小川図書 英語・英文学 洋書目録 第 77 号

第 77 号
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重要セット 〈洋書〉
James Joyce 関 係 書 籍
Shakespeare 関 係 書 籍
作家別 個人全集 〈洋書〉
新渡戸稲造 〈洋書〉
新渡戸稲造 〈和書〉
事典・辞典 〈洋書〉
言語学 〈洋書〉
・Y.U先生旧蔵 ロビン・フッド関連書籍
・竹友藻風旧蔵 洋書限定本コレクションョン
・斎藤忠利先生旧蔵 黒人文学関係書籍
・Max Beerbohm コレクション
・西村孝次先生旧蔵 D.H.ロレンス書籍コレ
書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。
または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール (ogawatosho@tokyo.email.ne.jp) にてお問い合わせください。
1 F.J.E.レイビー「中世ラテン語詩史」 2巻 クロース装
Raby,F.J.E. A History of Secular Latin Poetry in the Middle Ages. In 2 vols.
Clarendon Press, 1934. [01459-100003]
Oxford: At the
2 F.J.E.レイビー「中世ラテン語詩史」 2巻 クロース装
Raby,F.J.E. A History of Secular Latin Poetry in the Middle Ages. In 2 vols. Second Edition.
Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1957. [00060-100004]
3 「ウォルフラム・フォン・エッシェンバハ研究」 14冊 クロース装
Wolfram-Studien. Veröffentlichungen der Wolfram von Echenbach-Gesellschaft. Herausgegeben von
Werner Schröder et al. In 14 vols. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1970-1996. [01514-100005]
4 ヘイルズ・ファーニヴァル(共編)「古英語バラッド及びロマンスパーシー・フォリオ」 4巻
キングズ・ライブラリ版 The Percy Folio of Old English Ballads and Romances. From the Text of
Dr. F. J. Furnivall and Professor J. W. Hales. In 4 vols. The King's Library edition. Edited by Professor
Gollancz. London: The De La More Press, 1905. Limited to 320 copies have been printed on
hand-made paper. This book in number 80. [01144-100007]
5 G.エリス「13 世紀~17 世紀の英国詩選」 3巻 1/2 革装
Specimens of the Early English Poets. To Which is Prefixed an Historical Sketch of the Rise and
Progress of the English Poetry and Language. In 3 vols. Fourth edition, corrected. Longman, 1811.
6 N.デイヴィス(編)「パストン家書簡集」 2巻
Paston Letters and Papers of the Fifteenth Century. 2 vols. (Vol.3 published in 2005 by EETS
lacking) Edited by Norman Davis. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1971. 1976. [02057-102246]
7 「英文学書誌・手引」 4巻 クロース装 (改装)
Lowndes,William Thomas The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature, Containing an Account of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, Published in or Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from
the Invention of Printing; With Bibliographical and Critical Notices, Collations of the Rarer Articles,
and the Prices at which They have been Sold in the Present Century. In 4 vols. London: William
Pickering, 1834. Rebound with blue gray cloth and new e.ps. [01753-101828]
8 MaggsBros.書店在庫目録 「15-18 世紀英文学特集」 2巻 クロース装 (改装)
English Literature & Printing from the 15th to the 18th Century. [Maggs Bros., bookseller's catalogues Nos.503 & 505] In 2 vols. London: Maggs Bros., 1928. Rebound with original paper wrappers (sl.stained). [01754-101829]
9 「英文学稀覯本書誌・批評」 4巻
A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, Alphabetically Arranged, which, during the last Fifty Years, have come under the observation of J.Payne Collier.
In 4 vols. New York: AMS Press, 1966. Reprinted (from the edition published in c.1865).
10 E.A.ベイカー 「英国小説史」 10巻
Baker,Ernest A. The History of the English Novel.
In 10 vols.
New York: Barnes &
Noble, Inc., 1960-61. (First published 1924-36). <Vol.I: The Age of Romance: from the Beginnings
to the Renaissance. Vol.II: The Elizabethan Age and After. Vol.III: The Later Romances and the Establishement of Realism. Vol.IV: Intellectural Realism: from Richardson to Sterne. Vol.V: The Novel
of Sentiment and the Gothic Romance. Vol.VI: Edgeworth, Austen, Scott. Vol.VII: The Age of Dickens and Thackeray. Vol.VIII: From the Brontes to Meredith: Romanticism in the English Novel.
Vol.IX: The Day before Yesterday. Vol.X: Yesterday.> [01941-102088]
11 E.アーバー(編)「イングリッシュ・ガーナー」 12巻 クロース装
(ARBER,Edward ed.)An English Garner. Contents as follows: Some Longer Elizabethan Poems. /
Fifteenth Century Prose and Verse. / Voyages and Trabels. Vol.I & II. / Elizabethan Sonnets, Vol.I &
II. / Shorter Elizabethan Poems. / Social England Illustrated. / Tudor Tracts, 1532-1588. / Stuart Tracts,
1603-1693. / Later Stuart Tracts. / Critical Essays and Literary Fragments. In 12 vols. Wesminster:
Archibald Constable and Co., 1903-1904. A revised edition of the original 8 volume "English Garner"
edited by Professor Arber (1877-1890). [02155-102347]
12 R.バートン 「千夜一夜物語」 16巻
The Book of the Thousand Nights and A Night. A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian
Nights Entertainments. Translated and Annotated by Richard F. Burton. In 10 vols. [With] Supplemental Nights. To the Book of the Thusand and One Nights With Notes Anthropological and Explanatory by Rchard Burton. In 6 vols. 16 vols.in all. Privately Printed by the Burton Club, n.d.[01885-102032]
13 R.バートン 「千夜一夜物語」 全17巻 コレクターズ版 総革装、三方金
Burton,Richard F. The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night. With Introduction Explanatory
Notes on the Manners and Customs of Moslem Men and a Terminal Essay Upon the History of the
Nights. Printed by the Easton Press for private subscribers only. [A Plain and Literal Translation of the
Arabian Night's Entertainments, Now Entitled] In 17 vols. Collector's Edition. Bound in Genuine
Leather. Connecticut: The Easton Press, 1994. With a frontis. & some illus. of each vols. [02120-102309]
14 J.ペイン(英訳)「アラジン/魔法のランプ他」 1巻 ヴェラム装
Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp; Zein ul Asnam and the King of the Jinn: Two Stories Done into
English from the Recently Discovered Arabic Text by John Payne. London; Printed for the Villon
Society by Private Subscription and for Private Circulation Only., 1889. This book is numbered 2 to
verso of half title page. [01861-101934]
15 J.ペイン(英訳)「アラビア物語集」 3巻 ヴェラム装
Tales from The Arabic. of the Breslau and Calcutta(1814-18) Editions of the Book of the Thousand
Nights and One Night Not Occurring in the Other Printed Texts of the Work, Now First Done into
English by John Payne. In 3 vols. London; Printed for the Villon Society by Private Subscription
and for Private Circulation Only., 1884. This set is numbered 474 to verso of half title page.
16 E.W.レイン(訳)「千一夜物語」 6巻
The Thousand and One Nights. Or Arabian Nights' Entertainments. Translated from the Arabic by
Edward William Lane, To which are added Further Tales from the French Translation of Antoine Galland. With 6 photogravures and 30 other illustrations by Frank Brangwyn. In 6 vols. London; Cecil
Palmer, 1921. This Edition of "The Thousand and One Nights," in Six Volumes, is strictly limited to
250 sets. This set is number 178. [01852-101925]
17 「千夜一夜物語」 16巻 厚紙表紙
The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night. Rendered from the literal and complete version of
Dr. J.C.Mardrus; and collated with other sources; by E. Powys Mathers. 16 vols. London; Privately
Printed for Subscribers The Casanova Society, 1923. This Edition of "The Thousand Nights and One
Night," is Limited to 750 Sets of 16 Volumes on Antique Paper, Each Set Numbered 1 to 750, and
1500 Sets on Bond Paper in 4 Volumes, Each Set Numbered 751 to 2250. This Set is No. 269.
18 「千夜一夜物語」 4巻 クロース装
The Book of The Thousand Nights and One Night. Rendered into English from the literal & complete French translatino of Dr. J. C. Mardrus by Powys Mathers. In 4 vols. Ninth impression. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1953. [02165-102357]
19 「デカメロン」 2巻 背クロース装
The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio. Translated by Richard Aldington. Illustrations by Jean de
Bosschère. 2 vols. New York; Covici, Friede Publishers, 1930. This Edition of the Decameron Has
Been Designed by Robert S. Josephy, Printed under his Supervision by the Quinn & Boden Company,
Rahway, New Jersey, in April, MCMXXX, and the Illustrations Reproduced by the Knudsen Process.
Twenty-Five Hundred Copies Have Been Printed on Worthy No.2 Special Laid Rag Paper, of which
Five Hundred are for England. This copy is Number 811. [01844-101917]
20 「デカメロン」 2巻 2000 部限定、No.1891.
Boccaccio,Giovanni The Decameron. Translated by John Payne. Illustrated by Clara Tice. In 2 vols.
This edition of The Decameron in two volumes is positively limited to 2,000 numberd sets, printed on
Special Paper with Illustrations by Clara Tice. The plates of the illustrations will be destroyed after
printing. This set is No.1891. Published for subscribers onlu by New York: Boni & Liveright, 1925.
With a frontis. & numerous illus. of each vols. [02141-102330]
21 「デカメロン」 2巻 クロース装
The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio. Faithfully Translated by J.M.Rigg. With an Illustrated Introduction and Sixteen Hand-Coloured Illustrations from Original Drawings by Louis Chalon. 2 vols.
London; Privately Printed for the Navarre Society Limited. n.d. [01839-101912]
22 「デカメロン」 クロース装
The Decameron. The Modell of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence and Coversation. Framed in Ten Dayes, of an
Hundred Curious Pieces, by Seven Honourable Ladies, and Three Noble Gentlemen; Preserved to Posterity by the Renowned John Boccaccio, the First Refinder of Italian Prose. Translated into English
anno 1620, with an Introduction by Edward Hutton and Wood-cuts in the Rennaissance manner by
Fritz Kredel. New York; The Heritage Club, 1940. [01843-101916]
23 「フィローストラト」 1巻 再版 クロース装
The Filostrato of Giovanni Boccaccio. A Translation with Parallel Text by Nathaniel Edward Griffin
& Arthur Beckwith Myrick. With an Introduction by Nathaniel Edward Griffin. Reprinted. New
York: Biblio and Tannen, 1967. [me0511-403176]
24 「カサノヴァ回想録」 2巻 背革装
Memoiren. Deutsche Bearbeitung von Walter Heichen. Illustriert von H.Goerke und Paul Telemann.
2vols. Berlin; Paul Franke, n.d. [01832-101905]
25 A.マッケン(英訳)「カサノヴァ回想録」 12巻 背ヴェラム装
The Memoirs of Giacomo Casanova Di Seingalt. Translated into English by Arthur Machen. 12 vols.
London; Privately Printed for Subscribers Only. The Casanova Socy., 1922. This Edition is limited to
1,000 numbered sets, of which this set is number 914. [01858-101931]
26 「カサノヴァ回想録」 全12巻 ペーパー装
Memoires de J. Casanova de Seingalt. Écrits par lui-même. Édition nouvell publií sous la direction
de Raoul Vèze, d'après le texte l'édition princeps Leipzig-Bruxelles-Paris (1826-1838). Variantes et
Commentaires historiques et critiques. Tome I. Introduction d'Octave Uzanne. /Tome II. Introduction
d'Aldo Rava. /Tome III. Introduction de Bernhard Marr. /Tome IV. Introduction de Charles Samaran.
/Tome V. Introduction de Henri de Régnier. /Tome VI. Introduction de Georges Cucuel. /Tome VII.
Introduction de Raoul Vèze. /Tome VIII. Introduction de J. D. Rolleston. /Tome IX. Introduction de
Raoul Vèze. /Tome X. Introduction de Édouard Maynial. /Tome XI. Introduction de Raoul Vèze.
/Tome XII. Introduction de Raoul Vèze. 12 vols. Paris; Aux Éditions de La Sirène et chez tous les
bons libraires., 1924-1935. With frontis. to vol.1, 12 & many illustrations through this set. [01884-102031]
27 「ハリソン英国古典集」 8巻 背革装
Harrison's British Classicks. 16 periodicals in 8 vols. Comprising: Dr.Johnson's Rambler; Lord Lyttelton's Persian Letters; The Adventurer; The Guardian; The Tatler; The Spectator; The Connoisseur:
The Citizen of the World; The Babler; The World (bound without first 2 issues); Dialogues of the
Dead; The Idler; Fitz Osborne's Letters; [00030-100079]
28 R.ピンソン版 「愚者の船」 2巻
[Brant,Sebastian] Barclay,Alexander trans. The Ship of Fools. Translated by Alexander Barclay. Being a Faithful Reprint of the Pynson Edition of 1509 with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary by T. H.
Jamieson. In 2 vols.
Edinburgh: William Paterson, / London: Henry Sotheran & Co., 1874.
With a frontis. of vol.I & numerous illus. of each vols. With "Prospectus". [02215-102421]
29 R.ピンソン版 「愚者の船」 2巻 復刻版 クロース装
[Brant,Sebastian] Barclay,Alexander trans. The Ship of Fools. Translated by Alexander Barclay.
In 2 vols. New York: AMS Press, 1966. (Reprinted from the edition of 1874). With a frontis. of
vol.I. & numerous illus. of each vols. [02216-102422]
30 「戦後アメリカ小説選集 第 2 集」 15巻 背つぎクロース装
Postwar American Fiction 1945-65. 2nd Series. Edited by Iwao Iwamoto. In association with Kichinosuke Ohashi. 15 vols. (of 30) Reproduced. Kyoto; Rinsen Book Co., 1990. Contents of Each
Volume Vol.1 G. Vidal: Williwaw(1946) Vol.2 C. McCullers: The Member of the Wedding(1946)
The Ballad of the Sad Café(1951) Vol.3 V. Nabokov: Lolita(1955) Vol.4 N. Mailer: The Deer
Park(1955) Vol. 5 J. P. Donleavy: The Ginger Man(1955) Vol.6 William Melvin Kelly: A Different
Drumme(1959) Vol.7 S. Bellow: Henderson the Rain King(1959) Vol.8 W. Styron: Set This House on
Fire(1960) Vol.9 W. Percy: The Moviegoer(1961) Vol.10 J. Baldwin: Another Country(1962)
31 フランク・マギル(編)「Masterplots II」
Magill, Frank N. ed. Masterplots II. African American Literature Series. In 3 vols.
fornia Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey; Salem Press, 1994. [01880-102027]
Pasadena, Cali-
英 詩
32 H.E.ロリンズ(編)「トテル雑集」 (エリザベス朝詩歌集) 2巻
Tottel's Miscellany (1557-1587). In 2 vols. Revised Edition.Edited by Hyder Edward Rollins.
Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1966. Vol.I: Songes and Sonnettes, June 5, 1557; Poems by Henry Howard,
Earl of Surrey. Poems by Sir Thomas Wyatt. Poems by Nicholas Grimald. Poems by Uncertain Authors , etc. (xx,344pp.) Vol.II: Tottel's Miscellany, Introduction. Notes, Appendix, Glossarial index.
(With photo facsimiles. ix,395pp.) [01652-101623]
33 「オックスフォード英国詩選」 3巻
The Oxford Library of English Poetry. In 3 vols. Chosen and Edited by John Wain. Oxford UP,
1986. (Reprinted). Vol.I: Spenser to Dryden. / Vol.II: Sackville to Keats. / Vol.III: George Darley to
Seamus Heaney.
34 「英詩における宗教的傾向」 6巻 クロース装
Fairchild,Hoxie Neale Religious Trends in English Poetry. [Contens as follows] Vol.I: 1700-1740.
Protestantism and the Cult of Sentiment. / Vol.II: 1740-1780. Religious Sentimentalism in the Age of
Johnson. Vol.III: 1780-1830. Romantic Faith. / Vol.IV: 1830-1880. Christianity and Romanticism in
the Victorian Era. / Vol.V: 1880-1920. Gods of a Changing Poetry. / Vol.VI: 1920-1965. Valley of Dry
Bones. In 6 vols. Vol.I-III: Third printing. New York & London: Columbia UP, 1957-1968.
演 劇
35 「イタリア演劇の起源」 2巻 2 版・改訂増補クロース装
D’Ancona,Alessandro Origini del Teatro Italiano. Libri Tre con Due Appendici sulla Rappresentazione Drammatica del Contando Toscano e sul Teatro Mantovano Nel Sec. XVI. In 2 vols. Seconda
Edizione rivista ed accresciuta. Torino: Bottega d'Erasmo, 1971. [02081-102270]
36 E.K.チェンバーズ 「中世演劇」 2巻
The Mediaeval Stage. By E.K.Chambers. In 2 vols.
sheets of the first edtion. [01135-100110]
Oxford UP, 1948. Repritnted from corrected
37 「英国中世・ルネサンス期演劇」 6巻 カバー、クロース装
Barroll,III, J. Leeds (ed.) Medieval & Renaissance Drama in England. An Annual Gathering of Research, Criticism, and Reviews. Assistant Editor Paul Werstine. In 6 vols. Eitor; J. Leeds Barroll, III.
New York: AMS Press, 1984-1993. [02156-102348]
38 「エリザベス朝批評集」 2巻 クロース装
The Elizabethan Critical Essays. In 2 vols. Edited with an Introduction by G.Gregory Smith. Oxford UP, 1967. Reprinted (1st ed.1904). [01575-100115]
39 A.N.ジェファーズ(編)「王政復古時代の喜劇集」 4巻 クロース装
Restoration Comedy. In 4 vols. Edited by A.Norman Jeffares. London: The Folio Press / Totowa:
Rowan and Littlefield, 1974. Selections from the works of T.Killigrew, C.Sedley, Etherege, Dryden,
Wycherley, T.Durfey, A.Behn, E.Ravenscroft, J.Crowne, Shadwell, Congreve, Cibber, Vanbrugh,
Farquher, R.Steele. With illus. [01326-100118]
40 G.E.ベントリィ 「ジャコビアン朝&キャロライン朝演劇」 7巻
The Jacobean and Caroline Stage. By Gerald Eades Bentley. In 7 vols. Oxford at the Clarendon
Press. 1949-1968. (Vol.I: Reprinted photographically in 1949 from the sheets of the first edition.) Vol.I
& II: Dramatic Companies and Players. Vol.III-V: Plays and Playwrights. Vol.VI: Theatres. Vol.VII:
Appendixes to Vol.VI and General Index. [01325-100126]
41 「演劇論集」 15巻 クロース装
Themes in Drama. In 15 Vols. Edited by James Redmond. Cambridge UP, 1979-1993. First published. Vol.1: Drama and Society. Vol.2: Drama and Mimesis. Vol.3: Drama, Dance and Music. Vol.4:
Drama and Symbolism. Vol.5: Drama and Religion. Vol.6: Drama and the Actor. Vol.7: Drama, Sex
and Politics. Vol.8: Historical Drama. Vol.9: The Theatrical Space. Vol.10: Farce. Vol.11: Women in
Theatre. Vol.12: Drama and Philosophy. Vol.13: Violence in Drama. Vol.14: Melodrama. Vol.15:
Madness in Drama. [01521-100130]
42 「マローン・ソサエティ・リプリント」 64巻 背クロース装、またはクロース装
Malone Society Reprints. In 64 vols. Printed for the Malone Society by Charles Batey (1952-1957),
by Vivian Ridler (1958-1976), by Eric Buckley (1977-1983), David Stanford (1984-1989) at the Oxford UP, and OUP. (1990-), 1952-2001. Comprising most of the Society's publications for those years.
Including 11 vols.of'Collections', the rest being reprints and facsimiles of single works. [01290-100131]
43 「ニューヨーク演劇年鑑」 1767-1894 年 15巻
Annals of the New York Stage. In 15 vols. By George C.D.Odell.
many illus.of actors, playbills, etc. [00174-100266]
NY: Columbia UP, 1927. With
44 「フォークロア・ジャーナル」
The Journal of American Folklore. Volume 1-105 (1888-1992). The American Folklore Society,
1904-1992./ Kraus Reprint in 1963 (vol.1-16 <originally published 1888-1903>, vol.19-22
<1906-1909>, vol.31 <1918>), in 1964 (vol.73 <originally published 1960>) and in 1969 (vol.75
<originally published 1962>). Various bindings. Vol.73 and vol.75 are printed wrappers, and
vol.96-105 (1983-1992) are unbound. [00162-100237]
45 「ノースカロライナフォークロア集成」 7巻 クロース装
The Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folklore. The Folklore of North Carolina Collected by Dr. Frank C.Brown During the Years 1912 to 1943 in Collaboration with The North Carolina
Folklore Society of which He was Secretary-Treasure 1913-1943. In 7 vols. General editor: Newman
Ivey White. Wood engravings by Clare Leighton. Duke UP., 1952-1962. [01805-101879]
46 K.M.ブリッグス女史(編)「イギリス伝承文学辞典」 4巻 クロース装
Briggs, Katharine M. (ed.) A Dictionary of British Folk-Tales. In the English Language. Incorporating the F.J. Norton Collection. Part A, Volume 1,2; Folk Narratives. Part B, Volume I, II; Folk Legends. In 4 vols. Reprinted. London, Boston, Melbourne and Henley; Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985.
47 K.M.ブリッグス女史(編)「イギリス伝承文学辞典」 4巻 カバー、クロース装
Briggs,Katharine M. A Dictionary of British Folk-Tales in the English Language. Incorporating the
F. J. Norton Collection. Part A: Folk Narratives, Vol.1 & 2. Part B: Folk Legends, Vol.1 & 2. In 4 vols.
First published. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1970-1971. [02200-102406]
48 「マザーグース初期研究書集成」 全6巻+別冊(日本語解説) 外函、クロース装
Mother Goose Library 2: Collection of Early Researches. [マザーグース・ライブラリー 第 2 回配
本] Edited by Toshio Fujino(藤野紀男)・Yasuko Natsume(夏目康子). Eureka Press(ユリーカ・プ
レス), 2005. [02182-102374]
49 「復刻世界の絵本館オズボーン・コレクション」 全34点・付録 3冊・解説書付
50 「復刻世界の絵本館オズボーン・コレクション II」
『つのぶえセット』 全19点・解説書・テキストガイド付 /『はこぶねセット』全11点・解説書・テキストガ
イド付 (全34冊) ほるぷ出版, 1984. [01982-102129]
51 風刺雑誌「パンチ」 1841 年 7 月 17 日号(創刊号)-1910 年 12 月 28 日号 3/4 革装.
Punch, or The London Charivari. July 17, 1841 (vol.1) through December 28, 1910 (vol. 139).
3,626 issues, bound in 70. 合本 70 冊 London: Published at the Office, etc., 1841-1910.
25 巻 クロース装
Hammerton,J. A. (ed.) Punch Library of Humour. Designed to provide in a series of volumes, each
complete in itself, the cream of our national humour, contributed by the masters of comic draughtsmanship and the leading wits of the age to "Punch," from its beginning in 1841 to the present day.
In 25 vols. The Educational Book Co. Ltd., n.d. [02177-102369]
52 J. A.ハマートン(編)「パンチ滑稽文庫」
全 10 冊・解説付 復刻版 外函付、函、クロース装
The Japan Punch 1862-1878. [1]: 1862-1866. / [2]: 1867-1869. / [3]: 1870-1872. / [4]: 1873-1874. /
[5]: 1875-1876. / [6]: 1877-1878. / [7]: 1879-1880. / [8]: 1881-1882. / [9]: 1883-1884. / [10]:
1885-1887. The Japan Punch 解説付(55pp.、非売品). 編集・発行: 雄松堂書店. In 10 vols.
Reprinted edition. Tokyo: Yushodo(雄松堂書店), 昭 50. (1975.) [02180-102372]
53 「ジャパン・パンチ 1862-1878」
54 ハロルド・モンロー(編)「チャップブック」
The Chapbook, a Miscellany. Edited by Harold Monro. 40 vols. , 38 in the orig. pictorial wrappers
and 2 in the orig. boards(one with a chipped dust jacket). London: The Poetry Bookshop,
1919-1925. [00032-211344]
55 「ニューゲイト・カレンダー」 5巻
The Complete Newgate Calendar. Collated and edited with some appendices by J.L.Rayner &
G.T.Crook. In 5 vols. London: Privately Printed for the Navarre Society, 1926. One of 2000 sets.
56 「ニューゲイト・カレンダー大全」 5巻
復刻版 クロース装
The Complete Newgate Calendar. Collated and edited with some appendices by J.L.Rayner &
G.T.Crook. In 5 vols. 臨川書店, 1983. This edition has been reprinted from the Private Edition of
1926, The Navarre Society Limited,London. The New publication is limited to 200 set. [01643-101614]
57 「ハムステッド年代記」 3巻 クロース装
The Annals of Hampstead. By Thomas J. Barratt. In Three Volumes with Over Five Hundred Illustrations. In 3 vols. Lionel Leventhal Ltd. in association with The Camden Hidtory Society. 1972.
Limited to 500 sets. First published in 1912. [01197-100207]
58 「英国歳時記」 2巻 [1869年]
The Book of Days. A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in Connection with The Calendar including
Anecdote, Biography, & History Curiosities of Literature and Oddities of Human Life and Character. In 2 vols. Edited by R.Chambers. London & Edinburgh; W. & R. Chambers, [1869.]
59 「英国歳時記」 2巻 復刻版 クロース装
The Book of Days. A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in Connection with The Calendar including
Anecdote, Biography, & History Curiosities of Literature and Oddities of Human Life and Character. In 2 vols. Edited by R.Chambers. 名著普及会, 1988. 第 3 刷 (Reprinted from the edition published by W.& R.Chambers (London & Edinburgh), 1863-1864.) [01875-102021]
60 「英国歳時記」 2巻 復刻版 クロース装
The Book of Days. A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in Connection with The Calendar including
Anecdote, Biography, & History Curiosities of Literature and Oddities of Human Life and Character. In 2 vols. Edited by R.Chambers. Meicho-Fukyu-Kai, 名著普及会, 1984. 第 1 刷 (Reprinted
from the edition published by W.& R.Chambers (London & Edinburgh), 1863-1864.) [01993-102140]
61 「英国教会改革史」 7巻 新版 クロース装
Burnet,Gilbert The History of the Reformation of the Church of England. A New Edition Carefully
Revised, and the Records Collated with the Originals, by Nicholas Pocock. In 7 vols. Oxford at the
Clarendon Press, 1865. [02153-102345]
62 「英国における反乱と市民戦争の歴史」 6巻 再版 カバー、クロース装
Earl of Clarendon,Edward The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England begun in the
Year 1641; Re-Edited from a Fresh Collation of the Original MS.in the Bodleian Library. With Marginal Dates and Occasional Notes, by W. Dunn Macray, M.A., F.S.A. Vol.I: Books I-IV. / Vol.II:
Books V and VI. / Vol.III: Books VII and VIII. / Vol.IV: Books IX-XI. / Vol.V: Books XII-XIV. /
Vol.VI: Books XV and XVI, and Index. In 6 vols. Reprinted. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1969.
63 「英国服飾史」 2巻 再版 クロース装
Fairholt,Frederick William Costume in England. A History of Dress to the End of the Eighteenth
Century. In 2 vols. Reprinted from the 1896 edition. Thoemmes Press & Edition Synapse, 2001.
64 D.二ール 「清教徒の歴史」 5巻 復刻版
Neal,Daniel The History of the Puritans; or, Protestant Nonconformists; From the Reformation in
1517. To the Revolution in 1688: Comprising an Account of Their Principles; Their Attemps for a
Farther Reformation in the Church; Their Sufferings; And the Lives and Characters of Their Most
Considerable Divines. A New Edition, In Five Volumes: Reprinted from the Text of Dr. Toulmin's
Edition, With His Life of the Author and Account of his Writings. Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged.
In 5 vos. Republished. Gregg International Publishers Limited, 1970. [01950-102097]
1/2 革装
The Every-Day Book; or, Everlasting Calendar of Popular Amusments, Sports, Pastimes, Ceremonies, Manners, Customs, and Events, Incident to each of the Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Days, in
Past and Present Times; Forming a Cmplete History of the Year, Months, & Seasons, and a Perpetual
Key to the Almanack; Including Accounts of the Weather, Rules for Health and Conduct, Remarkable
and Important Anecdotes, Facts, and Notices, in Chronology, Antiquities, Topography, Biography,
Natural History, Art, Science, and General Literature; Derived from the Most Authentic Sources, and
Valuable Original Communications, with Poetical Elucidations, for Daily Use and Deversion. With
Three Hundred and Twenty Engravings. In 2 vols. London: Published for William Hone,
The Year Book of Daily Recreation and Information, Concerning Remarkable Men and Manners,
Times and Seasons, Solemnities and Merry-Makings, Antiquities and Novelties, on the Plan of the
Every-Day Book and Table Book; or Everlasting Calendar of Popular Amusements, Sports, Pastimes,
Ceremonies, Customs, and Events, Incident to Each of the Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Days, in Past
and Present Times; Forming a Complete HIstory of the Year, and a Perpetual Key to the Almanac.
With One Hundred and Fourteen Engravings.
London: Printed for Thomas Tegg, / R. Griffin & Co.,
The Table Book. With Engravings. Every Saturday.
London: Published for William Hone, by
Hunt and Clarke, 1827. 4 vols. set. With a frontis. & numerous illus. of each vols. [02210-102416]
65 W.ホーン 「英国社会風俗」 4巻セット
66 「ロンドンの昔と今」 6巻
復刻版 クロース装
Thornbury,Walter Old and New London. A Narrative of Its History, Its People, and Its Places. Illutrated with numerous Engravings from the most Authentic Sources. In 6 vols. Popular Edition. Tokyo: Meicho-Fukyu-Kai(名著普及会), 1984. (First published by Cassell and Co., 1872-8. This edition
being the facsimile reprint of its popular edition)
67 「ケルト評論」 53巻
Revue Celtique. Fondée par H.Gaidoz (1870-1885). Continuée par H.D'arbois De Jubainvillre et
J.Loth. Dirigée par J.Vendryes. Vol.1 through vol.51 all published in complete run. 1870-1934.
51 vols.in 53. Kraus Reprint, 1964 (Reprinted with the permission of the Librairie Ancienne
Honoré Champion, Paris).
68 「シルバ・ガデリカ」 2巻 クロース装
Silva Gadelica (I.-XXXI.). A Collection of Tales in Irish. With Extracts Illustrating Persons and Places. In 2 vols. Edited from Mss.and translated by Standish H.O'Grady. New York: Lemma Publishing
Co., 1970. Unabridged republication of the first edition published in London, Williams and Norgate in
1892. [01696-101667]
69 「古代中世アイルランド語法令資料集」 6巻 クロース装
Corpus Iuris Hibernici. Ad Fidem Codicum Manuscriptorum. Recognovit. By D.A.Binchy.
In 6 vols. Institiúid Ard-Léinn Bhaile Átha Cliath, 1978. [101573]
70 「新世界アメリカ」 5巻 クロース装
New American World. A Documentary History of North American to 1612. Vol. I ; America from
Concept to Discovery. Early Exploration of North America. Vol. II ; Major Spanish Searches in Eastern North America. The Franco-Spanish Clash in Florida. The Beginnings of Spanish Florida. Vol.III ;
English Plans for North America. Roanoke Voyages. New England Ventures. Vol.IV ; Newfoundland
from Fishery to Colony. Northwest Passage Searches. Vol.V ; The Extension of Settlement in Florida,
Virginia, and the Spanish Southwest. Edited, with a Commentary by David B.Quinn. With the Assistance of Alison M.Quinn and Susan Hillier. In Five Volumes. First published. London & Basingstoke; The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1979. [01851-101924]
71 「古代エジプトの天国と地獄/バビロニアの宗教と神話」 4巻 クロース装
Budge, E. A. Wallis //King, L. W. The Egyptian Heaven and Hell. Vol.I.; The Book Ȧm-Ṭuat.
With 180 Illustrations. Vol.II; The Short Form of the Book Ȧm-Ṭuat and the Book of Gates.
Vol.III; The Contents of the Books of the Other World Described and Compared. //Babylonyan
Religion and Mythology. With Twelve Illustrations. [Books on Egypt and Chaldea. Vol.XX, XXI,
XXII. //Vol.IV.] 4 vols. London; Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. Ltd., 1905. //1899.
72 G.グロウト 「ギリシア史」 10巻 クロース装
A History of Greece; From the Earliest Period to the Close of the Generation Contemporary with Alexander the Great. By George Grote. In 10 vols. A New Edition. Second impression. With Portrait,
Map, and Plates. London: John Murray, 1888-1906. [01528-100002]
73 ノース(英訳)「プルーターク英雄伝」 上下巻 2巻 復刻版 カバー、クロース装
North's Plutarch The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans. [Ryukei Reprinte Series 1. (復刻
版)龍溪西欧古典叢書①] In 2 vols. 第 1 刷. Tsukada,Takao ed. (編集・解題: 塚田孝雄) Tokyo:
Ryukei Syosha(龍溪書舎), 1993. [02206-102412]
74 「インド民族文学事典」 12巻・10冊 クロース装
Encyclopaedia of Indian Folk Literature. 12 vols. in 10. First COSMO Print. New Delhi; Cosmo
Publications, 2000. Vol.1; Folk Tales of the Punjab. Vol.2; Folk Literature of Bombay. Vol.3; Tales of
the Sun. or Folk Lore of Southern India. Vol.4; Folk Tales of Bengal. Vol.5; Stories of India. Moral,
Mystical, Spiritual and Romantic. Vol.6; Sacred Tales of India. Vol.7; Folklore of Gujarat. Vol.8; Folk
Lore of Konkan. Vol.9; Himalayan Folklore. Vol.10; Indian Tales. Vol.11; The Kathakosha, or Treasury of Stories. Vol.12; Vikram's Adventures, or the Thirty-Two Tales of the Throne. [02010-102157]
75 P.サイクス 「ペルシア史」 2巻 クロース装
Sykes,Percy A History of Persia. With Maps and Illustrations. In 2 vols. Third Edition with Supplementary Essays, Reprinted. London; Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1951. [02017-102164]
76 「アメリカ女性作家」 4巻 クロース装
American Women Writers. Edited by Lina Mainiero. Associate Editor Langdon Lynne Faust. A
Critical Reference Guide from Colonial Times to the Present. In 4 vols. New York: Frederik Ungar
Publishing Co., 1979-1982. [02005-102152]
77 「フリー・ウーマン」 2巻 復刻版 クロース装
The Freewoman. Volume I: A Weekly Feminist Review. No.1 - No. 26(23 November 1911 - 16 May
1912). Volume II: A Weekly Humanist Review. No.27 - No. 47 (23 May 1912 - 10 October 1912).
Preface by Junko Demizu. 2 vols. (Supplement vol. lacking) Reprint. Kyoto; Eureka Press, 2006.
78 M.ヘイズ(著)「フィメール・バイオグラフィー」 6巻 復刻版 クロース装
Hays,Mary Female Biography; or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of All Ages and
Countries. Alphabetically arranged. In 6 vols. [Supplement vol. lacking (Supplement in Japanese by
Chihiro Umegaki)]. Reprint of 1803 edition. Osaka; Eureka Press, 2004. [01994-102141]
79 マックス・バウアー 「女性とモラル」
Bauer,Max Weib und Sittlichkeit. Die Sittengeschichte der Deutschen Frau. Mit 80 Grossen Bildtafeln und Vielen Illustrationen im Text. Berlin; Eigenbrödler Verlag, 1927. [01849-101922]
80 メアリー・エヴァンズ(編)「フェミニズム」 4巻 クロース装
Evans,Mary ed. Feminism. Critical concepts in literary and cultural studies. Edited by Mary Evans.
4 vols. First published. London and New York; Routledge, 2001. Vol.1; Feminism and the Enlightment. Vol.2; Feminism and Modernity. Vo.3; Feminist reponses to industrial society. Vol.4; Feminism
and the poliltics of difference. [01998-102145]
81 「英国ビクトリア朝時代生活百科事典」
Cassell's Household Guide to Every Department of Practical Life. Being a Complete Encyclopaedia of Domestic and Social Economy. In 4 vols. Reprinted from the 1873-4 edition. Tokyo; Edition
Synapse, 2001. [02013-102160]
82 「後期ヴィクトリア朝の結婚問題」 全5巻 クロース装
The Late-Victorian Marriage Question: A Collection of Key New Woman Texts. Edited and Introduced by Ann Heilmann. In 5 vols. Reprinted. Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1999.
Vol.1; Marriage and Motherhood. Vol.2; The New Woman and Female Independence. Vol.3; New Woman Fiction (1): Marriage, Motherhood and Work. Vol.4; New Woman Fiction (2): Gender and Sexuality.
Vol.5; Literary Degenarates. With a new Introduction by Ann Heilmann. [02014-102161]
83 「後期ヴィクトリア朝の結婚問題」 全5巻 クロース装
The Late-Victorian Marriage Question: A Collection of Key New Woman Texts. Edited and Introduced by Ann Heilmann. In 5 vols. Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1998. Vol.1; Marriage and Motherhood. Vol.2; The New Woman and Female Independence. Vol.3; New Woman Fiction (1): Marriage, Motherhood and Work. Vol.4; New Woman Fiction (2): Gender and Sexuality. Vol.5; Literary
Degenarates. With a new Introduction by Ann Heilmann. [02015-102162]
84 「女性と大英帝国 18 世紀初頭~20 世紀初頭の一次資料集成」 全5巻 復刻集成
Women and Empire, 1750-1939. Primary Sources on Gender and Anglo-Imperialism. Edited by Susan K. Martin, Caroline Daley, Elizabeth Dimock, Cheryl Cassidy and Cecily Devereux. [History of
Feminism] In 5 vols. First Published. London and New York; Routledge, Tokyo: Edition Synapse,
2009. Vol.1; Australia. Vol.2; New Zealand. Vol.3; Africa. Vol.4; India. Vol.5; Canada. [02011-102158]
85 「英国フェミニズム史における論争」 全6巻 クロース装
Controversies in the History of British Feminism. Edited by Dr Marie Mulvey Roberts and Professor Tamae Mizuta and Introduced by Dr Marie Mulvey Roberts. In 6 vols. London;
Routledge/Thoemmes Press, Tokyo; Kinokuniya Company Ltd, 1995. The Militant. Christabel Pankhurst. /The Opponents. The Anti-Suffragists. /The Workers. Women and Labour. /The Educators. Female Education. /The Rebels. Irish Feminists. /The Suffragists. Towards the Vote. [02016-102163]
86 「セイラム魔女論」 3巻 クロース装
Boyer,Paul & Nissenbaum,Stephen (eds.) The Salem Witchcraft Papers. Verbatim Transcripts of the
Legal Documents of the Salem Witchcraft Outbreak of 1692. Complied and Transcribed in 1938 by the
Works Progress Administration. Under the Supervision of Archie N. Frost. In 3 vols. Edited and with
an Introduction and Index by Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum.
New York: Da Capo Press, 1977.
1882 年 クロース装
Gould, Robert Freke The History of Freemasonry. Its Antiquities, Symbols, Constitutions, Customes,
Etc. Embracing an Investigation of the Records of the Organisations of the Fraternity in England,
Scotland, Ireland, British Colonies, France, Germany, and the United States. Deribed from Official
Sources. In 6 vols. London: Thomas C. Jack, 1882-1887. [01871-102014]
87 R.F.グールド 「フリーメイソンの歴史」 6巻
88 「私生活の歴史」 5巻 クロース装
A History of Private Life. I: From Pagen Rome to Byzantium. (Paul Veyne ed.) II: Revelations of the
Medieval World. (Georges Duby ed.) III: Passions of the Renaissance. (Roger Chartier ed.) IV: From
the Fires of Revolution to the Great War. (Michelle Perrot ed.) V: Riddles of Identity in Modern Times.
(Antoine Prost & Gérard Vincent eds.) In 5 vols. General editors: Philippe Ariès & George Duby.
The Belknap Press of Harvard UP, 1987-1991. With numerous illus.(b/w & colored). [01636-101607]
89 F.グロース他(編)「図説アンティーク百科」 4巻 1/2 革装
The Antiquarian Repertory; A Miscellaneous Assemblage of Topography, History, Biography, Customs and Manners. Intended to Illustrate and Preserve Several Valuable Remains of Old Times. Chiefly Compiled by, Or Under the Direction of Francis Grose, Thomas Astle, and Other Eminent Antiquaries. Adorned with Numerous Views, Portraits, and Monuments. In 4 vols. A New Edition, with a
Great Many Valuable Additions. London: Printed and Published for Edwards Jeffrey, 1807-1809.
230 plates including 2 folding and 2 double page, 5 aquatints including 1 hand colored and double page
(The Great Fire of London), 1 table (shaved to fore-edge), 1 folding predigree. [01249-100212]
90 「15-17 世紀フランスの邸宅」 4巻 クロース装 図版多数
図書館印あり(Brooklyn Public Library)
Sauvageot,Claude Palais Chateaux Hotels et Maisons de France du XVe au XVIIIe siècle. In 4 vols.
Paris: A. Morel, Librairie Éditeur, 1867. [02183-102375]
91 「ビブリオマニア」 1巻 背革装
Dibdin,Thomas Frognall The Bibliomania; or Book = Madness. A Bibliographical Romance. Illustrated with Cuts by Thomas Frognall Dibdin. New and Improved Edition, to which are Added Preliminary Observations, and a Supplement Including Key to the Assumed Characters in the Drama. London: Chatto & Windus, 1876. [01815-101889]
92 「ビブリオマニア」 4巻
Dibdin,Thomas Frognall The Bibliomania or Book = Madness. History, Symptoms, and Cure of This
Fatal Disease. In 4 vols. Boston: The Bibliophile Society, 1903. This edition is limited to 483 copies
printed for members only. Frontispieces in each vol. etchings by W.H.W.Bicknell after original paintings by Howard Pyle.
93 ミード 「ヘルメス研究」 3巻 クロース装
Thrice-Greatest Hermes. Studies in Hellenistic Theosophy and Gnosis. Being a Translation of the
Extant Sermons and Fragments of the Trismegistic Literature with Prolegomena Commentaries and
Notes by G.R.S.Mead. In 3 vols. London: John M.Watkins, 1964. Third impression re-set. Vol.I:
Prolegomena. Vol.II: Sermons. Vol.III: Excerpts and Fragments. [01532-100275]
94 「食糧」 社会科学における重要諸概念
Food. Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences. Edited by David Inglis, Debra Gimlin and Chris
Thorpe. In 5 vols. First Published. London and New York; Routledge, 2008. Vol.1; Thinking Food.
Vol.2; Material Aspects of Food. Vol.3; The Social Relations of Food. Vol.4; Negotiating Food. Vol.5;
Food Cultures and the Globalization of Food. [02012-102159]
95 「キャプテングロノウの追憶と回想」 2巻 クロース装
The Reminiscences and Recollections of Captain Gronow. Volume the First: Being "Anecdotes of
the Camp, the Court and the Clubs at the close of the last war with France" and "Recollections and
Anesdotes". Volume the Second: Being "Celebrities of London and Paris" and "Last Recollections".
In 2 vols. First edition. The R.S. Surtees Society, 1984-1985. With a frontis. & numerous color illus.
of each vols. [02107-102296]
96 J.フロワサール 「年代記」 2巻 1/2 革装
Froissart,Sir John Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and The adjoining Countries; From the
Latter Part of the Reign of Edward II. To the Coronation of Henry IV. Translated from the French Editions. With Variations and Additions from many Celebrated MSS. by Thomas Johnes, ESQ. To which
are Prefixed, a Life of the Author, and Essay on his Works, and a Criticism on his HIstory. In 2 Vols.
London: Henry G. Bohn, 1857. [02211-102417]
97 ファン・ヘルモント(著) クリスチャン・クノール・フォン・ローゼンロス(独語訳) 「医学の起源」
Von Helmont,Johann Baptist / Knorr von Rosenroth, Christian Aufgang der Artzney-Kunst. Das ist:
Noch nie gehörte Grund-Lehren von der Natur / zu einer Beförderung der Artzney-Sachen / so wohl
die Krankheiten zu vertreiben / als Ein langes Leben zu erlangen - geschrieben von Johann Baptist Von
Helmont. Einzige vollständige Übersetzung des Werkes Ortus Medicinae (1648) des niederländischen
Paracelisten Johann B. van Helmont, unter Berücksichtigung der flämischen Edition von 1659. 2 bds.
Reprographischer Nachdruck. Mit Beiträgen Walter Pagel und Friedhelm Kemp. [Deutsche
Barock-Literatur. Herausgegeben von Martin Bircher und Friedhelm Kemp] München; Kösel-Verlag,
1971. Facsimilierter Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 1683. [01990-102137]
98 ウィリアム J.バーチェル 「南アフリカ紀行」 初版 2巻揃
ロンドン 1822 年・1824 年 総革装 カラー、モノクロ図版多数
Burchell,William John Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa. 2 vols. First edition. London:
Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees Orme, Brown ('and Green' in vol.2), 1822 & 1824. [aj785-102004]
99 アダム・オレアリウス 「ロシア・ペルシャ紀行 (1656 年)」
Olearius,Adam Vermehrte Newe Beschreibung Der Muscowitischen und Persischen Reyse.
Schleswig 1656. Herausgegeben von Dieter Lohmeier. [Deutsche Neudrucke herausgegeben von
Karl StackmannMittelalter, Erich Trunz Barock, Paul Böckmann und Friedrich Sengle 18. Jahrhundert,
Arthur Henkel Goethezeit, Walter Killy 19. Jahrhundert. Reihe: Barock. Herausgegeben von Erich
Trunz 21] Tübingen; Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1971. With three maps.
100 マックス・ヴェーバー 「クリティカル・アセスメント 1 & 2」 8巻 合皮装
Max Weber: Critical Assessments 1 & 2. 1: Vol.I-IV. 2: Vol.I-IV. In 8 vols. First published. Edited
by Peter Hamilton. London & New York: Routledge, 1991. [02204-102410]
自 然
101 「野鳥画アルバム「Familiar Wild Birds」よりソーバーンほか画」
総革装 カラー図版:鳥・148 枚 、卵・16 枚(計 164 枚) 前あそび紙に蔵書印あり(「小学館蔵書印」)
A collection of plates from "Familiar Wild Birds". n.d. (c.early 1900's). A collection of clipped
plates of birds and bird's eggs. 143 plates were probably contained in W.Swaysland's "Familiar Wild
Birds" (illus.by Thorburn and others), and 5 plates were in other books (or magazines). Bound in morocco, rebacked in calf, gilt title to front board and spine. New e.ps. Set three plates in one page. [colored illustrations (17.8x11.8cm): birds; 148, eggs; 16]. [02192-102384]
102 ジョナサン・サフラン・フォア(編)「A Convergence of Birds」
アーティスト:ジョセフ・コーネルの作品にインスパイアされた詩・小説のアンソロジー ジョイス・キャロ
ル・オーツ、ロバート クーヴァー、ダイアン アッカーマン他寄稿 カラー図版多数
[Joseph Cornell] Foer,Jonathan Safran ed. A Convergence of Birds. Original Fiction and Poetry Inspired by Joseph Cornell. First edition (trade edition). New York: D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers,
2001. An anthology, contributors include: Barry Lopez, Rick Moody, Joyce Carol Oates, Robert Coover, Diane Ackerman, Ann Lauterbach, Robert Pinsky, and others. Tipped-in color photographs of
Cornell's works. [02193-102385]
103 「英国の種子植物」 全4巻 1914 年 クロース装
Perrin,Henry & Boulger, F.L.S. British Flowering Plants. Illustrated by Three Hundred Full-page
Coloured Plates Reproduced from Drawings by Mrs. Henry Perrin. With Detailed Descriptive Notes
and an Introduction by Professor Boulger, F.L.S. 4 vols. London; Bernard Quaritch, 1914.
104 エドワード・ジョセフ・ロー 「アワ・ネイティブ・ファーンズ」 (英国自生の羊歯)
Lowe,E. J. Our Native Ferns; Or a History of the British Species and their Varieties. Vol.I: Polypodium. Allosorus. Gymnogramma. Polystichum. Lastrea. Containing Descriptions of Twenty-two Species and Three Hundred and Eighty-four Varieties of British Ferns.With Thirty-seven Coloured Plates,
and Three Hundred and Seventeen Wood Engravings. Vol.II: Athyrium. Aspleenium. Scolopendrium.
Ceterach. Lomaria. Pteris. Adiantum. Cystopteris. Woodsia. Trichomanes. Hymenophyllum. Osmunda.
Ophioglossum. Botrychium. Containing Descriptions of twenty-Eight Species and Nine Hundred and
Ten Varieties of British Ferns. With Forty-two Coloured Plates, and Five Hundred and Ninety-two
Wood Engravings. In 2 vols. London: Groombridge and Sons, 1865-1867. [b00267-402819]
105 F.E.トリップ 「英国の蘚類」 2巻
Tripp,F. E. British Mosses; Their Homes, Aspects, Structure, and Uses. With a Coloured Figure of
Each Species Etched from Nature. In 2 vols. London: George Bess and Sons, 1874. [b00268-402820]
106 J.G.ミレー 「ツツジ科ツツジ属の植物(ツツジ、シャクナゲ、アザレア)」 2巻
限定本 クロース装 カラー、モノクロ図版多数
Millais,J.G. Rhododendrons in which is Set Forth an Account of All the Species of the Genus
Rhododendron (including Azaleas) and the Various Hybrids. [and] Rhododendrons and the
Various Hybrids. Second Series. In 2 vols. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1917 & 1924.
Limired to 550 copies, nos.58 & 174 (2nd series). [02184-102376]
107 文芸誌 「ザ・ビー」 合本1冊 1/2 革装
The Bee. Fire-Side Companion & Evening Tales; containing a great variety of Interesting Articles,
calculated to blend Instruction with Delight. 24 issued [Apparently all published] in 1. Liverpool:
Printed at the Caxton Press, n.d. [c.1819-1820]. [01164-100056]
108 A.シモンズ(編)「サヴォイ」 創刊-終刊(8号) 8分冊
The Savoy. Edited by Arthur Symons. London: Leonard Smithers, Complete set in 8 original parts.
No. 1(January 1896) to No. 8 and Last(December 1896). No. 1 to 2 illustrated quarterly. No. 3 to 8 illustrated Monthly. Christmas Card in vol. 1. [00014-100059]
109 世紀末文芸雑誌 「ザ・ドーム」 オリジナル完全揃 8冊
The Dome. An Illustrated Magazine and Review of Literature, Music, Architecture, and the Graphic
Arts. Original Series in 5 parts in one, New Series in 7 parts, complete set. London: The Unicorn
Press, 1897-1900. [01141-100063]
110 C.H.シャノン & J.W.G.ホワイト(編) 世紀末文芸誌 「ザ・ぺージェント」 2巻 クロース装
The Pageant. Edited by C. Hazelwood Shannon & J. W. Gleason White. London: Henry and Co.,
1896-1897. Complete in 2 vols. 4to,in pink cloth with gilt decoration by Charles Ricketts, slightly
rubbed, but a good copy,; vol. 1:243pp,+ ads,with an original lithograph by J. M. Whistler, and literary
contents by Yeats,Swinburne,Lionel Johnson ,et. al. ; vol. 2:266pp. ,with 24 plates including a 5-block
color woodcut by Lucien Pissarro,literary contributors include Beerbohm,Maeterlinck and Gosse.
