ANA ブッキングポリシー発行 および ADM/ACM ポリシーリバイスについて

2014 年 12 月 10 日
ANA ブッキングポリシー発行 および
ADM/ACM ポリシーリバイスについて
した。また、併せて ADM/ACM ポリシーをリバイスいたしますので、周知方よろしくお願いいたします。
1. 発効日
2014 年 12 月 10 日(水)
2. 適用対象
旅行会社の GDS/CRS で作成された ANA 便全予約(国際線、国内線、NH マーケティング便)
3. 内容詳細
・ADM/ACM ポリシーのリバイス箇所は、以下の通りです。
1) ADM 発行処理手数料の設定
2) ACM 発行処理手数料の設定(日本のみ)
3) ブッキングポリシー違反に対してのペナルティチャージの設定
4) 異議申し立て(DISPUTE)の記載
・ADM 発行処理手数料、およびペナルティチャージの徴収については下記のコードを用います。
ADM 発行処理手数料徴収:TAX コード「OB」にて徴収
ペナルティチャージの徴収:TAX コード「DV」にて徴収
・ADM は、航空券番号毎に発行します。
4. 掲載場所
BSP Link 内に当社作成の URL を掲載(ADM/ACM ポリシーのみ)
5. 問い合わせ先
別添 1
別添 2
ADM/ACM ポリシー(日本語・英語)
― 以 上 ―
別添 1
ANA ブッキングポリシー
適用開始日 : 2014 年 12 月 10 日
弊社のブッキングポリシーは、ANA 便(NH 便名全便)の座席予約および発券を行う旅行会社の皆様に適切な
処置を適宜取らせていただきます。ADM/請求書発行に伴う手数料などにつきましては、弊社 ADM ポリシーをご
・ 発券代行をされる旅行会社様におかれましては、社外も含めた関係者の皆様に対し、弊社ブッキングポリシ
・ このポリシーは、以下の IATA Resolution に基づき、発行いたします。
以下の日本語の内容は参考のためのものであり、英文の IATA Resolution が正文となります。
(IATA 決議 824, 3.3.1)
Traffic Document の発行、旅行代金の徴収などを含む、有効な運送約款を提供するための全ての活動
(IATA 決議 824, 3.3.2)
い。旅行会社は Traffic Document に記載されている如何なる条件も変更・修正してはならない。また、旅
(IATA 決議 830a,)
ここに記載されている行為は、IATA 決議、または航空会社が定めた規定等に違反する行為である。航
・お問い合わせがございましたら、弊社営業担当もしくは ANA サポート国際までご連絡ください。
ANA サポート国際 0570-029-835
Agency Debit Memo (ADM) - 旅行会社に対して、勘定精算のために ANA が発行する帳票をいいます。運
賃の誤計算等による不足分の支払いや ADM ポリシー・ブッキングポリシー違反のペナルティチャージに使
GDS/CRS - Global Distribution System/Computer Reservation System をいいます。
運賃ルール (Fare Rules) - 運賃の適用条件または制限事項をいいます。払い戻し制限、航空券発券期限、
IATA - International Air Transport Association 国際航空運送協会をいいます。
PNR - Passenger Name Record 予約記録をいいます。
航空券 (Ticket) - 適用する運賃と規定に従って、一定のご利用規約の下で券面に記載された旅客に対し
旅行会社 (Travel Service Provider) - IATA 公認代理店、IATA 非公認代理店、GDS/CRS 利用者、インタ
ーネットまたはその他の手段で ANA の予約システムにアクセスする会社をいいます。
1. 搭乗者氏名
座席確保のため、偽名や仮名を使用した予約を行わないでください(例:SATO/A/B/C、TEST/PNR など)。当
社が架空な搭乗者氏名と合理的に判断した場合、PNR を解約させていただくことがあります。
2. 連絡先入力
お客様の E メールアドレス情報がある場合は、併せて登録をお願いいたします。
3. Secure Flight Passenger Data 入力
米国運輸保安局(TSA)から SFPD の送信を義務付けられているため、出発 72 時間前までに必ずご登録くださ
い。出発 72 時間以内の新規予約は、必ず予約時に SFPD を登録してください。
(1) 対象路線
- 米国発着便(他社運航コードシェア便、他社便を含む)
- 米国運輸保安局の定める米国上空を通る便を含む旅程の旅客
- 米国籍航空会社運航のコードシェア便
(2) 必要な旅客情報(SFPD: Secure Flight Passenger Data)
フルネーム / 性別 / 生年月日 / Redress Number
4. 架空予約
見積もりや座席確保を目的とした仮予約、旅行会社でのトレーニング、GDS/CRS インセンティブ報酬獲得のた
