ichigo Seika’s Gaikokujin Gazette JULY 2002 NO. 88 も く じ CONTENTS 目次 Ichigo’s Aim 「いちごのもくてき」 General Information くらしのじょうほう Upcoming Events こんげつのイベント Courses and Classes きょうしつ・こうざ Important Information おもなじょうほう Quick Nihongo Tip やさしいにほんごコーナー Recycling Corner リサイクルコーナー A Note From The Editor へんしゅうしゃのことば Seika Growth Watch せいかちょうのひとのうごき Ichigo Corner いちご・コーナー Annual Festivals & National Holidays さいじつとおもなねんじゅうぎょうじ Places To Visit こんげつのおもしろいところ 1 1 2 4 6 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 ICHIGO’S AIM いちごのもくてき Since the advent of Kansai Science City, the town of Seika, along with its foreign population, has been growing rapidly. In an effort to make the lives of foreign residents easier, the Seika Town Office produces this newsletter monthly and distributes it to all foreign residents of Seika who do not speak Japanese as a main language. Hence, this newsletter was given a hiragana name that everyone can identify with. "いちご,” (ichigo) means 'strawberry,' Seika's most famous product. Please enjoy the "いちご!” かんさいぶんかがくじゅつけんきゅうとし けんせつ すす せいかちょう ひと ふ なか がいこくじん じんこう ふ せいかちょうない 関西文化学術研究都市の建設が進み、精華町にすむ人が 増え、その中で外国人の人口も増えています。精華町内 す がいこくじん みな く せいかちょう まいつき じょうほうし はっこう に ほ ん ご はな がいこくじん に住む外国人の皆さんが暮らしやすいように、精華町は毎月この情報紙を発行し、日本語が話せない外国人の じゅうみん かた くば じょうほうし いちご せいかちょう いちばんゆうめい とくさんぶつ みんな 住 民の方に配ります。この情報紙のニックネーム「いちご」 ( 苺 、精華町の一番有名な特産物です。 )は、皆 が わかるようにひらがなでつけました。 GENERAL INFORMATION くらしのじょうほう JULY What: When: Where: Start End Legal Counseling (2) 10th (Wed) Kashinokien 13:30 - 16:00 Health Check-up for 3 and a half yr. Olds (2) 15th (Mon) Health Center 13:30 - Counseling (2) 15th (Mon) Town Office (Rm.201) 13:00 - 16:00 Dental Check-up for 2 year Olds (2) 16th (Tue) Health Center 13:30 - Counseling (2) 17th (Wed) Kashinokien 13:30 - 16:00 Collection of Unkeepable Dogs and Cats(3) 17th (Wed) Public Health Div. 10:20 - 10:30 Health Check-up for 18 mo. Olds (1) 18th (Thur) Health Center 13:30 - Health Check-up for 3-4 mo. Olds (1) 23rd (Tue) Health Center 13:30 - Health Check-up for 9-10 mo. Olds (1) 24th (Wed) Health Center 13:30 - Infant Health Counseling (2) 25th (Thur) Sakuragaoka Nichome Hall 9:30 - Maternity Class 1 (2) 26th (Fri) Health Center 13:30 - Tuberculosis Shot 29th (Mon) Health Center 13:30 - 14:30 Collection of Unkeepable Dogs and Cats(3) 31st (Wed) Public Health Div. 10:20 - 10:30 BCG 31st (Wed) Health Center 13:30 - 14:30 Counseling (2) 31st (Wed) Kashinokien 13:30 - 16:00 What: When: Where: Start Fire Prevention Day (Siren Will Sound) 1st (Thur) Health Counseling for Adults 1st (Thur) Health Center 9:30 - AUGUST End Health Check-up for 18 mo. Olds (1) 6th (Wed) Health Center 13:30 - Collection of Unkeepable Dogs and Cats(3) 7th (Wed) Public Health Div. 10:20 - 10:30 Counseling (2) 7th (Wed) Kashinokien 13:30 - 16:00 Legal Counseling (2) 14th (Wed) Kashinokien 13:30 - 16:00 (1) For these consultations you will receive a notice through the mail when it is time for your child's examination. (2) Reservations are required to attend. (3) If you can no longer keep or care for your dog or cat, the Public Health and Environmental Sanitation Division of the Town Office will collect it at this time. If the pet is young, an attempt to find a new home will be made. If old, the pet will be delivered to a Kyoto pound to be humanely disposed of. A fee of ¥1000 is charged. Bring your personal stamp (inkan) if you have one. * Please note that most of the events or classes in this newsletter will be in Japanese and no interpreter will be available. If you need any assistance with registering or obtaining information, call Owen Cooney, Coordinator for International Relations, at (0774) 95-1900. UPCOMING EVENTS こんげつのイベント PIANO RECITAL: TAKESHI KAKEHASHI かけはしたけし せいかふれあいコンサート梯 剛 之 ピアノ・リサイタル WHEN: WHERE: WHAT: Chopin PRICE: