KEY ARCHITECTS Ltd. Energieeffizienz in der japanischen Architektur 日本の建築における省エネ性能 23.05.2015 @Clean Energy Building Messe キーアーキテクツ代表取締役 CEO of KEY ARCHITECTS Ltd. パッシブハウス・ジャパン代表理事 Representative Director of Passive House Japan 東北芸術工科大学客員教授 Visiting Professor of Tohoku University of Art and Design Miwa Mori 森 みわ Passive House in Kamaura 2009 The first certified Passive House in Kamakura, Japan New building without insulation is legal! New building with single pane window is legal! Japanese intelligence for Summer Air-Conditioner with APF =intelligent? above7.0 + Human Sensor Why can they become more Till now… From now… Japanese intelligence for Winter Why can’t they become more intelligent? Hot Water Consumption is more important! Japanese soak into the bath tub almost everyday and its water temperature is about 42 degree! Doubled Amount of Domestic Hot Water Consumption, compare to European! (60 Liter / person / day at 60 degree) Heating Devices = House Hold Equipments? COOLING 2% LIGHTING/ HOUSE HOLD EQUIPMENTS 35% HEATING 22% YEAR 2007 44,27 GJ/ HOUSE HOLD COOKING 9% Break down of the Energy Consumption (Average Japanese Residential Use) DHW 30% GERMANY vs JAPAN Pay attention to others! 日本とドイツ、一体何が違うのか? What could be the differences between Germany and Japan? Eco House in GERMANY 経済性 健康と快適性と省エネ Money Saving Healthy Life, Home Safety and Energy Saving balanced Eco House in JAPAN (次世代省エネ基準 = governmental recommendation) 省エネ=経済性 健康と快適性 Energy Saving = Money Saving Healthy Life and Home Safety unbalanced 9 Winter Comfort Outside -10℃ Room Air 20℃ Radiation Temperature 26℃ 21℃ 20℃ 18℃ 30℃ Outside 5℃ Room Air 23℃ 16℃ 10℃ 15℃ 200℃ Small house, badly insulated, due to mild outside temperature in winter in Japan! 日本人が我慢強いのではない。我慢できずに亡くなる方の存在を無視しているだけ・・。 Are we really patient? No, we just ignore people who could not survive… in Year 2012 in… By heat-shock 20,000 death/year By traffic accident 4,000 death/year thermal“Barrier Free”within the house is NOT yet archieved. 入浴中の死者数は冬期に多い 低い室温や居室、浴室間の大きな温度差がヒートショックの主な原因 11 Accidents at winter home caused by “Heat Shock” no. of death and locations in Japan Heart Attack Stroke Drown Other Home Hospital 冬になると自宅の浴室等で起きる溺死事故が急激に増えるが、 これは主にヒートショックが原因であると言われている。 日本人が我慢強いのではない。我慢できずに亡くなる方の存在を無視しているだけ・・。 Are we really patient? No, we just ignore people who could not survive… Death Rate is increasing in Winter in UK ! 出典:Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 1997 イギリス・ウェールスでの 5年間に渡る調査の結果、 死亡原因に 下記の現象が見られた。 Day 1 シーズン寒い日の発生 Day 2 心疾患のピーク Day 5 脳血管疾患のピーク 12 Day 40 呼吸器系疾患のピーク Day 通常の死亡率に戻る Increased death rate in winter in Europe 冬に上昇する死亡率・・ 出典:BRE THE REAL COST OF POOR HOUSING Death Rate Increase in Winter.. Finland below10% Germany 10~15% England /Italy 15~20% Spain Portugal Ireland above 20% BE PREPAIRED FOR WINTER!!! 比較的温暖で、 冬支度が不十分な国ほど、 冬の死亡率の増加が顕著である。 How is the Climate in Japan? How is the Climate in Tokyo? Dehumidification Demand 夏と冬で水蒸気の流れの向きが逆転。日本の家は古来から夏のために設計された。 