二議 , 8 HOな 目=0■ロロ嗜” i , 0 ● ︼o ヽ , , L 一 , ヽ 〓 一 ザ 一 ヽ″ '` ″ 亀 l 口議 百2J r ・ ︰・ ● 0 3 0 ﹁ ・ ∽ 0 ´ 0 0 ■ 、 Tg: ■ ●トト ⋮ ● ﹂≒ 1 ■ ■ キt it i■ 11ヽ L ・ I I l霧 . ・・ ・ 一 . O NN N 、︱ 一 ぃ 、 い o Oヨ ︵ ヨ い0 バ O К HZ ∞ 0 い ヽ す一 N ぃ 0 2 _ 1 ` ヽ ¨ ´ 一 一 ´一 ち あ■ 〓. ヽ、 :■ Itd.lt \/rEd lulr (K 2ln',a+',a6) t?.!7tD T.L Ot6, ,dlb.tu bP.!ti! (l+ lr Dr- lgri 'a9-51) stc[i 260 Presides over EeetingB. l,lahes d€cisions betreen oeetings. ・ ヽ¨ . . l0T llocAY.. tr&b, NY ta2l6 ^ ヽ , 24th lnfant ry Division Association b. tod,ariEtt (aoa]l*t?a9 second in coEsand. Perforns duties as asa tgrneil by the president. ヽ ヨ T.[ t,r'wir+aat Joh l. Huucr (Dir. CSU 7&10) lor 221 HlEvilc OA FO 31313 Saae a6 lst vice President. Tot (912, re'1227 hr Ol2) 36t-{,aa? b*yrTtrcrta DrdNdE (,at l3U lgrt. TlE, '{6'.r, 'a9'5t, 59-53) Itl Orho Dr. Cob.do Sprirlr, CO fl19(x Tc[ & fq,(,l9 ` a?t7a99 Hrt l,ot.rr L. l-rrtu (6.! T.rL lE. 51.53) nL 2,Eor 7l I Ft[ Evilc Oll Receivea all eonles, alues, donationa, etc. Takes care of all correagrndence. Haingalns aII meobership recorda. Prlnts & Dalls Taro Leaf. 45669 Td. ( (6tar t&t{91l PAI- 6l al8a5 -96'r e furCbittur Jor+t J. McKeon (rglr'49.51) 12733 MoEtiEG S! Correlate6 all suD.itted Daterial ana! preDares it for nailing to the prlnter. (Subject to soil€ re- strict ions ) . Keepa conputer back-up LocaEor. of all trerbership recordG. CA 9l3ll (llt) 76t.l7u Ad.4 Tcl. ,,at.{i Cf.b$ uhlb P. K&c (2,1t Rq. Co. 1a1.tl5) 1637 hboo St. ' Traclca docn lo6t add delinquent reinataLenent. Dembers for posslble Ctalc-o. SC D{0? Td Gri) ?66{E9O I, A''/,f,-&r '-----X!.l r. Mc^to (6 t.rcr 52l loE CItd SL Act6, }fA{rl?m Tal. (S) 26l.l9lt ',,lttbtCld'ut nr.hlpt Moulr (Ild. co. lgrb'/r}st) HCR-!. Bor l9l R(xl, Mo{o( Quartemaster SaleE of 24th IDA anal related iteDs. sole responslblltty for organizaElon and conduct iof; rauDlqD.', (In keeping ylbh tLe President's desirea., , ,, MO 65(,?l ・ イ ,a.b. Cbrarer lob.tr n. Eut . 2ld ..2-..5) (H Ittt El hll.t 8! 1995 Corruioo Sb{fi.r N..hvill Hot l Lo. ● ● 颯 6l I Coor.rcc Sr N..tvUrc, TN 3?D3-3725 CA 9ll5l3 T.l. OIa)" 526{t60 Tcl. ltutr.Ly, (61, 255.t (x, Scprcllb.r 7 lhrougb Fq Modly. 2 一ミ ‐ ― (615) ― ‐ 255al6r Scpt 黎 1■ _ ・・ ● lrt . I I, 1995 ・ ヽ , “ ( ・ ,し ` t ― '一 24th lnfan岬 Dividon Association 咄 … 4■ ■0 … . 1 107H● eれ `21● B… ■中 14216 ■ ●7129 =『 '0■ FebruarY Mre DutCh 8■ 2 0'10n c。 ■orao。 ルear L99< Ne■ SOn oraoo IIII:s, c。 ・ 30906 Dutc● 8 R■ 3 et.It■ 006 475709 ?t the phOne, ■ ま£ 暉 f・ 0■ ln`9 to yOu over ■s in,1,ln`. tettesS・ ・ 翼 :尋 itet:H.::C,温 lc輩 ヌ こ I』 T事 study and_温 │■ 91`Iラ llSllll ITttrtヽ 1lI IY乱 こ li li11113■ ,1:bieii6ciatlon feels ie al[摯 the raSt Of tne こ h・ 3F[: ::こ こ ie ::猛 高 : "_11:讐 thnoLaEe aS I dO・ Thank you ror all yOur erfort. Sincere■ y yOurs ´ ´ レ 〕 源 L・ ::.:,,′ 1】 4::“ ,夕 .・ ・ │● ― 11 ViNC■ ぶTV電 雌 7-SC 叩 “ CoPY Bo'oert l'auhoa ' ヽ ^^ ︱〓 ■・ り to: :) ■に ■ ¨″ 191 MO m 1甥 … sum時 ― 6‖ llb Hロ ロ = …TN 37203・ 3725 T4615-m巨 … TL_.-7-H巨 619255・ 8163 由 3 1・ 1"5 ‐ "… r≧ _、 1曇 1‐ ▲ こ 二_慢 [二 '4`:::i:!11`、 │.. ■覆 う ム ′ 一 ¨ 一 一 ・ . . 一ミいゝ ゝ﹂ ヽドヽ け報ヨ喜彙¨ ¨ 艶 奎≦ 螢 曇檬翼警 蘇 萎 曇 藤 翼 ・ 姜L ●●一﹁●● 一●OL Oこ ”ヽ● L ミt嵯 ミ ・ ヽ ﹁ ●ミ言 ■● 崚﹂ ■濾 燿ぼへ 一 ﹁ミ ニ‘ヽ e ●ョ0 ﹁一 0 ●こ卜 ・ 一1 ・・ ゛ ,1義 曇 -... -r{-{. i. &. 緊巽事誌 誨・ ま ‐ ど l J .=,f い ‐ ち E ヨ ヨ〓 ■ 曼 ≡ 讐 r r■ ‐i ●■■罪“ヽ さ3 ● . ミo S ■3責 dミ 当 髯 : レ .: 0 、蟄〓一ミ ●ヽ 〓ヽ 〓 ば. ■ ヽ●●0 ヽ ョ﹄ ●e ヽ ●●o﹁蟄〓こヨ 〓≧ 一eoEヽ0ヽ 0●〓〓●〓 ¨ ●o¨ ﹄●0●一 〓 一 〓〓 。 ﹂。 C 一﹄●﹂ ・ 磐 :ゃ l F`― 〓〓青 , │ = 嗅署 〓ユ■ 3 , 1 Some Never Made ItHorne for Christmas r l(organ War: Their wintcrs werejust as cold, their fighting just as arduous as any war's, but th€y were the forgotten soldiers. ByJAIIESE P TTERS0N W. dto bp tn Mi,aa AW4 torgo,,an lorgo$.n soldt "s ur. ■■ cold in Kor"a that fianksgiving o[ lgto ald the CI's Jok€d as the hot turkey diltnltlck! tumed into Popsicles before It war th€y could be eaten. what Mac^rthur didn't tcll ur was that his own intelli8encc reports were dcscnbrnq a massive buildup of the Chincse P.'oplc s Army jusi beyond the Yalu River alld that advarrce units had already crosscd tnt) I(orean territoly. T'he GI's wore marchilrg into a trap and the hiSh command kne!v it. Io December, the Chinese attacked in force. Bugle-blowing infantry charged in waves, overrunning U.N. positions all along ihe front lines. At Chosin Rescrvotr, 15,000 of r!s, lst Marines along with British and Korean units, wele entirely cut off and outnumbercd. Li. Gen. Ned Almond. toth Corps commander, flew in from Tokyo and fight olrr wiy out of the trap. He told news corrcspondcnts that he was not Soing to rclre t, that hc was merely Soirg to "i'rtrack in anothcr direction." we movcd south in bitter cold made ,tcadly by a fierce Siberian sind. Under constalt attack. we began to take hcsvy casualtics. Of the 15,000 ttlop! who fought at bloody Chosin, l2,m wer" arounded or dead before we reached U.S. liner. We fouSht south to HaSaru, then Chin- hung-ni. where we linked uP with an a{lvencc relief column. T'hen we mov€d on to Hungnam, where the cruiser Roch6ter and a squadron of destroyers covered thc evacuation with a rinS of fire. The pitilul vil- Stlll, lt was a tradttion8l ThsnksglvinS ineal, lrSe of shacks wa! destroyed by Ealvo! from rnd we had been promllcd thai we the naval guns, Ihe ships ghGted out of would be home lor Chrtrtms. The tu.key dlnn6 madc the bar- the black ha.bor. It was Christtnss Eve. rcn Korean hilk !€em a The war dragged on llttlc 16! delolate and pcrhapa r llttle more llkc low. 8nd Ken- tucky or for three more y€ars whlle we died at KansonS and Porkchop Yherever Hill holldey Ume. and in dozcns of other engagement!. MecAr- nonthr, hsd laved South Koree from communilt attack, PEsident T'rumsn, but retumd io the Unitcd Stat6 to rccaive a he-. ml welcomc. All the while, the cofriru were thera eetr temlll€s at thur wa! flrcd We moved out for lhc Nortll" pmud warrlors who, ln iust live arrivinS purhed back the North Kdlan ermy and msde rn "cnd run" landlng at Inchor. we had Bone !aE. Ihere rrere no perad6, but there waa an rrvktr sho were conrca€d ftlm rcekend honor $Erd and a buSler and the presertation of r folded Am€ri- rardGs to the ral thlng. NoY we rllt combat vet8rrru. Wc f,rla thc ltrrt to confrcnt the conmuniltt rlth itht rrm.rr thc irrt can Gc!l.. Doutlu who dl€d in a long:ato w8r. On the Sras! next to the Llncoln Memod- to Ur- Solm momtvchお Arthur od€red thc ,l- ml drlrc north ot thc Stah Prtlllcl tn Alt!. ol mbgivtngr in W.lhfluton. Hc prulbed hI! troop! thar th! drlve rould .rd thc Korcatt War and lhrt rC ru d ba "bonre lo! Chrirtrn.r," a b.ttle ciy mt q!.dte r! dr.rnattc 8! "l shall rrUrrtt" hn rUlL S[od for a h€adline. 8ut liag. we sleep in Arlington, brave werriors under thc pslc blu. U.N. tLt Rlverside, the Punch Bowl end Arlington- Some of us were buried not lar lrom where we lell the U.N. cemetery in Pu- clvilhlt! hurrtcdly puthcd thrcugh trelnin& !rlnto combat a! in by c'onfetr€d with Mai GetL Oliver Smith, the lst d, ecrG! thc masin Korea,:951. Marine commander. Almond advised Smith to dBtroy his artillery, burn his rupplie! 8nd ord€r ur man for t on fooi. evcry hims€lf. Stunn€d, the Marine 5 ume-nt I monk nnslly dilng:, Arter four decad6, tine ca ! remenbcr- inB us-I),000 bravc young men Yho oever made.it. "home for Christm:!." alee commander ref8ed and made plans to Potdmec ln WelhlnltorL Jarn , Whia,icr E- fu,asr b or otlonq lt d,a Kora', War lc,efi',- CLARKSBURG TELEGRAM Lelesl News ol the Wotld iD Geoerzl aod the Creat Central West Vtgioia Terrttory WEDNESDAY EVENING D:AL 624641l o1 1 800 982 S034 F怒 62“ 1001NEWSy62236a10THcnlJuNE 21, 1995 Sechon l o(2 ...0ne more mission fcr Korean veteran BY BILL BYIrD staft lvritcr Old soldiers dont just tade away. They hclp ecch other. likc Korean lvar vetcrans Daniel J. Cavanaugh of Clarksburg rnd llnrri' L. wittman .lr- of Keyser. They will be joining thousands of other vetcrrus ol the l95lrl95:i rvrr on one morc mission next monlh. On Jul) 27. lhc n;rti{ntal Koreut' war ltlcmortal \vill bc dedicatcd on the Mall in Washtngt,rn. IereEram Age llas taken ils toll on Cavanaugh. 74. The forntcr conthitl trrr<lit lvith the 34th lnfantry Regiment, 24lh Divrsion, is hobblctl hy doublc hip' replacemcnt surgery he underwent scrcral ycors tlo Ha s lost a portion olhis right lung to ca cer aDd is (uIreItly l).r! tlinq livcr cancer-Cavanaugh, \vho put 2l ycars inlo the Arnry bcfor4 retiring Jr a mastef serEeant, and rvho lSter spenl r dozen vears:rs J [od(t1l ooticJofficer it Ure nr;v s walter lte-ed ltledtcal Ceittcr ut lVoshitittot bfore retiring for good, itrll has tlte -comma[d prcsclce- and th('rlltttt se[{onfidelre lhrt steadiedand meD he encoursSed the hundreds o[ rvoutrdc( treatcd under fire- 'Always think positivc, I ssy,- hc said Tuesday lt hilc slrorvrn[ oll his latest medal lrom the South Korean govcmment. Thc Ne\v Londdl Conn. nitive and his Nifc Leota (Pat). l.e\tis County n live. mote{: 1 ち_ ― to the stalc in l'JEL TheV livc in a Wal(lo Compl('x ;rllnrlnlcrll tVillinan, ii,, l , rlicrr,ln rviii. '-i (. , . ;,si ii.r.r.r.rrt. j ltir ijr'.:.^"r collectcd qlvarlaush's'Korean 14'ar Vctcran'medal lor lrirll on { rcccfll trip to South Korca- Undcr a program sponsore(l hy lhe bi-nalionn Kolean veterans Associatio!. U.S. v€tcrans havc only lo pa!, lor their plane tickets to get aD othenxise free trip back to thc battlctielG ol their yoult. ‐:::・ ア ′ ‐ 1′ 」 … .Ir:s aEo lhe only woy.!o collect the thaEk-you medal. but wittmao coni;ilced otticrals tha[ Cavanaugh $rs too ill to make thc Korean 'reyisit' in persor. :l But he aesDeratalv uanb to ottend the memorial dcdicalitrrt. 'l( I have td roll all thd ritt' trom Clarksburg ir a whcelcharr' l ll be there.'hc said. shakin( hia mctfll walkcr for emphasis :AEain. thanks to witt;$ - and if his fflilins hcalth holds up - Cayaoiugh witt be oD hand Jor tte dedication cdremortres. a l$16 victory lligh graduate and clarksburg natitr'. and Cavanaugh did not scrvL toge(har iD the wa-r. TlEy oflly rDcl sct cral rrears ag6 shen another Koiian veteran took Wittth{n to sce Lhv' uruu'gh, rvho'sas in the Lluis A. Johoson Mcdical Ccnter Clarksbur8 I(.l ir ( d Arnrv Illasle|. Sgi. Danicl J. C.(aflaugh holds his Korcat at Ul(' limc. Comlrat velerans of anv age or war sharc a strong bond 'Ih('! i ir,' \i lrr rr cet tificstc {,ld ntcdal fronl lhc South KorcaD gor.cnttlrcnl rarotv talk about it. or in tie rianner o[ most men, t lk around tll( i:rr'r'r L. llitlrrret rr,, a lcllorr Koreu ll,ar vetcraE, plckcd rp Car-. nrrt,th \ :r\ ald dudtrg a rc0n.lr risit to So[th Koloa latc thiE sprilg teetiries surroundinc the most irtense mometrts of their lives. ;cn,FrJ]tt photo g, Eill BJrd) nued 6・ A,Co1 2) ' wittrian. `COnⅢ ■■ (ORfAN WAR yFT n Partrculat ′♭ one mofe (cdtitto.d from Pagc l) B[t wiunen said he immediately ncognized a kindred soul itr ;iEfii'to"u *iu, that fellop,' h sai4 reoarlilg m cavaoatEht Cavanaush. -- ' charisma. 'I'd do anything for him.