Sep.23 (Mon) 15:00 - (doors open at 14:30) Keihanna Plaza Piano performances of Mozart, Beethoven, Bought before: Residents of Seika: ¥3,600 Others: ¥4,000 Students: ¥3,000 Bought on the day: ¥4,500 Tickets can be bought at the following places: Keihanna Plaza (3rd floor) 95-5115 Sale begins Jul.8 (Mon) from 10:00 (13:00 if by phone.) Regular hours are from 10:00-17:30, weekdays Ticket Pia 06-6363-9999 Lawson 06-6369-6633 (ticket number 55428) Planning and Coordinating Div. 95-1900 Sale begins Jul.8 (Mon) from 10:00. Regular hours are from 8:30-12:00, 13:00-17:00, ※ For discount tickets, please contact either the Planning and Coordinating Division, or Keihanna Plaza ※ No children under elementary school age allowed. もう こ さき Contact Info: 申し込み先: Planning and Coordinating Division き か く ちょうせいか 企画調整課 95-1900 Keihanna, Inc. かぶしきがいしゃ 株式会社けいはんな 95−5115 2002 KEIHANNA SUMMER CONCERT なつ けいはんな夏 のクラシック・コンサート 2002 WHEN: July 20 (Sat), 14:00 - (doors open 13:30) WHERE: Main Hall, Keihanna Plaza WHAT: Brahms, Haydn, conducted by Tetsuro Ban, cello by Mark Schumann PRICE: Bought before: adults: ¥3,500, students: ¥2,500 Bought on the day: ¥4,000 Tickets can be bought at the following places: Keihanna Plaza (3rd floor) 95-5115 Hours are from 10:00-17:30, weekdays Ticket Pia 06-6363-9999 Lawson 06-6369-6633 (ticket number 52763) Tickets can be reserved at the following place (they will be sent to you later or handed over on the day): Planning and Coordinating Div. 95-1900 Hours are from 8:30-12:00, 13:00-17:00, weekdays ※ all seats are designated ※ Student tickets must be bought before concert (bring student ID) ※ No children under elementary school age allowed もう こ さき Contact Info: 申し込み先: Planning and Coordinating Division き か く ちょうせいか 企画調整課 95-1900 Keihanna, Inc. かぶしきがいしゃ 株式会社けいはんな 95−5115 http://www.keihanna-plaza.co.jp SEIKA TOWN BOWLING MEET だい かいせいかちょう たいかい 第9回精華町ボウリング大会 WHEN: Aug.23(Fri), 20:30 WHERE: Superbowl Joyo WHO: Those who live or work in Seika who are over 18 years of age (since April 1). LIMIT: 40 people (priority to those who apply first) PRICE: ¥1,200 REGISTRATION: With the fee, apply directly to the following from July 23 (Tue) – 30 (Tue) もう こ さき と あ Contact Info: 申し込み先・問い合わせ: Seika Physical Association (Mukunoki Center) せいかちょうたいいくきょうかい じ む き ょ く ない しゃかいきょういくか しゃかいたいいくがかり 精華町体育 協 会 事務局(むくのきセンター内) 社会教育課 社会 体 育 係 (むくのきセンター 98−0200 内) 98−0200 KASHINOKIEN POOL OPEN ANIMAL PHOTO EXHIBITION ない えん いっぱんかいほう どうぶつ あ い ご しゃしん かしのき苑プール一般開放 動物愛護写真コンクール WHEN: Jul.23 (Tue) – Aug.31 (Sat), Tue. - Sat. 10:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 16:00 (On Tue., only open during the afternoon. Elementary and Middle school children are only allowed in during the afternoon) WHO: Those who live or work in Seika. *make sure that you wear a swimming cap *make sure that children third grade and below go with a guardian. *the water aerobics class is on Thursdays, from 10:00 – 11:00 *for transportation, there is a bus available. ※If you are interested in a part-time job, the center is also hiring lifeguards to work at the pool. Daily wage (from 9:30 - 16:30) is ¥4,740. Please contact Kashinokien for more information. と あ Contact Info: 問い合わせ: Kashinokien Regional Welfare Center ちいきふくし SCHOOL POOL OPEN DURING SUMMER HOLIDAYS がっこう いっぱんかいほう 夏休み学校プール一般開放 WHEN: Higashihikari Elementary School: Aug.9 (Fri) – 12 (Mon) Kawanishi Elementary School and Seikadai Elementary School: Aug.15 (Thur) - 19 (Mon) 10:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 15:00 WHO: Those who live or work in Seika. (Guardians must accompany third grade elementary school children and below) *Please 1.Hold responsibility for your own health 2.In case of emergency, the pool will only give first aid treatment. 