No.1441 人文・社会 科学 新 刊 在 庫 2016 年 10 月号 今月のトピックス …………… 1 新 刊・近 刊 総 記 ……………… 12 哲学・思想 ……………… 13 宗 教 学 ……………… 23 民族学・民俗学・人類学 … 32 歴 史 学 ……………… 33 人文地理学 ……………… 61 芸 術 ……………… 63 文 学 ……………… 73 言 語 学 ……………… 89 認 知 科 学 ……………… 105 心 理 学 ……………… 106 経 済 学 ……………… 117 金 融 ……………… 134 会 計 学 ……………… 139 経 営 学 ……………… 140 環 境 学 ……………… 158 法 学 ……………… 166 政 治 学 ……………… 189 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 ………………………… 209 社 会 学 ……………… 215 ジェンダー ……………… 232 教 育 学 ……………… 236 スポーツ・健康科学 …… 255 生 活 科 学 ……………… 257 地域研究Index ………… 259 62 ,QWHUQDWLRQDO(QF\FORSHGLDRI*HRJUDSK\ 広範でダイナミックな地理学に関する決定的な資料とし て、本書では、地理学とその関連分野の概念、研究成果 と研究手法を概観し、定義づけます。 67 /H&RUEXVLHU ル・コルビュジエの生涯と遺産に関するこの全 4 巻の論 文集は、初期の訓練から最後のプロジェクトまで、彼の 人生の様々な段階を辿っています。また、重要なテーマ や特定の建築物をも探究しています。 241 &XUULFXOXP,QVWUXFWLRQDQG $VVHVVPHQWLQ-DSDQ 本書は日本におけるカリキュラムや教育指導・評価に 関する研究の歴史と現状について取り上げています。 教育改善の実現に関心を寄せる人々にとって重要な資 料文献です。 251 7KH6$*((QF\FORSHGLDRI &RQWHPSRUDU\(DUO\&KLOGKRRG (GXFDWLRQ この百科事典は 3 巻構成で、高度な研究や実践的な応用 事例、歴史的基盤、そして、現代の幼児教育分野におけ て主要な知見が提供されています。 特 集 76 二言語の処理と習得シリーズ 98 英米研究ハンドブック:テクストと理論シリーズ 159 Routledge 版 アジアと環境研究シリーズ 哲学・思想 ★再 美徳の発展 Annas, Julia/Narvaez, Darcia/Snow, Nancy E. (eds.) Developing the Virtues: Integrating Perspectives 2016:10. 328 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190271466* 再 ハイデッガーの生涯と哲学 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231157971* Solomon, Miriam/Simon, Jeremy R./ Kincaid, Harold (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Medicine (Routledge Philosophy Companions) 2016:10. 538 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138846791* Badiou, Alain/Cassin, Barbara Heidegger: His Life and His Philosophy (Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture) 2016:10. 120 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ★ Routledge版 医療哲学必携 宗教学 再 アジア研究における宗教とオリエンタリズム ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474289733* Paramore, Kiri (ed.) Religion and Orientalism in Asian Studies 2016:10. 232 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) 歴史学 ★再 大英帝国の東アジアの帝国からの後退 1905年 - 1980年 Best, Antony (ed.) Britain’s Retreat from Empire in East Asia, 1905-1980 (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia) 2016:9. 214 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415705608* ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ Routledge版 アメリカのスポーツ史 Borish, Linda J./Wiggins, David K./ Gems, Gerald R. (eds.) The Routledge History of American Sport (Routledge Histories) 2016:10. 466 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138786752* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 1 歴史学 再 再 アインシュタインと20 世紀の政治 インターナショナリズム:20 世紀の歴史 Crockatt, Richard Einstein and Twentieth-Century Politics: ‘A Salu ! GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Sluga, Glenda/Clavin, Patricia (eds.) Internationalisms: A Twentieth-Century History 2016:8. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780198785491* ★ Igarashi, Yoshikuni Homecomings: The Belated Return "#$#%&#%&# the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University) 2016:10. 320 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 ★再 連続する革命 : 文化大革命の理解 Mittler, Barbara A Continuous Revolution: Making Sense of Cultural Revolution Culture (Harvard East Asian Monographs, Vol. 343) 2016:10. 502 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674970533* *9781107062856* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107645080* ★ カール ・ マルクス Stedman Jones, Gareth Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion 2016:10. 768 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231177702* *9780674971615* ★ 近世日本における女性の問題 Yonemoto, Marcia The Problem of Women in Early Modern Japan (Asia: Local Studies / Global Themes, Vol. 31) 2016:10. 304 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520292000* 芸 術 再 フランク ・ ロイド ・ ライト Johnson, Donald Leslie Frank Lloyd Wright: The Early Years : Progressivism : Aesthetics : Cities 2016:10. 298 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472458025* 文 学 ★再 サミュエル ・ ベケット書簡集 全 4 巻 Beckett, Samuel Craig, George/Fehsenfeld, Martha Dow (eds.) The Letters of Samuel Beckett 2016:9. 4 Vols., 3,200 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) 2 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316506578* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 再 リテラシーから文学へ:1300 年 - 1400 年のイギリス Cannon, Christopher From Literacy to Literature: England, 1300-1400 2016:10. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198779438* ★ Routledge版 英文学史 : イギリスとアイルランド 第 3 版 *9780415839747* *9780674970526* Keene, Donald The First Modern Japanese: The Life of Ishikawa Takuboku 2016:10. 288 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231179720* 再 Kohl, Katrin/Robertson, Ritchie (eds.) A History of Austrian Literature 1918-2000 (Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture) 2016:10. 364 p. (Camden House Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781571132765* *9780199654390* ★ 新Oxford版シェイクスピア全集 : 原文版 全2巻 Shakespeare, William Taylor, Gary/Jowett, John/Bourus, Terri/ Egan, Gabriel (eds.) The New Oxford Shakespeare: Critical Reference Edition 2016:10. 3,975 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199591879* ★ 新Oxford版シェイクスピア全集 : 現代語 訳版 Shakespeare, William Taylor, Gary/Jowett, John/Bourus, Terri/Egan, Gabriel (eds.) The New Oxford Shakespeare: Modern Critical Edition 2016:10. 3,392 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル 再 Rylance, Rick Literature and the Public Good (The Literary Agenda) 2016:10. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 オーストリア文学史 1918年 - 2000 年 *9780198704393* ★ 再 Marcus, Laura/Mendelssohn, Michèle/ShepherdBarr, Kirsten E. (eds.) Late Victorian into Modern (Oxford Twenty-First Century Approaches to Literature) 2016:10. 672 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 石川啄木の生涯 *9780199600809* ★ Kawashima, Terry Itineraries of Power: Texts and Traversals in Heian and Medieval Japan (Harvard East Asian Monographs, Vol. 395) 2016:10. 260 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Lynch, Jack (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of British Poetry, 1660-1800 (Oxford Handbooks) 2016:10. 800 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Carter, Ronald/McRae, John The Routledge History of Literature in English: Britain and Ireland, 3rd ed. 2016:10. 606 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★ Oxford版 イギリスの詩ハンドブック 1660 年 - 1800 年 *9780199591152* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 3 言語学 言語学 再 形態論のWP モデル Blevins, James P. Word and Paradigm Morphology 2016:10. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199593545* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199593552* 再 Burridge, Kate/Bergs, Alexander Understanding Language Change (Understanding Language) 2016:10. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415713382* *9780415713399* 再 Dayal, Veneeta Questions (Oxford Surveys in Semantics and Pragmatics, Vol.4) 2016:10. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199281268* *9780199281275* 再 Ellis, Elizabeth The Plurilingual TESOL Teacher: The Hidden Languaged Lives of TESOL Teachers and Why They Matter (Trends in Applied Linguistics [TAL], Vol. 25) 2016:10. 328 p. (Walter de Gruyter & Co., DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 4 *9781614515890* *9789027206961* Gambier, Yves/van Doorslaer, Luc (eds.) Border Crossings: Translation Studies and Other Disciplines (Benjamins Translation Library, Vol. 126) 2016:9. 396 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027258724* ★再 応用言語学と第二言語研究における再生 刺激法 第 2 版 Gass, Susan M./Mackey, Alison Stimulated Recall Methodology in Applied Linguistics and L2 Research, 2nd ed. (Second Language Acquisition Research Series) 2016:10. 150 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415743891* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Evans, Nicholas/Watanabe, Honore (eds.) Insubordination (Typological Studies in Language, Vol. 115) 2016:10. 436 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 言語変化を理解する ★ 非従属節化 ★ コーパスを利用した構文文法への アプローチ Gries, Stefan Th./Yoon, Jiyoung (eds.) Corpus-Based Approaches to Construction Grammar (Constructional Approaches to Language, Vol. 19) 2016:9. 274 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027204417* ★ Keizer, Evelien/Lohmann, Arne/Kaltenbock, Gunther (eds.) Outside the Clause: Form and Function of Extra-Clausal Constituents (Studies in Language Companion Series, Vol. 178) 2016:10. 451 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027259431* ★ 第二言語におけるテンス ・ アスペクト ・ モダリティ LeClercq, Pascale/Howard, Martin (eds.) Tense-Aspect-Modality in a Second Language: Contemporary Perspectives (Studies in Bilingualism, Vol. 50) 2016:10. 262 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027241924* ★再 言語習得研究法 Lust, Barbara/Blume, Maria Research Methods in Language Acquisition: Principles, Procedures, and Practices (Language and the Human Life Span [LHLS]) 2016:10. 500 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783110415223* 再 認知社会言語学概論 Moreno-Fernández, Francisco A Framework for Cognitive Sociolinguistics 2016:10. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★再 トランスユーラシア諸語言語学 全 4 巻 Robbeets, Martine (ed.) Transeurasian Linguistics (Critical Concepts in Linguistics) 2016:10. 4 Vols., 1,637 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415825603* 言語学習と脳 : 第二言語習得における語彙の処理 Schutze, Ulf Language Learning and the Brain: Lexical Processing in Second Language Acquisition 2016:10. 194 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107158450* ★ 言語の生産性の価値 Yang, Charles The Price of Linguistic Productivity: How Children Learn to Break the Rules of Language 2016:10. 280 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262035323* *9781138681972* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138681989* 認知科学 意識 Gennaro, Rocco J. Consciousness (New Problems of Philosophy) 2016:10. 254 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル 再 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138827714* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 5 心理学 心理学 ★ ★ 精神分析と人文諸科学 カウンセリングと精神療法の研究の活用 Althusser, Louis/Rendall, Steven/Gillot, Pascale Psychoanalysis and the Human Sciences 2016:10. 144 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231177641* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231177658* 再 DeMichelis, Carey/Ferrari, Michel (eds.) Child and Adolescent Resilience Within Medical Contexts: Integrating Research and Practice 2016:9. 354 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 McLeod, John Using Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy 2016:10. 160 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781412962278* 社会的認知 Sommerville, Jessica/Decety, Jean (eds.) Social Cognition: Development Across the Life Span (Frontiers of Developmental Science) 2016:10. 330 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138859944* *9783319322216* 経済学 再 再 ビジネス、 国家と経済政策 : イタリアの事例 マイクロクレジットの理論と実践 Amyot, G. Grant Business, the State and Economic Policy: The Case of Italy (Routledge Advances in European Politics) 2016:10. 232 p., First published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Mahmud, Wahiduddin/Osmani, S. R. The Theory and Practice of Microcredit (Routledge Studies in Development Economics) 2016:10. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138965232* ElAtia, Samira/Ipperciel, Donald/Zaïane, Osmar R. Data Mining and Learning Analytics: Applications in Educational Research (Wiley Series on Methods and Applications in Data Mining) 2016:9. 320 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 6 *9780415686808* 再 データマイニングと学習分析ハンドブック ★再 イギリスの銀行 Michie, Ranald C. British Banking: Continuity and Change from 1694 to the Present 2016:10. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198727361* *9781118998236* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 ★ 経済発展の代替理論ハンドブック ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781782544661* Reinert, Erik S./Ghosh, Jayati/Kattel, Rainer (eds.) Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development 2016:10. 848 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) 会計学 再 ★再 会計学と社会理論 現代監査 第 4 版 Jack, Lisa Accounting and Social Theory: An Introduction 2016:10. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Rodda, Neil/Cosserat, Graham Modern Auditing, 4th ed. 2016:10. 656 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781138100718* *9781118962824* 経営学 再 Forrer, John Global Governance Enterprises: Creating Multisector Collaborations 2016:10. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138812116* ★ Kuriyama, Naoki Japanese Human Resource Management: LabourManagement Relations and Supply Chain Challenges in Asia (The Palgrave Macmillan Asian Business Series) 2016:10. 275 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319430522* Sharpley, Richard (ed.) Tourist Experience 2016:10. 4 Vols., 1,415 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138931978* 栗山直樹著 日本の人的資源管理 ★ 観光客の経験 全 4 巻 ★ Shimoda, Yukimi Transnational Organizations and Cross-Cultural Workplaces 2016:10. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137522115* ★再 国際的人的資源管理の事例 第 6 版 Reiche, B. Sebastian/Stahl, Gunter K./ Mendenhall, Mark E. (eds.) Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management, 6th ed. 2016:10. 542 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138950528* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 7 環境学 環境学 再 Dauvergne, Peter Environmentalism of the Rich 2016:9. 232 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262034951* ★再 水資源と交渉 Haefner, Andrea Negotiating for Water Resources: Bridging Transboundary River Basins (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management) 2016:9. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138666320* ★再 Routledge 版 東南アジアの環境ハンドブック Hirsch, Philip (ed.) Routledge Handbook of the Environment in Southeast Asia 2016:10. 576 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415625210* 法 学 ★再 グローバルヘルス法 全 2 巻 Burci, Gian Luca (ed.) Global Health Law (International Law Series) 2016:10. 2 Vols., 1,376 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783475551* Fredman, Sandra (ed.) Social and Economic Rights and Constitutional Law (Constitutional Law Series) 2016:10. 736 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 8 *9781784718299* ★再 Gullifer, Louise/Akseli, Orkun (eds.) Secured Transactions Law Reform: Principles, Policies and Practice 2016:10. 480 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781849467438* 再 Holden, Richard Offshore Civil Procedure 2016:10. 800 p. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780414048775* ★再 社会 ・ 経済権と憲法 再 著作権 : 制限と例外規定の時代 Okediji, Ruth L. (ed.) Copyright Law in an Age of Limitations and Exceptions (Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law) 2016:10. 496 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107132375* ★再 国際法 : 経済的、 社会的及び文化的権利 第2版 Ssenyonjo, Manisuli Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in International Law, 2nd ed. 2016:10. 800 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781849466073* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 政治学 ★再 ビジネスと政府 Coen, David/Grant, Wyn P. (eds.) Business and Government (Elgar Mini Series) 2016:10. 928 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783473052* ★ Eldridge, Robert D./Midford, Paul (eds.) The Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force: Search for Legitimacy 2016:10. 432 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137565310* ★再 現代の都市計画 第 11 版 Levy, John M. Contemporary Urban Planning, 11th ed. 2016:8. 504 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★ Putra, Nur Azha/Caballero-Anthony, Mely (eds.) Mapping State and Non-State Actors’ Responses to Nuclear Energy in Southeast Asia 2016:10. 200 p. (World %&&*!%+; ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814723190* 再 リアルタイムでの政治的コミュニケーション Schill, Dan/Kirk, Rita/Jasperson, Amy E. (eds.) Political Communication in Real Time: Theoretical and Applied Research Approaches (Routledge Studies in Global Information, Politics and Society) 2016:10. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138949409* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138949416* *9781138666375* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138666382* 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 ★ Hughes, Mark/Wearing, Michael Organisations and Management in Social Work: Everyday Action for Change, 3rd ed. 2016:10. 240 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473934511* ★ アメリカ合衆国における貧困 O'Leary, Ann/Frew, Paula M. (eds.) Poverty in the United States=># Voices 2016:10. 242 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319438313* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473934528* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 9 社会学 社会学 ★再 Bernard, H. Russell/Wutich, Amber Y./ Ryan, Gery W. Analyzing Qualitative Data: Systematic Approaches, 2nd ed. 2016:9. 576 p. (Sage Pub., USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781483344386* ★ Curtis, Bruce Generating Data (SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods) 2016:9. 4 Vols., 1,450 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473907829* Hassan, Robert/Sutherland, Thomas Philosophy of Media: A Short History of Ideas and Innovations from Socrates to Social Media 2016:9. 262 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138908338* 再 Jayne, Mark/Ward, Kevin (eds.) Urban Theory: New Critical Perspectives 2016:10. 384 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138793385* ★再 Franklin, Bob/Eldridge II, Scott (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies 2016:10. 630 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★再 華人のエスニシティ、 人格と政治 Yen, Ching-Hwang Ethnicities, Personalities and Politics in the Ethnic Chinese Worlds 2016:10. ?=%&&*!%+; ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Routledge版 デジタル ・ ジャーナリズム研究必携 再 メディアの哲学 : ソクラテスからソーシャルメディア までの短い発想の歴史とイノベーション データの生成 全 4 巻 *9781138887961* *9789814603010* ジェンダー ★ フェミニズム 全 4 巻 10 Evans, Mary (ed.) Feminism 2016:10. 4 Vols., 1,160 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1+DUG XQWLO673 通常価 特価 税 WKHUHDIWHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473915985* ★ LeVay, Simon Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why: The Science of Sexual Orientation 2016:10. 264 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190297374* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 教育学 Garrison, D. Randy E-Learning in the 21st Century: A Community of Inquiry Framework for Research and Practice, 3rd ed. 2016:10. 220 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138953567* ★再 学習と指導研究ハンドブック 第 2 版 Mayer, Richard E./Alexander, Patricia A. (eds.) Handbook of Research on Learning and Instruction, 2nd ed. (Educational Psychology Handbook) 2016:10. 596 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 ★再 日本の持続可能性のための教育 : 持続可 能なコミュニティの災害に対する回復力 Singer, Jane/Gannon, Tracey/Noguchi, Fumiko/Mochizuki, Yoko (eds.) Educating for Sustainability in Japan: Fostering Resilient Communities after the Triple Disaster (Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development) 2016:10. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138885233* *9781138831766* スポーツ・健康科学 ★再 スポーツ ・ ビジネス : 国際的視点 第 2 版 Chadwick, Simon/Arthur, Dave/Beech, John (eds.) International Cases in the Business of Sport, 2nd ed. 2016:10. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138802445* スポーツ ・ メガイベントと都市レガシー: 2014 年FIFA ワールドカップ ブラジル大会 Nobre, Eduardo Alberto Cusce (ed.) Sports Mega-Events and Urban Legacies: The 2014 FIFA World Cup, Brazil (Mega Event Planning) 2016:10. 194 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Sugden, John/Tomlinson, Alan Football, Corruption and Lies: Revisit&@QX#!\X^_ _`{& Ban 2016:10. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★再 スポーツにおける薬物の管理 Mazanov, Jason Managing Drugs in Sport (Routledge Research in Sport Business and Management) 2016:10. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138803480* ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ サッカーにおける腐敗と嘘 *9781138802452* *9783319440118* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138681736* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138681774* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 11 総 記 人文・社会科学一般 Nygaard, Lynn P. Writing Your Master’s Thesis: From A to Zen 2017:3. 240 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473903920* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473903937* 出版史・書物論 Gooding, Paul Historic Newspapers in the Digital Age: Search All About It! (Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities) 2016:12. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472463388* 知識・学問・学術 Chevallier, Arnaud Strategic Thinking in Complex Problem Solving 2016:9. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190463908* Leahy, Anna (ed.) What We Talk about When We Talk about Creative Writing (New Writing Viewpoints, Vol. 14) 2016:7. 238 p. (Multilingual Matters, GBR) 12 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783096015* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783096008* Redman, Peter/Maples, Wendy Good Essay Writing: A Social Sciences Guide, 5th ed. (Sage Study Skills Series) 2017:2. 184 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473982178* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473982161* 百科事典・辞典 Kerrigan, Heather L. (ed.) Historic Documents of 2015 2016:10. 744 p. (CQ Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781506333519* 人名辞典・人名情報源 Oxford 版 イギリス ・ アイルランド家名辞典 Hanks, Patrick/Coates, Richard/McClure, Peter (eds.) The Oxford Dictionary of Family Names in Britain and Ireland 2016:11. 3,136 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199677764* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 総 記 》ダイレクトリー ダイレクトリー EUROPA版 欧州国際交流財団ダイレクトリー 2016 年版 / 第 25 版 EUROPA版 欧州連合百科事典 ・ ダイレクトリー 2017 年版 / 第 17 版 Europa Publications (ed.) European Union Encyclopedia and Directory 2017, 17th ed. (The European Union Encyclopedia and Directory) 2016:11. 768 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Europa Publications (ed.) The Europa International Foundation Directory 2016, 25th ed. (The European Union Encyclopedia and Directory) 2016:7. 694 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781857438550* *9781857438604* 哲学・思想 哲学・思想一般 Oxford 版 イスラム哲学ハンドブック El-Rouayheb, Khaled/Schmidtke, Sabine (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Philosophy (Oxford Handbooks) 2016:11. 720 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199917389* See also Dean, Kathryn, Capitalism, Citizenship and the Arts of Thinking, Routledge .................. p189 , 1548 Mcgowan, Todd, Capitalism and Desire, Columbia U.P. ............................................................p191 , 1562 Muldoon, Ryan, Social Contract Theory for a Diverse World, Routledge .......................p192 , 1566 倫理学・道徳哲学 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138937987* Bovenkerk, Bernice/Keulartz, F. W. Jozef (eds.) Animal Ethics in the Age of Humans: Blurring boundaries in human-animal relationships (The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics, Vol. 23) 2016:10. 452 p (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319442051* Bulley, Dan Migration, Ethics and Power: Spaces of Hospitality in International Politics (Society and Space) 2016:12. 200 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473985032* Bazargan, Saba/Rickless, Samuel C. (eds.) The Ethics of War: Essays 2017:3. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781138937970* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199376148* Bonnefon, Jean-Francois/Trémolière, Bastien (eds.) Moral Inferences (Current Issues in Thinking and Reasoning) 2017:1. 262 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) 銃規制の討論 DeGrazia, David/Hunt, Lester H. Debating Gun Control (Debating Ethics) 2016:11. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780190251253* *9780190251260* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 13 哲学・思想 》倫理学・道徳哲学 Flanagan, Owen The Geography of Morals: Varieties of Moral Possibility 2016:11. 376 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190212155* Gaisbauer, Helmut P./Schweiger, Gottfried/Sedmak, Clemens (eds.) Ethical Issues in Poverty Alleviation (Studies in Global Justice, Vol. 14) 2016:10. 250 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319414287* Gilson, Erinn The Ethics of Vulnerability: A Feminist Analysis of Social Life and Practice (Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory) 2016:7. 202 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138208964* Graf, Gunter/Schweiger, Gottfried Ethics and the Endangerment of Children’s Bodies 2016:11. 246 p (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319402123* Kamm, Frances M. Bioethical Prescriptions: To Create, End, Choose, and Improve Lives (Oxford Ethics Series) 2017:1. 616 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190649616* MacIntyre, Alasdair : An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative 2016:12. 368 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 14 *9781107176454* McMahon, Christopher Reasonableness and Fairness: A Historical Theory 2016:11. 258 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107177178* Mikkola, Mari The Wrong of Injustice: Dehumanization and its Role in Feminist Philosophy (Studies in Feminist Philosophy) 2016:8. 298 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190601072* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190601089* Miller, Seumas Shooting to Kill: The Ethics of Police and Military Use of Lethal Force 2016:12. 312 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190626136* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190626143* Ochieng, Omedi Groundwork for the Practice of the Good Life: Politics and Ethics at the Intersection of North Atlantic and African Philosophy (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought) 2016:10. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138204393* Peels, Rik (ed.) Perspectives on Ignorance from Moral and Social Philosophy (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy) 2016:7. 253 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138945661* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》倫理学・道徳哲学 Slote, Michael From Enlightenment to Receptivity: Rethinking Our Values 2017:1. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190649647* Tessman, Lisa Moral Failure: On the Impossible Demands of Morality 2016:11. 296 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190650919* Whittaker, Thomas The Theory of Abstract Ethics 2016:9. 138 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316620083* See also Williams, Huw, Global Justice, Routledge ...................................................................p192 , 1573 応用倫理学 スポーツ倫理学 Caplan, Arthur L./Parent, Brendan (eds.) The Ethics of Sport: Essential Readings 2016:11. 544 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190210984* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190210991* Hens, Kristien/Cutas, Daniela/Horstkötter, Dorothee (eds.) Parental Responsibility in the Context of Neuroscience and Genetics (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, Vol. 69) 2016:10. 230 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9780262035330* Wisor, Scott Leigh The Ethics of Global Poverty: An Introduction (The Ethics of ...) 2017:1. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138827059* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138827066* 社会哲学 Bicchieri, Cristina Norms in the Wild: How to Diagnose, Measure, and Change Social Norms 2017:2. 248 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190622046* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Schwartz, Jason/Caplan, Arthur L. Vaccination Ethics and Policy: An Introduction with Readings (Basic Bioethics) 2017:2. 432 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9783319428321* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780190622053* Jones, Reece/Johnson, Corey Placing the Border in Everyday Life (Border Regions Series) 2016:8. 276 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138218635* 社会科学の哲学 第 2 版 Potter, Garry The Philosophy of Social Science: New Perspectives, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 312 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138998391* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138998407* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 15 哲学・思想 》社会哲学 Thomas, Alan Republic of Equals: Predistribution and PropertyOwning Democracy (Oxford Political Philosophy) 2016:12. 464 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190602116* 美 学 Dodd, Julian (ed.) Art, Mind, and Narrative: Themes from the Work of Peter Goldie (Mind Association Occasional Series) 2016:11. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198769736* Matz, Jesse Lasting Impressions: The Legacies of Impressionism in Contemporary Culture (Literature Now) 2017:2. 368 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231164061* Schaffer, Simon/Tresch, John/Gagliardi, Pasquale (eds.) Aesthetics of Universal Knowledge 2017:2. 250 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319425948* 言語哲学 Keller, John A. (ed.) Being, Freedom, and Method: Themes from the Philosophy of Peter Van Inwagen 2017:1. 432 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Ostertag, Gary (ed.) Meanings and Other Things 2016:12. 560 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Picallo, M. Carme (ed.) Linguistic Variation in the Minimalist Framework 2016:8. 280 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190649630* Skow, Bradford Reasons Why 2016:8. 208 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198785842* Wolfram, Sybil Philosophical Logic: An Introduction 2016:7. 308 p., Originally published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138147577* 認識論・知識論 Gibbons, John The Norm of Belief 2016:12. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 16 *9780198783572* 論理学 言語の混乱 : 規範的言語論 Finlay, Stephen Confusion of Tongues: A Theory of Normative Language (Oxford Moral Theory) 2017:1. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199684939* *9780198715702* *9780198791058* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》認識論・知識論 Humphreys, Paul Emergence 2016:12. 312 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190620325* *9780198797197* Williamson, Timothy Tetralogue >~&@\!=@? (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Lackey, Jennifer (ed.) Essays in Collective Epistemology 2016:12. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199665808* Lindemann, Hilde Holding and Letting Go: The Social Practice of Personal Identities 2017:1. 244 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190649609* Maddy, Penelope What do Philosophers Do?: Skepticism and the Practice of Philosophy (The Romanell Lectures) 2017:1. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190618698* Peels, Rik Responsible Belief: A Theory in Ethics and Epistemology 2017:1. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190608118* See also Morris, Michael, Knowledge and Ideology, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p191 , 1564 存在論・形而上学 ダダと実存主義 : 曖昧さの真偽 Benjamin, Elizabeth Dada and Existentialism: The Authenticity of Ambiguity 2016:9. 219 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137563675* Oxford 版 形而上学研究 Bennett, Karen/Zimmerman, Dean W. (eds.) Oxford Studies in Metaphysics Vol. 10 2017:2. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198791973* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198791980* Bruntrup, Godehard/Jaskolla, Ludwig (eds.) Panpsychism: Contemporary Perspectives (Philosophy of Mind Series) 2016:12. 424 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780198777175* *9780691137490* Kvanvig, Jonathan L. : How to Think About What to Think 2017:1. 208 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Sosa, Ernest Epistemology (Princeton Foundations of Contemporary Philosophy) 2017:1. 168 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780199359943* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 17 哲学・思想 ᩘᏛ䛾ဴᏛ㻌 5 ᕳ Philosophy of Mathematics (Series: Critical Concepts in Philosophy) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04000S0624䛇 Edited by A. C. Paseau, Wadham College-University of Oxford, UK 2017ᖺ 1᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 5 Vols., 1,600 p., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-88666-7..................STP 900.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥184,801 / ≉౯ ¥ 147,841 + ⛯ *9781138886667* ᩘᏛࡣ⮳ࡿࡇࢁᏑᅾࡋࡲࡍࡀࠊࡑࡢᑐ㇟ࡣࡇࡶ࠶ࡾࡲࡏࢇࠋࢸ࣮ࣈࣝࡢୖ ࡘࡢࣜࣥࢦࡀ࠶ࡗࡓࡋ࡚ࡶࠊ ࠸࠺ᩘᏐࡑࢀ⮬యࡣࠊࣜࣥࢦࡢ୰ࡶࠊୖࡶࠊ㞄 ࡶࠊ㏆ࡃࡢࡇࡶᏑᅾࡋࡲࡏࢇࠋࡑࢀ࡛ࡣࠊ✵㛫ࡸ㛫ࡢ୰Ꮡᅾࡋ࡞࠸ࡍࢀ ࡤࠊᩘᏐࠊࡑࡋ࡚࡞ࡸ㛵ᩘ࡞ࡢᩘᏛⓗᑐ㇟ࡣࡇᏑᅾࡍࡿࡢ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺㸽ࡲ ࡓࠊ⚾ࡓࡕே㛫ࡣࣆࢱࢦࣛࢫࡢᐃ⌮ࡸࣇ࢙࣐࣮ࣝࡢ᭱⤊ᐃ⌮ࡢ┿ᐇࢆ࠺ࡸࡗ࡚Ⓨぢࡍ ࡿࡢ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺㸽ᩘᏐࡣఱ࡞ࡢ࠸࠺ᙧ⪋ୖᏛⓗ࡞ၥ࠸ࡸࠊ⚾ࡓࡕࡀࡑࢀࢆ▱ࡗ࡚ ࠸ࡿࡢㄆ㆑ㄽࡢၥ㢟ࡣࠊᩘᏛࡢဴᏛࡢ୰᰾ࢆᡂࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࢀࡽࡢဴᏛⓗၥ㢟ࡣࠊ ᩘᏛࡢᣢࡘ⊂≉࡞≧ែࡺ࠼≉⯆ࢆࡑࡑࡾࡲࡍࠋ୰࡛ࡶᩘᏛࡣእⓗ࡛ࡍࠋ ࠕ ࠖࢆㄡࡶࢃ࡞࠸࠸࠺ᦂࡿࡂ࡞࠸ᐇࡀ࠶ࡿ୍᪉ࠊࡑࢀࡀ≀㉁ⓗ࡞ୡ⏺࡛ࡣ ࡞࠸࠸࠺ᐇࡀ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢ┦ࡍࡿ㸰ࡘࡢ≧ែࡀᩘᏛࡢဴᏛࢆ≉ู⯆῝࠸ࡶࡢ ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᩘᏛࡢဴᏛࡣ᭱ࡶྂ࠸Ṕྐࡢ࠶ࡿᏛၥศ㔝ࡢ୍ࡘ࡛࠶ࡾࠊဴᏛࡑࡢࡶࡢ ࡰࢆྠࡌࡃࡋ࡚⏕ࡲࢀࡲࡋࡓࠋࡋࡋ⌧௦ࡢᩘᏛࡢဴᏛࡣࠊ ࡘࡢ⌮⏤ࡼ ࡾࠊ ୡ⣖௨๓ࡢࡶࡢࡣࡎ࠸ࡪࢇ␗࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡑࡢ୍ࡘ┠ࡢ⌮⏤ࡣࠊ ୡ⣖௨ 㝆ࠊᩘᏛࡀ⛉ᏛྍḞ࡞ࡗࡓࡇ࡛ࡍࠋ⛉Ꮫࡣ㐣ཤᩘୡ⣖ࢃࡓࡗ࡚ḟ➨ᩘᏛࢆ ⏝࠸ࡿࡼ࠺࡞ࡾࠊᐇ㝿⮬↛⛉Ꮫࡸ≀⌮Ꮫࡢᇶ♏ࡣࠊ᪥࡛ࡣᛂ⏝ᩘᏛࡢ୍ศ㔝ࡋ ࡚ㄆ㆑ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ㸰ࡘ┠ࡢ⌮⏤ࡣࠊᩘᏛࡀ ୡ⣖ࡢ㛫ኚࢆ㐙ࡆࡓࡇ࠶ࡾࡲ ࡍࠋ ୡ⣖ࡢᩘᏛࡣఏ⤫ⓗ࡞㔞ࡢ⛉Ꮫࡋ࡚ᖥࢆ㛤ࡅࡲࡋࡓࡀࠊࡑࡢ ᖺᚋࡣࠊ᰿ ᮏⓗኚᐜࡋࡓᢳ㇟ⓗ࡞ᵓ㐀⌮ㄽࡀฟ⌧ࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋᩘᏛࡢဴᏛࡀኚᐜࡋࡓ ࡘ┠ࡢせᅉ ࡣࠊ㏆௦ⓗ࡞ㄽ⌮Ꮫࡢྎ㢌࡛ࡍࠋ ୡ⣖ᚋᮇࣇ࣮ࣞࢤࡸ࢝ࣥࢺ࣮ࣝ࡞ࡼࡗ࡚㛤Ⓨ ࡉࢀࡓ㏆௦ࡢㄽ⌮Ꮫࡣࠊ⌧௦ᩘᏛࡸဴᏛࡸࢥࣥࣆ࣮ࣗࢱ࣮⛉Ꮫᾐ㏱ࡋࠊᩘᏛࡢဴᏛ ᩘ࠼ษࢀ࡞࠸ࡢᙳ㡪ࢆཬࡰࡋ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࡇࡇᩘ༑ᖺ↔Ⅼࢆ⤠ࡾࠊᩘᏛࡢဴᏛศ㔝ࡢ㔜せ࡞◊✲ࢆ㍕ࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋᮏㄽᩥ 㞟ࡣࠊဴᏛⓗࡶ㔜せ࡞ᩘᏛࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝࡸࠊᩘᏛࡽࡢὴ⏕ศ㔝ࢆゎ㔘ࡍࡿᑓ㛛ࡢ◊✲ࡔ ࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࠊ㧗ᗘ࡞ᩘᏛ▱㆑ࡀ࡞ࡃࡶㄞࡵࡿ⣧⢋ဴᏛⓗ࡞ㄽᩥࡶᥖ㍕ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 18 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》存在論・形而上学 Novotný, Daniel D./Novák, Lukáš (eds.) Neo-Aristotelian Perspectives in Metaphysics (Routledge Studies in Metaphysics) 2016:7. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138209619* 科学哲学 *9780199928903* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199928927* Elliott, Kevin C./Steel, Daniel Current Controversies in Values and Science (Current Controversies in Philosophy) 2017:1. 250 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Schliesser, Eric (ed.) Ten Neglected Classics of Philosophy 2016:11. 312 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138193284* Whittaker, Thomas Reason: A Philosophical Essay with Historical Illustrations (Comte and Mill, Schopenhauer, Vico, Spinoza) 2016:10. 226 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316626108* 古代哲学 Ganson, Dorit A. (Studies in Philosophy) 2016:8. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138969360* Miller, David Marshall 2016:9. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107624719* 西洋哲学 西洋哲学一般 自己認識の歴史 Renz, Ursula (ed.) Self-Knowledge: A History (Oxford Philosophical Concepts) 2017:1. 344 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190226411* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190226428* ★印はお薦めタイトル Chlup, Radek Proclus: An Introduction 2016:9. 346 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316628850* d'Hoine, Pieter/Martijn, Marije (eds.) All From One: A Guide to Proclus 2016:12. 400 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199640331* Falcon, Andrea Aristotelianism in the First Century BCE: Xenarchus of Seleucia 2016:9. 239 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107525863* Nikulin, Dmitri/Arruzza, Cinzia (eds.) Philosophy and Political Power in Antiquity (Studies in Moral Philosophy, Vol. 10) 2016:8. 184 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004324619* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 19 哲学・思想 》西洋哲学 Seaford, Richard/Wilkins, John/Wright, Matthew (eds.) Selfhood and the Soul: Essays on Ancient Thought and Literature in Honour of Christopher Gill 2017:3. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198777250* アスカロンのアンティオコスの哲学 Sedley, David (ed.) The Philosophy of Antiochus 2016:9. 388 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316629055* Whittaker, Thomas The Neo-Platonists: A Study in the History of Hellenism, 2nd ed. 2016:9. 336 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316619889* 近世哲学 Ayers, Michael Locke (Arguments of the Philosophers) 2016:7. 700 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138148406* Bos, Egbert P. Nicholas of Amsterdam: Commentary on the Old Logic (Bochumer Studien Zur Philosophie, Vol. 58) 2016:9. 383 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027214683* Chaouli, Michel Thinking with Kant’s Critique of Judgment 2017:1. 324 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) 20 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674971363* Cholbi, Michael Understanding Kant’s Ethics 2016:8. 256 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107163461* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316615225* Cohen, Alix (ed.) Kant’s Lectures on Anthropology: A Critical Guide (Cambridge Critical Guides) 2016:9. 288 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316621547* Della Mirandola, Pico Borghesi, Francesco/Papio, Michael (eds.) Pico Della Mirandola: Oration on the Dignity of Man (A New Translation and Commentary) 2016:9. 318 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316606605* Denis, Lara/Gregor, Mary Kant: The Metaphysics of Morals, 2nd ed. (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy) 2017:4. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107086395* Desan, Philippe/Rendall, Steven/Neal, Lisa Montaigne: A Life 2017:1. 816 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780691167879* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》西洋哲学 ヘーゲルの歴史哲学 Kreines, James/Zuckert, Rachel (eds.) Hegel on Philosophy in History 2016:8. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107093416* McClure, Christopher Scott !"" # 2016:11. 252 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107153790* McCluskey, Colleen Thomas Aquinas on Moral Wrongdoing 2016:11. 266 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107175273* Michalson, Gordon (ed.) Kant’s Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason: A Critical Guide (Cambridge Critical Guides) 2016:9. 282 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316621516* 近世哲学の発達における学術的懐疑 Smith, Plínio Junqueira/Charles, Sébastien (eds.) Academic Scepticism in the Development of Early Modern Philosophy (International Archives of the &# #`\&#&&#\&#&# idées, Vol. 221) 2017:1. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319454221* Surprenant, Chris W. Kant and the Cultivation of Virtue (Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Philosophy) 2016:7. 148 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781349711932* Zoller, Gunter (ed.) Cambridge Companion to Fichte (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy) 2016:12. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780521472265* Yenor, Scott David Hume’s Humanity: The Philosophy of Common Life and Its Limits (Recovering Political Philosophy) 2017:2. 246 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 近代哲学 存在と機械 : 機械時代のドイツ哲学 Grigenti, Fabio Existence and Machine: The German Philosophy in the Age of Machines (1870-1960) (SpringerBriefs in Philosophy) 2016:10. 84 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319453651* Luchte, James Mortal Thought: Holderlin and Philosophy (Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philos) 2016:7. 216 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474238182* Macdonald, Molly Hegel and Psychoanalysis: A New Interpretation of “Phenomenology of Spirit (Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy) 2016:7. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138210189* *9781138208957* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 21 哲学・思想 》西洋哲学 ★ Routledge 名著復刻叢書: 19 世紀の社会 ・ 政治思想 全 8 巻 Routledge Library Editions: Social and Political Thought in the Nineteenth Century 2016:7. 8 Vols., 2,334 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138696587* 現代思想 Adams, Zed/Browning, Jacob Giving a Damn: Essays in Dialogue with John Haugeland 2017:1. 392 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262035248* Couch, Mark/Pfeifer, Jessica (eds.) The Philosophy of Philip Kitcher 2016:7. 328 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199381357* Escudero, Jesus Adrian Heidegger and the Emergence of the Question of Being (Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy) 2016:7. 224 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474299442* Gadamer, Hans-Georg Ancient Sources, Modern Appropriations: The Selected Writings of Hans-Georg Gadamer, Vol. 3 2017:2. 288 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781441112743* Gali Anka, Andrius/Bevir, Mark (eds.) Wittgenstein and Normative Inquiry (Studies in Moral Philosophy, Vol. 9) 2016:7. 220 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) 22 ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004324091* Heinämaa, Sara/Hartimo, Mirja/Miettinen, Timo (eds.) Phenomenology and the Transcendental (Routledge Research in Phenomenology) 2016:7. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138210561* 伝説と人文科学 : ハンス ・ ブルーメンベルクの伝説理論 Nicholls, Angus Myth and the Human Sciences: Hans Blumen@#{\\{\&##\; 260 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138236707* Russell, Bertrand Marriage and Morals 2016:7. 208 p., Originally published in 1985 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138148376* Tejedor, Chon The Early Wittgenstein on Metaphysics, Natural Science, Language and Value (Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Philosophy) 2016:7. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138210196* Whistler, Daniel/Browne, Victoria (eds.) On the Feminist Philosophy of Gillian Howie: Materialism and Mortality 2016:7. 304 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474254120* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 哲学・思想 》西洋哲学 Oxford版 哲学と人種ハンドブック 丁若鏞『論語古今注』 第 1 巻 Zack, Naomi The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race (Oxford Handbooks) 2017:1. 680 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Kim, Hongkyung The Analects of Dasan: A Korean Syncretic Reading, Vol. 1 2016:10. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190236953* See also Foucault, Michel, Subjectivity and Truth, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p215 , 1764 東洋哲学 Gentz, Joachim/Meyer, Dirk (eds.) Literary Forms of Arguments in Early China 2016:9. 364 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004331341* Ivanhoe, Philip J. Three Streams &~&#$ing and the Moral Heart-Mind in China, Korea, and Japan 2016:11. 264 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190624996* *9780190492014* Raveh, Daniel Sutras, Stories and Yoga Philosophy: Narrative {#*@&~@%&#&`#& Religion and Philosophy) 2016:7. 172 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138638389* Sorabji, Richard Gandhi and the Stoics: Modern Experiments on Ancient Values 2016:12. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198708667* Van Den Stock, Ady The Horizon of Modernity: Subjectivity and Social Structure in New Confucian Philosophy (Modern Chinese Philosophy, Vol. 11) 2016:7. 404 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004301092* 宗教学 宗教学一般 Ames, Marjon Margaret Fell, Letters, and the Making of Quakerism (Material Readings in Early Modern Culture) 2016:8. 204 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409466987* ★印はお薦めタイトル Bain-Selbo, Eric/Sapp, D. Gregory Understanding Sport as a Religious Phenomenon: An Introduction 2016:9. 184 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472506108* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 23 宗教学 》宗教学一般 Buijs, Kees Personal Religion and Magic in Mamasa, West Sulawesi: The Search for Powers of Blessing from the Other World of the Gods (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Vol. 308) 2016:10. 190 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004326569* Eidinow, Esther/Kindt, Julia/Osborne, Robin (eds.) Theologies of Ancient Greek Religion (Cambridge Classical Studies) 2016:8. 438 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107153479* Grayson, James H. Korea: A Religious History 2016:7. 316 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138147966* *9780190630089* Kupari, Helena Lifelong Religion as Habitus: Religious Practice Among Displaced Karelian Orthodox Women in Finland (Numen Book, Vol. 153) 2016:9. 210 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004321427* Sorett, Josef Spirit in the Dark: A Religious History of Racial Aesthetics 2016:9. 312 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199844937* Van Ess, Josef Theology and Society in the Second and Third Century of the Hijra: A History of Religious Thought in Early Islam, Vol. 1 (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1: The Near and Middle East, Vol. 116/1) 2016:9. 576 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004323179* 宗教哲学 Agar, Jolyon Post-Secularism, Realism and Utopia: Transcendence and Immanence from Hegel to Bloch (Ontological Explorations (Routledge Critical Realism)) 2016:9. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138233317* Bali, Asl/Lerner, Hanna (eds.) Constitution Writing, Religion and Democracy 2016:12. 428 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107070516* Lorusso, James Dennis Martin, Craig (ed.) Spirituality, Corporate Culture and American Business: The Neoliberal Ethic and the Spirit of Global Capital (Critiquing Religion: Discourse, Culture, Power) 2017:2. 208 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) Grube, Dirk-Martin (ed.) Interpretation and Meaning in Philosophy and Religion (Philosophy of History and Culture, Vol. 35) 2016:8. 190 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 24 *9781350006270* ポスト世俗主義、 リアリズムとユートピア Haselby, Sam The Origins of American Religious Nationalism (Religion in America) 2017:1. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9789004254992* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 》宗教哲学 宗教社会学 Henninger, Mark/Andrews, Robert/Ottman, Jennifer (eds.) Robert Greystones on the Freedom of the Will: Selections from His Commentary on the Sentences (Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi, Vol. 28) 2016:11. 400 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780197266014* Hughes, Aaron W./Tirosh-Samuelson, Hava (eds.) Menachem Fisch: The Rationality of Religious Dispute (Library of Contemporary Jewish Philosophers, Vol. 18) 2016:8. 230 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004323568* ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004323582* 高齢化社会における宗教 Kevern, Peter/Kingston, Paul/Benbow, Susan Religion in an Ageing Society: The Role and Challenges of Religious Belonging in an Ageing Society 2017:7. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409461081* Murre-Van Den Berg, H. L./Goldstein-Sabbah, S. R. (eds.) Modernity, Minority, and the Public Sphere: Jews and Christians in the Middle East (Leiden Studies in Islam and Society, Vol. 4) 2016:8. 318 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004322905* 宗教人類学 自由意志と古典有神論 McCann, Hugh J. (ed.) Free Will and Classical Theism\%&@&* Freedom in Perfect Being Theology 2017:2. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190611200* Miller, Corey/Gould, Paul (eds.) Is Faith in God Reasonable?: Debates in Philosophy, Science, and Rhetoric (Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Religion) 2016:7. 188 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138209602* Yates, Stephen Between Death and Resurrection: A Critical Response to Recent Catholic Debate Concerning the Intermediate State 2017:1. 256 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Leggett, Ida Fadzillah The Anthropology of Religion in a Globalizing World 2016:12. 320 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138825017* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138825024* 比較宗教学 Hillgardner, Holly Longing and Letting Go: Christian and Hindu Practices of Passionate Non-Attachment (AAR Academy Series) 2017:1. 176 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190455538* *9781501312281* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 25 宗教学 Brill∧㻌 ⌧௦᐀ᩍ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽䝅䝸䞊䝈 Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1021932642䛇 㐣ཤ 40 ᖺ௨ୖࢃࡓࡾࠊ⌧௦᐀ᩍࡢ◊✲᪉ἲࡣ⇿Ⓨⓗ㏿ᗘ࡛Ⓨᒎࡋ࡚ࡁࡲࡋ ࡓࠋᮏ᭩ࡢ≺࠸ࡣࠊ᭱᪂ࡢ◊✲ືྥࢆฟ∧ࡍࡿࡇ࡛ࡇࡢⓎᒎࢆグ㘓ࡋࠊᚋࡢ◊ ✲ࡢࡓࡵࡢ᪂ࡋ࠸᪉ྥᛶࢆ♧ࡍࡇ࡛ࡍࠋᮏࣁࣥࢻࣈࢵࢡࡣࠊᅜ㝿ⓗ࡞ど㔝ࢆࡶࡗ ࡚ୡ⏺୰ࡢ◊✲⪅ࡢᑓ㛛▱㆑ࢆάࡋࠊ␗࡞ࡿᵝࠎ࡞ᑓ㛛ศ㔝ࡽࡢㄽᩥࢆⵔ㞟ࡋ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྛᕳࡣࠊ◊✲ࡢᐇ㉁ⓗ࡞᰿ᖿࢆᡂࡍศ㔝㸦㸸すὒࡢ࢚ࢯࢸࣜࢩࢬ࣒㸧 ࢆ୰ᚰࠊ⌧௦᐀ᩍ◊✲࠾ࡅࡿඹ㏻ࢸ࣮࣐㸦㸸⛉Ꮫࡢᶒጾࡸࢽ࣮࣓ࣗࢹ㸧 ࡸࠊ≉ᐃࡢ᐀ᩍ㐠ືࢆᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ᖺห⾜䝍䜲䝖䝹 ᅜ㝿⌧௦䜻䝸䝇䝖ᩍ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽䠖㐠ື䚸ᩍ⫱ᶵ㛵䚸ㄔᚰ㻌 Handbook of Global Contemporary Christianity: Movements, Institutions, and Allegiance (Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion, Vol. 12) Edited by Stephen J. Hunt 2016 ᖺ 2᭶ห⾜, 470 p., Hard ISBN 978-90-04-26539-4 EUR 162.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥27,954 / ≉౯ ¥22,363 + ⛯ *9789004265394* 䝤䝷䝆䝹⌧௦᐀ᩍ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 Handbook of Contemporary Religions in Brazil (Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion, Vol. 13) Edited by Bettina Schmidt and Steven Engler 2016 ᖺ 9᭶ห⾜, 450 p., Hard ISBN 978-90-04-32185-4 EUR 185.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥31,923 / ≉౯ ¥25,538 + ⛯ *9789004321854* 䝃䜲䜶䞁䝖䝻䝆䞊䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 Handbook of Scientology Movements, Institutions, and Allegiance (Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion, Vol. 14) Edited by James R. Lewis 2016 ᖺ 11᭶ห⾜, 550 p., Hard ISBN 978-90-04-32871-6 EUR 199.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥34,339 / ≉౯ ¥27,471 + ⛯ *9789004328716* 26 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 》比較宗教学 ユダヤ教 Juergensmeyer, Mark/Kitts, Margo/Jerryson, Michael (eds.) Violence and the World’s Religious Traditions: An Introduction 2017:2. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190649654* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190649661* 仏 教 DiValerio, David The Life of the Madman of U 2016:10. 248 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190244026* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190244033* Afterman, Adam And They Shall Be One Flesh: On the Language of Mystical Union in Judaism (Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, Vol. 26) 2016:9. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004328723* Berman, Saul J. Boundaries of Loyalty: Testimony Against Fellow Jews in Non-Jewish Courts 2016:10. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107090651* Cohn-Sherbok, Dan Judaism: History, Belief and Practice, 2nd ed. 2017:3. 650 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138912205* 仏教とジャイナ教 Sarao, Karam Tej Singh/Long, Jefferey D. (eds.) Buddhism and Jainism (Encyclopedia of Indian Religions) 2016:12. 1,600 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789402408539* ★ Oxford 版 ユダヤ教の倫理と道徳ハンドブック Dorff, Elliot N./Crane, Jonathan K. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Ethics and Morality (Oxford Handbooks) 2016:8. 540 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190608385* ヒンズー教 Jacob, George Adolphus A Manual of Hindu Pantheism: The Vedantasara 2016:8. 142 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138980372* Hayes, Christine (ed.) Cambridge Companion to Judaism and Law (Cambridge Companions to Religion) 2016:12. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107036154* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781107644946* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 27 宗教学 》ユダヤ教 Klawans, Jonathan Josephus and the Theologies of Ancient Judaism 2017:1. 400 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190646189* Meir, Jonatan Kabbalistic Circles in Jerusalem (Aries Book, Vol. 22) 2016:9. 275 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004321632* イスラム教 Alshaar, Nuha (ed.) The Qur’an and Adab: The Shaping of Literary {&&#& ##& #>&%&# Series) 2016:12. 600 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198787181* Arab, Pooyan Tamimi Peter, Frank/GhaneaBassiri, Kambiz (eds.) Amplifying Islam in the European Soundscape: Religious Pluralism and Secularism in the Netherlands (Islam of the Global West) 2017:1. 224 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474291439* イスラームと英国 : 帝国時代におけるイスラム教の布教 Geaves, Ron Islam and Britain: Muslim Mission in an Age of Empire 2017:2. 240 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474271738* Hilali, Asma The Sanaa Palimpsest: The Transmission of the &\_&# &#`&%&# Series) 2016:10. 220 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) *9780198793793* Rahemtulla, Shadaab Qur’an of the Oppressed: Liberation Theology and Gender Justice in Islam (Oxford Theology and Religion Monographs) 2017:2. 304 p. 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(Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190630720* Rogers-Vaughn, Bruce Caring for Souls in a Neoliberal Age (New Approaches to Religion and Power) 2016:11. 276 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137553386* キリスト教神学・キリスト教史 Ball, Thomas The Ethical Philosophy of Anselm of Canterbury: From the Temporal to the Eternal (Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies) 2017:7. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472457349* Bickers, Robert A./Seton, Rosemary Missionary Encounters 2016:7. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138144972* Busch, Eberhard My Time with Karl Barth: Diaries 1965-1968 2017:1. 600 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780567447579* Cartledge, Mark J./Swoboda, A.J. (eds.) Scripting Pentecost: A Study of Pentecostals, Worship and Liturgy (Explorations in Practical, Pastoral and Empirical Theology) 2016:7. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Cox, Harvey The Market as God 2016:9. 304 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674659681* Davison, Scott A. Petitionary Prayer: A Philosophical Investigation 2017:2. 208 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198757740* Kilroy, Gerard Edmund Campion: Memory and Transcription 2016:9. 274 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138231740* Oxford 版 近代初期の神学ハンドブック Lehner, Ulrich L./Muller, Richard A./Roeber, A.G. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Theology, 1600-1800 (Oxford Handbooks) 2016:11. 688 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199937943* McGrath, Alister E. The Christian Theology Reader, 5th ed. 2016:8. 584 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118874387* Meszaros, Andrew The Prophetic Church: History and Doctrinal Development in John Henry Newman and Yves Congar 2016:10. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198786344* *9781472443274* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 29 宗教学 》キリスト教 Oxford 版 聖公会の歴史 : 改革とアイデンティティ Milton, Anthony (ed.) The Oxford History of Anglicanism: Reformation and Identity c.1520-1662, Vol. 1 (Oxford History of Anglicanism) 2017:2. 544 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199639731* *9781107139084* Mozley, John Kenneth The Beginnings of Christian Theology 2016:9. 150 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316619902* Saul, Nigel Lordship and Faith: The English Gentry and the Parish Church in the Middle Ages 2017:1. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198706199* Serina, Richard J. Nicholas of Cusa’s Brixen Sermons and Late Medieval Church Reform (Studies in the History of Christian Traditions, Vol. 182) 2016:9. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004321724* Spicer, Andrew (ed.) Doubting Christianity: The Church and Doubt (Studies in Church History, Vol. 52) 2016:7. 470 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 30 *9780190634322* Oxford 版 聖公会の歴史 Moore, Kathryn Blair Architecture of the Christian Holy Land: Reception from Late Antiquity Through the Renaissance 2017:4. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Stephenson, Christopher A. Types of Pentecostal Theology: Method, System, Spirit (AAR Academy Series) 2016:10. 234 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Strong, Rowan (ed.) The Oxford History of Anglicanism: Partisan Anglicanism and its Global Expansion 1829-C.1914, Vol. 3 (Oxford History of Anglicanism) 2017:2. 496 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199699704* Summers, Kirk M. Morality After Calvin{\X# \&#& Censor and Reformed Ethics (Oxford Studies in Historical Theology) 2016:11. 432 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190280079* Weissman Joselit, Jenna Rock Solid`>&#>\{ >mandments 2016:12. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190253196* 聖書・聖書研究 Autero, Esa J. Reading the Bible Across Contexts: Luke S Gospel, Socio-Economic Marginality, and Latin American Biblical Hermeneutics (Biblical Interpretation, Vol. 145) 2016:7. 418 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004323193* *9781107180734* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 宗教学 》キリスト教 Conway, Colleen M. Sex and Slaughter in the Tent of Jael: A Cultural History of a Biblical Story 2016:11. 232 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190626877* Gregory, Andrew (ed.) The Gospel according to the Hebrews and the Gospel of the Ebionites (Oxford Early Christian Gospel Texts) 2017:3. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199287864* Hamilton, Catherine Sider Death of Jesus in Matthew: Innocent Blood and the End of Exile (Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, Vol. 166) 2016:12. 288 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107110519* Keady, Jessica M. Grabbe, Lester L. (ed.) Vulnerability and Valour: A Gendered Analysis of Everyday Life in the Dead Sea Scrolls Communities (Library of Second Temple Studies, Vol. 91) 2017:2. 240 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780567672247* Kelley, Shawn Genocide, the Bible and Biblical Scholarship (Brill Research Perspectives) 2016:7. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004326682* Levin, Yigal The Chronicles of the Kings of Judah: 2 Chronicles 10 - 36, A New Translation and Commentary 2017:1. 512 p. (Bloomsbury T. & T. Clark, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780567671714* Oxford 版 聖書物語ハンドブック Nolan Fewell, Danna (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Narrative (Oxford Handbooks) 2016:8. 656 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199967728* Peters, Kurtis Hebrew Lexical Semantics and Daily Life in Ancient Israel=\# ^&@&X&& (Biblical Interpretation, Vol. 146) 2016:8. 234 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004322455* Piotrowski, Nicholas Matthew’s New David at the End of Exile: A Socio-Rhetorical Study of Scriptural Quotations (Novum Testamentum, Supplements, Vol. 170) 2016:9. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004326781* Oxford 版 預言者ハンドブック Sharp, Carolyn (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the Prophets (Oxford Handbooks) 2016:10. 768 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199859559* Spronk, Klaas (ed.) The Present State of Old Testament Studies in the Low Countries: A Collection of Old Testament Studies Published on the Occasion of the %*\`&#\#>&#\ Werkgezelschap (Oudtestamentische Studien, Old Testament Studies, Vol. 69) 2016:8. 296 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004326132* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 31 民族学・民俗学・人類学 》民族学・人類学 民族学・民俗学・人類学 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 民族学・人類学 Aitken, Stuart C. The Ethnopoetics of Space and Transformation: @#@@>!`&&#>`#\ics 2016:8. 218 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138212947* Annual Reviews of Anthropology: Vol. 45 2016:10. (Annual Reviews, Inc., USA) *9780824319458* Bakke, Gretchen/Peterson, Marina (eds.) Anthropology of the Arts: A Reader 2016:11. 400 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472585936* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472585929* ᪥ᮏ䛻䛚䛡䜛ே㢮Ꮫⓗ⏕ᾭ䠖䝆䝵䜲䞉䝦䞁䝗䝸䞊ⴭస㞟 An Anthropological Lifetime in Japan The Writings of Joy Hendry (Series: Writings of, Vol. 8) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1020886281䛇 By Joy Hendry, Oxford Brookes University, UK 2016ᖺ 8᭶ห⾜, 700 p., Hard. ISBN 978-90-04-30286-0.......................EUR 240.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥41,414 / ≉౯ ¥33,131 + ⛯ *9789004302860* ࢪ࣭ࣙ࣊ࣥࢻ࣮ࣜࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣࠊᙼዪ⮬㌟ࡀ◊✲࡛Ⓨぢࡋࡓࡇࡸࠊ࢜ࢵࢡࢫ ࣇ࢛࣮ࢻ࠾ࡼࡧ᪥ᮏ࡛ᐇ㊶ࡋࡓࡇࡢㄝ᫂ࠊࡑࡋ࡚ࡑࡇࡽᚓࡓㄪᰝ⤖ᯝࡸ◊✲ࡢᡂᯝ ࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ㄞࡳᡭࢆᑟࡃࡇ࡛ࠊ≉ᐃࡢ♫ࢆ⌮ゎࡍࡿࡓࡵࡢே㢮Ꮫⓗࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࡢ㔜せ ᛶࢆᐇドࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᙼዪࡢ◊✲ࡣᑠࡉ࡞㎰ᮧ♫࠾ࡅࡿ፧ጻࡢ◊✲ጞࡲࡾࠊᏊ౪ ࡢᩍ⫱ࡸ㣴⫱ᣑࡋࠊࡑࡢᚋࡾࢃࡅዪᛶ㛫࠾ࡅࡿᑀㄒ㛵ࡍࡿ◊✲⛣⾜ ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇ࠺ࡋࡓ◊✲ࡣࠊ ࠕࣛࢵࣆࣥࢢ㸦ໟ㸧ࠖࡸࠊࡓ࠼ࡤᗞᅬࡸࢸ࣮࣐ࣃ࣮ࢡ ࡢࡼ࠺࡞ᩥⓗ࡞ᒎ♧≀ࡢ◊✲⧅ࡀࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋࡇࢀࡽࡣࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ࡞ᩥ⬦࡛᪥ᮏࢆ ᤊ࠼ࠊẚ㍑ࡢ᪉ἲㄽᇶ࡙࠸ࡓ⏬ᮇⓗ࡞◊✲࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ࣊ࣥࢻ࣮ࣜࡢࡇࢀ ࡲ࡛ࡢ◊✲ࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ࠊࡑࡢኚࢆᴫᣓࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) 32 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 民族学・民俗学・人類学 》民族学・人類学 Bangstad, Sindre (ed.) Anthropology of Our Times: An Edited Anthology in Public Anthropology 2017:2. 368 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137538482* Basu, Paul (ed.) The Inbetweenness of Things: Materializing Mediation and Movement Between Worlds 2017:3. 240 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474264778* Bennett, Tony/Cameron, Fiona/Dias, Nelia Collecting, Ordering, Governing: Anthropology, Museums, and Liberal Government 2016:12. 368 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780822362531* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780822362685* Black, Christine F. A Mosaic of Indigenous Legal Thought: Legendary Tales and Other Writings 2016:12. 208 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138223844* Boussen, Laurel/Gates, Hill Bound Feet, Young Hands: Tracking the Demise of Footbinding in Village China 2017:1. 248 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781783269822* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781783269839* Carr, E. Summerson/Lempert, Michael Scale: Discourse and Dimensions of Social Life 2016:8. 248 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520291799* and Theoretical Critique 2016:7. 292 p. (Imperial College Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780804799553* 中国の人類学 Bruckermann, Charlotte/Feuchtwang, Stephan The Anthropology of China: China as Ethnographic ★印はお薦めタイトル Eichberg, Henning Questioning Play: What play can tell us about social life 2016:7. 284 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138682474* Everett, Daniel Dark Matter of the Mind: The Culturally Articulated Unconscious 2016:11. 400 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226070766* Gobo, Giampietro Doing Ethnography, 2nd ed. (Introducing Qualitative Methods Series) 2017:1. 208 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781412962261* Goldstone, Brian/Obarrio, Juan African Futures: Essays on Crisis, Emergence, and Possibility 2016:11. 264 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226402246* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 33 民族学・民俗学・人類学 》民族学・人類学 Harms, Erik Luxury and Rubble: Civility and Dispossession in the New Saigon (Asia: Local Studies/ Global Themes, Vol. 32) 2017:1. 350 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520292512* Jauregui, Beatrice Provisional Authority: Police, Order, and Security in India 2016:11. 240 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226403670* ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780226403700* Kaltmeier, Olaf/Rufer, Mario Entangled Heritages: Postcolonial Perspectives on the Uses of the Past in Latin America (InterAmeri~#\ ! >>&&! &; 2016:7. 212 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472475435* 社会的な死 : 死の境界線を問う Králová, Jana/Walter, Tony (eds.) Social Death: Questioning the life-death boundary (Contemporary Issues in Social Science) 2016:10. 114 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138205307* 失業の人類学 *9781501704659* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 34 *9780393614008* Luhrmann, T. M./Marrow, Jocelyn Our Most Troubling Madness: Case Studies in Schizophrenia across Cultures (Ethnographic Studies in Subjectivity, Vol. 11) 2016:9. 256 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520291089* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520291096* Molle, Andrea Doing Ethnography, 2nd ed. (Introducing Qualitative Methods Series) 2016:12. 352 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781412962254* Ong, Aihwa Fungible Life: Experiment in the Asian City of Life 2016:10. 312 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780822362494* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780822362647* Kwon, Jong Bum/Lane, Carrie M. (eds.) Anthropologies of Unemployment: New Perspectives on Work and Its Absence 2016:10. 280 p. (Cornell U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Larsen, Clark Spencer Our Origins: Discovering Physical Anthropology, 4th ed. 2017:2. 475 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781501704666* Povinelli, Elizabeth A. Geontologies: A Requiem to Late Liberalism 2016:10. 232 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780822362111* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780822362333* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 民族学・民俗学・人類学 》民族学・人類学 Rausch, Christoph Global Heritage Assemblages: Development and Modern Architecture in Africa (Routledge Studies in Culture and Development) 2016:12. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138219472* Schroer, Sara Asu/Schmitt, Susanne Exploring Atmospheres Ethnographically (Anthropological Studies of Creativity and Perception) 2016:11. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472468338* Scott, Gregory S./Shrum, Wesley M. Video Ethnography in Practice: Planning, Shooting, and Editing for Social Analysis 2016:12. 168 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781483377216* Sebastia, Brigitte (ed.) Eating Traditional Food: Politics, Identity and Practices (Routledge Studies in Food, Society and the Environment) 2016:10. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138187009* 世界のエチケットとタブー : 社会的 ・ 文化的慣習の地 理学百科事典 Taylor, Ken Etiquette and Taboos Around the World: A Geographic Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Customs 2017:1. 457 p. (Greenwood, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520290976* Tochka, Nicholas Audible States: Socialist Politics and Popular Music in Albania 2016:12. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190467814* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190467821* Weston, Kath Animate Planet: Making Visceral Sense of Living in a High-Tech Ecologically Damaged World (Anima) 2017:1. 264 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780822362104* *9780520290969* ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781440838200* Thomas, Kedron Regulating Style: Intellectual Property Law and the Business of Fashion in Guatemala 2016:11. 298 p. (University of California Press, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780822362326* Wilk, Richard/Hamada, Shingo Seafood: Ocean to the Plate (Routledge Series for Creative Teaching and Learning in Anthropology) 2016:12. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138191860* Zuckerman, Molly K./Martin, Debra L. New Directions in Biocultural Anthropology 2016:10. 536 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118962961* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 35 歴史学 》歴史学一般 歴史学 歴史学一般 考古学・古代史 Hartog, François/Brown, Saskia Regimes of Historicity: Presentism and Experiences of Time (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism) 2017:1. 288 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231163774* Lacey, James Great Strategic Rivalries: From the Classical World to the Cold War 2016:12. 680 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190620462* Anderson, Emily S. K. Seals, Craft, and Community in Bronze Age Crete 2016:9. 500 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107131194* Bowman, Alan/Wilson, Andrew (eds.) The Roman Agricultural Economy: Organization, Investment, and Production (Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy) 2016:10. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198788522* 䜸䞊䝷䝹䞉䝠䝇䝖䝸䞊㻌 4 ᕳ Oral History (Series: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04001S0308䛇 Edited by Graham Smith, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK 2016ᖺ 9᭶ห⾜, 4 Vols., 1,600 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-80997-0...................STP 900.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥184,801 / ≉౯ ¥147,841 + ⛯ *9781138809970* ࣮࢜ࣛࢫ࣭ࣄࢫࢺ࣮ࣜ◊✲ࡢᛴቑࡣࠊᗈ࠸Ꮫ⾡⠊ᅖࡸᆅᇦ♫࠾࠸࡚㢧ⴭ࡞ ࡗ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋࡶࡣࡸ⏝࠸ࡽࢀࡿࡇࡢ࡞࠸࠺ࢁぬ࠼ࡢᢏ⾡ࡢグ᠈ࢆ㎺ࡿࢠࣜࢫ ࡢእ⛉་ࡢヰࡽࠊ༡ࣇࣜ࢝࡞ෆᡓࡢയ㊧ࢆᅇࡋࡼ࠺ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ┿ᐇゎጤ ဨࡢヰࡲ࡛ࠊᮏ᭩ࡣከᵝ࡞ࢸ࣮࣐ࢆᛂ⏝ࡶᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ᭱ඛ➃ࡢ◊✲ࢆ 㞟ࡵࡓ᭱ࡶࢫࢱࣥࢲ࣮ࢻ࡞࣮࣭࢜ࣛࣝࣄࢫࢺ࣮ࣜࡢ◊✲᭩ࡋ࡚ࠊᏛ⏕ࡣࡶࡕࢁ ࢇࠊ◊✲⪅ࡢⓙᵝࡶ⯆῝࠸ࢥࣞࢡࢩ࡛ࣙࣥࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR/ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 36 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 Cartledge, Paul/Spawforth, Antony Hellenistic and Roman Sparta, 2nd ed. 2016:8. 328 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138145115* イベリアのタルテッソスとフェニキア人 Celestino, Sebastián/López-Ruiz, Carolina Tartessos and the Phoenicians in Iberia 2016:8. 400 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199672745* Charlesworth, Martin Percival Trade-Routes and Commerce of the Roman Empire 2016:9. 328 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316620052* Coffee, Neil Gift and Gain: How Money Transformed Ancient Rome (Classical Culture and Society) 2016:12. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190496432* Crassard, Remy (ed.) Human Dispersal and Species Movement: From Prehistory to the Present 2017:1. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107164147* Crawford, Harriet (ed.) The Sumerian World (Routledge Worlds) 2016:9. 684 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198728689* Duncan-Jones, Richard Power and Privilege in Roman Society 2016:8. 206 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107149793* Esler, Philip F. Babatha’s Orchard: The Yadin Papyri and an Ancient Jewish Family Tale Retold 2017:2. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198767169* Fagan, Brian Intimate Bond: How Animals Shaped Human History 2017:1. 336 p. (Bloomsbury Publishing USA, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781620405734* Oxford 版 先史時代の北極圏ハンドブック The Oxford Handbook of Roman Law and Society (Oxford Handbooks) 2016:10. 688 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138238633* Oxford 版 ローマ法と社会ハンドブック Friesen, T. Max/Mason, Owen K. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Prehistoric Arctic (Oxford Handbooks) 2016:9. 1,000 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199766956* Gabbay, Uri The Exegetical Terminology of Akkadian Commentaries (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East, Vol. 82) 2016:8. 360 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004323469* du Plessis, Paul J/Ando, Clifford/Tuori, Kaius (eds.) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 37 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 Ginsberg, Lauren Donovan Staging Memory, Staging Strife: Empire and Civil War in the Octavia 2016:12. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190275952* González-Ruibal, Alfredo (ed.) Reclaiming Archaeology: Beyond the Tropes of Modernity (Archaeological Orientations) 2016:9. 392 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138238572* Gould, Peter/Pyburn, K. Anne (eds.) Collision or Collaboration: Archaeology Encounters Economic Development (One World Archaeology) 2016:11. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319445144* Grethlein, Jonas/Krebs, Christopher B. (eds.) Time and Narrative in Ancient Historiography{\#>#`&{\ Q#>#`&; (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316628867* Grig, Lucy (ed.) Popular Culture in the Ancient World 2016:12. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107074897* Grupe, Gisela/Grigat, Andrea/McGlynn, George C. (eds.) Across the Alps in Prehistory: Isotopic Mapping of the Brenner Passage by Bioarchaeology 2017:2. 250 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 38 レース ・ プーブリカとローマ共和国 Hodgson, Louise Res Publica and the Roman Republic: Without Body or Form 2017:1. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198777380* Oxford 版 考古学的セラミック分析ハンドブック Hunt, Alice M. W. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Ceramic Analysis (Oxford Handbooks) 2016:11. 768 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9783319415482* *9780199681532* モーゼス ・ フィンリー : ある古代史家とその影響 Jew, Daniel/Osborne, Robin/Scott, Michael (eds.) M. I. Finley: An Ancient Historian and His Impact (Cambridge Classical Studies) 2016:11. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107149267* Kindt, Julia Revisiting Delphi: Religion and Storytelling in Ancient Greece (Cambridge Classical Studies) 2016:8. 236 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780198759300* Higbie, Carolyn Collectors, Scholars, and Forgers in the Ancient World: Object Lessons 2017:2. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781107151574* Krausse, Dirk (ed.) Eurasia at the Dawn of History: Urbanization and Social Change 2017:1. 400 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107147409* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 Laes, Christian Children in the Roman Empire: Outsiders Within 2016:9. 350 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107671225* Lavan, Myles Slaves to Rome: Paradigms of Empire in Roman Culture (Cambridge Classical Studies) 2016:9. 304 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107674448* Ledger-Lomas, Michael/Gange, David (eds.) Cities of God: The Bible and Archaeology in Nineteenth-Century Britain 2016:9. 376 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316625651* Licona, Michael R./Evans, Craig A. Why Are There Differences in the Gospels?: What We Can Learn from Ancient Biography 2017:1. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190264260* Liebert, Hugh Plutarch’s Politics: Between City and Empire 2016:8. 276 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107148789* Lozny, Ludomir R. (ed.) Archaedogy of the Communist Era: A Political History of Archaeology of the 20th Century 2016:10. 360 p (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Middleton, Guy D. Understanding Collapse: Ancient History and Modern Myths 2017:3. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107151499* *9781138640740* MacKenzie, Duncan/Lederman, Zvi/Bunimovitz, Shlomo/Momigliano, Nicoletta The Excavations of Beth Shemesh, NovemberDecember 1912 (The Palestine Exploration Fund Annual) 2016:7. 164 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316606070* Muntz, Charles Diodorus Siculus and the World of the Late Roman Republic 2017:3. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190498726* Olivelle, Patrick King, Governance, and Law in Ancient India: &#`\##??! New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190644123* Pitts, Martin/Versluys, Miguel John (eds.) Globalisation and the Roman World: World History, Connectivity and Material Culture 2016:8. 308 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107619005* *9783319451060* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 39 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 Pudsey, April/Holleran, Claire (eds.) Demography and the Graeco-Roman World: New Insights and Approaches 2016:9. 225 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107526617* Quinn, Josephine Crawley/Prag, Jonathan R. W. (eds.) The Hellenistic West: Rethinking the Ancient Mediterranean 2016:9. 502 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316625705* Roberts, Jennifer T. The Plague of War: Athens, Sparta, and the Struggle for Ancient Greece (Ancient Warfare and Civilization) 2017:3. 