the poor have neighbors. ) the morning of his departure. 5. We went to Starbucks, and discussed the matter ( ア. on カ. to イ. over キ. at ウ. for ク. from エ. against ケ. with ) coffee. オ. in コ. about VI. 以下の日本語を英語に直しなさい。 1. 彼女は宿題が終わり次第、電話をかけてくるだろう。 2. 昨日、図書館で会ったあの女の人の名前を覚えていますか。 3. その写真を見ると、いろいろな事が思い出される。 1.9. 尚絅大学 191 解答例 I. 1. 今は,いろいろな施設や場所に様々な人種が入れるが,1960 年代は黒人と白 人は隔離されていた. 2. 白人専用の老人ホームでは,コギンズの妻が死亡したため,コギンズの遺産 がそのまま残り,黒人が入所することがなくなったので収入減となった。 3. このことが日本とどんな関係があるだろうか。 4. コギンズの抱いたような偏見は今日の多文化社会では見当たらない。 II. A. エ B. イ C. カ D. ア E. オ F. ウ III. 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. d IV. 1. ° 3 hearing 2. ° 4 is 3. ° 2 expire 4. ° 3 when 5. ° 3 for V. 1. コ 2. ウ 3. オ 4. ア 5. イ VI. 1. As soon as she finished(=On finishing) her homework, she will call me. 2. Do you remember the name of a lady(=woman) [whom] you met at the library yesterday? 3. The photo(=picture) reminds me of various things. 192 第 1 章 大学・短大 1.9.6 第 2 回一般試験 (短期大学部)50 分 I. 次の文を読んで下の設問に答えなさい。 Although English people are famous for their love of tea, I did not start drinking it until I was eight. I would never have started if it had not been for ° 1 the English tradition of elevenses. At eleven o’clock every morning people stop what they are doing and put on the kettle. And they take out their biscuits. The only problem is that there is a rule: no tea means no biscuits. You cannot get one without the other. In England, we don’t brew tea, we stew it. ° 2 There seems to be a belief that the longer you leave the tea in teapot, the better it taste. As we wait for the tea, all eyes turn to the biscit tray. Everyone is thinking the same thing: how many Rich Tea biscuit will get today? Many foreigners do not understand the attraction of this simple, dry biscuit. They complain it has no flavor and crumbles into little pieces when you bite it. Let me tell you the secret: the Rich Tea biscuit tastes like blotting paper if you eat it dry; it sticks to your teeth and to the roof of your mouth. But dunk it into your tea and it tastes wonderful. ° 3 It is not quite so easy as it sounds; you have to know how long to dunk the biscuit. If you dunk it for too short a time, the sponge-like biscuit is still dry on the inside. If you leave it in your tea too long, the biscuit will dissolve. ° 4 Not only does this spoil the flavor of your tea, it also makes you look very stupid in front of your friends. Some snobbish people say that dunking biscuits in tea is very vulgar. They believe that the only things you may put in tea are milk, sugar or lemon. As we say in English, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Try a Rich Tea by itself, dry. Then try one after you have dunked it in your tea. If after ° 5 this simple test you prefer your biscuit dry, I’ll eat my hat (after I’ve dunked it in my tea, of course!). *dunk: つける、浸す 1. 下線部 ° 1 を日本語で具体的に説明しなさい。 2. 下線部 ° 2 を日本語に直しなさい。 3. 下線部 ° 3 にそれほど簡単ではないとありますが、時間の長さを間違えるとどの ようなことが起こりますか。日本語で具体的に説明しなさい。 4. 下線部 ° 4 を日本語に直しなさい。 5. 下線部 ° 5 を日本語で具体的に説明しなさい。 1.9. 尚絅大学 II. 以下の英文の ( ) に入る最も適当な語句を選び、記号で答えなさい。 1. He got to the station after the train ( a. had left b. leaves a. seeing a. dozen c. to see d. seen ) on the chair. b. dozing 4. I’ll have my daughter ( a. to put d. will leave ) me home. b. saw 3. I found my mother ( ). c. has left 2. My friend was so kind as ( 5. If we ( 193 b. put c. to doze d. being dozed ) these toys away. c. puts d. to be put ) this train, we would get there by lunchtime. a. have caught b. caught c. catch d. will catch 194 第 1 章 大学・短大 III. 次の対話文の下線部に適するものを、ア∼キの中から一つずつ選び、記号で答 えなさい。 Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: Customer: Clerk: ° 1 Yes, I’d like to take a train. ° 2 I’d like to go to Kami-Kumamoto All right. ° 3 Okay. Where can I get the ticket? ° 4 Yes, I see. ° 5 No, I’m afraid all I have is a 1,000 yen bill. ° 6 Okay. First take the Houhi-Line, on platform number one. All right. ° 7 How many stops are there from here to Kumamoto Station? It’s the fouth stop. I see. At Kumamoto, you change to the Kagoshima-Line, heading for Fukuoka. Kami-Kumamoto is only one stop from Kumamoto. Customer: All right. Thank you. (ア) (イ) (ウ) (エ) (オ) (カ) (キ) Do you have any small change? Then you can get some change at the money-changing machine there. Please buy a 360 yen ticket. Where do you want to go? Do you need some help? Then get off at Kumamoto Station. The machine is over there. 1.9. 尚絅大学 IV. 以下の英文の ( なさい。 ) 内に、前置詞群から最も適当なものを選び記号で答え 1. John accused the man ( ) stealing. 2. I have great confidence ( ) English. 3. I congratulate you ( ) your success. 4. He took his brother ( ) the hand. 5. Translate this passage ( ア. in カ. on 195 イ. with キ. to ) German. ウ. of ク. at エ. beyond ケ. by オ. among コ. into V. 次の英文には明らかな間違いがあります。それを正しく直して、全文を書きな さい。 1. It’s about the time we went home. (そろそろ帰宅してもよい頃です。) 2. I would dream to become a great scientist. (私は偉大な科学者になることを夢見たものだった。) 3. That was a very excited story. (それはわくわくするような話だった。) 4. It comes without saying that he is an excellent teacher. (彼がすぐれた教師であることは言うまでもない。) 5. He was looked up to from everyone. (彼はみんなに尊敬されていた。) VI. 次の日本文を英語に直しなさい。 1. デパートは買い物客で混み合っていました。 2. 彼女は昨日、たくさんの家具を購入しました。 3. 私は夏休みに祖母の生家を訪ねました。 196 第 1 章 大学・短大 解答例 I. 1. 午前 11 時にお茶とビスケットがでるならわし 2. お茶をポットに長く浸せば浸すほど,味が良くなる. 3. 長すぎるとビスケットは解けてしまい,短すぎると乾燥したスポンジみたい である。 4. お茶の香りを損ねるだけでなく,友人の前で愚かさを露呈することになる。 5. ビスケットを乾いたままそれだけで食べ,次に浸したあとのビスケットを食 べるという試み II. 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. b III. ° 1 オ ° 2 エ ° 3 ウ ° 4 キ ° 5 ア ° 6 ケ ° 7 カ IV. 1. ウ 2. ア 3. カ 4. ケ 5. ク V. 1. the time → time 2. would → used to 3. excited → exciting 4. comes → goes 5. from → by VI. 1. The department store was crowded with so many customers. 2. She bought a lot of furniture yesterday. 3. I bought my grandma(=grandmother) at her native house during the vacation. 1.10. 中九州短期大学 1.10 中九州短期大学 1.10.1 特待生試験 60 分 197 1. 次の各問に答えてください。 (1) 次の英文を 70 字程度で要約してください (句読点を含む)。 We just got from Chicago. The scenery looks like something you’d see on a picture. Everywhere you go, you can see snow-covered mountains in the distance. But I did not think the city itself was so beautiful. The big buildings downtown look completely out of place. They should have build them lower to the ground. Some of them are so big, they’re blights on the environment. I think buildings should exists in harmony with nature, even in the city. *blights:悪影響 (2) 次の英文で、何について ‘shame’ なのか。30 字以内で答えてください (句読点 を含む)。 What a lovely place this is! The rice fields is very beautiful. This view takes my breath away! Everything is perfect...except for that big factory over there. Why did they build such a huge buildings right in the middle of this beautiful setting? It’s a shame! (3) 次の英文は、肉じゃがの作り方について説明したものです。英文を全訳 (日本 語訳) してください。 First, you peel some potatoes and carrots. Next, you chop them up. Then you put them in a frying pan with some meat and onions, and saute them. After that, you add some water, soy sauce, sake and sugar, and let it stew until the flavor sinks in. If you put in just a little sugar, it should taste just right. *saute:(軽く) 炒める flavor:味 198 第 1 章 大学・短大 2. 次の空所に適切な語句をア∼エから選び、記号で答えてください。 (1) Your car is the same ( ア. to イ. with ) mine. ウ. as エ. for (2) Your opinion was to change our plan, ( ア. don’t you イ. isn’t it ウ. aren’t you (3) “Cindy doesn’t want to go.” “( (4) “How old is he?” “( イ. Neither does Cindy エ. Not Cindy is either )” ア. He is thirty-four years ウ. He is thirty-four years old イ. He has thirty-four エ. He is thirty-four old ). ア. when he will come back ウ. when he comes back (6) She went to town ( ア. for shopping イ. if he came back エ. his coming back ). イ. to do shop (7) She didn’t understand ( (8) His picture is superior ( イ. than I (9) This watch needs ( ア. to repair ウ. to have repaired (10) I’m not used ( ア. to being talked to ウ. to be talked to ウ. to shop エ. for doing shop in ). ア. what he was talking about ウ. why he is talking ア. than mine エ. wasn’t it ).” ア. Either Cindy doesn’t ウ. Cindy does neither, too (5) Let’s go out ( )? イ. what was he talking about エ. how was he talking about ). ウ. to me エ. to mine ). イ. being repaired エ. to be repaired ) in such a rude way. イ. being talked to エ. be talked to 1.10. 中九州短期大学 199 3. 次の英文の空所に、以下に与えられた語を補い、文意を完全なものにしてください。 (1) It’s time to ( ). (2) I called John, but the phone was ( ). (3) You can judge a person’s character by the ( (4) If you have a ( ), I’ll be glad to talk it over with you. (5) He talked so fast that I couldn’t ( (6) Last night I ( ) what he said. ) up till two o’clock studying for the examination. (7) Please ( ) yourself to whatever you like. (8) A fire ( ) out in my town. (9) The company is ( ) well. (10) The weather has changed for the ( catch problem ) he keeps. better stayed broke leave 4. 英語で自己 PR をして下さい。 busy help ). doing company 200 第 1 章 大学・短大 解答例 1. (1) シカゴに着いたが遠くの山々は絵のようにきれいだ。しかし街は高層ビルも あり、見た目も環境上も問題だ。街の中でも建築物は自然と調和させるべき だ。(70 字) (2) 素晴らしい眺めの自然の真中に大きな工場が建っていること。(28 字) (3) まずジャガイモと人参の皮をむく。次にそれを切る。それをフライパンに入 れ、肉と玉ねぎと混ぜ、油で炒める。その後、水、しょう油、酒、砂糖を加 える。そして味がしみこむまで煮る。最後に砂糖を足せばちょうど良い味に なる。 2. (1) ウ (2) エ (3) イ (4) ウ (5) ウ (6) ア (7) ア (8) エ (9) エ (10) ア 3. (1) leave (2) busy (3) company (4) problem (5) catch (6) stayed (7) help (8) broke (9) doing (10) better 4. (自分で書いた英文を添削してもらいましょう。以下は解答例) I am cheerful. I like all kinds of sports. I belong to tennis club. I want to study to be a cabin attendant. 1.11. 熊本県立保育大学校 1.11 熊本県立保育大学校 1.11.1 一般試験 60 分 201 I. 次の英文を読んで、設問に答えなさい。 In today’s increasingly convenient world, we are becoming lazier and lazier, and less healthy, too. Instead of walking, we take trains and buses and drive our cars everywhere we go. This is a pity because walking is very good exercise. Walking all a big difference. It can or part of the way to work or school each day can °make 1 not only make us healthier, ( ° 2 ) also can save us money. If you don’t feel like there is a great way walking, you might enjoy working out in a gym. °Exercising 3 to make friends while losing weight. You should also be careful about what you eat and drink. If we don’t want to cook at all we can buy ready-prepared meals, vegetables and salads as well as home deliveries and all kinds of restaurants. Above all, we can simply eat all day on snack foods, potato chips and chocolates bars. Nowadays we can eat °whatever 4 we want when we want. We all know that saving time by eating in fast-food restaurants is popular among busy people, but is eating that kind of food good for you? Think about making a salad at home now and then. And remember that an apple a day will probably keep the doctor away. We are not talking about spending much time in the kitchen. We need to remind ourselves that after a hard day of work or school your home-made omelet or whatever you can cook easily is more a bit more time for exercising or cooking in satisfying than anything else. °Taking 5 our everyday lives not only makes us healthier but brings us a higher quality of life. (1) 下線部 ° 1 の具体的な内容を本文に即して答えなさい。 (2) 文全体の意味が通じるように、( ° 2 ) に省略されている英語を一語補いなさい。 (3) 下線部 ° 3 を日本語に訳しなさい。 (4) 下線部 ° 4 と同じ意味になるように、以下の ( ) に適する語を入れなさい。 No ( ° 4 ) what (5) 下線部 ° 5 で述べている内容について、あなた自身が日頃実践していることを 1 つ挙げなさい。 202 第 1 章 大学・短大 II. 次の英文を読んで、設問に答えなさい。 A buffet party is a party at which food and drink are set out on a table and guests help themselves. °This 1 provides a nice chance to get to know new people. If you just sit and watch, you are wasting a golden opportunity! Here are some tips on how to get the most out of a buffet party. 1. Don’t wait to be talked to. You should go up and talk to people. If °you 2 keep to yourself, other people may think you don’t want to talk. 2. Find somebody you know. He or she will introduce you to new people. 3. Talk to somebody who is alone. He or she may be looking for somebody to talk ( ° 4 ). 4. Don’t talk with just one person for a long time. You and °your 4 conversation partner may be wasting a chance to meet other people. °Make 5 good use of such a party and you could make many new friends! (1) 下線部 ° 1 の指す具体的な内容を本文に即して説明しなさい。 (2) 下線部 ° 2 の内容を示すものとして適切なものを下から選び、記号で答えなさい。 1. you sit at ease 3. you leave where you are 2. you are shy 4. you seldom smile (3) ( ° 3 ) に適切な語を入れなさい。 (4) 下線部 ° 4 と同じ内容を指す英語を本文中から抜き出しなさい。 (5) 下線部 ° 5 を日本語に訳しなさい。 1.11. 熊本県立保育大学校 III. 次の各組の文が同じ意味を表すように、( 203 ) に適切な語を書きなさい。 ア. Michael was very busy when he was a high school student. Michael had many things to ( ° 1 ) when he was a high school student. イ. My daughter painted this picture yesterday afternoon. This is a picture ( ° 2 ) by my daughter yesterday afternoon. ウ. I walk to school every day. I go to school ( ° 3 ) foot every day. エ. Why do you think so, Jim? ( ° 4 ) makes you think so, Jim? オ. They decided to sail though it was bad weather. They decided to sail ( ° 5 ) bad weather. カ. If I had known he was ill, I would have called him. ( ° 6 ) I known he was ill, I would have called him. IV. 