WIDEPIX ® MODUPIX Version 1.0 Datasheet WIDEPIX s.r.o. Na Balkáně 2075/70, 130 00 Praha 3, Czech Republic Tel: +420-603-444112, 589854; Email: info@widepix.cz www.widepix.cz General features MODUPIX Datasheet General features MODUPIXは科学実験研究において要求さ れる性能や多様性を重視して設計されて おります。エッジレスピクセル検出器 Timepixが搭載された高速で万能なモジュ ールは多数の垂直スタック、広いエリアを カバーするためのタイリング、又はその両 方の組み合わせのような異なった構成に て使用可能です。各デバイスの独立した USB2.0通信は完成したモジュールシステ ムの速い読み出しを確実にします。 システムのすべてのモジュールは同時もしくは独立したトリガーにて 操作可能です。センサの種類と厚さはお客様のご要求に合わせて選択さ れます。 Illustration of single particle sensitivity of Timepix device. The tracks of different particles of normal radiation background were recorded in 10 minutes. No noise (clean zero) is seen in dark regions. MODUPIXは速い放射線イメージング(X線、中性子、イオン)、分光イメージ ング(各ピクセルはエネルギースペクトルを記録する)、 粒子追跡、飛行時間イメージング、多層コンプトンカメラ(薄い上部センサ 、厚い底部センサ)のような様々な用途に使用可能です。このセンサはコ ンバータ層の沈着(※2)により中性子イメージングに適応します。いくつか の用途(遅い中性子)における空間分解能はミクロンあるいはサブミクロン レベル(イオン)の単位に達します。 Main Features Readout chip type Pixel size Sensor resolution Dynamic range in one frame Dark Current Interface Maximum frame rate Dimensions (without cover) Weight (without cover) Timepix 55 x 55 µm 256 x 256 pixels 11 0823 none USB 2.0 (Hi-Speed) 850fps 115.2 x 70 x 19.5 (108.4 x 70 x 15.3) mm 155 (118) g The maximum speed of 850 fps is reached with about 600 particles per frame resulting in about 0.5 million particles per 241 second (tested with 60 keV gamma rays from Am source). 2 6 10 Convertors based on LiF or B4C for slow neutrons (efficiency up to 4%) or PE for fast neutrons - pricing on request. 3 Dynamic range of final picture is theoretically unlimited; the only limiting factor is exposure time. 1 2 Device Parameters MODUPIX Datasheet Device Parameters Operating Conditions Symbol TA Φ Parameter Temperature Range Humidity Min 0 Typ 50 Max Units 70 °C 60 % Comment Not condensing Electrical Specification TA = 25°C, USB voltage VCC = 4.8V Symbol Parameter USB VCC Supply Voltage USB ICC Supply Current USB ICC1 Chip active P1 Power Dissipation I/O Conn. Input CMOS (pin 4,6,8,10) VINL Voltage Low VINH Voltage High I/O Conn. Input LVDS (pin 3,5,7,9) VIN Voltage range VINDIFF Differential Voltage Sensor Bias Voltage VBIAS Bias Voltage IBIAS Bias Current (VBIAS = 5V) Bias Current (VBIAS = 30V) Bias Current (VBIAS = 100V) Min 4.0 Typ 5.0 Max Units 6.0 V Comment Comply with USB 2.0 500 mA 2.5 W Comply with USB 2.0 0 2.15 1.15 V 3.3 V 0 250 2.5 V 600 mV 3 100 10 5 1 V mA mA mA Performance Characteristics Symbol f TREAD 4 Parameter Frame Rate Frame Readout Time4 Min Typ 1.17 Max Units 850 fps ms During Readout time (or Dead time), no charge is collected from the sensor. 3 Comment with USB 2.0 Host MODUPIX Datasheet Device description Protection cover Status LED USB I/O Digital USB connector USB type mini B, Standard USB 2.0 Hi-Speed. I/O Digital connector Connector is available internally on board. It can be made accessible upon request. 1 3 5 7 9 GND Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 2 4 6 8 10 LVDS0P (2.5V) LVDS0N (2.5V) LVDS1P (2.5V) LVDS1N (2.5V) 4 +5V Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved CMOS 0-5V CMOS 0-5V CMOS 0-5V CMOS 0-5V Mechanical Dimensions MODUPIX Datasheet Mechanical Dimensions Without protecting cover All dimension are in mm. Extreme care must be taken when removing protecting cover or handling MODUPIX without protecting cover. Warranty does not apply to mechanical damage of the sensor and wirebonds. 5 MODUPIX Datasheet With protecting cover All dimension are in mm 6 Configuration Examples MODUPIX Datasheet Configuration Examples Single detector (Single layer of 256 x 256 pixels, speed of 850 frames per second) Quad detector (Single layer of 512 x 512 pixels, speed of 850 frames per second with optional hole in the middle) Stacked detector (Arbitrary number of layers of 256 x 256 pixels, speed of 850 frames per second) Row detector (Single layer 256 x 1024 pixels, speed of 850 frames per second) 7 Warning MODUPIX Datasheet Warning Do not touch sensor surface! Instructions for safe use To avoid malfunction or damage to your ModuPIX please observe the following Do not expose to water, moisture. Do not disassemble. Wire-bonding connection may be irreversibly damaged. Do not insert any object into the sensor window. Extreme care must be taken when removing protecting cover or handling ModuPIX without protecting cover. Warranty does not apply to mechanical damage of the sensor and wirebonds. 8 Copyright MODUPIX Datasheet Copyright WIDEPIX s.r.o. Na Balkane 2075/70, CZ 130 04 Praha 3 Czech Republic Tel: +420-603-444112, 589854; Email: info@widepix.cz www.widepix.cz ® For more information visit WIDEPIX website at www.widepix.cz. 理化学機器営業部 (東京) 〒105-0014 東京都港区芝3-5-1コーンズハウス TEL.03-5427-7568 (大阪) 〒550-0005 大阪府大阪市西区西本町1-13-40 アイデム西本町第2ビル TEL.06-6532-1012 E-mail. ctl-science@cornes.jp URL. http://www.cornestech.co.jp/
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