What is a recommended U-Value by the Jap. Government? The current “Encouragement Standard” in Japan (Energy Saving Standard for the Next Generation) Heat Losses/Floor area (W/m2K) ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZONE 5 ZONE 6 1.6 1.9 2.4 2.7 2.7 3.7 Air Tightness (cm2/m2) 2 2 5 5 5 5 Typical House Size in Japan Floor Area = 120m2 Thermal Envelop = 300m2 Tokyo Average U-Value of the thermal skin in Tokyo to be… 2.7W/m2K x 120m2 / 300m2 = 1.0W/m2K! These very low standard to be mandatory by 2020… What kind of window U-value required for a Passive House? 7 Very hot 6 Hot 5 Warm 4 Warm, temperate 3 Cool, temperate 2 Cold 1 Arctic 1 Energy recovery Reg. Name No. 1 Arctic Tromso, Murmansk, Novosibirsk, Magadan Recommanded glazing Hygiene criterion θSi,min fRsi Vacuum low-e 9,20 0,80 2 Cold Ancorage, Stockholm, Moscow, Harbin Quadruple paned low-e 11,00 0,75 0,65 0,60 0,55 3 4 5 6 7 Washington, London,Rom, Chengdu, Tokio LA, Lisboa, Melbourne, Santiago (CL) Lake Victoria, Johannesburg, Mexico City Maiami, Rio de Janeiro (BR), Windhoek Houston, Sahara, Saudi Arabia, India Triple paned low-e Double paned low-e Double paned insulating Double paned anti-sun Triple paned anti-sun 12,60 0,70 14,00 0,60 15,50 0,55 not defined not defined 0,85 1,30 2,90 1,60 1,30 0,80 1,25 2,85 1,55 1,25 0,75 1,20 2,80 1,50 1,20 Cool-temperate Warm-temperate Warm Hot Extremly hot, often humid Cities Maximum U-Value UW,installed UW Ug 0,45 0,40 0,35 dPHt: PropassivhausENERsign: CertifiedBiTri: windows for cold climates ENERsign: Source: Passiv Haus Institut Darmstadt Comparison window U-value 世界各国の窓性能の比較 Country Finland Germany Austria Denmark Checo England Hungary France Italy Spain China Beijing China Shanghai Japan Window U-Value requirement (W/m2K) 1.0 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.6 2.0-4.6 2.1-2.8 2.0 2.5 No requirement! Current market average window U-value is 4.6W/m2K!! poor thermal performance of the building + high awareness of energy saving = risking your life quality and increasing death rate in winter. DON’T CARE ABOUT ECOLOGY! BE CAREFULL WITH YOUR OWN LIFE! German House ? Japanese House ? “EGO” instead of “ECO” Why not living in more healthy way? 22 The first certified passive house in Japan in 2009 4 years after 11th March… “The elephant in the room” 部屋の中に巨大な象がいませんか? An enormous problem in front of us is obvious to everybody, however, Nobody talks about it. Reducing CO2 emission is NOT the goal. Sustainable development and human activity are the goal. Let’s produce sustainable home for our sustainable community 持続可能な社会のためのエコハウスを目指そう! Leaning from Jap. tradition 地産池消で伝統工法から学ぶ (天然素材+吉田兼好の家づくり) ストック住宅の活用! 吉田兼好 Adding hot-water-bottle principle エネルギー効率の向上 (器の魔法瓶化+設備効率) Introducing renewable energy source 再生可能エネルギーの採用 (太陽熱、バイオマス、風力、 太陽光発電etc) 25 One example of the “very Japanese” Passive House… 県産材を使った省エネモデルハウス“木灯館(ことぼしかん)”完成 Nobody would call this house as “German House”! But this is a Passive House (15kWh/m2 Annual Heating Demand)! 十津川村の杉を使った高性能サッシ Increased energy efficiency of the window by using high performance glazing and local wood from Totsukawa Village Dreh-kipp (Tilt-turn) window with aluminum cladding ドレーキップ窓 アルミクラッド仕様 Sliding door 片引き窓 アルミクラッド仕様 One example of the “very Japanese” Passive House… 土壁+竹小舞の真壁構造に断熱気密性能を付加することで パッシブハウス基準の冷暖房負荷を達成 “diffusion open” wall construction by using Japanese traditional clay wall and wood based insulation Thank You! ご静聴ありがとうございました。
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