1st Grade 34 複数形(2) 1 Exercise 1 次の英文を複数形にしなさい。 ⑴ This is a chair. this,that,it の複数形(肯定文) These are chairs. ⑵ That is a book. ❶ これはペンです。 Those are books. This is a pen. 単 複 These are pens. 訳 これらはペンです。 ⑶ It is a dog. They are dogs. ⑷ This is a ball. These are balls. ❷ あれはノートです。 単 That is a notebook. 複 Those are notebooks. ⑸ That is an egg. Those are eggs. ⑹ It is an apple. They are apples. あれらはノートです。 訳 ⑺ That is an orange. Those are oranges. ❸ それは私の本です。 key point 単 It is my book. 複 They are my books. 訳 それらは私の本です。 2 次の英文を単数形にしなさい。 ⑴ These are lemons. This is a lemon. ⑵ Those are bags. ❶ 単数形と複数形の書き換え 単数 複数 This is ∼ These are ∼ That is ∼ Those are ∼ It is ∼ They are ∼ ❷ 単数形から複数形の書き換えは,a をとって複数形にする。 ❸ 複数形から単数形の書き換えは,a をつけて単数形にする。ただし,my, your がある場合は a をつけない! That is a bag. ⑶ They are guitars. It is a guitar. ⑷ These are my watches. This is my watch. ⑸ Those are your pens. That is your pen. ⑹ They are your cards. It is your card. 144 中1 文法①(2014年).indd 144-145 145 © Meister Press 2014/10/10 12:28 Lesson 34 複数形(2) 1st Grade this,that,it の複数形(否定文) 2 Exercise 1 次の英文を否定文にしなさい。 ❶ ⒜ These are pens. 否 訳 ⑴ These are CDs. These are not pens. これらはペンではありません。 否 Those are not my notebooks. 訳 あれらは私のノートではありません。 ⒞ They are boxes. ⑶ They are horses. They are not horses. ⑷ These are caps. These are not caps. 否 They are not boxes. 訳 それらは箱ではありません。 ⑸ Those are your bikes. ❷ ⒜ This is not a desk. ⑵ Those are books. Those are not books. ⒝ Those are my notebooks. These are not CDs. ▶ are の後に not を置くだけ。 Those are not your bikes. ⑹ They are trains. They are not trains. 複 These are not desks. 訳 これらは机ではありません。 ⑺ These are my chairs. These are not my chairs. ⒝ That is not a book. 2 次の英文を複数形にしなさい。 複 Those are not books. 訳 あれらは本ではありません。 ⒞ It is not my watch. key point ⑴ This is not my box. These are not my boxes. ⑵ That is not your computer. Those are not your computers. 複 They are not my watches. 訳 それらは私の時計ではありません。 ❶ be 動詞 (is,am,are) の否定文は,be 動詞の後に not を置くだけ。 ⑶ It is not a pencil. They are not pencils. ⑷ This is not an apple. These are not apples. ⑸ That is not a lemon. Those are lemons. ⑹ It is not an orange. They are not oranges. 146 中1 文法①(2014年).indd 146-147 147 © Meister Press 2014/10/10 12:28 Lesson 34 複数形(2) 1st Grade 3 this,that,it の複数形(疑問文) Exercise 1 次の英文を疑問文にしなさい。 ❶ ⒜ These are oranges. ⑴ These are computers. Are these oranges? 疑 Are these computers? 訳 これらはオレンジですか。 答 Yes, they are. / No, they are not. ⑵ Those are foxes. ⑶ They are boxes. ⒝ Those are lions. 疑 Are those lions? 訳 あれらはライオンですか。 Are they boxes? ⑷ These are your desks. Are these your desks? Yes, they are. / No, they are not. 答 ⒞ They are eggs. 訳 それらは卵ですか。 答 Yes, they are. / No, they are not. ⑺ Those are your notebooks. Are those your notebooks? 2 次の英文を複数形にしなさい。 複 Are these your desks? 訳 これらはあなたの机ですか。 答 Yes, they are. / No, they are not. ⑴ Is this a car? Are those knives? ⑷ Is this your guitar? 