111 レイヴン・ヒル&ゴールズワージー(編) 世紀末文芸誌「バタフライ」 正編揃 合本2冊
The Butterfly. A Humorous & Artistic Periodical. First series. In 2 vols. Edited by L.Raven-Hill and
A.Golsworthy. London: Walter Haddon, 1893-94. [01256-100067]
112 「レイヴン・ヒル編世紀末文芸誌「バタフライ」 続編 No.1-No.6.」 合本1冊
The Butterfly. A Humorous & Artistic Periodical. New Series. Edited by L.Raven-Hill. Grant
Richards. No.1(1899/3)-No.6(1899/8). Bound in one. Pictorial cloth. 278pp. [00021-100068]
113 図版入文芸誌「ザ・クォート」 1896 年 1冊 クロース装
The Quarto. An Artistic Literary & Musical Quarterly for 1896. Edited by J.B.H. London: Printed
by J.S.Virtue and Co., 1896. Illustrated with numerous full page drawings, etchings, engravings, etc.,
contains artwork by Lord Leighton, Alphonse Legross, Joseph Pennell, Alice B.Woodward, Dora Curtis, Robert Spence et al. Prose by G.K Chesterton, Gleeson White, Philip Treherne, Arthur Platt (from
the speech about Edward Fitzgerald), J.Bernard Holborn et al. [00024-100072]
114 文芸雑誌 「コータリ」 7巻・6冊
Coterie. Nos. 1-6/7(7 volumes in 6 as issue,all published. )
London, May 1919-Winter 1920/21.
115 文芸雑誌 「コータリ」・「ニューコータリ」 完全揃 12分冊
Coterie. Nos. 1-6/7(7 volumes in 6 as issue,all published). The New Coterie. Nos. 1-6(all published). London, 1919-21. London: E.Archer, 1925-27. [00027-100076]
116 「キーツ・シェリージャーナル」 Vols.1-40 (1952-1991) 25冊
1-29 巻:クロース装 30-40 巻:ペーパー装
Keats-Shelley Journal. A Periodical Devoted to Keats, Shelley, Byron, Hunt, anf Their Circles. 40
vols. in 25. Vols.1-16 are reprinted by Kraus Reprint Co, 1967-1970 (originally published in
1952-1967). The other vols.are published by the Keats-Shelley Association of America, 1968-1991.
117 新聞 「ザ・プアー・マンズ・ガーディアン」 4巻
復刻版 クロース装
The Poor Man's Guardian 1831-1835. Published by H. Hetherington. Complete in 4 vols. London:
The Merlin Press, 1969. A reprint of the original journal with Introduction by Patricia Hollis.
118 雑誌 「共産主義と人民」 2巻
The Red Republican & The Friend of the People. Introduction by John Saville. Complete in 2 vols.
London: Merlin Press, 1966. Vol. 1; The Red Republican. (June-November 1850). Vol. 2; The Friend
of the People. (December 1850-July 1851). A reprint of the Chartist journal.
119 「18 世紀研究」 Vols.1-8 (1967-1975) 合本8冊 クロース装
Eighteenth-Century Studies: A Jounal of Literature and the Arts. Vol.1, No.1, Sept.1967- Vol.8,
No.4, Summer 1975. In 8 vols. Editors: Robert H.Hopkins, Arthur E.McGuinness et al. New York:
AMS Press, 1976, Reprinted. Originally published by the University of California Press. [01690-101661]
120 アメリカ月刊現代詩誌 「ポエトリィ」 134巻 製本済
Poetry: A Magazine of Verse. In 134 vols. Edited by Harriet Monroe. Vol.1 through vol.133 in complete run. With Index volume to "50 years of poetry: A Magazine of Verse" (index of vol.1-100,
1912-1962) compiled by Elizabeth Wright, published by AMS, 1963. 1912/10-1979/3. All volumes
bound. Original print: Vol.48, 94, 95, 98, 100-133. (Published by Modern Poetry Association) AMS
reprint: Vol.1-35, 37-47, 49-53, 55-63, 65, 66, 68-93, 96, 97, 99. (Reprinted with the permission of
the Modern Poetry Association) Xeroxed print: Vol.36, 54, 64, 67. [01248-100239]
121 文芸批評誌 「スクルーティニィ」 20巻 カバー、クロース装
Scrutiny. A Quartely Review. Reissued in 20 volumes, with index. In 20 vols.
1963. Reissued. [02055-102244]
Cambridge at the UP.,
122 月刊ニューヨーク文芸誌 「ザ・セブン・アーツ」 2巻
復刻版 クロース装
The Seven Arts. Complete in 2 vols. Edited in chief by James Oppenheim. AMS Reprint. Vol. 1:
November,1916-April,1917. Vol. 2: May,1917-October,1917. [00053-100250]
123 文芸美術誌 「ジ・アップル」 第1巻-第2巻2号 復刻版 合本1冊
The Apple ( of Beauty and Discord ). 1920-1922. Vol. 1-2 No. 2. Kraus-Reprint, 1973. (Originaly published by Colour Ltd., London 1920-1922.)
124 ルーアリ・マクリーン(編) 美術・文芸誌「モチーフ」
第 1 号(1958 年)~終刊号(1967 年) 全冊揃
McLean,Ruari ed. (magazine) Motif. Nos.1-13. All published. [Motif is a journal of the arts (fine
printing, type, photography, architecture, sculpture, painting, etc.) and literature. Edited and designed
by British typographic designer, Ruari McLean.] 31x24.8cm. London: The Shenval Press,
1958-1967. [aj695-101789]
125 F.M.フォード(編) 文芸雑誌「トランサトランティク・レヴィユ」 合本6冊・別冊
復刻版 クロース装
the transatlantic review. 2vols. in 6. Reprinted. Edited in Paris by F. M. Ford. (1924/1-1924/12) 本
の友社(Tokyo; Hon-No-Tomosha), 1995. [01904-102051]
126 アーネスト・ウォルシュ、エセル・モアヘッド(編) 文芸雑誌「ディス・クォーター」
合本9冊・別冊(Index) 復刻版 クロース装
This Quarter. 5 vols. in 9 + Booklet(Contents & Indices). Reprinted. Edited by Earnest Walsh & Ethel Moorhead(Vol.1), Edward W. Titus(Vol.2-5). (1925-1932). 本の友社(Tokyo; Hon-No-Tomosha),
1996. [01910-102057]
127 イギリス政治新聞 「フィガロインロンドン」 合本 1冊
(No.10-119、うち No.41 & 59 欠。 計 108 巻)1/2 革、マーブル厚紙装
Figaro in London; No.10 (Saturday, Feburary 11, 1832)-No.119 (Saturday, March 15, 1834).
[No.41& 59 missing] W. Strange, 1832-1834. [02137-102326]
書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。
または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール (ogawatosho@tokyo.email.ne.jp) にてお問い合わせください。
128 「アリストテレス作品集」 11巻(全12巻)
再版 カバー、クロース装
The Works of Aristotle. Translated into English Under the Editorship of J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross.
[Contents as follows] Vol.I: Categoriae and De Interpretatione, by E. M. Edghill. / Vol.II: Physica, by
R. P. Hardie & R. K. Gaye. De Caelo, by J. L. Stocks. De Generatione et Corruptione, by H. H. Joachim. / Vo.III: Meteorologica, by E. W. Webster. De Mundo, by E. S. Forster. De Anima, by J. A.
Smith. Parva Naturalia, by J. I. Beare & G. R. T. Ross. De Spiritu, by J. F. Dobson. / Vol.IV: Historia
Animalium, by D'arcy Wentworth Thompson. / Vol.V: De Partibus Animalium, by William Ogle. De
Motu and De Incessu Animalium, by A. S. L. Farquharson. De Generatione Animalium, by Arthur
Platt. / Vol.VI: Opuscula, by T. Loveday, E. S. Forster, L. D. Dowdall, H. H. Joachim. / Vol.VII:
Problemata, by E. S. Forster. / Vol.VIII: Metaphysica (Second edition). / Vol.IX: Ethica Nicomachea,
by W. D. Ross. Magna Moralia, by St. George St. George Stock. Ethica Eudemia, by J. Solomon. /
Vol.X: Politica, by Benjamin Jowett. Odeconomica, by E. S. Forster. Atheniensium Respublica, by Sir
Frederic G, Kenyon. / Vol.XI: Rhetorica, by W. Rhys Roberts. De Rhetorica ad Alexandrum, by E. S.
Forster. De Poetica, by Ingram Bywater. In 11 vols.(of 12) Reprinted from sheets of the first edition.
London: Oxford UP, 1927-1952. (First edition 1912-1931.) [02224-102430]
129 「M.アーノルド詩集」 1892年 クロース装
Poetical Works of Matthew Arnold.
London: Macmillan and Co., 1892. xii,510pp. [f0383-170381]
130 「F.ベイコン作品集」 12巻 クロース装
Collected Works of Francis Bacon. With a new Introduction by Graham Rees. 12 vols.
Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1996. [02000-102147]
131 「W.バーンズ詩集」 2巻
The Poems of William Barnes. Edited by Bernard Jones. 2 vols.
London: Centaur Press, 1962.
132 グロサート(編)「J.ボーモント詩集」 2巻 クロース装
The Complete Poems of Dr. Joseph Beaumont (1616-1699). (Chertsey Worthies Library). For the
first time collected and edited: with memorial-introduction, notes and illustrations, glossarial indes, and
portrait, by Alexander B. Grosart. Printed for Private Circulation, 1880. [00224-100324]
133 「トーマス・ラヴェル・ベドーズ全集」 2巻 750 部限定版 No.184 背クロース、厚紙装
The Complete Works of Thomas Lovell Beddoes. Edited with a Memoir by Sir Edmund Gosse. And
Decorated by the Dance of Death of Hans Holbein. This Edition is limited to seven hundred and fifty
copies of which this is No.184. In 2 vols. London: Fanfrolico Press, [1928.] [02082-102271]
134 「A.ビレル評論・演説集」 3巻 クロース装
The Collected Essays & Addresses of the Rt. Hon. Augustine Birrell 1880-1920.
London: J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd, 1922. [00236-100339]
In 3 vols.
135 W.ブレイク E.ヤング 「夜の瞑想」 2巻 クロース装
Blake,William William Blake's Designs for Edward Young's Night Thoughts. A Complete Edition.
Edited With Commentary by John E.Grant, Edward J.Rose, Michael J.Tolley. Co-ordinating Editor
David V.Erdman. In 2 vols. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1980. [01774-101849]
136 「W.ブレイク詩集」 2巻 背クロース、厚紙装、天金
The Poetical Works of William Blake. In 2 vols. Edited and Annotated by Edwin J. Ellis.
Chatto & Windus, 1906. [02163-102355]
137 グロサート(編)「N.ブレトン詩集」 2巻 クロース装
The Works in Verse and Prose of Nicholas Breton. For the First Time Collected and Edited: With
Memorial-Introduction and Notes and Illustrations, Glossarial Index, Facsimiles, Ec. by Alexander B.
Grosart. Vol. I. - Verse. Vol. II. - Prose. [Chertsey Worthies' Library]. In 2 vols. Reprint of 1879 ed.
New York; AMS Press Inc., 1966. [01961-102108]
138 「N.ブレトン詩集」 カバー、クロース装
Poems by Nicholas Breton. (not hitherto reprinted) Edited with Biography, Canon and Notes by Jean
Robertson. [Liverpool English Texts and Studies] Liverpool at the UP., 1952. [01723-101798]
139 「C.ブロンテ詩集」 カバー、クロース装
The Poems of Charlotte Brontë. A New Annotated and Enlarged Edition of the Shakespeare Head
Bronte. Edited by Tom Winnifrith. Published for the Shakespeare Head Press by Basil Blackwell, First
published. 1984. [01725-101800]
140 「トマス・ブルックス全集」 6巻 クロース装
Grosart,Alexander Balloch ed. The Complete Works of Thomas Brooks. Edited, with Memoir, by
the Rev. Alexander Balloch Grosart, Liverpool. 6 vols. First AMS Edition. Reprinted from the edition
of 1866-7(Edinburgh:James Nichol, London: James Nisbet and Co., Dublin: G. Herbert, Montreal: B.
Dawson & Son,). New York; AMS Press, 1978. [01963-102110]
141 「R.ブラウニング作品集」 10巻 センティナリー版 クロース装
The Works of Robert Browning. With Introductions by F. G. Kenyon, C.B., D.Litt. [Contents as follows] In 10 vols. Centenary Edition, 2nd printing. New York: AMS Press, 1973. [02218-102424]
142 「ブラウニング家書簡集」 12巻 クロース装 (4 代目ブラウニング 旧蔵書)
The Brownings' Correspondence. 12 vols. 1809/9-1846/5. Edited by Philip Kelley, Ronald Hudson
& Scott Lewis. Wedgestone Press, 1984-1994. [01905-102052]
143 「E.ブルワー・リットン作品集」 25巻 クロース装
Bulwer Lytton's Novels. In 25 Vols.
George Routledge & Sons, n.d. (c.1872)
144 「J.バニヤン作品集」 13巻 カバー、クロース装
The Miscellaneous Works of John Bunyan. General Editor: Roger Sharrock.
At the Clarendon Press, 1976-1994. [02219-102425]
In 13 vols.
145 「J.バニヤン全集」 4巻 クロース装
The Complete Works of John Bunyan, Author of "The Pilgrim's Progress." Edited, with Original
Introductions, Notes, and Memoir of the Author, by Henry Stebbing, D.D., F.R.S., Illustrated with Engravings on Steel and Wood. In 4 vols. First reprinting. New York: Johnson Reprint Co., 1970.
(Originally published in 1658.) [02201-102407]
(BUNYAN,John 関連書籍)
146 Sharrock,Roger & Forrest,James F. eds.
The Holy War. Made by Shaddai upon Diabolus. For the Regaining of the Metropolis of the World.
Or, the Losing and Taking Again of the Town of Mansoul. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1980.
xlviii,288pp. [s05985-213140]
147 Forrest,James F. & Sharrock,Roger eds.
The Life and Death of Mr. Badman. Presented to the World in a Familiar Dialogue Between Mr.
Wiseman, and Mr. Attentive. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. xlii,188pp. [s05986-213141]
148 「R.バーンズ書簡集」 2巻 クロース装
The Letters of Robert Burns. J.De Lancey Ferguson. Second Edition edited by G.Ross Roy. In 2 vols.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985. [01201-100395]
149 「R.バーンズ作品集」 4巻 クロース装
The Life and Works of Robert Burns. Edited by Robert Chambers. Revised by William Wallace.
In 4 vols. London: The Waverley Book Co., / By arrangement with W. & R. Chambers, n.d.
150 マーシャン(編)「L.バイロン書簡集・日誌」 12巻 クロース装
Byron's Letters and Journals 1798-1824. In 12 vols. Edited by Leslie A.Marchand.
Murray, 1974-82. [01474-100416]
London: John
151 「T.カルウ詩集」 カバー、クロース装
The Poems of Thomas Carew with His Masque, Coelum Britannicum. Edited with an Introduction
and Notes by Rhodes Dunlap. [Oxford English Texts] Reprinted lithographically from corrected sheets
of the first edition (1949). Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1970. [01735-101810]
152 「T.カーライル全集」 16巻 クロース装
The Works of Thomas Carlyle (Complete).
In 16 vols.
New York: Peter Fenelon Collier, 1897.
153 「G.チャップマン詩集」 クロース装
The Poems of George Chapman.
1962. [01743-101818]
Edited by Phyllis Brooks Bartlett.
New York: Russell & Russell,
154 ケルムスコット・プレス 「G.チョーサー作品集」 ファクシミリ版 1巻 クロース装
The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. A Facsimile of the William Morris Kelmscott Chaucer With the
Original 87 Illustrations by Edward Burne-Jones Together with an Introduction by John T. Wínterích
and a Glossary for the Modern Reader. Cleveland and New York; The World Publishing Company,
1958. [01824-101898]
155 G.チョーサー 「カンタベリー物語テキスト」 8巻 クロース装
The Text of the Canterbury Tales. Studied on the Basis of All Known Manuscripts by John M.Manly
& Edith Rickert With the Aid of Mabel Dean, Helen McIntosh, and Others with a Chapter on Illuminations by Margaret Rickert. In 8 vols. The University of Chicago Press, 1940. [01970-102117]
156 G.チョーサー 「カンタベリー物語」 2巻 厚紙表紙 背・白クロース
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer rendered into modern English verse by Frank Ernest Hill. 2 vols. London: Printed for the Limited Edition Club, 1934. [01848-101921]
157 スキート(編)「G.チョーサー全集」 7巻 クロース装
The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Edited, from Numerous Manuscripts by Walter W.
Skeat. In 7 vols. Second Edition. Later Impression. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1924-1926.
158 スキート(編)「G.チョーサー全集」 7巻 クロース装
The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. In 7 vols. Second edition. Edited, from numerous manuscripts by Walter W. Skeat. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1972. [02056-102245]
159 「G.チョーサー作品集」 1巻 1532 年ファクシミリ版 クロース装
(Thynne,William) The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer and Others. Being a Reproduction in Facsimile
of the First Collected Edition 1532 from the Copy in the British Museum. With an Introduction by
Walter W. Skeat. London; Alexander Morning, Ltd., /Henry Frowde, [1903] One Thousand Copies
of this Facsimile have been printed; of which this is Number 169. [02044-102192]
160 C.F.E.スパージョン 「チョーサー批評 500 年史」 3巻 クロース装
Five Hundred Years of Chaucer Criticism and Allusion 1357-1900. By Caroline F.E.Spurgeon.
With twenty-four collotype illustrations, introduction, notes, appendices and general index. In 3 vols.
New York: Russell & Russell, 1960. [01139-100452]
161 C.F.E.スパージョン 「チョーサー批評 500 年史」 3巻 クロース装
Five Hundred Years of Chaucer Criticism and Allusion 1357-1900. By Caroline F.E.Spurgeon.
With twenty-four collotype illustrations, introduction, notes, appendices and general index. In 3 vols.
New York: Russell & Russell, 1960. [01493-100453]
162 「チャールズ・チャーチル詩集」 クロース装
The Poetical Works of Charles Churchill. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Douglas Grant.
Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1956. [01730-101805]
163 「J.クリーヴランド詩集」 カバー、クロース装
The Poems of John Cleveland. Edited by Brian Morris and Eleanor Withington. [Oxford English
Texts] Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1967. [01733-101808]
164 「A.H.クラフ書簡集」 2巻 クロース装
The Correspondence of Arthur Hugh Clough. In 2 vols. Edited by Frederick L.Mulhauser. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1957. [e075-100462]
165 「A.H.クラフ書簡集」 2巻 クロース装
The Correspondence of Arthur Hugh Clough. In 2 vols. Edited by Frederick L.Mulhauser. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1957. [01504-100463]
166 「W.コベット作品集」 12巻 総革装
Porcupine's Works; Containing Various Writings and Selections, exhibiting a Faithful Picture of the
United States of America; of their Government, Laws, Politics and Resources; of the Character of their
Presidents, Governors, Legislators, Magistrates, and Military Men; and of the Customs, Manners,
Morals, Religion, Virtues and Vices of the People. Comprising also a complete Series of Historical
Documents and Remarks, from the end of the War, in 1783, to the Election of the President, in March,
1801. Complete in 12 octavo volumes. First edition. London, Cobbett and Morgan, 1801. [01409-100464]
167 「W.コングリーブ喜劇集」 2巻
The Comedies of William Congreve. With an Introduction by G.S.Street. [English Classics] edited by
W.E.Henley. In 2 vols. London: Methuen & Co., 1895. [s01067-100478]
168 「J.コンラッド短編集」 4巻 カバー、厚紙装
The Complete Short Fiction of Joseph Conrad. Contents as follows: Vol.I & II: The Stories. Vol.III:
Heart of Darkness and Other Tales. Vol.IV: The Duel and Other Tales. In 4 vols. Edited with an Introduction by Samuel Hynes. London: William Pickering, 1992-1993. [02159-102351]
169 「J.コンラッド書簡集」 5巻(全9巻) 初版 カバー、クロース装
The Collected Letters of Joseph Conrad. 5 vols. (of 9). First published. Edited by Frederick R. Karl
& Laurence Davies. Cambridge UP, 1983-1996. [02160-102352]
170 「J.コンラッド批評的評価」 4巻 函、合皮装
Joseph Conrad: Critical Assessments.
1992. [02161-102353]
In 4 vols. Edited by Keith Carabine.
Helm Imformation,
171 「J.コンラッド作品集」 22巻 クロース装
The Collected Works of Joseph Conrad. The Medallion Edition 1925-1928. In 22 vols.
/ Thoemmes Press, 1995. [02162-102354]
172 グロサート(編)「A.カウリー全集」 2巻 クロース装
The Complete Works in Verse and Prose of Abraham Cowley. Now for the First Time Collected
and Edited: With Memorial-Introduction and Notes and Illustrations, Portraits, Ec. by Alexander B.
Grosart. [Chertsey Worthies' Library]. In 2 vols. New York; AMS Press Inc., 1967. [01960-102107]
173 「R.クラショウ詩集」 カバー、クロース装
The Poems: English, Latin and Greek of Richard Crashaw. Edited by L.C.Martin. [Oxford English
Texts] Second edition. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. [01736-101811]
174 「ダヴィッズ・アプ・グィリム詩集」 2巻 3/4 革装
Gwaith Dafydd ap Gwilym. Golygwyd gan Thomas Parry.
1952. [01801-101875]
Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru,
175 「W.ダブナント詩・劇集」 カバー、クロース装
Sir William Davenant: The Shorter Poems and Songs from the Plays and Masques. Edited with
Biographical, Critical and Textual Introduction and Notes by A.M.Gibbs. Oxford at the Clarendon
Press, 1972. [01731-101806]
176 「W.ダヴナント作品集」 1巻 初版. 総革装
Davenant,Sr William The Works of Sr William Davenant Kt. Consisting of Those which were formerly Printed, and Those which he design'd the Press: Now Published out of the Authors Originall
Copies. The first edition of Davenant's collected works. London: Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1673. [02090-102279]
177 グロサート(編)「J.デイビースオブヒアフォード全集」 2巻 クロース装
The Complete Works of John Davies of Hereford (15.. - 1618). For the First Time Collected and
Edited: With Memorial-Introduction and Notes and Illustrations, Glossarial Index, and Portrait and
Facsimile,Ec. by Alexander B. Grosart. [Chertsey Worthies Library]. In 2 vols. New York; AMS
Press Inc., 1967. [01962-102109]
178 「ジョン・デイ作品集」 カバー、クロース装
The Works of John Day. Reprinted from the Collected Edition by A.H.Bullen (1881) with an Introduction by Robin Jeffs. London: Holland Press, 1963. [01720-101795]
179 「アルフレッド・ド・ミュッセ全集」 全10巻 クロース装、天金
The Complete Writings of Alfred De Musset. Done into English by Andrew Lang, Charles Conner
Hayden, Marie Agathe Clarke, George Santayana, Emily Shaw Forman, M. Raoul Pellissier, Dr. Edmund Burke Thompson, Mary Helena Dey, Mary W. Artois, KEndall Warren, Francis A. Schneider.
Illustrations by M. Bida, Henri Pille, C. Delort, F. Fleming, Cartozzo, Paul-Leon Jazet. Complete in 10
vols. Revised Edition. New York: Edwin C. Hill Co., 1907. [02197-102403]
180 マッソン(編)「T.ディ・クウィンシー作品集」 14巻 復刻版 クロース装
The Collected Writings of Thomas De Quincey. In 14 vols. New and Enlarged Edition. Edited by
David Masson. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1968. [01415-100506]
181 「D.デフォー伝及び作品集」 3巻 再版 クロース装
Lee,William Daniel Defoe His Life and Recently Discovered Writings: Extending from 1716 to
1729. In 3 vols. Reprinted. NewYork: Burt Franklin, 1969. (Originally published in 1869.)
182 「T.デッカー演劇集」 4巻
附・サイラス・ホーイ 著「T.デッカー演劇集解説」 4巻 クロース装
The Dramatic Works of Thomas Dekker. In 4 vols. Edited by Fredson Bowers. Cambridge at
the UP., 1964-1970.
[With] Hoy,Cyrus Introductions, Notes, and Commentaries to Texts in 'The Dramatic Works of
Thomas Dekker'. In 4 vols. Edited by Fredson Bowers. Cambridge UP., 1980.
183 「C.ディケンズ作品集」 20巻 スタンダード版 クロース装
The Works of Charles Dickens. In 20 Vols. Standard Edition.
Co., n.d. [02067-102256]
London: The Gresham Publishing
184 「C.ディケンズ作品集」 30巻 ロンドン版 クロース装
The Works of Charles Dickens.With Illustrations by Seymour and "Phiz" & Hablot K. Browne
("Phiz") et al. In 30 vols. The London Edition. London: Caxton Publishing Co., [1902.] [02133-102322]
185 ディケンズ 「ハンフリー親方の時計」 復刻版 88冊 クロース函、ペーパー装
Dickens,Charles Master Humphrey's Clock. By "Boz." No.1-88. With Illustrations by G. Cattermole
and H. K. Browne. 88 vols. London: Nottingham Court Press, 1984. Reprinted in 88 parts 1984. This
edition is limited to 750 copies throughout the world. This is copy No.38. [02100-102289]
186 「C.ディケンズ研究年報」 1-38巻 カバー、クロース装
Dickens Studies Annual. [Vol.8-38]: Essays on Victorian Fiction. In 38 vols. [Vol.1-7]: Edited by
Robert B. Partlow. [Vol.8-38]: Edited by Michael Timko, Edward Guiliano et al. [Vol.1-7]: Southern
Illinois UP, / Feffer & Simons, Inc., [Vol.8-38]: AMS Press, 1970-2007. [02103-102292]
187 「ヂッケンス物語全集」 9巻(第6巻欠)
中央公論社, 昭 11-12. [02134-102323]
188 C.ディケンズ 「週刊誌ハウスホールド・ワーズ」 復刻版 全19巻・別巻1
復刻版第 1 刷 クロース装
Household Words. A Weekly Journal. (1850-1859) Conducted by Charles Dickens. [With] Table of
Contents List of Contributors and their Contributions compiled by Anne Lohrli. In 20 vols. Reprinted.
Tokyo: Hon-no-Tomosha(本の友社), 1989. [02112-102301]
189 「C.ディケンズ書簡集」 全12巻 ピルグリム版 カバー、クロース装
The Letters of Charles Dickens. In 12 vols. The Pilgrim Edition.Edited by Madeline House & Graham Storey. Associate Editors W. J. Carlton, Philip Collins, K. J. Fielding, Kathleen Tillotson. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1969-2009. [02123-102312]
190 「E.ディキンソン詩集」 3巻 クロース装
The Poems of Emily Dickinson. Including variant readings critically compared with all known manuscripts. In 3 vols. Six printing. Edited by Thomas H. Johnson. Massachusetts: The Belknap Press f
Harvard UP, 1977. [02171-102363]
191 「B.ディズレイリー作品集」 全12巻 ブレイデンナム版
The Brandenham Edition of the Novels and Tales on Benjamin Disraeli. 1st Earl of Beaconsfield.
In 12 vols. The Brandenham Edition. London: Peter Davies, 1926-1927. [02117-102306]
192 「J.ダン詩集」 2巻
The Poems of John Donne. Edited from the Old Editions and Numerous Manuscripts with Introductions & Commentary by Herbert J. C. Grierson. In 2 vols. Reprinted Lithographically from sheets of
the first edition (1912). London; Oxford University Press, 1953. [01918-102065]
193 「J.ダン詩集」 2巻
The Poems of John Donne. Edited from the Old Editions and Numerous Manuscripts with Introductions & Commentary by Herbert J.C.Grierson. Vol.I: The text of the poems with appendixes. Vol.II:
Introduction and Commentary. 2 vols. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1912. [01745-101820]
194 「J.ダン説教集」 10巻 クロース装
The Sermons of John Donne. Edited with Introductions and Critical Apparatus by George R.Potter
and Evelyn M.Simpson. In 10 vols. Reissued. Berkeley, Los Angelges, London; Univ.of California
Press, 1984. [01945-102092]
195 「J.ドライデン戯曲集」 2巻 大型本・肖像画付 3/4 革装 初版
The Comedies, Tragedies. and Operas. Now first Collected together, and Corrected from the Originals. In 2 vols. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, Thomas Bennet, Richard Wellington, 1701.
196 W.E.B.デュボイス 「黒人の精神:3 部作」「黒の王女」 3巻+1巻 クロース装
Du Bois, W.E.B. The Black Flame: A Trilogy. 4 vols. First printing. Reprint of the ed. Published by
Mainstream Publishers, New York; with new intro. /Dark…; Second printing. Reprint of the 1928 ed.
Published by Harcourt, Brace, New York. Milwood, N.Y.; Kraus-Thomson Organization Limited,
1976. [01891-102038]
197 「R.W.エマーソン日記・覚書」 10巻 クロース装
The Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson. In 10 vols. Edited by W.H.
Gilman, A.R.Ferguson, G.P.Clark, M.R.Davis, Merton M.Sealts,Jr., A.W.Plumstead, Harrison Hayford,
& J.E.Persons.
The Belknap Press of Harvard UP, 1960-1973. [01583-100633]
198 「R.W.エマーソン初期講義」 3巻 クロース装
The Early Lectures of Ralph Waldo Emerson. In 3 vols. Edited by Stephen E.Whicher, Robert
E.Spiller & Wallace E.Williams. Harvard UP, 1959-1972. [01569-100635]
199 「J.イーヴリン日記」 2巻 クロース装
The Diary of John Evelyn. Edited from the Original MSS. by William Bray. With Biographical Introduction by the Editor. And a Special Introduction by Richard Garnett. [Universal Classics Library.
Oliver H. G. Leigh, Editorial Director. Illustrated with Photogravures on Japan Vellum, Etchings Hand
Painted India-Plate Reproductions, and Full Page Portraits of Authors] In 2 vols. Washington &
London; M.Walter Dunne, Publisher, 1901. [01919-102066]
200 「R.ファンショウ詩・翻訳集」 2巻
The Poems and Translations of Sir Richard Fanshawe. Edited by Peter Davidson. With an Essay on
Fanshawe and Camões by Roger Walker (Vol.II). [Oxford English Texts] 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon
Press, 1997 & 1999. [01741-101816]
201 「G.ファークァー演劇集」 2巻 クロース装
The Dramatic Works of George Farquhar. In 2 vols. Edited, with Life and Notes by Alex. Charles
Ewald. London: John C. Nimmo, 1892. Limited to 520 copies. [00453-100639]
202 「G.ファークァー全集」 2巻 クロース装
The Complete Works of George Farquhar. In 2 vols. Reprinted.Edited by Charles Stonehill. New
York: Gordian Press, by arrangement with the Nonesuch Press.1967. (Originally published in 1930.)
203 「E.フィールド作品集」 12巻 クロース装
The Writings In Prose and Verse of Eugene Field. In 12 vols.
Charles Scribner's Sons. 1900.
204 「H.フィールディング小説集」 10巻
ラージ・ペーパー版 シェイクスピア・ヘッド版 背クロース装
The Novels of Henry Fielding. In 10 vols. Large Paper Edition.Printed for the Shakespeare Head
Press. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1926. [00461-100648]
205 「H.フィールディング小説集」 10巻
ラージ・ペーパー版 シェイクスピア・ヘッド版 背クロース装
The Novels of Henry Fielding. In 10 vols. Large Paper Edition. Boston & New York: Houghton
Mifflin Co. / Printed by the Shakespeare Head Press, Stratford-upon-Avon, & published for the Press
by Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1926. Limited to 520 copies, this is no.342. [01641-101612]
206 「H.フィールディング作品集」 12巻 小型本 クロース装
The Works of Henry Fielding. In 12 vols. Edited by George Saintsbury. London: Navarre Society
Ltd, n.d. (c.1871). (Of this edition, 2,000 copies are printed for England & America.) [01681-101652]
207 「H.フィールディング作品集」 11巻 ウェスリアン版 カバー、クロース装
The Wesleyan Edition of the Works of Henry Fielding. In 11 vols. First American Edition.
leyan UP, / Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972-1997. [02075-102264]
208 「コヴェント・ガーデン・ジャーナル」 2巻 再版 クロース装
Drawcansir,Alexander (Henry Fielding) The Covent-Garden Journal. In 2 vols. Reissued (First published by 1915). Edited by Gerard Edward Jensen. New York: Russell & Russell, 1964. [02176-102368]
209 「H.フィールディング伝」 3巻 再版 クロース装
Cross,Wilbur L. The History of Henry Fielding. In 3 vols. Reissued.
1963. [02175-102367]
New York: Russell & Russell,
210 「E.フィッツジェラルド書簡・文芸論集」 7巻 クロース装
Letters and Literary Remains of Edward Fitzgerald. (The Works of Edward Fitzgerald.) In 7 vols.
London: Macmillan and Co., 1902-1903. Limited to 775 copies. [01758-101833]
211 「G.フローベール全集」 12巻 3/4 革装、天金
Œuvres Complètes Illustrées de Gustave Flaubert. In 12 vols. Édition du Centenaire.
Librairie de France, 1921-1925. [02168-102360]
212 「G.フローベール全集(書簡集)」 第 12-16 巻 5巻 総革装、天金
Œuvres Complètes de Gustave Flaubert. Tome 12-16.
Homme, 1974-1975. [02109-102298]
In 5 vols.
Paris: Club de l'Honnête
213 「ベンジャミン・フランクリン著作集」 3巻 クロース装
Selected Writings of Benjamin Franklin. In 3 vols. Pickering & Chatto (Publishing) Limited,
1996. This edition limited to 1000 copies for sale of which this is number 258. [02052-102241]
214 J.G.フレイザー 「金枝篇」 12巻 (補遺欠け)
Frazer, James George The Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion. In 12 vols.(of 13. Supplementary volume missing.) Third edition. London: Macmillan and Co., 1922-1927. Reprinted.
215 J.G.フレイザー 「金枝篇」 13巻
Frazer,James George The Golden Bough. A Study in Magic and Religion. In 13 vols. Third edition.
Reprinted. The Macmillan Press Ltd, 1980.
216 「E.C.ギャスケル作品集」 8巻5冊 ナッツフォード版 クロース装
The Works of Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell. With introductions by A.W. Ward. [Anglistica & Americana. A Series of Reprints Selected by Bernhard Fabian, Edgar Mertner, Karl Schneider and Marvin
Spevack 147] 8 vols in 5. The Knutsford Edition. Hildesheim & New York: George Olms Verlag,
1974. [02114-102303]
217 「E.グラスゴウ作品集」 12巻 復刻版 クロース装
The Works of Ellen Glasgow. In 12 vols.
Kyoto: Rinsen Book Co., 1974. Reprint of the Magnifi22
cent Virginia Edition, 1938. The new publication is limited to two hundred copies, numbered. The
number of this set is 59. [01339-100687]
218 「A.ジョージズ詩集」 カバー、クロース装
The Poems of Sir Arthur Gorges. Edited by Helen Estabrook Sandison.
Press, 1953. [01732-101807]
Oxford at the Clarendon
219 「T.グレイ書簡集」 3巻 カバー、クロース装
Correspondence of Thomas Gray. (1734-1771). Edited by the late Paget Toynbee and Leonard
Whibley. With Corrections and Additions by H. W. Starr. In 3 vols. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press,
1971. (First published 1935) [02085-102274]
220 「G.グリーン作品集」 28巻 ペーパーバック
The Collected Works of Graham Greene.
In 28 vols. Penguin Books, 1974-1989.
221 「グレゴリー夫人戯曲集」 4巻 ペーパーバック
The Collected Plays. In 4 vols. Edited by Ann Saddlemyer.
Gerrards Cross; Colin Smythe, 1979.
222 「J.ハンキン作品集」 2巻 再版 クロース装
The Plays of St. John Hankin. With an Introduction by John Drinkwater. In 2 Vols. Reissued. (First
publihed in 1912.) London: Martin Secker, 1923. [02221-102427]
223 J.ハリントン 「オセアナ」 1巻 再版 クロース装
Harrington,James Works: The Oceana and other Works. With an Account of his Life by John Toland. Reprint of The Edition London 1771. Germany: Scientia Verlag Aalen, 1963. [02227-102433]
224 「N.ホーソン全集」 12巻 リバーサイド版 3/4 革装、天金
The Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne. With Introductory Notes by George Parsons Lathrop.
And Illustrated with Etchings by Blum, Church, Dielman, Gifford, Shirlaw, and Turner. In 12 vols.
Riverside Edition. London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Co., 1883-1886. (Vol.V-VII: n.d.) [02147-102339]
225 「N.ホーソン作品集」 23巻 センティナリー版
The Centenary Edition of the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne. In 23 vols. General editors: William
Charvat & Roy Harvey Pearce. Ohio State UP., 1970-1997. [01814-101888]
226 「小泉八雲作品集」 16巻 ラージペーパー版 復刻版
The Writings of Lafcadio Hearn. In 16 vols. Large Paper Edition.
Kyoto: Rinsen Book Co.1991.
227 「小泉八雲全集」 全18巻 (本体17巻 別冊1巻) 豫約非売品 背革装・函・天金
田部隆次、大谷正信、落合貞三郎、小日向定次郎、林並木、土井林吉 他(訳及び著)
大 15-昭 3
228 「小泉八雲作品集」 3巻 第 1 巻及び第 3 巻: 3 版 / 第 2 巻: 再版 函・帯、クロース装
(訳者: 森亮・平川祐弘 他)
河出書房新社, 1988.
229 平井呈一(訳)「全訳小泉八雲作品集」
恒文社, 昭 39-42.
全12巻 函・クロース装
230 「小泉八雲講義録集」 4巻 函、クロース装
The Complete Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn.
1932 (昭 7)-1934 (昭 9). [02199-102405]
In 4 vols.
Tokyo: The Hokuseido Pree(北星堂),
231 「T.ハーン作品集」 4巻 1/2 革装
The Works of Thomas Hearne. In 4 vols.
London: Samuel Bagster, 1810.
232 「ヘミングウェイ全集」 全8巻+別巻2
ヘミングウェイ講演集レコード(テキスト付) 外筒函・函
第 1 刷. 三笠書房 1973-1974. [01989-102136]
233 「O.ヘンリー全集」 全14巻 復刻版第1刷. 背クロース、厚紙装
The Complete Writings of O. Henry. With Illustrations by Gordon Grant. In 14 vols. Reprinted.
Tokyo: Hon-no Tomosha (本の友社), 1989. (Originally published in 1917, Memorial edition.)
234 「ホメロス作品集」 4巻(全5巻)
再版 クロース装
Homeri Opera. Recognobervnt Breviqve Adnotatione Critica Instrvxervnt, David B. Monro et Thomas W. Allen. [Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis] In 4 vols. (of 5) Vol.I-II: Third edition,
reprinted. Vol.III-IV: Second edition, reprinted. Oxonii, 1949-1951. [02226-102432]
235 「T.フッド作品集」 11巻 クロース装
The Works of Thomos Hood. Comic and Serious, In Prose & Verse, with all the original illustations.In 11 vols. Edited, with Notes by His Son and Daughter. London: Ward, Lock & Warwick
House, n.d.(1882-1884). [01603-101571]
236 「A.E.ハウスマン古典論文集」 3巻
The Classical Papers of A.E.Housman. Collected and Edited by J.Diggle and F.R.D.Goodyear. 3
vols.(Vol.I: 1882-97. Vol.II: 1897-1914. Vol.III: 1915-36.) Cambridge UP., 1972. [01749-101824]
237 「ヒューム&スモレット英国史」 13巻 総革装
Hume,David & T.Smollett. The History of England, From the Invasion of Julius Caesar, to the Revolution in 1688. By David Hume, to which is Prefixed a Short Account of his Life,Written by Himself.
In 8 vols. (together with) The History of England, From the Revolution to the Death of George II. (Designed as a Continuation of Mr. Hume's History). By T. Smollett, to which is Prefixed, The Life of the
Author, with Critical Observations on his Works, by Robert Anderson. In 5vols. 8 vols.+5vols. Together in 13 vols. Edinburgh: Printed for Peter Hill & Company et al. 1818. [01931-102078]
238 「R.ハード作品集」 8巻
The Works of Richard Hurd, D.D. Lord Bishop of Worcester. In 8 vols.
T.Cadell and W.Davies, 1811. [01750-101825]
London: Printed for
239 「イプセン作品集」 13巻 クロース装、天金
The Works of Henrik Ibsen. Introduction & Translation by William & Charles Archer and C. H.
Herford. In 13 vols. The Viking Edition. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1917. [02207-102413]
240 「ヘンリー・ジェイムズ作品集」 8巻 背クロース・厚紙装
工藤好美 行方昭夫 青木次生他(監修 訳 編) 中村真一郎 (序) 国書刊行会 昭 58-60. 初版.
241 「H.ジェイムズ書簡集」 2巻 クロース装
Lubbock,Percy ed. The Letters of Henry James. Selected and Edited by Percy Lubbock. In 2 Vols.
London: Macmillan and Co., 1920. [01666-101637]
242 L.イーデル(編)「H.ジェイムズ書簡集 1843-1895」 3巻 クロース装
Edel,Leon ed. Henry James: Letters (1843-1895). In 3 vols. (of 4) Edited by Leon Edel.
nap Press of Harvard UP. [01661-101632]
243 「S.ジョンソン書簡集」 5巻 クロース装
The Letters of Samuel Johnson. In 5 vols. The Hyde Edition. Edited by Bruce Redford.
Clarendon Press, 1992-1994. [01579-100850]
The Belk¥64,800
244 「H.L.スレイル(ピオッツィ)夫人日記」 2巻 クロース装
Thraliana. The Diary of Mrs.Hester Lynch Thrale(Later Mrs.Piozzi). 1776-1809. Vol.I: 1776-1784.
Vol.II: 1784-1809. Published in Co-operation with the Huntington Library. In 2 vols. Edited by
Balderston,Katharine C. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1942. [02088-102277]
245 ボズウェル 「ジョンソン伝」 2巻 総革装
Boswell,James The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Comprehending an Account of his Studies and
Numerous Works, in Chronological Order; A Series of his Epistolary Correspondence and Conversations with many Eminent Persons; and Various Original Pieces of his Composition, Never Before Pub24
lished. The Whole Exhibiting a View of Literature and Literary Men in Great-Britain, for Near Half a
Century, During which he Flourished. In 2 vols. First edition. First issue. London: Printed by Henry
Baldwin, 1791. [s05463-212619]
246 ボズウェル 「ジョンソン伝」 5巻(全6巻)カバー、クロース装
Boswell's Life of Johnson. 5 vols. of 6. Vol.I-IV: Reprinted. / Vol.V: Second edition. Edited by
George Birkbeck Hill. Revised and Enlarged edition by L. F. Powell. Oxford: At the Clarendon
Press, [02142-102331]
247 ボズウェル 「ジョンソン伝」 6巻 クロース装
Boswell's Life of Johnson. In 6 vols. Edited by Augustine Birrell.
1912. [00613-100861]
London: The Times Book Club,
248 ボズウェル 「ジョンソン伝」 決定版 6巻 クロース装
Boswell's Life of Johnson. Together with Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides and Johnson's
Diary of a Journey into North Wales. In 6 vols. Edited Geroge Birkbeck Hill. Revised and Enlarged
Edition by L.F.Powell. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1979, reprinted (vols.1-4. 22.1x14.5cm) &
1975, second edition in slightly larger format (vols.5-6. 22.8x15cm). [01581-100865]
249 「H.A.ジョーンズ代表作集」 4巻 クロース装
Representative Plays by Henry Arthur Jones. In 4 vols. Reprinted.Edited, with Historical, Biographical, and Critical Introductions, by Clayton Hamilton. Michigan: Scholarly Press, 1971.
250 ギフォード(編)「B.ジョンソン作品集」 9巻 背革装
The Works of Ben Jonson. With notes critical and explanatory, and a biographical memoir, by W.
Gifford. In 9 vols. London, 1816. [00622-100872]
251 「B.ジョンソン及びボーモント&フレッチャー演劇集」 4巻 1/2 革装
The Dramatic Works of Ben Jonson, and Beaumont and Flecher:The First Printed from the Text,
and With the Notes of Peter Whalley. In 4 vols. London: John Stockdale, 1811. [00620-100870]
252 「J.ジョイス書簡集」 校正刷り版 2巻 ペーパー装
Letters of James Joyce. Vol.II,III. Uncorrected Proof Copy. Edited by Richard Ellman.
Faber, publicatin date not yet settles. [01137-100876]
Faber and
253 「ユリシーズ」 3巻 クロース装
James Joyce Ulysses. A Facsimile of the Manuscript with a critical introduction by Harry Levin and a
bibliographical preface by Clive Driver. In 3 vols. including "The Manuscript and First Printings
Compared" volume. New York: Octagon Books, 1975. [01143-100881]
254 「ユリシーズ」 3巻 クロース装
Ulysses. A Critical and Synoptic Edition. Prepared by Hans Walter Gabler with Wolfhard Steppe and
Claus Melchior. In 3 vols. New York & London: Garland Publishing, 1984. [02217-102423]
255 「J.キーツ詩集」 2巻 クロース装
The Poems of John Keats. [The Chiswick Quartos] 2 vols. Edited by George Sampson. London;
Printed at the Chiswick Press for George Bell & Sons, 1904. Three Hundred and Fifity Copies of
This Book Have been Printed for Sale in Great Britain, and Twenty Copies for Presentation. This is
No.64. [01914-102061]
256 「J.キーツ作品集」 8巻 ハムステッド版 復刻版 クロース装
The Poetical Works and Other Writings of John Keats. Edited with Notes and Appendices by H.
Buxton Forman. Revised with additions by Maurice Buxton Forman. With an introduction by John
Masefield. In 8 vols. Reprinted (Originally Published 1939. In an Edition of 1050 Sets). New York;
Phaeton Press, 1970. [01915-102062]
257 「S.ラニア作品集」 10巻 センティナリー版 クロース装
The Works of Sidney Lanier. In 10 vols. Centennial Edition.General editor: Charles R.Anderson.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1963-1969. [00647-100906]
258 W.ラングランド 「農夫ピアズの夢」 2巻 クロース装
The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, In Three Parallel Texts, together with Richard the Redeless. By William Langland. Vol.I Text. Vol.II Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. In 2 vols.
Reprinted. Edited from Numerous Manuscipts. With a Preface, Notes, and a Glossary by the Rev.
Walter W. Skeat. Oxford UP, 1979. [01984-102131]
259 「ロレンス研究」 7巻 D.H.ロレンス研究会編 (代表者・吉村宏一) カバー・帯
260 「D.H.ロレンス画集」 初版・150 部限定
Lawrence,D.H.The Paintings of D. H. Lawrence. First edition.
The Mandrake Press, c1929.
261 「H.W.ロングフェロー書簡集」 2巻 カバー、クロース装
Hilen,Andrew (ed.) The Letters of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Volume I: 1814-1836. Volume II:
1837-1843. In 2 vols. Massachusetts: The Belknap Press f Harvard UP, 1967. [02148-102340]
262 H.W.ロングフェロー(訳) ダンテ「神曲」 4巻
クロース装、天金 全体的にややヤケ Vol.1 の表紙から p.92 にかけて穴あり
Longfellow,Henry Wadworth (trans.) The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Edited by Charles
Welsh. Illustrated. In 4 vols. Edition de Luxe. New York: Charles C. Bigelow & Co., 1909.
263 「J.リリー全集」 3巻 クロース装
The Complete Works of John Lyly. Now for the first time collected and edited from the earliest
quartos with life, bibliography,essays, notes,and index by R. Warwick Bond. In 3 vols. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1902. [00685-100963]
264 「J.リリー全集」 3巻 クロース装
The Complete Works of John Lyly. Now for the first time collected and edited from the earliest
quartos with life, bibliography, essays, notes, and index by R.Warwick Bond. In 3 vols. Reprinted
(First published 1902). Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1973. [01811-101885]
265 「T.マロリー全集」 3巻 第 2 版 カバー、クロース装
The Works of Sir Thomas Malory. In 3 vols. Second edition. Edited by Eugène Vinaver.
At the Clarendon Press, 1967. [02143-102332]
266 「マンスフィールド全集」 13巻 復刻版 クロース装
The Works of Katherine Mansfield. In 13 vols. 200 部限定版
社 1990. Limited to 200 copies. [01974-102121]
Tokyo; Hon-No-Tomosha, 本の友
267 F.バウアーズ(編)「C.マーロウ全集」 2巻 クロース装
The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe. In 2 vols. Second edition. Edited by Fredson Bowers.
Cambridge, London, New York, New Rochelle, Melbourne, Sydney; Cambridge University Press,
1981. [02031-102178]
268 F.バウアーズ(編)「C.マーロウ全集」 2巻 カバー、クロース装
The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe. In 2 vols. Edited by Fredson Bowers.
UP, 1973. [02158-102350]
269 「C.マーロウ作品・伝記」 6巻 クロース装
The Works and Life of Christopher Marlowe. In 6 vols. General editor: R.H.Case. London:
Methuen & Co. ("Lincoln Macveagh, The Dial Press" to the title page of "Edward II"), 1930-1933.
270 「C.マーロウ作品・伝記」 6巻 クロース装
The Works and Life of Christopher Marlowe. In 6 vols. General editor:
Gordian Press, 1966. (reprinted). [01647-101618]
New York:
3/4 革装
The Works of Herman Melville. In 16 vols. Standard Edition. Tokyo; Meicho Fukyu Kai Publishing
Company Ltd.(名著普及会), 1983. This Edition is limited to 30 copies. This is unnumbered. Originally published in England by Constable and Company Ltd., 1922. This facsimile reprinted edition
Published in Japan. [01926-102073]
271 「メルヴィル全集」 16巻 スタンダード版 復刻豪華愛蔵版
272 「メルヴィル全集」 16巻 スタンダード版 復刻版
The Works of Herman Melville. In 16 vols. Standard Edition.
ing Company Ltd.(名著普及会),1983. [02050-102239]
Tokyo; Meicho Fukyu Kai Publish-
273 クライン(編)「G.メレディス書簡集」 3巻 クロース装
The Letters of George Meredith. In 3 Vols. Edited by C.L.Cline.
1970. [01456-2-100995]
Oxford: At the Clarendon Press,
274 パーカー 「J.ミルトン伝」 2巻 カバー、クロース装
Parker,William Riley Milton: A Biography. Vol.I: The Life. Vol.II: Commentary, Notes Index and
Finding-List. In 2 vols. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1968. [02086-102275]
275 「ミルトン作品集」 20巻・23冊 復刻版 クロース装
The Works of John Milton. 20 vols. in 23.
Tokyo: Hon-No-Tomosha(本の友社), 1993.
276 「A.ミラー作品集」 2巻 カバー、クロース装
Arthur Miller's Collected Plays. With an Introduction by the Author. In 2 Vols. Vol.I: Fifteenth
printing. / Vol.II: First published. New York: The Viking Press, 1981. [02220-102426]
277 「G.ムーア作品集」 22巻 カラ版 (復刻版) クロース装
The Collected Works of George Moore. In 22 vols. The Carra Edition. Kyoto: Rinsen Book Co.,
1983. Reprint of the 1922 Carra edition, limited and signed by the author, of Boni & Liveright, inc.,
N.Y. [01562-101022]
278 「J.V.モーリィ作品集」 15巻 クロース装
The Works of Lord Morley. In 15 vols. Edition de Luxe.
of 500 copies. [01416-101027]
London: Macmillan and Co., 1921. One
279 「W.モリス作品集」最良版 全24巻 背クロース、厚紙装
The Collected Works of William Morris. With Introductions by His Daughter May Morris. [This
edition is in Twenty-four volumes and is limited to one thousand and fifty copies, of which one thousand only are for sale. This is No.507] In 24 vols. Longmans Green and Co., 1910-1913. [02119-102308]
280 R.B.マッケロー(編)「T.ナッシュ作品集」 W.ローリィ旧蔵 5巻
限定 750 部、No.284 クロース装
The Works of Thomas Nashe. Edited from the Original Texts by Ronald B. McKerrow. In 5 vols.
