「 V da,α『op◎ 『, PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA CCOFI Cmise 6103 8-13 Marcb 1961 CCOFI Cmise 6104-5 4 Aprn-12ル 勲y1961 and CCOFI Cmise 6105 17-29 May 1961 SIO Reference 62-15 28 December 1961 V UMVERSIrY OF CALIFORNIA SCRIPPS INSTITUT10N OF OCEANOGRAPHY PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL DATA CCOFI Cruise 6103 8-13 March 1961 CCOFI Cmlee 6104-5 4 April-12 May 1961 and CCOFI Cruise 6105 17-29 May 1961 Qponsored by Marine Research Committee SIO Reference 62-15 26 DeCember 1961 Approved for distribution: 作 滋 Roger Revelle, Director V COMENTS INTRODUCTION CRUISE 6103 ¨ 麻 m List of Figures Personnel Tabulated Data CRUISE 6104-5 hst of Flgures . . . . . . . . . Per80nnel. . . . . Tabュ lated ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Data . . . . . . . DISTRIBUT10N uST ・ ・ ・・ ・ ・ ・ ・・ ・ ・・ ・ ・ ・ Xi ● ● ●・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 対 ii ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ 53 109 V V INTRODUCTION The data presented in this report were collected by the RV Black Douglas of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries and the RV Horizon of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography on Cruises 6103, 6104-5 and 6105 of the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations program. The RV Black Douglas participated in all three cruises; the RV Horizon, 6104-5 and 6105. The first two figures in this cruise numbering system represent the year of the cruisei the last two figu.res, the month. In the case of quarterly cmises the last figures are hyphenated. The cruises preceding this one in the series are 6008, 6009 and 6009-10 (Scripps Institution report, SIO Ref. 62-10) and 6101-2 (SIO Ref. 61-24). The data are tabulated at observed depths; the interpolated and computed values are tabulated at standard depths and are accompanied by charts of horizontal distribution. The presentation of data in this report does not constitute publication; however, the data contained in this report have been carefully edited and no modifications should be necessary before final publication. STANDARD PROCEDURES V Processing of the data was carried out using the method described by Klein.l/ Certain approximations have been introduced for the determination of the integrated pressure terms which may result in errors whose maximum values are Iess than 0.5 dynamic centimeter at 0 over 200 decibars, 1.0 dynamic centimeter at 0 over 500 decibars, and 2.0 dynamic centimeters at 0 over 1000 decibars. The 125-meter level was introduced into the integration to obtain greater accuracy in the determination of AD. To indicate degree of accuracy, temperatures are recorded in tenths of a degree when obtained by bucket thermometer, thermograph, or bathythermograph, while temperatures from reversing thermometers are recorded in hundredths of a degree. The salinity values obtained by salinometer are recorded to three decimal places, provided they meet accepted standards. The third decimal place has been offset to emphasize that the accuracy of the observations is not to one unit in that place, but that the values recqrded rrhave a reproducibility of. *0.004/- salinity at t1e 95 percent probability level, and a_grobable accuracy of *0.018 salinity or better at the same level of probability. "U fn values are recorded to two decimal places when obtained by chlorinity titration, or by salinometer where only one determination 1/Klein,Hans T.A new technique for processing physical oceanographic data.MS. 2/QuotatiOn from Department of OCeanOgraphy,Udversity of Washingtoh,Tech. Rep. No.66, W Ref.60-18, OctOber 1960. V per sample wa6 obtained, or where there is doubt concerrring the accuracy of a particular sample, or of all samples on a station. The accuracy of all samples obtained by salinometer and recorded to two decimal places is believed to be equal to'or better than those obtained by manual titration, Extrapolated values and values interpolated between remote observations are entered within parentleses. A hlphen is used to indicate a missing observed value. The time is the time of messenger release. When more than one cast was made on a Btation, mesaenger times and wlre angles are given in the order of increaBing depth. A line is left blarik between the observed data of each cast. On stations where more than one cast is lowered, the variouB property curves may not agree perfectly. This discrepancy may be caused by changes in geographjcal poBition, real property changes with time, slight error in measurement, or a combination of these factors. Stations with overlapping casts have the following footnote3 Overlapping casta; reconciliation of property curves when necessary. FOOTNOTES Laboratory personnel, before tttrating the Balinity samples, note any possible imperfections in the sealing of the bottles as follows: Loose bottle cap: The cap is definitely loose so that it could be moved with very little applied pre8sure. The salinity values obtained from these samples may be usable depending on time and/or conditions of storage. Possible evaporation: Either the cap was sealed with less than usual pressure, the bottle edge chipped, the rubber washer cracked, or the bale broke on opening, etc. Use of the above values in interpolation depends upon consistency with other values of salinity and other propertles, and tlese footnotes are supplemented with "falls on property curve,, or rdoes not fall on property curve,,, depending upon whether the property curve was drawn through the value or not. rn addition to footnotes, three special notations are used without footnotes because their meanihg is always the same. tv v ︱ 一 To indicate a premature or a delayed reversal of the water-sampling device which resultE in certain depth and property error6, the following notation is used. p: pretrip or posttrip. Values which are not drawn through because they seem to be in error without apparent reason are indicated by one of the following notations. r: rejected value (value seems to be definitely wrong), u: uncertain value (value may be correct; occasionally it can influence the drawing of the property curve). FORMAT these data are typed in the format of the University of California press publication, Oceanic Observations of the Pacific. So that these pages can be used as copy for the 1961 volume, the fir6t page of Cruise 6103 data is numbered 50; Cruise 6104-5, 53; Cruise 6105, 101. V V V V LO ン ト 一〇 〇 J 回 > Z 一 日 O Z U ∝ Ш LL 一0 く に O L ︵0 口 ∽ ヽ三 0 ︶ ント 一〇 〇 コ ]> 3 0 コ L o 一〓 住 O ∝ 卜 ∽ 0 回 0 コ 0 .2 > 0 一 ﹂ 0 0 く . W 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 DiSTANCE (NAUT:CAL M:LES) BETWEEN TWO PO:NTS G FIGURES 1. CCOFI Cnrise 6104-5, station positiong 2. Horizontal distribution of dynamic height anomaly (0 over 500 d-bar) 3. Horizontal distribution of temperature at 10 meters 4. Horizontal distribution of salinity at 10 meters 5. Horizontal diEtribution of temperature at 200 meters 6. Horizontal distribution of salinity at 200 meterg Xl CCOF: CRUISE 6104-5 HOR!ZON 5 APRlL― 12 MAY STAT:ON POSiT!ONS DlRECT'011 0F TRAVEL― 、 ` 、 O HVOR● ●RAPHIC StAr:0“ ● NET T∝ STATЮ “ ●● ふ が 8LACK DOuCLAS ,9 APRlL― 10 MAY (PART 2) 0 G N E A I BLACK 00UGLAS 「 4-6 APRlL 1961 (PART I) F:GURE l 、 CCOFI CRU:SE 6104-5 4 APRlL-12 MAY 1961 DYNAMIC HEIGHT ANOMALIES (0 0VER 500 0CCIBARS) CONTOυ R :"TERVAし 0 05 0YNA“ lC MET〔 RS 1,「 01CATEO BY ARROWS ― APPROXIMAT[ 500 METER 307ToM coNTOUR )――― Cυ RR〔 N■ `‐‐ 01RECT10N I“ F,Gυ RC /1 ヽ ( ■ヽ 2 (, ′︰ ヽ ( CCOF: CRUISE 6104-5 :O METER SAL:NITY CONTOuR lNTCRVAL 0 20%。 リ 紳 / ′ ● . . . ・螂 ・ ・ κ ・ o . r 多 ● 颯 ル ・ . ヽ・ N ¨ A S ・ ヽ・ BLACK 000CLAS 4-6 APttL 1961 F,GtlRE 4 ( ( ( /1 ヽ CCOF: CRUISE 6:04-5 4 APRlL― 12 MAY 196! 200 METER TEMPERATURE COIITOuR INTERVAL 1 0。 POINT CONCEPT10N ‐ AP'ROXlMATE 200 MET[R 00TTOM CO“ 了OUR 1, ■:` . 0ド ■ャ FGURE 5 C CCOFI CRU:SE 6:04-5 4 APR:L― 12 MAY 196! 200 METER SALIN:TY CO“ TOuR IIIT⊂ RVAL 020%。 ´ AcPROXIMATE 200 METCR 00,,oll CoII了 OuR Q ●一 FI● ( ( URE 6 ( PERSONNEL Cruise 6104-5 SHIPST CAPTAINS Forster, Charles W., RV Black Newbegin, Robert C., Douglas RV Horizon PERSONNEL PARTICIPATING IN THE COLLECTION OF DATA RV Black Douglas Bottom, Kenneth S. , Senior Marine Technician Kimura, M. , Fishery Research Biologist, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Perkins, Herbert C., Fishery Aid, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries *Wag:rer, Vaughn M. , Fishery Aid, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries RV Horizon Lawson, Jan B., Senior Marine Technician Born, Robert, Marine Technician Engebretson, David W. , Marine Technician Frey, James M. , Marine Technician Hester, Arthur \[/., Senior Marine Technician Hodnett, Haley L., Marine Technician **Kujala, Norman F., Research Associate, Oregon State College Mantyla, Arnold W. , Senior Marine Technician Pine, James S., Senior Marine Technician ***Reeves, R. Alan, Marine Technician Wagrrer, Vaughn M. , Fishery Aid, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries *Participated in first part of cruise only. **To Monterey only. *r'*T'o Santa Barbara only. V Xlll T Z Oc 0 29 10 11 9 63 9 04 38 628 33 133 38 732 38 763 39 47 8 42 8 35 33 865 33 00 1 20 6 70 6 46 5.20 3 90 2 59 2 32 HORIZ ON:April 17. 1961:0531 CCT:37° 213 197 186 10 10 9 9 169 165 37'N, 123° 11 09 63 00 (8 34) 37'や V,80unding, COMPUTED 33 33 38 38 63 63 73 77 (33 90) S10 CCOFI 6T “ m dyn cI/ton HORIZON; April 16, 196l; 0051 GCT; 37'53.5'N, 123'01.srw; sounding, 43 fm; partly cloudy, sea, rough:wire angle, 00° 10 %M 。2 ΠJ/L S ん S 残 T 。ん Z m T Oc V INTERPOLATED %ユ OBSERVED 6052 wird, 300', force 5; weather, 6 6 5 3 70 46 20 80 (2 30) 25 88 25.89 26 05 26 10 (20 39) 213 212 197 185 (165) 6104-5 0 00 ● 02 0 04 0 00 (0 10) 6060 1760 fm:wind,310° ,force 6:weather, partly● loudy:sea, high:wire angle,50° 1 7 23 29 38 47 64 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 75 9 00 33 755 85 8 90 33 798 102 118 142 163 198 8 8 8 8 7 01 01 95 7o 30 94 84 52 40 22 00 80 33 33 30 30 33 33 38 33 33 34 34 34 372 359 373 409 512 543 624 926 969 003 004 049 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 74 75 61 42 04 66 80 246 247 245 236 224 216 201 20 30 50 75 100 2 91 187 181 125 150 11 11 10 9 9 8 0 8 166 200 (7 79) 2 71 2 2 2 2 1 24 15 08 15 76 0 10 (11 01) 00 00 68 81 08 55 35 10 133 37) (5 74) (26.53) (247) (34 05) (1 70) (26 58) (147) 33 33 03 33 38 33 33 34 36 36 44 55 76 91 98 00 5 5 5 4 2 2 2 2 70 70 40 55 91 28 11 10 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 52 52 64 87 16 36 44 49 247 247 236 214 187 168 160 155 (0 00) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 05 07 12 17 21 26 30 10 37) 161 156 153 147 HORIZON:April 17, 1961:1214 CCT,37° 165'N, 124° 225'Wi 80unding, 2100 fm:wind, 310° ,force 6;weather, V missing,3ea,high:wire angle,38° 0 12 62 33 079 5 99 8 12 60 30 079 5 82 27 12 61 33 078 5 91 50 12 62 33 075 6 00 56 12 62 33 079 6 01 71 12 62 33.080 5 90 82 12 26 33 128 5 92 93 10 92 33 423 4 70 115 128 149 175 195 230 288 384 461 574 V 9,79 9 54 9 27 8 96 8 65 8.22 7 54 6 74 6 18 5 51 38 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 661 766 038 923 965 036 074 115 177 249 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 35 89 56 29 24 87 73 13 71 42 297 296 296 297 297 296 286 241 205 194 104 173 165 154 141 128 116 103 0 10 20 30 50 76 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 9 9 8 7 7 6 5 62 60 60 61 62 58 38 60 26 57 99 42 61 91 33 38 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 08 08 08 08 08 08 53 74 84 98 06 08 13 21 5 5 5 5 99 83 86 92 6 00 5 90 4 07 2 97 2 54 2 18 1 1 1 0 81 66 01 58 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 00 01 01 00 00 01 76 06 19 41 56 66 81 96 296 296 296 296 296 296 224 196 184 163 149 139 125 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 03 06 09 15 22 29 0 34 0 39 0 48 0 0 0 0 56 63 77 89 6070 S 6 25 5 88 34 159 34 222 0 85 0 55 残 119 135 13 12 12 12 12 12 11 10 9 00 99 87 70 77 33 16 34 24 33 33 33 33 33 33 03 33 38 045 043 04 1 056 06 1 240 37 5 43 a) 61 1 205 243 287 8 92 8 54 8.17 7 78 7 22 7 16 33 740 33 810 33.893 33.925 33 961 34 052 868 432 500 6 38 5.94 5.30 34 06 1 34 10 1 34.160 158 181 36'38'N, 125'4?,W; sourding, 5 93 5 92 5 99 5 90 5 83 5 47 4 84 4 18 3 62 306 306 304 301 301 279 249 231 200 3 26 3 03 2 04 2 76 2 45 1.69 186 175 164 156 145 138 1.27 0 76 0 57 12 70 33 032 6.08 12.70 33 024 6 21 33 12.68 61 70 89 101 115 143 160 187 12.70 12 72 12 50 12 20 11.28 9 56 9 1o 8 62 33 07 1 33 057 33 047 33.066 33 202 33 230 o3 41 9 33 66 1 6 11 6 03 5 89 5 89 5 00 5 13 5 14 4 64 218 245 290 349 8 26 7 86 7 00 6 44 6.52 13.830 33 918 33 912 38 900 34.013 4.34 4.11 3 34 2 48 1 51 4 98 34 07 9 o o0 4 70 34.160 0 58 442 528 600 33 047 6 24 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 lN,126° 2● :∬ 0 V 910., force 4i weather, (25 01) (206) (0 00) 26 53 151 0.55 26 66 26 84 130 122 0.63 0 76 (26 98) (108) (0.88) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 20 01 01 01 01 42 75 99 10 40 295 296 206 205 266 225 203 184 104 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 06 09 15 22 28 33 08 47 10 00 12 98 12 91 12 35 12 78 12 30 10 32 9 11 8 67 7 86 7 20 7.05 6 13 5 47 2OO4 fm; wind, 310', lorce 4i weatler, 33.04 33.04 30 04 33 04 33 06 33 24 33 43 33 67 33 79 38 92 33.98 34 06 34 10 34 17 5 93 5 92 5 97 5.98 5 90 5 44 4 17 3 45 3 13 2 79 2 34 1 61 0 98 0 58 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 90 90 91 93 96 19 71 08 24 47 61 69 85 98 306 306 305 304 301 279 231 194 0 00 0 03 0 06 0 09 0 15 0 23 0.29 0 34 178 0 39 157 0 48 144 055 136 121 0 62 0 76 108 0 88 V 127 117 107 ]:路 蹴alllVh∬ t‖ :£ 蓄 10 △D 6T cl/ton dyn m 118 109 HORZON; AprU 17, 196l; 2215 cCT; cloudy: sea, rough;wire angle, 27° 0 9 27 52 62 74 87 99 COMPUTED ηユ T Oc Q磁 Z m 491 60100 6,r cl/tolr HORIZON; April 1?, 1961i 1734 cCTi 36'55.5'N, 120'O?'W; soundtng, 2310 Im; wind, cloudy: 3ea, Very pOugh:wire angle, 32° 1 12 66 33 098 6 05 296 0 (12 66) 133 10) (6.05) 9 12 64 33 094 6 02 296 10 12 64 33 10 0 02 29 12 66 38 097 5 90 296 20 12 64 33 10 5 97 54 12 64 33 097 5 98 296 30 12 66 38 10 5 90 62 12 63 33 103 5 82 295 50 12 64 30 10 5 97 79 11 22 33 862 4 90 251 75 11 40 33 33 5 03 00 10 69 33 47 1 4 45 234 100 10 49 33 54 4 19 102 10.44 33 552 4 14 224 125 9 78 33.69 3 50 123 9 83 38 676 3 62 205 150 9 11 93 81 2 89 138 9 42 33 740 3 16 198 200 8 49 33 95 2 43 157 8 98 33 844 2 77 179 250 8 01 34 03 1 99 181 8 74 33 903 2.53 171 000 7 46 34 09 1 55 200 0 49 33.949 2 43 400 164 6 47 34 15 0 96 232 8 21 34 002 2 14 156 500 (5 85) (34 23) (0.55) 276 7 71 34.066 1 74 144 6 94 34 129 1 24 351 129 426 6090 T Oc INTERPOLATED じυ MI● U■ ■L S ん 6080 Z m 6104-5 %磁 OBSERVED S10 CCOFI i賀 301 302 300 299 300 297 290 264 233 213 伊 ■3mtti埓 ,2535m:wim,320° ,お "e,weaぬ 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 187 169 157 400 146 134 500 600 12 70 12 70 12 69 12 68 12 70 12 72 12 30 10 40 9 70 8 45 7 76 6 90 5 89 5.13 4 70 121 33 03 33 02 33 03 03 04 33 06 33 06 33 05 33 22 33.31 33 74 33 92 33 92 34 00 34 05 34.16 6 08 6 21 6 22 6 24 6 14 6 02 5 89 5 37 5 13 4 50 4 05 3.20 1.91 1.06 0 58 24 95 24 94 24 95 24.96 24 97 24 97 25 04 25 52 25.70 26.24 26.48 26 60 26 80 26.03 27.07 e■ 302 302 301 301 299 300 200 248 230 170 0 00 0 03 0 06 0 09 0 15 0 23 0 00 0.37 0.43 0 53 156 0.62 144 126 113 100 0 70 0 84 0.96 1 07 110 100 V a) Altemate value, 33.48t, not used in inte4rolation. b) Arl assumod wire engle of 15' w4s used in dept] determination. T術 。 T Oc S10 COMP,TED ■ュ %磁 珀 S る V S Z m Oc INTERPOLATED T 。ん T Z %磁 03SERVED AD dyn m CCOFI 6104-5 60120 HoRtzONi April 18, 196l; 1157 GCT;35'38rN, 128'02!wi sourdinS, 2{90 flrt; wird' 320', Iorce 4i weather, cloudy: sea, rough:wire angle, 27・ 0 9 26 52 62 71 88 100 122 199 10 56 13 57 13 57 13.53 13 40 13 40 13.12 12 58 11 38 10.40 33 137 33 13 1 33.128 33.126 33.123 33 102 33 000 33 198 33 278 33.306 5.87 6 00 5 79 5 75 5 77 6 04a) 6 12 5 01 5.60 5 39 166 9 32 33 449 4.51 38 682 3 64 192 8 70 219 8 36 264 7 76 33 94 1 2 96 313 390 468 545 7 33 6.54 6 93 5 50 33.985 04.076 34 144 34 187 2 48 1 39 0 85 0 62 33 819 310 311 311 310 310 310 3 42 O 13 50 10 13.57 13 18 20 30 50 75 13 57 13 50 13.53 13 39 33 33 30 33 100 126 150 12.58 11 21 0.80 03 20 33 28 33 34 307 287 260 241 213 200 250 8.60 7 93 187 800 7.43 172 400 500 6.45 5 73 154 145 00 14 5 87 6 00 13 13 13 10 5.00 5 79 5 75 6 04 5 01 5 66 5 09 33 72 33.91 33 97 3.57 3 10 2.61 34 09 34 17 1 29 0 71 24.30 24.85 24 24 24 24 010 311 85 85 86 87 25 10 25 42 25 70 26 20 26 45 26 57 26.80 26.95 0 00 0.00 311 311 310 300 287 257 230 0.00 0 09 0 16 0 23 0 01 0.38 0.44 183 159 148 0 54 0.63 0 71 126 111 0.86 0 08 128 115 107 HORIZON; Aprit 18, 1961; 2005 GCT;35"01'N, 129'25'Wi sourdinS, 2545 imi wind, 330', force 4; weather, cloudy: Bea, very rough:wire angle, 26° 0 (14 26) (33 13) (5 91) (24 71) (324) (0 00) 324 1 14 26 33.134 5 91 10 14 24 33 14 5 85 24.72 323 0 03 323 10 14 24 33.136 5 85 20 14 24 33 13 5 86 24 71 324 0 06 325 32 14 25 33.122 5 87 V 58 66 14 26 14 23 33 168 33.17 1 5 99 5 85 322 321 84 97 12 70 11 58 33 264 33 358 5.52 5 05 284 257 110 10.40 33 472 4 35 229 274 9 25 8 92 8 42 8 04 7 70 7 20 33 635 33 786 33 878 33 953 33 974 34.019 3 78 3.09 2.71 2 69 2 68 2 41 330 6.19 03 97 8 2 53 135 151 177 206 232 418 5 30 500 570 4 84 4 68 34 000 34 095 34 185 199 182 168 157 151 141 131 118 107 98 1 69 1 00 0 67 HORtz ON; Aprit 19, 1961; 0348 GCT| cloudy:sea, hlghi wire angle, 21° 2 11 34 61 14 24 14 26 14 23 14.27 33.169 33 153 33 159 33 330 6.88 5.95 5 91 5 04 70 89 14.35 14 12 33 430 33 499 5,72 5 60 102 115 141 158 184 13 41 12 30 11 38 10.02 9 60 33 456 33 458 33 559 33.536 33.702 5 58 5.57 5 30 5 13 4.91 215 241 9 37 9 12 33.860 33.961 235 8.58 33.992 343 438 7.20 6 04 33 957 34 023 3.42 1 01 517 5.30 34.088 1 24 587 5 02 34 147 4 85 4 96 4.53 0 79 a) Alternate value, 5.66 rri/L, iot 30 50 75 100 14 14 13 11 25 26 80 30 125 150 9 57 8 94 200 250 000 8 12 7 50 6 71 400 500 33 12 33.15 33 19 33 38 33 57 33 78 34 00 4 84 321 323 323 310 304 294 284 263 239 218 199 184 172 0 2?00 2 70 2 55 2.47 1 89 34 10 34'22'N, r30"42.5iw; soundinS, 87 95 76 89 4 00 3 11 33 95 34 00 34 00 5.43 5 5 4 4 1 00 25 93 26 19 26 45 26.58 26 69 26 85 27.00 325 323 311 251 208 180 0 0 0 0 0 37 0.42 159 146 136 120 10 16 24 31 0 51 0 59 0.60 0.79 106 0 01 fm; wird, 330o, force 4; weather, (1424) 13317) (588) (2474) 1321) 1000) 10 14 25 20 30 50 75 100 125 14.27 14 23 14 28 14 35 13 50 12 12 00 15 5 94 33 16 33 16 33 22 33 45 33 47 33 49 5.93 5 91 5 88 5.69 5.58 5 56 150 10.62 03 54 5.24 200 250 300 9 49 9 01 8.29 33.78 33.98 33.99 4.86 4 89 4 23 04.00 2.35 400 6 40 162 500 5.42 34 07 145 126 112 105 600 14.99) (34 15) used in lEtetpoletion. 24 70 24.73 24 85 25 48 1 38 24 73 24.73 24 73 24 77 24 94 25 11 25.41 25 73 26 11 26.34 26 46 26.73 323 322 322 318 303 280 257 228 192 169 158 132 26.91 115 (27.02) (104) 60140 0.03 0 06 0.10 0.16 0 24 0 31 0 38 0 44 0.55 0 64 0,73 0 88 1 01 (1.12) 60160 6T m1/L 0 9 30 66 65 82 95 15 97 15 98 16 00 15 98 15 97 15.54 15.44 33.379 33 873 33.873 33 890 03 889 33.907 33.984 107 132 148 15 14 14.85 13 19 33.95 1 34 068 33 706 5 57 5 41 5.33 174 204 12.01 10.44 33 757 38 768 5 24 4.90 236 200 33 33 33 33 34 34 4 82 4.51 0.87 2 50 1.65 1.03 186 166 150 135 120 110 229 271 328 418 501 571 0 8 7 6 5 5 46 80 57 50 50 08 867 986 968 085 020 08 1 5.50 6 68 5 63 5.57 5 50 5.52 5 54 305 300 006 304 004 292 286 dyn m 282 208 2・ o5 HOR厖 ON:Aprll 19, 1961:2050 CCT:33° . 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 11 29 57 67 01 95 16.46 16 40 16 34 16 00 16 26 16 10 109 132 15.32 14 44 150 177 205 13.10 11 53 10 15 231 276 325 401 478 558 9.72 9.09 7.94 6 68 6 84 5.31 34.104 34 106 34 243 34.249 34 390 34.370 04 190 34.130 5 5 5 5 5 5 53 68 52 49 38 50 5 68 5.28 33 897 33.815 33.840 33.975 34.022 33 977 33.072 33.998 34 07 1 5 20 5.20 4.86a) 5.00 4.93 3.69 2.85 1.98 1 44 15.97 15.09 16 00 16 00 15 99 15.95 15 86 14 80 13 10 10 67 9 11 8 10 6 78 5.51 33 88 33.87 33 87 03.87 33 80 33.80 33.07 34.04 33 79 38 76 33 95 33 98 33.98 34 02 5 50 5 68 5 65 5 63 5 52 5 50 5 56 5 42 5 33 4.94 4 69 4 19 2 80 24 91 24 90 24.90 24 90 24 92 24 03 25.12 25 30 25 46 25 89 26 30 26 48 26 67 305 306 306 006 305 304 285 269 253 212 173 156 138 0 00 0 03 0.06 0.09 0 15 0.23 0.30 0.37 0.44 0 66 0 66 0 74 0 89 1 66 26 86 120 1 03 07'N, 133° 24'W;Ⅲ Duraing,2700 fm:wl:週 ,320° ,force 3:weather, Partly clolldy:sea, high,wire angle, 16° 5 52 1 16 48 6352 S ん HORIZON:Aprll 19, 1961:1226 CCT:33° 41lN, 132° 07'W:30urdillg, 2745 fnt:wlnd,330° ,lorce 4:weather, partly cloudy:8ea, Very rough:wire angle, 27° 60200 T Oc COMPUTED T満 。 