432 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199996643* Salmon, Edward Togo A History of the Roman World: From 30 BC to AD 138, 6th ed. 2016:8. 384 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138152809* Shea, John J. Stone Tools in Human Evolution: Behavioral Differences Among Technological Primates 2016:12. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107123090* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107554931* Swift, Ellen Roman Artefacts and Society 2017:2. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 40 *9780198785262* Van Der Blom, Henriette Oratory and Political Career in the Late Roman Republic 2016:8. 376 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107051935* Verma Mishra, Susan/Ray, Himanshu Prabha The Archaeology of Sacred Spaces: The temple in western India, 2nd century BCE-8th century CE (Archaeology and Religion in South Asia) 2016:8. 296 p. (Routledge, IND) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138679207* Oxford 版 動物考古学 Vickers, Kim/Viner-Daniels, Sarah/Albarella, Umberto/Rizzetto, Mauro/Russ, Hannah (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Zooarchaeology (Oxford Handbooks) 2017:3. 816 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199686476* 古代ギリシアの寡頭政治 Whibley, Leonard Greek Oligarchies: Their Character and Organisation 2016:10. 222 p., First published in 1913 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316626177* Woolf, Greg (ed.) # # Culture 2016:11. 424 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107060067* Worthington, Ian By the Spear: Philip II, Alexander the Great, and the Rise and Fall of the Macedonian Empire (Ancient Warfare and Civilization) 2016:11. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190614645* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》考古学・古代史 初期近代史 Worthington, Ian Ptolemy I: King and Pharaoh of Egypt 2016:10. 280 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190202330* Zuiderhoek, Arjan The Ancient City (Key Themes in Ancient History) 2016:7. 200 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780521198356* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780521166010* 中世史 Angold, Michael J The Fourth Crusade: Event and Context (The Medieval World) 2016:10. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138144507* Cicero +&*!&&>{; On Life and Death=# ##&#; 2017:2. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199644148* Derks, Sebastiaan/Raeymaekers, Dries The Key to Power?: The Culture of Access in Princely Courts, 1400-1750 (Rulers & Elites, Vol. 8) 2016:8. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004274839* Furstenberg-Levi, Shulamit The Accademia Pontaniana: A Model of a Human&#^X&#%&#& &#! Vol. 258) 2016:8. 224 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004305939* Parker, Charles H./Starr-LeBeau, Gretchen (eds.) Judging Faith, Punishing Sin: Inquisitions and Consistories in the Early Modern World 2016:10. 405 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107140240* 東インド会社 1600年 - 1857年 Pettigrew, William A./Gopalan, Mahesh (eds.) The East India Company, 1600-1857: Essays on Anglo-Indian connection 2016:7. 248 p. (Routledge, IND) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138679436* ジャン ・ ド ・ ブリエンヌ : エルサレム王およびコンスタ ンティノープル皇帝 1175 年 -1237 年 Perry, Guy John of Brienne: King of Jerusalem, Emperor of Constantinople, C.1175 1237 (King of Jerusalem, Emperor of Constantinople, c.1175-1237) 2017:11. 236 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316620298* ★印はお薦めタイトル Rodriguez, Inmaculada/Minguez, Victor The Seven Ancient Wonders in the Early Modern World 2016:12. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472467287* Te Brake, Wayne P. Religious War and Religious Peace in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics) 2016:12. 336 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 41 歴史学 》初期近代史 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107088436* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107459229* 近代史 ヴェルダンの戦い : 第一次世界大戦最長の戦い Jankowski, Paul Verdun: The Longest Battle of the Great War 2016:11. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190619718* Jones, Seth G. Waging Insurgent Warfare: Lessons from the Vietcong to the Islamic State 2016:12. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190600860* See also Neagle, Michael, America’s Forgotten Colony, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p197 , 1613 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781909662797* ハプスブルグ帝国史 1200年 - 1700 年 Berenger, Jean/Simpson, C. A. A History of the Habsburg Empire 1273-1700 2016:8. 422 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138150492* Burghartz, Susanna/Burkart, Lucas/Gottler, Christine Sites of Mediation: Connected Histories of Places, Processes, and Objects in Europe and Beyond, 14501650 (Intersections, Vol. 47) 2016:9. 500 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004229563* Duranti, Marco The Conservative Human Rights Revolution: European Identity, Transnational Politics, and the Origins of the European Convention 2016:12. 488 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199811380* 現代史 Breen, Bob The Good Neighbour: Australian Peace Support &#&\&* ##! 2016:9. 640 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107019713* ヨーロッパ史 ヴァイキングの海事社会と中世世界 Barrett, James H./Gibbon, Sarah Jane (eds.) Maritime Societies of the Viking and Medieval World (Society for Medieval Archaeology Monographs) 2016:7. 408 p. (Routledge, GBR) 42 Graf, Tobias P. The Sultan’s Renegades: Christian-European Converts to Islam and the Making of the Ottoman Elite, 1575-1610 2017:2. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198791430* Kaufmann, Thomas Luther’s Jews: A Journey into Anti-Semitism 2017:1. 216 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198738541* 19 世紀ヨーロッパにおける工業化 Kemp, Tom Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 Industrialization in Nineteenth Century Europe 2016:7. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138144378* Knight, Robert Slavs in Post-Nazi Austria: Carinthian Slovenes and the Politics of Assimilation, 1945-1960 2017:1. 256 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474258906* Mckitterick, Rosamond The Frankish Kingdoms Under the Carolingians 751-987 2016:8. 432 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138173040* Oxford 版 宗教改革ハンドブック Rublack, Ulinka (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the Protestant Reformations (Oxford Handbooks in History) 2016:12. 832 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199646920* Zwierlein, Cornel Imperial Unknowns: The French and British in the Mediterranean, 1650-1750 (The French and British in the Mediterranean, 1650-1750) 2016:9. 426 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107166448* イギリス・アイルランド史 Brown, Callum G. Religion and Society in Twentieth-Century Britain (Religion, Politics and Society in Britain) 2016:7. 360 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138147980* Chamberlain, Muriel E. Pax Britannica?: British Foreign Policy 1789-1914 (Studies In Modern History) 2016:7. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138148642* Coffey, John Persecution and Toleration in Protestant England 1558-1689 (Studies In Modern History) 2016:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138144897* Collinson, Patrick Richard Bancroft and Elizabethan Anti-Puritanism (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History) 2017:9. 252 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107606982* Constantine, Stephen Lloyd George (Lancaster Pamphlets) 2016:7. 100 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138147737* Ackers, Peter/Reid, Alaister (eds.) Alternatives to State-Socialism in Britain: Other Worlds of Labour in the Twentieth Century (Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements) 2016:11. 290 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319341613* ★印はお薦めタイトル Coppola, Al The Theater of Experiment: Staging Natural Philosophy in Eighteenth-Century Britain 2016:10. 280 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190269715* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 43 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 Cambridge 版 近世アイルランド社会史 Daly, Mary E. (ed.) Cambridge Social History of Modern Ireland 2017:1. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107095588* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107479401* Earner-Byrne, Lindsey Letters of the Catholic Poor: Poverty in Independent Ireland, 1920-1940 2016:10. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107179912* 英国の警察 : 政治史 ・ 社会史 第 2 版 Emsley, Clive The English Police: A Political and Social History, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138145306* FitzGerald, Alison Silver in Georgian Dublin: Making, Selling, Consuming (The Histories of Material Culture and Collecting, 1700-1950) 2016:7. 344 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472427878* Foster, Stephen (ed.) British North America in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series) 2016:10. 384 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 tural Harmony (Visual Culture in Early Modernity) 2016:7. 206 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Gehring, David Scott (ed.) Diplomatic Intelligence on the Holy Roman Empire and Denmark During the Reigns of Elizabeth I and James VI: Three Treatises (Camden Fifth Series, Vol. 49) 2017:11. 272 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Gentles, Ian J. The English Revolution and the Wars in the Three Kingdoms, 1638-1652 (Modern Wars In Perspective) 2016:7. 544 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138148475* I.B.Tauris 版 中世イングランドの神秘主義小史 Gillespie, Vincent Short History of Medieval English Mysticism (I.B. Tauris Short Histories) 2017:3. 272 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781780763385* 飢餓と金融 : アイルランドのクレジットと大飢饉 Goodspeed, Tyler Beck Famine and Finance: Credit and the Great Famine of Ireland 2016:11. 176 p (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319317649* ★ イギリス史学研究 全 13 巻 History Workshop Series (Routledge Revivals: History Workshop Series) 2016:8. 13 Vols., 4,146 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 44 *9781107147980* *9780198794653* Gaudio, Michael The Bible and the Printed Image in Early Modern England: Little Gidding and the Pursuit of Scrip- *9781472460462* *9781138209947* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 ジョン ・ エルドン ・ ゴーストの生涯 : ディズレーリの厄介な弟子 Hunter, Archie A Life of Sir John Eldon Gorst&#&#`^ward Disciple (British Politics and Society) 2016:8. 342 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138979833* Killeen, Kevin The Political Bible in Early Modern England (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History) 2017:1. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107107977* Kissane, Alan Civic Community in Late Medieval Lincoln: Urban Society and Economy in the Age of the Black Death, 1289-1409 2017:1. 272 p. (Boydell & Brewer Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781783271634* Knight, Stephen Merlin: Knowledge and Power Through the Ages 2016:12. 296 p. (Cornell U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781501705694* Kolkovich, Elizabeth Zeman The Elizabethan Country House Entertainment: Print, Performance and Gender 2016:7. 254 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107134256* Lord, Evelyn Knights Templar in Britain 2016:8. 368 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 MacKenzie, John M./Devine, T. M. (eds.) Scotland and the British Empire (Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series) 2016:10. 344 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198794622* スコットランドの長い改革 : スコットランド宗教の新しい展望 McCallum, John (ed.) Scotland’s Long Reformation: New Perspectives on Scottish Religion, C.1500-C.1660 (St Andrews Studies in Reformation History) 2016:8. 230 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004323933* Murray, Catriona Imaging Stuart Family Politics: Dynastic Crisis and Continuity (Visual Culture in Early Modernity) 2016:7. 222 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472424051* Reay, Barry Popular Cultures in England 1550-1750 (Themes In British Social History) 2016:7. 246 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138144156* イギリス海軍史 : 対アメリカ独立戦争 Robson, Martin History of the Royal Navy: The American Revolutionary War (A History of the Royal Navy) 2017:1. 256 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781780769943* *9781138145450* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 45 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 科学の視点 : ヴィクトリア朝の幕開けにおける書籍と読者 Secord, James A. Visions of Science: Books and Readers at the Dawn of the Victorian Age 2016:11. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199675272* Thorsheim, Peter Waste Into Weapons: Recycling in Britain During the Second World War (Studies in Environment and History) 2016:10. 306 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 ドイツ・オーストリア・スイス史 Sutton, Christopher Britain’s Cold War in Cyprus and Hong Kong: A &>&#X&&\=; 241 p (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319334905* Sweet, Rosemary The English Town, 1680-1840: Government, Society and Culture (Themes In British Social History) 2016:7. 302 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138148659* Taylor, Matthew The Association Game: A History of British Football 2016:7. 528 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138173194* Thompson, Andrew S. The Empire Strikes Back?: The Impact of Imperialism on Britain from the Mid-Nineteenth Century 2016:7. 392 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138144736* Thompson, Andrew (ed.) Britain’s Experience of Empire in the Twentieth Century (Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series) 2016:10. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 46 Ashton, Bodie A. The Kingdom of Wurttemberg and the Making of Germany, 1815-1871 2017:1. 256 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781350000070* ナチスの武装親衛隊 Böhler, Jochen/Gerwarth, Robert (eds.) The Waffen-SS: A European History 2016:12. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781107492097* *9780198790556* ダッハウとSS:暴力の教育 Dillon, Christopher Dachau and the SS: A Schooling in Violence 2016:10. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198794523* Garloff, Katja Mixed Feelings: Tropes of Love in German Jewish Culture (Signale: Modern German Letters, Cultures, and Thought) 2017:2. 264 p. (Cornell U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781501704963* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781501704970* *9780198794646* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 ナチス ・ ヨーロッパの構築:SS の志願兵 エルンスト ・ カントロヴィチの生涯 Gutmann, Martin R. Building a Nazi Europe{\%%#+>&unteers 2016:10. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Lerner, Robert E. Ernst Kantorowicz: A Life 2017:1. 416 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9781107155435* Habermas, Rebekka Thieves in Court: The Making of the German Legal System in the Nineteenth Century (Publications of the German Historical Institute) 2016:10. 368 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107046771* Hewitson, Mark The People’s War: Histories of Violence in the German Lands, 1820-1888 2017:3. 512 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199564262* Jones, Mark Founding Weimar: Violence and the German Revolution of 1918-1919 2016:9. 390 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107115125* Kuhne, Thomas The Rise and Fall of Comradeship&# Soldiers, Male Bonding and Mass Violence in the Twentieth Century 2017:4. 306 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107046368* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780691172828* *9781107658288* Lewy, Guenter Harmful and Undesirable: Book Censorship in Nazi Germany 2016:8. 280 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Priemel, Kim Christian The Betrayal: The Nuremberg Trials and German Divergence 2016:9. 496 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199669752* Reuter, Timothy Germany in the Early Middle Ages c. 800-1056 2016:7. 362 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138147621* 東ドイツに生まれて : 壁の影の中での生活 Vaizey, Hester Born in the GDR: Living in the Shadow of the Wall 2016:11. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198718741* フランス史 Desjardins, Paul/Stewart, Hugh Fraser French Patriotism in the Nineteenth Century: Traced in Contemporary Texts 2016:9. 378 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780190275280* *9781316620069* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 47 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 南欧史 Jones, Peter. M. The French Revolution 1787-1804, 3rd ed. (Seminar Studies) 2016:9. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138848498* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138848511* 第三世界の発見 : 脱植民地化とフランスの新左翼の台頭 Kalter, Christoph The Discovery of the Third World: Decolonisation and the Rise of the New Left in France, C.1950 1976 (Decolonisation and the Rise of the New Left in France, c.1950-1976) 2016:7. 534 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107074514* Lougee, Carolyn Chappell Facing the Revocation: Huguenot Families, Faith, \&@#=&! New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190241315* Murphy, Neil Ceremonial Entries, Municipal Liberties and the Negotiation of Power in Valois France, 13281589 (Rulers & Elites, Vol. 7) 2016:8. 292 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004313569* 信仰とファシズム : イタリアのカトリック知識人 1925 年 - 1943年 Dagnino, Jorge Faith and Fascism: Catholic Intellectuals in Italy, 1925-43 (Histories of the Sacred and Secular, 17002000) 2016:11. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Gaggio, Dario The Shaping of Tuscany: Landscape and Society Between Tradition and Modernity 2016:9. 304 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Malcolm, Alistair Royal Favouritism and the Governing Elite of the Spanish Monarchy, 1640-1665 (Oxford Historical Monographs) 2016:12. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198791904* 北欧史 Ohrvik, Ane Conceptualizing Knowledge in Early Modern Norway (Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic) 2017:2. 256 p., Originally published in 2016 (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137467416* 東欧史 Taylor, Craig Chivalry and the Ideals of Knighthood in France During the Hundred Years War 2016:10. 362 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316631126* Abraham, Florin Romania Since the Second World War: A Political, Social and Economic History 2017:1. 360 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 48 *9781107127777* *9781137448934* *9781472532183* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》ヨーロッパ史 Dolukhanov, Pavel The Early Slavs: Eastern Europe from the Initial Settlement to the Kievan Rus 2016:7. 252 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138144224* *9781316620038* *9789004314672* ロシア史 Badcock, Sarah A Prison Without Walls?: Eastern Siberian Exile in the Last Years of Tsarism 2016:10. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199641550* ロシアとヨーロッパの宮廷 : 儀式と外交の文化 1648 年 - 1725 年 Hennings, Jan Russia and Courtly Europe: Ritual and the Culture of Diplomacy, 1648 1725 (New Studies in European History) 2016:9. 330 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780198734826* Swain, Geoffrey A Short History of the Russian Revolution (I.B. Tauris Short Histories) 2017:3. 256 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781780767925* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781780767932* Smith, Steve A. Russia in Revolution: An Empire in Crisis, 1890 to 1928 2017:1. 528 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 I.B.Tauris版 ロシア革命小史 Zupka, Du an Ritual and Symbolic Communication in Medieval Hungary under the Arpad Dynasty (East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450-1450, Vol. 39) 2016:9. 224 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9780199280513* Penson, J. H./Halecki, O./Reddaway, W. F. (eds.) The Cambridge History of Poland: From Augustus II to Pilsudski (1697-1935) 2016:9. 658 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Kollmann, Nancy Shields The Russian Empire 1450-1801 (Oxford History of Early Modern Europe) 2017:1. 512 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781107050594* ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ Routledge 名著復刻叢書 : ロシア革命 全 12 巻 The Russian Revolution (Routledge Library Editions: The Russian Revolution) 2017:2. 12 Vols., 5,258 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138219991* Wade, Rex A. Russian Revolution, 1917, 3rd ed. (New Approaches to European History, Vol. 53) 2016:10. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107130326* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107571259* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 49 歴史学 》北米史 北米史 Adams, John Quincy/Allen, David Grayson/Friedlaender, Marc/Taylor, Robert J./Walker, Celeste Diary of John Quincy Adams: November 1779-March 1786, Vol. 1 (Adams Papers, Vol. 9) 2016:8. 482 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674018648* Adams, John Quincy/Allen, David Grayson/Friedlaender, Marc/Taylor, Robert J./Walker, Celeste Diary of John Quincy Adams: March 1786-December 1788, Vol. 2 (Adams Papers, Vol. 9) 2016:8. 540 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674018655* Adams, Mikaela M. Who Belongs?: Race, Resources, and Tribal Citizenship in the Native South 2016:12. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190619466* Aronson, Jay D. Who Owns the Dead?: The Science and Politics of Death at Ground Zero 2016:9. 290 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674971493* Babcock, Matthew Apache Adaptation to Hispanic Rule (Studies in North American Indian History) 2016:9. 336 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107121386* Bingmann, Melissa Telling America’s Stories Through Places: 50 A Guide to Historical Site Interpretation 2017:6. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780765641687* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780765641694* Blake, David Haven Liking Ike: Eisenhower, Advertising, and the Rise of Celebrity Politics 2016:9. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190278182* Davies, Richard O. Sports in American Life: A History, 3rd ed. 2016:7. 504 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118912379* Engstrom, Erik J./Kernell, Samuel Party Ballots, Reform, and the Transformation of America’s Electoral System 2016:8. 246 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107686786* Ingersoll, Thomas N. The Loyalist Problem in Revolutionary New England 2016:11. 314 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107128613* Isaac, Joel/Kloppenberg, James T./O'Brien, Michael/Ratner-Rosenhagen, Jennifer (eds.) The Worlds of American Intellectual History 2017:1. 292 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190459468* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》北米史 Johnson, Rashauna Slavery’s Metropolis: Unfree Labor in New Orleans During the Age of Revolutions (Cambridge Studies on the African Diaspora) 2016:8. 288 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107133716* Jones, Christopher F. Routes of Power: Energy and Modern America 2016:8. 320 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674970922* Kalogerakis, George/Risen, Clay Widmer, Edward L. (ed.) The New York Times’ Disunion: A History of the Civil War 2016:11. 392 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190621834* 北 米 Karp, Matthew This Vast Southern Empire: Slaveholders at the Helm of American Foreign Policy 2016:9. 350 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674737259* 川島正樹著 『アメリカの歴史、 人種と平等のための 闘争』 Kawashima, Masaki American History, Race and the Struggle for Equality`*&#\" (Palgrave Macmillan, SGP) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811019760* リンカーン最後のスピーチ Masur, Louis P. Lincoln’s Last Speech: Wartime Reconstruction and the Crisis of Reunion (Pivotal Moments in ★印はお薦めタイトル American History) 2017:2. 264 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190620097* Miller, Steven P. The Age of Evangelicalism`>&#X`@& Years 2016:11. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190636692* Muller, Gilbert H. Abraham Lincoln and William Cullen Bryant: Their Civil War 2016:10. 215 p (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319315881* Neiberg, Michael S. The Path to War: How the First World War Created Modern America 2016:11. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190464967* Ward, Thomas J., Jr./Geiger, H. Jack Out in the Rural: A Mississippi Health Center and its War on Poverty 2017:1. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190624620* Williams, Hettie V. Bury My Heart in a Free Land: Black Women Intellectuals in Modern U.S. History 2017:3. 335 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440835483* See also Parrish, Susan Scott, The Flood Year 1927, Princeton U.P........................................... p196 , 1606 Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 51 歴史学 》ラテンアメリカ史 ラテンアメリカ史 ポルフィリオ ・ ディアス Garner, Paul %&*# ;? (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 アジア史 *9781138144255* Guyot-Rechard, Berenice Shadow States: India, China and the Himalayas, 1910-1962 2016:10. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107176799* 日本史 Hiatt, Willie # : Airplanes and Technological Modernity in the Andes 2016:11. 248 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190248901* McPherson, Alan The Invaded: How Latin Americans and Their Allies Fought and Ended U.S. Occupations 2016:12. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190498764* Oxford 版 アステカハンドブック Nichols, Deborah L./Rodríguez-Alegría, Enrique (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Aztecs (Oxford Handbooks) 2017:1. 760 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199341962* Orozco, José Receive Our Memories: The Letters of Luz Moreno, 1950-1952 2016:12. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199340422* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199340439* 日本と過去の足枷 Murphy, R. Taggart Japan and the Shackles of the Past 2016:11. 472 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190619589* ★ 日本の戦犯 : 第二次世界大戦後の正義の政治 Wilson, Sandra/Cribb, Robert/Trefalt, Beatrice/Aszkielowicz, Dean Japanese War Criminals: The Politics of Justice After the Second World War (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism) 2017:1. 432 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231179225* 東アジア史 Bossler, Beverly Courtesans, Concubines, and the Cult of Female Fidelity (Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series, Vol. 83) 2016:9. 480 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 52 *9781501703096* Jaundrill, D. Colin Samurai to Soldier: Remaking Military Service in Nineteenth-Century Japan (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia Un) 2017:12. 248 p. (Cornell U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674970649* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》アジア史 ᮾ䜰䝆䜰䛾㌷ྐ䞉ᡓ␎◊✲䛾ᑓ㛛ᐙ㻌 䝃䝷䞉C䞉䝨䜲䞁䛾᭱᪂ห䟿 ᪥ᮏᖇᅜ䠖᫂⥔᪂䛛䜙ኴᖹὒᡓத䜎䛷䛾ᡓ␎ The Japanese Empire Grand Strategy from the Meiji Restoration to the Pacific War Edited by Sarah C. Paine, United States Naval War College, USA 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 248 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-107-01195-3 .........................USD 90.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥13,815 / ≉౯ ¥11,052 + ⛯ *9781107011953* 19 ୡ⣖ᚋ༙ࡽ 20 ୡ⣖༙ࡤ࠾ࡅࡿ᪥ᮏࡢᡓதయ㦂ࡣࠊὶᫍࡢࡈࡃ⌧ࢀ࡚ᶒ ຊࢆᤸᥱࡋࠊቯ⁛ⓗⴠࡋ࡚࠸ࡃᵝࢆぢ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ᪥ᮏࡀ㏆௦ࡋࠊ㠀 ࣮ࣚࣟࢵࣃࡢᅜ࡞ࡿࡘࢀࠊᣦᑟ⪅ࡓࡕࡣࢪ㝣ࡢᖇᅜࡀࣟࢩࢆᑒࡌ㎸ ࡵ࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡞ࡽ࡞࠸⤖ㄽ࡙ࡅࡲࡋࡓࠋ᪥ᮏࡣ᪥Ύᡓத㸦1894 ᖺ-1895 ᖺ㸧᪥㟢 ᡓத㸦1904 ᖺ-1905 ᖺ㸧ࡋࡲࡋࡓࡀࠊ᪥୰ᡓத㸦1931 ᖺ-1945 ᖺ㸧ࡣ㠃ᡓ தᗈࡀࡾࠊࡸࡀ࡚➨ḟୡ⏺ᡓࡢᒁ㠃ࡢ୍ࡘ✺ධࡋ࡚࠸ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋ ࡞ไᗘᵓ⠏ࠊ◚⁛ⓗ࡞ᅜ㝿⎔ቃࡢᣑࠊẸ㛫㌷ᙜᒁࡢṍࢇࡔᆒ⾮ࠊࡑࡋ࡚ᆅᨻ Ꮫࡢㄗゎ࡞ࡀ⤌ࡳྜࢃࡉࡾࠊᡓᒁ῝้࡞⤖ᯝࢆࡶࡓࡽࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋᮏ᭩ࡀ⾜ࡗࡓ ศᯒㄪᰝ࡛ࡣࠊ᪥ᮏࡢไᗘࡢⓎᒎࡸᨻᗓෆࡢពぢࡢከᵝᛶࠊ᪥ᮏࡢᅜෆᨻࠊ᪥ᮏ ࡢእᨻ⟇୰ᅜࡢᢠ᪥ⓗ࡞ᛂ࠸ࡗࡓࢸ࣮࣐ࢆ⪃ᐹࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣࠊṔ ྐࠊᨻࠊᅜ㝿㛵ಀ⯆ࢆᣢࡘࡍ࡚ࡢேࠎࡗ࡚ᚲᦠࡢධ㛛᭩࡛ࡍࠋ ࣭᪥ᮏࡀᛴ㏿࡞Ⓨᒎࢆ㐙ࡆࡓᶍ⠊ᅜᐙ࡛࠶ࡗࡓ ୡ⣖ᚋ༙ࡽࠊࠕ㝖ࡅ⪅ᅜᐙࠖ ࡞ࡿ ୡ⣖༙ࡤࡲ࡛ࡢ᪥ᮏࡢኚ㑄ࢆゎㄝ ࣭ᨻ⟇࠾ࡼࡧᡓ␎ࡢ㑅ᢥ࡞ࡽࠊ᪥ᮏࡀ㐩ᡂࡋࡼ࠺ࡋ࡚࠸ࡓ┠ᶆࢆศᯒࡋ࡚࠸ ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭ኚࡍࡿᅜ㝿ໃไᗘⓗ⎔ቃ࠸࠺ࢥࣥࢸࢡࢫࢺࡢ୰ࠊ᪥ᮏࡢ㑅ᢥࢆ㓄⨨ ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 53 歴史学 》アジア史 Cong, Xiaoping Marriage, Law and Gender in Revolutionary China >&@%&#&\&#\# Republic of) 2016:7. 342 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107148567* Cook, Alexander C. The Cultural Revolution on Trial: Justice in the Post-Mao Transition (Mao and the Gang of Four) 2016:8. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780521761116* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780521135290* Sutton, Donald S./Kang, Xiaofei Contesting the Yellow Dragon: Ethnicity, Religion, and the State in the Sino-Tibetan Borderland (Religion in Chinese Societies, Vol. 10) 2016:7. 494 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004319226* 中世中国の貴族の滅亡 Tackett, Nicolas The Destruction of the Medieval Chinese Aristocracy (Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series, Vol. 93) 2016:8. 298 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674970656* 東アジア史 イスラムの三字経 : 中国におけるイスラームの定義の 変化と連続性 Holcombe, Charles History of East Asia: From the Origins of Civilization to the Twenty-First Century 2017:3. 485 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Tontini, Roberta Muslim Sanzijing: Shifts and Continuities in the *&& #>& \& \&%&#!; 2016:7. 238 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781107118737* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107544895* Ownby, David/Goossaert, Vincent/Ji, Zhe (eds.) Making Saints in Modern China 2017:1. 520 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Shaughnessy, Edward L. A Short History of Ancient China (I.B. Tauris Short Histories) 2017:3. 256 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781784533489* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 54 Wong, Young-tsu China’s Conquest of Taiwan in the Seventeenth Century: Victory at Full Moon 2016:12. 255 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811022470* 東南アジア史 I.B.Tauris 版 古代アジア小史 *9789004319240* *9780190494568* *9781784533496* Castaneda Anastacio, Leia The Foundations of the Modern Philippine State: Imperial Rule and the American Constitutional Tradition in the Philippine Islands, 1898-1935 (Cambridge Historical Studies in American Law and Society) 2016:9. 334 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107024670* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》アジア史 南アジア史 Abu`l-fazl/Thackston, Wheeler M. The History of Akbar: Vol. 3 (Murty Classical Library of India, Vol. 10) 2017:1. 752 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674659827* Cox, Whitney Politics, Kingship, and Poetry in Medieval South India: Moonset on Sunrise Mountain 2016:10. 330 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107172371* インド史研究入門 Kosambi, Damodar Dharmanand An Introduction to the Study of Indian History 2016:8. 300 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9789386042217* オセアニア史 McIntyre, W. David $ ' % Islands (Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series) 2016:10. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198794677* Scates, Bruce/Oppenheimer, Melanie The Last Battle: Soldier Settlement in Australia 1916-1939 (Soldier Settlement in Australia 19161939) 2016:10. 272 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 中東史 *9781107125063* Atc L., Abdurrahman Scholars and Sultans in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire 2016:9. 268 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Ayalon, David Gunpowder and Firearms in the Mamluk Kingdom: A Challenge to Medieval Society (1956) 2016:7. 176 p., Originally published in 1979 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138975606* オスマン帝国海軍 : 帝国の極みから崩壊へ Panzac, Daniel The Ottoman Navy: From the Height of Empire to Dissolution, 1572-1923 2017:3. 384 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198757092* Rahnema, Ali Behind the 1953 Coup in Iran: Thugs, Turncoats, Soldiers, and Spooks 2016:8. 346 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107429758* Richard, Yann Iran from 1800 to the Present Day 2017:12. 352 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781784535391* 中東の知られざる英仏戦争 : 諜報活動と脱植民地化 Zamir, Meir The Secret Anglo-French War in the Middle East: Intelligence and Decolonization, 1940-1948 (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern History) 2016:9. 502 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781107177161* *9781138237124* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 55 歴史学 》アフリカ史 アフリカ史 Berger, Iris Women in Twentieth-Century Africa (New Approaches to African History, Vol. 10) 2016:7. 200 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780521741217* Birmingham, Professor David/Birmingham, David The Decolonization of Africa 2016:10. 117 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138173033* Campbell, Gwyn (ed.) Early Exchange between Africa and the Wider Indian Ocean World (Palgrave Series in Indian Ocean World Studies) 2016:11. 400 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Lander, Shira L. Ritual Sites and Religious Rivalries in Late Roman North Africa 2016:12. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107146945* McPhee, Allan The Economic Revolution in British West Africa 2016:7. 348 p., Originally published in 1971 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138968271* Meital, Yoram Revolutionary Justice: Special Courts and the Formation of Republican Egypt 2016:12. 296 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190600839* *9783319338217* Routledge ྡⴭ้ྀ᭩䠖୰ᮾ䛾Ṕྐ㻌 13 ᕳ Routledge Library Editions: History of the Middle East 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1020875603䛇 2016ᖺ 11᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 13 Vols., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-22002-7................STP 1,165.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥239,215 / ≉౯ ¥191,372 + ⛯ *9781138220027* ྡⴭࢆหࡍࡿ 13 ᕳᵓᡂࡢᮏࢭࢵࢺࡣࠊ୰ᮾྐࡢᵝࠎ࡞㔜せ࡞ഃ㠃㛵ࡍࡿ ⴭసࢆࡲࡵ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࣛࣈ㤳㛗ᅜ㐃㑥ࡸࢨࣥࢪࣂࣝ࠸ࡗࡓᵝࠎ࡞ሙᡤࡢṔྐ ࡸࠊᮾࣛࣈᑐࡍࡿࢼࢳࢫᨻ⟇ࡢศᯒࡸࠊ‴ᓊㅖᅜࡢ㡿ᅵⓗᇶ┙ࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ⢭ㄞ ࢆ㏻ࡋࠊึᮇࡢࣛࣅ᥈᳨ᐙࡽ 1979 ᖺࡢࣛࣥ㠉ࡲ࡛ࠊᮏࢭࢵࢺ㞟ࡵࡽ ࢀࡓⴭసࡣࠊࡇࡢᆅᇦ㛵ࡍࡿᖜᗈࡃᢡ⾺ⓗ࡞Ṕྐ◊✲ࢆᙧᡂࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR/ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 56 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》アフリカ史 Otunnu, Ogenga Crisis of Legitimacy and Political Violence in Uganda, 1890 to 1979 (African Histories and Modernities) 2016:10. 335 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319331553* Salvadore, Matteo The African Prester John and the Birth of Ethiopian-European Relations, 1402-1555 (Transculturalisms, 1400-1700) 2016:7. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472418913* 各種テーマ史 Adam, Istvan Pal Budapest Building Managers and the Holocaust in Hungary (The Holocaust and its Contexts) 2016:10. 200 p (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319338309* Fischer-Tiné, Harald (ed.) Anxieties, Fear and Panic in Colonial Settings: Empires on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series) 2017:2. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319451350* Fogg, Shannon L. Stealing Home: Looting, Restitution, and Reconstructing Jewish Lives in France, 1942-1947 2016:12. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198787129* Griech-Polelle, Beth A. Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust: Language, Rhetoric and the Traditions of Hatred (Perspectives on the Holocaust) 2017:2. 288 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472586926* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472586919* Holland, Roy F./Rizvi, Gowher (eds.) Perspectives on Imperialism and Decolonization: Essays in Honour of A.F. Madden 2016:8. 222 p., Originally published in 1984 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138978287* Millet, Kitty The Victims of Slavery, Colonization and the Holocaust: A Comparative History of Persecution (Modern History of Politics and Violence) 2017:2. 272 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472508263* インドと大英帝国 Peers, Douglas M./Gooptu, Nandini (eds.) India and the British Empire (Oxford History of the British Empire Companion Series) 2016:10. 384 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198794615* Thomas, Martin/Toye, Richard Arguing about Empire: Imperial Rhetoric in Britain and France, 1882-1956 2017:1. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198749196* Von Humboldt, Alexander Views of Nature 2016:10. 344 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780226422473* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 57 歴史学 》各種テーマ史 See also 軍事史 Totman, Conrad, Japan, I.B. Tauris ....... p158 , 1300 Zilberstein, Anya, A Temperate Empire, Oxford U.P., New York ..........................................p158 , 1301 科学史 Kritsotaki, Despo/Long, Vicky/Smith, Matthew (eds.) Deinstitutionalisation and After: Post-War Psychiatry in the Western World (Mental Health in Historical Perspective) 2016:11. 290 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319453590* Loughran, Tracey Shell-Shock and Medical Culture in First World War Britain (Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Modern Warfare, Vol. 48) 2016:8. 303 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107128903* McKeown, James C. A Cabinet of Ancient Medical Curiosities: Strange Tales and Surprising Facts from the Healing Arts of Greece and Rome 2017:2. 312 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190610432* Radden, Jennifer Melancholic HabitsX#`>\& Sciences 2017:1. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199348190* Slouber, Michael Early Tantric Medicine: Snakebite, Mantras, and Healing in the Garuda Tantras 2016:11. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 58 *9780190461812* Bougerel, Xavier/Branche, Raphaelle/Drieu, Cloe (eds.) Combatants of Muslim Origin in European Armies in the Twentieth Century: Far from Jihad 2017:1. 256 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474249423* Cawood, Ian J./McKinnon-Bell, David The First World War (Questions and Analysis in History) 2016:8. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138144262* Heinrichs, Waldo/Gallicchio, Marc Implacable Foes=&\&*!? 640 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190616755* %@*!@\ Somme: Into the Breach 2016:8. 656 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674545199* Shamir, Eitan/Heuser, Beatrice (eds.) Insurgencies and Counterinsurgencies: National Styles and Strategic Cultures 2016:10. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316501009* イギリス諜報部とソビエト連邦のヒトラー帝国 1941 年 - 1945年 Wheatley, Ben British Intelligence and Hitler’s Empire in the Soviet Union, 1941-1945 2017:1. 288 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474297226* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》各種テーマ史 文化・社会史 Agren, Maria (ed.) Making a Living, Making a Difference: Gender and Work in Early Modern European Society 2017:2. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190240615* Anderson, Bonnie S. The Rabbi’s Atheist Daughter: Ernestine Rose, International Feminist Pioneer 2017:1. 264 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199756247* Bailey, Merridee/Barclay, Katie (eds.) Emotion, Ritual and Power in Europe, 12001920: Family, State and Church (Palgrave Studies in the History of Emotions) 2017:1. 268 p (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319441849* Barclay, Katie/Rawnsley, Ciara/Reynolds, Kimberley (eds.) Death, Emotion and Childhood in Premodern Europe (Palgrave Studies in the History of Childhood) 2016:10. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137571984* Brown, Paul Britain’s Historic Ships: A Complete Guide to the Ships That Shaped the Nation 2017:1. 208 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781844864096* チャーリーとシルビア : 近代アメリカにおける同性婚 Cleves, Rachel Hope ★印はお薦めタイトル Charity and Sylvia: A Same-Sex Marriage in Early America 2016:11. 296 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190627317* Crawford, Sally/Ulmschneider, Katharina/Elsner, Jas' (eds.) Ark of Civilization: Refugee Scholars and Oxford University, 1930-1945 2017:3. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199687558* Oxford 版 魔術と魔法の歴史図説 Davies, Owen (ed.) The Oxford Illustrated History of Witchcraft and Magic 2017:2. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199608447* Hadley, Dawn Masculinity in Medieval Europe (Women And Men In History) 2016:7. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138145436* Heijden, Manon Women and Crime in Early Modern Holland (Crime and City in History, Vol. 1) 2016:8. 181 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004314115* Janzen, Janet Media, Modernity and Dynamic Plants in Early 20th Century German Culture (Critical Plant Studies, Vol. 2) 2016:9. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004327160* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 59 歴史学 》各種テーマ史 Kopp, Peter A. Hoptopia: A World of Agriculture and Beer in @#=&> &&%&#& Food and Culture, Vol. 61) 2016:9. 280 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520277489* Kosambi, Damodar Dharmanand Myth and Reality: Studies in the Formation of Indian Culture 2016:10. 160 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9789386042262* Lateiner, Donald/Spatharas, Dimos The Ancient Emotion of Disgust (Emotions of the Past) 2016:11. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190604110* Magra, Christopher P. Poseidon’s Curse: British Naval Impressment and Atlantic Origins of the American Revolution 2016:9. 352 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107112148* 高貴な婚外子 : 非合法な誕生 800 年 -1230 年 McDougall, Sara Royal Bastards: The Birth of Illegitimacy, 8001230 (Oxford Studies In Medieval European History) 2016:11. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198785828* ୰ୡୡ⏺䛻䛚䛡䜛ዪᛶ㻌 4 ᕳ Women in the Medieval World (Series: Critical Concepts in Women's History) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1018302877䛇 Edited by Cordelia Beattie, The University of Edinburgh, UK 2016ᖺ 11᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,600 p., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-0-415-73956-6.................STP 800.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥ 164,267 / ≉౯ ¥ 131,414 + ⛯ *9780415739566* ୰ୡࡢዪᛶࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ◊✲ࡣࠊዪᛶ㛫ࡢ⤒㦂࠸࠺ᬑ㐢ࡢ⪃࠼᪉ᣮᡓࡋ࡞ࡀࡽࠊࡇ ࡇ 40 ᖺࢃࡓࡗ࡚⦾ᰤࡋ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋRoutledge ࡀห⾜ࡍࡿᮏㄽᩥ㞟ࡣࠊಟ㐨ዪࡸ ಟ㐨㝔ධࡗ࡚࠸࡞࠸ዪᛶὀ┠ࡋࠊࣛࣇࢧࢡࣝࡢࢫࢸ࣮ࢪࡸ♫ⓗᆅᛂࡌ࡚ ዪᛶࢆぢࡿࡇ࡛◊✲ࡉࢀ࡚ࡁࡓ୰ୡࡢዪᛶࡘ࠸࡚ࠊᵝࠎ࡞᪉ἲ࡛ྲྀࡾୖࡆ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋዪᛶࡢ᎘ᝏឤࢆ⾲ࡍゝⴥࢆࡣࡌࡵࠊࣥࢳࣇ࢙࣑ࢽࢬ࣒ࣇ࢙࣑ࢽࢬ࣒ࠊ㌟యࡢ ᩥⓗᵓ⠏ࠊዪᛶྐࡢ௦༊ศ࠸ࡗࡓ⏝ㄒࡢጇᙜᛶ࡞ࠊ㔜せ࡞⌮ㄽⓗၥ㢟ࡶྲྀࡾ ⤌ࢇ࡛࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 60 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 歴史学 》各種テーマ史 イスラーム史 Molony, Barbara/Nelson, Jennifer (eds.) Women’s Activism and ‘Second Wave’ Feminism: Transnational Histories 2017:2. 272 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474250511* Ramaswamy, Vijaya (ed.) Women and Work in Precolonial India: A Reader 2016:11. 384 p. (Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd., IND) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9789351507413* Waxman, Zoë Women in the Holocaust: A Feminist History 2017:2. 192 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199608683* Abd al-Wahhab ibn Ahmad ibn Ali al-Sharani/ Sabra, Adam Advice for Callow Jurists and Gullible Mendicants on Befriending Emirs (World Thought in Translation) 2017:3. 224 p. (Yale U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780300198652* Leshem, Noam Life After Ruin{\%@@# ##ulated Arab Spaces (Cambridge Middle East Studies, Vol. 48) 2016:10. 248 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107149472* Salaymeh, Lena Beginnings of Islamic Law: Late Antique Islamicate Legal Traditions 2016:10. 260 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107133020* 人文地理学 人文地理学一般 Fletcher, George (ed.) Ireland 2016:9. 316 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316620021* Hee, Limin Constructing Singapore Public Space (Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements) 2016:11. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811023859* Lilley, Keith D. (ed.) Mapping Medieval Geographies: Geographical Encounters in the Latin West and Beyond, 300-1600 (Geographical Encounters in the Latin West and Beyond, 300-1600) 2017:11. 348 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 王と土地 : 聖書世界の王権の地理学 Russell, Stephen C. The King and the Land: A Geography of Royal Power in the Biblical World 2016:12. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781316620274* *9780199361885* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 61 人文地理学 》人文地理学一般 䜰䝯䝸䜹ᆅ⌮Ꮫ(AAG)䛸䛾㠃ⓗ䛺ᥦᦠ䛻䜘䜚ฟ∧䟿䟿 ᆅ⌮Ꮫศ㔝᭱᪂䛛䛴᭱つᶍ䛾 ᆅ⌮Ꮫᅜ㝿㻌 15 ᕳ International Encyclopedia of Geography People, the Earth, Environment and Technology Edited by Douglas Richardson, Noel Castree, Michael F. Goodchild, Audrey Kobayashi, Weidong Liu and Richard A. Marston 2017 ᖺ 2 ᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 15 Vols., 9,120 p., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4739-2504-5 ண⣙౯ (2017/05/16 ࡲ࡛) USD 2,495.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥383,007 / ≉౯ ¥306,405 + ⛯ ୖグ௨㝆 USD 2,995.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥459,762 / ≉౯ ¥367,809 + ⛯ *9780470659632* ᗈ⠊࡛ࢲࢼ࣑ࢵࢡ࡞ᆅ⌮Ꮫ㛵ࡍࡿỴᐃⓗ࡞㈨ᩱࡋ ࡚ࠊᮏ᭩࡛ࡣࠊWiley ࣓ࣜ࢝ᆅ⌮Ꮫ㸦AAG㸧ࡢ㛫࡛ึ ࡵ࡚ࡢᥦᦠࢆ⾜࠺ࡇࡼࡾࠊᆅ⌮Ꮫࡑࡢ㛵㐃ศ㔝ࡢᴫ ᛕࠊ◊✲ᡂᯝ◊✲ᡭἲࢆᴫほࡋࠊᐃ⩏࡙ࡅࡲࡍࠋಙ㢗ࡢ࠾ ࡅࡿ࢜ࣥࣛࣥ㈨ᩱࡋ࡚ࠊࡲࡓࠊ15 ᕳࢭࢵࢺࡢࣇ࣮ࣝ࢝ࣛ ࡢࣞࣇࣞࣥࢫࡋ࡚ࠊᅜ㝿ⓗ࡞୍ὶ◊✲⪅ࢆ㞟ࡵࡿࡇࡼࡾࠊୡ⏺ࡢᆅ⌮Ꮫ ࢆ⥙⨶ࡋࡓࠊໟᣓⓗ࡛ᶒጾ࠶ࡿ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࠙ᮏ᭩ࡢ≉ᚩࠚ ࣭㘓グᩘࡣ ༓௨ୖࢆᩘ࠼ࠊᇶᮏᴫᛕࡢධ㛛グࡸ㧗ᗘ࡞㢟ᑐࡍࡿὙ⦎ࡉࢀ ࡓㄝ᫂ࠊࡉࡽୡ⏺ࡢᆅ⌮Ꮫࡢሗࢆ⥙⨶ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྛグࡢ㛗ࡉࡣ ༓㹼 ㄒ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭ ᅜ௨ୖࡽ㑅ࡤࢀࡓ ே௨ୖࡢ୍ὶ◊✲⪅ࡀグࢆᇳ➹ࡍࡿࡇ࡛ࠊୡ⏺ࡢ ᆅ⌮Ꮫࢆ⥙⨶ࡋࡓࠊໟᣓⓗ࡛ᶒጾ࠶ࡿ᭩⡠࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭ேᩥᆅ⌮Ꮫ࣭⮬↛ᆅ⌮Ꮫ࣭*,6࣭ᆅ⌫⛉Ꮫ࣭⎔ቃ⛉Ꮫ࠸ࡗࡓศ㔝ࢆᏛ㝿ⓗどⅬ࡛ ࡽ࠼࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭㠃ࣇ࣮ࣝ࢝ࣛ ༓Ⅼ௨ୖࡢᅗ∧ࢆ㘓ࡋࠊ࢜ࣥࣛࣥ∧࡛ࡣᖺ୍ᅇࡢ᭦᪂ࣥ ࢱࣛࢡࢸࣦ࡞⿵㊊㈨ᩱࢆ㘓ࡋࡲࡍࠋ (Wiley, USA) 62 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 人文地理学 》経済地理学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 経済地理学 Beerepoot, Niels/Lambregts, Bart/Kleibert, Jana (eds.) Globalisation and Services-driven Economic Growth: Perspectives from the Global North and South (The Dynamics of Economic Space) 2016:8. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472470133* Rossi, Ugo Cities in Global Capitalism 2017:1. 176 p. (WileyBlackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745689661* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 経済地理学の研究方法と応用ハンドブック Karlsson, Charlie/Andersson, Martin/Norman, Therese (eds.) Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Economic Geography (Handbooks of Research Methods and Applications Series) 2016:9. 672 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198727408* *9781783479023* Peck, Jamie Offshore: Exploring the Worlds of Global Outsourcing 2017:3. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) *9780745689678* 都市地理学 Mould, Oli Urban Subversion and the Creative City (Routledge Critical Studies in Urbanism and the City) 2016:8. 218 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138693289* 芸 術 美術館学・博物館学 Grewcock, Duncan Doing Museology Differently (Routledge Research in Museum Studies) 2016:10. 296 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138215764* Anderson, Christina M. (ed.) Early Modern Merchants as Collectors (Visual Culture in Early Modernity) 2016:11. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472469823* Landi, Sheila Textile Conservator’s Manual, 2nd ed. 2016:8. 358 p., Originally published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 美術史・美術理論 *9781138169364* 抽象美術の意味 Crowther, Paul/Wünsche, Isabel (eds.) Meanings of Abstract Art: Between Nature and Theory (Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies) 2016:9. 300 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138233867* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 63 芸 術 䝸䝏䝱䞊䝗䞉䝕䜱䞊䝧䞁䝁䞊䞁䠖䜹䝍䝻䜾䞉䝺䝌䝛㻌 4ᕳ Richard Diebenkorn The Catalogue Raisonné Edited by Jane Livingston and Andrea Liguori 2016ᖺ 10᭶ห⾜, 4 Vols., 2,176 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-0-300-18450-1.......................USD 400.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥61,404 / ≉౯ ¥49,123 + ⛯ *9780300184501* ᮏ᭩ࡣᡓᚋ࣓ࣜ࢝ࡢⱁ⾡ᐙࠊࣜࢳ࣮ࣕࢻ࣭ࢹ࣮࣋ࣥࢥ࣮ࣥ ࡢ⏕ᾭࡑࡢ⊂≉࡞సရ㛵ࡍࡿ᭱ࡶಙ㢗࡛ࡁࡿ 4 ᕳᵓᡂࡢ㈨ᩱ㞟 ࡛ࡍࠋ 㧗ྡ࡞࣓ࣜ࢝ࡢⱁ⾡ᐙࠊࣜࢳ࣮ࣕࢻ࣭ࢹ࣮࣋ࣥࢥ࣮ࣥ(19221993)ࡣᡓᚋ࣓ࣜ࢝ⱁ⾡࠾࠸࡚༟㉺ࡋࡓே≀࡛ࡋࡓࠋ⏬ᐙே⏕ ࡢ᪩࠸ẁ㝵࡛ࠊᙼࡣ㢼ᬒ⏬ࡢຠᯝࡸẼ㐲㏆ἲࠊ㠀ᖖ⚾ⓗ࡞࢝ ࣜࢢࣛࣇ࣮ⓗゝㄒࢆ⤌ࡳྜࢃࡏࡓᢳ㇟⏬ࢆ⪃ࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋࡑࡋ࡚ 1955 ᖺࡢᚋ༙ ࡣࠊල㇟ⓗ᪉ἲ㸦㢼ᬒ⏬ࠊே≀⏬ࠊ㟼≀⏬㸧╔ᡭࡋጞࡵࠊ࣭࢚࣋ࣜࡢල㇟ ⨾⾡㐠ືࡶ㛵ࢃࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋࡑࡢᚋࠊ1960 ᖺ௦ࢹ࣮࣋ࣥࢥ࣮ࣥࡣල㇟ⓗᡭἲࢆ ᤞ࡚ࠊྡ㧗࠸࣮ࠗ࢜ࢩ࣭ࣕࣥࣃ࣮ࢡ࠘ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬసရࢆྵࡴࠊኊ࡞ᢳ㇟⏬ࡸᗄఱᏛ ⓗ࡞ᵓᅗྲྀࡾࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋ 4 ᕳᵓᡂࡢࡇࡢ࢝ࢱࣟࢢ࣭ࣞࢰࢿࡣࠊ⤮⏬ࡸ⣬ᥥࢀࡓసရࡸ❧య≀ࢆྵࡴࢹ ࣮࣋ࣥࢥ࣮ࣥࡢ⊂≉࡞సရ㛵ࡍࡿỴᐃⓗ࡞㈨ᩱ㞟࡛ࡍࠋ➨ 1 ᕳࡣࠊⱁ⾡ᐙࡢ⏕ ᾭࢆᴫほࡋࠊࢪ࣭࢚ࣙࣥࣝࢲ࣮ࣇ࣮ࣝࢻࠊ࣮ࣝࢫ࣭ࣇࣥࠊࢪ࢙࣭ࣥࣜࣅࣥ ࢢࢫࢺࣥࠊࢫࢸ࣮ࣈ࣭ࣥࢼࢵࢩࣗࠊࢪ࢙ࣛࣝࢻ࣭ࣀ࣮ࢻࣛࣥࢻ࡞ࡢⴭྡ࡞Ꮫ⪅ ࡼࡗ࡚ᇳ➹ࡉࢀࡓホㄽཬࡧ┿ධࡾࡢᖺ⾲ࠊᒎぴ୍ぴࠊཧ⪃ᩥ⊩୍ぴࠊࢺࣜ ࢚ࣀ࣮ࢺ(studio notes)ࡢᢤ⢋ࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ➨ 2 ᕳࡣᙼࡢᏛ⏕௦ึᮇࡢᢳ ㇟⏬ࡢసရࢆᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ➨ 3 ᕳࡣࣂ࣮ࢡ࣮ࣞ௦ࡢල㇟⏬సရ↔Ⅼࢆ⤠ࡗ࡚ ࠸ࡲࡍࠋ➨ 4 ᕳࡣᙼࡢࢫࢣࢵࢳࣈࢵࢡࡸࠊࡑࡢࡢࢇ▱ࡽࢀ࡚࠸࡞࠸⚾ⓗ࡞ ࢹࢵࢧࣥཬࡧᬌᖺࡢసရࢆᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ࢝ࢱࣟࢢᥖ㍕ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ 5000 Ⅼ௨ ୖࡢసရࡢከࡃࡀᅇึࡵ࡚ฟ∧ࡉࢀࡿࡶࡢ࡛࠶ࡾࠊ᪂ࡋ࠸࣮࢝ࣛ┿⾡ࡼࡗ࡚ ⤂ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Yale U.P., GBR) 64 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》美術史・美術理論 Elliott, David/Silverman, Marissa/Bowman, Wayne Artistic Citizenship: Artistry, Social Responsibility, and Ethical Praxis 2016:11. 616 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199393749* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199393756* 中世 ・ 初期近代美術、 文学、 社会における犬 Gelfand, Laura D. Our Dogs, Our Selves: Dogs in Medieval and Early Modern Art, Literature, and Society (Art and Material Culture in Medieval and Renaissance Europe, Vol. 6) 2016:9. 452 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004269163* 西洋美術 Ashgate 版 17 世紀オランダ美術研究必携 Franits, Wayne (ed.) The Ashgate Research Companion to Dutch Art of the Seventeenth Century 2016:7. 478 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409465942* McMullan, Gordon/Smiles, Sam (eds.) Late Style and its Discontents: Essays in art, literature, and music 2016:9. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198704621* ジョン ・ シンガー ・ サージェントの絵画全集 Ormond, Richard/Kilmurray, Elaine John Singer Sargent: The Complete Paintings 2017:2. 144 p. (Yale U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780300219203* 初期フィレンツェ共和国におけるパブリックペインティ ングと視覚文化 Bent, George R. Public Painting and Visual Culture in Early Republican Florence 2017:1. 382 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107139763* der Manuelian, Peter Digital Giza: Visualizing the Pyramids 2016:9. 256 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674731233* Filipovic, Elena The Apparently Marginal Activities of Marcel Duchamp 2016:10. 360 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 ゲルハルト ・ リヒターの美術作品 Ansted, Darryn The Artwork of Gerhard Richter: Painting, Critical Theory and Cultural Transformation 2016:7. 244 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472409560* 現代美術 ロメア ・ ビアーデン Campbell, Mary Schmidt Romare Bearden: A Reconstructed Life 2017:3. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780195059090* *9780262034821* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 65 芸 術 》美術史・美術理論 Guilbaut, Serge/O'Brian, John (eds.) Breathless Days, 1959-1960 2017:2. 360 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG673価格未定 *9780822360230* ,6%1 3DSHU673価格未定 *9780822360414* Moser, Walter/Ndalianis, Angela/Krieger, Peter (eds.) Neo-Baroques: From Latin America to the Hollywood Blockbuster (Postmodern Studies, Vol. 55) 2016:10. 315 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004324343* 彫 刻 性とスーツ : 近代ドレスの進化 Hollander, Anne Sex and Suits: The Evolution of Modern Dress 2016:8. 176 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474250658* ファッションにおける伝統と近代化の掛け合い Jansen, M. Angela/Craik, Jennifer (eds.) Modern Fashion Traditions: Negotiating Tradition and Modernity through Fashion (Dress and Fashion Research) 2016:7. 256 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474229494* 音 楽 Kousser, Rachel The Afterlives of Greek Sculpture: Interaction, Transformation, and Destruction 2017:2. 318 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780300197709* ネオバロック ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107040724* 建築・景観 シェーンベルクの十二音技法 Boss, Jack Schoenberg’s Twelve-Tone Music: Symmetry and the Musical Idea (Music since 1900) 2016:7. 466 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107624924* チャールズ ・ イームズとレイ ・ イームズの映画 中世以降の音楽と文化 Schuldenfrei, Eric The Films of Charles and Ray Eames: A Universal Sense of Expectation (Routledge Research in Architecture) 2016:9. 260 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Brand, Benjamin/Rothenberg, David J. (eds.) Music and Culture in the Middle Ages and Beyond: Liturgy, Sources, Symbolism 2016:10. 350 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781138229334* デザイン Calahan, April Cannell, Karen Trivette (ed.) Fashion Plates: 150 Years of Style 2016:10. 440 p. (Yale U.P., GBR) 66 *9781107158375* Brodsky, Seth From 1989, or European Music and the Modernist Unconscious (Roth Family Foundation Music in America Book) 2017:1. 330 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520279360* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 䝹䞉䝁䝹䝡䝳䝆䜶㻌 4 ᕳ Le Corbusier (Series: Critical Assessments in Architecture) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1020803754䛇 Edited by Graham Livesey, The University of Calgary, CAN and Antony Moulis, The University of Queensland, AUS 2017ᖺ 2᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,600 p., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-86101-5...................STP 955.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥196,094 / ≉౯ ¥156,875 + ⛯ *9781138861015* ࣭ࣝࢥࣝࣅࣗࢪ࢚ࡣࠊ᭱ࡶᙳ㡪ຊࡢ࠶ࡿ 20 ୡ⣖ࡢᘓ⠏ᐙ࡛࠶ࡿ⪃࠼ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᜠᖌࢩ࣭ࣕࣝࣝࣞࣉࣛࢺࢽ࢚ࡢୗ࡛⨾⾡ᕤⱁࡢఏ⤫ࢆᏛࡧࠊึᮇࡢカ⦎ࡋ࡚ࡣࠊ㔜せ ࡞ྛᆅࡢ᪑⾜ࡸࠊ࣌ࣞᘵࣆ࣮ࢱ࣮࣭࣮࣋ࣞࣥࢫࡢົᡤ࡛ࢆࡋࡓᮇࡀྵࡲ ࢀࡲࡍࠋᙼࡣ 1917 ᖺࡽࣃࣜỌఫࡋࠊࡑࡢᚋࠊࣔࢲࢽࢬ࣒ࡢ⏬ᐙࡢ࣓ࢹ࣭࢜ࢨࣥࣇ ࣥฟ࠸ࡲࡍࠋᙼࡽࡣඹࣆࣗࣜࢫ࣒ࢆ☜❧ࡋࠊ㞧ㄅ࢚ࠗࢫࣉ࣭ࣜࢾ࣮࣮࣎࠘ࢆ หࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋࡲࡓᙼࡣࠊࡇࡢᮇ࣭ࣝࢥࣝࣅࣗࢪ࢚ࢆྡࡾጞࡵࡲࡋࡓࠋ1920 ᖺ௦ ࡣࠊ㑰Ꮿࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢࢹࢨࣥࡸ⌧௦㒔ᕷィ⏬ࡼࡾࠊ୍ὶࡢ⌧௦ᘓ⠏ᐙࡢ୍ேࡋ࡚▱ ࡽࢀࡿࡼ࠺࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋࡇࡢᮇࡢ͆ⓑ࠸͇ᘓ⠏ࡣࠊᙼࡢᘓ⠏ྐࡢኚࡢ㛵ᚰඹ ࠊึᮇࡢ⯟✵ᶵࡸࠊ⮬ື㌴ࠊ㐲ὒᐃᮇ⯪࡞ࡢ㏆௦ⓗ࡞ᶵᲔࡽᙳ㡪ࢆཷࡅࡓࡶࡢ࡛ ࡋࡓࠋᙼࡢࢹࡢከࡃࡣࠊࠗᘓ⠏ࢆ┠ᣦࡋ࡚࠘ࠗࣘࣝࣂࢽࢫ࣒࠘࠸࠺ⴭసࡢ ୰グ㘓ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ1930 ᖺ௦ึ㢌࡞ࡿࠊᙼࡣᅜ㝿ⓗࡼࡾࡁ࡞ࡢ౫㢗ࢆ ồࡵࡿࡼ࠺࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋࡑࡋ࡚ᙼࡢᘓ⠏ࡣࠊᅵᆅᅛ᭷ࡢせ⣲ࢆྲྀࡾධࢀࡿࡇ࡛ࠊ 1920 ᖺ௦ࡢࣆࣗࣜࢫ࣒ࡢసရࡽ㐍ࡋ࡚࠸ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋ 1930 ᖺ௦ᚋ༙࣮ࣚࣟࢵࣃࡢᨻໃࡀኚࡋࡓࡓࡵࠊᙼࡣ࢟ࣕࣜ࠾࠸࡚ⱞ㜚ࡋ ࡲࡋࡓࠋ࠼ࡤᙼࡣࠊ➨ḟᡓ୰ࠊࣦࢩ࣮ᨻᶒࡽ౫㢗ࢆᚓࡼ࠺ࡋࡲࡋࡓࡀࠊ ኻᩋ⤊ࢃࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋࡲࡓࡇࡢᮇࡣࠊࣔࢹ࣮ࣗࣟࣝᑍἲయ⣔ࡢ㛤Ⓨࡶ╔ᡭࡋࡲࡋ ࡓࠋ㛤Ⓨࡀ⤊ࢃࡿ㡭ᙼࡣࣃࣜົᡤࢆᘓࡋࠊࡑࡇࡽࠊ1965 ᖺ⁒Ṛࡍࡿࡲ࡛ 㐀ⓗ࡛⏕⏘ⓗ࡞ᮇࡀ⥆ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋ≉㔜せ࡞ࡢࡣࠊ1946 ᖺጞࡲࡗࡓࣘࢽࢸ࣭ࢲࣅࢱ ࢩ࢜ࣥィ⏬࡛࠶ࡾࠊࡇࢀࡼࡾ㞟ྜఫᏯࡢᵓࢆⓎᒎࡉࡏࡿࡇࡀྍ⬟࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋ ࡇࡢィ⏬ࡣᙼࡢࣈ࣮ࣝࢱࣜࢬ࣒ᮇࡢฟ⌧ࡢ๓࡛ࡶ࠶ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋࡲࡓࠊᙼࡢᙧᘧⓗᐇ㦂 ࡣࠊࣀ࣮ࢺࣝࢲ࣒࣭ࢹ࣭࣮ࣗ࢜♩ᣏᇽࡸ࣭ࣛࢺ࣮ࣞࢵࢺಟ㐨㝔➼ࡢసရࡼࡾᗈࡀࡾ ࡲࡋࡓࠋ1950 ᖺᙼࡣࣥࢻᣍࢀ࡚ࣃࣥࢪ࣮ࣕࣈᕞࢳࣕࣥࢹ࣮࢞ࣝࡢ᪂㤳㒔ࡢ࣐ ࢫࢱ࣮࣭ࣉࣛࣥࢆᘬࡁ⥅ࡂࠊ⮬㌟㒔ᕷ⌮ㄽࢆヨࡍࡇཬࡧ࢟ࣕࣆࢺ࣭ࣝࢥࣥࣉࣞࢵࢡࢫ ࡢࢹࢨࣥࢆⓎᒎࡉࡏࡿࡇࡀྍ⬟࡞ࡾࡲࡋࡓࠋ୍㐃ࡢᬌᖺࡢసရࡣࠊᙼࡢ⤯࠼㛫࡞ ࠸ᘓ⠏ᵝᘧࡢᐇ㦂ࡢド࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡋࡤࡋࡤ㏆௦࣮ࣂࢽࢬ࣒ࡢኻᩋࡔᙜ㠀 㞴ࡉࢀࡓᙼࡢ㑇⏘ࡣࠊ㐍ࡋ⥆ࡅ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡇࡢ 4 ᕳࡢㄽᩥ㞟ࡣࠊึᮇࡢカ⦎ࡽ᭱ᚋࡢࣉࣟࢪ࢙ࢡࢺࡲ࡛ࠊᙼࡢே⏕ࡢᵝࠎ࡞ ẁ㝵ࢆ㎺ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR/ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 67 芸 術 》音 楽 Clark, Suzannah/Rehding, Alexander (eds.) Music in Time: Phenomenology, Perception, Performance (Harvard Publications in Music, Vol. 24) 2016:8. 352 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780964031760* フェデリコ ・ モレーノ ・トローバ Clark, Walter Aaron/Krause, William Craig Federico Moreno Torroba (Currents in Latin American and Iberian Music) 2016:12. 400 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190628468* 現代の映画音楽 Coleman, Lindsay/Tillman, Joakim (eds.) Contemporary Film Music: Investigating Cinema Narratives and Composition 2016:12. 270 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137573742* Dunsby, Jonathan/Goldman, Jonathan (eds.) The Dawn of Music Semiology: Essays in Honor of Jean-Jacques Nattiez (Eastman Studies in Music) 2017:2. 230 p. (University of Rochester Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781580465625* イタリアの大衆音楽研究 Fabbri, Franco/Plastino, Goffredo (eds.) Made in Italy: Studies in Popular Music (Routledge Global Popular Music Series) 2016:8. 256 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138213425* ベートーヴェンのピアノソナタ第 32 番 Gordon, Stewart Beethoven’s 32 Piano Sonatas: A Handbook for Performers 2017:2. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) 68 *9780190629175* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190629182* ストラヴィンスキーのピアノ ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 +&*\#!+\> Stravinsky’s Piano: Genesis of a Musical Language (Music since 1900) 2016:7. 354 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316632178* Haimo, Ethan/Feisst, Sabine (eds.) Schoenberg’s Early Correspondence (Schoenberg in Words) 2016:10. 448 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780195383720* Oxford 版 音楽と障害研究ハンドブック Howe, Blake/Jensen-Moulton, Stephanie/Lerner, Neil/Straus, Joseph (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Music and Disability Studies (Oxford Handbooks) 2016:12. 952 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190650605* ハインリヒ ・ シュッツ読本 Johnson, Gregory A Heinrich Schütz Reader: Letters and Documents in Translation 2016:10. 326 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190628475* アクースマティック ・ サウンドの理論と実践 Kane, Brian Sound Unseen: Acousmatic Sound in Theory and Practice 2016:10. 336 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190632212* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》音 楽 ,6%1 +DUG86'価格未定 ピエール ・ ブーレーズ Koblyakov, Lev Pierre Boulez: A World of Harmony (Contemporary Music Studies) 2016:7. 244 p., First published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138145092* Kramer, Jonathan D. Carl, Robert (ed.) Postmodern Music, Postmodern Listening 2016:8. 400 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781501306020* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781501306013* *9780190244705* *9780199313471* McGeary, Thomas The Politics of Opera in Handel’s Britain 2016:9. 422 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Notley, Margaret Lateness and Brahms: Music and Culture in the Twilight of Viennese Liberalism (AMS Studies in Music) 2016:11. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190628420* 中世フランスの街におけるミュージカルサウンド Peters, Gretchen The Musical Sounds of Medieval French Cities: Players, Patrons, and Politics 2016:9. 300 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316620823* Platt, Heather Johannes Brahms, 2nd ed. (Routledge Music Bibliographies) 2016:8. 552 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138213340* McCarron, Andrew Light Come Shining: The Transformations of Bob Dylan (Inner Lives) 2017:3. 216 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ヨハネス ・ ブラームス 第 2 版 Mantie, Roger/Smith, Gareth Dylan (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Music Making and Leisure (Oxford Handbooks) 2017:2. 672 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190215866* *9781316620229* 初期フランコ体制下スペインにおける音楽批評と批評家 Moreda Rodriguez, Eva Music Criticism and Music Critics in Early Francoist Spain (Currents in Latin American and Iberian Music) 2017:1. 192 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル ルイ14 世の時代におけるフランスのオルガン音楽 Ponsford, David French Organ Music in the Reign of Louis XIV (Musical Performance and Reception) 2016:9. 342 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316620748* 音楽文化の持続可能な未来 Schippers, Huib/Grant, Catherine (eds.) Sustainable Futures for Music Cultures: An Ecological Perspective 2016:12. 392 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190259075* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190259082* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 69 芸 術 》音 楽 19 世紀後半のリスボンにおける音楽、 演劇、 近代生活 Silva, Joao Entertaining Lisbon: Music, Theater, and Modern Life in the Late 19th Century (Currents in Latin American and Iberian Music) 2016:11. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190215705* アート ・ アンサンブル ・ オブ ・ シカゴ Steinback, Paul Message to Our Folks: The Art Ensemble of Chicago 2017:1. 336 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226375960* Stone, Keith A. Singing Moses’s Song: A Performance-Critical `#&#>#%@## Series, Vol. 17) 2017:2. 170 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674971172* Taft, Michael The Blues Lyric Formula 2016:7. 376 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138145788* ブラジルの大衆音楽研究 Tupinambá de Ulhôa, Martha/Azevedo, Cláudia/ Trotta, Felipe (eds.) Made in Brazil: Studies in Popular Music (Routledge Global Popular Music Series) 2016:8. 250 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138213395* 音楽とフランスの啓蒙思想 第 2 版 Verba, Cynthia Music and the French Enlightenment: Rameau and the Philosophes in Dialogue, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 216 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) 70 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199381029* 舞台芸術 Baker, Janice Sentient Relics: Museums and Cinematic Affect 2016:9. 140 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472438980* Bratton, Jacky The Making of the West End Stage: Marriage, Management and the Mapping of Gender in London, 1830-1870 2016:9. 232 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316620830* Burt, Ramsay Ungoverning Dance: Contemporary European Theatre Dance and the Commons (Oxford Studies in Dance Theory) 2016:12. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199321926* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199321933* Campbell, Patrick (ed.) The Body in Performance 2016:7. 120 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138147805* 第二次世界大戦後のイタリアにおける女性に向けた 教育演劇 Cavallaro, Daniela Educational Theatre for Women in Post-World War II Italy: A Stage of Their Own 2016:11. 270 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781349950959* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》舞台芸術 第二次世界大戦期イギリスのバレエ Eliot, Karen Albion’s Dance: British Ballet during the Second World War 2016:11. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199347629* Ganguly, Sanjoy Yarrow, Ralph (ed.) From Boal to Jana Sanskriti: Practice and Principles 2016:9. 154 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138223325* Gordon, Robert/Jubin, Olaf (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the British Musical (Oxford Handbooks) 2017:1. 712 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199988747* Hamberlin, Larry Tin Pan Opera: Operatic Novelties in the Ragtime Era 2016:11. 352 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190632199* マーサ ・ グレアム Helpern, Alice Martha Graham: A special issue of the journal Choreography and Dance 2016:7. 112 p., First Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780521198066* *9781138147584* Hess, Elizabeth Acting and Being: Explorations in Embodied Performance 2016:12. 190 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 エティエンヌ ・ ドゥクルー資料集 Leabhart, Thomas/Chamberlain, Franc (eds.) The Decroux Sourcebook 2016:7. 204 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138144163* Mordden, Ethan When Broadway Went to Hollywood 2017:1. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199395408* Stanislavski, Constantin/Rumyantsev, Pavel Stanislavski on Opera 2016:7. 374 p., First Published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138145122* Westover, Jonas The Shuberts and Their Passing Shows: The Un{&@#~&#X$@&#; 2016:12. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781349951055* ★ Oxford 版 イギリスのミュージカルハンドブック Henson, Karen (ed.) Technology and the Diva: Sopranos, Opera, and Media from Romanticism to the Digital Age (Cambridge Studies in Opera) 2016:9. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 ロマン主義からデジタル時代までの ソプラノ、 オペラ、 メディア *9780190219239* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 71 芸 術 》映 像 映 像 Aldridge, Mark Agatha Christie on Screen (Crime Files) 2016:10. 374 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781349676958* Balaisis, Nicholas Cuban Film Media, Late Socialism, and the Public Sphere: Imperfect Aesthetics (Global Cinema) 2016:11. 215 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137590367* Berry, Chris/Robinson, Luke (eds.) Chinese Film Festivals: Sites of Translation (Framing Film Festivals) 2016:11. 294 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137554802* 映画倫理 Choi, Jinhee/Frey, Mattias (eds.) Cine-Ethics: Ethical Dimensions of Film Theory, Practice, and Spectatorship (Routledge Advances in Film Studies) 2016:9. 256 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138233850* 写真とドキュメンタリー映画におけるルワンダ虐殺と その余波 Cieplak, Piotr Death, Image, Memory: The Genocide in Rwanda and its Aftermath in Photography and Documentary Film 2016:12. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137579874* アベル ・ ガンスとサイレント映画の終焉 Cuff, Paul 72 Abel Gance and the End of Silent Cinema: Sounding out Utopia 2016:11. 270 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319388175* 在日映画 Dew, Oliver Zainichi Cinema: Korean-in-Japan Film Culture 2016:12. 374 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319408767* クエンティン ・ タランティーノ Gallafent, Edward Quentin Tarantino (On Directors) 2016:7. 136 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138147454* ロシア映画 Gillespie, David C. Russian Cinema (Inside Film) 2016:7. 212 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138177253* ボスニア紛争の映画イメージにおける地政学、 ジェンダー、 ナショナリズム Harper, Stephen Screening Bosnia: Geopolitics, Gender and Nationalism in Cinematic Images of the 1992-1995 War 2017:3. 192 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781623564971* 新時代におけるイギリス人女性映画監督 Hockenhull, S. British Women Film Directors in the New Millennium 2017:3. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137489913* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 芸 術 》映 像 Nannicelli, Ted Appreciating the Art of Television: A Philosophical Perspective (Routledge Advances in Television Studies) 2016:10. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138840782* アニメ化された景観 Pallant, Chris (ed.) Animated Landscapes: History, Form and Function 2017:2. 336 p., New in Paperback (Bloomsbury Academic, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199863167* Stevens, Kirsten Australian Film Festivals: Audience, Place, and Exhibition Culture (Framing Film Festivals) 2016:10. 276 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137586377* *9781501320118* ジンバブエにおける映画、 政治、 芸術 Piotrowska, Agnieszka Black and White: Cinema, politics and the arts in Zimbabwe 2016:10. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138817852* ★ Taylor-Jones, Kate Divine Work, Japanese Colonial Cinema and Its Legacy (Topics and Issues in National Cinema) 2017:4. 304 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781501306129* See also Butler, Rex, Lars Von Trier’s Women, Bloomsbury Academic .................................................. p234 , 1926 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138817869* Steimatsky, Noa The Face on Film 2017:3. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199863143* 文 学 文学一般 Haslam, Sara/Neale, Derek Life Writing 2016:7. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 文学史 *9781138145344* Guastella, Gianni Word of Mouth_> ##&*&#& Art and Literature from Ancient Rome to the Middle Ages 2016:12. 464 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780198724292* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 73 文 学 》文学史 中世・ルネサンス期 Bailey, Amanda/DiGangi, M. (eds.) Affect Theory and Early Modern Texts: Politics, Ecologies, and Form (Palgrave Studies in Affect Theory and Literary Criticism) 2017:4. 256 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137570741* 17 世紀 Brown, Cedric C. Friendship and its Discourses in the Seventeenth Century 2016:11. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198790792* Douglas, Aileen Work in Hand: Script, Print, and Writing, 16901840 (Oxford Textual Perspectives) 2017:4. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198789185* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 20 世紀・現代 *9780198789192* Amiran, Eyal Modernism and the Materiality of Texts 2016:7. 192 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 現代小説と理論 Luckhurst, Roger/Marks, Peter Literature and the Contemporary: Fictions and Theories of the Present (Longman Studies In Twentieth Century Literature) 2016:7. 226 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Shelden, Ashley T. Unmaking Love: The Contemporary Novel and the Impossibility of Union (Literature Now) 2017:2. 208 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231178228* van Schlun, Betsy The Pool Group and the Quest for Anthropological Universality: The Humane Images of Modernism (Buchreihe der Anglia / Anglia Book Series, Vol. 55) 2016:11. 540 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ヨーロッパのバロック悲劇と古典主義悲劇における 政治と美学 Smith, Nigel/Bloemendal, Jan (eds.) Politics and Aesthetics in European Baroque and Classicist Tragedy (Drama and Theatre in Early Modern Europe, Vol. 5) 2016:8. 480 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783110439212* *9789004323414* See also Brienza, Casey, Cultures of Comics Work, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p226 , 1867 文芸批評・理論 Burke, Michael/Troscianko, Emily T. (eds.) Cognitive Literary Science: Dialogues between Literature and Cognition (Cognition and Poetics) 2017:2. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 74 *9781138172692* *9781107136076* *9780190496869* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》文芸批評・理論 Routledge∧ ẚ㍑ᩥᏛ◊✲䝅䝸䞊䝈 Routledge Studies in Comparative Literature 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1022205531䛇 ᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣ᭱ඛ➃ࡘୖ⣭ࡢᏛၥ◊✲ཬࡧㄽᩥ㞟ࡢⓎ⾲ࡢᣐⅬ࡛ࡍࠋẚ㍑ᩥᏛ ⓗࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࢆ᥇⏝ࡋࠊᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣᏛ㝿ⓗ࡛㉺ቃⓗ࡞ᵝࠎ࡞ၥ㢟ඹࠊᩥᏛ ゝㄒࡢ㛵ಀࢆ᥈✲ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢ᭩⡠ࡣ☜❧ࡋࡓ㢟ࡢ⢭ຊⓗ࡞ධ ࠊ᪂ࡓ࡞ၥ㢟㛵ࡍࡿ㠉᪂ⓗ࡞◊✲ࢆ≉ᚩࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR/ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) The Historical Novel, Transnationalism, and the Postmodern Era: Presenting the Past By Susan Brantly 2017ᖺ 1᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 228 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-138-23025-5....................... STP 85.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,453 / ≉౯ ¥13,962 + ⛯ *9781138230255* ⌧௦䝤䝷䝆䝹䛻䛚䛡䜛ᩥᏛ䛸⌮Ꮫ㻌 㻌 Literature and Ethics in Contemporary Brazil Edited by Vinicius de Carvalho and Nicola Gavioli 2017ᖺ 1᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 272 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-138-23031-6....................... STP 85.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,453 / ≉౯ ¥13,962 + ⛯ *9781138230316* Modernism and the Avant-garde Body in Spain and Italy Edited by Nicolás Fernández-Medina and Maria Truglio 2016ᖺ 4᭶ห⾜, 262 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-138-91143-7....................... STP 85.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,453 / ≉౯ ¥13,962 + ⛯ *9781138911437* Bicultural Literature and Film in French and English Edited by Peter I. Barta and Phil Powrie 2015ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜, 268 p., Hard ISBN 978-1-138-83286-2....................... STP 90.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥18,480 / ≉౯ ¥14,784 + ⛯ *9781138832862* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 75 文 学 》文芸批評・理論 ⱥ⡿◊✲䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽䠖䝔䜽䝇䝖䛸⌮ㄽ䝅䝸䞊䝈 Handbooks of English and American Studies Text and Theory 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1021650038䛇 Edited by Martin Middeke, University of Augsburg, DEU, Gabriele Rippl, University of Bern, CHE and Hubert Zapf, University of Augsburg, DEU ᮏࣁࣥࢻࣈࢵࢡࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊᏛ⏕ࡸ◊✲⪅ࠊࡑࢀࡒࢀࡢⱥㄒᩥᏛࢸࢡࢫࢺ◊✲ ࡢ᪉ྥࡅ࡞ࡿ⡆₩࡞ᡭẁࢆᥦ౪ࡍࡿࡇࢆ┠ⓗࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ≉ᐃࡢṔྐⓗ࣭ ⌮ㄽⓗ࡞↔Ⅼࢆྵࡴྛᕳࡣࠊ⌮ㄽࢸࢡࢫࢺศᯒࡸᩥ⬦ゎㄝࢆ⤌ࡳྜࢃࡏࡿࡇ ࡛ࠊㄞ⪅Ꮫ⾡ⓗ㆟ㄽࡔࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࠊ᭱᪂ࡢᴫᛕࡸ᪉ἲㄽࢆ⤂ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏࢩࣜ ࣮ࢬࡢ࡞┠ⓗ࡛࠶ࡾ᭱ࡢ≉ᚩࡣࠊᩥᏛྐゎ㔘ࠊ⌮ㄽࢸࢡࢫࢺࢆ୍ࡘࡲ ࡵࡿࡇ࡛ࠊ⌮ㄽⓗ࡞ᴫㄝලయⓗ࡞ศᯒࡢ㛫ࡢ⁁ࢆᇙࡵࡿࡇ࡛ࡍࠋ ⱥ⡿ᩥᏛ◊✲ࡢᏛ⏕ࡀ㧗ᗘᑓ㛛ⓗ࡞⭾࡞㔞ࡢ◊✲ᩥ⊩ࢆᢅࢃ࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡞ࡽ࡞ ࠸ࠊࡇࡢࡼ࠺࡞ࣁࣥࢻࣈࢵࢡࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣྍḞ࡛ࡍࠋࡲࡓᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊࡑࢀ ࡒࢀࡢᏛၥศ㔝ࡢᵝࠎ࡞㡿ᇦࡢ⌧≧ࢆᢕᥱࡋࡓ࠸㢪࠺Ꮫ⪅ࡢせồᛂ࠼ࡿࡶࡢ࡛ ࡶ࠶ࡾࡲࡍࠋ ᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢྛᕳࡣᴫࡋ࡚௨ୗࡢࡶࡢࢆᥦ౪ࡋࡲࡍࠋ ࣭㛵㐃ࡢ࠶ࡿᩥᏛୖࡢ௦༊ศࡸࢪࣕࣥࣝࠊṔྐⓗⓎᒎ㛵ࡍࡿ▱㆑ ͌ྛ௦ࡢ௦⾲ⓗ࡞సᐙࡸసရ㛵ࡍࡿ▱㆑ ͌ᩥⓗ࣭Ṕྐⓗ࡞ᩥ⬦㛵ࡍࡿ▱㆑ ͌ࡢ࣓ࢹࡼࡿᩥᏛࢸࢡࢫࢺࡢ⩻㛵ࡍࡿ▱㆑ ͌㛵㐃ࡢ࠶ࡿᩥᏛ⌮ㄽᩥ⌮ㄽࡢ▱㆑ ͌࠸Ṕྐⓗ࣭⌮ㄽⓗ࡞▱㆑ࡀຠᯝⓗᩥᏛࢸࢡࢫࢺゎ㔘⤌ࡳ㎸ࡲࢀࡿࡢᐇ (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) 76 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》文芸批評・理論 㻞㻜 ୡ⣖䛸 㻞㻝 ୡ⣖䛾䜰䝯䝸䜹ᑠㄝ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 㻌 Handbook of the American Novel of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries (Handbooks of English and American Studies, Vol. 4) Edited by Timo Müller 2017ᖺ 1᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 600 p., Hard ISBN 978-3-11-042666-3................... EUR 199.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥34,503 / ≉౯ ¥27,602 + ⛯ *9783110426663* ⡿ᮾᾏᓊ◊✲䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 㻌 Handbook of Transatlantic North American Studies (Handbooks of English and American Studies, Vol. 3) Edited by Julia Straub 2016ᖺ 6᭶ห⾜, 632 p., Hard ISBN 978-3-11-037637-1................... EUR 199.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥34,503 / ≉౯ ¥27,602 + ⛯ *9783110376371* ⎔ቃᢈホ䛸ᩥ⏕ែᏛ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 㻌 Handbook of Ecocriticism and Cultural Ecology (Handbooks of English and American Studies, Vol. 2) Edited by Hubert Zapf 2016ᖺ 5᭶ห⾜, 725 p., Hard ISBN 978-3-11-030837-2................... EUR 199.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥34,503 / ≉౯ ¥27,602 + ⛯ *9783110308372* 䜲䞁䝍䞊䝯䝕䜱䜰䝸䝔䜱䛾䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽䠖ᩥᏛ䚸䜲䝯䞊䝆䚸㡢䚸㡢ᴦ㻌 㻌 Handbook of Intermediality: Literature-Image-Sound-Music (Handbooks of English and American Studies, Vol. 1) Edited by Gabriele Rippl 2015ᖺ 7᭶ห⾜, 701 p., Hard ISBN 978-3-11-030836-5................... EUR 199.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥34,503 / ≉౯ ¥27,602 + ⛯ *9783110308365* シュルレアリスムとゴシック Matheson, Neil Surrealism and the Gothic: Castles of the Interior (Studies in Surrealism) 2017:3. 190 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409432746* McGee, Patrick Political Monsters and Democratic Imagination: Spinoza, Blake, Hugo, Joyce 2016:9. 280 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781501320057* ポストコロニアル文学の新展開 Ringrose, Chris/Wilson, Janet (eds.) New Soundings in Postcolonial Writing: Critical and Creative Contours (Cross/Cultures, Vol. 189) 2016:9. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004326415* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 77 文 学 》文芸批評・理論 Stafford, Jane Colonial Literature and the Native Author: Indigeneity and Empire 2016:10. 265 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319387666* Wolf, Maryanne Tales of Literacy for the 21st Century (The Literary Agenda) 2016:7. 192 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198724179* 文学のジャンル 民話・神話・伝説 イギリス民話の歴史 第 1 巻 Dorson, Richard M. (ed.) History of British Folklore: Vol. 1 2016:9. 556 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415605908* イギリス民話の歴史 第 2 巻 Dorson, Richard M. (ed.) History of British Folklore: Vol. 2 2016:9. 412 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415605915* イギリス民話の歴史 第 3 巻 Dorson, Richard M. (ed.) History of British Folklore: Vol. 3 2016:9. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 78 *9780190606695* *9780190606701* 児童文学 Billone, Amy The Future of the Nineteenth-Century Dream-Child: _#!#&! \&#$& and Culture) 2016:7. 