3.Listen to what the life guard says. ※If you are interested in a part-time job, the center is also hiring lifeguards to work at the pool. Daily wage is ¥5,000 (from 9:30 - 15:30). For more information, contact the Mukunoki Center もう こ さき と おうぼさき あ Contact Info: 申し込み先・問い合わせ: Continuing Education Division (Mukunoki Center) と あ Contact Info: 応募先・問い合わせ: きづちょう き づ しょうご き づ ほけんじょ 〒619-0241木津町木津上戸18木津保健所 かんきょう え い せ い か 環 境 衛生課 72-4300 MAKING THE KIZU RIVER CLEAN き づ が わ えん 地域福祉センターかしのき苑94−5200 なつやす WHAT: Photos using "Friendships between humans and animals" as a theme. Only mammals, birds, and reptiles. Color or black and white. Less than 2 pieces. WHO: Those who live or work in Kyoto Prefecture REGISTRATION: Paste the application onto the back of the photo and send by mail or take directly to the following by Jul.31 (Wed). うつく さくひん 木津川を 美 しくする作品 Categories: 1. Using the theme, "making rivers cleaner," design a poster. For elementary and junior high school children. Use 542mm x 382mm paper 2. Using the them, "making rivers cleaner," create a slogan. 3. Using the Kizu River as a theme, write a Tanka poem. 4. Using the Kizu River as a theme, write a Haiku. 5. Using the Kizu River as a theme, write a poem. (Under 800 characters.) 6. Using the Kizu River or "making rivers cleaner" theme, write an essay. (for elementary or junior high school children. Under 1,600 characters.) 7. Using the Kizu River or "making rivers cleaner" theme, write calligraphy. (Size: small. 18.5cm x 70.0cm for elementary or junior high school children.) 8. Using the Kizu River or its tributaries as a theme, take phographs. (black and white or color. Under 5 pieces.) WHO: Those who live or work in Seika. EXHIBITION: will be on Oct.26 (Sat), at the Kamo Culture Center. REGISTRATION: Deliver directly or by mail to the following by Aug.30 (Fri) もう こ さき と あ Contact Info: 申し込み先・問い合わせ: せ い か ちょうやくば えいせいか 〒619-0285精華町役場 衛生課 き づ が わ うつく さくひんぼしゅう がかり 「木津川を 美 しくする作品募集」 係 95-1905 CHALLENGE SPORTS DAY せいか ひろば 精華 ほほえみスポーツ広場 ちょうりつ たいいくかん いっぱん 町 立 体育館 ア リ ー ナ 一般 かいほう 開放 WHEN: July 13 (Sat), 9:00-12:00 WHERE: Mukunoki Center WHO: Those who live or work in Seika PRICE: ¥100 (Includes accident insurance) BRING: Workout clothes, gym shoes REGISTRATION: Appear at the following on the day of, with money: と もう こ と あ Kyoto Flower Center きょうと 京都フラワーセンター 93−0811 KEIHANNA PLAZA EVENTS もよお しゃかいたいいくがかり 社会教育課 社会 体 育 係 (むくのきセンター 内) 98−0200 KYOTO FLOWER CENTER EVENTS FOR JULY きょうと さき Contact Info: 申し込み先・問い合わせ: あ Contact Info: 問い合わせ: Continuing Education Division (Mukunoki Center) しゃかいきょういくか noon, apply by phone by Jul.20 (Sat)) Toy-making Using Cardboard Jul.28 (Sun) (PRICE: free, LIMIT: 30 people, MATERIAL FEE: ¥600 per person, ¥400 starting from the second person, apply by phone by Jul.25 (Thur)) Plant Drawing Exhibition Jul.27 (Sat) - Aug.25 (Sun) Cardboard Art Exhibition Jul.27 (Sat) - Aug.18 (Sun) Exhibition of Fantasy Art (using plants and flowers) Jul.27 (Sat) - Aug.25 (Sun) がつ ぎょうじ 京都フラワーセンター7月の行事 Summer Photo Exhibition Until Aug.11 (Sun) Spring Photo Exhibition Jul.5 (Fri) - 24 (Wed) Lotus Festival けいはんなプラザの 催 しもの Puchi (Mini) Concert WHEN: Every Wed, from 12:15-12:45 WHERE: Atrium Lobby (アトリウムロビー) Keihanna Art Gallery Open from 9:00 until 17:00 Keihanna Movies “Hard Ball," showing at the following times: July 26 (Fri), at 10:30, 14:00, 19:00 July 27 (Sat), 28 (Sun) At 10:30, 13:00, 15:30 PRICE: ¥1,000 for general admission WHERE: Main Hall Jul.6 (Sat) - 28 (Sun) Lotus Appreciation Day Jul.14 (Sun) (PRICE: ¥1,500, LIMIT: 50 people (priority to those who apply first), apply by phone or fax by Jul.7 (Sun)) Carnivorous Plants Exhibition Jul.21 (Sun) - Aug.25 (Sun) Flower and Creature Watching Jul.21 (Sun) (WHO: elementary school children, WHEN: from 10:00 - と あ Contact Info: 問い合わせ: Keihanna かぶしきがいしゃ 株式会社けいはんな 95-5115 