02 Z m Oc CM :NTERPOLATED S ん 60180 T Z %ユ OBSERVED S10 CCOFI 6104-5 0 10 299 298 286 279 274 272 268 255 245 224 198 181 167 154 138 125 114 (16 48) (34 15) 150 200 250 000 16 46 16 42 16 41 16 70 16 18 15.95 14 70 13 10 10 34 9 62 8 51 400 6 69 33.07 500 5.66 34 02 20 30 50 75 100 125 (5 52) 34 10 34 10 34 11 34 22 34 35 34 04 34 13 33.90 33 83 34 00 34 00 5.53 5 60 5 68 5 66 5 41 5 57 5 42 5 20 4 89 5.00 4.30 2.86 (25 00) 24 97 24.98 24.99 25 01 25 23 25 27 25.39 25 54 26 00 26 26 26.43 26 67 1 78 (296) 10 00) 300 299 298 296 275 271 260 245 201 177 160 0.00 0.06 0.09 0 15 0 22 0 29 0.36 0 42 0 53 0.63 0.72 138 26 84 V 0.87 122 1 01 HORZONi April 15, 196ri 20Il GCTi 3?'16rN, 122'40'W; sourding, 55 fm; winC, 300', force 4; weatier, partly cloudy: sea, rough,wire angle, 16° 6355 1 10 11 14 10.86 29 47 70 9.23 8 76 8 58 33.557 33 584 33 773 33 905 33 95 1 7 33 6 71 2 69 2 10 1 94 235 228 0 10 20 30 50 75 188 171 165 (11.14) (33 56) (7.33) (25.65) 9 21 33 78 2 66 26 14 8 71 33 92 2 05 26 34 169 0.10 18.58) (33 95) (1 91) (26 39) (165) (0.14) 10 86 9 80 33 58 33.69 6 71 4 07 25.72 25 99 (235) 10 00) 188 0 06 220 203 0 02 0.04 HOR厖 ON:April 15,1961:1741 CCr:37° 09'N,122° 52'W:30uraing,165 fm;w,d,320° ,fo"o5:weather,pa山 cloudy,8ea,Very ttgh;wire angle,35° 1 11.04 33 337 6 92 9 24 30 58 11 02 10 47 10 00 0.48 33.338 33.554 33.559 38 652 6 76 5.32 4.37 3 54 249 224 216 201 10 20 30 50 79 99 132 168 9 02 8.58 8 38 8 06 33.778 03 884 33.972 34.056 3 2 2 2 185 170 161 150 139 75 100 125 150 200 214 7 56 34 1● 6 37 05 35 11 1.60 250 0 a)Altemate value,5 00 nd/L,not used in interpolation (11 04) 133.34) (6 92) 11.01 33.34 10.70 33.49 10.28 33.56 9.49 33 62 3 9.15 3.57 8.42 3 22 7 71 33 75 33.89 33 05 34.02 34.10 (26 50) (249) (0.00) 6 75 25.50 249 0 02 5 81 26 68 232 0.05 4 91 25.80 221 0 07 62 26.98 204 0.11 3.41 2.02 2 48 2.21 1 74 26.14 26.34 26.41 26.40 26 03 188 160 160 155 142 0.16 0.21 0.25 0.20 0.37 ∨ 6,I Πn/L 142? GCT;3?"00,5rN, 123'lo'w; sounding, 1 11 20 33 232 6 03 11 27 33 228 6 03 28 11 22 9 94 33 237 33 467 5 94 5 16 260 222 9 82 33 49 1 5 07 218 9 72 9 03 8 76 8 41 8.14 33 529 03 653 33.788 33.900 33 948 5 00 3 78 3 22 2 88 2.73 7.88 33 992 7 54 7 48 34 012 04.048 2.35 2.02 7 07 34 09 2 1 52 6 54 34 105 1.20 5.98 5.28 5.0s 0 34.17 0 34.25 5 107 124 142 170 201 229 274 324 403 484 s66 34.1? 2.43 261 262 214 194 180 166 159 152 0.68 0.62 0,37 146 142 134 V Ct CCOFl 6.f g/L dyn m 6104-5 6360 fmi wind, 320', force 5; weather, 11 17 11 19 11.10 10 08 9 11 33 594 33 593 33 599 33 686 33 760 5 75 5 62 5 57 4 31 3 30 1 10 33 41 11.28 11 28 11 28 11 16 55 9 59 68 91 9.14 9 00 33 793 33 819 108 127 154 183 216 243 288 347 439 525 8 78 8 59 8 30 7 90 7 53 7.32 6 96 6 64 6.20 5 77 33.855 33 94 1 33.989 34 006 34.035 34 090 34 088 34 178 34 23 1 34 253 5 29 33 592 33.560 33 566 33 582 33 719 34.317 5 5 5 5 82 79 80 50 3 85 3 34 3 24 3 10 2 54 2.32 2 29 2 15 1 57 1 51 0.94 0 61 0 44 0.36 o 10 20 (11 28) 11 27 11 26 (33.23) 33 23 33 23 30 11.20 33.24 50 9.82 33 49 75 9 45 03.58 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 8.87 8 39 8.04 7.55 7.30 6 77 6 00 5 20 33.74 33 91 33 97 34.01 34 07 34 10 34 17 34 17 (6 03) 0 03 6.00 5 90 5 08 4 55 3 40 2 87 2 65 2 35 1 75 1 07 0 69 0 59 125 37) 25 37 25 38 25 39 25 82 25 95 26.17 26.38 26 47 26 59 26.67 26 76 26 92 27.02 (262) 262 261 259 219 200 185 165 157 146 139 130 114 105 (0 00) o 03 0 05 0.08 0 13 0 18 0 23 0.27 0 31 0.39 0 0 0 0 46 53 66 77 114 106 S1 233 233 231 208 187 HoRIzoN; April 15, 196r; 0555 GcT; 36'38 cloudy:sea, very nDugh:wire angle, 28° 598 1360 。2 ,n/L 126 HoRzoN; April 15, 1961; 024? GCT;36'49rN, partly c10udy:sea, very rough,wire angle, 10° 2 12 30 49 73 T Oc S10 c10udy:sca, very rough:wiro angle, 20° 10 38 51 65 88 S ん IIoRIzoN; April 15, 196l; p::■ ly 02 Z m S ん Z m T Oc COMPUTED INTERPOLAT ED OBSERVED 6750 122'0{.srw; souldlr8, 55 fm; wird, 300o, force 5; weether, 0 10 20 (11.17) 11.19 11 17 (33 59) 33 59 33 60 30 11 11 33 60 50 75 10.06 (9 03) 33 69 (33.77) (5.74) 5 63 5 59 5 57 4 28 (3.25) (25.67) 25 67 25 67 25 69 25 94 (26.16) (233) (0 00) 233 233 231 207 (186) 0 02 0.05 0 07 0.11 (0 16) 5rN, L22'25.5twi sounding, l2oo fm; wind, 320', force 5; weather, 235 237 237 234 198 185 181 175 166 158 151 144 137 133 122 112 105 95 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 (11 28) 11 28 11 28 11 28 9.80 9.12 8.38 8 62 8 04 7.68 7.25 6 87 6 38 5.90 (5 27) (33.59) 33 56 03 56 33 56 03.70 30 80 33 83 33 93 33 99 34 02 34 00 34 09 34 22 34 25 (34.32) (5 82) 5.79 5.79 6.80 (25.65) 25 64 25 65 25 65 (235) 237 237 237 4 05 25.99 3 31 2● .18 184 3 18 2 60 2 32 2.26 1.56 1 43 0 70 0 49 26 24 26 36 26.45 26.57 26.69 26 75 26 91 26 99 178 167 159 147 136 131 115 107 021 (0 36) (27 13) (95) (0 87) 202 (0 00) 0 02 0 05 0 07 0 12 0 16 0 25 0 29 0 37 045 0.51 0 64 0 76 6755 02 6T αn/L cl/ton ::ORIZON:Apri1 15, 1961:0921 CCT:36° 11 82 11 83 10 58 33 165 33 158 33 345 42 56 70 93 9 94 0 38 33 385 33 499 8 87 8.30 8 56 33.622 33 750 33 002 8.38 7.88 7 60 7.38 7 25 6 99 6 60 5 66 5 16 4 83 33 983 34.000 34 022 04.045 34 055 34 090 34.132 34 155 04 193 34.247 111 128 155 181 217 244 290 349 442 526 597 67200 5 97 5 97 5.00 4.43 4 03 3 71 3 51 2 64 2 21 2 20 2 1 1 1 02 83 71 34 0 98 0 70 0.49 0 35 COMPUTED ■ g/L 6,r cl/ton dyn m 28'N, 122° 47'ヽ V:80unding, 1630 fm:wird,330° ,forcc 5:weathcr, p:trtly cloudy;sea, very rOugh:wirO angle, 18° 1 10 33 T Oc S ‰ Oc Z m 6760 T Z lNTERPOLAT ED S ス CCOFI 6104-5 %磁 OBSERVED S10 277 276 241 228 211 194 177 168 160 151 146 141 139 133 125 111 . 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 (11 82) (38 16) (5 97) (25 22) (276) 7.47 34.03 1.94 26 61 143 7 6 6 5 04 34 34 34 11 83 11 00 10 70 9 61 8.70 8.40 8.35 7.96 21 93 05 29 14 82) 33 16 33 17 33 34 33.43 38 66 33 80 33 97 34.00 06 10 14 18 (34 25) 5 97 5 92 6.19 4 19 3 65 3.37 2 23 2.20 1 1 0 0 25.22 25.23 25 56 25 81 26.14 26.20 26 43 26 52 276 275 244 219 189 174 161 153 (0.00) 0.03 0 06 0.08 0 13 0 18 0.22 0 27 0.31 0.38 67 26 83 56 26.67 26.75 26 89 27 02 138 101 117 105 0.45 0 52 0.65 0.77 (0 35) (27.12) (95) (0.08) 103 95 HoRzoN; April 20, 196r; o?15 Gct;a) 31'nt'I\l, 132'23.srw; Eourding, 2420 fm; wtrd, 350o, force 1; weather, partly cloudy; sea, very rcugh; wire angle, 06'. 73 82 87 93 96 98 100 103 106 109 112 115 118 121 124 127 130 135 145 155 16 83 16 91 16 70 16 84 17 16 17.36 17 39 17 42 17 39 17 41 17 46 17.51 17 53 17 24 17 05 16 92 16 20 15 88 15 48 14 91 33 92 33 98 33.97 34 02 34 14 34.24 34 29 34 31 34 32 34 33 04 40 04 43 34 42 34 87 34 26 34 13 34 06 34 03 34 00 5 45 5 46 5.44 5 39 5 36 321 318 314 314 312 5 18 310 5 5 5 5 35 33 32 33 5 5 5 5 5 32 32 39 39 32 307 306 804 304 300 299 300 297 5 36 5 35 5 31 5 27 5 18 298 292 290 283 274 a) Secial cast for investigation of the thermosteric anomaly Etrtcture in a temperatttre i[ver8iolr indicated by the bathythermograph observation. V 3:]108 33 40 1 00 43 1 33 51 6 33.587 33.68 1 33 727 33 810 33 919 33 974 34.044 34 078 7 92 420 6 34 507 578 5 90 5 48 CCOFI 7053 11 58 7 56 7 34 △D r240 CCT;36'08.N, t2l'48'W; sourding, 430 fm; wird, 320", forcc 6i wcather, partly 11 59 11 lo 10 86 9.86 9 54 9 o7 8 72 8.82 8 64 8 48 8 24 273 332 S10 6104‐ 5 ,8(■ ,、 c:,:■ )ugh;wirc:inglc,27° 230 T 。ん 9 :,1 :39 53 65 87 103 119 114 170 204 Oc L %/ g 0 T Z COMPUTED dyn m ‰ :\plil l:j, r90li S ‰ II()RIZ()N; T 。ん S Oc clol!(1、 L 2 0 / ︲ m T Z INTERPOLATED %畝 OBSERVED 34 087 04 139 34 21 1 34.204 34 252 34 286 5 75 253 5 77 5 49 4 88 3 93 3 48 3 61 0.16 2 58 2 37 1 92 1 01 254 249 230 212 200 189 177 171 164 157 151 1 76 1 33 0 83 0.68 0 42 0.35 0 10 11 58 11 59 33 41 33 40 20 11 55 33 41 30 50 11 42 10 00 33 43 33 57 75 100 9 46 8.73 33 '0 33 00 125 150 200 8 80 8 60 3 28 33 93 33 99 34 00 250 7 70 34 11 300 7 47 34 18 145 400 6 55 04.21 137 129 500 5 90 34 25 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 75 77 70 55 03 51 25 52 24 82 53 07 70 44 25 46 25 45 25 46 25 49 25 86 26 05 26 24 26 33 26 41 26 53 26 64 26 73 26.88 26.99 0 00 0 03 253 254 253 250 215 197 179 170 163 151 141 133 119 108 0 05 0.08 0 12 0 17 0 22 0 27 0 31 0 39 0 46 0 53 0 66 0.78 116 107 100 7060 HoRIzoN; April 13, 196r; oSlo GcT;35"52'N, 122'2l,'twt sounding, ?20 Im; wind, 320", force 6i weather, partly cloudy: sea, very rOughi wire ande, 30° 2 11 98 10 11.98 31 39 52 65 11 90 10 76 9.94 9.76 63 30 90 68 27 85 88 64 33 455 33 458 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 04 469 477 466 534 86 101 116 142 164 195 218 257 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 746 800 848 940 975 994 084 120 323 6 80 426 511 6 04 5 35 34 207 34 223 628 4 93 34.306 04 160 5 95 5 94 5 5 4 3 92 03 08 75 3 67 3 12 2 70 2.31 2 33 2 37 1 64 1 09 0 94 0 60 0 45 0 03 257 257 255 235 222 210 196 187 177 168 159 151 145 139 125 0 10 20 30 50 75 (11 11 11 11 9 98) 98 97 92 99 (33 33 33 30 33 46) 46 46 47 47 (0 00) 1 42 26 65 140 0 47 1 06 26.76 257 256 255 223 203 187 175 164 150 0 03 0 05 0.08 0 12 0 18 0 23 0.27 0 32 0 40 9 70 33 66 9 8 8 7 7 7 00 33 33 34 34 34 400 6 23 34 20 0 66 26 91 115 0.67 500 600 5 41 4 99 34 23 34 29 0 46 0 35 27.04 27 14 103 94 0 78 0.89 32 82 56 86 70 04 80 87 96 01 12 15 129 0.54 92 1 13 00 30 035 0 06 13 00 12.93 11.98 11 46 38 025 33.027 33 395 33 426 6 42 6 34 5 80 5 51 008 306 262 250 71 10 52 82 9 79 33.51 1 33 r。 8 1 4 46 3.77 228 211 307 33 664 3 86 92 9 52 115 128 148 9 11 8 90 8 58 38.773 33 859 33 924 173 8 38 33 980 194 228 289 8 14 7 87 7 43 34 002 34.043 34 123 380 454 6 80 6 12 34 183 34 230 0 81 0.48 123 111 556 5 60 34 285 0 40 101 2 42 (257) 25 42 25 43 25 44 25 78 25.98 26.16 26 28 26 40 26 55 112 102 9 28 50 56 2 33 2 05 1 30 (25 42) 5 94 5 93 5.92 4 13 3 72 0 13 2 59 2 30 2 32 100 125 150 200 250 300 HoRlzoNi April 13, r96li 0159 GCT; 35"3r'N, 123"06.srw; sounding, l8o0 partly c10udy:8ea, Very rough:wire angle, 40° 2.98 2.60 2 54 (5 95) 201 186 177 167 160 155 148 137 fm; wind, 310', force 6; weather, 0 10 20 (13 00) 13 00 12.98 (33 04) 33 03 33 00 30 12 91 33 03 50 11 98 38 40 75 10.31 33 53 100 125 150 200 9.08 3.96 8.57 8 09 38 69 03 84 33 90 34.01 2 30 26 50 250 7 71 34 08 1 75 26 62 300 400 500 7 40 6 61 5 83 34 13 34 20 34.26 1 21 0.70 26 70 26 86 135 119 0.58 0 72 27.01 106 0 88 (6 86) (24 90) 1306) (0 00) 2 67 2 53 26.24 26 37 179 167 0.31 0 35 6 6 6 5 4 3 42 38 33 80 28 14 24 89 24.89 24 91 25 37 25 77 26.10 307 307 306 261 223 192 154 143 0 03 0 06 0 09 0.15 0 21 0 26 0.43 0 51 7070 T Z Oc S 残 T 。ん 協 T Oc L %/ 1 m S Z m 7080 INTERPOLATED OBSERV ED 0 13 95 8 24 50 59 70 82 94 113 127 150 13 95 13 92 13 92 13 91 13.22 12 96 12 06 10 66 10 08 9 80 172 195 233 276 345 417 493 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 77 44 80 24 58 84 54 33 081 5 75 33 004 33 079 33 082 33 080 33 100 03.260 33 167 33 24 1 30 460 38 60 1 5.75 5 75 5 71 5 74 5 75 5 88 5 57 5.27 4 28 3 67 33.321 33.387 30 957 33 976 34 039 34 083 34 158 3 01 2 76 2.02 2 35 1 53 1 11 0 59 322 322 321 321 321 306 290 280 250 225 202 178 168 154 g/L dyn m V 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 13 95 13 94 13 93 13 92 13.92 12 96 11.48 10.17 9 80 8.35 7 57 6 99 5.98 (5 52) 30.08 30 08 33 08 33 08 33 00 30 23 33 18 33 44 33 60 33 90 33 97 34 00 34 07 (34 16) 13 33 13 32 32 60 68 87 13 32 13 30 13.22 12 35 33 033 03 105 33.109 33 164 6 6 5 5 99 113 139 11 24 10 70 9 71 33 233 33.31 1 33.383 5 64 5 50 5 09 157 9.66 38 627 183 242 286 344 8 8 7 6 6 33 33 33 33 33 435 516 585 215 33 095 33 004 6 02 6 04 08 00 95 76 24 74 24 74 24 74 24.74 24 74 25 05 25 29 25.73 26.00 26.38 26 55 26 65 322 322 321 321 321 202 269 228 202 166 149 130 0 00 0 00 0 06 0 10 0 16 0 24 0.31 0.37 0.43 0 52 0.60 0 67 1 20 (0 59) 26 84 (26 97) 122 (109) 0 81 10 93) 131 119 110 HoRIzoN; Aprjl 12, 196l; 1500 GCTi 34'52iN, r24o29.srwi sounding, 2250 fm; 1 10 5 75 5 75 5 75 5 74 5 71 5 03 5 45 4 36 3.67 2 76 2 69 2 01 145 partly cloudy,sea, rough;wire angle, 22° 70100 m1/L at IIOIIIZON| April 12, lgil',2O2o CCT; 35"10rN, 123'51'wi soundinS, 2182 fm; wird, 290", Iorcc 4i wcather, cloudy, scn, rough;wire angle, 32° 7090 COMPUTED °2 T 。ん SO CCOFI 6104-5 wid, 290', force 3; weather, . 309 309 309 307 306 285 261 246 224 0 (1303) 13310) (6 02) (303) 10.00) 13 32 13.32 13 32 13.31 12 82 11 22 10 18 9 68 33 08 33.08 33 08 33 08 33 12 33 24 33 34 33.54 6 04 6 06 6.08 6 04 5 84 5 63 5 32 4 34 (24 88) 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 24 86 24 86 24 86 24 87 24 99 25 39 25.65 25.89 310 010 310 309 297 260 235 212 0.03 0 06 0.00 0.16 0 20 0.30 0 36 0.42 3 61 206 200 8 31 33.81 3 95 26.31 172 0.52 710 878 900 95 1 959 3.99 3.92 3 65 3.12 2.45 185 163 153 143 131 250 300 400 500 600 7 50 6 75 5.66 5 26 14.66) 33.94 30.95 34 02 34 13 (34.18) 8 65 2.98 1 58 0 75 26 54 26 65 26 84 26.98 151 140 122 100 0 60 0 68 0.81 0 93 (27 09) (99) (1・ 04) 5 48 5 20 34 062 34 144 1 15 0 68 4 74 34 173 68 05 62 99 08 0 54 116 107 100 HORU ON; April 12, 1961;093r GCT;34'3lrN, 125"l2rwi sourding, 2424 fm; wird, 280', force 4; weather, OVerCa8t:Sea,mugh:wire angle,20° 1 10 28 56 65 79 93 14 12 14 12 14.12 14 13 13.94 12 20 11 94 33.136 33.116 33 119 33.123 33 108 33.154 33 409 106 11.42 03.435 5 42 129 10 28 9 63 33 485 33 59 2 5.04 4 77 8 81 8 31 33 771 33 907 4 44 3 82 164 7 92 33.95 1 4 18 156 7 17 6 75 33 937 34 015 3 82 1 95 147 5 04 34 07 5 1.11 5 42 5 12 34 127 34.213 0 71 0 42 148 175 203 231 277 328 407 487 568 5 77 5 77 5 80 5.73 6.74 5 59 5 60 321 323 322 322 320 283 260 249 226 208 182 0 10 20 30 (14.12) 14 12 14 12 14 12 (33 33 33 33 14) 12 12 12 50 14 12 33 12 75 12 70 33.13 100 11.75 30 43 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 10.43 0.59 8.34 7.57 6.08 6 00 5 30 33 47 33.59 33 90 33 94 33.97 34.07 34.14 (577) (24.75) 1321) (0.00) 5 77 5 79 5 80 5 76 5.61 5 56 5.10 4 76 24 73 24 73 24.73 24 73 25 03 25 44 25,71 25 94 322 322 322 322 204 255 230 207 0 03 0.06 0.10 0 16 0 24 0.31 0 37 0.42 3.82 4.12 26 38 26.53 165 152 0.52 0.60 3 00 1 17 26 63 26 84 142 122 0.68 0.81 0 66 26 97 100 0 03 135 121 111 101 V OBSERVED ::Oll:Z()N;April ll, 1961;2010, 2252 CCT,33° 0ヽ Clt:lSti SCil 2 11 91 33 377 5 53 14 90 33.37 2 5 51 320 90 33 084 5.51 019 14 86 33.426 5 38 '5 95 50 1■ 10 84 33 538 33 525 5 40 5 32 109 124 152 12 78 11.99 10 58 03 502 33.480 33 47 3 171 9 74 33 580 4 52 210 200 234 264 012 374 471 558 631 680 9 8 7 7 04 43 92 22 33.77 5 33 980 33 948 03.98 1 4 04 4 13 4.01 2 69 185 164 156 144 6 72 34 058 1 50 132 5 85 5 42 34 103 34 172 5 06 4 88 34 228 34 274 0 39 0 28 99 94 5 64 34 34 34 34 34 34 84 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 112 101 6 (;(1 520a) 615 759 949 1138 1327 1516 1706 1894 2082 2270 2457 2643 2831 3019 3207 3394 3582 3771 3965 1■ 5 11 4 57 3 96 3 46 3 08 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 73 46 20 02 90 80 72 65 60 57 54 51 50 50 5.23 5 13 4 81 0 94 0 57 143 214 316 415 473 515 546 567 589 629 620 629 655 644 651 658 71 42 01 40 67 89 11 35 56 85 08 18 46 50 69 79 34 66 1 34 67 1 2 90 3 01 34 666 34 667 3 23 3 32 020 315 299 287 260 256 232 118 107 87 74 65 58 53 49 45 41 41 39 37 V 1 11 30 58 68 83 97 112 16 86 16 88 16 91 16 08 16 92 17 16 16 88 17 45 33 916 33.905 33 912 33 914 03.919 34 094 34 122 34 423 5 28 5 40 5 35 5 28 5 30 5 45b) 5 41 5 39 134 155 104 212 15 3' 14.92 12 88 11 25 34 34 03 33 5 32 5 36 5 25 5 03 242 9 98 33.878 4.77 289 9 13 7 98 6 88 33 980 33 97 1 34 026 4 59 3 32 2 14 5 84 34 058 1 41 5.30 34.16 589 a) b) ■ g/L 48'N, 126° 41'W:sclunding, 2440 fm:wind, 320° △D dyn m , force 4;weather, CCOFl 6104-5 70120 024 125 886 82 1 0 0.?3 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 (14 94) (33 38) (5 53) (24 76) 1320) (0 00) 0.47 27.04 103 1.10 14 91 14 90 14 90 14 90 14 50 13.51 11 97 10.69 9 04 0 16 7 36 6 49 5 72 33 38 33 33 33 33 33 83 33 33 33 34 34 87 37 38 39 54 52 48 47 73 94 97 03 13 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 1 0 51 51 51 50 40 28 12 84 34 07 00 30 81 24 76 24 76 24 77 24 77 24 97 25 17 25 44 25.66 26 18 26 44 26 58 26 70 26 92 5 18 34 20 4.80 4 44 04 29 34 33 1000 1200 1500 2000 3.82 34 40 3 38 2.75 34 49 34 55 0.76 1.10 27 47 27.57 2 10 34 61 1.70 27.67 2500 3000 4000 1 78 1 60 34 64 34 65 (1 50) (34 67) 700 800 0 29 0 32 0 46 2 24 2 68 320 320 319 318 299 281 255 234 185 160 147 127 114 27.16 27.23 27.37 92 85 71 0 03 0 06 0 10 0 16 0 24 0 31 0.38 0 44 0 55 0 63 0 71 0 86 0.98 1.20 1 30 1.47 62 53 43 1 62 1.82 2.10 27 72 27 74 38 36 2 35 2 59 (27 77) (34) (3 05) 37 36 35 35 34 34 34 HoRlzoNi April 20, 1961; 1230 GcT;3r'12'N, partly c10udy, sea, rough:wirO angle, 09° 342 424 507 。2 tn/L S10 high:wirO angle, 04° , 13° 12 :〕 T Oc COMPUTED T 。ん 6T 一 ん 。2 m1/L S S ん Z m Z n. T Oc INTERPOLAT ED 322 323 323 322 323 316 307 298 282 265 242 217 192 171 155 136 l3r'55.5'w; 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 sounding, 2570 fm; wird, 310', force l; (16 86) (33 92) 16 88 33 91 16 90 33 91 16 91 33 90 16 89 33.91 16 92 33 92 17 14 34 23 15 82 34.09 14 99 34 10 11 88 33 83 9 80 33 00 8 90 33 98 7.19 34 01 5 92 34 05 (5 25) 134.17) 121 l0? Overlapping castsi reconciliation of properLy curvea whetr Decea'ery' A.lternate value, 5.2L mVL' not uaed in i er?olatlon' weather, 15 28) (24.74) (322) 4.74 26 15 180 4 41 2 42 1 49 26 36 26 63 26 83 160 141 122 0.79 0 05 1 09 (27 01) (106) (1 21) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 42 39 35 30 31 40 33 36 12 24 73 24 72 24 71 24.72 24 72 24.91 25 11 25 30 25 72 823 323 324 323 323 305 286 268 228 (0 00) 0 03 0 06 0.10 0 16 0 24 0.32 0 40 0.47 0 59 0 7● 70200 April 8, r961i 0247 ac:r, roughi $,ire angle, 35" o 12.75 33.14 I 8 12.75 33.13 8 24 32 43 55 14 90 105 120 142 170 193 233 277 349 423 500 7360 02 rn/L COMPUTED 6.t △D cl/ton dyn m cCT;3S.Z0'N, 121.2?,Wi sounding, 390 fm; wttd, gOO., force g; weaotor, clsari 6.35 6,ss L2.34 33.221 6.18 1t.27 33.41 7 5.06 tO.72 33.46 5 4,72 9.94 33.58 0 4.23 9,61 33.88 3 3.61 9.20 33.67 0 3.?5 8.83 33.76 I 3,27 8.50 33,85 2 3.08 8.46 3s.96 6 2.53 8,34 3{.07 r 1,82 8.22 34.10 2 1.63 7.?t 34.12 1 1.42 ?.r8 34,14 5 r.20 6.92 34.23 9 0.71 6.42 X4,23 2 0.57 6.04 34.28 4 0.47 294 296 281 2& nA 2r3 20I 195 1E2 t?l 1A2 153 1,19 r4o 0 tO 20 30 5o 75 1oO t25 150 200 250 300 4OO 5oO L2.75 12.75 L2.48 ll.?6 10.43 9.59 8.96 E.48 8.43 E.l4 1.41 ?.06 6.s? 6.0{ 33.14 33,14 33.19 33.35 33.50 33.68 33.?3 33.E? 34.01 34,11 34.13 94.17 g4.zi 34.2A t31 13.22 33.24 4 6.22at 13.20 s3.24 5 6.21 12.95 33,31 5 6.09 12.18 33.33 7 5.?3 11.19 33.34 4 5.08 10.?0 33,44 5 4,5S 9,18 33,51 I 4.40 8,84 33.?1 8 3,?7 8,46 33.83 ? 3.45 A.02 33.904 3.26 7,74 33.93 4 3.48 ?.34 33.9E 6 2.65 ?.00 33.99 5 2.46 6.52 34.01 7 t.?3 5.92 34.0? 1 r.33 s.60 34,18 4 0.63 5.44 34.27 3 0.40 5.15 34,33 6 0.32 6.35 6.35 6.24 5.50 4,56 3,62 3.41 3.00 2,30 r.58 L.S4 1.02 0,60 O.47 26.02 25,02 25,Lt 25.37 26,13 26.01 z'.b 28.A4 26,45 26.5E 26.AS 2A.7A 26.51 26.98 2g4 254 2AA 26L 221 2or 18? fiO 150 r47 136 128 lti 108 o.OO o,O3 0.06 O,Og o.t3 O. t9 0.24 0.28 0-52 0.40 0.17 0. 0.6? o.?9 1.21 113 108 HORZON; April 8, 1961;0?05 cCT; 3S'16'N, 141056.brw; sourdtng, llSO clear; sea, r0u8h; wire angle, 13'. t 10 34 44 69 72 9? rt6 134 163 192 231 260 3r0 371 469 566 620 7751 T Oc S ‰ HORIZONi °2 m1/L INTERPOLATED Z m Oc T 。ん 7353 T S ‰ 6104-5 Z m CCOFI %ユ OBSERVED S10 2so 295 285 270 252 236 206 rE6 t72 161 154 145 140 r32 121 0 l0 20 30 5o ?5 100 125 150 2oO 260 300 4oO 5oo 600 fii; wind, 310", force 4i werther, (13.22) (ts.24) (6.22) (2s.or) (200) 13.20 l3.OO 12,95 11.60 10.65 9.15 8,64 8.19 ?.66 ?.10 6.A2 5.?9 5.54 5.2a 39.24 33.31 33.31 33.34 33.45 33.53 33.80 33,88 33.95 33.99 34.0t 34.10 94.22 34.31 6.27 6.11 6.10 5.38 4,57 4.36 3.55 3.31 3,39 2,52 t.86 1.10 0.50 0.36 25,01 25.11 25.12 25,40 25.65 25.97 2A.26 28.39 26,62 20,63 26.7r. 26.89 27.02 27.L2 (o.oo) 2S6 0.03 2E7 0.06 286 o.O9 259 0.14 235 o.2o 205 0.26 L77 0.31 185 0.35 t62 0.43 142 0.51 134 o,sE 1l? 0.?1 lO5 0.t2 96 0.93 109 100 92 HORZON; April E, 1961i 160r cCT;38'01.S'N, tZO.E6rW; sourdtnS, t4S fo; wird, gZO., force 2; $eather, cl€ar; Eea, &oderete; wire angle, 0O'. I l1 30 49 ?3 98 122 160 10s 11.80 33.5? 5 6.46 rl.5? 33.57 4 6.22 10.?4 33.64 5 5,30 9.92 33.?3 8 4.08 9.17 33.85 ? 