こちら - 東京大学 工学部物理工学科・大学院工学系研究科物理工学専攻

Associate Professor Position in Theoretical Physics,
Department of Applied Physics, the University of Tokyo
1. 公募する職名.人数
准教授 1 名
2. 所属部門、講座、研究室等
3. 専門分野、仕事の内容
4. 着任時期
5. 任期
6. 応募資格
7. 提出書類
1) 履歴書(連絡用メールアドレスを明記のこと)
2) 今までの研究概要(約 2,000 字)
3) 研究・教育に対する抱負(約 2,000 字)
4) 業績リスト(論文,著書,総説等)
5) 国内外招待講演リスト
6) 教育実績
7) その他参考となる実績リスト(受賞・新聞発表,学会活動,
8) 主要論文別刷又はコピー5 編
9) 推薦書(または意見書)2 通 あるいは照会可能者 2 名の
8. 公募締切
2014 年 10 月 31 日
9. 書類送付先および問合せ先
〒113-8656 東京都文京区本郷 7-3-1
東京大学工学系研究科物理工学専攻 専攻長 鹿野田一司
電話 03-5841-6830 email:
10. その他
-----------------------------------------------------Applications are invited for a faculty position at the associate professor level in the field of
theoretical physics at Department of Applied Physics in The University of Tokyo, Japan
(http://www.ap.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ en/index.html). Department of Applied Physics (DAP) seeks
individuals of the highest international caliber who lead the research activity in condensed matter
science at DAP on appointment. The successful applicant is expected to have a strong background
and excellent research activities in the theoretical studies of condensed matter physics,
statistical physics or quantum information. The applicant is expected to teach at both graduate and
undergraduate levels in The University of Tokyo. However, the teaching duty is relatively light.
Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience, being subject to the regulation of
The University of Tokyo.
Please send a curriculum vitae, a summary of research accomplishments, a summary of research and
education plan at DAP, a list of publications, invited talks and awards, description of teaching
experiences and outreach activities (if any), reprints (copies) of five most important publications,
and two recommendation letters or contact information of two references to:
Prof. Kazushi Kanoda, Chair, Department of Applied Physics,
The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
Application deadline is Oct. 31, 2014.
If you have any inquiry regarding this announcement, please contact
Professor Kazushi Kanoda, Email: kanoda@ap.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp Phone: +81-3-5841-6830