- ζ L■ 7 HJs stav6d in lanch sirc. wheo Wiltmaa and his wile Fraoces Linn. a Graltoo native, returned from their KorcaD irurn€y earlicr ttrG inooth" th€v visited the Caranaughs in Chrtshrg. --- nlen riuided Cavanaugh's classic coarbat photographs thet h€ $otdrid the first fenl frdmweetsdtbg'ru,b tbc 3dl Rtgiment was-easentiatly sacrificed to buy ume for U.S. and U.N. forces to mobilize a resmose to the silrDrise Ncth Koreao bvaston- -cavanaugtrt ilrotogaphs havi appeared in seyg:al scholarly ard milar histo,ries aDd h€ €ojoys s[aring thcm at ute EaEy nalnxrns Le atteoded in the past beforc he started losing his hcalth. Last vear. the {tithtra" made hotel ad Firsporteuoo r'eseFu& Uars ior G-nilmqU dedication. llrey werc rmsrc thq abant Cav' aduclr's h.a]lii: wita-.n said in a tekiptloe iDt€rviar Tuesday' but his dittv determinatiott to hang on urtil the forEal dedicauon cer' emdirv lias impressed ttpm, iust lihe it has otlrcrs ---iis now Stan to strare thiir trotel mm sith him. fte PIa! "oll' m tnerd to d& up Cavan tEh oa Julv zi ta tlE drivc to Warbingtoo. -unttman wn i srlsnr ci'a .sz cafber recoil€ss rilh t€am. Ihaft€d U octoSi tso, te iirivea in faea ,u* wb cae.ragh tes rotattng honre alter an epic ain+month tour. -- wad;o;;i roundea ooce timself, atrd hc too was awa$6d a he uqt ti! Porl nrc Sar.. uusterea crt alter 2l moths d servicqrailrtad rrlst he fr thc old G.ssic svs€m. Aft€r 30 vears oo the relobmca tocoimive riltet,lrc ad Frarc rctired tol(grser. Abort a decade ago, hi'began loo&iag up his wartioQ buddice In the past r0 yGaE, Eead fueG o{ lh. fdl@E in Gcctp ooD.Dt havc food wct l(tr mea. - :ADd sc'rG rti[ ftdiDg tbem,' bc s&i4 ed.f4 b csDectr b fd Da! 8t ncst Ddtr ocremoy. Sh€n hrs Dt recaiviEr cheoaheraov in thc VA bcpilal, Cer aaeurii-tiG tis une Lecpiig hir servici icranboots oFtiFdBta II! aboEiia cdeuty bliliori 3{h tnfinEy sriluus an qfrrfrpy hUl.lie- manv d thln mw scattrnd acrus the Co[rEy atrd the l{uld. ' Until rqiauy, wlE he m toeiercqrld lid tbbhnknxEtereel Ht€8s ad rlcad clasicaf urde taE that lF irs€s to cmrDce la&ng qi' cereneuch also cairyed grapDing t8F uith hi! fcf,a,t, lcoeth Durfu lE nhe truitfis of cmbaLle h.rrtlv narchd tte"ctt. thc Kd€aD pconingrla as $e nghting $r8€d ulh eld sqfi d o{ the:f&h Parallel. todays botdcr betseeo thc tso Kdea!. Hc was wordded rirce and received tm Brfize $ars, UArdiog c fr lcadiag a tnrdled of wqn&d Gfs b safetlt alt r tfr €[GEy 一 一 一 一 ・ ス . snorndcd Taeio. lte 3lth Inlantry rras a 'trollow' unil doing occrrpatim duty ia Sesob. JaDaD trrrtelr the uar $arted- It uas pocly+quiPP€d ad t!l.knaEled wteo it landed at Pusas on July 4 litile nce tha a wel 8It€r the JlItre 25 North KoEan attack. Ahc rcgiment s€nt over there with l,$l Eea. By the ead o( aurust. we had 184 left.' -fid war. the fust timited crgagem€nt in the Cdd Tar, sas uPopular. Because most d the action occrrrred ir the ftrst nine nonths and bccause th€re was litUe live television coverage, it di< attract as mucb Frblic attertion as the later Vietram War did. Cava augh ard olher Kor€an ll'ar r.eterans call it'The Forgidtcn : ● War.' But next mo th s mcmorial dedication $ill final[r provide a litting salute to thc men who foughl llrcrc and morc importantly-, to those who didn t comc honre. Old soldicrs like Cavanaugfi ard lt'it'.man $ill see to ii. 7 」 当 C___^ 三 ― 」こ _ ・皇 誉■ 壼 警・ ・ ヽ〓 ‐ ・ 華 ■ =A,I g Лご 詢 ョ覗』Oβ留可 W写″ F, ・ r . tEr.E o lsr4al:w ' rql ,o ,frt|.lDae ara ,o irtDro Ig r,.ro Drral ro rat it.!e r &rqt CrnArap lac.x at6 rrB gtc .rl.flt6 paclr.foarrqo er aroolrd aF& ar6tJ,r9 qrlllrg .qi! .rrostlE.r.ag oo laqI DrTad.r taE rlsarl D.drI rtrrn ro Jt ro3 ortl ,o eCf pefirrto 1[&Tr.r .8, 'Igrllr .E cl Dr.sq, It8 SirIEf dic ItIq .trli D.4r I3D "'rIG 11.1- pellder re1114 .tIIq rO ,o l..E rO Eo r6t Ea aB Jo fr.tlrq, qtIlIJE el;t ol patEtod ttorE r.lf af* ta 1ta lql Erol.- ol . ferclreg ,uI putcri;oC rlorg qooof Iq paqoarlD tFB .Dotrra lDsa) 3. /t.rdni EI s- re trBi .e!rf IrEIgo Jo pBuoroo EI (trlrcrrq trtz ql 813 q.oEI EtE) 1I .ret} .rE't ..rE lryt lI D. -lpluSrgrlp lll.fo.d.a tqo rslil dEa3 Et pco3g !q? nI Gr luolijar r11 ?IBt Jo rql ern ,EITDG Daer ol eon&lur prtqf rgueqC lrl .II s J 3 藤嘗 ダ `♂ ・ “ =Is ```3 1111・ ぇ Ql■ OE ・ I‐ = コ "■ 1-鴫 ● ● 叫● LⅢ"口∝.鴫 ロ 叫3‐ om ="ロ 3● `‐ “ JO I「 ●110口 0■ 3 ●1 ● ● 2● 1● ol105 1■ p● 0111 00ム ● `daB _4 3● “ 08o00 0■ ェ LE■F ・ I● `“ ー 'atl'62 .&t rur-aco .frf EEJ;I! rng _ 壺 3詢 哺 ●嘔 鴫 こ ““ ein iro, “ ta.tT-JD-lBoO 卜 :・ ):密鷺 つ ) "“ ●ロロ,JO ● 1● Oo 9鴨 o▼ . 雪∵ 毒 手T習 : 、 ヽ │ヽ ,ュ ・ 言でザ ¨ 一・ . し .r!at .B mt .Fl.o.lll r.$.t la Drr p 'qcl 'ra &i rry Jo toc c'rt rru.t & F..rtdv rt, ,o .rba g'iat l3-C''|l '- aotiilesloc .c.fi)or (.^ro .trro lt|!6r .qt !l loqor,! rll rttEf fe.. roJ aD 'ilt .Jt D.trlta.qr 'ttFibt - '.tcqo- i ,irrtnrt sirr sr E !r ar ttrto tlt ':.trffD Fr alrt'.l ,n ,c l.DloC {qrlo! Igo^.t rt tf PI d: E -tEtarDl II lutoo JD l"lt 'ql JE rcJ tr5 Ge 'a.Tttr ! JO StatctrlD ! ar lt.r. nr 'l!l llttlt l rqt rot tl D'r F r.L. qi aa'll, .!-r ro it Droq qr ftID '.!il D.qd.c rcr q|lq rrr lf rroqc rf rrf i.&cf Jo .t:ll.ir q1 loooritp to qrfr .qt D tEt'rt ,.., roan D.r 'D.arEEso taltsrDo !+ .ntt, AtltJqt ,o rotdr tt|l ltldlll .tltt .I tl.tE 'cr .{D so, 'ars 'Irr 'ql 11.1 :ffi |,ltfft ts t-rt oIlE .ra< oEt! rtdo&l DllI D.lttE1ffi -dnit !a-b rrt 11 rrt - .it loo .ql Jo t$rtr ! E :1r.r, qtlr trtrE&r,t' rtro ro- uil 'ir.t, orB ,o Er/rt qqrt r .rrDroq ttl 'ro !'rt-D trr! JD :Ilft: :Dt'rq€ t€t. - -lifurot-rfrrt: t lo 'tudrY Eaao. E!.laq aqr' "" ‐ ■ 0"― ‐ ― ー 書::書 ・ ― 盛可 各=L ニ ー 書曹會 ●ヤL 「 i管L メ O甘Ц ●ヤL ‐′ マ ー ‐ ″ ・ ・ iヤL 合背L ー ロ ― ・ 事 ・ ・ lvon nome The 10‐ divislon fomo. secre_ tary of Army To80 D WestJr and s that from 12 1● 10 divisiOns 82nd Airborne Division heedqurrters and thrce brigades- al Fort Bmgg; N.C.; D l0l sr Airborne Division (Air Assault) - hcadquarters and threc … T腱 1(hdivision A● ny wi:i cOnsi"of Four‖ ght divお iOns(口 。 light infanり , brigades at Fort Campbcll, Ky. one JrbOm and One Jrasaulぅ and SX heavy divislolls(r● ●r mechanized itary prlorities. infantry and twO口 all stationed at oisting instaliations All divisions wi:I∞ nsist … ●OmpOnent some divヽ iOns wi‖ have olle ttFde ttdOlled m a dfFemt10ca― of three activ● hむ轟喘 and mn When the stuctuHng ind― 電 will lemain On active duty as the “ Amy [ ・ , Anny Chief of Staff Ccn COrdOn R Su‖ ivan have named the divisお ivision octive SASC lerdership defines mil. Rcpubtican mcm- bers of the Senatc Armed Services Commiltee have complelcd csablishing thcir pdorities for the ctrnmfrtcc's agenda during the 'l04th Congnss. Cnsirman SEom Thurmond, RS.C. sakt thc priodtics reflect thc commitmenl of g‐ nation OF divisions",cOmplete,the L this: “ "e Amy will100k鮨 □ 1● lllfantry D市 おbn ceChani2oo ● rte"and"ob“ gades h ― h● ● Cemlany,one bFigade at Fort R‖ ey, 衡 □ 誂 擁 物 19AmmdD市 おbn― hendquar‐ and two bngades in― ny,Ole at Fort Riley,Kan; □ 1● GvJり D市 iJOn― hendquar te"and three brigades at Fort HOod, _ □ a劇 口価 T● D宙 stt Cechan:州 ) =headquartete and“ o brigades in け Korea,one brigade at Fort Lewis, Washt ecL● 囲 ) □ 3rd h偽 ● ―― beadqIIarters alld two bri30des at "DvtiOn“ R"t Stew● It,Ca,one brigade at Fort r石 乃 ; ″ ′ ― `― ″ 宅 ええ %易 多 _ Pq?r/gbr 3/″た′縫%″′ Za> tt- fu. ル ″ ′ブ う 「 ク″″ ′ ル ι′″ η ο″́グ″ /´″ ι ノ タ″ 72″ 修 hing.Ga; uon,co10.: □ 10th Mountain DiVkion(Ltht infantry)一 headquarters and two ■諄魅 at Fon Drum,NY,and the l" nine,価 infanり D市 ζlon cight)頭 R“ RIchorton,Alaska; n"D市 25th:口 籠 おion(LIght)一 headqtl● IterS and two brigades at □ 鼎脚職 町 凡 欄 鰤 ` ! ‖ゝ帯マ 机燎」:l‖ ‖ ` 1.33%卜 SI` rnド 「 5645 schOnem Ba_ks HawJL one ttgnde at F“ Lwis・ Wash; カ 焦 ■ 鍵 Ot □ 4h lnttnり D市 i蒟●(Mechi200 -― leadquarters and two brigndes at Fort Hood,Tex3S,One brigade at Fort )ton a 狂 E/貿a缶 正 mission 50 years later 6 There was no such thhg individual choice.The comm By EUGENE MOOSA LF trlrlas. i; /*1o IFIT ycers after tryo Zero Egtters took d ir Je- pcn's fir8t lrnitaze guicide mirsion, a surviving k Eilare idlot ir on a crusads agrinst coomuder8 who cajoled young nen into dying fc knen7 thiS,that we had no c Forthem,the important po that we died for the sake of war morale.… W7e were nol requited to achieve any tal results.9 eogeror and counEy. Ou Octoba 2f, rg4. the tro ra, arood ritl _T― boobo 咄 翼島∬識施hy b m… .hdsD€d not to bo !eh!Gd, 0r' &(E tf,c PhiliEir€s' eDdratbcreoanirion dD E ut!. Oo! pLm rrr rhot dorn o tlr rry to the trrsta, thq Autdirn euirar EM/IS -**et lic otha dived lUo tDa Aurediu ahip, 'ddrslnS butDd siDtiDg it Itr ruici& divg o$rod in d. oi thi Dod .hining ellr dYorld WrTwo, rru ilr qtt shak t8v€a flt tho D;Et! JrD.[l trrtiu kadrr rnt FWrGd to tala to surrive. Until Jennl anrcodc b Au.ul, 16a6. rbout I,in vodl pilotr ard luhoqiEt - r Eikst aD tu d; ridfulodErrtEfrDL ・ trirb - perilhcd i! tl" i-A ru.cb ltrr t.EL aDout 35 trr6ior.-a mcrr drnt in thoud lhiB tDc U$lod d-;!a lb triouiqC rgrinc &nd●. M∝ 壼耐n ・ the Amenmlle mlght rape rave mll輛 ■ L― alld巨 。 1“ w VIce AL熟 輻 》 鶏 l蹴 慮ぷ 塑 」l mr lnonle We were s饉 … ・ ヒ 一 一 一 ヽ 一 ・ P mL¨ ぷ聯 躙 ●し 80・ ∴脚 日 躙 贔 需酬酬 酬出 凱鵠 黙 meet oF theth_t一 tha lam hme 随 ‐ ●●●出 ,・ … ・ r・ "叫 irb to mall alrd ″一 ・〓 ・ 憮 dOuble tlle nuln b@L di+ dayr ccrlicr indinduol bOoL b● dh● ヽ Q蟻 iD' 勲 to thm い 哩 ■ “ 器驚:f濡 Jト 晟 響喘凱温課譜燎 葬・ =営 pilgp ::y 'lBt ● hng響 ′ 嘲 Anlcf, thr Pel昴 h=郎 設麗Pl灘 彎・ 1竜 ・ ‐ 3__― ■ ■ ´ ヽ三 ‐ 1義 ″ 夕 〆 ■ 1 `= d″ F '7′ 』 :`` lTrvo JIeT D =エ ︰ ′ コ〆 et PNlTad 几 Jソ e? 7 7 "A 4J,rs '' fd ilo-{Jt Pゴ !ooA ρθる ― ″ 一 二 j ・ f 耐 嘩 撼 . : プ ち 7θ メρ Pフ デ '″ 'PV● ′″ 4 ●■ i 讐 ■ 24TH INFNTRY D工 VISION ASSNe mmRY OUEST■ ONA工 RE (P■ eaSe Rep■ y t・ y〕 … I understand that a hl.story of our D■ ●1810n "1■ ■ probab■ y be go to Print shortly after the :l:It:n u|'ll folloe appproxiRately 12 t:p:17m:::1: I:せ :l:n lldig。讐 sLll be in th` 340 to 350 priCe range′ cost unAaEtood that the pfur lhl:ppf ng charges. 1. □ I an interested Ln subscribing to complete details are availablc. □ □ ロロ 2. I prefer the Bake-up th■ S h■ 8tOry ,hen of thie text to b.s (a) All Historyi & peraona.l blograPhlec. (b)Part history, 3。 (a)f:rtts I:普 Part peraonal blographlcr. t:Ii・ :。:1ld sone (b, I have not prevlously pald for th■ s history book. nonii .l,n rcnry fn L{hliloe T018 ( = out. (Self Photo copy addressed on other and staple/tape shut. class postage and maLl. t NaiI Ln envelope to: ミ ≒ 一 ・ ′ ヨ ヽ 3■ deDe ) t ‖R. ,WALLttC= =:● NER 1637 Fa■ uth Streot Charle3tO■ “ , SoC.′ 29407 ヽ IN MEMORIAM CL工 FFORD G。 "CG・ ' L923 199s crols€d tho rivGr ln hie Elwood, the 25thr lollowinE eevoral 一 q CLIFAORD G. HANLTN pero€fu1ly horne on Wednradry, July IDdtana, HANL工 N ycer. of brutal nedical problerne. A mgmber .of Love gt the 3itth between 'tl2 and r{5, nc.c. n wae B! devotod In hla love tor Dlvislon as any of the thouaands uPon thou8and8 of u! who have evor irorn the Taro Leaf. In dedlcation and loyalty, ha atood at the h.ad of the lln€. In hle laet dayr, rr6ak rB hc wat, he wag dctermlned in hls bcllef that he could gunrnon the rtrength to rnakc Nashville". Hla rttandance record for our Bnnual gatheringr had been almogt parlect, comnoncinE slth tho flrst get-togethGr !n Ba1tlmors in l9{?. Our annua} gethsrlng! wsre th€ brlght apotc in hlr busy llfe. He lived for thetn tron year-to-ycar. Hlr tldelity ttg rcuarded when, ln 1959, the ar..ilbled brotherg olcotd hiE to th6 officc of Pre.ldent of our Araociatlon. we rap€rt.d lhe honor a yera later nhen lt uaa voted to extend hls preeidoncy for a eecond t€am. Anal then in 1980 yrc presentsd him elth the wllliam irordEn vcrbeck Award, our ArroolatlonrE highost honor. Our war togother knew drath snc atomLc bonbing, booby traps and loxholer, junglec and Junglc Eot - and undried tearB aplcnty, But lt rlao hrd two eracritiols ; Eoal! and laugliter'- rrlthout Hhlch rny war is abon strlpped naked to the bonii of ita co#unon whcrevoE c.G. war part of the aocn€, wc lrere tho nore b.attrlity. ooJraclour of the goa13, th. norc rble to flnd the lauEhter ln the ntaltt of the Bi.ory. Hc rra8 the perpetual optlulrt. 8t. Iifo war full of gnerEy, humanity, confLdcnce, epontaneity, genssosity, compalrion and humor ' a fuII and rarc aonblnatlon. ■o wag a man of great principlo ―and′ ag a private individu,1′ a peF80n Of kindne38, dignity and honor。 ) ' Ee wal the kindert of nen - uould n€ver lllou a dlffercnco ln prlncipl€ to dlBturb th€ wrrmth of a perronal relatlonshlp. C.G.'r death Loavea ur bereft. l{onctheleat, we are rlcher fbr hl,t having pataed thsough thlg vale of teaE. clotc to ue. tlou tho long atruggle hae end.d. Ho hee earnad cternal rctt. 8o long, C.G. :リ ■ r,S ■翼' I 事 重 、 ! About slx Dontha ato Ey traodfathcr abqrcd rG aletter he had rcad ,-n Detaztne--..- 'trt sas poathunously,t rr.tten Ly i uouan to her grandfather. It broutht teara to Ey eyes, because she had felr for her grandfather uuch of hos I feel for dne. At that roEent I declded to Dake aure oy grandfather knons hog rrch hers loved. - I hope, p5pire, thLs stll shorr you Just hou very lEportart you are to E. I uanted to aay thlt nos' shlle t e atlll have a precious tr.!e together. 幸 ヽ r'epire, you have bcen uy hero slnce I ses a ver.v sGl1 8111. I attrlbute 3o EAoy of ry good qualltlea-to vhat you have taught Ee thr{tth tbe years. You have helped me becou€ the nooao I aE today. You hsve taught @ to p1ay, glye, aPpreciate' love and to valuc all that ls lryortaut to ue. You have glv€! re !€Driea that I treasure rd.th all Ey heart. I rele[ber jour hanse as a safe haven shere I knon I sas loved uucoEdltlonally. oD your lap aud just cuddllng 1lr tbe den. Napplag rrtth you, lassaglng your head ard uak1trg you uP rlth klsses. Cracklng your flDgeEs, tJrplng ou your t)rperriter ald trylDg to learo french. Golng out to get a 'Bl.g Bor" 1ce crea, pLz2a at the Illalbrook" and Slttlug /shere. uy favorlte, chfuesr' aE-aoa EearlDg lhe garage door open kno*fog +g "Pdplre" sas hoEe, then raclDg to the 6ta1rs to hlde aail Jury out to surprlse you. VlsitlDg you at the ba-alc, ehere aa e pollce offlcer' you rrere Just aa proud to dlaplay !e aa I sa6 Jror. i ;1 Iour surprlec vlalE'to or horse oa ft. Dev.oa ry ttiltaga of ercltcDEt tihca I crt .dorm th€ stalra sld' ar ior t1ttlag thste. A11 of youra aail Udre's v16LEe to our rary rorld!