180 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138938915* 児童 ・ 青少年文学の批判的内容分析 Johnson, Holly/Mathis, Janelle/Short, Kathy G. (eds.) Critical Content Analysis of Children’s and Young Adult Literature: Reframing Perspective 2016:7. 206 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Herren, Michael The Anatomy of Myth: The Art of Interpretation from the Presocratics to the Church Fathers 2017:2. 216 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86'価格未定 ,6%1 3DSHU86'価格未定 神話の解剖 *9781138120082* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138120099* 児童詩の美学 Joy, Louise The Aesthetics of Children’s Poetry: A Study of \&##&@&#\%&#& \&\! 1700 to the Present) 2016:7. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472438317* *9780415605922* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》文学のジャンル その他の文学ジャンル Carroll, Michael Europa’s Lost Expedition`%&&*%& and Fiction) 2016:10. 238 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319431581* 現代女性のゴシック小説 Wisker, Gina Contemporary Women’s Gothic Fiction: Carnival, Hauntings and Vampire Kisses (Palgrave Gothic) 2016:10. 266 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137303486* 古典文学 ギリシア語の詩と散文翻訳 Archer-Hind, Richard Dacre Translations into Greek Verse and Prose 2016:10. 254 p., Originally published in 1905 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU86'価格未定 *9781316626078* ヘレニズムのエピグラム Cairns, Francis Hellenistic Epigram: Contexts of Exploration 2016:9. 448 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107168503* Farmer, Matthew C. Tragedy on the Comic Stage 2017:1. 280 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190492076* 古典古代における創造的生活 Fletcher, Richard/Hanink, Johanna (eds.) Creative Lives in Classical Antiquity: ★印はお薦めタイトル Poets, Artists and Biography (Cambridge Classical Studies) 2016:10. 411 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107159082* 古代ギリシアのヘクサメトロス Gainsford, Peter (ed.) Early Greek Hexameter Poetry (New Surveys in the Classics, Vol. 43) 2016:7. 159 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316608883* ガイウス ・ スエトニウス ・トランクィッルス『皇帝伝』 研究 Kaster, Robert A. Studies on the Text of Suetonius’ De Vita Caesarum 2016:7. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198758471* アイスキュロス『アガメムノーン』 Lawson, J. C. The Agamemnon of Aeschylus: A Revised Text with Introduction, Verse Translation, and Critical Notes 2016:10. 218 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316626115* アルカイック期と古代ギリシアのエピグラム Petrovic, Ivana/Petrovic, Andrej/Baumbach, Manuel (eds.) Archaic and Classical Greek Epigram 2016:9. 454 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107525924* 文化的権威としての初期キリスト教の詩 Pollmann, Karla The Baptized Muse: Early Christian Poetry as Cultural Authority 2017:2. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198726487* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 79 文 学 》古典文学 Rawles, Richard/Carey, Chris/Agocs, Peter (eds.) Reading the Victory Ode 2016:9. 444 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Shilleto, Richard Greek and Latin Compositions 2016:10. 458 p., Originally published in 1901 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316626092* Smale, W. R./Morris, Geoffrey Grant (eds.) Passages for Unseen Translation from Latin and Greek Authors 2016:7. 334 p., Originally published in 1923 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316612606* タキトゥス『年代記』 第 5-6 巻 Tacitus Woodman, A. J. (ed.) The Annals of Tacitus: Books 5 snd 6 (Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, Vol. 55) 2016:12. 384 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107152700* エウリピデス『エレクトラ』における言語とキャラクター van Emde Boas, Evert Language and Character in Euripides’ Electra (Oxford Classical Monographs) 2017:1. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198793601* オウィディウス『変身物語』における直喩と アイデンティティ von Glinski, Marie Louise Simile and Identity in Ovid’s Metamorphoses 2016:9. 180 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) 80 *9781316623596* イギリス・アイルランド文学 *9781107527515* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 中世・ルネサンス期 ウェールズのジェラルド Bartlett, Robert (ed.) Gerald of Wales: De Principis Instructione (Oxford Medieval Texts) 2017:4. 640 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198738626* Scott-Warren, Jason/Zurcher, Andrew Elder Text, Food and the Early Modern Reader: Eating Words (Material Readings in Early Modern Culture) 2016:7. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472441416* エリザベス朝の劇における舷燈 Sykes, H. D. Sidelights on Elizabethan Drama: A Series of Studies Dealing with the Authorship of Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Plays 2016:7. 240 p., Originally published in 1966 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138981898* トーマス ・ ナッシュ選集 Wells, Stanley Thomas Nashe: Selected Works (Routledge Revivals) 2016:8. 374 p., First published in 1964 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138887602* Woodcock, Matthew Thomas Churchyard: Pen, Sword, and Ego 2016:11. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199684304* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 ྐୖึ䟿䜴䜱䞁䝏䝹䝅䞊∖ኵே䜰䞁䞉䝣䜱䞁䝏䛾ᰯゞ∧సရ㞟 Cambridge ∧ 䜴䜱䞁䝏䝹䝅䞊∖ኵே䜰䞁䞉䝣䜱䞁䝏సရ㞟㻌 2ᕳ The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea Edited by Jennifer Keith and Claudia Thomas Kairoff By Anne Finch 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 2 Vols., 1,400 p., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-0-521-19622-2.......................USD 275.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥42,215 / ≉౯ ¥33,772 + ⛯ *9780521196222* ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ࢘ࣥࢳࣝࢩ࣮∖ኵே࣭ࣥࣇࣥࢳ(1661̽1720)ࡢ ྐୖึࡢᰯゞ∧సရ㞟࡛ࡍࠋసရࡢ୰ࡣࠊᙼዪࡢᏑ୰ ฟ∧ࡉࢀࡓసရࡸࠊṚᚋṧࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡓᡭ✏࡞ࡀྵࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋཎᩥࡢศᯒࡣࠊ༳ๅࡉࢀࡓࡶࡢࠊ࠾ࡼࡧࢠࣜࢫࡸ࣓ࣜ࢝ ࡢ⮳ࡿᡤ࡛ⶶࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿᡭ✏ࡢ」〇ࢆ࣮࣋ࢫࠊᩥ❶ࡢᨵゞ㊧ ࡸᡭ᭩ࡁཎ✏༳ๅࡢ⏝≧ែࡘ࠸࡚᫂ࡽࡋࡲࡍࠋ࣭ࣥ ࣇࣥࢳࡢᩥ❶ࢸࢡࢽࢵࢡࡸ㛵ಀྐᩱࠊࢥࣥࢸ࢟ࢫࢺࠊ⏝ㄒ㑅ᢥࡘ࠸࡚ᗈ⠊ゎ ㄝࡋࠊᙼዪࡢసရࡀཷࡅධࢀࡽࢀࠊୡ㏦ࡾฟࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡗࡓṔྐࢆヲ⣽㎺ࡗ࡚࠸ ࡲࡍࠋࡑࡢ⤖ᯝࠊᮏ᭩ࡣ࣭ࣥࣇࣥࢳࡢຌ⦼ࢆ⥙⨶ࡍࡿࡇ࡞ࡾࠊᩥᏛ ᩥࡢኚ㈉⊩ࡋࡓᙼዪࡘ࠸࡚ࠊࡼࡾṇ☜࡞ホ౯ࢆ᥎ࡋ㐍ࡵࡿࡇ࡞ࡾࡲ ࡋࡓࠋᩥᏛⓗ౯್ࡢᒎᮃࡸࠊዪᛶࡢᖹ➼ࠊ᐀ᩍࠊᅜᨻࡢᒎᮃࡘ࠸࡚ࡶゝཬࡉ ࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྡ㠉௦ࡢసᐙ࡛࠶ࡾᢈホᐙ࡛࠶ࡿ࣭ࣥࣇࣥࢳࡣࠊࡇࡢᨻ ⓗ࣭ᩥⓗ౯್ࡢ㔜せ࡞ศᒱⅬ࡞ࡿ௦ᑐࡋ࡚㢮ࡲࢀ࡞ࡿὝᐹࢆ࠼࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋᙼዪࡢసရࡣࠊⱁ⾡ⓗ㠉᪂ᨻⓗ࡞ᛅㄔᚰࠊࡑࡋ࡚ಶேⓗ࡞⇕ࡀ」㞧 ᩡࡋࡓᵝᏊࡀᥥࢀࡓసရ࡛ࡍࠋ ⴭࡢࢳࣥࣇیస࡛࠶ࡿㄆࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡽ࡚ࡢリᡙ᭤ࠊ᭩⡆࡞ ࡢཎᮏࢆ㘓 ⥲یᣓ㇏ᐩ࡞ὀ㔘ࠊヲ⣽࡞ᮏᩥゎㄝࢆᥖ㍕ (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 81 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 17 世紀 ディケンズの劇 第 1 巻 『スペクテイター』選集 Addison, Joseph Lobban, J. H. (ed.) Selections from The Spectator 2016:7. 272 p., Originally published in 1909 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316612569* Lund, Mary Ann (ed.) Oxford Edition of the Sermons of John Donne: !%>#\%# \! 1626 2017:2. 398 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199578580* 18 世紀 Eger, Elizabeth (ed.) Bluestockings Displayed: Portraiture, Performance and Patronage, 1730-1830 2016:9. 326 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316619728* 亡きサミュエル ・ ジョンソンの逸話 Piozzi, Hesther Lynch Roberts, S. C. (ed.) Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson: During the Last Twenty Years of His Life 2016:9. 256 p., First published in 1925 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316619971* 19 世紀 Braswell, Mary Flowers The Forgotten Chaucer Scholarship of Mary Eliza Haweis, 1848-1898 2016:7. 114 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 82 *9780198787952* ジョージ ・ エリオットと金 : 経済学、 倫理学、 文学 Coleman, Dermot George Eliot and Money: Economics, Ethics and Literature (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, Vol. 90) 2016:9. 242 p., New in Paperback (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107666597* アリスの物語 Douglas-Fairhurst, Robert The Story of Alice: Lewis Carroll and the Secret History of Wonderland 2016:8. 496 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674970762* Li, Kay Bernard Shaw’s Bridges to Chinese Culture (Bernard Shaw and His Contemporaries) 2016:10. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319410029* Marsh, Joss Starring Charles Dickens&&QX the Culture of Celebrity 2016:8. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Bratton, Jacky (ed.) Dickensian Dramas: Vol. 1, Plays from Charles Dickens 2017:3. 608 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409404729* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409404743* *9781472451712* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 䝺䜲䝕䜱䞉䝤䝷䝑䝓䝦䜲䛸䝺䜲䝕䜱䞉䜶䜽䝸䞁䛸䛾 ᭩⡆㻌 3 ᕳ Correspondence with Lady Bradshaigh and Lady Echlin (Series: Cambridge Edition of the Correspondence of Samuel Richardson) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1021734618䛇 Edited by Peter Sabor, McGill University, CAN By Samuel Richardson 2016ᖺ 10᭶ห⾜, 3 Vols., 1,150 p., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-1-107-14552-8.......................USD 400.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥61,404 / ≉౯ ¥49,123 + ⛯ *9781107145528* 㧗ྡ࡞ࢠࣜࢫࡢᑠㄝᐙ࡛࠶ࡾ≀༳ๅᴗ⪅࡛࠶ࡗࡓࠊࢧ࣑࢚࣭ࣗࣝ ࣜ ࢳ ࣕ ࣮ ࢻ ࢯ ࣥ (1689 ̽ 1761) ࡣ ࠊ ከ స ࡞ ᡭ ⣬ స ᐙ ࡛ ࡶ ࠶ ࡾ ࡲ ࡋ ࡓ ࠋ ࠗCambridge ∧ ࢧ࣑࢚࣭ࣗࣝࣜࢳ࣮ࣕࢻࢯࣥࡢ ᭩⡆࠘ࡣࠊᙼࡢ᭩⡆ 㞟࠾ࡅࡿึࡵ࡚ࡢ∧࡛ࡍࠋ3 ᕳᵓᡂࡢᮏ᭩ࡣࠊࣜࢳ࣮ࣕࢻࢯࣥ 㨩ຊⓗ࡞ேࡢዪᛶࠊࣞࢹ࣭ࢻࣟࢩ࣮࣭ࣈࣛࢵࢷ࣊(Dorothy, Lady Bradshaigh. 1705 ̽85) ᙼዪࡢጜࡢࣞ ࢹ࣭࢚ࣜࢨ࣋ࢫ ࣭࢚ࢡࣜࣥ (Elizabeth, Lady Echlin. 1704̽82)ࡢ ᭩⡆ࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡑࡢከࡃࡀᅇึࡵ࡚ࡢ බ㛤࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋࣞࢹ࣭ࣈࣛࢵࢷ࣊ࡣ᭱ࡶከసࡘ㔜せ࡞ࣜࢳ࣮ࣕࢻࢯࣥࡢᩥ㏻ ┦ᡭ࡛࠶ࡾࠊᅉ⩦ᡴ◚ⓗ࡞ࢫࢱ࡛ࣝࠊࠗࢡࣛࣜࢵࢧ࠘ࡸࠗࢧ࣮࣭ࢳ࣮ࣕࣝࢬ࣭ࢢࣛࣥ ࢹࢯࣥ࠘ࡘ࠸࡚ࡢᙼࡢពྥ࡞ࠊᩥᏛࡸࡑࡢࡢᵝࠎ࡞ㄽⅬࡘ࠸࡚ᙼ␗㆟ࢆၐ ࠼ࡲࡋࡓࠋࣞࢹ࣭࢚ࢡࣜࣥࡣே⏕ࡢ༙ࢆࣝࣛࣥࢻ࡛㐣ࡈࡋࠊᙼࡢᑠㄝࡢࢲࣈ ࣜࣥ∧࡞ࠊࣝࣛࣥࢻ㛵㐃ࡋࡓၥ㢟ࡘ࠸࡚ࡢሗࢆᙼᥦ౪ࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋᮏ᭩ࡣ Ꮫ⾡ⓗ࡞ཧ⪃㈨ᩱࡋ࡚ࠊࡇࡢேࡢዪᛶࡢே⏕♫ⓗ⎔ቃ㛵ࡍࡿ㇏ᐩ࡞㈨ᩱࢆ 㘓ࡋࠊ18 ୡ⣖ࡢࣥࢢࣛࣥࢻࣝࣛࣥࢻࡢ♫ྐཬࡧᩥᏛྐࡘ࠸࡚ࠊᩘከࡃࡢὝ ᐹࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭ヲ⣽࡞ὀ㔘ࡀ࠸ࡓࠊ ୡ⣖ࡢ㔜せ࡞ ᭩⡆㛵ࡍࡿึࡵ࡚ࡢᏛ⾡∧࡛ࡍࠋ ࣭ࣞࢹ࣭ࣈࣛࢵࢷ࣊ࡸࣞࢹ࣭࢚ࢡࣜࣥࡢᡭ⣬ࡢࡸࡾࡾࡣࠊࣜࢳ࣮ࣕࢻࢯࣥ ࡢ ᭩⡆ࡢᴟࡵ࡚㔜せ࡞㒊ศࢆᡂࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊᩥᏛ ୡ⣖ࡢᩥࡘ࠸࡚ࡢᙼࡢ⪃࠼ 㛵ࡋ࡚ከࡃࡢࡇࢆ᫂ࡽࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭㔜せ࡞㘓ࡢ୰ࡣࠊࣞࢹ࣭ࣈࣛࢵࢷ࣊ࡼࡿࠗࢧ࣮࣭ࢳ࣮ࣕࣝࢬ࣭ࢢࣛࣥࢹ ࢯࣥ࠘ࡢഐὀࡀྵࡲࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࡇࢀࡀᥖ㍕ࡉࢀࡿࡢࡣᮏ᭩ࡀึࡵ࡚࡛ࡍࠋ (Cambridge U.P., USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 83 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 ウォルター ・ スコットと名声 : ロマン主義時代の著者と読者 ロバート ・ ルイス ・ スティーヴンソンの アイデンティティの探究 Mayer, Robert Walter Scott and Fame: Authors and Readers in the Romantic Age 2017:3. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Singer, Jefferson A. The Proper Pirate~$&#%### Identity 2016:11. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198794820* *9783319350851* Murray, Alex Landscapes of Decadence: Literature and Place at the Fin de Siecle 2016:12. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107169661* Offord, Mark Wordsworth and the Art of Philosophical Travel (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism, Vol. 113) 2016:7. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107155589* O'Malley, Patrick R. Liffey and Lethe: Paramnesiac History in Nineteenth-Century Anglo-Ireland 2017:4. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198790419* ロマン主義と感情 %\!~&\ _^!"#; Romanticism and the Emotions 2016:9. 276 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 84 ジェームス ・ フィッツジェームズ ・ ステファン作品選集 Tolley, Christopher (ed.) Selected Writings of James Fitzjames Stephen: The Life of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, by his brother Lesley Stephen (James Fitzjames Stephen:Selected Edit) 2017:3. 432 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199578535* ★ ジョゼフ ・ コンラッドの コミュニティの概念再考 Yamamoto, Kaoru Rethinking Joseph Conrad’s Concepts of Community: Strange Fraternity 2017:3. 224 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474250023* 20 世紀・現代 Becquet, Alexandra/Davison, Claire (eds.) Ford Madox Ford’s Cosmopolis: Psycho-Geography, Flanerie and the Cultures of Paris (International Ford Madox Ford Studies, Vol. 15) 2016:8. 250 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004328365* *9780199328543* Murail, Estelle/Thornton, Sara (eds.) Dickens and the Virtual City: Urban Perception and the Production of Social Space (Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture) 2017:2. 255 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781107637283* Bloom, Emily The Wireless Past: Anglo-Irish Writers and the BBC, 1931-1968 (Oxford Mid-Century Studies) 2016:10. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198749615* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 デーヴィッド ・ ハーバート ・ ローレンス主要短編小説 ハンドブック シェイクスピアの愚行 : 哲学、 ヒューマニズム、 批評理論 Kearney, Martin F. Major Short Stories of D.H. Lawrence: A Handbook 2016:10. 264 p., First published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Hall, Sam Shakespeare’s Folly: Philosophy, Humanism, Critical Theory (Routledge Studies in Shakespeare) 2016:7. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138980174* Mendelson, Edward Early Auden, Later Auden: A Critical Biography 2017:3. 912 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691172491* エドワード ・トマス詩選集 第 5 巻 批評研究 O'Gorman, Francis (ed.) Edward Thomas: Prose Writings: A Selected Edition: Vol. 5, Critical Studies: Swinburne and Pater 2017:4. 512 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198738633* Robinson, James Joyce’s Dante: Exile, Memory, and Community 2016:9. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107167414* シェイクスピアの作品と研究 Coye, Dale Pronouncing Shakespeare’s Words: A Guide from A to Zounds 2016:8. 358 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138145108* Doty, Jeffrey S. Shakespeare, Popularity and the Public Sphere 2016:12. 220 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781138655225* シェイクスピアの創造的遺産 Holbrook, Peter/Edmondson, Paul (eds.) Shakespeare’s Creative Legacies: Artists, Writers, Performers, Readers 2016:8. 200 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474234498* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474234481* Lake, Peter How Shakespeare Put Politics on the Stage: Power and Succession in the History Plays 2017:1. 688 p. (Yale U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780300222715* シェイクスピアとコスチューム Mirabella, Bella/Lennox, Patricia (eds.) Shakespeare and Costume 2016:8. 312 p., New in Paperback (Arden Shakespeare, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781350004474* Schwartz, Regina Mara Loving Justice, Living Shakespeare 2016:11. 160 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198795216* *9781107163379* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 85 文 学 》イギリス・アイルランド文学 アメリカ文学 『十二夜』 第 3 版 Shakespeare, William Donno, Elizabeth Story (ed.) Twelfth Night: Or What You Will, 3rd ed. (The New Cambridge Shakespeare) 2016:10. 200 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107126275* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107565463* Smith, Bruce R. Shakespeare | Cut: Rethinking Cutwork in an Age of Distraction (Oxford Wells Shakespeare Lectures) 2016:7. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198735526* Smith, Emma (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare’s First Folio (Cambridge Companions to Literature) 2016:8. 216 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107098787* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107491687* Watt, Gary Shakespeare’s Acts of Will: Law, Testament and Properties of Performance 2016:7. 304 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474217859* Davis, Theo Ornamental Aesthetics: The Poetry of Attending in Thoreau, Dickinson, and Whitman 2016:8. 264 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Einboden, Jeffrey The Islamic Lineage of American Literary Culture: Muslim Sources from the Revolution to Reconstruction 2016:9. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199397808* ヘンリー ・ ワーズワース ・ ロングフェロー書簡集 第 5 - 6 巻 1866 年 - 1882 年 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth Hilen, Andrew (ed.) The Letters of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Vol. 5-6, 1866-1882 2016:8. 2Vols., 839 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674527294* 20 世紀・現代 ★ Cambridge 版 ソール ・ ベロー必携 Aarons, Victoria (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Saul Bellow (Cambridge Companions to Literature) 2016:12. 254 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107108936* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 86 *9780190467517* ★ Cambridge 版 シェイクスピアの『ファースト ・ フォリオ』 必携 19 世紀 *9781107520912* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》アメリカ文学 ロバート ・ フロスト書簡集 第 2 巻 1920年 - 1928年 Frost, Robert Sheehy, Donald/Richardson, Mark/Hass, Robert Bernard/Atmore, Henry (eds.) The Letters of Robert Frost: Vol. 2, 1920-1928 2016:9. 848 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674726642* Hidalga, Jesus Blanco Jonathan Franzen and the Romance of Community: Narratives of Salvation 2017:2. 256 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781501319839* ユダヤ人の不安とフィリップ ・ ロスの小説 Kaplan, Brett Ashley Jewish Anxiety and the Novels of Philip Roth 2016:8. 216 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231179447* ドイツ文学 ドイツ文学・文学史研究 ブレヒト年鑑 第 40 巻 Rippey, Theodore F. (ed.) The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch: Vol. 40 2016:12. 320 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780985195632* Vredeveld, Harry (ed.) The Poetic Works of Helius Eobanus Hessus: Vol. 4, Between Erasmus and Luther, 1518-1524 (The Renaissance Society of America, Vol. 6) 2016:9. 704 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004323148* フランス文学 *9781501324734* セオドア ・ ガイゼル フランス文学・文学史研究 *9780190614522* Radia, Pavlina Nomadic Modernisms and Diasporic Journeys of Djuna Barnes and Jane Bowles: “Two Very Serious Ladies” (Literary Modernism, Vol. 1) 2016:9. 230 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004314429* Severs, Jeffrey David Foster Wallace’s Balancing Books: Fictions of Value 2017:1. 304 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ Cambridge 版 バルザック必携 Pease, Donald E. Theodor Geisel: A Portrait of the Man Who Became Dr. Seuss (Lives and Legacies) 2016:11. 192 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Heathcote, Owen/Watts, Andrew (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Balzac (Cambridge Companions to Literature) 2016:11. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107066472* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107691285* 『嫉妬』 Robbe-Grillet, Alain Garnham, B. G. (ed.) La Jalousie (Routledge Foreign Literature Classics) 2016:7. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138147522* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 87 文 学 》フランス文学 3人のフランス劇作家 : ラシーヌ、 マリヴォー、 ミュッセ 中国の武侠小説の発展 Tilley, Arthur Augustus Three French Dramatists: Racine, Marivaux, Musset 2016:10. 218 p., Originally published in 1933 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Chen, Pingyuan The Development of Chinese Martial Arts Fiction: A History of Wuxia Literature (The Cambridge China Library) 2016:9. 400 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316626047* その他の地域の文学・文学史 その他の地域の文学・文学史研究 Adonis Violence and Islam: Conversations with Houria Abdelouahed 2016:9. 180 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781509511907* Culleton, Colleen P. Literary Labyrinths in Franco-Era Barcelona: Narrating Memory and Place (New Hispanisms: Cultural and Literary Studies) 2016:8. 186 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409448587* ボッカッチョとイタリア文学の発明 ★ Routledge 復刻版 アーサー ・ ジョン ・ アーベリー作品選集 全 6 巻 Arberry, A. J. Routledge Revivals: Selected Works of A. J. Arberry 2016:8. 6 Vols., 1,510 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781107069886* *9781138203310* Eisner, Martin Boccaccio and the Invention of Italian Literature: Dante, Petrarch, Cavalcanti, and the Authority of the Vernacular (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, Vol. 87) 2016:9. 262 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316619698* インド英語と国文小説 ドストエフスキーの法哲学と道徳哲学 George, Rosemary Marangoly Indian English and the Fiction of National Literature 2016:9. 298 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Belliotti, Raymond Angelo Dostoevsky’s Legal and Moral Philosophy: The Trial of Dmitri Karamazov (Value Inquiry Book Series / Philosophy, Literature, and Politics, Vol. 293) 2016:8. 242 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004325418* ヴィットリア ・ コロンナ必携 Brundin, Abigail/Crivelli, Tatiana/Sapegno, Maria Serena (eds.) A Companion to Vittoria Colonna (The Renaissance Society of America, Vol. 5) 2016:9. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 88 *9781316623077* Gill, Rahuldeep Singh (ed.) Drinking From Love’s Cup: Surrender and %&*&\#X\&+#X\``~ Religion in Translation) 2017:1. 312 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190624088* *9789004310735* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 文 学 》その他の地域の文学・文学史 パリにおけるゴルドーニ Goodman, Jessica Goldoni in Paris: La Gloire et le Malentendu (Oxford Modern Languages and Literature Monographs) 2017:3. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198796626* Heikkilä, Tuomas/Ommundsen, Åslaug Nordic Latin Manuscript Fragments: The Destruction and Reconstruction of Medieval Books 2017:2. 302 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472478580* Moul, Victoria (ed.) A Guide to Neo-Latin Literature 2016:11. 448 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107029293* Manutius, Aldus Grant, John N. (ed.) Humanism and the Latin Classics (The I Tatti Renaissance Library, Vol. 78) 2016:11. 352 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674971639* プーシキンからブロツキーまでのロシアの非合理主 義 : 文学と思想に関する 7 つのエッセイ Tabachnikova, Olga Russian Irrationalism from Pushkin to Brodsky: Seven Essays in Literature and Thought 2016:8. 288 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781501324741* 20 世紀ポーランドの作品集 Michnik, Adam (ed.) Against Anti-Semitism: An Anthology of Twentieth-Century Polish Writings 2017:1. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 新ラテン文学ガイド *9789004323766* Monroe, James T. The Mischievous Muse: Extant Poetry and Prose by Ibn Quzman of Cordoba (d. AH 555/AD 1160) (Brill Studies in Middle Eastern Literatures, Vol. 39) 2016:9. 914 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9780190624514* 南米におけるフットボールと文学 Wood, David Football and Literature in South America (Routledge Research in Sports History) 2017:1. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138885608* 言語学 参考図書 ★ 中国の言語と言語学百科事典 全 5 巻 Sybesma, Rint (ed.) Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics 2016:11. 5 Vols. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ★印はお薦めタイトル ,6%1+DUG XQWLO(85 通常価 特価 税 WKHUHDIWHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004186439* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 89 言語学 》言語学一般 Cambridge ∧ ゝㄒ䛸ゝㄒᏛධ㛛䝅䝸䞊䝈 Cambridge Introductions to Language and Linguistics 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04004S0335(Hard) / 04004S0336(Paper)䛇 ࡇࡢᩍ⛉᭩ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊᏛ⏕ᩍᖌࠊゝㄒゝㄒᏛ◊✲࠾ࡅࡿ࡞㢟ࡢࢃ ࡾࡸࡍ࠸ධ㛛᭩ࢆᥦ౪ࡋࡲࡍࠋ㢟㛵ࡍࡿணഛ▱㆑ࡀ࡞࠸ࡇࢆᐃࡋࠊྛ᭩⡠ࡣࠊ ᤵᴗࡸࢮ࣑࠾࠸࡚࠸ࡸࡍ࠸ࡼ࠺᭩ࢀࠊࢹࢨࣥࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊࣔࢪ࣮ࣗ ࣝᆺࢥ࣮ࢫ࡛୰ᚰⓗ࡞᥎⸀ᩍ⛉᭩ࡋ࡚᥇ᢥࡍࡿࡢ㐺ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྛ᭩⡠ࡣྛ㢟 ᭱㐺࡞ධ㛛㈨ᩱࢆᥦ౪ࡋࠊࡑࢀࡒࢀࡢࢥ࣮ࢫぢࡽࢀࡿせࢺࣆࢵࢡࢫࡢᴫほࢆᏛ⏕ ᥦ౪ࡋࠊ౽࡞⏝ㄒ㞟ࡸࠊྛ❶ࡢෆᐜㄝ᫂せ⣙ࠊࡉࡽ࡞ࡿᩥ⊩ࡢᥦࠊ᭷┈࡞₇⩦ၥ 㢟ࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྛ᭩⡠ࡣࠊ࢙࢘ࣈࢧࢺ࡛ぢࡽࢀࡿ⿵ຓ㈨ᩱࡀ࠸࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ͤ ᖺ௨㝆ห⾜ศࡢࡳᥖ㍕ ⤫ㄒㄽධ㛛㻌 Introducing Syntax By Olaf Koeneman and Hedde Zeijlstra 2017ᖺ 1᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, Hard. ISBN 978-1-107-09674-5 .................................... USD 99.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥15,197 / ≉౯ ¥12,157 + ⛯ *9781107096745* 2017ᖺ 1᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, Paper. ISBN 978-1-107-48064-3 ........................................ USD 39.99 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥6,138 / ≉౯ ¥4,911 + ⛯ *9781107096745* ➨ゝㄒ⩦ᚓධ㛛㻌 ➨ 㻟 ∧㻌 Introducing Second Language Acquisition: 3rd ed. By Karen Barto and Muriel Saville-Troike 2016ᖺ 11᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 235 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-107-14952-6 .................................... USD 99.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥15,197 / ≉౯ ¥12,157 + ⛯ *9781107149526* 2016ᖺ 11᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 235 p., Paper. ISBN 978-1-316-60392-5 ........................................ USD 44.99 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥6,906 / ≉౯ ¥5,525 + ⛯ *9781107149526* 90 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》言語学一般 ᙧែㄽධ㛛㻌 ➨ 㻞 ∧㻌 Introducing Morphology: 2nd ed. By Rochelle Lieber 2015ᖺ 9᭶ห⾜, 255 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-107-09624-0 ...................................USD 115.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,653 / ≉౯ ¥14,122 + ⛯ *9781107096240* 2015ᖺ 9᭶ห⾜, 255 p., Paper. ISBN 978-1-107-48015-5 ........................................ USD 39.99 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥6,138 / ≉౯ ¥4,911 + ⛯ *9781107480155* 言語学一般 *9789027226396* 英語学への新アプローチ Gardner, Anne-Christine/Honkapohja, Alpo/ Timofeeva, Olga/Chevalier, Sarah (eds.) New Approaches to English Linguistics: Building Bridges (Studies in Language Companion Series, Vol. 177) 2016:10. 326 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027259424* 理論言語学 音声学・音韻論 抑揚と韻律の構造 Fery, Caroline Intonation and Prosodic Structure (Key Topics in Phonology) 2016:12. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107008069* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107400382* 非英語圏話者に向けた感情的韻律の処理 X^!#^&@ Emotional Prosody Processing for Non-Native English Speakers: Towards An Integrative Emotion Paradigm (The Bilingual Mind and Brain Book Series, Vol. 3) 2016:10. 213 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319440415* 音調単位再考 Barth-Weingarten, Dagmar Intonation Units Revisited: Cesuras in Talk-InInteraction (Studies in Language and Social Interaction, Vol. 29) 2016:9. 336 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) Heinz, Jeffrey/Goedemans, Rob/van der Hulst, Harry (eds.) Dimensions of Phonological Stress 2016:10. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 ★ 分節構造と音調 Kehrein, Wolfgang/Köhnlein, Björn/ Boersma, Paul/Oostendorp, Marc (eds.) Segmental Structure and Tone (Linguistische Arbeiten, Vol. 552) 2017:3. 184 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781107102811* *9783110341096* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 91 言語学 》理論言語学 Zimmermann, Eva Morphological Length and Prosodically Defective Morphemes (Oxford Studies in Phonology and Phonetics, Vol. 1) 2017:3. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198747321* 統語論・形態論 Arregui, Ana/Rivero, María Luisa/Salanova, Andrés (eds.) Modality Across Syntactic Categories (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics, Vol. 63) 2017:2. 384 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198718208* ★ Oxford 版 能格言語ハンドブック Coon, Jessica/Massam, Diane/Travis, Lisa deMena (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Ergativity (Oxford Handbooks) 2017:2. 1,312 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198739371* 形態統語論と音韻論の関係 Gribanova, Vera/Shih, Stephanie S. (eds.) The Morphosyntax-Phonology Connection: Locality and Directionality at the Interface 2017:2. 480 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190210304* Hyslop, Gwendolyn A Grammar of KurtopX&#{&%&#$&brary / Languages of the Greater Himalayan Region, Vol. 18) 2016:10. 368 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 92 *9780190465889* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190465896* 韓国語の統語論的構造 : 構文文法の観点から Kim, Jong-Bok The Syntactic Structures of Korean: A Construction Grammar Perspective 2016:7. 360 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107103757* Konietzko, Andreas Bare Argument Ellipsis and Focus (Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today, Vol. 233) 2016:10. 191 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027257161* 構文解析 Levine, Robert D. Syntactic Analysis: An HPSG-Based Approach (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics) 2016:11. 350 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 クルテプ語文法 Kato, Mary A./Ordonez, Francisco (eds.) The Morphosyntax of Portuguese and Spanish in Latin America (Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax) 2016:10. 376 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 ラテンアメリカにおけるポルトガル語とスペイン語の形 態統語論 *9781107018884* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107614123* *9789004292505* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》理論言語学 ★ 英語の名詞 Lieber, Rochelle English Nouns: The Ecology of Nominalization (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, Vol. 150) 2016:8. 186 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107161375* *9781316613870* Mustanoja, Tauno F. A Middle English Syntax: Parts of Speech 2016:8. 711 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027212405* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 ★ 中英語の統語論 ★ Luís, Ana/Bermúdez-Otero, Ricardo (eds.) The Morphome Debate 2016:7. 400 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Palmer, Richard The Good Grammar Guide 2016:8. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138145368* *9780198702108* ືᛶ䛸㡯᭰䠖᪥ᮏㄒ◊✲䜢㉸䛘䛶 Transitivity and Valency Alternations Studies on Japanese and Beyond (Series: Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM], Vol. 297) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04084S3559䛇 Edited by Taro Kageyama, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, JPN and Wesley M. Jacobsen, Harvard University, USA 2016ᖺ 7᭶ห⾜, 504 p., Hard. ISBN 978-3-11-047524-1 .........................EUR 99.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,247 / ≉౯ ¥13,797 + ⛯ *9783110475241* ᮏㄽᩥ㞟ࡣࠊᙧែㄽࠊពㄽࠊ⤫ㄒㄽࠊ᪉ゝࠊṔྐࠊゝㄒ⩦ᚓࠊ ゝㄒ㢮ᆺㄽ࡞ࡢከ㠃ⓗ࡞ほⅬࡽ᪥ᮏㄒࡢືᛶ㡯᭰ࢆヲ⣽ ศᯒࡋࡓࠊⱥㄒ࡛ฟ∧ࡉࢀࡓึࡵ࡚ࡢ᭩⡠࡛ࡍࠋ (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 93 言語学 》理論言語学 through History (Cambridge Approaches to Language Contact) 2016:12. 440 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 意味論・語用論 英語の意味論的構造 Feist, Jim Semantic Structure in English (Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics, Vol. 73) 2016:9. 467 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027215833* Flock, Ilka Requests in American and British English: A Contrastive Multi-Method Analysis (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, Vol. 265) 2016:8. 280 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027256706* ★ Oxford 版 語用論ハンドブック Huang, Yan (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Pragmatics (Oxford Handbooks) 2016:11. 800 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199697960* 記号論 マルチモーダル ・ ディスコースとしての音楽 Way, Lyndon C. S./McKerrell, Simon (eds.) Music as Multimodal Discourse: Semiotics, Power and Protest (Bloomsbury Advances in Semiotics) 2017:1. 256 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474264426* 記述言語学 歴史言語学・比較言語学 ヨーロッパにおける言語接触 Drinka, Bridget Language Contact in Europe: The Periphrastic Perfect 94 *9780521514934* ★ Hickey, Raymond (ed.) Listening to the Past: Audio Records of Accents of English (Studies in English Language) 2017:1. 420 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107051577* Nadal, Josep Maria/Feliu, Francesc (eds.) Constructing Languages: Norms, Myths and Emotions (IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, Vol. 13) 2016:9. 423 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027240194* フランス語の語彙と形態論におけるアングリシズム Saugera, Valérie Remade in France: Anglicisms in the Lexicon and Morphology of French 2017:1. 232 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190625542* ★ Oxford 版 英語の歴史ハンドブック Traugott, Elizabeth Closs/Nevalainen, Terttu (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the History of English (Oxford Handbooks) 2016:9. 984 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190627881* Walkden, George Syntactic Reconstruction and Proto-Germanic (Oxford Studies in Diachronic and Historical Linguistics, Vol. 12) 2016:12. 296 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198783589* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》記述言語学 言語人類学 社会言語学と社会理論 Alim, H. Samy/Rickford, John R./Ball, Arnetha F. (eds.) Raciolinguistics: How Language Shapes Our Ideas About Race 2016:11. 376 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190625696* *9789027242723* *9781138950948* 社会言語学 北イエメンと隣接地域の方言地図 Behnstedt, Peter Dialect Atlas of North Yemen and Adjacent Areas (Handbook of Oriental Studies: Section 1; The Near and Middle East, Vol. 114) 2016:11. 400 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004325692* プロヴァンスにおける言語の再活性化 : 批判的アプローチ Costa, James Revitalising Language in Provence: A Critical Approach (Publications of the Philological Society Series) 2016:10. 264 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Garcia, Ofelia/Flores, Nelson/Spotti, Massimiliano (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Language and Society (Oxford Handbooks) 2017:1. 592 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190212896* House, Juliane/Kasper, Gabriele/Ross, Steven Misunderstanding in Social Life: Discourse Approaches to Problematic Talk (Language in Social Life) 2016:7. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138145238* 危機言語の綴り字の創作 ★ Oxford 版 言語と社会ハンドブック ★ Kroskrity, Paul V./Meek, Barbra A. (eds.) Engaging Native American Publics: Linguistic Anthropology in a New Key (500 Tips) 2017:3. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138144644* ★ Goddard, Cliff/Ye, Zhengdao (eds.) “Happiness” and “Pain” across Languages and Cultures (Benjamins Current Topics, Vol. 84) 2016:7. 151 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Coupland, Nikolas/Sarangi, Srikant/Candlin, Christopher N. Sociolinguistics and Social Theory (Language in Social Life) 2016:7. 416 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Jones, Mari C./Mooney, Damien (eds.) Creating Orthographies for Endangered Languages 2016:12. 358 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107148352* 文中コードスウィッチングへのミニマリストアプローチ MacSwan, Jeff A Minimalist Approach to Intrasentential Code Switching (Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics) 2016:7. 306 p., First Published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138981157* *9781119243533* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 95 言語学 》記述言語学 Cambridge∧ ゝㄒ᥋ゐ䜈䛾䜰䝥䝻䞊䝏 Cambridge Approaches to Language Contact 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1022111527(Hard) / 1022111528(Paper)䛇 Edited by Graham Livesey, The University of Calgary, CAN and Antony Moulis, The University of Queensland, AUS ࠗCambridge ∧ ゝㄒ᥋ゐࡢࣉ࣮ࣟࢳ࠘ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣᵝࠎ࡞◊✲ศ㔝ࡽゝㄒ᥋ ゐ㛵ࡍࡿ◊✲ࢆ㞟ࡵࡓᏛ㝿ⓗ࡞ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬ࡛ࡍࠋᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊࣆࢪࣥㄒࢡࣞ࢜ ࣮ࣝㄒࡢⓎ㐩ࡸࠊゝㄒࡢ㐍ኚࠊୡ⏺ㅖⱥㄒࠊࢥ࣮ࢻ࣭ࢫ࢘ࢵࢳࣥࢢࢥ࣮ ࢻΰྜࠊࣂࣜࣥ࢞ࣜࢬ࣒➨ゝㄒ⩦ᚓࠊ⏝ㄒࠊᖸ΅ᩡ⌧㇟࡞ࡢゝㄒ㛫 ࡸ᪉ゝ㛫ࡢ᥋ゐ◊✲࠾ࡅࡿ㔜せ࡞㢟↔Ⅼࢆྜࢃࡏ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ͤ ᖺ௨㝆ห⾜ศࡢࡳᥖ㍕ 䝶䞊䝻䝑䝟䛻䛚䛡䜛ゝㄒ᥋ゐ㻌 Language Contact in Europe: The Periphrastic Perfect Through History By Bridget Drinka㻌 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 440 p., Hard. ISBN 978-0-521-51493-4 .................................. USD 125.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,188 / ≉౯ ¥15,351 + ⛯ *9780521514934* ゝㄒ⏕ែᏛ䛸ゝㄒ᥋ゐ㻌 㻌 Linguistic Ecology and Language Contact Edited by Ralph Ludwig, Peter Muhlhausler and Steve Pagel㻌 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 410 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-107-04135-6 .................................. USD 125.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,188 / ≉౯ ¥15,351 + ⛯ *9781107041356* ୡ⏺ⱥㄒ䛸ᩥᡓத㻌 㻌 World Englishes and Culture Wars By Braj Kachru㻌 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, Hard. ISBN 978-0-521-82571-9 ...................................USD 110.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥16,886 / ≉౯ ¥13,508 + ⛯ *9780521825719* 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, Paper. ISBN 978-0-521-53278-5 ........................................................ ౯᱁ᮍᐃ *9780521532785* 96 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》記述言語学 ゝㄒ᥋ゐ䛸ኚ㻌 㻌 The Emergence of Hybrid Grammars: Language Contact and Change By Enoch Olade Aboh㻌 2015ᖺ 8᭶ห⾜, 366 p., Hard. ISBN 978-0-521-76998-3 ...................................USD 110.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥16,886 / ≉౯ ¥13,508 + ⛯ *9780521769983* The Making of Vernacular Singapore English: System, Transfer, and Filter By Zhiming Bao㻌 2015ᖺ 8᭶ห⾜, 232 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-107-02208-9 ...................................USD 110.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥16,886 / ≉౯ ¥13,508 + ⛯ *9781107022089* Mortensen, Janus/Coupland, Nikolas/Thogersen, Jacob (eds.) Style, Mediation, and Change: Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Talking Media (Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics) 2017:1. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190629489* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190629496* ★ 言語維持と言語移行 Pauwels, Anne Language Maintenance and Shift (Key Topics in Sociolinguistics) 2016:8. 198 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Language Policy and Political Economy: English in a Global Context 2017:1. 336 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 フランスとケベックにおける言語態度 Walsh, Olivia Linguistic Purism: Language Attitudes in France and Quebec (Impact: Studies in Language and Society, Vol. 41) 2016:8. 342 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 応用言語学 言語政策と政治経済 Ricento, Thomas (ed.) ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ コミュニケーション障害の事例研究 Cummings, Louise Case Studies in Communication Disorders 2016:9. 250 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107043695* *9781107618923* *9789027258335* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190656737* *9781107154872* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316608388* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 97 言語学 》応用言語学 ᪂䝅䝸䞊䝈 ゝㄒ䛾ฎ⌮䛸⩦ᚓ䝅䝸䞊䝈 Bilingual Processing and Acquisition 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1022140355(Hard)/1022140357(Paper)䛇 ࣂࣜࣥ࢞ࣜࢬ࣒㸭࣐ࣝࢳࣜࣥ࢞ࣜࢬ࣒ཬࡧゝㄒ⩦ᚓࡢᚰ⌮ゝㄒᏛⓗ࣭⚄⤒ㄆ▱Ꮫ ⓗࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࡣࡲࡍࡲࡍໃ࠸ࢆቑࡋ⥆ࡅ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ」ᩘゝㄒࡀே㛫ࡢ⬻ࡼࡗ ࡚ࡢࡼ࠺ㄝ᫂ࡉࢀฎ⌮ࡉࢀࡿࡢࢆゎㄝࡋࠊࡑࡢ㈗㔜࡞Ⓨぢࡘ࠸࡚ㄽࡌ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋࡇࢀࡽࡢᏛၥⓗດຊࡼࡾࠊ♧၀ᐩࢇࡔ◊✲ࡸඛ㥑ⓗ࡞◊✲ᡂᯝࡸ᪂ࡓ࡞◊✲ࡢ ᪉ྥᛶࡀ⏕ࡲࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࠗゝㄒࡢฎ⌮⩦ᚓ࠘ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊ༢⊂ࡢබ㛤ウㄽࡢሙࢆ ᥦ౪ࡍࡿࡇࡼࡗ࡚ࠊ㢮ࢆぢ࡞࠸ࠊ⥲ྜⓗ࡞Ⓨ⾲ࡢሙ࡞ࡿࡇࢆ┠ⓗࡋࠊࡲ ࡓࠊከゝㄒ⏝⪅ࡸ㠀ẕㄒヰ⪅ࡢ㛫ࡢゝㄒฎ⌮ၥ㢟㛵ࡍࡿ㉁ࡢ㧗࠸◊✲ㄽᩥࡸㄽᩥ㞟 ࢆᥦ౪ࡍࡿࡇࢆ┠ᣦࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢㄽ✏ࡣࠊᮏศ㔝࡛ࡶಙ㢗࡛ࡁࡿ◊✲࡛ ࠶ࡾࠊࣂࣜࣥ࢞ࣝࡸ࣐ࣝࢳࣜࣥ࢞ࣜࢬ࣒ࠊゝㄒ⩦ᚓࡢᚰ⌮ゝㄒᏛ࠾ࡼࡧ⚄⤒ㄆ▱Ꮫ ⓗࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࢆ◊✲ࡍࡿ◊✲⪅ࡸᏛ⏕ࡔࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࠊᑓ㛛ᐙࡸᏛ㝔⏕ࠊᏛ㒊⏕ࡶ⯆ ࢆᣢࡗ࡚࠸ࡓࡔࡅࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ ฟ᮶ࡿࡔࡅໟᣓⓗ࡞ෆᐜ࡞ࡿࡼ࠺ᕤኵࡉࢀࡓᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣࠊ⌧ᅾࡢ◊✲ືྥࢆ᫂ ☜ࡋ࡞ࡀࡽࠊࣂࣜࣥ࢞ࣜࢬ࣒ࡸ࣐ࣝࢳࣜࣥ࢞ࣜࢬ࣒ࠊゝㄒฎ⌮㛵㐃ࡍࡿᵝࠎ࡞ୗ ศ㔝ࡢㄽᩥࢆᥖ㍕ࡍࡿࡇࢆ┠ⓗࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࢸ࣮࣐ࡣ௨ୗࡢࡼ࠺࡞ศ 㔝࡞ࡀྵࡲࢀࡲࡍࠋ ேࡢゝㄒ⩦ᚓࠊᏊࡶࡢゝㄒ⩦ᚓࠊ 㸦ẕㄒཬࡧ㠀ẕㄒࡢ㸧ゝㄒ ႙ኻࠊゝㄒ⬟ຊゝㄒ㐠⏝ࠊฎ⌮ࡢほⅬࡽࡢゝㄒෆⓎ㐩ࠊࣂࣔࢲ࣭ࣝࣂࣜࣥ࢞ࣜ ࢬ࣒ࠊ㡢㡩ฎ⌮ࠊᙧែ⤫ㄒㄽⓗฎ⌮ࠊ᭩Ꮠฎ⌮ࠊㄒᙡฎ⌮ࠊฎ⌮ࡢほⅬࡽࡢࢥ࣮ࢻ࣭ ࢫ࢘ࢵࢳࣥࢢࠊゝㄒࡢάᛶࠊゝㄒ⾲㇟ࠊゝㄒ㑅ᢥࠊゝㄒᢚไไᚚࠊ㡢ኌ▱ぬࠊゝ ㄒ⏘ฟࠊ࣮࣡࢟ࣥࢢ࣓࣮ࣔࣜࠊࣂࣜࣥ࢞ࣜࢬ࣒㸭࣐ࣝࢳࣜࣥ࢞ࣜࢬ࣒ࡢㄆ▱ⓗᡤ⏘ࠊ ㄆ▱ࡢ㐙⾜ᶵ⬟ࠊ㠉᪂ⓗ࡞᪉ἲㄽࠊேᕤ▱⬟ࠊィ⟬ࣔࢹࣝࠊゝㄒ㛫ࡢᖸ΅ࠊゝㄒ㞀 ᐖࠊࣂࣜࣥ࢞ࣜࢬ࣒㸭࣐ࣝࢳࣜࣥ࢞ࣜࢬ࣒ࡢ⚄⤒ゝㄒᏛⓗࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࠊᗣ࡞㸭⬻ ᦆയࡢ࠶ࡿゝㄒ⏝⪅࣭ከゝㄒ⏝⪅࠾ࡅࡿ⚄⤒Ꮫⓗ࣭ㄆ▱ⓗၥ㢟ࠋ ࡇࢀࡽ 㝈ᐃࡉࢀࡎࠊୖグ௨እࡶᵝࠎ࡞ࢸ࣮࣐ࡢㄽᩥࡀᥖ㍕ࡉࢀࡲࡍࠋ (John Benjamins, NLD) The Acquisition of L2 Mandarin Prosody: From Experimental Studies to Pedagogical Practice (Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, Vol. 1) By Chunsheng Yang㻌 2016ᖺ 2᭶ห⾜, 175 p., Hard. ISBN 978-90-272-4371-3 ..................................... EUR 95.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥16,393 / ≉౯ ¥13,114 + ⛯ *9789027243713* 98 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》応用言語学 Cognitive Control and Consequences of Multilingualism (Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, Vol. 2) Edited by John W. Schwieter㻌 2016ᖺ 9᭶ห⾜, 453 p., Hard. ISBN 978-90-272-4372-0 ..................................... EUR 99.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,083 / ≉౯ ¥13,666 + ⛯ *9789027243720* 2016ᖺ 9᭶ห⾜, 453 p., Paper. ISBN 978-90-272-4373-7 ......................................... EUR 36.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥6,212 / ≉౯ ¥4,969 + ⛯ *9789027243737* Cognitive Individual Differences in Second Language Processing and Acquisition (Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, Vol. 3) Edited by Gisela Granena, Daniel O. Jackson and Yucel Yilmaz㻌 2016ᖺ 11᭶ห⾜, 358 p., Hard. ISBN 978-90-272-4374-4 ..................................... EUR 95.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥16,393 / ≉౯ ¥13,114 + ⛯ *9789027243744* 言語習得 Weideman, Albert Responsible Design in Applied Linguistics: Theory and Practice (Educational Linguistics, Vol. 28) 2016:10. 254 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319417295* 心理言語学 言語と認知入門 Sharwood-Smith, Mike Introducing Language and Cognition: A Map of the Mind 2016:12. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107152892* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316606704* ★印はお薦めタイトル 国際語としての中国語教育 : シンガポールの視点から Goh, Yeng-Seng Teaching Chinese as an International Language: A Singapore Perspective 2017:4. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107052192* 東南アジア諸英語から見る世界英語と第二言語習得 Percillier, Michael World Englishes and Second Language Acquisition: Insights from Southeast Asian Englishes (Varieties of English Around the World, Vol. 58) 2016:9. 223 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027249180* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 99 言語学 》応用言語学 ★★ 第二言語で読む 言語テストおよび評価 第 3 版 Urquhart, A. H./Weir, Cyril J. Reading in a Second Language: Process, Product and Practice (Applied Linguistics and Language Study) 2016:7. 362 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Shohamy, Elana/Or, Iair/May, Stephen (eds.) Language Testing and Assessment, 3rd ed. (Encyclopedia of Language and Education) 2017:2. 350 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781138148697* *9783319022604* 言語教育・教授法 ★ 談話と教育 第 3 版 ★ 教育における言語政策と政治的問題 第 3 版 McCarty, Teresa/May, Stephen (eds.) Language Policy and Political Issues in Education, 3rd ed. (Encyclopedia of Language and Education) 2017:3. 350 p. (Springer Basel AG, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319023434* Wortham, Stanton/Kim, Deoksoon/May, Stephen (eds.) Discourse and Education, 3rd ed. (Encyclopedia of Language and Education) 2017:3. 350 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319022420* 翻訳論・通訳論 第二言語学習、 教育、 アセスメント Polat, Nihat L2 Learning, Teaching and Assessment: A Comprehensible Input Perspective (Second Language Acquisition, Vol. 104) 2016:9. 256 p. (Multilingual Matters, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783096336* Ramirez Gomez, Danya Language Teaching and the Older Adult: The Sig&*&%$@@`&#&tion, Vol. 103) 2016:9. 256 p. (Multilingual Matters, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781783096299* Schwarz, Baruch B./Baker, Michael J. Dialogue, Argumentation and Education: History, Theory and Practice 2016:12. 306 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 100 *9781138147942* 文学の翻訳 Di, Jin Literary Translation: Quest for Artistic Integrity 2016:9. 166 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138144187* 言語多様社会における翻訳 : イギリスの翻訳政策 Baker, Mona/Olohan, Maeve/Pérez Calzada, Maria (eds.) Text and Context: Essays on Translation and Interpreting in Honour of Ian Mason 2016:7. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 言語教育と高齢者 *9781107141810* Gonzalez Nunez, Gabriel Translating in Linguistically Diverse Societies: Translation policy in the United Kingdom (Benjamins Translation Library, Vol. 125) 2016:9. 303 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027258717* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》応用言語学 Routledge∧ ⩻ヂ䞉㏻ヂ◊✲䛾Ⓨᒎ Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1022205543(Hard) / 1022205546(Paper)䛇 ᮏࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣ⩻ヂ◊✲ศ㔝࠾ࡅࡿ㠉᪂ⓗ࡞◊✲ࡢⓎ⾲ࡢᣐⅬ࡛ࡍࠋࡇࡢ㔜せ ࡘ㐍ࡋࡘࡘ࠶ࡿ㢟㡿ᇦࡢ᪂ࡓ࡞Ὕᐹࢆᥦ౪ࡍࡿࣔࣀࢢࣛࣇࡸࠊⓗࢆ⤠ࡗࡓㄽ ᩥ㞟ࢆᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR/ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 䈜 2016 ᖺ௨㝆ห⾜ศ䛾䜏ᥖ㍕ Feminist Translation Studies: Local and Transnational Perspectives Edited by Olga Castro and Emek Ergun 2017ᖺ 3᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 288 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-93165-7....................... STP 90.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥18,480 / ≉౯ ¥14,784 + ⛯ *9781138931657* Critical Translation Studies By Douglas Robinson 2017ᖺ 2᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 232 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-22983-9....................... STP 95.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,506 / ≉౯ ¥15,605 + ⛯ *9781138229839* Queer in Translation Edited by B. J. Epstein and Robert Gillett 2017ᖺ 2᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 224 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-4724-5623-6....................... STP 95.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,506 / ≉౯ ¥15,605 + ⛯ *9781472456236* ㏲ḟ㏻ヂ䛻䛚䛡䜛䝜䞊䝖䝔䜲䜻䞁䜾䛸䝖䝺䞊䝙䞁䜾㻌 㻌 Consecutive Notetaking and Interpreter Training Edited by Yasumasa Someya 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 248 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-65673-4....................... STP 95.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,506 / ≉౯ ¥15,605 + ⛯ *9781138656734* Translating Women: Different Voices and New Horizons Edited by Luise von Flotow and Farzaneh Farahzad 2016ᖺ 10᭶ห⾜, 264 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-65156-2....................... STP 95.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,506 / ≉౯ ¥15,605 + ⛯ *9781138651562* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 101 言語学 》応用言語学 Perspectives on Literature and Translation: Creation, Circulation, Reception Edited by Brian Nelson and Brigid Maher 2013ᖺ 10᭶ห⾜, 232 p., Hard. ISBN 978-0-415-70601-8....................... STP 90.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥18,480 / ≉౯ ¥14,784 + ⛯ *9783110426663* 2016ᖺ 8᭶ห⾜, 232 p., Paper. ISBN 978-1-138-21055-4........................... STP 29.95 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥6,149 / ≉౯ ¥4,919 + ⛯ *9781138210554* Ubiquitous Translation By Piotr Blumczynski 2016ᖺ 7᭶ห⾜, 188 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-18241-7....................... STP 85.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥17,453 / ≉౯ ¥13,962 + ⛯ *9781138182417* The Pushing-Hands of Translation and its Theory: In memoriam Martha Cheung, 1953-2013 Edited by Douglas Robinson 2016ᖺ 5᭶ห⾜, 234 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-90175-9....................... STP 95.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,506 / ≉౯ ¥15,605 + ⛯ *9781138901759* Bourdieu in Translation Studies: The Socio-cultural Dynamics of Shakespeare Translation in Egypt By Sameh Hanna 2016ᖺ 4᭶ห⾜, 220 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-80362-6....................... STP 90.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥18,480 / ≉౯ ¥14,784 + ⛯ *9781138803626* ⩻ヂ䛾ᨻᩥ㻌 㻌 Cultural Politics of Translation: East Africa in a Global Context By Alamin M. Mazrui 2016ᖺ 3᭶ห⾜, 190 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-64939-2....................... STP 95.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,506 / ≉౯ ¥15,605 + ⛯ *9781138649392* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 法廷通訳入門 第 2 版 Mikkelson, Holly Introduction to Court Interpreting, 2nd ed. (Translation Practices Explained) 2016:11. 188 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 102 *9781138916487* *9781138916517* Nelson, Brian/Maher, Brigid (eds.) Perspectives on Literature and Translation: Creation, Circulation, Reception (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies) 2016:8. 232 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 言語学 》応用言語学 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138210554* *9781138172951* Venuti, Lawrence (ed.) Teaching Translation: Programs, Courses, Pedagogies 2016:8. 260 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138654600* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Woods, Michelle (ed.) Authorizing Translation (The IATIS Yearbook) 2016:10. 118 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138195776* テクスト言語学・談話分析 Xu, Jun Displaying Recipiency: Reactive Tokens in Mandarin Task-Oriented Interaction (Studies in Chinese Language and Discourse, Vol. 6) 2016:9. 215 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027201867* 文体論 言語学と文学史 Auer, Anita/Gonzalez-Diaz, Victorina/Hodson, Jane/Sotirova, Violeta (eds.) Linguistics and Literary History: In honour of Sylvia Adamson (Linguistic Approaches to Literature, Vol. 25) 2016:10. 217 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027234148* 会話分析 Clift, Rebecca Conversation Analysis (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics) 2016:9. 334 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781137453501* *9781138654617* Tabbert, Ulrike Language and Crime: Constructing Offenders and Victims in Newspaper Reports 2016:10. 259 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 翻訳教育 *9789027249364* Upton, Carole-Ann (ed.) Moving Target: Theatre Translation and Cultural Relocation 2016:7. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9780521198509* Lambrou, M. Disnarration and the Unmentioned in Fact and Fiction 2017:1. 112 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137507778* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780521157193* Sandhu, Priti Professional Identity Constructions of Indian Women (Studies in Narrative, Vol. 23) 2016:11. 359 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ★印はお薦めタイトル 数理言語学・コンピュータ言語学 中国官話の語彙と品詞 : コーパスに基づいた基本的研究 Chu-Ren, Huang/Chen, Keh-Jiann/Hsieh, Shu-Kai Mandarin Chinese Words and Parts of Speech: Corpus-based Foundational Studies (Routledge Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 103 言語学 》応用言語学 Studies in Chinese Linguistics) 2017:3. 300 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781138949447* Liu, Haitao/Liang, Junying (eds.) Motifs in Language and Text (Quantitative Linguistics [QL], Vol. 71) 2017:2. 280 p. (Mouton de Gruyter, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783110474961* 英語とイタリア語における偽りのポライトネス : コーパ スを利用したメタ言語分析 *9789027256720* 進化言語学・生物言語学 ★ 言語の複雑性 : 発展と進化的視点から Mufwene, Salikoko/Pellegrino, Francois/ Coupe, Christophe (eds.) Complexity in Language: Developmental and Evolutionary Perspectives (Cambridge Approaches to Language Contact) 2016:12. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107054370* Taylor, Charlotte Mock Politeness in English and Italian: A CorpusAssisted Metalanguage Analysis (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, Vol. 267) 2016:10. 243 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ⏕≀ゝㄒᏛ㻌 4 ᕳ Biolinguistics (Series: Critical Concepts in Linguistics) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04097S0248䛇 Edited by Anna Maria Di Sciullo, University of Quebec at Montreal, CAN 2017ᖺ 3᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,600 p., Hard, ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-85915-9...................STP 900.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥184,801 / ≉౯ ¥147,841 + ⛯ *9781138859159* ே㢮⏕≀Ꮫゝㄒ⬟ຊࡢ㛫ࡢ㛵ಀࢆ◊✲ࡍࡿ⏕≀ゝㄒᏛࡣࠊ᪂⯆ࡘὀ┠ࢆ㞟 ࡵࡿศ㔝࡛࠶ࡾࠊゝㄒᏛࡢ୰᰾ࢆᡂࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣே㛫ࡢゝㄒ⬟ຊࡢ⏕≀Ꮫⓗ ᇶ┙ຍ࠼ࠊゝㄒࡢ㉳※ࡸࠊື≀⏺࠾ࡅࡿே㛫ゝㄒࡢ≉␗ᛶ㛵ࡍࡿάⓎ࡞㆟ㄽ ࢆᘬࡁ㉳ࡇࡋࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢ᪂ࡓ࡞ ᕳᵓᡂࡢࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣᮏศ㔝ࡁࡃ㈉⊩ࡍࡿ ㄽᩥࢆ㞟ࡵࠊ⏕≀ゝㄒᏛࡢᇶ♏ࡸゝㄒⓎ㐩ࠊゝㄒ⏕≀Ꮫ࠾ࡅࡿኚ␗ࠊゝㄒ⏕ ≀Ꮫ࠾ࡅࡿ」㞧ᛶࢆ᥈✲ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 104 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 認知科学 》認知哲学 認知科学 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 認知哲学 Fodor, Jerry A./Pylyshyn, Zenon W. Minds without Meanings: An Essay on the Content of Concepts 2016:9. 208 p., New in Paperback (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262529815* 道徳の神経科学 Liao, S. Matthew Moral Brains: The Neuroscience of Morality 2016:9. 384 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199357666* *9780199357673* ★ Routledge 版 集合的志向性ハンドブック Ludwig, Kirk (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intentionality (Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy) 2017:2. 575 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138783638* 意識と物理主義の展望 Pereboom, Derk Consciousness and the Prospects of Physicalism (Philosophy of Mind) 2017:2. 208 p., New in Paperback (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 認知言語学 語彙文法研究 Drozdz, Grzegorz (ed.) Studies in Lexicogrammar: Theory and Applications (Human Cognitive Processing, Vol. 54) 2016:9. 291 p. (John Benjamins, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789027246707* 認知心理学 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9783319393179* 意識の科学再考 Baruess, Imants/Mossbridge, Julia Transcendent Mind: Rethinking the Science of Consciousness 2016:8. 256 p. (American Psychological Association, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781433822773* Elfers, John/Hlava, Patty The Spectrum of Gratitude Experience 2016:11. 290 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319410296* See also Hayes, John R., The Complete Problem Solver, Routledge.................................................. p238 , 1966 *9780190649623* ドイツの歴史映画への認知アプローチ William, Jennifer Marston Cognitive Approaches to German Historical Film: Seeing is Not Believing (Cognitive Studies in Literature and Performance) 2016:10. 207 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 105 認知科学 》認知哲学 心理学 心理学一般 基礎心理学 発達心理学 Baynes, H. G. Germany Possessed (Psychology Revivals) 2016:7. 308 p., Originally published in 1941 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138694521* Klempe, Sven Hroar/Smith, Roger (eds.) Centrality of History for Theory Construction in Psychology (Annals of Theoretical Psychology, Vol. 14) 2016:11. 253 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319427591* 動的心理学の基本研究 McDougall, William The Energies of Men: A Study of the Fundamentals of Dynamic Psychology (Psychology Revivals) 2016:9. 418 p., First published in 1932 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138906419* 心理学における概念と歴史の問題 Piekkola, Brad Conceptual and Historical Issues in Psychology 2016:12. 368 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473916159* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473916166* 核知識と概念変化 Barner, David/Baron, Andrew Scott (eds.) Core Knowledge and Conceptual Change (Oxford Series in Cognitive Development) 2016:9. 408 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 自閉症スペクトラム障害 : 特徴、 原因と現実問題 第2版 Boucher, Jill M. Autism Spectrum Disorders: Characteristics, Causes and Practical Issues, 2nd ed. 2017:2. 304 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446295663* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446295670* Briggs, Rahil D. (ed.) Integrated Early Childhood Behavioral Health in Primary Care: A Guide to Implementation and Evaluation 2016:8. 232 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319318134* Butterworth, George/Simion, Francesca (eds.) The Development of Sensory, Motor And Cognitive Capacities in Early Infancy: From Sensation to Cognition 2016:10., Originally published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 106 *9780190467630* *9781138883024* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 Cambridge∧㻌 ᚰ⌮Ꮫ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽䝅䝸䞊䝈 Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1020735741 (Hard) / 1020735746 (Paper)䛇 ࠗCambridge ∧ ᚰ⌮Ꮫࣁࣥࢻࣈࢵࢡࢩ࣮ࣜࢬ࠘ࡣࠊᚰ⌮⛉Ꮫ࠾ࡅࡿ᭱ࡶ㔜せ ࡞ࢺࣆࢵࢡࢫ㛵ࡋ࡚ࠊ⊂ⓗࡘ᪂ࡋ࠸どⅬࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Cambridge U.P. USA) ͤ ᖺ௨㝆ห⾜ศࡢࡳᥖ㍕ 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑∧㻌 ⢭⚄ᚰ⌮Ꮫ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 ➨ 㻠 ∧㻌 Handbook of Psychophysiology: 4th ed. Edited by Gary G. Berntson 2017 ᖺ 2᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, Hard. ISBN 978-1-107-05852-1 USD 250.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥38,377 / ≉౯ ¥30,702 + ⛯ *9781107058521* 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑∧㻌 䝃䞊䝡䝇䞉䝷䞊䝙䞁䜾䛸䝁䝭䝳䝙䝔䜱䛾㛵㻌 Cambridge Handbook of Service Learning and Community Engagement Edited by Tania Mitchell 2017 ᖺ 2᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, Hard. ISBN 978-1-107-15378-3 USD 175.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥26,864 / ≉౯ ¥21,491 + ⛯ *9781107153783* 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑∧㻌 ೫ぢ䛾ᚰ⌮Ꮫ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 The Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of Prejudice Edited by Chris G. Sibley and Fiona Kate Barlow 2016 ᖺ 10᭶ห⾜, Hard. ISBN 978-1-107-09833-6 USD 175.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥26,864 / ≉౯ ¥21,491 + ⛯ *9789004328716* 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑∧㻌 ᅜ㝿ண㜵⛉Ꮫ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 The Cambridge Handbook of International Prevention Science Edited by John Romano 2016 ᖺ 10᭶ห⾜, Hard. ISBN 978-1-107-08797-2 USD 175.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥26,864 / ≉౯ ¥21,491 + ⛯ *9781107087972* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 107 心理学 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑∧㻌 ᪂ᩘ⌮ᚰ⌮Ꮫ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 ➨ 㻝 ᕳ㻌 ᇶᮏ䛸᪉ἲㄽ㻌 New Handbook of Mathematical Psychology: Vol. 1, Foundations and Methodology Edited by Jay Myung 2016 ᖺ 8᭶ห⾜, 600 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-107-02908-8 USD 175.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥26,864 / ≉౯ ¥21,491 + ⛯ *9781107029088* 㻯㼍㼙㼎㼞㼕㼐㼓㼑 ∧㻌 ᩥኚᐜ䛾ᚰ⌮Ꮫ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽㻌 ➨ 㻞 ∧㻌 㻌 The Cambridge Handbook of Acculturation Psychology: 2nd ed. Edited by John W. Berry and David L. Sam Ed. 2016 ᖺ 4 ᭶ห⾜, 576 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-107-10399-3 USD 175.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥26,864 / ≉౯ ¥21,491 + ⛯ *9781107103993* "@\!""#&!"#>& !% (eds.) Education and Youth Agency: Qualitative Case Studies in Global Contexts (Advancing Responsible Adolescent Development) 2016:10. 287 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319333427* Howard, Justine Sheridan’s Play in Early Childhood: From Birth to Six Years, 4th ed. 2017:1. 120 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138655881* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138655911* *9781440842665* Olson, David R. The Mind on Paper: Reading, Consciousness and Rationality 2016:11. 220 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107162891* 道徳性発達の背景にある親子の会話 Wainryb, Cecilia/Recchia, Holly E. (eds.) Talking about Right and Wrong: Parent-Child Conversations as Contexts for Moral Development 2016:7. 474 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107619630* See also Johnson, Clare R. Campbell, Jean M. (ed.) Sleep Monsters and Superheroes: Empowering Children through Creative Dreamplay 2016:9. 265 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) 108 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 Adler, Alfred, The Education of Children, Routledge.................................................. p238 , 1964 Lawrence-lightf, Sara, Growing Each Other Up, University of Chicago Press .................... p238 , 1967 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》基礎心理学 社会心理学 心理学理論と女性の発達 ★ Brown, Kirk Warren/Leary, Mark (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Hypo-Egoic Phenomena (Oxford Library of Psychology) 2016:11. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199328079* 社会行動と性格 Buss, Arnold H. Social Behavior and Personality (Psychology Revivals) 2016:9. 226 p., Originally published in 1986 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Gilligan, Carol In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and =>#>! USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674970960* Hojjat, Mahzad/Moyer, Anne (eds.) The Psychology of Friendship 2016:12. 344 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190222024* *9781138829664* Emmers-Sommer, Tara M./Allen, Mike Safer Sex in Personal Relationships: The Role of %%&#& &&$`# Series on Personal Relationships) 2016:8. 134 p., Originally published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138985605* 社会的認知 第 3 版 Fiske, Susan T./Taylor, Shelley E. Social Cognition: From Brains to Culture, 3rd ed. 2016:12. 632 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473969292* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473969308* Giles, Howard (ed.) Communication Accommodation Theory: Negotiating Personal Relationships and Social Identities across Contexts 2016:8. 230 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199352722* コミュニティ心理学における文化的、 批判的探究 Macdonald, Heather Cultural and Critical Explorations in Community Psychology: The Inner City Intern 2016:11. 150 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781349950379* Noller, Patricia/Feeney, Judith/Peterson, Candida Personal Relationships Across the Lifespan (International Series in Social Psychology) 2016:7. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138172579* *9781107105829* ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ Kleespies, Phillip M. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Behavioral Emergencies and Crises (Oxford Library of Psychology) 2016:10. 600 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 社会的、 道徳的価値 : 個人と社会的観点から Reykowski, Janusz/Eisenberg, Nancy/Staub, Ervin (eds.) Social and Moral Values: Individual and Societal Perspectives (Psychology Revivals) 2016:7. 394 p., Originally published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 109 心理学 》基礎心理学 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138691346* %!\>%!%\\ \&#&!& J. (eds.) Enlarging the Scope of Peace Psychology: African and World-Regional Contributions (Peace Psychology Book Series) 2016:10. 463 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319452876* *9781316623954* Hermann, Henry R. Dominance and Aggression in Humans and Other Animals: The Great Game of Life 2016:11. 404 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780128053720* ★ Cambridge 版 偏見の心理学ハンドブック Sibley, Chris G./Barlow, Fiona Kate (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of Prejudice (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology) 2016:10. 536 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Health Psychology in Australia 2017:2. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107098336* 舌先現象と関連現象 Schwartz, Bennett L./Brown, Alan S. (eds.) Tip-of-The-Tongue States and Related Phenomena 2016:10. 366 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316623268* See also Moran, Aidan, A Critical Introduction to Sport Psychology, Routledge .............................p257 , 2119 アイデンティティの理論と研究における新展開 Stets, Jan E./Serpe, Richard T. (eds.) New Directions in Identity Theory and Research 2016:8. 712 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190457532* Streeck, Jurgen Self-Making Man: A Day of Action, Life, and Language (Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives) 2016:12. 350 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107022942* 応用心理学 オーストラリアにおける健康心理学 Dorrian, Jill/Thorsteinsson, Einar/Di Benedetto, Mirella/Lane-Krebs, Katrina/Day, Melissa/Hutchinson, Amanda/Sherman, Kerry 110 臨床心理・精神療法 Beaudoin, Marie-Nathalie/Duvall, Jim (eds.) Collaborative Therapy and Neurobiology: Evolving Practices in Action 2017:3. 180 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138655447* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138655454* Brewer, Ann M. Mentoring from a Positive Psychology Perspective: Learning for Mentors and Mentees 2016:8. 241 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319409818* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》応用心理学 䝬䜲䞁䝗䝣䝹䝛䝇䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽䠖 ᩥ䞉䝁䞁䝔䜽䝇䝖䞉♫ⓗ㛵 Handbook of Mindfulness Culture, Context, and Social Engagement (Series: Mindfulness in Behavioral Health) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1022022082䛇 Edited by Ronald E. Purser and T. Adam Burke, San Francisco State University, USA, and David Forbes, Brooklyn College/CUNY, USA 2016ᖺ 10᭶ห⾜, 1,053 p., Hard. ISBN978-3-319-44017-0........................EUR 354.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥61,086 / ≉౯ ¥48,868 + ⛯ *9783319440170* ࣐ࣥࢻࣇࣝࢿࢫࡣ᪥ࡢ♫⤒῭࣭ᩥ࣭ᨻ≧ἣ࠾࠸࡚ᶵ⬟ࡍࡿࡓࡵࠊᮏࣁࣥ ࢻࣈࢵࢡࡣࡑࡢဴᏛᐇ㊶ࢆ᥈✲ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋྛ❶ࡣ࣐ࣥࢻࣇࣝࢿࢫࡢఏ⤫ⓗ࡞ᴫᛕ ࡸᐇ㊶ࡀ⾪✺ࠊᩡࡋࠊ⌧௦ࡢ⌮ㄽࡸ᪉ἲᙳ㡪ࢆཬࡰࡋࠊࡲࡓ㏫ᙳ㡪ࢆཬࡰࡉࢀࡿ ࠶ࡽࡺࡿ᪉ἲࢆ⪃ᐹࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᵝࠎ࡞ศ㔝ࡢᑓ㛛ᐙࡀᩍࡢᴫᛕࡢୡࡸၟᴗࠊ ⒪࠾ࡅࡿ࣐ࣥࢻࣇࣝࢿࢫࡢ་⒪ࠊᩍ⫱࠾ࡅࡿ࣐ࣥࢻࣇࣝࢿࢫࡢⓎᒎⓗ࡞ά ⏝ࡘ࠸࡚ㄽࡌ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣࠕ࣐ࣥࢻࣇࣝࢿࢫ࣭࣒࣮ࣈ࣓ࣥࢺࠖࡢ㧗ࡲࡾࡸࠊ࣐ ࣥࢻࣇࣝࢿࢫேẼࡢ㧗ࡲࡾᑐࡍࡿᢈホࡢ⫼ᚋ࠶ࡿ୰ᚰⓗ࡞㛵ᚰࢆᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣࠊఏ⤫ⓗ㸭⌧௦ⓗࠊ᐀ᩍⓗ㸭ୡⓗࠊၟရ㸭ᢈุⓗᛮ⪃࠸ࡗࡓᵝࠎ࡞ 㡯ᑐ❧ࢆᢅ࠸ࠊᮾὒ㸭すὒࡢศἲࢆࡾ㉺࠼ࠊࡼࡾࡁ࡞⤒῭ࠊဴᏛࠊ⌮ࡢၥ㢟ࠊ ࡑࡋ࡚᭱⤊ⓗࡑࡢ㔜せᛶࢆ᥈ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 㘓ෆᐜ ࣭ᩍࡢ▂ᐇ㊶㞟 ࣭࣐ࣥࢻࣇࣝࢿࢫࡢ㈍࣐ࣥࢻࣇࣝࢿࢫ㛵㐃ࡋࡓၟရࡢ࣐࣮ࢣࢸࣥࢢ ࣭࣐ࣥࢻࣇࣝࢿࢫᢈホࡢ࣓ࢱᢈホ࣐̿ࢡࢻࢼࣝࢻ࣐ࣥࢻࣇࣝࢿࢫࡽᢈุⓗ࣐ ࣥࢻࣇࣝࢿࢫࡲ࡛ ࣭⮫ᗋᚰ⌮Ꮫ⚄⤒⛉Ꮫ࠾ࡅࡿ࣐ࣥࢻࣇࣝࢿࢫᇶ࡙࠸ࡓධ ࣭㞟ᅋ࣐ࣥࢻࣇࣝࢿࢫ⫋ሙ࠾ࡅࡿࡑࡢᢅ࠸᪉ ࣭ᆅᇦཧຍᆺ࣐ࣥࢻࣇࣝࢿࢫ♫ṇ⩏࠾ࡅࡿࡑࡢᙺ ࣐ࠗࣥࢻࣇࣝࢿࢫࣁࣥࢻࣈࢵࢡ࠘ࡣ⮫ᗋᚰ⌮Ꮫ⪅ࡸ⿵௦᭰་⒪ࡢᑓ㛛ᐙ࣭ᐇົᐙࠊ ⚄⤒⛉Ꮫ⪅ࠊᩍ⫱ᣦᑟ⪅ࡸࣅࢪࢿࢫ࣭࣐ࢿࢪ࣓ࣥࢺ࣮ࣜࢲ࣮ࠊᨻ⟇❧⪅ࠊࡲࡓ㛵㐃ࡍ ࡿ⢭⚄ಖࠊ་Ꮫࠊᩍ⫱ࡢᑓ㛛ᐙ࣭ᐇົᐙᚲᦠࡢࣜࢯ࣮ࢫ࡛ࡍࠋ (Springer Verlag, DEU) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 111 心理学 》応用心理学 Carnes, Patrick/Adams, Kenneth M. (eds.) Clinical Management of Sex Addiction, 2nd ed. 2016:11. 424 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138800823* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138800830* ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780393709902* Goldstein, Sam/Naglieri, Jack A. (eds.) Assessing Impairment: From Theory to Practice, 2nd ed. 2016:11. 456 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781489979940* 実存療法 第 2 版 強迫性障害の治療における現代の諸問題 Cooper, Mick Existential Therapies, 2nd ed. 2016:10. 232 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Goodman, Wayne K./Rudorfer, Matthew V./Maser, Jack D. (eds.) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Contemporary Issues in Treatment (Psychology Revivals) 2016:10. 686 p., Originally published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446201282* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446201299* カウンセリングと精神療法における 性的指向と性の多様性ハンドブック DeBord, Kurt A./Fischer, Ann R./Bieschke, Kathleen J./Perez, Ruperto M. (eds.) Handbook of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity in Counseling and Psychotherapy 2016:9. 456 p. (American Psychological Association, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781433823060* DeGangi, Georgia A./Nemiroff, Marc A. Kids’ Club Letters: Narrative Tools for Stimulating Process and Dialogue in Therapy Groups for Children and Adolescents 2016:7. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138145849* アタッチメントに基づいたトラウマ治療のための ヨガと瞑想 Fay, Deirdre Attachment-Based Yoga & Meditation for Trauma Recovery: Simple, Safe, and Effective Practices for Therapy 2017:4. 400 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) 112 *9781138674783* Grunwald, Bernice Bronia/McAbee, Harold Guiding the Family: Practical Counseling Techniques, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 376 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138172913* Hargrave, Terry D./Zasowski, Nicole E. Families and Forgiveness: Healing Wounds in the Intergenerational Family, 2nd ed. 2016:11. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138121843* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138121850* 発達障害研究における国際的レビュー Hodapp, Robert M./Fidler, Deborah J (eds.) International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities (International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities, Vol. 51) 2016:11. 288 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780128047859* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》応用心理学 Jenkins, Peter Professional Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Ethics and the Law 2017:3. 168 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446296639* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446296646* カウンセリングと精神療法の専門知識 Jennings, Len/Skovholt, Thomas Expertise in Counseling and Psychotherapy: Master Therapist Studies from Around the World 2016:11. 328 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190222505* Judge, Abigail M./Deutsch, Robin M. (eds.) Overcoming Parent-Child Contact Problems: Family-Based Interventions for Resistance, Rejection, and Alienation 2016:12. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190235208* 精神病への芸術療法 : 理論と実践 Killick, Katherine (ed.) Art Therapy for Psychosis: Theory and Practice (The International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis Book Series) 2017:3. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138792098* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138792104* 認知行動療法の価値と倫理 Kingdon, David/Maguire, Nick/Townend, Michael/ Stalmeisters, Dzintra CBT Values and Ethics 2017:2. 184 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446273005* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446273012* 行動変化研究と理論 Little, Linda/Sillence, Elizabeth/Joinson, Adam (eds.) Behavior Change Research and Theory: Psychological and Technological Perspectives 2016:12. 222 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780128026908* アメリカにおけるパーソナリティ ・ アセスメント Megargee, Edwin I./Spielberger, Charles D. (eds.) Personality Assessment in America: A Retrospective on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Society for Personality Assessment 2016:10. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138978249* Midgley, Nick/Hayes, Jacqueline/Cooper, Mick (eds.) Essential Research Findings in Child and Adolescent Counselling and Psychotherapy 2017:2. 224 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781412962490* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781412962506* Milne, Derek Training Behaviour Therapists: Methods, Evaluation and Implementation with Parents, Nurses and Teachers (Psychology Revivals) 2016:8. 340 p., Originally published in 1986 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138889408* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 113 心理学 》応用心理学 Ogden, Gina Exploring Desire and Intimacy: A Workbook for Creative Clinicians 2016:9. 196 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138933767* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138933774* *9781138936409* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138936430* 不眠症に対するマインドフルネス療法 Ong, Jason C. Mindfulness-Based Therapy for Insomnia 2016:8. 272 p. (American Psychological Association, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 Reiter, Michael D./Chenail, Ronald J. (eds.) Behavioral, Humanistic-Existential, and Psychodynamic Approaches to Couples Counseling 2017:2. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781433822414* Russo-Netzer, Pninit/Schulenberg, Stefan E./Batthyany, Alexander (eds.) Clinical Perspectives on Meaning: Positive and Existential Psychotherapy 2016:10. 378 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319413952* ⮬ẅⓒ⛉ 3 ᕳ Encyclopedia of Suicide (Series: Psychology Research Progress) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1022022131䛇 Edited by Oliver B. Torres 2016ᖺ 10᭶ห⾜, 3 Vols., 1,184 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-63485-084-1................................................USD 550.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥84,430 + ⛯ *9781634850841* ⮬ẅࡣࠊࡲࡉ」㞧ࡘୡ⏺୰࡛࡞Ṛஸཎᅉࡋ࡚ᣲࡆࡽࢀࡿ῝้࡞ၥ㢟࡛ࡍࠋᅜ 㝿ⓗ࡞⮬ẅࡢᏛ◊✲࡛ࡣࠊ⮬ẅ⋡ࡣ୍⯡ዪᛶࡼࡾࡶ⏨ᛶࡢ᪉ࡀ㧗࠸࠸࠺ࡇࠊࡲ ࡓࠊ㧗㱋⪅ࡢ⮬ẅ⋡ࡀ᭱ࡶ㧗ࡃࠊ⮬ẅ⋡ࡣᖺ㱋ࡶୖ᪼ࡍࡿ࠸࠺ࡇࢆ᫂ࡽ ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍ(WHO, 2002)ࠋ⮬ẅࡢண㜵ࡣࠊ୍ࡘࡣࠊࣁࣜࢫࢡ⪅ࡸࣁࣜࢫࢡ⩌ࢆ≉ ᐃࡍࡿ⬟ຊࠊ㎿㏿ࡘຠᯝⓗ࡞ධࢆᥦ౪ࡍࡿ⬟ຊࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡋࡋ࡞ࡀ ࡽࠊ⮬ẅഴྥࡢ࠶ࡿ⪅ࡣࠊ୍⯡ࡣ౫↛ࡋ࡚Ẽ࡙ࢀ࡞࠸ࡲࡲ࡛࠶ࡾࠊ㐺ษ࡞ධࡀ ⾜ࢃࢀࡿྍ⬟ᛶࡣప࠸࠸࠺ドᣐࡀᏑᅾࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏⓒ⛉ࡣ⮬ẅ㛵ࡍࡿ㔜せ࡞ ◊✲ࢆ⤂࠸ࡓࡋࡲࡍࠋ (Nova Science, USA) 114 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》応用心理学 Schmidt, Ulrike/Davidson, Kate Life after Self-Harm: A Guide to the Future 2016:7. 120 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138146037* Shmukler, Diana Supervision in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy: A Case Study and Clinical Guide 2016:9. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138999725* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138999732* Singh, Anneliese A./Dickey, Lore M. (eds.) # %%tice with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Clients 2016:8. 344 p. (American Psychological Association, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781433823008* 社交恐怖 : 対人アプローチ Stravynski, Ariel Social Phobia: An Interpersonal Approach 2016:9. 342 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316617939* Tarbox, Jonathan/Tarbox, Courtney Training Manual for Behavior Technicians Working with Individuals with Autism 2016:9. 162 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780128094082* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781506305677* Tindall, Judith A. Peer Power, Book One: Strategies for the Professional Leader: Becoming an Effective Peer Helper &&!\?~ledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138173187* Tolan, Janet/Cameron, Rose Skills in Person-Centred Counselling & Psychotherapy, 3rd ed. (Skills in Counselling & Psychotherapy Series) 2016:11. 248 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473926585* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473926592* Varma, Ved P. (ed.) The Management of Children with Emotional ' (Psychology Revivals) 2016:12. 176 p., Originally published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138928985* Winslade, John/Hedtke, Lorraine The Crafting of Grief: Constructing Aesthetic Responses to Loss (Series in Death, Dying, and Bereavement) 2016:7. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138916869* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138916876* 文化とアイデンティティ Thomas, Anita Jones/Schwarzbaum, Sara E. Culture and Identity: Life Stories for Counselors and Therapists 2016:11. 472 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 115 心理学 》応用心理学 D.W.䜴䜱䝙䝁䝑䝖㞟 12 ᕳ The Collected Works of D. W. Winnicott Edited by Lesley Caldwell and Helen Taylor Robinson By D. W. Winnicott 2016ᖺ 11᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 12 Vols., 4,600 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-0-19-939933-8............... USD 1,795.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥275,550 / ≉౯ ¥220,440 + ⛯ *9780199399338* ࢻࢼࣝࢻ࣭࢘ࢵࢬ࣭࢘ࢽࢥࢵࢺ(1896-1971)ࡣࢠࣜࢫࡢඃࢀࡓ⢭⚄ศᯒᐙཬࡧ ᑠඣ⛉་ࡢ୍ே࡛ࡋࡓࠋᏊࡶඣ❺ศᯒ㛵ࡍࡿỌ⥆ⓗ࡞ᴫᛕࡢ࠸ࡃࡘࢆ⪃࠼ ฟࡋࡓᙼࡣࠊࠕࡼ࠸ẕぶࠖࡸࠊࡶࡗࡥࡽࢭ࢟ࣗࣜࢸ࣭ࣈࣛࣥࢣࢵࢺࡋ࡚▱ ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿࠕ⛣⾜ᑐ㇟ࠖ࠸࠺ゝⴥࢆ⏕ࡳฟࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋ࢘ࢽࢥࢵࢺࡢᴗ⦼ࡣ࡛ ࡶඣ❺࣭ᐙ᪘⒪ἲኈࡸࢯ࣮ࢩ࣭࣮࣮ࣕࣝ࣡࢝ࠊᩍᖌࠊᚰ⌮Ꮫ⪅ࡼࡗ࡚ά⏝ࡉࢀࠊ ᙼࡢㄽᩥ࠾ࡼࡧ⮫ᗋほᐹࡣ⢭⚄་Ꮫࡸ⮫ᗋᚰ⌮Ꮫࡢ◊ಟ⏕ࡼࡗ࡚᪥ࡶ◊✲ࡉࢀ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ⢭⚄ศᯒᏛࡸ⢭⚄ศᯒᚰ⌮⒪ἲࢆᑓ㛛ࡍࡿㄞ⪅ࡢᯟࢆ㉸࠼ࠊ࢘ࢽࢥ ࢵࢺࡣ୧ぶࡸᩍᖌࠊࢯ࣮ࢩ࣭࣮࣮ࣕࣝ࣡࢝ࠊಖ⫱ኈࠊᑠඣ⛉་ࠊᚰ⌮Ꮫ⪅ࠊⱁ⾡࣭ 㐟ᡙ⒪ἲኈࠊࡑࡢࡢᑠඣⓎ㐩ศ㔝ࡢேࠎࢆᑐ㇟ࡋࡓᇳ➹ࢆ⾜࠸ࡲࡋࡓࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ࢘ࢽࢥࢵࢺࡢసရࢆ㘓ࡋࠊඃࢀࡓ◊✲⪅ࡼࡗ࡚⦅⧩ࡉࢀ࡚ὀ 㔘ࡢࡘࡅࡽࢀࡓࠊ12 ᕳࡽ࡞ࡿึࡵ࡚ࡢ㞟࡛ࡍࠋࠗD.W.࢘ࢽࢥࢵࢺ㞟࠘ ࡣࠊᡭ⣬ࡸ⮫ᗋሗ࿌ࠊඣ❺┦ㄯࠊ⢭⚄ศᯒࡢグࡸㄽᩥࡀ⥙⨶ࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ㠀 ⾜ࠊ♫ⓗ⾜ືࠊయ⨩ࠊ࠾ࡼࡧ⫱ඣ࠸ࡗࡓ⌧௦ࡢㄞ⪅ࡀ㛵ᚰࢆᐤࡏࡿၥ㢟㛵 ࡍࡿ◊✲࡛⌧ᅾࡲ࡛ᮍห⾜ࡢࡶࡢࢆᥖ㍕ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ࢘ࢽࢥࢵࢺ◊✲⢭⚄ศᯒᏛࡢᑓ㛛ᐙ࡛࠶ࡿࣞࢫ࣮࣭ࣜࢥ࣮ࢻ࢙࢘ ࣝẶࡸ࣭࣊ࣞࣥࢸ࣮࣭ࣛࣟࣅࣥࢯࣥẶࡼࡿᴫ␎⤂ࡣࡌࡲࡾࠊྛᕳ࡛ࡣࡑࢀ ࡒࢀせࢸ࣮࣐ࡘ࠸࡚ㄪᰝࡋࡓ◊✲ᡂᯝࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ⤂ᩥࠊᅜ㝿ⓗ࡞࢘ࢽࢥ ࢵࢺ◊✲⪅ࡸ⢭⚄ศᯒᏛ⪅ࡼࡗ࡚ᇳ➹ࡉࢀࡓㄽᩥ࡞ࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋṔྐⓗ ⫼ᬒࡘ࠸࡚ࡢὀ㔘ࠊᏛㄝ࠾ࡼࡧ⮫ᗋⓗ౯್ࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ᰿ᣐࡣ⦅ࢆ㏻ࡋ࡚ཧ↷ࡍ ࡿࡇࡀ࡛ࡁࡲࡍࠋ᭱⤊ᕳࡣࠊ࢘ࢽࢥࢵࢺࡢⴭస୍ぴ᭩⡆㞟ࠊㅮ⩏ࡢグ㘓ࡸ ฟ₇␒⤌㛵ࡍࡿ㈨ᩱࠊࢹࢵࢧࣥ㈨ᩱ࡞ࡢ┠㘓ࡀᥖ㍕ࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ᪂ࡋࡃ⏬ᮇⓗ ࡞㘓࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 㢮ࢆぢ࡞࠸࢘ࢽࢥࢵࢺࡢ㞟࡛࠶ࡿᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ࢘ࢽࢥࢵࢺࡢ⛠㈶⪅ࢆࡣ ࡌࡵඣ❺Ⓨ㐩ࡸ⢭⚄ศᯒᏛࡢ㉳※ࡸṔྐ㛵ᚰࢆᣢࡘேࠎᚲᦠࡢ᭩ࡋ࡚࠾⸀ࡵ ࠸ࡓࡋࡲࡍࠋ (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) 116 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 心理学 》応用心理学 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 精神分析 関係精神分析学 第 2 巻 Aron, Lewis/Harris, Adrienne (eds.) Relational Psychoanalysis: Vol. 2, Innovation and Expansion (Relational Perspectives Book Series) 2016:7. 512 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138177185* Forrester, John/Cameron, Laura Freud in Cambridge 2017:2. 812 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780521861908* ,6%1 3DSHU86'価格未定 *9780521679954* Rachman, Arnold W. M. (ed.) The Budapest School of Psychoanalysis: The Origin of a Two-Person Psychology and Emphatic Perspective (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series) 2016:7. 