予約操作のトレーニングやテストの際、必ず GDS/CRS システムのトレーニングモードで PNR を作成してくださ
5. 予約クラス
6. Married Segment Control (MSC)
Married Segment とは、1 つ以上の乗継があり O&D(Origin/Destination)単位で予約された旅程をいいます。
- 全ての予約操作は O&D 単位で行ってください。
- 一部旅程の変更・解約が発生した場合にも、O&D 単位で解約をした後、新たな O&D 旅程で予約操作を行
- Married Segment を不正に分割する予約操作は行わないでください。
- O&D コントロールの仕組みを不正に操作するような行為は、MSC 違反とみなします。
7. 多重予約
乗不可能な便(例:LAXNRT と SFONRT)で複数の予約を保持することをいいます。異なる GDS/CRS で作成した
つの予約以外は自動解約されます。発券後、出発後の PNR も対象となります。
8. 予約の取消
9. No Show
No Show とは、出発時刻までに予約を解約せず、お客様が搭乗されなかった状態をいいます。
弊社システムで No Show と検知した場合、後継便の予約を解約することがあります。
10. Inactive Segment
Inactive Segment とは、HX,UN,UC および NO のステータスで GDS/CRS の PNR にあるセグメントをいいます。
Inactive Segment は、出発 24 時間前までに解約してください。
11. Churning
Churning とは、予約と解約を過度に繰り返すことをいいます。
12. 航空券購入期限
13. 架空航空券番号
PNR における氏名や旅程とは合致しない不正航空券番号や過去に発券された航空券番号を、マニュアルで入
14. Passive Segment
Passive Segment とは、GDS/CRS によりステータスは異なりますが(PK,GK など)、主に、別 GDS/CRS で予約
された PNR を発券する目的で作成するセグメントをいいます。
Passive Segment を作成し、その予約による発券はしないでください(一部団体予約を除く)。
他旅行会社の発券代行をする場合、他旅行会社が作成したオリジナル PNR を利用して発券してください。
15. 団体予約作成
10 名以上の団体を同一便にて予約する場合はグループ PNR によるハンドリングを行うため、PNR を分割し個
別の PNR を作成しないでください。団体予約に関してご不明の場合は、ANA サポート国際までご連絡ください。
16. Minimum Connecting Time
最低乗り継ぎ時間(MCT)を満たさない場合、原則、当該乗り継ぎ便の予約は認められていません。MCT を満
17. キュー処理の徹底
18. その他
ANA Booking Policy
Effective Date : 10th December 2014
General Description
The following ANA Booking Policy (“Policy”) has been established to set clear expectations for
subscribers concerning the use of a GDS/CRS for reserving, booking and ticketing air transportation on
ANA (all NH flights). Enforcing these rules benefits customers as this allows us to offer passengers a
greater number of seats while reserving last seat availability for business customers.
GDS/CRS practices that are considered a violation of ANA's policies will be addressed appropriately by
issuing of ADM/invoice, cancellation and/or restriction of reservation, and so on. Please review the
following that encompasses booking rules, abusive type ticketing practices and fees associated with
*Travel Service Providers who issue tickets for other Travel Service Providers should inform all of your
partners to comply with this policy.
*As mentioned in IATA resolution, ANA can provide Travel Service Providers with this policy.
