1. E-mail Addicts ABC News World News Tonight sss 2/21/07 Before You Watch the Video PREVIEW QUESTIONS 1. What is meant by “e-mail addiction”? ―「eメール依存症」とは何ですか。 2. What kind of help is being proposed? ―どの様なアドバイスが提案されていますか。 WARM-UP EXERCISES A) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vocabulary Check: Choose the correct definition for each of the words below. irresistible urge reluctant in denial via (0000) a. by way of (0000) b. refusal to accept or admit (0000) c. strong desire to do something (0000) d. very desirable; difficult to resist (0000) e. unwilling; lacking in enthusiasm Singapore Airlines 1 B) admit that e-mail is managing you. Other steps include: establish regular times to review your e-mail, and involve others in conquering your addiction. Enter Marsha Egan, a life coach from Pennsylvania (3.0000000000000000000000). Fill in the blanks with appropriate expressions from the “Vocabulary Check” above. Change the word form where necessary. 1. I have the (000000000000) to travel. Let’s go to Guam! 2. We first learned of the horrible incident (000000000000) a phone call from the police. 3. Why are you so (000000000000) to ask your professor about your grades? 4. That chocolate cake looks (000000000000)! Please give me a big piece. 5. Louis was told by his doctor that he has cancer, but he is (000000000000). NEWS STORY C. Gibson: D. Harris: Male 1: Breaking the e-mail addiction. The newest 12-step program is aimed at curing this most modern of addictions, the irresistible urge to be right on top of every communication that anyone wants to send you by computer. (1.000000000 0000000000000)? Let’s see if ABC’s Dan Harris can help you decide. About two-thirds of Americans use e-mail, though many are apparently reluctant to admit they might have an addiction. Male 1: At least for a couple of hours. Male 2: (2.0000000000000000000000). D. Harris: 2 D. Harris: She says e-ddiction is real, and on her website she has a series of questions to help you diagnose yourself. Do you ever e-mail the person sitting next to you rather than turn around and ask a question? Female: D. Harris: 05 Female: D. Harris: You know... ...right. I was just gonna say the first step is admitting it. Actually, the first step in the new “email e-ddiction” 12-step program is, Yeah. (5.0000000000000000000000). If you need help, you can sign up for Egan’s 12-step program online. You’ll get one tip a day via email. Dan Harris, ABC News, New York. ャ・イーガンと)入力してみなさい;(イーガンさんのプログラムに)加入しなさい」 クベリー:カナダのRIM(Research In Motion)社が開発・販売している,通信機能を内 蔵した携帯情報端末のことで,北米を中心に人気がある。e-mailのテキスト入力機能が強 化された携帯電話」 diagnose yourself「自己診断する」 sign up for...「∼に入会す る;∼に参加する;∼に申し込む」 online「インターネットで;ウェブで」 tip「ヒン ト;アドバイス」 15 EXERCISES A) 10 You do? life coach「ライフ・コーチ:カウンセリングなどを通じて,ストレスを減らす指導をし たり,人生や生活のいろいろな事について指導や助言をする人」 Blackberry「ブラッ Or I’m in denial. 05 Yes. addictions「依存症;中毒」 12-step program「12段階のプログラム」 to be right on top of...「∼を常に知っておく;把握する」 “e-mail e-ddiction”「e-mailイぞん 症:addictionをもじっている」 ...is managing you「∼に操られる」 Enter「(マーシ 10 I can go on vacation. Without checking your e-mail? Male 2: I actually played golf with a gentleman who looked at his Blackberry after (4.0000000000000000000000). It was awful. 1:35 D. Harris: D. Harris: M. Egan: Listen to the CD and fill in the blanks in the text. 20 1. E-mail Addicts 3 15 B) (a000000 0) that you have an addiction. The program includes other advice, such as checking your e-mail at (r000000 0) times. If you think you might have a problem, check it out! Mark the following sentences true (T) or false (F) according to the information in the news story. (00000) 1. According to the story, two-thirds of all Americans are addicted to e-mail. (00000) 2. A large number of e-mail addicts deny that they have an addiction. (00000) 3. Marsha Egan has designed a new website for golf coaches. (00000) 4. The first step in Egan’s program involves admitting that you have a problem. (00000) 5. The 12-step program is only taught in Pennsylvania. (00000) 6. Egan has made a list of questions to help people find out if they really have an addiction to e-mail. E) Discussion: Share your ideas and opinions with your classmates. 1. Do you use e-mail? Do you frequently surf the Internet or play games on your computer? Describe your computer habits. Might you be addicted? How about cell phone use? 2. What are other kinds of addictions that you are aware of ? What kinds of help are available for people with addictions? Useful Grammar from the News ① おしゃれな表現 ニュース英語というのは,フォーマルな文体で堅苦しい表現が多いと思われ C) Translate the following Japanese into English. Then listen to the CD and practice the conversation with your partner. A: As I was saying -- Hey! Cut that out! B: What? A: I’m trying to have a serious conversation and 1. あなたは注意を払っていませ ん。 B: I’m just checking my e-mail. A: 2. でも,あなたは5分前にもチェックしました! がちであるが,以下のように皮肉を込めたり,比喩的で,またおしゃれな表現 が目につく。次の例では,「eメール依存症」を治す方法が毎日eメールで送 られてくる,と皮肉っぽくコメントしている。 You’ll get one tip a day via e-mail. [E-mail Addicts, p.3] 次の例ではキリバスの細長い美しい島をサンゴのネックレスに例えている。 Most of the 100,000 residents have never left this necklace of coral. [Key to the World: Kiribati, p.19] ニュース画面には,「退職者のコミュニティ」で咲き誇る花が映っている。 その花のごとく,高齢者のコミュニティは全米に花咲いて「広がる」という意 B: 3. 誰かが私に新しいメッセージを送ったかもしれません。 A: Sam, you have a real e-ddiction. Get some help! D) Summary Practice: Fill in the blanks with suitable words beginning with the letters indicated. 味である。 This idea is flowering across the country. [Creative Retirement Community, p.90] We frequently hear about drug and (a0000000) addiction, but this story treats a new problem: (e0000000) addiction. (T000000 000000) of all Americans use e-mail. Many are constantly (c0000000) it. This habit can even affect (v0000000) and interrupt golf games. (M000000 E000000 ) has designed a program to help people with “(e0000000)”. It is a (t000000 000000 ) program available online. The first step is to 4 1. E-mail Addicts 5
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