2.97 8.75 33.889 2.80 8.54 33.96 1 2.A2 8,28 34.02 s 2.2r ?.88 34.05 o 2.13 a) Alternste value, 6.33 iDVL, 245 24\ 222 2oL 181 t72 t64 155 148 0 (1r.E0) (33.58) (6.,16) (25.54) (2451 (O.OO) l0 rr.58 33.5? 6.23 25.58 242 o,O2 20 1t.20 33.59 5.8? 25.66 2X4 o.O5 30 10.74 33.64 5,30 25.7A 222 o.O? S0 9,90 Jg.?,1 4.06 26.01 2Ot O.lr 75 0.12 33.86 2.93 26.2g rEO 0,16 r0o E.?3 33.E' 2.1g 26.31 L12 o.2l 125 8.52 33.9? 2,57 26.41 163 0.25 150 8.37 34.01 2.29 26.46 158 o.2S 2o0 o.8?) (34.05) (2.r3) (26.5?) (r48) (O.S?) not used to lnteryolstion. V T Oc COMPUTED S °2 ん rn/L ■ユ ん Z m S Oc INTERPOLAT ED T 。ん T Z L %/ 1 m 03SERVED S10 △D 6T cl/ton dyn m CCOFl 6104-5 7755 11()RlZON;ハ ゛ ri1 8, 1961:1322 CCT:34° 541N, 121° 13 5'Wi soundillg, 250 fm:wind, cmm:weather, clear;8ea, ,wirc tt叫 lt・ , 23° 1 0tlg:〕 0 9 12 13 11 32 38 39 1 33 428 27 10 80 33 524 1■ 66 89 111 145 180 225 269 864 10.04 9 80 9 54 8 91 8 74 8 27 7 86 6 98 6 67 33 33 33 30 33 34 34 34 34 662 699 766 892 995 038 077 026 207 6 24 5 71 5 30 4.31 3.88 0 47 2.78 2.11 2.05 1 92 2 13a) 0.76 HOR厖 ON:Apri1 8, 1961;1129 CCT:34° sea,H"gh:wire angle, 17° 1 12 47 33 288 10 12 25 33 307 28 10 80 33 322 47 10 06 33.403 71 94 117 154 190 237 285 384 6.24 6 22 5 22 4 67 9 65 9 38 33 597 33 736 4 01 3 22 9 8 7 7 7 6 33.876 33 952 33 999 34 017 34 062 34 197 2.52 2 72 2 55 2 35 1 86 0 82 00 50 92 68 24 38 164 154 145 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 12 13 11 28 11 00 10.70 9 95 9 71 9 10 8.32 8 70 33 39 33 43 33 49 00.55 33 68 33 72 33 83 33.94 34 00 200 8 10 34 06 137 120 250 300 7.29 0 83 34 04 34.07 265 248 232 209 202 193 174 50'N, 121° 279 273 247 229 208 0 10 (12 47) 12 25 20 11 7● (33 28) 33 31 33 31 30 50 10 76 9 92 33 33 33 44 33 63 75 0.59 178 164 100 9.30 33 77 125 150 200 250 300 400 8.94 8.57 7 85 7 57 7 15 16 79) 33.90 33 95 34 01 34 03 34 08 (34 22) 138 123 25 34 25.52 25.62 25 72 25 95 26 02 26 21 26 34 26.40 26 54 26 64 26.73 265 247 238 228 206 199 182 170 163 150 140 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 03 05 07 12 17 22 26 30 38 46 53 225'W;8ounding,280 fm,wind,320° ,force 2:weather,clear: 198 152 147 6 24 5 67 5 46 5 19 4 11 3 73 3 10 2.50 2 00 1 98 2 06 1 76 (6 24) 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 22 95 18 54 84 01 56 71 40 24 68 (25.19) 25.25 25 34 25 54 25 77 25 97 26.13 26 29 26 38 26 54 26 60 26 70 (26 86) (279) 273 265 245 224 204 189 174 165 150 145 136 (120) 7757 (0 00) 0.03 0 05 0 00 0 13 0 18 0 23 0 28 0.32 0.40 0 48 0 55 (0.68) HORIZON:Apri1 8, 1961:2035 CCT:34° 255'N, 120° 355t■ 7:sounding, 1201m;wind, 210° ,force 2,weather, 8052 olear: sea, rough:wire angle, 07° 0 10 34 14.42 18 69 10 42 33 332 33 346 33 54 1 6 09 6 12 4 37 48 72 9 91 9 44 9 27 9 01 38 697 33 785 33 903 33.984 3 79 3 24 2 46 2 22 8 70 8 42 34 02 1 34.00 1 2 09 2 34b) 102 121 150 169 313 297 224 204 0 14 42 33 33 10 20 30 13 69 11 32 10 65 33 34 33 45 33 51 190 50 9.83 33 71 75 9 42 33 79 100 125 150 9.33 8.98 8.70 33.90 34 00 34 02 179 169 162 159 HORZON; April 8, 1961; 2248 GCT;34'19.srN, clear:Bea, rough:wire angle, 12° 312 0 14 45 38 353 6 00 296 10 13 71 33 364 6.05 274 28 12.52 33 355 6 03 269 38 12 20 33 356 5 80 255 52 11 76 33.434 5 61 234 67 10 86 33 508 4.68 214 91 10.04 33 59 2 4 12 192 9.40 33 760 3 32 110 179 9.02 33.848 3 02 129 147 174 207 236 282 334 415 496 579 8 78 8.64 7 97 7.61 7 23 6 86 6 49 5 85 5 14 33 889 33 943 33 985 34 025 34.050 34 124 34.257 34.274 34 265 2 91 2 72 2 68 2 22 1 82 1 13 0 53 0 43 0.32 a) Altemate value, 2.Ol ml/L, h) Altemate value, 2.42 ml/L, 173 167 154 146 139 6 09 6 12 5 05 24 83 24 99 25 53 4.54 25 70 3 73 3 19 2 50 2.19 2 09 25.99 26 12 26.23 26 06 26 42 313 298 246 230 202 190 180 167 162 0 00 0.03 0 06 0 08 0 13 0 17 0 22 0 26 0 31 120'48.srw; soundinS, 390 fm; wind, 280', force 3i weather, 0 10 20 30 14 13 13 12 45 71 80 47 33 33 33 33 35 86 36 35 50 11.31 00.43 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 10 58 9.70 9.09 8 77 8.10 7.48 7.08 0.66 5 80 33 50 33.67 33.04 33 89 33 97 34.03 34 07 34 24 34 28 129 114 105 97 not used in interpolation. not used in inter?olation. 6 00 6.05 6 05 6 02 5 65 24 25 25 25 25 84 00 08 24 43 312 297 289 274 256 4 40 25,73 228 3 75 3 06 2.91 2 71 2 08 1.60 0 59 0 43 25 98 26.22 26.31 26.47 26.61 26.70 26 90 27.00 203 181 172 157 144 135 116 104 0.00 0.03 0 06 0 09 0 14 0 20 0.26 0 30 0 35 0.43 0.51 0.58 0 71 0 83 8055 OBSERVED S ‰ T Oc COMPUTED Ct g/L △D 6T cl/ton dyn m V llOnIZONi April 9, 196l; 0159 GCT;34'ro'N, 121'1IrW; sounding, 1160 fm; wlnd, 290', Iorce 3i weuther, cloudyi SC:l, Very mugh:wirc angle, 09° 0 14 26 33 38 6 08 24 90 006 0.00 0 14 26 33 388 6 08 306 300 10 13.92 33 37 0 10 24 97 300 0 03 10 13 92 33 874 6 10 248 20 12 84 33 43 6 01 25.23 275 0 06 29 11 70 33 513 5 54 30 11 68 33 51 5 53 25.51 240 0 09 39 11.22 33 546 5 13 237 4 65 25 76 224 0 10 220 50 10 70 03.60 50 10 53 33.624 4 46 75 9.71 33 73 3.58 26.03 199 0 19 9 94 38 698 3 73 68 205 100 9 08 33.81 3.11 26 10 183 0.23 9 22 33 770 3 33 93 188 125 8.75 33 91 2.71 20.33 171 0.28 8 87 33 869 2.86 112 176 150 8 28 33 93 2 98 26 41 162 0 32 132 169 8 68 03 92 1 2 68 200 7 65 34 00 2 51 26 56 148 0.40 8 26 33 934 2 93 151 162 7.14 34 03 7 84 33 97 1 3 01 153 250 2.00 26 66 139 0 47 180 ●.54 300 6 56 34 04 1 67 26.74 131 7 52 34 019 2 19 215 145 400 5 51 34 11 0 91 26 93 113 0.67 7.20 34 029 2 03 244 140 500 5.15 34 20 0 55 27.05 102 0 78 6 65 34 042 1 72 292 132 600 6 02 34 051 1 37 345 124 1484) (3427) (0 39) (27 14) 194) (0 89) 427 109 5 38 34.142 0 77 5 12 34 21 1 0 50 510 101 4 88 34.264 0 39 592 95 HoRzoN; April 10, 1961;024? cCT;33'43.5rN, 121"52'w; soundinS, partly cloudy:8ea, high:wire anglc, 44° 8080 Z m 8070 S ‰ T 。ん 8060 T Oc L 2 0 / ︲ m 6104-5 Z m CCOFl INTERPOLATED Q磁 S10 1 13.68 9 13 67 26 13 59 12 13 26 42 52 68 79 12 62 12.52 12 21 11 82 30 180 33 100 83 180 33 204 33 33 33 33 204 29 1 34 1 386 91 11 12 33 383 108 123 144 158 132 212 269 326 382 10 20 9 59 9 18 8 84 8.40 7.87 7 20 6 76 6 38 33 514 38 724 33 786 33 836 33.876 33 95 1 34 019 34 077 34.113 6 09 009 6 13 0 308 6 09 10 20 30 50 75 007 6 03 82 299 287 ・● 5 87 6 14a) 5.98 5 26 279 270 260 248 4 32 3.63 3 12 0 07 3 12 0 26 2 30 1 51 1 14 223 197 186 178 168 155 141 131 123 100 125 fm; wind, 320', force 6; weather, (13.68) (3318) 1600) 18 13 13 12 11 10 9 67 64 41 53 98 92 54 150 200 250 300 9 05 8 08 7.40 6.03 400 (6 27) HORIZON:April 10, 1961,0746 CCT:33° 28 5'N, 122° overcast:8ea, hgh:wire angle, 35° 1 14.79 33 215 5 94 9 14 81 33 202 5 86 30 14.80 33.199 5.86 53 14 44 33 138 5 95 60 14 40 33 133 5 82 77 13 95 33 167 5 92 89 13.74 33.259 5.78 101 12.59 33 310 5 49 123 11.24 33 386 5.22 139 11.12 33.440 4.93 162 10.06 33.563 4 64 189 9 16 03 770 3.34 212 8.55 33.800 3 33 250 8 00 39 953 3 20 300 7.20 33.984 2.70 379 0.24 34 048 1 51 455 5.76 04 127 0.94 521 5 52 34.199 0 47 1970 . 32'ヽ V:sounding, 33 19 33 18 33 10 33 26 03.37 33 39 33.73 33 81 33 92 34 00 34.05 6 13 6.10 6 05 5 84 6 08 5.06 3 58 3.00 3.22 2 60 1.31 (24 87) 24 88 24 88 24 86 25 16 25 35 25.56 26 06 26 20 26.44 26 60 26 70 (26.84) (34 12) 2200 fm:wind, 310° 1300) 308 308 310 282 264 244 196 180 160 145 135 (121) (0・ 00) 0.03 0.06 0 09 0 15 0.22 0.28 0.34 0 39 0.48 0 55 0 63 V (0 76) , force 6;weather, . 329 380 330 327 326 315 305 279 253 243 217 0 (14 79) 13322) 15,94) (2467) (328) 1000) 8.00 7 20 33.20 33 20 33.20 33 14 39 16 33.31 33 34 33.50 33 83 33 95 33 98 400 6 07 34 07 1.34 26.33 500 5.58 34.10 0 61 26 98 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 187 150 200 250 300 170 157 14 14 14 14 14 81 80 80 48 02 12.70 11 21 10 74 8 83 5.86 5 86 5 86 5 95 5 91 6 51 5 20 4 80 3.33 3.20 2.70 24.65 24 65 24 65 24.67 24 78 25 16 25 47 25 67 26.25 26.47 26.61 330 330 330 328 317 28= 252 232 178 157 144 123 109 0 03 0 07 0.10 0 17 0.25 0.32 0.39 0 45 0.55 0.64 0 72 0 86 0.98 143 126 114 107 V a) Altemate value, 6.25 Erl/L, not uBed in interpolatiotr. S ん T 。ん HOIUZONi ovt・ S ん Z m T Oc COMPUTED INTERPOLATED %磁 OBSERVED T Z Oc April r0, 196l; lSOl GCT| 33'08'N, 123'13.srw; sourdinS, 02 2280 fm; △D 6T ■ g/L Πn/L S10 cr/to\ dyn m CCOFl 6104-5 8090 wind, 310', force 6; weather, rca8ti SCa, hlgh:wire angle, 35° 1 15 44 9 15 44 33 400 33 43 1● 5,76 5 76 329 329 329 327 311 29 15 44 33.396 5.78 53 60 66 87 99 122 15 42 15 22 14 20 13 78 12 98 11.49 33 390 33 359 30.290 33 30 1 33 288 33 359 5.74 5,71 5 89 5 92 6 56 5.08 137 160 10 76 9 84 33.410 33.531 4 78 4 26 187 209 246 295 874 450 515 8 92 8 60 8 02 7 59 6.62 6.07 5 62 33 79 1 33.868 33 958 34 035 34 095 34.162 34 208 3.53 3.24 3 10 2.14 1.35 0.70 0 53 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 302 288 256 239 216 182 172 157 (15.44) 15 44 15.44 15 44 15 43 13 97 12 90 11 32 10.22 0 72 7.99 7 54 6.41 5 72 (33 40) 33 39 33 39 33.39 33 39 33.29 33.29 33.37 33 47 33 84 33 97 04 04 04.12 34.20 (5.76) 5 76 5 77 5 78 5 75 5 91 5 53 5.02 4 49 3.35 3 00 2.03 1 10 0 56 (24 66) 1329) 24 66 329 24.66 329 329 24.6● 24 66 329 24 89 007 25.11 286 25 47 252 25.74 226 26 28 175 26.49 155 26 61 144 26 83 123 26 98 109 (0・ 00) 0 03 0.07 0.10 0 17 0.24 0 32 0.39 0 45 0.55 0 63 0.71 0.35 0.97 145 128 116 107 80100 HoRIzoN; April 10, 1961; l82l GcT; 32'49'N, 123'54r1v; sourdinS, 2250 fm; wird, 320', force 6; weather, overcaSt;sea, hlgh:wire angle, 45° 0 8 24 45 51 66 75 85 15 17 16 17 15 15 15.16 14 79 13.51 12 90 12 10 103 121 141 166 184 11 05 10 31 9 73 9.06 8 72 216 8.24 259 332 7 66 6 86 404 6.18 471 5 74 33 373 33.351 33 362 33.365 33 343 33 334 33 348 33 865 33 423 03 500 33.606 33 767 33.876 33 956 33 998 34.043 34 065 34.138 5 72 5.60 5 65 5 69 5 81 5 89 5 52 5 17 4 63 4 22 3 90 3.41 3 12 325 327 325 325 319 295 282 266 243 225 208 186 173 2.78 2 51 1 94 160 iし 50 66 84 97 110 134 152 177 l 5 75 5.82 5.67 16.46 15.44 14.89 14.82 14 27 30 395 33 397 33 316 33.348 33 384 5.74 5.83 5.79 5 78 5.88 11.88 11 32 9 95 33.398 33.409 33 544 5.67 5.54 4 47 207 9 10 233 275 351 8.71 8.00 6 87 33.86 1 30 960 34.002 3.63b) 3.54 2.31 462 547 5 90 5.43 34.116 04.221 0.08 0.48 661 ヽノ 33 399 33.393 33.394 4.98 03.767 34.287 3.80 0.39 5 72 5.60 5.64 24 70 24.63 24.70 50 14 80 33 35 66 5.78 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 12.90 11 44 10.16 9.48 8 47 7.77 7.18 6 22 33 05 33.39 00 52 38 67 33 92 33.99 34.03 34.06 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 500 (5 58) (34.18) 325 327 326 24.70 24 75 ・● 52 86 14 72 90 56 17 49 0 00 0 03 0.07 326 321 0.10 0 16 25 16 25.46 25 79 26.02 26 38 26.54 26 65 26 80 282 253 221 200 166 151 140 125 0 24 0.31 0 37 0 42 0.51 0.59 0.67 0.81 (26.98) (109) (0 03) 124 3プ 0"ヽ 12デ 15.46 15 48 15 48 30.37 33 35 33 86 33 36 114 ]出蹴a賀ふ 1』 乳腎t∬計 1 10 31 15 17 15 17 15.15 15 15 149 135 1.42 0.84 0 10 20 30 329 330 330 329 329 323 320 300 260 249 216 187 174 156 138 К e Q weathe、 鴨 細嘔 ,2400f叫 mm,340ヽ お “(15 46) (31.40) (5.75) (24 66) 1329) (0.00) 0 8¨ 10 20 15 48 16 48 30.39 33 30 5 82 5 75 24.65 24.65 330 330 80120 0 03 0 07 30 50 15.48 33 39 5.67 24 65 330 0 10 15 47 33.39 5 70 24 65 330 0.17 75 15.00 33.33 5 80 24.71 325 0 25 100 14.79 83.36 5.30 24 77 118 0 33 125 12 65 33 39 5.77 25 24 274 0.40 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 11 39 9.24 8.44 7 50 6 35 6.70 5 22 33.41 33 72 33.91 5.58 3.90 3 33.98 34.04 34.17 34.26 25.40 26.10 ●1 3.16 1 60 0.65 0.42 250 192 26.37 26.55 26.77 26.06 27.09 128 111 99 0.47 0.58 160 149 0 07 0.75 0.90 1 02 1.14 117 104 94 a)An a88ulnOd wire angle o,25° wa8 uBed ln depth detentli“ uon. b)Alte― te value,3.52m1/L, nOt u8ed in interpolatlon. 65 02 ん m1/L T 。ん cl/tan S ■ユ 6T T ℃ T Oc COMPUTED INTERPOLATED Z m S ‰ 80200 Z m CCOFl 6104-5 %磁 OBSERVED S10 dyn m V HORZONi April 21, 196l; 0100 GCT; 29'28rN, 130'38.srw; soundir8, 2430 fmi wind, 310", force 1; weather, 。loudy:Bea, rough:wire angle, 20° 1 10 20 66 65 79 93 106 127 146 172 17 42 16 98 16 94 16 90 16 62 17 30 17 76 17.50 17 35 16 17 13.12 100 11 11 38 677 225 270 318 895 474 10 00 8.79 8.12 6.99 33 746 33 857 33.955 34 029 5 70 5 36 555 8360 4 70 4.35 3 52 3.09 2 15 1.53 0 74 346 338 386 335 329 321 314 305 291 282 254 226 203 175 158 137 120 107 BLACK DOUGLAS:Apri1 21, 1961:0000 0CT:38° 11.70 33.65 11.70 38 66 5 45 5 43 24 11 72 03 67 5 51 48 11 74 33 71 55 11.72 33 74 67 11.48 33 '8 79 10 00 33.77 234 232 224 205 91 9.35 33 90 111 126 9 05 8 81 3.45 0 20 7 88 6 04 6.10 5 66 33 94 34.05 34.31u 34.22 34 29 34 28 34 31 34 36 5 40 5.47 5 19 4 08 3 37 3 05 2 75 1 79 1 57 161 137 ?, (17.42) 16.98 (33.76) 33 74 20 30 16 90 16 94 33.75 33 75 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 16 01 16 62 17.90 17.35 15 70 11 00 0 21 8 37 6 89 5.53 38 75 33.83 04 36 34.47 34 17 33.68 33 81 33 92 34.03 34.08 (5 30) 5.50 5.50 5 48 5 46 5 40 5 42 5 30 5 30 4 68 3.79 3.25 2.10 1.26 (24.48) (346) 24.57 24 60 24.59 24.60 24.73 24 83 25.04 25.18 25.77 26 17 26 39 20.69 26.01 34'N, 120° 451ν V:3ouraillg, 300 fm:wind,280° angle,40° 0 238 1 HORIZON; April 0 10 387 386 386 335 323 313 203 280 224 185 104 136 116 (0 00) 0 03 0 07 0 10 0 17 0 25 0 30 0 41 0.48 0.01 0.71 0.80 0 96 1.09 ,force 6: Ю ugh;Wire 9 200 240 854 426 500 0 04 049 34.165 5 39 5 66 5.48 5.46 5 50 5 30 5.43 5 37 5.30 6 32 5.00 weather,pamy cloudy:Sea,very 176 855465 33 760 33.735 33 748 33 744 33 74 5 34.065 34 298 34.342 34.485 34.247 33 780 1 18 0 75 0 57 (11.70) (38 65) 237 10 11 70 33.66 237 20 30 11 71 11 72 38 67 33 67 50 11 73 33 72 75 100 125 150 10.95 9 19 3.32 8 61 33 78 33.02 34.04 34.12 200 8 28 34 22 250 300 400 500 7 7 6 5 34 29 34 20 34.20 34 86 181 173 141 130 114 105 77 22 20 66 (5 45) 5 44 5 46 5.51 5 42 4 67 3 22 2.76 2.15 1 57 1 12 0.92 0.65 0 38 (25.62) 26 63 25.63 26.63 25.67 25 86 26 26 26.42 26 51 26 64 26 77 26 04 26.98 27 11 (238) 237 237 237 230 216 177 162 153 141 128 122 100 96 (0 00) 0.02 0 05 0 07 0.12 0 17 0.22 0 27 0.31 0.38 0 45 0.52 0.64 0 74 0.38 1961;003? GCT;a) 33'40'N, 119'34'Wi soundinS, 1020 fm; wird, I1O', lorce 1; weather, cloudy:gea, 31ight,wire angle, 02° 53 10.53 204 350 506 651 796 941 1087 3 4, 7 24 6 08 33.778 34.150 34.265 34 318 4 05 1.46 1 41 0 28 5.43 34.36 1 0.24 4.62 4 30 4.20 34 424 34 452 34.462 0 24 0.35 0.29 1230 1404 1520 1534 1539 1544 1549 1554 1558 1563 1568 1573 4 19 4 18 4.16 4 18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4 17 4 18 4 18 4.18 4 18 34 462 34 465 34.464 34 465 34.47 1 34 466 34.467 34 467 34 404 34.466 34.464 34 467 0 32 0.33 0.33 0 34 0.34 0 34 0.31 0 31 0 33 0 34 0.31 0 32 a) Secial ca6t fof verification of tlle pressure Iactora of the unprotected FeverslDg thermometers, 208 149 123 104 93 80 74 73 73 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 V 65 ‰ IIoRlzoN; April 7, 196l; 0856 GCT;a) 33'40'N, 1r9"34'Wi soundinS, lo2o fm; wird, I10', force 1; cl(,udy; 77tj ?81 785 790 795 ?99 804 809 8r.1 8r8 823 a27 832 837 812 847 852 856 861 866 scr, slight; wirc nngle, -r.67 34.42 2 1.66 34.,12 r 4.6-1 34.12 3 .L63 34,43 1 .1.60 34.42 6 4.58 34.42 8 4.55 34.43 6 .1.5-l 34.43 0 4.52 34.,13 4 4.51 34.43 6 4.50 34.43 7 4.49 34-43 I 4,4a 34.43 4 4.48 34.43 5 4.47 34.431 4.46 34.43 6 4.46 34.43 7 4.46 31.440 4.44 34.44 0 4.46 34.4.1 0 T δん S COMPUTED ■” T Oc %出 ‰ Z m S INTERPOLATED T 。ん Z m V T Oc L %/ 1 m 03SERVE D 02". S,0 CCOFl dyn m weat$er, 6104-5 855.465 O-3 0.28 0.28 0.27 0.27 0.28 0.26 0.30 0.27 0.24 0.32 0.2? 0.31 0.3r 0.30 0.30 0.33 0.33 0.31 0.31 0.32 BLACK DoUcLAs; April 18, 1961;2325 GCT;33"45.i'N, 118'25.5'w; sounding, 250 fm; wird, 210", force z; 817 334 weather, overcast; sea. slight; wire angle, 05o'D) 0 10 20 30 41 51 61 7l 8l 91 101 llr tzt r30 140 150 159 169 15.92 15.80 13.20 11.67 10.86 10,60 10.19 9.94 9,?5 9.90 9.84 9.85 9.82 9.72 9.59 9.44 9.42 9.42 33.7? 33.89 33.?3 33.74 33,75 33.82 33,94 33.98 33.99 34.13u 34.04 34.10 34.14 34.14 34.16 34.1? 34.22 34.24 1.17 4.74 4.s8 3.90 3.57 3.25 3.12 2.93 2.83 2,30 2.28 2.27 2.08 1.95 1.91 2.17n 1.63 l.2l 312 301 260 231 216 206 191 r84 180 172 l?8 r74 170 169 165 t62 158 156 HoRIzoN; April 25, 1961i 08ff GCT;33'28.5tN, ll?"45.5'w; sourding, 298 fmi wind, o?0', force 2; cleari 6ea, slight; wire angle, 02'. o 10 29 39 48 s8 68 a2 98 t12 136 165 199 247 296 397 494 15.28 33.62 5 6.34 14.40 33.60 5 6. rO ro.72 33,66 o 3.?8 10.36 33.77 1 3.27 10.05 33.?9 I 3.09 9.90 33.85 8 2.93 9.82 33.91 8 2,69 s.82 33.96 2 2.53 9.s6 34.00 9 2.38 9.50 34.0? I 2.13 9.32 34,1? O 1,59 9.21 34.201 1,50 8.96 34.23 8 L,32 8.6? 34.27 4 1.05 8,20 34.28 I 0.86 7.14 34,29 7 0.58 6.36 34.30 5 0.41 309 292 220 206 199 192 18? 183 r?6 1?0 160 156 149 142 0 l0 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 J00 400 sOO 1s.28 14.40 11.60 10.68 10.01 9.a2 9.54 9.39 9.26 8'9{ 8 65 8.ls 7.10 (6.s3) 33.62 33.60 33.62 33.67 3s'81 3s.94 34.02 34'13 34.19 34,24 s4.28 s4,29 34.30 (34.3r) 6.34 6. l0 4.46 3.?4 3.05 2.60 2.s4 1.76 1'54 r.2g r.03 0.84 0'56 (0.4r) 24.87 25.04 25.61 25.82 26.04 26.18 26.28 26.39 26.46 26.55 26.63 26.7L 26,87 (26'99) *eather, 309 293 238 2r9 198 185 175 164 r58 149 142 134 119 (108) 90'28 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.12 0.17 0.21 0.26 0.30 0.98 0'45 0.52 0.66 (0.??) 135 ll9 109 a) secial cast lor verification of the pre66ure factors b) Shakedown 6tation. 67 of the unprotected reversinS thermometera. 12 24 38 11.57 51 66 10 71 10 31 03.640 38 703 90 108 126 9 84 9 72 9 44 33 86 1 33 976 34 004 146 174 207 235 281 383 9 42 9 34 8 99 3.47 7 96 7 45 414 6 74 497 579 6 32 5 84 33.665 33 58 1 34 300 34 305 34 335 254 241 3 67 3 44 3 05 2 67 2 38 34 080 34 143 04.274 34.296 34 286 34.279 313 312 4 88 4 30 222 210 191 101 174 2 09 1 1 0 0 0 73 07 03 02 68 168 162 147 138 131 125 0 49 0 42 0 32 T 。ん 28 400+ dyn m V fmi wind, 180', force 2i weather, . 6 08 6 03 C03.5rwi soundinS, COMPUTED qユ 33 021 33 615 t S ‰ 15.46 15 38 12° T℃ 0 10 angl● , Z m T 。ん ん HORZON; April 25, 1961i 0600 GCT;33'20rN, clcar, st・ a, ‐ oderate:wiro 9037 L 2 。 / ︲ m S T℃ 9032 Z m CCOFI 6104-5 INTERPOLATED %M OBSERVED S10 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 15 46 15 38 14.00 12 08 10 74 10 10 9 77 9 45 9 41 9.09 8 29 7 75 6 84 6 30 33 62 38 62 38 60 33 57 33.64 33 75 33.93 34 00 04.09 34 26 34 29 34 28 34 30 34 30 6 6 6 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 08 08 00 68 71 30 84 39 01 15 88 77 50 40 24 83 24 86 24 96 25 48 25 78 25.98 26 18 26 28 26 36 26.54 26 69 26 77 20 91 26 98 310 311 301 251 222 203 0.00 0 03 0.06 0 09 0 14 0 19 185 0 24 175 0 28 167 150 186 129 115 0 03 0.41 0.48 0 55 0 68 100 0 80 114 108 100 HOR厖 ON:Apr,124, 1961,2107 CCT:33° 12'N, 118° 24'W:80urding, 635 fm:wind,310° ,force 4:weather,clear: sea, very rough;wire angle, 23° 9045 0 9 27 36 48 62 86 15.72 15 67 14.66 13 28 12 02 10 98 10 38 33 459 33 454 83 424 83.403 33 396 33 49 1 00.64 1 5 74 5 74 5 62 5.39 4 42 3.60 3 07 102 9.80 38 745 2 72 120 137 163 194 221 265 314 390 470 552 9 34 8 92 8 86 8.91 8 34 7 99 7 62 6.92 6 32 5 84 33 754 33 799 33 929 34 047 34.007 34.052 34 081 34 104 34 140 34 161 2.68 2.44 1 92 1 33 1 29 1.03 0.84 0.56 0 43 0.37 300 330 311 285 262 237 216 199 0 10 163 20 00 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 157 400 149 500 191 181 171 15.72 15 66 15.40 14 25 11 80 10 69 33 46 33 45 33.44 33.42 33 40 33.57 9 81 9 15 33 74 33 76 8.87 8 85 33 87 34.05 0 10 7 72 6 83 6.12 34.03 34.07 34.11 34.15 5 74 5.74 5 70 5.58 4 24 3 35 2 73 2.64 2.18 1.31 1 13 0 89 0 51 0.40 24 24 24 24 25 25 20 65 65 70 94 41 74 02 330 330 325 303 258 226 200 0 00 0 03 0 07 0.10 0.15 0.21 0 27 20 14 188 0.32 26 28 26.42 26.52 26.61 26.76 175 162 152 144 120 0.36 0 45 0.53 0 61 0 75 26.89 117 0 88 V 142 131 121 113 HoRIzoN; April 24, 196r; 1650 cCT; 32o56rN, 118"55rw; soundirg, 915 fmi wird, 310', fotrce 5; westher, clear; 8ea, Very rough:wire angle, 15° 68 │ 1 13.28 33 580 11 34 43 57 13.26 12 76 10 91 10 08 33 577 33 565 33.557 33 585 5 82 72 9 71 33.679 3 24 95 9.18 33.853 2.65 113 8 96 33 912 2 31 131 169 187 225 258 299 381 8 76 8 48 8.20 7 97 7.77 7 39 7 10 33 967 04.057 34.107 34.110 34 143 34.166 34 18 1 2 03 1.53 1 15 0.09 0 86 0.70 0 60 167 500 0 22 34.215 0.47 591 712 5 74 5.14 34.237 34.267 114 106 97 5 84 5.45 3 96 3.55 0 07 0.32 272 272 263 231 215 202 181 174 156 148 144 139 132 127 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 (13.28) (33.58) 8 58 8.11 7.80 7 39 6.99 6 22 5 69 5.20 13.26 13 24 13 20 10 37 9 64 9 11 8 81 (5.82) (25 26) 34 03 34.11 1.68 1 08 26.45 26.58 34.14 34 17 34.19 34.22 34.24 34.27 0.87 0.69 0.57 0 47 0.37 0 32 26.65 26.73 26 80 26 90 27.01 27.10 33 58 33.57 33 57 33.57 33 70 00.87 33 95 5.34 5 83 5 80 3.67 3.18 2 55 2.12 25 26 25.26 25 27 25.79 26 02 26 24 26 35 (272) (0.00) 159 147 0.32 0.40 272 272 271 221 200 179 169 140 132 125 113 105 98 0 03 0 05 0 08 0 13 0 18 0.23 0 28 0 47 0.54 0.67 0 80 0.92 1.02 V 珀 HOR厖 ON;Apri1 24, 1961,1222 CCT;32° T Oc S 02 ‰ πn/L COMPUTED T 。