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Looking at its history (presented through the example of Switzerland) shows that Lifelong Learning has a much longer tradition than might be assumed. Concerning the need for a reform of the education system, LLL proves to be a concept which is difficult to be made precise. Generally, Lifelong Learning (LLL) or, more extensively, the vision of “Learning Society” is a demand which is aligned to the future. Dealing with the reform of the education system, the reason for making new efforts in order to keep up with or develop international competition, the connection to lifelong learning is quickly seen. So LLL is a demand which is taken up by reformers. This also happened in 1996, the “European Year of Lifelong Learning.” According to the paper “Leitlininien einer modernen Bildungspolitik” (guidelines for a modern education policy), written by Günther Dohmen and edited by the German Federal Ministry (of Education, Science, Research and Technology), self-determined, competence-developing learning should be supported in order to react to the demands of modern life and work. Man is only able to cope with “dramatical changes”, when he learns lifelong in “fast changes of situative challenges” (Dohmen 1996, p.4 and p.90f). Here the special role of adult education is stressed which should be more than correcting school’s education. (Knoll 1997, p.36). Likewise the White Paper, published in 1995 by the European Union “Teaching and Learning – Heading Towards a Cognitive Society” stresses that access to education has to be guaranteed lifelong in order to make Europe fit for the radical changes of globalization and the information age. (1996, p.37/80) In order to support democracy and competitive capacity, a policy of “lifelong general and vocational education” should be carried out in Europe (Cresson 1996). The whole education system is to be committed to such a view to be judged by the many comments. It has to be noted that global claims are often connected to very specific reform suggestions. Likewise the statements which have been made for years by international organizations such as UNESCO, World Bank and others emphasize with different stress the importance of learning beyond school days. As early as in 1973 the OECD was in the focus of attention with its paper: “Recurrent Education – a strategy for lifelong learning.” (OECD 1973). Philipp Gonon 㧦 ࠴ࡘ࠶ࡅᄢቇᢎޕኾ㐷ߪᢎ⢒ቇ⡯ᬺᢎ⢒⺰↢ᶦቇ⠌⺰ޕ LLL as a slogan of education policy Dennis Kallen, co-author of the above mentioned paper and grand seigneur of international education policy characterizes LLL as a mixed concept. LLL legitimizes “both smaller corrections of education and social policy and general, innovative or even revolutionary ideas: its aims concerning social policy go from radical equality to conservative attempts which confirm the prevailing order. Among its target groups are the old and young, working people and pensioners. Its organization structures reach from wide ranged educational programs for adults to educational measures which are carried out at the job or are job-related (today’s field of furtherance) to integrated models of general and vocational education” (Kallen 1995, p.17). It is exactly this variety of aspects that is reminiscent of the characterization which Israel Scheffler assigns to pedagogical language in his survey “The language of education”; it is often characterized by slogans. Besides stipulative, descriptive and programmatic definitions, Scheffler distinguishes between slogans and metaphors (Scheffler 1971, p.139). According to Scheffler, slogans in pedagogics are symbols around which the most important thoughts and attitudes are grouped. They are not concerned with serious reconsidering and systematizing but with benevolent repetition and solemnity. Thus we can also regard those slogans as formulas which only vaguely refer to a concept. “We say that definitions are explaining/clearifying; but we do not say this about slogans. Slogans can be infectious, definitions cannot.” (ibid., p.55). The special thing about a slogan is the fact that it can combine different meanings and therefore mirrors poorly defined concepts. Not the statement as such but its practical meaning and usability are in the focus of attention. Referring to LLL it can be stated that this expresses the desire during the sixties. It is especially the reevaluation of adult education which is in accord with this demand. On the other hand, the criticism of school or making school-like in structure receives new support. So we can perceive the demand for an institutional extension of the education system in the LLL slogan. On the other hand, the emphasis of LLL should modify the results of this historical structure in society. LLL in the 19th century and the case of Switzerland: Bonstetten, Zschokke and Scherr In contrast to many papers and some self-stylizations, LLL is not a recent idea but is part of a debate on the construction of the educational system as shall be