222 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138195202* Usher, Sarah Fels Separation-Individuation Struggles in Adult Life: Leaving Home 2016:8. 112 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138658264* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Levenson, Edgar A. The Fallacy of Understanding & The Ambiguity of Change (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series) 2016:8. 180 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ケンブリッジにおけるフロイト *9781316620014* *9781138148352* 動的心理学の諸問題 MacCurdy, John T. Problems in Dynamic Psychology: A Critique of Psychoanalysis and Suggested Formulations 2016:9. 400 p., Originally published in 1923 (Cambridge U.P., GBR) *9781138658271* 裁判心理学・犯罪心理学 心理学と法の進歩 第 2 巻 Bornstein, Brian H./Miller, Monica K. (eds.) Advances in Psychology and Law: Vol. 2 2016:10. 272 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319430829* 経済学 経済学説・経済思想 マクロ経済学:思想と哲学 ★ 経済思想における景気循環 Alcouffe, Alain/Poettinger, Monika/Schefold, Bertram (eds.) Business Cycles in Economic Thought: A History (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics) 2017:1. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Blawatt, Ken R. Marconomics*&@>&#{\@\%& Science and Consumer Behavior 2016:7. 330 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786355669* *9781138670860* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 117 経済学 》経済学説・経済思想 ★ 経済学の再考察 19 世紀フランスのリベラリズム Christoforou, Asimina/Lainé, Michael (eds.) Re-Thinking Economics: Exploring the Work of Pierre Bourdieu (Routledge Advances in Heterodox Economics) 2016:9., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138226760* Edwards, Chris The Fragmented World: Competing Perspectives on Trade, Money and Crisis (Routledge Revivals) 2016:11. 366 p., First published in 1985 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138926271* Fiorito, Luca/Scheall, Scott/Suprinyak, Carlos Eduardo (eds.) Including a Symposium on Austrian Economics in the Postwar Era (Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Vol. 34) 2016:7. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781785609602* Hahnel, Robin Income Distribution and Environmental Sustainability`%*`\~@_&# of Political Economy) 2016:12. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138229129* Kuroki, Ryuzo (ed.) Keynes and Modern Economics (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics) 2016:11. 288 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 118 *9781138231429* Rodrik, Dani Economics Rules: The Rights and Wrongs of the Dismal Science 2016:10. 272 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780393353419* Salvadori, Neri/Gehrke, Christian (eds.) Keynes, Sraffa and the Criticism of Neoclassical Theory: Essays in Honour of Heinz Kurz (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics) 2016:11. 464 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138231467* Schefold, Bertram Great Economic Thinkers from the Classicals to the Moderns: Translations from the Series Klassiker der Nationalökonomie (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics) 2016:12. 584 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138119239* ★ 黒木龍三編 ケインズと現代経済学 *9781138224957* 偉大なる経済思想者たち Leroux, Robert/Hart, David (eds.) French Liberalism in the 19th Century: An Anthology (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics) 2016:10. 336 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Sen, Amartya Collective Choice and Social Welfare: An Expanded Edition 2017:2. 432 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674971608* ハイエクの政治経済 Storr, Virgil Henry/Coyne, Christopher J./Boettke, Peter J. (eds.) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》経済学説・経済思想 Revisiting Hayek’s Political Economy (Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol. 21) 2016:10. 210 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781785609886* 経済的正義と自由 Su, Huei-chun Economic Justice and Liberty: The Social Philoso\&"\%&#&&&&#>~@ Studies in the History of Economics) 2016:9. 240 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138213319* Weimann, Joachim/Knabe, Andreas/Schöb, Ronnie Measuring Happiness: The Economics of WellBeing 2016:9. 224 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262529761* Oman, Nathan Dignity of Commerce: Markets and the Moral Foundations of Contract Law 2016:11. 304 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226415529* *9789813141322* Abdukadirov, Sherzod (ed.) Nudge Theory in Action: Behavioral Design in Policy and Markets (Palgrave Advances in Behavioral Economics) 2016:9. 329 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319313184* Rubinstein, Ariel/Glazer, Jacob Models of Bounded Rationality and Mechanism Design=%&&*%&#&>&{\!?;=%&&*!%+; ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 経済理論 Solimano, Andres Global Capitalism in Disarray: Inequality, Debt, and Austerity 2016:12. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190626273* 経済発展と女性の役割 ★ 経済成長と高賃金経済 Altman, Morris Economic Growth and the High Wage Economy: Choices, Constraints and Opportunities in the Market Economy (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) 2016:9. 336 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781349566808* 幸福の経済学 Frantz, Roger/Marsh, Leslie (eds.) Minds, Models and Milieux: Commemorating the Centennial of the Birth of Herbert Simon (Archival Insights into the Evolution of Economics) 2017:2. 310 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 Taplin, Ruth Economic Development and the Role of Women: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Routledge Revivals) 2016:8. 137 p., Originally published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138230798* *9781138213302* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 119 経済学 》経済学説・経済思想 ★★★ マクロ経済学ハンドブック 第 2 巻 全2巻 *9780444594877* ★★★ Taylor, John B./Uhlig, Harald (eds.) Handbook of Macroeconomics: Vol. 2A (Handbook of Macroeconomics) 2016:12. 1,320 p. (North-Holland, NLD) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780444594693* *9780444594662* 法廷経済学 Tinari, Frank D. (ed.) Forensic Economics: Assessing Personal Damages in Civil Litigation 2016:10. 308 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137571090* 経済工学 Yates, J. K. Engineering Economics 2016:12. 368 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781498750851* See also Christodoulakis, Nicos, An Economic Analysis of )Springer International Publishing .................................................................. p198 , 1624 数理経済・計量経済・統計学 Bala, Bilash Kanti/Arshad, Fatimah Mohamed/Noh, Kusairi Mohd System Dynamics: Modelling and Simulation (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 2016:11. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811020438* 空間計量経済学 ★ 法と経済学の問題点 Winter, Harold Issues in Law and Economics 2017:1. 240 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226249599* *9780198737513* システム ・ ダイナミクス 120 Wyplosz, Charles/Burda, Michael Macroeconomics: A European Text, 7th ed. 2017:2. 573 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 ★★★ Taylor, John B./Uhlig, Harald (eds.) Handbook of Macroeconomics: Vol. 2B (Handbook of Macroeconomics) 2016:12. 1,000 p. (North-Holland, NLD) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 ★ マクロ経済学 : 欧州 第 7 版 マクロ経済学ハンドブック 第 2B 巻 マクロ経済学ハンドブック 第 2A 巻 *9780226249629* Taylor, John B./Uhlig, Harald (eds.) Handbook of Macroeconomics: Vol. 2A & 2B (Handbook of Macroeconomics) 2016:12. 2 Vols., 2,064 p. (North-Holland, NLD) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 Baltagi, Badi H./LeSage, James P./Pace, R. Kelley (eds.) Spatial Econometrics: Qualitative and Limited Dependent Variables (Advances in Econometrics, Vol. 37) 2016:11. 500 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781785609862* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》数理経済・計量経済・統計学 ᐇ㦂⤒῭Ꮫ䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽 ➨ 2 ᕳ The Handbook of Experimental Economics, Volume 2 Edited by John H. Kagel, Ohio State University, USA and Alvin E. Roth, Stanford University and Harvard University, USA 2016ᖺ 9᭶ห⾜, 776 p., Hard. ISBN 978-0-691-13999-9......................................................................... ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥8,700 + ⛯ *9780691139999* ᮏ᭩ࡢ➨ 1 ᕳࡀ 1995 ᖺฟ∧ࡉࢀࡓࠊ⤒῭Ꮫ⪅ࡀࢹ࣮ࢱ ࢆᐇ㦂ᐊ࡛ࡢᐇ㦂ࡼࡗ࡚ྲྀᚓࡍࡿ࠸࠺⪃࠼ࡣẚ㍑ⓗ᪂ࡋ ࠸ࡶࡢ࡛ࡋࡓࠋࡑࢀ௨㝆ࠊࡇࡢศ㔝ࡣ⇿Ⓨⓗᡂ㛗ࡋࡲࡋ ࡓࠋࡑࡢࣁࣥࢻࣈࢵࢡࡢ➨ 2 ᕳ࡛࠶ࡿᮏ᭩ࡣࠊᐇ㦂⤒῭Ꮫ࠾ ࡅࡿ᭱ࡶ่⃭ⓗ࡞᪂ࡋ࠸ᡂ㛗ศ㔝ࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡍࡿࡶࠊ᭱ ᪂ࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝࡸᐇ㦂ᡭἲࢆᥦ♧ࡋࠊᑗ᮶ࡢ◊✲ࡘ࠸࡚ᮇᚅ ࡀᣢ࡚ࡿ᪂ࡋ࠸᪉ྥᛶࢆᥦ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࡇࡢศ㔝ࢆ௦⾲ࡍࡿᐇົᐙࡼࡿ◊✲ᡂᯝࢆᥖ㍕ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ࣐ࢡࣟ⤒῭Ꮫ ࠾ࡅࡿᐇ㦂ࡸࠊឿၿⓗ㉗ࠊ⚄⤒⤒῭Ꮫࠊⓗ㑅ዲࠊ࣐࣮ࢣࢵࢺࢹࢨࣥࠊᨻ ⤒῭Ꮫࠊᑐ㇟㞟ᅋࡼࡿᙳ㡪ࠊࢪ࢙ࣥࢲ࣮ࡢᙳ㡪ࠊ࣮࢜ࢡࢩࣙࣥࠊᏛ⩦ࠊ࠾ࡼࡧ ᑠࡉ࡞ពᛮỴᐃ㛵ࡍࡿ⤒῭Ꮫ࠸ࡗࡓ㡿ᇦࢆヲ㏙ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᐤ✏⪅ࡣᐇ㦂㛵 ࡍࡿせ࡞Ⓨᒎࡑࡢሗ࿌↔Ⅼࢆᙜ࡚࡚࠾ࡾࠊᐇ㦂ࢆ⾜࠺◊✲⪅⌮ㄽ㛵ࢃࡿ ◊✲⪅ࡢ㛫ࡢ㆟ㄽ╔┠ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࢇࡢᐇ㦂⤖ᯝࡀᐇ㦂ᐊ࡛ࡢᐇ㦂ࡼ ࡿࡶࡢ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿ୍᪉࡛ࠊ࠸ࡃࡘࡢ❶࡛ࡣࡇࡢศ㔝㛵㐃ࡍࡿࣇ࣮ࣝࢻᐇ㦂 ࡘ࠸࡚ࡶᖜᗈࡃྲྀࡾୖࡆ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࠙ᮏ᭩ࡢ≉ᚩࠚ ࣭ᐇ㦂⤒῭Ꮫ࠾ࡅࡿ่⃭ⓗ࡞᪂ࡋ࠸ᡂ㛗ศ㔝ࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭ࡇࡢศ㔝ࢆ௦⾲ࡍࡿᑓ㛛ᐙࡼࡿ◊✲ᡂᯝࢆᥖ㍕ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭࣐ࢡࣟ⤒῭Ꮫࡸឿၿⓗ㉗ࠊ⚄⤒⤒῭Ꮫࠊ࣐࣮ࢣࢵࢺࢹࢨࣥࠊᨻ⤒῭Ꮫࠊࢪ࢙ ࣥࢲ࣮ࡢᙳ㡪ࠊ࣮࢜ࢡࢩࣙࣥࡸࡑࡢከࡃࡢ㡿ᇦ࠾ࡅࡿᐇ㦂ࢆヲ㏙ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭ᐇ㦂ࢆ⾜࠺◊✲⪅⌮ㄽ㛵ࢃࡿ◊✲⪅ࡢ㛫ࡢ㆟ㄽ╔┠ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭ᮏ◊✲ศ㔝㛵㐃ࡋࡓࣇ࣮ࣝࢻᐇ㦂ࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡋࡓ❶ࢆ࠸ࡃࡘ㘓ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Princeton U.P., USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 121 経済学 》数理経済・計量経済・統計学 Bernard, Lucas/Nyambuu, Unurjargal (eds.) Dynamic Modeling, Empirical Macroeconomics, and Finance: Essays in Honor of Willi Semmler 2016:10. 270 p (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319398853* ★ Burke, Simon P./Hunter, John/Canepa, Alessandra Multivariate Modelling of Non-Stationary Economic Time Series, 2nd ed. (Palgrave Texts in Econometrics) 2016:11. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9780230243309* ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9780230243316* Caiani, Alessandro/Russo, Alberto/Palestrini, Antonio/Gallegati, Mauro (eds.) Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents: A Practical Guide to Agent-Based Modeling (New Economic Windows) 2016:10. 250 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319440569* Casson, Mark/Hashimzade, Nigar (eds.) Large Databases in Economic History: Research Methods and Case Studies (Routledge Explorations in Economic History) 2016:11. 296 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138231474* 複雑ネットワークとダイナミクス Commendatore, Pasquale/Matilla-Garcia, Mariano/ Varela, Luis M./Cánovas, Jose S. (eds.) Complex Networks and Dynamics: Social and Economic Interactions (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol. 683) 2016:10. 340 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 Ibragimov, Rustam/Prokhorov, Artem Heavy Tails and Copulas: Topics in Dependence Modelling in Economics and Finance 2017:2. 200 p. =%&&*!%+; ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814689793* Johnson, Jeffrey/Nowak, Andrzej/Ormerod, Paul/ Rosewell, Bridget/Zhang, Yi-Cheng (eds.) Non-Equilibrium Social Science and Policy: Introduction and Essays on New and Changing Paradigms in Socio-Economic Thinking (Understanding Complex Systems) 2016:11. 220 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319424224* ★ 経済動学の論集 Matsumoto, Akio/Szidarovszky, Ferenc/ Asada, Toichiro (eds.) Essays in Economic Dynamics: Theory, Simulation Analysis, and Methodological Study 2016:10. 258 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811015205* Mutanov, Galimkair Mathematical Methods and Models in Economic Planning, Management and Budgeting, 2nd ed. 2016:8. 356 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783662525883* Ogden, Timothy N. Experimental Conversations: Perspectives on Randomized Trials in Economic Development 2017:1. 392 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 122 *9783319408019* *9780262035101* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》数理経済・計量経済・統計学 厚生経済・財政・公共経済 応用計量経済学の重点 Smith, Aaron D./Taylor, J. Edward Essentials of Applied Econometrics 2016:11. 208 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520288331* 経済政策 20 世紀以降の格差 Bishop, John A./Rodriguez, Juan Gabriel (eds.) Inequality After the 20th Century: Papers from the Sixth Ecineq Meeting (Research on Economic Inequality, Vol. 24) 2016:10. 450 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781785609947* Braun, Dietmar/Ruiz-Palmero, Christian/Schnabel, Johanna Consolidation Policies in Federal States &# and Solutions (Routledge Studies in Federalism and Decentralization) 2016:12. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138642010* 財政赤字と経済動向 Burdekin, Richard/Langdana, Farrokh ' % (Routledge Revivals) 2016:8. 254 p., First published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 +@!&%\*!>#; The Political Economy of Social Choices (Studies in Political Economy) 2016:9. 261 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319401164* Ihori, Toshihiro Principles of Public Finance (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 2016:11. 250 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Fadda, Sebastiano/Tridico, Pasquale (eds.) Institutions and Development After the Financial Crisis (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) 2016:11. 224 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138231368* Lehavi, Amnon (ed.) Private Communities and Urban Governance: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives 2016:7. 260 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319332093* See also Lind, Nancy, Today’s Economic Issues, ABC-Clio .................................................................. p208 , 1709 *9789811023880* 危機における公共経済 Sekera, June A. The Public Economy in Crisis: A Call for a New Public Economics (SpringerBriefs in Economics) 2016:7. 128 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319404868* ★ 金融資本主義における不平等 Tridico, Pasquale Inequality in Financial Capitalism (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) 2017:3. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ 井堀利宏著 財政の原則 *9781138884908* ★ 社会的選択の政治経済 *9781138944121* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 123 経済学 》厚生経済・財政・公共経済 Villar, Antonio Lectures on Inequality, Poverty and Welfare (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol. 685) 2016:11. 240 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319455617* 富の特権 Williams, Robert B. The Privileges of Wealth: Rising Inequality and the Growing Racial Divide (Economics in the Real World) 2016:12. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138227491* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138227507* 2016:12. 400 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Hübner, Kurt (ed.) Europe, Canada and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (Routledge Studies in Governance and Change in the Global Era) 2016:9. 344 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 国際貿易の理論化 Mathur, Somesh/Arora, Rahul/Singh, Sarbjit (eds.) Theorizing International Trade: An Indian Perspective 2017:3. 400 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, SGP) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 See also Nicita, Antonio/Belloc, Filippo Liberalizations in Network Industries: Economics, Policy and Politics 2016:10. 171 p (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319437163* ★ 産業政策の効果、 金融と多様性 Noman, Akbar/Stiglitz, Joseph E. )* )+ Industrial Policy: Guiding Resources, Learning, and Technology for Sustained Growth 2016:12. 448 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231180504* 国際経済 Bhagwati, Jagdish N./Krishna, Pravin/Panagariya, Arvind The World Trade System: Trends and Challenges 124 Wisor, Scott Leigh, The Ethics of Global Poverty, Routledge.................................................... p15 , 0120 開発経済 Andrews, Matt/Pritchett, Lant/Woolcock, Michael Building State Capability: Evidence, Analysis, Action 2017:1. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198747482* ★ 腐敗と経済発展 Dutta, Jayasri/Aidt, Toke (eds.) Corruption and Economic Development (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics Series, Vol. 324) 2016:11. 808 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★ 世界貿易体制 *9789811017582* *9781138215269* 産業経済 *9780262035231* *9781783471201* Marletto, Gerardo/Franceschini, Simone/Ortolani, Chiara/Sillig, Cécile Mapping Sustainability Transitions: Networks of Innovators, Techno-economic Competences and Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》開発経済 Political Discourses (SpringerBriefs in Business) 2016:7. 70 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319422725* Niewöhner, Jörg/Bruns, Antje/Hostert, Patrick/ Krueger, Tobias/Nielsen, Jonas Ø./Haberl, Helmut/ Lauk, Christian/Lutz, Juliana/Müller, Daniel (eds.) Land Use Competition: Ecological, Economic and Social Perspectives (Human-Environment Interactions, Vol. 6) 2016:8. 379 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319336268* ★ 移行する持続可能な開発 Otsuki, Kei Transformative Sustainable Development&&&!~& Change (Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development) 2016:8. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138212473* Sciarelli, Fabiana/Rinaldi, Azzurra Development Management of Transforming Economies: Theories, Approaches and Models for Overall Development 2016:9. 464 p (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137599100* マイクロファイナンス入門 Watkins, Todd A. ; 2016:12. 300 p. =%&&*!%+; ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789813140738* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789813143005* 農業・食糧経済 Anderson, Kym Agricultural Trade, Policy Reforms, and Global Food Security (Palgrave Studies in Agricultural Economics and Food Policy) 2016:11. 292 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137471680* 移住と農業 Corrado, Alessandra/de Castro, Carlos/Perrotta, Domenico (eds.) Migration and Agriculture: Mobility and Change in the Mediterranean Area (Routledge ISS Studies in Rural Livelihoods) 2016:8. 370 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138962231* インドの農業におけるバイオテクノロジー : 入門 Gandhi, Vasant P./Jain, Dinesh Introduction of Biotechnology in India’s Agriculture: Impact, Performance and Economics 2016:8. 276 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811010903* 欧州のグリーン改革 Harwood, Jonathan Europe’s Green Revolution and Others Since: The Rise and Fall of Peasant-Friendly Plant Breeding 2016:9. 288 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138215290* Worley, Christopher/Caniato, Frederico/Cagliano, Raffaella (eds.) Organizing Supply Chain Processes for Sustainable Innovation in the Agri-Food Industry (Organizing for Sustainable Effectiveness, Vol. 5) 2016:8. 380 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ 農業貿易、 政策改革と世界の食糧安全保障 *9781786354884* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 125 経済学 》地域・都市経済 See also 地域・都市経済 Bisello, Adriano/Vettorato, Daniele/Stephens, Richard/Elisei, Pietro (eds.) Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions: Results of SSPCR 2015 (Green Energy and Technology) 2016:11. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319448985* Beerepoot, Niels, Globalisation and Servicesdriven Economic Growth, Routledge .....p63 , 0564 Karlsson, Charlie, Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Economic Geography, Edward Elgar ............................................. p63 , 0565 Peck, Jamie, Offshore, Oxford U.P. .........p63 , 0566 Rossi, Ugo, Cities in Global Capitalism, WileyBlackwell .................................................... p63 , 0567 Cooke, Philip (ed.) Localities: The Changing Face of Urban Britain (Routledge Revivals) 2016:8. 334 p., Originally published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138236899* Dameri, Renata Paola Smart City Implementation: Creating Economic and Public Value in Innovative Urban Systems (Progress in IS) 2016:10. 160 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319457659* ★ McCann, Philip/van Oort, Frank/Goddard, John (eds.) The Empirical and Institutional Dimensions of Smart Specialisation (Regions and Cities) 2016:12. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138695757* Vermeulen, Ben/Paier, Manfred (eds.) Innovation Networks for Regional Development: Concepts, Case Studies, and Agent-Based Models (Economic Complexity and Evolution) 2016:10. 256 p (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Mulley, Corinne/Nelson, John D. (eds.) Paratransit: Shaping the Flexible Transport Future (Transport and Sustainability, Vol. 8) 2016:8. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 スマート ・ シティの実践 運輸・交通経済 *9783319439396* 人口・労働経済 Bélanger, Alain/Sabourin, Patrick Microsimulation and Population Dynamics: An Introduction to Modgen 12 (The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, Vol. 43) 2016:10. 182 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319446622* 移民と労働者 Borjas, George J. We Wanted Workers: Unraveling the Immigration Narrative 2016:10. 240 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780393249019* Eichhorst, Werner/Marx, Paul (eds.) Non-Standard Employment in Post-Industrial Labour Markets: An Occupational Perspective 2016:9. 448 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 126 *9781786352262* *9781786434326* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》人口・労働経済 Ellerman, David The Democratic Worker-Owned Firm: A New Model for the East and West (Routledge Revivals) 2016:9. 236 p., Originally published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138892651* Pisano, Mark A. Demographic Change: Political and Economic Uncertainty in the United States 2017:2. 265 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440853104* Nizami, Nausheen/Prasad, Narayan Decent Work: Concept, Theory and Measurement 2016:11. 180 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, SGP) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 人口変動 *9789811021930* 経済学における労働 Sun, Guang-Zhen The Division of Labor in Economics: A History 2017:1. 280 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138213296* ᪂䛯䛺ᢏ⾡䛸㏻◊✲䠖 ほගㄪᰝ䛻䛚䛡䜛 GPS䛾㐺⏝ New Technologies and Transportation Research Applications of GPS in Travel Surveys (Series: Classics in Transport and Environmental Valuation) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1021719524䛇 Edited by Peter Stopher, University of Sydney, AUS 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 720 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-78347-486-8....................... STP 245.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥50,307 / ≉౯ ¥40,245 + ⛯ *9781783474868* ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ㐣ཤ ᖺࡢ㛫ฟ∧ࡉࢀࡓࠊே≀ࡢ⛣ືࢆ ᐃࡍࡿࡓࡵࡢᆅ⌫ ࢩࢫࢸ࣒㸦*36㸧⏝㛵ࡍࡿ᭱ࡶ㔜せ࡞ㄽᩥࢆᩚ⌮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋៅ㔜㑅ᐃ ࡉࢀࡓㄽᩥࡣ᭩ࡁୗࢁࡋࡢᑟධᩥࡼࡗ࡚⤂ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣ⛣ືࢆグ㘓ࡍ ࡿࡓࡵࡢ *36 ࡢ⏝ࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ㐍ᒎࢆ㏣ࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ*36 ࡀఏ⤫ⓗ࡞⮬ᕫ⏦࿌ࡼࡿ ㄪᰝ⨨ࡁࢃࡗ࡚࠸ࡿ᭱᪂ࡢ≧ἣࢆᥥࡁฟࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Edward Elgar, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 127 経済学 》人口・労働経済 ★ Rizzo, Ilde/Towse, Ruth (eds.) The Artful Economist: A New Look at Cultural Economics 2016:10. 249 p (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 応用人口学の最前線 Swanson, David (ed.) The Frontiers of Applied Demography (Applied Demography Series, Vol. 9) 2016:10. 290 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319433271* See also 文化・社会経済 Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din, Economic Evaluation of Pharmacy Services, Academic Pr. .........p211 , 1746 Crawford, Claire/Dearden, Lorraine/Micklewright, John/Vignoles, Anna Family Background and University Success 2016:11. 176 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199689132* インドにおける小学校教育の効率 Ghose, Arpita ;: Empirical Evidence Using a Nonparametric Data Envelopment Approach (SpringerBriefs in Economics) 2016:11. 125 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9788132236597* Knee, Jonathan A. Class Clowns: How the Smartest Investors Lost Billions in Education 2016:12. 288 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231179287* Mishra, Aneil K. Restoring Trust in Higher Education: Making the Investment Worthwhile Again 2017:1. 218 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 128 *9783319406350* *9781440843358* 科学技術の経済学 アントレプレナー : 自由企業の経済的機能 Boutillier, Sophie/Uzunidis, Dimitri The Entrepreneur: The Economic Function of the _&# &%&&* and Technical Encyclopedia, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781786300539* 経済システム・比較経済 デジタル経済の課題 Boccia, Francesco/Leonardi, Robert (eds.) The Challenge of the Digital Economy: Markets, Taxation and Appropriate Economic Models 2016:11. 105 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319436890* 市場の限界 De Grauwe, Paul The Limits of the Market: The Pendulum Between Government and Capitalism 2017:2. 192 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198784289* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》経済システム・比較経済 Henig, David/Makovicky, Nicolette (eds.) Economies of Favour after Socialism 2017:1. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199687411* Nordberg, Kenneth Revolutionizing Economic and Democratic Systems: Reinventing the Third Way (Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Growth) 2016:9. 229 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319406329* Turgeon, Lynn The Advanced Capitalist System: A Revisionist View (Routledge Revivals) 2016:11. 146 p., Originally published in 1980 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138919310* アジア太平洋 東アジア 貧困の罠からの脱却 : 中国の事例 Ang, Yuen Yuen How China Escaped the Poverty Trap (Cornell Studies in Political Economy) 2016:9. 312 p. (Cornell U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781501700200* Chen, Yunxian/Qiu, Jianwei Government Foresighted Leading: Theory and &\=#~@&>&ment (China Perspectives) 2016:12. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780674971134* 世界経済における北朝鮮 Hastings, Justin V. A Most Enterprising Country: North Korea in the Global Economy 2016:12. 240 p. (Cornell U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781501704901* 資本主義体制 Gewirtz, Julian Unlikely Partners: Chinese Reformers, Western Economists, and the Making of Global China 2017:1. 340 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781138687035* ★印はお薦めタイトル Jiang, Qingyun/Qian, Lixian/Ding, Min (eds.) Fair Development in China (Perspectives on Sustainable Growth) 2016:10. 320 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319436616* 中国の経済成長 第 2 巻 Joshua, John China’s Economic Growth: Towards Sustainable Economic Development and Social Justice: Vol. II: The Impact of Economic Policies on the Quality of Life 2016:10. 234 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137594341* ★ Lam, Peng Er (ed.) Japan Chronicles 2001-2012: Towards a “Third $#?=%&&*!%+; ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814390712* 東アジアの資本主義的発展と経済主義 Li, Kui-Wai Capitalist Development and Economism in East Asia: The Rise of Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia) 2016:10. 320 p., First published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 129 経済学 》アジア太平洋 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138281820* ★ Ohkawa, Takao/Tawada, Makoto/Okamura, Makoto/Nomura, Ryoichi (eds.) Regional Free Trade Areas and Strategic Trade Policies (New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives, Vol. 10) 2016:10. 244 p. (Springer Tokyo, JPN) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9784431556206* 中国の銀行業務変革 Stent, James China’s Banking Transformation: The Untold Story 2017:1. 296 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190497033* Tao, Yitao/Yuan, Yiming (eds.) Annual Report on the Development of China’s Special Economic Zones (2016): Blue Book of \&#%&>&# \&# Economic Report Series) 2016:10. 206 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811005411* 中国の市場変革 Wang, Ning (ed.) China’s Market Transformation: Origins, Protagonists, and Processes 2017:2. 550 p. (World Scien&*!%+; ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814696128* 中国における政策立案の経済学 Wu, WenJie Economics of Planning Policies in China: Infrastructure, Location and Cities (Regions and Cities) 2017:1. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 130 南アジア Aiyer, Sourajit Capital Market Integration in South Asia: Realizing the SAARC Opportunity 2016:11. 180 p. (Elsevier Science, NLD) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780081019061* インドの金融政策 Ghate, Chetan/Kletzer, Kenneth M. (eds.) Monetary Policy in India: A Modern Macroeconomic Perspective 2016:10. 765 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9788132228387* Naseemullah, Adnan Development After Statism: Industrial Firms and the Political Economy of South Asia (South Asia in the Social Sciences) 2016:12. 356 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107158634* 債務管理 Singh, Charan (ed.) Public Debt Management: Separation of Debt from Monetary Management in India (India Studies in Business and Economics) 2016:10. 215 p (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9788132236474* Taneja, Nisha (ed.) India-Pakistan Trade Normalisation{\*ished Economic Agenda 2016:10. 400 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811022142* *9781138790452* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》オセアニア ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 オセアニア Couper, Alastair (ed.) % Islands (Routledge Revivals) 2016:11. 215 p., Originally published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138245105* Haslam McKenzie, Fiona M. (ed.) Labour Force Mobility in the Australian Resources Industry: Socio-Economic and Regional Impacts 2016:9. 180 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811020162* *9783319390697* ヨーロッパの成長課題 Aslund, Anders/Djankov, Simeon Europe’s Growth Challenge 2017:2. 232 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190499204* Beck, Thorsten/Casu, Barbara (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of European Banking 2016:11. 535 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137521439* 中 東 ★ 分析的な平和の経済学 Gangopadhyay, Partha/Elkanj, Nasser Analytical Peace Economics: The Illusion of War for Peace (Routledge Studies in Defence and Peace Economics) 2016:9. 300 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138935457* ロンドン金融市場の台頭 ★ ロシア経済 全 4 巻 Fortescue, Stephen (ed.) The Russian Economy (Critical Concepts in Economics) 2017:2. 4 Vols., 1,736 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138961944* ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) EU の新たな産業政策 Ambroziak, Adam A. (ed.) The New Industrial Policy of the European Union (Contributions to Economics) 2016:10. 280 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138215283* ロシア・東欧 ★ Bellini, Nicola/Hilpert, Ulrich (eds.) Europe’s Changing Geography: The Impact of Inter-regional Networks (Regions and Cities) 2016:9. 224 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Bisscop, W. R. The Rise of the London Money Market: 1640-1826 (Routledge Revivals) 2016:10. 260 p., Originally published in 1910 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138911536* Consiglio, Stefano/Moschera, Luigi Temporary Work Agencies in Italy: Evolution and Impact on the Labour Market (SpringerBriefs in Economics) 2016:9. 136 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319445397* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 131 経済学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) ユーロと経済危機 da Costa Cabral, Nazaré/Gonçalves, José Renato/ Cunha Rodrigues, Nuno (eds.) The Euro and the Crisis: Perspectives for the Eurozone as a Monetary and Budgetary Union (Financial and Monetary Policy Studies, Vol. 43) 2016:11. 350 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319457093* {¡#^&!&¢^&!£^#"#&#^&! Miroslaw (eds.) Competitiveness of CEE Economies and Businesses: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Challenges and Opportunities 2016:8. 223 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319396538* アフリカ EU における金融規制 Douady, Raphaël/Goulet, Clément/Pradier, Pierre-Charles (eds.) Financial Regulation in the EU: From Resilience to Growth 2016:12. 385 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319442860* Karasavvoglou, Anastasios/Kyrkilis, Dimitrios/ Makris, Georgios/Polychronidou, Persefoni (eds.) Economic Crisis, Development and Competitiveness in Southeastern Europe: Theoretical Foundations and Policy Issues (Contributions to Economics) 2016:10. 145 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319403212* ^!`# &! &>~&>! Dominik (eds.) International Innovation Networks and Knowledge Migration: The German-Turkish Nexus (Routledge/Lisbon Civic Forum Studies in Innovation) 2016:7. 338 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138914018* 耐乏と回復 : アイルランドの事例 Roche, William K./O'Connell, Philip J./Prothero, Andrea (eds.) Austerity and Recovery in Ireland# Poster Child and the Great Recession 2016:12. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 132 *9780198704812* Gumata, Nombulelo/Ndou, Eliphas Bank Credit Extension and Real Economic Activity in South Africa: The Impact of Capital Flow Dynamics, Bank Regulation and Selected Macroprudential Tools 2016:11. 410 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319435503* Lahiff, Edward An Apartheid Oasis?: Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods in Venda 2016:10. 320 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138963658* Adam, Christopher S./Collier, Paul/Ndulu, Benno (eds.) Tanzania: The Path to Prosperity 2017:1. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 タンザニア *9780198792376* Odularu, Gbadebo O. A./Adekunle, Bamidele (eds.) Negotiating South-South Regional Trade Agreements: Economic Opportunities and Policy Directions for Africa (Advances in African Economic, Social and Political Development) 2016:11. 170 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319455686* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経済学 》アフリカ ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 ナイジェリアにおける産業クラスター、 制度と貧困 Oyeyinka, Oyebanke Industrial Clusters, Institutions and Poverty in Nigeria: The Otigba Information and Communications Technology Cluster (Advances in African Economic, Social and Political Development) 2017:2. 220 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319411491* アフリカの投資と競争性 Seck, Diery (ed.) Investment and Competitiveness in Africa (Advances in African Economic, Social and Political Development) 2016:10. 192 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319447865* 南北アメリカ 北 米 貿易と帝国 Asquith, H. H. Trade and the Empire \>&##als Examined in Four Speeches and a Prefatory Note (Routledge Revivals) 2016:8. 98 p., Originally published in 1903 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138231283* Bastable, C. F. The Commerce of Nations (Routledge Revivals) 2016:8. 222 p., Originally published in 1923 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138231207* Abt, Jeffrey Valuing Detroit’s Art Museum: A History of Fiscal Abandonment and Rescue (Palgrave Studies in American Economic History) 2016:11. 196 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319452180* Balch, Stephen H./Powell, Benjamin (eds.) Economic and Political Change after Crisis: Prospects for Government, Liberty and the Rule of Law (Routledge Foundations of the Market Economy) 2016:9. 196 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138201804* *9789811016042* 原油価格のブーム ・ バスト : 歴史と展望 Mcnally, Robert Crude Volatility: The History and the Future of BoomBust Oil Prices 2017:1. 288 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231178143* ★ ラテンアメリカにおける格差の動向 Bértola, Luis/Williamson, Jeffrey (eds.) Has Latin American Inequality Changed Direction?: Looking Over the Long Run 2016:10. 500 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ★印はお薦めタイトル Eloranta, Jari/Golson, Eric/Markevich, Andrei/ Wolf, Nikolaus (eds.) Economic History of Warfare and State Formation (Studies in Economic History) 2016:10. 270 p (Springer Singapore, SGP) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ラテンアメリカ 戦争と国家形成の経済史 経済史・経営史 *9783319446202* Neufeld, John L. Selling Power: Economics, Policy, and Electric Utilities Before 1940 (Markets and Governments in Economic History) 2016:11. 336 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226399638* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 133 経済学 》経済史・経営史 Stiller, Jesse (ed.) Banking Modern America: Studies in Regulatory History (Financial History) 2016:10. 156 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138213807* 金 融 金融理論 金融市場 Barbosa, Fernando de Holanda ; ! (SpringerBriefs in Economics) 2016:11. 110 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319445113* ★ Bernholz, Peter ;: History, Economic and Political Relationships, 2nd ed. 2016:10. 240 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781784717643* ★ Nishibe, Makoto The Enigma of Money: Gold, Central Banknotes, and Bitcoin 2016:11. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811018183* Demirguc-Kunt, Asli/Evanoff, Douglas D./ Kaufman, George G. (eds.) The Future of Large, Internationally Active Banks=%&&*%&#& & Economics, Vol. 55) 2016:12. 500 p. (World Scien&*!%+; ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 O'Hara, Maureen Something for Nothing: Arbitrage and Ethics on Wall Street 2016:10. 224 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780393285512* 134 *9781138215375* *9781501704949* Carretta, Alessandro/Mattarocci, Gianluca (eds.) Financial Systems in Troubled Waters: Information, Strategies, and Governance to Enhance Performances in Risky Times 2016:9. 392 p., First published in 2012 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 金融のエニグマ Bytheway, Simon James/Metzler, Mark Central Banks and Gold: How Tokyo, London, and New York Shaped the Modern World (Cornell Studies in Money) 2016:12. (Cornell U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 金融体制とインフレーション 第 2 版 中央銀行と金 *9789813141384* ★ Frieden, Jeffry Banking on the World: The Politics of American International Finance (Routledge Revivals) 2016:10. 274 p., Originally published in 1987 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138912014* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 金 融 》金融市場 Goglio, Silvio/Alexopoulos, Yiorgos (eds.) Financial Cooperatives and Local Development (Routledge Studies in Development Economics) 2016:9. 256 p., First published in 2012 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138215344* アメリカ合衆国のコミュニティ経済開発 Greer, James L./Gonzales, Oscar Community Economic Development in the United States{\ _ #`>&# Distressed Communities 2016:10. 204 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137497901* Mejorado, Ascension/Roman, Manuel %" > : The Role of Accumulation Trends in the Financial Crisis 2016:12. 344 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138242395* ★ シャドー ・ バンキング Nesvetailova, Anastasia (ed.) Shadow Banking: Scope, Origins and Theories (Routledge Critical Studies in Finance and Stability) 2016:12. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138201538* Onyiriuba, Leonard Bank Risk Management in Developing Economies: Addressing the Unique Challenges of Domestic Banks 2016:11. 600 p. (Academic Pr., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780128054796* 世界金融危機と新たな通貨のコンセンサス Pilkington, Marc The Global Financial Crisis and the New Monetary Consensus 2016:11. 288 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138231290* ★ イノベーションとファイナンス Pyka, Andreas/Burghof, Hans-Peter (eds.) Innovation and Finance (Routledge/ Lisbon Civic Forum Studies in Innovation) 2016:11. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138231320* Ramirez, Juan Handbook of Basel III Capital: Enhancing Bank Capital in Practice 2017:1. 450 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119330820* 銀行規制 Stockenstrand, Anna-Karin/Nilsson, Fredrik (eds.) Bank Regulation: Effects on Strategy, Financial Accounting and Management Control (Routledge Studies in Accounting) 2016:11. 368 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138680500* ファイナンス Aldridge, Irene/Krawciw, Steven Real-Time Risk: What Investors Should Know About FinTech, High-Frequency Trading, and Flash Crashes 2017:3. 230 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119318965* 新興市場のリスクマネジメント Boubaker, Sabri/Nguyen, Duc Khuong/Buchanan, Bonnie (eds.) Risk Management in Emerging Markets: Issues, Framework, and Modeling 2016:6. 400 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786354525* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 135 金 融 》ファイナンス ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 応用投資理論 Coleman, Les Applied Investment Theory: How Markets and Investors Behave, and Why 2016:11. 255 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319439754* 分析的コーポレートファイナンス Corelli, Angelo Analytical Corporate Finance (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 2016:8. 471 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319395487* ★ Damodaran, Aswath Narrative and Numbers: The Value of Stories in Business 2017:1. 288 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231180481* Donohue, Melissa Financial Nutrition™ for Young Women: How (and Why) to Teach Girls about Money 2017:3. 180 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440852305* Fisher, Andrew The Cross-Border Family Wealth Guide: Advice on Taxes, Investing, Real Estate, and Retirement for Global Families in the U.S. and Abroad 2017:1. 304 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119234272* Guerard, John B., Jr. (ed.) Portfolio Construction, Measurement, and Ef : Essays in Honor of Jack Treynor 2016:10. 340 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) 136 *9783319339740* Hufeld, Felix/Koijen, Ralph S. J./Thimann, Christian (eds.) The Economics, Regulation, and Systemic Risk of Insurance Markets 2016:11. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198788812* ★ リスクマネジメントの経済的基盤 Jarrow, Robert A. The Economic Foundations of Risk Management: Theory, Practice, and Applications 2016:12. 160 p. =%&&*!%+; ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789813147515* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789813149960* 健康保険の価値 Lieberthal, Robert D. What Is Health Insurance (Good) For?: An Examination of Who Gets It, Who Pays for It, and How to Improve It 2016:9. 271 p (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319437958* Lu, Yefei Inside the Investments of Warren Buffett: Twenty Cases, Twenty Cases 2016:8. 336 p. (Columbia U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231164627* パーソナル ・ ファイナンス Luu, Lien/Lowe, Jonquil/Butler, Jason/Byrne, Tony Essential Personal Finance: A Practical Guide for Students 2016:12. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138692930* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 金 融 》ファイナンス ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138692954* Marcovici, Philip The Destructive Power of Family Wealth: A Guide to Succession Planning, Asset Protection, Taxation and Wealth Management 2016:11. 312 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119327523* Paranque, Bernard/Perez, Roland/Sun, William (eds.) Finance Reconsidered: New Perspectives for a Responsible and Sustainable Finance (Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and, Vol. 10) 2016:7. 220 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781785609800* インドの生命保険業界 Parida, Tapas Kumar/Acharya, Debashis The Life Insurance Industry in India: Current %*&?@>&! SGP) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811022326* Radtke, Michael/Schmidt, Klaus D./Schnaus, Anja (eds.) Handbook on Loss Reserving (EAA Series) 2016:10. 281 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 ヘッジファンド ・ コンプライアンス Scharfman, Jason A. Hedge Fund Compliance: Risks, Regulation, and Management (Wiley Finance) 2016:12. 224 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119240235* Schaus, Stacy/Gao, Ying "; Design: How to Align Target-Date, Core and Income Strategies to the PRICE of Retirement (Wiley Finance) 2017:2. 336 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119298564* Smith, Andrew O. Financial Literacy for Millennials: A Practical Guide to Managing Your Financial Life for Teens, College Students, and Young Adults 2016:8. 194 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440834028* 21 世紀の銀行業務ガイド Tasca, Paolo/Aste, Tomaso/Pelizzon, Loriana/Perony, Nicolas (eds.) Banking beyond Banks and Money: A Guide to Banking Services in the Twenty-First Century (New Economic Windows) 2016:9. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319424460* *9783319300542* 国際金融 合併 ・ 買収 Rani, Neelam/Yadav, Surendra Singh/Jain, Pramod Kumar Mergers and Acquisitions: A Study of Financial Performance, Motives and Corporate Governance (India Studies in Business and Economics) 2016:9. 255 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811022029* ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ マクロ経済学の流動性危機 Calvo, Guillermo A. Macroeconomics in Times of Liquidity Crises: Searching for Economic Essentials 2016:11. 264 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262035415* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 137 金 融 》国際金融 &!&¤&!_&^ \!>#; Critical Issues and Challenges in Islamic Economics and Finance Development 2016:11. 214 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319450285* Goyal, Ashima Macroeconomics and Markets in Developing and Emerging Economies 2016:11. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138688810* ★ Kenny, Geoff/Anderton, Robert (eds.) Macroeconomic Performance in a Globalising Economy 2016:9. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316601945* 財政とイスラム債市場 Rizvi, Syed Aun R./Bacha, Obiyathulla I./Mirakhor, Abbas Public Finance and Islamic Capital Markets: Theory and Application (Palgrave Studies in Islamic Banking, Finance, and Economics) 2016:11. 180 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137553416* 金融工学 Aksamit, Anna/Jeanblanc, Monique Enlargement of Filtrations with Finance in View (SpringerBriefs in Quantitative Finance) 2016:12. 150 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 138 *9783319412542* *9789813143715* *9789813142107* Wilson, Jay D., Jr. Creating Strategic Value through Financial Technology (Wiley Finance) 2017:2. 240 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119243755* Zaremba, Adam/Shemer, Jacob Country Asset Allocation: Quantitative Country Selection Strategies in Global Factor Investing 2016:10. 228 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137591906* ★ 金融工学と金融計量経済学 Zivot, Eric Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics 2017:3. 500 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Viricel, Arnaud/Le Bellac, Mathieu Deep Dive Into Financial Models: Modeling Risk and &?=%&&*!%+; ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 グローバル化経済におけるマクロ経済パ フォーマンス *9781137446978* リスクと不確実性のモデリング 発展途上経済におけるマクロ経済学と市場 Nwogugu, Michael C. I. Anomalies in Net Present Value, Returns and Polynomials, and Regret Theory in DecisionMaking 2016:10. 330 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781498775779* ★ 金融工学 ・ 金融計量経済学 : 入門 Zivot, Eric Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics 2017:3. 500 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781498772204* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 会計学 》会計学一般 会計学 会計学一般 Belal, Ataur/Cooper, Stuart (eds.) Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management (Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management, Vol. 6) 2017:1. 200 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786353764* 会計理論 Brief, Richard P. (ed.) A Landmark in Accounting Theory: The Work of Gabriel A. D. Preinreich (Routledge Revivals) 2016:11. 235 p., Originally published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138280816* 財務管理の基礎 第 2 版 de Boer, Peter/Brouwers, Rien/Koetzier, Wim The Basics of Financial Management: An Introductory Course in Finance, Management Accounting and Financial Accounting, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 164 p., Originally published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138146785* Jeffrey, Cynthia (ed.) Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting (Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting, Vol. 20) 2016:10. 250 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781785609749* ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ Lehman, Cheryl R. (ed.) #: Globalization, Gender, Race and Class (Advances in Public Interest Accounting, Vol. 19) 2016:11. 250 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781785609763* ★ Mattessich, Richard Reality and Accounting: Ontological Explorations in the Economic and Social Sciences (Routledge New Works in Accounting History) 2016:12. 312 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138242401* 企業会計 ★ 会計における職業的責任と倫理の研究 実在と会計 *9783319404202* コンフリクトにおける会計学 Kerzner, David S./Chodikoff, David W. International Tax Evasion in the Global Information Age 2016:10. 505 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 O'Hare, Jim Analysing Financial Statements for Non-Specialists, 2nd ed. 2016:10. 152 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138641525* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138641532* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 139 経営学 》ビジネス一般 経営学 ビジネス一般 Hernandez, Eleazar Leading Creative Teams: Management Career Paths for Designers, Developers, and Copywriters 2017:2. 255 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781484220559* Schmuck, Claudine Women in STEM Disciplines: The Yfactor 2016 Global Report on Gender in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 2016:11. 210 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 経営学一般 *9783319416571* ビジネススキル 経営学 : エビデンス基盤のアプローチ 第 3 版 Keuning, Doede/Bossink, Bart/Tjemkes, Brian Management: An Evidence-Based Approach, 3rd ed. 2016:8. 664 p., Originally published in 2010 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138177338* ★ Oxford 版 経営学ハンドブック Wilkinson, Adrian/Armstrong, Steven J./Lounsbury, Michael (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Management (Oxford Handbooks) 2017:2. 536 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198708612* 経営理論・経営思想 コミュニケーションのマネジメントゲーム Bronn, Peggy S./Zerfass, Ansgar/Romenti, Stefania (eds.) The Management Game of Communication (Advances in Public Relations and Communication Management, Vol. 1) 2016:8. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786357168* Perez-breva, Luis/Roberts, Edward Innovating`#&#%&@> a Hunch, Prototyping Problems, Scaling Up, and Learning to Be Productively Wrong 2017:1. 296 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262035354* Keating, Elizabeth/Jarvenpaa, Sirkka L. Words Matter: Communicating Effectively in the +*&#& California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520291379* ★ 経営思想の歴史 第 2 版 Witzel, Morgen A History of Management Thought, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138911628* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 140 *9781138911635* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》経営経済・経営数学 経営経済・経営数学 Burke, Edmund K./Kendall, Graham (eds.) Search Methodologies: Introductory Tutorials in Optimization and Decision Support Techniques, 2nd ed. 2016:8. 716 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781489977267* Kutz, Matthew Contextual Intelligence: How Thinking in 3D Can Resolve Complexity, Uncertainty, and Ambiguity 2016:11. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319449975* Lawrence, Kenneth D./Klimberg, Ronald K. (eds.) Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, Volume 11 2016:7. 250 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786355348* Mu, Enrique/Pereyra-Rojas, Milagros Practical Decision Making: An Introduction to the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Using Super Decisions, Vol. 2 (SpringerBriefs in Operations Research) 2016:9. 111 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319338606* ★ Zopounidis, Constantin/Doumpos, Michael (eds.) Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering (Multiple Criteria Decision Making) 2016:9. 211 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 知識経営 *9783319392905* Calnan, Nuala/Lipa, Martin/Kane, Paige E./Menezes, Jose C. (eds.) A Lifecycle Approach to Knowledge Excellence in the Pharmaceutical Industry (Biotechnology and Bioprocessing) 2017:2. 264 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 >#!~>^ *!"~&¥#!"riaan (eds.) Social Knowledge Management in Action: Applications and Challenges (Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning, Vol. 3) 2016:11. 177 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319451312* 人的資本とイノベーション Kundu, Sumit/Munjal, Surender (eds.) Human Capital and Innovation: Examining the Role of Globalization (Palgrave Studies in Global Human Capital Management) 2016:11. 258 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137565600* Peruta, Maria Rosaria Della Building Markets for Knowledge Resources: Emerging Pervasive Models of Innovation in Practice 2016:11. 220 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786357427* Wojciechowska, Maja Intangible Organizational Resources: Analysis of Resource-Based Theory and the Measurement of Library Effectiveness 2016:7. 369 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781498750479* *9781137581228* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 141 経営学 》プロジェクト・マネジメント ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 プロジェクト・マネジメント Dyer, Noah Successful ScrumButt: Learn to Modify Scrum Project Management for Student and Virtual Teams 2016:12. 130 p. (Focal Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138930988* Lehtonen, Markku/Joly, Pierre-Benoit/Aparicio, Luis (eds.) Socioeconomic Evaluation of Megaprojects: Dealing with Uncertainties (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies) 2016:11. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138656116* Salesky, Mark The Project Managers Guide to IDIQ Task Order Service Contracts: How to Win and Perform on Task Order Contracts 2016:10. 192 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319411552* コーポレートガバナンス・CSR ★ 説明責任と社会的責任 : 国際的視点 Crowther, David/Lauesen, Linne (eds.) Accountability and Social Responsibility: International Perspectives (Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility, Vol. 9) 2016:7. 240 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 142 *9781786353849* ★ \!&%&*!%\\#; Corporate Responsibility and Stakeholding (Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility, Vol. 10) 2016:10. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) *9781786356260* De Chiara, Alessandra Implementing Sustainability Strategies in Networks and Clusters: Principles, Tools, and New Research Outcomes (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance) 2016:11. 200 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319402000* ★ Diehl, Sandra/Karmasin, Matthias/ Mueller, Barbara/Terlutter, Ralf/Weder, Franzisca (eds.) Handbook of Integrated CSR Communication (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance) 2016:10. 616 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319446981* 企業の社会的責任とダイバーシティ経営 Hansen, Katrin/Seierstad, Cathrine (eds.) Corporate Social Responsibility and Diversity Management: Theoretical Approaches and Best Practices (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance) 2016:10. 315 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319435633* アフリカのコーポレートガバナンス Howell, Kerry E./Sorour, M. Karim (eds.) Corporate Governance in Africa: Assessing Implementation and Ethical Perspectives 2016:8. 265 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137566997* Jones, Digby Fixing Business^&@*X#&##=^ For The Good Of All 2017:3. 300 p. (Wiley, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119287391* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》コーポレートガバナンス・CSR 尊厳と組織 職業倫理と応用における現代の問題点 Kostera, Monika/Pirson, Michael (eds.) Dignity and the Organization (Humanism in Business Series) 2016:9. 247 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Schwartz, Michael/Harris, Howard/Comer, Debra (eds.) Contemporary Issues in Applied and Professional Ethics (Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations, Vol. 15) 2016:8. 200 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781137555618* Micklethwait, Alicia/Dimond, Patty Driven to the Brink: Why Corporate Governance, Board Leadership and Culture Matter 2016:11. 123 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137590510* Müller, Ralf (ed.) Governance and Governmentality for Projects: Enablers, Practices, and Consequences (Routledge Studies in Corporate Governance) 2016:9. 270 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138926356* ★ マーケティングの倫理 第 2 版 Murphy, Patrick E./Laczniak, Gene R./Harris, Fiona Ethics in Marketing: International Cases and Perspectives, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138648081* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138648098* Rosile, Grace Ann (ed.) Tribal Wisdom for Business Ethics 2016:10. 224 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781786354440* *9781786352880* ★印はお薦めタイトル Schwartz, Michael/Harris, Howard/Comer, Debra (eds.) The Contribution of Love and Hate to Organizational Ethics (Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations, Vol. 16) 2016:10. 200 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786355041* Seyle, Conor/Forrer, John (eds.) The Role of Business in the Responsibility to Protect 2016:10. 272 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107156128* ★ 企業の社会的責任 Vertigans, Stephen/Idowu, Samuel O. (eds.) Corporate Social Responsibility: Academic Insights and Impacts (CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance) 2016:8. 244 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319350820* See also Gonzalez-Perez, Maria Alejandra, Climate Change and the 2030 Corporate Agenda for Sustainable Development, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. ................................................................... p161 , 1317 Strähle, Jochen, Green Fashion Retail, Springer Verlag ........................................................p161 , 1318 Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 143 経営学 》企業形態 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 企業形態 Butler, Richard/Wilson, David C. +@[%\&tions: Strategy and Structure (Routledge Revivals) 2016:11. 206 p., Originally published in 1990 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138921191* Peris-Ortiz, Marta/Ferreira, João J. (eds.) Cooperative and Networking Strategies in Small Business (Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management) 2016:10. 190 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319445083* ★ Sargeant, Adrian/Shang, Jen Fundraising Principles and Practice, 2nd ed. 2017:2. 600 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119196495* 経営戦略・経営計画 ★ 合併 ・ 買収 : 応用 第 15 巻 Cooper, Sir Cary L./Finkelstein, Sydney (eds.) Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions: Volume 15 2016:7. 180 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786353948* Gander, Jonathan Strategic Analysis: A Creative and Cultural Industries Perspective (Mastering Management in the Creative and Cultural Industries) 2017:1. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 144 *9783319406695* 危機におけるグローバルビジネス戦略 &¦!§>&&¨!#`¦!&\#; Global Business Strategies in Crisis: Strategic Thinking and Development (Contributions to Management Science) 2016:11. 400 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319445908* ★ Helfat, Constance/Karim, Samina/Folta, Timothy (eds.) Resource Redeployment and Corporate Strategy (Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. 35) 2016:9. 450 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786355089* Isson, Jean Paul/Hwang, Minha Unstructured Data Analytics: How to Improve Customer Acquisition, Customer Retention, and Fraud Detection and Prevention 2017:1. 304 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119129752* 戦略的分析 Garzella, Stefano/Fiorentino, Raffaele Synergy Value and Strategic Management: Inside the Black Box of Mergers and Acquisitions (Contributions to Management Science) 2016:9. 91 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781138185272* *9781138185265* 経営者のためのビジネス ・ アナリティクス 第 2 版 Laursen, Gert H. N./Thorlund, Jesper Business Analytics for Managers: Taking Business Intelligence Beyond Reporting, 2nd ed. (Wiley and SAS Business Series) 2016:11. 320 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119298588* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》経営戦略・経営計画 ★ 経営戦略 : 現代の課題 不確実性と戦略的意思決定 Phillips, Paul/Moutinho, Luiz Contemporary Issues in Strategic Management 2016:12. 464 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Sund, Kristian/Galavan, Robert/Huff, Anne (eds.) Uncertainty and Strategic Decision Making (New Horizons on Managerial and Organisational Cognition) 2016:10. 280 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781138939639* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138939646* 戦略 : 理論と実践 第 2 版 Pitelis, Christos Strategy: Theory and Practice, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 511 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446298282* Sherman, Leonard ;]^ )' _: Strategies for Long-Term Growth 2017:1. 368 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231174824* 戦略的思考を学ぶ 第 3 版 Sloan, Julia Learning to Think Strategically, 3rd ed. 2016:10. 310 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138684768* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138684751* Stuart, Harborne W. %" : Does Your Strategy Make %#{\ {##!%`; ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262529402* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781786351708* Tarba, Shlomo/Weber, Yaakov (eds.) Mergers and Acquisitions, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitive Strategy, Vol. 15) 2016:11. 385 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786353726* Thompsen, Joyce A. Diagnostics for Strategic Decision-Making: The Rapid Due Dilligence Model 2016:10. 266 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138202207* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138202221* Verganti, Roberto Overcrowded: Designing Meaningful Products in a World Awash with Ideas (Design Thinking, Design Theory) 2016:12. 264 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262035361* Cuoto, Vinay/Plansky, John/Caglar, Denis Fit for Growth: A Guide to Strategic Cost Cutting, Restructuring, and Renewal 2016:12. 256 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119268536* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 145 経営学 》経営戦略・経営計画 Woodside, Arch G. (ed.) Making Tough Decisions Well and Badly: Framing, Deciding, Implementing, Assessing (Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing, Vol. 24) 2016:9. 400 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786351203* Rani, Neelam, Mergers and Acquisitions, Springer Verlag ........................................................p137 , 1101 経営組織 Oxford 版 仕事と家族ハンドブック Allen, Tammy D./Eby, Lillian T. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Work and Family (Oxford Library of Psychology) 2016:7. 528 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199337538* Ballard, Dawna/McGlone, Matthew (eds.) Work Pressures: New Agendas in Communication (New Agendas in Communication Series) 2016:11. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138938236* *9781138938243* ★ 組織行動 第 5 版 Champoux, Joseph E. Organizational Behavior: Integrating Individuals, Groups, and Organizations, 5th ed. 2016:8. 520 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138949041* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 146 *9781138949089* *9781786354365* 組織とビジネス環境 第 2 版 Craig, Tom/Campbell, David Organisations and the Business Environment, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 722 p., First published in 2005 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138173354* 組織のアイデンティティと企業の成長 Dorrenbacher, Christoph/Tomenendal, Matthias/ Stanske, Sarah (eds.) Organizational Identity and Firm Growth: Properties of Growth, Contextual Identities and MicroLevel Processes 2016:8. 223 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137577238* 仕事におけるコラボレーション ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Cohen, Lisa/Burton, M. Diane/Lounsbury, Michael (eds.) The Structuring of Work in Organizations (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 47) 2016:8. 550 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 See also 組織における仕事の仕組み Emmens, Ben Conscious Collaboration: Re-Thinking the Way We Work Together, For Good 2016:11. 211 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137538031* Lehtimaki, Hanna The Strategically Networked Organization: Leveraging Social Networks to Improve Organizational Performance 2016:12. 188 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786352927* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》経営組織 Marheineke, Marc Designing Boundary Objects for Virtual Collaboration (Markt- und Unternehmensentwicklung Markets and Organisations) 2016:9. 249 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658153854* Sharma, Radha R./Cooper, Gary/Cooper, Cary Executive Burnout: Eastern and Western Concepts, Models and Approaches for Mitigation 2016:10. 304 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786352866* Smith, Richard H./Merlone, Ugo/Duffy, Michelle K. (eds.) Envy at Work and in Organizations 2016:10. 544 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190228057* *9781786356963* Achieving Objectives Through Time Management, 5th ed. (Institute of Learning & Management Super Series) 2016:8. 110 p., Originally published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138172623* Turco, Catherine J. The Conversational Firm: Rethinking Bureaucracy in the Age of Social Media 2016:9. 256 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231178983* ★ Antoniou, Alexander-Stamatios/Burke, Ronald/Cooper, Cary L. (eds.) The Aging Workforce Handbook: Individual, Organizational and Societal Challenges 2016:11. 240 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 Kohli, Arun Effective Coaching, and the Fallacy of Sustainable Change (Management for Professionals) 2016:9. 170 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319397344* アクティブエイジングの課題 Manfredi, Simonetta/Vickers, Lucy (eds.) Challenges of Active Ageing: Equality Law and the Workplace 2016:8. 345 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138203174* 高齢化する労働力ハンドブック *9781786354488* Kelliher, Clare/Richardson, Julia (eds.) New Ways of Organizing Work: Developments, Perspectives, and Experiences 2016:7. 208 p., First published in 2011 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 人事管理 Gravili, Ginevra/Fait, Monica (eds.) Social Recruitment in HRM: A Theoretical Approach and Empirical Analysis 2016:9. 180 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 人的資源管理におけるソーシャルリクルーティング *9781501704475* Bobo, Kimberley A./Bobo, Kim/Casillas Pabellon, Marien The Worker Center Handbook: A Practical Guide to Starting and Building the New Labor Movement 2016:9. 296 p. (Cornell U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781137532497* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 147 経営学 》人事管理 多文化的職場における異文化間交流 ~^&#^!©@%©^#^&!£^#gala, Slawomir (eds.) Intercultural Interactions in the Multicultural Workplace: Traditional and Positive Organizational Scholarship (Contributions to Management Science) 2016:8. 312 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319397702* リーダーシップ Aaboen, Lise/La Rocca, Antonella/Lind, Frida/ Perna, Andrea/Shih, Tommy (eds.) Starting Up in Business Networks: Why Relationships Matter in Entrepreneurship 2016:11. 312 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137527141* ファイナンスにおけるアントレプレナーシップ Arslanian, Henri Entrepreneurship in Finance: Successfully Launching and Managing a Hedge Fund in Asia 2016:10. 356 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319439129* Bacharach, Samuel B. The Agenda Mover: When Your Good Idea Is Not Enough (Pragmatic Leadership) 2016:8. 168 p. (Cornell U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781501710001* Brännback, Malin/Carsrud, Alan L. (eds.) Revisiting the Entrepreneurial Mind: Inside the Black Box, Expanded ed. (International Studies in Entrepreneurship, Vol. 35) 2016:11. 406 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 148 *9783319455433* *9783319313429* エシカル ・ リーダーシップ Chatterji, Madhumita/Zsolnai, László (eds.) Ethical Leadership: Indian and European Spiritual Approaches 2016:11. 337 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137601933* den Dekker, Wim Global Mindset and Cross-Cultural Behavior: Improving Leadership Effectiveness 2016:10. 226 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Bucci, Joseph J. Redemptive Leadership: Offering Second Chances as a Value-Added Management Practice 2016:9. 181 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137509901* Engel, Jerome S. (ed.) Global Clusters of Innovation: Entrepreneurial Engines of Economic Growth around the World 2016:9. 432 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781786434340* インスピレーションとリーダーシップの関係 Feser, Claudio When Execution Isn’t Enough: Decoding Inspirational Leadership 2016:10. 224 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119302650* Higgs, Malcolm/Dulewicz, Victor Leading with Emotional Intelligence: Effective \@ >>&&{# > text 2016:10. 265 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319326368* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》リーダーシップ リーダーシップ 第 2 版 中国のブランド経営 : 応用 Iszatt-White, Marian/Saunders, Christopher Leadership, 2nd ed. 2017:3. 344 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Balmer, John/Chen, Weifeng (eds.) Advances in Chinese Brand Management (Journal of Brand Management: Advanced Collections) 2016:11. 320 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9780198777113* Mian, Sarfraz A./Lamine, Wadid/Phan, Phillip H. (eds.) Technology Entrepreneurship and Business Incubation: Theory, Practice, Lessons Learned 2016:9. 312 p. (Imperial College Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781783269761* ★ World Scientific 版 アントレプレナーシップ ・ レファレンス 全 4 巻 Siegel, Donald (ed.) $ ship#!!=%&&*! SGP) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814733304* 国際ビジネス・各国経営 Ambos, Tina C./Birkinshaw, Julian/Ambos, Bjorn (eds.) Perspectives on Headquarters-Subsidiary Relationships in the Contemporary MNC (Research in Global Strategic Management, Vol. 17) 2016:8. 380 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786353702* 輸出 第 2 版 Delaney, Laurel J. Exporting{\*&&+&%&@` *!?%&@@! DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781484221921* ★ 日本の時計業界:1850 年以降の歴史 Donze, Pierre-Yves Industrial Development, Technology Transfer, and Global Competition: A History of the Japanese Watch Industry since 1850 (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies) 2016:11. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138650695* 国際化プロセスのマネジメント Forsgren, Mats Managing the Internationalization Process: The Swedish Case (Routledge Revivals) 2016:8. 130 p., Originally published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138889903* 職場雇用関係 : 比較 Amosse, Thomas/Bryson, Alex/Forth, John/Petit, Heloise (eds.) Comparative Workplace Employment Relations: An Analysis of Practice in Britain and France 2016:7. 296 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781352000108* *9781137574183* ★印はお薦めタイトル グローバル ・ コミュニケーションとコラボレーション Gronwald, Klaus-Dieter Global Communication and Collaboration: Global Project Management, Global Sourcing, Cross-Cultural Competencies 2017:2. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783662531495* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 149 経営学 》国際ビジネス・各国経営 Helmold, Marc/Terry, Brian Global Sourcing and Supply Management Excellence in China: Procurement Guide for Supply Experts (Management for Professionals) 2016:9. 172 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811016653* ★ Hoshino, Yasuo/Ben Yousself, Kais Entry Mode Strategies and International Performance: Learning from Japanese Investment Experience in Australia and Europe 2016:7. 180 p. (LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 税 *9783659913822* ギリシャにおけるクリエイティブ産業 Hyz, Alina/Kostas, Karamanis Creative Industries in Greece: An Empirical Analysis from the Region of Epirus 2016:9. 116 p (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Iwashita, Hitoshi Japanese Management: International Perspectives (Routledge Frontiers of Business Management) 2016:11. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138680661* Leitner, Johannes/Meissner, Hannes (eds.) State Capture, Political Risks and International Business: Cases from Black Sea Region Countries 2016:11. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138233775* Liefner, Ingo/Wei, Yehua Dennis (eds.) Innovation and Regional Development in China 150 *9781138231337* ASEANにおける技術のためのアントレプレナーシップ Mandal, Purnendu/Vong, John (eds.) Entrepreneurship in Technology for ASEAN (Managing the Asian Century) 2016:10. 170 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811022807* Matveev, Alex V. Intercultural Competence in Organizations: A Guide for Leaders, Educators and Team Players (Management for Professionals) 2016:10. 228 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ★ 日本の経営 : 国際的視点 *9783319402970* 2016:11. 336 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9783319457000* ★ Mohd Sam, Mohd Fazli/Hoshino, Yasuo Performance of ICT Companies in ASEAN and East Asia 2016:6. 132 p. (LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, DEU) ,6%1 3DSHU(85 通常価 税 *9783659906855* Ruel, Huub Making Trade Missions Work: A Best Practice Guide to International Business and Commercial Diplomacy 2017:4. 196 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786354723* ロシアの戦略的イノベーション van Someren, Taco C.R./van Someren-Wang, Shuhua Strategic Innovation in Russia: Towards a Sustain*& &%#> 290 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319410807* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》国際ビジネス・各国経営 e コマース Van Tulder, Rob/Verbeke, Alain/Carneiro, Jorge (eds.) The Challenge of Bric Multinationals (Progress in International Business Research, Vol. 11) 2016:11. 430 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786353504* Clark, Steve Wireless Mobility in Organizations: Utilizing Social, Individual, and Organizational Intelligence (Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Growth) 2017:3. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319422480* ★ 情報システムのアウトソーシング 第 4 版 Hirschheim, Rudy/Heinzl, Armin/Dibbern, Jens (eds.) Information Systems Outsourcing: Towards Sustainable Business Value, 4th ed. (Progress in IS) 2016:8. 515 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783662517574* Palvia, Shailendra C. Jain/Palvia, Prashant (eds.) Global Sourcing of Services: Strategies, Issues and \@#=%&&*&#\#%&# &X#&##;=%&&*!%+; ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789813109308* デザイン思考研究 Plattner, Hasso/Meinel, Christoph/Leifer, Larry (eds.) Design Thinking Research: Taking Breakthrough Innovation Home (Understanding Innovation) 2016:8. 317 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9780674545472* Ezrachi, Ariel/Stucke, Maurice E. Virtual Competition: The Promise and Perils of the Algorithm-Driven Economy 2016:11. 300 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 経営情報 インターネット販売と未来の視点 第 2 版 Pantano, Eleonora/Nguyen, Bang/Dennis, Charles/ Merrilees, Bill/Gerlach, Sabine Internet Retailing and Future Perspectives, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 316 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138940512* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138940529* 生産管理・物流管理 グローバル ・ サプライチェーン 第 2 版 Basu, Ron/Wright, J. Nevan Managing Global Supply Chains, 2nd ed. 2016:11. 440 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138646667* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138646681* Decandia, Leonardo/Lei, Lei/Oppenheim, Rosa Managing Supply Chain Operations 2017:2. 300 p. =%&&*!%+; ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789813108790* *9783319403816* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 151 経営学 》生産管理・物流管理 ★ Helo, Petri/Gunasekaran, Angappa/ Rymaszewska, Anna Designing and Managing Industrial Product-Service Systems (SpringerBriefs in Operations Management) 2016:9. 