The Kōji Takazawa Collection of Japanese Social Movement Materials 高沢文庫 日本の社会運動資料 Volume 2 下巻 University of Hawai‘i ハワイ大学 Honolulu © 2014 Patricia Steinhoff Honolulu, Hawai‘i All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured from the copyright holder to reproduce any part of this book. CONTENTS 上巻 VOLUME I Introduction Patricia Steinhoff.............................................................v A. 書籍 Books..............................................................................................1 I. 文献目録と事典 Bibliographies and Dictionaries................................... 3 II. 全集と縮刷版 Sets and Reprint Editions................................................ 15 III. 戦前戦後日本の歴史と思想 Prewar and Early Postwar History and Thought................................................................................................ 41 IV. 1960安保前後 1960 Ampo and its Aftermath.................................. 75 V. 1960後半1970前半の社会運動........................................................... 93 Late 1960s-Early 1970s Movements VI. 赤軍派関連運動 Sekigunha and Related Movements........................147 VII. 1970-1980年代社会運動や思想......................................................166 1970s-1980s Movements and Thought VIII. 差別:部落問題や沖縄問題.............................................................................197 Discrimination Issues: Burakumin and Okinawa IX. 1960-1970年代の感想....................................................................208 Reflections on the 1960s and 1970s X. 思想や世界問題 Social Thought and World Affairs...........................227 XI. 韓国、朝鮮、在日韓国人...................................................................................285 Koreans in Japan, South and North Korea XII. 中国と東亜 China and Asia.....................................................................303 XIII. 女性問題 Women’s Issues.......................................................................311 XIV. よど号グループと北朝鮮 Yodogō Group and North Korea..................320 XV. 1990年代における日本の問題 1990s Issues in Japan......................376 XVI. 歴史の研究資料 Historical Research.....................................................384 B. 定期刊行物 Serials..............................................................................395 下巻 VOLUME II A. 他の資料 Other Materials.....................................................................1 I. 物 品 Artifacts............................................................................................ 3 II. AV資料 AV Sets............................................................................................. 7 III. 切り抜き集 Clippings.................................................................................. 19 IV. 裁判資料 Court Documents...................................................................... 87 V. ファイル Folders.......................................................................................... 99 VI. ビラ集 Handbills......................................................................................155 VII. 書簡集 Letters...........................................................................................181 VIII. 原稿 Manuscripts....................................................................................191 IX. 地図 Maps..................................................................................................227 X. パンフレット Pamphlets............................................................................233 XI. 写真集 Photographs................................................................................399 XII. ポスター Posters.......................................................................................403 iv ❖ Contents B. 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors..........................409 I. 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection......411 II. 武石和実(たけいしかずみ)文書 Takeishi Kazumi Sub-Collection...... 483 III. 平井吉夫(ひらいよしお)文書 Hirai Yoshio Sub-Collection..................509 IV. 西平守次(にしひらしゅうじ)文書 Nishihira Shūji Sub-Collection........ 519 V. 五味雅彦(ごみまさひこ)文書 Gomi Masahiko Sub-Collection.............523 他の資料 Other Materials 物品 Artifacts チョソン語-日本語単語帳 Chosongo-Nihongo tangochō Korean-Japanese Word Booklet item_ID: 16420 ArtifactID: 7 This is a Korean-Japanese word book or rudimentary dictionary used by Furuya Yoshiko. It is treated as an artifact rather than a regular book because of its size and condition. ピョンヤン観光史跡ガイド Pyongyang kankō shiseki gaido Pyongyang Guide item_ID: 16418 ArtifactID: 5 This is a small guide from Takazawa's visits to Pyongyang, written in Japanese. フーテン・アングラ (映画の解説小冊子) Fūten Angura (Eiga no kaisetsu shōsasshi) Fūten Angura Film Booklet item_ID: 16416 ArtifactID: 3 This small booklet contains movie summaries for Fūten Angura, a counterculture magazine. フーテン・アングラ参考文献 Fūten Angura sankō bunken Takazawa's Fūten Angura notes item_ID: 16417 ArtifactID: 4 These are file cards for Takazawa's movie research for Fūten Angura. 三里塚闘争シール Sanrizuka tōsō sh īru Sanrizuka Struggle Stickers item_ID: 16424 ArtifactID: 10 This folder contains various small seals and stickers put out by the Sanrizuka movement opposing the construction and operation of Narita International Airport. Seals of this type were frequently produced by social movements. 古屋家家計簿 Furuyake kakeibo Furuya Household Account Books item_ID: 16441 ArtifactID: 15 This box contains household record books from the Furuya household. There are also memos and related artifacts from the Furuya household records. 古屋文書がつつまれていた風呂敷 Furuya bunsho ga tsutsumareteita furoshiki Furuya Yoshiko's Furoshiki item_ID: 16426 ArtifactID: 12 This box contains two furoshiki or wrapping cloths in which some of the materials from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection were wrapped when the Takazawa Collection 3 4 ❖ 物品 Artifacts received them. These cloths were routinely used for wrapping and carrying items until the 1980s, when paper shopping bags became the more stylish alternative. However,many older women still use the handy furoshiki. We have left these in the collection because they may become rarer cultural artifacts in the future. These are not particularly traditional examples—one is actually a French designer cloth—but they were apparently in regular use by Furuya Yoshiko. 古屋能子、相原文夫関係住所録 Furuya Yoshiko, Aihara Fumio kankei jūshoroku Furuya Family Address Books item_ID: 16440 ArtifactID: 14 This box contains address and telephone number books, business cards, etc. that belonged to the Furuya family. 古屋能子関係雑記帳等 Furuya Yoshiko kankei zakkichō tō Furuya Yoshiko's Notebooks item_ID: 16427 ArtifactID: 13 This box contains various notebooks of Furuya Yoshiko. 新宿ベ平連の旗とはちまき Shinjuku Beheiren no hata to hachimaki Shinjuku Beheiren Banners and Headbands item_ID: 16425 ArtifactID: 11 This box contains several cloth items from the Shinjuku Beheiren organization, including two sizes of yellow flags used as banners during demonstrations, a red headband (hachimaki) and a white headband (hachimaki), which were worn by demonstrators. 新宿ベ平連集会チケット Shinjuku Beheiren shūkai chiketto Shinjuku Beheiren Meeting Tickets item_ID: 16419 ArtifactID: 6 This is a set of tickets to a Shinjuku Beheiren event, from Furuya Yoshiko's materials. 朝鮮語会話-朝鮮民主主義人民共和国訪問用- Chōsengo kaiwa -Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakok Korean Conversation Booklet item_ID: 16421 ArtifactID: 8 This is a booklet on conversational Korean put out by by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) and obtained by Furuya Yoshiko during a trip to North Korea. 歌声運動歌集 Utagoe undōkashū Utagoe Movement Songbooks item_ID: 16423 ArtifactID: 9 This is a set of four tiny songbooks produced by the Utagoe movement, a circle movement of the 1950s and early 1960s that sang revolutionary songs, found in the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. 物品 Artifacts ❖ 5 相原文夫 機関誌等納品伝票 Aihara Fumio Kikanshi tō nōhin denpyō Aihara Fumio's newsletter account books item_ID: 16415 ArtifactID: 2 These are account books in which Aihara Fumio kept track of payments for organizational publication (kikanshi) subscriptions that he was responsible for. They constitute a record for specific kikanshi, but also reveal the scrupulous record keeping maintained by these organizations. AV資料 AV Sets Tapes may only be accessed on site, and may not be duplicated without special permission. Other restrictions on the use of the materials may apply. 島 成 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー Shima Shigeo interview item_ID: 63001 Takazawa Kōji interviews with Shima Shigeo in December, 1984. There are seven tapes in the series. Some of the topics include early Bund, Kokusai Gakuren, Bund members, and the collapse of the first Bund. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 島 成 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(1) Shima Shigeo Interview (1) 島 成 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(2) Shima Shigeo Interview (2) 島成 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(3) Shima Shigeo Interview (3) 島 成 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(4)国 際 学 連 Shima Shigeo Interview (4) Kokusai Gakuren 島成 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(5)ブ ン ト 群 像 など Shima Shigeo Interview (5) Bunto Gunzō nado 島 成 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(6) Shima Shigeo Interview (6) 島 成 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(7)ブ ン ト 崩 壊(中 断) Shima Shigeo Interview (7) Bunto Hōkai (Chūdan) 島 成 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー Shima Shigeo Interview item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: 10363 1 10364 1 10365 1 10366 1 10367 1 10368 1 10369 1 item_ID: 63002 Takazawa Kōji interviews with Shima Shigeo in January, 1985. There are three tapes in the series. They include discussion of the period after the collapse of the first Bund and general discussion. 1 2 3 島 成 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(1) Shima Shigeo Interview (1) 島 成 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(2)崩 壊 後(雑 談) Shima Shigeo Interview (2) Houkaigo (Zatsudan) 島 成 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(3) Shima Shigeo Interview (3) 島 成 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(札 幌 にて) Shima Shigeo Interview in Sapporo item_ID: 10370 AVSeriesID: 2 item_ID: 10371 AVSeriesID: 2 item_ID: 10372 AVSeriesID: 2 item_ID: 63004 Takazawa Kōji interview with Shima Shigeo in Sapporo, in February, 1986. There are three tapes in the series. 1 2 島 成 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー:札 幌 にて(1) Shima Shigeo Interview in Sapporo (1) 島 成 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー:札 幌 にて(2) Shima Shigeo Interview in Sapporo (2) item_ID: 10376 AVSeriesID: 4 item_ID: 10377 AVSeriesID: 4 7 8 ❖ AV資料 AV Sets 3 島 成 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー:札 幌 にて(3) Shima Shigeo Interview in Sapporo (3) 沖縄における保護婦の精神衛生活動 Okinawa ni okeru hogofu no seishin eisei katsudō item_ID: 10378 AVSeriesID: 4 item_ID: 63005 Takazawa Kōji interviews with Shima Shigeo in Okinawa. There are seven tapes in the series. The first five concern his work on the mental health and wellbeing of female patient care workers (hogofu) in Okinawa. The remaining two are general interviews. All of the interviews took place in Naha, Okinawa, in January, 1985. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 沖縄における保護婦の精神衛生活動(1) Okinawa ni okeru hogofu no seishin eisei katsudō (1) 沖縄における保護婦の精神衛生活動(2) Okinawa niokeru hogofu no seishin eisei katsudō (2) 沖縄における保護婦の精神衛生活動(3) Okinawa niokeru hogofu no seishin eisei katsudō (3) 沖縄における保護婦の精神衛生活動(4) Okinawa niokeru hogofu no seishin eisei katsudō (4) 沖縄における保護婦の精神衛生活動(5)打ち合わせ Okinawa niokeru hogofu no seishin eisei katsudō (5) Uchiawase 島 茂 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー:那 覇 に て(1) Shima Shigeo Interview in Naha (1, 2) 島 茂 郎 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー:那 覇 に て(3) Shima Shigeo Interview in Naha (3) 紋 別 座 談 会 Monbetsu Zadankai item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: 10379 5 10380 5 10381 5 10382 5 10383 5 item_ID: 10384 AVSeriesID: 5 item_ID: 10385 AVSeriesID: 5 item_ID: 63007 This set of three tapes is a symposium discussion (zadankai) that took place in Monbetsu, Hokkaido, in March, 1986. It was taped by Takazawa Kōji. 1 2 3 紋 別 座 談 会(1) Monbetsu Zadankai (1) 紋 別 座 談 会(2) Monbetsu Zadankai (2) 紋 別 座 談 会(3) Monbetsu Zadankai (3) グ ル ー プ イ ン タ ビ ュ ー:常 木 宅 に て Group Interview at Tsuneki’s home item_ID: 10387 AVSeriesID: 7 item_ID: 10388 AVSeriesID: 7 item_ID: 10389 AVSeriesID: 7 item_ID: 63009 The three tapes in this series cover a group interview in the home of Tsuneki Mamoru in March, 1985, facilitated by Takazawa Kōji. 1 2 3 グ ル ー プ イ ン タ ビ ュ ー:常 木 宅 に て(1) Group Interview at Tsuneki’s home (1) グ ル ー プ イ ン タ ビ ュ ー:常 木 宅 に て(2) Group Interview at Tsuneki’s home (2) グ ル ー プ イ ン タ ビ ュ ー:常 木 宅 に て(3) Group Interview at Tsuneki’s home (3) item_ID: 10373 AVSeriesID: 9 item_ID: 10374 AVSeriesID: 9 item_ID: 10375 AVSeriesID: 9 AV資料 AV Sets ❖ 9 精 神 医 療 と 保 安 処 分 Seishin Iryō to Hoan Shobun item_ID: 63011 This set of two tapes made in January, 1986, concerns psychiatric medicine and public safety measures. The tapes were made by Takazawa Kōji as part of his research on the Seiiren psychiatric movement. 1 2 精 神 医 療 と 保 安 処 分(1)-(2) Seishin Iryō to Hoan Shobun (1)-(2) 精 神 医 療 と 保 安 処 分(3) Seishin Iryō to Hoan Shobun (3) 彫 刻 の 森 ク ラ ブ Chōkoku no mori club item_ID: 10390 AVSeriesID: 11 item_ID: 10391 AVSeriesID: 11 item_ID: 63012 This set of two tapes concerns the Chōkoku no Mori Club. The tape was made in December, 1985 by Takazawa Kōji. Chōkoku no Mori is the name of an open-air sculpture park in Hakone, but it is not known if this is related to the name of the club. 1 2 彫 刻 の 森 ク ラ ブ(1) Chōkoku no mori club (1) 彫 刻 の 森 ク ラ ブ(2) Chōkoku no mori club (2) 唐 牛 健 太 郎 を 語 る Karōji Kentarō wo kataru item_ID: 10392 AVSeriesID: 12 item_ID: 10393 AVSeriesID: 12 item_ID: 63013 This is a set of two tapes in which various people give their recollections of Karōji Kentarō. Takazawa made the tape as part of the memorial activities after Karōji’s death, and edited the memorial volume (tsuisōshū). 1 2 唐 牛 健 太 郎 を 語 る(1) Karōji Kentarō wo kataru (1) 唐 牛 健 太 郎 を 語 る(2) Karōji Kentarō wo kataru (2) 田 中 清 玄 及 び そ の 他 と の 対 話 Conversation with Tanaka Seigen and others item_ID: 10394 AVSeriesID: 13 item_ID: 10395 AVSeriesID: 13 item_ID: 63014 Takazawa recorded this set of five tapes in August, 1985, while he was doing research on Tanaka Seigen. Tanaka, Takazawa, and Shima Shigeo are identified on the tape. Tanaka Seigen was a member of the prewar Japan Communist Party who became a conservative businessman in postwar Japan. During the 1960 Ampo conflict he gave money to Bund. 1 2 3 4 田 中 清 玄 及 び そ の 他 と の 対 話(1) Conversation with Tanaka Seigen and others (1) 田 中 清 玄 及 び そ の 他 と の 対 話(2) Conversation with Tanaka Seigen and others (2) 田 中 清 玄 及 び そ の 他 と の 対 話(3) Conversation with Tanaka Seigen and others (3) 田 中 清 玄 及 び そ の 他 と の 対 話(4) Conversation with Tanaka Seigen and others (4) item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: 10405 14 10406 14 10407 14 10408 14 10 ❖ AV資料 AV Sets 5 田 中 清 玄 及 び そ の 他 と の 対 話(5) Conversation with Tanaka Seigen and others (5) グ ル ー プ イ ン タ ビ ュ ー:京 都 に て Group Interview in Kyoto item_ID: 10409 AVSeriesID: 14 item_ID: 63015 Takazawa conducted this group interview in Kyoto on June 16, 1985. Participants included Shima Shigeo. 1 グ ル ー プ イ ン タ ビ ュ ー Group Interview in Kyoto 田 中 清 玄 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー Tanaka Seigen Interview item_ID: 10386 AVSeriesID: 15 item_ID: 63016 These seven tapes record Takazawa Kōji’s interviews with Tanaka Seigen, between May and September, 1985. Some of the interviews took place in Karuizawa. Tanaka Seigen was a member of the prewar Japan Communist Party who became a conservative businessman in postwar Japan. During the 1960 Ampo conflict he gave money to Bund. At the time, Takazawa was doing research on Tanaka Seigen. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 田 中 清 玄 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(1) Tanaka Seigen Interview (1) 田 中 清 玄 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(2) Tanaka Seigen Interview (2) 田 中 清 玄 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(3) Tanaka Seigen Interview (3) 田 中 清 玄 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(4) Tanaka Seigen Interview (4) 田 中 清 玄 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(5) Tanaka Seigen Interview (5) 田中清玄インタビュー:軽井沢にて (1) Tanaka Seigen Interview at Karuizawa (1) 田中清玄インタビュー:軽井沢にて (2) Tanaka Seigen Interview at Karuizawa (2) 田 中 清 玄「財 界」イ ン タ ビ ュ ー Tanaka Seigen “Zaikai” Interview item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: 10400 16 10401 16 10402 16 10403 16 10404 16 10410 16 10411 16 item_ID: 63018 These three tapes record a series of interviews with Tanaka Seigen conducted by Takazawa Kōji and the editors of the magazine Zaikai. 1 2 3 田 中 清 玄「財 界」イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(1) Tanaka Seigen “Zaikai” Interview (1) 田 中 清 玄「財 界」イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(2) Tanaka Seigen “Zaikai” Interview (2) 田 中 清 玄「財 界」イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(3) Tanaka Seigen “Zaikai” Interview (3) item_ID: 10412 AVSeriesID: 18 item_ID: 10413 AVSeriesID: 18 item_ID: 10414 AVSeriesID: 18 AV資料 AV Sets ❖ 11 田 中 清 玄 そ の 他 と の 対 話 Conversation with Tanaka Seigen and others item_ID: 63019 This set of four tapes was recorded March 25 and 26, 1985. Tanaka Seigen and Takazawa Kōji are identified as participants. The tape was made when Takazawa Kōji was doing research on Tanaka Seigen. 1 2 3 4 田 中 清 玄 そ の 他 と の 対 話(1) Conversation with Tanaka Seigen and others (1) 田 中 清 玄 そ の 他 と の 対 話(2) Conversation with Tanaka Seigen and others (2) 田 中 清 玄 そ の 他 と の 対 話(3) Conversation with Tanaka Seigen and others (3) 田 中 清 玄 そ の 他 と の 対 話(4) Conversation with Tanaka Seigen and others (4) 加 藤 元久 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー Kato Motohisa Interview item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: 10396 19 10397 19 10398 19 10399 19 item_ID: 63020 This set of five tapes records an interview that Takazawa Kōji and a Kōdansha editor conducted with “Shonen B,” a high school student who was brought to the Rengō Sekigun camp by his older brother and was present throughout the Rengō Sekigun Incident and was eventually captured at Asama Sansō. Because he was a minor his case was handled by the juvenile court and he was not part of the Rengō Sekigun trials. He was encouraged to forget about what had happened, while the others reinforced specific recollections constantly through the trial process. In the early 1990s he consented to an interview with Takazawa Kōji, which Takazawa subsequently used for an article that was published in the magazine Gendai. These interview tapes are severely restricted and require special permission even for onsite research use. No duplication of the materials is permitted, and the highest level restrictions apply to any direct use of the material for publication. 1 2 3 4 5 加 藤 元久 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(1) Kato Motohisa Interview (1) 加 藤 元久 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(2) Kato Motohisa Interview (2) 加 藤 元久 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(3) Kato Motohisa Interview (3) 加 藤 元久 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(4) Kato Motohisa Interview (4) 加 藤 元久 イ ン タ ビ ュ ー(5) Kato Motohisa Interview (5) 塩 見 、田 宮 ら と 会 う Shiomi, Tamiya ra to au item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: 10415 20 10416 20 10417 20 10418 20 10419 20 item_ID: 63021 This tape was made during the visit of Shiomi Takaya to Pyongyang in November 1990, shortly after his release from prison. 1 塩 見 、田 宮 ら と 会 う Shiomi, Tamiya rato au item_ID: 10429 AVSeriesID: 21 12 ❖ AV資料 AV Sets 怒 り を う た え Ikari wo utae item_ID: 63022 This is a set of three commercially produced videotapes consisting of lightly edited film footage of key protest events of 1968-1970, including the 1968 International Anti-War Day protests at Shinjuku station, the June 1969 ASPAC protests, and other Ampo protests. They convey the sights and sounds of these events with an immediacy that is missing from still pictures and narrative accounts. Tapes may only be accessed on site, and may not be duplicated without special permission. 1 2 3 怒 り を う た え(1) Ikari wo utae [1] 怒 り を う た え(2) Ikari wo utae [2] 怒 り を う た え(3) Ikari wo utae [2] item_ID: 10430 AVSeriesID: 22 item_ID: 10431 AVSeriesID: 22 item_ID: 10432 AVSeriesID: 22 赤 軍 関 係 テ レ ビ 番 組 Sekigun kankei TV bangumi item_ID: 63023 This set includes four videotapes of television news programs and other footage of various events in the 1987-1994 period concerning Red Army (Sekigun) members. They include television news coverage of the arrests of Maruoka Osamu and Shibata Yasunari, a program giving background on the Yodogō group, and a 1994 television news program featuring footage from Pyongyang of the Yodogō group’s business activities and their wives, whose existence had been revealed shortly before. Tapes may only be accessed on site, and may not be duplicated without special permission. 1 2 3 4 丸岡修、柴田泰成逮捕の時のテレビニュース: 高沢へのインタビュー(1) Maruoka Osamu, Shibata Yasunari Taiho no toki no TV news (1) 丸岡修、柴田泰成逮捕の時のテレビニュース: 高沢へのインタビュー ) Maruoka Osamu, Shibata Yasunari Taiho no toki no TV news (2) 「よ ど 号 グ ル ー プ」取 材 番 組 ‘Yodogō group” shuzai bangumi 「筑 紫 哲 也 ニ ュ ー ス 23」 : 「よ ど 号」犯 の 商 社 と 妻 Tsukushi Tetuya News 23 : “ Yodogō” han no shōsha to tuma 1969年学生運動の大事件 1969 Student Movement Highlights item_ID: 10545 AVSeriesID: 23 item_ID: 10546 AVSeriesID: 23 item_ID: 10547 AVSeriesID: 23 item_ID: 10548 AVSeriesID: 23 item_ID: 63024 This set contains five commercially distributed sound recordings of key events of 1969, including the Tokyo University conflict, Shinjuku demonstration, Mishima’s last speech, etc. The original recordings have been transferred to cassette tapes, which may be only used onsite. The tapes may not be duplicated without special permission. AV資料 AV Sets ❖ 13 1 2 3 4 5 燃 え る 大 学 Moeru daigaku 三 島 由 紀 男 最 期 の 絶 叫 Mishima Yukio saigo no zekkyō 演 説 、東 大 闘 争 報 告 Enzetsu, Tōdai tōsō hōkoku 新 宿 広 場 ‘69 Shinjyuku Hiroba ‘69 「 べ 平 連 」街 を ゆ く! “Beheiren” machi o yuku! マ ン ス ダ エ イ ェ ス ル ダ ン Mansudae Art Troupe item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: 10549 24 10551 24 10552 24 10553 24 10554 24 item_ID: 63025 This is a set of six commercially produced recordings of the Mansudae Art Troupe, recorded in North Korea and obtained there by Takazawa Kōji. The original records have been transferred to cassette tape, which may be used onsite. Tapes may not be duplicated without special permission. 1 2 3 4 5 6 マ ン ス ダ エ イ ェ ス ル ダ ン(1) Mansudae Art Troupe (1) マ ン ス ダ エ イ ェ ス ル ダ ン(2) Mansudae Art Troupe (2) マ ン ス ダ エ イ ェ ス ル ダ ン(3) Mansudae Art Troupe (3) マ ン ス ダ エ イ ェ ス ル ダ ン(4) Mansudae Art Troupe (4) マ ン ス ダ エ イ ェ ス ル ダ ン(5) Mansudae Art Troupe (5) マ ン ス ダ エ イ ェ ス ル ダ ン(6) Mansudae Art Troupe (6) 古屋能子所有テープ・同憂懇談会 Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Dōyū Kondankai item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: 10735 25 10736 25 10737 25 10738 25 10739 25 10740 25 item_ID: 63026 This two tape set records the speeches given at the 1983 Dōyū Kondankai. The tape was made by Furuya Yoshiko and was included in the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. Speakers from various backgrounds (activist, businessman, academic, writers,etc) speak on political issues in Japan, mainly critical accounts of the Nakasone Administration and authority; issues concerning Security and the Constitution. 1 2 1983年2月7日同憂懇談会(前半部分) 1983 nen 2 gatsu 7 ka Dōyū Kondankai (Zenhan bubun) 1983年2月7日同憂懇談会(後半部分) 1983 nen 2 gatsu 7 ka Dōyū Kondankai (Kōhan bubun) item_ID: 15481 AVSeriesID: 26 item_ID: 15482 AVSeriesID: 26 14 ❖ AV資料 AV Sets 古屋能子所有テープ・日市連/小田実 Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Nisshiren, Oda Makoto item_ID: 63027 This is a set of five tape recordings of regular meetings and public lectures of “Nisshiren (Nihon wa kore de ii no ka shimin rengō).” Oda Makoto and others speak on nuclear issues and Japan, history of Japan’s relation with nuclear weapon, antinuclear weapon movements, Tanaka Kakuei, Japan-Korea relationship, Vietnam, Constitution, North/South Koreans and Taiwanese in Japan, U.S nuclear stratetgy and Reagan Administration, U.S. military base issues around the Asia-Pacific region. The materials are from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. 1 2 3 4 5 小田実 Oda Makoto 11・6日市連の定例会 11/6 Nisshi-ren no Teireikai 日市連市民講座 小田実 Nisshi-ren Shimin Kōza, Oda Makoto 日市連市民講座 小田実 Nisshi-ren Shimin Kōza, Oda Makoto 日市連合宿八王子セミナー Nisshi-ren Gasshuku Hachiōji Seminā 古屋能子所有テープ・沖縄関連 Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Okinawa-related item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: 15487 27 15488 27 15489 27 15490 27 15491 27 item_ID: 63028 This is a set of five tape recodings on issues in Okinawa. Issues include laborers in Okinawa, anti-CTS movement, pollution of the ocean and fishermans’ organizations’ reaction, social movement organizations in Okinawa, SDF’s reaction to activism in Okinawa, etc. These materials are from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. Some original tapes were not duplicated because of poor recording quality. 2 4 5 6 7 照屋寛徳氏 韓国人・沖縄労働者について Teruya Kantoku-shi, Kankoku-jin/Okinawa Rōdōsha ni tsuite 沖縄 討議・抗議集会・経過報告 Okinawa Tōgi, Kōgi Shūkai, Keika Hōkoku 安里清信 Asato Seishin 石川アルミ懇談 Ishikawa Arumi Kondan CTS反対闘争をどうすすめるか CTS Hantai Tōsō o Dou Susumeruka 古屋能子所有テープ・現代の眼 Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Gendai no Me item_ID: 15493 AVSeriesID: 28 item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: 15495 28 15496 28 15500 28 15506 28 item_ID: 63029 Recordings of a lecture series and the following small group discussion sponsored by the magazine Gendai no Me. Topics include anti-imperialism movement and Reagan Administration’s foreign policy, Japan’s North Korea policy, Vietnam War, impressions on Japan, its crises, solutions to them. Speakers are from the United States, Philippines, Palau, and Japan. The materials are from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. AV資料 AV Sets ❖ 15 1 2 現代の眼 Gendai no Me 4人の座談会 4 nin no Zadankai 古屋能子所有テープ・韓国問題緊急国際会議 Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Kankoku Mondai Kinkyū Kokusai Kaigi item_ID: 15484 AVSeriesID: 29 item_ID: 15485 AVSeriesID: 29 item_ID: 63030 Recording of an international conference regarding issues in South Korea made by Furuya Yoshiko. Speakers from South Korea are making speeches in English, and Japanese speakers translate the content into Japanese. A second tape was in poor condition and thus was not duplicated. 1 韓国問題緊急国際会議 Kankoku Mondai Kinkyū Kokusai Kaigi 古屋能子所有テープ・その他 Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / others item_ID: 15508 AVSeriesID: 30 item_ID: 63031 This set contains three unrelated tapes on various current affairs issues from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. Item 15480 has two parts: Israel’s oppression of Palestine, and the Sanrizuka struggle. Item 15503 is a recording of a national-level public assembly on the Lockheed incident. Multiple speakers make speeches. Item 15507 is a recording of a small group meeting on the issue of water pollution, especially at Kasumigaura, Ibaragi Pref. An activist in the region is speaking. 1 5 6 イスラエルとパレスチナ/三里塚闘争 Isuraeru to Paresuchina ロッキード問題全国集会 Rokkīdo Mondai Zenkoku Shūkai 日本人の水に対する問題/農民と企業の問題 Nihon-jin no Mizu ni Taisuru Mondai/Nōmin to Kigyō no Mondai 古屋能子所有テープ・LP Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Sound Disks item_ID: 15480 AVSeriesID: 31 item_ID: 15503 AVSeriesID: 31 item_ID: 15507 AVSeriesID: 31 item_ID: 63032 This set includes two commercially produced recordings from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. The first contains the highlights of the Rengo Sekigun Asama Sansō hostage-taking incident, while the second contains “Gebaruto Gunka” or the militant songs of the movement. They have been reproduced on sound cassette tapes for use onsite. Tapes may not be duplicated without special permission. Other restrictions on the use of the materials may apply. 1 2 連合赤軍「あさま山荘」人質事件トップ・シーン録音盤 Rengō Sekigun “Asama Sansō” Hitojichi Jiken Toppu Shīn Rokuon Ban ゲバルト軍歌 Gebaruto Gunka item_ID: 15511 AVSeriesID: 32 item_ID: 15512 AVSeriesID: 32 16 ❖ AV資料 AV Sets 古屋能子所有テープ・共産党と社会党 Furuya Yoshiko tapes / Kyōsantō to Shakaitō item_ID: 63033 This set contains two tape recordings of interviews with politicians in the Japan Communist Party and Japan Socialist Party, made by Furuya Yoshiko. The interviews are centered around their policies of non-violent neutrality and non-aligned neutrality, right to self-defense and interpretation of the Constitution. The interviewers are all women, including Furuya Yoshiko, as part of an organized informational effort during an election campaign. 1 2 宣言の会 Sengen no Kai 社会党 Shakaitō 古屋能子所有テープ・協高懇 Furuya Yoshiko tapes / Kyōkōkon item_ID: 15479 AVSeriesID: 33 item_ID: 15504 AVSeriesID: 33 item_ID: 63034 Tape recording made by Furuya Yoshiko of a February 1983 meeting discussing “Kyōkōkon” (a joint kondankai, or gathering) and critical accounts of the Nakasone Administration. The discussion also covers movement tactics for anti-war, anti-nuclear weapon, and anti-Japan/U.S. Security Treaty protests. 1 協高懇 Kyōkōkon 古屋能子所有テープ・女性運動グループ Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Josei Undō Gurūpu item_ID: 15483 AVSeriesID: 34 item_ID: 63035 This set contains two tape recordings of a women’s social movement organization made by Furuya Yoshiko. One is a recording of a symposium held by an anti-war/anti-nuclear weapon women’s group, “Onnatachi no Shimpo” or Women’s Symposium. Another is a recording of several women in a mothers’ group discussing opposition to the Kitafuji military maneuvers site in Yamanashi Pref. Item 15486 side B is a continuation of Item 15501, and in the middle goes back to the women’s symposium. 1 2 「女たち」のシンポ “Onna tachi” no Shimpo 北富士忍草母の会 Kitafuji Shibokusa Haha no Kai 古屋能子所有テープ・新左翼と革命 Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Shinsayoku to Kakumei item_ID: 15486 AVSeriesID: 35 item_ID: 15501 AVSeriesID: 35 item_ID: 63036 This tape contains recordings of public speeches made by Suzuki Kunio criticizing the Left’s critique of the Emperor, and Iida Momo discussing the New Left’s activism and the role of revolution. The tapes are from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. 1 いいだもも、鈴木邦男 Iida Momo, Suzuki Kunio item_ID: 15502 AVSeriesID: 36 AV資料 AV Sets ❖ 17 古屋能子所有テープ・アジア人会議 Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Ajia-jin Kaigi item_ID: 63037 This item contains one tape from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection, with different content on the two sides. Side A is a recording of a conference “Ajia-jin Kaigi” (Asian people’s conference). Speakers from various Asian countries make speeches in English on issues such as the labor conditions in South East Asia under Japanese firms. Side B is an informal interview (interviewer/interviewee unknown) on the issue of radicals and the anti-Establishment in Japan. 1 アジア人会議 Ajia-jin Kaigi item_ID: 15505 AVSeriesID: 37 切り抜き集 Clippings 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 関 係 記 事 集 成 Rengō Sekigun jiken kankei kiji shūsei United Red Army incident-related article collection item_ID: 60001 ClipSeriesID: 1 This set consists of five volumes of magazine clippings, bound as books. It was originally catalogued with books, but has been cross-referenced here. Although the title refers only to Rengō Sekigun, in fact the series covers all aspects of Sekigunha and its branches through 1982. Takazawa collected the materials for the set and believes it is virtually complete for the time period. Other clipping series in the collection (#2, 3, 7, 12, 14 ) cover later time periods. 1 2 3 4 5 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 関 係 記 事 集 成 I Rengō Sekigun Jiken kankei kiji shūsei I: 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 関 係 記 事 集 成 II Rengō Sekigun Jiken kankei kiji shūsei II 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 関 係 記 事 集 成 III Rengō Sekigun Jiken kankei kiji shūsei III 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 関 係 記 事 集 成 IV Rengō Sekigun Jiken kankei kiji shūsei IV 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 関 係 記 事 集 成 V Rengō Sekigun Jiken kankei kiji shūsei V 赤 軍 派 関 係 新 聞 記 事 集 成 I Sekigunha kankei shinbun kiji shūsei I Red Army Faction related newspaper article collection I item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 116 1 117 2 118 3 119 4 120 5 item_ID: 60002 ClipSeriesID: 2 This is a set of 15 scrapbooks of newspaper clippings related to the original Sekigunha and its branches and successors. Each volume covers one or more specific events. Both the Japanese and English titles are given as they appear on the originals. This set covers the period from 1969 to 1977. Other sets (#1, 3, 7, 12, 14 ) continue the series. The set was compiled under Takazawa’s direction. 1 初 期 赤 軍 派 事 件 、大 阪 戦 争 、東 京 戦 争 、12・18、真 岡 猟 銃 強 奪 事 件 Shoki Sekigunha jiken, Osaka Sensō, Tokyo Sensō, 12/18, Mooka ryōjū gōdatsu jiken L’armee Rouge 2 よ ど 号 ハ イ ジ ャ ッ ク 事 件 Yodogō haijakku jiken Phoenix 3 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 Rengō Sekigun jiken URA 1 4 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 Rengō Sekigun jiken URA 2 5 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 Rengō Sekigun jiken URA 3 item_ID: 10619 ClipItemID: 7 item_ID: 10620 ClipItemID: 9 item_ID: 10621 ClipItemID: 10 item_ID: 10622 ClipItemID: 11 item_ID: 10623 ClipItemID: 12 19 20 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 テ ル ア ビ ブ 空 港 襲 撃 事 件 Teruabibu kūkō shūgeki jiken Deir Yassin PALESTINE 関 係 PALESTINE kankei Palestine 1 PALESTINE 関 係 PALESTINE kankei Palestine 2 シ ン ガ ポ ー ル 、ク ウ ェ ー ト 大 使 館 占 領 事 件 Shingapōru, Kuēto taishikan senryō jiken Singapore Kuwait 日 本 航 空 404便 ハ イ ジ ャ ッ ク 事 件( ド バ イ ) Nihon kōkū 404 bin haijakku jiken (Dobai) Solo 7. 20 1 日 本 航 空 404便 ハ イ ジ ャ ッ ク 事 件( ド バ イ ) Nihon kōkū 404 bin haijakku jiken (Dobai) Solo 7. 20 2 ク ア ラ ン プ ー ル 大 使 館 占 拠 事 件 Kuararunpūru taishikan senkyo jiken ハ ー グ 大 使 館 占 拠 事 件 Hāgu taishikan senkyo jiken Hague ダ ッ カ ハ イ ジ ャ ッ ク 事 件 Dakka haijakku jiken 西 ド イ ツ 赤 軍 、日 本 赤 軍 関 係 Nishi Doitsu Sekigun, Nihon Sekigun kankei 赤 軍 派 関 係 新 聞 記 事 集 成 II Sekigunha kankei shinbun kiji shūsei II Red Army Faction related newspaper article collection II item_ID: 10624 ClipItemID: 13 item_ID: 10783 ClipItemID: 14 item_ID: 10784 ClipItemID: 15 item_ID: 10785 ClipItemID: 16 item_ID: 10786 ClipItemID: 17 item_ID: 10787 ClipItemID: 18 item_ID: 10788 ClipItemID: 19 item_ID: 10789 ClipItemID: 20 item_ID: 10790 ClipItemID: 21 item_ID: 10791 ClipItemID: 22 item_ID: 60003 ClipSeriesID: 3 This is a separate set of Red Army related newspaper clippings, in 28 large format binders, covering the period from 1969 to 1984. All the volumes of this series carry the name “Documents de L’Armee Rouge in French on the cover, along with the time period covered. And despite the French title, the clippings are from Japanese newspapers. Unlike series #2, which seems to be event specific although roughly chronological, this set appears to be strictly chronological. See also series #1, 2, 7, 12, and 14. 1 2 3 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘69.9- ‘70.4 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘70.5- 12 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘71.2- 4 item_ID: 10792 ClipItemID: 24 item_ID: 10793 ClipItemID: 25 item_ID: 10794 ClipItemID: 26 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 21 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘71.5- 7 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘71.8- 9 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘71.10- 11 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘71.11- 12 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘72.1- 3 Documents de L’armee Rouge ‘72.4- 6 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘72.6- 7 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘72.7- 9 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘72.10- 12 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘73.1- 2 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘73.3-7 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘73.8- 12 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘74.1- 6 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘74.7- 8 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘74.9 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘74.10- 12 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘75.1- 12 item_ID: 10795 ClipItemID: 27 item_ID: 10796 ClipItemID: 28 item_ID: 10797 ClipItemID: 29 item_ID: 10798 ClipItemID: 30 item_ID: 10799 ClipItemID: 31 item_ID: 10800 ClipItemID: 32 item_ID: 10801 ClipItemID: 33 item_ID: 10802 ClipItemID: 34 item_ID: 10878 ClipItemID: 35 item_ID: 10879 ClipItemID: 36 item_ID: 10880 ClipItemID: 37 item_ID: 10881 ClipItemID: 38 item_ID: 10882 ClipItemID: 39 item_ID: 10883 ClipItemID: 40 item_ID: 10884 ClipItemID: 41 item_ID: 10885 ClipItemID: 42 item_ID: 10886 ClipItemID: 43 22 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘76.1- 12 Documents de L”armee Rouge ‘77.1- 12 Documents deL’armee Rouge ‘78.1- 12 Documents deL’armee Rouge ‘79.1-12 Documents deL’armee Rouge ‘80-’81 Documents deL’armee Rouge ‘82.1- 6 Documents deL’armee Rouge ‘82.7- 12 Documents deL’armee Rouge ‘83.1- ‘84.10 土田、日 石 、ピース缶 爆 弾 事 件 新 聞 記 事 集 成 Tsuchida, Nisseki, pīsu kan bakudan jiken shinbunkiji shūsei Tsuchida, Nisski, Peace can bomb case nespaper article collection item_ID: 10887 ClipItemID: 44 item_ID: 10888 ClipItemID: 45 item_ID: 10975 ClipItemID: 46 item_ID: 10976 ClipItemID: 47 item_ID: 10977 ClipItemID: 48 item_ID: 10978 ClipItemID: 49 item_ID: 10979 ClipItemID: 50 item_ID: 10980 ClipItemID: 51 item_ID: 60004 ClipSeriesID: 4 This set of four volumes of clipping scrapbooks includes all Japanese newspaper coverage on the Tsuchida, Nisseki Pīsu can bomb case from 1969 through 1984. The materials were compiled under Takazawa’s direction and are arranged in chronological order. 1 2 3 4 土 田、 日 石、ピ ー ス 缶 事 件 ‘69.9- ‘71.1 Tsuchida, Nisseki, pīsu kan jiken ‘69/9- ‘71/1 Tsuchida, Nisski, Peace can bomb case ‘69.9- ‘71.1 土 田、 日 石、ピ ー ス 缶 事 件 ‘72.10- ‘81.12 Tsuchida, Nisseki, pīsu kan jiken ‘72/10- ‘81/12 Tsuchida, Nisski, Peace can bomb case ‘72.10-’81.12 土 田、 日 石、ピ ー ス 缶 事 件 ‘82.4- ‘83.12 Tsuchida, Nisseki, pīsu kan jiken ‘82/4- ‘83/12 Tsuchida, Nisski, Peace can bomb case ‘82.4- ‘83.12 土 田、 日 石、ピ ー ス 缶 事 件 ‘83.5- Tsuchida, Nisseki, pīsu kan jiken ‘83/5- Tsuchida, Nisski, Peace can bomb case ‘83.5- 滝 田 事 件 新 聞 記 事 Takita jiken shinbun kiji Takita case newspaper article item_ID: 10981 ClipItemID: 52 item_ID: 10982 ClipItemID: 53 item_ID: 10983 ClipItemID: 54 item_ID: 10984 ClipItemID: 55 item_ID: 60005 ClipSeriesID: 5 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 23 This is a single volume scrapbook of newspaper clippings on the Takita Osamu case, covering 1971 to 1983. It was compiled under Takazawa’s direction. Takita (real name:Takemoto Nobuhiro) was an assistant professor at Kyoto University who became involved in the Kyoto University conflict. Although the details are murky, he became involved in an undergound partisan group. After an attack on a self-defense force base in Saitama prefecture, known as the Sekieigun Jiken, he was put on the wanted list. He remained underground for many years but published books and sent messages to various organizational rallies from underground. 1 滝 田 事 件 Takita jiken Takita case 六〇年 安 保 闘 争 論 文 集 成 I 60 nen Anpo tōsō ronbun shūsei I 60’ Anpo tōsō essay collection I item_ID: 10985 ClipItemID: 56 item_ID: 60006 ClipSeriesID: 6 This is a collection of photocopies of 319 journal and magazine articles concerning 1960 Ampo collected by Takazawa Kōji. It constitutes a virtually complete set of the magazine and journal articles written on the topic up to the early 1990s. Although the listing of individual items attached to this bibliography of clippings gives the titles of all the articles, we have also produced a full bibliography of these items, which is listed separately on this web site as the 1960 Ampo Journal and Magazine Article Bibliography. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 戦 後 日 本 学 生 社 会 運 動 史 ノ ー ト I Sengo Nihon gakusei shakai undō nōto I 歴 史 と 主 体 性 , ﹣ プ —ロ レ タ リ ア ー ト と 新 し い 前 — 衛﹣ Rekishi to shutaisei, puroretariāto to atarashii zen’ei 武 装 テ ロ と 母 Busō tero to haha 全 学 連 に 娘 を 奪 わ れ て Zengakuren ni musume wo ubawarete 今 こ そ 国 会 へ ,﹣ 請 — 願 の す す め﹣ — Imakoso kokkai e, Seigan no susume こ の 事 態 の 政 治 的 問 題 点 Kono jitai no seiji teki mondai ten — 点 の 両 極 を さ ぐ る ﹣ 大 衆 行 動 と 岸 政 権 ,﹣ こ の 時 Taishū — kōdō to Kishi seikken, Kono jiten no ryōkyoku wo saguru ハ ガ チ ー 氏 を 迎 え た 羽 田 デ モ, ﹣ 目 的 意 識 を 失 っ た 集 団﹣ — Hagachī shi wo mukaetaHaneda — demo, Mokuteki ishiki wo ushinatta shūdan 6.15事 件 流 血 の 渦 中 か ら, ﹣ こ の 目 で 見 た 警 察 権 力 の 暴 力 — Rokuten ichigō [6/15] jiken ryūketsu no kachū kara, Kono me de mita keisatsu kenryoku no 民 主 主 義 国 の 常 識 Minshushugikoku no jyōshiki item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 10986 57 11128 58 11129 59 11130 60 11131 61 11132 62 11133 63 item_ID: 11134 ClipItemID: 64 item_ID: 11135 ClipItemID: 65 item_ID: 11136 ClipItemID: 66 24 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 安 保 改 正 阻 止 統 一 行 動 の 状 況 Anpo kaisei soshi tōitsu kōdō no jyōkyō 安 保 国 会 の 真 相 を 語 る, ( 座 談 会 ) Anpo kokkai no shinsō wo kataru, ( Zadankai) 特 集 6.15 流 血 事 件 の 記 録 Tokushū rokuten ichigō [6/15] Ryūketu jiken no kiroku 日 本 自 立 へ の 道 ,﹣ 国 民 —運 動 の 国 際 的 評 価 ﹣ Nihon— jiritsu heno michi, Kokumin undō no kokusaiteki hyōka 全 学 連 の 論 理 と 行 動,﹣ 戦 う —だ け が 僕 ら の 信 念 ﹣ Zengakuren — no ronri to kōdō, Tatakau dake ga bokura no shinnen 五 , 十 九(単 独 採 決)か ら 六 , 二 三( 批 准 書 交 換)まで 5/19 (Tandoku saiketsu) kara 6/13 (hijyunsho kōkan) made や あ こ ん に ち は Yā konnichiwa 嵐 の 中 の 東 京 大 学 Arashi no naka no Tokyo daigaku 阻 止 闘 争 の か た ま り の 中 で Soshi tōsō no katamari no naka de 六 . 十 五 国 会 突 入 事 件 を 中 心 に し て Rokuten ichigō [6/15] Kokkai totsunyū jiken wo chūshin ni shite 最 近 に お け る 全 学 連 の 動 向 に つ い て Saikin ni okeru Zengakuren no dōkō ni tsuite 日 米 安 全 保 障 条 約 改 定 問 題 重 要 日 誌 Nichibei anzen hoshō jyōyaku kaitei mondai jyūyō nisshi 五 月 二 十 日 か ら 六 月 一 九 日 ま で Go gastu hatsuka kara roku gatsu jyūku nichi made 法 治 主 義 と 抵 抗 権 Hōchi shugi to teikōken そ の 夜 の 国 会 を 目 撃 し て Sono yo no kokkai wo mokugeki shite 大 闘 争 の な か で の 党 拡 大 Daitōsō no naka deno tō kakudai ビ ラ の 考 現 学 Bira no kōgengaku 新 聞 .週 刊 誌 論 調 の 変 転 Shinbun, shūkanshi ronchō no henkan 形 な き 組 織 の 中 で Katachi naki soshiki no naka de あ ん ち ゃ ん の ゼ ネ ス ト 論 Anchan no zenesuto ron 青 年 の 血 を あ が な う も の Seinen no chi o aganau mono 運 動 .評 価 .プ ロ グ ラ ム Undō, Hyōka, Puroguramu あ る 後 衛 の 弁 Aru goē no ben 私 の な か の グ ア ム の 兵 士 Watashi no naka no Guamu no heishi item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 11137 67 11138 68 11139 69 11140 70 item_ID: 11141 ClipItemID: 71 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 11142 72 11143 73 11144 74 11234 75 11235 76 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 11236 77 11237 78 11238 79 11239 80 11240 81 11241 82 11242 83 11243 84 11244 85 11245 86 11246 87 11247 88 11248 89 11249 90 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 25 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 声 明 item_ID: Seimei ClipItemID: 市 民 主 義 の 成 立 ,﹣ 一 — つ の 対 話 ﹣ — item_ID: Shimin shugi no seiritu, Hitotsu no taiwa ClipItemID: 戦 い の た め の 四 つ 条 件 item_ID: Tatakai no tame no yottsu no jyōken ClipItemID: 根 も と か ら の 民 主 主 義 item_ID: Nemoto kara no minshushugi ClipItemID: 日 常 生 活 と 国 民 運 動 item_ID: Nichijyō seikatsu to kokumin undō ClipItemID: 経 済 の 国 民 的 自 立 item_ID: Keizai no kokumin teki jiritsu ClipItemID: マ イ ク の 追 っ た, “ 激 動 す る 十 日 間 “ item_ID: Maiku no otta, “Gekidō suru tōkakan” ClipItemID: 擬 似 プ ロ グ ラ ム か ら の 脱 却 item_ID: Giji puroguramu kara no dakkyaku ClipItemID: 法 的 に も 無 効 で あ る item_ID: Hōteki nimo mukō de aru ClipItemID: 声 な き も の も 起 き あ が る item_ID: Koe naki monomo oki agaru ClipItemID: 躍 動 す る 市 民 精 神, ﹣ そ の 意 識 と 行 動 ﹣ item_ID: Yakudō suru shimin seishiin, -Sono ishiki to kōdō- ClipItemID: 六 .四 ス ト の 記 録 item_ID: 6/4 suto no kiroku ClipItemID: 危 機 に た つ 民 主 主 義 政 治 item_ID: Kiki ni tatsu minshu shugi seiji ClipItemID: 新 安 保 条 約 強 行 と 主 権 者 item_ID: Shin anpo jyōyaku kyōkō to shukensha ClipItemID: 六 月 四 日 の 夜 中 か ら 朝 ま で item_ID: Roku gatsu yokka no yonaka kara asa made ClipItemID: 安 保 闘 争 の 画 期 的 な 成 果 と 教 訓, こ れ か ら の 闘 い item_ID: の 課 題 ClipItemID: Anpo tōsō no kakkiteki na seika to kyōkun, Korekara no tatakai no kadai 鑑 定 書 の 公 表 を 要 望 す る , 樺 美 智 子 さん の 死 因 を item_ID: ClipItemID: め ぐっ て Kanteisho no kōhyō wo yōbō suru, Kanba Michiko san no shiin wo megutte 樺 美 智 子 さ ん の 死 因, 再 鑑 定 人 の 立 場 か ら item_ID: Kanba Michiko san no shiin, Sai kanteinin no tachiba kara ClipItemID: 安 保 阻 止 闘 争 と 日 本 の 民 主 主 義 item_ID: Anpo soshi tōsō to nihon no minshu shugi ClipItemID: 特 集 .文 学 者 の 政 治 へ の 発 言, 六 月 の <革 命 な き 革 命 > item_ID: Tokushū. Bungakusha no seiji no hatsugen, Rokugatsu no ClipItemID: Kakumei naki kakumei 青 年 の ニ ヒ ズ ム は 消 え た,—﹣ 学 生 と 教 授 の 側 か ら 見 て ﹣ item_ID: Seinen no— nihizumu wa kieta, Gakusei to kyōjyu no gawa ClipItemID: kara mite 文 学 者 の 政 治 行 動 item_ID: Bungaku sha no seiji kōdō ClipItemID: 11250 91 11251 92 11252 93 11253 94 11286 95 11287 96 11288 98 11301 99 11302 100 11303 101 11304 102 11305 103 11306 104 11307 105 11308 106 11309 107 11310 108 11311 109 11312 110 11313 111 11314 112 11315 113 26 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 座 談 会: 国 会 事 件 と マ ス コ ミ 批 判 item_ID: Zadankai: Kokkai jiken to masukomi hihan ClipItemID: 安 保 闘 争 へ の 一 つ の 反 省 item_ID: Anpo tōsō heno hitotsu no hansei ClipItemID: 安 保 改 正 問 題 を め ぐ る 最 近 の 右 翼 団 体 の 動 向 item_ID: Anpo kaisei mondai wo meguru saikin no uyoku dantai no ClipItemID: dōkō 日 本 共 産 党 と 全 学 連 に つ い て, ﹣ 安 保 条 約 改 正 阻 item_ID: 止 闘 争を め ぐ っ て﹣ ClipItemID: Nihon kyōsantō toZengakuren ni tuite, -Anpo jyōyaku kaisei soshi tōsō wo megutte- 安 保 闘 争 に お け る 全 学 連 item_ID: Anpo tōsō ni okeru Zengakuren ClipItemID: 労 働 運 動 と 学 生 運 動 item_ID: Rōdō undō to gakusei undō ClipItemID: 五・十 九 の 暴 挙 か ら 空 前 の 大 衆 行 動 へ item_ID: 5/19 no bōkyo kara kūzen no taishū kōdō e ClipItemID: 安 保 問 題 と 哲 学 者 item_ID: Anpo mondai to tetsugakusha ClipItemID: 警 察 官 の 思 想, ﹣ 六・ —一 五 事 件 を め ぐ っ て ﹣ item_ID: Keisatsukan no shisō, 6/15 jiken wo megutte- ClipItemID: 変 転 す る 新 聞 論 調 item_ID: Henten suru shinbun ronchō ClipItemID: 五・十 九 と 八・一 五 item_ID: 5/15 to 8/15 ClipItemID: 思 想 的 プ ロ グ ラ ム の た め の 覚 え 書 , ﹣ 傍 観 者 の ノ ー item_ID: ClipItemID: ト から Shisōteki puroguramu no teme no oboegaki, -Bōkansha no nōto kara- 新 安 保 反 対 闘 争・日 録 item_ID: Shin anpo hantai tōsō nichiroku ClipItemID: わ れ ら の な か の コ ミ ュ ー ン, ﹣ 三 池 か ら み た 安 保 闘 争 ﹣ item_ID: Warera no naka no komyūn, -Miike kara mita anpo tōsō- ClipItemID: 六 月 十 九 日 午 前 零 時 の 思 想 item_ID: Roku gatsu jyūku nichi gozen rēji no shisō ClipItemID: 「 統 一 指 導 部 」の イ メ ー ジ item_ID: “Tōitsu shidōbu” no imēji ClipItemID: 大 衆 の 思 想 と 行 動, 五・一 九 か ら 六・二 二 ま で item_ID: Taishū no shisō to kōdō, 5/19 kara 6/22 made ClipItemID: 驚 く べ き ア ク ロ バ ッ ト, 海 外 紙 か ら み た 安 保 闘 争 item_ID: Odoroku beki akurobatto, Kaigaishi kara mita anpo tōsō ClipItemID: 樺 美 智 子 さ ん の 死 , ﹣ 主 と し て 医 学 的 に﹣ — item_ID: Kanba Michiko san no shi, -Shu toshite igakuteki ni ClipItemID: 安 保 闘 争 の 成 果 に 立 っ て さ ら に 前 進 し よ う item_ID: Anpo tōsō no seika ni ttatte sarani zenshin shiyō ClipItemID: 不 当 弾 圧 に 反 対 す る item_ID: Futō danatsu ni hantai suru ClipItemID: 安 保 反 対 闘 争 の 新 し い 発 展 の た め に item_ID: Anpo hantai tōsō no atarashii hatten no tameni ClipItemID: 安 保 反 対 闘 争 と 日 本 共 産 党 の 声 明 item_ID: Anpo hantai tōsō to nihon kyōsantō no seimei ClipItemID: 11316 114 11317 115 11318 116 11439 117 11440 118 11441 119 11442 120 11443 121 11444 122 11445 123 11446 124 11447 125 11448 126 11487 127 11488 128 11489 129 11490 130 11491 131 11492 132 11493 133 11494 134 11495 135 11496 136 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 27 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 指 導 者 ﹣ ほ ろ び 行 くも の と 育 ち 行 くも の ﹣ Shidōsha -Horobi yuku mono to sodachi yuku mono- 学 生 は 何 の た め に 闘 っ た の か Gakusei wa nani no tame ni tatakatta noka 一 機 動 隊 員 の 六 月 十 五 日 Ichi kidōtaiiin no roku gatsu jyūgo nichi 危 機 の 教 訓 Kiki no Kyōkun 革 命 的 紛 争 は な ぜ 起 こ っ た の か , ﹣ 安 保 闘 争 を 顧 み て ﹣ — Kakumeiteki — funsō wa naze okottanoka, Anpo tōsō wo kaerimite 六・一 五 警 備 実 施 概 要 6/15 keibi jisshi gaiyō 六・一 五 を め ぐ る 問 題 点 6/15 wo meguru mondai ten 私 の 民 主 主 義 ,﹣ 国 民 の 主 権 を 守 る た め に ー Watashi no minshu shugi, -Kokumin no shuken wo mamoru tamen- 六 月 十 五 日 の こ と, ﹣ 暴 力 団 新 劇 人 を襲 う ﹣ Roku gatsu jyūgo nichi no koto, -Bōryoku dan shin gekinin wo osou- 転 期 を む か え た 民 主 主 義 Tenki wo mukaeta minshu shugi 死 の 寸 前 の 樺 美 美 智 子 さ ん を 追 っ て Shi no sunzen no Kanba Michiko san wo otte 日 本 の 民 主 政 治 と 全 学 連 Nihon no minshu shugi to Zengakuren 嵐 に そ よ ぐ 青 春 の 記 録 ,理 想 に 死 を か け た 若 き 魂 樺 美 智 Arashi ni soyogu seishun no kiroku, Risou ni shi wo kaketa wakaki tamashii 美 智 子 よ!!な ぜ 死 ん だ の Michiko yo !! Naze shinda no 特 集 第 三 次 デ モ ク ラ シ ﹣ の 争 点, 八・一 五 と 五・一 九 Tokushū Dai sanji demokurashī no sōten, 6/15 to 5/19 な ぜ 政 治 は 国 民 の もの な ら な い の か Naze seiji wa kokumin nomono ni naranainoka 記 録 激 動 の 一 ヶ 月 Kiroku Gekidō no ikkagetsu 国 民 運 動 を ど う 発 展 さ せ る か Kokumin undō wo dou hatten saseruka テ ロ の ム ー ド Tero no Mūdo 日 本 の 中 の ア メ リ カ と ア メ リ カ の 中 の 日 本 Nihon no naka no Amerika to Amerika no naka no Nihon 五 月 十 九 日 以 後, ﹣ 安 保 闘 争 嵐 の 1ヶ 月 ﹣ Go gatsu jyūku nichi igo, -Anpo tōsō arashi no ikka getsu- 美 智 子 よ 、道 を 示 し て 下 さ い Michiko yo, michi wo shimeshite kudasai item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 11497 137 11498 138 11499 139 11508 140 11509 141 item_ID: 11510 ClipItemID: 142 item_ID: 11511 ClipItemID: 143 item_ID: 11512 ClipItemID: 144 item_ID: 11513 ClipItemID: 145 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 11514 146 11515 147 11516 148 11517 149 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 11518 150 11519 151 11520 152 11521 153 11522 155 11523 156 11524 157 11525 158 11526 159 28 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 102 ゼ ミ ナ ー ル 私 た ち の 社 会 第 8回「 暴 力」 item_ID: Zemināru watashi tachi no shakai dai 8 kai “Bōryoku” ClipItemID: 103 安 保・暴 力・大 学 教 授 論 の 常 識, ﹣ 大 学 教 授 と 青 年 item_ID: 将 校﹣ — ClipItemID: Anpo, bōryoku, daigaku—kyōjyu ron no jyōshiki, Daigaku kyōjyu to seinen shōkō 104 嵐 の 議 事 堂 に 消 え た 娘 item_ID: Arashi no gijidō ni kieta musume ClipItemID: 105 全 学 連 の 若 者 達,﹣ 大 人 に は 判 ら な い 新 し い 青 年 隊 item_ID: の 誕 生﹣ ClipItemID: Zengakuren no wakamono tachi, -Otona niwa wakaranai atarashi seinentai no- 106 抵 抗 権 の 思 想 と 民 主 的 国 民 議 会 の イ デ ー item_ID: Teikōken no shisō to minshuteki kokumin gikai no idē ClipItemID: 107 新 安 保 条 約 関 係 新 聞 社 説 目 録 item_ID: Shin anpo jyōyaku kankei shinbun shasetsu mokuroku ClipItemID: 108 警 察 権 力 と の 闘 い ,﹣ こ の 1ヶ 月 余 の 大 闘 争 の 経 験 item_ID: ClipItemID: を ふ りか え っ て ー — Keisatsu kenryoku tono — tatakai, Kono ikkagetu no daitōsō no keiken wo furikaette 109 六 月 十 五 日 事 件 の 真 相 と 若 干 の 法 律 問 題 item_ID: Rokugatsu jyūgo nichi jiken no shinsō to jyakkan no hōritsu ClipItemID: mondai item_ID: 110 安 全 保 障 条 約 承 認 を め ぐ る 各 国 の 論 調 Anzen hoshō jyōyaku wo meguru kakkoku no ronchō ClipItemID: 111 二 つ の 十 九 日 と そ の 後 に き た も の,﹣ 私 は う た が う・III﹣ item_ID: Futatsu no jyūku nichi to sonogo ni kitamono, -Watashi wa ClipItemID: utagau, III- 112 今 日 に お け る 敵 の 思 想 と は 何 か item_ID: Kyō ni okeru teki no shisō towa nanika ClipItemID: 113 市 民 革 命 の 勝 利 と 解 体,﹣ 江 藤 淳・竹 内 好 批 判 ﹣ item_ID: Shimin kakumei — no shōri to kaitai, -Etō Jun, Takeuchi YoClipItemID: shimi hihan 114 農 民 の 意 識 と 安 保 闘 争 item_ID: Nōmin no ishiki to anpo tōsō ClipItemID: 115 帰 郷 学 生 の 手 記,﹣ 長 野 県 伊 那 ブ ロ ッ ク の 帰 郷 運 動 ﹣ item_ID: Kikyō—gakusei no shuki, -Nagano ken iyo burokku no kikyō ClipItemID: undō 116 綽 々 大 事 を 永 遠 に 図 ら ん, ﹣ 帰 郷 学 生 S君 へ の 手 紙 ﹣ item_ID: Shakushaku daiji wo eien ni hakaran, -Kikyō gakusei S kun ClipItemID: eno tegami- 117 農 村 と 民 主 主 義 ,﹣ 帰 郷 運 動 の 今 日 的 意 味 ﹣ item_ID: Nōson to minshushugi, -Kikyō undō no kon’nichi teki imi- ClipItemID: 118 六・一 五 事 件 と 警 察 官 の 行 為 item_ID: Rokuten ichigō [6/15] jiken to keisatsukan no kōi ClipItemID: 119 騒 擾 罪 item_ID: Sōjōzai ClipItemID: 120 警 察 権 行 使 の 実 態 item_ID: Keisatsuken koushi no jittai ClipItemID: 11527 160 11562 161 11563 162 11564 163 11565 164 11566 165 11567 166 11568 167 11569 168 11708 169 11709 170 11710 171 11711 172 11712 173 11770 174 11771 175 11772 176 11774 178 11775 179 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 29 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 五・一 九 以 後 の 情 勢 と わ れ わ れ の 課 題 5/19 igo no jyōsei to wareware no kadai 暴 力 に つ い て Bōryoku ni tuite こ の 一 ヶ 月 Kono ikkagetsu 全 学 連 Zengakuren サ ル ト ル た ち と 学 生 た ち,﹣故 樺 美 智 子 に 捧 げ る ﹣ Sarutoru tachi to gakusei tachi, -Ko Kanba Michiko ni sasageru- 特 集 第 三 次 デ モ ク ラ シ ー の 争 点:八・一 五 と 五・ 一 九 Tokushū Daisan’ji demokurashī no sōten: 8/15 to 5/19 ま ず 事 実 の 確 認 か ら ,﹣ 政 治 的 激 動 の 教 訓 ﹣ Mazu jijitsu no kakunin kara, -Seiji teki gekidō no kyōkun- 地 方・農 村 の 国 民 運 動 ,み ち の く ア ン ポ 民 話 Chihō, nōson no kokumin undō, Michinoku anpo minwa 安 保 戦 争 の「 不 幸 な 主 役 」,﹣ 安 保 闘 争 は な ぜ 挫 折 し た か・私 小 説 風 の 総 括﹣ Anpo sensō no “fukō na shuyaku,” -Anpo tōsō wa naze zasetsu shitaka, shishōsetsufū no sōkatsu- 130 <安 保 闘 争の 評 価 を め ぐ っ て > 1,安 保 闘 争 お ぼ え が き <Anpo tōsō no hyōka wo megutte> 1, Anpo tōsō oboegaki 131 敗 北 し た も の は 何 か Haibokushita mono wa nanika 132 一 運 動 不 参 加 の 感 想 Ichi undō fusanka no kansō 133 現 代 に お け る 組 織 と 指 導 の 問 題 , ﹣ 安 保 闘 争 の 組 織 論 的 総 括 の た め に ﹣ Gendai ni okeru soshiki to shidō no mondai, -Anpo tōsō no soshikiteki sōkatsu no tameni- 134 民 主 主 義 の 原 理 へ の 反 逆 ,﹣ 浅 沼 委 員 長 刺 殺 事 件 の 思 想 的 意 味 ﹣ Minshushugi no genri eno hangayku, -Asanuma īnchō shisatsu jiken no shisōteki imi 135 農 村 に お け る “声 な き 声 “の 実 態 , ﹣ 安 保 問 題 お よ び 議 会 政 治 を め ぐ る 態 度 調査 か ら ﹣ Nōson ni okeru “koe naki koe” no jittai, -Anpo mondai oyobi gikaiseiji wo meguru taido chōsa kara 136 大 衆 社 会 論 の 勝 利 ,﹣ 安 保 改 定 阻 止 闘 争 の 中 で ﹣ Taishū shakai no shōri, -Anpo kaitē soshi tōsō no naka de- 137 学 生 運 動 の 戦 後 責 任 Gakusei undō no sengo sekinin 138 エ ト ラ ン ジ ェ の 眼 ,﹣ 安 保 闘 争 は ど こ へ 行 っ た か ? Etoranje no me, -Anpo tōsō wa doko e ittaka 139 ぼ く た ち は こ う 考 え る ,﹣ 学 生 運 動 の な か で ﹣ Bokutachi wa kō kangaeru, -Gakusei undō no nakade- 140 安 保 闘 争 を 総 括 し さ ら に 前 進 し よ う Anpo tōsō wo sōkatsu shi s sarani zenshin shiyō item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 11776 180 11777 181 11778 182 11779 183 11780 184 item_ID: 11781 ClipItemID: 185 item_ID: 11782 ClipItemID: 186 item_ID: 11783 ClipItemID: 187 item_ID: 11784 ClipItemID: 188 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 11785 189 11911 190 11912 191 11913 192 item_ID: 11914 ClipItemID: 193 item_ID: 11915 ClipItemID: 194 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 11916 195 11917 196 11918 197 11919 198 11920 199 30 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 141 142 143 144 145 死 ん だ 眼 ,﹣ 社 会 小 説・全 学 連 ー item_ID: Shinda me, -Shōsetsu, Zengakuren- ClipItemID: 新 安 保 批 准 後 の 状 況 と 指 導 item_ID: Shin anpo hijun no jōkyō to shidō ClipItemID: 安 保 闘 争 の 中 核 を め ぐ っ て item_ID: Anpo tōsō no chūkaku wo megutte ClipItemID: 歴 史 を 学 ぶ も の と し て 安 保 闘 争 に ど う と り く む か item_ID: Rekishi wo manabu mono toshite anpo tōsō wo dō torikumuka ClipItemID: 安 保 闘 争 に た い す る 中 国 的 見 解 ,﹣ 日 本 人 の 思 考 item_ID: と の へ だ た り ー ClipItemID: Anpo tōsō ni taisuru Chūgoku teki kenkai, -Nihonjin no shikō tono hedatari- 146 安 保 闘 争 と 知 識 人 の 思 想 item_ID: Anpo tōsō to chishikijin no shisō ClipItemID: 147 浅 沼 事 件 と 右 翼 item_ID: Asanuma jiken to uyoku ClipItemID: 148 自 由 に 関 す る 三 つ の 断 章 item_ID: Jiyū ni kansuru mittsu no danshō ClipItemID: 149 安 保 闘 争 と プ チ ブ ル 急 進 主 義 , 自 然 発 生 性 へ 拝 き item_ID: す る 前 衛 党 否 定 論 ClipItemID: Anpo tōsō to puchiburu kyūshin shugi, Shizen hassēsē eno haikisuru zen’ētō hitēron 150 激 動 の な か の 複 眼 , ﹣ 安 保 反 対 論 争 の 詩 か ら ー item_ID: Gekidō no kana no fukugan, -Anpo hantai no shi kara- ClipItemID: 151 労 働 者 文 学 に お け る 記 録 の 課 題 item_ID: Rōdōsha bungaku ni okeru kiroku no kadai ClipItemID: 152 安 保 闘 争 の「 総 括 」と 問 題 点 item_ID: Anpo tōsō no “sōkatsu” to mondaiten ClipItemID: 153 安 保 問 題 と 短 歌 item_ID: Anpo mondai to tanka ClipItemID: 154 安 左 エ 門 と 全 学 連 item_ID: Yasuzaemon to Zengakuren ClipItemID: 155 安 保 問 題 と 抵 抗 権 item_ID: Anpo mondai to teikōken ClipItemID: 156 安 保 改 定 を め ぐ る 右 翼 運 動 の 特 質 item_ID: Anpo kaitē wo meguru uyoku undō no tokushitsu ClipItemID: 157 自 衛 隊 の 人 民 弾 圧 計 画 item_ID: Jiētai no jinmin dan’atsu kēkaku ClipItemID: 158 治 安 行 動( 草 案 ),陸 軍 幕 僚 幹 部 昭 和 三 五 年 十 一 月 item_ID: Chian kōdō “sōan,” Rikugun bakuryō kanbu Shōwa 35 nen ClipItemID: 11 gatsu 159 丸 山 真 男 批 判 , ﹣ 市 民 主 義 と 市 民 政 治 学 item_ID: Maruyama Masao hihan, -Shimin shugi to shimin seijigaku ClipItemID: 160 安 保 闘 争 と 知 識 人 ,い わ ゆ る “ 市 民 主 義 “ に つ い て item_ID: Anpo tōsō to chishikijin, Iwayuru “shiminken” ni tuite ClipItemID: 161 安 保 反 対 闘 争 記 事 の 内 容 分 析 item_ID: Anpo hantai tōsō kiji no naiyō bunseki ClipItemID: 162 安 保 闘 争 の な か の「 ビ ラ 」コ ミ ュ ニ ケ ー シ ョ ン item_ID: Anpo tōsō no naka no “bira” komyunikēshon ClipItemID: 11921 200 11922 201 11923 202 11924 203 11925 204 11926 205 11927 208 11928 209 11929 210 11930 211 11931 212 11932 214 11933 215 11934 216 11935 217 11936 218 11937 219 11938 220 11939 221 11940 222 11941 223 11942 224 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 31 163 安 保 闘 争 と 高 校 生 の 政 治 意 識 , ﹣ 歴 史 教 育 お よ び 歴 史 研 究 に な げ か け て き てき て い る 問 題 Anpo tōsō to kōkōsē no seiji ishiki, Rekishi kyōiku oyobi rekishi kenkyū ni nagekakete kiteiru mondai 164 安 保 闘 争 一 年 後 の 思 想 , ﹣ 政 治 の な か の 知 識 人 ﹣ Anpo tōsō 1nengo no shisō, -Seiji no naka nochishikijin- 165 デ モ ク ラ シ ー の 再 発 見 , ﹣ 安 保 闘 争 か ら 1年 ﹣ Demokurashī no saihakken, -Anpo tōsō kara 1nen- 166 転 機 に た つ 全 学 連 , ﹣ 学 生 運 動 の 再 検 討 ﹣ Tenki ni tatsu Zengakuren, -Gakusei undō no saikentō- 167 共 通 の 認 識 を 基 礎 に Kyōtsū no ninshiki wo kiso ni 168 国 民 体 験 は 生 き て い る , ﹣ 安 保 闘 争 一 年 後 の 課 題 ﹣ Kokumin taiken wa ikiteiru, -Anpo tōsō 1 nen go no kadai- 169 感 覚 よ り 原 理 を Kankaku yori genri wo 170 一 歩 一 歩 前 進 Ippo ippo zenshin 171 欧 米 人 の 見 た 日 本 人 の 国 民 性 , ﹣ 安 保 騒 動 等 の 事 件 を 通 し て ﹣ Ōbējin no mita nihonjin no kokuminsei, -Anpo sōdō tō no jiken wo tōshite- 172 六・一 五 樺 美 美 智 子 追 悼 集 会 よ り 6/15 Kanba Michiko tuitō shūkai yori 173 事 実 に て ら し て 教 訓 を く み と ろ う, ﹣ 安 保 闘 争 と 「新 日 本 文 学 」に お ける一 部 文 化 人 の 政 治 的 発 言 を め ぐ っ て ﹣ Jijitsu ni terashite kyōkun wo kumitorō, -Anpo tōsō to “Shin Nihon Bungaku” ni okeru ichibu chishikijin no seijiteki hatsugen wo megutte £ 174 京 都 府 学 連 の 思 想 と 行 動 Kyōtofu gakuren no shisō to kōdō 175 参 議 院 選 と 革 新 勢 力 , ﹣ 安 保 闘 争 の 二 年 後 に ﹣ Sangiinsen to kakushin seiryoku, -Anpo tōsō no 2nengo ni- 176 昭 和 三 五年 六 月 の 新 聞 紙 面 の 分 析 , ﹣ 六・一 五 事 件 を 中 心 と し て ﹣ Shōwa 35 nen 6 gatsu no shinbun shimen no bunseki, -Rokuten ichigō [6/15] jiken wo chūshin toshite- 177 ( 3)革 命 こ そ 世 界 最 大 の 芸 術 ? 全 学 連 書 記 長 北 小 路 敏 さ ん (3) Kakumei koso sekai saidai no gējyutsu ? Zengakuren shokichō Kitakōji Satoshi san 178 声 明( TBS放 送 “ ゆ が ん だ 青 春 “ に 対 す る 関 連 記 事 ) Sēmē (TBS hōsō “Yuganda Sēshun” ni taisuru kanren kiji) 179 赤 い 手 に ま き こ ま れ た ? 東 京 放 送 Akaite ni makikomareta? Tokyō hōsō 180 さ せ た 日 本 の 怪 情 報 Saseta Nihon no kaijyōhō item_ID: 11943 ClipItemID: 225 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 11944 226 11945 227 11946 228 11947 229 11948 230 11949 231 11950 232 11951 233 item_ID: 11952 ClipItemID: 234 item_ID: 11953 ClipItemID: 235 item_ID: 11954 ClipItemID: 236 item_ID: 11955 ClipItemID: 237 item_ID: 11956 ClipItemID: 238 item_ID: 11957 ClipItemID: 239 item_ID: 11958 ClipItemID: 240 item_ID: 11959 ClipItemID: 241 item_ID: 11960 ClipItemID: 242 32 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 181 録 音 構 成「 ゆ が ん だ 青 春 」の 波 紋 , 安 保 の 主 役 た ち と 日 共 と 田 中 清 玄 氏 Rakuon kōsē “Yuganda seishun” no hamon, Anpo no shuyaku tachi to nikkyō to Tanaka Seigen 182 「 安 保 全 学 連 と 田 中 清 玄 の 奇 妙 な 友 情 」, ﹣ 唐 牛 元 委 員 長 ら の そ の 後 ﹣ “Anpo Zengakuren to Tanaka Seigen no kimyō na yūjyō, -Karōji moto īnchō rano sonogo- 183 い ま こ そ 云 う 安 保 闘 争 と 私 Imakoso iu anpo tōsō to watashi 184 全 学 連 OB健 在 な り Zengakuren OB kenzai nari 185 「 理 想 」の「 衰 弱 」, ﹣ 「 安 保 」か ら 三 年 ﹣ “Risō” no “suijyaku,” -”Anpo” kara san’nen- 186 安 保 闘 争 の 体 験 と 教 訓 , ﹣ 市 民 の 安 保 闘 争 に お け る 出 納 帳 を お 目 に か け ま し ょ う ﹣ Anpo tōsō no taiken to kyōkun, -Shimin no anpo tōsō ni okeru suitōchō wo omeni kakemashō- 187 奇 妙 な 敗 北 Kimyō na haiboku 188 看 護 婦 ﹣ そ の 日 の 私 Kangofu -Sonohi no watashi 189 デ モ で 逢 え な か っ た 会 員 の 声, ﹣ 安 保 か ら 三 年 の メ ー デ ー に ﹣ Demo de aenakatta kaiin no koe, -Anpo kara 3nen no mēdē ni- 190 安 保 闘 争 か ら 三 年 ,﹣ 年 表 と 覚 え 書 ﹣ Anpo tōsō kara 3nen, -Nenpyō to oboegaki- 191 安 保 闘 争 60年 ~ 70年 Anpo tōsō 60nen-70nen 192 共 産 主 義 者 同 盟 の 成 立 Kyōsan shugisha dōmē no sēritsu 193 “ 安 保 “ と あ る 知 識 人 の 死 “Anpo” to aru chishikijin no shi 194 全 学 連 に 賭 け た 青 春 Zengakuren ni kaketa seishun 195 一 九 七 五 年 へ の 視 角 1975 nen eno shikaku 196 忘 れ が た い 安 保 の 情 景 Wasuregatai anpo no jyōkē 197 安 保 体 験 と 全 学 連 マ ル ク ス 主 義 Anpo taiken to Zengakuren marukusu shugi 198 激 し い昂 奮 の る つ ぼ の 中 で Hageshii kōfun no rutsubo no naka de 199 安 保 体 制 と 文 化 の 荒 廃 , ﹣ 映 画 を 中 心 に Anpo taisei to bunka no kōhai, -Eiga wo chūshin ni 200 ひ と つ の 運 動 論 的 総 括 , 安 保 闘 争 そ の 1 Hitotsu no undōronteki sōkatsu, Anpo tōsō sono 1 201 ひ と つ の 運 動 論 的 総 括 , 安 保 闘 争 そ の 2 Hitotsu no undōronteki sōkatsu, Anpo tōsō sono 2 202 ひ と つ の 運 動 論 的 総 括 , 安 保 闘 争 そ の 3 Hitotsu no undōronteki sōkatsu, Anpo tōsō sono 3 item_ID: 11961 ClipItemID: 243 item_ID: 11962 ClipItemID: 244 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 11963 245 11964 246 11965 247 11966 248 item_ID: 11967 ClipItemID: 249 item_ID: 11968 ClipItemID: 250 item_ID: 11969 ClipItemID: 251 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 11970 252 11971 253 11972 254 11973 255 11974 256 11975 257 11976 258 11977 259 11978 260 11979 261 11980 262 11981 263 11982 264 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 33 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 ひ と つ の 運 動 論 的 総 括 , 安 保 闘 争 そ の 4 Hitotsu no undoronteki sōkatsu, Anpo tōsō sono 4 安 保 闘 争 と 全 学 連 Anpo tōsō to Zengakuren 全 学 連 の 思 想 , ﹣ 「 層 と し て の 学 生 」の 形 成 を め ぐ っ て ﹣ Zengakuren no shisō, -”Sō toshiteno gakusei” no keisē wo megutte- 学 生 運 動 の 現 状 と 展 望 Gakusē undō no genjyō to tenbō “う た ご え “は 、ス ク ラ ム を 支 え た か “Utagoe” wa, sukuramu wo sasaetaka 「 ゼ ン ガ ク レ ン 」調 を 分 析 す る “Zengakuren” chō wo bunseki suru 全 学 連 と「 学 問 の 自 由 」の 思 想 史 Zengakuren to gakumon no shisōshi 学 生 運 動・「 事 件 」の 意 味 Gakusei Undō: “Jiken” no imi 戦 後 民 主 主 義 は 安 保 で 終 っ た Sengo minshu shugi wa anpo de owatta 全 学 連 を 操 縦 す る 反 共 の 田 中 清 玄 Zengakuren wo sōjyūsuru hankyō no Tanaka Seigen 羽 田 事 件 と 全 学 連 の 内 幕 Haneda jiken to Zengakuren no uchimaku 思 想 の 持 続 性 Shisō no jizokusei 政 治 的 無 関 心 か ら 対 決 へ Seijiteki mukanshin kara taiketsu e 学 生 革 命 生 田 浩 二 の 悲 劇 Gakusei kakumei Ikuta Kōzō no higeki ひ と つ の 運 動 論 的 総 括 , 安 保 闘 争 5 Hitotsu no undōronteki sōkatsu, Anpo tōsō 5 安 保 闘 争 の 栄 光 と 悲 惨 Anpo tōsō no eikō to hisan ひ と つ の 運 動 論 的 総 括 , 安 保 闘 争 6 Hitotsu no undōronteki sōkatsu, Anpo tōsō 6 ひ と つ の 運 動 論 的 総 括 , 安 保 闘 争 7 Hitotsu no undōronteki sōkatsu, Anpo tōsō 7 樺 美 智 子 死 の 五 分 間 Kanba Michiko Shi no 5 funkan ひ と つ の 運 動 論 的 総 括 , 安 保 闘 争 8 Hitotsu no undōronteki sōkatsu, Anpo tōsō 8 1970 年 闘 争 の 本 質 と 課 題 1970nen tōsō no honshitsu to kadai 70年 闘 争 と 反 戦 青 年 委 員 会 70nen tōsō to hansen seinen iinkai 60年 代 安 保 英 雄 の栄 光 と 悲 惨 60 nendai anpo eiyū no eikō to hisan 「 六 十 年 代 思 想 」の 光 と 闇 “60 nendai shisō no hikari to yami item_ID: 11983 ClipItemID: 265 item_ID: 11984 ClipItemID: 266 item_ID: 11985 ClipItemID: 267 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 11986 268 11987 269 11988 270 11989 271 11990 272 11991 273 11992 274 11993 275 11994 276 11995 277 11996 278 11997 279 11998 280 11999 281 12000 282 12001 283 12002 284 12003 285 12004 286 12005 287 12006 288 34 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 227 安 保 六 ・ 四 最 高 裁 判 判 決 の 内 容 ・と ら え 方 と そ の 矛 盾 点・問 題 点 Anpo 6/4 saikō saiban hanketsu no naiyō: toraekata to sono mujunten, mondaiten 228 安 保 か ら ア ン ポ へ の 世 相 回 顧 Anpo kara anpo eno sesō kaiko 229 六 十 年 安 保 を か え り み て 60nen anpo wo kaerimite 230 60年 安 保 闘 争 の 経 験, ﹣ 小 林 徹 氏 に き く ﹣ 60nen anpo tōsō no keiken, -Kobayashi Tōru shi ni kiku- 231 「 安 保 闘 争 史 」の 問 題 点 , ﹣ 現 代 史 の 方 法 を さ ぐ る ー “Anpo tōsōshi” no mondaiten, -Gendaishi no hōhō wo saguru- 232 安 保 改 定 の 経 過 と 日 米 独 占 Anpo kaisei no keika to nichibei dokusen 233 6・15事 件 判 決 を 裁 く , ﹣ 60年 安 保 闘 争「 大 研 研 事 件 」国 家 賠 償 裁 判 闘 争 の 意 義 ﹣ Rokuten ichigō [6/15] jiken hanketsu wo sabaku, -60 nen anpo tōsō “daiken kenji jiken” kokka baishō saiban tōsō no igi 234 安 保 改 定 阻 止 闘 争 史 年 表 Anpo kaitei soshi tōsōshi nenpyō 235 60 年 代 日 本 か ら 70年 へ , ﹣ 状 況 と 変 革 の コ ー ス を め ぐ っ て ﹣ 60 nendai Nihon kara 70nen e, -Jyōkyō to henkaku no kōsu wo megutte- 236 警 視 庁 の 法 感 覚 ,﹣ 六・一 五 を め ぐ っ て ﹣ Keishichō no hōkankaku, -6/15 wo megutte- 237 六 十 年 安 保 と 笠 信 太 郎 60 nen anpo to Kasa Shintarō 238 「 新 左 翼 」運 動 の 思 想 的 位 相 , ﹣ マ ル ク ス 主 義 運 動 の 現 局 面 ﹣ “Shinsayoku” undō no shisōteki isō, -Marukusu shugi undō no genkyokumen- 239 祭 り と し て の <安 保 > Matsuri toshiteno “anpo” 240 特 集 幻 想 か ら の 自 由 , 過 保 護 社 会 と 大 衆 の 反 乱 Tokushū Gensō kara no jiyū, Kahogo shakai to taishū no hanran 241 1970年 代 を 迎 え る に あ た っ て 1970 nendai wo mukaeru ni atatte 242 60年 安 保 闘 争 に お け る 歴 史 家 の 闘 い, ﹣ 山 口 啓 二 氏 に き く ー 60nen anpo tōsō —ni okeru rekishika no tatakai, -Yamaguchi Keiji shi ni kiku 243 対 日 不 満 、燃 え 上 が る, よ ど 号 事 件 と 韓 国 人 の 感 情 Tainichi fuman, moeagaru, Yodogō jiken to kankokujin no kanjyō 244 60年 安 保 闘 争 の 史 的 分 析 に つ い て 60nen anpo tōsō noshiteki bunseki ni tuite 245 ハ ラ が 減 っ て は セ ク ト は で き ぬ Hara ga hettewa sekuto wa dekinu item_ID: 12007 ClipItemID: 289 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 12008 290 12009 291 12010 292 12011 293 12012 294 12013 295 item_ID: 12014 ClipItemID: 296 item_ID: 12015 ClipItemID: 297 item_ID: 12016 ClipItemID: 298 item_ID: 12017 ClipItemID: 299 item_ID: 12018 ClipItemID: 300 item_ID: 12019 ClipItemID: 301 item_ID: 12020 ClipItemID: 302 item_ID: 12021 ClipItemID: 303 item_ID: 12022 ClipItemID: 304 item_ID: 12023 ClipItemID: 305 item_ID: 12024 ClipItemID: 306 item_ID: 12025 ClipItemID: 307 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 35 246 美 智 子 な き わ が 家 の 十 年 , ﹣ そ の い た い け な 死 を 無 駄 に せ ず ー Michiko naki wagaya no 10nen, -Sono itaikena shi wo muda ni sezu- 247 運 動 の な か の 十 年・ノ ー ト 1, ﹣ 60年 ~ 70年 や や 主 観 的 な 資 料 と 年 表 ﹣ Undō no naka no 10 nen, nōto 1, -60nen kara 70nen yaya shukantekina shiryō to nenpyō- 248 文 京 区 に お け る 六 〇年 安 保 の た た か い Bunkyōku ni okeru 60nen anpo no tatakai 249 統 一 は 力 , ﹣ 群 馬 の 六 〇 年 安 保 闘 争 か ら 学 ぶ ﹣ Tōitsu wa chikara, -Gunma no 60nen anpo tōsō kara manabu- 250 娘・美 智 子 の 追 悼 集 会 を 巡 っ て ,十 年間 、闘 い の 支 え と な っ た 死 が 鮮 明 に 蘇 る Musume, Michiko no tuitō shūkai wo megutte, 10nenkan, tatakai no sasae to natte shi ga senmei ni yomigaeru 251 時 評 “敗 戦・60年 安 保・70年” Jihyō “Haisen, 60nen anpo, 70nen” 252 特 集 七 〇 年 代 闘 争 の 基 底 , 戦 後 型 政 治 闘 争 か ら の 飛 翔 Tokushū 70nendai tōsō no kitei, sengogata seiji tōsō karano hishō 253 新 左 翼 の 解 体 と 転 生 Shinsayoku no kaitai to tensei 254 ブ ン ト・共 産 主 義 者 同 盟 そ の 1, ﹣ 六 全 協 、そ の 後 の 模 索 ﹣ Bunto, Kyōsan shugisha dōmē sono 1, Rokuzenkyō, sonogo no mosaku 255 ブ ン ト・共 産 主 義 者 同 盟 そ の 2, ﹣ 砂 川 闘 争、流 血 の 中 か ら ー Bunto, Kyōsan shugisha dōmē sono 2, Sunagawa tōsō, ryūketsu no naka kara 256 ブ ン ト・共 産 主 義 者 同 盟 そ の 3, ﹣ 共 産 党 か ら の 決 別 ﹣ Bunto, Kyōsan shugisha dōmē sono 3, Kyōsantō kara no ketsubetsu 257 ブ ン ト・共 産 主 義 者 同 盟 そ の 4, ﹣ 新 党 結 成 と 安 保 前 夜 ﹣ Bunto, Kyōsan shugisha dōmē sono 4, Shintō kessei to anpo zenya 258 ブ ン ト・共 産 主 義 者 同 盟 そ の 5, ﹣ 安 保 闘 争 か ら 分 裂へ ﹣ Bunto, Kyōsan shugisha dōmē sono 5, Anpo tōsō kara bunretsu e 259 戦 後 革 命 運 動 論 争 史 Sengo kakumē undōshi 260 ブ ン ド を 総 括 す る, 労 働 者共 産 主 義 委 員 会 に 結 集 し 、世 界 プ ロ レ タ リ ア独 裁 樹 立 ・ 革 命 戦 争 の 先 進 闘 士 の 任 務 を Bundo wo sōkatsu suru, Rodōsha kyōsan shugi īnkai ni kesshūshi, sekai puroretaria dokusai juritsu, kakumei sensō no senshin tōshi no ninmu wo tomo item_ID: 12026 ClipItemID: 308 item_ID: 12027 ClipItemID: 309 item_ID: 12028 ClipItemID: 310 item_ID: 12029 ClipItemID: 311 item_ID: 12030 ClipItemID: 312 item_ID: 12031 ClipItemID: 313 item_ID: 12032 ClipItemID: 314 item_ID: 12033 ClipItemID: 315 item_ID: 12034 ClipItemID: 316 item_ID: 12035 ClipItemID: 317 item_ID: 12036 ClipItemID: 318 item_ID: 12037 ClipItemID: 319 item_ID: 12038 ClipItemID: 320 item_ID: 12039 ClipItemID: 321 item_ID: 12041 ClipItemID: 322 36 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 261 新 左 翼 運 動 の 危 機 と 安 保 ブ ン ド の 意 味 item_ID: Shinsayoku undō no kiki to anpo bundo no imi ClipItemID: 262 ブ ン ド を 総 括 す る 2, 同 盟 12・18路 線 の 意 義 と 限 界 item_ID: ClipItemID: ﹦ コ ス モ ポ リタリズ ム と 一 国 主 義 の 往 還 を 突 破 す る 道 と は 何 か Bundo — wo sōkatsu suru 2, Dōmei 12/18 rosen no igi to genkai kosumoporitarizumu to ikkoku shugi no ōkan wo toppa suru michi towa nanika 263 新 左 翼 を つ く っ た 重 要 論 文,「 十 月 革 命 と わ れ わ item_ID: れ の 道 」 ClipItemID: Shinsayoku wo tukutta jūyō ronbun, “10 gatsu kakumei to wareware no michi” 264 新 左 翼 を つ く っ た 重 要 論 文 ,「 民 主 主 義 的 言 辞 に item_ID: ClipItemID: よ る 資 本 主 義 へ の 忠 勤 」 Shinsayoku wo tukutta jūyō ronbun, “Minshu shugiteki genji ni yoru shihon shugi eno chūkin” item_ID: 265 新 左 翼 を つ くっ た 重 要 論 文,「 天 皇 制 ボ ナ パ ル テ ィ ズ ム 論 」 ClipItemID: Shinsayoku wo tukutta jūyō ronbun, “Ten’nō sei bonaparutizumu ron” 266 新 左 翼 を つ くっ た 重 要 論 文 「 , 共産主義﹦革命的マ item_ID: ル ク ス 主 義 の 旗を 奪 還 す る た め の 闘 争 宣 言 ClipItemID: Shinsayoku wo tukutta jūyō ronbun, “Kyōsan shugi, kakumeiteki Marukusu shugi no hata wo dakkan surutame no tōsō sengen item_ID: 267 新 左 翼 を つ く っ た 重 要 論 文 ,「 政 治 過 程 論 」 Shinsayoku wo tukutta jūyō ronbun, “Seiji katei ron” ClipItemID: 268 新 左 翼 を つ く っ た 重 要 論 文 ,「 革 命 的 マ ル ク ス 主 item_ID: ClipItemID: 義 と は 何 か 」 Shinsayoku wo tukutta jūyō ronbun, “Kakumeiteki Marukusu shugi towa nanika” 269 北 大 工 学 部 50年 史 ,第 13章 第 三 節 安 保 反 対 か ら 工 item_ID: ClipItemID: 学 部 自 治 会 再 建 ま で Hokudai kōgakubu 50nen shi, dai 13 shō dai 3 setsu Anpo handai kara kōgakubu jichikai saiken made 270 六 十 年 安 保 と 吉 本 隆 明・谷 川 雁, ﹣ 大 衆 像 の 問 題 を item_ID: ClipItemID: め ぐ っ て ﹣ 60nen anpo to Yoshida Takaaki, Tanigawa Taka, -Taishūzō no mondai wo megutte- 271 補 論「 新 左 翼 」諸 党 派 の 形 成 と 展 開 , ﹣ そ の 組 織 的 item_ID: 系 譜 ﹣ (「 日 本 に お け る「 新 左 翼 」の 労 働 運 動 」 ( 上 )) ClipItemID: Horon “Shinsayoku” shotōha no keisei to tenkai,-Sono soshikiteki keifu- : “Nihon ni okeru ‘shinsayoku’ no rōdō undō” (Jō) 272 共 産 主 義 者 同 盟 の 成 立(「 ひ と す じ の 光 」) item_ID: Kyōsan shugisha dōmē no seiritu (“Hitosuji no Hikari”) ClipItemID: 273 日 本 の 土 着 思 想 item_ID: Nihon no dochaku shisō ClipItemID: 274 政 治 の 中 の 死 と “ 死 に が い “ の 論 理 item_ID: Seiji no naka no shi to “shinigai” no ronri ClipItemID: 275 樺 美 智 子・高 野 悦 子 item_ID: Kanba Michiko, Kōno Etsuko ClipItemID: 12042 323 12043 324 12044 325 12045 326 12046 327 12047 328 12048 329 12049 330 12050 331 12051 332 12052 333 12053 334 12054 335 12055 337 12056 338 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 37 276 奥 浩 平・岸 上 大 作 Oku Kōhei, Kishikami Taisaku 277 六 〇 年 安 保 闘 争 60nen anpo tōsō 278 新 左 翼 ・ 反 戦 派 労 働 運 動 の 歴 史 の 研 究 と そ の 文 献 「続 ( 日 本 社 会 運 動 史 研 究 史 論 」) Shinsayku, hansenha rōdō undōno rekishi no kenkyū to sono bunken (“Zoku nihon shakai undōshi rekishiron”) 279 心 美 し き 叛 逆 児 の 曳 光・唐 牛 健 太 郎(「 戦 後 幻 の ド ン」) Kokoro utsukushiki hangyakuji no eikō, Karōji Kentarō (“Sengo Maboroshi no don”) 280 戦 争 と 安 保 ﹣ 時 代 に 呪 わ れ た 生 Sensō to anpo -Jidai ni norowareta sei 281 七 〇 年 ラ ジ カ リ ズ ム の 構 造, ラ ジ カ リ ズ ム の 現 代 的 位 相 70nen dai rajikarizumu no kōzō, Rajikarizumu no gendaiteki isō 282 <安 保>と < 全 共 闘 > の 間 , ﹣ 「 政 治 の 目 」の 自 立 に つ い て ﹣ <Anpo> to <Zenkyōtō> no aida, -”Seiji no me” no jiritsu ni tsuite 283 政 治 と 革 命 の 原 像 を め ぐ っ て Seiji to kakumei no genzō wo megutte 284 戦 後 思 想 の 終 焉 と マ ル ク ス 主 義 Sengo shisō no shūen to Marukusu shugi 285 「 戦 後 」批 判 の 運 動 と 倫 理, ﹣ 安 保 全 学 連 と 全 共 闘 運 動 ﹣ “Sengo” hihan no undō to rinri, -Anpo zengakuren to zenkyōtō undō- 286 六 〇 年 代 学 生 運 動 考 60nen dai gakusei undō kō 287 戦 後 革 命 敗 北 の 構 造 ,﹣ 戦 後 神 話 の 形 成 ﹣ Sengo kakumei haiboku no kōzō, -Sengo shinwa no keisei- 288 価 値 自 由 と 組 織 の 狭 間 で の 実 存 Kachi jiyū to soshiki no hazama deno jitsuzon 289 「 反 徴 兵 」は “ 新 市 民 運 動 “の 旗 印 と な り 得 る か “Hanchōhei” wa “shin shimin undō” no hatajirushi to narieruka 290 安 保 ブ ン ト の め ざ し た も の , ﹣ 60年 安 保 闘 争 樺 美 智 子 虐 殺 二 〇 周 年 集 会 で の 講 演 ﹣ Anpo bunto no mezashitamono, 60nen anpo tōsō Kanba Michiko gyakusatsu 20 shūnen shūkai deno kōen 291 六 〇 ﹣ 七 〇 年 闘 争 を ど う 総 括 す る か , ﹣ ソ ヴ ィ エ ト・ コ ン ミ ュ ー ン革 命 と レ ー ニ ン・ト ロ ッ キ ー 主 義 ﹣ 60-70nen tōsō wo dō sōkatsu suruka, -Sobieto. Komyūn kakumei to Rēnin, Torokkī shugi- 292 わ れ ら が <革 命 >は ど こ に 行 っ た か , ﹣ “「新 左 翼 」の 新 し さ “と そ の 帰 結 ﹣ Warera ga <Kakumei> wa doko ni ittaka, -”’Shinsayoku’ no atarashisa” to sono kiketsu- item_ID: 12057 ClipItemID: 339 item_ID: 12058 ClipItemID: 340 item_ID: 12059 ClipItemID: 341 item_ID: 12060 ClipItemID: 342 item_ID: 12061 ClipItemID: 343 item_ID: 12062 ClipItemID: 344 item_ID: 12063 ClipItemID: 345 item_ID: 12064 ClipItemID: 346 item_ID: 12065 ClipItemID: 347 item_ID: 12066 ClipItemID: 348 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 12067 349 12068 350 12069 351 12070 352 12071 353 item_ID: 12072 ClipItemID: 354 item_ID: 12073 ClipItemID: 355 38 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 293 現 代 人 民 革 命 論 を 構 築 せ よ Gendai jinmin kakumeiron wo kōchiku seyo 294 共 産 主 義 者 同 盟 の ソ 連 論 , ﹣ そ の 意 義 と 継 承・発 展 の 途 ﹣ Kyōsan shugisha dōmē no Soren ron, -Sono igi to keishō, hattenn no michi- 295 前 衛 神 話 の 崩 壊 と 六 〇 年 安 保 闘 争 Zen’ē shinwa no hōkai to 60nen anpo tōsō 296 思 想 Shisō 297 唐牛 健 太 郎 , ﹣ 六 〇年安 保 闘 争 の曳 光 弾 Karōji Kentarō, -60nen anpo tōsō no eikōdan 298 戦 後 史 の 転 換 点 と “層 と し て の 学 生 運 動 “ Sengoshi no tenkanten to “Sō toshiteno gakusei undō” 299 6・15﹣ 歴 史 を わ が も の に し た 死 6/15-Rekishi wo wagamono ni shita shi 300 社 青 同 の こ ろ Shaseidō no koro 301 宇 野 理 論 と ブ ン ト Uno riron to bunto 302 未 完 の 前 衛 唐 牛 健 太 郎 と ブ ン ト Mikan no zen’ē Karōji Kentarō to bunto 303 「 怒 れ る 青 春 」は ど こ に 行 っ た の か , 元 全 学 連 委 員 長 が 語 る「 過 去・現 在・未 来 」1 “Okoreru seishun” wa dokoni ittanoka, Moto zengakuren īnchō ga kataru “kako, genzai, mirai” 1 304 「 絶 対 的 な 正 義 」は ど こ に あ っ た の か , 元 全 学 連 委 員 長 が 語 る「 過 去・現 在・未 来 」2 “Zengakuren na seigi” wa dokoni attanoka, Moto zengakuren īnchō ga kararu “kako, genzai, mirai” 2 305 全 共 闘 世 代 は な ぜ 沈 黙 し て い る の か , 元 全 学 連 委 員 長 が 語 る「 過 去・現 在・未 来 」3 Zengakuren sedai wa naze chinmoku shiteirunoka, Moto zengakuren īnchō ga kataru “kako, genzai, mirai” 3 306 一 九 六 〇 年 代 を め ぐ る 思 想 状 況 1960nen dai wo meguru shisō jyōkyō 307 二 人 権 太「 カ ッ コ よ か っ た ぜ 唐牛 さ ん 」 Futari Kenta “kakko yokattaze Karōji san” 308 唐 牛 健 太 郎 を 悼 む Karōji Kentarō wo itamu 309 殺 さ れ る と こ ろ へ 進 む Korosareru tokoro e susumu 310 唐 牛 健 太 郎 ﹣ 抽 象 的 な 悼 辞,(「敗 北 に お け る 勝 利 ﹣ 樺 美 智 子の 死 か ら 唐 牛 健 太 郎 の 死 へ 」 Karōji—Kentarō -Chūshōteki na tōji, (“Haiboku ni okeru shōri Kanba Michiko no shi kara Karōji Kentarō no shi e”) 311 六 〇 年 安 保 闘 争 と ブ ン ト( , 「 敗 北 に お け る 勝 利﹣ 樺 美 智 子 の 死 か ら 唐 牛 健 太 郎 の 死 へ 」) 60nen anpo tōsō to bunto, (“Haiboku ni okeru shōri £ Kanba Michiko no shi kara Karōji Kentarō no shi e” ) item_ID: 12074 ClipItemID: 356 item_ID: 12075 ClipItemID: 357 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 12076 358 12077 359 12078 360 12079 361 12080 362 12081 363 12082 364 12083 365 12084 366 item_ID: 12085 ClipItemID: 367 item_ID: 12086 ClipItemID: 368 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 12087 369 12088 370 12089 371 12090 372 12091 373 item_ID: 12092 ClipItemID: 374 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 39 312 転 向 ,﹣ ゆ が ん だ 青 春「 全 学 連 闘 士 の そ の 後 」 ( TBS ラ ジ オ )が 提 起 し た も の ,(「 敗 北 に お け る 勝 利 」) Tenkō -Yuganda Seishun “Zengakuren tōshi no sonogo” (TBS rajio) ga teiki shitamono, (“Haiboku ni okeru shōri”) 313 “元 師 “に な っ た 安 保 時 代 “Gensui” ni natta anpo jidai 314 革 命 か ら 精 神 医 療 へ の 道 Kakumei kara seishin iryō eno michi 315 唐 牛 健 太 郎 と「 安 保 全 学 連 」 Karōji Kentarō to “Anpo Zengakuren” 316 裕 次 郎・長 崎・唐 牛 健 太 郎 Yūjirō, Nagasaki, Karōji Kentarō 317 女 の 安 保 闘 争 と 変 化 す る 経 済 生 活 On’na no anpo tōsō to henka suru keizai seikatsu 318 昭 和 35年 そ の と き 私 は 。。。 Shōwa 35nen sonotoki watashi wa . . . 319 岡 本 公 三 奪 還 を め ぐ っ て Okamoto Kōzō dakkan wo megutte 赤 軍 派 関 係 新 聞 記 事 集 成 III Sekigunha kankei shinbun kiji shūsei III Red Army Faction related newspaper article collection III item_ID: 12093 ClipItemID: 375 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 12094 376 12095 377 12096 378 12097 379 12098 380 12099 381 12100 382 item_ID: 60007 ClipSeriesID: 7 This is a set of seven folders of newspaper clippings concerning the Red Army Faction and related groups compiled under Takazawa Kōji’s direction. It covers 19841989 and was intended as a continuation of sets #2 and #3, but was not bound in the same way. See also #12 and #14. 六〇 年 安 保 闘 争 雑 誌 記 事 60 nen Anpo tōsō zasshi kiji 60’ Anpo tōsō journal article clips item_ID: 60008 ClipSeriesID: 8 This is a five volume set of magazine and newspaper articles on 1960 Ampo. 唐 牛 健 太 郎 記 事 Karōji Kentarō kiji Karōji Kentarō articles clip item_ID: 60009 ClipSeriesID: 9 This is a two-volume set of articles, books, and newspaper clippings by Karōji Kentarō that has been bound together. It covers the period 1959 to 1985, and is probably a relatively complete set of his writings. Karōji was a leader of the original Bund during the 1960 Ampo period. 京 都 大 学 闘 争 関 連 新 聞 記 事 Kyoto Daigaku tōsō kanren shinbun kiji Kyoto Daigaku tōsō newspaper clippings item_ID: 60010 ClipSeriesID: 10 This is a set of eight folders of newspaper clippings on the Kyoto University conflict. 40 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 大阪 万 国 博 Expo70 労 働 組合 運 動関 連 新 聞 記 事 Osaka Banpaku Expo 70 rōdō kumiai undō kanren shinbun kiji Osaka Expo labor movement related newspaper clips item_ID: 60011 ClipSeriesID: 11 This set contains twelve folders of newspaper clippings on the 1970 Osaka Expo labor movement. 連 合 赤 軍 、日 本 赤 軍 事 件 関 連 雑 誌 記 事 Rengō Sekigun, Nihon Sekigun jiken kanren zasshi kiji United Red Army, Nihon Red Army incident-related articles item_ID: 60012 ClipSeriesID: 12 This set contains photocopies of 167 magazine articles concerning Sekigunha, Nihon Sekigun, and Rengō Sekigun. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 山 本 義 隆・梅 原 猛( 対 ) Yamamoto Yoshitaka, Umehara Takeshi (tai) ‘69 秋 赤 軍 登 場 ‘69 aki Sekigun tōjō <赤 軍 派 イ ン タ ヴ ュ ー > 世 界 革 命 へ の 飛 翔 <Sekigunha intavyū> Sekai kakumei eno hishō よ ど 号 100 人 の 証 言・他 Yodogō 100 nin no shōgen, hoka 悪 霊 飛 行 Akuryō hikō 現 代 の 亡 命 Gendai no bōmei 安 田 講 堂 か ら あ さ ま 山 荘 ま で Yasuda Kōdō kara Asama Sansō made 凄 惨!大 量 虐 殺 を 生 ん だ 連 合 赤 軍 の 男 女 憎 愛 図 Seisan! Tairyō gyakusatsu wo unda Rengō Sekigun no danjo zōai zu 連 合 赤 軍 大 量 虐 殺 の 酸 鼻 を こ と 細 か に 再 現 す る! Rengō Sekigun tairyō gyakusatsu no sanbi o kotokomaka ni saigen suru 大 虐 殺!連 合 赤 軍・血 の 粛 清 Dai gyakusatsu! Rengō Sekigun, Chi no shukusei 特 集 連 合 赤 軍 リ ン チ 事 件 総 括 1 Tokushū Rengō Sekigun rinchi jiken sōkatsu 1 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 “総 括” 大 特 集 Rengō Sekigun jiken “sōkatsu” dai tokushū 山 本 保 子 の < 手 記 と 自 供 > 全 収 録 Yamamoto Yasuko no <shuki to jikyō> zen shūroku 連 合 赤 軍 三 兄 弟 の 父 親 の「 告 白 」が 投 げ た 波 紋 Rengō Sekigun san kyōdai no chichioya no “kokuhaku” ga nageta hamon 横 井 庄 一 さ ん と 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 で 裸 に さ れ た 日 本 人 Yokoi Shōichi san to Rengō Sekigun jiken de hadak a ni sareta nihonjin 徹 底 追 跡 連 合 赤 軍 の “衝 撃 波 “ Tettei tsuiseki Rengō Sekigun no “shōgekiha” 日 本 人 は 残 虐 な 民 族 か! Nihonjin wa zangyakuna minzoku ka! item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 12259 419 12260 420 12261 421 12262 422 12263 423 12264 424 12269 425 12270 426 item_ID: 12271 ClipItemID: 427 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 12272 428 12273 429 12274 430 12275 431 12276 432 item_ID: 12277 ClipItemID: 433 item_ID: 12278 ClipItemID: 434 item_ID: 12279 ClipItemID: 435 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 41 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 「 連 合 赤 軍 」そ の “狂 気 “の 原 点 1, 2 “Rengō Sekigun” sono “kyōki” no genten 1, 2 「 連 合 赤 軍 」そ の “狂 気 “の 原 点 3 “Rengō Sekigun” sono “kyōki” no genten 3 「 連 合 赤 軍 」家 族 の 憂 き 目 を み な い た め の 子 弟 教 育 法 “Rengō Sekigun” kazoku no ukime o minai tame no shitei kyōikuhō 特 別 企 画「 残 虐 性 」の 研 究 Tokubetsu kikaku “zangyakusei” no kenkyū 赤 軍 女 兵 士 五 人 は こ う し て 殺 さ れ た Sekigun onna heishi gonin wa kōshite korosareta 特 集・連 合 赤 軍 事 件 の 意 味 す る も の Tokushū, Rengō Sekigun Jiken no imi suru mono 赤 軍 派 を 育 て た「 民 主 」教 育 Sekigun-ha o sodateta “minshu” kyōiku い ま こ そ “歴 史 “ が 見 え て き た Imakoso “rekishi” ga miete kita ゲ バ ラ と は 無 縁 の “兵 士 “ た ち Gebara towa muen no “heishi” tachi “説 得 “ を 拒 否 し た 山 荘 の 狂 気 “Settoku” o kyohi shita sansō no kyōki 赤 軍 派 二 題 Sekigun-ha nidai ひ と つ の 戯 画 と し て Hitotsu no giga toshite 真 理 は 少 数 に あ る Shinri wa shōsū ni aru 言 論 人 の 責 任 を 問 う Genronjin no sekinin o tou 狂 信 主 義 的 人 間 像 Kyōshin shugiteki ningenzō 赤 軍 派 の 教 科 書 Sekigun-ha no kyōkasho 連 合 赤 軍 ﹣ そ — の 成 立 か ら 崩 壊 ま で Rengō Sekigun Sono seiritsu kara hōkai made 一 新 聞 記 者 の 反 省 Ichi shinbun kisha no hansei 「 連 合 赤 軍 」と 日 本 の 左 翼 “Rengō Sekigun” to Nihon no sayoku 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 と マ ス コ ミ Rengō Sekigun jiken to masukomi ド ス ト エ フ ス キ ー と 連 合 赤 軍 Dosutoefusukī to Rengō Sekigun 『 首 相 官 邸 襲 撃 計 画 』の 全 貌 “Shushō kantei shūgeki keikaku” no zenbō 新 左 翼 各 派 は ど う 反 応 し た か Shin sayoku kaku ha wa dō hannō shitaka 毛 沢 東 盲 従 の 自 己 破 産 Mō Takutō mōjū no jiko hasan item_ID: 12280 ClipItemID: 436 item_ID: 12301 ClipItemID: 437 item_ID: 12302 ClipItemID: 438 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 12303 439 12304 440 12305 441 12306 442 12307 443 12308 444 12309 445 12310 447 12311 448 12312 449 12313 450 12314 451 12315 452 12316 453 12317 454 12318 455 12319 456 12320 457 12321 458 12322 459 12323 460 42 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 「 連 合 赤 軍 」の 系 譜 と 行 動 の 論 理 “Rengō Sekigun” no keifu to kōdō no ronri 反 党 盲 従・福 田 一 派 の 狼 狽 Hantō mōjū, Fukuda ippa no rōbai 暴 力 集 団 美 化 論 の 破 綻 Bōryoku shūdan bikaron no hatan 反 人 間 へ の 暴 走 Han ningen eno bōsō 大 学 に お け る 暴 力 の 徒 Daigaku ni okeru bōryoku no ada 滝 田 修 の 親 フ ァ シ ズ ム 的 妄 想 Takita Osamu no shin fashizumu teki mōsō 「 泳 が せ 」政 策 の 過 去 と 現 在 “Oyogase” seisaku no kako to genzai 日 本 共 産 党 の 一 貫 し た 明 確 な 立 場 Nihon Kyōsantō no ikkan shita meikakuna tachiba 暴 力 集 団 を も ち あ げ る 毛・周 派 Bōryoku shūdan o mochiageru Mō, Shū ha こ れ も 人 間 が し た こ と な の だ Koremo ningen ga shita koto nanoda 親 に は そ の 責 任 は な い Oya niwa sono sekinin wa nai 「 連 合 赤 軍 」事 件 と 知 識 人 “Rengō Sekigun” jiken to chishikijin 「 連 合 赤 軍 」事 件 と「 心 情 シ ン パ 」の 思 想 “Rengō Sekigun” jiken to “Shinjō shinpa” no shisō 政 治 の 呪 縛 に 躓 く 人 間 の 悲 劇 Seiji no jubaku ni tsumazuku ningen no higeki 我 ら 生 涯 を 賭 け て 報 復 す る Warera shōgai o kakete hōfuku suru 亡 国 の 新 聞 報 道 Bōkoku no shinbun hōdō <実 録 > 永 田 洋 子 森 恒 夫 の 正 体 を “総 括 “ す る <Jitsuroku> Nagata Yōko Mori Tsuneo no shōtai o “sōkatsu” suru 過 激 派 集 団 4.28 一 斉 蜂 起 の 極 秘 情 報 を 洗 う Kagekiha shūdan 4.28 issei hōki no gokuhi jōhō o arau わ が 連 合 赤 軍 論 14人 の 死 は は た し て 悪 夢 だ っ た か Waga Rengō Sekigun ron 14nin no shi wa hatashite akumu datta ka 日本の新 聞を裸にする連 合 赤 軍 事 件 報 道で光っ た『 毎 日 』 Nihon no shinbun o hadaka ni suru Rengō Sekigun jiken hōdō de hikatta “Mainichi” 坂 東 軍 団 に 走 っ た 芸 者 染 子 の 変 身 Bandō gundan ni hashitta geisha Someko no henshin 連 合 赤 軍 報 道 論 Rengō Sekigun hōdō ron 架 空 の 行 為 と 死 ﹣ 連 — 合 赤 軍 事 件 を 素 材 に ﹣ Kakū nokōi to shi Rengō Sekigun jiken o sozai ni item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 12324 461 12325 462 12326 463 12327 464 12328 465 12329 466 12330 467 12331 468 12332 469 12333 470 12334 471 12335 472 12336 473 12342 474 12343 475 12344 476 12345 477 item_ID: 12346 ClipItemID: 478 item_ID: 12347 ClipItemID: 479 item_ID: 12348 ClipItemID: 480 item_ID: 12349 ClipItemID: 481 item_ID: 12350 ClipItemID: 482 item_ID: 12351 ClipItemID: 483 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 43 67 68 69 フ ィ ク シ ョ ン と し て の 人 間 Fikushon toshite no ningen 市 民 社 会 と 憎 悪 の 共 同 性 Shimin shakai to zōo no kyōdōsei 日 本 の 神 話 的 暴 力 と は 何 か ﹣ レ ン ゴ ウ セ キ グ ン ・ レ ゲ ン デ ﹣ — Nihon no shinwa — teki bōryoku towa nani ka rengō sekigun, regende 70 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 と 新 聞 報 道 Rengō Sekigun jiken to shinbun hōdō 71 「 浅 間 山 荘 」の テ レ ビ 報 道 “Asama Sansō” no terebi hōdō 72 テ ル ア ビ ブ の 孝 行 息 子 た ち Teruabibu no kōkō musuko tachi 73 重 信 房 子 の 父 と し て Shigenobu Fusako no chichi to shite 74 砂 漠 の 中 の 毛 沢 東 思 想 Sabaku no naka no Mō Takutō shisō 75 京 都 大 学 に 何 が 起 っ て い る か Kyoto Daigaku ni nani ga okotte iruka 76 人 体 実 験 に 供 せ ら れ た 銃 器 革 命 集 団 Jintai jikken ni kyōserareta jūki kakumei shūdan 77 昭 和 乱 世 の 世 直 し 説 法 Shōwa ranse no yonaoshi seppō 78 赤 軍 兵 士 岡 本 公 三 の「 皆 殺 し の 歌 」 Sekigun heishi Okamoto Kōzō no “Minagoroshi no uta” 79 ユ ダ ヤ の 正 義・ア ラ ブ の 正 義 Yudaya no seigi, Arabu no seigi 80 エ ル サ レ — ム ﹣ 「 テ ル 」の 思 想 Erusaremu ”Teru” no shisō 81 海 外 論 調 Kaigai ronchō 82 故 郷 パ レ ス チ ナ に 帰 り た い Kokyō Paresuchina ni kaeritai 83 「 共 存 」こ そ イ ス ラ エ ル の 悲 願 “Kyōzon” koso Isuraeru no higan 84 岡 本 公 三 を 生 ん だ “日 本 軍 内 務 班 “ Okamoto Kōzō o unda “Nihongun naimuhan” 85 革 命 家 と 犯 罪 者 の 間 ﹣ 問 題 の 本・ — 「 犯 罪 学 入 門 」 Kakumeika to hanzaisha no aida mondai no hon, “Hanzaigaku nyūmon” 86 濃 紺 の 光 と 影 ﹣ 民 主 警 — 察 の 内 幕 Nōkon no hikari to kage Minshu keisatsu no uchimaku 87 謀 略 に 対 す る 抵 抗 戦 線 の 姿 勢 Bōryaku ni taisuru teikō sensen no shisei 88 紛 争 所 感 Funsō shokan 89 聖 な る 空 間 Seinaru kūkan 90 加 藤 代 行 の 論 理 と 心 理 Katō daikō no ronri to shinri item_ID: 12352 ClipItemID: 484 item_ID: 12353 ClipItemID: 485 item_ID: 12354 ClipItemID: 486 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 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城 記 <全 共 闘 学 生 座 談 会 > 幻 想 だ け が 人 間 を 動 か す Yasuda toride rōjōki <zen kyōtō gakusei zadankai> Gensō dakega ningen o ugokasu 102 機 動 隊 は 怖 か っ た Kidōtai wa kowakatta 103 大 学 の 暴 力 支 配 と 自 由 回 復 の 緊 要 性 Daigaku no bōryoku shihai to jiyū kaifuku no kinyōsei 104 ベ ト ナ ム 問 題 と「 反 ス タ ー リ ン 主 義 」 Betonamu mondai to “Han Sutārin shugi” 105 「 革 マ ル 」挑 発 者 集 団 の「 論 理 」と 本 質 “Kakumaru” chōhatsusha shūdan no “ronri” to honshitsu 106 動 労 青 年 部「 方 針 書 」に お け る 反 共・分 裂 主 義 Dōrō seinenbu “hōshinsho” ni okeru hankyō, bunretsu shugi 107 黒 田 寛 一・梅 本 克 巳 の「 哲 学 」 Kuroda Kan’ichi, Umemoto Katsumi no “tetsugaku” 108 「 中 核 派 」の 反 革 命 性 “Chūkakuha” no han kakumeisei 109 ト ロ ツ キ ス ト と 部 落 問 題 Torotsukisuto to buraku mondai 110 破 産 し た「 世 界 革 命 論 」 111 ト ロ ツ キ ス ト に お け る「 利 用 主 義 」 Torotsukisuto ni okeru “riyō shugi” 112 日 本 の 自 称「 新 左 翼 」 Nihon no jishō “shin sayoku” 113 今 日 の 小 ブ ル ジ ョ ア 急 進 主 義 の 諸 条 件 Konnichi no shō burujoa kyūshin shugi no sho jōken 114 チ リ に お け る 小 ブ ル ジ ョ ア 的 革 命 主 義 Chiri ni okeru shō burujoa teki kakumei shugi item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 12376 508 12377 509 12378 510 12379 511 12380 512 12381 513 12382 514 12383 515 12384 516 12385 517 12386 518 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 12387 519 12393 520 12394 521 12395 522 12396 523 12397 524 12398 525 12399 526 12400 527 12401 528 12402 529 12403 530 12404 531 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 45 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 一 年 目 の 現 地 Ichinenme no genchi 森 恒 夫 ﹣ そ の — 破 局 へ の 意 志 Mori Tsuneo sono hakyoku eno ishi ア ラ ブ 大 戦 略 を 語 る Arabu dai senryaku o kataru ア ラ ブ 大 戦 略 を 語 る Arabu dai senryaku o kataru ア ラ ブ 大 戦 略 を 語 る Arabu dai senryaku o kataru 過 激 派 は な ぜ 大 使 館 を 狙 う の か Kagekiha wa naze taishikan o neraunoka 赤 軍 を 生 み 出 す 風 土 は 何 か Sekigun wo umidasu fūdo wa nanika ダ マ ス カ ス の 夜 砂 漠 で 語 る Damasukasu no yoru sabaku de kataru 日 本 赤 軍 兄 弟 の 育 ち 方 Nihon Sekigun kyōdai no sodachi kata 森 恒 夫 と 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 Mori Tsuneo to Rengō Sekigun jiken 岡 本 公 三 と「 ア ラ ブ の 大 義 」 Okamoto Kōzō to “Arabu no taigi” 『 栄 養 分 析 表 』押 収 と 出 版・表 現 弾 圧 の 実 態 “Eiyō bunseki hyō” ōshū to shuppan, hyōgen dan’atsu no jittai 赤 軍 蜂 起 と 言 う 名 の 国 外 追 放 Sekigun hōki to iu na no kokugai tsuihō 戦 後 人 物 誌 ﹣ 岡 — 本 公 三 オ リ オ ン の 星 Sengo jinbutsu shi Okamoto Kōzō Orion no hoshi 過 激 派 と 爆 弾 の 徹 底 的 研 究 Kagekiha to bakudan no tettei teki kenkyū オ リ オ ン の 星 の 下 に Orion no hoshi no moto ni (ge) 赤 軍 ハ イ ジ ャ ッ ク と 三 島 事 件 Sekigun haijakku to Mishima jiken 現 代 捜 査 論 Gendai sōsa ron よ も や ま 話 Yomoyamabanashi 政 治 の 中 の 死 と “ 死 に が い “ の 論 理 Seiji no naka no shi to “shinigai” no ronri 自 虐 者 の テ ロ ル 森 恒 夫・森 田 必 勝 Jigyakusha no tetoru Mori Tsuneo, Morita Sadakatsu 昏 い 情 念 者 李 珍 宇・山 口 二 矢 Umai jyōnenmono, Ri Chin’u, Yamaguchi Futaya “ 花 束 “ の 死 樺 美 智 子・高 野 悦 子 “Hanataba” no shi Kanba Michiko, Takano Etsuko 叛 乱 者 の 孤 独 川 藤 展 久・奥 平 剛 士 Hanrasha no kodoku Kawatō Nobuhisa, Okuhira Takeshi 無 名 者 の 系 譜 奥 浩 平・岸 上 大 作 Mumeisha no keifu Oku Kōhei, Kishigami Daisaku item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 12405 532 12406 533 12407 534 12408 535 12409 536 12410 537 12411 538 12412 539 12413 540 12414 541 12415 542 12416 543 12417 544 12418 545 12419 546 12420 547 12421 548 12422 549 12423 550 12573 551 12574 552 12575 553 12576 554 12577 555 12578 556 46 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 「 天 皇 を 人 質 に 」と 言 わ れ た ら “Tennō wo hitojichi ni” to iwaretara ハ イ ジ ャ ッ ク を 考 え る Haijakku wo kangaeru 午 前 零 時 の ル フ ト ハ ン ザ 機 Gozen reiji no Rufutohanzaki 西 独 赤 軍 派 の 首 領( ド ン ) Nishi Doitsu Sekigun-ha no shuryō (don) 法 の 論 理 と テ ロ ル の 論 理 Hō no ronri to teroru no ronri 日 本 赤 軍 と い う 病 理 集 団 Nihon Sekigun toiu byōri shūdan 犯 行 を 認 め て 国 家 を 問 う 被 告 た ち Hankō wo mitomete kokka wo tou hikoku tachi モ ラ ト リ ア ム 人 間 を 診 断 す る Moratoriamu ningen wo shindan suru シ ュ ラ イ ヤ ー 誘 拐 殺 人 の 45日 Shuraiyā yūkai satsujin no 45 nichi 日 本 赤 軍 と の 対 決 戦 慄 の 四 日 間 Nihon Sekigun tono taiketsu Senritsu no yokka kan 東 京 サ ミ ッ ト を 狙 う 日 本 赤 軍 の “ 影 “ Tokyo Samitto wo nerau Nihon Sekigun no “kage” 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 最 終 意 見 陳 述( 上 )自 己 批 判 連 合 赤 軍 の 誤 ち を くり か え さ ぬ た め に Rengō Sekigun jiken saishū iken chinjutsu (jō) Jiko hihan Rengō Sekigun no ayamachi wo kurikaesanu tameni 特 集・連 合 赤 軍 問 題 Tokushū, Rengō Sekigun mondai 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 最 終 意 見 陳 述( 中 )自 己 批 判 連 合 赤 軍 の 誤 ち を くり か え さ ぬ た め に Rengō Sekigun jiken saishū iken chinjutsu (chū) Jiko hihan Rengō Sekigun no ayamachi wo kurikaesanu tameni 連 合 赤 軍 に お け る「 総 括 」と は 何 か Rengō Sekigun ni okeru “sōkatsu” towa nanika 永 田 陳 述 を めぐって 1 党 派 主 義 は 克 服 さ れ た か Nagata chinjutsu wo megutte 1 Tōha shugi wa kokufuku saretaka 永 田 陳 述 を めぐって 2 永 田 陳 述 は 真 実 を 隠 蔽 し て い る Nagata chinjutsu wo megutte 2 Nagata chinjutsu wa shinjitsu o inpei shiteiru 映 画 評・ド イ ツ 映 画『 鉛 の 歳 月 』 映 画 に み る 西 ド イ ツ 赤 軍 Eigahyō, Doitsu eiga “Namari no Saigetsu” Eiga ni miru Nishi Doitsu Sekigun 虚 構 の な か の 連 合 赤 軍 Kyokō no naka no Rengō Sekigun item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 12579 557 12580 558 12581 559 12582 560 12583 561 12584 562 12585 563 12586 564 12587 565 12588 566 12589 567 12604 568 item_ID: 12605 ClipItemID: 569 item_ID: 12606 ClipItemID: 570 item_ID: 12607 ClipItemID: 571 item_ID: 12608 ClipItemID: 572 item_ID: 12609 ClipItemID: 573 item_ID: 12610 ClipItemID: 574 item_ID: 12611 ClipItemID: 575 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 47 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 土 田 邸・日 石・ピ ー ス 缶 爆 破 事 件 の「 犯 人 」に さ れ た私 警 視 庁 を 告 発 す る! Tsuchida tei, Nisseki, Pīsukan bakuha jiken no “hannin” ni sareta watashi Keishichō o kokuhatsu suru! 交 渉 当 事 者( 防 衛 駐 在 官・当 時 )が い ま 明 か す 緊 迫 の 金 浦 空 港 ﹣ 「 よ ど 号 」と 日 本 赤 軍 Kōshō tōjisha (bōei chūzaikan, tōji) ga ima akasu Kinpaku no Kinpo Kūkō - “Yodo-gō” to Nihon Sekigun 連合赤軍事件の長い影 Rengō Sekigun jiken no nagai kage 連合赤軍事件と 「私的安楽主義」 Rengō Sekigun jiken to “Shiteki anraku shugi” 連合赤軍事件と 「いじめ」の問題 Rengō Sekigun jiken to “ijime” no mondai 連合赤軍判決傍聴記 Rengō Sekigun hanketsu bōchōki 獄中手記 控訴審判決を受けて Gokuchū shuki Kōsoshin hanketsu o ukete 永田洋子らの退屈な「反省癖」 Nagata Yōko ra no taikutsu na “hansei guse” 対談 未来なきレーガン流国家テロリズム Taidan Mirai naki Rēgan-ryū kokka terorizumu 集団暴力と連合赤軍事件 Shūdan bōryoku to rengō sekigun jiken 森恒夫「自己批判書」試論 Mori Mikio “Jiko Hinansho” shiron 自警 Jikei item_ID: 12612 ClipItemID: 576 item_ID: 12613 ClipItemID: 577 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 14276 736 14277 737 14278 738 14279 739 14280 740 14281 741 14282 742 15133 800 15134 801 16786 924 全 共 闘 、赤 軍 派 関 連『 朝 日 ジ ャ ー ナ ル 』記 事 item_ID: 60013 Zen Kyōtō, Sekigun-ha kanren “Asahi Jānaru” kiji ClipSeriesID: 13 “Asahi Journal” articles related to Zen Kyōtō and the Red Army Faction This set contains twelve bound folders of articles from Asahi Journal on various topics concerning the Zenkyōtō movement and the Red Army Faction. It covers 1967 to 1979 and was compiled under Takazawa’s direction. These are original clippings, not photocopies. 赤 軍 派 関 係 週 刊 誌 記 事 Sekigun-ha kankei shūkanshi kiji Red Army Faction related weekly magazine articles item_ID: 60014 ClipSeriesID: 14 This is a set of 15 folders, some bound with covers, containing original clippings of articles related to Sekigunha and its various branches, from various weekly magazines. It covers 1967 to 1988 and thus has some pre-Sekigunha material as well. 48 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 島 成 郎 論 文 集 成 Shima Shigeo Ronbun shūsei Shima Shigeo articles collection item_ID: 60015 ClipSeriesID: 15 This is a two-volume bound set of newspaper and magazine articles written by Shima Shigeo between 1959 and 1981. Shima was first head of the secretariat of the original Bund during the 1960 Ampo struggle. He later became a psychiatrist with a practice in Okinawa and was involved in the Seishin Iryō movement. 大 学 改 革 論 関 係 新 聞 記 事 Daigaku Kaikakuron kankei shinbun kiji Daigaku Kaikaku-ron related clippings item_ID: 60016 ClipSeriesID: 16 This is a set of three folders of newspaper clippings concerning the university reform movement. It covers the years 1967-1971. 日 本 赤 軍 関 係 週 刊 誌 記 事 Nihon Sekigun kankei shūkanshi kiji Japan Red Army related weekly magazine articles item_ID: 60017 ClipSeriesID: 17 Two folders of weekly magazine articles concerning Nihon Sekigun, all from 1974. ベ ト ナ ム 革 命 論 関 係 新 聞 記 事 Betonamu Kakumeiron kankei shinbun kiji Vietnamese revolution related newspaper articles item_ID: 60018 ClipSeriesID: 18 Two folders of newspaper clippings concerning the Vietnamese revolution, primarily from Sekai Kakumei, the newspaper of Dai Yon Inta Nihon Shibu. ベ ト ナ ム 革 命 論 関 係 雑 誌 記 事 Betonamu Kakumeiron kankei zasshi kiji Vietnamese revolution related magazine articles item_ID: 60019 ClipSeriesID: 19 One folder of clippings from Sekai Seiji Shiryō and Asahi Journal on the Vietnamese revolution. 沖 縄 関 連 新 聞 記 事( 沖 縄 タ イ ム ス 、琉 球 新 報 等 ) item_ID: 60020 Okinawa kanren shinbun kiji (Okinawa Taimusu, Ryūkyū Shinpō ClipSeriesID: 20 nado) Okinawa related newspaper articles (Okinawa Times, Okinawa Shinpō etc.) This set contains fourteen folders of newspaper clippings on Okinawa from various newspapers, including the Okinawa Times and Okinawa Shinpō, and some written by various famous people. 田中清玄関係新聞記事 Tanaka Seigen kankei shinbun kiji Tanaka Seigen related newspaper articles item_ID: 60021 ClipSeriesID: 21 Two folders of newspaper clippings and photocopies concerning Tanaka Seigen. Takazawa collected these when he was doing research on Tanaka Seigen. He inter- 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 49 viewed him and also developed a complete bibliography of of work by and about him. The photocopies date back to 1963, while the clippings are from 1985. 田中清玄関係雑誌記事 Tanaka Seigen kankei zasshi kiji Tanaka Seigen related magazine articles item_ID: 60022 ClipSeriesID: 22 This set contains eighteen folders of photocopies of magazine articles concerning Tanaka Seigen, dated from 1931 to 1985. Takazawa compiled them as part of his research on Tanaka Seigen. This should be a very complete collection. 古屋能子による日米安保軍事同盟関係新聞記事集成 item_ID: 60023 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru nichibei anpo gunji dōmei kankei shinbun ClipSeriesID: 23 kiji shūsei Nichibei anpo gunji dōmei related newspaper articles created by Furuya Yosh This is a set of six folders of newspaper clippings compiled by Furuya Yoshiko on the Japan-US military agreement covering 1981-1983. 1 2 3 4 5 6 日米安保・軍事同盟 I Nichibei anpo, gunji dōmei I 日米安保・軍事同盟 II Nichibei anpo, gunji dōmei II 日米安保・軍事同盟 III Nichibei anpo, gunji dōmei III 日米安保・軍事同盟 IV Nichibei anpo, gunji dōmei IV 日米安保・軍事同盟 V Nichibei anpo, gunji dōmei 日米安保・軍事同盟 VI Nichibei anpo, gunji dōmei VI 古屋能子による新聞記事切抜き集成 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru shinbun kiji kirinuki shūsei Newspaper clipping file collection created by Furuya Yoshiko item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 13563 650 13564 651 13565 652 13566 653 13567 654 13568 655 item_ID: 60024 ClipSeriesID: 24 This set contains 44 folders of newspaper clippings compiled by Furuya Yoshiko and organized by subject. They cover a wide range of topics related to social movements and current events in Japan and the world. 1 2 3 4 5 6 人口・経済統計 Jinkō keizai tōkei 科学・技術 Kagaku,gijutsu 宇宙新時代﹣82 朝日 Uchū shinjidai, 82. Asahi 汚染・公害 Osen,Kōgai 読書・本 Dokusho,hon 思想・文化 I Shisō,bunka I item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 13569 656 13570 657 13571 658 13572 659 13573 660 13574 661 50 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 思想・文化 II Shisō,bunka II 青少年発達・教育程度(教科書) Seishōnen hattatsu, kyōiku teido (kyōkasho) 労働運動・労働 Rōdō undō, rōdō 戦後 Sengo ドイツ Doitsu ソ連 Soren 北朝鮮 Kitachōsen 韓国 Kankoku 中野好夫「主人公のいない自伝」 日中の十字路﹣旧満州国はいま Nakano Yoshio “Shujinkō — no inai jiden” Nitchū no jūjiro kyū Manshūkoku wa ima 中国・日中・中ソ I Chūgoku, Nitchū, Chūso I 中国・日中・中ソ II Chūgoku, Nitchū, Chūso II 第三国・途上国:アフリカ・中南米 Dai san koku, tojōkoku: Afurika, Chūnanbei 中東・Plo. Chūtō, Plo. 世界政治:東側・非同盟・ヨーロッパ・ (途上国) Sekai seiji, higashi gawa, hidōmei, yōroppa (tojōkoku) 社会主義 Shakai shugi Oekonomie﹣世界と日本 — Oekonomie sekai to Nihon 世界経済 Sekai keizai 経済﹦財政:日本 I 1983.1-2 Keizai = zaisei: Nihon I 1983/1-2 経済﹦財政:日本 II 1983.2 Keizai = zaisei: Nihon II 1983/2- 国際同盟関係 [ 連載 ] 1982﹣1983 Kokusai dōmei kankei [rensai] 1982-1983 政治:日本国内[日米非安保 ] Seiji: Nihon kokunai [nichibei hi anpo] 反核:論評 Hankaku: ronpyō 核兵器 Kakuheiki 反核・平和運動 Hankaku, heiwa undō item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 13575 662 13576 663 13577 664 13578 665 13579 666 13580 667 13581 668 13582 669 13583 670 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 13584 671 13585 672 13586 673 13587 674 13588 675 13589 676 13590 677 13591 678 13592 679 13593 680 13594 681 13595 683 13596 684 13597 685 13598 686 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 51 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 核政策・軍縮 1983 Kaku seisaku, gunshuku 1983 軍縮・軍拡 [ 連載 ] I ﹣1981﹣ ﹣1982﹣ — —— — Gunshuku, gunkaku [rensai] I 1981 1982 軍縮・軍拡 [連載 ] II ﹣1983﹣ — — Gunshuku, gunkaku [rensai] II 1983 原発・放射能 Gebpatsu, hōshanō 原発・放射能 I ﹣1981﹣— ﹣1982﹣— ﹣1983﹣ — —— — Genpatsu, hōshanō I 1981 1982 1983 原発・放射能 II Genpatsu, hōshanō II 反核:世界 Hankaku: sekai 反核:日本 Hankaku: nihon 反核行動:世界 I 1981﹣82 Hankaku kōdō: sekai I 1981-82 反核行動:世界 II ﹣1982﹣ — — Hankaku kōdō: sekai II 1982 [ 補 ] 1981﹣ 反戦 — ・反核:日本・世界・論評 [Ho] 1981 hansen, hankaku: Nihon, sekai, ronpyō 反核行動:日本 I ﹣1982﹣— — Hankaku kōdō: Nihon I 1982 反核行動:日本 II ﹣1982﹣— — Hankaku kōdō: Nihon II 1982 [補 ] 反核行動・反戦:日本 III ﹣1981~ 1982﹣ — — [Ho] Hankaku kōdō ¡¦hankaku: Nohon III 1981-1982 古屋能子による雑誌記事集成 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru zasshi kiji shūsei Magazine clipping file collection created by Furuya Yoshiko item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 13599 687 13600 688 13601 689 13602 690 13603 691 13604 692 13605 693 13606 694 13607 695 13608 696 13609 697 13610 698 13611 699 13612 700 item_ID: 60025 ClipSeriesID: 25 This set contains five folders of magazine article clippings collected by Furuya Yoshiko on various topics. They are organized by topic. 1 2 3 4 5 ソ連関係雑誌記事 Soren kankei zasshi kiji 「袴田処分」関係雑誌記事 I “Hakamada shobun” kankei zasshi kiji I 「袴田処分」関係雑誌記事 II “Hakamada shobun” kankei zasshi kiji II ベトナム戦争関係雑誌記事 Betonamu sensō kankei zasshi kiji 日本と世界の情勢 Nihon to sekai no jōsei 古屋能子による雑誌記事集成 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru zasshi kiji shūsei Magazine clipping file collection created by Furuya Yoshiko item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 13613 701 13614 702 13615 703 13616 704 13617 705 item_ID: 60026 ClipSeriesID: 26 52 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings This set contains four folders of magazine articles collected by Furuya Yoshiko and organized by topic. They date variously from the late 1960s to the 1970s. 1 2 3 4 現代社会主義論争 Gendai shakaishugi ronsō 現代社会主義論争 Gendai shakaishugi ronsō 北朝鮮への赤軍 Kitachōsen e no sekigun 佐藤訪米 Satō hōbei item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 14233 707 14234 708 14235 709 14236 711 古屋能子による新聞記事集成 週間報告 item_ID: 60027 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru shinbun kiji shūsei Shūkan hōkoku ClipSeriesID: 27 Newspaper clipping file collection (Shūkan hōkoku)created by Furuya Yoshiko This set comprises six volumes of notebooks created by Furuya Yoshiko. They contain newspaper clippings from Shūkan Hōkoku, organized by date and covering the period 1972-1985. 1 2 3 4 5 6 週間報告 1972-1973 Shūkan hōkoku 1972-1973 週間報告 1974-1976 Shūkan hōkoku 1974-1976 週間報告 1977-1979 Shūkan hōkoku 1977-1979 週間報告 1980-1981 Shūkan hōkoku 1980-1981 週間報告 1982-1985 Shūkan hōkoku 1982-1985 週間報告 1985-1988 Shūkan hōkoku 1985-1988 古屋能子による新聞記事切り抜き集成 Furuya yoshiko ni yoru shinbun kirinuki shūsei Scrapbook with newspaper clippings from asahi shimbun item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 14237 712 14238 713 14239 714 14251 715 14252 716 14253 717 item_ID: 60028 ClipSeriesID: 28 This set consists of 43 notebooks compiled by Furuya Yoshiko containing newspaper clippings from Asahi Shimbun. Each notebook covers a specific topic, with the clippings organized by date within it. The cover the period from the late 1960s to the mid-1980s, with variations depending on the topic. 1 2 3 4 「考える」(朝日新聞)1 Kangaeru (asahi shinbun) 1 「考える」(朝日新聞)2、文化の変容、文学はどこへ Kangaeru (asahi shinbun) 2, Bunka no henyō, Bungaku wa dokoe 文学はどこへ Bungaku wa dokoe item_ID: 14254 ClipItemID: 718 item_ID: 14255 ClipItemID: 719 item_ID: 14256 ClipItemID: 720 item_ID: 14257 ClipItemID: 721 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 53 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 核(兵器)問題:原爆 Kaku (heiki) mondai: Genbaku 原爆(チェルノブイリ) Genbaku (Cherunobuiri) 原発と人間-チェルノブイリの波紋- Genpatsu to ningen-cherunobuiri no hamon- 「文化地図」ほか Bunkachizu hoka 文化と企業、文化地図 Bunka to kigyō, Bunkachizu 伊藤栄樹の回想 Itō Shigeki no kaisō 田中直毅「軍拡の不経済学」、池田邦二「比例代表制」 Tanaka Naoki “Gunkaku no fukeizaigaku,” Ikeda “Hireidaihyou sei” 文化=思想、教育 Bunka=Shisō, Kyōiku 言語 Gengo 沖縄 Okinawa 東京問題取材班「ニューヨークよ」、 「東京よ」、 「地方よ」 Tōkyōmondai shuzaihan “Nyūyōku yo,” “Tōkyō yo,” “Chihō yo” 新宿区広報 しんじゅく散歩道、新宿区文学風土記、 しんじゅく 昔話 Shinjuku ku kōhō “Shinjuku sanpodō,” “Shinjuku ku bungaku fūdo ki,” “Shinjuku mukashibanashi” 「警視庁」、 「米国第五の権力 ロビイスト」 Keishichō, Beikoku dai go no kenryoku robiisuto アメリカ Amerika イギリス 英国経済よみがえる Igirisu Eikoku keizai yomigaeru 大きなニッポン近くて近いアジア Ōokina nippon chikakute chikai ajia 拡張された次元(欧米・芸術と科学の旅) 、無秩序と秩序-最近学 問断章 Kakuchō sareta jigen (Ōbei Geijutsu to kagaku no tabi), Muchitsujo to chitsujo-Saikin gakumon danshō いま社会主義は(2) 、 ソ連、 シベリアスケッチ帖85、ペレストロ イカ Ima shakaishugi ha (2), Soren, Shiberia sukecchi chō 85, Peresutoroika いま社会主義は(3)中国 Ima shakaishugi wa (3) Chūgoku Frauen Ⅰ Frauen 1 Frauen Ⅳ Frauen 4 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 14258 722 14259 723 14260 724 14261 725 14262 726 14269 729 14270 730 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 14271 731 14272 732 14273 733 14274 734 14275 735 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 14305 743 14306 744 14307 745 14308 746 14309 747 item_ID: 14310 ClipItemID: 748 item_ID: 14311 ClipItemID: 749 item_ID: 14312 ClipItemID: 750 item_ID: 14313 ClipItemID: 751 54 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 26 27 28 29 ゴルバチョフ改革:政治 Gorubachofu kaikaku: seiji 人口 Jinkō 古代:世界と日本 「稲のルーツ 雲南を行く」 Kodai: sekai to nihon, “Ine no rūtsu Unnan o yuku” 「試験の時代」-天野郁夫、 「日本人の質問」-ドナルド・キー ン、 「中国雲南・広西を行く」-民博少数民族文化考察団報告、 「イギリスの住まい」-西村一郎、 「生きがいをつくる-生涯 学習の周辺」 “Shiken no jidai”-Amano Ikuo, “Nihonjin no shitsumon”Donarudo Kīn, “Chūgoku unnan kanshī o yuku”-Minpaku shōsūminzoku bunkakōsatsu dan hōkoku, “Igir 30 新左翼・学生・成田、市民運動、住民運動、都知事選挙 Shin sayoku-gakusei-narita, Shimin undō, Jūmin undō, Tochiji senkyo 31 少年非行 1983.2~ Shōnen hikō 1983.2- 32 閣僚の顔ぶれ、マルクス死後百年、重信と中東で会見 Kakuryō no kaobure, Marukusu shigo hyakunen, Shigenobu to Chūtō de kaiken 33 琉球新報 「琉歌にみる女の暮らし」、 「ことばにみる戦後史」、 「若者たちの周辺」、 「沖縄県への道」 Ryukyu Shimpō “Ryūka ni miru onna no kurashi,” “Kotoba ni miru sengoshi,” “Wakamonotachi no shūhen,” “Okinawaken e no michi” 34 10・21国際反戦デー特集(新宿闘争、国会、防衛庁、四谷) 10/21 Kokusai hansen dē tokushū (Shinjuku tōsō, Kokkai, Bōeichō, Yotsuya) 35 金大中関係 Kimu Dejun kankei 36 古屋能子著の雑誌記事コピーと書評切抜き Furuya Yoshiko cho no zasshi kiji kopī to shohyō kirinuki 37 古屋能子著の雑誌記事、ニュースレター Furuya Yoshiko cho no zasshi kiji, nyūsu retā 38 古屋能子による書評 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru shohyō 39 「アイヌ民族」、 「いまなぜアイヌか」、日本語・日本人の起源に 関して、 「まぼろし紀行」 “Ainu minzoku,” “Ima naze Ainu ka,” Nihongo/Nihonjin no kigen ni kanshite, “Maboroshi kikō” 40 レフチェンコ関係、永田洋子、いくつかの爆破事件に関する判 決、 イスラエルにおける虐殺、連合赤軍事件判決 Refuchenko kankei, Nagata Yōko, Ikutsuka no bakuhajiken ni kansuru hanketsu, Isuraeru ni okeru gyakusatsu, Rengōsekigun jiken hanketsu 41 「世界地図’80」、 シバルガン遺宝 “Sekai chizu ‘80,” Shibarugan ihō 42 「都知事12年 美濃部亮吉回想録」 “Tochiji jūninen Minobe Ryōkichi kaisōroku” item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 14314 752 14315 753 14316 754 14317 755 item_ID: 14318 ClipItemID: 756 item_ID: 14319 ClipItemID: 757 item_ID: 14320 ClipItemID: 758 item_ID: 14332 ClipItemID: 759 item_ID: 14334 ClipItemID: 761 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 14335 762 14336 763 14337 764 14338 765 14339 766 item_ID: 14340 ClipItemID: 767 item_ID: 14341 ClipItemID: 768 item_ID: 14342 ClipItemID: 769 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 55 43 東大闘争1.18-19(安田講堂攻防戦、神田-御茶ノ水解放 区闘争) Tōdai tōsō 1.18-19 (Yasuda Kōdō kōbōsen, Kanda-Ochanomizu kaihōku tōsō) item_ID: 14343 ClipItemID: 770 高橋和巳関係新聞雑誌記事 item_ID: 60029 Takahashi Kazumi kankei shinbun zasshi kiji ClipSeriesID: 29 Newspaper articles and magazine articles related to Takahashi Kazumi This set contains three folders of newspaper and magazine articles related to Takahashi Kazumi, covering the period from 1958 to 1983. 売春関係雑誌記事 Baishun kankei zasshi kiji Magazine articles related to prostitution item_ID: 60030 ClipSeriesID: 30 This is a folder of magazine articles related to prostitution, collected by Furuya Yoshiko. 相原文夫による新聞記事切り抜き集成 Aihara Fumio ni yoru shinbun kiji kirinuki shūsei Collection of newspaper clippings made by Fumio Aihara item_ID: 60031 ClipSeriesID: 31 This set contains 20 notebooks of newspaper clippings created by Aihara Fumio. They are labeled by theme, but some contain more than one topic, while other topics encompass several notebooks. The topics include various aspects of world affairs as well as social movements and other issues in Japan. Most are from the late 1960s. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 羽田闘争関係記事 Haneda Tōsō kankei kiji エンタープライズ寄港に対する抗議運動など Entāpuraizu kikō ni taisuru kōgi undō エンタープライズ入港阻止闘争、沖縄、中大紛争、成田空港、王子 など Entāpuraizu nyūkō soshi tōsō, Okinawa, Chūdai funsō, Narita Kūkō, Ōji 王子野戦病院、成田空港、三派全学連、沖縄デー、九大米軍機 墜落事件など Ōji Yasen Byōin, Narita Kūkō, Sanpa Zengakuren, Okinawa Dē, Kyūdai Beigunki Tsuiraku Jiken nado 脱走米兵、ベ平連、東大、新宿デモなど Dassō beihei, Beheiren, Tōdai, Shinjuku demo nado 東大紛争、 日大、新宿デモなど Tōdai funsō, Nichidai, Shinjuku demo nado 大学紛争 Daigaku funsō 大学紛争 Daigaku funsō 大学紛争 Daigaku funsō item_ID: 14914 ClipItemID: 776 item_ID: 14915 ClipItemID: 777 item_ID: 14916 ClipItemID: 778 item_ID: 14917 ClipItemID: 779 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 14918 780 14926 782 14927 783 14928 784 14929 785 56 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 10 大学紛争、沖縄統一行動、いのちを守る県民共闘会議、など Daigaku funsō, Okinawa tōitsu kōdō, Inochi o mamoru kenmin kyōtō kaigi, nado 11 大学紛争 Daigaku funsō 12 大学入試、大学紛争など Daigaku nyūshi, Daigaku funsō nado 13 東大総長選、合格発表、新学期、など Tōdai sōchō sen, Gōkaku happyō, Shingakki, nado 14 沖縄デー、大学紛争 Okinawa dē, Daigaku funsō 15 大学紛争 Daigaku funsō 16 愛知外相訪米、大学立法、全軍労スト、ASPAC、大学紛争、など Aichi gaishō hōbei, Daigaku rippō, Zengunrō suto, ASPAC, Daigaku funsō, nado 17 大学紛争、 フォークソング集会、など Daigaku funsō, Fōku songu shūkai, nado 18 沖縄毒ガス事故、大学法案、大学紛争、など Okinawa dokugasu jiko, Daigaku hōan, Daigaku funsō, nado 19 大学措置法、東大公判、沖縄、大学紛争、など Daigaku sochi hō, tōdai kōhan, Okinawa, Daigaku funsō, nado 20 大学紛争、など Daigaku funsō, nado 古屋能子による新聞記事切り抜き集成 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru shinbun kiji kirinuki shūsei Furuya Yoshiko newspaper clippings, 1980-1988 item_ID: 14930 ClipItemID: 786 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 14931 787 14976 789 14977 790 14979 792 14981 794 14982 795 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 14983 796 14984 797 14985 798 14986 799 item_ID: 60032 ClipSeriesID: 32 These are miscellaneous newspaper clippings collected by Furuya Yoshiko between 1980 and 1988. 1 2 3 4 5 6 item_ID: ClipItemID: 「平和」の風景、 「家族」の風景、など item_ID: “Heiwa” no fūkei, “Kazoku” no fūkei, nado ClipItemID: 「明日」の風景、 「私」の中の「私たち」、結婚という序章、女たちの家 item_ID: “Asu” no fūkei, “Watashi” no naka no “watashitachi,” KekClipItemID: kon to iu joshō, Onnatachi no ie 女たちの家、妻たちの離陸、親と子のきずな、世界経済の転 item_ID: 機、意見異見(家族) 、企業社会のはざまで ClipItemID: Onnatachi no ie, Tsumatachi no ririku, Oya to ko no kizuna, Sekai keizai no tenki, Iken iken (kazoku), Kigyou shakai no hazama de 「等しきもの、老い」、静かな変革、 さまざまな模索 item_ID: Hitoshiki mono oi, Shizukana henkaku, Samazamana mosaku ClipItemID: カルガリー冬季五輪、 ソウル五輪 item_ID: Karugarī tōki gorin, Souru gorin ClipItemID: 15644 802 15645 803 15646 804 15647 805 15648 806 15649 808 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 57 古屋能子による雑誌記事切り抜き集成 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru zasshi kiji kirinuki shūsei Furuya Yoshiko magazine clippings item_ID: 60033 ClipSeriesID: 33 Miscellaneous magazine clippings collected by Furuya Yoshiko 古屋能子による雑誌記事切り抜き集成 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru zasshi kiji kirinuki shūsei Furuya Yoshiko magazine clippings, 1968-1988 item_ID: 60034 ClipSeriesID: 34 Miscellaneous magazine clippings collected by furuya Yoshiko from 1968-1988. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ベ平連 Beheiren 古屋能子著、沖縄、反戦、70年安保 Furuya Yoshiko cho, Okinawa, Hansen, 70 nen anpo 古屋能子著の雑誌記事コピー Furuya Yoshiko cho no zasshi kiji kopii 古屋能子著の雑誌記事コピー Furuya Yoshiko cho no zasshi kiji kopii 古屋能子著の雑誌記事コピー Furuya Yoshiko cho no zasshi kiji kopii 古屋能子著の雑誌記事コピー Furuya Yoshiko cho no zasshi kiji kopii 古屋能子著の雑誌記事コピー Furuya Yoshiko cho no zasshi kiji kopii 古屋能子著の雑誌記事コピー Furuya Yoshiko cho no zasshi kiji kopii 古屋能子著の雑誌記事コピー Furuya Yoshiko cho no zasshi kiji kopii 古屋能子著の雑誌記事コピー Furuya Yoshiko cho no zasshi kiji kopii 古屋能子著の雑誌記事コピー Furuya Yoshiko cho no zasshi kiji kopii 古屋能子著の雑誌記事コピー Furuya Yoshiko cho no zasshi kiji kopii 古屋能子著の雑誌記事コピー Furuya Yoshiko cho no zasshi kiji kopii 古屋能子署名記事目次 Furuya Yoshiko shomei kiji Mokuji 古屋能子による新聞記事切り抜き集成 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru shinbun kiji kirinuki shūsei Furuya Yoshiko newspaper clippings item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 15652 811 15653 812 15654 813 15655 814 15656 815 15657 816 15658 817 15659 818 15660 819 15660 820 15661 821 15662 822 15663 823 15664 824 item_ID: 60035 ClipSeriesID: 35 Miscellaneous newspaper clippings collected by Furuya Yoshiko. 1 2 「離婚の構図」 “Rikon no kōzu” 「‘78 欧米の原子力」など “ ‘78 ōbei no genshiryoku” nado item_ID: 15665 ClipItemID: 825 item_ID: 15666 ClipItemID: 826 58 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 「離婚の構図」 “Rikon no kōzu” 「権威の構造」など “Keni no kōzō” nado 日昇丸衝突、有事法制研究、敦賀原発事故 Nisshō-maru shōtotsu, Yūjihō-sei kenkyū, Tsuruga genpatsu jiko 敦賀原発事故、 「非核を守る道」、など Tsuruga genpatsu jiko, “Hikaku o mamoru michi,” nado 非核、 ミッドウェー帰港、など Hikaku, Middowē kikō, nado 「続・ 『平和』の風景」 “Zoku ‘heiwa’ no fūkei” 米原潜・日昇丸衝突事故、光州事件、非核、など Bei-gen-sen / Nisshō-maru shōtotsu jiko, Kōshū jiken, hikaku, nado 「朝鮮史概観」等朝鮮関係記事、など “chōsen-shi gaikan” tō Chōsen kankei kiji, nado 『海洋汚染』書評、終戦記念日、バレエ、など “Kaiyō osen” shohyō, Shūsen kinen-bi, Barē, nado item_ID: 15667 ClipItemID: 827 item_ID: 15668 ClipItemID: 828 item_ID: 15669 ClipItemID: 829 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 15670 830 15671 831 15672 832 15673 833 item_ID: 15674 ClipItemID: 834 item_ID: 15675 ClipItemID: 835 古屋能子による反核・沖縄関係新聞記事切り抜き集成 item_ID: 60036 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru hankaku / Okinawa kankei sinbun kiji kiriClipSeriesID: 36 nuki shūsei Furuya Yoshiko newspaper clippings about anti-nuclear weapons and Okinawa Newspaper clippings collected by Furuya Yoshiko concernings Okinawa and antinuclear weapons activity. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 「20世紀の軌跡:沖縄戦体験」 “20 seiki no kiseki: Okinawa-sen taiken” 「唐獅子」など “Karajishi” nado 「試論・— 沖縄戦後史」など “Shiron -Okinawa sengo-shi” nado 終戦記念日、海洋博,「失われゆく自然」など Shūsen kinen-bi, Kaiyō-haku, “Ushinawareyuku shizen” nado 「証言に見る世替わり裏面史」など “Shōgen ni miru yogawari uramen-shi” nado 海洋博 Kaiyō-haku B52抗議、反原発、など B52 kōgi, han genpatsu, nado B52飛来、反戦 B52 hirai, Hansen B52飛来、基地問題、など B52 hirai, Kichi mondai, nado 在沖米軍、B25など Zai-chū beigun, B25 nado item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 15677 847 15686 848 15687 849 15688 850 15689 851 15690 852 15691 853 15692 854 15693 855 15699 856 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 59 11 12 B52、海洋博、など B52, Kaiyō-haku, nado 「沖縄戦と継承」、教科書問題、など “Okinawa-sen to keishō,” Kyōkasho mondai, nado 富村闘争関係新聞記事 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru Tomimura Tōsō kankei sinbun kiji kirinuki shūsei newspaper clippings about Tomimura Tōsō item_ID: 15700 ClipItemID: 857 item_ID: 15701 ClipItemID: 858 item_ID: 60037 ClipSeriesID: 37 Newspaper clippings about the Tomimura case collected by Furuya Yoshiko. 1 2 3 富村闘争関係 Tomimura Tōsō kankei 那覇刑務所暴動 Naha Keimusho Bōdō 前原女子高校生暴行事件 Maehara joshi kōkōsei jiken 富村闘争関係雑誌記事 Tomimura Tōsō kankei zasshi kiji magazine clippings about Tomimura Tōsō item_ID: 15702 ClipItemID: 859 item_ID: 15703 ClipItemID: 860 item_ID: 15704 ClipItemID: 861 item_ID: 60038 ClipSeriesID: 38 Magazine clippings about the Tomimura Jun’ichi Incident and trial. 古屋能子による雑誌記事切り抜き集成 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru zasshi kiji kirinuki shūsei Furuya Yoshiko magazine clippings item_ID: 60039 ClipSeriesID: 39 Miscellaneous newspaper clippings collected by Furuya Yoshiko. 1 2 3 古屋能子著の雑誌記事1968-1969 Furuya Yoshiko cho no zasshi kiji 1968-1969 古屋能子著の雑誌記事1970-1979 Furuya Yoshiko cho no zasshi kiji 1970-1979 古屋能子著の雑誌記事1980-1988 Furuya Yoshiko cho no zasshi kiji 1980-1988 1979-1980選挙関係新聞記事 1979-1980 senkyo kankei shinbun kiji newspaper clippings about 1979-1980 election item_ID: 15706 ClipItemID: 863 item_ID: 15707 ClipItemID: 864 item_ID: 15708 ClipItemID: 865 item_ID: 60040 ClipSeriesID: 40 Newspaper clippings concerning the 1979-1980 election, collected by Furuya Yoshiko.. 金大中氏事件関係新聞記事 Kimu Dejun shi jiken kankei shinbun kiji newspaper clippings about Kim Dejun Jiken item_ID: 60041 ClipSeriesID: 41 Newspaper clippings concerning the kidnapping of Kim Dae Jung in Japan by Korean security agents. 60 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings ロッキード事件関係新聞記事 Rokkīdo Jiken kankei shinbun kiji newspaper clippings about Rokkīdo Jiken item_ID: 60042 ClipSeriesID: 42 Newspaper clippings concerning the Lockheed scandal, in which bribes were paid to Japanese politicians to influence the selection of military aircraft for Japan. 三里塚闘争関係新聞記事 Sanrizuka Tōsō kankei shinbun kiji newspaper clippings about Sanrizuka issue item_ID: 60043 ClipSeriesID: 43 Newspaper clippings about the Narita Internationa Airport conflict at Sanrizuka. 相原文夫による新聞記事切り抜き集成 Aihara Fumio ni yoru shinbun kiji kirinuki shūsei Collection of newspaper clippings made by Fumio Aihara item_ID: 60044 ClipSeriesID: 44 Miscellaneous newspaper clippings collected by Fumio Aihara. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 赤軍派、新左翼、大学紛争、など Sekigun-ha, Shin-sayoku, Daigaku funsō, nado 大学紛争、10・21反戦デー Daigaku Funsō, 10/21 Hansen Dē 10・21反戦デーの学生ゲリラ、大学紛争、高校紛争、など 10/21 Hansen Dē no gakusei gerira, Daigaku funsō, Kōkō Funsō, nado 10・21反戦デー事件、大須事件、大学紛争、首相訪米抗議統 一スト、沖縄返還交渉、など 10/21 Hansen dē jiken, ōsu jiken, Daigaku funsō, Shushō hōbei kōgi tōitsu suto, Okinawa henkan kōshō, nado 首相訪米阻止闘争、学生ゲリラ、東大事件欠席判決、など Shushō hōbei soshi tōsō, Gakusei gerira, Tōdai jiken kesseki hanketsu, nado 東大事件裁判、大学入試、沖縄全軍労スト、など Tōdai jiken saiban, Daigaku nyūshi, Okinawa Zen-Gun-Rō suto, nado 東大闘争1・18-1・19 Tōdai Tōsō 1/18-1/19 11月闘争特集 11 gatsu tōsō tokushū ベトナム戦争と民衆 Betonamu Sensō to minshū 中野重吉関係 Nakano Jūkichi kankei フランス1968年5月革命 Furansu 1968 nen 5 gatsu kakumei 赤軍派日航機乗っ取り事件 Sekigun-ha Nikkō-ki nottori jiken 海洋博を点検する Kaiyō-haku o tenken-suru item_ID: 15715 ClipItemID: 872 item_ID: 15716 ClipItemID: 873 item_ID: 15717 ClipItemID: 874 item_ID: 15718 ClipItemID: 875 item_ID: 15719 ClipItemID: 876 item_ID: 15720 ClipItemID: 877 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 15721 878 15722 879 15723 880 15724 881 15725 882 15726 883 15727 884 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 61 14 「沖縄にとって天皇(制)とは何か」、 「苦悩する離島」、 「苦悩す る辺地」など “Okinawa ni totte tennō(sei) to wa nani ka,” “Kunō-suru ritō,” “Kunō-suru henchi,” nado 15 沖縄関係 Okinawa kankei 16 沖縄関係 Okinawa kankei 17 自衛隊法、ベ平連活動、国士舘高生による暴力事件、など Jieitai-hō, Be-hei-ren katsudō, Kokushikan-kō-sei ni yoru bōryoku jiken, nado 18 「いま社会主義は」等、 ソ連関係 “Ima shakai-shugi wa” tō, So-ren kankei 19 KAL機事件I KAL-ki jiken I 20 KAL機事件II KAL-ki jiken II 21 Frauen II -女性 — Frauen II josei 22 Frauen III -女性 Frauen III - josei 23 「百代の過客-日記に見る日本人」 — “Hyakutai no Kakaku Nikki ni miru nihon-jin” 24 中ソ首脳会談 Chū-So shunō kaidan 沖縄関係書書評記事 Okinawa kankei-sho shohyō kiji book reviews on newspaper, related to Okinawa item_ID: 15728 ClipItemID: 885 item_ID: 15729 ClipItemID: 887 item_ID: 15730 ClipItemID: 888 item_ID: 15731 ClipItemID: 889 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 15732 890 15733 891 15734 892 15735 893 15736 894 15737 895 15738 896 item_ID: 60045 ClipSeriesID: 45 Clippings of book reviews related to Okinawa that appeared in Japanese newspapers. 