shown by the example of Switzerland. Establishing an educational system in 19th century by prominent figures like Pestalozzi, Fellenberg and Stapfer, there was also a debate about learning after school and outside school-rooms. As a consequence of the French Revolution Bonstetten propagated learning through the whole life course. Karl Victor von Bonstetten (1745-1832) was born into a patrician family in Bern. He received his education by traveling the whole of Europe and was friends with Frederike Brun, Matthisson, Lord Byron and Madame de Stael. He was engaged in the reform of education in Switzerland. In his work published in 1802 “On National Education” he wrote that no Enlightenment was possible without people and its government trusting each other. Even a benevolent government as during the French Revolution is no of much use if they want to push through their principle and do not listen to reason. The Good requires a good constitution united with functional Enlightenment. Without the latte, freedom is impossible (Bonstetten 2000, p.307). This freedom emerges from reason, thus the stimulation of reason is necessary. In contrast to Rousseau, Bonstetten does not connect reason to an unenlightened will of the people, but relates it to science. Rather it would be necessary to merge science with society, to bring it back to the people. True Enlightenment should connect democracy and Enlightenment. Two kinds of prejudice have to be countered: that only young people can be educated and that only school-teachers are able to do that: “Our education lasts as long as we are effected by our surroundings, as long as we feel and live.”(Bonstetten, 2000, p.318) True Enlightenment is eager to bring intellectual and manual labour, experience and science, working class people and scholars together. The common use of the products of science is only possible where it is corrected by continuing experience and labour is brought into steady connection by verified principles (323). All parts of the nation through constant endeavour would contribute to the perfection of reason and morality. The thinking and exploring part of mankind has a triple duty: to enlarge science, make it known and use it. It is made explicit that this is not meant to happen as reason from lecture rooms or in solitude cells (but in broad public). Only such an attitude could overcome isolated scholarship. Bonstetten criticizes the school system of his days not only due to the methodological shortcomings, but also because of the fact that school time ended too early and abruptly. That is why it is necessary to keep the learning mind awake through friendship and sociability, joining societies, clubs and organizations. Furthermore, it is essential to grant freedom of the press. A speech published in 1836 by the politician, educationalist and editor of numerous magazines and journals Johann Heinrich Zschokke (1771-1848), can be put into this tradition. During a meeting of the Swiss People’s Education Society in Lausen (near Basel) he coined the slogan “Educating the people is liberating the people” (Zschokke 1836), which has been used by many others later. According to Zschokke, it is the task of people’s education to overcome ignorance and superstition. Only then are a people liberated from all their bonds of slavery and beyond the state of “savagery”. The people have to be lifted from the state of mental immaturity to maturity (ibid., p.173). Therefore the People’s Education Society is an association for people’s liberation; which follows directly after political liberation. Besides the improvement of education, it is necessary to provide “good” books in the local clubs for people’s education. Political issues should be discussed there and useful information taught to the ignorant mass by teachers and scholars. Zschokke thinks of domestic and agricultural knowledge, furthermore examples of noble taste and good moral could be useful. (186). If good and honest citizens stick together, happiness and wealth at home are more guaranteed than through “all sermons, laws and decrees” (187). It was this strongly political determined motivation which gave useful knowledge to the early reading circles and clubs. These were marked by their local or regional character in city and countryside. But as they were hardly institutionalized, they depended on chance and private initiative. In his work “The Necessity of a Complete Organisation of Public Schools; derived from the inappropriate limitation of lessons to childhood and the insufficient effects of children’s school on a nobler life for the people”, which was published in 1842, Ignaz Thomas Scherr (1801-1870), educationalist and politician from Zurich demanded a “school of civil life”. Although such an institution was not established until the 20th century, his plea for learning through the whole life course was clearly shown. On the other hand, a furtherance of adult education was developed from charitable attempts, from clerical circles and the forming of