- bce wci, the yeara. neaafag the Eenapaper of thc l{oEthr. artlcle requeatiag you and lGre be "Cltl.zeos Iour r-ny talle of the sar, the po11ce force, your F11lp1no adoptees. Go:tEg rrlth.yqr to your dance class a.Ed tr,rlDg to vatch aud lcara so ' th8t I could deace as elegantly rrlth you f,s lGrirc does. DancldE rfth yoir it uy reddtng'lad vlc5rirg I had thdlilt to E ye you ralt le dru the alsle and your beautlful blaslag et thc receptloa. loui 1orr1D8 acccptaace of ry busbard as 1f he yere oBG ,onE or.aUatt{ q.8i )76 hold ry ch1ldtco l.o your arEs rLth such 1ol. aod affectlon. Itir.rlth 'lt th18 tod so urch rore, thet I e! 60 very prqtd Eo have yorl as ry grandfatber. tqr are !y prida aad Joy, f6pire. lty love ard adrlratlon for yqr 1s l J.e vous e1ne beaucoup ! t ト Love, Ary-Jean AoyJeu E'rote ′ tlir :、 1,_ _■ _三 二 13 'oteoorid to louk llohroel ノ `rイ エ ‐ . 1 摺 PACK YOUR BACS! THE GANG IS GOING TO NASHVILLE FOR THE BIC BLOWOUT!!! 1 v yar/7J」 MSI 熙 ノ ● ● 000・ ・ ° 1 1 , │じ ■・ │■ 姦 , -1' 1 平 ・ ¨. ` ー F ■ ど ヽ 母、 ・ ゛ 「 Ⅲ モ 1■ `′ .rqql'r*t ′ ●Tq=呂 ・●ns -, ●●‐ ●Ttt A● 1● 日 ●■T=■ =田 3m o● - erqrft rE EEil n O.ttEI rO 3 00° S3 ● . ● ● ● ・ 3 ■uno■ 7 曲 ●●ロ EfrETffiffiffi; L 電■日こ =… J τ。ぼ3● qD ■コ ︰ヽa■、 ■ 一 'L rtmgor rrr! riE-irEF---------!trr t8trla 'g6GJ ・ T― ・ … 3● nc ■■6T口 ●■oH oO・ こ =3 00° ここ│ "OS・ 033 C… ■― ・ ‐ ●●TC● ■■TAIn‐ 03‐ ‐ ― 80n6,コピ 田 _ns― H石 硬 H・ ― 1 う●TP●●337 … 襲 言 ェー 口3-′ ●IT■ J。 ●‐ I 8… ZJ Ⅲ … 8- 3- ・ ■●●口 °● °工 Ч■,2 8● 口 ●d ‐ ― . OpO ・ AIc ― ...qd trt,z 綺 lr:T.rrrs S ●5p●E ュOJ ― TH … E‐ Ц D 2-T33“ Ta Z■ OS9 `● ・●●●V ●OT● T▲ TC Iユ ■●● ■ ■■,こ イ80■ ●τqヨバ●d ●●ЧO ●■■■ 「 “● ・ ●uF ・ g661 t OH `■ ‐ ●‖ ■■つo電 ι6` =●C ‐ E ・ 3・ E SuTTIn“ IId19,2菫 __ 3o3■ ■‐ ●■■Taq● ●H `τ o■ OE ●■■Tハ ■3●● ユ●JJno■ 9 11 ・ 3d● g ´ バ●pu● H ― ι 。■dOS a。 バ●p● ■■■ュ ●●run・■ ■m_ m2-o― ■o■ 8EAIC 一 ︾ ・ ・ ヽ 車 ′ ・ XEWIEI ロニ,7 〓■ 1)ヽ 1 3′ … F 3mON m oI 呻 m SEIL螂 ロロ ・ ・ … mOH… … … ― =" n。.s_M ― … ﹂ 日 日 … ‐ ― ― 「 珈 … … UAOits-IE xnf rrrra-Cn-UEr-lllxri- -FryryI{Ef,rPlFrqrc.dl --Trrqtrc t … … ffi rry q q PGP illF D Dc IFD rts 4rmo qr f 9t q -Fqgvpilred -*fP.trFN -rqdApq (f AESgr.T ilr-FrFvpilI, f F * r.{ Ir -rt rol ttltlt Lo r!:, oeElIrE lArf}[ !trfMtrY s xlllv.trril pc pgr rq rr $ 1y! f ir 'r[rF0trt F0{ [lil.T r.i tqErta AISIIIOIIT]I,L3 -tlFFI -fG[.It{.r.la0F.h8tI!Y, -lPgrg -rff げ S● げ S` げ “ “ ‐ [ P― p― 腱 00・ :940LVC― 軸 円 τ●:… ― ヽ P― “ “ 亀 ― … VOl」 L― JШ・田 口 r E3 g“ :`II uコロ円ELロ ロ0已 ι ― Nollmow NoEmICAこ N H17 ハ “ π "― mOI NOllVA‐m・ :HloH arョ 脇 az… ― ゴ 畠 VSn mm S6 Aw“ Ч● … MUSIC C1lW USA NASHVILLE 颯匝 Downtown Faci:ities い い 肺 … … Honい 輸 ● Ⅲ― ・ … □□□□□□ 開 ● イ ︱ キ __ ID ● … い 呻 い 鮨 ■‖硼 ︲ い ― gE rllrrrf.her ― い日dF― 田 … Q ToOpund¨ A“ … lb O― … … ―E:│││115,下 Ⅲ … , ●′ ‘′ ■〓 ■ 一 ヽ 一 ︱喜 二重餞二、 壼逃 … 曖 ・ … 基 熟 ― Fせず TEEEERITIITAGE This bcautiful plantation wrs more thm just ! tome to Ardrew lackson. It was his harrco, a pcaccfirl shdter from politicd tcnsion and turmoil. Here was the center ofhis urivcrsc" a - fxpericnco fcilreclee as it wrs 150 yean ago. Me€t the Preddent and his Fist' L.dy in the ' It usarm- Tour thc Mansion rod groudt with lacJrson ard his frmily. Stro[ th gardcn Ptths ed li$al to th sootthg tlnt! of soogDirds. Sec th 6mily carliagE, Jackro! tomb, q"gg.lg.E ', * cabins rnd nore i J { Bcfore leaving the ptaffiior\ vidt Tulip Grove, the home Andrew Iackson btrilt for his nephew, Ardrery Jackson Dondsoq ufro was his persorul secraary in Washington, ard his ni€ce, Emily, wto srved as his offcial Writc Horsc hoctegs. Co* $22 per person Based on 45 people ; Time: Four (4) Hors m園 Tar# N― ofTolr Ti-3y COst 戸 pmOn No Pmon Tぬ l Joutty Thru曲 赦 F嗣断 9∞ ‐1:∞ Fri S15.∞ 2 1ぬ り F3H CFNnile 3¬ L政 厠 面 鬱 4 Jα肛コリ 枷 l:30M:30 Fri S22∞ 12304・ 30 Sat S22_∞ II頭0輌c Franuin12:304:30 Sat l:∞ 寺 ‐4:∞ Sun S22.∞ 曇 . 5 MttFoc● ofNa山出 e S15∞ Mbilcha to:Rodolph MШ . TOTAL HCR 3 Box 191“ Ro● Moln M0 65072 ′ο ‐ ‐一 ¨, JOI'RNEY TEROUGE EIITI1ORIC FRANKIIN Scrmccn milcs and lfi) ]rears down thc road from Nrshville is Frankliq a friendly town that capnres the warmh and c,harm of old-frshioned sorlhera hospit lity and Civil War history. A local hictorim rccorms the talcs ofthc Bttle of Frdlin wtilc driving pcst the b€antifully rcstbrcd lSth rnd lgth c.ohry hom€s in this chamring co-nqrEity. Thac will be plery of timc for lunch or shopping on Main Strcet bcfore retrming to Nasfrriille. C.ost $15 pcrp€$on, Based on 45 people Tinr: For(4)Hors MANY FACES OT NASHVIIJ.E tor )lou witl get to look at the mrny frces cAioh mdc up orrr gcat dty. First it's a driving tor through hisoric downtown. secRivcrftompa& FortNsrougt, Tbc Disict, sond Averug The Rpaa aditoriun, Primcds A[ey, Teone$6 stig Mrscurr aod On tbis orciting ThG Stdc Capitol, to moe or fr* a fcw. ir the cormy Irrusic tlall of Famc on Itfirsic Row. Tbis world-famous mrsoul ratcd Nashvillcb mrmha'6a6 visilel athrctiorl oftrs a behind the sceoec look u cqmtry rnusic rnd hing! itb frschatiry history ro lif,e. stop cq,ffiy mdc fros are smo.dod glrmo, of thir frvorite counrry *rrs rs thoy browt tfoough the giail collection of d'?ring co!fim€s, personal items rare phmqgrfpbq msic€l in*rumcms and rcoordings by major stars from Geae Autry and Kemy Rogers to Johnny cash and by the Baftualrmdrdl. orr 6n!l iouEy is to cctrtGonist Part, bmc original Prthlam h Atheos Crrcccc srf tbe parthcoon, the onty fdl rcale replica of the Cocc s22 pcr person Based oa 45 people 墓 豊 Tirme: Bascd on three (3) Hors ユ │ ■ 一 .星 ; 鍵 ヽ ‐ ^ 嗜L REII!ilON!{O[ES Tb 1995 Ramion will bc in Nashvi[c, Tcm. d 6c Stoftr N.shvillc llotcl 6l I Cwco Strect from 7 Scptcobcr to I I SGFcobGr 1905. Ilccl rc*rrrtiou Els bG rccduC by I Argrl* 1995. ' Soturllqirdfty-qq@yutqy gftLirdcb57t rwirhfi$ 2a Srll Ed5tCl6lrrdruir e r&gcdt ' Co4fiEt cGd rrgrul . Vrh kHlsltsilrblq redllrfpd t lbXt Oiritt&Fd. G, rfiE, cdEtr, d . 2l hrr'st i. hcrtc !Llr&&illo . Nod:pb-uii{:rfuo[.tq m, a q!.tr Grd crlb . Bri.lF LqEe Ddi . Dowom Atprtf:gcs qctdoevdbb . AuicaAiilioaridq dc. '. ChEbst CLn rrittiopflry, niE@ &ccfucdohd 2d Alc, Clo.c ro dl Trr6c cif rrrrr'r iEffif ll* Ror, I[ti: Pdc! Atlcy, RtoD Artui@, ncddlt ero Ccu, niratci l{SL Oilr, Stryal; Iltud m r 29 n'imnr 6 Qpll5l LJSA It@ Prdr, (M Oc Ofy d tb Hcrmse . 2lt Di@bL.3dCbdTN-36 hobdardo$rtl( &jlEdry BdhEdT6KiE F* &M ll*l brlffid, @ alt d* R,g!I,d/dE W -ansdu bw E)' AGcbI fuihiB l,ou lcd d fu tim of yur EtirEdoo, tby u,in bc m6t @y to scrvc your ncde Thc Ryurn Auditorium (6c otigitrd Crrud olcOpry) ili'rd r $oft w.tr from tb Storftr llcct It has bcca coqlctdy nnovacd ud opcn to ttc FSlb. lAtc e vldt r put d you plu. Yqr will dro su to stroll owr to 'Thc Difrict' (s rp) it too ir jul r 6oa dfic t6 tt. Stdftr HotGl" Otrc of thc MIIIL ple to virit ir th Koito U,hr od' \ltm Wrrltcoorirls locdd jult two bloct from tb Suftr llccl Yon will rtt uu b Itf& JiE yur h ttc hod orf lbeviiroth REX'NI6T REGUITRATION DESK WILL BE OTEN: Wtuary nrE!&y Fdahy Sds&y Sunday 9aIt . to t2P-ItL 9 AIIL to 12 PIil. 2P-Itf,totPJL 2Plt[. ro6P.lL 2 P-ItL to 6 PIr. 9AIt .to 12P.M 9 A"It . to 12 P-Iti. ..RV Ming Idorotion to bc FrblilH in fu noc Trro Id .{lOIJRll: I}aails to bc pblishcd in lucr cditioor of Tso Lcrf, 2た . _ ■ ′ 鼻■│ 、 rafron chrirorn ad h! irdthvG ficcd in thc prr rre thc scating anrngeocots. Ooc uny to rcfrrce or ag*l ttir prdlo ir pior plrming by the One of thc pioblcins, amoog rDlry, thrr thc mmbmbip. ︰ Ifpu ha'ro a group of fricnds who wish to bc scacd togcthc, RqimionFomsh o腱 ― OpeD.Tabb口 に ananged for tcn (10) pcrsom pcr trblc" Rcscrrc ore trblc, tm uHcs or rr @t, rt trccdcd to ― rccomodate your group. Dcngndew pcnm (orcarplo) rd rcod h yurrrcgl*ruioir Orns along with theap,propriate amur of moncy , by c,hoct or mncy ord:r, to urtocvcr is d;g"rted. Tha pcrson (or couplQ wi[ prr it dt togcthcr in onc cavdopc rnd forc,lrd it oa to tho corvaion rlhriroan urho uil thco cotrrplcte thc ppcrrvort and ootify each perron or couple of rqipt- e jidc in yar oroc will bo wriring 6r you A thc pfqrgifraioo dcsk ar rhc SOo& h ltarhrilla Te wil bc rsigDcd h ofoGr of rccdDt So rEt yun planning carl,'ad got your rc cfrdfon aad EgirErioos in as carty as porribto. and Send h"ば ・ ‘ trble uc asdgncd it ir difterlt to rernngc ttc r.{irg to chu#;o* c dc-crr*r a dmino c&d !trd can clrr.c mr'ry lxlrrs of*ort br thc cmrcaln $ad + ".,. nmbcr, door pies arc l0lzo highcr so bc ra certy bird od grt your nre E*od ia thc PpReurftn &arc ofthc Trc Leef, Sre of yorr @ b* tidr wifl scc yor otrc rnd will ut-d ou ranion ro thcy can scc rod bc with yur" Otroc n gina rei&ui,o clirt, AEir wrltuy I Lelr.* ru,-H.p ir.- Qrel;tB - $tn..Icgrh Ih d.r ir.... (316 H - ol7, (, ;;dr, tI Fr) LLt udsqn{[ rh if vo gh,. th rb re d cic oo m n oi ru trccs tEy rfl &,E E (!O tu (d r ric) b tD rhqah tb rEodr..?m & I . I・ , ︲ ぅ ギ ^ 一 一 一 1 ・・ 1 ・ ヽ , ︱ キ 、 一〓 轟 一 〓 ● 、 `= 墨 .■ ■_ 2・ ミ ご 二 ` ■ ミ ,l.: な″ 一 !p r*tlll?*r 爵 ?\g Top T69 Ranliic| Ch.irl'el,|d rdY Mdlb.d Yt E) Lrr; wifG. ( nirE AS- rdQuit Rrt fa S.! R 6. tu,o M.rt d Tro Ldi!. wd&faFi& S8tr 6. C.i.r: wrir Bd6 t & on ofs.{(s Cto&&.ftia Sr' n !t 8..6 r.iCt Goa4n f6 &i a s.! f,r6a nf Wdl dl ktr EARLY BIRD INCENm電 :!:::!:! ADVANCE RECISTRAT10N DRAWING THE REIINION C… ,RllDY卜 几LLINS,WILL ARRANGE FOR A DRAWING SHORTLY AF「 ER AUGUST 7■鴫 CUT‐ OFF DATE,FROM THE NAMES OF ALL MEMDERS WHO HAVE SENTIN THEIR ADVANCE REGISTRATION TO THE CHAm5側 BY THAT DATE THE PRIZE WILL BE: Three Comolimentarv Rocm Nights At The Nashvile Stourer Hotd To Be eJuble for逝 s dratt your check and re」 Stration fo111l must be in the Lnds of Cttman Rudy Mulinsby Mondav.August 7th. GREAT ODDS:!! DON'T DELAY!!! YOU■ IAY BE■ ■■L LUCKY ONE: G00D LUCK:!: L 一 .│ [F 丁HE GRAND PR:ZE! Clanbn"F_al Decmter a」 Gl― 工 な : ‐ ■ RECISTEm BY JILY 24・ 1甥 24TIIINFANrRY DrVISIoN ASSOCIAIION REIJN10N NASHVILLE‐ 3LrTEMBER 7‐ 11,1995 IINrr Ш JnhJ McKmm 19th lnf STR"l.T rtt sTAII・ 12733 M― tine 71prrHbF Mcta CA 91331 ・ Bmと Pat HOt 19th“ 409 Shon Av Mchmicsburg PA 17055 K― itB 21st Lr 801PeacM Dr Columbus GA 31906 Bh薇 ッ Jack Hm 52nd FA SpmeN Roads HQ SJA BII VIcLm lky e WilliemT.llllSR 772Dow am D「 Diy. fh, Mioch TN 37013 l40VonRonDr 212W. Pire P.O. Bor( wd*6aEGdnrthc 24rliR!cdD. D.l,id&Ntmir+riiE llthFABN,1545 Vd&JcanSchd :- GcorBeR.&PcarlOrrriag N&Ga MaconGA3l2l0 SrdEtrgBN P.O.Boxl1368 HurwillcAL35Sl4 CdilufR 34ltld , Dutch & Ir,largo BHck NJ 08723 34th Regt 2640 Delw Rd穆 01 Waukep L 60087 ,eSfuch Rq,&Ullidr 47 YoOood Dr 1 1016 l63TFalnrqnt SoNlthc& rn 2lrtId l2rl4SE35thAv lgltld l&E 13th f.A chrrlc*oo Irr *ight-:rIN Spriqfid -MO6 sti,ltrl?s2 HillsboroORgTl2S $6890South Mdvde Sl2 ori@ aι GdBiCityKS 67t16 UfSa(XT Cohrado Sprin$ CO 30906 I t lM 呻 ト STA:L71prODF ¨ J.S山 0 00Domu 21st r … 1025 PImmtpL_ DicL&駒 52nd FA 102W.Pike St AЛ彙海IN 47918 3ob&RuthManson 24th Sig Co 1344S.Grove Av B_IL 60402‐ 12η Jttl m 34th Ы 御 E.Olive Av Bmank CA 91501 24th Romm. RR#l Box 256 11eme TX 77859 Robat A R劇 蛇 19th lnf P.0.Box 222 聰 Edvd a Stdh ch屯コ 52 FA RR″ Jmonvine]L62650 AllH P.… 3rdEErBN 95ll ThomtoRd Joh L.Toohw 13 WellS ■ Mtt 均 Walb 03k Ptt IL 60302 “ F口面 s&D"Wdch FnoB Aan Evanto 2l!t 」恥国Ю&Barbm… 回 FABN Irtr 21“ K CO A鋤山nd PA 17921 lGt Throctmorton 01d B“ 腱FH『 暉 P.0・ Box 1051 町 wood FL 34223 21st K C0 3426 Nap_Dr D.wtom OH 45430 Eh● &Wdma… 21■ K C0 1929 155 St Lowdm IA 52255 o MOm 21盤 K CO P.0.Box 357 21"K C0 820町 Dr F― K― P IN 47021 LA 70062 S 一 L、 轟 〓 一 ヽ一 , , 27 ■,. Pndise CA 95967 Vaum&Vrth H。 。p J00と 町 」 Stod4on CA 95209‐ 1256 9(X Ceater St &M=口 腱t DorOVan 21st K C0 1982 Nwmme Dr rlm&LL― ‐ ふ L34680 ■ ・ NAE J∝ 縮TREET lINrr 70M 21st lnf David&Run Spencer ― CrrY_STATE.ZIPCODE 2 Maxine Dr MorristOwn NJ 07960 19th CO A 642 W CO Rd Joswh&Kay Trebonyak Madison IN 47250 13thFABN P O Box382 Pioneertown CA 92268 Vm― &Fmnces Vella 21st'K C0 107 HOmer Av E― Rudolph&Vlolet W● ご . 21st K C0 4H E 14th 21st K CO RI鍮 劇 ( “ 」 。