1 2 3 4 沖縄関係書書評記事1968-1974 Okinawa kankei-sho shohyō kiji 1968-1974 沖縄関係書書評記事 1975-1979 Okinawa kankei-sho shohyō kiji 1975-1979 沖縄関係書書評記事1980-1982 Okinawa kankei-sho shohyō kiji 1980-1982 沖縄関係書書評記事1983-1984 Okinawa kankei-sho shohyō kiji 1983-1984 沖縄「ふるさと歴史散歩」記事 Okinawa “Furusato rekishi sanpo” kiji newspaper articles on historical city tour in Okinawa item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 15739 897 15740 898 15741 899 15742 900 item_ID: 60046 ClipSeriesID: 46 These are newspaper articles concerning historical walking tours of cities in Okinawa. 1 2 沖縄「ふるさと歴史散歩」1983/2-1983/6 Okinawa “Furusato rekishi sanpo” 1983/2-1983/6 沖縄「ふるさと歴史散歩」1983/7-1983/12 Okinawa “Furusato rekishi sanpo” 1983/7-1983/12 item_ID: 15743 ClipItemID: 901 item_ID: 15744 ClipItemID: 902 62 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 3 沖縄「ふるさと歴史散歩」1984/1-1984/7 Okinawa “Furusato rekishi sanpo” 1984/1-1984/7 中野重吉関係新聞雑誌記事 Nakano Jūkichi kankei shinbun zasshi kiji newspaper and magazine articles about Nakano Jūkichi item_ID: 15745 ClipItemID: 903 item_ID: 60047 ClipSeriesID: 47 A collection of newspaper and magazine article clippings concerning Nakano Jūkichi, 滝田修(=竹本信弘)著機関誌投稿記事 Takita Osamu (=Takemoto Nobuhiro) cho kikanshi tōkō kiji academic articles written by Takemoto Nobuhiro item_ID: 60048 ClipSeriesID: 48 This is a collection of articles written by Takemoto Nobuhiro, a Kyoto University assistant professor who was also known by his social movement name of Takita Osamu. They were published in academic journals and other venues. 山辺健太郎著雑誌記事 Yamabe Kentarō cho zasshi kiji magazine articles written by Yamabe Kentarō item_ID: 60049 ClipSeriesID: 49 A collection of magazine articles written by Yamabe Kentarō. フーテン・アングラ Fūten Angura magazine articles from weeklies about fūten angura item_ID: 60050 ClipSeriesID: 50 Magazine articles from various weeklies concerning the hippie movement. Fūten angura is also the name of a magazine of the movement itself. 1 2 3 フーテン・アングラ1965-1967 Fūten angura 1965-1967 フーテン・アングラ 1968 Fūten angura 1968 フーテン・アングラ1969-1970 Fūten angura 1969-1970 item_ID: 15749 ClipItemID: 907 item_ID: 15750 ClipItemID: 908 item_ID: 15751 ClipItemID: 909 『戦後日本思想体系』解説 item_ID: 60051 “Sengo Nihon Shisō Taikei” kaisetsu ClipSeriesID: 51 clippings of chapters from “Sengo Nihon Shisō Taikei” which has 16 volumes This is a set of photocopies of chapters taken from the book series Sengo Nihon Shisō Taikei, or the Structure of Postwar Japanese Thought, a standard reference source on the subject. 高橋和巳関係記事所載雑誌特集号 Takahashi Kazumi kankei kiji shosai zasshi tokushū-gō magazine articles related to Takahashi Kazumi item_ID: 60052 ClipSeriesID: 52 These are special issue magazine articles related to Takahashi Kazumi, a professor of Chinese literature at Kyoto University whose works were widely admired in the New Left. 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 63 1 2 高橋和巳関係雑誌記事 1963-1971 Takahashi Kazumi kankei zasshi kiji 1963-1971 高橋和巳関係雑誌記事 1972-1976 Takahashi Kazumi kankei zasshi kiji 1972-1976 柴田・丸岡・泉水関係新聞記事 Shibata, Maruoka, Sensui kankei shinbun kiji newspaper clippings about Shibata, Maruoka, Sensui item_ID: 15753 ClipItemID: 911 item_ID: 15754 ClipItemID: 912 item_ID: 60053 ClipSeriesID: 53 These are newspaper clippings related to the arrests of Shibata Yasuhiro, Maruoka Osamu, and Sensui Hiroshi in the late 1980s, which marked the beginning of the return of Red Army members from exile in North Korea and the Middle East. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 丸岡修旅券法違反逮捕 Maruoka Osanu roken-hō ihan taiho 丸岡修関係、泉水博 Maruoka Osamu kankei, Sensui Hiroshi 丸岡修、泉水博関係 Maruoka Osamu, Sensui Hiroshi kankei 丸岡修、泉水博関係 Maruoka Osamu, Sensui Hiroshi kankei 菊村憂裁判、 ナポリ事件 Kikumura Yū saiban, Napori jiken 「よど号」犯柴田泰弘逮捕、丸岡との関係、など “Yodo-gō” han Shibata Yasuhiro taiho, Maruoka to no kankei, nado 柴田関連 Shibata kanren 柴田再逮捕関連 Shibata sai-taiho kanren 泉水逮捕、柴田関連、 ナポリ事件 Sensui taiho, Shibata kanren, Napori jiken 柴田関連、泉水関連 Shibata kanren, Sensui kanren 柴田・丸岡・泉水関係雑誌記事 Shibata, Maruoka, Sensui kankei zasshi kiji magazine clippings from weeklies about Shibata, Maruoka, Sensui item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 15755 913 15756 914 15757 915 15758 916 15759 917 15760 918 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 15761 919 15762 920 15763 921 15764 922 item_ID: 60054 ClipSeriesID: 54 A collection of clippings from weekly magazines concerning Shibata Yasuhiro, Maruoka Osamu, and Sensui Hiroshi when they were arrested on their return to Japan in the late 1980s. よど号関係週刊誌記事 Yodogō kankei shūkanshi kiji Yodogō articles from weeklies item_ID: 60055 ClipSeriesID: 55 A collection of 54 clippings from weekly magazines on the Yodogō group, collected by Takazawa Kōji from 1994 to 2000. Some are his own articles, which are also assembled into a volume and catalogued as a book. 64 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 1 日本人留学生失踪事件 平壌に連行したのは「よど号」の妻たち だった Nihonjin Ryūgakusei shissō jiken Pyonyan ni renkō shitanowa “Yodogō” no tsuma tachi datta 2 極秘にされた女たちの北朝鮮潜入 Gokuhi ni sareta onna tachi no Kitachōsen sennyū 3 フリーパスだった 「妻」 たちの日本潜伏 Furī pasu datta “tsuma” tachi no nihon senpuku 4 公安の「パンドラ・ファイル」 と 「田宮高麿」の孤独な死 Kōan no “Pandora Fairu” to “Tamiya Takamaro” no kodoku na Shi 5 警視庁極秘文書「パンドラ」が明かす日本人女子留学生「北朝鮮 拉致」 Keisatsuchō gokuhi bunsho “pandora” ga akasu nihonjin joshi ryūgakusei “Kitachōsen Rachi” 6 北朝鮮と日本との間を覆う深い闇。いま、明かされつつある現代 史の真実 Kitachōsen to nihon to no aida o ōu fukai yami. Ima akasare tsutsu aru gendaishi no shinjitsu 7 北朝鮮と日本との間を覆う深い闇。いま、明かされつつある現代 史の真実 Kitachōsen to nihon to no aida o ōu fukai yami. Ima akasare tsutsu aru gendaishi no shinjitsu 8 私の読書日記 「利用主義」 という行動様式 Watashi no dokusho nikki “Riyou shugi” to iu kōdō yōshiki 9 思想界の住人たちも厚顔な利権屋ばかりではないようだ Shisōkai no jyūnin tachi mo kōgan na rikenya bakari dewa nai yōda 10 1998年 ザ・ベスト・オブ・ベストセラーズ大賞 1998 nen za besuto obu besuto serā taishō 11 北朝鮮「よど号犯」が私に語った平壌市民たちの臨戦体勢 Kitachōsen “Yodogō han” ga watashi ni katatta Pyonyan shimin tachi no rinsen taisei 12 平壌の「よど号犯」 たちは子どもを対日工作員に仕立てようとし ている Pyonyan no “Yodogōhan” tachi wa kodomo o tainichi kōsakuin ni shitateyōto shiteiru 13 よど号犯・田中義三の「無罪」は米国の陰謀だ Yodogō han Tanaka Yoshimi no “Muzai” wa beikoku no inbō da 14 麻原彰晃の側近は「北朝鮮の潜入工作員」 だった Asahara Shōkō no sokkin wa “Kitachōsen no sennyū kōsakuin” datta 15 潜入工作員と 「よど号犯」はマドリッドで繋がった Sennyū kōsakuin to “Yodogōhan” wa Madoriddo de tsunagatta 16 金正日総書記直筆の「日本破壊工作」指令書の全貌 Kimu Jon’iru Sōshoki jikihitsu no “Nihon hakai kōsaku” shireisho no zenbō 17 「潜入工作員」Aがすべての疑惑に答えた “Sennyū kōsakuin” A ga subete no giwaku ni kotaeta item_ID: 17363 ClipItemID: 937 item_ID: 17364 ClipItemID: 938 item_ID: 17365 ClipItemID: 939 item_ID: 17366 ClipItemID: 940 item_ID: 17367 ClipItemID: 942 item_ID: 17368 ClipItemID: 943 item_ID: 17369 ClipItemID: 944 item_ID: 17370 ClipItemID: 946 item_ID: 17371 ClipItemID: 947 item_ID: 17376 ClipItemID: 954 item_ID: 17377 ClipItemID: 955 item_ID: 13778 ClipItemID: 956 item_ID: 17379 ClipItemID: 964 item_ID: 17380 ClipItemID: 966 item_ID: 17381 ClipItemID: 967 item_ID: 17382 ClipItemID: 968 item_ID: 17383 ClipItemID: 969 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 65 18 もう一人の「潜入工作員」は林郁夫受刑因の右腕だった Mō hitori no “Sennyū kōsakuin” wa Hayashi Ikuo jyukeishū no migiude datta 19 国松警察庁長官狙撃事件と 「よど号」犯・田中義三容疑者 Kunimatsu Keishichō Chōkan sogeki jiken to “Yodogō”han Tanaka Yoshimi yōgisha 20 オウム「内部過激派」が暴走!テロ準備を始めた Ōmu “naibu kagekiha” ga bōsō! Tero junbi o hajimeta 21 村井秀夫はなぜ口封じされたのか Murai Hideo wa naze kuchifūji saretanoka 22 村井秀夫が極秘指令「原発の機密をスパイせよ!」 Murai Hideo ga gokuhi shirei “genpatsu no kimitsu o supai seyo!” 23 村井秀夫は「北朝鮮の核」機密保持のために殺害された Murai Hideo wa “Kitachōsen no kaku” kimitsu hoji no tame ni satsugai sareta 24 講談社ノンフィクション賞発表 受賞のことば Kōdansha nonfikushonshō happyō jushō no kotoba 25 まだある 「だまし拉致」被害 日本人技術者が消えた Mada aru “damashi rachi” higai Nihonjin gijutsusha ga kieta 26 有本恵子さんの両親が「娘には帰ってこれない理由がある・・・」 Arimoto Keiko san no ryōshin ga “musume ni wa kaette korenai riyū ga aru...” 27 平壌で「よど号」犯、北朝鮮高官が語ったこと Pyonyan de “Yodogō” han Kitachōsen kōkan ga katatta koto 28 平壌で「よど号」犯、北朝鮮高官が語ったこと Pyonyan de “Yodogō” han Kitachōsen kōkan ga katatta koto 29 続々・拉致事件 「20の謎」に答える Zokuzoku rachi jiken “20 no nazo” ni kotaeru 30 続々・拉致事件 「20の謎」に答える Zokuzoku rachi jiken “20 no nazo” ni kotaeru 31 よど号リーダー「田宮高麿」は金正日に粛清された? Yodogō rīdā “Tamiya Takamaro” wa Kimu Jon’iru ni shukusei sareta? 32 「北」へ行く 「白船義士団」 って何だ “Kita” e iku “Hakusen Gishidan” tte nanda 33 よど号ハイジャックソウルに直陸させた管制官とっさの機転 Yodogō haijakku Souru ni chakuriku saseta kanseikan tossa no kiten 34 「日朝会談」の極秘メモ 「8人は確実に死んでいる」 “Nicchō kaidan” no “gokuhi memo” 35 よど号事件 子供6人の帰国と 「北朝鮮の思惑」 Yodogō jiken kodomo rokunin no kikoku to “Kitachōsen no omowaku” 36 「負け犬」国家北朝鮮10の遠吠え “Makeinu” kokka Kitachōsen 10 no tōboe 37 「よど号犯」が首相に送った呆れた 「手紙」 “Yodogō han” ga shushō ni okutta akireta “tegami” 38 「よど号犯」が首相に送った呆れた 「手紙」 “Yodogō han” ga shushō ni okutta akireta “tegami” item_ID: 17384 ClipItemID: 970 item_ID: 17385 ClipItemID: 971 item_ID: 17386 ClipItemID: 972 item_ID: 17387 ClipItemID: 973 item_ID: 17388 ClipItemID: 974 item_ID: 17389 ClipItemID: 975 item_ID: 17390 ClipItemID: 976 item_ID: 17391 ClipItemID: 977 item_ID: 17392 ClipItemID: 978 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17393 979 17394 980 17395 981 17396 982 17397 983 item_ID: 17398 ClipItemID: 984 item_ID: 17399 ClipItemID: 985 item_ID: 17400 ClipItemID: 986 item_ID: 17401 ClipItemID: 987 item_ID: 17402 ClipItemID: 988 item_ID: 17403 ClipItemID: 989 item_ID: 17404 ClipItemID: 990 66 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 「よど号犯」が首相に送った呆れた 「手紙」 “Yodogō han” ga shushō ni okutta akireta “tegami” 「よど号機長」が本誌に語っていた秘話 “Yodogō kichō” ga honshi ni katatteita hiwa 安部晋三と炎の行者 Abe Shinzō to honoo no gyōja よど号機長が書き遺した乗っ取り事件の真実 Yodogō kichō ga kakinokoshita Nottorijiken no Shinjitsu もう一つの拉致 福留事件の30年 Mō hitotsu no rachi Fukutome jiken no 30 nen 写真発見!帰国逮捕の「よど号犯」合流男と 「土井たか子」 Shashin hakken! Kikoku taiho no “Yodogō han” gōryū otoko to “Doi Takako” 警察庁極秘文書”パンドラ”が明かす日本人女子留学生「北朝鮮 拉致」 Kensatsuchō gokuhi bunsho “Bandora” ga akasu nihonjin joshiryūgakusei “Kitachōsen rachi” 拉致日本人と 「よど号の妻たち」 を結ぶ点と線 Rachi Nihonjin to “Yodogō no tsuma tachi” o musubu ten to sen 田宮高麿 サリン事件を「外政の侵略だぜ」 と断言した Tamiya Takamaro Sarin Jiken o “gaisei no shinryaku daze” to dangen shita 田宮高麿 サリン事件を「外政の侵略だぜ」 と断言した Tamiya Takamaro Sarin Jiken o “gaisei no shinryaku daze” to dangen shita 田宮高麿 サリン事件を「外政の侵略だぜ」 と断言した Tamiya Takamaro Sarin Jiken o “gaisei no shinryaku daze” to dangen shita 田宮高麿 サリン事件を「外政の侵略だぜ」 と断言した Tamiya Takamaro Sarin Jiken o “gaisei no shinryaku daze” to dangen shita 田宮高麿 サリン事件を「外政の侵略だぜ」 と断言した Tamiya Takamaro Sarin Jiken o “gaisei no shinryaku daze” to dangen shita 『宿命 「よど号」亡命者たちの秘密工作』 スリルに満ちた 重苦しいドキュメント “Shukumei Yodogō bōmeisha tachi no himitsu kōsaku” Suriru ni michita omogurushii dokyumento 講談社ノンフィクション賞発表 受賞のことば Kōdansha nonfikushonshō happyō jushō no kotoba 赤軍派「塩見孝也」 と逃亡10年「滝田修」不甲斐ない「転向」生活 Sekigunha “Shiomi Takaya” to tōbō 10 nen “Takita Osamu” fugainai “tenkō” seikatsu よど号関係雑誌記事 Yodogō kankei zasshi kiji Yodogō articles from magazines item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: 17405 991 17406 992 17407 993 17408 994 17409 995 17410 ClipItemID: 996 item_ID: 17430 ClipItemID: 1016 item_ID: 17431 ClipItemID: 1017 item_ID: 17432 ClipItemID: 1018 item_ID: 17433 ClipItemID: 1019 item_ID: 17434 ClipItemID: 1020 item_ID: 17435 ClipItemID: 1021 item_ID: 17436 ClipItemID: 1022 item_ID: 17437 ClipItemID: 1023 item_ID: 17438 ClipItemID: 1024 item_ID: 17439 ClipItemID: 1025 item_ID: 60056 ClipSeriesID: 56 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 67 A collection of 30 clippings from monthly magazines on the Yodogō group, collected by Takazawa Kōji from 1995 to 2002. 1 北朝鮮「よど号」 グループに直撃インタビューメンバーの田中 義三は目下ヨーロッパで活動 Kitachōsen “Yodogō” gurūpu ni chokugeki intabyū membā no Tanaka Yoshimi wa mokka yōroppa de katsudō 2 「よど号」 グループの”拉致”関与を示す”パンドラ”ファイルと 消えたMさんへの懸念 “Yodogō” gurūpu no “rachi” kanyo o shimesu “pandora” fairu to kieta M san e no kenen 3 拉致日本人と 「よど号の妻たち」 を結ぶ点と線 Rachi Nihonjin to “Yodogō no tsuma tachi” o musubu ten to sen 4 帰れぬ日本人妻たちが書いた 「命の手紙」 Kaerenu Nihonjinzuma tachi ga kaita “Inochi no Tegami” 5 新刊めったくガイド 結婚はとてつもなく面白い?!老若男女 必読の刺激的な本が出たぞ Shinkan mettaku gaido: Kekkon wa Totetsumonaku Omoshiroi?! Rōnyakunanyo Hitsudoku no Shigekiteki na Hon ga Detazo 6 高沢皓司氏の「宿命」 Takazawa Kōji no “Shukumei” 7 夕刻のコペルニクス Yūkoku no koperunikusu 8 拉致日本人と 「よど号の妻たち」 Rachi Nihonjin to “Yodogō no tsumatachi” 9 私が見た北朝鮮と 「よど号」 グループの子供たち Watashi ga mita Kitachōsen to “Yodogō” gurūpu no kodomo tachi 10 「KT」から 「日本人拉致事件」へ “KT” kara “Nihon jin rachi jiken” e 11 日本警察の情報戦争 第二回・ 「金賢姫」、そして 「日本人拉致」 再び Nihon keisatsu no jōhō sensō dainikai “Kimu Hyonhi” soshite “nihonjin rachi” futatabi 12 新高層ビル拘置所の人権無視を訴える Shinkōsōbiru Kōchijo no jinken mushi o uttaeru 13 鈴木邦男主義 Suzuki Kunio Shugi 14 「おーJAPAN」について “Ō Japan” ni tsuite 15 私はなぜ公安調査庁を告発したのか Watashi wa naze Kōan Chōsachō o kokuhatsu shita no ka 16 プレイバック全共闘運動 Purei Bakku Zenkyōtō undō 17 よど号ハイジャック事件犯人のその後 Yodogō haijakku jiken hannin no sonogo 18 年内のできるだけ早い時期に帰国実現を! Nennai no dekirudake hayai jiki ni kikoku jitsugen o! item_ID: 17411 ClipItemID: 997 item_ID: 17412 ClipItemID: 998 item_ID: 17413 ClipItemID: 999 item_ID: 17414 ClipItemID: 1000 item_ID: 17415 ClipItemID: 1001 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17416 1002 17417 1003 17418 1004 17419 1005 item_ID: 17420 ClipItemID: 1006 item_ID: 17421 ClipItemID: 1007 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17422 1008 17423 1009 17424 1010 17425 1011 17426 1012 17427 1013 17428 1014 68 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 唯一の輸出品「偽ドル札」 も見破られて Yuiitsu no yushutsuhin “Nise doru satsu” mo miyaburarete 今月の特集 『宿命 「よど号」亡命者たちの秘密工作』 Kongetsu no tokushū “Shukumei ‘Yodogō’ bōmeisha tachi no himitsu kōsaku 金王朝の広告塔「よど号」 グループよ Kimu Ōchō no Kōkokutō “Yodogō” gurūpu yo 「よど号」 グループは北朝鮮の「日本人拉致」に使われていた! “Yodogō” gurūpu wa Kitachōsen no “Nihonjin Rachi” ni tsukawareteita 北朝鮮「よど号」 グループの「有本恵子さん拉致工作」 をコペン ハーゲンに追う Kitachōsen “Yodogō” gurūpu no “Arimoto Keiko san rachi kōsaku” o Kopenhāgen ni ou 「よど号」 グループの”拉致”関与を示す”パンドラ”ファイルと 消えたMさんへの懸念 “Yodogō” gurūpu no “Rachi” kanyo o shimesu “pandora” fairu to kieta M san e no kenen 「よど号」提訴の圧殺が帰国問題に投げた影 “Yodogō” teiso no assatsu ga kikoku mondai ni nageta kage 「よど号」帰国問題は今どうなっているのか “Yodogō” kikoku mondai wa ima dōnatte irunoka 「よど号」田中義三被告、 日本へ強制送還か “Yodogō” Tanaka Yoshimi Hikoku, Nihon e Kyōsei sōkan ka 「よど号」田中義三無罪判決と帰国問題の行方 “Yodogō” Tanaka Yoshimi muzai hanketsu to kikoku mondai no yukue 鈴木邦男主義 Suzuki Kunio Shugi 「よど号」 グループよ、拉致問題の真実を語れ “Yodogō” gurūpu yo, Rachi mondai no shinjitsu o katare よど号関係新聞記事 Yodogō kankei Shinbun kiji Yodogō articles from newspapers item_ID: 17429 ClipItemID: 1015 item_ID: 17440 ClipItemID: 1026 item_ID: 17442 ClipItemID: 1027 item_ID: 17443 ClipItemID: 1028 item_ID: 17444 ClipItemID: 1029 item_ID: 17445 ClipItemID: 1030 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17446 1031 17447 1032 17448 1033 17449 1034 item_ID: 17450 ClipItemID: 1035 item_ID: 17451 ClipItemID: 1036 item_ID: 60057 ClipSeriesID: 57 A collection of 29 clippings from newspapers on the Yodogō group, collected by Takazawa Kōji from 1996 to 2008. 1 2 3 4 5 「よど号」乗っ取り犯 新事実 Yodogō nottori han shinjijitsu 元赤軍メンバーの妻の消息は Moto Sekigun Membā no tsuma no shōsoku wa よど号事情筋 高沢皓司氏に直撃インタビュー Yodogō jijōsuji Takazawa Kōji shi ni chokugeku intabyū 頑張れ、石高健次!拉致事件はなおざりにできない Ganbare, Ishidaka Kenji! Rachi jiken a naozari ni dekinai 「よど号」の妻、小西タカ子被告の旅券法違反初公判に関する記 事 “Yodogō” no tsuma, Konishi Takako hikoku no ryokenhō ihan hatsukōhan ni kansuru kiji item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17452 1037 17453 1038 17454 1039 17455 1040 17456 1041 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 69 6 高沢皓司著 『宿命 「よど号」亡命者たちの秘密工作』に関する 記事 Takazawa Kōji cho “Shukumei ‘Yodogō’ bōmeisha tachi no himitsu kōsaku” ni kansuru kiji 7 「よど号」被告の子の帰国に関する記事 “Yodogō” hikoku no ko no kikoku ni kansuru kiji 8 欧州拉致被害者有本恵子さんに関する記事 Ōshū rachi higaisha Arimoto Keiko san ni kansuru kiji 9 「よど号」妻の欧州拉致関与に関する記事 “Yodogō” tsuma no ōshū rachi kanyo ni kansuru kiji 10 拉致被害者横田めぐみさんに関する記事 Rachi higaisha Yokota Megumi san ni kansuru kiji 11 「よど号」赤木容疑者の妹、帰国・逮捕に関する記事 “Yodogō” Akagi yōgisha no imouto, kikoku taiho ni kansuru kiji 12 内閣情報調査室の情報漏えいに関する記事 Naikaku Jōhōchōsa shitsu jōhō rōei ni kansuru kiji 13 「よど号」事件の金浦空港着陸指示に関する記事 “Yodogō” jiken no Kimpo kūkō chakuriku shiji ni kansuru kiji 14 「よど号」犯魚本(安部)公博容疑者の妻、民子容疑者帰国・逮 捕に関する記事 “Yodogō” han Uomoto (Abe) Kimihiro yōgisha no tsuma, Tamiko yōgisha kikoku taiho ni kansuru kiji 15 よど号犯引渡し要求(日朝首脳会議)に関する記事 Yodogo han hikiwatashi yōkyu (Nicchō shunō kaigi) ni kansuru kiji 16 韓国亡命の金氏による、拉致事件と 「よど号」犯の関与証言に ついての記事 Kankoku bōmei no Kimu shi ni yoru, rachi jiken to “Yodogō” han no kanyo shōgen ni tsuite no kiji 17 拉致被害者蓮池さん夫妻からの事情聴取に関する記事 Rachi higaisha Hasuike san fusai karano jijō chōshu ni kansuru kiji 18 「よど号」田中受刑者の妻、帰国・逮捕に関する記事 “Yodogō” Tanaka jukeisha no tsuma, kikoku taiho ni kansuru kiji 19 拉致被害者家族に関する記事 Rachi higaisha kazoku ni kansuru kiji 20 「よど号」 メンバーの帰国希望に関する記事 Yodogō membā no kikoku kibō ni kansuru kiji 21 欧州拉致関与容疑者、森順子、若林佐喜子の帰国に関する記事 Ōshū rachi kanyo yōgisha, Mori Junko, Wakabayashi Sakiko no kikoku ni kansuru kiji 22 「よど号」事件実行犯田中被告の高裁判決に関する記事 “Yodogō” jiken jikkōhan Tanaka hikoku no Kōsai hanketsu ni kansuru kiji 23 「よど号」機長の手記に関する記事 Yodogō kichō no shuki ni kansuru kiji 24 「救う会」拉致被害者支援団体の告発状 “Sukuu Kai” rachi higaisha shien dantai no kokuhatsujō item_ID: 17457 ClipItemID: 1042 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17458 1043 17459 1044 17460 1045 17461 1046 17462 1047 item_ID: 17463 ClipItemID: 1048 item_ID: 17464 ClipItemID: 1049 item_ID: 17465 ClipItemID: 1050 item_ID: 17466 ClipItemID: 1051 item_ID: 17467 ClipItemID: 1052 item_ID: 17468 ClipItemID: 1053 item_ID: 17469 ClipItemID: 1054 item_ID: 17470 ClipItemID: 1055 item_ID: 17471 ClipItemID: 1056 item_ID: 17472 ClipItemID: 1057 item_ID: 17473 ClipItemID: 1058 item_ID: 17474 ClipItemID: 1059 item_ID: 17475 ClipItemID: 1060 70 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 25 26 27 28 よど号妻も 「拉致」被害者 救う会記事 item_ID: 17477 Yodogō Tsuma mo “Rachi” Higaisha Sukuu Kai Kiji ClipItemID: 1061 平成19年 6ヶ国協議 item_ID: 17478 Heisei 19 nen Rokkakoku kyōgi ClipItemID: 1062 田中義三服役囚の死亡に関する記事 item_ID: 17479 Tanaka Yoshimi fukuekishū no shibō ni kansuru kiji ClipItemID: 1063 欧州拉致被害者の松木・石岡さんとよど号妻との関連性について item_ID: 17480 の記事 ClipItemID: 1064 Ōshū rachi higaisha no Matsumoto Ishioka san to Yodogō tsuma tono kanreisei ni tsuite no kiji 29 有本さん拉致容疑者・赤木容疑者の帰国、逮捕に関する記事 item_ID: 17481 Arimoto san rachi yōgisha, Akagi Yōgisya no kikoku taiho ClipItemID: 1065 ni kansuru kiji 北朝鮮関係雑誌記事 Kita Chōsen kankei zasshi kiji North Korea articles from magazines item_ID: 60058 ClipSeriesID: 58 A collection of 71 clippings related to North Korea from monthly magazines, collected by Takazawa Kōjifrom 1991 to 2007. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 北朝鮮は拉致とテロを謝罪せよ Kitachōsen wa rachi to tero o shazai seyo 平壌に送り込まれたロシア人科学者 Pyonyan ni okurikomareta Roshiajin kagakusha 信仰を心の支えに禊の日々を送る金賢姫(キム・ヒョンヒ) Shinkō o kokoro no sasaeni misogi no hibi o okuru Kimu Hyonhi “偉大”な指導者「金日成」の歩んできた道 “Idai” na shidōsha “Kimu Iruson” no ayundekita michi 謎の全体主義国家のニューリーダー「金正日」の身上書 Nazo no zentai shugi kokka no nyūrīdā “Kimu Jon’iru” no Shinjōsho 北朝鮮をめぐる不可解な人脈図 Kitachōsen o meguru fukakaina jinmyakuzu 米朝会談の行方とアメリカの北朝鮮政策 Beichō kaidan no yukue to Amerika no Kitachōsen seisaku 北朝鮮の核疑惑と日本の防衛 Kitachōsen no kakugiwaku to Nihon no bōei 知られざるサポーター「朝鮮総連」の実態 Shirarezaru sapōtā “Chōsen Sōren” no jittai シミュレーション孤立か崩壊か?どうなる北朝鮮 Shimyurēshon koritsu ka hōkai ka? Dōnaru Kitachōsen 北朝鮮を「崩壊」 させず「孤立」 もさせない唯一の手だて Kitachōsen o “hōkai” sasezu “koritsu” mo sasenai yuiitsu no tedate 北朝鮮「亡命異変」 と日本の自衛権 Kitachōsen “bōmei ihen” to Nihon no jieiken 金賢姫「煉獄を越えて」 Kimu Hyonhi “Rengoku o Koete” Kim Hyun Hee item_ID: 17482 ClipItemID: 1066 item_ID: 17483 ClipItemID: 1067 item_ID: 17484 ClipItemID: 1068 item_ID: 17485 ClipItemID: 1069 item_ID: 17486 ClipItemID: 1070 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17487 1071 17488 1072 17489 1073 17490 1074 17491 1075 17492 1076 item_ID: 17493 ClipItemID: 1077 item_ID: 17494 ClipItemID: 1078 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 71 14 北朝鮮「亡命パイロット」の本当の動機を見逃した大新聞 Kitachōsen “bōmei pairotto” no hontō no dōki o minogashita daishinbun 15 金正日・秘密パーティの一部始終 Kimu Jon’iru himitsu pātī no ichibushijū 16 人さらいと交渉するのにお土産つきとは呆れた村山訪朝団 Hitosarai to kōshō surunoni omiyage tsuki towa akireta Murayama Hōchōdan 17 アジア・ニュース 最終回 Ajia nyūsu saishūkai 18 新朝派知識人、無反省妄言禄 Shinchōha chishikijin Muhansei Mōgenroku 19 金正日にまた騙されるのか Kimu Jon’iru ni mata damasarerunoka 20 北朝鮮経済の実像 Kitachōsen keizai no jitsuzō 21 北東アジア安定化への苦渋に満ちた第一歩 Hokutō Ajia anteika e no kujū ni michita dai ippo 22 今は北朝鮮を試す時期だ Ima wa Kitachōsen o tamesu jiki da 23 消えぬ脅威、爆発の危険性 Kienu kyōi, bakuhatsu no kikensei 24 金正日体制終わりの始まり Kimu Jon’iru taisei owari no hajimari 25 金正日の「密使」在日商工人A氏の正体 Kimu Jon’iru no “misshi” zainichi shōkōnin A shi no shōtai 26 北朝鮮の核武装はすでに完了した Kitachōsen no kakubusō wa sudeni kanryō shita 27 北朝鮮版 よい子のための「悪魔の辞典」 Kitachōsenban yoiko no tameno “akuma no jiten” 28 「死亡3、不明5」 だった “Shibō 3, fumei 5” datta 29 北から届く金の延べ棒 Kita kara todoku kin no nobebō 30 ブッシュ政権の対北朝鮮強硬策の全貌 Busshu seiken no tai Kitachōsen kyōkōsaku no zenbō 31 私の「朝鮮」 との長く、重いつきあい Watashi no “Chōsen” to no nagaku, omoi tsukiai 32 日朝交渉の今後を展望する Nicchō kōshō no kongo o tenbō suru 33 朝鮮総連執行部は退陣すべきだ Chōsen Sōren shikkōbu wa taijin subekida 34 変貌した弟に激しく迫った実兄の衝撃証言 Henbō shita otouto ni hageshiku sematta jikkei no shōgeki shōgen 35 この悲劇につけ込む者たちよ Kono higeki ni tsukekomu mono tachiyo 36 未だ還らぬ娘たちへ Imada kaeranu musumetachi e 37 未だ還らぬ娘たちへ Imada kaeranu musumetachi e item_ID: 17495 ClipItemID: 1079 item_ID: 17496 ClipItemID: 1080 item_ID: 17497 ClipItemID: 1081 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17498 1082 17499 1083 17500 1084 17501 1085 17502 1086 17503 1087 17504 1088 17505 1089 17506 1090 17507 1091 17508 1092 17509 1093 17510 1094 17511 1095 17512 1096 17513 1097 17514 1098 17515 1099 item_ID: 17516 ClipItemID: 1100 item_ID: 17517 ClipItemID: 1101 item_ID: 17518 ClipItemID: 1102 72 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 北朝鮮「暗黒の麻薬ルート」 を追え Kitachōsen “Ankoku no mayaku rūto” o oe 「救う会」会長 怒りの告発 “Sukuu Kai” kaichō ikari no kokuhatsu 金正日追放 中国がついに下す決断 Kimu Jon’iru tsuihō Chūgoku ga tsuini kudasu ketsudan 「金正日体制は平和的に打倒すべきである」 “Kimu Jon’iru taisei wa heiwateki ni datō subeki de aru” 公安調査庁に利用され捨てられた北朝鮮に亡命した元オウム信 者K嬢 Kōan Chōsachō ni riyōsare suterareta Kitachōsen ni bōmei shita moto Oumu shinja K jō 鈴木邦男主義 Suzuki Kunio shugi 私たちはなぜ総理訪朝を「最悪の結果」 と受けとめたのか Watashitachi wa naze sōri hōchō o “saiaku no kekka” to uketometanoka 拉致問題「救う会」の深刻内部対立 Rachimondai “Sukuu Kai” no shinkoku naibutairitsu 拉致を命じた金日成の「秘密教示」 Rachi o meijita Kimu Jon’iru no “himitsu kyōji” 中国への圧力を恐れるな Chūgoku e no atsuryoku o osoreruna 北朝鮮「対日交渉」エリートたちの暗闘 Kitachōsen “tainichi kōshō” erīto tachi no antō 中国への圧力を恐れるな Chūgoku e no atsuryoku o osoreruna 北朝鮮「対日交渉」エリートたちの暗闘 Kitachōsen “tainichi kōshō” erīto tachi no antō 藪中局長、平壌にて激昂す! Yabunaka Kyokuchō Pyonyan nite gekikō su! 北朝鮮&中国の対日工作! Kitachōsen & Chūgoku no tainichi kōsaku! 次に始まるのは米、中による北朝鮮’解体作業’だ Tsugi ni hajimarunowa Bei, Chū ni yoru Kitachōsen “kaitai sagyō” da 北朝鮮の国家犯罪偽ドル密造とKGB Kitachōsen no kokka hanzai Nise doru mitsuzō to KGB これが北朝鮮流「交渉術」 だ! Korega Kitachōsen ryū “kōshōjutsu” da! 拉致実行犯辛光洙解放を嘆願した”社民党名誉党首” Rachi Jikkō han Shin Gwansu Kaihō o Tangan shita “Shamintō Meiyo Tōshu” 日本の対外情報機関 Nihon no taigai jōhō kikan 黄長燁 Fan Jan Yobu 北の核実験を支援した 「トンマッコル症候群」 Kita no kakujikken o shien shita “Tonmakkoru shōkōgun” 繁栄のヒント Han’ei no hinto item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17519 1103 17520 1104 17521 1105 17522 1106 17523 1107 item_ID: 17524 ClipItemID: 1108 item_ID: 17525 ClipItemID: 1109 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17526 1110 17527 1111 17528 1112 17529 1113 17530 1114 17531 1115 17532 1116 17533 1117 17534 1118 item_ID: 17535 ClipItemID: 1119 item_ID: 17536 ClipItemID: 1120 item_ID: 17537 ClipItemID: 1121 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17538 1122 17539 1123 17540 1124 17541 1125 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 73 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 日本は原子力潜水艦で対抗せよ Nihon wa genshiryoku sensuikan de taikōseyo 「核のジレンマ」に陥った北朝鮮 “Kaku no jirenma” ni ochiitta Kitachōsen 世界を震撼させた金正日の「核」情報を追う Sekai o shinkan saseta Kimu Jon’iru no “kaku” jōhō o ou 北の核実験は「南北統一」の第一歩 Kita no kakujikken wa “nanboku tōitsu” no daiippo 北を核武装させた売国朝日新聞 Kita o kakubusō saseta baikoku Asahi Shinbun 蓮池薫「工作員」説を徹底検証 Hasuike Kaoru “kōsakuin” setsu o tettei kenshō 北朝鮮「狼と狐の棲む国」に粛清が迫る Kitachōsen “ōkami to kitsune no sumu kuni” ni shukusei ga semaru 金正日の極秘指令 Kimu Jon’iru no gokuhi shirei テロ国家・北朝鮮、その謀報・破壊工作の全貌! Tero kokka Kitachōsen, sono chōho hakai kōsaku no zenbō! 北朝鮮の犯罪ビジネス Kitachōsen no hanzai bijinesu 誰もが標的という時代 Daremoga hyōteki toiu jidai 北朝鮮関係週刊誌記事 Kita Chōsen kankei shūkanshi kiji North Korea articles from weeklies item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17542 1126 17543 1127 17544 1128 17545 1129 17546 1130 17547 1131 17548 1132 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17549 1133 17550 1134 17551 1135 17552 1136 item_ID: 60059 ClipSeriesID: 59 A collection of 254 clippings related to North Korea from weekly magazines, collected by Takazawa Kōji from 1997 to 2007. 1 「美談」の真相 追跡34年 母・寺越友枝の告白 “Bidan” no shinsō, Tsuiseki 34 nen haha Terakoshi Tomoe no kokuhaku 2 帰国者5人の子どもたちが送る地獄の寄宿舎生活 Kikokusha 5 nin no kodomotachi ga okuru jigoku no kishukusha seikatsu 3 帰国者5人の子どもたちが送る地獄の寄宿舎生活 Kikokusha 5 nin no kodomotachi ga okuru jigoku no kishukusha seikatsu 4 曽我ひとみさんの家族に単独会見 Soga Hitomi san no kazoku ni tandoku kaiken 5 「有本恵子さんら八人は生きている!」 “Arimoto Keiko san ra 8 nin wa ikiteiru!” 6 拉北者 決死の脱出行を語る Rappokusha Kesshi no dasshutsukō o kataru 7 「松本さん」別人を見破った 「骨鑑定」最先端 “Matsumoto san” betsujin o miyabutta “honekantei” saisentan 8 北朝鮮「工作船」携帯電話の「通話相手」 Kitachōsen “kōsakusen” keitaidenwa no “tsūwa aite” item_ID: 17553 ClipItemID: 1137 item_ID: 17554 ClipItemID: 1138 item_ID: 17555 ClipItemID: 1139 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17556 1140 17557 1141 17558 1142 17559 1143 17560 1144 74 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 救いようのない体たらく Sukuiyō no nai teitaraku 「横田めぐみさんは、 日本人の夫と離婚していた」 という核心情 報を追う! “Yokota Megumi san wa, Nihonjin no otto to rikonshiteita” toiu kakushin jōhō o ou! 崩壊も近い「朝鮮総連」の人事異変 Hōkai mo chikai “Chōsen Sōren” no jinji ihen 大いなる幻影 Ōinaru maboroshi 拉致事件の「タブー」第八弾!地村保浜本雄幸二大独占手記 Rachi jiken no “tabū” dai hachidan! Chimura Tamotsu Hamamoto Yūkō nidai dokusen shuki 北朝鮮のゲシュタポ 国家保衛部の拷問・女囚暴行・処刑のす べて Kitachōsen no Geshutapo Kokka Hoeibu no gōmon joshū bōkō shokei no subete 週刊朝日地村夫妻騙し討ち 「独占雑談」 Shūkan Asahi Chimura Fusai damashiuchi “Dokusen zatsudan” 北朝鮮女性残酷物語 愛なき性の営み Kitachōsen josei zankoku monogatari ainaki sei no itonami 実名報道は営利誘拐の片棒担ぎ Jitsumei hōdō wa eiri yūkai no katabō katsugi これも拉致か? Koremo rachi ka? 中国を恐れて脱北日本人妻「平島筆子さん」を見捨てていた 外務省の「冷血官僚」 Chūgoku o osorete dappoku Nihonjin zuma “Hirashima Fudeko san” o misuteteita Gaimushō no “reiketsu kanryō” 「朝日新聞」お粗末社説 “Asahi Shinbun” osomatsu shasetsu 日本ルネッサンス 拉致国民を放置するな Nihon runessansu, rachi kokumin o hōchi suruna 怒りの金正日 「ニッポン核攻撃」 Ikari no Kimu Jon’iru “Nippon kaku kōgeki” 北朝鮮が「息子を救うなら5億円!」 Kitachōsen ga “musuko o sukuunara 5 okuen!” 元工作員 安明進氏が「新たな拉致」 を爆弾証言! Moto kōsakuin An Myonjin shi ga “aratana rachi” o bakudan shōgen! 「万景峰92号」 を立体図解 “Mangyonbon 92 gō” o rittai zukai 虜武鉉韓国新大統領登場で北朝鮮は大喜び No Muhyon Kankoku shindaitōryō tōjō de Kitachōsen wa ōyorokobi 金正日 「人肉売買」の生き地獄 Kimu Jon’iru “jinniku baibai” no ikijigoku 「デヴィ夫人」が蓮池夫妻や曽我さんに送りつけた 「とんでもな い手紙」 “Devi fujin” ga Hasuike fusai ya Soga san ni okuritsuketa “tondemonai tegami” item_ID: 17561 ClipItemID: 1145 item_ID: 17562 ClipItemID: 1146 item_ID: 17563 ClipItemID: 1147 item_ID: 17564 ClipItemID: 1148 item_ID: 17565 ClipItemID: 1149 item_ID: 17566 ClipItemID: 1150 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17567 1151 17568 1152 17569 1153 17570 1154 17571 1155 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17572 1156 17573 1157 17574 1158 17575 1159 17576 1160 item_ID: 17577 ClipItemID: 1161 item_ID: 17578 ClipItemID: 1162 item_ID: 17579 ClipItemID: 1163 item_ID: 17580 ClipItemID: 1164 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 75 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 また北朝鮮に行ったお騒がせ「NGO男」 item_ID: Mata Kitachōsen ni itta osawagase “NGO otoko” ClipItemID: 子供5人北京へ脱出!幻の9・2帰国工作 item_ID: Kodomo 5 nin Pekin e dasshutsu! Maboroshi no 9・2 kikoku ClipItemID: kōsaku 子供5人北京へ脱出!幻の9・2帰国工作 item_ID: Kodomo 5 nin Pekin e dasshutsu! Maboroshi no 9・2 kikoku ClipItemID: kōsaku 日朝交渉「陰の仕掛け人」 item_ID: Nicchō kōshō “kage no shikakenin” ClipItemID: 燻る 「近く家族帰国」情報 item_ID: Kusuburu “Chikaku Kazoku Kikoku” Jōhō ClipItemID: 拉致問題から見える 「この国のかたち」 item_ID: Rachimondai kara mieru “konokuni no katachi” ClipItemID: 拉致疑惑164人 全氏名・全写真! item_ID: Rachi giwaku 164 nin zenshimei・zenshashin! ClipItemID: 北朝鮮に亡命した 「オウム女性」のヌードと不倫 item_ID: Kitachōsen ni bōmei shita “Oumu josei” no nūdo to furin ClipItemID: 「朝鮮総連」大研究 暗躍する 「ミスターX」 と 「NGO男」の正体 item_ID: “Chōsen Sōren” daikenkyū anyaku suru “misutā X” to “NGO ClipItemID: otoko” no shōtai 黄長燁氏は「訪日で拉致の真相初めて話す」 item_ID: Fan Jan Yobu shi wa “hōnichi de rachi no shinsō hajimete ClipItemID: hanasu” 「朝鮮総連」大研究 非公然組織 「学習組」 と 「拉致工作」 item_ID: “Chōsen Sōren” daikenkyū hikōzen soshiki “gakushū gumi” ClipItemID: to “rachi kōsaku” 曽我ひとみさん「直筆アルバム」 と 「心の変遷」 item_ID: Soga Hitomi san “jikihitsu arubamu” to “kokoro no hensen” ClipItemID: 告発! 「私が作った金正日への”核レポート”」 item_ID: Kokuhatsu! “Watashiga tsukutta Kimu Jon’iru e no ‘kaku ClipItemID: repōto’” 「喜び組」美女がカンボジアで”出稼ぎの現場” item_ID: “Yorokobi gumi” bijo ga Kanbojia de “dekasegi no genba” ClipItemID: 元海上自衛隊員の衝撃の告白 「私は日本人拉致ビデオを見た!」 item_ID: Moto kaijō jieitaiin no shōgeki no kokuhatsu “watashi ha ClipItemID: Nihonjin rachi bideo o mita!” 北朝鮮 覚醒剤密輸事件に登場した元朝鮮学校教諭 item_ID: Kitachōsen kakuseizai mitsuyu jiken ni tōjō shita moto ClipItemID: Chōsen gakkō kyōyu 「北朝鮮」 と 「金日成親子」 を賛美し続けた 「朝日新聞」の大偏向 item_ID: 報道 ClipItemID: “Kitachōsen” to “Kim Iruson oyako” o sanbi shitsuzuketa “Asahi Shinbun” no daihenkō hōdō 「金賢姫」失踪騒動の原因となった 「大韓機事件」陰謀小説 item_ID: “Kimu Hyonhi” shissō sōdō no genin to natta “daikanki jikClipItemID: en” inbō shōsetsu 「福島瑞穂」が被害者女性を見捨てた社民党秘書の「性暴力事 item_ID: ClipItemID: 件」 “Fukushima Mizuho” ga higaisha josei o misuteta shamintō hisho no “seibōryoku jiken” 17581 1165 17582 1166 17583 1167 17584 1168 17585 1169 17586 1170 17587 1171 17588 1172 17589 1173 17590 1174 17591 1175 17592 1176 17593 1177 17594 1178 17595 1179 17596 1180 17597 1181 17599 1182 17600 1183 76 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 48 「福島瑞穂」が被害者女性を見捨てた社民党秘書の「性暴力事 件」 “Fukushima Mizuho” ga higaisha josei o misuteta shamintō hisho no “seibōryoku jiken” 49 脱北学者が語った 「石岡亨さんは北朝鮮で生きている」 Dappokugakusha ga kattata “Ishioka Tōru san ha Kitachōsen de Ikiteiru” 50 建国義勇軍「村上一郎」の出発点 Kenkoku Giyūgun “Murakami Ichirō” no shuppatsuten 51 またまた 「亡国暴言」の「田中均」に激怒した中川経産相 Matamata “bōkoku bōgen” no “Tanaka Hitsohi” ni gekido shita Nakagawa keisanshō 52 カダフィに見習い「降伏」か Kadafi ni minarai “kōfuku” ka 53 有本恵子さん増元るみ子さん「消息」記事 Arimoto Keiko san Masumoto Rumiko san “shōsoku” kiji 54 6月に帰ってくる!拉致被害者、家族「奪還」への全シナリオ 6 gatsu ni kaettekuru! Rachijiken higaisha, kazoku “dakkan” e no zen shinario 55 これが黒幕「ミスターX」 だという 「顔写真」 も流出した日朝交渉の 「暗部」 Korega kuromaku “Misutā X” dato iu “Kaojashin” mo ryūshutsu shita Nicchō kōshō no “anbu” 56 「金正日」にゴマを擂る 「田原総一郎」 “Kimu Jon’iru” ni goma o suru “Tahara Sōichirō” 57 北朝鮮、素顔の二十三年間 Kitachōsen, sugao no nijūsan nen kan 58 金正日 「重病」緊急入院この迫真情報 Kimu Jon’iru “jūbyō” kinkyū nyūin kono hakushin jōhō 59 拉致家族八人帰国 強硬派平沢勝栄に北が泣きついた舞台裏 Rachi kazoku hachinin kikoku kyōkōha Hirasawa Katsuei ni kita ga nakitsuita urabutai 60 地村保志・富貴恵夫妻 誰にも言えなかった真実 Chimura Yasushi Tokie fusai darenimo ienakatta shinjitsu 61 黄長燁氏 単独インタビュー 「拉致は金正日の指示だ」 Fan Jan Yopu shi tandoku intabyū “rachi wa Kim Jon’iru no shiji da” 62 北朝鮮に乗り込んだ「デヴィ夫人」 Kitachōsen ni norikonda “Devi fujin” 63 願いはいつ叶う Negai wa itsu kanau 64 特集 祝「金正日総書記」御生誕62年 Tokushū Shuku “Kimu Jon’iru Sōshoki” goseitan 62 nen 65 ボクが「拉致担当」の安部晋三です。 Boku ga “rachi tantō” no Abe Shinzō desu 66 量販店の「回収家電」は北朝鮮に転売されていた Ryōhanten no “kaishū kaden” wa Kitachōsen ni tenbai sareteita 67 韓国メディアにもとりあげられた金正日の「重病」 Kankoku media nimo toriagerareta Kimu Jon’iru no “jyūbyō” item_ID: 17601 ClipItemID: 1184 item_ID: 17602 ClipItemID: 1185 item_ID: 17603 ClipItemID: 1186 item_ID: 17604 ClipItemID: 1187 item_ID: 17605 ClipItemID: 1188 item_ID: 17606 ClipItemID: 1189 item_ID: 17607 ClipItemID: 1190 item_ID: 17608 ClipItemID: 1191 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17609 1192 17610 1193 17611 1194 17612 1195 item_ID: 17613 ClipItemID: 1196 item_ID: 17614 ClipItemID: 1197 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17615 1198 17616 1199 17617 1200 17618 1201 17619 1202 item_ID: 17620 ClipItemID: 1203 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 77 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 特集 祝「金正日総書記」御生誕62年 Tokushū Shuku “Kimu Jon’iru Sōshoki” goseitan 62 nen 北朝鮮の「甘言」につられるな SPECIAL REPORT Kitachōsen no “kangen” ni tsurareruna supesharu ripōto 北朝鮮の「甘言」につられるな SPECIAL REPORT Kitachōsen no “kangen” ni tsurareruna supesharu ripōto 北朝鮮 悪魔の人体実験部隊戦慄の告白 Kitachōsen Akuma no jintaijikken butai senritsu no kokuhaku 特集 日朝交渉 「成果なし」 を笑う 「金正日」 Tokushū Nicchō kōshō “seika nashi o warau “Kimu Jon’iru” 金大中は北朝鮮の秘密資金を受け取っていた! Kimu Dejun wa Kitachōsen no himitsu shikin o uketotteita! 盧武鉉 弾劾の真実 大統領府に北のスパイが浸透していた No Muhyon dangai no shinjitsu daitōryōfu ni kita no supai ga shintō shiteita 「横田めぐみさんは妾」家族会を激怒させた 「平沢勝栄」暴言録 “Yokota Megumi san wa mekake” Kazoku kai o gekido saseta “Hirasawa Katsuei” bōgenroku 次の焦点!ロシアの説得蹴った暴走北朝鮮 Tsugi no shōten! Roshia no settoku ketta bōsō Kitachōsen 北朝鮮で女をおねだりした 「拉致議連」代議士 Kitachōsen de onna o onedarishita “rachi giren” daigishi 特集 「人質事件」 で残された 「最後の謎」 Tokushū “Hitojichi jiken” de nokosareta “saigo no nazo” 金正日 「軍隊洗脳文書」 と 「見たこともない素顔」 Kimu Jon’iru “guntai sennō bunsho” to “mitakotomonai sugao” 被害者3人は何故沈黙を守ったのか内幕ルポ Higaisha 3 nin wa naze chinmoku o mamottanoka uchimaku rupo あの有名ラーメン店オーナーが「詐欺で失踪中」 Ano yūmei rāmenten ōnā ga “sagi de shissōchū” 金正日の政敵と亡命場所 Kimu Jon’iru no seiteki to bōmei basho 人質事件会見 今井君 どこまでも 「謝罪なし」 Hitojichi jiken kaiken Imai kun dokomademo shazai nashi 竜川爆発「事故」 でくすぶる金正日暗殺未遂の怪情報 Ryonchon bakuhatsu “jiko” de kusuburu Kimu Jon’iru ansatsu misui no kaijōhō 金正日の政敵と亡命場所 Kimu Jon’iru no seiteki to bōmeibasho 小泉首相がひた隠す「売国訪朝計画」 Koizumi shushō ga hitakakusu “baikoku hōchō keikaku” 「蓮池薫さんの子供たち」拉致家族帰国は会見するか “Hasuike Kaoru san no kodomotachi” rachi kazoku kikoku wa kaiken suruka 「未加入」首相 訪朝の裏 “Mikanyū” shushō hōchō no ura 経済困窮が「極秘訪中」の真相だ Keizai konkyū ga “gokuhi hōchū” no shinsō da 飛び交う 「不穏情報」 Tobikau “fuon jōhō” item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17621 1204 17622 1205 17623 1206 17624 1207 17625 1208 17626 1209 17627 1210 item_ID: 17628 ClipItemID: 1211 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17629 1212 17630 1213 17631 1214 17632 1215 17633 1216 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17634 1217 17635 1218 17636 1219 17637 1220 item_ID: 17638 ClipItemID: 1221 item_ID: 17639 ClipItemID: 1222 item_ID: 17640 ClipItemID: 1223 item_ID: 17641 ClipItemID: 1224 item_ID: 17642 ClipItemID: 1225 item_ID: 17643 ClipItemID: 1226 78 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 小泉5・22訪朝全シナリオ Koizumi 5・22 hōchō zen shinario 「小泉訪朝」の裏交渉 “Koizumi hōchō” no ura kōshō 蓮池薫独占告白「大新聞は金正日の機関紙か」 Hasuike Kaoru dokusen kokuhaku “Daishinbun wa Kimu Jon’iru no kikanshi ka” 小泉純一郎の「ウソ」 Koizumi Junichirō no “uso” 小泉訪朝の自己責任 Koizumi hōchō no jikosekinin 小泉再訪朝で「家族会」大分裂危機 Koizumi saihōchō de “kazokukai” daibunretsu kiki 拉致被害者「生存者はこれだけいる!」 Rachi higaisha “seizonsha wa koredake iru!” 金正日の犯罪ファイル Kimu Jon’iru no hanzai fairu 小泉が絶対に言えない「金正日との亡国密約」 Koizumi ga zettai ni ienai “Kimu Jon’iru to no bōkoku mitsuyaku” 横田夫妻「私たちはめぐみを探し続ける」 Yokota fusai “Watashitachi wa Megumi o sagashi tsuzukeru” 拉致被害者家族会 「奪還」の明暗 Rachi higaisha kazokukai “dakkan” no meian 拉致被害者家族「引き裂かれた」明暗 Rachi higaisha kazoku “hikisakareta” meian 曽我さんの夢いつ叶う Soga san no yume itsu kanau 曽我ひとみさんに 「北京再会」 を強要した冷血小泉 Soga Hitomi san ni “Pekin saikai” wo kyōyō shita reiketsu Koizumi 列車大爆発はやはり 「金正日」暗殺 Ressha daibakuhatsu wa yahari “Kimu Jon’iru” ansatsu 右翼も登場した鹿児島「救う会」会長の悪評紛々 Uyoku mo tōjō shita kagoshima “Sukuu Kai” kaichō no akuhyō funpun それでも消えない「横田さん」 「有本さん」存在情報 Soredemo kienai “Yokota san” “Arimoto san” sonzai jōhō 小泉「土下座訪朝」本誌だけが知っている全真相! Koizumi “dogeza hōchō” honshi dakega shitteiru zenshinsō! 地村夫妻が激怒「週刊新潮」次男喫煙記事 Chimura fusai ga gekido “shūkan shinchō” jinan kitsuen kiji 小泉から総連への「祝意」の怪 Koizumi kara Sōren e no “shukui” no kai 北朝鮮に踊らされた 「戦犯政治家」列伝 Kitachōsen ni odorasareta “senpan seijika” retsuden 軍人たちの落し物 Gunjin tachi no otoshimono 日本ルネッサンス 連載コラム 第20回 Nihon runessansu rensai koramu dai 20 kai item_ID: 17644 ClipItemID: 1227 item_ID: 17645 ClipItemID: 1228 item_ID: 17646 ClipItemID: 1229 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17647 1230 17648 1231 17649 1232 17650 1233 17651 1234 17652 1235 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17653 1236 17654 1237 17655 1238 17656 1239 17657 1240 item_ID: 17658 ClipItemID: 1241 item_ID: 17659 ClipItemID: 1242 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17660 1243 17661 1244 17662 1245 17663 1246 17664 1247 17665 1248 17666 1249 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 79 114 特定失踪者の妹がズサン捜査に抗議の「墓開き」 Tokutei shissōsha no imōto ga zusan sōsa ni kōgi no “hakabiraki” 115 終わらない拉致問題 Owaranai rachimondai 116 寺越武志さん母親「ベッピンの嫁と拉致家族の秘話」 Terakoshi Takeshi san hahaoya “beppin no yome to rachi kazoku no hiwa” 117 「ジェンキンス来日」 を一蹴された小泉の大失態 “Jenkinsu rainichi” o isshū sareta Koizumi no daishittai 118 隠し撮りされていた 「田中均とミスターX」の裏交渉 Kakushidori sareteita “Tanaka Hitoshi to Misutā X” no ura koshō 119 拉致被害者を引き裂く 「第2家族会」計画スッパ抜く Rachi higaisha o hikisaku “dai 2 kazokukai” keikaku suppa nuku 120 有本さん夫妻を襲った誹謗中傷の数々! Arimoto san fusai o osotta hibōchūshō no kazukazu! 121 なぜ「拉致問題」は置き去りにされたか Naze “rachimondai” wa okizari ni saretaka 122 寄付金「1000万円」の使途をめぐって拉致被害者「救う会」 が大分裂! Kifukin 1000man’en no shito o megutte rachi higaisha “Sukuukai” ga daibunretsu! 123 金正日の個人銀行が”破綻”長男・金正男の散財が原因?! Kimu Jon’iru no kojin ginkō ga “hatan” chōnan Kimu Jonnamu no sanzai ga gen’in!? 124 「曽我さん家族パリ滞在費 「3週間で3000万円」 を巡る 暗闘 “Soga san kazoku Bari taizaihi” “3 shūkan de 3000 manen” o meguru danmari 125 小泉首相を陥落させた許宗萬という男 Koizumi shushō o kanraku saseta Ho Jonman to iu otoko 126 救う会佐藤勝巳会長が週刊新潮着服疑惑報道に大反論 Sukuukai Sato Katsumi kaichō ga Shūkan Shinchō chakufuku giwaku hōdō ni daihanron 127 九月X日 拉致被害者家族生還!情報に蠢く悪い奴ら 9 gatsu X nichi rachi higaisha kazoku seikan! Jōhō ni ugomeku warui yatsura 128 ブダペストにも北朝鮮の工作船! Budapesuto ni mo Kitachōsen no kōsakusen! 129 超特権階級で亭主関白 知られざるジェンキンス物語 Chō Tokkenkaikyū de teishukanpaku shirarezaru Jenkinsu monogatari 130 流出した 「金正日」将軍サマの「戦争準備」極秘指令文書 Ryūshutsu shita “Kimu Jon’iru” shōgun sama no “sensō junbi” gokuhi shirei bunsho 131 「曽我ひとみさん」 を待ちうける 「5つの難問」 “Soga Hitomi san” o machiukeru “Itsutsu no nanmon” item_ID: 17667 ClipItemID: 1250 item_ID: 17668 ClipItemID: 1251 item_ID: 17669 ClipItemID: 1252 item_ID: 17670 ClipItemID: 1253 item_ID: 17671 ClipItemID: 1254 item_ID: 17672 ClipItemID: 1255 item_ID: 17673 ClipItemID: 1256 item_ID: 17674 ClipItemID: 1257 item_ID: 17675 ClipItemID: 1258 item_ID: 17676 ClipItemID: 1259 item_ID: 17677 ClipItemID: 1260 item_ID: 17678 ClipItemID: 1261 item_ID: 17679 ClipItemID: 1262 item_ID: 17680 ClipItemID: 1263 item_ID: 17681 ClipItemID: 1264 item_ID: 17682 ClipItemID: 1265 item_ID: 17683 ClipItemID: 1266 item_ID: 17684 ClipItemID: 1267 80 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 132 「若宮清」が書いた日朝交渉の『真相』 “Wakamiya Kiyoshi” ga kaita Nicchōkōshō no “shinsō” 133 ジェンキンスさん「前立腺がん」か 曽我さん「無理チュー」帰国 の真相 Jenkinsu san “zenritsusen gan” ka Soga san “muri chū” kikoku no shinsō 134 「山拓」が「民間人枠」 で日朝問題特命大臣に?! “Yamataku” ga “minkanjin waku” de nicchō mondai tokumei daijin ni!? 135 「マサカリで襲撃」 された 「救う会」幹部 “Masakari de shūgeki” sareta “Sukuukai” kanbu 136 金正日が猪木に頼んだマイケル・ジャクソン平壌行き Kimu Jon’iru ga Inoki ni tanonda Maikeru Jakuson Pyonyan yuki 137 曽我さんを悩ますジェンキンス氏仮病説と家庭内暴力疑惑 Soga san o nayamasu Jenkinsu shi kebyōsetsu to kateinai bōryoku giwaku 138 金賢姫拉致家族の便りにも返事なし 「行方不明の謎」 Kimu Hyonhi rachi kazoku no tayorinimo henji nashi “yukue fumei no nazo” 139 田原総一郎「8・11極秘訪朝計画」 を暴く Tahara Sōichirō “8・11 gokuhi hōchō keikaku” o abaku 140 流出した 「平沢勝栄」 と北朝鮮の「売国交渉」記録 Ryūshutsu shita “Hirasawa Katsuei” to Kitachōsen no “baikoku kōshō” kiroku 141 「禁酒禁煙」 ジェンキンス氏が口にした 「金正日批判」 “Kinshu kin’en” Jenkinsu shi ga kuchi ni shita “Kimu Jon’iru hihan” 142 ジェンキンス氏「司法取引」 で米国が握る 「金正日の秘密」 Jenkinsu shi “shihō torihiki” de Beikoku ga nigiru “Kimu Jon’iru no himitsu” 143 支援を先行させた 「日朝協議」大茶番 Shien o senkō saseta “nicchō kyōgi” ōchaban 144 身も心もふっくら 曽我さん母娘の里帰り Mi mo kokoro mo fukkura Sogasan haha musume no satogaeri 145 金正日の愛妻「高英姫物語」 Kimu Jon’iru no aisai “Kō yonhi monogatari” 146 佐渡の住民が心配する 「ジェンキンス氏」釈放後の「飲酒癖」 Sado no jūmin ga shimpai suru “Jenkinsu shi” shakuhōgo no “inshuguse” 147 北朝鮮「大爆発」は金正日の弔鐘だ! Kitachōsen “daibakuhatsu” wa Kimu Jon’iru no chōshō da! 148 「北朝鮮」 コンフィデンシャル “Kitachōsen” konfidensharu tokushū 149 金正日政権崩壊を招く韓国恋愛ドラマ「初恋」 Kimu Jon’iru seiken hōkai o maneku Kankoku ren’ai dorama “hatsukoi” 150 平沼赳夫拉致議連会長インタビュー Hiranuma Takeo rachi giren kaichō intabyū item_ID: 17685 ClipItemID: 1268 item_ID: 17686 ClipItemID: 1269 item_ID: 17687 ClipItemID: 1270 item_ID: 17688 ClipItemID: 1271 item_ID: 17689 ClipItemID: 1272 item_ID: 17690 ClipItemID: 1273 item_ID: 17691 ClipItemID: 1274 item_ID: 17692 ClipItemID: 1275 item_ID: 17693 ClipItemID: 1276 item_ID: 17694 ClipItemID: 1277 item_ID: 17695 ClipItemID: 1278 item_ID: 17696 ClipItemID: 1279 item_ID: 17697 ClipItemID: 1280 item_ID: 17698 ClipItemID: 1281 item_ID: 17699 ClipItemID: 1282 item_ID: 17700 ClipItemID: 1283 item_ID: 17701 ClipItemID: 1284 item_ID: 17702 ClipItemID: 1285 item_ID: 17703 ClipItemID: 1286 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 81 151 「北朝鮮」 コンフィデンシャル特集 “Kitachōsen” konfidensharu tokushū 152 遺骨で帰国 横田めぐみさんを「殺した」のは誰だ Ikotsu de kikoku Yokota Megumi san o “koroshita” nowa dareda 153 小泉に届けられた 「8人処刑」衝撃情報 Koizumi ni todokerareta “8 nin shokei” shōgeki jōhō 154 消えた金正日 「肖像画」 を追え! Kieta Kimu Jon’iru “shōzōga” o oe! 155 「日中首脳会談」全記録ODAでも靖国でも小泉首相は「恫 喝」 されていた! “Nicchū Shunō Kaidan” zen kiroku ODA demo Yasukuni demo Koizumi shushō wa “dōkatsu” sareteita! 156 DNA鑑定で判明!横田めぐみさんの「夫」はやはり 「別人」 だっ た! DNA kantei de hanmei! Yokota Megumi san no “otto” wa yahari “betsujin” datta! 157 曽我ひとみさん拉致の「日本人協力者」 Soga Hitomi san rachi no “Nihonjin kyōryokusha” 158 日本人記者にメールを送った 「金正男」 Nihonjin kisha ni mēru o okutta “Kimu Jonnam” 159 「金丸信の亡霊」が出て来そうな山梨県の時代遅れ「日教組支 配」 “Kanemaru Shin no bōrei” ga detekisōna Yamanashi ken no jidaiokure “Nikkyōso shihai” 160 「蓮池薫さん達5人に全てを話して欲しい」 “Hasuike Kaoru san tachi 5 nin ni subete o hanashite hoshī” 161 金正日 「王朝は崩壊」 Kimu Jon’iru “ōchō wa hōkai” 162 特集 嘘つき 「キム・ジョンイル」居座り 「エビ・ジョンイル」 Tokushū Usotsuki “Kimu Jon’iru” isuwari “Ebi Jon’iru” 164 小泉がブッシュを仰天させた 「経済制裁はやりたくない」発言 Koizumi ga Busshu o gyōten saseta “keizai seisai wa yaritakunai” hatsugen 165 安部普三インタビュー「経済制裁は金正体制崩壊への第一歩 だ!」 Abe Shinzō intabyū “keizai seisai wa Kim Jong taisei hōkai he no dai ippo da!” 166 日朝実務者協議 語られていない空白部分 Nicchō Jitsumusha kyōgi katarareteinai kūhaku bubun 167 「横田めぐみさん生存」 を知る日本人医師がいた! “Yokota Megumi san seizon” o shiru Nihonjin ishi ga ita! 168 安部が”さらば純一郎”北朝鮮「経済差制裁」問題で完全対立 Abe ga “saraba Junichirō” Kitachōsen “Keizai sa seisai” mondai de kanzen tairitsu 169 横田めぐみさんの夫は「自民党代議士の兄」 Yokota Megumi san no otto wa “Jimintō daigishi no ani” 170 安部普三が金正日へ最後通牒 Abe Shinzō ga Kimu Jon’iru e saigo tsūchō 171 「横田みぐみさんの遺骨」はこうして鑑定された “Yokota Megumi san no ikotsu” wa kōshite kantei sareta item_ID: 17704 ClipItemID: 1287 item_ID: 17705 ClipItemID: 1288 item_ID: 17706 ClipItemID: 1289 item_ID: 17707 ClipItemID: 1290 item_ID: 17708 ClipItemID: 1291 item_ID: 17709 ClipItemID: 1292 item_ID: 17710 ClipItemID: 1293 item_ID: 17711 ClipItemID: 1294 item_ID: 17712 ClipItemID: 1295 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17713 1296 17714 1297 17715 1298 17717 1300 item_ID: 17718 ClipItemID: 1301 item_ID: 17719 ClipItemID: 1302 item_ID: 17720 ClipItemID: 1303 item_ID: 17721 ClipItemID: 1304 item_ID: 17722 ClipItemID: 1305 item_ID: 17723 ClipItemID: 1306 item_ID: 17724 ClipItemID: 1307 82 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 安部普三vs櫻井よしこ 朝日新聞と北朝鮮 Abe Shinzō vs Sakurai Yoshiko Asahi Shinbun to Kitachōsen 朝鮮総連「メールリスト」に載った 「記者」の困惑 Chōsen Sōren “Mēru risuto” ni notta “kisha” no konwaku 「金賢姫」の素顔 第二回 “Kimu Hyonhi” no sugao Dai nikai 共同通信にピョンヤン支局開設を許した北朝鮮の思惑 Kyōdō Tsūshin ni Pyonyan shikyoku kaisetsu o yurushita Kitachōsen no omowaku 「金賢姫」の素顔 第三回 “Kimu Hyonhi” no sugao dai sankai 「9月9日」北朝鮮が「核実験」 という国際情報の出所 “Kugatsu Kokonoka” Kitachōsen ga “kakujikken” to iu kokusai jōhō no dedokoro 公安が危惧する 「首都直撃、生物兵器テロ」 Kōan ga kigu suru “shuto chokugeki, seibutsu heiki tero” 元側近が明かした金正日の裏の顔 Moto sokkin ga akashita Kimu Jon’iru no ura no kao 「金賢姫」の素顔 最終回 “Kimu Hyonhi” no sugao saishūkai 北朝鮮”地下核実験”強行で「新官邸はこう動く」 Kitachōsen “chika kakujikken” kyōkō de “shinkantei wa kō ugoku” 北朝鮮制裁で名指し 「ヤコブ・スタイガー」の正体 Kitachōsen seisai de nazashi “yakobu sutaigā” no shōtai 拉致問題にどう影響?金正日総書記の”腎不全”が深刻化! Rachi mondai ni dō eikyō? Kimu Jon’iru sōshoki no “jinfuzen” ga shinkokika! “拉致被害者”をダシにする 「サニーサイドアップ」の商魂 “Rachi higaisha” o dashi ni suru “sanīsaidoappu” no shōkon 「救う会」 を特捜部に告発する 「告白テープ」 “Sukuukai” o tokusōbu ni kokuhatsu suru “kokuhaku tēpu” DNA鑑定で判明!横田めぐみさんの「夫」はやはり別人だ DNA kantei de hanmei! Yokota Megumi san no “otto” wa yahari “betsujin” datta! 「狂気」の衝撃波 “Kyōki” no shōgekiha 日本人を総「人質」化 Nihonjin o sō “hitojichi” ka 安倍普三は拉致問題を食いものにしている Abe Shinzō wa rachimondai o kuimono ni shiteiru 「狂気」の金正日 開き直り核実験 “Kyōki” no Kimu Jon’iru hirakinaori kakujikken 安倍普三「焦りの訪中」は「赤い罠」の餌食だ! Abe Shinzō “aseri no hōchū” wa “akai wana” no ejiki da! 北朝鮮崩壊のシナリオ Kitachōsen hōkai no shinario 金正日爆発Xデー 極秘シミュレーション草案 Kimu Jon’iru bakuhatsu X dē gokuhi shimyurēshon sōan 北朝鮮悪あがき 「カネ集め」 Kitachōsen waru agaki “kane atsume” item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17725 1308 17726 1309 17727 1310 17728 1311 item_ID: 17729 ClipItemID: 1312 item_ID: 17730 ClipItemID: 1313 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17731 1314 17732 1315 17733 1316 17734 1317 item_ID: 17735 ClipItemID: 1318 item_ID: 17736 ClipItemID: 1319 item_ID: 17737 ClipItemID: 1320 item_ID: 17738 ClipItemID: 1321 item_ID: 17739 ClipItemID: 1322 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17740 1323 17741 1324 17742 1325 17743 1326 17744 1327 17745 1328 17746 1329 17748 1330 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 83 195 196 197 198 199 北の核に 「日本は丸ハダカ」 Kita no kaku ni “Nihon wa maruhadaka” 「日本海」浪高し! “Nihonkai” nami takashi! 核実験Xデーを予言した日本人?! Kaku jikken X dē o yogen shita Nihonjin?! ワイド 金正日の危険な賭け Waido Kimu Jon’iru no kiken na kake 金正日 「核で恫喝せよ!」指示した秘密文書独占入手 Kimu Jon’iru “kaku de dōkatsu seyo!” shijishita himitsu bunsho dokusen nyūshu 200 安倍晋三が密約した 「北朝鮮ロビイストに5000万ドル」 Abe Shizō ga mitsuyaku shita “Kitachōsen Robiisuto ni 5000 man doru” 201 金正日の核チキンゲーム Kimu Jon’iru no kaku chikin gēmu 202 北朝鮮難民200万人モンゴル移送計画 Kitachōsen nanmin 200 man nin Mongoru isō keikaku 203 米CIA幹部が「日米極秘交渉」衝撃の内幕を暴露! 「日本よ、 北朝鮮船を臨検銃撃して本当にいいのか?」 Bei CIA kanbu ga “Nichibei gokuhi kōshō” shōgeki no uchimaku o bakuro! “Nihon yo, Kitachōsensen o rinken jūgeki shite hontō ni iinoka?” 204 安部晋三外交顧問「朴在斗」の正体 Abe Shinzō gaikō komon “Paku Jedu” no shōtai 205 久間章生防衛庁官が本誌に吠えた 「北朝鮮と戦争になって も日本が勝つよ」 Kyūma Fumio bōei chōkan ga honshi ni hoeta “Kitachōsen to sensō ni nattemo Nihon ga katsuyo!” 206 北朝鮮崩壊 「制裁」 と 「恫喝」のドロ仕合が我が国にもたら す、 あまりに危険な”影響”とは? Kitachōsen hōkai “seisai” to “dōkatsu” no dorojiai ga wagakuni ni motarasu, amarinimo kiken na “eikyō” toha? 207 曽我さん「拉致犯の弟」 とピアニスト 「江戸京子」の接点 Soga san “rachi han no otōto” to pianisuto “Edo Kyōko” no setten 208 北朝鮮核実験 急展開の6者協議再開は「ただの問題の先延 ばし」 Kitachōsen Kakujikken Kyūtenkai no 6sha Kyōgi saikai wa “tada no mondai no sakinobashi” 209 「小泉前首相を平壌に特使で」の声も6者協議再開でも北朝 鮮問題は手詰まり “Koizumi zen shushō o Pyonyan ni Tokushi de” no koe mo 6sha kyōgi saikai demo Kitachōsen mondai wa tezumari 210 予見されていた 「ミサイル発射」 Yokensareteita “Misairu hassha” 211 「金正日失脚で北の核が韓国へ」の危険なシナリオ “Kimu Jon’iru shikkyaku de kita no kaku ga Kankoku e” no kiken na shinario 212 ロシアを訪問した 「金正日最側近」 Roshia o hōmon shita “Kimu Jon’iru saisokkin” item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17749 1331 17750 1332 17751 1333 17752 1334 17753 1335 item_ID: 17754 ClipItemID: 1336 item_ID: 17755 ClipItemID: 1337 item_ID: 17756 ClipItemID: 1338 item_ID: 17757 ClipItemID: 1339 item_ID: 17758 ClipItemID: 1340 item_ID: 17759 ClipItemID: 1341 item_ID: 17760 ClipItemID: 1342 item_ID: 17761 ClipItemID: 1343 item_ID: 17762 ClipItemID: 1344 item_ID: 17763 ClipItemID: 1345 item_ID: 17764 ClipItemID: 1346 item_ID: 17765 ClipItemID: 1347 item_ID: 17766 ClipItemID: 1348 84 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 映画「めぐみ」 を総指揮した 「カンヌ最高賞」監督 Eiga “Megumi” o sōshiki shita “Kannu saikōsho” kantoku 小沢一郎「安部総理に北朝鮮制裁の覚悟を問う」 Ozawa Ichirō “Abe sōri ni Kitachōsen seisai no kakugo o tou” 金正日は「餓死の冬」に再び狂乱する Kimu Jon’iru wa “gashi no fuyu” ni futatabi kyōran suru 「北の工作員が日本にサリンを持ち込んだ!」 “Kita no kōsakuin ga Nihon ni sarin o mochikonda!” 赤いサドルの放置自転車は北朝鮮でラジオの電源に化けていた Akai sadoru no hōchi jitensha wa Kitachōsen de rajio no dengen ni baketeita 曽我ひとみさんを拉致した女工作員キム・ミョンスク一家は金 正日に消された Soga Hitomi san o rachi shita onna kōsakuin Kimu Myonsuku ikka wa Kimu Jon’iru ni kesareta NHK「10・30拉致問題番組」は「命令放送」 NHK “10.30 rachi mondai bangumi” wa “meirei hōsō” 共同通信「平壌支局」 スタッフは「北朝鮮の回し者」 Kyōdō tsūshin “Pyonyan shikyoku” sutaffu wa “Kitachōsen no mawashimono” 「拉致認定松本京子さんは平壌で生きている」 “Rachi nintei Matsumoto Kyōko san wa Pyonyan de ikiteiru” 「松本京子さん」 だけではない「鳥取米子」の拉致 “Matsumoto Kyōko” dakedewa nai “Tottori Yonago” no rachi 安部晋三が拉致被害者を切り捨てた平壌の夜 Abe Shinzō ga rachi higaisha o kirisuteta Pyonyan no yoru 将軍様も真っ青?!総連強制捜査の「成果」 Shōgun sama mo massao! Sōren kyōsei sōsa no “seika” ‘金正日の科学者集団’は東大・京大など1000人 “Kimu Jon’iru no kagakusha shūdan” wa tōdai kyōdai nado 1000 nin 元脱北工作員「私を見捨てた阿部晋三を許さん!」 Moto dappoku kōsakuin “watashi o misuteta Abe Shinzō o yurusan!” 朝鮮半島を読む Chōsen hantō o yomu 肝臓薬は将軍様に渡されたのか 渦中の在日女性を独占直撃! Kanzōyaku wa shōgun sama ni watasaretanoka, kachū no zainichi josei o dokusen chokugeki! 「高英姫自叙伝」の虚実 “Kō Yonhi Jijoden” no kyojitsu 金正日が1R11回のエースを決めた北朝鮮ゴルフ事情 Kimu Jon’iru ga 1R 11 kai no ēsu o kimeta Kitachōsen gorufu jijyō 小泉再々訪朝を仕掛けたのは誰だ! Koizumi saisaihōchō o shikaketanowa dareda! 「6カ国協議」深層スクープ 金正日が胡錦濤「大物密使」 を叱り つけた! “Rokkakoku kyōgi” shinsō sukūpu Kimu Jon’iru ga Ko Kintō “Ōmono Misshi” o shikaritsuketa! item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17767 1349 17768 1350 17769 1351 17770 1352 17771 1353 item_ID: 17772 ClipItemID: 1354 item_ID: 17773 ClipItemID: 1355 item_ID: 17774 ClipItemID: 1356 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17775 1357 17776 1358 17777 1359 17778 1360 17779 1361 item_ID: 17780 ClipItemID: 1362 item_ID: 17781 ClipItemID: 1363 item_ID: 17782 ClipItemID: 1364 item_ID: 17783 ClipItemID: 1365 item_ID: 17784 ClipItemID: 1366 item_ID: 17785 ClipItemID: 1367 item_ID: 17786 ClipItemID: 1368 切り抜き集 Clippings ❖ 85 233 小泉純一郎 決断の内幕 Koizumi Junichirō ketsudan no uchimaku 234 再々訪朝にも意欲か 隠居小泉前首相悠々自適 Saisaihōchō nimo iyokuka inkyo Koizumi zenshushō yūyū jiteki 235 北朝鮮「禁輸リスト」は将軍様の好物ばかり Kitachōsen “kin’yu risuto” wa shōgunsama no kōbutsu bakari 236 “謎の妹”敬姫の素顔 “Nazo no imōto” Gyonhi no sugao 237 金正日 「お側用人」の詳細メモ独占入手 「犬肉寄せ煮込み」が 大好物 Kimu Jon’iru “Osobayōnin” no shōsai memo dokusen nyūshu, “inuniku yosenikomi “ ga dakōbutsu 238 朝鮮総連中央本部の売買契約事件 最高幹部にかかる疑惑 Chōsen Sōren Chūō Honbu no baibai keiyaku jiken, saikō kanbu ni kakaru giwaku 239 「朝鮮総連借金逃れ」に手を貸した公安元長官の”裏稼業” “Chōsen Sōren shakkin nogare” ni te o kashita kōan moto chōkan no “urakagyō” 240 総連のドン 許宗萬責任副議長の「金正日の下僕」の素顔 Sōren no don Ho Jonman Sekinin Fukugichō “Kimu Jon’iru no geboku” no sugao 241 「特定失踪者 安達俊之さんを見た」証言者は池村保志さん だった! “Tokutei shissōsha Adachi Toshiyuki san o mita” shōgensha wa Ikemura Yasushi san datta! 242 「小泉首相は30点、安部さんに大期待」 “Koizumi shushō wa 30 ten, Abe san ni daikitai” 243 軍が「人民元」 も偽造 Gun ga “Jinmin Gen” mo gizō 244 金日成、 スターリン、毛沢東の「相互不信」 Kimu Iruson, Sutārin, Mōtakutō no “sōgo fushin” 245 「朝鮮総連」違法献金は「角田前副議長」 だけではなかった “Chōsen Sōren” ihō kenkin wa “Tsunoda zen fukugichō” dake dewa nakatta 246 将軍様「拘束情報」が「インフルエンザ」に変わるまで Shōgun sama “kōsoku jōhō” ga “infuruenza” ni kawarumade 247 増本家族会事務局長が「10歳下の美人女優」 と電撃結婚! Masumoto Kazokukai jimukyokuchō ga “10 sai shita no bijin joyū” to dengeki kekkon! 248 『週刊現代』の「蓮池薫さんに拉致されかけた」証言報道を全 面否定した 政府への公開質問状 “Shūkan Gendai” no “Hasuike Kaoru san ni rachi sarekaketa” shōgen hōdō o zenmen hitei shita Seifu e no kōkai shitsumonjō 249 「金正男」はマカオで何を? “Kimu Jonnamu” wa Makao de nanio? 250 「金正日」支援者だった札幌一「ジンギスカン」 “Kimu Jon’iru” shiensha datta Sapporo ichi “Jingisukan” item_ID: 17787 ClipItemID: 1369 item_ID: 17788 ClipItemID: 1370 item_ID: 17789 ClipItemID: 1371 item_ID: 17790 ClipItemID: 1372 item_ID: 17791 ClipItemID: 1373 item_ID: 17792 ClipItemID: 1374 item_ID: 17793 ClipItemID: 1375 item_ID: 17794 ClipItemID: 1376 item_ID: 17795 ClipItemID: 1377 item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: item_ID: ClipItemID: 17796 1378 17797 1379 17798 1380 17799 1381 item_ID: 17800 ClipItemID: 1382 item_ID: 17801 ClipItemID: 1383 item_ID: 17802 ClipItemID: 1384 item_ID: 17803 ClipItemID: 1385 item_ID: 17804 ClipItemID: 1386 86 ❖ 切り抜き集 Clippings 251 結婚 拉致家族会「増元照明氏」 と女優「若宮優子さん」 との二 人三脚 Kekkonn rachi kazoku kai “Masumoto Teruaki shi” to joyū “Wakamiya Yūko san” to no nininsankyaku 252 金正日総書記「国民総動員で巨大ナマズを養殖せよ!」 Kimu Jon’iru sōshoki “kokumin sōdoin de kyodai namazu o yōshoku seyo” 253 本誌「増元結婚記事」 をパクった朝日新聞 Honshi “Masumoto kekkon kiji” o pakutta Asahi Shinbun 254 ジェンキンスさん大ケガ 曽我さんを悩ます酒と借金 Jenkinsu san ōkega Soga san o nayamasu sake to shakkin item_ID: 17805 ClipItemID: 1387 item_ID: 17806 ClipItemID: 1388 item_ID: 17807 ClipItemID: 1389 item_ID: 17808 ClipItemID: 1390 裁判資料 Court Documents 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 刑 事 訴 訟 記 録 Rengō Sekigun Jiken Keiji Soshō Kiroku item_ID: 64001 CourtseriesID: 1 This is a complete set of the documents submitted to Tokyo District Court in the first trial of the major Rengō Sekigun defendants. Initially, Mori Tsuneo, Nagata Hiroko, Sakaguchi Hiroshi, Uegaki Yasuhiro, Bandō Kunio, Yoshino Masakuni, and Katō Tomonori were charged in this case, with Judge Ishimaru Toshihiko presiding. Mori Tsuneo committed suicide in December, 1972, and Katō and Yoshino broke with the others to join what became known as the Rengō Sekigun Split (Bunri) trial, which continued under Judge Ishimaru. The remaining defendants (Nagata, Sakaguchi, Bandō and Uegaki) were then tried in the Rengō Sekigun Unified (Tōitsu) trial. However, in 1975 Bandō was released from jail by the Japanese Red Army and went to the Middle East, while the remaining defendants continued on trial in Japan. Since the defendants in this trial changed over time, the labeling of sets of documents in terms of the "first" defendant also changed. These labels are included to help identify specific volumes, but they bear no relation to the content of the volumes, which we will annotate at a later time. These volumes contain the original evidence, including witness testimony, that was submitted in the case, including evidence against defendants later separated out, and evidence about incidents prior to the actual Rengō Sekigun and Asama Sansō incidents that were combined in the charges. Because of the nature of the materials they can only be viewed on-site, they cannot be photocopied, and names of persons other than the defendants and court personnel may not be cited, to protect the privacy of other persons. There are 82 separate bound volumes in the set. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1971/02/25. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1971/02/25. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1971/09/13. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1971/09/13. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1971/10/05. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1971/10/05. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/03. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/03. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/30. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/30. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/30. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/30. item_ID: 12148 item_ID: 12149 item_ID: 12150 item_ID: 12151 item_ID: 12152 item_ID: 12153 87 88 ❖ 裁判資料 Court Documents 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七部. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七部. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合 七, 1972/05/22. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/05/22. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七部. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七部. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/02/24. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/02/24. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七部. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/05/06. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/05/06. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/26. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/26. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/13. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/13. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/10. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/10. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/21. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/21. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/07. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/07. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七部. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7. item_ID: 12154 item_ID: 12155 item_ID: 12156 item_ID: 12157 item_ID: 12158 item_ID: 12159 item_ID: 12160 item_ID: 12161 item_ID: 12162 item_ID: 12163 item_ID: 12170 item_ID: 12171 item_ID: 12172 item_ID: 12173 裁判資料 Court Documents ❖ 89 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/13. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/13. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/12. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/12. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/12. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/12. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/18. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/18. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/14. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/14. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/02/16. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/02/16. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/27. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/27. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/02/29. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/02/29. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/07. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/07. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/11. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/11. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/05/06. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/05/06. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/26. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/26. item_ID: 12174 item_ID: 12175 item_ID: 12176 item_ID: 12177 item_ID: 12178 item_ID: 12179 item_ID: 12180 item_ID: 12181 item_ID: 12182 item_ID: 12183 item_ID: 12184 item_ID: 12185 90 ❖ 裁判資料 Court Documents 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/27. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/27. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/19. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/19. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/10. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/10. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/22. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/22. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/29. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/29. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/09. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/09. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/13. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/13. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/18. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/18. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/21. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/21. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/30. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/30. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/02/17. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/02/17. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/ 03/01. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/ 03/01. item_ID: 12186 item_ID: 12187 item_ID: 12188 item_ID: 12189 item_ID: 12190 item_ID: 12191 item_ID: 12192 item_ID: 12193 item_ID: 12194 item_ID: 12195 item_ID: 12196 item_ID: 12197 裁判資料 Court Documents ❖ 91 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/02/11. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/02/11. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/05. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/05. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/02/27. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/02/27. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/17. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/17. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/08. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/08. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/31. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/31. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/04. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/04. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/10. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/10. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/15. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/15. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/03. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/03. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/10. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/10. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/20. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/20. item_ID: 12198 item_ID: 12199 item_ID: 12200 item_ID: 12201 item_ID: 12202 item_ID: 12203 item_ID: 12204 item_ID: 12205 item_ID: 12206 item_ID: 12207 item_ID: 12208 item_ID: 12209 92 ❖ 裁判資料 Court Documents 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/05. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/05. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/30. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/30. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/12. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/12. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/03/30. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/30. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/05. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/05. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/10. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/10. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/05. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/05. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/11. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/11. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/20. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/20. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/25. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/25. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人死体遺棄. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事 第合十部, 1972/05/04. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Shitai Iki. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 10:1972/05/04. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人死体遺棄. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事 第合十部. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Shitai Iki. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7. item_ID: 12210 item_ID: 12211 item_ID: 12212 item_ID: 12213 item_ID: 12214 item_ID: 12215 item_ID: 12216 item_ID: 12245 item_ID: 12246 item_ID: 12247 item_ID: 12248 item_ID: 12249 裁判資料 Court Documents ❖ 93 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/05/12. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/05/12. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合十 部, 1972/02/21. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/02/21. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合十 部, 1972/04/18. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/18. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合十 部, 1972/03/19. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/03/19. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合十 部, 1972/04/07. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/07. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合十 部, 1972/05/03. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 10:1972/05/03. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/04/25. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/04/25. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第十 部, 1972/04/29. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 10:1972/04/29. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 1972/05/03. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court:1972/05/03. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:強盗傷人・窃盗. 東京地方裁判所, 刑 事第七部, 1972/07/18. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Gōtōshōjin/ Settō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/07/18. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 1972/11/21. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsuji Tō. Tōkyō District Court:1972/11/21. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第七部, 1973/01/23. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1973/01/23. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 1975/02/27. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court:1975/02/27. item_ID: 12250 item_ID: 12251 item_ID: 12252 item_ID: 12253 item_ID: 12254 item_ID: 12255 item_ID: 12256 item_ID: 12257 item_ID: 12266 item_ID: 12267 item_ID: 12268 item_ID: 12295 item_ID: 12296 94 ❖ 裁判資料 Court Documents 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第合七 部, 1972/05/01. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1972/05/01. 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 統 一 公 判 Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Kōhan item_ID: 12442 item_ID: 64002 CourtseriesID: 2 This set contains the decision from the first Rengō Sekigun unified trial in Tokyo district court by Judge Nakano Takeo in 1982 against remaining defendants Nagata Hiroko, Uegaki Yasuhiro, and Sakaguchi Hiroshi, and the appeals filed shortly thereafter by the three defendants in the Tokyo higher court. Although the decision pertains to the set of documents listed as Court Series #1 and the appeals trial documents are contained in Court Series #3, we have put these three documents together as a separate unit because the appeal statements refer directly to the lower court's written decision authored by Judge Nakano. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第七 部, 1982/06/18. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 7:1982/06/18. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京高等裁判所, 第四刑事 部, 1983/10/10. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō Higher Court, Criminal Section 4:1983/10/10. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京高等裁判所, 第四刑事 部, 1983/10/10. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō Higher Court, Criminal Section 4:1983/10/10. 連 合 赤 軍 事 件 控 訴 審 Rengō Sekigun Jiken Kōsoshin item_ID: 12297 item_ID: 12298 item_ID: 12299 item_ID: 64003 CourtseriesID: 3 This series contains the documents from the Rengō Sekigun appeals trial for Nagata Hiroko, Uegaki Yasuhiro, and Sakaguchi Hiroshi in Tokyo Higher Court. Their initial filing for the appeal is in Court Series #2. All other documents from the appeal, including the court's decision, are in this set. There are five bound volumes of documents in the set. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京高等裁判所, 刑事第四 部, 1985/04/12. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō Higher Court, Criminal Section 4:1985/04/12. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判:殺人等. 東京高等裁判所, 第四刑事 部, 1986. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban, Satsujin Tō. Tōkyō Higher Court, Criminal Section 4:1986. 連合赤軍事件統一裁判. 東京高等裁判所, 刑事第四部, 1985/06/21. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban. Tōkyō Higher Court, Criminal Section 4:1985/06/21. item_ID: 12300 item_ID: 12302 item_ID: 12337 裁判資料 Court Documents ❖ 95 連合赤軍事件統一裁判. 東京高等裁判所, 第四刑事部. Rengō Sekigun Jiken Tōitsu Saiban. Tōkyō Higher Court, Criminal Section 4. 京 都 公 安 調 査 庁 事 件 刑 事 第 五 部 訴 訟 関 係 記 録 Kyōto Kōan Chōsachō Jiken Keiji Dai 5 bu Soshō Kiroku item_ID: 12338 item_ID: 16993 item_ID: 64004 CourtseriesID: 4 This set of documents contains all materials submitted in the trial of Sugimoto Yoshio on charges of violations of the explosives control law, the hemp control law, plus passport violations. There are two volumes in the set. 京都公安調査庁事件公判:爆発物取締罰則違反、旅券法違 反、大麻取締法違反. 京都地方裁判所, 刑事五部. Kyōto Kōan Chōsachō Jiken Kōhan, Bakuhatsubutsu Torishimari Bassoku Ihan, Ryokenhō Ihan, Taima Torishimari Ihan. Kyōto District Court, Criminal Section 5. 京都公安調査庁事件公判:爆発物取締罰則違反、旅券法違 反、大麻取締法違反. 京都地方裁判所, 刑事五部. Kyōto Kōan Chōsachō Jiken Kōhan, Bakuhatsubutsu Torishimari Bassoku Ihan, Ryokenhō Ihan, Taima Torishimari Ihan. Kyōto District Court, Criminal Section 5. 土 田・日 石・ピ ー ス 缶 爆 弾 事 件 公 判 弁 護 側 記 録 Tsuchida-Nisseki-Pīsu-kan bakudan jiken kōhan item_ID: 12339 item_ID: 12340 item_ID: 64005 CourtseriesID: 5 The seven volumes in this series cover the trials and retrials collectively known as the Tsuchida-Nisseki-Peace Can Bomb Incident trials. In this case, police and prosecutors erroneously linked three different bombing incidents and charged a number of people with an elaborate plot that the authorities had constructed to link the events. Under heavy interrogation and pressure, some defendants initially confessed to the parts assigned to them in the authorities' scenario. After some defendants had already been convicted and others were on trial but insisting on their innocence, the authorities' scenario began to unravel. Two people unrelated to the authorities' scenario came forward to testify that they had actually done acts for which the defendants were being tried, and provided convincing proof of their involvement. The remaining defendants on trial were found innocent and those who had already been convicted were retried and found innocent. The Takazawa Collection contains extensive materials on this case because Takazawa Kōji wrote a book about it, which is also in the collection. The final court decision is included as a separate item in the set. 土田・日石・ピース缶爆弾事件公判 . 東京地方裁判所, 1973/04/04. Tsuchida/Nisseki/Peace Kan Bakudan Jiken Kōhan. Tōkyō District Court:1973/04/04. 土田・日石・ピース缶爆弾事件公判 . 東京地方裁判所, 刑事九部. Tsuchida/Nisseki/Peace Kan Bakudan Jiken Kōhan. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 9. 土田・日石・ピース缶爆弾事件公判 . 東京地方裁判所, 刑事九部. Tsuchida/Nisseki/Peace Kan Bakudan Jiken Kōhan. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 9. item_ID: 12388 item_ID: 12389 item_ID: 12390 96 ❖ 裁判資料 Court Documents 土田・日石・ピース缶爆弾事件公判 . 東京地方裁判所, 刑事九部. Tsuchida/Nisseki/Peace Kan Bakudan Jiken Kōhan. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 9. 土田・日石・ピース缶爆弾事件公判 . 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第 五部. Tsuchida/Nisseki/Peace Kan Bakudan Jiken Kōhan. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 5. 土田・日石・ピース缶爆弾事件公判 . 東京地方裁判所, 刑事 九部, 1977/07/23. Tsuchida/Nisseki/Peace Kan Bakudan Jiken Kōhan. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 9:1977/07/23. 土田・日石・ピース缶爆弾事件公判 . 東京地方裁判所, 刑事 九部, 1977/06/22. Tsuchida/Nisseki/Peace Kan Bakudan Jiken Kōhan. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 9:1977/06/22. 土田・日石・ピース缶爆弾事件公判 :爆発物取締罰則違反幇 助、殺人未遂幇助. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第三部, 1976/1/29. Tsuchida/Nisseki/Peace Kan Bakudan Jiken Kōhan, Bakuhatsubutsu Torishimari Bassoku Ihan Hōjo, Satsujin Misui Hōjo. Tōkyō District Court, Criminal Section 3:1976/1/29. 朝霞自衛官殺害事件 Asaka Jieikan Satsugai Jiken item_ID: 12391 item_ID: 12392 item_ID: 12424 item_ID: 12425 item_ID: 15460 item_ID: 64006 CourtseriesID: 6 This case arose from an attack on the Asaka Self-Defense Force base on August 22, 1971, in which one member of the Self-Defense forces was killed. The incident is also known as the Sekieigun Incident. The attack was allegedly carried out by an underground organization called Sekieigun, and Kikui Ryōji, Arai Mitsufumi, Shimada Masanori, Yoshida Hiromi, and Andō Hiromi were arrested and tried for the murder. Kyoto University Graduate Assistant Takemoto Nobuhiro, better known by his penname of Takita Osamu, was thought to be associated with the group and a warrant was put out for his arrest. Takita went underground. After the initial statute of limitations ran out on the case the time limit on his arrest warrant was extended for an additional 12 years, during which time Takita began publishing articles in New Left journals while remaining underground. This led to the arrest of journalists who had been involved in the publications. However, Takita was never formally charged in the case. The Takazawa Collection contains extensive materials about both Takita and this case, in addition to the trial documents. Tokyo Higher Court is listed on the cover, but the contents mostly pertain to the first trial in Urawa District Court, suggesting that this is the set of materials from the first trial that were submitted in the appeal. 菊井良治(朝霞事件)裁判:強盗殺人、公務執行妨害、住居侵 入、強盗予備、窃盗. 浦和地方裁判所, 八刑事部, 1977/06/30. Kikui Ryōji (Asaka Jiken) Saiban, Gōtō Satsujin, Kōmushikkō Bōgai, Jūkyo Shinnyū, Settō. Urawa District Court, Criminal Section 8:1977/06/30. item_ID: 12426 裁判資料 Court Documents ❖ 97 富村事件 Tomimura Jiken item_ID: 64007 CourtseriesID: 7 This set contains 23 documents from the first trial and appeals trial of Tomimura Jun'ichi, an Okinawan activist who was arrested for carrying out a protest at Tokyo Tower. The set contains both documents from trial sessions and other materials concerning the trial. 富村事件. . Tomimura Jiken. 富村事件. . Tomimura Jiken. . 富村事件. . Tomimura Jiken. . 富村事件:暴力行為等処罰ニ関スル法律違反、銃砲刀剣類 所持等取締法違反. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第一九部三係, 1970/11/4. Tomimura Jiken, Bōryoku kōi tō shobatsu ni kansuru hōritsu ihan, Jūhō tōken rui shoji tō torishimari hō ihan. Tōkyō District Court:1970/11/4. 富村事件:暴力行為等処罰に関する法律違反等. 東京地方裁 判所, 刑事十九部三係, 1971/11/5. Tomimura Jiken, Bōryoku kōi tō shobatsu ni kansuru hōritsu ihan tō. Tōkyō District Court:1971/11/5. 富村事件:暴力行為等処罰に関する法律違反等, 1971/11/19. Tomimura Jiken, Bōryoku kōi tō shobatsu ni kansuru hōritsu ihan tō. :1971/11/19. 富村事件:暴力行為等処罰に関する法律違反、銃砲刀剣類所 持等取締法違反. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第一九部三係, 1972/5/19. Tomimura Jiken, Bōryoku kōi tō shobatsu ni kansuru hōritsu ihan, Jūhō tōken rui shoji tō torishimari hō ihan. Tōkyō District Court:1972/5/19. 富村事件:暴力行為等処罰ニ関スル法律違反、銃砲刀剣類所 持等取締法違反. 東京高等裁判所, 第五刑事部, 1973/1/31. Tomimura Jiken, Bōryoku kōi tō shobatsu ni kansuru hōritsu ihan, Jūhō tōken rui shoji tō torishimari hō ihan. Tōkyō Higher Court:1973/1/31. 富村事件:暴力行為等処罰に関する法律違反、銃砲刀剣類所 持等取締法違反. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第一九部三係, 1971/11/4. Tomimura Jiken, Bōryoku kōi tō shobatsu ni kansuru hōritsu ihan, Jūhō tōken rui shoji tō torishimari hō ihan. Tōkyō District Court:1971/11/4. 富村事件. 東京高等裁判所, 第五刑事部. Tomimura Jiken. Tōkyō Higher Court. 富村事件. 東京地方裁判所. Tomimura Jiken. Tōkyō District Court. 富村事件. . Tomimura Jiken. . item_ID: 16793 item_ID: 16794 item_ID: 16795 item_ID: 16796 item_ID: 16797 item_ID: 16798 item_ID: 16799 item_ID: 16800 item_ID: 16801 item_ID: 16826 item_ID: 16827 item_ID: 16828 98 ❖ 裁判資料 Court Documents 富村事件. . Tomimura Jiken. . 富村事件:暴力行為等処罰ニ関スル法律違反等. 東京高等裁 判所, 1972/9/20. Tomimura Jiken, Bōryoku kōi tō shobatsu ni kansuru hōritsu ihan tō. Tōkyō Higher Court:1972/9/20. 富村事件:暴力行為等処罰ニ関スル法律違反等. 東京高等裁 判所, 刑事第五部, 1972/9/27. Tomimura Jiken, Bōryoku kōi tō shobatsu ni kansuru hōritsu ihan tō. Tōkyō Higher Court:1972/9/27. 富村事件. . Tomimura Jiken. . 富村事件. . Tomimura Jiken. . 富村事件:暴力行為等処罰に関する法律違反等. 東京地方裁 判所, 刑事第一九部三係, 1971/11/5. Tomimura Jiken, Bōryoku kōi tō shobatsu ni kansuru hōritsu ihan tō. Tōkyō District Court:1971/11/5. 富村事件. . Tomimura Jiken. . 富村事件. . Tomimura Jiken. . 富村事件. . Tomimura Jiken. . 富村事件:暴力行為等処罰ニ関スル法律違反、銃砲刀剣類所 持等取締法違反. 東京地方裁判所, 刑事第一九部三係, 1972/3/24. Tomimura Jiken, Bōryoku kōi tō shobatsu ni kansuru hōritsu ihan, Jūhō tōken rui shoji tō torishimari hō ihan. Tōkyō District Court:1972/3/24. 富村事件:暴力行為等処罰に関する法律違反等. 東京高等裁 判所, 刑事第五部, 1972. Tomimura Jiken, Bōryoku kōi tō shobatsu ni kansuru hōritsu ihan tō. Tōkyō Higher Court:1972. 1971-2年赤w軍派裁判所文書 1971-2 nen Sekigunha Saibansho Bunsho item_ID: 16829 item_ID: 16830 item_ID: 16831 item_ID: 16832 item_ID: 16833 item_ID: 16834 item_ID: 16835 item_ID: 16836 item_ID: 16837 item_ID: 16838 item_ID: 16839 item_ID: 64008 CourtseriesID: 8 This set contains four documents from Sekigunha trials in 1971-72. They are minor internal documents from the court proceedings, but they shed interesting light on how the defense works in such political cases. The first concerned items seized in a search, the second and third relate to the Daibosatsu trial, and the third concerns the use of Daibosatsu testimony later when Shiomi Takaya and six others were charged with violating the Anti-Subersive Activities Law. item_ID: item_ID: item_ID: item_ID: 17167 17168 17169 17170 ファイル Folders 10・8 羽田闘争資料 10/8 Haneda Tōsō Shiryō 10/8 1967 Haneda Struggle materials item_ID: 13364 FolderID: 67 This folder contains two pamphlets from the aftermath of the 1967 First Haneda Incident. Both are concerned with the death of the student Yamazaki Hiroaki, who was killed during the demonstration. 1950年代学生左翼運動 1950 nendai Gakusei Sayoku Undō 1950s Left Student Movement item_ID: 13732 FolderID: 148 This folder contains three pamphlets from the left student movement during the 1950s. 1950年代雑資料 1950nen dai zatsu shiryō 1950s miscellaneous materials item_ID: 16597 FolderID: 225 Miscellaneous handbills from the 1950s. 1950年代反戦学生同盟ビラ item_ID: 16584 1950nen dai Hansen Gakusei Dōmei bira FolderID: 220 Anti-war Student League (Hansen Gakusei Dōmei) handbills from the 1950s This folder contains five handbills from Hansen Gakusei Dōmei, a student organization of the 1950s. This group was centrally involved in the factional disputes in Zengakuren during the 1950s, and originated the theory of students as a separate sub-class, as distinct from the JCP theory that students were subsumed as part of its organization of labor youth. As the New Left split from the JCP in the late 1950s, Hansen Gakusei Dōmei grew rapidly as a campus based organization and was renamed as Shakai Gakusei Dōmei (Shagakudō) and became the main student organization affiliated with Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (Bund). 1968-1970街頭闘争ビラ等 1968-1970 gaitō tōsō bira tō 1968-1970 street demonstration handbills item_ID: 17063 FolderID: 333 A folder contains 11 handbills from street demonstrations between 1968 and 1970. 1969大阪地方政治集会ビラ等 1969 Ōsaka chihō seiji shūkai bira tō 1969 Osaka political meeting handbills item_ID: 17067 FolderID: 337 This folder contains 26 handbills from political meetings in Osaka in 1969. 99 100 ❖ ファイル Folders 1969関西地方ビラ等 1969 Kansai chihō bira tō 1969 Kansai handbills item_ID: 17064 FolderID: 334 A folder containing 14 handbills from Kansai events in 1969. 1970ビラ 1970 bira 1970 handbills item_ID: 17065 FolderID: 335 This folder contains 14 Handbills from 1970. 1971関西地方ビラ 1971 kansai chihō bira 1971 Kansai handbills item_ID: 17066 FolderID: 336 A folder of 8 handbills from the Kansai area in 1971. 1971年党派パンフレット 1971 nen Tōha Panfuretto 1971 party pamphlets item_ID: 12443 FolderID: 3 Contains a few pamphlets and other material from New Left organizations active in 1971. Pamphlets are also catalogued individually. 1971年三田新聞 1971 nen Mita Shinbun Mita Shimbun, 1971 item_ID: 12444 FolderID: 4 Contains one item related to Mita Shimbun. The collection also contains 45 issues of Mita Shimbun, a student newspaper that played an important role in the development of the student movement immediately after the war. The issues in the collection are from 1970-71. 1980年代新左翼諸党派関連資料 1980 nendai Shinsayoku Shotōha Kanren Shiryō Materials from New Left groups in the 1980s item_ID: 13689 FolderID: 102 This folder contains 28 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials from New Left party factions (Tōha) that were active in the late 1970s and 1980s. They include factions of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei, Kyōsanshugi Rōdōshatō, Nihon Sekigun, Kakkyōdo, Sekishoku Sensen, and Chūkakuha. 60年安保闘争・ブント初期資料 60 nen Anpo Tōsō, Bunto Shoki Shiryō 60 Ampo Struggle, Early Bund materials item_ID: 13751 FolderID: 170 This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, and miscellaneous materials from the early Bund (Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei) and 1960 Ampo struggle. ファイル Folders ❖ 101 60年代中期党派運動資料 60 nen dai chūki tōha undō shiryō Mid-1960s political movement materials item_ID: 16789 FolderID: 267 This folder contains materials on New Left sect movements during the mid-1960s. 75年76年春闘資料 75nen 76nen Shuntō Shiryō 1975-76 Spring Labor Offensive materials item_ID: 13371 FolderID: 74 This folder contains 4 pamphlets from the 1975 and 1976 spring labor offensives (Shuntō). 82年「平和のための東京行動」集会資料 82 nen “Heiwa no Tameno Tōkyō Kōdō” Shūkai Shiryō “Tōkyō Action for Peace” 1982 assembly materials item_ID: 13726 FolderID: 142 This folder contains pamphlets and handbills from the 1982 gathering Tokyo Action for Peace [Heiwa no Tame no Tōkyō Kōdō]. 相原文夫関係雑資料 Aihara Fumio kankei zatsu shiryō Aihara Fumio miscellaneous materials item_ID: 16583 FolderID: 219 This is a small collection of miscellaneous materials that belonged to Aihara Fumio. 相原文夫関係資料 Aihara Fumio kankei shiryō Aihara Fumio materials item_ID: 16580 FolderID: 216 This folder contains 23 pamphlets and other items related to Aihara Fumio. Aihara was the husband of Furuya Yoshiko and was an activist and translator. 榊原勝昭他 文書類 Sakakibara Katsuaki hoka bunsho rui Sakakibara Katsuaki and others’ writings item_ID: 16947 FolderID: 302 Folder of writings by Sakakibara Katsuaki and others. 暁印刷闘争資料 Akatsuki Insatsu Tōsō Shiryō Akatsuki Printing Struggle materials item_ID: 13716 FolderID: 132 This folder contains 10 pamphlets and handbills from a labor conflict at the Akatsuki Printing Company. 秋川高校書類 Akikawa Kōkō shorui Akikawa High School materials item_ID: 16675 FolderID: 260 102 ❖ ファイル Folders This folder contains 35 materials from Akikawa high school, which children in the Furuya family attended. 亜紀書房出版物案内 Aki Shobō shuppanbutsu annai Publications materials from Aki Shobō item_ID: 17127 FolderID: 378 Brochures of publications by Aki Shobō. あさま山荘16年目の手記に関する新聞記事 Asama sansō 16 nen me no shuki ni kansuru shinbun kiji Asama sansō 16th anniversary newspaper clippings item_ID: 17138 FolderID: 389 Newspaper clippings from the 16th anniversary of the Asama sansō incident of 1972. 浅間山荘銃撃戦 Asama Sansō Jūgekisen Asama Sansō Incident item_ID: 12511 FolderID: 24 This folder contains handbills from the period of the Asama Sansō siege in early 1972. It reflects an interpretation of the siege before the Rengō Sekigun purge was revealed. アジア諸国における学生運動に関する雑誌記事 Ajia shokoku ni okeru gakusei undō ni kansuru zasshi kiji Asian Countries’ Student Movements magazine clippings item_ID: 16910 FolderID: 281 Magazine clipping about student movements in Asian countries. アジア政治犯資料 Ajia seijihan shiryō Asian political criminals item_ID: 16915 FolderID: 285 Materials on Asians convicted of political crimes. アジア青年会議パンフレット Ajia Seinen Kaigi Panfuretto Asian Youth Congress pamphlets item_ID: 13438 FolderID: 95 This folder contains pamphlets from the Asian Youth Congress. アジアにおけるアメリカ帝国主義侵略反対運動関係資料 Ajia ni okeru Amerika teikoku shugi shinryaku hantai undō kankei shiryō Movement opposing American imperialist aggression in Asia item_ID: 17117 FolderID: 369 Materials from movements opposing American imperialist actions in Asia. ファイル Folders ❖ 103 アムネスティ関係資料 Amunesuti kankei shiryō Amnesty International materials item_ID: 16904 FolderID: 277 Materials on Amnesty International. 石橋印刷・事務機社労働組合資料 item_ID: 16914 Ishibashi Insatsu, Jimuki sha rōdō kumiai shiryō FolderID: 284 Ishibashi Printing and Office Equipment Company labor union materials Materials about a labor union dispute at a company called Ishibashi Printing and Office Equipment. 日本化学公害輸出関係資料 Nihon Kagaku kōgai yushutsu kankei shiryō Japan Chemical’s export of pollution item_ID: 17115 FolderID: 368 A folder of materials about Japan Chemical Corporation’s export of its pollution to overseas plants. 医療被害を無くする会会報 Iryō Higai o Nakusurukai Kaihō End Medical Victims Society bulletin item_ID: 13759 FolderID: 179 This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, and other materials from a group campaigning against poor medical care, called the End Medical Victims Society and their organizational bulletin. ウーマン・リブ関係資料 Ūman-Ribu Kankei Shiryō Woman’s Lib materials item_ID: 13754 FolderID: 173 This folder contains pamphlets and handbills concerning the women’s liberation movement. The term used marks it as being from the early 1970s. 植垣康博最終意見陳述 Uegaki Yasuhiro Saishū Iken Chinjutsu Uegaki Yasuhiro Final Statement to the Court item_ID: 13738 FolderID: 156 This is a pamphlet containing Uegaki Yasuhiro’s final statement to the court from the Rengō Sekigun trial. ウニタ書舗栄養分析表押収事件 Unita Shoho Eiyō Bunseki Hyō Ōshū Jiken Unita Shoho “Nutritional Analysis Tables” [Eiyō Bunseki Hyō] Incident item_ID: 13374 FolderID: 77 Unita Shoho was a popular left-wing bookstore in the Kanda area of Tokyo run by Endō Tadao. He reproduced a bomb-making manual that carried the innocuous title “Nutritional Analysis Tables.” The bookstore was raided on the pretext of selling pornography, and the publication was confiscated. The manual in question is in the pamphlet section of the Takazawa Collection. 104 ❖ ファイル Folders ウニタ書舗事件関係資料 Unita Shoho jiken kankei shiryō Unita Shoho Incident item_ID: 16609 FolderID: 237 Pamphlets, handbills, and other items from the Unita Shoho incident, in which the Unita bookstore was searched and its owner, Endō Tadao arrested, in connection with the 1975 sale of two bomb-making manuals that were banned. One was issue #11 of Sekigun, a publication of Sekigunha. 映画「怒りをうたえ」関係資料 Eiga “Ikari o utae” kankei shiryō “Ikari o Utae” documentary film materials item_ID: 17133 FolderID: 384 Materials concerning the documentary film series “Ikari o Utae” which consist of lightly edited film footage from key protests of the 1968-1971 period. The collection has a set of the videotapes of these films. 映画「キューバの恋人」 Eiga “Kyūba no Koibito” “Cuban Boyfriend” film materials item_ID: 15469 FolderID: 197 This folder contains materials about the film “Kyūba no Koibito” 映画「連合赤軍」 Eiga “Rengō Sekigun” “Rengō Sekigun” (film) materials item_ID: 15468 FolderID: 196 This folder contains materials related to the film “Rengō Sekigun.” 映画運動資料 Eiga Undō Shiryō Film Movement materials item_ID: 13306 FolderID: 55 This folder contains handbills and clippings related to the film movement, which was a part of the larger New Left movement. See also Serial Issue #15391 (Newsreel) and FL #197 (Kyūba no Koibito). 映画関係 Eiga Kankei Film materials item_ID: 15470 FolderID: 198 This folder contains miscellaneous materials about films. 映画自主上映運動関係資料 Eiga Jishu Jōei Undō Kankei Shiryō Free Film Screening Movement materials item_ID: 15471 FolderID: 199 This folder contains a large amount of miscellaneous materials about the Free Film movement. ファイル Folders ❖ 105 映画関係資料 Eiga kankei shiryō Film materials item_ID: 16908 FolderID: 280 Materials about films. 東京国際空港のしおり Tōkyō kokusai kūkō no shiori Tokyo international airport guide item_ID: 17146 FolderID: 397 Guide to Tokyo International Airport. 労働組合闘争関係資料 Rōdō kumiai tōsō kankei shiryō Labor Union Struggle materials item_ID: 16942 FolderID: 298 This folder contains 20 items on labor union issues. 大阪西南反戦青年委員会活動資料 Ōsaka seinan hansen seinen iinkai katsudō shiryō Osaka southwest Antiwar Youth Committee activities item_ID: 16792 FolderID: 270 Takazawa Koji was a student organizer for this local branch of the Anti-war youth committee movement which organized non-unionized young workers in small companies in local neighborhoods, often with substantial participation by New Left college students. 大阪万博Expo70労働運動 Ōsaka Banpaku Expo 70 Rōdō Undō Ōsaka 1970 World’s Fair (Expo) Labor Movement item_ID: 12452 FolderID: 12 This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, and clippings related to the labor movement of workers at the 1970 Ōsaka Expo. The collection contains a number of materials from this labor movement, which was organized in part by New Left students. 沖縄アムネスティパンフレット Okinawa Amunesuti Panfuretto Okinawa Amnesty materials item_ID: 13700 FolderID: 115 This folder contains 44 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials related to Amnesty International activities in Okinawa. 沖縄県ETC関係資料 Okinawaken ETC Kankei Shiryō Okinawa prefecture ETC materials item_ID: 13699 FolderID: 114 This folder contains15 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other items related to the ETC movement in Okinawa. 106 ❖ ファイル Folders 沖縄県映画上映サークル運動パンフレット Okinawaken Eiga Jōei Sākuru Undō Panfuretto Okinawa Prefecture Film Screening Circle Movement item_ID: 13703 FolderID: 118 This folder contains 16 pamphlets, handbills and other materials from a film movement in Okinawa. Such file showing groups were an important part of the overall New Left movement. 沖縄県カデナ基地パンフレット Okinawaken Kadena Kichi Panfuretto Okinawa prefecture Kadena Military Base materials item_ID: 13698 FolderID: 113 This folder contains materials related to problems at the Kadena Military Base in Okinawa. 沖縄県職労ゆうな学園闘争 Okinawa-ken Shokurō Yūna Gakuen Tōsō Okinawa Prefectural workers Yūna Gakuen Struggle item_ID: 15475 FolderID: 203 This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and miscellaneous materials from the Okinawa prefectural workers’ Yūna Gakuen struggle. 沖縄県労協パンフレット Okinawa kenrōkyō Panfuretto Okinawa prefecture Labor Federation materials item_ID: 13693 FolderID: 108 This folder contains 38 pamphlets, handbills, and other materials from the Okinawan labor federation. 沖縄県労協石橋勇外部資料 item_ID: 13697 Okinawa kenrōkyō Ishibashi Isamu Gaibu Shiryō FolderID: 112 Okinawa prefecture Labor Federation Ishibashi Isamu external materials Ishibashi Isamu is a labor activist in Okinawa who investigated various labor problems and the laws regulating them. This folder contains reports and other materials from these investigations, often presented to meetings of young workers. 沖縄県労協運動パンフレット Okinawa kenrōkyō Undō Panfuretto Okinawa prefecture Labor Federation movement item_ID: 13709 FolderID: 124 This folder contains 21 items from the Okinawa prefecture labor federation movement. 沖縄県労協・組合関係パンフレット Okinawa kenrōkyō Kumiai Kankei Panfuretto Okinawa prefecture Labor Federation-related materials item_ID: 13695 FolderID: 110 This folder contains 49 additional materials related to the Okinawa Labor Federation, including pamphlets, handbills, and other items. ファイル Folders ❖ 107 沖縄県労協左派資料 Okinawa kenrōkyō Sahashiryō Okinawa prefecture Labor Federation Left-Wing materials item_ID: 13694 FolderID: 109 This folder contains materials from the left-wing faction of the Okinawa Labor Federation, including pamphlets, handbills, and other items. 沖縄県労働組合関係資料 Okinawa Ken Rōdō Kumiai Shiryō Okinawa Prefecture Labor Union materials item_ID: 13741 FolderID: 159 This folder contains a large number (103 items) of pamphlets, handbills, and miscellaneous materials from labor unions in Okinawa prefecture. They were collected by Takeishi Kazumi. 沖縄自主上映運動パンフレット Okinawa Jishu Jōei Undō Panfuretto Okinawa Free Film Movement item_ID: 13705 FolderID: 120 This folder contains 82 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials from the Okinawa Free Film Movement. 沖縄人民党パンフレット Okinawa Jinmintō Panfuretto Okinawa People’s Party item_ID: 13684 FolderID: 97 This item consists of two folders of materials from the Okinawa Jinmintō, which is the name of the Okinawan Communist Party. 沖縄闘争パンフレット Okinawa Tōsō Panfuretto Okinawa Struggle item_ID: 13233 FolderID: 53 This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, and clippings related to the Okinawa struggle, which was a key issue in the late 1960s New Left protest cycle and the 1970 Ampo struggle. 沖縄闘争関連パンフレット Okinawa tōsō kanren panfuretto Okinawa struggle pamphlets item_ID: 16988 FolderID: 328 Pamphlets from the Okinawa conflict of the late 1960s. 沖縄闘争資料 Okinawa Tōsō Shiryō Okinawa Struggle materials item_ID: 13763 FolderID: 183 This folder contains materials from the Okinawa struggle, meaning the movement opposing the return of Okinawa with U.S. bases remaining. This was the central issue of the 1970 revision of the Japan-U.S. Joint Security treaty, hence of the 1970 Ampo movement. 108 ❖ ファイル Folders 沖縄反戦闘争関係 Okinawa hansen tōsō kankei Okinawa anti-war struggles item_ID: 16906 FolderID: 278 Materials on Okinawa antiwar activities. 沖縄ヒルトンホテル労組パンフレット Okinawa Hiruton Hoteru Rōso Panfuretto Okinawa Hilton Hotel Labor Struggle item_ID: 13707 FolderID: 122 This folder contains 8 pamphlets and other materials from a labor dispute at the Okinawa Hilton Hotel. 沖縄米軍基地反対運動関係資料 Okinawa beigun kichi hantai undō kankei shiryō Okinawa Anti-US Bases Movement materials item_ID: 16934 FolderID: 295 Materials on the anti-US Base movement in Okinawa which was a central issue in the reversion of Okinawa issue in the late sixties to 1972. 沖縄ベトナム人民連帯委員会宛てハガキ Okinawa Betonamu jinmin rentai iinkai ate hagaki Okinawa-Vietnam People’s Solidarity committee, postcards received item_ID: 17152 FolderID: 399 This folder contains postcards sent to the Okinawa-Vietnam People’s Solidarity Committee. 沖縄水俣反公害資料 Okinawa Minamata Hankōgai Shiryō Okinawa Minamata Anti-Pollution materials item_ID: 13706 FolderID: 121 This folder contains 6 pamphlets, handbills, and other materials from an Okinawa group concerned with Minamata disease and the prevention of industrial pollution. 沖縄労働運動パンフレット Okinawa Rōdō Undō Panfuretto Okinawa Labor Movement pamphlets item_ID: 13435 FolderID: 92 This folder contains pamphlets from the Okinawan labor movement. 沖縄労働問題・組合運動関係 Okinawa rōdō mondai, kumiai undō kankei Okinawa labor problems and union movement item_ID: 16932 FolderID: 294 Folder of 34 items on Okinawan labor movements and labor unions. 小田実英語ゼミ教科書類 Oda Makoto Eigo Zemi Kyōkasho Rui Oda Makoto English Seminar Textbooks item_ID: 13387 FolderID: 88 ファイル Folders ❖ 109 This folder contains several textbooks produced by Oda Makoto for his English courses at the cram school where he taught. Although they are English language textbooks, the content explores New Left issues and reflects the concerns of the day. These textbooks were used by students preparing for university entrance exams and thus reached a wide audience of young people in the late 1960s during the peak of the New Left protest cycle. 小田実関連切り抜き (読書人、読書新聞、図書新聞等) Oda Makoto kanren kirinuki (Dokushojin, Dokusho Shinbun, Tosho Shinbun tō) Oda Makoto newspaper clippings item_ID: 17069 FolderID: 339 Newspaper clippings (13) on Oda Makoto. オリンピック日韓共同開催関係資料 Orinpikku Nikkan kyōdō kaisai kankei shiryō Japan-Korean Joint Olympic Opening Ceremony materials item_ID: 17110 FolderID: 363 Materials concerning the joint Olympic opening ceremony conducted by Japan and Korea. 解放大学関係ビラ Kaihō daigaku kankei bira Liberation University handbills item_ID: 17083 FolderID: 352 Folder of handbills on liberation universities which were set up during the Zenkyoto period when universities were on strike. 学園闘争関係書類 Gakuen tōsō kankei shorui Campus conflict materials item_ID: 16559 FolderID: 210 This folder contains three pamphlets from various campus conflicts. 各地のべ平連運動資料 Kakuchi no Beheiren Undō Shiryō Local Beheiren Movement materials item_ID: 13750 FolderID: 169 This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, and other materials from various local Beheiren groups. 革命左派 Kakumei Saha Revolutionary Left (Kakumei Saha) materials item_ID: 13357 FolderID: 61 This folder contains materials on Nihon Kyōsantō Kakumei Saha, the group that joined with Sekigunha in 1971 to form Rengō Sekigun. 110 ❖ ファイル Folders 革命左派出版物 Kakumei Saha Shuppan Butsu Revolutionary Left [Kakumei Saha] publications item_ID: 13382 FolderID: 83 This folder contains a publication of Nihon Kyōsantō Kakumei Saha, the group that joined with Sekigunha in 1971 to become Rengō Sekigun. This publication was produced prior to the merger. 革命的共産主義者同盟 Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Revolutionary Communist League item_ID: 12448 FolderID: 8 This folder contains handbills and clippings related to the Revolutionary Communist League [Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei, the parent organization of Kakumaru-ha and Chukaku-ha. 風見鶏通信関連資料 Kazamidori tsūshin kanren shiryō Weathervane News materials item_ID: 17155 FolderID: 401 Folder of materials about something called Weathervane news. The term also refers to opportunism, or waffling in one’s views. 活動家集団思想運動関係資料 Katsudōka shūdan shisō undō kankei shiryō Thought movements among activist groups item_ID: 17079 FolderID: 348 Materials on ideological movements. 唐牛健太郎葬祭弔辞 Karōji Kentarō sōsai chōji Karōji Kentarō memorial service messages item_ID: 16946 FolderID: 301 Materials from Karōji Kentarō’s memorial service. He was a leader of the first Bund ( 1960 Ampo) and Takazawa was involved in organizing his memorial service during the period when he was editing the First Bund materials for publication. 唐牛健太郎追想集刊行会在庫管理帳 item_ID: 17144 Karōji Kentarō tsuisōshū kankōkai zaiko kanrichō FolderID: 395 Karōji Kentarō posthumous publication committee internal record book Internal document from the group preparing Karōji Kentarō’s posthumous publication. 唐牛健太郎追悼関係 Karōji Kentarō Tsuitō Kankei Karōji Kentarō Memorial materials item_ID: 12458 FolderID: 18 This folder contains 35 clippings and other materials related to the memorial activities conducted after the death of Karōji Kentarō, a leader of the first Bund during the 1960 Ampo period. The collection contains many materials concerning Karōji ファイル Folders ❖ 111 Kentarō’s memorial, because Takazawa-san edited the memorial volume. See also Serial Issue #15456 (Hokkai Minyū Shinbun) and #15457 (Dokusho Hokkaidō) for related materials. 川島豪出版物 Kawashima Gō Shuppan Butsu Kawashima Gō (Tsuyoshi) publications item_ID: 13383 FolderID: 84 This folder contains a pamphlet by Kawashima Gō (Tsuyoshi), the leader of Kakumei Saha. The pamphlet contains his personal “sōkatsu” or analysis of Rengō Sekigun, written while he was in prison, but was published in the name of the organization. 勧銀事件関係資料 Kangin jiken kankei shiryō Dai Ichi Kangyo Bank Incident materials (false conviction overturned) item_ID: 17073 FolderID: 343 This item concerns a series of incidents at a branch of Dai Ichi Kangyo Bank in 1970. a Bank employee was found murdered and person arrested in an armed robbery a week later was coerced into confessing to his murder. He was convicted and sentenced to an indefinite term but protested his innocence and was later found not guilty on appeal. This was a major enzai or false conviction case. 韓国言論弾圧問題資料 Kankoku Genron Danatsu Mondai Shiryō Materials on Suppression of Freedom of Speech in South Korea item_ID: 13369 FolderID: 72 This folder contains two pamphlets put out in the 1970s by groups in Japan calling attention to controls on freedom on speech in South Korea and containing documentary materials on recent cases. 韓国・朝鮮関係資料 Kankoku, Chōsen kankei shiryō North and South Korea materials item_ID: 16898 FolderID: 274 Materials on North and South Korea. 関東学院大学闘争パンフレット Kantō Gakuin Daigaku Tōsō Panfuretto Kantō Gakuin University Struggle pamphlets item_ID: 12449 FolderID: 9 This folder contains pamphlets put out by students at Kantō Gakuin University in 1968 concerning various issues of the day, both local and national. カンボジア紛争 Kanbojia funsō Cambodia conflict item_ID: 16614 FolderID: 242 Pamphlets and clippings concerning the Cambodia conflict in the early 1970s. 112 ❖ ファイル Folders 北朝鮮関係資料 Kita Chōsen kankei shiryō North Korea materials item_ID: 17140 FolderID: 391 A folder of materials about North Korea. 北朝鮮健康茶等関連資料 Kitachōsen kenkōcha tō kanren shiryō North Korean Health Tea materials item_ID: 16989 FolderID: 329 Materials for the promotion of North Korea’s tea, which North Korean sympathizers and people associated with the Yodogo group were trying to market as an export product. 紀之国屋書店闘争資料 Kinokuniya Shoten Tōsō Shiryō Kinokuniya Bookstore Struggle mateials item_ID: 13723 FolderID: 139 This folder contains 12 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials from a labor conflict at the Kinokuniya Bookstore. キバの紋章 Kiba no monshō Kiba no Monsho (manga) item_ID: 17107 FolderID: 361 Materials on Kiba no Monsho, a manga of the period. 救援団体ビラ Kyūen dantai bira Support group handbills item_ID: 17080 FolderID: 349 Folder of handbills from trial support groups. キューバ共産党資料 Kyūba Kyōsantō Shryō Cuban Communist Party materials item_ID: 13229 FolderID: 49 This folders contains material from the Cuban Communist Party, which was valorized by the Japanese New Left as a successful third world revolutionary organization. 教育闘争関係資料 Kyōiku tōsō kankei shiryō Education struggle materials item_ID: 17092 FolderID: 360 Materials on conflicts in education. 共産主義者同盟(PG)パンフレット Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (PG) Panfuretto Communist League (RG) [Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei, RG] pamphlet item_ID: 13362 FolderID: 65 ファイル Folders ❖ 113 This folder contains a pamphlet from the formation of the Bund (Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei) faction RG. This group emerged out of a factional split in Bund at the end of 1970 and established its independent existence in 1971. Like Sekigunha and Kakumei Saha, it formed an underground army to try to instigate revolution through armed struggle. The collection also contains a relatively complete set of this faction’s newspaper, Sekihō. RG stands for the German Rote Gewalt, or Red Power. 共産主義者同盟赤軍派資料 item_ID: 13377 Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Sekigunha Shiryō FolderID: 80 Communist League Red Army Faction (Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha) materials This folder contains pamphlets produced by Sekigunha. 共産主義者同盟関係資料 Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Kankei Shiryō Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha Pamphlets item_ID: 12510 FolderID: 23 This folder contains Sekigunha pamphlets, including one by Shiomi Takaya. 京大闘争公判最終意見陳述書 Kyōdai Tōsō Kōhan Saishū Iken Chinjutsu Sho Kyōto University Struggle Trial Final Statements to the Court item_ID: 13366 FolderID: 69 This folder contains a pamphlet of the final statements to the court made by defendants in the 1969 Kyoto University Clock Tower trial. 京都フォーラム Kyōto Fōramu Kyōto Forum item_ID: 13727 FolderID: 143 This folder contains pamphlets and other materials concerning the Kyōto Forum. See also Serial Issues #14283 & #14284 (Chikyū Samitto Nyūsu). 金大中拉致事件日韓連帯運動資料 item_ID: 13687 Kin Daichū Rachijiken Nikkan Rentai Undō Shiryō FolderID: 100 Kim Dae Jung Kidnap Incident Japan-Korea Solidarity Movement materials This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials concerning the kidnapping of South Korean activist Kim Dae Jung in Japan by South Korean government agents and his forcible return and imprisonment in the South Korea. There was a substantial movement in Japan supporting Kim and his cause of democratization in South Korea and the kidnapping aroused widespread protest. Kim later became the elected President of the Republic of Korea. 経済交流訪朝団による訪朝企画・要請書 Keizai kōryū hōchōdan ni yoru hōchō kikaku, yōseisho Plans for an economic exchange delegation to N. Korea item_ID: 17114 FolderID: 367 A planning document for a trip to North Korea for purposes of economic exchange. 114 ❖ ファイル Folders 刑法改正関連資料 Keihō Kaisei Kanren Shiryō Prevent Negative Reform of the Criminal Law pamphlets item_ID: 13388 FolderID: 89 This folder contains pamphlets produced in the early 1980s as part of a campaign opposing government proposals to change the Criminal Law. This was a long-standing issue of great concern to the New Left. ゲリラ戦資料 Gerira Sen Shiryō Guerrilla warfare materials item_ID: 13386 FolderID: 87 This folder contains several pamphlets on the methods of urban guerrilla warfare. The set includes the bomb-making manual Eiyō Bunseki Hyō [Nutritional Analysis Tables] which was at the center of the Unita Shoho incident, plus other items. 原水爆禁止世界大会・広島大会 Gensuibaku kinshi sekai taikai, Hiroshima taikai World Congress to Ban Nuclear Bombs, Hiroshima Congress item_ID: 16618 FolderID: 246 This folder contains nine pamphlets and handbills from the Hiroshima Congress of the World Congress to Ban Nuclear Bombs. 現代評論社出版物案内 Gendai Hyōronsha shuppanbutsu annai Publications materials from Gendai Hyōronsha item_ID: 17126 FolderID: 376 A brochure of publication from Gendai Hyōronsha. 公害・環境問題関係 Kōgai, kankyō mondai kankei Pollution and Environmental issues item_ID: 16896 FolderID: 272 A folder of materials on pollution and environmental issues. 拘禁二法関係パンフレット Kōkin Nihō Kankei Panfuretto Two Incarceration Laws materials item_ID: 13748 FolderID: 167 This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, and other materials concerning two incarceration laws. Some of the same material is also held in the collection as the serial Tōben Shimbun, Serial issue #15315. 国際運動関係資料 Kokusai undō kankei shiryō International movements Folder of miscellaneous materials on international movements. item_ID: 16900 FolderID: 275 ファイル Folders ❖ 115 黒色戦線社出版物 Kokushoku Sensensha shuppan butsu Anarchist Front publications item_ID: 17072 FolderID: 342 Publications of Kokushoku Sensensha, an anarchist group. 五賊 Gozoku Five Rebels item_ID: 16633 FolderID: 248 A clipping concerning Gozoku. 小西叛軍関係資料 Konishi Hangun Kankei Shiryō Konishi Anti-Military materials item_ID: 13765 FolderID: 185 This folder contains pamphlets and handbills from the Konishi Anti-Military incident and campaign. Konishi Makoto was a member of the Japanese self-defense forces who developed an anti-war position and was sanctioned by the self-defense forces for his anti-war activities. He became the darling of the anti-war movement, which supported him during his subsequent trial—which he actually won, eventually. The collection contains many other materials about this case and Konishi. JATEC 脱走米軍事件資料 JATEC Dassōbeigun Jiken Shiryō JATEC US Military Deserters Incident materials item_ID: 13766 FolderID: 186 This folder contains materials from JATEC, an organization related to Beheiren that hid and protected four American military men who went AWOL in Japan. The collection contains other materials from JATEC in the serials collection. JATEC パンフレット JATEC Panfuretto JATEC item_ID: 12512 FolderID: 25 This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, and miscellaneous materials concerning JATEC, which is the acronym for the Japan Technical Committee to Aid Anti-War US Deserters. JATEC was organized by Beheiren after four men from the US Navy deserted in Japan and were cared for by Japanese anti-war activists. The collections contains many JATEC materials. 榊原勝昭ブント関係書類 Sakakibara Katsuaki Bunto kankei shorui Sakakibara Katsuaki’s Bund materials item_ID: 16667 FolderID: 255 These are materials of Sakakibara Katsuaki concerning the First Bund (Kyōsan shugisha Dōmei). He was one of several early Bund members that Takazawa Kōji interviewed and worked with in preparing the series of volumes of Bund documents that he edited. 116 ❖ ファイル Folders 査証関連資料 Sashō kanren shiryō Sashō (Visa) materials item_ID: 17128 FolderID: 379 Sashō (Visa) was a publication put out in Japan in the early 1970s on behalf of the Japanese group in the Middle East that became the Japanese Red Army. Takazawa was involved in producing the journal and the collection contains many of its materials. This folder contains 13 items. 佐多稲子インタビュー記事 Sata Inako interview kiji Sata Ineko interview article item_ID: 16604 FolderID: 232 Materials from an interview with the writer Sata Ineko. 佐藤訪米関係資料 Satō hōbei kankei shiryō Prime Minister Sato”s trip to the United States item_ID: 17075 FolderID: 345 Materials on Prime Minister Sato’s visit to the United States, which sparked major protests. 「狭山差別裁判」パンフレット Sayama Sabetsu Saiban Panfuretto Sayama Discrimination Trial item_ID: 13715 FolderID: 130 This folder contains pamphlets and handbills from the Sayama case, in which a Burakumin was falsely charged with a heinous murder. The case was quickly identified as discrimination against Burakumin, and became a major cause not only for the Buraku Liberation League but for the New Left in general. The collection contains many other materials related to this case. 参議院を取り戻す会 Sangiin o Torimodosu Kai Recall the Diet Members Club item_ID: 13746 FolderID: 164 This folder contains handbills and miscellaneous materials from a campaign to recall Diet members in which Furuya Yoshiko participated. The collection also contains a poster from this campaign. サンデー毎日 「日韓近頃見聞」切り抜き item_ID: 17160 Sandē Mainichi “Nikkan chikagoro kenbun” kirinuki FolderID: 404 “Recent Information on Japan-Korea Relations” clipping from Sunday Mainichi Clippings from Sunday Mainichi on recent developments on Japan-Korea relations. サンデー毎日切り抜き (1976年) Sandē Mainichi kirinuki (1976 nen) Sunday Mainichi clippings (1976) Clippings from Sunday Mainichi In 1976. item_ID: 17161 FolderID: 405 ファイル Folders ❖ 117 サンリオ労働組合関係資料 Sanrio rōdō kumiai kankei shiryō Sanrio labor union materials item_ID: 17068 FolderID: 338 Materials concerning the labor union at Sanrio corporation. 三里塚闘争 Sanrizuka Tōsō Sanrizuka Struggle item_ID: 13745 FolderID: 163 This folder contains 13 items of miscellaneous materials concerning the Sanrizuka struggle over the construction of Narita International Airport. 三里塚闘争パンフレット Sanrizuka Tōsō Panfuretto Sanrizuka Struggle materials item_ID: 13696 FolderID: 111 This folder contains pamphlets and other materials from the Sanrizuka struggle to prevent the construction and opening of Narita International Airport. These materials are from the late 1970s and early 1980s period of the long-running campaign. 三里塚闘争関係書類 Sanrizuka tōsō kankei shorui Sanrizuka struggle materials item_ID: 16556 FolderID: 207 This folder contains six pamphlets and handbills from the Sanrizuka struggle in opposition to the construction of Narita International Airport. 三里塚闘争関係 Sanrizuka tōsō kankei Sanrizuka Struggle materials item_ID: 16938 FolderID: 297 Materials on the protest movement at Narita Airport, known as the Sanrizuka movement. Sanrizuka is the name of the village covering part of the airport and was the center of a major opposition movement by the farmers that was supported by New Left organizations. 三里塚闘争管制塔占拠事件資料 Sanrizuka Tōsō Kanseitō Senkyo Jiken Shiryō Sanrizuka Struggle Narita Control Tower Attack Incident materials item_ID: 13756 FolderID: 176 This folder contains a large collection (86 items) of pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials from the Narita Control Tower attack, which was one of the major events of the Sanrizuka struggle against the construction and operation of Narita International Airport. 三里塚闘争資料 Sanrizuka Tōsō Shiryō Sanrizuka Struggle materials item_ID: 13768 FolderID: 188 118 ❖ ファイル Folders This folder contains 22 items from the long-running conflict at Narita Airport, known by activists as the Sanrizuka struggle. 三里塚闘争人権問題 Sanrizuka Tōsō Jinken Mondai Sanrizuka Struggle Human Rights Problems item_ID: 13769 FolderID: 189 This folder contains clippings and miscellaneous materials on human rights issues in the Sanrizuka struggle against the construction and operation of Narita International Airport. 三里塚闘争中核派分裂問題資料 Sanrizuka Tōsō Chūkakuha Bunretsu Mondai Shiryō Sanrizuka Struggle Chūkakuha Split Problem materials item_ID: 13725 FolderID: 141 This folder contains 61 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials concerning a conflict involving Chūkakuha that arose within the Sanrizuka Struggle to prevent the construction and opening of Narita International Airport. 三里塚ビデオ証拠採用関係書類 Sanrizuka Bideo shōko saiyō kankei shorui Materials related to the introduction of Sanrizuka video evidence item_ID: 16613 FolderID: 241 These items concern the use of video evidence in a Sanrizuka case. Sanrizuka is the location (and short name) of the struggle against the construction of Narita International Airport. 自衛隊叛軍闘争パンフレット Jieitai Hangun Tōsō Panfuretto Self-Defense Force Anti-Military Struggle pamphlets item_ID: 13710 FolderID: 125 This folder contains pamphlets from the anti-military movement within the Japanese Selfl-Defense Forces, instigated by Konishi Makoto. The collection contains many other materials related to this movement. 自衛隊反対運動関係 Jieitai hantai undō kankei Anti-Self-Defense Force movement item_ID: 16930 FolderID: 293 Materials on movements against the Self-Defense Force. 塩見孝也獄中パンフレット Shiomi Takaya Gokuchū Panfuretto Shiomi Takaya Prison pamphlets item_ID: 13234 FolderID: 54 This folder contains pamphlets and other materials written by Shiomi Takaya from prison. 塩見孝也出獄後書類 Shiomi Takaya Shutsugokugo Shorui Shiomi Takaya post-release materials item_ID: 16663 FolderID: 251 ファイル Folders ❖ 119 These nineteen pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and miscellaneous materials cover the period after Shiomi Takaya was released from prison in the early 1990s. Shiomi was the oriiginal leader of Sekigunha and spent twenty years in prison for his part in planning several early Red Army incidents. 時局協商懇談会関係資料 Jikyoku Kyōshō kondankai kankei shiryō Political Situation Discussion Group materials item_ID: 16586 FolderID: 222 This folder contains 14 handbills and other materials from a group called Jikyoku Kyōshō kondankai that apparently gathered to discuss current affairs. CTS闘争関係 CTS tōsō kankei CTS (Central Terminal Station) movement materials item_ID: 16894 FolderID: 271 These materials concern a protest movement in Okinawa against the construction of large chemical and fuel storage facilities (Central Terminal Stations) in environmentally sensitive coastal areas. 指導原理関係資料 Shidō genri kankei shiryō Leadership principles materials item_ID: 17087 FolderID: 356 Material on principles of leadership. 島成郎 沖縄精神医療運動 Shima Shigeo, Okinawa Seishin Iryō Undō Shima Shigeo, Okinawa Psychiatric Medical Care Movement item_ID: 16560 FolderID: 213 This is an archival box of materials concerning Shima Shigeo’s involvement in the Okinawa Seishin Iryō movement, a community psychiatry movement in which he was a leading figure. There are 39 items, with some books and pamphlets loose in the box and handbills, pamphlets, and photocopied magazine articles in folders inside the box. 社学同関係書類 Shagakudō kankei shorui Shagakudō materials item_ID: 16557 FolderID: 208 This folder contains a pamphlet from Shagakudō, the campus-based student organization affiliated with Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (Bund). ジャカルタ日米大使館ゲリラ事件に関する新聞記事 Jakaruta Nichibei taishikan gerira jiken ni kansuru shinbun kiji Jakarta Japanese Embassy guerrilla attack newspaper clippings item_ID: 17130 FolderID: 381 Newspaper clippings concerning an attack on the Japanese Embassy in Jakarta. 120 ❖ ファイル Folders Japan Peace Seriesパンフレット Japan Pīsu Shirīzu Panfuretto Japan Peace Series item_ID: 12447 FolderID: 7 This folder contains a news release concerning four members of the U.S. navy who went AWOL in Japan and were taken in a protected by Japanese opposed to the Vietnam War. Beheiren played a central role in this activity, and there are other materials in the collection concerning this incident. 集会参加者名簿 Shūkai Sankasha Meibo Meeting Participants’ Name Log item_ID: 13753 FolderID: 172 This contains 18 sign-in logs from shūkai or open meetings. Typically such gatherings have a sign-in book by the front door, which participants sign as they enter, pay their entry fee, and receive their meeting handouts. 十月革命に関する新聞記事 Jūgatsu Kakumei ni kansuru shinbun kiji October Revolution newspaper clippings item_ID: 16911 FolderID: 282 Newspaper clippings about the October Revolution. 出入国管理法関連資料 Shutsunyūkoku kanrihō kanren shiryō Import and Export law materials item_ID: 17062 FolderID: 332 Materials on import and export laws. 春闘関係資料 Shuntō kankei shiryō Spring Labor Offensive materials item_ID: 16935 FolderID: 296 Materials on the annual spring labor offensive. 旬報学生青年運動 Shunpō Gakusei Seinen Undō Shunpō Students and Youth Movement item_ID: 12780 FolderID: 38 This folder contains clippings concerning an organization called Shunpō Gakusei Seinen Undō. 昭和天皇Xデー Shōwa Tennō X dē Shōwa Emperor’s Death (X Day) item_ID: 13734 FolderID: 151 This folder contains three items concerning the Shōwa Emperor’s death, which came to be known beforehand as X Day during the long wait as he lay on his deathbed for several months. ファイル Folders ❖ 121 昭和天皇崩御新聞記事 Shōwa Tennō Hōgyo Shinbun Kiji Shōwa Emperor’s Funeral newspaper clippings item_ID: 15467 FolderID: 195 This folder contains clippings from the Shōwa emperor’s funeral. 食用塩問題資料 Shokuyōen Mondai Shiryō Table Salt problem materials item_ID: 13722 FolderID: 138 The quality of salt used for cooking and table use became an issue in the Japanese natural foods movement, leading to groups that produced their own sea salt. This folder contains 11pamphlets, clippings, and other materials related to the safety and health issues concerning salt. 女性問題関係資料 Josei mondai kankei shiryō Women’s issues materials item_ID: 16598 FolderID: 226 A collection of 10 clippings and other materials concerning women’s issues. 試論・沖縄戦後史 Shiron, Okinawa sengo shi Postwar Okinawan history, thoughts item_ID: 16907 FolderID: 279 This folder contains 54 items on postwar Okinawan history. 新石垣空港建設反対運動関係資料 Shin Ishigaki kūkō kensetsu hantai undō kankei shiryō Anti-New Ishigaki Airport Construction movement materials item_ID: 17135 FolderID: 386 Materials from a movement opposing the construction of the New Ishigaki Airport in Okinawa. 