次の ( ) の中の語句を並べ替え,3 番目にくる語を解答欄に書きなさい。 (1) This man (do, nothing, with, has, to) me. (2) Please (letter, to, post, the, remeber). (3) May I (you, of, a, ask, favor)? (4) He has read about (many, as, twice, books, as) Nancy has. (5) Tom (long, will, before, back, come). (6) You (not, had, go, better) there. (7) She (keep, fails, never, to, word, her). 204 第 1 章 大学・短大 解答例 I. (1) ますます健康になるばかりでなく,お金も節約することができる. (2) but (3) そこ (ジム) で運動することは,体重を落とす一方で友だちをつくるよい方 法である. (4) matter (5) (省略) II. (1) テーブルに食べ物や飲み物が並べてあり,各自でとっていただくパーティー (2) 2 (3) to (または with) (4) somebody you know (5) そのようなパーティーをうまく利用しなさい III. ° 1 do ° 2 painted ° 3 on ° 4 What ° 5 despite ° 6 Had IV. (1) to (2) post (3) favor (4) many (5) back (6) not (7) to (1) This man has nothing to do with me. (2) Please remember to post the letter. (3) May I ask a favor of you. (4) He has read about twice as many books as Nancy has. (5) Tom will come back before long. (6) You had better not go there. (7) She never fails to keep her word. 1.12. 熊本県立技術短期大学校 1.12 熊本県立技術短期大学校 1.12.1 一般入学試験 60 分 205 熊本県立技術短期大学校 一般入学試験問題 英語 I(60 分) 平成 18 年 2 月 12 日 【受験上の注意】 1 「解答始め」の合図があるまでは、問題冊子及び答案用紙を開かないこと。 2 解答始めの合図があったら、まず問題・答案用紙の枚数の過不足を確かめること。 3 次に、所定の位置に受験番号を記入すること。 4 印刷不明、トイレ等の場合は、静かに手を上げて試験監督者に合図し、指示を受 けること。 5 「解答やめ」の合図があったら、直ちに鉛筆を置き解答を止めること。 6 受験中に机の上に置くことのできるものは、受験票、鉛筆またはシャープペンシ ル、鉛筆削り、消しゴム、時計 (時計機能だけのもの) 及び、眼鏡のみとする。 7 計算機能及び翻訳機能をもつ機器並びに音を発する機器の使用は禁止する。 8 携帯電話等の電源は切っておくこと。 206 第 1 章 大学・短大 1. 次の英文を読んで、設問 A,B,C,D に答えなさい。 (*の語は注を参照しなさい。) Most of the people on this planet will never see Antarctica* with their ( ア ) eyes, but it is a land of great fascination*. It is owned by no country, but instead is occupied by hardy* researchers who endure* the long sunless winter there in order to learn about the animals that live there and how the land was formed. Antarctica is the world’s fifth largest continent. It is ( イ ) away from any other country. It is extremely cold, windy and dry. Although it is dry, it holds two percent of the earth’s fresh* water. This water is frozen in the continent’s icecap. (1) This contains 90% of the world’s ice and is between 6,000 and 14,000 feet thick. There are no native people in Antarctica, and no one lives there permanently. It is the only continent that was actually “discovered,” because no one was living there when it was found. Ten percent of the earth’s surface is here, mostly covered ( ウ ) ice. In the center is the South Pole. Since it was first discovered in 1820, Antarctica has been claimed by many countries. (2) Only once have nations actually fought over the land. In 1952, British scientists tried to build a scientific base there, and Argentine soldiers shot at them to prevent the construction. About a dozen nations have established research stations on the continent. Scientists assume that there are great supplies of minerals and petroleum* under the ice and in the seas around the continent. These supplies may be valuable, but they are hard to take out. The cold, deep ice and fragile* environment are serious obstacles ( エ ) reaching these resources and bringing them to the surface. Antarctica is unique because it can only be used for peaceful purposes. Since 1961, 44 nations have signed the Antarctic Treaty and agreed on several essential points. First, no armies and no nuclear weapons are allowed there. Second, these nations have agreed to promote international scientific cooperation on the continent. (3) This includes conserving* the animal and plant life on land and the sealife in the seas around the continent. Thirdly, they have to discuss any attempt to remove resources. The way Antarctica is treated provides hints for how the whole world can live together peacefully. (注) Antarctica 南極大陸 fascination 魅力 hardy 辛抱強い endure 耐える fresh 無塩の petroleum 石油 fragile 壊れやすい conserve 保護する 1.12. 熊本県立技術短期大学校 207 A. 空所 ( ア )∼( エ ) に入る最も適切な語を1∼4の中から1つ選び、その番 号を解答欄に記入しなさい。 ( ( ( ( ア イ ウ エ ) ) ) ) 1. 1. 1. 1. other very over to 2. 2. 2. 2. self distance with for 3. 3. 3. 3. own much up by 4. 4. 4. 4. else far below with B. 下線部 (1)、(3) の表す内容として最も適切なものを1∼3 の中から1つ選んで、 その番号を解答欄に記入しなさい。 (1) 1. Antarctica 2. Antarctica’s icecap 3. the earth’s fresh water (3) 1. the continent 2. the fragile environment 3. international scientific cooperation C. 下線部 (2) の日本語訳として最も適切なものを 1∼3 の中から 1 つ選び、その番号 を解答欄に記入しなさい。 1. 2. 3. 南極大陸をめぐって、国々が現実に争ったのは一度きりしかない。 南極大陸をめぐって、国々はただの一度も現実に争ったことがない。 南極大陸をめぐって、国々が現実に争ったのは一度だけではない。 D. 1∼4 の中から本文の内容に合致するものを 1 つ選び、その番号を解答欄に記入し なさい。 1. 南極大陸を覆う氷には 2 パーセントの塩分が含まれている。 2. 44ヶ国の国々が南極大陸に観測基地をもっている。 3. 南極大陸は地球の表面の 10 パーセントを占める広さがある。 4. 南極条約調印した国々は軍隊も核兵器も保有しない中立国である。 208 第 1 章 大学・短大 2. 次のア∼コの空欄に入る最も適切な語 (句) をそれぞれ 1∼4の中から1つ選び、 その番号を解答欄に記入しなさい。 ア. Have you ( ) the paper yet? 1. completely 2. completed イ. There was a ( 1. various 2. variety 3. vary 4. varied ) shown in the new design. 2. interested 3. interesting エ. The train from Fukuoka arrives ( 1. on 2. right 3. between 4. at ) overtime until the project is finished. 2. have worked 3. work カ. We don’t have much time to ( 1. make 2. do キ. I always ( 1. make 4. interestingly ) noon. オ. The boss asked that everyone ( 1. worked 4. completion ) of people at the conference. ウ. There was a lot of ( 1. interest 3. complete 4. will work ) a decision. 3. come 4. go ) a little gardening at the weekend. 2. do 3. take 4. play ク. If these words are hard to understand you could ( 1. look 2. watch 3. draw 4. refer to ケ. It wasn’t her cat. I don’t know who it ( 1. owned 2. possessed ). 3. belonged to コ. He still acts like a baby. I wish he’d ( 1. grew up 2. would grow up ) a dictionary. 4. was had ). 3. grown up 4. grow up 1.12. 熊本県立技術短期大学校 209 3. 次の (1)∼(5) の日本語に当てはまるように、空欄 (ア)∼(オ) に1∼8の中から 最も適切な語を1つずつ入れて英文を完成させなさい。答えは解答欄に 1∼8 の 番号を記入しなさい。(空欄に同じ語を2度使うことはありません。) (1) 空港に着くとすぐに私は円をすこしドルに交換した。 As ( ア ) ( イ ) I ( ウ ) at the airport I ( エ ) some yen ( オ ) dollars. 1. into 5. changed 2. reached 6. between 3. soon 7. arrived 4. exchanged 8. as (2) 先々週、いくつか作文を書いたけれど、急いで書いたので成績は低かった。 I wrote a ( ア ) of essays the week ( イ ) ( ウ ), but I got low ( エ ) because I ( オ ) them very quickly. 1. ago 5. did 2. grades 6. last 3. before 7. number 4. several 8. success (3) スーザンはオーシャン通りにある銀行のとなりのビルの2階に部屋を借りている。 Susan lives ( ア ) an apartment ( イ ) the second floor ( ウ ) a building in Ocean Street, ( エ ) ( オ ) the bank. 1. next 5. door 2. from 6. to 3. in 7. on 4. up 8. of (4) ピーター・ジャクソンの製作した新しい映画はきっと人気を博して、彼はオスカー賞 を受けるだろう。 The new movie ( ア ) Peter Jackson is going to ( イ ) a big ( ウ ), and I ( エ ) he will ( オ ) an Oscar. 1. be 5. by 2. expect 6. made 3. popular 7. hit 4. win 8. look forward (5) 最近までイギリスでは人々は紅茶を飲んでいたが、この頃は健康に良いので緑茶が よく飲まれている。 ( ア ) recently most people in Britain drank ( イ ) tea, but ( ウ ) green tea has become popular ( エ ) to its health ( オ ). 1. lately 5. black 2. due 6. until 3. later 7. because 4. goods 8. benefits 210 第 1 章 大学・短大 解答例 1. A (ア) 3 (イ) 4 (ウ) 2 (エ) 2 B (1) 2 (3) 3 C 1 D 3 (長文問題和訳) この惑星の人のほとんどは、自分自身の目で南極大陸を見ることは、決して無い だろう。しかし、そこは大変魅惑的な場所だ。そこは、どの国の物でもないが、その 代わり、そこに住む動物のことを知り、どうやってその土地が形作られたのかを知る 為に、そこで長い、太陽の出ない冬を耐える、辛抱強い研究者らが住んでいる。南 極大陸は世界で 5 番目に大きな大陸だ。ここは他のどの国からも遠いところにある。 極端に寒く、風が強く、乾燥している。乾燥しているが、地球の真水の 2 パーセント を保持している。この水は大陸の氷河となって凍る。これは世界の氷の 90 パーセン トを占め、6000 から 25,000 フィートの厚さである。 南極大陸には土着の民族はいない。そしてそこにずっと住むものは誰も居ない。そ こが見つかった時、そこには誰も住んでいなかったので、実際に「発見された」の は大陸だけだ。地表の 10 パーセントがここにあり、そのほとんどが氷に覆われてい る。中央には南極がある。1820 年に初めて発見されて以来南極大陸は多くの国々に 求められてきた。この土地をめぐって実際に国々の争いがあったのはたった 1 度だけ だった。1952 年にイギリスの科学者がそこに科学基地を建てようとしたが、アルゼ ンチンの兵士がその建設を阻止する為、相手を撃った。 約 12 の国家がその大陸に調査基地を建て、科学者は氷と大陸の周りの海の下に大 きなミネラルと原油の供給があると仮定していた。これらの供給は貴重かもしれな いが、取り出すのが大変だった。冷たく、深い氷と壊れやすい環境はこれらの資源 に辿り着き、地表にそれらを持ち込む事に対する深刻な障害物となった。 南極大陸は平和に満ちた目的のためにのみ使うことができる点がユニークだ。1961 年以来、44 の国家が南極条約に調印し、いくつかの本質的な点に同意した。第一に、 そこでは一切の武器や核兵器が許されていない。第二にこれらの国々は大陸に於け る、国際的な科学協力を促進する事に同意した。この条約は、大陸の周りに住む海 の生き物や陸上に住む動物、植物、生命を保護することを含んでいた。第 3 に、資源 を持ち出す、あらゆる試みをも議論せねばならない。南極大陸の扱われ方は、いか に全世界が、平和的に共に生きていけるかに対して、ヒントを与えている。 2 ア2 イ2 ウ1 エ4 オ3 カ1 キ2 ク4 ケ3 コ4 3 (1) ア 3 (2) ア 4 (3) ア 3 (4) ア 5 (5) ア 6 イ8 イ3 イ7 イ1 イ5 ウ7 ウ6 ウ8 ウ7 ウ1 エ4 エ2 エ1 エ2 エ2 オ1 オ5 オ6 オ4 オ8 第 2 章 医療系 平成 18 年度 (2006) に新教育課程での入学試験に移行した.県内の医療系専門学校 等の入試問題は学校ごとに出題形式に特徴があり,過去問題を研究しておくことが, 最も効率的な試験対策であると考えられる. なお,本書に掲載した入学試験問題は,次のサイトからもダウンロード (PDF) す ることができる1 . http://www1.ocn.ne.jp/˜oboetene/plan/eng.html 本書に掲載した平成 18 年度 (2006) 入学試験問題は次のとおりである. 本書に掲載した 2006 年度入学試験問題 学校名 試験科目 試験日 メディカルカレッジ青照館 (推薦) I 10/23,11/23 メディカルカレッジ青照館 (一般) I 12/23,2/11,3/21 熊本リハビリテーション学院 (一般) I 12/17,2/18 九州中央リハビリテーション学院 (一般) I 11/9,1/11 西日本リハビリテーション学院 (一般) I 11/19,1/28 熊本労災看護専門学校 (一般) I・II 1/26 1 県内の看護師養成課程 (高看) をもつ専門学校に入学試験問題の送付を依頼したところ,熊本労災 看護専門学校以外のすべての学校は,入学試験問題を非公開としているため,入手することができな かった. 211 212 第 2 章 医療系 2.1 メディカルカレッジ青照館 2.1.1 推薦前期 I. 次の英文の説明に最も適切なものを ° 1 ∼° 0 から選べ。 1) a member of the same class in a school, college, etc. 1 2) a student in his or her first year at university 2 3) a person who is in someone’s home by invitation 3 4) a person whose business is to advise people about laws and to represent them in court 4 5) a person who writes letters, keeps records, etc. 5 ° 1 businessman ° 6 guest ° 2 freshman ° 7 host ° 3 secretary ° 8 lawyer ° 4 sophomore ° 9 novelist II. 次の英文に最も相応しい前置詞を ° 1 ∼° 4 から選び完成せよ。 1) It’s rude to speak ° 1 without 6 your mouth full. ° 2 by ° 3 in 2) He bought this DVD ° 1 of 3) 8 7 five thousand yen. ° 2 for ° 3 at ° 4 with ° 3 As ° 4 At seeing me, he ran away. ° 1 By ° 2 On 4) Miciko writes ° 1 for 9 her grandmother twice a week. ° 2 against 5) We discussed the manifesto ° 1 over 6) She takes ° 3 of 10 ° 2 with 11 ° 1 after 7) Do you believe ° 1 of ° 4 with ° 4 to a cup of tea. ° 3 through ° 4 during her mother in many ways. ° 2 before 12 ° 3 about ° 4 to ° 3 in ° 4 on ghosts? ° 2 from ° 5 customer ° 0 classmate 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 8) The heavy rain prevented us ° 1 without ° 2 of 9) She caught her son ° 1 on 10) Bob is proud ° 1 for ° 4 for the arm. ° 2 by ° 3 near ° 4 around his son having become a therapist. ° 2 in III. 次の英文を精読し, attending the birthday party. ° 3 from 14 15 13 213 ° 3 on ° 4 of を° 1 ∼° 0 から選び完成せよ。 16 was started. It was the Egyptians In Egypt the first great medical 17 first carefully observed the 18 body. It was they who 19 carried out surgical operations and it was in Egypt that first medical books were 20 . The Egyptians had great knowledge of the human 21 . They believed that after death the body made a long journey to the next world. If it arrived in 22 condition, the spirit lived in it again in the 23 life. So they prepared the body carefully for its journey. They took out the stomach, lungs and other organs of the body. This was 24 they learned the 25 of these main organs. ° 1 written ° 6 who ° 2 body ° 7 first ° 3 good ° 8 school ° 4 new ° 9 position ° 5 how ° 0 human IV. 次の会話文を完成するために最も適切なものを ° 1 ∼° 5 から選べ。 1) A: I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long. B: 26 ° 1 That’s a pity. ° 4 That’s all right. ° 2 You’re welcome. ° 5 Why not? ° 3 No, thanks. 2) A: Do I need to make a reservation for dinner tonight? B: 27 ° 1 I think you should. ° 4 No, thank you. ° 2 I wonder when. ° 3 OK. I will ° 5 What can I do for you? 3) A: How about another glass of wine? B: No, thank you. 28 ° 1 I have a glass with me. ° 4 Fill it to the top. ° 2 I’ve had enough. ° 5 I’ll be glad to. ° 3 One more, please. 214 第 2 章 医療系 4) A: 29 Have I met you before? B: No, I don’t think so. ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 ° 5 You sound very happy, don’t you? I think you’re a stranger here. I wonder if you are new here. You’ve been here for the first time. You look familiar to me. 5) A: Hi! 30 B: Well, I’ve got a new car. ° 1 What do you want? ° 3 What’s new? ° 5 What do you do? ° 2 What’s wrong with you? ° 4 What can I do for you? V. 次の各英文に最も適切なものを ° 1 ∼° 4 から選べ。 1) We canceled the party ° 1 because of ° 1 not to notice ° 3 to be not noticed 33 the cold. ° 2 in stead of 2) The rabbit walked softly 3) 31 ° 3 in spite of 32 ° 4 in place of by the sleeping fox. ° 2 not to be noticed ° 4 to not be noticed I know, she left Misumi Machi more than ten years ago. ° 1 As long as 4) Never ° 1 I saw 34 ° 2 As much as ° 3 As well as ° 4 As far as such a beautiful scene before! ° 2 I didn’t see ° 3 I have seen ° 4 have I seen 5) Ken said that he had been abroad three times so far. ° 1 when ° 2 that ° 3 which ° 4 what 35 was a lie. 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 解答例 I. II. III. IV. 1 ° 0 2 3 4 ° 2 ° 6 ° 8 5 ° 3 6 ° 4 7 8 9 ° 2 ° 2 ° 4 10 ° 1 11 ° 1 12 ° 3 13 ° 3 14 ° 2 15 ° 4 16 ° 8 17 18 19 ° 6 ° 0 ° 7 20 ° 1 21 ° 2 22 ° 3 23 ° 4 24 ° 5 25 ° 9 26 ° 4 27 28 29 ° 1 ° 2 ° 5 30 ° 3 なお,27 は ° 4 も可能 V. 31 ° 1 32 33 34 ° 2 ° 4 ° 4 35 ° 2 215 216 第 2 章 医療系 2.1.2 推薦後期 I. 