ん Oc INTERPOLATED %ユ S Z m Z m T T 。ん 2 磁 。 OBSERVED S10 CCOFl dyn m 41'N, 119° 27'W;8ounding,685 fm:wird, 310° ,force 7:weather, clear: 6104-5 9053 80.t, VOry rOugh:wire angle, 41° 1 9 27 47 54 70 79 12 49 12.52 12 52 12.66 12 56 10 58 10.00 33.568 33 552 33.560 33.59 1 33.625 33.664 33.604 5 60 5 61 5 59 5 55 5 29 3 91 3 72 258 260 259 258 255 218 208 90 168 9.54 9 21 9 04 8 87 8 66 33.770 33 850 33.930 34 006 34 002 3.26 2.37 2.62 2 24 1.90 187 221 277 362 434 541 8 3 7 7 6 6 34 34 34 34 34 34 193 182 174 165 158 153 143 133 111 125 145 51 23 70 15 72 00 094 184 214 263 282 313 1 1 0 0 0 0 75 38 92 71 50 40 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 (12 49) 12.52 12 52 12 53 12.56 10 29 9 35 9.04 8.03 8.42 7 97 7 53 0 91 6 31 (33 57) 33.55 33 56 33 57 33 60 03 67 33 81 33.93 34 02 34.10 34 20 34.23 34 27 34 30 (5 00) 5.61 5.60 5.58 5 46 3.00 3 06 2 62 2.15 1.60 1 10 0 84 0 59 0.43 (25 41) 25 38 25 39 25.40 25 42 25.89 26.15 26 30 26 40 26.55 26.67 26.76 26 88 26 90 (250) (0.00) 260 259 259 257 212 187 174 164 150 138 130 118 108 0.03 0.05 0 0B 0 13 0.19 ●.24 0.28 0.33 0.41 0.48 0.55 0 60 0 80 122 115 104 HORIZON:Apri1 24, 1961;0702 CCT:32° 175'N, 119° 565'W:sounding, 1650 fm:wind,320° ,force 7:weather, 9060 clear:sea, hlgh:wire angte,42° V 1 9 13 54 13 54 33 415 33 409 5 91 5 92 289 290 26 13 53 33 407 5 84 290 47 13 22 33.428 5 83 54 69 78 89 110 122 142 166 186 13 21 12 52 11.44 10 93 10 14 9 66 0.24 8 69 8.36 8 08 33 43 1 33 460 33.482 33 510 38 623 03 727 33.308 38 025 33.975 34 02 1 5 84 5.09 4 84 4 40 3 78 3 46 3 22 2 76 2 51 2 24 282 202 267 246 235 214 198 186 7 54 6 71 6 09 34 127 34 164 34 253 1 48 0 94 0 50 5 72 34.29 1 0.37 221 279 370 445 556 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 169 160 400 153 500 (13 54) 133 42) (5 91) (25 08) 9 07 33 86 0 00 26 23 8.23 33 99 2 40 26 47 7 81 34 07 1 85 26 59 7.34 6 44 5 84 34 14 34 19 34.28 1 31 0.76 0 41 26.72 26 88 27.03 13 13 13 13 11 10 9 54 54 50 22 70 93 55 33.41 33 41 33 41 33.43 33 47 33 54 33 75 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 91 87 84 83 92 30 38 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 07 0' 08 15 48 67 07 (289) (0 00) 180 0.37 290 290 280 282 251 233 195 157 145 134 118 104 0.03 0 06 0 00 0 14 0.21 0.27 0 33 0.46 0.54 0.61 0.74 0 86 137 124 109 102 HORIZON;Apri1 24, 1961:0030 CCT:31° 5951N, 120° 375'Wi sounding, 2025 fm;wind, 330° ,force 5:weather, 9070 pardy cloudy;sea, very rough:wire angle, 35° 1 9 30 52 14 57 14 56 14 37 13 93 33 320 33 320 33 344 03 406u 5,70 5 74 5.70 5.80a) 317 316 311 59 75 13 92 13 01 33.382 33.375 5.77 5.65 35 12 86 33.416 5.32 97 119 133 11 92 10 95 10 30 33.445 33.548 30.67 1 5.23 4 46 3 80 299 294 267 257 232 213 155 181 203 240 303 399 477 591 9 8 8 8 7 6 6 5 54 83 46 01 22 63 28 49 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 736 3.48 898 2 85 949 2 88 040 2 24 095 1 58 20 b) 0 31 254 0 56 315 0 38 196 173 164 150 135 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 (14.57) (33 32) 14.55 33 32 14.50 30 33 14.37 33 34 13.94 33 38 13 61 38 38 11 90 03.45 10.79 33 59 9 70 03.72 3.51 33.95 7.38 34 05 7.23 34 09 6 62 34 20 6.15 34 27 15.42) (34 32) (5 70) (24 79) 2 88 26 39 164 0 51 2 1 0 0 26.57 26.60 26 86 26 98 148 136 120 109 0.59 0 66 0 79 0.91 5 74 5 75 5 78 5 77 5.65 5 21 4 25 3 56 14 63 79 49 (0 38) 24 79 24 81 24.35 24 97 25 04 25.43 25,74 26.02 (27 11) (317) 316 314 311 300 290 256 227 199 (96) (0 00) 0.03 0 06 0 09 0.16 0.23 0.30 0 36 0 41 (1.02) 120 112 98 Mean value oF 5 72 and 5 87 m1/L Alternate value,3422ん ,not used in interp01ation. 69 ん T Oc =n/L S T 。ん 。2 COMPUTED ■“ S INTERPOLATED Z m T Oc =Lル T 。ん 9080 Z m CCOFl 6104-5 しυ MPυ OM OBSERVED S10 △D dyn m ‰ V HOBZONi Aprll 23, r961i 1926 CCT; 31'42rN, 121'19'Wi sourdinS, 2100 fm; wtrd, 300', force 5; weather, cloudy: Bea, very rough:wire angle, 38° 0 8 14 58 14 57 27 14.32 33.357 49 56 72 82 94 110 13 92 13.38 12 59 12.18 11 58 10.50 33.367 33.377 33.437 33.442 33.468 33 539 130 153 178 200 238 284 860 434 500 9090 9 , 8 8 8 7 33 343 33.335 5 88 5 88 5.93 5.88 5 72 5.39 5 01 4 64 4 08 96 47 96 52 10 60 33 667 38 749 33.878 33.964 34.029 34 072 3 54 3.28 2.86 2 60 2.25 1 80 6.91 34.13 1 1.16 6.26 5 83 34.209 34 237 0.65 0 52 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 14 58 14 55 14 40 14 00 13 91 12.48 11 30 10 10 9.52 200 8 52 33 96 250 000 7 98 7 45 04 04 34 08 400 500 6 57 34 18 5.83 34.24 315 0 316 309 10 300 289 270 262 249 226 207 194 176 160 152 142 129 115 33 34 33 33 33 34 33.36 33 37 30 44 33 48 33 63 33.74 5 88 5.39 5.90 6.90 5 07 5 31 4 60 3 69 3.30 2.60 2.11 1 66 0.82 0 52 24 00 24.80 24 83 24 94 24,97 25 31 25 56 25.09 26 07 26 40 26 54 26 65 26.85 27 00 315 315 313 302 300 207 243 212 195 164 160 140 121 107 0.00 0.03 0.00 0 09 0.15 0 23 0 29 0.35 0.40 0 49 0.57 0 65 0 78 0 90 107 HOBIZON; April 23, 1961i 145? CCT;3r'23'N, 121"58'W; 6ourdiD8, cloudy:8ea,Very― gh,wire angle,28° 2170 fm; wtrd, 310", force 4i weather, . 0 9 14 46 14 40 03.374 33 368 5 90 5.98 26 35 48 61 82 98 114 131 14 42 14 32 13 50 13.02 12.39 11 71 10 95 10.57 13 367 33 378 33 429 33 479 33.472 33 467 33 524 33.592 5 89 5 90 5.81 5.67 5 33 4 77 4 22 4 11 154 181 9 86 9 03 8.65 7 94 7 58 33 716 33 840 33.920 34.029 04.073 3 49 3.02 2 86 2 18 1 83 6 82 34 16 1 0.99 6.24 5 78 34.202 34.245 0 66 0 49 207 249 295 366 443 523 90100 310 311 0 10 310 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 307 287 275 263 252 234 223 202 180 168 150 142 125 115 106 300 400 500 14 46 14 46 14.44 14 38 13.39 12 62 11 71 10.69 10.01 8.75 7 93 7 53 6 53 5 90 13 87 33 37 33.37 33 37 33.45 33 48 33 48 33 57 33.69 33.89 34 03 34 08 34 18 34 23 5 90 5.93 5.90 5 89 5 78 5 48 4 75 4 15 3.61 2.90 2 16 1.76 0.77 0.52 24.85 24.85 24 86 24.87 25.14 25.31 25 48 25,74 25.95 26.31 26 54 26 64 26 86 26.98 311 311 310 300 284 267 251 226 206 172 150 141 120 109 0.00 0 03 0.00 0.09 0.15 0.22 0 20 0.35 0.40 0.50 0.58 0.66 0.70 0.91 V HORIZON:Apm 23, 1961:1000 GCT,31° 035'N, 122° 38'W;80unding,2150 fm:wind,320° ,force 4:weather, OVerCa8t:Sea・ moderate:wire angle, 15° 14 54 33.27 1 11 29 58 14.42 14.43 14.20 33.253 38 293 33 263 68 13.42 81 13.06 96 12.36 33.328 11.46 10 02 9.36 8 76 8.32 33.380 33.569 33 734 33.855 13 941 5.18 3 92 3.38 3 37 3 43b) 254 216 103 175 162 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 141 500 415 496 578 A,32 5.74 5,22 33.99 1 3 07 34.013 2.37 34 07 1 1.67 34.17 0 0.82 0.52 94.25 8 152 281 332 7.84 7.18 6 77 109 132 151 179 207 235 33 18 1 33.223 34.37 5.80 . 1 5.83 5.84 5.82 5.82 5.21 5.39a1 0 0.3E 320 318 016 313 304 204 273 0 10 (14 54) 14 42 14 42 14 42 14 32 13 21 12 10 10 40 9.38 0.43 7.59 7 01 6.40 5 70 (33 27) 33.25 33 23 33 29 33.28 33 20 33 35 33 51 33 73 30 92 34.00 34 03 34.15 34 27 (5 83) 5.33 5 83 5 84 5.83 5 50 5 37 4 27 3 39 3.42 2.85 2.10 0,99 0 50 (24.76) 24.77 24.79 24.00 24.81 24 98 25.31 25,74 26.08 26.38 26.57 26 68 26.85 27 04 1320) 319 317 016 314 299 267 226 194 165 147 137 121 103 (0 00) 0 03 0.06 0.10 0 16 0.24 0 31 0 37 0.42 0.51 0.59 ●.67 0.00 0.92 131 118 105 90 a) AlterEste v4lue, 6.51 El,/L, mt used ln tnterpolotton' b) Alterdate value, S.S4EVL, Dot uaed lB itrter?oletlon' V OM 差 T Oc S COMPUTED ■“ S Z m T Oc T 。ん Z m ψ INTERPOLAT ED %畝 03SERVED S10 CCOFl uli cl/ton ‰ dyn ln HoRIzoN; April 23, 1961; 01og GcT;30'23.srN, 124'01rw; dourding, 2245 fmi wird, 350', force 2; weather, parlly c10udy: sea, rough:wire angle, 00° 0 (16 22) (33.42) (5.72) (24.50) 1344) 10 00) 1 16 22 33.423 5 72 344 11 00 58 68 83 98 15 91 15 80 15 65 15 66 15 53 14.70 111 135 154 13.79 11.96 10 92 03.405 03 432 33.419 33 422 33 399 30 348 5 74 5 72 5 69 5.64 6.60 5.68 33 390 33 404 33 465 5.57 5.25 4 70 183 9 08 38 640 212 240 287 341 9 13 8 44 33 772 33 923 4 03 3.56 3.43 2.83 338 334 332 332 331 317 296 261 238 205 187 165 7.64 33 995 6.82 34 021 422 6.00 34 114 1 04 119 504 586 5.50 34 17 2 0 06 109 5 14 34 268 0.43 97 2 07 149 136 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 15.93 15.84 15.00 15.68 15 03 14 57 12.70 11.14 0.35 8.27 7 43 0 18 5 55 33 41 33.42 30 43 33 42 33.42 33 35 33.40 33.45 33.72 33.95 34.00 34.09 34.17 600 (5.05) 134.29) 5.74 5.73 5 72 5.70 5.64 5.68 5.41 4.84 3 74 3 32 2.66 1 21 0 00 (27 13) HoRlzoN; Aprll 22, 1961; 1625 GcT;29'45'N, 125'19.5'w; sourdirs, 2330 fmi pamy cloudy: gea, moderate:wire angle, 19° V 1 16 58 10 16.58 28 56 16 72 16 94 65 15.80 33 626 33.626 33.717 33.808 33 53 1 5 03 5 61 5 76 78 92 104 126 144 170 15 02 14.52 14 54 13 77 13 86 11.24 197 223 9.94 9 04 33.708 33 834 268 8 32 33 936 3.38 317 477 7.70 6.47 5.93 34 063 34.097 34 18 1 2.03 1 36 0 71 558 5.44 396 33.357 33.375 33 608 33.723 33 835 33 657 5.50 5 63 34.252 5 74 5.75 5.52 5 25 4 99 4.65 4 27 3.94 0.44 337 337 333 331 327 323 312 295 271 255 229 204 181 162 144 24 56 24.59 24.61 24.63 24 64 24 81 25.23 26 56 26.00 26.43 26.59 26.33 26.97 wid, 300', 111 15.69 135 155 184 13 40 11 96 10.10 213 241 289 841 9 38 33.81 1 3.96 8 68 33.910 3.66 170 7.98 6 96 6.36 5 83 33.988 34 023 34.12 1 34.20 1 3.48 2.30 1 17 0.60 154 137 122 110 422 504 v 586 5.48 33.709 33 527 33.650 34.297 5.17 5 01 4 30 0.40 (1 12) force 4; weather, 90140 0 10 20 (16 58) 16.58 16 64 (33 63) 88 63 33 67 33 72 (5.50) 5.63 5.63 30 16 74 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 16 92 15.15 14 53 13 80 13.15 9 82 8.57 33.79 33 38 33 56 33.72 33 81 33 72 33 90 5 61 5 75 5 57 5.20 4.95 4.25 3.61 000 400 500 7.93 6 42 5.80 34 03 34.10 04 20 2.44 1 33 0.59 124 58) 24 58 24.60 5.60 24.61 24.63 24 71 24.98 25.26 25 46 26 00 26 35 26 54 26.81 26.97 1336) 336 335 (0 00) 0.03 0.07 333 332 324 298 272 253 201 169 0.10 0.17 0 25 0.33 0.40 0 47 0.F.8 0 68 150 125 110 0,76 0.90 1 02 102 16.40 16 34 16 36 16 56 5.39 (94) 126 113 58 68 83 97 33.904 5 50 5 48 5.44 5.42 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.17 0 25 0.33 0 41 0.47 0.58 0 67 0.75 0 80 1.01 90120 . HORIZON:Apr■ 122, 1961,0734 0CT:20° 05'N, 126・ 40'W:goudlng,2200 fm:、 ■]d,260° partly cloudy:Bea,moderate;wire angle,10° 0 (16 68) (33.66) (5 51) 1 16.68 33 663 5 51 386 10 16.68 33.66 5 49 . 11 16.68 33.658 5 49 387 20 16.69 33.66 5.47 30 16.70 33.662 5.45 337 33.722 33.722 33 802 33 948 008 386 334 332 381 314 274 243 194 161 145 123 109 6104-5 326 324 319 313 297 265 252 210 188 99 30 50 75 16.70 16.50 16.34 33.66 33.71 33.75 5.45 5.49 5.46 100 125 150 16.50 14 04 12.10 33.96 33 76 33 53 5 42 5 27 5 05 200 250 300 400 9.60 8.52 7.78 6.50 33 75 33.90 34.00 34.09 4.08 3 62 3.27 1.43 500 600 5.85 (5 47) 34 19 134.31) 0.65 90160 ,force 3,weather, (24 58) 24 58 24 58 24.58 24.66 24.73 24.84 25 24 25.45 20 06 26.38 26 54 26.70 26.95 (27.00) 1386) 10.00) 336 0 03 337 0 07 337 329 322 312 274 254 196 166 150 126 0.10 0 17 0.25 0 38 0 40 0.47 0.58 0 08 0.76 0 00 111 1.03 (98) (1.14) S ん 02 m1/L % g/L 6T cl/ron dyn m HoRIzoN; April 21, tg6].i 2243 ccTi 28"26.srN, 128'or.sqlt'i soudirg, 2360 fm; wird, 250', force 3i weather' 0 17 86 10 28 17 42 17.40 52 01 71 86 17 32 16.97 16.91 17.18 101 124 142 165 198 16.86 15 00 14 71 12 71 11.38 221 259 10.23 8.92 316 3,2 7.72 6 64 34.02 1 34 048 3 41 1 03 148 97 34 120 1.11 118 106 459 5。 586 HORIZON; 5.47 13.785 33.782 33.70 1 33.785 33.802 03.800 04.008 34 046 33.846 33.983 33.759 33.774 33.009 38.927 34 200 April21, 5 48 354 6 50 5.3731 5 46 5148 5.48 5.41 5.30 5 25 5 00 4 00 4.90 4.61 3.84 0 63 1961; 1332 344 344 042 333 329 322 312 287 271 248 223 194 172 0 10 29 53 64 73 30 18 04 18 06 18 06 18.06 18.05 17 96 17 90 34.375 34.374 34 396 34.388 34 378 34 487 34 520 103 127 147 171 17.74 17.40 16.47 14 94 34 526 34.492 34.418 34.21 1 200 13.12 220 208 10.71 9.18 326 7.92 308 6 72 34.002 33 86 1 33 017 33 984 34.044 . 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 17.00 17 42 17.41 17 40 17 34 16 93 16.30 14.99 14.27 11 31 9.22 33 73 33.70 33.70 33.78 33 78 38 87 34 04 33.85 33.96 33 80 33.92 300 8 01 34.01 400 500 6 54 5.68 34.06 34.17 5 48 5.50 ● ● 44 5.38 5 45 5 47 5 40 5 24 5.01 4 90 3.99 3 56 1 70 0 80 24.39 24.50 24.50 24 50 24.52 24.68 24.82 25.11 25.35 25.31 26.26 26.52 26.76 26.90 864 344 044 344 343 827 313 280 204 220 177 153 120 111 0 00 0.03 0 07 0.10 0 17 0.26 0.34 0.41 0 48 0.01 0 71 0.79 0.94 1 00 131 CCT;27'44.srN, 129023.5rW; EouildinS, 2000 f6; wind, 320', force 1; weather, olear:sea,moderate:wire angle,01° 9328 T℃ 6.r cL/ton paruy c10udy:8ea, mOderate:wire angle, 12° 90200 COMPUTED INTERPOLATED Z m Z S ‰ 90180 T℃ CCOFl 6104-5 %M OBSERVED S10 5 32 5 35 6.32 5.30 5.29 5 25 5 33 5.31 5.24 5.14 5 09 4.89 4 77 4.14 3 34 1 79 315 316 314 315 315 305 302 297 292 277 250 238 205 177 800 8.42 33.96 5.32 5.35 5 33 5 32 5.30 5.27 5 32 5 25 5 13 4.09 4 37 0 71 400 16 69) (34 05) (1 75) 0 10 20 30 50 18.04 18 06 18 06 18.06 18.06 34.38 34 37 34.37 34 39 34.39 75 17.94 34 50 100 125 150 200 250 17.01 17 42 16.28 13.12 9 50 34 53 34.50 34 38 34 00 03 89 24 81 24.79 24.79 24.81 24.81 24.92 24.98 25.05 25.23 25 01 26.18 26.42 315 816 316 315 315 304 209 202 215 238 185 102 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.00 0.16 0.24 0 31 0 39 0 46 0.59 0.70 0 79 (26.73) (132) (0.04) 153 133 BLAoK DOUGLASi April 23, 1961; 0830 GcT; 32'54.srN, 11?'22!Wi sourrdinS, 250 fE; wiDd, 270o, weether, partly cloudy; 6ee, moderate; wire angle, 08'. 5 75 24.77 0 16 22 33.77 5 75 318 0 16.22 33.77 5。 99 24.76 10 16.22 33 75 6.99 320 10 16.22 33 75 5.31 25.18 20 14 20 33 72 4 00 229 20 11 42 38.71 3.99 25.72 30 11 38 33.71 3.09 198 49 10.33 33.87 3 00. 26.05 50 10 20 33.88 2 90 186 74 9.86 33.94 75 9.85 33.04 2 88 26.17 2.53 176 99 9.66 34 02 100 9.65 34.02 2.51 26.27 2.11 170 9 56 34.09 123 125 0.56 34.10 2 08 26.34 141 154 9 55 34.30 163 1 61 26 45 150 0.55 34 24 1.20 140 203 9 34 34.32 200 9 87 34 32 1 23 26.55 0 98 141 252 9 01 34 36 1 00 26.63 250 9.04 34.30 0 88 130 302 8.64 34 44 0 88 26 76 300 8.65 34.44 0 50 116 405 7.16 04.34 0.58 26.90 400 7.23 84.35 a) Alternate value, 5.61 my],, not used in interpolation. force 9i 318 320 280 220 197 185 176 160 158 150 142 130 117 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.18 0 22 0.27 0.31 0 39 0.46 0.53 0.66 0 10 15.93 15.94 29 13 14 39 54 69 94 115 134 153 182 216 246 294 348 429 11.74 10 05 10.30 10 17 9.65 9.66 9.39 9 34 8.57 8.52 0 24 7.68 6.88 6.29 6.86 512 597 ■Oderate;wire angle, 07° 33.65 80 69 33.53 33.82 33.66 33.72 33 95 33 98 34.12 34.12 34 23 34.10 34.33 34.40 34.39 34.38 04.42 34.42 5.95 5 53 321 3■ 8 5.41 273 4 52 3.91 3.37 2.76 2 53 1.99 2.01 1 64 1.61 1.31 0 05 0.74 0 49 0.34 0.00 226 222 209 190 17● 169 165 156 148 136 127 120 110 99 94 50'N, 117・ S 猛 ヾo■ ther, cloudy: 80a, T℃ Z m 珀 Bし ヽCK DOuCLAS,Apri1 23,1961;1013 CCT;02・ %磁 INTERPOLATED T 。ん S Z m T Oc 2 磁 。 OBSERVED COMPUTED S10 乳 6T △D g/L clho,/r dyn m 9330 31.5'W,80undlng,450 fm:wlnd,270° ,lorce 4; . 15.03 16.94 15.55 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 13.13 10.92 10 16 9.92 0.66 200 250 300 400 500 600 33.65 03 69 03.67 ●3.53 33 66 33 78 33.96 34.06 5.95 5 53 5.46 5.41 4 00 0.15 2.66 2.18 9 42 34.12 8.30 0.50 8.20 7.17 6.30 34.20 04.34 34.40 34 38 34.42 2 00 1 61 1.28 0.83 0.59 0 35 (5.851 (34 42) (0 30) 24.75 24.77 24.86 25.25 25 71 25.99 26.17 26.30 2● .38 26.53 26 70 26 79 26.93 27.07 (27.13) 321 318 311 273 224 202 185 173 165 151 135 126 114 100 (94) 0 00 0 03 0.06 0 09 0 14 0.20 0.25 0.29 0.33 0.41 0.49 0.56 0.68 0.79 (0.90) BLACK DOUGLAS; April 23, LgGl; 1600 GCTi 32'30'N, 118"12.5'W; sounding, 925 fm; wind, 300', forco 6; weatber, pertly cloudy; aea, roughi wire angle, 10". 0 15 19 33 69 6 05 002 15.19 33.69 6 05 24 94 0 302 0.00 15 19 03.71 6.14 24 96 10 301 0 03 10 15.19 33.71 6 14 301 30 11 82 33 64 4.48 241 15.19 38 71 6.14 24.96 20 301 0.06 30 241 0 09 40 11.30 33.71 3.93 226 11 82 33 64 4 48 25 59 10.79 03.76 3.55 25.87 50 214 0.13 55 10.50 33 78 3.40 209 75 70 10 15 33.84 3.22 198 10 11 33.85 3 21 26.06 196 0.18 9.59 30.92 3.26 26.20 100 180 0.23 94 9 76 33.98 3 14 185 114 133 152 181 215 245 9.21 8.84 8.78 8.40 8.00 7.73 33.89 30.96 34.09 34.15 34 18 34 29u 3 52 3.13 2 60 2.01 1.69 l.38 179 168 158 148 140 - 298 347 7.58 34.25 0 98 129 7 43 0 56 428 6 66 117 112 511 6.06 594 5 59 34.38 34 31 34 37 34 38 0 48 0 29 100 0 00 94 8.96 8.79 8 17 7.74 7.59 125 150 200 250 000 400 500 33 92 34.08 34 16 34.21 34.26 3 36 2.62 1 84 1.33 0.95 26.30 26.45 26.61 26 71 26 77 6.92 34 32 0.50 26.92 6.10 34 36 0.29 27.05 (5.56) (34.38) (0301 (27141 600 173 159 144 104 128 115 102 0 28 0.32 0 40 0.47 0 54 0.66 0 78 (93) (0 80) B LACK DOUCLAS,Apri1 20, 19611 2140 0CT;32・ 10'N, 118° 52 5'W,80undlng,700 fm,wuld,300° ,force 6, wellther,partし c10udy;8“ ,Vew rough,wire angle,15° 14.69 33 71 5.90 25.06 290 0.00 0 14.69 03.77 5.90 290 0 10 14.72 03.73 5.95 25.0' 290 0 03 10 14.72 33.73 5.95 290 20 13 65 00.64 6.07 25.23 275 0 06 30 13.33 33.62 6.08 270 30 13 33 33.62 6.08 25.23 270 0.08 ●.09 258 40 13.04 33 71 50 11.85 30.66 5.17 25.60 240 0.14 54 11.65 33.66 4.94 236 75 ■0.40 03.74 4.09 25,92 209 0.19 68 11.04 33.71 4.65 222 100 9.04 33.80 3 32 26.10 192 0 24 92 9.79 33 78 3.49 196 9.27 33.99 2.58 26.31 173 0.29 9.42 33.89 2.94 102 125 112 8.87 34.08 2 28 26.44 160 0.33 9.20 04.02 2 48 169 150 130 8.46 34.20 1 74 26.60 145 0.41 179 8.66 04.14 2.07 152 200 8.12 34 21 1.13 26.66 139 0 48 213 8.36 34.22 1.51 142 250 7 72 34.26 0.96 26.76 130 0.55 242 8.18 34.20 1.16 141 300 6.37 34 34 0.74 26.94 113 0.68 291 7.82 34.25 1.02 132 400 6.14 34 32 0.51 27.02 105 0.79 345 7.26 34.31 0.80 120 500 . V 427 500 6 66 6.08 590 5,78 34 34 34.32 34.33 0 69 0.50 0.48 110 104 1011 CCOFl 6104‐ 5 600 (5,74) (34.33) (0.48) (27.081 (99) (0・ 90) 9340 9350 ”ん %ユ G ふ T℃ Z m ん COMPUTED △D dyn m V BLACK DOUGl,Asi Aprtl 2,1, 1961; o{04 GCT; 31'50.N, 119'34'w; soutrdirt, l20o fm; wltrd, 310', forco 8; weather, p&rtly cloudy; se&, very rough; wire angle, 15c. 0 14.86 13.57 5.95 24.92 004 0.00 0 14.86 33.57 6.06 004 9 14.85 33.58 6 86 003 10 14.85 30.50 5.04 24 93 003 0.03 20 28 14.86 03.62 5.40 301 14.86 13.61 5.50 24.95 301 0 06 14.06 33.62 5.40 24.,0 301 0.09 00 58 13.74 03.51 5,79 280 67 13.30 38.5' 5.49 275 50 14.'9 33 62 1.41 24.07 299 0.15 ― 76 81 12.18 33.03u l.31el 13.00 03.62 6.41 25.34 264 0 22 95 11.77 33.71 4.97b1 235 11.61 03.69 4.85 25.61 233 0 28 100 10.56 13.,3 3.92 25.89 212 0.34 110 11.28 33.64 4.61 231 125 0.70 33.04 3.30 26.12 190 0.39 133 10.20 33.78 3.65 203 150 0.50 34.03 2.94 26.46 158 0.48 200 151 9.60 33.84 3 27 190 8 01 34 12 2 12 26.60 144 0.56 250 180 0.96 33.96 2 99 170 7 80 34 26 1 42 26.73 102 0.63 300 207 0.37 34.04 2.92 155 7.06 04.33 0 88 26.00 116 0.76 400 235 0.01 34.05 2.48 150 202 412 492 9380 6 T 。ん d 9360 T Oc L % / 1 m 6104-5 Z m CCOFI :NTERPOLATED q磁 OBSERVED S10 7.9, 6 97 6.34 34.24 34 33 34.30 1.54 0 04 0 46 500 135 115 104 (629) (34.361 `0.46) (27031 (104) (0.88) BLACK DOUGL/{8; April 24, 1961; 15{6 GCT;31'08'N, 120'5?'w; 8ouDdtu8, 2000 fm; vtnd, 320', forcs 6; weather,cloudy,sea,very rough;wiro ongle,00° 5.99 24 01 005 0.00 14.94 30.58 305 0 0 14.04 30.58 5。 99 6.00 24.80 307 0.03 14.94 03.65 10 14.94 33 55 6.00 10 6.01 24.93 304 0 06 14 94 33 60 30 14.04 33.64 6.02 301 20 6.02 24.06 301 0.09 14.04 33.64 60 13 60 33.43 6 00 291 30 6.00 24.00 301 0.15 14.93 03.64 70 13 12 33.48 5 60 276 50 5 61 25.26 2'2 0.22 12.80 33.48 85 12 40 33 49 5.63 262 75 5.15 25.6● 240 0.20 11 94 33.56 100 11.94 33.50 5.15 249 100 4.32 26.81 210 0.35 10.57 13.64 115 11.03 33 60 4.57 230 125 3.55 26.00 198 0.40 9 71 33 81 130 10.04 33.73 3.91 204 150 2.96 26.40 164 0.40 8.10 33.99 160 0 46 33 87 3.32 184 200 2.24 26.61 142 0.57 7.86 34.13 190 0.00 03.98 3.08 168 250 π夕● .6/′ 160 26′ 口77′ ノ 220 0.31 34.03 2 00 155 300 250 7.86 34.13 2.24 142 400 208 7 28 34.22 1.6' 127 500 “ “ 354 6.90 34.10 1.15 125 000 407 6.32 34.25 0.66 112 522 5.74 34.01 0.48 101 605 5 04 34.40 0.31 89 . :i繁 9390 撼蓼滅笏分 BLAoK DoUGLAS; Aprll24, 1961; 2M8 GCT; 30'50'N, 121'3{.5'w; souDdirg, 20oo fE; wlnd, 320', lorce 5; weether, cloudy; s€o, very rou8h; vlro 8ngle, 20'. 0 9 28 5? 66 81 95 108 L32 151 208 236 244 4!.6 ,t0,1 575 15.00 S0 15.86 15. 8{ 15. 84 L4.72 14.39 14,00 L2.4? Lz.U 8.98 8,60 7,74 6.96 5.92 5.50 15. 3s.5E 33. 59 33.53 33.56 33,5{ 33,,15 33.,19 33.48 33.61 33.?3 33.91 33.99 34.11 34. tl 34.10 34. 