人工肝臓室の現状について Jinkō Kanzōshitsu no Genjō ni Tsuite Current Conditions of the Dialysis Room item_ID: 13760 FolderID: 180 This folder contains handbills and other materials concerning the “artificial liver room” which I think means kidney dialysis. 新宿べ平連集会 Shinjuku Beheiren Shūkai Shinjuku Beheiren Rally item_ID: 13752 FolderID: 171 This folder contains handbills and miscellaneous materials from a Shinjuku Beheiren rally. 新宿べ平連資料 Shinjuku Beheiren Shiryō Shinjuku Beheiren materials item_ID: 13744 FolderID: 162 122 ❖ ファイル Folders This folder contains10 pamphlets, handbills, and other materials from the Shinjuku Beheiren chapter in which Furuya Yoshiko was very active. 新宿べ平連新聞記事 Shinjuku Beheiren Shinbun Kiji Shinjuku Beheiren newspaper clippings item_ID: 13733 FolderID: 149 This folder contains eight loose newspaper clippings concerning Shinjuku Beheiren. 新宿べ平連デモ許可書届出書類 Shinnjuku Beheiren Demo Kyokasho Todokede Shorui Shinjuku Beheiren Demonstration Permits item_ID: 13755 FolderID: 174 This file contains 16 permits and applications for Shinjuku Beheiren demonstrations. Demonstration organizers had to apply for permits for street demonstrations, and negotiated with the police about the demonstration route, time, etc. 人民運動関係資料 Jinmin undō kankei shiryō People’s movement materials item_ID: 16601 FolderID: 229 Handbills and other items from the people’s movement (jinmin undō). 人民協商連合関係資料 Jinmin Kyōshō Rengō kankei shiryō People’s Agreement League materials item_ID: 16585 FolderID: 221 This folder contains seven handbills and other items from a group called Jinmin Kyōshō Rengō. スタインホフ教授来日に関する切り抜き Sutainhofu kyōju rainichi ni kansuru kirinuki Professor Steinhoff’s visit to Japan clippings item_ID: 17139 FolderID: 390 A newspaper clipping from Professor Patricia Steinhoff’s visit to Japan in connection with the publication of her book in Japanese. Takazawa had arranged a press conference for the event. 出版労協パンフレット Shuppan Rōkyō Panfuretto Publishing Union materials item_ID: 12455 FolderID: 15 This folder contains pamphlets and other materials from Shuppan Rōdōsha Kyōgikai, a confederation of publishing unions that had a lot of New Left participants. 砂川闘争記録 Sunakawa Tōsō Kiroku Sunakawa Struggle Record item_ID: 13389 FolderID: 90 This folder contains pamphlets reporting on the Sunakawa struggle, a campaign to prevent the expansion of the Tachikawa Airbase into neighboring farmland in the ファイル Folders ❖ 123 village of Sunakawa. There were two Sunakawa campaigns, one in the late 1950s and one in the late 1960s. These pamphlets were produced during the second campaign, but give the history of the problem from the earlier period. 青年マルクス主義学校関係資料 Seinen Marukusu shugi gakkō kankei shiryō Youth Marxist School materials item_ID: 17141 FolderID: 392 Item from a youth school on Marxism. 世界革命情報センターIRF・IC Sekai Kakumei Jōhō Sentā IRF/IC World Revolution Information Center IRF/IC item_ID: 12785 FolderID: 43 This folder contains handbills put out by Sekai Kakumei Information Center, which was an arm of Dai Yon Intānashonaru, the group that produced the newspaper Sekai Kakumei. 世界の鼓動シリーズ Sekaino kodōshirīzu World Pulse Series materials item_ID: 13685 FolderID: 98 Materials from a publication called World Pulse Series. 赤軍関係資料 Sekigun kankei shiryō Red Army materials item_ID: 17086 FolderID: 355 Materials on Sekigunha, the Red Army. 赤軍出版印刷事件 Sekigun shuppan insatsu jiken Sekigun publishing and printing incident item_ID: 16612 FolderID: 240 This item concerns an incident in the mid-1970s when an issue of Sekigun was banned as a bomb-making manual. The police searched the printing company that had produced the issue and in the process, poured sand into the printing press and ruined it. 赤軍派(プロ革)結成内部資料 Sekigunha (Purokakuha) kessei naibu shiryō Red Army Faction Proletarian Revolution Faction (Sekigunha Purokakuha) formation internal materials item_ID: 17158 FolderID: 403 This folder contains 39 internal materials from Puro Kakuha, which was an attempt by Shiomi Takaya’s supporters to revive the Red Army Faction in the mid-1970s, but with a milder political position. 赤軍派再建論争パンフレット Sekigun-ha Saiken Ronsō Panfuretto Sekigunha Revival Debate Pamphlets item_ID: 12509 FolderID: 22 124 ❖ ファイル Folders This folder contains pamphlets from the debate over whether and how to revive Sekigunha after its collapse following the Rengō Sekigun Incident. It includes materials related to the activities of Sekigunha in the Kamagasaki day laborers community in Osaka. 赤軍派内部文書・印刷物資料集成1 Sekigun-ha Naibu Bunsho/Insatsu Butsu Shiryō Shūsei 1 Sekigunha Internal Documents and Published Materials Collection 1 item_ID: 12593 FolderID: 26 赤軍派内部文書・印刷物資料集成2 Sekigun-ha Naibu Bunsho/Insatsu Butsu Shiryō Shūsei2 Sekigunha Internal Documents and Published Materials Collection 2 item_ID: 12594 FolderID: 27 赤軍派内部文書・印刷物資料集成3 Sekigun-ha Naibu Bunsho/Insatsu Butsu Shiryō Shūsei3 Sekigunha Internal Documents and Publisher Materials Collection 3 item_ID: 12595 FolderID: 28 赤軍派内部文書・印刷物資料集成4 Sekigun-ha Naibu Bunsho/Insatsu Butsu Shiryō Shūsei4 Sekigunha Internal Documents and Published Materials Collection 4 item_ID: 12596 FolderID: 29 赤軍派内部文書・印刷物資料集成5 Sekigun-ha Naibu Bunsho/Insatsu Butsu Shiryō Shūsei5 Sekigunha Internal Documents and Published Materials Collection 5 item_ID: 12597 FolderID: 30 赤軍派内部文書・印刷物資料集成6 Sekigun-ha Naibu Bunsho/Insatsu Butsu Shiryō Shūsei Sekigunha Internal Documents and Published Materials Collection 6 item_ID: 12598 FolderID: 31 赤軍派内部文書・印刷物資料集成7 Sekigun-ha Naibu Bunsho/Insatsu Butsu Shiryō Shūsei7 Sekigunha Internal Documents and Published Materials Collection 7 item_ID: 12599 FolderID: 32 赤軍派内部文書・印刷物資料集成8 Sekigun-ha Naibu Bunsho/Insatsu Shiryō Shūsei8 Sekigunha Internal Documents and Published Materials Collection 8 item_ID: 12600 FolderID: 33 赤軍派内部資料・印刷物資料集成9 Sekigun-ha Naibu Bunsho/Insatsu Butsu Shiryō Shūsei9 Sekigunha Internal Documents and Published Materials Collection 9 item_ID: 12601 FolderID: 34 赤軍派内部文書・印刷物資料集成10 Sekigun-ha Naibu Bunsho/Insatsu Butsu Shiryō Shūsei10 Sekigunha Internal Documents and Published Materials Collection 10 item_ID: 12602 FolderID: 35 赤軍派内部文書・印刷物資料集成11 Sekigun-ha Naibu bunsho/Insatsu Butsu Shiryō Shūsei11 Sekigunha Internal Documents and Published Materials Collection 11 item_ID: 12603 FolderID: 36 This is an 11 volume set of Sekigunha internal and published materials organized by Takazawa Kōji in preparation for the book Sekigun Dokyūmento. 赤軍派パンフレット1 Sekigun-ha Panfuretto 1 Sekigunha Pamphlets 1 item_ID: 12506 FolderID: 19 ファイル Folders ❖ 125 This folder contains pamphlets and handbills from the early period of Sekigunha in 1969. 赤軍派パンフレット2 Sekigun-ha Panfuretto 2 Sekigunha Pamphlets 2 item_ID: 12507 FolderID: 20 This folder contains pamphlets and handbills from the early period of Sekigunha in 1969, including materials written by people who were arrested for their involved in the Daibosatsu Incident. It also includes some slightly later materials. 赤軍派パンフレット3 Sekigun-ha Panfuretto 3 Sekigunha Pamphlets 3 item_ID: 12508 FolderID: 21 This folder (actually three folders under one title) contains later Sekigunha materials, including some from the formation of the Sekigunha Puro Kakuha in the mid1970s and items relating to Sekigunha activities in the day laborers’ community of Kamagasaki in Ōsaka. The contents include pamphlets and other miscellaneous materials. 『世代』からの切り抜き (野間宏、吉本隆明、大江健三郎他座談会) “Sedai” kara no kirinuki (Noma Hiroshi, Yoshimoto Takaaki, Ōe Kenzaburō hoka zadankai) “Sedai” clipping from a group discussion by Noma Hiroshi, Yoshimoto Takaaki, and Ōe Kenzaburō item_ID: 17153 FolderID: 400 This is a clipping of a zadankai (edited group discussion) featuring three prominent public intellectuals, published in the journal Sedai. 全共闘関係資料 Zenkyōtō Kankei Shiryō Zenkyōtō materials item_ID: 13353 FolderID: 57 This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, clippings and other materials from the Zenkyōtō movement. 全共闘パンフレット Zenkyōtō Panfuretto Zenkyōtō pamphlets item_ID: 13367 FolderID: 70 This folder contains pamphlets from the Zenkyōtō movement. 泉水博取材データ Sensui Hiroshi shuzai dēta Sensui Hiroshi investigation data item_ID: 16672 FolderID: 257 Sensui Hiroshi was a common criminal who was released to the Japanese Red Army in the Dacca hijacking of 1977 and subsequently spent some years with the group and was on international wanted lists as a member. After Maruoka Osamu’s arrest 126 ❖ ファイル Folders in the late 1980s, Sensui was traced to the Philippines, where he had been living under an assumed name with a Filipina wife. He was arrested while undergoing cosmetic surgery to alter his appearance, and was deported back to Japan for trial. The 34 items here are primarily newspaper clippings and miscellaneous materials from the late 1980s when he was captured and returned to Japan. 「戦争への道を許さない女たちの会」会報 “Sensō eno Michi o Yurusanai Onnatachi no Kai” Kaihō The Road to War is Impermissible Women’s Group bulletin item_ID: 13757 FolderID: 177 This folder contains a large collection (69 items) of pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials concerning an antiwar women’s group called “The Road to War is Impermissible” (Sensō e no Michi o Yurusanai Onnatachi no Kai) and their publication Kaihō. Some of the materials are also in the collection as serial issues #15356 and 15357 of Fujin Minshu Shimbun. 全逓沖縄資料パンフレット Zentei Okinawa Shiryō Panfuretto Zentei Okinawa materials item_ID: 13704 FolderID: 119 This folder contains materials from the Zentei labor union in Okinawa. 全電通闘争パンフレット Zen Dentsū Tōsō Panfuretto All-Dentsū Struggle item_ID: 13712 FolderID: 127 Zen Dentsū is the labor union at the Dentsū Advertising Agency. This folder contains pamphlets and handbills from a labor conflict at Dentsū. 総評新聞関係パンフレット Sōhyō Shinbun Kankei Panfuretto Sōhyō Newspaper materials item_ID: 13717 FolderID: 133 This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, and other items related to the Sōhyō union federation’s newspaper, also called Sōhyō. 徐兄弟関係資料 So Kyōdai Kankei Shiryō So Brothers materials item_ID: 13764 FolderID: 184 This folder contains 21 items about the So brothers, including pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and miscellaneous materials. The So brothers were Korean residents of Japan who were jailed in South Korea for anti-government activity and complained that they had been beaten and tortured. There was a big movement in support of them in Japan. Later it was learned that they had fabricated the charges, leading to a second movement and a great deal of confusion. The collection also contains several books published as part of this movement that are listed in the book bibliography. ファイル Folders ❖ 127 第48回メーデーアピール Dai 48 kai Mēdē Apīru 48th May Day Appeals item_ID: 13682 FolderID: 96 This folder contains handbills from the 48th annual May Day celebration. 大学闘争関係資料 Daigaku tōsō kankei shiryō University struggle materials item_ID: 17071 FolderID: 341 Materials on conflicts at universities during the late 1960s. 大学立法粉砕関係資料 Daigaku rippō funsai kankei shiryō Destroy the university law materials item_ID: 17090 FolderID: 359 Materials on the movement opposing the University Law of 1969. 大学論講義資料 Daigakuron Kōgi Shiryō University Debate materials item_ID: 12783 FolderID: 41 This folder contains handbills related to discussions and debates about the nature of the university and how to reform it. 第四インターナショナル Dai yon intānashonaru Fourth International item_ID: 16927 FolderID: 292 Materials on the Fourth International, a student organization in Japan affiliated with the international Trotskyite organization of the same name. 高沢インタビュー等資料 Takazawa intabyū tō shiryō Takazawa interview materials item_ID: 16990 FolderID: 330 A folder of materials concerning interviews with Takazawa Koji. 高沢皓司著作目録 Takazawa Kōji Chosaku Mokuroku Takazawa Kōji Bibliography item_ID: 13740 FolderID: 158 This folder contains a full bibliography of Takazawa Kōji’s publications up to the time the collection was donated to the University of Hawaii in the early 1990s. 高沢氏編『ブントの思想』関係資料 Takazawa-shi hen “Bunto no shisō” kankei shiryō Bund Thought series edited by Takazawa materials item_ID: 17136 FolderID: 387 128 ❖ ファイル Folders Materials on the Bund Thought series that Takazawa edited with former leaders of the First Bund in the 1960 Ampo period. 高野悦子関係資料 Takano Etsuko Kankai Shiryō Takano Etsuko materials item_ID: 13729 FolderID: 146 This folder contains clippings concerning Takano Etsuko. See also Serial Issues #15247 & #15248 (Nasu Bungaku). 高橋和巳講演録、文学の苦しみと喜び(査証掲載へ) item_ID: 16664 Takahashi Kazumi kōenroku, Bungaku no kurushimi to yorokobi FolderID: 252 (Sashō kensai e) Takahashi Kazumi lecture, the joy and pain of literature (for publication in Sashō) This is the transcription of a lecture by Takahashi Kazumi entitled Bungaku no kurushimi to yorokobi (the joy and pain of literature). Takahashi Kazumi was a China scholar at Kyoto University who was very close to New Left students and occasionally contributed work for their publications. This lecture was to be published in Sashō, which was a magazine edited by Takazawa Kōji and others affiliated with the Red Army. 高橋悠治関係資料 Takahashi Yūji kankei shiryō Takahashi Yūji materials item_ID: 16917 FolderID: 287 This folder contains 15 items concerning Takahashi Yūji. 滝沢君虐殺関係資料 Takizawa-kun gyakusatsu kankei shiryō Takizawa massacre materials item_ID: 17076 FolderID: 346 Materials on the Takizawa incident. 滝田修事件関係資料 Takita Osamu Jiken Kankei Shiryō Takita Osamu Incident materials item_ID: 13307 FolderID: 56 This folder contains handbills, clippings, and other materials related to the Takita Osamu incident, in which Takita, a young faculty member (joshū) and activist at Kyoto University who had organized a partisan group, was put on the wanted list in connection with an attack by the group on a military base, an incident known as the Sekieigun Incident. Takita went underground, where he remained for several years, but was never tried or convicted in connection with the incident. The collection contains many other materials on Takita and on the incident. 武石和美学習会資料 Takeishi Kazumi gakushūkai shiryō Takeishi Kazumi students meeting materials A folder of meetings about a student assembly. item_ID: 16916 FolderID: 286 ファイル Folders ❖ 129 武石和実個人データ Takeishi Kazumi kojin dēta Takeishi Kazumi personal data item_ID: 16944 FolderID: 300 A folder of Takeishi Kazumi’s personal data. 武石和実書類 Takeishi Kazumi shorui Takeishi Kazumi documents item_ID: 16943 FolderID: 299 A folder of Takeishi Kazumi’s personal documents. 「ただの市民が戦車を止める会」関連資料 “Tada no shimin ga sensha o tomeru kai” kanren shiryō “Ordinary citizens to stop the tank cars” materials item_ID: 17156 FolderID: 402 Materials from a citizens’ protest campaign against the transport through Tokyo of railway tank cars containing military materials, during the Vietnam war. 脱走米兵関連新聞切り抜き Dassō beihei kanren shinbun kirinuki American military defectors newspaper clippings item_ID: 17112 FolderID: 365 A folder of newspaper clippings about American military defectors. Beheiren conducted an organized campaign of helping and supporting American soldiers who went AWOL from their military bases in Japan. 田中機械闘争 Tanaka Kikai Tōsō Tanaka Machinery Company Struggle item_ID: 13702 FolderID: 117 This folder contain 19 items concerning a labor dispute at Tanaka Machinery. 田中清玄関係書類 Tanaka Seigen Kankei Shorui Tanaka Seigen materials item_ID: 13721 FolderID: 137 Tanaka Seigen was a participant in the Japan Communist Party in the early 1930s and subsequently made a tenkō. In postwar Japan he was a business executive, but provided some support to Bund leaders during the 1960 Ampo struggle. During the 1980s Takazawa Kōji did some research on Tanaka Seigen and as a result the collection contains many materials about Tanaka’s activities and a bibliography of mass media reports about him. This folder contains 22 items, primarily clippings and other miscellaneous materials. 田中清玄氏著作目録 Tanaka Seigen shi Chosaku Mokuroku Tanaka Seigen Bibliography item_ID: 13728 FolderID: 144 Tanaka Seigen was a participant in the Japan Communist Party in the early 1930s and subsequently made a tenkō. In postwar Japan he was a business executive, but 130 ❖ ファイル Folders provided some support to Bund leaders during the 1960 Ampo struggle. During the 1980s Takazawa Kōji was doing research on Tanaka and as a result the collection contains many materials about Tanaka’s activities. This folder contains a bibliography of Tanaka’s writings, prepared by Takazawa. チッソ株主総会関連資料 Chisso kabunushi sōkai kanren shiryō Chisso stockholders meeting materials item_ID: 17111 FolderID: 364 Materials on Chisso stockholders meetings. Chisso was the corporation involved in dumping mercury into a bay and causing Minamata disease, which was a major issue during the late 1960s. One tactic of the movement was to purchase single shares of stock in Chisso in order to participate in the stockholders meetings to confront the company. 中央大学全共闘運動資料 Chūō Daigaku zenkyōtō undō shiryō Chūō University zenkyōtō movement materials item_ID: 16790 FolderID: 268 Materials on the Chūō University zenkyōtō movement, one of many individual movements against university policies in 1968-70. 中央公論社闘争パンフレット Chūō Kōronsha Tōsō Panfuretto Chūō Kōron Struggle item_ID: 12456 FolderID: 16 This folder contains pamphlets and handbills from a labor conflict at the magazine Chūō Kōron, involving the labor union Shuppan Rōdōsha Kyōgikai. The conflict concerned the firing of a woman named Iijima Michiko. 中国旅行 Chūgoku ryokō China trip item_ID: 16676 FolderID: 261 This folder contains materials from a trip to China. 朝鮮記録映画、戯曲等関係資料 Chōsen kiroku eiga, gikyoku tō kankei shiryō North Korean documentary film, dramas, etc. item_ID: 17122 FolderID: 372 Folder of 11 materials on North Korean documentary films and dramas. 朝鮮資料(DPRK)古屋能子訪朝時のパンフレット Chōsen shiryō (DPRK) Furuya Yoshiko hōchōji no panfuretto North Korean pamphlets (DPRK) from Furuya Yoshiko’s trip item_ID: 16987 FolderID: 327 This folder contains pamphlets collected by Furuya Yoshiko during her trip to North Korea. ファイル Folders ❖ 131 朝鮮統一・韓日闘争パンフレット Chōsen Tōitsu Kannichi Tōsō Panfuretto North Korea Unified Korea-Japan Struggle materials item_ID: 13718 FolderID: 134 This folder contains 23 materials from the Korean unification movement. 朝鮮問題関係資料 Chōsen mondai kankei shiryō North Korean problem materials item_ID: 16602 FolderID: 230 A collection of 18 handbills and clippings concerning Korean problems. The language (Chōsen) marks it as having a North Korean perspective. 朝鮮連帯センター関係資料 Chōsen rentai sentā kankei shiryō North Korean Solidarity Center materials item_ID: 17125 FolderID: 375 A folder of materials on the North Korean Solidarity Center. 追悼文集に関する切り抜き Tsuitō bunshū ni kansuru kirinuki Posthumous writings clippings item_ID: 17082 FolderID: 351 A clipping concerning posthumous collections of writings. 土田・日石・ピース缶爆弾事件関係 Tsuchida/Nisseki/Pīsukan Bakudan Jiken Kankei Tsuchida-Nisseki-Peace Can Bomb Incident materials item_ID: 15459 FolderID: 191 This folder contains pamphlets and handbills from the Tsuchida-Nisseki-Peace Can bomb incident. Takazawa wrote a book about this case, and the collection contains a wide array of the materials. 土田・日石・ピース缶爆弾事件真犯人証言関係資料 item_ID: 15458 Tsuchida/Nisseki/Pīsukan Bakudan Jiken Shin-han’nin Shōgen Kankei FolderID: 190 Shiryō Tsuchida-Nisseki-Peace Can Bomb Incident, True Perpetrator’s Testimony materials This folder contains materials from the testimony of witnesses who came forward during the Tsuchida-Nisseki-Peace Can Bomb incident to testify that they had actually performed actions of which the defendants were accused. These witnesses were critical in revealing that the charges against the defendants were in fact a frame-up based on a false police scenario that linked a series of unrelated events. 帝国主義関係資料 Teikoku shugi kankei shiryō Imperialism materials Folder of materials on imperialism. item_ID: 17085 FolderID: 354 132 ❖ ファイル Folders 天安門事件関係パンフレット Tenanmon Jiken Kankei Panfuretto Tien An Men Incident pamphlets item_ID: 16634 FolderID: 249 Seven pamphlets concerning the Tien An Men Incident. 統一協会関係日本共産党出版物 Tōitsu Kyōkai Kankei Nihon Kyōsantō Shuppan Butsu Unification Church related Japan Communist Party publications item_ID: 13370 FolderID: 73 This folder contains 2 pamphlets put out in the late 1970s by the Japan Communist Party, exposing parts of the Unification Church’s Bible that had not been included in the Japanese translation. 東京拘置所関係資料 Tōkyō kōchisho kankei shiryō Tokyo House of Detention materials item_ID: 17070 FolderID: 340 Materials on the Tokyo House of Detention. 東京都学連定期大会 Tokyo togakuren teiki taikai Tokyo City Student Federation Convention materials item_ID: 16558 FolderID: 209 This folder contains two pamphlets from Tokyo City Student Federation conventions. 闘争歌集 Tōsō Kashū Struggle Songs item_ID: 13719 FolderID: 135 This folder contains 19 songs from various movements. 東大闘争 Tōdai Tōsō Tōkyō University Struggle item_ID: 13736 FolderID: 154 This folder contains a clipping of the Asahi shinbun special issue that was put out at the time of the Tokyo University struggle in January 1969. The collection also has this issue in its serials. 東大闘争・日本共産党パンフレット Tōdai Tōsō/Nihon Kyōsantō Panfuretto Tōkyō University Struggle; Japan Communist Party materials item_ID: 12457 FolderID: 17 This folder contains pamphlets and handbills from the Tokyo University conflict, including some materials from the Japan Communist Party student organization, which was opposed to the conflict and was at odds with other groups involved. 東大闘争公判冒頭陳述書 Tōdai Tōsō Kōhan Bōtō Chinjutsu Sho Tokyo University Struggle Trial, Initial Statements to the Court item_ID: 13365 FolderID: 68 ファイル Folders ❖ 133 This folder contains two pamphlets put out by support groups for the Todai Tōsō trials, containing collections of the initial statements to the court. 渡嘉敷島の戦斗概要 Tokashikitō no sentō gaiyō Tokashiki Island battle outline item_ID: 16579 FolderID: 215 Materials concerning Tokashiki Island at the southern end of Okinawa. 富村公判資料 Tomimura Kōhan Shiryō Tomimura Trial materials item_ID: 13372 FolderID: 75 This folder contains pamphlets and handbills from the trial of Tomimura Jun’ichi, an activist from Okinawa who specialized in independent, individual provocative acts. This trial came about after he had taken an American soldier hostage at the top of Tokyo Tower in order to make statements about the Emperor, war responsibility, and the Okinawa problem. The collection contains many materials about Tomimura Jun’ichi and this trial, primarily from the Furuya Yoshiko subcollection, because Furuya-san was active in his support group and published a book about him. 富村支援関係資料 Tomimura shien kankei shiryō Tomimura Jun’ichi support materials item_ID: 16606 FolderID: 234 Handbills from the support movement for Tomimura Jun’ichi. Tomimura was an Okinawan activist who was arrested and tried in Tokyo for an incident at Tokyo Tower. Furuya Yoshiko was a major figure in his support group, so the collection has a lot of materials on this subject. 富村闘争関係資料 Tomimura tōsō kankei shiryō Tomimura Jun’ichi materials item_ID: 16578 FolderID: 214 This folder contains 58 pamphlets and handbills from the support movement for Tomimura Jun’ichi. Tomimura was an Okinawan activist who was arrested for an incident at Tokyo Tower and stood trial in Tokyo. 戸山研究センター建設反対運動 Toyama kenkyū sentā kensetsu hantai undō Movement opposing construction of the Toyama Research Center item_ID: 16611 FolderID: 239 This is a collection of 21 pamphlets, handbills, and other miscellaneous materials concerning a movement opposing construction of the Toyama Research Center. Toyama Chemical was targeted as a major polluting company. “tricontinental” からの切り抜き “tricontinental” kara no kirinuki “tricontinental” clippings Folder of clippings about “tricontinental.” item_ID: 17147 FolderID: 398 134 ❖ ファイル Folders 長沼行太郎著作物 Naganuma Kōtarō chosakubutsu Naganuma Kōtarō’s writings item_ID: 17088 FolderID: 357 Writings by Naganuma Kōtarō. 日大闘争・全共闘 Nichidai Tōsō/ Zenkyōtō Nihon University Struggle, Zenkyōtō item_ID: 12781 FolderID: 39 This folder contains handbills from the conflict at Nihon University, which was a seminal conflict of the Zenkyōtō period. 日大闘争関係書類 Nichidai tōsō kankei shorui Nihon University campus struggle materials item_ID: 16555 FolderID: 206 This folder contains pamphlets and handbills from the Nihon University campus conflict. 日大闘争資料パンフレット Nichi Dai Tōsō Shiryō Panfuretto Nihon University Struggle materials item_ID: 12453 FolderID: 13 This folder contains pamphlets produced during the Nihon University struggle, which was one of the seminal campus conflicts of the Zenkyōtō movement. The collection contains many other materials from this conflict. 日韓安保体制-ロッキード汚職 Nikkan Anpo Taisei—Rokkidō Oshoku Japan-Korea Security Conditions—Lockheed Scandal item_ID: 13739 FolderID: 157 This folder contains handbills and other miscellaneous materials concerning JapanKorea security conditions and the Lockheed scandal. 日韓問題・金大中拉致事件関係資料 Nikkan Mondai-Kin Daichū Rachijiken Kankei Shiryō Japan-Korea Problem-Kim Dae Jung Kidnap Incident materials item_ID: 13761 FolderID: 181 This folder contains 33 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and miscellaneous materials on Japan-Korea problems and the Kim Dae Jung kidnap incident. 日帝アジア再侵略阻止運動関連ビラ item_ID: 17132 Nittei Ajia sai shinryaku soshi undō kanren bira FolderID: 383 Handbills of movement opposing Japanese new imperialist agression in Asia Handbills opposing Japanese aggression in Asia, which was the main issue of East Asia Anti-Japanese Armed Front. ファイル Folders ❖ 135 日本革命的共産主義者同盟神場強姦犯罪 Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Kamiba gōkan hanzai Japan Revolutionary Communist League Kamiba rape crime item_ID: 16619 FolderID: 247 Clippings and other materials concerning a rape case involving Kakkyōdō. 日本共産青年同盟沖縄委員会パンフレット Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei Okinawa Iinkai Panfuretto Japan Communist Youth League Okinawa Committee pamphlet item_ID: 13711 FolderID: 126 This folder contains material from the Okinawa Committee of Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei, which was a young workers’ organization sponsored by Dai Yon Intānashonaru. 日本共産青年同盟資料 Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei Shiryō Nihon Communist Youth League materials item_ID: 13692 FolderID: 105 This folder contains 117 pamphlets, handbills, and other materials from Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei, which was an organization for working youth led by Dai Yon Intānashonaru, Nihon Shibu. 日本共産党関係資料 Nihon Kyōsantō kankei shiryō Japan Communist Party materials item_ID: 16600 FolderID: 228 Miscellaneous materials from the Japan Communist Party. 日本共産党関係資料 Nihon Kyōsantō kankei shiryō Japan Communist Party materials item_ID: 16902 FolderID: 276 Materials on the Japan Communist Party. 日本共産党出版物 Nihon Kyōsantō Shuppan Butsu Japan Communist Party publications item_ID: 13368 FolderID: 71 This folder contains several pamphlets put out by the Japan Communist Party during the 1970s. 日本共産党党友カード Nihon Kyōsantō tōyū kādo Japan Communist Party friends of the party cards item_ID: 16607 FolderID: 235 Japan Communist Party cards. 日本社会党沖縄県本部17回大会議案書パンフレット Nihon Shakaitō Okinawaken Honbu 17 Kai Taikai Giansho Panfuretto Japan Socialist Party Okinawa central office 17th Congress Proposals item_ID: 13714 FolderID: 129 136 ❖ ファイル Folders This folder contains the pamphlets prepared for the 17th congress of the Japan Socialist Party Okinawa branch. 日本赤軍関係資料 Nihon Sekigun Kankei Shiryō Nihon Sekigun (Japanese Red Army) Materials item_ID: 13227 FolderID: 47 This folder contains 21 pamphlets, handbills, and clippings concerning Nihon Sekigun (Japanese Red Army), the branch of Sekigunha that Shigenobu Fusako formed as a separate organization based in the Middle East. 日本赤軍による中東レポート、PLO関係資料 Nihon sekigun ni yoru chūtō repōto, PLO kankei shiryō Japanese Red Army Middle East Report, PLO materials item_ID: 17113 FolderID: 366 Chūtō Report was a monthly publication produced by the Japanese Red Army Group in the Middle East and published for distribution in Japan by Unita Shoho. It contained their on-the-ground observations about factional disputes and other internal information about the Palestinian Liberation Organization. 日本赤色救援会パンフレット Nihon Sekishoku Kyūenkai Panfuretto Japan Red Relief Society (MOPR) item_ID: 13230 FolderID: 50 This folder contains 14 pamphlets, handbills, and other materials from Nihon Sekishoku Kyūenkai, or Red Relief, which was also known by the acronym MOPR or Moppuru. These materials are from the support organization created for and by Sekigunha to support its arrested members, but it took its name from the prewar Japan Communist Party’s support organization of the same name. The collection contains many other materials from this organization. 日本の対韓侵略と在日韓国人・朝鮮人抑圧反対運動関係資料 item_ID: 17123 Nihon no taikan shinryaku to zainichi kankokujin, chōsenjin FolderID: 373 yokuatsu hantai undō kankei shiryō Japanese aggression against Korea, oppression of Korean residents in Japan Folder of materials on Japanese aggression against Korea and the problems faced by Korean residents in Japan. 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合資料 Nihon wa Korede Iinoka Shimin Rengō shiryō Materials concerning the citizens’ alliance Is This Okay for Japan? item_ID: 16616 FolderID: 244 The citizens’ group Nihon wa Kore de Ii no ka is considered an outgrowth of the Beheiren movement and involved many of the same people. It has investigated various social issues through research, public meetings, and publications. PFLP 資料 PFLP Shiryō PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) materials item_ID: 13359 FolderID: 62 ファイル Folders ❖ 137 This folder contains 14 pamphlets from Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a group within the Palestine Liberation Organization that worked with Nihon Sekigun and other European New Left groups in the early 1970s. 袴田里見氏に関する切り抜き Hakamada Satomi-shi ni kansuru kirinuki Hakamada Satomi case clippings item_ID: 17137 FolderID: 388 A folder of clippings about Hakamada Satomi, a longtime key member of the Japan Communist Party, who broke with Miyamoto Kenji in 1978 and published an article in which he confirmed that Miyamoto had killed a spy in the prewar JCP lynch incident. This was a violation of the internal Party rule never to reveal internal Party matters to outsiders, and he was removed from the Party for it. A folder of clippings about Hakamada Satomi, a longtime key member of the Japan Communist Party, who broke with Miyamoto Kenji in 1978 and published an article in which he confirmed that Miyamoto had killed a spy in the prewar JCP lynch incident. This was a violation of the internal Party rule never to reveal internal Party matters to outsiders, and he was removed from the Party for it. 朴政権下における政治犯救援活動関係資料 item_ID: 17121 Paku seiken ka ni okeru seijihan kyūen katsudō kankei shiryō FolderID: 371 Support activities for political criminals under the Park regime in Korea A folder of 19 materials about support activities to assist people who had been imprisoned for political opposition to the Park Chung Hee regime. 初めての広島 Hajimete no Hiroshima Hiroshima for the First Time item_ID: 16677 FolderID: 262 Travel materials for Hiroshima. パレスチナ解放支援資料 Paresuchina Kaihō Shien Shiryō Palestine Liberation Support Materials item_ID: 13228 FolderID: 48 This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, and other materials related to support for the Palestinian liberation movement. パレスチナ難民支援センター Paresuchina Nanmin Shien Sentā Palestinian Refugees Support Center item_ID: 12786 FolderID: 44 This folder contains pamphlets and handbills put out by the Palestinian Refugees Support Center, an organization in Japan supporting the cause of Palestinian refugees who had been pushed out of Israel and then Jordan and were living in refugee camps, primarily in Lebanon. Their cause was taken up by the New Left in Japan in 1969. 138 ❖ ファイル Folders パレスチナ問題 Paresuchina Mondai Palestinian Problem item_ID: 13747 FolderID: 165 This folder contains twelve pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials concerning the Palestinian problem. 反CTS闘争パンフレット Han CTS Tōsō Panfuretto Anti-CTS Struggle materials item_ID: 13701 FolderID: 116 This folder contains 17 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials from the anti-CTS struggle. 反核・軍縮闘争資料 Hankaku Gunshuku Tōsō Shiryō Nuclear Disarmament Struggle materials item_ID: 13688 FolderID: 101 This folder contains 40 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials from the Nuclear Disarmament movement. These materials are primarily from the early 1980s, when this movement was strong internationally. 反原発関係資料 Han genpatsu kankei shiryō Anti-Nuclear materials item_ID: 16924 FolderID: 290 Materials on the anti-nuclear movement. 反基地闘争パンフレット Han Kichi Tōsō Panfuretto Anti-Base movement pamphlets item_ID: 13437 FolderID: 94 This folder contains a number of pamphlets from the anti-military base movement. 叛軍パンフレット Hangun Panfuretto Anti-Military [Hangun] materials item_ID: 12450 FolderID: 10 This folder contains pamphlets and handbills related to the incident in which Konishi Makoto, a member of the self-defense forces, took an anti-war stance within the selfdefense forces. He refused to undergo training to suppress anti-war demonstrations, and was arrested and tried. The collection contains many other materials about this incident, including serials published by Konishi and his supporters. 叛軍イワクニ関係資料 Hangun Iwakuni Kankei Shiryō Anti-Military Iwakuni materials item_ID: 13686 FolderID: 99 Pamphlets and handbills concerning the activities of the Iwakuni Beheiren chapter and its opposition to the Iwakuni U.S. military base. ファイル Folders ❖ 139 反原発闘争資料 Han Genpatsu Shiryō Anti-Nuclear materials item_ID: 13762 FolderID: 182 This folder contains 33 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and miscellaneous materials on the anti-nuclear movement. Serial Issue #15429 (Fujin Minshu Shimbun) is related. 反自民党関係資料 Han Jimintō kankei shiryō Anti-Liberal Democratic Party materials item_ID: 17124 FolderID: 374 A folder of anti-Liberal Democratic Party materials. 反戦・反安保・沖縄闘争関係書類 Hansen, Han Ampo, Okinawa tōsō kankei shorui Anti-war, Anti-Ampo, and Okinawa struggle materials item_ID: 16554 FolderID: 205 This folder contains 36 materials including pamphlets, handbills, and other items, from the combined anti-war, anti-Ampo, and Okinawa campaigns of the late 1960s. 反動思想、実存主義に関する資料 Handō shisō, Jitsuzon shugi ni kansuru shiryō Reactionary thought and existentialism materials item_ID: 17081 FolderID: 350 Folder of materials on reactionary thought and existentialism. 反博・地区べ平連 Hanpaku/ Chiku Beheiren Anti-Expo, Regional Beheiren item_ID: 12782 FolderID: 40 This folder contains pamphlets put out by a regional Beheiren group in Osaka which mounted an anti-war campaign directed at the Ōsaka World’s Fair. The pamphlets include a collection of protest songs. 反朴正ヒ政権関係資料 Han Paku Chonhi seiken kankei shiryō Anti-Park Chun Hee regime item_ID: 17119 FolderID: 370 Materials about opposition to the Park Chung Hee regime in South Korea. 万博破壊共闘派 Banpaku Hakai Kyōtōha United Struggle to Destroy Banpaku (1970 Ōsaka Worlds Fair) item_ID: 12779 FolderID: 37 This folder contains handbills from an antiwar group organized in opposition to the 1970 Ōsaka World’s Fair. 東アジア反日武装戦線資料 Higashi Ajia Han’nichi Busō Sensen Shiryō East Asia Anti-Japanese Armed Front materials item_ID: 13384 FolderID: 85 140 ❖ ファイル Folders This folder contains a pamphlet produced by Higashi Asia Hannichi Busō Sensen (East Asia Anti-Japanese Armed Front), an underground bombing group of the early 1970s. This pamphlet was produced by the support group for the organization, after its members had been arrested and were on trial for a series of bombings. Since the group was deeply underground, it was only after the arrests that information became available about their ideas and motives, and these were publicized by the support group in order to explain what they had done and why. 東アジア反日武装戦線に関する新聞記事 Higashi Ajia han-nichi busō sensen ni kansuru shinbun kiji East Asia Anti-Japanese Armed Front newspaper clippings item_ID: 17131 FolderID: 382 Newspaper clippings about the East Asia Anti-Japanese Armed Front bombing group. 東アジア反日武装戦線パンフレット Higashi Ajia Han’nichi Busō Sensen Panfuretto East Asia Anti-Japanese Armed Front pamphlets item_ID: 13231 FolderID: 51 This folder contains pamphlets put out in support of Higashi Asian Hannichi Busō Sensen, primarily after the arrest of its members in 1975. One pamphlet protests the actions taken against the publisher of the group’s magazine Hara Hara Tokei, which contained a bomb-making manual. Others contain writings by imprisoned members of the group. ピョンヤン観光史跡ガイド Pyonyan Kankō Shiseki Gaido Pyongyang Visit History Guide item_ID: 15466 FolderID: 194 This folder contains guidebooks and miscellaneous materials collected by Takazawa during his trips to North Korea. フーテン・アングラ Fūten Angura Hippie Underground item_ID: 16671 FolderID: 256 This folder contains seventeen pamphlets, handbills, clippings and miscellaneous materials concerning the hippie underground of the 1970s. Fūten Angura was a general term for hippies, but also the name of a magazine published by and for the group. 福富資料 Fukutomi shiryō Fukutomi Setsuo materials item_ID: 16617 FolderID: 245 Miscellaneous materials concerning Fukutomi Setsuo. 富士高校放火事件関係資料 Fuji kōkō hōka jiken kankei shiryō Fuji High School and other incidents One item on the Fuji High School incident. item_ID: 17074 FolderID: 344 ファイル Folders ❖ 141 婦人運動関係資料 Fujin undō kankei shiryō Women’s Movement materials item_ID: 16920 FolderID: 289 Materials on the Women’s movement in Japan. 部落解放関係資料 Buraku kaihō kankei shiryō Buraku Liberation materials item_ID: 16926 FolderID: 291 Materials on the Buraku Liberation movement. 古屋家関係書類 Furuya-ke kankei shorui Furuya family materials item_ID: 16674 FolderID: 259 This is a second folder containing 56 miscellaneous materials from the Furuya family. 古屋家書類 Furuya-ke shorui Furuya family materials item_ID: 16673 FolderID: 258 This folder contains 82 miscellaneous materials from the Furuya family. 古谷能子・相原文夫葬儀関係 Furuya Yoshiko, Aihara Fumio sōgi kankei Furuya Yoshiko-Aihara Fumio funeral item_ID: 13737 FolderID: 155 Materials from the funerals of Furuya Yoshiko and Aihara Fumio. 古屋能子運動関係資料 Furuya Yoshiko undō kankei shiryō Furuya Yoshiko’s social movement materials item_ID: 16599 FolderID: 227 A group of pamphlets, handbills and other items on social movements collected by Furuya Yoshiko. 古屋能子運動関連書類 1979 Furuya Yoshiko Undō Kanren Shorui 1979 Furuya Yoshiko movement related materials, 1979 item_ID: 15472 FolderID: 200 This folder contains Furuya Yoshiko’s social movement-related materials from 1979. 古屋能子運動関連書類 1980 Furuya Yoshiko Undō Kanren Shorui 1980 Furuya Yoshiko movement related materials, 1980 item_ID: 15473 FolderID: 201 This folder contains Furuya Yoshiko social movement materials from 1980. 142 ❖ ファイル Folders 古屋能子運動関連書類 1981 Furuya Yoshiko Undō Kanren Shorui 1981 Furuya Yoshiko movement related materials, 1981 item_ID: 15474 FolderID: 202 This folder contains Furuya Yoshiko social movement materials from 1981. 古屋能子関係記事 Furuya Yoshiko kankei kiji Furuya Yoshiko clippings item_ID: 16605 FolderID: 233 Clippings and other items concerning Furuya Yoshiko. 古屋能子署名記事 Furuya Yoshiko shomei kiji Furuya Yoshiko signed materials item_ID: 16610 FolderID: 238 This is a large collection of 89 materials written by Furuya Yoshiko. 古屋能子草稿集1 Furuya Yoshiko sōkōshū 1 Furuya Yoshiko’s manuscripts and notes I item_ID: 16693 FolderID: 263 This the first of four boxes of Furuya Yoshiko’s miscellaneous manuscripts and notes. This one contains 45 items. 古屋能子草稿集2 Furuya Yoshiko sōkōshū 2 Furuya Yoshiko manuscripts and notes, II item_ID: 16694 FolderID: 264 This is the second box of Furuya Yoshiko’s manuscripts and notes, containing 43 items. 古屋能子草稿集3 Furuya Yoshiko sōkōshū 3 Furuya Yoshiko manuscripts and notes III item_ID: 16695 FolderID: 265 The third box of Furuya Yoshiko’s manuscripts and notes. This contains 48 folders. 古屋能子草稿集4 Furuya Yoshiko sōkōshū 4 Furuya Yoshiko manuscripts and notes, IV item_ID: 16696 FolderID: 266 The fourth box of Furuya Yoshiko’s manuscripts and notes. This one contains 41 folders of material. 古屋能子著作目録稿 Furuya Yoshiko Chosaku Mokurokukō Furuya Yoshiko Bibliography of Publications item_ID: 13724 FolderID: 140 Furuya Yoshiko was an activist and journalist who was involved in Beheiren and many other New Left movements during the 1960s-1980s. The collection contains ファイル Folders ❖ 143 both her personal papers and those of her husband, who was best known by the pen name of Aihara Fumio. This folder contains a bibliography of her writings, which are also available in the collection. 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (暴れん坊将軍松平健第三部) item_ID: 15411 Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Abarenbō Shōgun Matsu FolderID: 312 daira Dai 3 bu) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Abarenbō Shōgun Matsudaira Dai 3 bu 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (浮世絵女ねずみ小僧) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Ukiyoe Onna Nezumi Kozō) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Ukiyoe Onna Nezumi Kozō item_ID: 15386 FolderID: 304 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (江戸を斬る) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Edo o Kiru) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs:Edo o Kiru item_ID: 15410 FolderID: 311 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (江戸を斬るII) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Edo o Kiru II) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Mito Kōmon Dai 17 bu item_ID: 15390 FolderID: 308 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (大岡越前) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Ōoka Echizen) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Ōoka Echizen item_ID: 15422 FolderID: 323 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (大岡越前) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Ōoka Echizen) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Ōoka Echizen item_ID: 15423 FolderID: 324 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (大岡越前) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Ōoka Echizen) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Ōoka Echizen item_ID: 15413 FolderID: 314 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (大岡越前) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Ōoka Echizen) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Ōoka Echizen item_ID: 15414 FolderID: 315 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (大岡越前) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Ōoka Echizen) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Ōoka Echizen item_ID: 15415 FolderID: 316 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (隠密・奥の細道) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Onmitsu - Oku no Hosomichi) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Edo o Kiru II item_ID: 15408 FolderID: 309 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (三匹が斬るスペシャル) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Sanbiki ga Kiru Supesharu) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Sanbiki ga Kiru Supesharu item_ID: 15409 FolderID: 310 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (シナリオノート) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Shinario Nōto) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Shinario Nōto item_ID: 15425 FolderID: 326 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (遠山の金さん) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Tōyama no Kinsan) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Tōyama no Kinsan item_ID: 15416 FolderID: 317 144 ❖ ファイル Folders 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (眠り狂四郎) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Nemuri Kyōshirō) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Nemuri Kyōshirō item_ID: 15388 FolderID: 306 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (水戸黄門) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Mito Kōmon) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Mito Kōmon item_ID: 15417 FolderID: 318 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (水戸黄門) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Mito Kōmon) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Mito Kōmon item_ID: 15418 FolderID: 319 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (水戸黄門) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Mito Kōmon) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Mito Kōmon item_ID: 15419 FolderID: 320 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (水戸黄門) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Mito Kōmon) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Mito Kōmon item_ID: 15420 FolderID: 321 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (水戸黄門) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Mito Kōmon) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Mito Kōmon item_ID: 15421 FolderID: 322 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (水戸黄門) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Mito Kōmon) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Mito Kōmon item_ID: 15424 FolderID: 325 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (水戸黄門第17部) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Mito Kōmon Dai 17 bu) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Mito Kōmon Dai 17 bu item_ID: 15385 FolderID: 303 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (若大将天下ご免) item_ID: 15389 Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Wakadaishō Tenka Gomen) FolderID: 307 Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Wakadaishō Tenka Gomen bu 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (暴れん坊将軍) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Abarenbō Shōgun) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Abarenbō Shōgunu item_ID: 15412 FolderID: 313 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (忍法かげろう斬り) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Ninpō Kagerō Giri) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs:Ninpō Kagerō Giri item_ID: 15387 FolderID: 305 Furuya Yoshiko took extensive notes on various television series, which were included in her papers donated to the Takazawa Collection. 古屋能子による女性問題関係記事 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru Josei Mondai Kankei Kiji Furuya Yoshiko articles on Women’s Problems item_ID: 13742 FolderID: 160 This folder contains clippings of articles written by Furuya Yoshiko about women’s issues. ファイル Folders ❖ 145 古屋能子訪朝時朝鮮資料 Furuya Yoshiko Hōchōji Shiryō Furuya Yoshiko trip to North Korea materials item_ID: 13743 FolderID: 161 This folder contains miscellaneous materials from Furuya Yoshiko’s first trip to North Korea. プロレタリア関係資料 Puroretaria Kankei Shiryō Proletarian Militia [Puroretaria Gundan] Pamphlets item_ID: 13363 FolderID: 66 This folder contains pamphlets put out by various Puroretaria Gundan group in early 1969. Puroretaria Gundan was the student wing of an organization called Busō Hōki Junbi Iinkai, formed by Dai Yon Intānashonaru defectors Ōta Ryū and Kondō Kōhei at Hōsei University in 1967. The group spread to some other campuses and participated in campus conflicts at various universities and in the 1970 Ampo struggle. The pamphlets here are collections of the handbills and leaflets that were passed out during campus conflicts at Nihon University and Tokyo University in 1969. Their aim was to help spread campus conflicts to other universities. ブント京大細胞資料 Bunto Kyōdai Saibō Shiryō Bund Kyoto University Cell materials item_ID: 13232 FolderID: 52 This folder contains pamphlets and clippings related to the Bund group at Kyoto University. This group went with Sekigunha in its split with the mainstream of Bund and thus was also a Sekigunha chapter. ブント結成当時の文献 Bunto Kessei Tōji no Bunken Documents from the Formation of Bund [Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei] item_ID: 13390 FolderID: 91 This folder contains pamphlets produced in the late 1950s by the students who were involved in the formation of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (Bund). They concern the national and international issues of the period, but in the process, developed an analysis that was independent of the prevailing Japan Communist Party line and helped to create the division that led to Bund. 米軍統治下沖縄渡航書類 Beigun tōchika Okinawa tokō shorui Travel to Okinawa under U.S. Military Occupation materials item_ID: 16608 FolderID: 236 Materials concerning travel to Okinawa during U.S. Military Occupation. Furuya Yoshiko traveled to Okinawa during the Occupation, and these are materials related to such travel. 米日韓軍事同盟関係 Bei Nichi Kan gunji dōmei kankei US-Japan-Korea military alliance materials Materials on the US-Japan-Korea military alliance. item_ID: 16897 FolderID: 273 146 ❖ ファイル Folders ベトナム解放運動関係資料 Betonamu kaihō undō kankei shiryō Vietnam Liberation Movement materials item_ID: 16919 FolderID: 288 Materials on the Vietnam Liberation movement. ベトナム革命論パンフレット Betonamu Kakumeiron Panfuretto Vietnam Revolution Theory item_ID: 13720 FolderID: 136 This folder contains 25 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials related to the Vietnamese Revolution and its revolutionary theory. ベトナム戦争 Betonamu sensō Vietnam war item_ID: 16666 FolderID: 254 Four pamphlets concerning the Vietnam war. ベトナム反戦運動資料 Betonamu Hansen Undō Shiryō Vietnam Anti-war Movement materials item_ID: 13767 FolderID: 187 This folder contains materials from the anti-Vietnam war movement. ベトナム政治犯弾圧関係資料 Betonamu Seijihan Danatsu Kankei Shiryō Materials on Abuse of Vietnamese Political Prisoners item_ID: 13373 FolderID: 76 This folder contains pamphlets concerning the mistreatment of political prisoners in South Vietnam. This cause was taken up by anti-Vietnam war activists and there are other materials in the collection on this topic. ペトリカメラ闘争 Petori Kamera Tōsō Petri Camera Struggle item_ID: 13708 FolderID: 123 This folder contains 6 pamphlets from a long-running labor dispute at the Petri Camera Company. べ平連ニュース・ベトナム反戦パンフレット Beheiren Nyūsu/Betonamu Hansen Panfuretto Beheiren News, Anti-Vietnam War materials item_ID: 12446 FolderID: 6 This folder contains some Beheiren materials, including a pamphlet of resource materials and some handbills. Beheiren was the major anti-Vietnam War citizens’ organization, and the collection contains a great deal of material from various chapters of the the organization. ファイル Folders ❖ 147 ポーランド 「連帯」支援連絡会議パンフレット Pōrando ‘Rentai’ Shien Renraku Kaigi Panfuretto Poland [Solidarity] Support Contact Group pamphlets item_ID: 13713 FolderID: 128 This folder contains pamphlets put out by a group in Japan supporting the Solidarity movement in Poland. 北海道大・闘う集団 Hokkaidōdai/ Tatakau Shūdan Hokkaidō University, Fighting Group (Tatakau Shūdan) item_ID: 13354 FolderID: 58 This folder contains pamphlets and other materials from a group at Hokkaidō University called Tatakau Shūdan (Fighting Group). This group produced the pamphlet Fuji Iro no Hanran, which discussed the need for reform at Hokkaidō University. 前田俊彦資料 Maeda Toshihiko Shiryō Maeda Toshihiko materials item_ID: 13690 FolderID: 103 This folder contains some material on Maeda Toshihiko, a labor activist in prewar Japan who later participated in Beheiren and the Sanrizuka struggle in the 1960s. 三島由紀夫自決事件 Mishima Yukio Jiketsu Jiken Mishima Yukio Suicide Incident item_ID: 12451 FolderID: 11 This folder contains some miscellaneous materials related to Mishima Yukio’s dramatic suicide. 水本事件関係資料 Mizumoto jiken kankei shiryō Mizumoto incident materials item_ID: 17061 FolderID: 331 A folder of materials on the Mizumoto incident. 水戸巌遭難捜索関係書類 Mito Iwao sōnan sōsaku kankei shorui Materials from Mito Iwao’s accident and search item_ID: 16662 FolderID: 250 Mito Iwao was an activist professor who helped found Kyūen Renraku Center and was widely respected in the New Left movement. He was killed in a mountaineering accident in the 1980s. These are clippings and miscellaneous materials concerning the search for him, which went on for some time before his body was found, and involved a large number of volunteers. 水俣病闘争関係 Minamatabyō Tosō Kankei Minamata Disease Struggle materials item_ID: 13758 FolderID: 178 148 ❖ ファイル Folders This folder contains materials from the Minamata disease struggle, a major antipollution movement against the Chisso chemical company, whose effluent had cause Minamata disease in the surrounding community of Minamata, Kyūshū. ミニコミ、 メディア論等に関するメモ Minikomi, media ron tō ni kansuru memo Minikomi and media theory memo item_ID: 17109 FolderID: 362 A memo about minikomi publications and media theory. 宮城県労働運動パンフレット Miyagi-ken Rōdō Undō Panfuretto Labor Movement pamphlets from Miyagi prefecture item_ID: 13436 FolderID: 93 This folder contains twelve labor movement pamphlets from Miyagi prefecture. 三好徹著『海外駐在員』に関する記事 Miyoshi Tōru cho “Kaigai chūzaiin” ni kansuru kiji Miyoshi Tōru’s “Foreign Staff” clippings item_ID: 17145 FolderID: 396 Clipping concerning a publication by Miyoshi Tōru. 無党派市民連合 Mutōha Shimin Rengō No-Party People’s Alliance item_ID: 13749 FolderID: 168 This folder contains handbills and other materials from the No-Party people’s alliance (Mutōha Shimin Rengō), which ran candidates for the upper house of the Diet. The collection also contains posters from this movement. 「もう一つの沖縄」新聞切り抜き資料 “Mō hitotsu no Okinawa” shinbun kirinuki shiryō One More Okinawa, newspaper clipping materials item_ID: 16596 FolderID: 224 Newspaper clippings from a series called One More Okinawa. 模索舎関係資料 Mosakusha Kankei Shiryō Mosakusha Bookstore materials item_ID: 13380 FolderID: 81 This folder contains handbills from the Mosakusha bookstore, a cooperative bookstore in Tokyo that served as a distributor of minikomi materials produced by various grassroots organizations and New Left groups. The collections contains other materials on and by Mosakusha, including several catalogues of their holdings at different times. モップル社関係書類 Moppuru Kankei Shorui MOPR materials item_ID: 13691 FolderID: 104 ファイル Folders ❖ 149 This folder contains pamphlets produced by MOPR (Moppuru) or Sekishoku Kyūenkai, the Sekigunha support organization. The materials here include pamphlets in support of the activities of Nihon Sekigun in the Middle East as well as domestic activities. 桃山学院大学全共闘運動資料 Momoyama Gakuin Daigaku zenkyōtō undō shiryō Momoyama Gakuin University zenkyōtō movement materials item_ID: 16791 FolderID: 269 Materials on the Momoyama Gakuin University zenkyōtō movement, one of many individual movements against university policies in 1968-70. This one was largely controlled by Sekigunha, which used the campus as a base during its strike and occupation. 八木健彦政治パンフレット Yagi Takehiko Seiji Panfuretto Yagi Takehiko political pamphlet item_ID: 13376 FolderID: 79 This folder contains a political pamphlet by Yagi Takehiko. Yagi was a Bund activist who became a leader in the early Sekigunha. 矢谷暢一郎氏釈放に関する新聞記事 Yadani Chōichirō-shi shakuhō ni kansuru shinbun kiji Yadani Chōichirō release from prison newspaper clippings item_ID: 17129 FolderID: 380 Newpaper clippings about the release of Yadani Chōichirō from prison. 山口修氏より高沢氏に送られた写真 Yamaguchi Osamu-shi yori Takazawa-shi ni okurareta Shashin Photos sent to Takazawa san from Yamaguchi Osamu item_ID: 17078 FolderID: 347 A group of photos sent to Takazawa by Yamaguchi Osamu. 山村新治郎代議士刺殺関連切り抜き Yamamura Shinjirō daigishi shisatsu kanren kirinuki Diet Member Yamamura Shinjirō clippings item_ID: 17142 FolderID: 393 Yamamura Shinjirō is the Diet member who served as a hostage during the Yodogō hijackings. This folder contains newspaper clippings about him. 吉本隆明講演パンフレット Yoshimoto Takaaki Kōen Panfuretto Yoshimoto Taka’aki Speeches item_ID: 13375 FolderID: 78 This folder contains pamphlets of the text of speeches by Yoshimoto Taka’aki, a prominent intellectual with a strong New Left student following. The collection contains many works by Yoshimoto. 寄せ場闘争資料 Yoseba Tōsō Shiryō Day Laborers Labor Market Struggle materials item_ID: 13360 FolderID: 63 150 ❖ ファイル Folders This folder contains 10 pamphlets and handbills from struggles concerning the labor markets where day laborers gather each morning to find work. These labor markets, or yoseba, are often controlled by yakuza who dictate unfavorable terms for the workers. The New Left became involved in efforts to organize day laborers to resist the yakuza in the major day laborer centers in Tokyo and Osaka. 「よど号」関係資料 “Yodogō” kankei shiryō Yodogō Group Return Movement item_ID: 13735 FolderID: 153 This folder contains some miscellaneous materials from the movement to obtain the return of the Yodogō group from North Korea. The movement developed largely on the Yodogō group’s initiative, but involved their supporters in Japan. The Yodogō group’s goal was to return to Japan without facing arrest and criminal penalties for the Yodogō hijacking of 1970. 「よど号」柴田泰弘帰国事件 “Yodogō” Shibata Yasuhiro Kikoku Jiken Yodogō group Shibata Yasuhiro Return Incident item_ID: 15465 FolderID: 193 This folder contains clippings and other materials from the discovery that the youngest member of the Yodogō group, Shibata Yasuhiro, had secretly returned to Japan in the late 1980s. Shibata’s trial support in Japan because the occasion for developing stronger contacts with the Yodogō group members in North Korea and trips to North Korea by the supporters, which in turn led to the Yodogō return movement. 「よど号」田宮高麿・小西隆裕関係 “Yodogō” Tamiya Takamaro, Konishi Takahiro Kankei Yodogō group, Tamiya Takamaro, Konishi Takahiro materials item_ID: 15464 FolderID: 192 This folder contains clippings concerning members of the Yodogō group TamiyaTakamaro and Konishi Takahiro. 読谷村平和運動 Yomitanson heiwa undō Yomitan village peace movement item_ID: 16912 FolderID: 283 Materials about a peace movement in Yomitan, Okinawa. よど号グループによる日本政府へのアピール Yodogō gurūpu ni yoru Nihon seifu eno apīru Appeals from the Yodogō group to the Japanese government. item_ID: 16615 FolderID: 243 These are copies of letters that the Yodogō group in Pyongyang sent to the Japanese government seeking to return to Japan without being sent to jail. These copies were sent to Furuya Yoshiko, who was in contact with group members from the late 1980s. The Yodogō group were members of Sekigunha who hijacked a domestic Japanese airliner to North Korea in 1970, were allowed to stay by the North Korean government, and have been seeking to return without punishment for the hijacking. ファイル Folders ❖ 151 「冷戦後のアジア、太平洋地域と両岸関係」東京国際学術フォーラム関 係資料 “Reisen go no Ajia, Taiheiyō chiiki to ryōgan kankei” Tōkyō kokusai gakujutsu fōramu kankei shiryō “Asia After the Cold War, Pacific Region and Both Sides” Tokyo international academic forum material item_ID: 17134 FolderID: 385 Materials from an international academic forum in Tokyo on Asia after the Cold War focusing on the Pacific region. リッダ闘争三周年記念集会 Ridda Tōsō Sanshūnen Kinen Shūkai Lod (Lidda) Airport Struggle 30 Year Anniversary Assembly item_ID: 12787 FolderID: 45 This folder contains handbills from the 30th anniversary gathering memorializing the Lod (Lidda) Airport attack of May 30, 1970 carried out by three participants in what later came to be known as Nihon Sekigun, or the Japanese Red Army. 連合赤軍事件関係 Rengō Sekigun Jiken Kankei United Red Army Incident materials item_ID: 13356 FolderID: 60 This folder contains 19 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials related to the Rengō Sekigun Incident. The collection contains many other related materials on this event. 連合赤軍事件に関する各派の反応 Rengō Sekigun Jiken ni Kansuru Kakuha no Han’nō United Red Army Incident, Critiques from other organizations item_ID: 13355 FolderID: 59 This folder contains 18 pamphlets, handbills and clippings giving the positions of various New Left organizations criticizing the Rengō Sekigun Incident. It is indicative of the self-reflection and rethinking throughout the New Left that followed revelation of the Rengō Sekigun Incident. The collection contains much more material on this incident and reactions to it under other categories. 連合赤軍総括関係パンフレット Rengō Sekigun Sōkatsu Kankei Panfuretto United Red Army Analysis pamphlets item_ID: 13381 FolderID: 82 This folder contains material from attempts to analyze what went wrong in Rengō Sekigun and how to change direction, a process known as sōkatsu. 『連合赤軍総括に向けて』全4集 “Rengō Sekigun Sōkatsu ni Mukete” Zen 4 Shū Toward an Analysis of the United Red Army [Rengō Sekigun]: complete set of four pamphlets item_ID: 13385 FolderID: 86 This folder contains a four-part series of pamphlets analyzing Rengō Sekigun and seeking a new direction out of that analysis (sōkatsu). 152 ❖ ファイル Folders 連合赤軍パンフレット Rengō Sekigun panfuretto United Red Army pamphlets item_ID: 16665 FolderID: 253 This folder contains pamphlets and other materials concerning the Rengō Sekigun incident. One item is a letter with prison censor’s marks on it, sent by one of the defendants in the case. 労働運動関係資料 Rōdō Undō kankei shiryō Labor movement materials item_ID: 16603 FolderID: 231 A collection of pamphlets, handbills, and clippings on the labor movement. 労働者革命パンフレット Rōdōsha Kakumei Panfuretto Workers Revolution pamphlets item_ID: 12445 FolderID: 5 Contains one item of discussion material produced by Rōdōsha Kakumei [Workers Revolution]. 労働者共産主義委員会 Rōdōsha Kyōsanshugi Iinkai Workers Communist Committee [Rōdōsha Kyōsanshugi Iinkai] item_ID: 12454 FolderID: 14 This folder contains handbills from Rōdōsha Kyōsanshugi Iinkai, an organization formed out of factional splits in the Marusen faction shortly after the revival of Bund. Marusenha members first formed Kyōsandō Rōdōsha Kakumeiha, which almost immediately split into three factions, one of which was Rōdōsha Kyōsanshugi Iinkai. This group produced the newspaper Dotō, and was also known as Dotōha. 労働戦統一問題関係資料 Rōdōsen tōitsu mondai kankei shiryō Labor unification materials item_ID: 16587 FolderID: 223 Various materials concerning labor. 労農学市民集会関係ビラ Rōnōgaku shimin shūkai kankei bira Handbills from the Labor Farmer study assembly item_ID: 17084 FolderID: 353 Folder contains a handbill from a citizens’ assembly on Rōnōgaku, the position of an influential group debating Japan’s modernization. 若宮正則関係資料 Wakamiya Masanori Kankei Shiryō Wakamiya Masanori materials item_ID: 13730 FolderID: 147 Wakamiya Masanori was a worker and early participant in Sekigunha who later became an activist in the Kamagasaki day laborers district in Ōsaka after spending ファイル Folders ❖ 153 time in prison. He was later killed by Shining Path guerrillas in Peru. These are miscellaneous materials about him collected by Takazawa, who knew him well. 和光晴生著作物 Wakō Haruo chosakubutsu Wakō Haruo’s writings item_ID: 17089 FolderID: 358 Writings by Wakō Haruo, a former member of the Japanese Red Army in the Middle East. 早稲田大学闘争関係書類 Waseda Daigaku Tōsō Kankei Shori Waseda University Struggle materials item_ID: 16553 FolderID: 204 Contains three pamphlets from a student conflict at Waseda University. Geschichte der Iateinschen Sprache (相原文夫関係資料3) Geschichte der Iateinschen Sprache (Aihara Fumio Kankei Shiryō 3) Geschichte der Iateinschen Sprache item_ID: 16582 FolderID: 218 This is a Latin textbook in German, owned by Aihara Fumio. Radioactive Pollution of the Marine Enviornment:What Price Will Mankind Have to Pay?(相原文夫関係資料2) item_ID: 16581 Radioactive Pollution of the Marine Environment:What Price Will Mankind Have to Pay? (Aihara Fumio FolderID: 217 Radioactive Pollution of the Marine Environment: What Price Will Mankind Have to Pay? This folder contains material in English about radioactive pollution of the marine environment. It was found in the materials of Aihara Fumio. ビラ集 Handbills 東京大学60年安保ビラ1959~1960 Tōkyō Daigaku 60nen Ampo Bira, 1959-1960 item_ID: 61001 HBSeriesID: 1 A collection of 67 handbills posted at Tokyo University during the early part of the 1960 Ampo period. There are three separate files in this collection, covering the early, middle, and post-1960 Ampo periods. The complete set represents all handbills that were submitted to the Tokyo University administration so that they could be posted on the campus. In that time period, virtually everything posted on the campus went through this procedure, so the collection can be considered complete. Because of the special significance of this set of materials, we have entered the title or headline of each handbill in the individual handbill listings, in addition to the date. 1 二・二八安保条約改訂反対国民大会に結集しよう(中央委員会ニ ュース) 2.28 ampo jōyaku kaitei hantai kokumin taikai ni kesshū shiyou (Chūō īnkai nyūsu) 3 東職ニュース 守江版 No.1 Tōshoku nyūsu Morieban No.1 4 正義と真実を闘いとるために!-学生戦線からの檄文- Seigi to shinjitsu wo tatakai toru tameni! -Gakusei sensen kara no gekibun- 5 総辞職問題の経過と我々の考え方-いくつかの誤解に対して- Sōjishoku mondai no keika to wareware no kangaekata -Ikutsuka no gokai ni taishite- 7 法学部学友諸君へ Hōgakubu gakuyū shokun e 8 安保改正阻止 岸内閣打倒 全日学生総決起 (安保闘争ニ ュース No.4) Ampo kaisei soshi Kishi naikaku datō Zen’nichi gakusei sōkekki (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.4) 9 緑会委員会に対する三年生新立候補者の意見 Midorikai īnkai ni taisuru 3nensei shin rikkōhosha no iken 10 学生大会開催禁止の暴挙に抗議(安保闘争ニュース No.8) Gakusei taikai kaisai kinshi no bōkyo ni kōgi (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.8) 11 早大二文・工大・教育P大ストへ! (安保闘争ニュース No.11) Sōdai nibun, Kōdai, Kyōiku P dai suto e! (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.11) 12 安保改訂粉砕のため五・一五全国学生総決起を授業を放棄し て行動に立上ろう Ampo kaitei funsai no tame 5.15 zenkoku gakusei sōkekki wo jyugyō wo hōki shite kōdō ni tachi agarō 13 北海道ゼネ・ストへ (安保闘争ニュース No.10) Hokkaidō zene suto e (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.10) 15 新入生諸君に訴えろ Shin’nyūsei shokun ni uttaero 16 新入生諸君輝かしい伝統をもつ学生運動に参加せよ! Shin’nyūsei shokun kagayakashii dentō wo motsu gakusei undō ni sanka seyo! item_ID: 10424 HBItemsID: 1 item_ID: 10427 HBItemsID: 3 item_ID: 10433 HBItemsID: 4 item_ID: 10434 HBItemsID: 5 item_ID: 10436 HBItemsID: 7 item_ID: 10437 HBItemsID: 8 item_ID: 10438 HBItemsID: 9 item_ID: 10439 HBItemsID: 10 item_ID: 10440 HBItemsID: 11 item_ID: 10441 HBItemsID: 12 item_ID: 10442 HBItemsID: 13 item_ID: 10444 HBItemsID: 15 item_ID: 10445 HBItemsID: 16 155 156 ❖ ビラ集 Handbills 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 33 35 36 40 41 42 45 46 47 セツルメントへ入ろう!! -新しい未来を我々の手で- Setsurumento e hairō!! -Atarashii mirai wo wareware no te de- メーデー閉店のアピール Mēdē heiten no apīru メーデー・アピール Mēdē apīru 新聞代値上分を不払いにしましょう Shinbundai neagebun wo fubarai ni shimashō 自治権は取り戻せたか Jichiken wa tori modosetaka 駒場寮、授業放棄 (安保闘争ニュース No.12) Komoba ryō, jyugyō hōki (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.12) 明日に迫った5.15 (安保闘争ニュース No.13) Asu ni sematta 5.15 (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.13) 今日、全日学生総決起の日 全学の力で安保改訂を粉砕しよう Kyō, Zen’nichi gakusei sōkekki no hi Zengaku no chikara de ampo kaitei wo funsai shiyō 五・一五に全国学生たつ (安保闘争ニュース No.14) 5.15 ni zenkoku gakusei tatsu (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.14) 近づく全学連大会 (学友会ニュース No.8) Chikazuku Zengakuren taikai (Gakuyūkai nyūsu No.8) 本日、米大使館へ抗議デモ (安保闘争ニュース No.16) Honjitsu, Bei taishikan e Kōgi demo (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.16) ただちにストライキ態勢をくもう -東大で武器をつくらすな Tadachi ni sutoraiki nōzē wo kumō -Tōdai de buki wo tsukurasuna 米帝と李承晩が南朝鮮でメーデーを禁止したことにつき、すべ ての人に訴えます Beitei to Rī Shōban ga Minami Chōsen de mēdē wo kinshi shita koto ni tsuki, subete no hito ni uttae masu 大学への造兵科設置を阻止しよう! Daigaku e no zōheika setchi wo soshi shiyō! 学生運動を破壊する「共産主義者」同盟の策動について Gakusei undō wo hakai suru “Kyōsan Shugisha” Dōmei no sakudō ni tsuite 東大に軍事研究を持ちこませるな 造兵科設置のたくらみを 阻止せよ! 全学生の闘争で、伊能言明を粉砕せよ! Tōdai ni gunji kenkyū wo mochi komaseruna Zōheika setchi no takurami wo soshi seyo! Zengakusei no tōsō de, Inō genmei wo funsai seyo! “造兵学科設置”いかに粉砕するか “Zōhei gakka setchi” ikani funsai suruka 今日、伊能防衛庁長官と会見 (安保闘争ニュース No.18) Kyō, Inō bōeichō chōkan to kaiken (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.18) <造兵科・軍事研究問題> 長期的対策委員会を設置 <Zōheika, Gunji kenkyū mondai> Chōkiteki taisaku īnkai wo setchi 造兵学科設置を許すな 安保条約改訂阻止のため六・二五 ゼネストに立ち上れ Zōheigakka setchi wo yurusuna Ampo jōyaku kaitei soshi no tame 6.25 zenesuto ni tachi agare item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10446 17 10447 18 10448 19 10451 22 10452 23 10453 24 10454 25 10455 26 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10458 29 10459 30 10460 31 10462 33 item_ID: 10464 HBItemsID: 35 item_ID: 10465 HBItemsID: 36 item_ID: 10469 HBItemsID: 40 item_ID: 10470 HBItemsID: 41 item_ID: 10471 HBItemsID: 42 item_ID: 10474 HBItemsID: 45 item_ID: 10475 HBItemsID: 46 item_ID: 10476 HBItemsID: 47 ビラ集 Handbills ❖ 157 48 “東大の権威は尊重するが…”伊能長官、東大学生代表と会う (安保闘争ニュース No.19) “Tōdai no keni wa sonchō suruga …” Inō chōkan, Tōdai gakusei daihyō to au (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.19) 50 「軍事科学の協力は必要だ」三度び島田課長の暴言 (安保 闘争ニュース No.20) “Gunji kagaku no kyōryoku wa hitsuyō da” mitabi Shimada kachō no bōgen (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.20) 54 大学における兵器研究の実態 Daigaku ni okeru heiki kenkyū no jittai 55 6・11午後、授業放棄で (安保闘争ニュース No.21) 6.11 gogo, jugyō hōki de (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.21) 57 アッピール Appīru 59 造兵学科復活問題 安保条約改定問題 闘争資料 Zōhei gakka fukkatsu mondai Ampo jōyaku kaitei mondai Tōsō shiryō 64 造兵科復活反対全東大集会 (安保闘争ニュース No.22) Zōheika fukkatsu hantai zen Tōdai shūkai (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.22) 65 東洋史学科声明 Tōyōshi gakka seimei 67 全都の学友と共に防衛庁へ (安保闘争ニュース No.23) Zento no gakuyū to tomoni Bōeichō e (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.23) 68 3日の会見における茅総長の態度と我々の立場 Mikka (3kka) no kaiken ni okeru Kaya sōchō no taido to wareware no tachiba 70 今日、防衛庁への全学の抗議の日 午後の講義を放棄して参 加しよう! (安保闘争ニュース No.24) Kyō, Bōeichō eno zengaku no kōgi no hi Gogo no kōgi wo hōki shite sanka shiyō! (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.24) 72 中央委スト方針 Chūōi suto hōshin 74 昨日防衛庁へ大衆抗議 (学友会ニュース12号) Sakujitsu Bōeichō e taishū kōgi (Gakuyūkai nyūsu 12gō) 77 今日、警視庁へ全学の抗議を! (安保闘争ニュース No.25) Kyō, Keishichō e zengaku no kōgi wo! (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.25) 78 東大の闘争全都へひろがる (安保闘争ニュース No.25) Tōdai no tōsō zento e hirogaru (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.25) 79 六・二五にはストライキで起上れ! 6.25 niwa sutoraiki de okiagare! 80 安保改定 七月上旬調印、決定的 (安保闘争ニュース No.26) Ampo kaitei Shichigatsu jōjun chōin, ketteiteki (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.26) 82 安保改定粉砕の展望 (安保対策ニュース No.1) Ampo kaitei funsai no tenbō (Ampo taisaku nyūsu No.1) 83 学生運動民主化協議会(民協)東大支部設立宣言 Gakusei undō minshuka kyōgikai (Minkyō) Tōdai shibu setsuritsu sengen item_ID: 10477 HBItemsID: 48 item_ID: 10479 HBItemsID: 50 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10489 55 10490 56 10492 58 10494 60 item_ID: 10499 HBItemsID: 65 item_ID: 10500 HBItemsID: 66 item_ID: 10502 HBItemsID: 68 item_ID: 10503 HBItemsID: 69 item_ID: 10505 HBItemsID: 71 item_ID: 10507 HBItemsID: 73 item_ID: 10509 HBItemsID: 75 item_ID: 10512 HBItemsID: 78 item_ID: 10513 HBItemsID: 79 item_ID: 10514 HBItemsID: 80 item_ID: 10515 HBItemsID: 81 item_ID: 10532 HBItemsID: 98 item_ID: 10518 HBItemsID: 84 158 ❖ ビラ集 Handbills 85 防衛庁の軍事科学研究の実態 (安保対策ニュース No.2) Bōeichō no gunji kagaku kenkyū no jittai (Ampo taisaku nyūsu No.2) 86 安保改定交渉、最終段階へ (安保闘争ニュース No.27) Ampo kaitei kōshō, saishū dankai e (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.27) 87 学友諸君に訴える (安保対策ニュース No.3) Gakuyū shokun ni uttaeru (Ampo taisaku nyūsu No.3) 88 声明 Seimei 89 7月11日朝日新聞 Shichi (7) gatsu jūichi (11) nichi Asahi Shinbun 90 人命を守るはずの警官が労働者をおし殺した Jinmei wo mamoru hazuno keikan ga rōdōsha wo oshikoroshita 91 納得のゆくまで値上げ分は払いません! Nattoku no yukumade neagebun wa haraimasen! 92 時計台集会 清水台、中央集会へ! (安保闘争ニュース No.40) Tokeidai shūkai Shimizudai, Chūōshūkai e! (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.40) 98 J・E・L・S・M 本日より 茅学長不信任投票を開始 (安保闘 争ニュース No.41) J.E.L.S.M honjitsu yori Kaya gakuchō fushin’nin tōhyō wo kaishi (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.41) 103 学生と労働者のゼネストを (「社会主義」第1号) Gakusei to rōdōsha no zenesuto wo (“Shakai shugi” dai 1gō) 105 朝日新聞の記事に反論する (安保闘争ニュース No.42) Asahi Shinbun no kiji ni hanron suru (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.42) 106 東大新聞に発表された茅学長談話を論壇する 軍研拒否の 信念がみられず Tōdai shinbun ni happyō sareta Kaya gakuchō danwa wo rondan suru Gunken kyohi no shin’nen ga mirarezu 107 不信任投票を更に推進し学生大会禁止に抗議せよ (安保闘 争ニュース No.45) Fushin’nin tōhyō wo sarani suishinshi gakusei taikai kinshi ni kōgiseyo (Ampo tōsō nyūsu No.45) 109 全東大の学友諸君!! 10・30全学ストで立て Zen Tōdai no gakuyū shokun !! 10.30 zengaku suto de tate 東京大学60年安保ビラ1960 Tōkyō Daigaku 60 nen Ampo Bira, 1960 item_ID: 10520 HBItemsID: 86 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10521 87 10522 88 10523 89 10524 90 10525 91 item_ID: 10526 HBItemsID: 92 item_ID: 10527 HBItemsID: 93 item_ID: 10533 HBItemsID: 99 item_ID: 10538 HBItemsID: 104 item_ID: 10540 HBItemsID: 106 item_ID: 10541 HBItemsID: 107 item_ID: 10542 HBItemsID: 108 item_ID: 10544 HBItemsID: 110 item_ID: 61002 HBSeriesID: 2 A collection of 56 handbills posted at Tokyo University during the peak period of the 1960 Ampo movement in 1960. There are three separate files in this collection, covering the early, middle, and post-1960 Ampo periods. The complete set represents all handbills that were submitted to the Tokyo University administration so that they could be posted on the campus. In that time period, virtually everything posted on the campus went through this procedure, so the collection can be considered complete. Because of the special significance of this set of materials, we have entered ビラ集 Handbills ❖ 159 the title or headline of each handbill in the individual handbill listings, in addition to the date. In this set there are very few handbills from June, 1960, which was the climax of the campaign in which a Tokyo University student, Kamba Michiko, was killed in a demonstration. We speculate that during this period protest activity was so intense that students did not use the regular procedure for submitting handbills prior to posting on the campus. 1 弾圧に抗し1.28ストライキで批准闘争を展開せよ! (闘争ニュ ース) Dan’atsu ni kōshi 1.28 sutoraiki de hijun tōsō wo tenkai seyo! (Tōsō nyūsu) 自治会規約の件 東京大学学生部長殿 Jichikai kiyaku no ken Tōkyō Daigaku gakusei buchō dono 松川事件 Matsukawa jiken 9.10 今日、選挙法別表更生自治省デモに参加しよう 9.10 Kyō, senkyohō beppyō kōsei jichishō demo ni sanka shiyō 7 九・一五池田内閣打倒全国学生総決起大会に結集せよ (「り べるて」復刊第3号) 9.15 Ikeda naikaku datō zenkoku gakusei sōkekki taikai ni kesshūseyo (“Riberute” fukkan dai 3gō) 8 明日、公務員共闘一万の労働者と共に池田打倒の第二波に起 て! (緑会委員会通信第1号) Asu, kōmuin kyōtō 1man no rōdōsha to tomoni Ikeda datō no dai 2ha ni tate! (Midorikai īnkai tūshin dai 1gō) 9 本日公務員 労働者二万と共に 反池田10・28ゼネストの口 火をきれ! Honjitsu kōmuin Rōdōsha 2man to tomoni Hanikeda 10.28 zenesuto no kuchibi wo kire 10 英通闘争支援、安保体制打倒、池田悪政反対、総決起大会に集 まろう Eitsū tōsō shien, ampo taisei datō, Ikeda akusei hantai, sōkekki taikai ni atsumarō 11 右翼の手による凶悪なテロル浅沼虐殺に憤怒の大抗議を ス トに呼応し、抗議集会・デモを Uyoku no te niyoru kyōaku na teroru Asanuma gyakusatsu nifundo no daikōgi wo Suto ni koōshi, kōgi shūkai, demo wo 12 10.15 7万の労働者と共に池田打倒の闘争に立て 10.15 7man no rōdōsha to tomoni Ikeda datō no tōsō ni tate 13 浅沼虐殺はファッショ独裁の前夜だ! 万余の首相官邸デモ で即時池田を打倒せよ! Asanuma gyakusatsu wa fassho dokusai no zenya da! Manamari no shushō kantei demo de sokuji Ikeda wo datōseyo! 14 テロはまだ続くそれは池田のかくれた政策だ! Tero wa mada tuzuku sorewa Ikeda no kakureta seisaku da ! 15 10.15 首相官邸デモで池田打倒に直進せよ 10.15 shushō kantei demo de Ikeda datō ni chokushin seyo 18 東大生協の問題について Tōdai seikyō no mondai ni tsuite 3 4 6 item_ID: 10555 HBItemsID: 111 item_ID: 10557 HBItemsID: 113 item_ID: 10558 HBItemsID: 114 item_ID: 10560 HBItemsID: 116 item_ID: 10561 HBItemsID: 117 item_ID: 10562 HBItemsID: 118 item_ID: 10563 HBItemsID: 119 item_ID: 10564 HBItemsID: 120 item_ID: 10565 HBItemsID: 121 item_ID: 10566 HBItemsID: 122 item_ID: 10567 HBItemsID: 123 item_ID: 10568 HBItemsID: 124 item_ID: 10569 HBItemsID: 125 item_ID: 10572 HBItemsID: 128 160 ❖ ビラ集 Handbills 20 刺殺の怒りに燃える500万労働者のゼネストに呼応して本日 首相官邸デモで虐殺池田内閣を一挙に崩落せしめよ! Shisatsu no ikari ni moeru 500man rōdōsha no zenesuto ni koōshite honjitsu shushō kantei demo de gyakusatsu Ikeda naikaku wo ikkyo ni hōraku seshimeyo 22 10.20を強力な足がかりとし10.28全学連のゼネストで池 田を打倒せよ 10.20 wo kyōryokuna ashigakari toshite 10.28 zengakuren no zenesuto de Ikeda wo datōseryo 23 10.28 ゼネストへ! (緑会通信第二号) 10.28 zenesuto e! (Midorikai tūshin dai 2gō) 24 「暴力排除決議」 でデモの抑圧ねらう 自民=民社の陰謀を許 すな (中央委員会ニュース) “Bōryoku haijo ketsugi” de demo no yokuatsu nerau Jimin=Minsha no inbō wo yurusuna (Chūō īnkai nyūsu) 27 新安保反対浅沼暗殺抗議国民大会へ Shin ampo hantai asanuma ansatsu kōgi kokumin taikai e 29 10.28授業放棄に向けクラス討論・サークル討論を直ちに開 始使用! (緑会通信第五号) 10.28 jugyō hōki ni muke kurasu tōron, sākuru tōron wo tadachi ni kaishi shiyō! (Midorikai tsūshin dai 5gō) 30 文学部自治委員会 10.28ストライキを決議する Bungakubu jichi īnkai 10.28 sutoraiki wo ketsugi suru 31 医学部自治委10.28スト決議す! 文医の学友につづき全東 大の10.28ストライキにむけ前進せよ! Igakubu jichii 10.28 suto ketsugisu! Buni no gakuyū ni tsuzuki zen Tōdai no 10.28 sutoraiki ni muke zenshin seyo! 32 「集団暴力排除」「偏向教育是正」の大キャンペーンから教育 法改悪・弾圧体制確立へ “Shūdan bōryoku haijyo” “Henkō kyōiku zesei” no dai kyanpēn kara kyōkihō kaiaku, dan’atsu taisei kakuritsu e 34 中央委員会総会より全学友へのアピール 闘いの日は目前 に迫った 全力をあげて10.28ゼネストへつきすすめ!! Chūō īnkai sōkai yori zengakuyū heno apīru Tatakai no hi wa mokuzen ni sematta zenryoku wo agete 10.28 zenesuto e tsukisusume!! 35 訴え Uttae 36 全東大の学生諸君へ!! Zen Tōdai no gakusei shokun e !! 37 10.28ゼネストは目前に迫った!最後の準備を開始せよ! 10.28 zenesuto wa kokuzen ni sematta! Saigo no junbi wo kaishi seyo! 38 きくなみ後援会に入会しよう Kikunami kōenkai ni nyūkai shiyō 40 池田内閣打倒へ 10.28東大全学ゼネストで驀進せよ! 9.30第二波闘争に労働者と共に決起せよ! Ikeda naikaku datō e 10.28 Tōdai zengaku zenesuto de bakushin seyo! 9.30 dai 2ha tōsō ni rōdōsha to tomoni kekki seyo! item_ID: 10574 HBItemsID: 130 item_ID: 10576 HBItemsID: 132 item_ID: 10577 HBItemsID: 133 item_ID: 10578 HBItemsID: 134 item_ID: 10581 HBItemsID: 137 item_ID: 10583 HBItemsID: 139 item_ID: 10584 HBItemsID: 140 item_ID: 10585 HBItemsID: 141 item_ID: 10586 HBItemsID: 142 item_ID: 10588 HBItemsID: 144 item_ID: 10589 HBItemsID: 145 item_ID: 10590 HBItemsID: 146 item_ID: 10591 HBItemsID: 147 item_ID: 10592 HBItemsID: 148 item_ID: 10594 HBItemsID: 150 ビラ集 Handbills ❖ 161 41 選挙によって 「ドゴール的誕生」をねらう池田 今必要なのは 池田打倒大衆闘争の烽火だ Senkyo ni yotte “Dogōru teki tanjō” wo nerau Ikeda Ima hitsuyō nanoha Ikeda datō taishū tōsō no hōka da 42 池田打倒に立つ日は明日だ 本日学生大会に結集し 「闘う明 日」 を準備せよ! Ikeda datō ni tatsu hi wa asu da Honjitsu gakusei taikai ni kesshūshi “tatakau asu” wo junbi seyo! 43 安保裁判は始まった 百円カンパの完遂を! 本郷23名を我 々の手で守ろう! Ampo saiban wa hajimatta 100yen kanpa no kansui wo! Hongō 23mei wo wareware no te de mamorō! 45 今日、池田打倒、全国学友と決起せよ! Kyō, Ikeda datō, zenkoku gakuyū to kekki seyo! 46 本日講演討論集会 Honjitsu kōen tōron shūkai 47 学生大会への常任委員会の提案 (E自治会ニュース) Gakusei taikai eno jōnin īnkai no teian (E jichikai nyūsu) 48 十・二八全国学生総決起大会に結集しよう! 10.28 zenkoku gakusei sōkekki taikai ni kesshū shiyō! 50 インターゼミ参加者への注意事項 Intā zemi sankasha heno chūi jikō 51 全東大の学生、教職員のみなさんに訴える Zen Tōdai no gakusei, kyōshokuin no minasan ni uttaeru 53 十月社会主義革命43周年モスクワ宣言発表3周年記念講演会 Jū(10) gatsu shakaishugi kakumei 43 shūnen Mosukuwa sengen happyō 3 shūnen kinen kōenkai 54 微笑の陰の池田内閣スト規制で病院従業者を弾圧か Bishō no kage de Ikeda naikaku suto kisei de byōin jūgyōsha wo dan’atsuka 56 11.17池田内閣打倒、全学連第二波に起上れ 11.17 Ikeda naikaku datō, zengakuren dai 2ha ni okiagare 57 11.17 全学連第二波闘争で池田内閣打倒を再度揚げよ! 11.17 Zengakuren dai 2ha tōsō de Ikeda naikaku datō wo saido ageyo! 58 文学部学生大会議長選挙公示 Bungakubu gakusei taikai gichō senkyo kōji 59 11.17闘いは今日だ! 11.17 tatakai wa kyōda! 60 最高裁の反動化を粉砕せよ!裁判官国民審査で全員にX印を! Saikōsai no handōka wo funsai seyo! Saibankan kokumin shinsa de zenkoku ni X shirushi wo! 61 農学部元作業員大橋さんの死を悼んで声明する Nōgakubu moto sagyōin Ōhashi san no shi wo itande seimei suru 62 総選挙-共産党・社会党の前進 (「革命の旗の下に」No.31) Sōsenkyo - Kyōsantō, Shakaitō no zenshin (“Kakumei no hata no moto ni” No.31) 63 浅草社会学にご協力を! Asakusa shakaigaku ni gokyōryoku wo item_ID: 10595 HBItemsID: 151 item_ID: 10596 HBItemsID: 152 item_ID: 10597 HBItemsID: 153 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10599 155 10600 156 10601 157 10602 158 10604 160 10605 161 10625 164 item_ID: 10626 HBItemsID: 165 item_ID: 10628 HBItemsID: 167 item_ID: 10629 HBItemsID: 168 item_ID: 10630 HBItemsID: 169 item_ID: 10631 HBItemsID: 170 item_ID: 10632 HBItemsID: 171 item_ID: 10633 HBItemsID: 172 item_ID: 10634 HBItemsID: 173 item_ID: 10635 HBItemsID: 174 162 ❖ ビラ集 Handbills 64 65 66 67 臨時総代会開催公示 Rinji sōdaikai kaisai kōji 役職員立候補受け付け Yakushokuin rikkōho uketsuke 公示 Kōji 11.27から12.10へ 情勢の進展と葉山闘争の核心 (「プロ レタリア革命」No.7) 11.27 kara 12.10 e Jōsei no shinten to Hayama tōsō no kakushin (“Puroretaria kakumei” No.7) 68 公示 Kōji 69 ビラ配布届 Bira haifu todoke 70 東大「近・現在史研究会」主催 第一回公開講演会 Tōdai “Kin, genzaishi kenkyūkai” shusai Dai 1kai kōkai kōenkai 東京大学60年安保ビラ1961年~ 1963年 Tōkyō Daigaku 60nen Ampo Bira, 1961-1963 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10636 175 10637 176 10638 177 10639 178 item_ID: 10640 HBItemsID: 179 item_ID: 10641 HBItemsID: 180 item_ID: 10642 HBItemsID: 181 item_ID: 61003 HBSeriesID: 3 A collection of 269 handbills posted at Tokyo University in the aftermath of the 1960 Ampo protests. There are three separate files in this collection, covering the early, middle, and post-1960 Ampo periods. The complete set represents all handbills that were submitted to the Tokyo University administration so that they could be posted on the campus. In that time period, virtually everything posted on the campus went through this procedure, so the collection can be considered complete. Because of the special significance of this set of materials, we have entered the title or headline of each handbill in the individual handbill listings, in addition to the date. This set covers the period of introspection and debate over the 1960 Ampo campaign and the lessons to be learned from it. It includes handbills reflecting the internal conflicts among student groups over how to interpret the 1960 Ampo campaign and subsequent organizational splits. 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 授業料値上げに反対して1.20闘争に立上がろう Jugyōryō neage ni hantai shite 1.20 tōsō ni tachi agarō 授業料値上げに反対して、国立大学自治会の共斗組織を! Jugyōryō neage ni hantai shite, kokuritsu daigaku jichikai no kyōto sishiki wo! 声明 Seimei 平和とよりよき生活のために Heiwa to yoriyoki seikatsu no tameni 経済学部経済原論聴講生アッピール Keizai gakubu keizai genron chōkōsei appīru 1.20核武装と大衆収奪に反対して起て! 1.20 kaku busō to taishū shūdatsu ni hantai shite tate! アッピール 一・二〇統一行動に向けて Appīri 1.20 tōitsu kōdō ni mukete item_ID: 10643 HBItemsID: 182 item_ID: 10644 HBItemsID: 183 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10645 184 10646 185 10648 187 10649 188 10651 190 ビラ集 Handbills ❖ 163 10 学生諸組織へのアッピール 授業料値上げ阻止のために共に 闘おう! Gakusei shososhiki eno appīru Jugyōryō neage soshi no tame ni tomo ni tatakaō! 12 自民党首脳 公共料金値上を決意 (闘争ニュース) Jimintō shunō Kōkyō ryōkin neage wo ketsui (Tōsō nyūsu) 13 公示 Kōji 14 講演と映画の会 Kōen to eiga no kai 15 闘争ニュース No.3 Tōsō nyūsu No.3 16 抑圧と収奪の池田内閣を打倒せよ! 1.16全学連第一波総決 起に全学友は結集せよ! Yokuatsu to shūdatsu no Ikeda naikaku wo datō seyo! 1.16 Zengakuren daiippa sōkekki ni Zengakuyū wa kesshū seyo! 17 授業料値上げ断平阻止・運賃値上げ粉砕1.20全学連第一波 総決起に結集せよ!! 池田内閣を打倒せよ!! Jugyōryō neage danpei soshi, unchin neage funsai 1.20 Zengakuren daiippasōkekki ni kesshū seyo!! Ikeda naikaku wo datō seyo !! 18 闘争ニュースNo.4 Tōsō nyūsu No.4 20 分裂を克服して戦え (横山ゼミ学生) Bunretsu wo kokufuku shite tatakae (Yokoyama zemi gakusei) 22 講演と映画の会 Kōen to eiga no kai 23 闘争ニュース No.5 Tōsō nyūsu No.5 24 1.20 池田内閣打倒全学連全国学生総決起大会に結集せ よ!!国公立・私立大学授業料値上げ国鉄運賃値上げ、自衛隊 の核武装化、新島ミサイル基地化を阻止せよ!! 1.20 Ikeda naikaku datō Zengakuren zenkoku gakusei sōkekki taikai ni kesshū seyo!! Kokkōritsu, shiritsu daigaku jugyōryō neage kokutetsu unchin neag 26 闘争ニュース No.6 Tōsō nyūsu No.6 27 闘争ニュース No.7 Tōsō nyūsu No.7 29 闘争ニュース No.8 Tōsō nyūsu No.8 30 行列改善のため新しい試みにご協力ください Gyōretsu kaizen no tame atarashii kokoromi ni gokyōryoku kudasai 31 公共料金値上げを匹頭とする池田の大衆収奪対策に反対し、 明日1.20全学連総決起に起て Kōkyō ryōkin neage wo hittō tosuru Ikeda no taishū shūdatsu taisaku ni hantai shi, asu 1.20 Zengakuren sōkekki ni tate item_ID: 10652 HBItemsID: 191 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10654 193 10655 194 10656 195 10657 196 10658 197 item_ID: 10659 HBItemsID: 198 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10660 199 10662 201 10664 203 10665 204 10666 205 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10668 207 10669 208 10671 210 10672 211 item_ID: 10673 HBItemsID: 212 164 ❖ ビラ集 Handbills 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 42 44 46 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 本日池田打倒、全学連統一行動に起とう Honjitsu Ikeda datō, Zengakuren tōitsu kōdō ni tatō 公示 Kōji 声明 Seimei 闘争ニュース No.9 Tōsō nyūsu No.9 1.20の成果の上に一・二七池田打倒第ニ波で春の闘いへの ゆるが布石を敷け! 1.20 no seika no ue ni 1.27 Ikeda datō dai 2ha de haru no tatakai eno yuruganu fuseki wo shike! 1.27国鉄運賃値上げ 反動文教政策 新島ミサイル基地化 の池田内閣打倒にたて! 1.27 Kokutetsu unchin neage Handō bunkyō seisaku Nījima misairu kichika no Ikeda naikaku datō ni tate! 闘争ニュース No.10 Tōsō nyūsu No.10 国会再開冒頭1-27公共料金値上反対、新島ミサイル基地化 阻止、反動文教政策反対 池田打倒第二波に起て! Kokkai saikai bōtō 1-27 kōkyō ryōkin neage hantai, Nījima misairu kichika soshi, handō bunkyō seisaku hantai. Ikeda datō dai 2ha ni tate! 革命の旗のもとに No.34 Kakumei no hata no motoni No.34 国労、未曾有の半日スト決定 今こそ、大衆収奪者池田に憤 激の嵐を叩きつけよ 1.27全学連第二波に決起せよ Kokurō, mizou no han’nichi suto kettei Imakoso, taishū shūdatsusha Ikeda ni fungeki no arashi wo tataki tsukeyo 1.27 Zengakuren dai 2ha ni kekki seyo 安保公判勝利池田内閣打倒総決起大会 我々は裁く Ampo kōhan shōri Ikeda naikaku datō sōkekki taikai Wareware wa sabaku 本日池田内閣打倒全日学生総決起に結集せよ! Honjitsu Ikeda naikaku datō zen’nichi gakusei sōkekki ni kesshū seyo! 明日、国会再開前日 池田内閣打倒に起ち上がろう Asu, kokkai saikai zenjitsu Ikeda naikaku datō ni tachiagarō 抗議文 Kōgibun 声明 Seimei 反右翼統一戦線を結成しよう Han uyoku tōitsu sensen wo kessei shiyō 反右翼統一戦線を結成しよう Han uyoku tōitsu sensen wo kessei shiyō テロに抗議デモを! Tero ni kōgi demo wo! 右翼テロルの抗議に立ち上がろう! Uyoku teroru no kōgi ni tachi agarō! item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10675 214 10676 215 10677 216 10678 217 10679 218 item_ID: 10680 HBItemsID: 219 item_ID: 10682 HBItemsID: 221 item_ID: 10684 HBItemsID: 223 item_ID: 10686 HBItemsID: 225 item_ID: 10688 HBItemsID: 227 item_ID: 10689 HBItemsID: 228 item_ID: 10691 HBItemsID: 230 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10692 231 10693 232 10694 233 10695 234 10696 235 10697 236 10698 237 ビラ集 Handbills ❖ 165 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 74 75 77 80 闘争ニュース No.12 Tōsō nyūsu No.12 自由社会における完全官僚統制は健康保険のみだ! Jiyū shakai ni okeru kanzen kanryō tōsei wa kenkō hoken nomi da! 討論集会 「我々は右翼にどう対処するか」 Tōron shūkai “Wareware wa uyoku ni dou taisho suruka” 東京大学事務局長殿 Tokyo Daigaku jimu kyokuchō dono 大学院生の皆さんへ Daigaku insei no minasan e ビラ配布届 Bira haifu todoke 国際婦人デーを迎えて Kokusai fujin dē wo mukaete 乗客者大会に結集しよう Jōkyakusha taikai ni kesshūshiyō 古い殻から脱し戦闘的インテリゲンチャとして自らをきたえよし! Furui kara kara dasshi sentōteki interi gencha toshite mizukara wo kitaeyo! 撮影・録音許可願 Satsuei, rokuon kyoka negai 訴追請求事由書 Sotsui seikyū jiyū sho 公示 Kōji 公示 Kōji 自治会再建学生会議の下に結集し4.19全学連デモに参加しよう Jichikai saiken gakusei kaigi no moto ni kesshūshi 4.19 Zengakuren demo ni sanka shiyō 池田内閣の政治活動、大衆運動への弾圧 政治的暴力活動 防止法 ILO関係国内法改悪を粉砕せよ Ikeda naikaku no seiji katsudō, taishū undō eno dan’atsu Seijiteki bōryoku katsudō bōshihō ILO kankei kokunai kaiaku wo funsai seyo 本日、直ちにアメリカ大使館へ抗議のデモに立ち上がれ! Honjitsu, tadachi ni America taishikan e kōgi no demo ni tachi agare! キューバにアメ帝侵略 社会主義革命を防止せよ! Kyūba ni Ametei shinryaku Shakai shugi kakumei wo bōshi seyo! 闘争速報 Tōsō sokuhō 真に闘う全学連(全自連)の下、池田の反動攻勢に対して決起せよ! Shin ni tatakau Zengakuren (Zenjiren) no moto, Ikeda no handō kōsei ni taishite kekki seyo! 民主運動の弾圧、教育の反動化反対 四・一九全学連第一波 闘争に結集せよ!! Minshu undō no dan’atsu, kyōiku no handōka hantai 4.19 Zengakuren dai 1ppa tōsō ni kesshū seyo!! item_ID: 10699 HBItemsID: 238 item_ID: 10700 HBItemsID: 239 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10701 240 10702 241 10703 242 10704 243 10705 244 10706 245 10707 246 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10708 247 10709 248 10710 249 10711 250 10712 251 item_ID: 10713 HBItemsID: 252 item_ID: 10714 HBItemsID: 253 item_ID: 10716 HBItemsID: 255 item_ID: 10717 HBItemsID: 256 item_ID: 10719 HBItemsID: 258 item_ID: 10722 HBItemsID: 261 166 ❖ ビラ集 Handbills 81 本日4.19全学連第一波闘争に全学連の力を結集しよう! Honjitsu 4.19 Zengakuren dai 1ppa tōsō ni Zengakuren no chikara wo kesshū shiyō! 82 防衛二法案反対、 日本核武装と日韓台軍事同盟阻止の大集会 に参加しよう Bōei 2 hōan hantai, Nihon kakubusō to Nikkantai gunji dōmei soshi no daishūkai ni sanka shiyō 83 I.L.O条約関係国内法改悪 政治的暴力取締り法案に反対し、 四・一九、本日の全学連第一波闘争に参加せよ I.L.O jōyaku kankei kokunaihō kaiaku Seijiteki bōryoku torishimari hōan ni hantaishi, 4.19, honjitsu no Zengakuren dai 1ppa tōsō ni sanka seyo 84 組合員各位殿 Kumiaiin kakui dono 85 民主勢力の、のろしは上がった! Minshu seiryoku no, noroshi wa agatta! 86 防衛二法、25日強行採決か 国会審議大詰へ Bōei 2hō, 25nichi kyōkō saiketsu ka Kokkai shingi ōzume e 87 防衛二法・ILO関係国内法改悪を粉砕し、帝国主義の侵略から キューバ人民の革命を守れ! Bōei 2hō, ILO kankei kokunai kaiaku wo funsaishi, teikoku shugi no shinryaku kara Kyūba jinmin no kakumei wo manore! 88 公示 Kōji 89 四・二七全自連デモに参加しよう 4.27 Zenjiren demo ni sanka shiyō 90 闘争ニュース No.4 Tōsō nyūsu No.4 91 政府自民、 また強行再決 ―農基法― Seifu jimin, mata kyōkō saiketsu -Nōkihō- 92 4.28全学連第二波闘争! 4.28 Zengakuren dai 2ha tōsō! 93 公示 Kōji 94 公示 (1961年度前期学生大会議長及び副議長の投票結果) Kōji (1961 nendo zenki gakusei daikai gichō oyobi fuku gichō no tōhyō kekka) 95 公示 Kōji 96 公示 Kōji 97 学生及び職員の皆さん Gakusei oyobi shokuin no minasan 98 近・現代史研究会新規会員募集 Kin, gendaishi kenkyūkai shinki kaiin boshū 99 声明 Seimei 100 六月十五日に国会に行きましょう! Roku (6) gatsu jūgo (15) nichi ni ikimashō! item_ID: 10723 HBItemsID: 262 item_ID: 10724 HBItemsID: 263 item_ID: 10725 HBItemsID: 264 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10726 265 10727 266 10728 267 10729 268 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10730 269 10731 270 10732 271 10733 272 10734 273 10741 274 10450 21 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10742 275 10743 276 10744 277 10745 278 10746 279 10457 28 ビラ集 Handbills ❖ 167 101 5.19全学連闘争で弾圧立法を粉砕せよ 5.19 Zengakuren tōsō de dan’atsu rippō wo funsai seyo 102 5.19政治暴力防止法粉砕!“安保強行の日”にたちあがれ! 5.19 Seiji bōryoku bōshihō funsai! “Ampo kyōkō no hi” ni tachi agare! 103 闘争宣言 Tōsō sengen 105 政治暴力防止法案を粉砕しよう!! Seiji bōryoku bōshihō hōan wo funsai shiyō!! 106 会期延長を阻止し防衛ニ法・政暴法をほうむれ! Kaiki enchō wo soshi shi bōei 2hō, seibōhō wo hōmure! 108 公示 Kōji 109 今日国会へデモ、5.30全学連全国闘争! Kyō kokkai e demo, 5.30 Zengakuren zenkoku tōsō ! 110 5.31青年学生総決起で政暴法を打砕け! 5.31 Seinen gakusei sōkekki de seibōhō wo uchikudake! 111 大衆組織の破壊を狙う政防法を粉砕せよ! Taishū soshiki no hakai wo nerau seibōhō wo funsai seyo! 112 学内の業者進出に反対する!! Gakunai no gyōsha shinshutsu ni hantai suru!! 113 公開質問状に対する回答 Kōkai shitsumonjō ni taisuru kaitō 114 六・一五全東大集会と全日総決起・国会デモに向けて学友諸君 に訴える! Roku ichi go (6.15) zen Tōdai shūkai to zen’nichi sōkekki, kokkai demo ni mukete gakuyū shokun ni uttaeru! 115 実力行使突入!! Jitsuryoku kōshi totsunyū !! 116 選挙管理に関する公示 Senkyo kanri ni kansuru kōji 117 政暴法粉砕のための講演会 Seibōhō funsai no tame no kōenkai 118 アッピール Appīru 119 健全な雰囲気を確立するため現在の危機を回避しよう Kenzen’na fun’iki wo kakuritsu suru tame genzai no kiki wo kaihi shiyō 120 五・三〇全学連総決起 政防法を粉砕し、政治活動の自由を 守れ! 5.30 Zengakuren sōkekki seibōhō wo funsaishi, seiji katsudō no jiyū wo mamore! 121 五・三一青年学生総決起で政暴法を打ち砕け! 5.31 seinen gakusei sōkekki de seibōhō wo uchikudake! 122 声明 Seimei 123 生協理事会の欺瞞に抗議する Seikyō rijikai no giman ni kōgi suru 124 5.31に集結しよう! 5.31 ni shūketsu shiyō! item_ID: 10747 HBItemsID: 280 item_ID: 10748 HBItemsID: 281 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10749 282 10751 284 10752 285 10754 287 10755 288 10756 289 10757 290 10758 291 10759 292 10760 293 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10761 294 10762 295 10763 296 10764 297 10765 298 item_ID: 10766 HBItemsID: 299 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10767 300 10768 301 10769 302 10770 303 168 ❖ ビラ集 Handbills 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 144 147 148 149 150 151 152 5.30 政防法の衆院通過を阻止しよう!! 5.30 Seibōhō no shūin tsūka wo soshi shiyō !! 政防法を大衆行動で粉砕しよう Seibōhō wo taishū kōdō de funsai shiyō 八百万円の合理化案 Happyakuman yen no gōrika an アッピール Appīru 政暴法粉砕統一行動に参加しよう Seibōhō funsai tōistu kōdō ni sanka shiyō 八千組合員に訴える!! Hassen kumiaiin ni uttaeru!! 政治的暴力行為防止法の危険を訴える Seijiteki bōryoku kōi bōshihō no kiken wo uttaeru 政暴法反対の行動を開始しよう Seibōhō hantai no kōdō wo kaishi shiyō 5.31全国学生総決起で政暴法を粉砕せよ!(闘争ニュースNo.6) 5.31 Zenkoku gakusei sōkekki de Seibōhō wo funsai seyo! (Tōsō nyūsu No.6) 六・三政暴法粉砕のため全学連統一闘争に全員参加で起上ろう!! 6.3 Seibōhō funsai no tame Zengakuren tōitsu tōsō ni zen’in sanka de okiagarō!! 学内の業者進出に反対する!! Gakunai no gyōsha shinshutsu ni hantai suru!! 六月一日強行採決か? Roku (6) gatsu tsuitachi (1tachi) kyōkō saiketsuka? 公示 Kōji 6.3国民共斗10万全学連2万の国会デモで政防法を打ち砕け! 6.3 Kokumin kyōtō 10man Zengakuren 2man no kokkai demo de seibōhō wo uchikudake! 六・三政防法粉砕全学連統一行動への声明 6.3 seibōhō funsai Zengakuren tōitsu kōdō e no seimei 政防法粉砕のために六・三闘争に立上がろう Seibōhō funsai no tame ni 6. 3 tōsō ni tachi agarō 6.3 国会へデモを 6.3 kokkai e demo wo 政防法阻止の決め手は明日の闘いだ! Seibōhō soshi no kimete wa asu no tatakaida! 1600名時計台前結集・全都5000の学友、青学共斗15000決起 1600mei tokeidai mae kesshū, zento 5000 no gakuyū, seigaku kyōto 15000 kekki 佐々木理事のビラに答えて Sasaki riji no bira ni kotaete 政暴法に反対 Seibōhō ni hantai 6.3 政防法粉砕のために 行こう国会へ! 6.3 Seibōhō funsai no tameni Ikō Kokkai e! 低賃金の私達の要求に御支援下さい Teichingin no watashitachi no yōkyū ni goshien kudasai item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10771 304 10772 305 10773 306 10774 307 10461 32 10775 308 10776 309 10777 310 10778 311 item_ID: 10781 HBItemsID: 314 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10782 315 10803 316 10467 38 10804 317 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10468 39 10805 318 10807 320 10810 323 10811 324 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10812 325 10473 44 10813 326 10814 327 ビラ集 Handbills ❖ 169 153 時限スト突入 Jigen suto totsunyū 154 本日一時本会議、政防法 衆院通過か! 全国民の怒りで国 会を包囲せよ!全学友は斗う全学連の下に結集せよ! Honjitsu 1ji honkaigi, Seibōhō Shūin tsūka ka! Zenkokumin no ikari de kokkai wo hōi seyo! Zengakuyū wa tatakau Zengakuren no shita ni kesshū seyo! 155 政暴法に反対して国会請願に行きましょう Seibōhō ni hantai shite kokkai seigan ni ikimashō 156 昨夜衆院法務委政防法強行採決さる! 本日本会議強行突破 か!! 全学授業放棄で国会へ! Sakuya shūin hōmui seibōhō kyōkō saiketsu saru! Honjitsu honkaigi kyōkō toppaka!! Zengaku jugyō hōki de kokkai e! 157 自民・民社の暴挙の背景は何か(闘争ニュース No.8) Jimin, minsha no bōkyo no haikei wa nanika (Tōsō nyūsu No.8) 161 六月六日午後一時スト!! Roku (6) gatsu Mui (6) ka gogo ichi (1) ji suto !! 163 雨具の即売会 Amagu no sokubai kai 164 声明 Seimei 165 我々はかくして総代に立候補した Wareware wa kakushite sōdai ni rikkōho shita 166 本日、半日スト決行 Hon’nichi, han’nichi suto kekkō 168 政暴法反対! Seibōhō hantai! 170 生協総代に立候補して大幅賃上げと価格引き下げを可能に する合理化を! Seikyō sōdai ni rikkōho shite ōhaba chinage to kakaku hikisage wo kanō ni suru gōrika wo!! 171 今こそ全学連の下、政防法粉砕を闘い抜け Imakoso Zengakuren no moto, Seibōhō funsai wo tatakai nuke 172 実力行使中止について Jitsuryoku kōshi chūshi ni tsuite 173 全学教職員の皆様に Zengaku kyōshokuin no minasama ni 174 我々はかくて早大に立候補した Wareware wa kakute Sōdai ni rikkōho shita 175 政暴法粉砕のための決定的な追画に起ち上ろう! Seibōhō funsai no tameno ketteiteki na tsuikaku ni tachi agarō! 177 今日も明日も国会へ 政暴法粉砕!! 最後の勝利まで闘い抜 こう!! Kyō mo asu mo kokkai e Seibōhō funsai!! Saigo no shōri made tatakai nukō!! 179 今日一日、政暴法廃案まで闘いぬこう Kyō ichinichi, seibōhō haian made tatakai nukō item_ID: 10815 HBItemsID: 328 item_ID: 10816 HBItemsID: 329 item_ID: 10817 HBItemsID: 330 item_ID: 10818 HBItemsID: 331 item_ID: 10819 HBItemsID: 332 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10823 336 10825 338 10478 49 10826 339 10827 340 10829 342 10831 344 item_ID: 10832 HBItemsID: 345 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10833 346 10487 53 10488 54 10834 347 item_ID: 10836 HBItemsID: 349 item_ID: 10838 HBItemsID: 351 170 ❖ ビラ集 Handbills 181 衆院会期あと36時間大衆闘争で廃案に持込め Shūin kaiki ato 36jikan taishū tōsō de haian ni mochikome 184 あと48時間だ! 勝利の日まで今日も政暴法粉砕のデモを! Ato 48jikan da! Shōri no hi made kyō mo seibōhō funsai no demo wo! 185 全学教職員の皆様に Zengaku kyōshokuin no minasama ni 186 全学の教職員の皆様へ Zengaku no kyōshokuin no minasama e 187 第8回インターゼミナール討論テーマ Dai 8kai intā zemināru tōron tēma 188 21期自治委員会発足 21ki jichi iinkai hassoku 191 六・一五一周年樺美智子追悼東大集会に参加しよう Roku ichigo (6.15) isshūnen Kanba Michiko tsuitō tōdai shūkai ni sanka shiyō 192 公示 Kōji 193 樺美智子追悼集会へあつまろう! Kanba Michiko tsuitō shūkai ni atsumarō! 194 池田渡米を許すな!六・一四全自連池田渡米反対統一行動 Ikeda tobei wo yurusuna! Roku ichi yon (6.14) zen jiren Ikeda tobei hantai tōitsu kōdō 195 政防法粉砕まで闘い続けよう (E自治会ニュース) Seibōhō funsai made tatakai tsuzukeyō (E jichikai nyūsu) 197 六・一五全学集会に参加しよう Roku ichigo (6.15) zengaku shūkai ni sanka shiyō 198 六・一五日を胸に刻みなおしましょう 6.15 nichi wo mune ni kizami naoshimashō 199 6.15一周年樺美智子追悼東大集会に結集せよ! 6.15 isshūnen Kanba Michiko tsuitō Tōdai shūkai ni kesshū seyo! 201 六・一五周年を政防法粉砕、池田内閣打倒をめざす 東大集 会=南通門デモで闘おう! Roku ichigo (6.15) shūnen wo seibōhō funsai, Ikeda naikaku datō wo mezasu Tōdai shūkai = minami tsūmon demo de tatakaō! 202 六・一五周年樺美智子追悼東大集会 Roku ichigo (6.15) shūnen Kanba Michiko tsuitō Tōdai shūkai 203 一九六〇年六月一五日 Sen kyūhyaku rokujū (1960) nen roku (6) gatsu jūgo (15) nichi 204 6.15―1周年[東大集会]全員合唱曲 ―今日を契機として新 たなる展望を― Roku ichigo (6.15) -1shūnen [Tōdai shūkai] zenin gasshōkyoku -Kyō wo keiki toshite arataneru tenbō wo- 205 無題 Mudai item_ID: 10840 HBItemsID: 353 item_ID: 10843 HBItemsID: 356 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10498 64 10844 357 10845 358 10846 359 10849 362 item_ID: 10850 HBItemsID: 363 item_ID: 10851 HBItemsID: 364 item_ID: 10852 HBItemsID: 365 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10853 366 10855 368 10856 369 10857 370 item_ID: 10859 HBItemsID: 372 item_ID: 10860 HBItemsID: 373 item_ID: 10861 HBItemsID: 374 item_ID: 10862 HBItemsID: 375 item_ID: 10863 HBItemsID: 376 ビラ集 Handbills ❖ 171 207 208 209 210 211 212 公開質問状 Kōkai shitsumonjō 公示 Kōji スト宣言 Suto sengen 無実の者に無罪の判決を Mujitsu no mono ni muzai no hanketsu wo 公示 Kōji 大学管理制度改変についての東大学生研究集会での確認事項 Daigaku kanri seido kaihen ni tsuite no Tōdai gakusei kenkyū shūkai deno kakunin jikō 214 7.4ストライキで同盟登校銀杏並木集会に結集せよ! 7.4 sutoraiki de dōmei tōkō ichō namiki shūkai ni kesshū seyo! 216 夏休み=二ヶ月の危機をのりこえよ! Natsuyasumi=2kagetsu no kiki wo norikoeyo! 220 直ちに銀杏並木集会へ! Tadachi ni ichōnamiki shūkai e! 221 全学への―呼びかけ Zengaku eno - yobikake 222 全く不当な政治逮捕に抗議しよう Mattaku futōna seiji taiho ni kōgi shiyō 223 ベア闘争を妥結して支援と御理解を寄せられた組合員のみな さんに深く感謝いたします Bea tōsō wo daketsu shite shien to goeikai wo yoserareta kumiaiin no minasan ni fukaku kansha itashimasu 224 要望書 Yōbōsho 225 我々の意見を無視した東大意見書を撤回せよ! Wareware no iken wo mushi shita Tōdai ikensho wo tekkai seyo! 228 9.19の池田、茅ラインを粉砕せよ! 9.19 no Ikeda, Kaya rain wo funsai seyo! 230 九月十九日の会談は何故開かれる? Ku (9) gatsu jūku (19) nichi no kaidan wa naze hirakareru? 237 本日首相官邸へ!! 会談やめろ Honjitsu shushō kantei e!! Kaidan yamero 238 池田、茅八学長会談の首相官邸に会談反対面会要求デモ敢行 Ikeda, Kaya hachi gakuchō kaidan no shushō kantei ni kaidan hantai menkai yōkyū demo kankō! 239 学生委員会開催について Gakusei iinkai kaisai ni tsuite 240 世論の対策憲法公聴会を阻止せよ! Yoron no taisaku kenpō kōchōkai wo soshi seyo! 241 学友諸君―改憲阻止闘争の幕は今こそ切って落とされた!! Gakuyū shokun-Kaiken soshi tōsō no maku wa imakoso kitte otosareta!! item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10865 378 10866 379 10867 380 10868 381 10869 382 10889 383 item_ID: 10891 HBItemsID: 385 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10893 387 10897 391 10898 392 10899 393 10900 394 item_ID: 10901 HBItemsID: 395 item_ID: 10902 HBItemsID: 396 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10905 399 10907 401 10914 408 10915 409 item_ID: 10916 HBItemsID: 410 item_ID: 10917 HBItemsID: 411 item_ID: 10918 HBItemsID: 412 172 ❖ ビラ集 Handbills 242 暴かれた公聴会の本質 Abakareta kōchōkai no honshitsu 246 10.21日韓会談粉砕・核戦争阻止・首都圏ミサイル基地化反 対・沖縄小笠原返還・軍事基地撤去・大学管理法粉砕 全都 10万人大集会の成功のために 10.21 Nikkan kaidan funsai, kaku sensō soshi, shutoken misairu kichika hantai, Okinawa Ogasawara henkan, gunji kichi tekkyo, daigaku kanrihō funsai ze 247 一〇・二一都民総決起大会を成功させよう 10.21 tomin sōkekki taikai wo seikō saseyō 249 闘争宣言 Tōsō sengen 253 本日、法制化反対の意志を結集してデモに参加しよう!! Honjitsu, hōseika hantai no ishi wo kesshū shite demo ni sanka shiyō!! 256 今日文部省デモに起て! 中教審に抗議せよ!! Kyō Monbushō demo ni tate! Chūkyōshin ni kōgi seyo!! 258 今日中教審最終答申に文部省抗議デモを! Kyō chūkyōshin saishū tōshin ni monbushō kōgi demo wo! 259 講演会 大学管理制度問題の背景―日韓交渉 Kōenkai Daigaku kanri seido mondai no haikei-Nikkan kōshō 260 国民の生活を切り下げる失業事業打ち切りに反対しよう Kokumin no seikatsu wo kirisageru shitsugyō jigyō uchikiri ni hantai shiyō 261 法制化のレール(大管法闘争ニュース No.4) Hōseika no rēru (Daikanhō tōsō nyūsu No.4) 262 よびかけ Yobikake 263 大管法の法制化断固反対 Daikanhō no hōseika danko hantai 265 白鳥事件に関して最高裁に要請する Hakuchō jiken ni kanshite saikōsai ni yōsei suru 266 明治大学公開講座開催についてのお知らせ Meiji Daigaku kōkai kōza kaisai ni tsuite no oshirase 267 本日一時より法文経21番にて全学討論集会 Honjitsu 1ji yori hōbunkei 21 ban nite zengaku tōron shūkai 269 十一・一ストライキに起ち上ろう!! 11.1 sutoraiki ni tachi agarō!! 271 ストで起つ駒場5000の学友と共に Suto de tatsu Komaba 5000 no gakuyū to tomoni 273 理学部学生大会決定! Rigakubu gakusei taikai kettei! 277 11.17大管法粉砕 中央集会・デモに行こう 11.17 Daikanhō funsai chūō shūkai, demo ni ikō 279 今日大管法粉砕!中央集会に参加しよう Kyō Daikanhō funsai! Chūō shūkai ni sanka shiyō 280 11.17大管法粉砕中央集会 11.30全国学生ストライキ闘争 (大管法闘争ニュースNo.12) 11.17 Daikanhō funsai chūō shūkai 11.30 zenkoku gakusei sutoraiki tōsō (Taikanhō tōsō nyūsu No.12) item_ID: 10919 HBItemsID: 413 item_ID: 10923 HBItemsID: 417 item_ID: 10924 HBItemsID: 418 item_ID: 10926 HBItemsID: 420 item_ID: 10930 HBItemsID: 424 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10933 427 10935 429 10936 430 10937 431 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10938 432 10939 433 10940 434 10942 436 10943 437 10944 438 10946 440 10948 442 10950 444 10954 448 10956 450 10957 451 ビラ集 Handbills ❖ 173 282 研究集会に150人―3時間にわたる討論― Kenkyū shūkai ni 150nin -3jikan ni wataru tōron- 283 大管法阻止のために Daikanhō soshi no tameni 285 都バス・学バス値上げ問題で21、22日に公聴会かちとる To basu, gaku basu neage mondai de 21, 21 nichi ni kōchōkai kachitoru 286 11.30行動の危険な役割 11.30 kōdō no kiken na yakuwari 287 11.30 全都銀杏並木集会 大管法の国会上呈阻止 11.30 Zento ichō namiki shūkai Daikanhō no kokkai jōtei soshi 288 11.30全東大集会を成功させよう!! 11.30 zen Tōdai shūkai wo seikō saseyō!! 291 12.4勝利の道を前進しよう 12.4 shōri no michi wo zenshin shiyō 293 大管法国会上程阻止 全学が権力との対決へ(大管法闘争ニ ュースNo.14) Daikanhō kokkai jōtei soshi Zengaku ga kenryoku tono taiketsu e (Daikanhō tōsō nyūsu No.14) 294 全学授業放棄 大管法国会上呈阻止 Zengaku jugyō hōki Daikanhō kokkai jōtei soshi 295 12.14 全学授業放棄 (E自治会ニュース) 12.14 Zengaku jugyō hōki (E jichikai nyūsu) 296 工学部学生自治会意見書 Kōgakubu gakusei jichikai ikensho 297 日韓会談を粉砕しよう Nikkan kaidan wo funsai shiyō 298 不当処分撤回を要求する Futō shobun tekkai wo yōkyūsuru 299 処分を撤回させ1.24ストライキを勝取れ! Shobun wo tekkai sase 1.24 sutoraiki wo kachitore! 301 訴え Uttae 305 一月三十一日大管法上程阻止全東大集会への参加を訴える Ichi (1) gatsu sanjūichi (31) nichi Daikanhō soshi zen Tōdai shūkai eno sanka wo uttaeru 309 大学管理法を粉砕する道 Daigaku kanrihō wo funsai suru michi 312 大管法2月国会上呈阻止1.24全学部ストライキを実現せよ! ( 大管法闘争ニュース No.25) Daikanhō 2gatsu kokkai jōtei soshi 1.24 zengakubu sutoraiki wo jitsugen seyo! (Daikanhō tōsō nyūsu No.25) 316 「上程阻止」の鍵 一月大衆闘争で「微妙な段階」 「 上程中 止」に追いこめ “Jōtei soshi” no kagi 1gatsu taishū tōsō de “bimyōna dankai” “Jōtei chūshi” ni oikome 317 一・三一大管法上程阻止東大集会を成功させよう! 1.31 Daikanhō jōtei soshi tōdai shūkai wo seikō saseyō! item_ID: 10959 HBItemsID: 453 item_ID: 10960 HBItemsID: 454 item_ID: 10962 HBItemsID: 456 item_ID: 10963 HBItemsID: 457 item_ID: 10964 HBItemsID: 458 item_ID: 10965 HBItemsID: 459 item_ID: 10968 HBItemsID: 462 item_ID: 10970 HBItemsID: 464 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 10971 465 10972 466 10973 467 10974 468 10987 469 10988 470 10990 472 10994 476 item_ID: 10998 HBItemsID: 480 item_ID: 11001 HBItemsID: 483 item_ID: 11005 HBItemsID: 487 item_ID: 11006 HBItemsID: 488 174 ❖ ビラ集 Handbills 318 大管法2月国会上呈阻止 Daikanhō 2gatsu kokkai jōtei soshi 319 東職三役・再び学長に会見―1.31集会問題で― Tōshoku san’yaku, futatabi gakuchō ni kaiken -1.31 shūkai mondai de - 320 大学管理制度改悪の企図を徹底的に粉砕し一・三一全東大 集会にむけて更に前進しよう Daigaku kanri seido kaiaku no kito wo tetteiteki ni funsaishi 1.31 zen Tōdai shūkai ni mukete sarani zenshin shiyō 321 政府の意図を粉砕しよう Seifu no ito wo funsai shiyō 322 一・三一東大集会のために署名を 1.31 Tōdai shūkai no tame ni shomei wo 323 大管法粉砕1.24全学ストライキ Daikanhō funsai 1.24 zengaku sutoraiki 324 1,24大管法粉砕全学部ストライキ 1.24 Daikanhō funsai zengakubu sutoraiki 325 本日、都学連第一波全都統一行動! Honjitsu, togakuren dai ippa zento tōitsu kōdō! 326 大管法完全粉砕!1.24都学連第一波闘争に起て 自主規制を 許すな! Daikanhō kanzen funsai! 1.24 togakuren dai ippa tōsō ni tate jishu kisei wo yurusuna! 328 大学法にとどめを 自主規制粉砕! 本日ストライキで起つ Daigakuhō ni todome wo Jishu kisei funsai! Honjitsu sutoraiki de tatsu 329 一・三一東大集会について、 あらためて訴えます 1.31 Tōdai shūkai ni tsuite, aratamete uttaemasu 330 大学管理制度改悪反対1.31東大集会ニュース Daigaku kairi seido kaiaku hantai 1.31 Tōdai shūkai nyūsu 332 学生・職員・教官の団結で一・三一東大集会を断平として成功さ せよう!! Gakusei, shokuin, kyōkan no danketsu de 1.31 Tōdai shūkai wo danpei toshite seikō saseyō!! 333 1.31東大集会を成功させよう 1.31 Tōdai shūkai wo seikō saseyō 334 1.31全東大集会を成功させよう 1.31 zen Tōdai shūkai wo seikō saseyō 336 大管制度改悪反対東大集会 Daikan seido kaiaku hantai Tōdai shūkai 337 声明 Seimei 338 覇気ある学生及び政治家の決起を頼む!!! Haki aru gakusei oyobi seijika no kekki wo tanomu!!! 339 時限スト突入 Jigen suto totsunyū 340 政暴法を断乎粉砕しよう!! Seibōhō wo danko funsai shiyō!! item_ID: 11007 HBItemsID: 489 item_ID: 11008 HBItemsID: 490 item_ID: 11009 HBItemsID: 491 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 11010 492 11011 493 11012 494 11013 495 11014 496 11015 497 item_ID: 11017 HBItemsID: 499 item_ID: 11018 HBItemsID: 500 item_ID: 11019 HBItemsID: 501 item_ID: 11021 HBItemsID: 503 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 11022 504 11023 505 11025 507 11026 508 11027 509 11028 510 11029 511 ビラ集 Handbills ❖ 175 341 人類の明日を指し示す国ソヴイエトの姿を見よう! Jinrui no asu wo shashi shimesu kuni Sobieto no sugata wo miyō! 342 民主勢力の前進のために全学の諸君にシンポジウム参加を呼 びかける Minshu seiryoku no zenshin no tame ni Zengaku no shokun ni shinpojiumu sanka wo yobikakeru 343 国際婦人デーを成功させましょう Kokusai fujin dē wo seikō sasemashō 344 安保改定年内調印で岸・河野歩みよる Ampo kaitei nen’nai chōin de Kishi, Kōno ayumiyoru 345 無題 Mudai 346 NHKの「赤外線テレビ」の秘密実施について NHK no “sekigaisen terebi” no himitsu jisshi ni tsuite 347 山上会議所使用規定 Yamagami kaigisho shiyō kitei 348 使用上の諸注意について Shiyōjō no shochūi ni tsuite 349 独占資本の代弁者首切りと弾圧の池田内閣を打倒せよ!! Dokusen shihon no daibensha kubikiri to dan’atsu no Ikeda naikaku wo datō seyo!! 350 理事連名の声明について Riji renmei no seimei ni tsuite 351 大管法国会上呈阻止 Daikanhō kokkai jōtei soshi 352 文学部諸君に訴う Bungakubu shokun ni uttau 353 学生相談所の運営改善について Gakusei sōdanjo no un’ei kaizen ni tsuite 354 闘魂は Tōkon wa 355 昭和36年度年賀状発送者メモ Shōwa 36nendo nengajō hassōsha memo 356 弾圧と核兵器を準備する安保条約改訂を許すな Dan’atsu to kakuheiki wo junbisuru Ampo jōyaku kaitei wo yurusuna 中期連合赤軍事件以後ビラ Chūki Rengō Sekigun Jiken igo Bira item_ID: 11030 HBItemsID: 512 item_ID: 11031 HBItemsID: 513 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 11032 514 11033 515 11034 516 11035 517 11036 518 11037 519 11038 520 item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: item_ID: HBItemsID: 11039 521 11040 522 11041 523 11042 524 11043 525 11044 526 11045 527 item_ID: 61004 HBSeriesID: 4 This set of 10 handbills covers the middle period following the Rengō Sekigun incident and reflects various responses to it. 1971年政治ビラ 1971nen Seiji Bira A collection of 30 political handbills from 1971 on various issues. item_ID: 61005 HBSeriesID: 5 176 ❖ ビラ集 Handbills 労働者革命ビラ Rōdōsha Kakumei Bira item_ID: 61006 HBSeriesID: 6 A collection of 8 handbills from Rōdōsha Kakumei (Workers Revolution). 三里塚闘争ビラ Sanrizuka Toso Bira item_ID: 61007 HBSeriesID: 7 A collection of 70 handbills from the Sanrizuka struggle opposing the construction of Narita International Airport. 全金ペトリカメラ闘争ビラ Zenkin petori kamera tōsō bira item_ID: 61008 HBSeriesID: 8 A collection of 28 handbills concerning the labor struggle at Petri Camera company, in which the workers took over the factory and maintained production by themselves for many years while the courts considered their claims for compensation after the owners had tried to close the factory during a merger. The Takazawa Collection also contains other folders of materials concerning this case. 沖縄県労働協同組合運動ビラ Okinawa ken rōdō kyōdō kumiai undō bira item_ID: 61009 HBSeriesID: 9 A collection of 35 handbills from labor movements in Okinawa. ベトナム革命論ビラ Betonamu kakumeiron bira item_ID: 61010 HBSeriesID: 10 A collection of 47 handbills concerning Vietnamese revolutionary theory. 京都大学大学闘争ビラ Kyōto Daigaku daigaku tōsō bira item_ID: 61011 HBSeriesID: 11 A collection of 29 handbills from the Kyōto University student conflict. 京都大学大学入試紛砕闘争日本共産党,日本民主青年同盟 Kyōto Daigaku daigaku nyūshihunkaitōsō Nihonkyōsantō, Nihon minshuseinendōme item_ID: 61012 HBSeriesID: 12 Handbills from a campaign at Kyoto University that tried to prevent aspirants from taking the university entrance exam. The handbills include ones from the New Left groups urging people to boycott the exam, and handbills from the JCP student organization Minsei, urging them to go ahead and take the exam. 日本大学大学闘争全学共闘運動ビラ Nihon Daigaku Daigaku tōsō Zengaku kyōtō undō bira item_ID: 61013 HBSeriesID: 13 Handbills from the Zenkyōtō movement at Nihon University. This was a major, longrunning conflict with many sub-conflicts. This set represents only a very small part of the handbills produced by the overall conflict. ビラ集 Handbills ❖ 177 関東学院大学大学闘争全学共闘運動ビラ Kantōgakuin Daigaku daigaku tōsō Zengaku kyōtō undō bira item_ID: 61014 HBSeriesID: 14 Handbills from the Zenkyōtō movement at Kantō Gakuin University. 桃山学院大学大学闘争全学共闘運動ビラ Momoyamagakuin Daigaku daigaku tōsō Zengaku kyōtō undō bira item_ID: 61015 HBSeriesID: 15 A collection of 18 handbills from the Zenkyōtō movement at Momoyama Gakuin University. 自由連合ビラ Jiyūrengōbira item_ID: 61016 HBSeriesID: 16 A collection of 16 handbills from Jiyū Rengō. 朝鮮統一・韓日闘争ビラ 1970-1980 Chōsen tōitsu, Kan’Nichi tōsō 1970-1980 item_ID: 61017 HBSeriesID: 17 A collection of 46 handbills from the Korean unification movement and conflicts over relations between Korea and Japan during the 1980s. モップル社関係書類ビラ Moppurusha kankei shorui bira item_ID: 61018 HBSeriesID: 18 A collection of 14 handbills from Moppurusha, the support group affiliated with Sekigunha during the early 1970s that handled initial support for the Sekigun side of the Rengō Sekigun Incident. The name Moppurusha derives from the Russian acronym for the support organization of the prewar Japan Communist Party. Both that organization and the postwar Sekigun-related one are also known as Sekishoku Kyūenkai, or “Red Relief.” The collection also contains some additional folder materials on Moppurusha. 日本共産青年同盟ビラ Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei bira item_ID: 61019 HBSeriesID: 19 A collection of 18 handbills from Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei. 日本大学大学闘争1970年ビラ Nihon Daigaku daigaku tōsō 1970 nen bira item_ID: 61020 HBSeriesID: 20 A collection of 17 handbills from the Nihon University conflct in 1970. 東大全共闘ビラ Tōdai Zenkyōtō bira item_ID: 61021 HBSeriesID: 21 A collection of 8 handbills from the Tokyo University Zenkyōtō movement. 大阪西南反戦青年委員会活動ビラ Ōsaka Seinan hansen seinen iinkai katsudō bira item_ID: 61022 HBSeriesID: 22 178 ❖ ビラ集 Handbills A collection of 34 handbills from the Southwest Osaka Hansen Seinen Iiinkai group. This group was organized by Takazawa and his associates as part of the Hansen Seinen Iinkai movements in which New Left university students helped to organize groups of young workers for the anti-war movement of the late 1960s. Students and workers participated together in many of the groups, and Hansen Seinen Iinkai units participated in many major demonstrations along with other New Left groups. 中央大学大学闘争、全共闘ビラ Chū ō Daigaku daigaku tōsō, Zenkyōtō bira item_ID: 61023 HBSeriesID: 23 A collection of 20 handbills from the Zenkyōtō movement at Chūō University. 反博、地区べ平連ビラ Hanpaku, Chiku Beheiren bira item_ID: 61024 HBSeriesID: 24 A collection of 23 handbills from the anti-Expo (Osaka Banpaku) movement and from regional Beheiren groups. 土田邸、 日石地下郵便局,ピース缶爆弾事件救援ビラ Tsuchidatei, Nisseki chika yūbinkyoku, Pīsukan bakudan jiken kyūen bira item_ID: 61025 HBSeriesID: 25 A small collection of handbills from the support groups for the defendants in the Tsuchida-Nisseki-Peace Can Bomb trial. In this “frame-up” case, the government created an elaborate but fictional case linking several incidents and prosecuted the wrong people. The case later unraveled when some other people responsible for specific incidents came forward, and all the defendants were later cleared. The Takazawa Collection contains many other materials from this case, including court documents and folders, because Takazawa wrote a book about it (which is also in the collection). 古屋能子運動関係ビラ 1980 Furuya Yoshiko undō kankei bira 1980 item_ID: 61026 HBSeriesID: 26 A collection of 20 handbills from Furuya Yoshiko’s movement activities in 1980. These are materials that were not organized into other topical collections. Also see item #33. 1960年代、60年安保以降各党派 1960 nendai 60nen Anpo ikō kakutōha item_ID: 61027 HBSeriesID: 27 A collection of 24 handbills from various New Left groups in the early 1960s, following the 1960 Ampo struggle. マスコミ反戦青年委員会ビラ Masukomi hansen seinen iinkai bira item_ID: 61028 HBSeriesID: 28 A collection of 60 handbills from the Hansen Seinen Iinkai group organized for workers in the mass communications industry. ビラ集 Handbills ❖ 179 新宿ベ平連ビラ Shinjuku Beheiren bira item_ID: 61029 HBSeriesID: 29 A collection of 31 handbills produced by the Shinjuku Beheiren chapter in which Furuya Yoshiko was very active. The collection contains many other materials from this Beheiren chapter. 各地(地方)のべ平連運動ビラ Kakuchi (chihō) no Beheiren undō bira item_ID: 61030 HBSeriesID: 30 A collection of 105 handbills from various local Beheiren chapters around Japan. 反核・反戦・反安保関係ビラ Hankaku, hansen, han’ampo kankei bira item_ID: 61031 HBSeriesID: 31 A collection of 9 handbills from the anti-nuclear, anti-war, anti-Ampo movements. Many of the handbills combine the three issues. 古屋能子運動関係ビラ 1979 & 1981 Furuya Yoshiko undō kankei bira 1979 & 1981 item_ID: 61033 HBSeriesID: 33 A collection of 35 handbills reflecting Furuya Yoshiko’s movement activities in 1979 and 1981. (See also #26, which covers her activity in 1980.) 60年安保闘争・ブント初期ビラ 60nen ampo tōsō, Bunto shoki bira item_ID: 61034 HBSeriesID: 34 A collection of 36 handbills from the 1960 Ampo struggle and the early period of Bund (Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei). 古屋能子署名記事ビラ 1968―1983 Furuya Yoshiko shomei kiji bira 1968-1983 item_ID: 61035 HBSeriesID: 35 A collection of 165 handbills reflecting Furuya Yoshiko’s activity from 1968 to 1983. 砂川闘争関係ビラ Sunagawa tōsō kankei bira item_ID: 61036 HBSeriesID: 36 A collection of 8 handbills from the second (late 1960s) Sunagawa struggle. Sunagawa is a village at the edge of the Tachikawa U.S. military base, which the U.S. wanted to expand. The movement was in opposition to the base expansion, but also reflected anti-war sentiment at the time. 六月行動関係ビラ 1968 & 1969 Roku gatsu kōdō kankei bira 1968&1969 item_ID: 61037 HBSeriesID: 37 A set of 33 handbills from a large, joint anti-war, anti-Ampo protest mobilization conducted in 1968 and repeated in 1969, called the June Action. These materials are from the Gomi sub-collection and reflect Gomi Masahiko’s role as an organizer of the mobilization in both years. 180 ❖ ビラ集 Handbills 日大闘争関係ビラ Nichidai tōsō kankei bira item_ID: 61038 HBSeriesID: 38 A small set of handbills from the Nihon University struggle. These materials are from the Gomi subcollection and have been maintained separately for that reason. 三里塚闘争関係ビラ Sanrizuka tōsō kankei bira item_ID: 61039 HBSeriesID: 39 This is a small set of handbills from the Sanrizuka struggle against Narita International Airport. These were also from the Gomi subcollection and have been maintained separately for that reason. 初期救援連絡センタービラ Shoki kyūen renraku sentā bira item_ID: 61040 HBSeriesID: 40 This is a collection of 8 handbills from the early period in 1968-69 when Kyūen Renraku Center was being created. Gomi Masahiko was involved in these activities because of his prior participation in support for students arrested in the 10/8/1967 protests, and these handbills are from his subcollection. 書簡集 Letters The collection contains the personal effects of several individuals, living and deceased, including many letters that were collected and preserved by their recipients. Personal documents and letters that are not sealed may be utilized for research purposes within the collection, but users are requested to respect the privacy of the corresponding parties and of third parties whose names may appear in correspondence and other documents without their knowledge. M作戦獄中通信書簡、赤色救援会あて item_ID: 16893 M-Sakusen Gokuchū Tsūshin Shokan, Sekishoku Kyūenkai ate LetterID: 52 M-Campaign Prison Bulletin Correspondence to Sekishoku Kyūenkai (MOPR) These are letters and postcards written in 1971 and early 1972 by Sekigunha members who had been arrested for participation in the M Sakusen bank robberies and were beginning their trials. The letters were sent to Sekishoku Kyūenkai (MOPR), the Sekigunha support group, from the various prisons where the M Sakusen bank robbers were being held. There is another set of such M Sakusen letters in the Manuscript collection. 加藤倫教からの永田宛書簡 Katō Michinori kara no Nagata ate shokan Letters from Katō Michinori to Nagata item_ID: 16382 LetterID: 35 This is a set of 21 photocopied letters bound in a booklet that were sent to Nagata Hiroko between 1972 and 1974 by Katō Michinori, who had become involved in Rengō Sekigun as the younger brother of a member of Kakumei Saha, the group Nagata led that joined with Sekigunha to become Rengō Sekigun. His older brother was killed in the Rengō Sekigun purge. He and a younger brother who was a minor at the time were arrested at Asama Sansō and he participated in the separated Rengō Sekigun trial (bunri saiban). 古屋公人への手紙及び古屋家関連手紙 Furuya Kimito e no tegami oyobi Furuya-ke Kankei tegami Lettters to Furuya Kimito and other related letters item_ID: 16361 LetterID: 14 This box contains 39 letters sent to Furuya Kimito and other letters related to the Furuya family. 古屋千有への手紙 1 Furuya Chiari e no tegami 1 Letters to Furuya Chiari 1 item_ID: 16359 LetterID: 12 This box contains 80 letters sent to Furuya Chiari using his real name, rather than his pen name Aihara Fumio, between 1950 and 1992. Most are original, but a few are photocopies. 181 182 ❖ 書簡集 Letters 古屋千有への手紙 2 Furuya Chiari e no tegami 2 Letters to Furuya Chiari 2 item_ID: 16360 LetterID: 13 A second box of 87 letters sent to Furuya Chiari, between 1948 and 1989. 古屋千有及び家族宛葉書 1947-1963 Furuya Chiari oyobi kazoku ate hagaki 1947-1963 Postcards to Furuya Chiari & his family 1947-1963 item_ID: 16388 LetterID: 41 This set contains 585 postcards sent to Furuya Chiari and his family from 1947 to 1963. 