UNIT 1 世界を旅するぬいぐるみ The Pink Nose Project Time Order(時間的順序) 1. PRE-READING ACTIVITIES この牛のぬいぐるみのかわいらしさを表現する単語を選び, ( の中に入れて英文を言ってみましょう。 cute terrible adorable pretty awful sweet lovable ) ugly 英文: This stuffed animal is so (000000000000)! 日本語に合うように,次の語群から適切な語を選びましょ う。 destination determined possible veterinarian (1) This is a project where the children of Toliver School in Kentucky send their “creatures” (favorite stuffed animals) to as many people and to as many places as (00000000000) before being returned by the first Saturday in May. このプロジェクトは,ケンタッキー州にあるトリバー校の子供たちが彼らの動物 (お気に入りの動物のぬいぐるみ)を,5月の最初の土曜日までに(子供たちのも とへ)返されるまで,できるだけたくさんの人や場所に送るというものである。 (2) I was thoroughly tickled by this great way of teaching kids about the world, so I was (00000000000) to show Bubba a good time in Japan. 私は,子供たちに世界のことを教えようというこのすばらしい方法をかなり面白く 感じたので,バッバに日本で楽しい一時を過ごさせてあげようと決心した。 1 (3) We didn’t want to say goodbye, but it was hard to remain sad since Bubba seemed so excited about his next (00000000000): England, to stay with my childhood friend, Christine, who is now a (00000000000). 私たちはさよならをしたくなかったが,バッバが次の目的地であるイギリスにワク ワクしているようだったので,いつまでも悲しいままではいられなかった。イギリ スでは,私の幼なじみで獣医をしているクリスティンのところに滞在することにな っている。 2. IN-READING ACTIVITIES ● パラグラフの展開と読解のポイント ● Time Order 日本に滞在しているアメリカ人エリカさんのところに小包が届きました。中身は何だった のでしょう。また誰から送られたものでしょう。出来事の経過を追いながら,読んでみま しょう。 1 Recently, I received a curious package from Brittain Skinner, an old college friend in America: a Reebok shoe- 1 小包の中身は何でした か。 box containing an unexpected visitor. When I opened it, I 5 found a slightly grimy looking cow smiling up at me. 2 Upon further inspection, the “original” sender proved to be not my college friend, but a little boy named Austin Ray 2 小包の最初の送り手は 誰でしたか。 from Kentucky. There was a lined page scrawled in pencil from Austin himself, explaining in a charming letter that his good friend and companion, Bubba the Cow, wishes to 10 travel the world, and that Bubba requests to be shown around by whomever receives him. There were also photos of where Bubba had been so far, a journal that Bubba was to keep of his adventures, and a letter from Austin’s elementary school class further explaining the concept of the 15 Pink Nose Project. 3 This is a project where the children of Toliver School in Kentucky send their “creatures” (favorite stuffed animals) to as many people and to as many places as possible before being returned by the first Saturday in May to be reunited 20 with their owners in time to watch the Kentucky Derby 2 3 このプロジェクトを通 して,子供たちは何を 学びますか。 together. The point is so that the kids can read their creatures’ journals and look at the photographs upon their return, and through them learn about different cultures 5 and lifestyles. 4 I was thoroughly tickled by this great way of teaching kids about the world, so I was determined to show Bubba a good time in Japan. His naturally friendly countenance 4 バッバは日本でどのよ うな体験をしました か。 made him popular wherever he went, so he soon made a lot of new friends who were interested to hear about his 10 journey. We took him out to experience a typical Japanesestyle dinner of grilled fish, sashimi, miso udon noodle, tempura, rice with raw egg and strips of dried seaweed, and took photos of him using chopsticks. We celebrated New Year’s with him at Osu Kannon Temple, took him to sing 15 karaoke, and even went to Gifu Prefecture so that he could try snowboarding! 