次の英文の説明に最も適切なものを ° 1 ∼° 0 から選べ。 1) A shaking of the ground caused by movement of the earth’s crust 1 ° 1 earthquake ° 2 wave ° 3 flood ° 4 landscape ° 5 hurricane 2) A machine which keeps the air cool and dry in a building ° 1 refrigerator ° 4 air conditioner ° 2 heater ° 5 controller ° 3 cleaner 3) A person who travels in a vehicle, boat, train, etc... ° 1 conductor ° 4 customer ° 2 passenger ° 5 visitor ° 2 salary ° 5 purchase ° 2 crowd ° 5 population 4 ° 3 payment 5) The number of people who live in it ° 1 popularity ° 4 humanity 3 ° 3 attendant 4) An amount of money that you have to pay to the government for public services ° 1 tax ° 4 currency 2 5 ° 3 race 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 II. 次の英文に最も相応しい前置詞を ° 1 ∼° 4 から選び完成せよ。 1) The girl 6 ° 1 of red hair is lrish. ° 2 in 2) Please help yourself ° 1 for 3) “Keep 7 8 ° 1 of 5) I sometimes go ° 1 on ° 4 with ° 3 away ° 4 against working, we played outside all day. ° 2 on ° 3 without a walk before breakfast. ° 2 to ° 3 with 11 8) The sun rises ° 2 till ° 3 through ° 1 in ° 2 above 13 ° 1 across 14 ° 2 along 10) My grandfather is very well ° 1 spite ° 4 by 12 a school girl. ° 3 as ° 4 at ° 3 off ° 4 over the east. ° 2 from 9) The Sirakawa flows ° 4 for day. 7) My mother showed me a picture of my aunt ° 1 about ° 4 as 10 6) It is getting colder day ° 1 from ° 3 on the grass!” ° 2 off 9 ° 4 by some salad. ° 2 to ° 1 from 4) Instead ° 3 with ° 2 despite Kumamoto City. ° 3 through 15 ° 4 until his old age. ° 3 but ° 4 as 217 218 第 2 章 医療系 III. 次の英文を精読し、下記の設問に答えよ。 A recent survey showed some interesting facts about Japanese tourist going overseas. Most tourists take two hundred forty thousand yen with them when they travel, but they only spend about half of this amount. This is all spending money, because most tour arrangements, hotel bills and transportation fees are paid before leaving Japan. People traveling to America spend a lot of money on souvenirs, but tourist to Australia spend the most money on souvenirs. Maybe Australian souvenirs are more attractive, or more expensive, than those in America. A few years ago, most tourists thought that the one thing that they must carry overseas with them would be “UMEBOSHI.” Now, the one thing tourists feel they must have is a small digital camera. No one is sure why tourists have changed from UMEBOSHI to a digital camera. 1) 上記の英文に最も相応しい題をつけるとすれば、次のどれか。 ° 1 日本人の買い物 ° 3 旅行のお土産 ° 2 日本人の海外旅行 ° 4 アメリカとオーストラリア旅行 2) half of this amount の金額はいくらか。 ° 1 6 万円 ° 2 12 万円 ° 3 24 万円 17 ° 4 18 万円 3) hotel bills とは何か。 ° 1 ホテルの建物 ° 3 ホテルの宿泊費 18 ° 2 ホテルの広告 ° 4 ホテルの飲食費 4) spend a lot of money on souvenirs の意味は、次のどれか。 ° 1 多くのお金を飲食に使う ° 3 お土産にたくさんお金を使う 19 ° 2 一番たくさんお土産を買う ° 4 大金を郊外で使い過ごす 5) No one is sure why ∼の日本語訳で、最も相応しいものを選べ。 ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 16 誰もどうして ∼ かに気付いていないのである。 誰もどうして ∼ かに触れないのである。 誰もどうして ∼ かを理解しようとしないのである。 誰もどうして ∼ か、はっきりとはわからないのである。 20 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 IV. 次の対話文を完成するために最も適切なものを ° 1 ∼° 4 から選べ。 1) “Would you like to go shopping with me this afternoon?” “ 21 I must go to the dentist at 3.” ° 1 Sure, I will. ° 3 I don’t know what to do. ° 2 I’m afraid I can’t. ° 4 Thank you for inviting me. 2) “I’ve never heard such an interesting story.” “ 22 ” ° 1 Oh, do you? ° 3 Oh, haven’t you? ° 2 Oh, did you? ° 4 Oh, didn’t you? 3) “How about playing cards with me. Bob?” “ 23 ” ° 1 No, thank you. ° 3 After you. ° 2 Go ahead. ° 4 That’s a good idea. 4) “Do you mind my smoking here?” “ 24 ” ° 1 Certainly. ° 3 I hope so. ° 2 Of course not. ° 4 Yes, you may. 5) “Will you tell me how I can go to Medical College Seisyou-Kan?” “I’m sorry I can’t. I’m quite a stranger around here.” “I see. 25 ” ° 1 That’s very kind of you. ° 3 Thanks just the same. ° 2 Don’t mention it. ° 4 Oh, I’m a stranger, too. 219 220 第 2 章 医療系 V. 次の英文の下線部の語句に最も近い意味をもつものを、° 1 ∼° 4 から選べ。 1) The football match was called off because of the bad weather. ° 1 canceled ° 2 continued ° 3 collected ° 4 postpond 2) I don’t know how they put up with this situation. ° 1 call ° 2 endure ° 3 stop 27 ° 4 remove 3) She is far from poor; in fact, she’s quite rich. ° 1 at least ° 2 in a sense ° 3 not at all 28 ° 4 to say nothing of 4) Nowadays it is quite common for people to go abroad for their holidays. ° 1 good ° 2 rare ° 3 strange ° 2 repeated ° 3 reviewed 29 ° 4 usual 5) The search of the missing climbers was abandoned after two weeks. ° 1 given up 26 ° 4 restarted 30 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 解答例 I. II. III. IV. V. 1 ° 1 2 3 4 ° 4 ° 2 ° 1 5 ° 5 6 ° 3 7 8 9 ° 2 ° 2 ° 1 10 ° 4 16 ° 2 17 18 19 ° 2 ° 3 ° 3 20 ° 4 21 ° 2 22 23 24 ° 3 ° 4 ° 2 25 ° 3 26 ° 1 27 28 29 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 30 ° 1 11 ° 4 12 ° 3 13 ° 1 14 ° 3 15 ° 2 221 222 第 2 章 医療系 2.1.3 一般試験 A 日程 60 分 I. 次の英単語の下線部と同じ発音を含む語を ° 1 ∼° 4 から選べ。 1) bowl ° 1 allow ° 2 boat ° 3 south ° 4 ball 1 2) rough ° 1 cough ° 2 though ° 3 sought ° 4 tough 2 3) foul ° 1 laugh ° 2 owl ° 3 low ° 4 brought 3 4) grow ° 1 caught ° 2 fowl ° 3 wow ° 4 know 4 5) broad ° 1 folk ° 2 coal ° 3 thought ° 4 worm 5 II. 次の英文の説明に最も適切なものを選べ。 1) something given to a person who did good work or won a race ° 1 product ° 2 prize ° 3 courage ° 4 crown 2) large area of land, often sand-covered, where water and trees can hardly be seen ° 1 desert ° 2 forest ° 3 gulf ° 2 history ° 3 knowledge ° 2 model ° 3 style 9 ° 4 statue 5) an instrument with lenses which show distant things nearer and larger ° 1 camera ° 2 microscope ° 3 telescope 8 ° 4 experience 4) a figure of a person usually made of wood or stone ° 1 shadow 7 ° 4 beach 3) the ability to keep in mind something that happened in the past ° 1 memory 6 ° 4 television 10 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 III. 次の英文に最も相応しい前置詞を ° 1 ∼° 4 から選べ。 1) 彼女は何をしていますか。 What is she 11 ? ° 1 for ° 2 at ° 3 with ° 4 from 2) 私は、そのニュースをラジオで聞きました。 I heard the news 12 the radio. ° 1 with ° 2 about 3) ご親切に感謝いたします。 I’m grateful to you 13 ° 1 at ° 2 about ° 3 on ° 4 from your kindness. ° 3 with ° 4 for 4) 私は日本人で、日本人であることを誇りに思っています。 I’m Japanese, and proud 14 it. ° 1 of ° 2 by ° 3 in ° 4 to 5) 看護師は、私に室内での喫煙は差し控えて下さいと言った。 The nurse asked me to refrain 15 smoking. ° 1 at ° 2 from ° 3 with ° 4 through 6) お茶を飲みながら話をしましょう。 Let’s talk 16 a cup of tea. ° 1 for ° 2 on ° 3 over ° 4 with 7) この問題は私には理解できません。 17 me. This problem is ° 1 above ° 2 without ° 3 below ° 4 under 8) その店は、定価から一割引いてくれました。 18 the price. They took 10% ° 1 of ° 2 from ° 3 for ° 4 off 9) 彼の家へ行ってきたところです。 I’ve been 19 his house. ° 1 to ° 2 at ° 3 from ° 4 after 10) 彼らは彼女に結婚のお祝いを言いました。 20 her marriage. They congratulated her ° 1 for ° 2 on ° 3 with ° 4 to 223 224 第 2 章 医療系 IV. 次の各英文には明らかに誤りが一箇所ずつある。° 1 ∼° 4 から選べ。 1) There ° 1 are ° 2 much different ° 3 kinds of ° 4 cars. 21 2) He ° 1 never ° 2 drives ° 3 more than 30 kilometers ° 4 time. 22 3) ° 1 If it ° 2 will rain, we ° 3 will not ° 4 go on a picnic. 23 4) The book is ° 1 too difficult ° 2 that he ° 3 cannot read ° 4 it. 24 5) He ° 1 has ° 2 been in Japan ° 3 since ° 4 many years. 25 6) We ° 1 haven’t ° 2 decided ° 3 what ° 4 should do. 26 7) I ° 1 look ° 2 forward ° 3 to ° 4 see you soon. 27 8) If I ° 1 have left ° 2 earlier, I ° 3 would have ° 4 avoided the accident. 28 9) I am sorry ° 1 to ° 2 have ° 3 kept you ° 4 wait. 29 10) ° 1 How ° 2 about ° 3 to go to ° 4 the movies tonight? 30 V. 次の二人の英会話が成り立つように、° 1 ∼° 4 から選べ。 1) A: 31 the matter with you? You look pale. B: I have a cold. ° 1 How is ° 2 Where is ° 3 Anything is ° 4 What is 2) A: Will you have some more coffee? 32 B: No, thanks. I’ve had ° 1 more ° 2 enough ° 3 much ° 4 full ° 3 no ° 4 not 3) A: Do you mind if I smoke here? B: Of course 33 . Go ahead. ° 1 little ° 2 yes 4) A: Would you please B: Here you are. ° 1 help 34 ° 2 pass me the salt? ° 3 send ° 4 take 5) A: How are you 35 along these days? B: Not bad, thank you. ° 1 keeping ° 2 living ° 3 doing ° 4 getting 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 225 VI. 次の英文を精読し、下記の設問に答えよ。 It is sometimes hard for people to understand that a creative genius, I like a writer, composer or artist, doesn’t always lead a well-regulated life. He doesn’t “produce” his work like someone in a factory. Franz Schubert was one of the most productive composers. He lived to be only 31 years of age, yet he wrote over 600 songs, many beautiful symphonies and sonatas, and much choral and *chamber music. And he had a hard time doing it. Creating the music wasn’t his problem. He couldn’t get a permanent position to support himself. He was underpaid by the publishers of his music. He was usually short of money. So there could be all kinds of reasons why he could start a work and 36 it. The exact date when he composed the Eighth Symphony in B Minor (Unfinished) isn’t known. The manuscript gathered dust for more than 40 years until it was discovered in 1865 by a Viennese conductor and given its first performance. 37 the Eighth Symphony remain a mystery. It is Schubert’s reasons for assumed that he intended 40 complete the work, for the first nine bars of a scherzo movement were fully written and the rest of the movement sketched out. But something must have happened to prevent him 38 it — and it remains 39 . But it is 41 a masterpiece. *chamber music:室内楽 1) 本文中の 36 ° 1 finish ° 4 not finishing 2) 本文中の ° 1 to 40 ° 2 of 39 ∼ に最も相応しいものを下記より選べ。 ° 2 finishing ° 5 finished 及び 41 ° 3 for ° 3 unfinished ° 6 not finish に最も相応しいものをそれぞれ選べ。 ° 4 very ° 5 still ° 6 much 3) 下線部 hard for people to understand であるのは、次のどれか。 ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 芸術家達が法律を破りやすいこと ある種の芸術家が工場で作るように作品を多作していること 芸術家達が必ずしも規則正しい生活をしないこと きちんとした生活をしている芸術家などいないこと 42 226 第 2 章 医療系 4) 下線部 productive の意味は、次のどれか。 ° 1 多作である ° 3 お金がとれる ° 2 作品がいろいろな種類にわたっている 4 創造力に富んでいる ° 5) 下線部 he had a hard time doing it の意味は、次のどれか。 ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 彼は作曲に心血をそそいだ 彼はなかなか良い作品ができなくて苦しんだ 彼は急いで沢山の曲を作らなければならなくて大変だった 彼はいつも手の届くところにお金があった 彼は一般にお金についての配慮が足りなかった 彼はいつもお金が十分あった 46 わずかな人の関心しか集めなかった 人々の関心を集め続けていた つまらないものと思われていた 誰にも使われずに埋もれていた 8) 下線部 remain a mystery の意味は、次のどれか。 ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 45 彼はいつもお金に不自由していた 7) 下線部 gathered dust の意味はどれか。 ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 44 彼はそれをしている間貧乏であった 6) 下線部 He was usually short of money の意味は、次のどれか。 ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 43 永久に神秘的な美しさを残している 不滅である 神秘的な感じがある なぜかわからない 47 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 227 VII. 次の日本文に合うように与えられた語を並べ換えて英文を作れ。それぞれ指定 された位置 48 ∼ 52 にくる語を、° 1 ∼° 8 から選べ。ただし、文頭に くる語も小文字で示してある。 1) 彼女は母親そっくりだ。 48 ° 1 is ° 2 of . ° 3 she ° 4 mother ° 5 her ° 6 the ° 7 picture 2) ここに居てもいいですか。 49 ° 1 mind ° 2 I . ° 3 do ° 4 stay ° 5 you ° 6 here ° 7 if 3) この薬は君に効くだろう 50 ° 1 do ° 2 will . ° 3 medicine ° 4 you ° 5 this ° 6 good 4) あまり夜更かしをしない方がいいよ。 51 ° 1 had ° 8 late ° 2 too . ° 3 up ° 4 better ° 5 not ° 6 you ° 7 sit ° 6 is ° 7 years 5) メアリーは私より 3 歳年上です。 52 ° 1 senior ° 2 to ° 3 Mary . ° 4 three ° 5 me VIII. 次の英文の空所に最も適切なものを選び完成せよ。 1) I’ll wait here till the clock ° 1 strikes 2) She is second to ° 1 nothing 3) You’re always ° 1 making 4) 56 53 ° 2 struck 54 ° 4 will be striking ° 3 none ° 4 neither fault with your boss. ° 2 doing ° 3 finding ° 4 giving today’s paper, a big hurricane hit New Orleans. ° 1 Due to ° 2 According to 5) The Shinano River is longer than ° 1 each ° 3 will strike in tennis in her school. ° 2 never 55 ten. ° 2 all ° 3 Because of 57 ° 4 In addition to other river in Japan. ° 3 some ° 4 any 228 第 2 章 医療系 IX. 次の英文の下線部とほぼ同じ意味をもつものを選べ。 1) It doesn’t matter whether you believe me or not. 58 ° 1 is no use ° 2 isn’t helpful ° 3 isn’t important ° 4 isn’t necessary 2) Can you tell a crocodile from an alligator? ° 1 distinguish ° 2 regard 59 ° 3 appreciate ° 4 appoint 3) Machiko felt ill at ease with a lot of people around her. ° 1 sick ° 2 bored ° 3 nervous ° 4 relaxed 4) They were dead tired after the long discussion. ° 1 completely ° 2 generally ° 3 exactly 61 ° 4 easily 5) She always cuts in on our conversation. ° 1 represents ° 2 maintains 60 ° 3 translate 62 ° 4 interrupts X. 次の日本文の意味に最も相応しい英文を、° 1 ∼° 3 から選べ。 1) お茶をもう一杯いかがですか。 63 ° 1 Could you give me another cup of tea? ° 2 Do you take a tea? ° 3 Would you like another cup of tea? 2) このおつりは間違っていると思います。 64 ° 1 I think this change is bad. ° 2 I think you give me mistake money. ° 3 I think this chanage is wrong. 3) ごみは燃えるごみと燃えないごみに分別して下さい。 65 ° 1 Please separate garbage into burnable and non-burnable ° 2 Please break garbage for burning and not ° 3 Please put garbage to burn and not to burn. 4) 高齢者介護を推進しています。 