the workers’ movement in the 19th century which mainly focused on the recruiting and spreading of respective interests (Bachmann-DiMichele 1992). Pflügers evaluation of LLL at the end of the 19tu century Paul Pflüger, pastor from Zurich “evaluated” in his paper “On the improvement of Swiss people’s education”, published in 1896, quite skeptically the way things were standing at the end of 19th century. The nature of the clubs for people’s education (as propagated by Zschokke) was heterogenous, the topics discussed often arbitrary and of low profile. Often leisure was important than teaching. Pflüger also considered the press, the church and libraries to be part of the people’s education. The influence of the church is valued as being hardly existent, the press could not offer coherent articles and libraries would not grant access to a broad public. He judges benevolently the University-Extension-Movement which came into fashion during those days, but considers universities and their subjects to be too far away from the interests of the common people. Adding to this, Pflüger saw a problem in the lack of qualified teachers for such a people’s education. The picture presented above would be corrected if the attempts of single cantons were presented. In 1855, the canton of Geneva established educational classes for adults which were to be held by university professors. These were legally established as “cours publics et gratuits” (Schärer 1998). All the same Pflüger demonstrated with his paper that the endeavor to establish a learning culture for adults outside schools were not sufficient. Further vocational education and the development of adult education in 20th century Nevertheless a modest adult education arose after schools were legally established on cantonal level (1874). Besides such a political and scientific oriented adult education, the furtherance of “further education” which results from further vocational education of young adults from industrial and trade backgrounds has to be referred to. From these Sunday- and evening schools which were initiated by commercial, domestic-economic and industrial associations developed on the one hand professional training schools. On the other hand a vocational education and furtherance of adult education was established which was finally legalized by a law for vocational education in 1930 in the whole of Switzerland (Gonon 1998). On the other hand the adult education was given an impetus by the institutionalization of university extension in Basel, Bern and Zurich during the years 1919-20. These evening schools asserted themselves on the Danish model of home schools with vocational regard for young adults which were strongly preferred by Fritz Wartenweiler (1889-1935), educationalist and pioneer of adult education. Even though the development of extension universities (“Volkshochschulen”) followed those in Austria and Germany, it has to be noted that after the Second World War adult education in Switzerland developed independently. This is mainly due to the commitment of the food company Migros to adult education! Besides selling food, Migros continually strengthened their own further education program and extended their classes for people outside the company. Their concept of “club schools” which favoured leisure and social interaction thus became more popular than the “Volkshochschulen”. So Migros mutated to the biggest provider for adult education in Switzerland – but their classes are nowadays quite similar to those of “Volkshochschulen” based on linguistic and cultural classes. LLL in the mirror of Swiss educational history Bonstettens ideas on education incorporate the program of people’s education of the 19th century: Enlightenment, democracy, the inclusion of science into society and the spreading of research beyond a close circle of scholars. Furthermore, this perspective on reform of education is astonishingly modern. In his work “On National Education”, Bonstetten stated his criticism of current school which is still of interest in our days. As can be observes with many later reformers, it is a central point in his thought that current school system can only provide, the fundament for a general education. If people are considered able to learn beyond the time of childhood and adolescence, learning can never be finished within a limited period of time. But also concerning social questions, the limitation of knowledge does not make sense. It must be the aim of democratic society to grant access to education for everybody. Here social and scientific elites are made responsible: they should be concerned with providing knowledge. That is how they can contribute to the legitimacy of science, to the use of certain knowledge at work – and so they learn from this task for their own job. The requirement to constantly keep the leaning mind awake for the benefit of both individual and society sounds reasonable reconsidering the demands for a “learning society”. Less obvious in Bonstetten’s thought