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OC ¡j¢£"¤¥ ,**+ ¦§n¨©ª«¬z®d¯2'# ° / ,+ ?±4¤²(w pst³w"st !"# $% &.2ῌ' ( ,* )*# +,-./012345 6789:+' ;<=>?@"ABC?D ´±4µ¶·¸jONw he HIV EFj(j¹ +// & 0/ ' H Tokunaga et al : Present State of HIV Antibody Survey Subjects and HIV/AIDS Patient Management ΐ . ΐ / AIDS GBy¦QFG , HIV BῌAIDS GBy¦QFGuv %kJ. HAART R§* Back bone drugs Key drugs ¨S©ªTU«V ®W¯° X2 + , / / / . , , + + + AZT -TC AZT/-TC ia¬13U«V ABC ± TDF EFV ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± RTV ± ± ± ± ± ± ± LPV/RTV ± ± ± ATV ± AZT : 9²`98 -TC : h³`98 AZTῌ-TC : 9²`98ῌh³`98 ABC : 147f´ TDF : ¬µ¶f´ EFV : !·¸fe8¹ ATV : 1_º»f´ LPVῌRTV : a¼»f´ῌXP»f´ RTV : XP»f´ HIV 7|}8 9:;)<~$ %0+ HIV / /o;=60> !"#$ %& HIV '( E+ 3, +* )*+ , / -./0 1234 56789: ; B <=>? ῌ῏῎῍ @A HIV BC+D% !"#$ %S%'! +EFG'.H HIV ' . qrGB23t?@4 k;xA'B IJ0KLE .0L EkC %D& HIV MB. NO3 PQRS !"T'U#.0L $ ῒῑ : $D6 HIV 6bP3W VWX3Y8Z[\'%&. ,]' BDEDF' .^!V_8`abP( c)defg* h`iabP .G.H %D ,**1 I . + j+ RT-PCR ('%kJ. l,-$ Dmn./o0'p1. qr HIV s23t4 (uvwx.yzy 7^8{X8Z05#!"#6 +/0 c 00 y!"# 6<~$ %J/) + ῐ ¡KLMN!"#O¢£¤¥ : P8 +0 I!"#K The Journal of AIDS Research Vol. 3 ,**/. No. , ,**1 < ! : klmnop'()*+,-. HIVῌ , Yoshikura H : HIV transmission webs : HIV infection trends in Japan in +323ῌ,**.. Jpn J Infect Dis /2 : S+3ῌ AIDS /῏0&qrs tuvwx*y2 3"#$ 456 2 : -.ῌ.* ,**0. 1 zFῒ{|"#$}~5 : #& ,+, ,**/. - ῎ ῌ ! : "#$% & HIV STUῌAIDS \ +333. 2 :% D:% :d ῏&'()*+,-. HIVῌAIDS &/῏012 3 : : ` HIV \῏& "#$456 . : 3+ῌ3/ ,**,. a`.& ¡¢£ ¤¥f"#$'( . ῎ ῌ ! : "#$' ()*+,-. HIVῌAIDS &/῏01&782 3 "#$456 0 : -+ῌ-0 ,**.. / 9:ΐ 3;ῌ< =>? @A BC )*&P῏¦§0+¨©.ª«¬®&¯°2 3 "#$456 0 : ./* ,**.. 3 ±²< ³9´µ : ¶·¸&¹®ῌ῍º »2 3"#$456 0 : ++2ῌ+,, ,**.. +* Watanabe T, Nakamura Y, Kidokoro T, Shimazaki E, D EF G:HI JKL : MNO<PQR4)* Hasegawa Y, Tamura Y, Tanihara S, Hashimoto S : The +,-. HIV STUῑ ,0 ῑ&ῐVWXY,Z[\῏ characteristics of people requesting HIV antibody tests at ]^+_`a2 3"#$456 . : +1ῌ,, ,**,. public health centers in Japan. Journal of Epidemiology 0 bcde fIgh i:j +. : +*ῌ+0, ,**.. Present State of HIV Antibody Survey Subjects and HIV/AIDS Patient Management at Kawasaki Medical School Hospital Hirotoshi TOKUNAGA+, Hideho WADA+, Osamu YAMADA, and Takashi SUGIHARA+ + Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School, Kurashiki, Japan , Graduate School of Medicine, Yamaguchi University, Ube, Japan Objective : To characterize the state of management of HIV/AIDS patients at Kawasaki Medical School Hospital, which is a local core hospital for AIDS treatment in Okayama Prefecture. Methods : The subjects of an HIV antibody survey and ,+ HIV/AIDS patients treated at our hospital between January ,**+ and December ,**/ were investigated. Results : The patients consisted of ,* men and one woman with a mean age of -,.1 years at initial presentation. There were ++ HIV-infected persons with a mean age of -*.3 years. Ten of these patients developed AIDS, and they had a slightly higher mean age of -..1 years at initial presentation. The mean CD.-positive cell count of the ,+ patients was +3,/ml at diagnosis. The six patients who were diagnosed with AIDS in our hospital had a mean CD.positive cell count of only -./ml. All ,+ patients were infected with HIV through routes other than blood products, including +- patients infected through homosexual intercourse, three through heterosexual intercourse, and five via unknown routes. Eleven patients were referred from other prefectures, including five from Osaka and four from Tokyo. The number of the subjects of an HIV antibody survey increased in five years, but there were no positive patients. Discussion : The main characteristic of HIV patients at this local core model hospital was that only a few of them were infected in Okayama Prefecture. Many of them were referred from larger cities outside the prefecture after they were transferred by their companies or returned home. However, it is expected that the number of patients infected within Okayama Prefecture will increase in the future. There is also an increasing trend for patients to develop AIDS before initial presentation. Therefore, it is important to increase the performance of HIV antibody testing. Key words : local core model hospital for AIDS treatment, HIV antibody survey, AIDS patients, Okayama Prefecture +/1 ¼ 01
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