IATA Resolution 824, 3.3.1
The Agent is authorized to sell air passenger transportation on the services of the Carrier and on
the services of other air carriers as authorized by the Carrier. The sale of air passenger
transportation means all activities necessary to provide a passenger with a valid contract of
carriage including but not limited to the issuance of a valid Traffic Document and the collection of
monies therefore. The Agent is also authorized to sell such ancillary and other services as the
Carrier may authorize;
IATA Resolution 824, 3.3.2
All services sold pursuant to this Agreement shall be sold on behalf of the Carrier and in
compliance with Carrier’s tariffs, conditions of carriage and the written instructions of the Carrier
as provided to the Agent. The Agent shall not in any way vary or modify the terms and conditions
set forth in any Traffic Document used for services provided by the Carrier, and the Agent shall
complete these documents in the manner prescribed by the Carrier;
IATA Resolution 830a, 1
All Agents be reminded that practices such as those listed herein, in other applicable
Resolutions, or in Carriers’ written instructions, but not limited thereto, violate the governing
conditions referred to above. They harm Members' legitimate interests and can accordingly result
in action being taken under the provisions of the Sales Agency Rules and Passenger Sales
Agency Agreement.
* For any questions, please contact as follows.
TC1: ANA Travel Agency Desk
+1-800-262-2250(US, Canada, Mexico)
or ANA Customer Service Contact Center
United Kingdom/ Ireland: +44(0)20-8762-8852,
France/ Belgium/ Netherland/ Luxembourg:
Germany: +49(0)211-865-950,
Austria/ Czech/ Slovakia/ Poland: +49(0)211-865-950,
Switzerland: +41(0)22-909-1050,
Italy: +39-066-501-1600,
Sweden/ Denmark/ Norway/ Finland/ Kenya/ Turkey/
Spain/ Portugal: +44(0)20-8762-8845,
China: +86-10-8559-9234,
Hong Kong: +852-2848-4168
Korea: +82(0)2-752-1160
Taiwan: +886(0)2-2521-1989
Thai: +66(0)2-238-5121
Singapore: +65-6323-4333
Vietnam: +84(0)4-3926-2808(Hanoi),
+84(0)8-3821-9612(Ho Chi Minh City)
Indonesia: +62(0)21-837-80-687
Philippines: +63(0)2-553-8000
Malaysia: +60(0)3-2032-1331
Myanmar: +95(0)1-255-412/413
India: +91(0(22-6147-0787/0737(Mumbai),
Japan: ANA Support International
1. Agency Debit Memo (ADM) - An invoice issued to a Travel Service Provider to collect
additional monies owed to ANA for ticketing outside the Fare Rules or any violation of ANA
ADM/Booking Policy.
2. GDS/CRS - Global Distribution System/Computer Reservation System.
3. Fare Rules – Applicable requirements or restrictions associated with a particular fare,
including, but not limited to, non-refund ability, Ticket Time Limits, class of service requirements,
minimum/maximum stay requirements, or advance purchase ticketing requirements.
4. I ATA – International Air Transport Association.
5. PNR – Passenger Name Record.
6. Ticket – The record of agreement, including electronic tickets for the carrier(s) to provide
transportation and related services under certain terms and conditions to the passenger named on
the Ticket in accordance with applicable governing tariffs and regulations.
7. Travel Service Provider – Any travel agency, Accredited Subscriber, Non-Accredited
Subscriber, Corporate Travel Department, GDS/CRS user, and any other person or entity
accessing ANA’s internal reservation system via the Internet or any other means.
1. Passenger Name
Customers' full first and last names are required in all bookings. Travel Service Provider should
ensure that the customer’s name in the reservation matches customer’s name as it appears on
customer’s passport. Title should be also registered.
Travel Service Provider must not make any speculative bookings using fraudulent or fictitious
names. Examples of such bookings are a valid surname followed by initials and fictitious or
famous names (e.g., JOHNSON/A/B/C, TEST/PNR). When ANA detects speculative bookings
using fraudulent or fictitious names, the reservation may be cancelled.
2. Contact Information
Travel Service Provider must provide its telephone number, the name of inquiry person and the
telephone number of passenger available in the daytime in the PNR. If possible the passenger’s
local phone contact, mobile phone number and e-mail address should also be registered.