古屋千有宛葉書 1964-1974 Furuya Chiari ate hagaki 1964-1974 Postcards to Furuya Chiari 1964-1974 item_ID: 16386 LetterID: 39 This set contains 668 postcards sent to Furuya Chiari between 1964 and 1974. 古屋千有宛葉書 1975-1992 Furuya Chiari ate hagaki 1975-1992 Postcards to Furuya Chiari 1975-1992 item_ID: 16387 LetterID: 40 This set contains 695 postcards sent to Furuya Chiari between 1975 and 1992. 古屋能子への手紙 1949-1969 Furuya Yoshiko e no tegami 1949-1969 Letters to Furuya Yoshiko 1949-1969 item_ID: 16354 LetterID: 7 This set contains letters sent to Furuya Yoshiko from 1949-1969. Thus tey cover the early postwar periiod up to the peak of the late 1960s protest era. Most are original letters, but a few are photocopies. 古屋能子への手紙 1970-1976 Furuya Yoshiko e no tegami 1970-1976 Letters to Furuya Yoshiko 1970-1976 item_ID: 16355 LetterID: 8 A continuation of 16354, this set consists of 95 letters sent to Furuya Yoshiko between 1970 and 1976. They cover the peak to the decline of the protest wave of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Most are originals, but a few are photocopies. 古屋能子への手紙 1977-1991 Furuya Yoshiko e no tegami 1977-1991 Letters to Furuya Yoshiko 1977-1991 item_ID: 16356 LetterID: 9 A continuation of Items 16354 and 16355, this set of 92 letters covers correspondence sent to Furuya Yoshiko from 1977 to 1991. Most are originals, and a few are photocopied. 書簡集 Letters ❖ 183 古屋能子宛葉書 1948-1983 Furuya Yoshiko ate hagaki 1948-1983 Postcards to Furuya Yoshiko 1948-1983 item_ID: 16389 LetterID: 42 This set contains 740 postcards sent to Furuya Yoshiko between 1948 and 1983. 吉野雅邦からの永田宛書簡 Yoshino Masakuni kara no Nagata ate shokan Letters from Yoshino Masakuni to Nagata item_ID: 16383 LetterID: 36 This set contains five photocopied letters sent from Yoshino Masakuni to Nagata Hiroko between November 1972 and June 1980. Both were on trial for their roles in the Rengō Sekigun Incident and the earlier Imbanuma murders, but Yoshino had chosen to go with the separate trial (bunri saiban) which ended sooner. 吉野雅邦事実報告 Yoshino Masakuni jijitsu hōkoku Yoshino Masakuni’s factual report item_ID: 16364 LetterID: 17 This set contains photocopies of four letters from Yoshino Masakuni and Nagata Hiroko to the Tokyo District Court and to one another. At the time both were in Tokyo House of Detention and standing trial for the Rengō Sekigun Incident and the earlier Imbanuma murders. During this period Yoshino asked to be separated from the unified Rengō Sekigun trial and was subsequently tried with a group of secondary participants who were cooperating with the authorities. These materials, bound with a cover, were in Takazawa Kōji’s files because of his involvement in the support organization for the Rengō Sekigun Incident. 吉野雅邦書簡 Yoshino Masakuni shokan Letters from Yoshino Masakuni to Ōtsuka Toshihiko item_ID: 16365 LetterID: 18 This is a photocopied set of six letters from Yoshino Masakuni to Ōtsuka Toshihiko written July-September 1978. The bound set of letters was in Takazawa Kōji’s files because of his involvement in the support organization for the Rengō Sekigun Incident. They were in Takazawa Kōji’s files because of his involvement in the support organization for the Rengō Sekigun Incident. 唐牛健太郎へのメッセージ Karōji Kentarō e no messēji Memorial messages for the late Karōji Kentarō item_ID: 16394 LetterID: 46 After Karōji Kentarō’s death, Shima Shigeo organized a memorial tribute to him. This set contains 72 postcards containing messages from Karōji’s friends, to be included in the memorial book. They are in the collection because Takazawa Kōji was involved in the editing and publication of the memorial volume. There is another set of materials for this memorial volume in the Manuscript collection. 在日朝鮮人関連 古屋能子への手紙 Zainichi Chōsenjin kanren Furuya Yoshiko e no tegami Furuya Yoshiko correspondence concerning Korean residents in Japan item_ID: 16353 LetterID: 6 184 ❖ 書簡集 Letters This is a collection of 17 invitations and personal postcards sent to Furuya Yoshiko between 1977 and 1983, from North Korea affiliated organizations concerned with Koreans resident in Japan. The personal postcards are subject to restrictions on their use. 坂口弘、永田洋子宛書簡1 Sakaguchi Hiroshi, Nagata Hiroko ate shokan 1 Letters from Sakaguchi Hiroshi to Nagata Hiroko 1 item_ID: 16378 LetterID: 31 This is a set of 30 photocopied letters bound in a booklet, sent from Sakaguchi Hiroshi to Nagata Hiroko. They were co-defendants in the Rengō Sekigun trial and were both in Tokyo House of Detention when the letters were written. All of the letters contain the prison censor’s mark. 坂口弘、永田洋子宛書簡2 Sakaguchi Hiroshi, Nagata Hiroko ate shokan 2 Letters from Sakaguchi Hiroshi to Nagata Hiroko 2 item_ID: 16379 LetterID: 32 This is a set of 32 photocopied letters bound in a booklet, sent from Sakaguchi Hiroshi to Nagata Hiroko. They were co-defendants in the Rengō Sekigun trial and were both in Tokyo House of Detention when the letters were written. All of the letters contain the prison censor’s mark. 坂東国男原稿『永田さんへの手紙』 Bandō Kunio genkō “Nagata san e no tegami” Bandō Kunio’s “Letter to Nagata-san” item_ID: 16377 LetterID: 30 This is in the form of a photocopied letter, bound in a booklet. It was prepared by Bandō Kunio to be used as testimony in the Rengō Sekigun appeal trial. One of the lawyers on the defense team, Ōtsu Takuji, went to the Middle East to obtain the document, which has Bandō’s fingerprint on each page as verification that he wrote it. Bandō was originally one of the defendants in the trial, but he was released to the Japanese Red Army (Nihon Sekigun) in 1975 and remained in the Middle East after that. After its use as testimony in the trial, it was subsequently edited by Takazawa Kōji and published as a book, which is also in the collection. 奥沢、青砥からの永田宛書簡 Okuzawa, Aoto kara no Nagata ate shokan Letters from Okuzawa and Aoto to Nagata item_ID: 16381 LetterID: 34 This is a set of 15 photocopied letters bound in a booklet. They were sent to Nagata Hiroko beteween 1973 and 1976 by two people involved in Rengō Sekigun who participated in the separated trial (bunri saiban). 富村支援関連手紙 Tomimura Shien kanren tegami Tomimura support-related letters item_ID: 16352 LetterID: 5 This is a collection of 41 letters that were written in connection with the support group activities for Tomimura Jun’ichi, an Okinawan activist who was on trial in 書簡集 Letters ❖ 185 Tokyo for an incident at Tokyo Tower. Furuya Yoshiko was a central figure in his support organization and the letters were in her papers. Many of the letters may have been published in the support group’s newsletter. 富村闘争関連 富村順一他からの手紙 Tomimura tōsō kanren Tomimura Jun’ichi hoka kara no tegami Letters related to Tomimura tōsō, from Tomimura Jun’ichi and others item_ID: 16362 LetterID: 15 This box contains 73 photocopied letters from Tomimura Jun’ichi and others. Tomimura Jun’ichi was an Okinawan activist who was arrested and tried in Tokyo for an inc ident at Tokyo Tower. Furuya Yoshiko was a central figure in his support group, and these letters stem primarily from those activities. 富村順一からの手紙 Tomimura Jun’ichi kara no tegami Letters from Tomimura Jun’ichi item_ID: 16350 LetterID: 3 This is a set of 102 letters sent by Tomimura Jun’ichi to various people. Tomimura was a militant Okinawan activist who created an incident at Tokyo Tower for which he was arrested and tried in Tokyo. Most of the letters were written from prison, in which case each page contains the purple censor’s mark. Furuya Yoshiko was a central figure in Tomimura’ support organization and helped edit his writings for publication. These letters were in her papers. Many of these letters have already been published by the support organization, but as with all letters in the Takazawa Collection, their use is restricted. 寺林真喜江からの永田宛書簡 Terabayashi Makie kara no Nagata ate shokan Letters from Terabayashi Makie to Nagata item_ID: 16384 LetterID: 37 This set contains twenty letters sent from Terabayashi Makie to Nagata Hiroko in 1972 and 1973. Terabayashi came to Rengō Sekigun through her membership in the Kakumei Saha group that Nagata had led, which merged with Sekigunha to form Rengō Sekigun. She was tried in the separate Rengō Sekigun trial (bunri saiban). 岩田、前沢他連合赤軍兵士、永田洋子宛書簡 item_ID: 16380 Iwata, Maezawa hoka Rengō Sekigun heishi, Nagata Hiroko ate shokan LetterID: 33 Letters from Iwata, Maezawa, and other Rengō Sekigun participants to Nagata Hiroko This is a set of 24 photocopied letters bound into a booklet. They were sent to Nagata Hiroko from several Rengō Sekigun participants and associates from Kakumei Saha, the group led by Nagata that combined with Sekigunha to form Rengō Sekigun. These were people who ran away from the group or had limited contact and thus had limited involvedment in the trials. Some faced minor charges and others were called as witnesses. The letters were written between December, 1972 and March, 1974. 島成郎写真付未使用葉書 Shima Shigeo shashin tsuki mishiyō hagaki Unused New Year’s postcards with Shima Shigeo’s photo item_ID: 16393 LetterID: 45 186 ❖ 書簡集 Letters This is a small set of unused postcards imprinted with Shima Shigeo’s photo. They were in the collection along with other materials from Shima Shigeo. 川島豪からの永田宛書簡 Kawashima Gō kara no Nagata ate shokan Letters from Kawashima Gō to Nagata item_ID: 16385 LetterID: 38 This set contains fifty photocopied letters from Kawashima Gō (Tsuyoshi) to Nagata Hiroko, written between July 1971 and April 1974. Kawashima was the original theoretical leader of Nihon Kyōsantō Kakumei Saha, and Nagata Hiroko served under his leadership but also had personal difficulties with him. After his arrest in 1969 Nagata Hiroko became the member of the organization who visited him in prison and communicated his messages to others, and later she became the head of the organization. Kawashima opposed the merger with Sekigunha that created Rengō Sekigun in 1971, and after the Rengō Sekigun Incident became known he continued to criticize Nagata for having led the organization astray. 日本はこれでいいのか-憲法実現・反安保われわれの市民集会案内葉書 Nihon wa kore de ii no ka - Kenpō jitsugen, han Ampo wareware no shimin shūkai an’nai hagaki Postcards announcing a public meeting of Nihon wa Kore de Ii no Ka item_ID: 16405 LetterID: 47 This set contains a small collection of unused postcards that had been printed up by the organization Nihon wa Kore de Ii no ka to announce a public meeting. They are in the collection because of Furuya Yoshiko’s involvement with the organization. 査証編集委員会宛書簡類 Sashō henshū īnkai ate shokanrui Correspondence sent to the Sashō editorial committee item_ID: 16481 LetterID: 49 This set contains 52 original letters, telegrams, and postcards sent to the Sashō editorial committee by various people between April 1969 and August 1971. Some of the letters were sent by persons in prison. Many were addressed to Fujita Tatsuhiko in his role as a central member of the editorial committee. 森恒夫、永田洋子宛書簡 Mori Tsuneo, Nagata Hiroko ate shokan Letters from Mori Tsuneo to Nagata Hiroko item_ID: 16372 LetterID: 25 This is a bound set of five photocopied letters that were sent from Mori Tsuneo to Nagata Hiroko when both were in Tokyo House of Detention in 1972. They are in the collection because of Takazawa Kōji’s involvement in the support organization for the Rengō Sekigun Incident. 森恒夫書簡 Mori Tsuneo shokan Letters from Mori Tsuneo item_ID: 16363 LetterID: 16 This set contains five letters sent from Tokyo House of Detention by Mori Tsuneo between October 25, 1972 and December 19, 1972. All contain the prison censor’s 書簡集 Letters ❖ 187 mark. The letters were written during a period when Mori was grappling with his personal responsibility for the Rengō Sekigun purge. The photocopied and bound set was in Takazawa Kōji’s files because of his role in the support organization for the Rengō Sekigun Incident. 森恒夫書簡類遺書 Mori Tsuneo shokanrui isho Mori Tsuneo final correspondence item_ID: 16482 LetterID: 50 These letters were written during the last days prior to Mori Tsuneo’s suicide in Tokyo House of Detention on December 31, 1972. Three letters written by Mori and one by Shiomi are copies, and these are included in the published volume of Mori’s final writings. The original letter is from Matsuda Hisashi to Sekishoku Kyūenkai, which was the support organization for Sekigunha members. It was written a few days before Mori’s death, and Matsuda (who was in Tokyo House of Detention awaiting trial for M Sakusen bank robberies) was responding to correspondence he had been having with Mori. He apparently sent the letter to Sekishoku Kyūenkai so that it would be distributed to several people. 森恒夫遺書、書簡 Mori Tsuneo isho, shokan Mori Tsuneo’s suicide letters item_ID: 16373 LetterID: 26 This is a bound booklet containing photocopies of the five letters Mori Tsuneo left behind at his death December 31, 1972 in Tokyo House of Detention. These letters have been published in the volume of his posthumously published writings edited by Takazawa Kōji. That volume is also in the collection. 植垣康博獄中書簡、仮製本1 Uegaki Yasuhiro gokuchū shokan, kariseihon 1 Uegaki Yasuhiro’s prison letters to Asano Ken’ichi I item_ID: 16374 LetterID: 27 This bound booklet contains two photocopies of two letters sent by Uegaki Yasuhiro from Tokyo House of Detention to his lawyer, Asano Ken’ichi, in 1981 and 1988. They were in Takazawa Kōji’s files because of his involvement in the support organization for the Rengō Sekigun Incident. 植垣康博獄中書簡、仮製本2 Uegaki Yasuhiro gokuchū shokan, kariseihon 2 Uegaki Yasuhiro’s prison letters to Asano Ken’ichi 2 item_ID: 16375 LetterID: 28 This is a set of six photocopied letters, bound separately from #16375, but also sent by Uegaki Yasuhiro from Tokyo House of Detention to Asano Ken’ichi, who was one of his lawyers. 植垣康博獄中書簡、仮製本3 Uegaki Yasuhiro gokuchū shokan, kariseihon 3 Uegak Yasuhiro’s prison letters to Asano Ken’ichi 3 item_ID: 16376 LetterID: 29 This is another booklet of photocopied letters from Uegaki Yasuhiro to lawyer Asano Ken’ichi, which he sent in November 1981. 188 ❖ 書簡集 Letters 永田洋子宛葉書 Nagata Hiroko ate hagaki Postcards to Nagata Hiroko item_ID: 16370 LetterID: 23 This bound booklet contains 25 photocopied postcards sent to Nagata Hiroko in Tokyo House of Detention between December 1972 and March 1976. The materials were in Takazawa Kōji’s files because of his involvement in the support organization for the Rengō Sekigun Incident. 永田洋子宛電報1 Nagata Hiroko ate denpō 1 Telegrams to Nagata Hiroko 1 item_ID: 16366 LetterID: 19 This is a set of 152 photocopies of telegrams sent to Nagata Hiroko in Tokyo House of Detention between October, 1972 and March, 1973, bound together in a booklet. Many were sent to her by other prisoners, and these are marked with the censor’s mark. Prisoners in unconvicted detention retained communications privileges unless they were restricted by court order, and telegrams were the fastest way to communicate with prisoners. The materials were in Takazawa Kōji’s files because of his involvement in the support organization for the Rengō Sekigun Incident. 永田洋子宛電報2 Nagata Hiroko ate denpō 2 Telegrams to Nagata Hiroko 2 item_ID: 16367 LetterID: 20 This is a second set of 104 photocopied telegrams, bound into a booklet. They were sent to Nagata Hiroko in Tokyo House of Detention from April to December 1973. Some were sent by other prisoners and all contain the censor’s mark. They were in Takazawa Kōji’s files because of his involvement in the support organization for the Rengō Sekigun Incident. 永田洋子宛電報3 Nagata Hiroko ate denpō 3 Telegrams to Nagata Hiroko 3 item_ID: 16368 LetterID: 21 This bound booklet contains 89 photocopied telegrams sent to Nagata Hiroko in Tokyo House of Detention between April and December 1973. The materials were in Takazawa Kōji’s files because of his involvement in the support organization for the Rengō Sekigun Incident. 永田洋子宛電報4 Nagata Hiroko ate denpō 4 Telegrams to Nagata Hiroko 4 item_ID: 16369 LetterID: 22 This bound booklet contains 153 photocopied telegrams sent to Nagata Hiroko in Tokyo House of Detention between January 1975 and February 1978. The materials were in Takazawa Kōji’s files because of his involvement in the support organization for the Rengō Sekigun Incident. 書簡集 Letters ❖ 189 永田洋子差し入れ本、 『労農通信』 Nagata Hiroko sashiire hon, “Rōnō Tsūshin” Journal “Rōnō Tsūshin” sent to Nagata Hiroko in prison item_ID: 16371 LetterID: 24 This is a photocopy of the journal Rōnō Tsūshin, vol. 24, bound with a cover, that was sent to Nagata Hiroko in Tokyo House of Detention as “sashiire” (items sent into prison, either as gifts or at the request of the prisoner). 相原文夫への手紙 Aihara Fumio e no Tegami Letters to Aihara Fumio item_ID: 16357 LetterID: 10 This is a set of 30 letters sents to Aihara Fumio between 1953 and 1979. Most are originals. Aihara Fumio was the penname of Furuya Chiari, husband of Furuya Yoshiko. 相原文夫への手紙(独語) Aihara Fumio e no tegami (Doitsu go) Letters to Aihara Fumio in German item_ID: 16358 LetterID: 11 This box contains 149 letters, both original and photocopied. Most of the materials are correspondence between Aihara Fumio, who was a professional translator, and the authors and publishers abroad with whom he worked. The original correspondence is material he received, including a letter from Gyorgy Lukacs who was answering a query about a translation. The box also includes the original drafts of the letters that Aihara Fumio composed in German to be sent to his correspondents, so that in many cases both sides of the correspondence can be reconstructed. Much of it concerns mundane matters of permissions and payments from publishers. The letters date from 1952 to 1960. 相原文夫宛葉書 Aihara Fumio ate hagaki Postcards to Aihara Fumio item_ID: 16390 LetterID: 43 This set contains 418 postcards sent to Aihara Fumio (Furuya Chiari’s pen name) between 1957 and 1988. 高沢皓司、藤田達彦宛葉書 Takazawa Kōji, Fujita Tatsuhiko ate hagaki Postcards to Takazawa Kōji and Fujita Tatsuhiko item_ID: 16391 LetterID: 44 This set contains 232 postcards sent to Fujita Tatsuhiko, many under his pen name Takazawa Kōji, between 1969 and 1989. 高沢皓司及び藤田達彦宛手紙 Takazawa Kōji oyobi Fujita Tatsuhiko ate tegami Letters to Takazawa Koji and Fujita Tatsuhiko item_ID: 16414 LetterID: 48 This set contains 59 letters sent to Takazawa Kōji, some under his real name, Fujita Tatsuhiko, between 1969 and 1987. Some of the letters are originals and others are photocopies. 原稿 Manuscripts 相原文夫 Aihara Fumio フランツ・メーリング, 1933?. Furantsu Mēringu, 1933?. item_ID: 14601 MS_ID: 161 フランツ・メーリング:青年時代の発展, 1933?. Furantsu Mēringu: Seinen Jidai no Hatten, 1933?. item_ID: 14602 MS_ID: 162 フランツ・メーリング:メーリングのラッサール主義の根柢, 1933?. Furantsu Mēringu: Mēringu no Rassāru Shugi no Kontei, 1933?. item_ID: 14603 MS_ID: 163 フランツ・メーリング:哲学的基礎, 1933?. Furantsu Mēringu: Tetsugaku teki Kiso, 1933?. item_ID: 14604 MS_ID: 164 フランツ・メーリング:美学の原則, 1933?. Furantsu Mēringu: Bigaku no Gensoku, 1933?. item_ID: 14605 MS_ID: 165 フランツ・メーリング:文学史と批評との方法論, 1933?. Furantsu Mēringu: Bungakushi to Hihyō tono Hōhōron, 1933?. item_ID: 14606 MS_ID: 166 フランツ・メーリング:フライリヒラート事件, 1933?. Furantsu Mēringu: Furairihirāto Jiken, 1933?. item_ID: 14607 MS_ID: 167 フランツ・メーリング:プロレタリア文学の問題, 1933?. Furantsu Mēringu: Puroretaria Bungaku no Mondai, 1933?. item_ID: 14608 MS_ID: 168 An eight part translation by Aihara Fumio of Franz Mehring. 狭山事件権力犯罪の構造, n.d.. Sayama Jiken Kenryoku Hanzai no Kōzō, n.d.. item_ID: 14624 MS_ID: 169 Review article of the book with the same title, written by Kamei Tomu. 差別と闘争の諸問題, n.d.. Sabetsu to Tōsō no Shomondai, n.d.. item_ID: 14625 MS_ID: 170 Review article of the book “Sabetsu to Hyōgen” written by Hijikata Tetsu. 思想家としてのトロツキー, n.d.. Shisōka toshiteno Torotsukī, n.d.. item_ID: 14626 MS_ID: 171 Translation. トロツキーの悲劇, n.d.. Torotsukī no Higeki, n.d.. item_ID: 14627 MS_ID: 172 Translation. 191 192 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts わが内なるエコロジー, 1983/3/3. Waga Uchinaru Ekorojī, 1983/3/3. item_ID: 14628 MS_ID: 173 Memo. マルクス主義の課題と今日のトロツキー, n.d.. Marukusu Shugi no Kadai to Konnichi no Torotsukī, n.d.. item_ID: 14629 MS_ID: 174 Translation. マルクス主義は古びたか, n.d.. Marukusu Shugi wa Furubitaka, n.d.. item_ID: 14630 MS_ID: 175 Translation. 多様化と将来, n.d.. Tayōka to Shōrai, n.d.. item_ID: 14631 MS_ID: 176 Translation. マルクス主義と産業社会論者の破産, n.d.. Marukusu Shugi to Sangyō Shakaironsha no Hasan, n.d.. item_ID: 14632 MS_ID: 177 Translation. チェルヌイシェフスキー美学序説, 1952. Cherunuishefusukī Bigaku Josetsu, 1952. item_ID: 14644 MS_ID: 178 チェルヌイシェフスキー美学序説, 1952. Cherunuishefusukī Bigaku Josetsu, 1952. item_ID: 14645 MS_ID: 179 チェルヌイシェフスキー美学序説, 1952. Cherunuishefusukī Bigaku Josetsu, 1952. item_ID: 14646 MS_ID: 180 チェルヌイシェフスキー美学序説, 1952. Cherunuishefusukī Bigaku Josetsu, 1952. item_ID: 14647 MS_ID: 181 A four part translation by Aihara Fumio of Chernishevski’s Introduction to Aesthetics. 白書「第一章」,n.d.. Hakusho “Dai 1 shō”, n.d.. item_ID: 14648 MS_ID: 182 Untitled, 1946. Untitled, 1946. item_ID: 14659 MS_ID: 183 Untitled, n.d.. Untitled, n.d.. item_ID: 14660 MS_ID: 184 Untitled, 1956-7. Untitled, 1956-7. item_ID: 14661 MS_ID: 185 Untitled, n.d.. Untitled, n.d.. item_ID: 14662 MS_ID: 186 相原文夫 Aihara Fumio ❖ 193 Untitled Untitled item_ID: 14678 MS_ID: 187 論文集 神山茂夫, n.d.. Ronbunshū - Kamiyama Shigeo, n.d.. item_ID: 14679 MS_ID: 188 Untitled, n.d.. Untitled, n.d.. item_ID: 14680 MS_ID: 189 Untitled, n.d.. Untitled, n.d.. item_ID: 14681 MS_ID: 190 Untitled, 1956 - 1961. Untitled, 1956 - 1961. item_ID: 14682 MS_ID: 191 Untitled, n.d.. Untitled, n.d.. item_ID: 14683 MS_ID: 192 Untitled, n.d.. Untitled, n.d.. item_ID: 14684 MS_ID: 193 Aihara Fumio’s notes. ニクソンの訪問外交と国際共産主義運動, n.d.. Nikuson no Hōmon Gaikō to Kokusai Kyōsan Shugi Undō, n.d.. item_ID: 15106 MS_ID: 277 Essay by Aihara Fumio. 華南への新綱領の傳達, n.d.. Kanan eno Shinkōryō no Dentatsu, n.d.. item_ID: 15021 MS_ID: 302 栗, n.d.. Kuri, n.d.. item_ID: 15276 MS_ID: 303 正當な分配, n.d.. Seitō na Bunpai, n.d.. item_ID: 15277 MS_ID: 304 マヌイリスキー, n.d.. Manuirisukī, n.d.. item_ID: 15301 MS_ID: 313 ソ連関係, n.d.. Soren Kankei, n.d.. item_ID: 15302 MS_ID: 314 昭和十四年度本邦對外貿易概観, 1940?. Shōwa Jūyonendo Honpō Taigai Bōeki Gaikan, 1940?. item_ID: 15303 MS_ID: 315 生産旋回, n.d.. Seisan Senkai, n.d.. item_ID: 15304 MS_ID: 316 旋回基軸, n.d.. Senkai Kijiku, n.d.. item_ID: 15305 MS_ID: 317 基柢, n.d.. Kitei, n.d.. item_ID: 15306 MS_ID: 318 Aihara Fumio’s manuscripts on communist influence in prewar China. 194 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts 古屋能子 Furuya Yoshiko Untitled, n.d.. Untitled, n.d.. item_ID: 14685 MS_ID: 194 Untitled, n.d.. Untitled, n.d.. item_ID: 14686 MS_ID: 195 Furuya Yoshiko Notebooks 書評『沖縄の日本軍』,n.d.. Shohyō ‘Okinawa no Nihongun’, n.d.. item_ID: 14722 MS_ID: 204 Book review of ‘Okinawa no Nihongun’ written by Oshima Yukio. 書評『狭山事件・権力犯罪の構造』,n.d.. Shohyō ‘Sayama Jiken - Kenryoku Hanzai no Kōzō’, n.d.. item_ID: 14723 MS_ID: 205 Book review of ‘Sayama Jiken - Kenryoku Hanzai no Kozo’ written by Kamei Tomu. 沖縄-断片(1),n.d.. Okinawa - Danpen (1), n.d.. item_ID: 14823 MS_ID: 227 沖縄-断片(2),n.d.. Okinawa - Danpen (2), n.d.. item_ID: 14824 MS_ID: 228 沖縄-書きつぶし, n.d.. Okinawa - Kakitsubushi, n.d.. item_ID: 14825 MS_ID: 229 沖縄(1),1969-1970. Okinawa (1), 1969-1970. item_ID: 14826 MS_ID: 230 沖縄(2),1970. Okinawa (2), 1970. item_ID: 14827 MS_ID: 231 沖縄(3),n.d.. Okinawa (3), n.d.. item_ID: 14828 MS_ID: 232 沖縄(4),n.d.. Okinawa (4), n.d.. item_ID: 14987 MS_ID: 233 沖縄(5),n.d.. Okinawa (5), n.d.. item_ID: 14990 MS_ID: 236 Furuya Yoshiko’s manuscripts on Okinawa. 大久保病院事件原稿(1),n.d.. Ōkubo Byōin Jiken Genkō, n.d.. item_ID: 14991 MS_ID: 238 大久保病院事件原稿(2),n.d.. Ōkubo Byōin Jiken Genkō (2), n.d.. item_ID: 14992 MS_ID: 239 古屋能子 Furuya Yoshiko ❖ 195 大久保病院事件原稿(3),n.d.. Ōkubo Byōin Jiken Genkō (3), n.d.. item_ID: 14993 MS_ID: 241 Furuya Yoshiko’s three part manuscript on the Ōkubo Hospital incident. 嘉手納基地でのたたかい(1),n.d.. Kadena Kichi deno Tatakai (1), n.d.. item_ID: 14994 MS_ID: 242 嘉手納基地でのたたかい(2),n.d.. Kadena Kichi deno Tatakai (2), n.d.. item_ID: 14995 MS_ID: 243 嘉手納基地でのたたかい(3),n.d.. Kadena Kichi deno Tatakai (3), n.d.. item_ID: 14996 MS_ID: 244 嘉手納基地でのたたかい(4),n.d.. Kadena Kichi deno Tatakai (4), n.d.. item_ID: 14997 MS_ID: 245 嘉手納基地でのたたかい(5),n.d.. Kadena Kichi deno Tatakai (5), n.d.. item_ID: 14998 MS_ID: 246 嘉手納基地でのたたかい(6),n.d.. Kadena Kichi deno Tatakai (6), n.d.. item_ID: 14999 MS_ID: 247 Furuya Yoshiko’s manuscripts on the Kadena U.S. Marine Corps base conflict in Okinawa. 海洋汚染, n.d.. Kaiyō Osen, n.d.. item_ID: 15000 MS_ID: 248 海洋汚染, n.d.. Kaiyō Osen, n.d.. item_ID: 15001 MS_ID: 249 海洋汚染, n.d.. Kaiyō Osen, n.d.. item_ID: 15002 MS_ID: 250 海洋汚染, n.d.. Kaiyō Osen, n.d.. item_ID: 15003 MS_ID: 251 海洋汚染, n.d.. Kaiyō Osen, n.d.. item_ID: 15004 MS_ID: 252 海洋汚染, n.d.. Kaiyō Osen, n.d.. item_ID: 15005 MS_ID: 253 海洋汚染, n.d.. Kaiyō Osen, n.d.. item_ID: 15006 MS_ID: 254 海洋汚染, n.d.. Kaiyō Osen, n.d.. item_ID: 15008 MS_ID: 255 海洋汚染, n.d.. Kaiyō Osen, n.d.. item_ID: 15009 MS_ID: 256 海洋汚染, n.d.. Kaiyō Osen, n.d.. item_ID: 15010 MS_ID: 257 海洋汚染, n.d.. Kaiyō Osen, n.d.. item_ID: 15011 MS_ID: 258 196 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts 海洋汚染, n.d.. Kaiyō Osen, n.d.. item_ID: 15012 MS_ID: 259 海洋汚染, n.d.. Kaiyō Osen, n.d.. item_ID: 15013 MS_ID: 260 海洋汚染, n.d.. Kaiyō Osen, n.d.. item_ID: 15014 MS_ID: 261 Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on the television series Kaiyō Osen. ・・・・正気の狂人, 1970-1971. . . . . Shōki no Kyōjin, 1970-1971. item_ID: 15015 MS_ID: 262 ・・・・正気の狂人, 1970-1971. Shōki no Kyōjin, 1970-1971. item_ID: 15016 MS_ID: 263 Furuya Yoshiko manuscript on Shōki no Kyōjin. 富村問題原稿, 1970-1971. Tomimura Mondai Genkō, 1970-1971. item_ID: 15017 MS_ID: 264 富村問題原稿, 1970-1971. Tomimura Mondai Genkō, 1970-1971. item_ID: 15018 MS_ID: 265 富村問題原稿, 1970-1971. Tomimura Mondai Genkō, 1970-1971. item_ID: 15019 MS_ID: 266 富村問題原稿, 1970-1971. Tomimura Mondai Genkō, 1970-1971. item_ID: 15020 MS_ID: 267 富村問題原稿, n.d.. Tomimura Mondai Genkō, n.d.. item_ID: 15097 MS_ID: 268 Furuya Yoshiko manuscripts on the Tomimura issue. 沖縄ヤクザ戦争, n.d.. Okinawa Yakuza Sensō, n.d.. item_ID: 15098 MS_ID: 269 パスポートからは除外されている国の誇り高い人々, n.d.. Pasupōto karawa Jogai sareteiru Kuni no Hokoritakai Hitobito, n.d.. item_ID: 15099 MS_ID: 270 Two Furuya Yoshiko manuscripts on Okinawa. マルクス・エンゲルスの美学的著作への序説, 1945. Marukusu-Engerusu no Bigakuteki Chosaku eno Josetsu, 1945. item_ID: 15100 MS_ID: 271 マルクス・エンゲルスの美学的著作の序説, 1945. Marukusu-Engerusu no Bigakuteki Chosaku no Josetsu, 1945. item_ID: 15101 MS_ID: 272 Furuya Yoshiko manuscript introducing Marx-Engels work on aesthetics. 緒論, n.d.. Choron, n.d.. item_ID: 15102 MS_ID: 273 古屋能子 Furuya Yoshiko ❖ 197 緒論, n.d.. Choron, n.d.. item_ID: 15103 MS_ID: 274 Two part Furuya Yoshiko manuscript. 幼いころのこと, n.d.. Osanai Koro no koto, n.d.. item_ID: 15104 MS_ID: 275 Furuya Yoshiko manuscript. ニクソンの訪問外交と国際共産支持運動, n.d.. Nikuson no Hōmon Gaikō to Kokusai Kyōsan Shugi Undō, n.d.. item_ID: 15105 MS_ID: 276 Furuya Yoshiko manuscript. There is an item with the same title by Aihara Fumio. ベ平連‘68, 1968. Beheiren ‘68, 1968. item_ID: 15307 MS_ID: 319 ベ平連‘68, 1968. Beheiren ‘68, 1968. item_ID: 15308 MS_ID: 320 ベ平連‘68, 1968. Beheiren ‘68, 1968. item_ID: 15309 MS_ID: 321 ベ平連‘68, 1968. Beheiren ‘68, 1968. item_ID: 15310 MS_ID: 322 ベ平連‘68, 1968. Beheiren ‘68, 1968. item_ID: 15311 MS_ID: 323 アプジ金さん, n.d.. Apuji Kin-san, n.d.. item_ID: 15313 MS_ID: 325 Shinjuku Beheiren materials from Furuya Yoshiko, who was the central figure in this chapter of Beheiren. ❖ ❖ ❖ The following materials are from the Tomimura Jun’ichi Support Group. Tomimura was a man from Okinawa who was arrested for a political incident at Tokyo Tower and was tried in Tokyo. Furuya Yoshiko was a central member of this support group and these materials were in her collection. Additional materials from this case are in the Court Documents section. 富村順一生活史年表, n.d.. Tomimura Junichi Seikatsushi Nenpyō, n.d.. item_ID: 15312 MS_ID: 324 国政参加のワナ, 1970/10/26. Kokusei Sanka no Wana, 1970/10/26. item_ID: 15326 MS_ID: 326 米軍沖縄上陸, 1970/11/26. Beigun Okinawa Jōriku, 1970/11/26. item_ID: 15327 MS_ID: 327 198 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts 刑務所での反乱, 1970/11/30. Keimusho deno Hanran, 1970/11/30. item_ID: 15328 MS_ID: 328 沖縄脱出, n.d.. Okinawa Dasshutsu, n.d.. item_ID: 15329 MS_ID: 329 本土流転, 1971/01/04. Hondo Ruten, 1971/01/04. item_ID: 15330 MS_ID: 330 ニンニクと朝鮮人ばい春婦, 19971/01/04. Ninniku to Chōsenjin Baishunfu, 19971/01/04. item_ID: 15331 MS_ID: 331 無い小指, 1971/01/07. Nai Koyubi, 1971/01/07. item_ID: 15332 MS_ID: 332 沖縄刑務所, 1971/01/11. Okinawa Keimusho, 1971/01/11. item_ID: 15333 MS_ID: 333 ハガチイ事件, 1971/02/15. Hagachii Jiken, 1971/02/15. item_ID: 15334 MS_ID: 334 戦後沖縄の政治家, 1971/02/08. Sengo Okinawa no Seijika, 1971/02/08. item_ID: 15335 MS_ID: 335 独房の一日, 1971/02/09. Dokubō no Ichinichi, 1971/02/09. item_ID: 15336 MS_ID: 336 北海道の飯場, 1971/02/10. Hokkaidō no Hanba, 1971/02/10. item_ID: 15337 MS_ID: 337 たちの悪い警察, 1971/02/10. Tachi no Warui Keisatsu, 1971/02/10. item_ID: 15338 MS_ID: 338 ヒロヒト イッせ, 1971/02/17. Hirohito Isse, 1971/02/17. item_ID: 15339 MS_ID: 339 事件の前日 当日の現場, 1971/02/19. Jiken no Zenjitsu Tōjitsu no Genba, 1971/02/19. item_ID: 15340 MS_ID: 340 ヒロヒトを被告台に, 1971/02/22. Hirohito o Hikokudai ni, 1971/02/22. item_ID: 15341 MS_ID: 341 不当な警察検事達, 1971/02/23. Futō na Keisatsu Kenjitachi, 1971/02/23. item_ID: 15342 MS_ID: 342 古屋能子 Furuya Yoshiko ❖ 199 おん念をはらすために, 1971/02/24. Onnen o Harasu tameni, 1971/02/24. item_ID: 15343 MS_ID: 343 判事は犯罪人, 1971/4/10. Hanji wa Hanzainin, 1971/4/10. item_ID: 15344 MS_ID: 344 沖縄の売春婦, 1971/04/23. Okinawa no Baishunfu, 1971/04/23. item_ID: 15345 MS_ID: 345 正当な公判を, 1971/05/26. Seitō na Kōhan o, 1971/05/26. item_ID: 15346 MS_ID: 346 『教育新聞』のデタラメ, 1971/06/07. “Kyōiku Shinbun” no Detarame, 1971/06/07. item_ID: 15347 MS_ID: 347 七十二年の四月までに, 1971/06/07. 72 nen no 4 gatsu made ni, 1971/06/07. item_ID: 15348 MS_ID: 348 ズボンとハイネック, 1971/06/23. Zubon to Hainekku, 1971/06/23. item_ID: 15349 MS_ID: 349 保釈請求却下, 1971/08/05. Hoshaku Seikyū Kyakka, 1971/08/05. item_ID: 15350 MS_ID: 350 帝国主義とは何か, 1971/10/08. Teikokushugi towa Nanika, 1971/10/08. item_ID: 15351 MS_ID: 351 愛を第一に, 1971. Ai o Daiichi ni, 1971. item_ID: 15352 MS_ID: 352 夢と狂人, 1971/07/09. Yume to Kyōjin, 1971/07/09. item_ID: 15353 MS_ID: 353 山野彷徨と日本軍米軍, 1971/10/15. Sanya Hōkō to Nihongun Beigun, 1971/10/15. item_ID: 15354 MS_ID: 354 国場・西銘代議士を地獄へ送れ, 1971/11/29. Kuniba/ Nishikata Daigishi o Jigoku e Okure, 1971/11/29. item_ID: 15355 MS_ID: 355 生きのこった者の任務, 1971/12/06. Ikinokotta Mono no Ninmu, 1971/12/06. item_ID: 15371 MS_ID: 356 巡視官との問答, 1971/12/22. Junshikan tono Mondō, 1971/12/22. item_ID: 15372 MS_ID: 357 200 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts 青年のこと, 1972/03/03. Seinen no Koto, 1972/03/03. item_ID: 15373 MS_ID: 358 服をかってやった女の子, n.d.. Fuku o katteyatta Onnanoko, n.d.. item_ID: 15374 MS_ID: 359 警察官と豚の皮, n.d.. Keisatsukan to Buta no Kawa, n.d.. item_ID: 15375 MS_ID: 360 アジア人民との連帯を, n.d.. Ajia Jinmin tono Rentai o, n.d.. item_ID: 15376 MS_ID: 361 資料・起訴状, n.d.. Shiryō / Kisojō, n.d.. item_ID: 15377 MS_ID: 362 第十五回公判, n.d.. Dai Jūgokai Kōhan, n.d.. item_ID: 15378 MS_ID: 363 富村順一意見陳述, n.d.. Tomimura Junichi iken chinjutsu, n.d.. item_ID: 15379 MS_ID: 364 Untitled, n.d.. Untitled, n.d.. item_ID: 15380 MS_ID: 365 「沖縄と安保」,n.d.. “Okinawa to Anpo”, n.d.. item_ID: 15381 MS_ID: 366 沖縄と安保, 1982/08/15. Okinawa to Anpo, 1982/08/15. item_ID: 15382 MS_ID: 367 沖縄と安保, n.d.. Okinawa to Anpo, n.d.. item_ID: 15383 MS_ID: 368 沖縄のことについての演説草稿, n.d.. Okinawa no koto ni tsuiteno Enzetsu Sōkō, n.d.. item_ID: 15384 MS_ID: 370 ❖ ❖ ❖ United Shobo was a bookstore in Kanda that carried a lot of left materials, including ephemeral materials published by New Left groups, and also published some materials. The store was searched in September 1974 and 150 copies of a bomb manual carrying an unrelated innocuous title were confiscated and the owner, Endō Tadao, was charged with violation of Article 4 of the Explosives Control Law. Some manuscripts related to the case were found in Furuya Yoshiko’s materials. The “jikokuhyo” listed in these materials is not a timetable, but the name of a small serial that Unita Shobo published. The serial is in the collection as Serial ID#32. 古屋能子 Furuya Yoshiko ❖ 201 「時刻表」12号, n.d.. Jikokuhyō 12 Gō, n.d.. item_ID: 14687 MS_ID: 196 時刻表, n.d.. Jikoku hyō, n.d.. item_ID: 14688 MS_ID: 197 あとがき, n.d.. Atogaki, n.d.. item_ID: 14689 MS_ID: 198 申立の趣旨, n.d.. Mōshitate no Shushi, n.d.. item_ID: 14690 MS_ID: 199 目次, n.d.. Mokuji, n.d.. item_ID: 14691 MS_ID: 200 Materials concerning the United Shobo case. 沖縄現地出版図書案内, n.d.. Okinawa Genchi Shuppan Tosho Annai, n.d.. item_ID: 14692 MS_ID: 201 Book list concerning the United Shobo case. はじめにこのことの経緯について, n.d.. Hajimeni Konokotono Kēini Tsuite, n.d.. item_ID: 14720 MS_ID: 202 This file contains a draft and a revised manuscript. 後記, n.d.. Kōki, n.d.. item_ID: 14721 MS_ID: 203 Untitled, n.d.. Untitled, n.d.. item_ID: 14724 MS_ID: 206 ❖ ❖ ❖ Through much of the 1970s and 1980s there was a long-running conflict over the construction of Narita International Airport in the Chiba village of Sanrizuka. The New Left became heavily involved in the conflict and many participants were arrested. There are many materials in the Furuya Yoshiko subcollection from the appeal trial in the early 1980s, presumably because Furuya Yoshiko was involved in the support group. Since they are manuscripts, they are included here rather than in the Court Documents section. 冒頭陳述書, 1980/07/18. Bōtō Chinjutsu Sho, 1980/07/18. item_ID: 15107 MS_ID: 278 判決文, 1981/02/12. Hanketsubun, 1981/02/12. item_ID: 15108 MS_ID: 279 202 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts 告訴状, 1977/05/13. Kokusojō, 1977/05/13. item_ID: 15110 MS_ID: 280 意見陳述書, 1980/12/23. Iken Chinjutsusho, 1980/12/23. item_ID: 14693 MS_ID: 281 新東京国際空港の安全確保に関する緊急措置法案逐条批判, n.d.. Shin Tōkyō Kokusai Kūkō no Anzen Kakuho ni kansuru Kinkyū Sochi Hōan Chikujō Hihan, n.d.. item_ID: 15238 MS_ID: 282 決定, 1980/04/01. Kettei, 1980/04/01. item_ID: 15239 MS_ID: 283 異議申立書, 1980/04/14. Igi Mōshitate sho, 1980/04/14. item_ID: 15240 MS_ID: 284 冒頭陳述補充書, 1980/09/16. Bōtō Chinjutsu Hojū sho, 1980/09/16. item_ID: 15242 MS_ID: 285 控訴趣意書, 1981/09/15. Kōso Shui sho, 1981/09/15. item_ID: 14989 MS_ID: 286 収用権限不存在確認裁判をおこすにあたって, n.d.. Shūyō Kengen Fusonzai Kakunin Saiban o Okosu ni Atattte, n.d.. item_ID: 15243 MS_ID: 287 新東京国際空港の安全確保に関する緊急措置法案、いわゆる成田破 防法に対する批判, 1978/05/04. Shi Tōkyō Kokusai Kūkō no Anzen Kakuho ni kansuru Kinkyū Sochi Hōan, iwayuru Narita Habōhō ni taisuru Hihan, 1978/05/04. item_ID: 15244 MS_ID: 288 上申書, 1982. Jōshinsho, 1982. item_ID: 15245 MS_ID: 289 唐牛健太郎 Karōji Kentarō ❖ 203 唐牛健太郎 Karōji Kentarō These manuscripts are materials used for Karōji Kentarō’s memorial volume, which Takazawa Kōji edited. Additional materials from this volume are in the Letters section. 全学連委員長誕生まで, 1986. Zengakuren Iinchō Tanjō made, 1986. item_ID: 14132 MS_ID: 68 唐牛健太郎覚書, 1986. Karōji Kentarō Oboegaki, 1986. item_ID: 14133 MS_ID: 69 「詩人の魂」 と 「痴人のチンボ」-戦後世代の特質は何か, 1986. “Shijin no Tamashii” to “Chijin no Chinbo” - Sengo Sedai no Toku shitsu wa Nani ka, 1986. item_ID: 14134 MS_ID: 70 東京へ出るな -オホーツク海と徳之島, 1985. Tokyo e Deruna - Ohōtsukukai to Tokunoshima, 1985. item_ID: 14135 MS_ID: 71 私の場合, n.d.. Watashi no Baai, n.d.. item_ID: 14136 MS_ID: 72 北大の頃、そして今、、、,n.d.. Hokudai no Koro, Soshite Ima,,,, n.d.. item_ID: 14137 MS_ID: 73 健太郎さんの彼女, 1986. Kentarōsan no Kanojo, 1986. item_ID: 14138 MS_ID: 74 唐牛健太郎雑感, 1985. Karōji Kentarō Zakkan, 1985. item_ID: 14163 MS_ID: 75 スターリンなんか知らないよ, 1985. Sutārin Nanka Shiranaiyo, 1985. item_ID: 14164 MS_ID: 76 あとがき, 1986. Atogaki, 1986. item_ID: 14165 MS_ID: 77 桁外れの大人物・唐牛健太郎, 1986. Ketahazure no Daijinbutsu Karōji Kentarō, 1986. item_ID: 14166 MS_ID: 78 唐牛さんと彼の女性観, 1984. Karōji-san to Kare no Joseikan, 1984. item_ID: 14167 MS_ID: 79 204 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts 鬼籍の二人(昭和五十九年),1985. Kiseki no Futari (Shōwa 59-nen), 1985. item_ID: 14168 MS_ID: 80 唐牛健太郎の死, 1984/3/13. Karōji Kentarō no Shi, 1984/3/13. item_ID: 14188 MS_ID: 81 太陽がいっぱい, 198?. Taiyō ga Ippai, 198?. item_ID: 14189 MS_ID: 82 唐牛健太郎君にまつわる想い出, n.d.. Karōji Kentarō-kun ni Matsuwaru Omoide, n.d.. item_ID: 14190 MS_ID: 83 風雲児・唐牛健太郎, 1985. Fūunji Karōji Kentarō, 1985. item_ID: 14191 MS_ID: 84 巨きな無意味, 1985. Ōkina Muimi, 1985. item_ID: 14192 MS_ID: 85 唐牛と僕, 1985/12/22. Karōji to Boku, 1985/12/22. item_ID: 14193 MS_ID: 86 夜祭り・非行・フィンランド化, 1986/12/12. Yomatsuri, Hikō, Finrandoka, 1986/12/12. item_ID: 14194 MS_ID: 87 太陽の男 唐牛健太郎について, 1985?. Taiyō no Otoko Karōji Kentarō ni tsuite, 1985?. item_ID: 14195 MS_ID: 88 あの時代, n.d.. Ano Jidai, n.d.. item_ID: 14196 MS_ID: 89 断片十二 -いつか書く長篇のためのメモランダムから, 1986. Danpen Jūni - Itsuka Kaku Chōhen no tame no Memorandamu kara, 1986. item_ID: 14197 MS_ID: 90 唐牛のこと, 1985/8/14. Karōji no Koto, 1985/8/14. item_ID: 14198 MS_ID: 91 齟齬としての一生, 1986/6/2. Sogo toshite no Isshō, 1986/6/2. item_ID: 14199 MS_ID: 92 私の中の唐牛健太郎, n.d.. Watashi no Naka no Karōji Kentarō, n.d.. item_ID: 14200 MS_ID: 93 唐牛健太郎 Karōji Kentarō ❖ 205 酒は俺の活力源なのだ, n.d.. Sake wa Ore no Katsuryokugen nanoda, n.d.. item_ID: 14201 MS_ID: 94 高級パンツ, 1986. Kōkyū Pantsu, 1986. item_ID: 14202 MS_ID: 95 untitled, 1985/8/24. untitled, 1985/8/24. item_ID: 14210 MS_ID: 96 untitled, 1986. untitled, 1986. item_ID: 14211 MS_ID: 97 untitled, 1985/8/5. untitled, 1985/8/5. item_ID: 14212 MS_ID: 98 untitled, 1986. untitled, 1986. item_ID: 14213 MS_ID: 99 Untitled, 1984. untitled, 1984. item_ID: 14214 MS_ID: 100 Untitled, n.d.. Untitled, n.d.. item_ID: 14215 MS_ID: 101 Untitled, 1986. Untitled, 1986. item_ID: 14216 MS_ID: 102 Untitled, 1985/6/1. Untitled, 1985/6/1. item_ID: 14217 MS_ID: 103 Untitled, 1985. Untitled, 1985. item_ID: 14218 MS_ID: 104 Untitled, 1984/3/25. Untitled, 1984/3/25. item_ID: 14220 MS_ID: 106 Untitled, 1985/1/5. Untitled, 1985/1/5. item_ID: 14221 MS_ID: 107 「タッシャでな」,1985/7/30. “Tassha dena”, 1985/7/30. item_ID: 14222 MS_ID: 108 唐牛健太郎と私, n.d.. Karōji Kentarō to watashi, n.d.. item_ID: 14223 MS_ID: 109 206 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts 函館市立湯川中学三年三組, 1985/7/25. Hakodateshiritsu Yukawa Chūgaku Sannen Sankumi, 1985/7/25. item_ID: 14224 MS_ID: 110 帽子, n.d.. Bōshi, n.d.. item_ID: 14225 MS_ID: 111 「カロ」のこと, n.d.. “Karo” no koto, n.d.. item_ID: 14226 MS_ID: 112 唐牛健太郎のこと, 1985/8/29. Karōji Kentarō no koto, 1985/8/29. item_ID: 14227 MS_ID: 113 唐牛健太郎のいる風景, n.d.. Karōji Kentarō no iru fūkei, n.d.. item_ID: 14228 MS_ID: 114 唐牛健太郎氏, 1986/1/20. Karōji Kentarō shi, 1986/1/20. item_ID: 14229 MS_ID: 115 初雪, 1986. Hatsu yuki, 1986. item_ID: 14230 MS_ID: 116 さようならムッシュウ・ル・メランコリスト, n.d.. Sayōnara Musshū. Ru. Merankorisuto, n.d.. item_ID: 14231 MS_ID: 117 唐牛君との出会いと思い出, 1986. Karōji kun tono Deai to Omoide, 1986. item_ID: 14240 MS_ID: 118 想い出二つ, 1985. Omoide Futatsu, 1985. item_ID: 14241 MS_ID: 119 唐牛健太郎と私, 1985. Karōji Kentarō to Watashi, 1985. item_ID: 14242 MS_ID: 120 唐牛健太郎君の追想, 1985. Karōji Kentarō kun no Tsuisō, 1985. item_ID: 14243 MS_ID: 121 私にとっての唐牛君, 1985. Watashi ni totteno Karōji kun, 1985. item_ID: 14244 MS_ID: 122 二十年間の付合, 1986. Nijūnenkan no Tsukiai, 1986. item_ID: 14245 MS_ID: 123 健太郎を偲んで, n.d.. Kentarō wo shinonde, n.d.. item_ID: 14246 MS_ID: 124 唐牛健太郎 Karōji Kentarō ❖ 207 唐牛と大阪市大, 1985. Karōji to Ōsakashidai, 1985. item_ID: 14247 MS_ID: 125 Untitled, 1986. Untitled, 1986. item_ID: 14248 MS_ID: 126 Untitled, n.d.. Untitled, n.d.. item_ID: 14264 MS_ID: 127 Untitled, n.d.. Untitled, n.d.. item_ID: 14265 MS_ID: 128 「詩人の魂」 と 「痴人のチンボ」,1985/11/26. Shijin no tamashī to Chijin no Chinbo, 1985/11/26. item_ID: 15251 MS_ID: 293 唐牛健太郎追悼集座談会速記録, n.d.. Karōji Kentarō Tsuitōshū Zadankai Sokkiroku, n.d.. item_ID: 15296 MS_ID: 308 唐牛健太郎追悼集座談会速記録, n.d.. Karōji Kentarō Tsuitōshū Zadankai Sokkiroku, n.d.. item_ID: 15297 MS_ID: 309 This is a transcript of a group discussion that became part of Karōji Kentarō’s memorial volume. The tape recording of the discussion is also in the audio-visual materials section. 208 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts 塩見孝也 Shiomi Takaya 塩見孝也草稿論文綴り, 1969-1970s. Shiomi Takaya Sōkō Ronbun Tsuzuri, 1969-1970s. item_ID: 13889 MS_ID: 14 11 articles (internal documents) including Purokakuha and drafts of Dai 1-ji Kōryō. 塩見孝也獄中論文A, n.d.. Shiomi Takaya Gokuchū Ronbun A, n.d.. item_ID: 14008 MS_ID: 40 塩見孝也獄中論文B, n.d.. Shiomi Takaya Gokuchū Ronbun B, n.d.. item_ID: 14009 MS_ID: 41 塩見孝也獄中論文C, n.d.. Shiomi Takaya Gokuchū Ronbun C, n.d.. item_ID: 14010 MS_ID: 42 Shiomi Takaya’s writings from prison. パレスチナ解放支援運動原稿, n.d.. Paresuchina Kaihō Shien Undō Genkō, n.d.. item_ID: 14090 MS_ID: 43 Manuscript’s title: Giyūgun kara Te o Hike! 赤軍派(プロ革)結成内部資料, 1975/2/20. Sekigunha (Puro Kaku) Kessei Naibu Shiryō, 1975/2/20. item_ID: 14091 MS_ID: 44 Manuscript title: Hanketsu Hōkoku Apīru. 田宮高麿と塩見孝也の対談, 1990/10/26. Tamiya Takamaro to Shiomi Takaya no Taidan, 1990/10/26. item_ID: 14094 MS_ID: 47 Text of a discussion between Tamiya Takamaro and Shiomi Takaya in 1990, in North Korea 塩見孝也赤軍派綱領草案原稿A, n.d.. Shiomi Takaya Sekigunha Kōryō Sōan Genkō A, n.d.. item_ID: 14095 MS_ID: 48 塩見孝也赤軍派綱領草案原稿B, n.d. Shiomi Takaya Sekigunha Kōryō Sōan Genkō B, n.d. item_ID: 14096 MS_ID: 49 塩見孝也赤軍派綱領草案原稿C, n.d.. Shiomi Takaya Sekigunha Kōryō Sōan Genkō C, n.d.. item_ID: 14097 MS_ID: 50 塩見孝也赤軍派綱領草案原稿D, n.d.. Shiomi Takaya Sekigunha Kōryō Sōan Genkō D, n.d.. item_ID: 14098 MS_ID: 51 A four-part manuscript that Shiomi Takaya wrote in prison, related to the creation of the Pro Kaku faction of Sekigunha. 塩見孝也 Shiomi Takaya ❖ 209 塩見孝也政治論文 Shiomi Takaya Seiji Ronbun item_ID: 14114 MS_ID: 67 Shiomi Takaya essay from the Kansai Bund period. 塩見孝也逮捕直前のノート, n.d.. Shiomi Takaya Taiho Chokuzen no Nōto, n.d.. item_ID: 15298 MS_ID: 310 Shiomi Takaya notes from just before his arrest よど号ハイジャック公判闘争, n.d.. Yodo Gō Hai Jakku Kōhan Tōsō, n.d.. item_ID: 14361 MS_ID: 134 A statement by Shiomi Takaya, who was tried for involvement in the Yodogō hijacking 210 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts 島成郎 Shima Shigeo 島成郎 1981.11.5 東京弁護士会館に於ける講演「保安処 分制度をめぐって」,1981/11/5. Shima Shigeo 1981.11.5 Tōkyō Bengoshi Kaikan ni okeru Kōen “Hoan Shobun Seido o megutte”, 1981/11/5. item_ID: 16787 MS_ID: A letter by Shima Shigeo is inserted explaining about the manuscript. 397 森恒夫 Mori Tsuneo ❖ 211 森恒夫 Mori Tsuneo 森恒夫自己批判書(獄中筆写分) (第一部・第二部),1983?. Mori Tsuneo Jiko Hihansho (Gokuchū Hisshabun) (Dai 1 bu/Dai 2 bu), 1983?. item_ID: 13731 MS_ID: 1 森恒夫自己批判書(獄中筆写分) (第三部),1983?. Mori Tsuneo Jiko Hihansho (Gokuchū Hisshabun) (Dai 3 bu), 1983?. item_ID: 13844 MS_ID: 2 This is a copy of Mori Tsuneo’s jikohihansho (self-criticism) that was hand-copied by Nagata Hiroko in prison. There are three parts, in two files. The 1983 date may be when Nagata’s copy was sent out of the prison. The self-criticism was written in 1972 while Mori was in detention and before his suicide on New Year’s eve of that year. 森恒夫自己批判書(原文コピー) (第一部),1972/4. Mori Tsuneo Jiko Hihansho (Genbun Kopī) (Dai 1 bu), 1972/4. item_ID: 13846 MS_ID: 4 森恒夫自己批判書(原文コピー) (第二部),1972/5. Mori Tsuneo Jiko Hihansho (Genbun Kopī) (Dai 2 bu), 1972/5. item_ID: 13847 MS_ID: 5 This is a two-part photocopy of Mori Tsuneo’s original self-criticism statement, which was written as a Joshinsho or a statement sent to the authorities by a prisoner. It was circulated to other prisoners. Mori subsequently wrote other self-criticism statements. 212 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts 永田洋子 Nagata Hiroko 永田洋子意見陳述予定書, 1974/5 & 6. Nagata Hiroko Ikenchinjutsu Yoteisho, 1974/5 & 6. item_ID: 14005 MS_ID: 36 永田洋子意見陳述予定書, 1974/12/7. Nagata Hiroko Ikenchinjutsu Yoteisho, 1974/12/7. item_ID: 14006 MS_ID: 38 These are the drafts of two 1974 statements to the court by Nagata Hiroko. There are opportunities within a trial for the defendant to make such statements, called “iken chinjutsu.” They are written so they can be included in the court records, but then are read aloud in a court session. The complete court records for this Rengō Sekigun trial are in the court documents in the collection. 滝田修 Takita Osamu ❖ 213 滝田修 Takita Osamu 滝田修獄中ノート, 1980/9/30. Takita Osamu Gokuchū Nōto, 1980/9/30. item_ID: 13845 MS_ID: 3 Takita Osamu (Takemoto Nobuhiro)’s notes written in prison. 滝田修『泥鰌庵日記』1 Takita Osamu “Deishūan Nikki” 1 item_ID: 14112 MS_ID: 65 滝田修『泥鰌庵日記』2 Takita Osamu “Deishūan Nikki” 2 item_ID: 14113 MS_ID: 66 Takita Osamu (Takemoto Nobuhiro)’s manuscript in two parts. 214 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts I 坂東国男 Bandō Kunio 坂東国男供述書(在レバノン),1984/8/20. Bandō Kunio Kyōjutsusho (zai Rebanon), 1984/8/20. item_ID: 13874 MS_ID: 10 Bandō Kunio deposition for the Rengō Sekigun trial. This deposition was taken by his lawyer, Ōtsu, in Lebanon and veritifed with Bando’s thumbprint on every page. This photocopy shows the thumbprints. 坂東国男自筆原稿(A), 1975. Bandō Kunio Jihitsu genkō A, 1975. item_ID: 14266 MS_ID: 130 坂東国男自筆(B), 1975. Bandō Kunio Jihitsu genkō B, 1975. item_ID: 14267 MS_ID: 131 坂東国男自筆原稿 C, 1975. Bandō Kunio Jihitsu Genkō, 1975. item_ID: 14359 MS_ID: 132 坂東国男自筆原稿(D), 1975. Bandō Kunio Jihitsu Genkō D, 1975. item_ID: 14360 MS_ID: 133 A four part manuscript written by Bandō Kunio while he was in detention and on trial in Japan. Takazawa Kōji edited the manuscript, which was published in 1975 under the Sashō imprint. The book is in the collection as Item ID #853. Bandō went to the Middle East with Nihon Sekigun in 1975 as the result of the Kuala Lumpur Incident, so the intended second volume was never published. 田中清玄 Tanaka Seigen ❖ 215 田中清玄 Tanaka Seigen Untitled, 1985. Untitled, 1985. item_ID: 14506 MS_ID: 143 田中清玄昭和史への証言, 1985/5/30?. Tanaka Seigen Shōwashi eno Shōgen, 1985/5/30?. item_ID: 14507 MS_ID: 144 田中清玄昭和史への証言, 1985/5/30?. Tanaka Seigen Shōwashi eno Shōgen, 1985/5/30?. item_ID: 14508 MS_ID: 145 田中清玄昭和史への証言, n.d.. Tanaka Seigen Shōwa eno Shōgen, n.d.. item_ID: 14509 MS_ID: 146 田中清玄訪中インタビュー速記録, n.d.. Tanaka Seigen Hōchū Intabyū Sokkiroku, n.d.. item_ID: 14510 MS_ID: 147 Transcript of interviews by Takazawa Kōji with Tanaka Seigen. The tapes of these interviews are in the audio-visual materials section. 欧州政治情勢見聞記, 1985/7/10-13. Ōshū Seiji Jōsei Kenbunki, 1985/7/10-13. item_ID: 14511 MS_ID: 148 Tanaka Seigen materials. 鈴木一・田中清玄対談速記録, 1985/3/26. Suzuki Hajime / Tanaka Seigen Taidan Sokkiroku, 1985/3/26. item_ID: 14512 MS_ID: 149 鈴木一・田中清玄対談速記録, 1985/3/26. Suzuki Hajime / Tanaka Seigen Taidan Sokkiroku, 1985/3/26. item_ID: 14513 MS_ID: 150 鈴木一・田中清玄対談速記録, 1985/3/26. Suzuki Hajime / Tanaka Seigen Taidan Sokkiroku, 1985/3/26. item_ID: 14514 MS_ID: 151 Transcript of a taidan between Tanaka Seigen and Suzuki Hajime in three parts. The tapes are also in the audio-visual materials section. 下村亮一・田中清玄対談速記録, 1985/3/25. Shimomura Ryōichi / Tanaka Seigen Taidan Sokkiroku, 1985/3/25. item_ID: 14515 MS_ID: 152 Transcript of a taidan between Tanaka Seigen and Shimomura Ryōichi. 東南アジア建設の協力に就いて, 1955/12/20. Tōnan Ajia Kensetsu no Kyōryoku ni tsuite, 1955/12/20. item_ID: 14516 MS_ID: 153 Tanaka Seigen materials. 武装共産党時代, n.d.. Busō Kyōsantō Jidai, n.d.. item_ID: 14517 MS_ID: 154 216 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts First volume is an essay. The second volume is a transcript of conversation among Tanaka, Shigemori, Sano, and Naoi. 入江・鈴木・田中対談速記録, 1984/12/11. Irie / Suzuki / Tanaka Taidan Sokkiroku, 1984/12/11. item_ID: 14541 MS_ID: 155 入江・鈴木・田中対談速記録, 1984/12/11. Irie / Suzuki / Tanaka Taidan Sokkiroku, 1984/12/11. item_ID: 14542 MS_ID: 156 入江・鈴木・田中対談速記録, 1984/12/11. Irie / Suzuki / Tanaka Taidan Sokkiroku, 1984/12/11. item_ID: 14543 MS_ID: 157 Transcript of a three part discussion between Tanaka Seigen and two other people. 田中清玄、 ロベール・ギラン対談速記録, 1985. Tanaka Seigen / Robēru Giran Taidan Sokkiroku, 1985. item_ID: 14544 MS_ID: 158 田中清玄、 ロベール・ギラン対談速記録, 1985. Tanaka Seigen / Robēru Giran Taidan Sokkiroku, 1985. item_ID: 14545 MS_ID: 159 田中清玄とロベール・ギランの対談, 1984. Tanaka Seigen to Robēru Giran no Taidan, 1984. item_ID: 14546 MS_ID: 160 Transcripts of taidan between Tanaka Seigen and Robert Giran. 査証 Sashō (Visa) ❖ 217 査証 Sashō (Visa) Sashō (Visa) was a magazine published in Japan containing material sent from the Red Army group in the Middle East. Takazawa Kōji was one of the editors. The collection also contains the published volumes (Serial ID#27). 査証編集委員会内部討論資料, 1976. Sashō Henshū Iinkai Naibu Tōron Shiryō, 1976. item_ID: 13890 MS_ID: 15 Internal documents debating whether the committee should discontinue or republish the magazine. 査証原稿1, 1972/3/31. Sashō Genkō 1, 1972/3/31. item_ID: 13891 MS_ID: 16 Manuscript from Sashō. Published in Sashō 1972.4. No. 3. 査証原稿2, 1972/4/5. Sashō Genkō 2, 1972/4/5. item_ID: 13892 MS_ID: 17 Manuscript from Sashō. Hand-copied by Satō Takanobu. Original was written on 1972/3/31 & 4/5. Published in Sashō 1972.4. No. 3. Coupled with ID #13893/MS 18. 査証原稿3, 1972/4/5. Sashō Genkō 3, 1972/4/5. item_ID: 13893 MS_ID: 18 Manuscript from Sashō. Published in Sashō 1972.4. No. 3. Coupled with ID #13892/ MS 17. 査証原稿4, 1972. Sashō Genkō 4, 1972. item_ID: 13895 MS_ID: 20 Manuscript from Sashō. Published in Sashō No. 7 1973. Notes and comments of the author are written on the post cards and letter. 査証原稿5, 19??/7/17. Sashō Genkō 5, 19??/7/17. item_ID: 13896 MS_ID: 21 Manuscript from Sashō. 査証原稿6, 1971/7/20. Sashō Genkō 6, 1971/7/20. item_ID: 13928 MS_ID: 22 Manuscript from Sashō. Written in English addressed to US war-resister Gis. 査証原稿7, 19??/7/18. Sashō Genkō 7, 19??/7/18. item_ID: 13929 MS_ID: 23 218 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts Manuscript from Sashō. Hand copy of Tupamaros people’s trial [jinmin no hōtei] with the cover stating the author’s comment. 査証原稿8, 19??/7/19. Sashō Genkō 8, 19??/7/19. item_ID: 13930 MS_ID: 24 Manuscript from Sashō. 査証原稿9, 19??/7/10. Sashō Genkō 9, 19??/7/10. item_ID: 13931 MS_ID: 25 Manuscript from Sashō. Chon Jon’on’s letter hand-copied by Ueno Katsuki. 査証原稿10, 19??/9/28. Sashō Genkō 10, 19??/9/28. item_ID: 13932 MS_ID: 26 Manuscript from Sashō. Published in Sashō 1972.12. No. 6. 査証原稿11, 1973/1/15. Sashō Genkō 11, 1973/1/15. item_ID: 13933 MS_ID: 28 Manuscript from Sashō. Published in Sashō No.7. 査証原稿12, 1972/4. Sashō Genkō 12, 1972/4. item_ID: 13934 MS_ID: 29 Manuscript from Sashō. Published in Sashō No. 6 1972.12. 査証原稿13, n.d.. Sashō Genkō 13, n.d.. item_ID: 13935 MS_ID: 30 Manuscript from Sashō. Published in Sashō No. 1 1971.3. 査証原稿14, 1971/9-11. Sashō Genkō 14, 1971/9-11. item_ID: 13936 MS_ID: 31 Manuscript from Sashō. Published in Sashō No.7. 査証原稿15, n.d.. Sashō Genkō 15, n.d.. item_ID: 13937 MS_ID: 32 Manuscript from Sashō. Published in Sashō 1972.4. No.3. 査証原稿16, 1971/12/1. Sashō Genkō 16, 1971/12/1. Manuscript from Sashō. Published in Sashō 1972.4. No.3. item_ID: 13938 MS_ID: 33 査証 Sashō (Visa) ❖ 219 査証原稿17, n.d.. Sashō Genkō 17, n.d.. item_ID: 13939 MS_ID: 34 Manuscript from Sashō. Published in Sashō No.7. 査証原稿18, n.d.. Sashō Genkō 18, n.d.. Manuscript from Sashō. Published in Sashō No. 7. item_ID: 13940 MS_ID: 35 220 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts モップル社 MOPRsha MOPRsha was the Sekigunha support organization, which took its name from the Japan Communist Party and Comintern support organization Sekishoku Kyūen Iinkai or Red Relief. MOPR is the Russian acronym of the Comintern name for it. Takazawa Kōji was a central member of this group and the collection has many of its documents. Most are sets of letters sent from prison to the organization. Other letters are in the letters section. モップル社宛獄中書簡1, n.d.. Moppurusha Ate Gokuchū Shokan 1, n.d.. item_ID: 14099 MS_ID: 52 モップル社宛獄中書簡2 Moppurusha Ate Gokuchū Shokan 2 item_ID: 14100 MS_ID: 53 モップル社宛獄中書簡3 Moppurusha Ate Gokuchū Shokan 3 item_ID: 14101 MS_ID: 54 モップル社宛獄中書簡4 Moppurusha Ate Gokuchū Shokan 4 item_ID: 14102 MS_ID: 55 モップル社宛獄中書簡5 Moppurusha Ate Gokuchū Shokan 5 item_ID: 14103 MS_ID: 56 モップル社宛獄中書簡6 Moppurusha Ate Gokuchū Shokan 6 item_ID: 14104 MS_ID: 57 モップル社宛獄中書簡7 Moppurusha Ate Gokuchū Shokan 7 item_ID: 14105 MS_ID: 58 モップル社宛獄中書簡8 Moppurusha Ate Gokuchū Shokan 8 item_ID: 14106 MS_ID: 59 モップル社宛獄中書簡9 Moppurusha Ate Gokuchū Shokan 9 item_ID: 14107 MS_ID: 60 Nine sets of letters sent from prison to MOPR, Sekishoku Kyūenkai. モップル社関係書類1 Moppurusha Kankei Shorui 1 item_ID: 14108 MS_ID: 61 モップル社関係書類2, 1973/5/30. Moppurusha Kankei Shorui 2, 1973/5/30. item_ID: 14109 MS_ID: 62 Two sets of MOPR materials. 他の個人 Other Individuals ❖ 221 他の個人 Other Individuals ピョンヤン「よど号」 グループからの翻訳, n.d.. Pyongyang “Yodogō” Grūpu kara no Hon’yaku, n.d.. item_ID: 14092 MS_ID: 45 Translations of a North Korean work sent to Takazawa Kōji from the Yodogō group in North Korea. Part one contains the table of contents and volume I of Shoki ChōNichi Kankeishi, and the second part contains volume II. 大槻節子遺稿ノート, 1969-71. Ōtsuki Setsuko Ikō Nōto, 1969-71. item_ID: 13873 MS_ID: 7 大槻節子遺稿A, 1970-71. Ōtsuki Setsuko Ikō A, 1970-71. item_ID: 13875 MS_ID: 11 大槻節子遺稿B, 1969-70?. Ōtsuki Setsuko Ikō B, 1969-70?. item_ID: 13876 MS_ID: 12 Notes from a woman who died in the Rengō Sekigun purge. Takazawa edited the publication based on these notes. The published book is in the Book section as Item #862. 連合赤軍の成立と展開。 タイムテーブル, n.d.. Rengō Sekigun no Seiritsu to Tenkai. Taimu Tēburu, n.d.. item_ID: 13888 MS_ID: 13 Detailed time table about Rengō Sekigun from 1969/4 to 1972/2. from Uegaki Yasuhiro’s Rengo Sekigun materials. 日本赤軍関係原稿, n. d.. Nihon Sekigun Kankei Genkō, n. d.. item_ID: 14007 MS_ID: 39 Manuscript from Nihon Sekigun. 榊原勝昭原稿, about 1975-6. Sakakibara Katsuaki Genkō, about 1975-6. item_ID: 14363 MS_ID: 140 Manuscript from Sakakibara Katusaki. 丸岡修旅券法違反事件原稿, 1988. Maruoka Osamu Ryokenhō Ihan Jiken Genkō, 1988. item_ID: 14268 MS_ID: 141 “Maruoka Osamu Iken Chinjutsu” and “Nihon Sekigun Seimei” statements from Nihon Sekigun after Maruoka’s arrest. 米、 日帝の侵略、反革命戦争を革命戦争で打ち破れ!, n.d.. Bei, Nittei no Shinryaku, Hankakumei Sensō o Kakumei Sensō de Uchiyabure!, n.d.. Manuscript from Matsuda Hisashi. item_ID: 14732 MS_ID: 214 222 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts Untitled, 1972/1/31. Untitled, 1972/1/31. item_ID: 14782 MS_ID: 224 Contains pp. 3 - 7. The first two pages seem to be missing. 長澤和長訪朝記, 1990/04/10. Nagasawa Kazuhisa Hōchō ki, 1990/04/10. item_ID: 15249 MS_ID: 290 自立元年1992年の課題と展望, 1992/01/04. Jiritsu Gannen 1992 nen no Kadai to Tenbō, 1992/01/04. item_ID: 15250 MS_ID: 292 時間の共和国, 19861987. Jikan no Kyōwakoku, 19861987. item_ID: 15255 MS_ID: 294 闘うスペイン, 1986/09/10. Tatakau Supein, 1986/09/10. item_ID: 15256 MS_ID: 295 歴史の動因としての殺気, 1986/6/25. Rekishi no Dōin to shite no Sakki, 1986/6/25. item_ID: 15257 MS_ID: 296 葬送と再生, 1986/03/31. Sōsō to Saisei, 1986/03/31. item_ID: 15258 MS_ID: 297 草間孝次さんの死を悼む, 1985/06/23. Kusama Kōji san no Shi o Itamu, 1985/06/23. item_ID: 15259 MS_ID: 298 二階堂・竹下抗争にみる自民党政治の終焉, 1987/07/01. Nikaidō-Takeshita Kōsō ni miru Jimintō Seiji no Shūen, 1987/07/01. item_ID: 15272 MS_ID: 299 明治への挑戦, 2987/05/01. Meiji eno Chōsen, 2987/05/01. item_ID: 15273 MS_ID: 300 『公共警察ナンボのもんじゃ』原稿, 1990. “Kōkyō Keisatsu Nanbo no Monja” Genkō, 1990. item_ID: 15279 MS_ID: 306 Manuscript of Maruoka Osamu’s notes about his interrogations, published as a book. The published volume is in the collection as Item #863. 都立大久保病院の人工腎臓室の現状について, 1973/04/15. Toritsu Ōkubo Byōin no Jinkō Jinzō Shitsu no Genjō ni tsuite, 1973/04/15. item_ID: 15280 MS_ID: 307 非転向長期囚 リ・インモさんの手記, 1991/10/20. Hitenkō Chōkishū Ri-Inmo san no Shuki, 1991/10/20. item_ID: 15426 MS_ID: 395 Translation of a prison document by Li Inmo. 他の個人 Other Individuals ❖ 223 下層労働者大衆の同盟を再建せよ, 1973/03/06. Kasō Rōdōsha Taishū no Dōmei o Saiken seyo, 1973/03/06. item_ID: 15427 MS_ID: 396 A manuscript by Wakamiya Masanori. 創造的憲法論 -グランドデザインへの試み, 1993/12/09. Sōzōteki kenpōron — Gurando dezain eno kokoromi, 1993/12/09. Manuscript by Satō Kumekichi. item_ID: 17171 MS_ID: 398 224 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts Mさくせん M Sakusen Robbery Campaign M Sakusen was a robbery campaign carried out by Sekigunha in 1971. These are manuscripts either by the defendants or about the campaign. Additional letters from the defendants are located in the Letters section. わが友・上田へ, n.d.. Waga Tomo - Ueda e, n.d.. item_ID: 14725 MS_ID: 207 労働者X君への手紙‐M作戦の栄光と限界‐第2稿, n.d.. Rōdōsha X kun eno Tegami - M Sakusen no Ēkō to Genkai - Dai 2 kou, n.d.. item_ID: 14726 MS_ID: 208 労働者X君への手紙‐M作戦の栄光と限界‐第1稿 未完成, 1972/1. Rōdōsha X kun eno Tegami - M Sakusen no Ēkō to Genkai - Dai 1 kou Mikansei, 1972/1. item_ID: 14727 MS_ID: 209 総括と建党への一視点, n.d.. Sōkatsu to Kentō eno Ichi Shiten, n.d.. item_ID: 14728 MS_ID: 210 強制収奪闘争とは‐ゲリラ戦術とは, n.d.. Kyōsei Shūdatsu Tōsō towa - Gerira Senjutsu towa, n.d.. item_ID: 14729 MS_ID: 211 強盗の復権‐「匪賊主義」への自己批判, n.d.. Gōtō no Fukken - “Hizoku Shugi” eno Jikohihan, n.d.. item_ID: 14730 MS_ID: 212 世界革命戦争の勝利を! M作戦万才!, 1971/11/30. Sekai Kakumei Sensō no Shōri o! M Sakusen Banzai!, 1971/11/30. item_ID: 14731 MS_ID: 213 世界革命戦争の反抗への突破口を切り拓け! 72年春は、敵の傷口 を更に大きく引き裂き、塩をこすりつける季節だ!, 1971/12/23. Sekai Kakumei Sensō no Hankō eno Toppakō o Kirihirake! 72 nen Haru wa, Teki no Kizuguchi o Sarani Ōkiku Hikisaki, Shio o Kosuritsukeru Kisetsu da!, 1971/12/23. item_ID: 14733 6・17容疑の実質的逮捕を許すな!, n.d.. 6.17 Yōgi no Jisshitsuteki Taiho o Yurusuna!, n.d.. item_ID: 14734 MS_ID: 216 革命の中の病気を徹底して治療し、共産主義の政治を貫徹せよ!, 1971/12/27. Kakumei no Naka no Byōki o Tetteishite Chiryōshi, Kyōsanshugi no Seiji o Kantetsu seyo!, 1971/12/27. item_ID: 14735 MS_ID: MS_ID: 215 217 Mさくせん M Sakusen Robbery Campaign ❖ 225 沈黙への断章, n.d.. Chinmoku eno Danshō, n.d.. item_ID: 14736 MS_ID: 218 パンフ 「M」 「はじめに」,n.d.. Panfu ‘M’ Hajime ni, n.d.. item_ID: 14737 MS_ID: 219 こおろぎは自分の居場所をわきまえよ!, n.d.. Kōrogi wa Jibun no Ibasho o Wakimaeyo!, n.d.. item_ID: 14778 MS_ID: 220 こおろぎは自分の居場所をわきまえよ!, n.d.. Kōrogi wa Jibun no Ibasho o Wakimaeyo!, n.d.. item_ID: 14779 MS_ID: 221 This is a two-part manuscript written by Seki Hiroaki. Untitled, n.d.. Untitled, n.d.. item_ID: 14780 MS_ID: 222 A letter to Matsumoto Kazumi. Untitled, n.d.. Untitled, n.d.. item_ID: 14781 MS_ID: 223 A cover letter of the author’s final draft, written for “M” Untitled, n.d.. Untitled, n.d.. item_ID: 14783 MS_ID: 225 Untitled, n.d.. Untitled, n.d.. item_ID: 14784 MS_ID: 226 Sekigunha M Sakusen manuscript by one of the defendants 226 ❖ 原稿 Manuscripts その他 Miscellaneous 同志植垣への書簡(植垣転記),1972/12/10. Dōshi Uegaki e no Shokan (Uegaki Tenki), 1972/12/10. item_ID: 13894 MS_ID: 19 Published in Ronsō No. 1 1973/1/30. Hand-copied by Uegaki in prison. Sent to Shiomi Kazuko. 共産主義者同盟資料, 1964-68. Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Shiryō, 1964-68. item_ID: 14110 MS_ID: 63 Collection of Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Shiryō. ブント内部文書, mid 1960s. Bunto Naibu Bunsho, mid 1960s. Bund Internal Documents item_ID: 14111 MS_ID: 64 Bund internal documents, study materials, tsūtatsu etc. Untitled, 1984. Untitled, 1984. item_ID: 14219 MS_ID: 105 土田・日石・ピース缶爆弾事件関係原稿, 1982. Tsuchida, Nisseki, Piisukan Bakudan Jiken Kankei Genkō, 1982. item_ID: 14362 MS_ID: 135 ベトナム革命論原稿, 1975. Betonamu Kakumeiron Genkō, 1975. item_ID: 14364 MS_ID: 142 竹下政治と日本の破局, 1987/08/07. Takeshita Seiji to Nihon no Hakyoku, 1987/08/07. item_ID: 15275 MS_ID: 301 労働情報・読者通信, 1977. Rōdō Jōhō - Dokusha Tsūshin, 1977. item_ID: 15278 MS_ID: 305 対日民族宣言, n.d.. Tainichi Minzoku Sengen, n.d.. item_ID: 15299 MS_ID: 311 支那抗日陣営における反共勢力, n.d.. Shina Kōnichi Jinei ni okeru Hankyō Seiryoku, n.d.. item_ID: 15300 MS_ID: 312 安保以降の革命的左翼の指導, n.d.. Anpo ikō no kakumeiteki sayoku no shidō, n.d.. item_ID: 17172 MS_ID: 399 地図 Maps These are 40 local area maps in the collection that were published in the early 1970s. They are now very useful for research purposes because many place names have changed, and the location of events from that time period cannot be found on more recent maps. デラックス東京都道路図 Derakkusu Tōkyōto dōrozu item_ID: 16970 Map_ID: 30 This is a 1971 map of Tokyo, with a detailed map of Tama city on the back. デラックス長野県道路図 Derakkusu Naganoken dōrozu item_ID: 16976 Map_ID: 36 This is a 1972 map of Nagano prefecture in west central Japan. The reverse side contains a map of the Chubu region. レジャー・ドライブ マップ 沖縄 Rejā, doraibu mappu Okinawa item_ID: 16788 Map_ID: 7 This is a road map of Okinawa from the Takeishi subcollection. レジャーマップ佐渡 Rejā mappu Sado item_ID: 16961 Map_ID: 21 This is a 1972 travel map of Sado Island, off the coast of northwestern Japan. 中部地方とその周辺観光案内図 Chūbu chihō to sono shūhen kankō annaizu item_ID: 16975 Map_ID: 35 This is a 1972 map of the Chūbu region, the area of central Japan around Nagoya city. 京都市観光案内図 Kyōtoshi kankō annaizu item_ID: 16982 Map_ID: 42 This is a 1972 map of Kyoto, in western Japan. 前橋 Maebashi item_ID: 16950 Map_ID: 10 This is a map of Maebashi, a city in Gumma prefecture near Mr. Haruna, where the Rengō Sekigun purge began. 北海道全図 Hokkaidō zenzu item_ID: 16953 Map_ID: 13 This is a 1973 map of Hokkaidō. 227 228 ❖ 地図 Maps 千葉県観光道路図 Chibaken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16967 Map_ID: 27 This is a 1972 map of Chiba, a prefecture in central Japan just east of Tokyo. 名古屋市街図 Nagoya shigaizu item_ID: 16980 Map_ID: 40 This is a 1972 map of Nagoya, the major city in Aichi prefecture, central Japan. 埼玉県観光道路図 Saitamaken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16966 Map_ID: 26 This is a 1972 map of Saitama prefecture, in central Japan just north of Tokyo. 大阪区分地図 1968 Osaka kubun chizu item_ID: 16442 Map_ID: 2 This is a standard local mapbook for Osaka, published in 1968. This particular copy was used by Red Army Faction participants planning what was known as the “Osaka War” (Osaka sensō) in fall, 1969. Neighborhood police substations that were attacked during this incident are marked on the map. 宮城県観光道路図 Miyagiken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16958 Map_ID: 18 This is a 1972 map of Miyagi prefecture in northeastern Japan. 富山県観光道路図 Toyamaken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16983 Map_ID: 43 This is a 1973 map of Toyama, a prefecture in west central Japan. 富岡 Tomioka item_ID: 16949 Map_ID: 9 This is a map of the Tomioka area, published in 1973. Tomioka is a city in Gumma prefecture near Lake Haruna, where the Rengō Sekigun purge began, so places may be found on the map that relate to the incident or the activities of its participants. 山形県観光道路図 Yamagataken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16957 Map_ID: 17 This is a 1972 map of Yamagata, a prefecture in northeastern Japan. 山梨県観光道路図 Yamanashiken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16977 Map_ID: 37 This is a 1972 map of Yamanashi, a prefecture in central Japan southwest of Tokyo. 地図 Maps ❖ 229 岐阜県観光道路図 Gifuken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16981 Map_ID: 41 This is a 1973 map of Gifu, a prefecture in central Japan (Chubu region). 岩手県観光道路図 Iwateken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16956 Map_ID: 16 This is a 1972 map of Iwate, a prefecture in northeastern Japan. 川崎市街地図 Kawasaki shigai chizu item_ID: 16973 Map_ID: 33 This is a 1973 map of Kawasaki, an industrial city in central Japan just south of Tokyo. 平壌市案内図 Pyongyang shi annaizu item_ID: 16443 Map_ID: 3 This is a travel map of Pyongyang from the late 1980s. 愛知県観光道路図 Aichiken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16979 Map_ID: 39 This is a 1973 map of Aichi, the prefecture in central Japan whose capital city is Nagoya. 新潟県観光道路図 Niigataken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16960 Map_ID: 20 This is a 1973 map of Niigata, a prefecture in northeastern Japan. 東京都観光道路図 Tōkyōto kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16968 Map_ID: 28 This is a 1972 map of Tokyo. 栃木県観光道路図 Tochigiken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16964 Map_ID: 24 This is a 1972 map of Tochigi, a prefecture in central Japan. 榛名山 Harunasan item_ID: 16948 Map_ID: 8 This is a map of Mt. Haruna, which was the location of an early camp used by Rengō Sekigun where the first deaths in the Rengō Sekigun purge occurred. Several locations are circled with a pink fluorescent pen. Although these are relevant locations of Rengō Sekigun activity, the map was published in 1974, two years after the incident, so the map ws apparently used for subsequent research rather than by the participants themselves. 230 ❖ 地図 Maps 横浜周辺地図 Yokohama shūhen chizu item_ID: 16974 Map_ID: 34 This is a 1971 map of the Yokohama area. 横浜市街図 Yokohama shigai zu item_ID: 16972 Map_ID: 32 This is a 1972 map of Yokohama, with a wider map of the area on the back. 沖縄県総図及び日本総図 Okinawa-ken sōzu oyobi Nihon sōzu item_ID: 16447 Map_ID: 6 This map, dated 1972, shows Okinawa prefecture on one side and all of Japan on the other. It was apparently published right after Okinawa reverted to Japanese control in 1972, because Okinawa is designated on the map as a prefecture of Japan. This map was in the Aihara-Furuya collection. 沖縄県観光道路図 Okinawaken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16986 Map_ID: 46 This is a 1973 road map of Okinawa, published the year after its reversion to Japan. 石川県観光道路図 Ishikawaken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16984 Map_ID: 44 This is a 1972 map of Ishikawa, a prefecture in west central Japan. 神奈川県観光道路図 Kanagawaken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16971 Map_ID: 31 This is a 1973 map of Kanagawa, a prefecture in central Japan just south of Tokyo. 福井県観光道路図 Fukuiken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16985 Map_ID: 45 This is a 1972 map of Fukui, a prefecture in west central Japan. 福島県観光道路図 Fukushimaken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16959 Map_ID: 19 This is a 1972 map of Fukushima, a prefecture in northeastern Japan. 秋田県観光道路図 Akitaken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16955 Map_ID: 15 This is a 1972 map of Akita prefecture in northern Japan. 精密東京全図 Seimitsu Tōkyō zenzu This is a detailed 1973 map of Tokyo. item_ID: 16969 Map_ID: 29 地図 Maps ❖ 231 群馬県観光道路図 Gunmaken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16965 Map_ID: 25 This is a 1972 map of Gunma prefecture, where several important sites related to the Rengō Sekigun Incident took place. This was the current map at the time of the incident. There are 2 copies in the collection’s holdings. 茨城県観光道路図 Ibaragiken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16963 Map_ID: 23 This is a 1973 map of Ibaragi, a prefecture in central Japan. 軽井沢 Karuizawa item_ID: 16952 Map_ID: 12 This is a map of Karuizawa, a resort area in Nagano prefecture that was the scene of the Asama Sansō siege and of the arrests of survivors of the Rengō Sekigun purge. 那覇市市街図及び沖縄県ロードマップ Naha-shi shigaizu oyobi Okinawa-ken rōdo map item_ID: 16444 Map_ID: 5 This is a standard commercial map of Okinawa prefecture, which may date from the 1970s or 1980s. One side contains a map of Naha city, while the other side depicts a roadmap of all of Okinawa prefecture. The map was found in the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. 関東地方とその周辺観光案内図 Kantō chihō to sono shūhen kankō annai zu item_ID: 16962 Map_ID: 22 This is a 1972 map of the Kantō area, which includes Tokyo and its environs. 青森県観光道路図 Aomoriken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16954 Map_ID: 14 This is a 1972 map of Aomori, a prefecture in northern Japan. 静岡県観光道路図 Shizuokaken kankō dōrozu item_ID: 16978 Map_ID: 38 This is a 1972 map of Shizuoka prefecture in central Japan. 高崎 Takasaki item_ID: 16951 Map_ID: 11 This is a map of Takasaki, a city in Gumma prefecture near Mt. Haruna, where the Rengō Sekigun purge began. It is also the home of Takasaki Keizai Daigaku (Takasaki Economics University), which was an active site of student movement activity in the late 1960s and early 1970s. パンフレット Pamphlets 共産主義労働者党全国協議会( 編 ). 10.30シンポで配布された各資料: 1982.11.2. item_ID: 16848 PamphletID: 938 Kyōsanshugi Rōdōshatō Zenkoku Kyōgikai (editor). 10.30 shimpo de haifu sareta kaku shiryō: 1982.11.2. Collection of materials distributed at the “10.30 Shimpo,” centering around the issue of Puroretaria Kakumei Ha. 10・21斗争総括: -都市人民戦争の手引き-. 10.21 tōsō sōkatsu: - Toshi jinmin sensō no tebiki -. item_ID: 17040 PamphletID: 1048 A summarization of the 10.21 tōsō. 10月21日の機動隊:『ますます激過狂暴になる政府国家の機動隊. 10 gatsu 21nichi no kidōtai: Masumasu gekika kyōbō ni naru seifu kokka no kidōtai. item_ID: 12592 PamphletID: 51 A pamphlet protesting the police behavior during the 10/21 international antiwar day protests. 11・10ゼネストと言論表現の自由. 沖縄: 言論表現への不当弾圧 を排除する会, 1972pp. 41. item_ID: 17038 PamphletID: 1046 11.10 zenesuto to genron hyōgen no jiyū. Okinawa: Genron Hyōgen e no Futō Dan’atsu o haijo suru Kai, 1972, pp. 41. A pamphlet about the 11.10 general strike and it argues for the freedom of speech. 「土の声、民の声」編集室( 編 ). 11・29 対東燃闘争弾圧(40人逮捕)の背景. item_ID: 16660 PamphletID: 859 “Tsuchi no Koe, Tami no Koe” Henshūshitsu (editor). 11/29 Tai Tōnen tōsō dan’atsu (40 ni taiho) no haikei. Pamphlet on construction of CTS sites in Japan. 公判闘争記録刊行委員会( 編 ). 11・8裁判闘争記録Ⅱ 本部決死隊公判冒頭陳述集. 公判闘争記 録刊行委員会, 1971pp. 56. item_ID: 15050 PamphletID: 385 Kōhan Tōsō Kiroku Kankō Iinkai (editor). 11/8 Saiban tōsō kiroku 2 Honbu kesshitai kōhan bōtō chinjutsu shū. Kōhan Tōsō Kiroku Kankō Iinkai, 1971, pp. 56. Including the Initial Statement for the Honbu Kesshita Trial. 233 234 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 11月ロシア10月革命を記念し、社会主義を問う大討論にむけ、 「60年 安保30周年・70年安保20周年討論集会」開催す!:「6・13討論集会」 報告集. item_ID: 14456 PamphletID: 244 11 gatsu Roshia 10 gatsu kakumei o kinenshi, shakaishugi o tou daitōronkai ni muke, “rokujūnen anpo sanjūsshūnen/nanajūnen anpo nijūshūnen tōronshūka: 6/13 tōron shūkai hōkokushū. Pamphlet for anniversary of the Russian October Revolution. 12-18柴野虐殺弾劾裁判支援委員会( 編 ). 12-18. item_ID: 15193 PamphletID: 472 12-18 Shibano Gyakusatsu Dangai Saiban Shien Iinkai (editor). 12-18. Shibano Haruhiko was a Kakumei Saha member. He and two other members attacked the Kamiakatsuka police box in Tokyo to steal guns from the stationed police officers but he was shot to death at the scene. 12-18柴野虐殺弾劾裁判支援委員会( 編 ). 12-18. 東京: もっぷる社, 1971pp. 49. item_ID: 15530 PamphletID: 597 12-18 Shibano Gyakusatsu Dangai Saiban Shien Iinkai (editor). 12-18. Tōkyō: Moppuru-sha, 1971, pp. 49. A pamphlet calling for a formation of an organization to impeach the policeman who killed a student activist. 13日赤軍集会に結集し、大阪戦争勝利の意志一致を。. 13 nichi Sekigun shūkai ni kesshū shi, Ōsaka sensō shōri no ishi itchi o. item_ID: 12516 PamphletID: 24 This is to encourage people to participate in the meeting of Sekigun and be unified to protest against hegemony of Japanese government. It admitts that they have been losing in their struggles and self-criticizes why they have been failing and what they should do to bring victory over them. 16mmビッグセレクション. 16m/m Big Selection. item_ID: 15155 PamphletID: 438 Film list of 16 mm films. 16m/mフィルムリスト. 16m/m film list: How I learnd to stop worrying and love the 16m/m film. 16 mm film list. item_ID: 15162 PamphletID: 445 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 235 16m/m フィルムリスト: 松竹が選んだベスト作品ラインアップ. 16m/m firumu risuto: Shōchiku ga eranda besuto sakuhin rainappu. item_ID: 15157 PamphletID: 440 Film list of Shōchiku best 16 mm films. 16ミリフィルム貸し出しリスト. 16miri firumu kashidashi risuto. item_ID: 15158 PamphletID: 441 16 mm film rental list. 共同映画株式会社( 編 ). 16ミリ フィルムリスト, No. 18. item_ID: 16437 PamphletID: 744 Kyōdō Eiga Kabushiki Gaisha (editor). 16 miri firumu risuto, No. 18. Inside are list of movies with its directors, castings, length, price, etc. 16ミリフィルムリスト No.20. 16 miri firumu risuto No.20. item_ID: 15161 PamphletID: 444 16 mm film list. 一九五七年度運動方針. 1957 nendo undō hōshin. item_ID: 15359 PamphletID: 527 Editor not clearly stated in this pamphlet itself; only “ware-ware,” but thought to be Jinmin-Tō. This pamphlet gives the guideline of struggle for 1957. 前進社( 編 ). 1967年10月8日: 山崎博昭君追悼 羽田の闘い. 東京: 前進 社, 1967pp. 48. item_ID: 15047 PamphletID: 382 Zenshinsha (editor). 1967 nen 10gatsu 8ka: Yamazaki Hiroaki kun tsuitō Haneda no tatakai. Tōkyō: Zenshinsha, 1967, pp. 48. Interpretations of the death of Hiroaki Yamazaki and the Haneda struggle, made by intellectuals, lawyers, student movement organizations and their leaders. 一九七〇年安保闘争の展望. 1970nen anpo tōsō no tenbō. item_ID: 17011 PamphletID: 1019 A pamphlet about the view of the 1970 Anpo. No publication date listed. 沖縄県マスコミ労働組合協議会( 編 ). 1973年度定期大会: 議案書. item_ID: 15261 PamphletID: 490 236 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Okinawa-ken Masukomi Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai (editor). 1973 nendo teiki taikai: Giansho. Pamphlet reporting the content of the yearly gathering of Okinawa-ken Masukomi Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai held in 1973. 1974年第18回定期大会議案書: 1974年度闘いの総括、 1975年度闘いの方針. item_ID: 15264 PamphletID: 493 1974 nen dai 18 kai teiki taikai giansho: 1974 nendo tatakai no sōkatsu, 1975 nendo tatakai no hōshin. Measures stated at the 1974 yearly gathering of Okinawa Kokka Kōmuin Rōdō Kumiai Hōmu Shibu. 1974年度賃金労働条件調査表. 1974nendo chingin rōdō jōken chōsa hyō. item_ID: 16941 PamphletID: 999 Pamphlet includes data based on a survey on wages and labor conditions for 1974. 1975年春闘方針. 1975 nen shuntō hōshin. item_ID: 15604 PamphletID: 671 A pamphlet prepared for the 1975 Shuntō. Includes analysis of the current state of affairs, statement of demands, action measures, etc. Thought to be edited by Okinawa Kenrōkyō. 1978 フィルムレンタルカタログ: 16m/m ノン-シアトリカル. 1978 Firum rentaru catarogu: 16m/m Non-Shiatorikaru. item_ID: 15160 PamphletID: 443 16mm Film rental catalog of non-theatrical films. 沖縄県労働組合協議会( 編 ). 1978年度運動方針(案),県労協新聞. item_ID: 15601 PamphletID: 668 Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai (editor). 1978 nendo undō hōshin (an), Kenrōkyō shinbun. This is an edition of “Kenrōkyō Shinbum.” Sum-up on the movements conducted in 1977, and tentative principles for the year 1978. 1980年度 運動方針(案)ならびに主要闘争のまとめ. 1980 nendo undō hōshin (an) narabi ni shuyō tōsō no matome. item_ID: 13869 PamphletID: 218 Policy staatements for the 1980 movement. 韓国民主化支援緊急世界大会( 著 ). 1981 東京宣言. item_ID: 15396 PamphletID: 542 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 237 Kankoku Minshuka Shien Kinkyū Sekai Taikai (author). 1981 Tōkyō sengen. This is a declaration made by “Kankoku Minshu-ka Shien Kinkyū Sekai Taikai (Emergency World Assembly for South Korean Democracy)” at the Tokyo meeting on 5/18/1981. 沖縄県労働組合協議会( 編 ). 1982年度財政方針(案):1981年度一般・特別会計決算及び 監査報告. item_ID: 15608 PamphletID: 675 Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai (editor). 1982 nendo zaisei hōshin (an): 1981 nendo ippan/tokubetsu kaikei kessan oyobi kansa hōkoku. Annual report (1981) on the financial result of Okinawa Kenrōkyō, and its financial principles for the year 1982. 金属労協( 編 ). 2.7.78国民春闘勝利ペトリ支援総決起集会. 東京: 全金ペトリカメラ 支部, 1978pp. 14. item_ID: 16494 PamphletID: 759 Kinzoku Rōkyō (editor). 2.7 78 Kokumin shuntō shōri Petori shien sōkekki shūkai. Tōkyō: Zenkin Petori Kamera Shibu, 1978, pp. 14. A pamphlet for “Petori Shien Sōkekki Shūkai” held on February 7, 1978. 2・28 反原発・反再処理・反海洋投棄東京集会. 2/28 Han genpatsu, han saishori, han kaiyō tōki tōkyō shūkai. item_ID: 16661 PamphletID: 860 Pamphlet for 2.28 anti-nuclear plants, wastes, pollution rally held in Tokyo, 1981. Messages from all over the world and from within Japan. Difficult to determine the author and publisher. 日本革命的共産主義者同盟(第四インターナショナル日本支部)中央 委員会( 編 ). 2.5第四インター中央政治集会: 結成20周年. item_ID: 15556 PamphletID: 623 Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (Dai-yon Intānashonaru Nihonshibu) Chūō Iinkai (editor). 2.5 dai yon intā chūō seiji shūkai: Kessei 20 shūnen. Pamphlet written for the 20th anniversary rally of Dai-Yon Intā in 1977; includes the program of the rally, appeals, and reports. 中嶋太一郎( 著 ). 20世紀の谷間から: ぷろてすと第2犯. item_ID: 11550 PamphletID: 134 238 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Nakajima, Taichirō (author). 20 seiki no tanima kara: Purotesuto dai 2 han. This pamphlet contains protest songs. 韓国民主化国際連帯委員会( 著 ). 三・一独立運動に関する資料集. 東京: 韓国民主化国際連帯委員会 (ISCKD),1979pp. 36. item_ID: 12647 PamphletID: 73 Kankoku Minshu Ka Kokusai Rentai Iinkai (author). 3/1 dokuritsu undō ni kansuru shiryō shū. Tōkyō: Kankoku Minshuka Kokusai Rentai Iinkai, 1979, pp. 36. This is a collection of information on the movement among Koreans on March 1, 1919, demanding independence from Japan. 3・31 人民集会特集, もっぷる通信特別号. 東京: 日本赤色救援会, 1972pp. 157. item_ID: 13391 PamphletID: 172 3/31 jinmin shūkai tokushū, Moppuru Tsūshin tokubetsu gō. Tōkyō: Nihon Sekishoku Kyūen Kai, 1972, pp. 157. A publication by the Sekigun support organization right after the Rengō Sekigun incident. 同志社大学一部、二部学友会( 編 ). 4・26 全国学生ゼネスト・4・28 首相官邸突入闘争・勝利にむけて: 安 保-沖縄闘争資料. item_ID: 13446 PamphletID: 187 Dōshisha Daigaku Ichibu, Nibu Gakuyū Kai (editor). 4.26 zenkoku gakusei zenesuto, 4.28 shushō kantei totsunyū tōsō, shōri ni mukete. Pamphlet issued during the anti-Ampo struggle by Dōshisha students. 四・二六闘争の勝利のために! 4/26 tōsō no shōri no tame ni! item_ID: 14639 PamphletID: 275 Pamphlet promoting the 4/26 struggle. 査証編集委員会( 編 ). 四畳半襖の下張: 発禁「面白半分」7月号より転載. item_ID: 15094 PamphletID: 429 Sashō Henshū Iinkai (editor). 4jōhan fusuma no shitabari: Hakkin “Omoshiro hanbun” 7 gatsu gō yori tensai. A collection of stories reprinted from the original magazine that was banned for being “obscene.” ヴェトナム解放記念集会実行委員会( 編 ). 5.17 ヴィエトナム解放記念集会 基調報告・資料他. ベトナム解放 記念集会実行委員会, 1975. item_ID: 16533 PamphletID: 797 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 239 Anniversary of Vietnamese Liberation Assembly Action Committee (editor). 5.17 Betonamu kaihō kinen shūkai Kichō hōkoku, shiryō hoka. Betonamu Kaihō Kinen Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai, 1975. A pamphlet for Betonamu Kaihō Kinen Shūkai held by Betonamu Kaihō Kinen Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai incluind Chōsen Rentai Center and Betonamu Jinmin Rentai Iinkai, on May 17, 1975. 部落解放同盟( 編 ). 5・22~23狭山闘争に総決起しよう!: 部落開放同盟の同盟休校 に呼応し狭山政治ストに立ち上がろう! item_ID: 16515 PamphletID: 779 Buraku Kaihō Dōmei (editor). 5.22-23 Sayama tōsō ni sōkekki shiyō!: Buraku Kaihō Dōmei kyūkō ni koōshi Sayama seiji suto ni tachiagarō! A pamphlet describes some articles related to Sayama tōsō . 5.6 柴田帰国二周年: ピョンヤンの仲間より. 5.6 Shibata kikoku nishūnen: Pyonyan no nakama yori. item_ID: 17162 PamphletID: 1089 A pamphlet published in Pyongyang supporting Shibata’s return to Japan. 思想・行動・表現 いっさい自由の会( 著 ). 五・一六弾圧真相報告大集会, 資料第一集. 思想・行動・表現いっさい 自由の会, 1972pp. 32. item_ID: 12675 PamphletID: 101 Shisō, Kōdō, Hyōgen Issai Jiyū no Kai (author). 5/16 dan’atsu shinsō hōkoku dai shūkai, Shiryō dai isshū. Shisō, Kōdō, Hyōgen Issai Jiyū no Kai, 1972, pp. 32. This is a protest against the police suppression of freesom of expression. It covers many cases and claims that the police are making any good excuse to suppress free expression. 暴力手配師追放釜ヶ崎共闘会議, 0連隊( 編 ). 5-6月釜ヶ崎. item_ID: 15550 PamphletID: 617 Bōryoku Tehaishi Tsuihō Kamagasaki Kyōtō Kaigi and O League (editors). 5-6 gatsu kamagasaki. This pamphlet is a collection of writings and leaflets concerning the “Kamagasaki Kyōtō Kaigi,” gathered by the “O Rentai.” 五月十九日~二十四日までの光州実態報告. 5 gatsu 19 nichi kara 24 ka made no Kōshū jittai hōkoku. item_ID: 15398 PamphletID: 544 This pamphlet gives stories of brutal conducts of South Korean military personnels at a demonstration in Kōshū. 240 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 伊藤孝之( 著 ). 6・26ポーランド 「連帯」支援討論集会: 伊藤孝之氏論文集. item_ID: 16513 PamphletID: 777 Itō, Takayuki (author). 6.26 Pōrando “rentai” shien tōron shūkai: Itō Takayuki shi ronbunshū . A collection of essays on Poland labor movement written by Itō Takayuki. 加藤尚武, 佐々木祥氏, 高橋昭八, 福本安彦, 星山保雄( 編 ). 6・15: われわれの現在 Vol.1. 東京: 全学連安保被告団, 1961 pp. 64. item_ID: 14652 PamphletID: 283 Katō, Naotake; Sasaki, Shōji; Takahashi, Shōhachi; Fukumoto, Yasuhiko and Hoshiyama, Yasuo (editors). 6/15: Ware ware no genzai Vol.1. Tōkyō: Zengakuren Anpo Hikokudan, 1961, pp. 64. Zengakuren statement on 6/15 and Ampo. 六・一五救援本部活動報告書及び参考資料. 東京: 6・15救援委員会, 1960pp. 43. item_ID: 14651 PamphletID: 282 6/15 kyūen honbu katsudō hōkokusho oyobi sankō shiryō. Tōkyō: 6/15 Kyūenkai Iinkai, 1960, pp. 43. Materials concerning the 6/15 support central. 酒井隆樹( 著 ). 6・17 明治公園爆弾闘争報告. item_ID: 12558 PamphletID: 36 Sakai, Takaki (author). 6/17 Meiji Kōen bakudan tōsō hōkoku. A publication about the Meiji Park bombing in 1971 for which Sakai Takaki was later charged. This statement contains his corrections to various points. 全学連中央執行委員会( 編 ). 六月行動委員会、全国県反戦代表者会議、全国共闘連合、への再度 の申し入れ. item_ID: 15441 PamphletID: 563 Zengakuren Chūō Shikkō Iinkai (editor). 6 gatsu kōdō iinkai, zenkoku ken hansen daihyōsha kaigi, zenkoku kyōtō rengō, e no saido no mōshi-ire. This pamphlet is a request made by the Chair Ōnuki of Zengakuren Chūō Shikkō Iinkai to the three organizers of “4/28 Meiji Kōen Dai Tōitsu Shūkai” to get a consent for participation. 6月行動力総括集. 6 gatsu kōdōryoku sokatsu shū. Analysis of the June action. item_ID: 15172 PamphletID: 450 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 241 六月全国学生ゼネストへ: 六月闘争討議資料―極東をもうひとつのベ トナムに!!! item_ID: 16522 PamphletID: 786 Rokugatsu zenkoku gakusei zenesuto e: Rokugatsu tōsō tōgi shiryō—Kyokutō wo mō hitotsu no Betonamu ni!!! A pamplet describes the main themes of Rokugatsu zenkoku gakusei zenesuto. 7・8富村闘争総決起集会:「7・8東京タワー決起一周年」.「7・8」 集会実行委員会, 1971pp. 24. item_ID: 17056 PamphletID: 1064 7.8 Tomimura tōsō sōkekki shūkai: “7.8 Tōkyō Tawā kekki isshūnen”. “7.8” Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai, 1971, pp. 24. A pamphlet for a rally meeting for Tomimura tōsō held on 1971/7/8. テルアビブ闘争支援委員会( 編 ). 7.15アピール. item_ID: 15453 PamphletID: 569 Teruabibu Tōsō Shien Iinkai (editor). 7/15 apīru. This is an appeal made by “Teruabibu Tōsō Shien Iinkai” at the July 15th rally in 1972. 7★19ニカラグア革命勝利2周年 ラテンアメリカ人民連帯集会. 埼玉: ラテンアメリカ人連帯・チリ反革命ピノチェット来日阻止実行委 員会, 1981pp. 8. item_ID: 16901 PamphletID: 983 7*19 Nikaragua Kakumei shōri 2 shūnen Raten Amerika jinmin rentai shūkai. Saitama: Raten Amerikajin Rentai, Chiri Han Kakumei Pinochetto Rainichi Soshi Jikkō Iinkai, 1981, pp. 8. A pamphlet distributed at a meeting celebrating Nicaragua’s second anniversary of their revolutional victory. 中村君虐殺糾弾委員会( 著 ). 70・2・25 中村君虐殺糾弾. 東京: 中村君虐殺糾弾委員会, 1971 pp. 60. item_ID: 12657 PamphletID: 83 Nakamura-kun Gyakusatsu Kyūdan Iinkai (author). 70/2/25 Nakamura-kun gyakusatsu kyūdan. Tōkyō: Nakamura-kun Gyakusatsu Kyūdan Iinkai, 1971, pp. 60. This is about the death of Nakamura Katsumi who died in a protest. It claims that it is suspicious he was killed by a train and tried to find out the real cause of his death. 安保とわたしたち: 70年安保廃棄の闘いのために, Anpo to watashi tachi. 東京: 運輸労連中央本部, 1969pp. 74. 70nen anpo haiki no tatakai no tame ni. Tōkyō: Unyu Rōren Chūō Honbu, 1969, pp. 74. item_ID: 16997 PamphletID: 1005 242 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets A pamphlet about fighting against the Anpo. “Zen Nittsū Rōso Chūō Honbu” is also listed as a publisher. 70年安保をなぜたたかうか. 国鉄労働組合, 1969pp. 176. 70 nen anpo o naze tatakau ka. Kokutetsu Rōdō Kumiai, 1969, pp. 176. item_ID: 17014 PamphletID: 1022 A pamphlet published by the Japan National Railway Union arguing against the 70nen anpo. 70年代の強制連行. 70 nen dai no kyōsei renkō. item_ID: 14939 PamphletID: 345 Pamphlet on forced labor in the 1970s. 70年闘争ハンドブック: 全国軍需品生産工場リスト 1. 東京:「70年 問題」研究会, 1968pp. 20. item_ID: 13850 PamphletID: 211 70 nen tōsō handobukku: Zenkoku gunjuhin seisan kōjō risuto 1. Tōkyō: “70 nen Mondai” Kenkyū Kai, 1968, pp. 20. Handbook for 1970 Ampo. 70年予防反革命=大学立法粉砕に向けて! 70 nen yobō hankakumei = Daigaku rippō funsai ni mukete! item_ID: 17091 PamphletID: 1069 A pamphlet aruguing against Daigaku Rippō. 査証編集委員会( 編 ). ‘72.6.28釜ヶ崎現地ルポ. item_ID: 15548 PamphletID: 615 Sashō Henshū Iinkai (editor). ‘72.6.28 Kamagasaki genchi rupo. A pamphlet reporting the details of the Tōsō at Kōgi shūkai in Kamagasaki on June 28, 1997. 沖縄市職員労働組合( 編 ). 72運動方針(案). item_ID: 15265 PamphletID: 494 Okinawa Shi Shokuin Rōdō Kumiai (editor). 72 undō hōshin (An). Several bills stated for the 1975 yearly gathering of Okinawa Shi Shokuin Rōdō Kumiai. 総評全国一般宮城合同労働組合青年婦人部常任委員会( 編 ). 72春闘の勝利に向けて: 青婦部討議資料No.1. item_ID: 15286 PamphletID: 506 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 243 Sōhyō Zenkoku Ippan Miyagi Gōdō Rōdō Kumiai Seinen Fujin-bu Jōnin Iinaki (editor). 72 shuntō no shōri ni mukete: Seifu-bu tōgi shiryō No.1. These are measures written for discussion within “Seinen Fujin-bu” for the 72 Shuntō. ホテル香和労働組合( 編 ). 七三年インフレ手当と七四年春闘要求より平和協定締結までの経過 概要. item_ID: 15625 PamphletID: 692 Hotel Kōwa Labor Union (editor). 73 nen infure teate to 74 nen shuntō yōkyū yori heiwa kyōtei teiketsu made no keika gaiyō. Pamphlet written by the “Hoteru Kōwa Rōdō Kumiai,” describing the union’s movements. 総評全国一般宮城合同労働組合青年婦人部( 編 ). 73春闘に勝利しよう!: 政府・日経連のインフレ政策に対決し. item_ID: 15288 PamphletID: 508 Sōhyō Zenkoku Ippan Miyagi Gōdō Rōdō Kumiai Seinen Fujin-bu (editor). ‘73 shuntō ni shōri shiyō!: Seifu, Nikkeiren no infure seisaku to taiketsu shi. Measures stated by the “Seinen Fujin-bu” for the 73 Shuntō. 74 九月四日 『栄養分析表』押収事件顛末資料. 74 9 gatsu 4ka “Eiyō Bunseki Hyō” ōshū jiken tenmatsu shiryō. item_ID: 12643 PamphletID: 69 This pamphlet reports and protest against a raid by the police into Unita Shoho and their taking a book duplicated from a publication by the Japan Community Party. The author claims that this is a suppression of freedom of expression and a harassment against Unita Shoho. A wrong Chinese Character used for the title. This was one of the few cases of censorship involving political material in the postwar left. 74 九月四日 『栄養分析表』押収事件顛末資料第二集. 74 9 gatsu 4ka “Eiyō Bunseki Hyō” ōshū jiken tenmatsu shiryō dai ni shū. item_ID: 12644 PamphletID: 70 This is an appeal to the court decision by Unita Shoho. 74年春闘集約. 74 nen shuntō shūyaku. item_ID: 14933 PamphletID: 339 1974 Spring labor offensive summary. 75 春闘資料. 75 shuntō shiryō. This is information for the 1975 shuntō. Tables included. item_ID: 12649 PamphletID: 75 244 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 沖縄県ホテル労働組合共闘会議( 編 ). 七五春斗総括(案).沖縄: 沖縄県ホテル労働組合共闘会議, 1975 pp. 7. item_ID: 16548 PamphletID: 812 Okinawa Prefecture Hotel Labor Union Joint Conference (editor). 75 Shuntō sōkatsu (an). Okinawa: Okinawa-ken Hoteru Rōdō Kumiai Kyōtō Kaigi, 1975, pp. 7. A pamphlet for Okinawa-ken Hoteru Rōdōkumiai Kyōtō Kaigi held on July 5, 1975. 75 春闘のはなし. 東京: 機関誌連合通信社, 1974pp. 24. 75 shuntō no hanashi. Tōkyō: Kikanshi Rengō Tsūshin Sha, 1974, pp. 24. item_ID: 12650 PamphletID: 76 This pamphlet talks about how much profit capitaists are making and how much wage increase is actually possible. Charts and graphs inclueded. 75戦う春闘を: 情勢の特徴と闘いの指針. 東京: 労働者学習協会, 1975pp. 38. item_ID: 14866 PamphletID: 326 75 tatakau shuntō o: Jōsei no tokuchō to tatakai no shishin. Tōkyō: Rōdōsha Gakushū Kyōkai, 1975, pp. 38. Women’s issues in the 1975 spring labor offensive. 沖縄県労働組合協議会組織部( 編 ). 75年国民春闘 組織体制確立について: -産別共闘体制、大量活 動家集団の編成と活動の推進-. item_ID: 15596 PamphletID: 663 Okinawa Prefecture Labor Union Convention Organization section (editor). 75 nen kokumin shuntō Soshiki taisei kakuritsu ni tsuite: - Sanbetsu kyōtō taisei, tairyō katsudōka shūdan no hensei to katsudō no suishin -. Pamphlet organized for the 75 Shuntō, stating the basic principles for the labour offensive and calling for industry-based unified action. 75年春闘学習・教宣資料集. 東京: 学習の友社, 1974pp. 40. 75 nen shuntō gakushū—kyōsen shiryō shū. Tōkyō: Gakushūno Tomo Sha, 1974, pp. 40. item_ID: 12645 PamphletID: 71 This is a collection of information on how to succeed in Shuntō for 1975. Tables included. 沖縄県マスコミ労働組合協議会( 編 ). 75年定期大会: 議案書. item_ID: 15263 PamphletID: 492 Okinawa-ken Masukomi Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai (editor). 75 nen teiki taikai: Giansho. Statement of the 1975 yearly gathering of Okinawa-ken Masukomi Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 245 76春闘の力を 政府・資本との総対決へ!: 3・28春斗討論集会 基調報告. item_ID: 16936 PamphletID: 996 76 shuntō no chikara o Seifu, shihon to no sōtaiketsu e!: 3.28 shuntō tōron shūkai kichō hōkoku. A pamphlet reporting on the 3.28 shuntō discussion meeting. 沖縄ヒルトンホテル労働組合( 編 ). 76春斗経過報告. 沖縄: 沖縄ヒルトンホテル労働組合, 1876 pp. 17. item_ID: 16487 PamphletID: 751 Okinawa Hilton Hotel Labor Union (editor). 76 Shunto keika hōkoku. Okinawa: Okinawa Hiruton Hoteru Rōdō Kumiai, 1876, pp. 17. A pamphlet describes the report of Shuntō activity in 1976. 76年「世界革命」週刊化のために, 討議資料. 中央機関支局, 1975pp. 16. item_ID: 15027 PamphletID: 361 76 nen “Sekai Kakumei” shūkanka no tame ni, Tōgi shiryō. Chūō Kikanshi Kyoku, 1975, pp. 16. Materials about making Sekai Kakumei a weekly publication. 76年春闘学習・教宣資料集. 東京: 学習の友社, 1975pp. 40. 76 nen shuntō gakushū-kyōsen shiryōshū. Tōkyō: Gakushūno Tomo Sha, 1975, pp. 40. item_ID: 12646 PamphletID: 72 This is a collection of information on how to succeed in Shuntō ifor 1976. Tables included. 77運動方針(案):自治労北部総支部第3回定期大会. 77 undō hōshin (an): Jichirō hokubu sō shibu dai 3 teiki taikai. item_ID: 15030 PamphletID: 364 Policy plan for the 1977 movement. 全日本自治団体労働組合沖縄県本部( 編 ). 77運動方針(案):1976年10月19日~20日 官公労共済 会館. item_ID: 15282 PamphletID: 502 Zen Nihon Jichi Dantai Rōdō Kumiai Okinawa-ken Honbu (editor). 77 undō hōshin (an): 1976 nen 10 gatsu 19 nichi kara 20 ka Kankōrō Kyōsai Kaikan. This is a measure stated for the 1977 yearly gathering of a labour union for the labourers of self-governing body in Okinawa prefecture. 七七年秋年闘争方針(案). 77 nen shūnen tōsō hōshin (an). item_ID: 15605 PamphletID: 672 246 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Proposal for the 1977 Shūki Nenmatsu Tōsō Hōshin. Thought to be edited by the Okinawa Kenrōkyō. 労働者教育協会( 編 ). 77年春闘学習・教宣資料集. 東京: 学習の友社, 1976pp. 48. item_ID: 14867 PamphletID: 327 Rōdōsha Kyōiku Kyōkai (editor). 77 nen shuntō gakushū-kyūsen shiryōshu. Tōkyō: Gakushūno Tomo Sha, 1976, pp. 48. Study materials for the 1977 spring labor offensive. 78運動方針(案)団結: 自治労名護市職第7回定期大会. 78 undō hōshin (an) danketsu: Jichirō Nago-shishoku dai 7kai teiki taikai. item_ID: 15031 PamphletID: 365 Policy plan for 1978 movement. 沖縄ヒルトンホテル労働組合( 編 ). 78国民春闘. 沖縄: 沖縄ヒルトンホテル労働組合, 1978pp. 9. item_ID: 16488 PamphletID: 752 Okinawa Hilton Hotel Labor Union (editor). ‘78 Kokumin Shuntō. Okinawa: Okinawa Hiruton Hoteru Rōdō Kumiai, 1978, pp. 9. A pamphlet for the meeting on Kokumin Shuntō in 1978 held by Okinawa Hiruton Hoteru Rōdō Kumiai. 沖縄県労働組合協議会( 編 ). 七八国民春闘方針(案). item_ID: 15600 PamphletID: 667 Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai (editor). 78 kokumin shuntō hōshin (an). A pamphlet stating plans for the principles for the upcoming 1978 Shuntō. 8・25共闘 会議基調報告集. 福岡:「ベトナムに平和を!」福岡市民連 合, 1972pp. 20. item_ID: 12557 PamphletID: 35 8/25 Kyōtō Kaigi kichō hōkoku shū. Fukuoka: “Betonamu ni Heiwa o!” Fukuoka Shimin Rengō, 1972, pp. 20. This pamphlet includes reports from three meetings. The meetings are; for supporting a revolutionary war in Indochina, the first anniversary meeting of Sanrizuka Protest, and the protest against sending the Self-Defense Forces to Okinawa and support for a revolution in Vietnam. 沖縄県労働組合協議会( 編 ). 八一秋期年末闘争方針(案),第六号 議案. 那覇: 沖縄県労働組合協 議会, 1981pp. 5. item_ID: 16495 PamphletID: 760 Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai (editor). 81 shūki nenmatsu tōsō hōshin (an), Dai 6gō Gian. Naha: Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai, 1981, pp. 5. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 247 A pamphlet describes the ideas on characteristics, purposes, main issues, and schedule of “Shūki nenmatsu tōsō.” 沖縄県労働組合協議会( 編 ). 八一秋期年末闘争方針(案):第六号議案. item_ID: 15607 PamphletID: 674 Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai (editor). 81 shūki nenmatsu tōsō hōshin (an): Dai 6 gō gian. Proposal for the 1981 Shūki Nenmatsu Tōsō Hōshin, edited by Okinawa Kenrōkyō. 82年・平和のためのヒロシマ行動の要綱: 全国各ブロック会議資料. 82 nen —heiwa no tame no Hiroshima kōdō no yōkō: Zenkoku kaku-burokku kaigi shiryō. item_ID: 15435 PamphletID: 557 A pamphlet as a prospectus, giving the proper name of the planned rally in Hiroshima on the 21st of March, 19, slogans, organizers, etc. Map of Hiroshima noting the direction of Heiwa Kōen and some newspaper articles included. 九・一・二の記録 (第一分冊).日本基督教団宣教研究所, 1969 pp. 137. item_ID: 17024 PamphletID: 1032 9.1.2 no kiroku (Dai ichi bunsatsu). Nihon Kirisuto Kyōdan Senkyō Kenkyūjo, 1969, pp. 137. First volume of a record of a 19-hour Nihon Kirisutokyōdan meeting which took place on 1969/9/1 and 9/2. 九・一・二の記録 (第二分冊).日本基督教団宣教研究所, 1969 pp. 120. item_ID: 17025 PamphletID: 1033 9.1.2 no kiroku (Dai ni bunsatsu). Nihon Kirisuto Kyōdan Senkyō Kenkyūjo, 1969, pp. 120. Second volume of a record of a 19-hour Nihon Kirisutokyōdan meeting which took place on 1969/9/1 and 9/2. 9・16全国から三里塚へ: 三里塚討議資料 労農人民の80年代へ. 9/16 zenkoku kara sanrizuka e: Sanrizuka tōgi shiryō Rōnō jinmin no 80 nendai e. item_ID: 15628 PamphletID: 695 Pamphlet on the Sanrizuka Tōsō. Editor unknown. 9・28 反日帝獄中獄外闘争の成果を深化させるために. 東京: KQ通 信社, 1977pp. 28. item_ID: 13397 PamphletID: 178 9/28 han Nittei gokuchū gokugai tōsō no seika o shinka saseru tame ni. Tōkyō: KQ Tsūshin Sha, 1977, pp. 28. KQ stands for “kaikyū” meaning “class.” 248 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets イスラエルのパレスチナ人民大量虐殺糾弾緊急集会実行委員会( 編 ). item_ID: 16857 9・30緊急集会: イスラエルのパレスチナ人民大量虐殺糾弾!! PamphletID: 947 Emergency Action Committee to Protest the Mass Killing of the Palestinian People by Israel (editor). 9.30 kinkyū shūkai: Isuraeru no paresuchina jinmin tairyō gyakusatsu kyūdan!! Pamphlet for the “9.30 Kinkyū Shūkai” in 1982. Includes keynote statement and newspaper articles. 九ヶ月の苦闘の中から. 東北大学教養部学生自治会 臨時執行部, 1976pp. 46. item_ID: 17039 PamphletID: 1047 Kyūkagetsu no kutō no naka kara. Tōhoku Daigaku Kyōyōbu Gakusei Jichikai Rinji Shikkōbu, 1976, pp. 46. A pamphlet addressed to newcomers to Tōhoku University urging them to join the Tōhoku Daigaku Tōsō. 多賀祥介( 編 ). アートシアター 55号 絞首刑. 東京: 日本アートシアター・ギルド, 1968pp. 120. item_ID: 15188 PamphletID: 466 Taga, Shosuke (editor). Āto shiatā 55 gō kōshukei. Tōkyō: Nihon Āto Shiatā Girudo, 1968, pp. 120. Pamphlet about art theater in 1968. 赤い通信. 東京: 共産主義者同盟赤軍派東京都委員会, 1972pp. 11. Akai tsūshin. Tōkyō: Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Sekigunha Tōkyō- to Iinkai, 1972, pp. 11. item_ID: 12549 PamphletID: 27 This was written immediately after the Lod Airport attack in Israel, and Shigenobu Fusako’s announcement that it had been carried out by people associaed with Sekigun. It connects the action in Israel with the US and Japanese imperialism. This claims that supporting Palestine means to them struggling against the US and Japan that support Israelis. It also announces releases of three people from jail and a negation of removal of membership from Tamiya who remained in North Korea. 秋川高校 一問一答. 東京都: 東京都立秋川(全寮制)高等学校, 1965pp. 27. item_ID: 16886 PamphletID: 976 Akikawa kōkō ichimon ittō. Tokyo: Tōkyō Toritsu Akikawa (Zenryōsei) Kōtō Gakkō, 1965, pp. 27. Pamphlet of Akikawa Kōkō, intended for those and their parents who are interested in entering this school. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 249 秋川高校 一問一答. 東京都: 東京都立秋川(全寮制)高等学校, 1966pp. 24. item_ID: 16887 PamphletID: 977 Akikawa kōkō ichimon ittō. Tokyo: Tōkyō Toritsu Akikawa (Zenryōsei) Kōtō Gakkō, 1966, pp. 24. Pamphlet with info on Akikawa High School. Intended for distribution to those and their parents who are interested in entering this school. 大田武治( 編 ). あけぼの: -久米島精神衛生活動十周年記念誌-. 沖縄: 久米島精 神障害者家族会(あけぼの会),1981pp. 135. item_ID: 16823 PamphletID: 928 Ōta, Takeji (editor). Akebono: - Kumejima seishin eisei katsudō 10 shūnen kinenshi -. Okinawa: Kumejima Seishin Shōgaisha Kazoku Kai (Akebono Kai), 1981, pp. 135. 10th annivery publication of mental hygiene activities in Kumejima. Includes the history of this acitivity in Kumejima, words from participants, words from families having a member given the care by this acitivity, statistics, and several theses on this activity. 北部地区赤色戦線( 編 ). 朝霞基地から自衛隊沖縄占領軍の出兵をさせないために. 北部地区 赤色戦線, 1973. item_ID: 15440 PamphletID: 562 Hokubu-chiku Sekishoku Sensen (editor). Asaka kichi kara jieitai Okinawa senryōgun no shuppei o sasenai tame ni. Hokubu-chiku Sekishoku Sensen, 1973. A pamphlet criticizing the implementation of Jieitai to Okinawa. 呉己順さん追悼文集刊行委員会( 編 ). 朝を見ることなく: 書評集. item_ID: 16678 PamphletID: 864 O Gisun san Tsuitō Bunshū Kankō Iinkai (editor). Asa o mirukoto naku: Shohyōshū. Book review of a memorial written by the So brothers’ mother O Gi Sun, titled “Asa o Miru koto naku.” アジアの女性は団結してたちあがろう. 東京: 反日闘争連帯アジア青 年集会シンポジウム実行委員会, 1974pp. 36. item_ID: 14831 PamphletID: 307 Ajia no josei wa danketsu shite tachiagarō. Tōkyō: Hannichi Tōsō Rentai Ajia Seinen Shūkai Shinpojiumu Jikkōiinkai, 1974, pp. 36. Pamphlet rallying Asian women. アジア民衆文化の夕べ: プログラム. Ajia minshū bunka no yūbe: Puroguramu. item_ID: 16432 PamphletID: 738 250 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets This is a catalogue of an event called “Ajia Minshū Bunka no Yūbe,” held on 6th and 7th of October, 1978. 明日への希望を信じて: 東一紡績解雇女子労働者たちの文集, 韓国 労働問題資料集 第3集. 東京: 韓国民主回復統一促進国民会議日 本本部宣伝局, 1981pp. 33. item_ID: 14440 PamphletID: 228 Asu e no kibō o shinjite: Tōitsu bōseki kaiko joshi rōdōshatachi no bunshū, Kankoku rōdō mondai shiryōshū dai 3 shū. Tōkyō: Kankoku Minshu Kaifuku Tōitsu Sokushin Kokumin Kaigi Nihon Honbu Sendenkyoku, 1981, pp. 33. Pamphlet from a Korean labor group. 新しい全国婦人組織をを結成しよう。:<仮称、社会主義婦人同盟>. 東京: 婦人通信編集委員会, 1978pp. 8. item_ID: 16922 PamphletID: 990 Atarashii zenkoku fujin soshiki o kessei shiyō.: <Kashō, Shakai Shugi Fujin Dōmei>. Tōkyō: Fujin Tsūshin Henshū Iinkai, 1978, pp. 8. A pamphlet about forming a new national women’s organization. 映画 アイヌ共和国独立宣言 製作委員会( 著 ). アテルイとコシャマイン、 シャクシャインの魂燃えよ!映画「アイヌ共和 国独立宣言」製作委員会, 1972pp. 84. item_ID: 12660 PamphletID: 86 Eiga “Ainu Kyōwakoku Dokuritsu Sengen” Seisaku Iinkai (author). Aterui to Koshamain, Shakushain no tamashī moeyo! Eiga “Ainu Kyōwakoku Dokuritsu Sengen” Seisaku Iinkai, 1972, pp. 84. This is a translation of the Ainu folk story. アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本支部第9グループ( 編 ). あなたの古本を政治化救援の為に!那覇: アムネスティ・インターナシ ョナル日本支部第9(沖縄) グループ, 1975pp. 2. item_ID: 15767 PamphletID: 725 Amnesty International Nihon Shibu Dai Kyū Gurūpu (editor). Anata no furuhon o seiji-ka kyūen no tame ni! Naha: Amunesuti Intānashonaru Nihon Shibu Dai 9 (Okinawa) Gurūpu, 1975, pp. 2. A pamphlet calling for dornating old books to Amnesty International, for political fund raising. 沖縄人権協会, アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本支部第9グル ープ( 編 ). アピール. item_ID: 15694 PamphletID: 719 Okinawa Human Rights Association and Amnesty International Nihon Shibu Dai Kyū Gurūpu (editors). Apīru. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 251 An appeal made by Okinawa Jinken Kyōkai, Amunesutī Intānashonaru Nihon-shibu Dai 9 Gurūpu, advocating human rights of people of Okinawa. アムネスティ・インターナショナル(人権を守る国際救援機構) 日本支 部( 編 ). amnesty international: -人権を守る国際救援機構-. item_ID: 15683 PamphletID: 716 Amnesty International (Jinken o Mamoru Kokusai Kyūen Kikō) (editor). amnesty international: - Jinken o mamoru kokusai kyūen kikō -. Pamphlet explaining the organization’s motive and past activities. アムネスティ・インターナショナル(人権を守る国際救援機構) 日本支 部( 編 ). AMNESTY international. item_ID: 15679 PamphletID: 712 Amnesty International (Jinken o Mamoru Kokusai Kyūen Kikō) (editor). AMNESTY international. Pamphlet stating the organization’s motive and its activities. アムネスティ・インターナショナルの発展. Amnesty international no hatten. item_ID: 15779 PamphletID: 726 A summary of the history of Amnesty International from 1961 through 1975, and a report of its recent previous development and statement of agenda. アムネスティに関するハンドブック. Amunesuti ni kansuru hando bukku. item_ID: 16905 PamphletID: 986 This is a Japanese translation of a handbook about Amnesty International originally publised in March, 1971 by the International Office located in London. アムネスティ・インターナショナル(人権を守る国際救援機構) 日本支 部( 編 ). アムネスティ日本支部規約: 人権を守る国際救援機構. item_ID: 15684 PamphletID: 717 Amnesty International (Jinken o Mamoru Kokusai Kyūen Kikō) (editor). Amunesutī nihon-shibu kiyaku: Jinken o mamoru kokusai kyūen kikō. Rules/codes for Amunesutī Intānashonaru Nihon-shibu, in effect from May 25th, 1974, and revised on September 12th, 1976. アムネスティ・インターナショナル(人権を守る国際救援機構) 日本支 部( 編 ). アムネスティ 汎太平洋人権会議計画案. item_ID: 15685 PamphletID: 718 252 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Amnesty International (Jinken o Mamoru Kokusai Kyūen Kikō) (editor). Amunesutī Han-Taiheiyō jinken kaigi keikaku-an. A plan written out for the “Amunesutī Han-Taiheiyō Jinken Kaigi” in 1975. 婦人通信編集委員会( 編 ). アメリカ共産党「性の政治学」に狼狽す-キャロライン・ランド 「性の 囚人」にたいする反批判-リンダ・ジェネス. 東京: 婦人通信編集委員 会, 1972pp. 23. item_ID: 14830 PamphletID: 306 Fujin Tsūshin Henshū Iinkai (editor). America Kyōsantō “sei no seiji gaku” ni rōbai su - Kyarorain-Rando, “sei no shūjin” ni taisuru hanhihan - Rinda Jenesu. Tōkyō: Fujin Tsūshin Henshū Iinkai, 1972, pp. 23. Pamphlet about an argument over the American Communist Party’s gender politics. 新たな斗いを創出せよ. Aratana tatakai o sōshutsuseyo. item_ID: 15526 PamphletID: 593 A pamphlet discussing the need of further “Tatakai,” after summing up the past “Tatakai” of the group. 平野君を守る共闘会議, 総評全国一般労組東京地本南部支部( 編 ). ある技術労働者の闘いの軌跡: -平野君(新日本無線)解雇撤回闘争 終結報告-. item_ID: 15290 PamphletID: 510 Hirano-kun o Mamoru Kyōtō Kaigi and Sōhyō Zenkoku Ippan Rōso Tōkyō Chihon Nanbu Shibu (editors). Aru gijutsu rōdōsha no tatakai no kiseki: Hirano-kun (Shin Nihon Musen) kaiko tekkai tōsō shūketsu hōkoku. This pamphlet notes the history of Hirano’s struggle. アルジェの戦い. Aruje no tatakai. item_ID: 15186 PamphletID: 464 Pamphlet about the Algeria conflict. 東大文学部学友会( 編 ). アルジェリア解放戦争とフランスの危機: -アルジェリア白書-(島成 朗文書).東京: 東京大学文学部学友会, 1958pp. 21. item_ID: 15252 PamphletID: 486 Tōdai Bungakubu Gakuyū Kai (editor). Arujeria kaihō sensō to Furansu no kiki: Arujeria hakusho (Shima Shigeo bunsho). Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Bungakubu Gakuyū Kai, 1958, pp. 21. A pamphlet written on the liberation struggle in Algeria against France. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 253 東大文学部学友会( 編 ). アルジェリア解放戦争とフランスの危機: アルジェリア白書. 東京: 東 大文学部学友会, 1958pp. 20. item_ID: 14634 PamphletID: 270 Tōdai Bungakubu Gakuyū Kai (editor). Arujeria kaihō to Furansu no kiki: Arujeria hakusho. Tōkyō: Tōdai bungakubu gakuyū kai, 1958, pp. 20. Pamphlet on the Algerian revolution. 早大一文学生会議( 編 ). アルジェリア革命: 1961年2月11日. item_ID: 16637 PamphletID: 836 Waseda University First Literature Section Students Conference (editor). Arujeria kakumei: 1961/2/11. Two statements included; one titled “Arujeria no Genjitsu” and the other “Arujeria Kakumei to Furansu,” both written by Sōdai Ichibun Gakusei Kaigi. 沢本問題を考える会( 編 ). あるレポート: もう一つの『金大中事件』.東京: 沢本問題を考える会, 1974pp. 29. item_ID: 13434 PamphletID: 179 Sawamoto Mondai o Kangaeru Kai (editor). Aru repōto: Mō hitotsu no “Kin Taichū jiken”. Tōkyō: Sawamoto Mondai o Kangaeru Kai, 1974, pp. 29. Pamphlet concerning the Kim Daiju incident. 淡路島石油基地(CTS)反対闘争について: 資料抜粋集. 川崎: 全石油 ゼネラル石油精製労働組合, 1978pp. 16. item_ID: 15784 PamphletID: 731 Awaji-shima sekiyu kichi (CTS) hantai tōsō ni tsuite: Shiryō bassui shū. Kawasaki: Zen Sekiyu Zereraru Sekiyu Seisei Rōdō Kumiai, 1978, pp. 16. A collection of articles on the construction plan of CTS in Awaji-shima, including chronological lists of incidents and a copy of a journal article. 安保改定阻止闘争を続ける全学連への弾圧にどう闘ってきたか: 教 授活動の報告 全学連第22回中央委員会. 全学連F.F.T(救対部), 1960pp. 41. item_ID: 14655 PamphletID: 286 Anpo kaitei soshi tōsō o tsuzukeru Zengakuren e no dan’atsu ni dō tatakatte kita ka: Kyōju katsudō no hōkoku Zengakuren dai 22 kai chūō iinkai. Zengakuren F.F.T (Kyūtai bu), 1960, pp. 41. How to fight the oppression against Zengakuren regarding Ampo. 安保改定によせる若き良識の意見: 安保改定問題ハンドブック. Anpo kaitei ni yoseru wakaki ryōshiki no iken: Anpo kaitei handobukku, Anpo kaitei mondai handobukku. item_ID: 17023 PamphletID: 1031 254 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets A collection of thoughts from the young generation about the revision of the Anpo. No publisher name listed by the name of eight people who contributed to this pamphlet are listed at the last page. 安保・核戦略下の危険な現実. 日本共産党中央委員会出版局, 1978pp. 16. item_ID: 12653 PamphletID: 79 Anpo-kaku senryakuka no kiken na genjitsu. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1978, pp. 16. This criticizes a close military partnership between the US and Japan and a concern about expansion by the US President Carter and Japanese Prime Minister Fukuda. It also reveals the reality of the US military exercises in Japan. 近藤日出造( 著 ). 安保がわかる. 東京: 漫画社, 1969pp. 48. item_ID: 12627 PamphletID: 53 Kondō, Hidezō (author). Anpo ga wakaru. Tōkyō: Manga Sha, 1969, pp. 48. This explains about Anpo in detail. The author claims that both supporters and dissenters tend to maintain the opposite opinion from ones supported by their oppositions without knowing anything about Anpo well. 安保斗いの記録. Anpo tatakai no kiroku. item_ID: 13872 PamphletID: 221 Record of the Ampo protests. 安保破棄・諸要求貫徹中央実行委員会( 編 ). 安保問題資料: 超反動中曽根内閣と安保問題 2. 東京: 安保破棄・諸 要求貫徹中央実行委員会, 1983pp. 64. item_ID: 15362 PamphletID: 530 Anpo Haki, Sho Yōkyū Kantetsu Chūō Jikkō Iinkai (editor). Anpo mondai shiryō: Chō handō Nakasone naikaku to anpo mondai 2. Tōkyō: Anpo Haki— Sho Yōkyū Kantetsu Chūō Jikkō Iinkai, 1983, pp. 64. Statements on Nakasone’s political posture, report on his Hōkan and Hōbei in 1983, and critique on the Nichi-bei military alliance. 飯島道子解雇問題資料集No. 1: 不当権利停止処分に反対し不当弾 圧と闘う. 東京: 飯島さんを守る会, 1967pp. 72. item_ID: 12501 PamphletID: 16 Iijima Michiko kaiko mondai shiryō shū No. 1: Futō kenri teishi shobun ni hantai shi futō dan’atsu to tatakau. Tōkyō: Iijima san o Mamoru Kai, 1967, pp. 72. This talks about how Iijima Michiko was forcibly fired by the company and discusses about hegemony of the emplyer over the employed. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 255 怒りと力を福島へ: 帝国主義と対決する階級的労働運動の旗をなび かせよう. item_ID: 15207 PamphletID: 485 Ikari to chikara o Fukushima e: Teikoku shugi to taiketsu suru kaikyū teki rōdō undō no hata o nabikaseyō. Labor union pamphlet focused on Fukushima. 山谷救援会, 悪質業者追放現場闘争委員会( 編 ). 生きて奴らにやりかえせ: 山谷’73・冬 越冬テント村報告. 東京: 山 谷救援会, 1973. item_ID: 15552 PamphletID: 619 Sanya Support Group and Banishing the Evil Unemployed On-Site Struggle Committee (editors). Ikite yatsura ni yarikaese: Sanya ‘73 Ettō tento-mura hōkoku. Tōkyō: Sanya Kyūenkai, 1973. A report on the lives of labourers in winter of 1973 at Sanya district. Original writings plus copies of newspaper articles and leaflets. イギリス共産党綱領: 社会主義へのイギリスの道. 1951年1月12日イ ギリス共産党執行委員会, 1951pp. 9. item_ID: 14459 PamphletID: 248 Igirisu Kyōsantō kōryō: Shakai shugi e no igirisu no michi. 1951 nen 1 gatsu 12 nichi Igirisu Kyōsantō Shikkōiinkai, 1951, pp. 9. Policy from the English Communist Party. 日韓連帯委員会, 日本カトリック正義と平和協議会, 韓国問題キリスト 者緊急会議( 編 ). 意見 韓国の新情勢と日本の責任. item_ID: 15394 PamphletID: 540 Nikkan Rentai Iinkai; Nihon Katorikku Seigi to Heiwa Kyōgikai and Kankoku Mondai Kirisuto-mono Kinkyū Kaigi (editors). Iken Kankoku no shin jōsei to Nihon no sekinin. This pamphlet is an opinion concerning South Korea’s current situation in the early 1980s, stated by the editors, after the debate held at a symposium “Kankoku no Shin-jōsei to Nihon no sekinin.” 許すなトマホーク意見広告の会( 編 ). 意見広告資料集: -Q&A. 東京都: 許すなトマホーク意見広告の会, 1984pp. 15. item_ID: 16847 PamphletID: 937 Do Not Allow the Tomahawks Protest Advertising Group (editor). Iken kōkoku shiryōshū: - Q&A. Tokyo: Yurusuna Tomahōku Iken Kōkoku no Kai, 1984, pp. 15. Pamphlet on “Iken Kōkoku Undō.” Includes articles on what it is, its effects, suggestions, and few tables on the cost of running advertisement on major and minor newspapers. 256 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 永田洋子( 著 ). 意見陳述 革命左派の闘いから新党樹立をめざした党建設の闘い, 連合赤軍総括に向けて そのⅣ. 共産主義者同盟赤軍派(プロ革), 1975pp. 53. item_ID: 15092 PamphletID: 427 Nagata, Hiroko (author). Iken chinjutsu Kakumei Saha no tatakai kara shintō juritsu o mezashita tō kensetsu no tatakai, Rengō Sekigun sōkatsu ni mukete sono 4. Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Sekigunha (Purokaku), 1975, pp. 53. Sum-up of past struggles and vision of where the focus of future struggle should be. 軍用地問題対策委一班( 編 ). 伊佐浜・銘苅・具志実態調査報告書. item_ID: 15367 PamphletID: 535 Gunyōchi Mondai Taisaku-i Ippan (editor). Isahama, Mekaru, Gushi jittai chōsa hōkokusho. This is a report of an examination done on Isahama, Mekaru and Gushi military land in 1956. 西岡智( 編 ). 石川君は無実だ: 狭山差別裁判の真相. 大阪: 狭山差別裁判取消し、 無実の石川一雄即時釈放要求中央闘争委員会, 1974pp. 64. item_ID: 14833 PamphletID: 309 Nishioka, Satoru (editor). Ishikawa kun wa mujitsu da: Sayama sabetsu saiban no shinsō. Ōsaka: Sayama Sabetsu Saiban Torikeshi, Mujitsu no Ishikawa Kazuo Sokuji Shakuhō Yōkyū Chūō Tōsō Iinkai, 1974, pp. 64. Pamphlet proclaiming innocence of Ishikawa, the defendant in the Sayama Jiken. イスラエルのパレスチナ人民大量虐殺糾弾緊急集会実行委員会( 編 ). item_ID: 16564 イスラエルのパレスチナ人民大量虐殺糾弾!!9・30緊急集会. PamphletID: 820 Emergency Action Committee to Protest the Mass Killing of the Palestinian People by Israel (editor). Isuraeru no Paresuchina jinmin tairyō gyakusatsu kyūdan!! 9/30 kinkyū shūkai. Pamphlet of a rally criticizing the Israeli mass-murder of Palestinians. Held in Tokyo Ochanomizu on the 30th of September. Year unknown from this pamphlet. IPTIL実行委員会事務局( 編 ). イスラエルのレバノン侵略に関する国際民衆法廷 IPTIL. item_ID: 16563 PamphletID: 819 IPTIL Action Committee Office (editor). Isuraeru no Rebanon shinryaku ni kansuru kokusai minshū hōtei IPTIL. Pamphlet of notice for the IPTIL, International People’s Tribunal on Israeli Invasion of Lebanon, or “Isuraeru no Rebanon Shinryaku ni kansuru Kokusai Minshū Hōtei.” The pamphlet includes the basic principles of the Tribunal, time tables, names of jury, witnesses, advisors, and ‘yobikakenin’. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 257 いのちとくらしを守り危機をのりこえる国民春闘を: 78春闘の基本方 針(案). item_ID: 14934 PamphletID: 340 Inochi to kurashi o mamori kiki o norikoeru kokumin shuntō o. Pamphlet for 1974 spring labor offensive. 全電通九州支部地方本部( 編 ). 一般経過報告書(三):沖縄県支部組織再建について. 熊本: 全電通九 州地方本部, 1979pp. 66. item_ID: 16511 PamphletID: 775 All Japan Communications Union Kyushu Regional Headquarters (editor). Ippan keika hōkoku (3): Okinawaken shibu soshiki saiken ni tsuite. Kumamoto: Zen Dentsū Kyūshū Chihō Honbu, 1979, pp. 66. A pamplet is the report on the ongoing reconstruction of Zen Dentsū Okinawa shibu organization. 異邦人の河 アンケート集.「異邦人の河」沖縄上映実行委員会, 1976pp. 26. item_ID: 13853 PamphletID: 214 Ihōjin no kawa ankēto shū. “Ihōjin no kawa” Okinawa Jōei Jikkō Iinkai, 1976, pp. 26. Surveys from Okinawan screening of “Ihōjin no kawa” 戦争への道を許さない城北の女たちの会( 編 ). 今、女たちは平和を語る. 東京: 戦争への道を許さない城北の女たち の会, 1982pp. 55. item_ID: 16644 PamphletID: 843 The Road to War is Not Permissible Jōhoku Women’s Group (editor). Ima, onna tachi wa heiwa o kataru. Tōkyō: Sensō eno Michi o Yurusanai Jōhoku no Onna tachi no Kai, 1982, pp. 55. Materials on the formation of, meetings of, and interpretation on war and peace by, “Sensō e no Michi o Yurusanai Jōhoku no Onna tachi no Kai.” 韓国民主回復統一促進国民会議日本本部( 著 ). いま韓半島に核戦争の危機が: -反戦・反核・軍縮に向けて大きな闘 いの輪をつくろう!-, 朝鮮問題小パンフシリーズ No.8. 東京: 韓国民 主回復統一促進国民会議日本本部宣伝局, 1982pp. 17. item_ID: 15369 PamphletID: 537 Kankoku Minshu Kaifuku Tōitsu Sokushin Kokumin Kaigi Nihon Honbu (author). Ima Kan hantō ni kaku sensō no kiki ga: Hansen, hankaku, gunshuku ni mukete ōkina tatakai no wa o tsukurō! -, Chōsen mondai shō-panfu shirīzu No. 8. Tōkyō: Kankoku Minshu Kaifuku Tōitsu Sokushin Kokumin Kaigi Nihon Honbu Sendenkyoku, 1982, pp. 17. Interpretations on the cause of friction between North and South Korea in relation to U.S. and Japan, critizing the nuclear weapons installed in South Korea. 258 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 日本革命的共産主義者同盟(第四インターナショナル日本支部)中央 書記局( 編 ). 今こそ労働者・農民の政府を: 光州人民蜂起連帯! 一切の資本家政 府を倒せ! 自民党単独支配体制の崩壊と第四インターナショナルの 政策. 東京: 新時代社, 1980pp. 26. item_ID: 14946 PamphletID: 352 Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (Dai-yon Intānashonaru Nihon Shibu) Chūō Shokikyoku (editor). Ima koso rōdōsha, nōmin no seifu o: Kōshū jinmin hōki rentai! Issai no shihonka seifu o taose! Jimintō tandoku shihai taisei no hōkai to Dai Yon Intānashonaru no seisaku. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1980, pp. 26. Pamphlet advocating an insurrection by workers and farmers. 吉本隆明( 著 ). いまはむしろ背後の鳥を撃て: -連合赤軍事件をめぐって-. 横浜市: ルビコン書房, 1972pp. 24. item_ID: 15075 PamphletID: 412 Yoshimoto, Taka’aki (author). Ima wa mushiro haigo no tori o ute: Rengō Sekigun jiken o megutte. Yokohama: Rubikon Shobō, 1972, pp. 24. A speech given by Takaaki Yoshimoto on the Rengō Sekigun plus various theories and logics. 岩国ベ平連( 編 ). item_ID: 15368 岩国ベ平連、岩国JATEC、 コーヒー・ハウスほびっと: 全国懇談会用資料. PamphletID: 536 Iwakuni Beheiren (editor). Iwakuni Beheiren, Iwakuni JATEC, Kōhī hausu Hobitto: Zenkoku kondankai yō shiryō. Pamphlet focused on the struggles in Iwakuni. 石橋印刷・事務機社労働組合( 編 ). 印刷労働者の職業病. item_ID: 15267 PamphletID: 496 Ishibashi Insatsu, Jimukisha Rōdō Kumiai (editor). Insatsu rōdōsha no shokugyōbyō. This pamphlet is costituted of two essays, one written by Yoshiharu Nakamura and other written by Guenter Moch, on the kind of labours the printing workers go through and the diseases coming with the job. インタビュー 遠いベトナム ・グエン・アン・チュン レモンと爆弾 井上澄夫. item_ID: 15041 PamphletID: 375 Intabyū tōi Betonamu Guen An Chun remon to bakudan Itō Sumio. Interview with Itō Sumio about Vietnam. 又吉英仁( 編 ). 海ゆかば水漬く屍. 幸喜良秀, 1980pp. 11. item_ID: 14924 PamphletID: 337 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 259 Matayoshi, Hideto (editor). Umi yukaba mizuku kabane. Kōki Roshihide, 1980, pp. 11. Pamphlet by Kōki Roshihide. 日本共産青年同盟沖縄県委員会( 編 ). 映画「橋のない川」上映をめぐって: 部落開放同盟への敵対を許すな! 那覇: 日本共産青年同盟沖縄県委員会, 1975pp. 7. item_ID: 15587 PamphletID: 654 Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei Okinawa-ken Iinkai (editor). Eiga “Hashi no Nai Kawa” jōei o megutte: Buraku Kaihō Dōmei e no tekitai o yurusu na! Naha: Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei Okinawa-ken Iinkai, 1975, pp. 7. A pamphlet claiming that the movie “Hashi no Nai Kawa” is a discriminatory movie. It includes two supplements: Buraku Kaihō Dōmei’s written protest against the movie company and Hijikata Tetsu’s essay about the movie. 「三里塚の闘い」製作実行委員会( 編 ). 映画製作に対する支援の訴え: ドキュメント 「三里塚の闘い」 (仮題). item_ID: 16811 PamphletID: 916 “Sanrizuka Struggle” Policy action Committee (editor). Eiga seisaku ni taisuru shien no uttae: Dokyumento “Sanrizuka no Tatakai” (Kadai). Petition for monetary support for the production of the movie “Sanrizuka no Tatakai.” 永久革命研究I,II: レジュメ第一次草案. Eikyū kakumei kenkyū I, II: Rejume dai ichiji sōan. item_ID: 14672 PamphletID: 299 Pamphlet about perpetual revolution. 小田実, 鶴見俊輔, 武藤一羊( 著 ). 英語作文力養成セミナー: 大学受験高3コース11月号第1付録. 東 京都: 学習研究社, 1967pp. 128. item_ID: 15177 PamphletID: 455 Oda, Makoto; Tsurumi, Shunsuke; and Mutō, Ichiyō (authors). Eigo sakubunryoku yōsei seminā: Daigaku juken kō 3 kōsu 11gatsu-gō dai 1 furoku. Tokyo: Gakushū Kenkyū Sha, 1967, pp. 128. A text book for English writing skills, written by Makoto Oda, Shunsuke Tsurumi, and Ichiyō Mutō, and written for high school seniors as a preparatory for university entrance exams. 小田実( 編 ). 英作文ゼミ: 第1学期 -1968-. item_ID: 15179 PamphletID: 457 Oda, Makoto (editor). Eisakubun zemi: Dai 1 gakki -1968-. A collection of English-written essays with all authors unknown. The themes of the essays focus on social issues such as computors, wars, U.S. foreign policy, etc. 260 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 革命技術委員会( 編 ). 栄養分析表(抜スイ):革命技術編 資料1. item_ID: 15093 PamphletID: 428 Kakumei Gijutsu Iinkai (editor). Eiyō bunseki hyō (Bassui): Kakumei gijutsu hen, shiryō 1. Descriptions of how to make and use hand-made bombs and grenades. ”栄養分析表”押収事件顛末資料: ’74 9月4日. 東京: ウニタ書舗, 1974pp. 10. item_ID: 16852 PamphletID: 942 “Eiyō bunsekihyō” ōshū jiken tenmatsu shiryō: ‘74 9 gatsu 4 ka. Tōkyō: Unita Shoho, 1974, pp. 10. Collection of legal documents regarding the confiscation of “Eiyō Bunsekihyō.” 越年闘争実行委員会, 山谷現場闘争委員会( 編 ). 越年・越冬闘争報告: -ウラミハラサデオクベキカ-. item_ID: 15553 PamphletID: 620 Year’s End Struggle Action Committee and Sanya On-Site Struggle Committee (editors). Etsunen/Ettō tōsō hōkoku: -Urami harasade okubekika -. Report on the labour struggle at Sanya during winter season of 1973 to 1974. エドワード・エーベリング エリナ・マルクス・エーベリング 婦人問題. Edowādo Ēberingu, Erina Marukusu-Ēberingu fujin mondai. item_ID: 15510 PamphletID: 579 Women’s issues: Edward Ebling and Erina Marks-Ebling. RG資料集: 9回大会から12・18ブントRGへ. 横浜: 共産主義者同 盟(RG),1979pp. 131. item_ID: 15044 PamphletID: 379 Eru Gē shiryōshū: 9 kai taikai kara 12/18 Bunto Eru Gē e. Yokohama: Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (RG), 1979, pp. 131. Including RG-related writings from the 9th meeting of 1969 to December 18th, 1970. 沖縄県労働組合協議会( 編 ). 全国一律最賃制確立のために: 最賃オルグ学習ノート. item_ID: 15606 PamphletID: 673 Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai (editor). Zenkoku ichiritsu saichin-sei kakuritsu no tame ni: Saichin orugu gakushū nōto. This pamphlet is somewhat like a study-note that the user fills in. The subject is about the “Zenkoku Ichiritsu Saitei Chingin-sei.” Also includes tables and graphs about the labourers’ wages, international and within Okinawa. アムネスティ・インターナショナル(人権を守る国際救援機構) 日本支 部( 編 ). 援助のお願い キャラバン・ウォーカーソン: Campaign for ‘77. item_ID: 15681 PamphletID: 714 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 261 Amnesty International (Jinken o Mamoru Kokusai Kyūen Kikō) (editor). Enjo no onegai Kyaraban wōkāson: Campaign for ‘77. Call for joining the caravan “walkathon” as a fund raiser. 東京都学連中央執行委員会( 編 ). 東京都学生自治会連合(都学連)第16回定期大会議案: 1966 年7月16日-17日. item_ID: 16815 PamphletID: 920 Tokyo Student Alliance Central Action Committee (editor). Tōkyōto Gakusei Jichikai Rengō (Togakuren) Dai 16 kai teiki taikai gian: 1966.7.16 - 17. Agenda pamphlet for the 16th regular meeting of Togakuren, held on the 16th and 17th of July, 1966. 王子野戦病院市民開放板橋区民の会( 著 ). 王子の炎を消すな: 野戦病院跡地市民解放闘争の記録. 東京: 王子野 戦病院市民解放板橋区民の会, 1971pp. 50. item_ID: 12666 PamphletID: 92 Ōji Yasen Byōin Shimin Kaihō Itabashi Kumin no Kai (author). Ōji no honō o kesuna: Yasen Byōin atochi shimin kaihō tōsō no kiroku. Tōkyō: Ōji Yasen Byōin Shimin Kaihō Itabashi Kumin no Kai, 1971, pp. 50. This is a call for support for and participations of residents of Itabashi-ku in a protest to get back the land used for the US military hospital at Oji. 沖タク労共同分会の問題. Oki Taku Rō Kyōdō Bunkai no mondai. item_ID: 15611 PamphletID: 678 A pamphlet stating opposition against employers about their mistreatment, through to be written by Okitakurō Kyōdō Bunkai. 学生インター現闘( 編 ). 沖縄永久革命のために: ‘情況’川田詫文とわれわれの立場. 那覇市: 学生インター現闘, 1970pp. 13. item_ID: 16503 PamphletID: 768 Student International Struggle (editor). Okinawa Eikyū Kaimei no tameni: ‘Jōkyō’ Kawata wabumi to wareware no tachiba. Naha-shi: Gakusei Intā Gentō, 1970, pp. 13. A pamplet criticizes a paper wirtten by Mr. Kawata, submitted a journal called “Jōkyō” Vol.6. Also, Gakusei Intā Gentō clarifies their position and opinion on Okinawa tōsō. 沖縄からの報告: 沖縄闘争を勝利するために. 那覇: 沖縄ベ平連, 1969pp. 14. item_ID: 11540 PamphletID: 1001 Okinawa kara no hōkoku: Okinawa tōsō o shōri suru tame ni. Naha: Okinawa Beheiren, 1969, pp. 14. A pamphlet reporting on the military situation in Okinawa. 262 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 沖縄基地確保新法案批判. 東京: 東京弁護士会, 1977pp. 45. Okinawa kichi kakuho shin-hōan hihan. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Bengoshikai, 1977, pp. 45. item_ID: 15639 PamphletID: 706 A pamphlet criticizing the new bill, Kichi kakuho shin-hōan, that the government is planning to go through. 