lm atuy町 Wyatt M0 63882 San Francisco CA 94134 807‐I Edwards Fmy Lasburg VA 22075 21■ “ 19th I正 9945 Fotter 11oyd&」ea― Steingm 21■ Inf CaH&卜 law Sue Game1 19th lnf Btu&K嵐h向 ∝ Frante Lacrosse KS 67548-9653 Box 326 Vmm&Rose《 hJard0 5th RCr 179 Nucva Av W山 &]山 m Overland Park KS 66212 1789 WIdw∞ d Dr Denance oH 43512 26431 W11liamsburg Bonita SpHngs FL 33923 24th Sig Co 1309 Bridge Rd Charleston WV 25314 Valla&B薗 けTOdd 63rd FA 550 E Min RepuЫ ic M0 65738 JoLn&CathaimPoFter 21■ Inf 401 VIson St Ciaude Ⅸ 3■ "B面 1 26 Potter Rd ‐ Waltham MA 02154 &Dorothy VImeal1 21st lぼ Dodd&Opal Vdlialns Bura10 NY 14216 79019 an Rodolph&Yvome Mullins 19th ltt L81ie BIouin HCR3 B浅 191 13th F A BN 13 George Circle 2′ Rocky MOunt M0 65072 MechanicsburgPA 17055 1 1 NAME IINIT STREET CITI STATE.ZIPCODE P O Box145 Nor■ Chathm NY 12132 1757W 26th St San Pedro CA 90732 (Rむ stered May l,1995血 ough Augu■ 7,1"5) 78 Hvy Tnk Jack&Rte L∝ Tony&Nemie Apodaca 34th r LEF BJ.Hunt 19th lnf HC 3 Box 508 Payson AZ 85542 Hnert c carlson 19thコ nf P O Box66 Pitttturg NH 03592 Robd&Lila hrdey 19th lnf 36 Wnington MWiC CT 06355 34th Ы 24 Brimey M節 Or Rochester NY 14612 34th lnf l132 Kiuamey LN Bu■鴫 ame Ca 94010 Edv7ard&Lee Shields Ben&Peg Wable M嶽 &A」een Carland 34th r PO.Box 4017 Pinutt NC 28374 AG&Btt MOntaglb“ 34th Ⅱ 1321 W Nver Rd Wadoo NY 13165 Eric & Dorothy Dller 34th Lf 504 Vla LA Sdva Redon(b Bα Кh CA 90277 3341■ orence St Maxton NC 28364 P O Box325 Wavdy WV 26184 1015 Coun Club Pierson FL 32180 310 Abbey Court B山】J MS 39531 305 3rd Ave S Fttn W 37064 Edward&M可 oHe Sh町 " 24th Med Warden&Martha Howard Charles&Carole ninOr John A&… 24th Med 19th i正 Young H FA , 63rd拘 Sl」田dd&Faye Cht Thomas&町 BrOderick 25th Med BN 565 Broadway(6A) Ⅲ ・ ︲ Hastitton‐ Hudson NY 107眸 1715 q 2ミ t 、 ゛れミ ≒ ■ 一 .^ ・ ﹂ 〓 ■卜 ” ︲¨ ヽ ︲ , , 帝 ま議 ≒轟 _ NAME 、 Thomas F Upton clrYヽ STAIL ZIPCODE 24th Med BN 4 Dartmouth St Htt R&Dorothy Gomez 19th lnf John A&MaeJ Keiけ 価 STRI・ HT lrN「 F 7501 Rosedale Court Pleasanton Ca 94588 Hth Fa A Bty Rt3 Box 31 d&Jeddine Acker a“ r Theodore&Ruth D8宙 S C Rucker&J80e Ford Forest II11ls 31Y l 1375 、l NIx3 M0 65714 weauЫ eau Box tt 電 237 W Stoney Rd Prospd PA 16052 21st lnf 2344 Sunderland Rd Maitland FL 32751 Robm J&Lura Paraska 24th Sig C0 717 Devon Dr Joseph&Audrey 1 0paLn MO,77, 19th Lr John&Fnn Frey 21st lnf James&Suc hm 19th Lf Arthur Kelnp& 21st lnf Lady Lke FL 32159 135 Country Vmas DrSafo Harbo■ FL 34695 Rtt Box 154 260 Shelli bne heL Spring、 AR 72632 41l Rmington St Rosweu cA 30025 Sumeld cT αЮ78 LaWanda Hcaberlin CMes&N田 り Uosworth 19th lnf Paul&IlaCm 19thlnf 715 Horseshoe Loop Doyline LA 71023 Rt2 Box 94 -ack TX 75661 Roger&Yvom E● mhy 24th Med 4216 Fruitvale Ave Oamand cA 94602 Wdliam Hartman 34th lr 204 Mtt St WashingOn■ 61571 1 1 30 t i ■r、 ´、 _ ・ ― ,「 1 ■ ■ rTrV STAIH 71prOIbF T NAME I Nrr QTRI・ William & Louise Jaecke 19th r 705 So.Rodwood Salt h脇 City UT 84104 Lloyd &SallyOler 19th H 315 mple St Donald & Ioan Barrett 19th r 2854 Pinckard Ave Redondo m CA 90278 Mcolas Mrrtinez Hth FABN 2631 MorebmdApt2ElrO TX 79930 Gordon & Margara Riter S脚 1∞ 2 E Spring Vauり RIchardson TX 75081 & Adella Salazar 34th r 33404 Furow Ct Louis & Earline Brown 34th lnf 836 Fairview Marvin O. Reichman 21st r 5445 N Shcidm Rd.… ■ 60640 Mr/Mrs Hugh Crosson 21st lぼ 1424 Avondale ‖田降FL 32205 I.B. & Hazel Brock 21st lぼ 7L田山 Hendersonvile NC 28792 Glenn Clark 5U 3322 Hhanl■ l Dr St.Chanes Mo 68301 339th聴 134Ttt Alfted & Frances Mack 3rd Eng. RD.l Box 149 Vmodde PA 15961 JobmyRodrigrrcz 21st Lご 4331 mion Rd KanE City KS 66103 Kcith& tuital&gst 21st lぼ 39H Ing6oll Rd Concrete WA 98237 Ioe & P$lisWicinslci 」th 5450P― olm#141 Rub€n Joe I・ Saは City Ⅶ 53583 Ldc ELinore CA 92532 Fulton KY 42041 JadL馴 "田 & Charlone Hofrichter : "Lne FABN Port CharlotteFL33983 一 ょ 一 一 一 一 ´ . ヽ ´・ ﹂■ 一 一 一 一 一 轟 一 ︱ ︱ 31 お ヽL Long I〕 曰 h Ca 90805 “ ▼ ● NAE ILrwy & IINrr Imogeoc Cartcr l9th Ctalc! & E*dlc Ci-,.r,ra 2lst sTRFFT ¨ Inf 635 Kirgsview Id P.O. Box CT Zl8 sTAT軍 7rprrbnF llampton VA 23669 llanrmorton NJ 0g037 Chrrlcc&IrluftrHoguc tgthftr 2ltLlhck Fruk & Irroc Gorski 2lst 2Z2t Tqry milip&Hdcatlocctter lgrhltrf 204Shy' M&hdranRs:66 Howard&Glad5plumsdca 2lstld WoodRivcrll620g5 Id Evcret & Boots Hofran l9th Itrf P.O. Box l3thFABN Ilmy & Iarc Grmo 34th 2lst ltftrllin I.urc, 3502 Kiogslcy WtyEIITnrd lVm & Ruth Ed*rrdgvilell.d2DzSt l67l[ckorySt I&mcth & r+arr BoNroyidr 3,lth Inf ct 643 Brcrdviery IL 60153 pasadcoa.MD 2l Sunbury io2 Itrf l0 Gaston St Wcst Orange N I 02052 Itrf 64 Gcorge&DiancMello lgthld Tomm― D市 G4 Bon&uぃ 34th Lr Gme&D詢 山 S山 ● 19th lnf 助市 m DaTinF&Md“ Bohan I pA l780l BrrndonMS3gB3 St , l/2 P.O.Box250 Mford ' Mc&yry MA 02053 6l0BermudaDr Hffi,e-iy2i43 891 Kin_Cirde HovPard OH 43(28 ` 16751 HvJ 76Pauma V』 り C892061 8937 W 250 N C― i董 げ IN ・ 47227 ヽ er Froddicと R●● hchtn3nd 52nd FABN 1251 Stt Rd E Amm NY14051 1 KmmF― 19th r 35 S賄 耐 Avmle Arron NY 14001 `多 ` ■ ‐´ .=‐l ら、 NAE Ehrd&鰤 回 Dmと 馴甲 畦 Eup&町 い IINrr 呻 rTW STAl■ 24th Sm 199 Forest Ave BroJ4on Ma 02401 21st lぼ 18]口x"newЮ od 詢 FWdぬ 輸 M:呻 ― lll:口 彊 2209■ ・ OTDF 狂 -IN 46738 C_c本 7th St. 95307 Sth■ C_T 9020 27th St Br00ndd IL 60513 34th r 21236C… Nobletuc IN 46060 nth FABN 605 mllDoro st. bld NC 28345 “ wluiam c Ro96oro Gld Rocule… Ridtsrd & tr sry.Ilre Drsrs l9th hf 19th lnf 'Roy&RuhWGlGh 町 &mies賄 pd Sr 21st 的 Jr(SOnD&Donna cn可 MLon Eaga 21償 Fred&― TamaFL33647 13340u刷 ow Springs― TX 76052 Nm枷 口いⅣ 22550 9 Mc CaI Pl AndJ Jonc 34th lnf 80 Mmbr。 。L Dr Tom RMば NJ 08757 H呼 &J●yco O― L 13th FA 772 1de」 Drive SE Conod NC瑯 Otth&M町 13th FA 3114 CIndd Dr San Aro81iO T'【 21■ 1ぼ 32751■ 1■ Hiu Rd Naples NY 14512 34th lnf 9701ヾ 輸 hany CA 94706 3rd Engr P.O Box 418 呻 n BIl l晨 翼しШ Dm&Bev轟 ) Inf 15210 Ambo Dr BabcocL Don&ん 蓼 heKren r r 1“ 28 WoodLwn E Sollth HQLndIL 60473 山籠 78230 Pinon HL Ca 92372 ︰ 〓 一 一 ■・ 一 ■i . 津o ¨・一 一一 . ■ キ ︱ ヽ ・ 一ヽ こ ﹂ ﹂ ヽ ● ● ﹂ 一 ■ 一 ■ , , ぎ 鷹桑:II` 33 St .. ヨ tINrr STREET CrrY.STATE.ZIPCODE Barclay sth RCT S120 Leader Ave Sam― Murray 3rd Engr 864 Fhi St 0over Bmch CA 93433 Hanson tgth Inf 2900E_21st St Sioux Fdis SD 57103 5 RCr 27000 SW 142nd Av Homestead FL 33032 NAME James & Mary Dave & Rosalie Hrrold & Roberta Robm B Hardin Ruld&… choate 21st lご 908 W Gand Ave to CA 95841 1 Gu馘 撃 obert&Nmcy BJdwi→ MOrFiS&GloH8 AIvando 599 QM 3539 Marquma Ln Howon TX 77039 VIctor&Andu Sab8h 19th lnf 7707 Sayers Houston ir77016 EIno&Hden B呵 21st r 4260 Waren Rd Franin TN 37067 428 N Di宙 sion Sqttnour M0 65746 S Valmere Ct Edison NJ 08817 1986 East 18th St Lovdand C0 80538 Pald&Jon Ceenteri' h暉 &― 21■ m Candido&Virginia Mart虚 4 Carterville IL 62918 Inf 21st lぼ 19th■ f ` and Guests Donna Lee,Robert W WIlliam、 B引りWlliam、 Bill WШ 卸鳴 Bobbie Lee Rcne & Raclid Vcnmnt RIvm CA 90660 34th lnf 9853 Myron St Pi∞ RF. & Carol Stock 34th mf 4551 Azalea Dr Reno NV 89502‐ 6221 21st lnf 6375 Hollywood Dr Fo“頼 Park GA 30050 Iames & Jean Ray nth FABN 2565 Winthrop Ct Simi Valley CA 93065 一 ・ ・ ﹁ ・ 多″ 1 William & Ann McColgan 1 ・ ・ and Paul NAME EIJNIT 7pronF rr STA:卜 … Jmes M Eno3 伽 鮨 饉 21st lnf lndimapolis IN 46227 Go颯 Qo II Young 輌 7617 S.OakDr SOLm&面 19th lnf e Regec 4108 0Kore Dr EI Paso TX 79902 26th AAA 2012 F… masiTMCEvily BttFABA 6840ParkRむ 卜 : Th° WLiteLaI PA 18052‐ 4814 St Dr Mad“ n Elma&詢L面 面n Gorke , 19th inf 232 S.Lle Emm&藪 l∞ Stewalt Ave 護 IIcLs 21st lnf Ⅶ 53719 Palatine IL 60067 d OH 44906 ― Lon&B」 hmpttv口 ぃ減 21st lnf Thomas Gndy Jobo&Fmal`cRk"Lde 21盤 Inf 19th lnf Wala&」 ennme pete 19th Amold&Vdma RIddle 182 Barker St 203 1カ 国応on Ave Rtl Box 46 Ы 21st lnf 701 Tom Motlmin]出口出しGA 30512 10 Barbm Circle ― Ord Cr 06H4 NttBrunwick NJ 08901 Summ― KS 6541 Scott Depot W.VA 25560 Add.: Thnk Itt 2 Box Zl I pyoctoMlle, OH 45669 Jtrnmrc Ttrckeri' 6th tunk lo24 s. Mag,otra Av Morrrsvrlt€. Nc 2ar r5 Bob & Jean Lawbon 6th wa[en {t Luclb Coats ` こ■1 `:: _塁 │ z4ttrMp ‐■ 、:ミ 4 Carol 1_ Drtve .. Succasunna. , NJ 07826 二 書 四 C口 nι STA口 L 7643 Ddmom St Louis M0 68123 Ron&PWis asOn 34th“ 5721 NW 87th Ave T― Dmdd&AgnessargBrt sthRCT 7442 Rose Ave Wolcott NY 14590 Pcter&Tα db 520 SdERtts LA smmrd cT o7497 NAME lJNIT Lmer&MЩjeJobson hpp Eugrnc & Mriam and guests Charles Suマ Co 19th r FL 33321 3700 Capin St NW wnington D C 20317 αЮ West39th Av San Mh∞ CA 944034105 21盤 1ご 106 East VIne St L腱 ,IN 47353 34th r 724 Saline CFde 晰 Iltzeman 2lst Itrf ‘■﹁ Nal A Hlf 19th Ы ZIPCODE Hcrbat & Lois Brown & Mary Morgan Ifurdis and Virginia Wisc on AK 72015 Irmnic & Flossic Bra&ter ItutnRccd(dughcr) Crcor8e Alhrd Alvin & Mriam DorftEn 19th lnf 21503 01an Ctrcle Malla AL 35111 TX 79106 HQ lstBN 502 S.Louisialla … Sig C。 Edward & Ena Jean Byrtus 15H ManorDr N E Pah BayFL 32905 530S.N… C明 Provo UT 84604‐ 1842 μ WY 82609 Iod & Dottic Stede 19th lnf 580S“ dhm Ave Ioh & FricdaFecko 3rd Engr E4659助 山 Ct Robert & Ruth fuin Kics 19th r 335 Hovrdown Rd G山脚uqtt PA 18032 Edward & Idy Hotbd 21st lnf 2779 W mentaDr CimsSngsFL 34434 助 d撻 W153941 50Ю % U S 27 South FЮ stproof FL 33843 1 ■■ F , Edward & Doris ThomPson 21st lnf NAME lJNrr STREET crrI STATE_ZIPCODE Charles E Kaefer 21st lnf 177 Clinton St Cowlwile NY 14037 Clinton & Frances tlaYes 21st lnf l16 11indock Dr Colonial Hci3htS Va 23834 Alfred & Helen Freeman and guest Ruth 19th r 262 Pope Rd T●● banna & Laura Feltner 19th lnf 922N 9th nge city KS“ 523 19th lnf RR I Box 285 Evant TX 76525 19th Lf 421 4th Ave N TI― VerdeFL 33715 5 RCT 1619 Butano Dr. Mipitas CA 95035 Homer & Margaret DaileY 19th lnf 210 6th St Cmo■toll Norman & Iean Riegler 19th r 2504 38th St N.W Qnton OI1 44709‐ 2208 C.w. & B€tty Hood 21st hf 146 mmonte Dr Moe CA94556 Cleland C. Helmick 13th FABN 855 Chttmtt Dr mrri的 出川嘔 vA 22801 Edwin Funk & guest Lyle Katz 19th r P.O Box 133 Jansm NE 68377 Robert & GloriaNewkik 21st r V5Box 54 F― Iohn & Franoes RoonPy 19th lnf 8200 S Mozart ChiC880 L 60652‐ 3412 llarold& SallyGoldck 13th FABN 506 0gemaw St Grayling M1 49738 Robert & hdene TreadwaY and guest Hde,n Kepler 21st lnf Rt 2 Box177B Ctt AR 72024 Charles AB. (Gus) & KatY On Bill & Helen Allen Frank & Iri-Ifli PA 18466 KY 41008 IN 46131 67 妾 〓轟 ●一 二 ;r. N tE UMT STREET crTy. sTArE. ZrpCopE Wlliam Broome and ' '''' & Jean Broome 2lst Inf 35420 Highview ct ono Ifth IDf lo09 s.w. rEth sr. lgth Lf 22S2t Smith lgrh hf 9ol5 E. 36 Inf 17 6th Edward & Dorores , Farmington H,rs MI 48335 wilrmaf MN 56201 Lowell R. Williams and Cassie Williams Robcfr & pat Marts Howard & Eunice struecker l gth Myron & Phyrris Swanson lgth Inf HerbertFordyce Amold l$hlnf 343 Athens AL 3561 I St. st. Box w. l lth Tutsa 292 st suineDr oK 74145-3407 west Bend IA 50592 Davenport IA 52801 varejoca9459l-3619 Kass and gncst clarence weber lgth Inf rcscTonoBitalr,ftctdl lgthlnf Howard&BagPasswuer John 5236 Rd Trinca Leo & Vrlma lgthlnf 2I st Inf Davigrron 2ls Inf Richrd & Maqr Emcrson Don&IreneMlliams l3rh FABN 34thSVCCo. l@4 sixth st. Jesup, IA 50&18 Route8,Box273 crossvilreTN3t555 5OTsigsbeeRd 204t2 W . Augusta 6775 smith Rd OrangepKFL32OT3 Ctlcago IL @622 Mddleburg Hts. oH ,{4130 Iane 15 l02CrookedLake Angola, IN46203 14735Hollyct ShelbyTwpMI4S315 MGen Joe & Mrs DeFrancisco (Grc$s) ′ “ ■ 千 I am a Desert Storm Veteran who toves the 24th ID and very much enjoys reading the thougfits and expcriences of thc older nternbers of the 2{ ID ,{ssociation in the "Taro Leafl'. Thank you, Robert Lawhon. lbr your hard wort in PrcPanng the publication each timc and to Ken Ross for his faithfulness as cditor for so many yeafs. Affer tcn ycam in the USMC (two tor.rs in RMtt) and later traidryrt Ccwenant Eentinary in St. louir, MO, I came boct into the armed fuccs in 1982 as a draplein in the US AraY 8t Fort Hood. h 1988, I rePorad to the 24th DISCOM at Fott Stcqart. I trecamc ttc A*istant Di\dlion Chaplain in June of 1990 just in time to drploy to Desert Shidd,'Deseft Storm ' GEN McCrffety said that ue would 'livc tilie dogr for a whilc" when we got into tic &rcrt He wrl rlght, but it na& ru tough. We trained hard and mrc yell prcparcd whcn the ground war strrteil Otr experience nras not the lorg urd traumatic onc of the vetcrans of WWU, Kmta, cr rvletranr, but the Division pcrformed magnificordy in Saudi AraHa and kaq. I had a cnrsty old chaplain frimd (who di&r't p to Sandt) saY that D6ttt Sttr n vas a "fhrlce". Ho wer wrongl WW[, After the "ceage fire", I lEard GEN ・・¨ citrrncnl. 