Lesson6 単語と熟語 ページ 英単語 品詞 意味 82 schoolhouse 名詞 校舎 83 musical 形容詞 音楽の 83 Carter 固有名詞 カーター 83 medium 名詞 媒体,メディア 83 familiar 形容詞 よく知られた 83 icon 名詞 象徴(的なもの) 83 one-room 形容詞 1部屋の 84 Rita 固有名詞 リタ 84 Dale 固有名詞 デール 84 total 名詞 合計 84 strict 形容詞 厳しい 84 discipline 名詞 規律,正しさ 84 responsible 形容詞 責任のある 85 learning 名詞 学習 85 formal 形容詞 正式の,公式の 85 Thomas Jefferson 固有名詞 トマス・ジェファソン 85 essential 形容詞 不可欠の,非常に大事な 85 adopt 動詞 採用する 85 throughout 前置詞 ~じゅうに 85 civil 形容詞 市民の,国内の 85 project 名詞 計画,事業 85 material 名詞 材料 86 injury 名詞 けが 86 concerned 形容詞 関係した,関わった 86 rural 形容詞 田舎の 86 celebration 名詞 祝典,式典 86 craft 名詞 手工芸(品),手仕事 87 combine 動詞 合併,統合する 87 facility 名詞 設備,施設 87 transport 動詞 輸送する 87 distant 形容詞 遠い 88 utilize 動詞 利用する 88 original 形容詞 元の,最初の 88 remodel 動詞 改装する 88 private 形容詞 私的な,個人の 88 symbolic 形容詞 象徴的な 88 contemporary 形容詞 現代の 88 restore 動詞 復元する,復活させる 88 grandparent 名詞 祖父母 89 legacy 名詞 遺産 89 individual 形容詞 個人の,個々の 89 involvement 名詞 参加 89 educational 形容詞 教育の,教育的な 89 concept 名詞 概念 89 teaching 名詞 教えること,授業 89 describe 動詞 描写する 90 remark 動詞 意見を言う 90 background 名詞 背景 90 fabulous 形容詞 すばらしい 90 praise 動詞 ほめる 90 claim 動詞 主張する ページ 英熟語・表現 意味 82 gather A around B B の周りに A を集める 83 in the 1900s 1900年代に 83 the Carter Family カーター・ファミリー 83 a symbol for A A の象徴 84 What is A like? A はどのようなものだろうか。 84 in total 合計で 84 be strict with A A に厳しい 84 look back (過去を)振り返る 84 be responsible for A A に責任がある 85 be essential for [to] A A にとって不可欠である,非常に大事である 85 it is not until A that ~ A になって初めて~ 85 the Civil War 南北戦争 85 be built from A A から建てられる 85 at hand 手近な,手近にある 86 as many as A A もの多くの 86 all concerned 関係している者すべて 87 combine A into B A を B に合併[統合]する 87 a variety of A さまざまな A 87 out of date 時代遅れの 87 in time やがて,そのうち 88 live on 残る,存続する 88 Some ~. 88 serve a purpose 目的を果たす 89 parent involvement 親の参加 90 one another お互い 90 What would it be like to do? ~するのはどのようなものだろうか。 Other.... ~するものもある。(また)…するものもある。 Lesson 6-A 未来完了形:will / shall+have+過去分詞「~しているだろう,~したことになる」 ① By the time you become parents or even grandparents, will one-room schools have come back again? 「あなたたちが親や祖父母になる時までには,1つしか教室がない学校が復活している だろうか」 ② If I read it again, I will have read this book ten times. 「もう1度読めば,私はこの本を 10 回読んだことになる」 ③ Next month we will have lived here for twenty years. 「来月で,私たちはここに 20 年間住んでいることになる」 ポイント整理 「未来のある時点」までにしていると考えられる行為を表す。 「未来のある時点」を表す 語句と用いる。 ①「完了」 「完了」を表す未来完了形と用いられることが多い語句 「完了」 by ~「~までに」,by by the time S' V'「S'が V'する時までに」 (V'は現在形で示される) S'+V ②「経験」 「経験」を表す未来完了形と用いられることが多い語句 「経験」 ~ times「~回」(3回以上の場合) times ③「状態の継続」 「状態の継続」を表す未来完了形と用いられることが多い語句 「状態の継続」 for ~「~の間」 ,How How long「どのくらいの間」 long 基本問題 1.( )内の語句のうち,適切なものを選びなさい。 (1) I (ア. had イ. have ウ. will have) read the book by the time I meet you again. (2) I (ア. had イ. have ウ. will have) read the book before I met you again. (3) How long (ア. had you イ. have you ウ. will you have) worked here as of tomorrow? 演習問題 1.( )内に入れるのに最も適切なものを選びなさい。 (1) Next Sunday, Mr. Matsui ( ) in the New York Yankees for two years. (跡見学園女子大) ① has been ② will have been (2) By the end of this week, they ( ① spent ② are spending 2.日本語の意味に合うように( ③ will be ④ is ) most of their money. ③ have spent (桜美林大) ④ will have spent )内の語を並べかえなさい。 (1) 来年の今ごろまでには,彼は 10 冊目の本を書き終えているだろう。(駒澤大 改) By this time next year, he will ( have, book, finished, tenth, writing, his ). By this time next year, he will ( ). Lesson 6-B 提案・主張:suggest / insist / order など+(that) S+V(動詞の原形) 「~すべきであると 提案/主張/命令する」 ① He suggested in the 1780s that it be adopted throughout the country. 「彼はそれ(無料の公教育)が国中で採用されるべきだと 1780 年代に提案した」 ② The girl insisted that her father take her for a walk. 「その少女は,父親に散歩に連れていってほしいとせがんだ」 ポイント整理 ① suggest「~と提案する」の後に続く that 節の中は,S+(should)+動詞の原形の形 となる。しばしば should が省略されるため,時制や人称にかかわらず,Vには動詞の 原形だけが残される。 ② 同様の用法を持つ主な動詞は以下のとおり。 insist「~と主張する」 ,order order「~と命令する」 ,propose propose「~と提案する」 ,request request「~ insist order propose request と要求する」 基本問題 1.次の文を和訳しなさい。 (1) He suggested that she go there. (2) She insisted that she not go there. (3) The president ordered that the plan be carried out immediately. 演習問題 1.( )内に入れるのに最も適切なものを選びなさい。 (1) Mr. Kim suggested I ( ) his history lecture, but I could not make it. (桃山学院大) ① attend ② to attend (2) She insisted that she ( ① will pay ② pays (3) The judge ordered that John ( ① stay ② staying ③ attending ④ attends ) for herself. ③ is going to pay (松山大) ④ pay ) away from her. ③ stays (日本女子大) ④ will stay (4) Railroad companies strongly request that passengers ( ) on cell phones while they are riding on the train. ① to not talk ② to don't talk (5) Ms. Seto ( (大東文化大 改) ③ no talking ④ not talk ) that we take a break when she saw everyone looking tired. (中部大) ① said ② wanted ③ proposed ④ told Lesson 6-C wh-( why / where / how など)+do you think S'+V'? 「なぜ/どこで/どのようにして~だと思いますか」 ① Where do you think think they are going?「彼らがどこに行くと思いますか」 ② What do you think a one-room school would be like? 「1つしか教室がない学校はどのようなものだと思いますか」 ③ Do you know where they are going?「彼らがどこに行くのか知っていますか」 ポイント整理 ① 「なぜ[どこで/どのようにして]~と思いますか」という疑問文は, 「疑問詞+do you think S'+V'?」で表し,think の後は平叙文の語順になる。また,疑問詞(what / who / which)が do you think の後の節の主語になっている場合, 「疑問詞+do you think+V'?」 という語順になる。 ② Yes / No で答えられない疑問文の場合は,疑問詞を文頭に移動させる。このような形を とる動詞に think, imagine「~と想像する」などがある。 ③ Yes / No で答えられる疑問文の場合は,疑問詞を文頭に移動させない。このような形を とる動詞に know, understand, remember などがある。⇒ 復習(Ⅰ Lesson 3-B) 基本問題 1.次の文を和訳しなさい。 (1) How do you think Rina made up with Taiki? (2) Do you know what Takumi is worried about? 演習問題 1.( )内に入れるのに最も適切なものを選びなさい。 (1) Who do you think ( ① is she (2) ( ② her )? (名城大) ③ she is ④ she be ) helped him out? (関西外国語大) ① Why do you think ② Who do you think ③ How do you think ④ Do you think who 2.日本語の意味に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい。 (1) あなたは彼が何歳だと思いますか。 (札幌大) ( old, do, you, how, he, is, think )? ( )? (2) どちらの道が駅に行く近道だと思いますか。 (帝京大 改) Which ( do, imagine, is, shortcut, the, to, you ) the station? Which ( ) the station? 解答 Lesson 6-A 未来完了形: will/shall+have+過去分詞 p.77 基本問題 1.(1) ウ (2) ア (3) ウ 演習問題 1.(1) ② (2) ④ 2.