反CTS連絡会議( 著 ). 沖縄金武湾の闘い. 東京: 反CTS連絡会議, 1979pp. 20. item_ID: 13445 PamphletID: 186 Han CTS Renraku Kaigi (author). Okinawa Kin Wan no tatakai. Tōkyō: Han CTS Renraku Kaigi, 1979, pp. 20. Pamphlet concerning the Central Storage Terminal struggle in Okinawa. 沖縄県労働組合協議会( 編 ). 沖縄経済の危機: -「海洋博」=沖縄経済-. item_ID: 15595 PamphletID: 662 Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai (editor). Okinawa keizai no kiki: - “Kaiyōhaku” = Okinawa keizai -. Pamphlet stating the economic situation of Okinawa and the upcoming “Kaiyōhaku,” edited by the Kenrōkyō. 沖縄人権協会第五回定期総会議案書. 那覇: 沖縄人権協会, 1976pp. 23. item_ID: 14944 PamphletID: 350 Okinawa jinken kyōkai dai 5 kai teiki sōkai giansho. Naha: Okinawa Jinken Kyōkai, 1976, pp. 23. Proposals for the 5th Okinawan Human Rights general meeting. 沖縄人民党の二十年: 党創立を記念して. 那覇: 沖縄人民党中央委員 会, 1967pp. 12. item_ID: 17042 PamphletID: 1050 Okinawa Jinmintō no nijū nen: Tō sōritsu o kinen shite. Naha: Okinawa Jinmintō Chūō Iinkai, 1967, pp. 12. A pamphlet about the 20-year history of the Okinawa Jinmintō. It was published in commemoration of its 20th anniversary. 島成郎( 著 ). 沖縄精神医療 No.9 抜刷: 1981年4月15日. 沖縄: 沖縄精 神医療編集委員会, 1981pp. 8. item_ID: 16720 PamphletID: 903 Shima, Shigeo (author). Okinawa seishin iryō No. 9 Bassatsu: 1981/04/15. Okinawa: Okinawa Seishin Iryō Henshū Iinkai, 1981, pp. 8. Copy of an article written by Shima Shigeo, titled “Hoan Shobun Seido Shinsetsu ni Hantai suru.” パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 263 被爆三十周年原水爆禁止世界大会全国実行委員会( 編 ). 沖縄大会のまとめ: 被爆三十周年原水爆禁止世界大会. item_ID: 15268 PamphletID: 497 Hibaku Sanjushūnen Gensuibaku Kinshi Sekai Taikai Zenkoku Jikkō Iinkai (editor). Okinawa taikai no matome: Hibaku 30 shūnen gensuibaku kinshi sekai taikai. Statements made at the 30th anniversary Gensuibaku Kinshi Sekai Taikai Okinawa Taikai. The statements are on the issues of Okinawa. 沖縄と安保-沖縄即時無条件全面返還の闘い: 七〇年安保廃棄の闘 いのために. 東京: 日本労働組合総評議会, 1969pp. 96. item_ID: 17017 PamphletID: 1025 Okinawa to anpo - Okinawa sokuji mujōken zenmen henkan no tatakai: 70nen anpo haiki no tatakai no tame ni. Tōkyō: Nihon Rōdō Kumiai Sōhyōgikai, 1969, pp. 96. A pamphlet arguing against the 70nen anpo and arguing for the return of Okinawa. 沖縄討論資料. Okinawa tōron shiryō. item_ID: 17032 PamphletID: 1040 A pamphlet about Okinawa in the 70s. 沖縄と教科書: 教科書に見る沖縄の実態. 東京: 青藍出版, 1969 pp. 77. item_ID: 17019 PamphletID: 1027 Okinawa to kyōkasho: Kyōkasho ni miru Okinawa no jittai. Tōkyō: Seiran Shuppan, 1969, pp. 77. A pamphlet describing how Okinawa is depicted in textbooks. 沖縄渡航手続のご案内. Okinawa tokō tetsuzuki no goan’nai. item_ID: 16851 PamphletID: 941 Official guide for application for an ID (Mibun Shōmeisho) and Permission for Entry into the Ryukyu Islands. 知念政光( 著 ). 沖縄と三里塚. item_ID: 13443 PamphletID: 184 Chinen, Seikō (author). Okinawa to Sanrizuka. Pamphlet connecting the Okinawa issue to the Sanrizuka struggle. 吉川武彦( 著 ). 沖縄における過疎・過密と精神科医療, 臨床精神医学 第6巻 第 12号 別冊. 国際医書出版, 1977pp. 9. item_ID: 16715 PamphletID: 898 264 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Yoshikawa, Takehiko (author). Okinawa ni okeru kaso, kamitsu to seishinka iryō, Rinshō Seishin Igaku Dai 6 kan Dai 12 gō bessatsu. Kokusai Isho Shuppan, 1977, pp. 9. Article written by Yoshikawa Takehiko on population density and mental health in Okinawa. 島成郎( 著 ). 沖縄における精神病院(第一部). item_ID: 16721 PamphletID: 904 Shima, Shigeo (author). Okinawa ni okeru seishin byōin. Article written by Shima Shigeo on mental hospitals in Okinawa. 沖縄県労働組合協議会, 総評沖縄対策委員会( 編 ). 沖縄における労働者と県民生活確保並びに海洋博に関する要求交渉 経過(政府). item_ID: 15597 PamphletID: 664 Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai and Sōhyō Okinawa Policy Committee (editors). Okinawa ni okeru rōdōsha to kenmin seikatsu kakuho narabi ni Kaiyōhaku ni kansuru yōkyū kōshō keika (seifu). A pamphlet stating demands against the State/Okinawa-prefecture, based on the unified stance of opposition of Kenrōkyō and Sōhyō against Kaiyōhaku. 琉球政府社会局( 編 ). 沖縄の戦跡. 那覇市: 栄謄写堂, 1958pp. 55. item_ID: 15358 PamphletID: 526 Ryūkyū Seifu Shakai-kyoku (editor). Okinawa no senseki. Naha: Sakae Tōsha Dō, 1958, pp. 55. This pamphlet is a collection of memorial towers and ossuaries in Okinawa, edited by the Ryūkyū Seifu. 吉川武彦( 著 ). 沖縄の風土と精神病, 社会精神医学 第4巻2号. 星和書店, 1981pp. 6. item_ID: 16718 PamphletID: 901 Yoshikawa, Takehiko (author). Okinawa no fūdo to seishinbyō, Shakai Seishin Igaku Dai 4 kan 2 gō. Seiwa Shoten, 1981, pp. 6. Article written by Yoshikawa Takehiko on mental illness and ethnological climate (fūdo) in Okinawa. 沖縄の歴史. Okinawa no rekishi. item_ID: 15360 PamphletID: 528 Description of Okinawa’s history, starting from the “Aji no Hassei” to “Mukashi no Chūgoku-jin no Ryūkyū-kan.” Editor nor author unknown. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 265 「沖縄・ベトナム・朝鮮」の問題の疑問にこたえる: 一〇・二一 七〇年 安保の闘いのために. 東京: 日本労働組合総評議会, 1968 pp. 76. item_ID: 17016 PamphletID: 1024 “Okinawa, Betonamu, Chōsen” no mondai no gimon ni kotaeru: 10.21 70nen anpo no tatakai no tame ni. Tōkyō: Nihon Rōdō Kumiai Sōhyōgikai, 1968, pp. 76. A pamphlet discussing the problems faced in Okinawa, Vietnam and Korea. 追手前高校生徒不当処分粉砕闘争の記録: 人間を守れ! 第3集. 三君を守る会, 1972pp. 43. item_ID: 17027 PamphletID: 1035 Ottemae kōkō seito futō shobun funsai tōsō no kiroku: Ningen o mamore! Dai 3 shū. Migimi o Mamoru Kai, 1972, pp. 43. A record of a tōsō fighting against unjust action taken against high school students at Ottemae Kōkō. AA人民連帯大阪・新左翼・列島新報( 著 ). 乙女は起ちて輪を結び赤旗なびかせストライキ: エキスポ綜合労組 の闘い. 大阪: 労働運動研究会, 1970pp. 38. item_ID: 12489 PamphletID: 11 AAJinmin Rentai Ōsaka Shin Sayoku Rettō Shinpō (author). Otome wa tachite Wa o musubi Akahata nabikase sutoraiki: Ekisupo sōgōrōso no tatakai. Ōsaka: Rōdō Undō Kenkyū Kai, 1970, pp. 38. This is a collection of articles written based on interviews with those who work for the Expo and participated in strikes. 女とジャリと“カタワ者”の叛乱:見知らぬ大地から愛をこめて: 第Ⅲ 期総括及び展望若干:文明批判・文化大革命. 北大工学部「創造」 Group, 1970pp. 12. item_ID: 15478 PamphletID: 578 Onna to jari to “katawa mono” no hanran: mishiranu daichi kara ai o komete: Daisanki sōkatsu oyobi tenbō jakkan: bunmei hihan, bunka daikakumei. Hokudai Kōgakubu “Sōzō” Group, 1970, pp. 12. A pamphlet criticizing civilization and claiming for the stance of the Sōzō Group. 女性解放連絡会議( 編 ). おんな: 言いだしっぺの問題提起・便所からの解放. item_ID: 16640 PamphletID: 839 Women’s Liberation Liaison Conference (editor). Onna: Iidashippe no mondai teiki / Benjo kara no kaihō. Statements on “Chūzetsu Kinshi Hō,” on liberation of the eros, a statement titled “Liberation from the WC,” written by a women’s group called Josei Kaihō Renraku Kaigi. 266 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 関谷綾子( 著 ). 女たちは核兵器をゆるさない: <資料>平和のための婦人の歩み, 岩 波ブックレット No.5. 東京: 岩波書店, 1982pp. 63. item_ID: 17345 PamphletID: 1094 Sekiya, Ayako (author). Onnatachi wa Kakuheiki o Yurusanai: <Shiryō> Heiwa no tameno Fujin no Ayumi, Iwanami Bukkuretto No.5. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1982, pp. 63. On anti-nuclear movement engaged by women. 富村順一( 著 ). 怨念は永遠に. 東京: 富村公判対策委員会, 1972pp. 48. item_ID: 12633 PamphletID: 59 Tomimura, Jun’ichi (author). Onnen wa eien ni. Tōkyō: Tomimura Kōhan Taisaku Iinkai, 1972, pp. 48. A pamphlet by Tomimura Jun’ichi, whose trial materials are in the collection. 外圧の中の報道: 機構改悪反対闘争に結集しよう. Gaiatsu no naka no hōdō: Kikō kaiaku hantai tōsō ni keshū shiyō. item_ID: 14451 PamphletID: 239 Pamphlet protesting news reporting under outside pressure. アジア民衆法廷準備会( 編 ). 海外紙誌に見る天皇報道: 1988.9.21~1988.11.4. 東京: 凱風社, 1989pp. 64. item_ID: 17349 PamphletID: 1098 Asian People’s Court Planning Committee (editor). Kaigai Shishi ni miru Tennō Hōdō: 1988.9.21-1988.11.4. Tōkyō: Gaifūsha, 1989, pp. 64. On how Japan’s Emperor system is covered in the foreign media. アジア民衆法廷準備会( 編 ). 海外紙誌に見る天皇報道2: 1989.1.7~1989.1.16. 東京: 凱風社, 1989pp. 63. item_ID: 17350 PamphletID: 1099 Asian People’s Court Planning Committee (editor). Kaigai Shishi ni Miru Tennō Hōdō: 1989.1.7-1989.1.16. Tōkyō: Gaifūsha, 1989, pp. 63. On Japan’s Emperor sytem covered by the foreign media. Volume 2. 沖縄委員会( 編 ). 会活動の発展と、朝河会員の沖縄派遣(半永住を期しての)のための 財政的協力のお願い. 東京: 統一新聞社, 1970pp. 1. item_ID: 16854 PamphletID: 944 Okinawa Committee (editor). Kai katsudō no hatten to, Asakawa kaiin no okinawa haken (han-eijū o kishite no) no tame no zaiseiteki kyōryoku no onegai. Tōkyō: Tōitsu Shinbunsha, 1970, pp. 1. Petition for monetary support for sending a member of Okinawa Iinkai named Asakawa to Okinawa with a motive of organizing movements in Okinawa. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 267 階級・党・指導部: その弁証法的相互関係 レオン・トロツキー. Kaikyū, tō, shidō-bu: Sono benshōhō teki sōgo kankei Reon Torotsukī. item_ID: 14938 PamphletID: 344 Pamphlet on Trotsky’s ideas about class, party, and leadership. 共青同全国電通班協議会( 編 ). 階級的労働運動か 新帝労働運動か. 沖縄: 共青同・第四インター, 1979pp. 31. item_ID: 16504 PamphletID: 769 Kyōseidō Zenkoku Dentsū-han Kyōgikai (editor). Kaikyūteki rōdō undō ka, shintei rōdō undō ka. Okinawa: Kyōseidō / Dai 4 intā, 1979, pp. 31. A pamphlet criticizes the 32 th Zendentsū meeting in order to replace Shintei rōdō undō by Kaikyū rōdō undō. 琉球新報労働組合( 編 ). 会社経営危機をめぐる闘いの方針: 臨時組合大会. item_ID: 15626 PamphletID: 693 Ryūkyū News Labor Union (editor). Kaisha keiei kiki o meguru tatakai no hōshin: Rinji kumiai taikai. Pamphlet written by “Ryūkyū Shimpō Rōdō Kumiai,” stating the financial, managerial situation and giving principles to fight against the restructuring policies of the company. 社会主義研究会( 著 ). 改訂増補版現代資本主義への一視角: 中ソ両派との批判的対質のた めに, 新左翼叢書 4. item_ID: 12674 PamphletID: 100 Shakaishugi Kenkyū Kai (author). Kaiteiban gendai shihonshugi e no ichi shikaku: Chū So ryōha to no hihan teki taishitsu no tame ni, Shin sayoku sōsho 4. This pamphlet is a revision of a previous publication about Capitalism and its development, shortcomings, and the world trend. 陽和病院( 編 ). 開放化の歩みと現在直面している問題: 討議資料. item_ID: 16825 PamphletID: 930 Yōwa Hospital (editor). Kaihōka no ayumi to genzai chokumen shiteiru mondai: Tōgishiryō. Report made by Yōwa Byōin on its attempt for “Kaihōgata no Chiiki Iryō.” Includes the history of endeavor, results, difficulties and measures for improvement. 解放の為に: 此春寮問題の核心. Kaihō no tame ni: Kono haru ryō mondai no kakushin. item_ID: 12762 PamphletID: 124 This pamphlet connects the closure of a student dorm with suppression of students. 268 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 国立科学博物館( 編 ). 科学者レオナルド・ダ・ビンチ展. 科学博物館後援会, 1979. item_ID: 16431 PamphletID: 737 National Science Museum (editor). Kagakusha Reonarudo Dabinchi ten. Kagaku Hakubutsukan Kōenkai, 1979. Catalogue of Leonardo da Vinci Enhibition held in 1979. The pamphlet includes pictures of exhibiting models showing da Vinci’s scientific technological knowledge. 学園祭’67: 文化祭10・7~8 体育祭10・15. 東京都: 東京 都立秋川(全寮制)高等学校, 1967pp. 12. item_ID: 16884 PamphletID: 974 Gakuensai ‘67: Bunkasai 10.7 - 8 Taiikusai 10.15. Tokyo: Tōkyō Toritsu Akikawa (Zenryōsei) Kōtō Gakkō, 1967, pp. 12. Pamphlet for the Akikawa High School’s School Festival in 1967. 核基地・横須賀: アメリカ海軍と海上自衛隊. 横浜市: 原水爆禁止神奈 川県協議会, 1981pp. 64. item_ID: 15320 PamphletID: 520 Kaku kichi — Yokosuka: Amerika kaigun to kaijō jieitai. Yokohama: Gensuibaku Kinshi Kanagawa-ken Kyōgikai, 1981, pp. 64. This pamphlet gives critical informations on the U.S. Yokosuka Base and the military personnel, and also on the Jieitai in Yokosuka. 学習資料: 天ファについて. Gakushū shiryō: Tenfa ni tsuite. item_ID: 13235 PamphletID: 157 This is a criticism about the emperor system. 学生運動議案. Gakusei undō gian. item_ID: 15584 PamphletID: 651 Statements on “gakuseihankyō,” thought to be written by Kyōseidō. 共産主義者同盟戦旗派( 編 ). 学生運動における当面するわれわれの任務. item_ID: 16573 PamphletID: 829 Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Senkiha (editor). Gakusei undō ni okeru tōmen suru wareware no ninmu. Pamphlet written by Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Senki-ha regarding student movement. 労働者共産主義者委員会中央出版委員会( 著 ). 学生運動の発展のために革命運動の戦列を強化せよ. 東京: 怒涛社, 1973pp. 29. item_ID: 12662 PamphletID: 88 Rōdōsha Kyōsan Shugisha Iinkai Chūō Shuppan Kyoku (author). Gakusei undō no hatten no tame ni kakumei undō no senretsu o kyōka seyo. Tōkyō: Dotōsha, 1973, pp. 29. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 269 This pamphlet criticizes divisions of student movement organization. It evaluates Zengakuren as a contributer to the class struggle, but also criticizes that Zengakuren is not a unified organization and needs to be united. 学生ノート: 早大一文学生会議 新入生歓迎号 . 東京: 早大一文学 生会試情宣部, 1961pp. 22. item_ID: 14650 PamphletID: 281 Gakusei nōto: Sōdai ichi bungakusei kaigi shin nyūsei kangei gō. Tōkyō: Sōdai Ichibun Gakuseikai Shijōsenbu, 1961, pp. 22. Students notes from a Waseda conference for new students. 早大一文学生会議( 編 ). 学生ノート: クラス討論資料特集号. item_ID: 16639 PamphletID: 838 Waseda University First Literature Section Students Conference (editor). Gakusei nōto: Kurasu tōron shiryō tokushū-gō. Interpretation on world situation, on I.L.O. No. 87, two Defense Laws, on “Seiji Bōryoku Katsudō Bōshi Hōan, and on Kokusai Gakuren, written by Sōdai Ichibun Gakusei Kaigi. 学生運動総括と任務. Gakusei undō sōkatsu to ninmu. item_ID: 15558 PamphletID: 625 A pamphlet on the sum-up and mission of student movement, thought to be written by the Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei. 核戦略の曲り角: -危機はここまできている-, 岩波ブックレット No.2. 東京: 岩波書店, 1982pp. 63. item_ID: 17342 PamphletID: 1091 Kakusenryaku no Magarikado: -Kiki wa Kokomade Kiteiru-, Iwanami Bukkuretto No.2. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1982, pp. 63. Volume 2 of Iwanami Booklet Series. On the nature and structure of nuclear weapons, political strategies based on the possession of nuclear weapons, and anti-nuclear movement. 核と戦争のない世の中をめざす行動・6月. Kaku to sensō no nai yo no naka o mezasu kōdō / 6 gatsu. item_ID: 15404 PamphletID: 550 This is a collection of songs of peace with lyrics and notes printed. 核と戦争のない世の中をめざす行動・10月事務局( 編 ). 核と戦争のない世の中を!: 10・16渋谷 民衆のひろば. item_ID: 15403 PamphletID: 549 Kaku to Sensō no Nai Yononaka o Mezasu Kōdō, 10 Gatsu Jimukyoku (editor). Kaku to sensō no nai yo no naka o!: 10/16 Shibuya minshū no hiroba. Pamphlet notified various demonstrations and meeting in opposition to the nuclear weapons and wars. Time and place noted but unable to varify the year. 270 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 「核と戦争のない世の中をめざす行動」八二年から八三年へ: -事務 局での議論の報告-. item_ID: 15406 PamphletID: 552 “Kaku to Sensō no nai yo no naka o mezasu kōdō” 82 nen kara 83 nen e: Jimukyoku de no giron no hōkoku. This is a pamphlet briefly noting the content of debate taken within the “jimukyoku” of “Kaku to Sensō…” after the “sōkatsu kaigi” that took place on 1982/11/24. 日朝協会( 編 ). 核と朝鮮問題: 強まる日米韓核安保、そして戦時立法化. 東京都: 日朝 協会, 1981pp. 48. item_ID: 15321 PamphletID: 521 Nitchō Kyōkai (editor). Kaku to Chōsen mondai: Tsuyomaru Nichi-Bei-Kan kaku anpo, soshite senji rippōka. Tokyo: Nicchō Kyōkai, 1981, pp. 48. Inside are 7 articles written by scholars, a journalist, and a lawyer, writing about Korea, Japan, and U.S. and nuclear weapons. 高木伸一, 西尾漠( 著 ). 核のゴミが捨てられる?!: 原子炉等規制法「改正」に反対しよう!, げ んぱつミニえほん1. 東京: 核のゴミ野放し法案をつぶそう3・28、30 実行委員会, 1986pp. 14. item_ID: 13784 PamphletID: 192 Takagi, Shin’ichi and Nishio, Baku (authors). Kaku no gomi ga suterareru?!: Genshiro tōkiseihō “kaisei” ni hantai shiyō!, Genpatsu mini ehon 1. Tōkyō: Kaku no Gomi Nobanashi Hōan o Tsubusō 3/28-30 Jikkō Iinkai, 1986, pp. 14. Anti-nuclear pamphlet. 各分科会の決定事項. Kaku bunkakai no kettei jikō. item_ID: 15364 PamphletID: 532 Inside are statements made at the rally of the formation of Tokyo Okinawa Kenjin-kai. 岩波書店編集部( 編 ). 核兵器と人間の鎖: -反核・世界のうねり-, 岩波ブックレット No.17. 東京: 岩波書店, 1983pp. 61. item_ID: 17346 PamphletID: 1095 Iwanami Books Editorial Section (editor). Kakuheiki to Ningen no Kusari: -Hankaku Sekai no Uneri-, Iwanami Bukkuretto No.17. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1983, pp. 61. On anti-nuclear movement in Europe and the United States. A report on anti-nuclear movement engaged by literary persons group in Japan. 上野勝輝( 著 ). 革命の暗黒を吹き飛ばし、反動の嵐に勝ち抜ける赤い火をもやそう! item_ID: 12564 PamphletID: 42 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 271 Ueno, Katsuki (author). Kakumei no ankoku o fukitobashi, handō no arashi ni kachinukeru akai hi o moyasō! Pamphlet written by Ueno Katsuki from jail. 革命の軍隊・党の革命: 10・11月闘争の運動﹦組織論的総括. 東京: ベ トナム反戦直接行動委員会, 1969pp. 64. item_ID: 13166 PamphletID: 156 Kakumei no guntai, tō no kakumei: 10/11gatsu tōso no undō; soshikironteki sōkatsu. Tōkyō: Betonamu Hansen Chokusetsu Kōdō Iinkai, 1969, pp. 64. An internal document from the critical period of December 1969, presumably from Sekigunha. 日本共産党(革命左派)神奈川県常任委員会( 著 ). 革命の主要な敵と国家権力の問題について: ブンド系諸君の誤りを 反面教師として. item_ID: 12641 PamphletID: 67 Nihon Kyōsantō (Kamukei Saha) Kanagawa Ken Jōnin Iinkai (author). Kakumei no shuyō na teki to kokka kenryoku no mondai ni tsuite: Bundo kei shokun no ayamari o hanmen kyōshi to shite. This is a criticism of Bund by Kakumei Saha, which later merged with Sekigunha to form Rengō Sekigun. 春日庄次郎研究会会報 第一号. 東京: 春日庄次郎研究会, 1978 pp. 64. item_ID: 15128 PamphletID: 433 Kasuga Shōjirō kenkyū kai kaihō dai ichi gō. Tōkyō: Kasuga Shōgirō Kenkyū Kai, 1978, pp. 64. First Report of the Kasuga Shōjirō Research Group. マルクス主義学生同盟( 編 ). 革共同「スターリン主義論」論文集(1).東京: マル学同『 中 核 』編 集 局, 1969pp. 95. item_ID: 13795 PamphletID: 204 Marukusu Shugi Gakusei Dōmei (editor). Kakkyōdō “Sutārin shugiron” ronbunshū (1). Tōkyō: Marugakudō “Chūkaku” Henshū kyoku, 1969, pp. 95. Kakkyōdō pamphlet about Stalinism. 「国際革命文庫」編集委員会( 著 ). 過渡的綱領: 国際革命文庫1;資本主義の死の苦悶と第四インターナ ショナルの任務. 東京: 新時代社, 1972pp. 51. item_ID: 12635 PamphletID: 61 “Kokusai Kakumei Bunko” Henshū Iinkai (author). Katoteki kōryō: Kokusai kakumei bunko 1; Shihonshugi no shi no kumon to Dai Yon Intānashonaru no nimmu. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1972, pp. 51. 272 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets This is what the Fourth Communist International (Commintern) aims to achieve written by Trotsky. 釜ヶ崎救援会( 編 ). 釜ヶ崎労働者の闘いを見殺しにするな. 大阪市: 釜ヶ崎救援会, 1972pp. 16. item_ID: 15551 PamphletID: 618 Kamagasaki Support Group (editor). Kamagasaki rōdōsha no tatakai o migoroshi ni suruna. Ōsaka: Kamagasaki Kyūenkai, 1972, pp. 16. Interpretation on the labour struggle of Kamagasaki. 全電通福島県支部「再確認」拒否者の会( 編 ). 仮処分決定書: 一九八〇・七・二十二. 福島県: 全電通福島支部「再確 認」拒否者の会, 1980pp. 29. item_ID: 16510 PamphletID: 774 All Japan Communications Union Fukushima Prefecture Branch Rejection of “Reaffirmation” Group (editor). Karishobun ketteisho: 1980.7.22. Fukushima-ken: Zen Dentsū Fukushima Shibu “Saikakunin” Kyohisha no Kai, 1980, pp. 29. A pamphlet is the copy of the record of the trial on Kumiaiin Chii Hozen Karishobun Shinsei Jiken. 早稲田大学第一文学部自治会執行委員会( 著 ). 彼は早稲田で死んだ. 早稲田大学第一文学部執行委員会, 1973 pp. 59. item_ID: 12659 PamphletID: 85 Waseda Daigaku Daiichi Bungaku Bu Jichikai Shikkō Iinkai (author). Kare wa Waseda de shinda. Waseda Daigaku Dai Ichi Bungaku Bu Shikkō Iinkai, 1973, pp. 59. This is a protest by students of Waseda University against Kakumaru’s killing of Kawaguchi Daizaburō. It also criticizes the privatization of Jichikai at Waseda by Kakumaru. 肝脳疾患類瘢痕脳型の同胞例, 脳と神経 第27巻 第4号 別 刷. 医学書院, 1975pp. 10. item_ID: 16719 PamphletID: 902 Kannō shikkan rui hankon nō gata no dōhō rei, Nō to shinkei Dai 27 kan Dai 4 gō Bessatsu. Igakushoin, 1975, pp. 10. Article written by medical doctors including Shima Shigeo. 韓勝憲弁護士事件 資料集: 韓国政治犯の弁護活動を守るために. 東京: 韓勝憲弁護士を支援する会, 1975pp. 14. item_ID: 13856 PamphletID: 217 Kan Katsunori bengoshi jiken shiryōshū: Kankoku seijihan no bengo katsudō o mamoru tame ni. Tōkyō: Kan Katsunori bengoshi o shien suru kai, 1975, pp. 14. Pamphlet about difficulties of a lawyer for Korean political defendants. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 273 徐君兄弟を救う会( 編 ). 韓国獄中政治犯 徐兄弟: -たたかいの記録-. 京都: 徐君兄弟を救 う会, 1977pp. 122. item_ID: 16681 PamphletID: 867 Jo Brothers Support Group (editor). Kankoku gokuchū seijihan Jo Kyōdai: - Tatakai no kiroku -. Kyōto: So-kun Kyōdai o Sukuu Kai, 1977, pp. 122. Pamphlet on the Soh Brothers’ struggle. Includes letters from the two brothers, court statements, article by Shōji Tsutomu, article on support groups, description of South Korea’s law (Chian Hō), etc. 韓国自由言論実践白書: 解雇に抗し不屈に闘う東亜・朝鮮日報の記者 たちに支援を!東京: 韓国問題キリスト者緊急会議, 1975pp. 42. item_ID: 12664 PamphletID: 90 Kankoku jiyū gengo jissen hakusho: Kaiko ni kōshi fukutsu ni tatakau tōa; Chōsen Nippō no kisha tachi ni shien o! Tōkyō: Kankoku Mondai Kirisutosha Kinkyū Kaigi, 1975, pp. 42. This reports a protest by Korean writers of Tōa Nippō and Chōsen Nippō against the suppression of freedom of expression and calls for support for these writers. 韓国問題研究会( 編 ). 韓国に関連する日本新聞資料. 韓国問題研究会, 1977pp. 41. item_ID: 16519 PamphletID: 783 Korean Problems Research Group (editor). Kankoku ni kanren suru Nihon shinbun shiryō. Kankoku Mondai Kenkyūkai, 1977, pp. 41. A pamphlet is a collection of photocopied news paper articles related to South Korea from 1975 to 1977. 韓国の第五列勝共連合: 協力してきた政党と政治家の責任を問う. 日 本共産党中央委員会出版局, 1978pp. 31. item_ID: 12667 PamphletID: 93 Kankoku no dai go retsu shōkyō rengō: Kyōryokushite kita seitō to seijika no sekinin o tou. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1978, pp. 31. This pamphlet criticizes political connections between the founder of Tōitsu Kyōkai and the Pak Administration of South Korea, and also between the Korean Administration and Japanese politicians. 監獄法と国連被拘禁者処遇最低基準規則との矛盾点. Kangoku-hō to kokuren hi-kōkin-sha shogū saitei kijun kisoku to no mujunten. item_ID: 15696 PamphletID: 721 Material on comparison between Kangoku-Hō and Kokuren Hi-Kōkin-sha Shogū Saitei Kijun Kisoku. 富山化学の公害輸出をやめさせる実行委員会( 編 ). 韓国民衆の不屈の戦いと日本, 日米韓問題を考えるために 1. 東 京: 富山化学の公害輸出をやめさせる実行委員会, 1976pp. 22. item_ID: 14844 PamphletID: 320 274 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Toyama Kagaku no Kōgai Yushutsu o Yamesaseru Jikkō Iinkai (editor). Kankoku minshū no fukutsu no tatakai to Nihon, Nichi-Bei-Kan mondai o kangaeru tame ni 1. Tōkyō: Toyama Kagaku no Kōgai Yushutsu o Yamesaseru Jikkō Iinkai, 1976, pp. 22. Pamphlet on Japan-US-Korean relations and Korean democracy. 韓国民主化支援緊急世界大会( 編 ). 韓国民主化支援緊急世界大会: 1981.5.16~5.19. item_ID: 16707 PamphletID: 890 Kankoku Minshuka Shien Kinkyū Sekai Taikai (editor). Kankoku minshuka shien kinkyū sekai taikai: 1981/5/16 - 5/19. Pamphlet for the 1981/5/16 - 5/19 Emergency Assembly for South Korean Democracy. Includes the schedule, names of participants, location maps, etc. 韓国民主化支援緊急世界大会事務局( 編 ). 韓国民主化支援緊急世界大会: 1981・5.16~5.19. 東京: 韓国民主化支援世界大会委員会(ASKOD)編集部, 1981pp. 10. item_ID: 16652 PamphletID: 851 Kankoku Minshuka Shien Kinkyū Sekai Taikai Jimukyoku (editor). Kankoku minshuka shien kinkyū sekai taikai: 1981/5/16 - 5/19. Tōkyō: Kankoku Minshuka Shien Sekai Taikai Iinkai (ASKOD) Henshūbu, 1981, pp. 10. Materials for the “Kankoku Minshuka Shien Kinkyū Sekai Taikai.” Statements calling for support, list of names of supporters, when and where-abouts of the rally, statements made by various supporters, etc. 看護制度改悪粉砕!: 労働者差別分断の更なる強化 日本看護協会 批判. item_ID: 14871 PamphletID: 331 Kango seidō kaiaku funsai!: Rōdōsha sabetsu bundan no saranaru kyōka, Nihon kango kyōkai hihan. Pamphlet opposing proposals worsening the labor situation for nurses. 共産主義者同盟関西地方委員会( 著 ). 関西赤軍. 大阪: 共産主義者同盟赤軍派関西地方委員会, 1977 pp. 60. item_ID: 12568 PamphletID: 46 Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Kansai Chihō Iinkai (author). Kansai Sekigun. Ōsaka: Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Sekigunha Kansai Chihō Iinkai, 1977, pp. 60. A fairly late publication from the Kansai wing of Sekigun. 管制塔裁判を勝利させる会( 編 ). 管制塔公判控訴趣意書. item_ID: 16643 PamphletID: 842 Win the Control Tower Trial Support Group (editor). Kanseitō saiban kōso shuisho. Full copy of Prospectus for Appeal (Kōso Shuisho), submitted to the Tokyo High Court by the defense cousel on the 30th of September, 1981. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 275 工人社( 著 ). 『現代世界と解放としての革命』:第1回理論シンポジウムの報告. item_ID: 12672 PamphletID: 98 Kōjinsha (author). “Gendai sekai to kaihō to shite no kakumei”: Dai 1kai riron shinpojiumu no hōkoku. This pamphlet broadly talks about the liberation of suppressed people from antiwar movement in Vietnam to the black movement, but basically, its focus is on Sanrizuka Tōsō. 「韓日修復」の危険な本質を暴く, 韓国問題小パンフシリーズNo.7. 東京: 韓国民主回復統一促進国民会議日本本部宣伝局, 1981 pp. 19. item_ID: 14439 PamphletID: 226 “Kannichi shūfuku” no kiken na honshitsu o abaku, Kankoku mondai shō panfu shirīzu No. 7. Tōkyō: Kankoku Minshu Kaifuku Tōitsu Sokushin Kokumin Kaigi Nihon Honbu Sendenkyoku, 1981, pp. 19. Pamphlet warning of dangers in Japan-Korea relations. 官僚統制粉砕・全電通福島・宮城闘争勝利7.27集会報告集. Kanryō tōsei funsai, Zen Dentsū Fukushima, Miyagi tōsō shōri 7.27 shūkai hōkokusho. item_ID: 16506 PamphletID: 770 Pamphlets describe the report on “Kanryō tōsei funsai, Zendentsū Fukushima, Miyagi tōsō shōri 7.27 shūkai. 福島県支部「再確認」拒否者の会, 福島県支部「再確認」拒否者を支え る会, 全電通の統制処分を撤回させる会, 全電通の階級的再生をめ ざす被処分者同盟( 編 ). 官僚統制粉砕・全電通福島・宮城闘争勝利7.27集会: 報告集. item_ID: 16710 PamphletID: 893 Fukushima Prefecture Branch “Reconfirmation” Rejectors Group; Fukushima Prefecture Branch “Reconfirmation” Rejectors Support Group; Group Advocating Complete Rejection of the All Japan Communication Union Measures and All Japan Communications Reconstruc. Kanryōtōsei funsai, Zendentsū Fukushima, Miyagi tōsō shōri 7.27 shūkai: Hōkokushū. Report on a rally held on the 27th of July, 1980, called “Kanryōtōsei Funsai, Zendentsū Fukushima, Miyagi Tōsō Shōri 7.27 Shūkai.” Includes the schedule, the keynote report, copies of speeches made by the participants, list of names of supporters. 議案書: 1968・6・14. Giansho: 1968.6.14. item_ID: 16806 PamphletID: 911 Agenda paper for the Zengaku Hantei Gakusei Hyōgikai Kessei Taikai, including the declaration of the formation of Zengaku Hantei Gakusei Hyōgikai. 建設新聞労働組合( 編 ). 議案書: 74年度末闘争臨時大会議案書. item_ID: 15627 PamphletID: 694 276 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Construction News Labor Union (editor). Giansho: 74 nendo matsu tōsō rinji taikai giansho. Pamphlet giving agendas for the 1974 year-end struggle rally. 議案書: 第5回定期大会. Giansho: Dai 5 kai teiki taikai. item_ID: 14942 PamphletID: 348 Proposals for the 5th congress. 危機にたつ民主主義. 文連警職法改悪阻止勤評粉砕対策委員会, 1958pp. 50. item_ID: 14673 PamphletID: 300 Kiki ni tatsu minshu shugi. Bunren Keishoku hō Kaiaku Soshi Kinhyō Funsai Taisaku Iinkai, 1958, pp. 50. Democracy in crisis. 基調: 第2回沖縄労働者討論集会. Kikyō: Dai 2 kai Okinawa rōdō-sha tōron shūkai. item_ID: 14935 PamphletID: 341 Materials from second Okinawa workers discussion meeting. 朝日新聞社( 編 ). 記者の証言: 事件の内側の日々, 朝日ブックレット-6. 東京都: 朝日 新聞社, 1983pp. 63. item_ID: 17348 PamphletID: 1097 Asahi Shinbunsha (editor). Kisha no Shōgen: Jiken no Uchigawa no Hibi, Asahi Bukkuretto-6. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbunsha, 1983, pp. 63. Journalists’ first-hand accounts on various incidents that they covered. Includes an account by a journalist who worked on the Rengō Sekigun Incident. 全電通宮城県支部青年会議常任委員会( 編 ). 軌跡: 青年会議討論資料 No.53. item_ID: 15295 PamphletID: 515 Zendentsū Miyagi-ken Shibu Seinen Kaigi Jōnin Iinkai (editor). Kiseki: Seinen kaigi tōron shiryō No. 53. This is a material for the “Seinen kaigi” of “Zendentsū Miyagi-ken Shibu.” The contents are mostly on the summation of 1974 Shuntō and reports from each “bunkai.” 基地・145の実態: 火焔のなかの日本. 東京: 社会新報, 1968 pp. 39. item_ID: 17020 PamphletID: 1028 Kichi, 145 no jittai: Kaen no naka no Nihon. Tōkyō: Shakai Shinpō, 1968, pp. 39. A pamphlet discussing issues about the 145 US bases located in Japan, the so called “kichi mondai.” パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 277 基地沖縄の苦闘: 全軍労闘争史. Kichi Okinawa no kutō: Zengunrō tōsō shi. item_ID: 16668 PamphletID: 861 Pamphlet notifying the publication of “Kichi Okinawa no Kutō: Zengunrō Tōsō Shi,” written by Uehara Kōsuke. Inside are extensive discription of the content of the book plus comments on the book from various persons in Okinawa. 共青同, 第四インターナショナル( 編 ). 基地確保新法案粉砕!3-4月闘争の大爆発を!: 1977・2. 沖 縄: 共青同・第四インター, 1977pp. 19. item_ID: 15318 PamphletID: 518 Kyōseidō and Dai-yon Intānashonaru (editors). Kichi kakuho shinpō an funsai! 3-4 gatsu tōsō no daibakuhatsu o!: 1977/2. Okinawa: Kyōseidō / Dai 4 intā, 1977, pp. 19. A pamphlet criticizing the new bill, Kichi kakuho shin-hōan, that the government is planning to go through. It calls for action in March and April. 大阪富村氏を支援する会( 編 ). 基調報告: 4.12<沖縄処分>と闘う討論集会. item_ID: 16841 PamphletID: 931 Osaka Tomimura-san Support Group (editor). Kichō hōkoku: 4.12 <Okinawa shobun> to tatakau tōron shūkai. Pamphlet on Tomimura Junichi’s court struggle and support activities. 弘前富村さん支援委員会( 編 ). 基調報告: 全国支援連合結成に向けて. item_ID: 16842 PamphletID: 932 Hirosaki Tomimura-san Support Group (editor). Kichō hōkoku: Zenkoku shien rengō kessei ni mukete. Pamphlet on Tomimura Junichi’s case, support activities, proposal for a united organization, etc. 沖縄県労協青年部協議会( 編 ). 基調報告: 6・28闘う青年労働者と知識人の連帯集会. item_ID: 15621 PamphletID: 688 Okinawa Kenrōkyō Seinenbu Kyōgikai (editor). Kichō hōkoku: 6/28 tatakau seinen rōdōsha to chishikijin no rentai shūkai. Keynote report of a rally held in Urasoe on June 28th, 1975. 日本労働党沖縄県委員会( 編 ). 基調報告(案):労働運動の変革をめざす1978年全国討論集会. item_ID: 15616 PamphletID: 683 Japan Labor Party Okinawa Prefection Committee (editor). Kichō hōkoku (an): Rōdō undō no henkaku o mezasu 1978 nen zenkoku tōron shūkai. A pamphlet reporting the keynotes that was agreed at the “Rōdō Undō no Henkaku o Mezasu 1978 nen Zenkoku Tōron Shūkai” held in Tokyo. 278 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 日本赤色救援会( 編 ). 基調報告・獄中アピール: 12-18柴野虐殺弾劾武闘派政治集会. item_ID: 15531 PamphletID: 598 Nihon Sekishoku Kyūenkai (editor). Kichō hōkoku/Gokuchū apīru: 12/18 Shibano gyakusatsu dangai butōha seiji shūkai. A keynote report made for the 12/18 Shibano Gyakusatsu Dangai Butō-ha Seiji Shūkai. 金大中氏らを殺すな首都圏緊急運動( 編 ). 基調報告要旨. item_ID: 15400 PamphletID: 546 Kimu Dejun-shi ra o Korosuna Shutoken Kinkyū Undō (editor). Kichō hōkoku yōshi. A pamphlet organized in relation to the rally held on 1981/2/22 by the “Kimu Dejunshi ra o Korosuna! Shuto-ken Kinkyū Undō.” Statements on the trial of Kimu Dejun, and what is to be done in Japan. “宜野湾市職労の闘い”: 反弾圧・反処分の闘いを-国家・資本・労働 官僚の処分に抗し共につくり、社会主義をめざす労働運動を. item_ID: 15129 PamphletID: 434 “Ginowan shi shokurō no tatakai”: Han dan’atsu, han shobun no tatakai o—kokka, shihon, rōdō kakuryō no shobun ni taishi tomo ni tsukuri, shakai shugi o mezasu rōdō undō o. Pamphlet from the Ginowan city workers union. 金日成 : 朝鮮労働党第6回大会でおこなった中央委員会の活動報告. Kimu Iruson. item_ID: 14446 PamphletID: 234 Pamphlet from North Korea. 金日成: 祖国の自主的平和統一を実現しよう. 東京: 在日本朝鮮人総 聯合会中央常任委員会, 1980pp. 23. item_ID: 14447 PamphletID: 235 Kimu Iruson: Sokoku no jishuteki heiwa tōitsu o jitsugen shiyō. Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsenjin Sōrengōkai Chūō Jōnin Iinkai, 1980, pp. 23. Pamphlet from North Korea. 金芝河らを助ける会( 編 ). 金芝河 良心宣言. 東京: 金芝河らを助ける会, 1975pp. 32. item_ID: 14922 PamphletID: 335 Kim Jiha ra o Tasukeru Kai (editor). Kimu Jiha ryōshin sengen. Tōkyō: Kin Jiha ra o Tasukeru Kai, 1975, pp. 32. One more copy of this item is catalogues as Book Item #1359. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 279 金芝河を殺すな! 全ての政治犯の釈放を! Kimu Jiha o korosuna! Subete no seiji han no shakuhō o! item_ID: 15202 PamphletID: 480 Pamphlet urging release of political prisoners in Korea. 沖縄ヒルトンホテル労働組合( 編 ). 規約. item_ID: 16485 PamphletID: 749 Okinawa Hilton Hotel Labor Union (editor). Kiyaku. Pamphlets describe rules/codes of Okinawa Hiruton Hoteru Rōdō Kumiai. 規約・諸規定細則集. Kiyaku, shokitei saisoku shū. item_ID: 14671 PamphletID: 298 Materials about various regulations and provisions. 教育活動報告. Kyōiku katsudō hōkoku. item_ID: 14460 PamphletID: 249 Announcement about educational activism. 教育闘争における革命的方針とは何か(下).関学全学反帝学生評議 会, 1969pp. 10. item_ID: 17094 PamphletID: 1071 Kyōiku tōsō ni okeru kakumeiteki hōshin towa nani ka (ge). Kangaku Zangaku Hantei Gakusei Hyōgi Kai, 1969, pp. 10. A pamphlet (ge issue) about the revolutionary policy related to the Kyōiku Tōsō. 教育闘争における革命的方針とは何か(上).関学全学反帝学生評議 会, 1969pp. 8. item_ID: 17093 PamphletID: 1070 Kyōiku tōsō ni okeru kakumeiteki hōshin towa nani ka (jō). Kangaku Zangaku Hantei Gakusei Hyōgi Kai, 1969, pp. 8. A pamphlet (jō issue) about the revolutionary policy related to the Kyōiku Tōsō. 三里塚斗争を推進しよう: -「三里塚の夏」-を鑑賞される皆さんへ. Sanrizuka tōsō o suishin shiyō: - “Sanrizuka no Natsu” - o kanshō sareru minasan e. item_ID: 12654 PamphletID: 80 A pamphlet addressed to those who will be watching the film “Sanrizuka no Natsu.” 全日本学生自治会総連合書記局調査部( 編 ). 教育問題資料: その一. item_ID: 14640 PamphletID: 276 280 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Zen Nihon Gakusei Jichikai Sōrengō Shokikyoku Chosabu (editor). Kyōiku mondai shiryō: Sono ichi. Educational Problems materials I. 全日本学生自治会総連合書記局調査部( 編 ). 教育問題資料: その二. item_ID: 14641 PamphletID: 277 Zen Nihon Gakusei Jichikai Sōrengō Shokikyoku Chosabu (editor). Kyōiku mondai shiryō: Sono ni. Educationsl Problems materials II. 全日本学生自治会総連合書記局調査部( 編 ). 教育に関する資料: その三. item_ID: 14642 PamphletID: 278 Zen Nihon Gakusei Jichikai Sōrengō Shokikyoku Chosabu (editor). Kyōiku ni kansuru shiryō: Sono san. Educational Problems materials III. 共同映画16m/mフィルムリスト No.27. Kyōdō eiga 16m/m firumu risuto no. 27. item_ID: 15156 PamphletID: 439 Film list of 16 mm films from Kyōdō Films. 日本革命的共産主義者同盟全国委員会( 編 ). 共産主義者: 別冊1. item_ID: 16577 PamphletID: 833 Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Zenkoku Iinkai (editor). Kyōsanshugisha: Bessatsu 1. Copy of Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Zenkoku Iinkai’s theoretical bulletin “Kyōsanshugisha.” Article written by Yamamoto Katsuhiko on organizational tactics of “Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugi Undō.” 共産主義者同盟( 編 ). 共産主義者同盟第3回中央委員会報告. item_ID: 16574 PamphletID: 830 Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (editor). Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Dai 3 kai chūō iinkai hōkoku. Report of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei’s third central committee meeting. 共産主義者同盟早大細胞一文班委員会通達. Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei sōdai saibō ichibun han iinkai tsūtatsu. item_ID: 14637 PamphletID: 273 Bulletin from the Waseda cell of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 281 共産主義労働者党全国協議会( 編 ). 共産主義者の連合について広範な討議をよびかける. 東京: 共産主 義労働者党全国協議会, 1982pp. 10. item_ID: 15437 PamphletID: 559 Kyōsanshugi Rōdōshatō Zenkoku Kyōgikai (editor). Kyōsanshugisha no rengō ni tsuite kōhan na tōgi o yobikakeru. Tōkyō: Kyōsan Shugi Rōdōshatō Zenkoku Kyōgikai, 1982, pp. 10. A pamphlet discussing the unionization of Communists in Japan. 日本共産労働党政治局( 編 ). 共産主義的政治実践をおしすすめよう!: 経済主義者革共同黒田派の 様々な空文句的主張への批判. 日本共産労働党政治局, 1962 pp. 24. item_ID: 14663 PamphletID: 290 Nihon Kyōsan Rōdōtō Seijikyoku (editor). Kyōsan shugiteki seiji jissen o oshi susumeyō!: Keizai shugisha kakukyōdō Kurota ha no samazama na karamonku-teki shuchō e no hihan. Nihon Kyōsan Rōdōtō Seiji Kyoku, 1962, pp. 24. Political pamphlet concerning Kurota of Kakukyōdō. 共産主義者同盟赤軍派中央委員会( 編 ). 共産同赤軍派再建-労働者階級の前衛党建設へ: 共産同赤軍派臨 時総会報告集. item_ID: 15082 PamphletID: 419 Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha Chūō Iinkai (editor). Kyōsandō Sekigunha saiken - rōdōsha kaikyū no zen’ei tō kensetsu e: Kyōsandō Sekigunha rinji sōkai hōkoku shū. A sum-up made at the general meeting held by the Sekigun Ha, after about an year of its disbandment. 69年京大時計台・医学部( 編 ). 京大 時計台裁判の10年: 最終意見陳述集 第Ⅰ集. 図書館闘争公 判統一被告団, 1980pp. 137. item_ID: 15051 PamphletID: 386 69 nen Kyōdai Tokeidai, Igakubu (editor). Kyōdai tokeidai saiban no 10 nen: Saishū iken chinjutsu shū dai 1 shū. Toshokan Tōsō Kōhan Tōitsu Hikokudan, 1980, pp. 137. A collection of final statements concerning the 1969 Kyōdai Tokeidai Trial, plus materials related to the trial and Kyōdai Tōsō. 小西事務所( 編 ). 兄弟よ、誰れに銃をむけるのか. 東京: けやき印刷, 1972pp. 63. item_ID: 13870 PamphletID: 219 Konishi Jimusho (editor). Kyōdai yo, dare ni jū o mukeru no ka. Tōkyō: Keyaki Insatsu, 1972, pp. 63. Pamphlet directed at self defense forces. 282 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 京都在住の五人が唄うフォーク・コンサートのごあいさつのおと: 南ベ トナムの30万の政治犯釈放と孤児救援のために. item_ID: 17044 PamphletID: 1052 Kyōto zaijū no gonin ga utau fōku konsāto no goaisatsu no oto: Minami Betonamu no 30 man no seijihan shakuhō to koji kyūen no tame ni. A pamphlet for a concert by five men (names listed on the cover) hoping for the release of political offenders and the rescue of orphans. Another publisher, that is, “Minami Betonamu Koji Kyūen Shimin Sentā, Kyōto” (Publisher ID #757) is also listed. 京都フォーラム ( 編 ). 京都フォーラムの歩み. 大阪: 京都フォーラム, 1991. item_ID: 16542 PamphletID: 806 Kyoto Forum (editor). Kyōto fōramu no ayumi. Ōsaka: Kyōto Fōramu, 1991. A pamphlet describes the contents and the letters to Kyoto Forum. 「鉄塔共有者の大運動」 を準備する会( 編 ). 「共有札」の運動は何をめざしているのか: 三里塚岩山大鉄塔.「鉄塔 共有者の大運動」 を準備する会, 1975pp. 7. item_ID: 16689 PamphletID: 875 “Steel Tower Joint Owners Great Movement” Preparatory Committee (editor). “Kyōyūfuda” no undō wa nani o mezashite irunoka: Sanrizuka iwayama daitettō. “Tettō Kyōyūsha no Dai Undō” o Jumbi suru Kai, 1975, pp. 7. Pamphlet on the “kyōyūfuda” movement acted out in the Sanrizuka struggle. 「拠点」編集部( 編 ). 拠点, 10.「拠点」編集部, 1970pp. 26. item_ID: 16853 PamphletID: 943 “Kyoten” Henshūbu (editor). Kyoten, 10. “Kyoten” Henshūbu, 1970, pp. 26. Volume number 10 of Shinjuku Beheiren’s bulletin called “Kyoten.” Inside are articles written by various activists including Furuya Yoshiko’s article on Okinawa. 李讃輝( 著 ). 「近代化」についての私の意見書. 東京: 李事務所, 1984pp. 21. item_ID: 17050 PamphletID: 1058 Ri, Sanki (author). “Kindaika” ni tsuite no watashi no ikensho. Tōkyō: Ri Jimusho, 1984, pp. 21. Ri’s opinion about “modernization.” 勤評闘争の前進のために: 勤評反対闘争史. 全学連情宣部, 1958 pp. 40. item_ID: 14643 PamphletID: 279 Kinhyō tōsō no zenshin no tame ni: Kinhyō hantai tōsō shi. Zengakuren Jōsenbu, 1958, pp. 40. Zengakuren’s opposition to the work policy. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 283 勤務評定, 一九五八年度資料(I). Kinmu hyōtei, 1958 nendo shiryō (I). item_ID: 14635 PamphletID: 271 Materials for the 1958 conference on work. 金武湾斗争の経過. Kinwan Tōsō no keika. item_ID: 15783 PamphletID: 730 A chronological list of incidents concerning the Kinbu-wan issue. 金武湾を守る会( 著 ). 金武湾を守る会が屋良知事に出した公開質問状. item_ID: 15781 PamphletID: 728 Kin wan o Mamoru Kai (author). Kinwan o Mamoru Kai ga Okura Chiji ni dashita kōkai shitsumon-jō. The whole part of the request letter that Kinbu-wan o Mamoru Kai sent to Okinawa Prefectural Governor, Okura, asking for the answer to their questions about the Governor’s position as to the construction of CTS tanks in Kinbu-wan. 空港よりも緑の大地を. 東京: 三里塚闘争に連帯する会, 1983pp. 10. Kūkō yori mo midori no daichi o. Tōkyō: Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentai suru Kai, 1983, pp. 10. item_ID: 16858 PamphletID: 948 Pamphlet on the 3.8 rally and 3.27 “Yokohori (Yokobori?)” Sanrizuka tōsō rally held in 1983. 新城尚子さんを守る会( 編 ). 久志歯科解雇撤回闘争終結にあたって: 三里塚処分に抗して. item_ID: 15629 PamphletID: 696 Shinjō Naoko-san Support Group (editor). Kushi shika kaiko tekkai tōsō shūketsu ni atatte: Sanrizuka shobun ni kōshite. Pamphlet written by a support group “Shinjō Naoko-san o Mamoru Kai,” describing the course of the struggle. 佐々木美代子, 宮崎洋子, 根塚千香子( 著 ). 暗い谷間を行く: 筑豊炭坑地帯現地ルポ. 一文自治会常任委員会, 1960pp. 20. item_ID: 14658 PamphletID: 289 Sasaki, Miyoko; Miyazaki, Yōko; and Nezuka, Chikako (authors). Kurai tanima o iku: Chikuhō tankō chitai genchi rupo. Ichibun Jichikai Jōnin Iinkai, 1960, pp. 20. Report on the Chikuhō mine situation. 本多延嘉( 著 ). クラウゼヴィッツ戦争論の要項. item_ID: 12639 PamphletID: 65 284 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Honda, Nobuyoshi (author). Kurauzevittsu Sensō ron no yōkō. Honda Nobuyoshi was the head of Chūkaku-ha. He was murdered in 1975 in “uchigeba” or feud between Chūkaku-ha and Kakumaru-ha. This is a pamphlet he wrote. This document is not included in his collected works. クラス討論資料: 「政治的暴力行為防止法」阻止のために. Kurasu tōron shiryō: “Seiji teki bōryoku kōi bōshi hō” soshi no tame ni. item_ID: 14670 PamphletID: 297 Materials opposing the Seibō law. 第一文学部学生自治会( 編 ). クラス討論資料. item_ID: 16636 PamphletID: 835 First Literature Section Students Self-Government Association (editor). Kurasu tōron shiryō. Materials for discussion used by the “Dai 1 Bungakubu Gakusei Jichikai.” Includes analyses of world/domestic situation, issues on ILO87 Treaty, two articles on Self Defense Law, on the Ikeda Administration, etc. 日大全学共闘会議書記局( 編 ). グラフ 日大闘争. 東京都: 五同産業出版部, 1969pp. 97. item_ID: 15068 PamphletID: 404 Nichidai Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi Shokikyoku (editor). Gurafu Nichidai tōsō. Tokyo: Godō Sangyō Shuppan bu, 1969, pp. 97. A collection of black-and-white photographs of Nichidai Tōsō with small comments attached; photos taken by Nichidai Zenkyōtō Kiroku Han. 軍事問題研究会( 編 ). 軍事問題研究会設立・事業計画. 東京: 軍事問題研究会, 1974 pp. 4. item_ID: 16683 PamphletID: 869 Gunji Mondai Kenkyūkai (editor). Gunji mondai kenkyūkai setsuritsu / jigyō keikaku. Tōkyō: Gunji Mondai Kenkyūkai, 1974, pp. 4. Planning schedule for the establishment of Gunji Mondai Kenkyūkai, its participant list, and initial statement of motive. ホテル香和労働組合( 編 ). 経営難の矛盾と八割解雇のネライ. item_ID: 15624 PamphletID: 691 Hotel Kōwa Labor Union (editor). Keieinan no mujun to hachiwari kaiko no nerai. Pamphlet written by the labour union of a hotel called “Hoteru Kōwa,” criticizing those seated in managerial positions. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 285 東京弁護士会監獄法「改正」対策本部( 編 ). 刑事施設法案・留置施設法案に対する意見書. 東京: 東京弁護士会, 1982pp. 67. item_ID: 16566 PamphletID: 822 Tokyo Lawyers Guild Prison Law “Improvement” Policy Central Section (editor). Keiji shisetsu hōan, Ryūchi shisetsu hōan ni taisuru ikensho. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Bengoshikai, 1982, pp. 67. Pamphlet published with an intent of disclosing the hidden nature of “keiji shisetsu hōan” and “ryūchi shisetsu hōan.” Editor/publisher of this pamphlet, which is the Tokyo Bengoshikai, discusses this issue in detail. Includes a full copy of the two bills. 刑法改悪阻止闘争の指針編集委員会( 編 ). 刑法改悪阻止闘争の指針 No. 1: 労働者人民にとって刑法全面改悪 とは何か. item_ID: 15181 PamphletID: 459 Keihō Kaiaku Soshi Tōsō no Shishin Henshū Iinkai (editor). Keihō kaiaku soshi tōsō no shishin No. 1: Rōdōsha jinmin ni totte keihō zenmen kaiaku to wa nani ka. Interpretation of the amendment to the Criminal Law, and some medical and criminal statistics. 全国救援活動者会議実行委員会( 編 ). 刑法改悪はすでに実施されている (その一).東京: 救援連絡センター, 1974pp. 18. item_ID: 15052 PamphletID: 387 Zenkoku Kyūensha Kaigi Jikkō Iinkai (editor). Keihō kaiaku wa sude ni jisshi sareteiru (sono ichi). Tōkyō: Kyūen Renraku Sentā, 1974, pp. 18. Pamphlet from Kyūen Renraku Sentā about negative changes to the criminal law part 1. 全国救援活動者会議実行委員会( 編 ). 刑法改悪はすでに実施されている (その二). 東京: 救援連絡センター, 1975pp. 22. item_ID: 15040 PamphletID: 374 Zenkoku Kyūensha Kaigi Jikkō Iinkai (editor). Keihō kaiaku wa sude ni jisshi sareteiru (sono ni). Tōkyō: Kyūen Renraku Sentā, 1975, pp. 22. Pamphlet from Kyūen Renraku Sentā about negative changes to the criminal law part 2. 全弁護士会労働組合( 編 ). 刑法改正の構造: 刑法改正問題講演集Ⅰ. 東京都: 全弁護士会労働 組合, 1982pp. 69. item_ID: 15180 PamphletID: 458 Zen Bengoshikai Rōdō Kumiai (editor). Keihō kasei no kōzō: Keihō kasei mondai kōenshū 1. Tokyo: Zen Bengoshikai Rōdō Kumiai, 1982, pp. 69. 286 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets A collection of speeches given on the question of amendment to the Criminal Law. The speeches were given in 1981 by Inoue Masaharu (criminal law scholar), Kimio Moriyama (medical doctor), and Osamu Watanabe (lawer). 激鉄. VZ 58, 1972pp. 26. Gekitetsu. VZ 58, 1972, pp. 26. item_ID: 13296 PamphletID: 161 An early pamphlet from the Red Army group in the Middle East. 下獄対策委員会( 編 ). 下獄対策資料. item_ID: 15450 PamphletID: 566 Gegoku Taisaku Iinkai (editor). Gegoku taisaku shiryō. A pamphlet noting what to be expected when put to prison. Some law knowledge included. 開城. 東京: 朝鮮画報社, 1987pp. 32. Keson. Tōkyō: Chōsen Gahōsha, 1987, pp. 32. item_ID: 14455 PamphletID: 243 Pamphlet from Pyongyang. 月刊 地域保険: 特集・地域精神衛生活動の展開1, 1977・7月. Gekkan Chiiki Hoken: Tokushū Chiiki seishin eisei katsudō no tenkai 1, 1977/7. item_ID: 16713 PamphletID: 896 Copy of a monthly magazine “Chiiki Hoken,” July 1977. Special cover on mental health in Okinawa. Articles written by Shima Shigeo, Kadena Ayako, and Arasato Atsuko. 月刊 地域保険: 特集・地域精神衛生活動の展開2, 1977・7月. Gekkan Chiiki Hoken: Tokushū Chiiki Seishin Eisei Katsudō no Tenkai 2, 1977/7. item_ID: 16714 PamphletID: 897 Second half of copy of a monthly magazine “Chiiki Hoken,” July 1977. Special cover on regional activity on mental health in Okinawa. Articles written by Arasato Atsuko, Tamaki Ippei, and Hirata Naoyuki. 朝鮮の自主的平和統一を支持する沖縄県連帯委員会( 編 ). 結成趣意書及び規約(案).沖縄県: 朝鮮の自主的平和統一を支持す る沖縄県連帯委員会, 1977pp. 8. item_ID: 16521 PamphletID: 785 Okinawa Prefecture League Supporting the Peaceful and Autonomous Unification of Korea (editor). Kessei shuisho oyobi kiyaku (an). Okinawaken: Chōsen no Jishuteki Heiwa Tōitsu wo Shijisuru Okinawaken Rentai Īnkai, 1977, pp. 8. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 287 A pamphlet describes the purpose for which Chōsen no Jishuteki Heiwa Tōitsu wo Shijisuru Okinawaken Rentai Īnkai was formed and its agreement. 戦争への道を許さない女たちの連絡会( 編 ). 憲法は守られているか: 政党への公開アンケート. 東京: 戦争への道 を許さない女たちの連絡会, 1983pp. 40. item_ID: 15168 PamphletID: 446 Sensō e no Michi o Yurusanai Onnatachi no Renrakukai (editor). Keihō wa mamorarete iru ka: Seitō e no kōkai ankēto. Tōkyō: Sensō e no Michi o Yurusanai Onnatachi no Renrakukai, 1983, pp. 40. Is the criminal law safe? Pamphlet from an antiwar women’s group. 長野県凍豆腐工業協同組合( 編 ). 健康なからだと食べ物: 実証された凍り豆腐の真価・・・(成人病の予防 と美容).長野市: 長野県凍豆腐工業協同組合, 1977pp. 18. item_ID: 16535 PamphletID: 799 Nagano Prefecture Frozen Tofu Industry Joint Union (editor). Kenkō na karada to tabemono: Jisshō sareta kōridōfu no shinka, Seijinbyō no yobō to biyō. Nagano-shi: Naganoken Kōridōfu Kōgyō Kyōdō Kumiai, 1977, pp. 18. A pamphlet describes the effect of kōridōfu on prevention against adult diseases. モーニングスター労働組合, マスコミ労働組合協議会( 編 ). 現状と問題点: 第四次モーニングスター争議. item_ID: 15619 PamphletID: 686 Morning Star Labor Union and Mass Communications Labor Union Federation (editors). Genjō to mondaiten: Dai 4 ji mōningu sutā sōgi. Pamphlet stating problems of a newspaper company “Morning Star.” Includes analysis on the company’s financial situation and managerial system. 自主講座原子力グループ( 編 ). 原子力発電ここが問題だ. 東京都: 自主講座原子力グループ, 1977pp. 44. item_ID: 15073 PamphletID: 409 Jishu kōza genshi ryoku gurūpu (editor). Genshiryoku hatsuden koko ga mondai da. Tōkyō: Jishu kōza genshi ryoku gurūpu, 1977, pp. 44. Pamphlet opposing nuclear power plants for electricity. 県職労青年部( 編 ). 県当局による県庁職員にふりおろされた定員再配置なる大合理化攻 撃の実態: 第2回青労研資料. item_ID: 15634 PamphletID: 701 Prefecture Labor Union Youth Bureau (editor). Ken tōkyoku ni yoru kenchō shokuin ni furiorosareta teiin sai-haichi naru dai-gōrika kōgeki no jittai: Dai 2 kai seirōken shiryō. Study material for younger labourers’ meeting. Topic is on the restructuring/rationalization strategy put forward by the Okinawa prefectural government. 288 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 県労協・大量オルグ団学習資料:(社保・生活資料1). Kenrōkyō / tairyō orugu-dan gakushū shiryō: (Shaho / seikatsu shiryō 1). item_ID: 15603 PamphletID: 670 Pamphlet consisting of three writings; “Shuntō Kyōtōi no Shaho/Seikatsu Tōsō Hōshin,” “Shuntō Kyōtōi no Rōsai/Shokugyō-byō Tōsō Hōshin,” and “Okinawa no Iryō Jittai to Mondaiten.” 日本新聞労連沖縄地連, 沖縄マスコミ労働組合協議会, 沖縄タイム ス労組( 編 ). 県労協加盟について: 一九七四年一月討議資料. item_ID: 15599 PamphletID: 666 Japan Newspaper Union Okinawa Section; Okinawa Mass Communications Labor Union Conference and Okinawa Times Labor Union (editors). Kenrōkyō kamei ni tsuite: 1974 nen 1 gatsu tōgi shiryō. A pamphlet on becoming a member of Kenrōkyō, organized by the mass-communications labour unions, discussing whether they should join the Kenrōkyō or not. Includes statements on the reasons for the need for affiliation, 1974 movement principles of Kenrōkyō, a list of its current members, rules and regulations, etc. 県労協再建委員会( 編 ). 県労協再建に関する指針(案). item_ID: 16549 PamphletID: 813 Prefectural Workers Union Reconstruction Committee (editor). Ken Rōkyō saiken ni kansuru shishin (an). A pamphlet discusses the organizational reconstruction of Ken Rōkyō. 県労協第二十二回定期大会( 編 ). 県労協第二十二回定期大会議案. item_ID: 16550 PamphletID: 814 Prefectural Workers Union 22nd Regular Convention (editor). Ken Rōkyō dai 22 kai teiki taikai gian. A pamphlet for the 22nd regular Ken Rōkyō meeting. 県労協第23回定期大会・付属資料. Kenrōkyō dai 23 kai teiki taikai / fuzoku shiryō. item_ID: 15594 PamphletID: 661 An additional printed material for the 23rd Regular Rally of Okinawa Kenrōkyō, including informations in 1977 such as unemployment rates, wage hikes, on Ken Gensuikyō, etc., thought to be edited by Kenrokyō. 県労協調査部・婦人部( 編 ). 県労協第四回物価調査報告書. 県労協調査部・婦人部, 1975 pp. 24. item_ID: 15589 PamphletID: 656 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 289 Ken Rō Kyō Chōsa Bu, Fujin-bu (editor). Ken Rō Kyō Dai 4 kai bukka chōsa hōkokusho. Ken Rō Kyō Chōsa Bu, Fujin Bu, 1975, pp. 24. A report of a nation-wide servey of commodity prices on February 1 and 2 in 1975. 牧田吉明( 著 ). 「公安第五列」か??: 逆噴射押し掛け応援団ついに馬脚をあらわす. item_ID: 11738 PamphletID: 151 Makita, Yoshiaki (author). “Kōan dai go retsu” ka ??: Gyaku funsha oshikake ōendan tsui ni bakyaku o arawasu. A pamphlet by Maikita concerning the Tsuchida-Nisseki incident. 金武湾を守る会( 編 ). 公開質問状への県回答に対する批判. item_ID: 15782 PamphletID: 729 Kin wan o Mamoru Kai (editor). Kōkai Shitsumon-jō e no ken kaitō ni taisuru hihan. A pamphlet criticizing the Prefectural government’s answer to the Kōkai Shitsumonjō which Kinbu-wan o Mamoru Kai had sent on October 26, 1973. 公開を危ぶまれる未曾有の話題映画「人間蒸発」. Kōkai o ayabumareru mizou no wadai eiga “Ningen jōhatsu”. item_ID: 16881 PamphletID: 971 Pamphlet on the movie called “Ningen Jōhatsu.” Publisher/editor uncertain. 核と戦争のない世の中をめざす行動・10月事務局( 編 ). 抗議と要請. 東京都: 核と戦争のない世の中をめざす行動・10月事 務局, 1982pp. 2. item_ID: 15407 PamphletID: 553 Kaku to Sensō no Nai Yononaka o Mezasu Kōdō, 10 Gatsu Jimukyoku (editor). Kōgi to yōsei. Tokyo: Kaku to Sensō no Nai Yononaka o Mezasu Kōdō / 10 Gatsu Jimukyoku, 1982, pp. 2. This is a copy of a letter to the Bōeichō Chōkan (Director General of Defense Agency) Ito, written under the name of “All who attended the rally ‘Kaku to Sensō no nai Yononaka o Mezasu Kōdō / 10 Gatsu’” on 10/24/1982. 香山ホテル. 東京: 朝鮮画報社, 1988pp. 15. Kōzan hoteru. Tōkyō: Chōsen Gahōsha, 1988, pp. 15. item_ID: 16701 PamphletID: 883 Pamphlet of the hotel “Kōzan Hoteru” in North Korea. Photos with description in Japanese. 朝鮮大学民主闘争委員会( 編 ). 光州市からの緊急報告. Chōsen Daigaku Minshu Tōsō Iinkai (editor). Kōshū-shi kara no kinkyū hōkoku. item_ID: 15399 PamphletID: 545 290 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets This pamphlet is written by Chōsen Daigaku Minshu Tōsō Iinkai, noting what has happened at the rally held in the city of Kōshū as an alternative to the censored news. 光州大虐殺糾弾・犠牲者追悼集会( 編 ). 光州大虐殺糾弾・犠牲者追悼集会: 1980・6・10. item_ID: 15397 PamphletID: 543 Kōshū Daigyakusatsu Kyūdan, Giseisha Tsuitō Shūkai (editor). Kōshū daigyakusatsu kyūdan, giseisha tsuitō shūkai: 1980/6/10. A pamphlet for the memorial rally for the victims of Kōshū Daigyakusatsu. Includes condolences and letter to the Kōshū citizens. 地学実習帳編集委員会( 編 ). 高等学校 地学実習帳. 東京都: 森重出版, 1966pp. 27. item_ID: 16883 PamphletID: 973 Earth Science Practice Book Editing Committee (editor). Kōtō gakkō Chigaku jisshūchō. Tokyo: Morishige Shuppan, 1966, pp. 27. High school class material for geography/geology class. 権利と財産を守る軍用地主会( 編 ). 「公用地法」の裁判斗争等の軍用地特集. item_ID: 15641 PamphletID: 708 Military Property Owners’ Rights and Property Protection Association (editor). “Kōyō-chi-hō” no saiban tōsō tō no gunyō-chi tokushū. A collection of newspaper scraps and tables concerning military base in Okinawa. 長野県凍豆腐工業協同組合( 編 ). 凍り豆腐を使ったお料理のしおり. item_ID: 16534 PamphletID: 798 Nagano Prefecture Frozen Tofu Industry Joint Union (editor). Kōri tōfu wo tsukatta oryōri no shiori. A pamphlet describes how to cook kōridōfu dishes. 綱領(草案)政治報告(草案):日本共産党第8回大会, 前衛6月号別冊 付録. 日本共産党中央委員会機関紙経営局, 1959pp. 96. item_ID: 14665 PamphletID: 292 Kōryō (sōan) seiji hōkoku (sōan): Nihon Kyōsantō dai 8 kai taikai, Zen’ei 6 gatsu gō bessatsu furoku. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Kikanshi Keieikyoku, 1959, pp. 96. Policy documents for the JCP 8th congress. 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国対外経済協力推進委員会( 編 ). ゴールデン・トライアングル: 羅津-先鋒. item_ID: 17352 PamphletID: 1101 Korean Democratic People’s Republic Promotion of Foreign Economic Cooperation Committee (editor). Gōruden Toraianguru: Rajin-Sonbon. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 291 North Korean government’s pamphlet introducing the free economy and trade zone of Rajin and Sonbon in North Korea. Printed in Japanese. 上野勝輝( 著 ). 五エ門の研究. item_ID: 12514 PamphletID: 22 Ueno, Katsuki (author). Goemon no kenkyū. This pamphlet talks about a historical figure Ishikawa Goemon, who stole from the rich and gave to the poor, as the only revolutionary in Japanese history. 越えられた国境: 国際反帝・反戦の新たな発展のために. 東京: 国際 反戦資料センター, 1968pp. 32. item_ID: 14450 PamphletID: 238 Koerareta kokkyō: Kokusai hantei, hansen no aratana hatten no tame ni. Tōkyō: Kokusai Hansen Shiryō Sentā, 1968, pp. 32. Political pamphlet on international anti-imperialsim and anti-war issues. 日本赤軍( 著 ). 国際主義を実践しよう: リッダ闘争9周年を迎えて1981年. 日本赤軍, 1981pp. 38. item_ID: 13295 PamphletID: 160 Nihon Sekigun (author). Kokusaishugi o jisshi shiyō: Ridda tōsō 9 nen o mukaete 1981 nen. Nihon Sekigun, 1981, pp. 38. Another anniversary pamphlet from Nihon Sekigun. 国際勝共連合-統一教会: 教典の秘密. 日本共産党中央委員会出版 局, 1978pp. 24. item_ID: 12665 PamphletID: 91 Kokusai shōkyō rengō - tōitsu kyōkai: Kyōten no himitsu. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1978, pp. 24. This introduces some parts of the original text of Tōitsu Kyōkai bible untranslated into Japanese because of its inconvenience to convert Japanese people into this religion. 日本教職員組合( 著 ). 黒書2 中教審路線の教職員支配: 生教育版の実態. 東京: 日本教職員 組合, 1972pp. 136. item_ID: 12648 PamphletID: 74 Nihon Kyōshokuin Kumiai (author). Kokusho 2 Chūkyōshin rosen no kyōshokuin shihai: Nama kyōiku ban no jittai. Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōshokuin Kumiai, 1972, pp. 136. This is to reveal the reality of work situation of teachers and of education. 森業久( 著 ). 獄中詩集第一集. item_ID: 12547 PamphletID: 25 292 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Mori, Narihisa (author). Gokuchū shishū dai isshū. This is a collection of poems that Mori Narihisa composed in jail. 徐君兄弟を救う会, <徐君兄弟を守る>文学創造者と読者の会( 編 ). 獄中十年: 徐兄弟 獄中からの手紙・続. item_ID: 16680 PamphletID: 866 Jo Brothers Support Group and “Support the Jo Brothers” Literary Creators and Readers Group (editors). Gokuchū Jūnen: Jo Kyōdai Gokuchū kara no tegami / Zoku. Sequel to the collection of prison letters written by the Jo Kyōdai, or So Brothers. Original from “Sekai,” December 1970. 告発: 別冊万国博. 東京: 救援連絡センター, 1970pp. 40. Kokuhatsu: Bessatsu bankokuhaku. Tōkyō: Kyūen Renraku Sentā, 1970, pp. 40. item_ID: 12490 PamphletID: 12 This pamphlet criticizes the Expo. 獄壁を越えて;前林則子獄中記録: 土田邸・日石郵便局・ピース缶爆 弾事件被告;デッチ上げによって奪われた五年の青春. 東京:「べ平連 ニュース縮刷版」刊行委員会, 1978pp. 152. item_ID: 12513 PamphletID: 21 Gokuheki o koete; Maebayashi Noriko gokuchū kiroku: Tsuchida Tei-Nisseki yūbinkyokupīsu kan bakudan jiken hikoku; detchiage ni yotte ubawareta gonen no seishun. Tōkyō: “Beheiren Nyūsu Shukusatsuban” Kankō Iinkai, 1978, pp. 152. This is a diary by Maebayashi Noriko of her life in prison. She keeps records about her health and food. As the subtitle makes clear, she was jailed because of alleged participation in the Tsuchida-Nisseki peace can bombing incident, but was later cleared of the false charge. 北海道大学助手会連絡協議会, 全国組織設立北大準備委員会( 編 ). 国立大学助手全国組織設立へ向けてのレポート: -活動、組織状況 の全国的実態調査等-. 札幌市: 北海道大学助手会連絡協議会, 1969pp. 40. item_ID: 15517 PamphletID: 584 Hokkaido University Graduate Assistants Liaison Conference and Hokkaido University Planning Committee for the Establishment of a National Organization (editors). Kokuritsu daigaku joshu zenkoku soshiki setsuritsu e mukete no repōto: - Katsudō, soshiki jōkyō no zenkoku-teki jittai chōsa nado -. Sapporo: Hokkaidō Daigaku Joshukai Renraku Kyōgikai, 1969, pp. 40. A pamphlet calling for a national level organization of assistants working at national universities. Includes questionnaire datas showing the current situation of organization formation. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 293 ご存知ですか? 「塩」のはなし: タワー式天然海塩限定配付のおしら せ. 東京: 日本食用塩研究会, 1981pp. 8. item_ID: 13792 PamphletID: 201 Gozonji desuka? “shio” no hanashi: Tawā shiki tennen kaien gentei haifu no oshirase. Tōkyō: Nihon Shokuyōen Kenkyūkai, 1981, pp. 8. Pamphlet about the dangers of salt. 反核・三千万署名推進新宿実行委員会事務局( 編 ). この地球上から核の脅威をとりのぞき戦争のない社会を実現するた めに: -わたしたちにできることは何か-. item_ID: 15436 PamphletID: 558 Hankaku Sanzenman Shomei Suishin Shinjuku Jikkō Iinkai Jimukyoku (editor). Kono chikyūjō kara kaku no kyōi o torinozoki sensō no nai shakai o jitsugen suru tame ni: Watashi tachi ni dekiru koto wa nani ka. A pamphlet noting the situation and history of nuclear weapons. 破防法裁判闘争を支える会( 編 ). この暴虐に怒りを: 革マルの1・14弁護士団襲撃弾劾. 東京: 破防法裁 判闘争を支える会, 1974pp. 84. item_ID: 12631 PamphletID: 57 Habōhō Saiban Tōsō o Sasaeru Kai (editor). Kono bōgyaku ni ikari o: Kakumaru no 1.14 bengoshidan shūgeki dangai. Tōkyō: Habōhō Saiban Tōsō o Sasaeru Kai, 1974, pp. 84. A pamphlet issued by the support group for an anti-subversive activities trial involving Kakumaru. コミンテルン第1回大会資料. Kominterun dai ikkai taikai shiryō. item_ID: 14666 PamphletID: 293 Materials for the Comintern’s first major conference. コミンテルン第三回大会で採用された戦術に関するテーゼ. Kominterun dai san kai taikai de saiyō sareta senjutsu ni kansuru tēze. item_ID: 15038 PamphletID: 372 Third Comintern congress theses. 沖縄県労働組合協議会( 編 ). 雇用・失反: 斗争オルグ資料. item_ID: 15609 PamphletID: 676 Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai (editor). Koyō / shitsuhan: Tōsō orugu shiryō. A report of a survey on employment and lay-offs in Oakinawa in 1974, presented together with the data surveyed from 1970 through 1973. 294 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 雇用・失反・中小企業闘争について. Koyō / Shitsuhan / Chūshō kigyō tōsō ni tsuite. item_ID: 15602 PamphletID: 669 Pamphlet stating opposition against lay-offs as a result of rationalization and calling for securities for the unemployed. これだけのことはこの大会ではっきりさせたい。.相模原:「ただの市民 が戦車を止める」会, 1973pp. 11. item_ID: 17157 PamphletID: 1087 Kore dake no koto wa kono taikai de hakkiri sasetai. Sagamihara: “Tada no Shimin ga Sensha o Tomeru” Kai, 1973, pp. 11. A pamphlet arguing against the passing of tanks in Sagamihara City. 「根拠地-解放への起点」:第2回理論シンポジウムの報告. “Konkyochi-kaihō e no kiten”: Dai 2 kai riron shinpojiumu no hōkoku. item_ID: 14940 PamphletID: 346 Announcement of second theoretical symposium. 青年行動隊( 編 ). 混乱を力にかえ勝利をつかみとるために. 青年行動隊, 1982 pp. 17. item_ID: 16538 PamphletID: 802 Youth Action Unit (editor). Konran wo chikara ni kae shōri wo tsukamitoru tame ni. Seinen Kōdōtai, 1982, pp. 17. A pamphlet describes Seinen Kōdōtai’s attitudes toward Sanriduka Tōsō. 鶴見和子( 著 ). 精神医療の批判の上:(島成郎文書). item_ID: 15254 PamphletID: 488 Tsurumi, Kazuko (author). Student Movements in 1960 and 1969: Continuity and ChangeStudent Movements in 1960 and 1969: Continuity and ChangeStudent Movements in 1960 and 1969: Continuity and Change: (Shima Shigeo bunsho). This is a copied research paper written by Kazuko Tsurumi and published from Institute of International Relations, Sophia University. The content is about the Social Movements in the 1960s Japan. 最近の朝鮮情勢と国際情勢をめぐって. Saikin no Chōsen jōsei to kokusai jōsei o megutte. item_ID: 14437 PamphletID: 224 Pamphlet from North Korea about Korean and international women. 総評全国一般労働組合( 編 ). 最低賃金制闘争資料集: 第22回定期大会資料. item_ID: 15292 PamphletID: 512 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 295 Sōhyō Zenkoku Ippan Rōdō Kumiai (editor). Saitei chinginsei tōsō shiryōshū: Dai 22 kai teiki taikai shiryō. This is a material printed for the 22nd regular meeting of Sōhyō. The focus is on the struggle for the establishment of the “saitei chinginsei.” 山際永三( 著 ). 再度中村君の死の意味を問う. item_ID: 17007 PamphletID: 1015 Yamagiwa, Eizō (author). Saido Nakamura-kun no shi no imi o tou. A pamphlet rethinking the meaning of Nakamura’s death. Typed. No publication listed. 日韓連帯委員会( 編 ). 在日韓国・朝鮮人を理解するために: 日韓連帯シリーズ1. 東京都: 日 本キリスト教団日韓連帯特別委員会, 1977pp. 22. item_ID: 16648 PamphletID: 847 Nikkan Rentai Iinkai (editor). Zainichi Kankoku / Chōsenjin o rikai suru tameni: Nikkan rentai shirīzu 1. tokyo: Nihon Kirisuto Kyōdan Nikkan Rentai Tokubetsu Iinkai, 1977, pp. 22. Pamphlet on Zainichi Kankokujin and Chōsenjin. Materials on their current situation, their history, discrimination, separation of North and South Korea’s effect on zainichi Kankokujin and Chōsenjin, Chruch’s role, introduction of groups engaged in these issues, etc. 在日韓国人”政治犯”を支援する会全国会議, 日朝国民会議( 編 ). 在日韓国人「政治犯」救援にむけて. 東京: 在日韓国人”政治犯”を支援 する会全国会議, 1977pp. 24. item_ID: 16649 PamphletID: 848 Zainichi Kankokujin “Seijihan” o Shiensuru Kai Zenkoku Kaigi and Japan North Korea People’s Conference (editors). Zainichi Kankokujin “seijihan” kyūen ni mukete. Tōkyō: Zainichi Kankokujin “Seijihan” o Shien suru Kai Zenkoku Kaigi, 1977, pp. 24. Pamphlet on the Zainichi South Korean “seijihan,” or political offenders / political prisoners. Introduction on the issue, the seijihan’s profiles, list of support groups, etc. 田原芳( 著 ). サイバネテックスかプロレタリアートの独裁か: 唯物史観をめぐる闘 争. 東京: 共産主義者同盟, 1971pp. 56. item_ID: 17033 PamphletID: 1041 Tawara, Kaoru (author). Saibanetekkusu ka puroretariāto no dokusai ka: Yuibutsushikan o meguru tōsō. Tōkyō: Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei, 1971, pp. 56. A pamphlet with arguments about the materialistic conception of history. 296 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 雑誌のドイツ. 東京: 朝日出版社, 1980pp. 53. Zasshi no Doitsu (Zeitschruftendeutsch). Tōkyō: Asahi Shuppansha, 1980, pp. 53. item_ID: 15033 PamphletID: 367 Germany in magazines. 佐藤、植村、江戸三氏のアムネスティ加入に関する第9グループの見解. Satō, Uemura, Edo sanshi no amunesutī kanyū ni kansuru dai 9 gurūpu no kenkai. item_ID: 15698 PamphletID: 723 Dai 9 Gurūpu of Amunesutī Intānashonaru Nihon-shibu’s reaction towards seeing Sato, Uemura, and Edo’s name on the Amnesty International’s member list on the Han-Taiheiyō Kaigi pamphlet. 佐野茂樹( 著 ). 佐藤政府を倒せ!武装闘争と大衆路線を結合・発展させよ!: -ニクソ ン訪中・世界革命闘争の新局面とわれわれの任務-. item_ID: 17030 PamphletID: 1038 Sano, Shigeki (author). Satō seifu o taose! Busō tōsō to taishū rosen o ketsugō, hatten saseyo!: - Nikuson hōchū, sekai kakumei tōsō no shin kyokumen to wareware no ninmu -. A pamphlet arguing against the Satō Cabinet. マスコミ反戦連合委員会( 著 ). 佐藤訪米阻止羽田斗争勝利11月決戦. item_ID: 11684 PamphletID: 145 Masukomi Hansen Rengō Iinkai (author). Satō hōbei soshi Haneda tōsō shōri 11gatsu kessen. A pamphlet protesting PM Sato’s visit to the US. 全国三里塚救援連絡会 ー 全国救通信編集委員会, 管制塔裁判を勝 利させる会( 編 ). 裁けるか、 この闘いを: 3・15三里塚管制塔・実刑被告と家族を励 ます集い. item_ID: 16641 PamphletID: 840 Zenkoku Sanrizuka Kyūen Renraku Kai - Zenkoku Kyū Tsūshin Henshū Iinkai and Win the Control Tower Trial Support Group (editors). Sabakeruka, kono tatakai o: 3/15 Sanrizuka kanseitō jikkei hikoku to kazoku o hagemasu tsudoi. Pamphlet for a rally voicing for support for the “Sanrizuka Kanseitō Saiban.” Includes statements of support by various names, songs, scenarios for plays, resolutions, etc. 全電通宮城県支部青年常任委員会( 編 ). 差別映画「橋のない川」上映問題に対する常任委員会の基本的見解. item_ID: 15588 PamphletID: 655 Zen Dentsū Miyagi prefecture branch youth standing committee (editor). Sabetsu eiga “Hashi no Nai Kawa” jōei mondai ni taisuru Jōnin Iinkai no kihonteki kenkai. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 297 This pamphlet, which is on the Jōnin Iinkai’s view on the movie “Hashi no Nai kawa” as a discriminatory movie, states that Buraku kaihō undō should be taken as part of the tasks in their movement. 参院選に対するわれわれの主張 ①: 二〇〇カイリ問題と共産主義 者の政策. item_ID: 16928 PamphletID: 992 San’insen ni taisuru wareware no shuchō 1: 200 kairi mondai to kyōsan shugisha no seisaku. A pamphlet claiming Dai yon Intānashonaru’s position on the House of Councilors’ (sangi’in) election. The content is an excerpt from “Sekai Kakumei” issue #475 and #476. 産経新聞残酷物語: これが合理化の実態だ. 東京: 日本新聞労働組合 連合, 1963pp. 62. item_ID: 17021 PamphletID: 1029 Sankei Shinbun zankoku monogatari: Kore ga gōrika no jittai da. Tōkyō: Nihon Shinbun Rōdō Kumiai Rengō, 1963, pp. 62. A pamphlet describing the rationalization happening at Sankei Shinbun. “Futō Rōdō Kōi Taisaku Kaigi” and “Sankei no Nakama o mamoru Kyōtō Kaigi” are also listed as co-publishers. 山谷裁判. 東京: 山谷反戦・山谷裁判支援委, 1971pp. 36. Sanya saiban. Tōkyō: Sanya Hansen, Sanya Saiban Shien I, 1971, pp. 36. item_ID: 17099 PamphletID: 1076 A pamphlet about Sanya Trial. 山谷の現状と我々の方針. Sanya no genjō to wareware no hōshin. item_ID: 15449 PamphletID: 565 Statements on the “lower-strata labourers” of Sanya area. 花崎皋平( 著 ). 三里塚空港反対闘争の対立と分岐について. item_ID: 16687 PamphletID: 873 Hanasaki, Kōhei (author). Sanrizuka kūkō hantai tōsō no tairitsu to bunki ni tsuite. Pamphlet on the organizational conflict and splits in the Sanrizuka struggle. 三里塚闘争に連帯する会( 編 ). 三里塚闘争の新たな局面を迎えて: 決議. item_ID: 16690 PamphletID: 876 Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentaisuru Kai (editor). Sanrizuka tōsō no aratana kyokumen o mukaete: Ketsugi. Resolution made by the “Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentai suru Kai Zenkoku Daihyōsha Kaigi,” in the peak year of struggle in late 1970s. 298 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 藤畑藍二( 著 ). 三里塚闘争の新たな発展のために. item_ID: 16688 PamphletID: 874 Fujihata, Aiji (author). Sanrizuka tōsō no aratana hatten no tame ni. Article on the Sanrizuka struggle. 革命的共産主義者同盟( 編 ). 三里塚闘争の重大な危機に際して反対同盟の皆さんに訴えます. 東 京: 革命的共産主義者同盟, 1983pp. 14. item_ID: 16540 PamphletID: 804 Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (editor). Sanrizuka tōsō no jūdai na kiki ni saishite hantai dōmei no minasan ni uttaemasu. Tōkyō: Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei, 1983, pp. 14. A pamphlet criticizes the cruel attitude of Ishii Shinji and other people toward Hantai Dōmei. 三里塚闘争と戸村一作に連帯する会 関西事務所( 著 ). 三里塚闘争の新次元;鉄塔共有化運動の意義と戸村選挙;戸村選挙 闘争の重要な意義. 三里塚闘争と戸村一作に連帯する会 関西事務 所, 1974pp. 43. item_ID: 12628 PamphletID: 54 Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentai Suru Kai Kansai Jimusho (author). Sanrizuka tōsō no shinjigen; tettō kyōyūka undō no igi to Tomura senkyo; Tomura senko tōsō no jūyō na igi. Sanrizuka Tōsō to Tomura Issaku ni Rentai Suru Kai Kansai Jimusho, 1974, pp. 43. This is a collection of three articles about the important relation between the success in the Sanrizuka Struggle and the election in which the Chairman of the protest group is running. 三里塚と全国を結ぶ行動月間実行委員会( 編 ). 三里塚と全国を結ぶ 三里塚大行進報告集: 開港阻止・動労スト支 援・福田内閣打倒. 東京: 三里塚と全国を結ぶ行動月間実行委員会, 1977pp. 64. item_ID: 13794 PamphletID: 203 Sanrizuka to Zenkoku o Musubu Kōdō Gekkan Jikkō Iinkai (editor). Sanrizuka to zenkoku o musubu Sanrizuka dai kōshin hōkokushū: Kaikō soshi - dōrō suto shien - Fukuda naikaku datō. Tōkyō: Sanrizuka to Zenkoku o Musubu Kōdō Gekkan Jikkō Iinkai, 1977, pp. 64. Pamphlet about what is happening at Sanrizuka. 小川プロダクション( 編 ). 三里塚の夏: 日本解放戦線. Ogawa Purodakushon (editor). Sanrizuka no natsu: Nihon kaihō sensen. Pamphlet on the movie “Sanrizuka no Natsu.” item_ID: 16685 PamphletID: 871 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 299 島成郎( 著 ). 地域精神衛生活動について, 1981.2 「心と健康」 No.7. item_ID: 16722 PamphletID: 905 Shima, Shigeo (author). Chiiki seishin eisei katsudō ni tsuite: 1981.2 “Kokoro to kenkō” No. 7. Article written by Shima Shigeo on mental hygiene and regional activities in Okinawa. Published in the magazine “Kokoro to Kenkō,” February 1981. Lee Yee( 編 ). 九十年代. Hong Kong: Going Fine LTD., 1989pp. 118. item_ID: 16863 PamphletID: 953 Lee, Yee (editor). Jiushi Niandai [The Nineties]. Hong Kong: Going Fine LTD., 1989, pp. 118. June 1989 volume of a Chinese magazine “Jiushi Niandai,” or “The Nineties.” Subject on 1989 Chinese student movement. 自衛隊上陸阻止のために. Jieitai jōriku soshi no tame ni. item_ID: 16931 PamphletID: 994 A pamphlet aruguing against the Jieitai coming in to Okinawa. ヨコスカ市民グループ+反軍調査協議会( 編 ). 自衛隊地域浸透の実態: <ヨコスカ地区中間報告> 基地資料2. item_ID: 15319 PamphletID: 519 Yokosuka Shimin Gurūpu + Hangun Chōsa Kyōgi Kai (editor). Jieitai chiiki shintō no jittai: Yokosuka chiku chūkan hōkoku Kichi shiryō 2. This pamphlet is a newly-named continued series of what used to be called “Jōhō.” Informations on SDF in Yokosuka and its penetration into the community was gathered from ‘77 to ‘78. 自衛隊におけるクーデターの研究. 東京: 軍事問題研究会, 1975 pp. 19. item_ID: 15189 PamphletID: 467 Jieitai ni okeru kūdetā no kenkyū. Tōkyō: Gunji Mondai Kenkyūkai, 1975, pp. 19. The self-defense force’s research on coups d’etat. 東京反戦兵士支援委員会(準) ( 編 ). 自衛隊兵士の闘う諸権利のために. 東京都港区: 東京反戦兵士支援 委員会(準),1973pp. 43. item_ID: 16500 PamphletID: 765 Tokyo Antiwar Fighters Support Committee (in formation) (editor). Jieitai heishi no tatakau shokenri no tameni. Tokyo-to Minato-ku: Tokyo Hansen Heishi Shien Īnkai (jun), 1973, pp. 43. A pamphlet describes the activies and purpose of Hansen Heishi Shien Īnkai. Some written documents related to their activities are included. 300 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 温輝( 編 ). 争鳴. 香港: 百家出版社(香港),1989pp. 90. item_ID: 16865 PamphletID: 955 Wen, Hui (editor). Zheng ming [Compete to voice]. Hong Kong: Pak Ka Publisher (Hong Kong), 1989, pp. 90. June 1989 number 140 of a Hong Kong journal called “Zheng Ming.” Subject on 1989 chinese student movement. 玉木昭道( 編 ). 詩・想い・言葉のかけら: 玉木病院10周年記念 文芸教室作品集 1. 宜野湾市: 玉木病院, 1982pp. 66. item_ID: 16822 PamphletID: 927 Tamaki, Akimichi (editor). Shi, omoi, kotoba no kakera: Tamaki byōin 10 shūnen kinen Bungei kyōshitsu sakuhinshū 1. Ginowan: Tamaki Byōin, 1982, pp. 66. Collection of poems or “word pieces” written by mentally ill patients. 東庄平( 編 ). 詩集眼の虹: アラブ・パレスチナ詩集. 京都: 東庄平, 1970pp. 20. item_ID: 13301 PamphletID: 166 Azuma, Shōhei (editor). Shishū me no niji: Arabu- Paresuchina shishū. Kyōto: Azuma Shōhei, 1970, pp. 20. A collection of Palestinian Arab poetry. 全日本自治団体労働組合中央執行委員会( 編 ). 自治労の団結を強め地方自治の確立を: -日本共産党の批判にこた えて-. item_ID: 15266 PamphletID: 495 Zen Nihon Jichidantai Rōdō Kumiai Chūō Shikkō Iinkai (editor). Jichirō no danketsu o tsuyome chihōjichi no kakuritsu o: Nihon Kyōsantō no hihan ni kotaete. Statement made by the labour union “Jichirō” in response to JCP’s statement on the labourers of self-governing body. 11月パレスチナ国際週間実行委員会( 編 ). 実行委ニュース. item_ID: 15452 PamphletID: 568 11 Gatsu Paresuchina Kokusai Shūkan Jikkō Iinkai (editor). Jikkōi nyūsu. A pamphlet calling for participation in the “11 Gatsu Paresuchina Kokusai Shūkan.” 実践論: 認識と実践-知と行との関係について. Jissen ron: Ninshiki to jissen — chi to kō to no kankei ni tsuite. Pamphlet on Practical Theory, knowledge and action. item_ID: 14462 PamphletID: 251 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 301 反原発新聞( 編 ). 死の灰の恐怖 事故は必ず起きる: もし長尾鼻に原発が来たら・・・. item_ID: 16659 PamphletID: 858 Anti Nuclear Newspaper (editor). Shi no hai no kyōfu Jiko wa kanarazu okiru: Moshi Nagaobana ni genpatsu ga kitara…. Materials on nuclear accidents all around the world, evaluations done by governments and researchers, examples of preventive measures, effects of earthquakes, etc. 百万人訴追運動実行委員会事務局( 編 ). 司法反動の元凶最高裁判長石田和外を訴追しよう. 東京: 百万人訴 追運動実行委員会事務局, 1971pp. 48. item_ID: 12630 PamphletID: 56 Hyakumannin Sotsui Undō Jikkō Jimukyoku (editor). Shihō handō no genkyō saikō saibanchō Ishida Kazuto o sotsui shiyō. Tōkyō: Hyakumannin Sotsui Undō Jikkō Iinkai Jimukyoku, 1971, pp. 48. This pamphlet talks about an internal connection between Prime Minister Satō and Judge Ishida in the Supreme Court, and questions about the judicial independence. It also calls for signatures on a petition to make him resign. 東京大学五月祭常任委員会( 編 ). 資本主義と社会主義の対立: 世界史の現段階に於る. 東京: 東京大学 五月祭常任委員会, 1958pp. 21. item_ID: 14657 PamphletID: 288 Tōkyō Daigaku Gogatsusai Jōnin Iinkai (editor). Shihon shugi to shakai shugi no tairitsu: Sekaishi no gendankai ni okeru. Tōkyō: Tōkyōdaigaku Gogatsusai Jōnin Iinkai, 1958, pp. 21. Pamphlet about the opposition between capitalism and socialism. 連合赤軍公判対策委員会世話人会( 編 ). 事務局の混乱に対する我々の態度: 声明1. item_ID: 15520 PamphletID: 587 Rengō Sekigun Kōhan Taisaku Iinkai Sewanin Kai (editor). Jimukyoku no konran ni taisuru wareware no taido: Seimei 1. A pamphlet about the Kōhan Taisaku Iinkai’s Jimukyoku and the Kyōsandō Sekigun-ha. 社会主義学生同盟 夏季大研究会レジュメ. Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei kakidai kenkyūkai rejume. item_ID: 14633 PamphletID: 269 Outline of Shagakudō summer research group. 日本赤軍( 著 ). 社会主義建設の矛盾を正しく解決するために: この間のインドシナ情 勢について. item_ID: 15438 PamphletID: 560 302 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Nihon Sekigun (author). Shakaishugi kensetsu no mujun o tadashiku kaiketsu suru tame ni: Kono kan no Indoshina jōsei ni tsuite. Pamphlet stating the Nihon Sekigun’s stance on the construction of Socialism. 社会主義的民主主義とプロレタリア独裁: 第四インターナショナル統 一書記局決議. WR紙コムナール分会, 1977pp. 15. item_ID: 14836 PamphletID: 312 Shakaishugiteki minshushugi to puroretaria dokusai: Dai Yon Intānashonaru tōitsu shokikyoku ketsugi. WR shi komunāru bunkai, 1977, pp. 15. Pamphlet on socialist democracy and dictatorship fo the proletariat. 社会主義的民主主義とプロレタリア独裁: 第四インターナショナル統 一書記局決議. WR紙コムナール分会, 1977pp. 15. item_ID: 16929 PamphletID: 993 Shakai shugi teki minshu shugi to puroretaria dokusai: Dai yon Intānashonaru tōitsu shokikyoku ketsugi. WR shi komunāru bunkai, 1977, pp. 15. A pamphlet on socialist democracy and proletarian dictatorship. 社会主義婦人会議結成記念集会. Shakaishugi fujin kaigi kessei kinen shūkai: Shakai shugi fujin kaigi kessei kinen shūkai. item_ID: 16921 PamphletID: 989 A pamphlet on a meeting commemorating the forming of a socialism women’s meeting. 沖縄県労働組合協議会教宣部( 編 ). 社会保障を闘いとるために: 教宣資料 1971年春闘. item_ID: 15591 PamphletID: 658 Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai Kyōsenbu (editor). Shakai hoshō o tatakaitoru tame ni: Kyōsen shiryō 1971 shuntō. A pamphlet on the issues of social security in 1971 Okinawa, edited by the labour union Okinawa Kenrōkyō. 社会主義学生同盟( 編 ). 社学同マルクス・レーニン主義派第七回大会議案. item_ID: 16813 PamphletID: 918 Shakai Shugi Gakusei Dōmei (editor). Shagakudō Marukusu/Rēnin shugi ha dai 7 kai taikai gian. Agenda pamphlet for the 7th rally of Shagakudō Marukusu/Rēnin Shugi-ha. Includes sum up of struggle, interpretation of socio-political situation, and their measures of struggle. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 303 釈明要求書: 自衛隊法違反 小西誠. Shakumei yōkyū sho: Jieitaihō ihan Konishi Makoto. item_ID: 16682 PamphletID: 868 Draft of a pamphlet on SDF. 社研連通信: 全国ゼミナール総括特集. 東京: 全国反戦救対事務局, 1960pp. 53. item_ID: 14636 PamphletID: 272 Shaken ren tsūshin: Zenkoku zemināru sōkatsu tokushū. Tōkyō: Zenkoku Hansen Kyūtai Jimukyoku, 1960, pp. 53. Materials on the national antiwar support organization seminar. 小川プロダクション( 編 ). 趣意書: 第二部「三里塚の冬」 (仮題)製作へ向けて. item_ID: 16812 PamphletID: 917 Ogawa Purodakushon (editor). Shuisho: Dai 2 bu “Sanrizuka no Fuyu” (Kadai) seisaku e mukete. Pamphlet noting on a plan to make a second film on the Sanrizuka struggle provisionally titled “Sanrizuka no Fuyu.” Also a petition for monetary support. 銃火: 共産同赤軍派釜ケ崎地区委員会解散宣言. 共産同赤軍派釜ケ 崎地区委員会, 1974pp. 9. item_ID: 12560 PamphletID: 38 Jūka: Kyōsandō Sekigunha Kamagasaki chiku iinkai kaisan sengen. Kyōsandō Sekigunha Kamagasaki Chiku Iinkai, 1974, pp. 9. This is the declaration of dissolution of Kyōsandō Sekigunha Kamagasaki Chiku Iinkai. 山田彦弥( 編 ). 週刊新潮, 2月15日号. 東京: 新潮社, 1990pp. 6. item_ID: 16871 PamphletID: 961 Yamada, Hikoya (editor). Shūkan shinchō, 2 gatsu 15 nichi gō. Tōkyō: Shinchōsha, 1990, pp. 6. Article on Shiomi Takaya covering his release from prison celebration. 花田紀凱( 編 ). 週刊文春, 6月14日号. 東京: 文芸春秋, 1990pp. 8. item_ID: 16870 PamphletID: 960 Hanada, Noriyoshi (editor). Shūkan bunshun, 6 gatsu 14 ka gō. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 1990, pp. 8. Article on Shiomi Takaya interviewed by Dēbu Supekutā. 秋期年末闘争の具体的進め方(案):反インフレを中心とする国民春 闘の継承と発展. item_ID: 15637 PamphletID: 704 Shūki nenmatsu tōsō no gutaiteki susumekata (An): Han infure o chūshin to suru kokumin shuntō no keishō to hatten. 304 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets A pamphlet giving agendas for the 1974 year-end struggle rally, which stresses on anti-inflation. Editor unknown. 襲撃犯人を逃した警察: 4・22アザック印刷襲撃事件の真相を暴く. Shūgeki hannin o nogashita keisatsu: 4.22 Azakku insatsu shūgeki jiken no shinsō o abaku. item_ID: 17102 PamphletID: 1079 A pamphlet investigating the truth about the Azakku Insatsu Shūgeki Incident. 受講のしおり: 今日の学習は明日の力をつくりだす. Jukō no shiori: Kyō no gakushū wa asu no chikara o tsukuridasu. item_ID: 15203 PamphletID: 481 Pamphlet about today’s learning building tomorrow’s strengh. 「出入国法案」に反対する! “Shutsunyūkoku hōan” ni hantai suru! item_ID: 17003 PamphletID: 1011 A pamphlet arguing against the “Immigration Control Law” (Shutsunyūkoku Kanri Hōan). 出版労協春闘勝利のために: ‘69 春闘討議資料. 東京: 日本出版労働 組合協議会, 1969pp. 59. item_ID: 12493 PamphletID: 15 Shuppan rōkyō shuntō shōri no tame ni: ‘69 shuntō tōgi shiryō. Tōkyō: Nihon Shuppan Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai, 1969, pp. 59. This pamphlet provides information on Shuntō in 1969. 出版労働運動の革命的再編のために. Shuppan rōdō undō no kakumeiteki saihen no tame ni. item_ID: 11693 PamphletID: 147 Pamphlet concerning the publication workers union. 自主講座原子力グループ( 編 ). 使用済み核燃料再処理工場ここが問題だ. 東京都: 自主講座原子力 グループ, 1979pp. 48. item_ID: 15071 PamphletID: 407 Jishu kōza genshi ryoku gurūpu (editor). Shiyō zumi kakunenryō sai shori kōjō koko ga mondai da. Tōkyō: Jishu kōza genshi ryoku gurūpu, 1979, pp. 48. Pamphlet opposing reprocessing of nuclear fuel. 自主講座原子力グループ( 編 ). 使用済み核燃料再処理工場ここが問題だ. 東京都: 自主講座原子力 グループ, 1979pp. 49. item_ID: 16655 PamphletID: 854 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 305 Jishu kōza genshi ryoku gurūpu (editor). Shiyōzumi kakunenryō saishori kōjō koko ga mondai da. Tōkyō: Jishu kōza genshi ryoku gurūpu, 1979, pp. 49. Pamphlet dealing with nuclear energy fuel and its post management. Materials on relationship between nuclear energy fuels and pollution, nuclear weapons, police, etc. 情勢議案. Jōsei Gian. item_ID: 15560 PamphletID: 627 A pamphlet on the analysis of current situation, thought to be written by Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei. <情勢議案>修正提案. <Jōsei gian> shūsei teian. item_ID: 15583 PamphletID: 650 Pamphlet noting corrections and supplementation for “Jōsei,” “Ninmu/Hōshin” and “Taishū Undō Hōshin.” 日本共産党中央委員会宣伝部( 編 ). 消費税はこんな悪税: 廃止するしかない. item_ID: 15060 PamphletID: 395 Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Sendenbu (editor). Shōhizei wa konna akuzei: Haishi suru shika nai. Pamphlet opposing the consumption tax. 全宮城ゼネスト貫徹共闘委編集委員会( 編 ). 勝利への進撃: 全宮城ゼネスト貫徹共闘委の闘いの記録. item_ID: 15294 PamphletID: 514 Zen Miyagi Zenesuto Kantetsu Kyōtōi Henshū Iinkai (editor). Shōri e no shingeki: Zen Miyagi zenesuto kantetsu kyōtōi no tatakai no kiroku. This pamphlet depicts the general struggle put into action by the “Zen Miyagi” in April 1974. 昭和49年賃金一時金妥結状況一覧. 沖縄: 沖縄県労働商工部労政 課, 1975pp. 15. item_ID: 15590 PamphletID: 657 Shōwa 29 nen chingin ichijikin daketsu jōkyō ichiran. Okinawa: Okinawa-ken Shōkō-bu Rōsei-ka, 1975, pp. 15. A report of a servey of wages, before and after the agreement between rōdō kumiai and employee, in Okinawa in 1974. 昭和33年度 上半期一般報告書. Showa sanjū san nendo kamihanki ippan hōkokusho. Report for Showa 33. item_ID: 14667 PamphletID: 294 306 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 昭和41年度 入学・入寮のしおり. 東京都: 東京都立秋川(全寮制) 高等学校, 1966pp. 39. item_ID: 16890 PamphletID: 980 Shōwa 41 nendo Nyūgaku, nyūryō no shiori. Tokyo: Tōkyō Toritsu Akikawa (Zenryōsei) Kōtō Gakkō, 1966, pp. 39. Pamphlet distributed at the time of entrance to Akikawa High School. Information mainly on school rules. 一都三県公害防止協議会( 編 ). 昭和46年度 水質汚濁共同調査報告書: 東京湾総合調査. 一都三 県公害防止協議会, 1972pp. 63. item_ID: 16646 PamphletID: 845 Tokyo and Three Prefectures Anti-Pollution Conference (editor). Shōwa 46 nendo Suishitsu odaku kyōdō chōsa hōkokusho: Tōkyō wan sōgō chōsa. Itto Sanken Kōgai Bōshi Kyōgikai, 1972, pp. 63. Intensive report on water examination of Tokyo Bay conducted in 1971 by three prefectures in collaboration, i.e. Tokyo, Kanagawa and Chiba. 書簡集編集委員会( 編 ). 書簡集1. 長野救援センター, 1973pp. 28. item_ID: 16872 PamphletID: 962 Correspondence Editing Committee (editor). Shokanshū 1. Nagano Kyūen Sentā, 1973, pp. 28. Collection of letters written by arrested members of Rengō Sekigun. 徐君兄弟を救う会, <徐君兄弟を守る>文学創造者と読者の会( 編 ). 徐兄弟 獄中からの手紙. item_ID: 16679 PamphletID: 865 Jo Brothers Support Group and “Support the Jo Brothers” Literary Creators and Readers Group (editors). Jo Kyōdai Gokuchū kara no tegami. Jo Kyōdai, or the So Brothers’ letters from prison. Original from the magazine “Sekai,” May 1978. 徐君兄弟を救う会, <徐君兄弟を守る>文学創造者と読者の会( 編 ). 徐兄弟を救うために. item_ID: 16669 PamphletID: 862 Jo Brothers Support Group and “Support the Jo Brothers” Literary Creators and Readers Group (editors). Jo kyōdai o sukuu tame ni. Pamphlet on what is called the “Jo Kyōdai Jiken,” or the “So Brothers Incident.” Includes description on the incident, court proceedings, letters written from prison, and newspaper articles. 紀伊国屋書店労働組合( 編 ). 嘱託・臨時・パートを犠牲にして肥えふとる紀伊国屋書店. 東京都新 宿区: 紀伊国屋書店労働組合, 1982pp. 9. item_ID: 16537 PamphletID: 801 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 307 Kinokuniya Bookstore Labor Union (editor). Shokutaku, rinji, pāto wo gisei ni shite koefutoru Kinokuniya shoten. Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo: Kinokuniya Shoten Rōdō Kumiai, 1982, pp. 9. A pamphlet reveals the poor labor conditions of part-time workers in Kinokuniya Shoten. 職場から資本・権力と対決しうる階級的労働運動を!: 二・二五-二六 講演討論集会基調. item_ID: 15615 PamphletID: 682 Shokuba kara shihon, kenryoku to taiketsu shiuru kaikyūteki rōdō undō o!: 2/25-26 kōen tōron shūkai kichō. Keynote for the 2/25 - 26 debate rally held in Okinawa. Includes analysis on the current domestic and Okinawa’s state of affairs, and principles for future labour struggle. 職場でどうたたかうか: ―資本と権力の弾圧に対処するために―. Shokuba de dō tatakau ka: Shihon to kenryoku no dan’atsu ni taisho suru tame ni. item_ID: 15037 PamphletID: 371 How to fight at the workplace. 食品・薬品企業害とたたかう市民の集いへむけての資料: 1973・ 6・24. item_ID: 16647 PamphletID: 846 Shokuhin / Yakuhin kigyō gai to tatakau shimin no tsudoi e mukete no shiryō: 1973/6/26. A collection of criticism against what is called “Shokuhin Kigyōgai, Yakuhin Kigyōgai,” that is harm exerted to human body through food products and medicine, sold by giant corporations. Various types of affects and diseases and support groups’ voices are included. Difficult to determine the editor/publisher. 諸権利要求回答状況. Shokenri yōkyū kaitō jōkyō. item_ID: 15638 PamphletID: 705 Report of the given responses to workers’ requests for their various rights. Editor unknown. <徐君兄弟を守る>文学創造者と読者の会, 徐君兄弟を救う会( 編 ). 徐俊植さんの「訴訟」支援のために: -社会安全法と「保安監護処分 更新決定無効確認請求訴訟」-. item_ID: 16670 PamphletID: 863 “Support the Jo Brothers” Literary Creators and Readers Group and Jo Brothers Support Group (editors). Jo Shunshoku san no “Soshō” shien no tame ni: - Shakai Anzen hō to “Hoan Kango Shobun Kōshin Kettei Mukō Kakunin Seikyū Soshō” -. 308 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Pamphlet on the “Jo Kyōdai Jiken,” or “So Brothers Incident.” Includes description of the incident, on the Shakai Anzen Hō, letters written from prison, and statements made by support groups. 自立する団体として: ―政党・党派の介入とのたたかい―. 東京: 婦人 民主クラブ, 1983pp. 54. item_ID: 15058 PamphletID: 393 Jiritsu suru dantai to shite: Seitō, tōha no kainyū tono tatakai. Tōkyō: Fujin Minshu Kurabu, 1983, pp. 54. Pamphlet from Fujin Minshu Club as an independent organizaation. 共産主義者同盟「叛旗」編集委員会( 編 ). 自立と日常: -更に、 また現在より起て-. 東京都: 蒼みん社, 1974pp. 32. item_ID: 15078 PamphletID: 415 Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei “Hanki” Henshū Iinkai (editor). Jiritsu to nichijō: Sara ni, mata genzai yori tate. Tokyo: Sōmin sha, 1974, pp. 32. A written form of speeches given by Takaaki Yoshimoto and Akira Kōzu. 村上一郎, 吉本隆明, 谷川雁, 小山俊一, 内村剛介, 常木守( 著 ). 自立とは何か:「試行」連載<情況への発言>よりⅠ 62・4ー 67・3. item_ID: 15076 PamphletID: 413 Murakami, Ichirō; Yoshimoto, Taka’aki; Tanigawa, Gan; Koyama, Shun’ichi; Uchimura, Kōsuke; and Tsuneki, Mamoru (authors). Jiritsu to wa nani ka: “Shikō” Rensai <Jōkyō e no hatsugen> yori 1 ‘62/4 - ‘67/3. Re-collection of a series originally printed in the magazine “Shikō” from April 1962 to March 1967. 日韓連帯会議ニュース編集部( 編 ). 資料「人民革命党事件」:家族の証言, 日韓連帯連絡会議パンフレット シリーズII. 東京: 日本の対韓政策を正し韓国民主化闘争に連帯する 日本連絡会議, 1974pp. 18. item_ID: 14863 PamphletID: 323 Nikkan Rentai Nyūsu Henshū-bu (editor). Shiryō “Jinmin kakumei-tō jiken”: Kazoku no shōgen, Nikkan rentai renraku kaigi panfuretto shirīzu II. Tōkyō: Nihon no Taikan Seisaku o Tadashi Kankoku Minshuka Tōsō ni Rentai suru Nihon Renraku Kaigi, 1974, pp. 18. Pamphlet on family testimony about the North Korean people’s revolutionary party incident. 沖縄国公労青年部( 編 ). 資料 仮処分・スト権問題を考える. Okinawa National Public Workers Union, Youth Bureau (editor). Shiryō Karishobun/Suto-ken mondai o kangaeru. item_ID: 15633 PamphletID: 700 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 309 A study material for a gathering of younger labourers held in 1975 Okinawa. Topic is on the rights of public sector labourers to strike and punishments actually carried out to those on strike. 資料『宗斗会』氏. Shiryō “Sō Tokai” shi. item_ID: 12636 PamphletID: 62 Materials about the Sō case. 三里塚闘争に連帯する会( 編 ). 資料 三里塚: 2/6・7要塞戦特集. item_ID: 16697 PamphletID: 879 Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentaisuru Kai (editor). Shiryō Sanrizuka: 2/6, 7 Yōsaisen tokushū. Copies of newspaper articles covering the “tettō” issue. Articles are from various newspaper sourses, February 6th to 9th, 1978. 全電通の統制処分を撤回させる会( 編 ). 資料集 全電通統制処分. item_ID: 16508 PamphletID: 772 Group Advocating Complete Rejection of the All Japan Communication Union Measures (editor). Shiryōshū Zen Dentsū tōsei shobun. A pamplet discusses Zen Dentsū tōsei shobun. ` 管制塔裁判を勝利させる会( 編 ). 資料集 ビデオの証拠採用は違憲です!: 東京地裁花尻裁判長の違 憲、違法なビデオ証拠採用を許すな. item_ID: 16642 PamphletID: 841 Win the Control Tower Trial Support Group (editor). Shiryōshū Bideo no shōko saiyō wa iken desu!: Tōkyō Chisai Hanajiri Saibanchō no iken, ihō na bideo shōko saiyō o yurusuna. Pamphelt criticizing the illegality of the adoption of evidence submitted to the court by the prosecution. Includes statements made by Sanrizuka Shibayama Rengō Kūkō Hantai Dōmei, statements submitted to the court by the defense counsel, copies from “Hanrei Jihō,” copies of newspaper articles, etc. 新幹線2年のあゆみ. 東海道新幹線支社, 1966pp. 32. Shinkansen 2 nen no ayumi. Tōkaidō Shinkansen Shisha, 1966, pp. 32. item_ID: 16885 PamphletID: 975 Pamphlet covering two years of progress since the opening of Tōkaidō Shinkansen. 真実を知ってください: 甲山学園事件の真相. Shinjitsu o shitte kudasai: Kōyama Gakuen jiken no shinsō. item_ID: 17100 PamphletID: 1077 A pamphlet writing about the truth of the Kōyama Gakuen Incident. 310 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 新宿深層海流の妖魚・珍魚・稚魚. Shinjuku shinsō kairyū no yōgyo, chingyo, chigyo. item_ID: 16879 PamphletID: 969 Article from Asahi Graph, June 14th 1968, covering youth, worker, hippie culture in the Shinjuku area. 新宿騒乱罪裁判と闘う会( 編 ). 新宿騒乱罪裁判: 68・10・21 国際反戦デー・米タン阻止闘争, 資料集 No.1. item_ID: 15039 PamphletID: 373 Shinjuku Sōranzai to Tatakau Kai (editor). Shinjuku sōranzai saiban: 68/10/21 Kokusai hansen dē, Beitan soshi tōsō, Shiryōshū No. 1. Pamphlet on the Shinjuku Riot Trial. 薬師寺亘( 編 ). 新批判: チェコスロバキア問題 No1. 新批判社, 1968pp. 45. item_ID: 13849 PamphletID: 209 Yakushiji, Wataru (editor). Shin hihan: Chekosurobakia mondai No 1. Shin hihansha, 1968, pp. 45. Pamphlet about the Czechoslovakia problem. 新聞記事で見るヨコスカの動き ’70・8~ ’71・1. Shinbun kiji de miru Yokosuka no ugoki 70/8-71/1. item_ID: 15174 PamphletID: 452 Newspaper coverage of the Yokosuka action 70-71. ヨコスカベ平連( 編 ). 新聞記事で見るヨコスカの動き: ’70・8~’71・1. item_ID: 16567 PamphletID: 823 Yokosuka Beheiren (Peact to Vietnam Alliance) (editor). Shinbun kiji de miru Yokosuka no ugoki: ‘70/8 kara ‘71/1. Collection of second-hand copies of article excerpts from various newspapers on the peace movement conducted by American military personnel landing in Yokosuka. 人民大学習堂. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1982pp. 32. Jinmin Dai Gakushūdō. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1982, pp. 32. item_ID: 16705 PamphletID: 887 Pamphlet of “Jinmin Dai Gakushūdō.” Photos of the facility. Narrative both in Japanese and French. 琉大襲撃町田君虐殺真相糾明委員会( 編 ). 人民党﹦日共による琉大襲撃・町田君虐殺の真相. item_ID: 12671 PamphletID: 97 Ryūdai Shūgeki Machida Kun Gyakusatsu Shinsō Kyūmei Iinkai (editor). Jinmintō—Nikkyō ni yoru Ryūdai shūgeki, Machida-kun gyakusatsu no shinsō. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 311 This is a protest against what Kakumaru claims is a killing by members of the LDP and the JCP of a Ryūkyū University student Machida Munehide. It also contains some newspaper articles about this incident. 三里塚と動労ジェット闘争を共に闘う薬品化学労働者の会( 編 ). 侵略戦争に突っ走る中曽根(内閣)の危険な性格. item_ID: 15432 PamphletID: 554 Sanrizuka to Dōrō Jetto Tōsō o tomo ni Tatakau Yakuhin Kagaku Rōdōsha no Kai (editor). Shinryaku sensō ni tsuppashiru Nakasone (naikaku) no kiken na seikaku. Collection of newspaper articles concerning Prime Minister Nakasone and excerpts from his publication. 東アジア反日武装戦線KF部隊(準) ( 著 ). 人類の本源的共同体よみがえる世界革命に向けて: 控訴趣意書(抄). 東京: AJS出版会, 1982pp. 19. item_ID: 13395 PamphletID: 176 Higashi Ajia Hannichi Busō Sensen KF Butai (Jun) (author). Jinrui no hongen teki kyōdōtai yomigaeru sekai kakumei ni mukete, Kōso shuisho(): Kōso shuisho (shō). Tōkyō: AJS Shuppan Kai, 1982, pp. 19. Pamphlet containing the trial statement of a second wave Hannichi defendant. 革命的共産主義者同盟( 編 ). 杉並・長谷川選挙闘争に対するファシスト・カクマルによる謀略的破 壊策動を徹底弾劾する. 東京: 前進社, 1975pp. 6. item_ID: 15439 PamphletID: 561 Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (editor). Suginami-Hasegawa senkyo tōsō ni taisuru fashisuto Kakumaru ni yoru bōryakuteki hakai sakudō o tettei dangai suru. Tōkyō: Zenshinsha, 1975, pp. 6. Pamphlet criticizing Kakumaru’s action during the 1975 Tōitsu Chihō Senkyo. スターリン首相とプラウダ記者との対談: 1951年2月14日の対日理事 会における対日理事会ソ同盟代表キスレンコ少将の声明. item_ID: 14461 PamphletID: 250 Sutārin shushō to Purauda kisha to no taidan: 1951/2/14 no tai Nichi rijikai ni okeru tai Nichi rijikai So dōmei daihyō Isurenko shōshō no seimei. Discussion between Stalin and Pravda Writers about the 1951 Japan policy. 中央大学学生自治会調査部( 編 ). 砂川町における基地拡張反対闘争をめぐりて: 国内状勢資料決定版 第一集. item_ID: 15182 PamphletID: 460 Chūō Daigaku Gakusei Jichikai Chōsabu (editor). Sunagawa-chō ni okeru kichi kakuchō hantai tōsō o megurite: Kokunai jōsei shiryō ketteiban dai 1 shū. Interpretation on the Sunagawa issue with some background informations. 312 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 砂川の闘争記録. 東京都: 砂川町基地拡張反対同盟, 1957pp. 48. Sunagawa no tōsō kiroku. Tokyo: Sunagawa-chō Kichi Kakuchō Hantai Dōmei, 1957, pp. 48. item_ID: 15183 PamphletID: 461 Record of the Sunagawa struggle, including descriptions on the town of Sunagawa with some numbers, general conditions of the Sunagawa stuggle and its historical background, and quite a number of maps. 日本共産青年同盟教宣部( 編 ). 生活防衛実力闘争の最前線へ: 76春闘と青年労働者の任務, 青年 戦線 76春闘増刊号. 東京: 新時代社, 1976pp. 37. item_ID: 15271 PamphletID: 500 Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei Kyōsenbu (editor). Seikatsu bōei jitsuryoku tōsō no saizensen e: 76 Shuntō to seinen rōdōsha no ninmu, Seinen Sensen 76 Shuntō zōkangō. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1976, pp. 37. This pamphlet is a special edition of “Seinen Sensen,” covering the 1976 Shuntō. 川本裁判「公訴棄却」実行委員会( 編 ). 請願書. item_ID: 16439 PamphletID: 746 Kawamoto Trial Appeal Rejection Action Group (editor). Seigansho. This pamphlet is a copy of ??? Michiko’s letter to the Supreme Court, regarding the Minamata trial. Written on July 15th, 1977. 田原芳( 著 ). 正規の包囲軍を組織せよ: 赤軍派の悲劇とその教訓. item_ID: 13439 PamphletID: 180 Tawara, Kaoru (author). Seiki no hōigun o soshiki seyo: Sekigunha no higeki to sono kyōkun. Pamphlet reflecting on Sekigunha, produced just before the 1970 hijacking. 青行隊通信: 7・16~9・16 討論と闘いへの提案, 第三号. 三里 塚空港粉砕青年行動隊, 1979pp. 11. item_ID: 16686 PamphletID: 872 Seikōtai tsūshin: 7/16 - 9/16 Tōron to tatakai e no teian, Dai 3 gō. Sanrizuka Kūkō Funsai Seinen Kōdō Tai, 1979, pp. 11. Pamphlet on the Sanrizuka struggle. Includes reports by activists, records of debates, reactions against the Yomiuri Shimbun article, views on the upcoming activities, etc. 革命的共産主義者同盟( 編 ). 青行隊文書に全面的に反駁する: なぜ青行隊一部諸君は裏切りを断 罪せず、中核派非難にするかえるのか. 東京: 革命的共産主義者同盟, 1982pp. 14. Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (editor). item_ID: 16539 PamphletID: 803 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 313 Seikōtai bunsho ni zenmenteki ni hanbaku suru: Naze Seikōtai ichibu shokun wa uragiri wo danzai sezu, Chūkakuha hinan ni surikaeru noka. Tōkyō: Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei, 1982, pp. 14. A pamphlet criticizes the document written by Seinen Kōdōtai. 政治過程論. 前夜社, 1971pp. 81. Seiji kateiron. Zen’yasha, 1971, pp. 81. item_ID: 17031 PamphletID: 1039 A collection of various articles on political matters, such as issues related to the Anpo, the Russian Revolution etc. 政治は人々を崇高にし醜悪にもする: 船本洲治論文集. Seiji wa hito o sūkō nishi shūaku nimo suru: Funamoto Shūji ronbunshū. item_ID: 15191 PamphletID: 470 Funamoto Shūji essays on the heights and depths of politics. 水野義男( 訳 ) ( 訳 ). 政治犯の現状を訴える: 南ベトナム. 東京: 南ベトナム政治犯釈放要求 カトリック委員会, 1973pp. 15. item_ID: 14832 PamphletID: 308 Mizuno, Yoshio (translator). Seiji han no genjō o uttaeru: Minami Betonamu. Tōkyō: Minami Betonamu Seijihan Shakuhō Yōkyū Katorikku Iinkai, 1973, pp. 15. Status of political prisoners in South Vietnam. 政治分科会参考資料1981・5・17-19. Seiji bunkakai sankō shiryō. item_ID: 12764 PamphletID: 126 This talks about the Zen Tokan Administration of South Korea. 一文学生会議( 編 ). 政治的暴力行為防止法成立阻止のために. item_ID: 16638 PamphletID: 837 First Literature Section Students Conference (editor). Seijiteki bōryoku kōi bōshihō seiritsu soshi no tame ni. Criticism on “Seijiteki Bōryoku Kōi Bōshi Hōan,” written by Ichibun Gakusei Kaigi. 那覇保健所( 編 ). 精神衛生クリニック1年半の歩み: 沖縄公衆衛生学会にて発表. item_ID: 16824 PamphletID: 929 Naha Health Center (editor). Seishin eisei kurinikku 1 nen han no ayumi: Okinawa kōshū eisei gakkai ni te happyō. Case study statistics on mentally ill patients in a clinic in Okinawa in the early 1970s. 314 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 「精神病院」 と 「地域活動」,沖縄精神医療 No.7 抜刷. 沖縄: 沖縄 精神医療編集委員会, 1980pp. 14. item_ID: 16717 PamphletID: 900 “Seishin byōin” to “Chiiki katsudō”, Okinawa Seishin Iryō No. 7 Bassatsu. Okinawa: Okinawa Seishin Iryō Henshū Iinkai, 1980, pp. 14. Article written by 11 public health nurses and medical doctors on Okinawa’s mental health hospitals and regional activities. 沖縄県マスコミ労協議会青年部( 編 ). 青年部結成大会: 議案書. item_ID: 15260 PamphletID: 489 Okinawa-ken Masukomi Rōkyō Gikai Seinenbu (editor). Seinenbu kessei taikai: Giansho. A pamphlet stating the formation of “Seinenbu” within the labour union “Okinawaken Masukomi Rōkyō Gikai.” Includes the history of how the younger generation labourers in Okinawa have fought their struggles up to 1971, plus their activity guidelines there on. 日本革命的共産主義者同盟(第四インターナショナル日本支部)中央 item_ID: 14969 委員会( 編 ). PamphletID: 356 政府危機の情勢とわれわれの政策: 「労働者統一戦線に基礎をおく 労働者・農民の政府を社・共は樹立せよ」.東京: 新時代社, 1976pp. 23. Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (Dai-yon Intānashonaru Nihonshibu) Chūō Iinkai (editor). Seifu kiki no jōsei to wareware no seisaku: “Rōdosha tōitsu sensen ni kiso o oku Rōdōshanomin no seifu o sha-kyō wa juritsu seyo”. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1976, pp. 23. Policy for confronting the political crisis. 政府スローガンと統一戦線戦術に関する歴史的教訓, 討議資料 No1. Seifu surōgan to tōitsu sensen senjutsu ni kansuru rekishiteki kyōkun, Tōgi shiryō No 1. item_ID: 13851 PamphletID: 212 Pamphlet about political slogans. 早大一文学生自治会常任委員会( 編 ). 政暴法闘争から何を学ぶか: 全学連27中委路線を再検討せよ. item_ID: 16575 PamphletID: 831 Waseda University First Literature Section Students Self-Government Executive Committee (editor). Seibōhō tōsō kara nani o manabuka: Zengakuren 27 chūi rosen o saikentō seyo. Pamphlet on the “Seibōhō” and political situation in Japan in the early 1960s. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 315 政暴法闘争総括とこれからの闘いの為に. 一文自治会常任委員会, 1961pp. 9. item_ID: 14656 PamphletID: 287 Seibō hō tōsō sōkatsu to korekara no tatakai no tame ni. Ichibun Jichikai Jōnin Iinkai, 1961, pp. 9. Pamphlet about the Seibō law. 塩見孝也( 著 ). 声明. item_ID: 12590 PamphletID: 49 Shiomi, Takaya (author). Seimei. A declaration by Shiomi Takaya. 声明文:「連合赤軍」の総括と自己批判・闘争宣言. Seimei bun: “Rengō sekigun” no sōkatsu to jikohihan, tōsō sengen. item_ID: 15194 PamphletID: 473 Rengō sekigun self-criticism and analysis. 赤軍アラブ支部( 著 ). 世界革命戦争宣言. 赤軍アラブ支部, 1972pp. 3. item_ID: 13297 PamphletID: 162 Sekigun Arabu Shibu (author). Sekai kakumei sensō sengen. Sekigun Arabu Shibu, 1972, pp. 3. This is the title of the film produced by Wakamatsu Kōji and Adachi Masao promoting the cooperation between the Japanese Red Army group and PFLP. This message came up right after the Lod Airport attack. 世界共産主義運動の新しい勝利のために: 共産党・労働党代表会議 の成果について(1961年1月六日の報告).東京: ソビエト社会主義共 和国連邦大使館広報課, 1963pp. 28. item_ID: 14654 PamphletID: 285 Sekai kyōsanshugi undō no atarashii shōri no tame ni: Kyōsantō, rōdōtō daihyō kaigi no seika ni tsuite (1961 nen 1 gatsu 6ka no hōkoku). Tōkyō: Sobieto Shakaishugi Kyōwashugi Renpō Taishikan Kōhōka, 1963, pp. 28. Pamphlet about a new cirection for world communism. 世界共産主義運動の路線の修正に反対して創造的マルクス・レーニ ン主義の勝利のためにたたかおう:「コラムニスト」誌1963年11号巻 頭論文. 東京: ソビエト社会主義共和国連邦大使館広報課, 1963 pp. 28. item_ID: 14653 PamphletID: 284 Sekai kyōsanshuji undō no rosen no shūsei ni hantai shite sōzōteki Marukusu, Rēnin shugi no shōri no tame ni tatakaō: “Koramunisuto” shi 1963 nen 11 go kantō ronbun. Tōkyō: Sobieto Shakaishugi Kyōwashugi Renpō Taishikan Kōhōka, 1963, pp. 28.. 316 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Political pamphlet about the direction of world communist movement and abstract Marxism. 世界軍縮デーへの呼びかけ: 1983年6月20日. Sekai Gunshuku Dē e no yobikake: 1983 nen 6 gatsu 20 ka. item_ID: 15405 PamphletID: 551 This pamphlet is a set of materials; a copy of an original pamphlet sent from the Livermore Action Group to the Nihon wa Korede Iinoka Shimin Rengō, and a Japanese-translated version of the letter. Translator unnoted. 世界平和評議会第一回総会報告: ―郭沫若、ネンニ、 ファルジュ―. Sekai heiwa hyōgikai dai ikkai sōkai hōkoku: Guo Mo Ro, Nen’ni, Faruje. item_ID: 15200 PamphletID: 478 Announcement of the World Peace Council. 赤軍: 天皇元首化・皇軍化策動を粉砕するために!東京: 僚原社, 1981pp. 20. item_ID: 12570 PamphletID: 48 Sekigun: Tenno genshuka—kōgunka sakudō o funsai suru tame ni. Tōkyō: Ryōgensha, 1981, pp. 20. This pamphlet makes connections between Japanese capitalism, global militalizationa and Japanese Fascism. 福岡信孝( 著 ). 赤軍詩集. 大阪: 福岡君を奪還する会, 1972pp. 57. item_ID: 17095 PamphletID: 1072 Fukuoka, Nobutaka (author). Sekigun shishū. Ōsaka: Fukuoka-kun o Dakkan suru Kai, 1972, pp. 57. A collection of poems written by Fukuoka Nobutaka. Kansai Moppurusha is also listed as a place to contact. 設立総会議案書: 読谷村民の平和運動を共に考える会. 読谷村民の 平和運動を共に考える会, 1987pp. 10. item_ID: 16913 PamphletID: 987 Setsuritsu sōkai giansho: Yomitansonmin no heiwa undō o tomo ni kangaeru kai. Yomitansonmin no heiwa undō o tomo ni kangaeru kai, 1987, pp. 10. This is a bill handed out at a foundational meeting. The pamphlet includes a program, copies of newspaper articles etc. 国際主義労働者委員会, 神奈川反帝労働者行動委員会( 編 ). ゼネ石精闘争の総括を反帝労働運動の構築へ!!: 急進的青年労働者 の企業反乱の到達点. 東京: 国際主義労働者委員会(ILC)全国書記 局, 1970pp. 29. item_ID: 13786 PamphletID: 195 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 317 Kokusai Shugi Rōdōsha Iinkai (ILC) and Kanagawa Hantei Rōdōsha Kōdō Iinkai (editors). Zene sekisei tōsō no sōkatsu o hantei rōdō undō no kōchiku e!!: Kyūshin teki seinen rōdōsha no kigyō hanran no tōtatsuten. Tōkyō: Kokusai Shugi Rōdōsha Iinkai (ILC) Zenkoku Shoki Kyoku, 1970, pp. 29. Pamphlet about a labor conflict at an energy company. 迫りくる冬を撃て!: 民団神奈川事務所不法占拠事件は何を意味するか. Semarikuru fuyu o ute!: Mindan Kanagawa jimusho fuhō senkyo jiken wa nani o imi suru ka. item_ID: 14864 PamphletID: 324 Pamphlet opposing the Mindan election process. 全員異常あり: 玉成寮ニ期生文集. Zen’in ijō ari: Tamanari ryō nikisei bunshū. item_ID: 16889 PamphletID: 979 A bunshū (miscellany) of Tamanari Ryō, which is a dormitory of Akikawa High School. 一部学友会中央委員会, 二部学友会中央委員会( 著 ). 全学友諸君への我々の主張: 帝国主義の侵略・抑圧・反革命と対決し 70年安保粉砕をめざす闘う闘う学生運動の前進を勝ちとろう. 同志 社大学学友会, 1969pp. 32. item_ID: 12656 PamphletID: 82 Ichibu Gakuyū Kai Chūō Iinkai and Nibu Gakuyū Kai Chūō Iinkai (authors). Zen Gakuyū Shokun e no wareware no shuchō: Teikoku shugi no shinryaku, yokuatsu, han kakumei to taiketsu shi 70 nen anpo funsai o mezasu tatakau tatakau gakusei undō no zenshin o kachitorō. Dōshisha Daigaku Gakuyūkai, 1969, pp. 32. A protest pamphlet from the 1969 demonstrations against the revisions of the USJapan Joint Security Treaty. 石井和夫( 編 ). 全学連26回中央委員会対案: 1961年1月15・16日. item_ID: 16572 PamphletID: 828 Ishii, Kazuo (editor). Zengakuren 26 kai chūō iinkai taian: 1961 nen 1 gatsu 15, 16 nichi. Pamphlet for the 26th central committee meeting of Zengakuren held on the 15th and 16th of January, 1961. 全学連 第17回中央委員会 報告・決定集. 全日本学生自治会総連 合 第17回中央委員会, 1958pp. 36. item_ID: 14668 PamphletID: 295 Zengakuren dai jū nana kai chūō iinkai hōkoku-kettei shū. Zen Nihon Gakusei Jichikai Sōrengō Dai 17 kai chūōiinkai, 1958, pp. 36. Documents from the Zengakuren 17th Central Committee. 318 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 関西大学生活協同組合「書評」編集委員会( 編 ). 占拠の理論: 羽仁五郎全関西講演集. 大阪府: 関西大学生活協同組 合<書評>編集委員会, 1969pp. 66. item_ID: 15067 PamphletID: 403 Kansai Daigaku Seikatsu Kyōdō Kumiai “Shohyō” Henshū Iinkai (editor). Senkyo no riron: Hani Gorō zen Kansai kōenshū. Ōsaka: Kansai Daigaku Seikatsu Kyōdō Kumiai <Shohyō> Henshū Iinkai, 1969, pp. 66. Written version of speeches made by Gorō Hani, plus transcripts of a focus group including Hani as a main constituent. 全国沖縄闘争学生委員会: 草案. Zenkoku Okinawa tōsō gakusei iinkai: Sōan. item_ID: 16807 PamphletID: 912 Pamphlet urging students from Okinawa to assemble for the formation of Zenkoku Okinawa Tōsō Gakusei Iinkai. Includes rules and regulations, analysis of current socio-political situation, progress on the organizational formation, etc. 全国の闘う仲間たちに訴える ”闘う動労の伝統を汚してはならな い”: -一九七八年度運動方針(案)批判-. item_ID: 15169 PamphletID: 447 Zenkoku no tatakau nakama tachi ni uttaeru “tatakau dōrō no dentō o yogoshite wa naranai”: 1978 nendo undō hōshin (an) hihan-. A pamphlet in support of those who are engaged in labor struggles. 三里塚闘争に連帯する会( 編 ). 全人民の力で三里塚空港を廃港へ!: 一千万円カンパを訴える!東 京: 三里塚闘争に連帯する会, 1977pp. 8. item_ID: 15642 PamphletID: 709 Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentaisuru Kai (editor). Zen jinmin no chikara de Sanrizuka Kūkō o haikō e!: Issenman-en kanpa o uttaeru! Tōkyō: Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentai suru Kai, 1977, pp. 8. A pamphlet on Sanrizuka Tōsō, claiming for the closing of the airport, and calling for contributions from the public. 全水道沖縄県企業局水道労働組合( 編 ). 全水道沖縄 第4回臨時大会議案書. 全水道沖縄県企業局水道労働 組合, 1978pp. 11. item_ID: 16497 PamphletID: 762 Zensuidō Okinawa-ken Kigyō-choku Suidō Rōdō Kumiai (editor). Zensuidō Okinawa, Dai 4kai rinji taikai giansho. Zen Okinawa-ken Kigyō-choku Suidō Rōdō Kumiai, 1978, pp. 11. A pamphlet for the 4th special meeting held by Zensuidō Okinawaken Kigyōkyoku Suidō Rōdō Kumiai in 1978. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 319 戦争中の精神医療と病院生活(記録集):第1集. 京都:「精神障害者」 の戦争体験を記録する会, 1981pp. 36. item_ID: 17035 PamphletID: 1043 Sensō chū no seishin iryō to byōin seikatsu (Kirokushū): Dai 1 shū. Kyōto: “Seishin Shōgaisha” no Sensō Taiken o Kiroku suru Kai, 1981, pp. 36. A collection of records about medical care for mentally ill patients during the war. 全逓沖縄地区本部執行委員会( 編 ). 全逓沖縄地区 第9回定期地区大会: (議案書). 全逓沖縄地区本部 執行委員会, 1977pp. 30. item_ID: 16433 PamphletID: 740 All Japan Communications Union Okinawa Region Central Action Committee (editor). Zentei Okinawa chiku Dai 9-kai teiki chiku taikai: (Giansho). Zentei Okinawa-chiku Honbu Shikkō Iinkai, 1977, pp. 30. A pamphlet distributed for the 9th regular Zentei Okinawa-chiku meeting. Includes round-up statements for the year 1976 activities, and activity measures for the year 1977. 全逓郵政本庁支部執行部( 編 ). 全逓本庁支部 第8回定期大会報告書. 全逓郵政本庁支部執行部, 1977. item_ID: 16436 PamphletID: 743 All Japan Communications Union Postal Central Section Action Bureau (editor). Zentei Honchō-shibu Dai 8-kai teiki taikai hōkokusho. Zentei Yūsei Honchō-shibu Shikkō- bu, 1977. A report of the 8th regular meeting of Zentei Honchō Shibu. Inside are organizational statistics, list of executive names, brief chronological history tables, etc. 社会主義青年労働者同盟東海地方委員会( 編 ). 全逓三重闘争の経過と教訓:(島成郎文書).愛知県: 社会主義青年労 働者同盟東海地方委員会, 1959pp. 21. item_ID: 15253 PamphletID: 487 Shakaishugi Seinen Rōdōsha Dōmei Tōkai Chihō Iinkai (editor). Zentei Mie tōsō no keika to kyōkun: (Shima Shigeo bunsho). Aichi: Shakai Shugi Seinen Rōdōsha Dōmei Tōkai Chihō Iinkai, 1959, pp. 21. A conceptualization of the Mie Struggle. The definition of the struggle, its gains and shortcomings are noted. 全逓郵政本庁支部執行部( 編 ). 全逓郵政本庁支部 第8回定期大会議案書. 全逓郵政本庁支部執 行部, 1977pp. 18. item_ID: 16435 PamphletID: 742 All Japan Communications Union Postal Central Section Action Bureau (editor). Zentei yūsei honchō shibu Dai 8-kai teiki taikai giansho. Zentei Yūsei Honchō-shibu Shikkōbu, 1977, pp. 18. A pamphlet for the 8th regular meeting of Zentei Yūsei Honchō-shibu, held on October 15th, 1977. 320 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 日本革命的共産主義者同盟(第四インターナショナル日本支部)新潟 県委員会( 著 ). 全電通官僚を包囲打倒せよ!: 第四インターナショナルは主張する;全 電通福島・宮城の闘いの経過と任務, 全電通リーフ No.1. 新潟: 日 本革命的共産主義者同盟(第四インターナショナル日本支部)新潟県 委員会, 1980pp. 6. item_ID: 12651 PamphletID: 77 Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (Dai Yon Intānashonaru) Niigata-ken Iinkai (author). Zendentsū kanryō o hōi datō seyo!: Dai Yon Intānashonaru wa shuchō suru; Zendentsū Fukushima-Miyagi no tatakai no keika to ninmu, Zendentsū Rīfu No. 1. Niigata: Nihon Kakumei teki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (Dai Yon Intānashonaru Nihon Shibu) Niigata-ken Iinkai. This is a protest by Dai Yon International Niigata Iinkai against treatments of branches of Zendentsū in Niigata’s neighboring Fukushima and its neighbor Miyagi. They criticize that The Japan Socialist Party and Sōhyō are not their supporters anymore. 宣闘: 東工大斗争被告団意見陳述書. 東京: 東工大統一被告団 東 工大裁判闘争を支援する会, 1970pp. 78. item_ID: 17026 PamphletID: 1034 Sentō: Tōkōdai tōsō hikokudan iken chinjutsusho. Tōkyō: Tōkōdai tōitsu hikokudan Tōkōdai saiban tōsō o shien suru kai, 1970, pp. 78. A pamphlet explaining about the tōsō at Tōkōdai. 戦闘的階級的労働運動を築け: 73春闘・全人民の闘いの高揚と青 年労働者の任務. 東京: 新時代社, 1973pp. 100. item_ID: 15262 PamphletID: 491 Sentōteki kaikyūteki rōdō undō o kizuke: 73 shuntō, zen jinmin no tatakai no kōyō to seinen rōdōsha no ninmu. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1973, pp. 100. Kokusaishugi Rōdōsha Iinkai’s statement towards the 1973 Spring Labour Offensive (Shuntō). 全日本青年婦人会議( 編 ). 全日本の青年婦人は団結しよう: =全青婦会議の概要(一九九五年 度)=. 東京: 全日本青年婦人会議, 1995pp. 40. item_ID: 16545 PamphletID: 809 All Japan Young Women’s Conference (editor). Zen Nihon no seinen fujin wa danketsu shiyō: =Zen seifu kaigi no gaiyō (1995nen do)=. Tōkyō: Zen Nihon Seinen Fujin Kaigi, 1995, pp. 40. Pamphlets describe the summary of Zen Seinen Fujin meeting held in 1995. 戦犯・天皇ヒロヒト決死糾弾: 九・二五皇居突入闘争決死隊糾弾状. 東 京: 沖縄青年委員会, 1971pp. 16. item_ID: 17151 PamphletID: 1086 Senpan, Tennō Hirohito kesshi kyūdan: 9.25 kōkyo totsunyū tōsō kesshitai kyūdanjō. Tōkyō: Okinawa Seinen Iinkai, 1971, pp. 16. A pamphlet criticizing Emperor Hirohito. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 321 日本革命的共産主義者同盟(第四インターナショナル日本支部)中央 政治局( 編 ). 全労働者・人民による生活防衛の実力闘争を国家権力との総対決へ: 4月倒閣ゼネストを組織せよ. 東京: 新時代社, 1974pp. 26. item_ID: 14967 PamphletID: 354 Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (Dai-yon Intānashonaru Nihon Shibu) Chūō Seiji-kyoku (editor). Zen-rōdōsha, jinmin ni yoru seikatsu bōei no jitsuryoku o kokka kenryoku to no sō-taiketsu e: 4 gatsu tōkaku zenesuto o soshiki seyo. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1974, pp. 26. Pamphlet about protecting livelihood against state power. 総括議案草案. Sōkatsu gian sōan. item_ID: 15559 PamphletID: 626 A draft for the sum-up agendas, thought to be written by the Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei. 共産主義者同盟赤軍派日本労働党建設準備委員会( 編 ). -総括資料集-: マルクス・レーニン主義、毛沢東思想で武装した真 の革命党を建設しよう. item_ID: 15081 PamphletID: 418 Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Sekigunha Nihon Rōdōtō Kensetsu Junbi Iinkai (editor). Sōkatsu shiryō shū: Marukusu-Rēnin shugi, Mō Takutō shisō de busō shita shin no kakumeitō o kensetsu shiyō. Wrtings of Norio Hanazono, Gen Sakuma, and by the editor, summing up past struggles. 総評全国一般労働組合( 編 ). 争議・判例時報: No.3. item_ID: 15291 PamphletID: 511 Sōhyō Zenkoku Ippan Rōdō Kumiai (editor). Sōgi, hanrei jihō: No.3. Descriptions of cases of labour dispuites and decisions given from court. 総合安保を打ち砕け: 労働者階級の7つの課題. Sōgō anpo o uchikudake: Rōdōsha kaikyū no 7 tsu no kadai. item_ID: 15322 PamphletID: 522 This pamphlet states opposition to Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, anti-nuclear weapons, and reforming the Constitution. 小田実( 編 ). 総合英語ゼミ: 第1学期 -1968-. item_ID: 15178 PamphletID: 456 Oda, Makoto (editor). Sōgō eigo zemi: Dai 1 gakki -1968-. A collection of English-written essays and poems; some authors known and some not clearly stated. The contents of essays focus on social issues such as nuclear warfare and nationalism. 322 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets ソウルへの道・フェスティバル: ハンの地底から愛をこめて. Sōru e no michi / Fesutibaru: Han no chitei kara ai o komete. item_ID: 16859 PamphletID: 949 Pamphlet for the festival called “Sōru e no Michi.” Includes the program of the event and words from various persons. 花園紀男( 著 ). 祖国解放戦線大綱[案]. item_ID: 17096 PamphletID: 1073 Hanazono, Norio (author). Sokoku kaihō sensen taikō [an]. A draft of an outline for liberating the motherland. ソ連の党諸組織、全党員にあてたソ連共産党中央委員会の公開状. 東京: ソビエト社会主義共和国連邦大使館広報課, 1963pp. 28. item_ID: 14649 PamphletID: 280 Soren no Tō sho soshiki, Zen Tōin ni ateta Soren Kyōsantō chūō iinkai no kōkaijō. Tōkyō: Sobieto Shakaishugi Kyōwashugi Renpō Taishikan Kōhōka, 1963, pp. 28. Policy statement from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. ソ連・東欧・蒙古旅行案内. 東京: 日ソツーリストビューロー, 1964 pp. 10. item_ID: 17048 PamphletID: 1056 Soren, Tō’ō, Mōko ryokō an’nai. Tōkyō: Nisso Tsūrisuto Byūrō, 1964, pp. 10. A travel pamphlet for Russia, East Europe and Mongolia. ソ連における良心の囚人. So-Ren ni okeru ryōshin no shūjin. item_ID: 15766 PamphletID: 724 A report on the human rights issue in the former Soviet Union. It includes a case sheet about Valter Bramovich Kasper. 韓国キリスト教正義平和委員会, カトリック光州大教区正義平和委 員会( 著 ). 尊敬し愛するあなたに (そして愛する子供たちに). item_ID: 15395 PamphletID: 541 Kankoku Kirisuto-kyō Seigi Heiwa Iinkai and Katorikku Kōshū Daikyōku Seigi Heiwa Iinkai (authors). Sonkei shi aisuru anata ni (soshite aisuru kodomotachi ni). This pamphlet is made up of an excerpt of Kim Dejung’s letter to his wife and children, an article on human rights issues in South Korea’s correction (prison) camps, and two reports on Kōshū prison camp. 総評全国一般宮城合同労働組合( 編 ). 第9回定期大会議案書. item_ID: 15285 PamphletID: 505 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 323 Sōhyō Zenkoku Ippan Miyagi Gōdō Rōdō Kumiai (editor). Dai 9 kai teiki taikai giansho. A measure stated for the 9th regular meeting of Sōhyō Zenkoku Ippan Miyagi Gōdō Rōdō Kumiai, October 22nd, 1972. 第10回国民文化全国集会: 討議資料. 東京: 国民文化会議, 1970pp. 70. item_ID: 17004 PamphletID: 1012 Dai 10 kai kokumin bunka zenkoku shūkai: Tōgi shiryō. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunka Kaigi, 1970, pp. 70. A pamphlet for the 10th National Meeting for Kokumin Bunka. (Probably related to the serial titled Kokumin Bunka [Serial ID #1759]) 総評全国一般宮城合同労働組合( 編 ). 第10回定期大会議案書: 組合結成10周年記念. item_ID: 15287 PamphletID: 507 Sōhyō Zenkoku Ippan Miyagi Gōdō Rōdō Kumiai (editor). Dai 10 kai teiki taikai giansho: Kumiai kessei 10 shūnen kinen. Measures written up for the 10th regular meeting of Sōhyō Zenkoku Ippan Miyagi Gōdō Rōdō Kumiai, October 14th, 1973. 第10回伸びゆく軽印刷展開催記念・号外集: 昭和元年から現在まで の想い出の号外22集. item_ID: 15643 PamphletID: 710 Dai 10 kai nobiyuku keiinsatsu-ten kaisai kinen, Gōgai-shū: Shōwa gannen kara genzai made no omoide no gōgai 22 shū. A collection of gōgai (additional newspaper) published from 1926 through 1970. Editor unknown. 全日本食品労働組合連合会( 編 ). 第11回定期大会議案. item_ID: 15269 PamphletID: 498 Zen Nihon Shokuhin Rōdō Kumiai Rengōkai (editor). Dai 11 kai teiki taikai gian. Measures stated for the 1975 Shuntō of Zen Nihon Shokuhin Rōdō Kumiai Rengōkai. 全日本食品労働組合連合会( 編 ). 第11回定期大会議案:(その2). item_ID: 15270 PamphletID: 499 Zen Nihon Shokuhin Rōdō Kumiai Rengōkai (editor). Dai 11 kai teiki taikai gian: (Sono 2). This is the second volume of the “Dai 11 Kai Teiki Taikai Gian.” This gives the 1975 activity report, budget status, and measures for the Fall struggle of Zen Nihon Shokuhin Rōdō Kumiai Rengō Kumiai. 324 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 総評全国一般宮城合同労働組合( 編 ). 第11回定期大会議案書. item_ID: 15293 PamphletID: 513 Sōhyō Zenkoku Ippan Miyagi Gōdō Rōdō Kumiai (editor). Dai 11 kai teiki taikai giansho. This pamphlet states the measures for the 11th regular meeting of Sōhyō Zenkoku Ippan Miyagi Gōdō Rōdō Kumiai, October 6th, 1974. 第13回早稲田祭基本方針. 第13回早稲田祭実行委員会, 1966pp. 41. item_ID: 16998 PamphletID: 1006 Dai 13 kai Waseda-sai kihon hōshin. Dai 13 kai Waseda-sai Jikkō Iinkai, 1966, pp. 41. A pamphlet about the basic principles for the 13th Waseda Festival. 第14回早稲田祭基本方針. 東京: 早稲田祭実行委員会, 1967 pp. 65. item_ID: 16999 PamphletID: 1007 Dai 14 kai Waseda-sai kihon hōshin. Tōkyō: Waseda-sai Jikkō Iinkai, 1967, pp. 65. A pamphlet about the basic principles for the 14th Waseda Festival. 第14回早稲田祭総括書. 東京: 早稲田祭実行委員会, 1967 pp. 52. item_ID: 17000 PamphletID: 1008 Dai 14 kai Waseda-sai sōkatsusho. Tōkyō: Waseda-sai Jikkō Iinkai, 1967, pp. 52. A summarization of the 14th Waseda Festival. 第15回定期大会議案書: 青年婦人の統一と団結で生活と権利 平和 と民主主義を守ろう. item_ID: 14936 PamphletID: 342 Dai 15 kai teiki taikai giansho: Seinen fujin no tōitsu to danketsu de seikatsu to kenri heiwa to minshushugi o mamorō. Policy report from the 15th congress: unifying youth and women. 第16回中央委員会総会決定集. 日本共産党中央委員会出版局, 1977pp. 54. item_ID: 14932 PamphletID: 338 Dai 16 kai chūō iinkai sōkai tettei shū. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1977, pp. 54. JCP 16th Central Committee Meeting Decisions. 東京都学連中央執行委員会( 編 ). 第16回東京都学連定期大会議案書: 1968年7月18日. item_ID: 16814 PamphletID: 919 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 325 Tokyo Student Alliance Central Action Committee (editor). Dai 16 kai tōkyō togakuren teiki taikai giansho: 1968.7.18. Agenda pamphlet for the 16th regular meeting of Tokyo Togakuren. 寮祭実行委員会( 編 ). 第十九回寮祭 シグマ: 可能性への挑戦. 神奈川県: 第十九回寮祭実 行委員会, 1970pp. 22. item_ID: 16888 PamphletID: 978 Dorm Festival Action Committee (editor). Dai 19 kai ryōsai Shiguma: Kanōsei e no chōsen. Kanagawa: Dai 19 Kai Ryōsai Jikkō Iinkai, 1970, pp. 22. Pamphlet for the 19th ryōsai of Senshū University Student Dorm. 日本共産青年同盟( 編 ). 第一号議案. item_ID: 15570 PamphletID: 637 Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei (editor). Dai 1 gō gian. A pamphlet consisting of three parts; on Seinen’s need to fight, on Kyō Sei Dō’s four tasks, and on their future prospect. 第Ⅰ号議案 情勢:(第一次草案). Dai 1 gō gian Jōsei: (Dai 1 ji sōan). item_ID: 15579 PamphletID: 646 Analysis on Asia countries’ political situation, thought to be written by Kyōseidō. 第一号議案: 新規加盟組合の承認について. Dai 1 gō gian: Shinki kamei kumiai no shōnin ni tsuite. item_ID: 15620 PamphletID: 687 A short list of labour unions in Okinawa, thought to be waiting for approval of joining Kenrōkyō. 第一号議案 総括. Dai 1 gō gian Sōkatsu. item_ID: 15562 PamphletID: 629 Sum-up, thought to be made by the Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei. 第一号議案 総括: 訂正・修正及び補強部分. Dai 1 gō gian Sōkatsu: Teisei/shūsei oyobi hokyō bubun. item_ID: 15566 PamphletID: 633 A pamphlet noting corrections, revisions and reinforcements to be made for “Dai 1 gō gian Sōkatsu.” 326 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 第二・第三号議案補足: 学生運動の任務と学生班協の闘い. Dai 2/dai 3 gō gian hosoku: Gakusei undō no ninmu to gakusei hankyō no tatakai. item_ID: 15578 PamphletID: 645 A supplement to “Dai 2 gō gian” and “Dai 3 gō gian,” thought to be written by Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei. 全国労働金庫労働組合連合会九州地方連合会( 著 ). 第23回定期大会議案書. item_ID: 12673 PamphletID: 99 Zenkoku Rōdō Kinko Rōdō Kumiai Rengō Kai Kyūshū Chihō Rengō (author). Dai 23 kai teiki taikai giansho. This is a pamphlet of the 23rd Regular Meeting of Kyūshū Regional Branch of the National Labors Union for Workers’ Bank. Charts included. 沖縄県労働組合協議会( 編 ). 第25回評議員会議案: 1975年度春闘方針案. item_ID: 15593 PamphletID: 660 Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kumiai Kyōgikai (editor). Dai 25 kai hyōgiinkai gian: 1975 nendo shuntō hōshin an. A pamphlet organized for the 1975 Shuntō Rally, discussing the struggle principles. 第29回定期大会: 1978年議案書. Dai 29 kai teiki taikai: 1978 nen giansho. item_ID: 15029 PamphletID: 363 1978 congress policy paper. アジア青年会議( 編 ). 第2回アジア青年集会: インドシナの勝利を全アジアへ. 東京: アジア 青年会議, 1975pp. 24. item_ID: 12676 PamphletID: 102 Ajia Seinen Kaigi (editor). Dai 2 kai Ajia seinen shūkai: Indoshina no shōri o zen Ajia e. Tōkyō: Ajia Seinen Kaigi, 1975, pp. 24. Pamphlet from an Asian Youth meeting. 第2回アジア青年集会: インドシナの勝利を全アジアへ. 東京: アジア 青年会議, 1975pp. 6. item_ID: 17116 PamphletID: 1083 Dai 2 kai ajia seinen shūkai: Indoshina no shōri o zen ajia e. Tōkyō: Ajia Seinen Kaigi, 1975, pp. 6. This has a title same as Pamph102 but the content is different. 沖縄県労協青年部協議会( 編 ). 第2回沖縄県青年労働者研究集会方針. 県職労青年部, 1975 pp. 3. item_ID: 16499 PamphletID: 764 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 327 Okinawa Kenrōkyō Seinenbu Kyōgikai (editor). Dai 2kai Okinawaken seinen rōdōsha kenkyūkai hōshin. Ken Shokurō Seinen-bu, 1975, pp. 3. A pamphlet states the plan of the 2nd Okinawaken Seinen Rōdōsha Kenkyū Shūkai. 沖縄県労協青年部協議会( 編 ). 第二回沖縄県青年労働者研究集会 基調報告: インフレ、不況を突き 破り、七五春闘を壮大なゼネストで闘おう!沖縄県労協青年部協議 会, 1975pp. 10. item_ID: 15610 PamphletID: 677 Okinawa Kenrōkyō Seinenbu Kyōgikai (editor). Dai 2 kai Okinawa-ken seinen rōdōsha kenkyū shūkai kichō hōkoku: Infure, Fukyō o tsukiyaburi, 75 shuntō o sōdaina zenesuto de tatakaō! Okinawa-ken Rōkyō Seinenbu Kyōgikai, 1975, pp. 10. A pamphlet distributed at a meeting preparing for the 1975 Shuntō. It includes analysis of the current state of affairs and statement of tasks for young workers. 沖縄県労協青年部協議会( 編 ). 第2回沖縄県青年労働者研究集会方針. 県職労青年部, 1975 pp. 3. item_ID: 16551 PamphletID: 815 Okinawa Kenrōkyō Seinenbu Kyōgikai (editor). Dai 2kai Okinawa-ken Seinen Rōdōsha Kenkyū Shūkai Hōshin. Ken Shokurō Seinen-bu, 1975, pp. 3. A pamphlet for the 2nd Okinawa-ken Seinen Rōdōsha Kenkyū Shūkai. 学部学友会( 編 ). 第2回講演会-現代日本の思想状況: 講演者 相原文夫. item_ID: 16845 PamphletID: 935 Undergraduate Students Friendship Association (editor). Dai 2 kai kōenkai - Gendai nihon no shisō jōkyō: Kōensha Aihara Fumio. Essence of a speech given by Aihara Fumio on the way to look into society. 全国住民闘争連帯総決起集会( 編 ). item_ID: 15170 第2回全国住民闘争連帯総決起集会: 住民無視の反動行政と対決す PamphletID: 448 る-. 川崎: 全国住民闘争連帯総決起集会実行委員会, 1980pp. 56. Zenkoku Jūmin Tōsō Rentai Sōkekki Shūkai (editor). Dai 2 kai zenkoku jumin tōsō rentai sōkekki shūkai: Jumin mushi no handō gyōsei to taiketsu suru. Kawasaki: Zenkoku Jūmin Tōsō Rentai Sō-kekki Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai, 1980, pp. 56. Second general meeting of the national citizens struggle alliance. 沖タク労共同分会( 編 ). 第2回 定期大会議案書. 沖タク労共同分会, 1981pp. 6. Okitakurō Kyōdō Bunkai (editor). Dai 2kai teiki taikai giansho. Okitakurō Kyōdō Bunkai, 1981, pp. 6. item_ID: 16496 PamphletID: 761 328 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets A pamphlet for the 2nd regular meeting held by Okitakurō Kyōdō Bunkai, on November 15, 1981. 第二回東京都党会議 一般報告 (草案). 東京: 日本共産党東京都 委員会, 1957pp. 28. item_ID: 14457 PamphletID: 246 Dainikai Tōkyōto tōkaigi ippan hōkoku (sōan). Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō Tōkyō-to Iinkai, 1957, pp. 28. Second general report from the Tokyo Party Meeting. 第Ⅱ期総括案:くたばれ、 レーニンの亡霊共!, 斗う集団. 北大工学部「 創造」Group, 1970pp. 7. item_ID: 15463 PamphletID: 575 Dainiki sōkatsuan: kutabare, Rēnin no bōrei domo!, Tatakau Shūdan. Hokudai Kōgakubu “Sōzō” Group, 1970, pp. 7. A pamphlet reflecting on the significance of activities Tatakau Shūdan has been engaged. 第二号三三項: 鉄塔決戦勝利に向けて闘い抜こう!! Dai 2 gō 33 kō: Tettō kessen shōri ni mukete tatakainukō!! item_ID: 15577 PamphletID: 644 Pamphlet on the Sanrizuka tōsō, thought to be writtten by Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei. 第二号議案 情勢: 補足、修正. Dai 2 gō gian Jōsei: Hosoku, shūsei. item_ID: 15567 PamphletID: 634 A pamphlet noting additions and corrections for “Dai 2 gō gian Jōsei.” 第2号議案: 今日の情勢の基本的特徴. Dai 2 gō gian: Konnichi no jōsei no kihonteki tokuchō. item_ID: 15573 PamphletID: 640 This pamphlet, written by Kyō Sei Dō, reviews the current political situations and discuss the possible solutions. Also, after pointing out problems in Taishū tōsō, it emphasizes the need for Seinen rōdōsha taishū to come into a group. 日本共産青年同盟( 編 ). 第二号議案: 政治報告. item_ID: 15571 PamphletID: 638 Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei (editor). Dai 2 gō gian: Seiji Hōkoku. A pamphlet stating Nihon kyōsan seinen dōmei’s four tasks, and discussing its past involvement in various issues in politics. 第二号議案 情勢. Dai 2 gō gian Jōsei. item_ID: 15563 PamphletID: 630 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 329 Analysis on the state of affairs, or the general situation in 1975, thought to be made by the Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei. 第二号議案 総括(草案). Dai 2 gō gian Sōkatsu (sōan). item_ID: 15580 PamphletID: 647 Sum-up on the 3/26 Tōsō and Fukuda/Ōhira regimes, thought to be written by Kyōseidō. 第2分科会資料. Dai 2 bunka-kai shiryō. item_ID: 15695 PamphletID: 720 Material on Amnesty International’s organization CAT (campaign for the abolition of torture). 桃裕行, 仲新, 野田良之, 藤井隆, 植村泰忠, 大阪読売新聞社( 著 ). 第33回公開講座講義要綱. item_ID: 13449 PamphletID: 190 Tō, Hiroyuki; Naka, Arata; Noda, Yoshiyuki; Fujii, Takashi; Uemura, Yasutada; and Osaka Yomiuri Shinbunsha (authors). Dai 33 kai kōkai kōza kōgi yōkō. Pamphlet of speeches at a public symposium. 第3回アジア青年集会実行委員会( 編 ). 第3回アジア青年集会: アジア・アラブ・ヨーロッパの団結を! item_ID: 15323 PamphletID: 523 Dai 3 kai Ajia Seinen Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai (editor). Dai 3 kai ajia seinen shūkai: Ajia, Arabu, Yōroppa no danketsu o! This pamphlet is a call for the 3rd meeting of “Ajia Seinen Shūkai.” The pamphlet gives the date and place of meetings to be held in Japan, and slogan in the back. 第3回臨時大会議案書. 食品労連 オキコ労働組合, 1978pp. 12. Dai 3 kai rinji taikai giansho. Shokuhin Rōren Okiko Rōdō Kumiai, 1978, pp. 12. item_ID: 16937 PamphletID: 997 A bill for the 3rd special meeting for the Shokuhin Rōren. 第三議案: 任務方針続き、D組組織建設方針. Dai 3 gian: Ninmu hōshin tuzuki, D gumi soshiki kensetsu hōshin. item_ID: 15576 PamphletID: 643 A pamphlet stating several agendas of the Kyō Sei Dō, and the principles of developing a nation-wide group. 日本共産青年同盟( 編 ). 第三号議案: 組織報告. item_ID: 15572 PamphletID: 639 330 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei (editor). Dai 3 gō gian: Soshiki hōkoku. A pamphlet by Nihon kyōsan sennen dōmei, discussing the present situation of Seinen sensen, and claiming for the nation wide movement by the youth. 第三号議案 任務・方針. Dai 3 gō gian Ninmu/Hōshin. item_ID: 15581 PamphletID: 648 Pamphlet on political situations of countries all around, notions on the Ōhira regime, Sanrizuka Tōsō, working class, and statements on the tasks/principles of Kyōseidō, thought to be written by the Kyōseidō. 第三号議案 任務・方針. Dai 3 gō gian Ninmu/Hōshin. item_ID: 15564 PamphletID: 631 Statements made on the Task/Principle, thought to be by Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei. 原水爆禁止沖縄県協議会( 編 ). 第3次核基地調査活動中間報告. item_ID: 15317 PamphletID: 517 Gensuibaku Kinshi Okinawa-ken Kyōgikai (editor). Dai 3 ji kaku kichi chōsa katsudō chūkan hōkoku. This pamphlet includes informations on the military bases in 1975 Okinawa obtained through investigations done by Okinawa-ken Gensuikyō and other organizations. This also includes further plans for investigations. 総評全国一般宮城合同青年婦人部( 編 ). 第4回支部代表者会議議案書. item_ID: 15284 PamphletID: 504 Sōhyō Zenkoku Ippan Miyagi Gōdō Seinen Fujin-bu (editor). Dai 4 kai shibu daihyōsha kaigi giansho. This is a pamphlet stating the measures for the gathering of Sōhyō Zenkoku Ippan Miyagi Gōdō Seinen Fujin-bu of September 30th, 1971. 沖縄ヒルトンホテル労働組合( 編 ). 第四回定期大会議案書. 沖縄: 沖縄ヒルトンホテル労働組合, 1977pp. 24. item_ID: 16484 PamphletID: 748 Okinawa Hilton Hotel Labor Union (editor). Dai 4kai teiki taikai giansho. Okinawa: Okinawa Hiruton Hoteru Rōdō Kumiai, 1977, pp. 24. Pamphlets for the 4th regular meeting of Okinawa Hiruton Hoteru Rōdō Kumiai, held on November 4th, 1997. 第四号議案: 当面する組織方針、組織建設方針. Dai 4 gō gian: Tōmen suru soshiki hōshin, soshiki kensetsu hōshin. item_ID: 15574 PamphletID: 641 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 331 A pamphlet on principles in organizing Kyō Sei Do’s, presenting detailed plan of organization. 第四号議案 大衆運動方針. Dai 4 gō gian Taishū undō hōshin. item_ID: 15565 PamphletID: 632 Statements on the principles on the masses’ movement, thought to be made by Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei. 第四号議案 大衆運動方針:(第一次草案). Dai 4 gō gian Taishū undō hōshin: (Dai 1 ji sōan). item_ID: 15582 PamphletID: 649 Pamphlet making statements on the basic characteristic of the masses’ movement, its problems to be overcome, and principles of the movement, thought to be written by Kyōseidō. 第四号議案 大衆運動方針: 補強、修正. Dai 4 gō gian Taishū undō hōshin: Hokyō, shūsei. item_ID: 15568 PamphletID: 635 Pamphlet consisting of three parts; one is corrections and additions to be made to “Dai 4 gō gian Taishū Undō Hōshin,” second is titled “76 nen Taishū Tōsō Hōshin,” and third titled “Dantai Hōshin,” I.e. principles on the countermeasures for state oppression. 第四号議案 続き: 春闘方針. Dai 4 gō gian Tsuzuki: Shuntō hōshin. item_ID: 15569 PamphletID: 636 Pamphelt consisted on two writings; one is the sequel for “Dai 4 gō gian,” and second is titled “Fujin Undō Hōshin.” 第4回部落解放 矢田地区研究集会: 討議資料. 大阪: 矢田同和教 育推進協議会, 1971pp. 80. item_ID: 17028 PamphletID: 1036 Dai 4 kai buraku kaihō Yata chiku kenkyū shūkai: Tōgi shiryō. Ōsaka: Yata Dōwa Kyōiku Suishin Kyōgikai, 1971, pp. 80. A pamphlet for a discussion meeting about buraku kaihō in the Yata area. 第5回アジア青年集会: アジア人民と共に福田を倒せ!!三里塚とア ジアを結ぶ反帝共同戦線を!!1978年7月. item_ID: 15324 PamphletID: 524 Dai 5 kai ajia seinen shūkai: Ajia jinmin to tomo ni Fukuda o taose!! Sanrizuka to Ajia o musubu hantei kyōdō sensen o!! 1978 nen 7 gatsu. A call for the 5th meeting of “Ajia Seinen Shūkai” in Japan. Inside are articles on people’s struggle in Japan, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong/Taiwan, and South Korea. 332 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 第5回九州住民闘争交流団結合宿. 九州住民闘争交流団結合宿運 営委員会, 1978pp. 18. item_ID: 16940 PamphletID: 998 Dai 5 kai Kyūshū jūmin tōsō kōryū danketsu gasshuku. Kyūshū Jūmin Tōsō Kōryū Danketsu Gasshuku Un’ei Iinkai, 1978, pp. 18. A pamphlet for the 5th camp for the people in Kyūshū fighting against various problems. 沖縄ヒルトンホテル労働組合( 編 ). 第五回定期大会議案書. 沖縄: 沖縄ヒルトンホテル労働組合, 1978pp. 44. item_ID: 16486 PamphletID: 750 Okinawa Hilton Hotel Labor Union (editor). Dai 5kai teiki taikai giansho. Okinawa: Okinawa Hiruton Hoteru Rōdō Kumiai, 1978, pp. 44. A pamphlet for the 5th regular meeting of Okinawa Hiruton Hoteru Rōdō Kumiai, held on September 20, 1978. 第五号議案: 当面する大衆斗争方針. Dai 5 gō gian: Tōmen suru taishū tōsō hōshin. item_ID: 15575 PamphletID: 642 A pamphlet, thought to be written by Kyō Sei Dō (Jun) Ken I, stating principles and agendas concerning the up-coming political events in the prefecture. 第六回役員・顧問・委員総会確認事項. Dai 6 kai yakuin, komon, iin sōkai kakunin jikō. item_ID: 15366 PamphletID: 534 A pamphlet for the executive members’ 6th meeting of Tōkyō Okinawa Kenjin-kai in 1957. 県労協婦人部( 編 ). 第六回県労協婦人部定期大会議案書. 沖縄: 県労協婦人部, 1975pp. 6. item_ID: 15636 PamphletID: 703 Kenrōkyō Fujin-bu (editor). Dai 6 kai Ken Rō Kyō Fujin-bu teiki taikai giansho. Okinawa: Ken Rō Kyō Fujin-bu, 1975, pp. 6. Material distributed for Ken Rō Kyō Fujin-bu’s the sixth meeting. It includes the summary of their activities during the previous two years and the agenda for the coming year. 沖縄県労協婦人部( 編 ). 第6回はたらく婦人の沖縄県集会: -討議のために-. Okinawa Prefecture Labor Union Women’s Section (editor). Dai 6 kai Hataraku fujin no Okinawa-ken shūkai: - Tōgi no tame ni -. item_ID: 15592 PamphletID: 659 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 333 Pamphlet organized for the 6th rally of “Hataraku Fujin no Okinawa-ken Shūkai,” held on August 4th, 1974 in Nakagami, Okinawa. 全逓沖縄地区青年部常任委員会( 編 ). 第7回全逓沖縄地区青年部定期委員会議案書. item_ID: 16434 PamphletID: 741 All Japan Communications Union Okinawa Region Youth Bureau Executive Committee (editor). Dai 7 kai Zentei Okinawa-chiku Seinen-bu teiki iinkai giansho. A pamphlet distributed for the 7th regular meeting of Zentei Okinawa-chiku Seinen-bu. 第7回総会議案書. Dai 7 kai sōkai giansho. item_ID: 15205 PamphletID: 483 Plans for the 7th general meeting. 大安重機械総合工場. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1981pp. 4. Taian jūkikai sōgō kōjō. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1981, pp. 4. item_ID: 14441 PamphletID: 229 Pamphlet from North Korea. 文闘連( 編 ). 対案書: 第二期早大闘争を無期ストで闘い抜け! item_ID: 16803 PamphletID: 908 Literature Struggle Alliance (editor). Taiansho: Dai ni-ki sōdai tōsō o muki suto de tatakainuke! Statements made for the May 28th 1969 Ichibun Gakusei Taikai. 第一次総括案, 斗う集団. 北大工学部, 1969pp. 24. Daiichiji sōkatsuan, Tatakau Shūdan. Hokudai Kōgakubu, 1969, pp. 24. item_ID: 15461 PamphletID: 573 A pamphlet claiming the significance of Tatakau Shūdan at Hokudai Kōgakubu. 学術団( 著 ). 大学共同体への胎動: 学館問題の核心. item_ID: 12655 PamphletID: 81 Gakujutsu Dan (author). Daigaku kyōdōtai e no taidō: Gakkan mondai no kakushin. This pamphlet tries to elucidate the problem of administration at Dōshisha University, the problem of how to administer Gakkan in particular. 334 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 大学治安立法粉砕のために: 大学立法粉砕!中教審答申粉砕を基軸 に全国大学闘争の爆発を撃ち取れ!東京: 東京学生解放戦線連合 (準)事務局, 1969pp. 10. item_ID: 17103 PamphletID: 1080 Daigaku chian rippō funsai no tame ni: Daigaku rippō funsai! Chūkyōshin tōshin funsai o kijiku ni zenkoku daigaku tōsō no bakuhatsu o uchi tore! Tōkyō: Tōkyō Gakusei Kaihō Sensen Rengō (jun) Jimykyoku, 1969, pp. 10. A pamphlet arguing agains Daigaku Rippō. 北大全学助手会( 編 ). 「大学」に関する討議資料. item_ID: 15518 PamphletID: 585 Hokkaido Universtiy All-Campus Graduate Assistants Organization (editor). “Daigaku” ni kansuru tōgi shiryō. A pamphlet discussing the need of reform in Hokkaidō Daigaku. 赤軍への招待: 大局観の獲得もしくは反スタ主義の止揚のために, Sekigun eno shōtai. item_ID: 17098 PamphletID: 1075 Taikyokukan no kakutoku moshikuwa han suta shugi no shiyō no tame ni. A pamphlet stating Sekigun’s opinions. 塩見孝也, 布川徹郎( 著 ). 隊伍を整えよ!東京: 査証出版, 1975pp. 4. item_ID: 13293 PamphletID: 158 Shiomi, Takaya and Nunokawa, Tetsurō (authors). Taigo o totonoeyo! Tōkyō: Sashō Shuppan, 1975, pp. 4. A pamphlet by Shiomi Takaya written in 1975. 大衆運動方針: 第二次草案. Taishū undō hōshin: Dai 2 ji sōan. item_ID: 15557 PamphletID: 624 Pamphlet stating the principles for mass movement, thought to be edited by Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei. タイ人民連帯キャンペーン実行委員会( 著 ). タイ人民連帯キャンペーンの呼びかけ. item_ID: 12658 PamphletID: 84 Tai Jinmin Rentai Kyanpēn Jikkō Iinkai (author). Tai jinmin rentai kyampēn no yobikake. This calls for support for Thai people who struggle in the anti-Japan movements. タイ人民連帯キャンペーンの呼びかけ. Tai jinmin rentai kyanpēn no yobikake. Call for solidarity with the Thai people. item_ID: 14845 PamphletID: 321 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 335 大地と工場と太陽を働くものの共同の手に: 政策パンフレット. Daichi to kōjō to taiyō o hataraku mono no kyōdō no te ni: Seisaku pamfuretto. item_ID: 12465 PamphletID: 3 This encourages workers to join struggles to improve work conditions. 第二学館問題討論資料: 学館斗争の勝利のために. 早大学館問題全 学共斗会議, 1965pp. 19. item_ID: 17001 PamphletID: 1009 Dai ni gakkan mondai tōron shiryō: Gakkan tōsō no shōri no tame ni. Sōdai Gakkan Mondai Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi, 1965, pp. 19. A pamphlet about fighting for a student building (gakusei kaikan) to be constructed. 一文ストライキ共闘会議( 編 ). 第二次早大闘争中間総括: ’69.7.11. item_ID: 16802 PamphletID: 907 First Literature Section Strike Joint Conference (editor). Dai ni-ji sōdai tōsō chūkan sōkatsu: ‘69.7.11. Interim sum up on the “Dai Ni-ji Sōdai Tōsō,” made on the 11th of July, 1969, by Ichibun Sutoraiki Kyōtō Kaigi. 反公害輸出通報センター 自主講座原子力グループ( 編 ). 太平洋を核のゴミ捨て場にするな!: 日本の核廃棄物海洋投棄ここが 問題だ. 東京: 自主講座, 1981pp. 52. item_ID: 15127 PamphletID: 432 Han Kōgai Yushutsu Tsūhō Sentā Jishu Kōza Genshiryoku Gurūpu (editor). Taiheiyō o kaku no gomisuteba ni suruna!: Nihon no kaku haikibutsu kaiyō haiki koko ga mondai da. Tōkyō: Jishu Kōza, 1981, pp. 52. Pamphlet opposing the Pacific becoming a dumping ground for spent nuclear fuel. 大菩薩. Dai Bosatsu. item_ID: 12554 PamphletID: 32 A pamphlet about the Dai Bosatsu incident when a large number of Red Army members were arrested at a guerrilla training camp. 日本革命的共産主義者同盟( 編 ). 第四インターナショナルは主張する: 三里塚闘争と社会主義をめざす 労働運動, 宣伝パンフ No.2. 東京: 新時代社, 1978pp. 60. item_ID: 15036 PamphletID: 370 Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyosan Shugisha Domei (editor). Dai Yon Intānashonaru wa shuchō suru: Sanrizuka tōsō to shakaishugi o mezasu rōdō undō. Senden panfu No.2. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1978, pp. 60. Dai Yon Inta’s Sanrizuka position. 336 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 高橋悠治ピアノコンサート 不屈の民: 1979 July in Okinawa. Takahashi Yūji piano konsāto Fukutsu no Tami: 1979 July in Okinawa. item_ID: 16429 PamphletID: 735 Inside are notes, profiles, and program of Takahashi Yūji Piano Concert held in Okinawa in July, 1979. 高橋悠治を聞く会( 編 ). 高橋悠治ピアノコンサート 不屈の民: 報告集. 高橋悠治を聞く会, 1979pp. 27. item_ID: 16430 PamphletID: 736 Takahashi Yūji Support Committee (editor). Takahashi Yūji piano konsāto Fukutsu no Tami: Hōkokushū. Takahashi Yūji o kikukai, 1979, pp. 27. This is a report of Takahashi Yūji’s piano concert as a “cultural movement.” 闘いの経過. Tatakai no keika. item_ID: 15623 PamphletID: 690 Pamphlet depicting the process of a labourers’ struggle. Difficult to tell the name of the concerned labour union. 戦いの書誌. Tatakai no shoshi. item_ID: 17105 PamphletID: 1082 A list of books related to the New Left Wing and Gakusei Undō. List includes books written by Takazawa. 板橋反戦青年委員会( 編 ). 闘いの前進のために: 三里塚空港設置反対!!王子野戦病院設置反 対!!板橋反戦青年委員会, 1968pp. 31. item_ID: 16568 PamphletID: 824 Itabashi Anti-war Youth Committee (editor). Tatakai no zenshin no tame ni: Sanrizuka kūkō secchi hantai!! Ōji yasen byōin secchi hantai!! Itabashi Hansen Seinen Iinkai, 1968, pp. 31. Congregated materials on the Sanrizuka struggle and Ōji struggle, edited by Itabashi Hansen Seinen Iinkai. 日本共産青年同盟大阪府委員会( 編 ). 闘いの砦: -全金港ブロックを全国拠点に、中小企業労働運動の勝利 のために-. 大阪: 関西新時代社, 1976pp. 38. item_ID: 15281 PamphletID: 501 Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei Ōsaka-fu Iinkai (editor). Tatakai no toride: Zenkin Minato burokku o zenkoku kyoten ni, chūshōkigyō rōdō undō no shōri no tame ni. Ōsaka: Kansai Shinjidai Sha, 1976, pp. 38. This pamphlet is about a labour union block “Zenkin Minato Burokku.” This gives the origin, the history of its struggle. Also has an interview with the leader of this group. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 337 上野勝輝( 訳 ) ( 訳 ). 闘いの中の南ベトナム. item_ID: 12553 PamphletID: 31 Ueno, Katsuki (translator). Tatakai no naka no Minami Betonamu. This is a translation of “South Vietnam in Struggle.” 闘う三里塚. 千葉: 千葉県青年反戦委員会現地闘争本部, 1969 pp. 49. item_ID: 17043 PamphletID: 1051 Tatakau Sanrizuka. Chiba: Chiba-ken Seinen Hansen Iinkai Genchi Tōsō Honbu, 1969, pp. 49. A collection of articles about the Sanrizuka Tōsō, including a piece written by Tomura Issaku. 光文社労働組合, 光文社記者労働組合, 光文社臨時労働者労働組合 ( 著 ). 闘う戦列を固め、反撃せよ!: 光文社闘争の中間総括. item_ID: 11694 PamphletID: 148 Kōbunsha Rōdō Kumiai; Kōbunsha Kisha Rōdō Kumiai; and Kōbunsha Rinji Rōdōsha Rōdō Kumiai (authors). Tatakau senretsu o katame, hangeki seyo!: Kōbunsha tōsō no chūkan sōkatsu. Pamphlet from a labor conflict at the Kōbunsha publishing company. 日本史闘争委員会準備会( 編 ). 闘う日本史: 幻想の大学への叛逆を! item_ID: 16819 PamphletID: 924 Japanese History Struggle Committee Planning Committee (editor). Tatakau nihonshi: Gensō no daigaku e no hangyaku o! Pamphlet giving a time table of Tōdai Tōsō and statements on what can be learned from the Struggle. 闘うベトナム. Tatakau Betonamu. item_ID: 12551 PamphletID: 29 This is a transtaion of “Vietnam Courier.” 玉木病院記念誌編集委員会( 編 ). 玉木病院十周年記念誌: 1982. 宜野湾市: 玉木病院, 1982 pp. 177. item_ID: 16821 PamphletID: 926 Tamaki Hospital Anniversary Editing Committee (editor). Tamaki byōin 10 shūnen kinenshi: 1982. Ginowan: Tamaki Byōin, 1982, pp. 177. 10th anniversary publication of Tamaki Byōin. Includes general information on the hospital plus transcript of a special discussion held, list of employees, and statistics. 338 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets ダルミ バラム. 平壌: 平壌出版社, 1990pp. 62. Darumi Baramu. Pyongyang: Pyongyang Chulpansa, 1990, pp. 62. item_ID: 14453 PamphletID: 241 Pamphlet from Pyongyang. 弾圧という一言に現わしうるが: 続今一度君に語り掛けたい. Dan’atsu to iu hitokoto ni arawashi uruga: Zoku Ima ichido kimi ni katari kaketai. item_ID: 12491 PamphletID: 13 This pamphlet discloses internal problems at Nihon University. 全電通沖縄県支部青年常任委員会( 編 ). タンク着工阻止のために. item_ID: 15785 PamphletID: 732 Zen Dentsū Union Okinawa branch Youth Executive Committee (editor). Tanku chakkō soshi no tame ni. A pamphlet against the construction of CTS tanks in Kinbu-wan, presenting various data such as newpaper articles, tables and graphs, and maps. 団結: 全水道沖縄第6回定期大会. 全水道沖縄県企業局水道労働組 合, 1977pp. 128. item_ID: 15028 PamphletID: 362 Danketsu: Zen Suidō Okinawa dai 6 kai teiki taikai. Zen Okinawa-ken Kigyō-choku Suidō Rōdō Kumiai, 1977, pp. 128. All Okinawa water workers 6th general meeting. 島成郎( 著 ). 地域精神医療の上 item_ID: 16723 PamphletID: 906 Shima, Shigeo (author). Chiiki Seishin Iryō no Jō. Article written by Shima Shigeo, titled “Chiiki Seishin Iryō Hihan no Jo.” Critique on regional medical care on mental health. ゲオルク・ルカーチ( 著 ). 知識人の組織問題によせて議会主義の問題によせて日和見主義と 一揆主義. item_ID: 12663 PamphletID: 89 Lukacs, Gyorgy (author). Chishikijin no soshiki mondai ni yosete gikai shugi no mondai ni yosete hiyorimi shugi to ikki shugi. This is a translation of a work by Lukacs. 中村君と共に闘う会( 編 ). 秩序の谷間に: -4・22事件の記録-. item_ID: 15289 PamphletID: 509 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 339 Nakamura-kun to tomo ni Tatakau Kai (editor). Chitsujo no tanima ni: 4/22 jiken no kiroku. This pamphlet is a call for understanding and sharing of the motive of “Nakamurakun to tomoni tatakau kai” and the “4/22 Incident” in 1972. 全金田中機械とともに闘う会( 編 ). 血と汗と喜びで、我等が築きし職場を我が力で守り抜かん. 大阪: 全 金田中機械とともに闘う会, 1979pp. 32. item_ID: 15786 PamphletID: 733 All Metal Workers Machine Joint Struggle Group (editor). Chi to ase to yorokobi de, warera ga kizukishi shokuba o waga chikara de mamori-nukan. ōsaka: Zenkin Tanaka Kikai to Tomo ni Tatakau Kai, 1979, pp. 32. A collection of articles related to declaration of self-bankruptcy of Zenkin Tanaka Kikai. It includes appeal for the participation to the fight for Tanaka Kikai. 中間総括: -相模補給廠解体に向けて-. Chūkan sōkatsu: Sagami hokyūshō kaitai ni mukete. item_ID: 15176 PamphletID: 454 Pamphlet trying to disrupt the Sagami supply line. 駐健保学習資料: No. 1. Chū-ken-ho gakushū shiryō: No. 1. item_ID: 15630 PamphletID: 697 Legal knowledge on health insurance. 中国のベトナム侵略とその背景: 関連資料付. 日本共産党中央委員会 出版局, 1979pp. 40. item_ID: 16860 PamphletID: 950 Chūgoku no betonamu shinryaku to sono haikei: Kanren shiryō tsuki. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1979, pp. 40. Pamphlet on China’s invasion to Vietnam, published by JCP. 中国のベトナム侵略とその背景: 平和と主権に挑戦する. 日本共産党 中央委員会出版局, 1979pp. 40. item_ID: 14838 PamphletID: 314 Chūgoku no Betonamu shinryaku to sono haikei: Heiwa to shuken ni chōsen suru. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1979, pp. 40. Background of China’s agression toward Vietnam. 九州大学医学部( 編 ). 中国革命と毛沢東主義の歴史的破産: アジアを反帝・反スタ世界革命 の根拠地とせよ. 九州大学医学部, 1969pp. 69. item_ID: 13796 PamphletID: 206 340 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Kyūshū Daigaku Igakubu (editor). Chugoku kakumei to Mōtakutō shugi no rekishiteki hasan: Ajia o hantei - hansuta sekai kakumei no konkyochi to seyo. Kyūshū daigaku, 1969, pp. 69. Pamphlet about the Chinese revolution and Maoism. 朝鮮高校生に対する襲撃事件の調査報告書. 東京: 在日朝鮮人の人 権を守る会, 1970pp. 40. item_ID: 17002 PamphletID: 1010 Chōsen kōkōsei ni taisuru shūgeki jiken no chōsa hōkokusho. Tōkyō: Zainichi Chōsenjin no jinken o mamorukai, 1970, pp. 40. A report about the incident in which Korean high school students were attacked. 九州大学文学部自治会文学部共闘会議(準) ( 著 ). 朝鮮史学を人民のものに!福岡: 九州大学文学部自治会・文学部共 闘会議, 1975pp. 60. item_ID: 12669 PamphletID: 95 Kyūshū Daigaku Bungaku Bu Jichi Kai Bungaku Bu Kyōtō Kaigi (Jun) (author). Chōsen shigaku o jinmin no mono ni! Fukuoka: Kyūshū Daigaku Bungakubu Jichikai, Bungakubu Kyōtō Kaigi, 1975, pp. 60. This pamphlet questions why the Korean history course is suddenly established in Kyūshū University. It contains discussions between professors who will offer the course and students who want to clarify the real purpose of the establishment. 朝鮮事変の解決をめぐる二つの方針. Chōsen jihen no kaiketsu o meguru futatsu no hōshin. item_ID: 14458 PamphletID: 247 Policies to take care of the North Korean disaster. パレスチナ人民支援沖縄委員会, 朝日新聞, ベトナムの平和と統一の item_ID: 16523 ために闘う在日ベトナム人の会, ベトナム留学生支援の会事務局( 著 ). PamphletID: 787 朝鮮ベトナム連帯集会: 韓国民青学連事件被告全員の即時釈放と、南 ベトナム30万政治犯の即時釈放を要求する. 朝鮮・ベトナム連帯集会 参加者, 1974. Paresuchina Jinmin Shien Okinawa Iinkai; Asahi Shimbun; Betonamu no Heiwa to Tōitsu no tame ni Tatakau Zainichi Betonamujin no Kai; and Betonamu Ryūgakusei Shien no Kai Jimukyoku (authors). Chōsen Betonamu rentai shūkai: Kankoku Minsei Gakuren jiken hikoku zen’in no sokuji shakuhō to, Minami Betonamu 30man seijihan no shakuhō wo yōkyūsuru. Chōsen, Betonamu Rentai Shūkai Sankasha, 1974. This pamphlet is a collection of the articles related to Kankoku Minsei Gakuren jiken and Minami Betonamu seijihan shakuhō, written by several different organization. 国立平壌マンスデ芸術団公演事務局( 編 ). item_ID: 17351 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 国立平壌マンスデ芸術団: 日本公演プロ PamphletID: 1100 グラム. 東京都: 国立平壌マンスデ芸術団公演事務局, 1973pp. 44. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 341 National Pyonyang Mansudai Art Museum Exhibitions Office (editor). Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakoku Kokuritsu Pyonyan Mansude Geijutsudan: Nihon Kōen Puroguramu. Tokyo: Kokuritsu Pyonyan Mansude Geijutsudan Kōen Jimukyoku, 1973, pp. 44. Program of the first ever performance of North Korea’s national Mansude Geijutsudan in Japan, 1973. 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国政府備忘録: アメリカ帝国主義侵略者が南 朝鮮を占領してから37年になるのと関連して, 朝鮮問題資料シリーズ 第69集. 東京: 在日本朝鮮人総聯合会社会局, 1982pp. 27. item_ID: 14436 PamphletID: 223 Chōsen minshushugi jinmin kyōwakoku seifu bibōroku: America teikoku shugi shinnyūsha ga Minami Chōsen o senryō shite kara 37 nen ni naru no to kanrenshite, Chōsen mondai shiryō shirīzu dai 69 shū. Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsenjin Sōrengōkai Shakaikyoku, 1982, pp. 27. Anti-American pamphlet from Pyongyang. 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の30年. 東京: 在日本朝鮮人総聯合会中 央常任委員会, 1978pp. 88. item_ID: 14438 PamphletID: 225 Chōsen minshushugi jinmin kyōwakoku no 30 nen. Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsenjin Sōrengōkai Chūō Jōnin Iinkai, 1978, pp. 88. Pamphlet from Chōsen Sōren. 金芝河( 著 ). <長編詩> 民の叫び金芝河. item_ID: 12640 PamphletID: 66 Kim, Chi-ha (author). “Chōhen Shi” tami no sakebi Kimu Jiha. This is a translation of a long poem composed by a Korean poet Kin Jiha. 全斗カン政権による「スパイ」デッチ上げ死刑重刑判決弾劾!! Chon Do Han seiken ni yoru “supai” detchiage shikei jūkei hanketsu dangai!! item_ID: 16651 PamphletID: 850 Materials on zainichi South Korean “seijihan” and Chun Do Han’s suppression. There is a list of poltical prisoners, time table of events, name of support groups in Japan, etc. List of those responsible in printing is printed in the back page. 東アジア反日武装戦線への死刑重刑攻撃粉砕、控訴審をたたかう支 援連絡会議( 著 ). 沈黙は、 あしたの闇につながる: 東アジア反日戦線への死刑・重刑攻 撃をゆるすな!東京: 東アジア反日武装戦線への死刑重刑攻撃粉砕、 控訴審をたたかう支援連絡会議, 1982pp. 16. item_ID: 13396 PamphletID: 177 342 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Higashi Ajia Hannichi Busō Sensen heno Shikei Jūkei Kōgeki Funsai, Kōsoshin o Tatakau Shien Renraku Kaigi (author). Chinmoku wa, ashita no yami ni tsunagaru: Higashi Ajia Han’nichi Sensen e no shikei, jūkei kōgeki o yurusuna! Tōkyō: Higashi Ajia Hannichi Busō Sensen e no Shikei Jūkei Kōgeki Funsai, Kōsoshin o Tatakau Shien Renraku Kaigi, 1982, pp. 16. Pamphlet put out by the Hannichi support group. 停課革命を推進せよ!: 京大教養部停課総括. 京都: 関西地区・停課推 進委員会, 1971pp. 40+14. item_ID: 17037 PamphletID: 1045 Teika kakumei o suishin seyo!: Kyōdai kyōyōbu teika sōkatsu. Kyōto: Kansai Chiku, Teika Suishin Iinkai, 1971, pp. 40+14. A collection of handbills issued by Teika Suishin Iinkai at Kyōto University. 日本共産党(革命左派)神奈川県常任編集委員会( 編 ). 鉄砲から国家権力が生まれる。:-武装の準備と行動のために-. item_ID: 15084 PamphletID: 421 Nihon Kyōsantō (Kakumei Saha) Kanagawa-ken Jōnin Henshū Iinkai (editor). Teppō kara kokka kenryoku ga umareru: Busō no junbi to kōdō no tame ni. Reports, criticisms, orders, interpretations made by JCP. 在日韓国人政治犯を救済する家族・僑胞の会( 編 ). 鉄窓に光を: 在日韓国人政治犯と家族・友人の訴え. 東京: 在日韓国 人政治犯を救援する家族・僑胞の会, 1977pp. 87. item_ID: 15022 PamphletID: 358 Zainichi Kankokujin Seijihan o Kyusai suru Kazoku/Kyōhō no Kai (editor). Tetsumado ni hikari o: Zainichi kankokujin seijihan to kazoku, yūjin no uttae. Tōkyō: Zainichi Kankokujin Seijihan o Kyūen suru Kazoku/Kyōhō no Kai, 1977, pp. 87. Pamphlet supporting zainichi Korean political prisoners. 徹夜監視2年間: 相模補給廠監視団の記録. 相模原市: 相模補給廠 監視団, 1974pp. 61. item_ID: 15032 PamphletID: 366 Tetsuya kanshi 2 nenkan: Sagami hokyū shō kanshi dan no kiroku. Sagamihara-shi: Sagami Hokyūshō Kanshi Dan, 1974, pp. 61. Two years of all night watch at Sagami. 救援連絡センター・テルアビブ闘争救援委員会( 編 ). テルアビブ闘争救援委員会カンパ帳(1). item_ID: 15448 PamphletID: 564 Kyūen Renraku Sentā, Teruabibu Tōsō Kyūen Iinkai (editor). Teruabibu tōsō kyūen iinkai kanpa-chō (1). A pamphlet written by Kyūen Renraku Sentā, stating support for Kōzō Okamoto. 天皇にクソを投げる日: コペンハーゲン天尿組始末. Tennō ni kuso o nageru hi: Kopenhāgen tennyō kumi shimatsu. item_ID: 12626 PamphletID: 52 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 343 This is a record of a discussion among Japanese who live in Europe and planned to threw condoms with human feces in it to Emperor Hirohito during his visit to Copenhagen, Denmark. 神山茂夫( 編 ). 天皇問題で転向する日共: -清水、宮本の天皇論を批判する-. item_ID: 15131 PamphletID: 436 Kamiyama, Shigeo (editor). Tennō mondai de tenkō suru nikkyō: Shimizu, Miyamoto no Tennō ron o hihan suru. Criticism of JCP emperor theory. ドイツ革命運動ポスター展 カタログ. Doitsu kakumei undō posutā ten Katarogu. item_ID: 16428 PamphletID: 734 This is a catalogue of an exhibition of German policitcal posters during the years of 1924 through 1932. Includes narrrative and pictures of posters. 東亜日報労働者に支援と連帯を!: 韓国言論弾圧問題資料集. 東京: 東京都労働組合活動家会議, 1975pp. 38. item_ID: 12668 PamphletID: 94 Tōa Nippō rōdōsha ni shien to rentai o!: Kankoku genron dan’atsu mondai shiryō shū. Tōkyō: Tōkyō-to Rōdō Kumiai Katsudōka Kaigi, 1975, pp. 38. This calls for supoprt for the protest against the suppression of freedom of expression against Tōa Nippō newspaper writers. It explains the situation of the suppression and protest and introduces some voices from Korean supporters. 東京都労働組合活動家会議( 編 ). 東亜日報労働者に支援と連帯を!: 日韓労働者連帯・討論資料集 No2. 東京: 東京都労働組合活動家会議, 1975pp. 16. item_ID: 14842 PamphletID: 318 Tōkyō-to Rōdō Kumiai Katsudō-ka Kaigi (editor). Tōa Nippō rōdōsha ni shien to rentai o!: Nikkan rōdōsha rentai-tōron shiryōshū. Tōkyō: Tōkyō-to Rōdō Kumiai Katsudōka Kaigi, 1975, pp. 16. Pamphlet on solidarity with East Asian workers. 統一後三年のベトナム. Tōitsugo sannen no Betonamu. item_ID: 14829 PamphletID: 305 Three years after the reunification of Vietnam. 解放の旗編集委員会( 編 ). 東欧・ソ連・中国情勢と 「連合赤軍」 「革命的左翼運動」の総括. item_ID: 15085 PamphletID: 422 Kaihō no Hata Henshū Iinkai (editor). Tōō, Soren, Chūgoku jōsei to “Rengō Sekigun” “Kakumeiteki Sayoku Undō” no sōkatsu. A summary of statements made by Kawashima Gō of JCP (Kakumei Saha) in 1990. 344 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 討議資料: -ベ平連批判文-. Tōgi shiryō: - Beheiren hihanbun -. item_ID: 16817 PamphletID: 922 Short bibliography of critiques on Beheiren. 南ベトナムの監獄制度改善のための運動委員会( 著 ). 討議資料 燃え上がるアジア人民の反日闘争と連帯しよう. item_ID: 16529 PamphletID: 793 Minami Betonamu no Kangoku Seido Kaizen no tame no Undō Iinkai (author). Tōgi shiryō Moeagaru Ajia jinmin no han’nichi tōsō to rentai shiyō. A pamphlet describes the anti-Japanese social movements in Asian countries. 東京沖縄県人会結成大会議案: 昭和三十一年九月九日 於浅草公 会堂. item_ID: 15365 PamphletID: 533 Tōkyō Okinawa kenjinkai kessei taikai gian: Shōwa 31 nen 9 gatsu 9 ka Asakusa Kōkaidō. Includes discussion topics at the rally of the formation of Tōkyō Okinawa Kenjin-kai, e.g. activity plans, organizaitonal rules, slogans, etc. 東京サミット粉砕カーター訪韓阻止闘争に立ち上ろう!: 討議資料. 東 京: 新時代社, 1979pp. 12. item_ID: 16903 PamphletID: 984 Tōkyō Samitto funsai Kātā hōkan soshi tōsō ni tachi agarō!: Tōgi shiryō. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1979, pp. 12. A pamphlet against the Tokyo Summit. 斎藤清( 編 ). 東京都学連第13回定期大会 対案. item_ID: 16571 PamphletID: 827 Saitō, Kiyoshi (editor). Tōkyō Togakuren dai 13 kai teiki taikai Taian. Pamphlet for the 13th regular meeting of Togakuren, held on the 8th and 9th of October, 1960. Includes a sum up of political situation from the 12th meeting up to the 13th. 東京都土地収用委員会人事について: 美濃部都知事への要望. Tōkyōto tochi shūyō iinkai jinji ni tsuite: Minobe tochiji e no yōbō. item_ID: 17009 PamphletID: 1017 Requests to the Governor of Tōkyō regarding the Sunagawa Base. Put together by a number of people listed on page 3. 全国金属労働組合( 編 ). 倒産・首切りになったらどうしたらよいか. 東京: 労働教育センター, 1977pp. 48. item_ID: 14869 PamphletID: 329 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 345 Zenkoku Kinzoku Rōdō Kumiai (editor). Tōsan kubikiri ni nattara dō shitara yoi ka. Tōkyō: Rōdō Kyōiku Sentā, 1977, pp. 48. What to do in bankruptcy and firing cases. 樋口篤三( 著 ). 同志たちのへの手紙: -自信をもって歴史の大道へ、階級部隊と前衛 部隊の形成のために-. item_ID: 16849 PamphletID: 939 Higuchi, Atsuzō (author). Dōshi tachi e no tegami: - Jishin o motte rekishi no daidō e, kaikyū butai to zen’ei butai no keisei no tame ni -. Proposal for formation of a new political organization, written by Higuchi Atsuzō. 都立大全学共闘会議野次馬軍団( 編 ). 当世学生運動戯歌集: -賛歌にみる六〇年代学生運動-. 都立大全 学共闘会議野次馬軍団, 1969pp. 76. item_ID: 15066 PamphletID: 402 Toritsudai Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi Yajiuma Gundan (editor). Tōsei gakusei undō gikashū: Sanka ni miru 60 nendai gakusei undō. Toritsudai Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi Yajiuma Gundan, 1969, pp. 76. Including poems, notes and lyrics of songs originally made by participants of student movements, plus a few songs pre-existing. 京浜安保共闘( 編 ). 闘争宣言: 1972・12・18柴野虐殺弾劾武闘派政治集会. item_ID: 15532 PamphletID: 599 Keihin Anpo Kyōtō (editor). Tōsō sengen: 1972/12/18 Shibano gyakusatsu dangai butō-ha seiji shūkai. A pamphlet made by the Keihin Anpo Kyōtō, for the Shibano Gyakusatsu Dangai rally. 早大社会科学部反戦連合( 編 ). 闘争宣言. item_ID: 16805 PamphletID: 910 Waseda Social Science Faculty Antiwar Alliance (editor). Tōsō sengen. A declaration of struggle, written by Sōdai Shakai Kagaku-bu Hansen Rengō. 東大、 日大から全国学園占拠・反乱へ. 武装蜂起準備委員会, 1969pp. 35. item_ID: 15045 PamphletID: 380 Tōdai, Nichidai kara zenkoku gakuen senkyo, hanran e. Busō Hōki Junbi Iinkai, 1969, pp. 35. A collection of ‘bira’(leaflets?) passed by the Puroretaria Gundan from 1/21 to 2/8, 1969. 346 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 東大一・一八、一九闘争裁判冒頭陳述書. Tōdai 1/18, 19 tōsō saiban bōtō chinjutsusho. item_ID: 15049 PamphletID: 384 Including the Initial Statement for the Tokyo University 1/18, 1/19 Struggle Trial. 東大公判闘争中間総括の視点・その2. 京都: 共産主義者同盟赤軍 派, 1970pp. 4. item_ID: 12562 PamphletID: 40 Tōdai kōhan tōsō chūkan sōkatsu no shiten sono 2. Kyōto: Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Sekigunha, 1970, pp. 4. A statement issued during the trial of Todai tōsō defendants. 東大裁判闘争論集: 中間総括と今後の方針. 東京: 東大闘争統一救援 対策本部, 1970pp. 130. item_ID: 17029 PamphletID: 1037 Tōdai saiban tōsō ronshū: Chūkan sōkatsu to kongo no hōshin. Tōkyō: Tōdai Tōsō Tōitsu Kyūen Taisaku Honbu, 1970, pp. 130. A collection of articles related to the Tōdai Saiban Tōsō. 共産主義者同盟千葉県委員会( 編 ). 東大闘争: -その意味するもの-. 東京都: 丸美印刷, 1969pp. 18. item_ID: 15065 PamphletID: 401 Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Chiba-ken Iinkai (editor). Tōdai tōsō: Sono imi suru mono. Tokyo: Marumi Insatsu, 1969, pp. 18. Including recapitulation of previous struggles fought, e.g. Japan-U.S. Security Treaty struggle, Tōdai struggle, Class Struggle, etc. 東大反乱: 69・1・6ー1・19. 東京都: 文京地区プロレタリア軍 団, 1969pp. 28. item_ID: 15046 PamphletID: 381 Tōdai hanran: 69/1/6-1/19. Tokyo: Bunkyō Chiku Puroretaria Gundan, 1969, pp. 28. A collection of ‘bira’(leaflets?) passed out mainly at Tokyo University from 1/5 to 1/19, 1969 by the Tōdai Puroretaria Gundan. 医療被害を無くする会( 著 ). 東大病院での医療被害者は告発する. 東京: 医療被害を無くする会, 1973pp. 17. item_ID: 12661 PamphletID: 87 Iryō Higai o Nakusuru Kai (author). Tōdai Byōin de no iryō higaisha wa kokuhatsu suru. Tōkyō: Iryō Higai o Nakusuru Kai, 1973, pp. 17. This reports three cases of medical error at the Tōkyō University Hospital which caused these three the life-time disability. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 347 東大問題8問8答, 政策シリーズ 147集. 日本共産党中央委員会 出版局, 1969pp. 32. item_ID: 12504 PamphletID: 19 Tōdai mondai 8 mon 8 tō, Seisaku shirīzu 147shū. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1969, pp. 32. This applies a question-and-answer format to inform about what is happening at Tokyo University, but the content is full of criticism of Trotskyists. 東京東部地区労働問題研究会( 編 ). 東部に砦を. 東京都: 東京東部地区労働問題研究会, 1972pp. 28. item_ID: 15547 PamphletID: 614 East Tokyo Labor Problems Research Group (editor). Tōbu ni toride o. Tokyo: Tōkyō Tōbu Chiku Rōdō Mondai Kenkyūkai, 1972, pp. 28. A pamphlet discussing the rōdō mondai in the eastern Tokyō. After manifesting the group’s political stance, detailed report of “Sanya no tatakai” is presented. 塩見孝也( 著 ). 同盟第三次転換とプロレタリア: 共産主義思想・反米反帝の人民民主 主義革命の総路線とプロレタリア前衛党の建設に向けて. item_ID: 12563 PamphletID: 41 Shiomi, Takaya (author). Dōmei dai 3 ji tenkan to puroretaria: Kyōsanshugi shisō-hanbei hantei no jinmin minshushugi kakumei no sō rosen to puroretaria zen’ei tō no kensetsu ni Mukete. A pamphlet authored by Shiomi Takaza from jail shortly after the Rengō Sekigun incident. 塩見孝也( 著 ). 同盟第三次転換とプロレタリア=共産主義思想・反米反帝の人民民 主主義革命の総路線とプロレタリア前衛党の建設に向けて: -小ブル ジョア革命主義を反帝反米の人民民主主義で始まる社会主義革命の 路線の確立で克服し、 プロレタリア革命主義へ-. item_ID: 15455 PamphletID: 571 Shiomi, Takaya (author). Dōmei dai 3 ji tenkan to puroretaria kyōsanshugi shisō, hanbei hantei no jinmin minshushugi kakumei no sōrosen to puroretaria zen’ei tō no kensetsu: Shō burujoa kakumei shugi o hantei hanbei no jinmin minshushugi de hajimaru shakaishugi kakumei no rosen. Takaya Shiomi’s writing on “Dōmei Dai 3 Ji Tenkan” and the construction of “Puroretaria” Party. 当面の米軍基地の動きについて. Tōmen no beigun kichi no ugoki ni tsuite. item_ID: 15622 PamphletID: 689 Pamphlet on state of affairs of U.S. Military bases in Okinawa, thought to be around early to mid 70s. Second page has a map depicting U.S. Military’s deployment world wide. 討論資料. Tōron shiryō. item_ID: 12482 PamphletID: 4 348 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets This is a criticsm about the US and Japanese imperialism and foreign policies of these two countries for Asia.It also talks about broad aspects of domestic social issues in Japan such as Self-Defense Forces, the US bases in Okinawa and foreign residents in Japan. 討論資料: アジア革命と社会主義をめざす全国学生運動を建設す るために. item_ID: 15586 PamphletID: 653 Tōron shiryō: Ajia kakumei to shakai shugi o mezasu zenkoku gakusei undō o kensetsu suru tame ni. After summing up political movement by students after World War II, the writer, Yamagishi, states the tasks for students in the nation. 独占資本の代弁者、首切りと弾圧の池田内閣打倒のために: その極、 階級的性格の全姿. item_ID: 14664 PamphletID: 291 Dokusen shihon no daibensha, kubikiri to dan’atsu no Ikeda naikaku datō no tame ni: Sono goku, kaikyū teki seikaku no zenshi. Pamphlet opposing the Ikeda cabinet’s policies. 独裁問題と日本革命の権力問題: 不破哲三の『科学的社会主義と執 権問題』批判. 東京: 植垣康博, 1984pp. 111. item_ID: 15523 PamphletID: 590 Dokusai mondai to nihon kakumei no kenryoku mondai: Fuwa Tetsuzō no “Kagakuteki syakai shugi to shikken mondai” hihan. Tōkyō: Uegaki Yasuhiro, 1984, pp. 111. A pamphlet discussing “dokusai mondai” and “tennōsei.” 特別声明. Tokubetsu seimei. item_ID: 12550 PamphletID: 28 This is a special call for action. 査証編集委員会( 編 ). 都市計画案. item_ID: 15095 PamphletID: 430 Sashō Henshū Iinkai (editor). Toshi keikaku an. Inside are explanations and descriptions of tactics of street battles; how to read the peculiar landscape called “city,” how to guard, how to attack, use of explosives, etc. トシとパンタは頭脳警察. Toshi to Panta wa Zunō Keisatsu [Who is the Brain Police?]. item_ID: 17047 PamphletID: 1055 A collection of newspaper clippings, magazaine clippings etc. on a band called Zunō Keisatsu. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 349 「図書館の自由」に関する資料 1975. 東京: 図書館問題研究会, 1975pp. 162. item_ID: 14454 PamphletID: 242 “Toshokan no jiyū” ni kansuru shiryō 1975. Tōkyō: Toshokan Mondai Kenkyūkai, 1975, pp. 162. There were cases where schools provided the Public Security Agency information on students’ record of books borrowed from the library. The pamphlet is on the issue criticizing the schools’ cooperation with the agency in providing such information. 「世界」編集部( 編 ). トマホークとは?, 岩波ブックレット No.34. 東京: 岩波書店, 1984 pp. 71. item_ID: 17347 PamphletID: 1096 Sekai Henshūbu (editor). Tomahōku to wa?, Iwanami Bukkuretto No.34. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1984, pp. 71. On the cruise missle Tomahawk, nuclear strategy, and anti-nuclear movements. 全国富村さん支援委員会連合( 編 ). 富村控訴審闘争勝利のために. 東京: 全国富村さん支援委連合事務 局, 1972pp. 8. item_ID: 16844 PamphletID: 934 All Japan Tomimura-san Support Committee Alliance (editor). Tomimura kōsoshin tōsō shōri no tame ni. Tōkyō: Zenkoku Tomimura-san Shien I Rengō Jimukyoku, 1972, pp. 8. Pamphlet on Tomimura Junichi’s court struggle and support activity. 富村公判闘争の勝利のために:「東京タワー事件」. Tomimura kōhan tōsō no shōri no tame ni: “Tōkyō Tawā Jiken”. item_ID: 17055 PamphletID: 1063 Pamphlet includes a description about the Tōkyō Tawā Jiken, letters from Tomimura and letters to Tomimura from family members. 富村裁判 最終弁論集. 東京: 富村公判対策委員会, 1972pp. 47. Tomimura Saiban Saishū benronshū. Tōkyō: Tomimura Kōhan Taisaku Iinkai, 1972, pp. 47. item_ID: 17052 PamphletID: 1060 A collection of final oral proceedings by six peple at the Tomimura Saiban. 富村さんからの斗うアピール. 東京: 富村公判対策委員会, 1971 pp. 6. item_ID: 17057 PamphletID: 1065 Tomimura-san kara no tatakau apīru. Tōkyō: Tomimura Kōhan Taisaku Iinkai, 1971, pp. 6. Pamphlet includes messages from Tomimura to his supporters. 350 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 富村さん獄中書簡: ≪東京タワー事件≫. 大阪: 大阪 富村さんを支 援する会, 1971pp. 11. item_ID: 17059 PamphletID: 1067 Tomimura-san gokuchū shokan: <<Tōkyō Tawā jiken>>. Ōsaka: Ōsaka Tomimura-san o Shien suru Kai, 1971, pp. 11. Pamphlet contains two letters written by Tomimura in prison. Third copy in collection is incomplete. 富村さん獄中書簡: 東京タワー事件. 弘前富村さん支援委員会(準), 1971pp. 42. item_ID: 17060 PamphletID: 1068 Tomimura-san gokuchū shokan: Tōkyō Tawā jiken. Hirosaki Tomimura-san Shien Iinkai (jun), 1971, pp. 42. A collection of letters written by Tomimura in prison. 富村さん獄中書簡集:「7・8東京タワー決起」.東京: 東京富村さん支 援委員会事務局, 1971pp. 108. item_ID: 17058 PamphletID: 1066 Tomimura-san gokuchū shokanshū: “7.8 Tōkyō Tawā kekki”. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Tomimura-san Shien Iinkai Jimukyoku, 1971, pp. 108. A collection of letters written by Tomimura in prison. 富村氏の防衛の為に: 資料 No2. 沖縄: 沖縄富村氏を支援する会 (準),1970pp. 16. item_ID: 17054 PamphletID: 1062 Tomimura-shi no bōei no tame ni: Shiryō No 2. Okinawa: Okinawa Tomimura-shi o shien suru Kai (jun), 1970, pp. 16. Pamphlet includes summary of the second trial and also letters from Tomimura. 富村順一氏意見陳述集:「東京タワー事件」.東京: 富村公判対策委員 会, 1971pp. 35. item_ID: 17053 PamphletID: 1061 Tomimura Jun’ichi iken chinjutsu shū: “Tōkyō Tawā Jiken”. Tōkyō: Tomimura Kōhan Taisaku Iinkai, 1971, pp. 35. A collection of Tomimura’s opinion statements. 富村順一氏の闘い: 東京タワー事件. 那覇: 全沖縄救援連絡センター, 1971pp. 10. item_ID: 14945 PamphletID: 351 Tomimura Jun’ichi shi no tatakai: Tōkyō tawā jiken. Naha: Zen Okinawa Kyūen Renraku Sentā, 1971, pp. 10. Pamphlet on the Tomimura Jun’ichi case. 長野上田富村さん支援委( 編 ). 富村闘争勝利に向けて: 沖縄百万労農大衆の為に. item_ID: 16843 PamphletID: 933 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 351 Nagano Ueda Tomimura-san Support Commmittee (editor). Tomimura tōsō shōri ni mukete: Okinawa hyakuman rōnō taishū no tame ni. Pamphlet on Tomimura Junichi’s court struggle. 荒井まり子, 黒川芳正, 大道寺将司( 著 ). 共にひとつの闘いを: 反日都市ゲリラ戦-反日人民戦争の勝利をめ ざして, 獄中兵士書簡集. 東京: 東アジア反日武装戦線 KF部隊(準), 1980pp. 37. item_ID: 13393 PamphletID: 174 Arai, Mariko; Kurokawa, Yoshimasa; and Daidōji, Masashi (authors). Tomo ni hitotsu no tatakai o: Han’nichi toshi gerira sen—Han’nichi jinmin sensō no shōri o mezashite, Gokuchū heishi shokan shū. Tōkyō: Higashi Ajia Hannichi Busō Sensen KF Butai (Jun), 1980, pp. 37. Pamphlet by Arai Mariko, who was imprisoned for her “spiritual support” of the Hannichi bombing group. トロツキスト十話. 日本共産党中央委員会出版局, 1969pp. 44. Torotsukisuto jūwa. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1969, pp. 44. item_ID: 12503 PamphletID: 18 This pamphlet is the criticism of Trostky and his followers in Japan by the Japan Communist Party. 国際主義労働者委員会( 著 ). トロツキズム序論: 基礎学習テキスト1;歴史における位置. 東京: 国 際主義労働者委員会(ILC)全国書記局, 1972pp. 72. item_ID: 12634 PamphletID: 60 Kokusai Shugi Rōdōsha Iinkai (ILC) (author). Torotsukizumu joron: Kiso gakushū tekisuto 1; rekishi ni okeru ichi. Tōkyō: Kokusai Shugi Rōdōsha Iinkai (ILC) Zenkoku Shoki Kyoku, 1972, pp. 72. This is a report of the lectures right after Trotsky was assassinated. 内戦下における機関誌活動について:『前進』764号782号論文. 東 京: 革命的共産主義者同盟「前進」経営局, 1976pp. 22. item_ID: 12768 PamphletID: 132 Naisenka ni okeru kikanshi katsudō ni tsuite: “Zenshin” 764 gō 782 gō ronbun. Tōkyō: Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei “Zenshin” Keiei Kyoku, 1976, pp. 22. This talks about the importance of newsletters within the organization. 泣き寝入りはしない! 読み-もの言う自由を奪わせないための闘い の記録: 第一集. 東京: ウニタ書舗と印刷弾圧に対する裁判支援委員 会, 1976pp. 60. item_ID: 17036 PamphletID: 1044 Nakineiri wa shinai! Yomi - mono iu jiyū o ubawasenai tame no tatakai no kiroku: Dai isshū. Tōkyō: Unita Shoho to Insatsu Dan’atsu ni taisuru Saiban Shien Iinkai, 1976, pp. 60. 352 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets A collection of articles arguing against the oppression against Unita Shoho and other printing companies. ジャテック通信( 編 ). 「なぜ、そしてどのように、反戦市民は岩国の米軍解体運動にかかわ ってきたか」. item_ID: 16684 PamphletID: 870 JATEC Tsūshin (editor). “Naze, soshite dono yōni, hansen shimin wa Iwakuni no beigun kaitai undō ni kakawatte kitaka”. Pamphlet on the Iwakuni citizen’s movement against the U.S. military base. 運輸省大阪航空局那覇空港事務所( 編 ). 那覇空港の概況: 昭和48年現在. item_ID: 15316 PamphletID: 516 Unyu-shō Ōsaka Kōkūkyoku Naha Kūkō Jimusho (editor). Naha Kūkō no gaikyō: Shōwa 48 nen genzai. This pamphlet gives a description of Naha Airport at the time of 1973. Includes brief history of the Airport and graphs depicting the current use of the Airport. 瀬長亀次郎( 著 ). 那覇市施政方針: 一九五七、一、二八臨時市議会. item_ID: 15361 PamphletID: 529 Senaga, Kamejirō (author). Naha-shi shisei hōshin: 1957/ 1/ 28 rinji shigikai. A city administration policy written by Senaga Kamejirō for the Naha-shi in 1957. 川崎育子, 高尾次郎, 松井ゆみこ, 堀井良夫, 朝倉範泰, 長山薫( 著 ). なんだいべ. item_ID: 11555 PamphletID: 136 Kawasaki, Ikuko; Takao, Jirō; Matsui, Yumiko; Horii, Yoshio; Asakura, Noriyasu; and Nagayama Kaoru (authors). Nandaibe. ”Nandaibe” is a shortened name for “Minami Osaka Beheiren,” taking the first characters of each word. 南北共同声明と関連した資料, 朝鮮問題資料シリーズ第47集. 東 京: 在日本朝鮮人総聯合会中央常任委員会, 1972pp. 35. item_ID: 15062 PamphletID: 397 Nanboku kyōdō seimei to kanren shita shiryō, Chōsen mondai shiryō shirīzu dai 47 shū. Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsenjin Sōrengōkai Chūō Jōnin Iinkai, 1972, pp. 35. Materials on the North South joint announcement. 南ベトナム政治犯釈放要求カトリック委員会( 訳 ) ( 訳 ). 難民それはもう一つのチュ―の政治犯: <アメリカはベトナムの抵抗 運動の熱意を砕くため、社会の退廃をつくっているのだ>. item_ID: 16532 PamphletID: 796 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 353 Minami Betonamu Seijihan Shakuhō Yōkyū Katorikku Iinkai (translator). Nanmin sore wa mō hitotsu no chū no seijihan: “America wa Betonamu no teikō undō no netsui wo kudaku tame, shakai no taihai wo tsukutte irunoda”. A pamphlet describes the refegees as another political prisoners under Chū government in Vietnam as well as American government. 新潟ベ平連8・15. Niigata Beheiren 8/15. item_ID: 16570 PamphletID: 826 Niigata Beheiren’s pamphlet focusing on several issues; Okinawa Zengunrō rally, Konishi Makoto’s 7/23 diary, Konishi Hangun Saiban Tōsō, Shutsunyūkoku Kanri Hōan, Okinawa Tōsō. 三里塚闘争に連帯する会( 編 ). 二期阻止・廃港へ: 政府の反対同盟解体攻撃をはね返し. 東京: 三里 塚闘争に連帯する会, 1982pp. 6. item_ID: 16692 PamphletID: 878 Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentaisuru Kai (editor). Niki soshi / haikō e: Seifu no hantai dōmei kaitai kōgeki o hanekaeshi. Tōkyō: Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentai suru Kai, 1982, pp. 6. Pamphlet on the “hanashiai mondai.” Includes statements made by the “…Rentai suru Kai” and few copies of newspaper articles. 日本大学全学共闘会議( 編 ). 日大闘争報告大集会: 国家権力の介入粉砕!日大闘争断固勝利! item_ID: 16810 PamphletID: 915 Nihon Daigaku Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi (editor). Nichidai tōsō hōkoku dai shūkai: Kokka kenryoku no kainyū funsai! Nichidai tōsō danko shōri! Pamphlet for the 12.15 Nichidai Tōsō Hōkoku Dai Shūkai, written by Nihon Daigaku Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi. 日大民主化のさらなる前進のために: 8・4大衆団交勝利のために. Nichidai minshuka no saranaru zenshin no tame ni: 8.4 taishū dankō shōri no tame ni. item_ID: 12492 PamphletID: 14 This first talks about a large amount of money that the administration spent for unreported purposes and questions the way administrative executives control the university. 日米安保条約 -条文解釈とその現実: 七〇年安保廃棄の闘いのた めに. 東京: 日本労働組合総評議会, 1969pp. 80. item_ID: 17018 PamphletID: 1026 Nichibei Anpo Jōyaku - Jōbun kaishaku to sono genjitsu: 70nen anpo haki no tatakai no tame ni. Tōkyō: Nihon Rōdō Kumiai Sōhyōgikai, 1969, pp. 80. A pamphlet which lists the texts and interpretations of the Japan-US Security Treaty. 354 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 日韓連帯神奈川民衆会議( 編 ). 日韓資料: 特集 日韓大陸棚協定. item_ID: 16654 PamphletID: 853 Nikkan Rentai Kanagawa Minshū Kaigi (editor). Nikkan shiryō: Tokushū Nikan Tairikudana Kyōtei. Materials on Nikkan Tairikudana Kyōtei. Inside are relevant materials on the issue from actual copy of the Treaty to excerpts from journals and newspapers. 日韓の黒いゆ着に民衆のメスを!!まき起こそう!! 調査の渦!!:「市 民の手で日韓ゆ着をただす調査運動を」からあなたへの訴え. item_ID: 14923 PamphletID: 336 Nikkan no kuroi yuchaku ni minshū no mesu o!! Maki okosō!! Chōsa no uzu!!: “Shimin no te de Nikkan yuchaku o tadasu chōsa-undō o” kara anata e no uttae. Pamphlet about Japan-Korean relations problems. 釜山・馬山の韓国民衆決起に連帯する11月緊急行動実行委員会 ( 編 ). 日韓の支配体制をいまこそ撃て!: 11・30緊急大集会. item_ID: 16653 PamphletID: 852 Rising in Solidarity with the Korean People of Pusan and Masan November Emergency Action Committee (editor). Nikkan no shihai taisei o imakoso ute!: 11/30 kinkyū daishūkai. Pamphlet for 11/30 rally in 1979, criticizing the Korea-Japan establishment and calling for solidarity with the South Korean citizens’ uprise. 小野田襄二( 著 ). 日本革命の思想的拠点は何か: 革命的左翼十年の歴史の破産. item_ID: 16996 PamphletID: 1004 Onoda, Jōji (author). Nihon kakumei no shisōteki konkyo wa nani ka: Kakumeiteki sayoku jūnen no rekishi no hasan. A pamphlet about the base of the thoughts of the Japan revolution and the ten-year history of the revolutionary left wing. No publication date listed. 日本環境会議 沖縄シンポジウム 報告要旨. Nihon kankyō kaigi Okinawa shinpojiumu Hōkoku yōshi. item_ID: 16895 PamphletID: 982 A summarized report of the Japan Environment Conference Okinawa Symposium. 日本共産青年同盟規約:(第三次草案). Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei Kiyaku: (Dai 3 ji sōan). item_ID: 15585 PamphletID: 652 The rules and regulations of Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei, which is the third draft. 日本共産党革命左派神奈川県常任委員会( 編 ). 日本共産党(革命左派)神奈川県常任委員会アピール. item_ID: 15534 PamphletID: 601 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 355 Nihon Kyōsantō Kakumei Saha Kanagawa-ken Jōnin Iinkai (editor). Nihon Kyōsan-Tō (Kakumei Saha) Kanagawa-ken jōnin iinkai apīru. An appeal made by the Nihon Kyōsan-Tō (Kakumei Saha) Kanagawa-ken Jōnin Iinkai on the missions of activists after the Rengō Sekigun Jiken and the death of Shibano. 日本共産党第14回大会決定集. 日本共産党中央委員会出版局, 1977pp. 85. item_ID: 14870 PamphletID: 330 Nihon Kyōsantō dai 14 kai kettei shū. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1977, pp. 85. JCP 14th congress decisions. 日本共産党の五十年. 日本共産党中央委員会出版局, 1972pp. 61. Nihon Kyōsantō no gojū nen. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1972, pp. 61. item_ID: 12670 PamphletID: 96 This talks about 50-year-long history of the Japan Communisty Party from its establishment to present. 日本経済の実像とゆくえ, 岩波ブックレット No.3. 東京: 岩波書店, 1982pp. 63. item_ID: 17343 PamphletID: 1092 Nihon Keizai no Jitsuzō to Yukue, Iwanami Bukkuretto No.3. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1982, pp. 63. On economic recession of the early 1980s both in Japan. 日本社会主義学生同盟全国執行委員会( 編 ). 日本社会主義学生同盟: 第3回全国大会報告決定集 1958年1 2月11日12日東京. item_ID: 15514 PamphletID: 581 Japan Socialist Student League National Executive Committee (editor). Nihon shakai shugi gakusei dōmei: Dai 3 kai zenkoku taikai hōkoku kettei shū 1958 nen 12 gatsu 11nichi 12 nichi tōkyō. Report on the 3rd national rally of Nihon Shakai-shugi Gakusei Dōmei. 日本社会党沖縄県本部( 編 ). 日本社会党沖縄県本部 第17回定期大会 議案書. item_ID: 16514 PamphletID: 778 Japan Socialist Party Okinawa Prefecture Headquarters (editor). Nihon Shakaitō Okinawaken Honbu dai 17kai teiki taikai giansho. A pamphlet for the 17th regular meeting held by Nihon Shakaitō Okinawa Honbu on October 2, 1977. 新宿労働者共闘( 編 ). 日本資本主義の再編過程. item_ID: 16561 PamphletID: 817 356 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Shinjuku Laborers Joint Struggle (editor). Nihon shihonshugi no saihen katei. This pamphlet is an interpretation of Japan’s restructuring of Capitalism, i.e. economy and politics in the late 1960s up to the year 1970, edited by an organization called Shinjuku Rōdōsha Kyōtō. 日本のアジア再侵略の現状: 討議資料. 東京: ’70.8.15 記念 国民集会実行委員会, 1970pp. 22. item_ID: 17010 PamphletID: 1018 Nihon no Ajia sai shinryaku no genjō: Tōgi shiryō. Tōkyō: ‘70.8.15 Kinen Kokumin Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai, 1970, pp. 22. A pamphlet reporting on the current situation about Japan’s re-envasion of Asia. 日本のいちばん長い日. 東京: 東宝株式会社事業・開発部出版課, 1967pp. 30. item_ID: 15185 PamphletID: 463 Nihon no ichiban nagai hi. Tōkyō: Tōhō kabushiki Gaisha Jigyō Kaihatsubu Shuppan-ka, 1967, pp. 30. Japan’s longest day. 日本の守り. 防衛庁, 1979pp. 29. Nihon no mamori. Bōeichō, 1979, pp. 29. item_ID: 14834 PamphletID: 310 Pamphlet from the Defense Agency on protecting Japan. 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合( 編 ). 日本はこれでいいのか: -われわれの新しい市民運動のために-. 東 京: 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合, 1980pp. 10. item_ID: 16709 PamphletID: 892 Nihon wa Kore de Iinoka Shimin Rengō (editor). Nihon wa korede iinoka: - Wareware no atarashii shimin undō no tame ni -. Tōkyō: Nihon wa kore de iinoka Shimin Rengō, 1980, pp. 10. Pamphlet on the fomation of a “new citizen’s movement,” or the “atarashii shimin undō” by the “Genjō o Kangaeru Hitobito no Kai.” 日本反戦学生同盟全国執行委員会( 編 ). 日本反戦学生同盟: 第十回全国委員会 報告決定集. 東京: 日本反 戦学生同盟教宣部, 1957pp. 28. item_ID: 14674 PamphletID: 301 Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei Zenkoku Shikkō Iinkai (editor). Nihon hansen gakusei dōmei: Dai jukkai zenkoku iinkai hōkoku kettei shū. Tōkyō: Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei Kyōsenbu, 1957, pp. 28. Decisions of the 10th national meeting of Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 357 日本反戦学生同盟全国執行委員会( 編 ). 日本反戦学生同盟: 第3回臨時全国大会報告決定集. 東京: 日本反 戦学生同盟教宣部, 1957pp. 30. item_ID: 15513 PamphletID: 580 Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei Zenkoku Shikkō Iinkai (editor). Nihon hansen gakusei dōmei: Dai 3 kai rinji zenkoku taikai hōkoku kettei shū. Tōkyō: Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei Kyōsenbu, 1957, pp. 30. Pamphlet published as a report of Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei’s 3rd national rally. 日本反戦学生同盟全国執行委員会( 編 ). 日本反戦学生同盟綱領・規約. 日本反戦学生同盟全国常任執行委員 会書記局, 1954. item_ID: 16543 PamphletID: 807 Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei Zenkoku Shikkō Iinkai (editor). Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei kōryō, kiyaku. Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei Zenkoku Jōnin Shikkō Iinkai Shokikyoku, 1954. Pamphlets describe principles and rules of Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei. 日本反戦学生同盟全国執行委員会( 編 ). 日本反戦学生同盟綱領・規約. 日本反戦学生同盟全国常任執行委員 会書記局, 1954pp. 6. item_ID: 16544 PamphletID: 808 Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei Zenkoku Shikkō Iinkai (editor). Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei kōryō, kiyaku. Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei Zenkoku Jōnin Shikkō Iinkai Shokikyoku, 1954, pp. 6. A pamphlet describes principles and rules of Nihon Hansen Gakuse Dōmei. 日本C.I食用塩調査会( 編 ). 食用塩問題シンポジウム、専売塩で日本民族は滅びるのか: 追求すべ き品質・味・成分の変化. 東京都中野区: 日本C.I食用塩調査会, 1974pp. 9. item_ID: 16536 PamphletID: 800 Japan C. I. Table Salt Resaerch Group (editor). Shoyōen mondai shinpojium, Senbaien de Nihon minzoku wa horobiru noka: Tsuikyū subeki hinshitsu, aji, seibun no henka. Nakano-ku, Tokyō: Nihon C.I Shokuyōen Chōsakai, 1974, pp. 9. A pamphlet contains five statements on salt written by five different authors. 樋口篤三( 著 ). 日本労働者階級の多数者獲得のために: 迫り来る階級決戦と戦略的 中心点. item_ID: 16850 PamphletID: 940 Higuchi, Atsuzō (author). Nihon rōdōsha kaikyū no tasūsha kakutoku no tameni: Semari kuru kaikyū kessen to senryakuteki chūshinten. Article on Japan’s working class written by Higuchi Atsuzō, in the journal “Kikan Rōdō Undō”, No. 32, November 1982. 358 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 林ねね( 編 ). 人間という化け物をやめなくちゃあ: 文明総批判文化大革命. 北大工 学部 斗う集団・編集委員会, 1971pp. 18. item_ID: 15516 PamphletID: 583 Hayashi, Nene (editor). Ningen to iu bakemono o yamenakuchā: Bunmei sō-hihan bunka daikakumei. Hokudai Kōgakubu Tatakau Shūdan Henshū Iinkai, 1971, pp. 18. A critique on civilization and noted on women’s issue. 任務・方針議案草案. Ninmu/hōshin gian sōan. item_ID: 15561 PamphletID: 628 A draft on mission/principle agendas, thought to be written by Nihon Kyōsan Seinen Dōmei. 沖タク労共同分会( 編 ). 年末一時金斗争総括. 沖タク労共同分会, 1981pp. 10. item_ID: 16498 PamphletID: 763 Okitakurō Kyōdō Bunkai (editor). Nenmatsu ichijikin tōsō sōkatsu. Okitakurō Kyōdō Bunkai, 1981, pp. 10. A pamphlet describes the sum-up of Ichijikin Tōsō. 野間帝國を斬る: 講談社犯罪史-第一分冊・野間帝國の復活. Noma teikoku o kiru: Kōdansha hanzai shi-dai ichi bunsatsu- Noma teikoku no fukkatsu 1. item_ID: 12642 PamphletID: 68 This pamphlet reveals the life in the hospital of the president of Japan’s largest publisher Kōdansha and the inside story of the company. 「バートランド・ラッセル平和財団日本資料センター」資料. “Bātorando Rasseru heiwa zaidan nihon shiryō sentā” shiryō. item_ID: 17104 PamphletID: 1081 A pamphlet published by Betrand Russell Peace Foundation Japan Center. 武居素行( 編 ). ハイジャックと豆の木: 爆弾の季節. item_ID: 12637 PamphletID: 63 Takei Sogyō (editor). Haijakku to mame no ki: Bakudan no kisetsu. Pamphlet about hijacking. パレスチナ難民支援センター(準)設立準備会( 著 ). 墓を棄てた民: パレスチナ人の人間としての叫び. Paresuchina Nanmin Shien Sentā (Jun) Setsuretsu Junbi Kai (author). Haka o suteta tami: Paresuchinajin no ningen to shite no sakebi. A pamphlet about Palestinian issue. item_ID: 11754 PamphletID: 154 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 359 朴正ヒの十大罪悪. Paku Chonhi no jūdai zaiaku. item_ID: 17120 PamphletID: 1085 A pamphlet listing the ten crimes commited by Paku Chonhi. 破産した赤軍主義・ブント主義を清算しマルクス・レーニン主義のプ ロレタリア革命路線を獲得しよう!: 連合赤軍問題の総括と我々の綱 領・戦術・組織. item_ID: 17097 PamphletID: 1074 Hasan shita Sekigun shugi, Bunto shugi o seisan shi Marukusu Rēnin shugi no puroretaria kakumei rosen o kakutoku shiyō!: Rengō Sekigun mondai no sōkatsu to wareware no kōryō, senjutsu, soshiki. A pamphlet on topics such as Rengō Sekigun mondai written by Takahara Hiroyuki during 1974/11 - 1975/3 in prison. 「18人の真実」編集委員会( 編 ). 羽柴駿弁護士. 東京: 無実の「土田・日石・ピース缶事件」被告を支援 する会, 1981pp. 24. item_ID: 16699 PamphletID: 881 “18 nin no Shinjitsu” Henshū Iinkai (editor). Hashiba Suguru bengoshi. Tōkyō: Mujitsu no “Tsuchida, Nisseki, Pīsukan Jiken” Hikoku o Shiensuru Kai, 1981, pp. 24. Collection of lectures made by two lawyers, Hashiba Suguru and Niwayama Shōichirō. 羽田・佐世保・成田・王子闘争, 討議資料 Vol. 2. 横浜: 関東学院大学 学生自治会執行委員会, 1968pp. 36. item_ID: 12485 PamphletID: 7 Haneda-Sasebo-Narita-Ōji tōsō, Tōgi shiryō vol. 2. Yokohama: Kantō Gakuin Daigaku Gakusei Jichikai Shikkō Iinkai, 1968, pp. 36. This starts from talking about domestic situations in politics and economics in Japan, and then discusses about struggles such as Haneda Incident, the protest agaist the dissembarking of the USS Enterprise, etc. 金属労協( 編 ). 翼(はばたき):ペトリの五年間. 東京: 全金ペトリカメラ支部, 1977pp. 17. item_ID: 16492 PamphletID: 756 Kinzoku Rōkyō (editor). Habataki: Petori no 5 nenkan. Tōkyō: Zenkin Petori Kamera Shibu, 1977, pp. 17. A pamphlet describes the activities of Zenkin Petori Camera Shibu in the last five years. 派兵改憲をおしかえそう: 尊憲パンフレット. 東京: 交流紙尊憲編集 部, 1994pp. 20. item_ID: 17166 PamphletID: 1090 Hahei kaiken o oshikaesō: Sonken panfuretto. Tōkyō: Kōryūshi Sonken Henshūbu, 1994, pp. 20. 360 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets A pamphlet related to the org.newsletter Sonken. This pamphlet summarizes and reports the activities which Sonken has been involved with during their first two years of publication. 読む権利を奪わせない連絡会議( 編 ). 腹腹時計印刷所への弾圧を告発する資料集. 東京: 模索舎, 1975pp. 14. item_ID: 13394 PamphletID: 175 Yomu Kenri o Ubawasenai Kaigi (editor). Harahara tokei insatsusho e no dan’atsu o kokuhatsu suru shiryō shū. Tōkyō: Mosakusha, 1975, pp. 14. Pamphlet concerning harassment of the printer who produced the Hara Hara Tokei pamphlet of Hannichi. ハリコの虎を撃て! Hariko no tora o ute! item_ID: 12565 PamphletID: 43 This is about Shiomi Takaya who is inprisoned. The article calls for support and participation in the trial session planned on May 18. 日本社会主義青年同盟解放派学生委員会(早大細胞) ( 編 ). パルチザン: 不滅の闘争を更に前進せしめよ! item_ID: 16804 PamphletID: 909 Japan Socialist Youth League Liberation Faction Student Committee (Waseda University Cell) (editor). Paruchizan: Fumetsu no tōsō o sara ni zenshin seshimeyo! Writing on characters of Waseda struggle, statements on current issues. パレスチナ委員会( 編 ). パレスチナ委員会 No.0. item_ID: 15451 PamphletID: 567 Paresuchina Iinkai (editor). Paresuchina iinkai No. 0. A pamphlet stating the formation of “Paresuchina Iinkai.” Includes activity purposes and issues to pursue. パレスチナ難民救援センター設立趣意書. Paresuchina nanmin kyūen sentā setsuritsu shuisho. item_ID: 11755 PamphletID: 155 Pamphlet concerning the founding of the Palestine support center. 日本赤軍( 著 ). 反核・軍縮の闘いを共に: リッダ闘争十周年によせて. 日本赤軍, 1982pp. 22. item_ID: 13294 PamphletID: 159 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 361 Nihon Sekigun (author). Hankaku-gunshuku no tatakai o tomo ni: Ridda tōsō jusshūnen ni yosete. Nihon Sekigun, 1982, pp. 22. An anniversary pamphlet from Nihon Sekigun urging collective support against nuclear weapons and militarism. 「反核太平洋の日」3・1東京集会実行委員会( 編 ). “反核太平洋の日”3・1東京集会 資料集: 反核=反原発. item_ID: 15433 PamphletID: 555 “Hankaku Taiheiyō no Hi” 3/1 Tōkyō Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai (editor). “Hankaku Taiheiyō no Hi” 3/1 Tōkyō shūkai shiryōshū: Hankaku=Hangenpatsu. This is a pamphlet distributed for the “Hankaku Taiheiyō no Hi” rally in Tokyo on the 1st of March, 1982. Includes voices within and outside of Japan. 反金日成運動の実態: 北韓の内幕. ソウル: 大韓民国海外公報館, 1976pp. 12. item_ID: 15061 PamphletID: 396 Han Kimu Iru Son undō no jittai: Hokkan no uchimaku. Seoul: Daikan Minkoku Kaigai Kōhōkan, 1976, pp. 12. The anti-Kim Il Song movement (pamphlet from South Korea. 「第二第三の小西を!」新潟行動委員会( 著 ). 叛軍. 新潟:「第二第三の小西を!」新潟行動委員会, 1970pp. 12. item_ID: 12488 PamphletID: 10 “Dai Ni Dai San no Konishi o!” Niigata Kōdō Iinkai (author). Hangun. Niigata: “Dai Ni Dai San no Konishi o!” Niigata Kōdō Iinkai, 1970, pp. 12. This calls for support for a Self-Defence-Force officer Konishi Makoto who refused to do special training for “suppressing demonstrations” and was arrested and tried. 前進社( 編 ). 反軍闘争の推進のために: はんぐんとうそうのすいしんのために. 東 京: 前進社, 1970pp. 31. item_ID: 16501 PamphletID: 766 Zenshinsha (editor). Hangun tōsō no suishin no tameni. Tōkyō: Zenshinsha, 1970, pp. 31. A pamphlet includes four papers which promotes Hangun tōsō. 編集軍事基地調査会( 編 ). 叛軍闘争のために: 米軍基地、 自衛隊、軍需産業 -その実態と基礎 資料-. item_ID: 16502 PamphletID: 767 Henshū Gunji Kichi Chōsakai (editor). Hangun tōsō no tameni: Beigun kichi, jieitai, gunju sangyō -Sono jittai to kiso shiryō-. A pamphlet collects the materials related to American military, Japanese self-defence force, and military related industry. 362 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 反原発科学者連合( 編 ). 反原発闘争の新段階と当面の任務. 大阪府: 反原発科学者連合, 1981pp. 22. item_ID: 16657 PamphletID: 856 Hangenpatsu Kagakusha Rengō (editor). Hangenpatsu tōsō no shindankai to tōmen no ninmu. Osaka: Han Genpatsu Kagakusha Rengō, 1981, pp. 22. Pamphlet on struggle against nuclear energy plant. Includes history of anti-nuclear movement in Japan starting from the mid 1960s until late 1980s. 反原発労働者行動実行委員会( 編 ). 反原労とは何か?: 反原子力週間へ向けての問題提起, 反原発と労働 運動 No.2. item_ID: 16656 PamphletID: 855 Han Genpatsu Rōdōsha Kōdō Jikkō Iinkai (editor). Hangenrō to wa nani ka?: Han genshiryoku shūkan e mukete no mondai teiki, Hangenpatsu to rōdō undō No. 2. Pamphlet on nuclear energy issues and involvement of labour unions in the 1980s. 職業病と闘う電通労働者交流会, 電通活動者会議, プロジェクトチー ム答申白紙撤回=労災職業病共闘会議( 編 ). 反合・職業病闘争の前進の為に. 東京都: 職業病と闘う電通労働者交 流会, 1975. item_ID: 16507 PamphletID: 771 Communications Labor Union Struggle Against Occupational Diseases Assembly; Communication Activists Council and Project Team Complete Rejection of the Report: Work-Related Injuries and Occupational Disease Joint Council (editors). Hangō, shokugyōbyō tōsō no zenshin no tameni. Tōkyō-to: Shokugyōbyō to tatakau dentsū rōdōsha kōryūkai, 1975. A pamphlet against Dentsū’s attitudes toward the employees with the occupational diseases. 反戦青空写真展通信 1970年8月: アンポ粉砕へ人間の渦巻き を 人間をつぶす アンポをつぶせ. item_ID: 15175 PamphletID: 453 Hansen aozora shashin-ten tsūshin 1970 nen 8 gatsu. Antiwar photographic exhibit. 反戦と反権力のための映画祭: 第19回平潟祭. 関東学院大学自主映 画製作委員会, 1968pp. 42. item_ID: 12486 PamphletID: 8 Hansen to hankenryoku no tame no eigasai: Dai 19 kai hirakata sai. Kantō Gakuin Daigaku Jishu Eiga Seisaku Iinkai, 1968, pp. 42. This is a pamphlet for a film festval. The films shown in the festival all related to Vietnam War, foreign residents issue in Japan, suppression of student movements, and so on. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 363 京都学生ベ平連, 京都大学新聞社( 編 ). 反戦と変革に関する国際会議: レポート 第1日. item_ID: 16808 PamphletID: 913 Kyoto Student Beheiren (Peace to Vietnam Alliance) and Kyoto University Newspaper (editors). Hansen to henkaku ni kansuru kokusai kaigi: Repōto Dai 1 nichi. Report on the meeting Day 1 of “Hansen to Henkaku ni kansuru Kokusai Kaigi,” organized by Beheiren. 京都学生ベ平連, 京都大学新聞社( 編 ). 反戦と変革に関する国際会議: レポート 総集編. item_ID: 16809 PamphletID: 914 Kyoto Student Beheiren (Peace to Vietnam Alliance) and Kyoto University Newspaper (editors). Hansen to henkaku ni kansuru kokusai kaigi: Repōto Sōshūhen. Overall report on the “Hansen to Henkaku ni kansuru Kokusai Kaigi,” organized by Beheiren. 反戦万国博覧会: 人類の平和と解放のために. Hansen bankoku hakurankai: Jinrui no heiwa to kaihō no tame ni. item_ID: 12591 PamphletID: 50 This is about the expo which is organized to protest agaist the Expo in Ōsaka. 反戦フォーク集. Hansen fōku shū. item_ID: 15171 PamphletID: 449 Antiwar Folk music collection. 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合( 編 ). ”反戦を読む・語る・視る”: 8・15 リードイン&スピークアウト集会. 東京: 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合, 1981pp. 16. item_ID: 16708 PamphletID: 891 Nihon wa Kore de Iinoka Shimin Rengō (editor). “Hansen o yomu, kataru, miru”: 8/15 Rīdo-in & Supīku-auto shūkai. Tōkyō: Nihon wa kore de iinoka Shimin Rengō, 1981, pp. 16. Collection of sentences the participants of this 40th anniversary rally of the openning of the Pacific War chose to speak on the idea of “Hansen,” or “anti-war.” 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合( 編 ). ”反戦を読む・語る・視る”: 8・15リードイン&スピークアウト集会 . item_ID: 16856 PamphletID: 946 Nihon wa Kore de Iinoka Shimin Rengō (editor). “Hansen o yomu, kataru, miru”: 8.15 rīdoin & supīku auto shūkai. Pamphlet for the 50th anniversary of Manshū Jihen and 40th anniverysary of the opening of Pacific War 8/15 rally called “Hansen o Yomu, Kataru, Miru.” 364 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 「土田・日石・ピース缶爆弾」 フレームアップ事件救援会( 著 ). 反弾圧・救援運動にとって 『真犯人』問題とは何か:『土・日・P』救援運 動における我々の立場. 東京:「土田・日石・ピース缶爆弾」 フレームア ップ事件救援会, 1982pp. 12. item_ID: 11737 PamphletID: 150 “Tsuchida/Nisseki/Pīsu Kan Bakudan” Furēmu Appu Jiken Kyūen Kai (author). Han dan’atsu, kyūen undō ni totte “shin han’nin” mondai to wa nanika: “Tsuchi-Nichi- P” kyūen undō ni okeru wareware no tachiba. Tōkyō: “Tsuchida, Nisseki, Pīsukan Bakudan” Furēmuappu Jiken Kyūen Kai, 1982, pp. 12. Another pamphlet from the Tsuchida-Nisseki incident. 菱川正雄( 著 ). item_ID: 15025 「反帝・反スタ論」批判: ー「反帝・反スターリニズム」世界革命戦略と第 PamphletID: 359 四インターナショナルー. 那覇市: 第四インターナショナル日本支部 日本革命的共産主義者同盟 在沖縄臨時組織委員会, 1971pp. 34. Hishikawa, Masao (author). “Hantei, hansuta ron” hihan: “Hantei, hansutārinizumu” sekai kakumei senryaku to Dai Yon Intānashonaru. Naha-shi: Dai Yon Intānashonaru Nihonshibu Nihon Kakumei teki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Zai Okinawa Rinji Soshiki Iinkai, 1971, pp. 34. Criticizing the anti-imperialism, anti-Stalin theory. 反帝社会主義の旗のもと74年の総対決へ!東京: 国際主義労働者委 員会(ILC)全国書記局, 1974pp. 120. item_ID: 14676 PamphletID: 303 Hantei shakaishugi no hata no moto nana jū nen no sōtaiketsu e! Tōkyō: Kokusai Shugi Rōdōsha Iinkai (ILC) Zenkoku Shoki Kyoku, 1974, pp. 120. Pamphlet on anti imperialist socialism in 1974. 日本革命的共産主義者同盟(第四インターナショナル日本支部)中央 item_ID: 14968 政治局( 編 ). PamphletID: 355 反帝・社会主義をめざす 労働者・農民の政府を樹立せよ: 田中自民 党政府の危機とわれわれの政策(案).東京: 新時代社, 1973pp. 22. Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (Dai-yon Intānashonaru Nihon Shibu) Chūō Seiji-kyoku (editor). Hantei-shakaishugi o mezasu Rōdōsha-nōmin no seifu o juritsu seyo: Tanaka Jimintō seifu no kiki to wareware no seisaku (an). Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1973, pp. 22. Pamphlet criticizing the Tanaka and the LDP. 長崎大学沖縄問題研究会( 著 ). 反日反米の旗の下すべての沖縄人は団結せよ! item_ID: 13442 PamphletID: 183 Nagasaki Daigaku Okinawa Mondai Kenkyū Kai (author). Han’nichi hanbei no hata no shita subete no Okinawajin wa danketsu seyo! Pamphlet concerning Okinawa problem. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 365 万博破壊共闘派( 編 ). 万博破壊共闘派: 万博破壊裸体儀式弾圧の実体!東京都: 告陰セン ター, 1969. item_ID: 15454 PamphletID: 570 Banpaku Hakai Kyōtō-Ha (editor). Banpaku hakai kyōtō-ha: Banpaku hakai katai gishiki dan’atsu no jittai! Tokyo: Kokuin Sentā, 1969. Statements made by “Banpaku Hakai Kyōtō-Ha” concerning the Banpaku 1969 and incidents related to that. 川島豪, 牧田明三, 花園紀男( 著 ). 反米愛国戦士獄中書簡集(1). 反米愛国戦士書簡集編集部, 1971 pp. 31. item_ID: 15528 PamphletID: 595 Kawashima, Tsuyoshi; Makita, Mitsuzō; and Hanazono, Norio (authors). Hanbei aikoku senshi gokuchū shokanshū (1). Hanbei aikoku senshi shokanshū henshūbu, 1971, pp. 31. A collection of letters written by Kawashima Tsuyoshi, Makita Mitsuzō, and Hanazono Norio, who were in jail. The main themes of the letters are anti-America and patriatism to Japan. 牧田吉明( 著 ). ピース缶製造の真犯人は私達だ! item_ID: 11736 PamphletID: 149 Makita, Yoshiaki (author). Pīsukan seizō no shin han’nin wa watashitachi da! In this pamphlet Makita Yoshiaki, a New Left activist, says that the bombs used for the series of Pīsukan Bakudan incidents were the ones he had assembled. This pamphlet is thus part of the evidence used to unravel the legal case against the people who were charged in the case. Takazawa wrote a book about this case, called “Furēmu Appu: Tsuchida Nisseki pīsukan jiken no shinsō” which is in the collection as ID 898. 東アジア反日武装戦線への死刑重刑攻撃粉砕、控訴審をたたかう支 援連絡会議( 編 ). 東アジア反日武装戦線は何をうったえているのか: -連続討論集会報 告集-. item_ID: 15086 PamphletID: 423 Higashi Ajia Hannichi Busō Sensen heno Shikei Jūkei Kōgeki Funsai, Kōsoshin o Tatakau Shien Renraku Kaigi (editor). Higashi Ajia Hannichi Busō Sensen wa nani o uttaete iru no ka: Renzoku tōron shūkai hōkoku shū. A collection of debates held by the organization, that is the same organization as the editor of this pamphlet, concerning the Higashi Ajia Han-nichi Busō Sensen and the court decision given. 366 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 人および革命家としてのレーニン: ア・ロゾフスキー. 社学同都委員 会, 1959pp. 5. item_ID: 14622 PamphletID: 267 Hito oyobi kakumeika toshite no Rēnin: A-Rozofusukī. Shagaku Dō-to Iinkai, 1959, pp. 5. Pamphlet on Lenin as a man and a revolutionary. 暁印刷労働組合( 編 ). ひとつの旗: 組合結成から解雇撤回斗争までの3年間. 暁印刷労働 組合, 1978pp. 13. item_ID: 15614 PamphletID: 681 Akatsuki Publishing Company Labor Union (editor). Hitotsu no hata: Kumiai kessei kara kaiko tekkai tōsō made no 3 nenkan. Akatsuki Insatsu Rōdō Kumiai, 1978, pp. 13. After summarizing the history of the labor union, this pamphlet presents reports of six trials of Akatsuki Tōsō concerning lay-offs, writes about the employers’ attitudes, and states the agendas of the union . It also contains 2 pages of call for contributions. 革命的共産主義者同盟( 編 ). 「一坪再共有化」に全面的に反対する : 反対同盟と全国のたたかう 人びとへの訴え. 東京: 革命的共産主義者同盟, 1983pp. 10. item_ID: 16541 PamphletID: 805 Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (editor). “Hitotsubo sai kyōyūka” ni zenmenteki ni hantai suru: Hantai Dōmei to zenkoku no tatakau hitobito eno uttae. Tōkyō: Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei, 1983, pp. 10. A pamphlet makes a protest against some people who promotes “hitotsubo kyōyūka” ひのくるま. 横浜: 関東学院大学詩人会, 1968pp. 13. Hi no kuruma. Yokohama: Kantō Gakuin Daigaku Shijinkai, 1968, pp. 13. item_ID: 17045 PamphletID: 1053 A collection of poems published by the Kantō Gakuin University Poetry Club. 被爆二十二周年原水爆禁止世界大会実行委員会( 編 ). 被爆二十二周年原水爆禁止世界大会基調: 一九六七年八月 広島・ 長崎. item_ID: 16862 PamphletID: 952 Atomic Bomb 22nd Anniversary Prohibit the Atomic Bomb World Congress Action Committee (editor). Hibaku 22 shūnen gensuibaku kinshi sekai taikai kichō: 1967 nen 8 gatsu Hiroshima, Nagasaki. Pamphlet for the 22nd anniversary Gensuibaku Kinshi Sekai Takai held in 1967. Includes slogans and keynote address. 金相泰( 著 ).朝鮮解放史研究会準備会( 編 ). 被抑圧者の手記: ある朝鮮プロレタリアの半生. 浦和: 朝鮮無産者社, 1971pp. 24. item_ID: 14920 PamphletID: 333 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 367 Kim, Sang Tae (author).Chōsen Kaihō-shi Junbi-kai (editor). Hi-yokuatsu sha no shuki: Aru Chōsen puroretaria no hansei. Urawa: Chōsen Musan-sha Sha, 1971, pp. 24. Notes from a victim of oppression in North Korea. 松本礼二, 一乗信路( 著 ). 日和見官僚集団-『戦旗派』 を解体し、同盟を70年代の前衛として再 建せよ!: 共産主義者同盟再建へのアピール. item_ID: 13440 PamphletID: 181 Matsumoto, Reiji and Ichijō, Shinji (authors). Hiyorimi shugi kanryō shūdan—Senkiha o kaitaishi, Dōmei o 70 nendai no zen’ei to shite saiken seyo!: Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei saiken e no apīru. Political pamphlet by Matsumoto Reiji. ピョンヤン学生少年芸術団: 第2回日本公演. Pyonyan gakusei shōnen geijutsudan: Dai nikai Nihon kōen. item_ID: 14445 PamphletID: 233 Pamphlet from North Korea. 平壌産院. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1981pp. 32. Pyonyan san’in. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1981, pp. 32. item_ID: 14442 PamphletID: 230 Pamphlet from North Korea. 平壌地下鉄. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1980pp. 40. Pyonyan chikatetsu. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1980, pp. 40. item_ID: 14443 PamphletID: 231 Pamphlet from North Korea. 平壌の歴史と遺跡. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1987pp. 15. Pyonyan no rekishi to iseki. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1987, pp. 15. item_ID: 14919 PamphletID: 332 Pamphlet from North Korea. 平潟祭19: 11月1、2、3日68. 関東学院大学平潟祭常任委員会, 1968pp. 28. item_ID: 12487 PamphletID: 9 Hirakatasai: 11 gatsu 1, 2, 3 ka 68. Kantō Gakuin Daigaku Heigarasai Jōnin Iinkai, 1968, pp. 28. This is a pamphlet for the campus festival of Kantō Gakuin Daigaku. The content is full of criticism about administration and curriculum of the university. 368 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 大江健三郎( 著 ). 広島からオイロシマへ, 岩波ブックレット No.4. 東京: 岩波書店, 1982pp. 63. item_ID: 17344 PamphletID: 1093 Ōe, Kenzaburō (author). Hiroshima kara Oiroshima e, Iwanami Bukkuretto No.4. Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten, 1982, pp. 63. Authored by Ōe Kenzaburō during his involvement in the anti-nuclear movement. He values North Korea’s anti-nuclear stance. 原発はいらない!大田の会( 編 ). 「広島」 を語りつごう: 1982・3・21ヒロシマ行動, 反核・反原発 パンフNo.4. item_ID: 15434 PamphletID: 556 Genpatsu wa Iranai! Ōta no Kai (editor). “Hiroshima” o kataritsugō: 1982/3/21 Hiroshima kōdō, Hankaku, Hangenpatsu panfu No. 4. Collection of newspaper articles covering the “82 nen Heiwa no tame no Hiroshima Kōdō” on March 21st, 1982. 便覧 中国旅行. Binran Chūgoku ryokō. item_ID: 16891 PamphletID: 981 Travel guide to China, published by a travel agency. 第四インターナショナル日本支部 日本革命的共産主義者同盟 在 沖縄臨時組織委員会( 編 ). 吹きあれる全電通統制処分と闘う 全電通沖縄労働者の任務. item_ID: 16509 PamphletID: 773 Dai Yon Intānashonaru Nihon Shibu Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Zai Okinawa Rinji Soshiki Iinkai (editor). Fukiareru Zen Dentsū tōsei shobun to tatakau, Zen Dentsū Okinawa rōdōsha no ninmu. A pampjlet describes the activities and the purpose of Zen Dentsū Okinawa Rōdōsha for Zen Dentsū tōsei shobun. 風流夢談;天皇裕仁と作家三島由紀夫の幸福な死. Fūryū Mudan; Tennō Hirohito to sakka Mishima Yukio no kōfuku na shi. item_ID: 12769 PamphletID: 133 This includes two short stories. フェニックス作戦. Fenikkusu sakusen. item_ID: 12765 PamphletID: 127 This pamphlet talks in detail about a project called Phoenix Sakusen. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 369 フォート・ジャクソンの八兵士: ベトナム反戦GI連合の闘争記録. Fōto-Jakuson no hachi heishi: Betonamu hansen GI rengō no tōsō kiroku.. item_ID: 15026 PamphletID: 360 The anti Vietnam war Gis struggle report. フォード来日断固阻止!70年代権力闘争: 日米帝国主義打倒;プロレ タリア革命戦争へ大胆に進撃しよう! item_ID: 12561 PamphletID: 39 Fōdo rainichi danko soshi! 70 nen dai kenryoku tōsō: Nichibei teikoku shugi datō; puroretaria kakumei sensō e daitan ni shingeki shiyö! Pamphlet protesting the proposed visit of US President Gerald Ford to Japan. 不可視の拠点から: 解放学校拡大自主講座. 東京: 解放学校通信, 1972pp. 82. item_ID: 12763 PamphletID: 125 Fukashi no kyoten kara: Kaihō gakkō kakudai jishu kōza. Tōkyō: Kaihō Gakkō Tsūshin, 1972, pp. 82. This suggests offering a course about how to liberate schools from the authority. コロニー労組公判対策委( 編 ). 福祉裁判に勝利し権力の不当性を暴け!: 福祉裁判資料 被告人意 見陳述. コロニー労組公判対策委, 1977. item_ID: 16712 PamphletID: 895 Colony Labor Dispute Trial Policy Committee (editor). Fukushi saiban ni shōri shi kenryoku no futōsei o abake!: Fukushi saiban shiryō Hikokunin ikenchinjutsu. Koronī Rōso Kōhan Taisakui, 1977. Collection of the defendants’ statements made at what is called the “Fukushi Saiban.” 不屈の民: 高橋悠治ピアノコンサート 1979. July in Okinawa. 高橋悠 治を聞く会, 1979pp. 6. item_ID: 16918 PamphletID: 988 Fukutsu no tami: Takahashi Yūji piano konsāto 1979. July in Okinawa. Takahashi Yūji o kikukai, 1979, pp. 6. A pamphlet distributed at Takahashi Yūji’s piano concert. There is also a report on this concert in holdings. (PAM311) 不屈の民: 高橋悠治ピアノコンサート 1979.July in Okinawa 報告集. 高橋悠治を聞く会, 1979pp. 28. item_ID: 14835 PamphletID: 311 Fukutsu no tami: Takahashi Yūji piano consāto 1979.July in Okinawa hōkokushū. Takahashi Yūji o kikukai, 1979, pp. 28. The actual pamphlet distributed at the concert is also in holdings. (PAM988) 370 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 福村出版闘争経過報告. Fukumura shuppan tōsō keika hōkoku. item_ID: 11692 PamphletID: 146 A pamphlet concerning a publishing struggle. 斗う集団・編集委員会( 編 ). “藤”色の叛乱(69タテカン集),斗う集団. 北大工学部 斗う集団・編 集委員会, 1970pp. 64. item_ID: 15462 PamphletID: 574 Tatakau Shūdan Editing Committee (editor). “Fuji” iro no hanran, Tatakau Shūdan. Hokudai Kōgakubu Tatakau Shūdan Henshū Iinkai, 1970, pp. 64. A collection of Tatekan written by various subgroups of Tatakau Shūdan. 婦人行動隊とともに-三利塚三月開港阻止へ!東京: 婦人通信編集 委員会, 1978pp. 16. item_ID: 16923 PamphletID: 991 Fujin Kōdōtai totomoni Sanrizuka 3 gatsu kaikyo hoshi e: Fujin kōdōtai to tomo ni — Sanrizuka sangatsu kaikō soshi e! Tōkyō: Fujin Tsūshin Henshū Iinkai, 1978, pp. 16. A pamphlet about preventing the opening of the Sanrizuka port in March. 高原浩之( 著 ). 再び連合赤軍問題に対する総括と提案. item_ID: 15083 PamphletID: 420 Takahara, Hiroyuki (author). Futatabi Rengō Sekigun mondai ni taisuru sōkatsu to teian. Sum-up by Hiroyuki Takahara on the Rengō Sekigun including self-criticisms, plus some thoughts on issues of revolution, organization and strategy. 北海道精神薄弱者愛護協会通勤寮部会( 編 ). 「普通の生活」 を目指して: 第13回全国精神薄弱者通勤寮研究協 議会1987年北海道大会報告書. item_ID: 16820 PamphletID: 925 Hokkaido Protection of the Mentally Retarded Council Transportation Fees Sub-committee (editor). “Futsū no Seikatsu” o mezashite: Dai 13 kai zenkoku seishin hakujakusha tsūkinryō kenkyū kyōgikai 1987 nen hokkaidō taikai hōkokusho. Report on the 13th meeting of Zenkoku Seishin Hakujakusha Tsūkinryō Kenkyū Kyōgikai, held in Hokkaidō in 1987. 物質文明は資本のハプニング. 北大工学部「創造」Group, 1970 pp. 6. item_ID: 15477 PamphletID: 577 Busshitsu bunmei wa shihon no hapuningu. Hokudai Kōgakubu “Sōzō” Group, 1970, pp. 6. A pamphlet arguing against pollution. Consists of two series. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 371 部落解放同盟, 都教祖有志真相調査団, 全国水平社, 沖縄<狭山の黒 い雨>上演実行委員会( 編 ). 部落解放運動. item_ID: 16517 PamphletID: 781 Buraku Kaihō Dōmei; Tokyo Teachers Union Volunteer Fact-Finding Group; National Levelers Association and Okinawa “Black Rain of Sayama” Film Screening Action Committee (editors). Buraku kaihō undō. A collection of the essays on buraku kaihō undō written by four different organizations. 西岡智( 編 ). 部落の兄弟の明日の夜明けの導火線としての完全無罪判決を!: 石川 一雄最終意見陳述. 大阪: 狭山差別裁判取消し、無実の石川一雄即時 釈放要求中央闘争委員会, 1974pp. 64. item_ID: 15072 PamphletID: 408 Nishioka, Satoru (editor). Buraku no kyōdai no asu no yoake no dōkasen to shite no kanzen muzai hanketsu o!: Ishikawa Kazuo saishū iken chinjutsu. Ōsaka: Sayama Sabetsu Saiban Torikeshi, Mujitsu no Ishikawa Kazuo Sokuji Shakuhō Yōkyū Chūō Tōsō Iinkai, 1974, pp. 64. Pamphlet warning of the consequences of a not guilty verdict. フランス共産主義者同盟への解散命令を撤回せよ!: アラン・クリヴィ ーヌ、 ピエール・ルッセを釈放せよ! 6・30仏大使館抗議行動への 不当弾圧反対!フランス共産主義者同盟解散命令撤回・6.30抗 議行動救援委員会, 1973pp. 10. item_ID: 13852 PamphletID: 213 Furansu kyōsanshugisha dōmei e no kaisan meirei o tekkai seyo!: Aran Kurivīnu, Piēru Russe o shakuhō seyo! 6/30 futsu taishikan kōgi kōdō e no futō dan’atsu hantai! Furansu Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Kaisan Meirei Tekkai 6/30 Kōgi Kōdō Kyūen iinkai, 1973, pp. 10. Pamphlet about the dissolution of the French Communist League. アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本第1グループ( 編 ). Freedom in - 1974: World appeal for Amnesty in Brazil. item_ID: 15680 PamphletID: 713 Amnesty International Japan Japan Group #1 (editor). Freedom in - 1974: World appeal for Amnesty in Brazil. A pamphlet giving brief timetable of Brazil’s political situation starting from April 1964. ブルジョワ議会と選挙に対して戦闘的労働者はどのような態度をとる べきか: コミンテル、 レーニン、 トロツキー、 ローザ・ルクセンブルグの 見解, 議会と選挙について・討議資料 No1. item_ID: 14677 PamphletID: 304 Burujowa kaigi to senkyo ni taishite sentō teki rōdōsha ha dono yō na taido o toru beki ka: Cominterun, Rēnin, Torotsukī, Rōza-Rukusenburugu no kenkai, Gikai to senkyo ni tsuite, Tōgi shiryō No1. Pamphlet opposing bourgeois Diet and elections. 372 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets プロ革派結成総会: 政治・組織報告. Purokakuha kessei sōkai: Seiji-soshiki hōkoku. item_ID: 12567 PamphletID: 45 Pamphlet announcing the formation of the Puro Kaku faction of Sekigunha. プロレタリア階級の歌. Puroretaria kaikyū no uta. item_ID: 15204 PamphletID: 482 Songs of the proletarian class. 八木健彦( 著 ). プロレタリア革命党建設と我々の緊要の任務(上):-総括・綱領・戦 術・組織の問題によせて-. item_ID: 15080 PamphletID: 417 Yagi, Takehiko (author). Puroretaria Kakumei Tō kensetsu to wareware no kinyō no ninmu (jō): Sōkatsu, kōryō, senjutsu, soshiki no mondai ni yosete. Sum up of past “revolutionary” struggles; interpretations of stages towards the World Revolution; visions concerning “our task” from the point of view of the author. 糞氏物語 金芝河. Funji monogatari Kimu Jiha. item_ID: 14921 PamphletID: 334 Two more copies of this item is catalogued as Book Item #1358. 文連テーマ 忘れ物です。 「自治」:第63回大東祭 統一テーマ ジチキトク、 スグカエレ. item_ID: 17049 PamphletID: 1057 Bunren tēma Wasuremono desu. “Jichi”: Dai 63 kai Daitō-sai Tōitsu tēma Jichi kitoku, sugu kaere. A pamphlet for a symposium held by Bunkai Dantai Rengōkai at Daitō Bunka University for its 63rd College Festival. Takazawa is listed as one of the panelists at the symposium. 北京大風暴. Beijing Fengbao [Beijing Storm]. item_ID: 16867 PamphletID: 957 Magazine written in Chinese. Subject on 1989 Chinese student movement and Deng Xiaoping. 金大中氏らを殺すな首都圏緊急運動( 編 ). 米日韓の新たな攻勢に反撃を!金大中氏らを殺すな首都圏緊急運 動, 1980. item_ID: 15393 PamphletID: 539 Kimu Dejun-shi ra o Korosuna Shutoken Kinkyū Undō (editor). Bei-Nichi-Kan no arata na kōgeki ni hangeki o! Kimu Dejun-shi ra o Korosuna Shutoken Kinkyū Undō, 1980. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 373 Pamphlet criticizing Chun Du Huan’s reactionary oppression against political activists, especially Kim Dejung. ベトナムの平和と統一のために闘う在日ベトナム人の会, 「海外連絡 委員会」 ( 著 ). べ支援資料 No.1. 東京: ベトナム平和と統一のために闘う在日ベト ナム人の声, 1974pp. 3. item_ID: 16528 PamphletID: 792 Betonamu no Heiwa to Tōitsu no tame ni Tatakau Zainichi Betonamujin no Kai and International Contact Committee (authors). Beshien shiryō No.1. Tōkyō: Betonamu Heiwa to Tōitsu no tame ni Tatakau Zainichi Betonamujin no Koe, 1974, pp. 3. A pamphlet contains two letters send from and to Betonamu Heiwa to Tōitsu no Tameni Tatakau Zainichi Betonamujin no Kai. 国際革命文庫編集委員会( 編 ). ベトナム革命と世界革命: ―勝利する戦略のために―. 東京: 新時代 社, 1971pp. 56. item_ID: 15034 PamphletID: 368 Kokusai Kakumei Bunko Henshū Iinkai (editor). Betomaru kakumei to sekai kakumei. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1971, pp. 56. From Vietnam revolution to world revolution. ベトナム人民に勝利を! Betonamu jinmin ni shōri o! item_ID: 14943 PamphletID: 349 Pamphlet on Vietnam people’s victory. ベトナム人民はかならず勝利する!アメリカ侵略者はかならず敗北す る!: 第二集. 北京: 外文出版社, 1965pp. 71. item_ID: 17006 PamphletID: 1014 Betonamu jinmin wa kanarazu shōri suru! Amerika shinryakusha wa kanarazu haiboku suru!: Dai ni shū. Pekin: Gaibun Shuppansha, 1965, pp. 71. The pamphlet mainly has pictures from the Vietnam War. Was printed in China. ベトナム戦争と日本: 反戦・平和にたちあがろう! Betonamu sensō to Nihon: Hansen, heiwa ni tachiagarō! item_ID: 17013 PamphletID: 1021 A pamphlet about the Vietnam war and Japan. ベトナム戦争と日本の労働者. Betonamu sensō to Nihon no rōdōsha. A pamphlet about the Vietnam war and Japanese laborers. item_ID: 17012 PamphletID: 1020 374 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 社会主義婦人会議( 著 ). ベトナムの子らに100万円カンパを. item_ID: 16526 PamphletID: 790 Shakai Shugi Fujin Kaigi (author). Betonamuno kodomotachi ni 100man en kampa wo: Betonamu no kora ni 100man yen kanpa wo. A pamphlet for fund-rasing to help the war orphans in Vietnam. ベトナム人民支援日本委員会, 日本ベトナム友好協会( 著 ). ベトナムの戦争被災者に緊急救援を!東京都港区: ベトナム人民支援 日本委員会, 1979. item_ID: 16524 PamphletID: 788 Vietnam People’s Support Japan Committee and Japan-Vietnam Friendship Council (authors). Betonamu no sensō hisaisha ni kinkyū shien wo! Minato-ku, Tokyo: Betonamu Jinmin Shien Nihon Iinkai, 1979. A pamphlet for fund-rasing to help the victims of Vietnam War. ベトナム反戦詞. 東京: 集団・火の通信, 1968pp. 18. Betonamu hansen shi. Tōkyō: Shūdan, Hi no Tsūshin, 1968, pp. 18. item_ID: 17008 PamphletID: 1016 A collection of poems against the Vietnam War. ベトナム人民支援日本委員会( 著 ). ベトナム復興・建設支援 ベトナムの子どもたちに学校用品を: 「ベト ナムの子どもたちに学校用品を贈る運動」.東京都港区: ベトナム人民 支援日本委員会, 1977. item_ID: 16525 PamphletID: 789 Vietnam People’s Support Japan Committee (author). Betonamu fukkō, kensetsu shien Betonamu no kodomotachi ni gakkō yōhin wo: “Betonamu no kodomotachi ni gakkō yōhin wo okuru undō”. Minato-ku, Tokyo: Betonamu Jinmin Shien Nihon Iinkai, 1977. A pamphlet for fund-rasing to provide the children in Vietnam with stationary goods. ベトナム問題資料. Betonamu mondai shiryō. item_ID: 12483 PamphletID: 5 This pamphlet elucidates the connection between Vietnam war and Japanese economy. This provides information on Japan’s export for the US on military purpose and lists of military comodities that Japan sells to the US. ペトリカメラ株式会社( 編 ). PETRI: 撮る人の心を大切に。―――ペトリカメラ. 東京都足立区: ペトリカメラ, 1977. item_ID: 16490 PamphletID: 754 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 375 Petri Camera Company (editor). PETRI: Toru hito no kokoro wo taisetsu ni. ——-Petori Camera. Tokyo-to, Adachi-ku: Petori Camera, 1977. Pamphlets advertise the different kinds of lenses of camera produced by Petori Camera. ペトリカメラ株式会社( 編 ). PETRI MF-1. item_ID: 16489 PamphletID: 753 Petri Camera Company (editor). PETRI MF-1. A pamphlet describes the function of PETRI MF-1 camera. 金属労協( 編 ). ペトリカメラの再建に対する組合の主張: -事実を歪曲した管財人報 告書に反論する-. item_ID: 16493 PamphletID: 758 Kinzoku Rōkyō (editor). Petori Camera no saiken ni taisuru kumiai no shuchō: - Jijitsu wo waishita kanzainin hōkokusho ni hanron suru-. Pamphlets explain the fact of Petori Camera Inc. historically from their foundation to their bankrupcy. ペトリ斗争勝利のため、 自主生産によるカメラ販売にご協力を!!: -カ タログと価格表-. item_ID: 16491 PamphletID: 755 Petori tōsō shōri no tame, jishu seisan niyoru camera hanbai ni gokyōryoku wo!!: Katarogu to kakakuhyō -. Pamphlets advertise the cameras, the lenses, and the accesories produced by Petori Camera. The order form is attached. ベトナムと手をつなぐ会, ベトナムを守る会( 編 ). ベトナム戦争. item_ID: 16874 PamphletID: 964 Joining Hands with Vietnam Society and Protect Vietnam Society (editors). Betonamu sensō. Pamphlet on Vietnam war. Includes articles on brutality of this war, analysis on the war situation, appeal made by North Vietnam, etc. ベトナムと手をつなぐ会, ベトナムを守る会( 編 ). ベトナム戦争. item_ID: 16875 PamphletID: 965 Joining Hands with Vietnam Society and Protect Vietnam Society (editors). Betonamu sensō. Pamphlet on Vietnam’s history. 376 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets ベトナムと手をつなぐ会, ベトナムを守る会( 編 ). ベトナム戦争. item_ID: 16876 PamphletID: 966 Joining Hands with Vietnam Society and Protect Vietnam Society (editors). Betonamu sensō. Pamphlet on Vietnam war. Includes an article titled “Sekai Keizai to Betonamu Sensō,” or “World Economy and the Vietnam War.” ベトナムと手をつなぐ会, ベトナムを守る会( 編 ). ベトナム戦争. item_ID: 16877 PamphletID: 967 Joining Hands with Vietnam Society and Protect Vietnam Society (editors). Betonamu sensō. Pamphlet on Vietnam war. Articles on Okinawa and war in Vietnam. ベ平連とは. Beheiren towa. item_ID: 16995 PamphletID: 1003 A pamphlet explaining about Beheiren. 法政大学ベ平連( 編 ). 「ベ平連」の解散と我々の立場および今後の方向性について: 反戦市 民運動「全国懇談会」に向けてのアピール. 東京: 法政大学ベ平連, 1973pp. 23. item_ID: 16569 PamphletID: 825 Hōsei University Beheiren (Peace to Vietnam Alliance) (editor). “Beheiren” no kaisan to wareware no tachibkaibi kongo no hōkōsei ni tsuite: Hansen shimin undō “Zenkoku Kondankai” ni mukete no apīru. Tokyo: Hōsei Daigaku Beheiren, 1973, pp. 23. Copy of appeal made to the participants of “Hansen Shimin Undō Zenkoku Kondankai.” Mainly regarding the issue of disbanding Beheiren and their own faction’s role in the future. 織田正雄, 木藤冬樹, マイケル・フェルト ( 著 ). ベルリンの壁が崩れて. 東京: 芸林書房, 1992pp. 51. item_ID: 15054 PamphletID: 389 Oda, Masao; Kido, Fuyuki; and Feldt, Michael (authors). Berurin no kabe ga kuzurete (Die Berliner Mauer ist gefallen). Tōkyō: Geirin Shobō, 1992, pp. 51. Pamphlet about the falling of the Berlin Wall. 矢島一夫, 太田竜( 編 ). 辺境最深部からの出撃. item_ID: 15555 PamphletID: 622 Yajima, Kazuo and Ōta, Ryū (editors). Henkyō saishinbu kara no shutsugeki. A pamphlet stating an alternative to the “bearers of revolution.” パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 377 婦人通信編集委員会( 編 ). 保育料値上げ反対闘争のために, 保育運動シリーズ No.1. 東京: 婦人通信編集委員会, 1976pp. 59. item_ID: 15070 PamphletID: 406 Fujin Tsūshin Henshū Iinkai (editor). Hoikuryō neage hantai tōsō no tame ni, Hoiku undō shirīzu No. 1. Tōkyō: Fujin Tsūshin Henshū Iinkai, 1976, pp. 59. Pamphlet from a women’s group opposing the price hike at day care facilities. 冒陳集: 三里塚9・16東峰十字路. 千葉: 三里塚第二次代執行阻止 闘争 東峰統一被告団, 1975pp. 171. item_ID: 15053 PamphletID: 388 Bōchin shū: Sanrizuka 9/16 tōhō jūjiro. Sanrizuka Dai ni ji Daishikkō Soshi Tōsō Tōhō Tōitsu Hikokudan, 1975, pp. 171. Pamphlet from Sanrizuka. 冒頭陳述集: 三里塚3.26闘争山陰三戦士. 松江市: 山陰3.26 三里塚の闘いを支持する会, 1979pp. 53. item_ID: 15132 PamphletID: 437 Bōtō chinjutsu shū: Sanrizuka 3/26 tōsō san’in sansen shi. Matsue-shi: Sanin 3.26 Sanrizuka no Tatakai o Shiji suru kai, 1979, pp. 53. The initial statement of the defendants in the 3/26 Sanrizuka trial. 某党の『口こみ』虎の巻: 反共デマ宣伝への反論. 日本共産党中央委 員会出版局, 1969pp. 22. item_ID: 12505 PamphletID: 20 Bōtō no “kuchikomi” toranomaki: Hankyō dema senden e no hanron. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1969, pp. 22. This pamphlet is a collection of critical responses to what a certain party ( the pamphlet does not mention the name of the party) says about the Japan Communist Party. They claim that everything the party insist upon is not based on any reliable fact. ポーランド連帯日本労働者訪問団( 編 ). ポーランド 「連帯」 との対話: 1981年8月28日~9月12日 ポーランド 訪問報告集. 東京都新宿区: ポーランド連帯日本労働者訪問団, 1881pp. 32. item_ID: 16512 PamphletID: 776 Solidarity with Poland Japan Labor Visit Group (editor). Pōrando “rentai” tono taiwa: 1981nen 8gatsu 28nichi ~ 9gatsu 12nichi Pōrando hōmon hōkokushū. Tokyo-to Shinjuku-ku: Pōrando Rentai Nihon Rōdōsha Hōmondan, 1881, pp. 32. A Pamphlet describes the report on the labor movement in Porland written by Nihon Rōdōsha Hōmondan. ”謀略の体系を撃て”出版委員会( 編 ). 謀略の体系を撃て。:-もしくは戦後冤罪事件論-. item_ID: 16698 PamphletID: 880 378 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets “Strike at the Organization of the Conspiracy” Publication Committee (editor). Bōryaku no taikei o ute.: - Moshiku wa sengo enzai jikenron -. Collection of lectures made by Gotō Shōjirō on the theme of false charge. アムネスティ・インターナショナル(人権を守る国際救援機構) 日本支 部( 編 ). 募金のお願い: アムネスティ・インターナショナル アジア太平洋会議. item_ID: 15682 PamphletID: 715 Amnesty International (Jinken o Mamoru Kokusai Kyūen Kikō) (editor). Bokin no onegai: Amunesutī Intānashonaru Ajia taiheiyō kaigi. Call for donation for the Ajia Taiheiyō Kaigi, planned on June 2nd-6th, 1976. ホステルABC: 新しく入会する方のために. Hosuteru abc: Atarashiku nyūkai suru kata no tame ni. item_ID: 16880 PamphletID: 970 Guide for initial hostel users in Japan. 山本正志( 編 ). ボナパルチズム論. 那覇: 日本革命的共産主義者同盟(第四インター ナショナル日本支部)沖縄地方委員会(準),1973pp. 15. item_ID: 14970 PamphletID: 357 Yamamoto, Masashi (editor). Bonaparuchizumu ron. Naha: Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (Dai Yon Intāna shonaru Nihon Shibu) Okinawa Chihō Iinkai (jun), 1973, pp. 15. Dai Yon Inta position on Bonapartism theory. 沖縄県企画調整部統計課資料係( 編 ). 毎月勤労統計調査 地方調査結果速報: 昭和49年10月. 那覇市: 沖縄県企画調整部統計課, 1975pp. 11. item_ID: 15598 PamphletID: 665 Okinawa Prefecture Planning Regulations Department, Statistics section, Documents unit (editor). Maitsuki kinrō tōkei chōsa Chihō chōsa kekka sokuhō: Shōwa 49 nen 10 gatsu. Naha: Okinawa-ken Kikaku Chōsei-bu Tōkei-ka, 1975, pp. 11. A pamphlet organized by the Okinawa prefecture, giving statistical report on employment, wage and amount of labour in hours, as of October 1975. Numerous tables included. 『毎日新聞に抗議する』編集委員会( 編 ). 毎日新聞韓国経済観光特集に抗議する!東京都中央区:『毎日新聞 に抗議する』編集委員会, 1974pp. 20. item_ID: 16520 PamphletID: 784 “Protest Against Mainichi Newspaper” Editorial Committee (editor). Mainichi shinbun Kankoku keizai kankō tokushū ni kōgisuru! Chūōku, Tokyo: “Mainichi Shinbun ni Kōgisuru” Henshū Īnkai, 1974, pp. 20. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 379 A pamphlet discusses against the article, “Kankoku keizai kankō tokushū” edited by Mainichi Shinbunsha. 毛澤東陽謀陰謀. Mao Zedong yangmon yinmon [Mao Zedong’s open and secret scheme]. item_ID: 16868 PamphletID: 958 Hong Kong journal on the subject of Mao Zedong’s strategy, written in Chinese. 創造企画室( 編 ). マクバード!飯高次郎, 1967pp. 26. item_ID: 16878 PamphletID: 968 Creatiion and Planning Room (editor). Makubādo! Iitaka Jirō, 1967, pp. 26. Pamphlet for a play called “Makubādo!” or “MACBIRD!” 川島豪, 渡辺正則( 著 ). マルクス主義経済学と農業農民問題: ブント系諸君の誤りを反面教師 として. 東京: 開放の旗編集局, 1974pp. 65. item_ID: 15527 PamphletID: 594 Kawashima, Tsuyoshi and Watanabe, Masanori (authors). Marukusu shugi keizaigaku to nōgyō nōmin mondai: Bunto kei shokun no ayamari o hanmen kyōshi to shite. Tokyo: Kaihō no hata hensyūkyoku, 1974, pp. 65. A pamphlet discussing the “Nōgyō nōmin mondai” which has been neglected by “Bunto kei” people. マンギョンデ. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1973pp. 39. Mangyonde. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1973, pp. 39. item_ID: 14444 PamphletID: 232 Pamphlet from North Korea. 斗う集団・編集委員会( 編 ). 見知らぬ彼方より愛をこめて・・・: 第Ⅲ・Ⅳ期総括並びに展望若干 (案).北大工学部「創造」Group, 1971pp. 18. item_ID: 15515 PamphletID: 582 Tatakau Shūdan Editing Committee (editor). Mishiranu kanata yori ai o komete …: Dai 3, 4 ki sōkatsu narabi ni tenbō jakkan (an). Hokudai Kōgakubu “Sōzō” Group, 1971, pp. 18. A critique on civilization and discrimination made by the “Tatakau Shūdan.” 崎原勉( 編 ). 水島レポート: 水島石油コンビナートにおける三菱石油水島精油所重 油流出事故調査レポート. 県職労青年部, 1975pp. 4. item_ID: 15631 PamphletID: 698 Sakihara, Tsutomu (editor). Mizushima repōto: Mizushima sekiyu konbināto ni okeru mitsubishi sekiyu mizushima seiyujo jūyu ryūshutsu jiko chōsa repōto. Ken Shokurō Seinen-bu, 1975, pp. 4. 380 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Report on the heavy oil drain accident at Mizushima Industrial Complex, investigated by a group of people from Okinawa, from January 10-13th, 1975. 在日朝鮮人総聯合会( 編 ). 南朝鮮から米軍は撤退せよ: =永久分裂を策す「二つの朝鮮」政策を 糾弾する=. 東京: 在日本朝鮮人総聯合会, 1977pp. 6. item_ID: 16518 PamphletID: 782 Zainichi Chōsenjin Sorengōkai (editor). Minami Chōsen kara Beigun wa tettai seyo: =Eikyū bunretsu wo sakusu “futatsu no Chōsen” seisaku wo kyūdan suru=. Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsenjin Sōrengōkai, 1977, pp. 6. A pamphlet discusses against permanent separation between North and South Korea and appeals to withdraw American military from South Korea. 南朝鮮から米軍は撤退せよ: =永久分裂を策す「二つの朝鮮」政策を 糾弾する=. 東京: 在日本朝鮮人総聯合会, 1977pp. 6. item_ID: 17118 PamphletID: 1084 Minami Chōsen kara beigun wa tettai seyo: = Eikyū bunretsu o sakusu “futatsu no Chōsen” seisaku o kyūdan suru =. Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsenjin Sōrengōkai, 1977, pp. 6. A pamphlet arguing that the US armed forces should evacuate from South Korea. 南ベトナム「政治犯」最新情報!: 1973年6月1日現在、南ベトナム政府 によって捕らえられている 「政治犯」.東京都杉並区: 「政治犯」釈放要 求日本委員会, 1973pp. 5. item_ID: 16531 PamphletID: 795 Minami Betonamu “Seijihan” Saishin Jōhō!: 1973nen 6gatsu 1nichi genzai, Minami Betonamu seifu ni yotte torae rareteiru “seijihan”. Suginami-ku, Tokyo: “Seijihan” Shakuhō Yōkyū Nihon Iinkai, 1973, pp. 5. A pamphlet describes the latest information on the political prisoners in South Vietnam in 1973. 南ベトナムの「政治犯」. Minami Betonamu no “Seijihan”. item_ID: 16530 PamphletID: 794 A pamphlet contains two letters and a note of protest on the situation of political prisoners in South Vietnam. 南ベトナムの政治犯. 京都: 南ベトナムの政治犯を釈放するための運 動・京都, 1973pp. 77. item_ID: 12652 PamphletID: 78 Minami Betonamu no seijihan. Kyōto: Minami Betonamu no Seijihan o Shakuhō suru tame no Undō, Kyōto, 1973, pp. 77. This reveals suppression, physical torture, and even killing by the government of alleged political criminals in Vietnam. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 381 上野勝輝( 訳 ) ( 訳 ). 南ベトナムの婦人. item_ID: 12552 PamphletID: 30 Ueno, Katsuki (translator). Minami Betonamu no fujin. This is a translation of “South Vietnam in Struggle.” 妙香山案内. 東京: 朝鮮画報社, 1991. Myōkōzan an’nai. Tōkyō: Chōsen Gahōsha, 1991. item_ID: 16702 PamphletID: 884 Guide pamphlet of “Myōkōzan.” Includes information on the Myōkōzan area in Japanese. みんなで決めたことを実行できる組織に!!: 産業別統一闘争の前進 のために;出版労協第21回定期大会議案書. item_ID: 12502 PamphletID: 17 Minna de kimeta koto o jikkō dekiru soshiki ni !!: Sangyō betsu tōitsu tōsō no zenshin no tame ni; shuppan rōkyō dai 21 kai teiki taikai gian sho. This is a pamphlet of the 21th meeting of Shuppan Rōkyō. 揚中美( 編 ). 民主中国. 東京: 中国留日学生民主促進研究会(東京),1989 pp. 72. item_ID: 16866 PamphletID: 956 Yang, Zhongmei (editor). Minzhu zhongguo [Democratic China]. Tokyo: Chūgoku Ryūnichi Gakusei Minshu Sokushin Kenkyūkai, 1989, pp. 72. Chinese magazine covering an article on the subject of 1989 Chinese student movement. 民主教育防衛のための討議資料: 特に教育採用問題をめぐって. 東京 学芸大学小金井分校自治会 東京学芸大学世田谷分校自治会 東 京都学生自治会連合, 1959pp. 22. item_ID: 14623 PamphletID: 268 Minshu kyōiku bōei no tame no tōgi shiryō: Toku ni kyōiku saiyō mondai o megutte. Tōkyō Gakugei Daigaku Koganei bunkō jichikai, Tōkyō Gakugei Daigaku Setagaya bunkō jichikai, Tōkyō gakusei jichikai renmei, 1959, pp. 22. Materials on defense of democratic education. ムキバリスト: -京大医学部第三次斗争=医局解体斗争に向けての コメント-. 京都: 京大医学部全学斗争委員会書記局, 1969pp. 78. item_ID: 17041 PamphletID: 1049 Mukibarisuto: - Kyōdai Igakubu dai san ji tōsō = ikyoku kaitai tōsō ni mukete no komento -. Kyōto: Kyōdai Igakubu Zengaku Kyōtō Iinkai Shokikyoku, 1969, pp. 78. A pamphlet with comments about the Ikyoku Kaitai (Dismantling of the Medical Office) Tōsō at Kyōto University. 382 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 武蔵野美術大学闘争記録68-70. 武蔵野美術大学・全学闘争委 員会編集部, 1970pp. 180. item_ID: 17005 PamphletID: 1013 Musashino Bijutsu Daigaku tōsō kiroku 68-70. Musashino Bijutsu Daigaku, Zengaku Tōsō Iinkai Henshūbu, 1970, pp. 180. A record of the tōsō at Musashino Bijutsu University during 1968 and 1970. 東京弁護士会拘禁二法案対策本部( 編 ). 無実を叫ぶ 声が届かない: 無実の者を犯人にでっち上げる代用監 獄(警察留置場)の廃止をめざして刑事施設法・留置施設法を阻止しよ う. 東京: 東京弁護士会, 1982pp. 32. item_ID: 16565 PamphletID: 821 Tokyo Lawyers Guild Two Detention Policy Bills Central Section (editor). Mujitsu o sakebu Koe ga todokanai: Mujitsu no mono o han’nin ni decchiageru daiyō kangoku (keisatsu ryūchi jō) no haishi o mezashite keiji shisetsu hō, ryūchi shisetsu hō o soshi shiyō. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Bengoshikai, 1982, pp. 32. Pamphlet describing how the “daiyō kangoku” is a place where human rights is ignored, and from there criticizing the two bills that would allow for the continuation of the “daiyō kangoku” system. 田原芳( 著 ). 現代革命の条件と社会主義: 無政府主義・組合主義・アナルコ=サン ディカリズムそして官僚主義の克服, Gendai kakumei no jōken to shakai shugi. 共産主義者同盟綱領委員会, 1970pp. 101. item_ID: 17034 PamphletID: 1042 Tawara, Kaoru (author). Museifu shugi, kumiai shugi, anaruko=sandikarizumu soshite kanryō shugi no kokufuku. Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Kōryō Iinkai, 1970, pp. 101. A pamphlet writing about the conditions for a modern revolution and Socialism. 松口春美( 編 ). ムンデルキンゲンのカーニバル. 東京: 朝日出版社, 1992pp. 34. item_ID: 15057 PamphletID: 392 Matsuguchi, Harumi (editor). Munderukingen no kānibaru (Die Munderkinger Fasnet). Tōkyō: Asahi Shuppansha, 1992, pp. 34. The Munderking Carnival. 毛主席的四篇哲学論文. 北京: 人民出版社, 1964pp. 131. Mō Shuseki teki yonpen tetsugaku ronbun. Beijing: Jinmin Shuppansha, 1964, pp. 131. item_ID: 17015 PamphletID: 1023 A pamphlet writen in Chinese about Mao’s philosophy. 佐藤隆信( 著 ). 毛沢東思想から片時も離れずに革命闘争をおしすすめよう! item_ID: 15533 PamphletID: 600 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 383 Satō, Takanobu (author). Mō Takutō shisō kara katatoki mo hanarezu ni kakumei tōsō o oshisusumeyō! Several writings and appeals made by activists in prison put together. 毛澤東実践論: 認識と実践-知と行との関係について. Mō Takutō jissenron: Ninshiki to jissen - chi to kō tono kankei ni tsuite. item_ID: 17159 PamphletID: 1088 A Japanese translation of Mao’s Practical Theory. モーニングスター労組 青年部臨時大会. MS労青年部再建準ビ委 員会, 1974pp. 4. item_ID: 16933 PamphletID: 995 Mōningu sutā rōso Seinenbu rinji taikai. MS Rō Seinenbu Saiken Junbi Iinkai, 1974, pp. 4. A pamphlet for the Morning Star Labor Union meeting. もし極東で戦域核戦争が起きたら 服部学, パンフレット日本はこれ でいいのか市民講座1. 東京: 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合, 19 82pp. 31. item_ID: 15042 PamphletID: 376 Moshi kyokutō de sen’iki kaku sensō ga okitara Hattori Manabu, Panfuretto Nihon wa kore de ii no ka shimin kōza 1. Tōkyō: Nihon ha Korede Iinoka Shimin Rengō, 1982, pp. 31. Pamphlet by Hattori Manabu about war. 無人の野. 東京: 岩波ホール, 1982pp. 28. Mujin no no. Tōkyō: Iwanami Hōru, 1982, pp. 28. item_ID: 12766 PamphletID: 128 This is a pamphlet of a Vietnamese movie. 黒沢嘉隆( 著 ). 靖国合祀戦犯死刑囚の『天皇と祖国に訴ふ』:日本の平和を願ふ!民 族の良心に訴ふ! item_ID: 12632 PamphletID: 58 Kurosawa, Yoshitaka (author). Yasukuni gōshi senpan shikeishū no “Tennō to sokoku ni uttau”: Nihon no heiwa o negau! minzoku no rōshin ni uttau! A pamphlet protesting a publication concerning war criminals memorialized at Yasukuni Shrine. ヤン・イークスと共に。.ベトナムに平和を!市民連合, 1971pp. 14. Yan Īkusu to tomoni. Betonamu ni Heiwa o! Shimin Rengō, 1971, pp. 14. item_ID: 16855 PamphletID: 945 384 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Pamphlet on an anti-war activist named “Yan Īkusu,” acting against the drafting system. Includes an article by him in Japanese, personal history, article written by a Japanese, etc. 山田梵( 著 ). 山崎君の死因は轢殺ではない. item_ID: 15048 PamphletID: 383 Yamada, Bon (author). Yamazaki kun no shiin wa rekisatsu de wa nai. A hand written document of a speech made by Yoshihiro Konagai, a lawyer of Sohyo, concerning the death of Hiroaki Yamazaki. 遊撃戦争のイロハについて. 日本共産党(革命左派)神奈川県常任委 員会, 1973pp. 18. item_ID: 15529 PamphletID: 596 Yūgeki sensō no iroha ni tsuite. Nihon Kyōsantō (Kakumei Saha) Kanagawa ken Jōnin Iinkai, 1973, pp. 18. A pamphlet discussing thesignificance and feasibility of Yūgeki sensō. 小森秀三( 著 ). 有事立法と安保条約: 許すな軍事ファシズムへの道. 東京: 安保破棄・ 諸要求貫徹中央実行委員会, 1978pp. 32. item_ID: 12638 PamphletID: 64 Komori, Shūzō (author). Yūji rippō to anpo jōyaku: Yurusuna gunji fashizumu e no michi. Tōkyō: Anpo Haki— Sho Yōkyū Kantetsu Chūō Jikkō Iinkai, 1978, pp. 32. A pamphlet protesting militarism as a result of the US Japan joint security treaty. 優生保護法改悪阻止のための基礎資料. Yūsei Hogo Hō kaiaku soshi no tame no kiso shiryō. item_ID: 16645 PamphletID: 844 Pamphlet on the issue of revision of “Yūsei Hogo Hō” and legality of abortion. Includes a copy of pamphelt distributed by an LDP politician Murakami, a copy of Diet discussions, statement of opposition by Nihon Bosei Hogoi Kyōkai, Nihon Kango Kyōkai, and Nihon Kazoku Keikaku Renmei. Difficult to determine the editor/ publisher. ゆうな学園分会 第4回定期大会: 議案書. Yūna Gakuen bunkai Dai 4 kai teiki taikai: Giansho. item_ID: 16711 PamphletID: 894 Pamphlet for the fourth regular meeting of (Okinawa) Kenshōkurō Minsei Hoken Shibu Yūna Gakuen Bunkai. ゆうな学園分会の闘い. Yūna gakuen bunkai no tatakai. item_ID: 15617 PamphletID: 684 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 385 A pamphlet describing the struggle of labourers at “Yūna Gakuen,” a facility in Okinawa for the “Seishin Hakujaku-ji.” 夜明けの国. 東京: 東宝株式会社事業・開発部出版課, 1967pp. 14. Yoake no kuni. Tōkyō: Tōhō kabushiki Gaisha Jigyō Kaihatsubu Shuppan-ka, 1967, pp. 14. item_ID: 15184 PamphletID: 462 PR pamphlet from Tōhō Development. ベトナム反戦市民の声( 編 ). 要望書. item_ID: 16816 PamphletID: 921 Vietnam Antiwar Citizens Voice (editor). Yōbōsho. Request made and reason given to Japanese journalism to not use the word “Betokon” in place for “Minami Betonamu Minzoku Kaihō Sensen.” 吉本隆明講演集刊行委員会( 編 ). item_ID: 15079 吉本隆明講演集: 根ていへの出立に向けて. 赤燈社, 1972pp. 118. PamphletID: 416 Yoshimoto Takaaki Kōenshū Kankō Iinkai (editor). Yoshimoto Taka’aki kōenshū: Kontei e no shuttatsu ni mukete. Sekitōsha, 1972, pp. 118. A collection of speeches on various topics given by Takaaki Yoshimoto. 共産主義者同盟(紅旗)中央委員会( 著 ). 寄せ場は社会主義を求める: プロレタリア革命と釜ケ崎解放の戦士同 志徳野暗殺糾弾・追悼集. 東京: 紅旗社, 1976pp. 76. item_ID: 12569 PamphletID: 47 Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (Kōki) Chūō Iinkai (author). Yoseba wa shakaishugi o motomeru: Puroretaria kakumei to kamagasaki kaihō no senshi dōshi Tokuno Minoru ansatsu kyūdan-tsuitō shū. Tōkyō: Kōkisha, 1976, pp. 76. This is about Tokuno Minoru who died in a struggle in Kamagasaki. First it introduces his co-workers and friends and then the organization to which Tokuno belongs glorifies him as a valuable soldier of revolution who sacrificed his life for it. 反帝労働運動研究会( 編 ). よびおこせ、反核の声 起て、反原発の闘いに!: エネルギー戦略と対 決する労働運動, 80年安保と闘うために No.2. item_ID: 16658 PamphletID: 857 Anti Imperialist Labor Movement Research Group (editor). Yobiokose, hankaku no koe Tate, hangenpatsu no tatakai ni!: Enerugī senryaku to taiketsu suru rōdō undō, 80 nen anpo no tatakau tame ni No. 2. Pamphlet on the issue of nuclear energy and labour movement. Includes articles written by Miyajima Nobuo and Matsuo Kei. 創言社( 著 ). 予約者の皆様へ. 福岡: 創言社, 1971pp. 7. item_ID: 12459 PamphletID: 1 386 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Sōgensha (author). Yoyakusha no minasama e. Fukuoka: Sōgensha, 1971, pp. 7. This is an apology from the publisher to readers who made a reservation for “Takizawa Katsumi Chosaku Shū,” for a delay of publication. 青年劇場( 編 ). 夜の笑い: -2幕-. item_ID: 15363 PamphletID: 531 Seinen Gekijō (editor). Yoru no warai: 2 maku. A pamphlet of a play called “Yoru no Warai,” written by Shimao Toshio and Komatsu Sakyō, directed by Īzawa Tadasu. Inside are photos of the actors/actresses and words by the authors, etc. 泉州地区自主上映実行委員会( 編 ). 襤褸の旗 鑑賞のために. item_ID: 16438 PamphletID: 745 Senshū district Independent Film Action Committee (editor). Ranru no Hata Kanshō no tame ni. This pamphlet describes the background of the movie “Ranru no Hata,” I.e. the “Ashio Kōdoku Jiken.” It also explains the historical background of the Meiji era and the importance of copper mining. 韓国民主化支援緊急世界大会事務局( 編 ). 李應魯 UNG-NO, LEE: 1981・東京. item_ID: 15370 PamphletID: 538 Kankoku Minshuka Shien Kinkyū Sekai Taikai Jimukyoku (editor). Ri Ōro UNG-NO, LEE: 1981 Tokyo. This pamphlet includes Lee’s arts, his bibliography, and comments made by Ichirō Hariu. 久世礼子( 編 ). 理事候補者紹介. item_ID: 15697 PamphletID: 722 Kuze, Reiko (editor). Riji kōho-sha shōkai. Pamphlet on the election of “Riji” of Amunesutī Intānashonaru Nihon-shibu. 立棺: ―沖縄人民に捧げる―. Rikkan: Okinawa jinmin ni sasagaru. item_ID: 15192 PamphletID: 471 Pamphlet about the Okinawan people. 船本州治( 著 ). 立棺: 沖縄人民に捧げる. item_ID: 15549 PamphletID: 616 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 387 Funamoto, Shūji (author). Rikkan: Okinawa jinmin ni sasageru. A collection of the articles written by Funamoto Shūji, including some other articles about his death. 李鵬下台秘密. Li Peng Xiatai Mimi [The secret of li peng’s stepping down]. item_ID: 16869 PamphletID: 959 Chinese language journal published in Hong Kong, on the subject of 1989 Chinese student movement. 李鵬抵死!民主勝利!香港: 同徳書報社(香港),1989pp. 40. Li Peng disi! Minzhu shengli! [Li Peng goes to hell! Democracy is victory!]. Hong Kong: Dōtoku Shohōsha (Hong Kong), 1989, pp. 40. item_ID: 16864 PamphletID: 954 Hong Kong magazine. Written on the subject of 1989 Chinese student movement. 琉球への米. Ryūkyū e no kome. item_ID: 15325 PamphletID: 525 Inside are propaganda-type elementary pictures, photos and sentences, stating how good U.S. military is doing for the common citizens of Okinawa to be able to have rice on their dinner table. 鈴木武( 編 ). 量のためにも質を!: 福岡地区代議員総会の総括と我々の前衛党創造 路線. item_ID: 16576 PamphletID: 832 Suzuki, Takeshi (editor). Ryō no tame ni mo shitsu o!: Fukuoka chiku daigiin sōkai no sōkatsu to wareware no zenei-tō sōzō rosen. Pamphlet on the general meeting of Kyōsandō Fukuoka-chiku Daigiin. 緑林古書目録: 沖縄・奄美関係書総特集. 沖縄: 緑林堂, 1984pp. 34. Ryokurin kosho mokuroku: Okinawa, Amami kankeisho sōtokushū. Okinawa: Ryokurindō, 1984, pp. 34. item_ID: 16945 PamphletID: 1000 List of books related to Okinawa and Amami. チェコスロバキア人民支援日本委員会( 編 ). レジスタンスのチェコ人民に支援を: 資料と分析. Chekosurobakia Jinmin Shien Nihon Iinkai (editor). Rejistansu no Cheko jinmin ni shien o: Shiryō to bunseki. Pamphlet about assisting the Czech resistance. item_ID: 13848 PamphletID: 208 388 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 田村孟( 著 ). 連合赤軍(仮題):準備稿. item_ID: 16706 PamphletID: 889 Tamura, Takeshi (author). Rengō Sekigun (Kadai): Junbikō. Scenario of a play provisionally titled “Rengō Sekigun,” written by Tamura and directed by Hasegawa Kazuhiko. 連合赤軍あさま山荘ろう城事件, 研究生自主研究レポート (I).東大新 聞研究所研究生自治会, 1972pp. 42. item_ID: 14449 PamphletID: 237 Rengō Sekigun Asama Sansō rōjō jiken, Kenkyūsei jishu kenkyū repōto (I). Tōdai Shinbun Kenkyūjo Kenkyu jichikai, 1972, pp. 42. Pamphlet about Asama Sansō incident. 永田・植垣連合赤軍「被告」 を支援する会( 編 ). 連合赤軍公判報告Ⅰ: 第二次前段階決戦へ出征せよ!東京都: 永田・ 植垣連赤「被告」 を支援する会, 1976pp. 59. item_ID: 15522 PamphletID: 589 Nagata-Uegaki United Red Army Defendants Support Group (editor). Rengō sekigun kōhan hōkoku 1: Dai 2 ji zendankai kessen e shussei seyo! Tokyo: Nagata/ Uegaki Renseki “Hikoku” O Shien Suru Kai, 1976, pp. 59. 8 articles included; all related to the Rengō Sekigun Jiken. 植垣康博( 著 ). 連合赤軍総括に向けて そのⅠ. item_ID: 15087 PamphletID: 424 Uegaki, Yasuhiro (author). Rengō Sekigun sōkatsu ni mukete sono 1. A sum-up and self-criticism done by Uegaki Yasuhiro, concerning the Rengō Sekigun. 人民救援会( 編 ). 連合赤軍と我々: 獄中書簡集. item_ID: 16873 PamphletID: 963 Jinmin Kyūenkai (editor). Rengō sekigun to wareware: Gokuchū shokanshū. Collection of letters written by Rengō Sekigun members in prison. 連合赤軍の任務を完遂し赤軍派と革命左派の合同二新党結成をなし 遂げるために革命左派を批判する!!横浜: 高原浩之, 1972pp. 4. item_ID: 15525 PamphletID: 592 Rengō sekigun no ninmu o kantsuishi sekigunha to kakumei saha no gōdō nishintō o nashitogeru tame ni kakumei saha o hihansuru. Yokohama: Takahara Hiroyuki, 1972, pp. 4. A pamphlet criticizing Kakumei saha, with the aim of making a new group combining Sekigunha and Kakumei saha. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 389 連合赤軍派事件に対する共産主義者同盟の自己批判: 暴力・党・粛清 について. item_ID: 15519 PamphletID: 586 Rengō sekigun-ha jiken ni taisuru kyōsanshugi sha dōmei no jiko hihan: Bōryoku/Tō/Shukusei ni tsuite. Kyōsanshugi-sha Dōmei’s self-criticism on the Rengō Sekigun-ha Jiken. 坂東国男, 塩見孝也( 著 ). 連合赤軍問題の形成の弁証法、連赤総括と同盟プロ革派の立場, 連 合赤軍総括に向けて そのⅢ. item_ID: 15091 PamphletID: 426 Bandō, Kunio and Shiomi, Takaya (authors). Rengō Sekigun mondai no keisei no benshōhō, Renseki to Dōmei Purokakuha no tachiba, Rengō Sekigun sōkatsu ni mukete sono 3. Two writings included; one is the continued writing by Bandō Kunio concerning the Rengxo Sekigun question, the other is a writing by Shiomi Takaya concerning the Rengō Sekigun. 坂東国男( 著 ). 連合赤軍問題の形成の弁証法-冒頭意見陳述-, 連合赤軍総括に 向けて そのⅡ. item_ID: 15088 PamphletID: 425 Bandō, Kunio (author). Rengō Sekigun Mondai no keisei no benshōhō - Bōtō iken chinjutsu -, Rengō Sekigun sōkatsu ni mukete sono 2. Sum-up made by Kunio Bandō concerning the Rengō Sekigun, including a self-criticism. 植垣康博( 著 ). 連合赤軍問題の総括に向けて: ―連合赤軍統一公判第一審 最終意 見陳述―. 東京: 植垣康博, 1984pp. 97. item_ID: 16546 PamphletID: 810 Uegaki, Yasuhiro (author). Rengō Sekigun mondai no sōkatsu ni mukete: -Rengō Sekigun tōitsu kōhan dai isshin saishū iken chinjutsu-. Tōkyō: Uegaki Yasuhiro, 1984, pp. 97. A pamphlet describes Uegaki Yasuhiro’s opinion about the first trial of Rengō Sekigun Jiken. 共産主義者同盟赤軍派マルクス・レーニン主義派(準) ( 編 ). 連赤総括の真の獲得に向けて. item_ID: 15521 PamphletID: 588 Communist League Red Army Faction Marxist-Leninist Faction (in formation) (editor). Renseki sōkatsu no shin no kakutoku ni mukete. Pamphet written on the “sum-up” of Rengō Sekigun Jiken and the reconstruction of Dōmei. 390 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets 連赤公判対策委を、再編・強化し、連赤公判斗争を、更に前進させよ う!共産主義者同盟赤軍派日本共産党(革命左派) 日本赤色救援会, 1973pp. 4. item_ID: 15524 PamphletID: 591 Renseki kōhan taisakui o, saihen/kyōka shi, renseki kōhan tosō o, sarani zenshin saseyō! Kyōsan shugisha dōmei sekigunha Nihon kyōsantō (Kakumei saha) Nihon Akairo Kyūenkai, 1973, pp. 4. A pamphlet calling for reorganization of the Renseki kōhan taisakui. 沖縄ベトナム人民連帯委員会( 編 ). 牢獄からの叫び: 南ベトナム30万政治犯の臨時釈放を勝ちとろう! 東京: 改造社, 1973pp. 66. item_ID: 15059 PamphletID: 394 Okinawa Betonamu Jinmin Rentai Iinkai (editor). Rōgoku kara no sakebi: Minami Betonamu 30 man seijihan no rinji shakuhō o kachitorō! Tōkyō: Kaizōsha, 1973, pp. 66. Pamphlet supporting 30,000 political prisoners in South Vietnam. 労戦統一 未練の波止場: みんなで乗ればコワクナイ??. Rōsen tōitsu Miren no hatoba: Minna de noreba kowakunai??. item_ID: 16846 PamphletID: 936 Draft of an appeal to withdraw the “Rōsen Tōitsu” proposal. Difficult to identify the writer. 労働運動の転換とは何か?: 反戦青年委員会と階級的労働運動. Rōdō undō no tenkan towa nani ka?: Hansen seinen iinkai to kaikyūteki rōdō undō. item_ID: 17101 PamphletID: 1078 A pamphlet writing about the turning point for the labor movement. 沖縄ヒルトンホテル労働組合( 編 ). 労働協約 賃金. item_ID: 16483 PamphletID: 747 Okinawa Hilton Hotel Labor Union (editor). Rōdō kyōyaku, Chingin. A pamphlet describes the labor agreement between Okinawa Hiruton Hoteru and Okinawa Hiruton Hoteru Rōdō Kumiai. 沖縄県労働商工部労政課( 編 ). 労働組合の施設等実態調査報告書: 昭和50年1月. 沖縄: 沖縄県労働 商工部労政課, 1975pp. 4. item_ID: 16547 PamphletID: 811 Okinawa-ken Shōkō-bu Rōsei-ka (editor). Rōdō kumiai no shisetsu tō jittai chōsa hōkokusho: Shōwa 50nen 1gatsu. Okinawa: Okinawaken Shōkō-bu Rōsei-ka, 1975, pp. 4. A pamphlet investigates the condition of Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kumiai’s facilities. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 391 労働組合のはなし: 働くものの生き方. Rōdō kumiai no hanashi: Hataraku mono no ikikata. item_ID: 15613 PamphletID: 680 A pamphlet explaining the role of labor unions with the use of pictures, graphs and tables. Pages 25-30 is missing. 全軍労( 編 ). 労働災害・職業病の闘い-全軍労. item_ID: 15632 PamphletID: 699 Zengunrō (editor). Rōdō saigai/shokugyōbyō no tatakai - Zengunrō. A pamphlet on Zengunrō’s struggle for labour accident compensation. 労働災害に関する法規制の問題点と災害防止と補償について. Rōdō saigai ni kansuru hō kisei no mondai ten to saigai bōshi to hoshō ni tsuite. item_ID: 14868 PamphletID: 328 Pamphlet about a proposed law that is a disaster for labor. 沖タク労教宣部( 編 ). 労働者のタクシー会社: 共同交通有限会社の虚像と実像. item_ID: 15612 PamphletID: 679 Okinawa Taxi Drivers Union Publicity Section (editor). Rōdōsha no takushī gaisha: Kyōdō kōtsū yūgen gaisha no kyozō to jitsuzō. A pamphlet explaining the history of Ken Ji Kō that is led by the exectives of the company, and stating the oposition against its status as a labor union. 六月の教訓: 総括に関する一試論. Rokugatsu no kyōkun: Sōkatsu ni kansuru ichi shiron. item_ID: 14638 PamphletID: 274 Lessons from the June Action. 共青同全国電通班協議会( 編 ). 六次合粉砕!官僚統制を打破し階級的労働運動を築け!: 日本共産青 年同盟全国電通班協議会機関誌 No.1. 東京: 新時代社, 1977 pp. 24. item_ID: 15283 PamphletID: 503 Kyōseidō Zenkoku Dentsū-han Kyōgikai (editor). Rokujigō funsai! Kanryō tōsei o daha shi kaikyūteki rōdō undō o kizuke!: Nihon Kyōsan Sei nen Dōmei zenkoku dentsū-han kyōgikai kikanshi No.1. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1977, pp. 24. Pamphlet published by the labourers of Dentsū belonging to Kyōseidō. This contains three essays. 大森勝久( 著 ). ロシア帝国主義およびポーランド支配階級による戒厳令弾圧を糾弾 する!京都: 黒翔社, 1982pp. 8. item_ID: 12629 PamphletID: 55 392 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Ōmori, Katsuhisa (author). Roshia teikoku shugi oyobi Pōrando shihai kaikyū ni yoru kaigenrei dan’atsu o kyūdan suru! Kyōto: Kokushōsha, 1982, pp. 8. This criticizes Russian invasion and suppression of Poand. The author urges that we need to struggle against Russian imperialism, along with Amerian, Japanese and European inperialism. 日韓連帯連絡会議( 編 ). ロッキード汚職と日韓関係. item_ID: 16650 PamphletID: 849 Japan Korea Solidarity Liaison Conference (editor). Rokkīdo oshoku to nikkan kankei. Copy of article written by Wada Haruki, titled “Rokkīdo Mondai to Nikkan Kankei.” 新宿ベ平連( 編 ). ロナルド・マクリーン氏に関する裁判関係資料集. item_ID: 16562 PamphletID: 818 Shinjuku Beheiren (Peace to Vietnam Alliance) (editor). Ronarudo Makurīn-shi ni kansuru saiban kankei shiryōshū. This pamphlet is a collection of materials on the court case of an American citizen named “Ronald MacLean” in 1970. 岡田浩平, エグモント・ヘルメル( 著 ). ワイツゼッカー・人と演説 ドイツ統一・大統領記念演説. 東京: 朝日 出版社, 1991pp. 35. item_ID: 15056 PamphletID: 391 Okada, Kōhei and Helmel, Egmont (authors). Waitsuzekkā: hito to enzetsu Doitsu tōitsu—daitōryō kinen enzetsu (Richard von Weizacker und seine Ansprache). Tōkyō: Asahi Shuppansha, 1991, pp. 35. Pamphlet on Richard von Weizacker, the man and his speeches. 吉川武彦( 著 ). わが国の精神科医療: -鍵の文化と恥の文化-, 臨床精神医学 第 4巻第3号 別冊. 国際医書出版, 1975pp. 6. item_ID: 16716 PamphletID: 899 Yoshikawa, Takehiko (author). Waga kuni no seishinka iryō: - Kagi no bunka to haji no bunka -, Rinshō Seishin Igaku Dai 4 kan Dai 3 gō Bessatsu. Kokusai Isho Shuppan, 1975, pp. 6. Article written by Yoshikawa Takehiko on Japan’s medical treatment on mental health focusing on culture. 私たちとベトナムをつなぐ米タン. Watashi tachi to Betonamu wo tsunagu Beitan. item_ID: 16552 PamphletID: 816 A pamphlet describes about the rail transport of American military tank. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 393 私たちの報告: 土田・日石・ピース缶爆弾デッチあげ事件被告. Watashitachi no hōkoku: Tsuchida, Nisseki, Pīsukan bakudan decchiage jiken hikoku. item_ID: 16700 PamphletID: 882 Pamphlet on the “Tsuchida, Nisseki, Pīsukan Bakudan” incident. Includes description of court proceedings written by the accused. 日本はこれでいいのか市民講座推進人会議( 編 ). 私達はどのような危険な状態にいるのか: 日本をとりまく核状況. 東 京: 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合, 1982pp. 30. item_ID: 15055 PamphletID: 390 Nihon wa Korede Iinoka Shimin Kōza Suishinjin Kaigi (editor). Watashitachi wa dono yō na kiken na jōtai ni iru no ka: Nihon o torimaku kaku jōkyō. Tōkyō: Nihon ha Korede Iinoka Shimin Rengō, 1982, pp. 30. What kind of danger are we in? 栗原貞子( 編 ). 私は広島を証言する: 栗原貞子詩集. 祇園町: 詩集刊行の会, 1967pp. 76. item_ID: 16861 PamphletID: 951 Kurihara, Sadako (editor). Watashi wa hiroshima o shōgen suru: Kurihara sadako shishū. Gionchō: Shishū Kankō no kai, 1967, pp. 76. Collection of poems written by Kurihara Sadako on Hiroshima and Atomic Bomb. われわれの綱領. Ware ware no kōryō. item_ID: 15069 PamphletID: 405 Our General Plan. 