1 Schwarzkopf statc that hc hd stalced his reprtation oa the comdcim thet the Victtry Divisim could otccdc thcir vety anbitiors part ofthe "Hail Mry' plan, "And you d5 ltl'' h. said with grcat cnthusiasn ad cx- succcss good "chaplain storiesu &ora Korcq and Vieuum.) wrs thc rcgult of dc' plannirU; carcfrl prcporation tailed and rdreanal, urd mpcrb execution Orr (l would bc intcrested in hering uy 1 Thcy got thcrc just behind Task Forcc Smith. At{ust. . In 1950 nry Dad'i deitroyer was the fu ship out of San Diego harbor when the balloon werrt rry in Korea 16 rr- げ懺 My asociuion *ith the division rtay be considcted to go back to Ha*zri in 194 I . My father was b junicrr ofEcer on the battleship LISS 1'cnnes' sce. He drd mY mother were arhore on 7 Decembcr at mY grandgarcnt's honre. Dad and Crtandfather left the housc and drove offto war Dad suwiving the seccnd attack onboard the USS Maryland. I was conceived in January rnd was bo'rn in October '42 in Brcrncfiofl, W ashingtott' where Tcanesree was being repaired. I describe mysclf as a "Pearl Hartor Baby." m lte forces. ke;a to try the "oalition liberal ue of air that success were power, excelleat togistical mppor! lots of artillery, and grert leadership frorr the CG to thc corponls and geants confiiandiag hrtcs and infantry fuhting rrchiclcr. That rnrc solid leadership was forud in cvcry mi[tary occupational spccialty. I might add ftat 24th ID ctrplains and Chaplain Assisbnts dil a great job taking cale ofthe spirlual aeerls ofour soldiers, That was rlways a priodty of thc CG evm rlerr he had so many other momentous things about which to be concenrcd. (GEN Schmr*opf: we arc grrttfu[ Sir, for your strong leadership and thent C'od fu your full lccowry from prortate nqgqf.) After thc Gulf \l'c, I EvEd Tidr 24Or Dw'ARTY for a year md thcn rpsrt i ycd .s thc Dcpfy Inshl. lation Ctnplain. at Fct lltcwur. I loved my timc ficrc, cAccidty with thc &virion. This rncaingr "StaE .trd gtilrcr' lrcrt in Gtrnrrny told tt. red ttry of thc rc0qging ofqr divirin wi& &e 0ag of ttc 3rd Infroty Divbim which ir aor hced$.rtrcd at Wuzbur& Gcnnray. │ I wondrr if any of our dirtinguilhd rador rsrociation rncfirbcrs (pto may heve scrvcd rr CG of or proud division) can spcat out of rttiremc[t to "!avc thc flag,' Maybe thc Homonhtc Mr. Gingridr would lite to rve tie cort of rtpointiag all thc rigu ud vehiclcl at Stcntutmdhthe 3d ID AO h Crtf,many. Fo,rt God blcrr ur 'Fitlt crrcry orc! to FiSltr, Victlryl " From errftm,oclr, FRG. C. H. MORRISONIU cH(Lrc), UI|A HIIC,fthArc cMR4ls BOX4394 APO AE O9I 14 .t, 一W 一 , , ,- / From New Orleans 1994 All from B Battery l3th FA l-r George lwen Cal Inman Dick Emerson Hoyt Overcash LR 19th Inf. Richard Mercy Bob Riising Robert Mercy +t 74/ αクフ′ ノ31´ P″ σ Cヨ 〃 υο ノ r// C/′ ・ ″」7カ′ % 磯. ・ ︶静 F ︼ ヽ 一 臓 一 一 饉 督 鰺 鰤 棗 子 写 r , ヽ ・ ヽ 、 l/J ,i, h €' Ng ,p f, ") &r/ -2, )/ '2t 0271 │ _ SI vtt1') ,n/ ?y'/ \1r.2-4/ <t:?AnJD/(/ 171/ - ll<! jNI iilh€ ″多 57夕 CCl' 7ら ″, 7マ ヨノ 9/プ フ/♂ : η . 一 Fト ︹キ ′″・ ︱ ● 一F・ タ , ″´″ +′ フσ グ≠″ ′づ_7″ ノド =″ ′ '″ ′ 。メ′ σO夕 7r/ ″´ νタ ク 77グ \゛ へ 5 ・ヽ唸 ■、 ヽ ヽ ヽ ゝ響 ヽ ヽヽ ∽‘ヽヽヽヽ %ミ 1﹃0﹁ “ ﹁﹁ ●・ ヽL 一 ^ 、一 十 一 一 一ヽ ヽ 一 ベ 一 一 ・ど ヽ 一・ ・・ 経輝麟 藤 ド 摯 ヽ鸞一 一一一 ■. ︸ 1鸞 [ TI塵慶暉蓼訃翁ン辣 ヽれヽ 、尽Ⅵさ い ミ ヽ 卜紙 け ヽ ′3‐ _に _・ ゲ ´ ▼ ´ 形 ′ 鬱二∠ ´ 毎 ′ ″ノ ′ ι 物 η ″ 留キ 輩鵠Yw即 Denveri c0 80219 _こ 癌亀 :´ 盤 一 . 多 /笙 λ 勇 氣 こ 嘔 ・ 銀 蒻 ‐・ ノ ″Z ″ 轡 ″ 〃 _ ″ 毛 μ 4‐-2-″ ∼ ´ J'9ダ N"ember 8,1994 24th infanby D"歯 n AssoctatOn ‐ 120 Maple Sttd ‖,MA 01103 SⅢ 1 … Dcar r Siir: The prrpose of thE letter is to ask for your help. I am rcque!iling thd you pleGe PlibIuh trb o..s mudr as is pcsiHe in your 24th lnfar ry Exvbion Association Newsletter. I am conduding LlLr, IEaerchiorabookthatlamw]itingtopaytdhJtetothos.thats.,vedasUs&myFieHAni[c'yrncn in Virtram. Uorc specificaly, thoee that scN.d in the 5 Field Art'llery Groupc, 8'[ Ficld futilc]y tltt.fons, .nd 17 separatc Ficld Artillery Battaric6 that fowtrt in Mrtnam. I Hudt hG be€n written about our brotheB in tho lnlbntry, and d€sGlvedly 30. But it B impoatar to lrmqrtcr that Field A ilcrymen buglil end dicd s well. As timc lharc .tr€s m. iE Gasy to on. forrgra aX thcrir-nnio ah6d their blood in Mctnam Sor our grrst country. lt b imposniblc fur rE ,nan to ty and coyGr rll ol the Afiry branchca, so a3 a proud m.mbcr of the FioH Arlif,ery Branch fo. twanty y..rs, l'[ just ilonce]ilrate rry en.tgy in th.t .rca. frt ua My iritention is to devotG a cha er to eech unlt. Thc chaptar uill comain as nrany sirnifcel hiEtorlcal d.taib as possibb, along with at bast on€ story descdting ac$ of hcrdsm or bravory in nrany \fdram Vltcralr3 lh.t combet by lhe unit, or members of th. unit. I am trying to contec't 3etvd in thes6 units as is po3sitlc, and ask lor their personal rtodes, colict of Aftcr Ac{im Repo s, unit histories, coli.s ol awerds citrlions, unit crcctB, 3pccial petcfir., ac'lio photos, ur*t pcturcs, nrnr6 of unit cotfllEnderB rnd th6 dat6 thay commendad, spedal or unucual tearrnaquG or applc8tiorE used, spccial .rt3riorl3 (Riycrinc Forca Artillcry, Aililcry Raits, dc), and oth.r matotlal. s HtI firl piority xt bc to l,36 stories writtcn and subldfrrd dirc<fly fionr the soHiers ti.t wcr. tlrrr rtri llr aqltr hrpFn d- Anyone cor tilruong rmt thl tlscd in lhc final PllHceii.rtt wil b. giv.ft ili ctitr h fte book. h e of oth.r My s€cofld request b to ask you to plcGc S.nd ms any addrr.86 you rnay orgnnizaliom, localv or ndionally, that niglrt have contac't with Vidram VGterarF. Although I havc 3rvd.l, I am sure llrere arc nany that I do not hayc. Abo, il your csocaalbn h6 scperat nc}Blct br crch chafrer, I wouH appGciat€ thocG addrc6s6 w€ll. s I! I do appreciate the fec.t that you took tfic tirrG to read trb Lttcr, md I thenk you in advancc foa aqy h.h you can prwue. My n mc and rrtum addr6s era a! lbllotE: MSC Dan Cillolb USA● 前F00 4204 8orkoby Dtte shemeld Ⅵ Hage,OH 44054 Work Phone:216‐ 522‐ 6764 Hm“ Phone:216■ 3釧卜1750 Rrrp.ctfulv Yours, iJLl::1'11・ 瞭 `,(1口 Dan Ci函洒 % 'Soruy' closes 45-year search ,ByLobLued(G ' S.5r Stafi to t|,iLr Army veteranr of the Korean War DCt itr an emotioDo.l rcunion ia f,riddta FaIh Wedneaday, Por one, Jact Hogue of *ar the hnppy end of a 15to l@te tlp otfief, Wichitrn Son Anto,nio, it tc.r .erElr Lao Flake. Hrre Hogue finally fourd the cbance to aorry," to Flakr for failiag to rea. rue hiE during a bl@dy batile in *hidr Flale ra! ,ounded at fthang, Sorth uy,'I'm KoEa, on SepL 2, t96O. Atone p.riat ler hi! orrivsl rt Kidapo Ilorntovn Air Part" Hosu told Fllt8,'lt rill a.h,ajl! hauot re . . . I how I soull have been Lilled trying to get you, Uut I dpu.ld hevc tricd. lt tpas tlrc @ly tim ia ny lifc I thorght I was a cos,!td.' I,atlr, a! thr tgo DeD rat dorn for a trrtr lundr.t tbe Wichita Club aad llogue apraed hir pent-up foelingr, t lrs ltrslEiDg do?n hi! dti face, Flalc rclDodcd rudr aocu!.lccs a.c, 'I rouldn't rorry abot tlut. I haven't woried ahout ・ ― Tlleい Corpny X of 曲 曰 山 缶 測 24th o!!!ult 99 H_._u.d hth● Dり l● :0■ the , ●ndtm― lary To― 葛託 零忽 爵 :瑞 ご 孟 other Wod― dav at K― 鰍 D― Phold「 h Soe KOREA‖ ,6A tun AI「 Park HOgue s lingerlng gui11。 ver ●n:nc:dent Wlr l€d hlm lo s€arch lor tris Army budd),. ` 一 一 L_■ ■7 1魁 ti 出 dllllng h K― ヤ ` ' ‐ ` ― ― ―‐ ― ` フマ `″ O.ア Contlnued ""“ oa Pullne&y rie able to E t*h f,h lld rpply tourntquets 蹴 gh"‖ .]d 甲 hL ttL“面 fiot in the ttet Pulidf ra “tot $rvived. &3 Dy cacry lire l.t t 8 th f,otanu camg rlth lkctchln to tale FIale to u rld ltttbD. Flatc and ltoguc r€rc lro of Itc 3{ ernlvor. ln the oneday . hltlc. Cciorny K dartad oui "drh ti9 dfo- Phillppines OKs WW‖ re・ 'Ito papot rlry llllo* ** inr,",- H&. t*ftruc{ S-*.!lo-tf*H,-d"3ii pines fOr nOt less than 30 day8 between Dec 7,1941, and」 une 15,1942 口 the Philippine indepen_ 1944, and Sep. 3, 1945, are erans whO received bOth (PLM) from the government of the Phil iprprinea. The award will be i$ued frc to veter:rns who rnake dence Medal(PIM)ぬ vet‐ the PLM and PDM ■ the Philippine Republic Ru饉 dendal Unit Citatim Badge tO veterans whO served between Dec 7, rint I thoucht she war relling 1941,and May 10, 1942, tofr or oni6tt ing,' said Flake. 'llr. Flalc,'the r-oman inquired, application, with appmpri- and du‖ ng the calnpa興 a1" verification of service, from 1944 t● 1945 'llr. lan Flate?' 'Yc,' Flale respondcd through the Detense and ■ the WOrld Wer H -_--1960? Tl*c vou in Korea ia -gda',' Armed Fcces Afrairs ofrce Ⅵ ctOry Medal tO ve"mns w;"Fd-;;;,iJ';; (DAFAO) of the philippine who gerved at any time iiih'rhe aeked. ' all thir Embassy in lrVaehington, Ac!,' he !.td. 'What io be― Dec 7,1941,and lbiltf D.C. De― 1946,and Ad tho roman . idenli0cd h addition, DAFAO will I the ber Aeia-Pacilic Camhfi ioo" nve o*rer.,r'r' to paign Medal to vet4rang ifi? World lf,ar II veterans of pho had continuors svice -rrd. IIL drrthta fDdts locatcd the Philippine campigru of at least #rsfH';f,l 疵 鴨 鷺記型配鷺 ゝ 」 激鵬露」 訛 ¶脂協」 ■ 出e Pblippine DeFere Medal eDDめ venコ ¨ who eerved in the 30 days in tlle qcnations between Dec. ?, Agia-Paci6c t}eater of 鰍棚噸幣 戯 欄 鱗 鯛 日FTイ 1_・ ‖ YEARS AGO TODAY other than the able to DAFAO ― 翻 常 智盤 響露 rヅ Ing Lw in San… 出 酬焼漱語肥需艦 ヤ配・M‐ 議L “ FrrL-+.ro!L-. frrtitiryOdJ+n .drrdrla.rl#lr hlt F.JFrlurffiLrtE-rherrr. h€ry. O.r-r.d li!-fr dd.trrrE.tdad ar Cpdl.aEho, BtL :・ 1・ d"疇・ H II― ・ ・ ・ ・ … L:“ 申 ― ・ ・ ・― ― ヽ -0ロ …ト ‐ │ Eligible vetcrans wishshould forward their request with a copy of their discharge papera, DD Form 214, or other ervice rturd detailing their eervice in the Philippinca Defense and "● 竹8 Co: Amed Forces Afiairs Olfice Embassy ofthe Philip pinec (Veterans AIIhirs S€ction) 1600 Maesachusetts Ave. Washington, I)C 20G16 For furtlrer informatjon, call (202),167-9{(D or fax (w2w7-9137. tLt *t ckcd tle Japura Navy. But carrior In- trepid ie hit by lanila:cr for thc rccond time in four lect+ Lilling and ir{uring morc then 100 swmcn" In Europe, a V-2 lillo in landon Wash- ing to receive theae awards aboard. mierilc in ington, D.C. caryo rhip rired 'rith erplaivca rnd bloon up sith all cruilr PLM. Checks must be made pay- ecy ordere 認 '97 An adminiotrative and Adn- 'Bull" Halhir Tark Forcc 38 to ulithi . in the Caroliner, cnding an 8,1-day Aリレ.1 2ノ ″ r shipping fee of $? (US) is required for each rnedal n Indonerirn ratrnr a Briti.h subnarinc fuee on a Jepocrc cer:o rhip. Tte crr abrndons fiip lcaviDg 50 Indoreeidn .sornen and children abord. Itrrc cubn rire conmandar orden the umD順 ′ `´ Mdals erang who served the Philipines for not less than 30 da;rs between Oct. l?, now eligible to receive the of Hoguct bogu ur. Philigine Uberatnn Medal ″ ″ 160 Dec, 12, 1994 of you !{or Id war 11 types who remeGer comlng .lap soldiers had been bedding dosa and had where upon caBps perhaps there had been ladleE present at that found evidence one tfune or another . I ean remember, especially along the trail alter our landingr at Hollandia, coming upon shacks that had been hastily abandoned and the occupants had left aome of their clothing behind- Ladies clothing. Enough said? How many Private compensation for Japan sex slaves asked "including contributing to the fund." On Tuesday, the chief govemnetrt spokeernu, Kozo lgarashi said the mct t[e governEent could do Pa to Provido cleri@l expsns€o for the fundPrivate donors rould Pofie the reat. Kyodo Newa Service gaid the whether Japatr should aPologize directly to the women, and fund would totql ll(tr oillirn'backoedaled from an earlier recommendation that the government should contributc as foraer ser sLave. much as poasible to the firndkst nonth, an Histories say aa IDanY as commission of jurists in GsDtY! 200.000 women, mostly Koreans recommended Japan PaY at but alao Chinese, FiliPiaos and leagt $.10,(X)0 to each of tb oth6r Alians, gsre forced to slotrlerl. work le eo-called "comfort roncn" in brothels for JaPa- TOKYO(AP)-Aconmit- tee recommendcd todaY that Asian women forced into serual slavery for Japaneae troops in World War tr should be comoensat€d, but ftom a Pdvat€ iund, not government coffers. Tte coftrnittx€, made up of ruling party members, also avoided taking r stance oE neae mldiers. Fomer s€x slav€s ard their supportera quickly denounced the group'a conclusione "We are not goiag to accept atry private fund unless the IovtllEeDt accopts its war ra' cporibitity," said Keilo Usu}i, head of a Japanese Sroup auP' portins ths former eor slavea lte rcport recoonended additional atudy on "hos to errpreas the country'e seuse of rghorsc," and said the Sover@cot should do as much as po€sible in settling the issue. 0酬 醐 驚 繹 躙 蜆 鵬 脚 慨 轟鯛 出 │ イ/ ifr t J 基 、 . 基 _ 1,i. ,t l巌 . WOnHD/NAT10N rEl{(l^Yr lfi! 12, 19eJ rH: USP rcr. l|{O tHE rOCr( EL$D IIOU3 Nagasaki mayor on attack llrlt Hl, NAGASNS, Japen (fP) Na- 9,. 1915. rhree qayr. ansr lts for€ hlm," echolng the yiew h€ld 8E8ekl's new mtyor dlnounced bomb Hlroshttn.. About by many Amerlcans that the PrGsldcnt Cllntotl end other U.S. l(),m people wcre klllsd lD riorfltc balablng! rsre uacerery leadeB tod.y for d€fttdht Amer- roshlm! and 70,0@ ln Nasrrski. to cnd the wer ind Nold a bloodi 'Th€ stetements by hlgh Amer. land tnv$ion of !Sa'6- -q!9 ol atotlic wcaDons world wlr Il, srytng thalr'hean ic.n omctah justtfylr8 the The lggue has bdcome tncr€a+ less" comments insuliod lngly $nsltlvc tn llocsnt monthr urlitr_-.the approrch of thc sottr an. - hlt ln bomb victtms. The remarkt set a cornbative .t.haaa ntueirery af the wrr;r ir6. In Noircmbcr, the U.S. poltd WarU, ha{d,aaa sarvlcc uavcrled a itrmp prctur' :X'Xfl"jX.,T#,l|]B"?T:i:"ff *rtomontr ioroc on.orrhctwocnresd€vasretedby tho routr ot vlcnr' :U"lf*mrt-#"-tL* tl{!r- sd(ue shltnshtn' 60' xho atomlr lttacks. wini enal urit niil-&;;ih; "iHSSttf,'U*y'# uho lo.t tanlly- ..d totd .t blrtes hor'-ahe aurtlved Msyor Itcho tto's unulualty d! rternp anai atenuoui JaFE; tttdda., Eclcrttlclsmofthettntteastites,...".