is the question of institutionalizing lifelong learning. The cantonal establishment of the school system in 1874 was not followed by a strengthened adult education as such. Paul Pflüger’s critical judgment of the state of institutionalizing and professionalizing adult education at the end of the 19th century can easily be found in the latest analysis on the state of adult and continuing education (Schäfli/Gonon 1999). The legal basis for furtherance of lifelong learning in Switzerland is still not clear and there are mainly (male) educational elites which benefit from these offers. Much has to be done concerning the education of instructors (Gonon 2000). Adult education as such gas not been established institutionally nor is it based exclusively on science. Besides a social enlightening role/ a specific furtherance has gained importance which puts stress on vocational progress. Concluding remarks The historical review on the Helvetian course of discussion shows lifelong learning as a demand treating (adult) education and its furtherance beyond a time limited to school with a long tradition. From today’s point of view the shift of interest regarding the contents of further education with identical claims is important. The close relation between scientific knowledge, Enlightenment and social progress which is regarded by Bonsteten and, though less enthusiastic, Pflüger, fades during the 20th century in favour of a perspective stressing prosperity and an international competitive capacity. Today the need for lifelong learning is not connected with political perspectives but with professional and vocational requirements in order to adjust to the changes in technology and working conditions. Thus we can emphasize that lifelong learning has become much more job-related today. There has been a shift from a primarily political to an economic background. As a “realistic aim” it has been reduced to a concept of flexibility for adults and – according to Kallen – therefore it has lost much of the “large scale and extensive concept” which it has during the 70s (1996, p.24). Active participation of the citizens on a national level remains in the background with regard to a collective effort for participation on a global level. Even if current LLL-presentations emphasize self-determined and informal learning of adults, many scholars refer to the fact that experience at school are the central resources of later learnering (Gorard et al. 1999). Learning as such cannot be learned (see Ruhloff 1998), but attitudes towards learning acquired at school characterize and stabilize further readiness of learning. If we want to emphasize a conceptional core behind the slogan of LLL, it must be that individual education is freed from the boundaries of time. The concept of LLL, especially in current forms, which favour job-related perspectives grounded on informal learning and a “model of learning within the life course” (Alheit et al. 998) over formal school education, call traditional education system into question. Paradoxically said, the claim for LLL promotes further the creation of school-like structure as well as the tearing down of such structures in society. It is especially the freedom in time and place of learning which shows the popularity or the possibility of this demand. It is the task of a historical perspective to show clearly the balance between making school-like in structure and new ways of learning, economic and political aims. References Alheit, P./Beck, J./Kammler, E.: Lifelong learning – Inside and Outside schools. In: EERABulletin, 1998, p. 21-23. 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Ԇȅম ު ༭ ࣬ ˍȅڠپਠݪࡄ֗ޗΓϋΗȜ৽टȆވटমު Ȫˍȫ࣒ٳज ฬ ⒓㐿 ᣣ ⻠ Ꮷ ౝ ኈ ળ ႐ άͺΦঐ൵৪͈̹͈͛ήρΛΏν ͺΛί࣒ज ࡇࠕࡁቇ⠌ߩㆊ⒟ߢዉߐࠇ ᒄ೨ᄢቇഃ┙ ࠆ✵⠌ᦛࠍᧄ᧪ߩ⋡⊛߿Ṷᄼ᭽ 50 ᐕ⸥ᔨળ ᑼߩ㕙߆ࠄᱜߒߊᝒ߃ߥ߇ࠄ ޔ㙚 㧤㧣ᣣ㧔㧕 ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒⎇ⓥ ߘߩ↪ᴺ↪ᴺࠍ⠨߃ࠆޕ ߚߞࠍޢࡦࡁࡂޡᜰߣ㗡ߩ੍ ࡦ࠲㐳ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ߹ߚߩࡂ࠶ࡃ߿࠻࡞ࠔ࠷ࡕޔ ᠲ ᢎ ຠࠍㅢߒߡޡᭉ⼆ࠍ⺒ߎޢ ஃ ୄ ߣߩᄢಾߐࠍቇ߱ޕ ࠹ࡦࡔࠢޡߣޢ࠾࡞ࠚ࠴ޡ ࠖޢ 㧤㧤ᣣ㧔Ἣ㧕 ᭉ⼆ߩ⺒ߺᣇ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ 㑆 10㧦00 㨪 15㧦00 4,000 ઁঊࣞႢا২ٛͬࣉ̢̠͢ 㧥 13 ᣣ㧔᳓㧕 ዋሶ㜞㦂ൻߩേะ ੱᢥቇㇱ ၏ 㧥 20 ᣣ㧔᳓㧕 シㆇേߢஜᐽᜬࠍߪ߆ࠈ߁ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ᢎ ུ ୃ ۼ 㧥 27 ᣣ㧔᳓㧕 ஜᐽ 㨪ᱤญ⣧ߪஜᐽߩḮ㨪 කቇㇱකቇ⑼ ᢎ ࿐ ఆ ฎ ૽ 10 㧠ᣣ㧔᳓㧕 ஜᐽߩߚ⣖ࠍᵴᕈൻߐߖࠃ߁ කቇㇱකቇ⑼ କ ോ 10 11 ᣣ㧔᳓㧕 ↢ᶦޔᓎ කቇㇱஜቇ⑼ ᢎ २ ׆ਜ ᤨ 㑆 ࡇࠕࡁᜰዉ⠪ ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒ ߮ ቇ ⠌ ⠪ ⎇ⓥࡦ࠲ ৻⥸ ࡃ࠶ࡂߩ⇇ ᤨ ਥ ഥᢎ ੇ ז ࣐ ᢎ ཅ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ 5,000 ুடबͅٺచ̳ͥۯܥܓၑ 㧥 20 ᣣ㧔᳓㧕 ℂᎿቇㇱ ഥᢎ ἴኂ߆ࠄりࠍࠆ ೋ ఆ ࢼ २ 㨪⏕߆ࠃ߁ࠊ߇ኅߩ㔡ో ᕈ㨪 㧥 27 ᣣ㧔᳓㧕 ℂᎿቇㇱ ᢎ ᷷ᥦൻߣߘߩᓇ㗀 ႁ ኈ 㨪᷷ᥦൻ߇ᒁ߈ߎߔἴኂߣߪ㨪 ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇㇱ ᢎ 10 㧠ᣣ㧔᳓㧕 ἴኂ⊒↢ߩߒߊߺ ᕐ ڈఱ ੩ 㨪⍾ἴኂࠍߣߒߚ⊒↢ࡔࠞ ࠾࠭ࡓߣߘߩኻᔕ㨪 22 ฬ ୃੌ⠪ 21 ฬ ㄭᐕ߇ࠊޔ࿖ߩዋሶ㜞㦂ൻߪ 㕍ᏒਛᄩᏒ ࿅႙ߩઍ߇ቯᐕࠍㄫ߃ࠆߎߣ ᳃ࡦ࠲ ߢ৻ጀടㅦߒߡߊߎߣߪㆱߌ ࠄࠇ߹ߖࠎޕ ߘߎߢޔੱޔၞⴕޔ╬ ߩⷞὐ߆ࠄߩขࠅ⚵ߺߥߤࠍℂ ⸃ߒ⥄ޔಽ߇ߤߩࠃ߁ߥ↢ᵴࠍ ㅍࠆߎߣ߇ࠃߩ߆ࠍ⠨߃ߡ ߹ߒࠂ߁ޕ ߹ߚޔᣣᏱ↢ᵴߩਛߢታ〣ߢ ߈ࠆࠃ߁ߥりㄭߥขࠅ⚵ߺᣇࠍ ⚫ߒߡ߈߹ߔޕ ৻⥸ 18㧦00 㨪 20㧦00 ฃ⻠⠪ ਥ ᒄ೨ᄢቇ㕍 Ꮢ ฃ⻠⠪ 17 ฬ ୃੌ⠪ 15 ฬ ㄭᐕޔ࿖ౝᄖߢบ㘑ޔᄢ㔎㧘 ਃᴛᏒળၴ 㔡ޔᵤᵄߥߤߦࠃࠆ⥄ὼἴኂ ߇⋧ᰴߢ⊒↢ߒዅ߇ᄬࠊ ࠇߡ߹ߔޕ ߎߩࠃ߁ߥ⥄ὼἴኂ߆ࠄ⥄ಽ ⥄りߩりࠍࠆߚߦߪ⥄ޔὼ ἴኂࠍᱜߒߊℂ⸃ߒޔ᥉Ბ߆ࠄ ߩ߃ࠍߔࠆߣߣ߽ߦߑߣ ߁ߣ߈ߦߪ⁁ޔᴫߦᔕߓߚㆡಾ ߥኻᔕ߇ᔅⷐߣߥࠅ߹ߔޕ 㕍⋵ߢߎࠅ߁ࠆἴኂߦኻ ߒޔㆊߩ⚻㛎ࠍ߽ߣߦ⥄ࠄߩ ߿ኅᣖࠍࠆߚߦߪߤ߁ߒ ߚࠄࠃ߆ࠍ⠨߃߹ߒࠂ߁ޕ 10 11 ᣣ㧔᳓㧕 ℂᎿቇㇱ ഥᢎ 㒐ἴࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߩᢛ ༌ ֚ ੇ ؖ 㨪ⵍኂࠍᦨዊ㒢ߦᛥ߃ࠆߚߦ㨪 10 18 ᣣ㧔᳓㧕 㕍⋵ߢᄢ㔡ߪ߈ࠆߩ߆ 㨪ㆊߩ㔡߆ࠄቇ߱ߎߣ㨪 ᤨ 㑆 ℂᎿቇㇱ ഥᢎ ଫ ୃ ဉ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ৻⥸ ᒄ೨ᄢቇਃ ᴛᏒᢎ⢒ᆔຬ ળ 5,000 18㧦30 㨪 20㧦30 ਥ ฃ⻠⠪ 15 ฬ ୃੌ⠪ 12 ฬ ˎˌˌ˓ා࿚ఴͬࣉ̢ͥ ȡزೳȆ౷֖́૬̳࣫ͥاȉȡ 2007 ᐕએ㒠ޟޔ࿅႙ߩઍ ޠᚭᏒ ߇ᄢ㊂ߦㅌ⡯ߔࠆߎߣ߇㗴ߦ ᳃㙚 ߥߞߡ߹ߔޕㅌ⡯ࠍ㑆ㄭߦߒ 㧥 26 ᣣ㧔Ἣ㧕 ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒⎇ⓥ ߚᧄੱߦߣߞߡ߽ޔࠅߩੱޘ ኅᣖߣၞࠍ⚿߮ ࠲ࡦ ߩ߇߈↢ޔഥᢎ ߦߣߞߡ߽㊀ⷐߢޔኅᐸၞ ࠆ↢ᵴࠍ ന ઌ হ ߢ᭽ߥޘ㗴߇ᷓೞൻߔࠆߣ੍ 㨪␠ળෳടߩⷞὐ߆ࠄ㨪 ᗐߐࠇߡ߹ߔߩߎࠅߊߞߓޕ 㗴ࠍ⠨߃ࠆߣหᤨߦࠍࠇߎޔ කቇㇱஜቇ⑼ ഥᢎ ኅᐸၞࠍᵴᕈൻߔࠆ࠴ࡖࡦ 10 24 ᣣ㧔Ἣ㧕 ⼔㗴ߪߺࠎߥߢ⠨߃ขࠅ⚵ ࢥ ̵̞ঊ ࠬߣߒߡⓍᭂ⊛ߦᝒ߃ߡߺ߹ߖ ߽߁ ࠎ߆ޕ 11 21 ᣣ㧔Ἣ㧕 ၞ⚻ᷣߩᵴᕈൻࠍߪ߆ࠆ ᤨ 㑆 14㧦00 㨪 16㧦00 ᄢቇ㒮ၞ␠ળ⎇ⓥ ⑼ ᢎ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ਥ ऎș࿐ ֚ ৻⥸ ᒄ೨ᄢቇ ᚭᏒᢎ⢒ᆔຬ 3,000 ળ ฃ⻠⠪ 㧥ฬ ୃੌ⠪ 㧤ฬ Ȫˎȫ࣒ٛȆΓηȜ ฬ ⒓㐿 ᣣ ⻠ Ꮷ ࢬஜఱڠڠپਠݪࡄ֗ޗΓϋΗ ȜIJıਔාܱැমު ȶ̧̯͌ͧȆ૽Ȃ̷̱̀ྚြȷ ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒⎇ⓥࡦ࠲ 㧡 12 ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 ࠙ࡦ࠼࠹ࡉ࡞ ஃ ୄ ޟᄢቇߞߡ⺕ߢ߽ቇߴࠆߣߎࠈ ଫ ଲ౺ঊ ߥࠎߢߔ㧍ޠ ന ઌ হ มળ ઃ ং ܵ 㧔ᒄ೨Ꮢ┙ਛᄩ᳃ 㙚ቇ⠌ᡰេଥNPO CAST ₺ ߏ ࠎ ࠅ ޟ࿖ ߎ߁߉ࠂߊࠞ࠶ ࠫޠ㧕 ⻠Ṷ ޟၞṶߣ⋵┙⟤ⴚ㙚ޠ ᤨ 㑆 18㧦30 㨪 20㧦30 ࡔં࣐࣒֓ٛ ȶΑȜΘΰ͈࣭ष֓ၷފႁȷ 㧡 18 ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 ౝ ኈ ળ ႐ ࡦ࠲ߩᓎഀ߿ᵴേߦߟ ᒄ೨㚞೨Ꮢ᳃ ߡߩᬌ⸽ᗧ឵ࠍⴕ߁࠙ ࡎ࡞ ࡦ࠼࠹ࡉ࡞ޟᄢቇߞߡ⺕ߢ߽ ቇߴࠆߣߎࠈߥࠎߢߔ㧍ޔߢޠ ↢ᶦቇ⠌ߣၞᢥൻߩᧂ᧪ߩᆫ ߦߟߡෳട⠪ߣߦ⠨߃ߡ ߈߹ߔޕ ߹ߚޔ㕍⋵┙⟤ⴚ㙚⥰บ⧓ ⴚ✚⋙〈㐳⼱Ꮉቁᴦ᳁ߦޟ ၞṶߣ⋵┙⟤ⴚ㙚ߡߟߦޠ ⻠Ṷߒߡߚߛ߈߹ߔޕ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ਥ 㕍⋵┙⟤ⴚ㙚⥰บ ⧓ⴚ✚⋙〈ኅ ৻⥸ ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒ Ṷኅ ⎇ⓥࡦ࠲ ಿ ࢣ হ ήᢱ ฃ⻠⠪ 55 ฬ ࿖㓙ක≮ᄺߦ㘧߮ㄟࠎߛᎹ ᒄ೨ᢥൻࡦ ේකᏧߩ⋡ࠍㅢߒߡࠕࡈࠞᄢ ࠲ 㒽ߢ ߩ ක≮ ႐ߩ ታ㓙ࠍ ⚫ NGO ࡠࠪ࠽ࡦ࠹ࠬ ߒޔක≮ߩේὐ߮᧪ߦߟ ઍ ߡ⠨߃ࠆޔߚ߹ޕක≮ߪ␠ޔ ࡔ ં ࣐ ળ⚻ᷣᖱߣ✕ኒߥ㑐ଥࠍᜬ ߟߎߣ߆ࠄޔක≮㑐ଥ⠪߮৻ ⥸Ꮢ᳃߇ᣣᧄߩ࿖㓙දജߦߟ ߡ⠨߃ࠆᯏળߣߔࠆޕ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ᤨ 㑆 18㧦00 㨪 19㧦30 ڠپਠΓηȜ ȶ֓ၷ͂ႃၑȷ 㧢㧟ᣣ㧔㧕 කቇㇱකቇ⑼ ஂ ֔ ᢎ ၮ ߟ✚ว∛㒮 㒮㐳 ࣪ ࢬ කቇㇱකቇ⑼ ༗ ൌ ᤨ 㑆 ᢎ කቇㇱቇ↢ ᢎ⡯ຬ ৻⥸ ᣣᧄነ↢⯻ቇ ળࡑࠕ⺣ ળ ήᢱ කቇㇱ↢ᶦ ቇ⠌ᢎ⢒⎇ⓥ ࡦ࠲ᓟេ ฃ⻠⠪ 220 ฬ ੱ㑆ᕈ⼾߆ߢޔᕁ߿ࠅ߇ ਅർᢥൻળ㙚 ࠅޔା㗬ߢ߈ࠆක≮ߪ⑳㆐ߔߴ ߡߩ㗿ߢߔ⸥ޕ㍳ᤋ↹⥃ޟᱫޠ ߪ∛㒮ߢᱫߦ⋥㕙ߒߡࠆᖚ⠪ ߐࠎߣߘߩኅᣖޔᴦ≮ߦߚࠆ ක≮ࠬ࠲࠶ࡈߩኻᔕࠍᔘታߦ⸥ ㍳ߒߡ߹ߔߩߎޕᤋ↹ࠍߺߡޔ ⑳㆐ߩᦸක≮ߩታߩߚߦ ⑳㆐߇ߥߔߴ߈ߎߣޔක≮߇ ᔃ߇ߌࠆߴ߈ߎߣߦߟߡ⠨߃ ߡߺ߹ߒࠂ߁ޕ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ 13㧦00 㨪 16㧦00 ਥ ৻⥸ ήᢱ ਥ ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒ ⎇ⓥࡦ࠲ ߟᏒᢎ⢒ ᆔຬળ ฃ⻠⠪ 104 ฬ ڠپਠႲ࣒ٛ 21 ♿ߩᣂߒ␠ળߩࠅ ਅർᢥൻળ㙚 ᣇߪ↵ޟޔᅚหෳ↹ߢޠታ 㧣 14 ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ᢎ ߢ߈ࠆޕ߁ࠂߒߢࠆ߃ߣޔኅ ̌↵ᅚหෳ↹̍ࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆ ࠊ ߿⼔ㄘᬺߥߤᣣᏱ↢ᵴ ࠍ༡᭽ߥޘ႐㕙ߢߛ߹ߛ߹ޔ කቇㇱஜቇ⑼ ⻠Ꮷ ↵ޟᅚห߇ޠታߒߡߥ 㧥 15 ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 ⼔߳ߩขࠅ⚵ߺࠍ↵ޟᅚหޠ ࿐ ၛ ͥͤঊ ߎߣ߇ࠅ߹ߔߚߒ߁ߘޕታᘒ ߢ ߦޟ᳇ߠߊ↵ޟࠄ߆ߣߎޠᅚ หෳ↹␠ળ৻╙ߩ߳ޠᱠࠍ〯ߺ ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇㇱ ഥᢎ ߒ߹ߒࠂ߁ޕ 10 13 ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 ㄘኅߩ↢ᵴߣ↵ޟᅚหෳ↹ޠ ໌ ന ވহ 㧙ޟኅᣖදቯࠍߣߎ߱⚿ࠍޠ⠨ ߃ࠃ߁㧙 ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ਥ ฃ⻠⠪ 7㧘9 10 ৻⥸ 14㧦30 㨪 16㧦30 18㧦30 㨪 20㧦30 ήᢱ ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒ ⎇ⓥࡦ࠲ ㄘቇ↢⑼ ቇㇱߟᏒ ᢎ⢒ᆔຬળ ̜̤ͤ͜ࡇྦྷτΛΐ ఱ࣒ٳڠज̾ͤ͘ ⋵᳃ߦ㜞ᐲߢኾ㐷⊛ߥ㜞╬ᢎ ⢒ᯏ㑐ߩቇ⠌ᯏળࠍឭଏߔࠆߎ ߣߦࠃߞߡ⋵ޔ᳃ߩઍ⊛⺖㗴 10 14 ᣣ㧔㧕 ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒⎇ⓥ ߦ㑐ߔࠆℂ⸃ࠍᷓ↢ޔᶦቇ⠌ ၞߦᩮߑߒߚࡏࡦ࠹ࠖࠕᵴ ࡦ࠲ ഥᢎ ߩᝄ⥝ߦ⾗ߔࠆߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߔ േߦߟߡ ന ઌ হ ࠆޕ 10 19 ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 㕍ዋᐕࠍߣࠅ߹ߊᢎ⢒㗴 ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒⎇ⓥ ࡦ࠲ ഥᢎ ന ઌ হ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ৻⥸ ਥ ߅߽ࠅ⋵᳃ ᑧߴ 112 ฬ 㕍⋵┙ᐔౝ 㜞╬ቇᩞ ᚭ↸ᢥൻࡎ ࡞ ฃ⻠⠪ ᐔౝ 30 ฬ ᤨ 㑆 10/14 13㧦30 㨪 15㧦00 10/19 19㧦00 㨪 20㧦30 ήᢱ ࠞ࠶ࠫ ᒄ೨ᄢቇ↢ᶦ ቇ⠌ᢎ⢒⎇ⓥ ࡦ࠲ ڠپਠ࣒ٛ ȶྶ̢͈ͥࣉͬ֗ޗȷ ᣣߩᢎ⢒㗴ߪޔቇജૐਅ ߿ޟℂ⑼㔌ࠇޔߤߥޠ᭽ߥޘ㕙 ߆ࠄᜰ៰ߐࠇߡ߹ߔޕሶߤ߽ 10 20 ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ⻠Ꮷ ߩࠍߣߎ߁ߣޠࠆ߆ࠊޟᄢಾ ࠅߊߠߩ߽ޟቇ⠌ߩޠน⢻ᕈ ന ߦߒߚࠅߊߠߩ߽ޟቇ⠌ߟߦޠ 㧙ቇജ㗴ࠍసߔࠆߚߩᮨ ߡߩߘޔౝኈⓍᭂ⊛ߥᗧ⟵ ⚝㧙 ࠍ⚫ߒ߹ߔޕ ߹ߚޔᕆㅦߦᄬࠊࠇߟߟࠆ 10 27 ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ഥᢎ ޟᣇ⸒㧔ᵤシᑯ㧕ޔߡߟߦޠ ᣇ⸒ߩߔ߫ࠄߒߐ߅߽ߒࠈߐ ߴ ୷ঊ ၞߢᱧผ⊛ߦ⛮ᛚߐࠇߡ߈ߚ ࠍౣ⊒ߒࠃ߁ ᢥൻߣߒߡߩߔ߫ࠄߒߐ߅߽ ߒࠈߐࠍౣ⊒ߒ߹ߒࠂ߁ޕ ᤨ 㑆 18㧦30 㨪 20㧦00 ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ᢎ⢒㑐ଥ⠪ ৻⥸ 10 20 ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 ᤨ 㑆 18㧦30 㨪 20㧦00 ฃ⻠⠪ ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒ ⎇ⓥࡦ࠲ ᒄ೨ ᑧߴ 47 ฬ ᚭ ᑧߴ 23 ฬ 㧟ੱߩᄖ࿖ੱẂ↹ኅ߇ޔẂ↹ ᒄ೨ᄢቇഃ┙ ࠍᦠ߈ߥ߇ࠄޔਛ᧲㗴ࠍ⸃⺑ 50 ᐕ⸥ᔨળ ߒߚޕᒄߩᴦẂ↹ኅߩጊ 㙚 ෳടẂ↹ኅ ᢎ㓶ߐࠎ߽⥰บߦ߇ࠅޔมળ ΨΧȆήȜς ㅢ⸶⸃⺑ߦදജߒߚޕ 㧔ࡄࠬ࠴࠽㧕 ηΏͿσȆ΅Ών 㧔ࠗࠬࠛ࡞㧕 ͼΔσȆυΔϋΗȜσ 㧔࠻࡞ࠦ㧕 ५ ֔ ޗဎ 㧔ᣣᧄ㧕 ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ਥ ฃ⻠⠪ ৻⥸ ήᢱ ࠲ࢫ࣒֓ڠज ȶൠෂພ͈ܖய͂ႉȷ Ƚൠෂພ̞̹̈́ͣ̈́͛ͅͅȄൠෂ ພͬহ̳̹͛ͅȽ 10 29 ᣣ㧔ᣣ㧕 ᤨ 㑆 කቇㇱࠦࡒࡘ ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ ࡦ࠲ ᒄ೨ᄢቇᚭ ࠨ࠹ࠗ࠻ ਥ ήᢱ లˎٝࢬஜ࣭षྗْΏϋεΐ;θ ȶಎͅგͬȷ ᚭ 45 ฬ FECO Japan ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒ ⎇ⓥࡦ࠲ 150 ฬ ♧ዩ∛ߪ㜞ⴊ♧߇⛯ߊߎߣߦ ᣣᧄᶏὐ㙚 ࠃࠅ⊒∝ߒ߹ߔࠊߐ߇ߓ ⴊޔߪߢߎߎޕ ♧୯ࠍ⺞▵ߔࠆߩ⚵ߺߦߟ ߡ⸃⺑ߒޔߦࠄߐޔ㜞ⴊ♧ࠍ ੍㒐 ߔࠆߚߦ᳇ ࠍߟߌ ࠆߎ කቇㇱ㒝ዻ∛㒮 ⻠Ꮷ ߣ♧ޔߚ߹ޔዩ∛ߦߥߞߡߒ߹ ং ߞߚ႐วߩᴦ≮ߦߟߡ⺑ߒ ߹ߔޕ ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒⎇ⓥ ࡦ࠲ ഥᢎ ଫ ଲ౺ঊ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ਥ ฃ⻠⠪ ৻⥸ 13㧦30 㨪 15㧦00 ήᢱ 㟟ࡩᴛ↸ஜ ⺖ ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒ ⎇ⓥࡦ࠲ 240 ฬ ฬ ⒓㐿 ᣣ ⻠ Ꮷ ౝ ኈ ળ ڠپਠႲ࣒ٛ ȶ֗ޗ࿚ఴ͉زೳȆࢷڠȆ౷֖͈ ފ൱́చੜ̱̠͢ȷ ႐ ᣣޔᢎ⢒ࠍߋࠆ㗴ߪޔ ኅᐸቇᩞၞߢ᭽ߥޘᒻߢ ࠇߡ߹ߔޕሶߤ߽㆐߇⟎߆ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ⻠Ꮷ ࠇߡࠆⅣႺ⋥㕙ߒߡࠆ 11 㧞ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 ௩ ന ܲ ૽ 