我々の綱領草案と解説:(付)<プロ革派>の急進民主主義を批判す. Wareware no kōryō sōan to kaisetsu: Puro Kaku-ha no kyūshin minshushugi o hihan su. item_ID: 12556 PamphletID: 34 A pamphlet criticizing the Puro Kaku faction of Sekigunha started by Shiomi Takaya in prison. 部落解放同盟愛媛県連合会( 編 ). 我々は狭山差別裁判 権力を糾弾する. item_ID: 16516 PamphletID: 780 Buraku Liberation League Ehime Prefecture Unity Group (editor). Wareware wa Sayama sabetsu saiban Kenryoku wo kyūdan suru. A pamphlet appeals Mr. Ishikawa’s innocence of the charge on Sayama Jiken. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine( 編 ). A Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine item_ID: 15546 PamphletID: 613 394 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (editor). A Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine. This pamphlet overviews the politicomilitary stance of the Front after one and a half years since its foundation. AF合宿レジュメ集: ’69夏. AF Gasshuku rejume-shū: ‘69 natsu. item_ID: 16818 PamphletID: 923 Compilation of resumes and notes taken at what is called the “AF Gasshuku” held in summer of 1969. The High Council of the Eritrean Lineration Front( 編 ). An Open Letter to Mr. Diallo Telli, The Secretary General of O.A.U. item_ID: 15543 PamphletID: 610 The High Council of the Eritrean Liberation Front (editor). An Open Letter to Mr. Diallo Telli, The Secretary General of O.A.U. A pamphlet including letters written to Mr. Diallo Telli of O.A.U. by the Eritrean Liberation Front. Belum Omnium Contra Omnes. Belum omnium contra omnes. item_ID: 14675 PamphletID: 302 War of all against all. 沖教組中頭支部( 編 ). CTSタンク設置阻止闘争に決起しよう. 沖縄: 沖教組中頭支部, 1977pp. 17. item_ID: 15780 PamphletID: 727 Okinawa Teachers Union Nakagami Branch (editor). CTS tanku setchi soshi tōsō ni kekki-shiyō. Okinawa: Oki Kyō So Chūtō Shibu, 1977, pp. 17. A pamphlet against the construction of CTS tanks in Kinbu-wan, presenting research findings with the use of tables, maps and pictures. Red Note Staff( 編 ). Dare to Survive: A Report from Japanese Ghetto. item_ID: 15554 PamphletID: 621 Red Note Staff (editor). Dare to Survive: A Report from Japanese Ghetto. This pamphlet is on the labour struggle of Sanya and Kamgasaki district, written by the Red Note staff in 1973. The Palestine National Liberation Movement( 編 ). Deir Yassin, 1948 Zeita, Beit Nuba and Yalu, 1967:A 20-year span and the rise of terrorist gangs to statehood can not change the Israeli-Zionist … item_ID: 15538 PamphletID: 605 パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 395 The Palestine National Liberation Movement (editor). Deir Yassin, 1948 Zeita, Beit Nuba and Yalu, 1967:A 20-year span and the rise of terrorist gangs to statehood can not change the Israeli-Zionist … This pamphlet contains two articles, “Dier Yassin: A Forgotten Tragedy with Present-Day Meaning” by Guy Ottewell, and “Zeita…Beit Nuba…Yalu… and how the Israelis have erased them from the Holy Land” by Michael Adams. ベトナムの平和と統一のために闘う在日ベトナム人の会( 編 ). Documents: Political Prisoners in Vietnam. 東京: ベトナム平和と統 一のために闘う在日ベトナム人の声, 1973pp. 26. item_ID: 16527 PamphletID: 791 Betonamu no Heiwa to Tōitsu no tame ni Tatakau Zainichi Betonamujin no Kai (editor). Documents: Political Prisoners in South Vietnam. Tōkyō: Betonamu Heiwa to Tōitsu no tame ni Tatakau Zainichi Betonamujin no Koe, 1973, pp. 26. A pamphlet descirbes the maltreatment of Saigon government toward political prisoners in South Vietnam. ベスト映画25 . Excellently selected CIC Best 25s. item_ID: 15159 PamphletID: 442 Best 25 Film list from CIC. FREE ANGELA. FREE ANGELA. item_ID: 17046 PamphletID: 1054 A pamphlet writing about drugs, including topics such as how to grow hemp, legalization of drugs, etc. No publication date listed but probably published around early 70s. F君への手紙: 四年間の反省と新しい展望. F kun e no tegami: Yonenkan no hansei to atarashii tenbō. item_ID: 17022 PamphletID: 1030 A collection of four ariticles written in a letter format addressed to F-kun (prime minister?). Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine( 編 ). Hands Off the Militia. Information Department, Beirut, 1971 pp. 31. item_ID: 15544 PamphletID: 611 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (editor). Hands Off the Militia. Beirut: Information Department, Beirut, 1971, pp. 31. A pamphlet on Arab and Palestine, written by the PFLP. Shaham Lewensohn Alyon (Israel Ministry of Tourism)( 編 ). Israel’s Sunshine Coast item_ID: 15535 PamphletID: 602 396 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets Israel Ministry of Tourism (editor). Israel’s Sunshine Coast. A guide pamphlet of Israel for tourists. Shaham Lewensohn Alyon (Israel Ministry of Tourism)( 編 ). Negev and Sinai item_ID: 15536 PamphletID: 603 Israel Ministry of Tourism (editor). Negev and Sinai. A guide pamphlet for tourists to Negev and Sinai of Israel. べ平連( 著 ). News Release. 東京: ベ平連・ベトナムに平和を!市民連合, 1967pp. 12. item_ID: 12484 PamphletID: 6 Beheiren (author). News Release. Tōkyō: Beheiren, Betonamu ni Heiwa o! Shimin Rengō, 1967, pp. 12. This is a collection of statements by Beheiren Chairman Oda Makoto and four American Navymen who deserted in Japan from the USS Intrepid. Palestine Liberation Organization( 編 ). Palestine: Illustrated Political History item_ID: 15540 PamphletID: 607 Palestine Liberation Organization (editor). Palestine: Illustrated Political History. A political history of Palestine drawn by the P.L.O. PARC活動案内. PARC katsudō annai. item_ID: 15201 PamphletID: 479 Guide to PARC activities. ポスク クムタンナグィ. 平壌: 平壌出版社, 1990pp. 93. Posuku Kumutannagwi. Pyongyang: Pyongyang Chulpansa, 1990, pp. 93. item_ID: 14452 PamphletID: 240 Pamphlet from Pyongyang. Reports of the United Nations Commission for Eritrea: Memorandum submitted by the Delegations of Guatemala and Pakistan. item_ID: 15545 PamphletID: 612 Reports of the United Nations Commission for Eritrea: Memorandum submitted by the Delegations of Guatemala and Pakistan. A pamphlet describing the political and economic situations in Eritrea. パンフレット Pamphlets ❖ 397 Fifth of June Society( 編 ). The Arabs in Israel: A Digest of Sabri Firyis’ book item_ID: 15539 PamphletID: 606 Fifth of June Society (editor). The Arabs in Israel: A Digest of Sabri Firyis’ book. This is a digest of an English version of Sabri Jiryis’s “The Arabs in Israel.” The Federal Case of Eritrea with Ethiopia The Federal Case of Eritrea with Ethiopia item_ID: 15541 PamphletID: 608 Inside are explanations on the Eritrea and a report presented to the UN with the title “The Complaint of the Eritrean People Against the Ethiopian Government.” 牧田吉明( 著 ). The Long Good-bye ???. 長野: 牧田吉明, 1983pp. 18. item_ID: 11741 PamphletID: 153 Makita, Yoshiaki (author). The Long Good-bye???. Nagano: Makino Yoshiaki, 1983, pp. 18. Another pamphlet by Makita Yoshiaki. 本多勝一( 著 ).三浦きよし ( 訳 ). The National Liberation Front (So-called “Viet Cong”). Committee for the English Publication of <<Vietnam - A Voice from the Villages>>, 1968pp. 51. item_ID: 16994 PamphletID: 1002 Honda, Katsuichi (author).Miura, Kiyoshi( translator). The National Liberation Front (So-called “Viet Cong”). Committee for the English Publication of <<Vietnam - A Voice from the Villages>>, 1968, pp. 51. An English translation of a Japanese pamphlet titled “Kaihō Sensen” written by Honda Katsuichi. The United League of Sanrizuka and Shibayama Farmers Against the New Tokyo International Airport( 編 ). The New Tokyo International Airport: A Public Menace item_ID: 16691 PamphletID: 877 The United League of Sanrizuka and Shibayama Farmers Against the New Tokyo International Airport (editor). The New Tokyo International Airport: A Public Menace. Pamphlet on the Sanrizuka struggle written in English by “The United League of Sanrizuka and Shibayama Farmers Against the New Tokyo International Airport.” Information Department, Beirut( 編 ). Women’s Liberation Information Department, Beirut (editor). Women’s Liberation. item_ID: 15542 PamphletID: 609 398 ❖ パンフレット Pamphlets This pamphlet mainly consists of two writings; one about the TWA flight 840, the other about women’s liberation, both noted by Leila Khaled. 日韓連帯神奈川民衆会議( 編 ). YH貿易労組の闘い. item_ID: 15402 PamphletID: 548 Nikkan Rentai Kanagawa Minshū Kaigi (editor). YH Bōeki rōso no tatakai. Mostly newspaper and some magazine articles on YH Bōeki printed and put together in to this pamphlet. Michi 6. Michi 6. item_ID: 16882 PamphletID: 972 This pamphlet seems to be a collection of writings of students in a certain high school at the fringe of 100th anniversary of Meiji period in 1967. 写真集 Photographs Photographs in the collection may only be viewed on site, and may not be reproduced without special permission. 『老いと生きがい』の出版を祝う会写真 “Oi to ikigai” no shuppan o iwau kai shashin item_ID: 16403 PhotoID: 11 This set contains two color photos from a party held in honor of the publication of the book “Oi to Ikigai.” あさま山荘事件跡 Asama sansō jiken ato item_ID: 16399 PhotoID: 7 This set contains 37 color photos taken immediately after the Asama Sansō siege ended in March, 1972. ある女性の写真 Aru josei no shashin item_ID: 16397 PhotoID: 5 This set contains 23 black and white photos of an unidentified woman at a party celebrating the completion of a book or film in which she was involved. スタインホフさんの『日本赤軍派』出版を祝う会 Steinhoff san no “Nihon Sekigunha” shuppan o iwau kai item_ID: 16408 PhotoID: 15 This set contains 20 color photos from a party celebrating the Japanese publication of Patricia Steinhoff’s book Nihon Sekigunha, Sono Shakaigakuteki Monogatari (Japan’s Sekigun Factions: Their Sociological Story). Takazawa Kōji organized the party, whose attendees included some prominent figures from Sekigunha and other social movements, along with academics and people associated in some way with the book or its subject matter. ベ平連デモ写真 Beheiren demo shashin item_ID: 16404 PhotoID: 12 This set contains 142 black and white photos from Beheiren demonstrations in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It is from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. ベ平連デモ写真2 Beheiren demo shashin 2 item_ID: 16445 PhotoID: 22 This set contains two large monochrome photos from a Beheiren demonstration. They are from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. 全学連デモ行進の写真 Zengakuren demo kōshin no shashin item_ID: 16400 PhotoID: 8 This set contains four black and white photos of Zengakuren street demonstrations. Two of the pictures appear to be of a late 1960s demonstration with some partici399 400 ❖写真集 Photographs pants wearing helmets, but two others may be earlier. One of these, dated 6/15 on the back, shows a demonstrator carrying a portrait of Kamba Michiko draped in black. This may have been from 1960, or from a later year when a demonstration was held to commemorate her death during the 1960 Ampo demonstrations. 写真版下 パレスチナ Shashinbanshita Paresuchina item_ID: 16410 PhotoID: 17 This set contains 39 photos concerning the Palestinian movement that were used in various publications. They include photos of PFLP members, other Palestinians, and also photos of participants in the Lod Airport attack. 写真版下 全共闘グラフティ Shashinbanshita Zenkyōtō gurafuiti item_ID: 16407 PhotoID: 14 This set contains 95 black and white photos that were used in the production of the book Zenkyōtō Gurafuiti (Zenkyoto Graffiti) which Takazawa Kōji edited. 写真版下 沖縄NDU Shashinbanshita Okinawa NDU item_ID: 16412 PhotoID: 19 This is a set of 16 photos related to Okinawa. They include pictures of the sex trade involving Okinawan women and American military personnel, plus a few of demonstrations in Okinawa. 写真版下 赤軍派 Shashinbanshita Sekigunha item_ID: 16411 PhotoID: 18 This set contains 9 black and white photos used in publications about Sekigunha. Several copies of the original logo for the journal Sashō are also in the set. 古屋(白倉)能子の写真 Furuya (Shirakura) Yoshiko no shashin item_ID: 16406 PhotoID: 13 This is a photo of Furuya Yoshiko as a young woman in what appears to be a wartime uniform. 古屋能子、ベ平連活動写真 Furuya Yoshiko, Beheiren katsudō shashin item_ID: 16402 PhotoID: 10 This set of 21 black and white photos chronicles some of Furuya Yoshiko’s activities in Beheiren and is part of the Furuya-Aihara subcollection. Most of the photos show her collecting money for Beheiren in Shinjuku Station, but some street demonstration activity is also shown. 古屋能子、古屋千有、古屋公人、他 Furuya Yoshiko, Furuya Chiari, Furuya Kimito, hoka item_ID: 16392 PhotoID: 2 This set contains 475 family photographs of the Furuya family, both color and black and white. They are from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection, which includes the family papers of the Furuya family. 写真集 Photographs ❖ 401 古屋能子関係写真 1 Furuya Yoshiko Kankei Shashin 1 item_ID: 16413 PhotoID: 20 This is a large format black and white photo from the Aihara-Furuya collection. 古屋能子関係写真2 Furuya Yoshiko kankei shashin 2 item_ID: 16422 PhotoID: 21 This is a set of 11 large black and white photos from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. 古屋能子関係写真ネガ Furuya Yoshiko kankei shashin nega item_ID: 16446 PhotoID: 23 This item contains negatives for many of the photos from the Aihara-Furuya collection. 映画『キューバの恋人』 Eiga “Kyūba no koibito” item_ID: 16409 PhotoID: 16 This set contains two publicity photos from the movie Cuban Boyfriend (Kyūba no Koibito). 被爆22周年原水爆禁止世界大会等の写真 Hibaku 22 shūnen gensuibaku kinshi sekai taikai tō no shashin item_ID: 16401 PhotoID: 9 this set contains 48 black and white photos from the 1967 anti-atomic bomb international convention, held on the 22nd anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings. One photo included in this set is from an event commemorating the death of Yamazaki Hiroaki during the First Haneda Incident October 8, 1967. 連合赤軍事件群馬県山岳ベースの写真 Rengō Sekigun jiken Gunma ken sangaku bēsu no shashin item_ID: 16398 PhotoID: 6 This set contains 22 color photos of the mountain base in Gunma prefecture that was used by Rengō Sekigun during the winter of 1971-72. 高沢皓司、中国での写真 Takazawa Kōji, Chūgoku de no shashin item_ID: 16396 PhotoID: 4 This set contains 11 color photos taken by Takazawa Kōji in China. 高沢皓司、平壌での写真 1991.8 Takazawa Kōji, Pyongyang de no shashin 1991.8 item_ID: 16395 PhotoID: 3 This set contains 23 color and black and white photos taken by Takazawa Kōji during his 1991 trip to North Korea. ポスター Posters 1・17東京反戦青年学生決起集会 1.17 Tokyo Hansen seinen gakusei kekki shūkai item_ID: 16453 Poster_ID: 7 A poster advertising a rally in Tokyo on January 17, 1968 by antiwar youth and students, as part of the anti-Enterprise protests at Sasebo and all over the country. 10/20・21国際反戦統一行動 10/20,21 Kokusai hansen tōitsu kōdō item_ID: 16457 Poster_ID: 11 A striking poster advertising 10/21, international anti-war day. The year is not given, but probably was 1967, when major demonstrations were first organized in Japan on this day as part of an international joint action protesting the Vietnam War.. 10・10羽田闘争二周年大統一集会 10.10 Haneda tōsō 2 shūnen daitōitsu shūkai item_ID: 16451 Poster_ID: 5 A poster advertising a set of rallies commemorating the second anniversary of the 10/8/67 Haneda struggle, to be held on October 10, 1969 at various locations. It is advertised as being anti-Vietnam war, opposed to Sato’s trip to the U.S, and seeking success in the Okinawa struggle. There are separate rally locations for citizens and Zenkyoto, anti-war, and high school students at noon, plus a joint rally at Meiji Park later in the afternoon. 1968年を新宿で語りあかそう 1968nen o Shinjuku de katari akasō item_ID: 16479 Poster_ID: 33 This poster advertises a Beheiren-sponsored event on December 25, 1968, which featured a documentary about anti-war activities in Osaka, a Beheiren play, and a teach-in with Oda Makoto, Iida Momo, Fukasaku Mitsutada and Furuya Yoshiko. The event was sponsored by Shinjuku Beheiren. The poster was in Furuya Yoshiko’s materials. 5・18沖縄集会 5.18 Okinawa shūkai item_ID: 16471 Poster_ID: 25 This poster advertises a rally in Naha, Okinawa, in support of the Sanrizuka struggle and featuring a movie about it. 6・15市民集会 6.15 shimin shūkai item_ID: 16449 Poster_ID: 3 This poster advertises an anti-Vietnam war rally at Hibiya Outdoor Amphitheatre urging high school students to attend the rally. The poster is signed by KōHanKyō, a group organizing high school students in opposition to the war. 6/15 was a key event date of the June Action, and there were major protests on June 15 in both 1968 and 1969, but this is probably from 1968. This poster is from the Gomi sub-collection. 403 404 ❖ ポスター Posters 6・15集会/デモ 6.15 shūkai/demo item_ID: 16459 Poster_ID: 13 A poster advertising a rally and demonstration on 6/15 in conjunction with the June Action opposing the Vietnam war. It describes the demonstration route through downtown Tokyo. The poster is probably from 1968, the first year of the June Action, when 10,000 people conducted at sit-in in the Ginza as part of the 6/15 demonstration. 6月大行動 6 gatsu daikōdō item_ID: 16460 Poster_ID: 14 Another poster for the June Action, advertising events on June 14, 15, and 23. 6月行動月間 6 gatsu kōdō gekkan item_ID: 16454 Poster_ID: 8 A poster advertising the June Action in opposition to the Vietnam War. Gomi Masahiko was a main organizer of this series of events. 9・19労農学市民集会 9.19 Rōnōgaku shimin shūkai item_ID: 16450 Poster_ID: 4 A poster advertising a rally opposing the Sunagawa base expansion, Sato’s impending trip to the U.S., and the reversion of Okinawa with U.S. bases remaining. Sato traveled to the U.S. in both 1967 and 1969, sparking major protests on both occasions. Although the Sunagawa protests peaked in 1967, the poster appears to be from an event in September, 1969. アメリカのベトナム侵略に反対する大音楽会 America no Betonamu shinryaku ni hantai suru dai ongakkai item_ID: 16462 Poster_ID: 16 This poster advertises an anti-Vietnam war musical concert to be held Tuesday, June 4, 1968.. アメリカ帝国主義に死を!ヴエトナム人民に勝利を! America Teikoku shugi ni shi o! Betonamu jinmin ni shōri o! item_ID: 16470 Poster_ID: 24 This is an anti-Vietnam war poster with text in Japanese and English, produced by a Vietnam solidarity group in Okinawa. インフレ阻止 田中政府打倒 Infure soshi Tanaka seifu datō item_ID: 16468 Poster_ID: 22 This is a protest poster put out in the name of Tomura Issaku, Chairman of the Sanrizuka Airport Opposition League. The text says “Stop Inflation, Down with the Tanaka government.” Its design is the same as poster #21 (Item 16468) but the text differs. こんにちわ70年 Kon’nichiwa 70 nen item_ID: 16461 Poster_ID: 15 ポスター Posters ❖ 405 This poster is put out by the Student June Action Committee. The front side has a dramatic picture and says “Hello 1970” while the back contains the text of an appeal. つぶせ安保4.28 Tsubuse Ampo 4.28 item_ID: 16456 Poster_ID: 10 A poster advertising protests on Okinawa Day, April 28, opposing 1970 Ampo and the conditions for the return of Okinawa. The poster is probably from 1969, when major protests were organized on this day. ベトナム反戦と反安保の6月行動 Betonamu hansen to han ampo no 6 gatsu kōdō item_ID: 16458 Poster_ID: 12 A poster advertising the June Action of 1968 and the June 15 event that was its focal point. ベトナム反戦安保阻止6月行動 Betonamu hansen ampo soshi 6 gatsu kōdō item_ID: 16455 Poster_ID: 9 A poster for the June Action against the Vietnam War, put out by the “Revolutionary Designers’ League.” 中曽根をたおす。無党派市民連合 Nakasone o taosu. Mutōha shimin rengō item_ID: 16475 Poster_ID: 29 This is a political poster supporting the Mutōha Shimin Rengo (Non-Party Citizens’ League, which campaigned in an effort to topple Nakasone and the LDP. The poster also carries the slogans “Smash Ampo” and “Turn Sanrizuka into a nature preserve.” This is also from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. 京都在住の五人がうたうフォーク・コンサート Kyōto zaijū no 5 nin ga utau fōku konsāto item_ID: 16473 Poster_ID: 27 This poster advertises a folk music concert in Kyoto featuring five performers who live in Kyoto. The concert is a benefit for a movement to free 30,000 political prisoners in South Vietnam. There are additional materials in the collection about this movement. 基地撤去を要求する佐世保全国集会 Kichi tekkyo o yōkyū suru sasebo zenkoku shūkai item_ID: 16448 Poster_ID: 2 This is a poster from a citizens’ rally in connection with the Sasebo protests against the port call of the U.S. nuclear submarine Enterprise in January, 1968, from the Gomi collection. This was one of the main rallies and it took place in Kyushu near the Sasebo base. 妙高山 Myōkōzan item_ID: 16465 Poster_ID: 19 406 ❖ ポスター Posters This is a travel poster of Mt. Myōkō in North Korea. One side has a large photo of the mountain, and the other side has several smaller photos of sightseeing locations in the area, plus an explanation and small guide map. 戸村一作・世直し大集会 Tomura Issaku, Yonaoshi daishūkai item_ID: 16472 Poster_ID: 26 This is a poster in support of Tomura Issaku’s election campaign for the upper house of the Diet. The poster gives his campaign slogans and lists many famous people who were endorsing his candidacy. At the bottom is has “month” “day” “time” printed, but with blank spaces to be filled in, suggesting that the posters were printed up for use in many local election rallies to be held on different days. 戸村一作選挙戦ポスター Tomura Issaku senkyosen posutā item_ID: 16476 Poster_ID: 30 This is an election poster for Tomura Issaku, who ran for the upper house of the Diet in the national constituency. 戸村一作選挙戦ポスター2 Tomura Issaku senkyosen posutā 2 item_ID: 16477 Poster_ID: 31 Another election poster for Tomura Issaku, who was running in the national constituency for the upper house of the Diet. This one lists the names of several prominent people endorsing his candidacy, including Sata Ineko, Oda Makoto, Hani Gorō and others. 戸村一作選挙戦ポスター3 Tomura Issaku senkyosen posutā 3 item_ID: 16478 Poster_ID: 32 Another election poster for Tomura Issaku in his run for the upper house of the Diet through the national constituency. 日米安保粉砕 基地全面撤去 Nichibei Ampo funsai Kichi zenmen tekkyo item_ID: 16467 Poster_ID: 21 This is an anti-Ampo poster put out in the name of Tomura Issaku, the Chairman of the Sanrizuka Airport Opposition League. 沈黙は罪!今こそ反戦の声と行動を Chinmoku wa tsumi! Imakoso hansen no koe to kōdō o item_ID: 16463 Poster_ID: 17 This is a poster produced by Beheiren urging people to speak up against the Vietnam war. 無党派市民連合 Mutōha shimin rengō item_ID: 16474 Poster_ID: 28 This is an election poster for the Non-Party (Mutōha) Citizens’ League candidates running in the national constituency for the Upper House of the Diet. It is from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. ポスター Posters ❖ 407 羽田闘争1周年 10・8集会 Haneda tōsō 1shūnen 10.8 shūkai item_ID: 16452 Poster_ID: 6 A poster advertising a rally commemorating the first anniversary of the 10/8/67 Haneda Struggle. The rally was held at Hibiya Outdoor Amphitheatre on 10/8/1968, and was sponsored by the Sunagawa protesters’ league, the Haneda 10/8 Kyūenkai, a Sanrizuka group, and others. 襤褸の旗 足尾鉱毒事件と田中正造 Ranru no hata Ashio kōdoku jiken to Tanaka Shōzō item_ID: 16466 Poster_ID: 20 This poster advertises a movie made about the Ashio Copper Mine poisoning incident in the early 1900s. 講演会「七〇年六月・・!」 Kōenkai “nanajūnen rokugatsu.. !” item_ID: 16480 Poster_ID: 34 This poster advertises a lecture event to be held June 6-7, 1970, sponsored by Shinjuku Beheiren. The speakers included Akita Akehiro, Oda Makoto, Konishi Makoto, and Saishu Satoru. It is from Furuya Yoshiko’s materials. 野に起つ-私の三里塚闘争史 No ni tatsu—Watakushi no Sanrizuka tōsōshi item_ID: 16469 Poster_ID: 23 This poster advertises a book by Tomura Issaku about the Sanrizuka struggle. 金剛山 Kumuganzan item_ID: 16464 Poster_ID: 18 This is a North Korean travel poster of Mt. Kumugan. One side has a large color photo of the mountain and the other contains several smaller photos of sightseeing places in the region, plus a guide map and explanation. 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 高沢氏本人の収集した資料に加え、高沢氏は他の人が収集した社会運動関連の資料も集め ました。 これらも収集家の許可を得て高沢文庫に含まれていま す。 それらの中には収集家の 意向により寄贈者の名前をつけた文書になっているものと匿名のまま高沢文庫に加えられ たものとがあります。文書は高沢文庫の時 代的・地理的幅、運動の種類をより一層深めるも のとなっています。 In addition to the materials in his personal collection, Takazawa acquired smaller collections of social movement materials from several other people. These have been included in the Takazawa Collection with their permission. In some cases these materials are identified as sub-collections from specific donors, while in other instances the donors preferred to remain anonymous. These sub-collections broaden the scope of the Takazawa collection in time, geographic range, and movement variety. 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection 相原文夫(あいはらふみお)氏は翻訳家、編集者として戦前の日本左翼運動に参加していま した。戦後は活動家である氏の妻(古屋能子) ととも に社会運動を続け、1960年代・70 年代の新左翼運動の支持者となりました。夫妻が世を去ってからは夫妻の家族により書籍、 個人的な書類といったものが 高沢氏に寄贈され、高沢文庫の相原・古屋文書の名をつけて 高沢氏により整理されました。相原古屋文書の資料は相原氏によって日本語に翻訳された 戦前のヨー ロッパのマルクス主義者の著書が多くあります。相原氏とギョルギ・ルカシュなど の著者たちとの間で交された書簡、相原氏が所有したドイツ語、英語の書籍雑 誌の原書な ども文庫に含まれています。 古屋能子(ふるやよしこ)氏は1960年代後半の反ベトナム戦争市民運動であるベ平連に おいて活動し、婦人運動においても活動していまし た。 この文庫は氏のベ平連の資料、抗議 運動に関する切り抜き資料をはじめ、婦人運動やその他の運動で氏が書いた論文の写しも 含んでいます。 この文書にある 書簡や他の個人資料は2000年に開封されました。 Aihara Fumio was a participant in the prewar Japanese Left who worked as a professional translator and editor. In the postwar era he and his wife, activist Furuya Yoshiko, remained active in social movements and became supporters of the New Left during the 1960s and 1970s. After their deaths, family members gave their books and personal papers to Takazawa Kōji, who subsequently arranged to have them included as a named sub-collection in the Takazawa Collection. The Aihara-Furuya materials contain a number of very early prewar Japanese translations of books by European Marxists that were translated by Aihara Fumio. Some correspondence between Aihara and these authors, such as Gyorgy Lukacs, is also in the collection, along with some German and English originals of books and serials that Aihara owned. Furuya Yoshiko was active in the Beheiren anti-Vietnam war citizens’ movement in the late 1960s, in the women’s movement, and in many other social movements. The collection includes her Beheiren materials and clipping files on protest events, as well as copies of articles she wrote on the women’s movement and other subjects. Personal papers in this sub-collection were unsealed in the year 2000 but have not yet been catalogued. 物品 Artifacts チョソン語-日本語単語帳 Chosongo-Nihongo tangochō Korean-Japanese Word Booklet item_ID: 16420 ArtifactID: 7 This is a Korean-Japanese word book or rudimentary dictionary used by Furuya Yoshiko. It is treated as an artifact rather than a regular book because of its size and condition. 411 412 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 古屋家家計簿 Furuyake kakeibo Furuya Household Account Books item_ID: 16441 ArtifactID: 15 This box contains household record books from the Furuya household. There are also memos and related artifacts from the Furuya household records. 古屋文書がつつまれていた風呂敷 Furuya bunsho ga tsutsumareteita furoshiki Furuya Yoshiko’s Furoshiki item_ID: 16426 ArtifactID: 12 This box contains two furoshiki or wrapping cloths in which some of the materials from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection were wrapped when the Takazawa Collection received them. These cloths were routinely used for wrapping and carrying items until the 1980s, when paper shopping bags became the more stylish alternative. However,many older women still use the handy furoshiki. We have left these in the collection because they may become rarer cultural artifacts in the future. These are not particularly traditional examples—one is actually a French designer cloth—but they were apparently in regular use by Furuya Yoshiko. 古屋能子、相原文夫関係住所録 Furuya Yoshiko, Aihara Fumio kankei jūshoroku Furuya Family Address Books item_ID: 16440 ArtifactID: 14 This box contains address and telephone number books, business cards, etc. that belonged to the Furuya family. 古屋能子関係雑記帳等 Furuya Yoshiko kankei zakkichō tō Furuya Yoshiko’s Notebooks item_ID: 16427 ArtifactID: 13 This box contains various notebooks of Furuya Yoshiko. 新宿ベ平連の旗とはちまき Shinjuku Beheiren no hata to hachimaki Shinjuku Beheiren Banners and Headbands item_ID: 16425 ArtifactID: 11 This box contains several cloth items from the Shinjuku Beheiren organization, including two sizes of yellow flags used as banners during demonstrations, a red headband (hachimaki) and a white headband (hachimaki), which were worn by demonstrators. 新宿ベ平連集会チケット Shinjuku Beheiren shūkai chiketto Shinjuku Beheiren Meeting Tickets item_ID: 16419 ArtifactID: 6 This is a set of tickets to a Shinjuku Beheiren event, from Furuya Yoshiko’s materials. 朝鮮語会話-朝鮮民主主義人民共和国訪問用- Chōsengo kaiwa -Chōsen Minshushugi Jinmin Kyōwakok Korean Conversation Booklet item_ID: 16421 ArtifactID: 8 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 413 This is a booklet on conversational Korean put out by by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) and obtained by Furuya Yoshiko during a trip to North Korea. 歌声運動歌集 Utagoe undōkashū Utagoe Movement Songbooks item_ID: 16423 ArtifactID: 9 This is a set of four tiny songbooks produced by the Utagoe movement, a circle movement of the 1950s and early 1960s that sang revolutionary songs, found in the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. 相原文夫 機関誌等納品伝票 Aihara Fumio Kikanshi tō nōhin denpyō Aihara Fumio’s newsletter account books item_ID: 16415 ArtifactID: 2 These are account books in which Aihara Fumio kept track of payments for organizational publication (kikanshi) subscriptions that he was responsible for. They constitute a record for specific kikanshi, but also reveal the scrupulous record keeping maintained by these organizations. AV資料 AV Sets Tapes may only be accessed on site, and may not be duplicated without special permission. Other restrictions on the use of the materials may apply. 古屋能子所有テープ・同憂懇談会 Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Dōyū Kondankai item_ID: 63026 This two tape set records the speeches given at the 1983 Dōyū Kondankai. The tape was made by Furuya Yoshiko and was included in the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. Speakers from various backgrounds (activist, businessman, academic, writers,etc) speak on political issues in Japan, mainly critical accounts of the Nakasone Administration and authority; issues concerning Security and the Constitution. 1 2 1983年2月7日同憂懇談会(前半部分) 1983 nen 2 gatsu 7 ka Dōyū Kondankai (Zenhan bubun) 1983年2月7日同憂懇談会(後半部分) 1983 nen 2 gatsu 7 ka Dōyū Kondankai (Kōhan bubun) 古屋能子所有テープ・日市連/小田実 Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Nisshiren, Oda Makoto item_ID: 15481 AVSeriesID: 26 item_ID: 15482 AVSeriesID: 26 item_ID: 63027 This is a set of five tape recordings of regular meetings and public lectures of “Nisshiren (Nihon wa kore de ii no ka shimin rengō).” Oda Makoto and others speak on nuclear issues and Japan, history of Japan’s relation with nuclear weapon, antinuclear weapon movements, Tanaka Kakuei, Japan-Korea relationship, Vietnam, Constitution, North/South Koreans and Taiwanese in Japan, U.S nuclear strategy and Reagan Administration, U.S. military base issues around the Asia-Pacific region. The materials are from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. 414 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 1 2 3 4 5 小田実 Oda Makoto 11・6日市連の定例会 11/6 Nisshi-ren no Teireikai 日市連市民講座 小田実 Nisshi-ren Shimin Kōza, Oda Makoto 日市連市民講座 小田実 Nisshi-ren Shimin Kōza, Oda Makoto 日市連合宿八王子セミナー Nisshi-ren Gasshuku Hachiōji Seminā 古屋能子所有テープ・沖縄関連 Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Okinawa-related item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: 15487 27 15488 27 15489 27 15490 27 15491 27 item_ID: 63028 This is a set of five tape recodings on issues in Okinawa. Issues include laborers in Okinawa, anti-CTS movement, pollution of the ocean and fishermans’ organizations’ reaction, social movement organizations in Okinawa, SDF’s reaction to activism in Okinawa, etc. These materials are from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. Some original tapes were not duplicated because of poor recording quality. 2 4 5 6 7 照屋寛徳氏 韓国人・沖縄労働者について Teruya Kantoku-shi, Kankoku-jin/Okinawa Rōdōsha ni tsuite 沖縄 討議・抗議集会・経過報告 Okinawa Tōgi, Kōgi Shūkai, Keika Hōkoku 安里清信 Asato Seishin 石川アルミ懇談 Ishikawa Arumi Kondan CTS反対闘争をどうすすめるか CTS Hantai Tōsō o Dou Susumeruka 古屋能子所有テープ・現代の眼 Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Gendai no Me item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: item_ID: AVSeriesID: 15493 28 15495 28 15496 28 15500 28 15506 28 item_ID: 63029 Recordings of a lecture series and the following small group discussion sponsored by the magazine Gendai no Me. Topics include anti-imperialism movement and Reagan Administration’s foreign policy, Japan’s North Korea policy, Vietnam War, impressions on Japan, its crises, solutions to them. Speakers are from the Unites States, Philippines, Palau, and Japan. The materials are from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. 1 2 現代の眼 Gendai no Me 4人の座談会 4 nin no Zadankai 古屋能子所有テープ・韓国問題緊急国際会議 Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Kankoku Mondai Kinkyū Kokusai Kaigi item_ID: 15484 AVSeriesID: 29 item_ID: 15485 AVSeriesID: 29 item_ID: 63030 Recording of an international conference regarding issues in South Korea made by Furuya Yoshiko. Speakers from South Korea are making speeches in English, and 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 415 Japanese speakers translate the content into Japanese. A second tape was in poor condition and thus was not duplicated. 1 韓国問題緊急国際会議 Kankoku Mondai Kinkyū Kokusai Kaigi 古屋能子所有テープ・その他 Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / others item_ID: 15508 AVSeriesID: 30 item_ID: 63031 This set contains three unrelated tapes on various current affairs issues from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. Item 15480 has two parts: Israel’s oppression of Palestine, and the Sanrizuka struggle. Item 15503 is a recording of a national-level public assembly on the Lockheed incident. Multiple speakers make speeches. Item 15507 is a recording of a small group meeting on the issue of water pollution, especially at Kasumigaura, Ibaragi Pref. An activist in the region is speaking. 1 5 6 イスラエルとパレスチナ/三里塚闘争 Isuraeru to Paresuchina ロッキード問題全国集会 Rokkīdo Mondai Zenkoku Shūkai 日本人の水に対する問題/農民と企業の問題 Nihon-jin no Mizu ni Taisuru Mondai/Nōmin to Kigyō no Mondai 古屋能子所有テープ・LP Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Sound Disks item_ID: 15480 AVSeriesID: 31 item_ID: 15503 AVSeriesID: 31 item_ID: 15507 AVSeriesID: 31 item_ID: 63032 This set includes two commercially produced recordings from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. The first contains the highlights of the Rengo Sekigun Asama Sansō hostage-taking incident, while the second contains “Gebaruto Gunka” or the militant songs of the movement. They have been reproduced on sound cassette tapes for use onsite. Tapes may not be duplicated without special permission. Other restrictions on the use of the materials may apply. 1 連合赤軍「あさま山荘」人質事件トップ・シーン録音盤 Rengō Sekigun “Asama Sansō” Hitojichi Jiken Toppu Shīn Rokuon Ban 2 ゲバルト軍歌 Gebaruto Gunka 古屋能子所有テープ・共産党と社会党 Furuya Yoshiko tapes / Kyōsantō to Shakaitō item_ID: 15511 AVSeriesID: 32 item_ID: 15512 AVSeriesID: 32 item_ID: 63033 This set contains two tape recordings of interviews with politicians in the Japan Communist Party and Japan Socialist Party, made by Furuya Yoshiko. The interviews are centered around their policies of non-violent neutrality and non-aligned neutrality, right to self-defense and interpretation of the Constitution. The interviewers are all women, including Furuya Yoshiko, as part of an organized informational effort during an election campaign. 1 宣言の会 Sengen no Kai item_ID: 15479 AVSeriesID: 33 416 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 2 社会党 Shakaitō 古屋能子所有テープ・協高懇 Furuya Yoshiko tapes / Kyōkōkon item_ID: 15504 AVSeriesID: 33 item_ID: 63034 Tape recording made by Furuya Yoshiko of a February 1983 meeting discussing “Kyōkōkon” (a joint kondankai, or gathering) and critical accounts of the Nakasone Administration. The discussion also covers movement tactics for anti-war, anti-nuclear weapon, and anti-Japan/U.S. Security Treaty protests. 1 協高懇 Kyōkōkon 古屋能子所有テープ・女性運動グループ Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Josei Undō Gurūpu item_ID: 15483 AVSeriesID: 34 item_ID: 63035 This set contains two tape recordings of a women’s social movement organization made by Furuya Yoshiko. One is a recording of a symposium held by an anti-war/anti-nuclear weapon women’s group, “Onnatachi no Shimpo” or Women’s Symposium. Another is a recording of several women in a mothers’ group discussing opposition to the Kitafuji military maneuvers site in Yamanashi Pref. Item 15486 side B is a continuation of Item 15501, and in the middle goes back to the women’s symposium. 1 2 「女たち」のシンポ “Onna tachi” no Shimpo 北富士忍草母の会 Kitafuji Shibokusa Haha no Kai 古屋能子所有テープ・新左翼と革命 Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Shinsayoku to Kakumei item_ID: 15486 AVSeriesID: 35 item_ID: 15501 AVSeriesID: 35 item_ID: 63036 This tape contains recordings of public speeches made by Suzuki Kunio criticizing the Left’s critique of the Emperor, and Iida Momo discussing the New Left’s activism and the role of revolution. The tapes are from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. 1 いいだもも、鈴木邦男 Iida Momo, Suzuki Kunio 古屋能子所有テープ・アジア人会議 Furuya Yoshiko Tapes / Ajia-jin Kaigi item_ID: 15502 AVSeriesID: 36 item_ID: 63037 This item contains one tape from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection, with different content on the two sides. Side A is a recording of a conference “Ajia-jin Kaigi” (Asian people’s conference). Speakers from various Asian countries make speeches in English on issues such as the labor conditions in South East Asia under Japanese firms. Side B is an informal interview (interviewer/interviewee unknown) on the issue of radicals and the anti-Establishment in Japan. 1 アジア人会議 Ajia-jin Kaigi item_ID: 15505 AVSeriesID: 37 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 417 書籍 Books 山田昭次( 著 ). 関東大震災期朝鮮人暴動流言をめぐる地方新聞と民衆. 1982. item_ID: 15199 Yamada, Akitsugu (author). Kantō Daishinsaiki Chōsenjin Bōdō Ryūgen o meguru Chihō Shinbun to Minshū. 1982, pp. 30. An analysis of how the violence against Koreans at the time of the 1923 Kantō earthquake was reported in regional and local newspapers. 切り抜き集 Clippings 古屋能子による日米安保軍事同盟関係新聞記事集成 item_ID: 60023 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru nichibei anpo gunji dōmei kankei shinbun ClipSeriesID: 23 kiji shūsei Nichibei anpo gunji dōmei related newspaper articles created by Furuya Yosh This is a set of six folders of newspaper clippings compiled by Furuya Yoshiko on the Japan-US military agreement covering 1981-1983. 古屋能子による新聞記事切抜き集成 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru shinbun kiji kirinuki shūsei Newspaper clipping file collection created by Furuya Yoshiko item_ID: 60024 ClipSeriesID: 24 This set contains 44 folders of newspaper clippings compiled by Furuya Yoshiko and organized by subject. They cover a wide range of topics related to social movements and current events in Japan and the world. 古屋能子による雑誌記事集成 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru zasshi kiji shūsei Magazine clipping file collection created by Furuya Yoshiko item_ID: 60025 ClipSeriesID: 25 This set contains five folders of magazine article clippings collected by Furuya Yoshiko on various topics. They are organized by topic. 古屋能子による雑誌記事集成 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru zasshi kiji shūsei Magazine clipping file collection created by Furuya Yoshiko item_ID: 60026 ClipSeriesID: 26 This set contains four folders of magazine articles collected by Furuya Yoshiko and organized by topic. They date variously from the late 1960s to the 1970s. 古屋能子による新聞記事集成 週間報告 item_ID: 60027 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru shinbun kiji shūsei Shūkan hōkoku ClipSeriesID: 27 Newspaper clipping file collection (Shūkan hōkoku)created by Furuya Yoshiko 418 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors This set comprises six volumes of notebooks created by Furuya Yoshiko. They contain newspaper clippings from Shūkan Hōkoku, organized by date and covering the period 1972-1985. 古屋能子による新聞記事切り抜き集成 Furuya yoshiko ni yoru shinbun kirinuki shūsei Scrapbook with newspaper clippings from asahi shimbun item_ID: 60028 ClipSeriesID: 28 This set consists of 43 notebooks compiled by Furuya Yoshiko containing newspaper clippings from Asahi Shimbun. Each notebook covers a specific topic, with the clippings organized by date within it. The cover the period from the late 1960s to the mid-1980s, with variations depending on the topic. 相原文夫による新聞記事切り抜き集成 Aihara Fumio ni yoru shinbun kiji kirinuki shūsei Collection of newspaper clippings made by Fumio Aihara item_ID: 60031 ClipSeriesID: 31 This set contains 20 notebooks of newspaper clippings created by Aihara Fumio. They are labeled by theme, but some contain more than one topic, while other topics encompass several notebooks. The topics include various aspects of world affairs as well as social movements and other issues in Japan. Most are from the late 1960s. 古屋能子による新聞記事切り抜き集成 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru shinbun kiji kirinuki shūsei Furuya Yoshiko newspaper clippings, 1980-1988 item_ID: 60032 ClipSeriesID: 32 These are miscellaneous newspaper clippings collected by Furuya Yoshiko between 1980 and 1988. 古屋能子による雑誌記事切り抜き集成 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru zasshi kiji kirinuki shūsei Furuya Yoshiko magazine clippings item_ID: 60033 ClipSeriesID: 33 Miscellaneous magazine clippings collected by Furuya Yoshiko. 古屋能子による雑誌記事切り抜き集成 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru zasshi kiji kirinuki shūsei Furuya Yoshiko magazine clippings, 1968-1988 item_ID: 60034 ClipSeriesID: 34 Miscellaneous magazine clippings collected by furuya Yoshiko from 1968-1988. 古屋能子による新聞記事切り抜き集成 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru shinbun kiji kirinuki shūsei Furuya Yoshiko newspaper clippings item_ID: 60035 ClipSeriesID: 35 Miscellaneous newspaper clippings collected by Furuya Yoshiko. 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 419 古屋能子による反核・沖縄関係新聞記事切り抜き集成 item_ID: 60036 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru hankaku / Okinawa kankei sinbun kiji kiriClipSeriesID: 36 nuki shūsei Furuya Yoshiko newspaper clippings about anti-nuclear weapons and Okinawa Newspaper clippings collected by Furuya Yoshiko concernings Okinawa and antinuclear weapons activity. 富村闘争関係新聞記事 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru Tomimura Tōsō kankei sinbun kiji kirinuki shūsei newspaper clippings about Tomimura Tōsō item_ID: 60037 ClipSeriesID: 37 Newspaper clippings about the Tomimura case collected by Furuya Yoshiko. 富村闘争関係雑誌記事 Tomimura Tōsō kankei zasshi kiji magazine clippings about Tomimura Tōsō item_ID: 60038 ClipSeriesID: 38 Magazine clippings about the Tomimura Jun’ichi Incident and trial. 古屋能子による雑誌記事切り抜き集成 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru zasshi kiji kirinuki shūsei Furuya Yoshiko magazine clippings item_ID: 60039 ClipSeriesID: 39 Miscellaneous newspaper clippings collected by Furuya Yoshiko. 1979-1980選挙関係新聞記事 1979-1980 senkyo kankei shinbun kiji newspaper clippings about 1979-1980 election item_ID: 60040 ClipSeriesID: 40 Newspaper clippings concerning the 1979-1980 election, collected by Furuya Yoshiko. 金大中氏事件関係新聞記事 Kimu Dejun shi jiken kankei shinbun kiji newspaper clippings about Kim Dejun Jiken item_ID: 60041 ClipSeriesID: 41 Newspaper clippings concerning the kidnapping of Kim Dae Jung in Japan by Korean security agents. ロッキード事件関係新聞記事 Rokkīdo Jiken kankei shinbun kiji newspaper clippings about Rokkīdo Jiken item_ID: 60042 ClipSeriesID: 42 Newspaper clippings concerning the Lockheed scandal, in which bribes were paid to Japanese politicians to influence the selection of military aircraft for Japan. 420 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 相原文夫による新聞記事切り抜き集成 Aihara Fumio ni yoru shinbun kiji kirinuki shūsei Collection of newspaper clippings made by Fumio Aihara item_ID: 60044 ClipSeriesID: 44 Miscellaneous newspaper clippings collected by Fumio Aihara. ファイル Folders 1980年代新左翼諸党派関連資料 1980 nendai Shinsayoku Shotōha Kanren Shiryō Materials from New Left groups in the 1980s item_ID: 13689 FolderID: 102 This folder contains 28 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials from New Left party factions (Tōha) that were active in the late 1970s and 1980s. They include factions of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei, Kyōsanshugi Rōdōshatō, Nihon Sekigun, Kakkyōdo, Sekishoku Sensen, and Chūkakuha. 82年「平和のための東京行動」集会資料 82 nen “Heiwa no Tameno Tōkyō Kōdō” Shūkai Shiryō “Tōkyō Action for Peace” 1982 assembly materials item_ID: 13726 FolderID: 142 This folder contains pamphlets and handbills from the 1982 gathering Tokyo Action for Peace [Heiwa no Tame no Tōkyō Kōdō]. 相原文夫関係雑資料 Aihara Fumio kankei zatsu shiryō Aihara Fumio miscellaneous materials item_ID: 16583 FolderID: 219 This is a small collection of miscellaneous materials that belonged to Aihara Fumio. 相原文夫関係資料 Aihara Fumio kankei shiryō Aihara Fumio materials item_ID: 16580 FolderID: 216 This folder contains 23 pamphlets and other items related to Aihara Fumio. Aihara was the husband of Furuya Yoshiko and was an activist and translator. 秋川高校書類 Akikawa Kōkō shorui Akikawa High School materials item_ID: 16675 FolderID: 260 This folder contains 35 materials from Akikawa high school, which children in the Furuya family attended. 医療被害を無くする会会報 Iryō Higai o Nakusurukai Kaihō End Medical Victims Society bulletin item_ID: 13759 FolderID: 179 This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, and other materials from a group campaigning against poor medical care, called the End Medical Victims Society and their organizational bulletin. 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 421 ウーマン・リブ関係資料 Ūman-Ribu Kankei Shiryō Woman’s Lib materials item_ID: 13754 FolderID: 173 This folder contains pamphlets and handbills concerning the women’s liberation movement. The term used marks it as being from the early 1970s. ウニタ書舗事件関係資料 Unita Shoho jiken kankei shiryō Unita Shoho Incident item_ID: 16609 FolderID: 237 Pamphlets, handbills, and other items from the Unita Shoho incident, in which the Unita bookstore was searched and its owner, Endō Tadao arrested, in connection with the 1975 sale of two bomb-making manuals that were banned. One was issue #11 of Sekigun, a publication of Sekigunha. 沖縄闘争関連パンフレット Okinawa tōsō kanren panfuretto Okinawa struggle pamphlets item_ID: 16988 FolderID: 328 Pamphlets from the Okinawa conflict of the late 1960s. 沖縄闘争資料 Okinawa Tōsō Shiryō Okinawa Struggle materials item_ID: 13763 FolderID: 183 This folder contains materials from the Okinawa struggle, meaning the movement opposing the return of Okinawa with U.S. bases remaining. This was the central issue of the 1970 revision of the Japan-U.S. Joint Security treaty, hence of the 1970 Ampo movement. 各地のべ平連運動資料 Kakuchi no Beheiren Undō Shiryō Local Beheiren Movement materials item_ID: 13750 FolderID: 169 This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, and other materials from various local Beheiren groups. カンボジア紛争 Kanbojia funsō Cambodia conflict item_ID: 16614 FolderID: 242 Pamphlets and clippings concerning the Cambodia conflict in the early 1970s. 紀之国屋書店闘争資料 Kinokuniya Shoten Tōsō Shiryō Kinokuniya Bookstore Struggle mateials item_ID: 13723 FolderID: 139 This folder contains 12 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials from a labor conflict at the Kinokuniya Bookstore. 422 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 金大中拉致事件日韓連帯運動資料 item_ID: 13687 Kin Daichū Rachijiken Nikkan Rentai Undō Shiryō FolderID: 100 Kim Dae Jung Kidnap Incident Japan-Korea Solidarity Movement materials This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials concerning the kidnapping of South Korean activist Kim Dae Jung in Japan by South Korean government agents and his forcible return and imprisonment in the South Korea. There was a substantial movement in Japan supporting Kim and his cause of democratization in South Korea and the kidnapping aroused widespread protest. Kim later became the elected President of the Republic of Korea. 原水爆禁止世界大会・広島大会 Gensuibaku kinshi sekai taikai, Hiroshima taikai World Congress to Ban Nuclear Bombs, Hiroshima Congress item_ID: 16618 FolderID: 246 This folder contains nine pamphlets and handbills from the Hiroshima Congress of the World Congress to Ban Nuclear Bombs. 拘禁二法関係パンフレット Kōkin Nihō Kankei Panfuretto Two Incarceration Laws materials item_ID: 13748 FolderID: 167 This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, and other materials concerning two incarceration laws. Some of the same material is also held in the collection as the serial Tōben Shimbun, Serial issue #15315. 小西叛軍関係資料 Konishi Hangun Kankei Shiryō Konishi Anti-Military materials item_ID: 13765 FolderID: 185 This folder contains pamphlets and handbills from the Konishi Anti-Military incident and campaign. Konishi Makoto was a member of the Japanese self-defense forces who developed an anti-war position and was sanctioned by the self-defense forces for his anti-war activities. He became the darling of the anti-war movement, which supported him during his subsequent trial—which he actually won, eventually. The collection contains many other materials about this case and Konishi. JATEC 脱走米軍事件資料 JATEC Dassōbeigun Jiken Shiryō JATEC US Military Deserters Incident materials item_ID: 13766 FolderID: 186 This folder contains materials from JATEC, an organization related to Beheiren that hid and protected four American military men who went AWOL in Japan. The collection contains other materials from JATEC in the serials collection. 佐多稲子インタビュー記事 Sata Inako interview kiji Sata Ineko interview article Materials from an interview with the writer Sata Ineko. item_ID: 16604 FolderID: 232 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 423 参議院を取り戻す会 Sangiin o Torimodosu Kai Recall the Diet Members Club item_ID: 13746 FolderID: 164 This folder contains handbills and miscellaneous materials from a campaign to recall Diet members in which Furuya Yoshiko participated. The collection also contains a poster from this campaign. 三里塚闘争 Sanrizuka Tōsō Sanrizuka Struggle item_ID: 13745 FolderID: 163 This folder contains 13 items of miscellaneous materials concerning the Sanrizuka struggle over the construction of Narita International Airport. 三里塚闘争管制塔占拠事件資料 Sanrizuka Tōsō Kanseitō Senkyo Jiken Shiryō Sanrizuka Struggle Narita Control Tower Attack Incident materials item_ID: 13756 FolderID: 176 This folder contains a large collection (86 items) of pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials from the Narita Control Tower attack, which was one of the major events of the Sanrizuka struggle against the construction and operation of Narita International Airport. 三里塚闘争資料 Sanrizuka Tōsō Shiryō Sanrizuka Struggle materials item_ID: 13768 FolderID: 188 This folder contains 22 items from the long-running conflict at Narita Airport, known by activists as the Sanrizuka struggle. 三里塚闘争人権問題 Sanrizuka Tōsō Jinken Mondai Sanrizuka Struggle Human Rights Problems item_ID: 13769 FolderID: 189 This folder contains clippings and miscellaneous materials on human rights issues in the Sanrizuka struggle against the construction and operation of Narita International Airport. 三里塚闘争中核派分裂問題資料 Sanrizuka Tōsō Chūkakuha Bunretsu Mondai Shiryō Sanrizuka Struggle Chūkakuha Split Problem materials item_ID: 13725 FolderID: 141 This folder contains 61 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials concerning a conflict involving Chūkakuha that arose within the Sanrizuka Struggle to prevent the construction and opening of Narita International Airport. 三里塚ビデオ証拠採用関係書類 Sanrizuka Bideo shōko saiyō kankei shorui Materials related to the introduction of Sanrizuka video evidence item_ID: 16613 FolderID: 241 424 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors These items concern the use of video evidence in a Sanrizuka case. Sanrizuka is the location (and short name) of the struggle against the construction of Narita International Airport. 時局協商懇談会関係資料 Jikyoku Kyōshō kondankai kankei shiryō Political Situation Discussion Group materials item_ID: 16586 FolderID: 222 This folder contains 14 handbills and other materials from a group called Jikyoku Kyōshō kondankai that apparently gathered to discuss current affairs. 集会参加者名簿 Shūkai Sankasha Meibo Meeting Participants’ Name Log item_ID: 13753 FolderID: 172 This contains 18 sign-in logs from shūkai or open meetings. Typically such gatherings have a sign-in book by the front door, which participants sign as they enter, pay their entry fee, and receive their meeting handouts. 食用塩問題資料 Shokuyōen Mondai Shiryō Table Salt problem materials item_ID: 13722 FolderID: 138 The quality of salt used for cooking and table use became an issue in the Japanese natural foods movement, leading to groups that produced their own sea salt. This folder contains 11pamphlets, clippings, and other materials related to the safety and health issues concerning salt. 女性問題関係資料 Josei mondai kankei shiryō Women’s issues materials item_ID: 16598 FolderID: 226 A collection of 10 clippings and other materials concerning women’s issues. 人工肝臓室の現状について Jinkō Kanzōshitsu no Genjō ni Tsuite Current Conditions of the Dialysis Room item_ID: 13760 FolderID: 180 This folder contains handbills and other materials concerning the “artificial liver room” which I think means kidney dialysis. 新宿べ平連集会 Shinjuku Beheiren Shūkai Shinjuku Beheiren Rally item_ID: 13752 FolderID: 171 This folder contains handbills and miscellaneous materials from a Shinjuku Beheiren rally. 新宿べ平連資料 Shinjuku Beheiren Shiryō Shinjuku Beheiren materials item_ID: 13744 FolderID: 162 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 425 This folder contains10 pamphlets, handbills, and other materials from the Shinjuku Beheiren chapter in which Furuya Yoshiko was very active. 新宿べ平連新聞記事 Shinjuku Beheiren Shinbun Kiji Shinjuku Beheiren newspaper clippings item_ID: 13733 FolderID: 149 This folder contains eight loose newspaper clippings concerning Shinjuku Beheiren. 新宿べ平連デモ許可書届出書類 Shinnjuku Beheiren Demo Kyokasho Todokede Shorui Shinjuku Beheiren Demonstration Permits item_ID: 13755 FolderID: 174 This file contains 16 permits and applications for Shinjuku Beheiren demonstrations. Demonstration organizers had to apply for permits for street demonstrations, and negotiated with the police about the demonstration route, time, etc. 人民運動関係資料 Jinmin undō kankei shiryō People’s movement materials item_ID: 16601 FolderID: 229 Handbills and other items from the people’s movement (jinmin undō). 人民協商連合関係資料 Jinmin Kyōshō Rengō kankei shiryō People’s Agreement League materials item_ID: 16585 FolderID: 221 This folder contains seven handbills and other items from a group called Jinmin Kyōshō Rengō. 赤軍出版印刷事件 Sekigun shuppan insatsu jiken Sekigun publishing and printing incident item_ID: 16612 FolderID: 240 This item concerns an incident in the mid-1970s when an issue of Sekigun was banned as a bomb-making manual. The police searched the printing company that had produced the issue and in the process, poured sand into the printing press and ruined it. 「戦争への道を許さない女たちの会」会報 “Sensō eno Michi o Yurusanai Onnatachi no Kai” Kaihō The Road to War is Impermissible Women’s Group bulletin item_ID: 13757 FolderID: 177 This folder contains a large collection (69 items) of pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials concerning an antiwar women’s group called “The Road to War is Impermissible” (Sensō e no Michi o Yurusanai Onnatachi no Kai) and their publication Kaihō. Some of the materials are also in the collection as serial issues #15356 and 15357 of Fujin Minshu Shimbun. 426 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 徐兄弟関係資料 So Kyōdai Kankei Shiryō So Brothers materials item_ID: 13764 FolderID: 184 This folder contains 21 items about the So brothers, including pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and miscellaneous materials. The So brothers were Korean residents of Japan who were jailed in South Korea for anti-government activity and complained that they had been beaten and tortured. There was a big movement in support of them in Japan. Later it was learned that they had fabricated the charges, leading to a second movement and a great deal of confusion. The collection also contains several books published as part of this movement that are listed in the book bibliography. 田中清玄氏著作目録 Tanaka Seigen shi Chosaku Mokuroku Tanaka Seigen Bibliography item_ID: 13728 FolderID: 144 Tanaka Seigen was a participant in the Japan Communist Party in the early 1930s and subsequently made a tenkō. In postwar Japan he was a business executive, but provided some support to Bund leaders during the 1960 Ampo struggle. This folder contains a bibliography of Tanaka’s writings, prepared by Takazawa but it was found in the Aihara-Furuya materials. 中国旅行 Chūgoku ryokō China trip item_ID: 16676 FolderID: 261 This folder contains materials from a trip to China. 朝鮮資料(DPRK)古屋能子訪朝時のパンフレット Chōsen shiryō (DPRK) Furuya Yoshiko hōchōji no panfuretto North Korean pamphlets (DPRK) from Furuya Yoshiko’s trip item_ID: 16987 FolderID: 327 This folder contains pamphlets collected by Furuya Yoshiko during her trip to North Korea. 朝鮮問題関係資料 Chōsen mondai kankei shiryō North Korean problem materials item_ID: 16602 FolderID: 230 A collection of 18 handbills and clippings concerning Korean problems. The language (Chōsen) marks it as having a North Korean perspective. 渡嘉敷島の戦斗概要 Tokashikitō no sentō gaiyō Tokashiki Island battle outline item_ID: 16579 FolderID: 215 Materials concerning Tokashiki Island at the southern end of Okinawa. 富村支援関係資料 Tomimura shien kankei shiryō Tomimura Jun’ichi support materials item_ID: 16606 FolderID: 234 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 427 Handbills from the support movement for Tomimura Jun’ichi. Tomimura was an Okinawan activist who was arrested and tried in Tokyo for an incident at Tokyo Tower. Furuya Yoshiko was a major figure in his support group, so the collection has a lot of materials on this subject. 富村闘争関係資料 Tomimura tōsō kankei shiryō Tomimura Jun’ichi materials item_ID: 16578 FolderID: 214 This folder contains 58 pamphlets and handbills from the support movement for Tomimura Jun’ichi. Tomimura was an Okinawan activist who was arrested for an incident at Tokyo Tower and stood trial in Tokyo. 戸山研究センター建設反対運動 Toyama kenkyū sentā kensetsu hantai undō Movement opposing construction of the Toyama Research Center item_ID: 16611 FolderID: 239 This is a collection of 21 pamphlets, handbills, and other miscellaneous materials concerning a movement opposing construction of the Toyama Research Center. Toyama Chemical was targeted as a major polluting company. 日韓問題・金大中拉致事件関係資料 Nikkan Mondai-Kin Daichū Rachijiken Kankei Shiryō Japan-Korea Problem-Kim Dae Jung Kidnap Incident materials item_ID: 13761 FolderID: 181 This folder contains 33 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and miscellaneous materials on Japan-Korea problems and the Kim Dae Jung kidnap incident. 日本革命的共産主義者同盟神場強姦犯罪 Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Kamiba gōkan hanzai Japan Revolutionary Communist League Kamiba rape crime item_ID: 16619 FolderID: 247 Clippings and other materials concerning a rape case involving Kakkyōdō. 日本共産党関係資料 Nihon Kyōsantō kankei shiryō Japan Communist Party materials item_ID: 16600 FolderID: 228 Miscellaneous materials from the Japan Communist Party. 日本共産党党友カード Nihon Kyōsantō tōyū kādo Japan Communist Party friends of the party cards item_ID: 16607 FolderID: 235 Japan Communist Party cards. 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合資料 Nihon wa Korede Iinoka Shimin Rengō shiryō Materials concerning the citizens’ alliance Is This Okay for Japan? item_ID: 16616 FolderID: 244 428 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors The citizens’ group Nihon wa Kore de Ii no ka is considered an outgrowth of the Beheiren movement and involved many of the same people. It has investigated various social issues through research, public meetings, and publications. 初めての広島 Hajimete no Hiroshima Hiroshima for the First Time item_ID: 16677 FolderID: 262 Travel materials for Hiroshima. パレスチナ問題 Paresuchina Mondai Palestinian Problem item_ID: 13747 FolderID: 165 This folder contains twelve pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials concerning the Palestinian problem. 反核・軍縮闘争資料 Hankaku Gunshuku Tōsō Shiryō Nuclear Disarmament Struggle materials item_ID: 13688 FolderID: 101 This folder contains 40 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and other materials from the Nuclear Disarmament movement. These materials are primarily from the early 1980s, when this movement was strong internationally. 反原発闘争資料 Han Genpatsu Shiryō Anti-Nuclear materials item_ID: 13762 FolderID: 182 This folder contains 33 pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and miscellaneous materials on the anti-nuclear movement. Serial Issue #15429 (Fujin Minshu Shimbun) is related. 福富資料 Fukutomi shiryō Fukutomi Setsuo materials item_ID: 16617 FolderID: 245 Miscellaneous materials concerning Fukutomi Setsuo. 古屋家関係書類 Furuya-ke kankei shorui Furuya family materials item_ID: 16674 FolderID: 259 This is a second folder containing 56 miscellaneous materials from the Furuya family. 古屋家書類 Furuya-ke shorui Furuya family materials item_ID: 16673 FolderID: 258 This folder contains 82 miscellaneous materials from the Furuya family. 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 429 古屋能子運動関係資料 Furuya Yoshiko undō kankei shiryō Furuya Yoshiko’s social movement materials item_ID: 16599 FolderID: 227 A group of pamphlets, handbills and other items on social movements collected by Furuya Yoshiko. 古屋能子運動関連書類 1979 Furuya Yoshiko Undō Kanren Shorui 1979 Furuya Yoshiko movement related materials, 1979 item_ID: 15472 FolderID: 200 This folder contains Furuya Yoshiko’s social movement-related materials from 1979. 古屋能子運動関連書類 1980 Furuya Yoshiko Undō Kanren Shorui 1980 Furuya Yoshiko movement related materials, 1980 item_ID: 15473 FolderID: 201 This folder contains Furuya Yoshiko social movement materials from 1980. 古屋能子運動関連書類 1981 Furuya Yoshiko Undō Kanren Shorui 1981 Furuya Yoshiko movement related materials, 1981 item_ID: 15474 FolderID: 202 This folder contains Furuya Yoshiko social movement materials from 1981. 古屋能子関係記事 Furuya Yoshiko kankei kiji Furuya Yoshiko clippings item_ID: 16605 FolderID: 233 Clippings and other items concerning Furuya Yoshiko. 古屋能子署名記事 Furuya Yoshiko shomei kiji Furuya Yoshiko signed materials item_ID: 16610 FolderID: 238 This is a large collection of 89 materials written by Furuya Yoshiko. 古屋能子草稿集1 Furuya Yoshiko sōkōshū 1 Furuya Yoshiko’s manuscripts and notes I item_ID: 16693 FolderID: 263 This the first of four boxes of Furuya Yoshiko’s miscellaneous manuscripts and notes. This one contains 45 items. 古屋能子草稿集2 Furuya Yoshiko sōkōshū 2 Furuya Yoshiko manuscripts and notes, II item_ID: 16694 FolderID: 264 This is the second box of Furuya Yoshiko’s manuscripts and notes, containing 43 items. 430 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 古屋能子草稿集3 Furuya Yoshiko sōkōshū 3 Furuya Yoshiko manuscripts and notes III item_ID: 16695 FolderID: 265 The third box of Furuya Yoshiko’s manuscripts and notes. This contains 48 folders. 古屋能子草稿集4 Furuya Yoshiko sōkōshū 4 Furuya Yoshiko manuscripts and notes, IV item_ID: 16696 FolderID: 266 The fourth box of Furuya Yoshiko’s manuscripts and notes. This one contains 41 folders of material. 古屋能子著作目録稿 Furuya Yoshiko Chosaku Mokurokukō Furuya Yoshiko Bibliography of Publications item_ID: 13724 FolderID: 140 Furuya Yoshiko was an activist and journalist who was involved in Beheiren and many other New Left movements during the 1960s-1980s. The collection contains both her personal papers and those of her husband, who was best known by the pen name of Aihara Fumio. This folder contains a bibliography of her writings, which are also available in the collection. 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (暴れん坊将軍松平健第三部) item_ID: 15411 Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Abarenbō Shōgun Matsu FolderID: 312 daira Dai 3 bu) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Abarenbō Shōgun Matsudaira Dai 3 bu 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (浮世絵女ねずみ小僧) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Ukiyoe Onna Nezumi Kozō) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Ukiyoe Onna Nezumi Kozō item_ID: 15386 FolderID: 304 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (江戸を斬る) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Edo o Kiru) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs:Edo o Kiru item_ID: 15410 FolderID: 311 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (江戸を斬るII) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Edo o Kiru II) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Mito Kōmon Dai 17 bu item_ID: 15390 FolderID: 308 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (大岡越前) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Ōoka Echizen) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Ōoka Echizen item_ID: 15422 FolderID: 323 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (大岡越前) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Ōoka Echizen) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Ōoka Echizen item_ID: 15423 FolderID: 324 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (大岡越前) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Ōoka Echizen) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Ōoka Echizen item_ID: 15413 FolderID: 314 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (大岡越前) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Ōoka Echizen) item_ID: 15414 FolderID: 315 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 431 Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Ōoka Echizen 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (大岡越前) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Ōoka Echizen) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Ōoka Echizen item_ID: 15415 FolderID: 316 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (隠密・奥の細道) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Onmitsu - Oku no Hosomichi) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Edo o Kiru II item_ID: 15408 FolderID: 309 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (三匹が斬るスペシャル) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Sanbiki ga Kiru Supesharu) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Sanbiki ga Kiru Supesharu item_ID: 15409 FolderID: 310 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (シナリオノート) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Shinario Nōto) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Shinario Nōto item_ID: 15425 FolderID: 326 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (遠山の金さん) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Tōyama no Kinsan) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Tōyama no Kinsan item_ID: 15416 FolderID: 317 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (眠り狂四郎) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Nemuri Kyōshirō) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Nemuri Kyōshirō item_ID: 15388 FolderID: 306 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (水戸黄門) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Mito Kōmon) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Mito Kōmon item_ID: 15417 FolderID: 318 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (水戸黄門) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Mito Kōmon) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Mito Kōmon item_ID: 15418 FolderID: 319 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (水戸黄門) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Mito Kōmon) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Mito Kōmon item_ID: 15419 FolderID: 320 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (水戸黄門) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Mito Kōmon) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Mito Kōmon item_ID: 15420 FolderID: 321 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (水戸黄門) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Mito Kōmon) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Mito Kōmon item_ID: 15421 FolderID: 322 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (水戸黄門) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Mito Kōmon) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Mito Kōmon item_ID: 15424 FolderID: 325 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (水戸黄門第17部) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Mito Kōmon Dai 17 bu) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Mito Kōmon Dai 17 bu item_ID: 15385 FolderID: 303 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (若大将天下ご免) item_ID: 15389 Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Wakadaishō Tenka Gomen) FolderID: 307 Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Wakadaishō Tenka Gomen bu 432 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (暴れん坊将軍) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Abarenbō Shōgun) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs: Abarenbō Shōgunu item_ID: 15412 FolderID: 313 古屋能子テレビ番組メモ (忍法かげろう斬り) Furuya Yoshiko terebi bangumi memo (Ninpō Kagerō Giri) Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on TV programs:Ninpō Kagerō Giri item_ID: 15387 FolderID: 305 Furuya Yoshiko took extensive notes on various television series, which were included in her papers donated to the Takazawa Collection. 古屋能子による女性問題関係記事 Furuya Yoshiko ni yoru Josei Mondai Kankei Kiji Furuya Yoshiko articles on Women’s Problems item_ID: 13742 FolderID: 160 This folder contains clippings of articles written by Furuya Yoshiko about women’s issues. 古屋能子訪朝時朝鮮資料 Furuya Yoshiko Hōchōji Shiryō Furuya Yoshiko trip to North Korea materials item_ID: 13743 FolderID: 161 This folder contains miscellaneous materials from Furuya Yoshiko’s first trip to North Korea. 米軍統治下沖縄渡航書類 Beigun tōchika Okinawa tokō shorui Travel to Okinawa under U.S. Military Occupation materials item_ID: 16608 FolderID: 236 Materials concerning travel to Okinawa during U.S. Military Occupation. Furuya Yoshiko traveled to Okinawa during the Occupation, and these are materials related to such travel. ベトナム反戦運動資料 Betonamu Hansen Undō Shiryō Vietnam Anti-war Movement materials item_ID: 13767 FolderID: 187 This folder contains materials from the anti-Vietnam war movement. 前田俊彦資料 Maeda Toshihiko Shiryō Maeda Toshihiko materials item_ID: 13690 FolderID: 103 This folder contains some material on Maeda Toshihiko, a labor activist in prewar Japan who later participated in Beheiren and the Sanrizuka struggle in the 1960s. 水俣病闘争関係 Minamatabyō Tosō Kankei Minamata Disease Struggle materials item_ID: 13758 FolderID: 178 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 433 This folder contains materials from the Minamata disease struggle, a major antipollution movement against the Chisso chemical company, whose effluent had cause Minamata disease in the surrounding community of Minamata, Kyūshū. 無党派市民連合 Mutōha Shimin Rengō No-Party People’s Alliance item_ID: 13749 FolderID: 168 This folder contains handbills and other materials from the No-Party people’s alliance (Mutōha Shimin Rengō), which ran candidates for the upper house of the Diet. The collection also contains posters from this movement. よど号グループによる日本政府へのアピール Yodogō gurūpu ni yoru Nihon seifu eno apīru Appeals from the Yodogō group to the Japanese government. item_ID: 16615 FolderID: 243 These are copies of letters that the Yodogō group in Pyongyang sent to the Japanese government seeking to return to Japan without being sent to jail. These copies were sent to Furuya Yoshiko, who was in contact with group members from the late 1980s. The Yodogō group were members of Sekigunha who hijacked a domestic Japanese airliner to North Korea in 1970, were allowed to stay by the North Korean government, and have been seeking to return without punishment for the hijacking. 労働運動関係資料 Rōdō Undō kankei shiryō Labor movement materials item_ID: 16603 FolderID: 231 A collection of pamphlets, handbills, and clippings on the labor movement. 労働戦統一問題関係資料 Rōdōsen tōitsu mondai kankei shiryō Labor unification materials item_ID: 16587 FolderID: 223 Various materials concerning labor. Geschichte der Iateinschen Sprache (相原文夫関係資料3) Geschichte der Iateinschen Sprache (Aihara Fumio Kankei Shiryō 3) Geschichte der Iateinschen Sprache item_ID: 16582 FolderID: 218 This is a Latin textbook in German, owned by Aihara Fumio. Radioactive Pollution of the Marine Enviornment:What Price Will item_ID: 16581 Mankind Have to Pay?(相原文夫関係資料2) FolderID: 217 Radioactive Pollution of the Marine Environment:What Price Will Mankind Have to Pay? (Aihara Fumio Radioactive Pollution of the Marine Environment: What Price Will Mankind Have to Pay? This folder contains material in English about radioactive pollution of the marine environment. It was found in the materials of Aihara Fumio. 434 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors ビラ集 Handbills 古屋能子運動関係ビラ 1980 Furuya Yoshiko undō kankei bira 1980 item_ID: 61026 HBSeriesID: 26 A collection of 20 handbills from Furuya Yoshiko’s movement activities in 1980. These are materials that were not organized into other topical collections. Also see item #33. 新宿ベ平連ビラ Shinjuku Beheiren bira item_ID: 61029 HBSeriesID: 29 A collection of 31 handbills produced by the Shinjuku Beheiren chapter in which Furuya Yoshiko was very active. The collection contains many other materials from this Beheiren chapter. 各地(地方)のべ平連運動ビラ Kakuchi (chihō) no Beheiren undō bira item_ID: 61030 HBSeriesID: 30 A collection of 105 handbills from various local Beheiren chapters around Japan. 反核・反戦・反安保関係ビラ Hankaku, hansen, han’ampo kankei bira item_ID: 61031 HBSeriesID: 31 A collection of 9 handbills from the anti-nuclear, anti-war, anti-Ampo movements. Many of the handbills combine the three issues. 古屋能子運動関係ビラ 1979 & 1981 Furuya Yoshiko undō kankei bira 1979 & 1981 item_ID: 61033 HBSeriesID: 33 A collection of 35 handbills reflecting Furuya Yoshiko’s movement activities in 1979 and 1981. (See also #26, which covers her activity in 1980.) 古屋能子署名記事ビラ 1968―1983 Furuya Yoshiko shomei kiji bira 1968-1983 item_ID: 61035 HBSeriesID: 35 A collection of 165 handbills reflecting Furuya Yoshiko’s activity from 1968 to 1983. 書簡集 Letters The collection contains the personal effects of several individuals, living and deceased, including many letters that were collected and preserved by their recipients. Personal documents and letters that are not sealed may be utilized for research purposes within the collection, but users are requested to respect the privacy of the corresponding parties and of third parties whose names may appear in correspondence and other documents without their knowledge. 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 435 古屋公人への手紙及び古屋家関連手紙 Furuya Kimito e no tegami oyobi Furuya-ke Kankei tegami Lettters to Furuya Kimito and other related letters item_ID: 16361 LetterID: 14 This box contains 39 letters sent to Furuya Kimito and other letters related to the Furuya family. 古屋千有への手紙 1 Furuya Chiari e no tegami 1 Letters to Furuya Chiari 1 item_ID: 16359 LetterID: 12 This box contains 80 letters sent to Furuya Chiari using his real name, rather than his pen name Aihara Fumio, between 1950 and 1992. Most are original, but a few are photocopies. 古屋千有への手紙 2 Furuya Chiari e no tegami 2 Letters to Furuya Chiari 2 item_ID: 16360 LetterID: 13 A second box of 87 letters sent to Furuya Chiari, between 1948 and 1989. 古屋千有及び家族宛葉書 1947-1963 Furuya Chiari oyobi kazoku ate hagaki 1947-1963 Postcards to Furuya Chiari & his family 1947-1963 item_ID: 16388 LetterID: 41 This set contains 585 postcards sent to Furuya Chiari and his family from 1947 to 1963. 古屋千有宛葉書 1964-1974 Furuya Chiari ate hagaki 1964-1974 Postcards to Furuya Chiari 1964-1974 item_ID: 16386 LetterID: 39 This set contains 668 postcards sent to Furuya Chiari between 1964 and 1974. 古屋千有宛葉書 1975-1992 Furuya Chiari ate hagaki 1975-1992 Postcards to Furuya Chiari 1975-1992 item_ID: 16387 LetterID: 40 This set contains 695 postcards sent to Furuya Chiari between 1975 and 1992. 古屋能子への手紙 1949-1969 Furuya Yoshiko e no tegami 1949-1969 Letters to Furuya Yoshiko 1949-1969 item_ID: 16354 LetterID: 7 This set contains letters sent to Furuya Yoshiko from 1949-1969. Thus tey cover the early postwar periiod up to the peak of the late 1960s protest era. Most are original letters, but a few are photocopies. 436 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 古屋能子への手紙 1970-1976 Furuya Yoshiko e no tegami 1970-1976 Letters to Furuya Yoshiko 1970-1976 item_ID: 16355 LetterID: 8 A continuation of 16354, this set consists of 95 letters sent to Furuya Yoshiko between 1970 and 1976. They cover the peak to the decline of the protest wave of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Most are originals, but a few are photocopies. 古屋能子への手紙 1977-1991 Furuya Yoshiko e no tegami 1977-1991 Letters to Furuya Yoshiko 1977-1991 item_ID: 16356 LetterID: 9 A continuation of Items 16354 and 16355, this set of 92 letters covers correspondence sent to Furuya Yoshiko from 1977 to 1991. Most are originals, and a few are photocopied. 古屋能子宛葉書 1948-1983 Furuya Yoshiko ate hagaki 1948-1983 Postcards to Furuya Yoshiko 1948-1983 item_ID: 16389 LetterID: 42 This set contains 740 postcards sent to Furuya Yoshiko between 1948 and 1983. 在日朝鮮人関連 古屋能子への手紙 Zainichi Chōsenjin kanren Furuya Yoshiko e no tegami Furuya Yoshiko correspondence concerning Korean residents in Japan item_ID: 16353 LetterID: 6 This is a collection of 17 invitations and personal postcards sent to Furuya Yoshiko between 1977 and 1983, from North Korea affiliated organizations concerned with Koreans resident in Japan. The personal postcards are subject to restrictions on their use. 富村支援関連手紙 Tomimura Shien kanren tegami Tomimura support-related letters item_ID: 16352 LetterID: 5 This is a collection of 41 letters that were written in connection with the support group activities for Tomimura Jun’ichi, an Okinawan activist who was on trial in Tokyo for an incident at Tokyo Tower. Furuya Yoshiko was a central figure in his support organization and the letters were in her papers. Many of the letters may have been published in the support group’s newsletter. 富村闘争関連 富村順一他からの手紙 Tomimura tōsō kanren Tomimura Jun’ichi hoka kara no tegami Letters related to Tomimura tōsō, from Tomimura Jun’ichi and others item_ID: 16362 LetterID: 15 This box contains 73 photocopied letters from Tomimura Jun’ichi and others. Tomimura Jun’ichi was an Okinawan activist who was arrested and tried in Tokyo for an inc ident at Tokyo Tower. Furuya Yoshiko was a central figure in his support group, and these letters stem primarily from those activities. 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 437 富村順一からの手紙 Tomimura Jun’ichi kara no tegami Letters from Tomimura Jun’ichi item_ID: 16350 LetterID: 3 This is a set of 102 letters sent by Tomimura Jun’ichi to various people. Tomimura was a militant Okinawan activist who created an incident at Tokyo Tower for which he was arrested and tried in Tokyo. Most of the letters were written from prison, in which case each page contains the purple censor’s mark. Furuya Yoshiko was a central figure in Tomimura’ support organization and helped edit his writings for publication. These letters were in her papers. Many of these letters have already been published by the support organization. 日本はこれでいいのか-憲法実現・反安保われわれの市民集会案内葉書 Nihon wa kore de ii no ka - Kenpō jitsugen, han Ampo wareware no shimin shūkai an’nai hagaki Postcards announcing a public meeting of Nihon wa Kore de Ii no Ka item_ID: 16405 LetterID: 47 This set contains a small collection of unused postcards that had been printed up by the organization Nihon wa Kore de Ii no ka to announce a public meeting. They are in the collection because of Furuya Yoshiko’s involvement with the organization. 相原文夫への手紙 Aihara Fumio e no Tegami Letters to Aihara Fumio item_ID: 16357 LetterID: 10 This is a set of 30 letters sents to Aihara Fumio between 1953 and 1979. Most are originals. Aihara Fumio was the penname of Furuya Chiari, husband of Furuya Yoshiko. 相原文夫への手紙(独語) Aihara Fumio e no tegami (Doitsu go) Letters to Aihara Fumio in German item_ID: 16358 LetterID: 11 This box contains 149 letters, both original and photocopied. Most of the materials are correspondence between Aihara Fumio, who was a professional translator, and the authors and publishers abroad with whom he worked. The original correspondence is material he received, including a letter from Gyorgy Lukacs who was answering a query about a translation. The box also includes the original drafts of the letters that Aihara Fumio composed in German to be sent to his correspondents, so that in many cases both sides of the correspondence can be reconstructed. Much of it concerns mundane matters of permissions and payments from publishers. The letters date from 1952 to 1960. 相原文夫宛葉書 Aihara Fumio ate hagaki Postcards to Aihara Fumio item_ID: 16390 LetterID: 43 This set contains 418 postcards sent to Aihara Fumio (Furuya Chiari’s pen name) between 1957 and 1988. 438 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 原稿 Manuscripts フランツ・メーリング, 1933?. Furantsu Mēringu, 1933?. item_ID: 14601 MS_ID: 161 フランツ・メーリング:青年時代の発展, 1933?. Furantsu Mēringu: Seinen Jidai no Hatten, 1933?. item_ID: 14602 MS_ID: 162 フランツ・メーリング:メーリングのラッサール主義の根柢, 1933?. Furantsu Mēringu: Mēringu no Rassāru Shugi no Kontei, 1933?. item_ID: 14603 MS_ID: 163 フランツ・メーリング:哲学的基礎, 1933?. Furantsu Mēringu: Tetsugaku teki Kiso, 1933?. item_ID: 14604 MS_ID: 164 フランツ・メーリング:美学の原則, 1933?. Furantsu Mēringu: Bigaku no Gensoku, 1933?. item_ID: 14605 MS_ID: 165 フランツ・メーリング:文学史と批評との方法論, 1933?. Furantsu Mēringu: Bungakushi to Hihyō tono Hōhōron, 1933?. item_ID: 14606 MS_ID: 166 フランツ・メーリング:フライリヒラート事件, 1933?. Furantsu Mēringu: Furairihirāto Jiken, 1933?. item_ID: 14607 MS_ID: 167 フランツ・メーリング:プロレタリア文学の問題, 1933?. Furantsu Mēringu: Puroretaria Bungaku no Mondai, 1933?. item_ID: 14608 MS_ID: 168 An eight part translation by Aihara Fumio of Franz Mehring. 狭山事件権力犯罪の構造, n.d. Sayama Jiken Kenryoku Hanzai no Kōzō, n.d. item_ID: 14624 MS_ID: 169 Review article of the book with the same title, written by Kamei Tomu. 差別と闘争の諸問題, n.d. Sabetsu to Tōsō no Shomondai, n.d. item_ID: 14625 MS_ID: 170 Review article of the book “Sabetsu to Hyōgen” written by Hijikata Tetsu. 思想家としてのトロツキー, n.d. Shisōka toshiteno Torotsukī, n.d. item_ID: 14626 MS_ID: 171 Translation. トロツキーの悲劇, n.d. Torotsukī no Higeki, n.d. item_ID: 14627 MS_ID: 172 Translation. わが内なるエコロジー, 1983/3/3. Waga Uchinaru Ekorojī, 1983/3/3. Memo. item_ID: 14628 MS_ID: 173 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 439 マルクス主義の課題と今日のトロツキー, n.d. Marukusu Shugi no Kadai to Konnichi no Torotsukī, n.d. item_ID: 14629 MS_ID: 174 Translation. マルクス主義は古びたか, n.d. Marukusu Shugi wa Furubitaka, n.d. item_ID: 14630 MS_ID: 175 Translation. 多様化と将来, n.d. Tayōka to Shōrai, n.d. item_ID: 14631 MS_ID: 176 Translation. マルクス主義と産業社会論者の破産, n.d. Marukusu Shugi to Sangyō Shakaironsha no Hasan, n.d. item_ID: 14632 MS_ID: 177 Translation. チェルヌイシェフスキー美学序説, 1952. Cherunuishefusukī Bigaku Josetsu, 1952. item_ID: 14644 MS_ID: 178 チェルヌイシェフスキー美学序説, 1952. Cherunuishefusukī Bigaku Josetsu, 1952. item_ID: 14645 MS_ID: 179 チェルヌイシェフスキー美学序説, 1952. Cherunuishefusukī Bigaku Josetsu, 1952. item_ID: 14646 MS_ID: 180 チェルヌイシェフスキー美学序説, 1952. Cherunuishefusukī Bigaku Josetsu, 1952. item_ID: 14647 MS_ID: 181 A four part translation by Aihara Fumio of Chernishevski’s Introduction to Aesthetics. 白書「第一章」,n.d. Hakusho “Dai 1 shō”, n.d. item_ID: 14648 MS_ID: 182 Untitled, 1946. Untitled, 1946. item_ID: 14659 MS_ID: 183 Untitled, n.d. Untitled, n.d. item_ID: 14660 MS_ID: 184 Untitled, 1956-7. Untitled, 1956-7. item_ID: 14661 MS_ID: 185 Untitled, n.d. Untitled, n.d. item_ID: 14662 MS_ID: 186 Untitled Untitled item_ID: 14678 MS_ID: 187 論文集 神山茂夫, n.d. Ronbunshū - Kamiyama Shigeo, n.d. item_ID: 14679 MS_ID: 188 440 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors Untitled, n.d. Untitled, n.d. item_ID: 14680 MS_ID: 189 Untitled, n.d. Untitled, n.d. item_ID: 14681 MS_ID: 190 Untitled, 1956 - 1961. Untitled, 1956 - 1961. item_ID: 14682 MS_ID: 191 Untitled, n.d. Untitled, n.d. item_ID: 14683 MS_ID: 192 Untitled, n.d. Untitled, n.d. item_ID: 14684 MS_ID: 193 Aihara Fumio’s notes. ニクソンの訪問外交と国際共産主義運動, n.d. Nikuson no Hōmon Gaikō to Kokusai Kyōsan Shugi Undō, n.d. item_ID: 15106 MS_ID: 277 Essay by Aihara Fumio. 華南への新綱領の傳達, n.d. Kanan eno Shinkōryō no Dentatsu, n.d. item_ID: 15021 MS_ID: 302 栗, n.d. Kuri, n.d. item_ID: 15276 MS_ID: 303 正當な分配, n.d. Seitō na Bunpai, n.d. item_ID: 15277 MS_ID: 304 マヌイリスキー, n.d. Manuirisukī, n.d. item_ID: 15301 MS_ID: 313 ソ連関係, n.d. Soren Kankei, n.d. item_ID: 15302 MS_ID: 314 昭和十四年度本邦對外貿易概観, 1940?. Shōwa Jūyonendo Honpō Taigai Bōeki Gaikan, 1940?. item_ID: 15303 MS_ID: 315 生産旋回, n.d. Seisan Senkai, n.d. item_ID: 15304 MS_ID: 316 旋回基軸, n.d. Senkai Kijiku, n.d. item_ID: 15305 MS_ID: 317 基柢, n.d. Kitei, n.d. item_ID: 15306 MS_ID: 318 Aihara Fumio’s manuscripts on communist influence in prewar China. Untitled, n.d. Untitled, n.d. item_ID: 14685 MS_ID: 194 Untitled, n.d. Untitled, n.d. item_ID: 14686 MS_ID: 195 Furuya Yoshiko Notebooks. 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 441 書評『沖縄の日本軍』,n.d. Shohyō ‘Okinawa no Nihongun’, n.d. item_ID: 14722 MS_ID: 204 Book review of ‘Okinawa no Nihongun’ written by Oshima Yukio. 書評『狭山事件・権力犯罪の構造』,n.d. Shohyō ‘Sayama Jiken - Kenryoku Hanzai no Kōzō’, n.d. item_ID: 14723 MS_ID: 205 Book review of ‘Sayama Jiken - Kenryoku Hanzai no Kozo’ written by Kamei Tomu. 沖縄-断片(1),n.d. Okinawa - Danpen (1), n.d. item_ID: 14823 MS_ID: 227 沖縄-断片(2),n.d. Okinawa - Danpen (2), n.d. item_ID: 14824 MS_ID: 228 沖縄-書きつぶし, n.d. Okinawa - Kakitsubushi, n.d. item_ID: 14825 MS_ID: 229 沖縄(1),1969-1970. Okinawa (1), 1969-1970. item_ID: 14826 MS_ID: 230 沖縄(2),1970. Okinawa (2), 1970. item_ID: 14827 MS_ID: 231 沖縄(3),n.d. Okinawa (3), n.d. item_ID: 14828 MS_ID: 232 沖縄(4),n.d. Okinawa (4), n.d. item_ID: 14987 MS_ID: 233 沖縄(5),n.d. Okinawa (5), n.d. item_ID: 14990 MS_ID: 236 Furuya Yoshiko’s manuscripts on Okinawa. 大久保病院事件原稿(1),n.d. Ōkubo Byōin Jiken Genkō, n.d. item_ID: 14991 MS_ID: 238 大久保病院事件原稿(2),n.d. Ōkubo Byōin Jiken Genkō (2), n.d. item_ID: 14992 MS_ID: 239 大久保病院事件原稿(3),n.d. Ōkubo Byōin Jiken Genkō (3), n.d. item_ID: 14993 MS_ID: 241 Furuya Yoshiko’s three part manuscript on the Ōkubo Hospital incident. 嘉手納基地でのたたかい(1),n.d. Kadena Kichi deno Tatakai (1), n.d. item_ID: 14994 MS_ID: 242 嘉手納基地でのたたかい(2),n.d. Kadena Kichi deno Tatakai (2), n.d. item_ID: 14995 MS_ID: 243 嘉手納基地でのたたかい(3),n.d. Kadena Kichi deno Tatakai (3), n.d. item_ID: 14996 MS_ID: 244 442 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 嘉手納基地でのたたかい(4),n.d. Kadena Kichi deno Tatakai (4), n.d. item_ID: 14997 MS_ID: 245 嘉手納基地でのたたかい(5),n.d. Kadena Kichi deno Tatakai (5), n.d. item_ID: 14998 MS_ID: 246 嘉手納基地でのたたかい(6),n.d. Kadena Kichi deno Tatakai (6), n.d. item_ID: 14999 MS_ID: 247 Furuya Yoshiko’s manuscripts on the Kadena U.S. Marine Corps base conflict in Okinawa. 海洋汚染, n.d. Kaiyō Osen, n.d. item_ID: 15000 MS_ID: 248 海洋汚染, n.d. Kaiyō Osen, n.d. item_ID: 15001 MS_ID: 249 海洋汚染, n.d. Kaiyō Osen, n.d. item_ID: 15002 MS_ID: 250 海洋汚染, n.d. Kaiyō Osen, n.d. item_ID: 15003 MS_ID: 251 海洋汚染, n.d. Kaiyō Osen, n.d. item_ID: 15004 MS_ID: 252 海洋汚染, n.d. Kaiyō Osen, n.d. item_ID: 15005 MS_ID: 253 海洋汚染, n.d. Kaiyō Osen, n.d. item_ID: 15006 MS_ID: 254 海洋汚染, n.d. Kaiyō Osen, n.d. item_ID: 15008 MS_ID: 255 海洋汚染, n.d. Kaiyō Osen, n.d. item_ID: 15009 MS_ID: 256 海洋汚染, n.d. Kaiyō Osen, n.d. item_ID: 15010 MS_ID: 257 海洋汚染, n.d. Kaiyō Osen, n.d. item_ID: 15011 MS_ID: 258 海洋汚染, n.d. Kaiyō Osen, n.d. item_ID: 15012 MS_ID: 259 海洋汚染, n.d. Kaiyō Osen, n.d. item_ID: 15013 MS_ID: 260 海洋汚染, n.d. Kaiyō Osen, n.d. item_ID: 15014 MS_ID: 261 Furuya Yoshiko’s notes on the television series Kaiyō Osen. ・・・・正気の狂人, 1970-1971. . . . . Shōki no Kyōjin, 1970-1971. item_ID: 15015 MS_ID: 262 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 443 ・・・・正気の狂人, 1970-1971. Shōki no Kyōjin, 1970-1971. item_ID: 15016 MS_ID: 263 Furuya Yoshiko manuscript on Shōki no Kyōjin. 富村問題原稿, 1970-1971. Tomimura Mondai Genkō, 1970-1971. item_ID: 15017 MS_ID: 264 富村問題原稿, 1970-1971. Tomimura Mondai Genkō, 1970-1971. item_ID: 15018 MS_ID: 265 富村問題原稿, 1970-1971. Tomimura Mondai Genkō, 1970-1971. item_ID: 15019 MS_ID: 266 富村問題原稿, 1970-1971. Tomimura Mondai Genkō, 1970-1971. item_ID: 15020 MS_ID: 267 富村問題原稿, n.d. Tomimura Mondai Genkō, n.d. item_ID: 15097 MS_ID: 268 Furuya Yoshiko manuscripts on the Tomimura issue. 沖縄ヤクザ戦争, n.d. Okinawa Yakuza Sensō, n.d. item_ID: 15098 MS_ID: 269 パスポートからは除外されている国の誇り高い人々, n.d. Pasupōto karawa Jogai sareteiru Kuni no Hokoritakai Hitobito, n.d. item_ID: 15099 MS_ID: 270 Two Furuya Yoshiko manuscripts on Okinawa. マルクス・エンゲルスの美学的著作への序説, 1945. Marukusu-Engerusu no Bigakuteki Chosaku eno Josetsu, 1945. item_ID: 15100 MS_ID: 271 マルクス・エンゲルスの美学的著作の序説, 1945. Marukusu-Engerusu no Bigakuteki Chosaku no Josetsu, 1945. item_ID: 15101 MS_ID: 272 Furuya Yoshiko manuscript introducing Marx-Engels work on aesthetics. 緒論, n.d. Choron, n.d. item_ID: 15102 MS_ID: 273 緒論, n.d. Choron, n.d. item_ID: 15103 MS_ID: 274 Two part Furuya Yoshiko manuscript. 幼いころのこと, n.d. Osanai Koro no koto, n.d. item_ID: 15104 MS_ID: 275 Furuya Yoshiko manuscript. ニクソンの訪問外交と国際共産支持運動, n.d. Nikuson no Hōmon Gaikō to Kokusai Kyōsan Shugi Undō, n.d. Furuya Yoshiko manuscript. item_ID: 15105 MS_ID: 276 444 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors ベ平連‘68, 1968. Beheiren ‘68, 1968. item_ID: 15307 MS_ID: 319 ベ平連‘68, 1968. Beheiren ‘68, 1968. item_ID: 15308 MS_ID: 320 ベ平連‘68, 1968. Beheiren ‘68, 1968. item_ID: 15309 MS_ID: 321 ベ平連‘68, 1968. Beheiren ‘68, 1968. item_ID: 15310 MS_ID: 322 ベ平連‘68, 1968. Beheiren ‘68, 1968. item_ID: 15311 MS_ID: 323 アプジ金さん, n.d. Apuji Kin-san, n.d. item_ID: 15313 MS_ID: 325 Shinjuku Beheiren materials from Furuya Yoshiko, who was the central figure in this chapter of Beheiren. ❖ ❖ ❖ The following materials are from the Tomimura Jun’ichi Support Group. Tomimura was a man from Okinawa who was arrested for a political incident at Tokyo Tower and was tried in Tokyo. Furuya Yoshiko was a central member of this support group and these materials were in her collection. Additional materials from this case are in the Court Documents section. 富村順一生活史年表, n.d. Tomimura Junichi Seikatsushi Nenpyō, n.d. item_ID: 15312 MS_ID: 324 国政参加のワナ, 1970/10/26. Kokusei Sanka no Wana, 1970/10/26. item_ID: 15326 MS_ID: 326 米軍沖縄上陸, 1970/11/26. Beigun Okinawa Jōriku, 1970/11/26. item_ID: 15327 MS_ID: 327 刑務所での反乱, 1970/11/30. Keimusho deno Hanran, 1970/11/30. item_ID: 15328 MS_ID: 328 沖縄脱出, n.d. Okinawa Dasshutsu, n.d. item_ID: 15329 MS_ID: 329 本土流転, 1971/01/04. Hondo Ruten, 1971/01/04. item_ID: 15330 MS_ID: 330 ニンニクと朝鮮人ばい春婦, 19971/01/04. Ninniku to Chōsenjin Baishunfu, 19971/01/04. item_ID: 15331 MS_ID: 331 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 445 無い小指, 1971/01/07. Nai Koyubi, 1971/01/07. item_ID: 15332 MS_ID: 332 沖縄刑務所, 1971/01/11. Okinawa Keimusho, 1971/01/11. item_ID: 15333 MS_ID: 333 ハガチイ事件, 1971/02/15. Hagachii Jiken, 1971/02/15. item_ID: 15334 MS_ID: 334 戦後沖縄の政治家, 1971/02/08. Sengo Okinawa no Seijika, 1971/02/08. item_ID: 15335 MS_ID: 335 独房の一日, 1971/02/09. Dokubō no Ichinichi, 1971/02/09. item_ID: 15336 MS_ID: 336 北海道の飯場, 1971/02/10. Hokkaidō no Hanba, 1971/02/10. item_ID: 15337 MS_ID: 337 たちの悪い警察, 1971/02/10. Tachi no Warui Keisatsu, 1971/02/10. item_ID: 15338 MS_ID: 338 ヒロヒト イッせ, 1971/02/17. Hirohito Isse, 1971/02/17. item_ID: 15339 MS_ID: 339 事件の前日 当日の現場, 1971/02/19. Jiken no Zenjitsu Tōjitsu no Genba, 1971/02/19. item_ID: 15340 MS_ID: 340 ヒロヒトを被告台に, 1971/02/22. Hirohito o Hikokudai ni, 1971/02/22. item_ID: 15341 MS_ID: 341 不当な警察検事達, 1971/02/23. Futō na Keisatsu Kenjitachi, 1971/02/23. item_ID: 15342 MS_ID: 342 おん念をはらすために, 1971/02/24. Onnen o Harasu tameni, 1971/02/24. item_ID: 15343 MS_ID: 343 判事は犯罪人, 1971/4/10. Hanji wa Hanzainin, 1971/4/10. item_ID: 15344 MS_ID: 344 沖縄の売春婦, 1971/04/23. Okinawa no Baishunfu, 1971/04/23. item_ID: 15345 MS_ID: 345 正当な公判を, 1971/05/26. Seitō na Kōhan o, 1971/05/26. item_ID: 15346 MS_ID: 346 446 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 『教育新聞』のデタラメ, 1971/06/07. “Kyōiku Shinbun” no Detarame, 1971/06/07. item_ID: 15347 MS_ID: 347 七十二年の四月までに, 1971/06/07. 72 nen no 4 gatsu made ni, 1971/06/07. item_ID: 15348 MS_ID: 348 ズボンとハイネック, 1971/06/23. Zubon to Hainekku, 1971/06/23. item_ID: 15349 MS_ID: 349 保釈請求却下, 1971/08/05. Hoshaku Seikyū Kyakka, 1971/08/05. item_ID: 15350 MS_ID: 350 帝国主義とは何か, 1971/10/08. Teikokushugi towa Nanika, 1971/10/08. item_ID: 15351 MS_ID: 351 愛を第一に, 1971. Ai o Daiichi ni, 1971. item_ID: 15352 MS_ID: 352 夢と狂人, 1971/07/09. Yume to Kyōjin, 1971/07/09. item_ID: 15353 MS_ID: 353 山野彷徨と日本軍米軍, 1971/10/15. Sanya Hōkō to Nihongun Beigun, 1971/10/15. item_ID: 15354 MS_ID: 354 国場・西銘代議士を地獄へ送れ, 1971/11/29. Kuniba/ Nishikata Daigishi o Jigoku e Okure, 1971/11/29. item_ID: 15355 MS_ID: 355 生きのこった者の任務, 1971/12/06. Ikinokotta Mono no Ninmu, 1971/12/06. item_ID: 15371 MS_ID: 356 巡視官との問答, 1971/12/22. Junshikan tono Mondō, 1971/12/22. item_ID: 15372 MS_ID: 357 青年のこと, 1972/03/03. Seinen no Koto, 1972/03/03. item_ID: 15373 MS_ID: 358 服をかってやった女の子, n.d. Fuku o katteyatta Onnanoko, n.d. item_ID: 15374 MS_ID: 359 警察官と豚の皮, n.d. Keisatsukan to Buta no Kawa, n.d. item_ID: 15375 MS_ID: 360 アジア人民との連帯を, n.d. Ajia Jinmin tono Rentai o, n.d. item_ID: 15376 MS_ID: 361 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 447 資料・起訴状, n.d. Shiryō / Kisojō, n.d. item_ID: 15377 MS_ID: 362 第十五回公判, n.d. Dai Jūgokai Kōhan, n.d. item_ID: 15378 MS_ID: 363 富村順一意見陳述, n.d. Tomimura Junichi iken chinjutsu, n.d. item_ID: 15379 MS_ID: 364 Untitled, n.d. Untitled, n.d. item_ID: 15380 MS_ID: 365 「沖縄と安保」,n.d. “Okinawa to Anpo”, n.d. item_ID: 15381 MS_ID: 366 沖縄と安保, 1982/08/15. Okinawa to Anpo, 1982/08/15. item_ID: 15382 MS_ID: 367 沖縄と安保, n.d. Okinawa to Anpo, n.d. item_ID: 15383 MS_ID: 368 沖縄のことについての演説草稿, n.d. Okinawa no koto ni tsuiteno Enzetsu Sōkō, n.d. item_ID: 15384 MS_ID: 370 ❖ ❖ ❖ United Shobo was a bookstore in Kanda that carried a lot of left materials, including ephemeral materials published by New Left groups, and also published some materials. The store was searched in September 1974 and 150 copies of a bomb manual carrying an unrelated innocuous title were confiscated and the owner, Endō Tadao, was charged with violation of Article 4 of the Explosives Control Law. Some manuscripts related to the case were found in Furuya Yoshiko’s materials. The “jikokuhyo” listed in these materials is not a timetable, but the name of a small serial that Unita Shobo published. The serial is in the collection as Serial ID#32. 「時刻表」12号, n.d. Jikokuhyō 12 Gō, n.d. item_ID: 14687 MS_ID: 196 時刻表, n.d. Jikoku hyō, n.d. item_ID: 14688 MS_ID: 197 あとがき, n.d. Atogaki, n.d. item_ID: 14689 MS_ID: 198 448 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 申立の趣旨, n.d. Mōshitate no Shushi, n.d. item_ID: 14690 MS_ID: 199 目次, n.d. Mokuji, n.d. item_ID: 14691 MS_ID: 200 Materials concerning the United Shobo case. 沖縄現地出版図書案内, n.d. Okinawa Genchi Shuppan Tosho Annai, n.d. item_ID: 14692 MS_ID: 201 Book list concerning the United Shobo case. はじめにこのことの経緯について, n.d. Hajimeni Konokotono Kēini Tsuite, n.d. item_ID: 14720 MS_ID: 202 This file contains a draft and a revised manuscript. 後記, n.d. Kōki, n.d. item_ID: 14721 MS_ID: 203 Untitled, n.d. Untitled, n.d. item_ID: 14724 MS_ID: 206 ❖ ❖ ❖ Through much of the 1970s and 1980s there was a long-running conflict over the construction of Narita International Airport in the Chiba village of Sanrizuka. The New Left became heavily involved in the conflict and many participants were arrested. There are many materials in the Furuya Yoshiko subcollection from the appeal trial in the early 1980s, presumably because Furuya Yoshiko was involved in the support group. Since they are manuscripts, they are included here rather than in the Court Documents section. 冒頭陳述書, 1980/07/18. Bōtō Chinjutsu Sho, 1980/07/18. item_ID: 15107 MS_ID: 278 判決文, 1981/02/12. Hanketsubun, 1981/02/12. item_ID: 15108 MS_ID: 279 告訴状, 1977/05/13. Kokusojō, 1977/05/13. item_ID: 15110 MS_ID: 280 意見陳述書, 1980/12/23. Iken Chinjutsusho, 1980/12/23. item_ID: 14693 MS_ID: 281 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 449 新東京国際空港の安全確保に関する緊急措置法案逐条批判, n.d. Shin Tōkyō Kokusai Kūkō no Anzen Kakuho ni kansuru Kinkyū Sochi Hōan Chikujō Hihan, n.d. item_ID: 15238 MS_ID: 282 決定, 1980/04/01. Kettei, 1980/04/01. item_ID: 15239 MS_ID: 283 異議申立書, 1980/04/14. Igi Mōshitate sho, 1980/04/14. item_ID: 15240 MS_ID: 284 冒頭陳述補充書, 1980/09/16. Bōtō Chinjutsu Hojū sho, 1980/09/16. item_ID: 15242 MS_ID: 285 控訴趣意書, 1981/09/15. Kōso Shui sho, 1981/09/15. item_ID: 14989 MS_ID: 286 収用権限不存在確認裁判をおこすにあたって, n.d. Shūyō Kengen Fusonzai Kakunin Saiban o Okosu ni Atattte, n.d. item_ID: 15243 MS_ID: 287 新東京国際空港の安全確保に関する緊急措置法案、いわゆる成田破 防法に対する批判, 1978/05/04. Shi Tōkyō Kokusai Kūkō no Anzen Kakuho ni kansuru Kinkyū Sochi Hōan, iwayuru Narita Habōhō ni taisuru Hihan, 1978/05/04. item_ID: 15244 MS_ID: 288 上申書, 1982. Jōshinsho, 1982. item_ID: 15245 MS_ID: 289 地図 Maps 沖縄県総図及び日本総図 Okinawa-ken sōzu oyobi Nihon sōzu item_ID: 16447 Map_ID: 6 This map, dated 1972, shows Okinawa prefecture on one side and all of Japan on the other. It was apparently published right after Okinawa reverted to Japanese control in 1972, because Okinawa is designated on the map as a prefecture of Japan. This map was in the Aihara-Furuya collection. 那覇市市街図及び沖縄県ロードマップ Naha-shi shigaizu oyobi Okinawa-ken rōdo map item_ID: 16444 Map_ID: 5 This is a standard commercial map of Okinawa prefecture, which may date from the 1970s or 1980s. One side contains a map of Naha city, while the other side depicts a roadmap of all of Okinawa prefecture. The map was found in the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. 450 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors パンフレット Pamphlets 共産主義労働者党全国協議会( 編 ). 10.30シンポで配布された各資料: 1982.11.2. item_ID: 16848 PamphletID: 938 Kyōsanshugi Rōdōshatō Zenkoku Kyōgikai (editor). 10.30 shimpo de haifu sareta kaku shiryō: 1982.11.2. Collection of materials distributed at the “10.30 Shimpo,” centering around the issue of Puroretaria Kakumei Ha. 「土の声、民の声」編集室( 編 ). 11・29 対東燃闘争弾圧(40人逮捕)の背景. item_ID: 16660 PamphletID: 859 “Tsuchi no Koe, Tami no Koe” Henshūshitsu (editor). 11/29 Tai Tōnen tōsō dan’atsu (40 ni taiho) no haikei. Pamphlet on construction of CTS sites in Japan. 韓国民主化支援緊急世界大会( 著 ). 1981 東京宣言. item_ID: 15396 PamphletID: 542 Kankoku Minshuka Shien Kinkyū Sekai Taikai (author). 1981 Tōkyō sengen. This is a declaration made by “Kankoku Minshu-ka Shien Kinkyū Sekai Taikai (Emergency World Assembly for South Korean Democracy)” at the Tokyo meeting on 5/18/1981. 2・28 反原発・反再処理・反海洋投棄東京集会. 2/28 Han genpatsu, han saishori, han kaiyō tōki tōkyō shūkai. item_ID: 16661 PamphletID: 860 Pamphlet for 2.28 anti-nuclear plants, wastes, pollution rally held in Tokyo, 1981. Messages from all over the world and from within Japan. Difficult to determine the author and publisher. 五月十九日~二十四日までの光州実態報告. 5 gatsu 19 nichi kara 24 ka made no Kōshū jittai hōkoku. item_ID: 15398 PamphletID: 544 This pamphlet gives stories of brutal conducts of South Korean military personnels at a demonstration in Kōshū. 全学連中央執行委員会( 編 ). 六月行動委員会、全国県反戦代表者会議、全国共闘連合、への再度の 申し入れ. item_ID: 15441 PamphletID: 563 Zengakuren Chūō Shikkō Iinkai (editor). 6 gatsu kōdō iinkai, zenkoku ken hansen daihyōsha kaigi, zenkoku kyōtō rengō, e no saido no mōshi-ire. 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 451 This pamphlet is a request made by the Chair Ōnuki of Zengakuren Chūō Shikkō Iinkai to the three organizers of “4/28 Meiji Kōen Dai Tōitsu Shūkai” to get a consent for participation. 6月行動力総括集. 6 gatsu kōdōryoku sokatsu shū. item_ID: 15172 PamphletID: 450 Analysis of the June action. 7・8富村闘争総決起集会:「7・8東京タワー決起一周年」.「7・8」 集会実行委員会, 1971pp. 24. item_ID: 17056 PamphletID: 1064 7.8 Tomimura tōsō sōkekki shūkai: “7.8 Tōkyō Tawā kekki isshūnen”. “7.8” Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai, 1971, pp. 24. A pamphlet for a rally meeting for Tomimura tōsō held on 1971/7/8. 82年・平和のためのヒロシマ行動の要綱: 全国各ブロック会議資料. 82 nen —heiwa no tame no Hiroshima kōdō no yōkō: Zenkoku kaku-burokku kaigi shiryō. item_ID: 15435 PamphletID: 557 A pamphlet as a prospectus, giving the proper name of the planned rally in Hiroshima on the 21st of March, 19, slogans, organizers, etc. Map of Hiroshima noting the direction of Heiwa Kōen and some newspaper articles included. イスラエルのパレスチナ人民大量虐殺糾弾緊急集会実行委員会( 編 ). item_ID: 16857 9・30緊急集会: イスラエルのパレスチナ人民大量虐殺糾弾!! PamphletID: 947 Emergency Action Committee to Protest the Mass Killing of the Palestinian People by Israel (editor). 9.30 kinkyū shūkai: Isuraeru no paresuchina jinmin tairyō gyakusatsu kyūdan!! Pamphlet for the “9.30 Kinkyū Shūkai” in 1982. Includes keynote statement and newspaper articles. 秋川高校 一問一答. 東京都: 東京都立秋川(全寮制)高等学校, 1965pp. 27. item_ID: 16886 PamphletID: 976 Akikawa kōkō ichimon ittō. Tokyo: Tōkyō Toritsu Akikawa (Zenryōsei) Kōtō Gakkō, 1965, pp. 27. Pamphlet of Akikawa Kōkō, intended for those and their parents who are interested in entering this school. 秋川高校 一問一答. 東京都: 東京都立秋川(全寮制)高等学校, 1966pp. 24. item_ID: 16887 PamphletID: 977 Akikawa kōkō ichimon ittō. Tokyo: Tōkyō Toritsu Akikawa (Zenryōsei) Kōtō Gakkō, 1966, pp. 24. 452 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors Pamphlet with info on Akikawa High School. Intended for distribution to those and their parents who are interested in entering this school. 北部地区赤色戦線( 編 ). 朝霞基地から自衛隊沖縄占領軍の出兵をさせないために. 北部地区 赤色戦線, 1973. item_ID: 15440 PamphletID: 562 Hokubu-chiku Sekishoku Sensen (editor). Asaka kichi kara jieitai Okinawa senryōgun no shuppei o sasenai tame ni. Hokubu-chiku Sekishoku Sensen, 1973, . A pamphlet criticizing the implementation of Jieitai to Okinawa. 呉己順さん追悼文集刊行委員会( 編 ). 朝を見ることなく: 書評集. item_ID: 16678 PamphletID: 864 O Gisun san Tsuitō Bunshū Kankō Iinkai (editor). Asa o mirukoto naku: Shohyōshū. Book review of a memorial written by the So brothers’ mother O Gi Sun, titled “Asa o Miru koto naku.” 明日への希望を信じて: 東一紡績解雇女子労働者たちの文集, 韓国 労働問題資料集 第3集. 東京: 韓国民主回復統一促進国民会議日 本本部宣伝局, 1981pp. 33. item_ID: 14440 PamphletID: 228 Asu e no kibō o shinjite: Tōitsu bōseki kaiko joshi rōdōshatachi no bunshū, Kankoku rōdō mondai shiryōshū dai 3 shū. Tōkyō: Kankoku Minshu Kaifuku Tōitsu Sokushin Kokumin Kaigi Nihon Honbu Sendenkyoku, 1981, pp. 33. Pamphlet from a Korean labor group. イギリス共産党綱領: 社会主義へのイギリスの道. 1951年1月12日イ ギリス共産党執行委員会, 1951pp. 9. item_ID: 14459 PamphletID: 248 Igirisu Kyōsantō kōryō: Shakai shugi e no igirisu no michi. 1951 nen 1 gatsu 12 nichi Igirisu Kyōsantō Shikkōiinkai, 1951, pp. 9. Policy from the English Communist Party. 日韓連帯委員会, 日本カトリック正義と平和協議会, 韓国問題キリスト 者緊急会議( 編 ). 意見 韓国の新情勢と日本の責任. item_ID: 15394 PamphletID: 540 Nikkan Rentai Iinkai; Nihon Katorikku Seigi to Heiwa Kyōgikai and Kankoku Mondai Kirisuto-mono Kinkyū Kaigi (editors). Iken Kankoku no shin jōsei to Nihon no sekinin. This pamphlet is an opinion concerning South Korea’s current situation in the early 1980s, stated by the editors, after the debate held at a symposium “Kankoku no Shin-jōsei to Nihon no sekinin.” 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 453 許すなトマホーク意見広告の会( 編 ). 意見広告資料集: -Q&A. 東京都: 許すなトマホーク意見広告の会, 1984pp. 15. item_ID: 16847 PamphletID: 937 Do Not Allow the Tomahawks Protest Advertising Group (editor). Iken kōkoku shiryōshū: - Q&A. Tokyo: Yurusuna Tomahōku Iken Kōkoku no Kai, 1984, pp. 15. Pamphlet on “Iken Kōkoku Undō.” Includes articles on what it is, its effects, suggestions, and few tables on the cost of running advertisement on major and minor newspapers. イスラエルのパレスチナ人民大量虐殺糾弾緊急集会実行委員会( 編 ). item_ID: 16564 イスラエルのパレスチナ人民大量虐殺糾弾!!9・30緊急集会. PamphletID: 820 Emergency Action Committee to Protest the Mass Killing of the Palestinian People by Israel (editor). Isuraeru no Paresuchina jinmin tairyō gyakusatsu kyūdan!! 9/30 kinkyū shūkai. Pamphlet of a rally criticizing the Israeli mass-murder of Palestinians. Held in Tokyo Ochanomizu on the 30th of September. Year unknown from this pamphlet. IPTIL実行委員会事務局( 編 ). イスラエルのレバノン侵略に関する国際民衆法廷 IPTIL. item_ID: 16563 PamphletID: 819 IPTIL Action Committee Office (editor). Isuraeru no Rebanon shinryaku ni kansuru kokusai minshū hōtei IPTIL. Pamphlet of notice for the IPTIL, International People’s Tribunal on Israeli Invasion of Lebanon, or “Isuraeru no Rebanon Shinryaku ni kansuru Kokusai Minshū Hōtei.” The pamphlet includes the basic principles of the Tribunal, time tables, names of jury, witnesses, advisors, and ‘yobikakenin’. 戦争への道を許さない城北の女たちの会( 編 ). 今、女たちは平和を語る. 東京: 戦争への道を許さない城北の女たち の会, 1982pp. 55. item_ID: 16644 PamphletID: 843 The Road to War is Not Permissible Jōhoku Women’s Group (editor). Ima, onna tachi wa heiwa o kataru. Tōkyō: Sensō eno Michi o Yurusanai Jōhoku no Onna tachi no Kai, 1982, pp. 55. Materials on the formation of, meetings of, and interpretation on war and peace by, “Sensō e no Michi o Yurusanai Jōhoku no Onna tachi no Kai.” 韓国民主回復統一促進国民会議日本本部( 著 ). いま韓半島に核戦争の危機が: -反戦・反核・軍縮に向けて大きな 闘いの輪をつくろう!-, 朝鮮問題小パンフシリーズ No.8. 東京: 韓 国民主回復統一促進国民会議日本本部宣伝局, 1982pp. 17. item_ID: 15369 PamphletID: 537 Kankoku Minshu Kaifuku Tōitsu Sokushin Kokumin Kaigi Nihon Honbu (author). Ima Kan hantō ni kaku sensō no kiki ga: Hansen, hankaku, gunshuku ni mukete ōkina tatakai no wa o tsukurō! -, Chōsen mondai shō-panfu shirīzu No. 8. Tōkyō: Kankoku Minshu Kaifuku Tōitsu Sokushin Kokumin Kaigi Nihon Honbu Sendenkyoku, 1982, pp. 17. 454 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors Interpretations on the cause of friction between North and South Korea in relation to U.S. and Japan, critizing the nuclear weapons installed in South Korea. ”栄養分析表”押収事件顛末資料: ’74 9月4日. 東京: ウニタ書舗, 1974pp. 10. item_ID: 16852 PamphletID: 942 “Eiyō bunsekihyō” ōshū jiken tenmatsu shiryō: ‘74 9 gatsu 4 ka. Tōkyō: Unita Shoho, 1974, pp. 10. Collection of legal documents regarding the confiscation of “Eiyō Bunsekihyō.” 沖縄渡航手続のご案内. Okinawa tokō tetsuzuki no goan’nai. item_ID: 16851 PamphletID: 941 Official guide for application for an ID (Mibun Shōmeisho) and Permission for Entry into the Ryukyu Islands. 女性解放連絡会議( 編 ). おんな: 言いだしっぺの問題提起・便所からの解放. item_ID: 16640 PamphletID: 839 Women’s Liberation Liaison Conference (editor). Onna: Iidashippe no mondai teiki / Benjo kara no kaihō. Statements on “Chūzetsu Kinshi Hō,” on liberation of the eros, a statement titled “Liberation from the WC,” written by a women’s group called Josei Kaihō Renraku Kaigi. 沖縄委員会( 編 ). 会活動の発展と、朝河会員の沖縄派遣(半永住を期しての)のための 財政的協力のお願い. 東京: 統一新聞社, 1970pp. 1. item_ID: 16854 PamphletID: 944 Okinawa Committee (editor). Kai katsudō no hatten to, Asakawa kaiin no okinawa haken (han-eijū o kishite no) no tame no zaiseiteki kyōryoku no onegai. Tōkyō: Tōitsu Shinbunsha, 1970, pp. 1. Petition for monetary support for sending a member of Okinawa Iinkai named Asakawa to Okinawa with a motive of organizing movements in Okinawa. 学園祭’67: 文化祭10・7~8 体育祭10・15. 東京都: 東京 都立秋川(全寮制)高等学校, 1967pp. 12. item_ID: 16884 PamphletID: 974 Gakuensai ‘67: Bunkasai 10.7 - 8 Taiikusai 10.15. Tokyo: Tōkyō Toritsu Akikawa (Zenryōsei) Kōtō Gakkō, 1967, pp. 12. Pamphlet for the Akikawa High School’s School Festival in 1967. 核と戦争のない世の中をめざす行動・6月. Kaku to sensō no nai yo no naka o mezasu kōdō / 6 gatsu. item_ID: 15404 PamphletID: 550 This is a collection of songs of peace with lyrics and notes printed. 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 455 核と戦争のない世の中をめざす行動・10月事務局( 編 ). 核と戦争のない世の中を!: 10・16渋谷 民衆のひろば. item_ID: 15403 PamphletID: 549 Kaku to Sensō no Nai Yononaka o Mezasu Kōdō, 10 Gatsu Jimukyoku (editor). Kaku to sensō no nai yo no naka o!: 10/16 Shibuya minshū no hiroba. Pamphlet notified various demonstrations and meeting in opposition to the nuclear weapons and wars. Time and place noted but unable to varify the year. 「核と戦争のない世の中をめざす行動」八二年から八三年へ: -事 務局での議論の報告-. item_ID: 15406 PamphletID: 552 “Kaku to Sensō no nai yo no naka o mezasu kōdō” 82 nen kara 83 nen e: Jimukyoku de no giron no hōkoku. This is a pamphlet briefly noting the content of debate taken within the “jimukyoku” of “Kaku to Sensō…” after the “sōkatsu kaigi” that took place on 1982/11/24. 徐君兄弟を救う会( 編 ). 韓国獄中政治犯 徐兄弟: -たたかいの記録-. 京都: 徐君兄弟を救 う会, 1977pp. 122. item_ID: 16681 PamphletID: 867 Jo Brothers Support Group (editor). Kankoku gokuchū seijihan Jo Kyōdai: - Tatakai no kiroku -. Kyōto: So-kun Kyōdai o Sukuu Kai, 1977, pp. 122. Pamphlet on the Soh Brothers’ struggle. Includes letters from the two brothers, court statements, article by Shōji Tsutomu, article on support groups, description of South Korea’s law (Chian Hō), etc. 韓国民主化支援緊急世界大会事務局( 編 ). 韓国民主化支援緊急世界大会: 1981・5.16~5.19. 東京: 韓国民主化支援世界大会委員会(ASKOD)編集部, 1981pp. 10. item_ID: 16652 PamphletID: 851 Kankoku Minshuka Shien Kinkyū Sekai Taikai Jimukyoku (editor). Kankoku minshuka shien kinkyū sekai taikai: 1981/5/16 - 5/19. Tōkyō: Kankoku Minshuka Shien Sekai Taikai Iinkai (ASKOD) Henshūbu, 1981, pp. 10. Materials for the “Kankoku Minshuka Shien Kinkyū Sekai Taikai.” Statements calling for support, list of names of supporters, when and where-abouts of the rally, statements made by various supporters, etc. 韓国民主化支援緊急世界大会( 編 ). 韓国民主化支援緊急世界大会: 1981.5.16~5.19. item_ID: 16707 PamphletID: 890 Kankoku Minshuka Shien Kinkyū Sekai Taikai (editor). Kankoku minshuka shien kinkyū sekai taikai: 1981/5/16 - 5/19. Pamphlet for the 1981/5/16 - 5/19 Emergency Assembly for South Korean Democracy. Includes the schedule, names of participants, location maps, etc. 456 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 管制塔裁判を勝利させる会( 編 ). 管制塔公判控訴趣意書. item_ID: 16643 PamphletID: 842 Win the Control Tower Trial Support Group (editor). Kanseitō saiban kōso shuisho. Full copy of Prospectus for Appeal (Kōso Shuisho), submitted to the Tokyo High Court by the defense cousel on the 30th of September, 1981. 「韓日修復」の危険な本質を暴く, 韓国問題小パンフシリーズNo.7. 東京: 韓国民主回復統一促進国民会議日本本部宣伝局, 1981 pp. 19. item_ID: 14439 PamphletID: 226 “Kannichi shūfuku” no kiken na honshitsu o abaku, Kankoku mondai shō panfu shirīzu No. 7. Tōkyō: Kankoku Minshu Kaifuku Tōitsu Sokushin Kokumin Kaigi Nihon Honbu Sendenkyoku, 1981, pp. 19. Pamphlet warning of dangers in Japan-Korea relations. 福島県支部「再確認」拒否者の会, 福島県支部「再確認」拒否者を支え る会, 全電通の統制処分を撤回させる会, 全電通の階級的再生をめ ざす被処分者同盟( 編 ). 官僚統制粉砕・全電通福島・宮城闘争勝利7.27集会: 報告集. item_ID: 16710 PamphletID: 893 Fukushima Prefecture Branch “Reconfirmation” Rejectors Group; Fukushima Prefecture Branch “Reconfirmation” Rejectors Support Group; Group Advocating Complete Rejection of the All Japan Communication Union Measures and All Japan Communications Reconstruc Kanryōtōsei funsai, Zendentsū Fukushima, Miyagi tōsō shōri 7.27 shūkai: Hōkokushū. Report on a rally held on the 27th of July, 1980, called “Kanryōtōsei Funsai, Zendentsū Fukushima, Miyagi Tōsō Shōri 7.27 Shūkai.” Includes the schedule, the keynote report, copies of speeches made by the participants, list of names of supporters. 基地沖縄の苦闘: 全軍労闘争史. Kichi Okinawa no kutō: Zengunrō tōsō shi. item_ID: 16668 PamphletID: 861 Pamphlet notifying the publication of “Kichi Okinawa no Kutō: Zengunrō Tōsō Shi,” written by Uehara Kōsuke. Inside are extensive discription of the content of the book plus comments on the book from various persons in Okinawa. 大阪富村氏を支援する会( 編 ). 基調報告: 4.12<沖縄処分>と闘う討論集会. item_ID: 16841 PamphletID: 931 Osaka Tomimura-san Support Group (editor). Kichō hōkoku: 4.12 <Okinawa shobun> to tatakau tōron shūkai. Pamphlet on Tomimura Junichi’s court struggle and support activities. 弘前富村さん支援委員会( 編 ). 基調報告: 全国支援連合結成に向けて. item_ID: 16842 PamphletID: 932 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 457 Hirosaki Tomimura-san Support Group (editor). Kichō hōkoku: Zenkoku shien rengō kessei ni mukete. Pamphlet on Tomimura Junichi’s case, support activities, proposal for a united organization, etc. 金大中氏らを殺すな首都圏緊急運動( 編 ). 基調報告要旨. item_ID: 15400 PamphletID: 546 Kimu Dejun-shi ra o Korosuna Shutoken Kinkyū Undō (editor). Kichō hōkoku yōshi. A pamphlet organized in relation to the rally held on 1981/2/22 by the “Kimu Dejunshi ra o Korosuna! Shuto-ken Kinkyū Undō.” Statements on the trial of Kimu Dejun, and what is to be done in Japan. 金日成 : 朝鮮労働党第6回大会でおこなった中央委員会の活動報告. Kimu Iruson. item_ID: 14446 PamphletID: 234 Pamphlet from North Korea. 金日成: 祖国の自主的平和統一を実現しよう. 東京: 在日本朝鮮人総 聯合会中央常任委員会, 1980pp. 23. item_ID: 14447 PamphletID: 235 Kimu Iruson: Sokoku no jishuteki heiwa tōitsu o jitsugen shiyō. Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsenjin Sōrengōkai Chūō Jōnin Iinkai, 1980, pp. 23. Pamphlet from North Korea. 教育活動報告. Kyōiku katsudō hōkoku. item_ID: 14460 PamphletID: 249 Announcement about educational activism. 共産主義労働者党全国協議会( 編 ). 共産主義者の連合について広範な討議をよびかける. 東京: 共産主 義労働者党全国協議会, 1982pp. 10. item_ID: 15437 PamphletID: 559 Kyōsanshugi Rōdōshatō Zenkoku Kyōgikai (editor). Kyōsanshugisha no rengō ni tsuite kōhan na tōgi o yobikakeru. Tōkyō: Kyōsan Shugi Rōdōshatō Zenkoku Kyōgikai, 1982, pp. 10. A pamphlet discussing the unionization of Communists in Japan. 「鉄塔共有者の大運動」 を準備する会( 編 ). 「共有札」の運動は何をめざしているのか: 三里塚岩山大鉄塔.「鉄 塔共有者の大運動」 を準備する会, 1975pp. 7. item_ID: 16689 PamphletID: 875 458 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors “Steel Tower Joint Owners Great Movement” Preparatory Committee (editor). “Kyōyūfuda” no undō wa nani o mezashite irunoka: Sanrizuka iwayama daitettō. “Tettō Kyōyūsha no Dai Undō” o Jumbi suru Kai, 1975, pp. 7. Pamphlet on the “kyōyūfuda” movement acted out in the Sanrizuka struggle. 「拠点」編集部( 編 ). 拠点, 10.「拠点」編集部, 1970pp. 26. item_ID: 16853 PamphletID: 943 “Kyoten” Henshūbu (editor). Kyoten, 10. “Kyoten” Henshūbu, 1970, pp. 26. Volume number 10 of Shinjuku Beheiren’s bulletin called “Kyoten.” Inside are articles written by various activists including Furuya Yoshiko’s article on Okinawa. 空港よりも緑の大地を. 東京: 三里塚闘争に連帯する会, 1983 pp. 10. item_ID: 16858 PamphletID: 948 Kūkō yori mo midori no daichi o. Tōkyō: Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentai suru Kai, 1983, pp. 10. Pamphlet on the 3.8 rally and 3.27 “Yokohori (Yokobori?)” Sanrizuka tōsō rally held in 1983. 軍事問題研究会( 編 ). 軍事問題研究会設立・事業計画. 東京: 軍事問題研究会, 1974 pp. 4. item_ID: 16683 PamphletID: 869 Gunji Mondai Kenkyūkai (editor). Gunji mondai kenkyūkai setsuritsu / jigyō keikaku. Tōkyō: Gunji Mondai Kenkyūkai, 1974, pp. 4. Planning schedule for the establishment of Gunji Mondai Kenkyūkai, its participant list, and initial statement of motive. 東京弁護士会監獄法「改正」対策本部( 編 ). 刑事施設法案・留置施設法案に対する意見書. 東京: 東京弁護士会, 1982pp. 67. item_ID: 16566 PamphletID: 822 Tokyo Lawyers Guild Prison Law “Improvement” Policy Central Section (editor). Keiji shisetsu hōan, Ryūchi shisetsu hōan ni taisuru ikensho. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Bengoshikai, 1982, pp. 67. Pamphlet published with an intent of disclosing the hidden nature of “keiji shisetsu hōan” and “ryūchi shisetsu hōan.” Editor/publisher of this pamphlet, which is the Tokyo Bengoshikai, discusses this issue in detail. Includes a full copy of the two bills. 戦争への道を許さない女たちの連絡会( 編 ). 憲法は守られているか: 政党への公開アンケート. 東京: 戦争への道を 許さない女たちの連絡会, 1983pp. 40. item_ID: 15168 PamphletID: 446 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 459 Sensō e no Michi o Yurusanai Onnatachi no Renrakukai (editor). Keihō wa mamorarete iru ka: Seitō e no kōkai ankēto. Tōkyō: Sensō e no Michi o Yurusanai Onnatachi no Renrakukai, 1983, pp. 40. Is the criminal law safe? Pamphlet from an antiwar women’s group. 長野県凍豆腐工業協同組合( 編 ). 健康なからだと食べ物: 実証された凍り豆腐の真価・・・(成人病の予防 と美容).長野市: 長野県凍豆腐工業協同組合, 1977pp. 18. item_ID: 16535 PamphletID: 799 Nagano Prefecture Frozen Tofu Industry Joint Union (editor). Kenkō na karada to tabemono: Jisshō sareta kōridōfu no shinka, Seijinbyō no yobō to biyō. Nagano-shi: Naganoken Kōridōfu Kōgyō Kyōdō Kumiai, 1977, pp. 18. A pamphlet describes the effect of kōridōfu on prevention against adult diseases. 公開を危ぶまれる未曾有の話題映画「人間蒸発」. Kōkai o ayabumareru mizou no wadai eiga “Ningen jōhatsu”. item_ID: 16881 PamphletID: 971 Pamphlet on the movie called “Ningen Jōhatsu.” Publisher/editor uncertain. 核と戦争のない世の中をめざす行動・10月事務局( 編 ). 抗議と要請. 東京都: 核と戦争のない世の中をめざす行動・10月事 務局, 1982pp. 2. item_ID: 15407 PamphletID: 553 Kaku to Sensō no Nai Yononaka o Mezasu Kōdō, 10 Gatsu Jimukyoku (editor). Kōgi to yōsei. Tokyo: Kaku to Sensō no Nai Yononaka o Mezasu Kōdō / 10 Gatsu Jimukyoku, 1982, pp. 2. This is a copy of a letter to the Bōeichō Chōkan (Director General of Defense Agency) Ito, written under the name of “All who attended the rally ‘Kaku to Sensō no nai Yononaka o Mezasu Kōdō / 10 Gatsu’” on 10/24/1982. 朝鮮大学民主闘争委員会( 編 ). 光州市からの緊急報告. item_ID: 15399 PamphletID: 545 Chōsen Daigaku Minshu Tōsō Iinkai (editor). Kōshū-shi kara no kinkyū hōkoku. This pamphlet is written by Chōsen Daigaku Minshu Tōsō Iinkai, noting what has happened at the rally held in the city of Kōshū as an alternative to the censored news. 光州大虐殺糾弾・犠牲者追悼集会( 編 ). 光州大虐殺糾弾・犠牲者追悼集会: 1980・6・10. item_ID: 15397 PamphletID: 543 Kōshū Daigyakusatsu Kyūdan, Giseisha Tsuitō Shūkai (editor). Kōshū daigyakusatsu kyūdan, giseisha tsuitō shūkai: 1980/6/10. A pamphlet for the memorial rally for the victims of Kōshū Daigyakusatsu. Includes condolences and letter to the Kōshū citizens. 460 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 地学実習帳編集委員会( 編 ). 高等学校 地学実習帳. 東京都: 森重出版, 1966pp. 27. item_ID: 16883 PamphletID: 973 Earth Science Practice Book Editing Committee (editor). Kōtō gakkō Chigaku jisshūchō. Tokyo: Morishige Shuppan, 1966, pp. 27. High school class material for geography/geology class. 長野県凍豆腐工業協同組合( 編 ). 凍り豆腐を使ったお料理のしおり. item_ID: 16534 PamphletID: 798 Nagano Prefecture Frozen Tofu Industry Joint Union (editor). Kōri tōfu wo tsukatta oryōri no shiori. A pamphlet describes how to cook kōridōfu dishes. 徐君兄弟を救う会, <徐君兄弟を守る>文学創造者と読者の会( 編 ). 獄中十年: 徐兄弟 獄中からの手紙・続. item_ID: 16680 PamphletID: 866 Jo Brothers Support Group and “Support the Jo Brothers” Literary Creators and Readers Group (editors). Gokuchū Jūnen: Jo Kyōdai Gokuchū kara no tegami / Zoku. Sequel to the collection of prison letters written by the Jo Kyōdai, or So Brothers. Original from “Sekai,” December 1970. 反核・三千万署名推進新宿実行委員会事務局( 編 ). この地球上から核の脅威をとりのぞき戦争のない社会を実現する ために: -わたしたちにできることは何か-. item_ID: 15436 PamphletID: 558 Hankaku Sanzenman Shomei Suishin Shinjuku Jikkō Iinkai Jimukyoku (editor). Kono chikyūjō kara kaku no kyōi o torinozoki sensō no nai shakai o jitsugen suru tame ni: Watashi tachi ni dekiru koto wa nani ka. A pamphlet noting the situation and history of nuclear weapons. 青年行動隊( 編 ). 混乱を力にかえ勝利をつかみとるために. 