email: query@keihanna-plaza.co.jp COURSES AND CLASSES きょ きょうしつ・こうざ うしつ・こうざ SUMMER HOLIDAY CHILDREN’S CLASSES えんなつやす きょうしつ かしのき苑夏休み子ども 教 室 Parent-child cooking class WHEN: Jul.27 (Sat), 10:00 – 13:00 PRICE: Free (¥500 for materials) BRING: apron, triangular bandage, and a napkin Timer-making class WHEN: Jul.31 (Wed), 13:30 –15:30 PRICE: Free (¥500 for materials) BRING: Scissors, a small cutter WHERE: Kashinokien Regional Welfare Center WHO: Those who live or work in Seika LIMIT: 15 groups of parents and children per class (lottery if over limit) REGISTRATION: apply directly or by phone to the following by Jul.13 (Sat) と もう あ こ さき Contact Info: 問い合わせ・申し込み先: Kashinokien Regional Welfare Center ちいきふくし えん 地域福祉センターかしのき苑 94-5200 せいかちょうたいいくきょうかい じ む き ょ く 98−0200 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES ち い き たいけんがくしゅう 地域体験 学 習 WHEN: Beginning of August to March of 2003 (total of ten times) WHERE: Mukunoki Center WHAT: Activities that will strengthen children's independence and creativity. For example, environmental experiences, art-making projects, and other recreation. Specific information on schedule and activities will be provided after application. WHO: Those elementary and handicapped school children who live in Seika. About 30 children. REGISTRATION: Apply directly or by phone to the following from Jul.5 (Fri) - 19 (Fri) もう LECTURE ON ADULT HEALTH せいかつしゅうかんびょう よ ぼ う こうえんかい こ さき しゃかいきょういくか WHEN: Jul.19 (Fri), 13:30 - 15:00 WHERE: Seika Hall, Town Office WHAT: How to prevent sicknesses that are common to middle-aged people. WHO: Open to those with interest in preventing these sicknesses. LIMIT: 50 people (priority to those who apply first) REGISTRATION: apply by Jul.12 (Fri) to the following: CARE FOR THE HANDICAPPED あ Contact Info: 問い合わせ: Public Health and Sanitation Division えいせいか 衛生課 95−1905 BEGINNERS’ GATEBALL CLASS きょうしつ 初心者ゲートボール 教 室 WHEN: Aug.3 (Sat), Aug.10 (Sat), Aug.17 (Sat) 13:00 – 17:00 WHERE: Kashinokien Regional Welfare Center WHO: Those who live or work in Seika and are elementary school age and over. PRICE: ¥100 (includes accident insurance) REGISTRATION: apply directly at the following, from Jul.8 (Mon) – 15 (Mon) もう こ さき あ Continuing Education Division 社会教育課 95−1907 しょしんしゃ と Contact Info: 申し込み先・問い合わせ: 生活 習 慣 病 予防講演会 と ない 精華町体育 協 会 事務局(むくのきセンター内) と たいけん こ う ざ ふれあい体験講座 SCHEDULE: Class 1: Jul.18 (Thur), 10:00 - 12:00 Class 2: Aug.24 (Sat), 10:00 - 12:00 Class 3: Sep.19 (Thur), 10:00 - 12:00 Class 4: End of Sep. or beginning of Oct. Class 5: Nov.8 (Fri), 10:00 - 12:00 Class 6: Dec.3 (Tue), 10:00 - 12:00 Class 7: Dec.12 (Thur), 13:30 - 15:30 WHERE: Minamiyamashiro Prefectural School for the Handicapped WHAT: spend time with handicapped persons, and learn how to care for them and entertain them. WHO: Anyone over 18 years of age. LIMIT: 20 people PRICE: Free REGISTRATION: on a two way postcard, write your name, address, age, sex, telephone number, and send to the following by Jul.15 (Mon) もう こ さき と あ Contact Info: 申し込み先・問い合わせ: せ い か ちょうやまだい お う じ 〒619-0231 精華町山田医王寺 あ Contact Info: 申し込み先・問い合わせ: Seika Physical Association (Mukunoki Center) きょうと ふ り つ みなみやましろ よ う ご がっこう かいほう こ う ざ がかり 京都府立 南 山 城 養護学校「開放講座」 係 72-7255 IMPORTANT INFORMATION LIMIT: おも なじょうほう 200 people a day TO CAT AND DOG OWNERS いぬ ねこ か ぬし かた 犬・猫の飼い主の方へ If you are a cat or dog owner, please make sure you’re your pets do not bother you neighbors. Please follow the rules of petkeeping! Keeping Dogs 1.Please either chain your dog, put a fence around the yard or put the dog in a place where it will not bother other people. (If you let your dog loose, it may be taken in as a rogue dog.) Please don't let it run free in the parks. 2.Please put the dog's droppings in a plastic bag when you are taking it for a walk. (Don't dirty the roads, parks, rice paddies, or paths in the rice paddies.) 