London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1910. Seven hundred and fifty copies printed, No. 284. [02222-102428]
281 「F.ノリス全集」 12巻 復刻版
The Works of Frank Norris. In 12 vols. Edited by Kenji Inoue.
(Reprint of 1898 edition.) [00748-101041]
Tokyo: Meicho Fukyu Kai, 1983.
282 ジェイムス・ノースコット(著・挿絵素案)ウィリアム・ハーヴェイ(挿絵)「創作寓話百選」
ロンドン刊 1828 年 背革装
Northcote,James One Hundred Fables, Original and Selected. Embellished with Two Hundred and
Eighty Engravings on Wood. London: Geo.Lawford, printed by J.Johnson, 1828. [aj316-101042]
283 ジェイムス・ノースコット(著)「創作寓話百選」 ロンドン刊 1829 年 第 2 版
Northcote,James One Hundred Fables; Original and Seleced by James Northcote, R.A. etc. etc. Embellished with Two Hundred and Eighty Engravings on Wood. London: Geo. Lawford, 1829. Second
edition. [b00265-402786]
284 「S.オケイシイ戯曲集」 4巻 クロース装
Collected Plays. In 4 vols. London: Macmillan & Co. Vol.I & II: 1952, Reprinted. Top edge red.
Vol. III& IV: 1951. [01283-101050]
285 「S.オケイシイ戯曲集」 5巻 クロース装
The Complete Plays of Sean O'Casey. In 5 vols.
Macmillan London, 1984.
286 「E.オニール戯曲集」 12巻 ウィルダーネス版 著者サイン入り クロース装
The Plays of Eugene O'Neill. In 12 vols. The Wilderness Edition. Charles Scribner's Sons, 1934.
Limited to 770 sets. Numbered and signed by O'Neill in 1st vol. [00756-101055]
287 「T.オトウェイ全集」 3巻 背革装
The Complete Works of thomas Otway. In 3 vols. Edited by Montague Summers.
Press, 1926. [00766-101066]
288 「T.オットウェイ作品集」 2巻
The Nonesuch
The Works of Thomas Otway. Plays, Poems, and Love-Letters. Edited by F.C.Ghosh.
printed (first published 1932). Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. [01812-101886]
2 vols. Re-
289 「T.オットウェイ作品集」 2巻
The Works of Thomas Otway. Plays, Poems, and Love-Letters. Edited by F.C.Ghosh. 2 vols. Reprinted lithographically from corrected sheets of the first edition (1932). Oxford at the Clarendon
Press, 1968. [01744-101819]
290 「T.ペイン著作集」 4巻 クロース装
The Writings of Thomas Paine. Collected and Edited by Moncure Daniel Conway. In 4 vols. 2nd
printing. New York: AMS Press, 1972. [02004-102151]
291 「W.ペイター作品集」 全10巻 ライブラリー版 クロース装
The Works of Walter Pater. In 10 vols. Library Edition, Reprinted. (Originally published by Macmillan and Co., 1910.) Oxford: Basil Blackwell, / New York: Johnson Reprinted Co., 1967.
292 ラッサム・マシューズ(共編)「S.ピープス日記」 11巻 ペーパー装
The Diary of Samuel Pepys. A new and complete transcription edited by Robert Latham and William
Matthews. Contributing Editors; William A. Armstrong, Macdonald Emslie, Oliver Miller, T.F. Reddaway. In 11 vols. Harper Collins Publishers, 1995. [02047-102195]
293 ラッサム・マシューズ(共編)「S.ピープス日記」 11巻 クロース装
The Diary of Samuel Pepys. A New and Complete Transcription Edited by Robert Latham and William Matthews. Contributing Editors: William A. Aemstrong, Madconald Emslie, Oliver Millar, the
late T. F. Reddaway. In 11 vols. Vol.I-III: Third printing (Fourth UK impression) / Vol.IV-V: Second
printing (Second UK impression) Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press,
1972-1983. [02223-102429]
294 ラッサム・マシューズ(共編)「S.ピープス日記」 10巻 (全11巻) クロース装
The Diary of Samuel Pepys. A New and Complete Transcription edited by Robert Latham and William Matthews. 10 Vols. [of 11 vols.] Vol.1. through Vol.9. (1660-1669) Vol.10. ("Companion")
Contributing editors: William A.Armstrong, MacDonald Emslie, Oliver Millar, T.F.Reddaway.
University of California Press, [01178-101092]
295 「A.フィリップス詩集」 カバー、麻布装
The Poems of Ambrose Philips. Edited by M.G.Segar. [The Percy Reprints, no.XIV]
Blackwell, 1937. [01721-101796]
Oxford: Bail
296 「プラトン作品集」 5巻 再版 クロース装
Platonis Opera. Recongnovit Breviqve Adnotatione Critica Instrvxit, Ioannes Burnet. [Scriptorum
Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis] In 5 vols. Reprinted. Oxonii, 1950-1952. (First published
1900.) [02225-102431]
297 ハリソン(編)「E.A.ポオ全集」 17巻 ヴァージニア版・復刻版 クロース装
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Vol.2-7: With Textual Notes by R. A. Stewart. In 17 vols.
Virginia edition. Reproduced from 1902 New York edition. Edited by James A.Harrison. New York:
AMS Press Inc., 1965. [01894-102041]
298 「E.A.ポオ全集」 10巻 アーンハイム版 限定 500 部、No.426. 厚紙装、天金
The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. With a Critical Introduction by Charles F. Richardson.
In 10 vols. This edition is limited to Five Hundred Signed and Numbered sets, No.426. New York: G.
P. Putnam's Sons, 1902. [02172-102364]
299 「E.A.ポオ詩・物語集」 2巻 クロース装
The Complete Poems and Stories of Edgar Allan Poe. With Selections from his Critical Writngs.
With an Introduction and Explanatory Notes by Arthur Hobson Quinn. Texts Established, with Bibliographical Notes, by Edward H. O'Neill. Illustrated by E. McKnight Kauffer. In 2 vols. Reprinted Seven
Times, Ninth Printing. New York; Alfred A Knopf, 1976. [02041-102189]
300 「K.A.ポーター全集」 全7巻 復刻版 外函付、クロース装
The Works of Katherine Anne Porter. In 7 vols. Reprinted edition.
の友社), 1992. [02178-102370]
Tokyo: Hon-No-Tomosha(本
301 「プーシキン語彙辞典」 全5巻 再版 クロース装
ЯЗЫКОЗНАНИЯ] In 5 vols. Tokyo: Nauka Riprint, 1985. [02078-102267]
302 グロサート(編)「F.クォールズ全集」 3巻 クロース装
The Complete Works in Prose and Verse of Francis Quarles. (Chertsey Worthies' Library). In 3
vols. Now for the first time collected and edited: with memorial-introduction, notes and illustrations,
portrait, emblems, facsimiles, etc. by Alexander B. Grosart. Printed for Private Circulation.1880.
303 「S.リチャードソン作品集」 18巻 シェイクスピアヘッド版 クロース装
The Shakespeare Head Edition of the Novels of Samuel Richardson. In 18 vols. The Shakespeare
Head Edition. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1929-1931. [02130-102319]
304 「S.リチャードソン作品集」 全18巻 シェイクスピアヘッド版(復刻版) 外函付、クロース装
The Shakespeare Head Edition of the Novels of Samuel Richardson. In 18 vols. Reprinted edition.
Tokyo: Hon-No-Tomosha(本の友社), 1997. [02179-102371]
305 「S.リチャードソン作品集」 20巻 クロース装
The Novels of Samuel Richardson. With an Introduction by Ethel M. M. McKenna. In 20 vols. J.B,
Lippincott and Chapman & Hall, 1902. [00831-101139]
306 バアボウルド(編)「S.リチャードソン書簡集」 6巻 クロース装
The Correspondence of Samuel Richardson, …Selected from the Original Manuscripts, Bequeathed
by Him to His Family. To which are Prefixed, a Biographical Account of that Author, and Observations on His Writings. By Anna Lætitia Barbauld. In 6 vols. Reprinted from the edition of London:
Printed for Richard Phillips, 1804. New York: AMS Press, 1966. [01473-101143]
307 「J.W.ライリ作品集」 16巻 ホームステッド版 3/4 革装
The Poems and Prose Sketches of James Whitcomb Riley. In 16 vols. The Homestead Edition.
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1897. [01678-101649]
308 「I.ローゼンバーグ詩集」 カバー、クロース装
The Collected Poems of Isaac Rosenberg. Edited by Gordon Bottomley & Denys Harding with a
Foreword by Siegfried Sassoon. First published in 1937 as part of "The collected works of Isaac Rosenberg", this revised edition of the "Poems" alone, 1949. London: Chatto and Windus, 1949.
viii,240pp. [01724-101799]
309 「C.G.ロセッティ詩集」 2巻 1905 年 3/4 革装、天金
The Poetical Works of Christina G. Rossetti. In 2 vols.
Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1905.
310 「D.G.ロセッティ書簡集(1835-1882)」 4巻 クロース装
The Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. In 4 vols. (Vol.5 is not published.) Edited by Oswald Doughty and John Robert Wahl. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1965-67. [01294-101151]
311 J.ラスキン 「書簡体論説」 9巻 総革装
Fors Clavigera. Letters to the Workman and Laboures of Great Britain. In 9 vols. With index. First
edition. George Allen, 1871~1884. [00843-101164]
312 「W.スコット伝記」 10巻 エディンバラ版 クロース装
The Life of Sir Walter Scott by John Gibson Lockhart. In 10 vols. Edinburgh Edition. Edinburgh: Printed by T. and A. Constable for T. C. and E. C. Jack, 1902-1903 This Edinburgh Edition
consists of one thousand and forty copies, No.89. [02096-102285]
313 W.スコット 「古城の剣豪」 3巻 1823 年 厚紙表紙
Quentin Durward. By the Author of "Waverley, Peveril of the Peak," &c. In 3 vols. Edinburgh:
Printed for Archibald Constable and Co., London: Hurst, Robinson, and Co., 1823. [02046-102194]
314 W.スコット 「十字軍物語」 4巻 1825 年 3/4 革装
Tales of the Crusaders. By the Author of "Waverley, Quentin Durward," &c. In 4 vols. Edinburgh: Printed for Archibald Constabe and Co., / London: Hurst, Robinson, and Co., 1825. [f0325-170323]
315 「シェイクスピアフォリオ原葉」 1938 年 サンフランシスコ刊
リオのオリジナル・リーフに加え、1709 年刊行の 4 つ折り版の「リア王」のタイトルページと銅版の挿絵
を収める。この「リア王」は劇作家で桂冠詩人であるニコラス・ロウ(Nicholas Rowe)の編集によるもの。
(Shakespeare,William) Original Leaves from the Shakespeare Folios 1623-1632-1663-1685. San
Francisco: Gelber-Lilienthal, 1938. [aj850-102211]
316 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」(ファースト~フォース・フォリオ復刻版) 4巻 背クロース装
Mr.William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Faithfully Reproduced in Facsimile
from the Edition of 1623 [and] 1632 [and] 1664 [and] 1685. In 4 folio vols. London: Methuen & Co.,
1904-1910. [01820-101894]
317 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」(ファーストフォリオ復刻版) 1巻 クロース装
The First Folio of Shakespeare. [The Norton Facsimile] Prepared by Charlton Hinman.
W. W. Norton & Co., 1968. [02138-102327]
New York:
318 「W.シェイクスピア全集」 4巻 J.ギルバート挿絵 クロース装
Shakespeare's Sämmtliche Werke. Eingeleitet und übersezt von A. W. Schlegel, Fr. Bodenstedt, N.
Delins, F. A. Gelbrke, O. Gildemeister, G. Herwegh, P. Heyse, H. Kurz und A. Wilbrandt. Illustrirt von
John Gilbert. 4 vols. Vierte Auflage. Stuttgart; Druck und Verlag von Eduard Hallberger, n.d.
319 「W.シェイクスピア全集」 全39巻 (コレクターズ版) 総革装、三方金
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. In 39 vols. (Collector's Edition. Bound in Genuine
Leather.) Connecticut: The Easton Press, 1992-1993. [02131-102320]
320 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 9巻 ケンブリッジ版 クロース装
The Works of William Shakespeare. In 9 vols. Edited by William Aldis Wright.
York; Macmillan and Co., 1891-1893. [01935-102082]
London & New
321 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 9巻 ケンブリッジ版 クロース装
The Works of William Shakespeare. In 9 vols. Third Edition 1891, Reprinted. Edited by William
Aldis Wright. London & New York; Macmillan and Co., 1894-5 [02008-102155]
322 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 8巻 ヘンリー・アーヴィング版 1/2 革装、天金
The Works of William Shakespeare. With Notes and Introductions to Each Play by F. A. Marshall
and other Shakespearian Scholars, and Life of Shakespeare by Edward Dowden, LL.B. With Numerous
Illustrations by Gordon Browne. [The Henry Irving Shakespeare] In 8 vols. Edited by Henry Irving and
Frank A. Marshall. London: Blackie & Son, 1898. [02205-102411]
323 ケンブリッジ版 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 39巻 ケンブリッジ版 ペーパー装
The Works of Shakespeare. In 39 vols. First paperback edition. Edited for the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch and John Dover Wilson et al. Cambridge UP,
1968-1973. [02106-102295]
324 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 12巻 クロース装
The 'Garrick' Shakespeare. The Works of William Shakespeare. In 12 vols.
Heinemann, 1905. [00895-101233]
London: William
325 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 15巻 ボイデル版 クロース装
The Plays and Poems of Shakspeare. With a Life, Glossarial Notes, and One Hundred and Seventy
Illustrations from the Plates in Boydell's Edition. In 15 vols. Edited by A. Valpy, M. A. London:
Printed and Published by A. J. Valpy, 1832. [02202-102408]
326 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 2巻 クロース装
The Riverside Shakespeare. In 2 vols. Second Edition. General and Textual Editor; G. Blakemore
Evans, J.J. Tobin. Boston New York: Hought Mifflin Company, 1997. [02020-102167]
327 「ニュー・ケンブリッジ版 シェイクスピア」 全38巻 クロース装
The New Cambridge Shakespeare. In 38 vols. in all. First published. / Updated edition.
bridge UP, 1990-2007. [02208-102414]
328 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 50パーツ・40冊 (製本済)ペーパー装
Routledge's Illustrated Shakespeare. In 50 parts. Edited by H. Staunton. Illustrated by John Gilbert.
London: Geroge Routledge & Co., c. 1860. [00909-101251]
329 C.ナイト(編)「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 8巻 1/2 革装
The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakespeare. Edited by Charles Knight. In 8 vols. Vol.5,8;
The Second Edition, Revised. New York; Peter Fenelon Collier, n.d. [01936-102083]
330 C.ナイト(編)「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 12巻 クロース装
The Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems of William Shakspere. In 12 vols. The Second
Edition. Edited by Charles Knight. New York: AMS, 1968. [01343-101235]
331 ギゾー(訳)「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 フランス語版 8巻 背革装
Oeuvres Completes de Shakspeare. Traduction de M. Guizot. In 8 vols . Nouvelle Edition Entierement Revue. Paris: A La Librairie Academique, 1860. [00886-101222]
332 「W.シェイクスピア全集」 4巻 ドイツ語版 クロース装
Shakespeare Sämtliche Werke. [Sammlung Weltliteratur] In 4 vols. Vierte Auflage. Bd.4: Dritte
Auflage. Herausgegeben von Erich Loewenthal (Bd.4: Lambert Schneider). Heidelberg: Verlag
Lambert Schneider, 1978. [02009-102156]
333 「W.シェイクスピア作品集」 6巻 ドイツ語版 背クロース装
Shakespeare in Deutscher Sprache. Neue Ausgabe in Sechs Bänden. In 6 vols. Herausgegeben zum
teil neu übersetzt von Friedrich Gundolf. Berlin: Georg Bondi, 1920-1922. [02007-102154]
334 「W.シェイクスピア戯曲集」 6巻・3冊 大型本 クロース装
The Plays of Shakespeare. With Notes by Charles Knight, and Illstrations in Photogravure. In 6 vols.
bound in 3. London: Virtue & Co., n.d. [00880-101216]
335 ジョンソン&スティヴンス(編)「シェイクスピア戯曲集」 12巻 クロース装
The Johnson-Steevens Edition of the Plays of William Shakespeare. Including a two-volume sup31
plement by Edmond Malone. 12 vols. These reprint are taken from original copies of each book.
Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1995. [02022-102169]
336 「沙翁全集」 全10巻(既巻分揃)
大日本圖書株式会社, 明 39-42.
337 「沙翁全集 -逍遥訳シェークスピア全集-」 全40巻 復刻版 クロース装
復刻版第 1 刷. 坪内逍遥(訳)
早稲田大学出版部発行(元版) 名著普及会(復刻), 平元.
338 「シェイクスピアレアプリント・コレクション」 1900 年 フィラデルフィア刊
12 冊のペーパーホルダーにそれぞれ 12 葉(ホルダーPart I は本来 14 葉あるはずだが、1 葉欠)のシ
Eaton,Seymour ed. Shakespeare Rare Print Collection. Connoisseur Edition. Issued for private circulation. (Limited. No.555) 12 paper folders with 12 loose prints (13 prints (of 14) in folder;Part I).
Philadelphia: R.G.Kennedy & Co., 1900. [aj845-102206]
339 「W.シェイクスピアの物語・演劇の源泉」 8巻 クロース装
Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare. In 8 vols . Edited by Geoffrey Bullough.
Routledge & Kegan Paul / Columbia UP, 1968-1978. [01676-101647]
340 「シェイクスピア研究資料集成」 全30巻+別巻2 復刻版 函・クロース装
高橋康也(監修) 佐々木隆(編)
日本図書センター, 平 9-10.
341 「W.シャープ作品集」 9冊セット
Selected Writings of William Sharp. Selected and Arranged by Mrs. William Sharp. In 7 vols.
London: William Heinemann, 1912-1921.
[with] Macpherson,James (trans.) The Poems of Ossian. With Notes, and with an Introduction by William Sharp.
Edinburgh: John Grant, 1926. xxiv,417pp.
[with] Sharp,E. A. & Matthay,J. (eds.) Lyra Celtica. An Anthology of Representative Celtic Poetry.
With Introduction and Notes by William Sharp. Ancient Irish, Alban, Gaelic, Breton, Cymric, and
Modern Scottish and Irish Celtic Poetry.
Edinburgh: John Grant, 1924. 9 vols set. [02186-102378]
342 「G.B.ショウ作品集」 30巻 クロース装 カバー付き
The Works of Bernard Shaw. In 30 vols.
London; Constable & Co Ltd, 1930-1932. [01983-102130]
343 「P.B.シェリー詩集」 2巻 カバー、クロース装
The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. (In four volumes.) In 2 vols. All Published.
Edited by Neville Rogers. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, Vol.I: 1972. / Vol.II: 1975. [02190-102382]
344 R.イングペン・W.E.ペック(共編)「P.B.シェリー全集」 10巻 背ヴェラム装
The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Poems: Volumes I-II-III-IV. Prose: Volumes
V-VI-VII. Letters: Volume VIII-IX-X. In 10 vols. Newly edited by Roger Ingpen and Walter E. Peck.
Published for the Julian Editions in London by Ernest Benn Limited and in New York by Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1926-1930. This Edition printed from type which has been distributed is strictly limited for Great Britain to 495 sets for sale and for the United States of America to 285 sets for sale.
345 F.L.ジョーンズ(編)「P.B.シェリー書簡集」 2巻 クロース装
The Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley. In 2 vols. Edited by Frederick L.Jones.
endon Press, 1964. [01179-101278]
346 A.ファージュラ(編)「P.シドニー散文集」 4巻 クロース装
The Prose Works of Sir Philip Sidney. In 4 vols. Edited by Albert Feuillerat.
University Press, 1962, reprint of the 1912 edition. [01700-101671]
Oxford: At the Clar¥32,400
Cambridge at the
347 S.スマイルズ「J.マレーの伝記と書簡」 2巻 クロース装
A Publisher and his Friends, Memoir and Correspondence of the Late John Murray, With an
Account of the Origin and Progress of the House, 1768-1843. By Samuel Smiles. In 2 vols. Second
edition.With Portraits. London: John Murray, 1891. [01321-101286]
348 S.スマイルズ「エンジニアたちの生涯」 3巻 総革装
Lives of The Engineers. With an Account of their Principal Works; Comprising also A History of Inland Communication in Britain. With Portraits and Numerous Illustartions. Vol.I & II: Fifth Thousand.
Vol.III: [George and Robert Stephenson.] In 3 vols. London: John Murray, 1862. [02152-102344]
349 「T.スモレット作品集」 12巻 クロース装 小型本
The Works of Tobias Smollett. In 12 Vols. Edited by Geroge Saintsbury. With illustrations by
George Cruikshank. London: Navarre Society, n.d. (c.1925) [01301-101292]
350 「サマヴィル&ロススポーツ作品集」 7巻 著者署名入 クロース装
The Sporting Works. In 7 vols. The Hichcock Edition. New York: Privately Printed at the Derrydale
Press, 1927. 1/500 numbered sets signed by Edith Somerville. [00942-101294]
351 「E.スペンサー作品集」 限定 375 部 8巻 シェイクスピアヘッド版 背革装
The Works of Edmund Spenser. In 8 vols. The Shakespeare Head Edition. The Shakespeare Head
Press, 1930. Limited 375 copies (this is no.38). [00948-101303]
352 「E.スペンサー研究」 I-VI.1980-1985 年 6巻 クロース装
Spenser Studies: A Renaissance Poetry Annual. In 6 vols. Edited by Patrick Cullen and Thomas
P.Roche,Jr. Univ.of Pittsburgh Press (vols.1-3) & AMS Press (vols.4-6), 1980-86. [01407-101307]
353 J.C.スミス(編) E.スペンサー「仙女王」 2巻 クロース装
The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser: Vols.I & II; Spenser's Faerie Queene. Vol.I: Books
I-III.(xxii,518pp.) In 2 vols. Edited by J.C.Smith. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1909.[01499-101298]
354 E.スペンサー 「仙女王」批評 2巻 3/4 革装
Observations on The Fairy Queen of Spenser. By Thomas Warton. In 2 vols. A New Edition.
London: Printed by C.Stower for R.Dutton and Thomas Ostell, 1807. [01461-101308]
355 E.スペンサー 「仙女王」 2巻 カバー、クロース装
Spenser's Faerie Queene. Vol.I: Books I-III. Vol.II: Books IV-VII. [The Poetical Works of Edmund
Spenser in Three Volumes II & III] In 2 vols. Edited by J. C. Smith. Oxford: At the Clarendon
Press, 1972. [02072-102261]
356 E.スペンサー 「仙女王」 1596 年 2巻 復刻版 クロース装
The Faerie Queene 1596. Introduction by Graham Hough. In 2 vols.
1976. (The facsimile first published.) [02073-102262]
London: The Scolar Press,
357 H.スペンサー 「総合哲学大系他」 23冊 クロース装
A System of Synthetic Philosophy & other Works. [with] The Life and Letters of Herbert Spencer. & An Autobiography. Vol.I & II. 23 books. London & Edinburgh: Williams & Norgate, /
London: Methuen & Co., 1878-1908.
358 「イギリス功利主義者論集」 3巻 クロース装、天金
The English Utilitarians.
In 3 vols.
London: Duckworth and Co., 1900.
359 「L.スターン全集」 6巻 再版 クロース装
The Complete Works and Life of Laurence Sterne. In 6 vols. Yorick Edition Deluxe. Reprinted
from the edition of 1904. New York: AMS Press, 1970. [02173-102365]
360 「R.L.スティーヴンソン作品集」 26巻 ヴァイリマ版 クロース装
The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson. In 26 vols. Vailima edition. London: William Heineman...
/ New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1922-1923. Vailima Edition, 1-1030 numbered sets. This is
no.718. Vol.3; Pages missing from page 379 to 388 (379 頁から 388 頁にかけて落丁). [02043-102191]
361 「R.L.スティーヴンソン作品集」 30巻 スケリーヴォア版 クロース装
The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson. In 30 vols. Skerryvore Edition (First published).
William Heinemann Ltd, 1924-26. [02066-102255]
362 「R.L.スティーヴンソン書簡集」 8巻 イェール版 クロース装
The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson. In 8 vols. (1854-1894.) Edited by Bradford A.Booth and
Ernest Mehew. New Haven and London: Yale UP., 1994. [01230-101332]
363 「E.J.バイネック:R.L.スティーヴンソン・ライブラリー」 6巻 クロース装
A Stevenson Library of Edwin J. Beinecke. In 6 vols. Catalogue of a collection of writings by and
about Robert Louis Stevenson formed by E. J. Beinecke. Compiled by George L. McKay. Yale UP,
1951-66. [00960-101319]
364 「スウェーデンボルグ作品集」 30巻
Arcana Cœlestia. The Heavenly Arcana. Contained in the Holy Scripture, or Word of the Lord, Unfolded. Beginning with the book of Genesis. Together with Wonderful Things Seen in the World of
Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels. Translated from the Latin of Emanuel Swedenborg.
Throughoughly Revised and Edited by the Rev.John Faulkner Potts. In 12 vols.
Vols.1-8: The
Book of Genesis. (New York: Swedenborg Foundation incorporated, 1928-1946.) Vols.9-12: The Book
of Exodus. (New York: The American Swedenboug Printing and Publishing Society, and Swedenborg
Foundation incorporated, 1915-1938.)
The Apocalypse Explained. The Apocalypse Explained According to the Spiritual Sense in which the
Arcana There Predicted but Heretofore Concealed are Revealed. A Posthumous Work of Emanuel
Swedenborg. In 6 vols. New York: Swedenborg Foundation incorporated, 1928-1946.
The Apocalypse Revealed. Wherein are Disclosed the Arcana There Foretold which have Hitherto
Remained Concealed. Translated from the Latin of Emanuel Swedenborg. A New Translation by the
Rev.John Whithead. In 2 vols. New York: Swedenborg Foundation incorporated, 1928-1931.
Posthumous Theological Works of Emanuel Swedenborg. Autobiographical Letters, The Coronis,
The Consummation of the Age…etc. Rev.John Whithead, Editor and Translator. In 2 vols. New
York: Swedenborg Foundation incorporated, 1928.
The True Christian Religion. Containing the Universal Theology of the New Church. Foretold by
The Lord in Daniel VII.13, 14; and in Revelation XXI.1, 2 by Emanuel Swedenborg. Translated from
the Original Latin Edition, Printed at Amsterdam, in the Year 1771. In 2 vols. New York: Swedenborg Foundation incorporated, 1941-1946.
Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell From Things Heard and Seen. First published in Latin, London,
1758. Translated to English by John C.Ager.
The Four Doctrines with the Nine Questions. Translated from the Original Latin Works and Edited
by the Rev.John Faulkner Potts.
Miscellaneous Theological Works. A New Translation by the Rev.John Whithead.
The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love After which Follow the Pleasures of Insanity Pertainings to Scortatory Love. First published in Latin, Amsterdam, 1768. Translated by
Samuel M.Warren. Translation revised by Louis H.Tafel.
Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom. Originally published in
Latin, Amsterdam, 1763. Translated by John C.Ager.
Angelic Wisdom Concerning the Divine Providence. Originally published in Latin, Amsterdam,
1764. Translated by John C.Ager. New York: Swedenborg Foundation incorporated, 1941-1946.
365 「スウェーデンボルグ用語索引」 6巻 クロース装
The Swedenborg Concordance. A Complete Work of Reference to the Theological Writings of
Emanuel Swedenborg. Based on the Original Latin Writings of the Author. Compiled, Edited, and
Translated by the Rev.John Faulkner Potts. In 6 vols. London: The Swedenborg Society, 1976-1978,
reprinted. [01669-101640]
366 「J.スウィフト散文集」 16巻 クロース装
The Prose Writings of Jonathan Swift. In 16 vols. Reprinted. Edited by Herbert Davis, Harold Williams. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, n.d. [01977-102124]
367 ウィリアムズ(編)「J.スウィフト書簡集」 5巻 クロース装
Oxford: At the
The Correspondence of Jonathan Swift. In 5 vols. Edited by Harold Williams.
Clarendon Press, 1963-1965. [02079-102268]
368 「J.M.シング書簡集」 2巻 クロース装
The Collected Letters of John Millington Synge. In 2 vols. Edited by Ann Saddlemyer.
Clarendon Press, 1983. [00994-101369]
369 「J.M.シング作品集」 4巻
J. M. Synge
Collected Works. In 4 vols. Edited by Robin Skelton and others.
OUP, 1962-68.
370 「A.テニソン作品集」 12巻 デラックス版
The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Poet Laureate. Edited by William J. Rolfe. 12 vols. Édition de
Luxe. Boston: Dana Estes & Company, [1892-1898.] Limited to One Thousand Copies. (This is
No.126.) [01886-102033]
371 「トルストイ全集」 14巻 函、1/2 革装、天金
神田豊穂(著) 内田魯庵・片上伸・昇曙夢(監修)
トルストイ全集刊行會, 大 13-14. [02076-102265]
372 「M.トウェイン作品集」 29巻 オックスフォード版 臙脂厚紙表紙
The Oxford Mark Twain. Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Editor. 29 vols.
versity Press, 1996. [01932-102079]
New York, Oxford; Oxford Uni-
373 「W.ホイットマン作品集」 15巻セット カバー、クロース装
The Collected Writings of Walt Whitman. 15 vols. set.
New York UP, 1961-1980.
374 R.ロス(編)「オスカー・ワイルド作品集」 15巻 クロース装
The First Collected Edition of the Works of Oscar Wilde 1908-1922. Edited by Robert Ross.
In 15 vols. Reprinted from the edition of Methuen & Co., except for "The pricture of Dorian Gray"
from the edition of Charles Carrington. London: Dawsons of Pall Mall, 1969. [01929-102076]
375 「テネシー・ウィリアムズ演劇作品集」 4巻(全8巻)カバー、クロース装
The Theatre of Tennessee Williams. In 4 vols of 8. Second printing.
Book, [02203-102409]
New York: A New Directions
376 「O.ウィスタ作品集」 11巻 クロース装
The Writings of Owen Wister. In 11 vols.
New York: Macmillan, 1928.
377 「V.ウルフ書簡集」 6巻 カバー、クロース装
The Letters of Virginia Woolf. Editor: Nigel Nicolson. Assistant Editor: Joanne Trautmann. In 6 vols.
London: The Hogarth Press, 1975-1980. [02083-102272]
378 「W.ワーズワス詩集」 1866 年・新版 クロース装、三方金
The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth. A New Edition, Carefully Edited. With a Life. London: George Routledge and Sons, 1866. xxiii,496pp. [f0365-170363]
379 「W.ワーズワス詩集」 7巻 クロース装
The Poetical Works of Willam Wordsworth. In 7 vols.
lan and Co., 1896. [02187-102379]
Edited by William Knight. London: Macmil-
380 セリンコート(編)「W.ワーズワス詩集」 5巻 クロース装
The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth. Edited from the Manuscripts with Textual and Critical
Notes by E. de Selincourt and Helen Darbishire. In 5 vols. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press,
1965-1968. Vol.II & III: Second Edition. (Reprinted) [02132-102321]
381 「W.ワーズワス散文集」 3巻 カバー、クロース装
The Prose Works of William Wordsworth. In 3 vols. Edited by W. J. B. Owen and Jane Worthington Smyser. Oxford UP, 1974. [02167-102359]
382 「W.ワーズワス散文集」 3巻 クロース装
The Prose Works of William Wordsworth. For the First Time Collected, with Additions from Unpublished Manuscripts. In 3 vols. Reprinted from the edition published by Edward Moxon, Son & Co.,
London, 1876. Edited, with Preface, Notes and Illustrations, by the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart. New
York: AMS Press, 1967. [02189-102381]
383 セリンコート(編)「W.&D.ワーズワス書簡集(1787-1853 年)」 8巻 クロース装
The Letters of William and Dorothy Wordsworth (1787-1853). Arranged and edited by Ernest De
Selincourt. In 8 vols. Second edition. Revised by Chester L.Shaver. Oxford at the Clarendon Press,
384 W.ナイト「W.ワーズワスの生涯」 3巻 クロース装
Knight,William The Life of William Wordsworth.
In 3 vols.
Edinburgh: William Paterson, 1889.
385 A.ハドソン(編)「J.ウィクリフ説教集」 5巻 クロース装
Hudson,Anne /Pamera Gradon ed. English Wycliffite Sermons. 5 vols. Vol.1; Reprinted with corrections. Oxford; Clarendon Press, 1988-1996. [01958-102105]
386 「W.B.イェイツ作品選集」 全6巻 復刻版 背革装
The Collected Works of the W. B. Yeats. 6 vols. 復刻版第 1 刷. Reprinted in Japan.
(Tokyo, Japan; Hon-No-Tomosha), 1990. [01883-102030]
387 「イエイツ年鑑」 12冊 クロース装
Yeats Annual. No.1-No.13. In 12 vols. Edited by Richard J.Finneran (No.1-2) & Warwick Gould
(No.3-13). Macmillan, 1982-98. [01444-101502]
書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。
または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール (ogawatosho@tokyo.email.ne.jp) にてお問い合わせください。
388 「英文学叢書」 全102巻 復刻版
昭 57.
389 「英文学叢書」 全102巻 復刻版
Kenkyusha English Classics.
研究社, 昭 57-58.
390 「名作翻訳選集 -英米篇-」 全 11 冊 復刻版 外函・赤クロース
山下武 (監修・解説)
391 「英国小説研究 」 14冊(第 1 冊-第 12 冊. 第 14 冊 第 17 冊)
文進堂(昭 29-) 篠崎書林(昭 33-)英潮社(1992)
392 「秋田雨雀日記」 全5巻 函・帯
第 1 刷.
未来社, 1966-1967.
393 「厨川文夫著作集」 2巻 函、クロース装
安東伸介、岩崎春雄、高宮利行(編) 第 3 刷.
金星堂, 昭 58.
394 「佐々木邦全集」 全 15 巻 函・帯 クロース装 講談社, 昭 49-50. (第一刷) [02135-102324] ¥16,200
395 「逍遥選集」 全 12 巻+別冊 5 巻 復刻版 函、クロース装
財団法人 逍遥協会(編集) 表紙装幀: 平福百穂、見返し意匠: 結城素明、背文字
題扉: 会津八一
第一書房, 昭 52-53.
396 (英文) 「新渡戸稲造全集」 5巻 クロース装
The Works of Inazo Nitobe. In 5 vols. Reprinted from Nitobe Inazo Zenshu (Tokyo: Kyobunkwan,
1969). 東京大学出版会 (University of Tokyo Press), 1972.
397 (英文) 「新渡戸稲造全集」 5巻 クロース装
The Works of Inazo Nitobe. In 5 vols. Reprinted from Nitobe Inazo Zenshu (Tokyo: Kyobunkwan,
1969). 東京大学出版会 (University of Tokyo Press), 1972.
398 「英語教育史資料」 全5巻 大村喜吉・高梨健吉・出来成訓 (編)
昭 55.
399 「講座・英語教育工学」 全6巻 小川芳男・波多野完治 監修
The Technology of Teaching English.
昭 47-50.
400 「英語教科書名著選集」 第1期配本 10 巻(第 1-10 巻)
高梨健吉・出来成訓 監修
大空社, 1992.
401 「英語教科書名著選集」 第2期配本 10 巻(第 11-20 巻)
高梨健吉・出来成訓 監修
大空社, 1993.
402 「英語教科書名著選集」 第3期配本8巻(第 21-25 巻、27-29 巻)
高梨健吉・出来成訓 監修 第 26 巻「Let's Learn English」、別巻「英語教科書の歴史と解題」欠
大空社, 1993.
特 選 本
書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。
または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール (ogawatosho@tokyo.email.ne.jp) にてお問い合わせください。
403 ハロルド・モンロー(編)「チャップブック」 復刻版 1967 年 3巻 クロース装
Monro,Harold ed. Chapbook. The Monthly Chapbook (No.1. Vol.1. July,1919-No.6.Vol.1. December,1919.), and The Chapbook (No.7 Vol.II. January,1920-No.40. 1925.) complete reprinted. Edited by
Harold Monro. In 3 vols. New York: Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1967. Reprinted.
404 アディソン&スティール(著) ヒュー・トムソン(画) 「ロージャー・ド・カヴァーリ卿との日々」
1886 年 「スペクテーター」誌より 3/4 革装
Addison,Joseph & Sir Richard Steele Days with Sir Roger de Coverley. Reprint from the Spectator.
Illustrated by Hugh Thomson. London and New York: Macmillan and Co., 1886. x,82pp. [aj299-211354]
Modern Street Ballads. 1888 年 クロース装
London: Chatto & Windus Piccadilly, 1888. xvi,405pp. [LKK594-402744]
405 ジョン・アシュトン Ashton,John
With Fifty-Six Illustrations.
Chap-Books of the Eighteenth Century. 1882 年
With Facsimiles, Notes, and Introduction. London: Chatto and Windus, 1882. xvi,486pp. [LKK608-402772]
406 ジョン・アシュトン Ashton,John
407 ジェームズ・ビーティー 「ミンストレル」 1858 年 総革装、三方金
Beattie,James The Minstrel. With Thirty-Three Designs by Birket Foster, Engraved by the Brothers
Dalziel. London: George Routledge & Co., 1858. vi,91pp.
1875 年 2巻・合本1冊 背革装
Bunyan,John The Pilgrim's Progress. As Originally Published. Being a Fac-Simile Reproduction of
the First Edition. 2 vols in 1. London: Elliot Stock, 1875. (1678 of First Part. / 1684 of Second
Part.)First edition. v,266pp.(First Part)+205pp.(Second Part)
408 ジョン・バニヤン「天路歴程」
1816 年 背革装
Byron,Lord Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Canto the Third. London: Printed for John Murray, 1816.
409 ロード・バイロン「チャイルド・ハロルドの巡礼」
410 トマス・カーライル Carlyle,Thomas (ed.)
London: Chapman & Hall, 1850.
Latter-Day Pamphlets.
1850 年 3/4 革装
1755‐1766 年 総革装
(1) Centlivre,Susanna The Busy Body, a Comedy. As it is now acted at the Theatres Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Written by Mrs. Susanna Centlivre. London: Printed for T. Lowndes, T.
Caslon, W. Nicoll, W. Bathoe, and S. Bladon., 1765.
(2) Centlivre,Susanna A Bold Stroke for a Wife. A Comedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal, in
Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Written by Mrs. Susanna Cent-Livre. London: Printed for T.
Lowndes, T. Caslon, W. Nicoll, W. Bathoe, and S. Bladon., 1766.
(3) Centlivre,Susanna The Wonder: A Woman Keeps a Secret. A Comedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal, in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. Written by Mrs. Susanna Cent-Livre. London:
Printed for T. Lowndes, T. Caslon, W. Nicoll, W. Bathoe, and S. Bladon., 1766. Sixth edition. 71pp.
(4) Duke of Buckingham,George The Rehearsal: With a Key, or Critical View of the Authors, and
their Writings, Exposed in this Play. By George, late Duke of Buckingham. The Sixteenth Edition. As
it was Acted on Monday, September 14, 1761. By Command, and before their Majesties, the King and
Queen, and Most the Royal Family. London: Printed for G. Hitch and L. Hawes, T. Osborne, T.
Waller, S. Crowder, T. Longman, A and C. Corbett, and T. Lownds., 1761. Sixteenth edition. 82pp.
(5) Duke of Buckingham,George The Chances: A Comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in
Drury Lane. By his Grace the Duke of Buckingham, Author of the Rehearsal. London: Printed for S.
Birt, T. and T. Longman, C. Hitch and L. Hawes, J. Brindley, and T. Waller., 1755. 70pp.
5 vols in 1. [LKK627-402785]
411 S.セントリーブル / バッキンガム侯爵 (戯曲5作品合本)
412 W.コベット Cobbett,William Paper Against Gold. 1828 年 背クロース、厚紙装
Or, The History and Mystery of the Bank of England, of the Debt, of the Stocks, of the Sinking Fund,
and of all the other tricks and contrivances, carried on by the means of Paper Money. London:
Printed and Published by WM. Cobbett, 1828. xviii,332pp.
413 Colbeck,Norman comp. A Bookman's Catalogue.
2 巻 1987 年
The Norman Colbeck Collection of Nineteenth-Century and Edwardian Poetry and Belles Lettres in the
Special Collections of The University of British Columbia. Compiled with a Preface by Norman Colbeck. In 2 vols. University of British Columbia Press, 1987.
414 Consul,Sylva Jack Le Patriote. 1899 年 クロース装、三方金
Épisodes de la Guerre de 1870-1871.
Tours: Alfred Mame et Fils, 1899. 240pp.
1904 年
(Daumier,Honore & Gavarni) Daumier & Gavarni (The Studio: Special Number)With Critical and
Biographical Notes by Henri Frantz and Octave Uzanne. Edited by Charles Holme. London, Paris,
New York: Office of 'The Studio', 1904.
415 ザ・スチュディオ特別号 「ドーミエとガヴァルニ」
1892 年 2巻 クロース装
du Maurier,George Peter Ibbetson. With an Introduction by His Causin Lady ***** ("Madge Plunket") Edited and Illustrated by George du Maurier. In 2 vols. London: James R.Osgood, McIlvaine &
Co., 1892. 213pp.+ 235pp.
416 ジョージ・デュ・モーリア 「ピーター・イベットソン」
417 「G.エリオット初期随筆集」 1919 年 クロース装、天金
Eliot,George Early Essays by George Eliot.
This is No.185.
限定 220 部、No.185
Privately Printed, 1919. 71pp. Only 220 copie printed,
418 P.S.アレン(編) J. A.フルード Selections from the Writings of James Anthony Froude.
1901 年 総革装
Allen,P. S. ed. Selections from the Writings of James Anthony Froude.
Green, & Co., 1901. vi,364pp.
London: Longmans,
1996 年 2巻 クロース装
Gale,Steven H. ed. Encyclopedia of British Humorists. Vol. I and II. Geoffrey Chaucer to John
Cleese. Volume 1: A-K/Volume 2: L-W. In 2 vols.
New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc.,
1996. Vol. I: xxxii,633pp./ Vol.II: x,635-1307pp.
419 「英国ユーモア事典」
420 An Historical Narrative of the Great and Terrible Fire of London, Sept. 2nd 1666.
1769 年 総革装(背改装)
[Harvey,Gideon] With Some parallel Cases, and Occasional Notes.
1769. 100pp.
London: Printed for W. Nicoll,
Transformation: or, The Romance of Monte Beni.
421 ナサニエル・ホーソーン Hawthorne,Nathaniel
1860 年 ヴェラム革装
2 vols. in 1. Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1860. Copyright Edition. Vol.I: xii,292pp. / Vol.II:
1860 年 2巻 クロース装
Hawthorne,Nathaniel The Marble Faun: or, The Romance of Monte Beni. In 2 vols. Boston:
Ticknor and Fields., 1860. Vol.I: xi,283pp.+16pp.(Catalogue) / Vol.II: 284pp.
422 ナサニエル・ホーソーン 「大理石の牧神」
423 Hawthorne Reading. 1902 年 クロース装、天金
[Hawthorne,Nathaniel] Hawthorne,Julian. An Essay. Cleveland: The Rowfant Club, 1902. 133pp.
The essay 'Hawthorne Reading' was written for and is privately printed by the Rowfant Club in an edition of one hundred and forty copies, this being No.10. [s05900-213055]
424 トマス・フッド Hood,Thomas Hood's Whimsicalities in Prose and Verse.
In 4 vols.
London, etc.: Ward, Lock, Bowden & Co., n.d.
4 巻 背革装
A Survey of Burlesque and Parody in English. 1931 年
Lecture in English at the University of Edinburgh. Author of "Sir Roger L'estrange: A Contribution to
the History of the Press in the Seventeenth Century".
Edinburgh & London: Oliver and Boyd,
1931. xxiii,387pp.
425 Kitchin,George
426 J. G.ロックハート Some Passages in the Life of Mr Adam Blair.
[Lockhart,John Gibson] Minister of the Gospel at Cross-Meikle.
& London: T. Cadell, 1822. 337pp.
1822 年 背革装
Edinburgh: William Blackwood,
427 ジェイムズ・マクファーソン 「オシアン」 1797 年 2巻 新版 総革装
Macpherson,James The Poems of Ossian. In 2 vols. Edinburgh: J. Elder
Edition. Vol.I: xx,282pp. / Vol.II: 314pp.
T. Brown, 1797. A New
428 ジョン・モーレー Morley,John
On Compromise.
London: Macmillan & Co., 1886. xi,284pp.
1886 年 背革装
1993 年 クロース装
Scott,Randall W. comp. The Comic Art Collection Catalog. An Author, Artist, Title, and Subject
Catalog of the Comic Art Collection, Special Collestions Division, Michigan State University Libraries.
London: Greenwood Press, 1993. First published. xi,1435pp.
429 R. W. スコット 「コミック・アート・コレクション・カタログ」
Seymour's Humorous Sketches . 背改装(クロース)
Comprising Eighty-Six Caricature Etchings. Illustrated in Prose and Verse. London: Henry G.Bohn,
430 [ロバート・シーモア] Crowquill,Alfred
n.d. クロース装、天金
Collins,John Churton Shelley. Selected and sith an Introducton by John Churton Collins. Frontispiece
and Vignette Title by A. S. Hartrick. Coloured Illustrations by Jessie M. King. [The Golden Poets]
London: Caxton Publishing Co., n.d. xlvi,246pp.
431 J. C.コリンズ 「シェリー」
1930 年限定本 クロース装・背ヴェラム
Spenser,Edmund The Shepheardes Calender. Conteyning Twelve Aeglogues Proportionable to the
Twelve Monethes. Entitled. To the Noble and Vertuous Gentleman Most Worthy of All Titles Both of
Learning and Chevalrie Maister Philip Sidney. London: The Cresset Press, 1930. This edition is limited to 350 copies on Barcham green hand-made paper, numbered 1-350… this copy is number 128.
432 エドマンド・スペンサー 「羊飼いの暦」 ジョン・ナッシュ画
433 アルフレッド・テニスン Tennyson,Alfred
The Holy Grail. 1870 年 総革装、三方金
Tennyson,Alfred The Holy Grail. And Other Poems.
London: Strahan and Co., 1870. 222pp.
The Princess. n.d. 改装. スエード装、天金
New York & Boston: H. M. Caldwell, n.d. xxv,146pp. [f0382-170380]
434 アルフレッド・テニスン Tennyson,Alfred
Tennyson,Alfred The Princess.
435 J.ホワイト(著) G.クルックシャンク(画) 「モーニング アット ボウ・ストリート」 3/4 革装
Wight,J. Morning at Bow Street. A Selectioin of the Most Humourous and Entertaining Reports
which have Appeared in the Morning Herald. With Twenty-One Illustrative Drawings by George
Cruikshank. (J.ワイト(著) G.クルックシャンク(画) 「モーニング アット ボウ・ストリート」) London:
Printed for Charles Baldwin, 1824. x,279pp.
1981 年
[WODEHOUSE,P.G.] Heineman,James H.& Donald R.Bensen eds. P.G.Wodehouse, A Centenary
Celebration 1881-1981. The Pierpont Morgan Library & Oxford UP, 1981. xxi,197pp. [hu0034-211397]
436 [P. G.ウッドハウス] J. H.ハイネマン & D. R.ペンセン(編)
437 エドワード・ヤング 「夜想詩」 1770 年 総革装
Young,Edward The Complaint: Or, Night-Houghts on Life, Death, and Immortality.
Printed by and for Martin & Wotherspoon, 1770. 310pp.
1912 年 総革装
Cutler,U. Waldo Stories of King Arthur and His Knights. Retold from Malory's "Morte Darthur".
London: George G. Harrap & Co., 1912. xix,236pp.
438 U. W.カトラー 「アーサー王と騎士たちの物語」
The World's Explorers. n.d. 3/4 革装
Or, Travels and Adventures. Illustrated with Many Engravings from Designs by Eminent Artists.
London: Ward, Lock, and Tyler, n.d. xiv,384pp.
439 H. W.ダルケン Dulcken,H. W.
1889 年 クロース装
Henty,G. A. Jack Archer. A Tale of the Crimea. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1889. New and Cheaper Edition. vi,302pp.+32pp.(List of Publications)
440 G. A. ヘンティ「ジャック・アーチャー」
441 アンドリュー・W.テュア Tuer,Andrew W.
Stories from Old-Fashioned Children's Books.
1899-1900 年 クロース装、天金
Brought Together and Introduced to the Rearer by Andrew W. Tuer, F.S.A. Adorned with 250 Amusing Cuts. London: The Leadenhall Prefs, / New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1899-1900.
xv,439pp.+19pp.(Catalogue) [f0413-170411]
442 アンドリュー・W.テュア Tuer,Andrew W.
Pages and Pictures from Forgotten Children's Books.
[1898-1899 年] クロース装、天金
London: The Leadenhall Prefs, / New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, [1898-1899.]
1698 年 3/4 革装 ¥16,200
Collier,Jeremy A Short View of the Immorality, and Profaneneß of the English Stage. Together
with the Sence of Antiquity upon this Argument. London: Printed for S.Keble at the Turk's-Head, R.
Sare, 1698. 288pp.
443 ジェレミー・コリアー 「英国演劇の不道徳と不敬についての瞥見」
Cleone. 1758 年 改装(背革装)
A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Covent-Garden. Written by R. Dodsley.
Printed for R. and J. Dodsley, 1758. 82pp.
444 R.ドズリー Dodsley,R.
1723 年 改装(クロース装) ¥12,960
Philips,Ambrose Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester. A Tragedy. As it is aActd at the Theatre-Royal in
Drvry-Lane, by His Majesty's Servants. London: J. Roberts, 1723. 86pp.
445 アンブローズ・フィリップス 「ハンフリー・グロスター公爵」
The Conquest of Spain. 1705 年 改装(クロース装)
A Tragedy. As it is Acted by Her Majesty's Servants at the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Market.
London: Printed for Richard Wellington, 1705. 76pp.
446 メアリー・ピックス Pix,Mary
Tamerlane. 1703 年 改装(3/4 革装)
A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the New Theater in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields. By Her Majesty's Servants.
London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1703. The Second Edition. 68pp.
447 ニコラス・ロウ Rowe,N.
1704 年 改装(クロース装)
Shadwell,ThomasEpsom-Wells. A Comedy, Acted at the Duke's Theatre. London: Printed for R.
Wellington at the Dolphin, 1704. 88pp.
448 トーマス・シャドウェル 「エプソム・ウェルズ」
449 A.ウィルソン Wilson,Arthur
The Inconstant Lady. 1814 年 総革装
A Play. To which is Added, An Appendix.
Oxford, 1814. vi,173pp.
1800 年 クロース装
Gilpin,William Observations on the River Wye, And Several Parts of South Wales, &c. Relative
Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty: Made in the Summer of the Year 1770. London: For T. Cadell Junior
and W. Davis, Strand, 1800. The fourth edition. xvi,160pp.
450 ウィリアム・ギルピン 「ワイ川紀行」
Observations, on Several Parts of England. 1808 年
2巻・合本1冊 背革装 図版
Particularly the Mountains and Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland, Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, Made in the Year 1772. 2 vols. in 1 London: Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies,
Strand., 1808. The third edition. Vol.I: xlvii,238pp. / Vol.II: viii,264pp.