青年行動隊, 1982 pp. 17. item_ID: 16538 PamphletID: 802 Youth Action Unit (editor). Konran wo chikara ni kae shōri wo tsukamitoru tame ni. Seinen Kōdōtai, 1982, pp. 17. A pamphlet describes Seinen Kōdōtai’s attitudes toward Sanriduka Tōsō. 最近の朝鮮情勢と国際情勢をめぐって. Saikin no Chōsen jōsei to kokusai jōsei o megutte. item_ID: 14437 PamphletID: 224 Pamphlet from North Korea about Korean and international women. 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 461 日韓連帯委員会( 編 ). 在日韓国・朝鮮人を理解するために: 日韓連帯シリーズ1. 東京都: 日 本キリスト教団日韓連帯特別委員会, 1977pp. 22. item_ID: 16648 PamphletID: 847 Nikkan Rentai Iinkai (editor). Zainichi Kankoku / Chōsenjin o rikai suru tameni: Nikkan rentai shirīzu 1. tokyo: Nihon Kirisuto Kyōdan Nikkan Rentai Tokubetsu Iinkai, 1977, pp. 22. Pamphlet on Zainichi Kankokujin and Chōsenjin. Materials on their current situation, their history, discrimination, separation of North and South Korea’s effect on zainichi Kankokujin and Chōsenjin, Chruch’s role, introduction of groups engaged in these issues, etc. 在日韓国人”政治犯”を支援する会全国会議, 日朝国民会議( 編 ). 在日韓国人「政治犯」救援にむけて. 東京: 在日韓国人”政治犯”を支援 する会全国会議, 1977pp. 24. item_ID: 16649 PamphletID: 848 Zainichi Kankokujin “Seijihan” o Shiensuru Kai Zenkoku Kaigi and Japan North Korea People’s Conference (editors). Zainichi Kankokujin “seijihan” kyūen ni mukete. Tōkyō: Zainichi Kankokujin “Seijihan” o Shien suru Kai Zenkoku Kaigi, 1977, pp. 24. Pamphlet on the Zainichi South Korean “seijihan,” or political offenders / political prisoners. Introduction on the issue, the seijihan’s profiles, list of support groups, etc. 全国三里塚救援連絡会 ー 全国救通信編集委員会, 管制塔裁判を勝 利させる会( 編 ). 裁けるか、 この闘いを: 3・15三里塚管制塔・実刑被告と家族を励ま す集い. item_ID: 16641 PamphletID: 840 Zenkoku Sanrizuka Kyūen Renraku Kai - Zenkoku Kyū Tsūshin Henshū Iinkai and Win the Control Tower Trial Support Group (editors). Sabakeruka, kono tatakai o: 3/15 Sanrizuka kanseitō jikkei hikoku to kazoku o hagemasu tsudoi. Pamphlet for a rally voicing for support for the “Sanrizuka Kanseitō Saiban.” Includes statements of support by various names, songs, scenarios for plays, resolutions, etc. 花崎皋平( 著 ). 三里塚空港反対闘争の対立と分岐について. item_ID: 16687 PamphletID: 873 Hanasaki, Kōhei (author). Sanrizuka kūkō hantai tōsō no tairitsu to bunki ni tsuite. Pamphlet on the organizational conflict and splits in the Sanrizuka struggle. 三里塚闘争に連帯する会( 編 ). 三里塚闘争の新たな局面を迎えて: 決議. Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentaisuru Kai (editor). Sanrizuka tōsō no aratana kyokumen o mukaete: Ketsugi. item_ID: 16690 PamphletID: 876 462 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors Resolution made by the “Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentai suru Kai Zenkoku Daihyōsha Kaigi,” in the peak year of struggle in late 1970s. 藤畑藍二( 著 ). 三里塚闘争の新たな発展のために. item_ID: 16688 PamphletID: 874 Fujihata, Aiji (author). Sanrizuka tōsō no aratana hatten no tame ni. Article on the Sanrizuka struggle. 革命的共産主義者同盟( 編 ). 三里塚闘争の重大な危機に際して反対同盟の皆さんに訴えます. 東京: 革命的共産主義者同盟, 1983pp. 14. item_ID: 16540 PamphletID: 804 Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (editor). Sanrizuka tōsō no jūdai na kiki ni saishite hantai dōmei no minasan ni uttaemasu. Tōkyō: Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei, 1983, pp. 14. A pamphlet criticizes the cruel attitude of Ishii Shinji and other people toward Hantai Dōmei. 小川プロダクション( 編 ). 三里塚の夏: 日本解放戦線. item_ID: 16685 PamphletID: 871 Ogawa Purodakushon (editor). Sanrizuka no natsu: Nihon kaihō sensen. Pamphlet on the movie “Sanrizuka no Natsu.” 実践論: 認識と実践-知と行との関係について. Jissen ron: Ninshiki to jissen — chi to kō to no kankei ni tsuite. item_ID: 14462 PamphletID: 251 Pamphlet on Practical Theory, knowledge and action. 反原発新聞( 編 ). 死の灰の恐怖 事故は必ず起きる: もし長尾鼻に原発が来たら・・・. item_ID: 16659 PamphletID: 858 Anti Nuclear Newspaper (editor). Shi no hai no kyōfu Jiko wa kanarazu okiru: Moshi Nagaobana ni genpatsu ga kitara…. Materials on nuclear accidents all around the world, evaluations done by governments and researchers, examples of preventive measures, effects of earthquakes, etc. 日本赤軍( 著 ). 社会主義建設の矛盾を正しく解決するために: この間のインドシナ情 勢について. item_ID: 15438 PamphletID: 560 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 463 Nihon Sekigun (author). Shakaishugi kensetsu no mujun o tadashiku kaiketsu suru tame ni: Kono kan no Indoshina jōsei ni tsuite. Pamphlet stating the Nihon Sekigun’s stance on the construction of Socialism. 釈明要求書: 自衛隊法違反 小西誠. Shakumei yōkyū sho: Jieitaihō ihan Konishi Makoto. item_ID: 16682 PamphletID: 868 Draft of a pamphlet on SDF. 自主講座原子力グループ( 編 ). 使用済み核燃料再処理工場ここが問題だ. 東京都: 自主講座原子力 グループ, 1979pp. 49. item_ID: 16655 PamphletID: 854 Jishu kōza genshi ryoku gurūpu (editor). Shiyōzumi kakunenryō saishori kōjō koko ga mondai da. Tōkyō: Jishu kōza genshi ryoku gurūpu, 1979, pp. 49. Pamphlet dealing with nuclear energy fuel and its post management. Materials on relationship between nuclear energy fuels and pollution, nuclear weapons, police, etc. 昭和41年度 入学・入寮のしおり. 東京都: 東京都立秋川(全寮制) 高等学校, 1966pp. 39. item_ID: 16890 PamphletID: 980 Shōwa 41 nendo Nyūgaku, nyūryō no shiori. Tokyo: Tōkyō Toritsu Akikawa (Zenryōsei) Kōtō Gakkō, 1966, pp. 39. Pamphlet distributed at the time of entrance to Akikawa High School. Information mainly on school rules. 一都三県公害防止協議会( 編 ). 昭和46年度 水質汚濁共同調査報告書: 東京湾総合調査. 一都三 県公害防止協議会, 1972pp. 63. item_ID: 16646 PamphletID: 845 Tokyo and Three Prefectures Anti-Pollution Conference (editor). Shōwa 46 nendo Suishitsu odaku kyōdō chōsa hōkokusho: Tōkyō wan sōgō chōsa. Itto Sanken Kōgai Bōshi Kyōgikai, 1972, pp. 63. Intensive report on water examination of Tokyo Bay conducted in 1971 by three prefectures in collaboration, i.e. Tokyo, Kanagawa and Chiba. 徐君兄弟を救う会, <徐君兄弟を守る>文学創造者と読者の会( 編 ). 徐兄弟 獄中からの手紙. item_ID: 16679 PamphletID: 865 Jo Brothers Support Group and “Support the Jo Brothers” Literary Creators and Readers Group (editors). Jo Kyōdai Gokuchū kara no tegami. Jo Kyōdai, or the So Brothers’ letters from prison. Original from the magazine “Sekai,” May 1978. 464 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 徐君兄弟を救う会, <徐君兄弟を守る>文学創造者と読者の会( 編 ). 徐兄弟を救うために. item_ID: 16669 PamphletID: 862 Jo Brothers Support Group and “Support the Jo Brothers” Literary Creators and Readers Group (editors). Jo kyōdai o sukuu tame ni. Pamphlet on what is called the “Jo Kyōdai Jiken,” or the “So Brothers Incident.” Includes description on the incident, court proceedings, letters written from prison, and newspaper articles. 紀伊国屋書店労働組合( 編 ). 嘱託・臨時・パートを犠牲にして肥えふとる紀伊国屋書店. 東京都新 宿区: 紀伊国屋書店労働組合, 1982pp. 9. item_ID: 16537 PamphletID: 801 Kinokuniya Bookstore Labor Union (editor). Shokutaku, rinji, pāto wo gisei ni shite koefutoru Kinokuniya shoten. Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo: Kinokuniya Shoten Rōdō Kumiai, 1982, pp. 9. A pamphlet reveals the poor labor conditions of part-time workers in Kinokuniya Shoten. 食品・薬品企業害とたたかう市民の集いへむけての資料: 1973・ 6・24. item_ID: 16647 PamphletID: 846 Shokuhin / Yakuhin kigyō gai to tatakau shimin no tsudoi e mukete no shiryō: 1973/6/26. A collection of criticism against what is called “Shokuhin Kigyōgai, Yakuhin Kigyōgai,” that is harm exerted to human body through food products and medicine, sold by giant corporations. Various types of affects and diseases and support groups’ voices are included. Difficult to determine the editor/publisher. <徐君兄弟を守る>文学創造者と読者の会, 徐君兄弟を救う会( 編 ). 徐俊植さんの「訴訟」支援のために: -社会安全法と「保安監護処分 更新決定無効確認請求訴訟」-. item_ID: 16670 PamphletID: 863 “Support the Jo Brothers” Literary Creators and Readers Group and Jo Brothers Support Group (editors). Jo Shunshoku san no “Soshō” shien no tame ni: - Shakai Anzen hō to “Hoan Kango Shobun Kōshin Kettei Mukō Kakunin Seikyū Soshō” -. Pamphlet on the “Jo Kyōdai Jiken,” or “So Brothers Incident.” Includes description of the incident, on the Shakai Anzen Hō, letters written from prison, and statements made by support groups. 三里塚闘争に連帯する会( 編 ). 資料 三里塚: 2/6・7要塞戦特集. Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentaisuru Kai (editor). Shiryō Sanrizuka: 2/6, 7 Yōsaisen tokushū. item_ID: 16697 PamphletID: 879 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 465 Copies of newspaper articles covering the “tettō” issue. Articles are from various newspaper sourses, February 6th to 9th, 1978. 管制塔裁判を勝利させる会( 編 ). 資料集 ビデオの証拠採用は違憲です!: 東京地裁花尻裁判長の違 憲、違法なビデオ証拠採用を許すな. item_ID: 16642 PamphletID: 841 Win the Control Tower Trial Support Group (editor). Shiryōshū Bideo no shōko saiyō wa iken desu!: Tōkyō Chisai Hanajiri Saibanchō no iken, ihō na bideo shōko saiyō o yurusuna. Pamphelt criticizing the illegality of the adoption of evidence submitted to the court by the prosecution. Includes statements made by Sanrizuka Shibayama Rengō Kūkō Hantai Dōmei, statements submitted to the court by the defense counsel, copies from “Hanrei Jihō,” copies of newspaper articles, etc. 新幹線2年のあゆみ. 東海道新幹線支社, 1966pp. 32. Shinkansen 2 nen no ayumi. Tōkaidō Shinkansen Shisha, 1966, pp. 32. item_ID: 16885 PamphletID: 975 Pamphlet covering two years of progress since the opening of Tōkaidō Shinkansen. 新聞記事で見るヨコスカの動き ’70・8~ ’71・1. Shinbun kiji de miru Yokosuka no ugoki 70/8-71/1. item_ID: 15174 PamphletID: 452 Newspaper coverage of the Yokosuka action 70-71. ヨコスカベ平連( 編 ). 新聞記事で見るヨコスカの動き: ’70・8~’71・1. item_ID: 16567 PamphletID: 823 Yokosuka Beheiren (Peact to Vietnam Alliance) (editor). Shinbun kiji de miru Yokosuka no ugoki: ‘70/8 kara ‘71/1. Collection of second-hand copies of article excerpts from various newspapers on the peace movement conducted by American military personnel landing in Yokosuka. 三里塚と動労ジェット闘争を共に闘う薬品化学労働者の会( 編 ). 侵略戦争に突っ走る中曽根(内閣)の危険な性格. item_ID: 15432 PamphletID: 554 Sanrizuka to Dōrō Jetto Tōsō o tomo ni Tatakau Yakuhin Kagaku Rōdōsha no Kai (editor). Shinryaku sensō ni tsuppashiru Nakasone (naikaku) no kiken na seikaku. Collection of newspaper articles concerning Prime Minister Nakasone and excerpts from his publication. 革命的共産主義者同盟( 編 ). 杉並・長谷川選挙闘争に対するファシスト・カクマルによる謀略的破 壊策動を徹底弾劾する. 東京: 前進社, 1975pp. 6. item_ID: 15439 PamphletID: 561 466 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (editor). Suginami-Hasegawa senkyo tōsō ni taisuru fashisuto Kakumaru ni yoru bōryakuteki hakai sakudō o tettei dangai suru. Tōkyō: Zenshinsha, 1975, pp. 6. Pamphlet criticizing Kakumaru’s action during the 1975 Tōitsu Chihō Senkyo. スターリン首相とプラウダ記者との対談: 1951年2月14日の対日理事 会における対日理事会ソ同盟代表キスレンコ少将の声明. item_ID: 14461 PamphletID: 250 Sutārin shushō to Purauda kisha to no taidan: 1951/2/14 no tai Nichi rijikai ni okeru tai Nichi rijikai So dōmei daihyō Isurenko shōshō no seimei. Discussion between Stalin and Pravda Writers about the 1951 Japan policy. 青行隊通信: 7・16~9・16 討論と闘いへの提案, 第三号. 三里 塚空港粉砕青年行動隊, 1979pp. 11. item_ID: 16686 PamphletID: 872 Seikōtai tsūshin: 7/16 - 9/16 Tōron to tatakai e no teian, Dai 3 gō. Sanrizuka Kūkō Funsai Seinen Kōdō Tai, 1979, pp. 11. Pamphlet on the Sanrizuka struggle. Includes reports by activists, records of debates, reactions against the Yomiuri Shimbun article, views on the upcoming activities, etc. 革命的共産主義者同盟( 編 ). 青行隊文書に全面的に反駁する: なぜ青行隊一部諸君は裏切りを断 罪せず、中核派非難にするかえるのか. 東京: 革命的共産主義者同盟, 1982pp. 14. item_ID: 16539 PamphletID: 803 Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (editor). Seikōtai bunsho ni zenmenteki ni hanbaku suru: Naze Seikōtai ichibu shokun wa uragiri wo danzai sezu, Chūkakuha hinan ni surikaeru noka. Tōkyō: Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei, 1982, pp. 14. A pamphlet criticizes the document written by Seinen Kōdōtai. 世界軍縮デーへの呼びかけ: 1983年6月20日. Sekai Gunshuku Dē e no yobikake: 1983 nen 6 gatsu 20 ka. item_ID: 15405 PamphletID: 551 This pamphlet is a set of materials; a copy of an original pamphlet sent from the Livermore Action Group to the Nihon wa Korede Iinoka Shimin Rengō, and a Japanese-translated version of the letter. Translator unnoted. 世界平和評議会第一回総会報告: ―郭沫若、ネンニ、 ファルジュ―. Sekai heiwa hyōgikai dai ikkai sōkai hōkoku: Guo Mo Ro, Nen’ni, Faruje. Announcement of the World Peace Council. item_ID: 15200 PamphletID: 478 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 467 全員異常あり: 玉成寮ニ期生文集. Zen’in ijō ari: Tamanari ryō nikisei bunshū. item_ID: 16889 PamphletID: 979 A bunshū (miscellany) of Tamanari Ryō, which is a dormitory of Akikawa High School. 全国の闘う仲間たちに訴える ”闘う動労の伝統を汚してはならな い”: -一九七八年度運動方針(案)批判-. item_ID: 15169 PamphletID: 447 Zenkoku no tatakau nakama tachi ni uttaeru “tatakau dōrō no dentō o yogoshite wa naranai”: 1978 nendo undō hōshin (an) hihan-. A pamphlet in support of those who are engaged in labor struggles. ソウルへの道・フェスティバル: ハンの地底から愛をこめて. Sōru e no michi / Fesutibaru: Han no chitei kara ai o komete. item_ID: 16859 PamphletID: 949 Pamphlet for the festival called “Sōru e no Michi.” Includes the program of the event and words from various persons. 韓国キリスト教正義平和委員会, カトリック光州大教区正義平和委員 会( 著 ). 尊敬し愛するあなたに (そして愛する子供たちに). item_ID: 15395 PamphletID: 541 Kankoku Kirisuto-kyō Seigi Heiwa Iinkai and Katorikku Kōshū Daikyōku Seigi Heiwa Iinkai (authors). Sonkei shi aisuru anata ni (soshite aisuru kodomotachi ni). This pamphlet is made up of an excerpt of Kim Dejung’s letter to his wife and children, an article on human rights issues in South Korea’s correction (prison) camps, and two reports on Kōshū prison camp. 寮祭実行委員会( 編 ). 第十九回寮祭 シグマ: 可能性への挑戦. 神奈川県: 第十九回寮祭実 行委員会, 1970pp. 22. item_ID: 16888 PamphletID: 978 Dorm Festival Action Committee (editor). Dai 19 kai ryōsai Shiguma: Kanōsei e no chōsen. Kanagawa: Dai 19 Kai Ryōsai Jikkō Iinkai, 1970, pp. 22. Pamphlet for the 19th ryōsai of Senshū University Student Dorm. 学部学友会( 編 ). 第2回講演会-現代日本の思想状況: 講演者 相原文夫. item_ID: 16845 PamphletID: 935 Undergraduate Students Friendship Association (editor). Dai 2 kai kōenkai - Gendai nihon no shisō jōkyō: Kōensha Aihara Fumio. Essence of a speech given by Aihara Fumio on the way to look into society. 468 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 全国住民闘争連帯総決起集会( 編 ). 第2回全国住民闘争連帯総決起集会: 住民無視の反動行政と対決 する-. 川崎: 全国住民闘争連帯総決起集会実行委員会, 1980 pp. 56. item_ID: 15170 PamphletID: 448 Zenkoku Jūmin Tōsō Rentai Sōkekki Shūkai (editor). Dai 2 kai zenkoku jumin tōsō rentai sōkekki shūkai: Jumin mushi no handō gyōsei to taiketsu suru. Kawasaki: Zenkoku Jūmin Tōsō Rentai Sō-kekki Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai, 1980, pp. 56. Second general meeting of the national citizens struggle alliance. 第二回東京都党会議 一般報告 (草案). 東京: 日本共産党東京都 委員会, 1957pp. 28. item_ID: 14457 PamphletID: 246 Dainikai Tōkyōto tōkaigi ippan hōkoku (sōan). Tōkyō: Nihon Kyōsantō Tōkyō-to Iinkai, 1957, pp. 28. Second general report from the Tokyo Party Meeting. 大安重機械総合工場. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1981pp. 4. Taian jūkikai sōgō kōjō. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1981, pp. 4. item_ID: 14441 PamphletID: 229 Pamphlet from North Korea. 板橋反戦青年委員会( 編 ). 闘いの前進のために: 三里塚空港設置反対!!王子野戦病院設置反 対!!板橋反戦青年委員会, 1968pp. 31. item_ID: 16568 PamphletID: 824 Itabashi Anti-war Youth Committee (editor). Tatakai no zenshin no tame ni: Sanrizuka kūkō secchi hantai!! Ōji yasen byōin secchi hantai!! Itabashi Hansen Seinen Iinkai, 1968, pp. 31. Congregated materials on the Sanrizuka struggle and Ōji struggle, edited by Itabashi Hansen Seinen Iinkai. 中間総括: -相模補給廠解体に向けて-. Chūkan sōkatsu: Sagami hokyūshō kaitai ni mukete. item_ID: 15176 PamphletID: 454 Pamphlet trying to disrupt the Sagami supply line. 中国のベトナム侵略とその背景: 関連資料付. 日本共産党中央委員会 出版局, 1979pp. 40. item_ID: 16860 PamphletID: 950 Chūgoku no betonamu shinryaku to sono haikei: Kanren shiryō tsuki. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1979, pp. 40. Pamphlet on China’s invasion to Vietnam, published by JCP. 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 469 朝鮮事変の解決をめぐる二つの方針. Chōsen jihen no kaiketsu o meguru futatsu no hōshin. item_ID: 14458 PamphletID: 247 Policies to take care of the North Korean disaster. 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国政府備忘録: アメリカ帝国主義侵略者が南 朝鮮を占領してから37年になるのと関連して, 朝鮮問題資料シリーズ 第69集. 東京: 在日本朝鮮人総聯合会社会局, 1982pp. 27. item_ID: 14436 PamphletID: 223 Chōsen minshushugi jinmin kyōwakoku seifu bibōroku: America teikoku shugi shinnyūsha ga Minami Chōsen o senryō shite kara 37 nen ni naru no to kanrenshite, Chōsen mondai shiryō shirīzu dai 69 shū. Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsenjin Sōrengōkai Shakaikyoku, 1982, pp. 27. Anti-American pamphlet from Pyongyang. 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国の30年. 東京: 在日本朝鮮人総聯合会中 央常任委員会, 1978pp. 88. item_ID: 14438 PamphletID: 225 Chōsen minshushugi jinmin kyōwakoku no 30 nen. Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsenjin Sōrengōkai Chūō Jōnin Iinkai, 1978, pp. 88. Pamphlet from Chōsen Sōren. 全斗カン政権による「スパイ」デッチ上げ死刑重刑判決弾劾!! Chon Do Han seiken ni yoru “supai” detchiage shikei jūkei hanketsu dangai!! item_ID: 16651 PamphletID: 850 Materials on zainichi South Korean “seijihan” and Chun Do Han’s suppression. There is a list of poltical prisoners, time table of events, name of support groups in Japan, etc. List of those responsible in printing is printed in the back page. 神山茂夫( 編 ). 天皇問題で転向する日共: -清水、宮本の天皇論を批判する-. item_ID: 15131 PamphletID: 436 Kamiyama, Shigeo (editor). Tennō mondai de tenkō suru nikkyō: Shimizu, Miyamoto no Tennō ron o hihan suru. Criticism of JCP emperor theory. 樋口篤三( 著 ). 同志たちのへの手紙: -自信をもって歴史の大道へ、階級部隊と前衛 部隊の形成のために-. item_ID: 16849 PamphletID: 939 Higuchi, Atsuzō (author). Dōshi tachi e no tegami: - Jishin o motte rekishi no daidō e, kaikyū butai to zen’ei butai no keisei no tame ni -. Proposal for formation of a new political organization, written by Higuchi Atsuzō. 470 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 全国富村さん支援委員会連合( 編 ). 富村控訴審闘争勝利のために. 東京: 全国富村さん支援委連合事 務局, 1972pp. 8. item_ID: 16844 PamphletID: 934 All Japan Tomimura-san Support Committee Alliance (editor). Tomimura kōsoshin tōsō shōri no tame ni. Tōkyō: Zenkoku Tomimura-san Shien I Rengō Jimukyoku, 1972, pp. 8. Pamphlet on Tomimura Junichi’s court struggle and support activity. 富村公判闘争の勝利のために:「東京タワー事件」. Tomimura kōhan tōsō no shōri no tame ni: “Tōkyō Tawā Jiken”. item_ID: 17055 PamphletID: 1063 Pamphlet includes a description about the Tōkyō Tawā Jiken, letters from Tomimura and letters to Tomimura from family members. 富村裁判 最終弁論集. 東京: 富村公判対策委員会, 1972pp. 47. Tomimura Saiban Saishū benronshū. Tōkyō: Tomimura Kōhan Taisaku Iinkai, 1972, pp. 47. item_ID: 17052 PamphletID: 1060 A collection of final oral proceedings by six peple at the Tomimura Saiban. 富村さんからの斗うアピール. 東京: 富村公判対策委員会, 1971 pp. 6. item_ID: 17057 PamphletID: 1065 Tomimura-san kara no tatakau apīru. Tōkyō: Tomimura Kōhan Taisaku Iinkai, 1971, pp. 6. Pamphlet includes messages from Tomimura to his supporters. 富村さん獄中書簡: ≪東京タワー事件≫. 大阪: 大阪 富村さんを支 援する会, 1971pp. 11. item_ID: 17059 PamphletID: 1067 Tomimura-san gokuchū shokan: <<Tōkyō Tawā jiken>>. Ōsaka: Ōsaka Tomimura-san o Shien suru Kai, 1971, pp. 11. Pamphlet contains two letters written by Tomimura in prison. Third copy in collection is incomplete. 富村さん獄中書簡: 東京タワー事件. 弘前富村さん支援委員会(準), 1971pp. 42. item_ID: 17060 PamphletID: 1068 Tomimura-san gokuchū shokan: Tōkyō Tawā jiken. Hirosaki Tomimura-san Shien Iinkai (jun), 1971, pp. 42. A collection of letters written by Tomimura in prison. 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 471 富村さん獄中書簡集:「7・8東京タワー決起」.東京: 東京富村さん支 援委員会事務局, 1971pp. 108. item_ID: 17058 PamphletID: 1066 Tomimura-san gokuchū shokanshū: “7.8 Tōkyō Tawā kekki”. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Tomimura-san Shien Iinkai Jimukyoku, 1971, pp. 108. A collection of letters written by Tomimura in prison. 富村氏の防衛の為に: 資料 No2. 沖縄: 沖縄富村氏を支援する会 (準),1970pp. 16. item_ID: 17054 PamphletID: 1062 Tomimura-shi no bōei no tame ni: Shiryō No 2. Okinawa: Okinawa Tomimura-shi o shien suru Kai (jun), 1970, pp. 16. Pamphlet includes summary of the second trial and also letters from Tomimura. 富村順一氏意見陳述集:「東京タワー事件」.東京: 富村公判対策委員 会, 1971pp. 35. item_ID: 17053 PamphletID: 1061 Tomimura Jun’ichi iken chinjutsu shū: “Tōkyō Tawā Jiken”. Tōkyō: Tomimura Kōhan Taisaku Iinkai, 1971, pp. 35. A collection of Tomimura’s opinion statements. 長野上田富村さん支援委( 編 ). 富村闘争勝利に向けて: 沖縄百万労農大衆の為に. item_ID: 16843 PamphletID: 933 Nagano Ueda Tomimura-san Support Commmittee (editor). Tomimura tōsō shōri ni mukete: Okinawa hyakuman rōnō taishū no tame ni. Pamphlet on Tomimura Junichi’s court struggle. ジャテック通信( 編 ). 「なぜ、そしてどのように、反戦市民は岩国の米軍解体運動にかかわっ てきたか」. item_ID: 16684 PamphletID: 870 JATEC Tsūshin (editor). “Naze, soshite dono yōni, hansen shimin wa Iwakuni no beigun kaitai undō ni kakawatte kitaka”. Pamphlet on the Iwakuni citizen’s movement against the U.S. military base. 新潟ベ平連8・15. Niigata Beheiren 8/15. item_ID: 16570 PamphletID: 826 Niigata Beheiren’s pamphlet focusing on several issues; Okinawa Zengunrō rally, Konishi Makoto’s 7/23 diary, Konishi Hangun Saiban Tōsō, Shutsunyūkoku Kanri Hōan, Okinawa Tōsō. 472 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 三里塚闘争に連帯する会( 編 ). 二期阻止・廃港へ: 政府の反対同盟解体攻撃をはね返し. 東京: 三里 塚闘争に連帯する会, 1982pp. 6. item_ID: 16692 PamphletID: 878 Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentaisuru Kai (editor). Niki soshi / haikō e: Seifu no hantai dōmei kaitai kōgeki o hanekaeshi. Tōkyō: Sanrizuka Tōsō ni Rentai suru Kai, 1982, pp. 6. Pamphlet on the “hanashiai mondai.” Includes statements made by the “…Rentai suru Kai” and few copies of newspaper articles. 日韓連帯神奈川民衆会議( 編 ). 日韓資料: 特集 日韓大陸棚協定. item_ID: 16654 PamphletID: 853 Nikkan Rentai Kanagawa Minshū Kaigi (editor). Nikkan shiryō: Tokushū Nikan Tairikudana Kyōtei. Materials on Nikkan Tairikudana Kyōtei. Inside are relevant materials on the issue from actual copy of the Treaty to excerpts from journals and newspapers. 釜山・馬山の韓国民衆決起に連帯する11月緊急行動実行委員会 ( 編 ). 日韓の支配体制をいまこそ撃て!: 11・30緊急大集会. item_ID: 16653 PamphletID: 852 Rising in Solidarity with the Korean People of Pusan and Masan November Emergency Action Committee (editor). Nikkan no shihai taisei o imakoso ute!: 11/30 kinkyū daishūkai. Pamphlet for 11/30 rally in 1979, criticizing the Korea-Japan establishment and calling for solidarity with the South Korean citizens’ uprise. 新宿労働者共闘( 編 ). 日本資本主義の再編過程. item_ID: 16561 PamphletID: 817 Shinjuku Laborers Joint Struggle (editor). Nihon shihonshugi no saihen katei. This pamphlet is an interpretation of Japan’s restructuring of Capitalism, i.e. economy and politics in the late 1960s up to the year 1970, edited by an organization called Shinjuku Rōdōsha Kyōtō. 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合( 編 ). 日本はこれでいいのか: -われわれの新しい市民運動のために-. 東京: 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合, 1980pp. 10. item_ID: 16709 PamphletID: 892 Nihon wa Kore de Iinoka Shimin Rengō (editor). Nihon wa korede iinoka: - Wareware no atarashii shimin undō no tame ni -. Tōkyō: Nihon wa kore de iinoka Shimin Rengō, 1980, pp. 10. Pamphlet on the fomation of a “new citizen’s movement,” or the “atarashii shimin undō” by the “Genjō o Kangaeru Hitobito no Kai.” 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 473 日本C.I食用塩調査会( 編 ). item_ID: 16536 食用塩問題シンポジウム、専売塩で日本民族は滅びるのか: 追求すべ PamphletID: 800 き品質・味・成分の変化. 東京都中野区: 日本C.I食用塩調査会, 1974 pp. 9. Japan C. I. Table Salt Resaerch Group (editor). Shoyōen mondai shinpojium, Senbaien de Nihon minzoku wa horobiru noka: Tsuikyū subeki hinshitsu, aji, seibun no henka. Nakano-ku, Tokyō: Nihon C.I Shokuyōen Chōsakai, 1974, pp. 9. A pamphlet contains five statements on salt written by five different authors. 樋口篤三( 著 ). 日本労働者階級の多数者獲得のために: 迫り来る階級決戦と戦略的中 心点. item_ID: 16850 PamphletID: 940 Higuchi, Atsuzō (author). Nihon rōdōsha kaikyū no tasūsha kakutoku no tameni: Semari kuru kaikyū kessen to senryakuteki chūshinten. Article on Japan’s working class written by Higuchi Atsuzō, in the journal “Kikan Rōdō Undō”, No. 32, November 1982. 「反核太平洋の日」3・1東京集会実行委員会( 編 ). “反核太平洋の日”3・1東京集会 資料集: 反核=反原発. item_ID: 15433 PamphletID: 555 “Hankaku Taiheiyō no Hi” 3/1 Tōkyō Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai (editor). “Hankaku Taiheiyō no Hi” 3/1 Tōkyō shūkai shiryōshū: Hankaku=Hangenpatsu. This is a pamphlet distributed for the “Hankaku Taiheiyō no Hi” rally in Tokyo on the 1st of March, 1982. Includes voices within and outside of Japan. 反原発科学者連合( 編 ). 反原発闘争の新段階と当面の任務. 大阪府: 反原発科学者連合, 1981pp. 22. item_ID: 16657 PamphletID: 856 Hangenpatsu Kagakusha Rengō (editor). Hangenpatsu tōsō no shindankai to tōmen no ninmu. Osaka: Han Genpatsu Kagakusha Rengō, 1981, pp. 22. Pamphlet on struggle against nuclear energy plant. Includes history of anti-nuclear movement in Japan starting from the mid 1960s until late 1980s. 反原発労働者行動実行委員会( 編 ). 反原労とは何か?: 反原子力週間へ向けての問題提起, 反原発と労 働運動 No.2. item_ID: 16656 PamphletID: 855 Han Genpatsu Rōdōsha Kōdō Jikkō Iinkai (editor). Hangenrō to wa nani ka?: Han genshiryoku shūkan e mukete no mondai teiki, Hangenpatsu to rōdō undō No. 2. Pamphlet on nuclear energy issues and involvement of labour unions in the 1980s. 474 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 反戦青空写真展通信 1970年8月: アンポ粉砕へ人間の渦巻き を 人間をつぶす アンポをつぶせ. item_ID: 15175 PamphletID: 453 Hansen aozora shashin-ten tsūshin 1970 nen 8 gatsu. Antiwar photographic exhibit. 反戦フォーク集. Hansen fōku shū. item_ID: 15171 PamphletID: 449 Antiwar Folk music collection. 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合( 編 ). ”反戦を読む・語る・視る”: 8・15 リードイン&スピークアウト集会. 東京: 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合, 1981pp. 16. item_ID: 16708 PamphletID: 891 Nihon wa Kore de Iinoka Shimin Rengō (editor). “Hansen o yomu, kataru, miru”: 8/15 Rīdo-in & Supīku-auto shūkai. Tōkyō: Nihon wa kore de iinoka Shimin Rengō, 1981, pp. 16. Collection of sentences the participants of this 40th anniversary rally of the openning of the Pacific War chose to speak on the idea of “Hansen,” or “anti-war.” 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合( 編 ). ”反戦を読む・語る・視る”: 8・15リードイン&スピークアウト集会 . item_ID: 16856 PamphletID: 946 Nihon wa Kore de Iinoka Shimin Rengō (editor). “Hansen o yomu, kataru, miru”: 8.15 rīdoin & supīku auto shūkai. Pamphlet for the 50th anniversary of Manshū Jihen and 40th anniverysary of the opening of Pacific War 8/15 rally called “Hansen o Yomu, Kataru, Miru.” 革命的共産主義者同盟( 編 ). 「一坪再共有化」に全面的に反対する : 反対同盟と全国のたたか う人びとへの訴え. 東京: 革命的共産主義者同盟, 1983pp. 10. item_ID: 16541 PamphletID: 805 Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (editor). “Hitotsubo sai kyōyūka” ni zenmenteki ni hantai suru: Hantai Dōmei to zenkoku no tatakau hitobito eno uttae. Tōkyō: Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei, 1983, pp. 10. A pamphlet makes a protest against some people who promotes “hitotsubo kyōyūka.” 被爆二十二周年原水爆禁止世界大会実行委員会( 編 ). 被爆二十二周年原水爆禁止世界大会基調: 一九六七年八月 広島・ 長崎. item_ID: 16862 PamphletID: 952 Atomic Bomb 22nd Anniversary Prohibit the Atomic Bomb World Congress Action Committee (editor). Hibaku 22 shūnen gensuibaku kinshi sekai taikai kichō: 1967 nen 8 gatsu Hiroshima, Nagasaki. 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 475 Pamphlet for the 22nd anniversary Gensuibaku Kinshi Sekai Takai held in 1967. Includes slogans and keynote address. ピョンヤン学生少年芸術団: 第2回日本公演. Pyonyan gakusei shōnen geijutsudan: Dai nikai Nihon kōen. item_ID: 14445 PamphletID: 233 Pamphlet from North Korea. 平壌産院. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1981pp. 32. Pyonyan san’in. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1981, pp. 32. item_ID: 14442 PamphletID: 230 Pamphlet from North Korea. 平壌地下鉄. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1980pp. 40. Pyonyan chikatetsu. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1980, pp. 40. item_ID: 14443 PamphletID: 231 Pamphlet from North Korea. 原発はいらない!大田の会( 編 ). 「広島」 を語りつごう: 1982・3・21ヒロシマ行動, 反核・反原発パ ンフNo.4. item_ID: 15434 PamphletID: 556 Genpatsu wa Iranai! Ōta no Kai (editor). “Hiroshima” o kataritsugō: 1982/3/21 Hiroshima kōdō, Hankaku, Hangenpatsu panfu No. 4. Collection of newspaper articles covering the “82 nen Heiwa no tame no Hiroshima Kōdō” on March 21st, 1982. 便覧 中国旅行. Binran Chūgoku ryokō. item_ID: 16891 PamphletID: 981 Travel guide to China, published by a travel agency. 金大中氏らを殺すな首都圏緊急運動( 編 ). 米日韓の新たな攻勢に反撃を!金大中氏らを殺すな首都圏緊急運動, 1980. item_ID: 15393 PamphletID: 539 Kimu Dejun-shi ra o Korosuna Shutoken Kinkyū Undō (editor). Bei-Nichi-Kan no arata na kōgeki ni hangeki o!. Kimu Dejun-shi ra o Korosuna Shutoken Kinkyū Undō, 1980, . Pamphlet criticizing Chun Du Huan’s reactionary oppression against political activists, especially Kim Dejung. 476 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 法政大学ベ平連( 編 ). 「ベ平連」の解散と我々の立場および今後の方向性について: 反戦 市民運動「全国懇談会」に向けてのアピール. 東京: 法政大学ベ平連, 1973pp. 23. item_ID: 16569 PamphletID: 825 Hōsei University Beheiren (Peace to Vietnam Alliance) (editor). “Beheiren” no kaisan to wareware no tachibkaibi kongo no hōkōsei ni tsuite: Hansen shimin undō “Zenkoku Kondankai” ni mukete no apīru. Tokyo: Hōsei Daigaku Beheiren, 1973, pp. 23. Copy of appeal made to the participants of “Hansen Shimin Undō Zenkoku Kondankai.” Mainly regarding the issue of disbanding Beheiren and their own faction’s role in the future. 冒頭陳述集: 三里塚3.26闘争山陰三戦士. 松江市: 山陰3.26 三里塚の闘いを支持する会, 1979pp. 53. item_ID: 15132 PamphletID: 437 Bōtō chinjutsu shū: Sanrizuka 3/26 tōsō san’in sansen shi. Matsue-shi: Sanin 3.26 Sanrizuka no Tatakai o Shiji suru kai, 1979, pp. 53. The initial statement of the defendants in the 3/26 Sanrizuka trial. ホステルABC: 新しく入会する方のために. Hosuteru abc: Atarashiku nyūkai suru kata no tame ni. item_ID: 16880 PamphletID: 970 Guide for initial hostel users in Japan. マンギョンデ. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1973pp. 39. Mangyonde. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1973, pp. 39. item_ID: 14444 PamphletID: 232 Pamphlet from North Korea. 東京弁護士会拘禁二法案対策本部( 編 ). 無実を叫ぶ 声が届かない: 無実の者を犯人にでっち上げる代用監 獄(警察留置場)の廃止をめざして刑事施設法・留置施設法を阻止し よう. 東京: 東京弁護士会, 1982pp. 32. item_ID: 16565 PamphletID: 821 Tokyo Lawyers Guild Two Detention Policy Bills Central Section (editor). Mujitsu o sakebu Koe ga todokanai: Mujitsu no mono o han’nin ni decchiageru daiyō kangoku (keisatsu ryūchi jō) no haishi o mezashite keiji shisetsu hō, ryūchi shisetsu hō o soshi shiyō. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Bengoshikai, 1982, pp. 32. Pamphlet describing how the “daiyō kangoku” is a place where human rights is ignored, and from there criticizing the two bills that would allow for the continuation of the “daiyō kangoku” system. ヤン・イークスと共に。.ベトナムに平和を!市民連合, 1971pp. 14. Yan Īkusu to tomoni. Betonamu ni Heiwa o! Shimin Rengō, 1971, pp. 14. item_ID: 16855 PamphletID: 945 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 477 Pamphlet on an anti-war activist named “Yan Īkusu,” acting against the drafting system. Includes an article by him in Japanese, personal history, article written by a Japanese, etc. 優生保護法改悪阻止のための基礎資料. Yūsei Hogo Hō kaiaku soshi no tame no kiso shiryō. item_ID: 16645 PamphletID: 844 Pamphlet on the issue of revision of “Yūsei Hogo Hō” and legality of abortion. Includes a copy of pamphelt distributed by an LDP politician Murakami, a copy of Diet discussions, statement of opposition by Nihon Bosei Hogoi Kyōkai, Nihon Kango Kyōkai, and Nihon Kazoku Keikaku Renmei. Difficult to determine the editor/ publisher. 反帝労働運動研究会( 編 ). よびおこせ、反核の声 起て、反原発の闘いに!: エネルギー戦略と対 決する労働運動, 80年安保と闘うために No.2. item_ID: 16658 PamphletID: 857 Anti Imperialist Labor Movement Research Group (editor). Yobiokose, hankaku no koe Tate, hangenpatsu no tatakai ni!: Enerugī senryaku to taiketsu suru rōdō undō, 80 nen anpo no tatakau tame ni No. 2. Pamphlet on the issue of nuclear energy and labour movement. Includes articles written by Miyajima Nobuo and Matsuo Kei. 韓国民主化支援緊急世界大会事務局( 編 ). 李應魯 UNG-NO, LEE: 1981・東京. item_ID: 15370 PamphletID: 538 Kankoku Minshuka Shien Kinkyū Sekai Taikai Jimukyoku (editor). Ri Ōro UNG-NO, LEE: 1981 Tokyo. This pamphlet includes Lee’s arts, his bibliography, and comments made by Ichirō Hariu. 田村孟( 著 ). 連合赤軍(仮題):準備稿. item_ID: 16706 PamphletID: 889 Tamura, Takeshi (author). Rengō Sekigun (Kadai): Junbikō. Scenario of a play provisionally titled “Rengō Sekigun,” written by Tamura and directed by Hasegawa Kazuhiko. 労戦統一 未練の波止場: みんなで乗ればコワクナイ?? Rōsen tōitsu Miren no hatoba: Minna de noreba kowakunai?? item_ID: 16846 PamphletID: 936 Draft of an appeal to withdraw the “Rōsen Tōitsu” proposal. Difficult to identify the writer. 478 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 日韓連帯連絡会議( 編 ). ロッキード汚職と日韓関係. item_ID: 16650 PamphletID: 849 Japan Korea Solidarity Liaison Conference (editor). Rokkīdo oshoku to nikkan kankei. Copy of article written by Wada Haruki, titled “Rokkīdo Mondai to Nikkan Kankei.” 新宿ベ平連( 編 ). ロナルド・マクリーン氏に関する裁判関係資料集. item_ID: 16562 PamphletID: 818 Shinjuku Beheiren (Peace to Vietnam Alliance) (editor). Ronarudo Makurīn-shi ni kansuru saiban kankei shiryōshū. This pamphlet is a collection of materials on the court case of an American citizen named “Ronald MacLean” in 1970. 私たちとベトナムをつなぐ米タン. Watashi tachi to Betonamu wo tsunagu Beitan. item_ID: 16552 PamphletID: 816 A pamphlet describes about the rail transport of American military tank. 栗原貞子( 編 ). 私は広島を証言する: 栗原貞子詩集. 祇園町: 詩集刊行の会, 1967pp. 76. item_ID: 16861 PamphletID: 951 Kurihara, Sadako (editor). Watashi wa hiroshima o shōgen suru: Kurihara sadako shishū. Gionchō: Shishū Kankō no kai, 1967, pp. 76. Collection of poems written by Kurihara Sadako on Hiroshima and Atomic Bomb. The United League of Sanrizuka and Shibayama Farmers Against the New Tokyo International Airport( 編 ). The New Tokyo International Airport: A Public Menace item_ID: 16691 PamphletID: 877 The United League of Sanrizuka and Shibayama Farmers Against the New Tokyo International Airport (editor). The New Tokyo International Airport: A Public Menace Pamphlet on the Sanrizuka struggle written in English by “The United League of Sanrizuka and Shibayama Farmers Against the New Tokyo International Airport.” 日韓連帯神奈川民衆会議( 編 ). YH貿易労組の闘い. item_ID: 15402 PamphletID: 548 Nikkan Rentai Kanagawa Minshū Kaigi (editor). YH Bōeki rōso no tatakai. Mostly newspaper and some magazine articles on YH Bōeki printed and put together in to this pamphlet. 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 479 Michi 6. Michi 6. item_ID: 16882 PamphletID: 972 This pamphlet seems to be a collection of writings of students in a certain high school at the fringe of 100th anniversary of Meiji period in 1967. 写真集 Photographs Photographs in the collection may only be viewed on site, and may not be reproduced without special permission. ベ平連デモ写真 Beheiren demo shashin item_ID: 16404 PhotoID: 12 This set contains 142 black and white photos from Beheiren demonstrations in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It is from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. Photographs in the collection may only be viewed on-site, and may not be reproduced without special permission. ベ平連デモ写真2 Beheiren demo shashin 2 item_ID: 16445 PhotoID: 22 This set contains two large monochrome photos from a Beheiren demonstration. They are from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. Photographs in the collection may only be viewed on-site, and may not be reproduced without special permission. 古屋(白倉)能子の写真 Furuya (Shirakura) Yoshiko no shashin item_ID: 16406 PhotoID: 13 This is a photo of Furuya Yoshiko as a young woman in what appears to be a wartime uniform. Photographs in the collection may only be viewed on-site, and may not be reproduced without special permission. 古屋能子、ベ平連活動写真 Furuya Yoshiko, Beheiren katsudō shashin item_ID: 16402 PhotoID: 10 This set of 21 black and white photos chronicles some of Furuya Yoshiko’s activities in Beheiren and is part of the Furuya-Aihara subcollection. Most of the photos show her collecting money for Beheiren in Shinjuku Station, but some street demonstration activity is also shown. Photographs in the collection may only be viewed on-site, and may not be reproduced without special permission. 古屋能子、古屋千有、古屋公人、他 Furuya Yoshiko, Furuya Chiari, Furuya Kimito, hoka item_ID: 16392 PhotoID: 2 This set contains 475 family photographs of the Furuya family, both color and black and white. They are from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection, which includes the family papers of the Furuya family. Photographs in the collection may only be viewed on-site, and may not be reproduced without special permission. 480 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 古屋能子関係写真 1 Furuya Yoshiko Kankei Shashin 1 item_ID: 16413 PhotoID: 20 This is a large format black and white photo from the Aihara-Furuya collection. Photographs in the collection may only be viewed on-site, and may not be reproduced without special permission. 古屋能子関係写真2 Furuya Yoshiko kankei shashin 2 item_ID: 16422 PhotoID: 21 This is a set of 11 large black and white photos from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. Photographs in the collection may only be viewed on-site, and may not be reproduced without special permission. 古屋能子関係写真ネガ Furuya Yoshiko kankei shashin nega item_ID: 16446 PhotoID: 23 This item contains negatives for many of the photos from the Aihara-Furuya collection. Photographs in the collection may only be viewed on-site, and may not be reproduced without special permission. ポスター Posters 1968年を新宿で語りあかそう 1968nen o Shinjuku de katari akasō item_ID: 16479 Poster_ID: 33 This poster advertises a Beheiren-sponsored event on December 25, 1968, which featured a documentary about anti-war activities in Osaka, a Beheiren play, and a teach-in with Oda Makoto, Iida Momo, Fukasaku Mitsutada and Furuya Yoshiko. The event was sponsored by Shinjuku Beheiren. The poster was in Furuya Yoshiko’s materials. 中曽根をたおす。無党派市民連合 Nakasone o taosu. Mutōha shimin rengō item_ID: 16475 Poster_ID: 29 This is a political poster supporting the Mutōha Shimin Rengo (Non-Party Citizens’ League, which campaigned in an effort to topple Nakasone and the LDP. The poster also carries the slogans “Smash Ampo” and “Turn Sanrizuka into a nature preserve.” This is also from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. 無党派市民連合 Mutōha shimin rengō item_ID: 16474 Poster_ID: 28 This is an election poster for the Non-Party (Mutōha) Citizens’ League candidates running in the national constituency for the Upper House of the Diet. It is from the Aihara-Furuya subcollection. 相原・古屋(あいはら・ふるや)文書 Aihara-Furuya Sub-Collection ❖ 481 講演会「七〇年六月・・!」 Kōenkai “nanajūnen rokugatsu. !” item_ID: 16480 Poster_ID: 34 This poster advertises a lecture event to be held June 6-7, 1970, sponsored by Shinjuku Beheiren. The speakers included Akita Akehiro, Oda Makoto, Konishi Makoto, and Saishu Satoru. It is from Furuya Yoshiko’s materials. 武石和実(たけいしかずみ)文書 Takeishi Kazumi Sub-Collection 武石和実氏は1960年代後半から70年代前半にかけて第四インターナショナル日本 支部(通称:第四インター) という新左翼の一部として抗 議活動を続けた団体に所属してい た学生活動家でした。氏は後に沖縄に引っ越し、出版、古書販売に携わり現地の労働運動、 米軍基地問題の運動に参加して いました。武石文書は第四インターナショナルの出版物、 そして1970年代、80年代の沖縄における社会運動に関する数多くの資料を有してい ます。 Takeishi Kazumi was a student activist during the late 1960s and early 1970s who participated in the organization Dai Yon Intānashonaru, Nihon shibu (Fourth International, Japan branch, nicknamed Dai Yon Intā), which engaged in protest activities as part of the Japanese New Left. He later moved to Okinawa, where he became a publisher and was active in local labor and anti-base movements. The Takeishi sub-collection contains publications from Dai Yon Intānashonaru plus extensive primary materials from social movements in Okinawa during the 1970s and 1980s. ファイル Folders アジア諸国における学生運動に関する雑誌記事 Ajia shokoku ni okeru gakusei undō ni kansuru zasshi kiji Asian Countries’ Student Movements magazine clippings item_ID: 16910 FolderID: 281 Magazine clipping about student movements in Asian countries. アジア政治犯資料 Ajia seijihan shiryō Asian political criminals item_ID: 16915 FolderID: 285 Materials on Asians convicted of political crimes. アムネスティ関係資料 Amunesuti kankei shiryō Amnesty International materials item_ID: 16904 FolderID: 277 Materials on Amnesty International. 石橋印刷・事務機社労働組合資料 item_ID: 16914 Ishibashi Insatsu, Jimuki sha rōdō kumiai shiryō FolderID: 284 Ishibashi Printing and Office Equipment Company labor union materials Materials about a labor union dispute at a company called Ishibashi Printing and Office Equipment. 映画自主上映運動関係資料 Eiga Jishu Jōei Undō Kankei Shiryō Free Film Screening Movement materials item_ID: 15471 FolderID: 199 483 484 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors This folder contains a large amount of miscellaneous materials about the Free Film movement. 映画関係資料 Eiga kankei shiryō Film materials item_ID: 16908 FolderID: 280 Materials about films. 労働組合闘争関係資料 Rōdō kumiai tōsō kankei shiryō Labor Union Struggle materials item_ID: 16942 FolderID: 298 This folder contains 20 items on labor union issues. 沖縄県職労ゆうな学園闘争 Okinawa-ken Shokurō Yūna Gakuen Tōsō Okinawa Prefectural workers Yūna Gakuen Struggle item_ID: 15475 FolderID: 203 This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, clippings, and miscellaneous materials from the Okinawa prefectural workers’ Yūna Gakuen struggle. 沖縄県労働組合関係資料 Okinawa Ken Rōdō Kumiai Shiryō Okinawa Prefecture Labor Union materials item_ID: 13741 FolderID: 159 This folder contains a large number (103 items) of pamphlets, handbills, and miscellaneous materials from labor unions in Okinawa prefecture. They were collected by Takeishi Kazumi. 沖縄反戦闘争関係 Okinawa hansen tōsō kankei Okinawa anti-war struggles item_ID: 16906 FolderID: 278 Materials on Okinawa antiwar activities. 沖縄米軍基地反対運動関係資料 Okinawa beigun kichi hantai undō kankei shiryō Okinawa Anti-US Bases Movement materials item_ID: 16934 FolderID: 295 Materials on the anti-US Base movement in Okinawa which was a central issue in the reversion of Okinawa issue in the late sixties to 1972. 沖縄労働問題・組合運動関係 Okinawa rōdō mondai, kumiai undō kankei Okinawa labor problems and union movement item_ID: 16932 FolderID: 294 Folder of 34 items on Okinawan labor movements and labor unions. 武石和実(たけいしかずみ)文書 Takeishi Kazumi Sub-Collection ❖ 485 韓国・朝鮮関係資料 Kankoku, Chōsen kankei shiryō North and South Korea materials item_ID: 16898 FolderID: 274 Materials on North and South Korea. 公害・環境問題関係 Kōgai, kankyō mondai kankei Pollution and Environmental issues item_ID: 16896 FolderID: 272 A folder of materials on pollution and environmental issues. 国際運動関係資料 Kokusai undō kankei shiryō International movements item_ID: 16900 FolderID: 275 Folder of miscellaneous materials on international movements. 三里塚闘争関係 Sanrizuka tōsō kankei Sanrizuka Struggle materials item_ID: 16938 FolderID: 297 Materials on the protest movement at Narita Airport, known as the Sanrizuka movement. Sanrizuka is the name of the village covering part of the airport and was the center of a major opposition movement by the farmers that was supported by New Left organizations. 自衛隊反対運動関係 Jieitai hantai undō kankei Anti-Self-Defense Force movement item_ID: 16930 FolderID: 293 Materials on movements against the Self-Defense Force. CTS闘争関係 CTS tōsō kankei CTS (Central Terminal Station) movement materials item_ID: 16894 FolderID: 271 These materials concern a protest movement in Okinawa against the construction of large chemical and fuel storage facilities (Central Terminal Stations) in environmentally sensitive coastal areas. 十月革命に関する新聞記事 Jūgatsu Kakumei ni kansuru shinbun kiji October Revolution newspaper clippings Newspaper clippings about the October Revolution. item_ID: 16911 FolderID: 282 486 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 春闘関係資料 Shuntō kankei shiryō Spring Labor Offensive materials item_ID: 16935 FolderID: 296 Materials on the annual spring labor offensive. 試論・沖縄戦後史 Shiron, Okinawa sengo shi Postwar Okinawan history, thoughts item_ID: 16907 FolderID: 279 This folder contains 54 items on postwar Okinawan history. 第48回メーデーアピール Dai 48 kai Mēdē Apīru 48th May Day Appeals item_ID: 13682 FolderID: 96 This folder contains handbills from the 48th annual May Day celebration. 第四インターナショナル Dai yon intānashonaru Fourth International item_ID: 16927 FolderID: 292 Materials on the Fourth International, a student organization in Japan affiliated with the international Trotskyite organization of the same name. 高橋悠治関係資料 Takahashi Yūji kankei shiryō Takahashi Yūji materials item_ID: 16917 FolderID: 287 This folder contains 15 items concerning Takahashi Yūji. 武石和美学習会資料 Takeishi Kazumi gakushūkai shiryō Takeishi Kazumi students meeting materials item_ID: 16916 FolderID: 286 A folder of meetings about a student assembly. 武石和実個人データ Takeishi Kazumi kojin dēta Takeishi Kazumi personal data item_ID: 16944 FolderID: 300 A folder of Takeishi Kazumi’s personal data. 武石和実書類 Takeishi Kazumi shorui Takeishi Kazumi documents A folder of Takeishi Kazumi’s personal documents. item_ID: 16943 FolderID: 299 武石和実(たけいしかずみ)文書 Takeishi Kazumi Sub-Collection ❖ 487 日本共産党関係資料 Nihon Kyōsantō kankei shiryō Japan Communist Party materials item_ID: 16902 FolderID: 276 Materials on the Japan Communist Party. 反原発関係資料 Han genpatsu kankei shiryō Anti-Nuclear materials item_ID: 16924 FolderID: 290 Materials on the anti-nuclear movement. 婦人運動関係資料 Fujin undō kankei shiryō Women’s Movement materials item_ID: 16920 FolderID: 289 Materials on the Women’s movement in Japan. 部落解放関係資料 Buraku kaihō kankei shiryō Buraku Liberation materials item_ID: 16926 FolderID: 291 Materials on the Buraku Liberation movement. 米日韓軍事同盟関係 Bei Nichi Kan gunji dōmei kankei US-Japan-Korea military alliance materials item_ID: 16897 FolderID: 273 Materials on the US-Japan-Korea military alliance. ベトナム解放運動関係資料 Betonamu kaihō undō kankei shiryō Vietnam Liberation Movement materials item_ID: 16919 FolderID: 288 Materials on the Vietnam Liberation movement. 読谷村平和運動 Yomitanson heiwa undō Yomitan village peace movement item_ID: 16912 FolderID: 283 Materials about a peace movement in Yomitan, Okinawa. 地図 Maps レジャー・ドライブ マップ 沖縄 Rejā, doraibu mappu Okinawa This is a road map of Okinawa from the Takeishi subcollection. item_ID: 16788 Map_ID: 7 488 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 平壌市案内図 Pyongyang shi annaizu item_ID: 16443 Map_ID: 3 This is a travel map of Pyongyang from the late 1980s. パンフレット Pamphlets 16mmビッグセレクション. 16m/m Big Selection. item_ID: 15155 PamphletID: 438 Film list of 16 mm films. 16m/mフィルムリスト. 16m/m film list: How I learnd to stop worrying and love the 16m/m film.. item_ID: 15162 PamphletID: 445 16 mm film list. 16m/m フィルムリスト: 松竹が選んだベスト作品ラインアップ. 16m/m firumu risuto: Shōchiku ga eranda besuto sakuhin rainappu. item_ID: 15157 PamphletID: 440 Film list of Shōchiku best 16 mm films. 16ミリフィルム貸し出しリスト. 16miri firumu kashidashi risuto. item_ID: 15158 PamphletID: 441 16 mm film rental list. 16ミリフィルムリスト No.20. 16 miri firumu risuto No.20. item_ID: 15161 PamphletID: 444 16 mm film list. 1974年度賃金労働条件調査表. 1974nendo chingin rōdō jōken chōsa hyō. item_ID: 16941 PamphletID: 999 Pamphlet includes data based on a survey on wages and labor conditions for 1974. 1978 フィルムレンタルカタログ: 16m/m ノン-シアトリカル. 1978 Firum rentaru catarogu: 16m/m Non-Shiatorikaru. 16mm Film rental catalog of non-theatrical films. item_ID: 15160 PamphletID: 443 武石和実(たけいしかずみ)文書 Takeishi Kazumi Sub-Collection ❖ 489 7★19ニカラグア革命勝利2周年 ラテンアメリカ人民連帯集会. 埼玉: ラテンアメリカ人連帯・チリ反革命ピノチェット来日阻止実行委 員会, 1981pp. 8. item_ID: 16901 PamphletID: 983 7*19 Nikaragua Kakumei shōri 2 shūnen Raten Amerika jinmin rentai shūkai. Saitama: Raten Amerikajin Rentai, Chiri Han Kakumei Pinochetto Rainichi Soshi Jikkō Iinkai, 1981, pp. 8. A pamphlet distributed at a meeting celebrating Nicaragua’s second anniversary of their revolutional victory. 70年代の強制連行. 70 nen dai no kyōsei renkō. item_ID: 14939 PamphletID: 345 Pamphlet on forced labor in the 1970s. 74年春闘集約. 74 nen shuntō shūyaku. item_ID: 14933 PamphletID: 339 1974 Spring labor offensive summary. 沖縄県ホテル労働組合共闘会議( 編 ). 七五春斗総括(案).沖縄: 沖縄県ホテル労働組合共闘会議, 1975 pp. 7. item_ID: 16548 PamphletID: 812 Okinawa Prefecture Hotel Labor Union Joint Conference (editor). 75 Shuntō sōkatsu (an). Okinawa: Okinawa-ken Hoteru Rōdō Kumiai Kyōtō Kaigi, 1975, pp. 7. A pamphlet for Okinawa-ken Hoteru Rōdōkumiai Kyōtō Kaigi held on July 5, 1975. 75戦う春闘を: 情勢の特徴と闘いの指針. 東京: 労働者学習協会, 1975pp. 38. item_ID: 14866 PamphletID: 326 75 tatakau shuntō o: Jōsei no tokuchō to tatakai no shishin. Tōkyō: Rōdōsha Gakushū Kyōkai, 1975, pp. 38. Women’s issues in the 1975 spring labor offensive. 76春闘の力を 政府・資本との総対決へ!: 3・28春斗討論集会 基調報告. item_ID: 16936 PamphletID: 996 76 shuntō no chikara o Seifu, shihon to no sōtaiketsu e!: 3.28 shuntō tōron shūkai kichō hōkoku. A pamphlet reporting on the 3.28 shuntō discussion meeting. 490 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 76年「世界革命」週刊化のために, 討議資料. 中央機関支局, 1975pp. 16. item_ID: 15027 PamphletID: 361 76 nen “Sekai Kakumei” shūkanka no tame ni, Tōgi shiryō. Chūō Kikanshi Kyoku, 1975, pp. 16. Materials about making Sekai Kakumei a weekly publication. 77運動方針(案):自治労北部総支部第3回定期大会. 77 undō hōshin (an): Jichirō hokubu sō shibu dai 3 teiki taikai. item_ID: 15030 PamphletID: 364 Policy plan for the 1977 movement. 労働者教育協会( 編 ). 77年春闘学習・教宣資料集. 東京: 学習の友社, 1976pp. 48. item_ID: 14867 PamphletID: 327 Rōdōsha Kyōiku Kyōkai (editor). 77 nen shuntō gakushū-kyūsen shiryōshu. Tōkyō: Gakushūno Tomo Sha, 1976, pp. 48. Study materials for the 1977 spring labor offensive. 78運動方針(案)団結: 自治労名護市職第7回定期大会. 78 undō hōshin (an) danketsu: Jichirō Nago-shishoku dai 7kai teiki taikai. item_ID: 15031 PamphletID: 365 Policy plan for 1978 movement. アジアの女性は団結してたちあがろう. 東京: 反日闘争連帯アジア青 年集会シンポジウム実行委員会, 1974pp. 36. item_ID: 14831 PamphletID: 307 Ajia no josei wa danketsu shite tachiagarō. Tōkyō: Hannichi Tōsō Rentai Ajia Seinen Shūkai Shinpojiumu Jikkōiinkai, 1974, pp. 36. Pamphlet rallying Asian women. 新しい全国婦人組織をを結成しよう。:<仮称、社会主義婦人同盟>. 東京: 婦人通信編集委員会, 1978pp. 8. item_ID: 16922 PamphletID: 990 Atarashii zenkoku fujin soshiki o kessei shiyō.: <Kashō, Shakai Shugi Fujin Dōmei>. Tōkyō: Fujin Tsūshin Henshū Iinkai, 1978, pp. 8. A pamphlet about forming a new national women’s organization. アムネスティに関するハンドブック. Amunesuti ni kansuru hando bukku. item_ID: 16905 PamphletID: 986 This is a Japanese translation of a handbook about Amnesty International originally publised in March, 1971 by the International Office located in London. 武石和実(たけいしかずみ)文書 Takeishi Kazumi Sub-Collection ❖ 491 婦人通信編集委員会( 編 ). item_ID: 14830 アメリカ共産党「性の政治学」に狼狽す-キャロライン・ランド 「性の PamphletID: 306 囚人」にたいする反批判-リンダ・ジェネス. 東京: 婦人通信編集委員会, 1972pp. 23. Fujin Tsūshin Henshū Iinkai (editor). America Kyōsantō “sei no seiji gaku” ni rōbai su - Kyarorain-Rando, “sei no shūjin” ni taisuru hanhihan - Rinda Jenesu. Tōkyō: Fujin Tsūshin Henshū Iinkai, 1972, pp. 23. Pamphlet about an argument over the American Communist Party’s gender politics. 怒りと力を福島へ: 帝国主義と対決する階級的労働運動の旗をなび かせよう. item_ID: 15207 PamphletID: 485 Ikari to chikara o Fukushima e: Teikoku shugi to taiketsu suru kaikyū teki rōdō undō no hata o nabikaseyō. Labor union pamphlet focused on Fukushima. 西岡智( 編 ). 石川君は無実だ: 狭山差別裁判の真相. 大阪: 狭山差別裁判取消し、 無実の石川一雄即時釈放要求中央闘争委員会, 1974pp. 64. item_ID: 14833 PamphletID: 309 Nishioka, Satoru (editor). Ishikawa kun wa mujitsu da: Sayama sabetsu saiban no shinsō. Ōsaka: Sayama Sabetsu Saiban Torikeshi, Mujitsu no Ishikawa Kazuo Sokuji Shakuhō Yōkyū Chūō Tōsō Iinkai, 1974, pp. 64. Pamphlet proclaiming innocence of Ishikawa, the defendant in the Sayama Jiken. いのちとくらしを守り危機をのりこえる国民春闘を: 78春闘の基本方 針(案). item_ID: 14934 PamphletID: 340 Inochi to kurashi o mamori kiki o norikoeru kokumin shuntō o. Pamphlet for 1974 spring labor offensive. 日本革命的共産主義者同盟(第四インターナショナル日本支部)中央 書記局( 編 ). 今こそ労働者・農民の政府を: 光州人民蜂起連帯! 一切の資本家政 府を倒せ! 自民党単独支配体制の崩壊と第四インターナショナルの 政策. 東京: 新時代社, 1980pp. 26. item_ID: 14946 PamphletID: 352 Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (Dai-yon Intānashonaru Nihon Shibu) Chūō Shokikyoku (editor). Ima koso rōdōsha, nōmin no seifu o: Kōshū jinmin hōki rentai! Issai no shihonka seifu o taose! Jimintō tandoku shihai taisei no hōkai to Dai Yon Intānashonaru no seisaku. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1980, pp. 26. Pamphlet advocating an insurrection by workers and farmers. 492 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 石橋印刷・事務機社労働組合( 編 ). 印刷労働者の職業病. item_ID: 15267 PamphletID: 496 Ishibashi Insatsu, Jimukisha Rōdō Kumiai (editor). Insatsu rōdōsha no shokugyōbyō. This pamphlet is costituted of two essays, one written by Yoshiharu Nakamura and other written by Guenter Moch, on the kind of labours the printing workers go through and the diseases coming with the job. インタビュー 遠いベトナム ・グエン・アン・チュン レモンと爆弾 井上澄夫. item_ID: 15041 PamphletID: 375 Intabyū tōi Betonamu Guen An Chun remon to bakudan Itō Sumio. Interview with Itō Sumio about Vietnam. 又吉英仁( 編 ). 海ゆかば水漬く屍. 幸喜良秀, 1980pp. 11. item_ID: 14924 PamphletID: 337 Matayoshi, Hideto (editor). Umi yukaba mizuku kabane. Kōki Roshihide, 1980, pp. 11. Pamphlet by Kōki Roshihide. エドワード・エーベリング エリナ・マルクス・エーベリング 婦人問題. Edowādo Ēberingu, Erina Marukusu-Ēberingu fujin mondai. item_ID: 15510 PamphletID: 579 Women’s issues: Edward Ebling and Erina Marks-Ebling. 沖縄人権協会第五回定期総会議案書. 那覇: 沖縄人権協会, 1976pp. 23. item_ID: 14944 PamphletID: 350 Okinawa jinken kyōkai dai 5 kai teiki sōkai giansho. Naha: Okinawa Jinken Kyōkai, 1976, pp. 23. Proposals for the 5th Okinawan Human Rights general meeting. 階級・党・指導部: その弁証法的相互関係 レオン・トロツキー. Kaikyū, tō, shidō-bu: Sono benshōhō teki sōgo kankei Reon Torotsukī. item_ID: 14938 PamphletID: 344 Pamphlet on Trotsky’s ideas about class, party, and leadership. 春日庄次郎研究会会報 第一号. 東京: 春日庄次郎研究会, 1978pp. 64. item_ID: 15128 PamphletID: 433 Kasuga Shōjirō kenkyū kai kaihō dai ichi gō. Tōkyō: Kasuga Shōgirō Kenkyū Kai, 1978, pp. 64. First Report of the Kasuga Shōjirō Research Group. 武石和実(たけいしかずみ)文書 Takeishi Kazumi Sub-Collection ❖ 493 富山化学の公害輸出をやめさせる実行委員会( 編 ). 韓国民衆の不屈の戦いと日本, 日米韓問題を考えるために 1. 東京: 富山化学の公害輸出をやめさせる実行委員会, 1976pp. 22. item_ID: 14844 PamphletID: 320 Toyama Kagaku no Kōgai Yushutsu o Yamesaseru Jikkō Iinkai (editor). Kankoku minshū no fukutsu no tatakai to Nihon, Nichi-Bei-Kan mondai o kangaeru tame ni 1. Tōkyō: Toyama Kagaku no Kōgai Yushutsu o Yamesaseru Jikkō Iinkai, 1976, pp. 22. Pamphlet on Japan-US-Korean relations and Korean democracy. 看護制度改悪粉砕!: 労働者差別分断の更なる強化 日本看護協会 批判. item_ID: 14871 PamphletID: 331 Kango seidō kaiaku funsai!: Rōdōsha sabetsu bundan no saranaru kyōka, Nihon kango kyōkai hihan. Pamphlet opposing proposals worsening the labor situation for nurses. 議案書: 第5回定期大会. Giansho: Dai 5 kai teiki taikai. item_ID: 14942 PamphletID: 348 Proposals for the 5th congress. 基調: 第2回沖縄労働者討論集会. Kikyō: Dai 2 kai Okinawa rōdō-sha tōron shūkai. item_ID: 14935 PamphletID: 341 Materials from second Okinawa workers discussion meeting. “宜野湾市職労の闘い”: 反弾圧・反処分の闘いを-国家・資本・労働 官僚の処分に抗し共につくり、社会主義をめざす労働運動を. item_ID: 15129 PamphletID: 434 “Ginowan shi shokurō no tatakai”: Han dan’atsu, han shobun no tatakai o—kokka, shihon, rōdō kakuryō no shobun ni taishi tomo ni tsukuri, shakai shugi o mezasu rōdō undō o. Pamphlet from the Ginowan city workers union. 金芝河らを助ける会( 編 ). 金芝河 良心宣言. 東京: 金芝河らを助ける会, 1975pp. 32. item_ID: 14922 PamphletID: 335 Kim Jiha ra o Tasukeru Kai (editor). Kimu Jiha ryōshin sengen. Tōkyō: Kin Jiha ra o Tasukeru Kai, 1975, pp. 32. One more copy of this item is catalogues as Book Item #1359. 金芝河を殺すな! 全ての政治犯の釈放を!. Kimu Jiha o korosuna! Subete no seiji han no shakuhō o!. Pamphlet urging release of political prisoners in Korea. item_ID: 15202 PamphletID: 480 494 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 共同映画16m/mフィルムリスト No.27. Kyōdō eiga 16m/m firumu risuto no. 27. item_ID: 15156 PamphletID: 439 Film list of 16 mm films from Kyōdō Films. 全国救援活動者会議実行委員会( 編 ). 刑法改悪はすでに実施されている (その一).東京: 救援連絡セン ター, 1974pp. 18. item_ID: 15052 PamphletID: 387 Zenkoku Kyūensha Kaigi Jikkō Iinkai (editor). Keihō kaiaku wa sude ni jisshi sareteiru (sono ichi). Tōkyō: Kyūen Renraku Sentā, 1974, pp. 18. Pamphlet from Kyūen Renraku Sentā about negative changes to the criminal law part 1. 全国救援活動者会議実行委員会( 編 ). 刑法改悪はすでに実施されている (その二). 東京: 救援連絡セン ター, 1975pp. 22. item_ID: 15040 PamphletID: 374 Zenkoku Kyūensha Kaigi Jikkō Iinkai (editor). Keihō kaiaku wa sude ni jisshi sareteiru (sono ni). Tōkyō: Kyūen Renraku Sentā, 1975, pp. 22. Pamphlet from Kyūen Renraku Sentā about negative changes to the criminal law part 2. 自主講座原子力グループ( 編 ). 原子力発電ここが問題だ. 東京都: 自主講座原子力グループ, 1977pp. 44. item_ID: 15073 PamphletID: 409 Jishu kōza genshi ryoku gurūpu (editor). Genshiryoku hatsuden koko ga mondai da. Tōkyō: Jishu kōza genshi ryoku gurūpu, 1977, pp. 44. Pamphlet opposing nuclear power plants for electricity. 県労協再建委員会( 編 ). 県労協再建に関する指針(案). item_ID: 16549 PamphletID: 813 Prefectural Workers Union Reconstruction Committee (editor). Ken Rōkyō saiken ni kansuru shishin (an). A pamphlet discusses the organizational reconstruction of Ken Rōkyō. 県労協第二十二回定期大会( 編 ). 県労協第二十二回定期大会議案. Prefectural Workers Union 22nd Regular Convention (editor). Ken Rōkyō dai 22 kai teiki taikai gian. A pamphlet for the 22nd regular Ken Rōkyō meeting. item_ID: 16550 PamphletID: 814 武石和実(たけいしかずみ)文書 Takeishi Kazumi Sub-Collection ❖ 495 コミンテルン第三回大会で採用された戦術に関するテーゼ. Kominterun dai san kai taikai de saiyō sareta senjutsu ni kansuru tēze. item_ID: 15038 PamphletID: 372 Third Comintern congress theses. 「根拠地-解放への起点」:第2回理論シンポジウムの報告. “Konkyochi-kaihō e no kiten”: Dai 2 kai riron shinpojiumu no hōkoku. item_ID: 14940 PamphletID: 346 Announcement of second theoretical symposium. 雑誌のドイツ. 東京: 朝日出版社, 1980pp. 53. Zasshi no Doitsu (Zeitschruftendeutsch). Tōkyō: Asahi S huppansha, 1980, pp. 53. item_ID: 15033 PamphletID: 367 Germany in magazines. 参院選に対するわれわれの主張 ①: 二〇〇カイリ問題と共産主義 者の政策. item_ID: 16928 PamphletID: 992 San’insen ni taisuru wareware no shuchō 1: 200 kairi mondai to kyōsan shugisha no seisaku. A pamphlet claiming Dai yon Intānashonaru’s position on the House of Councilors’ (sangi’in) election. The content is an excerpt from “Sekai Kakumei” issue #475 and #476. 自衛隊上陸阻止のために. Jieitai jōriku soshi no tame ni. item_ID: 16931 PamphletID: 994 A pamphlet aruguing against the Jieitai coming in to Okinawa. 社会主義的民主主義とプロレタリア独裁: 第四インターナショナル統 一書記局決議. WR紙コムナール分会, 1977pp. 15. item_ID: 16929 PamphletID: 993 Shakai shugi teki minshu shugi to puroretaria dokusai: Dai yon Intānashonaru tōitsu shokikyoku ketsugi. WR shi komunāru bunkai, 1977, pp. 15. A pamphlet on socialist democracy and proletarian dictatorship. 社会主義的民主主義とプロレタリア独裁: 第四インターナショナル統 一書記局決議. WR紙コムナール分会, 1977pp. 15. item_ID: 14836 PamphletID: 312 Shakaishugiteki minshushugi to puroretaria dokusai: Dai Yon Intānashonaru tōitsu shokikyoku ketsugi. WR shi komunāru bunkai, 1977, pp. 15. Pamphlet on socialist democracy and dictatorship fo the proletariat. 496 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 社会主義婦人会議結成記念集会. Shakaishugi fujin kaigi kessei kinen shūkai: Shakai shugi fujin kaigi kessei kinen shūkai. item_ID: 16921 PamphletID: 989 A pamphlet on a meeting commemorating the forming of a socialism women’s meeting. 受講のしおり: 今日の学習は明日の力をつくりだす. Jukō no shiori: Kyō no gakushū wa asu no chikara o tsukuridasu. item_ID: 15203 PamphletID: 481 Pamphlet about today’s learning building tomorrow’s strength. 自主講座原子力グループ( 編 ). 使用済み核燃料再処理工場ここが問題だ. 東京都: 自主講座原子力 グループ, 1979pp. 48. item_ID: 15071 PamphletID: 407 Jishu kōza genshi ryoku gurūpu (editor). Shiyō zumi kakunenryō sai shori kōjō koko ga mondai da. Tōkyō: Jishu kōza genshi ryoku gurūpu, 1979, pp. 48. Pamphlet opposing reprocessing of nuclear fuel. 日本共産党中央委員会宣伝部( 編 ). 消費税はこんな悪税: 廃止するしかない. item_ID: 15060 PamphletID: 395 Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Sendenbu (editor). Shōhizei wa konna akuzei: Haishi suru shika nai. Pamphlet opposing the consumption tax. 職場でどうたたかうか: ―資本と権力の弾圧に対処するために―. Shokuba de dō tatakau ka: Shihon to kenryoku no dan’atsu ni taisho suru tame ni. item_ID: 15037 PamphletID: 371 How to fight at the workplace. 自立する団体として: ―政党・党派の介入とのたたかい―. 東京: 婦人 民主クラブ, 1983pp. 54. item_ID: 15058 PamphletID: 393 Jiritsu suru dantai to shite: Seitō, tōha no kainyū tono tatakai. Tōkyō: Fujin Minshu Kurabu, 1983, pp. 54. Pamphlet from Fujin Minshu Club as an independent organizaation. 日韓連帯会議ニュース編集部( 編 ). 資料「人民革命党事件」:家族の証言, 日韓連帯連絡会議パンフレッ トシリーズII. 東京: 日本の対韓政策を正し韓国民主化闘争に連帯す る日本連絡会議, 1974pp. 18. item_ID: 14863 PamphletID: 323 武石和実(たけいしかずみ)文書 Takeishi Kazumi Sub-Collection ❖ 497 Nikkan Rentai Nyūsu Henshū-bu (editor). Shiryō “Jinmin kakumei-tō jiken”: Kazoku no shōgen, Nikkan rentai renraku kaigi panfuretto shirīzu II. Tōkyō: Nihon no Taikan Seisaku o Tadashi Kankoku Minshuka Tōsō ni Rentai suru Nihon Renraku Kaigi, 1974, pp. 18. Pamphlet on family testimony about the North Korean people’s revolutionary party incident. 新宿騒乱罪裁判と闘う会( 編 ). 新宿騒乱罪裁判: 68・10・21 国際反戦デー・米タン阻止闘争, 資料集 No.1. item_ID: 15039 PamphletID: 373 Shinjuku Sōranzai to Tatakau Kai (editor). Shinjuku sōranzai saiban: 68/10/21 Kokusai hansen dē, Beitan soshi tōsō, Shiryōshū No. 1. Pamphlet on the Shinjuku Riot Trial. 水野義男( 訳 ) ( 訳 ). 政治犯の現状を訴える: 南ベトナム. 東京: 南ベトナム政治犯釈放要求 カトリック委員会, 1973pp. 15. item_ID: 14832 PamphletID: 308 Mizuno, Yoshio (translator). Seiji han no genjō o uttaeru: Minami Betonamu. Tōkyō: Minami Betonamu Seijihan Shakuhō Yōkyū Katorikku Iinkai, 1973, pp. 15. Status of political prisoners in South Vietnam. 日本革命的共産主義者同盟(第四インターナショナル日本支部)中央 委員会( 編 ). 政府危機の情勢とわれわれの政策: 「労働者統一戦線に基礎をおく 労働者・農民の政府を社・共は樹立せよ」.東京: 新時代社, 1976 pp. 23. item_ID: 14969 PamphletID: 356 Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (Dai-yon Intānashonaru Nihonshibu) Chūō Iinkai (editor). Seifu kiki no jōsei to wareware no seisaku: “Rōdosha tōitsu sensen ni kiso o oku Rōdōshanomin no seifu o sha-kyō wa juritsu seyo”. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1976, pp. 23. Policy for confronting the political crisis. 設立総会議案書: 読谷村民の平和運動を共に考える会. 読谷村民の 平和運動を共に考える会, 1987pp. 10. item_ID: 16913 PamphletID: 987 Setsuritsu sōkai giansho: Yomitansonmin no heiwa undō o tomo ni kangaeru kai. Yomitansonmin no heiwa undō o tomo ni kangaeru kai, 1987, pp. 10. This is a bill handed out at a foundational meeting. The pamphlet includes a program, copies of newspaper articles etc. 498 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 迫りくる冬を撃て!: 民団神奈川事務所不法占拠事件は何を意味するか. Semarikuru fuyu o ute!: Mindan Kanagawa jimusho fuhō senkyo jiken wa nani o imi suru ka. item_ID: 14864 PamphletID: 324 Pamphlet opposing the Mindan election process. 日本革命的共産主義者同盟(第四インターナショナル日本支部)中央 政治局( 編 ). 全労働者・人民による生活防衛の実力闘争を国家権力との総対決へ: 4月倒閣ゼネストを組織せよ. 東京: 新時代社, 1974pp. 26. item_ID: 14967 PamphletID: 354 Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (Dai-yon Intānashonaru Nihon Shibu) Chūō Seiji-kyoku (editor). Zen-rōdōsha, jinmin ni yoru seikatsu bōei no jitsuryoku o kokka kenryoku to no sō-taiketsu e: 4 gatsu tōkaku zenesuto o soshiki seyo. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1974, pp. 26. Pamphlet about protecting livelihood against state power. 第15回定期大会議案書: 青年婦人の統一と団結で生活と権利 平和 と民主主義を守ろう. item_ID: 14936 PamphletID: 342 Dai 15 kai teiki taikai giansho: Seinen fujin no tōitsu to danketsu de seikatsu to kenri heiwa to minshushugi o mamorō. Policy report from the 15th congress: unifying youth and women. 第16回中央委員会総会決定集. 日本共産党中央委員会出版局, 1977pp. 54. item_ID: 14932 PamphletID: 338 Dai 16 kai chūō iinkai sōkai tettei shū. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1977, pp. 54. JCP 16th Central Committee Meeting Decisions. 第29回定期大会: 1978年議案書. Dai 29 kai teiki taikai: 1978 nen giansho. item_ID: 15029 PamphletID: 363 1978 congress policy paper. 沖縄県労協青年部協議会( 編 ). 第2回沖縄県青年労働者研究集会方針. 県職労青年部, 1975 pp. 3. item_ID: 16551 PamphletID: 815 Okinawa Kenrōkyō Seinenbu Kyōgikai (editor). Dai 2kai Okinawa-ken Seinen Rōdōsha Kenkyū Shūkai Hōshin. Ken Shokurō Seinen-bu, 1975, pp. 3. A pamphlet for the 2nd Okinawa-ken Seinen Rōdōsha Kenkyū Shūkai. 武石和実(たけいしかずみ)文書 Takeishi Kazumi Sub-Collection ❖ 499 第3回臨時大会議案書. 食品労連 オキコ労働組合, 1978pp. 12. Dai 3 kai rinji taikai giansho. Shokuhin Rōren Okiko Rōdō Kumiai, 1978, pp. 12. item_ID: 16937 PamphletID: 997 A bill for the 3rd special meeting for the Shokuhin Rōren. 第5回九州住民闘争交流団結合宿. 九州住民闘争交流団結合宿運 営委員会, 1978pp. 18. item_ID: 16940 PamphletID: 998 Dai 5 kai Kyūshū jūmin tōsō kōryū danketsu gasshuku. Kyūshū Jūmin Tōsō Kōryū Danketsu Gasshuku Un’ei Iinkai, 1978, pp. 18. A pamphlet for the 5th camp for the people in Kyūshū fighting against various problems. 第7回総会議案書. Dai 7 kai sōkai giansho. item_ID: 15205 PamphletID: 483 Plans for the 7th general meeting. タイ人民連帯キャンペーンの呼びかけ. Tai jinmin rentai kyanpēn no yobikake. item_ID: 14845 PamphletID: 321 Call for solidarity with the Thai people. 反公害輸出通報センター 自主講座原子力グループ( 編 ). item_ID: 15127 太平洋を核のゴミ捨て場にするな!: 日本の核廃棄物海洋投棄ここが問 PamphletID: 432 題だ. 東京: 自主講座, 1981pp. 52. Han Kōgai Yushutsu Tsūhō Sentā Jishu Kōza Genshiryoku Gurūpu (editor). Taiheiyō o kaku no gomisuteba ni suruna!: Nihon no kaku haikibutsu kaiyō haiki koko ga mondai da. Tōkyō: Jishu Kōza, 1981, pp. 52. Pamphlet opposing the Pacific becoming a dumping ground for spent nuclear fuel. 日本革命的共産主義者同盟( 編 ). 第四インターナショナルは主張する: 三里塚闘争と社会主義をめざす 労働運動, 宣伝パンフ No.2. 東京: 新時代社, 1978pp. 60. item_ID: 15036 PamphletID: 370 Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyosan Shugisha Domei (editor). Dai Yon Intānashonaru wa shuchō suru: Sanrizuka tōsō to shakaishugi o mezasu rōdō undō, Senden panfu No.2. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1978, pp. 60. Dai Yon Inta’s Sanrizuka position. 500 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 団結: 全水道沖縄第6回定期大会. 全水道沖縄県企業局水道労働組 合, 1977pp. 128. item_ID: 15028 PamphletID: 362 Danketsu: Zen Suidō Okinawa dai 6 kai teiki taikai. Zen Okinawa-ken Kigyō-choku Suidō Rōdō Kumiai, 1977, pp. 128. All Okinawa water workers 6th general meeting. 中国のベトナム侵略とその背景: 平和と主権に挑戦する. 日本共産党 中央委員会出版局, 1979pp. 40. item_ID: 14838 PamphletID: 314 Chūgoku no Betonamu shinryaku to sono haikei: Heiwa to shuken ni chōsen suru. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1979, pp. 40. Background of China’s agression toward Vietnam. 在日韓国人政治犯を救済する家族・僑胞の会( 編 ). 鉄窓に光を: 在日韓国人政治犯と家族・友人の訴え. 東京: 在日韓国 人政治犯を救援する家族・僑胞の会, 1977pp. 87. item_ID: 15022 PamphletID: 358 Zainichi Kankokujin Seijihan o Kyusai suru Kazoku/Kyōhō no Kai (editor). Tetsumado ni hikari o: Zainichi kankokujin seijihan to kazoku, yūjin no uttae. Tōkyō: Zainichi Kankokujin Seijihan o Kyūen suru Kazoku/Kyōhō no Kai, 1977, pp. 87. Pamphlet supporting zainichi Korean political prisoners. 徹夜監視2年間: 相模補給廠監視団の記録. 相模原市: 相模補給廠 監視団, 1974pp. 61. item_ID: 15032 PamphletID: 366 Tetsuya kanshi 2 nenkan: Sagami hokyū shō kanshi dan no kiroku. Sagamihara-shi: Sagami Hokyūshō Kanshi Dan, 1974, pp. 61. Two years of all night watch at Sagami. 東京都労働組合活動家会議( 編 ). 東亜日報労働者に支援と連帯を!: 日韓労働者連帯・討論資料集 No2. 東京: 東京都労働組合活動家会議, 1975pp. 16. item_ID: 14842 PamphletID: 318 Tōkyō-to Rōdō Kumiai Katsudō-ka Kaigi (editor). Tōa Nippō rōdōsha ni shien to rentai o!: Nikkan rōdōsha rentai-tōron shiryōshū. Tōkyō: Tōkyō-to Rōdō Kumiai Katsudōka Kaigi, 1975, pp. 16. Pamphlet on solidarity with East Asian workers. 統一後三年のベトナム. Tōitsugo sannen no Betonamu. Three years after the reunification of Vietnam. item_ID: 14829 PamphletID: 305 武石和実(たけいしかずみ)文書 Takeishi Kazumi Sub-Collection ❖ 501 東京サミット粉砕カーター訪韓阻止闘争に立ち上ろう!: 討議資料. 東 京: 新時代社, 1979pp. 12. item_ID: 16903 PamphletID: 984 Tōkyō Samitto funsai Kātā hōkan soshi tōsō ni tachi agarō!: Tōgi shiryō. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1979, pp. 12. A pamphlet against the Tokyo Summit. 全国金属労働組合( 編 ). 倒産・首切りになったらどうしたらよいか. 東京: 労働教育センター, 1977pp. 48. item_ID: 14869 PamphletID: 329 Zenkoku Kinzoku Rōdō Kumiai (editor). Tōsan kubikiri ni nattara dō shitara yoi ka. Tōkyō: Rōdō Kyōiku Sentā, 1977, pp. 48. What to do in bankruptcy and firing cases. 富村順一氏の闘い: 東京タワー事件. 那覇: 全沖縄救援連絡センター, 1971pp. 10. item_ID: 14945 PamphletID: 351 Tomimura Jun’ichi shi no tatakai: Tōkyō tawā jiken. Naha: Zen Okinawa Kyūen Renraku Sentā, 1971, pp. 10. Pamphlet on the Tomimura Jun’ichi case. 南北共同声明と関連した資料, 朝鮮問題資料シリーズ第47集. 東 京: 在日本朝鮮人総聯合会中央常任委員会, 1972pp. 35. item_ID: 15062 PamphletID: 397 Nanboku kyōdō seimei to kanren shita shiryō, Chōsen mondai shiryō shirīzu dai 47 shū. Tōkyō: Zai Nihon Chōsenjin Sōrengōkai Chūō Jōnin Iinkai, 1972, pp. 35. Materials on the North South joint announcement. 日韓の黒いゆ着に民衆のメスを!!まき起こそう! ! 調査の渦!!:「市 民の手で日韓ゆ着をただす調査運動を」からあなたへの訴え. item_ID: 14923 PamphletID: 336 Nikkan no kuroi yuchaku ni minshū no mesu o!! Maki okosō!! Chōsa no uzu!!: “Shimin no te de Nikkan yuchaku o tadasu chōsa-undō o” kara anata e no uttae. Pamphlet about Japan-Korean relations problems. 日本環境会議 沖縄シンポジウム 報告要旨. Nihon kankyō kaigi Okinawa shinpojiumu Hōkoku yōshi. item_ID: 16895 PamphletID: 982 A summarized report of the Japan Environment Conference Okinawa Symposium. 502 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 日本共産党第14回大会決定集. 日本共産党中央委員会出版局, 1977pp. 85. item_ID: 14870 PamphletID: 330 Nihon Kyōsantō dai 14 kai kettei shū. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Shuppankyoku, 1977, pp. 85. JCP 14th congress decisions. 日本の守り. 防衛庁, 1979pp. 29. Nihon no mamori. Bōeichō, 1979, pp. 29. item_ID: 14834 PamphletID: 310 Pamphlet from the Defense Agency on protecting Japan. 反金日成運動の実態: 北韓の内幕. ソウル: 大韓民国海外公報館, 1976pp. 12. item_ID: 15061 PamphletID: 396 Han Kimu Iru Son undō no jittai: Hokkan no uchimaku. Seoul: Daikan Minkoku Kaigai Kōhōkan, 1976, pp. 12. The anti-Kim Il Song movement (pamphlet from South Korea. 菱川正雄( 著 ). 「反帝・反スタ論」批判: ー「反帝・反スターリニズム」世界革命戦略と 第四インターナショナルー. 那覇市: 第四インターナショナル日本支部 日本革命的共産主義者同盟 在沖縄臨時組織委員会, 1971 pp. 34. item_ID: 15025 PamphletID: 359 Hishikawa, Masao (author). “Hantei, hansuta ron” hihan: “Hantei, hansutārinizumu” sekai kakumei senryaku to Dai Yon Intānashonaru. Naha-shi: Dai Yon Intānashonaru Nihonshibu Nihon Kakumei teki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Zai Okinawa Rinji Soshiki Iinkai, 1971, pp. 34. Criticizing the anti-imperialism, anti-Stalin theory. 反帝社会主義の旗のもと74年の総対決へ!. 東京: 国際主義労働者委 員会(ILC)全国書記局, 1974pp. 120. item_ID: 14676 PamphletID: 303 Hantei shakaishugi no hata no moto nana jū nen no sōtaiketsu e!. Tōkyō: Kokusai Shugi Rōdōsha Iinkai (ILC) Zenkoku Shoki Kyoku, 1974, pp. 120. Pamphlet on anti imperialist socialism in 1974. 日本革命的共産主義者同盟(第四インターナショナル日本支部)中央 政治局( 編 ). 反帝・社会主義をめざす 労働者・農民の政府を樹立せよ: 田中自 民党政府の危機とわれわれの政策(案).東京: 新時代社, 1973 pp. 22. item_ID: 14968 PamphletID: 355 武石和実(たけいしかずみ)文書 Takeishi Kazumi Sub-Collection ❖ 503 Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (Dai-yon Intānashonaru Nihon Shibu) Chūō Seiji-kyoku (editor). Hantei-shakaishugi o mezasu Rōdōsha-nōmin no seifu o juritsu seyo: Tanaka Jimintō seifu no kiki to wareware no seisaku (an). Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1973, pp. 22. Pamphlet criticizing the Tanaka and the LDP. 金相泰( 著 ).朝鮮解放史研究会準備会( 編 ). 被抑圧者の手記: ある朝鮮プロレタリアの半生. 浦和: 朝鮮無産者社, 1971pp. 24. item_ID: 14920 PamphletID: 333 Kim, Sang Tae (author).Chōsen Kaihō-shi Junbi-kai (editor). Hi-yokuatsu sha no shuki: Aru Chōsen puroretaria no hansei. Urawa: Chōsen Musan-sha Sha, 1971, pp. 24. Notes from a victim of oppression in North Korea. 平壌の歴史と遺跡. 平壌: 外国文出版社, 1987pp. 15. Pyonyan no rekishi to iseki. Pyongyang: Gaikokubun Shuppansha, 1987, pp. 15. item_ID: 14919 PamphletID: 332 Pamphlet from North Korea. フォート・ジャクソンの八兵士: ベトナム反戦GI連合の闘争記録. Fōto-Jakuson no hachi heishi: Betonamu hansen GI rengō no tōsō kiroku. item_ID: 15026 PamphletID: 360 The anti Vietnam war Gis struggle report. コロニー労組公判対策委( 編 ). 福祉裁判に勝利し権力の不当性を暴け!: 福祉裁判資料 被告人意見 陳述. コロニー労組公判対策委, 1977. item_ID: 16712 PamphletID: 895 Colony Labor Dispute Trial Policy Committee (editor). Fukushi saiban ni shōri shi kenryoku no futōsei o abake!: Fukushi saiban shiryō Hikokunin ikenchinjutsu. Koronī Rōso Kōhan Taisakui, 1977. Collection of the defendants’ statements made at what is called the “Fukushi Saiban.” 不屈の民: 高橋悠治ピアノコンサート 1979. July in Okinawa. 高橋悠 治を聞く会, 1979pp. 6. item_ID: 16918 PamphletID: 988 Fukutsu no tami: Takahashi Yūji piano konsāto 1979. July in Okinawa. Takahashi Yūji o kikukai, 1979, pp. 6. A pamphlet distributed at Takahashi Yūji’s piano concert. There is also a report on this concert in holdings. (PAM311) 504 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 不屈の民: 高橋悠治ピアノコンサート 1979.July in Okinawa 報告集. 高橋悠治を聞く会, 1979pp. 28. item_ID: 14835 PamphletID: 311 Fukutsu no tami: Takahashi Yūji piano consāto 1979.July in Okinawa hōkokushū. Takahashi Yūji o kikukai, 1979, pp. 28. The actual pamphlet distributed at the concert is also in holdings. (PAM988) 婦人行動隊とともに-三利塚三月開港阻止へ!. 東京: 婦人通信編集 委員会, 1978pp. 16. item_ID: 16923 PamphletID: 991 Fujin Kōdōtai totomoni Sanrizuka 3 gatsu kaikyo hoshi e: Fujin kōdōtai to tomo ni — Sanrizuka sangatsu kaikō soshi e!. Tōkyō: Fujin Tsūshin Henshū Iinkai, 1978, pp. 16. A pamphlet about preventing the opening of the Sanrizuka port in March. 西岡智( 編 ). 部落の兄弟の明日の夜明けの導火線としての完全無罪判決を!: 石 川一雄最終意見陳述. 大阪: 狭山差別裁判取消し、無実の石川一雄 即時釈放要求中央闘争委員会, 1974pp. 64. item_ID: 15072 PamphletID: 408 Nishioka, Satoru (editor). Buraku no kyōdai no asu no yoake no dōkasen to shite no kanzen muzai hanketsu o!: Ishikawa Kazuo saishū iken chinjutsu. Ōsaka: Sayama Sabetsu Saiban Torikeshi, Mujitsu no Ishikawa Kazuo Sokuji Shakuhō Yōkyū Chūō Tōsō Iinkai, 1974, pp. 64. Pamphlet warning of the consequences of a not guilty verdict. ブルジョワ議会と選挙に対して戦闘的労働者はどのような態度をとる べきか: コミンテル、 レーニン、 トロツキー、 ローザ・ルクセンブルグの 見解, 議会と選挙について・討議資料 No1. item_ID: 14677 PamphletID: 304 Burujowa kaigi to senkyo ni taishite sentō teki rōdōsha ha dono yō na taido o toru beki ka: Cominterun, Rēnin, Torotsukī, Rōza-Rukusenburugu no kenkai, Gikai to senkyo ni tsuite, Tōgi shiryō No1. Pamphlet opposing bourgeois Diet and elections. プロレタリア階級の歌. Puroretaria kaikyū no uta. item_ID: 15204 PamphletID: 482 Songs of the proletarian class. 糞氏物語 金芝河. Funji monogatari Kimu Jiha. Two more copies of this item is catalogued as Book Item #1358. item_ID: 14921 PamphletID: 334 武石和実(たけいしかずみ)文書 Takeishi Kazumi Sub-Collection ❖ 505 国際革命文庫編集委員会( 編 ). ベトナム革命と世界革命: ―勝利する戦略のために―. 東京: 新時代 社, 1971pp. 56. item_ID: 15034 PamphletID: 368 Kokusai Kakumei Bunko Henshū Iinkai (editor). Betomaru kakumei to sekai kakumei. Tōkyō: Shin Jidaisha, 1971, pp. 56. From Vietnam revolution to world revolution. ベトナム人民に勝利を!. Betonamu jinmin ni shōri o!. item_ID: 14943 PamphletID: 349 Pamphlet on Vietnam people’s victory. 織田正雄, 木藤冬樹, マイケル・フェルト ( 著 ). ベルリンの壁が崩れて. 東京: 芸林書房, 1992pp. 51. item_ID: 15054 PamphletID: 389 Oda, Masao; Kido, Fuyuki; and Feldt, Michael (authors). Berurin no kabe ga kuzurete (Die Berliner Mauer ist gefallen). Tōkyō: Geirin Shobō, 1992, pp. 51. Pamphlet about the falling of the Berlin Wall. 婦人通信編集委員会( 編 ). 保育料値上げ反対闘争のために, 保育運動シリーズ No.1. 東京: 婦 人通信編集委員会, 1976pp. 59. item_ID: 15070 PamphletID: 406 Fujin Tsūshin Henshū Iinkai (editor). Hoikuryō neage hantai tōsō no tame ni, Hoiku undō shirīzu No. 1. Tōkyō: Fujin Tsūshin Henshū Iinkai, 1976, pp. 59. Pamphlet from a women’s group opposing the price hike at day care facilities. 冒陳集: 三里塚9・16東峰十字路. 千葉: 三里塚第二次代執行阻止 闘争 東峰統一被告団, 1975pp. 171. item_ID: 15053 PamphletID: 388 Bōchin shū: Sanrizuka 9/16 tōhō jūjiro. Sanrizuka Dai ni ji Daishikkō Soshi Tōsō Tōhō Tōitsu Hikokudan, 1975, pp. 171. Pamphlet from Sanrizuka. 山本正志( 編 ). ボナパルチズム論. 那覇: 日本革命的共産主義者同盟(第四インター ナショナル日本支部)沖縄地方委員会(準),1973pp. 15. item_ID: 14970 PamphletID: 357 Yamamoto, Masashi (editor). Bonaparuchizumu ron. Naha: Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (Dai Yon Intānashonaru Nihon Shibu) Okinawa Chihō Iinkai (jun), 1973, pp. 15. Dai Yon Inta position on Bonapartism theory. 506 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 松口春美( 編 ). ムンデルキンゲンのカーニバル. 東京: 朝日出版社, 1992pp. 34. item_ID: 15057 PamphletID: 392 Matsuguchi, Harumi (editor). Munderukingen no kānibaru (Die Munderkinger Fasnet). Tōkyō: Asahi Shuppansha, 1992, pp. 34. The Munderking Carnival. モーニングスター労組 青年部臨時大会. MS労青年部再建準ビ委 員会, 1974pp. 4. item_ID: 16933 PamphletID: 995 Mōningu sutā rōso Seinenbu rinji taikai. MS Rō Seinenbu Saiken Junbi Iinkai, 1974, pp. 4. A pamphlet for the Morning Star Labor Union meeting. もし極東で戦域核戦争が起きたら 服部学, パンフレット日本はこれ でいいのか市民講座1. 東京: 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合, 1982pp. 31. item_ID: 15042 PamphletID: 376 Moshi kyokutō de sen’iki kaku sensō ga okitara Hattori Manabu, Panfuretto Nihon wa kore de ii no ka shimin kōza 1. Tōkyō: Nihon ha Korede Iinoka Shimin Rengō, 1982, pp. 31. Pamphlet by Hattori Manabu about war. ゆうな学園分会 第4回定期大会: 議案書. Yūna Gakuen bunkai Dai 4 kai teiki taikai: Giansho. item_ID: 16711 PamphletID: 894 Pamphlet for the fourth regular meeting of (Okinawa) Kenshōkurō Minsei Hoken Shibu Yūna Gakuen Bunkai. 緑林古書目録: 沖縄・奄美関係書総特集. 沖縄: 緑林堂, 1984 pp. 34. item_ID: 16945 PamphletID: 1000 Ryokurin kosho mokuroku: Okinawa, Amami kankeisho sōtokushū. Okinawa: Ryokurindō, 1984, pp. 34. List of books related to Okinawa and Amami. 沖縄ベトナム人民連帯委員会( 編 ). 牢獄からの叫び: 南ベトナム30万政治犯の臨時釈放を勝ちとろう! 東京: 改造社, 1973pp. 66. item_ID: 15059 PamphletID: 394 Okinawa Betonamu Jinmin Rentai Iinkai (editor). Rōgoku kara no sakebi: Minami Betonamu 30 man seijihan no rinji shakuhō o kachitorō! Tōkyō: Kaizōsha, 1973, pp. 66. Pamphlet supporting 30,000 political prisoners in South Vietnam. 武石和実(たけいしかずみ)文書 Takeishi Kazumi Sub-Collection ❖ 507 沖縄県労働商工部労政課( 編 ). 労働組合の施設等実態調査報告書: 昭和50年1月. 沖縄: 沖縄県労働 商工部労政課, 1975pp. 4. item_ID: 16547 PamphletID: 811 Okinawa-ken Shōkō-bu Rōsei-ka (editor). Rōdō kumiai no shisetsu tō jittai chōsa hōkokusho: Shōwa 50nen 1gatsu. Okinawa: Okinawaken Shōkō-bu Rōsei-ka, 1975, pp. 4. A pamphlet investigates the condition of Okinawa-ken Rōdō Kumiai’s facilities. 労働災害に関する法規制の問題点と災害防止と補償について. Rōdō saigai ni kansuru hō kisei no mondai ten to saigai bōshi to hoshō ni tsuite. item_ID: 14868 PamphletID: 328 Pamphlet about a proposed law that is a disaster for labor. 岡田浩平, エグモント・ヘルメル( 著 ). ワイツゼッカー・人と演説 ドイツ統一・大統領記念演説. 東京: 朝日 出版社, 1991pp. 35. item_ID: 15056 PamphletID: 391 Okada, Kōhei and Helmel, Egmont (authors). Waitsuzekkā: hito to enzetsu Doitsu tōitsu—daitōryō kinen enzetsu (Richard von Weizacker und seine Ansprache). Tōkyō: Asahi Shuppansha, 1991, pp. 35. Pamphlet on Richard von Weizacker, the man and his speeches. 日本はこれでいいのか市民講座推進人会議( 編 ). 私達はどのような危険な状態にいるのか: 日本をとりまく核状況. 東京: 日本はこれでいいのか市民連合, 1982pp. 30. item_ID: 15055 PamphletID: 390 Nihon wa Korede Iinoka Shimin Kōza Suishinjin Kaigi (editor). Watashitachi wa dono yō na kiken na jōtai ni iru no ka: Nihon o torimaku kaku jōkyō. Tōkyō: Nihon ha Korede Iinoka Shimin Rengō, 1982, pp. 30. What kind of danger are we in? われわれの綱領. Ware ware no kōryō. item_ID: 15069 PamphletID: 405 Our General Plan. ベスト映画25 . Excellently selected CIC Best 25s. item_ID: 15159 PamphletID: 442 Best 25 Film list from CIC. PARC活動案内. PARC katsudō annai. Guide to PARC activities. item_ID: 15201 PamphletID: 479 508 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors ポスター Posters 妙高山 Myōkōzan item_ID: 16465 Poster_ID: 19 This is a travel poster of Mt. Myōkō in North Korea. One side has a large photo of the mountain, and the other side has several smaller photos of sightseeing locations in the area, plus an explanation and small guide map. 金剛山 Kumuganzan item_ID: 16464 Poster_ID: 18 This is a North Korean travel poster of Mt. Kumugan. One side has a large color photo of the mountain and the other contains several smaller photos of sightseeing places in the region, plus a guide map and explanation. 平井吉夫(ひらいよしお)文書 Hirai Yoshio Sub-Collection 平井吉夫氏は1960年代の安保闘争中、共産主義者同盟に参加していた早稲田大学の 学生でした。平井文書はこの時期の資料がもとになっています。平井氏は現在も市民運動に 参加し、活動を続けています。 Hirai Yoshio was a Waseda University student and participant in Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei during the 1960 Anti-Security Treaty protests. The collection contains his materials from this period. Hirai continues to be active in citizens movements. ファイル Folders 60年安保闘争・ブント初期資料 60 nen Anpo Tōsō, Bunto Shoki Shiryō 60 Ampo Struggle, Early Bund materials item_ID: 13751 FolderID: 170 This folder contains pamphlets, handbills, and miscellaneous materials from the early Bund (Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei) and 1960 Ampo struggle. ビラ集 Handbills 60年安保闘争・ブント初期ビラ 60nen ampo tōsō, Bunto shoki bira item_ID: 61034 HBSeriesID: 34 A collection of 36 handbills from the 1960 Ampo struggle and the early period of Bund (Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei). パンフレット Pamphlets 四・二六闘争の勝利のために! 4/26 tōsō no shōri no tame ni! item_ID: 14639 PamphletID: 275 Pamphlet promoting the 4/26 struggle. 加藤尚武, 佐々木祥氏, 高橋昭八, 福本安彦, 星山保雄( 編 ). 6・15: われわれの現在 Vol.1. 東京: 全学連安保被告団, 1961 pp. 64. item_ID: 14652 PamphletID: 283 Katō, Naotake; Sasaki, Shōji; Takahashi, Shōhachi; Fukumoto, Yasuhiko and Hoshiyama, Yasuo (editors). 6/15: Ware ware no genzai Vol.1. Tōkyō: Zengakuren Anpo Hikokudan, 1961, pp. 64. Zengakuren statement on 6/15 and Ampo. 509 510 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 六・一五救援本部活動報告書及び参考資料. 東京: 6・15救援委員会, 1960pp. 43. item_ID: 14651 PamphletID: 282 6/15 kyūen honbu katsudō hōkokusho oyobi sankō shiryō. Tōkyō: 6/15 Kyūenkai Iinkai, 1960, pp. 43. Materials concerning the 6/15 support central. 東大文学部学友会( 編 ). アルジェリア解放戦争とフランスの危機: アルジェリア白書. 東京: 東 大文学部学友会, 1958pp. 20. item_ID: 14634 PamphletID: 270 Tōdai Bungakubu Gakuyū Kai (editor). Arujeria kaihō to Furansu no kiki: Arujeria hakusho. Tōkyō: Tōdai bungakubu gakuyū kai, 1958, pp. 20. Pamphlet on the Algerian revolution. 早大一文学生会議( 編 ). アルジェリア革命: 1961年2月11日. item_ID: 16637 PamphletID: 836 Waseda University First Literature Section Students Conference (editor). Arujeria kakumei: 1961/2/11. Two statements included; one titled “Arujeria no Genjitsu” and the other “Arujeria Kakumei to Furansu,” both written by Sōdai Ichibun Gakusei Kaigi. 安保改定阻止闘争を続ける全学連への弾圧にどう闘ってきたか: 教 授活動の報告 全学連第22回中央委員会. 全学連F.F.T(救対部), 1960pp. 41. item_ID: 14655 PamphletID: 286 Anpo kaitei soshi tōsō o tsuzukeru Zengakuren e no dan’atsu ni dō tatakatte kita ka: Kyōju katsudō no hōkoku Zengakuren dai 22 kai chūō iinkai. Zengakuren F.F.T (Kyūtai bu), 1960, pp. 41. How to fight the oppression against Zengakuren regarding Ampo. 永久革命研究I,II: レジュメ第一次草案. Eikyū kakumei kenkyū I, II: Rejume dai ichiji sōan. item_ID: 14672 PamphletID: 299 Pamphlet about perpetual revolution. 共産主義者同盟戦旗派( 編 ). 学生運動における当面するわれわれの任務. item_ID: 16573 PamphletID: 829 Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Senkiha (editor). Gakusei undō ni okeru tōmen suru wareware no ninmu. Pamphlet written by Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Senki-ha regarding student movement. 平井吉夫(ひらいよしお)文書 Hirai Yoshio Sub-Collection ❖ 511 早大一文学生会議( 編 ). 学生ノート: クラス討論資料特集号. item_ID: 16639 PamphletID: 838 Waseda University First Literature Section Students Conference (editor). Gakusei nōto: Kurasu tōron shiryō tokushū-gō. Interpretation on world situation, on I.L.O. No. 87, two Defense Laws, on “Seiji Bōryoku Katsudō Bōshi Hōan, and on Kokusai Gakuren, written by Sōdai Ichibun Gakusei Kaigi. 学生ノート: 早大一文学生会議 新入生歓迎号 . 東京: 早大一文学 生会試情宣部, 1961pp. 22. item_ID: 14650 PamphletID: 281 Gakusei nōto: Sōdai ichi bungakusei kaigi shin nyūsei kangei gō. Tōkyō: Sōdai Ichibun Gakuseikai Shijōsenbu, 1961, pp. 22. Students notes from a Waseda conference for new students. 危機にたつ民主主義. 文連警職法改悪阻止勤評粉砕対策委員会, 1958pp. 50. item_ID: 14673 PamphletID: 300 Kiki ni tatsu minshu shugi. Bunren Keishoku hō Kaiaku Soshi Kinhyō Funsai Taisaku Iinkai, 1958, pp. 50. Democracy in crisis. 規約・諸規定細則集. Kiyaku, shokitei saisoku shū. item_ID: 14671 PamphletID: 298 Materials about various regulations and provisions. 全日本学生自治会総連合書記局調査部( 編 ). 教育問題資料: その一. item_ID: 14640 PamphletID: 276 Zen Nihon Gakusei Jichikai Sōrengō Shokikyoku Chosabu (editor). Kyōiku mondai shiryō: Sono ichi. Educational Problems materials I. 全日本学生自治会総連合書記局調査部( 編 ). 教育問題資料: その二. item_ID: 14641 PamphletID: 277 Zen Nihon Gakusei Jichikai Sōrengō Shokikyoku Chosabu (editor). Kyōiku mondai shiryō: Sono ni. Educationsl Problems materials II. 日本革命的共産主義者同盟全国委員会( 編 ). 共産主義者: 別冊1. item_ID: 16577 PamphletID: 833 512 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei Zenkoku Iinkai (editor). Kyōsanshugisha: Bessatsu 1. Copy of Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Zenkoku Iinkai’s theoretical bulletin “Kyōsanshugisha.” Article written by Yamamoto Katsuhiko on organizational tactics of “Nihon Kakumeiteki Kyōsanshugi Undō.” 全日本学生自治会総連合書記局調査部( 編 ). 教育に関する資料: その三. item_ID: 14642 PamphletID: 278 Zen Nihon Gakusei Jichikai Sōrengō Shokikyoku Chosabu (editor). Kyōiku ni kansuru shiryō: Sono san. Educational Problems materials III. 共産主義者同盟( 編 ). 共産主義者同盟第3回中央委員会報告. item_ID: 16574 PamphletID: 830 Kyōsan Shugisha Dōmei (editor). Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Dai 3 kai chūō iinkai hōkoku. Report of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei’s third central committee meeting. 共産主義者同盟早大細胞一文班委員会通達. Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei sōdai saibō ichibun han iinkai tsūtatsu. item_ID: 14637 PamphletID: 273 Bulletin from the Waseda cell of Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei. 日本共産労働党政治局( 編 ). 共産主義的政治実践をおしすすめよう!: 経済主義者革共同黒田派 の様々な空文句的主張への批判. 日本共産労働党政治局, 1962 pp. 24. item_ID: 14663 PamphletID: 290 Nihon Kyōsan Rōdōtō Seijikyoku (editor). Kyōsan shugiteki seiji jissen o oshi susumeyō!: Keizai shugisha kakukyōdō Kurota ha no samazama na karamonku-teki shuchō e no hihan. Nihon Kyōsan Rōdōtō Seiji Kyoku, 1962, pp. 24. Political pamphlet concerning Kurota of Kakukyōdō. 勤評闘争の前進のために: 勤評反対闘争史. 全学連情宣部, 1958pp. 40. item_ID: 14643 PamphletID: 279 Kinhyō tōsō no zenshin no tame ni: Kinhyō hantai tōsō shi. Zengakuren Jōsenbu, 1958, pp. 40. Zengakuren’s opposition to the work policy. 平井吉夫(ひらいよしお)文書 Hirai Yoshio Sub-Collection ❖ 513 勤務評定, 一九五八年度資料(I). Kinmu hyōtei, 1958 nendo shiryō (I). item_ID: 14635 PamphletID: 271 Materials for the 1958 conference on work. 佐々木美代子, 宮崎洋子, 根塚千香子( 著 ). 暗い谷間を行く: 筑豊炭坑地帯現地ルポ. 一文自治会常任委員会, 1960pp. 20. item_ID: 14658 PamphletID: 289 Sasaki, Miyoko; Miyazaki, Yōko; and Nezuka, Chikako (authors). Kurai tanima o iku: Chikuhō tankō chitai genchi rupo. Ichibun Jichikai Jōnin Iinkai, 1960, pp. 20. Report on the Chikuhō mine situation. クラス討論資料: 「政治的暴力行為防止法」阻止のために. Kurasu tōron shiryō: “Seiji teki bōryoku kōi bōshi hō” soshi no tame ni. item_ID: 14670 PamphletID: 297 Materials opposing the Seibō law. 第一文学部学生自治会( 編 ). クラス討論資料. item_ID: 16636 PamphletID: 835 First Literature Section Students Self-Government Association (editor). Kurasu tōron shiryō. Materials for discussion used by the “Dai 1 Bungakubu Gakusei Jichikai.” Includes analyses of world/domestic situation, issues on ILO87 Treaty, two articles on Self Defense Law, on the Ikeda Administration, etc. 綱領(草案)政治報告(草案):日本共産党第8回大会, 前衛6月号別冊 付録. 日本共産党中央委員会機関紙経営局, 1959pp. 96. item_ID: 14665 PamphletID: 292 Kōryō (sōan) seiji hōkoku (sōan): Nihon Kyōsantō dai 8 kai taikai, Zen’ei 6 gatsu gō bessatsu furoku. Nihon Kyōsantō Chūō Iinkai Kikanshi Keieikyoku, 1959, pp. 96. Policy documents for the JCP 8th congress. コミンテルン第1回大会資料. Kominterun dai ikkai taikai shiryō. item_ID: 14666 PamphletID: 293 Materials for the Comintern’s first major conference. 東京大学五月祭常任委員会( 編 ). 資本主義と社会主義の対立: 世界史の現段階に於る. 東京: 東京大学 五月祭常任委員会, 1958pp. 21. item_ID: 14657 PamphletID: 288 514 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors Tōkyō Daigaku Gogatsusai Jōnin Iinkai (editor). Shihon shugi to shakai shugi no tairitsu: Sekaishi no gendankai ni okeru. Tōkyō: Tōkyōdaigaku Gogatsusai Jōnin Iinkai, 1958, pp. 21. Pamphlet about the opposition between capitalism and socialism. 社会主義学生同盟 夏季大研究会レジュメ. Shakaishugi Gakusei Dōmei kakidai kenkyūkai rejume. item_ID: 14633 PamphletID: 269 Outline of Shagakudō summer research group. 社研連通信: 全国ゼミナール総括特集. 東京: 全国反戦救対事務局, 1960pp. 53. item_ID: 14636 PamphletID: 272 Shaken ren tsūshin: Zenkoku zemināru sōkatsu tokushū. Tōkyō: Zenkoku Hansen Kyūtai Jimukyoku, 1960, pp. 53. Materials on the national antiwar support organization seminar. 昭和33年度 上半期一般報告書. Showa sanjū san nendo kamihanki ippan hōkokusho. item_ID: 14667 PamphletID: 294 Report for Showa 33. 一文学生会議( 編 ). 政治的暴力行為防止法成立阻止のために. item_ID: 16638 PamphletID: 837 First Literature Section Students Conference (editor). Seijiteki bōryoku kōi bōshihō seiritsu soshi no tame ni. Criticism on “Seijiteki Bōryoku Kōi Bōshi Hōan,” written by Ichibun Gakusei Kaigi. 早大一文学生自治会常任委員会( 編 ). 政暴法闘争から何を学ぶか: 全学連27中委路線を再検討せよ. item_ID: 16575 PamphletID: 831 Waseda University First Literature Section Students Self-Government Executive Committee (editor). Seibōhō tōsō kara nani o manabuka: Zengakuren 27 chūi rosen o saikentō seyo. Pamphlet on the “Seibōhō” and political situation in Japan in the early 1960s. 政暴法闘争総括とこれからの闘いの為に. 一文自治会常任委員会, 1961pp. 9. item_ID: 14656 PamphletID: 287 Seibō hō tōsō sōkatsu to korekara no tatakai no tame ni. Ichibun Jichikai Jōnin Iinkai, 1961, pp. 9. Pamphlet about the Seibō law. 平井吉夫(ひらいよしお)文書 Hirai Yoshio Sub-Collection ❖ 515 世界共産主義運動の新しい勝利のために: 共産党・労働党代表会議 の成果について(1961年1月六日の報告).東京: ソビエト社会主義共 和国連邦大使館広報課, 1963pp. 28. item_ID: 14654 PamphletID: 285 Sekai kyōsanshugi undō no atarashii shōri no tame ni: Kyōsantō, rōdōtō daihyō kaigi no seika ni tsuite (1961 nen 1 gatsu 6ka no hōkoku). Tōkyō: Sobieto Shakaishugi Kyōwashugi Renpō Taishikan Kōhōka, 1963, pp. 28. Pamphlet about a new cirection for world communism. 世界共産主義運動の路線の修正に反対して創造的マルクス・レーニ ン主義の勝利のためにたたかおう:「コラムニスト」誌1963年11号巻 頭論文. 東京: ソビエト社会主義共和国連邦大使館広報課, 1963 pp. 28. item_ID: 14653 PamphletID: 284 Sekai kyōsanshuji undō no rosen no shūsei ni hantai shite sōzōteki Marukusu, Rēnin shugi no shōri no tame ni tatakaō: “Koramunisuto” shi 1963 nen 11 go kantō ronbun. Tōkyō: Sobieto Shakaishugi Kyōwashugi Renpō Taishikan Kōhōka, 1963, pp. 28. Political pamphlet about the direction of world communist movement and abstract Marxism. 石井和夫( 編 ). 全学連26回中央委員会対案: 1961年1月15・16日. item_ID: 16572 PamphletID: 828 Ishii, Kazuo (editor). Zengakuren 26 kai chūō iinkai taian: 1961 nen 1 gatsu 15, 16 nichi. Pamphlet for the 26th central committee meeting of Zengakuren held on the 15th and 16th of January, 1961. 全学連 第17回中央委員会 報告・決定集. 全日本学生自治会総連 合 第17回中央委員会, 1958pp. 36. item_ID: 14668 PamphletID: 295 Zengakuren dai jū nana kai chūō iinkai hōkoku-kettei shū. Zen Nihon Gakusei Jichikai Sōrengō Dai 17 kai chūōiinkai, 1958, pp. 36. Documents from the Zengakuren 17th Central Committee. ソ連の党諸組織、全党員にあてたソ連共産党中央委員会の公開状. 東京: ソビエト社会主義共和国連邦大使館広報課, 1963pp. 28. item_ID: 14649 PamphletID: 280 Soren no Tō sho soshiki, Zen Tōin ni ateta Soren Kyōsantō chūō iinkai no kōkaijō. Tōkyō: Sobieto Shakaishugi Kyōwashugi Renpō Taishikan Kōhōka, 1963, pp. 28. Policy statement from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 斎藤清( 編 ). 東京都学連第13回定期大会 対案. item_ID: 16571 PamphletID: 827 516 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors Saitō, Kiyoshi (editor). Tōkyō Togakuren dai 13 kai teiki taikai Taian. Pamphlet for the 13th regular meeting of Togakuren, held on the 8th and 9th of October, 1960. Includes a sum up of political situation from the 12th meeting up to the 13th. 独占資本の代弁者、首切りと弾圧の池田内閣打倒のために: その極、 階級的性格の全姿. item_ID: 14664 PamphletID: 291 Dokusen shihon no daibensha, kubikiri to dan’atsu no Ikeda naikaku datō no tame ni: Sono goku, kaikyū teki seikaku no zenshi. Pamphlet opposing the Ikeda cabinet’s policies. 日本社会主義学生同盟全国執行委員会( 編 ). 日本社会主義学生同盟: 第3回全国大会報告決定集 1958年 12月11日12日東京. item_ID: 15514 PamphletID: 581 Japan Socialist Student League National Executive Committee (editor). Nihon shakai shugi gakusei dōmei: Dai 3 kai zenkoku taikai hōkoku kettei shū 1958 nen 12 gatsu 11nichi 12 nichi tōkyō. Report on the 3rd national rally of Nihon Shakai-shugi Gakusei Dōmei. 日本反戦学生同盟全国執行委員会( 編 ). 日本反戦学生同盟: 第十回全国委員会 報告決定集. 東京: 日本反 戦学生同盟教宣部, 1957pp. 28. item_ID: 14674 PamphletID: 301 Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei Zenkoku Shikkō Iinkai (editor). Nihon hansen gakusei dōmei: Dai jukkai zenkoku iinkai hōkoku kettei shū. Tōkyō: Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei Kyōsenbu, 1957, pp. 28. Decisions of the 10th national meeting of Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei. 日本反戦学生同盟全国執行委員会( 編 ). 日本反戦学生同盟: 第3回臨時全国大会報告決定集. 東京: 日本反 戦学生同盟教宣部, 1957pp. 30. item_ID: 15513 PamphletID: 580 Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei Zenkoku Shikkō Iinkai (editor). Nihon hansen gakusei dōmei: Dai 3 kai rinji zenkoku taikai hōkoku kettei shū. Tōkyō: Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei Kyōsenbu, 1957, pp. 30. Pamphlet published as a report of Nihon Hansen Gakusei Dōmei’s 3rd national rally. 人および革命家としてのレーニン: ア・ロゾフスキー. 社学同都委員 会, 1959pp. 5. item_ID: 14622 PamphletID: 267 Hito oyobi kakumeika toshite no Rēnin: A-Rozofusukī. Shagaku Dō-to Iinkai, 1959, pp. 5. Pamphlet on Lenin as a man and a revolutionary. 平井吉夫(ひらいよしお)文書 Hirai Yoshio Sub-Collection ❖ 517 民主教育防衛のための討議資料: 特に教育採用問題をめぐって. 東京 学芸大学小金井分校自治会 東京学芸大学世田谷分校自治会 東 京都学生自治会連合, 1959pp. 22. item_ID: 14623 PamphletID: 268 Minshu kyōiku bōei no tame no tōgi shiryō: Toku ni kyōiku saiyō mondai o megutte. Tōkyō Gakugei Daigaku Koganei bunkō jichikai, Tōkyō Gakugei Daigaku Setagaya bunkō jichikai, Tōkyō gakusei jichikai renmei, 1959, pp. 22. Materials on defense of democratic education. 鈴木武( 編 ). 量のためにも質を!: 福岡地区代議員総会の総括と我々の前衛党創造 路線. item_ID: 16576 PamphletID: 832 Suzuki, Takeshi (editor). Ryō no tame ni mo shitsu o!: Fukuoka chiku daigiin sōkai no sōkatsu to wareware no zenei-tō sōzō rosen. Pamphlet on the general meeting of Kyōsandō Fukuoka-chiku Daigiin. 六月の教訓: 総括に関する一試論. Rokugatsu no kyōkun: Sōkatsu ni kansuru ichi shiron. item_ID: 14638 PamphletID: 274 Lessons from the June Action. Belum Omnium Contra Omnes. Belum omnium contra omnes. War of all against all. item_ID: 14675 PamphletID: 302 西平守次(にしひらしゅうじ)文書 Nishihira Shūji Sub-Collection 西平守次氏は1960年代後半から70年代前半にかけて沖縄闘争に参加しました。 お父 さんは沖縄出身で、東京杉並区高円寺にある沖縄資料専門の古本屋球陽書房の所有者で した。息子は古本屋の後継になって、西平文書は60年代、70年代の沖縄返還以前の資 料を有しています。 Nishihira Shūji was active in the Okinawan movement in the late 1960s. His father was from Okinawa and owned Kyūdō Shobō, a second-hand bookstore in western Tokyo that specialized in Okinawan materials. He later became the second-generation owner of the bookstore and donated numerous Okinawan newspapers and pamphlet to the collection. ファイル Folders 沖縄人民党パンフレット Okinawa Jinmintō Panfuretto Okinawa People’s Party item_ID: 13684 FolderID: 97 This item consists of two folders of materials from the Okinawa Jinmintō, which is the name of the Okinawan Communist Party. 世界の鼓動シリーズ Sekaino kodōshirīzu World Pulse Series materials item_ID: 13685 FolderID: 98 Materials from a publication called World Pulse Series. パンフレット Pamphlets 一九五七年度運動方針. 1957 nendo undō hōshin. item_ID: 15359 PamphletID: 527 Editor not clearly stated in this pamphlet itself; only “ware-ware,” but thought to be Jinmin-Tō. This pamphlet gives the guideline of struggle for 1957. 安保破棄・諸要求貫徹中央実行委員会( 編 ). 安保問題資料: 超反動中曽根内閣と安保問題 2. 東京: 安保破棄・ 諸要求貫徹中央実行委員会, 1983pp. 64. item_ID: 15362 PamphletID: 530 Anpo Haki, Sho Yōkyū Kantetsu Chūō Jikkō Iinkai (editor). Anpo mondai shiryō: Chō handō Nakasone naikaku to anpo mondai 2. Tōkyō: Anpo Haki— Sho Yōkyū Kantetsu Chūō Jikkō Iinkai, 1983, pp. 64. Statements on Nakasone’s political posture, report on his Hōkan and Hōbei in 1983, and critique on the Nichi-bei military alliance. 519 520 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 軍用地問題対策委一班( 編 ). 伊佐浜・銘苅・具志実態調査報告書. item_ID: 15367 PamphletID: 535 Gunyōchi Mondai Taisaku-i Ippan (editor). Isahama, Mekaru, Gushi jittai chōsa hōkokusho. This is a report of an examination done on Isahama, Mekaru and Gushi military land in 1956. 琉球政府社会局( 編 ). 沖縄の戦跡. 那覇市: 栄謄写堂, 1958pp. 55. item_ID: 15358 PamphletID: 526 Ryūkyū Seifu Shakai-kyoku (editor). Okinawa no senseki. Naha: Sakae Tōsha Dō, 1958, pp. 55. This pamphlet is a collection of memorial towers and ossuaries in Okinawa, edited by the Ryūkyū Seifu. 沖縄の歴史. Okinawa no rekishi. item_ID: 15360 PamphletID: 528 Description of Okinawa’s history, starting from the “Aji no Hassei” to “Mukashi no Chūgoku-jin no Ryūkyū-kan.” Editor nor author unknown. 各分科会の決定事項. Kaku bunkakai no kettei jikō. item_ID: 15364 PamphletID: 532 Inside are statements made at the rally of the formation of Tokyo Okinawa Kenjin-kai. 第六回役員・顧問・委員総会確認事項. Dai 6 kai yakuin, komon, iin sōkai kakunin jikō. item_ID: 15366 PamphletID: 534 A pamphlet for the executive members’ 6th meeting of Tōkyō Okinawa Kenjin-kai in 1957. 東京沖縄県人会結成大会議案: 昭和三十一年九月九日 於浅草公 会堂. item_ID: 15365 PamphletID: 533 Tōkyō Okinawa kenjinkai kessei taikai gian: Shōwa 31 nen 9 gatsu 9 ka Asakusa Kōkaidō. Includes discussion topics at the rally of the formation of Tōkyō Okinawa Kenjin-kai, e.g. activity plans, organizaitonal rules, slogans, etc. 瀬長亀次郎( 著 ). 那覇市施政方針: 一九五七、一、二八臨時市議会. item_ID: 15361 PamphletID: 529 Senaga, Kamejirō (author). Naha-shi shisei hōshin: 1957/ 1/ 28 rinji shigikai. A city administration policy written by Senaga Kamejirō for the Naha-shi in 1957. 西平守次(にしひらしゅうじ)文書 Nishihira Shūji Sub-Collection ❖ 521 青年劇場( 編 ). 夜の笑い: -2幕-. item_ID: 15363 PamphletID: 531 Seinen Gekijō (editor). Yoru no warai: 2 maku. A pamphlet of a play called “Yoru no Warai,” written by Shimao Toshio and Komatsu Sakyō, directed by Īzawa Tadasu. Inside are photos of the actors/actresses and words by the authors, etc. 琉球への米. Ryūkyū e no kome. item_ID: 15325 PamphletID: 525 Inside are propaganda-type elementary pictures, photos and sentences, stating how good U.S. military is doing for the common citizens of Okinawa to be able to have rice on their dinner table. 五味雅彦(ごみまさひこ)文書 Gomi Masahiko Sub-Collection 五味正彦氏は1967年よりノンセクト活動家としてさまざまな抗議運動に参加した早稲 田大学の学生で、早稲田大学で米反学連の活動に参加し ていました。1968年の全国的 なエンタプライズ抗議運動の組織だてに貢献し、のちに新左翼の共同組合書店、模索舎を 立ち上げるにあたって中心的な人物と して活躍しました。 この文庫は1960年代後半の 主な抗議運動を起こした組織活動の資料やこの時期の出版物からなっています。 Gomi Masahiko was a Waseda University student who participated in various protest movements as a “non-sect” activist from 1967 on, and was involved in the Beihan Gakuren organization at Waseda. He helped organize the nationwide 1968 Enterprise protests, and subsequently was the central figure in the founding of the New Left bookstore cooperative Mosakusha. The collection contains his files from the organization of several major protest events of the late 1960s, as well as publications from this period. ファイル Folders 学園闘争関係書類 Gakuen tōsō kankei shorui Campus conflict materials item_ID: 16559 FolderID: 210 This folder contains three pamphlets from various campus conflicts. 三里塚闘争関係書類 Sanrizuka tōsō kankei shorui Sanrizuka struggle materials item_ID: 16556 FolderID: 207 This folder contains six pamphlets and handbills from the Sanrizuka struggle in opposition to the construction of Narita International Airport. 社学同関係書類 Shagakudō kankei shorui Shagakudō materials item_ID: 16557 FolderID: 208 This folder contains a pamphlet from Shagakudō, the campus-based student organization affiliated with Kyōsanshugisha Dōmei (Bund). 東京都学連定期大会 Tokyo togakuren teiki taikai Tokyo City Student Federation Convention materials item_ID: 16558 FolderID: 209 This folder contains two pamphlets from Tokyo City Student Federation conventions. 日大闘争関係書類 Nichidai tōsō kankei shorui Nihon University campus struggle materials item_ID: 16555 FolderID: 206 523 524 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors This folder contains pamphlets and handbills from the Nihon University campus conflict. 反戦・反安保・沖縄闘争関係書類 Hansen, Han Ampo, Okinawa tōsō kankei shorui Anti-war, Anti-Ampo, and Okinawa struggle materials item_ID: 16554 FolderID: 205 This folder contains 36 materials including pamphlets, handbills, and other items, from the combined anti-war, anti-Ampo, and Okinawa campaigns of the late 1960s. 早稲田大学闘争関係書類 Waseda Daigaku Tōsō Kankei Shori Waseda University Struggle materials item_ID: 16553 FolderID: 204 Contains three pamphlets from a student conflict at Waseda University. ビラ集 Handbills 砂川闘争関係ビラ Sunagawa tōsō kankei bira item_ID: 61036 HBSeriesID: 36 A collection of 8 handbills from the second (late 1960s) Sunagawa struggle. Sunagawa is a village at the edge of the Tachikawa U.S. military base, which the U.S. wanted to expand. The movement was in opposition to the base expansion, but also reflected anti-war sentiment at the time. 六月行動関係ビラ 1968 & 1969 Roku gatsu kōdō kankei bira 1968&1969 item_ID: 61037 HBSeriesID: 37 A set of 33 handbills from a large, joint anti-war, anti-Ampo protest mobilization conducted in 1968 and repeated in 1969, called the June Action. These materials are from the Gomi sub-collection and reflect Gomi Masahiko’s role as an organizer of the mobilization in both years. 日大闘争関係ビラ Nichidai tōsō kankei bira item_ID: 61038 HBSeriesID: 38 A small set of handbills from the Nihon University struggle. These materials are from the Gomi subcollection and have been maintained separately for that reason. 三里塚闘争関係ビラ Sanrizuka tōsō kankei bira item_ID: 61039 HBSeriesID: 39 This is a small set of handbills from the Sanrizuka struggle against Narita International Airport. These were also from the Gomi subcollection and have been maintained separately for that reason. 初期救援連絡センタービラ Shoki kyūen renraku sentā bira item_ID: 61040 HBSeriesID: 40 五味雅彦(ごみまさひこ)文書 Gomi Masahiko Sub-Collection ❖ 525 This is a collection of 8 handbills from the early period in 1968-69 when Kyūen Renraku Center was being created. Gomi Masahiko was involved in these activities because of his prior participation in support for students arrested in the 10/8/1967 protests, and these handbills are from his subcollection. パンフレット Pamphlets 一九七〇年安保闘争の展望. 1970nen anpo tōsō no tenbō. item_ID: 17011 PamphletID: 1019 A pamphlet about the view of the 1970 Anpo. No publication date listed. 安保とわたしたち: 70年安保廃棄の闘いのために, Anpo to watashi tachi. 東京: 運輸労連中央本部, 1969pp. 74. item_ID: 16997 PamphletID: 1005 70nen anpo haiki no tatakai no tame ni. Tōkyō: Unyu Rōren Chūō Honbu, 1969, pp. 74. A pamphlet about fighting against the Anpo. “Zen Nittsū Rōso Chūō Honbu” is also listed as a publisher. 70年安保をなぜたたかうか. 国鉄労働組合, 1969pp. 176. 70 nen anpo o naze tatakau ka. Kokutetsu Rōdō Kumiai, 1969, pp. 176. item_ID: 17014 PamphletID: 1022 A pamphlet published by the Japan National Railway Union arguing against the 70nen anpo. 九・一・二の記録 (第一分冊).日本基督教団宣教研究所, 1969 pp. 137. item_ID: 17024 PamphletID: 1032 9.1.2 no kiroku (Dai ichi bunsatsu). Nihon Kirisuto Kyōdan Senkyō Kenkyūjo, 1969, pp. 137. First volume of a record of a 19-hour Nihon Kirisutokyōdan meeting which took place on 1969/9/1 and 9/2. 九・一・二の記録 (第二分冊).日本基督教団宣教研究所, 1969 pp. 120. item_ID: 17025 PamphletID: 1033 9.1.2 no kiroku (Dai ni bunsatsu). Nihon Kirisuto Kyōdan Senkyō Kenkyūjo, 1969, pp. 120. Second volume of a record of a 19-hour Nihon Kirisutokyōdan meeting which took place on 1969/9/1 and 9/2. 安保改定によせる若き良識の意見: 安保改定問題ハンドブック. Anpo kaitei ni yoseru wakaki ryōshiki no iken: Anpo kaitei handobukku, Anpo kaitei mondai handobukku. item_ID: 17023 PamphletID: 1031 526 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors A collection of thoughts from the young generation about the revision of the Anpo. No publisher name listed by the name of eight people who contributed to this pamphlet are listed at the last page. 「三里塚の闘い」製作実行委員会( 編 ). 映画製作に対する支援の訴え: ドキュメント 「三里塚の闘い」 (仮題). item_ID: 16811 PamphletID: 916 “Sanrizuka Struggle” Policy action Committee (editor). Eiga seisaku ni taisuru shien no uttae: Dokyumento “Sanrizuka no Tatakai” (Kadai). Petition for monetary support for the production of the movie “Sanrizuka no Tatakai.” 東京都学連中央執行委員会( 編 ). 東京都学生自治会連合(都学連)第16回定期大会議案: 1966 年7月16日-17日. item_ID: 16815 PamphletID: 920 Tokyo Student Alliance Central Action Committee (editor). Tōkyōto Gakusei Jichikai Rengō (Togakuren) Dai 16 kai teiki taikai gian: 1966.7.16 - 17. Agenda pamphlet for the 16th regular meeting of Togakuren, held on the 16th and 17th of July, 1966. 沖縄と安保-沖縄即時無条件全面返還の闘い: 七〇年安保廃棄の闘 いのために. 東京: 日本労働組合総評議会, 1969pp. 96. item_ID: 17017 PamphletID: 1025 Okinawa to anpo - Okinawa sokuji mujōken zenmen henkan no tatakai: 70nen anpo haiki no tatakai no tame ni. Tōkyō: Nihon Rōdō Kumiai Sōhyōgikai, 1969, pp. 96. A pamphlet arguing against the 70nen anpo and arguing for the return of Okinawa. 沖縄と教科書: 教科書に見る沖縄の実態. 東京: 青藍出版, 1969 pp. 77. item_ID: 17019 PamphletID: 1027 Okinawa to kyōkasho: Kyōkasho ni miru Okinawa no jittai. Tōkyō: Seiran Shuppan, 1969, pp. 77. A pamphlet describing how Okinawa is depicted in textbooks. 「沖縄・ベトナム・朝鮮」の問題の疑問にこたえる: 一〇・二一 七〇 年安保の闘いのために. 東京: 日本労働組合総評議会, 1968 pp. 76. item_ID: 17016 PamphletID: 1024 “Okinawa, Betonamu, Chōsen” no mondai no gimon ni kotaeru: 10.21 70nen anpo no tatakai no tame ni. Tōkyō: Nihon Rōdō Kumiai Sōhyōgikai, 1968, pp. 76. A pamphlet discussing the problems faced in Okinawa, Vietnam and Korea. 議案書: 1968・6・14. Giansho: 1968.6.14. item_ID: 16806 PamphletID: 911 五味雅彦(ごみまさひこ)文書 Gomi Masahiko Sub-Collection ❖ 527 Agenda paper for the Zengaku Hantei Gakusei Hyōgikai Kessei Taikai, including the declaration of the formation of Zengaku Hantei Gakusei Hyōgikai. 基地・145の実態: 火焔のなかの日本. 東京: 社会新報, 1968 pp. 39. item_ID: 17020 PamphletID: 1028 Kichi, 145 no jittai: Kaen no naka no Nihon. Tōkyō: Shakai Shinpō, 1968, pp. 39. A pamphlet discussing issues about the 145 US bases located in Japan, the so called “kichi mondai.” 山際永三( 著 ). 再度中村君の死の意味を問う. item_ID: 17007 PamphletID: 1015 Yamagiwa, Eizō (author). Saido Nakamura-kun no shi no imi o tou. A pamphlet rethinking the meaning of Nakamura’s death. Typed. No publication listed. 産経新聞残酷物語: これが合理化の実態だ. 東京: 日本新聞労働組合 連合, 1963pp. 62. item_ID: 17021 PamphletID: 1029 Sankei Shinbun zankoku monogatari: Kore ga gōrika no jittai da. Tōkyō: Nihon Shinbun Rōdō Kumiai Rengō, 1963, pp. 62. A pamphlet describing the rationalization happening at Sankei Shinbun. “Futō Rōdō Kōi Taisaku Kaigi” and “Sankei no Nakama o mamoru Kyōtō Kaigi” are also listed as co-publishers. 社会主義学生同盟( 編 ). 社学同マルクス・レーニン主義派第七回大会議案. item_ID: 16813 PamphletID: 918 Shakai Shugi Gakusei Dōmei (editor). Shagakudō Marukusu/Rēnin shugi ha dai 7 kai taikai gian. Agenda pamphlet for the 7th rally of Shagakudō Marukusu/Rēnin Shugi-ha. Includes sum up of struggle, interpretation of socio-political situation, and their measures of struggle. 小川プロダクション( 編 ). 趣意書: 第二部「三里塚の冬」 (仮題)製作へ向けて. item_ID: 16812 PamphletID: 917 Ogawa Purodakushon (editor). Shuisho: Dai 2 bu “Sanrizuka no Fuyu” (Kadai) seisaku e mukete. Pamphlet noting on a plan to make a second film on the Sanrizuka struggle provisionally titled “Sanrizuka no Fuyu.” Also a petition for monetary support. 「出入国法案」に反対する!. “Shutsunyūkoku hōan” ni hantai suru!. item_ID: 17003 PamphletID: 1011 528 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors A pamphlet arguing against the “Immigration Control Law” (Shutsunyūkoku Kanri Hōan). 全国沖縄闘争学生委員会: 草案. Zenkoku Okinawa tōsō gakusei iinkai: Sōan. item_ID: 16807 PamphletID: 912 Pamphlet urging students from Okinawa to assemble for the formation of Zenkoku Okinawa Tōsō Gakusei Iinkai. Includes rules and regulations, analysis of current socio-political situation, progress on the organizational formation, etc. 第10回国民文化全国集会: 討議資料. 東京: 国民文化会議, 1970pp. 70. item_ID: 17004 PamphletID: 1012 Dai 10 kai kokumin bunka zenkoku shūkai: Tōgi shiryō. Tōkyō: Kokumin Bunka Kaigi, 1970, pp. 70. A pamphlet for the 10th National Meeting for Kokumin Bunka. (Probably related to the serial titled Kokumin Bunka [Serial ID #1759]) 第13回早稲田祭基本方針. 第13回早稲田祭実行委員会, 1966pp. 41. item_ID: 16998 PamphletID: 1006 Dai 13 kai Waseda-sai kihon hōshin. Dai 13 kai Waseda-sai Jikkō Iinkai, 1966, pp. 41. A pamphlet about the basic principles for the 13th Waseda Festival. 第14回早稲田祭基本方針. 東京: 早稲田祭実行委員会, 1967 pp. 65. item_ID: 16999 PamphletID: 1007 Dai 14 kai Waseda-sai kihon hōshin. Tōkyō: Waseda-sai Jikkō Iinkai, 1967, pp. 65. A pamphlet about the basic principles for the 14th Waseda Festival. 第14回早稲田祭総括書. 東京: 早稲田祭実行委員会, 1967 pp. 52. item_ID: 17000 PamphletID: 1008 Dai 14 kai Waseda-sai sōkatsusho. Tōkyō: Waseda-sai Jikkō Iinkai, 1967, pp. 52. A summarization of the 14th Waseda Festival. 東京都学連中央執行委員会( 編 ). 第16回東京都学連定期大会議案書: 1968年7月18日. item_ID: 16814 PamphletID: 919 Tokyo Student Alliance Central Action Committee (editor). Dai 16 kai tōkyō togakuren teiki taikai giansho: 1968.7.18. Agenda pamphlet for the 16th regular meeting of Tokyo Togakuren. 五味雅彦(ごみまさひこ)文書 Gomi Masahiko Sub-Collection ❖ 529 文闘連( 編 ). 対案書: 第二期早大闘争を無期ストで闘い抜け! item_ID: 16803 PamphletID: 908 Literature Struggle Alliance (editor). Taiansho: Dai ni-ki sōdai tōsō o muki suto de tatakainuke!. Statements made for the May 28th 1969 Ichibun Gakusei Taikai. 第二学館問題討論資料: 学館斗争の勝利のために. 早大学館問題全 学共斗会議, 1965pp. 19. item_ID: 17001 PamphletID: 1009 Dai ni gakkan mondai tōron shiryō: Gakkan tōsō no shōri no tame ni. Sōdai Gakkan Mondai Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi, 1965, pp. 19. A pamphlet about fighting for a student building (gakusei kaikan) to be constructed. 一文ストライキ共闘会議( 編 ). 第二次早大闘争中間総括: ’69.7.11. item_ID: 16802 PamphletID: 907 First Literature Section Strike Joint Conference (editor). Dai ni-ji sōdai tōsō chūkan sōkatsu: ‘69.7.11. Interim sum up on the “Dai Ni-ji Sōdai Tōsō,” made on the 11th of July, 1969, by Ichibun Sutoraiki Kyōtō Kaigi. 日本史闘争委員会準備会( 編 ). 闘う日本史: 幻想の大学への叛逆を! item_ID: 16819 PamphletID: 924 Japanese History Struggle Committee Planning Committee (editor). Tatakau nihonshi: Gensō no daigaku e no hangyaku o!. Pamphlet giving a time table of Tōdai Tōsō and statements on what can be learned from the Struggle. 朝鮮高校生に対する襲撃事件の調査報告書. 東京: 在日朝鮮人の人 権を守る会, 1970pp. 40. item_ID: 17002 PamphletID: 1010 Chōsen kōkōsei ni taisuru shūgeki jiken no chōsa hōkokusho. Tōkyō: Zainichi Chōsenjin no jinken o mamorukai, 1970, pp. 40. A report about the incident in which Korean high school students were attacked. 討議資料: -ベ平連批判文-. Tōgi shiryō: - Beheiren hihanbun -. item_ID: 16817 PamphletID: 922 Short bibliography of critiques on Beheiren. 東京都土地収用委員会人事について: 美濃部都知事への要望. Tōkyōto tochi shūyō iinkai jinji ni tsuite: Minobe tochiji e no yōbō. item_ID: 17009 PamphletID: 1017 530 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors Requests to the Governor of Tōkyō regarding the Sunagawa Base. Put together by a number of people listed on page 3. 早大社会科学部反戦連合( 編 ). 闘争宣言. item_ID: 16805 PamphletID: 910 Waseda Social Science Faculty Antiwar Alliance (editor). Tōsō sengen. A declaration of struggle, written by Sōdai Shakai Kagaku-bu Hansen Rengō. 日本大学全学共闘会議( 編 ). 日大闘争報告大集会: 国家権力の介入粉砕!日大闘争断固勝利! item_ID: 16810 PamphletID: 915 Nihon Daigaku Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi (editor). Nichidai tōsō hōkoku dai shūkai: Kokka kenryoku no kainyū funsai! Nichidai tōsō danko shōri! Pamphlet for the 12.15 Nichidai Tōsō Hōkoku Dai Shūkai, written by Nihon Daigaku Zengaku Kyōtō Kaigi. 日米安保条約 -条文解釈とその現実: 七〇年安保廃棄の闘いのた めに. 東京: 日本労働組合総評議会, 1969pp. 80. item_ID: 17018 PamphletID: 1026 Nichibei Anpo Jōyaku - Jōbun kaishaku to sono genjitsu: 70nen anpo haki no tatakai no tame ni. Tōkyō: Nihon Rōdō Kumiai Sōhyōgikai, 1969, pp. 80. A pamphlet which lists the texts and interpretations of the Japan-US Security Treaty. 小野田襄二( 著 ). 日本革命の思想的拠点は何か: 革命的左翼十年の歴史の破産. item_ID: 16996 PamphletID: 1004 Onoda, Jōji (author). Nihon kakumei no shisōteki konkyo wa nani ka: Kakumeiteki sayoku jūnen no rekishi no hasan. A pamphlet about the base of the thoughts of the Japan revolution and the ten-year history of the revolutionary left wing. No publication date listed. 日本のアジア再侵略の現状: 討議資料. 東京: ’70.8.15 記念 国民集会実行委員会, 1970pp. 22. item_ID: 17010 PamphletID: 1018 Nihon no Ajia sai shinryaku no genjō: Tōgi shiryō. Tōkyō: ‘70.8.15 Kinen Kokumin Shūkai Jikkō Iinkai, 1970, pp. 22. A pamphlet reporting on the current situation about Japan’s re-envasion of Asia. 日本社会主義青年同盟解放派学生委員会(早大細胞) ( 編 ). パルチザン: 不滅の闘争を更に前進せしめよ!. item_ID: 16804 PamphletID: 909 五味雅彦(ごみまさひこ)文書 Gomi Masahiko Sub-Collection ❖ 531 Japan Socialist Youth League Liberation Faction Student Committee (Waseda University Cell) (editor). Paruchizan: Fumetsu no tōsō o sara ni zenshin seshimeyo!. Writing on characters of Waseda struggle, statements on current issues. 京都学生ベ平連, 京都大学新聞社( 編 ). 反戦と変革に関する国際会議: レポート 第1日. item_ID: 16808 PamphletID: 913 Kyoto Student Beheiren (Peace to Vietnam Alliance) and Kyoto University Newspaper (editors). Hansen to henkaku ni kansuru kokusai kaigi: Repōto Dai 1 nichi. Report on the meeting Day 1 of “Hansen to Henkaku ni kansuru Kokusai Kaigi,” organized by Beheiren. 京都学生ベ平連, 京都大学新聞社( 編 ). 反戦と変革に関する国際会議: レポート 総集編. item_ID: 16809 PamphletID: 914 Kyoto Student Beheiren (Peace to Vietnam Alliance) and Kyoto University Newspaper (editors). Hansen to henkaku ni kansuru kokusai kaigi: Repōto Sōshūhen. Overall report on the “Hansen to Henkaku ni kansuru Kokusai Kaigi,” organized by Beheiren. ベトナム人民はかならず勝利する!アメリカ侵略者はかならず敗北す る!: 第二集. 北京: 外文出版社, 1965pp. 71. item_ID: 17006 PamphletID: 1014 Betonamu jinmin wa kanarazu shōri suru! Amerika shinryakusha wa kanarazu haiboku suru!: Dai ni shū. Pekin: Gaibun Shuppansha, 1965, pp. 71. The pamphlet mainly has pictures from the Vietnam War. Was printed in China. ベトナム戦争と日本: 反戦・平和にたちあがろう!. Betonamu sensō to Nihon: Hansen, heiwa ni tachiagarō!. item_ID: 17013 PamphletID: 1021 A pamphlet about the Vietnam war and Japan. ベトナム戦争と日本の労働者. Betonamu sensō to Nihon no rōdōsha. item_ID: 17012 PamphletID: 1020 A pamphlet about the Vietnam war and Japanese laborers. ベトナム反戦詞. 東京: 集団・火の通信, 1968pp. 18. Betonamu hansen shi. Tōkyō: Shūdan, Hi no Tsūshin, 1968, pp. 18. A collection of poems against the Vietnam War. item_ID: 17008 PamphletID: 1016 532 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors ベ平連とは. Beheiren towa. item_ID: 16995 PamphletID: 1003 A pamphlet explaining about Beheiren. 武蔵野美術大学闘争記録68-70. 武蔵野美術大学・全学闘争委 員会編集部, 1970pp. 180. item_ID: 17005 PamphletID: 1013 Musashino Bijutsu Daigaku tōsō kiroku 68-70. Musashino Bijutsu Daigaku, Zengaku Tōsō Iinkai Henshūbu, 1970, pp. 180. A record of the tōsō at Musashino Bijutsu University during 1968 and 1970. 毛主席的四篇哲学論文. 北京: 人民出版社, 1964pp. 131. Mō Shuseki teki yonpen tetsugaku ronbun. Beijing: Jinmin Shuppansha, 1964, pp. 131. item_ID: 17015 PamphletID: 1023 A pamphlet writen in Chinese about Mao’s philosophy. ベトナム反戦市民の声( 編 ). 要望書. item_ID: 16816 PamphletID: 921 Vietnam Antiwar Citizens Voice (editor). Yōbōsho. Request made and reason given to Japanese journalism to not use the word “Betokon” in place for “Minami Betonamu Minzoku Kaihō Sensen.” AF合宿レジュメ集: ’69夏. AF Gasshuku rejume-shū: ‘69 natsu. item_ID: 16818 PamphletID: 923 Compilation of resumes and notes taken at what is called the “AF Gasshuku” held in summer of 1969. F君への手紙: 四年間の反省と新しい展望. F kun e no tegami: Yonenkan no hansei to atarashii tenbō. item_ID: 17022 PamphletID: 1030 A collection of four ariticles written in a letter format addressed to F-kun (prime minister?). 本多勝一( 著 ).三浦きよし ( 訳 ). The National Liberation Front (So-called “Viet Cong”). Committee for the English Publication of <<Vietnam - A Voice from the Vil- lages>>, 1968pp. 51. item_ID: 16994 PamphletID: 1002 Honda, Katsuichi (author).Miura, Kiyoshi( translator). The National Liberation Front (So-called “Viet Cong”). Committee for the English Publication of <<Vietnam - A Voice from the Villages>>, 1968, pp. 51. 五味雅彦(ごみまさひこ)文書 Gomi Masahiko Sub-Collection ❖ 533 An English translation of a Japanese pamphlet titled “Kaihō Sensen” written by Honda Katsuichi. ポスター Posters 1・17東京反戦青年学生決起集会 1.17 Tokyo Hansen seinen gakusei kekki shūkai item_ID: 16453 Poster_ID: 7 A poster advertising a rally in Tokyo on January 17, 1968 by antiwar youth and students, as part of the anti-Enterprise protests at Sasebo and all over the country. 10/20・21国際反戦統一行動 10/20,21 Kokusai hansen tōitsu kōdō item_ID: 16457 Poster_ID: 11 A striking poster advertising 10/21, international anti-war day. The year is not given, but probably was 1967, when major demonstrations were first organized in Japan on this day as part of an international joint action protesting the Vietnam War.. 10・10羽田闘争二周年大統一集会 10.10 Haneda tōsō 2 shūnen daitōitsu shūkai item_ID: 16451 Poster_ID: 5 A poster advertising a set of rallies commemorating the second anniversary of the 10/8/67 Haneda struggle, to be held on October 10, 1969 at various locations. It is advertised as being anti-Vietnam war, opposed to Sato’s trip to the U.S, and seeking success in the Okinawa struggle. There are separate rally locations for citizens and Zenkyoto, anti-war, and high school students at noon, plus a joint rally at Meiji Park later in the afternoon. 6・15市民集会 6.15 shimin shūkai item_ID: 16449 Poster_ID: 3 This poster advertises an anti-Vietnam war rally at Hibiya Outdoor Amphitheatre urging high school students to attend the rally. The poster is signed by KōHanKyō, a group organizing high school students in opposition to the war. 6/15 was a key event date of the June Action, and there were major protests on June 15 in both 1968 and 1969, but this is probably from 1968. This poster is from the Gomi sub-collection. 6・15集会/デモ 6.15 shūkai/demo item_ID: 16459 Poster_ID: 13 A poster advertising a rally and demonstration on 6/15 in conjunction with the June Action opposing the Vietnam war. It describes the demonstration route through downtown Tokyo. The poster is probably from 1968, the first year of the June Action, when 10,000 people conducted at sit-in in the Ginza as part of the 6/15 demonstration. 6月大行動 6 gatsu daikōdō item_ID: 16460 Poster_ID: 14 Another poster for the June Action, advertising events on June 14, 15, and 23. 534 ❖ 他の寄付者の文書 Materials from Other Donors 6月行動月間 6 gatsu kōdō gekkan item_ID: 16454 Poster_ID: 8 A poster advertising the June Action in opposition to the Vietnam War. Gomi Masahiko was a main organizer of this series of events. 9・19労農学市民集会 9.19 Rōnōgaku shimin shūkai item_ID: 16450 Poster_ID: 4 A poster advertising a rally opposing the Sunagawa base expansion, Sato’s impending trip to the U.S., and the reversion of Okinawa with U.S. bases remaining. Sato traveled to the U.S. in both 1967 and 1969, sparking major protests on both occasions. Although the Sunagawa protests peaked in 1967, the poster appears to be from an event in September, 1969. アメリカのベトナム侵略に反対する大音楽会 America no Betonamu shinryaku ni hantai suru dai ongakkai item_ID: 16462 Poster_ID: 16 This poster advertises an anti-Vietnam war musical concert to be held Tuesday, June 4, 1968. こんにちわ70年 Kon’nichiwa 70 nen item_ID: 16461 Poster_ID: 15 This poster is put out by the Student June Action Committee. The front side has a dramatic picture and says “Hello 1970” while the back contains the text of an appeal. つぶせ安保4.28 Tsubuse Ampo 4.28 item_ID: 16456 Poster_ID: 10 A poster advertising protests on Okinawa Day, April 28, opposing 1970 Ampo and the conditions for the return of Okinawa. The poster is probably from 1969, when major protests were organized on this day. ベトナム反戦と反安保の6月行動 Betonamu hansen to han ampo no 6 gatsu kōdō item_ID: 16458 Poster_ID: 12 A poster advertising the June Action of 1968 and the June 15 event that was its focal point. ベトナム反戦安保阻止6月行動 Betonamu hansen ampo soshi 6 gatsu kōdō item_ID: 16455 Poster_ID: 9 A poster for the June Action against the Vietnam War, put out by the “Revolutionary Designers’ League.” 基地撤去を要求する佐世保全国集会 Kichi tekkyo o yōkyū suru sasebo zenkoku shūkai item_ID: 16448 Poster_ID: 2 This is a poster from a citizens’ rally in connection with the Sasebo protests against the port call of the U.S. nuclear submarine Enterprise in January, 1968, from the 五味雅彦(ごみまさひこ)文書 Gomi Masahiko Sub-Collection ❖ 535 Gomi collection. This was one of the main rallies and it took place in Kyushu near the Sasebo base. 沈黙は罪!今こそ反戦の声と行動を Chinmoku wa tsumi! Imakoso hansen no koe to kōdō o item_ID: 16463 Poster_ID: 17 This is a poster produced by Beheiren urging people to speak up against the Vietnam war. 羽田闘争1周年 10・8集会 Haneda tōsō 1shūnen 10.8 shūkai item_ID: 16452 Poster_ID: 6 A poster advertising a rally commemorating the first anniversary of the 10/8/67 Haneda Struggle. The rally was held at Hibiya Outdoor Amphitheatre on 10/8/1968, and was sponsored by the Sunagawa protesters’ league, the Haneda 10/8 Kyūenkai, a Sanrizuka group, and others.
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