3. Secure Flight Passenger Data (SFPD)
To comply with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) U.S. security programs, the
SFPD information must be registered into the PNR 72 hours prior to the departure. PNRs created
within 72 hours prior to departure must include SFPD when the PNR is booked.
Failure to provide the data may result in the inability to transport or enter the boarding area.
1) Applicable Flights
- Flights departing to/from/within the U.S. (including OAL flights and code-share flights)
- All flights overflying the U.S. as determined by the TSA. * Including U.S domestic flights.
- Codeshare flights operating by all American carriers
2) Secure Flight Passenger Data (SFPD)
Full Name / Gender / Date of Birth / Redress Number
4. Fictitious Booking
It is prohibited to make fictitious bookings not directly related to a request from a passenger.
Bookings for the quotation, training or to gain GDS/CRS incentives are not permitted under any
Travel Service Provider may create a test or training PNR only in the training mode of a GDS/CRS
5. Booking Class
Booking and ticketing must be made in the appropriate booking class and must correspond with a
valid fare and fare rule for the complete itinerary.
6. Married Segment Control
Married Segments are defined as a travel itinerary that contains at least one connection but which
is sold as a single origin/destination.
ANA may provide a level of availability on Married Segments that differs from the level of
availability provided by ANA if the segments were sold separately. Booking must be made from
origin to destination. Travel Service Provider must not separate Married Segments for any
purposes nor manipulate the GDS/CRS system to circumvent ANA’s Married Segment Control
logic. When making changes, Travel Service Providers must cancel the entire origin/destination
including connection and rebook the new origin/destination containing the connection.
7. Duplicate Booking
Duplicate Booking is defined as booking more than one reservation for the same passenger
traveling on or about the same date to one or more of the different classes or non-flyable flights
(such as, LAXNRT and SFONRT) or overlapping time flights, creating another PNR for a
passenger when one already exists in ANA’s internal reservation system or in a different
Travel Service Providers must not create a Duplicate Booking for any reason, or duplicate any
reservation booked by another Travel Service Provider or that exists in another GDS/CRS or
ANA’s internal reservation system. Travel Service Providers are responsible to determine if the
customer already made a reservation.
ANA may ask Travel Service Provider to fix any Duplicate Booking. Reservations will automatically
be cancelled if Duplicate Bookings are not rectified within the set time limit. Ticketed PNRs and
reservations with one or more departed flights are also applicable.
8. Cancellation
Travel Service Provider must immediately cancel the reservation and release ANA's inventory if a
customer cancels his or her reservation with Travel Service Provider. Travel Service Provider must
not re‐use the canceled inventory or reservation for another customer, even if the other customer
desires the identical itinerary; a new PNR must be created.
9. No Show
No Show is a passenger who fails to cancel the booking by the departure time
Travel Service Provider is responsible for cancelling any ticketed or un-ticketed bookings prior to
departure when the passenger will not be traveling.
When ANA detects a No Show, the remaining booking and down-line space may be cancelled.
10. Inactive Segments
Inactive Segments are flight segments within the GDS/CRS PNR with status codes HX, UN, UC
and NO.
Changes to itinerary segment status resulting in Inactive Segments requires Travel Service
Provider to take action and must be removed from the GDS/CRS PNR at least 24 hours prior to
flight departure. This includes cancelling ticketed or un‐ticketed segments with a status code of
HX, UN, UC and NO.
11. Churning
Churning is an excessive or constant book/cancel activity.
Travel Service Provider must not engage in Churning to circumvent ticketing time limits of the Fare
12. Ticket Time Limit
Ticket Time Limit is date or time deadline required for ticket issuance as set forth in the applicable
Fare Rule and/or Flight Firming Policies.
Travel Service Provider is responsible for issuing a valid ticket within the Ticket Time Limit. Due to
automated ticketing deadline control, differences could exist between the fare rule ticketing date
and the system generated ticketing deadline message. In these and similar cases, the more
restrictive ticketing deadline date applies. Failure to issue ticket by Ticket Time Limit, the
reservations will automatically be cancelled.