訳 あれらはあなたの犬ですか。 答 Yes, they are. / No, they are not. 答えるときには,they を使って答える。 148 中1 文法①(2014年).indd 148-149 ⑵ Is that a knife? Are they chairs? Are those your dogs? ❶ be 動詞 (is,am,are) の疑問文は,be 動詞を文の先頭に出すだけ。 ❷ Are these cars? ⑶ Is it a chair? ⒝ Is that your dog? point Are those your dogs? Are they your cats? Are they eggs? ❷ ⒜ Is this your desk? key ⑸ Those are your dogs. ⑹ They are your cats. 疑 複 Are those foxes? Are these your guitars? ⑸ Is that your cap? Are those your caps? ⑹ Is it your bag? Are they your bags? 149 © Meister Press 2014/10/10 12:28 Lesson 34 複数形(2) 1st Grade 4 this,that,it の複数形(疑問詞) Exercise 1 次の英文を複数形にしなさい。 ❶ ⒜ What is this? 複 What ⑴ What is this? are these? What are these? 訳 これらは何ですか。 ⑵ It is an orange. (⑴の答えとして) They are oranges. ⒝ What is that? 複 What are those? ⑶ What is that? What are those? 訳 あれらは何ですか。 ⑷ It is a cup. (⑶の答えとして) ⒞ What is it? 複 What They are cups. are they? ⑸ What is it? What are they? 訳 それらは何ですか。 ⑹ It is a guitar. (⑸の答えとして) ❷ ⒜ これらは何ですか。 They are guitars. What are these? 2 次の日本語を英語に直しなさい。 それらはペンです。 ⑴ They are pens. What are these? ⒝ あれらは何ですか。 ⑵ What are those? ⑶ They are books. あれらは何ですか。 What are those? 単数 point それらは私の鉛筆です。(⑴の答えとして) They are my pencils. それらは本です。 key これらは何ですか。 複数 What is this? What are these? What is that? What are those? What is it? What are they? ⑷ それらは私の車です。(⑶の答えとして) They are my cars. ⑸ それらは何ですか。 What are they? ⑹ それらはあなたのノートです。 They are your notebooks. 150 中1 文法①(2014年).indd 150-151 151 © Meister Press 2014/10/10 12:28 Lesson 34 複数形(2) 1st Grade this ∼ ,that ∼の複数形(発展編) 5 Exercise 1 次の英文を複数形にしなさい。 ❶ ⒜ このペンは新しい。 単 ⑴ This building is new. This pen is new. 複 These pens are new. 訳 これらのペンは新しい。 These buildings are new. ⑵ That pencil is long. Those pencils are long. ⑶ This table is big. ⒝ あの本は古い。 単 That book is old. 複 Those books are old. 訳 あれらの本は古い。 These tables are big. ⑷ That bike is old. Those bikes are old. 2 次の英文を( )内の指示にしたがって書きかえなさい。 ❷ ⒜ These computers are nice. ⑴ These books are interesting. (否定文に) 否 These computers are not nice. 訳 これらのコンピューターはよくない。 ⒝ Those books are interesting. ⑵ Those dogs are lovely. (否定文に) Those dogs are not lovely. ⑶ These desks are great. (否定文に) 否 Those books are not interesting. 訳 あれらの本はおもしろくない。 ❸ ⒜ These cats are young. These desks are not great. ⑷ Those eggs are small. (否定文に) Those eggs are not small. ⑸ These apples are good. (疑問文に) 疑 Are these cats young? 訳 あれらのネコは若いですか。 答 Yes, they are. / No, they are not. Are these apples good? ⑹ Those notebooks are new. (疑問文に) Are those notebooks new? ⑺ These pencils are old. (疑問文に) Are these pencils old? ⒝ Those desks are old. ⑻ Those oranges are fresh. (疑問文に) 疑 Are those desks old? 訳 あれらの机は古いですか。 答 Yes, they are. / No, they are not. Are those oranges fresh? 152 中1 文法①(2014年).indd 152-153 These books are not interesting. 153 © Meister Press 2014/10/10 12:28
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