3.Please give it an appropriate amount of exercise and keep it clean. 4.Make sure it doesn't bark all day and annoy neighbors Keeping Cats 1.Give the cat a toilet and make sure it goes to the bathroom there. 2.Give it a collar. ※Make sure to neuter any newborn cats or dogs that you own. Please have your dog given a rabies shot at one of the following veterinarians: と あ Contact Info: 問い合わせ: Public Health and Sanitation Division えいせいか 衛生課 95−1905 WHAT: A visual examination and a mammogram for those women over the age of 50 (once every two years.) WHO (Mammogram): Those born in the years: 1952, 1950, 1948, 1946, 1944, 1942, 1940, 1938, 1936, 1934, 1932, 1930, 1928, 1926, 1924, 1922, 1920, 1918, 1916 *If doctor approves, subject may receive a mammogram even though she does not fit the above qualifications. Uterine Cancer Examination WHO: Those females over the age of 30. before Mar.31, 1973. Group Examination WHO: Only for those who have received a breast cancer examination, to be checked at the same time. LIMIT: 65 people in the morning, 65 in the afternoon Individual Examination WHEN: From Sep.2 (Mon) – 30 (Mon) WHERE: しもざと い い ん 下里医院 72-1212 (Mon.-Sat., 9:00-11:30, Mon.-Fri., 17:00-19:00) こうりつやましろびょういん 公立山城 病 院 72-0235 (Mon.,Wed.,Thur., 14:00-15:30, limit 50 people per day) *There are other clinics in the prefecture that will do examinations. PRICE: Free REGISTRATION: Choose a day and time you would like to have your check up and apply directly or by phone to the following, from Aug.2 (Fri) – 16 (Fri), 9:00-11:00, 13:00-16:00 (excluding weekends) と FREE HEALTH EXAMINATIONS FOR CANCER けんしんニュース Breast Cancer Examination WHO: Those females over the age of 30. (born before Mar.31, 1973 SCHEDULE: Sep.17, 18, 19, 20, 24 at Kashinokien Regional Welfare Center 1.9:30 – 3.10:30 – 5.11:30 – 7.13:45 – 9.14:45 2.10:00 – 4.11:00 – 6.13:15 – 8.14:15 – (born あ もう こ さき Contact Info: 問い合わせ・申し込み先: Public Health and Sanitation Division えいせいか 衛生課 95−1905 SUBSIDY FOR KINDERGARTEN ENTRIES よ う ち え ん しゅうえんしょうれいひ ほ じ ょ 幼稚園 就 園 奨励費補助 WHO: Those people who are guardians of children age 3-5 who go to private kindergartens, and fit the following qualifications: Qualifications Subsidized households Amount of Subsidy (per year) 1st child 2nd child 3rd child ¥136,800 ¥178,000 ¥220,000 Households that are resident’s tax-free Households that do not pay the income based portion of the resident’s tax. Households that have an income based portion of resident’s tax below ¥8,800 ¥104,200 ¥155,000 ¥207,000 ¥79,900 ¥138,000 ¥197,000 through the bank or post office of your choice. Lump-sum payment will be made at one time. CLEARANCE: Payment must be made within 20 years. Can be payed in monthly or half year installments. Start paying one year after child has graduated junior high school. Payment can be postponed if child goes onto high school or university. と じどうしゃ じ Households that have an income based portion of resident’s tax below ¥102,100 あ Contact Info: 問い合わせ: こ たいさく きょうと し し ょ 自動車事故対策センター京都支所 ¥56,100 ¥122,000 ¥187,000 075-694-5878 STAMP RALLEY REGISTRATION: Please apply through the kindergarten. と あ もう こ Contact Info: 問い合わせ・申し込み先: Continuing Education Division がっこうきょういくか 学校教育課 95-1906 SUBSIDY FOR PRIVATE KINDERGARTEN ENTRIES しりつようちえんじ スタンプラリー さき ほじょ During the allotted time, choose one of the three courses (Field Museum Course, Yamashiro Kodo Course, or Kizu River Field Museum Course). Once you collect and paste all the stamps from one course, you are finished. Get a final "course cleared" stamp at the confirmation location, and then send to the Stamp Ralley Committee. There are original goods for prizes. WHEN: Until Jul.31 (Wed) PRICE: Free 私立幼稚園児への補助 と WHO: Those people who are guardians of kindergarten