13. Fictitious Ticketing/Ticket Number
It is prohibited to manually insert a fictitious or previously used ticket number that does not match
with the passenger and existing itinerary in the PNR. All PNRs with fictitious or previously used
ticket numbers will be cancelled.
14. Passive Segment
Passive Segments are flight segments with different status codes (such as PK, GK) according to
GDS/CRS. They are mainly created for issuing tickets for the PNR booked by another GDS/CRS.
Travel Service Providers are prohibited from issuing tickets using passive segments except in
certain group bookings.
When Travel Service Providers issue tickets on behalf of other Travel Service Providers
(sub-agent), the original live PNR booked by the sub-agent shall be used within the same
15. Group Booking
Bookings of 10 or more passengers on the same flight must be made through ANA and handled as
a group PNR. Creating individual PNRs to disguise the size or presence of a group is not
Please contact ANA if you do not know about group PNR.
16. Minimum Connecting Time (MCT)
Minimum connecting times vary between airports. It is required that all connecting flights meet
each MCT rule.
17. Queues
Travel Service Provider is responsible for promptly working all queues.
Travel Service Provider is expected to inform passengers of any schedule change, flight
cancellation or other exceptional circumstance informed by ANA.
18. Others
ANA reserves the right to expand the above Booking Policy at any time with or without advance
End of document
別添 2
当社の Agency Debit Memo (ADM) / Agency Credit Memo (ACM) 発行ポリシーに
IATA Resolution 850m に基づき、弊社の Agency Debit Memo ポリシーを次の通りといたし
ます。各項目に該当する行為を確認した場合、ADM または請求書を発行させていただきます。
・システム調査及び ADM 発行処理等に伴う手数料として ADM、請求書発行の際、1 券番毎に
3,000 円を徴収いたします。
1. 運賃に関する相違
a) ルール適用の間違い
b) 運賃、及びネット額の相違、ツアーコードの誤入力、及び入力漏れ
c) 必要旅行日数、事前購入期限の間違い
d) シーズナリティ、適用旅程の間違い
e) コードシェア便制限
f) 途中降機・乗り換え規定、サーチャージの間違い
g) 予約クラス間違い(NH 便、他社便)
h) Fare basis 間違い
i) (予約必要区間での)オープン発券、及び、空席待ち予約記録の発券
2. コミッションに関する相違
a) コミッション適用間違い
b) コミッション率間違い
3. 税金料金等、サーチャージに関する相違
a) 税金料金等、サーチャージの過小額徴収
b) 税金料金等、サーチャージの徴収漏れ
c) 税金料金等、サーチャージの変更間違い
d) 使用済み税金料金等、サーチャージの払戻間違い
4. 払戻処理に関する相違
a) 払戻運賃額、税金料金等、サーチャージ額間違い
b) 取消手数料、払戻手数料額間違い
c) 払戻時のコミッション額間違い(COM re-call)
d) 払戻時の支払手段間違い
e) 払戻期間外の払戻
5. 交換発行に関する相違
a) 変更手数料額の間違い
6. 変更処理未対応
a) 予約データと航空券の不一致
b) 予約変更ごとの変更手数料徴収
7. Waiver Authorization Code(WAC)に関する相違
a) Waiver Authorization Code(WAC)の入力漏れ
b) 払戻手数料免除対象外航空券の適用
c) 払戻手数料免除対象外便への適用
d) Waiver Authorization Code(WAC)の不正使用、免除対象データの虚偽報告
8. 不正クレジットカード利用に対する請求
9. 予約関連
項 目
内 容
a) Secure Flight
Passenger Data 入力
SFPD を入力しなかった場合
b) 架空予約
c) Married Segment
O&D コントロールの仕組みを不正に操作するよ
d) 多重予約
e) Inactive Segment
HX,UN,UC,NO のステータスコードの状態にあ
るセグメントを出発 24 時間前までにキャンセル
5,000 円
(1 旅客につき)
5,000 円
(1 旅客
1 セグメントにつき)
40,000 円
(1 旅客
1 セグメントにつき)
5,000 円
(1 旅客
1 セグメントにつき)
1,000 円
(1 旅客
1 セグメントにつき)
5,000 円
(1 旅客
1 セグメントにつき)
g) 航空券購入期限
5,000 円