101 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319404295* ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786352385* フリー ・ イノベーション Von Hippel, Eric Free Innovation 2016:11. 232 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262035217* Holtskog, Halvor/Carayannis, Elias G./Kaloudis, Aris Learning Factories: The Nordic Model of Manufacturing (Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Growth) 2017:3. 304 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319418865* Fong, Anna Hoi Yan/Lan, Tony Yuhong/Liu, Shang-Jyh Patent Portfolio Deployment: Bridging the R&D, Patent and Product Markets 2017:1. 300 p. (World %&&*!%+; ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789813142435* Qiao, Yongzhong (ed.) Maintenance Time and the Industry Development of Patents: Empirical Research with Evidence from China 2016:10. 141 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811016202* Hanne, Thomas/Dornberger, Rolf Computational Intelligence in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 244) 2016:8. 176 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319407203* Kahlen, Franz-Josef/Flumerfelt, Shannon/Alves, Anabela (eds.) Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Complex Systems: New Findings and Approaches 2016:9. 296 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ★ 技術革新 第 2 版 Thursby, Marie C./Kuratko, Donald F./ Hoskinson, Sherry (eds.) Technological Innovation: Generating Economic Results, 2nd ed. (Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth, Vol. 26) 2016:11. 250 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) 152 *9781498726306* Butuner, Hakan Systemic Improvement Planning for ResultsBased Positive Operational Changes 2017:11. 320 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 研究開発・技術戦略 経営科学 *9783319387543* Lin, Qinglian Analysis of Resource Management in Complex Work Systems: Using the Example of Sterile Goods Management in Hospitals 2016:9. 123 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811021695* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》マーケティング マーケティング アジアの戦略的マーケティングマネジメント Andaleeb, Syed Saad/Hasan, Khalid Strategic Marketing Management in Asia: Case Studies and Lessons Across Industries 2016:11. 400 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786357465* Arsel, Zeynep/Eräranta, Kirsi/Moisander, Johanna (eds.) Gendering Theory in Marketing and Consumer Research (Key Issues in Marketing Management) 2016:12. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138237087* Balmer, John/Powell, Shaun M./Kernstock, Joachim/Brexendorf, Tim (eds.) Advances in Corporate Branding (Journal of Brand Management: Advanced Collections) 2016:11. 200 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781352000078* 顧客関係管理 第 2 版 Baran, Roger J./Galka, Robert J. Customer Relationship Management: The Foundation of Contemporary Marketing Strategy, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 408 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138919518* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138919525* Berridge, Eric Customer Obsessed: A Whole Company Approach to Delivering Exceptional Customer Experiences 2016:9. 272 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Brauneis, Sabrina The Relationship of Body Weight and Skepticism towards Advertising (Forschungsgruppe Konsum und Verhalten) 2016:8. 197 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658148607* Christodoulides, George/Stathopoulou, Anastasia/ Eisend, Martin (eds.) Advances in Advertising Research: Bridging the Gap between Advertising Academia and Practice, Vol. 7 (European Advertising Academy) 2016:9. 304 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658152192* 経営者のためのマーケティングリサーチ 第 3 版 企業のブランド構築 : 応用 Crouch, Sunny/Housden, Matthew Marketing Research for Managers, 3rd ed. 2016:8. 392 p., First published in 2003 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138144309* Dibb, Sally/Simkin, Lyndon Marketing Briefs, 2nd ed. 2016:8. 376 p., First published in 2004 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138145931* 消費者行動 第 3 版 East, Robert/Singh, Jaywant/Vanhuele, Marc/ Wright, Malcolm Consumer Behaviour: Applications in Marketing, 3rd ed. 2016:11. 360 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473919495* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473919501* *9781119326038* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 153 経営学 》マーケティング 広告の倫理 Ethics in Advertising: Making the Case for Doing the Right Thing 2016:12. 230 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138188983* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138188990* Fitch, Catherine Professionalizing Public Relations: History, Gender and Education 2016:8. 154 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137573087* Foxall, Gordon Context and Cognition in Consumer Psychology: How perception and emotion guide action 2017:1. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138778191* 消費者の選択 Foxall, Gordon Perspectives on Consumer Choice: From Behavior to Action, from Action to Agency 2016:9. 315 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Consumer Behavior, 7th ed. 2017:1. 560 p. (Cengage Learning, GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Mason, Katy/Kjellberg, Hans/Hagberg, Johan (eds.) Marketing Performativity: Theories, practices and devices (Key Issues in Marketing Management) 2016:12. 258 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 McIntyre, Charles/Melewar, T. C./Dennis, Charles (eds.) Multi-Channel Marketing, Branding and Retail Design: New Challenges and Opportunities 2016:10. 288 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 小売業の戦略的なマネジメント 第 3 版 Morschett, Dirk/Schramm-Klein, Hanna Zentes, Joachim (ed.) Strategic Retail Management: Text and International Cases, 3rd ed. 2016:9. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 ★ *9781138846494* 消費者行動 第 7 版 Macinnis, Deborah J./Pieters, Rik/Hoyer, Wayne D. 154 *9781786354563* Routledge 版 消費者心理 : 国際ハンドブック Jansson-Boyd, Cathrine/Zawisza, Magdalena (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Consumer Psychology (Routledge International Handbooks) 2016:11. 704 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138237261* *9781137501196* *9781305507272* *9783658101824* ★ Nizam, Nurul Zarirah/Hoshino, Yasuo International Green Marketing and Retail Companies 2016:4. 124 p. (LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, DEU) ,6%1 3DSHU(85 通常価 税 *9783659857065* Srun, Francis Luxury Selling: Lessons from the world of luxury in selling high quality goods and services to high value clients 2017:3. 200 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319455242* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》マーケティング ★ グローバルブランド戦略 Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict Global Brand Strategy: World-wise Marketing in the Age of Branding 2016:11. 285 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781349949939* ニューロマーケティング Thomas, Andrew R./Pop, Nicolae Alexandru/Iorga, Ana Maria/Ducu, Cristian (eds.) Ethics and Neuromarketing: Implications for Market Research and Business Practice 2016:11. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319456072* Weindel, Julia Katharina Retail Brand Equity and Loyalty: Analysis in the %%&*`#!& Value, and Multichannel Retailing (Handel und Internationales Marketing Retailing and International Marketing) 2016:10. 195 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658150365* Wright, Travis/Snook, Chris J. Digital Sense: The Common Sense Approach to Effectively Blending Social Business Strategy, Marketing Technology, and Customer Experience 2017:1. 240 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119291701* 特定産業 Ba, Shusong/Yang, Xianling Internet Plus Pathways to the Transformation of China’s Property Sector 2016:9. 168 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811016981* ★印はお薦めタイトル Kaufman, Lloyd/Collins, Ashley Wren % ]\` _ 2016:7. 306 p., First published in 2009 (Focal Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138144330* Lancaster, Kurt Production House Cinema: Starting and Running Your Own Cinematic Storytelling Business 2016:7. 246 p. (Focal Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138638068* 芸術とビジネス Raviola, Elena/Zackariasson, Peter (eds.) Arts and Business: Building a Common Ground for Understanding Society (Routledge Research in Creative and Cultural Industries Management) 2016:10. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138887442* 映画業界 第 4 版 Squire, Jason E. (ed.) The Movie Business Book, 4th ed. 2016:8. 652 p. (Focal Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138656277* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138656291* Van Kranenburg, Hans (ed.) Innovation Policies in the European News and Media Industry: A Comparative Study (Media Business and Innovation) 2016:12. 220 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319452029* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 155 経営学 》特定産業 See also Mohd Sam, Mohd Fazli, Performance of ICT Companies in ASEAN and East Asia, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing .................p150 , 1232 Anderson-Wallace, Murray, Networks in Health Care, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. .... p211 , 1745 Burns, Lawton Robert, China's Healthcare System and Reform, Cambridge U.P...................p213 , 1750 Vonderembse, Mark A., A Healthcare Solution, CRC Press .................................................p214 , 1758 Covell, Daniel, Managing Sports Organizations, Routledge.................................................. p256 , 2108 Fried, Gil, Sports Analytics, Routledge .................................................................. p256 , 2109 Ratten, Vanessa, Sport Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Routledge .............................p256 , 2113 Schulenkorf, Nico, Critical Issues in Global Sport Management, Routledge..........................p256 , 2114 ホスピタリティ・ツーリズム ホスピタリティとレジャー : 応用 Chen, Joseph S. (ed.) Advances in Hospitality and Leisure (Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, Vol. 12) 2016:11. 250 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786356161* Correia, Antónia/Kozak, Metin/Gnoth, Juergen/ Fyall, Alan (eds.) Co-Creation and Well-Being in Tourism (Tourism on the Verge) 2017:3. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319441078* Gursoy, Dogan/Sotiriadis, Marios (eds.) The Handbook of Managing and Marketing Tourism Experiences 2016:10. 480 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 156 持続可能なツーリズム 第 2 版 &#!~=&&>#!+&*!{#; Sustainable Tourism, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 332 p., First published in 2002 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138173101* イベント ・ マネジメント : 国際的アプローチ 第 2 版 Kitchin, Paul James (ed.) Events Management: An International Approach, 2nd ed. 2016:10. 384 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473919082* ★ ツーリズムとホスピタリティ経営 Kozak, Metin/Kozak, Nazmi (eds.) Tourism and Hospitality Management (Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 7) 2016:9. 250 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786357144* Pearce, Philip L./Wu, Mao-Ying (eds.) The World Meets Asian Tourists (Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice, Vol. 7) 2016:9. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG 86' 通常価 税 *9781785602191* Salazar, Noel B./Timmerman, Christiane/Wets, Johan/Gama Gato, Luana/Van den Broucke, Sarah (eds.) Mega-Event Mobilities: A Critical Analysis (Routledge Critical Studies in Urbanism and the City) 2016:12. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138217539* *9781786352903* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 経営学 》ホスピタリティ・ツーリズム ★ Routledge 版 ヘルス ・ ツーリズムハンドブック Smith, Melanie/Puczko, Laszlo (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Health Tourism (Routledge International Handbooks) 2016:11. 420 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138909830* スマートツーリズム ・ デザインの分析 Xiang, Zheng/Fesenmaier, Daniel R. (eds.) Analytics in Smart Tourism Design: Concepts and Methods (Tourism on the Verge) 2016:10. 318 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319442624* 䝒䞊䝸䝈䝮䛾ᣦᑟ䛸Ꮫ⩦䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽 Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Tourism Edited by Pierre Benckendorff, University of Queensland, AUS and Anita Zehrer, Management Center Innsbruck, AUT 2017ᖺ 1᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 688 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-78471-479-6....................... STP 225.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥46,200 / ≉౯ ¥39,960 + ⛯ *9781784714796* ほග⏘ᴗࡢᛴ㏿࡞Ⓨᒎࡼࡾࠊࡇࡢᴗ⏺࡛ാࡃᚑᴗဨࡣࡲࡍࡲࡍồࡵࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ⌧ᅾࡇࢀࡽࡢほග⏘ᴗ࠾ࡅࡿࢽ࣮ࢬࢆ‶ࡓࡍࡓࡵࠊᚑᴗဨࢆ㐺ษᩍ⫱ࡍࡿ ほගᩍ⫱ࡀࡉࡽᚲせ࡛࠶ࡿࡳ࡞ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢ≉ᚩ࠶ࡿࣁࣥࢻࣈࢵࢡࡣࠊࡇࡢ ศ㔝࠾ࡅࡿ⌧௦ࡢㄢ㢟ᑗ᮶ᒎᮃ㛵ࡍࡿᅜ㝿ⓗ࡞どⅬࢆᥦ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 㘓ㄽᩥࡣᖜᗈ࠸どⅬᇶ࡙࠸࡚࠾ࡾࠊᏛ㒊ᩍ⫱ࡽᏛ㝔⏕ࡢᣦᑟࡲ࡛㧗➼ᩍ⫱ ࠾ࡅࡿᩍ⫱Ꮫ⩦ࡢ⠊ᅖ↔Ⅼࢆᙜ࡚࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋせ࡞ࢺࣆࢵࢡࡋ࡚ࠊᩍ⫱Ỉ‽ࡢ ಖドࡸࠊࢫ࢟ࣝࡢ㛤Ⓨࠊ⌧ሙ࡛ࡢᩍ⫱ࠊ┤⤖ࡋࡓᩍ⫱ࠊᣢ⥆ྍ⬟ᛶᢈุ◊✲ࠊ ᅜ㝿ࠊᢏ⾡ࡀྍ⬟ࡋࡓᩍ⫱ࠊᩍ⫱◊✲ࡢ㛵㐃ᛶࠊᏛ㝔⏕ࡢᣦᑟࡀࡾ࠶ࡆࡽࢀ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࢀࡽࡢࢺࣆࢵࢡࡢ࠺ࡕࠊ≉ࠊ࣒࢝ࣜ࢟ࣗࣛࡸᩍ⫱ࠊホ౯ࠊᏛ⏕ࠊᩍဨࠊ ഴྥㄢ㢟↔Ⅼࡀᙜ࡚ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊほගࡢ⌮ㄽᐇົ࠾ࡅࡿᩍ⫱Ꮫ⩦ࢆ⌮ゎࡍࡿࡓࡵࡢ㠀ᖖ㈗㔜࡞㈨ᩱ㞟 ࡛࠶ࡾࠊほග࣍ࢫࣆࢱࣜࢸࢆᣦᑟࡍࡿேࡸ㧗➼ᩍ⫱ࡢศ㔝࡛◊✲ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿ༤ኈㄢ⛬ ࡢᏛ⏕ࠊᩍ⫱ࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛࡢไᗘタィ⪅ࠊ㧗➼ᩍ⫱ࡢ◊✲⪅ࡗ࡚ᚲ㡲ࡢᡭᘬ᭩࡞ࡗ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢᩥ⊩ࡣࠊࢹࡸࠊᑗ᮶ᒎᮃࢆᥦ♧ࡍࡿࡇࡼࡾࠊᩍ⫱Ꮫ ⩦ࣀ࣮࣋ࢩࣙࣥࢆࡶࡓࡽࡍ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Edward Elgar, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 157 環境学 》環境思想・環境文明 環境学 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 環境思想・環境文明 グローバル ・ エコロジーと環境人文学 DeLoughrey, Elizabeth/Didur, Jill/Carrigan, Anthony (eds.) Global Ecologies and the Environmental Humanities: Postcolonial Approaches 2016:9. 392 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138235816* Totman, Conrad Japan: An Environmental History 2016:12. 384 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781784537432* Morris, Brian An Environmental History of Southern Malawi: Land and People of the Shire Highlands (Palgrave Studies in World Environmental History) 2016:11. 335 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ★ 日本 : 環境史 *9781509511075* Zilberstein, Anya A Temperate Empire: Making Climate Change in Early America 2017:1. 280 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190206598* *9783319452579* 環境経済 アフリカの気候変動適応策 : 歴史的エコロジー グローバルエネルギー市場の傾向 Oba, Gufu Climate Change Adaptation in Africa: An Historical Ecology (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research) 2016:10. 270 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Blazev, Anco S. Global Energy Market Trends 2016:7. 1,066 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138240773* 電気の政治経済 Sanklecha, Pranay (ed.) Climate Justice and Historical Emissions 2017:1. 271 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107069534* Thiele, Leslie Paul Sustainability (Key Concepts) 2016:9. 256 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 158 *9781509511068* Cooper, Mark The Political Economy of Electricity: Progressive Capitalism and the Struggle to Build a Sustainable Power Sector (Energy Resources, Technology, and Policy) 2017:2. 400 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 ★ サステナビリティ *9781498786577* *9781440853425* 森林と開発 Delacote, Philippe Forests and Development: Local, National and Global Issues (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics) 2016:10. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138224865* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 Routledge∧ 䜰䝆䜰䛸⎔ቃ◊✲䝅䝸䞊䝈 Routledge Studies in Asia and the Environment 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1022194298䛇 ࢪࡢᙺࡣᆅ⌫⎔ቃၥ㢟ྲྀࡾ⤌ࡴୖ࡛㠀ᖖ㔜せ࡞ࡾࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢࢩ࣮ࣜ ࢬࡢ➨୍ࡢ┠ⓗࡣࠊすὒᮾὒࡢ◊✲⪅ࡀࢪ⎔ቃࡢㅖ┦ࡘ࠸࡚ⴭࡋࡓ㧗ရ ㉁࡞ㄽᩥࢆฟ∧ࡍࡿࡇ࡛ࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊࡇࡢࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡣ⎔ቃၥ㢟ࡀ⤒῭㛤Ⓨࡸᣢ⥆ྍ ⬟ᛶࠊᢏ⾡ࠊ♫ࠊᨻᗓࡼࡿᨻ⟇ࡢࡼ࠺㛵㐃ࡍࡿࢆྵࡵࠊ⎔ቃၥ㢟ࡢ࠶ ࡽࡺࡿഃ㠃ࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡍࡿࡶࠊࢪࡢ࡚ࡢᆅᇦࢆᑐ㇟⠊ᅖࡍࡿࡇࢆ┠ ᣦࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) டᒣᗣᏊⴭ㻌 ᪥ᮏ䛾Ẽೃኚືᨻ⟇㻦㻝㻥㻤㻜ᖺ㻙㻞㻜㻝㻡ᖺ㻌 Climate Change Policy in Japan: From the 1980's to 2015 By Yasuko Kameyama 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 224 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-83859-8 .................................. STP 95.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,506 / ≉౯ ¥15,605 + ⛯ *9781138838598* ᪥ᮏ䛾⎔ቃᨻ䛸䜺䝞䝘䞁䝇㻌 㻌 Japan's Environmental Politics and Governance: From Trading Nation to EcoNation By Yasuo Taka 2016ᖺ 10᭶ห⾜, 384 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-85590-8 .................................. STP 95.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,506 / ≉౯ ¥15,605 + ⛯ *9781138855908* ⌧௦䛾᪥ᮏ䛾㎰ᮧᆅᇦ䛻䛚䛡䜛䝃䝇䝔䝘䝡䝸䝔䜱㻌 㻌 Sustainability in Contemporary Rural Japan: Challenges and Opportunities Edited by Stephanie Assmann 2015ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜, 172 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-82608-3 .................................. STP 95.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,506 / ≉౯ ¥15,605 + ⛯ *9781138826083* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 159 環境学 䜲䞁䝗䛾⎔ቃᨻ⟇⪃ᐹ䠖ཧຍ䛸䜰䝗䝪䜹䝅䞊䛾ᙺ㻌 㻌 Deliberating Environmental Policy in India: Participation and the Role of Advocacy By Sunayana Ganguly 2015ᖺ 11᭶ห⾜, 186 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-81943-6 ................................. STP 95.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,506 / ≉౯ ¥15,605 + ⛯ *9781138819436* ୰ᅜ䛾㒔ᕷ䛸Ẽೃኚື䜺䝞䝘䞁䝇㻌 㻌 Climate Change Governance in Chinese Cities By Qianqing Mai and Maria Francesch-Huidobro 2014ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜, 290 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-78542-7 ................................. STP 95.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,506 / ≉౯ ¥15,605 + ⛯ *9781138785427* ★ 資源経済学ハンドブック Halvorsen, Robert/Layton, David F. (eds.) Handbook on the Economics of Natural Resources 2016:9. 560 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781784715205* Hitch, Charles J. (ed.) Modeling Energy-Economy Interactions: Five Appoaches (Routledge Revivals) 2016:11. 316 p., Originally published in 1977 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138930483* 経済学と環境 Kneese, Allen V./Ayres, Robert U./d'Arge, Ralph C. Economics and the Environment: A Materials Balance Approach (Routledge Revivals) 2016:11. 134 p., Originally published in 1977 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 160 Kumetat, Dennis Managing the Transition: Renewable Energy and Innovation Policies in the UAE and Algeria 2016:8. 250 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138225954* Mochizuki, Mike M./Ollapally, Deepa M. (eds.) Energy Security in Asia and Eurasia (Routledge Contemporary Asia Series) 2016:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138677920* Nyborg, Karine The Ethics and Politics of Environmental Cost' # (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics) 2016:9. 144 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138215092* *9781138927988* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 》環境経済 環境経済学 : 理論、 政策と実践 Requate, Till/Phaneuf, Daniel J. A Course in Environmental Economics: Theory, Policy, and Practice 2017:3. 500 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107004177* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781786353320* ★ 環境政策の経済学 : 行動科学的 ・ 政治的側面 Sterner, Thomas/Coria, Jessica (eds.) The Economics of Environmental Policy: Behavioral and Political Dimensions (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics Series, Vol. 325) 2016:11. 912 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Surminski, Swenja/Tanner, Thomas (eds.) Realising the ‘Triple Dividend of Resilience’: A New Business Case for Disaster Risk Management (Climate Risk Management, Policy and Governance) 2017:1. 275 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319406930* Tilton, John E. U.S. Energy R & D Policy: The Role of Economics (Routledge Revivals) 2016:11. 146 p., Originally published in 1974 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Anderson, Kym, Agricultural Trade, Policy Reforms, and Global Food Security, Palgrave Macmillan ................................................ p125 , 0988 Corrado, Alessandra, Migration and Agriculture, Routledge.................................................. p125 , 0989 Gandhi, Vasant P., Introduction of Biotechnology in India's Agriculture, Springer Singapore .................................................................. p125 , 0990 Harwood, Jonathan, Europe's Green Revolution and Others Since, Routledge ................. p125 , 0991 Worley, Christopher, Organizing Supply Chain Processes for Sustainable Innovation in the AgriFood Industry, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. .................................................................. p125 , 0992 Bøås, Morten, % ) Routledge..................................................p200 , 1648 *9781783473373* *9783662530207* See also Spigarelli, Francesca/Curran, Louise/Arteconi, Alessia (eds.) China and Europe’s Partnership for a More Sustainable World: Challenges and Opportunities 2016:7. 280 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 Zweifel, Peter/Praktiknjo, Aaron/Erdmann, Georg Energy Economics: Theory and Applications (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 2017:3. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9780521178693* *9781138929920* ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ エネルギー経済学 環境経営 Gonzalez-Perez, Maria Alejandra/Leonard, Liam (eds.) Climate Change and the 2030 Corporate Agenda for Sustainable Development (Advances in Sustainability and Environmental Justice, Vol. 19) 2016:11. 359 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786358196* Strähle, Jochen (ed.) Green Fashion Retail (Springer Series in Fashion Business) 2016:11. 334 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811024399* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 161 環境学 》環境経営 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 See also Belal, Ataur, Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. ..........................................p139 , 1118 *9781138189416* 水政治 環境政治 アフリカの発展のための自然資源の管理 Besada, Hany Gamil (ed.) Governing Natural Resources for Africa’s Development (The International Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series) 2016:9. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138200517* ★ Carmody, Pádraig The New Scramble for Africa, 2nd ed. 2016:11. 326 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781509507078* *9781509507085* 世界的な水資源不足と変動性 Dinar, Shlomi/Dinar, Ariel International Water Scarcity and Variability: Managing Resource Use Across Political Boundaries 2017:1. 220 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520283077* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520292789* ★ Eden, Sally Environmental Publics 2016:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 162 *9781509504619* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781509504626* Greenberg, Michael R. Protecting Seniors Against Environmental Disasters: From Hazards and Vulnerability to Prevention and Resilience (Earthscan Risk in Society) 2016:10. 228 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138282377* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Feldman, David L. Water Politics: Governing Our Most Precious Resource 2017:2. 288 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Margerum, Richard D./Robinson, Cathy J. (eds.) The Challenges of Collaboration in Environmental Governance: Barriers and Responses (New Horizons in Environmental Politics Series) 2016:10. 456 p. (Edward Elgar, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781785360404* ★ 環境と国際関係論 第 2 版 O'Neill, Kate Environment and International Relations, 2nd ed. (Themes in International Relations) 2016:11. 304 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107061675* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107671713* *9781138189409* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 》環境政治 Shroder, John F./Ahmadzai, Sher Jan Transboundary Water Resources in Afghanistan: Climate Change and Land-Use Implications 2016:7. 544 p. (Elsevier Science, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780128018866* 環境正義と人権 Skillington, Tracey Climate Justice and Human Rights 2016:10. 255 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137022806* 気候変動適応策のためのアクションリサーチ van Buuren, Arwin/Eshuis, Jasper/van Vliet, Mathijs (eds.) Action Research for Climate Change Adaptation: Developing and Applying Knowledge for Governance 2016:10. 198 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138282322* *9781472481313* 水市場における政府の役割 Casado-Perez, Vanessa The Role of Government in Water Markets 2016:12. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138655744* Kotze, Louis (ed.) Environmental Law and Governance for the Anthropocene 2016:9. 400 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509906567* Wettestad, Jørgen/Jevnaker, Torbjørg Rescuing EU Emissions Trading: The Climate Policy Flagship 2016:3. 119 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472481283* The Principle of Sustainability: Transforming Law and Governance, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 312 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781349849758* Stallworthy, Mark (ed.) Sustainability Land Use and the Environment 2016:8. 412 p., First published in 2002 (Cavendish Publishing, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138153523* 環境法 Bavinck, Maarten/Jyotishi, Amalendu (eds.) )@ @ Management: A Legal Pluralism Perspective from India (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies) 2016:8. 200 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138225985* サステナビリティの原則 第 2 版 Bosselmann, Klaus ★印はお薦めタイトル 環境社会・環境教育 環境と社会 第 6 版 Harper, Charles/Snowden, Monica Environment and Society: Human Perspectives on Environmental Issues, 6th ed. 2017:2. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138206489* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138206496* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 163 環境学 》環境社会・環境教育 ★ Heise, Ursula Imagining Extinction: The Cultural Meanings of Endangered Species 2016:8. 288 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226358024* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Waite, Marilyn Sustainability at Work: Careers that Make a Difference 2016:10. 196 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 気候変動のメディア研究 Olausson, Ulrika/Berglez, Peter (eds.) Media Research on Climate Change: Where Have =X=\=&@ (Routledge, GBR) *9781138219380* *9781138200449* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138200487* ⎔ቃἲ䛻䛚䛡䜛ពᛮỴᐃ Decision Making in Environmental Law (Series: Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law, Vol. 2) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1022194131䛇 Edited by Lee Paddock, Robert L. Glicksman, and Nicholas S. Bryner, The George Washington University Law School, USA (all) 2016ᖺ 10᭶ห⾜, 496 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-78347-839-2....................... STP 180.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥36,960 / ≉౯ ¥29,568 + ⛯ *9781783478392* ⎔ቃၥ㢟ࡣࠊࡼࡾᣢ⥆ྍ⬟࡞ᮍ᮶ࢆ㏣ཬࡍࡿ㝿♫ࡀ┤㠃ࡋ࡞ࡅࢀࡤ࡞ࡽ࡞࠸᭱ࡶ 」㞧࡛㔜࡞ពᛮỴᐃࡢ࠺ࡕࠊ≉ពᛮỴᐃࡀᚲせ࡞ࡿ୍࡛ࡍࠋࡑࢀࡣࠊᅜ㝿࣭ᅜ ෆ ࣭ ᆅᇦ ࣞ࣋ ࣝࢆ ᶓ᩿ ࡋ ࡚࠾ࡾ ࠊ ᨻᗓ ࡢ 㒊㛛 ࡀ㛵 ಀ ࡋ࡚࠸ ࡲ ࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ ࡣ Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Law ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢ࠺ࡕࡢ୍ᕳ࡛࠶ࡾࠊࡇࡢศ㔝ࢆ௦⾲ࡍࡿᑓ 㛛ᐙࢆ㞟ࡵࠊ⎔ቃἲࡢどⅬࡽពᛮỴᐃࡢከᵝ࡞ഃ㠃ࢆᵓ㐀ⓗಠ▔ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ⡆₩࡛ศࡾࡸࡍ࠸ࡑࢀࡒࢀࡢ❶ࡼࡾࠊᅜ㝿ⓗど㔝ヲ⣽࡞ཧ⪃ᩥ⊩ࡀᥦ౪ࡉࢀ࡚ ࠾ࡾࠊㄞ⪅ࡀㄢ㢟ࢆヲ⣽ㄪᰝࡍࡿ୍ຓ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ㘓ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ㢟┠ࡣ௨ୗࡢ ࠾ࡾ࡛ࡍࠋࡍ࡞ࢃࡕࠊ᮲⣙ࡢᙺࠊࢥ࣮ࣔࣥࣟᇶ࡙ࡃἲⓗᡭẁࠊつ๎ไᐃࠊሗ ࡢࢡࢭࢫࠊつไᵓ㐀ࠊᕷሙ࣮࣋ࢫࡢ࣓࢝ࢽࢬ࣒ྲྀᘬ࣓࢝ࢽࢬ࣒ࠊ┘どሗ࿌ࠊ⮬Ⓨ ⓗࣉࣟࢢ࣒ࣛෆつࠊ⎔ቃᙳ㡪ホ౯ࠊ୍⯡ࡢཧຍ⎔ቃṇ⩏ࠊ᭹ᑂᰝྖἲᑂᰝࠊ⎔ ቃἲᘐุᡤࡢᙺ࡛ࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ」㞧࡞ㄢ㢟࡛࠶ࡿ⎔ቃ㛵ࡍࡿពᛮỴᐃࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ࡞ㄪᰝࢆࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊᏛ ⏕ࡢධ㛛᭩ࡸ◊✲⪅ࡢࡓࡵࡢ㈨ᩱ㞟ࠊᐇົᐙࡢࡓࡵࡢໟᣓⓗ࡞ᡭᘬ᭩ࡋ࡚᭱㐺࡛ࡍࠋ (Edward Elgar, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 164 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 環境学 》都市と環境 都市と環境 環境適応策の政治的エコロジー Glover, Leigh Community-Owned Transport (Transport and Mobility) 2016:11. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472433800* Heng, Chye Kiang/Pundir, Manju Baisoya/MaloneLee, Lai Choo (eds.) A Guide to Planning Ecological Townships: Sustainability Performance Indicators and Planning %@&#=%&&*!%+; ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814733533* 気候変動と食糧安全保障 Thomas Hope, Elizabeth (ed.) Climate Change and Food Security: Africa and the Caribbean (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research) 2016:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138204270* Nielsen, Erik Solevad Smart Growth Entrepreneurs: Partners in Urban Sustainability 2016:11. 290 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781138237346* Taylor, Marcus The Political Ecology of Climate Change Adaptation: Livelihoods, Agrarian Change and the &#>~@&# in Development Studies) 2016:9. 206 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9783319410265* 環境問題 Tortajada, Cecilia (ed.) Increasing Resilience to Climate Variability and Change: The Roles of Infrastructure and Governance in the Context of Adaptation (Water Resources Development and Management) 2016:9. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811019135* 環境変動と森林ガバナンス Butt, Simon/Lyster, Rosemary/Stephens, Tim Climate Change and Forest Governance: Lessons from Indonesia 2016:10. 260 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138281615* Kumar, Sunil Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries 2016:10. 190 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 各国・各地域の環境問題 Wasson, Robert James/Poocharoen, Ora-Orn/Wu, Xun (eds.) Ganga Rejuvenation: Governance Challenges and &&#?=%&&*! SGP) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814704571* *9781498737746* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 165 法 学 》参考図書 法 学 参考図書 平等の機会と新たな理論 Greenberg, Daniel (ed.) ストラウド英国法律用語辞典 第 9 版 全 3 巻 Stroud’s Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases, 9th ed. 2016:11. 3 Vols. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 Fishkin, Joseph Bottlenecks: A New Theory of Equal Opportunity 2016:10. 282 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780414057227* Friedman, Lawrence M. Impact: How Law Affects Behavior 2016:9. 288 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674971417* 基礎法 法哲学・法思想・法社会学 ★ 法と行動の関係性 法学一般 Nourse, Victoria Misreading Law, Misreading Democracy 2016:9. 208 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190639433* *9780674971059* Giddens, Thomas Comics and Legal Aesthetics: The Haunted Mask (Discourses of Law) 2016:11. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138224032* Glenn, H. Patrick/Smith, Lionel D. (eds.) Law and the New Logics 2016:12. 300 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Bruncevic, Merima Law, Art and the Commons (Space, Materiality and the Normative) 2016:11. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138697546* Davies, Margaret Law Unlimited (Social Justice) 2017:2. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138024236* Engel, David Myth of the Litigious Society=\=% 2016:9. 248 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 166 ★ 法と新たな論理 *9780226305042* *9781107106956* アテネの法と社会 Kapparis, Konstantinos A. Athenian Law and Society 2017:4. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472449184* ユダヤの慣習における文化と法 Kwall, Roberta Rosenthal The Myth of the Cultural Jew: Culture and Law in Jewish Tradition 2016:8. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》基礎法 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190627256* *9783319427324* Pearson, Megan Proportionality, Equality Laws and Religion: Religious Objections to Equality Laws in England, Canada, and the USA (ICLARS Series on Law and Religion) 2017:2. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781472456502* de Villiers, J. E. R. History of the Legislation Concerning Real and Personal Property in England: During the Reign of Queen Victoria 2016:12. 256 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316626191* Rodriguez-Blanco, Veronica Law and Authority Under the Guise of the Good (Law and Practical Reason) 2016:9. 242 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509908448* Sapignoli, Maria (ed.) Palaces of Hope: The Anthropology of Global Organizations (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society) 2017:1. 338 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107127494* ★ *9781472455598* 法制史 中世のカノン法 Brundage, James A. Medieval Canon Law (The Medieval World) 2016:7. 272 p., First published in 1995 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138148154* Chommeloux, Alexis/Gibson-Morgan, Elizabeth (eds.) The Rights and Aspirations of the Magna Carta 2016:10. 270 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ★印はお薦めタイトル McBride, Keally Mr. Mothercountry: The Man Who Made the Rule of Law 2016:10. 216 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190252977* Thornhill, Christopher (ed.) Luhmann and Law (Philosophers and Law) 2016:10. 511 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781316626214* ★ Jenks, Edward History of the Doctrine of Consideration in English Law 2016:10. 234 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Pikis, Georghios M. An Analysis of the English Common Law, Principles of Equity and Their Application in a Former British Colony, Cyprus (Nijhoff Law Specials, Vol. 93) 2016:10. 160 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004313729* Syed, Mairaj U. Coercion and Responsibility in Islam: A Study in Ethics and Law (Oxford Islamic Legal Studies) 2016:11. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198788775* See also du Plessis, Paul J, The Oxford Handbook of Roman Law and Society, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p37 , 0320 Salaymeh, Lena, Beginnings of Islamic Law, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p61 , 0559 Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 167 法 学 》基礎法 ἲ䛸Ṕྐ㻌 4 ᕳ Law and History (Series: Critical Concepts in Law) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04006S0214䛇 Edited by Norman Doe and Russell Sandberg 2016ᖺ 11᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,604 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-96168-5...................STP 900.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥184,801 / ≉౯ ¥147,841 + ⛯ *9781138961685* ୡ⏺୰ࡢἲᏛ◊✲࠾࠸࡚ἲᚊࡢṔྐⓗ◊✲ࡣ᭱ࡶ㔜せ࡞ศ㔝ࡢࡦࡘ࡛ࡍࠋᐇ 㝿ࠊἲᚊ㛵ࡍࡿඃࢀࡓᏛ⾡◊✲ࡢከࡃࡣṔྐⓗ࡞ഃ㠃ࢆྲྀࡾᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋከ ࡃࡢᏛ⾡◊✲ࡀࠕࢸ࢟ࢫࢺୖࡢࠖἲᚊࡢṔྐ㸦ἲᚊࡢᩍ⩏ࡸࢹࠊᴫᛕࠊཎ ⌮ࠊไᗘࡀࡢࡼ࠺Ⓨᒎࡋ࡚ࡁࡓࡢㄪᰝ㸧↔Ⅼࢆᙜ࡚࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࡀࠊ㏆ᖺ࡛ ࡣࠊἲᚊ♫ᨻⓗኚࡢ┦స⏝ࡸᙳ㡪ࢆㄪᰝࡋࡓࠕᩥ⬦ⓗࠖ࡞ἲᚊࡢṔྐ ࡢὀ┠ࡶ㧗ࡲࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ◊✲⪅Ꮫ⏕ࡀࠊቑ࠼ࡍࡂࡓ◊✲ᡂᯝࢆぢ㏻ࡋࠊࡼࡾṇࡋ࠸⌮ゎࢆಁࡍࡓࡵࠊ Routledge ࡣ Critical Concepts in Law ࢩ࣮ࣜࢬࡢ᪂ࡋ࠸ࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࢆⓎ⾲ࡋࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣ 2 ேࡢศ㔝ࢆ௦⾲ࡍࡿ◊✲⪅ࡼࡗ࡚⦅㞟ࡉࢀࠊಙ㢗࡛ࡁࡿໟᣓⓗ࡞㈨ᩱ㞟 ࡞ࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊࠕࢸ࢟ࢫࢺୖࡢࠖⱥᅜἲྐࡶ᭱ඛ➃ࡢࠕᩥ⬦ⓗࠖ࡞ἲᚊࡢṔ ྐࢆྠ᳨ウࡍࡿࡇࡼࡗ࡚ἲᚊࡢṔྐࡢⓎᒎࢆㄪᰝࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࠕྐᏛࠖ࠸࠺ࢱࢺࣝࡀࡘࡅࡽࢀࡓ➨ 1 ᕳࡣἲᚊṔྐࡢ㛵ಀᛶࡸἲᚊࡢṔྐ ࡢⓎᒎࢆ᥈ồࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ➨ 2 ᕳ➨ 3 ᕳ㸦 ࠕබἲࠖࠕᅵᆅἲࠖ 㸧ࡣࠊἲᚊࡢṔྐ ⓗⓎᒎࢆヲࡋࡃㄝ᫂ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ᭱⤊ᕳ㸦ࠕമᶒἲࠖ㸧࡛ࡣࠊἲⓗ࣭♫ⓗ࣭ᨻⓗኚ ࡢ┦స⏝ࢆ᫂ࡽࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊࡢ⣴ᘬࡶࠊ⦅㞟⪅ࡼࡗ࡚᭩ࡁୗࢁࡉࢀࡓᛮ៖῝࠸ᗎ❶ࢆ 㘓ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊᴟࡵ࡚㔜せࡘ㛗ࡃά⏝ࡉࢀࡿ◊✲࣭ᩍ⫱ୖࡢ㈨ᩱࡋ࡚Ḽ㏄ࡉࢀࡿ ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Routledge, GBR/ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 168 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》基礎法 比較法 英国の司法制度 ★ 現代におけるイスラム法の課題 Ali, Shaheen Sardar Modern Challenges to Islamic Law (Law in Context) 2016:10. 375 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107033382* Murphy, Ryan English Legal System (Spotlights) 2017:3. 500 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138783706* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138783690* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107639096* 憲 法 Chowdhury, Farah Deeba Islam and Women’s Income: Dowry and Law in Bangladesh (ICLARS Series on Law and Religion) 2016:11. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 公 法 *9781138228467* ★ 憲法理論 ・ 政治理論 Böckenförde, Ernst-Wolfgang Künkler, Mirjam/Stein, Tine (eds.) Constitutional and Political Theory: Selected Writings (Oxford Constitutional Theory) 2016:11. 464 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198714965* ᠇ἲไᐃ Constitution Making (Series: Constitutional Law) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1021629057䛇 Edited by Sujit Choudhry, University of California, Berkeley School of Law, USA and Tom Ginsburg, University of Chicago Law School, USA 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 808 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-78347-295-6....................... STP 245.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥50,307 / ≉౯ ¥40,245 + ⛯ *9781783472956* ᠇ἲไᐃࡣᏛ⾡ⓗ࣭ᐇົⓗ㛵ᚰࡀቑࡋ࡚࠸ࡿศ㔝ࡢ୍ࡘ࡛ࡍࠋ㔜せ࡞◊✲↔ Ⅼࢆᙜ࡚ࡿࡶࠊࡇࡢศ㔝ࡢྂࡘ࠸࡚ࡶྲྀࡾୖࡆࡿࡇࡼࡾࠊᮏ᭩ࡣ㔜せ࡞ ⌮ㄽⓗᩥ⊩ࢆ㞟ࡵࡓ᭩⡠࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣᖜᗈ࠸ᆅ⌮ⓗ࣭Ṕྐⓗ⠊ᅖࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ ࡋࠊ⦅㞟⪅ࡼࡿ᭩ࡁୗࢁࡋࡢᑟධᩥࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ࠶ࡽࡺࡿ᠇ἲไᐃࡢ⤒⦋ࡘ࠸ ࡚㠀ᖖ㔜せ࡞యീࢆᥦ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Edward Elgar, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 169 法 学 》公 法 Bruff, Harold Untrodden Ground: How Presidents Interpret the Constitution 2016:11. 550 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780226418261* Lynch, Andrew (ed.) Great Australian Dissents 2016:9. 304 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107158535* Post, Robert C./Karlan, Pamela S./Lessig, Lawrence/Michelman, Frank I./Urbinati, Nadia Citizens Divided: Campaign Finance Reform and the Constitution 2016:10. 264 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674970939* Steiker, Carol S./Steiker, Jordan M. Courting Death: The Supreme Court and Capital Punishment 2016:11. 320 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674737426* Sullivan, Kathleen/Feldman, Noah First Amendment Law, 6th ed. (University Casebook Series) 2016:8. 277 p. (West Academic Publishing, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781634594486* 司法制度 Davis, Fergal F./De Londras, Fiona (eds.) Critical Debates on Counter-Terrorism Judicial Review 2016:10. 388 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107662964* Feigenson, Neal Experiencing Other Minds in the Courtroom 2016:12. 240 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226413730* ★ 司法と法的支援 Flynn, Asher/Hodgson, Jacqueline (eds.) Access to Justice and Legal Aid: Comparative Perspectives on Unmet Legal Need 2016:12. 304 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509900848* Katvan, Eyal/Silver, Carole/Ziv, Neta/Sherr, Avrom (eds.) Too Many Lawyers?: The Future of the Legal Profession 2016:9. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138212794* ★ Oxford 版 アメリカ合衆国憲法ハンドブック Tushnet, Mark/Graber, Mark A./Levinson, Sanford (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the U.S. Constitution (Oxford Handbooks) 2016:12. 1,112 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) 170 *9780190654535* 弁護士業の将来 サリバン & フェルドマン : 合衆国憲法第 1 修正 第 6 版 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Matthews, Paul/Malek, Hodge M. Disclosure, 5th ed. 2016:12. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414059313* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》公 法 人 権 Rostain, Tanina/Regan, Milton C., Jr. > : Lawyers, Accountants, and the Tax Shelter Industry 2016:9. 424 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262529778* Vaughan, Steven/Moorhead, Richard Legal Risk in the Corporate World: The Changing Role of In-House Counsel 2017:4. 288 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509905942* Vermeule, Adrian Law’s Abnegation_>$#>&\ Administrative State 2016:11. 208 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674971448* 中国文明と法の歴史 : 古代中国 Zhang, Jinfan The History of Chinese Legal Civilization: Ancient China 2017:3. 700 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811010279* 中国文明と法の歴史 : 近現代中国 Zhang, Jinfan The History of Chinese Legal Civilization: Modern and Contemporary China 2017:3. 300 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Blackham, Alysia Extending Working Life for Older Workers: Age Discrimination Law, Policy and Practice 2016:11. 208 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Cole, David/Fabbrini, Federico/Schulhofer, Stephen (eds.) Surveillance, Privacy and Trans-Atlantic Relations (Hart Studies in Security and Justice) 2016:12. 256 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509905416* Hesselman, Marlies/de Wolf, Antenor Hallo/Toebes, Brigit (eds.) Socio-Economic Human Rights in Essential Public Services Provision (Human Rights and International Law) 2016:11. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138669659* 集団的権利としての文化権 : 国際法の視点 Jakubowski, Andrzej (ed.) Cultural Rights as Collective Rights: An International Law Perspective (Studies in Intercultural Human Rights, Vol. 7) 2016:7. 364 p. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004312012* *9789811010309* ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781509905768* ★ Lazarus, Liora/McCrudden, Christopher/Bowles, Nigel (eds.) Reasoning Rights: Comparative Judicial Engagement 2016:9. 392 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509908431* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 171 法 学 》公 法 ★ 若者、 プライバシーと法 Levesque, Roger J. R. Adolescence, Privacy, and the Law: A Developmental Science Perspective (American Psychology-Law Society Series) 2016:9. 232 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190460792* ★ ªªª>!& The Collective Dimension of Freedom of Religion: A Case Study on Turkey (Law and Religion) 2017:1. 328 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138691223* See also Friedewald, Michael, Surveillance, Privacy and Security, Routledge ................................. p198 , 1625 ロシアにおける人権 McAuley, Mary Human Rights in Russia: Citizens and the State from Perestroika to Putin 2016:8. 320 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781784536794* Nagan, Winston P./Cartner, John A. C./Munro, Robert J. Human Rights and Dynamic Humanism 2016:10. 950 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004202658* 人間の安全保障の多面性を理解する : 北方先住民族 の視角 Petretei, Anna/Hossain, Kamrul (eds.) Understanding the Many Faces of Human Security: Perspectives of Northern Indigenous Peoples (Studies in International Minority and Group Rights, Vol. 13) 2016:8. 254 p. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004314382* Campbell, John R. Bureaucracy, Law and Dystopia in the United Kingdom’s Asylum System (Law and Migration) 2016:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Wicks, Elizabeth The State and the Body: Legal Regulation of Bodily Autonomy 2016:11. 192 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781849467797* 自治の実践 Ghai, Yash/Woodman, Sophia (eds.) Practising Self-Government: A Comparative Study of Autonomous Regions (Law in Context) 2016:12. 516 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316619384* Groves, Matthew/Weeks, Greg (eds.) Legitimate Expectations in the Common Law World (Hart Studies in Comparative Public Law) 2017:1. 240 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781849467780* Slater, Joseph E. Public Workers: Government Employee Unions, the Law, and the State, 1900-1962 2016:9. 272 p. (Cornell U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 172 *9781138214958* 行政法 *9781501705755* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》刑事法 刑事法 Carvalho, Henrique The Preventive Turn in Criminal Law (Oxford Monographs on Criminal Law and Justice) 2017:2. 275 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198737858* Koshan, Jennifer (ed.) The Right to Say No: Marital Rape and Law Reform in Canada, Kenya, Ghana and Malawi 2017:4. 304 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781782258605* #!&#&!%*#; Legal Insanity and the Brain: Science, Law and European Courts 2016:10. 336 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781849467919* 刑法・刑事訴訟法 Bello, Abdullahi Usman Improving Anti-Money Laundering Compliance: Self-Protecting Theory and Money Laundering Re&@*#@%&#&~&#^! &> Society) 2016:10. 200 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319432632* Buell, Samuel W. Capital Offenses: Business Crime and Punishment in America`s Corporate Age 2016:8. 320 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780393247831* Goss, Ryan Criminal Fair Trial Rights: Article 6 of the European ★印はお薦めタイトル Convention on Human Rights (Criminal Law Library) 2016:9. 254 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509909865* 下級裁判所の近代化 Ward, Jenni Transforming Summary Justice: Modernisation in the Lower Criminal Courts (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice) 2016:11. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138846739* 少年法・刑事学・犯罪学 Allum, Felia The Invisible Camorra: Neapolitan Crime Families Across Europe 2016:11. 272 p. (Cornell U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781501702457* 東地中海地域における人身取引 Baird, Theodore Human Smuggling in the East Mediterranean (Routledge Studies in Criminal Justice, Borders and Citizenship) 2016:11. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138656352* Bazemore, Gordon/Schiff, Mara Restorative Community Justice: Repairing Harm and Transforming Communities 2016:8. 375 p., First published in 2001 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138144316* Beauregard, Eric/Martineau, Melissa The Sexual Murderer: Offender Behaviour and Implications for Practice (Routledge Studies in Criminal Behaviour) 2016:9. 274 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138925410* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 173 法 学 》刑事法 Binns, Chelsea A. Fraud Hotlines: Design, Performance, and Assessment 2017:12. 320 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781498727433* Routledge 版 ライフコース犯罪学 : 国際ハンドブック Blokland, Arjan/van der Geest, Victor (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of LifeCourse Criminology (Routledge International Handbooks) 2017:3. 496 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138813663* ★ *9781138959071* ★ 欧州の麻薬対策 Colson, Renaud/Bergeron, Henri (eds.) European Drug Policies: The Ways of Reform 2017:2. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138915206* 公序とグローバリゼーション 情報提供者と警察の捜査 Body-Gendrot, Sophie Public Disorder and Globalization 2016:12. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Dabney, Dean A./Tewksbury, Richard Speaking Truth to Power *& ># and Police Investigations 2016:8. 224 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781138925427* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Clamp, Kerry/Paterson, Craig Restorative Policing: Concepts, Theory and Practice (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice) 2016:9. 228 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138925434* *9780520290464* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520290488* 人身売買 第 2 版 人身売買における同意の役割 Burke, Mary C. !}: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2nd ed. (Criminology and Justice Studies) 2017:1. 344 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Elliott, Jessica !} 2016:8. 274 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138931015* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138931039* Burnett, Ros (ed.) Wrongful Allegations of Sexual and Child Abuse 2016:10. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 174 *9781138215276* Fileborn, Bianca Reclaiming the Night-Time Economy: Unwanted Sexual Attention in Pubs and Clubs 2016:9. 353 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137587909* *9780198723301* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》刑事法 Flores, Jerry Caught Up: Girls, Surveillance, and Wraparound Incarceration 2016:8. 200 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520284876* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520284883* 警察機関におけるリーダーシップとマネジメント Giblin, Matthew J. Leadership and Management in Police Organizations 2016:12. 448 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781483353173* パーソナルセキュリティとリスクの理解 Goslin, Charles E. Understanding Personal Security and Risk: A Guide for Business Travelers 2017:3. 288 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781498765787* 女性に対するサイバー犯罪 : インド Halder, Debarati/Jaishankar, K. Cyber Crimes against Women in India 2016:11. 268 p. (Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd., IND) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9789385985775* 犯罪学 第 2 版 Hass, Aida Y./Moloney, Chris/Chambliss, William J. Criminology: Connecting Theory, Research and Practice, 2nd ed. 2016:11. 728 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138888685* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138888692* ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ Hazelwood, Robert R./Burgess, Ann Wolbert (eds.) Practical Aspects of Rape Investigation: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 5th ed. (Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic Investigations) 2016:12. 482 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781498741965* Hirsch, Andreas Von Deserved Criminal Sentences 2017:2. 144 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509902668* Holt, Thomas J./Smirnova, Olga/Chua, Yi-Ting Data Thieves in Action: Examining the International Market for Stolen Personal Information (Palgrave Studies in Cybercrime and Cybersecurity) 2016:9. 156 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137589033* 東南アジアの犯罪学ハンドブック Jaishankar, K. (ed.) Handbook of South Asian Criminology 2017:1. 352 p. (Chapman & Hall/CRC, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781482260458* Kara, Siddharth }: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery 2016:11. 320 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231180337* Lombardo, Lucien X. Guards Imprisoned &*#=^ (Routledge Revivals) 2016:8. 266 p., Originally published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138220782* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 175 法 学 》刑事法 ★ ヘイトクライム ( 憎悪犯罪 ) のポリシング Routledge 版 人身売買ハンドブック McCulloch, Jude/Maher, JaneMaree/Mason, Gail/ Pickering, Sharon/Wickes, Rebecca Policing Hate Crime: Police, Communities and Inclusion (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice) 2017:1. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Piotrowicz, Ryszard/Rijken, Conny/Uhl, Baerbel Heide (eds.) !"}!} (Routledge International Handbooks) 2017:1. 448 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138904248* Michael, Michael Crime and Justice, Volume 45: Sentencing Policies and Practices in Western Countries: Comparative and Cross-National Perspectives 2016:8. 512 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226440774* I Q の高い犯罪者たち Oleson, James C. Criminal Genius: A Portrait of High-IQ Offenders 2016:9. 324 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520282414* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520282421* O'Reilly, Conor (ed.) Colonial Policing and the Transnational Legacy: The Global Dynamics of Policing Across the Lusophone Community 2017:3. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409465300* O'Sullivan, Carmel Killing on Command: The Defence of Superior Orders in Modern Combat (Critical Criminological Perspectives) 2016:10. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 176 *9781137495808* *9780231177320* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231177337* 世界の組織犯罪:21 世紀のアプローチ Roth, Mitchel P. Global Organized Crime: A 21st Century Approach 2016:12. 512 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138639478* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Reamer, Frederic G. On the Parole Board~&# &>!ishment, Redemption, and Justice 2016:12. 288 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781138892064* 犯罪と司法 第 45 巻 *9781138639485* Salas-Wright, Christopher P/Vaughn, Michael/Reingle, Jennifer M. Drug Abuse and Antisocial Behavior: A Bioso&$& #`\@#_&# in Criminology Theory) 2016:11. 200 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137558169* 人身取引と国境越え Sanchez, Gabriella Human Smuggling and Border Crossings (Routledge Studies in Criminal Justice, Borders and Citizenship) 2016:9. 174 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》刑事法 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138230873* Schindeler, Emily/Ransley, Janet/Reynald, Danielle Psychological Violence in the Workplace: New Perspectives and Shifting Frameworks (Routledge Studies in Criminal Behaviour) 2016:10. 152 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138904255* Tusikov, Natasha Chokepoints: Global Private Regulation on the Internet 2016:11. 288 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520291218* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520291225* ★ Walklate, Sandra Criminology, 3rd ed. (The Basics) 2016:8. 252 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 警察と社会 : ブラジル Skogan, Wesley G./Riccio, Vicente (eds.) Police and Society in Brazil (Advances in Police Theory and Practice) 2017:1. 200 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781498769037* 犯罪防止と地域の安全ハンドブック 第 2 版 Tilley, Nick/Sidebottom, Aiden (eds.) Handbook of Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 2nd ed. 2017:2. 816 p. (Willan Publishing, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781138851054* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781138851061* Tomczak, Philippa The Penal Voluntary Sector (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice) 2016:10. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138189829* 組織犯罪捜査 Trier, Thomas A. Criminal Enterprise Investigation 2016:8. 231 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138803435* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138803442* 社会理論と刑事司法制度 第 2 版 Whitehead, Philip Transforming Probation: Social Theories and the Criminal Justice System, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 240 p. (The Policy Press University of Bristol, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781447327653* See also ★ 犯罪学の基礎 第 3 版 Jauregui, Beatrice, Provisional Authority, University of Chicago Press ...................... p34 , 0291 Bornstein, Brian H., Advances in Psychology and Law, Springer Verlag ...............................p117 , 0922 Boels, Dominique, The Informal Economy, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p218 , 1789 Fassin, Didier, Prison Worlds, Polity Press ...................................................................p218 , 1791 Gonen, Zeynep, The Politics of Crime in Turkey, I.B. Tauris..................................................p218 , 1792 *9781498759441* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 177 法 学 》民事法 民事法 Miller, Paul B./Gold, Andrew S. (eds.) Contract, Status, and Fiduciary Law 2016:11. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 民法 / 総則 チャリティー法 第 2 版 Piper, Anne-Marie (ed.) Charity Law, 2nd ed. 2016:9. 600 p. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414057340* Sidel, Mark (ed.) Regulatory Waves: Comparative Perspectives on State Regulation and Self-Regulation Policies in the *% >&@! GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107166851* 民法 / 物権・債権 Burrows, Andrew A Casebook on Contract, 5th ed. 2016:9. 864 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509907700* ★ 契約法 : 哲学的基盤 Klass, Gregory/Letsas, George/Saprai, Prince (eds.) Philosophical Foundations of Contract Law (Philosophical Foundations of Law) 2016:10. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 178 *9780198713029* ★ MacDonald Eggers, Peter Vitiation of Contractual Consent $# >>&$$&; 2016:9. 860 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781843118145* *9780198779193* Somin, Ilya Grasping Hand: Kelo v. City of New London and the Limits of Eminent Domain 2016:11. 384 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780226422169* 民法 / 不法行為 Lawson, Richard Damages for Breach of Contract (Contract Law Library) 2016:11. 450 p. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414055469* Mitchell, Charles/Mitchell, Paul/Watterson, Stephen The Law of Unjust Enrichment, 9th ed. (The Common Law Library) 2016:11. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414055230* Jackson & Powell の専門職業賠償責任 第 8 版 Stewart, Roger (ed.) Jackson & Powell on Professional Liability, 8th ed. (Common Law Library) 2016:12. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414057524* 民法 / 親族・相続 Casey, Nuala/O'Connell, Annette/Stephenson, Anne Courtney, Padraic (ed.) Wills, Probate and Estates, 5th ed. (Law Society of Ireland Manuals) 2016:8. 544 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》民事法 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198747420* *9781138643277* 商 法 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★ Berlingieri, Francesco Berlingieri on Arrest of Ships Volume I: A Commentary on the 1952 Arrest &!\$#%\&&@ Law Library) 2016:11. 817 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★ Berlingieri, Francesco Berlingieri on Arrest of Ships Volume II: A Commentary on the 1999 Arrest &!\$#%\&&@ Law Library) 2016:11. 460 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138220447* ୰ᅜ䛻䛚䛡䜛ಖ㝤ዎ⣙ Chinese Insurance Contracts Law and Practice (Series: Lloyd's Insurance Law Library) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1021966767䛇 By Zhen Jing, Bangor University, GBR 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 778 p., Hard. ISBN 978-0-415-74328-0..................... STP 275.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥ 56,467 / ≉౯ ¥ 45,173 + ⛯ *9780415743280* ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ୰ᅜࡢಖ㝤ዎ⣙ἲࡢせ࡞ཎ⌮ࡸཎ๎ࠊᴫᛕ㛵ࡋ࡚ⱥㄒࡼࡿᢈุⓗศᯒ ࢆᥦ౪ࡍࡿ᭱ึࡢᩥ⊩࡛ࡍࠋ ୰ᅜࡢಖ㝤ዎ⣙ἲࡢໟᣓⓗ࡞ᴫほࢆᥦ♧ࡍࡿࡇ࡛ࠊᙜヱዎ⣙ἲࡢ㛵㐃ἲᑐࡍࡿᗈ ⠊࡞⌮ゎࢆಁࡋࠊಖ㝤ዎ⣙ἲࡢせ⣲ࡢ࠺ࡕࠊ≉ࠊ⿕ಖ㝤ᶒ┈ࡸ᭱㧗ࡢಙ⩏ㄔᐇࠊ௦ ࠸ࡗࡓᇶᮏⓗ࡞ཎ⌮ࡀᢈุⓗ᳨ウࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊ⏕ಖ㝤ࡸ㈈⏘ಖ㝤ࠊ⮬ື ㌴ಖ㝤ࠊᾏୖಖ㝤࠸ࡗࡓ≉ู࡞ಖ㝤ዎ⣙㛵ࡍࡿἲᚊሗࡶᥦ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡉࡽ ࠊἲᚊᐇົࡢഛࡸ▷ᡤࡀ᫂ࡽࡉࢀࠊࡲࡓศᯒࡉࢀ࡚࠾ࡾࠊἲᚊᨵゞ㛵ࡍࡿ ᥦຓゝࡀᥦ♧ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊಖ㝤ࡢᑓ㛛ᐙࡀዎ⣙ୖࡢ₯ᅾⓗ࡞༴㝤ࢆᅇ㑊ࡍࡿࡓࡵࡢࡼ࠺᮲㡯ࢆసᡂ ࡋࡓࡽⰋ࠸㛵ࡍࡿἲᚊୖ࣭ᐇົୖࡢࢻࣂࢫࡶᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊཎ⌮ཎ๎ࢆ ⌧ᐇ♫㐺ᛂࡍࡿ㝿⏕ࡌࡿ㞴ࡋࡉࢆ᫂ࡽࡍࡿࡓࡵᐇࢆ⤂ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ୰ᅜ࡛ၟࢆ⾜࠾࠺⪃࠼࡚࠸ࡿಖ㝤♫ࡸᘚㆤኈࡶࠊ୰ᅜ࡛ಖ㝤ዎ ⣙ἲࢆྲྀࡾᢅࡗ࡚࠸ࡿἲᚊᐙࡸࠊ୰ᅜἲࢆᑓ㛛ࡋ࡚࠸ࡿᏛ⏕ࡸ◊✲⪅ࡗ࡚᭷┈࡞ ㈨ᩱ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR/ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 179 法 学 》民事法 民事手続法 Clarke, Malcolm/Soyer, Baris (eds.) The Insurance Act 2015: A New Regime for Commercial and Marine Insurance Law 2016:10. 202 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138683303* ビジネス法 第 3 版 Kelly, David/Hammer, Ruby/Hendy, John Business Law, 3rd ed. 2017:2. 654 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138848023* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138848016* Mohamed, Nisha Double Insurance and Contribution (Contemporary Commercial Law) 2017:2. 360 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138944732* Munday, Roderick Agency, 3rd ed. (Law and Principles) 2016:9. 464 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198784685* 会社法 会社倒産法 Frisby, Sandra/Walters, Adrian/Burdette, David/ Ronen-Mevorach, Irit Corporate Insolvency Law 2017:4. 920 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 ★ *9780199654420* 経済法 Mahoney, Paul Wasting a Crisis: Why Securities Regulation Fails 2016:11. 208 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780226420998* ★ 新たな経済における独占禁止法 Patterson, Mark R. Antitrust Law in the New Economy: Google, Yelp, LIBOR, and the Control of Information 2017:2. 280 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674971424* Petersen, Andrew V. (ed.) Commercial Mortgage Loans and CMBS: Developments in the European Market, 3rd ed. 2016:11. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414057449* Routledge 版 会社法ハンドブック Tomasic, Roman (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Corporate Law 2016:11. 298 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138786899* 知的財産法 Chapdelaine, Pascale Copyright Users’ Rights 2017:4. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 180 *9780198754794* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》知的財産法 ★ 労働法・社会法 商標と競争法 _&\!`&#+&*\#!"\&&#!%# Shemtov, Noam Trade Marks and Competition Law 2017:3. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198728986* Gleeson, Shannon Precarious Claims: The Promise and Failure of Workplace Protections in the United States 2016:10. 176 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520288782* Hu, Weinian International Patent Rights Harmonization: The Case of China 2016:12. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 See also Jones, Richard, Mental Health Act Manual, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. .........................................p210 , 1735 *9781472481382* 医事法 著作権 第 6 版 Strong, William S. The Copyright Book: A Practical Guide, 6th ed. 2016:9. 496 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262529907* ★ Very Short Introductions シリーズ 知的財産 Vaidhyanathan, Siva Intellectual Property (Very Short Introductions) 2017:1. 136 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780195372779* Wadlow, Christopher Law of Passing-off: Unfair Competition by Misrepresentation, 5th ed. (Intellectual Property Library) 2016:9. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414058408* See also Devine, Karen The Umbilical Cord Blood Controversies in Medical Law (Biomedical Law and Ethics Library) 2017:1. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138840881* Heil, Reinhard/Seitz, Stefanie B./König, Harald/ Robienski, Jürgen (eds.) Epigenetics: Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects (Technikzukünfte, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / Futures of Technology, Science and Society) 2016:10. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658144593* Skene, Loane (ed.) Persons, Parts and Property: How Should We ~@>{&##&\# 334 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509909896* Thomas, Kedron, Regulating Style, University of California Press ......................................... p35 , 0305 ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 181 法 学 》情報法・インターネット法 情報法・インターネット法 Kenyon, Andrew/Scott, Andrew (eds.) Positive Free Speech: Rationales, Methods and Implications 2017:3. 320 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509908295* *9789004280298* 国際司法 Pasquale, Frank The Black Box Society: The Secret Algorithms That Control Money and Information 2016:8. 320 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Gauci, Jean-Pierre/Zidar, Andra (eds.) The Role of Legal Advisers in International Law 2016:11. 400 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9780674970847* Keyzer, Patrick/Popovski, Vesselin/Sampford, Charles (eds.) Access to International Justice (Challenges of Globalisation) 2016:9. 280 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138238244* 国際公法 Perzanowski, Aaron/Schultz, Jason The End of Ownership: Personal Property in the Digital Economy (Information Society Series) 2016:11. 256 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262035019* ★ 大英帝国と国際法の起源: 1800 年 - 1850 年 Benton, Lauren/Ford, Lisa Rage for Order: The British Empire and the Origins of International Law, 1800-1850 2016:10. 264 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674737464* Cheng, Chia-Jui (ed.) A New International Legal Order: In Commemoration of the Tenth Anniversary of the Xiamen Academy of International Law (Collected Courses of the Xiamen Academy of International Law, Vol. 8) 2016:10. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 182 ★ Alvarez, Jose E. The Impact of International Organizations on International Law (Collected Courses of the Xiamen Academy of International Law, Vol. 7) 2016:10. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 国際法 *9789004328396* アフリカ連合の法律 Amao, Olufemi African Union Law: The Emergence of a Sui Generis Legal Order 2017:2. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138914940* Arajärvi, Noora The Changing Nature of Customary International Law: Methods of Interpreting the Concept of Custom in International Criminal Tribunals (Routledge Research in International Law) 2016:7. 214 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138210479* *9789004326286* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》国際法 Baines, Erin K. Buried in the Heart: Women, Complex Victimhood and the War in Northern Uganda (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society (Hardcover)) 2017:1. 200 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107137127* Establishing Continental Shelf Limits Beyond 200 Nautical Miles by the Coastal State: A Right >\%#&&# Ocean Development, Vol. 81) 2016:8. 454 p. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004326231* 国際投資法における条約漁り Baumgartner, Jorun Treaty Shopping in International Investment Law (International Economic Law Series) 2016:11. 384 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198787112* Becker Lorca, Arnulf Mestizo International Law: A Global Intellectual History 1842-1933 (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, No. 155) 2016:9. 420 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316618509* Bjorklund, Andrea K. (ed.) Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy 2014-2015 (Yearbook on International Investment Law and Policy) 2016:12. 664 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190612054* 正義は平和をもたらすか ? 国際法精選論文および 法的意見 Blum, Yehuda Z. Will Justice Bring Peace?: International Law Selected Articles and Legal Opinions 2016:9. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004233942* 沿岸国家による200 海里を超えた大陸棚の境界画定 ★ Caron, David D./Kelly, Michael J./ Telesetsky, Anastasia (eds.) The International Law of Disaster Relief 2016:8. 412 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1 3DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107665606* Chen, Deming Economic Crisis and Rule Reconstruction ?=%&&*!%+; ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814740937* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814740944* 国際法、 人権と世論 Dang, Heping International Law, Human Rights and Public Opinion: The Role of the State in Educating on Human Rights Standards 2017:3. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472481955* De Man, Philip Exclusive Use in an Inclusive Environment: The Meaning of the Non-Appropriation Principle for Space Resource Exploitation (Space Regulations Library, Vol. 9) 2016:8. 492 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319387512* Busch, Signe Veierud ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 183 法 学 》国際法 Eslava, Luis Local Space, Global Life: The Everyday Operation of International Law and Development 2016:12. 374 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107465091* ★ 国連の法と実務 第 5 版 Focarelli, Carlo/Conforti, Benedetto The Law and Practice of the United Nations, 5th ed. (Legal Aspects of International Organizations, Vol. 57) 2016:8. 496 p. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004318526* Giacca, Gilles/Golay, Christophe/Riedel, Eibe (eds.) Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in International Law: Contemporary Issues and Challenges 2016:8. 560 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198794745* 国際法の下での先住民族の土地権 : 被害者から当事者へ 改訂第 2 版 Gilbert, Jeremie Indigenous Peoples’ Land Rights Under International Law: From Victims to Actors, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 326 p. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004323247* Hofbauer, Jane A. Sovereignty in the Exercise of the Right to SelfDetermination (Queen Mary Studies in International Law, Vol. 27) 2016:10. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004316058* Imseis, Ardi (ed.) The Palestine Yearbook of International Law, Volume 18 2016:7. 508 p. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) 184 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004312364* The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ed.) Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / Recueil Des Arrets, Avis Consultatifs Et Ordonnances, Volume 15 2016:8. 562 p. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004316614* 国際法における海洋保護区 : 北極圏の視点 Jakobsen, Ingvild Ulrikke Marine Protected Areas in International Law: An Arctic Perspective (Queen Mary Studies in International Law, Vol. 25) 2016:8. 436 p. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004254725* 国際法における統治体制の調整 : 国際経済法における人権 Kim, Heejin Regime Accommodation in International Law: Human Rights in International Economic Law and Policy 2016:8. 362 p. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004325500* 国際犯罪の訴追 : 学際的アプローチ Krzan, Bart Omiej (ed.) Prosecuting International Crimes: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Queen Mary Studies in International Law, Vol. 24) 2016:7. 314 p. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004317406* 国際法における適切な注意 Kulesza, Joanna Due Diligence in International Law (Queen Mary Studies in International Law, Vol. 26) 2016:8. 380 p. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004283107* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》国際法 «^#!$&&>! ¬&>#!&&##; Baltic Yearbook of International Law, Volume 15 2016:8. 642 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004329744* Murray, Daragh Wilmshurst, Elizabeth/Hampson, Francoise/Garraway, Charles/Lubell, Noam/Akande, Dapo (eds.) Practitioners’ Guide to Human Rights Law in # 2016:11. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198791393* Nollkaemper, Andre/Plakokefalos, Ilias (eds.) Principles of Shared Responsibility in International Law: An Appraisal of the State of the Art (Shared Responsibility in International Law, No. 1) 2016:10. 400 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107435803* Novic, Elisa The Concept of Cultural Genocide: An International Law Perspective (Cultural Heritage Law and Policy) 2016:10. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198787167* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138123946* Oswald, Bruce/Rose, Gregory (eds.) Detention of Non-State Actors Engaged in Hostilities: The Future Law (International Humanitarian Law, Vol. 49) 2016:8. 438 p. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004310636* Plant, Brendan International Law and the Adjudication of Territorial Disputes (Oxford Monographs in International Law) 2017:3. 300 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198766100* 国連による人道および居住地保護 Ramcharan, Bertrand G. United Nations Protection of Humanity and Its Habitat: A New International Law of Security and Protection (International Studies in Human Rights, Vol. 116) 2016:8. 278 p. (M. Nijhoff, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004303133* ★ 国際法における必要性 Ohlin, Jens David/May, Larry Necessity in International Law 2016:11. 296 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190622930* O'Sullivan, Aisling Universal Jurisdiction in International Criminal Law: The Debate and the Battle for Hegemony (Routledge Research in International Law) 2017:2. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ 戦闘に関わる非国家主体の拘留 ★ Shany, Yuval Assessing the Effectiveness of International Courts (International Courts and Tribunals Series) 2016:8. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198794318* Steinbach, Armin EU Liability and International Economic Law (Modern Studies in European Law) 2017:4. 304 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509901593* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 185 法 学 》国際法 EU法 ★ Cremona, Marise/Thies, Anne (eds.) The European Court of Justice and External Relations Law: Constitutional Challenges (Modern Studies in European Law) 2016:9. 298 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509909902* Draghici, Carmen The Legitimacy of Family Rights in Strasbourg Case LawQ$&&@ #>&@&#\ %&@%&#&$; 2016:12. 464 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509905256* Dzehtsiarou, Kanstantsin European Consensus and the Legitimacy of the European Court of Human Rights 2016:10. 254 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107678019* ★ Freedland, Mark/Prassl, Jeremias (eds.) Viking, Laval and Beyond (EU Law in the Member States) 2016:9. 390 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509909919* Jesse, Moritz The Civic Citizens of Europe: The Legal Potential for Immigrant Integration in the EU, Belgium, and the United Kingdom (Nijhoff Studies in European Union Law, Vol. 11) 2016:10. 404 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 186 *9789004252264* Kindler, Peter The Single-Member Limited Liability Company (SUP): A Necessary Reform of Eu Law on Business @&&#&#\&@$! GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509907199* Mulder, Jule EU Non-Discrimination Law in the Courts: Approaches to Sex and Sexualties Discrimination in EU Law 2017:1. 304 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781849467636* Veil, Rudiger (ed.) European Capital Markets Law, 2nd ed. 2017:3. 480 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781782256526* Vilaca, Jose Luis EU Law and Integration: Twenty Years of Judicial Application of EU Law 2016:9. 386 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509909889* Woude, Marc van der/Jones, Christopher (eds.) EU Competition Law Handbook 2017 2016:11. 1,010 p. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780414059436* See also Davor, Jancic, National Parliaments after the Lisbon Treaty and the Euro Crisis, Oxford U.P. .................................................................. p205 , 1686 Scicluna, Nicole, European Union Constitutionalism in Crisis, Routledge .................................................................. p206 , 1698 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 法 学 》国際法 EUປാἲ◊✲䝝䞁䝗䝤䝑䜽 Research Handbook on EU Labour Law (Series: Research Handbooks in European Law) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1020454134䛇 Edited by Alan Bogg, Cathryn Costello, and A. C. L. Davies, University of Oxford, UK (all editors) 2016 ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 592 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-78347-111-9........................ STP 195.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥40,040 / ≉౯ ¥32,032 + ⛯ *9781783471119* ⤒῭ࡢࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣜࢮ࣮ࢩ࣮ࣙࣥࣚࣟࢵࣃ࠾ࡅࡿ⤫ྜࡢᣑࡣ EU ࡢປാἲࡸ 㞠⏝ἲࠊᖹ➼ἲᑐࡍࡿ㛵ᚰࢆቑࡉࡏࡲࡋࡓࠋᮏ᭩ࡣࡇࡢศ㔝ࡢⓎᒎ࠾࠸࡚㔜 せ࡞Ṕྐⓗ▐㛫࡛࠶ࡿࡇࡢࢱ࣑ࣥࢢ࡛ࠊศ㔝ࢆ௦⾲ࡍࡿ◊✲⪅ࡼࡿᐤ✏ࢆᩚ⌮ ࡋࡲࡋࡓࠋࠕ᭱ඛ➃ࠖࡢ◊✲ࢆホ౯ࡍࡿࡶࠊᑗ᮶ࡢࡓࡵࡢ㘽࡞ࡿ◊✲ㄢ㢟 ࢆ᫂♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 4 ࡘࡢಶูࡢࣃ࣮ࢺศࢀࡓࡇࡢࣁࣥࢻࣈࢵࢡࡣࠊEU ࡢປാἲࡸ㞠⏝ἲࠊᖹ➼ ἲ㛵ࡍࡿせ࡞ࢺࣆࢵࢡࢫࢆໟᣓⓗ᳨ウࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ➨ 1 㒊࡛ࡣࠊEU ἲᅜ ෆἲࡢ㛵ಀᛶࡸ EU ປാἲ࠾ࡅࡿேᶒࡢᙺࠊ⥭⦰ᨻ⟇ᥐ⨨ࡢᙳ㡪࠸ࡗࡓศ㔝 ᶓ᩿ⓗ࡞ࢸ࣮࣐ྲྀࡾ⤌ࢇ࡛࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡑࡢᚋࡢࣃ࣮ࢺࡣ≉ᐃࡢࢺࣆࢵࢡࢫ㛵ࡋ࡚ ヲ⣽ศᯒࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ➨ 2 㒊࡛ࡣࠊປാ㛫ࡸ㞠⏝ಖ㞀࡞ࠊಶேࠊ࠶ࡿ࠸ࡣ㞟 ᅋ㈨ࡍࡿປാἲࡢ EU ࡛ࣞ࣋ࣝࡢከᵝ࡞ㄢ㢟↔Ⅼࢆᙜ࡚࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ➨ 3 㒊ࡣࠊ ປാ⤌ྜࡸ⏘ᴗẸ⩏ࡢᙳ㡪ࢆྵࡴࠊ㞟ᅋ㈨ࡍࡿປാἲ㛵ࡍࡿศᯒࢆᥦ౪ ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ➨ 4 㒊࡛ࡣࠊ♫ⓗ࣭ἲⓗಖㆤࢆཷࡅࡿಶࠎேࡢᵝࠎ࡞ᛶ㉁ࡢᙳ㡪ࢆ ⪃៖ࡋࡓࠊᖹ➼ἲࡢ EU ࡢධࢆㄪᰝࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ⌧௦ⓗ࡛ᗈ⠊ᅖࢃࡓࡿᮏ᭩ࡣ EU ࡢປാἲࡸ㞠⏝ἲࠊᖹ➼ἲ㛵ࡋ࡚ࡼࡾ῝࠸ ⌮ゎࡸ㐍ᒎ୰ࡢ◊✲ࡢ᪉ྥᛶࢆ᥈ࡋồࡵ࡚࠸ࡿᏛ⪅ࡸ◊✲⪅ࡗ࡚᭱㧗ࡢ㈨ᩱ㞟 ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᐇົᐙࡸᨻ⟇❧⪅ࡶࡇࡢᩥ⊩ࢆᨻ⟇ホ౯ࡸ⌮ㄽⓗどⅬࡢ᭷┈࡞ ㈨ᩱࡋ࡚ホ౯ࡍࡿ࡛ࡋࡻ࠺ࠋ (Edward Elgar, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 187 法 学 》国際法 国際私法・国際取引法 国際仲裁 Cole, Tony/Ortolani, Pietro International Arbitration 2017:2. 350 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138806030* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138806047* Dolzer, Rudolf/Bowman, John Petroleum Contracts and International Law 2017:3. 392 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198715979* Lewins, Kate International Carriage of Passengers by Sea 2016:9. 400 p. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780414056961* Dietz, Thomas Global Order Beyond Law: How Information and Communication Technologies Facilitate Relational Contracting in International Trade (International Studies in the Theory of Private Law) 2016:8. 