66 ° 1 We are trying to home helpers. ° 2 We are trying to promote care programs for the elderly at home. ° 3 We have promotion care programs for old person of home. 5) 障害者用の福祉施設が拡張されました。 ° 1 A welfare facility for the disabled has been expanded. ° 2 We have many new welfare facilities for the disabled. ° 3 It was expanded for a welfare facility of the disabled. 67 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 XI. 日本語の諺を参考にして、英文の諺を ° 1 ∼° 0 から選び完成せよ。 1) とらぬ狸の皮算用 Don’t count your 68 before they’re hatched. 2) 覆水盆に返らず It’s no use crying over spilt 69 . 3) 去る者は日々にうとし Out of sight, out of 70 . 4) 急がば廻れ Slow and steady wins the 71 . Don’t judge a book by its 72 . ° 1 heart ° 6 water ° 3 cover ° 8 days 5) 人は見かけによらぬもの ° 2 looks ° 7 chickens ° 4 race ° 9 mind ° 5 game ° 0 milk 229 230 第 2 章 医療系 解答例 I. 1 ° 2 2 3 4 ° 4 ° 2 ° 4 5 ° 3 1) bowl [bóul] ° 1 allow [@láu] ° 2 boat [bóut] ° 3 south [sáuT] ° 4 ball [bÓ:l] 2) rough [r2́f] ° 1 cough [kÓ:f] ° 2 though [Dóu] ° 3 sought [sÓ:t] ° 4 tough [t2́f] 3) foul [fául] ° 1 laugh [lǽf/lÁ:f] ° 2 owl [ául] ° 3 low [lóu] ° 4 brought [brÓ:t] 4) grow [gróu] ° 1 caught [kÓ:t] ° 2 fowl [fául] ° 3 wow [wáu] ° 4 know [nóu] 5) broad [brÓ:d] ° 1 folk [fóuk] ° 2 coal [kóul] ° 3 thought [TÓ:t] ° 4 worm [w´@:rm] II. III. IV. 6 ° 2 7 8 9 ° 1 ° 1 ° 4 10 ° 2 11 ° 2 12 13 14 ° 3 ° 4 ° 1 15 ° 2 16 ° 3 17 ° 1 18 ° 4 19 ° 1 20 ° 2 21 ° 2 22 23 24 ° 4 ° 2 ° 1 25 ° 3 26 ° 4 27 ° 4 28 ° 1 29 ° 4 30 ° 3 1) many 2) an hour 3) rains 4) so 5) for 6) to 7) seeing 8) had 9) waiting 10) going V. VI. 31 ° 4 32 33 34 ° 2 ° 4 ° 2 35 ° 4 36 ° 5 37 38 39 ° 4 ° 2 ° 3 40 ° 1 41 ° 5 42 ° 3 43 ° 1 44 ° 3 45 ° 1 46 ° 4 47 ° 4 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 VII. 48 ° 7 49 50 51 ° 7 ° 4 ° 5 52 ° 1 1) She is the picture of her mother. 2) Do you mind if I stay here? 3) This medicine will do you good. 4) You had bette not sit up too late. 5) Mary is three years senior to me. VIII. IX. X. XI. 53 ° 1 54 55 56 ° 3 ° 3 ° 2 57 ° 4 58 ° 3 59 60 61 ° 1 ° 3 ° 1 62 ° 4 63 ° 3 64 65 66 ° 3 ° 1 ° 2 67 ° 1 68 ° 7 69 70 71 ° 0 ° 9 ° 4 72 ° 3 231 232 第 2 章 医療系 2.1.4 一般試験 B 日程 60 分 I. 次の下線部の発音が他と明らかに異なるものをそれぞれ ° 1 ∼° 5 から選べ。 1) ° 1 pool ° 2 sugar ° 3 wool 2) ° 1 dad ° 2 lad 3) ° 1 sail 4) ° 1 coat ° 5 wolf 1 ° 3 manager ° 4 palm ° 5 mechanic 2 ° 2 danger ° 3 salad ° 4 sale ° 5 vein 3 ° 2 phone ° 3 sew ° 4 soup ° 5 toe 4 ° 4 breath ° 5 smooth 5 5) ° 1 through ° 2 thorough ° 3 thrill ° 4 would II. 次の各英文は病院内での会話の一部である。和訳を参考にし、最も相応しいも のを ° 1 ∼° 0 から選べ。 1) 「いつ頃から、症状 (徴候) が見られますか」 “When did your 6 appear?” 7 ?” 2) 「熱がありますか」 “Do you have a 3) 「胸を聴診器で調べましょう」 “Let me listen to your 8 .” 4) 「先生、背中がとてもかゆいんです」 “Doctor, I’m feeling awfully 9 on my back.” 5) 「では、左腕に注射をしましょう」 “Now I’ll give a ° 1 shot ° 6 chest 10 ° 2 cheek ° 7 pulse in your left arm.” ° 3 temperature ° 8 painful ° 4 symptom ° 9 itchy ° 5 heat ° 0 sore 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 III. 次の各英文に最も相応しい前置詞を ° 1 ∼° 4 から選び完成せよ。 1) This picture always reminds me ° 1 to ° 2 for ° 3 on 2) He divided his property ° 1 between 3) 13 12 ° 2 among Grandma’s past. ° 4 of his two sons. ° 3 in ° 4 with our surprise the girl soloved the problem easily. ° 1 For ° 2 To ° 3 Of 4) I’d like to make a call ° 1 on 14 ° 2 at ° 1 before 16 ° 1 against 7) We insisted ° 1 like 15 ° 3 after ° 2 behind 17 ° 3 for ° 3 of 18 ° 2 through ° 2 into ° 2 by ° 4 over her staying here. ° 2 in 10) My grandpa suffered ° 1 from ° 4 until this plan, because it isn’t good for the poor. ° 3 behind ° 3 in 20 ° 4 on my study room. 9) Our professor told me about the matter ° 1 before ° 4 to the spring vacation comes. ° 2 since 8) The policeman went ° 1 about ° 4 At his house tomorrow. ° 3 in 5) It will not be long 6) I’m 11 ° 4 below 19 advance. ° 4 with toothache last night. ° 3 over ° 4 with 233 234 第 2 章 医療系 IV. 次の各英文の下線部に最も近い意味を表すものを ° 1 ∼° 4 から選べ。 1) I’m sure that he will recover soon. ° 1 get off ° 2 get well ° 3 get in 21 ° 4 get through 2) He couldn’t take in what I was saying. ° 1 expect ° 2 memorize 22 ° 3 understand ° 4 store 3) How did it come about that you missed the plane? ° 1 appear ° 2 stand ° 3 change ° 4 happen 4) The theory cannot accout for this fact. ° 1 explain ° 2 consider ° 3 postpone 24 ° 4 prove 5) It made no difference to me whether Bob came to the party or not. ° 1 was equal ° 3 was unknown ° 2 overcome ° 3 mourn 29 ° 2 telephone me ° 4 ask me 10) His younger sister passed away two weeks ago. ° 1 appeared 28 ° 2 eat in the garden ° 4 eat too much 9) Could you give me a call this afternoon around 3 o’clock. ° 1 visit me ° 3 call on me 27 ° 2 take over ° 4 do away with 8) Mr. and Mrs. Brown often eat out on weekends. ° 1 eat in restaurants ° 3 eat delicious dishes 26 ° 4 resign 7) The factory is trying to get rid of water pollution. ° 1 get along with ° 3 put up with 25 ° 2 was indifferent ° 4 was unimportant 6) I just hope Mary will soon get over the shock of her husband’s death. ° 1 overtake 23 ° 2 left home ° 3 diappeared ° 4 died 30 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 235 V. 次の各英文には明らかに誤りが一箇所ずつある。° 1 ∼° 4 から選べ。 1) Mr. Tanaka ° 1 has ° 2 been ° 3 in Kumamoto Pre. ° 4 since three years. 31 2) We ° 1 were used ° 2 to live in a small town ° 3 but ° 4 now we live in Tokyo. 32 3) You’ll ° 1 be sure ° 2 to find our college ° 3 in ° 4 the right. 33 4) ° 1 Seeing ° 2 from distance, the rock ° 3 looks ° 4 just like a man’s face. 34 5) You ° 1 had better ° 2 get up now ° 3 and you’ll ° 4 be late for school. 35 VI. 次の英会話が自然に成立するように最も適切なものを選べ。 1) A: How 36 do you need to have this jacket cleaned? B: I want to wear it on Sunday. ° 1 early ° 2 fast ° 3 soon ° 4 long 2) A: I can’t understand the meaning of this sentence. B: 37 Let’s ask Mr. Misumi about it in the next class. ° 1 So can I. ° 2 Me, too. ° 3 So I can. 3) A: Do you feel like going to see a movie tonight? 38 . B: ° 1 Fine, thanks. ° 2 What for? ° 3 Why not? ° 4 Especially good. 4) A: Excuse me. Do you have a minute? 39 B: Sure. ° 1 Where is it? ° 2 It’s six thirty. ° 3 What’s up? ° 4 It’s too late. 5) A: B: A: ° 1 ° 3 Would you mind helping me for a minute? 40 What do you want me to do? Help me wash these dishes. I’m sorry I can’t. ° 2 I’d be glad to. I hope so. ° 4 I’m afraid not. ° 4 Neither can I. 236 第 2 章 医療系 VII. 次の英文を精読し、下記の設問に答えよ。 Some people say that television is the greatest invention of the 20th century. Others claim it is a drain on valuable time, an evil influence on the nation. There are those who ( A ) television for teaching violence and inviting young viewers to imitate criminals and gun-slinging heroes. There are those who say that TV turns people into passive vegetables ( B ) and watch the tube. Still others see television as history’s most effective educator, bringing the wonders and knowledge of the world into the homes of even the ( C ) citizens. Such education, they point out, was once available only to the very ( D ) who could afford travel and the best schools. Children today seem to know much more about the world than their parents and grandparents ( E ) at the same age. When asked for their opinion of television, some answer that TV is a harmless pastime that provides an escape from the troubles of daily life; ( F ) others argue that it presents a dangerously unreal picture of the world. The arguments rage on, and for every convincing statement about the harmless of TV there is an equally compelling argument about its benefits. Television is a controversial subject — but one on which everyone must take a stand. That glass-windowed box sitting in almost every household in the land demands a daily decision. To watch or not to watch, that is the decision. And each time that decision is made, a person reveals what values are important. *gun-slinging heroes: かっこいいガンマン達 *controversial: 議論の余地のある 1) ( A ) に最も適当な言葉は次のどれか。 ° 1 praise ° 2 ask ° 3 blame ° 4 look 41 ° 5 think 2) ( B ) に最も適当な語句は次のどれか。 ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 42 sit more than able to do little able to sit more than do little little do more than able to sit able to do little more than sit 3) ( C ),( D ) に最も適当な語を ° 1 ∼° 6 からそれぞれ選べ。 ° 1 strong ° 4 wealthy ° 2 good-natured ° 5 educated ° 3 poor ° 6 bright ( C ) ( D ) 43 44 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 4) 下線部 they はどのような人達か。 237 45 ° 1 テレビが良いものだと考えている人達 ° 2 有能な教育者達 ° 4 テレビは悪いものだと考えている人達 3 歴史の先生達 ° 5) 下線部 point out と同義語は次のどれか。 ° 1 increase ° 2 indicate ° 3 invest 46 ° 4 install 6) ( E ) に最も適当な語は次のどれか。 ° 1 did ° 2 do ° 3 done ° 4 doing 47 ° 5 to do 7) 下線部 for every · · · · · · its benefits の意味で最も適当なものはどれか。 ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 テレビは悪いものだという意見の方が強力である テレビは良いものだという意見の方が強力である テレビは悪いものだという意見も、良いものだと意見も同じように強力である テレビは良い面もあると同時に悪い面もあるという意見がある 8) 文脈から考えて ( F ) に最も適切な語は次のどれか。 ° 1 what ° 2 why ° 3 which ° 4 while 49 ° 5 how 9) 下線部 take a stand に最も相応しい意味は次のどれか。 ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 48 50 自分の立場を決定する スイッチを入れるために立ち上がる 自分の利益になるように考える 悪い影響を受けないように心を引き締める 10) 下線部 glass-windowed-box とは次のどれか。 ° 1 テレビ ° 2 テレビばかり見ている人 ° 4 視聴覚室 ° 5 水槽 51 ° 3 居間 238 第 2 章 医療系 VIII. 次の各日本文の意味を表す英文を ° 1 ∼° 4 から埋め完成せよ。 1) ICU とは、intensive care unit(集中治療室) の略語である。 ICU 52 for intensive care unit. ° 1 calls ° 2 looks ° 3 says ° 4 stands 2) 彼女はその後どうなったのだろうか。 I wonder what has become ° 1 on 53 ° 2 with her after that. ° 3 for ° 4 of 3) 彼女には欠点があるから私は一層好きだ。 I love her 54 ° 1 all the less for her faults. ° 2 all the better ° 3 all the more ° 4 all the same 4) 君がやろうと決心したことを正確に教えなさい。 Tell me exactly ° 1 how 55 you’ve made up your mind to do. ° 2 things ° 3 what ° 4 that ° 3 nothing ° 4 something 5) 彼は決して嘘つきではない。 He is 56 ° 1 anything but a liar. ° 2 everything IX. 次の与えられた語 (句) を並べかえて英文を作るとき、それぞれ指定された位置 にくる語 (句) を ° 1 ∼° 8 から選べ。また、それぞれ余分な語 (句) が一つずつ含 まれている。その語句も選べ。 (注:文頭にくる単語もすべて小文字で示してある。) 1) Lisa 57 ° 1 her ° 5 a diary ° 2 up ° 6 keep 2) . ° 3 mind ° 7 to ° 4 made ° 8 write 59 ° 1 say ° 5 to ° 2 mountains ° 6 do 3) Please ° 1 possible ° 5 it 58 during this spring vacation? ° 3 you ° 7 how ° 4 what ° 8 climbing 61 ° 2 let ° 6 me 余分な語 (句) ° 3 as soon as ° 7 know 余分な語 (句) 60 . ° 4 is 余分な語 (句) ° 8 decided 62 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 4) How kind ° 1 the ° 5 all 63 ° 2 of ° 6 you to see me off! ° 3 way ° 7 for 5) ° 4 come ° 8 to 65 ° 1 first ° 5 it ° 2 I ° 6 recently 余分な語 (句) ° 3 was ° 7 that ° 4 not ° 8 until 余分な語 (句) 1) 1 日につき*** 1 個で医者知らず。 a day keeps the doctor away. ° 1 A lemon ° 2 An apple ° 3 An orange ° 4 A banana 2) 誰にでも、それぞれ全盛時代があるものだ。 Every 68 has his day. ° 1 cat ° 2 lion ° 3 monkey ° 4 dog 3) 早起きは三文の得。 The early ° 1 bird 69 catches the worm. ° 2 chicken ° 3 pigeon ° 4 hawk ° 3 spice ° 4 pepper ° 3 mind ° 4 heart 4) 空腹にまずものなし。 Hunger is the best ° 1 sauce 70 . ° 2 soy sauce 5) 去る者は、日々に疎し。 Out of sight, out of ° 1 shape 71 ° 2 memory 64 noticed this change. X. 次の各英文は、英語圏では有名な諺である。最も適切なものを選べ。 67 239 . 66 240 第 2 章 医療系 解答例 I. 1 ° 1 2 3 4 ° 4 ° 3 ° 4 5 ° 5 1) ° 1 pool [pú:l] ° 2 sugar [Súg@r] ° 3 wool [wúl] ° 4 would [wúd] ° 5 wolf [wúlf] 2) ° 1 dad [dǽd] ° 2 lad [lǽd] ° 3 manager [mǽniÃ@r] ° 4 palm [pÁ:m] ° 5 mechanic [mikǽnik] 3) ° 1 sail [séil] ° 2 danger [déinÃ@r] ° 3 salad [sǽl@d] ° 4 sale [séil] ° 5 vein [véin] 4) ° 1 coat [kóut] ° 2 phone [fóun] ° 3 sew [sóu] ° 4 soup [sú:p] ° 5 toe [tóu] 5) ° 1 through [Trú:] ° 2 thorough [T´@:rou/T2́r@] ° 3 thirill [Trı́l] ° 4 breath [bréT] ° 5 smooth [smú:D] II. III. IV. V. 6 ° 4 7 8 9 ° 3 ° 6 ° 9 10 ° 1 11 ° 4 12 13 14 ° 1 ° 2 ° 4 15 ° 1 16 ° 1 17 ° 4 18 ° 2 19 ° 3 20 ° 1 21 ° 2 22 23 24 ° 3 ° 4 ° 1 25 ° 4 26 ° 2 27 ° 4 28 ° 1 29 ° 2 30 ° 4 31 ° 4 32 33 34 ° 1 ° 3 ° 4 35 ° 3 1) for 2) used to 3) on 4) Seen 5) or VI. VII. 36 ° 3 37 38 39 ° 4 ° 3 ° 3 40 ° 2 41 ° 3 42 43 44 ° 4 ° 3 ° 4 45 ° 4 46 ° 2 47 ° 1 48 ° 4 49 ° 4 50 ° 1 51 ° 1 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 VIII. IX. 52 ° 4 53 54 55 ° 4 ° 2 ° 3 56 ° 1 57 ° 3 58 59 60 ° 8 ° 5 ° 7 61 ° 1 62 ° 8 63 ° 5 64 ° 7 65 ° 7 66 ° 1 1) Lisa made up her mind to keep a diary. 2) What do you say to climbing moutains during this spring vacation? 3) Please let me know as soon as possible it is. 4) How kind of you all the way to come to see me off! 5) It was not until that I recently noticed this change. X. 67 ° 2 68 69 70 ° 4 ° 1 ° 1 71 ° 3 241 242 第 2 章 医療系 2.1.5 一般試験 C 日程 60 分 I. 次の下線部の発音が他と明らかに異なるものを ° 1 ∼° 4 から選べ。 1) ° 1 chemical ° 2 chimney ° 3 chapel ° 4 chamber 1 2) ° 1 allow ° 2 aloud ° 3 cousin ° 4 crowd 2 3) ° 1 cough ° 2 tough ° 3 enough ° 4 rough 3 4) ° 1 heal ° 2 deaf ° 3 breathe ° 4 disease 4 5) ° 1 boot ° 2 loose ° 3 blood ° 4 mood 5 II. 次の各英文は病院内での会話の一部である。和訳を参考にし、最も相応しいも のを ° 1 ∼° 0 から選べ。 1) 「では、深呼吸をして下さい。はい、止めて · · · 」 “Now take a deep 6 and hold it...” 2) 「先生、身体に全然力が入らないで、くらくらするんです」 7 “Doctor, I feel very weak and .” 