5 He was a fabulous guest, inquisitive, polite, and always willing to try something new. We didn’t want to say good- 5 バッバは次にどの国を 旅しますか。 bye, but it was hard to remain sad since Bubba seemed so 20 excited about his next destination: England, to stay with my childhood friend, Christine, who is now a veterinarian. Bon voyage, Bubba! (386 words, Asahi Weekly, February 16, 2003) Notes 00000000000000000000000000000 1 curious「好奇心をそそる」 containing「∼が入っている」 Reebok shoebox「(スポーツシューズの商標)リーボックの靴箱」 slightly grimy looking「少し垢で汚れたように見える」 upon further inspection「さらに詳しく調べると」 scrawled「走り書きされた」 誌」 concept「構想」 companion「仲間」 2 proved to be「∼であることが判明した」 so far「今までのところ」 3 (be) reunited with「∼と再会する」 journal 「日 Kentucky Derby「ケンタッ キーダービー」米国三冠レースのひとつで,毎年5月の最初の土曜日にケンタッキー州 Louisville (ルイビル)で開催される。 dried seaweed「数枚の海苔」 寺院。 4 countenance「顔つき」 grilled fish「焼き魚」 strips of Osu Kannon Temple「大須観音」名古屋市中区にある真言宗の 5 fabulous「とても素晴らしい」 inquisitive「好奇心旺盛な」 Bon voyage「よい旅 を」フランス語のフレーズ。 UNIT 1 3 次の日本語は本文の各パラグラフの要約です。それぞれ に該当するパラグラフの番号をつけましょう。 ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) 日本文化に触れたバッバ 次の国に行く期待 思いもよらない小包の到着 プロジェクトの意義としての異文化学習 小包の中身について 3. POST-READING ACTIVITIES CDを聞いて下線に適切な語を入れましょう。また,本文に 合っている内容にはT(True)を,異なる場合にはF(False) を( )の中に書き入れましょう。 (1) ( (2) ( (3) ( (4) ( ) The original sender of the 0000000000000000 package was my college friend. ) Whomever 0000000000000000 Bubba has to show him around the place. ) The Pink Nose Project is not a great way of teaching kids about the 00000000000. ) Bubba was always 0000000000000000 to try something new. 4. FINISHING TOUCH Grammar Focus 学習ヒント 規則動詞の過去形 動詞の表す動作・状態が過去に起こった場合に,過去形を使います。動詞の種類によって, 動詞の後ろに‐ed をつける場合,そうではない場合(不規則動詞)と区別して,規則動詞 とよびます。語形変化の主なルールは次の通りです。 ①語尾に‐ed をつける ②語尾が‐e で終わる場合,‐d のみつける ③語尾が〈子音+y〉の場合,yをiに変えて‐ed をつける。 ④〈短母音+1つの子音字〉でおわる動詞には,語尾の子音字を重ねて‐ed をつける。 ⑤ひとつの母音字+1つのrで終わる動詞は,rを重ねて‐ed をつける。 ① open → opened ② receive → received ③ study → studied ④ stop ⑤ stir 4 → stirred → stopped s 次の単語の語形変化が間違っている場合には単語に×をして,正しい形に書き直し ましょう。 planed wraped stayed returned organized wanted cryed blurred preparred experienced learned それぞれの下線の単語の意味を辞書の定義(a∼j)から選 びましょう。 (1) I have some experience with computers and I want to be a web designer. (2) Who is the most popular musician in the world? (3) My host mother proved to be very thoughtful. (4) We should discuss the concept of this new product. (5) Allow plenty of time to get to your destination when you travel. (6) This stuffed animal was my constant companion. (7) He was curious to see what happened at the park. (8) I wrote a book about my adventures in the rainforest. (9) Car inspections cost a lot in Japan. (10)Our trip to Japan was fabulous. (a) wanting to know or learn about something (b) liked by a lot of people (c) knowledge or skill that you gain from doing a job or activity (d) a careful examination of something to find out more about it (e) be seen or found to be something (f) exciting experiences in which dangerous or unusual things may happen (g) the place that someone or something is going to (h) extremely good or impressive (i) an idea of how something is, or how something should be done (j) someone you spend a lot of time with, especially someone who is a friend UNIT 1 5
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