451 ウィリアム・ギルピン Gilpin,William
Remarks on Forest Scenery. 1794 年 2巻 総革装 図版 ¥64,800
And otherWoodland Views, (Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty). Illustrated by the Scenes of
New-Forest in Hampshire. In Three Books. In 2 vols. London: Printed for R. Blamire, in the Strand.,
1794. Second edition. Vol.I: vii,xiv,340pp.+iv / Vol.II: 310pp.+iii,iii,30pp.(Addenda),xx(Index)
With 31plates & 1 map. [b00399-402980]
452 ウィリアム・ギルピン Gilpin,William
453 ウィリアム・ギルピン 「三つの試論」 1794 年 総革装 図版
Gilpin,William Three Essays: On Picturesque Beauty; on Picturesque Travel; and on Sketching
Landscape: To which is Added a Poem, on Landscape Painting. London: Printed for R. Blamire, in
the Strand., 1794. Second edition. viii,143pp.+iii ( Explanation on the prints) With 6 coloured plates.
454 ユヴデイル・プライス 「ピクチャレスク試論」 1810 年 3巻 背革装
Price,Uvedale Essays on the Picturesque, as Compared with the Sublime and the Beautiful; And,
on the Use of Studying Pictures, for the Purpose of Improving Real Landscape. In 3 vols. London:
Printed for J. Mawman, 1810. Vol.I: xxviii,402pp. / Vol.II: xxxi,408pp. / Vol.III: 400pp. [b00402-402983]
455 トマス・ウェスト West,Thomas
A Guide to the Lakes, in Cumberland, Westmorland, and Lancashire.
1784 年 背革装
By the Author of The Antiquities of Furness. London: Printed for B. Law, Richardson and Urquhart,
J. Robson, and W. Pennington, 1784. The third edition, Revised Throughout and Greatly Enlarged.
xii,306pp. With a frontis & a map. [b00401-402982]
The Climate of London. 1833 年 クロース装
Deduced from Meteorological Observations, Made in the Metropolis, and at Various Places Around It.
In Three Volumes. In which the Observations are Continued to the Year MDCCCXXX: Illustrated by
Engravings on Wood and Copper. In 3 vols. London: Harvey and Darton, 1833. A Second, Much
Enlarged and Improved Edition, Vol.I: lxxii,348pp. / Vol.II: 407pp. / Vol.III: 383pp. [b00400-402981]
456 ルーク・ハワード Howard,Luke
457 W.レンドル & N.フィリップ Rendle,William / Norman,Philip. The Inns of Old Southwark and Their
1888 年 総革装 図版
London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1888. First edition. xiv+437.
458 Benn,R. Davis
Style in Furniture. 1920 年 クロース装
With Illustrations by W. C. Baldock.
New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1920. New impression.
459 ヴァルター・グロピウス Walter Gropius
The New Architecture and The Bauhaus. 1935 年
London: Faber and Faber 1935. First UK edition. 80pp.
460 W.マーシャル Mr. Marshall (Marshall,William) On Planting and Rural Ornament. 1803 年 2巻 3版
3/4 革装
A Practial Treatise, by Mr. Marshall. In 2 vols. London: Printed by W. Bulmer and Co.; For G. and
W. Nicol, 1803. The Third Edition. Vol.I: xxxii,408pp. / Vol.II: xx,454pp.
Furniture Treasury (Mostly of American Origin). 1928 年 2巻 クロース装
All Periods of American Furniture with Some Foreign Examples in America also American Hardware
and Household Utensils. Five Thousands Illustrations with Description on the same page. In 2 vols.
Massachusetts: Old American Co., 1928.
461 Nutting,Wallace
Lombardic Architecture. 1933 年 2巻
Its Origin, Development and Derivatives. Translated by G.McN.Rushforth. Re-edited with Additional
Notes. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1933. Vol.1: xxviii,283pp. Vol.2: xv,401pp. [b00100-402317]
462 Rivoira, G.T.
1892 年 クロース装
Crane, Walter The Claims of Decorative Art. London: Lawrence and Bullen, 1892. vi,191pp.
463 ウォルター・クレイン 「装飾芸術の要求」
1895 年 クロース装
(Leigton,Frederic) Sir Frederic Leighton, Bart., P.R.A. An Illustrated Chronicle by Ernest Rhys,
with prefatory Essay by F. G. Stephens. London: George Bell & Sons, 1895. xxxi,74pp. [b00418-403059]
464 「フレデリック・レイトン」
The Notebooks of Edgar Degas. 1976 年 2巻 クロース装
A Catalogue of the Thirty-Eight Notebooks in the Bibliothèque Nationale and Other Collections.
In 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976. Vol.I: Text xii,167pp., 50 b/w plates and 4 colored plates.
Vol.II: Unpaginated book of illus. [b00286-402863]
465 [エドガー・ドガ] Reff,Theodore
Marine Painting. n.d. クロース装
London Paris & Melbourne: Cassell and Co., n.d. 67pp. [f0336-170334]
466 ウォルター・ウィリアム・メイ May,Walter W.
With Sixteen Coloured Plates.
467 アンリ・ゴーティエ=ヴィラール(ヴィリー) Gauthier-Villars,Henry (Willy)
Propos D'Ouvreuse.
1925 年 背革装、天金
Avec le portrait de l'auteur, bois gravés et dessinés par Robert Barriot. Paris: Les Editions Henry-Parville, 1925. 146pp. With a frontis. & some illus. [f0377-170375]
Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande.
With a Foreword by Professor C. G. Seligman. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1937. First Edition.
xxv,558pp. With many plates. [b00280-402842]
468 Evans-Pritchard, E.E.
1832 年 2 版 クロース装
Chalmers,Thomas On Political Economy. In Connexion with the Moral State and Moral Prospects of
Society. Glasgow: Printed for William Collins, 1832. Second edition. viii,566pp.+2pp. (Catalogue)
469 トーマス・チャーマーズ 「政治経済学について」
470 トマス・ハミルトン Hamilton,Thomas
Men and Manners in America. 1833 年 2巻 背革装 ¥43,200
By the Author of Cyril Thornton, etc. In 2 vols.
Cadell, 1833. Vol.I: ix,393pp. / Vol.II: 402pp.
Edinburgh: William Blackwood, & London: T.
The Elizabethan Underworld.
A Collection of Tudor and Early Stuart Tracts and Ballads Telling of the Lives and Misdoings of Vagabonds, Thieves, Rogues and Cozeners, and Giving Some Account of the Operation of the Criminal
Law. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965. Reprinted with a new preface. lxiv,543pp.+plates.
The Text Prepared with Notes and an Introduction by A.V.Judges. With 20 Illustrations. [b00055-401734]
471 Judges,A.V. ed.
Regen Bei Sonnenschein. ペーパー装
Zur Weltgeschichte Einer Redensart. FF Communications vol.69. No.171. Edited for the Folklore Fellows by Walter Anderson, Reidar Th. Christiansen, Séamus Ó Duilearga, Martti Haavio, Dag
Strömbäck, Archer Taylor. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, Academia Scientiarum Fennica,
1957. 420pp.
Inscribed by the author. [tf037-402377]
472 Kuusi,Matti
1866 年 背革装 図版
Larwood,Jacob & Hotten,John Camden The History of Signboards. From the Earliest Times to the
473 J.ローウッド & J. C.ホッテン 「看板の歴史」
Present Day. With One Hundred Illsutrations in Facsimile by F. Larwood.
Hotten, Piccadilly., 1866. Second edition. x,536pp.
London: John Camden
1836 年 総革装
Mackintosh,James Dissertation on the Progress of Ethical Philosophy; Chiefly During the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. With a Preaface, by the Rev. William Whewell, M. A. Edinburgh:
Adam and Charles Black, 1836. 431pp.
474 ジェームズ・マッキントッシュ「倫理哲学の発達について」
A Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities. 1873 年
With Nearly 2000 Engravings on Wood. From Ancient Originals. Illustrative of the Industrial Arts and
Social Life of the Greeks and Romans. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1873. Third edition, Revised and Improved. iv,756pp.
475 アンソニー・リッチ Rich,Anthony
476 アントニー・アシュリー=クーパー(第 3 代シャフツベリ伯爵) Characteristicks of Men, Manners,
Opinions, Times. 1727 年 3巻 総革装
By the Right Honourable Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury. Vol.I: A Letter concerning Enthusiasm. Sensus
Communis; an Essay on the Freedom of Wit and Humour. Soliloquy, or Advice to an Author. Vol.II:
An Inquiry concerning Virtue and Merit. The Moralists; a Philosophical Rhapsody. Vol.III: Miscellaneous Reflections on the preceding Treatifes, and other Critical Subjects. A Notion of the Tablature, or
Judgment of Hercules. In 3 vols. No publisher. 1727. The fourth edition. Vol.I: iv,364pp. / Vol.II:
443pp. / Vol.III: 391pp.+Index. (54pp.) [b00404-402985]
1808 年 & 1816 年 2巻 背革装 ¥48,600
Stewart,Dugald Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. In 2 vols. London: T. Cadell and
W. Davies, Vol.I: The Third Edition, Corrected. 1808. / Vol.II: Second Edition. 1816.xii,585pp. /
477 デュガルド・ステュアート「人間精神哲学の諸要素」
Philosophical Essays. 1818 年
Edinburgh: Archibald Constable & Co., 1818. Third edition. xii,615pp.
478 デュガルド・ステュアート Stewart,Dugald
Philosophical Essays. 1818 年 クロース装 ¥19,440
Edinburgh: Archibald Constable and Co., 1818. Third Edition. xii,615pp.
479 デュガルド・ステュアート Stewart,Dugald
The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. 1831 年
Including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May Games, Mummeries, Shows, Processions, Pageants, and Pompous Spectacles, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Illustrated by One Hundred and Forty Engravings, in which are Represented Most of the Popular Diversions: Selected from
Ancient Paintings. A New Editin, with a Copious Index, by William Hone, London: Printed for
Thomas Tegg, 1831. New edition. lxvii,420pp.
480 ジョセフ・ストラット Strutt,Joseph
The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. 1855 年
Including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, Maygames, Mummeries, Shows, Processions, Pageants,
& Pompous Spectacles, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. Illustrated by One Hundred and
Forty Engrabings, in which are Represented Most of the Popular Diversions; Selected from Ancient
Paintings. A New Edition, with a Copious INdex, by William Hone. London: Wiliam Tegg and Co.,
1855. New edition. lxvii,420pp.
481 ジョセフ・ストラット Strutt,Joseph
The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. 1903 年頃
背革装 図版
From the Earliest Period, Including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May Games, Mummeries,
Pageants, Processions and Pompous Spectacles, Illustrated by Reproductions from Ancient Paintings in
which are Represented most of the Popular Diversions. A New Edition, much Enlarged and Corrected by J. Charles Cox, L.L.D., F.S.A. London: Methuen & Co., n.d. [1903.] New edition. lv,322pp.
482 ジョセフ・ストラット Strutt,Joseph
483 R. C.トレンチ Trench,Richard Chenevix
Notes on the Parables of Our Lord. 1855 年
London: John W. Parker & Son, 1855. Sixth edition, Revised. viii,523pp.
1767 年 総革装
Voltaire,De Letters Concerning the English Nation. By Mr. De Voltaire. A New Edition.
J. and R. Tonson, 1767. New edition. 173pp.+Index.
484 ヴォルテール 「哲学書簡」
Das Verstehen. 1984 年 総革装
Grundzüge einer Geschichte der hermeneutischen Theorie im 19.Jahrhundert. I: Die grossen Systeme.
(vii,266pp.) II: Die theologische Hermeneutik von Schleiermacher bis Hofmann. (v,379pp.) III:
Das Verstehen in der Historik von Ranke bis zum Positivismus. (vii,350pp.) 3 Bände in einem
Band. Hildesheim et al.: Georg Olms Verlag, 1984. 2.Reprografischer nachdruck der Ausgabe Tübingen 1926-1933. Mit Genehmigung des Verlages J.C.B.Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen. [lk0144-604210]
485 Wach,Joachim
Sylloge Anecdotorvm. 1746 年 総革装
Omnis Aevi Chronicorvm, Diplomatvm, Epistolarvm, Commentationvm, Historias et Res. Germanicas
Exterasque, Civiles Ecclesiasticas, Illvstrativm, Ex Recensione Christoph. Frid. Ayrmanni. Tomvs I.
Apvd I.O. Beniam. Andreæ et Henr. Hort., 1746. (108pp.)+672pp.+(21pp.: Index)
486 Ayrmanni,Christoph. Frid.
1791 年 4巻 総革装
Beloe,William The History of Herodotus; Translated from the Greek. With Notes. By the Reverend
William Beloe. In 4 vols. London: Printed for Leigh and Sotheby, 1791. Vol.I: ix,434pp. / Vol.II:
489pp. / Vol.III: 456pp. / Vol.IV: 192pp.+Index (176pp.)
487 William Beloe(英訳) ヘロドトス 「歴史」
1904 年 2巻 3版 クロース装、天金
Cartwright,Julia Isabella D'Este. Marchioness of Mantua 1474-1539. A Study of the Renaissance. In 2
vols. London: John Murray, 1904. Third edition. Vol.I: xxiii,392pp. / Vol.II: xiii,419pp. [f0324-170322]
488 J.カートライト 「イザベラ・デステ」
The Trade and Navigation of Great-Britain Considered. [1730 年]
ダブリン版 改装(厚紙装)
Shewing That the surest Way for a Nation to increase in Riches, is to prevent the Importation of such
Foreign Commodities as may be rais'd at Home. That this Kingdom is capable of raising within itself,
and its Colonies, Materials for employing all our Poor in those Manufactures, which we now import
from such of our Neighbours who refuse the Admission of ours. Some Account of the Commodities
each Country we trade with takes from us, and what we take from them; with Observations on the
Balance. London: Printed for Dublin Re-printed by S. Powell, [1730.] Dublin Edition.
489 ジョシュア・ギー Gee,Joshua
Historische Schriften. 1913 年 背クロース装
München & Berlin: R.Oldernbourg, 1913. Zweite, vermehrte auflage. ix,625pp.
490 マックス・レンツ Lenz,Max Kleine
491 M. J.マター Matter,M. J. Histoire des Doctrines Morales et Politiques. 1836 年 3巻 1/2 革装 ¥32,400
Des Trois Derniers Siècles. In 3 vols. Paris: AB. Cherbuliez et Cie, Libraires, 1836. Vol.I: viii,431pp.
/ Vol.II: 447pp. / Vol.III: 409pp.
492 La Commune photogtaphiée.
Paris: Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 2000. Cet ouvrage publié á l'occasion de l'exposition "La
Commune photogtaphiée", présentée su musée d'Orsay du 14 mars au 11 juin 2000. 127pp. With 67
b/w illus.& photos. [b00408-403048]
493 The Tryal and Condemnation of Sir William Parkyns, Kt. 1969 年 改装(ペーパー装)
For the Horrid and Execrable Conspiracy to Assassinate His Sacred Majesty King William, In Order to
a French Invasion of this Kingdom: Who upon full Evidence was found Guilty of High-Treason, at the
Sessions-bouse in the Old-Baily, March 24. 1695-1696. Together with a True Copy of the Papers de45
livered to the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, by Sir J. Freind and Sir W. Parkins, at the Place of
Execution. London: Printed for Brabazon Aylmer, 1696. 39pp.
The Information of Hubert Bourk Gent. 1680 年
Touching the Popishplot in Ireland. Carried on by the Conspiracies of the Earl of Tyrone. And others
his Confederates, to deliver up that Kingdom to the French King, and Establish the Popish Religion
therein. Being all matter of Fact, delivered first by thie Informant before the Lord Lieutenant and
Council in Ireland in March 1678. And to his Majesty and both Houses of Parliament in November
1680. London: Printed for Randolph Taylor, 1680. 27pp.
494 (Popish Plot) Bourk, Hubert
The Arraignment, Tryal and Condemnation of Stephen Colledge
for High-Treason. 1681 年 改装(ペーパー装)
495 (Popish Plot) Colledge,Stephen
In Conspiring the Death of the King, the Levying of War, and the Subversion of the Government. Before the Right Honourable Sr. Francis North, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common-Pleas, and
other Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery held at the City of Oxon for the County
of Oxon, the 17th and 18th of August 1681. London: Printed for Thomas Basset , 1681. 102pp.
The Information of Eustace Comyne. 1680 年
Servant to Mr. Keadagh Magher. Treasurer to the Papists in Ireland, of their Mony to carry on this
Horrid Plot; who was Barbaroustly Murthered for Discovering the fame, and turning Protestant. Given
in Writing to the Honorable House of Commons, the 15th of this present November. 1680. London:
Printed for Thomas Fox, 1680. 7pp.
496 (Popish Plot) Comyne,Eustace
497 (Popish Plot) Horrid Popish PlotThe
Tryal and Conviction of Thomas Knox and John Lane.
1680 年 改装(ペーパー装)
For a Conspiracy, to Defame and Scandalize Dr. Oates and Mr. Bedloe; Thereby to Discredit their Evidence about the Horrid Popish Plot: At the Kings-Bench-Bar at Westminster, On Tuesday the 25th of
Novemb. 1679. Before the Right Honourable Sir William Scroggs, Where, upon full Evidence, they
were found Guilty of the Offence aforesaid. London: Printed for Robert Pawlett, 1680. 68pp.
The Information of William Lewis, Gent. 1680 年
Delivered at the Bar of The House of Commons. The Eighteenth of November, 1680. Together with
His further Narrative relating thereto. In all which is contained A Confirmation of the Popish Plot, and
the Justice of the Executions done upon Grove, Pickering, and the Jesuites for the Design of Killing
His Most Sacred Majesty. And discovering further the Design of the Papists to set the Navy Royal on
Fire in Harbour; and to throw the guilt of the whole upon the Presbyterians. With their Contrivances to
take away the Life of the Right Honourable Anthony Earl of Shaftsbury. London: Printed for Randal
Taylor, 1680. 31pp.
498 (Popish Plot) Lewis,William
499 (Popish Plot) The Tryal of Nathaniel Reading Esq; For Attempting to Stifle The Kings Evidence as to
the Horrid Plot. 1679 年 改装(ペーパー装)
Had before The Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer at the Kings-Bench-Barr at Westminster, on
Thursday the 24th. of April 1679. Who being Convicted upon full Evidence, received Judgement to be
Fined 1000 l. Imprisoned for One Year; An to be set in the Pillory on Monday then next following.
London: Printed for Robert Pawlet, 1679. 71pp.
500 English Texts. Hymnology & c.
1867-1870 年 合本1冊 総革装
(1) Lumby,J. Rawson ed. Ratis Raving; And other Moral and Religious Pices, in Prose and Verse.
London: Published for the Early English Text Society, by N. Trubner & Co., 1870.
(2) Peacock,Edward ed. Instructions for Parish Priests. By John Myre.
London: Published for the
Early English Text Society, by N. Trubner & Co., 1868.
(3) Perry,George G. ed. Religious Pieces: In Prose and Verse.
London: Published for the Early
English Text Society, by N. Trubner & Co., 1867.
(4) Furnivall,Frederick J. ed. The Stacions of Rome; And the Pilgrims Sea-Voyage: with Clene
Maydenhod. A Supplement to "Political, Religious, and Love Poems," and "Hali Meidenhad,". London: Published for the Early English Text Society, by N. Trubner & Co., 1867.
Stacions of Rome.)+7pp.(Clene Maydenhod.
(5) Furnivall,Frederick J. ed. Hymns to the Virgin & Christ; The Parliament of Devils, and other Religious Poems, Chiefly from the Archibishop of Canterbury's Lambeth Ms. No.853. London: Published for the Early English Text Society, by N. Trubner & Co., 1867.
5 vols in 1.
501 Lives of Caxton & Gresham. Memoirs of a Working Man 1844-1845 年 合本1冊 背革装 ¥19,440
(1) Knight,Charles William Caxton; The First English Printer: A Biography. London: Charles
Knight & Co., 1844. 240pp.
(2) The Life of Sir Thomas Gresham. Founder of the Royal Exchange. London: Charles Knight &
Co., 1845. 245pp.
(3) Carter,Thomas Memoirs of a Working Man. Knight's Weekly Volume. London: Charles Knight
& Co., 1845. 234pp.+6pp.
3 vols in 1.
502 フレデリック・ファーニヴァル Furnivall,Frederick J. ed.
The First Boke of the Introduction of
Knowledge. 1870 年 3/4 革装
Andrew Borde. A Compendyous Regyment or a Dyetary of Helth made in Mountpyllier, Compyled by
Andrew Boorde. Barnes in the Defence of the Berde: a Treatyse made, answerynge the Treatyse of
Doctor Borde upon Berdes. Edited , with a Life of Andrew Boorde, and Large Extracts from his
Breuyary, by F. J. Furnivall, M.A. London: Published for the Early English Text Society, by N.
Trubner & Co., 1870. 384pp.
Early English Meals and Manners. 1868 年
John Bussell's Boke of Nurture, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of Keruynge, The Boke of Curtasye, R.
Weste's Booke of Demeanor Seager's Schoole of Vertue, The Babees Book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans Puer ad Mensam, The Lytylle Childrens Lytil Boke, for to serve a Gord, Old Symon, The
Birched School-Boy, &c. &c. With some Forewords on Education in Early England. London: N.
Trübner & Co., 1868. c,388pp.
503 フレデリック・ファーニヴァル Furnivall,Frederick J. ed.
1901 年 クロース装
[Furnivall,F] An English Miscellany. Presented to Dr. Furnivall in Honour of his Seventy-Fifth Birthday. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1901. viii,500pp.
504 フレデリック・ファーニヴァル 75 歳誕生記念論文集
1880 年 総革装
Hallam,Henry View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages. Incorporating in the Text the
Author's Latest Researches, with Additions from Recent Writers, and Adapted to the Use of Students.
By William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D. London: John Murray, 1880. vii,643pp.
505 ヘンリー・ハラム 「中世におけるヨーロッパの状態概説」
An Old English Miscellany. 1872 年 背革装
Containing a Bestiary, Bentish Sermons, Proberbs of Alfred, Religious Poems of the Thirteenth Century. From Manuscripts in the British Museum, Bodleian Library, Jesus College Library, etc. Edited
with Introduction and Index of Words by the Rev. Richard Morris, LL.D., London: Published for the
Early English Text Society, by N. Trubner & Co., 1872. xvi,308pp.
506 リチャード・モリス Morris,Richard
The Complaynt of Scotlande. 1872 年 3/4 革装 ¥17,280
Wyth ane Exortatione to the Thre Estaits to be vigilante in the Deffens of their Public veil. 1549. With
and Appendix of Contemporary English Tracts. Re-Edited from the Originals with Introsuction and
Glossary by James A. H. Murray. London: Published for the Early English Text Society, N. Trubner
& Co., 1872. cxxiii,306pp.
507 J. A. H.マレー Murray,James A. H.
508 ウィリアム・バーンズ Barnes,William
Early England and the Saxon-English. 1869 年 クロース装
With some Notes on the Father-Stock of the Saxon-English, The Frisians.
Smith, 1869. 178pp.
London: John Russell
1867 年 クロース装
Bell,Alex. Melville Visible Speech: The Science of Universal Alphabetics; or Self-Interpreting Physiological Letters, for the Writing of all Languages in One Alphabet. Illustarted by Tables, Diagrams,
and Examples. Inaugural Edition. London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co., / London & New York: N.
Trübner & Co., 1867. 126pp.+xv (plate)
509 アレクサンダー・メルヴィル・ベル 「視話法」
Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Letters. 1806 年 3巻 第 10 版
In 3 vols. London: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1806. The Tenth edition. Vol.I: viii,420pp. / Vol.II:
iv,446pp. / Vol.III: iv,358pp.
510 H.ブレア Blair,Hugh
The Universal Letter-Writer. 1812 年 改装(クロース装) ¥16,200
Or, New Art of Polite Correspondence; Containing a Course of interesting Original Letters on the Most
Important, Instructive, and Entertaining Subjects, which may Surve as Copies for Inditing Letters on
the Various Occurrences in Life. To which is Added the Complete Petitioner; also, a New Plain and
Easy Grammar of the English Language: and Directions for assressing Persons of all Ranks, either in
Writing or Discourse. London: Published and Sold by the Booksellers, and by Thomas Wilson and
Son, 1812. 215pp.
511 トマス・クック Cooke,Thomas
Grundriss der Englischen Philologie. 1889 年 第 2 版 背革装 ¥32,400
Halle: Max Niemeyer, 1889. Zweite, Verbesserte Auflage. viii,386pp.
512 カール・エルゼ Elze,Karl
513 カール・エルゼ Elze,Karl
Über Philologie als System. 1845 年 ペーパー装
Ein Andeutender Versuch von Karl Friedrich Elze.
Verlag von Karl aue in Dessau. 1845. 48pp.
The Philological Essays. 1859 年 背革装
Of the Late Rev. Richard Granett of the British Museum. Edited by his Son. London: Williams and
Norgate, 1859. iv (Contents.),xvi ( Memoir.),342pp.
514 リチャード・ガーネット Garnett,Richard
The Olio. 1796 年 第 2 版 総革装
Being a Collection of Essays, Dialogues, Letters, Biographical Sketches. Anecdotes, Pieces of Poetry,
Parodies, Bon Mots, Epigrams, Epitaphs, &c. Chiefly Original. By the Late Francis Grose, Esq.F.R.S.
& A.S. Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged, with a Portrait of the Author. London: Hooper &
Wigstead, 1796. Second edition. xxiii,321pp.
515 F.グロース Grose,Francis
A Provincial Glossary. 1790 年 第 2 版 総革装
With a Collection of Local Proverbs, and Popular Superstitions. The Second Edition, Corrected, and
Greatly Enlarged. London: S. Hooper, 1790. Second edition. viii,(320pp.)+57pp. [LKK564-606001]
516 F.グロース Grose,Francis
517 F.グロース Grose,Francis
A Glossary of Provincial and Local Words Used in England. 1839 年
To which is now first incorporated. The Supplement, by Samuel Pegge, Esq. F.S.A.
Russell Smith, 1839. iv,188pp.
London: John
Hermes: or, A Philosophical Inquiry Concerning Language and
Universal Grammar. 1751 年 改装(クロース装)
518 ジェイムズ・ハリス Harris,James
London: Printed by H. Woodfall, 1751. xix,426pp.+(26pp.)
519 ジェイムズ・ハリス Harris,James
Part I. and II.
Philological Inquiries. 1781 年 総革装
London: C. Nourse, 1781. 236pp.
The World of Proverbs and Parable. 1885 年 クロース装 ¥32,400
With Illustrations from History, Biography, and the Anecdotal Table-Talk of all Ages. With an Introductory Essay on the History Unity of the Popular Proverb and Tale in all Ages. London: Hodder
and Stoughton, 1885. viii,563pp.
520 E. P.フッド Hood,Edwin Paxton
Anecdotes of the English Language. 1814 年 第 2 版
Chiefly Regarding the Local Dialect of London and its Environs; Whence it will appear that the Natives of the Metropolis, and its Vicinities, have not Corrupted the Language of their Ancestors. In a
Letter from Samuel Pegge, Esq. F.S.A. To an Old Acquaintance, and Co-Fellow of the Society of
Antquaries, London. The Second Edition, Enlarged and Corrected. To which is Added, A Supplement
to the Provincial Glossary of Francis Grose, Esq. London: J. Nichols, Son, & Bentley, 1814. Second
edition. xvi,428pp.
521 サミュエル・ペギー Pegge,Samuel
522 ジョン・ペラン Perrin,John
The Elements of French Conversation. 1803 年 第 12 版 総革装
With Familiar and Easy Dialogues, each Preceded by a Suitable Vocabulary, in French and English.
Designed particularly for the Use of Schools. The Twelfth Edition, Revised and Corrected. London:
C. Law, Ave-Maria-Lane, 1803. Twelfth edition. vii,160pp.
523 エラスムス・ラスク(著) Rask,Erasmus B.ソープ(英訳) B. Thorpe.
A Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon
Tongue, with a Praxis. 1830 年 クロース装
A New Edition, Enlarged and Improved by the Author. Translated from Danish, by B. Thorpe. Copenhagen: S. L. Møller, 1830. New edition. lx,224pp.
A Compleat Collection of English Proverbs. 1737 年 2巻・1冊
Also the most Celebrated Proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish, and other Languages. The
whole Methodically Digested and Illustrated with Annotations, and proper Explications. By the late
Reverend and Learned J. Ray, M. A. and Fellow of the Royal Society. To which is added, (Written by
the same Author) A Collection of English Words not Generally Used, with their Significations and
Original in two Alphabetical Catalogues; the one of such as are proper to the Northern, the other to the
Southern Counties. With an Account of the Preparing and Refining such Metals and Minerals as are
gotten in England. The Third Edition, Augmented with many Hundreds of Words, Observations, Letters, &c. Together with " A Collection of English Words not Generally Used. With their Significations
and Original, in two Alphabetical Catalogues. The One of such as are proper to the Northern, the other
to the Southern Counties. With an Account of the preparing and refining such Metals and Minerals as
are gotten in England. The Third Edition, Augmented with many Hundreds of Words, Observations,
Letters &c." 2 vols in 1. London: J. Torbuck, 1737. The Third edition. viii,523pp.+150pp.
524 ジョン・レイ Ray,John
A Complete Collection of English Proverbs. 1818 年
(1768 年版からのリプリント) 背革装
Also the Most Celebrated Proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish, and other Languages. The
Whole methodically digested and illustrated with Annotations and proper Explications. By the Late
Rev. and Learned J. Ray, M.A. (To which is added, by the same Author) A Collection of English
Words. Not Generally Used. With their Significations and Original in two Alphabetical Catalogues: the
one, of such as are proper to the Northern, the other, to the Southern Counties. With an Account of the
preparing and refining such Metals & Minerals as are found in England. Reprinted Verbatim from the
Edition of 1768. London: Printed for T. & J. Allman, 1818. vi,308pp. [LKK622-606025]
525 ジョン・レイ Ray,John
526 トマス・シェリダン Sheridan,Thomas
A Course of Lectures on Elocution. 1781 年 背革装
Together with Two Dissertations on Language; and Some other Tracts Relative to those Subjects. A
New Edition. London: J. Dodsley, Pall Mall., 1781. New edition. xxiii,320pp.
527 J.テイラー Taylor,Jefferys
Old English Sayings. 1827 年 クロース装
Newly Expounded. In Prose and Verse.
528 W. J.テイラー Taylor,William
London: Wightman and Cramp, 1827. 147pp. [LKK582-606016]
Jun. English Synonyms. 1813 年 背革装
Discriminated by W. Taylor, Jun. of Norwich.
London: W. Pople, 1813. 294pp.+Index. [LKK581-606017]
Phraseologia Anglo-Latina. 1672 年 初版 2巻・1冊
Or, Phrases of the English and Latin Tongue; Whereby is shewed how to Render English Proprieties
into proper latin: To which is Added, Paroemiologia Anglo-Latina or, A Collection of English and
Latin Proverbs, and proverbial Sayings. Match'd together. For the use of Schools. 2 vols in 1. London: R. Royston, 1672. First edition. 351pp.+59pp. (Adagia Plautina.) [LKK578-606020]
529 ウィリアム・ウォーカー Walker,William
古 代 ・ 中 世
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Ancrene Riwle / Ancrene Wisse
530 Påhlsson,Joel ed.
The Recluse. A Fourteenth Century Version of The Ancren Riewle. [Lunds Universitets Årsskrift. N.
F. AFD 1. Bd 6. Nr 1.] Lund: Printed by Håkan Ohlsson, 1911. xiv,201pp. [me0521-403186] ¥8,640
531 Zettersten,Arne
Studies in the Dialect and Vocabulary of the Ancrene Riwle.[Lund Studies in English. 34] Lund:
C. W. K. Gleerup, / Copenhagen: Ejnar Munksgaard, 1965. 331pp. [me0514-403181] ¥6,480
532 Zettersten,Arne
Studies in the Dialect and Vocaburary of the Ancrene Riwle. [Lund Studies in English. 34] Lund:
C. W. K. Gleerup, / Copenhagen: Ejnar Munksgaard, 1965. 331pp. [me0515-403184] ¥6,480
533 Stevick,Robert D.
Suprasegmentals, Meter, and The Manuscript of Beowulf. [Janua Linguarum, Studia Memoriae
Nicolai van Wijk Dedicata, Series Practica 71] The Hague, Paris: Mouton & Co., 1968. 88pp.
[me0520-403185] ¥4,320
King Alfred the Great
534 Brown,Jr.,William H.
A Syntax of King Alfred's Pastoral Care. [Janua Linguarum, Studia Memoriae Nicolai van Wijk
Dedicata, Series Practica 101] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1970. 91pp. [me0522-403187] ¥4,320
535 Kurose,Tamotsu(黒瀬保)
Goddess Fortune in John Lydgate's Works. (ジョン・リドゲイトの作品における幸運の女神)
kyo: Sanseido(三省堂), 1980. First printing. vi,156pp. [f0428-170428] ¥4,320
536 Earle,John
English Prose. Its Elements, History, and Usage.
[me0512-403177] ¥5,400
London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1890. x,530pp.
537 Hallander, Lars-G.
Old English Verbs in "-sian". A Semantic and Derivational Study. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Studies in English. XV] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1966. 619pp.
[L01299-601316] ¥30,240
538 Hallander, Lars-G.
Old English Verbs in "-sian". A Semantic and Derivational Study. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis Stockholm Studies in English XV] Stockholm; Almqvist & Wiksell, 1966. 619pp.
[L02983-604642] ¥21,600
539 Mätzner,Eduard hrsg.
Altenglische Sprachproben. Nebst Einem Wörterbuche. Unter Mitwirkung von Karl Goldbeck.
Herausgegeben von Eduard Mätzner. Erster Band: Sprachproben. Erste Abtheilung: Poesie. Zweite
Abtheilung: Prosa. 2 bds. Berlin; Weidmann'sche Buchhandlung, 1867. /1869. iv,387pp./415pp.
[L03505-605917] ¥54,000
540 Sweet,Henry
A History of English Sounds from the Earliest Period. With Full Word-List.
endon Press, 1888. First edition. xv,409pp. [L03185-605028] ¥21,600
Oxford at the Clar-
541 Wright,Thomas
Anglo-Saxon and Old English Vocabularies. Edited and Collated by Richard Paul Wülcker. Vol.I:
Vocabularies. Vol.II: Indices. In 2 vols. London: Trübner & Co., 1884. Second Edition. Vol.I:
xviii,813pp. / Vol.II: 485pp. [L04041-606488] ¥17,280
542 Lindkvist,Karl-Gunnar
Studies on the Local Sense of the Prepositions IN, AT, ON, and TO in Modern English. [Lund
Studies in English 20] Kraus Reprint, 1968. Originally published in Lund: C.W.K.Gleerup, 1950.
428pp. [L01298-602060] ¥21,600
543 Morsbach,Lorenz
Ueber den Ursprung der Neuenglischen Schriftsprache.
1888. x,187pp. [L02276-602354] ¥32,400
Heilbronn: Verlag von Gebr.Henninger,
544 Mossé,Fernand
Manuel de l'Anglais du Moyen Âge des Origines au XIV℮ Siècle. I. Vieil-Anglais. Avec 5 figures
et 2 planches hors texte. Tome Premier: Grammaire et Textes.(345pp.+1 tableau) Tome Second: Notes
et Glossaire.(347-552pp.+errata) II. Moyen-Anglais. Avec 11 figures et 5 planches hors texte. Tome
Premier: Grammaire et Textes.(383pp.) Tome Second: Notes et Glossaire.(191pp.) [Bibliothèque de
Philologie Germanique VIII & XII] In 4 vols.
Paris: Aubier, 1950 & 1962.
545 Mustanoja,Tauno F.
A Middle English Syntax. Part I. Parts of Speech. Tokyo; Meicho Fukyu Kai, 名著普及会, 1985.
Facsimile reprinted edition. 復刻版第 1 刷. 702pp. [L03537-605948] ¥32,400
546 Zettler,Howard George(Ohio Univ., Ph D. 1971)
Word Order in Late Middle English: An Analysis of Revelations of Divine Love. 3 vols. Michigan; U・M・I Dissertation Services, A Bell & Howell Company, 1993. iv,140pp./143-319pp./320-524pp.
[L03490-605902] ¥12,960
547 Schwietering,Julius
Philologische Schriften. Herausgegeben von Friedrich Ohly und Max Wehrli.
Fink Verlag, 1969. xxv,7-561pp. [ds1106-603094] ¥21,600
München: Wilhelm
548 Gabelentz, H.C. & Loebe, J. eds.
Ulfilas. Veteris et novi testamenti versionis Gothica fragmenta quae supersunt. Ediderunt H.C. de
Gabelentz et J. Loebe. Vol.I Textum Continens. Vol.II Glossarium Lingueae Gothicae Continens.
Beigedruckt ist Grammatik der Gotischen Sprache und Uppströms Codex Argenteus Eine
Nachschrift au der Ausgabe des Ulfilas. 2 vols. Gerstenberg Verlag, 1980. Neudruck der Ausgaben
Leipzig 1843, 1846 und 1860. xxxx,359pp.,viii/xviii,244pp.,viii,298pp.,20pp. [L03578-605989] ¥32,400
549 Schmitt,Ludwig Erich ed.
Kurzer Grundriß der germanischen Philologie bis 1500. Band 1. Sprachgeschichte./ Band 2. Literaturgeschichte. 2 vols. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1970, 1971. viii,440pp./ vi,665pp.
[ds1147-603052] ¥21,600
550 Thomsen, Vilh.
Samlede Afhandlinger. (ウィルヘルム・トムセン選集 4 巻) In 4 vols. København og Kristiania;
Gyldendalske Boghandel・Nordisk Forlag, 1919./1920./1922./1931. iii,449pp./500pp./516pp./xii,529pp.
[L03613-606059] ¥54,000
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551 The Bible in Basic English. Cambridge at the UP, in association with Evans Brothers, 1965. 910pp.
552 Fristedt,Sven L.
The Wycliffe Bible. Part I The Principal Problems connected with Forshall and Madden's Edition.
[Stockholm Studies in English. IV.] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri-A.B.,
1953.xvi,148pp. [me0516-403178] ¥4,000
553 Funahashi,Takeshi(舟橋雄)
The Bible. Selected with introduction and Notes by Takeshi Funahashi. [Kenkyusha Enlgish Classics
研究社英文學叢書] 岡倉由三郎・市河三喜(主幹) Tokyo: Kenkyusha(研究社), 1931 (昭 6.).
xlv,792pp. 非売品. [f0427-170427] ¥5,000
554 Bennett,William H.
An Introduction to the Gothic Language. Part I: Elementary Grammar, Readings, Glossary. Michigan: Distributed by Ulrich's Book Store, 1965. viii,132pp. [me0519-403183]
555 Grünberg,M.
The West-Saxon Gospels. A Study of the Gospel of St. Matthew with Text of the Four Gospels. Amsteddam: Scheltema & Holkema NV, 1967. 380pp.+382-414pp. (Appendix: a separate vol.)
[me0517-403179] ¥8,000
556 Ohlander,Urban
A Middle English Metrical Paraphrase of The Old Testament III.Edited by Urban Ohlander. [Acta
Universitatis Gothoburgensis, Göteborges Universitets Årsskrift Vol. LXVI-1960] Göteborg, 1960.
131pp. [me0518-403182] ¥4,000
557 Worringer,Wilhelm Form in Gothic. Authorized Translation Edited with an Introduction by Sir Her-
bert Read. (Containing the Original Illustrations) London: Alec Tiranti, 1957. Present edition.
xv,181pp. [me0510-403175] ¥5,000
評 論
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558 Avebury,Lord
The Beauties of Nature and the Wonders of the World We Live in. Fifty-First Thousand.
don: Macmillan and Co., 1904. Reprinted. xiv,427pp. [b00476-403173] ¥4,320
559 Babb,Lawrence
The Elizabethan Malady. A Study of Melancholia in English Literature from 1580 to 1642. [Studies
in Language and Literature] Michigan State College Press, 1951. ix,206pp. [f0429-170429] ¥4,320
560 Camden,Carroll
The Elizabethan Woman.
[b00478-403189] ¥6,480
Houston, New York, London: The Elsevier Press, 1952. 333pp.
561 Clements,Robert J.
Picta Poesis. Literary and Humanistic Theory in Renaissance Emblem Books [Temi e Testi 6]
ma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1960. 246pp.+plate (xiii) [b00473-403169] ¥3,240
562 Hammerton,J. A. ed.
Wonders of the Past. Vol.I: Pt.1-8. Vol.II: Pt.9-16. The Marvellous Works of Man in Ancient
Times described by the Leading Authorities of To-day. Illustrated with upwards of 1,500 photographs
many maps and about 120 pictures in full colours. In 2 vols.(of 3)
London: Published at The Fleetway House, n.d. Vol.I: 416pp. / Vol.II: 417-832pp. [b00485-403197] ¥4,320
563 Hans Loubier
Der Bucheinband von seinen Anfången bis zum Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts.Zweite, Umgearbeitete
und Vermehrte Auflage. Mit 232 Abbildungen. [Monographien des Kunstgewerbes, Band XXI / XXII]
Leipzig: Klinkhardt & Biermann, 1926. 272pp. [bk0093-403196] ¥5,400
564 King,Leonard W.
A History of Babylon. From the Foundation of the Monarchy to the Persian Conquest. With Map,
Plans, and Illustrations. [A History of Babylonia & Assyria II] London: Chatto & Windus, 1919.
xxiii,340pp. [b00489-403200] ¥12,960
565 Lee,Sidney
Elizabethan Sonnets. Newly Arranged and Indexed. With an Introoduction by Sidney Lee. [An English Garner] In 2 vols. New York: Cooper Square Publishers, 1964. Vol.I: cx.316pp. / Vol.II:
vi,448pp. [b00477-403174] ¥6,480
566 Noble,J. Ashcroft
The Sonnet in England & Other Essays.
[f0431-170431] ¥8,640
London: Elkin Mathews & John Lane, 1893. x,211pp.
567 Palmer,Roy ed.
Everyman's Book of English Country Songs.
[b00474-403171] ¥3,240
J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1979. 256pp.
568 Praz,Mario
Studies in Sevententh-Century Imagery. [Sussidi Eruditi 16] Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1964. Second Edition Considerably Increased. 607pp. [b00471-403168] ¥6,480
569 Scholes,Percy A.
The Great Dr. Burney. His Life - His Travels, His Works - His Family and His Friends. In 2 vols.
Oxford UP, 1948. Vol.I: xxxix,379pp. / Vol.II: xiv,438pp. [f0441-170441] ¥4,320
570 Strong,Roy
The English Icon: Elizabethan & Jacobean Portraiture. Studies in British Art. The Paul Mellon
Foundation for British Art / London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Limited / New York: Pantheon Books,
1969. xvi,388pp. [b00490-403202] ¥9,720
571 Wells,Evelyn Kendrick
The Ballad Tree. A Study of British and American Ballads, their Folklore, Verse, and Music. Together with Sixty Traditional Ballads and their Tunes. New York: The Ronald Press Co., 1950. ix,370pp.
[b00475-403172] ¥5,400
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572 Allen,Thomas
The History and Antiquities of London, Westminster, Southwark. And Parts Adjacent. With Engravings. In 3 vols.(of 4)
London: Cowie & Strange, 1827-1828. Vol.I: 468pp. / Vol.II: 589pp. /
Vol.III: 788pp. [b00486-403198] ¥21,600
573 Aubyn-Brisbane,F. St.
If Stones could Speak. The Old City of London Churches: Their Ancient and Romantic Traditions,
Customs and Legends from Earliest Days. With Seventy Half-tone Illustrations. With a Preface by The
Vey Rev. Chancellor Ponsonby. London: Alexander-Ouseley Ltd, 1929. xvi,352pp.
574 Cropper,Percy J.
The Sufferings of the Quakers in Nottinghamshire. 1649-1689. Edited with Biographical and Historical Notes, by Percy J. Cropper. London: Edward Hicks, 1892. Special Edition of Fifty Copies.
xxiii,96pp. [b00487-403201] ¥16,200
575 Fletcher,Major Benton
Royal Homes Near London. With 43 Illustrations by the Author. London: John Lane the Bodley
Head Ltd., 1930. First published. xiv,220pp. [b00480-403191] ¥8,640
576 Mandley,J. G. de T.
The Portmote or Court Leet Records of the Borough or Town and Royal Manor of Salford. From
the Year 1597 to the Year 1669 Inclusive. Transcribed and Edited by J. G. de T. Mandley. [Remains
Historical and Literary Connected with the Palatine Counties of Lancaster and Chester. Vol.46-47 New
Series] In 2 vols. Manchester: Printed for the Chetham Society, 1902. Vol.I: xxiii,248pp. / Vol.II:
xxii,274pp. [b00488-403199] ¥12,960
577 Mudie-Smith,Richard ed.
The Religious Life of London.
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1904. First edition. xv,518pp.
578 Rogers,Mark
Down Thames Street. A Pilgrimage among its Remaining Churches. 162 Drawings and many Transcripts. London: Robert Scott, 1921. First edition. 200pp. [b00483-403194] ¥8,640
579 Stow,John
A Survey of London, Written in the Year 1598. A New Edition, with Illustrations, Edited by William J. Thoms, F.S.A. London: Chatto & Windus, 1876. xii,222pp. [b00481-403192] ¥16,200
580 Worsfold,T. Cato
Staple Inn and Its Story. Being an Account of "The fayrest Inne of Chancerie". With Numerous Illustrations. London: Henry Bumpus, 1903. 128pp. [b00484-403195] ¥8,640
Chesterton 関連書籍
書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。
または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール (ogawatosho@tokyo.email.ne.jp) にてお問い合わせください。
581 Adrianus Bogaerts,Anthony, Mattheus
Chesterton and the Victorian Age. New York: Haskell House, 1966. 189pp. [s05947-213102] ¥4,320
582 Bentley,E. Clerihew
More Biography. With illustrations by G. K. Chesterton, Victor Reinganum, Nicolas Bentley and The
Author. London: Methuen & Co., 1929. First published. x,108pp. [f0422-170420] ¥6,480
583 Boyd,Ian
The Novels of G. K. Chesterton. A Study in Art and Propaganda.
published. xii,241pp. [s05943-213098] ¥6,480
London: Paul Elek, 1975. First
584 Boyd,Ian (editor)
The Chesterton Review. Vol. XIV, No.3 / August, 1988.
ii,365-506pp. [s05932-213087] ¥2,160
St. Thomas More College, 1988.
585 Braybrooke,Patrick
Gilbert Keith Chesterton. With an Introduction by Arthur F. Thorn.
Publishers Ltd., 1973. vi,120pp. [s05940-213095] ¥4,320
New York: Haskell House
586 Chesterton,G. K.
A Miscellany of Men. London: Methuen & Co., 1912. Second edition. (First published 1912.)
viii,267pp.+8pp. (Catalogue) [f0418-170416] ¥32,400
587 Chesterton,G. K.
A Short History of England.
[s05956-213111] ¥2,160
London: Chatto & Windus, 1964. (First published 1917.) x,241pp.
588 Chesterton,A. K.
Adventures in Dramatic Appreciation. With an Introduction by W. B. Kempling.
Werner Laurie, (1931.) viii,85pp. [f0423-170421] ¥4,320
London: T.
589 Chesterton,G. K.
Autobiography. 「自叙伝」 With 9 Illustrations.
348pp. [f0426-170424] ¥5,400
London: Hutchinson & Co., 1936. (First edition.)
590 Chesterton,G. K.
Charles Dickens. With Two Portraits in Photogravure. London: Methuen & Co., 1906. Second edition. viii,303pp.+40pp. (Catalogue) [s05963-213118] ¥4,320
591 Chesterton,G. K.
Chaucer. 「チョーサー」London: Faber & Faber, 1932. First published. 302pp. [f0424-170422]
592 Chesterton,G. K.
Chesterton Day by Day. Selections from the Writings in Prose and Verse of G. K. Cheserton, with an
Extract for every Day of the Year and for each of the Moveable Feasts. London: Kegan Paul, Trench,
Trübner & Co., 1912. Second edition. 421pp. [s05961-213116] ¥4,320
593 Chesterton,G. K.
Criticisms & Appreciations of the Works of Charles Dickens. Introduction by Michael Slater.
[Everyman Classics] London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1992. xxiii,243pp. [s05954-213109] ¥2,160
594 Chesterton,G. K.
Eugenics and Other Evils.
Cassell and Co., 1922. 188pp. [f0425-170423]
595 Chesterton,G. K.
Father Brown of the Church of Rome. Selected Mystery Stories. Edited and with an Introduction by
John Peterson. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1996. 265pp. [s05928-213083] ¥3,240
596 Chesterton,G. K.
George Bernard Shaw. London: Bodley Head, 1961. 9th impression. 296pp. [s05923-213078]
597 Chesterton,G. K.
Greybeards At Play. And Other Comic Verse. Edited by John Sullivan.
108pp. [s05927-213082] ¥3,240
London: Paul Elek, 1974.
598 Chesterton,G. K.
Magic: A Fantasy Comedy. 「魔術: 幻想的な喜劇」
72pp. [f0416-170414] ¥6,480
London: Martin Secker, n.d. (First edition.)
599 Chesterton,G. K.
Orthodoxy. 「正統とは何か」 Fontana Books, 1967. 3rd impression. 159pp. [s05953-213108]
600 Chesterton,Gilbert K.
Orthodoxy. 「正統とは何か」 London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, / New York: John Lane Co.,
1909. First edition. 297pp. [f0420-170418] ¥17,280
601 Chesterton,G. K.
The Annotated Innocence of Father Brown. The Innocence of Father Brown by G. K. Chesterton.
With Introduction and Notes by Martin Gardner. Oxford & New York: Oxford UP, 1987. v,274pp.
[s05933-213088] ¥3,240
602 Chesterton,Mrs. Cecil
The Chestertons. London: Chapman & Hall, 1941. 2nd impression. ix,317pp. [s05949-213104]
603 Chesterton,G.K.
The Collected Poems of G.K.Chesterton.
[s03681-201345] ¥8,640
London: Cecil Palmer, 1927. Second edition. 364pp.
604 Chesterton,G. K.
The Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton. Volume X. Collected Poetry Part I. Compiled and with
and Introduction by Aidan Mackey. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1994. 595pp. [s05959-213114] ¥4,320
605 Chesterton,G. K.
The Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton: Volume II. St. Francis of Assisi. / The Everlasting Man. /
St. Thomas Aquinas. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1986. 551pp. [s05958-213113] ¥3,240
606 Chesterton,G. K.
The Everlasting Man.
Image Books, 1961. 5th printing. 274pp. [s05951-213106]
607 Chesterton,G. K.
The Everlasting Man.
316pp. ¥8,640
London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1926. Fourth edition. [s05962-213117]
608 Chesterton,G. K.
The Father Brown Stories. Cassell and Co., 1955. Seventh edition. 718pp. [s05964-213119]
609 Chesterton,G. K.
The Innocence of Father Brown. 「ブラウン神父の無知」 Cassell, 1913. 336pp. [f0421-170419]
610 Chesterton,G. K.
The Man Who was Thursday. A Nightmare. Penguin Books, 1958. Reprinted. 188pp. [s05952-213107]¥1,080
611 Chesterton,G. K.
The Well and The Shallows. London: Sheed & Ward, 1935. 2nd impression. x,277pp. [s05957-213112]¥4,320
612 Chesterton,G. K.
The Wild Knight. With Additional Poems.
xii,156pp. [f0417-170415] ¥6,480
London: J. M. Dent & Sons, 1914. Fourth edition.
613 Chesterton,G. K.
Thirteen Detectives. [The Great Detectives]
Xanadu, 1989. 256pp.
[s05950-213105] ¥1,080
614 Chesterton,G. K.
Varied Types. Essay Index Reprint Series.