3) 「人の正常な平熱は、華氏で 98.6 度ぐらいですよ」 “A person’s normal is about 98.6◦ F.” 8 4) 「どこの薬局でも、手に入りますよ」 “You can get it at any 9 .” 5) 「先日、彼は肺癌で亡くなりました」 “He died of 10 cancer the other day.” ° 1 dizzy ° 2 fever ° 3 lung ° 4 chilly ° 5 liver ° 6 pharmacy ° 7 prescription ° 8 temperature ° 9 cough ° 0 breath 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 III. 次の各英文に最も相応しい前置詞を ° 1 ∼° 4 から選び完成せよ。 1) Pay attention 11 ° 1 at what your professor says! ° 2 in ° 3 on 2) There is a big bridge ° 1 on 12 ° 2 above 3) He came 13 ° 1 by 14 the sea near Misumi Machi. ° 3 over ° 3 in ° 4 about this dictionary, I have no medical books. ° 1 from ° 2 about ° 3 with 5) I beat him in the tennis match ° 1 at ° 2 for 6) I met her aunt ° 1 by 16 15 18 ° 1 for 9) It was stupid ° 1 of ease. ° 4 in chance in front of my school gate. ° 3 in 7) It’s too difficult to make a speech 8) Why ° 4 among ° 3 with ° 2 through ° 1 before ° 4 below being run over the other day. ° 2 near 4) Apart ° 4 to ° 2 between ° 4 on 17 ° 3 from ° 4 in earth did you do such a thing? ° 2 in 19 ° 2 for ° 3 on ° 2 in ° 4 like me to believe the superstition. ° 3 about 10) My steady bought my birthday present ° 1 by public. ° 3 with ° 4 to 20 fifty dollars. ° 4 for 243 244 第 2 章 医療系 IV. 次の各英文の下線部に最も近い意味を表すものを ° 1 ∼° 4 から選べ。 1) I’m not accustomed to being treated in that rude way. ° 1 caused ° 2 abele ° 3 used ° 4 satisfied 2) How foolish he is to waste his money on such a gamble! ° 1 of him ° 2 by him ° 3 to him ° 2 unusually ° 3 more 23 ° 4 ever 4) When I’m so busy, I often do without lunch. ° 1 get ° 2 come ° 3 finish 24 ° 4 go 5) I’m anxious for you to meet my new boss. ° 1 willing ° 2 wishing ° 3 eager 25 ° 4 looking 6) I can’t put up with your rudeness any more. ° 1 admit ° 2 endure 26 ° 3 appreciate ° 4 comprehend 7) I waited for her at the coffee shop for hours, but she didn’t turn up. ° 1 appear ° 2 leave ° 3 return ° 2 explain ° 3 execute ° 2 read ° 3 publish ° 3 express 29 ° 4 reveal 10) I couldn’t make out what my grandpa murmured. ° 1 understand ° 2 react 28 ° 4 examine 9) Our professor is going to bring out a new monthly magazine. ° 1 purchase 27 ° 4 call 8) How do you account for the result of this work? ° 1 exhibit 22 ° 4 on him 3) Today she studied even harder than usual. ° 1 much 21 30 ° 4 pretend V. 次の各英文には明らかに誤りが一箇所ずつある。° 1 ∼° 4 から選べ。 1) I feel ° 2 because I ° 4 up late last night. 1 so sleep ° 3 stayed ° 31 2) ° 1 Once ° 2 in a while I ° 3 go out ° 4 in dinner with my parents. 32 3) ° 1 Would you ° 2 like ° 3 to go ° 4 to shopping with me? 33 4) I believe ° 34 1 that ° 2 it’s not ° 3 too late ° 4 for change your mind. 5) My mother always ° 1 say vegetables ° 2 are good ° 3 for ° 4 our health. 35 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 245 VI. 次の英会話が自然に成立するように最も適切なものを選べ。 1) A: Did you hear about Lisa’s party? B: Yes. But I won’t attend the party. A: Really? 36 ° 1 Neither I will ° 2 Nor I will do. ° 3 Nor am I. ° 4 Neither will I 2) A: It’s a little hot, isn’t it? B: Yes, indeed. Shall I open the window? A: Oh, thank you. Do you mind my smoking here? B: 37 ° 1 Yes, I do. Please smoke. ° 3 No, not at all. ° 2 Yes, I do. I smoke, too. ° 4 No, I don’t. I can’t stand smoke. 3) Doctor : How are you today? Patient: Not so bad. Must I lie in bed all day? Doctor : 38 You may get up and walk around in the room. ° 1 No, you must not. ° 3 No, you should not. ° 2 No, you need not. ° 4 No, you can’t lie. 4) A: How long will it be? B: Nearly a year. It’s a long time to wait. You’ll get awfully tired of waiting. A: 39 I’m looking forward to it. ° 1 No, I won’t. ° 3 Yes, it makes me sick. ° 2 No, I don’t. ° 4 Yes, I like it. 5) A: Smells good! B: Yes, I was cooking dessert. Sit down and help yourself to the cake. A: 40 ° 1 Of course. I’m willing to help you. ° 3 Thank you. It looks so good. ° 2 Yes, please have some. ° 4 I’m sorry I can’t help you. 246 第 2 章 医療系 VII. 次の英文を精読し、下記の設問に答えよ。 Japan’s first heart transplant operation was performed in 1968 at Sapporo Medical College in Hokkaido. A controversy followed regarding the circumstances of the deaths of the donor and the heart recipient. The severity of the criticism was sufficient to delay the introduction of transplant procedures in Japan. The basic question concerns the term “brain death” or whether it is proper to transplant organs from people whose brains do not function but whose hearts are still beating. About 80% of medical specialists support the brain-death definition, but approval drops to about 50% from lawyer and members of other organizations. The difference of opinion seems to indicate both a lack of sufficient understanding of what brain death is and a lack of confidence in the ability of doctors to determine brain death. In the past year, 10 operations have been performed involving partial liver transplants form live donors. Although partial transplants avoid the controversy over brain death, they have raised an equally difficult question of medical ethics. Because such surgery involves cutting a healthy person, some doctors say it violates the first principle of medical ethics —“Above all, do not harm.” Japanese in need of transplants thus must go abroad for the operations. Some critics have said Japanese transplant patients are warmly welcomed abroad because they are generous with their money. Japanese surgeons are concerned about how long their patients will be able to rely upon the good will of foreign organ donors. * organ : 器官 ethics : 倫理 recipient : 移植を受ける人 definition : 定義 procedure : 手続き 1) In Japan, surgical transplants have been delayed dut to ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 the the the the 41 difficulty in finding the appropriate donors and recipients. subsequent debate that followed the initial operation. Japanese religious belief regarding the dead body. favorable results of the earliest operation. 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 2) The different views about transplant procedures shows 247 42 ° 1 that medical professionals and laymen almost unanimously support the term “brain death.” *laymen : non professionals ° 2 that there is a consensus among the Japanese on both the legal and medical definition of death. ° 3 that the Japanese consider that it is approprite to transplant organs from people whose brains do not fuction but whose hearts are still beating. ° 4 that the Japanese have not fully grasped the term “brain death” and doubt the doctors’ diagnostic ability. *diagnostic : 診断の 3) Partial liver transplants are controversial because ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 the the the the surgery surgery surgery surgery 43 could save the terminally ill. could injure the healthy donor. involves removing the diseased organ. is above and beyond medical ethics. 4) Japanese transplant surgeons are concerned about the overseas operation because 44 ° 1 the medical care in other countries is neither advanced enough, nor dependable. ° 2 the donor organs are in plentiful supply and easily obtained overseas. ° 3 the recipients may not be able to depend upon the cooperation of nonJapanese donors in the future. ° 4 the wealthy Japanese may be taken advantage of by donors from other countries. 5) The phrase “Above all, do not harm” means : ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 Above Above Above Above all, all, all. all, do anything to help the person do not cause any injury. transplants do not harm. keep out of harm’s way 45 248 第 2 章 医療系 VIII. 次の各日本文の意味を表す英文を ° 1 ∼° 4 から埋め完成せよ。 1) 彼女は昔より暮らし向きがよくありません。 She is 46 off now than she used to be. ° 1 well ° 2 worse ° 3 better ° 4 badly 2) 彼はそんな軽率なことをするような人ではない。 He is the 47 ° 1 none man to do such a thoughtless thing. ° 2 leaset ° 3 very ° 4 last 3) 君の手助けがなければ、きっと失敗するだろう。 If it 48 ° 1 was no for your assistance, we should surely fail. ° 2 had no for ° 3 were but for ° 4 were not for ° 3 made to ° 4 had to 4) 私は郵便局まで行かされた。 I was 49 ° 1 got to go to the post office. ° 2 made 5) 三角町は十年前とはすっかり変わっています。 Misumi Machi is very different from ° 1 that ° 2 what 50 ° 3 one it was ten years ago. ° 4 as 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 249 IX. 次の与えられた語 (句) を並べかえて英文を作るとき、それぞれ指定された位置 にくる語 (句) を ° 1 ∼° 8 から選べ。また、それぞれ余分な語 (句) が一つずつ含 まれている。その語句も選べ。 (注:文頭にくる単語もすべて小文字で示してある。) 1) It was 51 the bus. ° 1 in ° 2 of ° 3 your umbrella ° 4 careless ° 5 leave ° 6 for ° 7 you ° 8 to 2) The old picture of your 53 , ° 1 wouldn’t ° 5 late ° 2 missed ° 6 early 4) My dad is ° 1 I ° 5 as 55 ° 3 I ° 7 have ° 4 so ° 8 three 59 ° 1 than ° 5 you ° 2 better ° 6 be 54 余分な語 (句) 56 . ° 3 times ° 7 am 5) 余分な語 (句) the first train yesterday. ° 4 got up ° 8 had 57 ° 2 as ° 6 old 52 . ° 1 remembers ° 2 me ° 3 you ° 4 mother ° 5 of ° 6 reminds 3) If I 余分な語 (句) ° 3 to ° 7 for 余分な語 (句) 58 consult a doctor soon. ° 4 would ° 8 it 余分な語 (句) 60 250 第 2 章 医療系 X. 次の各英文を完成するために、[ から選べ。 1) You had not speak ° 1 2) Save ° 2 as ° 2 3) No matter you can for a rainy day. [money] 62 , be sure to phone me ° 3 you have ° 1 we know ° 1 61 ° 4 you are ° 2 4) Let me tell you... 5) How full. [better] ° 4 ° 3 how ° 1 with your mouth ° 3 as much ° 1 ] 内の語を入れる最も適切な位置を ° 1 ∼° 4 to do ° 2 of our own ° 2 is ° 3 to do your best. [all] 64 ! [little] 65 ° 4 XI. 次の各英文は、英語圏では有名な諺である。最も適切なものを選べ。 1) 類は友を呼ぶ。 66 of a feather flock together. ° 1 Horses ° 2 Birds ° 3 Sheep ° 4 Penguins 2) 転石、苔むさず。 A rolling ° 1 ball 67 gathers no moss. ° 2 rock ° 3 barrel ° 4 stone ° 3 Study ° 4 Education 3) 少年老い易く、学なり難し。 68 is long, life is short. ° 1 Learn ° 2 Art 4) よく学び、よく遊べ。 All work and no play makes 69 ° 1 John ° 3 Jack ° 2 Jim a dull boy. ° 4 Jimmy 5) 蒔かぬ種は生えぬ。 You cannot make an omelet 70 ° 1 with ° 3 during ° 2 without 63 ° 4 country ° 3 . [late] ° 4 breaking eggs. ° 4 by 2.1. メディカルカレッジ青照館 解答例 I. 1 ° 1 2 3 4 ° 3 ° 1 ° 2 5 ° 3 1) ° 1 chemical [kémik l] ° 2 chimney [Ùı́mni] ° 3 chapel [Ùǽp l] ° 4 chamber [Ùéimb@r] e e 2) ° 1 allow [@láu] ° 2 aloud [@láud] ° 3 cousin [k2́z n] ° 4 crowd [kráud] e 3) ° 1 cough [kÓ:f/kÓf] ° 2 tough [t2́f] ° 3 enough [in2́f] ° 4 rough [r2́f] 4) ° 1 heal [hı́:l] ° 2 deaf [déf] ° 3 breathe [brı́:D] ° 4 disease [dizı́:z] 5) ° 1 boot [bú:t] ° 2 loose [lú:s] ° 3 blood [bl2́d] ° 4 mood [mú:d] II. III. IV. V. 6 ° 0 7 8 9 ° 1 ° 8 ° 6 10 ° 3 11 ° 4 12 13 14 ° 3 ° 2 ° 1 15 ° 3 16 ° 1 17 ° 4 18 ° 3 19 ° 1 20 ° 4 21 ° 3 22 23 24 ° 1 ° 1 ° 4 25 ° 3 26 ° 2 27 ° 1 28 ° 2 29 ° 3 30 ° 1 31 ° 1 32 33 34 ° 4 ° 4 ° 4 35 ° 1 1) sleepy 2) for dinner 3) shopping 4) to 5) says VI. VII. VIII. 36 ° 4 37 38 39 ° 3 ° 2 ° 1 40 ° 3 41 ° 3 42 43 44 ° 4 ° 2 ° 4 45 ° 2 46 ° 2 47 48 49 ° 4 ° 4 ° 3 50 ° 2 251 252 IX. 第 2 章 医療系 51 ° 2 52 53 54 ° 6 ° 6 ° 1 55 ° 7 56 ° 5 57 ° 3 58 ° 4 59 ° 7 60 ° 1 1) It was careless of you to leave your umbrella in the bus. 2) The old picture of your mother reminds me of you. 3) If I had got up early, I wouldn’t have missed the first train yesterday. 4) My dad is three times as old as I am. 5) It would be better for you to consult a doctor soon. X. XI. 61 ° 1 62 63 64 ° 2 ° 3 ° 1 65 ° 1 66 ° 2 67 68 69 ° 4 ° 2 ° 3 70 ° 2 2.2. 熊本リハビリテーション学院 2.2 253 熊本リハビリテーション学院 2.2.1 一般前期 [1]つぎの英文を読んで、問 1∼問 4 に答えなさい。 Urgent action must be taken to cut the number of obese* children in the UK, doctors have warned. Adverts* for junk food should be scrapped, and there should be clear rules about what foods can be served in school meals, they said. Doctors said that ( A ) quick action was taken, kids would suffer bone problems and serious conditions like diabetes* as so many are overweight. Around one million kids in the UK are obese. The report come from a doctor’s group called the British Medical Association. Healthy foods should only be allowed to advertise, and pre-packed food should have ( イ ) information on them to say exactly how much fat they contain, the group said. One doctor, Vivienne Nathanson, said it was crazy that children were being told to eat less and do ( ロ ) exercise, but they in fact “go into school and are sold fatty food and doughnuts and do less than two hours exercise a week.” The government has made changes on school meals this year to help children eat ( ハ ). Jamie Olivier, the director of School Dinners Programme, said: “We are working across Government to help children lead ( ニ ) lives.” 注) obese* 肥満の adverts* 広告 diabetes* 糖尿病 問 1 本文の内容に合う文を作るには、 1 ∼ 4 のどの語が適切か選びなさい。 1 Several warnings were made by ( 1 government 2 parents 3 doctors 4 school teachers) to save children. 2 Fat children need ( 1 serious 2 self take better care of their health. 3 ‘Obese’ means ( 1 dangerously 3 continuous 2 easily 4 Being overweight is ( 1 good 2 acceptable health and at risk for medical problems. 3 possibly 3 bad 4 urgent) help to 4 rapidly) fat. 4 powerful) for 254 第 2 章 医療系 問 2 文中の空欄 A に入る語を 1 ∼ 4 より選びなさい。 