(1) (By this time next year, he will) have finished writing his tenth book(.) Lesson 6-B 提案・主張:suggest/insist/order など+(that) S+V(動詞の原形) p.78 基本問題 1.(1) 彼は彼女がそこに行くことを提案した。 (2) 彼女はそこには行かないと主張した。 (3) その計画をすぐに実行するよう,大統領は命令した。 演習問題 1.(1) ① (2) ④ (3) ① (4) ④ (5) ③ Lesson 6-C wh-(why/where/how など)+do you think S'+V'? p.79 基本問題 1.(1) リナはどのようにしてタイキと仲直りしたと思いますか。 (2) タクミが何を悩んでいるのか知っていますか。 演習問題 1.(1) ③ (2) ② 2.(1) How old do you think he is(?) (2) (Which) do you imagine is the shortcut to (the station?) Lesson 6 Early Schools in America STEP 1 1 各組で下線部の発音が他と異なるものを選び,記号で答えなさい。 (1) ① combine ② civil ③ strict ④ facility (2) ① family ② grandparent ③ education ④ fabulous (3) ① total ② responsible ③ adopt ④ common ② fabulous ③ responsible ④ praise (4) ① essential 2 各組で最も強いアクセントの位置が他と異なるものを選び,記号で答えなさい。 (1) ① i-con ② for-mal ③ through-out ④ ru-ral (2) ① re-mark ② de-scribe ③ re-store ④ con-cept (3) ① u-ti-lize ② dis-ci-pline ③ in-ju-ry ④ in-volve-ment (4) ① ② ma-te-ri-al ③ cel-e-bra-tion ④ o-rig-i-nal ② in-di-vid-u-al ③ fa-cil-i-ty (5) ① con-tem-po-rar-y ed-u-ca-tion-al 3 次の語を( ④ un-ex-pect-ed-ly )内に指示された形に変えなさい。 (1) music (形容詞)( ) (2) media (単数形)( ) (3) symbol(形容詞)( ) (4) distant(反意語)( ) (5) public (反意語)( ) 4 次の下線部に最も意味の近いものを選び,記号で答えなさい。 (1) The old station could be utilized as a restaurant. ① known ② used ③ built ④ thought (2) His company was combined with this company. ① gathered ② cooperated ③ confirmed ④ joined (3) Our country has a wonderful cultural legacy. ① heritage ② tradition ③ language ④ conference (4) These cars transport a lot of sick or hurt people every day. ① occur 接頭辞・接尾辞 ② move ③ carry 次の意味を表す単語を書きましょう。 re- 再び,~し直す model(作る) → remodel(改造する) call(呼ぶ) → ( )(呼び戻す) write(書く) → ( )(書き直す) turn(回す) → ( )(帰る) pay(払う) → ( )(返済する) ④ exist STEP 2 1 次の( )内の動詞を適切な形に直しなさい。直す必要のないものはそのまま書き なさい。 (1) The concert (start) by the time you get to the concert hall. ( ) (2) I (finish) my homework by next Monday. ( ) (3) She suggested that we (help) young children study. ( ) (4) When I called Mary, she (leave) home. ( ) (5) Bob (be) to Kyoto five times if he visits there again. ( ) (6) The teacher ordered that the classroom (be) cleaned after class. ( ) 2 次の①②の各文の違いに注意して,日本語に直しなさい。 (1) ① What do you think she wants? ② Do you know what she wants? (2) ① When do you think he will come back to Japan? ② Do you know when he will come back to Japan? (3) ① Who do you think taught her Chinese? ② Do you know who taught her Chinese? 3 次の文を( )内の指示に従って書きかえなさい。 (1) I have stayed in New York for a month. (next Friday を加えて未来完了の文に) (2) He will arrive at his grandmother's house. (by two o'clock を加えて未来完了の文 に) (3) My mother said, "Let's go camping this summer." (suggest と that 節を使った文 に) (4) The manager ordered him to clean up the shop. (that 節を使った文に) (5) Why did he go to the hospital yesterday? (疑問詞の後に do you think を加えて) (6) Where will she get a new bag? (疑問詞の後に do you think を加えて) 4 ( )内に入れるのに最も適切なものを選びなさい。 (1) What is he ( )? ① good (共立女子大) ② interesting (2) Her mother suggested ( ③ like ) more often. ① her to resting ② that she rest (東京経済大) ③ she to rest (3) After her final lecture tomorrow, she ( ① being ② had ④ to her rest ) a teacher for exactly 25 years.(明治学院大) ③ had been (4) Why do some planets have water and ( 5 ④ student ④ was ⑤ will have been )? (明治学院大) ① one does not ② one other does not ④ some others do ⑤ the other does not ③ others do not 下の語句を並べかえて,日本語に合う英文にしなさい。 (1) 私を何歳だと思いますか。 How old do ( ① am )( )( ② think (駒澤大) )( ③ you )? ④ I (2) 健康のありがたさは病気になってみないと分からない。 It is ( )( ① until )( )( ② that )( (桜美林大・改) ) we realize its value. ③ lose our health ④ we ⑤ not (3) この学生会館は,テーブルを片付ければ 200 人もの人を収容できます。 (明海大・改) This student union hall ( )( )( )( )( ) once the tables have been removed. ① as many ② can ③ 200 people ④ as ⑤ accommodate (4) 彼女は息子たちをテーブルの周りに集めた。 She ( )( ① around 6 )( )( ② sons )( ). ③ the table ④ gathered ⑤ her 次の日本語を英語に直しなさい。 (1) この種のドレスは時代遅れになりつつある。 (2) 一人旅をするのはどのようなものですか。 (3) 地球環境を保護するために努力をすることは,人間一人一人の責任である。(工学院大) STEP 3 1 本文の内容と合うように,空所に適切な語を入れ,要約を完成させなさい。 Part 1 The song, "(1. ) on the Hill," which was very popular in the 1930s, became a common (2. (3. ) for schools in the US. Schools of the day were called ) and they had several (4. ) in one room. Rita and Dale, who went to a one-room school, said that their teacher was very (5. helped each other. They thought it helped them (6. ) and that they ) better. Part 2 In the early days of America, children usually learned at (1. Jefferson suggested that free public (2. Around the time of the (3. ). Thomas ) be adopted throughout the country. ) War the idea finally became common. The earlier schoolhouses were built on hills by (4. ) people. In one-room schools the teacher had a lot of things to do besides teach, so some bright older students helped younger children (5. ). One-room schools were the center of (6. ) life as well. A variety of events were held there. Part 3 After World War II, small one-room schools were combined into (1. schools. They had more modern (2. ) and buses made it possible for children to go to distant schools. In time, most of them (3. schoolhouses still (4. ) now. ) ). But about 12,000 Most of them have been (5. ) into different facilities. They are used as private homes, community centers, offices, shops, history (6. ), and so on. Part 4 The system of the one-room school shows the importance of individual (1. ), parents and community involvement. (2. ) and helped each other to (3. (4. (5. ). The children had a common ), and the teacher knew their Now, schools and parents are praising small schools with strong ) ties. Also, experts claim the good point of learning in classrooms with a variety of students is that the students can also (6. ) each other. 2 次の文章を読み,下の問いに答えなさい。 