269pp. [s05960-213115] ¥4,320
New York: Books for Libraries Press, 1968. Reprinted.
615 (Chesterton,G. K.)
G. K. Chesterton. [Essays of To-Day and Yesterday] London, Bonbay, Sydney: George G. Harrap
& Co., 1928. First published. 80pp. [f0419-170417] ¥4,320
616 (Chesterton,G. K.) Belloc,Hilaire
On the Place of Gilbert Chesterton in English Letters. With an Introductory Essay by Douglas
Woodruff. West Virginia: Patmos Press, 1977. 109pp. [f0415-170413] ¥4,320
617 Conlon,D. J. ed.
G. K. Chesterton; A Half Century of Views.
[s05931-213086] ¥4,320
Oxford & New York: Oxford UP, 1987. xxviii,371pp.
618 Conlon,D.J. ed.
G. K. Chesterton: A Half Century of Views.
Oxford UP, 1987. xxviii,371pp. [s03682-201348] ¥4,320
619 Coren,Michael
Gilbert; The Man Who was G. K. Chesterton.
270pp. [s05936-213091] ¥4,320
London: Jonathan Cape, 1989. First published.
620 Coren,Michael
Gilbert: The Man who was G.K.Chesterton. London: Jonathan Cape, 1989. 270pp.+pl. [s03683-201349] ¥3,240
621 Corrin,Jay P.
G. K. Chesterton & Hilaire Belloc. The Battle Against Modernity.
1981. xv,262pp. [s05937-213092] ¥4,320
Athens / London: Ohio UP,
622 Dale,Alzina Stone
The Outline of Sanity. A Biography of G. K. Chesterton.
ing Co., 1982. xvi,354pp. [s05934-213089] ¥4,320
Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publish-
623 Evans,Maurice
G. K. Chesterton. The Le Bas Prize Essay 1938. Cambridge at the UP, 1939. x,157pp. [s05924-213079]
624 Ffinch,Michael
G. K. Chesterton; A Biography. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1986. 369pp. [s05935-213090]
625 Jackson,Holbrook Platitudes in the Making Precepts and Advices for Gentlefolk. With the original
handwritten responses of G. K. Chesterton. A facsimile edition.
Reprinted. 92pp. [s05922-213077] ¥8,640
San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1997.
626 Jaki,Stanley L.
Chesterton, a Seer of Science.
[s05929-213084] ¥5,400
Urbana & Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1986. x,164pp.
627 Kavanagh,P. J.
The Bodley Head G. K. Chesterton. Selected and with an Introduction by P. J. Kavanagh.
The Bodley Head, 1985. First published. xxvii,488pp. [s05939-213094] ¥3,240
628 Ker,Ian
G. K. Chesterton; A Biography. Oxford UP, 2011. First published. xx,747pp. [s05938-213093]
629 O'Connor,John
Father Brown on Chesterton.
[s05925-213080] ¥3,240
London: Frederick Muller Ltd., 1937. First published. 173pp.
630 Rauch,Rufus William ed.
A Chesterton Celebration. At the University of Notre Dame. Commemorating the fiftieth anniversary
of G. K. Chesterton's visiting professorship in the fall term of 1930. London: Uiversity of Notre
Dame Press, 1983. 88pp. [s05942-213097] ¥6,480
631 Scott,William T.
Chesterton and Other Essays. Cincinnati: Jennings and Graham, / New York: Eaton and Mains,
1912. 275pp. [s05926-213081] ¥3,240
632 Sprug,Joseph E. ed.
An Index to G. K. Chesterton. Edited, with an Introduction, by Joseph W. Sprug. Preface by the Rev.
James J. Kortendick, S.S., Ph.D. Washington: The Catholic University of America Press, 1966.
xx,427pp. [s05946-213101] ¥4,320
633 Sullivan,John
Chesterton Continued. A Bibliographical Supplement. Together with some uncollected prose and
verse by G. K. Chesterton. University of London Press Ltd., 1968. xiv,120pp. [s05944-213099]
634 Sullivan,John ed.
G. K. Chesterton. A Centenary Appraisal. London: Paul Elek, 1974. First published. xi,243pp.
[s05945-213100] ¥4,320
635 Vicary,Tim
Oxford UP, 1997. Third impression. 60pp. [s05955-213110]
636 Ward,Maisie
Gilbert Keith Chesterton.
New York: Sheed & Ward, 1943. Third printing. xv,685pp.+plates.
637 Ward,Maisie
Gilbert Keith Chesterton.
New York: Sheed & Ward, 1943. xv,685pp. [s05948-213103]
638 Wills,Garry
Chesterton; Man and Mask.
New York: Sheed & Ward, 1961. ix,243pp.
639 G. K. Chesterton 1874-1936. An Exhibition of Books Manuscripts Drawings and Other Material
Relating to G. K. Chesterton. Forty Hall Enfield. 4 September-3 October 1971.
Enfield, 1971. 23pp. [s05941-213096] ¥2,160
London: Borough of
Joyce 関連書籍
書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。
または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール (ogawatosho@tokyo.email.ne.jp) にてお問い合わせください。
640 Joyce,James
Ulysses. Edited by Hans Walter Gabler with Wolfhard Steppe and Claus Melchoir. Afterword by Michael Groden. New Yorkk: Vintage Books, 1993. xix,657pp. [s05989-213144] ¥3,240
641 Joyce,James
Ulysses. With an Introduction and Notes by Declan Kiberd.
dent Edition. lxxxix,1195pp. [s05990-213145] ¥4,320
Penguin Books, 2011. Annotated Stu-
642 Gifford,Don & Seidman,Robert J.
Ulysses Annotated. Notes for James Joyce's Ulysses. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged by Don
Gifford. University of California Press, 2008. Second paperback printing. xviii,643pp.
643 Joyce,James
Ulysses. A facsimile of the first edition published in Paris in 1922.
732pp. [s05992-213147] ¥12,960
Washington: Orchises, 1998.
Shakespeare 関連書籍
書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。
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1864 年 背革装
[SHAKESPEARE,William] The Shakespeare Gallery: A Reproduction in Commemoration of the
Tercentenary Anniversary of the Poet's Birth. London: L. Booth & S. Ayling, 1864. xxx,375pp.
644 「シェイクスピア・ギャラリー」
1831 年 2巻 背革装
Bowdler,Thomas The Family Shakespeare. In One Volume. In which Nothing is Added to the Original Text: But those Words and Expressions are Omitted which cannot with Propriety be Read Aloud in
a Family. In 2 vols. London: Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1831. Sixth edition. Vol.I: viii,454pp. / Vol.II: 455-910pp.
645 T.ボウドラー 「ファミリー・シェイクスピア」
1864 年 背革装
Hazlitt,W.Carew ed. with intro. Shakespeare Jest-Books; Vol.I: Reprints of the Early and Very Rare
Jest-Books Supposed to Have Been Used by Shakespeare. I. A Hundred Mery Tales, from the Only
Known Copy. II. Mery Tales and Quicke Answers, from the Rare Edition of 1567.
(x,(xii),129,(xiv),162pp.). Vol.II: Comprising Merie Tales of Skelton. Jests of Scogin. Sackfull of
Newes. Tarlton's Jests. Merrie Conceited Jests of George Peel. Jacke of Dober. (xi,367pp.) Vol.III:
Comprising Merie Tales of the Mad Men of Gotham. XII Mery Jests of the Wydow Edyth. Pasquils
Jests, with Mother Bunches Merriments. The Pleasant Conceits of Old Hobson. Certayne Conceyts and
Jeasts. Taylors Wit and Mirth. Conceits, Clinches, Flashes and Whimzies.
(ix,108,84,52,18,86,75,15pp.) In 3 vols. London: Willis & Sotheran, 1864.
646 W. C.ハズリット(編) 「シェイクスピア笑話集」
647 Baldwin,Thomas Whitfield
The Organization and Personnel of the Shakespearean Company.
1961. xii,464pp. [f0436-170436] ¥12,960
New York: Russell & Russell,
648 Bevington,David ed.
Antony and Cleopatra. [The New Cambridge Shakespeare]
xvii,274pp. [s05998-213153] ¥5,400
Cambridge UP, 1990. First published.
649 Bray,Sir Denys
The Original Order of Shakespeare's Sonnets.
xiv,130pp. [f0430-170430] ¥3,240
London: Methuen & Co., 1925. First published.
650 Craik,George L.
The English of Shakespeare. Illustrated in A Philological Commentary on his Julius Cæsar. London: Chapman & Hall, 1850. 2nd Edition, Revised and Improved. xvi,350pp. [f0432-170432] ¥12,960
651 Davison,Peter ed.
The First Quarto of King Richard III. [The New Cambridge Shakespeare]
First publiehd. xiv,190pp. [s05995-213150] ¥6,480
Cambridge UP, 1996.
652 Evans,G. Blakemore ed.
The Sonnets. With a new Introduction by Stephen Orgel. [The New Cambridge Shakespeare] Cambridge UP, 2006. Updated edition (First published 1996.) xiv,277pp. [s06002-213157] ¥8,640
653 Gibbons,Brian ed.
Measure for Measure. [The New Cambridge Shakespeare] Cambridge UP, 2006. Updated edition.
(First published 1991.) xiii,221pp. [s06000-213155] ¥6,480
654 Gurr,Andrew ed.
King Henry V. [The New Cambridge Shakespeare] Cambridge UP, 2005. Updated edition. (First
published 1992.) xiii,250pp. [s05999-213154] ¥6,480
655 Halio,Jay L. ed.
The First Quarto of King Lear. [The New Cambridge Shakespeare]
published. xiv,141pp. [s05994-213149] ¥6,480
Cambridge UP, 1994. First
656 Halio,Jay L. ed.
The Tragedy of King Lear. [The New Cambridge Shakespeare] Cambridge UP, 2005. Updated
edition (First published 1992.) xix,314pp. [s06004-213159] ¥8,640
657 Hughes,Alan ed.
Titus Andronicus. [The New Cambridge Shakespeare]
published 1994.) xi,180pp. [s06003-213158] ¥6,480
Cambridge UP, 2006. Updated edition (First
658 Ingleby,C. M. et al. comp.
The Shakespeare Allusion-book: A Collection of Allusions to Shakespeare from 1591 to 1700.
Originally Compiled by C. M. Ingleby, Miss L. Toulmin Smith, and by Dr. F. J. Furnivall, with the
Assistance of the New Shakespeare Society: Re-edited, Revised, and Re-arranged, with an Introduction,
by John Munro (1909), and Now Re-issued with a Preface by Sir Edmund Chambers. [The Shakespeare Library] In 2 vols. London: Humphrey Milford, / Oxford UP, 1932. Vol.I: lxxxviii,527pp. /
Vol.II: x,558pp. [f0434-170434] ¥21,600
659 Irace,Kathleen O. ed.
The First Quarto of Hamlet. [The New Cambridge Shakespeare]
lished. xv,127pp. [s05993-213148] ¥6,480
Cambridge UP, 1998. First pub-
660 Lamb,Charles and Mary
Tales from Shakespeare. With Illustrations by Karel Svolinský.
[ch0277-500299] ¥4,320
Galley Press, 1985. 243pp.
661 Lanier,Sidney
Shakspere and His Forerunners. Studies in Elizabethan Poetry and Its Development from Early English. Illustrated. In 2 vols. London: WM. Heinemann, 1903. Vol.I: xxiv,324pp. / Vol.II: xix,329pp.
[f0439-170439] ¥21,600
662 McMillin,Scott ed.
The First Quarto of Othello. [The New Cambridge Shakespeare]
lished. xi,148pp. [s05996-213151] ¥6,480
Cambridge UP, 2001. First pub-
663 Merchant,W. Moelwyn
Shakespeare and the Artist.
London: Oxford UP, 1959. xxx,254pp. [f0440-170440]
664 Miller,Stephen Roy ed.
The Taming of a Shrew. The 1594 Quarto. [The New Cambridge Shakespeare]
1998. First published. xv,155pp. [s05997-213152] ¥6,480
Cambridge UP,
665 Roe,John ed.
The Poems. Venus and Adonis, The Rape of Lucrece, The Phoenix and the Turtle, The Passionate Pilgrim, A Lover's Complaint. [The New Cambridge Shakespeare] ] Cambridge UP, 2006. Updated edition (First published 1992.) xvi,309pp. [s06001-213156] ¥8,640
666 Rollins,Hyder Edward ed.
A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare: The Sonnets. (Vol.II.)
Lippincott Co., 1944. vi,531pp. [f0438-170438] ¥12,960
Philadelphia & London: J. B.
667 Simpson,Richard
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Shakespeare's Sonnets.
82pp. [f0433-170433] ¥12,960
London: N. Trübner & Co., 1868.
668 Thorne,James
The Avon of Shakespeare. With a Series of Illustrations Redrawn from Old Prints.
La More Press, 1902. xi,67pp. [f0437-170437] ¥6,480
London: The De
669 Yuasa,Nobuyuki(湯浅信之)
William Shakespeare A Survey of His Plays and Poems. 「ウィリアム・シェイクスピア通覧」
Plot Synopses, Selected Passages, Famous Words, Critical Comments. Written and Compiled by Nobuyuki Yuasa. Hiroshima: Keisuisha Co.(溪水社), 1999. 264pp. [s05975-213130] ¥6,480
670 Yuasa,Nobuyuki(湯浅信之)
William Shakespeare A Survey of His Plays and Poems. 「ウィリアム・シェイクスピア通覧」
Plot Synopses, Selected Passages, Famous Words, Critical Comments. Written and Compiled by Nobuyuki Yuasa. Hiroshima: Keisuisha Co.(溪水社), 1999. 264pp. [s05976-213131] ¥6,480
671 The Sonnets of William Shakespeare.
Mount Vernon: The Peter Pauper Press, 1936. Nine hundred
and fifty copies of this book. unnumbered. (79pp.) [f0435-170435] ¥5,400
新渡戸稲造関連書籍 〈洋書〉
書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。
または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール (ogawatosho@tokyo.email.ne.jp) にてお問い合わせください。
672 新渡戸稲造(原著) エラ・カウフマン(訳) 「獨文武士道論」 1901 年クロース装
Nitobe,Inazo (author) Bushido Die Seele Japans. Eine Darstellung des Japanischen Geistes. Ins
Deutsche übertragen von Ella Kaufmann. Tokyo: Shokwabo(裳華房), 1901 (明 34).
iii,141pp.+22pp.+16pp. [jp0497-707104]
673 新渡戸稲造 「武士道」 1908 年 第 13 版 クロース装、天金
Nitobe,InazoBushido: The Soul of Japan. Author's Edition, Revised and Enlarged.
Publishing Co.(丁未出版社), 1908 (明 41). 13th Edition. xi,177pp. [jp0498-707105]
Tokyo: Teibi
674 新渡戸稲造 「武士道 日本の魂」 1905 年 改訂増補第 10 版 クロース装
Nitobe,InazoBushido: The Soul of Japan. An Exposition of Japanese Thought. With an Introduction
by William Ellio Griffis. New York & London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1905. Tenth Revised and Enlarged Edition. xxv,203pp. [jp0499-707106]
675 新渡戸稲造 「武士道 日本の魂」 1905 年 改訂増補第 10 版 クロース装
Nitobe,InazoBushido: The Soul of Japan. An Exposition of Japanese Thought. With an Introduction
by William Ellio Griffis. New York & London: G.P.Putnam's Sons, 1905. Tenth Revised and Enlarged Edition. xxv,201pp. [jp0500-707107]
676 新渡戸稲造 「日本の文化」 1939 年 第 4 版 帯・カバー、クロース装
Nitobe,InazoLectures on Japan. An Outline of the Development of the Japanese People and their
Culture. Tokyo: Kenkyusha(研究社), 1939 (昭 14). Third edition. (奥付表示は第 4 版) xii,393pp.
677 新渡戸稲造 「日本国民」 1912 年 再版 カバー、クロース装、天金
Nitobe,InazoThe Japanese Nation. Its Land, Its People, and Its Life. With Special Consideration to its
Relations with the United States. By Inazo Nitobe, A.M., Ph.D., LL.D. With a Map. New York &
London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1912. Reprinted. xiv,334pp. [jp0502-707109]
678 新渡戸稲造 「編集余録」 2 巻 1938 年 カバー、クロース装
Nitobe,InazoEditorial Jottings. In 2 vols. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press(北星堂), 1938 (昭 13).
Vol.I: xviii,360pp. / Vol.II: xviii,367pp. [jp0503-707110]
Thoughts and Essays. 1909 年 クロース装
Tokyo: Teibi Publishing Co.(丁未出版社), 1909 (明 43).vi,394pp. [jp0504-707111]
Thoughts and Essays.
679 新渡戸稲造 Nitobe,Inazo
680 新渡戸稲造 Nitobe,Inazo
1909 年 函・クロース装
Tokyo: Teibi Publishing Co.(丁未出版社), 1909 (43).
vi,394pp. [jp0505-707112]
Reminiscences of Childhood. 1934 年 函・カバー、クロース装 ¥27,000
In the Early Days of Modern Japan. With Introduction and Comments by Mary Patterson Elkinton
Nitobé. Tokyo: Maruzen Co.(丸善), 1934 (昭 9). xiv (Introduction),iii (Foreword), 71pp.+viii (Epilogue), iii,vii [jp0506-707113]
681 新渡戸稲造 Nitobé,Inazo
682 新渡戸稲造 「日本人の特質と外来の影響」 1927 年 クロース装
Nitobé,Inazo Japanese Traits and Foreign Influences. With a Coloured Frontispiece.
Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1927. viii,216pp. [jp0507-707114]
683 新渡戸稲造 「日本」 1931 年 カバー、クロース装
Nitobé,Inazo Japan. Some Phases of her Problems and Development. [The Modern World]
Ernest Benn Ltd., 1931. 398pp. [jp0508-707115]
新渡戸稲造関連書籍 〈和書〉
書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。
または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール (ogawatosho@tokyo.email.ne.jp) にてお問い合わせください。
684 新渡戸記念講座講演 6 冊 他 新渡戸記念講座講演 6 冊(1961、1962、1965、1966、n.d) 英米の
クウェイカー派詩人(1957) クエーカー・リーフレット第 1-4 集 基督友會の信仰-その特異點-(1954)
クエーカーの信仰 [wh0402-707046] ¥4,320
685 石井満
新渡戸稲造傳 関屋書店, 昭 9.
686 臼田斌
新渡戸稲造先生 ‐その人と事業‐ 著者謹呈本. 非売品.
正誤表附. n.d.84pp.
687 臼田斌
新渡戸稲造先生 ‐その人と事業‐ 非売品.n.d.84pp.
688 臼田斌
新渡戸稲造先生 ‐その人と事業‐ 非売品. n.d.84pp.
689 佐藤全弘
クエーカーとしての新渡戸稲造 一九八二年度新渡戸記念講座講演 キリスト友会日
本年会, 1982. [wh0401-707045] ¥2,160
690 新渡戸稲造
ウィリアムペン傳 上下(合冊) 現代小説出版社, 昭 3. 464pp.+479pp.
691 新渡戸稲造
折にふれ 丁未出版社, 大 3. (初版.) 11pp.(目次)+370pp. [wh0407-707053]
692 新渡戸稲造
建国史話 新美書店, 大 7. 6pp.(目次)+211pp.
米國建國史要 米國講座叢書第二編 有斐閣, 昭 11. 4 版. 2pp.(はしがき)+5pp.
(目次)+157pp. [wh0425-707071] ¥2,160
693 新渡戸稲造
694 新渡戸稲造
自警 實業之日本社, 大 9. 12 版. 5pp.(序)+7pp.(目次)+416pp. [wh0428-707074] ¥3,240
695 新渡戸稲造
思想と事情の西洋 實業之日本社, 昭 9. 4 版. 4pp.(序)+10pp. (目次)+284pp.
修養 竹内栖鳳の木版印刷附. 實業之日本社, 大 2. 25 版. 6pp.(序)+14pp.(目次)
+622pp.+4pp.(正誤表) [wh0426-707072] ¥3,240
696 新渡戸稲造
697 新渡戸稲造
698 新渡戸稲造
縮刷 修養 實業之日本社, 大 13. 縮刷 104 版. 6pp.(序)+14pp. (目次)+556pp.
縮刷 世渡りの道 實業之日本社, 昭 4. 縮刷 86 版. 6pp.(序)+14pp. (目次)
699 新渡戸稲造
700 新渡戸稲造
人生讀本 實業之日本社, 昭 9. 再版. 4pp.(序)+11pp. (目次)+408pp.
随想録 丁未出版社, 明 40. 8pp.(目次)+366pp.
701 新渡戸稲造
702 新渡戸稲造
703 新渡戸稲造
704 新渡戸稲造
東西相觸れて 實業之日本社, 昭 3. 4pp.(序)+6pp. (目次)+408pp.
東西相觸れて 實業之日本社, 昭 3. 4pp.(序)+6pp. (目次)+408pp.
一人の女 實業之日本社, 大 8. 4 版. 5pp.(自序)+10pp(目次).+311pp.
ファウスト物語 ゲーテ作 六盟館, 明 43. 8pp.(序)+3pp.(目次)+368pp.
705 新渡戸稲造
婦人に勧めて 東京社, 大 6. 4 版. 3pp.(序)+5pp.(目次)+429pp. [wh0411-707057] ¥2,160
706 新渡戸稲造
世渡りの道 竹内栖鳳の木版印刷附. 實業之日本社, 大 2. 9 版. 6pp.(序)+14pp.
[wh0427-707073] ¥4,320
歸雁の蘆 Student Days Abroad by Inazo Nitobe. (拾四版) 弘道館, 明 42. 14 版.
5pp.(自序)+9pp.(目次)+302pp.+2pp. +15pp. [wh0409-707055] ¥2,160
707 新渡戸稲造
708 新渡戸稲造(著) 櫻井鷗村(譯)
武士道 丁未出版社, 明 41. 3 版. 22pp.+254pp.
709 新渡戸憲之
新渡戸伝翁と三本木原十和田市開拓のしおり 附記 太平洋の橋 著者謹呈本.新
渡戸文庫, 昭 34. [wh0400-707044] ¥3,240
新渡戸博士文集 Selections From InazoNitobe's Writings. The Nitobe's Memorial Fund(故新渡戸博士記念事業実行委員), 昭 11(日本文). / 1936(英文). 日本文: 2pp.(序
言)+4pp.(凡例)+8pp. (目次)+513pp. 英文: 514pp. [wh0420-707066] ¥4,320
710 矢内原忠雄(編)
事典 ・ 辞典 〈洋書〉
書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。
または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール (ogawatosho@tokyo.email.ne.jp) にてお問い合わせください。
(英文)「ブリタニカ百科事典」 3巻 初版
復刻版 革装
Encyclopaedia Britannica; or a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Compiled upon a New Plan. In
Which The different Sciences and Arts are digested into distinct Treatises or Systems; and The various
Technical Terms, etc. are explained as they occur in the Alphabet. Illustrated with One Hundred and
Sixty Copperplates. By a Society of Gentlemen in Scotland. In 3 vols. [Encyclopaedia Britannica],
(The following facsimile print on title page"Edinburgh: Printed for A. Bell and C. Macfarquhar; And
sold by Colin Macfarquhar, at his Printing-office, Nicolson-street. M.DCC.LXXI.", )[1997]Facsimile
reprinting. 697pp./1009pp./953pp.
(英文)「ブリタニカ百科事典」 13版 1926年 32巻・16冊揃
3/4 革装
The Encyclopaedia Britannica. A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature & General Information.
Thirteenth Edition. Being Volumes One to Twenty-eight of the Latest Standard Edition (11th ed.) with
the Three New Volumes covering Recent Years and the Index Volume. 32 vols in 16. London; The
Encyclopaedia Britannica Company, Ltd., New York: The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1926.
(英文) 「大英百科 ブリタニカ・サプリメント」 1824年 6巻
ブリタニカ第 4・5・6 版への補遺
Supplement to the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Editions of the Encyclopædia Britanica. With Preliminary Dissertations on the History of the Sciences. Illustrated by Engravings. In 6 vols. Edinburgh;
Printed for Archibald Constable and Company, Edinburgh; and Hurst, Robinson, and Company, London. 1824.
(英文) 「大英百科 ブリタニカ・サプリメント」 6巻
ブリタニカ第 4・5・6 版への補遺 (1815-24 年) の復刻版
Napier,Macvey ed. Supplement to the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Editions of the Encyclopaedia
Britanica. With Preliminary Dissertations on the History of the Sciences. Illustrated by Engravings. In
6 vols. Meicho Fukyu Kai (名著普及会), 1989. Facsimile reprinted edition. First published,
1815-1824(Printed for Archibald Constable and Company, Edinburgh; and Hurst, Robinson, and
「チェインバーズ百科事典」 10巻 1860-68 年 背革装
Chambers's Encyclopaedia. A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for the People. Illustrated with
Maps and Numerous Wood Engravings. 10 vols. London: W. and R. Chambers, 1860-68.
「ワールド・ブック・ディクショナリー」 2巻
Barnhart, Clarence L. / Barnhart, Robert K. eds. The World Book Dictionary. Edited by Clarence
L.Barnhart and Robert K.Barnhart. Prepared in Cooperation with World Book, Inc. Publishers of The
World Book Encyclopedia. William H. Nault, Editorial Director. Robert O. Zeleny, Executive Editor.
[A Thorndike-Barnhart Dictionary] In 2 vols. Chicago London Sydney Toronto; World Book, Inc.,
1983. 1166p./1168-2430pp.
J.フープス 「古代ゲルマン学百科辞典」 1911-1919 年 全4巻 背クロース 厚紙表紙 ¥43,200
Hoops,Johannes hrsg. Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde. Unter Mitwirkung Zahlreicher Fachgelehrten. Herausgegeben von Johannes Hoops. In 4 bds. Strassburg; Verlag von Karl J.
Trübner, 1911-13. /1913-15. /1915-16. /1918-19. xvii,642pp./xi,629pp./xi,540pp./xiii,604pp.
Malherbe,Michel Les Langages de L'Humanité. Une encyclopédie des 3000 langues parlées dans le
monde. Paris; Seghers, 1983. 443pp.
「ジョンソン英語辞典」 初版 復刻版 1967 年 2巻 クロース装
A Dictionary of the English Language: In which the Words are deduced from their Originals, and
Illustrated in their Different Significations by Examples from the best Writers. To which are Prefixed,
A History of the Language, and An English Grammar. By Samuel Johnson, A.M. In 2 vols. New
York: AMS Press, 1967. unnumberd.
「ジョンソン英語辞典」 初版 復刻版 1983 年 1巻 クロース装
Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language. [Yushodo Compact Series 1]
Yushodo, 1983. Reprinted from the first edition (1755).
「ジョンソン英語辞典」 初版 復刻版 2巻 クロース装
Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language (1755). [Anglistica & Americana. A Series of
Reprints Selected by Bernhard Fabian, Edgar Mertner, Karl Schneider, and Marvin Spevack. 1] In 2
vols. Hildesheim; Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1968. Reprographischer Nachdruck der Ausgabe London 1755.
「ジョンソン英語辞典」 4版 1773年 2巻 総革装
A Dictionary of the English Language:In which the Words are Deduced from Their Originals, and
Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the Best Writers. To which are Prefixed
a History of the Language, and an English Grammar. By Samuel Johnson. In 2 folio vols. London:
Printed by W.Strahan, for W.Strahan, J.&F.Rivingston et al., 1773. Fourth edition, revised by the author.
「ジョンソン英語辞典」 5版 1784年 2巻 背革装
Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language: in which the words are deduced from their
originals, and illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers. To which
are prefixed, a History of the Language, and an English Grammar. In 2 vols. London: Printed by W.
& A. Strahan; et al. , 1784. Fifth edition. Half calf. Leater title label on spine. Boards marbled, rubbed
at edges & sl.scuffed. Top edge darkned. Fore & lower edges foxed. Title page spotted. Some pages
somewhat spotted. Ex-Libris.(Duff Cooper) to front e.p. to each vol.
「ジョンソン英語辞典」 9版 1806年 2巻 改装・背革装
A Dictionay of the English Language: in which the words are deduced from their originals, and illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers. To which are prefixed a history of the language, and an English grammar. By Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. In 2 vols. London:
Printed for J.Johnson et al., 1806. The ninth edition; corrected and revised.
「ジョンソン英語辞典」 レイサム(編) 1866ー70年 2巻・4冊 3/4 革装
A Dictionay of the English Language by Robert Gordon Latham. Founded on that of Dr. Samuel
Johnson as edited by the Rev.H.J.Todd. With numerous emendations and additions. 2 vols.in 4.
Longmans, Green, & Co. et al., 1866-70.
「ジョンソン英語辞典」(簡約版) 1756 年 2巻合本1冊 初版 総革装
Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language: In which the Words are Deduced from their
Originals, Explained in their Different Meanings, and Authorized by the Names of the Writers in
whose Works they are found. Abstracted from the Folio Edition. To which is prefixed, a Grammar if
the English Language. 2 vols in 1. London: Printed for J. Knapton; C. Hitch & L. Hawes; A. Millar;
R. & J. Dodsley; & M. & T. Longman., 1756. Firt edition. unnumbered.
「ジョンソン英語辞典」(簡約版) 1820 年 1巻 背革装
Johnson,Samuel A Dictionary of the English Language: In Which The Words are Deduced from
their Originals, Explained in their Different Meanings, and Authorized by the Names of the Writers in
Whose Works They are Found. Abridged from the Rev. H.J. Todd's. Corrected and Enlarged Quarto
Edition. London: F. C. and J. Rivington; Scatcherd and Letterman; et al., 1820. vii,832pp.
「オックスフォード英語歴史シソーラス」 2009 年 2巻 初版 函、クロース装
Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary. With Additional Material from A Thesaurus
of Old English. Edited by Christian Kay, Jane Roberts, Michael Samuels, Irené Wotherspoon. Volume
I: Thesaurus. Volume II: Index. (With "Guide to the Thesaurus") In 2 vols. Oxford UP, 2009. First
published. Vol.I: xxxv,1783pp. / Vol.II: ix,2109pp.
「ウェブスター英語辞典」 1828年 初版 2巻 復刻版
Webter,Noah An American Dictionary of the English Language: Intended to exhibit, I.the
origin…II.the genuine orthography…III.accurate and discriminating definitions…to which are
prefixed, an introductory dissertation on the origin, history and connection of the languages of Western
Asia and of Europe, and a concise grammar of the English Language. In 2 vols.
Ltd., 1976.
Tokyo: Kodansha
「ウェブスター英語辞典」 ロンドン版
[1857 年] 2巻 背革装
Webster,Noah Webster's Improved Dictionary of the English Language, Exhibiting the Origin,
Orthography, Pronunciation, & Definition of Words; Embracing All the Principal Terms Used
in Literature. Science & Art, According to the Best Authorities; Revised & Enlarged by Professor C. A. Goodrich. Exhibiting The Origin, Orthography, Pronunciation, & Definition of Words. To
which are Added, A Synopsis of Words Differently Pronounced by Different Orthoepists, and Walker's
Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scripture Proper Names (Vol.2;
541pp.-620pp.). Revised and Enlarged by Professor C. A. Goodrich. With the Addition an Orthoepic
Vocabulary of Modern Geographical Names (Vol.2; 621pp.-648pp.). Introductory Essay on the Philosophy of Language and General Grammar (Vol.2; 166pp.), by Sir John Stoddart. And a Sketch of the
Origin and Progress of the Art of Writing (Vol.1; 111pp.), by Henry Noel Humphreys. In 2 vols.
London: William Mackenzie, [1857.] A New Edition Corrected, Improved, and Enlarged, by Thomas
Heber Orr. Vol.I: xxiii,613pp.+xix(Plates)+111pp.(The Art of Writing) / Vol.II: 648pp.+166pp.(The
Philosophy of Language)
「ウェブスター英語辞典」 1871年 1巻 総革装
Webster,Noah An American Dictionary of the English Language. Thoroughly Revised, and Greatly
Enlarged and Improved, by Chauncey A. Goodrich, D. D., and Noah Ported, D. D. Springfield: Published by G. & C. Merriam, 1871. lxxi,1768pp.
「ウェブスター英語辞典」 1巻 クロース装
Webter,Noah An American Dictionary of the English Language; Containing the whole vocabulary
of the first edition in two volumes quarto; the entire corrections and improvements of the second edition in two volumes royal octavo; Revised and enlarged, by Chauncey A.Goodrich…Prepared under
the direction of Noah Porter…A dictionary of 12,000 synonyms and antonyms, and a compendium of
mercantile and legal terms. The flags of all nations in thir actual colors. Chicago: George M.Hill Co.,
n.d. (c.1890) and connection, of the languages of western Asia and Europe, with an explanation of the
principles on which languages are formed. lxxxiv + pictorial illus.for Webster's dic.+1367pp.+ 15,000
synonyms + mercantile legal terms. [d00160-300198]
「ウェブスター英語辞典」 1910年 1巻 総革装
Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Based on the International Dictionary of 1890 and 1900. Now Completely Revised in All Departments Including also A Dictionary of
Geography and Biography, Being the Latest Authentic Quarto Edition of the Merriam Series. W. T.
Harris (Editor in Shief), F. Sturges Allen (General Editor). Springfield: G. & C. Merriam Co., / Tokyo: Maruzen Kabushiki Kaisha, 1910. lxxviii,2620pp.
「ウェブスター英語辞典」 第2版 1巻 インディアペーパー クロース装(改装)
Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second Edition. Unabridged. An
Entirely New Book. Utilizing All the Exprerience and Resources of More Than One Hundred Years of
Genuine Webster Dictionaries. A Merriam-Webster. William Allan Neilson, Editor in Chief. Thomas
A.Knott, General Editor. Paul W.Carhart, Managing Editor. Springfield; G. & C. Merriam Co., 1938.
India Paper. xcvi,3210pp.
「ウェブスター英語辞典」 第2版 3巻 クロース装
Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second edition. Unabridged.
With Reffrence History. 3 vols. G. & C. Merriam Co., 1947.
「ウェブスター英語辞典」 第2版 1951 年 2巻 クロース装
Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second Edition. Unabridged.
Utilizing all the Experience and Resources of more than One Hundred Years of Genuine Webster Dictionaries. A Merriam-Webster. In 2 vols. William Allan Neilson, Editor in Chief. Thomas A. Knott,
General Editor. Paul W. Carhart, Managing Editor. Springfield: G. & C. Merriam Co., 1951. Vol.I:
viii (Plate),cxxxii,1622pp. / Vol.II: 1623-3214pp.
「ウェブスター英語辞典」 第2版 1953 年 1巻 クロース装
Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second Edition. Unabridged.
Utilizing All the Experience and Resources of more than One Hundred Years of Merriam-Webster
Dictionaries. A Merriam-Webster. William Allan Neilson (Editor in Chief), Thomas A. Knott (General
Editor), Paul W. Carhart (Managing Editor). Springfield: G. & C. Merriam Co., 1953. Second edition. cxxxii,3194pp.
「ウェブスター英語辞典」 第2版 1955 年 1巻 クロース装
Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second Edition. Unabridged.
Utilizing All the Experience and Resources of more than One Hundred Years of Merriam-Webster
Dictionaries. A Merriam-Webster. William Allan Neilson (Editor in Chief), Thomas A. Knott (General
Editor), Paul W. Carhart (Managing Editor). Springfield: G. & C. Merriam Co., 1955. Second edition. cxxxvi,3194pp.
「ウェブスター英語辞典」 第2版 1958 年 1巻 クロース装
Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language. Second Edition. Unabridged.
Utilizing all the Experience and Resources of more than One Hundred Years of Merriam-Webster Dictionaries. A Merriam-Webster. William Allan Neilson, Editor in Chief. Thomas A. Knott, General Editor. Paul W. Carhart, Managing Editor. Springfield: G. & C. Merriam Co., 1958. cxxxvi,3194pp.
「ウェブスター英語辞典」 第3版 1976 年 1巻 カバー、クロース装
Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language. Unabridged a Merriam-Webster. Utilizing all the experience and resources of more than one hundred years of Merriam-Webster dictionaries. Editor in Chief Philip Babcock Gove, Ph. D. and The Merriam-Webster Editorial Staff. Massachusetts: G. & C. Merriam Co., 1976.86a,2662pp.
「ウェブスター活用英語百科辞典」 1巻 クロース装
The Living Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language, with a Historical Sketch of
the English Language by Mario Pei. The English-Language Instutute of America, 1971.
N.ウェブスター 「政治・文学・道徳 論文集」 1843 年 総革装
Webster,Noah A Collection of Papers on Political, Literary and Moral Subjects.
Webster & Clark, 1843.
「ウェブスター辞書の系譜」 早川 勇 (著) ペーパー装・非売品
製作:辞游社, 2004 年 (私学研修福祉会助成刊行物) x,164pp.
New York:
「19 世紀英語辞典復刻集成」 第 1 期 第 1~5 巻 2000 年 全5巻 復刻版 外函、クロース装
[監修]: 永嶋大典 ゆまに書房, 2000. Facsimile edition.
Walker,John A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, and Expositor of the English Language. In
which Not only the Meaning of every Word is clearly explained, and the Sound of every Syllable distinctly shown, but wher Words are subject to diferent Pronunciations, the Reasons for each are at large
displayed, and the preferable Pronunciation is pointed out. To which are Prefixed, Principles of English
Pronunciation; In which The Sounds of Letters, Syllables, and Words, are critically investigated, and
systematically arranged; the Rules for Pronouncing are so classed and disposed as to be easily applicable to the most difficult Words; and the Analogies of the Language are so fully shown as to lay the
Foundation of a consistent and rational Pronunciation. Likewise Rules to be observed by the Natives pf
Scotland, Ireland, and London, for avoiding their respective Peculiarities; and Directions to Foreigners
for acquiring a Knowledge of the Use of this Dictoinary. The Whole Interspersed with Observations,
PHilological, Critical, and Grammatical. London: Sold by G. G. J. and Robinson, 1791.
Piozzi,Hester Lynch British Synonymy. Vol.I & II. Or, An Attempt at Regulating the Choice of
Words in Familiar Conversation. Inscribed, with Sentiments of Gratitude and Respect, to such of her
Foreign Friends as have made English Literature their peculiar Study. In 2 vols.
London: Printed
for G. G. and J. Robinson, 1794. Vol.I: viii,423pp. / Vol.II: 416pp.
Webster,Noah A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language. In which Five Thousand
Words are added to the number found in the Best English Compends; The Orthography is, in some instances, corrected; The Pronunciation marked by an Accnet or other suitable Directions; And the Definitions of many Words amended and improved. To which are Added for the Benefit of the Merchant,
the Student and the Traveller. From Sidney's Press For Hudson & Goodwin, Booksellers, Hartford,
and Increase Cooke & Co. Book-sellers, New Haven, 1806. xxiii,408pp.
Worcester,Joseph E. A Dictionary of the English Language.
Boston: Hickling, Swan and Brewer,
1860. lxvii,1786pp.
「センチュリ-英語辞典」 7巻 復刻版 クロース装
The Century Dictionary. An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language. In 7 vols. Prepared under superintendence of William Dwight Whitney. Revised and enlarged under the Superintendence of
Benjamin E. Smith. 名著普及会, 1980. Revised and Enlarged Edition.
「ニュー・センチュリー英語辞典」 1995 年 3巻 復刻版 クロース装
Emery,H. G. & Brewster,K. G. The New Century Dictionary of the English Language. Based on
matter selected from the original Century Dictionary and entirely rewritten, with the addition of a great
amount of new material, and containing the great mass of words and phrases in ordinary use. 12,000
quotations. 4,000 pictorial illustrations. In 3 vols. Tokyo: Hon-No-Tomosha(本の友社), 1995. Reprinted. Vol.I: viii,936pp. / Vol.II: 937-1852pp. / Vol.III: 1853-2792pp.
「センチュリー固有名詞事典」 1984 年 1巻 復刻版 函、カバー・クロース装
Smith,Benjamin E. ed. The Century Cyclopedia of Names. A Pronouncing and Etymological Dictionary of Names in Geography, Biography, Mythology, History, Ethnology, Art Archæology, Fiction,
Etc., Etc., Etc. Tokyo: Meicho Fukyu Kai (名著普及会), 1984. Revised and Enlarged. (復刻版第
1 刷) v,1085pp.+Supplement (unnumberd)
「センチュリー固有名詞事典」 1984 年 1巻 復刻版 第 1 刷 函・カバー、クロース装 ¥16,200
Smith,Benjamin E. ed. The Century Cyclopedia of Names. A Pronouncing and Etymological Dictionary of Names in Geography, Biography Mythology, History, Ethnology, Art Archæology, Fiction,
etc., etc., etc. Tokyo: Meicho Fukyu Kai(名著普及会), 1984. Revised and Enlarged.
v,1085pp.+Supplement (unnumberd)
Bessinger,Jr,J. B.
A Short Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon Poetry. In a Normalized Early West-Saxon Orthography.
University of Toronto Press, 1967. Reprinted. xvii,87pp.
「ハリウェル古語・地方語辞典」 1973 年 2巻 復刻版 クロース装
A Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words. Obsolete Phrases,Proverbs, and Ancient Customs
from the Fourteenth Century. By James Orchard Halliwell. Vol.I. A-I. / Vol.II. J-Z. 2 vols. New
York; AMS Press Inc., 1973. First AMS edition. xxxvi,480pp. /482p-960p.
ボズワース & トラー 「古期英語辞典」 (補遺共) 1972 年 2巻 再版 カバー、クロース装 ¥32,400
An Anglo-Saxon Dictionay. Base on the Manuscript Collections of the Late Joseph Bosworth, D.D.,
F.R.S. [Supplement]: By T. Northcote Toller. With Revised and Enlarged Addenda by Alistair Campbell. In 2 vols. Edited and Enlarged by T. Northcote Toller, M.A. Oxford UP, 1972. Reprinted.
xii,1302pp. / 753pp.+viii,68pp. (Enlarged Addenda and Corrigenda to the Supplement.) [d00626-300873]
「スキナー英語語源辞典」 サミュエル・モーランド旧蔵・書込み有 1671 年 総革装 ¥324,000
Etymologicon linguae anglicanae, seu explicatio vocum anglicarum etymologica ex propriis fontibus,
scil. ex linguis duodecim; Anglo-Saxonica… Runica… Franco-Theotisca… Danica… Belgica… Teutonica recentiori… Cambro-Britanica… Franco-Gallica… Italica… Hispanica… Latina… Graeca…
Authore Stephano Skinner. Londini: typis T.Roycroft & prostant venales apud H.Brome [et al.],
「スキナー英語語源辞典 」 1671 年 総革装
Skinner,Stephano Etymologicon Linguae Anglicanae, seu explicatio vocum anglicarum etymologica
ex propriis fontibus, scil. ex linguis duodecim; Anglo-Saxonica… Runica… Franco-Theotisca… Danica… Belgica… Teutonica recentiori… Cambro-Britanica… Franco-Gallica… Italica… Hispanica…
Latina… Graeca… Authore Stephano Skinner. Londini: Typis T.Roycroft & prostant venales apud
H.Brome [et al.], 1671. First edition, folio. Full calf, spine repaired professionally with raised bands
and title label lettered in gilt. Red colored edges.
「クライン語源辞典」 1966-1967 年 2巻 クロース装
Klein,Ernest A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. Dealing with the
origin of words and their sense development thus illustrating the history of civilization and culture by
Dr. Ernest Klein. Volume I: A-K. / Volume II: L-Z. In 2 vols. Amsterdam, London, New York:
Elsevier Publishing Co., 1966-1967. Vol.I: xxv,853pp. / Vol.II: 855-1776pp.
W.スキート 「語源辞典」 1983 年 1巻 改訂版 クロース装
Skeat,Walter W. An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. By the Rev. Walter W.
Skeat, LITT.D., D.C.L., LL.D., PH.D., F.B.A. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, Impression of 1983.
(First edition 1879-1882.) New Edition Revised and Enlarged. xliv,780pp.
A.バレール & C.リーランド 「スラング他英語辞典」 2巻 クロース装
A Dictionary of Slang, Jargon & Cant. Embracing English, American, and Anglo-Indian Slang,
Pidgin English, Gypsies' Jargon and Other Irregular Phraseology. 2 vols. Compiled and edited by Albert Barrère and Charles G.Leland. London: George Bell & Sons, 1897. Revised edition (first issued
privately 1889). xix,500pp./ 415pp.
R.ネアズ 「シェイクスピアと同時代作家語彙」 1901 年 2巻 クロース装
A Glossary; or, Collection of Words, Phrases, Names, and Allusions to Customs, Proverbs, Etc.,
Which Have Been Thought to Require Illustration, in the Works of English Authors, Particularly
Shakespeare and his Contemporaries. A New Edition, with Considerable Additions both of Words
and Examples, by James O.Halliwell and Thomas Wright. In 2 vols. London; Gibbings and Company, Limited, 1901. ix,476pp./ 478-981pp.
Annandale, Charles
The New Gresham Dictionary of the English Language. With Supplement by William Keith Leask,
J.R.Ainsworth-Davis & John Dougall: also Sundry Useful Addenda. The Gresham Publishing Company Ltd. 1925xi,947pp.
「オックスフォード イディオム辞典」 1巻
Cowie,A.P., R.Mackin & I.R.McCaig Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English. Vol.1:
Verbs with Prepositions & Particles. Vol.2: Phrase, Clause & Sentence Idioms. Oxford UP., 1975,
1983. First published. lxxxi,396pp./ lxiii,685pp.
「英語連語辞典」 1994 年 3巻 カバー、クロース装
Kjellmer,Göran A Dictionary of English Collocations. Based on the Brown Corpus. Vol.1: Numerals,
A-Grades / Vol.2: Gradient-Proxy / Vol.3: Prussia-Zurich In 3 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994.
Vol.1: xliii,724pp. / Vol.2: 725-1486pp. / Vol.3: 1487-2241pp.
「現代英語辞典」 1巻
Lazarus,Arnold/ Andrew MacLeish/ H.Wendell Smith Modern English. A Glossary of Literature
and Language. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1971. 462pp.
「現代英語語源辞典」 1990 年 1巻 カバー、クロース装
Partridge,Eric Origins. An Etymological Dictionary of Modern English.
(First published 1958.) xix,972pp.
「英語文体辞典」 1巻
Reum,Albrecht A Dictionary of English Style. Published with the Cooperation of A.H.J.Knight, Trinity College, Cambridge. 名著普及会, 1984. 復刻版 Originally published by Verlagsbuchhandlung J.J.Weber, Leipzig, 1931. viii,771pp.
C.リチャ-ドソン 「英語辞典」 1836-1837 年 2巻 総革装
Richardson,Charles A New Dictionary of the English Language. In 2 vols. London: William Pickering, 1836 & 1837. First edition in book form. 71pp.+1183(1184)pp.+59pp./
「英単語語源辞典」 1996 年 1巻 帯・厚紙装
Room,Adrian NTC's Dictionary of Word Origins.
1991.) 193pp.
Saussy III,George Stone
The Oxter English Dictionary. Uncommon Words Used by Uncommonly Good Writers.
& Bicester: Facts on File, 1984. xii,277pp.
「オーストラリア口語英語辞典」 1巻
Wilkes,G.A. A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms. London and Henley: Routledge & Kegan
Paul, 1978. First published in Great Britain. xii,370pp.
「イースト・アングリア語彙集」 2巻 クロース装
Forby,Robert The Vocabulary of East Anglia. Originally Published in 1830 (F.B.Nichols and Son,
London). In 2 vols. Devon: David & Charles Reprints, 1970. xlvii,125pp./ 126-435pp. [d00317-300558]
「コーンウォール語‐英語辞典」 1976 年 ペーパー装
Nance,R. Morton A Cornish-English Dictionary. The Cornish Language Board, 1976. [d00649-300896]
J.ライト(編)「英国方言辞典」 6巻
Wright,Joseph ed. The English Dialect Dictionary, being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words
still in use, or knowm to have been in use during the last two hundred years. In 6 vols. Oxford UP,
J.ライト(編)「英国方言辞典」 千城版 6巻 背革装
Wright,Joseph ed. The English Dialect Dictionary,being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words
still in use, or known to have been in use during the last two hundred years. founded on the publications of the English Dialect Society and on a large amount of never before printed. In 6 vols. Oxford
University press,/Senjo Publishing Co., /London: Published by Henry Frowde, Amen Corner, E.C., n.d.
(Originally published in 1898-1905.) Reprint.
J.ライト(編)「英国方言辞典」 6巻
Wright,Joseph ed. The English Dialect Dictionary, being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words
still in use, or knowm to have been in use during the last two hundred years. Founded on the Publications of the English Dialect Society and on a Large Amount of Material Never Before Printed.
In 6 vols. Oxford UP, 1981. Reprinted photographically in Japan.
「アメリカ用語辞典」 1962 年 3巻 カバー、クロース装
Thornton,Richard H. An American Glossary. Being an Attempt to Illustrate Certain Americanisms
Upon Historical Principles. Vol.I: A-L. With an Introduction by Margaret M. Bryant. / Vol.II: M-Z. /
Vol.III: Edited by Louise Hanley. In 3 vols. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1962.
Vol.I: xvi,565pp. / Vol.II: 567-990pp.+vi / Vol.III: 452pp.
London: Routledge, 1990.
National Textbook Co., 1996. (First published
New York
ジョージ A.マイヤー 「句動詞辞典」 1巻
Meyer,George A.The Two-Word Verb. A Dictionary of the Verb-Preposition Phrases in American
English. [Janua Linguarum Studia Memoriae Nicolaivan Wijk Dedicata. Series Didactica,19]
Mouton, 1975. 269pp.
H.ウェントワース 「アメリカ方言辞典」 1巻 復刻版 クロース装
Wentworth,Harold American Dialect Dictionary 名著普及会, 1981. Reprinted. xv,747pp.
H.ウェントワース 「アメリカ方言辞典」 1巻 復刻版 クロース装
Wentworth,Harold American Dialect Dictionary 名著普及会(Meicho-Fukyu-Kai Publishing Co.,
Ltd.), 昭 56.(1981.) 翻刻版第 1 刷(Reprinted). xv, 747pp.
ファーマー&ヘンリイ 「俗語辞典」 7巻 復刻版
Farmer, John. S. & W. E. Henley compile and ed. Slang and Its Analogues. Past and Present. A Dictionary, Historical and Comparative, of the Heterodox Speech of all Classes of Society for more than
Three Hundred Years. With Synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, etc. In 7 vols. n.d. Senjo
edition, reprinted from the edition of 1890-1903.
「南部アメリカ英語辞典」 1巻
Hendrickson,Robert Whistlin' Dixie. A Dictionary of Southern Expressions. [Facts On File Dictionary
of American Regional Expressions, vol.1] New York: Facts On File, 1993. xxxi,251pp. [L01185-601425]
Unusual Words. And How They Came About.
New York; Philosophical Library, 1946. 318pp.
Passing English of the Victorian Era. A Dictionary of Heterodox English, Slang, and Phrase.
Wakefield: EP Publishing, 1972. Republished (first published in London by George Routledge & Sons,
1909). viii,271pp.
「アメリカ・スラング辞典」 1巻
Wentworth,Harold / Flexner,Stuart Berg (comp.)
Dictionary of American Slang. With a Supplement. New York: Thomas Y.Crowell Co., 1967. xviii,718pp.
「中世ラテン-スペイン語語彙集」 1991 年 1巻 ペーパー装
Castro,Américo Glosarios Latino-Españoles de la Edad Media. [Biblioteca de la Filología Hispánica: 3] Colección dirigida por Manuel Alvar. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas,
1991. lxxxvii,378pp.
ファアショラーティ & フォアシェリーニ 「ラテン語辞典」 最良版
1828 年 2巻・3冊 総革装
Totius Latinitatis lexicon. Consilio et cura Jacobi Facciolati opera et studio Ægidii Forcellini…The
universal Latin lexicon…a new edition….by James Bailey.2 vols. In 3. London Baldwin and Cradock: William Pickering,1828.
