グザヴィエ・ドゥ・メストレ Xavier de Maistre (Harp) 9 歳からハープを学び、ジャクリーヌ・ボローとカテリーヌ・ミシェルに師事。パリとロンドンで政 治と経済も学ぶ。16 歳の時に、パリ・ハープ・コンクールで優勝、その後、カーディフ、ミュンヘ ン、ウィーン、エルサエレムでの主要な国際コンクールでも数々の賞を受賞。 96 年バイエルン放送交響楽団にソロ・ハーピストとして入団。98 年、世界で最も権威のある USA 国 際ハープ・コンクールで優勝と同時に2つの演奏賞受賞。その翌年、25 歳という若さで、ウィーン・ フィルハーモニー管弦楽団のソロ・ハーピストに就任、02 年にはアンドレ・プレヴィンの指揮でウ ィーン・フィル史上、ハーピストとして初めてハープ協奏曲を演奏した。 ソリストとしての活動も活発で、アンドレ・プレヴィン、ハインリヒ・シフ、アルミン・ジョルダン、 アレクサンダー・ラザレフ、ベルトランド・ドゥ・ビリー、フィリップ・ジョルダン等著名な指揮者 のもと、ザルツブルク・モーツァルテウム管弦楽団、イスラエル・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団、モ ンテカルロ・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団、チェコ放送響、バイエルン放送響、KBS 交響楽団、ボルド ー交響楽団、スペイン国立交響楽団、NHK 交響楽団等数多くの一流オーケストラと共演。 また、シュレスヴィッヒ・ホルスタイン音楽祭、ザルツブルク音楽祭、シューベルティアーデ、ラ インガウ音楽祭、ウィーン芸術週間、ウィーン復活祭音楽祭、ブタペストの春音楽祭、ヴェルビェ 音楽祭、ヴュルツブルク・モーツァルト音楽祭を含む世界各地の主要な音楽祭に招かれ、キャスリ ーン・バトル、ディアナ・ダムラウ、インゴルフ・ターバン、ボー・スコウフス、バーバラ・ボニ ー等のアーティストと共演するほか、ピーター・シモニシェック、ミゲル・ヘルツ・ケストラネク、 アンドレア・ジョナサン等の俳優とも共演。 録音はハルモニア・ムンディ、 オブリガット、クラヴェスからリリースされており、 08 年より Sony-BMG International で専属的に録音を始めた。 「エトワールの夜」 (ソニー・ミュージック)では、世界的 にも大きな成功をおさめ、エコー・クラシック・アワード 2009「演奏家賞」受賞。 01 年ハンブルク音楽大学教授に就任。ジュリアード音楽院、桐朋音楽大学、上海音楽院、トリニテ ィ音楽院で定期的にマスタークラスを行っている。 *プロフィールの一部を使用する場合、日数が経過している場合は、ジャパン・アーツの校正チェックを お受け頂きますようお願い申し上げます。 株式会社ジャパン・アーツ http://www.japanarts.co.jp 〒150-8905 東京都渋谷区渋谷 2-1-6 TEL: 03-3499-8100 / FAX: 03-3499-8102 JAPAN ARTS CORPORATION http://www.japanarts.co.jp 2-1-6, Shibuya Shibuya-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 150-8905 TEL: 81-3-3499-8091 FAX: 81-3-3499-8092 Xavier de Maistre (Harp) No one could have imagined at that time what to expect - like Xavier de Maistre himself, when he decided to change the face of the harp 16 years ago. Today he plays pieces like "Moldau" by Smetana in breathtaking precision and presents masterful pieces of music that are usually played by an entire orchestra. Meanwhile, a worldwide audience listens to his virtuosity and enjoys the unprecedented sounds. Pieces, that no harpist played before, or even thought about - like the Haydn piano concertos. Not only that makes him one of the most extraordinary musicians, even masters of this time. Xavier de Maistre began to study harp with 9 years. Like many other famous musicians, all started with love - but in this case not as expected the love to his harp. It was rather the love for his former teacher, who offered extra harp lessons. Early, it turned out that Xavier has a great talent and no wonder he started with 25 years to play for the Vienna Philharmonic. Before that he played 3 years for the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and in 1998 Xavier won the first prize of the "USA International Harp Competition“, the major harp competitions in the world. But since Xavier´s family is not from a traditional harp-playing dynasty they put great importance to a solid education. So Xavier started his study of politics at the ?Institut des Sciences Politiques“ in Paris and spent 1 year in London at the ?London School of Economics ", when he finally decided to prefer music to the political studies. For a musician, he achieved very early what all harpists dream of ? a position in one of the best orchestras in the world, the Vienna Philharmonic. However Xavier de Maistre was about to go on. To see this point as the highlight of the career, which would definitely be a great honor for most of the harpists, and aslo for Xavier, but it was also a kind of sad moment. He achieved the ultimate goal of a harpist at age 25. Through his countless appearances and his keen ambition he has always wants to refute the long-existing bias of the harp played in the background by angel-like women. Thanks to his his quick anticipation, intelligence and tremendous skill, he has played many pieces as a soloist with the harp and delighted thousands of listeners. Finally, he succeeds to establish the harp as an independent instrument. During his career, many great conductors such as Riccardo Muti, Sir Simon Rattle, Sir Andre Previn, and Daniele Gatti became curious on him and his passion and asked him to play with them. A long series of concerts follows, convincing the audience that Xavier de Maistre is undoubtedly the master of his instrument. Not for nothing, beside famous conductors, also the most successful singers like Barbara Bonney, Kathleen Battle and Diana Damrau played with him. Likewise, of course, the long list of world-renowned opera houses which he had already visited: Theatre des Champs Elysees Paris, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Musikverein Vienna, Tokyo Opera City, Lincoln Center New York, 株式会社ジャパン・アーツ http://www.japanarts.co.jp 〒150-8905 東京都渋谷区渋谷 2-1-6 TEL: 03-3499-8100 / FAX: 03-3499-8102 JAPAN ARTS CORPORATION http://www.japanarts.co.jp 2-1-6, Shibuya Shibuya-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 150-8905 TEL: 81-3-3499-8091 FAX: 81-3-3499-8092 Salzburg Festival, La Scala Milan and many others. No wonder, Xavier´s enthusiasm and his gift to play will not put an end to this success story. Awarded with the Echo Klassik Award 2009 for his album "Nuit d'Etoiles" as "Instrumentalist of the Year" (Sony Music) he reaps the fruits of his labor. For more than 9 years Xavier de Maistre is working as a professor at the Musikhochschule Hamburg and now also teaches at the Julliard School in New York, at the Toho University in Tokyo and in London at Trinity College. After 11 years with the Vienna Philharmonic Xavier leaves his position in order to devote himself to his international solo career - a step that no harpist has done before. 2015/16 season only. Please contact Japan Arts if you wish to edit this biography. 株式会社ジャパン・アーツ http://www.japanarts.co.jp 〒150-8905 東京都渋谷区渋谷 2-1-6 TEL: 03-3499-8100 / FAX: 03-3499-8102 JAPAN ARTS CORPORATION http://www.japanarts.co.jp 2-1-6, Shibuya Shibuya-ku, Tokyo JAPAN 150-8905 TEL: 81-3-3499-8091 FAX: 81-3-3499-8092
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