Education has been called America's religion. One-half of all the people in the country between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five are enrolled in either a college or A ; all boys and girls up to age sixteen are required to go to school. Education is an enormous (and expensive) part of American life. Its size is matched by its variety. The widely different educational systems and B are as difficult for an outsider to understand as anything about American life. The difference between American schools and those in the majority of other countries lies in the fact that education here has long been intended for everyone―not just for a privileged elite. Schools are expected to meet the needs of every child, regardless of ability, and also the needs of society itself. ( あ )This means that tax-supported public schools offer more than academic subjects. It surprises many people when they come here to find high schools offering such courses as typing, sewing, radio repair, computer programming, or driver training, along with traditional academic subjects, such as mathematics, history, and languages. Students choose their curricula from a large selection of courses, depending on their interests, future goals, and level of ability. The underlying goal of American education is to develop every child to the utmost of his or her own C , however great or small these may be, and to give each one a sense of social responsibility. Because there is no national religion and because there are so many different backgrounds and origins among the people, schools have traditionally played an important role in creating national unity and "Americanizing" the millions of immigrants who have poured into this country. Schools still play a large role in the D , especially in small towns. religion 宗教 大な る be enrolled in ~ ~に在籍する outsider よそ者 特権のある (立命館大・改) majority 大多数 up to ~ ~まで intend ~しようと思う regardless of ~ ~にもかかわらず sewing 裁 縫 enormous 巨 privileged tax-supported 税金で賄われてい curricula curriculum ( カ リ キ ュ ラ ム ) の 複 数 形 underlying<underlie (基礎となる) utmost 最大限 immigrant 移民 pour 流れ る (1) 本文の A ~ D それぞれに入れるのに最適なものをア~オから1つずつ選びなさい。 A ア. school イ. high school ウ. community エ. university オ.office B ア. ability イ. possibilities ウ. religions C ア. abilities イ. parents ウ. riches D ア. classroom イ. community ウ. country エ. subjects オ.goals エ. score オ. subject エ. house オ. world (2) 下線部(あ)の意味または内容として,最適なものをア~エから1つ選びなさい。 ア. the ability of school children イ. the needs of the privileged elite ウ. the cost of elementary education エ. society's expectation of schools 解 答 STEP 1 1 (1) ① (2) ③ (3) ① (4) ④ 2 (1) ③ (2) ④ (3) ④ (4) ③ (5) ① 3 (1) musical (2) medium (3) symbolic (4) near (5) private 4 (1) ② (2) ④ (3) ① (4) ③ 接頭辞・接尾辞 recall, rewrite, return, repay STEP 2 1 (1) will have started (2) will have finished (3) help (4) had left (5) will have been (6) be 2 (1) ①あなたは,彼女が何をほしがっていると思いますか。②あなたは,彼女が何をほ しがっているか知っていますか。 (2) ①あなたは,彼がいつ日本に戻ってくると思いますか。②あなたは,彼がいつ日本 に戻ってくるか知っていますか。 (3) ①あなたは,だれが彼女に中国語を教えたと思いますか。②あなたは,だれが彼女 に中国語を教えたか知っていますか。 3 (1) I will have stayed in New York for a month next Friday. (2) He will have arrived at his grandmother's house by two o'clock. (3) My mother suggested that we go camping this summer. (4) The manager ordered that he clean up the shop. (5) Why do you think he went to the hospital yesterday? (6) Where do you think she will get a new bag? 4 (1) ③ (2) ② (3) ⑤ (4) ③ 5 (1) ③②④① (2) ⑤①④③② (3) ②⑤①④③ (4) ④⑤②①③ 6 (1) This kind of dress is getting out of date. (2) What would it be like to travel alone? (3) Everybody is responsible for making efforts to protect the global environment. STEP 3 1 Part 1 (1) Schoolhouse (2) symbol (3) one-room schools (4) grades (5) strict (6) learn Part 2 (1) home (2) education (3) Civil (4) local (5) study (6) social Part 3 (1) bigger (2) facilities (3) disappeared (4) remain (5) remodeled (6) museums Part 4 (1) attention (2) background (3) learn (4) families (5) community (6) teach (1) A エ B イ C ア D イ (2) エ 2 全訳 教育はアメリカの宗教と言われてきた。18 歳から 25 歳までの国民の半分が単科大 学か総合大学に在籍し,16 歳までの男女は義務教育である。教育はアメリカ人の生活の中 で,膨大でしかもお金のかかる部分である。その規模はその多様性と釣り合っている。大 きく異なる教育システムと可能性は,アメリカの生活についての何よりも,よそ者にとっ ては理解が難しいものである。 アメリカの学校と他の大多数の国の学校との違いは,教育が特権的なエリートにではな く,すべての人に向けられているという事実にある。学校は,能力によらず,すべての子 どもの要求と社会のニーズにもこたえることを求められている。これは税金で賄われる公 立校が学問的な科目以上のものを提供することを意味する。数学や歴史・語学のような伝 統的な学問に加えて,タイピングや裁縫・ラジオ修理・コンピュータプログラミング,あ るいは運転者養成といったコースが高校で用意されていることに多くの人が驚く。生徒は 多くの選択課程の中から,彼らの興味や将来の目標,能力のレベルに応じてカリキュラム を選択する。アメリカの教育の基本的な目標は,すべての子どもたちの能力を高い低いに かかわらず最大限に伸ばすこと,すべての人々に社会的責任感を身につけさせることであ る。 国家の宗教がないため,また人々の間に多様な出自や素性があるため,学校は国家の統 一性を作り出し,この国に流入してきた何百万もの移民をアメリカナイズするための重要 な役割を伝統的に担ってきた。学校は地域で,特に小さな町で大きな役割を今なお演じて いるのである。 Lesson 6-1 Pattern A “Schoolhouse on the Hill” 問題 次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。 The song, “Schoolhouse on the Hill,” goes, “The schoolhouse on the hill…, happy days are gathered around me still, I never can forget.” What kind of school do you imagine from the song? The words of the song tell a story about old American schools. “Schoolhouse on the Hill” is from a book of American school songs, written in the early 1900s. In the 1930s, a musical group named the Carter Family recorded the song, which later became very popular through the new medium of radio. Because of the song, the “schoolhouse on a hill” became a ①familiar icon, a common symbol for schools in the US. In those days, a school usually had only one room. It was called a one-room school. ②(be / a one-room school / like / you / what / think / do / would)? Rita and Dale, who were school children in the 1940s, talked about their memories of their one-room school. (1) 下線部①とほぼ同じ意味の語を次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.well-known ( (2) イ.possible ウ.major エ.great ) 正しい英文になるように,②の( )内の語句を並べかえなさい。 ________________________________________ (3) 本文の内容と合うように,次の文の( A.“Schoolhouse on the Hill” ( )に入る適切な1語を書きなさい。 ) the “schoolhouse on a hill” a common symbol for schools in the US. B.Thanks to ( ), the song “Schoolhouse on the Hill” became very popular. A.______ (4) B.______ 本文の内容について,次の語句に続く適切なものを1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 “Schoolhouse on the Hill” ア.is a song from which we can imagine happy school life in the old days of America. イ.is a school song written by Carter in the 1930s. ウ.is a song which has been a symbol for the Carter Family. エ.is a very popular song sung by teachers and students in the 1900s. ( ) Lesson 6-1 Pattern B “Schoolhouse on the Hill” 問題 次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。 “Schoolhouse on the Hill” is from a book of American school songs, written in the early 1900s. In the 1930s, a musical group named the Carter Family recorded the song, which later became very popular through the new ①medium of radio. Because of the song, the “schoolhouse on a hill” became a familiar icon, a common symbol for schools in the US. In those days, a school usually had only one room. It was called a one-room school. What do you think a one-room school would be like? Rita and Dale, who were school children in the 1940s, talked about their memories of their one-room school. Rita: We had grades one through eight, probably 35 to 40 kids in total. Our teacher was very strict with students. ②Looking back, I think we probably learned more in that kind of school than kids do today――because of the discipline. Dale: We helped each other too. If someone was slow or had problems, it was another student that was responsible for helping. ③That kind of activity helped us learn better, I’m sure. (1) 下線部①と同じ意味の medium を含む文を次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.The Internet is a very useful medium. イ.I bought three medium apples. ウ.Please make my steak medium. (2) ( ) ( ) 下線部②とほぼ同じ意味の語句を次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.When our teacher turned around イ.When our teacher looked after his/her students ウ.When I remembered my school days エ.When I looked at the back of our classroom (3) 下線部③は具体的にどのようなことですか。日本語で書きなさい。 ________________________________________ (4) 本文の内容と一致するものを次から2つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.When it comes to old American schools, people imagine the “schoolhouse on a hill.” イ.People would listen to “Schoolhouse on the Hill” on the radio. ウ.When Rita was a school child, her school had around 300 students. エ.School children in the 1940s were brought up without strict discipline. オ.Dale and his schoolmates never cared for others. ( )・( ) 【解 A B 答】 (1) ア (2) What do you think a one-room school would be like (3) A.made (4) ア (1) ア (2) ウ (3) だれかの勉強が遅れていたり問題があったりしたときは,責任を持って互いに助け合 B.radio ったこと。 (4) ア,イ(順不同) Lesson 6-2 Pattern A The center of social life 問題 次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。 During the early days of America, learning at home was more common than formal education. Thomas Jefferson believed that free public education was essential for a strong country. ①He suggested in the 1780s that it be adopted throughout the country. It was not until around the time of the Civil War, however, that the idea became common. Local people worked together to build their school. new community. It was often the first project for a The earlier schoolhouses were built from materials ②at hand. Many of them were built on hills. In such one-room schools, as many as 50 or 60 students of different ages and abilities studied together in one class. students. Sometimes the teachers were younger than some of the The teacher had to not only teach, but also take care of injuries, listen to problems, keep order in the classroom, and even clean the school. students also helped younger children study. Some bright older ③The situation appeared to be a system with many good points for all concerned. One-room schools were not only the center of education for rural communities. were the center of social life as well. They The little schoolhouse was the ④scene of such events as church services, holiday celebrations, community suppers, music and dance festivals, craft meetings, and political meetings. (1) 下線部①を He,it が指す内容を明らかにして日本文にしなさい。 ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (2) 下線部②とほぼ同じ意味の語句を次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.without machines or tools イ.in the neighborhood ウ.made by hand (3) ( ) 下線部③に含まれないものを次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.The number of schools that have more than one classroom had increased. イ.Even if students had different abilities, they studied in the same classroom. ウ.When someone got injured, the teacher took care of that person. エ.Sometimes not only teachers but bright older students taught children. ( (4) ) 下線部④と同じ意味の scene を含む文を次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.I was moved by the last scene in this drama. イ.I sometimes visit a rural area and enjoy the beautiful scene. ウ.I happened to be at the scene of the accident. ( ) Lesson 6-2 Pattern B The center of social life 問題 次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。 During the early days of America, learning at home was more common than formal education. Thomas Jefferson believed that ①free public education was essential for a strong country. He suggested in the 1780s that it be adopted throughout the country. ②It was not until around the time of the Civil War, however, that the idea became common. Local people worked together to build their school. new community. It was often the first project for a The earlier schoolhouses were built from materials at hand. Many of them were built on hills. In such one-room schools, as ( ③ abilities studied together in one class. the students. ) as 50 or 60 students of different ages and Sometimes the teachers were younger than some of The teacher had to not only teach, but also take care of injuries, listen to problems, keep order in the classroom, and even clean the school. students also helped younger children study. Some bright older The situation appeared to be a system with many good points for all concerned. One-room schools were not only the center of education for rural communities. were the center of social life as well. They The little schoolhouse was the scene of such events as church services, holiday celebrations, community suppers, music and dance festivals, craft meetings, and political meetings. (1) 下線部①と同じ意味の free を含む文を次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.I often see movies in my free time. イ.We live in a free country. ウ.Old people could receive free treatment in past days. (2) ( ) 下線部②を日本語にしなさい。 ________________________________________ (3) ③の( ア.many (4) )に入る適切な語を次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 イ.much ウ.well エ.long ( ) 本文の内容と一致するものを次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.Thomas Jefferson adopted the idea of formal education in the 1780s. イ.The government built schoolhouses in rural areas. ウ.The earlier schoolhouse had only one classroom, which had good results for all concerned. エ.Sometimes a church played a role as school. ( ) 【解 A B 答】 (1) トマス・ジェファソンは 1780 年代に,無料の公教育を全土で採用することを提案した。 (2) イ (3) ア (4) ウ (1) ウ (2) しかしながら,南北戦争のころになって初めて,その考えは広く知られるようになっ た。 【別解】しかしながら,その考えは南北戦争のころまで広く知られなかった。 (3) ア (4) ウ Lesson 6-3 Pattern A Today’s schoolhouse 問題 次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。 After World War II, some schools were joined together. ①That is, small one-room schools were combined into bigger schools. These new schools had more modern facilities. were thought to give a greater variety of opportunities to learn. They Better roads were also built all over the country. So it was getting easier to transport children by bus from several communities to new schools in distant places. “out of date.” By the 1950s, one-room schools had become In time, most of them disappeared. About 12,000 one-room schoolhouses ( ② ) now. schools, but many of the original one-rooms live on. Most are no longer utilized as Hundreds of them have been remodeled into private homes, community centers, day care centers, restaurants, offices, and shops. ③Some have been preserved and moved to universities as symbolic buildings for contemporary colleges of education. museums. Others have been restored as living history In these, children can experience a day in school as their grandparents did many years before. At the beginning of the 21st century, 411 of these one-room schools in small communities still continue to serve their original purpose――the education of local children. (1) 下線部①とほぼ同じ意味になるように,( In ( )に入る適切な語を書きなさい。 ) words ______ (2) ②の( )に入る適切な語句を次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.are still built イ.are still combined ウ.still remain エ.are still the center of education (3) ( ) 下線部③を日本語にしなさい。 ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (4) 本文の内容について,次の問いの答えとして適切なものを1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 What happened to local one-room schools after World War II? ア.Most of them were broken down in the war. イ.They became bigger ones. ウ.They were still available as local schools. エ.Most of them concluded their original role. (5) ( ) 本文の内容について,次の問いに英語で答えなさい。 What made the transport of children by bus to their new schools in distant places easier? ________________________________________ Lesson 6-3 Pattern B Today’s schoolhouse 問題 次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。 After World War II, some schools were joined together. were combined into bigger schools. That is, small one-room schools These new schools had more modern facilities. were thought to give a greater variety of opportunities to learn. They Better roads were also built all over the country. So it was getting easier to transport children by bus from several communities to new schools in distant places. “out of date.” By the 1950s, one-room schools had become ①In time, most of them disappeared. About 12,000 one-room schoolhouses still remain now. ②Most are no longer utilized as schools, but many of the original one-rooms live on. Hundreds of them have been remodeled into private homes, community centers, day care centers, restaurants, offices, and shops. Some have been preserved and moved to universities as symbolic buildings for contemporary colleges of education. Others have been restored as living history museums. ③In these, children can experience a day in school as their grandparents did many years before. At the beginning of the 21st century, 411 of these one-room schools in small communities still continue to serve their original purpose――the education of local children. (1) 下線部①を them が指す内容を明らかにして日本語にしなさい。 ________________________________________ (2) 下線部②を Most のあとに省略されているものを補って日本語にしなさい。 ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (3) 下線部③が表す内容として適切なものを次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.子どもたちが希望すれば,祖父母たちの時代と同じような作りの一部屋学校で,以前と 同じような教育を受けることができる。 イ.現存している一部屋学校はもはや学校として利用されてはいないが,子どもたちは祖父 母たちが過ごしたような学校生活の一部を体験することができる。 ウ.地方によっては,子どもたちは,祖父母たちが受けた学校教育と同じシステムの教育を 現代でも受けている。 エ.歴史博物館などに作りかえられた学校では,子どもたちに本来の学校教育とは何かを考 えさせている。 (4) ( ) 本文の内容について,次の問いに英語で答えなさい。 A.What was the original purpose of one-room schools? ________________________________________ B.What were new schools that had more modern facilities expected to do? ________________________________________ 【解 A 答】 (1) other (2) ウ (3) 中には保存され,近代的な教育大学の象徴的建物として大学に移動されたものもあれ ば,生きた歴史博物館として復元されたものもある。 B (4) エ (5) Better roads did [made it easier]. (1) やがて,一部屋学校のほとんどは消滅した。 (2) ほとんどの一部屋学校はもはや学校として利用されていないが,元の姿のままの一部 屋学校の多くは存続している。 (3) イ (4) A.It was the education of local children. 【別解】It was to give local children (their) education. B . They were expected to give (children [students]) a greater variety of opportunities to learn. Lesson 6-4 Pattern A “New” educational concepts 問題 次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。 The greatest legacy of the one-room schools is what they taught us about education. ① The system of the one-room school tells us the importance of individual attention, parents and community involvement. “New” educational concepts such as classrooms with different age students, teaching by students, and individual learning centers are modern ways of describing common practices that were necessary in the one-room schools. A child psychologist once remarked that the one-room school was one of the best schools we ever had. The children had a common background and helped each other to learn, and the teacher knew their families. He said that the one-room school is ②a fabulous place for children to learn. Recently, in the US, ③schools and parents are praising small neighborhood schools with strong community ties. Also, experts now think learning occurs best in classrooms with a variety of students working together. They claim one of the good points of such schools is that the students can also teach one another. (1) 下線部①を日本語にしなさい。 ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (2) 下線部②は具体的にどのような状況を指していますか。日本語で書きなさい。 ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (3) 下線部③が称賛しているものを日本語で書きなさい。 ________________________________________ (4) 本文の内容と一致するものを次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.We can understand what is important in education through the former one-room schools. イ.“New” educational concepts are quite different from common practices in the former one-room schools. ウ.A child psychologist thought bigger, combined schools were suitable places for children to learn. エ.Experts in the US think it is not good for students to teach and take care of each other. ( ) Lesson 6-4 Pattern B “New” educational concepts 問題 次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。 The greatest legacy of the one-room schools is what they taught us about education. The system of the one-room school tells us the importance of individual attention, parents and community involvement. ①“New” educational concepts such as classrooms with different age students, teaching by students, and individual learning centers are modern ways of describing common practices that were necessary in the one-room schools. A child psychologist once remarked that the one-room school was one of the best schools we ever had. The children had a common background and helped each other to learn, and the teacher knew their families. He said that the one-room school is a fabulous place for children to learn. Recently, in the US, schools and parents are praising small neighborhood schools with strong community ties. Also, experts now think learning occurs best in classrooms with a variety of students working together. ②They claim one of the good points of such schools is that the students can also teach one another. ③(do / it / think / would / what / be / you) like to go to a one-room school? ( ) ④ you become parents or even grandparents, will one-room schools have come back again? And will the schoolhouse still stand on the hill? (1) 下線部①の内容を表しているものを次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.戦前の一部屋学校を利用するが,現代社会にふさわしい,以前とはまったく異なる内容 の教育構想。 イ.戦前の一部屋学校では実施できなかった内容が盛り込まれた,新しい教育構想。 ウ.戦前の教育構想とは異なるが,実際は以前の一部屋学校で日常的に実施されていた内容 を盛り込んだ教育構想。 エ.戦後の教育方針が行きわたらなかった地方に普及させることを目的とした教育構想。 ( (2) ) 下線部②を They が指す内容を明らかにして日本語にしなさい。 ________________________________________ ________________________________________ (3) 正しい英文になるように,③の( )内の語を並べかえなさい。 ________________________________________ (4) ④の( )に入る適切な語句を次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.At the time イ.By the time ウ.On time エ.In time ( ) 【解 A 答】 (1) 一部屋学校の方式は私たちに,個別的な配慮と,親や地域の参加の重要性を教えてく れている。 (2) 子どもたちは共通の経歴を持ち,お互いに学ぶのを助け合い,教師は子どもたちの家 族を知っているという状況。 B (3) 強い地域社会のつながりを持つ,小さな近隣の学校。 (4) ア (1) ウ (2) 専門家は,そのような学校の長所の1つは,生徒たちがお互いに教えあうこともでき るということだと主張している。 (3) What do you think it would be (4) イ Lesson 6 Pattern A Early Schools in America 1.次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。 During the early days of America, learning at home was more common than formal education. Thomas Jefferson believed that ① free public education was essential for a strong country. He suggested in the 1780s that it adopted throughout the country. ② (ア.be イ.was ウ.had been) It was not until around the time of the Civil War, however, that the idea became common. Local people worked together to build their school. new community. It was often the first project for a The earlier schoolhouses were built from materials at hand. Many of them were built on hills. In such one-room schools, as many as 50 or 60 students of different ages and abilities studied together in one class. students. Sometimes the teachers were younger than some of the The teacher had to not only teach, but also take care of injuries, listen to problems, keep order in the classroom, and even clean the school. students also helped younger children study. many good points for ③ Some bright older The situation appeared to be a system with all concerned. One-room schools were not only the center of education for rural communities. were the center of social life as well. The little schoolhouse was the ④ They scene of such events as church services, holiday celebrations, community suppers, music and dance festivals, craft meetings, and political meetings. (1) 次の語句が下線部①とほぼ同じ内容を表すように, ( it was ( ) for people ( )に入る適切な語を書きなさい。 ) receive free public education for a strong country ______,______ (2) 下線部②のア~ウから適切なものを1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ( (3) ) 下線部③とほぼ同じ意味を持つものを次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.everyone who was related イ.everything that was done at school ウ.all the students studying at one-room schools ( (4) ) 下線部④と同じ発音を持つ語を書きなさい。 ______ (5) 本文の内容と合うように,次の文の( A.When a new ( B.In ( )に入る適切な1語を書きなさい。 ) was born, people living there soon built their school. ) to teaching, the teacher had various things to do. C.When younger children were ( ), some bright older students helped them. D.Some events like celebrations or meetings were held at the ( A.______ B.______ C.______ ). D.______ 2.各組で下線部の発音が左端の語と同じものを1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 (1) (ア.local total ( (2) utilize (ア.rural injury (ア.private ウ.civil) Our volunteer work will ( ) on. ) Are they going to ( ( ) their house? ) She would ( ( (4) イ.describe )に入る適切な語を下から選び,記号で答えなさい。 ( (3) ウ.struggle) ) 3. ( (2) イ.cubic ) ( (1) ウ.tongue) ) ( (3) イ.fossil ) back on her old days and talk to us about them. ) Will you ( ( ) what a one-room school is like? ) [ ア.remodel イ.look ウ.remark エ.live オ.describe ] 4.