「ラテン・フランス語辞典」 1934 年 1巻 クロース装
Gaffiot,F. Dictionnaire Latin Français. Paris: Hachette, 1934. 1719pp.
「ラテン・フランス語辞典」 1934 年 1巻 クロース装
Gaffiot,F. Dictionnaire Latin Français. Ancien Professeur à la Sorbonne Doyen à la Faculté des Lettres de Besançon. Paris: Hachette, 1934. 1719pp.
グレアー(編)「オックスフォードラテン語辞典」 2010 年 1巻再版 クロース装
Glare,P. G. W. (ed.) Oxford Latin Dictionary. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 2010. Reprinted.
ルイス&ショート(編)「オックスフォード ラテン語辞典」 1988 年 1巻 クロース装
Lewis,Charlton T. & Short,Charles A Latin Dictionary. Founded on Andrew's Edition of Freund's
Latin Dictionary. Revised, Enlarged, and in Great Part Rewritten by Charlton T. Lewis. Oxford at
the Clarendon Press, 1988. First edition 1879, This impression 1998. xiv,2019pp.
ルイス&ショート(編)「オックスフォード ラテン語辞典」 1998 年 1巻 クロース装
Lewis,Charlton T. & Short,Charles A Latin Dictionary. Founded on Andrew's Edition of Freund's
Latin Dictionary. Revised, Enlarged, and in Great Part Rewritten by Charlton T. Lewis and Charles
Short. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1998. First edition 1879, This impression 1998. xiv,2019pp.
「中世ラテン語辞典」 1984 年 1巻 クロース装
Niermeyer, J.F. comp. Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus. Lexique Latin Médiéval-Français/Anglais
(A Medieval Latin-French/English Dictionary). Perficiendum Curavit C. Van de Kieft. Abbreviationes
et Index Fontium Composuit C. Van de Kieft. Adiuvante G. S. M. M. Lake-Achoonebeek. Editio Photomechanice Iterata. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1984. xvi,1138pp.+xix,78pp.
「ラテン語-フランス語辞典」 1巻
Quicherat,L./ Daveluy,A. Dictionnaire Latin - Français. Rédigé sur un nouveau plan. Avec un Vocabulaire des noms géographiques, mythologiques et historiques par L.Quicherat. Paris: Librairie
Hachette, 1872. Vingt-sixième tirage. xii,1292pp.,viii,176pp.
M.H.ラヴィエ 「ラテン語-ベトナム語辞典」 1巻 (本文言語:ラテン語・ベトナム語) クロース装 ¥54,000
Ravier,M. H. Dictionarium Latino-Annamiticum Completum et novo ordine dispositum. cui accedit Appendix, preæcipuas voces proprias cum brevi explicatione continens. Ninh Phú, Ex typis missionis tunquini occidentalis. Ninh Phú, 1880. xiipp.+1270pp.+72pp.
「ギリシャ‐ラテン ラテン‐ギリシャ語辞典」 1805 年 1巻 総革装
Schrevelii,Cornelii Lexicon Manuale Græco-Latinum et Latino-Græcum: Studio Atque Opera Josephi Hill, Johannis Entick, Gulielmi Bowyer, Nec Non Thomæ Browne, Vocabulorum Undecim quasi
Millibus Auctum; et Insuper Quoque ad Calcem Adjectæ Sunt. Sententiæ Græco-Latinæ, Quibus Omnia Gr. Ling. Primitiva Comprehenduntur. Item Tractatus Duo: Alter de Resolutione Verborum, de Articulis Alter: Uterque Perutilis, et Æque Desideratus. Editio XVII, Prioribus Multo Auctior et Emendatior.
Londini: J.Johnson; W. J. & J. Richardson; et al., 1805.
「フランス語‐ラテン語彙集」 1886 年 1巻 クロース装
Sommer,E. Lexique Français-Latin. A L'Usage des Classes Élémentaires. Extrait du Dictionnaire
Français-Latin de L. Quicherat et Augmenté des Principaux Noms Historiques et Géographiques.
Nouvelle Édition Entièrement Refondue par Émile Chatelain. Paris; Librairie Hachette et Cie. 1886.
「イタリア‐ラテン・ラテン‐イタリア語語彙辞典」 1851‐1852 年 2巻 クロース装
Vol.I: : Vallaurius,ThomasLexicon Latini Italique Sermonis.In Usum Scholarum. Novum in
Ordinem Digestum Atque Emendatum. Editio Decima Quinta. Recognovit Thomas Vallaurius. Napoli: J. B. Paravita et Soc. [1851.] xxvi,1032pp.
Vol.II: Vallauri,Tommaso Vocabolario Italiano-Latino. Ad Uso delle Scuole. Riordinato e Corretto.
Quindicesima Edizione Riveduta e Accresciuta da Tommaso Vallauri. Napoli: Ditta G. B. Paravia ,e
Comp., [1852.] xxviii,1014pp.
In 2 vols. [d00544-300790]
カッセル 「羅英辞典」 1968 年 1巻 厚紙装
Simpson,D. P. Cassell's Latin Dictionary. Latin-English / English-Latin.
lishing, 1968. xviii,883pp.
New York: Wiley Pub-
「スペイン語辞典」 3巻 背革装
Alonso,Martín Enciclopedia del Idioma. Diccionario Histórico y Moderno de la Lengua Española
(Siglos XII al XX) Etimológico, Tecnológico, Regional e Hispanoamericano. 3 vols. Tolle,Lege, /
Aguilar, 1968. Primera reimpresión. lxvii,1380pp. /xxi,1382-2932pp. /xxi,2934-4258pp. [d00453-300694]
「現代スペイン語辞典」 1巻
Alonso,Martín Diccionario del Español Moderno. Léxico Modernísimo para el Despacho del Profesional, la Oficina, la Universidad y el Hogar. 109.000 Voces Usuales y Modernas 34.000 Neologimos
no Incluidos en los Diccionarios Actuales. Aguilar, 1979. Sexta edición. xv,1159pp. [d00466-300707]
「スペイン語類義語辞典」 1巻
Barcia,Roque Barcia Gran Diccionario de Sinónimos Castellanos. Compuesto sobre la base del
Diccionario completo de Roque Barcia. Prólogo del Profesor Avelino Herrero Mayor. Buenos Aires;
Ediciones Joaquín Gil, 1960. Segunda reimpresión. 1333pp.
「西伊熟語辞典」 1巻
Carbonell, S. Dizionario Fraseologico Completo Italiano-Spagnolo e Spagnolo-Italiano. Parte
Spagnola-Italiana. "Parte Italiano-Spagnolo" lacking. Milano; Editore Ulrico Hoepli, 1981.
「スペイン語イデオロギー辞典」 1959 年 1巻 2 版 合皮装
Casares,Julio Diccionario Ideológico de la Lengua Española. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.
A., 1959. Segunda Edicion, Puesta al Dia (6. a Tirada) lxxv,482pp.(Parte Analógica)+887pp.(Parte
「カタロニア語辞典」 1巻
Fabra,Pompeu Diccionari General de la Llengua Catalana.
1962. Tercera Edició, xxvii,1761pp.
「プレペチャ語辞典」 1978 年 1巻 初版 カバー、クロース装
Gallardo,Pablo Velásquez Diccionario de la Lengua Phorhepecha. Español-Phorhepecha, Phorhepecha-Español. [Sección de Obras de Antropología] México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1978. Primera edición. 226pp.
「スペイン語使用頻度辞典」 1巻
Juilland,Alphonse / Rodriguez,E. Chang Frequency Dictionary of Spanish Words. [The Romance
Language and Their Structures. Directed by Alphonse Juilland. First Series S1] London・The Hague・
Paris; Mouton & Co, 1964. lxxviii,500pp.
「基礎スペイン語辞典」1991 年 1巻 復刻初版 ペーパー装
Lara,Luis Fernando (dirigido) Diccionario Básico del Español de México.
1991. Primera reimpresión. 565pp.
「漢西綜合辭典」 1巻
Mateos,Fernando/ Otegui,Miguel/ Arrizabalaga,Ignacio Diccionario español de la lengua china.
Preparado por Fernando Mateos, S.J., Miguel Otegui, S.J., Ignacio Arrizabalaga, S.J. en el instituto
Ricci. Madrid; Espasa-Calpe, S.A., 1977.
「アメリカ語法辞典」 1巻 クロース装
Morínigo,Marcos A. Diccionario Manual de Americanismos. Dirección, Textos, Prólogo y Bibliografía de Marcos A. Morínigo. Buenos Aires; Muchnik Editores, 1966. 738pp.
「アメリカ語法・印欧語法新辞典」 1巻
Morínigo,Marcos A. Nuevo Diccionario de Americanismos e Indigenismos. Versión actualizada por
Marcos Alberto Morínigo Vázquez-Prego. Editorial Claridad, 1998. 816pp.
Barcelona; A. López Llausás- Editor,
El Colegio de México,
「図解スペイン・ユパ-ユパ・スペイン語辞典」 1978 年 1巻 ペーパー装
Vegamian,P. Felix Ma de Diccionario Ilustrado Yupa Español-Español Yupa. Con Onomastica y
Apuntaciones Gramaticales. Venezuela: Caracas, 1978. 383pp.
「スペイン語語彙集」 1955 年 1巻 ペーパー装
Vigon,Braulio Vocabulario Dialectologico del Concejo de Colunga. Edición preparada por Ana María Vigón Sánchez. Patronato 《Menéndez y Pelayo》 Instituto 《Miguel de Cervantes》 , Revista de
Filologia Española. Anejo LXIII. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1955.
「類義語・反義語判別辞典」 1巻
Zainqui,J. M.a Diccionario razonado de sinónimos y contrarios. La palabra justa en el momento
justo. Barcelona; Editorial De Vecchi, S.A. 1979. 3,a Edicion. 1073pp.
「アズーリ・スペイン語辞典」 2巻
Diccionario Asuri de la Lengua Española. Prólogo de Antonio Tovar de la Real Academia Española.
2 tomos. Asuri de ediciones, s.a. 1986. 804pp./805-1668pp.,viii.
「スペイン語辞典」 2巻
Diccionario de la Lengua Española. 2 tomos. Madrid; Real Academia Española, 1984. Vigésima
Edición. xxv,714pp./716-1416pp.
(西文)「類義語・反義語大辞典」 1巻
Gran Diccionario de Sinónimos y Antónimos. Equivalencias e ideas afines Americanismos, regionalismos y localismos Extranjerimos, neologismos y tecnicismos Argot, dialectalismos y jergas
populares. Madrid; Espasa-Calpe, 1989. Tercera edició, 1319pp.
「オクスフォード・デュデン西英・英西図解辞典」 1巻
The Oxford-Duden Pictorial Spanish-English Dictionary.
「オックスフォード 西英‐英西辞典」 2008 年 1巻 第 4 版 カバー、クロース装
The Oxford Spanish Dictoinary. Spanish-English, English-Spanish. Chief Editors: Beatriz Galimberti
Jarman, Roy Russell. Fourth edition, edited by Nicholas Rollin, Carol Styles Carvajal. Oxford UP,
2008. Fourth edition. xlviii,1943pp.+68pp.(Guide to effective communication)
Oxford; Clarendon Press, 1985.
アルバート・バーテル 「現代 英・仏・独 会話」 1888 年 1巻 クロース装
The Modern Linguist, or Conversations in English, French, and German; Preceded by Rules for
the Pronunciation of German, a Copious Vocabulary, and a Selection of Familiar Phrases; and Followed by Models of Receipts, Bills of Exchange, Letters, Notes, Tables of the English, French and
German Coins, and of English and French Weights and Measures. Tokio & Osaka: Rikugokwan(六
合館), 1888. xii,170pp.
コトグレイヴ 「仏英辞典」
1661 年 復刻版 クロース装
Cotgrave,Randle compile A Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues. Compiled by Randle
Cotgrave. Reproduced from the first edition, London, 1611. with introduction by William S. Woods.
Columbia; University of South Carolina Press, 1950. Reproduced by Offset-Lithography. [d00480-300721]
スピア&クヮッケンボス スピア&スレネ 「仏英発音辞典」 1872 年 2巻・合本1冊 背革 ¥32,400
Spiers and Surenne's French and English Pronouncing Dictionary. Newly Composed from the
French Dictionaries of the French Academy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, Landias, Etc. and from the
English Dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Worcester, Richardson,etc. Containing a Great Number of
Words not Found in Other Dictionary.…Followed by a Complete Vocabulary of the Names of Places
and Persons, Mythological and Classical, Ancient and Modern. By A.Spiers. Carefully Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged...by G.P.Quackenbos.
[with] Spiers and Surenne's English and French Pronouncing Dictionary. Newly Composed from
the English Dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Worcester, Richardson,etc and from the French Dictionaries of the French Academy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, Landias,etc. Containing a Great Number
of Words not Found in Other Dictionary. …Followed by a Complete Vocabulary of the Names of
Places and Persons, Mythological and Classical, Ancient and Modern. By A.Spiers. Carefully Revised,
Corrected, and Enlarged...by G.P.Quackenbos. 2 vols.in One. New York: D.Appleton & Co., 1872.
スピア&クヮッケンボス スピア&スレネ 「仏英 英仏 発音辞典」
1903 年 2巻・合本1冊 背革装(改装)
Spiers and Surenne's French and English Pronouncing Dictionary. Newly Composed from the
French Dictionaries of the French Academy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, Landais, Etc. and from the
English Dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Worcester, Richardson,etc. Containing a Great Number of
Words not Found in Other Dictionary.…Followed by a Complete Vocabulary of the Names of Places
and Persons, Mythological and Classical, Ancient and Modern. By A.Spiers. Carefully Revised, Corrected, and Enlarged...by G.P.Quackenbos. New York: D.Appleton & Company, 1903. xxii,666pp.
[with] Spiers and Surenne's English and French Pronouncing Dictionary. Newly Composed from
the English Dictionaries of Johnson, Webster, Worcester, Richardson,etc and from the French Dictionaries of the French Academy, Laveaux, Boiste, Bescherelle, Landias,etc. Containing a Great Number
of Words not Found in Other Dictionary. …Followed by a Complete Vocabulary of the Names of
Places and Persons, Mythological and Classical, Ancient and Modern. By A.Spiers. Carefully Revised,
Corrected, and Enlarged...by G.P.Quackenbos. 2 vols.in One. New York: D.Appleton & Co., 1903.
「フランス語-プロヴァンス語辞典」 2巻
Achard,Claude-François Vocabulaire Français-Provençal. I. II.
Reprints. 1983. xviii,732pp. vii,654pp.
Geneve-Paris: Slatkine
Jaubert,M.le Comte
Glossaire Centre de la France. Paris: Imprimerie et Librairie Centrales de Napoléon Chaiz et Cie,
1864. Deuxième édition. xiv,732pp.
「フランス語語彙集」 1923 年 1巻 背クロース装
Pinloche, A. Vocabulaire Par L'image de la Langue Française. conprenant 193 planches avec 6000
figures accompagnées de leurs légendes explicatives et un vocabulaire idéologioue Paris: Librairie
Larousse, 1923. vpp.+573pp.
A.ポーニィ 「仏・英書簡模範集」 1782 年 1巻 総革装
Models of Letters in French and English, Containing a Collection of Familiar Letters and Notes,
with Their Answers, on a Variety of Subjects-2dly. Several Letters, both Elegant and Entertaining, Extracted from the most Celebrated Epistolary Writers-3dly. Introductory Remarks on the Commercial
Style, with Various Specimens of Letters, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c. Relative to the
Mercantile Business. The Whole Designed for the Instruction and Improvement of such Young Gentlemen and Ladies as are Particularly Desirous of Acquiring the True Style and Exact Manner of
French Epistolary Correspondence. By Mr.Porny. London: Printed for C.Nourse and G.Robinson,
1782. The second edition, improved. To which are Annexed Accurate Directions with Regard to the
Proper form of Writing to Superiors, Equals, and Inferiors. xii,321pp.
N.ワノストロヒト 「仏・英辞典」 1783 年 1巻 総革装
Wanostrocht,Nicholas A Classical Vocabulary, French and English; To which is Added, a Collection of Letters, Familiar and Commercial, Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c. in Both Languages. By N.Wanostrocht. London: Printed for the Author, and sold by J.Boosey, 1783. 217pp.
G.バレッティ 「伊英・英伊辞典」 1828 年 2巻 総革装
Dizionario Italiano, Ed Inglese (Vol.1) An English and Italian Dictionary (Vol.2). By Joseph
Baretti. Prima edizione livornese, diligentemente ordinata, e corretta, ed accresciuta, d'una gran quantità di vocaboli, e d'un'appendice contenente i nomi propri degli uomini e delle donne, ed I principali
nomi geografici; e d'una grammatica che faciliterà molto l'intelligenza, e la pronunzia, il parlare, e lo
scrivere correttamente. Tomo I.& II. 2 vols. Livorno: G.P.Pozzolini, 1828 & 1829. Two quarto
volumes: 36,532pp.; 32,564pp.
G.バレッティ 「伊英・英伊辞典」 1854 年 2巻 背革装
A New Dictionary of the Italian and English Languages, Based Upon that of Baretti, And Containing, Among other Additions and Improvements, Numerous Neologisms Relationg to the Arts and
Sciences; A Variety of the Most Aproved Idiomatic and Popular Phrases; The Inflections of Irregular
Verbs and the Anomalous Plurals of Substantives; The Augmentatives, Diminutives, The Degrees of
Comparison; And a Copious List of Geographical and Proper Names, both Ancient and Modern. Compiled by John Davenport and Guglielmo Comelati. Vol.I: Italian and English. Vol.II: English and Italian. In 2 vols. London: Longman & Co., 1854. Vol.I: iv,797pp. / Vol.II: 753pp.
G.バレッティ 「イタリア語辞典」 1798 年 革装
Baretti's Italian Dictionary. [Dizionario Delle Lingue Italiana ed Inglese: Al Quale E' Preposta Una
Grammatica Delle Due Lingue. Nuova Edizione, Corretta e Migliorata, Da F. Damiani. ] [A Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages: To Which is Prefixed, An Italian and Engilsh Grammar. A
New Edition, Corrected and Improved by F. Damiani. ] 2 volumes in 1. Londra(London): Preffo i
sigg. B. Law: etc, 1898. 4to.(27x21cm)
「英伊・伊英辞典」 1976 年 1巻 22 版 カバー、クロース装
Hazon,Mario. Grande Dizionario Inglese-Italiano Italiano-Inglese.
tiduesima Edizione. xpp,2099pp.
Italy: Garzanti, 1976. Ven-
「英語‐ギリシャ語大辞典」 全4巻
「ギリシャ語‐英語辞典」 1996 年 1巻 クロース装
Liddell,Henry George & Scott,Robert comp. A Greek-English Lexicon. Compiled by Henry George
Liddell and Robert Scott. Revised and Augmented Throughout by Sir Henry Stuart Jones. With the
Assistance of Roderick McKenzie and with the Cooperation of many Scholars. With a revised supplement. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. New Supplement added. xiv,2042pp.+320pp. (Revised Supplement)
コリンズ 「英ーギリシャ語辞典」 2002 年 1巻 第 2 版、再版 厚紙装
Collins English-Greek Dictionary. Αγγλοεγηνικό Λεξικό Glasgow: HarperCollins Publishers, 2002.
Second Edition, Reprinted. xiv,946pp.
「ウクライナ語-ドイツ語辞典」 1987 年 クロース装
Beabeitet von Kuzela,Zeno & B. Rudnyćkyj Jarosvav. unter mitwirkung von Iwanyćkyj, S. und Meyer,
K. H. Ukrainisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1987. xvipp.+ 1500pp.
「オストフリース語に基づくドイツ語辞典」 12巻
Buurman,Otto Hochdeutsch-plattdeutsches Wörterbuch. Auf der Grundlage ostfriesischer Mundart.
12 vols. Karl Wachholtz Verlag, 1962-1975. [ds0955-600002]
「古・中世ドイツ語辞典」 2巻
Schade,Oskar Altdeutsches Wörterbuch. Easter Teil: A-O. Zweiter Teil: P-z. Zwiete
Umgearbeitete und Vermehrte Auflage. 2vols. Heldesheim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1969.
cxv,671pp. 672-1446pp.
(独)「古高ドイツ語語彙辞典」 6巻 クロース装
Graff, E. G. Althochdeutscher Sprachschatz, oder Wörterbuch der althochdeutschen Sprache, in
welchem… etymologisch und grammatisch bearbeitet von E. G. Graff. In 6 bänden (of 7). Band
7(Alphabet Index) lacking. Hildesheim; Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1963. Reprografischer
Nachdruck der Ausgabe Berlin 1834-1842.
「古高ドイツ語辞典」 1巻
Schützeichel,Rudolf Althochdeutsche Wörterbuch. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1974.
Zweite,durchgesehene und ergänzte Auflage. xxxvi,249pp.
「古高ドイツ語辞典」 1993 年 3巻 クロース装
Splett,Jochen Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch. Analyse der Wortfamilienstrukturen des Althochdeutschen, zugleich Grundlegung einer zukünftigen Strukurgeschichte des deutschen Wortschatzes.
BandI,1: Einleitung, Worfamilien A-L. / Band I,2: Wortfamilien M-Z, Einzeleinträge. / Band II:
Präfixwörter, Suffixwörter, Alphabetischer Index. In 3 vols. Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter,
「中高ドイツ語辞典」 1911 年 1巻 クロース装
Dr. Jelinek,Franz Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch. Zu den Deutschen Sprachdenkmälern Böhmens
und der Mährischen Städte Brünn, Iglau und Olmütz (XIII. Bis XVI. Jahrundert). Gedruckt mit Unterstützung der Gesellschaft zur Förderung Deutscher Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur in Böhmen.
Heidelberg: Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1911. xxv,1028pp.
「古低ドイツ語辞典」 1巻
Gallée,J.H. Vorstudien zu Einem Altniederdeutschen Wörterbuche.
(独)「グリム・ドイツ語大辞典」 全33巻 復刻版 ペーパー装(大判・特製) 函付き
Grimm,Jacob & Wilhelm Deutsche Worterbuch In 33 vols. Leipzig: Verlag von S.Hirzel. n.d. Reprint-Ausgabe für Japan. Druck von J. B. Hirschfeld in Leipzig. (Nachdruck von 1854-1971).
Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1903.
(独)「グリム・ドイツ語大辞典」 全33巻 ペーパー装
Grimm,Jacob & Wilhelm Deutsches Worterbuch In 33 vols.
Verlag, 1984.
Munchen: Deutscher Taschenbuch
(独)「グリム・ドイツ語大辞典」 全33巻+1冊 ペーパー装
Grimm,Jacob & Wilhelm Deutsches Worterbuch
Munchen: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag,
[with] Dückert,Joachim hrsg. Das Grimmsche Wörterbich. Untersuchungen zur lexikographischen
Methodologie. Herausgegeben von Joachim Dückert. Autoren der Beiträge Wilhelm Braun, Joachim
Dückert, Ursula Fratzke, Anna Huber, Ulrich Schröter. In 33 vols.
S.Hirzel Verlag Stuttgart, 1987.
M.ハイネ 「ドイツ語辞典 」 全3巻 背革装 函付
Heyne,Moriz Deutsches Wörterbuch. Erster Band: A-G. Zweiter Band: H - Q. Dritter Band: R - Z.
3 bds. Tokyo; Sanshusya Verlag, 1969. Reprografischer Nachdruck der 2. Auflage, Leipzig
1905,1906. x,1282pp./1238pp./xxvi,1463pp.
(独)「ドイツ学事典」 2巻 クロース装
Hofstetter,Walter & Ulrich Peters eds. Sachwörterbuch der Deutschkunde. Unter Förderung durch
die Deutsche Akademie. Band I: A-J. / Band II: K-Z. Anhang: Namen- und Sachverzeichnis.Herausgegeben von Walter Hofstetter & Ulrich Peters. Tokyo: Sansyusya Publishing Co., 1976.
2 vols. Reprinted. (The original version was published in Leipzig and Berlin: Verlag und Druck von
B.G.Teubner, 1930)
W.ジェームズ 「英-独辞典」 1巻クロース装
James,William Dictionary of the English and German Languages. German-English and English-German in One Volume. New York: The Macmillan Co., n.d. Forty-First Edition, Entirely Rewritten and Greatly Enlarged. xii,532pp.+592pp.
「外来語辞典」 1巻
Kienle,Richard von Fremdwörter Lexikon.
(独)「ドイツ語口語辞典」 6巻 クロース装
Küpper,Heinz Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache. Band I: Vierte Auflage Unveränderter Nachdruck der dritten neubearbeiteten und erweiterten Auflage. (532pp.) Band II: 10000 neue
Ausdrücke von A-Z. Zweit, unveränderte Auflage. (325pp.) Band III: Hochdeutsch-Umgangsdeutsch
Gesamtstichwortverzeichnis. Zweit, unveränderte Auflage. (269pp.). Band IV: Berufsschelten und
Verwandtes. 2 Auflage. (290pp.) Band V: 10000 neue Ausdrücke von A-Z (Sachschelten) (376pp.).
Band VI: Jugenddeutsch von A bis Z. 1. Auflage. (437pp.). 6 bds. Hamburg: Claassen Verlag,
(独)「ドイツ語口語図解辞典」 8巻 クロース装・カバー
Küpper,Heinz Illustriertes Lexikon der Deutschen Umgangs Sprache. In 8 bänden.
Ernst Klett, 1982-1984.
(独)「ドイツことわざ風慣用句辞典」 2巻 クロース装
Röhrich,Lutz Lexikon der sprichwörtlichen Redensarten. Mit ca.300 Abbildungen. In 2 vols.
Freiburg, Basel, Wien: Herder, 1974. Dritte auflage. 623pp./ 629-1255pp.
(独)「ザンダース・ドイツ語辞典」 4巻 復刻版 背革装
Sanders,Daniel Wörterbuch der Deutschen Sprache. Mit Belegen von Luther bis auf die
Gegenwart. Von Dr.Daniel Sanders. [with] Ergänzungs=Wörterbuch der der Deutschen Sprache.
Dervollftändigung und Erweiterung aller bisher erschienenen deutsch=sprachlichen Wörterbücher
(einschliesslich des Grimm'schen). Mit Belegen von Luther bis auf die Gegenwart. In 4 vols. Tokyo:
Sansyusya Verlag (三修社), 1968. Reprinted from the edition 1876, Lipzig: Berlag von Otto Wigand,
zweiter unveränderter Abdruck and 1885, Berlin: Ubenheim'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Ergänzungs=Wörterbuch…).
「英語-ドイツ語辞典」 3巻 クロース装
Schröer,M.M.Arnold & P.L.Jaeger Englisches Handwörterbuch. in genetischer Darstellung auf
Grund der Etymologien und Bedeutungsentwicklungen, mit phonetischer Aussprachebezeichnung und
Berücksichtigung des Amerikanischen und der Eigennamen. In 3 vols. Heidelberg: Carl Winter
Universitätsverlag, 1937, 1960 &. 1970. xvi,720pp./ 721-1360pp./1361-2066pp.
「獨和他國字書大全」 1902 年 金原書店 1巻 第参版 背革装
Vollständigstes Deutsch - Japanisches Fremdwörterbuch. Nebst dem Anhang der Lateinischen
Grammatik. Bearbeitet von Sh.Onda. Tokio: Verlag von T.Kanehara, 1902. Dritte auflage. (序
「オックスフォード 独英‐英独辞典」 2008 年 1巻 第 3 版 カバー、クロース装
Oxford German Dictionary. German-English, English-German. Chief Editors: W.
Scholze-Stubenrecht, J. B. Sykes. Third Edition, edited by M. Clark, O. Thyen. Oxford UP, 2008.
Third edition, Reissue. xxxvii,1751pp.
München: Keysersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, n.d.
「初等 ブルトン語-英語辞典」 1巻
Delaporte,R. Elementary Breton-English Dictionary. Geriadurig Brezhoneg-Saozneg.
versity Press, 1979. xviii,110pp.
Cork Uni-
「アイルランド語-英語辞典」 1巻 再版 カバー、クロース装
Dinneen,Patrick S., comp & ed.Foclóir Gaedilge agus Béarla. An Irish-English Dictionary. Being a
Thesaurus of the Words, Phrases and Idioms of the Modern Irish Language. Compiled and Edited by
Rev. Patrick S. Dinneen, M.A., New Edition, Revised and Greatly Enlarged. Dublin: The Irish Texts
Society, 1953. Reprinted. (This edition first published in 1927). xxx,1344pp.
「ケルト語-ドイツ語辞典」 2巻 クロース装
Obermüller,Wilhelm Deutsch - Keltisches, Geschichtlich - Geographisches Wörterbuch. Zur
Erklärung der Fluss-, Berg-, Orts-, Gau-, Völker- und Personen-Namen Europas, West-Asiens und
Nord-Afrikas im allgemeinen wie insbesondere Deutschlands nebst den daraus sich ergebenden Folgerungen für die Urgeschichte der Menschheit. In 2 vols. Wiesbaden: Dr.Martin Sändig, 1979.
2.unveräbderter Nachdruck der Ausgabe von 1868. xviii,572pp./ 1049pp.
「アイルランド語-英語辞典」 1巻
O'Reilly,Edward & John O'Donovan An Irish-English Dictionary. With Copious Quotations from the
Most Esteemed Ancient and Modern Writers, to Elucidate the Meaning of Obscure Words, and Numerous Comparisons of Irish Words with Those of Similar Orthography, Sense, or Sound in the Welsh
and Hebrew Languages by Edward O'reilly. With a Supplement, Containing Many Thousand Irish
Words, With Their Interpretations in English, Collected Throughout Ireland, and Among Ancient Unpublished Manuscripts by John O'Donovan. Doublin: James Duffy, 1864. 725pp.
T.リチャーズ 「ウェールズ-英語辞典」 1753 年 1巻 総革装
Richards,Thomas Antiquæ Linguæ Britannicæ Thesaurus: Being A British, or Welsh-English
Dictionary… To which if Prefixed, A Compendious Welsh Grammar, with all the Rules in English…A Large Collection of British Proverbs. Bristol: Printed and sold by Felix Farley et al.: 1753.
「ケルト語辞書学資料」 3巻+1冊
「Contributions to Irish Lexicography by Kuno Meyer. Vol.I, Part I: A-C.」 背革装(改装) ¥92,570
Stokes,Whitley & Kuno Meyer eds. Archiv für Celtische Lexikographie. I.Band: 1900. (627pp.)
II.Band: 1904. (504pp.) III.Band: 1907. (345pp.) p.49 through p56 ofBand.III duplicated, with no
missing page. [and] Contributions to Irish Lexicography by Kuno Meyer. Vol.I, Part I: A-C. Halle a.s.:
Max Niemeyer, 1906. (xxxi,574pp.+ a part of section"D" (p.575-)670pp.) In 3 vols. Herausgegeben
von Whitley Stokes und Kuno Meyer. Halle a.s.: Max Niemeyer, 1900-1907.
「フランス語-ブルトン語辞典」 1巻 背革装(改装)
Vallée,François Grand Dictionnaire Français-Breton. Suivi du "Supplément". Avec le Concours de
E.Ernault & R.Le Roux. Glomel: Association Bretonne de Culture, 1980. 2e édition.
「スコットランド語辞典」 10巻 紺クロース装
The Scottish National Dictionary. Designed Partly on Regional Lines and Partly on Historical Principles, and Containing All the Scottish Words Known to Be in Use or to Have Been in Use since c. 1700.
10 vols. Edinburgh; The Scottish National Dictionary Association Limited, The set was produced
between 1947 and 1976. [d00367-300609]
「中世エジプト語辞典」 1981 年 1巻 再版 カバー、クロース装
Faulkner,Raymond O. A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian. Oxford: Griffith Institute, 1981.
Reprinted. xvi,7pp.+327pp.
「コプト語辞典」1993 年 1巻 再版 クロース装
Crum,W. E. A Coptic Dictionary. Compiled with the Help of Many Scholars by W. E. Crum. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1993. Reprinted from sheets of first edition 1939. xxiv,953pp.
「アラビア語‐フランス語辞典」 2巻 クロース装
Kazimirski, A. de Biberstein Dictionnaire Arabe-Français. Contenant Toutes les Racines de la
Langue Arabe. Tome Premier ; ‫ ص‬- ‫ ا‬. Tome Second ; ‫ ى‬- ‫ض‬. 2 vols. Paris; G.-P. Maisonneuve,
1960. Nouvelle édition. Tome I ; 1392pp. Tome II ; 1638pp.
「オックスフォード 英語‐アラビア語辞典」 1972 年 1巻 初版 カバー、クロース装
The Oxford English-Arabic Dictionary of Current Usage. Edited by N. S. Doniach. Oxford at the
Clarendon Press, 1972. First published. xii,1392pp.
ウィリアム・ジョーンズ (著)「ペルシャ語文法」 第3版 1783 年
Jones,William A Grammar of the Persian Language. The Third Edition, with an Index.
Printed by W.Richardson for J.Murray, 1783.
ベートリンク(編) 「サンスクリット語大辞典」 全7巻 覆刻版 総革装
Böhtlingk,Otto and Roth,Rudolph Sanskrit-Wörterbuch. Herausgegeben von der Kaiserlichen
Akademie der Wissenschaften, Bearbeitet von Otto Böhtlingk und Rudolph Roth. Neudruck der
St.Petersburg Ausgabe von 1855-1875. In 7 vols. Tokyo; Meicho-Fukyū-Kai (名著普及会), 1976.
「実用サンスクリット辞典」 1971 年 1巻 カバー、クロース装
Macdonell,Arthur Anthony A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary. With Transliteration, Accentuation, and
Etymological Analysis Throughout. London: Oxford UP, 1971. Reprinted. xii,382pp.
「実用サンスクリット辞典」 1974 年 1巻 カバー、クロース装
Macdonell,Arthur Anthony A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary. With Transliteration, Accentuation,
and Etymological Analysis Throughout. London: Oxford UP, 1974. (First published by Oxford UP,
1963.) xii,382pp.
モニエル 「サンスクリット・英語辞典」 1974 年 1巻 カバー、クロース装
Monier-Williams,Monier A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Etymologically and Philologically Arranged. With Special Reference to Cognate Indo-European Languages. New Edition, Greatly Enlarged
and Improved. With the Collaboration of Professor E. Leumann, Professor C. Cappeller and Other
Scholars. London: Oxford UP, 1974. (First edition by Oxford at the Clarendon Press
1899.)Reprinted from sheets of the first edition. xxxiv,1333pp.
モニエル 「サンスクリット・英語辞典」 2008 年 1巻 カバー、クロース装
Monier-Williams,Sir Moniel Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Etymologically and Philologically arranged with special reference to congnate Indo-European Languages. New Edition, greatly enlarged
and improved with the collaboration of E. Leumann and C. Cappeller and Other Scholars. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 2008. xxxiv,1333pp.
ベル 「英語-チベット語辞典」 1巻
Bell,C.A. English-Tibetan Colloquial Dictionary. Second Edition.
at Book Depot, 1920. xxxvi,562pp.
バック 「チベット語-英語辞典」 1巻
Buck,Stuart H. Tibetan-English Dictionary with Supplement. Bureau of Special Reserch in Modern
Languages. [The Catholic Univ.of America Press Publications in the Languages of Asia 1] Washington,D.C.: The Catholic Univ.of America Press, 1969. xviii,833pp.
チョマ・ド・ケレシュ 「チベット語-英語辞典」 1巻
De Körös,Alexander Csoma Essay Towards a Dictionary, Tibetan and English. Prepared by Alexander Csoma de Körös. With the Assistance of Sangs-Rgyas Phun-Tshogs. [Bibliotheca Himalayica.
Calcutta: The Bengal Secretari-
Series II, vol.4] New Delhi: Manjuśrī Publishing House, 1973. Reprinted (first published in 1834).
チョマ・ド・ケレシュ 「サンスクリット語-チベット語-英語辞典」 3冊セット
De Körös,Alexander Csoma Sanscrit-Tibetan-English Vocabulary. (1) Part I: New Edition, Enlarged
& Corrected by Anil K.Gupta. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1980. (2) Parts I & II: (bound in 1
book). Reboun. Original front covers, title pages, 'Introduction' and 'apendix' missing. (3) Part III: Being an Edition and Translation of the Mahāvyutpatti by Alexander Csoma de Körös, Edited by Durga
Charan Chatterjee. [Memoirs of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal. Vol.IV, No.3] Calcutta: Printed at
the Baptist Mission Press. Published by the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1944. In 3 books. Part
I: ix,127pp.+appendix: xxviii-pp. / Parts I & II: (bound in 1 book): 127pp.+129-251pp. / Part III:
H.A.イェシュケ 「チベット語-英語辞典」 1972 年 1巻 再版 カバー、クロース装
Jäschke,H.A.A Tibetan-English Dictionary.With Special Reference to the Prevailing Dialects. To
which is Added an English-Tibetan Vocaburary. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1972. Reprinted. xxii,671pp.
バコ(編) 「チェ・リン・オウァン・ギャル チベット語-サンスクリット語辞典」
1巻 影印本 ペーパー装
Dictionnaire Tibétan-Sanscrit. Par Tse-Ring-Ouang-Gyal (Che Riṅ Dbaṅ Rgyal). Reproduction
Phototypique Publiée par J.Bacot. [Buddhica: Documents et Travaux pour l'Étude du Bouddhisme.
Deuxième Série: Documents-Tome II] Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1930. 101pp.
「英印辞典」 1巻 クロース装
Whitworth,George Clifford An Anglo-Indian Dictionary. A Glossary of Indian Terms Used in English, and of Such English or Other Non-Indian Terms as Have Obtained Special Meanings in India.
London: Kegan Paul, Trench, 1885. xv,350pp.
「タミル-英語辞典」 1巻 背革装
J. P. Fabricius's Tamil and English Dictionary. Based on Johann Philip Fabricius's "Malabar-English Dictionary". Tranquebar; Evangelical Lutheran Mission Publishing House, 1972. Fourth
Edition, Revised & Enlarged. viii, 910pp.
「英語‐タミル語辞典」 1巻 クロース装
Chettiar, A. Chidambaranatha chief ed. English-Tamil Dictionary. Chief Editor; Dr. A. Chidambaranatha Chettiar. With the Foreword of Dr. A. Lakshmanaswami Mudaliar, Vice-Chancelior. University of Madras, 1965. xxvii, 1223pp.
「タミル-フランス語辞典」 1巻 クロース装
Mousset et Dupuis Dictionnaire Tamoul-Français. Tome Deux. New Delhi; Asian Educational
Services, 1981. Deuxieme Edition Révisée. 867pp.
「タミル‐ロシア語辞典」 1巻 クロース装
приложением краткого очерка грамматики тамильского языка, составленного М. С.
ウィンスロウ 「英語‐タミル語辞典」 1巻
Winslow, M. /S. Hutchings /J. Knight /L. Spaulding Winslow's English-Tamil Dictionary. Third Edition Revised, Enlarged and Romanized C. Appaswamy Pillai. New Delhi; Asian Educational Services, 1984. Third AES Reprinted. First Pubished: 1888 (3rd Edn.). 1510pp.
ウィンスロウ 「タミル‐英語辞典」 1巻
Winslow's a Comprehensive Tamil and English Dictionary. New Delhi; Asian Educational Services, 1979. AES Reprint, First published 1862. ix, 974pp.
リフコ 「英-英-タミル語辞典」
The Great Lifco Dictionary [English-English-Tamil]. Madras, Trichy; The Little Flower Co.,
1985. Twelfth Edition. Reprinted. viii, 1334pp., A-96pp., B-128pp.
「ビルマ語-英語辞典」 4巻 ペーパー装
A Burmese-English Dictionary. Part I. Compiled by J.A.Stewart and C.W.Dunn. With the Assistance
of Kin Maung Lat. (London: Luzac & Co., 1940. xvi,40pp.) Part II. Compiled under the Direction of
J.A.Stewart. Revised and Edited by C.W.Dunn and Hla Pe. (Published under the auspices of the
Univ.of Rangoon by Luzac & Co., London, 1950. vii,41-120pp.) Part III. Compiled under the Direction of the late J.A.Stewart. Revised and Edited by C.W.Dunn, Hla Pe and H.F.Searle. (School of Oriental and African Studies, Univ.of London, 1955. vi,121-200pp.) Part IV. Compiled under the Direction of the late J.A.Stewart and C.W.Dunn. Revised and Edited by Hla Pe, H.F.Searle and A.J.Allott.
(School of Oriental and African Studies, Univ.of London, 1963. 201-280pp.)4 vols. [d00247-300487]
「ビルマ語-英語辞典」 1巻 クロース装
Judson's Burmese-English Dictionary. Unabridged, Centenary Edition. As Revised and Enlarged by
Robert C.Stevenson and Rev.F.H.Eveleth. Rangoon: Baptist Board of Publications, 1953. 1123pp.
「タイ語-英語辞典」 1巻
McFarland,George Bradley Thai-English Dictionary. Tokyo; Daitōa Syuppan Kabusiki Kaisha(大
東亜出版), 昭 19.(1944.) Reprinted. 1019pp.
「シャン語-英語辞典」 1巻
Cushing,J.N. A Shan and English Dictionary. Westmead (England): Gregg International Publishers,
1971. Republished from 1914 edition, published by American Baptist Mission Press, Rangoon. 708pp.
「ドイツ語-ベトナム語辞典」 1巻
Ferkinghoff,Klaus ed. Deutsch-Vietnamesisches Wörterbuch.
1962. 110pp.
Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz,
「マノボ語-英語辞典」 1巻
Elkins,Richard E. Manobo-English Dictionary. [Oceanic Linguistics Special Publication. No.3]
Univ.of Hawaii Press, 1968. xix,356pp.
「英語-マオリ語辞典」 1巻
Ngata,H.M. English-Maori Dictionary. Whanganui ā Tara: Te Pou Taki Kōrero / Wellington:
Learning Media, 1994. Second impression. xvi,559pp.
「デフ語-英語辞典」 1巻
Linguistic Circle of Canberra Publications. Series C-Books. No.6. Dehu-English Dictionary by
D.T.Tryon. Canberra: Australian National Univ., 1967. v,137pp.
「英語-デフ語辞典」 1巻
Linguistic Circle of Canberra Publications. Series C-Books. No.7. English-Dehu Dictionary by
D.T.Tryon. Canberra: Australian National Univ., 1967. iii,162pp.
「ネンゴネ語-英語辞典」 1巻
Linguistic Circle of Canberra Publications. Series C-Books. No.9. Nengone Dictionary, Part 1:
Nengone-English by D.T.Tryon and M.-J.Dubois. Canberra: Australian National Univ., 1969.
「トアリピ語-英語辞典 (A to Mer)」 1巻
Oceania Linguistic Monographs. No.11 A Dictionary of Toaripi with English-Toaripi Index, Part 1:
Toaripi-English, A to Mer, (pp.1-188) by H.A.Brown. Australia: Univ.of Sydney, 1968. viii,188pp.
「グラジェ語(エチオピア)語源辞典」 1979 年 3巻 クロース装
Leslau,Wolf Etymological Dictionary of Gurage (Ethiopic). Vol.I: Individual Dictionaries. Vol.II:
English-Gurage Index. Vol.III: Etymological Section. In 3 vols. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1979.
Vol.I: xxix,1244pp. / Vol.II: xii,702pp. / cvi,856pp.
「テュルク諸語辞典」 1996 年 1巻 初版 厚紙装
Öztopçu,Kurtuluş & Abuov,Zhoumagaly & Kambarov,Nasir & Azemoun,Youssef Dictionary of the
Turkic Languages. English: Azerbaijani, Kasakh, Kyrgyz, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Uighur, Uzbek.
London & New York: Routledge, 1996. First published. xvi,361pp.
「アッシリア語辞典」 1959-1984 年 16巻 クロース装
Gelb,Ignace J. et al. (ed.) The Assyrian Dictionary (16 of 21 vols.) Of the Oriental Institute of the
University of Chicago. Editorial Board Ignace J. Gelb, Benno Landsberger, A. Leo Oppenheim, Erica
Reiner. 16 vols. The Oriental Institute, / J. J. Augustin-Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1959-1984. A(part I),
B, G, H, Z: Third printing. / K: Second printing.
クヴルール(著) 「華羅辞典」 1892 年
Couvreur,S.(Séraphin) Dictionarium Sinicum & Latinum ex Radicum Ordine dispositum. Dispositum, Selectis Variorum Scriptorum Sententiis Firmatum ac Illustratum. Ho Kien Fou (河北省
河間府): ex Missione Catholica, 1892. xix,1200pp.
「賢文書 (Hien Wun Shoo)」 1823 年 1巻 3/4 革装
Davis, John Francis comp. Chinese Moral Maxims, With a Free and Verbal Translatioin; Affording
Examples of the Grammatical Structure of the Language. London: John Murray. Macao: China,
Printed at the Honourable Company’s Press, by P P Thoms, 1823. First and only edition. viii,199pp.
「厦英大辭典」 1899 年 1巻 3/4 革装
Douglas, Carstairs Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy,
with the Principal Variations of the Chang-chew and Chin-chew Dialects. New Edition, with Corrections by the Author. London: Publishing Office of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1899.
ジャイルズ(著) 「華英辞典」 1912 年 2巻・4冊 第 2 版
Giles,Herbert A. A Chinese-English Dictionary. Second Edition, Revised & Enlarged. 2 parts, 4
books. Shanghai, Hongkong, Singapore, & Yokohama: Kelly & Walsh / London: Bernard Quaritch,
1912. Part I (index, etc.): xviii,84pp. Part II (dictionary): vol.I; 592pp. vol.II; 593-1184pp. vol.III:
1185-1711pp., (Errata).
R. H. マシューズ (著)「華英辞典」 附・英語索引 2巻 背革装
Mathews, R. H. A Chinese-English Dictionary. Compiled for the China Inland Mission. Shanghai;
China Inland Mission and Presbyterian Mission Press, /London; Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.
Ltd., 1931. 1232pp.
[with] English Index together in 2 vols. Shanghai; China Inland Mission and Presbyterian Mission
Press, 1931. 184pp.
R.モリソン(著)「華英辞書集成」 6巻 復刻版
Morrison,Robert 字典 A Dictionary of the Chinese Language, in Three Parts. Part the First; containing Chinese and English, Arranged According to the Radicals; Part the Second; Chinese and English Arranged Alphabetically; and Part the Third; English and Chinese. By The Rev. Robert Morrison.
In 6 vols. ゆまに書房, 1996.
R.モリソン(著) 「英國文語凡例傳」 1823 年 マカオ刊 背クロース、厚紙装
Morrison,Robert A Grammar of the English Language. For the Use of the Anglo-Chinese College.
Macao: Printed at the Honorable East India Company's Press, By P. P. Thoms 1823. 97pp. [d00573-300820]
「中国仏教用語辞典」 1977 年 1巻 再版 クロース装
Soothill,William Edward & Hodous,Lewis (comp.) A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms. With
Sanskrit and English Equivalents and a Sanskrit-Pali Index. Delhi, Varanasi, Patna: Motilal Banarsidass, 1977. Reprinted. xviii,510pp.
ジョン・バチェラー 「アイヌ。英。和辭典 及 アイヌ語文典」
1905 年 第2版 著者識語入献呈本
Batchelor,John An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary. (Including a Grammar of the Ainu Language.) Tokyo: Published by the Methodist Publishing House(教文館), London: Kegan Paul, Trench,
Trubner, Co., 1905. Second Edition. 11, 525, 3, 159pp.
ジョン・バチェラー 「アイヌ。英。和辭典 及 アイヌ語文典」1905 年 第2版
Batchelor,John An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary. (Including a Grammar of the Ainu Language.) Tokyo: Published by the Methodist Publishing House(教文館), London: Kegan Paul, Trench,
Trubner, Co., 1905. Second Edition.
神學博士ヂョン、バチエラー 「アイヌ。英。和辭典」
北海道札幌 大正十五年 第3版 / 附・補遺
Batchelor,John An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary.
Tokyo: Published by the Kyobunkan(教
文館), London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, Co., 1926. Third Edition.
[with] Appendix to the Third Edition of Dr.Batchelor's Ainu Dictionary. 1932. [aj220-300342]
ジョン・バチェラー 「アイヌ・英・和辭典」 1981 年 岩波書店 第4版
Batchelor,John An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary. Tokyo: Iwanami-Shoten(岩波書店), 1981.
Fourth Edition. Second printing.
赤木三兵 (編)「アイヌ語小辞典」
アイヌ語 対 和語 山音文学会, 昭 49, 再版. 143pp.
「英語‐リトアニア語 リトアニア語‐英語辞典」 1巻
Pewtress, H.H. and T. Gerikas eds. Marlborough's English-Lithuanian and Lithuanian-English
Dictionary. Part I. - English-Lithuanian. Part II. - Lithuanian-English. London; E. Marlborough &
Co. Ltd., n.d. 333pp.
「英語-ラトビア語辞典」 1巻
Raškevičs, J. & M.Sosāre English-Latvian Dictionary.
「ドイツ語-ラトビア語辞典」 1巻
Celmrauga,I / A.Plēsuma/ A.Straube Deutsch-lettisches Wörterbuch. (独語-ラトヴィア語辞典) 4.
Auflage, neubearbeitet und ergänzt Ungefähr 22000 Wörter. Riga《Avots》, 1984. 814pp. [L01954-600590]
「英-露 露-英辞典」 1909 年 2巻・合本1冊 クロース装
Linden,S. W. & Kawraisky,Dr. Th. Poket-Dictionary of the English and Russian Languages. In two
volumes. I.Part: English-Russian. & Russian-English. Bтopaя чacть: pyccкo-aнглiйcкaя 2 vols. in 1.
Leipzig: Otto Holtze's Nachfolger, 1909. 461pp./445pp.
「オックスフォード 露英‐英露辞典」 2007 年 1巻 第 4 版 カバー、クロース装
Oxford Russian Dictionary. Russian-English: Edited by Marcus Wheeler and Boris Unbegaun. English-Russian: Edited by Paul Falla. Revised and undated by Della Thompson. Oxford UP, 2007.
Fourth edition. xxi,1322pp.
Sia Apgāds 《Kuvibuha-5》、Riga, 1993.
「英-蘭 蘭-英辞典」 1934 年 1巻 13 版 函、クロース装
Duinen,R. Van Campagne's Engelsch Woordenboek. Eerste Deel: Engelsch-Nederlandsch. Tweede
Deel: Nederlandsch-Engelsch. S-Hertogenbosch: L. C. G. Malmberg, 1934. Dertiende Druk. 1427pp.
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Schmidt,I. J. Mongolisch-Deutsch-Russisches Wörterbuch; Nebst einem Deutschen und einem
Russischen Wortregister. Herausgegeben von der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
St.Petersburg von I. J. Schmidt. Leipzig: Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1835.
Groot Nederlands-Engels Woordenboek voor Studie en Practijk. Supplement. (補遺のみ) Leiden: Nederlandsche Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1959. 428pp.
Technisch Engels Woordenboek. (補遺のみ) Nederlands-Engels en Engels-Nederlands.
Nederlandsche Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1965. 555pp.
「デンマーク語辞典」 2巻
Dahl,B.T. / H.Hammer Dansk Ordbog for Folket. Første Bind: A-L.. Andet Bind: M-Ø. Udarbejdet
af B.T. Dahl, H.Hammer Under Medvirkning af Hans Dahl.2vols. København of Kristiania,
Gyldendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag, 1907. 1914. 628pp. 638pp. double-column pages.
「デンマーク語辞典」 28巻 クロース装
Dahlerup,Verner Ordbog over det Danske Sprog. Udgivet af det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab.