5 空欄 A 1 if 2 although 3 otherwise 4 unless 問 3 文中の空欄イ∼ニには、下の 1 ∼ 4 のうちいずれかが入る。それを選びな さい。 6 空欄イ 7 空欄ロ 8 空欄ハ 9 空欄ニ 1 healthier 2 more 3 clearer 4 better 問 4 1 ∼ 6 のうち、本文の内容に合うものを 2 つ選びなさい。 10 1 肥満はさまざまな病気と同様に、遺伝することが知られている。 2 イギリスでは、現在約 10 万人の子供が肥満である。 3 今の子供が家庭でとる食事には、大量の脂肪が含まれている。 4 健康によい食べ物だけが広告されるべきだ、という主張がなされた。 5 子供の肥満で問題になっているのは、とくに学校での食事である。 6 今のところ、子供の運動不足はさほど深刻な問題ではない。 2.2. 熊本リハビリテーション学院 255 [2]空欄に入るべきもっとも適切な語を、 1 ∼ 4 より選びなさい。 11 Sometimes I found it difficult to make myself ( 1 understand 2 understood 12 I like T-shirts ( ) of cotton. 1 making 2 to make ) in English. 3 understanding 3 made 4 being made 13 We never met before. While travelling, we met ( 1 by 2 with 3 from 4 to understand ) chance. 4 in 14 I don’t think it will rain, but take an umbrella just ( 1 for 2 in 3 among 4 on 15 I’ve lost one of my earrings. I must ( 1 drop 2 dropped ) case. ) it somewhere. 3 had dropped 4 have dropped [3]日本語の意味を表すよう、カッコ内の語を並べ替えて英文を完成させるとき、 3 番目にくる語の番号を選びなさい。 (例) この写真を見ると子供の頃を思い出します。 This picture ( 1 of 2 me 3 childhood → This picture (reminds me of my childhood). 4 reminds 答 1 16 ジョンが今日あるのは母のおかげです。 John ( 1 to 2 what 3 is 4 he 5 owes) his mother. 17 私は彼女にそこへ行かないよう忠告した。 I advised ( 1 go 2 to 3 there 4 not 5 her). 18 中国に行ったことがありますか。 Have ( 1 you 2 been 3 China 4 ever 5 to)? 19 彼は息子の手をとった。 He took ( 1 hand 2 the 3 his 4 by 5 son). 20 お願いがあるのですが。 I have a ( 1 of 2 ask 3 favor 4 to 5 you). 5 my). 256 第 2 章 医療系 [4]つぎの会話を読んで、 21 ∼ 25 の空欄に入るべきもっとも適切な語を、 1 ∼ 0 より選びなさい。 Now, it is Friday afternoon. Ken has decided to call Richard. Ken : Hello, Richard. This is Ken. I’m calling about our trip to Nagasaki. Richard : Yes, is there any problem? Ken : I’m afraid so. I don’t think I can make it tomorrow. Richard : Oh, really? Why not? Ken : Well, Dr. Wilson asked me to work tomorrow. The other assistant is sick. Richard : That’s too bad. Could we go the day after tomorrow instead? Ken : That’s exactly what I was thinking. 21 Ken had a plan to go to Nagasaki on ( 22 Ken called Richard to see if he can ( 23 Dr. Wilson asked Ken to ( ) with his friend Richard. ) his date to go to Nagasaki. ) for the other assistant. 24 Probably they will go to Nagasaki on ( 25 Usually Ken doesn’t work on ( ). ). 1 reply 2 check out 3 Sunday 4 fill in 5 reset 6 look after 7 Saturdays 8 Saturday 9 Monday 0 refuse 2.2. 熊本リハビリテーション学院 解答例 番号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 配点 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2・2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 正解 3 4 1 3 4 3 2 4 1 4・5 2 3 1 2 4 4 2 2 4 2 8 5 4 3 7 16 John owes what he is to his mother. 17 I advised her not to go there. 18 Have you ever been to China? 19 He took his son by the hand. 20 I have a favor to ask of you. 257 258 第 2 章 医療系 2.2.2 一般後期 [1]つぎの英文は、カリフォルニア州に住む 9 歳の少女エリンが大好きな大リーガー のリッキー・ヘンダーソン選手について新聞社に送った手紙です。この手紙を 読んで、下の問いに答えなさい。 Editor: I didn’t even get to say goodbye. My friend, Rickey Henderson, was traded last Satruday from the Oakland A’s to the Toronto Blue Jays. I know Tronto is a long way away from here. And my mom and dad won’t let me move there. Rickey is my ( 1 ) baseball player. I loved to watch him out on the field. I love baseball because ( 2 ) Rickey. I had signs for everything he did. For the past four years, I held up my “Hi Rickey” sign at the beginning of the game. Then if he got a hit or stole a base, I would hold up my “Good Hit” or “( 3 ) Steal” signs and he would wave or blow kisses to me. He even wrote about me and my signs in his autobiography. I felt ( 4 ) when he would walk over to me and shake my hand or give me a foul ball. He even gave me one of his bats! He always told me I was his No.1 fan. Now he’s ( 5 ). I tried to get him to ( 6 ) — I even held up my “Please Stay” sign a whole bunch of times at his last game in Oakland. But I guess he thought it would be better to leave. I don’t know much about contracts or trades. I don’t even know how much money Rickey gets ( 7 ). I’m a kid, and kids don’t care about stuff like that. I cared about the stuff he did on the field. I asked my mom to take down all my Rickey posters and pictures in my room. They make my heart ( 8 ) too much to look at. My mom says that the hurt won’t be so bad later and I’ll be able to stop ( 9 ) when I hear his name. If someone out there knows Rickey, would you please tell him that the ( 10 ) with the signs in the left field corner of the Oakland Coliseum misses him — and would you tell him I said goobye? I didn’t even get to say goodbye. Erin States, age 9 注) *the Oakland A’s と the Toronto Blue Jays 大リーグのチーム名 2.2. 熊本リハビリテーション学院 問 空欄 ( 1 ) から ( マークしない。 259 10 ) に入る適切な語ないし語句をそれぞれ選び、番号を 1 空欄 (1) 1 favorite 2 boring 3 dead 4 dirty 2 空欄 (2) 1 with 2 on 3 of 4 off 3 空欄 (3) 1 Great 2 Poor 3 Bad 4 Bitter 4 空欄 (4) 1 special 2 angry 3 false 4 sorry 5 空欄 (5) 1 forbid 2 chose 3 hate 4 gone 6 空欄 (6) 1 sink 2 stay 3 lose 4 throw 7 空欄 (7) 1 at pay 2 to pay 3 paid 4 paying 8 空欄 (8) 1 hurt 2 hurting 3 hurts 4 to hurt 9 空欄 (9) 1 cry 2 crying 3 cried 4 to cry 10 空欄 (10) 1 letter 2 game 3 baseball 4 girl [2]つぎの各英文について、語法上正しければ、 1 を、正しくなければ 2 の番号 をマークしなさい。 11 He fell on sleepy during the middle of the examination. (彼は試験の最中に寝てしまいました。) 12 Though the police officer tried to arrest the man, he ran away. (警察官はその男を逮捕しようとしたが、彼は逃げてしまいました。) 13 Who will look after the dog when it gets big? (大きくなったときに、だれがその犬の面倒を見るのですか。) 14 If you want to get good grades, you have to concentrate your lesson. (いい成績をとりたければ、授業に集中しなければなりません。) 15 Most people cannot afford to buy a large house in Tokyo. (ほとんどの人は、東京で大きな家を買う余裕はありません。) 260 第 2 章 医療系 [3]つぎの各英文の空欄に入る最も適切な語ないし語句をそれぞれ選び、番号を マークしなさい。 16 車を運転するときには、いくら注意してもしすぎることはありません。 You ( 16 ) be too careful in driving a car. 1 cannot 2 may not 3 shouldn’t 4 don’t have to 5 need not 17 彼にタバコをやめるように忠告しました。 I advised him to give ( 17 ) smoking. 1 up 2 in 3 on 4 over 5 down 18 青信号になるまで待ちなさい。 Wait ( 18 ) the traffic light turns green. 1 when 2 unless 3 whether 4 till 5 since 19 英語は世界中で話されている言葉です。 English is a language ( 19 ) all over the world. 1 speak 2 spoke 3 spoken 4 speaking 5 which speaks 20 見ると冷蔵庫には何も入っていませんでした。 I found the refrigerator ( 20 ). 1 empty 2 vain 3 pain 4 nothing 5 nowhere 2.2. 熊本リハビリテーション学院 261 [4]つぎの日本文の意味を表すようにカッコ内の語を並べかえた場合、3 番目にく る語の番号をマークしなさい。 (例) 昨日よく寝ましたか。 Did you ( 1 good 2 last 3 a 4 have → Did you (have a good sleep last) night? 5 sleep) night? 答 1 21 だれでも宇宙旅行ができるときが、まもなくくるでしょう。 The time will soon come ( 1 in space. 2 can 3 when 4 anyone 5 travel) 22 まもなく試合が始まるでしょう。 It won’t ( 1 the game 2 begins 3 long 4 before 5 be). 23 私の忠告をいつも心に留めておくべきです。 You should always ( 1 in 2 keep 3 my 4 mind 5 advice). 24 あまりにも疲れていて、もう歩けませんでした。 I was ( 1 to 2 too 3 tired 4 any 5 walk) more. 25 どうすればいいのかしら。 What ( 1 we 2 to 3 are 4 do 5 supposed) now? 262 第 2 章 医療系 解答例 番号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 配点 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 正解 1 3 1 1 4 2 3 1 2 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 3 1 2 4 5 1 5 21 The time will soon come when anyone can travel in space. 22 It won’t be long before the game begin. 23 You should always keep my advice in mind. 24 I was too tired to walk any more. 25 What are we supposed to do now? 2.3. 九州中央リハビリテーション学院 2.3 2.3.1 263 九州中央リハビリテーション学院 一般試験 A 【1】次の英文はイギリスの新聞記事である。これを読んで以下の設問に答えなさい。 For years, scientists have been advising governments that the astonishing increases in (1)life expectancy over the past century, which saw typical British male lifespans rise 48 years in 1901 to 75 years in 2000, and (2)those of females from 49 to 80 years, will not (3) . In the journal Science∗1 last week, however, two scientists from Cambridge∗2 to think that life and Rostock in Germany state that there is every (4) expectancy will go on increasing indefinitely. By comparing differences in life expectancy between the world’s (5)wealthier countries, they conclude that as early as 2070 female life expectancy in the United States could be as high as 101 years. The official US forecast for 2070 is only 83.9 years. One of the scientists, James Vaupel in Rostock, believes that a typical female baby born in 2002 in France or Japan — the two countries with the greatest life expectancy — already has a 50 / 50 (6)chance of living to be 100. Dr. Vaupel’s co-auther, Jim Oeppen of Cambridge University, said. “We have to strongly consider that current forecasts of the elderly are actually too low.” If true, the study has (7)implications not just for pensions∗3 but for healthcare and social services, since there is no guarantee that average healthspan — the time people are free of chronic∗4 illness — will keep pace with average lifespan. Government figures show that for British men, life expectancy went up from 70.9 to 74.6 between 1981 and 1997, but healthy life expectancy increase lagged behind life expectancy. Science∗1 : アメリカの科学雑誌 pension(s)∗3 :年金 Cambridge∗2 : イギリスの大学町 chronic∗4 : 慢性の 264 第 2 章 医療系 問 1 下線部 (1) を日本語で表すと,次のどれが最も適切かを選び,マークしなさい。 1 ° 1 人生設計 ° 2 生活水準 ° 3 平均余命 ° 4 生涯学習 問 2 下線部 (2) において,省略されている語句を次から選び,マークしなさい。 2 ° 1 astonishing ° 2 increases ° 3 typical ° 4 rise 問 3 下線部 (3) に入れるのに最も適当な語を次から選び,マークしなさい。 3 ° 1 continue ° 2 decline ° 3 end ° 4 recover 問 4 下線部 (4) に入れるのに最も適当な語を次から選び,マークしなさい。 4 ° 1 why ° 2 reason ° 3 because ° 4 how 問 5 下線部 (5) を他の語句に置き換えると,どの語句が最も適当か。次から選びマー クしなさい。 5 ° 1 more economical ° 2 worthier ° 3 stronger ° 4 richer 問 6 下線部 (6) を日本語にすると,次のうちどれが最もふさわしい日本語訳になる か。次から選びマークしなさい。 ° 1 100 歳まで生きる可能性 ° 3 100 人は住んでいる ° 2 100 パーセントの確率で生き残る ° 4 100 回生き返る機会 問 7 下線部 (7) を他の語句で置き換えると,どの語句が最も適当か。次から選びマー クしなさい。 7 ° 1 applications ° 2 meanings ° 3 impoliteness ° 4 problems 問 8∼問 11 次の文が本文の内容と一致する場合は ° 1 を,一致しない場合は ° 2 を, 本文の内容からはどちらともいえない場合は ° 3 をマークしなさい。 問 8 フランス人と日本人は世界でも最も長寿の国民である。 8 問 9 世界各国で長引く不況のために医療費や老人介護費に対する政府の補助が削減 されている。 9 問 10 食生活が健康に大きな影響を及ぼす。 10 問 11 医学の進歩により健康かつ幸福な老後が約束されている。 11 2.3. 九州中央リハビリテーション学院 265 【2】次の問い (A・B) に答えなさい。 A 次の英文中の に入る最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから 一つ選び,マークしなさい。 問 12 12 is scientific study of the life and structure of plants and animals. ° 1 biology ° 2 psychology 問 13 It was not 13 ° 1 set 14 ° 4 sociology her parents. ° 1 usually that she saw ° 3 usually for her to see 問 14 Feel free to ° 3 geology ° 2 usually her seeing ° 4 usual for her seeing in if it’s an emergency. ° 2 break ° 3 enter 問 15 She was thirty-one years old, and ° 1 was married ° 3 had married 問 16 They haven’t become ° 1 a vegetarian ° 3 some vegetarians ° 4 turn 15 for ten years when I first met her. ° 2 had been married ° 4 had been marrying 16 . ° 2 vegetarians ° 4 any vegetarians 266 第 2 章 医療系 B 次の問いの会話の に入る最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうち から一つずつ選び,マークしなさい。 問 17 A: Henry, you aren’t frying the eggs the right way. B: 17 A: No. You are supposed to grease the pan first. ° 1 I do? ° 2 I’m not? ° 3 I am? ° 4 I don’t? 問 18 A: Haven’t you seen my chocolates? B: 18 A: So you suspect they ate them. ° 1 You mustn’t say things like that. ° 2 I’ve got no news for you. ° 3 The children were in your room this morning. ° 4 What chocolates? 問 19 A: Why weren’t you kinder to your sister? B: 19 A: Really? I’m sorry. ° 1 Let’s go to her room right away. ° 2 Don’t make a fool of me. ° 3 But I was. ° 4 I’d like to be one. 問 20 A: Do you think Tom will succeed? B: 20 A: Why are you so sure? ° 1 Perhaps he will. ° 3 It makes no difference. ° 2 Why should I? ° 4 I know so. 2.3. 九州中央リハビリテーション学院 267 【3】以下の各文について,与えられた日本文の意味になるように,下の語句を並べ かえたとき,(a) と (b) にくる各語の番号をマークしなさい。ただし,文頭にく る語もすべて小文字にしてある。 問 21.22 この写真を見ると,私はいつも楽しかった学生時代を思い出す。 I ( a ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( b ) ( ) my happy school days. a は解答番号 21 へ b は解答番号 22 へ ° 1 without ° 6 reminded ° 2 never ° 3 see ° 7 this picture ° 4 beging ° 5 of 問 23.24 外国に行って初めて,日本がどんなに混雑しているかわかる。 It ( ) ( ) ( a ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( b ) we realize how crowded Japan is. a は解答番号 23 へ b は解答番号 24 へ ° 1 we ° 7 that ° 2 abroad ° 3 go ° 4 until ° 5 not 問 25.26 僕が君の立場にあっても,同じことをやるだろう。 I( a )( )( )( )( )( b )( ° 6 is ) your place. a は解答番号 25 へ b は解答番号 26 へ ° 1 were ° 7 if ° 2 the same thing ° 3 I ° 4 do ° 5 in 問 25.26 何マイルも歩いたけれど人影を見かけなかった。 I( )( )( a )( b )( ) person. a は解答番号 27 へ b は解答番号 28 へ ° 1 seeing ° 5 a single ° 2 several miles ° 3 without ° 4 walked ° 6 would 268 第 2 章 医療系 解答例 【1】 【2】 【3】 1 ° 3 2 ° 4 3 4 5 ° 3 ° 2 ° 4 6 ° 1 7 ° 2 8 ° 1 9 ° 3 12 ° 1 13 ° 3 14 15 16 ° 2 ° 2 ° 2 17 ° 2 18 ° 3 19 ° 3 20 ° 1 21 ° 2 22 ° 6 23 24 25 ° 4 ° 7 ° 6 26 ° 1 27 ° 3 28 ° 1 10 ° 3 11 ° 3 問 21.22 I never see this picture without being reminded of my happy school days. 問 23.24 It is not until we go abroad that we realize how crowded Japan is. 問 25.26 I would do the same thing if I were in your place. 問 27.28 I walked several miles without seeing a single person. 