㗴ࠍ⸃߈߆ߒޔሶ⢒ߡᢎ⢒ ኅᐸᢎ⢒ߣᐜఽᢎ⢒ߩ⺖㗴 ߦ㑐ࠊࠆ㗴ߣᓟขࠅ⚵ߴ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ㒝ዻᢎ⢒ታ ߈ߎߣࠍ৻✜ߦ⠨߃ߡ߈߹ߒ 11 㧥ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 〣✚วࡦ࠲ ࠂ߁ޕ ሶߤ߽ߩᢎ⢒ⅣႺࠍᢛ߃ࠆ ᢎ 㧙ኅᐸߣၞߩᢎ⢒ജࠍ㜞ࠆ ཅ ൌ ਝ ⷞὐ߆ࠄ㧙 ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ਥ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ᢎ 11 16 ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 ఱ ၻ ቇᩞ㑐ଥ⠪ ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒ ࠇࠆቇᩞࠍᑪߡ⋥ߔ ᢎ ⢒ ᆔ ຬ ળ 㑐 ⎇ⓥࡦ࠲ ଥ⠪ઁ ᄢ㑆↸ᢎ⢒ᆔ ήᢱ ຬળ ᤨ 㑆 18㧦30 㨪 20㧦30 ർㅢࠅ✚วᢥ ൻࡦ࠲ ޠࠣࡦࠖ࠙ޟ 㧔ᄢ㑆↸ ڠپਠ࣒ٛ ᒄ೨ᄢቇᚭ ࠨ࠹ࠗ࠻ කቇㇱࠦࡒࡘ ࠾ࠤ࡚ࠪࡦ ࡦ࠲ 㧞 20 ᣣ㧔Ἣ㧕 㕍⋵ߩᢎߣ᳃ଶ ᤨ 㑆 18㧦30 㨪 20㧦00 㕍⋵ߢߪޔၞߦ࿕ߩᢥ ൻ߇⛮ᛚߐࠇ․ߩ᳃ଶࠍᒻᚑ ੱᢥቇㇱ ഥᢎ ߒߡ߈߹ߒߚ߇␠ߒ⪺ޔળߩ ५ ന ࡕ ঊ ᄌൻߩਛߢᄢ߈ߊᄌኈߒߡ߈ߡ ߹ߔߩߘޕ᳃ଶᢥൻߦߟ ߡޔᢎ߿᳃㑆ାઔᐕਛⴕ ߥߤߣߩ㑐ㅪߢᝒ߃⋥ߒߡߺ߹ ߒࠂ߁ޕ ࠹ ࡆળ⼏ ࠪࠬ ࠹ࡓࠍ ↪ ߒ㧘ᚭߢߩ⻠Ṷࠍࠕ࡞࠲ࠗ ࡓߢฃ⻠ߒ߹ߔޕ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ᢎ⢒㑐ଥ⠪ ৻⥸ ਥ ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒ ⎇ⓥࡦ࠲ ฃ⻠⠪ ᑧߴ 76 ฬ ฃ⻠⠪ ᚭ 48 ฬ ᒄ೨ 56 ฬ ήᢱ ڠپਠ࣒ٛ ȶڠپਠ͂ڢإȷ 㧟㧤ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 ⻠Ṷ↢ޟᶦቇ⠌ߣߒߡߩ㖸ᭉޠ ṶᄼޟMostly ᤨ 㑆 Concertޠ 18㧦00 㨪 20㧦00 ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒⎇ⓥࡦ࠲㐳 ஃ ୄ ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒⎇ⓥࡦ࠲ߩ ᧲੩ᑪ‛㊀ ߎࠇ߹ߢߩᵴേߩਛ߆ࠄㄭᐕߩ ᵮࡎ࡞ ขࠅ⚵ߺࠍ⚫ߔࠆߣߣ߽ߦޔ 㖸ᭉࠍߣ߅ߒߡ↢ᶦቇ⠌ߦߟ ߡ⠨߃ࠆᯏળࠍឭଏߒߚޕ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ࿖㓙㖸ᭉ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ਥ ࡦ࠲ ஃ ୄ ৻⥸ ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒ გ ന ܹဎ ⎇ⓥࡦ࠲ ࣽ ന ދ ήᢱ ࡔ ̥̤ͤ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ࿖㓙 㖸ᭉࡦ࠲ ฃ⻠⠪ 98 ฬ ⅒ ̷͈ఈ ฬ ⒓㐿 ᣣ ̜̤ͤ͜ΜȜςΒθ૽̩̿ͤఱڠ ȶ͉̀͞ȷ ȡγΑάΗςΞͻෝႁ̠ͬࣞ͛͢ȡ 㧢 22 ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 ࠗࡦ࠻ࡠ࠳࡚ࠢࠪࡦ 㨪ⷰశߣࡎࠬࡇ࠲࠹ࠖ㨪 㧢 29 ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 ⥶ⓨᯏߦ߅ߌࠆࡎࠬࡇ࠲࠹ࠖ ⻠ Ꮷ ౝ 㧺㨀㨀ੱ᧚⢒ᚑኾዻ ⻠Ꮷ ਝ ࡓ ࢤ ঊ 㧣 13 ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 ⷰశᣉ⸳ߦ߅ߌࠆࡎࠬࡇ࠲࠹ࠖ ᒄ೨ⷰశࠦࡦࡌࡦࠪ ࡚ࡦදળ ኾോℂ ๑ გ ࣠ 㧣 20 ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 㧹㧷࠲ࠢࠪߩᗵേߩࠨࡆࠬ 㧹㧷ᩣᑼળ␠ ࠻࠾ࡦࠣࡦ࠲ ᚲ㐳 հ ന ਰ 㧣 27 ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 ⷰశߦ߅ߌࠆ⺖㗴ᬌ⸛ᴺ ․ቯ㕖༡ᵴേᴺੱ ᣣᧄ࠷࠭ࡓࠝࡍ ࡚ࠪࡦ ℂ㐳 ࣞ ޘ၌ܳ 㧤 31 ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 㐿⻠Ṷળ ࠱࠻ౣ↢߳ߩᚢ ⷰశࠞࠬࡑ ᩣᑼળ␠ᤊ㊁࠱ ࠻ઍข✦ᓎ␠㐳 ି جႹ 㧥㧣ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ᢎ Ḷ ၌ ฎ࿑ߢតࠆᒄ೨ၔᒄ೨ၔਅ ↸ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ᢎ հ པ 㧥 21 ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 ၞߩⷰశ㐿⊒ߦߟߡ ᩣᑼળ␠ࠫࠚࠗ࠹ࠖ ࡆᣏⴕᬺᧄㇱ ၞⷰశ㐿⊒⺖㐳 ح ୍ ᤨ 㑆 ႐ ✚วᢎ⢒ᄢ ળ⼏ቶޔකቇ ㇱࠦࡒࡘ࠾ࠤ ࡚ࠪࡦࡦ ࠲ઁ 㧥 14 ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 㓚ኂࠍᜬߟੱ߳ߩࡎࠬࡇ࠲࠹ࠖ 10 26 ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 ᚑᨐ⊒ળ ળ ᣂᐙ✢߇ᚭ߹ߢ㐿ㅢߒߚߎ ߣߦࠃࠆ⚻ᷣലᨐߪⷰޔశࠍߪ ߓၞ↥ᬺߣ᭽ߟ߮ߔߦޘ ߡ߹ߔޕ2010 ᐕߩ᧲ർᣂ ੱᢥቇㇱ ഥᢎ ᐙ✢᳁㕍㚞㐿ᬺࠍប߃ޔᓟ ૩ ਏ ߩၞᵴᕈൻޔડᬺੱߣߒ ߡߩࡆࠫࡀࠬ࠴ࡖࡦࠬⴕޔߣ ߒߡߩ⺖㗴ߥߤ߽ⷞ㊁ߦࠇߥ ᩣᑼળ␠ᣣᧄ⥶ⓨࠫ ߇ࠄࠖ࠹࠲ࡇࠬࡎޔ⢻ജߩะ ࡖࡄࡦቴቶᧄㇱ⠀↰ ࠠࡖࠕࠕ࠶ࡊࠍ⋡ᜰߒ߹ ቴቶਸ਼ຬㇱ ߔޕ వછࠬࡄࡃࠗࠩ ਝ ࡓ ႛ ঊ 㧣㧢ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 ା㗬ߣᅢᗵࠍ▽ߊ㔚ᔕኻ 㧥 28 ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 ᣂᐙ✢߇߿ߞߡߊࠆ ኈ হ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ᧲ᣣᧄᣏቴ㋕ᩣᑼ ળ␠᧲੩ᡰ␠ ⷰశᬺ㑐ଥ⠪ ߮ࠀ߁ᬺㇱ⽼ᄁᜂ ৻⥸ ᒰ⺖㐳 ቇ↢ ப ِ হ ຳ ቇ↢ 5,000 ৻⥸ 10,000 ᴺੱ 15,000 18㧦30 㨪 20㧦30 ਥ ↢ᶦቇ⠌ᢎ⢒ ⎇ⓥࡦ࠲ 㕍⋵Ꮏ ഭㇱ ฃ⻠⠪ ቇ↢㧥ฬ ৻⥸ 15 ฬ 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ȸܑުည౿͂ࡹဥȹ 㧝 19 ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 ᩣᑼળ␠ᣣᧄࡑࠗࠢ ࡠ࠾ࠢࠬ ઍข✦ᓎ␠㐳 ಿ ݅ ᖜ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ήᢱ 㧥 26 ᣣ㧔Ἣ㧕 ੱᢥቇㇱ㒝ዻ 㓹↪╷⎇ⓥ ࡦ࠲ ฃ⻠⠪ 㧥ฬ ડᬺ⺞ᩏࠣ࡞ࡊߩ⺞ᩏ⎇ⓥ ᒄ ೨ Ꮏ ળ ⼏ ࠍਥ⋡⊛ߣߒޔડᬺ⚻༡⠪ࠍ ᚲ ᄢળ⼏ቶ ߡ⺃⥌ડᬺߩ㓹↪ታᘒߩࡅࠕ ࡦࠣࠍߒߚޕ ৻⥸Ꮢ᳃ లˎٝ ࡹဥଽॐࡄݪΓϋΗȜ έȜρθ ȸ౷֖ήρϋΡ͂ࡹဥȹ Ƚ۷͂ުͬಎ̱͂̀Ƚ ਥ ਥ ੱᢥቇㇱ㒝ዻ 㓹↪╷⎇ⓥ ࡦ࠲ ฃ⻠⠪ 50 ฬ ၞߩ⚻ᷣᵴᕈൻߐߖ㧘㓹↪ ᒄ ೨ 㚞 ೨ Ꮢ ᳃ ഃߔࠆߚߦޔၞࡉࡦ࠼ ࡎ࡞ ࠍ࠹ࡑߦᵴ⊒ߥ⼏⺰ࠍߔࠆ႐ ࠍ⸳ߌߚޕ ᩣᑼળ␠ዊୖદਤ ༡ᬺ⛔ㇱ㘩ຠ༡ᬺ ᜂᒰ㐳 ࣞ ޘ೭ ർᶏᄢቇᄢቇ㒮࿖ 㓙ᐢႎࡔ࠺ࠖࠕ⎇ⓥ ⑼ ඤ ന ֚ 㕍⋵᳓↥✚ว⎇ⓥ ࡦ࠲Ⴧ㙃ᱺ⎇ⓥ ᚲᛛᏧ Ꭲ ന ૾ ᄢቇ㒮ၞ␠ળ⎇ⓥ ⑼ ᢎ ऎș࿐ ֚ ੱᢥቇㇱ ૩ ⅑ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ഥᢎ ৻⥸Ꮢ᳃ ਏ ήᢱ ਥ ੱᢥቇㇱ㒝ዻ 㓹↪╷⎇ⓥ ࡦ࠲ ฃ⻠⠪ 70 ฬ ڠ֗ޗ໐ ฬ ⒓㐿 ᣣ ȶু̩̿ͤȷ͈̹͈͛ൽດ 㧥㧞ᣣ㧔㧕 ᚢ࿖ᤨઍߩർᵤシߣᵤシ ̆㓝ߐࠇߚᵤシผߩ⻘ࠍ⸃ߊ̆ ర᳇ߦᐕࠍߣࠅ߹ߒࠂ߁㧍㧍 㧙╙ 2 ᒢ㧙 ਛ㜞ᐕ߆ࠄߩ߆ࠄߛߩᚻࠇ ⻠ Ꮷ ౝ ኈ ળ ႐ ⥄ޟಽߠߊࠅ ࠧߩ↢ੱߪޠ㢬↰↸᳃㙚 ࡞ࠗࡦߔࠆ߹ߢ↢ޔᶦߩ⺖㗴ߢ ߽ࠅ߹ߔ⥄ޟߩߘޕಽߠߊࠅޠ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ᢎ ߦࠊࠇࠊࠇᢎ⢒ቇㇱߩࠬ࠲࠶ࡈ Ḷ ၌ ߇߶ࠎߩዋߒߢ߽߅ᚻવߢ߈ ࠇ߫ߣ߁ߎߣߢࠇߙࠇߘޔኾ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ഥᢎ 㐷ߣߔࠆ┙႐߆ࠄ⥄ޟಽߠߊࠅޠ ޟߩߚߩ ڠߒࠆߴߡߡ┙ࠍޠ ⴕ߈߹ߔ⻠ޕᐳౝኈߪੱޔᢥ⑼ ቇ⥄ޔὼ⑼ቇޔஜᐽ⑼ቇⴚ⧓ޔ ╬ߩⷞὐ߆ࠄ↢ᵴߩ⍮ᕺ߿ᢎ㙃 ࠍᷓࠆ♻ญࠍߏߊりㄭߥ㗴᧚ ᤨ㑆 13㧦00 㨪 16㧦30 ߆ࠄࠊ߆ࠅ߿ߔߊዷ㐿ߒ߹ߔޕ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ৻⥸ 2,000 ਥ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ㢬 ↰↸ᢎ⢒ᆔຬ ળ ȶু̩̿ͤȷ͈̹͈͛ൽດ ⥄ޟಽߠߊࠅࠧߩ↢ੱߪޠ ࡞ࠗࡦߔࠆ߹ߢ↢ޔᶦߩ⺖㗴ߢ 10 21 ᣣ㧔㧕 ߽ࠅ߹ߔ⥄ޟߩߘޕಽߠߊࠅޠ ᣣᧄ⺆ߦߟߡ⠨߃ࠆ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ഥᢎ ߦࠊࠇࠊࠇᢎ⢒ቇㇱߩࠬ࠲࠶ࡈ ߴ ୷ঊ ߇߶ࠎߩዋߒߢ߽߅ᚻવߢ߈ ࠇ߫ߣ߁ߎߣߢࠇߙࠇߘޔኾ ߹ࠄߚߡᢎຬߣᢎຬ㙃ᚑ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ഥᢎ 㐷ߣߔࠆ┙႐߆ࠄ⥄ޟಽߠߊࠅޠ ߦߟߡ⠨߃ࠆ ോ ဉ ຮ ߩߚߩޟߒࠆߴߡߡ┙ࠍޠ ⴕ߈߹ߔ⻠ޕᐳౝኈߪੱޔᢥ⑼ ቇ⥄ޔὼ⑼ቇޔஜᐽ⑼ቇⴚ⧓ޔ 10 28 ᣣ㧔㧕 ዋᐕ㕖ⴕߣዋᐕ‽⟋ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ᢎ ╬ߩⷞὐ߆ࠄ↢ᵴߩ⍮ᕺ߿ᢎ㙃 ॄ ݠਜ ֚ ࠍᷓࠆ♻ญࠍߏߊりㄭߥ㗴᧚ 㧙෩⟏ਥ⟵ߢᘒߪᡷༀߔࠆ߆㧫㧙 ߆ࠄࠊ߆ࠅ߿ߔߊዷ㐿ߒ߹ߔޕ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ᄖ࿖ੱᢎᏧ ߟ߇ࠆᢥൻㆮ↥ߣၞᵴᕈൻ ρ;ΏνȆͺϋΕΣȜ 11 㧠ᣣ㧔㧕 ዳ㘑ጊ⍾ਐḓᴧ⟲ߦ↢‛ߚ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ᢎ ߜ ఱ ࣞ ྶ ঃ ỗേ ߥߟ߆ߒߩ 1960 ᐕઍߣ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ᢎ ࢫ ֔ ܊ ᾲ ฃ⻠⠪ 30 ฬ 10 21 ᣣ28 ᣣޔ11 11 ᣣ ߟ߇ࠆᏒ↢ᶦ ቇ⠌ᵹࡦ ࠲ 11 㧠ᣣ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ 11 11 ᣣ㧔㧕 ࡌ࠻࠽ࡓߩ̌વ⛔Ꮏ⧓̍ߣㄘ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ഥᢎ 㐿⊒ ਝ ဩ ͤ͘ঊ ర᳇ߦᐕࠍߣࠅ߹ߒࠂ߁㧍㧍 㧙╙ 2 ᒢ㧙 ਛ㜞ᐕ߆ࠄߩ߆ࠄߛߩᚻࠇ ᤨ㑆 ڠ 㧣 27 ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 10㧦00 㨪 15㧦00 ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ৻⥸ 13㧦00 㨪 16㧦30 ࢷڠၑͬشఴऺ̱̹ͅၑڠ ࡑ࣒ज ᤨ㑆 ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ᢎ 7,000 ਥ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱߟ ߇ࠆᏒᢎ⢒ᆔ ຬળ ਥ ⡯ᢎຬ߮ᢎ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ⢒㑐ଥ⠪ ᄢቇ㒮ᢎ⢒ቇ ⎇ⓥ⑼ ήᢱ 㧤㧠ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 16 ฬ ዊቇᩞℂ⑼ߩᢎ⑼ᦠߦ⸥タߐ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ࠇߡࠆታ㛎ࠆߪ߽ߩߠߊ ࠅࠍⴕߥ߇ࠄ‛ߩߘޔℂߩၮ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ഥᢎ ␆㗄ࠍቇࠎߢ߈߹ߔޕ࿁ ५ ུ ֝ ߪޔ㧡ᐕޠ߈ࠄߚߪߩࠅ߽߅ޟ ߩᢳ㕙ࠍォ߇ࠆߩⴣ⓭ታ㛎ߣ 㧢ᐕޟ㔚⏛⍹ࡕࡊ࠶ࠢߩޠ ࠲ߩࠍขࠅߍࠆ੍ቯߢ ߔޕ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ २สષཤ౷֖͈౷ࡓͥ͢ͅऺޗ౷ ڠޏ۪ݩਠ ฃ⻠⠪ ฃ⻠⠪ 㧣ฬ ਃർၞߦߺࠄࠇࠆ㘑᥊ ᒄ ೨ ᄢ ቇ ᚭ ߿㔺㗡ߩਛ߆ࠄ⊕ޔᵿ ⒳Ꮕᶏጯ ࠨ࠹ࠗ࠻ ߩ㡆߈⍾߿ච↰ḓᒻᚑߩᄢྃ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ᢎ Ἣޔᐓầḩầߩầ߇ࠅߔࠆ ہന ࣈఊ ᐓẟߩࠫࠢޔࠎߢߚᶏޔ ᤨ㑆 ᶏᵗࡊ࠻߇ㆇࠎߢ߈ߚἫጊ ፉߥߤߩࠍขࠅߍޔᢎ᧚ ߩᜬߟᗧߣᢎ᧚ൻߩᣇᴺࠍ⚫ ߒ߹ߔޕᒻߩᒻᚑ߿⧯ ጀߩၸⓍ߆ࠄߪᲧセ⊛⍴ᦼ㑆ߩޔ ฎጀߩၸⓍ߆ࠄߪࠃࠅ㐳ᦼ ⊛ⅣႺᄌൻ߇⺒ߺขࠇࠆߩߢޔ ߐ߹ߑ߹ߥࠬࠤ࡞ߢⅣႺ ߩᄌㆫߩታᘒࠍᛠីߢ߈߹ߔޕ 10㧦00 㨪 12㧦00 13㧦30 㨪 15㧦30 ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ਥ ⡯ᢎຬ߮ᢎ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ⢒㑐ଥ⠪ ᄢቇ㒮ᢎ⢒ቇ ⎇ⓥ⑼ ήᢱ ȶࡉͥȷ̞̠̭͂͂ Ƚۻર̥͈̳́ͥͬةȽ 㧤㧣ᣣ㧔㧕 ᤨ㑆 13㧦00 㨪 17㧦00 㧤㧤ᣣ㧔Ἣ㧕 ᤨ㑆 㧥㧦00 㨪 12㧦00 㧤㧤ᣣ㧔Ἣ㧕 ᤨ㑆 㧥㧦30 㨪 16㧦30 ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ਥ ਥ ⡯ᢎຬ߮ᢎ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ⢒㑐ଥ⠪ ᄢቇ㒮ᢎ⢒ቇ ⎇ⓥ⑼ ήᢱ 㧤 10 ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 ᤨ㑆 10㧦00 㨪 16㧦00 ฃ⻠⠪ 㧣ฬ േ‛ߣᲧߴߡޔᬀ‛ߩߩ ᒄ ೨ ᄢ ቇ 㕍 ࠅߪ৻න⚐ߢࠆߦ߽㑐ࠊࠄ ࠨ ࠹ ࠗ ࠻ ᢎ ߕࠊ߆ࠅߦߊߣߎࠈ߇ࠅ߹ ቶ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ഥᢎ ߔ↢ޕ㐳ߦߞߡᰴ╙ߦⶄ㔀ߥ ന ཅ ᭴ㅧߦߥߞߡ߈߹ߔ߇ߩߘޔ ᄌൻߪ⯻ߥߤߩᄌᘒߣ߽㆑ ߹ߔޔߚ߹ޕቄ▵⊛ߥᄌൻ߿ޔ 㑆Ꮕ߽㗼⪺ߢߔߒ߆ߒޕᬀ ‛ߩߦ߽߽ߜࠈࠎⷙೣᕈ߇ ࠅࠍࠇߘޔ⍮ࠆߎߣߪᩱၭ߿ ↪ߩ႐㕙߽ߡ㊀ⷐߥߎߣ ߣ⠨߃ࠄࠇ߹ߔ⻠ߩߎޕᐳߢߪ ᬀ‛ߩਥߦㇱߩၮᧄ᭴ㅧߢ ࠆࠪࡘ࠻ߩᔨߦၮߠߡޔ ᬀ‛ߩᒻࠍߡ߈߹ߔޕ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ޗ͈̹͈͛ΦȜασڠاરව 㧥ฬ ޟ㐓⾨ ࠄ߆ߣߎޠࠆޟߪޠᒄ ೨ ᄢ ቇ ᚭ ᆎ߹ࠅ߹ߔ࠻ࠗ࠹ࠨ ߛޠࠆޟߒ߆ߒޕ ߌߩߎߣߢߪࠅ߹ߖࠎߩߎޕ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ഥᢎ ⻠ᐳߢߪߕ߹ޔታ㓙ߦᢙὐߩࠗ ༿ ྶ ࡔࠫࠍขࠅߍߡᚒߩޘ㐓⾨ 㛎ࠍᝄࠅߞߡߺ߹ߔߩߘޕ ᓟߦ⥄ߣߎ߁ߣޠࠆޟߦ ߟߡᷓߊ⠨߃ᦨޔᓟߦޟ㐓⾨ޠ ߩዷ㐿ࠍឭ␜ߒߡ߈ߚߣ ⠨߃ߡ߹ߔޕ ⡯ᢎຬ߮ᢎ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ⢒㑐ଥ⠪ ᄢቇ㒮ᢎ⢒ቇ ⎇ⓥ⑼ ήᢱ ͈ࠁͬࡉͥ Ƚऩ̱Ȃ͓̹ͥ͛ͅȽ ฃ⻠⠪ ฃ⻠⠪ 㧞ฬ 2000 ᐕ⊕Ꮉ⧷᮸᳁ޔ2001 ᐕ㊁ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ଐ⦟ᴦ᳁ޔ2002 ᐕ↰ਛ⠹৻᳁ߣ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ഥᢎ ᣣᧄߩ⑼ቇ⠪߇ 3 ᐕㅪ⛯ߢࡁ ಿ ධ ࢨ հ ࡌ࡞ൻቇ⾨ࠍฃ⾨ߒ߹ߒߚߒޕ ߆ߒߩߘޔᬺ❣ౝኈߪޟዉ㔚ᕈ 㜞ಽሶߩ⊒ߣ㐿⊒ޟޔޠਇᢧ⸅ ᇦߦࠃࠆ᳓⚛ൻᔕߩ⎇ⓥޔޠ ↢ޟ 㜞ಽሶߩหቯ߅ࠃ߮᭴ㅧ⸃ᨆ ߩߚߩᚻᴺߩ㐿⊒ߣޠ㕖Ᏹߦ 㔍ߒߊࠊ߆ࠅߦߊ߽ߩߢߔޕ ߘߎߢᧄ⻠ᐳߢߪࠄࠇߎޔᣣᧄ ੱࡁࡌ࡞ൻቇ⾨ฃ⾨⠪ߩᬺ❣ ࠍਛᔃߦ◲ޔනߥ⸃⺑⻠ᐳࠍⴕ ߹ߔ⋡ޕᮡߣߒߡߪఽ┬↢ ᓤߦ߽ࠊ߆ࠅ߿ߔߊવ߃ࠄࠇࠆ ߹ߢߩℂ⸃ࠍ⋡ᜰߒ߹ߔޕ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ਥ ⡯ᢎຬ߮ᢎ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ⢒㑐ଥ⠪ ᄢቇ㒮ᢎ⢒ቇ ⎇ⓥ⑼ ήᢱ ⅒ ฃ⻠⠪ 㧟ฬ ֓ڠ໐ ฬ ⒓㐿 ᣣ ⻠ Ꮷ ঔ୭̤̫ͥͅૢ̧̹̩̳ͤͬ̈́ Ƚဥછ߲ထཡ͈ၑა͂கȽ 㧥 15 ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 ᤨ㑆 㧥㧦00 㨪 16㧦00 කቇㇱஜቇ⑼ ᢎ ጸ ෯ ৹ ५ ऎ ֚ ਝ ࡓ ฎ ܊ന ڠ කቇㇱஜቇ⑼ ഥᢎ ႚ ߄ ా ౺ ന ක ౝ ኈ ળ ႐ ᣉ⸳ߩ⋴⼔⼔⡯ຬࠍኻ⽎ ක ቇ ㇱ ஜ ቇ ߣߒߡޔኢߚ߈ࠅߩ⊒↢ࠍߥࠆ ⑼ ߴߊ੍㒐ߔࠆߎߣࠍ⋡⊛ߣߒߡޔ ޟᑄ↪∝⟲ߩ੍㒐ߦᔅⷐߥၮ ␆⍮⼂ޟޠᑄ↪∝⟲ߦ߅ߌࠆ 㛽㑐▵∛ᄌޟޠᑄ↪∝⟲ࠍ㒐 ߋߚߩᯏེߣⅣႺޟޠᑄ↪ ∝⟲੍㒐ߩታ㓙ߩߡߟߦޠ ⻠⟵ࠍⴕޔᑄ↪∝⟲੍㒐ߩ ታ〣ኻ╷ߦߟߡߩታ⠌ࠍⴕ߁ޕ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ਥ කቇㇱஜቇ⑼ ഥᚻ ጸ ෯ ܵ ו⠧ੱᣉ⸳⡯ຬ ක ቇ ㇱ ஜ ቇ ന םਏ ߮ஜᏧ╬⠧ੱ ⑼ ౻ ̜̹ͣ ߦ៤ࠊࠆᣇ ന ੇ 2,500 ฃ⻠⠪ 33 ฬ ιϋΗσΰσΑ ᔃりߣ߽ߦలታߒߚஜᐽ⁁ᘒ ක ቇ ㇱ ࠦ ࡒ ࡘ ࠍߑߔߚߦޔᔃߩஜᐽߦ᳇ ࠾ ࠤ ࠪ ࡚ ࡦ 㧥㧝ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 ␠ળකቇ⻠ᐳ ࠍ㈩ࠆߎߣߪߣߡ߽ᄢಾߢߔ࠲ࡦ ޕ 㕍⋵ߦ߅ߌࠆࡔࡦ࠲࡞ࡋ࡞ࠬ ಎ Ⴙ ਹ ߘߎߢ࿁කቇ⑼ߢߪࡔࡦ࠲࡞ ߩ⁁ߣኻ╷ ࡋ࡞ࠬߦߟ߈ࠇߙࠇߘޔኾ㐷ߩ వ↢ᣇ߆ࠄᦨᣂߩᖱႎࠍ߅ ઍߩኅᣖߣߎࠇ߆ࠄ ⚻♖කቇ⻠ᐳ ߚߛ߈߹ߔޔ߅ߥޕකቇ⑼㐿 ߪ ႅ ၑ ૽ ⻠ᐳߩෳട⾌ߪήᢱߢߔߩߎޕ ᯏળߦᄙᢙߩᣇߩߏ᧪႐ࠍߚ 㧥㧤ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 ౝ⑼ቇ╙৻⻠ᐳ ߛ߈ޔ࿁ߩડ↹߇ᓟߩ⊝᭽ ࠬ࠻ࠬߣࠬ࠻ࠬ⸃ᶖᴺ ऎș࿐ ఱ ༟ ߩ↢ᵴะߦᓎ┙ߟߎߣࠍᦼᓙ 㨪ߥߚߩࠬ࠻ࠬ⸃ᶖᴺߪ߹ ߒߡ߅ࠅ߹ߔޕ ߜ߇ߞߡߪ߅ࠅ߹ߖࠎ߆㧫㨪 ᔃߣ㝬ߩḮ 㧙⣖ᄖ⑼කߩ┙႐߆ࠄ㧙 ᤨ㑆 ⣖⚻ᄖ⑼ቇ⻠ᐳ ఱ ߧ ဢ ܞ 18㧦30 㨪 20㧦30 ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ৻⥸ ήᢱ ਥ කቇㇱකቇ⑼ ᐢႎᆔຬળ ฃ⻠⠪ ᑧߴ 176 ฬ ฬ ⒓㐿 ᣣ ⻠ Ꮷ ࢬஜఱڠ֓ڠ໐֓شڠ ȶ࠲ࢫȆ֓ၷ࣒ٛȷ 㧞㧟ᣣ㧔㧕 ߟ✚ว∛㒮 ᓴⅣེ∔ᖚߣࡔ࠲ࡏ࠶ࠢࠪࡦ ᓴⅣེ⑼ㇱ㐳 ࠼ࡠࡓ ന ܮ ౝ ญ߿㗶ߩ∩ߺߣญ⣧≸ ⅓ ႐ ৻⥸ ਥ ᒄ೨ᄢቇකቇ ㇱකቇ⑼ᐢႎ ᆔຬળ ߟ✚ว∛㒮 㧔␠㧕㕍ක ቇᝄ⥝ળ ήᢱ ฃ⻠⠪ 125 ฬ කቇㇱකቇ⑼ߢߪޟޔၞߦ⽸ ࠕ ࡇ ࠝ ߅ ߽ ₂ߔࠆකቇㇱ⋡ࠍޠᜰߒޔᲤᐕࠅ ޔ 㕍⋵ౝ⥄ᴦ∛㒮ߩߏදജߩ ਅߦޔᐢߊ㕍⋵ߩ৻⥸Ꮢ 㕍Ꮢ᳃∛㒮 ᳃ࠍኻ⽎ߣߒޟޔஜᐽක≮⻠Ṷ 㒮㐳⣖⚻ᄖ⑼ ળࠍޠ㐿ߒߡ߅ࠅ߹ߔޕ ㇱ㐳 ศ ५ ഔ 㧞 24 ᣣ㧔㧕 㗻߿㗡ߩ∩ߺߣᚻⴚ ᤨ㑆 ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ 14㧦00 㨪 16㧦00 ࢬஜఱڠ֓ڠ໐֓شڠ ȶ࠲ࢫȆ֓ၷ࣒ٛȷ ળ කቇㇱකቇ⑼ߢߪޟޔၞߦ⽸ ߟ ࠣ ࡦ ₂ߔࠆකቇㇱ⋡ࠍޠᜰߒޔᲤᐕ࡞࠹ࡎ ޔ 㕍⋵ౝ⥄ᴦ∛㒮ߩߏදജߩ ᄢࡎ࡞ ਅߦޔᐢߊ㕍⋵ߩ৻⥸Ꮢ ᳃ࠍኻ⽎ߣߒޟޔஜᐽක≮⻠Ṷ ળࠍޠ㐿ߒߡ߅ࠅ߹ߔޕ ߥߚߩ↢ᵴߦẜࡔ࠲ࡏ࠶ කቇㇱ㒝ዻ∛㒮 ࠢࠪࡦ࠼ࡠࡓߣߪ㧍㧫 ౝಽᴲౝ⑼㨯♧ዩ∛ ઍ⻢ౝ⑼㨯ᗵᨴ∝⑼ ઐ ֔ ᤨ㑆 ኈ කቇㇱ ᱤ⑼ญ⣧ᄖ⑼ቇ⻠ᐳ ᢎ ࿐ ఆ ฎ ૽ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ৻⥸ ਥ ᒄ೨ᄢቇකቇ ㇱකቇ⑼ᐢႎ ᆔຬળ 㕍Ꮢ᳃∛㒮 㧔␠㧕㕍ක ቇᝄ⥝ળ ήᢱ 14㧦00 㨪 16㧦00 ฃ⻠⠪ 97 ฬ ֓ڠ໐້௺ພ֭ ฬ ⒓㐿 ᣣ ⻠ Ꮷ ౝ ኈ ળ ႐ లĸıུٝໂڠشٛ໐໐ڠ ఱٛȆঌྦྷ࣒ٳज ȶͺΠάȜໂ͈ड૧ૂ༭ȷ ࠕ࠻ࡇᕈ⊹⤏Ἳߩᖚ⠪ߐࠎ ࡎ ࠹ ࡞ ࠾ ࡘ ࠍ㘩‛ߣߔࠆࠕ࠻ࡇࡆࠫࡀ ࠠࡖ࠶ࠬ࡞ ࠬߩᚻญⵍޔኂߩታᘒޔᖚ⠪ߐ 㧔ᒄ೨Ꮢ㧕 ࠎ߇ࠕ࠻ࡇࡆࠫࡀࠬࠍା↪ߒ 10 15 ᣣ㧔ᣣ㧕 ㊄ᴛᄢቇකቇㇱ⊹⤏ ߡߒ߹߁ᔃℂ⊛⢛᥊ߥߤࠍ⸃⺑ ࠕ࠻ࡇࡆࠫࡀࠬߞߡ⍮ߞߡ ⑼ ᢎ ߔࠆޕ ߹ߔ߆ ಅ ࡔ გ ࠕ࠻ࡇᕈ⊹⤏Ἳߪߟ߹ߢ⛯ߊ ᤨ㑆 ⅔ ᧲ᶏᄢቇකቇㇱ⊹⤏ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ⑼ ᢎ ᚧ ྶ ৻⥸ 14㧦00 㨪 15㧦00 ήᢱ ਥ ╙ 70 ࿁ᣣᧄ⊹ ⤏⑼ቇળ᧲ㇱ ᡰㇱቇⴚᄢળ ฃ⻠⠪ 120 ฬ ၑࢥڠ໐ ฬ ⒓㐿 ᣣ ⻠ Ꮷ ͈͙ݝذତ˒ˌˌˎڠ ౝ ኈ ળ ႐ ਛቇᩞ߿㜞╬ቇᩞߩᢙቇߩᢎ ℂᎿቇㇱ ⑼ᦠߦߢߡߊࠆᢙቇߩ⇇ߩߔ 㧤㧞ᣣ ᳓㧕 㧤㧟ᣣ ᧁ 㧤㧠ᣣ ㊄ ᤨ㑆 ℂᎿቇㇱ ᢎ ಎ ၖ ℂᎿቇㇱ ᢎ ா ೠ ࿆ ℂᎿቇㇱ ᢎ ུ ଳ 10㧦30 㨪 15㧦00 ߋㄭߊߦࠅࠃޔᷓߊ㕙⊕㗴 ฎ ߚߊߐࠎࠅ߹ߔޕ ߘߩࠃ߁ߥᢙቇߩ㝯ജߩ৻┵ ࠍ㜞ᩞ↢߿৻⥸ߩᣇߦ⍮ߞߡ߽ ࠄ߁ߚߩડ↹ߢߔޕ ࣝ 㧟ᣣ㑆ߦࠊߚߞߡࠕࠞ࡞࠻ ᣇᑼߢߩ┙⁛ޔ㧟ߟߩࡔ࠾ࡘ ࠍ↪ᗧߒߡ߹ߔޕ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ 㜞ᩞ↢ ৻ ⥸ ή ڠش̞̱ڢ ✚วᢥൻ⑂㐿ᦼ㑆ਛ ℂᎿቇㇱᢎຬ ᤨ㑆㧦10㧦00 㨪 16㧦00 ਥ ℂᎿቇㇱ ฃ⻠⠪ ᑧߴ 29 ฬ ᢱ ᄢቇߩᢎ⢒ᯏ⢻߿ᣉ⸳ࠍᐢߊ ℂᎿቇㇱ ৻⥸ߦ㐿߿࠻࠶ࡀ࠲ࡦࠗޔ ◲නߥൻቇታ㛎ࠍ㛎ߒߡ߽ࠄ ߹ߔޕ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ਥ ዊቇ↢ޔਛቇ↢ ℂᎿቇㇱ ߣߘߩῳᲣ ฃ⻠⠪ 838 ฬ ήᢱ ͼϋΑ͈͒ઉఞ ✚วᢥൻ⑂㐿ᦼ㑆ਛ ᤨ㑆 ℂᎿቇㇱᢎຬ 10㧦00 㨪 16㧦00 ᄢቇߩ⎇ⓥቶ߿ฦ⒳ታ㛎ⵝ⟎ ℂᎿቇㇱ ࠍ㐿ߒޔᢎຬ߿ᄢቇ㒮↢ࠄ߇ ᣣ㗃ߩ⎇ⓥᚑᨐ߿ᦨᣂߩ⑼ቇᛛ ⴚࠍ㐿ታ㛎ࠍਛᔃߦ⚫⸃ ⺑ߔࠆߎߣߦࠃࠅ⑼ࠆ߃ޟቇ ᛛⴚߩ߽ࠆߔ⺑⸃⚫ࠍޠ ߢߔޕ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ਥ ዊቇ↢ޔਛቇ↢ ޔℂᎿቇㇱ 㜞ᩞ↢⥸৻ޔ ฃ⻠⠪ 838 ฬ ήᢱ ⅕ ၑࢥڠ໐͕̥ ฬ ⒓㐿 ᣣ ⻠ Ꮷ ͈͒ڠاઉఞ ࢬஜఱ֚ڠఘࡑޗڠا 㧤㧟ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 ᤨ㑆 10㧦00 㨪 16㧦30 ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ᢎ ཤ ࡔ ୀ ౝ ኈ ႐ ඦ೨ਛߪ⻠Ṷࠍ⡬߈ޔඦᓟߪ ℂ Ꮏ ቇ ㇱ ޔㄘ A㧕㨪 H㧕ߦಽ߆ࠇߡൻቇታ㛎 ቇ↢⑼ቇㇱޔ ࠍ㛎ߒ߹ߔޕ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ 㧝㧚⻠Ṷ ޟ㕍⋵ߩ⮣ߣ᧲ߩ࠾ࡦ࠾ ℂᎿቇㇱ ഥᚻ ࠢ 㧙ၞ⾗Ḯߩᵴ↪ߣࡠࠛࡒ ષ ࠶࡚ࠪࡦ㧙ޠ 㧔ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ᢎ㧕ർේ᥍↵ ℂᎿቇㇱ ഥᢎ 㧞㧚ታ㛎 ࣃ ̷̞̱ A㧕ᨐ‛ߩߦ߅ࠍࠆࡒ࡞ޔ ࡁ࡞ࠍ↪ߚ⊒శᔕ ℂᎿቇㇱ ᢎ B㧕⦡ߢ᷹ࠆ!! 㧙࠼ࡦࠢਛߩ ന ྶ ㋕ߩቯ㊂㧙 ળ ℂᎿቇㇱ ഥᢎ C㧕ታ㛎ቶߢ߈㛎 㧙ᧁ ಿ ୃ ܚ ߣᧁ㈶ᶧ㧔߽ߊߐߊ߃߈㧕ߦ ߟߡ⍮ࠈ߁㧙 ℂᎿቇㇱ ഥᚻ D㧕⥄ὼࠍᮨ୮ߔࠆ 㧙ᨋᶎ㧔ࡈ े ा ࠖ࠻ࡦ࠴࠶࠼㧕ߩൻቇ㧙 E㧕ࠝࠫ࠽࡞࠶ࠤࡦࠍࠈ߁ ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇㇱ ഥᢎ 㧍ޔ㝯ߖࠆ!? ࠞࡔࠝࡦࠛࡑ ࣞ ന ࢴ ࡞࡚ࠪࡦ F㧕ᬀ‛⦡⚛ߩߣಽ㔌 ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇㇱ ᢎ G㧕ࠦࡦࡇࡘ࠲ߢಽሶࠍ⠨߃ ུ ޘ ੳ ߡߺࠃ߁ H㧕߅ߒ᳓ߩ⒁ኒ ᢎ⢒ቇㇱ ഥᢎ ಿ ධ ࢨ հ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ਥ ਛቇ↢ 㜞ᩞ↢ ৻ ⥸ ή ⅖ ᣣᧄൻቇળ᧲ ർᡰㇱൻቇ Ꮏቇળ ฃ⻠⠪ 73 ฬ ᢱ ڠྵڠش໐ ฬ ⒓㐿 ᣣ ⻠ Ꮷ ฒ૰५౷۷ख़ٛ 㧡 20 ᣣ㧔㧕 ᤨ㑆 㧥㧦00 㨪 16㧦00 Ფ࿁㧞㨪㧟ฬ 㧣 22 ᣣ㧔㧕 ᤨ㑆 㧥㧦00 㨪 16㧦00 ౝ ળ ਥ ৻⥸ ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇ ㇱ㒝ዻ↢‛ 500 ↢ᢎ⢒⎇ⓥ 㧔࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ ࡦ࠲ 㒾ᢱ㧕 㧟 10 ᣣ㧔㧕 ᤨ㑆 10㧦00 㨪 16㧦00 ႐ ᐕᐲౝ㧠࿁ߦಽߌߡޔ྾ቄ᛬ ⊕ጊ ⊕ߩޘጊߩ⥄ὼࠍᱧผ⊛ⷰ 㧔⋡ደ㧕 ὐ߽߃ߡⷰኤߔࠆޕ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ 10 㧣ᣣ㧔㧕 ᤨ㑆 㧥㧦00 㨪 16㧦00 ኈ ฃ⻠↢ 48 ฬ ঊఘࡑڠਠ ȶࣣ̤̠ͦȄ૽͂ুட͂ު ͅȊȷ ࡔ࠳ࠞߩㄘ႐ߢ㧘ⷫሶ߇ ㊄ᧁㄘ႐ ৻✜ߦߥߞߡᄙߊߩ㊁↢↢‛߿ ᓸ↢‛ࠍⷰኤߒߥ߇ࠄࡔࠦޔ ࠅ╬ࠍቇ߱ޕ 㧡 27 ᣣ㧔㧕 ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇㇱᢎຬ ⋵ਅ߆ࠄᐢߊෳട⠪ࠍࠅޔ 㧣㧝ᣣ㧔㧕 ߅ࠃ߮ၞ᳃߶߆ ⇣ቇ߅ࠃ߮⇣ቇᐕߣߩᵹࠍ 㧤㧡ᣣ㧔㧕㨪㧤㧢ᣣ㧔ᣣ㧕 ᷓࠆߎߣ߽⋡⊛ߣߔࠆޕ 㧝ᴱ 㧥 30 ᣣ㧔㧕 10 21 ᣣ㧔㧕 ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ਥ ฃ⻠↢ ᤨ㑆 㧥㧦30 㨪 15㧦30 ⷫሶ㧔ⷫ 1 ฬߦ ㄘ ቇ ↢ ⑼ ቇ ߟ߈㧘ሶଏ 2 ฬ ㇱ 㒝 ዻ ↢ ‛ ߹ߢ㧕 ↢ᢎ⢒⎇ⓥ ࡦ࠲ ᄢੱ 3,800 ሶଏ 3,200 㧔㘩⾌்ኂ 㒾ᢱ㧘ᢎ᧚⾌╬ 㧕 30 ⚵ 68 ฬ ୃੌ⠪ 24 ⚵ 52 ฬ ฬ ⒓㐿 ᣣ ڠྵڠش໐Ȇ࣒ٳज ȶฒ૰५౷̠ͬͧȷ 11 㧟ᣣ㧔㊄ᣣ㧕 ⊕ߩߌ߽ߩߣዊേ‛ߚߜ ߩߪߥߒ㧔ࠝࡑࠤઃ߈㧕 ᤨ㑆 ⻠ Ꮷ ౝ 12 㧞ᣣ㧔㧕 ળ ႐ ⇇ㆮ↥⊕ጊߦ↢ᕷߔࠆ ㄘ ቇ ↢ ⑼ ቇ ዊേ‛ࠍࡊࡠࠫࠚࠢ࠲ࠍ↪ ㇱ 203 ⻠⟵ቶ ߒⷞⷡ⊛ߦ⻠⟵ࠆ⊕ޔߚ߹ޕ ጊࠍᒻᚑߔࠆფߦߟߡ◲ ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇㇱ ᢎ නߥታ㛎ࠍⴕߊߔ߿ࠅ߆ࠊޔ ࡔ ၻ ࢣ ⻠⟵ߔࠆޕ ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇㇱ ᢎ ऎș࿐ ಿ ঌ 13㧦30 㨪 15㧦40 ςϋΌ̳ͬͥڠش ኈ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ਛቇ↢એ ήᢱ ਥ ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇ ㇱ ฃ⻠⠪ 27 ฬ ࡦࠧߩᩱၭᣇᴺ㧘᮸ᨐታ ᧼ ᩉ ↸ ᄙ ⋡ ⊛ ߩ↢ℂ∛ޔኂ⯻㒐㒰ޔფ⢈ᢱࠆ߲࡞ࡎ ޔ ᒄ೨ᄢቇฬᢎ ຠ⒳ޔᵹㅢޔᶏᄖᬺ╬ߢࡦ २ ന ᠡ ௮ ࠧㄘኅߦ⋥ធࠆߪ㑆ធߦᓎ ┙ߟࠍߔࠆޕ㧝ᣣ㧟⻠ᐳߕߟ ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇㇱ ഥᢎ 㧟ᣣ㑆ߢ㧥⻠ᐳ㐿⻠ߔࠆޕ չ ఱ ဎ ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇㇱ ഥᚻ ന ၦ 12 㧟ᣣ㧔ᣣ㧕 㕍⋵ࡦࠧ⹜㛎႐ ५ ਜ ྶ ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇㇱ ᢎ ࣏ ਘ ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇㇱ ഥᢎ ۘ 12 㧠ᣣ㧔㧕 ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇㇱ ഥᢎ ஂ ៍ ᒄ೨ᄢቇరᢎຬ ന ฎ ᤨ㑆 10㧦00 㨪 16㧦10 ฒ૰५౷ͼϋΑΠρ·ΗȜ ူ଼࣒ज 㧞 27 ᣣ㧔Ἣ㧕 ᤨ㑆 10㧦00 㨪 15㧦00 ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ࡦࠧㄘኅߣ㑐 ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇㇱ㒝ዻ↢‛ ଥ⠪ ↢ᢎ⢒⎇ⓥࡦ࠲ ᢎ 1,000 ॄ ဎ༟ 㧔࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ઍߣ ߒߡ㧕 ਥ ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇ ㇱ㒝ዻ↢‛ ↢ᢎ⢒⎇ⓥ ࡦ࠲᧼ᩉ ↸ ฃ⻠⠪ 154 ฬ ⊕ጊߩ⥄ὼ↢ᘒ♽ߩ⍮⼂ ᒄ೨ᄢቇ ߣ⥄ޔὼߣ↢⊛ߥવ⛔ᢥൻࠍ ᄙߊߩੱߦޘવ߃ࠆࠗࡦࠬ࠻ ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇㇱ ᢎ ࠢ࠲ߩ㙃ᚑࠍ⋡ᜰߔޕ⠉ᐕ㧢 ᕐ ڈఱ ੩ ߦޔᐳቇߦၮߠߚ㊁ᄖታ⠌ ࠍⴕ߁ޕ ℂᎿቇㇱ ഥᢎ आ ུ ೄ ਏ ᒄ೨ᄢቇฬᢎ ཪ ന ร ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ৻⥸ ਥ ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇ ㇱ㒝ዻ↢‛ 2,000 ↢ᢎ⢒⎇ⓥ 㧔࠹ࠠࠬ࠻ઍߣ ࡦ࠲ ߒߡ㧕 ฃ⻠⠪ 100 ฬ ⅗ ֒ഥঊࡑঔ୭ ฬ ⒓㐿 ᣣ ֒ഥঊࡑঔ୭ΓηȜ ⻠ Ꮷ ౝ ኈ ળ ႐ ో࿖߆ࠄ᧪ᩞߒߚ⎇ⓥ⠪߿⋵ ㆮ વ ሶ ታ 㛎 ᣉ ౝฦߩ⎇ⓥ⠪ߩ⎇ⓥᚑᨐߦၮ ⸳ Prof. M.Bouyazen ߠߚ⻠Ṷࠍⴕ⎇ޔⓥᵹࠍ ⴕ߁ޕ 㧤㧠ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 16㧦00 㨪 11 17 ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 15㧦00 㨪 ၏ 12 15 ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 16㧦00 㨪 չ 12 26 ᣣ㧔Ἣ㧕 14㧦30 㨪 ޣ ા 㧝 19 ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 16㧦00 㨪 ५ ષ ੋࢥIJıਔාܱැΏϋεΐ;θ 㧢 30 ᣣ㧔㊄㧕 ഛ ࠲ ࢬ ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ৻⥸ ᢎ⡯ຬ ඵ ቇ↢ ཫ ਥ ㆮવሶታ㛎ᣉ ⸳ ฃ⻠⠪ ฦ࿁ 50 ฬ ήᢱ ᒄ೨ᄢቇౝߢㆮવሶ⎇ⓥࠍⴕ ᒄ೨ᄢቇ 50 ߞߡࠆ⎇ⓥ⠪㧡ฬࠍ⻠Ꮷߦ ޔᐕ⸥ᔨળ㙚 ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇㇱ ᢎ ࠪࡦࡐࠫ࠙ࡓࠍ㐿ߔࠆޕ ऎ ܵ ㆮવሶታ㛎ᣉ⸳ ഥᢎ ന ౌ হ ᤨ㑆 ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇㇱ ഥᢎ ୷ ന ༰ 13㧦00 㨪 16㧦30 ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ㄘቇ↢⑼ቇㇱ ᢎ ৻⥸ ຍ ຒ ఊ ᢎ⡯ຬ ቇ↢ කቇㇱ ഥᚻ ࣽ ஂ ήᢱ ⅘ ਥ ㆮવሶታ㛎ᣉ ⸳ ฃ⻠⠪ 150 ฬ ້௺܁ ฬ ⒓㐿 ᣣ ࣭ၛఱࢬ૽༹ڠஜఱ௺້ڠ܁ ৽ट లˏ࣒ٝڠٛ ȶࢺশయ͉ຕ̹̺̽ܢ Ƚࢬஜ๋ܱ͈ഛܱܨ͉ ࢊͥȽȷ 㧥ᣣ㧔ᧁ㧕 ᤨ㑆 ⻠ Ꮷ ౝ ኈ ળ ႐ ᐕઍ߆ࠄᐕ㑆ޔᒄ೨ ᒄ೨ᄢቇഃ┙ ߣᳯᚭߢᦠ߈⛮߇ࠇߚᒄ೨⮲ᐡ ᐕ ⸥ ᔨ ળ ᣣ⸥ߦߪޔᲤᣣߩᄤ᳇⸥㍳ ߇ᱷ 㙚 ߺ ߜ ߩ ߊ ࡎ ߐࠇߡ߹ߔޕㄭઍ᳇⽎᷹ⷰ߇ ࡞ ᆎ߹ࠆ೨ߩ᳇ࠍᓳరߔࠆߢ ᭂߡ⾆㊀ߥߎߩ⾗ᢱࠍ߽ߣߦޔ ᧲੩ㇺ┙ᄢቇฬ ㄭઍ᳇ቇߩᣇᴺߣ⍮⼂ࠍ↪ ᢎ ߡ⸃ߐࠇߚᳯᚭᤨઍߩ̌ዊ᳖ ᣥᒄ೨㜞╬ቇᩞ ᦼ̍ߦߟߡޔర㕍Ꮢߏ ห⓹ળળ㐳 りߩ೨ፉ㇚㓶వ↢ߦߏ⻠Ṷࠍߒ ஜ ോ ֘ ဎ ߡߚߛ߈߹ߒߚޕ 㧦㨪㧦 ኻ⽎ෳട⾌ ৻ ⥸ ᢎ⡯ຬ ቇ ↢ ή ᢱ ਥ ฃ⻠⠪ 㒝ዻ࿑ᦠ㙚 150 ฬ ԇȅΓϋΗȜ۾Ⴒܰ௱൝ ! 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