次の説明に合う語を下から選んで書きなさい。 (1) things that we make something from ______ (2) building or other things you use in a public place ______ (3) a general idea ______ [ facility / material 5.日本文の意味と合うように,( (1) / praise / concept ] )に入る適切な語を書きなさい。 メタンハイドレートの開発に賛成の人もいれば,反対の人もいる。 ( ) are for the development of methane hydrate, while ( (2) 彼は古くさい考え方を持っている。 (3) どんな情報媒体が利用可能ですか。 What kind of information ( (4) 私たちは互いに人権を尊重しあってきた。 We have respected ( His way of thinking is ( ) against it. ) of ( ). ) is available? ) another’s human rights. (1)______,______ (3)______ (2)______,______ (4)______ 6.次の日本文の意味と合うように, ( )内の語句を並べかえなさい。ただし,文頭にくるべ き語も小文字で示してあります。 (1) あなたは,この物語はいつ書かれたと思いますか。 (do / written / you / this story / think / when / was)? ______________________________________? (2) 彼は,生徒たちは即座に下校するように命じた。 (once / leave / he / students / school / ordered / at). ______________________________________. (3) 私は来年の3月で3年間東京に住んでいることになる。 Next March (Tokyo / I / in / have / will / lived) for three years. Next March _________________________ for three years. 【解 答】 Pattern A 1(1) essential [necessary], to (2) ア (3) ア (4) seen (5) A.community B.addition 2(1) ア (2) イ (3) ウ 3(1) エ (2) ア (3) イ 4(1) material (2) facility 5(1) Some, others C.studying (4) オ (3) concept (2) out, date (3) medium 6(1) When do you think this story was written (2) He ordered students leave school at once (3) I will have lived in Tokyo D.school [schoolhouse] (4) one Lesson 6 Pattern B Early Schools in America 1.次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。 The greatest ① legacy of the one-room schools is what they taught us about education. The system of the one-room school tells us the importance of individual attention, parents and community involvement. “New” educational concepts such as classrooms with different age students, teaching by students, and individual learning centers are modern ways of describing common practices that were necessary in the one-room schools. A child psychologist once remarked that the one-room school was one of the best schools we ever had. The children had a common background and helped each other to learn, ② and the teacher knew their families. He said that the one-room school is a fabulous place for children to learn. Recently, in the US, schools and parents are praising small neighborhood schools with strong community ties. Also, experts now think learning occurs best in classrooms with a variety of students working together. They claim one of the good points of ③ such schools is that the students can also teach one another. ④ What do you think it would be like to go to a one-room school? ⑤ By the time you become parents or even grandparents, will one-room schools have come back again? And will the schoolhouse still stand on the hill? (1) 下線部①の意味を表すものを次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.something we have received from the past イ.something we broke in the past ウ.something we must pass down to future generations エ.something we must improve as soon as possible (2) ) 下線部②とほぼ同じ意味を持つものを次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.the rural scene (3) ( イ.educational environment ウ.back story ( ) 下線部③に含まれないものを次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア.a school where different age students study in the same classroom イ.a bigger school that small schools were combined into ウ.a school whose students and their families are well known to teachers エ.a school where students help others to study (4) ( ) 下線部④,⑤を日本語にしなさい。 ④_______________________________________ ⑤_______________________________________ (5) 本文の内容と合うように,次の文の( )に入る適切な1語を書きなさい。 A.Cooperation with parents, schools, and ( of children. ) is very important for the education ______ B.Experts consider classrooms with a variety of students working together ( the best place for learning. ______ ) 2.最も強いアクセントのある音節を選び,記号で答えなさい。 (1) ed-u-ca-tion-al ア イ ウ エ ( (2) オ ア ) 3.各組の( con-tem-po-rar-y イ ウ ( (3) エ オ ア イ ) ( ) ) the game. (2) My dog’s house was built from materials at ( He was standing with his right ( (3) He gathered several people ( ) him and started to play the guitar. ) and ran away. (1)______ 4.日本文の意味と合うように,( ). ) in his pocket. When the cat saw me, it turned ( (2)______ (3)______ )に入る適切な語を書きなさい。 彼は,この建物はできるだけすぐに修復されるべきだと主張した。 He insisted that this building ( ) restored as soon as possible. 週末までには,私はこの本を読み終えているだろう。 By this weekend I ( (3) エ オ ) his children. It became dark, but we went on ( (2) ウ )に共通して入る語を書きなさい。 (1) He is strict ( (1) in-di-vid-u-al )( ) finished this book. あなたはだれがパーティーに来たと思いますか。 ( ) do you think ( (1)______ ) to the party? (2)______ ______ 5.各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように, ( (3)______,______ )に入る適切な語を書きなさい。 (1) The number of students that attended the meeting came to 78. 78 students in ( ) attended the meeting. (2) Everyone knows this episode. This is a ( ) episode. (3) What kind of food is monjayaki? What is monjayaki ( )? (1)______ 6. ( (1) (2)______ (3)______ )内の語を使って,次の日本文を英文にしなさい。 彼は1か月で 10 冊もの本を読んだ。 (many) _______________________________________ (2) あなたはその問題に責任がある。(for, problem) _______________________________________ (3) この仕事に英語は欠かせない。 (essential, business) _______________________________________ (4) 彼は正午ごろやっと起床した。 (it, around) _______________________________________ 【解 答】 Pattern B 1(1) ア (2) イ (3) イ (4) ④ ⑤ 一部屋学校に行くのはどのようなものだと思いますか。 あなたが親になったり、祖父母にすらなってしまうころまでに、一部屋学校は再び よみがえっているだろうか。 (5) A.community 2(1) ウ (2) イ 3(1) with 4(1) be B.as (3) ウ (2) hand (2) will have (3) around (3) Who, came 5(1) total (2) familiar (3) like 6(1) He read as many as ten books in a month. (2) You are responsible for the problem. (3) English is essential for [to] this business. (4) It was not until around noon that he got up. Lesson 6 Early Schools in America 関連入試問題 1 次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。 