34 5.95 5.89 5. 06 5.90 5. ?6 6,10 6.06 5.81 5.25 4.80 3. ?6 3.{l 2.51 0. 98 0.63 0. 34 325 325 328 323 327 310 301 293 255 238 L14 163 141 131 0 10 20 30 50 ?5 100 L25 150 200 250 300 400 500 15.00 15,90 15 88 15.86 15 84 15.79 14.27 12.93 12 00 9.28 8 31 7 63 7.l1 5 88 33.58 33.59 33 56 33.53 33 55 33.53 33.40 33.56 33.72 33.80 34 05 34.11 34 11 34.11 6.95 5.90 5,94 5.95 5.91 5 77 5.98 5.43 4.04 3.01 3.05 2 50 1 10 0.62 24.70 24.71 24 60 24.67 24.69 24.60 24,98 25.31 25.60 26.22 26.50 26 65 26.72 26.80 325 325 026 328 326 327 298 267 240 101 154 140 133 117 0.00 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.16 0.25 0.32 0.40 0.46 0.57 0.65 0,73 0.87 1.00 110 96 .) Alteraate Blqe, 4.82 ml/L, lot u.ed h interyolatlon, b) Alt€ra&te vslue, 5.23 D.l/L, not us€d ln lnterpolstio!, V 74 T Oc BLAcK DoUGL.Asi April 25, 1961; 021? GCt; 30'30.5'N, 122'15'w; sourdlDg, weather', cloudy; sear very rough; wlr€ anglo, lot. 0 ro 30 60 ?0 85 99 115 139 159 211 2t1 2g7 351 436 519 603 rs.?4 15.?2 15.64 l5.OO t4,t2 13. ?4 13. 02 12. 06 10.68 9.85 8.50 ?.95 l,zt 6.?8 6.19 5.9{ 5.42 HORIZoN; April ca"t; 33.45 33.49 33.44 33.3.1 s3.24 J3.44 33.30 33.40 33' 5? 33.64 33.96 34,00 3,1.09 34.11 U.2L 34.33 3,1.34 5, 196I; 5.81 5.82 5,84 s.83 6.08 5,9o 5. 11 5. s3 4' 81 4,26 3.58 3.21 1.?1 1.{6 0,82 0.41 0. 30 331 330 324 313 zgL 281 263 226 208 163 L52 136 129 11'1 o to 20 30 50 75 l0o tz' 160 2oo 250 3oo 400 500 600 r5.?4 16.72 15.68 15.64 15.5? L1.20 13'01 U.43 10.19 8.92 ?.88 ?'19 6.42 6.01 5.44 02 m1/L 2(}oO △D dyn m fD; wt!d, 320', forc6 5; 33.45 6.81 33.{9 5'82 33.46 5.83 33.4{ 5'8'l 31.12 5.85 33.3t 6. 06 33.30 5. ?0 33.48 5.10 33.60 4'52 33.90 3.69 34.01 3.06 34.0S 1.69 34'ls 1'1? 34.31 0'48 34.3'.1 0'31 24,A4 24,67 24.86 2'l'65 24,A6 24.90 25.1? 25.64 25' 85 26.29 26.54 26.10 26'85 27'01 21.L2 CCOFI 6104-5 93100 331 0.00 328 0'03 329 0'0? 33O 0'10 3S0 0'l? 30? 0' 25 261 0' 32 246 0'30 216 0"14 114 0'54 151 0'03 196 0'?0 121 0'80 104 0'00 85 1'06 102 95 11?'21'w; soundlnS, 0152 GCT;-3?'38'N, 106 fD; vind, 250', Iorce 3; s'e'tlor, ov€r- 6. s2 946297 314 64'\ \t 306 287 6. 80 6.00 1266 4. 19 $ 244 3.66 1 224 3.43 219 3.30 ' 211 3.1'l 210 3,02 206 2' 93 .- 205 2.82 199 2.92 - 191 2.88 194 r91 2.81 186 2.62 182 2,42 180 2.3A 1?8 2.32 L17 6' HoRIzoN; April 5, Lgl:rt 2122, za4o GCT;b) 3o'g1'N, 12-0'55'w; soutrdtng, 1910 woather, overcea; eeo, very rougi; wlre angle, 15', 08"' 5 13.72 33'25 I 6.35 8 13.66 lo90 2186 3.63 1.88 04.487 04.632 3003 1.62 34.667 3493 1.60 04.664 fe; wttrd' 2?0" force 2; - 34.013 0 57 2.09 2.70 2.68 2 06 Shlkedown 6tation. sp""i"i*"i r"i.g z-liter gase8 in tho deep ocean. V 6,r cL/ton wire eagle, 03::l "ood"toie;33.57 ? 0 ""-a,15.36 5 l{.93 33.56 8 to 13,9{ 33,55 6 12.90 33.56 5 t4 19 11. ?4 33.5? I 24 10.90 33.62 I 29 10.?3 33.6? 5 33 10,61 33.68 2 39 to,,l4 33.?3 3 44 10.31 33.?5 9 {8 10.2,1 33. ?6 6 53 10.06 33.80 2 9.98 33.81 8 58 9.88 33.83 6 63 9.80 33.86 0 68 9.66 33.89 4 ?3 9.60 33.92 I 77 5.62 33.96 4 82 9,59 33.97 8 8? 0.58 33.99 4 92 8.78 qユ ん 6 ふ S S10 COMPUTED INTERPOLATED Z m Z m T Oc T昴 。 2 磁 。 03SERVED NanBen botttes lor t}re collectiou of water stoplea for aDAlysls oI ra'e dlssolved s6185 y T価 。 a ■脇 1 12 13.64 11.12 33.707 33 602 5.25 3 94 21 31 41 10.66 10 41 10 29 33.725 00.741 33.013 3.35 3.28 2.92 50 0 00 03.872 2 84 59 69 9.78 9.88 33.950 34 095 2.48 2 01 HOBIZONi Aprll 2?, 1961; 0558 cCT; 8ea, mOderate,wire angle, 33° . 0 8 15 80 15 81 24 33 15.70 15.47 44 57 12 26 11.32 77 90 110 10.06 10 06 9 73 125 148 174 198 9.58 10 12 10 06 10.00 239 284 9.48 8 60 33.626 dy● “ 355 7.10 431 6.44 34.26 1 0.38 510 5.94 34.308 0.52 Aprtl2?, 320 321 318 314 5.76 5.78 5 65 4.44 4.02 3.50 3.21 3.25 3 08 1.40 1 26 0 95 0.63 0.60 0.61 1961; 0900 GCT; 255 236 211 201 193 189 168 164 156 144 133 122 110 103 (13.64) (03.71) (5.25) 11.50 33.61 4.18 20 10 60 33.73 3.36 30 50 10 42 0 08 03 74 33.87 3.20 2.04 15.?8 33.63 4 5.70 15.78 33.82 I 5.14 15.s8 33,62 I 5.73 L6.21 33.61 2 5.68 12.60 33.56 I ,1.80 11.{6 33.602 3.00 10.58 33.75 5 3.43 10,04 30.79 6 3.t1 0.88 33.96 3 2.68 t. ?8 33.95 5 2.91 8.68 34.0? s 2,27 ?.84 3,1.06 8 2.06 ?.60 34, l0 { l. ?3 7.26 34,16 4 L.22 6,12 34.19 I 0.85 6.54 34,U 2 0,38 5.96 3{.36 0 0.31 5.56 3,1.38 5 0.2S 31e 319 316 310 28L 2!7 2LL 199 184 168 15? 146 I4o L3l L22 5OO (25.20) (270) 25.62 20' 25.86 25.92 26.11 m par y 214 209 101 (0・ 00) 0.00 0.05 0.07 0.11 tm; wind, A20., forco g; we.th6r, cloar; 0 10 20 30 50 15 80 16.00 15.75 15.50 11 61 03.63 03.61 33.62 33.61 03.5, 75 100 10 08 0.90 03.70 33.79 125 150 200 9 50 10 12 9 98 33 84 34.24 34.37 250 9 20 34.41 300 8 27 34 35 400 6.60 34.25 500 6.00 34.00 3l'23'N, llt'2g'W; soundhS, po!'tly cloudy; sor, rough; wlre sngle, 20'. I t0 33 42 55 10 93 lll t30 r57 r84 22L 240 296 3 450 336 809 0 10 31'31'N, L1?'O?,W; soutrdtng, 6 67 33.616 33.626 33.611 33 555 33.590 33.700 00.780 03.807 33.039 34.234 34.269 34 366 34.415 34.384 34 250 HOBIZON; 5 0 2 4 4 っ 3 9 3 7 . 1 0 0 . IOO.4O Oc m COMPUTED flORIZON; April 2?, 1,961; 0J0l cCT; 31'3?'N, l'l6"4S'W; soundlDg, 50 fm; wttrd, 340., torce 3i woother, cloudy, 8ea, mOderate,wtro angle, 10° 10035 T Z %磁 Oc INTERPOLATED 8 ´ ん T T 。ん 8 ‰ 10030 Z m CCOFl 6104-5 OBSERVED %磁 SIO 5.67 5,76 5.77 5,71 24.76 24,74 24.76 24.70 4.10 25.56 0.51 3.23 3.08 1.38 0 01 0.60 0 60 0 46 0.49 25.80 26.04 26.14 26.36 26.40 26.64 26.74 26.89 27.02 320 321 310 317 243 212 198 100 160 166 140 131 117 105 0.OO O.03 0.06 0.10 0 15 0.21 0 26 0.31 0.36 0.44 0.51 0.58 0.71 0.83 t{N4 fm; wind, 290', force 4i werth6r, 0 (15.?8) (33.63) ($.?O) (24.?6) (S10) (0,00) t0 t5.?8 33.63 r.?4 24,1A SU O.OS 20 15.7{ 33.63 3.14 24.11 318 0,06 30 15.6{ 33.62 5. ?3 24,10 31? O. 10 60 12.80 33.55 4,92 25.13 266 0,15 75 11.40 33.64 !,E2 26,61 233 0.22 100 10.28 33,?? 3.38 25.06 205 0.27 L25 LS5 33.02 2.15 26,L4 ltt 0.32 l5o 9.02 33.96 2.80 26,32 lrl 0.3? 200 8.3? 34. 08 2,1g 26.62 t52 0.45 250 ?. 59 3,1. t1 t,6S 26.60 t39 0.52 300 1.20 u,Ll 1.1t 2A,76 t8o 0.50 {00 6.83 !4.21 0.61 26.92 115 0.12 500 6.2L 3{.S5 0.34 21.03 103 o.t4 600 5.59 34.38 0.26 27.L4 9{ 0.s4 108 l0o 9A V 76 Oc °2 α /L %餡 T Z ‰ T為 。 COMPUTED INTERPOLATED S ´ ル S T 。ん Z m T Oc 2 磁 。 OBSERVED S10 CCOFl “ m dyn 6104-5 “ 1440 cCT; 3l'00'N, part,C10udけ i sea, rOugh:wire angle, 10° HotttzoN; April 2?, 1961i ll8'0?'W; 10050 soutrding, 962 fD; wihd, 310', force 4; weath€r, . 30.581 5.01 33.63 8u S.94 33.565 5.86 293 294 0 10 20 30 (14 37) 14.37 14.07 14.34 50 14.● 1 11 31 14.37 14.37 14.32 44 57 72 96 14.03 13.05 11.82 10 48 33.544 33.467 33.519 33 700 5.80 5.42 4 72 3.59 113 132 161 180 225 9,76 9.62 8.96 3.52 8.50 33.862 33.96 1 34.068 34 106 34.191 3.06 2 66 2.25 1.95 1.46 190 180 162 153 146 71 100 125 150 200 250 300 253 361 7 72 34.151 1.50 138 400 6 53 6 74 34.23 1 0.75 119 465 541 610 6.24 5.73 5.36 34.326 34.356 34.382 0.30 0 31 0.30 100 97 91 500 600 5 91 5.40 771 944 4.64 4.10 34 43 1 34.464 0.36 0.52 79 72 290 276 250 213 8 11.50 10.20 0.61 9.23 8.50 7.73 7.10 (33.581 13.58 33.57 33.57 30 54 03.54 03.75 33.93 34.04 34 14 04.15 34.le 04.28 34.34 34.30 700 4.93 34.41 000 1000 4.55 (4.00) 34.44 (34.47) (5.91) (25.03) (294) (0 00) 5.94 25.03 204 0.00 5,90 25 03 204 0.06 6.87 25.03 204 0.09 5.79 4.53 3.45 2 79 2.38 1,74 1.49 l.18 0.53 0.33 0.30 0 32 0.37 25.06 25.57 25.96 26 19 26.35 26 54 26 66 26.77 26.94 27.06 27.16 291 243 206 183 168 150 139 129 110 101 92 0.'1 0.83 0.00 27.24 27.30 (27.38) 0.16 0.21 0.27 0.32 0.36 0.45 0.52 0.59 84 1.03 78 1 12 (71) (1.28) 10060 HORIZON; April 29, 1961; 1605 GCT; 30'39'N, 118"44'W; soundlltg, t450Im; wlnd, 300", force 5; weatherl overcast,sea, roュ gh;w■ re angle. 21・ 0 8 30 56 64 81 94 15.20 15 20 15 12 15.08 15.02 13.06 11.77 106 130 14' 171 200 224 265 11.08 9.66 9 20 8.72 0 35 8.41 8.06 019 406 7 08 6 56 487 560 6.14 5.62 33.570 33.556 33.548 33 550 33.547 33.393 33.426 00 520 38 714 33 834 33.934 34.022 34 080 04.164 34.129 34.225 34.279 34.296 . 5.38 5 25 5.32 5 32 5.16 4.00 4.54 4.03 3.27 3.21 2.70 2 29 1 81 1.28 311 312 311 310 309 282 256 237 199 183 168 157 153 142 1.00 0 68 0 10 20 30 50 71 100 125 150 15.20 15 20 15.15 16.12 15 10 14.80 11.35 9.83 9.12 33.57 03 55 31.55 33.55 33.55 33.53 33.46 33.67 33.85 34.02 200 3.35 250 300 0.24 7 39 34.15 34.13 400 6.58 04.22 0 70 500 6.05 34.29 0.45 0.40 0.59 26.88 27.01 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.00 0.16 0.23 0.30 0.36 0.41 157 145 135 0.40 0.57 0.64 118 106 0.78 0.89 fE; loo70 \rylnd, 330', force 5; weetler, . 0 8 29 55 64 80 93 15.73 15,72 15.57 14.10 13 58 12 96 12.25 33.528 33 524 33.537 33.374 33.344 33.360 33.413 106 130 147 171 200 11.62 10.09 9 56 9.08 8.68 33.525 33.584 33.668 33.32 1 33.926 224 266 8.42 7 83 33.980 34.043 2.44 1.90 160 148 322 7 52 34.148 1 18 135 408 490 662 6 88 6.11 5.66 34.223 34.237 34.259 0 60 0.46 0.41 121 111 104 4.32 3.60 3.43 3.09 2.68 26.47 26.59 26.70 311 013 312 311 311 306 246 205 181 100 100 rou酔 ,Wire angle,30° 6.56 5.54 5.54 5.63 5.62 5.26 4.07 2 20 1.40 1.03 24.85 24.30 24.84 24.05 24 85 24.90 25.53 25.96 26.22 131 117 HORIZoN; April 29, 1961; 2135 CCT; 30'18'N, 119'23'w; soundiDg, 2355 C10u● :Sea,vew 5.38 5.27 5.30 5.32 5 32 5.07 4.30 3.32 0 16 325 326 321 003 295 282 265 246 216 201 182 160 0 10 20 00 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 000 400 500 15.73 15 71 15.65 15.57 15.00 13.16 11.92 10.17 9.44 8.68 8.01 7.62 6.96 6.02 33.53 33.53 33.53 33.54 33.48 33.36 33.47 03.57 33.69 03.93 34.02 34.11 34.22 34.24 5.66 5 54 5.54 6.54 5.58 5.39 4.63 3.72 3.36 2 68 2.14 1.46 0 04 0.44 24.70 24.70 24.72 24.74 24.82 25.11 25.44 25.33 26 04 26.35 26.52 26.65 26.80 26.97 325 325 324 321 314 286 255 218 197 168 152 140 123 100 0.00 0.00 0 06 0.10 0.16 0.24 0.00 0.36 0.42 0.51 0.59 0.67 0.80 0,93 COMPUTED 箔 T 。ん %磁 S T℃ Oc INTERPOLATED Z 一 S ´ お T Z T 。ん %畝 OBSERVED S10 CCOFl 6104-5 Ot g/L AD m “ 10080 HoBIzoN; Aprtl 30, 1961; o2{0 ccT; 20'57'N, 120"03'w; soutrdhg, partly clou● :Bea,rOugh:wiro anglo,27・ 0 9 30 56 65 81 04 105 130 147 15.94 15.95 15.31 15.70 15.04 14.64 14・ 07 13 22 11.04 10.03 264 317 9 06 8 64 8 32 7.32 7 46 403 484 555 6.56 6.16 6.58 171 199 223 10090 EOBIZON; 33.430 33.417 33.401 03.413 33.366 33.390 33.407 33.410 33.430 33.537 !! 5 8 34,21 I 1,4 166 153 141 ?3 0.40 0.36 3,1.16 lt6li 188 0. 3,r. April30, 337 830 386 333 323 112 000 283 243 210 3.30 3.0' 2.99 2.10 1.36 O7{O 52 65 15.15 14.87 33.265 33.27 1 5.04 5 90 038 320 87 103 121 146 13 84 13.04 12.66 11.31 0.89 9 10 33.235 33.239 33.279 33.348 33.443 33.074 5 74 5 53 5.41 4.71 4.08 3.48 308 203 281 253 223 103 8.68 8.11 7.40 6 60 6.04 5.60 33 780 33.399 33 966 34 0'4 34.120 34.138 3.00 2 20 1.52 0,72 0 45 - 179 162 147 129 118 112 272 329 416 500 573 100100 HoRIzoN; Aprll 30, l06li 5.78 5.30 5.83 5.81 1258 16.02 16 04 33.498 33.492 30 58 15.86 15,76 67 82 96 16 53 14.42 14.71 33.426 33.258 33.487 110 13.02 03.40 1 135 153 101 12.72 11.68 10.06 211 240 287 340 9.65 0.42 0.52 9.44 422 6.96 505 586 5.85 5.10 33 474 03.474 03.422 33.461 33.624 33.77 5 34.012 34.304 34.500 34.425 34 37 5 34.356 33 42 33 41 30 15.81 50 15.″ 4 76 100 125 150 14.60 13.61 11.47 9 87 00.40 33.41 03.38 33.41 33.43 30 56 200 0.63 33.34 250 000 400 ' 97 7.58 6.58 33 04 34.04 34 11 500 6.04 34.18 330 009 334 335 0 5.66 5.64 6.62 5 62 5.60 5,76 5.71 5.47 5.12 4.68 3.98 3.03a) 2.09 1.66 0.32 0.33 0 38 0.42 21'15 6.60 5,60 5 03 6 63 5 64 5.77 6.50 4 79 3 87 3.06 2 45 1 60 0 74 0 46 24.57 24.57 24.57 24 58 24.60 24.81 25.05 25 49 25.87 26 29 26 47 26.60 26.80 26.02 337 338 337 337 334 314 202 250 214 174 157 144 126 114 0.00 0 00 0.07 0.10 0.17 0.25 0.30 0 39 0.45 0.55 0.64 0.71 0.86 0.98 fe; wbd, 820', forco {; weatior, 20 30 15 71 72 15.72 15 20 33.35 33.34 33.34 33.29 50 16.10 00.26 75 14.50 100 125 150 13.14 12.40 11.00 10 200 250 300 400 500 ccT; 29'18'N, 121'26'w; OVerca8● 300,rOughi mre allgle,10° 1 11 33.43 . 15.71 15,72 15.28 15.23 229 16.94 15.05 15.80 cCT; 29'S?'N, 120"10.5'!l'i soudlry, 0 9 81 39 170 204 0 10 20 126 116 106 partly clouむ ,sea,rough:wire anglo,25° 30.347 33.042 03.234 33.257 fm; wlnd, 320', forc6 5i weather, . 5.63 5.63 5.60 5.64 5.75 5.77 5.00 6.30 4 65 3.99 03.738 33.040 33 884 33.065 34.065 2123 15。 0.18 0.40 '.7● 6.72 6.04 33.24 33.24 33.20 33.36 38.65 33 85 33.03 34.06 34.13 soundloS, 2200 fm; 5.78 6.80 5.00 5.80 5.84 5 88 5.56 5.37 4.58 3.55 2.72 1.89 0.01 0.45 24.57 24.56 24.56 24.01 24.62 24.74 25.02 25.21 25.52 20.05 26.38 26.49 26.74 26 80 338 339 339 334 333 0.00 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.17 321 204 277 247 0.25 0.33 0.40 0 47 196 171 155 132 110 0.50 0.67 0.76 0.90 1.04 wt[d, 3{O', force {; wo&$or, . 334 005 332 300 329 318 307 203 273 251 212 104 173 153 131 0 10 (16.02) (33.501 116.04 33.49 (5.66) 5.64 (24.61) 24.60 (334) 335 (0.00) 0.03 20 30 50 75 100 15.95 15.86 15.81 14.90 14 00 33.48 33.47 33.47 33 01 33.49 5.63 5.62 5 62 5 73 5.74 24.61 24.62 24.03 24 71 24.92 334 033 331 324 305 0.07 0 10 0.17 0 25 0.33 126 150 13.60 11.39 33 45 33 45 5.32 4.77 200 10.00 250 0.42 03.74 34・ 08 300 0.52 400 500 7.52 5.00 34.46 04.38 600 (5.00) (34.35) 107 97 01 a)Alternate v=lue,4.01m1/L,■ ot used in interpolation. 34.38 3.95 2.60 1.30 0.30 0.38 25.11 25.40 25.00 26.35 26.57 26.04 27.10 (27.lη 286 256 0 40 0.47 200 168 148 0 59 0.68 0,76 112 07 (00) 0.00 1.01 (1 11) Oc S ん T Z m %磁 :NTERPOLATED T 。ん S ン ル Z m T Oc V L %/ 1 m OBSERVED COMPUTED SIO 6T AD cl/ton d,● l % g/L 100120 H(XIzoNi May 1, 1961i ooM GCTi 28'38.5iN, 122'4?,w; sounding, 2388 flEi s,lnd, 350', foice 3; rreatber, cloudyi se&, l'ery rough; wire angle, 14'. 0 10 28 56 66 8l 95 109 132 150 L?8 207 235 282 335 4L5 497 5?9 17.34 33.42 2 5.34 1?.30 33.82 0 5.41 L7.22 33,82 I 5,3? 1?.24 33.86 6 5.40 t?.30 33.88 1 6.47 17.20 33.93 4 5.25 17,42 34.10 3 4.98a) 16.48 33.92 7 5.20 15.30 33.90 8 5.16 14.39 33.854 3.L2 L2.4A 33,?8 5 {.66 LO.44 33.?5 I ,1.35 9.40. 33.82 3 3.90 8.34 33.97 0 3.14 ?.53 34.04 I 2.20 1.30 6.58 34.12 I 6.16 34.22 4 0.78 5.53 U.29 2 0.43 339 339 33? 334 334 328 32L 313 2Eg 274 242 208 18? t60 0 rO 20 30 50 75 100 U25 150 200 250 300 400 500 V 12.52 12.50 33.732 03.730 24 44 51 62 72 81 12.00 11,71 11 60 11.30 10.32 10.32 33.320 33.882 33.389 33.845 33.353 33.872 99 110 127 145 160 9.98 9.41 8.86 8 82 3.86 8.60 8.64 8 02 7.83 7.18 187 230 298 359 457 5 73 5.93 33.934 33.887 33.954 34.033 34 092 04.137 34.255 34 256 04.318 34.336 21.55 21.56 24.57 24,68 21.AL 24.64 24,7a 25.01 25.24 25.85 26.25 26,51 26.74 24.95 340 33S 33? 336 m4 331 317 295 274 zLA 178 163 128 111 0.00 0.03 0,0? 0.10 0.17 0.25 0.33 0.41 0.48 0.61 0.?r 0.79 0.94 1.0? 125 100 220 217 208 198 188 182 169 163 159 152 143 134 2.76 3.11 2.92 2.47 2.16 1.84 1.24 1 03 0.67 0.50 5.3.1 6.41 6.39 5.38 5.{0 5.33 5.0, 5.1E 5.12 {.,11 3.6? 2.80 1.40 O.t4 ll2 247 246 231 221 5 52 5 34 5.16 4.40 3.65 2.94 33.82 33.82 33.82 33.83 33.86 33.01 i14.05 33.93 33. E5 33.76 33.8? 34.01 3,1.11 34.24 1{3 HoRIzoN; May 4, 1961; 0055 GcT; 29'41,5,N, 115'56.5'l cloudy,8ea,high,wire angle,45° . 0 7 17.34 17.30 t?.24 L7.22 L7.21 L7.23 1?.10 15.?0 l,l,39 10.89 9.01 8.02 6.71 6.13 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 i sounding, ?60 12.52 12.48 12.15 11.91 11.69 10 60 9.97 8.90 8 83 8.60 8 50 8.01 7.59 (6.90) fE; wltrd, 200', Iorce 33.73 33.73 33.79 33.84 33.39 33.86 33.93 33.94 34.05 34 18 34 26 34.26 34.33 (34.331 5.73 5.93 5.64 5.47 5.17 3.31 2.79 2.98 2 39 1 64 1.17 1.02 0.56 25.52 25.53 25.64 25.73 25.81 25.98 26.14 26.33 26.42 26.56 26.64 26.71 26.83 (26.93) ‖035 5; voather, 247 246 236 228 220 204 188 171 161 0.00 0 02 0.05 0 07 0.12 0.17 0.22 0.27 0.31 148 141 0.39 0.46 134 0.53 120 (114) 0.67 (0.79) 127 117 1040 HoRtzON; May 3, 1961;2139 GCT; 29'33'N, 116'13'5'w; sourdrnS, 1290 fm; $'ind, 280', force 5; weothel, overcast, 303, high:wire angle, 45° 0 15。 96 33.662 5.70 7 16.06 33.638 25 15.96 33.636 5.80 32 41 52 67 79 91 108 15.72 13.70 12.52 11.22 10.66 10.54 9 62 33.628 03.497 33.453 33.504 33.638 33 863 33 93 5.80 5 58 5.02 4.50 4.02 3.00 125 149 9 60 9.44 9.44 9.14 8.00 8.29 7.71 6.72 16? 196 248 330 399 505 6.79 2.96 34 022 34.103 34.173 34.159 04.267 34 329 34.348 34.347 e) Alternate value, 5' ?? 2.44 2.10 1 82 1 85 0.99 0.78 0.51 0.38 mI/L' CCOFI 6104-5 . 321 322 320 318 286 267 238 221 202 182 175 167 162 158 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 146 133 123 110 not used in interpoletion' 96 15.96 15.96 15.96 12.57 10.79 9 90 9.60 9.44 9.30 8.80 8.53 7.69 6 76 15。 33.66 33.64 33.64 33 63 33.45 83.60 33.91 34.02 34.11 34.20 34.27 34.31 34.35 34.35 5,78 5.79 5.80 5.80 5.04 4 21 2.99 2 44 2.08 1.83 0.97 0.04 0 50 0.39 24.75 24.73 24,73 24.72 25.30 25。 74 26.14 26.27 26.37 26.46 26.58 26.67 26.80 26 96 321 322 322 323 268 226 0 00 0.03 0.06 0.10 0 16 0.22 108 176 166 0.27 0 32 0.36 158 0.44 146 138 123 110 0.52 0.59 0.73 0.85 %“ 16.14 33.634 9 31 16.16 33.620 5 66 16 16 33.62 5 5 70 66 65 81 94 105 16.14 16.00 14.96 13.50 12.46 10.57 33.620 33.020 03.500 33.436 30.404 33.562 5 65 5.59 5 67 5 56 5.17 4.15 9.92 - 9.30 9.57 9,35 8.61 8.10 7.10 6.22 5.44 33.871 34.100 34.241 34.245 34.340 34.342 34.350 34.376 171 200 224 267 339 449 535 653 5 68 327 327 328 326 326 311 287 270 226 ― 3.27 1.60 1.42 1 36 0.60 0.30 0.29 0.20 HORIZON;ヽ 鮨呼 0, 1961,0745 CCT1 20° 182 163 156 144 130 115 100 02 50 57 71 80 93 16.58 16.60 16.54 16 40 15.80 33.584 33.5'0 33.572 33.561 33.517 5 71 5 65 5.65 5 74 5 82 114 129 149 15.14 33.4' 3 5 79 14.10 12.12 10.70 9.92 9.38 33.551 33.530 33.711 33.346 33.999 5 4 3 3 2 9.16 34.03 1 2 37 7.42 6 60 6.10 34.183 34 201 34.300 1.20 0.79 0.40 3 7 4 2 8 4 “ 174 194 227 46 99 77 44 69 0 (16.14) (33.631 10 20 00 16.16 16.16 16.16 33 63 33.63 33.60 50 75 16.15 16.55 33.63 33.56 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 12.04 10.70 0.80 0.57 0.05 3.30 7.62 6.54 5.75 30.42 33.53 33.60 34.18 34.24 34.30 34.34 34.35 34.37 341 040 007 320 017 290 254 216 193 174 164 0 10 20 00 (16.58) 16.68 16.58 16.58 (33.581 33.58 33.53 33.50 50 76 16.58 16.60 33.58 33 57 100 125 200 250 300 400 15.53 14.80 12.ユ 0 0.05 0.32 8 98 6.98 33.49 33 49 33.53 33.90 04 34 12 “ 34.19 500 6.25 04.25 150 “ tn dyn 16.68 16 68 30 55 64 00 16.67 16.64 16.64 16.32 03 33.59 - 5.48 5 48 33.60 33.60 33.50 33.62 5.57 5.51 5.46 5.37 15.74 33.553 5.42 105 131 14.70 12 98 33.545 03.62 0 5.26 4.66 148 11.74 33 694 173 202 227 10 34 0.92 9.38 33.758 34.024 34.092 0.82 2.46 2.03 208 399 448 536 8.60 7.66 6.81 6.24 34.117 14.165 34.240 34.290 1.03 1 86 0.68 0.44 655 5.63 34.367 1 24 3.66 4.25 25.6● 24.68 24.68 24.68 24.68 24.70 25.20 3.78 1.60 1.39 25.97 26.40 26.57 0.99 0.49 26.69 26.03 0.31 0.23 26.99 27.11 (5.03) 5.70 5.60 5.67 5.71 5.67 5.01 5.71 4.99 3.35 2.56 2.19 0.99 0.55 (327) 027 327 027 027 319 277 231 204 163 148 V (0.00) 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.16 0.25 0.32 0.38 0 0.63 “ 0.01 1186 123 0.60 0。 ●2 100 96 0,94 1.05 ,lorc0 6:weather, (24.54) 24.54 24.54 24.54 24.54 24.55 24.71 24.87 25.45 26 12 26.34 26.45 26.81 26.95 (340) 340 340 340 340 030 324 300 254 100 170 150 125 111 (0.00) 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.17 0.26 0.34 0.42 0 49 0 60 0.70 0 78 0.03 1.05 119 106 342 3 2 .飩 M 鋒 3 3 1 (24.68) 5.66 5.68 5 70 5.66 5.62 5.32 132 HoRIzoN; May 2, 1961; 18(N GcT; 28'3?'N, 118'1I.6'wi soundtng, portly cloudy; soe, very rough; wire sngle, 30". 9 (3 03) 56.5'N, 117・ 38'W;80undlng, 1900 fmi wind, 310° cloudy;80a,high:wlre anglo,09° . 1 16.58 33.504 5 63 9 16.50 33.570 5,70 27 16.50 03.575 5.67 80 UT cl/ton . 1 129 146 │1070 Oc COMPuTED HORIZONI May 3. 1961,1510 CCT,29° 15'N, 116° 50'W,30Wldlng, 1500 fm:whd,290° ,force 6;weather,over― C38ti Sea, high; wire angle, 30° ‖060 T Z ‰ %M B 6 猛 T Oc INTERPOLAT ED T 。ん 1050 Z m CCOFl 6104-5 Q磁 03SERVED S10 303 263 0 10 20 30 50 (16.68) 16.68 16 68 16.67 16.65 75 16.60 100 125 150 200 15 35 13 85 11.63 10.00 235 207 100 250 8.91 300 8 10 167 400 7.15 153 136 500 6.48 600 5.89 119 108 96 1500 fe; wlnd, (33.501 33.59 33.60 33.60 33.60 30.69 33.55 30.02 38.70 34.02 34.11 34.14 34.21 34.27 34.34 SLO', force 6; ur6alh€r, (5.48) 5.40 5.51 5.57 5.62 5.43 5 39 4 95 3.60 2.56 1.98 1.67 0.92 0.53 0.32 (24.53) 24.53 24.54 24.54 24.54 24.55 24.00 25.17 25.67 26.21 20.46 26.60 26.80 26.94 27.07 (342) 342 341 341 340 340 316 280 233 182 158 ■44 120 113 100 (0.00) 0 03 0.07 0.10 0.1' 0.26 0 34 0.41 0.48 0.58 0.67 0.75 0.89 1.02 1.13 V 2065 fE; whd, 340', force T 。