children. AMOUNT: ¥2,500 per child, a month REGISTRATION: Please contact the kindergarten and request that they apply for you. と あ もう こ もう あ さき きょうたなべ し た なべ く ど 〒610-0331京田辺市田辺久戸52-3 き ょ う た な べ し しょうこうかいかん 京田辺市 商 工 会館3F さき Contact Info: 問い合わせ・申し込み先: Continuing Education Division しゃだんほうじんやましろせいねん か い ぎ しょない 社団法人山城青年会議所内 たいかいじっこう い い ん か い じ む き ょ く がっこうきょういくか 学校教育課 95-1906 かるた大会実行委員会事務局 EDUCATION FUNDS 63-0566 email: cd@yamashiro-jc.org いくせい し き ん こ Contact Info: 問い合わせ・申し込み先: かしつけ 育成資金の貸付 If a child's working parent has passed away, due to car accident or some other serious accident, he or she is able to receive a loan for education funds (without interest). This is up until junior high school graduation. WHO: Those children who have not yet graduated junior high school. APPLICANT: The guardian of the child. AMOUNT: Lump-sum payment is ¥155,000 Monthly payment is ¥20,000 Entrance fee for elementary and junior high school is ¥44,000 PERIOD: Until the child graduates junior high school PAYMENT: Payments in January, April, July, and October (3 month's worth each time). Payment will be made MUKUNOKI CENTER DAYS OFF きゅうかんび むくのきセンター休館日 Starting in August, the Mukunoki Center will be closed every 4th Wednesday of every month. The center must be closed in order to organize equipment, clean the facilities, etc. We hope for your understanding. RESIDENT’S TAX INFORMATION ちゅうい じゅうみんぜい ご注意ください 住民税 ! st Those who live in Seika town as of January 1 , 2002, are taxed according to their income earned in the time period st st extending from January 1 , 2001 to December 31 , 2001. st Those who lived in Seika town as of January 1 , 2001, are taxed according to their income earned in the time st st period extending from January 1 , 2000 to December 31 , 2000. In the case of salaried employees, your employer pays your tax to the town from your monthly salary, 12 times a year from June through to the next May. If the contract with your employer terminates, you must pay the resident’s tax before you leave the country. と あ Contact Info: 問い合わせ: Taxation Division 95-1916 Day: Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday と あ Contact Info: 問い合わせ: Kyoto International Prefectural Center ざいだんほうじんきょうとふこくさい 財団法人京都府国際センター 075-342-0088 関西空港行エアポートリムジンバス せいかグローバルネットワーク As citizens of the world, we wish to look at society from a global perspective. We are a non profit civilian organization that is composed not only of individuals but also organizations linked to Kansai Science City or involved in international exchange, education, welfare, and farming. Our objective is to create a community that is open to a multicultural world. Visit out homepage at: http://www.seikagn.org/ Take the Nara Kotsuu Airport Bus to Kansai International Airport from Keihanna Plaza, available seven days a week (one way fare¥1800). Bookings are available. See the below telephone number to reserve a seat: Departing Keihanna Plaza: 6:00 6:50 7:50 10:50 11:50 13:10 15:50 16:50 17:50 Arriving Kansai International Airport: 7:35 8:25 9:25 12:25 13:25 14:45 17:25 18:25 19:25 For more information or to reserve a seat: Nara Kotsu Bus Reservation Center ならこうつう あ Contact Info: 問い合わせ: よやく 奈良交通バス予約センター: 0742−22−5110 Seika Global Network (Planning and Coordinating Division, Seika Town Office) しゃかい すいしん せいかグローバル社会を推進するネットワーク か い ぎ せ い か ちょうやくば Hours: 13:00~17:00 13:00~17:00 13:00~17:00 13:00~17:00 13:00~17:00 かんさいくうこうゆき SEIKA GLOBAL NETWORK と Language: English Spanish Portuguese Chinese Korean KANSAI AIRPORT BY BUS ぜ い む か 税務課 strictly confidential and free of charge. QUICK NIHONGO TIP き か く ちょうせいかない 会議(精華町役場 企画調整課内) 95-1900 COUNSELING FOR FOREIGNERS LIVING IN KYOTO がいこくじんせいかつそうだん やさしいにほんご・ コーナー げんき お元気で Ogenki de 外国人生活相談 The Kyoto Prefectural International Center which is located on the ninth floor of Kyoto Station has a Counseling Window for Foreigners Living in Kyoto. Their counselors provide services in a number of foreign languages. They will give you the latest information for your needs, introduce you to other specialists and services. All counseling sessions are This phrase means, "Stay healthy and happy." It is a phrase that is used when you are parting with someone. Basically, you are wishing them good health. Try using it along with "sayonara." たかだ く 高田さん:もうバスが来るよ。 