2.3. 九州中央リハビリテーション学院 2.3.2 269 一般試験 B 【1】次の英文を読み、設問に答えなさい。 We say we feel healthy when our body is working so smoothly ( 1 ) we don’t think about it. We enjoy exercise and food, sleep well and keep up mentally and physically with others of our own age. When something goes ( 2 ) and we cannot do these things, we say we are ill. It is miserable to wake up with a sore throat or pain in the stomach. (A)This can mean missing out on something important at school or at home. We know about wounds and accidents, too. A girl hurriedly cleaning some knives may cut her finger badly. A boy, climbing a tree, slips and (B)tumbles to the ground. One leg twists under him in an awkward way and hurts so much he cannot move. The bone inside the leg has been broken. A doctor will put the leg back into its correct position, then cover it with white plaster so that it stays straight and still ( 3 ) the bone heals. (C)It (1. that 2. adults talk 3. is said 4. than children 5. often 6. about health more). Often they use special names for illnesses or treatments. The words may seem odd and difficult but they are important because people must be precise when describing illness. Many names for diseases and treatments come from Greek or Latin. This is because for many centuries Greek and Latin were the languages used for scientific writing in most Western countries. Today’s medical vocabulary still (D)reflects this ancient tradition. Television, radio, newspapers and magazines are full of news about health. People are intensely interested in medical discoveries. They want to know to live more healthy lives. (E)They want to hear about (1. fears 2. treating 3. in 4. everyone 5. successes 6. diseases), such as cancer. In many coutries around the world, governments too take action to help citizens stay healthy and provide for those ( 4 ) are ill. 270 第 2 章 医療系 問 1 空所 ( 1 ) に入れるのに最も適当な語を次から選び、マークしなさい。 1 ° 1 as 問 2 空所 ( ° 2 that ° 3 which ° 4 how 2 ) に入れるのに最も適当な語を次から選び、マークしなさい。 2 ° 1 wrong ° 2 bad ° 3 incorret ° 4 matter 問 3 下線部 (A) の指し示す内容を次から選び、マークしなさい。 3 ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 feel healthy enjoy exercise and food we say we are ill wake up with sore throat or pain in the stomach 問 4 下線部 (B) を他の語に置き換えると、どの語句が最も適当か。次から選びマー クしなさい。 4 ° 1 goes down 問 5 空所 ( ° 2 gets ° 3 falls ° 4 stands 3 ) に入れるのに最も適当な語を次から選び、マークしなさい。 5 ° 1 in ° 2 for ° 3 during ° 4 while 問 6・7 下線部 (C) が意味の通る英文となるように、( ) 内の語句を並べかえ たとき、2 番目と 4 番目にくる語句の番号をマークしなさい。 6 7 問 8 下線部 (D) を日本語で表すと、次のどれが最も適切かを選び、マークしなさい。 8 ° 1 反映している ° 2 考察している ° 3 反射している ° 4 反発している 問 9・10 下線部 (E) が意味の通る英文となるように、( ) 内の語句を並べかえ たとき、2 番目と 4 番目にくる語句の番号をマークしなさい。 9 10 問 11 空所 ( 4 ) に入れるのに最も適当な語を次から選び、マークしなさい。 11 ° 1 which ° 2 that ° 3 what ° 4 who 問 12∼問 15 次の英文が本文の内容と一致する場合は ° 1 を,一致しない場合は ° 2 を,本文の内容からはどちらともいえない場合は ° 3 をマークしなさい。 問 12 When the leg is broken, a doctor covers the other leg with white pepper. 12 問 13 Greeek and Latin are used for illnesses, because they were used for scientific writing. 13 問 14 Rapid progress in medicine will leave no disease incurable in near future. 問 15 A good title for this passage would be “Concern for Health.” 15 14 2.3. 九州中央リハビリテーション学院 271 【2】次の英文中の空所に入る最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから 一つ選び、マークしなさい。 問 16 He will go home for the vacation as soon as he ° 1 finishes 問 17 He 17 strike. ° 2 will finish ° 3 am finish ° 2 can’t ° 3 may ° 1 for him ° 2 of him 問 19 I received a letter moutain. 20 ° 4 finished ° 4 should 問 18 They believed that it was careless promise. 問 20 the final exam. be watching TV. There are no programs today because of the ° 1 must not ° 1 say 16 19 ° 2 said 18 to forget such an important ° 3 that for him ° 4 that he that he had succeeded in reaching the top of the ° 3 saying ° 4 to be said you may go, there’s no such place as your home. ° 1 Where ° 2 No matter 問 21 My father is as busy ° 1 than he was ° 3 Wherever 21 . ° 2 that is possibe ° 3 as is he 問 22 The party was a lot of fun. I wish you ° 1 were ° 2 had been 22 ° 3 have been 問 23 Both of them are very brilliant, but ° 1 neither of them is ° 3 none of them is 23 ° 4 as ever there. ° 4 would be warm-hearted. ° 2 neither one of them are ° 4 none of them are 問 24 You may borrow my bicycle, ° 1 as much as ° 4 How ° 2 even 24 you’re careful with it. ° 3 as far as ° 4 as long as 問 25 It may rain at any moment. I’ll lend you an unbrella if you need ° 1 some ° 2 it ° 3 one ° 4 this 25 . 272 第 2 章 医療系 【3】次の問いの会話の空所に入る最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうち から一つずつ選び、マークしなさい。 問 26 A: Mind if I smoke? B: 26 I hate cigarette smoke. A: All right. ° 1 Certainly not. ° 2 So what? ° 3 I’d rather you didn’t. ° 4 Yes, please. 問 27 A: Eat here or to go? B: I’m sorry I didn’t get that. 27 A: Do you want to eat it here or take it away? B: Here, please. ° 1 Anything else? ° 2 Could you repeat it, please? ° 3 I’ll take an apple pie. ° 4 What can I get you? 問 28 A: This is Jeff Smith. May I speak to Mr. Hayashi? B: Mr. Hayashi is on another line now. Would you like to hold? A: Well, could you please ask him to call me? B: 28 ° 1 All right. I’ll give him the message. ° 2 I’d like to leave a message. ° 3 Sorry. He is out right now. Please call him later. ° 4 Then please wait until he is finished. 2.3. 九州中央リハビリテーション学院 問 29 A: Can you possibly type this letter? B: I’m sorry, but I can’t. I have to finish this report. A: That’s all right. 29 B: I think Mary might help you. ° 1 I can hardly wait. ° 2 I appreciate your help. ° 3 I’ll ask somebody else. ° 4 I will have you type another one. 問 30 A: You look tired. B: Yes. May I sit next to you? A: Yes, sure. 30 B: Thanks. ° 1 Go right ahead. ° 2 After you. ° 3 Take it easy! ° 4 Here you are. 273 274 第 2 章 医療系 解答例 【1】 1 ° 2 2 ° 1 3 4 5 ° 4 ° 3 ° 4 6 ° 1 7 ° 6 8 ° 1 9 ° 3 10 ° 6 11 ° 4 12 ° 2 13 ° 1 14 15 ° 3 ° 3 (C) It (is said that adults talk about health more often than children). (E) They want to hear about (successes in treating diseases everyone fears), such as cancer. 【2】 【3】 16 ° 1 17 ° 2 18 19 20 ° 2 ° 3 ° 3 26 ° 4 27 ° 2 28 29 30 ° 1 ° 3 ° 3 21 ° 4 22 ° 2 23 ° 1 24 ° 4 25 ° 3 2.4. 西日本リハビリテーション学院 2.4 275 西日本リハビリテーション学院 2.4.1 一般試験 (昼間部) 【1】次の英文を読んで以下の設問に答えなさい。 Most of us know something about stress — (1)the term has become common in our society. ( 2 ) addition, nearly everyone experiences stress on a daily basis. Stress is a personal response to situations and circumstances that create pressures. It is a normal and perhaps necessary part of our lives. Stress is not an outside force; rather, it is our body’s response to specific stimuli or “stressors.” (3)These responses put bodily systems into action so that they can help us adapt to the constant demands and change of our lives. For example, athletes frequently perform best in ( 4 ) rather than in practice. Many people find that goals and deadlines are stimulating and necessary for accomplishment. Sometimes stess responses may be so mild that they go (5)virtually unnoticed. At other times, they can seem to be an overwhelming burden. One of the greatest current stressors may be the feeling that we should not have the discomfort associated with increased stress. When this discomfort happens, some of us may assume that we are not coping well or that this is a (6)sign of illness. The assumption that we should feel good all the time, no matter what changes or problems we are facing, can add to the pressures we already feel. The effects of stress are not always immediate. In many people the impact can be delayed for weeks or months. As a result, many illnesses are thought to be affected by accumulated stress, whether the illness has been either brought on or worsened by stress. (7)Simply stated, stress produces or worsens symptoms when demands become too great to copy with. 問 1 下線部 (1) を日本語で表すと,次のどれが最も適切かを選び,マークしなさい。 1 ° 1 期間 問 2 空所 ( 2 ° 1 In ° 2 単語 ° 3 学期 ° 4 関係 2 ) に入れるべき最も適当な前置詞を次から選び,マークしなさい。 ° 2 To ° 3 For ° 4 With 276 第 2 章 医療系 問 3 下線部 (3) の現象は何のために起こると述べられているか,次から選び,マー クしなさい。 3 ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 生活の過酷さから逃れるため 周りの人間のうるさい要求から逃れるため 日常生活の絶え間ない必要や変化に対応するため 人生を出来る限り楽しむため 問 4 空所 ( 4 ) に入れるのに最も適当な語を次から選び,マークしなさい。 4 ° 1 train ° 2 training ° 3 compete ° 4 competition 問 5 下線部 (5) を他の語句に置き換えると,どの語句が最も適当か。次から選びマー クしなさい。 5 ° 1 almost ° 2 seemingly ° 3 partially ° 4 amusingly 問 6 下線部 (6) を日本語で表すと,次のどれが最も適切かを選び,マークしなさい。 6 ° 1 記号 ° 2 署名 ° 3 兆候 ° 4 標識 問 7 下線部 (7) を日本語にすると,次のうちどれが最もふさわしい日本語訳になる か。次から選びマークしなさい。 7 ° 1 単純な状態では ° 3 最悪の場合は ° 2 簡単に言うと ° 4 軽い治療を施せば 問 8∼問 11 次の文が本文の内容と一致する場合は ° 1 を,一致しない場合は ° 2 を, 本文の内容からはどちらともいえない場合は ° 3 をマークしなさい。 問 8 ストレスは我々の生活に全く不必要なものである。 8 問 9 ストレスをうまく処理できないと考えることが更なるストレスを生む。 9 問 10 ストレスによる症状は常にすぐに現れる。 10 問 11 社会が複雑になればなるほど,より多くの人々がストレスを感じるようになる。 11 2.4. 西日本リハビリテーション学院 277 【2】次の問い (A・B) に答えなさい。 A 次の英文中の空所に入る最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから 一つずつ選び,マークしなさい。 問 12 It often happens in life that we’ve come to a crossroad and can’t decide 12 . ° 1 way which to go ° 3 which way should we go 問 13 With all the articles guess. ° 2 which way to go ° 4 that which way we should go 13 , the store won’t attract many customers, I ° 1 priced so high ° 3 prices are too costly ° 2 pricing very expensive ° 4 their prices unreasonable 問 14 I feel awkward when I’m talking to someone ° 1 what ° 2 who ° 3 whom 問 15 It is said that the book was written ° 1 as early 問 16 Please keep ° 1 sure ° 2 so far 16 14 name I don’t remeber. ° 4 whose 15 ° 3 too late as 2,500 B.C. ° 4 such old to come and see me one of these days. ° 2 remembered ° 3 reminding ° 4 it in mind 278 第 2 章 医療系 B 次の問いの会話の空所に入る最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうち から一つずつ選び,マークしなさい。 問 17 A: What a fine day! Let’s go out for a drive or something, B: Well, 17 A: Come on! I’m sick and tired of just watching TV at home. ° 1 what are we waiting for? ° 2 how about going to see some movie? ° 3 I would rather go shopping. ° 4 I don’t really feel like that. 問 18 A: I didn’t find the latest book by the author very interesting. B: 18 Everybody says it’s great. A: I mean it. The message was good, but the story was rather boring. ° 1 I know what you mean. ° 2 How did you find the book? ° 3 You must be kidding. ° 4 I agree. 問 19 A: Oh, you’ve baked the cake. It looks so delicious. B: Would you like some? A: It’s a shame that I’m rather full. But 19 ° 1 I’m on a diet. ° 2 I had better not. ° 3 I’ve go enough of it. ° 4 let me try just one bite. 問 20 A: Have you ever seen Janet? B: Yes, at the party last month. And I didn’t know she is that pretty. A: 20 ° 1 No, she is pretty. ° 2 Yes, she isn’t pretty. ° 3 So she is. ° 4 So is she. 2.4. 西日本リハビリテーション学院 279 【3】次の 1∼5 の各文について,与えられた日本文の意味になるように,下の語句 を並べかえたとき,(a) と (b) にくる語の番号をマークしなさい。ただし,文頭 にくる語もすべて小文字にしてある。 A お金持ちが必ずしも幸福であるとは限らない。 (a 問 21) ( )( ° 1 always )( ° 2 are ) (b 問 22) ( ° 3 happy ). ° 4 not ° 5 rich ° 6 the B 彼は手紙を受け取るとすぐに両親の所へ急いで行った。 He ( )( ° 1 to ° 2 on )( ) (a 問 23) (b 問 24) the letter. ° 3 his parents ° 4 hurried ° 5 receiving C 母国語だったら意思を通じさせるのに苦労しないのに。 I( )( ° 1 any trouble ° 6 understood ) (a 問 25) ( )( ° 2 making ° 3 in ) (b 問 26) my mother tongue. ° 4 wouldn’t have ° 5 myself D 彼はただ一緒に遊んでくれる人が欲しかった。 All ( )( ° 1 someone ° 7 play ) (a 問 27) ( ° 2 needed ° 3 to )( ° 4 with ) (b 問 28) ( ° 5 he ). ° 6 was 280 第 2 章 医療系 解答例 【1】 【2】 【3】 【4】 1 ° 2 2 ° 1 3 4 5 ° 3 ° 4 ° 2 12 ° 2 13 ° 1 14 15 16 ° 4 ° 1 ° 4 17 ° 4 18 ° 3 19 20 ° 4 ° 3 21 ° 6 22 ° 1 23 24 25 ° 2 ° 5 ° 1 6 ° 3 7 ° 2 8 ° 2 26 ° 6 27 ° 6 28 ° 4 9 ° 1 10 ° 2 11 ° 3 A The rich are not always happy. B He hurried to his parents on receiving the letter. C I wouldn’t have any trouble making myself understood in English. D All he needed was to play with someone. 2.4. 西日本リハビリテーション学院 2.4.2 281 一般試験 (夜間部) 【1】次の英文を読んで以下の設問に答えなさい。 I got married recently. I did it for love, certainly, but it got me thinking about the other (1)rewards of marriage — in particular, the potential health benefits. Not surprisingly, marriage can have a favorable impact on one’s emotional and physical well-being. However, that’s not guaranteed, and it doesn’t come (2)for free. A large body of medical literature shows that married people tend to be healthier and live longer than singles. But (3)the quality of the marriage matters. Marital stress, logically enough, is not good for your health. In one study, seventy-two married couples were ranked on a scale of marital stress and tracked for three years. Those with high levels of stress were more likely to have an unhealthy thickening of the heart’s main pumping chamber. ( 4 ) studies have shown that happily married couples are less likely than unhappy couples to suffer from heart disease. And (5)that’s just the start. People in happy marriages also have less acute and chronic illness, better-functioning *immune systems, less susceptibility to alcohol abuse, and lower rates of depression and suicide. In stable relationships, partners help each other by encouraging good health habits such as routine *mammograms and *colonoscopies, and discouraging bad hibits ( 6 ) smoking. Someday, marital stress may be as important an indicator of health as cholesterol, weight or blood pressure. But like those other health indicators, a marriage needs constant work if you are going to enjoy the well-being benefits — or (7)so I’m told. What do I know? I’m just getting started. *aorta: 大動脈 *mammogram: 乳房レントゲン写真 *immune: 免疫の *colonoscopy: 結腸鏡検査 問 1 下線部 (1) を他の語句に置き換えると,どの語句が最も適当か。