(1 旅客につき)
h) 架空航空券番号
5,000 円
(1 旅客につき)
Passive Segment
Passive segment による発券をした場合(一部団
1,000 円
(1 旅客につき)
10 名以上の団体を同一便にて予約する時、団体予
1,000 円
(1 旅客につき)
10. その他 日本地区におけるルール
※以下は ADM 発行処理手数料の適用外です。
a) 団体予約の特別取消手数料
b) 団体予約の NO-SHOW チャージ
c) 団体予約における座席確保のためのデポジット
当社は下記の場合に発行された ACM を受け付けます。
ACM 発行処理等に伴う手数料として、1 券番毎に 3,000 円を徴収いたします。
1. 徴収済み取消手数料、払戻手数料に対する金額調整
2. 精算済み ADM に対する金額の調整
3. 払戻済み航空券の金額調整
1. 異議申し立て期間は ADM 発行日翌日より 15 日間です。(含・土日祝日)
2. 異議申し立てがある場合は異議申し立て期間内に BSPlink を通じて申請ください。
3. 異議申し立てを受けた ADM は航空会社による審査が 60 日以内に完了するまで精算手続きは
ANA 販売計画室 国際販売計画課 精算担当
FAX 番号:03-6733-4624、
(営業時間:平日 9:00-17:30、土日祝休)
ANA ビジネスソリューション(株) 収入管理事業部 国際チーム
(営業時間:平日 9:00-12:00/13:00-17:30、土日祝休)
平成 26 年 12 月 10 日
Agency Debit Memo (ADM) / Agency Credit Memo (ACM) policy of All Nippon
Based on IATA Resolution 850m, we may issue Agency Debit Memo or invoices as
following cases.
1) ANA collects an administrative fee of 3,000JPY for the issuance of ADM.
2) When penalty charge is clearly mentioned, we issue ADMs based on the amount.
3) We may change ADM policy without any advanced announcement.
1. Fare violations
a) Incorrect fare application and combinability
b) Incorrect fare value, net amount and tour code
c) Incorrect minimum/maximum stay, advanced purchase rules
d) Incorrect seasonality, flight applications
e) Incorrect codeshare flights applications
f) Incorrect stopovers, transfers and surcharges
g) Incorrect booking class on NH and other airlines
h) Incorrect Fare Basis
i) Open or waitlisted sectors (where reservation is required)
2. Commission violations
a) Incorrect application
b) Incorrect percentage or amount
3. Taxes/Fees/Charges and Surcharges violations
a) Incorrect collection of Taxes/Fees/Charges and Surcharges
b) Missing Taxes/Fees/Charges and Surcharges
c) Wrongly altered Taxes/Fees/Charges and Surcharges
d) Already used Taxes/Fees/Charges and Surcharges refunded by mistake
4. Refund violations
a) Incorrect calculation of refund amount, Taxes/Fees/Charges and Surcharges
b) Incorrect application of cancellation penalty, refund charge
c) Incorrect calculation of refunded commission amount
d) Incorrect form of payment on refunds
e) Refund after document period expired
5. Exchange violations
a) Missing or incorrect rebooking fee
6. Mishandling of Schedule changes
a) Incorrect ticket exchanges
b) Rebooking fee in each schedule changes
7. Incorrect Waiver Authorization Code(WAC)
a) Missing input of Waiver Authorization Code(WAC)
b) Incorrect application (ticket) of refund charge
c) Incorrect application(flight) of refund charge
d) Improper use of Waiver Authorization Code(WAC) and false report
8. Improper use of credit card
9. Violation of booking policies and penalty charges
a) Secure Flight
Passenger Data (SFPD)
b) Fictitious Bookings
Penalty will be imposed if you failed to register SFPD
which is obligated to input by Transportation
Security Administration (TSA).