-:..-....'-.prot&tg. '-tril-rl'uary, Ure SnftUo;fan In $e hor frrnlly die om by one. N.8a$kl m6yor ln an rddrers opentng tUi U.N.: ltcho ho EoDsor.d confersnce ln Nsru.nmUon tn *rttn6to crncrtca ,.I waEt you to rDd.rrtand thrt kl,. undcrllned the U.S.rrspen .ron Oc t66tngs !f,ei .v61 todry, E0 ycrs lst€r, r113g -qilblt oDlnl- on EED 50 y€er! .fr.r thG !c b@b..re .sE@ly un&rtu. U.S. vGteErnd.ggup conltaUca .tulc botlb vlcl{r adtl t|e! lD bomblnsB occurrre Drtr," rdd lto, o,lDrril*r F] tt portrcyld tE U;ltsd Sitar ra to body Ard lt crtne oD thG hceb of a, . gard_-lor .loltvrr!, rt thc curfcr. Jrrtgrteq ard JrDqn as an lo. or**a Efit woun.t! ia l;;;DalGl; t?8ln3 dllpute ln J6pan ovcr the ino..Thcrc hrariloc rtetonrDb nociii vtarn. tone for the oDenlng of e ∫ flv€.dey, aonnrivtdonauciaGGiiuiwiiil wound the eourr orircung wlo _ rto,irtinCtii"t",odilDutcr,sstd "rd;fr,,-rh-; otlcldlj resolved hrt w.k wheD, loat hcuy srd frLtdr rdoff.! Japen ,, uict rdnltprcOd it opcnoo Hltf,#llltT;:i,lflTj# --.*. lawmakers approvcd a ruolutldr th€lra.Ives ton rtomlc dM"-F-' Wddd UrlI:' tr@ trc ft(mt that lxprersed 'F Eorle. but ,ffi.' d.Dfifhorttrrtcl by.drn Ad|tl olffi-. th nrlr feus of thc codar ttopped thofi of !n actual aDolCJdi, - Cldon laid esrllar tur yrrr I EE3t rt|!.d: orle rDE.lr! to br dlBrnrlnr thr '" tbat Presldent Trllrrn'c drcbbo fbc sbnb b6D ttrorld aurdtuo nw oriier.d mrclear ctata I $e. ty. ・脚 柵 調 釧 隠 ど 鳥蠍謝柵 :肌辮 │1齢 臨 鳳 嵩 臨 鳳 辮 語霊が 中 墨 季 籠 菫 虫 コ ぢ 爆 ︰ 8●3 曽︺ む3 ●2日 ”E Eヨ“ . 8 〓23 , コ0で‘ ●﹄¨ ︼“ 0●0 ●o■一 0﹄●¨ 、。■一 ロロ ¨ o■一 ロ ●o 口3●︼“一 ●﹄ o●一 2日“ ﹄● 3o〓9´ 3 一 ´ ●﹄9一 ●●●一︻ 04● つ¨ ●﹄, ﹄一 C a00﹁ 8綱 電 〓 2 ● 理FO“ ■ F 8 P IF ‘ ■■ ● ■ ■ ピ コ r ヨ3口 ■ ■ ■ ■ ロ ロ ■ コ■ r VI ●■ ,■ ■ ‘ 看 〓 〓 〓 ■〓 ●〓 ● 3 F 轟 ︱ ● 〓 ■ 〓 螢r e 〓り つ I l i t 嘔 E l r 〓 ・ I ●● ■ ● ● E r ● 編 ﹁ 口 3 ● 1 1 1 〓 〓 〓日■ ●菫 ■ 1 ● 〓 E l l l ,● 目 ︱ コ i l l B I I O■ 1 1 ■ こ l F ︰ 1 0 0一E●‘ B ,j E J ● ・● ・O o ■”パV︺● , 一■ ● つ つ つ て じ 一 イロ ン ´ ヽ﹂ L ■ 自日■ ヨ 崎 ■ 亜 ヨ = ト ー ﹂鷹ド・ ︲︱ 卜 ・︱・ │ Japsn atom. feronc!, attend€d Dy d.lsgates frtn g6 countrlc., iira htilr* on en latornauonil rtrg6 rtlrcr tra was offi Dullor ltr eitU. xc Op f3ated lsyerr incuEtcirt gttortri Motolhlnir, who run lvcd m a!. lrsstratton' 8iisltlpt h rggo mer he eald Empcrm' ilmhf io inre some roipoisiutltii ioi woiia rltalnr │III .:│サ ″ TARO LEAF 24th IDA PO Box 6066 co■ orado Spr■ ngs′ C0 80934-6066 10 Mar 1995 ATTN= EditOr Friends, I am some hrhat of a new member to the 24th IDA I haVe a few requests and questions which I hope some one out there can help with: me lst. I an ■ooking for a old bud of mine he was with the: 34th Tk Co 34th RCT′ 24th 工D and then on another tour we both ended up in the same unit. B Troop lst RECON Squdn. 9th Cav lst Cav Div. all between 1950-57. He is one of four men l wou■ d very much ■ike to know about. 」r. a■ so went under P.FoC. Richard i:Richiel! Richardson name of 」oel RiChardson. A yOung b■ ack man from Miss. Was a tank dr■ ver with both units, about 20 yearS 01d. 2nd l am trying to recal■ the titleノ name of a RECON unit that 3rd l am also looking for any information/history Regt./RCT from 1949 to 1960 and units attached operated with either the 34th RCT from spring 1951 to :52 or with the lst Cav Div. during the same dates′ or longer. It was a company s■ ze un■ t which may have been Part of a larger unit. Any One out there can put a hand■ e on thig for me.???? e t n ■ , t O こ n 一 0 1950-55。 Books′ book■ ets etc.. 34th during Thalitti3修 lダ ==J`2イ David Baillie/ 34th Tk co 24th rDl1950rs Address: . RD#1 Box 254 Roaring Branch, Pa. 177 65 Dear Dave; Here is what I found on the computer Phone Book. Thomas St. Bay Saint Louis, i1s 501Richardsorr, Richard ,-r. 467 -2896 RichardOverbrook Dr. Jackson,Ms 601-982-5813 Highway 589 Hattiesburg,MS 601-261-i460 Pintail Dr. Horn Lake,Ms. 601-393-8606 r buddy hope .nu.".n.!."il;ijl"-i;rotilXT;:i"1,.,' l3i;];i'1 . Bob Lawhon, Ed. "" 24th lnf Division Association ::1113:l:.d: 曇 ::讐 . 7 ° /1ノ ′ ′ ノ Dear Friends, I an a Vet of the._ 24th Inf Div. having been active with the 34th ReI ln the 1950's. :, I would,like any hirtoric infornation you can give me about the Div. from it's actions in Korea to date. I am nostly Lnterested in the history of the 34th Inf Regt. (RCT) and or what it developed into after the 1950rs. If there are any booklets about the Div. and or unlt for use or saLe please let me know. f am also trying to locate several of lt's forner members that I have been unable to locate by other means. I am also anf author and am doing research on the forgotten war, and knos first hand that the 2,lth and the 34th RCT were one if not the first units to see action in that war. I an trying to but back together the events of Iong ago that I had santed to forget and have repressed in my mind, to the point tiat they are now very unclear or not there at all. Any help ycxf tn give wiII be usef uI ln this endeavor. Thank You Former SFC/David Baillte 3,lth TK Co. 24th Inf Div. Po Box 88 Epsom, NII 03234 多 _′レ Wll the person who sent in the photogtaph of Lt & Mrs Batchelor, whl<:h appeard on page l7 of the last TL please contact: Chuck StarJh嘔 〔 5th RCD Box 54,Fcnnvlllc,D嘔 49408 ´ ` ・︱ ´︰ 薇 ● = 、 ヽ〓 Saying the enabling legisla- tion "took us longer to pass than it did to fight the war, " ReP. Marcy KaPtur (D-OB) announced that a YIWII memorial will be dedicated 11 Nov., Veterans Day. It will be the first national memorial to all wwII veterans. Kaptur introduced a bill to construct a wwII nemorial in December 1987, but it waa not finally passed and signed into law until Xay 1993. The 50th Anniversary l{orld War II Commemorat ive coins Act, introduced by Kaptur and signed in Novenber 1992, raised $4.8 Eillion needed to build the menorial . Col . Kevin Kelley, project nanager for the American Battle l{onuments Corunission, gaid $50 to $100 million is needed before the memorial can be built. The target date for the memorial is 2000. But before construction can begin, apProval ' must be granted from the Na' tional Capital Memorial Commission, the Conmission of Fine -.... Arts and the National Capital Flanning Counission. nqle want to get [the memoria1l built as quickly as possible - to honor veterana andl the rest of the American who made that victory - citizens posEible, " Kelley said. f.rro sites that have been proposed for the rnemorial are the east end of Constitution - cardens between lTth street and Constitution Avenue NIl, and the west endl of the Reflecting Pool . on 3rd Street Nw between Pennsylvania andl ltaryland avenues. ,.' Philiooine ' -\n;ft Mcdals War II veterans who served at least 30 davs in the Philippines from cii.lz, 1944 to Sepr. 3, 1945, are eli- sible for the Philippine Liberation i,i"aA tpf-ft{l. The m-edal is free from PhiliPPine governrnent ' tlre ---Ott 'meait. are available for $7 "i include the: each. TheY ---.' it iriPPine Defense Medal (PDm. gfigi6ititv dates are from Dec' i-" t94l to June 15. 1942. Independence Medal' . pt iiippin" 'aiailable io veterans who *t icrr ii il;de" awarded both the PDM and the -'-.PLM. pftitippin" Republic Presidential unit citaridn Baagi. rtigluility dares a-re-fro; Dec. 7,-t9cl, to MaY l0' 1942. -- and during 194445 campaigls'. .'World Wir II VictorY Medal' Available io ,et"tut t who served any time bet*ecn EEq. 7, l94l' to Decem'l ber ---.-1946. Medal' Ati"-Pr.ifii €amPaign For veterans with at lcast 30 days co-1- iinu"u. service in the Asia-Pacific ih"at"t between Dec' 7, l94l to March 2, 1946. To aoolv for the medals' veterans must *Linit a copy of their discharge' DD-214 or other military documents establishing serviee in the I'irilippines. Write to: Defense and Arnred FoIees Affairs Offrce,'Ernbassy of the Philip pines, Veterans Affain Section, l6(X) Massachusers Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. 2fi)36; or call l-202467-9409. ApriI 5,1995 Philip H. Hostetter,xD. Dear Sir, I thoroughly enjoyed your article rritten in the Taro Leaf, vol .xIia No.2 1995-1996. Your visit there certainly brought bach soDe 5O year old trerories. To itlentify syself I ao tJilliao U. Braswell. I joined the 19th Infantry there on Leyte shortly after the Jap paratroop tried to Eake the landing. Since you werc the surgeon for the 19th Inf.during this tile would you bave beenigae of the doctora that operated on fiy right hatrd on llay 26,1945?'It was near Panacan on MindanoE. tly Bquad leader had been ahot and crarled uP to De rhile I Haa firing over him and a Jap grenade I antled s[ok ing on his back. I ducked oy head and nade a graD for the grenade. I didn't trate there I becare lefthanded. Poor CoPoral Eflin didn't it and right 'but, I did . rake it I think I was in the RegiDental Aid Station, a I'IASH loohing outfit as well as I reneober. r'ty first eaPer ience rith sodiuD-pentothol wh€n they told ne to count backrards. It's a long story so f sonrt overload you t ith it. ptay a giano ( ny o*n way), chord a gruitar antl plunk on an r do upright Bass Fiddle.Juat got ny second PaceDaker and I a[ 77 years old. Sincerely, lt)@ Bware,ll, PoSo Sending you a copti of a Florida National Guard ?write-uP. &oe ottialza .ueie paded U Jin HiO,. Tlranho Jin, M to the ltote froE Jia Hill Our own Phil Hostetter ra8 According operated on BiIl Braswell. that the surgeon L@KING FORJOHN W. SoNLEY( 5th RcT) wants Hrs. DdlDa Dickinson looking to know if anYone froE the the Hathsw ior lnfo oo her husband 3rd Bat.,sth RCT remeob€rs i""".."" Dicliaaon ( L-19th approt ioate date that the eyes, '51). He raa 5'11',blue uarine Corsairs dropped the urown hair.23 Years of age tank of Napalo on theD aE they Before irrs, capt.rr ed 2/4/5L' the ridgetine. a spotter walked a saresieinq aiafted he {rs the one that saved was olane ras ran io. Heiloan & Co'He he scattered the flight as iter Dick' I.oU"Urv called ltatt or uP of corsairs as they linedhi[ anyone i,s in Fow caoP 3'rf on for another attach.frite ir". ..Y infornation!'rs this at 8028 S. Ne$, EngIand, Burbank, ' Donna nan Pf-ease contact ( Editot ttote- dro D ich-inson, 307 S' r1.60459. Uabash Pa1estine,II.62451 NEx-l lt6l./ 5:f ‐ … 誉 工=雪 難 … I rcccived a lctterfrom Mrs Donna Dlckinson requesting infomatlon On PFC p in Korea. Matthew Dickin30n. He diod in a pOtt Ca口 3葛 i鑑 :.輩 電.3鷺 三塁議・ ′Tttt。 器 put a c■ 3ure On hi3 death. t● 。 Tho enc■ o30d pェ ct・・・・● wa8 ●aid to b● of Hは tt end others cttptured with hi口 . Doug■ a3 King frcm Butt● ′Mo : tion. who was captured with Matt gave her thig info― 工f pO● 3ib■ Op■ ●age print the picture in th● Taro Leaf to 3● ■f anyona know3 WhO the● ● ar● ュn the pict・・,0. … ‐● ・e th● qu● 8tiOn3 1 WOu■ d ■in to have an3Wered′ nere in KOrea wa● Matthc capt― d ? ,o 2. Wher● wag the pict・・ ― en ? 3. 口ho ■8 in the pict・・ re ? 4. where wa3 Ca口 p ■3 ■ocated ? 5。 Wag ca口 p 13 ■ater chged to ca口p ●■ ? He wag from p● ■ootine′ 工■. and wag 23 when drafted into the in october ■950. He arrived in Sagebo, 」apan at … Mb― Dec。 22′ ■950. Ee wa3 80nt tO Korea nd a,rived thero Dec.3■ ′■950. H● wag rTorted MttA F● b.4′ ■95■ … At that ― ho wa3 a PrC ttE c。 . L ■9th Rog。 24th Div. In ■953′ 工 h― d fro■ th● fo■ owing"ho to■ d me what Th03● ■. 墨轟麟 重葦鷲 fl=電∫ . =鶴 F警 鷺 Loui8 PiCh●■■■ Tb●y to■ dm● 籠 t thw couユ d r… and their kindno38 ■■ never be forgotち o● "■ Tho fo■ ■o"ing n‐ ●● -O be■ to haVe boon captured with … NLtt′ Wi■ ■■審鳳 Do D●vi3′ 」Ohn A.Bond′ M. Dah■ en′ Char■ es E― M.Petrie′ Roy H.― ■‐ ●′ 勁 嘔LG.Hに Domgh′ 」ohn Lynch′ “ Paifirio R● b■o3. ntt Wa8 5;■ ■" had bro"n hair′ B■ ●yo3 and Wag a ga・ e― “ for the Hu■●an` co. befor● being drafted. 工f any of the above mntion● d nam3 Can answer any of b● ェ que3tiOn3′ She Wi■ ■ b● ●●8t `ppreciative. χrs. Di cki.nsOn l an sο rry that r didn'こ αet this in before n07 わυt′ I wanted it tο be rigわ t and l have a Si_― e restrictiο n. BOb. . . f,o{rr, ei iletT Pi€t/ 力 一 r 一 轟 ´ 9-c 'a;ri!