わか ほんとう ジェニー:そうですね。では、お別れですね。本当にこの いちしゅうかん せ わ 一 週 間 、お世話になりました。 たかだ げんき Email: cir@town.seika.kyoto.jp 95-1900 高田さん:いえいえ、とんでもない。お元気で。 たかだ ジェニー:はい。高田さんも。では、さようなら。 - Owen Cooney たかだ 高田さん:さようなら。 Mr. Takada: The bus is coming. Jenny: Yes, it is, isn't it? I guess this is goodbye. I am really indebted to you for this past week. Mr. Takada: It's no problem. Take care of yourself! Jenny: I will. You too! Well, goodbye. Mr. Takada: Goodbye. RECYCLING CORNER リサイクル・コーナー Requested Items: *igo set *shogi set *child seat *kimono for visiting shrines *book shelf *kickboard *Othello set Available Items: *2 rugs (each of 4.5 tatami mat size) *boy's uniform for Hikarigaoka Kindergarten Items for which prices are not included are inexpensive or free. Agriculture, Commerce and Industry Division serves only as an intermediary between parties interested. Negotiations are to be carried out by the parties themselves. For more information: と あ Contact Info: 問い合わせ: Agriculture, Commerce and Industry Division のうりんしょうこうか 農林商工課 95-1903 A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR へんしゅうしゃのことば へんしゅうしゃの ことば Well, this will be my very last "Ichigo," as my contract is terminating in mid-July. I will be moving on, but it was a great two years here in Seika. It was great to meet some of the people who read Ichigo. I hope that this newsletter helps out in your daily lives. The next CIR who will be working in Seika, and therefore producing Ichigo, is Wiktor Bulaj, from the U.S. He'll be arriving in August, so unfortunately, there will be no August edition of Ichigo. In any case, I hope you continue to use Ichigo, and - as always - if you have any suggestions, let us know. Well, then, goodbye! SEIKA GROWTH WATCH せいかちょうのひとの うごき As of July1, Seika's population stands at 31,712 (+84) Male 15,464 (+41) Female 16,248 (+43) Households 10,430 (+28) ICHIGO CORNER いちご・コーナー The Ichigo Corner is a place for readers to express their opinions on Seika, life in Japan, or anything else. Basically, the Ichigo Corner is for readers and anything one wishes to say can be said here. This is Ichigo’s version of ‘Letters to the Editor’. Submissions can be sent in either by e-mail or mail. Next month's submissions to Ichigo must be received by Jun.17 (Mon). Email: cir@town.seika.kyoto.jp ANNUAL FESTIVALS AND NATIONAL HOLIDAYS にほんのさいじつとおもなねんじゅうぎょうじ st Gion Festival July 1 ~ 31 st ぎ おん まつ 祇園祭り This festival of the Yasaka Shrine is said to have originated in an attempt to secure protection from a plague toward the end of the ninth century. Although officially celebrated for the whole month, the main days of the festival are on July 16 and 17. On the evening of July 16, lanterns are hung in the doorways, flowers are set out on cloth spreads and decorative screens are displayed, adding much color to the festival. Also on this evening the float lanterns are lit to the accompaniment of festive music. The climax of the Gion Festival comes on July 17, when a fleet of elaborately decorated floats are paraded through the streets. The Gion Festival is known as one of the three largest festivals in Japan. The crowds are enormous, but don't let that deter you. The people add to the atmosphere. This festival is a true spectacle, one not to be missed by anyone close enough to be