Grundlagt af Verner Dahlerup. [28.Bind]: Poul Lindegård Hjorth: Vejledning I brug af Ordbog over
det danske Sprog. Liste over Forkortelser m.m.In 28 vols. Gyldendal, 1981-1983. [d00619-300866]
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Lund,G.F.V. Det Æloste Danske Skriftsprogs Ordforråd. Ordbog Til De Gamie Danske
Landskabslove, de Sønderjyske Stadsretter Sant Øvrige Samtidige Sprogmindesmærker. Københavns Universitets fond til Tilvejebrincelse af Læremidler, 1967. vi,176pp.
「デンマーク語‐英語辞典」 1巻 総革装
Wolff,Ernst En Dansk og Engelsk Ord-Bog. Sammenskrevet af Ernst Wolff, Medlem af det
höylovlige Land-Huus-holdnings Saelskab udi Kiöbenhavn, og Kiöbmand i London. London: Frys,
Couchman, og Collier, 1779. Unnumbered.
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1973 年 1巻 13 版 カバー、クロース装
Novo Michaelis Dictionário Ilustrado. Volume II. Português-Inglês. Amplo vocabulário moderno,
Frases idiomáticas. Brazil: Edições Melhoramentos / Germany: F. A. Brockhaus, 1973. 13.a edição.
「新ミカエリス小辞典 英語-ポルトガル語 ポルトガル語-英語」 1980 年 1巻 厚紙装 ¥3,240
Pequeno Dicionário Michaelis. Inglês-Português/Português-Inglês. Edições Melhoramentos, 1980.
「ポルトガル語実用図解辞典」 1979 年 1巻 カバー、クロース装
Lello,José & Lello,Edgar (edição actualizada e aumentada) Dicionário Prático Ilustrado. Novo
Dicionário Enciclopédico Luso-Brasileiro Publicado Sob a Direcção de Jaime de Séguier. 2,026
páginas Mais de 100,000 vocábulos Cerca de 6,000 gravuras a preto Centenas de reproduções de obras
de arte, a preto 26 mapas a cores e 184 a preto 30 estampas a cores, incluindo 10 com reproduções de
quadros célebres Um atlas a cores de Portugal e Brasil. Porto: Lello & Irmão-Editores, 1979. 2023pp.
「ポルトガル語実用図解辞典」 1972 年 1巻 カバー、クロース装
Seguier,Jaime De Dicionário Prático Ilustrado. Novo Dicionário Enciclopédico Luso-Brasileiro Publicado sob a Direcção de Jaime de Séguier. Edição Actualizada e Aumentada por José Lello e Edgar
Lello. Porto: Lello & Irmão, 1972. 2023pp.
「新ポルトガル語大辞典」 [新縮約版] 1961 年 2巻 カバー、クロース装
Silva,António de Morais Novo Dicionário Compacto da Lingua Portuguesa. Edição Compacta do
Texto Fundamental do Grande Dicionário da Lingua Portuguesa de António de Morais Silva. 2 vols.
Lisboa: Confluência, 1961. Segundo a 10.a Edição Revista, Vol.I (A-H): 1244pp. / Vol.II (I-Z):
「ポルトガル語-英語辞典」 1巻
Taylor,James L. A Portuguese-English Dictionary. Revised. With Corrections and Additions by the
Author and Priscilla Clark Martin. Stanford, California; Stanford University Press, 1975. Fourth
printing. xx,655pp.
László,Országh & Magay,Tamás Angol Magyar Nagyszótár. English-Hungarian Dictionary.
Akadémiai Kiadó, 1998. xix,1779pp.
「イディッシュ語辞典」 4巻
Great Dictionary of the Yiddish Language. 4 vols. Editors in chief: Judah A.Joffe and Yudel Mark.
N.Y.: Yiddish Dictionary Committee, 1961-1980. 508pp.+ 509-1096pp.+ 1097-1708pp.+
1709-2333pp., vi pp.
「(アフリカ)サンバー語語彙集」 1巻
Yukawa,Yasutoshi (湯川恭敏) A Classified Dictionary of the Sambaa Language. [アジア・アフリカ
基礎語彙集 15] Institute for the study of languages and cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA): 東京
外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所, 1984. ii,195pp.
「仏‐トゥアレグ語辞典」 1967 年 1巻 クロース装
Cortade,Frère Jean-Marie Lexique Français-Touareg. Dialecte de L'Ahaggar. Avec la collaboration
de Mouloud Mammeri. [Institut des Sciences Humaines Travaux du Centre de Recherches Anthropologiques Préhistoriques et Ethnographiques Alger]
Paris: Arts et Métiers Graphiques, 1967.
L.P.C.フォーコルド(編)「トゥアレグ-仏語大辞典」 1951 年 全4巻揃 クロース装
De Foucauld,Le Père Charles Dictionnaire Touareg-Français. Dialecte de L'Ahaggar. In 4 vols.
Imprimerie Nationale de France, 1951-1952. Vol.I: xiii,495pp. / Vol.II: 495-971pp. / Vol.III:
971-1547pp. / Vol.IV: 1547-2028pp.
「ヤップ語-英語辞典」 1977 年 1巻 ペーパー装
Jensen,John Thayer Yapese-English Dictionary. With the assistance of John Baptist Iou, Raphael
Defeg, Leo David Pugram. [Pali Languages Texts: Micronesia] Honolulu: The University Press of
Hawaii, 1977. xx,182pp.
「パラオ語-英語辞典」 1977 年 1巻 ペーパー装
McManus,Edwin G. Palauan-English Dictionary. Edited and Expanded by Lewis S. Josephs. With
the assistance of Masa-Aki Emesiochel. [Pali Languages Texts: Micronesia] Honolulu: The University Press of Hawaii, 1977. l,455pp.
「コンサイス英国人名辞典」 3巻 クロース装
The Concise Dictionary of National Biography. From earliest times to 1985. In 3 vols.
1997. Reprint. 1090pp./1091-2139pp./2141-3334pp.
Oxford UP,
「スコットランド人名辞典」 1946 年 再版 クロース装、カバー有
Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland. Their Origin, Meaning, and History. The New York
Public Library, 1946. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the N.Y. Public Library, August 1943 - September
1946. lxxi,838pp.
「ロングマン 20 世紀人名辞典」 1巻
Briggs,Asa et.al.eds. Longman Dictionary of 20th Century Biography. Consultant Editor: Asa
Briggs. Editors: Alan Issacs & Elizabeth Martin. Longman, 1985. First published. 548pp.
Deutsche Namenkunde. Unsere Familiennamen nach ihrer Entstehung und Bedeutung. Berlin:
Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1971. Vierte Auflage mit einem Nachwort und einem bibliographischen
Nachtrag von Rudolf Schützeichel. 646pp.
「人物伝記事典」 1958 年 2巻 初版 クロース装
Grimal,Pierre Dictionnaire des Biographies. Publié Sous la Direction de Pierre Grimal. Avec la Collaboration de J. Ardoino, Dr P. Astruc, P. M. Bouju, J. Colomés, M. Daumas, J. Defradas, le R. P. G.
Folliet, A. Goléa, J. Gouillard Mme A. Higounet, Ch. Higounet, H. Lemaitre, J. M. Leroux, P. Minet, J.
I. Murcia, R. Pitrou, Y. Renouard, P. Riché, R. Taton, Mlle A. Tétry, Mlle F. Vivier. Tome Premier A
á J / Tome Second K á Z. In 2 vols. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1958. 1re édition. Vol.I:
xii,804pp.+iii, / Vol.II: 805-1563pp.+iii
A Dictionary of Names Nicknames and Surnames. Of Persons Places and Things. London;
George Routledge & Sons Ltd, New York; E.P.Dutton & Co., 1904. vii,334pp.
ローズ 「一般人名辞典」 12巻 背革装
Rose, Hugh James A New General Biographical Dictionary, Projected and Partly Arranged by the
late Hugh James Rose. In Twelve Volumes. London: B. Fellowes, Ludgate Street; F. J. Rivingston;
E. Hodgson; G. Lawford; J. M. Richardson; J. Bohn et al., 1848. [01889-102036]
「ナポレオン事典」 1987 年 1巻 函・カバー、クロース装
Tulard,Jean Dictionnaire Napoléon. Sous la direction de Jean Tulard. Publié avec le concours du
Centre national des Lettres. Paris: Fayard, 1987. 1767pp.
「ディオドロス・シクルス語彙集」 1983 年 2巻 クロース装
McDougall, J. Iain. Lexicon in Diodorum Siculum. Lexika. Indizes. Konkordanzen Zur Klassischen
Philologie /Pars I: A-K /Pars II: Λ-Ω In 2 vols. Hildesheim, Zürich, New York:Georg Olms Verlag,
1983. [d00518-300764]
「中世ドイツ文学事典」 全5巻 函付 青クロース装
Stammler,Wolfgang & Karl Langosch hrsg. Die Deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters. Verfasserlexikon. Unter Mitarbeit Zahlreicher Fachgenossen. Bd.3; Begründet von Wolfgang Stammler. In 5 vols.
三修社, n.d. Reprinted. Herausgegeben von Wolfgang Stammler(Bd.1,2), Karl Langosch(Bd.3,4,5).
「世界 迷信・民間伝承・オカルトサイエンス事典」 3巻 復刻版 クロース装
Encyclopædia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult Sciences of the World. A Comprehensive
Library of Human Belief and Practice in the Mysteries of Life Through More Than Six Thousand
Years of Experience and Progress Including …, Hypnotism, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Spiritualism,
Character Reading and Character Building, With All the Known Powers and Wonders of Mind and
Soul. Illustrated with Numerous Ancient and Modern Designs and Thoroughly Indexed. 3 vols. Detroit; Gale Research Company・Book Tower, 1971. Reprinted. xxiv,556pp./568-1201pp./1204-1751pp.
「英国諸島における信仰と伝承 記述的歴史事典」 2巻 クロース装
Faiths and Folklore of the British Isles. A Descriptive and Historical Dictionary. of the superstitions, beliefs, and popular customs of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, from Norman times to the
end of the nineteenth century, with Classical and foreign analogues. 2 vols. Bejamin Blom, 1965.
Reprint of the 1905 edition. x,334pp./335-672pp.
「古代ヨーロッパ神話事典」 1973 年 1巻 函
Haussig, Hans Wilhelm hrsg. Götter und Mythen im Alten Europa. Unter Mitarbeit von Jonas Balys,
José Miguel de Barandiarán, Haralds Biezais, José-Maria Blázquez, … Helmut Voigt, Werner Vycichl.
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H.W.Haussig. Erste Abteilung. Die Alten Kulturvölker. Band II] Stuttgart; Ernst Klett Verlag,
1973. xxiii,876pp.
「常套句・諺小辞典」 1巻 ペーパー装
Correas,Gonzalo Vocabulario de Refranes y Frases Proverbiales (1627). Texte établi, annoté présenté par Louis Combet. Ouvrage Publié Avec le Concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Institut D'Études Ibériques et Ibéro-Américaines de L'Université de Bordeaux. 1967.
「ジネール名句辞典」 2巻 クロース装
Díaz,José Luis y González,Vicente Enciclopedia de Frases Giner. Selección y Ordenación: José
Luis Díaz y Vicente González. 2 vols. Madrid; Ediciones Giner, 1967. 909pp./918-1828pp.
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von Huber Reinirkens.
Tokyo & Neudruck, 1955. 1966. 111pp.
「ストラウド司法用語辞典」 4巻 3 版 クロース装
Burke,John (general ed.) & Peter Allsop (Assistant general ed.) Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of
Words and Phrases. Volume 1 ; A-D. Volume 2 ; E-L. Volume 3 ; M-R. Volume 4 ; S-Z. 4 vols.
London; Sweet & Maxwell Limited, 1952. 1953. Third edition. xxvi,909pp. /xviii,911pp.-1696pp.
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「海軍百科事典」 2巻 クロース装
De Chesnel,Le Comte Dictionnaire des Armées de Terre et de Mer, Encyclopédie Militaire et
Maritime. …Illustré dans le Texte de Plus de 1200 Gravures au Trait… par M.Jules Duvaux, et Contenant Diverses Cartes Géographiques et Planches. 2 vols. Paris: Armand le Chevalier, 1862-1864.
576pp./ 582-1320pp.
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Glosario de Voces de Armería. Apuntes Reunidos por D. Enrique De Leguina.
Felipe Rodriguez, 1912. 882pp.
「現在及び過去の海洋言語辞典」 1963 年 1巻 ペーパー装
Leitão,Comandante Humberto Dicionário da Linguagem de Marinha Antiga e Actual. Com
Colaboração do Comandante José Vicente Lopes. Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Históricos Ultramarions, 1963. xx,431pp.
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「シェフズ・コンパニオン(調理用語事典)」 1巻
Riely,Elizabeth The Chef's Companion. A Concise Dictionary of Culinary Terms. Illustrated by
David Miller. New York: Van Nastrand Reinhold Co., 1986. [A CBI Book] viii,215pp.[L00592-602857]
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London; Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1950. First published. viii,233pp.
「フランス語法事典」1858 年 1巻 背革、マーブル厚紙装
Viani,Da Prospero Dizionario di Pretesi E di Pretese Voci e Forme Erronee della Lingua Italiana.
Composto Da Prospero Viani. Con Una Tavola di Voci e Maniere Aliene o Guaste. Con Postille Di
Francesco Prudenzano. Napoli: Giuseppe Marghieri Editore, 1858. xlv,842pp.
London: J.M.Dent &
「国際言語学百科事典」 4巻
Bright,William (ed.in chief ) International Encyclopedia of Linguistics. 4 vols.
xvi,429pp. / viii,440pp. / viii,456pp. / viii,482pp.
Collinge,N.E. ed.
An Encyclopaedia of Language.
Oxford UP., 1992.
Routledge, 1990. First published. xvii,1011pp.
Hartmann,R.R.K. & F.C.Stork
Dictionary of Language and Linguistics.
London: Applied Science Publishers, 1972. xviii,302pp.
「言語学用語辞典」 1961 年 1巻
Marouzeau,J. Lexique de la Terminologie Linguistique. Français, Allemand, Anglais, Italien. [Collection Georges Ort-Geuthner] Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1961. 3e Édition Augmentée et Mise a Jour. Nouveau Tirage. xii,265pp.
Lexique de la Terminologie Linguistique. Français, Allemand, Anglais, Italien. [Collection Geroges
Ort-Geuthner] Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner,1951. 3 Édition augmentée et mise a jour.
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Ort-Geuthner] Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1951. 3 Éditon Augmentée et mise a jour.
Lexique de la Terminologie Linguistique. Français-Allemand-Anglais-Italien. Paris: Librairie
Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1969. 3℮ Édition augmentée et mise, 3℮ tirage. xii,265pp.
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Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics. Tome 1: A-M, [and] Tome 2: N-Z, [and] Tome 3: Bibliography. [Approaches to Semiotics. 73] 3 vols. Mouton de Gruyter, 1986. xi,592pp./ 594-1179pp./
A Dictionary of Stylistics. [Studies in Language and Linguistics]
Longman, 1989. First published.
Bücherkunde Für Germanisten. Wie sammelt man das Schrifttum nack dem neuesten Forschungsstand? Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1959. 233pp.
Gipper,Helmut & Hans Schwarz
Bibliographisches Handbuch zur Sprachinhaltsforschung. TeilⅡ: Systematischer Teil (Register).
D. Wörterbücher und Wortschatzsammlungen, nach Sprachen geordnet, mit Fehlerverzeichnis
(H.Schwarz) und Nachwort (H.Gipper). Erarbeitet von Hartwig Franke. Opladen: Westdeutscher
Verlag, 1989. 48pp.
言語学 〈洋書〉
書籍の詳しい状態につきましては当店サイト http://ogawatosho.jimbou.net/ に掲載しております。
または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール (ogawatosho@tokyo.email.ne.jp) にてお問い合わせください。
英語文献翻刻シリーズ 全 21 巻 (編集責任: 大塚高信) A Reprint Series of Books Relating to
the English Language Edited by Takanobu Otsuka. In 21 vols. Tokyo: Nan' Un-Do(南雲堂),
1967-1971. 1 刷. [L04199-606669] ¥108,000
American Speech. A Quarterly of Lingustic Usage. Vol.29 No.1 Feb. 1954. - Vol.82 No.4 Winter
2007. 168 vols. Columbia UP, /Columbia UP under the sponsorship of the American Dialect Society,
/Univ.of Alabama Press for the American Dialect Society, /Duke Univ. Press for the American Dialect
Society. 1954-2007. [L03486-605898] ¥54,000
Homenaje a José Manuel Blecua. Ofrecido por sus Discípulos, Colegas y Amigos. Madrid: Editorial Gredos, 1983. 719pp. [L04252-606722] ¥6,480
Journal of English Linguistics. Vol.1 (March,1967) - Vol.27 (September,1999). Edited by Robert
A.Peters (1967-83), William A.Kretzschmar,Jr. (1984-99). 27 vols. in 43 books. Western Washington
State College, 1967-83 (vols.1-16), Univ.of Wisconsin, 1984-Apr.1986 (vols.17-19.1), Univ.of Georgia, Oct.1986- Oct.1989 [1993] (vols.19.2-22.2), Sage Publications, 1995-99 (vols.23-27).
[ds1404-604740] ¥54,000
978 S.P.E. Tracts (The Society for Pure English) No.I (1919)-LXVI (1948).In 4 vols. Oxford UP./ Senjo
Publishing Co. Reprinted. 663pp./ 667-1317pp./ 1321-1677pp./ 1681-2245pp. [d00039-605321]
Tim Bobbin's Lancashire Dialect; and Poems. Plates by G.Cruikshank. Rendered Intelligible to
General Readers by a Literal Interpretations, and the Obsolete Words Explained by Quotations from
the Most Early of the English Authors. London; Hurst, Chance, and Co, 1828. viii,184pp.
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Homenaje Universitario a Dámaso Alonso. Reunido por los Estudiantes de Filología Románica.
Curso 1968-1969. Madrid: Editorial Gredos, S. A., 1970. 358pp. [L04260-606730] ¥6,480
981 Alston, R. C.
A Bibliography of the English Language from the Invention of Printing to the Year 1800. A Corrected Reprint of Volumes I - X. Reproduced from the Author's Annotated Copy with Corrections and
Additions to 1973. Including Cumulative Indices. 10 vols. in one. Ilkley, Yorkshire; Janus Press, 1974.
[L03614-606060] ¥32,400
The Genitive V. the of-Construction. A Study of Syntactic Variation in 17th Century English. [Lund
Studies in English 62] CWK Gleerup, 1982. 318pp. [L04235-606705] ¥8,640
Philologica Hispaniensia. In Honorem Manuel Alvar. Vol.I: Dialectología. / Vol.II: Lingüística. In 2
vols. Madrid: Editorial Gredos, 1983-1985. Vol.I: 659pp. / Vol.II: 647pp. [L04253-606723] ¥9,720
On Verb Complementation in Written English. [LundStudies in English 71] C W K Gleerup, 1985.
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On Verb Complementation in Written English. [Lund Studies in English 71] C W K Gleerup, 1985.
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Langue Parlée) (1948). Publiée avec le Concourd du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
2 vols. Paris: Librairie d'Amérique et d'Orient. 86pp./ 151pp. [ds1422-605309] ¥21,600
Les Ślokas Grammaticaux de Thonmi Sambhoṭa. Avec Leurs Commentaires. Une Grammaire
Tibétaine du Tibétain Classique. Traduits du Tibétain et Annotés par Jacques Bacot. [Ministère de l'Instruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts. Annales du Musée Guimet. Bibliothèque d'Études- Tome 37]
Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1928. iv,231pp., 14 folded pages (texte Tibétain).
[ds1426-605313] ¥21,600
Practical Essays. London; Longmans, Green, & Co., 1884. xvi,338pp. [L03374-605217]
Mélanges de Linguistique Offerts a Charles Bally. Sous les Auspices de la Facultè des Lettres de
l'Université de Genève par des Collègues, des Confrères, des Disciples Reconnaissants. Genève: Georg
et Cie, 1939. xii,515pp. [lk0091-604056] ¥43,200
Histoire de L'Orthographe Française. Tome Premier: Formation de L'Orthographe. Des Origines au
Milieu du XVIe Siècle. Tome Second: Les Accents et Autres Signes Auxiliaires. In 2 vols. Paris:
Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion, 1927. Vol.I: xviii,366pp. / Vol.II: ix,134pp. [L03920-606367]
Germanische Philologie. Ergebnisse und Aufgaben. Festschrift für Otto Behaghel. Herausgegeben
von Alfred Goetze, Wilhelm Horn, Friedrich Maurer. [Germanische Bibliothek: Erste abteilung.
I.reihe. Neunzehnter band] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitatsbuchhandlung, 1934. viii,573pp.
[ds1011-600278] ¥21,600
Germanische Philologie. Ergebnisse und Aufgaben. Festschrift für Otto Behaghel. Herausgegeben
von Alfred Goetze, Wilhelm Horn, Friedrich Maurer. [Germanische Bibliothek: Erste abteilung.
I.reihe. Neunzehnter band] Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitatsbuchhandlung, 1934. viii,573pp.
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Meditative-Polemic Should in Modern English That-Clauses. [Gothenburg Studies in English. IV]
Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1955. 183pp. [L04222-606692] ¥6,480
(Behrens,Schwan) Bloch,Oscar
Grammaire de L'ancien Français I-III. Traduction Français par Oscar Bloch. Vol.I & II: Première et
Deuxième Parties: Phonétique et Morphologie. Vol.III: Troisième Partie: Matériaux pour Servir D'introduction à L'étude des Dialectes de L'ancien Français. Publiés par Dietrich Behrens. Quatrième Édition. In 2 vols. Leipzig: O. R. Reisland, 1932. Vol.I & II: 316pp. / Vol.III: 147pp. [L03914-606361] ¥12,960
Bidois,Georges Le & Bidois,Robert Le
Syntaxe du Français Moderne. Tome I & II. Ses Fondements Historiques et Psychologiques. Tome
I: Prolégomènes, Les Articles, Les Pronoms, Théorie Générale du Verde, Les Voix, Les Temps, Les
Modes. Tome II: L'Ordre des Mots Dnas la Phrase, L'Accord, Syntaxe des Propositions, Les Propositions Subordonnées, les Mots-Outils, Paragrammaticales. Ouvrage couronné par l'Académie française.
In 2 vols. Paris: Éditions A. et J. Picard, 1971. Vol.I: xx,560pp. / Vol.II: x,794pp. [L03962-606409] ¥32,400
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The Cambridge History of the English Language. Vol.II: 1066-1476. Cambridge UP, 1992. First
published. xxi,703pp. [L04212-606682] ¥16,200
Bosque,Ignacio y Demonte,Violeta
Gramática Descriptiva de la Lengua Española. 1; Sintaxis básica de las clases de palabras. 2; Las
construcciones sintácticas fundamentales. Relaciones temporales, aspectuales y modales. 3; Entre la
oración y el discurso. Morfología. Dirigida por Ignacio Bosque y Violeta Demonte. Preámbulo de Ferdinand Lázaro Carreter. Índices a cargo de M.a Victoria Pavón Lucero. [Real Academia Española.
Colección Nebrija Bello] 3 vols. Espasa, 2000. Tercera reimpresión. cxv,1517pp. /1521-3503pp.
/3509-5351pp. [L03511-605923] ¥43,200
English Prepositions. Kjøbenhave: Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1920. 144pp.
999 Brandenstein,Wilhelm hrsg.
Frühgeschichte und Sprachwissenschaft. [Arbeiten aus dem Institut für allgemeine und vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft. 1] Wien: Gerold & Co., 1948. 190pp. [lk0080-604061] ¥21,600
1000 Breivik,Leiv Egil
Existential There. A Synchronic and Diachronic Study. [Studia Anglistica Norvegica 2] Department
of English, University of Bergen, 1983. xiv,458pp. [L04241-606711] ¥12,960
1001 (Brekle, Herbert E.) Asbach-Schnitker,Brigitte & Johannes Roggenhofer
Neuere Forschungen zur Wortbildung und Historiographie der Linguistik. Festgabe für Herbert E.
Brekle zum 50. Geburtstag. Teil I; Wortbilding. Teil II; Historiographie. [Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik. Band 284] 2 parts In one. Tübingen; Gunter Narr Verlag, 1987. viii,414pp. [L03243-605087]
1002 Brittoon,G.C. et al.
English and Germanic Studies, University of Birmingham, I-VII. 7 vols. Univ.of Birmingham
and W.Heffer & Sons, Cambridge. 1947-1961. 消去跡有り [L0136(L01316)-603947~603953] ¥17,280
1003 Brorström,Sverker
The Increasing Frequency of the Preposition about During the Modern English Period. With
Special Reference to the Verbs Say, Tell, Talk, and Speak. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis IX]
Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1963. 335pp. [L04238-606708] ¥6,480
1004 Brorström,Sverker
The Increasing Frequency of the Preposition about During the Modern English Period. With
Special Reference to the Verbs Say, Tell, Talk, and Speak. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis IX]
Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1963. 335pp. [L04239-606709] ¥6,480
1005 Brorström,Sverker
The Increasing Frequency of the Preposition about During the Modern English Period. With
Special Reference to the Verbs Say, Tell, Talk, and Speak. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis IX]
Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1963. 335pp. [L04240-606710] ¥6,480
1006 Burchfield,Robert ed.
The Cambridge History of the English Language. Vol.V: Enlgish in Britain and Overseas: Origins and Development. Cambridge UP, 1994. First published. xxiii,656pp. [L04213-606683] ¥16,200
1007 Brugmann,K.
Abrégé de Grammaire Comparée des Langues Indo-Européennes. D'Après le Précis de Grammaire
Comparée de K. Brugmann et B. Delbrück. Traduit par J. Bloch, A. Cuny et A. Ernout. Sous la Direction de A. Meillet et R. Gauthiot. Paris: Librairie C. Klincksieck, 1905. xxi,856pp. [L03958-606405] ¥21,600
1008 Brunner,Karl
Die Englische Sprache. Ihre Geschichtliche Entwicklung. Erster Band: Allge,eomes / Lautgeschichte.
Zweiter Band: Die Flexionsformen und Ihre Verwendung. In 2 vols. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag,
1960-1962. Zweite, Überarbeitete Auflage. Erster Band: xxii,416pp. / Zweiter Band: xii,453pp.
[L04012-606459] ¥16,200
1009 Burguy,G. F.
Grammaire de la Langue D'Oïl. Tome I-III. Ou Grammaire des Dialectes Français. Aux XIIe et
XIIIe Siècles. Suivie D'Un Glossaire. Contenant tous les Mots de L'ancienne Langue qui se Trouvent
Dans L'ouvrage. 3 vols in 1. Berlin: F. Schneider et Comp., 1853-1856. Tome I: xiii,409ppp. / Tome II:
vi,410pp. / Tome III (Glossaire): xx,398pp. [L03981-606428] ¥12,960
1010 Cattell,Ray
Syntax and Semantics. Vol.17. Composite Predicates in English. Academic Press, 1984. xii,304pp.
[L04208-606678] ¥8,640
1011 Chevalier,Jean-Claude
Histoire de la Syntaxe. Naissance de la Notion de Complément dans la Grammaire Française.
(1530-1750) [Publications Romanes et Françaises. (fondées par Mario Roques, dirigées par Jean Frappier) C] Genève: Librairie Droz, 1968. 776pp. [L00327-600620] ¥25,920
1012 Cobbett,William
A Grammar of the English Language, in a Series of Letters. Intended for the Use of Schools and
Young Persons in General; But, More Especially for the Use of Soldiers, Sailors, Apprentices, and
Plough-boys. London: Printed for the author and sold by Thaoms Dolby, 1819. Second edition.
186pp.+ 3 pages of publisher's advertisements. [ds1406-604777] ¥54,000
1013 Cole,Peter & Sadock,Jerrold M. eds.
Syntax and Semantics. Vol.8. Grammatical Relations. Academic Press, 1977. xxiv,347pp.
[L04203-606673] ¥8,640
1014 Cole,Peter ed.
Syntax and Semantics. Vol.9. Pragmatics. Academic Press, 1978. xii,340pp.
[L04204-606674] ¥8,640
1015 Conway,R. S.
The Italic Dialects. Edited with a Grammar and Glossary. Vol.I: Containint part I. The Records of
Oscan, Umbrian and the Minor Dialects, Including the Italic Glosses in Ancient Writers, and the Local
and Personal Names of the Dialectal Areas. Vol.II: Containing Part II. An Outline of the Grammar of
the Dialects, Appendix, Indices and Glossary. In 2 vols. Cambridge: At the UP, 1996. (on-demand replica) Originally published in 1897. Vol.I: xxvi,456pp. / Vol.II: vi,459-686pp. [L03995-606442] ¥21,600
1016 Cook,Eung-Do & Gerdts,Donna B. eds.
Syntax and Semantics. Vol.16. The Syntax of Native American Languages. Academic Press, 1984.
xiii,324pp. [L04207-606677] ¥8,640
1017 (Coseriu,Eugenio) Albrecht,Jörn, Jens Lüdtke & Harald Thun hrsg.
Energeia und Ergon: Sprachliche Variation - Sprachgeschichte - Sprachtypologie. Studia in
honorem Eugenio Coseriu. [Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, Band 300] In 3 vols. Tübingen: Gunter
Narr Verlag, 1988. Band I: Schriften von Eugenio Coseriu (1965-1987). eingeleitet und herausgegeben
von Jön Albrecht. (xlv,417pp.) [L03512-605924] ¥54,000
1018 (Coseriu,Eugenio) Geckeler,Horst et al. (eds.)
Logos Semantikos: Studia Linguistica in Honorem Eugenio Coseriu 1921-1981. Horst Geckeler,
Brigitte Schlieben, Lange Jürgen Trabant, Harald Weydt (eds.) Vol.I: History of Language Philosophy and of Linguistics. (xxx,458pp.) / Vol.II: Language Theory and Language Philosophy. (x,492pp.) /
Vol.III: Semantics. (x,513pp.) / Vol.IV: Grammar. (x,441pp.) / Vol.V: History and Variation in Languages. (x,469pp.) In 5 vols. Madrid: Editorial Gredos, / Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1981.
[L04251-606721] ¥43,200
1019 Crymes,Ruth
Some Systems of Substitution Correlations in Modern American English. [Janua Linguarum,
Studia Memoriae Nicolai van Wijk Dedicata, Series Maior 23] The Hague, Paris: Mouton & Co., 1968.
187pp. [L04277-606747] ¥6,480
1020 Dalgado,Sebastião Rodolfo
Portuguese Vocables in Asiatic Languages. (to spine: Influence of Portuguese Vocables in Asiatic
Languages) From the Portuguese Original of Monsignor Sebastião Rodolfo Dalgado, Translated into
English with Notes, Additions and Comments by Anthony Xavier Soares. [Gaekwad's Oriental Series,
Vol.LXXIV] Baroda: Oriental Institute, 1936. cxxv,520pp.+ publisher's catalogue 10pp.
[ds1420-605307] ¥21,600
1021 Dam,J.Van
Handbuch der Deutschen Sprache. Erster Band: Einleitung und Lautlehre. Zweiter Band: Wortlehre.
2 vols. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff N.V. / Groningen: J.B.Wolters, 1968. / 1963. Sechste Auflage. /
Vierte Auflage. v,268pp. / iv,489pp. [ds0222-600787] ¥17,280
1022 Danielsson, Bror
Studies on the Accentuation of Polysyllabic Latin, Greek, and Romance Loan-Words in English.
With Special Reference to Those Ending in -able, -ate, --ator, -ible, --ic, -ical, and -ize. [Stockholm
Studies in English. III. Editor: Frank Behre] Stockholm; Almqvist & Wiksell, Oxford; B. H. Blackwell
Ltd., New York; Stechert-Hafner Inc., 1948. xvi,644pp.,6pp. [L03522-605933] ¥21,600
1023 De Battini,Berta Elena Vidal
El Habla Rural de San Luis. Parte I: Fonética, Moefología, Sintaxis. [Biblioteca de Dialectología
Hispanoamericana VII] Buenos Aires: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad, 1949.
xx,448pp. [L04258-606728] ¥9,720
1024 De Körös,Alexander Csoma
A Grammar of the Tibetan Language in English. Prepared, Under the Patronage of the Government
and the Auspices of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. (匈國 喬瑪 著 「藏語文法」 道光十四年版) 北
京:總發售處 文殿閣書莊, 民國弐拾八年(1939) 影印 Reprinted from the edition of printed at the
Baptist Mission Press, Calcutta,1834. xii,204pp., 40pp. [ds1428-605315] ¥21,600
1025 Defromont,Hubert J.
Les Constructions Perfectives Du Verbe Anglais Contemporain. [Janua Linguarum, Studia Memoriae Nicolai van Wijk Dedicata, Series Practica, 185] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1973. 152pp.
[L04279-606749] ¥4,320
1026 Dobson,E.J.
English Pronunciation 1500-1700. Second Edition. Vol.I: Survey of the Sources. (xxiv,444pp.)
Vol.II: Phonology. (vi,445-1082pp.) In 2 vols. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. Second edition.
[L03615-606061] ¥16,200
1027 Dobson,E.J.
English Pronunciation 1500-1700. Second Edition. Vol.I: Survey of the Sources. (xxiv,444pp.)
Vol.II: Phonology. (vi,445-1082pp.) In 2 vols. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1968. Second edition.
[L03617-606063] ¥32,400
1028 Dobson,E.J. English Pronunciation 1500-1700. Second Edition. Vol.I: Survey of the Sources.
(xxiv,444pp.) Vol.II: Phonology. (vi,445-1082pp.) In 2 vols. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1985.
Re-issued. [L03616-606062] ¥32,400
1029 Drake,F. S.
Symposium on Historical Archaeological and Linguistic Studies. 「歴史考古語文研究論文集」
On Southern China, South-East Asia and the Hong Kong Region. Papers presented at meetings held in
September 1961 as part of the Golden Jubilee Congress of the University of Hong Kong. F. S. Drake
(General Editor), Wolfram Eberhard (Chairman of the Proceedings). Hong Kong UP, 1967. ix,387pp.
[L04158-606605] ¥21,600
1030 Draye,H.(Secretary-General)
Onoma. Bibliographical and Information Bulletin Bulletin D'information er de Bibliographie.
Vol.XVI(1971), 1-2. Vol.XVI(1971), 3. Edidit W.Van Langendonck. [International Committee of
Onomastic Sciences Comité International des Sceinces Onomastiques] 2 vols. Leuven: International
Centre of Onomastics, 304pp.-841pp. [L02057-604013] ¥27,000
1031 Ehrman,Madeline Elizabeth
The Meanings of the Modals in Present-Day American English. [Janua Linguarum, Studia Memoriae Nicolai van Wijk Dedicata, Series Practica XLV] The Hague, Paris: Mouton & Co., 1966. 106pp.
[L04272-606742] ¥4,320
1032 Ek,Karl-Gustav
The Development of Oe Ǣ (I-Mutated Ă) Before Nasals and OE Ǣ in South-Eastern Middle
English. [Acta Universitatis Lundensis, Sectio I Theologica Juridica Humaniora 22] C W K Gleerup,
1975. 63pp. [L04271-606741] ¥4,320
1033 Ekwall,Eilert
Selected Papers. [Lund Studies in English 33] Lund: C. W. K. Gleerup,
Munksgaard, 1963. 171pp. [L04221-606691] ¥4,320
/ Copenhagen: Ejnar
1034 Ellegård,Alvar
The Auxiliary Do. The Establishment and Regulation of its Use in English. [Gothenburg Studies in
English. II] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1953. 320pp. [L04270-606740] ¥12,960
1035 Ellegård,Alvar
The Auxiliary Do. The Establishment and Regulation of its Use in English. [Gothenburg Studies in
English. II] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1953. 320pp. [L04274-606744] ¥11,880
1036 Ellis,Alexander J.
On Early English Pronunciation, with Especial Reference to Shakspere and Chaucer. Containing
an Investigation of the Correspondence of writing with Speech in England from the Anglosaxon Period
to the Present Day, Preceded by a Systematic Notation of All Spoken Sounds by Means of the Ordinary Printing Types. Including a Re-Arrangement of Prof. F. J. Child's Memoirs on the Language of
Chaucer and Gower, and Reprints of the Rare Tracts by Salesbury on English, 1547, and Welch, 1567,
and by Barcley on French, 1521. 5 vols. in 6. New York; Haskell House Publishers Ltd., 1969. (First
published 1869-89). [L03461-605414] ¥59,400
1037 Ellis,Andrew W. ed.
Progress in the Psychology of Language. 2 vols. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1985. vii,247pp./
v,274pp. [L02225-600926] ¥10,800
1038 Enzyklopädie,Kleine
Die deutsche Sprache. Band 1.2. 2 vols. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut, 1969. 1970. 613pp .
-1174pp.[L02024-600953] ¥10,800
1039 Espinosa,Aurelio M.
Estudios Sobre el Español de Nuevo Méjico. Traducción y Reelaboración con Notas por Amado
Alonso y Angel Rosenblat. Parte I. Fonética. Con Nueve Estudios Complementarios Sobre Problemas
de Dialectología Hispanoamericana por A. Alonso. [Biblioteca de Dialectología Hispanoamericana I]
Buenos Aires: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad, 1930. 472pp. [L04254-606724] ¥8,640
1040 Fåhræus,Ann-Mari
Two Kinds of Syntactic-Semantic Value-Loading in English. [Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 54]
Uppsala, / Distributor: Almqvist & Wiksell International, Stockholm 1984. 184pp. [L04232-606702] ¥4,320
1041 Fillmore,Charles J.
Indirect Object Construction in English and the Ordering of Transformations. [Monographs on
Linguistic Analysis No.1] Mouton & Co., 1965. 54pp. [L04243-606713] ¥4,320
1042 Fishman,Joshua A.
Yiddish in America: Socio-Linguistics Description and Analysis. Published by Indiana University, /
Mouton & Co., 1965. vii,94pp. [L04269-606739] ¥5,400
1043 Fraser,John
The Etruscans: Were They Celts? or, The Light of an Inductive Philology Thrown on Forty Etruscan
Fossil-Words Presented to us by Ancient Authors; With Incidental Notices of the Etymology of 2000
Words in the Classical and Modern Languages, and Discussions on Greek and Roman Antiquities and
Mythology. Edinburgh: Maclachlan & Stewart, /London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., [1879] vii,276pp.
[L03431-605275] ¥37,800
1044 Gamkrelidze,Thomas V. & Vjacheslav V.Ivanov
ПРАЯЗЬІКА И ПРОТОКУЛЬТУРЬІ. (A Reconstruction and Historical Typological Analysis of a
Protolanguage and a Proto-Culture. With a Preface by Roman Jakobson.) I.[and]II. [Academy of Sciences: Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies. The Institute for Slavic and Balkan Studies] 2 vols.
Publishing House of the Tbilisi State University, 1984. xcvi,428pp./ 440-1328pp. (Text written in Russian) [L02351-601133] ¥32,400
1045 Gamkrelidze,Thomas V. & Vjacheslav V.Ivanov
ПРАЯЗЬІКА И ПРОТОКУЛЬТУРЬІ. (A Reconstruction and Historical Typological Analysis of a
Protolanguage and a Proto-Culture. With a Preface by Roman Jakobson.) I.[and]II. [Academy of Sciences: Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies. The Institute for Slavic and Balkan Studies] 2 vols.
Publishing House of the Tbilisi State University, 1984. xcvi,428pp./ 440-1328pp. (Text written in Russian) [L01936-601134] ¥32,400
1046 Geyer,Paul
Der Deutsche Aufsatz. [Handbuch des Deutschen Unterrichts. An Höheren Schulen. (herausgegeben
von Adolf Matthias. Erster Band, Zweiter Teil] München: C.H.Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Oskar
Beck, 1911. Zweite,Verbesserte und Vermehrte Auflage. xi,347pp. [ds0888-601163] ¥21,600
1047 Giraut-Duvivier,Charles-Pierre
Grammaire des Grammaires ou Analyse Raisonnée des Meilleurs Traités sur la Langue Fran98
çaise. 2 vols. Paris: A.Cotelle, 1840. Neuvième édition, troisième tirage. xv,744pp./
viii,746-1160pp.+'Remarques détachées' & 'Table analytique' 301pp. [L01451-601168]
1048 Gō,Minoru(江實)et al. (ed.)
An Eastern Tibetan Dictionary (Revised) and A Study of the Eastern Tibetan Language. With
Special Reference to the Initial Consonants. Edited by Minoru Gō, Bunkyō Aoki, Hajime Yamamoto
and Hajime Kitamura. Published by Minoru Gō. 1954. [L04111-606558] ¥21,600
1049 Goës,Alvar Nyqvist
The Stress System of English. [Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 19] Stockholm: K L Beckmans, 1974.
xvii,189pp. [L04226-606696] ¥4,320
1050 Goldstein,Melvyn C. & Nawang Nornang
Modern Spoken Tibetan: Lhasa Dialect. Seattle & London: Univ.of Washington Press, 1970.
xx,407pp.+(2pp.)[ds1431-605318] ¥21,600
1051 Grady,Michael
Syntax and Semantics of the English Verb Phrase. [Janua Linguarum, Studia Memoriae Nicolai van
Wijk Dedicata, Series Practica 112] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1970. 84pp. [L04280-606750] ¥4,320
1052 Guest,Edwin, W.W. Skeat ed.
A History of English Rhythms. George Bell and Sons, 1882. Second edition. xviii,730pp.
[L03171-605013] ¥21,600
1053 Harris,Alice C.
Syntax and Semantics. Vol.18. Diachronic Syntax: The Kartvelian Case. Academic Press, 1985.
xxiii,463pp. [L04209-606679] ¥8,640
1054 Hartvigson,Hans H.
On the Intonation and Position of the So-Called Sentence Modifiers in Present-Day English.
[Odense University Studies in English , Vol.1] Odense UP, 1969. 269pp. [L04217-606687] ¥5,400
1055 Hartvigson,Hans H.
On the Intonation and Position of the So-Called Sentence Modifiers in Present-Day English.
[Odense University Studies in English, Vol.1] Odense UP, 1969. 269pp. [L04268-606738] ¥6,480
1056 Hattori,Shirô (服部四郎) & Inoue,Kazuko (井上和子) (editors.)
Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Linguists, August 29-September 4, 1982,
Tokyo.「第 13 回国際言語学者会議論文集」 Published under the auspices of ths CIPL (The Hague).
Associate Editors: Tadao Shimomiya & Yoshio Nagashima. Tokyo: ICL 1982 Office, 1983.
lxii,1453pp. [L04165-606612] ¥21,600
1057 Heny,Frank & Schnelle,Helmut S. eds.
Syntax and Semantics. Vol.10. Selections from the Third Groningen Round Table. Academic Press,
1979. xii,378pp. [L04205-606675] ¥8,640
1058 Hills,E. C. et al.
El Español en Méjico, los Estados Unidos y la América Central. Trabajos de E. C. Hills, F. Semeleder, C. Carroll Marden, M. G. Revilla, A. R. Nyk, K. Lentzner, C. Gagini y R. J. Cuervo. Con Anotaciones y Estudiois de Pedro Henríquez Ureña. [Biblioteca de Dialectología Hispanoamericana IV]
Buenos Aires: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad, 1938. lxi,526pp. [L04255-606725] ¥9,720
1059 Hiltunen,Risto
The Decline of the Prefixes and The Befinnings of the English Phrasal Verb. The Evidence from
some Old and Early Middle English Texts. [Turun Yliopiston Julkaisuja Annales Universitatis Turkuensis] Turku: Turun Yliopisto, 1983. 251pp. [L04220-606690] ¥8,640
1060 Hiltunen,Risto
The Decline of the Prefixes and the Beginnings of the English Phrasal Verb. The Evidence from
some Old and Early Middle English Texts. [Turn Yliopiston Julkaisuja Annales Universitatis Turkuensis] Turku: Turun Yliopisto, 1983. 251pp. [L04264-606734] ¥8,640
1061 (Hirt,Herman) Arntz,Helmut hrsg.
Germanen und Indogermanen. Volkstum, Sprache, Heimat, Kultur. Festschrift für Herman Hirt.
Herausgegeben von Helmut Arntz. Erster Band: Ergebnisse der Kulturhistorie und Anthropologie. Mit
85 Abbildungen. / Zweiter Band: Ergebnisse der Sprachwissenschaft. Mit 7 Abbildungen. [Indogermanische Bibliothek. III Abteilung: Untersuchungen. 15.Band] 2 vols. Heidelberg: Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1936. xiii,436pp./ vi,623pp. [lk0134-604104] ¥48,600
1062 Hirtle,W. H.
Time, Aspect and The Verb. [Cahiers de Psychomécanique du Langage] Les Press de L'Université
Laval, 1975. 149pp. [L04246-606716] ¥4,320
1063 Hogg,Richard M. ed.
The Cambridge History of the English Language. Vol.I: The Beginnings to 1066. Cambridge UP,
1992. First published. xxii,609pp. [L04211-606681] ¥16,200
1064 Holmer,Nils M.
The Dialects of Co. Clare. [Royal Irish Academy. Todd Lecture Series. Volume XIX-XX] 2vols.
Dublin: The Royal Irish Academy, 1962. Part I; vi,186pp. Part II; 319pp. [L03151-604819] ¥21,600
1065 Hope,T. E.
Lexical Borrowing in the Romance Languages. A Critical Study of Italianisms in French and Gallicisms in Italian from 1100 to 1900. [Language an dStyle Series X] In 2 vols. Oxford: Basil Blackwell,
1971. Vol.I: xiv,354pp. / Vol.II: iv,355-782pp. [L03965-606412] ¥32,400
1066 Huck,Geoffrey J. & Ojeda,Almerindo E. eds.
Syntax and Semansics. Vol.20. Discontinuous Constituency. Academic Press, 1987. ix,451pp.
[L04210-606680] ¥8,640
1067 Hübner,Barbara & Reizammer,Albert
Inim Kiengi II. Band 1: A-L / Band 2: M-Z. Sumerisch-Deutsches Glossar. In Zwei Bänden. In 2 vols.
H. Troeger, 1985-1986. Band 1: iv,642pp. / Band 2: iv,643-1229pp. [L04045-606492] ¥32,400
1068 Hübner,Barbara & Reizammer,Albert
Inim Kiengi III. Sumerisch in Wort und Schrift. Band 1 & 2 (Band 2: Theorie der sumerischen
Verbformen). In 2 vols. H. Troeger, 1987-1988. Band 1: xi,331pp. / Band 2: x,333-644pp.
[L04046-606493] ¥27,000
1069 Iordan,Iorgu
Lingüística Románica. Evolución - Corrientes - Métodos. Reelaboració n Parcial y Notas de Manuel
Alvar. Madrid: Ediciones Alcalá, 1967. xxii,755pp. [lk0213-604245] ¥27,000
1070 Isitt,David
Crazic, Menty and Idiotal. An Inquiry into the Use of Suffixes -al, -ic, -ly and -y in Modern English.
[Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, Gothenburg Studies in English 52] Sweden: Acta Universitatis
Gothoburgensis, 1983. 309pp. [L04242-606712] ¥6,480
1071 Izutsu,Toshihiko (井筒俊彦)
The Structure of the Ethical Terms in the Koran. A Study in Semantics. [Keio University; Studies
in the Humanities and Social Relations, Volume II] Toyko: The Keio Institute of Philological Studies,
1959. First published. 275pp. [L04159-606606] ¥21,600
1072 Jaberg,K.
Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungen und Erlebnisse. Herausgegeben von Seinen Schülern und
Freunden. [Romanica Helvetica. Vol.VI.] Bern: Francke Verlag, 1965. Zweite, unveränderte auflage.
[and] Sprachwissenschaftliche Forschungen und Erlebnisse. Herausgegeben von Seinen Schülern
und Freunden. [Romanica Helvetica. Vol.75.] 2vols. Bern: Francke Verlag, 1965. Neue Folge. 380pp.
[lk0084-604112~604111] ¥32,400
1073 Jackson,Kenneth Hurlstone
A Historical Phonology of Breton. The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1967. xxxviii,904pp.
[L03446-605290] ¥21,600
1074 Jacobson,Sven
On the Use, Meaning, and Syntax of English Preverbal Adverbs. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis XLIV] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1978. 160pp. [L04236-606706] ¥4,320
1075 Jacobson,Sven
Unorthodox Spelling in American Trademarks. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, Stockholm
Studies in English XVI] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1966. 53pp. [L04247-606717] ¥3,240
1076 Jacobson,Sven
Factors Influencing the Placement of English Adverbs in Relation to Auxiliaries. A Study in Variation. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, Stockholm Studies in English XXXIII] Stockholm:
Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1975. 599pp. [L04250-606720] ¥8,640
1077 Jacobson,Sven
Preverbal Adverbs and Auxiliaries A Study of Word Order Change. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis LV] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1981. 100pp. [L04262-606732] ¥4,320
1078 Jacobson,Sven
On the Use, Meaning, and Syntax of English Preverbal Adverbs. [Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis XLIV] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1978. 160pp. [L04263-606733] ¥5,400
1079 Jakobson,Roman
Roman Jakobson: Selected Writings. Vol. I: Phonological Studies. Vol. II: Word and Language.
In 2 vols. The Hague,Paris: Mouton, 1971. Vol.I: Second, Expanded Edition. I: x,775pp. II: viii,752pp.
[L04063-606510] ¥16,200
1080 Jente,Richard ed.
Proverbia Communia. A Fifteenth Century Collection of Dutch Proverbs. Together with the Low
German Version. [Indiana University Publications. Folklore Series No.4] Bloomington; Indiana University, 1947. 334pp. [L03086-604750] ¥21,600
1081 Jespersen,Otto
A Modern English Grammar. On Historical Principles. (Pt.I-IV) Hinderberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, / (Pt.V-VII) Copenhagen: Ejnar Munksgaard, 1922-1949. Pt.I & II: Third edition.
Pt.I: Sound and Spellings, Pt.II: Syntax (First Volume), Pt.III: Syntax (Second Volume), Pt.IV: Syntax
(Third Volume), Pt.V: Syntax (Fourth Volume), Pt.VI: Morphology, Pt.VII: Syntax. In Seven Parts.
Mixed set. [L03842-606289] ¥19,440
1082 Jespersen,Otto
A Modern English Grammar. On Historical Principles. Part I: Sounds and Spellings. / Part II: Syntax
(First Volume). / Part III: Syntax (Second Volume). / Part IV: Syntax (Third Volume). / Part V: Syntax
(Fourth Volume). / Part VI: Morphology. / Part VII: Syntax. Completed and edited by Niels Haislund.
In Seven parts. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., / Copenhagen: Ejnar Munksgaard, Pt.I-II, IV-V:
1970. / Pt.III: 1974. / Pt.VI-VII: 1961 & 1965. Reprinted. [L04187-606634] ¥37,800
1083 Jespersen,Otto
A Modern English Grammar. On Historical Principles. Part I: Sounds and Spellings. / Part II: Syntax
(First Volume). / Part III: Syntax (Second Volume). / Part IV: Syntax (Third Volume). / Part V: Syntax
(Fourth Volume). / Part VI: Morphology. / Part VII: Syntax. Completed and edited by Niels Haislund.
In Seven parts. Tokyo: Meisho Fukyu Kai(名著普及会), 1983. This edition being the facsimile reprint of the phototyped edition. (復刻版) [L04188-606635] ¥43,200
1084 Jespersen,Otto
A Modern English Grammar. On Historical Principles. 木原研三先生旧蔵 手沢・書込み本.
