第96 - JFES-SPWLA Japan Chapter

JFES NewsLetter
JFES Newsletter
e-mail: JFES-Newsletter@slb.com
Tel: 042-759-2111 / Fax: 042-759-4271
Japan Formation Evaluation Society – A Chapter of SPWLA
No.91 Jun 2016
Mounrnful Announcement
With deepest sympathy, we regret to inform that our First
Vice President, Masashi Fujiwara has passed away on April
23, 2016.
Dr. Fujiwara had served in the board member of JFES for
many years and had been elected for First Vice President of
JFES last year. He will be truly missed and we thank him for
his long, dedicated contribution to JFES.
長い間JFES (SPWLA Japan Chapter – 地層評価学会) に貢献されてきた、
JFES First Vice Presidentの藤原昌史様(三井石油開発株式会社)が去る4月23日、ご逝去さ
Invitation to the 96th Chapter Meeting
We are pleased to announce that the forthcoming Chapter Meeting will be held as follows. Those
who are interested in attending this meeting are asked to send an e-mail registration at JFESNewsletter@slb.com no later than June 28, 2016.
Date & Time: Wednesday, July 6, 2016, 15:30 – 17:30
Waseda University (Nishi-waseda Campus)
Large Conference Room, Bldg.62 (West wing)
早稲田大学 西早稲田キャンパス 62号館(W棟)大会議室
First Presenter:
Prof. Masanori Kurihara, Waseda University
Development of Optimization Programs for Saving Labor and Cost
Second Presenter:
Assoc. Prof. Kenji Furui, Waseda University
Review and Analysis of Zonal Isolation Effectiveness in Carbonate
Reservoirs Using Multi-Stage Stimulation Systems
17:45 -
Icebreaker @ Waseda University (catering)
1,000 yen
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電車で JR山手線 高田馬場駅から徒歩15分
西武新宿線 高田馬場駅から徒歩15分
副都心線 西早稲田駅に直結
東西線 早稲田駅から徒歩22分