ん cCTi 2E'1,1'N, ll8'5?'W; Boundln8, S10 COMPUTED qユ Oc Q鵡 2, 1961; 1217 soa, high;、 vire angle, 38° IIORIZON; Mat T Z ス 02 rn/L INTERPOLATED S T Oc S ん Z m V T満 。 OBSERVED CCOFl dyn m 6; w6athei, clordy; 6104-5 11080 . 0 8 27 17.28 17.20 17.30 33.318 03.81 1 33 810 50 17 20 33.803 58 17.19 83.798 73 16.90 33.773 85 14.27 33.574 96 13.10 118 135 155 184 11.82 11 21 10 53 9 79 03.618 33.702 33.785 33 907 200 9.54 33.985 244 306 8 52 8 17 33.991 34.169 404 482 596 7.39 6 60 5.91 34.256 04 259 34.310 33.560 5 45 5 47 5.44 5.41 5.42 5.41 4.76 4.40 3 81 0.38 3 07 2.72 2 26 2 35 1 21 0 56 0 38 0 10 338 339 339 038 338 333 292 270 242 226 200 187 177 161 143 126 115 100 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 17.28 17 28 1'.30 17 30 17.20 16.73 12.80 11.57 10 '2 9 65 8.46 8.20 33.02 33 81 33 01 33 01 33.30 33.75 33.66 33.65 03.7, 33 97 34.00 34.15 5.45 5.47 5 45 5 43 5.41 5.39 4 30 3.63 3.14 2.36 2.30 1.32 24.56 24.56 24.55 24.55 24.57 24 64 25.34 25.64 25.89 26.23 26.44 26.60 500 '.42 6.43 34.25 34.26 0.59 0.33 26.79 26.93 600 (5.901 (34.31) (0.10) (27.04) 138 030 339 380 338 331 265 230 212 100 160 145 127 110 (103) 0.00 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.17 0.25 0.33 0.39 0.45 0 55 0.64 0.71 0 86 0.98 (1.10) HORIZON; May 1, 1961; 1830 CCT; 2?"53'N, 1t9'39'W; soundbg, 2ll2 rm; wtnd, J4O', forco 5; weother, cloldy; sea,high:wire angle,24・ . 344 0 17.36 33.77 5 47 24.51 344 0 00 0 17.36 33.77 1 5.47 344 10 17.36 33 76 5.40 24.50 044 0.03 9 17.36 33.766 5.41 344 20 17.35 33.76 5.36 24 50 344 0.07 31 17.34 03 '63 5 33 335 30 17.34 33.76 5.32 24.50 344 0 10 5' 16 89 33.747 6.65 334 50 17.00 33.75 5.56 24.50 337 0 17 66 16.89 33.754 5.57 311 75 16.10 33.65 5.52 24.71 325 0.26 04 15.29 33.596 5.50 289 100 13.85 33.59 4 70 25.15 232 0.33 97 14.18 33.589 4.85 262 125 11 93 33.62 4 03 25.55 244 0.40 110 12.75 33.588 4.32 232 150 10 88 33 74 3.54 25.84 217 0.46 137 11.41 03 662 3.84 212 200 9.47 33.97 2.66 26.26 177 0 56 154 10.72 33.768 3.39 188 250 8.59 34 07 2.18 26.48 156 0.64 180 10.00 33.943 2.80 300 8 09 04.14 1.53 26.61 144 0 72 171 211 9.20 30 992 2.61 400 7.05 34 21 0 96 26.81 125 0.06 160 238 8.72 34.046 2 41 500 6.42 34 28 0.46 26.95 111 0.98 148 283 8.30 04.131 1.67 10) 135 600 (5 76) (34.34) (27.08) (99) (1・ 341 7.57 34 164 1.29 433 6 84 34.238 0 80 517 588 6.32 5.84 34.294 34.338 0 38 0 34 120 109 100 2, 1961; OO2? GCTi 2?'34rN, 120"20'wi 8oundin8, cloudyl sea, very rough,wire angle, 32・ HORIZON; May 1 9 29 52 60 75 87 98 121 107 160 17 24 17.25 17.16 16 80 16.20 15,16 14.01 12.82 11.57 11.10 10.42 33.732 33.716 38 720 33.685 33.625 33.610 33.587 13.580 33.643 33.750 33.357 5.48 5.50 5.48 5 55 5 58 5.51 5.25 4 30 4.07 3.38 2.92 344 345 343 337 029 307 286 263 236 220 201 186 9.64 33.966 2.60 209 9.20 34.041 2.36 168 247 8.70 04 113 1.89 155 297 7.94 377 7.30 453 6.90 520 6.26 34.127 34 220 34.303 34.32 1 1.59 0.80 │1090 180 143 127 0 40 116 0.26 106 2u5 fm; wltd, 340", force 5i weathe.' partly 0 10 (17.24) 17.25 (33.73) 33.72 (5.48) 5 50 (24.501 24.49 20 30 17.22 17.15 33.72 33.72 5.49 5.48 24.50 24.52 50 16.86 75 15.16 100 125 150 12.65 11.45 10.72 200 9.35 250 o00 0.64 7.89 400 7.20 500 6.45 33 69 33.62 33.58 33.66 33 81 34.01 34.11 34.13 34.25 34.32 5.54 5.61 4.20 3.90 3.06 2.46 1.0' 1.55 0.64 0.21 24.56 24.89 25.38 25.67 25.92 26.31 26.50 26.63 26.82 26.98 (344) 345 044 343 038 307 260 230 209 172 154 142 124 100 (0.00) 0.03 0 07 0.10 0.17 0.25 0.32 0.30 0.44 0.54 0 02 0.70 0.84 0.96 │10100 16.80 50 64 86 16.82 16.78 16.58 104 14.82 33.613 33.773 33.003 33.728 340 5 42 5.44 5.40 5,44 339 330 318 202 13.19 139 164 194 221 264 310 385 12.02 10.20 9.72 9.10 8.42 7.30 6.30 33.637 03.652 33.852 33.97 1 34.075 34.003 04.149 460 535 616 805 6.36 0.03 5.57 4.64 34.237 34 320 34.375 34.423 0 78 0.10 0.26 0.33 114 104 94 80 470a1 566 098 857 1016 6.26 5 89 5.11 4.43 3.90 34.270 34.340 34.383 34.443 34.486 0.45 0 25 0.29 0.43 0.64 110 100 88 76 68 1174 1034 1494 3.46 3.12 2.70 34.52 1 34.540 34.570 0,74 0.92 1.15 1653 1014 1976 2138 2300 2.50 2.20 2.10 2.00 1.88 34.588 34.610 04.626 34.631 34.642 1.34 1 68 1.01 2.02 2.21 48 44 42 40 39 2465 2630 2794 2950 3125 3217 1.02 1,74 1.67 1.64 1.60 1.50 34.65 1 34.655 34.658 34.659 34 662 34.660 2 36 2.46 2.57 2.77 2.71 2.82 38 37 36 36 36 35 1.55 33.624 340 341 342 - 34.668 4.01 4.42 4.15 3.26 2.91 2.46 1 09 1.05 121° 40'W: at g/L △D ly“ m somlng, 2170 fm:wind, 350° , force 4:weather, , 30° 122 3300 12045 03.047 5.50 5.50 5.52 Oc COMPUTED T 。ん d 37 13.620 33.010 13.615 Q磁 16.73 16.74 16.76 T ふ 1 10 20 g HORIZON;Mav l, 1001:l141, 1400 0CT:20° 521N, partly c10udy;3ea, rOugh:wiro angle, 22° Z m Oc INTERPOLATED T 。ん 8 ´ ん 110120 T Z %磁 OBSERVED S10 CCOFI 6104-5 207 245 212 190 171 154 139 126 0 10 20 00 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 (16.73) (03.03) 16.74 03.61 16 74 33 61 16 77 33.03 16.82 03.67 16.75 33.33 15.03 33.75 13.10 33.63 11.12 33.64 0.64 33.89 0.65 34.05 7 48 34.06 6.72 04.17 (│.50) │.50 124.55) 24.6● 5 51 5.62 5.42 5.45 4.07 4.29 3.16 2.61 1.85 1.00 24.69 24.64 24.50 24・ 70 26.01 25.33 85,72 20.1' 26.45 26.63 26.82 5.42 (340) 341 341 341 390 386 200 865 220 186 150 142 120 500 6.15 34.29 0.25 26.09 600 700 800 1000 1200 1500 2000 2500 3000 5.66 5.10 4.66 3.95 3.40 2.77 2.08 1.80 1 62 04.37 34 38 34.42 34.48 34.53 34.57 34.63 34 65 34.06 0.25 0 29 0.32 0.62 0.77 1.19 1.92 2.40 2 77 27.12 27 19 27.28 27.40 27.40 27.58 2'.69 27.73 27.75 107 10.00) 0.03 ●.0' 0.10 0.17 0.31 0,33 0.40 0.47 0.57 0.66 0.74 0.87 1・ 00 05 88 01 60 00 51 41 38 86 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.46 1.61 1.00 2.00 2.33 2.56 61 56 51 2.90 V 05 HORIZON;May 5,1961:03011 CCT,27・ 42'N,115° 34'W,8alndlng,1370 rm;wlnd,300° ,forco`:■ oother,Over‐ Ca8● 1 10 20 38 3ea,Very rou",wire angle,18・ 14.98 33.636 6.00 14.98 13.42 12.42 51 11.50 33.632 33.616 33.502 33.7● 7 66 10.77 13.964 80 10.88 107 10.88 34.237 34.200 6.09 4.00 4.00 3.48 2.42 1.31 1.17 124 10.82 141 10 76 160 190 220 10.42 0,78 9.24 269 8.76 34.377 0.60 319 397 479 558 0.30 7.66 7.05 6.25 34 419 34.400 34.412 34.417 0.34 0.21 0.20 0.20 0 0Verlap:¬ . 302 0 302 2'1 255 226 199 180 176 (14.98) 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 (33.641 14.98 14.98 13.32 11.52 10.87 10.03 10.32 34.331 0.00 172 150 10.60 34.38ユ ●.82 108 200 0.74 34.385 04.392 34.313 0.00 0.84 0.70 102 151 143 250 300 400 8.04 0.52 7.64 B ca8t● . 136 128 110 110 00 500 6.86 33.63 33.68 33.63 33.77 34.12 34.26 34.38 34.38 34.30 34.38 34.40 34.40 ●4.41 ゛ .09) 6.00 6.00 4.04 3.51 1.86 1.23 0.o7 0.86 0.83 0.68 0.47 0.21 0 20 (24.951 (302) 24.04 24.94 26 20 26.74 20.13 100 20.24 26.31 20.37 26.66 26.74 26.00 26.00 0.03 0.06 0.00 0.14 0.19 170 1,3 26.54 (0.00) 302 302 200 220 0.24 0.28 167 150 190 191 116 107 0.33 0.41 0.48 0.55 0.18 0.00 1961; 0614 GCT; T Oc 2?"32.5'N, 115"54'Wi sourdinS, overcasti sea, highi wiro anglo, 03° 1 11 30 40 54 68 15 97 15.20 13.54 13.06 10.46 9,92 33.694 03.677 30.628 33.'8 33.638 33.335 5,95 6.18 5.48 4.32 4.05 3.24 02 112 131 149 179 9.76 9.82 9 16 9.12 9.47 13.995 34.145 34.150 34 192 34.384 2.54 1.86 1.77 1.62 0 79 211 240 288 341 9 31 9.10 8.77 8.16 34.428 34.456 14.458 34.447 424 507 7.44 6.70 34.426 34.419 580 6.00 04.420 1960 319 305 274 253 210 194 180 170 158 155 147 0.50 0.60 0.31 0.28 141 137 100 122 0.20 0.24 0.21 0 3 26 35 48 61 83 102 16.52 16.52 16.55 15 94 14 58 13.49 11.24 11.09 33.699 33.695 33.695 33.761 33.575 33.633 33.587 33 818 5.66 5.66 5.68 5 60 5.55 4.79 4.45 3.12 119 10.35 33.934 2 69 137 164 9 60 33.922 0.2' 9.72 34.004 34.312 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 (15.97) (33.60) 15.28 30 61 15.00 33 ●8 10.54 03.63 12 00 . 33.72 9.95 33.91 9.00 34.05 9.95 34.20 9 12 34.19 9 35 34.42 250 9.11 34 46 300 400 500 600 8 64 7.64 6 77 (6.00) 34.46 34.43 34.42 (34.42) 330 330 331 313 298 272 235 215 194 2.90 2.51 1.19 0.98 34.352 34.396 319 398 8.55 7.66 6.96 04.403 04.389 34.396 0 59 0.41 0.30 131 119 110 6 20 34.38 5 0 26 101 0.72 HORIZON,ル Dv 5, 1961,1713 CCT;26・ C10uむ ;Sea,vew roughi wire angle,28° V 180 172 156 9.24 151 142 53'N, 117・ 16.44 16.43 16.41 16 30 15.76 14.50 13.44 12.58 129 10.63 146 10.35 170 198 9.37 8.88 33.816 33.962 3.56 2.35 222 263 317 403 8.44 7.96 7 52 7.32 34.016 34.100 34.208 34.354 2 49 1.85 1.11 0.43 158 145 131 117 0.26 107 483 6.81 34.406 554 6.21 34.406 4.14 3.34 0.28 6 16 5 40 4.17 3.05 2.30 1 82 1.61 0 60 0 60 0.30 0 22 0.23 (24.77) 24.91 (319) 300 24.97 25.24 25.62 26.13 26.20 26.36 26.49 26.60 26.70 (0・ 00) 0.00 299 273 238 189 176 168 1155 142 135 0.06 0 09 0.14 0.20 0.24 0.29 0.33 0.40 0 47 26 77 128 0.54 26.90 116 0.67 27 01 105 0.79 (27.12) (96) (0.00) 1993 12060 fmi wind, 320', force 4; !.eather, 0 16.52 10 16.52 33.70 5.66 24.65 300 20 30 16.54 16.55 33.70 33.70 5.67 5 68 24.64 24.64 330 331 50 14.55 33.58 6.54 24.99 297 75 11.52 100 125 150 200 11.13 10 45 9.30 9 70 250 9.39 300 0.00 400 7.63 500 6 78 33 70 33.59 33 80 33.97 33.95 34 33 34.30 34.40 34.39 34.39 5.66 4.53 3.21 2 70 2.79 1.11 0.80 0 04 0 40 0 21 24.65 25.60 25.84 26.09 26 26 26.50 26 59 26.70 26.87 26.99 330 0.00 0.03 0.07 0,10 0.16 239 217 193 176 154 0.23 0.29 0.34 0 39 0.47 140 136 0.55 0.62 119 108 0,75 0.87 09'W,SOundlng,21201m;wnd,330° ,force 4;weather,part, . 0 8 30 56 65 82 94 105 33.778 5.59 5 59 5.54 5 53 5 66 5.47 5 02 4.79 (5,95) 6 18 . 9.53 33.612 12050 fm; wind, 310", force 5; weat}Ier, 96 223 268 33.564 33.563 33.569 33.550 33.497 33.502 33.538 33.527 CCOFl 6104-5 114 104 OverCa8t;8ea,very roun'wire angle,25° 480 562 AD dyn m . HoRIzoNi May 5, 1961; 115? GcT; 2?"13'5'N, 116"31.5'w; sounding, 194 02 n1/L S10 ”ん 5, 6T clfton 吼ユ HORIZONi Mav °2 m1/L S 猛 ‰ T Oc Z m S Z m し COMPUTED INTERPOLATED OBSERVED 338 338 337 336 328 302 278 263 222 205 187 169 99 0 16.44 10 20 30 50 16.42 16.41 16.41 16.40 75 15.40 100 125 150 13.12 10.80 10.15 200 8 84 250 300 8.00 7.61 400 7.33 500 6.75 33.56 33.56 33.57 33.57 03 56 33.50 33.54 33.60 33.78 33.97 34.08 34.10 34.35 34.41 5.59 5 59 5.56 5 54 5.53 5.64 4.92 4.23 3.37 2.83 2.08 1.33 0 44 0.26 24.50 24.57 24.58 24.58 24.57 24.75 339 130 337 337 330 321 0 00 0 03 0.07 0.10 0.17 0.25 25.26 272 0.33 25.14 226 0.39 202 0.44 25。 99 26.36 26.56 26.71 26.88 27.01 160 148 134 110 106 0.64 0.62 0.69 0.82 0.94 12070 100 121 14.44 13.16 138 160 12.38 10.85 180 214 0.87 0.09 005 377 453 529 33.610 03.602 33.596 30.568 33.504 33.609 33.548 33.550 38 616 5.37 4.54 33.632 33.726 33.876 33.912 8.58 04 34.050 34.356 0.00 7.21 6.30 34.37 1 04 359 34 336 9・ 5.41 5.49 5.40 5.58 5.55 5 61 5.71 4.02 3.57 3.04 0 04 2 51 0.75 0 59 0 39 0 33 1l?'49'W; souddba, 348 348 345 384 332 327 311 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 126 150 200 207 20' 251 210 250 190 176 300 400 158 142 S Oc 500 ん 20OOr. ■7.02 12.7● 11.00 0.49 8 60 9.02 7 80 6.66 “ m dyn V fm; wrad, 330' , Iorce ,l i weath6r, 00 61 33.60 33.60 33.59 03.58 33.61 33.55 33 01 00.66 03.89 34 02 34 33 04.37 34.34 17.02 16.92 16.83 16 50 1● .06 14.44 T施 。 17.02 17.02 16.86 16 21 16.23 16.06 15.12 T Z COMPUTED L 乳/ g 0 9 27 52 62 75 88 INTCRPOLATED T 。ん °2 Πn/L HORIZON; Moy 5, 1961; 222A GCT i 26" 32.5'N, partly clouむ ;3ea,highi wire angle,23・ 250 12090 T Oc 8 ん 12080 Z m CCOFI 6104-5 %磁 OBSERVED S10 5.41 5.40 5.49 5.50 6.56 5.01 5 37 4.20 3 80 3.04 2 70 0 81 0.51 0 35 24.46 24.46 24.48 24.49 24.56 24.69 25.00 25.40 25.64 20 19 26.43 26.61 26.80 26.97 348 048 0.00 0.00 040 0.07 345 338 327 297 250 235 0 10 0.17 0.26 0.33 0.41 0 47 180 160 144 120 0.57 0.66 0.74 0.88 110 1.00 127 116 106 HoRIZON; May 6, 1961; 0323 GcT; 26'12.5'N, 118'29'w; sounding, 2150 fm; wtnd, 040', force 4; woathor, partV C10udyI Bea,vory rOugh,wire angle,14・ . 120100 1 10 29 57 66 81 94 109 131 149 176 205 17.60 17.60 17.61 17.50 17.52 17.50 16 70 15.64 13.80 12.34 11.50 10.15 234 280 333 415 497 579 9.17 9.39 9 00 8.00 6.86 6.16 33.?81 33.780 33.780 33.775 33.776 33.777 33.685 33.691 33.762 33.750 33.792 33.855 5.41 5.48 5 46 5.48 5 40 5.37 5.67 5.52 4.75 4.13 3.69 3.39 33.935 34.279 34.394 34.390 34.327 34.378 3.12 1 20 0.69 0 45 0 42 0.26 HORIZON; lvlay 5, 1961; 0826 partly O10udy;80a,VOry rKluぃ 1 11 29 50 17.71 17.71 17.71 17.64 68 17.64 81 96 110 133 17.31 16.28 16.00 14.13 152 13.13 101 209 237 234 332 11.38 10.41 9.58 8 74 7.32 418 500 7.12 6 41 581 6.03 33.781 33.772 33.784 33.779 33.772 33.750 33.600 33.673 33.741 33.72 3 33.780 33.945 34.020 34.111 34.150 34.267 34.335 34.378 0 10 20 30 348 348 049 347 347 346 335 312 269 241 224 197 175 153 109 125 113 101 (17.601 (33.'8) (5.41) (24.46) (348) (0.00) 17.00 33.78 5.48 24.46 948 0.03 17.60 33 78 5.47 24 46 048 0.07 17.60 03.78 6.46 24.46 348 0.10 50 17.52 75 17.51 33.70 100 125 150 16 18 14.70 12.25 33 69 33 74 33.76 5.63 5.12 4.09 200 250 300 400 500 10.39 9.23 0 29 8.21 6.82 33.84 34.06 04.36 34 30 34.33 3.43 2.58 0.91 0 46 0 42 cCT;25"52.5'N, 119'0?.5,W; Eoundlng, ,wire興 10,15° 5.46 5.49 5.41 5.46 5.46 5.49 5 63 5 53 4.89 4.50 3.68 2.83 2.80 2 13 1.64 0.74 0.39 0.30 351 352 351 349 350 844 330 321 278 259 223 194 175 150 139 121 107 00 5 47 33.78 2230 5 38 24.47 24.40 24.72 25.00 25.60 26.00 26.37 26.50 26.77 26.04 347 340 323 238 240 202 167 145 120 113 ●.17 0.26 0.35 0.42 0.49 0.60 0.70 0.78 0.02 1.06 fm; wtnd, 3400, force 4; w€ather, . 0 (17 71) (33.78) 8.42 34.1■ 500 7.2, 6 41 34.25 34 34 600 (5.99) 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 000 400 17.71 17.71 17 70 17.65 17.60 16.17 15.40 13.23 10.69 9.33 33.77 33 78 33.78 33.78 33.77 38 63 33.73 33.72 33.90 34.05 (34.39) (5.46) 6.49 5.45 6.41 5.45 5.48 5.62 5.20 4.54 3 00 2.65 1 95 0 01 0 30 124.43) 24 42 24.43 24.43 24.44 24.45 24.68 24 93 25.38 25,99 26.34 26.54 26.81 27.00 (27.09) (351) 352 851 351 350 340 328 304 261 202 169 150 125 107 (98) (0.00) 0.04 0.07 0.11 0.18 0.26 0.35 0.43 0.50 0.62 0.71 0.80 0.04 1.06 (1.17) V 1 10 17.52 17 52 33.796 33.786 31 17.52 cCTi 25'13'N, l2O'22'W; soundltrg, 6.51 5.52 345 346 346 346 346 338 332 311 265 243 217 175 10.82 205 9,79 229 9 10 272 8.70 34 15 1 1.90 187 172 152 329 8.30 418 500 573 7 69 6 80 6 01 34.265 34.365 1.14 0.50 138 122 34.36 8 34 34 1 0 32 0.38 110 102 17.50 66 17.46 82 95 16.94 16.50 107 15 18 132 149 13.58 12.26 2230 02 m1/L CCOFi OT c1/ton “ m dyn {Di wlnd, 350', force 5i werr,h6r, cloudyi 5 51 5 44 5.42 5.49 5.58 5 54 4.39 4.10 3.55 0.07 2.91 0 (17.52) (33.801 (5.51) 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 17.62 17 52 17.52 17.51 16.94 15.69 14.00 12.12 10.00 0.94 33.79 33.79 33.79 33,79 33.71 33.59 33 74 03.12 33.07 34 08 5.52 5.52 5.51 5.45 5.48 5.57 4.59 4 06 3.14 2 45 300 400 0.49 7.83 04.21 34.35 1.49 0 58 500 6.80 34 37 0 32 (24.49) 24.48 24.48 24.43 24.49 24.56 24.77 25.23 25.59 26.09 26 43 26.60 26 81 26 97 (345) 346 346 346 346 339 319 274 240 193 161 145 125 109 cloudy, sea, very highi wire angle, 45° 1 9 26 32 42 53 70 03 95 16.80 16.00 16.74 16.22 15.14 13.30 12.14 11.34 10.98 33.700 33.688 38 698 33.705 33 675 33.594 33.638 33.716 33 889 5.69 5.72 6.70 5.70 5.55 4 75 4.46 3.72 2 86 113 132 155 172 200 9.70 9 75 10.17 10.26 9 98 33.809 34.026 34.27 1 34.399 34.408 3 24 2.38 1 55 0 93 0 80 9.42 8 63 8.09 476 7.24 HORIZON; Mry 34.455 34.466 34 454 0 59 0 34 0.28 34.429 I, 0 00 0.07 0 10 0.17 0.26 0 34 0.42 0.48 0.59 0.68 0.76 0 90 1.03 12740 0.28 . 336 037 335 323 302 2'1 247 227 208 187 177 166 158 153 0 (16.80) (33.71) (5.69) (24.59) 10 16 00 33 69 5.72 20 16.78 33 69 30 16.55 33.7● 6.71 5.70 24.58 24 58 24.64 25.22 25.55 25 96 26.22 26 35 26.51 26.65 26.76 26.87 50 75 100 125 13.50 12.10 10.90 9,72 33.59 33.66 33.90 33.98 150 10 10 34 23 200 250 000 9.98 9.39 8 80 34.41 34.46 34.47 0.00 0.66 0.37 0.28 400 7.96 14.45 500 (6.981 (34.42) 4.86 4.40 2 38 2.67 1.73 (26.99) (336) (0 00) 037 0.07 331 276 244 206 0.10 0.16 0.23 0.28 180 160 153 0.33 0.38 0 46 140 130 119 0.53 0.60 0.74 337 (100) 0 03 (0・ 86) 140 128 121 111 1961; 103? CCT; 26'29.5'N, 113"29'W; sounding, 42 Im; wind, 280', force 2; westher, clear; 8ea, Calm:Wire angle, 03° 33.950 120120 (0 00) HORIZON; May 12, 1961; 2314 CCTI 26"41'N, 114'30.5'W; souDdlng, 1600 fD; wtnd, 310', force ?; weather, 248 320 384 6104‐ 5 . 30.785 33 789 33.777 30.713 33.665 33.566 33.766 83.722 33.734 33.910 33 984 57 T Oc S10 COMPUTED %ユ 1961i 1?02 roughi wire angle, 29° S ス se■ . ve、 Z m lloRtzoN; May 6, T 。ん S ” Z m T Oc INTERPOLATED %磁 OBSERVE D . 5 10 0 12.64 10 19 12.63 12.62 33.945 33.941 29 12.61 33.931 5 11 5.06 5 06 39 12.30 33.955 4.23 44 48 11.70 11.00 33.929 33.983 3 42 2.59 233 233 233 234 226 217 201 0 10 20 30 50 12.64 12 63 12.62 12.61 (10.99) 33.95 33.94 33.94 33.98 (33.99) 5.10 5.11 5.06 5.06 25.67 25.66 25.67 25.66 233 233 233 234 (26.01) (201) 0 00 0.02 0 05 0.07 (0・ 11) 13030 26'l6rN, 113',lrrwi souDdlng, 310 f&; T 。ん T Oc COMPUTED 乳ユ HOnIZONI Msy 9, 1961; oZlA GCT;a) 8ea, rough:wire angle, 27° 8 ‘ Z lll %磁 INTERPOLATED T 。ん 8 ん 13035 T℃ 6104-5 Z m CCOFI %磁 OBSERVED S10 dyn m wtDd, 200', force 4i rxeathor, cleari . 13.07 1■ 87 10.34 10 70 10.,2 33.800 114 10.93 04.201 1.61 119 123 127 132 135 10 85 11 10 11.33 11 34 11 41 34.198 34.290 34 374 34 397 34.455 1 59 1 28 0.93 0 01 0.60 140 11.44 34.481 144 11 44 34.400 149 11 45 04 491 154 158 163 185 221 11 05 11.34 11.36 11 11 10 60 34 510 34 500 34.525 34.573 34 557 267 9 86 34 506 33 97, 34 029 04 007 4 90 3 60 2 29 2 25 1.90 0 58 0 60 0 54 0.51 0.61 0.43 0.28 0.23 0.39 249 232 199 193 188 184 183 180 178 177 173 172 171 172 168 169 167 160 152 144 HoRtzoNi Mry 9, 196r; 0242 GCT;26'12iN, cloudy, 8ea, rOugh,wire angle, 44° 328 0 16 36 33.679 5.75 320 8 16.36 03 673 6 02 317 24 15 84 33.675 5 93 302 31 15.15 33.688 5.97 294 40 14.82 33 701 5.00 288 48 14.54 33 700 5.68 263 63 12 72 33.554 4 78 245 74 11 96 33.619 4 32 227 86 11.47 33.74 3 3 45 209 99 10 68 33.799 3 36 115 135 150 174 205 260 10 76 10 30 10 40 10 20 10.13 9 29 34.02 5 2.38 34 095 2.00 04.16 b) 1.96 34.276 1 38 34 468 0.69 34.415 0 65 316 9.01 04 48 c) 368 8.34 34 430 “ “ り0 86 33.767 0.28 0.00 194 133 178 114'08.5'w; souDding, 725 Im; lxhd' 290", force 4; weather, paftly 5mm獅m 5m2 Om0 57 2”0 ・ 13040 40 70 101 107 109 16 36 16 36 15 85 15 30 14 40 11.95 10 63 10 56 10 40 10 15 9 40 9 10 33.68 03.67 33.67 33 68 30 69 38 62 33 80 34 06 04.16 34 45 34.42 34.46 5,75 6 02 5.93 5.97 5.61 4.30 3 35 2 19 1.00 0 71 0 66 0.36 24.67 24 66 24.78 24.01 26 11 25 55 25.03 26 14 26.25 26.52 20 02 26.71 320 329 318 305 286 246 208 188 178 153 143 136 0.00 0 03 0.07 0 10 0 16 0.22 0.28 0.33 0 38 0.46 0.54 0.61 166 151 141 132 125 spectrl csst for invesUgBtloD oI Ure lherboaterlc stroDrly structure lD a telllpeastlrg t[ver6to! lndlcatad by the bathyth€raoSraph obgervatto!. Altemat€ !,8lue, 3{.l8f, trot used in lnterpolotion. AlterDst€ value, 34.49t, Dot us€d in interpolatlon. V S ‰ T℃ Z m ‰ %磁 INTERPOLATED T 。ん S Z m T Oc 2 磁 。 OBSERVED COMPUTED % S10 △D 6T' g/L dyn m 13050 HOR:ZON;May 8, 1961;2029 CCT;25・ 53'N, 114・ 51.5'W:soundlng, 1930 fm,wlnd, 010° ,force 4:weather, Partly c10udy: sea, very rough,wire anglo, 30・ 1 16.76 33.683 33.679 33.630 38 674 33.682 33.672 33.546 30.565 33 615 38 679 5 44 337 9 26 51 00 72 85 97 117 133 16 75 16.72 16 64 16 54 16.48 14.44 13 36 12 60 11 70 5 65 5.77 5 80 5.74 5 77 6.32 5.33 4 67 4.34 337 336 335 332 331 297 275 257 236 156 181 10.46 9.90 38.76 1 33 890 3 62 3.00 209 189 205 245 291 363 439 518 9.32 10 42 9.67 0,70 7 71 6 93 34.132 34.459 34.403 34.461 34.442 34.436 2.25 0.78 0 60 0.40 0.25 0.10 171 156 144 129 116 106 . 0 10 20 30 50 76 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 (16.76) 16.75 16 73 16 70 16.65 16 43 13.33 12.10 10.95 9 02 10 40 9 64 8 21 7 0, (33 68) 33.68 33.68 33 67 33.67 33 67 03 57 33.64 00 74 34.09 34.47 34 46 34 45 34 43 (5 44) 6.65 5,76 5.78 5.80 5 76 5.32 4 49 3.89 2.44 0,73 0 58 0 02 0 19 (24.53) 24.58 24.59 24.53 24.60 24.65 25.24 25 53 25.82 26 29 26 49 26.63 26 83 26.98 (337) 337 386 386 335 330 274 246 218 174 155 142 123 108 (0.00) 0.03 0.07 0.10 0 17 0.25 0.33 0.09 0.46 0.55 0.04 0.71 0.85 0.98 HOBIZON; May 8, 1961i 1406 GCT; 25"33'N, 115c30'W; sounding, 2050 fm; witrd, 330", force 6; weether, pdrtly C10uけ ,3ea,high,wire angle,32・ 1 17.28 33 718 5 43 346 0 (17.23) (33.72) (5.43) (24.49) (346) (0.00) 9 17.29 30.716 5.50 17.29 33 72 5.50 24.48 340 0 03 346 10 29 17 30 33.719 5 48 346 20 17.30 33.72 5 49 24.48 340 0.07 55 17 30 33.714 5 62 346 00 17.30 33.72 5.48 24 48 346 0.10 60 17.28 33.716 5.78 79 91 102 126 142 165 191 15.82 14.99 13 98 12.20 11 47 10.27 9.32 33 618 33.609 33.670 33.659 33.703 33 749 33.382 5 67 5 54 5 06 4 51 4.41 4.00 3.32 214 9 10 04.000 2.91 252 9 41 34.249 003 9 20 04 362 8 61 34.446 0.36 7.69 34.435 0 23 530 7 36 34 483 0.17 HORIZON;M呼 8, 1961,0024 CCT;25° clear:se3,Very rough,wire angle, 27° 1 17.34 33.723 5.57 9 17.04 33.710 5.57 32 17.36 33.720 5 53 58 17 32 33.708 5.48 66 17.12 33 701 5.49 84 15.84 33.630 5.51 96 14.91 33.62 1 5 38 110 14.20 33.635 5 11 135 12.34 33.672 4.