In Seven Parts. Mixed set.: Heidelberg; Carl Winter Universitätsbuchhandlung, (Pt.I-III)/London;
George Allen & Unwin Ltd., (Pt.IV)/Tokyo; Kenkyusha, (Pt.VI)/Copenhagen; Ejnar Munksgaard,
(Pt.VI & VII) 1927. (Pt.2 & 3)/1928. (Pt.1)/1932. (Pt.4)/1940. (Pt.5)/1942. (Pt.6)/1949. (Pt.7) Pt.1;
Fourth edition. Pt.2; Third edition. Pt.5; Reprinted in Nippon. (研究社 Maybe pirate edition. ).
[L03455-605325] ¥54,000
1085 Jespersen,Otto
En Sprogmands Levned. København: Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag, 1938. 245pp.
[lk0229-604246] ¥21,600
1086 Jespersen,Otto
En Sprogmands Levned. Gyldendal, 1938. 245pp. [L01908-601641]
1087 Jespersen,Otto
En Sprogmands Levned. København: Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag, 1938. 245pp.
[L03234-605077] ¥21,600
1088 Jespersen,Otto
Fonetik. En Systematisk Fremstilling af Læren om Sproglyd af Otto Jespersen. København: Det
Schubotheske Forlag, 1897-1899. 633pp. [L01907-601644] ¥32,400
1089 Jespersen,Otto
Linguistica. Selected papers in English, French and German. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard, 1933.
461pp. [L01532-601656] ¥37,800
1090 Jespersen,Otto
Linguistica. Selected papers in English, French and German. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard /
London: Geoge Allen & Unwin, 1933. 461pp. [L00472-601659] ¥25,920
1091 Jespersen,Otto
Linguistica. Selected papers in English, French and German. Copenhagen: Levin & Munksgaard /
London: Geoge Allen & Unwin, 1933. 461pp. [L03237-605080] ¥21,600
1092 Jespersen,Otto
Modersålets Fonetik. Tredie udgave. København: Gydendalske Boghandel,1934. 196pp.
[L01879-601661] ¥21,600
1093 Jespersen,Otto
Tanker og Studier. København; Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1932. 278pp. [L03232-605075]
1094 Jespersen,Otto
Negation in English and other Languages. [Historisk-fililigiske Meddelelser udgivet af Det Kongelige danske Videnskabernes Selskab Bind 1, nr. 5] København: Ejnar Munksgaard, 1966. Second Edition. 151pp. [L04248-606718] ¥6,480
1095 (Jespersen,Otto)Bøgholm,N.・Aage Brusendorff・C.A.Bodelsen eds.
A Grammatical Miscellany Offered to Otto Jespersen. On His Seventieth Birthday. Copenhagen;
Levin & Munksgaard, London; George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1930. 464pp. [L03236-605079] ¥43,200
1096 Jørgensen,Peter
Tysk Grammarik. I. II(Numerus Og Kasus). III(1: Samarbejde Med Ove K.Clausen) 6.oplag. 3
vols. København: G.E.C.Gads Forlag, 1976.77.78. xiii,254pp. vii,197pp. x,229pp. [L01977-601712]¥21,600
1097 Keating,Geoffrey
The Three Shafts of Death. With Introduction, Indices, and Glossary by Osborn Bergin. (Trí Bior-Ghaoithe an Bháis. Séathrún Kéitinn do sgríobh.) Published by the Royal Irish Academy. Dublin:
Hodges, Figgis, & Co. /London: Williams & Norgate, 1931. Second Edition. xxxii,495pp.
[L03419-605263] ¥21,600
1098 Kjellmer,Göran
Context and Meaning. A Study of Distributional and Semantic Relations in a Group of Middle English Words. [Gothenburg Studies in English 22] Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1971. 199pp.
[L04227-606697] ¥4,320
1099 Kristensson,Gillis
A Survey of Middle English Dialects 1290-1350. The Six Northern Counties and Lincolnshire. [Lund
Studies in English 35] Lund: C. W. K. Gleerup, 1967. xxii,299pp. [L04244-606714] ¥6,480
1100 Kristeva,Julia / Rey-Debove,Josette / Umiker,Donna Jean eds.
Essays in Semiotics. Essais de Sémiotique. [Approaches to Semiotics. (edited by Thomas A.Sebeok)
4] The Hague,Paris: Mouton, 1971. x,639pp. [L00206-601887] ¥21,600
1101 Kruisinga,E.
A Handbook of Present-Day English. 2vols.in 4. Senjo, n.d. Pt.I: Fourth Edition. / Pt.II: Fifth Edition.
[L03625-606072] ¥19,440
1102 (Lapesa,Rafael)
Studia Hispanica in Honorem R. Lapesa. In 3 vols. Madrid: Cátedra-Seminario Menédez Oidal &
Editorial Gredos, 1972-1975. Vol.I: 622pp. / Vol.II: 634pp. / Vol.III: 542pp. [L04259-606729] ¥27,000
1103 Latham,Robert Gordon
The English Language. London: Printed for Taylor and Walton, 1841.
xxii,418pp.+24pp.(advertisement, Bibliography of publisher) [L03387-605230]
1104 Latham,Robert Gordon
The English Language. London: Taylor, Walton, and Maberly, 1850. Third edition. Revised and
Greatly Enlarged. xlii,609pp.+4pp.(Biliography of publisher ). [L03388-605231] ¥27,000
1105 Leenhardt,Maurice
Langues et dialectes de l'Austro-Mélanésie. [Université de Paris: Travaux et Mémoires de l'Institut
d'Ethonologie. XLVI] Paris: Institut d'Ethonologie, 1946 (on cover & title page. Copyright: 1956).
xlviii,676pp. [ds1221-601980] ¥21,600
1106 Lees,Robert B.
The Grammar of English Nominalizations. [Indiana University Research Center in Anthropology,
Folklore, and Linguistics] Mouton & Co., 1963. Second printing. xxviii,205pp. [L04225-606695] ¥4,320
1107 Lenz,Rodolfo et al.
El Español en Chile. Trabajos de Rodolfo Lenz, Andrés Bello y Rodolfo Oroz. Traducción, Notes y
Apéndices de Amado Alonso y Raimundo Lida. [Biblioteca de Dialectología Hispanoamericana VI]
Buenos Aires: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad, 1940. 374pp. [L04257-606727] ¥8,640
1108 Leumann,Manu /Hofmann,J.B./ Szantyr ,Anton
Lateinische Grammatik von Leumann-Hofmann-Szantyr. Erster Band: Lateinische Laut-und
Formenlehre. Zweiter Band: Lateinische Syntax und Stilistik von J.B.hofmann. Neubearbeitet von Anton Szantyr. Mit dem Allgemeinen Teil der Lateinischen Grammat. [Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft. Zweite Abteilung, Zweiter Teil, Erster & Zweiter Band] 2 vols. München: C.H.Beck'sche
Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1977. /1972. Neuausgabe 1977 der 1926-1928 in 5. Auflage. /Verbesserter Nachdruck der 1965 erschienenen ersten Auflage. 1972. xxvi,681pp. /xcviii,935pp+89pp. [L03480-605892]
1109 Leumann,Manu /Hofmann/ Szantyr
Lateinische Grammatik von Leumann-Hofmann-Szantyr. Erster Band: Lateinische Laut-und
Formenlehre. Zweiter Band: Lateinische Syntax und Stilistik von J.B.hofmann. Neubearbeitet von Anton Szantyr. MIT dem Allgemeinen Teil der Lateinischen Grammat Ik. [Handbuch der Altertumswis103
senschaft. II. 2.1& 2.] 2vols. München: C.H.Beck, 1977. 1965. xxvi,681pp. Xcviii,935pp+89pp.
[L02053-602026] ¥32,400
1110 Lewis,Henry & Holger Pedersen
A Concise Comparative Celtic Grammar. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1989. Third edition,
second impression with the supplement of 1961 by Henry Lewis. xix,442pp.+19pp.(sup.)
[L03435-605279] ¥21,600
1111 Lindkvist,Karl-Gunnar
A Comprehensive Study of Conceptions of Locality in which English Prepositions Occur. [Acta
Universitatis Stockholmiensis XXXV] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1976. 363pp.
[L04224-606694] ¥6,480
1112 Lindkvist,Karl-Gunnar
A Comprehensive Study of Conceptions of Locality in which Wnglish Prepositions Occur. [Acta
Universitatis Stockholminsis XXXV] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1976. 363pp. [L04265-606735]
1113 Ljung,Magnus
English Denominal Adjectives. A Generative Studi of the Semantics of a Group of High-Frequency
Denominal Adjectives in English. [Gothenburg Studies in English 21] Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1970. 249pp. [L04233-606703] ¥6,480
1114 Luick,Karl
Historische Grammatik der Englischen Sprache. Mit dem nach den Hinterlassenen Aufzeichnungen
Ausgearbeiteten Zweiten Kapitel Herausgegeben von Friedrich Wild und Gerbert Koziol. Erster
Band-I Abteilung 1914-1921, Erster Band-II Abteilung 1929-1940. 2 vols. Oxford: Basil Blackwell,
1964. Reprinted by permission of Bernhard Tauchnitz Verlag, Stuttgart. 548pp./ 550-1257pp.
[L03165-605007] ¥48,600
1115 MacLeish,Andrew
The Middle English Subject-Verb Cluster. [Janua Linguarum, Studia Memoriae Nicolai van Wijk
Dedicata, Series Practica 26] The Hague, Paris: Mouton & Co., 1969. 276pp. [L04273-606743] ¥8,640
1116 Magnien,Victor
Grammaire Comparée du Grec et du Latin. Tome I & II. Tome I: Phonétique. Tome II: Morphologie. In 2 vols. Lyon & Grenoble: Les Éditions de la France Nouvelle, n.d. (1944.) Vol.I: 214pp. /
Vol.II: 262pp. [L03944-606391] ¥17,280
1117 (Martinet,André)
Miscelánea Homenaje a André Martinet. 《Estructuralismo e Historia》 [Biblioteca Filológica de
la Universidad de la Laguna] Editada por Diego Catalán, Biblioteca Filológica: Universidad de la Laguna, 1957, 1958, & 1962. Vol.I: C.E.Bazell, D.L.Bolinger, J.Mattoso Camara,Jr., J.Gonda, Rafael
Lapesa, Helmut Lüdtke, L.Michelena, F.Mikus, H.Pilch, L.J.Prieto, G.Y.Shevelov, K.Togeby,
S.Ullmann. (303pp.) [lk0110-604152] ¥32,400
1118 Mätzner,Eduard (Adolf Ferdinand)
An English Grammar: Methodical, Analytical, and Historical. With a Treatise on the Orthography,
Prosody, Inflections and Syntax of the English Tongue; and Numerous Authorities Cited in Order of
Historical Development. By Professor Maetzner, of Berlin. Translated from the German, with the
Sanction of the Author, by Clair James Grece. In 3 vols. Tokyo: Senjo Publishing Co., Ltd., n.d. Reprinted. xi,510pp./ iv,494pp./ xvi,571pp. (英訳)メッツナー原著 英語大文典[L03484-605896] ¥59,400
1119 Maurer,Friedrich & Friedrich Stroh eds.
Deutsche Wortgeschichte. [Grundriss der Germanischen Philologie 17/I,II,III] 3vols. Berlin; Walter
de Gruyter & Co., 1959. Zweite, Neubearbeitete Auflage. Band I; 492pp. Band 2; 613pp. Band 3;
186pp. [L03094-604758] ¥32,400
1120 Mausser,Otto
Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik. auf vergleichender Grundlage. Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung
des Althochdeutschen, Urgermanischen, Urwestgermanischen, Urindogermanischen und der Mundarten. I-II teil. Dr.Martin Sändig oHG., 1972. Unveränderter Neudruck der Ausgabe von 1933 mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Max Hueber Verlages in Ismaning / München. xxxi,482pp. [ds0966-602222]
1121 Mausser,Otto
Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik. auf vergleichender Grundlage. Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung
des Althochdeutschen, Urgermanischen, Urwestgermanischen, Urindogermanischen und der Mundarten. I-II teil, III teil. (set in 2)Dr. Martin Sändig oHG., 1972. Unveränderter Neudruck der Ausgabe
von 1933 mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Max Hueber Verlages in Ismaning / München.
xxxi,482pp. / 483-1374pp. [L03576-605987] ¥37,800
1122 McCawley,James D. ed.
Syntax and Semantics. Vol.7. Notes from the Linguistic Underground. Academic Press, 1976.
xx,453pp. [L04202-606672] ¥8,640
1123 Meillet,A. & Cohen,Marcel
Les Langues du Monde. Par un Groupe de Linguistes. Sous la Direction de A. Meillet & Marcel Cohen. [Société de Linguistique de Paris] In 2 vols. Paris: H. Champion, 1952. Nouvelle Èdition. Tome I:
xlii,731pp. / Tome II: 735-1294pp. [L04029-606475] ¥19,440
1124 Meillet,Antoine
Linguistique Historique et Linguistique Générale & tome II. [Collection Linguistique Publiée par
La Société de Linguistique de Paris.-Ⅷ& XL] In 2 vols. [Tome I] Paris: Librairie Ancienne Honoré
Champion, / [Tome II] Paris: Librairie C. Klincksieck, 1948-1951. 334pp. /234pp. [L03777-606224]
1125 (Meillet,Antoine)
Mélanges de Linguistique Offerts a M.Antoine Meillet. Par ses Élèves D.Barbelenet, G.Dottin,
R.Gauthiot, M.Grammont, A.Laronde, M.Niedermann, J.Vendryes. Avec in Avant-Propos par P.Boyer.
Paris: Librairie C.Klincksieck, 1902. vii,131pp. [lk0109] ¥21,600
1126 Mencken, H. L.
The American Language. An Inquiry into the Development of English in the United States. In 3 vols.
千城書房 (Tokyo: Senjo Publishing Co., Ltd.), 昭 37.(1962.) 翻刻 (Reprinted. Originally published
from New York: Alfred A.Knopf. Vol.1: Fourth edition corrected, enlarged, and rewritten. Fourteenth
printing, 1957. /Vol.2 (Supplement One): Sixth printing, 1956. /Vol.3 (Supplement Two):Third printing, 1956. ). xi,769pp.,xxix /xv,739pp.,xxxv /xiii,890pp.,xliii [L03469-605881] ¥21,600
1127 Mencken,H.L.
The American Language. An Inquiry into the Development of English in the United States. In 3 vols.
New York; Alfred A. Knopf, 1977. /1975. /1978. Fourth edition corrected, enlarged, and rewritten.
Twenty-first printing. /Eleventh Printing. /Ninth Printing. xi,769pp.,xxix/ xv,739pp.,xxxv/
xiii,890pp.,xliii. [L03458-605370] ¥32,400
1128 Millward,Celia M.
Imperative Constructions in Old English. [Janua Linguarum, Studia Memoriae Nicolai van Wijk
Dedicata, Series Practica, 124] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1971. 73pp. [L04278-606748] ¥4,320
1129 Milner,G. B. & Henderson,Eugénie J. A. (eds.)
Indo-Pacific Linguistic Studies. Part I: Historical Linguistics. Part II: Descriptive Linguistics.
In 2 vols. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co., 1965. Pt.I: xv,514pp. / viii,571pp.
[L04156-606603] ¥27,000
1130 (Müller,Friedrich Max )
The Life and Letters of The Right Honourable Friedrich Max Müller. Edited by his Wife. With
Portraits and Other Illustrations. In Two Volumes. New York and Bombay; Longmans, Green, and Co.,
1902. xii,505pp. /viii,482pp. [L03195-605038] ¥21,600
1131 Müller,Wilhelm / Zarncke,Friedrich
Mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch mit Benutzung des Nachlasses von George Friedrich Benecke.
Ausgearbeitet von Wilhelm Müller und Friedrich Zarncke. Erster Band: A-L./ Zweiter Band, Erste
Abtheilung: M-R./ Zweiter Band, Zweite Abtheilung: S./ Dritter Band: T-Z. 3 vols. in 4. Leipzig: Verlag von S.Hirzel, 1854-1866. xxii,1061pp./ vi,825pp./ iv,815pp./ viii,963pp. [ds1121-602403] ¥69,120
1132 Mustanoja,Tauno F.
A Middle English Syntax. Part I: Parts of Speech. [Mémoires la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki,
XXIII] Helsinki: Société Néophilologique, 1960. 702pp. [L04229-606699] ¥21,600
1133 Mustanoja,Tauno F.
A Middle English Syntax. Part I: Parts of Speech. [Mémoires la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki,
XXIII] Helsinki: Société Néophilologique, 1960. 702pp. [L04230-606700] ¥27,000
1134 Nässlin,Siv
The English Tag Question: A Study of Sentences Containing Tags of the Type Ins't It?, Is It? [Acta
Universitatis Stockholmiensis LX] Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1984. x,204pp.
[L04219-606689] ¥6,480
1135 Newmeyer,Frederick J.
English Aspectual Verbs. [Janua Linguarum, Studia Memoriae Nicolai van Wijk Dedicata, Series
Practica, 203] The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1975. 95pp. [L04281-606751] ¥4,320
1136 Ogden, C. K.
C. K. Ogden and Linguistics. 5 vols. Routledge/Thoemmes Press, 1994. [L03517-605928]
1137 Ogden,C. K. & Richards,I. A.
The Meaning of Meaning. A Study of The Influence of Language upon Thought and of The Science
of Symbolism. With Supplementary Essays by B. Malinowski Ph.D., D.Sc. and F. G. Crookshank MD,
FRCP. Edited by John Constable. [I. A. Richards: Selected Works 1919-1938, Volume 2] London &
New York: Routledge, 2001. xlvi,386pp. [L04191-606638] ¥21,600
1138 Olofsson,Arne
Relative Junctions in Written American English. [Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, Gothenburg
Studies in English 50] Sweden: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1981. 159pp. [L04228-606698] ¥4,320
1139 Orton,Harold &Dieth,Eugen
Survey of English Dialects; (B) The Basic Material. Vol.I, Pt.I-III: The Six Northern Counties and
the Isle of Man. Edited by Harold Orton & Wilfrid J. Halliday. / Vol.II, Pt.I-III: The West Midland
Counties. Edited by Harold Orton & Michael V. Barry. / Vol.III, Pt.I-III: The East Midland Counties
and East Anglia. Edited by Harold Orton & Philip M. Tilling. / Vol.IV, Pt.I-III: The Southern Counties.
Edited by Harold Orton & Martyn F. Wakelin. With the Assistance ot Phillip M. Tilling & Mary
Hodges (of Pt.II & III). In 12 vols. E. J. Arnold & Son Ltd., 1964-1971. [L04214-606684] ¥54,000
1140 Orton,Harold, Stewart Sanderson & John Widdowson eds.
The Linguistic Atlas of England. London; Routledge, 1996. Reprinted. Foreward (by
S.F.Sanderson), Abbreviations, List of Localities, The International Phonetic Alphabet, Introduction,
249Phonological Maps, 65Lexical Maps, 83Morphological Maps, 9Syntactical Maps, Appendix1,2,3,
Index. [L03135-604802] ¥32,400
1141 Orton,Harold, Stewart Sanderson & John Widdowson eds.
The Linguistic Atlas of England. Croom Helm London, Humanities Press, Max Hueber Verlag,
Shubun International Company, Limited, 1978. Unpagineted. [L03451-605295] ¥27,000
1142 Paul, Hermann
Deutsche Grammatik. Band I: Teil I; Geschichtliche Einleitung, Teil II; Lautlehre. / Band II: Teil III;
Flexionslehre. / Band III: Teil IV; Syntax (Erste hälfte) / Band IV: Syntax (Zweite hälfte) / Band V:
Teil V; Wortbildungslehre. 5 bde. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1968.
xix,378pp./vi,345pp./viii,456pp./423pp./vi,139pp. [L03477-605889] ¥21,600
1143 Paul,Hermann
Deutsche Grammatik. Band I, Teil I: Geschichtliche Einleitung, Teil II: Lautlehre. 1916. xix,378pp. /
Band II, Teil III: Flexionslehre. 1917. vi,345pp. / Band III, Teil IV: Syntax (Erste hälfte) 1919.
viii,456pp. / Band IV, Syntax (Zweite hälfte) 1920. 423pp. / Band V, Wortbildungslehre. 1920.
vi,142pp. 5 vols. Halle a.S.: Verlag von Max Niemeyer. [ds1159-602571] ¥25,920
1144 Persson,P.
Beiträge zur Indogermanischen Wortforschung. Teil I: Worterklärungen. Teil II: Zur Frange
Nach den Sogenannten Wurzeldeterminativen. [Arbeten Utgifna Med Understäd af Vilhelm Ekmans
Universitetsfond, Uppsala 12:1.2] 2 vols. Uppsala, 1912. viii,549pp. -1111pp. [L02007-602636] ¥48,600
1145 Pisani,Vittore
Saggi di Linguistica Storica. Scritti Scelti di Vittore Pisani. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier, 1959.
xlix,310pp. [L02060-602689] ¥21,600
1146 Plattner,Ph.
Ausführliche Grammatik der französischen Sprache. 1.teil. Grammatik der französischen Sprache.
/ 2.teil. Wörterbuch der Schwierigkeiten der französischen Aussprache und Rechtschreibung, mit phonetischer Bezeichnung der Aussprache. 2 vols. Ettlingen I.B.und Leipzig: J.Bielefelds Verlag, 1.teil:
1920. Vierte Auflage. / 2.teil:1917. Zweite Auflage. xv,464pp. / 154ppp. [ds0794-602697] ¥17,280
1147 Poster,Carol ed.
The Elocutionary Movement. Editorial selection by Carol Poster. 7 vols. Thoemmes, 2003. Reprinted
Facsimile edition. [L03506-605918] ¥54,000
1148 Poutsma,H.
A Grammar of Late Modern English. (Part II; For the Use of Continental, Especially Dutch, Students,) 2 parts in 5. Tokyo; Senjo Publishing Co., n.d. Reprinted. Part I: The Sentence, First half; The
Elements of the Sentence. Reprinted from Groningen, P.Noodhoff, 2nd edition in 1928. (xi,540pp.)
Part I, Second half: The Composite Sentence. Reprinted from P.Noodhoff, 2nd edition in 1929.
(545-1057pp.) [L03478-605890] ¥21,600
1149 Poutsma,H.
A Grammar of Late Modern English. Pt.I: The Sentence. First Half; The Elements of the Sentence
(xi,540pp.), Second Half; The Composite Sentence (544-1057pp.) / Pt.II: The Parts of Speech. Section
I, A; Nouns, Adjectives and Articles (xii,703pp.). Section I, B; Pronouns and Numerals
(xv,706-1437pp.). Section II, The Verb and the Particles (vii,891pp.) 2 parts in 5. Tokyo: Senjo Publishing, n.d. [L04283-606753] ¥21,600
1150 Prichard,James Cowles etc. /R.G. Latham etc ed.
The Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations. Proved by a Comparison of Their Dialects with the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and Teutonic Languages: Forming a Supplement to Reserches into the Physical
History of Mankind. London; Houlston and Wright & Bernard Quaritch, 1857. xix,387pp.
[L03430-605274] ¥37,800
1151 Quirk,Randolph et al.
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik. Index by David Crystal. Longman, 1997. Fourteenth impression. x,1779pp.
[L04216-606686] ¥8,640
1152 Ramstedt, G. J.
Einführung in die Altaische Sprachwissenschaft. I; Lautlehre. Bearbeitet und Herausgegeben von
Pentti Aalto. II; Formenlehre. Bearbeitet und Herausgegeben von Pentti Aalto.III; Register. Zusammengestellt von Pentti Aalto. [Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Toimituksia. Mémoires de la Société Fin107
no-Ougrienne. * 104: 1,2,3 *] 3 vols. Helsinki; Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, 1957./1952./1966.
192pp./262pp./171pp. [LS0361-606661] ¥37,800
1153 Ramstedt,G. J.
Studies in Korean Etymology. Vol.II: Edited by Pentti Aaalto. Suomalais-ugrilaisen Seuran Toimituksia XCV, Mémoires de la Société Finno-ougrienne XCV. In 2 vols. Hersinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen
Seura, Vol.I: 1949. / Vol.II: 1953. Vol.I: 292pp. /Vol.II: 64pp. [L03859-606306] ¥21,600
1154 Redin,Mats
Word-Order in English Verse. Fromt Pope to Sassoon. [Uppsala Universitets Årsskrift 5] Uppsala,
1925. 225pp. [L04234-606704] ¥6,480
1155 Richards,I. A.
Mencius on the Mind. Experiments in Multiple Definition. Edited by John Constable. [I. A. Richards:
Selected Works 1919-1938, Volume 5] London & New York: Routledge, 2001. xxxvi,170pp.
[L04192-606639] ¥21,600
1156 Richards,I. A.
The Philosophy of Rhetoric. Edited by John Constable. [I. A. Richards: Selected Works 1919-1938,
Volume 7] London & New York: Routledge, 2001. xvii,94pp. [L04193-606640] ¥21,600
1157 (Richards,I. A.) Constable,John (ed.)
Collected Shorter Writings 1919-1938. Edited by John Constable. [I. A. Richards: Selected Works
1919-1938, Volume 9] London & New York: Routledge, 2001. vii,567pp. [L04195-606642] ¥21,600
1158 (Richards,I. A.) Constable,John (ed.)
I. A. Richards and His Critics. Selected Reviews and Critical Articles. [I. A. Richards: Selected
Works 1919-1938, Volume 10] London & New York: Routledge, 2001. lxxv,499pp. [L04196-606643]
1159 Ronjat,Jules
Grammaire Historique des Parlers Provençaux Modernes. I-II. III-IV. Tome I: Introduction.
Première Partie. Fonétique: 1. Voyelles et Diftongues. Tome II: Première Partie. Fonétique: II, Conxonnes et Fénomenes Generaux. Tome III: Deuxième Partie. Morphologie et Formation des Mots.
Troisième Partie. Notes de Syntaxe. Tome IV: Appendice; Les Dialectes Index. 4vols in 2. Geneve:
Slatkine Reprints/ Marseille: Laffitte Reprints, 1980. 423pp.487pp. 651pp. 190pp. [L02671-604559]
1160 Rotander,Per
The Use of the Prepositions Over, Above, and Across in Present-Day British and American Texts.
[Stockholm Theses in English, 5.] Stockholm University, 1972. ix,217pp. [L04282-606752] ¥8,640
1161 Rydén,Mats
Relative Constructions in Early Sixteenth Century English. With Special Reference to Sir Thomas
Elyot. [Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 3] Uppsala, 1966. lvi,384pp.+Frequency Survey I-XXIV
[L04231-606701] ¥8,640
1162 Rydén,Mats
Relative Constructions in Early Sixteenth Century English. With Special Reference to Sir Thomas
Elyot. [Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 3] Uppsala, 1966. lvi,384pp.+Frequency Survey I-XXIV
[L04275-606745] ¥7,560
1163 Sandfeld,Kr.
Syntaxe du Français Contemporain. L'Infinitif. [Publications Romanes et Françaises. (fondées par
Mario Roques, dirigées par Jean Frappier) LXXXIII] Genève: Librairie Droz, 1965. Second edition.
539pp. [L00326-602948] ¥21,600
1164 Sandhagen,Harald
Studies on the Temporal Senses of the Prepositions at, on, in, by, and for in Present-day English.
Uppsala, 1956. xv,200pp. [L04266-606736] ¥6,480
1165 Scheurweghs,G. / Vorlat,E ed.
①Analytical Bibliography of Writings on Modern English Morphology and Syntax 1877-1960, I.
With an Appendix on Japanese Publications by Prof.Hideo Yamaguchi (Fukui, Japan). [Publications of
the Univ.of Louvain] Belgium: Nauwelaerts, 1963. xviii,293pp.
②Analytical Bibliography of Writings on Modern English Morphology and Syntax 1877-1960, II.
With an Appendixes on Japanese Publications by Prof.Hideo Yamaguchi (Fukui, Japan) and on
Czechoslovak Publications by Dr.Ján Šimko (Bratislava). [Publications of the Univ.of Louvain]
Belgium: Nauwelaerts, 1965. xviii,232pp.
③Analytical Bibliography of Writings on Modern English Morphology and Syntax 1877-1960,
III. I ; Docent G.G.Pocheptsov /Soviet Reserch on English Morphology and Syntax. II ; M.Mincofe,
A.Reszkiewicz, I.Leviţchi, R.Filipović /English Studies in Bulgaria Poland, Rumania and Yugoslavia.
[Publications of the Univ.of Louvain] Belgium: Nauwelaerts Publishing House, 1968. xvii,267pp.
④Analytical Bibliography of Writings on Modern English Morphology and Syntax 1877-1960,
IV. Addenda and General Indexes. With A Few Addenda by Dr. Ján Šimko (Bratislava). [Publications
of the Univ.of Louvain] Belgium: Nauwelaerts Publishing House, 1968. x,123pp.
⑤Analytical Bibliography of Writings on Modern English Morphology and Syntax 1961-1970,
V.Articles in Periodicals 1961-1970. Leuven University Press, Uitgeverij Nauwelaerts Leuven, 1979.
viii,416pp. In 5 vols. [L03265~L03269-605109~605113] ¥32,400
1166 Schmidt,Wilhelm
Der Atticismus in Seinen Hauptvertretern. Von Dionysius von Halikarnass bis auf den Zweiten
Philostratus. 5 vols. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1964. Reprografischer Nachdruck
der Ausgabe Stuttgart 1887-1897 Mit Genehmigung des Verlages W.Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart
Herstellung: fotokop, Reprografischer Betrieb GmbH., Darmstadt. xix,432pp./ 316pp./ 349pp./ 734pp./
234pp. [ds0920-603039] ¥25,920
1167 Schmidt,Wilhelm
Die Tasmanischen Sprachen. Quellen, Gruppierungen, Grammatik, Wörterbücher. Mit Unterstützung
der Organisation der Vereinigten Nationen für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kulter (UNESCO) unter
Vermittlung des Internationalen Rates der Philosophie und der humanistischen Wissenschaften und mit
Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. [Comité International de Linguistes. Publications de la Commission d'Enquéte Linguistique. V] Utrecht-Anvers; Spectrum, 1952. 521pp.
[LS0354-606656] ¥32,400
1168 Schrijnen,Jos.
Verzameling van Opstellen. Door Oud-Leerlingen en Bevriende Vakgenooten. Opgedragen aan Mgr.
Prof. Dr. Jos. Schrijnen 3 Mai 1929. [Donum Natalicium Schrijnen] Nijmegen-Utresht: N. V. Dekker
& Van de Vegt, 1929. xxvii,926pp. [L04142-606589] ¥21,600
1169 Schwyzer, Eduard
Griechische Grammatik. Auf der Grundlage von Karl Brugmanns Griechischer Grammatik. [Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft. Begründet von Iwan von Müller. Herausgegeben von Walter Otto(Vol.1-3). Erweitert von Walter Otto, Fortgeführt von Hermann Bengston(Vol.4). Zweite Abteilung.
Erster Teil. Erster-Vierter Band.] 4 bde. München; C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung,
1953./1966./1968./1971. Vol.1; Zweite, unveränderte Auflage. Vol.2,3; Dritte, unveränderte Auflage.
[L03479-605891] ¥54,000
1170 Schwyzer, Eduard
Griechische Grammatik. Auf der Grundlage von Karl Brugmanns Griechischer Grammatik. [Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft. Begründet von Iwan von Müller. Herausgegeben von Walter Otto.
Zweite Abteilung. Erster Teil. Erster-Dritter Band.] 3 bde.(of 4). München; C. H. Beck'sche Verlags109
buchhandlung, 1953./1961./1960. Vol.1,2; Zweite, unveränderte Auflage. Vol.3;
Auflage. [L03481-605893] ¥43,200
Zweite, verbesserte
1171 Shafer,Robert ed.
Bibliography of Sino-Tibetan Languages. Associate editors: (vol.I) Pentti Aalto, A.A.Guber, Kōno
Rokurō(河野六郎):for Chinese, Matsuyama Osamu(松山納):for Daic, Pe Maung Tin, Uray Géza /
(vol.II) Josef Koláš, Matsuyama Osamu, Pe Maung Tin, Uray Géza. 2 vols. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1957 & 1963. xi,211pp./ ix,141pp. [ds1424-605311] ¥21,600
1172 Smart,B.C & H.T.Crofton
The Dialect of the English Gypsies. London: Asher and Co., 1875. Second edition, revised and greatly enlarged. xxiii,302pp. [L01537-603197] ¥70,200
1173 Sommerfelt,Alf ed.
Lochlann. ①A Review of Celtic Studies. In collaboration with Carl Hj. Borgstrøm, Reidar Christiansen, Anne Holtsmark, Carl J.S. Marstrander, Magne Oftedal. Volume I. [Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap. Utgitt av Carl J.S.Marstander. Suppl. Bind V] Oslo University Press, 1958. 317pp.
②A Review of Celtic Studies. In collaboration with Carl Hj. Borgström, Reidar Th. Christiansen,
Anne Holtsmark, Carl J.S. Marstrander, Magne Oftedal. Volume II. [Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap. Utgitt av Carl J.S.Marstander. Suppl. Bind VI] Universitetsforlaget, 1962. 263pp.
③A Review of Celtic Studies. In collaboration with Carl Hj. Borgström, Reidar Th. Christiansen,
Anne Holtsmark, Carl J.S. Marstrander, Magne Oftedal. Volume III. [Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap. Utgitt av Carl J.S.Marstander. Suppl. Bind VIII] Oslo University Press, 1965. 466pp.
In 3 vols. [L03437~L03439-605281~605283] ¥54,000
1174 Sovijärvi,Antti & Pentti Aalto eds.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Held st the University of
Helsinki, 4-9 September 1961. [Janua Linguarum・Studia Memoriae Nicolai Van Wijk Dedicata. Series
Maior X] The Hague: Mouton & Co., 1962. xxix,825pp. [L00293-603892] ¥25,920
1175 Stammler,Wolfgang ed.
Deutsche Philologie im Aufriss. Unter Mitarbeit zahlreicher Fachgelehrter. Bearbeitet von Maria-Lioba Lechner, Lydia Tschakert, Theresia Zimmer. 4 vols. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1957. /
1960. / 1962. / 1969. 2., überarbeitete Auflage. xvi,1999pp. / xii,2623pp. / xvi,3050pp. / viii,228pp.
[ds0738-600033] ¥43,200
1176 Stammler,Wolfgang ed.
Deutsche Philologie im Aufriss. Unter Mitarbeit zahlreicher Fachgelehrter. 2 vols. Berlin: Erich
Schmidt Verlag, 1966. 2., überarbeitete Auflage Unveränderter Nachdruck. xvi,1999pp. / xii,2623pp.
[ds1333-603243] ¥17,280
1177 Stammler,Wolfgang hrsg.
Deutsche Philologie im Aufriss. Unter Mitarbeit zahlreicher Fachgelehrter. Bd 4: Register zu Band I
bis III. Bearbeitet von Maria-Lioba Lechner, Lydia Tschakert, Theresia Zimmer. 4 bds. Berlin: Erich
Schmidt Verlag, 1957. / 1960. / 1962. / 1969. 2. überarbeitete Auflage Unveränderter Nachdruck.
xvi,1999pp. / xii,2623pp. / xvi,3050pp. / viii,228pp. [L03513-605925] ¥43,200
1178 Storm,Johan
Englische Philologie. Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Studium der Englischen Sprache. Vom Verfasser für das deutsche Publikum bearbeitet. Zweite, vollständig umgearbeitete und sehr vermehrte
Auflage. I. Die lebende Sprache. 1.Abteilung: Phonetik und Aussprache. [and] 2.Abteilung: Rede und
Schrift. 2 vols. Leipzig: O.R.Reisland, 1892, 1896. xv,484pp./ xxi,486-1098pp. [L03241-605085] ¥32,400
1179 Sundby,Bertil ed.
Christopher Cooper's English Teacher (1687). Edited by Bertil Sundby. [Lund Universitets Årsskrift.
N.F.Avd.1. Bd 50. Nr.5. (Lund Studies in English 22)] C.W.K.Gleerup,1953. lxxvii,120b,lxxxii-cxvi
pp. [L01339-603310] ¥21,600
1180 Sweet,Henry
Collected Papers of Henry Sweet. Arranged by H,C,Wyld. Oxford: the Clarendon Press, 1913.
x,590pp. [L01805-603336] ¥21,600
1181 Sweet,Henry
Collected Papers of Henry Sweet. Arranged by H,C,Wyld. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1913.
x,590pp. [L03541-605952] ¥21,600
1182 Shannon,Ann
A Descriptive Syntax of the Parker Manuscript of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle from 734 to 891.
[Janua Linguarum, Studia Memoriae Nicolai van Wijk Dedicata Series Practica XIV] London, The
Hague, Paris: Mouton & Co., 1964. 66pp. [L04276-606746] ¥3,240
1183 Shibatani,Masayoshi ed.
Syntax and Semantics. Vol.5 Japanese Generative Grammar. Academic Press, 1976. xvii,574pp.
[L04200-606670] ¥8,640
1184 Shibatani,Masayoshi ed.
Syntax and Semantics. Vol.6The Grammar of Causative Constructions. Academic Press, 1976.
xx,497pp. [L04201-606671] ¥8,640
1185 Sprockel,C.
The Language of the Parker Chronicle. Volume I: Phonology and Accidence. Martinus Nijhoff, /
The Hague, 1965. xxviii,274pp. [L04245-606715] ¥6,480
1186 Tedeschi,Philip J. & Zaenen,Annie eds.
Syntax and Semantics. Vol.14. Tense and Aspect. Academic Press, 1981. xvii,301pp.
[L04206-606676] ¥8,640
1187 Tellier,André
Les Verbes perfecto-Présents et les Auxiliaires de mode en Anglais ancien. (VIIIe S.- XVIe S.)
[Études Linguistiques I] Paris: Librairie C. Klincksieck, 1962. 359pp. [L04218-606688] ¥6,480
1188 Thun,Nils
Reduplicative Words in English. A Study of Formation of the Types Tick-tick, Hurly-burly and
Shilly-shally. Uppsala, 1963. xii,347pp. [L01345-603397] ¥25,920
1189 Tooke,John Horne
Eпea Πteroenta, or The Diversions of Purley. In 2 vols. London: Printed for the Author, 1798 &
1805. Second edition (to title page of vol.I). 534pp./ 516pp.+index. [ds1433-605256] ¥54,000
1190 Tooke,John Horne et.al
History of Linguistics; British Linguistics in the Eighteenth Century. In 6 vols. London:
Routledge/Thoemmes Press, Tokyo: Kinokuniya Co., 1993. Reprint Edition. [L03623-606070] ¥54,000
1191 (Tooke,John Horne) Stephens,Alexander
Memoirs of John Horne Tooke. Interspersed with Original Documents. 2 vols. London; J.Johnson
and Co., 1813. Vol. 1; xi,477pp., Vol. 2; iv,503pp. [L03076-604734] ¥43,200
1192 (Tovar,Antonio)
Homenaje a Antonio Tovar. Ofrecido por sus Discípulos, Colegas y Amigos. Madrid: Editorial Gredos, S. A., 1972. 470pp. [L04261-606731] ¥6,480
1193 (Trier,Jost)William Forerste und Karl Heintz Borck eds.
Festschrift für Jost Trier. zum 70. Geburtstag. Köln Graz; Böhlau Verlag., 1964. viii,496pp.
[L02958-604617] ¥21,600
1194 Ureña,Pedro Henríquez
El Español en Santo Domingo. [Biblioteca de Dialectología Hispanoamericana V] Buenos Aires:
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad, 1940. 301pp. [L04256-606726] ¥6,480
1195 Vallancey,Charles
A Grammar of the Iberno-Celtic or Irish Language. The Second Edition with many Additions. To
which is Prefixed, an Essay on the Celtic Language; Shewing the Importance of the Iberno-Celtic or
Irish Dialect, to Students in History, Antiquity, and the Greek and Roman Classics. Dublin: Printed by
R.Marchbank, and Sold by L.L.Flin, 1781. vi,135pp. [L03429-605273] ¥64,800
1196 Ventris,Michael & Chadwick,John
Documents in Mycenaean Greek. Three Hundred Selected Tablets from Knossos, Pylos and Mycenae with Commentary and Vocabulary. With a Foreword by Alan J. B. Wace. Cambridge at the UP,
1956. xxxi,452pp. [L04166-606613] ¥21,600
1197 Vernaleken,Theodor
Deutsche Syntax. Erster Theil / Zweiter Theil. 2 vols in 1. Wien: Wilhelm Braumüller, 1861, 1863.
xx,328pp./ x,531pp. [ds1083-603518] ¥15,550
1198 Vidos,B.E.
Manuale di Linguistica Romanza. Prima Edizione Italiana Completamente Aggiornata Dall'Autore.
Traduzione Dall'Olandese di G.Francescato. [Biblioteca Dell'Archivum Romanicum. Serie II. Linguistica. Vol.28.] Firenze: Leo S.Olschki, 1959. xxi,439pp. [lk0216-604267] ¥12,960
1199 Walker,William
A Treatise of English Particles, Shewing Much of the Variety of their Significations and Uses in
English: and how to Render them into Latine According to the Propriety and Elegancy of that Language, With a Praxis upon the Same. London, printed by T.N.for Robert Pawlet at the Bible in Chancery-Lane near Fleetstreet, 1679. Seventh edition. Preface + 461pp.+ Index. [L01062-603566] ¥38,880
1200 Warren,Beatrice
Classifying Adjectives. [Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, Gothenburg Studies in English 56]
Sweden: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1984. 318pp. [L04249-606719] ¥12,960
1201 Wedgwood,Hensleigh
Contested Etymologies. In the Dictionary of the Rev. W.W.Skeat. London; Trübner & Co., 1882.
viii,193pp. [L03376-605219] ¥21,600
1202 Weithase,Irmgard
Zur Geschichte der Gesprochenen Deutschen Sprache. 2 vols. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag,
1961. x,575pp. / 218pp. [ds0747-603640] ¥17,280
1203 Wendt,G.
Syntax des heutigen Englisch. I. Teil: Die Wortlehre. II. Teil: Die Satzlehre. 2 vols. In one.
Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1911. / 1914. xii,328pp. / xii,279pp.
[ds0712-603649] ¥12,960
1204 Wendt,G.
Syntax des heutigen Englisch. I. Teil: Die Wortlehre. II. Teil: Die Satzlehre. 2 vols. In one.
Heidelberg: Carl Winter's Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1911. / 1914. xii,328pp. / xii,279pp.
[L03240-605084] ¥12,960
1205 Whiting,Bartlett Jere
Early American Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases.
1977. lxiv,555pp. [L02935-604594] ¥21,600
The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,
1206 Wierzbicka,Anna
English Speech Act Verbs. A Semantic dictionary. Academic Press, 1987. viii,397pp.
[L04215-606685] ¥12,960
1207 Wiesinger,Peter
Phonetische-Phonologische Untersuchungen zur Vokalentwicklung in den deutschen Dialekten.
Band 1; Die Langvokale im Hochdeutschen. Band 2; Die Diphthonge im Hochdeutschen. [Studia Lin112
guistica Germanica. Herausgegben von Ludwig Erich Schmitt und Stefan Sonderegger.
2/1,1. Deutscher Sprachatlas Gesamtdarstellungen Vokalismus 1,2. Herausgegeben vom Forschungsinstitut für deutsche Sprache] 2 bds. Berlin; Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1970. xxix,423pp./361pp.
[L03579-605990] ¥21,600
1208 Wilmanns,W.
Deutsche Grammatik. Gotisch, Alt-, Mittel-, und Neuhochdeutsch. 2 vols.of 3. [ds1161-603694] ¥17,280
1209 Wundt,Wilhelm
Völkerpsychologie. Eine Untersuchung der Entwichlungsgesetze von Sprache, Mythus und Sitte.
Erster Band: Die Sprache. Erster Teil. Mit 40 Abbildungen im Text. Zweiter Band: Die Sprache.
Zweiter Teil Teil. Mit 6 Abbildungen im Text. 2 bds.(Bd.3 lacking). Leipzig: Alfred Kröner Verlag,
1921-1922. Vierte unveränderte Auflage. xv,695pp. /x,681pp.[L03552-605963] ¥16,200
1210 Žinkin,N.I.
Mechanisms of Speech. [Janua Linguarum. Series Maior 13] Mouton, 1968. 461pp.+ plates.
[L01730-603797] ¥27,000
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または、お電話 (03-3262-0908) メール (ogawatosho@tokyo.email.ne.jp) にてお問い合わせください。
1211 荒木伊兵衛 「日本英語學書志」
創元社 昭6.
1212 荒木伊兵衛 「日本英語學書志」 (初刷五百部限定刊行)
創元社, 昭 6. 407pp.+48pp.
1213 錦窠先生(伊藤圭介) 著 伊藤圭造、西村良三(柳河春三) 同校 「萬寳叢書洋字篇」 11丁
包背装 拵帙入
尾張:花繞書屋藏版 天保十二年 (1841) 題簽に個人印(小) 裏表紙に墨で書込 「和蘭亜別設二
1214 井上勤(譯述) ジュールス・ベルチ(著) 「亞非利加内地三十五日間 空中旅行」 (巻の1~7)
春陽堂. 明 19.
1215 岩崎克己(著作兼発行) 「柴田昌吉傳」
一誠堂書店. 昭 10. 前後表紙の縁と背をテープで補強. p.12-p.15 の間に綴じ割れ及びテープ
で修繕. [wh0379-706740]
1216 大江(巌谷)小波 (編) 渡部審也 (画) 「無人島大王」
ロビンソン漂流記 [世界お伽噺 第五編]
博文館 明 38. 7 版 84pp.
1217 大阪女子大学附属図書館 「大阪女子大学藏 日本英学資料解題 補遣付」
大阪女子大学. 1962. 非売品. 限定 1000 部(825 番). 補遣の冊子付.
1218 岡倉由三郎 他(編)「英語通信講座」 第 1 巻~第 5 巻
研究社, [昭 6.]
English Self-Taught. 合本5冊 ¥32,400
1219 木島茂(訳述)(初代彦根市長)
昭 37.
「努力玉成論」 S.Smiles' Self-Help
扉頁に正誤表貼付. 扉頁に著者の署名と書き添え. [wh0375-706736]
1220 研究社 社史編集室(編) 「研究社百年の歩み」
研究社, 2007. 516pp. 謹呈本.
1221 財団法人英語教育協議会(編)
Elec Bulletin. Vol.1. & Vol.3.
Vol.1: 1965 年 2 月, No.13~1968 年 7 月, No.24. 合本第 2 巻 / Vol.3: 1968 年 11 月, No.25~1972
年 1 月, No.36. 合本第 3 巻
学習研究社, 昭 40-47.
1222 斎藤秀三郎 「英文法精義」
One-Volume Edition.
Saito's Advanced English Lessons.
名著普及会, 1982. 復刻版. iii,30pp.+1056pp.
1223 斎藤秀三郎 「英文法詳解」 Saito's Higher English Lessons.
(興文社刊 Higher English Lessons; No.1 Nouns and Articles, No.1: Part II. Pronouns and Pronominal
Elements,および No.2: Verbs,以上 3 冊を合本) 名著普及会, 1982. 復刻版. ix,621pp.[ww0807-751165]
1224 齋藤秀三郎
Saito's Practical English Grammar. Vol.I.‐IV.
[The Kobunsha Language Series.] Instructor of English in the Dai Ichi Koto Gakko, Principal of
Seisoku Eigo Gakko. I: Nouns, Articles, Adjectives, Pronouns. II: Verbs. III: Adverbs, Prepositions,
Conjunctions. IV: Uses of Prepositions.
興文社, 明 31-32.(初版.) I: xiv,233pp. II: xxvi,307pp. III: xii,316p. IX: ix,200pp. [ww0785-751143]
1225 斎藤秀三郎 「斎藤英語慣用語法学研究」 (動詞篇)(前置詞篇)
Saito's Class-Books of English Idiomology. (I) Verbs. (II) Prepositions. [斎藤クラス・ブックス]
名著普及会, 1983. 復刻版. (I) Verbs.: x,983pp./ (II) Prepositions.: iv,835pp.
1226 斎藤秀三郎 「斎藤英語慣用語法学例文集成」
Saito's Studies in English Idiom. [斎藤イディオム]
名著普及会, 1983. 復刻版. xv,1309pp.
1227 斎藤秀三郎(監修) 出来成訓(解題) 「正則英語学校講義録(復刻版)」
[中学科第 1 年級 / 中学科第 2 年級 / 中学科第 3 年級 / 中学科第 4 年級 / 中学科第 5 年級 /
受験科] 名著普及会, 1991. 第 1 刷. xxiv,718pp. / vii,700pp. / vii,665pp. / vii,713pp. / vii,735pp. /
1228 佐川春水 「英語正解法」 朋友出版, 昭 44. 初版. iv,402pp.
1229 島 一徳「童蒙英学初歩」 和装 拵帙入 45 丁
題簽部分欠、及び書込みあり 桂迂生・序
明治四年 (1871. 序より)
1230 高部義信(編集) 「英文法研究」 第一巻~第四巻
第一巻: 自 1957 年 5 月号~至 1958 年 3 月号/ 第二巻: 自 1958 年 4 月号~至 1959 年 3 月号/ 第
三巻: 自 1959 年 4 月号~至 1960 年 3 月号/ 第四巻: 1960 年 4 月号~至 1961 年 3 月号
研究社, 1957-1961.
1231 友常穀三郎(持主兼編輯人) 「英學新誌」 第壱號 明治十八年四月十三日~第十號 明治十八
年六月十五日 全10冊
第壱號: 明治十八年四月十三日/ 第貮號: 明治十八年四月二十日/ 第三號: 明治十八年四月二
十七日/ 第四號: 明治十八年五月四日/ 第五號: 明治十八年五月十一日/ 第六號: 明治十八年
五月十八日/ 第七號: 明治十八年五月二十五日/ 第八號: 明治十八年六月一日/ 第九號: 明治
十八年六月七日/ 第十號: 明治十八年六月十五日
發行所: 東洋英學協會, 明 18. 第参版.
1232 西村周次郎 譯 「英學文章獨學」 和装本 緒言・標目+49 丁 題簽なし
東京書肆 文苑閣 明治五申春新刻 (奥付に「明治四辛未年十一月蔵版」)
1233 日本の英学百年編集部 「日本の英学百年」
第一巻: 明治編/第二巻: 大正編/第三巻: 昭和編/第四巻: 別巻
研究社, 1968-1969. [明治編]: 514pp.+12pp.(索引)/[大正編]: 406pp.+12pp.(索引)/[昭和編]:
468pp.+11pp.(索引)/[別巻]: 362pp.+66pp.(索引)
1234 細江逸記
Studies in the Midland Dialect Used in the Works of George Eliot. With Special Refference to
Silas Marner and Adam Bede.
泰文堂, 昭 11. 再版
1235 矢野峰人 井田好治宛 自筆葉書 53 通及び手紙 7 通
葉書: 昭 36~昭 61. 手紙(全て封筒付): 昭 28~昭 62. (写真 1 枚、喪中葉書 1 枚付)[f0300-170297]
1236 Hamerton,Philip Gilbert(著) 足立重(譯註)
ヒューマン・インタコース講義 Selections from
Human Intercourse. Selected, Translated and Annotated by S. Adachi. [英文學講義叢書]
健文社, 昭 11. 2pp.(序言)+235pp. [ww0952-751301] ¥4,320
1237 Hamerton,Philip Gilbert(著) 山本供平(譯註)
インテレクチュアル・ライフ講義 The Intellectual
Life. Translated and Annotated by K. Yamamoto. [英文學講義叢書 17]
健文社, 昭 9. 7版. 2pp.(はしがき)+302pp. [ww0953-751302] ¥4,320
1238 Palmer,H. E.(ハロルド・イ・パーマ)
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