Is there anybody who doesn’t remember their first school uniform? I remember it to this day. When I first wore the deep-blue cotton dress of my high school and a soft hat with a band in the school colors, and a blazer with the school badge on the pocket, I felt as if I’d joined psychological hands with an exciting sisterhood. Uniforms were a vital part of the thrill, but they also tied one into the ethos of the school. They gave one a sense of ( A ) to the school community, of it being a special place. It was a symbol that one was joining a world of shared values, loyalties, hopes and dreams. But (1)there are other, more important, issues here. When I went to a private school, there were the children of wealthy families sitting beside the daughters of ( B ) clerks and bank officials. The shared uniform helped to do away with material rank and status. When my daughter went to a more renowned school and there was no uniform, I still remember the difficulty of dressing her properly every morning. She had just turned 13――grown out of the sweet little-girl clothes that pleased her mother, but not yet old enough to dress like a grown-up. Clothes became an issue. They mattered in ways that weren’t always attractive. Clothes spoke of income, social status, fashion know-how, and interests. But each day a decision had to be made about ( C ). My daughter was immune to the pressures of fancy trainers, designer jackets and so on, but what a relief it would have been to have had a set of clothes she could wear every day. One parent whose children ( D ) a non-uniform-wearing school to one where they must wear uniforms was surprised to discover that “it changed my relationship as a parent with the school, something I never expected. When children have to wear a uniform, we parents have to buy it, put name tags on it, and make sure that they are wearing it ( E ). If we don’t, our children will get into trouble for our failure――something that most parents are keen to avoid. For the first time, the school was requiring something of me, beyond the duty to get them to the building on time. It meant that I, ( F ), had to observe their rules.” 問1 A~F の空所に入る語句として最も適切なものを次から1つずつ選び,記号で答えな さい。 A.① belonging ② control B.① accurate ② high-quality C.① how to go to school ③ when to wear uniform D.① came to ③ humor ③ low-ranking ② what to wear ④ where to go ② learned at ④ success ④ national ( ) ( ) ( ) ③ stayed in ④ transferred from E.① anxiously ② correctly ④ terribly ② at least my children ③ economically F.① as well as my children ③ in spite of my children 問2 ④ not my children ( ) ( ) ( ) 下線部(1)の具体例の1つとして,制服があることによってどのような問題を防ぐこ とができると書かれていますか。日本語で説明しなさい。 _____________________________________ <白百合女子大学 2 一部改題> 次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。 Promoting children’s self-esteem seems to be one of the great goals of modern childcare and education. It goes hand in hand with an enthusiastic praise culture, where children are feted for the most minor achievements. The promotion of self-esteem is, rightly, a reaction against sterner times when children weren’t encouraged enough. But it also seems to be caused by a fear of what failure will do to children. A fear that if children don’t succeed in a task, they will somehow be damaged. I believe the opposite is true. Children need to experience failure to learn and to grow. Scientists know that trial and error――and, yes, failure――lead ultimately to greater knowledge of the world. Many scientists spend years experiencing continued failure in the laboratory until they finally make a breakthrough. Parents shouldn’t be frightened of their children failing at things――they should be encouraging their children to aim high and to be challenged. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with failure. The important thing is that children have the right grounding to be able to cope with it and bounce back, realizing that failure is not the end of the world. It’s a perfectly normal and necessary experience. Constant, meaningless praise is more likely to make setbacks difficult for a child. If children have been praised for everything they’ve done, regardless of how good it is, then failure will be all the more painful. By the same token, a brilliant achievement will be less remarkable. Praise is important, but it should be used discriminately. It seems so obvious to say it, but if everything is worthy of praise, then pretty much everything is devalued and the whole exercise becomes rather pointless. Yet criticism seems to have become the new taboo. In the world of the classroom, the fear of pointing out mistakes is not doing our children any favors. A friend of mine is the mother of two boys who attend a primary school in north London. She’s concerned about the lack of rigor in marking. “My eight-year-old son came home with a piece of work that contained no punctuation at all. His teacher had marked it ‘Excellent.’ It wasn’t excellent and I’ve asked the teacher not to describe mediocre work as such.”(後略) 問 筆者の考えとして適切なものを次から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ( ) ア.児童生徒に失敗を経験させることは,彼らの人格を傷つけることになるので,して はならない。 イ.児童生徒には,失敗を糧に成長していくような体験をさせるべきである。 ウ.ほめられて育った児童生徒のほうが,失敗を重ねた児童生徒よりも後に成功する確 率が高い。 エ.失敗を経験した児童生徒は,その後の学校生活において行動意欲を失うことが多い。 オ.児童生徒が何かを達成したときには,どのような些細なことでも大いにほめるべき である。 <大阪医科大学 改題> 【解 答】 1 問1 A.① 問2 B.③ C.② D.④ E.② F.① 制服があれば,子どもの家庭の収入,社会的地位など(の格差)が顕著になら ない。 2 イ 【長文注】 1 blazer:ブレザー〔上着〕 vital:きわめて重要な,必要不可欠の tie:結びつける ethos:気風,精神 loyalty:忠誠,誠実 official:職員 do away with ~:~を廃止 する status:地位,格式 renowned:名高い properly:適切に,ちゃんと grown out of ~:~から脱皮する income:収入,所得 be immune to ~:~に影響されない fancy:高級な,しゃれた be keen to ~:~するのに熱心である 2 self-esteem:自尊心 childcare:育児 go hand in hand with ~:~と密接な関係 がある enthusiastic praise culture : 熱 狂 的な 称 賛 文 化 be feted: ほ め ら れ る reaction:反応 stern:厳しい,苦しい somehow:どういうわけか opposite:正反 対のこと make a breakthrough:難問を解決する,大発見する,急進展する cope with ~:~に対処する bounce back:立ち直る,回復する setback:つまずき regardless of ~:~にかかわらず all the more:なおいっそう by the same token:同様に,同 じ理由によって criticism:批判,反論 do ~ a favor:~のために役立つ rigor: 厳 しさ mediocre:月並みな
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