270 p. (Hart Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781509907434* ㈨⏘⛣㌿䛸ᅜ㝿⚾ἲ㻌 2 ᕳ Transfer of Property and Private International Law (Series: Private International Law) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1019506766䛇 Edited by Janeen Carruthers, University of Glasgow, School of Law, UK 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 2 Vols., 1,992 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-78536-117-3 ..................... STP 600.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥123,200 / ≉౯ ¥98,560 + ⛯ *9781785361173* ࡇࡢ᪂ࡋ࠸ໟᣓⓗ࡞ᩥ⊩ࡣࠊ㈨⏘ࡢ⛣㌿ᅜ㝿⚾ἲࡢศ㔝࠾࠸࡚ࠊ ୡ⣖ึ㢌ࡽ ⌧ᅾࡲ࡛ࡢ⊂ⓗ࡞ㄽᩥࢆᩚ⌮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ➨ ᕳࡣࠊᡤᅾᆅἲ㛵㐃ࡋࡓྂⓗ࡞ཎ ๎ࡶࠊື⏘㛵㐃ࡍࡿᑓ㛛ศ㔝ࠊ᮲௳㈙᭷౯ドๆྲྀᘬࠊᮍ╔ရ㈈⏘ἐ ࠸ࡗࡓศ㔝↔Ⅼࢆᙜ࡚࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ➨ ᕳࡣࠊᩥ㈈ࡸᅜ㝿⚾ἲ㛵ࡍࡿヲ⣽࡛Ὕ ᐹ࠶ࡿ㆟ㄽ࠶࡚ࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣ⦅㞟⪅ࡼࡿ᭩ࡁୗࢁࡋࡢᑟධᩥࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠾ ࡾࠊ◊✲⪅ࡸᏛ⪅᪉ࡗ࡚᭷┈࡞㈨ᩱࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Edward Elgar, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 188 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》政治学一般 政治学 政治学一般 革命はどこへ向かったのか : 議論を引き起こす政治と民主主義の質 政治学研究法 : 入門 Forestiere, Carolyn Beginning Research Methods in Political Science 2016:8. 352 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190215965* Jonas, Michael/Littig, Beate (eds.) Praxeological Political Analysis (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2016:10. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138644922* 政治思想・政治理論 Babayan, Nelli Democratic Transformation and Obstruction: EU, US, and Russia in the South Caucasus (Democratization Studies) 2016:9. 208 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138238213* Czajka, Agnes Democracy and Justice: Reading Derrida in Istanbul (Routledge Advances in Democratic Theory) 2016:11. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138910645* *9781107173712* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316625965* Derman, Joshua Max Weber in Politics and Social Thought: From Charisma to Canonization (Ideas in Context, Vol. 102) 2016:12. 298 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316630297* ヒトラーとナチズム 第 2 版 Geary, Richard Hitler and Nazism, 2nd ed. (Lancaster Pamphlets) 2016:8. 112 p., First published in 2000 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138144125* González-Ricoy, Iñigo/Gosseries, Axel (eds.) Institutions for Future Generations 2016:12. 464 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198746959* Dean, Kathryn Capitalism, Citizenship and the Arts of Thinking: A Marxian-Aristotelian Linguistic Account 2016:8. 256 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Della Porta, Donatella Where Did the Revolution Go?: Contentious Politics and the Quality of Democracy (Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics) 2017:1. 430 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781138233355* ★印はお薦めタイトル 満州でのファシズム: 1930 年代のソビエト連邦と中国の出会い Hohler, Suzanne Fascism in Manchuria: The Soviet-China Encounter in the 1930s 2016:12. 305 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781784535223* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 189 政治学 ୰ᅜඹ⏘ඪ䇷ᩥ⊩㞟ᡂ㻌 4 ᕳ Critical Readings on the Communist Party of China Critical Readings 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1011558609䛇 Edited by Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark 2016ᖺ 11᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,400 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-90-04-30216-7................. EUR 844.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥145,640 / ≉౯ ¥116,512 + ⛯ *9789004302167* 9000 ே㏆ࡃࡢඪဨࢆ᧦ࡍࡿ୰ᅜඹ⏘ඪࡣඪࡋ࡚ࡣୡ⏺᭱ࡢᨻඪ࡛ࡍࠋࡑࡢᶒ ຊᙳ㡪ຊࡣ୰ᅜࡢᅜᐙࡸ♫ࠊ⤒῭ࡢ㝮ࠎࡲ࡛⾜ࡁᒆ࠸࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ୰ᅜඹ⏘ඪࡀᖜᗈ ࡃᶒຊࢆ⥔ᣢࡍࡿᐇែࢆ⪃࠼ࢀࡤࠊ୰ᅜඹ⏘ඪࡀࡢࡼ࠺⤌⧊ࡉࢀ⟶⌮ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ 㛵ࡋ࡚ࠊࡲࡓࠊᚋࡢ㐍ᒎ㛵ࡋ࡚ࡢヲ⣽࡞▱㆑ࡣ୰ᅜࡢⓎᒎࢆ⌮ゎࡍࡿୖ࡛㠀ᖖ 㔜せ࡛࠶ࡾࠊ⌮ゎࡢࡓࡵᚲせ࡞๓ᥦ᮲௳࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣ୰ᅜඹ⏘ඪ㛵ࡍࡿ᭱㧗ࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝࢆᩚ⌮ࡋࠊ⤌⧊ࡸᖿ㒊⟶⌮ࠊເ㞟カ⦎ࠊ ࢹ࢜ࣟࢠ࣮ࣉࣟࣃ࢞ࣥࢲࠊὴ㛸࢚࣮ࣜࢺࠊᨵ㠉㐺ᛂࠊở⫋ἲᚊ࠸ࡗࡓศ㔝 ࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ୰ᅜࡢᨻࡢࣈࣛࢵࢡ࣎ࢵࢡࢫࢆ㛤ࡅࡿ㘽ࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) 190 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》政治思想・政治理論 社会主義の発想 Honneth, Axel The Idea of Socialism 2016:12. 216 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781509512126* Kasperson, Lars Bo/Strandsbjerg, Jeppe (eds.) Does War Make States?: Investigations of Charles {&#&#&%&@ >bridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107141506* Koster, Martijn/Jaffe, Rivke/de Koning, Anouk (eds.) Citizenship Agendas in and beyond the NationState 2016:10. 124 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138211216* Lane, Ruth The Complexity of Self Government: Politics from the Bottom Up 2017:3. 200 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316615287* Laski, Harold J. The Danger of Being a Gentleman: And Other Essays (The Works of Harold J. Laski) 2016:9. 246 p., New in Paperback (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138822863* Laski, Harold J. The Dilemma of Our Times: An Historical Essay (The Works of Harold J. Laski) 2016:9. 274 p., New in Paperback (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Marzouki, Nadia/Roy, Olivier/McDonnell, Duncan (eds.) Saving the People: How Populists Hijack Religion 2016:10. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190639020* 人々の救済 : 大衆主義者はどのように宗教をハイジャックするか *9781138822900* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Mayville, Luke John Adams and the Fear of American Oligarchy 2016:10. 224 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780691171531* 資本主義と欲望 : 自由市場の精神的なコスト Mcgowan, Todd Capitalism and Desire: The Psychic Cost of Free Markets 2016:10. 320 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231178723* Morgan, Kimberly/Orloff, Ann Shola (eds.) The Many Hands of the State: Theorizing Political Authority and Social Control 2017:3. 375 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107135291* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316501139* 知識と思想 : 社会的及び政治的批判の認識論 Morris, Michael Knowledge and Ideology: The Epistemology of Social and Political Critique 2016:12. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780190639013* *9781107177093* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 191 政治学 》政治思想・政治理論 Very Short Introductionsシリーズ 大衆主義 Mudde, Cas/Rovira Kaltwasser, Cristóbal Populism (Very Short Introductions) 2017:2. 136 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780190234874* Muldoon, Ryan Social Contract Theory for a Diverse World: Beyond Tolerance 2016:11. 180 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138681361* 境界に関する理論 Nail, Thomas Theory of the Border 2016:8. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190618643* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190618650* 宗教の政治とナショナリズム Requejo, Ferran/Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen (eds.) Politics of Religion and Nationalism: Federalism, Consociationalism and Seccession 2016:9. 242 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138238336* %\*!> !+#; State, Institutions and Democracy: Contributions of Political Economy (Studies in Political Economy) 2016:10. 496 p (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319445816* Snyder, Brad The House of Truth: A Washington Political Salon and the Foundations of American Liberalism 2017:2. 800 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) 192 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190261986* Stout, Margaret/Love, Jeannine M. A Radically Democratic Response to Global Governance: Dystopian Utopias (Transnational Law and Governance) 2016:12. 296 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138654051* Tonkiss, Katherine/Bloom, Tendayi (eds.) Theorising Noncitizenship: Concepts, Debates and Challenges 2016:10. 140 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138210523* グローバルな正義 Williams, Huw/Death, Carl Global Justice (The Basics) 2016:12. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138816299* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138816305* 発展途上の世界における国家 Yashar, Deborah J. (ed.) States in the Developing World 2017:3. 384 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107158498* 現代政治・行政学 `*!\ Deconstructing Placemaking: Needs, Opportunities, and Assets (Routledge Research in Planning and Urban Design) 2016:8. 152 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138216921* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 公衆の関与の専門化 Bherer, Laurence/Gauthier, Mario/Simard, Louis (eds.) The Professionalization of Public Participation 2016:12. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138638112* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138638129* 投票実験 Blais, Andre/Laslier, Jean-François/van der Straeten, Karine (eds.) Voting Experiments 2016:9. 333 p (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319405711* Boulding, Carew NGOs, Political Protest, and Civil Society 2016:12. 232 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107659384* 複雑な政治的意思決定 : リーダシップ、 正当性、 コミュニケーション Bursens, Peter/de Landtsheer, Christ'l/Braeckmans, Luc/Segaert, Barbara (eds.) Complex Political Decision-Making: Leadership, Legitimacy and Communication 2016:11. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138211148* Courpasson, David/Vallas, Steven (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Resistance 2016:9. 520 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473906433* Diez, Jordi The Politics of Gay Marriage in Latin America: Argentina, Chile, and Mexico 2016:9. 304 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 世界各国の大臣の選出 Dowding, Keith/Dumont, Patrick (eds.) The Selection of Ministers around the World 2016:9. 304 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138238190* Haas, Tigran/Westlund, Hans (eds.) In The Post-Urban World: Emergent Transformation of Cities and Regions in the Innovative Global Economy (Regions and Cities) 2017:3. 224 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138943926* 世界中の選挙ポスター : 公共の場での政治運動 Holtz-Bacha, Christina/Johansson, Bengt (eds.) Election Posters around the Globe: Political Campaigning in the Public Space 2017:2. 500 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319324968* Junginger, Sabine Transforming Public Services by Design: Re-Orienting Policies, Organizations, and Services around People 2016:12. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781409436256* Lapsley, Irvine/Knutsson, Hans (eds.) Modernizing the Public Sector: Scandinavian Perspectives (Routledge Critical Studies in Public Management) 2016:12. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781107491854* *9781138675940* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 193 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 䝸䝇䜽㻌 4 ᕳ Risk (Series: SAGE Library of Political Science) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04006S0303䛇 Edited by Adam Burgess, University of Kent, UK 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,303 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4739-3024-7 ண⣙౯ (2016/12/16 ࡲ࡛) STP 675.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥138,601 / ≉౯ ¥110,880 + ⛯ ୖグ௨㝆 STP 745.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥152,974 / ≉౯ ¥122,379 + ⛯ *9781473930247* ࣜࢫࢡ㸦ࡑࢀ㛵㐃ࡍࡿ༴㝤ࡸ☜ᐇᛶࠊ☜⋡㸧࠸࠺ᴫᛕࡣ ⌧௦ⓗ࡞ࡶࡢ࡛ࡍࠋ࢘ࣝࣜࢵࣄ࣭࣋ࢵࢡࡼࡿ᭷ྡ࡞ㄝ᫂ࡼࡿ ࠊࡑࢀࡣᡃࠎࡀࠕࣜࢫࢡ♫ࠖ⏕ࡁࡿ࠶ࡓࡗ࡚ᑗ᮶ࢆ៧៖ ࡋࠊ࡞ࢇ⟶⌮ࡋࡼ࠺ࡍࡿ≧ែࢆ⾲ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ⌧௦♫ࡢ ♫⌧㇟ࡢᑡ࡞ࡃࡶ୍㒊࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡿࣜࢫࢡ㛵ࡍࡿ◊✲ࡣࣜ ࢫࢡ࠸࠺༢ㄒࡑࡢࡶࡢࡼࡾࡶࡉࡽ᪂ࡋ࠸ᴫᛕ࡛ࡍࠋࣜࢫࢡ 㛵㐃ࡍࡿ◊✲ࡣࠊRisk Analysis ࡸ Journal of Risk Research and HealthࠊRisk and Society ࠸ࡗࡓከᵝ࡞ᑓ㛛ࢪ࣮ࣕࢼ࡛ࣝ♧ࡉࢀࡿࡼ࠺ࠊ1960 ᖺ௦ᚋ༙ጞࡲࡗ࡚௨㝆⇿ Ⓨⓗቑຍࡋ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋᢏ⾡ࡸ㣗ရࠊᗣࠊ⎔ቃࠊ࣓ࢹ࠸ࡗࡓࣜࢫࢡ㛵 ࡍࡿ୍⯡⾗ࡢㄆ▱ᑐࡍࡿ⊂⮬◊✲ࡽࠊࢸࣟࡸᏊ౪ࡢᏳ࠸ࡗࡓከࡃࡢ᪂ࡋ ࠸ศ㔝ᣑࡋ࡚ࡁࡲࡋࡓࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊヱᙜࡍࡿศ㔝ᙳ㡪ࢆ࠼ࡓࡔࡅ࡛࡞ࡃࠊ㛵㐃ࡍࡿศ㔝ࡶᙳ㡪ࢆ࠼ ࡓㄽᩥࢆ㘓ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ௨ୗࡢࡼ࠺ࢸ࣮࣐ࡈᩚ⌮ࡉࢀᵓᡂࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࠙ྛᕳ⤂ࠚ ➨㸯ᕳ㸸ࣜࢫࢡ୰ᚰ♫ࡢᴫᛕ⌮ㄽ ➨㸰ᕳ㸸ࣜࢫࢡㄆ▱ࡢኚࡋࡘࡘ࠶ࡿどⅬ ➨㸱ᕳ㸸┦㐪ࠊ᪂ࡋ࠸ㄢ㢟どⅬ ➨㸲ᕳ㸸ㄢ㢟ྵព (Sage Pub., GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 194 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 Mackert, Jürgen/Turner, Bryan S. (eds.) The Transformation of Citizenship: Political Economy, Vol. 1 2017:2. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138672901* Mackert, Jürgen/Turner, Bryan S. (eds.) The Transformation of Citizenship: Struggle, Resistance, and Violence, Vol. 2 2017:2. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138672888* Mackert, Jürgen/Turner, Bryan S. (eds.) The Transformation of Citizenship: Boundaries of Inclusion and Exclusion, Vol. 3 2017:2. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138672895* Malone-Lee, Lai Choo/Heng, Chye Kiang/ Padawangi, Rita (eds.) Forging a Sustainable Future for Asian Cities: Case Studies on Urban Regeneration 2016:12. 200 p. =%&&*!%+; ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814713344* 公共と民間のパートナーシップ : カザフスタンとロシアのケース Mouraviev, Nikolai/Kakabadse, Nada Public-Private Partnerships: Policy and Governance Challenges Facing Kazakhstan and Russia 2016:9. 206 p (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137569516* 政治運動 Panagopoulos, Costas Political Campaigns: Concepts, Context, and Consequences (Series on Elections, Opinion and Democracy) 2016:8. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199341399* Pareja-Eastaway, Montserrat/Winston, Nessa (eds.) Sustainable Communities and Urban Housing: A Comparative European Perspective (Routledge Studies in International Real Estate) 2016:12. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138911482* Parker, Jeffrey Comparative Federalism and Intergovernmental Agreements: Analyzing Australia, Canada, Germany, South Africa, Switzerland and the United States (Routledge Studies in Federalism and Decentralization) 2016:9. 252 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138237827* Routledge 版 コミュニティ発展ハンドブック Phillips, Rhonda/Kenny, Sue/McGrath, Brian (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Community Development 2017:3. 608 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138940765* Rucker, Della Online Public Engagement: A Guide to Selection and Use for Local Governments and Community Organizations 2016:12. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138910263* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138910270* Silva, Elisabete A./Healey, Patsy/Harris, Neil/van den Broeck, Pieter (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Planning Research Methods 2016:8. 572 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138216570* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 195 政治学 》現代政治・行政学 災害研究 Soederberg, Susanne (ed.) Risking Capitalism (Research in Political Economy, Vol. 31) 2016:10. 300 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786352361* E ガバナンスの戦略的計画と実行 Suri, P. K./Sushil Strategic Planning and Implementation of E-Governance (Flexible Systems Management) 2016:9. 296 p (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811021756* Vanden, Harry E./Funke, Peter N./Prevost, Gary (eds.) The New Global Politics: Global Social Movements in the Twenty-First Century (Rethinking Globalizations) 2017:2. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138697249* アジアにおける E ガバナンス Warf, Barney E-Government in Asia 2016:12. 320 p. (Chandos Pub., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780081008737* ★ Wu, Xun/Ramesh, M./Howlett, Michael/Fritzen, Scott The Public Policy Primer: Managing the Policy Process, 2nd ed. (Routledge Textbooks in Policy Studies) 2016:12. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138651531* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138651548* Awotona, Adenrele (ed.) Planning for Community-based Disaster Resilience Worldwide: Learning from Case Studies in Six Continents 2016:10. 464 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472468154* 国際災害マネジメント入門 第 2 版 Coppola, Damon P. Introduction to International Disaster Management, 2nd ed. 2016:9. (Butterworth-Heinemann, GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780128103623* 災害リスク軽減とグローバルシステム Gordy, Michael Disaster Risk Reduction and the Global System: Ruminations on a Way Forward (SpringerBriefs in Climate Studies) 2016:7. 50 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319416663* Parrish, Susan Scott The Flood Year 1927: A Cultural History 2017:1. 400 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780691168838* 災害防止政策 : 挑戦と批判的見解 Pigeon, Patrick/Rebotier, Julien Disaster Prevention Policies: A Challenging and Critical Outlook 2016:12. 256 p. (Elsevier Science, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781785481963* See also Kapur, Girish Bobby, Effective Communication during Disasters, Apple Academic Press .................................................................. p224 , 1848 196 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 国際関係論 国際関係論一般 ブラジルとアフリカ : 南南協力の新たな側面 Abdenur, Adriana Erthal/de Souza Neto, Danilo Marcondes Brazil and Africa: New Dimensions of South-South Cooperation (The International Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series) 2016:12. 172 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472445988* Barnett, Michael N. (ed.) Paternalism beyond Borders 2016:11. 384 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107176904* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316625712* Carr, E. H. Cox, Michael (ed.) The Twenty Years’ Crisis, 1919-1939: Reissued with a New Preface from Michael Cox 2016:12. 235 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781349950751* EUとロシア関係 1999 年 - 2015年 Maass, Anna-Sophie EU-Russia Relations, 1999-2015: From Courtship to Confrontation (Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series) 2016:7. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 アメリカの忘れられた植民地 : キューバのパインズ島 Neagle, Michael America’s Forgotten Colony # #&# (Cambridge Studies in US Foreign Relations) 2016:10. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107136854* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316502013* *9780190268671* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781138943698* Matthews, Elizabeth G./Callaway, Rhonda L. International Relations Theory: A Primer 2016:9. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル Parham, Steven China’s Borderlands: The Faultline of Central Asia 2017:3. 304 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781784535063* Parker, Jason C. Hearts, Minds, Voices: US Cold War Public Diplomacy and the Formation of the Third World 2016:12. 280 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190251840* 地理と戦争の理解 : 誤解 ・ 基礎 ・ 可能性 Pickering, Steve Understanding Geography and War: Misperceptions, Foundations, and Prospects 2016:10. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137522160* Rindzeviciute, Egle Power of Systems: How Policy Sciences Opened Up the Cold War World 2016:12. 312 p. (Cornell U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781501703188* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 197 政治学 》国際関係論 Schouenborg, Laust International Institutions in World History: Divorcing International Relations Theory from the State and Stage Models (Worlding Beyond the West) 2016:12. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138221628* *9781857438628* 安全保障 Bachmann, Jan/Bell, Colleen/Holmqvist, Caroline (eds.) War, Police and Assemblages of Intervention 2016:9., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138239845* *9781498773973* Berling, Trine Villumsen/Bueger, Christian (eds.) Security Expertise: Practice, Power, Responsibility (PRIO New Security Studies) 2016:8. 250 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138236677* Buhrow, William C. Biometrics in Support of Military Operations: $###>\X*? ~ Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 198 *9783319322605* Friedewald, Michael/Burgess, J. Peter/Cas, Johann/ Bellanova, Rocco/Peissl, Walter (eds.) Surveillance, Privacy and Security &&# Perspectives (PRIO New Security Studies) 2017:2. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138649248* Gruszczak, Artur/Frankowski, Pawel Technology, Ethics and the Protocols of Modern War (Emerging Technologies, Ethics and International Affairs) 2016:12. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138221338* Benny, Daniel J. Private Investigation and Homeland Security 2016:12. 198 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Christodoulakis, Nicos ##: With an Application to the Greek Civil War 1946-1949 2016:8. 161 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 The International Institute of Strategic Studies (ed.) The Strategic Survey 2016: The Annual Review of World Affairs 2016:9. 420 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 紛争の経済的分析 : ギリシャ内戦 1946年 - 1949年 *9781482260212* Hagmann, Jonas (In)Security and the Production of International Relations: The Politics of Securitisation in Europe (Routledge Critical Security Studies) 2016:9. 244 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138236615* ★ SAGE版 戦争百科事典 : 社会科学の視点 全4巻 Joseph, Paul (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of War: Social Science Perspectives 2016:12. 4 Vols., 2,096 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781483359892* 古賀慶著 アジアとアフリカにおける地域の安全保障 機関の考案 Koga, Kei Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 Reinventing Regional Security Institutions in Asia and Africa: Power Shifts, Ideas, and Institutional Change (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics) 2016:12. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138651746* 国土安全保障 : 原則と実施入門 第 3 版 Nemeth, Charles P. Homeland Security: An Introduction to Principles and Practice, 3rd ed. 2016:11. 656 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Kong, Zhiguo The Making of a Maritime Power \&# \lenges and Policy Responses (Research Series on \ \&#> \&#>\; 2016:10. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811017858* van Creveld, Martin More on War 2017:1. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 See also 東南アジアの海賊行為 Liss, Carolin/Biggs, Ted (eds.) Piracy in Southeast Asia: Trends, Hotspots and Responses (Cass Series: Naval Policy and History) 2016:12. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138682337* Lowther, Adam B./Cimbala, Stephen J. (eds.) Defending the Arsenal=\`>&# Modernization Still Matters 2016:9. 220 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138204546* McFate, Sean The Modern Mercenary: Private Armies and What They Mean for World Order 2017:1. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190621087* ペルシャ湾の安全保障と領土権 : 海事政治地理 Mojtahed-Zadeh, Pirouz Security and Territoriality in the Persian Gulf: A Maritime Political Geography 2016:7. 284 p., Originally published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198788171* *9781498749091* Bougerel, Xavier, Combatants of Muslim Origin in European Armies in the Twentieth Century, Bloomsbury Academic ............................... p58 , 0532 Cawood, Ian J., The First World War, Routledge .................................................................... p58 , 0533 Heinrichs, Waldo, Implacable Foes, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................... p58 , 0534 Shamir, Eitan, Insurgencies and Counterinsurgencies, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p58 , 0536 Wheatley, Ben, British Intelligence and Hitler's Empire in the Soviet Union, 1941-1945, Bloomsbury Academic ............................... p58 , 0537 Mochizuki, Mike M., Energy Security in Asia and Eurasia, Routledge .................................. p160 , 1309 国際政治経済 グローバル時代における移民と安全保障 : ディアスポラコミュニティと紛争 Cochrane, Feargal Migration and Security in the Global Age: Dias >>&&# &, New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138236660* *9781138995987* ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 199 政治学 》国際関係論 Dean, Adam **%\&@ #&tions and the Political Economy of Trade 2016:8. 234 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107168800* Derichs, Claudia Knowledge Production, Area Studies and Global Cooperation (Routledge Global Cooperation Series) 2016:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138188747* Engel, Ulf/Zinecker, Heidrun/Mattheis, Frank/ Plötze, Thomas/Dietze, Antje (eds.) The New Politics of Regionalism: Perspectives >`&!$&`>&`#&&* (Routledge Studies in Globalisation) 2016:10. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781107427723* Taylor, Ian Global Governance and Transnationalizing Capitalist Hegemony{\\\Q>@&@# (Global Institutions) 2016:12. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138219984* 国連とグローバルサウス 1945 年および2015年 Weiss, Thomas G./Roy, Pallavi (eds.) The UN and the Global South, 1945 and 2015 (ThirdWorlds) 2017:1. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138222922* See also Carmody, Pádraig, The New Scramble for Africa, Polity Press ...............................................p162 , 1320 国際関係の諸問題 Åkebo, Malin # % % : A Com&%~@%&#& & Resolution) 2016:11. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138672741* Lam, Katy N. Chinese State Owned Enterprises in West Africa: Triple-embedded Globalization (Routledge Studies on Asia in the World) 2016:12. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138640429* グローバリゼーションと政治経済学の批判 : マルクスの著作からの新たな洞察 Pradella, Lucia Globalization and the Critique of Political Economy #&@\#>#=&&@#, New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) 200 Hellwig, Timothy Globalization and Mass Politics: Retaining the Room to Maneuver (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics) 2016:10. 226 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781138226838* *9781138200883* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Baker-Beall, Christopher/Heath-Kelly, Charlotte/ Jarvis, Lee (eds.) Counter-Radicalisation: Critical Perspectives 2016:9. 250 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138236639* Bøås, Morten % : Miners, Merchants and Warriors in the African Borderland 2016:9. 162 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138238206* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》国際関係論 テロリズムの歴史 : 古代からISIS まで Chaliand, Gérard/Blin, Arnaud The History of Terrorism: From Antiquity to ISIS 2016:8. 536 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520292505* ヒズボラ : 流動性と力 Daher, Aurelie Hezbollah: Mobilization and Power 2017:1. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190495893* Dubensky, Joyce S. (ed.) Peacemakers in Action*#&~&@&# Peacebuilding, Vol. 2, 2nd ed. 2016:11. 400 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107152960* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316606728* 黙示録的テロリズムの理解 : 急進的な思考対策 Flannery, Frances L. Understanding Apocalyptic Terrorism: Countering the Radical Mindset 2016:8. 288 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138282490* Groß, Lisa Peacebuilding and Post-War Transitions: Assessing The Impact of External-Domestic Interactions ~@%&#& &~#tion) 2017:1. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138210264* Haas, Michael Racial Harmony Is Achievable: Lessons from the ★印はお薦めタイトル &@>&&?~@!+X~; ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138204461* ★ Higashi, Daisaku Challenges of Constructing Legitimacy in Peacebuilding: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sierra Leone, and East Timor (Global Institutions) 2016:9., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138239852* Kivimäki, Timo Paradigms of Peace: A Pragmatist Introduction to the Contribution to Peace of Paradigms of Social Science 2016:9. 268 p. (Imperial College Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781783269433* IS ISの起源 : 中東の思想 ・ 戦術 ・ 知覚 Mabon, Simon/Royle, Stephen The Origins of ISIS: Ideology, Tactics and Perception in the Middle East 2016:12. 256 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781784536961* Özerdem, Alpaslan/Thiessen, Chuck/Qassoum, *#; % : The Dynamics of Peace and Justice under Occu&~@%&#& & Resolution) 2016:12. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138666535* Porter, Holly After Rape: Violence, Justice, and Social Harmony in Uganda (International African Library, Vol. 53) 2016:12. 288 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107180048* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 201 政治学 》国際関係論 Puumala, Eeva Asylum Seekers, Sovereignty, and the Senses of the International: A Politico-corporeal Struggle (Interventions) 2016:12. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics) 2016:11. 229 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107156791* アジア太平洋 *9781138944886* 東アジア Rubenstein, Richard E. : How Violent Systems Can Be Transformed (Routledge Studies in &~#&;?~ledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138956322* Cole, J. Michael `: The #&~@~#\{& Series) 2016:9. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138956339* *9781138696235* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138696242* 比較政治 台湾の馬英九による社会運動 : ワイルドストロベリー運動からヒマワリ運動まで ★ 真柄秀子編 新たな民主的資本主義下での政策の変化 Magara, Hideko (ed.) Policy Change under New Democratic Capitalism (Routledge Research in Comparative Politics) 2016:12. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138204409* アラブ世界における民主的移行 Makdisi, Samir/Elbadawi, Ibrahim (eds.) Democratic Transitions in the Arab World 2016:11. 304 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107164208* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316615782* Yashar, Deborah J./Bermeo, Nancy (eds.) Parties, Movements, and Democracy in the Developing World 202 Fell, Dafydd (ed.) Taiwan’s Social Movements under Ma Yingjeou_>\=&%&#\%# (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series) 2017:2. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138675674* Han, Enze Contestation and Adaptation: The Politics of National Identity in China 2016:8. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190624019* Lin, Francis Chia-Hui Heteroglossic Asia: The Transformation of Urban Taiwan 2016:8. 186 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138217003* Ping, Xiaojuan/Lim, Tai Wei Tycoons in Hong Kong: Between Occupy Central and Beijing 2016:9. 244 p. (Imperial College Press, GBR) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》アジア太平洋 ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781783269792* 現代の中国の重要な問題 : 統一性 ・ 安定性 ・ 発展 第2版 Tubilewicz, Czeslaw (ed.) Critical Issues in Contemporary China: Unity, Stability and Development, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138917347* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Basu, Rumki/Rahman, M. Shamsur (eds.) Governance in South Asia 2016:11. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138227897* Chaube, Shibani Kinkar The Idea of Nation and its Future in India 2016:10. 368 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138209671* *9781138917354* 南アジア 中 東 Andrews, C. F./Mookerjee, Girija The Rise and Growth of the Congress in India (Routledge Revivals) 2016:8. 305 p., Originally published in 1938 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138222083* Abdo, Geneive The New Sectarianism: The Arab Uprisings and \~&\\%\&%&&& (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190233143* Routledge ྡⴭ้ྀ᭩䠖 䜲䝇䝷䝮ᩍ䚸ᅜᐙ䛸♫㻌 7 ᕳ Routledge Library Editions: Islam, State and Society 2016ᖺ 11᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 7 Vols., 1,454 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-23270-9..................... STP 550.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥112,934 / ≉౯ ¥90,347 + ⛯ *9781138232709* ࡇࡢࢭࢵࢺ㘓ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ 7 ᕳࡣࠊึ∧ࡀ 1923 ᖺࡽ 1987 ᖺࡢ㛫ฟ∧ࡉ ࢀࠊࢫ࣒ࣛୡ⏺ࡢἲᚊࡸᨻࠊ⛉Ꮫ㛤Ⓨᑐࡍࡿࢫ࣒ࣛᩍࡢᙳ㡪ࡘ࠸࡚ㄪ ᰝࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏࢭࢵࢺࡣࠊࢫ࣒ࣛᩍ◊✲୰ᮾ◊✲ࡢ࠸ࡎࢀࡢศ㔝ࢆᑓᨷࡍ ࡿᏛ⏕ࡗ࡚⯆ࢆࡦࡃࡶࡢ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 203 政治学 》中 東 Alaranta, Toni Contemporary Kemalism: From Universal SecularHumanism to Extreme Turkish Nationalism (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics) 2016:10. 160 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138282506* Brown, Nathan J. Arguing Islam after the Revival of Arab Politics 2016:11. 312 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Ferabolli, Silvia Arab Regionalism: A Post-Structural Perspective 2016:10. 220 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138282476* Hajj, Nadya Protection Amid Chaos: The Creation of Property Rights in Palestinian Refugee Camps 2016:12. 208 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231180627* Wimmen, Heiko/Asseburg, Muriel (eds.) Dynamics of Transformation, Elite Change and New Social Mobilization: Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen (Routledge Studies in Mediterranean Politics) 2017:1. 210 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138655836* ロシア・東欧 Grgic, Gorana # * : Comparative Experience of the Former Soviet and Yugoslav Regions (Routledge Studies in Federalism and Decentralization) 2016:12. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) 204 ロシアにおけるスピーチの自由 : ゴルバチョフからプーチンまでの政治とメディア Skillen, Daphne Freedom of Speech in Russia: Politics and Media from Gorbachev to Putin (BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies) 2016:11. 416 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138787667* ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) アラブ地方主義 *9781138682429* *9780190619428* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Beers, Laura Red Ellen: The Life of Ellen Wilkinson, Socialist, Feminist, Internationalist 2016:10. 470 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674971523* Bergmann, Eirikur Nordic Nationalism and Right Wing Populist Politics: Imperial Relationships and National Sentiments 2016:11. 190 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137567024* Bermant, Azriel Margaret Thatcher and the Middle East 2016:11. 274 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107151949* イギリスにおけるアンチファシズム 第 2 版 Copsey, Nigel Anti-Fascism in Britain, 2nd ed. (Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right) 2016:11. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138926493* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138926509* *9781138238176* Davor, Jancic (ed.) National Parliaments after the Lisbon Treaty and the Euro Crisis (Oxford Studies in European Law) 2017:2. 264 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198791621* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Garcia, David/Pacheco Pardo, Ramon (eds.) Contemporary Spanish Foreign Policy (Routledge Advances in European Politics) 2016:9. 186 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) Geddes, Andrew/Scholten, Peter The Politics of Migration and Immigration in Europe 2016:8. 288 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781849204675* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781849204682* 䝶䞊䝻䝑䝟㐃ྜ䛾እᨻ⟇㻌 4 ᕳ Foreign Policy of the European Union (Series: SAGE Library of International Relations) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04003S0414䛇 Edited by Ben Tonra, University College Dublin, IRL, Richard G. Whitman, University of Kent, UK and Alasdair Young, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,356 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4739-3025-4 ண⣙౯ (2016/12/16 ࡲ࡛) STP 675.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥138,601 / ≉౯ ¥110,880 + ⛯ ୖグ௨㝆 STP 745.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥152,974 / ≉౯ ¥122,379 + ⛯ *9781473930254* ࣮ࣚࣟࢵࣃ㐃ྜࡢᅜ㝿ⓗ࡞ࢡࢱ࣮ࡋ࡚ࡢ㔜せᛶࡣ࠸ࡃࡘࡢࢆᇶ♏ࡋ࡚࠸ ࡲࡍࠋᐇドୖ࡛ࡣࠊ㐃ྜࡢ⠊ᅖࠊどⅬཬࡧつᶍࡀࠊศᯒᩥ⬦ࡀᚲせ࡞ᨻࠊእࠊ ⤒῭ࠊ㈠᫆ཬࡧຓ㛵ࡋ࡚ࠊ࣮ࣚࣟࢵࣃ㐃ྜୡ⏺ࡢ୰࡛ࡢࣉࣞࢮࣥࢫࢆ࠼࡚࠸ ࡲࡍࠋ⌮ㄽୖ࡛ࡣࠊ㐃ྜࡣᡃࠎࡀࡇࢀࡲ࡛ぢࡓࡇࡀ࡞࠸Ẹ⩏ⓗࠊከᅜᐙ࣭ከᅜ⡠ ࡼࡿᨻᙧែࡢ㠀ᖖ⯆῝࠸ᐇ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣせ࡞Ꮫ⾡ⓗ࡞㆟ㄽࢆᙧసࡗࡓᇶ♏ⓗ࡞ㄽᩥࢆᥦ౪ࡍࡿࡶࠊࡑࡢࡢࡼ ࡾᣮᡓⓗ࡞ㄽᩥࡶ⤂ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࠙ྛᕳ⤂ࠚ ➨ ᕳ㸸ᇶ♏ࢹࢨࣥ ➨ ᕳ㸸ᅜ㝿ᨻ⤒῭Ꮫ ➨ ᕳ㸸せ࡞እᨻ⟇ ➨ ᕳ㸸ᢈุⓗᅜ㝿㛵ಀㄽ (Sage Pub., GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 205 政治学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) 北欧の国々と欧州連合の関係 : 未だに " 他の "ヨーロッ パだろうか ? Grøn, Caroline Howard/Nedergaard, Peter/Wivel, Anders (eds.) The Nordic Countries and the European Union: %&\\ >>&, New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138238381* 欧州近隣政策の理論化 Gstöhl, Sieglinde/Schunz, Simon (eds.) Theorizing the European Neighbourhood Policy (Routledge Studies in European Foreign Policy) 2016:12. 336 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138204799* Hindess, Barry (ed.) Parliamentary Democracy and Socialist Politics (Routledge Revivals) 2016:11. 162 p., Originally published in 1983 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138281776* ヨーロッパの未来の再構成 : 挑戦と失敗 Jensen, Jody/Miszlivetz, Ferenc (eds.) Reframing Europe’s Future: Challenges and Failures of the European Construction 2016:9. 268 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138238220* Jensen, Mads Dagnis/Nedergaard, Peter EU Presidencies between Politics and Administration: The Governmentality of the Polish, Danish and Cypriot Trio Presidency in 2011-2012 (Routledge Studies on Government and the European Union) 2016:12. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138914995* Keil, Soeren/Arkan, Zeynep (eds.) The EU and Member State Building: European Foreign Policy in the Western Balkans 2016:9. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Laski, Harold J. : The House of Commons, The Cabinet, The Civil Service (The Works of Harold J. Laski) 2016:9. 222 p., New in Paperback (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138823006* EU 地域の自由 ・ 安全保障 ・ 正義のための戦略研究 Leonard, Sarah/Kaunert, Christian (eds.) Searching for a Strategy for the European Union’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 2017:1. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138212305* Martin, Christopher The UK as a Medium Maritime Power in the 21st Century$@&#&# (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137012364* Scicluna, Nicole European Union Constitutionalism in Crisis (Routledge/UACES Contemporary European Studies) 2016:9. 168 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138238237* Song, Xiongwei Policy Implementation of Sure Start in the UK: $#%@#&%&livery 2017:2. 220 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 206 *9781138236608* *9789811017940* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 政治学 》ヨーロッパ(西欧・北欧・南欧) Torres, Miguel Seville: Through the Urban Void (Built Environment City Studies) 2016:9. 142 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138644328* EU の政策変更 : 自由 ・ 安全保障 ・ 正義 Trauner, Florian/Ripoll Servent, Ariadna (eds.) Policy Change in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: How EU Institutions Matter (Routledge Studies on Government and the European Union) 2016:9. 248 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138237742* 南北アメリカ 北 米 Brown, Heath A. Immigrants and Electoral Politics*ganizing in a Time of Demographic Change 2016:11. 232 p. (Cornell U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781501704833* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781501704840* アメリカの例外論者再考 : 外交政策 ・ 人権 ・ 世界秩序 Forsythe, David P./McMahon, Patrice C. American Exceptionalism Reconsidered: US Foreign Policy, Human Rights, and World Order 2016:12. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138956797* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138956827* Ginsberg, Benjamin/Tolbert, Caroline J./Lowi, Theodore J./Weir, Margaret We the People, 11th ed. 2016:12. 760 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780393283631* Goldsmith, William W. Saving Our Cities: A Progressive Plan to Transform Urban America 2016:9. 296 p. (Cornell U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781501704314* Hallett, Brien (ed.) The Powers of the U.S. Congress: Where Constitutional Authority Begins and Ends 2016:10. 330 p. (ABC-Clio, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440843235* Laski, Harold J. (The Works of Harold J. Laski) 2016:9. 370 p., New in Paperback (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138823020* Lien, Pei-Te/Pinderhughes, Dianne M./Hardy-Fanta, Carol/Sierra, Christine Marie Contested Transformation: Race, Gender, and Political Leadership in 21st Century America 2017:1. 486 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780521196437* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9780393283624* *9780521144544* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 207 政治学 》南北アメリカ Lind, Nancy/Rankin, Erik/Harris, Gardenia Today’s Economic Issues: Democrats and Republicans (Across the Aisle) 2016:8. 387 p. (ABC-Clio, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440839368* Molina, Emily Housing America: Issues and Debates (The Metropolis and Modern Life) 2017:1. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138820883* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138820890* Moss, David A. Democracy: A Case Study 2017:2. 690 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674971455* Pacewicz, Josh Partisans and Partners: The Politics of the PostKeynesian Society 2016:11. 392 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226402550* ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780226402697* Roberts, Alasdair Four Crises of Democracy: Representation, Mastery, Discipline, Anticipation 2017:1. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Arias, Enrique Desmond Criminal Enterprises and Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean 2016:11. 303 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107153936* Ferrara, Anita Assessing the Long-Term Impact of Truth Commissions: The Chilean Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Historical Perspective 2016:8. 268 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190459895* *9781138215214* Helmke, Gretchen Institutions on the Edge: The Origins and Consequences of Inter-Branch Crises in Latin America 2016:12. 192 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780521496148* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780521738408* ラテンアメリカにおける民主主義 第 3 版 Smith, Peter/Sells, Cameron Democracy in Latin America, 3rd ed. 2016:7. 416 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 208 *9781440836701* ラテンアメリカ Roydhouse, Marion W. + $ _ # $frage Movement and the Nineteenth Amendment: A Reference Guide (Guides to Historic Events in America) 2016:12. 272 p. (Greenwood, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 民主主義 : ケーススタディ 女性のための投票 : レファレンスガイド *9780190611347* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》社会保障・社会政策 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 社会保障・社会政策 社会発展と社会政策 ワーク ・ ファミリー政策改革 : ドイツとイタリアの事例 Blome, Agnes The Politics of Work-Family Policy Reforms in Germany and Italy (Routledge Studies in the Political Economy of the Welfare State) 2016:11. 288 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138841406* Lessing, Lenette Behind from the Start`>&#= the Poor is Harming Our Most Vulnerable Children 2016:12. 248 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190459031* 若者、 底辺層、 社会的排除 MacDonald, Robert/Macdonald, Robert (eds.) Youth, The ‘Underclass’ and Social Exclusion 2016:8. 244 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138177567* 中国の新たな公的健康保険 Müller, Armin China’s New Public Health Insurance: Challenges to Health Reforms and the New Rural Co-operative Medical System (China Policy Series) 2016:11. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138639065* Yang, Jingqing Informal Payments and Regulations in China’s Healthcare System: Red Packets and Institutional Reform 2016:10. 265 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, SGP) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811021091* ★印はお薦めタイトル Yang, Lijun/Qi, Dongtao (eds.) Social Development and Social Policy: International &# \&#~> =%&&*!%+; ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789814730969* 社会福祉 Baobaid, Mohammed/Ashbourne, Lynda M. Enhancing Culturally Integrative Family Safety Response in Muslim Communities 2016:10. 130 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138948730* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138948747* Bolt, David (ed.) Changing Social Attitudes toward Disability: Perspectives from Historical, Cultural, and Educational Studies 2016:8. 190 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138216051* Callahan, Ann M. Spirituality and Hospice Social Work 2017:2. 240 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231171724* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231171731* ★ 精神疾患の社会学 第 10 版 Cockerham, William C. Sociology of Mental Disorder, 10th ed. 2016:9. 432 p. (Routledge, GBR) Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 209 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》社会福祉 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138668393* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138668409* de Mönnink, Herman The Social Workers’ Toolbox: Sustainable Multimethod Social Work 2017:2. 504 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138934337* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138934344* ソーシャルワーク研究および評価 Depoy, Elizabeth G./Gilson, Stephen F. Social Work Research and Evaluation: Examined Practice for Action 2016:9. 344 p. (Pine Forge Press, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781452259642* 障害者とソーシャル ・ メディア:グローバルな視点 Ellis, Katie/Kent, Mike Disability and Social Media: Global Perspectives (Interdisciplinary Disability Studies) 2016:11. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472458452* Fairtlough, Anna Professional Leadership for Social Work Practitioners and Educators 2016:11. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138220157* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472467539* Garvía, Roberto Organizing the Blind: The Case of ONCE in Spain (Interdisciplinary Disability Studies) 2016:11. 130 p. (Routledge, GBR) 210 *9781472474247* Harris, John (Against) Neo-liberal Social Work 2017:2. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138829411* 英国メンタル ・ ヘルス法マニュアル 第 19 版 Jones, Richard Mental Health Act Manual, 19th ed. 2016:9. (Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9780414057487* Karp, David A. Speaking of Sadness: Depression, Disconnection, and the Meanings of Illness 2016:12. 424 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190260965* Keen, Steven/Parker, Jonathan/Brown, Keith/ Galpin, Di (eds.) @ `[~ $} : A Practice Guide to the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment, 3rd ed. 2016:8. 248 p. (Learning Matters, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473977969* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473977976* Manchaiah, Vinaya/Danermark, Berth (eds.) The Experience of Hearing Loss: Journey Through Aural Rehabilitation 2016:12. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138642201* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138642225* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》社会福祉 Monach, James H. Childless: No Choice: The Experience of Involuntary Childlessness 2016:7. 288 p., Originally published in 1993 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138970335* Peters, Fiona Fostering Mixed Race Children: Everyday Experiences of Foster Care 2016:10. 203 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137541833* Randles, Jennifer M. Proposing Prosperity?: Marriage Education Policy and Inequality in America 2016:12. 288 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231170307* Sukkar, Hanan/Dunst, Carl J./Kirkby, Jane (eds.) Early Childhood Intervention: Working with Families of Young Children with Special Needs (Evolving Families) 2016:12. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 アメリカにおける知的障害の歴史 Trent, James Inventing the Feeble Mind: A History of Intellectual Disability in the United States 2016:12. 392 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199396184* Vittersø, Joar (ed.) Handbook of Eudaimonic Well-Being (International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life) 2016:10. 600 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 保健・医療 ヘルスケアにおけるネットワーク : 複雑な関係の管理 Anderson-Wallace, Murray/Malby, Becky Networks in Health Care: Managing Complex Relationships 2016:9. 200 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781786352842* Babar, Zaheer-Ud-Din Economic Evaluation of Pharmacy Services 2016:12. 218 p. (Academic Pr., NLD) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780128036594* 健康の社会学理解 : 入門 第 4 版 Barry, Anne-Marie/Yuill, Chris Understanding the Sociology of Health: An Introduction, 4th ed. 2016:9. 400 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473929456* *9781138918511* See also Weaver, Hilary N., All My Relations, Routledge .................................................................. p232 , 1904 *9783319424439* ★印はお薦めタイトル ★ 健康の格差入門 : コンセプト ・ 理論 ・ メソッド 第 2 版 Bartley, Mel Health Inequality: An Introduction to Concepts, Theories and Methods, 2nd ed. 2016:11. 264 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745691091* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745691107* Bronstein, Janet M. Preterm Birth in the United States: A Sociocultural Approach 2016:9. 250 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319327136* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 211 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》保健・医療 බ⾗⾨⏕◊✲ࡢ⥲ྜⓒ⛉ࠊ ᖺࡪࡾࡢᨵ∧㸟㸟 බ⾗⾨⏕ᅜ㝿ⓒ⛉ ➨ 2 ∧ 7 ᕳ International Encyclopedia of Public Health, 2nd ed. Edited by Chief: Stella R. Quah, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, SGP 2016ᖺ 11᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 7 Vols., 4,394 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-0-12-803678-5 ண⣙౯ (2017/02/13 ࡲ࡛) USD 2,560.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥392,985 / ≉౯ ¥314,388+⛯ ୖグ௨㝆 USD 3,200.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥491,232 / ≉౯ ¥392,985 +⛯ *9780128036785* ᮏⓒ⛉ࡣࠊ⌧௦ࡢබ⾗⾨⏕㛵ࢃࡿせㄢ㢟ᣮᡓࠊ ゎỴἲࢆࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ࡞どⅬ࡛࢞ࢻࡍࡿ⥲ྜࣞࣇࣞࣥࢫ࡛ ࡍࠋ᪂∧࡛ࡣࠊ⏕≀་Ꮫⓗ◊✲♫ཬࡧ⏕⛉Ꮫࢆ⤖ࡧ ࡘࡅࡓᏛ㝿ⓗ࡞ࣉ࣮ࣟࢳ࡛ࠊබ⾗⾨⏕◊✲ࡢせࢸ࣮࣐࡛ ࠶ࡿ͆Diseases͇͆Health Process ͆Disciplines͇ࡘ࠸࡚ ゝཬࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋබ⾗⾨⏕Ꮫࠊಖ⾨⏕Ꮫࠊ⾜ᨻᶵ㛵ࡢᏛ ⏕ࠊ◊✲⪅ࠊᑓ㛛ᐙࡗ࡚ྍḞ࡞ⓒ⛉࡛ࡍࠋ 9 බ⾗⾨⏕ศ㔝ࡢࣞࣇࣞࣥࢫࡋ࡚ࠊ᭱ࡶ͆ໟᣓⓗ͇͆ࣁ͇ࣞ࣋ࣝ͆ࢢ࣮ࣟࣂ ͇ࣝ࡞ෆᐜ 9 Ꮫ㝿ⓗཬࡧ⥲ྜⓗ࡞ࣉ࣮ࣟࢳ࡛ࠊᐇᆅ࡛ࡢၥ㢟ゎỴ᭷⏝ 9 ࣊ࣝࢫࣉ࣮ࣟࣔࢩࣙࣥࠊ⤒῭ᏛࠊᏛ࠸ࡗࡓࢸ࣮࣐ࡣㄽࠊ≉ᐃᝈࡢヲ⣽ 㸦㸸ࡀࢇࠊᚠ⎔ჾᝈࠊ⢾ᒀࠊ⏕Ṫ་⒪࡞㸧ࡽ♫ಖ㝤⾜ᨻࡲ࡛ࠊබ⾗ ⾨⏕ศ㔝ࡢ㡿ᇦࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ 9 බ⾗⾨⏕ࡢṔྐࠊᆅ⌫つᶍࡢㄢ㢟ࠊ᭱ඃඛㄢ㢟ࠊᗣேᶒࡘ࠸࡚ࡶ࢝ࣂ࣮ (Academic Pr., USA) 212 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》保健・医療 中国の医療制度とその改革 Burns, Lawton Robert/Liu, Gordon G. (eds.) China’s Healthcare System and Reform 2017:2. 420 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107164598* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316616468* Fitzgerald, Gerry/Tarrant, Michael/Aitken, Peter/ Fredriksen, Marie (eds.) Disaster Health Management: A Primer for Students and Practitioners 2016:9. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138911161* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138911185* Hann, Alison Applied Public Health Ethics: Making Ethical Decisions 2016:11. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138850538* බ⾗⾨⏕㻌 4 ᕳ Public Health (Series: SAGE Library of Health and Social Welfare) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04010S0154䛇 Edited by Karen Newbigging, University of Birmingham, UK and Chris Heginbotham, University of Central Lancashire, UK 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 900 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-4739-2504-5 ண⣙౯ (2016/12/16 ࡲ࡛) STP 600.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥123,201 / ≉౯ ¥98,560 +⛯ ୖグ௨㝆 STP 645.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥132,441 / ≉౯ ¥105,952+⛯ *9781473925045* බ⾗⾨⏕ࡣᗈ࡞Ꮫ⾡ศ㔝࡛࠶ࡾࠊබ⾗⾨⏕ࡢ࢟ࣕࣜࡸ◊✲ࢆᑓᨷࡋ ࡚࠸ࡿேྥࡅࡓ≉ᐃࡢබ⾗⾨⏕ࢥ࣮ࢫࡽࠊ┳ㆤᖌࡸ་ᖌࠊࡑࡢࡢಖ ᑓ㛛ᐙࡢ㈨᱁ྲྀᚓ㈨᱁ྲྀᚓᚋࡲ࡛ᗈ⠊࡞ศ㔝ࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ 4 ᕳᵓᡂࡢᮏ᭩ࡣࢸ࣮࣐ࡈࣉ࣮ࣟࢳࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ௨ୗࡢࢸ࣮࣐ࡘ ࠸࡚ࡢ㔜せ࡞ㄽᩥࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭බ⾗⾨⏕㛵ࡍࡿ⌮ㄽᨻ⟇ ࣭⏕ែᏛⓗ࣭ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ⓗࣉ࣮ࣟࢳ ࣭Ꮫ ࣭ᅜ㝿ⓗᩥ⬦ ࣭⎔ቃⓗබ⾗⾨⏕ ᮏ᭩ࡣẚ㍑◊✲ࡢᡭἲࢆࡿࡇࡼࡾṔྐⓗ࣭ᅜ㝿ⓗ୧᪉ࡢどⅬ࡛ࡇࡢ㠀ᖖ㔜せ ࡞ศ㔝ࢆ⪃ᐹࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Sage Pub., GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 213 社会保障・社会福祉・社会政策 》保健・医療 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138850576* Hasnain, Memoona/Parikh, Punam/Chaudhary Nagaraj, Nitasha (eds.) Health of South Asians in the United States: An Evidence-Based Guide for Policy and Program Development 2016:12. 256 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781498798426* Hoff, Timothy J./Sutcliffe, Kathleen M./Young, Gary J. The Healthcare Professional Workforce: The Healthcare Professional Workforce 2016:9. 224 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190215651* 21 世紀の応用人口統計と公衆衛生 Hoque, Nazrul/Pecotte, Beverly/McGehee, Mary A. (eds.) Applied Demography and Public Health in the 21st Century (Applied Demography Series, Vol. 8) 2016:9. 486 p (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319436869* 社会理論と看護 Lipscomb, Martin (ed.) Social Theory and Nursing (Routledge Key Themes in Health and Society) 2016:12. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138186071* Rieder, Travis N. Toward a Small Family Ethic: How Overpopulation and Climate Change Are Affecting the Morality of Procreation (SpringerBriefs in Public Health) 2016:7. 68 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) 214 *9783319338699* アメリカにおける南アジア人の健康 ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 Vonderembse, Mark A./Dobrzykowski, David D. A Healthcare Solution: A Patient-Centered, Resource Management Perspective (Resource Management) 2016:10. 311 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781498758758* アフリカの都市におけるエイズと男性性 Wyrod, Robert AIDS and Masculinity in the African City: Privilege, Inequality, and Modern Manhood 2016:7. 304 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520286689* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520286696* See also Králová, Jana, Social Death, Routledge .................................................................... p34 , 0293 Dorrian, Jill, Health Psychology in Australia, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p110 , 0877 Calnan, Nuala, A Lifecycle Approach to Knowledge Excellence in the Pharmaceutical Industry, CRC Press ................................p141 , 1139 Smith, Melanie, The Routledge Handbook of Health Tourism, Routledge .....................p157 , 1293 Devine, Karen, The Umbilical Cord Blood Controversies in Medical Law, Routledge ...................................................................p181 , 1485 Heil, Reinhard, Epigenetics, Springer Verlag ...................................................................p181 , 1486 Skene, Loane, Persons, Parts and Property, Hart Publishing Ltd. ..........................................p181 , 1487 Walsh-Childers, Kim, Mass Media and Health, Routledge.................................................. p223 , 1838 Winne, Mark, Stand Together or Starve Alone, F.A. Praeger, Inc. .............................................p258 , 2129 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》社会学一般 社会学 社会学一般 Halman, Loek/Sieben, Inge/Luijkx, Ruud/Brislinger, Evelyn/Quandt, Markus European Values in Numbers: Trends and Traditions at the Turn of the Century (European Values Studies, Vol. 16) 2016:11. 300 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004328433* 社会学理論・学説史・社会思想 Allan, Kenneth/Daynes, Sarah Explorations in Classical Sociological Theory: Seeing the Social World, 4th ed. 2016:12. 376 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781483356693* 個人の社会学:個人と社会の関係 Chalari, Athanasia Sociology of the Individual: Relating Self and Society 2016:12. 208 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446272046* 人間とは何か Evans, John H. What Is a Human?: What the Answers Mean for Human Rights 2016:8. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781349739028* 発展の社会学ハンドブック Hooks, Gregory The Sociology of Development Handbook 2016:9. 682 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520277786* at the Collège de France) 2016:11. 332 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9780190608071* Foucault, Michel Ewald, François/Fontana, Alessandro/Gros, Frédéric (eds.) Subjectivity and Truth: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1980-1981 (Michel Foucault, Lectures ★印はお薦めタイトル Hui, Allison/Schatzki, Theodore R./Shove, Elizabeth (eds.) The Nexus of Practice: Connections, Constellations and Practitioners 2016:12. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138675148* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138675155* Kalekin-Fishman, Devorah Practicing Social Science: Sociologists and their Craft (Public Intellectuals and the Sociology of Knowledge) 2016:12. 328 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472419880* 社会理論のためのメソッド Karlsson, Jan Ch./Bergman, Ann Methods for Social Theory: Analytical Tools for Theorizing and Writing 2016:12. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472472816* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472472847* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 215 社会学 》社会学理論・学説史・社会思想 Kemper, Theodore D. Elementary Forms of Social Relations: Status, Power and Reference Groups (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought) 2016:9. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138696518* Lundskow, George/Langman, Lauren God, Guns, Gold and Glory: American Character and Its Discontents (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Vol. 93) 2016:10. 428 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004323391* Meer, Nasar (ed.) Islam and Modernity (Critical Concepts in Sociology) 2016:12. 1,627 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138930827* Murray, Patrick The Mismeasure of Wealth: Essays on Marx and Social Form (Historical Materialism Book, Vol. 126) 2016:9. 524 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004231016* Musolf, Gil Richard (ed.) The Astructural Bias Charge\~& (Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol. 46) 2016:7. 250 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786350367* Schneider, Christopher J./Kotarba, Joseph A. (eds.) Symbolic Interactionist Takes on Music (Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol. 47) 2016:9. 250 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) 216 *9781786350480* Sohlberg, Peter/Leiulfsrud, Håkon (eds.) Theory in Action: Theoretical Constructionism (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Vol. 91) 2016:10. 212 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004314177* Tsilimpounidi, Myrto Sociology of Crisis: Visualising Urban Austerity (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2016:10. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138839915* イスラムと近代性 ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 速度の社会学 : デジタル的 ・ 組織的 ・ 社会的一時性 Wajcman, Judy/Dodd, Nigel (eds.) The Sociology of Speed: Digital, Organizational, and Social Temporalities 2016:12. 240 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198782858* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198782865* See also Bicchieri, Cristina, Norms in the Wild, Oxford U.P., New York .....................................................p15 , 0121 Thomas, Alan, Republic of Equals, Oxford U.P., New York .....................................................p16 , 0124 Kevern, Peter, Religion in an Ageing Society, Routledge.................................................... p25 , 0216 Murre-Van Den Berg, H. L., Modernity, Minority, and the Public Sphere, Brill Academic Publishers .....................................................................p25 , 0217 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》社会学研究法・社会調査法 社会学研究法・社会調査法 Blaikie, Norman/Priest, Jan Social Research: Paradigms in Action 2016:12. 256 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745671840* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781138977266* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780745671857* Schrauf, Robert Mixed Methods: Interviews, Surveys, and CrossCultural Comparisons 2017:1. 280 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107147126* 社会構造・社会変動 Decuir-Gunby, Jessica T./Schutz, Paul A. Developing a Mixed Methods Proposal: A Practical Guide for Beginning Researchers (Mixed Methods Research, Vol. 5) 2016:11. 264 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781483365787* 研究のための児童および若者へのインタビュー Dogra, Nisha/O'Reilly, Michelle Interviewing Children and Young People for Research 2016:12. 240 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473914520* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473914537* Heng, Terence Visual Methods in the Field: Photography for the Social Sciences 2016:11. 280 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Grow, André/van Bavel, Jan (eds.) Agent-Based Modelling in Population Studies: Concepts, Methods, and Applications (The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, Vol. 41) 2016:8. 457 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319322810* 社会組織・社会集団 ネットワークにおける文化 McLean, Paul Culture in Networks (Cultural Sociology) 2016:11. 264 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745687162* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745687179* *9781138810327* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138810334* McCarthy, Ronald M./Sharp, Gene/Bennett, Brad Nonviolent Action: A Research Guide 2016:7. 758 p., Originally published in 1997 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル 階級・社会階層・社会移動 Bronstein, Jamie L. Two Nations, Indivisible: A History of Inequality in America 2016:10. 223 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440838286* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 217 社会学 》階級・社会階層・社会移動 グラシムの常識 Crehan, Kate Gramsci’s Common Sense: Inequality and Its Narratives 2016:10. 240 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780822362197* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780822362395* Ni Laoire, Caitriona/White, Allen/Skelton, Tracey (eds.) Movement, Mobilities, and Journeys (Geographies of Children and Young People, Vol. 6) 2016:8. 433 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789812870285* 社会問題・社会運動 Boels, Dominique The Informal Economy: Seasonal Work, Street Selling and Sex Work 2016:10. 300 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319431222* 現代の若者の行動主義 : アメリカでの社会正義の前進 Conner, Jerusha O./Rosen, Sonia M. (eds.) Contemporary Youth Activism: Advancing Social Justice in the United States 2016:9. 395 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440842122* Fassin, Didier Prison Worlds: An Ethnography of the Carceral Condition 2016:11. 400 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781509507542* Gonen, Zeynep The Politics of Crime in Turkey: Neoliberalism, Police and the Urban Poor 2016:9. 256 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781784535438* Hancock, Landon E. (ed.) Narratives of Identity in Social Movements, (Research in Social Move>#! &# \@!; (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786350787* 性的暴力と若者のスポーツ : 社会文化的分析 Hartill, Michael J. Sexual Abuse in Youth Sport: A Sociocultural Analysis (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society) 2016:8. 234 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138848504* Husso, Marita/Virkki, Tuija/Notko, Marianne/ Hirvonen, Helena/Eilola, Jari (eds.) Interpersonal Violence: Differences and Connections (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2016:11. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138644915* Murray, Christine E./Crowe, Allison Overcoming the Stigma of Intimate Partner Abuse 2016:11. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138121317* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138121324* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 218 *9781509507559* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》社会問題・社会運動 都市と移民の権利運動 : アメリカ ・ フランス ・ オランダの事例 1970 年 - 2015 年 Nicholls, Walter J./Uitermark, Justus Cities and Social Movements: Immigrant Rights Activism in the US, France, and the Netherlands, 1970-2015 (Studies in Urban and Social Change) 2016:12. 296 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118750650* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118750667* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138642331* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138642348* See also Porter, Holly, After Rape, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................. p201 , 1659 Fell, Dafydd, Taiwan's Social Movements under Ma Ying-jeou, Routledge ....................... p202 , 1666 Arias, Enrique Desmond, Criminal Enterprises and Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean, Cambridge U.P. ....................p208 , 1715 インドにおける社会運動と国家 Nielsen, Kenneth/Nilsen, Alf (eds.) Social Movements and the State in India: Deepen&@>~\&^&@ &ment Series) 2016:11. 260 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137591326* 社会理論と社会運動 Roose, Jochen/Dietz, Hella (eds.) Social Theory and Social Movements: Mutual Inspirations 2016:9. 173 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658133801* Soyer, Michaela A Dream Denied: Incarceration, Recidivism, and Young Minority Men in America 2016:7. 160 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520290440* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520290457* 家族内暴力 : 法的、 医療的、 社会的視点 第 8 版 Wallace, Paul Harvey/Roberson, Cliff Family Violence: Legal, Medical, and Social Perspectives, 8th ed. 2016:8. 500 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル 家族・世代 ★ 児童と青年と発展 第 2 版 Ansell, Nicola Children, Youth and Development, 2nd ed. (Routledge Perspectives on Development) 2016:8. 530 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415617192* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415617208* Gianesini, Giovanna/Lee Blair, Sampson (eds.) Divorce, Separation, and Remarriage: The Transformation of Family (Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, Vol. 10) 2016:9. 500 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786352309* 中国の家族 Jankowiak, William R./Moore, Robert L. Family Life in China (China Today) 2016:11. 232 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745685540* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745685557* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 219 社会学 》家族・世代 都市・地域・農村 Liu, Edgar/Easthope, Hazel Multigenerational Family Living: Evidence and Policy Implications from Australia (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2016:11. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472476692* Murray, Lesley/Robertson, Sue Intergenerational Mobilities: Relationality, Age and Lifecourse 2016:10. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472458766* オーストラリアにおけるエイジング : 挑戦と機会 $@\&!X&@! &@!#; Ageing in Australia: Challenges and Opportunities (International Perspectives on Aging, Vol. 16) 2016:11. 315 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781493964642* ~&!%>&\X>*!&_ From Intercountry Adoption to Global Surrogacy: A Human Rights History and New Fertility Frontiers 2017:1. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472448859* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138242630* See also Randles, Jennifer M., Proposing Prosperity?, Columbia U.P. ........................................... p211 , 1741 Bolay, Jean-Claude/Chenal, Jérome/Pedrazzini, Yves (eds.) Learning from the Slums for the Development of Emerging Cities (GeoJournal Library, Vol. 119) 2016:8. 243 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Boudreau, Julie-Anne Global Urban Politics (Urban Futures) 2017:1. 248 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745685502* Christensen, Pia/Kraftl, Peter/Horton, John/ *&!%\& Children Living in Sustainable Built Environments: New Urbanisms, New Citizens 2016:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138809390* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138809406* Sagalyn, Lynne Power at Ground Zero: Politics, Money, and the Remaking of Lower Manhattan 2016:9. 928 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Paule, Michele, Girlhood, Schools, and Media, Routledge...................................................p233 , 1918 *9780190607029* Seligman, Amanda Chicago’s Block Clubs: How Neighbors Shape the City 2016:9. 312 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 220 *9780745685496* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Ni Laoire, Caitriona, Movement, Mobilities, and Journeys, Springer Singapore .................p218 , 1788 Besen-Cassino, Yasemin, Education and Youth Today, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. .................................................................. p236 , 1946 *9783319317922* *9780226385716* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》都市・地域・農村 ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780226385853* 新たな中国でのアーバンビレッジ : 深セン市の事例 Wang, Da Wei David Urban Villages in the New China: Case of Shenzhen 2016:10. 288 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137504258* Wulfhorst, Gebhard/Klug, Stefan (eds.) Sustainable Mobility in Metropolitan Regions: Insights from Interdisciplinary Research for Practice Application (Studien zur Mobilitäts- und Verkehrsforschung) 2016:9. 224 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658144272* Zhang, Han China’s Local Entrepreneurial State and New Urban Spaces: Downtown Redevelopment in Ningbo (New Perspectives on Chinese Politics and Society) 2016:9. 297 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137599025* See also Mould, Oli, Urban Subversion and the Creative City, Routledge ..........................................p63 , 0568 産業・労働 *9781501702419* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781501702426* ワーク ・ ファミリーバランス : 中東と北アフリカの事例 Mehdizadeh, Narjes Work and Family Balance in the Middle East and North Africa 2016:12. 224 p. (The Policy Press University of Bristol, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781447310440* ~\©!{# Precarity and Loss: On Certain and Uncertain Properties of Life and Work (Prekarisierung und soziale Entkopplung - transdisziplinäre Studien) 2016:10. 180 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783658134143* メディア・情報 Cianci, Philip J. $}` Content Distribution: Infrastructure Implementation Strategies for Converged Production 2016:7. 346 p., First published in 2009 (Focal Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138145733* 労働と学習 Abebe, Tatek/Waters, Johanna/Skelton, Tracey (eds.) Labouring and Learning (Geographies of Children and Young People, Vol. 10) 2017:2. 500 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9789812870315* Ikeler, Peter Hard Sell: Work and Resistance in Retail Chains 2016:9. 240 p. (Cornell U.P., USA) ★印はお薦めタイトル Derhy Kurtz, Benjamin W. L./Bourdaa, Mélanie (eds.) The Rise of Transtexts: Challenges and Opportunities (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies) 2016:9. 262 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138944671* ★ メディア ・ 文化 ・ 社会 : 入門 第 2 版 Hodkinson, Paul Media, Culture and Society: An Introduction, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 344 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 221 社会学 》メディア・情報 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473902367* メディア・ジャーナリズム 21 世紀のアメリカ政治詳説 全 2 巻 Banville, Lee M. Covering American Politics in the 21st Century: An Encyclopedia of News Media Titans, Trends, and Controversies 2016:12. 2 Vols., 788 p. (ABC-Clio, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440835520* アフリカにおけるタブロイド ・ ジャーナリズム Chama, Brian Tabloid Journalism in Africa 2017:2. 270 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319417356* 24 時間放送のニュースの未来 : 新たな方向性と挑戦 Cushion, Stephen/Sambrook, Richard (eds.) The Future of 24-Hour News: New Directions, New Challenges 2016:7. 349 p. (Peter Lang, CHE) ,6%1+DUG6)5 通常価 税 *9781433130472* ,6%13DSHU6)5 通常価 税 *9781433130465* Giannachi, Gabriella Archive Everything: Mapping the Everyday 2016:10. 248 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262035293* Hamilton, James T. Democracy’s Detectives: The Economics of Investigative Journalism 2016:10. 354 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 222 中東を報道する:21世紀のニュースの実態 Harb, Zahera Reporting the Middle East: The Practice of News in the Twenty-First Century 2017:1. 288 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780674545502* *9781784532710* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781784532727* Mcdonnell, Terence Best Laid Plans: Cultural Entropy and the Unraveling of AIDS Media Campaigns 2016:8. 264 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226382012* ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780226382159* イギリスのテレビコメディ産業での創造性 Mills, Brett Creativity in the British Television Comedy Industry 2016:10. 202 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138807211* Mirvish, Dan The Cheerful Subversive’s Guide to Independent Filmmaking: From Preproduction to Festivals and Distribution 2016:8. 240 p. (Focal Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138185135* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138185128* リアリティテレビ必携 Ouellette, Laurie A Companion to Reality Television 2016:12. 560 p. (Wiley, USA) Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》メディア・情報 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781119325192* Peck, Lee Anne/Reel, Guy S. Media Ethics at Work: True Stories from Young Professionals, 2nd ed. 2016:11. 392 p. (Corwin Press, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781506315294* Perebinossoff, Philippe Real-World Media Ethics: Inside the Broadcast and Entertainment Industries, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 320 p. (Focal Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138897953* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138897946* ジャーナリズムと人権 Pollock, John C. (ed.) Journalism and Human Rights: How Demographics Drive Media Coverage 2016:9. 182 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138211445* ジャーナリズムと公共 Ryfe, David M. Journalism and the Public (Key Concepts in Journalism) 2017:1. 224 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745671604* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745671611* マスメディアと健康 Walsh-Childers, Kim Mass Media and Health: Examining Media Impact ★印はお薦めタイトル on Individuals and the Health Environment 2016:11. 588 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138925595* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138925601* Walton, Nicola How to Report Economic News 2017:1. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138933507* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138933514* アフリカにおける日々のメディア文化 : 聴衆と利用者 Willems, Wendy/Mano, Winston (eds.) Everyday Media Culture in Africa: Audiences and Users (Routledge Advances in Internationalizing Media Studies) 2016:12. 280 p., Originally published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138202849* Yorke, Ivor Basic TV Reporting, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 160 p. (Focal Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138145597* Zelizer, Barbie What Journalism Could Be 2016:12. 256 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781509507863* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781509507870* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 223 社会学 》メディア・情報 インターネット・情報社会学 Cermak-Sassenrath, Daniel (ed.) Playful Disruption of Digital Media (Gaming Media and Social Effects) 2017:3. 200 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811018893* de Kosnik, Abigail Rogue Archives: Digital Cultural Memory and Media Fandom 2016:9. 440 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262034661* Freitas, Donna/Smith, Christian The Happiness Effect: How Social Media is Driving a Generation to Appear Perfect at Any Cost 2017:2. 368 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190239855* Goggin, Gerard/McLelland, Mark (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Global Internet Histories 2017:2. 550 p., Originally published in 2012 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138812161* シェアリングの時代 John, Nicholas A. The Age of Sharing 2016:12. 224 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745662503* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 224 *9780745662510* Kerr, Aphra Global Games: Production in the Digital Game Industry 2016:12. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780415858861* *9780415858878* Le Dantec, Christopher A. Designing Publics 2016:9. 168 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 ★ Routledge 版 グローバルインターネットの歴史必携 *9781771885119* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 グローバルゲーム : デジタルゲーム産業の生産 Kapur, Girish Bobby/Bezek, Sarah/Dyal, Jonathan (eds.) Effective Communication during Disasters: Making Use of Technology, Media, and Human Resources 2016:12. 308 p. (Apple Academic Press, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9780262035163* Mack, Steve/Rayburn, Dan Hands-On Guide to Webcasting: Internet Event and AV Production 2016:7. 