- ;iau iiii riiii.ic .ii:ii '.rr-rurq.1 $as :r-G1 ir1 n;'rr.;'r'iool p'u'l'Il iiu1..q .x03;rq qllulltD '1uo Erlq ql! } 5e$ -tInl\ qI! tr parn;rin.r :wtr sxlEnrtlt 't'tl\ '.'lltlll ruo.r3 iiulrl En'rU itl ltE[\ nq rtt l'rrs *,rt.! l!!!r.tJ r.: lJnl ltt :r1Hr I ru'r'r1! prrl ls6l'fi qljEll, lno 1nd 'r'r キ〓 ・ 可一 義 ■lr 一 ・″ 鰺 Ttt T‐「 =「 .ず j事 つ4 urt ToY Jlgraov a3 2 EAtUlrg. *t wt gtlt, ogra4w = fw /*E crooztJnt aaa Jelv Jta tp*t)bHo ec,tf /,lb ?{2r '9DrEt -eilt. to *otEl td AUIa"U Aaflylg afi'? *Gzrtg ltYs erz JE J l'rn,v sSLe 4.4 qEgWO ? JVAIJ ,irs' f fve*i 9a. gt-Errr-?e '914 At Jfi'UJartur Jeol.t s9,/ro -?rr/. 921tro7 ar, o(w*d,l *ovrd Ef# adl{l ・ ″ ― 4・ リワ ■ ― '″ ― ― 'd@1t*u?-?ghwb AeatZH U *fi Avut O *t sA ' 8n AH tdt.m' ′0' tLzl tgnrt*./rrrYJ .€ttfs eW, Yo fleOX ileMtX- rWee, 9*t ?A ol A,/rS- e*/. AaAadlyggt sUl{ aOilrTO lJm ?UACI #. .a,-rrb 91oq,i oot*l, '#*+ttt 9tyld 'raIJ Aagn -c*vb 9u tc lcrrvet -w c?ry Q90{Er! ztll gQf'.t ty/ .A74/fy @o169**, lsnAu rots,lo9 9rl2 ayy dsct@ 17211auezscl oee gyfl algcor@4 'thty?t 94r Od49f, -AfiZ flACV lalrl. 3r*r- . VEr.=lFEtd1lat ^cfidQ4o, :ilct??fltcd atw soe@ F917a gEt -Je .lrYfrlt ad l@.P Asntkv (Baa uUil ?trs dsyo 9rJ//(p ?tu.i . lO 9/f9 3lll. tid-9a tyl t, eirroeaaflcl#oJ*bf btr9e, pt avae|oo Er 4cv/Jfsla?7f /tbet tvu/ ttglg .7 -frArp coacvsl dl oa'Qsi'42qy', 9e l"cg oo4 ° Sび 3-23● VD崎 t rЧ 習窮 躍 ― L=n ER3 ― DONALD RAY SIITH(Div.Hq.!/45-10/45 Hopes to have enough ti:ne toqu R.D. BICE, 21st P-O. BOX {279 Keil.ua- Xona, Ei 967{5 qudify to be a member as he loved the 24th He was a member of the"rd Div until deact"ated , Phillipines&Japan (808-326-1091) Then was transrerred t。 24th ErRVtr...3.. ZDiAEnllilI, rcd. He and his‖ re live at 2004 1 Champagane Av Salt Lke Gty,Ut 84110 2{tli Ph 801-967-0452 P.O.BOtr:336 Chriatiuburg, (s13-857-960s) .,OS!PE Oh. t53E9 PAUL W FLN『 (Am‐ Tank RochmptOLAus,goodenough ls■ mmanhBay, Dutch New Guln凱 P. NIAILLI . 19IE uves h tOmn∝ "",MindOЮ ,Ca 1495 BHdgeport Ln Mantu,Ca 95336 area・・ libntor, Oh. 44060 ■ th his輛 fe Jac4回 ine,dsed― boys Jobs held‐ TelegmpЦ MachhiSt 14 yrs as ndEne■ ァopentOr Ph 239‐ 209‐ 7628 (216-9t2-5929O qrl . WILLIaM R. DlrEEf , 2atlr CH, Korer E arep.!. Dtrffy ir Mard.cO口 gndubtiom Pa口 L v6r!' activo La the xorer llar Vetaraar Alroc. 2660 lbrJ-ey nd. glrli V.J.lq', Cr. 93055-3639 駆 Mindauao, Kochi‐ MatsuymaJapan 7193 Eodg.on nd. A c。 19th 43‐ 45) IIow about this __ Life Member Roderick MacKenzie′ 21st′ was :ith il131if:FBI::p:【 :ci::: LCm !! RALPH DCDNALDSON(C Cc 3rd Bn。 19th DENNI ARMENTROUTc19th'64‐ 'a6) i"に 154)Hc and Norm● い聡 at 2313 Salsburg Rd 369 CedarvilLOL。 45314 Bay CityJi.4“ 研 PLS17‐ 60461‐ (513‐ 7絲 5787)a machin贅 慮by tn山 "。 A life member: “ 2 boys― Jam“ 口7-Brian“ . “ w● s itt B ccD.&HHCO。 MORE FROM THE 339TH 'l ;-'' ENGINEERS FRANLIN D. PEEIIIN(L Co 2tsr'5}.'3{) XARL W. MUELLER 6llll Bluerr Lu Retired Electdtrl.Ilffir Rcpair.World lile Ocononowoc' TYi 53066 to heer from lortrGDrre who wtl rt Kove Irltnd where we hed dl the P.O.W.'s Enjoycd the Trro WALTER FATEKE CrPf. & CO of b Co Leef very much. Bringr bock rcmoric thrt hc 6.tfl) Flotille Dr. Eolcns Bcech' FUll217 hrd forjotten. IIe end iis wife Loir hrvc tro boyr wifcr3 trrne b Alke- PhA1I77&7931i red llva rt 457 S.Churct Rd. bemcnvilk ll. 60106 Ph. 70&s9$1646. HEI{RY E. STONE AND WIFE JOAItt llva .t 6tCt Cstlcrock'Cs. 95f m. PRENTICE S STRA-EAN (19rb34tt ,{$'St) P.0。 Box , Retired, he rnd hir wife Gledyr live et 45 Aubrey-Holston Rd. Pheyune,ll*39667fln ALBERT S C()E'AIrI 712 ?t.601-79&828t. MtCarrelPt Narhvi[ETn.3T(D5 粛 "l+'45 ■ . DL LAWRENCE KENT(Fin Om鴫 DivHq つ←'57)in K"ea 467 days with UN.liv"iロ Suite C a18 South CoIIway Rd.Orlando.Fl. 32W‐ 1044 Ph.407‐ 39641〕 lo Ch.of Brd.& President Kent/1Jn市 ersal Co.,Inc. CHARLES STARRING(5TH RCr'J卜 RC)3ox 54,Fen口 vile・ Mi。 49403 =51) ‐ Ph.6161%1‐ 8371 ANGEL0 1L DARIN(6TH TANK=54-・ 56) Was with 56th Alllph.TL B口 .prior to being sentto the Sth To● Lin J● Pano WV"gent bacL to Kor“ in March of1955.Hc is retired 3nd liv“ with his wire lsabel at 13157 W"ley SOuth80taMi48195 Ph.313■ 2834076。 %吻 F7● IJ“ 螂 raα 物 れぬ q"" " R3iSe l gir1 8nd 2 boys. PHILIP A.BETETTE(2 nd Sqd■ .98L Cav。 :`卜 '64) F″ a bankeri市 with his wife Joy at 122 Todd Ave. “ A LIFE「 ИEMBER Lurell、 Sc.293aD MICHAEL CALLAGHAN(E21st'″ 51¨ '10/54) 口 dred,wife!s name sophie l市 ● 3t1313 Aundib Rd。 l Ph。 904‐ 6366614 SpHng■ ilL Fl.34贖 り ′ ヽ ´ l ] `Ю LEFE MEMBER o『 口 Dlplng. 」OHN A.MILLER JL● 4h.4,=46)3■ 1■ ■ broker.Ⅱ eand h鶴 wife live at 7333 b山 山 hnd bpood£ ● 34D215 DL Ph34D3抑 NAⅢ ANE.MORRELL(D市 A中 ,MedBL 151‐ r Uc口 ↓。゛ 〓 ンロ 口rゅ“z。 ●こ↓0 Z , "“ L● ■ s htt hat at l14HI Brynnt St spc 206 YumiptC■ 9戯 、Wb“ they are not traveling ●> い含 〓 口 DERRALL L GIIEST(A Bnt13th FA'51‐ 152) J rrOm饉 w enforcclment(2,y忠 )Amheim,Ca. 野聾 麓l St。 璧3一ゃぃ只ぶ WCDrLs at Monm■ to.1市 es at aDl R口 "ell ― tur二 L35aDl Ph.20S■ 嘔64"%3 dr\i --' - .52) duty in 19凱 serVed 18 1no.in !4ト セ 覧 Korean Conflict previo口 gly i口 1側 h ML Dh臨 was recalled to● '45‐ =46 c● ■9 in 2nd nDA. retired for S yttL■ “ OW ma■ 口g lGLb ´ 一 〓 〓 一 ・ 一■ 2 一 喜十一 D"山 me h“ at 13120 Conty Rdo Rt156 313232陰 _ W・ te… `13641l Ph。 ′ ギi` ζ ::::‐ _・ _:_三 二 ■ │,デ ' Z 田洲ホ〓Lちン 30BBY DoSHIRLEY(13th ArL'“ 卜=63) ■●口凰10● ▲′ Oo June ■6. 19953 10' ´ ! att E■ ●● "8聟 Lrt“ 18taVO"[ 聴 tiⅢ ヽ 31031 3 呵 ハ Dlatご :heicato■ 0 __ Iot lrllalrtrdr hr:.C tlll$Dlrlr t_ arldr-- 69 DIC fot twr 'tq Dan't Rccrtl tUrlltr 2 2 HLOory山 劇 hrmm w● 町 K"L“ L mhtt"d. Hfdory Bo*-urrrcy-hrms (as ls or u,l' n**l tra[trarrc atrcaay bcen snt Ttrb 5 e conrp,tbthn of JIffi; Fai 臨 lhffi trr to WbIlY. ・一 デ ` ● 、 〓、 、 、 、ヽ ■ ■ヽ 苺 A〓■ ■︱ ヽ´ ヽ ヽ,´●〓 ti 、 い一 ● ■・〓i一■り﹁ 、,︰t ´ ¨ ■■■●゛ ■・ . . 熟玉ヽ , , ヽ 鴫 そ_1 ヽ│ _■ │'‐ ■ nd ammmt ofmallthatis薇 聞山田bd for mc― … … やI‐ :`聞 嘔 IS田」 曜 ,and型 ば量postaFい ¨向町 可 dolldg three hundred wcll tle orrcr c.,ct Assoclaflqr has Sme dthe prOblem.to be sure,mes m bad addr― m軸 Ⅲ m,but most of■ ls a matter ofthe mmber m― g and nct : .-.,',; l― gus s_ 11g il,gr"l :. The matter of srmuner vs wlnter resldences ls stlll a q45$51n- ,:I 1,: sard ln Ure laet lesue that I silmplydo rrd heYe theltafior fac{lt5r tokeep upslth Yor.rr Thro Lcaf the. stll ...7. . be scrrt to the fast aaaress I harrc, and lf you want Itchan6edyouwlll shplyhatrctoletme knw. . .r.,aj|, r.II. r r.qr 28 June^■ 995( A ghort oblt for IEE . ' ?ARO LBAF: r'"r5665[r'g115jtJoe* 'r ttrl connor (3rd Engr, pearl H4rbor, f,w If, called ne yeat€rday and lnforoed that the ranlcg of the 2lth had agaln been reduced. CarI ttat-orr B. ieat (2tst rnf, pearl _f1ftqn$.nc I.rfii#[flfod on 2{ .&rne lgi5 of a nassive h6artEarbor, atta;k and wae burled ln the pauldlng county (cA) ceDeterv on 27 irune. OB Eaa not a 2rlth fDA DaDber but, accordlng to Carl, releDbered hlB days at Sch;fleld gulte.rell and, often talked about hls oany er,1pri9nc66 T{th tho Zlth. Ee ra8 ?? geaie old. Looklng fonard to aeelng all in f,aahvLllet H+16111= `Jノ Pre● ■dent Fヽ Bob-- 凛 0 一一 ` LEAF L 1 一 TARO ‐′ ‡ ´″ 1:::`: ` ' ●窒 + Bob Larhon Edltor, TIIE ‐ "ヽ‐‐ ・ ‐ r・ 一 24th Infantry Division Association ・ i t ︰ ■ ● ︱ ヽ E& VftElluh (r 2ld'.+'6) 107 Hotlrr AE. Bltfdo, NY la2l6 Td. (,16) t?1.7129 ,ohn R. HumnE (Div, CSM 7&10) FO Bor 221 REF: Ted Kenp Taylor Publishing co PO Box 597 DaIlas, Tx 、 一 2rtvh.W.n, Tina M. waid Turner Publisheing co PO Box 3101 Paducah′ KY 42002-3101 ´ 、ヽ ({X) 99t-3749 1995 , TGl. 」uly , ,toEr F. Hfll Gh. rd Dlt' r9th it9-51) 2@ Stclll Ln. Ro|*?ll, GA 30075 31 ﹁一で ,ttl*rlt'd,,,d 7.5221 History of the 24th Infantry Division book Hinrsvlllc, GA 31313 Td. (9r 2) 369.1227 Fu (9 I 2) 368-44,17 S'',d,,rFlrcorur.t Drl.h tleksr Oarh. l3O. l9O, Tm!. '4G"7, '49.'5 r , 59.'63) tl2 Orioo Dr. Gdddo SFtn8r, @ t09qt IU.l tu Ol9).75-7.99 w? no[qt L L$rhon (6lh Tlnt Bo. '5 I .'51) RL2'BorTll PrdorvllL, Oll lLL & Frr (6la) 4565D 8ffi935 MlChainoa 12733 Mu!.dirE $, Aildr, CA 9 I l, I IU. (8rt) 76Cr 70{ It'rflcfd E6F.kthE e{f REr Co. l.}'at) l6n Fdllmrh lll" Chlcdm. Sc 2940, ftI. (e)3) 7668890 outside the meeting roo!0. Slncerely, ︰1 . 1 l r ξ l ■ 1 、 ゛ 1 1 1 、■ Joacrh ,. McKcon ( I 9rh '49-'5 I ) Please be advlsed that the Executive Cotnnlttee will meet at the sEouffer Nashville Hotel, 611 CorDmerce St, , Nashvllle TN on the morning of Friday, septenber 8th to 'i hear your proposals for the publicatlon of our history book. we will hear the Turner Publishing Company at 8:3Or and the Taylor Publishing Conpany at 9:30, both At{. Linit your presentation to thlrty minutes with a ten mlnute question and answer period to follow. I{e also request that you have your proposal in writing and in at least thirty copies. You may, if you vrish, set up a dlsplay of your conpanyrs capabillties and past products ′滋九 E. Nelsen sec/Treg Mqffic Aft.rl l. Mc^doo (B 5rh RCT lfll Ca|6d 52) Sr. Adcl. MA 0l?20 I 93t Coples: Exec cornm. Book Com. Tcl. (5(E) 263- 95 n rb, Cblr,/at Mullinr (Mcd. Co. l9th'49-51) llo-3. Bor l9l Rodolph lri . Hd Td. thd.r. (6lt 2st &m hr (61,2Jt tl63 Sc!.aftr 7 Crqblfodry, scptaila I l. ヽ﹁ ︶ 62tiヽ ミ 1995 一 ′ 一 FrlLiroa CA 9263, Ota) Cr6{t6O TU. ConE{hi Stqrfttf, Nshvllh 6lI ColtltlE r! St Nl.hvillc, TN 37Xr3-It25 一 一 一響 *Coodrdror ftir R. Endcr ol2rr'a2-'a5) ll6a El ho kr lf一ょ壼遭〓︰﹂4躍. 〓 no.ly Moo . MO65O7! ■i 摯 9“ ιユSnOnV‐ A¬ nr "J● 彎oコ■s● uq… ‐ qu● 口 ●■ ■r`qOp● ●口 ● lll ・ ■0囀 `● ld pe1 4aq1 u! .ptpunH uagg aq1- aq 'Wu rtq pobquotun plf butos tQ ue1fito7 Wbql Ua npuol pq w aH$ iltF ao bq1 'yg no tb{ua ot auoq o6 am ueql1 iu!4 u! alP ery+unH uows, aflg Pn lba pen euq 'u1d tlgn euos pht '6u1utryat ou ag HNrn aaq fiurutl up.4t p '6u1ury pte 6u1q'ssaufl! 4aq ut 11p teu.'FrptnH uaWS, o*tlt tquuf uru1 ua,l ,€/..,Es ileq HrwJ 6u$q '111q ipulu t$uotp e rts an py:otts tO 'puDl ttue p auplpau ,e@ e IN V '4t16t1 papq uqs, tyroN "parytng 'eqqln pue'annotg 'spelg :udtu lo sry W '1sat pq 4eq e 6u1tpp .1'gy q 11 pls@ tpt11 pa*pua *pm oN 'lseatg 'e ag u@yauv t'Pa+unH uws; 'sanefi unpurytn u1 anhql q6m41y 'aueqs q pyng pu arc hq uaq ng 'att eu 4aq W^ s,tc at!.lttt W oN 4t tytrr t apu ant r, * ;:!l :;#r rW,!"frYa d@F /ta.il aps{pl u@by e W auo r\ 1q a4 rtq po1 x1g 'dap Wl aE.s.'l')D .r$ql aaqn ilH aqo! 'pag@ sn adt@ aql aq aqhp sV 7ea4a fi4punos urup e u*e tO 'paq tw)ry e pu 'pteaq sanl a16ng e p;1 'Payng ParPrmH uaal4s aqf ,,'parpunH ue?t4s aqa- to sp.rortt aqt ot patnqlttuoc dwoc slqt to sreuos!.td zr1t to {uoyt1 itt 'ulopt Dg oaql (q partluqns s1 uaod srg 'ueu ?seq, wo$ueqot enaoqt .,s3o18oq,, gg91 oao a$rs ed 196l to tultdg aqt u1 'duoc slqt q pap u?ut 00gI ra^O 'Deroy tluoy ,,'g duo3,,.uot1cnK4 u1 uaulttt soa ueod aqa ヽ ‐ PoGall曲 皿 面灘 E0l urs I ArEy erSEnl xhoce 3l-y€.r Dlli. lEy cre€r lnduded n[Eero[! d€co rrBm! from World Wrr tr and the Vlemo War, dt€d Wedn6dry rt. bis Althougb Ur. Gltlrghor drqpcd out of high schml, he later ern€d his GED. He was !D avid r€cder rnd &!tI8 lrllk home. Bota ln l,Blq "wd s liller at Ttlvd Plrrsdt," his s.i4 What kepr hlE ir the Army wrs ti&. GrUrEher @)Fal olt of hlgh school durlng th. DsF€csloD to eD.Usf in tDe ArDy tr lg!, Ei! mhfry lsslgnment nas tn t[c Uamlle lrtaDds, lrd he later s-crd xlti fhe 2lst Ldlntry there, ldrl htr En Hlchlel D. GalsSher of RcDoEt, Pa llr. Gall4her plaDned to retrrn bone rnd Dlrry bls hlth school t?€€tl€rrt dter a thr€syear torr of rB dle to leave for hoEo on Dec. & 191, !trd return to ct?ilbr llfe, but thrt Play wrs de f,st E CqEt fdl caEtr eould l& tF r honu slrs md fitDdG h 6 Eerts dlrlnt *rvhe h f td Wlr tr ud Vi€mrm be I6t Do Eihod h lgo, lrE bls s" 'Eo ,[st eemcd idedty sdted for Arltry llfe," he said. lte Ferrl Hlrbor decoradoE dray! rcmrlDed the on€s he ras mGt 04 htr $n dd. He dco rc ¶ 総 鶴 高 温lsd∬置 of hlvtng trlce Dorc thrn Jusr his sense of CUV and Utht of miUtary UIe, his soD said 'He enjorEd learaint rDout crd exFrionciEg dlfferent cultEre& Wherever we wert, we kind of meld, ed into the cultnre." Ur: Grlbgher learDed several lrngultes dudlt bls Dilitrry carcer !g rulL Altho4h [e 116 !n old war v€{ef,rn vlth lotr oI storles to tell, "lt ra hlrd to get hlD to t ll lbout ft poftcdlrly if you yerl hls sD,' Frrrl( P. Gd[Lr Ulch.el Gllrgher said Afler rctirirg froE the miUttr, JaFa€3e rodd $D€dm€s cle.r Ir. oFnl4s la the foEns fDrt rould and *ttlilt ln BmrDs llitls,yn! lppear to be 8@d lrndlng fields, but C,rll{her worlod fot rbut l0 t3 r ootnecdons $rgecDt fot lhe htLn ,Et sould De srttered sltt Eee stumF rnd consdmte traF for the lingion Couty Deprnment ol Co! recttons in Mornt Eolly. Ee rB a fragile rtrcraft After lil€rriU! liaEu&rs broke up Metime memDer of tte Foliceos['s in r9I, fi&. Gdl4trer wa EigD€d to Bcnevolent AssocbdoD, In lddltion to his sDq Itlr. Cn[{!ar the Mrs lbt F[re ln th€ Bma $rvlY€d by his Pife ot {, y€a!, b ld dmt WorH Wlf c!E0dgE. Hb h tr *Ts stitedde helpirg to sell str E@l V. llrr Gou{h€r; trlo orhar - United SrB' ms, htrict J. of hor[s lltrlk d b@& In the Glsfiera IrrEr, xr. Crllrgbr Yodd EHe hrls J. of Srlrt8cld lbeEbtp, iu A[strl lrd thon ln B€rltn dudng B[dirSton Coun$ tTo d![ghE8, cG m6t of the 1950s, when the Cold W.r ttffi, xa rt lt8 holSht t&Fd tso JrFn€se prbonerd. TteD i! lhe 19d18, he ra sent to VletraD 6 an ldYiEt to vietn me trE F E rb.lo d aDom rhe s.riest EooDs, lrcl[dtng the UontseDrd nrrrlr be hd thc, f&. Ctlllgher trib€s[eD, hls sotr 8.iA In VletDm. rul}ld nBrg Ft tD tlider atElb he Eceir,.d hl8 tHrd Eronze Stu a fa6rtllt llrlrod.rr h pl8€s of well a the Vietnlmee Uodal of 't6 cova rnd roo4 hl3 0r r.ld. lhon Iloror srd ltre VletDrn€e Crc ol Ciha krmlDt of thG Suder hrdhS!, the Gltlrntry rtth r P!lD, hlr son srtd Ktthle€n Colo, CIE ed May d CoMo sprlDtt DuBds of OHahmr and seven gnDdchlldreD- Frl€[ds Eay c.