● 0 152 11 08 33.706 3.96 177 10.30 33 959 2,73 275 332 421 504 577 10.60 10 00 9.83 8.96 7.61 6 74 6.23 34.228 34 304 34.400 34.422 34 343 34.362 34.392 1 54 1.24 0 76 0 54 0.55 0 36 0.32 206 250 247 0.86 384 230 50 75 100 125 150 200 278 1 40 460 207 231 346 321 004 CCOFl 6104-5 181 000 169 156 144 400 500 17 30 16 20 14.16 12 27 11 12 9 16 9.40 9 22 8.44 7 45 33.72 33.64 33.66 33.66 33 72 33.93 34.24 34.36 34.44 34.46 5.55 5.71 5 18 4.52 4.33 3.15 1 44 0.38 0 32 0.19 24.48 24.68 25.14 25 52 25.78 26.23 26.48 26.60 26.70 26.95 346 327 203 247 223 175 166 144 127 111 3060 0.17 0.26 0.33 0.40 0.46 0.56 0 65 0.73 0.87 0.99 129 116 108 12 5'N, 116・ 08'Wi soundlng, 2054 fm;wind, 300° 13070 , force 6:veather, . 347 347 347 347 343 320 002 286 248 223 193 176 166 151 136 122 109 101 0 10 20 (17.34) 17 34 17.35 (33.72) 33.72 33.72 (5.57) 5.57 5.55 (24.47) 24 47 24.47 00 50 75 17.36 17.35 16.62 03.72 33.71 33.67 5.53 5.49 5 50 24.47 24.46 24.60 100 125 150 14.68 13 47 11 20 200 250 10.57 10 10 000 9.47 400 7 89 600 6 77 33.63 33.65 03 70 34 17 34.30 34.42 34.35 34.36 5.30 4.88 4.05 1 77 1.01 0 60 0.66 0 36 25.01 25.27 25.75 26 23 26.40 26.61 26.80 26.07 (347) 347 347 347 348 334 296 271 226 180 150 144 126 110 (0.001 0 03 0.07 0.10 0.17 0.26 0.34 0.41 0 47 0.50 0.66 0.74 0.88 1.01 02 ‰ m1/L ct/ton 1 17.64 33.766 6.46 9 17.64 33.758 5.61 29 54 62 78 91 102 126 140 160 17 65 17.62 17.65 17 72 17.30 15.74 13.46 12.43 11.64 33.761 33 774 33 794 33.922 30.916 33.'47 38 639 33.095 33.944 5 40 5 39 5 40 5.35 5.35 5.16 4.71 4.16 2.88 186 205 11.28 10 92 04.207 34.358 1 75 1 19 242 10 16 9.25 34.369 34.34 1 1.07 0 97 8.15 7.24 6.61 04.300 34.331 34.366 0.69 0.58 0 35 291 07● 446 516 Ct OT AD g/L c1/toll dyn m O; weatbe!, . 360 051 351 349 349 841 332 310 271 248 215 189 172 159 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 500 (17 64) 17.64 17.64 17.65 17 62 17 72 16 05 13.46 11.65 11.02 9.98 9.12 7 77 0.73 (33.77) 33.?6 33.76 33.76 33.77 33.89 33 78 33.64 33 77 34.33 34.37 34.34 34.34 34.36 (5.46) (24.44) (350) (0 00) 5 51 24.43 051 0.04 5.44 24.43 351 0.07 5 40 24.43 861 0.11 5.39 24.44 350 0.10 5.36 24.51 343 0.26 6 21 24.82 014 0.35 4.71 25.21 271 0.42 3.41 25.72 220 0 48 1.25 26.27 176 0.59 1 04 26.48 150 0.67 0.93 26.60 144 0.75 0 09 26.81 125 0.89 0.41 26.97 109 1.01 146 130 113 107 HoRIzoN; Msy ?, 1961; 204? GCTi 24'31.5'N, 11?"20'w; 6oundtng, 2134 fm; wtnd, 360', force 5; weother, cloudy: 80■ , Very roughi wire angle, 20° 0 130100 COMPUTED HoRIzoNi May 8, 1961; 0213 ocT; 24'51.5,N, u6'{6. s'wi soundlog, 2035 [tn; wrnd, 340', force partly clKludy: 3ea, high;wlre angle, 34・ 13090 6T 8 ´ ふ S T℃ T Oc “ Z m 13080 Z m CCOFl 6104-5 INTERPOLATED ど urLし ジυ %磁 OBSERVED S10 . 18.25 34.01 1 5.36 347 8 30 56 63 82 94 105 130 146 18 24 18.24 18 18 10 20 17.10 14.54 13.60 11.94 11 56 34.007 34.010 34.003 34.009 33.912 33.'02 33.650 33.337 33.946 5 38 5 38 5.33 5 04 5 22 4.75 4 50 3 30 2 77 347 347 346 346 328 288 273 228 214 171 191 11.01 10.49 34.108 84.224 2.16 1.66 192 175 223 9.70 04 237 264 319 405 9.13 8 97 7.97 34.287 34.410 34.414 485 7.09 555 0.40 34 394 34.381 1.54 1 21 0 68 0 39 0 33 0.32 ?, 1961; 1523 GCT; sea,very roughi wire angle,25° HORIZON; May 0 10 18.25 18 24 34 01 34.01 6.30 5.38 20 18.24 34.01 5.38 00 50 13.24 18.18 34.01 34.00 5.38 5.34 75 13.20 04.01 5.34 100 125 150 200 14.03 12.14 11.46 10.12 03.67 33.79 03.97 34.23 4.64 3.54 2.65 1.60 250 ,.29 34.26 1.36 000 9.03 34.38 0.34 161 400 8.03 34.41 0 40 148 137 122 う00 6.94 34.38 0.33 24.47 24.48 24.48 24.40 24.48 24 40 25.17 25.64 25.01 26.35 26.51 26.65 26.83 20.96 347 047 347 347 346 046 280 235 210 168 153 140 123 110 0 00 0.03 0.07 0.10 0.17 0.26 0.34 0.40 0.46 0.56 0.64 0.72 0 85 0,98 111 104 24'11'N, U7'56'W; Eounding, 2100 fm; wind, 360', forco 5; we8ther, cloudy; . ユ 10 32 58 67 84 98 111 137 165 101 211 17.98 17.97 17.98 17.97 17.66 16.94 15.00 13.62 12.00 11.14 10.64 10.01 33.912 33.899 33.00 33.90 1 33.879 33.818 33.604 33.662 33.726 33.818 34.12 1 34.225 34.322 5.58 5 57 5.53 5 54 5.56 5.55 5.53 4.98 4.14 0.71 2.14 1.71 237 9.04 281 337 9 22 8.60 34.397 34 42 3 0.32 0 54 427 7.7● 34.430 0.31 508 7.08 34.455 580 6.47 14.464 1.28 0.21 0.17 348 348 348 348 343 331 004 273 238 216 185 167 154 142 131 117 107 99 0 (17.98) (33.91) (5.58) (24.46) (348) (0.00) 10 20 10 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 000 400 500 17.97 17 97 17.98 17.97 17.20 14.76 12.69 11 37 10,70 9.56 9.03 7.05 7.13 33.90 33 90 33 90 33.90 33.34 33.64 33.69 33.78 34.22 34.35 34.41 34.42 34.45 5.57 5.55 5.53 5.54 5.55 5.47 4.46 3.86 1.97 1.12 0.70 0.36 0.21 24.46 24.46 24.46 24.40 24.60 25.00 25.46 25.78 26.24 26.54 26.67 26.86 26.99 348 348 340 348 335 207 250 223 179 150 138 121 108 0.08 0 07 0.10 0.17 0.26 0.34 0.41 0.47 0.57 0.66 0.71 0.87 0.99 600 (6.30) (34.461 (27.10) (97) (1.10) V 1 10 13 21 18 22 33 60 69 87 18 18 17 16 102 116 143 161 188 220 246 202 352 444 527 602 T Z Oc ん HoRIzONi Moy ?, 1961; 061? CCT; 23'30rN, cloudy:sc:l, vcry rOugh:wire angle, 20° 24 06 98 02 15 73 14 54 13.20 11.90 10 69 9 90 9 62 8 96 8.55 7 53 6 66 6 12 33 923 33 923 33 008 03 925 38 934 33.380 33 860 33 847 33.872 33.885 34 064 34.20 1 34.240 34.274 04 378 34 397 34 384 34 397 5 42 5 44 5 5 5 5 38 36 36 30 5 32 4 02 3 71 3.20 2.44 1 79 1 50 1 30 0 62 0.35 0 20 0 27 llg'Iotwi 352 352 354 340 346 326 302 277 249 224 190 167 160 147 133 117 107 99 QM S INTERPOLATED S ‰ Z m T Oc T¨ 。 %磁 OBSERVED COMPUTED Ct g/L 6,r S10 ●D cl/ton dyn m sounding, 2160 fm; wind, 360', fo.ce 5i weather, partly 0 10 20 30 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 800 400 500 000 (18.21) 18 22 18 23 18 24 18 10 17.94 15.93 14 20 12.50 10 33 9.56 3.38 8 05 6 92 0 13 (33 92) 33 92 33 92 33 91 03 91 33 93 30.85 33 86 33.87 34 13 04 24 34.29 34 40 34 30 34 40 (5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 42) 44 41 38 37 35 32 35 49 15 46 21 42 00 27 (24 41) 24 41 24.41 24 40 24.41 24 49 24 00 25.28 25.64 26 24 26 45 26 60 26 82 26 07 27 08 (352) 353 353 354 353 945 006 270 230 179 159 144 124 100 99 (0・ 12 80 34 380 0.20 00) 0 18 0 26 0 35 0.42 0 48 0 50 0 68 0 0 1 1 75 90 02 13 12.35 11.78 11 20 10 70 10.40 34.519 34 605 04 620 34 599 34 600 0.63 0.31 0.14 0 21 0 20 13723 204 HORIZoN; May 10, 1961; lo29 GCT;25'18.srN, Clear, 8ea, CaLm;、 はre angle, 06° 329 0 16.92 33 832 5 81 316 10 16 30 38 827 5,88 289 29 15 00 33 840 5 25 266 48 14 00 33.357 4 38 228 74 12 98 34 097 2.03 204 97 12 54 34.31 2 1.19 121 159 198 245 294 130120 0 04 0 07 0 11 HORIZON; May 10, 1961; O?00 GCT;25"33.5'N, 112'21'W; sounding, 39 Im; wind, 160', fofco 2; weather, clear; sea,calm:wire angle,00° 0.00 304 0 16 14 33 04 6 89 24 02 304 6 89 0 16.14 33 939 0.03 233 10 15 15 33 94 5 74 25 14 283 5 74 10 15 15 33 936 0 06 3 08 252 20 13 70 33.97 3 08 25 47 252 20 13 70 33 966 0 08 200 30 12 82 34 04 1 81 25 7● 1 81 230 30 12 82 34.041 0 12 213 50 12 88 34 33 0 29 25.92 209 0 52 40 12 92 34 287 210 0 29 50 12 80 34 329 60 CCOFl 6104-5 186 169 158 151 146 112'{?.5'w; Eourding, 230 fm; wind, 250", force 2i weather, 0 10 20 00 50 16.92 16.30 15.57 15,07 13.80 33 83 33.03 33.83 33 84 33 87 5 81 5.80 5 55 5 23 4.23 75 12 98 34 10 2 02 100 125 150 200 250 300 12 53 12.29 11.92 11.17 10 65 (10 38) 34.33 34.54 34.60 34.62 34.60 (34 60) 1.14 0.56 0.37 0.15 0 21 10.20) 24.66 24 80 24 96 25.08 25.36 25 72 25 99 26.20 26 31 26 47 26.55 (26 59) 320 316 300 289 263 228 203 183 172 157 13730 0 00 0 03 0 00 0 09 0 15 0 21 0 26 0 31 0 36 0 44 150 0.52 (145) (0.60) V 89 02 0T ■n/L clhon 451 8 31 7 64 34 472 34 445 530 6 67 34.438 0 44 0 24 0 20 18.10 8 30 30 50 17 68 17 35 17.24 16 31 63 14.72 00 08 114 186 158 187 209 246 298 366 434 492 574 710 473b) 559 687 801 1036 1213 1301 1570 1749 1930 2111 2201 2474 2057 2840 3026 3212 3400 33 73 1 33 723 33 717 33.702 33 648 5 51 5 56 5.56 5 56 6 60 33 78 34 02 34.39 34 60 34 01 34 53 34 52 34 46 34 44 364 354 347 346 329 301N, 114° 0 10 20 18.10 17.65 17 49 33 73 33 72 33.72 30 17.35 33 72 50 16 31 33 66 75 14.00 33.67 38 667 33 805 33 987 34 307 34.30' 34 392 4.15 3.43 2.60 1 25 1.22 0.95 268 246 224 197 181 168 100 125 150 200 250 12 60 12 10 11 23 10 82 10.16 33.81 34 13 34 20 34 44 34.48 300 9 32 34.46 10 78 10 23 9.44 0 33 7.74 7 13 34 467 34.481 34.465 34.399 34 424 34 405 0.66 0 60 0 45 0.44 0.22 0.10 162 152 140 128 118 111 400 500 600 0.01 7.09 6 14 34.41 34.42 34 41 700 5.57 34.44 000 1000 1200 1500 2000 5.00 4 08 3.50 2 95 2.12 04.46 34 51 34 54 34 60 34 63 2500 1 80 04.66 3000 1 65 34 66 34 439c) 6 29 6 64 4 67 3 99 3.55 3 18 2.80 2.44 2 18 2 02 1 90 1.00 1 75 1.68 1.64 1 63 1.63 34 407 34 447 34.478 34 513 34.543 34.57 1 34.605 34.609 04 620 34 64 1 34.644 34 657 34.654 34 658 34.662 34 667 34.667 0 35 0.35 0 35 0 45 0 68 0 87 1 11 1 40 1.72 2 08 2 21 2 44 2 60 2.69 2 78 2 95 3 02 3 11 0 35 0.43 0 23 0 00 0 20 320 325 324 311 261 240 213 100 172 157 144 134 121 100 0.00 0 03 0 07 0.10 0 15 0.22 0 28 0.33 0 87 0.46 0 54 0.61 0 74 0.86 025:W:oOunding, 2000+fm:wind,320° ,force 3; 13.38 12 78 12 11 12 10 11.22 10.04 7:37 1 06 0.38 24 00 24.71 24 71 24.85 25.37 26 61 25 88 26 14 20 31 26.47 26 61 26.,1 20.85 20.00 , 29° 294 0.38 0 26 6 10 6 20 6 19 5 99 4.85 4 28 2 52 103 102 90 112 100 09 76 67 60 55 49 46 42 40 39 37 37 36 36 35 35 a) Altemato valu€, O,L4 r..l/L, not used in intetpolatlon b) O{erlalDiDg castB; teconciliatloa of prop6rty curveB wben c) 33 76 38 78 33.78 33 78 33.73 4 93 34 403 34 420 △D dyn m 1760 fm:wttn,200° ,force 4:w● 3ther, 33 676 6 44 5 52 % g/L 115 HORIZON:May 10-11, 1961:2126,0257 CCT:24° 0 S ‰ 123 weather,Partly cloudy:8ea, rOugh:wire angle, 30° 90 T Oc HOR:ZON,May 10, 1961:1542 CCT;24° 595'N, 113° 245'W;30umiqg, partly cloudy:sea,modemte:wire angle,26° 0 16 55 0 16 65 33 765 6.10 326 10 16 54 0 10 54 33 777 6 20 325 20 16 53 20 10 19 38 779 6 18 317 80 15 91 35 15.54 33.775 5 74 303 50 13 30 47 13 86 33 783 5,10 268 75 12 80 61 13.03 33.,3 1 4 65 257 100 11 82 03 11.05 33.822 3 45 230 99 11.02 34 000 2.55 214 125 11.98 150 11.94 115 11 84 34.240 1.56 100 200 11.14 132 12 04 04 486 0.71 182 250 0 00 157 11 85 34 000 0 34 170 300 9.32 100 11.34 04.● 14 0.35 161 400 0.11 212 10 90 34.604 0 35 154 500 7.00 9 90 34 627 0 44 143 254 9.31 34.52 1 0 23a) 134 301 375 13750 S ふ COMPUTED ”ん 13740 T Oc INTERPOLATED じυ MPUrL" Z m 6104‐ 5 Z m CCOFI OBSERVED %磁 SO 5 51 5 50 5.56 6 66 5.60 4 53 3.33 1 87 1 23 0.75 0.50 0 45 0 32 0.26 0 37 0.30 0 38 0.65 0.86 1.29 2 14 2 61 2 94 24 30 24.40 24.44 24 47 24 66 25 18 25 57 25.01 26.20 26.30 26 54 26 66 26 83 26.97 27.00 27 19 27.27 27.41 27.48 27.59 27 69 27.74 27.75 364 354 350 347 320 280 242 210 188 164 150 130 123 100 00 89 01 68 61 51 42 37 36 0 00 0 04 0.07 0 11 0 17 0 25 0.32 0.3' 0.42 0.51 0 50 0.67 0.81 0.03 1 04 1.14 1.24 1 40 1.55 1.75 2.03 2 27 2 50 nece6sarJ. Sslintty bottle nlullbera were not r€cotded on the data sheet. Since stlrdard ha.dling ptpc6dure6 lvere uBed, thes€ aalinlty valueB ane assumed to be to correct order. V OT AD dyn m 6104-5 GCT;2{'17'N, I14"30'Wi 3oundin8, l8o0 fmi wlrd' 320', forco 3i w€alher' Partly 13760 °2 6T 1n/L cl/ton floRlzoN; May 11, 186l; 153? c10uay:SOa, rough:wire angle, 12° 1 11 17 72 17 72 30 58 68 82 96 112 135 17 17 16 15 14 12 11 154 182 211 240 10 10 10 10 288 64 36 52 37 16 73 64 71 30 00 18 9 62 341 8 92 420 7■ 01 512 588 7 20 6 42 33 712 33 707 33 38 33 38 30 33 33 33 34 34 84 723 723 668 503 004 068 869 984 137 26 1 440 34 464 34 34 34 34 47 2 435 446 422 T Z Oc 5 40 5 40 5 41 5.30 6 40 5 42 5 14 4 12 2 90 2 48 1 88 1 38 0 57 0 50 0 32 0 25 0 18 0 15 350 357 354 347 332 313 288 255 221 196 178 164 154 143 132 120 109 101 0 10 (17 72) 17 72 20 17 7● 90 50 75 17 64 17 45 16 00 75 10 85 30 (33 71) 33 71 (5 40) 5 40 (24 37) 24 87 33 '1 38 72 33 72 33 62 5 40 5 41 5 40 5 46 24 30 24 40 24 45 24 71 33 33 33 34 4 3 2 1 100 125 150 200 13 12 10 10 67 76 00 24 250 300 10 12 0 47 34 46 34 47 400 500 600 8 13 7 30 (6 24) 34 44 34 45 (34 42) V 01 43 57 60 25 25 20 26 0 53 0 47 0 26 0 18 0 10 18 24 18 22 38 78 33 78 33 81 1 5 53 354 20 18 10 33 70 5 50 5 46 4 75 3 97 325 310 287 250 30 50 17 96 17 79 33 81 33 03 75 100 15 14 13 00 33 70 33 78 3 30 240 125 150 200 12 70 11 14 10.95 33 94 34 16 34 41 1'9 250 10 00 34.58 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 2 0 0 166 300 11 11 34 50 0.2● 400 0 71 34.52 500 7 34 34 45 0.10 0.18 31 17 95 57 67 16 72 15 58 84 14 48 97 13 28 33 824 33 605 33 7● 6 03 152 109 12 77 33 88 1 134 11 44 151 176 11 13 11 05 206 11 01 231 11 00 34 586 274 330 419 10 46 0 70 8.44 34.567 34 553 34 506 400 561 7 36 6 50 34 450 34.437 34 035 34 166 34 295 34 456 2 52 1 99 1 41 0 '0 0 38 205 100 157 140 130 0 33 0 22 0 15 0 10 356 354 340 325 275 237 200 170 (0 00) 0 04 0 07 0 11 0 10 0 26 0 34 0.40 0 46 0.55 151 140 0 14 0 71 122 0.85 110 0 07 (99) (1 08) 13770 60 48 49 52 52 23 00 25 01 00 35 24 30 24 30 24 34 24 39 24 45 24 96 25 45 25 65 26 12 26 34 26 50 26 43 26.81 26.06 363 368 359 355 349 300 254 235 191 160 154 161 125 111 0 00 0 04 0 07 0 11 0 18 0 20 0 33 0.30 0 45 0 54 0 02 0.70 0 05 0.00 122 101 305'ヽ 115° 555'W;Boudlng, 1990 fm:w鮨 口,330° ,fOrce 5:woather, partly cloudy; sea, rough,wire angle, 28° 1 10 31 60 03 06 109 134 152 170 16 51 14 04 13.50 12 00 12 32 11 84 11 61 33.055 33 044 38 035 33 019 03 733 33 832 33.800 38 991 34 157 34 258 34 434 200 234 277 335 424 507 579 11 22 10 85 10 22 9 46 8 64 7.42 6 04 34 513 34 540 34.544 34 64 1 34.524 34 45 1 34 455 57 V 18 78 18 77 18 20 10 7● CCOFI 111 ●.17 HORIZON:May 12, 1001:0102 CCT;23・ 26 53 26 65 (350) 350 fm; wind, 320", force 5; weather, 363 863 33 784 33 775 29 03 01 30 26 04 26 06 (27 00) 6 60 5 48 18 24 18 22 魚 g/L . HoRIzONi May 11, 1961; 2030 GCT; 23'54'N, 115'15.5'W; soundinS, 2050 partly c10udy:sea, very rough;wire angle, 25° 0 9 S10 COMPUTED c1/ton S 協 始 V INTERPOLATED じυ MPUlLリ S Z m T Oc %M OBSERVED 5 40 5 41 5 42 5 51 5.17 3 84 0 35 2 75 1 96 1 50 0 79 0.00 0.54 0 40 0 2' 0.20 0 23 0.21 363 304 353 927 300 200 253 235 212 106 170 166 158 147 135 123 112 101 0 (18 70) 10 20 30 50 76 loo 125 18 18 18 10 14 10 12 77 75 20 26 67 30 53 133 00) 33 94 33 04 33 04 33 04 30 70 33.92 34 10 (5 46) 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 41 41 42 42 41 18 24 (24 30) 24 20 24 30 24 42 24 42 25 13 25 52 25.01 (363) 364 004 352 352 234 248 220 150 11 93 34 24 1 65 26.03 100 200 250 300 400 11 40 10.61 0 01 8 88 34 50 34 54 34 55 84.53 0 72 0 40 0.34 0 20 20 33 26.51 26 64 26 79 170 153 141 127 500 7 53 34 45 0.22 26 90 113 (0 00) 0 04 0 0' 0 11 0.10 0.20 0.38 0 30 0.44 0 53 0 02 0.00 0.83 0.96 13780 │ The CCT Latltude Longtsrd€ Sounding (fE) North We st WInd DI「 Force Weather Sea O Meter3 T 0238 37° 47.5' 123・ 15 0' 70 310' 5 portly cloudy roqgh ?0.55-H 13 1045 36・ 03.0' 121・ 58.5' 560 320' 6 p.nly clordy very rough 80.65-H 9 0430 34・ 01.5' 121° 31 5' 1797 3r0' 4 cl€ar roudr 82 47-B 5 1235 34° 15.0' 119° 58.0' 300 050' 1 tor moderete 82.47-D 19 2115 34° 16.0' ■19° 50 0' 300 280' 7 overcl6t 8040-B 5 0735 34° 14.0' 119° 21 5' 12 180' I 83.40-3 19 1645 34° 14 0' 119° 22.0' 12 3oo" 8343-B 19 1830 34・ 08.0' 119° 34 0' 134 83.45-B 5 0935 34・ 08.0' 119° 35.0' 8048-B 5 1505 33° 58.0' 83.50-B 5 1800 83.51-B 20 1835 83.55-3 20 2020 83.65-B 21 0000 83.70-B 21 0545 83.80-3 21 83.90-B 9.80 33.68 12.94 33.39 12.02 11.00 33.91 roudr 11.28 11 27 33.86 foa Doderate 13 84 11.30 33.78 2 overcaat rowh 13.44 12.48 33.94 2Lo" 2 ovorcaBt rough 12 74 12 69 33 75 100 120" 3 toa Eoderrte 12.32 11.'6 33.93 119° 55.0' 100 I50' 3 overcart Idrrte 12.04 11.99 33.57 33・ 50.5' 120° 00 0' 75 I50' 2 ot/ercatt Doderate ■2.02 12.36 33.72 33・ 52.0' 120° 07 5' 50 270" 6 cloody very routt 11 64 11 60 33.83 33・ 44.0' 120° 24 5' 500 280' 6 ctrear very rougt 11.80 11.75 33.77 33° 24 0' 121° 06 0' 1900 320' 6 partly cfoudy very rougb ■2.38 12.38 33.60 14.0' 121° 26.0' 2000 310" 6 p.rtfy cbudy v€ry rough 12.62 12.● 0 33.51 1015 32・ 51.5' 122° 11.0' 2000 290" 4 cl€ar roqgi 13.66 13.66 33.41 21 1520 32・ 28.0' 122・ 58.0' 2000 300' 4 cloqdy roogh 14.60 14.61 33 40 86.40-B 5 052● 33・ 57.0' 119° 10.5' 400 r8o' 1 fog Do&rtte 14.14 13.32 33.71 85.45-B 5 0230 33・ 47.0' 119° 31 5' 1000 zil' 3 Fltly rorgh ■2.40 11.42 34.● 8 38° ( cbudy ′υ こE2 日﹁” >︼ 0 ●ZU 一0 〓 ”ロ ロ”● ︵ Z ●↓︱↓ 0 メ、●↓ ● ●5 Z ● , , rV-16 l0 M€ter3 TS H o 〓 ● 口” >H C” 口 60 55-H S ( ゛一 〇 0 一0 ● 10 ( Date 〇〇0 ■ 一 り∞ $ation ′‘ヽ ′1、 Latttude Longttude North IV-5 SoundlDg (fh) 0∞ 0 33'37.0, 119'52.0' 150 320" 3 partly cloudt' moderate 13.22 11 94 33 60 4 2105 33"27.0' 120'13. 0' 640 320" 5 clear rough 12 69 11 98 38 63 87 35-B 4 0710 33"50.0' 118"37.5' 300 320" 1 missing 6light 14 32 14 27 33 62 87.35-3 22 2310 33'50. O, 118'3?.5' 300 270' 4 partly cloudy moderate 14.84 14 52 33 72 87.40-B 4 0940 33'40.0' 118"59.0' 450 230' I missing Elist 14.ユ 0 - 38 75 87.40-B 22 2040 33'40.0, r18'58.0' 400 270" 4 pertly cloudy ttroderrt€ 15.00 14 70 03 66 87.45-B 4 1255 33" 30.0' 119'19. 0' 900 220' 2 clear Eoderate 12.06 12 00 33 78 87.45-D 22 1800 33"30.0' 119'19.0' 900 210' 5 cloudy rowh 14.08 14 08 33.73 87 50-B 4 1525 33'20.0' 119'39.5' 42 27o" 4 clear rough 12.94 12.93 33 71 87.50-B 22 1525 33"20.0' t 19'39. 5' 40 250' 4 cloudy aoudl 13.10 12 86 30 72 81.55-B 4 1810 33'09,5, t2o"ol. o' 61111 270' 4 rough 12.63 11.92 33 61 8755-B 22 1300 33"09.0, 120'01.0, 600 240' 4 partly cloudl rno&rate 13.91 13 58 33.40 87.60-B 22 1010 32'59.0' r20" 2L.5' 41111 240' 4 cloudy eodeasie 14.42 14 40 33 46 87.65-B 22 0766 32'49,5' L20'4t,51 2050 180" 4 cloudy Eoderrte 13 92 13 84 33 44 87 70-B 22 0525 32"39.5' t2t' 02.0, 2100 180' 4 cloudy eo&rate 14.68 14 57 33.39 87 80-B 22 0050 32'19.5' 121'44,0' 22∞ 320' 3 cloudy eod€rrte 34.20 13 54 03.47 87.90-B 21 1985 31'59.0, L22" 24.0' 2400 270" 3 cloudy rough 15 30 15 16 33 46 885 82-B 6 0455 33" 38. 5' 118'l?. 5, 27● 140' 4 cloudy Doderote 14.30 13 65 33 68 895 34-B 6 1335 33' 22,0' 118" 1{. 0' 300 110" 2 Doderate 14.86 14 73 33 62 mH ︲哺03﹁”り H ︻V‘9 日く ” 口 >Z O ● いり自︼ “ > H O 2 υ PO 〓 日 H 口”● 一 2¨ , , , , 85 55-B ︼ ●〓 ”●” 85.50-3 West ∽一 〇 〇 〇0 ﹁ 一 0 一0 ヽ 19 00 North Weat Soundlna Wind (16, IXr Weether Sea O Meter3 T Fotce IV-6 0808 33・ 28.0' 117・ 47.0' 250 140" 3 cloudy Eodorate 90.65-H 24 0325 32・ 08.0' 120° 15.0' 1950 330' 6 clear very rough 905 355_B 6 1845 33・ 07.5' 110° 13.0' m 140" 3 Eoderrte 915 37-B 6 2050 32・ 53.0' 118° 12.0' 475 l5o" 1 93.35-B 23 1255 32・ 40 0' 117・ 52.0' 325 300' 5 ●345-3 23 1855 32・ 20_0' 118° 33.0' 800 300" 93.55-B 24 0035 32° 00 ■19° 13.5' 950 93.65-3 24 0735 31° 40.0' 119° 54.5' 93.70-B 24 0955 31・ 30.0' 97.30-B 26 1750 32・ 97.32-B 26 1650 32・ 97.35-B 26 9740-B 10 MeterB T S 14.78 33.62 14.05 33.40 14.94 14.80 33.64 3light 15.32 15.15 33.66 cloudy iouSn 15.60 15.61 33.63 6 partly cloody very rough 15.12 15.14 33.60 3r0' 5 prrtly cloudy very towh 14.65 14.79 - 2000 320' 7 psrtly cloudy very rouSh 14.94 14.97 31.55 120° 15.0' 201Xl 320' 8 pcrtly cloirdy hiSt 14.7● 14.70 33.63 15.5' 117・ 00.5' 33 320" 3 clear &oderate 14.551o 13.04 33 67 11.5' 117・ 16.5' 7∞ 310' 3 p.rtly cloudy EoderSte 15.50 15.21 33 70 1435 32・ 02.5' 117・ 27.5' 620 320" 4 p.nly cloudy rodt 15.04 15.06 S3.66 26 1140 31° 54.0' 117・ 52.0' 350 270' 3 psrtly clqrdy rougn 14.69 14.70 31.62 97.45-B 26 0840 31° 46.51 118° 12.5' 6al 2?0" 4 partly cloudy very rough 14.72 14.78 83.73 97.50-B 26 11625 31° 39.0' ■18° 32.0' 12∞ 270" 4 partly clurdy rqrSh 14.64 14.62 33.61 97.55‐ 3 26 0335 31・ 31.5' 110・ 52.0' 700 320' 5 p.rtly clordy very rqrgh 14.18 14.17 33.55 97.60-3 26 0100 31・ 19.0' 119° 12.0' 1900 320" 5 p.rtty Ery rqrgh 15.18 15.15 14.76 ↓ 口 〓 ヽ 日” 90.28-3 S , , , 33.64 Altern.te Blue, 15.44'C. ( 、” り H ︻V‘9 ( cloudy H q ” 0 >Z υ ●> rり 自 ↓ “ > ↓ 0 >Z υ ¨0 〓 日 ↓ 口 ”い 一 ” H IH O つ﹃ .) 