日本市場の魅力/Why Invest in Japan…Now?

日本市場の魅力/Why Invest in Japan…Now?
A presentation on the current state of the Japanese stock market for
institutional investors/現在の株式市場の状況 & 視点
Speaker: Drew Edwards, Portfolio Manager of the Japan Value investment strategy, will give a talk
entitled “Why Invest in Japan…Now?
Introductory Comments By: Mr. Ichiro Sone, Chief Executive Director, JETRO (Japan External Trade
Organization) Chicago
Monday, February 23rd, 2015
6:00-7:00 PM (Registration begins at 5:30 PM)
33 N. LaSalle St., 4F, Chicago, IL 60602
LaSalle St. Investment Advisors, LLC, Japan America Society of Chicago
Gratis but registration is required. A donation to the Japan America Society of
Chicago is encouraged but not required
Via e-mail to InvestinJapaneseStocks@gmail.com
Please NOTE: Food and beverages will be served. Attendance is limited to institutional investors.