272 p., First published in 2005 (Focal Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138145986* Petzold, Thomas Global Knowledge Dynamics and Social Technology 2017:2. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319412337* SAGE 版 ソーシャルメディア研究法ハンドブック Quan-Haase, Anabel/Sloan, Luke (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Social Media Research Methods 2016:12. 656 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473916326* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》メディア・情報 オンラインのヘイトと有害なコンテント : 多国間の視点 Räsänen, Pekka/Oksanen, Atte/Näsi, Matti/Keipi, Teo Online Hate and Harmful Content: Cross-National Perspectives (Routledge Research in Information Technology and Society) 2016:12. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138645066* Vlavo, Fidele The Performativity of Digital Activism (Routledge Studies in New Media and Cyberculture) 2017:3. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138911246* Webster, James G. The Marketplace of Attention: How Audiences Take Shape in a Digital Age 2016:9. 280 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262529891* See also Ellis, Katie, Disability and Social Media, Routledge...................................................p210 , 1731 コミュニケーション論 Couldry, Nick/Hepp, Andreas The Mediated Construction of Reality 2016:12. 256 p. (Wiley-Blackwell, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745681306* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781138847958* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138847965* Denham, Bryan E. Categorical Statistics for Communication Research 2016:10. 296 p. (Wiley, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118927106* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781118927090* 戦略的コミュニケーション ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780745681313* Danto, Annette/Hashmi, Mobina/Isabel, Lonnie (eds.) Think/Point/Shoot: Media Ethics, Technology and Global Change 2016:9. 294 p. (Focal Pr., GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル Dudo, Anthony/Kahlor, LeeAnn (eds.) Strategic Communication: New Agendas in Communication (New Agendas in Communication Series) 2016:7. 204 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138184787* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138184794* Marsh, Charles Classical Rhetoric and Modern Public Relations: An Isocratean Model (Routledge Research in Public Relations) 2016:9. 208 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138233829* Routledge 版 メディアの利用とウェルビーイングハンドブック Reinecke, Leonard/Oliver, Mary Beth (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Media Use and WellBeing: International Perspectives on Theory and Research on Positive Media Effects 2016:7. 484 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138886582* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 225 社会学 》科学社会学 科学社会学 Saraiva, Tiago Fascist Pigs{\#&&*@&#>#\ History of Fascism 2016:10. 352 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262035033* カルチュラル・スタディーズ グラフティとストリートアート Avramidis, Konstantinos/Tsilimpounidi, Myrto (eds.) > #: Reading, Writing and Representing the City 2016:11. 312 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472473332* Bennett, Pete/McDougall, Julian (eds.) Popular Culture and the Austerity Myth: Hard Times Today (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies) 2016:11. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138942943* 東南アジアのホラー映画とその先 : ナラティブ ・ 文化 的文脈 ・ 聴衆 Bräunlein, Peter J./Lauser, Andrea (eds.) Ghost Movies in Southeast Asia and Beyond: Narratives, Cultural Contexts, Audiences (Verhandelingen Van Het Koninklijk Instituut Voor Taal-, Land, Vol. 306) 2016:8. 296 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004323407* Brienza, Casey/Johnston, Paddy (eds.) Cultures of Comics Work (Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels) 2016:10. 305 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 226 *9781137554772* Dooley, Patricia L. Freedom of Speech~&#&` Culture 2017:2. 167 p. (Greenwood, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440843396* Gardiner, Michael E./Haladyn, Julian Jason (eds.) Boredom Studies Reader: Frameworks and Perspectives 2016:10. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138927469* Greene, Shane Punk and Revolution: Seven More Interpretations of Peruvian Reality 2016:11. 248 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780822362593* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780822362746* エンターテイメントの価値 Harrington, Stephen (ed.) Entertainment Values: How Do We Assess &>=\# @ Entertainment Industries) 2017:2. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137472892* Holbrook, Morris Music, Movies, Meanings, and Markets: Cinemajazzamatazz (Routledge Interpretive Marketing Research) 2016:7. 408 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138203006* ドイツのパンクの文化 Howes, William Seth/Shahan, Cyrus Martin/Hall, Mirko M. (eds.) Beyond No Future: Cultures of German Punk Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》カルチュラル・スタディーズ 2016:9. 192 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, USA) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781501314087* Mukerji, Chandra Modernity Reimagined: An Analytic Guide 2016:12. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138825338* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138825345* カルチュラル ・ スタディーズ読本 : 分析ガイド Munns, Jessica/Rajan, Gita/Bromley, Roger A Cultural Studies Reader: History, Theory, Practice 2016:8. 704 p., Originally published in 1996 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138175532* カルチュラル ・ スタディーズ読本 : 分析ガイド Sabry, Tarik/Ftouni, Layal Arab Subcultures: Transformations in Theory and Practice 2016:10. 256 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781780769028* Samson, Colin Indigenous Peoples and Colonialism: Global Perspectives 2016:12. 248 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745672519* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745672526* Siamdoust, Nahid/Seyedsayamdost, Nahid Soundtrack of the Revolution: The Politics of Music in Iran (Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and I) 2017:1. 344 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780804792899* Routledge ྡⴭ้ྀ᭩䠖 䜹䝹䝏䝳䝷䝹䞉䝇䝍䝕䜱䞊䝈㻌 7 ᕳ Routledge Library Editions: Cultural Studies 2016ᖺ 9᭶ห⾜, 7 Vols., 6,142 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-69145-2..................... STP 595.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥122,174 / ≉౯ ¥97,739 + ⛯ *9781138691452* ࡇࡢ 7 ᕳᵓᡂࡢࢭࢵࢺࡣ⌧௦ࡢᩥ㛵ࡍࡿᖜᗈ࠸ᛂࢆ࢝ࣂ࣮ࡋࡓ⤯∧ㄽᩥࢆ ฟ∧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࡢᩥ⊩ࡣࠊ⡿ᅜ࣮࢜ࢫࢺࣛࣜࡢ⾗ᩥࡢヲ⣽࡞ศᯒ ࡸ࣓ࢹࢸࣞࣅࠊ࣐ࢡࣟ♫Ꮫࠊ࣓ࢹࠕ⪅ࠖ㛵ࡍࡿ◊✲࡞ࡀྵࡲ ࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ⥲ࡌ࡚ࠊ⌧௦ࡢᩥ㛵ࡍࡿㄽதࡢከࡃ୰ᚰⓗ࡞㛵ࢃࡾࡀ࠶ࡿᵝࠎ ࡞ㄽ㢟ࡘ࠸࡚ࠊ่⃭ⓗ࡛♧၀ᐩࡴ㆟ㄽࢆᥦ♧ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR/ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 227 社会学 》カルチュラル・スタディーズ ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781503600324* Swalwell, Melanie/Ndalianis, Angela/Stuckey, Helen (eds.) Fans and Videogames: Histories, Fandom, Archives (Routledge Advances in Game Studies) 2017:2. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138679672* Swart, William J./Krier, Daniel NASCAR, Sturgis, and the New Economy of Spectacle (Studies in Critical Social Sciences, Vol. 92) 2016:9. 228 p. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004300606* See also Goddard, Cliff, “Happiness” and “Pain” across Languages and Cultures, John Benjamins .................................................................... p95 , 0798 Naccarato, Peter, Representing Italy through Food, Bloomsbury Academic ...................p258 , 2126 ⱝ⪅ᩥ㻌 4 ᕳ Youth Cultures (Series: Sage Benchmarks in Culture and Society) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04009S0342䛇 Edited by Andy Bennett, Griffith University, AUS 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,280 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4739-1887-0 ண⣙౯ (2016/12/16 ࡲ࡛) STP 600.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥123,201 / ≉౯ ¥98,560 + ⛯ ୖグ௨㝆 STP 645.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥132,441 / ≉౯ ¥105,952 + ⛯ *9781473918870* ⌧ᅾ࡛ࡣࠊ100 ᖺࢃࡓࡗ࡚✚ࡳୖࡆࡽࢀࡓࠊⱝ⪅ᩥ㛵㐃ࡍࡿ㇏࡞ᩥ⊩ࡀ Ꮡᅾࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋᮏ᭩ࡣࠊࡇࡢ㇏࡞ᩥ⊩ࡢ୰࡛᭱Ⰻࡢࡶࡢࢆࠊࠕᇶ‽࡞ࡿࠖㄽᩥ ࡽ᭱᪂ࡢⓎᒎࡲ࡛ྲྀࡾୖࡆࡿࡇࡼࡾࠊࡇࡢศ㔝ࡢᏛ⾡◊✲ࢆᢈุⓗホ౯ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲ ࡍࠋࢢ࣮ࣟࣂࣝ࡞どⅬࡼࡾࠊ࣮ࣚࣟࢵࣃࡸ࣓ࣜ࢝ࠊ༡࣓ࣜ࢝ࠊࣇࣜ࢝ࠊࢪ ࠊ࣮࢜ࢫࢺࣛࣜࠊ୰ᮾࡢᩥࡀᑐ㇟࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ㘓ࡉࢀࡓㄽᩥࡣ 4 ࡘࡢࢸ࣮ ࣐ẖࡢᕳ࡛ᵓᡂࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ♫Ꮫࡸ࣓ࢹࠊᩥ◊✲ࠊ♫ே㢮Ꮫࢆྵࡴⱝ⪅ᩥࡢ㡿ᇦࡢ◊✲⪅ ࡗ࡚㠀ᖖ᭷┈࡞㈨ᩱ㞟࡛ࡍࠋ ࠙ྛᕳ⤂ࠚ ➨ ᕳ㸸Ṕྐ ➨ ᕳ㸸ࢫࢱࣝ ➨ ᕳ㸸㡢ᴦ ➨ ᕳ㸸࣓ࢹ (Sage Pub., GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) 228 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》消費・レジャー 消費・レジャー 人種・エスニシティ Molesworth, Mike/Denegri Knott, Janice (eds.) Digital Virtual Consumption (Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organizations and Technology) 2016:7. 234 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138203075* Abbas, Tahir (ed.) Muslim Diasporas in the West (Critical Concepts in Sociology) 2016:12. 4 Vols., 1,377 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138187955* See also Aggerholm, Kenneth, Talent Development, Existential Philosophy and Sport, Psychology Pr. ...................................................................p255 , 2104 Bodin, Dominique, Sport and Violence, Routledge ...................................................................p255 , 2105 Coles, Jason, Golden Kicks, Bloomsbury Academic .................................................................. p255 , 2106 Amico, Robert P. Exploring White Privilege 2016:11. 136 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138213074* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138213081* Collins, Harry M., Bad Call, The MIT Press ...................................................................p255 , 2107 Liokaftos, Dimitris, A Genealogy of Male Body Building, Routledge .................................p256 , 2110 Litherland, Benjamin, Sport's Relationship with Other Leisure Industries, Routledge .....p256 , 2111 Parnell, Daniel, Football and Health Improvement, Routledge .........................p256 , 2112 Barker, Lori A. (ed.) Obama on Our Minds: The Impact of Obama on the Psyche of America 2016:9. 312 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780199390618* ★ グローバリゼーションの社会学 第 2 版 黒人女性の物語 : 人種 ・ ジェンダー ・ グローバルカルチャー Martell, Luke The Sociology of Globalization, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 300 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Bhattacharyya, Gargi Tales of Dark Skinned Women: Race, Gender And Global Culture 2016:10. 400 p., Originally published in 1998 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780745689760* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 オバマのアメリカへの心理的影響 国際社会学 ★ 西洋のムスリムディアスポラ 全 4 巻 *9780745689777* Däwes, Birgit/Hauke, Alexandra (eds.) Native American Survivance, Memory, and Futurity (Routledge Research in Transnational Indigenous Perspectives) 2016:12. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138142237* *9781138211759* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 229 社会学 》人種・エスニシティ Ewing, Adam The Age of Garvey: How a Jamaican Activist Created a Mass Movement and Changed Global Black Politics 2016:10. 320 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780691173832* *9781612057392* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781612057408* 人種偏見のない国 : 人種の拒否や格差の台頭 Gallagher, Charles Colorblind Nation: The Denial of Race and The Rise of Racial Inequality 2016:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138937444* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138937451* ムスリム系アメリカ人 Kabir, Nahid Afrose Muslim Americans: Debating the Notions of American and Un-American (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2016:8. 230 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138699250* Leckie, Jacqueline/McCarthy, Angela/Wanhalla, Angela (eds.) Migrant Cross-Cultural Encounters in Asia and % (Studies in Migration and Diaspora) 2016:11. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 230 *9783319403724* アメリカンインディアンの歴史 : 多様なルーツ McCoy, Robert R./Fountain, Steven M. History of American Indians: Exploring Diverse Roots 2017:1. 284 p. (Greenwood, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781472481474* *9780313386824* Nititham, Diane Sabenacio Making Homes in Diasporic Communities: Transnational Belonging amongst Filipina Migrants (Studies in Migration and Diaspora) 2016:11. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472455208* &^!@¤&¥!¥&#; Migration and Social Remittances in a Global Europe (Europe in a Global Context) 2016:12. 255 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Fenelon, James V. Redskins?: Sport Mascots, Indian Nations, and White Racism 2016:9. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Mata-Codesal, Diana/Abranches, Maria (eds.) Food Parcels in International Migration: Intimate Connections (Anthropology, Change and Development) 2017:2. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1 +DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137601254* Palmer, Wayne Indonesia’s Overseas Labour Migration Programme, 1969-2010 (Verhandelingen Van Het Koninklijk Instituut Voor Taal-, Land, Vol. 307) 2016:8. (Brill Academic Publishers, NLD) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789004325449* Perera, Sasanka Warzone Tourism in Sri Lanka: Tales from Darker Places in Paradise 2016:7. 256 p. (Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd., IND) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9789351509226* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 社会学 》人種・エスニシティ Picker, Giovanni Racial Cities: Governance and the Spatial Segregation of Roma in Urban Europe (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 2017:2. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138808782* Tirman, John Immigration and the American Backlash 2016:7. 216 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Valdez, Zulema (ed.) Beyond Black and White: A Reader on Contemporary Race Relations 2016:12. 480 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 アメリカにおける人種 Reid-Merritt, Patricia (ed.) Race in America#%&&* Shaped Human Interaction 2017:1. 2 Vols., 508 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781440849923* *9780262529990* *9781506306940* すὒ䛾䝮䝇䝸䝮䝕䜱䜰䝇䝫䝷㻌 4 ᕳ Muslim Diasporas in the West (Series: Critical Concepts in Sociology) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 04093S0147䛇 Edited by Tahir Abbas 2016ᖺ 12᭶ห⾜ணᐃ, 4 Vols., 1,377 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-138-18795-5...................STP 840.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥172,481 / ≉౯ ¥137,985 + ⛯ *9781138187955* ࡇࡢ㔜せ࡞ࢥࣞࢡࢩࣙࣥࡣすഃㅖᅜ࠾ࡅࡿ࣒ࢫ࣒ࣜࡢࢹࢫ࣏ࣛࡢ≉㉁ࡘ࠸࡚ ♫ᏛⓗどⅬࡽㄪᰝࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ⛣ఫࡸ⤫ྜࠊࢹࣥࢸࢸࠊᨻࠊࢫ࣒ࣛᜍᛧ ࠊඛ㗦࠸ࡗࡓㄢ㢟ࢆ᥈✲ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࡇࡢ ᕳᵓᡂࡢᩥ⊩ࡣࠊ㐣ཤ ᖺ㛫ࡢすഃㅖᅜ࠾ࡅࡿ࣒ࢫ࣒ࣜࡢࢹࢫ࣏ࣛ㛵 ࡍࡿ᭱ඛ➃ࡢ◊✲▱ぢࢆᩚ⌮ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋつ⠊ⓗ࡞◊✲ࡽ᭱᪂ࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝࡲ࡛㘓 ࡍࡿࡇࡼࡾࠊすഃㅖᅜ࠾ࡅࡿ࣒ࢫ࣒ࣜࡢẸ᪘ᛶࡸ୍ᵝᛶࠊከᵝᛶࢆ⌮ゎࡍࡿ୍ຓ ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡇࢀࡽᥖ㍕ㄽᩥࡣࠊከᩥ⩏ࡸ⤫ྜࠊ┦ᩥ⩏ࡢဴᏛࢆ◊✲ࡋ ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲࡓࠊࢹࣥࢸࢸ࣏ࣜࢸࢡࢫࡸࢫ࣒ࣛᜍᛧࠊඛ㗦࠸ࡗࡓㄢ 㢟ࡘ࠸࡚ศᯒࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋすഃㅖᅜ࠾ࡅࡿ࣒ࢫ࣒ࣜࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ◊✲ࡣࠊࡑࡢࡢ ᅜࠎ࠾ࡅࡿࢫ࣒ࣛᑡᩘὴࡘ࠸࡚ࡢ◊✲㔜࡞ᙳ㡪ࢆ࠼ࡲࡋࡓࠋᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ㐣ཤ ࡢ◊✲ࡢ㔜せᛶࠊࡑࢀࡀᑗ᮶ࡢ◊✲ࢀࡔࡅ㔜せࢆ࣮ࣚࣟࢵࣃࡸ⡿ࠊ࣮࢜ࢫࢺ ࣛࣜࡢ࣒ࢫ࣒ࣜࡸࢫ࣒ࣛᩍ㛵㐃ࡋ࡚㐺ษᤊ࠼࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 231 社会学 》人種・エスニシティ インド人の移民女性と労働 Vijaya, Ramya M./Biswas, Bidisha Indian Immigrant Women and Work: The American Experience (Routledge Studies in Asian Diasporas, Migrations and Mobilities, Vol. 3) 2016:10. 128 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138690196* Wilson, Sherrill D. NYC’s African Slaveowners: A Social & Material Hist. (Studies in African American History and Culture) 2016:10. 136 p., Originally published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 See also Weaver, Hilary N./Yuen, Francis K. (eds.) All My Relations: Understanding the Experiences of Native Americans with Disabilities 2016:8. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138203846* Alim, H. Samy, Raciolinguistics, Oxford U.P., New York............................................................. p95 , 0797 Kroskrity, Paul V., Engaging Native American Publics, Routledge..................................... p95 , 0799 Cochrane, Feargal, Migration and Security in the Global Age, Routledge ............................ p199 , 1637 Haas, Michael, Racial Harmony Is Achievable, Routledge.................................................. p201 , 1654 Williams, Robert A., Jr. Linking Arms Together: American Indian Treaty Visions of Law and Peace, 1600-1800 2016:7. 204 p., Originally published in 1999 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138977150* Nicholls, Walter J., Cities and Social Movements, Wiley-Blackwell ........................................p219 , 1797 *9781138147775* ジェンダー ジェンダー一般 アジア太平洋における女性・労働・ケア: 語られない反中絶テロリズム イランでの女性と平等 Alikarami, Leila Women and Equality in Iran: Law, Society and Activism (International Library of Iranian Studies) 2017:1. 320 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 232 *9781784533168* ★ Aronson, Amy/Kimmel, Michael (eds.) The Gendered Society Reader, 6th ed. 2016:7. 552 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 Baird, Marian/Ford, Michele/Hill, Elizabeth (eds.) $ )$} #[%: The Untold Stories of Anti-Abortion Terrorism (ASAA Women in Asia Series) 2017:1. 320 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138119048* Connon, Krysten/Cohen, David S. Living in the Crosshairs 2016:11. 336 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190623371* *9780190260378* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ジェンダー 》ジェンダー一般 Dhawan, Nikita/Engel, Antke/Holzhey, Christoph H. E./Woltersdorff, Volker (eds.) Global Justice and Desire: Queering Economy 2016:10. 242 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138241824* Drake, Simone When We Imagine Grace: Black Men and Subject Making 2016:8. 248 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226363837* ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780226363974* Ehrick, Christine Radio and the Gendered Soundscape: Women and Broadcasting in Argentina and Uruguay, 1930-1950 2016:12. 246 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107438828* Gilmore, Leigh Tainted Witness: Why We Doubt What Women Say about Their Lives 2017:2. 224 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231177146* Inge, Anabel }$: Paths to Conversion 2016:11. 320 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781138640382* Pallott, Judith Families and Punishment in Russia: Gender and Geography in the Penal System 2016:10. 352 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781784536602* Paule, Michele Girlhood, Schools, and Media: Popular Discourses of the Achieving Girl (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies) 2016:9. 216 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138840065* Studies) 2016:8. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190611675* ポスト ・ フェミニストセレブレティと母親 Lagerwey, Jorie Postfeminist Celebrity and Motherhood: Brand Mom (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media ★印はお薦めタイトル スマートガール : 成功 ・ 学校 ・ ポストフェミニズムの神話 Pomerantz, Shauna/Raby, Rebecca Smart Girls: Success, School, and the Myth of PostFeminism 2017:1. 200 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520284142* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520284159* 女性とリーダシップ Rhode, Deborah L. Women and Leadership 2016:11. 256 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780190614713* Rooks, Noliwe/Pass, Victoria/Weekley, Ayana (eds.) Women’s Magazines in Print and New Media (Routledge Research in Gender and Society, Vol. 53) 2016:11. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138679849* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 233 ジェンダー 》ジェンダー一般 Squires, Peter/Raisborough, Jayne Gender and Firearms: My Body, My Gun, My Choice 2016:12. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472460431* Thwaites, Rachel Changing Names and Gendering Identity: Social Organisation in Contemporary Britain (Routledge Research in Gender and Society) 2016:12. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472477705* van Es, Margaretha Stereotypes and Self-Representations of Women with a Muslim Background: The Stigma of Being Oppressed (Citizenship, Gender and Diversity) 2016:11. 280 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319406756* See also Bhattacharyya, Gargi, Tales of Dark Skinned Women, Routledge .................................. p229 , 1886 フェミニズム フェミニストの人生を生きる Ahmed, Sara Living a Feminist Life 2017:2. 304 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780822363040* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780822363194* Butler, Rex/Denny, David (eds.) Lars Von Trier’s Women 2016:11. 272 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, USA) 234 *9781501322457* Dang, S. Chick Flicks: Film, Feminism and Aesthetic Experience 2017:2. 224 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, GBR) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137560179* Friedman, Elisabeth Jay Interpreting the Internet: Feminist and Queer Counterpublics in Latin America 2016:12. 256 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520284494* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520284517* フェミニズム ・ 違いの性質 Fuss, Diana Essentially Speaking: Feminism, Nature and Difference 2016:7. 160 p., Originally published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138172470* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Neimanis, Astrida Bodies of Water: Posthuman Feminist Phenomenology (Environmental Cultures) 2017:1. 240 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474275385* O'Callaghan, Claire Sarah Waters: Gender and Sexual Politics 2017:1. 240 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474271516* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ジェンダー 》フェミニズム Waggoner, Miranda The Zero Trimester: Pre-Pregnancy Care and the Politics of Reproductive Risk 2017:1. 270 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520288065* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520288072* See also Mikkola, Mari, The Wrong of Injustice, Oxford U.P., New York ............................................p14 , 0110 Molony, Barbara, Women's Activism and 'Second Wave' Feminism, Bloomsbury Academic .................................................................... p61 , 0554 Translation and Interpreting Studies) 2017:2. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472456236* Halberstam, Jack Trans: A Quick and Quirky Account of Gender Variability 2017:4. 144 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520292680* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520292697* ラベンダーと赤 : ゲイとレズビアンの左翼による解放と連帯 セクシュアリティ 初期の映画でのクィア ・ セクシャリティ Brown, Shane Queer Sexualities in Early Film: Cinema and Male-Male Intimacy 2016:7. 272 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 *9781784536657* Eckert, Lena Intersexualization (Routledge Advances in Critical Diversities) 2016:12. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138193307* Edelman, Lee Homographesis: Essays in Gay Literary and Cultural Theory 2016:7. 306 p., Originally published in 1994 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780520279056* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520279063* Hobson, Emily K. Lavender and Red: Liberation and Solidarity in the Gay and Lesbian Left 2016:11. 292 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781138145979* Epstein, B. J./Gillett, Robert (eds.) Queer in Translation (Routledge Advances in ★印はお薦めタイトル Johnson, E. Patrick (ed.) No Tea, No Shade: New Writings in Black Queer Studies 2016:10. 448 p. (Duke U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9780822362227* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780822362425* Kaplan, Roberta/Windsor, Edie/Dickey, Lisa Then Comes Marriage: How Two Women Fought for and Won Equal Dignity for All 2016:10. 336 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780393353365* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 235 ジェンダー 》セクシュアリティ ゲイポルノグラフィ クィア理論 : フランスのレスポンス Mercer, John Gay Pornography 2017:2. 240 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 Perreau, Bruno Queer Theory: The French Response 2016:11. 288 p. (Stanford U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781780765174* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781780765181* Orne, Jason Boystown: Sex and Community in Chicago 2016:12. 288 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226413259* ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780226413396* *9781503600447* セクシュアリティ 第 4 版 Weeks, Jeffrey Sexuality, 4th ed. (Key Ideas) 2016:9. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138022881* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Peberdy, Donna/Kerr, Darren (eds.) Tainted Love: Screening Sexual Perversion (International Library of the Moving Image) 2016:12. 304 p. (I.B. Tauris, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 税 ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9780804798860* *9781138022898* See also Diez, Jordi, The Politics of Gay Marriage in Latin America, Cambridge U.P. .......................p193 , 1581 *9781780761954* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 税 *9781780761961* 教育学 教育学一般 教育哲学・教育史・教育理論 今日における教育と若者 スピノザと教育 Besen-Cassino, Yasemin (ed.) Education and Youth Today (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 20) 2016:8. 336 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 Dahlbeck, Johan Spinoza and Education: Freedom, Understanding and Empowerment (New Directions in the Philosophy of Education) 2016:12. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 236 *9781786350466* *9781138931817* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教育哲学・教育史・教育理論 David-Fox, Michael Revolution of the Mind: Higher Learning among the Bolsheviks, 1918-1929 2016:12. (Cornell U.P., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781501707179* Holmes, Edmond Freedom & Growt: And Other Essays (Routledge Revivals) 2016:8. 322 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138203778* 教育研究 : 量的 ・ 質的 ・ 混合アプローチ Johnson, R. Burke/Christensen, Larry B. Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches 2016:12. 736 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781483391601* 高等教育の起源 : 知識のネットワークと大学の初期発展 Lowe, Roy/Yasuhara, Yoshihito The Origins of Higher Learning: Knowledge Networks and the Early Development of Universities 2016:10. 202 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138844827* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138844834* Malkiel, Nancy Weiss Keep the Damned Women out: The Struggle for Coeducation 2016:9. 664 p. (Princeton U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9789811010095* Phillips, D. C. Companion to John Dewey’s “Democracy and Education” 2016:11. 184 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226408231* ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780226408378* Roberts, Greg/Vaughn, Sharon/Beretvas, S. Natasha/Wong, Vivian (eds.) Treatment Fidelity in Studies of Educational Intervention 2016:9. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138838505* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138838512* ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9780691172996* McBride, Nyanda Intervention Research: A Practical Guide for Developing Evidence-based School Prevention Programmes 2016:8. 173 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ★印はお薦めタイトル Ryan, Robert S./Milevsky, Avidan Launching a Successful Research Program at a Teaching University 2016:9. 140 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138638877* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138638884* 教育研究設計 : コンセプトと方法論 Swain, Jon Designing Research in Education: Concepts and Methodologies 2016:11. 296 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446294253* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781446294260* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 237 教育学 》教育哲学・教育史・教育理論 Szkudlarek, Tomasz On the Politics of Educational Theory: Rhetoric, Theoretical Ambiguity and the Construction of Society (Theorizing Education) 2016:11. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138979192* ★ Wyse, Dominic BERA/SAGE Handbook of Educational Research, 3rd ed. 2016:12. 2 Vols., 1,025 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1+DUG XQWLO673 通常価 特価 税 WKHUHDIWHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138890275* Tovey, Helen Bringing the Froebel Approach to Your Early Years Practice, 2nd ed. (Bringing ... to Your Early Years Practice) 2016:11. 144 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138671164* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138671171* 新たな道徳の視点 : アメリカの教育における新たな 目的 1837年 - 1917 年 Turpin, Andrea Lindsay A New Moral Vision: Gender, Religion, and the Changing Purposes of American Higher Education, 1837-1917 (American Institutions and Society) 2016:10. 344 p. (Cornell U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781501704789* Uhrmacher, P. Bruce/McConnell Moroye, Christy/ Flinders, David J. Using Educational Criticism and Connoisseurship for Qualitative Research 2016:10. 102 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138677630* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138677647* 初等教育におけるプラクティショナー研究 Webb, Rosemary (ed.) Practitioner Research in The Primary School 2016:7. 288 p., Originally published in 1990 (Psychology Pr., GBR) 238 *9781473918917* 教育心理学 子供の教育 Adler, Alfred The Education of Children 2016:9. 318 p., New in Paperback (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138919327* Esmonde, Indigo/Booker, Angela (eds.) Power and Privilege in the Learning Sciences: Critical and Sociocultural Theories of Learning 2016:12. 200 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138922624* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138922631* Hayes, John R. The Complete Problem Solver, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 376 p., Originally published in 1989 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138145603* Lawrence-lightf, Sara Growing Each Other Up: When Our Children Become Our Teachers 2016:9. 296 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226188409* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教育心理学 Lewis, Rolla E./Winkelman, Peg Lifescaping Practices in School Communities: Implementing Action Research and Appreciative Inquiry 2016:11. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138209473* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138209480* 学校における変化の管理 : 実践ハンドブック Newton, Colin/Tarrant, Tony Managing Change in Schools: A Practical Handbook 2016:7. 266 p., Originally published in 1992 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138148253* 教育社会学 Ambrosio, John Educational Leadership for Transformation and Social Justice: Narratives of Change in South Africa (Routledge Research in Educational Leadership) 2016:11. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138923539* 現実の学校安全問題 Kupchik, Aaron The Real School Safety Problem: The Long-Term Consequences of Harsh School Punishment 2016:7. 176 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520284197* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520284203* 教育 ・ 空間 ・ 都市計画 : 都市の構成要素としての教育 Million, Angela/Heinrich, Anna Juliane/Coelen, Thomas (eds.) ★印はお薦めタイトル Education, Space and Urban Planning: Education as a Component of the City 2016:9. 347 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319389974* Normore, Anthony H./Watson, Terri N. (eds.) Racially and Ethnically Diverse Women Leading Education: A World View (Advances in Educational Administration, Vol. 25) 2016:11. 320 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786350725* Simmons, Lizbet The Prison School: Educational Inequality and School Discipline in the Age of Mass Incarceration 2016:11. 192 p. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520281455* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520281462* 学校でのいじめ Slee, Phillip School Bullying: Teachers Helping Students Cope 2016:12. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138911925* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138911932* 国際教育におけるジェンダーの問題 : 政策の実態の先 Wilson, Maggie/Erskine, Sheena (eds.) Gender Issues in International Education: Beyond Policy and Practice (Reference Books in International Education) 2016:7. 202 p., Originally published in 1999 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138974982* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 239 教育学 》国際教育・多文化教育 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 国際教育・多文化教育 Fecho, Bob/Clifton, Jennifer Dialoguing across Cultures, Identities, and Learning: Crosscurrents and Complexities in Literacy Classrooms (Language, Culture, and Teaching Series) 2016:9. 162 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138998582* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138998599* Lynch, James/Modgil, Celia/Modgil, Sohan (eds.) Education Cultural Diversity 2016:7. 484 p., Originally published in 1992 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138993334* 交換国際教育と文化間理解 Mathews-Aydinli, Julie (ed.) International Education Exchanges and Intercultural Understanding: Promoting Peace and Global Relations 2016:12. 270 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319438283* Phan, Le-Ha Transnational Education Crossing ‘Asia’ and ‘the West’: Adjusted Desire, Transformative Mediocrity and Neo-colonial Disguise (Routledge Research in Higher Education) 2016:10. 256 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138794658* 多言語教育 ★ 多言語教育 第 3 版 Garcia, Ofelia/Lin, Angel M. Y./May, Stephen (eds.) Bilingual and Multilingual Education, 3rd ed. (Encyclopedia of Language and Education) 2016:11. 462 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) 240 *9783319022574* See also Goh, Yeng-Seng, Teaching Chinese as an International Language, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p99 , 0814 Percillier, Michael, World Englishes and Second Language Acquisition, John Benjamins .................................................................... p99 , 0815 Urquhart, A. H., Reading in a Second Language, Routledge.................................................. p100 , 0816 McCarty, Teresa, Language Policy and Political Issues in Education, Springer Basel AG .................................................................. p100 , 0817 Polat, Nihat, L2 Learning, Teaching and Assessment, Multilingual Matters ......... p100 , 0818 Ramirez Gomez, Danya, Language Teaching and the Older Adult, Multilingual Matters .................................................................. p100 , 0819 Schwarz, Baruch B., Dialogue, Argumentation and Education, Cambridge U.P. ............p100 , 0820 Wortham, Stanton, Discourse and Education, Springer International Publishing .......... p100 , 0822 比較教育・各国教育事情 Aman, Robert/Ireland, Timothy (eds.) Education and Other Modes of Thinking in Latin America 2016:12. 124 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138229662* Berner, Ashley Rogers Pluralism and American Public Education: No One Way to School (Education Policy) 2016:10. 240 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, USA) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137502230* ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9781137502261* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》比較教育・各国教育事情 ி㒔Ꮫ ⏣୰⪔ / すᒸຍྡᜨ / ▼ⱥ┿ⴭ ᪥ᮏ䛻䛚䛡䜛䜹䝸䜻䝳䝷䝮䚸ᣦᑟ䛸ホ౯䠖 ᤵᴗ◊✲䜢㉸䛘䛶 Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment in Japan Beyond Lesson Study (Series: Routledge Series on Schools and Schooling in Asia) 䛆䝅䝸䞊䝈⥅⥆ὀᩥ␒ྕ: 1022054582䛇 By Koji Tanaka, Kanae Nishioka, and Terumasa Ishii, Kyoto University, JPN (all) 2016ᖺ 9᭶ห⾜, 154 p., Hard. ISBN 978-1-138-89251-4......................... STP 95.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥19,506 / ≉౯ ¥15,605 + ⛯ *9781138892514* ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ᪥ᮏ࠾ࡅࡿ࣒࢝ࣜ࢟ࣗࣛࡸᩍ⫱ᣦᑟホ౯㛵ࡍ ࡿࠊᨻ⟇ࡸ◊✲ࠊᐇົࡢṔྐ⌧≧ࡘ࠸࡚ໟᣓⓗᴫほࡋ࡚࠸ ࡲࡍࠋ࣒࢝ࣜ࢟ࣗࣛࡢᵓᡂࡢ⤌ࡳᏛ⩦ᣦᑟせ㡿ࡢṔྐࢆᴫㄝ ࡍࡿࡶࠊᏛຊࣔࢹࣝ㛵ࡍࡿ⌮ㄽࢆホ౯ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋࡲ ࡓࠊࠕᤵᴗ◊✲ࠖ㸦ࢢ࣮ࣝࣉࢆά⏝ࡋࡓ᪥ᮏ≉᭷ࡢᣦᑟἲ㸧ࡢṔ ྐࢆヲ⣽㆟ㄽࡋࠊ᪥ᮏ࠾ࡅࡿᩍ⫱ホ౯ࡢṔྐࢆ᳨ウࡋ࡚࠸ ࡲࡍࠋࡉࡽࠊࠕ⥲ྜⓗ࡞Ꮫ⩦ࡢ㛫ࠖ࠾ࡅࡿ࣏࣮ࢺࣇ࢛ࣜ࢜ホ౯ࡶࠊ⛉ ┠ูᩍ⫱࠾ࡅࡿᏛ⩦ㄢ㢟ࢆᥥࡁฟࡍࡇࡼࡾᩍ⫱ᐇົࡘ࠸࡚ࡢᵝࠎ࡞ࢆ ⤂ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣ௨ୗࡢ㡯┠ࢆㄪᰝࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭⏕ᚐ୰ᚰࡢ࣒࢝ࣜ࢟ࣗࣛᩍ⛉୰ᚰࡢ࣒࢝ࣜ࢟ࣗࣛ ࣭Ꮫᴗᡂ⦼ࢥࣥࣆࢸࣥࢩ࣮ࣔࢹࣝᇶ࡙࠸ࡓ⌮ㄽ ࣭ࢡ࢚ࣜࢸࣈ࡞୍ᩧᤵᴗࢆᐇ⌧ࡍࡿᵝࠎ࡞᪉ἲ ࣭ᩍ⛉ᣦᑟ࠾ࡅࡿࣃࣇ࢛࣮࣐ࣥࢫホ౯ ᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ⮬㌟ࡢᩍ⫱ࡸ⟶⌮ᴗົࢆྥୖࡉࡏࡿࡓࡵࠕᤵᴗ◊✲ࠖࢆ⏝ࡋࡓ࠸ ⪃࠼࡚࠸ࡿேࡗ࡚Ⰻ࠸࢞ࢻࣛࣥ࡞ࡾࠊࡲࡓࠊᩍ⫱ࡢᨵၿࡢᐇ⌧ࢆ┠ᣦࡋ ࡚࠸ࡿ࡚ࡢேࡗ࡚᭷┈࡞㈨ᩱ㞟࡞ࡗ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ࣒࢝ࣜ࢟ࣗࣛࡢᐇົᦠࢃࡗ ࡚࠸ࡿᩍ⫱⪅ࡸᨻ⟇❧⪅ࡶࠊ᪥ᮏࡢᩍ⫱ไᗘ㛵ᚰࢆᣢࡗ࡚࠸ࡿேࡗ ࡚⯆῝࠸᭩⡠࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ (Routledge, GBR/ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 241 教育学 》比較教育・各国教育事情 Brinig, Margaret/Garnett, Nicole Stelle Lost Classroom, Lost Community: Catholic %\# >&`>& (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780226418438* ムスリムの子供達への就学前教育 : 南アフリカの事例 Ebrahim, Hasina Banu Early Childhood Education for Muslim Children: Rationales and Practices in South Africa (Routledge Research in Early Childhood Education) 2016:12. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138909694* Goldrick-rab, Sara Paying the Price: College Costs, Financial Aid, and the Betrayal of the American Dream 2016:9. 368 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226404349* Malczewski, Joan Building a New Educational State: Foundations, Schools, and the American South 2016:12. 352 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226394626* Marginson, Simon The Dream Is Over{\ &#&# ^# ifornian Idea of Higher Education 2016:9. (University of California Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780520292840* Simon, Catherine A. Beyond Every Child Matters: Neoliberal Education and Social Policy in the New Era 2016:12. 172 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 242 *9781138918962* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138918979* 教育制度・教育行政 高等教育でのリーダーシップの挑戦 : 実用的かつ学術 的ソリューション Antony, James Soto/Cauce, Ana Mari/Shalala, Donna E. (eds.) Challenges in Higher Education Leadership: Practical and Scholarly Solutions 2017:1. 248 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138884861* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138884878* Gill, Scherto/Thomson, Garrett Human-Centred Education: A Practical Handbook and Guide 2017:1. 172 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138210820* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138210837* Huisman, Jeroen/de Boer, Harry/Westerheijden, Don F./Vukasovic, Martina/Seeber, Marco/File, Jon Policy Analysis of Structural Reforms in Higher Education: Processes and Outcomes (Palgrave Studies in Global Higher Education) 2016:10. 270 p. (Palgrave Macmillan, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319422367* Reimers, Eva/Martinsson, Lena (eds.) Education and Political Subjectivities in Neoliberal Times and Places: Emergences of Norms and Possibilities (Routledge Research in Education Policy and Politics) 2016:10. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138962880* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教育制度・教育行政 Shirley, Dennis The New Imperatives of Educational Change: Achievement with Integrity (Routledge Leading Change Series) 2016:11. 158 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138926929* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138926936* 2000 年の教育とスカンジナビアの福祉国家 Tjeldvoll, Arild Education and the Scandinavian Welfare State in the Year 2000: Equality, Policy, and Reform (Reference Books in International Education) 2016:7. 380 p., Originally published in 1998 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138968387* Wiborg, Susanne/Moe, Terry (eds.) The Comparative Politics of Education: Teachers Unions and Education Systems around the World 2017:1. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107168886* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781316619766* Young, Michelle D./Diem, Sarah (eds.) Critical Approaches to Education Policy Analysis: Moving beyond Tradition (Education, Equity, Economy, Vol. 4) 2016:10. 303 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Al-Mahrooqi, Rahma/Coombe, Christine/AlMaamari, Faisal/Thakur, Vijay (eds.) Revisiting EFL Assessment: Critical Perspectives (Second Language Learning and Teaching) 2017:3. 350 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319325996* 教科教育学 *9783319396415* See also Crawford, Claire, Family Background and University Success, Oxford U.P. ............ p128 , 1007 Ghose, Arpita, in India, Springer Verlag ........................ p128 , 1008 Knee, Jonathan A., Class Clowns, Columbia U.P. .................................................................. p128 , 1009 Mishra, Aneil K., Restoring Trust in Higher Education, F.A. Praeger, Inc...................p128 , 1010 ★印はお薦めタイトル Amin, Tamer G./Jeppsson, Fredrik/Haglund, Jesper (eds.) Conceptual Metaphor and Embodied Cognition in Science Learning 2016:12. 260 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138230750* Black, P. J./Lucas, A. M. (eds.) Children’s Informal Ideas in Science 2016:7. 260 p., Originally published in 1993 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138991248* Bowkett, Steve/Hogston, Kevin _$ " : Games and Activities for Ages 7-14 (Jumpstart!) 2016:8. 170 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138184015* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138184022* Buxton, Cory/Allexsaht-Snider, Martha (eds.) Supporting K-12 English Language Learners in Science: Putting Research into Teaching Practice (Teaching and Learning in Science Series) 2016:12. 260 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138961197* ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138961180* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 243 教育学 》教科教育学 Caldwell, Helen/Smith, Neil Teaching Computing Unplugged in Primary Schools: Exploring Primary Computing through Practical Activities away from the Computer 2016:10. 208 p. (Learning Matters, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473961692* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473961708* 言語 ・ 文学 ・ 学習者 : 創造的な教室運営 Carter, Ronald/Mcrae, John Language, Literature and the Learner: Creative Classroom Practice (Applied Linguistics and Language Study) 2016:7. 256 p., Originally published in 1996 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138145078* Chandler, Amber The Flexible ELA Classroom: Practical Tools for Differentiated Instruction in Grades 4-8 2016:9. 152 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138681033* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138681040* Cross, Alan/Borthwick, Alison/Beswick, Karen/ Board, Jon/Chippindall, Jon Curious Learners in Primary Maths, Science, Computing and DT 2016:9. 216 p. (Learning Matters, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473952379* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473952386* Deehan, James ' ; (STEBI A and B): A Comprehensive Review of 244 Methods and Findings from 25 Years of Science Education Research (SpringerBriefs in Education) 2016:9. 75 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319424644* 歴史教育の国際年鑑 Dickinson, A./Gordon, P./Lee, P./Slater, J. (eds.) International Yearbook of History Education (Woburn Education Series) 2016:7. 234 p., Originally published in 1996 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138973121* Donovan, Sarah Genocide Literature in Middle and Secondary Classrooms: Rhetoric, Witnessing, and Social Action in a Time of Standards and Accountability 2016:8. 178 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138657236* Feasey, Rosemary Creative Science: Achieving the WOW Factor with 5-11 Year Olds 2016:7. 116 p., First published in 2005 (David Fulton Publishers Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138148031* Fensham, Peter J./Gunstone, Richard F./White, Richard T. The Content of Science: A Constructive Approach To Its Teaching And Learning 2016:7. 290 p., Originally published in 1994 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138991729* 漫画を様々な視点を通して教える Hill, Crag (ed.) Teaching Comics through Multiple Lenses: Critical Perspectives 2016:8. 186 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138649903* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教科教育学 Humphrey, Sally Academic Literacies in the Middle Years: A Framework for Enhancing Teacher Knowledge and Student Achievement 2016:11. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138649958* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138649965* カリキュラムにおける SEND 解説 : 音楽 第 2 版 Jaquiss, Victoria/Paterson, Diane Addressing SEND in the Curriculum: Music, 2nd ed. (Addressing SEND in the Curriculum) 2017:3. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138231832* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138231849* Kafai, Yasmin B./Burke, Quinn/Resnick, Mitchel Connected Code: Why Children Need to Learn Programming (MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning) 2016:9. 200 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262529679* Kafai, Yasmin B./Burke, Quinn/Steinkuehler, Constance Connected Gaming: What Making Video Games Can Teach Us about Learning and Literacy (MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning) 2016:12. 224 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262035378* Larson, Bruce E. Instructional Strategies for Middle and High School Social Studies: Methods, Assessment, and Classroom Management, 2nd ed. 2016:8. 326 p. (Routledge, GBR) ★印はお薦めタイトル ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138846777* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138846784* 中等教育後のセクシュアリティ教育と プロフェッショナルトレーニングの設定 Maddock, James Wm Sexuality Education in Postsecondary and Professional Training Settings 2016:7. 204 p., Originally published in 1997 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138981768* ホロコーストに関する教育の理解と指導 Maitles, Henry/Cowan, Paula Understanding and Teaching Holocaust Education 2016:12. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473919334* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473919341* Meyer, Richard J./Whitmore, Kathryn F. (eds.) Reclaiming Early Childhood Literacies: Narratives of Hope, Power, and Vision 2016:9. 310 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138944374* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138944381* Moyer-Packenham, Patricia S. (ed.) International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Virtual Manipulatives (Mathematics Education in the Digital Era, Vol. 7) 2016:7. 345 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319327167* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 245 教育学 》教科教育学 初等数学におけるビッグアイディア Newell, Robert Big Ideas in Primary Mathematics 2016:11. 320 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473913165* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473913172* Newton, Nicki Math Problem Solving in Action: Getting Students to Love Word Problems, Grades 3-5 2016:12. 168 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138206410* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138206441* Newton, Nicki Math Workstations in Action: Powerful Possibilities for Engaged Learning in Grades 3-5 2017:3. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138675025* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138675032* Nichols, Sue/Snowden, Collette (eds.) Languages and Literacies as Mobile and Placed Resources 2016:10. 264 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138795648* 今日の英語教育 Renandya, Willy A./Widodo, Handoyo Puji (eds.) English Language Teaching Today: Linking Theory and Practice (English Language Education, Vol. 5) 2016:9. 306 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) 246 ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319388328* 教育における音楽の価値 Resta, Craig (ed.) Valuing Music in Education: A Charles Fowler Reader 2016:11. 312 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199944361* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780199944385* Smith, Gareth Dylan/Moir, Zack/Brennan, Matt/ Rambarran, Shara/Kirkman, Phil (eds.) The Routledge Research Companion to Popular Music Education 2016:12. 464 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472464989* Taylor, C. Brian Textual Analysis Made Easy: Ready-to-Use Tools for Teachers, Grades 5-8 2016:10. 154 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138950641* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138950658* 初等教育の現場でのグローバル文学の教育 Wissman, Kelly K./Burns, Maggie Naughter/Jiampetti, Krista/O'Leary, Heather/Tabatabai, Simeen Teaching Global Literature in Elementary Classrooms: A Critical Literacy and Teacher Inquiry Approach 2016:7. 174 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138190252* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138190269* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教科教育学 See also Scott, Sheila, Music Education for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................................. p254 , 2095 教育方法・教育評価 Alper, Kadriye Ercican/Pellegrino, James (eds.) Validation of Score Meaning in the Next Generation of Assessments (Ncme Applications of Educational Measurement and Assessment) 2017:2. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138898363* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138898370* Arbuthnot, Keena (ed.) Global Perspectives on Educational Testing: Examining Fairness, High-Stakes and Policy Reform (Advances in Education in Diverse Communities: Research, Policy and Praxis, Vol. 13) 2017:2. 270 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786354341* 教室での行動と自尊心の向上 : 実施ガイド Barrow, Giles/Bradshaw, Emma/Newton, Trudi Improving Behaviour and Raising Self-Esteem in the Classroom: A Practical Guide to Using Transactional Analysis 2016:7. 144 p., First published in 2001 (David Fulton Publishers Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138147874* Bauer, Susan Wise/Wise, Jessie The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home 2016:8. 848 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780393253627* Clifton, Jennifer Argument as Dialogue across Difference: Engaging Youth in Public Literacies 2016:12. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Farmer, Neil Getting it Right in Reception 2016:7. 128 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472930712* Hart, Juliet/Onuscheck, Mark/Christel, Mary T. Acting It Out: Using Drama in the Classroom to Improve Student Engagement, Reading, and Critical Thinking 2016:10. 126 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138677432* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138677449* Johnson, Joseph/Perez, Lynne/Uline, Cynthia Leadership in America’s Best Urban Schools 2017:3. 192 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138922815* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138922822* 創造性を育てる 第 2 版 Kaufman, James C./Beghetto, Ronald A. (eds.) Nurturing Creativity in the Classroom, 2nd ed. (Cambridge Companions to Social and Behavioural Sciences) 2016:12. 450 p. (Cambridge U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107103153* ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781138665927* *9781107501300* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 247 教育学 》教育方法・教育評価 Laveault, Dany/Allal, Linda (eds.) Assessment for Learning: Meeting the Challenge of Implementation (The Enabling Power of Assessment, Vol. 4) 2016:8. 311 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319392097* Lee, Alison Gender, Literacy, Curriculum: Rewriting School Geography 2016:7. 272 p., Originally published in 1996 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138975002* Magnuson, Doug/Beker, Jerome Residential Education as an Option for At-Risk Youth 2016:7. 158 p., Originally published in 1996 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138985278* Mellar, Harvey/Ogborn, Jon/Booha, Richard (eds.) `#$: Computer Based Modelling in The Curriculum 2016:8. 260 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138995338* 教育と教員教育 Peters, R. S. (ed.) Education and the Education of Teachers 2016:7. 208 p., Originally published in 1977 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138968356* Phillipson, Neil/Wegerif, Rupert Dialogic Education: Mastering Core Concepts through Thinking Together 2016:12. 176 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 248 *9781138656512* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138656529* 創造性と教育 Runco, Mark A. (ed.) Creativity and Education (Sage Library of Educational Thought & Practice) 2017:3. 1,200 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473906440* Schwartz, Daniel L./Tsang, Jessica M./Blair, Kristen P. The ABCs of How We Learn%&&* Approaches, How They Work, and When to Use Them 2016:7. 384 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780393709261* Sullivan, Florence R. Creativity, Technology, and Learning: Theory for Classroom Practice 2017:3. 208 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138788824* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138788831* Tang, Siew Fun/Logonnathan, Loshinikarasi (eds.) Assessment for Learning Within and Beyond the Classroom{#\{\&@$ing Conference 2015 Proceedings 2016:8. 446 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811009068* Vasquez, Vivian Maria Critical Literacy across the K-6 Curriculum 2016:8. 204 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138188488* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138188495* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》教育方法・教育評価 Yorke, Jon/Vidovich, Lesley Learning Standards and the Assessment of Quality in Higher Education: Contested Policy Trajectories (Policy Implications of Research in Education, Vol. 7) 2016:8. 276 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319329239* Shohamy, Elana, Language Testing and Assessment, Springer International Publishing .................................................................. p100 , 0821 教育工学 Beauchamp, Gary Beauchamp, Gary (ed.) Computing and ICT in the Primary School: From Pedagogy to Practice, 2nd ed. 2016:9. 236 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138190603* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138190610* オープンオンライン教育と高等教育 Bennett, Rebecca/Kent, Mike Massive Open Online Courses and Higher Education=\?~@! GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472481986* テクノロジーに関する教育 : テクノロジーに関する哲学 の入門 第 2 版 de Vries, Marc J. Teaching about Technology: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Technology for Non-philosophers, 2nd ed. (Contemporary Issues in Technology Education) 2016:7. 144 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Frantiska, Joseph, Jr. Creating Reusable Learning Objects (SpringerBriefs in Educational Communications and Technology) 2016:9. 64 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319328881* *9781433128585* See also Deimann, Markus/Peters, Michael A. (eds.) The Philosophy of Open Learning: Peer Learning and the Intellectual Commons, 2nd ed. (Global Studies in Education , Vol. 32) 2016:7. 218 p. (Peter Lang, CHE) ,6%1+DUG6)5 通常価 税 *9783319329444* ★印はお薦めタイトル Kucirkova, Natalia/Audain, Jon/Chamberlain, Liz _#: Creative Learning, Ideas and Activities for Ages 7-11 (Jumpstart!) 2016:8. 152 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138940154* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138940161* Marcus-Quinn, Ann/Hourigan, Triona (eds.) Handbook on Digital Learning for K-12 Schools 2016:10. 603 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319338064* Ryberg, Thomas/Sinclair, Christine/Bayne, Sian/de Laat, Maarten (eds.) Research, Boundaries, and Policy in Networked Learning (Research in Networked Learning) 2016:9. 190 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319311289* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 249 教育学 》教育工学 Spector, J. Michael/Ifenthaler, Dirk/Sampson, Demetrios G./Isaias, Pedro (eds.) Competencies in Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership in the Digital Age: Papers from CELDA 2014 2016:8. 395 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319302935* 教育における E リサーチ : テクノロジー ・ 倫理 ・ ソーシャルメディアの役割 Wishart, Jocelyn/Thomas, Michael (eds.) E-Research in Educational Contexts: The Roles of Technologies, Ethics and Social Media 2016:12. 124 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138229624* アカデミックプログラムと専門家の育成のための 大学パートナーシップ Blessinger, Patrick/Cozza, Barbara (eds.) University Partnerships for Academic Programs and Professional Development (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 7) 2016:8. 330 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786353009* Bowser, Benjamin P. The Abandoned Mission in Public Higher Education: The Case of the California State University 2016:10. 138 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138689183* 高等教育における教育学的スペースの変化 就学前教育・学校教育・生涯教育 Anderson, David S. (ed.) Further Wellness Issues for Higher Education: How to Promote Student Health During and After College 2016:8. 258 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138101012* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138101029* Ante, Christine The Europeanisation of Vocational Education and Training (Contributions to Political Science) 2016:9. 300 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319415697* Atkinson, Paul/Delamont, Sara/Parry, Odette The Doctoral Experience 2016:7. 216 p., Originally published in 1999 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 250 *9781138917217* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138917224* Cotten, Shelia R./Yost, Elizabeth A./Berkowsky, Ronald W./Winstead, Vicki/Anderson, William A. Designing Technology Training for Older Adults in Continuing Care Retirement Communities 2016:12. 168 p. (CRC Press, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781498718127* 人生のためのプラクティス : 大学での意思決定 Burke, Penny Jane/Crozier, Gill/Misiaszek, Lauren Ila Changing Pedagogical Spaces in Higher Education: Diversity, Inequalities and Misrecognition (Research into Higher Education) 2016:11. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138967885* Cuba, Lee/Jennings, Nancy/Lovett, Suzanne/ Swingle, Joseph Practice for Life: Making Decisions in College 2016:8. 220 p. (Harvard U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780674970663* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》就学前教育・学校教育・生涯教育 SAGE ∧ ⌧௦䛾ᗂඣᩍ⫱ⓒ⛉ 3 ᕳ The SAGE Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education Edited by Donna Couchenour, and J. Kent Chrisman, Shippensburg University, USA (both) 2016ᖺ 10᭶ห⾜, 3 Vols., 1,600 p., Hard. ศྍ ISBN 978-1-4833-4035-7 ண⣙౯ (2016/10/16 ࡲ࡛) STP 295.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥60,573 / ≉౯ ¥48,459 +⛯ ୖグ௨㝆 STP 330.00 / ㏻ᖖ౯ ¥67,760 / ≉౯ ¥54,208 +⛯ *9781483340357* ከࡃࡢ୍⯡ࡢேࠎࡣᗂඣᩍ⫱ࢆ༢⣧࡞ࠕᏊᏲࠖࠊᑗ᮶ ࡢᩍ⫱ࡢ‽ഛࡢࡕࡽㄆ㆑ࡋ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋㄽࡢࡇ࡞ ࡀࡽࠊ୧᪉ࡢほⅬࡣ༢⣧ࡋࡍࡂ࡚࠸ࡿゝ࠼ࡲࡍࠋᏊ ࡶࡢⓎ㐩㛵ࡍࡿ῝࠸⌮ゎࡸⓎ㐩ẁ㝵ྜࢃࡏࡓ᭱Ⰻࡢᩍ ⫱ᐇ㊶ࠊ࢚࣐࣮ࢪ࢙ࣥࢺ࣭࣒࢝ࣜ࢟ࣗࣛࠊᩥ⬟ຊࠊᐙ᪘ ࢩࢫࢸ࣒ࡢᛂ⏝ࡣ㧗ရ㉁࡞ᗂඣᩍ⫱ᚲ㡲࡛ࡍࠋຠᯝⓗ࡞ ᗂඣᩍ⫱ࡣࠊᏊ౪ࡀ⏕ࡲࢀࡓࡽ 8 ṓ࡞ࡿࡲ࡛ࡢ㛫࠾ࡅࡿᵝࠎ࡞ไᗘ㛫ࡢ ༠ຊࡸ⛣⾜ࡀᚲせࡉࢀࡿࡓࡵࠊ⤖ᯝࡋ࡚㧗ࡃホ౯ࡉࢀࡿຠᯝⓗ࡞ᗂඣᩍ⫱ࡣ⌋ ࡋ࠸ࡶࡢ࡞ࡗ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ᮏ᭩ࡣ 3 ᕳࡢໟᣓⓗ࡞᭩⡠࡛ࠊ㧗ᗘ࡞◊✲ࡸ◊✲ࡢᐇ㊶ⓗ࡞ᛂ⏝ࠊṔྐⓗᇶ ┙ࠊࡑࡋ࡚ࠊ⌧௦ⓗᗂඣᩍ⫱ࡢศ㔝࠾ࡅࡿせ࡞▱ぢࡀᥦ౪ࡉࢀ࡚࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ⣙ 450 ࡢ㡯┠ࡼࡾࠊᮏ᭩ࡣࠊ㌟యⓗࠊㄆ▱ⓗࠊゝㄒⓗࠊ♫ⓗࠊឤⓗࠊ⨾ⓗ ศ㔝࠸ࡗࡓᗂඣⓎ㐩ࡢ࠶ࡽࡺࡿ㡿ᇦࡢ◊✲ᡂᯝࢆ㘓ࡍࡿࡶࠊᗂඣᩍ⫱ࡢ ᶍ⠊ⓗᐇ㊶㛵ࡍࡿໟᣓⓗ࡞ㄽホࡸࠊᗂඣᑓ㛛ᐙࡸᨻ⟇❧ࡢࡓࡵࡢຠᯝⓗ࡞‽ ഛ㈨ᩱࢆᥦ౪ࡋ࡚࠾ࡾࠊ௨ୗࡢࡼ࠺࡞タၥྲྀࡾ⤌ࢇ࡛࠸ࡲࡍࠋ ࣭ᗂඣᩍ⫱ࡢศ㔝ࡣࡢࡼ࠺ᐃ⩏࡙ࡅࡽࢀ࡚࠸ࡿ㸽 ࣭ࡇࡢศ㔝ࡢ᰿※ࡣఱ㸽 ࣭ᗂඣᩍ⫱ࡢṔྐࢆබᩍ⫱ࡢࡑࢀẚ㍑ࡋࡓ㝿ࡢ┦㐪Ⅼࡣఱ㸽 ࣭ᗂඣᩍ⫱ࡢᶍ⠊ࡢ⌮ゎࡁ࡞ᙳ㡪ࢆ࠼ࡿࡶࡢࡣఱ㸽 (Sage Pub., USA / ᣦᐃ௦⌮ᗑ) ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 251 教育学 》教育工学 Daly, Peter/Reid, Kristen/Buckley, Patrick/Doyle, Elaine (eds.) Innovative Business Education Design for 21st Century Learning (Advances in Business Education and Training, Vol. 7) 2016:8. 143 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319326207* Eaton, Marie/Hughes, Holly J./MacGregor, Jean (eds.) Contemplative Approaches to Sustainability in Higher Education: Theory and Practice 2016:11. 222 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138190177* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138190184* Eldering, Lotty Eldering, Lotty/Leseman, Paul P. M. (eds.) Effective Early Childhood Education: CrossCultural Perspectives (Studies in Education and Culture) 2016:7. 355 p., Originally published in 1999 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138993372* 大学での教育 : 国際的な視点 Forest, James J. F. (ed.) University Teaching: International Perspectives (Routledge Falmer Studies in Higher Education) 2016:8. 484 p., Originally published in 1998 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138986541* Halsall, Jamie P./Snowden, Michael (eds.) The Pedagogy of the Social Sciences Curriculum (International Perspectives on Social Policy, Administration, and Practice) 2016:10. 123 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 252 *9781138929807* !&@&!X¥ Experiencing Master’s Supervision: Perspectives of International Students and Their Supervisors (Routledge Research in Higher Education) 2016:9. 240 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Hawawini, Gabriel The Internationalization of Higher Education and Business Schools: A Critical Review (SpringerBriefs in Business) 2016:9. 95 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ,6%13DSHU(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811017551* Hazelkorn, Ellen (ed.) Global Rankings and the Geopolitics of Higher Education#&@\ > of Rankings on Higher Education, Policy and Society (International Studies in Higher Education) 2016:10. 370 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138828117* 強制的なコミュニティカレッジ Hollis, Leah P. (ed.) The Coercive Community College: Bullying and Its Costly Impact on the Mission to Serve Underrepresented Populations (Diversity in Higher Education, Vol. 18) 2016:7. 160 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786355980* König, Thomas The European Research Council 2017:1. 240 p. (Polity Press, GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780745691244* *9783319338668* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 教育学 》就学前教育・学校教育・生涯教育 研究者と社会的成功にどのように人脈が関係するか Mccabe, Janice Connecting in College: How Friendship Networks Matter for Academic and Social Success 2016:11. 216 p. (University of Chicago Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG 通常価 税 *9780226409498* ,6%13DSHU 通常価 税 *9780226409528* Murray, Jane Building Knowledge in Early Childhood Education: Young Children Are Researchers (TACTYC) 2016:12. 160 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138937932* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138937949* 精神衛生 : 初等教育における精神衛生に関する問題の理解 Nagel, Paula Mental Health Matters: A Practical Guide to Identifying and Understanding Mental Health Issues in Primary Schools 2016:9. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472921406* Papadopoulos, Pantelis M./Meiszner, Andreas/ Burger, Roland (eds.) Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Education (Advances in Digital Education and Lifelong Learning, Vol. 2) 2016:8. 256 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786350688* Sachs, Judyth/Clark, Lindie (eds.) Learning through Community Engagement: Vision and Practice in Higher Education 2016:8. 317 p. (Springer Singapore, SGP) ★印はお薦めタイトル ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9789811009976* Scott, Peter/Gallacher, Jim/Parry, Gareth (eds.) New Landscapes and Languages of Higher Education 2016:12. 304 p. (Oxford U.P., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780198787082* Sutterby, John (ed.) Family Involvement in Early Education and Child Care (Advances in Early Education and Day Care, Vol. 20) 2016:7. 270 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786354082* Trede, Franziska/McEwen, Celina (eds.) Educating the Deliberate Professional: Preparing for Future Practices (Professional and Practicebased Learning, Vol. 17) 2016:7. 234 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319329567* Watson, Mark/McMahon, Mary (eds.) Career Exploration and Development in Childhood: Perspectives from Theory, Research and Practice 2016:10. 232 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138926288* 特別支援教育 障害をもつアラブ系アメリカ人の児童 Al Khatib, Jamal M. Arab American Children with Disabilities: Considerations for Teachers and Service Providers 2016:7. 122 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138207066* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 253 教育学 》特別支援教育 Corke, Margaret Approaches to Communication through Music 2016:8. 112 p., Originally published in 2002 (David Fulton Publishers Ltd., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138177505* Danforth, Scot/Gabel, Susan L. (eds.) Vital Questions Facing Disability Studies in Education, 2nd ed. (Disability Studies in Education, Vol. 2) 2016:7. 418 p. (Peter Lang, CHE) ,6%13DSHU6)5 通常価 税 *9781433127571* 主流のイメージ : 障害を持つ生徒の教育 Keller, Clayton/Mcnergney, Robert Images of Mainstreaming: Educating Students with Disabilities (Source Books on Education) 2016:7. 248 p., Originally published in 1998 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138992375* Klein, Pnina S. Early Intervention: Cross-Cultural Experiences with a Mediational Approach (Source Books on Education) 2016:7. 278 p., Originally published in 1996 (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 自閉症スペクトラム児童のための音楽教育 Scott, Sheila Music Education for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 2017:3. 288 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190606336* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190606343* Tutt, Rona Rona Tutt’s Guide to SEND & Inclusion 2016:9. 152 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473954793* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473954809* Watkins, Amanda/Meijer, Cor (eds.) Implementing Inclusive Education: Issues in Bridging the Policy-Practice Gap (International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, Vol. 8) 2016:7. 290 p. (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 *9781786353887* *9781138968127* Richardson, J. Common, Delinquent, and Special: The Institutional Shape of Special Education (Studies in the History of Education) 2016:7. 238 p. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 254 *9781138971165* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス スポーツ・健康科学 》スポーツ・健康科学 スポーツ・健康科学 スポーツ・健康科学 Baker, Joseph/Cobley, Steve/Schorer, Jörg/Wattie, Nick (eds.) !"} ; Development in Sport (Routledge International Handbooks) 2017:2. (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138951778* Goldberg, Louise Classroom Yoga Breaks: Brief Exercises to Create Calm 2016:11. 336 p. (W.W. Norton & Co., Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780393710953* 専門的なフットボールマネージャーの役割 Kelly, Seamus The Role of the Professional Football Manager (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society) 2017:2. 184 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138697737* McRae, Jo Ride Strong: Essential Conditioning for Cyclists 2016:10. 288 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472928603* プロフェッショナル時代のラグビーの世界 Nauright, John/Collins, Tony (eds.) The Rugby World in the Professional Era (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society) 2017:2. 272 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138665446* ★印はお薦めタイトル Williamson, Lexie The Stretching Bible: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide to Dynamic Stretching & Flexibility Exercises 2017:2. 272 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472929877* スポーツと社会 Aggerholm, Kenneth Talent Development, Existential Philosophy and Sport: On Becoming an Elite Athlete 2016:8. 222 p., New in Paperback (Psychology Pr., GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138208346* スポーツと暴力 Bodin, Dominique/Robène, Luc (eds.) Sport and Violence: Rethinking Elias (Sport in the Global Society - Historical Perspectives) 2016:12. 172 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138213005* ゴールデンキック : スポーツを変えた靴 Coles, Jason Golden Kicks: The Shoes That Changed Sport 2017:1. 224 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781472937049* Collins, Harry M./Evans, Robert/Higgins, Christopher Bad Call{\@#`^~# Umpires and How to Fix It 2016:10. 304 p. (The MIT Press, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780262035392* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 255 スポーツ・健康科学 》スポーツと社会 スポーツ組織のマネジメント 第 2 版 Covell, Daniel/Walker, Sharianne/Hess, Peter/Siciliano, Julie Managing Sports Organizations, 2nd ed. 2016:7. 424 p., First published in 2007 (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138177659* スポーツ分析 : スポーツビジネスとマネジメント Fried, Gil/Mumcu, Ceyda (eds.) Sports Analytics: A Data-driven Approach to Sport Business and Management 2016:11. 304 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138667129* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138941748* *9781138667136* Schulenkorf, Nico/Frawley, Stephen (eds.) Critical Issues in Global Sport Management 2016:10. 286 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Liokaftos, Dimitris A Genealogy of Male Body Building: From Classical to Freaky (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society) 2017:1. 224 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138187115* *9781138911222* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138911239* See also *9781138941731* Ratten, Vanessa/Ferreira, João J. (eds.) Sport Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2016:12. 290 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 Caplan, Arthur L., The Ethics of Sport, Oxford U.P., New York .....................................................p15 , 0117 Davies, Richard O., Sports in American Life, Wiley ...........................................................p50 , 0464 Hartill, Michael J., Sexual Abuse in Youth Sport, Routledge...................................................p218 , 1794 Litherland, Benjamin/Georgiou, Dion (eds.) Sport’s Relationship with Other Leisure Industries: Historical Perspectives 2016:11. 352 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138223424* フットボールと健康の改善 Parnell, Daniel/Pringle, Andy (eds.) Football and Health Improvement: An Emergent Field (Sport in the Global Society - Contemporary Perspectives) 2016:10. 108 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781138221468* スポーツ医学・心理 Bisciotti, Gian Nicola/Volpi, Piero (eds.) The Lower Limb Tendinopathies: Etiology, Biology and Treatment (Sports and Traumatology) 2016:9. 242 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 Engel, Florian/Sperlich, Billy (eds.) Compression Garments in Sports: Athletic Performance and Recovery 2016:7. 113 p. (Springer International Publishing, CHE) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 256 *9783319332321* *9783319394794* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス スポーツ・健康科学 》スポーツ医学・心理 Harrast, Mark A./Finnoff, Jonathan T. (eds.) Sports Medicine: Study Guide and Review for Boards, 2nd ed. 2016:8. 675 p. (Demos Medical Publishing, USA) ,6%13DSHU86' 通常価 税 *9781620700884* *9781138999961* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Kutcher, Jeffrey S./Gerstner, Joanne C. Back in the Game=\ ##&# to End Your Athletic Career 2016:9. 272 p. (Oxford U.P., New York, USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 Moran, Aidan/Toner, John A Critical Introduction to Sport Psychology, 3rd ed. 2017:1. 464 p. (Routledge, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9780190226602* *9781138999978* Roger, Bernard/Guermazi, Ali/Skaf, Abdalla Youssef (eds.) Muscle Injuries in Sport Athletes: Clinical Essentials and Imaging Findings (Sports and Traumatology) 2016:10. 470 p. (Springer Verlag, DEU) ,6%1+DUG(85 通常価 特価 税 *9783319433424* 生活科学 生活科学一般 赤ちゃんの世界 :8 つの社会でのチャイルドケアガイド 第2版 Gottlieb, Alma/DeLoache, Judy A World of Babies: Imagined Childcare Guides for Eight Societies, 2nd ed. 2016:12. 320 p. (Cambridge U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9781107137295* =\&!"X&@!&^X^#*! Jenny Understanding Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education in Secondary Schools 2016:10. 336 p. (Sage Pub., GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781473913622* ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 衣生活 *9781473913639* Bubonia, Janace E. Apparel Production Terms and Processes, 2nd ed. 2017:2. 416 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Myers-McDevitt, Paula J. > & cal Design: Studio Access Card, 3rd ed. 2016:9. 400 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, USA) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 *9781501312717* 食生活 口の感覚:テクスチャーはどのように味を作り出すか Mouritsen, Ole G./Styrbæk, Klavs/Johansen, Mariela Mouthfeel: How Texture Makes Taste 2017:2. 416 p. (Columbia U.P., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 ★印はお薦めタイトル *9781501315572* *9780231180764* Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 257 生活科学 》食生活 Naccarato, Peter/Nowak, Zachary/Eckert, Elgin (eds.) Representing Italy through Food 2017:3. 240 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 +DUG673 通常価 特価 税 *9781474280419* Opazo, M. Pilar Appetite for Innovation: Creativity and Change at elBulli, Creativity and Change at elBulli 2016:7. 320 p. (Columbia U.P., GBR) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 特価 税 *9780231176781* 食べ物の社会学 Poulain, Jean-Pierre The Sociology of Food: Eating and the Place of Food in Society 2017:2. 320 p. (Bloomsbury Academic, GBR) ,6%1 3DSHU673 通常価 特価 税 Winne, Mark Stand Together or Starve Alone: Unity and Chaos in the U.S. Food Movement 2017:4. 180 p. (F.A. Praeger, Inc., USA) ,6%1+DUG86' 通常価 税 258 *9781472586216* *9781440844478* Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス アジア Best, Antony, Britain's Retreat from Empire in East Asia, 1905-1980, Routledge ...............p1 , 0005 Kuriyama, Naoki, Japanese Human Resource Management, Palgrave Macmillan............ p7 , 0053 Andaleeb, Syed Saad, Strategic Marketing Management in Asia, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd..............................................................p153 , 1254 Shimoda, Yukimi, Transnational Organizations and Cross-Cultural Workplaces, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................... p7 , 0056 Pearce, Philip L., The World Meets Asian Tourists, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. ...................................................................p156 , 1291 Eldridge, Robert D., The Japanese Ground SelfDefense Force, Palgrave Macmillan ..........p9 , 0067 Mochizuki, Mike M., Energy Security in Asia and Eurasia, Routledge .................................. p160 , 1309 Warf, Barney, E-Government in Asia, Chandos Pub............................................................ p196 , 1601 Koga, Kei, Reinventing Regional Security Institutions in Asia and Africa, Routledge .................................................................. p198 , 1629 Engel, Ulf, The New Politics of Regionalism, Routledge..................................................p200 , 1640 Leckie, Jacqueline, Migrant Cross-Cultural # %)Routledge .................................................................. p230 , 1892 Baird, Marian, Women, Work and Care in the #[%)Routledge........................... p232 , 1909 東アジア Holcombe, Charles, History of East Asia, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p54 , 0491 Ohkawa, Takao, Regional Free Trade Areas and Strategic Trade Policies, Springer Tokyo .................................................................. p130 , 1026 Mohd Sam, Mohd Fazli, Performance of ICT Companies in ASEAN and East Asia, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing .................p150 , 1232 日 本 Igarashi, Yoshikuni, Homecomings, Columbia U.P. ......................................................................p2 , 0008 Yonemoto, Marcia, The Problem of Women in Early Modern Japan, University of California Press ............................................................. p2 , 0012 ★印はお薦めタイトル Singer, Jane, Educating for Sustainability in Japan, Routledge ....................................... p11 , 0083 Jaundrill, D. Colin, Samurai to Soldier, Cornell U.P. ............................................................. p52 , 0485 Wilson, Sandra, Japanese War Criminals, Columbia U.P. ............................................ p52 , 0487 Lam, Peng Er, Japan Chronicles 2001-2012, World ................................................... p129 , 1024 Bytheway, Simon James, Central Banks and Gold, Cornell U.P. ..............................................p134 , 1071 Donze, Pierre-Yves, Industrial Development, Technology Transfer, and Global Competition, Routledge...................................................p149 , 1221 Hoshino, Yasuo, Entry Mode Strategies and International Performance, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ................................p150 , 1225 Iwashita, Hitoshi, Japanese Management, Routledge...................................................p150 , 1227 Totman, Conrad, Japan, I.B. Tauris ....... p158 , 1300 Hu, Weinian, International Patent Rights Harmonization, Routledge..................... p181 , 1480 中華人民共和国 Mittler, Barbara, A Continuous Revolution, Harvard U.P.................................................p2 , 0009 Boussen, Laurel, Bound Feet, Young Hands, Stanford U.P. .............................................. p33 , 0282 Bruckermann, Charlotte, The Anthropology of China, Imperial College Press ................. p33 , 0283 Guyot-Rechard, Berenice, Shadow States, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p52 , 0484 Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 259 アジア 》東アジア Bossler, Beverly, Courtesans, Concubines, and the Cult of Female Fidelity, Harvard U.P. ... p52 , 0488 Liefner, Ingo, Innovation and Regional Development in China, Routledge .........p150 , 1229 Cong, Xiaoping, Marriage, Law and Gender in Revolutionary China, Cambridge U.P. ....................................................................p54 , 0489 Qiao, Yongzhong, Maintenance Time and the Industry Development of Patents, Springer Singapore ..................................................p152 , 1247 Cook, Alexander C., The Cultural Revolution on Trial, Cambridge U.P................................p54 , 0490 Ba, Shusong, Internet Plus Pathways to the Transformation of China's Property Sector, Springer Verlag .........................................p155 , 1279 Ownby, David, Making Saints in Modern China, Oxford U.P., New York............................... p54 , 0492 Shaughnessy, Edward L., A Short History of Ancient China, I.B. Tauris ....................... p54 , 0493 Spigarelli, Francesca, China and Europe's Partnership for a More Sustainable World, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. ...............p161 , 1312 Sutton, Donald S., Contesting the Yellow Dragon, Brill Academic Publishers ......................... p54 , 0494 Shroder, John F., Transboundary Water Resources in Afghanistan, Elsevier Science ............p163 , 1327 Tackett, Nicolas, The Destruction of the Medieval Chinese Aristocracy, Harvard U.P. ........ p54 , 0495 Zhang, Jinfan, The History of Chinese Legal Civilization, Springer Singapore ............p171 , 1389 Tontini, Roberta, Muslim Sanzijing, Brill Academic Publishers................................................... p54 , 0496 Hu, Weinian, International Patent Rights Harmonization, Routledge..................... p181 , 1480 Wong, Young-tsu, China’s Conquest of Taiwan in the Seventeenth Century, Springer Verlag .................................................................... p54 , 0497 Hohler, Suzanne, Fascism in Manchuria, I.B. Tauris.........................................................p189 , 1553 Ang, Yuen Yuen, How China Escaped the Poverty Trap, Cornell U.P.....................................p129 , 1018 Chen, Yunxian, Government Foresighted Leading, Routledge...................................................p129 , 1019 Gewirtz, Julian, Unlikely Partners, Harvard U.P. .................................................................. p129 , 1020 Jiang, Qingyun, Fair Development in China, Springer Verlag ........................................ p129 , 1022 Joshua, John, China's Economic Growth: Towards Sustainable Economic Development and Social Justice, Palgrave Macmillan .................. p129 , 1023 Stent, James, China's Banking Transformation, Oxford U.P., New York............................. p130 , 1027 Tao, Yitao, Annual Report on the Development of China's Special Economic Zones (2016), Springer Verlag ....................................................... p130 , 1028 Wang, Ning, China's Market Transformation, ........................................ p130 , 1029 Wu, WenJie, Economics of Planning Policies in China, Routledge..................................... p130 , 1030 Balmer, John, Advances in Chinese Brand Management, Palgrave Macmillan.........p149 , 1219 Helmold, Marc, Global Sourcing and Supply Management Excellence in China, Springer Singapore ..................................................p150 , 1224 260 Parham, Steven, China's Borderlands, I.B. Tauris ...................................................................p197 , 1614 Kong, Zhiguo, The Making of a Maritime Power, Springer Verlag ........................................ p199 , 1630 Lam, Katy N., Chinese State Owned Enterprises in West Africa, Routledge ...................... p200 , 1642 Han, Enze, Contestation and Adaptation, Oxford U.P., New York ......................................... p202 , 1667 Ping, Xiaojuan, Tycoons in Hong Kong, Imperial College Press ........................................... p202 , 1669 Tubilewicz, Czeslaw, Critical Issues in Contemporary China, Routledge .......... p203 , 1670 Müller, Armin, China's New Public Health Insurance, Routledge .............................. p209 , 1722 Yang, Jingqing, Informal Payments and Regulations in China's Healthcare System, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p209 , 1723 Yang, Lijun, Social Development and Social Policy, ........................................ p209 , 1724 Burns, Lawton Robert, China's Healthcare System and Reform, Cambridge U.P...................p213 , 1750 Jankowiak, William R., Family Life in China, Polity Press .............................................. p219 , 1804 Wang, Da Wei David, Urban Villages in the New China, Palgrave Macmillan.....................p221 , 1814 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス アジア 》東南アジア Zhang, Han, China's Local Entrepreneurial State and New Urban Spaces, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p221 , 1816 台湾(台湾省 / 中華民国) Cole, J. Michael, Taiwan Strait, Routledge ....................... p202 , 1665 Fell, Dafydd, Taiwan's Social Movements under Ma Ying-jeou, Routledge ....................... p202 , 1666 Lin, Francis Chia-Hui, Heteroglossic Asia, Routledge.................................................. p202 , 1668 香港 Sutton, Christopher, Britain’s Cold War in Cyprus and Hong Kong, Palgrave Macmillan ..... p46 , 0416 Wong, Young-tsu, China’s Conquest of Taiwan in the Seventeenth Century, Springer Verlag .................................................................... p54 , 0497 インドネシア Shimoda, Yukimi, Transnational Organizations and Cross-Cultural Workplaces, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................... p7 , 0056 Palmer, Wayne, Indonesia's Overseas Labour Migration Programme, 1969-2010, Brill Academic Publishers................................................. p230 , 1897 南アジア Pettigrew, William A., The East India Company, 1600-1857, Routledge ................................ p41 , 0369 Aiyer, Sourajit, Capital Market Integration in South Asia, Elsevier Science ...................p130 , 1031 Naseemullah, Adnan, Development After Statism, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p130 , 1033 Jaishankar, K., Handbook of South Asian Criminology, Chapman & Hall/CRC......p175 , 1435 朝鮮民主主義人民共和国 Liss, Carolin, Piracy in Southeast Asia, Routledge ...................................................................p199 , 1631 Hastings, Justin V., A Most Enterprising Country, Cornell U.P. ..............................................p129 , 1021 Basu, Rumki, Governance in South Asia, Routledge .................................................................. p203 , 1672 東南アジア インド Luhrmann, T. M., Our Most Troubling Madness, University of California Press .................. p34 , 0296 Luhrmann, T. M., Our Most Troubling Madness, University of California Press .................. p34 , 0296 Mandal, Purnendu, Entrepreneurship in Technology for ASEAN, Springer Verlag .................................................................. p150 , 1230 Olivelle, Patrick, King, Governance, and Law in Ancient India, Oxford U.P., New York .... p39 , 0347 Mohd Sam, Mohd Fazli, Performance of ICT Companies in ASEAN and East Asia, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing .................p150 , 1232 Liss, Carolin, Piracy in Southeast Asia, Routledge ...................................................................p199 , 1631 ベトナム Verma Mishra, Susan, The Archaeology of Sacred Spaces, Routledge...................................... p40 , 0356 Guyot-Rechard, Berenice, Shadow States, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p52 , 0484 Abu`l-fazl, The History of Akbar, Harvard U.P. .................................................................... p55 , 0499 Harms, Erik, Luxury and Rubble, University of California Press ......................................... p34 , 0290 Cox, Whitney, Politics, Kingship, and Poetry in Medieval South India, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p55 , 0500 フィリピン Peers, Douglas M., India and the British Empire, Oxford U.P. ................................................ p57 , 0524 Castaneda Anastacio, Leia, The Foundations of the Modern Philippine State, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p54 , 0498 ★印はお薦めタイトル Slouber, Michael, Early Tantric Medicine, Oxford U.P., New York ........................................... p58 , 0531 Kosambi, Damodar Dharmanand, Myth and Reality, Sage Pub. .....................................p60 , 0550 Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 261 アジア 》南アジア Ramaswamy, Vijaya, Women and Work in Precolonial India, Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd. .................................................................... p61 , 0555 Suri, P. K., Strategic Planning and Implementation of E-Governance, Springer Verlag ....................................................... p196 , 1599 Mathur, Somesh, Theorizing International Trade, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p124 , 0980 Andrews, C. F., The Rise and Growth of the Congress in India, Routledge ................ p203 , 1671 Gandhi, Vasant P., Introduction of Biotechnology in India's Agriculture, Springer Singapore .................................................................. p125 , 0990 Chaube, Shibani Kinkar, The Idea of Nation and its Future in India, Routledge ............... p203 , 1673 Ghose, Arpita, in India, Springer Verlag ........................ p128 , 1008 Ghate, Chetan, Monetary Policy in India, Springer Verlag ....................................................... p130 , 1032 Singh, Charan, Public Debt Management, Springer Verlag ....................................................... p130 , 1034 Taneja, Nisha, India-Pakistan Trade Normalisation, Springer Verlag............. p130 , 1035 Parida, Tapas Kumar, The Life Insurance Industry in India, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p137 , 1099 Chatterji, Madhumita, Ethical Leadership, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p148 , 1209 Nielsen, Kenneth, Social Movements and the State in India, Palgrave Macmillan .................p219 , 1798 Vijaya, Ramya M., Indian Immigrant Women and Work, Routledge...................................... p232 , 1903 パキスタン Taneja, Nisha, India-Pakistan Trade Normalisation, Springer Verlag............. p130 , 1035 Shroder, John F., Transboundary Water Resources in Afghanistan, Elsevier Science ............p163 , 1327 スリランカ Perera, Sasanka, Warzone Tourism in Sri Lanka, Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd.............. p230 , 1898 Shroder, John F., Transboundary Water Resources in Afghanistan, Elsevier Science ............p163 , 1327 Bavinck, Maarten, )@ Natural Resource Management, Routledge ...................................................................p163 , 1331 中央アジア Parham, Steven, China’s Borderlands, I.B. Tauris ...................................................................p197 , 1614 Wasson, Robert James, Ganga Rejuvenation, World ................................................... p165 , 1348 Halder, Debarati, Cyber Crimes against Women in India, Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd. ...................................................................p175 , 1430 カザフスタン Mouraviev, Nikolai, Public-Private Partnerships, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p195 , 1591 Hu, Weinian, International Patent Rights Harmonization, Routledge..................... p181 , 1480 ロシア Badcock, Sarah, A Prison Without Walls?, Oxford U.P. .............................................................p49 , 0450 Swain, Geoffrey, A Short History of the Russian Revolution, I.B. Tauris..............................p49 , 0454 Hennings, Jan, Russia and Courtly Europe, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p49 , 0451 The Russian Revolution, Routledge ........ p49 , 0455 Kollmann, Nancy Shields, The Russian Empire 1450-1801, Oxford U.P. ............................. p49 , 0452 Smith, Steve A., Russia in Revolution, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p49 , 0453 262 Wade, Rex A., Russian Revolution, 1917, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p49 , 0456 Wheatley, Ben, British Intelligence and Hitler's Empire in the Soviet Union, 1941-1945, Bloomsbury Academic ............................... p58 , 0537 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ロシア Fortescue, Stephen, The Russian Economy, Routledge...................................................p131 , 1039 Maass, Anna-Sophie, EU-Russia Relations, 19992015, Routledge ........................................p197 , 1611 van Someren, Taco C. R., Strategic Innovation in Russia, Springer International Publishing ...................................................................p150 , 1234 Grgic, Gorana, # Federations, Routledge ........................... p204 , 1680 McAuley, Mary, Human Rights in Russia, I.B. Tauris.........................................................p172 , 1397 Hohler, Suzanne, Fascism in Manchuria, I.B. Tauris.........................................................p189 , 1553 Mouraviev, Nikolai, Public-Private Partnerships, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p195 , 1591 Skillen, Daphne, Freedom of Speech in Russia, Routledge.................................................. p204 , 1681 Pallott, Judith, Families and Punishment in Russia, I.B. Tauris ....................................p233 , 1917 David-Fox, Michael, Revolution of the Mind, Cornell U.P. ............................................. p237 , 1948 中 東 Esler, Philip F., Babatha's Orchard, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p37 , 0322 Sabry, Tarik, Arab Subcultures, I.B. Tauris .................................................................. p227 , 1876 Zamir, Meir, The Secret Anglo-French War in the Middle East, Routledge ............................ p55 , 0509 トルコ Gangopadhyay, Partha, Analytical Peace Economics, Routledge..............................p131 , 1038 Pyka, Andreas, International Innovation Networks and Knowledge Migration, Routledge .................................................................. p132 , 1049 Mojtahed-Zadeh, Pirouz, Security and Territoriality in the Persian Gulf, Routledge .................................................................. p199 , 1634 The Collective Dimension of Freedom of Religion, Routledge .............p172 , 1401 Daher, Aurelie, Hezbollah, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................................. p201 , 1650 Czajka, Agnes, Democracy and Justice, Routledge ...................................................................p189 , 1547 Mabon, Simon, The Origins of Isis, I.B. Tauris .................................................................. p201 , 1657 Alaranta, Toni, Contemporary Kemalism, Routledge.................................................. p204 , 1675 Makdisi, Samir, Democratic Transitions in the Arab World, Cambridge U.P. ................ p202 , 1663 Gonen, Zeynep, The Politics of Crime in Turkey, I.B. Tauris..................................................p218 , 1792 Abdo, Geneive, The New Sectarianism, Oxford U.P., New York ......................................... p203 , 1674 アフガニスタン Brown, Nathan J., Arguing Islam after the Revival of Arab Politics, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................................. p204 , 1676 Shroder, John F., Transboundary Water Resources in Afghanistan, Elsevier Science ............p163 , 1327 Ferabolli, Silvia, Arab Regionalism, Routledge .................................................................. p204 , 1677 イラン Bermant, Azriel, Margaret Thatcher and the Middle East, Cambridge U.P. ................ p204 , 1684 Mehdizadeh, Narjes, Work and Family Balance in the Middle East and North Africa, The Policy Press University of Bristol .......................p221 , 1819 Harb, Zahera, Reporting the Middle East, I.B. Tauris........................................................ p222 , 1829 Bennett, Pete, Popular Culture and the Austerity Myth, Routledge ...................................... p226 , 1865 ★印はお薦めタイトル Rahnema, Ali, Behind the 1953 Coup in Iran, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p55 , 0507 Richard, Yann, Iran from 1800 to the Present Day, I.B. Tauris................................................... p55 , 0508 Siamdoust, Nahid, Soundtrack of the Revolution, Stanford U.P. ............................................ p227 , 1878 Alikarami, Leila, Women and Equality in Iran, I.B. Tauris........................................................ p232 , 1907 Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 263 中 東 イスラエル アラブ首長国連邦 MacKenzie, Duncan, The Excavations of Beth Shemesh, November-December 1912, Routledge .................................................................... p39 , 0344 Kumetat, Dennis, Managing the Transition, Routledge.................................................. p160 , 1308 Özerdem, Alpaslan, the Palestinians, Routledge .................... p201 , 1658 イエメン パレスチナ Imseis, Ardi, The Palestine Yearbook of International Law, Volume 18, M. Nijhoff ...................................................................p184 , 1513 Özerdem, Alpaslan, the Palestinians, Routledge .................... p201 , 1658 Hajj, Nadya, Protection Amid Chaos, Columbia U.P. ........................................................... p204 , 1678 Wimmen, Heiko, Dynamics of Transformation, Elite Change and New Social Mobilization, Routledge.................................................. p204 , 1679 キプロス Sutton, Christopher, Britain’s Cold War in Cyprus and Hong Kong, Palgrave Macmillan ..... p46 , 0416 Pikis, Georghios M., An Analysis of the English Common Law, Principles of Equity and Their Application in a Former British Colony, Cyprus, Brill Academic Publishers ........................p167 , 1369 ヨーロッパ Angold, Michael J, The Fourth Crusade, Routledge .................................................................... p41 , 0363 Dillon, Christopher, Dachau and the SS, Oxford U.P. .............................................................p46 , 0424 Parker, Charles H., Judging Faith, Punishing Sin, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p41 , 0368 Kritsotaki, Despo, Deinstitutionalisation and After, Palgrave Macmillan ....................... p58 , 0527 Jankowski, Paul, Verdun, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................................... p42 , 0372 Bougerel, Xavier, Combatants of Muslim Origin in European Armies in the Twentieth Century, Bloomsbury Academic ............................... p58 , 0532 Barrett, James H., Maritime Societies of the Viking and Medieval World, Routledge .................................................................... p42 , 0375 Burghartz, Susanna, Sites of Mediation, Brill Academic Publishers ................................. p42 , 0377 Duranti, Marco, The Conservative Human Rights Revolution, Oxford U.P., New York ......... p42 , 0378 Graf, Tobias P., The Sultan's Renegades, Oxford U.P. ............................................................. p42 , 0379 Kemp, Tom, Industrialization in Nineteenth Century Europe, Routledge ..................... p42 , 0381 Agren, Maria, Making a Living, Making a Difference, Oxford U.P., New York .......... p59 , 0538 Barclay, Katie, Death, Emotion and Childhood in Premodern Europe, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................... p59 , 0541 Hadley, Dawn, Masculinity in Medieval Europe, Routledge.................................................... p59 , 0546 McDougall, Sara, Royal Bastards, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p60 , 0553 Bellini, Nicola, Europe's Changing Geography, Routledge...................................................p131 , 1043 Mckitterick, Rosamond, The Frankish Kingdoms Under the Carolingians 751-987, Routledge .................................................................... p43 , 0383 Chatterji, Madhumita, Ethical Leadership, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p148 , 1209 Rublack, Ulinka, The Oxford Handbook of the Protestant Reformations, Oxford U.P. ....................................................................p43 , 0384 Spigarelli, Francesca, China and Europe's Partnership for a More Sustainable World, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. ...............p161 , 1312 Böhler, Jochen, The Waffen-SS, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p46 , 0423 Ward, Jenni, Transforming Summary Justice, Routledge................................................... p173 , 1412 264 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ Colson, Renaud, European Drug Policies, Routledge...................................................p174 , 1423 Dzehtsiarou, Kanstantsin, European Consensus and the Legitimacy of the European Court of Human Rights, Cambridge U.P. .............p186 , 1532 Veil, Rudiger, European Capital Markets Law, Hart Publishing Ltd. .................................p186 , 1537 Laski, Harold J., The Danger of Being a Gentleman, Psychology Pr. .....................p191 , 1558 Geddes, Andrew, The Politics of Migration and Immigration in Europe, Sage Pub........ p205 , 1688 Gstöhl, Sieglinde, Theorizing the European Neighbourhood Policy, Routledge ......... p206 , 1690 Jensen, Jody, Reframing Europe's Future, Routledge.................................................. p206 , 1692 Halman, Loek, European Values in Numbers, Brill Academic Publishers ................................p215 , 1760 Cole, David, Surveillance, Privacy and TransAtlantic Relations, Hart Publishing Ltd. ...................................................................p171 , 1392 Cremona, Marise, The European Court of Justice and External Relations Law, Hart Publishing Ltd. .................................................................. p186 , 1530 Draghici, Carmen, The Legitimacy of Family Rights in Strasbourg Case Law, Hart Publishing Ltd..............................................................p186 , 1531 Freedland, Mark, Viking, Laval and Beyond, Hart Publishing Ltd. ..........................................p186 , 1533 Jesse, Moritz, The Civic Citizens of Europe, Brill Academic Publishers ................................p186 , 1534 Mulder, Jule, EU Non-Discrimination Law in the Courts, Hart Publishing Ltd. ...................p186 , 1536 Vilaca, Jose Luis, EU Law and Integration, Hart Publishing Ltd. ..........................................p186 , 1538 Bennett, Pete, Popular Culture and the Austerity Myth, Routledge ...................................... p226 , 1865 Woude, Marc van der, EU Competition Law Handbook 2017, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. ...................................................................p186 , 1539 Nowicka, Magdalena, Migration and Social Remittances in a Global Europe, Palgrave Macmillan ................................................ p230 , 1896 Mudde, Cas, Populism, Oxford U.P., New York ...................................................................p192 , 1565 Picker, Giovanni, Racial Cities, Routledge .................................................................. p231 , 1899 Maass, Anna-Sophie, EU-Russia Relations, 19992015, Routledge ........................................p197 , 1611 E U Davor, Jancic, National Parliaments after the Lisbon Treaty and the Euro Crisis, Oxford U.P. .................................................................. p205 , 1686 Braun, Dietmar, Consolidation Policies in Federal States, Routledge ..................................... p123 , 0965 Grøn, Caroline Howard, The Nordic Countries and the European Union, Routledge ..... p206 , 1689 Hübner, Kurt, Europe, Canada and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, Routledge.................................................. p124 , 0979 Jensen, Mads Dagnis, EU Presidencies between Politics and Administration, Routledge .................................................................. p206 , 1693 Ambroziak, Adam A., The New Industrial Policy of the European Union, Springer International Publishing ................................................ p131 , 1040 Keil, Soeren, The EU and Member State Building, Routledge.................................................. p206 , 1694 Aslund, Anders, Europe's Growth Challenge, Oxford U.P., New York..............................p131 , 1041 Leonard, Sarah, Searching for a Strategy for the European Union's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, Routledge ................................... p206 , 1696 Beck, Thorsten, The Palgrave Handbook of European Banking, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p131 , 1042 Scicluna, Nicole, European Union Constitutionalism in Crisis, Routledge .................................................................. p206 , 1698 da Costa Cabral, Nazaré, The Euro and the Crisis, Springer Verlag ........................................ p132 , 1046 Trauner, Florian, Policy Change in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, Routledge .................................................................. p207 , 1701 Douady, Raphaël, Financial Regulation in the EU, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p132 , 1047 Wettestad, Jørgen, Rescuing EU Emissions Trading, Palgrave Macmillan .................p163 , 1330 ★印はお薦めタイトル Ante, Christine, The Europeanisation of Vocational Education and Training, Springer Verlag ....................................................... p250 , 2063 Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 265 ヨーロッパ König, Thomas, The European Research Council, Polity Press .............................................. p252 , 2079 Gillespie, Vincent, Short History of Medieval English Mysticism, I.B. Tauris ................p44 , 0401 西ヨーロッパ Hunter, Archie, A Life of Sir John Eldon Gorst, Psychology Pr. ...........................................p45 , 0404 イギリス Best, Antony, Britain’s Retreat from Empire in East Asia, 1905-1980, Routledge ...............p1 , 0005 Killeen, Kevin, The Political Bible in Early Modern England, Cambridge U.P...........p45 , 0405 Kissane, Alan, Civic Community in Late Medieval Lincoln, Boydell & Brewer Ltd. ...............p45 , 0406 Michie, Ranald C., British Banking, Oxford U.P. ......................................................................p6 , 0048 Knight, Stephen, Merlin, Cornell U.P. .....p45 , 0407 Gullifer, Louise, Secured Transactions Law Reform, Hart Publishing Ltd. .....................p8 , 0062 Kolkovich, Elizabeth Zeman, The Elizabethan Country House Entertainment, Cambridge U.P. ....................................................................p45 , 0408 Holden, Richard, Offshore Civil Procedure, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. ............................................p8 , 0063 Pettigrew, William A., The East India Company, 1600-1857, Routledge ................................ p41 , 0369 Zwierlein, Cornel, Imperial Unknowns, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p43 , 0385 Ackers, Peter, Alternatives to State-Socialism in Britain, Palgrave Macmillan....................p43 , 0386 Lord, Evelyn, Knights Templar in Britain, Routledge....................................................p45 , 0409 MacKenzie, John M., Scotland and the British Empire, Oxford U.P. ................................. p45 , 0410 McCallum, John, Scotland's Long Reformation, Brill Academic Publishers ......................... p45 , 0411 Murray, Catriona, Imaging Stuart Family Politics, Routledge.................................................... p45 , 0412 Brown, Callum G., Religion and Society in Twentieth-Century Britain, Routledge .................................................................... p43 , 0387 Reay, Barry, Popular Cultures in England 15501750, Routledge.......................................... p45 , 0413 Chamberlain, Muriel E., Pax Britannica?, Routledge....................................................p43 , 0388 Robson, Martin, History of the Royal Navy, I.B. Tauris.......................................................... p45 , 0414 Coffey, John, Persecution and Toleration in Protestant England 1558-1689, Routledge ....................................................................p43 , 0389 Secord, James A., Visions of Science, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p46 , 0415 Collinson, Patrick, Richard Bancroft and Elizabethan Anti-Puritanism, Cambridge U.P. ....................................................................p43 , 0390 Constantine, Stephen, Lloyd George, Routledge .................................................................... p43 , 0391 Coppola, Al, The Theater of Experiment, Oxford U.P., New York ........................................... p43 , 0392 Emsley, Clive, The English Police, Routledge .................................................................... p44 , 0395 Gaudio, Michael, The Bible and the Printed Image in Early Modern England, Routledge ....p44 , 0398 Gehring, David Scott, Diplomatic Intelligence on the Holy Roman Empire and Denmark During the Reigns of Elizabeth I and James VI, Cambridge U.P. .........................................p44 , 0399 Gentles, Ian J., The English Revolution and the Wars in the Three Kingdoms, 1638-1652, Routledge....................................................p44 , 0400 266 Sutton, Christopher, Britain’s Cold War in Cyprus and Hong Kong, Palgrave Macmillan ..... p46 , 0416 Sweet, Rosemary, The English Town, 1680-1840, Routledge.................................................... p46 , 0417 Taylor, Matthew, The Association Game, Routledge .................................................................... p46 , 0418 Thompson, Andrew S., The Empire Strikes Back?, Routledge.................................................... p46 , 0419 Thompson, Andrew, Britain's Experience of Empire in the Twentieth Century, Oxford U.P. ....................................................................p46 , 0420 Thorsheim, Peter, Waste Into Weapons, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p46 , 0421 Peers, Douglas M., India and the British Empire, Oxford U.P. ................................................ p57 , 0524 Thomas, Martin, Arguing about Empire, Oxford U.P. ............................................................. p57 , 0525 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ 》西ヨーロッパ Loughran, Tracey, Shell-Shock and Medical Culture in First World War Britain, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p58 , 0528 Radden, Jennifer, Melancholic Habits, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................... p58 , 0530 Wheatley, Ben, British Intelligence and Hitler's Empire in the Soviet Union, 1941-1945, Bloomsbury Academic ............................... p58 , 0537 Crawford, Sally, Ark of Civilization, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p59 , 0544 Magra, Christopher P., Poseidon's Curse, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p60 , 0552 Bisscop, W. R., The Rise of the London Money Market, Routledge ...................................p131 , 1044 Asquith, H. H., Trade and the Empire, Routledge ...................................................................p133 , 1061 Bytheway, Simon James, Central Banks and Gold, Cornell U.P. ..............................................p134 , 1071 Amosse, Thomas, Comparative Workplace Employment Relations, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p149 , 1218 Beers, Laura, Red Ellen, Harvard U.P. .................................................................. p204 , 1682 Bermant, Azriel, Margaret Thatcher and the Middle East, Cambridge U.P. ................ p204 , 1684 Copsey, Nigel, Anti-Fascism in Britain, Routledge .................................................................. p204 , 1685 Hindess, Barry, Parliamentary Democracy and Socialist Politics, Routledge ................... p206 , 1691 Laski, Harold J., ) Psychology Pr. ......................................... p206 , 1695 Martin, Christopher, The UK as a Medium Maritime Power in the 21st Century, Palgrave Macmillan ................................................ p206 , 1697 Song, Xiongwei, Policy Implementation of Sure Start in the UK, Springer Verlag........... p206 , 1699 Jones, Richard, Mental Health Act Manual, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. .........................................p210 , 1735 Christensen, Pia, Children Living in Sustainable Built Environments, Routledge ..............p220 , 1811 Bennett, Pete, Popular Culture and the Austerity Myth, Routledge ...................................... p226 , 1865 Stroud's Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. .............. p166 , 1349 Thwaites, Rachel, Changing Names and Gendering Identity, Routledge .............. p234 , 1923 de Villiers, J. E. R., History of the Legislation Concerning Real and Personal Property in England, Cambridge U.P.........................p167 , 1366 Malkiel, Nancy Weiss, Keep the Damned Women Out, Princeton U.P. ..................................p237 , 1952 McBride, Keally, Mr. Mothercountry, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................. p167 , 1368 Murphy, Ryan, English Legal System, Routledge ...................................................................p169 , 1373 Blackham, Alysia, Extending Working Life for Older Workers, Hart Publishing Ltd. .....p171 , 1391 Groves, Matthew, Legitimate Expectations in the Common Law World, Hart Publishing Ltd. ...................................................................p172 , 1404 Ward, Jenni, Transforming Summary Justice, Routledge................................................... p173 , 1412 Mitchell, Charles, The Law of Unjust Enrichment, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. ...............................p178 , 1464 Frisby, Sandra, Corporate Insolvency Law, Oxford U.P. ............................................................p180 , 1474 Benton, Lauren, Rage for Order, Harvard U.P. ...................................................................p182 , 1491 Jesse, Moritz, The Civic Citizens of Europe, Brill Academic Publishers ................................p186 , 1534 ★印はお薦めタイトル Simon, Catherine A., Beyond Every Child Matters, Routledge.................................................. p242 , 1989 アイルランド Daly, Mary E., Cambridge Social History of Modern Ireland, Cambridge U.P. ........... p44 , 0393 Earner-Byrne, Lindsey, Letters of the Catholic Poor, Cambridge U.P. ...............................p44 , 0394 FitzGerald, Alison, Silver in Georgian Dublin, Routledge....................................................p44 , 0396 Goodspeed, Tyler Beck, Famine and Finance, Palgrave Macmillan ..................................p44 , 0402 Fletcher, George, Ireland, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p61 , 0560 Roche, William K., Austerity and Recovery in Ireland, Oxford U.P. ............................... p132 , 1050 フランス Perry, Guy, John of Brienne, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p41 , 0365 Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 267 ヨーロッパ 》西ヨーロッパ Zwierlein, Cornel, Imperial Unknowns, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p43 , 0385 ドイツ Desjardins, Paul, French Patriotism in the Nineteenth Century, Cambridge U.P. ..... p47 , 0436 Crockatt, Richard, Einstein and TwentiethCentury Politics, Oxford U.P.....................p2 , 0007 Jones, Peter. M., The French Revolution 17871804, Routledge ......................................... p48 , 0437 Perry, Guy, John of Brienne, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p41 , 0365 Lougee, Carolyn Chappell, Facing the Revocation, Oxford U.P., New York...............................p48 , 0439 Ashton, Bodie A., The Kingdom of Wurttemberg and the Making of Germany, 1815-1871, Bloomsbury Academic ............................... p46 , 0422 Murphy, Neil, Ceremonial Entries, Municipal Liberties and the Negotiation of Power in Valois France, 1328-1589, Brill Academic Publishers ....................................................................p48 , 0440 Garloff, Katja, Mixed Feelings, Cornell U.P. .................................................................... p46 , 0425 Gutmann, Martin R., Building a Nazi Europe, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p47 , 0426 Taylor, Craig, Chivalry and the Ideals of Knighthood in France During the Hundred Years War, Cambridge U.P. ................................p48 , 0441 Habermas, Rebekka, Thieves in Court, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p47 , 0427 Fogg, Shannon L., Stealing Home, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p57 , 0520 Hewitson, Mark, The People's War, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p47 , 0428 Thomas, Martin, Arguing about Empire, Oxford U.P. ............................................................. p57 , 0525 Jones, Mark, Founding Weimar, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p47 , 0429 Leroux, Robert, French Liberalism in the 19th Century, Routledge ................................. p118 , 0930 Kuhne, Thomas, The Rise and Fall of Comradeship, Cambridge U.P. ................p47 , 0430 Amosse, Thomas, Comparative Workplace Employment Relations, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................................p149 , 1218 Lerner, Robert E., Ernst Kantorowicz, Princeton U.P. ............................................................. p47 , 0431 Nicholls, Walter J., Cities and Social Movements, Wiley-Blackwell ........................................p219 , 1797 オランダ Heijden, Manon, Women and Crime in Early Modern Holland, Brill Academic Publishers .................................................................... p59 , 0547 Nicholls, Walter J., Cities and Social Movements, Wiley-Blackwell ........................................p219 , 1797 ベルギー Jesse, Moritz, The Civic Citizens of Europe, Brill Academic Publishers ................................p186 , 1534 中央ヨーロッパ Competitiveness of CEE Economies and Businesses, Springer International Publishing .................................................p132 , 1051 Lewy, Guenter, Harmful and Undesirable, Oxford U.P., New York ........................................... p47 , 0432 Priemel, Kim Christian, The Betrayal, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p47 , 0433 Reuter, Timothy, Germany in the Early Middle Ages c. 800-1056, Routledge .................... p47 , 0434 Vaizey, Hester, Born in the GDR, Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p47 , 0435 Wheatley, Ben, British Intelligence and Hitler's Empire in the Soviet Union, 1941-1945, Bloomsbury Academic ............................... p58 , 0537 Janzen, Janet, Media, Modernity and Dynamic Plants in Early 20th Century German Culture, Brill Academic Publishers ......................... p59 , 0548 Pyka, Andreas, International Innovation Networks and Knowledge Migration, Routledge .................................................................. p132 , 1049 Böckenförde, Ernst-Wolfgang, Constitutional and Political Theory, Oxford U.P. .................p169 , 1374 Geary, Richard, Hitler and Nazism, Routledge ...................................................................p189 , 1551 268 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス ヨーロッパ 》中央ヨーロッパ Blome, Agnes, The Politics of Work-Family Policy Reforms in Germany and Italy, Routledgep209 , 1719 スペイン Wulfhorst, Gebhard, Sustainable Mobility in Metropolitan Regions, Springer Verlag ...................................................................p221 , 1815 Celestino, Sebastián, Tartessos and the Phoenicians in Iberia, Oxford U.P. ......... p37 , 0315 Howes, William Seth, Beyond No Future, Bloomsbury Academic ............................. p226 , 1873 Dagnino, Jorge, Faith and Fascism, Palgrave Macmillan ..................................................p48 , 0442 オーストリア Malcolm, Alistair, Royal Favouritism and the Governing Elite of the Spanish Monarchy, 16401665, Oxford U.P. ......................................p48 , 0444 Knight, Robert, Slavs in Post-Nazi Austria, Bloomsbury Academic ............................... p43 , 0382 Garcia, David, Contemporary Spanish Foreign Policy, Routledge ..................................... p205 , 1687 ポーランド Penson, J. H., The Cambridge History of Poland, Cambridge U.P. .........................................p49 , 0448 ハンガリー Zupka, Du an, Ritual and Symbolic Communication in Medieval Hungary under the Arpad Dynasty, Brill Academic Publishers ....................................................................p49 , 0449 Adam, Istvan Pal, Budapest Building Managers and the Holocaust in Hungary, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................................p57 , 0518 南ヨーロッパ イタリア Amyot, G. Grant, Business, The State and Economic Policy, Routledge .......................p6 , 0045 Perry, Guy, John of Brienne, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p41 , 0365 Gaggio, Dario, The Shaping of Tuscany, Cambridge U.P. .........................................p48 , 0443 Consiglio, Stefano, Temporary Work Agencies in Italy, Springer Verlag...............................p131 , 1045 Torres, Miguel, Seville, Routledge ......... p207 , 1700 ギリシャ Whibley, Leonard, Greek Oligarchies, Cambridge U.P. ............................................................. p40 , 0358 Hyz, Alina, Creative Industries in Greece, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p150 , 1226 北ヨーロッパ Holtskog, Halvor, Learning Factories, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p152 , 1245 Lapsley, Irvine, Modernizing the Public Sector, Routledge.................................................. p193 , 1586 Bergmann, Eirikur, Nordic Nationalism and Right Wing Populist Politics, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p204 , 1683 Grøn, Caroline Howard, The Nordic Countries and the European Union, Routledge ..... p206 , 1689 Tjeldvoll, Arild, Education and the Scandinavian Welfare State in the Year 2000, Psychology Pr. .................................................................. p243 , 1995 ノルウェー Allum, Felia, The Invisible Camorra, Cornell U.P. ................................................................... p173 , 1413 Ohrvik, Ane, Conceptualizing Knowledge in Early Modern Norway, Palgrave Macmillan ....................................................................p48 , 0445 Blome, Agnes, The Politics of Work-Family Policy Reforms in Germany and Italy, Routledge .................................................................. p209 , 1719 スウェーデン Picker, Giovanni, Racial Cities, Routledge .................................................................. p231 , 1899 Forsgren, Mats, Managing the Internationalization Process, Routledge ...................................................................p149 , 1222 Naccarato, Peter, Representing Italy through Food, Bloomsbury Academic ...................p258 , 2126 ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 269 ヨーロッパ 》東ヨーロッパ 東ヨーロッパ Mälksoo, Lauri, Baltic Yearbook of International Law, Volume 15, Brill Academic Publishersp185,1519 Dolukhanov, Pavel, The Early Slavs, Routledge ....................................................................p49 , 0447 Grgic, Gorana, # Federations, Routledge ........................... p204 , 1680 Karasavvoglou, Anastasios, Economic Crisis, Development and Competitiveness in Southeastern Europe, Springer International Publishing ................................................ p132 , 1048 ルーマニア Competitiveness of CEE Economies and Businesses, Springer International Publishing .................................................p132 , 1051 Abraham, Florin, Romania Since the Second World War, Bloomsbury Academic .........p48 , 0446 アフリカ Goldstone, Brian, African Futures, University of Chicago Press ............................................ p33 , 0289 Abdenur, Adriana Erthal, Brazil and Africa, Routledge.................................................. p197 , 1608 Luhrmann, T. M., Our Most Troubling Madness, University of California Press .................. p34 , 0296 Koga, Kei, Reinventing Regional Security Institutions in Asia and Africa, Routledge .................................................................. p198 , 1629 Rausch, Christoph, Global Heritage Assemblages, Routledge....................................................p35 , 0300 Berger, Iris, Women in Twentieth-Century Africa, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p56 , 0510 Birmingham, David, The Decolonization of Africa, Routledge.....................................................p56 , 0511 Campbell, Gwyn, Early Exchange between Africa and the Wider Indian Ocean World, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................. p56 , 0512 McPhee, Allan, The Economic Revolution in British West Africa, Routledge ................p56 , 0514 Odularu, Gbadebo O. A., Negotiating South-South Regional Trade Agreements, Springer Verlag ...................................................................p132 , 1055 Seck, Diery, Investment and Competitiveness in Africa, Springer Verlag ...........................p133 , 1057 Howell, Kerry E., Corporate Governance in Africa, Palgrave Macmillan .................... p142 , 1152 Morris, Brian, An Environmental History of Southern Malawi, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p158 , 1296 Oba, Gufu, Climate Change Adaptation in Africa, Routledge...................................................p158 , 1297 Besada, Hany Gamil, Governing Natural Resources for Africa's Development, Routledge ...................................................................p162 , 1319 Carmody, Pádraig, The New Scramble for Africa, Polity Press ...............................................p162 , 1320 Amao, Olufemi, African Union Law, Routledge .................................................................. p182 , 1496 270 Engel, Ulf, The New Politics of Regionalism, Routledge..................................................p200 , 1640 Lam, Katy N., Chinese State Owned Enterprises in West Africa, Routledge ...................... p200 , 1642 Chama, Brian, Tabloid Journalism in Africa, Palgrave Macmillan ................................ p222 , 1825 Willems, Wendy, Everyday Media Culture in Africa, Routledge .................................... p223 , 1840 北アフリカ Lander, Shira L., Ritual Sites and Religious Rivalries in Late Roman North Africa, Cambridge U.P. ..............................................................p56 , 0513 Makdisi, Samir, Democratic Transitions in the Arab World, Cambridge U.P. ................ p202 , 1663 Mehdizadeh, Narjes, Work and Family Balance in the Middle East and North Africa, The Policy Press University of Bristol .......................p221 , 1819 エジプト Worthington, Ian, Ptolemy I, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................................... p41 , 0361 Meital, Yoram, Revolutionary Justice, Oxford U.P., New York .....................................................p56 , 0515 Wimmen, Heiko, Dynamics of Transformation, Elite Change and New Social Mobilization, Routledge.................................................. p204 , 1679 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス アフリカ 》北アフリカ リビア ウガンダ Wimmen, Heiko, Dynamics of Transformation, Elite Change and New Social Mobilization, Routledge.................................................. p204 , 1679 Otunnu, Ogenga, Crisis of Legitimacy and Political Violence in Uganda, 1890 to 1979, Palgrave Macmillan ...................................p57 , 0516 チュニジア Baines, Erin K., Buried in the Heart, Cambridge U.P. ........................................................... p183 , 1498 Wimmen, Heiko, Dynamics of Transformation, Elite Change and New Social Mobilization, Routledge.................................................. p204 , 1679 アルジェリア Porter, Holly, After Rape, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................. p201 , 1659 Wyrod, Robert, AIDS and Masculinity in the African City, University of California Press ...................................................................p214 , 1759 Kumetat, Dennis, Managing the Transition, Routledge.................................................. p160 , 1308 タンザニア Adam, Christopher S., Tanzania, Oxford U.P. ...................................................................p132 , 1052 サハラ以南アフリカ Thomas Hope, Elizabeth, Climate Change and Food Security, Routledge ........................p165 , 1346 マラウイ Koshan, Jennifer, The Right to Say No, Hart Publishing Ltd. ..........................................p173 , 1407 ナイジェリア Oyeyinka, Oyebanke, Industrial Clusters, Institutions and Poverty in Nigeria, Springer Verlag ........................................................p133 , 1056 ガーナ Koshan, Jennifer, The Right to Say No, Hart Publishing Ltd. ..........................................p173 , 1407 南アフリカ Gumata, Nombulelo, Bank Credit Extension and Real Economic Activity in South Africa, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p132 , 1053 Lahiff, Edward, An Apartheid Oasis?, Routledge ...................................................................p132 , 1054 Ambrosio, John, Educational Leadership for Transformation and Social Justice, Routledge .................................................................. p239 , 1970 ケニア Koshan, Jennifer, The Right to Say No, Hart Publishing Ltd. ..........................................p173 , 1407 Ebrahim, Hasina Banu, Early Childhood Education for Muslim Children, Routledge .................................................................. p242 , 1985 南北アメリカ 北 米 Bennett, Pete, Popular Culture and the Austerity Myth, Routledge ...................................... p226 , 1865 アメリカ合衆国 Borish, Linda J., The Routledge History of American Sport, Routledge .......................p1 , 0006 Luhrmann, T. M., Our Most Troubling Madness, University of California Press .................. p34 , 0296 ★印はお薦めタイトル Foster, Stephen, British North America in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Oxford U.P. .............................................................p44 , 0397 Robson, Martin, History of the Royal Navy, I.B. Tauris.......................................................... p45 , 0414 Adams, John Quincy, Diary of John Quincy Adams, Harvard U.P. ............................... p50 , 0457 Adams, Mikaela M., Who Belongs?, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................... p50 , 0459 Aronson, Jay D., Who Owns the Dead?, Harvard U.P. .............................................................p50 , 0460 Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 271 南北アメリカ 》北 米 Babcock, Matthew, Apache Adaptation to Hispanic Rule, Cambridge U.P................ p50 , 0461 Balch, Stephen H., Economic and Political Change after Crisis, Routledge.............................p133 , 1059 Bingmann, Melissa, Telling America's Stories Through Places, Routledge ...................... p50 , 0462 Stiller, Jesse, Banking Modern America, Routledge.................................................. p134 , 1066 Blake, David Haven, Liking Ike, Oxford U.P., New York............................................................. p50 , 0463 Bytheway, Simon James, Central Banks and Gold, Cornell U.P. ..............................................p134 , 1071 Davies, Richard O., Sports in American Life, Wiley ...........................................................p50 , 0464 Frieden, Jeffry, Banking on the World, Routledge ...................................................................p134 , 1074 Engstrom, Erik J., Party Ballots, Reform, and the Transformation of America's Electoral System, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p50 , 0465 Greer, James L., Community Economic Development in the United States, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................p135 , 1076 Isaac, Joel, The Worlds of American Intellectual History, Oxford U.P., New York ............... p50 , 0467 Rosile, Grace Ann, Tribal Wisdom for Business Ethics, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. ...................................................................p143 , 1158 Johnson, Rashauna, Slavery's Metropolis, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p51 , 0468 Jones, Christopher F., Routes of Power, Harvard U.P. ............................................................. p51 , 0469 Ba, Shusong, Internet Plus Pathways to the Transformation of China's Property Sector, Springer Verlag .........................................p155 , 1279 Kalogerakis, George, The New York Times' Disunion, Oxford U.P., New York ............. p51 , 0470 Zilberstein, Anya, A Temperate Empire, Oxford U.P., New York ..........................................p158 , 1301 Karp, Matthew, This Vast Southern Empire, Harvard U.P............................................... p51 , 0471 Tilton, John E., U.S. Energy R & D Policy, Routledge................................................... p161 , 1315 Kawashima, Masaki, American History, Race and the Struggle for Equality, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................... p51 , 0472 Nourse, Victoria, Misreading Law, Misreading Democracy, Harvard U.P. .......................p166 , 1350 Muller, Gilbert H., Abraham Lincoln and William Cullen Bryant, Palgrave Macmillan ....... p51 , 0475 Neiberg, Michael S., The Path to War, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................... p51 , 0476 Ward, Thomas J., Jr., Out in the Rural, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................... p51 , 0477 Williams, Hettie V., Bury My Heart in a Free Land, F.A. Praeger, Inc. ........................... p51 , 0478 Anderson, Bonnie S., The Rabbi's Atheist Daughter, Oxford U.P., New York ............ p59 , 0539 Cleves, Rachel Hope, Charity and Sylvia, Oxford U.P., New York ........................................... p59 , 0543 Engel, David, Myth of the Litigious Society, University of Chicago Press .....................p166 , 1353 Bruff, Harold, Untrodden Ground, University of Chicago Press ...........................................p170 , 1375 Post, Robert C., Citizens Divided, Harvard U.P. ...................................................................p170 , 1377 Steiker, Carol S., Courting Death, Harvard U.P. ...................................................................p170 , 1378 Sullivan, Kathleen, First Amendment Law, West Academic Publishing ................................p170 , 1379 Tushnet, Mark, The Oxford Handbook of the U.S. Constitution, Oxford U.P., New York .... p170 , 1380 Kopp, Peter A., Hoptopia, University of California Press ...........................................................p60 , 0549 Cole, David, Surveillance, Privacy and TransAtlantic Relations, Hart Publishing Ltd. ...................................................................p171 , 1392 Magra, Christopher P., Poseidon's Curse, Cambridge U.P. ......................................... p60 , 0552 Slater, Joseph E., Public Workers, Cornell U.P. ...................................................................p172 , 1405 Braun, Dietmar, Consolidation Policies in Federal States, Routledge ..................................... p123 , 0965 Buell, Samuel W., Capital Offenses, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc. .....................................................p173 , 1410 Borjas, George J., We Wanted Workers, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc. ................................... p126 , 1000 Laski, Harold J., The Danger of Being a Gentleman, Psychology Pr. .....................p191 , 1558 Abt, Jeffrey, Valuing Detroit's Art Museum, Palgrave Macmillan .................................p133 , 1058 Mayville, Luke, John Adams and the Fear of American Oligarchy, Princeton U.P. .....p191 , 1561 272 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 南北アメリカ 》北 米 Mudde, Cas, Populism, Oxford U.P., New York ...................................................................p192 , 1565 Snyder, Brad, The House of Truth, Oxford U.P., New York ...................................................p192 , 1570 Gordy, Michael, Disaster Risk Reduction and the Global System, Springer Verlag ............ p196 , 1605 Parrish, Susan Scott, The Flood Year 1927, Princeton U.P........................................... p196 , 1606 Neagle, Michael, America's Forgotten Colony, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p197 , 1613 Parker, Jason C., Hearts, Minds, Voices, Oxford U.P., New York ..........................................p197 , 1615 Buhrow, William C., Biometrics in Support of Military Operations, CRC Press .......... p198 , 1623 Lowther, Adam B., Defending the Arsenal, Routledge...................................................p199 , 1632 Nemeth, Charles P., Homeland Security, CRC Press ..........................................................p199 , 1635 Haas, Michael, Racial Harmony Is Achievable, Routledge.................................................. p201 , 1654 Brown, Heath A., Immigrants and Electoral Politics, Cornell U.P. .............................. p207 , 1702 Forsythe, David P., American Exceptionalism Reconsidered, Routledge ........................ p207 , 1703 Ginsberg, Benjamin, We the People, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc. .................................................... p207 , 1704 Goldsmith, William W., Saving Our Cities, Cornell U.P. ........................................................... p207 , 1705 Hallett, Brien, The Powers of the U.S. Congress, ABC-Clio .................................................. p207 , 1706 Laski, Harold J., our Time, Psychology Pr. ....................... p207 , 1707 Lien, Pei-Te, Contested Transformation, Cambridge U.P. ....................................... p207 , 1708 Lind, Nancy, Today's Economic Issues, ABC-Clio .................................................................. p208 , 1709 Molina, Emily, Housing America, Routledge .................................................................. p208 , 1710 Moss, David A., Democracy, Harvard U.P. ...................................................................p208 , 1711 Pacewicz, Josh, Partisans and Partners, University of Chicago Press ...................................... p208 , 1712 Roberts, Alasdair, Four Crises of Democracy, Oxford U.P., New York..............................p208 , 1713 ★印はお薦めタイトル Roydhouse, Marion W., + $ _ American Woman Suffrage Movement and the Nineteenth Amendment, Greenwood ....p208 , 1714 Lessing, Lenette, Behind from the Start, Oxford U.P., New York ......................................... p209 , 1720 Trent, James, Inventing the Feeble Mind, Oxford U.P., New York .......................................... p211 , 1743 Bronstein, Janet M., Preterm Birth in the United States, Springer International Publishing ...................................................................p211 , 1749 Hasnain, Memoona, Health of South Asians in the United States, CRC Press ........................ p214 , 1753 Lundskow, George, God, Guns, Gold and Glory, Brill Academic Publishers ........................p216 , 1770 Bronstein, Jamie L., Two Nations, Indivisible, F.A. Praeger, Inc. .............................................p217 , 1786 Conner, Jerusha O., Contemporary Youth Activism, F.A. Praeger, Inc. ....................p218 , 1790 Nicholls, Walter J., Cities and Social Movements, Wiley-Blackwell ........................................p219 , 1797 Soyer, Michaela, A Dream Denied, University of California Press ....................................... p219 , 1800 Sagalyn, Lynne, Power at Ground Zero, Oxford U.P., New York ..........................................p220 , 1812 Seligman, Amanda, Chicago's Block Clubs, University of Chicago Press .....................p220 , 1813 Banville, Lee M., Covering American Politics in the 21st Century, ABC-Clio ................... p222 , 1824 Barker, Lori A., Obama on Our Minds, Oxford U.P., New York ......................................... p229 , 1885 Ewing, Adam, The Age of Garvey, Princeton U.P. .................................................................. p230 , 1888 Fenelon, James V., Redskins?, Routledge .................................................................. p230 , 1889 Kabir, Nahid Afrose, Muslim Americans, Routledge .................................................................. p230 , 1891 McCoy, Robert R., History of American Indians, Greenwood ............................................... p230 , 1894 Reid-Merritt, Patricia, Race in America, F.A. Praeger, Inc. ............................................ p231 , 1900 Tirman, John, Immigration and the American Backlash, The MIT Press........................ p231 , 1901 Valdez, Zulema, Beyond Black and White, Sage Pub............................................................ p231 , 1902 Weaver, Hilary N., All My Relations, Routledge .................................................................. p232 , 1904 Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 273 南北アメリカ 》北 米 Williams, Robert A., Jr., Linking Arms Together, Routledge.................................................. p232 , 1905 中南米 Wilson, Sherrill D., NYC's African Slaveowners, Routledge.................................................. p232 , 1906 Kaltmeier, Olaf, Entangled Heritages, Routledge .................................................................... p34 , 0292 Drake, Simone, When We Imagine Grace, University of Chicago Press .....................p233 , 1912 Hiatt, Willie, # ) Oxford U.P., New York............................... p52 , 0480 Squires, Peter, Gender and Firearms, Routledge .................................................................. p234 , 1922 McPherson, Alan, The Invaded, Oxford U.P., New York............................................................. p52 , 0481 Johnson, E. Patrick, No Tea, No Shade, Duke U.P. .................................................................. p235 , 1939 Nichols, Deborah L., The Oxford Handbook of the Aztecs, Oxford U.P., New York ................. p52 , 0482 Malkiel, Nancy Weiss, Keep the Damned Women Out, Princeton U.P. ..................................p237 , 1952 Bértola, Luis, Has Latin American Inequality Changed Direction?, Springer Verlag ... p133 , 1060 Turpin, Andrea Lindsay, A New Moral Vision, Cornell U.P. ............................................. p238 , 1960 Thomas Hope, Elizabeth, Climate Change and Food Security, Routledge ........................p165 , 1346 Kupchik, Aaron, The Real School Safety Problem, University of California Press .................p239 , 1971 Mudde, Cas, Populism, Oxford U.P., New York ...................................................................p192 , 1565 Simmons, Lizbet, The Prison School, University of California Press ........................................p239 , 1974 Engel, Ulf, The New Politics of Regionalism, Routledge..................................................p200 , 1640 Berner, Ashley Rogers, Pluralism and American Public Education, Palgrave Macmillan .................................................................. p240 , 1983 Helmke, Gretchen, Institutions on the Edge, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p208 , 1717 Brinig, Margaret, Lost Classroom, Lost Community, University of Chicago Press .................................................................. p242 , 1984 Goldrick-rab, Sara, Paying the Price, University of Chicago Press .......................................... p242 , 1986 Malczewski, Joan, Building a New Educational State, University of Chicago Press ......... p242 , 1987 Marginson, Simon, The Dream Is Over, University of California Press ................................... p242 , 1988 Bowser, Benjamin P., The Abandoned Mission in Public Higher Education, Routledge .... p250 , 2066 Al Khatib, Jamal M., Arab American Children with Disabilities, Routledge ................... p253 , 2089 Winne, Mark, Stand Together or Starve Alone, F.A. Praeger, Inc. .............................................p258 , 2129 Smith, Peter, Democracy in Latin America, Oxford U.P., New York ......................................... p208 , 1718 Friedman, Elisabeth Jay, Interpreting the Internet, University of California Press ................ p234 , 1928 Aman, Robert, Education and Other Modes of Thinking in Latin America, Routledge .................................................................. p240 , 1982 メキシコ Garner, Paul, %&)Routledge .................................................................... p52 , 0479 Orozco, José, Receive Our Memories, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................... p52 , 0483 Diez, Jordi, The Politics of Gay Marriage in Latin America, Cambridge U.P. .......................p193 , 1581 グアテマラ カナダ Hübner, Kurt, Europe, Canada and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, Routledge.................................................. p124 , 0979 Koshan, Jennifer, The Right to Say No, Hart Publishing Ltd. ..........................................p173 , 1407 Thomas, Kedron, Regulating Style, University of California Press ......................................... p35 , 0305 キューバ Neagle, Michael, America’s Forgotten Colony, Cambridge U.P. ........................................p197 , 1613 Weaver, Hilary N., All My Relations, Routledge .................................................................. p232 , 1904 274 Knowledge Worker 丸善雄松堂の学術資料インターネット購買サービス 南北アメリカ 》中南米 ジャマイカ ブラジル Arias, Enrique Desmond, Criminal Enterprises and Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean, Cambridge U.P. ....................p208 , 1715 Skogan, Wesley G., Police and Society in Brazil, CRC Press .................................................p177 , 1449 Abdenur, Adriana Erthal, Brazil and Africa, Routledge.................................................. p197 , 1608 コロンビア Arias, Enrique Desmond, Criminal Enterprises and Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean, Cambridge U.P. ....................p208 , 1715 Eslava, Luis, Local Space, Global Life, Cambridge U.P. ........................................................... p184 , 1508 Arias, Enrique Desmond, Criminal Enterprises and Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean, Cambridge U.P. ....................p208 , 1715 チリ Diez, Jordi, The Politics of Gay Marriage in Latin America, Cambridge U.P. .......................p193 , 1581 ペルー Ferrara, Anita, Assessing the Long-Term Impact of Truth Commissions, Routledge......... p208 , 1716 Greene, Shane, Punk and Revolution, Duke U.P. .................................................................. p226 , 1870 アルゼンチン Diez, Jordi, The Politics of Gay Marriage in Latin America, Cambridge U.P. .......................p193 , 1581 オセアニア McIntyre, W. David, Winding up the British %;)Oxford U.P. .................................................................... p55 , 0502 Couper, Alastair, Development and Social Change %;)Routledge ............p131 , 1036 Leckie, Jacqueline, Migrant Cross-Cultural # %)Routledge .................................................................. p230 , 1892 Fitch, Catherine, Professionalizing Public Relations, Palgrave Macmillan ...............p154 , 1265 Liu, Edgar, Multigenerational Family Living, Routledge.................................................. p220 , 1805 O’Loughlin, Kate, Ageing in Australia, Springer Verlag ....................................................... p220 , 1807 Weaver, Hilary N., All My Relations, Routledge .................................................................. p232 , 1904 Baird, Marian, Women, Work and Care in the #[%)Routledge........................... p232 , 1909 オーストラリア Scates, Bruce, The Last Battle, Cambridge U.P. .................................................................... p55 , 0503 ニュージーランド Haslam McKenzie, Fiona M., Labour Force Mobility in the Australian Resources Industry, Springer Verlag .........................................p131 , 1037 Baird, Marian, Women, Work and Care in the #[%)Routledge........................... p232 , 1909 極 地 北 極 Friesen, T. Max, The Oxford Handbook of the Prehistoric Arctic, Oxford U.P., New York .................................................................... p37 , 0324 ★印はお薦めタイトル Announcement of New Books ◇ October, 2016 275 3UR4XHVW'LVVHUWDWLRQ䢢 ⡿ᅜᏛㄽᩥ䛾䛤ෆ 䝏䝱䞊䝹䝈䞉䝕䜱䜿䞁䝈 Charles Dickens (1812-1870) 'HJUHH<HDUV䠖 8SWR ᐃ౯ &ORWKERXQG 3DSHUERXQG ([SUHVV㸦ᮍ〇ᮏ㸧 '9'3') 㸦 ᖺ ᭶⌧ᅾ㸧 1 Grandchamp, Stephen 6 Stockslager, Tess R. Accounting for failure: Arrested The author who lived: Charles Dickens, J. development and the British K. Rowling, their fans, and their Bildungsroman , 1805-1891 characters Michigan State University,2016, 188p.Ph.D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania,2015, Pub No:10133313 212p.Ph.D., Pub No:3718657 2 Sullivan, Kathleen Marion The Function of Letters in Nineteenth7 Kreuger McKinney, Kayla Century Realist Novels: Epistolarity and Collecting Subjects/Objects: The Museum Character in Austen, Thackeray, Dickens, and Victorian Literature 1830-1914 and Gaskell West Virginia University,2015, 159p.Ph.D., The Catholic University of America,2016, Pub No:3701993 214p.Ph.D., Pub No:10117618 8 Basnett, Kattie Animal Remainders, Remaining Animal: 3 Naji, Hassan Abd Jabar Cross-Species Collaborative Encounters Linguistic Deviation in Dickens's Novels: in Victorian Literature and Culture Stylistic Study Rice University,2014, 253p.Ph.D., Sardar Patel University (India),2015, Pub No:3729542 318p.Ph.D., Pub No:10097017 9 Leigh, Mary K. The Cultural Crime of Femininity: 4 McArthur, Emily Caroline Advocating for Viable and Successful Emotional Investments: British Womanhood in Charles Dickens and Childhood and the Liberal Ideal, 1800George Eliot 1870 University of Arkansas,2014, 177p.Ph.D., University of California, Riverside,2015, Pub No:3665643 218p.Ph.D., Pub No:3721390 10 Hunt, Kerri E. Reality effects 5 Piper, Virginia M. The University of Chicago,2014, Novel Plasticity: Aesthetics, Politics, and 231p.Ph.D., Formal Arrangements in the NineteenthPub No:3627838 Century British and French Novel The University of Wisconsin Madison,2015, 174p.Ph.D., Pub No:3723702 㻌 䛭䛾䚸ྲྀ䜚ᢅ䛔䝍䜲䝖䝹䛜ከᩘ䛤䛦䛔䜎䛩䚹䛚Ẽ㍍䛻ၥ䛔ྜ䜟䛫ୗ䛥䛔䚹㻌 䖂⾲♧౯᱁䛿ㄽᩥ 㻝 Ⅼᙜ䜚䛾ᾘ㈝⛯ 㻤㻑㎸䜏౯᱁䛷䛩䚹ᅜෆ㏦ᩱ䜢ྵ䜏䜎䛩䚹㻌 䖂㻯㼘㼛㼠㼔 䛿⣙ 㻤㻙㻝㻜 㐌㛫䚸㻌 㻼㼍㼜㼑㼞 䛿 㻢㻙㻤 㐌㛫䚸㻰㼂㻰 䛿⣙ 㻟㻙㻠 㐌㛫䚸㻱㼤㼜㼞㼑㼟㼟 䛿⣙ 㻞 㐌㛫䛷䛚ᒆ䛡䛔䛯䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 䖂ⴭ⪅䛾ពྥ䛺䛹䛻䜘䜚ㄽᩥ䛜ධᡭ䛷䛝䛺䛔ሙྜ䚸䜎䛯ㄽᩥ୰䛾ᅗ∧➼䛜㩭᫂䛺ሙྜ䛜䛤䛦䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 ၿ㞝ᯇᇽᰴᘧ♫ Ꮫㄽᩥࢭࣥࢱ࣮ 㸺Ⴀᴗ㒊㸼 㤳㒔ᅪᏛᢸᙜ ࠛ ிʮᣃลғෙެ ᵏᵋᵗᵋᵏᵖᴾ ᨥාထἥἽ 㤳㒔ᅪႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ᇌ߷ࠊ᭗ထ ᵑᵋᵏᵋᵓᴾ ૼᇌ߷ἥἽ ᵓ ᨞ ⚄ዉᕝ㟼ᒸႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ್ාࠊৎشғ߷ɥထ ᵖᵕᵋᵒᴾ ᵬᵄᵤ ἥἽᾀᴾ ᵐ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵑᵔᵕᵋᵔᵎᵖᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵑᵔᵕᵋᵔᵏᵖᵓᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵐᵇᵓᵏᵐᵋᵖᵓᵏᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵐᵇᵓᵏᵐᵋᵗᵔᵑᵎ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵓᵇᵖᵐᵕᵋᵐᵓᵕᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵒᵓᵇᵖᵐᵕᵋᵐᵓᵕᵗ ⟃ἼႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ếẪịࠊټʁ̬ ᵒᵋᵔᵋᵒᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵗᵇᵖᵓᵏᵋᵔᵎᵎᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵗᵇᵖᵓᵏᵋᵒᵑᵏᵎ ᮐᖠႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ࠤࠊฌဋғ҅ ᵔ வ ᵏᵋᵒᵋᵔᵎ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵖᵖᵒᵋᵖᵐᵐᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵖᵖᵒᵋᵖᵐᵓᵎ ྎႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ˅Өࠊ᩷ᓶғɟဪထ ᵐᵋᵏᵎᵋᵏᵕᴾ ˅ӨɟဪထἥἽ ᵑ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵐᵐᵋᵏᵏᵑᵑ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵔᵓᵋᵕᵓᵏᵔ ┒ᒸႠᴗᡤ ࠛ Ⴎࠊޢஜထᡫ ᵏᵋᵗᵋᵏᵒᴾ ᵨᵲ ஜထἥἽ ᵐ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵗᵇᵔᵓᵒᵋᵏᵎᵓᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵗᵇᵔᵓᵒᵋᵏᵑᵓᵗ ྡྂᒇႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ӸӞࠊދɶғ ᵏᵋᵐᵒᵋᵏᵓᴾᵨᵮᵰ ӸӞᙸ˜ދἥἽ ᵓ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵎᵗᵋᵐᵔᵎᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵎᵗᵋᵐᵔᵏᵒᴾ 㔠ἑႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ එࠊᙱࣞ ᵏᵋᵏᵋᵑᴾ ἅὅἧỵἙὅἋඑ ᵓ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵑᵏᵓᵓ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵑᵐᵗᵗ 㜰Ⴀᴗ㒊 ࠛ ࠊ᧵ٻɶځғʁٽᢹထ ᵐᵋᵓᵋᵐᵖᴾ ʁٽᢹထँԧἥἽ ᵒ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵓᵏᵋᵐᵔᵐᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵓᵏᵋᵐᵓᵖᵖᴾ ி㒔Ⴀᴗ㒊 ࠛ ʮᣃࠊӫʮғٽᆁɥДᢿထᵏᵎᴾ ٻଐஜҮТίఇὸᴾʮᣃئϋ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵓᵇᵖᵔᵑᵋᵓᵑᵐᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵓᵇᵖᵔᵑᵋᵓᵑᵓᵐ ⚄ᡞႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ᅕৎࠊғދޥҤထ ᵒᵋᵑᵔᴾ ދޥἥἽᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵖᵇᵑᵖᵗᵋᵓᵑᵏᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵖᵇᵑᵖᵗᵋᵓᵑᵏᵐᴾ ᒸᒣႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ҅ࠊޛޢғᘙထ ᵏᵋᵑᵋᵓᵎ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵐᵐᵔᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵏᵋᵒᵑᵕᵎ ᯇᒣႠᴗᡤ ࠛ ࠊޛዯထ ᵐᵋᵏᵎᵋᵏᵎᴾ ᵤᵳᵰᵳᵫᵭᵲᵭ ἥἽ ᵏ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵗᵇᵗᵒᵏᵋᵓᵐᵕᵗ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵗᵇᵗᵑᵑᵋᵕᵕᵓᵒ ᗈᓥႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ࠼ࠊɶғɶထ ᵕᵋᵐᵑᴾ ˰ဃԧٻᡫụᇹ ᵐ ἥἽ ᵔ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵐᵇᵐᵒᵕᵋᵐᵐᵓᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵐᵇᵐᵒᵕᵋᵏᵓᵕᵔ ⚟ᒸႠᴗ㒊 ࠛ ᅦࠊޢҤғฌ൦ ᵐᵋᵏᵓᵋᵏᵏ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵓᵔᵏᵋᵏᵖᵑᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵓᵔᵏᵋᵏᵖᵓᵒᴾ 㛗ᓮႠᴗᡤ ࠛ ᧈ߃ࠊקஜ ᵏᵋᵖᵋᵑᵑ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵓᵇᵖᵒᵑᵋᵎᵑᵓᵓ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵓᵇᵖᵒᵑᵋᵎᵑᵑᵑ ⇃ᮏႠᴗᡤ ࠛ ༇ஜࠊɶځғᠲထ ᵖᵋᵐᵑ ఞἥἽᠲထ ᵑ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵔᵇᵑᵏᵐᵋᵎᵓᵑᵑ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵔᵇᵐᵒᵏᵋᵖᵖᵎᵏ Ἀ⦖Ⴀᴗᡤ ࠛ ᙵࠊඡ߃ ᵏᵋᵏᵐᵋᵕᴾ ɧѣင˟ἥἽ ᵔ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵖᵇᵖᵔᵏᵋᵒᵖᵑᵕ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵖᵇᵖᵔᵑᵋᵎᵎᵗᵎ 㸺ᾏእົᡤ㸼 0DUX]HQ,QWHUQDWLRQDO&R/WGᴾ ᵏᵏᵎᵠᴾᵫᶃᵿᶂᶍᶕᶊᵿᶌᶂᶑᴾᵮᵿᶐᶉᶕᵿᶗᵊᴾᵱᶓᶇᶒᶃᴾᵐᵎᵓᵊᴾᵱᶃᶁᵿᶓᶁᶓᶑᵊᴾᵬᵨᴾᵎᵕᵎᵗᵒᵊᴾᵳᵱᵟᴾ 㸺ᗑ⯒㸼 ࡢෆᮏᗑ ࠛ ிʮᣃҘˊဋғɺỉϋ ᵏᵋᵔᵋᵒᴾ ɺỉϋỼỴἐ ᵏ῍ᵒ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵓᵐᵖᵖᵋᵖᵖᵖᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵓᵐᵖᵖᵋᵖᵖᵗᵐᴾ ᪥ ᮏ ᶫ ᗑ ࠛ ிʮᣃɶځғଐஜ ᵐᵋᵑᵋᵏᵎᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵐᵏᵒᵋᵐᵎᵎᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵔᵐᵏᵒᵋᵐᵎᵎᵐ 0$58=(1㸤ࢪࣗࣥࢡᇽ᭩ᗑ ᮐᖠᗑ ࠛ ࠤࠊɶځғҤɟவᙱ ᵏᵋᵖᵋᵐᴾ ɺʟʻʟҤᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵐᵐᵑᵋᵏᵗᵏᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵏᵏᵇᵐᵐᵑᵋᵏᵗᵎᵎᴾ ྎ࢚ࣝᗑ ࠛ ˅Өࠊ᩷ᓶғɶ ځᵏᵋᵑᵋᵏᴾ ᵟᵣᵰᵏ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵔᵒᵋᵎᵏᵓᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵐᵐᵇᵐᵔᵒᵋᵎᵏᵏᵐ ྡྂᒇᮏᗑ ࠛ ӸӞࠊދɶғ ᵑᵋᵖᵋᵏᵒᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵑᵖᵋᵎᵑᵐᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵓᵐᵇᵐᵑᵖᵋᵎᵕᵑᵎᴾ 0$58=(1㸤ࢪࣗࣥࢡᇽ᭩ᗑ ᱵ⏣ᗑ ࠛ ҅ࠊ᧵ٻғᒧދထ ᵕᵋᵐᵎᴾ ᶁᶆᵿᶑᶉᵿ ᒧދထ ᵠᵏ῍ᵕ ᨞ᴾ ி 㒔 ᮏ ᗑ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵗᵐᵋᵕᵑᵖᵑ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵔᵇᵔᵐᵗᵐᵋᵕᵑᵖᵓᴾ ࠛ ʮᣃࠊɶʮғඕҾထᡫɤவɦἽ ߃ޛᵐᵓᵏᴾ ʮᣃ ᵠᵟᵪ עɦᾀ᨞Ὁᾁ᨞ᴾ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵓᵇᵐᵓᵑᵋᵏᵓᵗᵗ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵕᵓᵇᵐᵓᵑᵋᵏᵒᵗᵗᴾ ᒸᒣ㺚㺻㺪㺉㺤㺎㺩㺼㺷ᗑ ࠛ ҅ࠊޛޢғᘙထ ᵏᵋᵓᵋᵏᴾ ޛޢῩ ΌῘῳ῝Ὸ עɦ ᵏ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵑᵋᵒᵔᵒᵎ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵖᵔᵇᵐᵑᵑᵋᵒᵔᵒᵗᴾ ༤ ࠛ ᅦࠊޢҦٶғҦٶᬜɶځᘑ ᵏᵋᵏᴾ ᵨᵰ ҦٶῩᴾ ᵖ ᨞ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵒᵏᵑᵋᵓᵒᵎᵏ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵗᵐᵇᵒᵏᵑᵋᵓᵒᵎᵐ ከ ᗑ ࠾یၥ࠸ྜࢃࡏࠊࡈὀᩥࡣ᭱ᐤࡾࡢᘢ♫ྛႠᴗ㒊ࡲ࡛࠾㢪࠸ࡋࡲࡍࠋ ၿ㞝ᯇᇽᰴᘧ♫ Ꮫ⾡ሗࢯ࣮ࣜࣗࢩࣙࣥᴗ㒊 ὒ᭩ࢭࣥࢱ࣮ ࠛ ᮾி㒔᪂ᐟ༊ᅄ㇂ᆏ⏫ ᵲᵣᵪᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᴾᵒᵑᵑᵓᵋᵗᵑᵏᵐ ᵤᵟᵶᵘᴾᵆᵎᵑᵇᵒᵑᵑᵓᵋᵗᵑᵔᵒᴾ ᶃᵋᶋᵿᶇᶊᵘᴾᶋᵿᶐᶉᶃᶒᶇᶌᶅᵞᶋᵿᶐᶓᶘᶃᶌᵌᶁᶍᵌᶈᶎᴾ ᴾ ᴾ ᶆᶒᶒᶎᵘᵍᵍᶉᶕᵌᶋᵿᶐᶓᶘᶃᶌᵌᶁᶍᵌᶈᶎᴾ Announcement of New Books 2016 年 10 月号 2016 年 10 月 1 日発行 年間購読料 2,000 円(税別)
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