0' ∽ 一〇 e m ゆ ︲ T “ D Latttude lrnSlhrde 〇〇 0 ﹁ 一 0一 0 ● ︱い 0ヽ Stxiion ′︰ ヽ me Station TIme CCT Latitude Id8itude West North Soundina (lla) WiDd IXr Weather Sea O Meters T force S 10 Meter8 T S 31・ 07.0' 119° 33.0' 2m 330" 6 cloudy very rm♪ 16.36 15 36 38 68 9770-B 25 1915 30° 55 0' 119° 50.5' 1960 330' 6 cloudy hlgL 14.96 14.92 33 50 97.80-B 25 1310 30° 40 0' 120° 42 0' 2100 330" 6 cloudy VeW rOugh 15.80 15 82 33 53 97.90-3 25 0820 30° 17 0' 121° 17.5' 2000 330" 5 cloudy rough 15.96 15 96 33.53 1∞ .45-H 27 1149 31° 12 01 117° 47 0' 630 300" 4 partly cloudy rough 15.70 - 100.55-H 29 1327 30° 50.0' 118° 25.0' 1370 310" 5 cloudy rough 14.42 03.54 100.65‐ H 29 1852 30° 28 0' 119° 03.0' 40 330' 5 cloudy vory rough 16.14 33 62 103.30-B 28 0915 31・ 05 0' 116° 24 5' 37 320' 3 clear ― derate 12.02 12.00 33 76 103.35-B 28 1205 30° 55.0' 116° 45 0' 320' 4 clear rough 15.38 15.38 33 67 103.40-B 28 1435 30° 40 0' 117・ 05.0' 850 320' 5 partly cloudy rough 15.60 15 62 33.67 10345-B 28 1705 30° 33 0' 117° 23.5' llltlll 320" 4 partly cloudY modente 15.60 15 71 38 66 103.50‐ B 28 1920 30° 26 0' 117° 44 5' ■240 32o' 4 partly clouq m● ● rate 16.78 15.63 33 65 103.55-B 28 2110 30° 19.5' 117° 56.0' 1400 320' 4 partly cloudy moderate 16.15 15.96 33 59 103 60-B 28 2345 30° 10.5' 118° 17 0' 1500 320' 4 partly cloudy moderate 16.70 16 66 33 63 103.65-B 29 0228 30° 00 0' 118・ 37 0' 1850 320' 4 p&rtly cloudy rough 16.61 16.63 33 66 10370-B 29 0422 29° 52.0' 118° 53.5' 1000 320' 4 pertly cloudy modente 17.20 17.21 03 81 103.80-3 29 0900 29° 33.0' 119° 31.0' 1600 320" 5 cloudy rough 17.20 17.27 33.80 103.90-3 29 1410 29° 15.01 120° 08 0' 1900 330' 5 cloudy roun 15.94 15 96 33 57 107.32-B v-1 0215 30° 25.0' 116° 11.0' 365 340" 6 cloudy 呻 14.11 14.02 33 64 , 2135 「 ︼ ● 〓 ●”” 7-25 97.65-B H● ” 口 口HI︼ 0■ ●日 日 ︻V颯v 2 ● o rり 自日 “ 日 0 Z υ 一0 一さ口H””● 一 つ﹃ , , , , , り 一〇 〇〇 0 ﹁ 一 0一 0 ヽ ︲0 0一 Lafhrde Lorgltude west No.th 0025 30"20.0' Lt6" 22. 21r8 Soudfng Wtnd Weather Sea O Meter8 T S 10 Meters T S (fE) lxr s' 850 32o' 6 partly cloudy very rough 16.28 16.26 33.64 30"10.0' 116',13.0' 131Hl 320" 5 portly cloudy very rough 15.98 15 84 33 62 1,1?" 03.0' l150 340' 5 partly cloudy louSh 16.02 16 01 33 66 cloudy rough 15,74 15.71 38 67 Force 107.40-3 pげ -30 107.45-B 30 1840 29"59.0' 107.50-B 00 L620 29" 50.5' 1L7' 23.5' 1200 330' 6 partly 107.55-B 30 1358 29'40,0' tt?"43.0' 1650 330' 6 cloudy rough 16.51 16 54 33 65 10760-B 30 1115 29" 32.O' 118"0r.5' 1800 330' 6 cloudy very rough 16 53a) 16 49 33 65 107.65‐ B 00 0825 29'2r.0' 118"21.0' 1600 330' 6 cloudy very rough 16.66 16 61 33.61 107.70-B 30 0530 29"11.0, 118'{0,0' 2000 340' 5 cloudy rotrgh 16.64 16.64 33 58 107.80-B 29 2130 28"51.5' 119" 19.5' 2000 340" 5 cloudy rough 16.06 16.09 33 51 107.90-D 29 1845 28" 119'59.0' 2040 340" 5 cloudy rol4h 16.80 16.76 33 62 l10.33-H V“ 0305 29"50.0' LLs" 52.2' 45 30o' 5 overcast hiSh 11.71 33.89 l10.45-H 3 1830 29" 25.O' 116'34.0, 430 290" 5 overcast hid, 16.10 38 68 l10.65-H 3 1131 29"05.5' 1r?'16.5' 1858 300' 6 overcaEt very rougi 16 86 33 76 l10.65-H 3 {xls 28'47.01 11?"58. s, 1890 32o" 5 clear very rough 16 66 38 62 l13.30-3 1 LO27 29'22.0' 115"r8.0, 34 300' 6 cloudy very rou8h 12.20 12.20 33.81 113.35-B 1 LX22 2g'1r.5' 115'38.0, 600 330" 6 cloudy very rowh 14 26 14 44 33 51 l13.40-B 1 1605 29" O2.O' 115'5?.0' 900 310" 6 partly very rqrgh 18 76 13.76 33 78 32.0' cloudy 口 HIH Oぅ 、電 ”>↓ 穴V‘● い り 自 ↓ κ > ↓ 0 >Z υ ︼0 〓 H ↓ ● ”● 一 2一 V-1 , 107.35-B a) AlterDrte vslue, 16.34"C. ′fヽ ( 日 ● 〓 ● 口” > H ● ” 口 >Z u ● CCT TInle ( J 一〇 Date う0 0 ﹁一 0 一0 ● 10 00 Station Latitude Irngltrde Soundtry Wind (fn) IXt Force we6t North o' 20∞ 28'32.5' l1?" ot. o' 1750 0340 26'25.0, 112" l7. o' 1950 2 0610 28"14.5' 11?'36. O, 21ul l13.70-B 2 0915 28'(N.0' 11?'55.0' 1700 l13.00-B 2 1425 27'12.O' 118'33.5, 2000 l13.90‐ 3 2 1900 27'22.0' 119" o?.0, 2000 11726-B 5 40 28'56.0' r14"4t. E' 40 l17.30-B 5 “ ∝ 40 28',1E.0' 114'56.5' 50 l17.35-3 5 0200 28'38.0' 115" t6. o' 120 117.40‐ B 4 0325 28'28.0' 115'35.5, 450 l17.45-3 4 0028 26'18.0' tls's6.0, 1800 117.511-B 3 2125 28'08.0, 116"15.0, 2¨ l17.55-3 3 1820 28'01.0' 116"38.5, 1500 117.60-3 3 1525 21'12.0, r16'5?.0' 1700 117.65‐ 3 3 1228 2?'J9.5, 1u" 15.0' 2000 117.70-B 3 0940 27" 25.O' 11?'33.0' 204111 l17.80-B 0 0400 2?'08.0' tt8'ro. 21XXl 1845 28's1.5, 116' l13.50-3 1 2215 28'42.o, ,.16" 34. 113.55-B 2 0125 l13.60-B 2 l13.65-B 5, 330' 320' t2o' s2o' g2o' 320' 340" 320' 27o" 270' Joo" 320' 3zo" 3to' i2o" 320' 3to" 3oo' szo" 6 cloudy Ve● rOugh 15.64 15 61 03 69 ? cloudy blgh 16 30 16 06 33 73 7 partly cloudy blgh 16.51 16.51 33 68 6 clesr blgL 16.44 16 44 33.70 6 partly cloudy blgh 16.56 16 58 30 68 6 cloudy very r●」p 16 90 16 94 33 72 6 cloudy very rough 17.58 17.59 33 86 6 cloudy ht8b 17.64 17.63 33 84 s partly cloudy very rou 14.04 14.06 33 80 5 partly cloudy very rougL 13.68 13 66 33.86 s cloudy very roun 15。 12 15 73 33 68 5 cloudy very pω gh 16.32 16.31 38 66 5 cloudy Very-8L 16.46 16 54 33.68 5 cloudy 呻 1`.46 16 47 38 60 s cloudy lllgh 16.32 16.31 38 68 呻 16.26 16.23 83 74 5 5 psrtly cloudy very roun 16.45 16.45 33 82 8 cloudJ very rou 16.'0 16.66 33.67 7 partly cloudy blgh 17.62 17.63 03.91 口↓ ︱↓0 ﹁”り H ︻V‘︶ 2﹃ Z υ ●> rり自↓ ” >哺 0 Z υ HO 〓 日 曰 u”い 一 , , , , 1000 v_1 日 口〓 ●M” >↓ く” 口 r?.5' 113.45-B ∽ 一〇 〇 〇0 ﹁ 一 0 一0 ヽ 1 0 ON SoundtnS (fE) Weather cloudV 2386 26° 50.0' 118° 45 0' 2000 320' 5 l10.39-B 4 0510 28° 18 5' 115° 23.5' 120 320" 5 120.25-B 5 1140 28° 22 5' 114° 15 0' 311 300' 5 120.3← B 5 1348 28° 13 0' 114° 34.0' ∞ 310" 120.35-B 5 1625 28° 00 0' 114° 54.0' 47 ■20.40-H 4 2355 27・ 56 0' 115° 14 0' 120.40-B 5 2334 27° 56 5' 120.55-H 5 0802 27° 20 ■20.65-H 5 1435 27° 04 ■23.37-3 6 123.42-B mter8 S 10 Meter8 T S 17.71 17.76 33.83 rolrSn 14.99 15.00 33 66 parlly cloudy rorgh 14.72 14 75 03 70 5 cloudy rq.rgh 14.02 14.00 33.79 310' 5 pertly cloudy rors 15.20 15.18 33.01 23 300' 6 cloudy rorrs 15 98 33.76 115° 14 0' 25 300' 6 partly cloudy very rough 14 91 33 80 0' 116° 13 0' 1980 3r0' 4 hisb 15.34 33.58 5' 116° 51 5' 2● 60 330" 4 cloudy very rouah 16.69 33 69 0410 27° 24.0' 114° 40 0' ●9 210" 4 cleer rqrgh ■ 12 24 34.14 6 0645 27° 14 0' 114・ 59 0' 020 290' 5 cloudy rorgh レ 12.99 33.33 123.45-3 6 0906 27° 08.0' 115° 10 5' 2200 320' 5 cloudy v6ry rowh 15.77 15 76 33.72 123.50-B 6 1158 26° 58.0' 115° 31.0' 221Xl 320" 6 cloudy very rorgi 16.22 16.22 33 74 123.55-B 6 1440 26° 47.5' 115° 50 5' 200 340' 6 cloudy very rq.lgh 16.67 16.68 ,3.80 123.60-B 6 1716 26° 35.0' 116° 09 5' 3oo' 6 cloudy very rowh 16.99 16.98 04.03 123.65-B 6 2045 26° 26.5' 116° 28 5' 32o' 6 cloudy very rougt 17.24 17.24 33.82 123.70-B 6 2238 26° 19.0' 116・ 47.0' 330' 4 cloudy rc.4h 17.22 17.20 33 82 123.80-B 7 0325 25° 59.0' 117・ 25.5' 330' 4 pertly cloudy r@gh 16.89 16 90 33.79 127.34-B 8 0946 26・ 55 114・ 06 5' 350' 4 clear very roogh 12.92 12 92 33.98 15.04 2.22 .lЮ Zυ 一c 〓 0↓ 口”い ︵ Z ロロ︲︼0 ■ 勲 ” 日 O Z 0 , , 0' 0 卿沖 卿 ﹃ 4 very rougt H 0 V-2 T , 117.90-B O Sea ↓ 口 〓 ” 口” >HC ”” >Z O ●>いり自H く wlnd IXt Force ゛ 一〇 e m 中 ︲ T エ D ( Letltude LoBthrde North We6t C0 0 ﹁ 一 0 一0 ヽ ‘゛ 00 St:ttion ( /1ヽ ( St:ltiOn Date O Meter3 Tlme CCT Letltude LoDgifude We st North 26° 43.5' 114° 29 0' 1400 340' 6 clear very rough 15.32 15.31 38 75 Soundtng (f6) Sea WiDd Dia T Eorce S 10 Meters TS 8 0350 26・ 33.0' 114° 48 5' 1750 340' 7 clesr hiCh 16.62 16 63 33 83 127.50-3 8 0110 26・ 23.0' 115° 08 0' 20011 340' 7 clesr hiei' 16.76 16.76 33 89 127.55‐ B 7 2211 26° 13.5' 115° 27 0' 2000 340' 5 psrtly cloudy very fough 17.18 17.19 33 81 127.60-B 7 1910 26° 05.5' 115° 45.0' 2000 340' 6 Portly clo.rdY very rough 17.52 17 50 33 83 ■27.65-B 7 1610 25° 58 0' 116° 08 0' 2000 340' 6 cloudy very rouSh 17.69 17 68 33 89 127.70-B 7 1310 25° 48 0' 116° 31.5' 2100 340" 5 p.rtly very rough 17.03 17.05 33.78 127.80-B 7 0730 25° 24 0' 117・ 02 5' 221Xl 310" 3 partly cloudy rough 17.26 17 27 33.78 130135-H 9 0605 26° 15.0' 113° 47 0' etxl 290' 4 cletr rqrgh 14 60 33 74 190.45-H 8 2333 26・ 03.0' 114° 30 0' 1910 290' 4 p.nly very rough 17.16 38 68 130.55-H 8 1717 25° 43 0' 115° 11.0' 1700 340' 5 cloudy high 17.34 33 76 133.25‐ 3 8 2101 26・ 04 5' 112° 48 0' 45 260' 3 partly cloudy Blight 15.14 14 40 33.93 133.30-B 3 2309 25° 53.5' 113・ 07.0' 100 260' 4 p.rtly moderate 15.68 15.08 33.86 133.35-B 9 0200 25° 42 0' 113° 25.0' 350 290' 5 clouQ rough 15.64 15 54 33 77 13340-B 9 0415 25° 34 5' 114° 45.5' 1200 290' 4 p.rtly cloudy roudr 16 28 16 24 33 74 133.45-B 9 0645 25° 24.5' 114° 04 5' 19∞ 290" 4 psrtly cloudy rolrgh 15.88 15 89 38 78 133.50-B 9 1003 25° 14 0' 114° 24.0' 17∞ 280" 4 pertly clordy rous 17.24 17.22 33.82 133.55-B 9 1232 25° 03.5' 114・ 42.0' 1800 300' 4 p.rtly cloudy rough 16.87 16.86 33.73 133.60-3 9 1510 24° 54.5' 115° 02.0' 2100 320' 4 portly clo{rdy rough 17.“ 17 06 33.80 cloudy , cloudy cloudy Z 口 H IH O モ ●H > ︼ 雪︶z ● 2 υ い0 〓 口 月 日 ”い ︵ 127.45-3 日 0 0650 ↓ ● 〓 τ ●” > ↓ C ” 日 >Z υ ∽> r り自 ﹃ く V-8 , 127.40-B ∽一 〇 〇 〇0 ﹁ 一 0 一0 ● 10 OC 一 〇〇 :: 阜 ゛ Statlon CCT Latltude Longltude Soundlng Wird (fm) Dir Force North West The Sea O Meters T S I0 Mete 13 TS 115° 20.0' 2m 300' 4 penly cloudy rqr8h 17.76 17.64 33.86 24° 34.0' 115° 40.5' 2000 320" 4 partly cloudy tnoderate 18 46 18.22 34.08 0135 24° 14 5' 116・ 17.0' 2100 330" 4 peitly cloudy rough 18 92 18.91 34.19 10 1300 25・ 08 5' 113° 05.5' 720 prrtly EoderSte 15 98 33.85 137.45-H 10 1823 24° 48 0' 113° 43.0' 1800 320' 3 partly cloudy very rough 17.06 33.69 137.55-H 11 1315 24° 25.0' 114° 21.5' 2000 340" 4 partly cloudy rors 17.38 33.72 V-9 1745 24° 43 133.70-3 9 2150 133.80-B 10 137.35-H -1 ( cloudy 2 ● o r ワ ロ ﹃” た り 0 と 3 9 一0 〓 口↓ 口” 一 一‘uH■ 只 ︶■ R ﹃ 日 8 二 ● , , , 5' 133.65-3 ︻ ”〓 ● 口” >HO ” 口 ( Date ( DISTRIBUTION LIST Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commiesion (c,/o Scripps Institution of Oceanography) Mr. E. B. Dr. M. B. Bennett Schaefer U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (c/o Scripps Institution of Oceanography) Dr. E. H. Ahlstrom Mr. F rederick H. Berry Mr. Gerald V. Howard Scripps Institution of Oc eanography Mrs. A. Alvarino de Leira Dr. Leo D. Berner Dr. Maurice Blackburn Dr. Edward Brinton Dr. T. J. Chow Dr. Abr^hrYn Fleminger Mr. Jeffery D. Frautechy Mr. John D. Isaacs Dr. Martin W. Johnson Mr. Ilans T. Klein Mr. Garth I Murphy Dr. C. B. Murty Mr. Joseph L. Reid, Jr. Dr. Roger Revelle Mrs. Margaret K. Riedel Mrs. Margaret K. Robinson Mr. G.rnnar I. Roden Dr. Richard H. Rosenblatt Mr. Richard A. Schwartzlose Mr. John G. WYIlie (20) Dr. Klaus B. WYrtki Library (4) Library, SFA I. D.t. aLtanaot c!!at. to. trc, a oaaa iaaaatcl 'lrrarlEt tra, aofllrtt tLtD. Itatttl ar r ar. CAPl,■ ● ●8 atpLof,ltto ▲V10 LUIIS R. 1. CAPURRO “ SERVIC工 O DE HI10R00■ ■● 1■ 'AL ■ES DE OC■ =12124 'Ve‖ =DA 3uE"03 !i. t {Eat t. lDEltof cnlt talt u. l. xlft elEcltorlc! LtBotllott stt DtEco ,2, cll.rFoItlt =Iu OCEAXOCRAPHIC OnOIIP PISHCRIC8 EXPERl■ HT STAT=0■ . KOu PAO'. “ ot corrEicl^L ttsaElttt atol.octclL tatoiaroi! BAUiSrtfi, GaOiotl n. HAROLD B CLE‐ 3. =R Lrtoillott ATloltAL 0c::Al{oSi^Ptltc Drtr cEital 6Ali DtEoo t2, cALlroltlll l. i. ●o■ ■ ・f, L=BRAR=A" ● =SS NANeV NARRA3Aヽ SETTR.ttAR=‖ E ■1301^TO■ = UIII VERSl'V OF RH00E =sLA“ D tB. iltlE! B0Io 0l! SECAETIiTO C$lEtlL urlventlDlD DE ElJl Cllttolill rEttc&t, B, c. ttllco CRIE「 ,DIV=S=● ● ●PF=SHERIE3 1u`ヽ =EAL‖ SC:EIIT:F=Ca llt,UST RESEARC● ●RO. 30ス 21 LLA, コS●・ AuSTRALl■ ti. c.0. 0RUI■ BgtEf, 'LOBIDI !a. Prclttc cRESSIELL TllB」 RO■ . CAL=FOnllA Drvtslot or P. O. BOI TIBuRON OCE■ 10CRlPHiC =IIST'tVTE lolll aoLt EOPXTXS っn. ●. ● rririE Stltlol 0B0Ya, cAl-lfoSlrl cuftlEiSol oEPralrcllt ot rlTEa iE3ouic8l DtiictoR 0r t0acqrsllo tLoEIDt STI1E Uf,lVEISlll TALIIHASSEE, 0t alol.oal Uirl€i!tt! loslot tr, 1188. DEPT, P. 0 aR. ll. oMst ll. DA. iOlERf lo3Tot КINOST01, R"0'E ISL■ HD E. EIIZLES IA, aooa'IILIAI 2212 u. s. xlvt ELEcTnoxIcs Llaoitloil coLLEoa IARI]L RLS00RCeS OPERAT=● ●3 auiaru oF corlEaclAL rlsfiEnlE! Bt0LooIcrL Nliusal, iesouicql iutBolDt s1rr0 liclta, clLlaoirLl 8HERIE3 LA3. CALI「 OR‖ IERI工 llAL =A■STATC LA10・P工 ●ハL工 FORll● rlsfitlrotol 2r! D. c. JlrE! A. CAtt Dtllsloi ol rR. TfiOvls 8. rustti n シ Dt. Pru! r. alt rooos floLa oc rlooil?llc tttl. rocDs aolar rll,glclluslfla Cε ‖TRAL IrDE3oa loRsru ハ●●●● LIIBRART P●3ハ tt. ttLtllt I10■ ■工RCS, Dt. RrcrlriD a. tlrlllo uritvEasrtr ot lrsltllctol oc!rilcailPBlc Lra0llloilal sEAl,tlE t! la3ll olol R S. CROК ER, D=REC● OR CAL=,. DEP' OF ''SI A“ D O■ IIE IARI13 PISHCRIじ S LADORATOR' 3n■ ■C● Pllllllllo 3rcME{to'at 2. OMtoBlll tlr{aoe( ●R nEsouacEs Ltgiitl ot ltoLlrcl rl-l-lr r^n:lc( aolrlDlTt(l rrilr/E$lllt 0F so, clLlr. LOS ANieLE ?, CILll. I ocllldi,lla 772 CAP,■ OL AVEllUE Bitrlsf, Jotlt $ntlclt ll lt 8t^tf) SAORA18NT0 11, C■ ■ =FOR"I▲ Di. ttlltlt J. r Rcr!, Ji.r DIiEqlIl {rRrtur ttsrlTulE 0l iritrE at. t. l. trsittotdt, D, c. ttto K scrarca! HERR" PRCF. DR. A cr,oucEsrEa DEFIn Poltit. ltlcrltl 31 ER"AR=FStRASSE" CTPT. E. B. BFO'll u. s. coAST rrD GEoDEIIC luiltl al? s. r{rtl, sI. tool ,!t los tlrcElEs 1r, llLltoirrl =nsBRU∝ AIBnn DEOTSCH● ■ ADELIE DER I工 sSEISC‖ A,TEH ZU 3● 菫L=“ “ LttRlirAt( 09 COIIERCTIL BIOLCiIC]IL LlAOiArOil 'ISSEIIE! ヨ ST1lUT「 UR IEERESXO"OC BURJAU ,AR13● U・ IDe, 3EESTR. 15 P, O. lot 381tL=It, OERIA“ aonoLulu !2, 'AtOlllllt = DEU■ SC'11S H!OROう │■ ,H=sCHES BERIIHAR D‐ ■OCllT― STR. 7● URC 4。 ●2R● AI= 岬 ,NSTnvT Btoloatc Llaoittoat u. s. ftss liD lILDLtaa SlllIcE rlgSlnctor 2rr D. c. D=RECC10N OEFaRAL DE P● 3● ■ ● I"OuSTR=AS COHB■ lS ESTA● 10■ ,O B10L00`■ IAR=● ● 01SA DEl・ ■■RIIA ■AZATLA・V, SX“ ■LO■ . ●E■ 工C0 LlEoRtlorr DIREqtoa or cortEictrL rIsEEita! IC:lTlttcL0aIclL LtBotatoit rr. 8. MttoNrL rusEut aunaru ctox a5. D.c. CII=EF DiVislo“ o, 3=OLO● BORE■ u u rR. J. O. BURXEtttr Clrr!!/Ul IlaItE LOS iEsErRclt co'JrltrEa ILIOS, CaLITOtX!/l '■ =● oF COIIERC:AL ハL RE3■ ■●●● ′ DEPARI=EIT o, T“ E=sIERIE3 =IITCn80R 3Hl■ CToll aう , D. C. S ■R. ROBERT L. 2EERHIRD, TECI■ oLOC■ ‐ ■s, こ oc● 3" LoCKHE,p aIRCRAPT CORPoRAT工 Dt. latr(E t. aoit lssoc. Pnoi. or ocE^tiooirPtt ot SqlEica S'AIE COLLEOE coSvlLLIS, OEEOOI sclto9l CAL,PoRI工 A D=VISIo“ BuRBA‖ ■IIA =, cALIPo● DR. s. ■. EL ●■む■●ェ 8c,EIICE8 ON'COH .r DtPllg:rEta of i$fl axD 6rti crLt!unxtr stlTa tttflEttEt Lr!. TEn,/l|ltl. tsl.litD. cLt JOsE STATE O● LLEC● I 」OsE. IALIPOnl● SA“ ll● LIEFAiIIX to8tl lrEircr a5o fltialson alrEttl grll ,Rl crEco ,, cllltoiatl r. ltllt rttlrr rioroLULU lt, t4t It D8. ioBERt tAaoRAtoRt DttEc'oi auR:-.{u 0E corrEictrL tlslrEilE8 llsil tt, Jollt ntlt I SErl,riets' rrrERtrallotll! urlor ol llolxtr sTsTEE 0■ ulrvaRsrrt ot ti. ?. tti^io toxrr REcroilrl tIl[llllt iEsElRcE LtaoStlolt tSut(sittl tolro. Itlr DtnEcmR i rct, fDc-1, ocSrtoo PEt tElas r. tD i. coil,mt coLLacE stlttot, ltll! DtiI ri8t. DE ototlilcl loniE Dr ctEitclls. ,tt rtro 0 il IvESSIDID tiactoltt! tutolotl D! IETICO lI&Lt oSltcoli, D, t., ttllco DttEctoir Eatlctol lxsTrluTo tEcc oLoctco Da vtSlct rl8rcilz, tEtlct t V 0=RECTon"R“ 団 FISH co● │=sI“ oF “ Ro● :E l, 3oス ,1■ Culκ A●A3.… o… “ Dl. ,. c. Jlco4t. Dlirdlr ll;;i;,,lhl?:"f :.f ,. oiir cernr JrPrr tEttoiol.octclL rdStqt ocal ocn/tP[lcl! aagllol コ tollo, Jtrlt tR. ●R s. r. trtflt I, toaTL tD E OF F=SII ■■ ' G`口LAB CAL=′ OR■ 1■ STA■ 0 'IISHERI13 ● OnJI` I・ TEB彗 CAL工 CALIF 811● DEPT ="AL =SШ ALPIIOI|SE t(ar'r$rc8, ElEc. Dll. P^Crf IC srRtilir FtsHrnIE9 corllatlol ?al st]rla otrtca aotLDlto ta00 ■■つOVICH JR. 10"N L=● ARI ●■■URAL lliSTOnt … s,“ P"D. ‐ ll… rvEluE oiEcor A ' II. "EEつ LER, DIRE… PAC='IC B10LOCiC■ L8'■ ■工0■ 0, 3. C DA “`口 ^I口 DR O A RIL冒 ● =NCIA` IVERSITI OCEANOCPAPHIC FOuIID■ ■10日 'ALE u“ ●● HAVE■ , CO“ I. ““ “ DR. K■ ■■2,I1 8. I10■ ■ =3 xA L=rOn● U“ IVeRSl■ ' 0' ILO● C■ DEP?. 0フ 2● = ● 3L● S '1, CALIP. LOS Aヨ Dn. t. itlrtuBl oca^fl:lis^Pitrc sEcTr rAitl8 oBsEiYlloil f,oai,.,rPll DIRECtOR P'DRO ■ERCAD0 8▲ IAR=■ ■S escue1l suPLRIOR C=ε NC=AS "CHE2 UNiV`RSIDAD AuTOllolA DE BAl■ CALIIF APARTADO De CORREOS 4'' i6EE ●. ●.. 口EIC0 E●Sε "ADA. ER DR. E. r(oto tr{3trtr,tE 0l llatEllll urllv6isrtt tatoDlta, Jl?lr HOro(ltDo R03rRT I. "oRB,3 DEPT, OF PH=S=● AL s● IEItCEB ,■ 1 07 ●■L'P. S■ H=A BARBAll■ ●A● PIE ∞ `A. DO● OAL=FOR・ LETA,“ Ll'. T. SAIB= D=V=310" 11■ OALIFOR(IIA PACX="0 26oO SeVel■ H sTREET ●0■ PORA■ 10■ B2RKeLty ,0, CALIPORII=▲ Ll tOlD u. s. rvr Et,EelBonlcl Lrlolltoil Dn. E. C. coDE 2250 sr| ,2, ctltSonlrl orEco NR. JOiT LTIAII latlo:r,tl, sclaicE toorDltlol rrtttloro! 25r D.c. 0=RECTOR ■R PHlLLIP E. 3EELl■ 0●R ●002 ,11, 03 LO. "On■ ■了 SR. RAuL E DO■ 7 POI‖ T ■UOu PO工 RT UOυ OCA口 ●● tolourlu tr. a llrl =■ C llIE' 0' 1lVaL RESEARCロ OFFICe OF ‖AVハ L RCSEARC■ cEOpHIslcs BR`“ Cll ■■SHl‖ OTOI1 3', D. C. J,lPAt{ =V口 . VEI,C暉 tllt llrtl STA■ R― 菫n. ●. 8HOJエ 」APANaSE H=DROCRAPHllC Tsuκ ェリェ PA“ TO“ "E11■ 1“ C. C=LDERTO 日n● CALL口 ′ = ■■DER0 J. i.LtLLll ED171C工 0 lE&s r, trD r. coLLEoE coLLEcl st^Uol, ltlls Di. orlEt r. ialD rusau! oa cot?ai^rlvE loologt fila{liD llllrvgaSrll clrBirDcl rS, tlssacausEltl OBVハ 8EXlCAL=, “3.C. ●● 1●0 ▲HD OA● E RCB tolto, Jllru DEtAirra$I o, ocE^IootlPtl SIlil110■ DEPT. OP FIS● 926 J'.STREE, SACRAtteXTo :4, CALIPOR“ ● tErEololoolcll lo8xct DR. UUo[ FOnO. CALIFOnJI▲ 口R ■. = CAL工 つR.■IVB H.¨ ロ JO'R卜 ● OF ■■ 'IllB SIπ VALE Ш ocElnoailPtrcAL 8aq!tor =SHER=tS B工 OL00工 CAI・ LABORATOnI ■,0‐ 3 」ORDA“ HALl. .・ 18. Jqlmo ` DR O E. 3● TT口 , CHlSP BUR=Au OP C02■ IR● L ● =CO lR. tB. JOHi C, rAii, iEoroiat DlBEqtol EUBgAU Oa Co:iraRCtll tral8ills P. 0. louero llssILE RA“ ●2 , CALl'ORN工 “ 'O T. 11STITU■ 0 0E CEOFISIIC▲ C`0'AD U“ IVE■ 81■ ARIハ IEXIC0 20, D.F.. JOSEII r. lliD8alql trl, tEst lttlEErtll llREra alt PEDRo, cllltoilll 3● 1■●T8 l10R■ OT =● = 033● RVI 'C=ATOn=口 ll 'OLAn O'PIIIB =0, J■ Os=0 DELII= "0. 3 RE=曽 ER 38■ ●ISE● ■EEnESEO■ D● =IISTITUT FU■ HoHE■ BCRCSTRAS38 8 ● = `=EL, GER■ DR DR. R03● RT C. '■ ●UmB o● I囀 ■L `OTORS CO■ PORAT工 0■ ●R. │. ● 8T●●ART OAL=F sTATE C3■ じDER O, CO■ ●EEC8 O BUSII STREET SAN FRANCISC0 4, CaL8P● ●●■ DEFE"SC SISIEn3 DI■ 11=0日 DOX' ,う “ SAIITA 33● ●■B■ , C■ ●I′ ORIt=▲ ^ r. ti. aBTxui t i. E. EoolH colPlll, lrc. 2SO lEllDotcl BII|ERI StiEEl s^x ralnc$co Lt, clltaoStla Di.3, C. OR.C. L. mm PROF UH:Vε `“ =SItt OP BR`=18H COLu=● VANCOし VttR, D. ●. DA CA■ ■ P工 ,tr[rslRt ot actlcullluiE. ?rlltEltE txD tooD ttsfleRtes Ll8c8ltoil LOfASrOtr, SUtfOL(, ErcLAlD n. I. TARE● ●rrエ DR ●. P00AD3. L工 ●RA■ ■■日 DEUTSCHER IETTCRDIIttST SEE口 RA■ 測 RC.● ER● ARI roaRla tSEircH slaDmE cotPlrt t92 TUll lTtEAl tE.irrtt$L IstlrD I qrlltoillt THE JOH“ S HOP7工 S 121 ,■ RttLArD "ALL “ 7TB ● BALT=■ onE 13. ●ハ■ =▼ “ BRS`● D ●●. D ■. PRIIVETT, LIIBRAR`■ ■ 工‖ST・ OP OCEA‖ OCMP● H■ =L ●●BILEI stl:l Llllta. Itc. BAAaI&^, qAltroRl1l "「 oCEハ ‖01RAP3=● A● 38● T=0" 」APAII【 EIIEOnOLOCICハ L ■0● ●●8 c8uo_■ ● ‐ ■0, JaP“ OR●A" 8● ●●L= SE● T工0■ 3R IT1311 'LiD■ ●131● ●, ■■■URAL 口13■0■ = CRO■ ■ELL RO▲ D LO“ D● 3' 7. 口 ●● ●D 菫R. AH■ “ DEPAR,■ │"T Oア ●CCIII● GRAPEマ S ■. 411D ■ ●●LL● ●E =EX■ COLL`OE s,▲ ● =0■ R 00DALu口 0 "E■ 3UREE■ , 田 CLA● D ntlra:rtr, rlatrE coigt rtoo cllrPllr 8riEEt ma■ D■ . D. ■ PR:TC■ lRO. D=RECTOR Cヨ ESIPEAκ C llA了 =IISi l■ =L`● In. Jolx v. ●L 8ROE ■■LL CAllBRIDOE 30. ■A38■ ●RUSr「 B rrllttir Dliaq! crLr5o tr AeADErl ot sctallcl GOLDCII OITE PAiI slr{ liltrclsco 16, cAl.ttoilll ■じ "RI vEn31,7 I. 8'0● Hinv`Ro ullェ ST OF OCEA100RA臓 PUsA" P口 8● │ OR34 “ フIS口 =R188 COLL3● . T― ●B.A.` TE● ●30H OFFICIAL sECRETIコ ■ 3 ■EI souTH IALEs coVen■ ,● . sTR3"D │● τ o,F=│■ LO"0● ●. ●. ●. 8, E“ Cu● D 8 3. T工 33, DR_ R ●R llCOCK ,OuNDAT【 0● U O' SOυ THER1 0ALIFORI=A 3 ● ■lEER uIVERSI:Y oF CAL:FORI n DE[λ メliCN■ OF 200LOCY LOS AttB〔 IS 2■ . CILIF H▲ u‖ :VERS=TI PARK LOS ANOELES '. CALIFOR“ 工A V OR. I PAT IENNEKEIS ‐ OODE oCEA‖ `C RCSEARCH =AVAL ORD=Allee TEsT DiV sTAT10■ cHINA LAKE, CALIPOR‖ IA IR. ‖. U01 TOI10 U OF F,SHERIE8 ■INATO― KU TOК 了0, J APAII 11潜 脂冨 ∵T… … O s FISI ANO 鷲ゞ 驚鮮 う03 難・ ■ILOし =,E SERVICE TIBU,ON IAR工 ヽ8 LABORATOR= P_ O BOX ,8 113UnON. CALI FORIIIA u HΥ DRO,RAPHIC oFF=Ca S 2 1AVY DEPART■ 2NT IASl=NOTOl1 2,, D. C. ATTN- OR 30YO C OLS,“ 01V IS:01 0, oCEAヽ OCRAPHマ L工 BRARIAN u s NiVAL CIV=L E■ G=ド EER=I10 LAB. Pont 〔 lue::EIE, CAL=FORI11■ O S NAV! εLECTRONICS LA30RAtoR= SAN DIECO ,2, CALIF. ATTN CODE 2420, LI● BARY 2 【VERS11= OP CALlFORI11■ DE:ARi● EItT OF ZOOLOC= O羽 BER′ ELE= │. CALIF 2 UNIVERSITY OF C■ Ll,0■ ■II■ StRIALS DEPARTlle“ T Celじ RAL LIIBRARI B,R`BLE1 4, CAL=POR"=A PUBLICAT101S O,7tCE 101 U‖ TIIE u‖ ●■LL =VER31'1 OP CALIF● RI=A :VERSITY 2200 UN=VeRSIT, ■VE. 3ERKεLEY `, 0■ LIP D=REOTOn UIIVERSITY O' 日LE= ヽARI::E LABORATORI Co3■ L CABLES, FLOItID` LIERARIAl ● 18PS● V OF IASlmu ■:APIIC LA30P■TORIE3 =、 FRIDAr ●AR30R. ■AsH r=● LIBRARl■ ■ Uヽ :VEPSilマ OF ,ASI=lllTO" ,CFス ヽ■ T● RI● LABO鮎 SEATl_3 'AP1lC 5, lASJ O:RECroR OF● ASRII● u CCiOCL OF 'lSIE・│■ES SE■ T・ し , 1. =A38. UN:VER3==マ ■ CILBERT C F'2 1UNA STRε VA" cAIP, SR. 12='Iヽ AL ISLA‖=TD, CALlFOR‖ ■R X■ RIcIIARO C. VE● ER SCC・ ■ o■ oo● . = ,o co■ ::A■ IO■ ■L ACADE■ , oP scII EIIC● 2101 COllS'1■ ●T=0■ ■VE‖ UE ●ASHl■ O10N 25, D C V
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