Penalty will be imposed if you make fictitious
c) Married Segment
Penalty will be imposed if you intentionally break
Married Segment Control Policy.
d) Duplicate Bookings
Penalty will be imposed if you make duplicate
bookings for the same passenger and we make a
rational decision that they have an impact on our
Penalty will be imposed if you failed to remove
un-ticketed segments with a status code of HX, UN,
UC and NO from the GDS/CRS PNR at least 24 hours
prior to flight departure.
Penalty will be imposed if you engage in churning to
circumvent or extend the ticketing time limit set forth
in the fare rules or flight firming policies.
Penalty will be imposed if you do not issue the tickets
according to the applicable ticket time limit set forth
in the fare rules or flight firming policies.
Penalty will be imposed if you manually insert a
fictitious or previously used ticket number that does
not match with passenger and/or existing itinerary in
the PNR.
Penalty will be imposed if you issue the tickets using
passive segments with exception of group ticketing.
e) Inactive Segment
g) Time Limit Cancel
h) Fictitious Ticketing
Passive Segments
Group Bookings
Penalty will be imposed if you make scattered
bookings and reserving 10 or more passengers on the
same flight.
Penalty Charge
per passenger
per passenger,
per segment
per passenger,
per segment
per passenger,
per segment
per passenger,
per segment
per passenger,
per segment
per passenger
per passenger
per passenger
per passenger
10. Others for specific markets (Country code) means applied market/area
*Within JP market, ADM administrative fee is not applicable for 10-a) and b).
Special cancellation penalty, refund charge for group PNR (JP)*
No-show charge for group PNR (JP&ID)*
Deposit for group PNR (JP, SG & HK)
Settlement of reservation deposit (HK)
205 issuance without NH sector (US, PH)
Dishonored Draft Ticket (US)
Unreported Sales (US)
Administration Fee (KR)
Incorrect or missing Ticket Designator (US)
Missing Restrictions in Endorsement Box (US)
Commission application for Discount tickets including local market fares (US, SG, HK,
l) Refund including waiver code needs to process by BSP (UK)
m) Need to input conjunction ticket number when collecting penalties by VMPD and
n) “Tax Deduction at Source” collection on commission from agent (IN)
o) Incorrect Handling Procedure regarding exchange violations (PH)
p) Incorrect Form of Payment (PH)
q) Cancellation charge for group (PH)
Agency Credit Memos (ACMs) are applied as following cases.
ANA collects an administrative fee of 3,000JPY for the issuance of ACM.
Adjustment of cancellation penalty, refund charge
Adjustment of ADM
Adjustment of Refunded ticket, Fare / Tax (JP, KR& SG)
Adjustment of deposit for group PNR (HK)
Adjustment of incorrect commission (KR& IN)
1) Dispute period for agents is 15 calendar days from the date of issue.
2) In case of disagreement, the agent is obliged to contact the issuing airline within the
dispute period through BSPlink.
3) Disputed ADM is not reported to BSP for processing until airline settle within 60 days of
If you have any further inquiries, please contact as follows;
TC1: ANA Travel Agency Desk
Tel:+1-800-262-2250 (US, Canada and Mexico) Office Hour: Mon.-Fri./6:00-17:30 (Los
or ANA Customer Service Contact Center Tel:+1-310-782-3011
Office Hour: Mon.-Fri./5:30-18:00, Sat.Sun.Holidays/5:30-14:00 (Los Angeles)
TC2 & TC3: Please refer to the URL in BSPlink.
China: Tel:+86-10-8559-9234 Email:
Office Hour: Mon.-Fri./9:00-17:30, Sat.Sun.Holidays/Closed
Regarding issuance: ANA Marketing & Sales Planning
Office hour: Mon.-Fri./9:00-17:30, Sat.Sun.Holidays/Closed
Regarding refund: ANA Business Solutions Co.,Ltd. International Revenue Accounting
Mon.-Fri./9:00-12:00/13:00-17:30, Sat.Sun.Holidays/Closed
We thank you for taking your time to review our ADM/ACM policy and your continued
support of ANA.
10th December, 2014