[ from 6 p.E Ite dry l] the Mlh Ar[y rh.J.el at Fml Dlrq vh€r€ a llq[iem Ma wlll b cehtraEd .t 8 p-D. GrrvEskb sr. piih futl n ttlry hoDms will D. l! Aruryton lle tldd Ceoetory ir Fotrt lley€lB Va iccs !t , ■ 卜 ri ・ 家 ヽ 一 ヽ FF ・ t , ・■ 〓︱・ ●aう 、 〓 ι付 3 p-D. Wcahc3diy ● 理増 ,コーーー ︰2 . 靖´ ti ︰ i ﹁ ﹁ヽ 1 ‘■、、 11■ 、く 、1,♪●︰ ■ ■, 1, 〓1 ヽ , lryd ty the JlF[€se ltLct on Perrl a day c.r[cr. Itlt frtefd .rlt ld lo itr. GdlrShet's first IIn* $c .nd [l3 flIrt hrple Erloe son ' 1 ■ 1 1、︱● i ミ ●︰ ● ●︰ ヽ 1︰ t i 一 ‘ 一 ︰ 、 ● l t ︰ ﹁2 う■ ョ . . ,●■ $rprlsin& reelled hl8 or{ tilt - despitc the 'h[ c i9 blled" Drt{re of ml|ch of his f.ahert Itfe - "be codd De very gentle lnd coDpBionrte." Most nnulnln oonnElPor{Dnm P. Gourgher, 73, retlred lls. Gdlrt[er : =73,de側 dWorldWarⅡ ,Ⅵ競mttI fr*.luOf Urlcrgu duty. iF. ヽ 二 ‐ ■ _ TAPS For thocc Comndcr who hrve gonc before rs to the hst Roll Call. l'hrr Association exlends [o lhc fanrilics and rclatives orrr sinurre condolenccs. LOUIS Bo PERRY (1-19th 1/459/45)WifeiS name Euphemie of idCHAELJ. KEEGAN dicd Gt-gS rs with tlrh FA KORDA & JAPAN. Rt 3′ Box 376′ Abbeyvillo′ La. rlDortcd by Ed Hell. E. Eard, DiviElon Chenical Officer (14-45) and Life Metaber *35 passed aray JohD oa, Aprll 18th. . DAVID D. CARTER (he.2nd. Bn.5th RCT ril-rS3 DiGd Scpt 94. Ctfir;r oJ 7470 As reported by Mrs Brandy Winc Rd. Hudron,Oh. BAYMOND G. CLIFFORD 3RD Bn. 70510.He writes after doing 9 mo.in Panama returned to states for reassignment volunteered for Sw Pacific and joined the 24th IDA retired from Oil co.as off shore Captocame out of P。 ェ as a staff sgt.Squad Leader under Capt.Victor W.Buzzinotti Co.1 19th.He said that he canit attend NashVille′ he〕 1l stay home and read about itoSays to have a swell time: He also sent dues check. lfth of 321 ni0chie Ave- lVeirton,tyV. CC scpt lD3. er rcporred byMn Irene Cliffod t litlN- Ⅶ LIJAM A IIANSON: (''II''21st,-1.」 BIUCE U. CROZIER Hv. Mortrr lfth 4t(D flqidcr Dr. AortiqTr dicd #,t/9t rrrportcd by ledtcr drtcd lltfitg4 To::こ tf,ANcrsco .FRAI\IK" F. CAITaEDA hersrl RcT ANMONY」 diC f99e apan 2279W.230th St ℃,CA 90501 “ lived et 2003 WertfeH Dr. Agurte,Ga. .ざヽ tO ("G"21st,-1.Japanl ltt Mcmbcr#445 1)led 20 Fcb 95 BALPE FERRARO 4127W.81st lphcc rt 75. died 7/1Ell5 Bet . Moilchir$J war rncuber of Hq dl FA '42-'45.A fire roldhr end r fine rrdio nre. Xeportcd by hir wifc Evctyn cncagO,H´ αЮ 51 Ⅵ CTOR REINICK "F'34th,WI〕 〔 vh Bronlo A*iEron. tfonhsBrunb. 741S.Pa■ n Ave IIcmct,CA 92543 ■ ■ 一ヽ ヽ ヽ . ● 一轟 ヽニ ιう 斗 ・ こ嬌 FF ' ・ ■IKE ‐ TO HEAR FROM― A■ yone who w"in the 24th Signal Co. ::調 ユ : :ξ :i:[18:dt3itiaF him or with the 24th MP's dur― to 3ob MamD0 CATE 4/51-1/52)he says that and would like a list of membe"w“ “ 1344 S Crove Avc Der哺 ●m,日 L60M厠 ロト1222 3。 ing this time. He will look , for us in Nashvllle.He is at― 772 Dover Glen Dr. Antioch′ Tn。 37013 ■ゃ﹁ ■ ■ 一カ ミ ■ , , (DANGEtt REAR)STAFF 」UDGE ADVO― 一1 SPENCER "DUSTY" ROADS (SFC Ho 1nquiry from RODERICK A. MACК ENZIE III in Seatt■ e′ WA at 3■ 5 Maynard AvoSo. 手2■ 2, 98104-27103 1=DoeS anyone knoW where M/Sgt. EMORY S. TOTH ended up? He was G 2■ st 150-:53." He saved my ――― more than once。 66062 :」 EI:111:n 81t:3.1:ini:。 11・ 31ilι 11:二 AttyOne wbO w"ir the 24th SigDal CCD. ●nd would l:ke a list ofmembers w“ te n遭 him from 5ノ ′ r ° き I:e:° wl[量 11: き -3ノ 5■ 52. to Bob Man"Il 1344 S GHDve Ave Book sales DerTryn,II.60402‐ 1222 William E. ViCkers 2640 Delany Rd. 1201 Waukegan′ ェ1.60087 Hq_3rd Bn′ 34th lnf。 12/42-12/45。 Was with the 24th fron Hawali tO Japan The guys in his outfit Called hin "」 uniornSgt HoWard Huntley was his PltoSgto in Charge of CO― iCVatins. He sarS that he is retired frOm educatiOn served 39 。 '24th Fo口 Ⅳard.. ctll "Brcnttt lt Indepeodent Printing 226 No Empo由 Wicha“ ,Ks.672CD2 Ph316263-3232 ヽ 1 ■ 壻 、■ 11 . 一1 、 瑾 t・ Eo ABERNATHY JR。 (K 19th 4th plat00n, 3rd Bn。 ■9th 5/5■ ― 」OE Ptte S54D.4XD 普 ::r3i]こ ct。 :p:EC:p[L:IipL:ic:11。 n. Is:frtt:::n in i:ft:1::Ed:量 dthe 海 ::it:Eedultifhi:こ EEた 1じ NASHVILLE. Anyone in the 34th′ 3rd Bn′ It, Please cOntact,hiln.'31Ll° 11,g him 7● 8-244-6030。 、メ﹂、・︱●〓、 ﹁¨ ¨ ヽ1■ ・ ヽ ■■一を■■一 l【 一 ■ 一 い´ ・ 一ヽ . ´ ■セ一¨一 24th Infantry Division Association MEMBERSHIPAPPLICAT10N 面 ttn ttllmd tth 轟器盤潔鵬ぶず 'ml鮨腱 "Ю 藤 … ZIP CODE ユL 中 酬 い MME ANDAGES … ,「 ,:. ∼■■ TO 蜘 … □ Annt」 ‐315∞ tAu9 1‐ Au9 1) □ Lretlrrle_3150.∞ Payabb:niump sum of$150.∞ 0『 :n5yedypeyrrlents Of s30.00 Please malo a{ chedc pa1lable to '24th lnL Div. Assoc.' and mell urih O$ compl€td appllcdbn to: Dubtr Nelsep Secrdary/fffiw6r 24th lnf. Dlv. Assoc. PO. Box 0066 Colorado Sprlnge, @ 809.;{d)66 f■ . ` ■警 ■ . _.. .-,.,:., we travc 2.9!!4 mcmbcnr . 1.2011´ t and l.723 therc ls an rcason sorrc Annual. rtrnual lo liom trnwerslofrs of uD-surEe day's mall ca<'h uifc mdinUcrstrtp. Nouly 'hhc frr one oi tux). lrcmbcrs lrom Wfll stfl'ilgtrtty outnumbcr thc Korcan won F<rr , .i ■‐ l '"ri ´ r=1■ ',「 メ、` m it. 'r,.ri-LLt"'..i.rI1 ││]│=11111111111111111:`││││● ││││11● ●│││● ●●●●●││● │││● ││● ●●││● ● `3“ Nc77 Mcmbcr _ │=● J・ ●│││100001111Jo● ●oollllll101001● ││││● │││││ ● ●』10● ●● : │:′ . ・ Janlcs M Whte 315 Catalma Dr Rcv.C.A Suthcrland 615‐ 282‐ 0204 :` : rrt' ・ ■i. i 「 譜 脚 織 乳は 躙 no mon€y wttlslry has wlld *nmerr and Ttr:hnkally all ducs bcxonE duc lhc end of thls month. and I pro<rse upwards of turcnty paymcnLs cach day. Somc serlous lhougha owht to t€ gruen etfie neunbn to ('.6nghi thla to a "onc 5rcar fmm dale " xx'lh of payri6nt" plah." It wotrld srfie out ttre work-krad. ,rl.s lt. ls now. I may have lo htrc soire-fe-rtiflrfEr]ftElp to get ov€r thc humP. I{)13ox 4501 Johns-e,m Qlly. 1 I don'l thlnk lt ts utLsc lo publlsh iur . fuIrn(l:s h 1[B gparuIetlq frx-qryY Tbrn. Dt(k I larry ard nalcsman t(r Ee. t f,rfl. hlse a.(smpbtel1lrd -rcrrr.rim. t(> It thi;<cnl'rcport at thc - ttlsrl(|{$ totrgy tlelE tbf(Xle erc - good & sold ln thc nxtricy dcpartmcnt. IlF;03ffi1=;,.';: cObndo Spdngs.CO〔 壼 壼 i,.; ".:i,;;.*-".-,-3-:=*r:^ii Pilfi&-lgft;=:=:=ii; "145 34th & z[lth, GeilErD" 69 io Unlt unl― wn 6' ,..' ,:r.i $kes -PO - -.Gerrc '- -'1i-'r r,. Box tOt+ βρ●局7ri`, ,1,ず i rr、 Ea」 bR詢じ■郎 、 II′ S CO.3rd Eng `:■ ■ ■ ■'■ 0呻 50to A場 01,.rν ″″ ■ ` ,・ ′ ::「 夕 i:'1■ tぅ ■ ギll.. ・ `.■ 1‐ John S助 13th neld。 .1.シ1 lJ :`iを 、 1∬ 」 竹 牌 = 1(1二 :1彗 κX ′… r ・ヽ綸 「11'・ 「 : な歯 :° lhdup ' Mmbcrl職 60 11 、.:・ 濾 i、 = ‐ ヽ : 111::■ ,1_l,│) 52・ 53`.レ 、 bre… =い ∫ = ヽ卜ヽこ 一 ´ ヽ一 一 ・ 〕 ,、 ヽ .■ 01SL 1,′ ●● 国■7´` 躙 J・ ■ド . ・ 郡T品 避ぎ:]│二 li CA釧 "《 _1′ 908N.B面":ヽ町 瞳 hard D. 6951 San () lЧ ― ■F■ ■ │コ│ロ ロ =摯 霧 “ =■ ・ ・ ― 厖 ・●3● 0000暉 鵬 ● mm… 角 na・ ● _"暉 ― ι “ :lcpt i qilrr 1r4rd Frt Fof of arul ann 1ry rmd*t o dO rqtlt X .llq|qdlq!f,ro lqtrlr[ E iB |lsrp a II, silrBr ffil qiE| D34m&pl |lF tnr .ra n.y.ffi v'DqFrrr elufrff l(upafr!-i-arermoanUD1ts ara1sor e1; Fn rrpqftupcuoenor rm uruJ pdrlorp pr peppr arBx.aqurqf , ,] .. . tqdfif qrocptoq air lurbla dl rirr"", urm v .ursn &l.qra nrrl edqeda iid4h *i.d .r;1 Fpq.r4 qcn6 gtl str@ pm fiq efr t6q 92 q repor .A;fu. nrg y 'agIEtIB E alr tllfitrrv qrro i.trFot luo Je[|pe, v ・ 一 〓 ヽ 甚 一一 一 一 ≒ 一二 一 一 一 ﹂ 一 〓 一一 mrB tt Jqumu抑 中 η "Od″ n,o● ●3m 崎 ゅ ・ :`´ .1 Ц 購 … 輌 中 … 』all― Ю _ M.IPo lmq¨ ■●H:u300m3o¬ 9900●80 1Ю 9m9覇 ■ " ,円 ■ 諄 uuq嘲 3● n ttmttst口 脚熙5:il・ od : 凛コ艤げ凋腱 ■al ЧI● Z l■ 関 … : "… 一 ●´ ヽ ・ Jmpr ■o mtr."s m ol働 嵌口 ●JO― ・ '● ・ま■ヽ■ {Z'eFts'/tm) … 7b加 男1蛛 独 窒 璽 堕 Ⅳ 難∫ nn,241h Rc(っ n IIq 10.Rに hard Glc・ 5O. Jame s Fnxrme, 2l sl 20, Ulltam Kcycs. 2lsl 20. Robert Cosgmve, 3rd F)ng 5, lGnncth Dlllon, l9lh 5. tlouard I)elem. 34th IE John Frey. 2I st lO. Kenh l{agen. 2lst lO Adcbca Chant:c. 63rd 5, lloard Struecker, l9th lO. C.lI. Reese. 7241h ord 25, Uen Wahle. 34lh 5. laurcnce f)avls 15, R(dney Whtte, 34lh lO, Wllllam Mullln, 2l st 25. Mtchael Burth, 24th MP 2O, VannTbdd, lSth lO, Alfcred Polrler. 63rd 25. Jamcs McReYnolds, l9th lO. Chude llarrlck, I lth gth f O. +lqd gotterton, l lO. OofthnBehcl. Igth lO, Ifotcft'Okdr 5,EMnCmgO。 From Pocilic Stars and 21st 15.Royd MaF7,21 st 5,Earlwh omalrc.21st 5,Ralph 7honlas,lqh 10,Jamcs」 ack,1 9th 25,RIc:hard Frarに ls.19ul ' 5。 」ohn ttand,21 st 5,」 ohn :│ ″ a● い 甲胆Ff■■11ドギ T:11轟 d° CaShmm.21st 15.Phul Fht.19th ai.maa "aarc- 20.」 。 ph COnoyer.3rd Eng “ 35,RobCrt IIammon,34th , wlth lhanks to lhose wlrodld' ard an apologr to thoae vhose names I forgot to qirtte d6dtni You caII r-€glster for this orrly at thc btrstness meeHng, and you rmrst be present at the buslnes meett4i wtrcn thc nallllc ls d興 ■m. ヽ暴 ξ一 70 一 ξ ・ ・ 轟・ 、 j.; At the bushes's meettng ln Nashvllle a dneplng w.fl be treld.for a.srale modeil of tirc gma oH wlIY:SJeepu Thls tr:I8 scale, metal, an$ ls perfect ln every detall. The steerlng wheel even turns tlre fmnt f,rheeln. lO, Slanley ltodrlgues. 5th RCT 5, John llru($ lO, Roger Reld, 34ttr' 25, Max PltneY. 52nd 機 = ‐ ■ = 亀 _■ _雀 1 . . /Z aarl arn ,-rrt ―― ― ―一 ulrs r.llllttd ltta x.lt(i 'oc ● ..'r! oo'or ●d・ ●J 00・ roo 0 1‐ ●: 9 3 1 lll● dd Jl● ● ∞・ 013 00° ^Jx.lut c!'{ 響 樹琳露盤 逮 翻 霊疑 器分 『 :躍 鶴 =譲 =革 =:::=尊 _,1._認 留 覇二路 1群 ‐ 麗 :釧 躍 ° dd・ ●ヨ 8 ヨ 00・ ■ d`・ ●ヨ 00・ 0 4ι ●●m口 略 l● 11 … ° ■ 00・ 01 ・ “● ●ヨ 00° 0ら ● 3●・●ヨ 0●・ 01 自 0● 10… -り ・ l― り11●11● ‐‐ ▼ 9‐ こ ′● at_.● ′● … 颯 rvoc・ d `u● ●r,`oo oV・ 0・ = Ld口“ 』:=器 ::3 器:駐 ぃにコ :島 電:1乳路 tttL電 ‖鳥珊 `1.『 ・●ヨ 00・ 03 ・ ●●0 ●● ■●● Ч H ・・ =電 ● uuoO ● -. 3・ ・ dd・ ■ 00・ 9 ― ・ :郵暮 F彗 =躍11群 'こ l― : = 1■ ●d・ ●ヨ 00・ ● dd・ ●ヨ 00° ε 8●・●■ 00・ S2 cal3 ・│● pin口 円 ' 1■ ・ tt∞ `=:=t出 暉 ・●■ 00・ 33 乞出翼I器 :: "い ●● “ “ “ ・呻 mte― ・ ●● Z: "四 …輌 m曲 り ●■ 00・ 38 州・="38 … "― 器 "・ 0 ― ・ ‐ ●● dd J卜 ●d 00・ 03 0 1p4 00・…0 0 … 嘔 3● 38 ・ ``3● 0`● = =:5‐ 1"32 卜1-―い ・・ ●dO“ ¬ m■ ぃ 3 .I¬ 場 品 ● 鯛 ― =│● lE63 `"44嗜ロ リ エ ■ ∞・ 0 1-… =:=鶴 ° ● ●00-μ dd■ 卜 ●∞・ 3甲■ “ l_",L ●3∞ 9 Q― d― 93・ ・ ° ‐ ― ・ ●ヨ ∞ °9 ‐ ・ ・■ ● 鵬■ =Ⅲ ・ `― 〕 ●●V― t・ ・ ・ ・ ・● ● 9 1田 ヨ ■ ‐‐ “ '3‐ ・ ● u― ● ● ● 03 _.・ ヨ 翻 駐 -1● 14 “ ・ ・ ・ ・ ● 田 ● ■ ヨ00・ 01 七 つ 橿 F`i‖ ."││■ コ ・ _二 ‐ … .v.J rE・o}-t..:. ヽ ― ialI!・・ ad'r3 00'i ..Dl … aih.c o.gicr.Il「 {a.la reriaoa .lst .v., p● p中暉 ■■X ・ ●●‐ dd・ │● `口 │ dd・ 00・ 0_● 0じ dd・ r● p.・ 00・ 00・ 38・ p..rulluo.r.io dd'tr oo'9 dd.ql oo.9 .r'qa 00'0r r.'r3 oo'01 dd.r! oo'8 aa.ri oo.i aa'G oo.g v・ =岬 /r cry ialq Bttta rlJl fttll/r l-ro 9.I tol Io, ta}lrd rtd lw lll .etllt t D.l Elr t.lrrlra.lr *.:1.d ,.rttnE Er vllDt l.t-o p.t cad4ra /. lrtlr .lvr .t ..JoI Lta.o calqt plulrd .rr oEI .ltfl ral .alt 1..ro '4rtil P.l$||l-.I tald t..tI IJatA[ tr rrip fiIa r.Ec P.Ptorgt tla.d fDPoa aril.rul qord _ 313 q13 63 rt13 r|1l cor rtll r.{ru /arlE .II rnt 6rtai t-Jc"EroJGt st r{ ircri* rsm ssotm trr 'rvH ^rur# .nol Joa 1l t.a 04 /t4.lt.r 'Eg{ .a l.t lnq '0.1}.tt r.r of- '.19f m. t9. ol aitlrlllE l!t. { :!a!? lurrtoot. rft ror iorrF n rrdf 01 !9 rt rerir ocnratl ln|l aJa9Jo ltt(tlcll-U 9a0F .q 6:lrtc( t , eo'3 a 1!O rd'.ir{ t![vr (.tic DrE) llod 1 vd lurarol leit ur ^tqu?raE il'ri 6i'it r ′ イ % ° Z:13・ 響 露 、 t i , 、 S° lrい 電 華 摯 ヽ 出■ ご ・I Ч■,Z ユ●ネ8-0■ ュeno ・▼ ・α *-E..,+_ a{ H a-l H. H !"! !{ 3{ ― . 撃・ ´野 ゛■: ‐ :蓼 弩 iミ 案警・L X いいヽ ONJヽ ヽ ・噸 "'中 :Fli 戸 暉 "… 'T' ″ ・o・ ●・V・ 0'= ● 13"e■ 1la■ oH °・│● ●II●● 01p● 口 "3' ●●tt' ヨロ ■ 'V-300001Ю F● ‐ JII● 3-“ ` : 0● 99 ●1-・ ●り■摯 ●●Ч・│● ● 中 口 │● :p●●―│一 ヽ lL● ■lJ?,1_ __^_ ^… :`]"響・ 1_=ul■ ・ 'PP▼ ・ ― ^… … … “ ユ│「 ば 軍 彎 出 "13輌 “ 串 灘:難 識l欄“ 轟 : ‐ ・ “4`= ・― luu:.::::i・ Ln=::rJ議 出 :'3認 胃 巽J「 イ .` ・ ・ ・ :X.:■ 11・ 「 ●│● 0■ V03C tl● │●「 C Чa,2 0,‐ v ^` V ・│■ ll● `ll= Чら 3■ ‐0■ 00 u● 1● :ハ l● ′ 3■ 「 = '3 ,,‐ `口 `」 ■u● ・ I=轟 ===瞬 ::`:1111“ 7:ち :.・ :::::二 : ‐ ■ ●●●1● lms 3=よ ‐0100 ・■・3・ U tl● 5 3,‐ V ・ ■ , 千 i ′ D― ιヽll● ● ●● 寝 _ ´ 、 `」 =
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