次から選びマー クしなさい。 1 ° 1 faults ° 2 response ° 3 advantages ° 4 backwards 問 2 下線部 (2) を日本語で表すと,次のどれが最も適切かを選び,マークしなさい。 2 ° 1 無償で ° 3 暇な時に ° 2 自由に決めれば ° 4 気を楽にしていれば 282 第 2 章 医療系 問 3 下線部 (3) を日本語にすると,次のうちどれが最もふさわしい日本語訳になる か。次から選びマークしなさい。 3 ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 いつ結婚するかが大切である 夫婦間の問題の解決は困難である どのような結婚生活を送るかが重要である 結婚生活の質は問題とはならない 問 4 空所 ( 4 ) に入れるのに最も適当な語を次から選び,マークしなさい。 4 ° 1 Same ° 2 The same ° 3 Another ° 4 Other 問 5 下線部 (5) を日本語にすると,次のうちどれが最もふさわしい日本語訳になる か。次から選びマークしなさい。 5 ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 結婚の好影響はこれだけではない 健康が左右されるのは初めのうちだけである 不幸な結婚は初期に破棄すべきである 心臓病は早期の治療が望ましい 問 6 空所 ( ° 1 like 6 ) に入れるべき最も適当な語句を次から選び,マークしなさい。 6 ° 2 alike ° 3 dislike ° 4 likely 問 7 下線部 (7) の指し示す内容として最も適当なものを次から選びマークしなさい。 7 ° 1 ° 2 ° 3 ° 4 stress may be an important indicator of health cholesterol, weight, and blood pressure should be watched one’s happiness depends on his health constant work is needed in order to keep a happy marriage going on 問 8∼問 11 次の文が本文の内容と一致する場合は ° 1 を,一致しない場合は ° 2 を, 本文の内容からはどちらともいえない場合は ° 3 をマークしなさい。 問 8 筆者は自分の健康のためを思って結婚することにした。 8 問 9 多くの医学文献において,既婚者が未婚者よりも健康で長生きしている。 9 問 10 男女は互いの健康管理に関心を持つべきである。 10 問 11 結婚している期間が長くなるほどストレスがたまりがちだ。 11 2.4. 西日本リハビリテーション学院 283 【2】次の問い (A・B) に答えなさい。 A 次の英文中の空所に入る最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうちから 一つ選び,マークしなさい。 問 12 She 12 so insulted before then. ° 1 has never been ° 3 had never been 問 13 ° 2 was not being ° 4 has not being 13 , practice and theory must go hand in hand. ° 1 Needless to say ° 3 To make the matter worse ° 2 Strange to say ° 4 To tell the truth 問 14 It’s convenient to have a newspaper ° 1 deliver 問 15 He is not ° 1 that ° 2 delivered 15 to your door each day. ° 3 delivery ° 4 to deliver he was when I first knew him. ° 2 what 問 16 The hotels report ° 1 many 14 16 ° 2 larger ° 3 which ° 4 whom travelers this summer than last. ° 3 fewer ° 4 little B 次の問いの会話の空所に入る最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の ° 1 ∼° 4 のうち から一つずつ選び,マークしなさい。 問 17 A: Hello. B: Hello. Could I speak to Peter, please? A: Peter? 17 I’m afraid you have the wrong number. B: Oh, I’m awfully sorry. ° 1 We have no Peter here. ° 2 May I take a message? ° 3 Shall I call him for you? ° 4 I’m sorry to say that he is not in right now. 284 第 2 章 医療系 問 18 A: Have you decided how you are going to go to Kyushu? B: No, I haven’t. 18 A: That’s a difficult combination to find. B: I prefer traveling by train to traveling by airplane, but my vacation is only five days long. ° 1 Do you have any good ideas? ° 2 I think traveling by ship is nice. ° 3 I want to save money, but I want to get there as quickly as possible. ° 4 We have been looking forward to going to Kyushu, but my wife has caught a cold. 問 19 A: Would you please do me a favor? B: It depends on what it is. A: 19 B: Sure, if you can pay me back on Tuesday. ° 1 Could I ask for your help? ° 2 Could you lend me ten thousand yen until Tuesday? ° 3 Would you mind lending me your car until Tuesday? ° 4 I’d appreciate it if you could lend me your camera until Tuesday? 問 20 A: When does the next train leave? B: There is a train at 10:40, another at 2:15 in the afternoon. A: 20 B: The 10:40 is an express, but the second is a local. ° 1 Does the express stop at this station? ° 2 Is there a dining car on both trains? ° 3 Where can I get on the 10:40 express? ° 4 Are they both fast trains? 2.4. 西日本リハビリテーション学院 285 【3】次の A∼D の各文について,与えられた日本文の意味になるように,下の語句 を並べかえたとき,(a) と (b) にくる語句の番号をマークしなさい。 A その問題は先延ばしにするより今解決した方がいいでしょう。 You ( ) (a 問 21) (b 問 22) ( ° 1 the probelm ° 2 well )( ° 3 may )( ° 4 as ) as put it off. ° 5 solve ° 6 now B 台風のせいでドライブに行けなかった。 The typhoon (a 問 23) ( ° 1 from ° 2 prevented ) (a 問 24) ( )( ° 3 for a drive ° 4 us ). ° 5 going C 天文学を専攻する学生の数が今後増えるだろう。 The number of students (a 問 25) ( ( ) from now on. ° 1 astronomy ° 6 who ° 2 increase ) (b 問 26) ( ° 3 in ° 4 specialize ) ( ) ° 5 will D 地震や台風のようなものがこの世に存在しなければいいのに。 I (a 問 27) ( ) (b 問 28) ( typhoons in the world. ° 1 as ° 2 no ° 3 there )( ° 4 wish )( ° 5 were ) earthquakes and ° 6 such things 286 第 2 章 医療系 解答例 【1】 【2】 【3】 1 ° 3 2 ° 1 3 4 5 ° 3 ° 4 ° 1 12 ° 3 13 ° 1 14 15 16 ° 2 ° 2 ° 3 17 ° 1 18 ° 3 19 20 ° 2 ° 4 21 ° 4 22 ° 2 23 24 25 ° 2 ° 1 ° 6 6 ° 1 7 ° 2 8 ° 1 26 ° 3 27 ° 4 28 ° 5 9 ° 1 10 ° 3 11 ° 2 A You may as well solve the problem now as put it off. B The typhoon prevented us from going for a drive. C The number of students who specialize in astronomy will increase from now on. D I wish there were no such things as earthquakes and typhoons in the world. 2.5. 熊本労災看護専門学校 2.5 2.5.1 287 熊本労災看護専門学校 一般試験 60 分 1 次の英文を読んで、[問 1]∼[問 8]の設問に答えなさい。 I’M SHOCKED. My husband, Bobby, smiles and walks towards me. He breezes by and scoops our 15-month-old son, John, into his arms, kissing him 20 times while telling him how *adorable he looks. John is in dirty pajamas; I’m in a *daring dress. Did I miss something? I’d like to think I’m beautiful, at least in my husband’s [ ° 1 ], but he doesn’t tell me. He doesn’t usually give me other compliments either. And he’s not the type to hold me close in his arms. After six years together (four as husband and wife), °it 2 still bothers me, especially when we’re out with a *doting couple. She’ll laugh, he’ll put his arms around her, she’ll kiss his lips — and they’ll forget we’re in the same booth [ ° 3 ] for them to pass the chicken. I don’t know why my man isn’t comfortable with public affection. Then again, I don’t know why I care. If he suddenly [ ° 4 ] his hand on my behind at the shops, would it mean that our relationship is more solid? I doubt it. But I bet it would feel good. As for compliments, I sometimes get hung up on the fact that there’s no “Baby, you’re beautiful.” He [ ° 5 ] tell me he loves me — when I ask. “Honey, do you love me?” “Uh-huh,” he says. Then, just when I think I’m living with a rock, Bobby surprises me. While I was away recently, he gave my home office a complete makeover. He painted dull white walls a bright red and arranged the whole room. It’s not the first time Bobby has this silent language. He does it in thoughtful, time-consuming spoken to me °in 6 ways — by cooking an amazing dinner after a long workday, or venturing into the cold to buy me frozen yogurt for dessert. He didn’t have to surprise me with my new office. °It 7 would have been easier to wait for me to help. “Why would you go to all the trouble?” “I don’t know,” he says. But I know why. It’s because [ ° 8 ]. *adorable かわいい daring 大胆な doting 溺愛の 288 第 2 章 医療系 [問 1] [ ° 1 ] に入る適切な語を一つ選びなさい。 1. eyes 2. car 3. coat 4. belief 5. voice [問 2]下線部 ° 2 の it が指す内容として最も適切なものを一つ選びなさい。 1. 夫が息子の身なりも気にせずにいるので,息子を愛していないという こと。 2. 夫が息子をあまりにも過保護に育て過ぎているということ。 3. 夫が自分のことをほめたり,抱擁してくれないということ。 4. 自分たちの 4 年間の夫婦生活は息子のおかげだということ。 5. 自分たちが他の夫婦の前であまり楽しそうに見せていないということ。 [問 3] [ ° 3 ] に入る適切な語を一つ選びなさい。 1. wait 2. to be waited 3. waited 4. to have waited 5. waiting [問 4] [ ° 4 ] に入る適切な語を一つ選びなさい。 1. put 2. puts 3. will put 4. have put 5. had put [問 5] [ ° 5 ] に入る適切な語を一つ選びなさい。 1. is 2. has 3. never 4. sure 5. does 2.5. 熊本労災看護専門学校 289 [問 6]下線部 ° 6 が表す内容として最も適切なものを一つ選びなさい。 1. 物静かな様子で 2. とても小さな声で 3. 口数が少なくても 4. 言葉ではなく行動で 5. 間をおいて話すことで [問 7]下線部 ° 7 の it が指す内容として最も適切なものを一つ選びなさい。 1. Her living with a rock 2. His complete makeover 3. His thoughtful behavior 4. His good cooking 5. His wild venturing [問 8] [ ° 8 ] に入る適切なものを一つ選びなさい。 1. it’s so easy for him 2. We are good cooks 3. he loves me 4. he can do everything 5. We go out again 2 [問 9]次の各語を ( ) 内の指示に従って書きかえたとき、答えが誤ってい るものを一つ選びなさい。 1. division (類義語) section 2. progress (形容詞形) progressive 3. reduction (動詞形) reduce 4. admire (名詞形) admittance 5. satisfy (反意語) disappoint 290 第 2 章 医療系 3 [問 10]次の 1∼5 の英文の ( すか。 ) 内に入る適切な語を答えているのはどれで 1. Cathy is looking for the ( ) key. (1) lose (2) lost (3) losing (4) to lose 答 [(1)] 2. It was such a clear day yesterday that the beautiful moutains were ( ) from here? (1) flexible (2) sensitive (3) capable (4) visible 3. There is no rule ( 答 [(2)] ) has any exceptions. (1) that (2) what (3) but (4) as 4. The seat is ( 答 [(3)] ), so you can sit in it. (1) mature (2) vacant (3) gainful (4) empty 5. The lawyer, Mr. Smith, has a lot of ( 答 [(4)] ). (1) guests (2) customers (3) patients (4) clients 答 [(3)] 2.5. 熊本労災看護専門学校 291 4 [問 11]次の 1∼5 の英文の ( すか。 1. Cindy is often ( ) 内に入る適切な語句を答えているのはどれで ) a girl because she looks so young. (1) mistaken for (2) made for (3) seen for (4) taken for 2. A fire ( 答 [(3)] ) in the factory near my school last night. (1) ran over (2) got over (3) broke out (4) carried out 3. He was ( 答 [(4)] ) as a famous leader. (1) looked up to (2) turned up (3) put up to (4) made up 4. I know nothing ( 答 [(2)] ) he had lived next door. (1) expected for (2) including for (3) excluding that (4) except that 5. ( 答 [(4)] ) a police officer, the stranger ran away. (1) In spite of (2) At the sight of (3) For the purpose of (4) On the part of 答 [(1)] 292 第 2 章 医療系 5 [問 12]次の 1∼5 の英文の ( すか。 1. I wish I ( ) 内に入る適切なものを答えているのはどれで ) my life again. (1) live (2) living (3) had to live (4) could live 2. He ( 答 [(2)] ) the truth to the friend, but he didn’t. (1) should have told (2) told (3) will tell (4) have been telling 3. ( 答 [(3)] ) six years since Tim went back to England. (1) It is (2) The years were (3) The time flew (4) The day passed 4. We are often afraid of ( 答 [(4)] ) we can’t understand. (1) that (2) which (3) what (4) whom 5. ( 答 [(1)] ) with mine, your watch is more expensive. (1) To compare (2) Comparing (3) Having compared (4) Compared 答 [(4)] 2.5. 熊本労災看護専門学校 293 6 [問 13]次の対話文の ( ) 内に入る最も適切なものを選んでいます。答えが 間違っているものを選びなさい。 1. A: What do you usually eat for breakfast? B: Well, I usually ( ) breakfast, but on Sunday mornings I cook by myself. (1) carry (2) catch (3) kill (4) skip 答 [(4)] 2. A: I’m up to my ears in my tasks. How about you? B: Yeah, I’ve been ( ) too. (1) smooth (2) calm (3) busy (4) stock 答 [(1)] 3. A: ( ) B: So, why don’t you get out to eat something? (1) I’m starving! (2) I hear you got a new job. (3) I didn’t catch your name. (4) I’m so full. I can’t move. 答 [(1)] 4. A: Oh, man! ( ) B: That’s too bad. Fix yourself some hot lemon tea. It’s a great counselor. (1) How do you do? (2) I’ve got a sore throat. (3) I see your point. (4) It’s a deal! 答 [(2)] 5. A: Would you mind excusing me? I have another appointment. B: ( ) (1) Oh, long time to see. (2) Neither do I. There isn’t any. (3) Yes, and sometimes it’s helpful to keep one. (4) It was good to have seen you. 答 [(4)] 294 第 2 章 医療系 7 [問 14]日本文の英訳として,語順が正しいものを選びなさい。 「彼女はそれらの写真を見ると古きよき時代を思い出す。 !」 à ° 1 her ° 5 old ° 2 the good ° 6 reminds ° 3 of ° 7 pictures ° 4 days ° 8 those 1. ° 8 –° 7 –° 6 –° 1 –° 3 –° 2 –° 5 –° 4 2. ° 1 –° 8 –° 7 –° 6 –° 5 –° 2 –° 3 –° 4 3. ° 1 –° 6 –° 4 –° 2 –° 7 –° 3 –° 5 –° 4 4. ° 8 –° 5 –° 1 –° 4 –° 6 –° 7 –° 3 –° 2 5. ° 1 –° 4 –° 6 –° 8 –° 7 –° 3 –° 2 –° 5 8 [問 15]次の英文を読んで、[ ] 内に入る適切なものを答えなさい。 Women live longer than men because [ ]. That’s what husband-and-wife team Guy Mckhann and Marilyn Albert, both professors at Johns Hopkins University and authors of keep your Brain Young, have theorized after a ten-year study of 3000 elderly people that assessed how physical and mental activities help people live longer and have more productive lives. It keeps older women physically active (bags to lug), challenges the brain (a trip to the places involving hundreds of choices) and boosts self-esteem (a sense of accomplishment results). Meawhile, Grandpa is on the sofa watching television — an activity that fails to challenge in any of these areas. Those who sell goods to the public love such studies, but puzzles and card games might be cheaper ways to keep the brain active, and a walk is as effective as a lap around a mall. 1. they drink less 2. they exercise less 3. they read a lot 4. they shop more 5. they laugh more 2.5. 熊本労災看護専門学校 解答例 [問 1] [問 2] [問 3] [問 4] [問 5] 1 3 5 1 5 [問 6] [問 7] [問 8] [問 9] [問 10] 4 2 3 4 3 [問 11] [問 12] [問 13] [問 14] [問 15] 4 5 2 1 4 295
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