able to make it. To get to Gion: From Kintetsu Shin-Hosono Station take a Kyoto-bound express and get off at Tambabashi Station. At Tambabashi Station get off the Kintetsu train and change onto the Keihan Line. Ride the Keihan train northbound to Shijo Station. Get off at Shijo Station, and walk east on Shijo-dori (street) for a couple of minutes. You'll know where it is by the crowds. Osaka's Tenjin Festival – July 25 おお さか th てん じん まつ 大阪の天神祭り This is the festival of the Tenman Shrine. The main event is the descent of Dojimagawa River by a mikoshi (portable shrine.) Many boats, some decked out with life-sized dolls, some with blazing torches hanging from the sides, and still others carrying drummers and other musicians who provide lively music for the occasion, create a gorgeous scene as they spread across the river to greet the mikoshi. Like the Gion Festival in Kyoto, the Osaka Tenjin Festival draws enormous crowds every year, and the whole area along the banks of the Dojimagawa River becomes rather difficult to navigate. There is also a large and lengthy display of fireworks during the festival, but due to the large numbers of people near the river, the fireworks can be seen better from afar. The above information was taken in part from ‘Nippon, the Land and its People,’ 1988. The above information was taken in part from ‘Nippon, the Land and its People,’ 1988. PLACES TO VISIT こんげつのおもしろいところ On July 14, two days before the main festivities begin at the Kyoto Gion Matsuri, Seika Town holds its own festival in celebration of the event in Kyoto. The festival in Seika is known as “Gion-san” and is held at Inaue Shrine in Ueda Ward. th The Gion-san of Seika, the Gion-san of Kizu Town which takes place on July 15 , and the Gion Festival of Kyoto City th th which takes place on July 16 and 17 are locally called the Three Grand Gions. However, a relationship between the three has not been determined. “Gion-san” is a treasured festival mainly because of its fascinating history. Since a long time ago “Gion-san” has been celebrated, during times of war and times of peace. Of course now one can see stands at night during the festival, selling food and holding games, as at any other festival in Japan. However, what is surprising is that even during war times, when things were strictly rationed, the people of Seika felt the celebration of “Gion-san” was important enough to splurge. Thus, for that one night, people brought out lots of food, toys, games and fireworks, and celebrated such that one would not even know a war was going on. It is even said that during the festival all fighting in Seika Town stopped, due to the fact that the God of Inaue Shrine despises fighting. th “Gion-san” Festival holds a lot of rich tradition in Seika Town, and if you are free on the evening of July 14 , you shouldn’t miss it. How to get there: To get to Inaue Shrine, travel west on the road that leads from Hosono Station. Continue on the road, past the Town Office until you see a gas station on your right. Turn left into the street across from the gas station, until you can take a right on a road that leads up a hill. The shrine is on top of the hill. NOTICE Due to the changing over of the position of the Coordinator for International Relations, there will be no August issue of Ichigo. We are very sorry, but we hope you understand. Please look forward to the September issue! PUBLISHED BY: せいかちょうやくばそうむぶきかくちょうせいか 精華町役場総務部企画調整課 Seika Town Office General Affairs Department Tel 95-1900 Fax: 95-3971 きょうと ふ そ う ら く ぐ ん せいかちょうみなみいなやづまきたじり 〒619−0285 京都府相楽郡精華町南稲八妻北尻70 Planning and Coordinating Division 〒619-0285 70 Kitajiri Minamiinayazuma, Seika-cho、Soraku-gun, Kyoto-fu e-mail: cir@town.seika.kyoto.jp
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