ヽ 一ヽ・ ヽ ︶ ・ ¨ ¨ ・ ・ t,,1 囁 顆 T■ NDER DOCuM■ ‖T FOR PROCUREMEN丁 OF EQUIPMENTS FOR PHYS10ttHERAPY OPD,IPRS PEOPLES UNIVERSI丁 Y OF MEDICAL&HEALttH SCIENCES FOR WOMEN SHAHEED BENAZIR ABAD SINDH― PAKISttAN ヽ ¨ ¨ 一 ヽ 、 ´ INDEX PAGES … 2 TENDER NOTIcE AR「 ICLES OF ACREEMENT 3 INSl RUCTIoN To TENDERERS 1 4 5 TN‐ 01 tO ol AA_0110o2 1T-0110o8 COND11loNS OF CoNTRACT ANNEXURES (i) FORヽ4 0F IENDER (ii) TENDER PARTICuI′ ARS CC-011012 ANINEXURE‐ A AllNEXURE_B (ili) FORM oFSCHEDULE OF ANNEXURE_Cl TE\DI R tOR I t leUIpVt NtOl.pllystrllltEltApyopD rpnc I,UMHSW OF I HI. LNIVI RSII Y A I NAWABSIIAII MANUFACTURLD/ AVAILABI,E IN PAKISTAN WITI{OIJ], INVOLVING IMPORT. (iu) FORM OF SCITEDULE To TUNDER FOR ANNIjXURE-C2 STORES IMPOR|IID I'ITOM APPROVF,I) COUNTRIES, (V) BID BOND ANINEXURE_D (Vi) CONTITACTORS PDITIIORMANCE BONL) ANNEXuRE_E (Vii) STATEM]JNT DISCRIBING DEVIA'IION I-ROM SPECIFICAlIONS, ANNEXURF_「 D A B A R Z A N E B D 。 ■8細器 般 :祠 ギ LIST oF EOuIPMENI` R O F T N E 隠臨L鰹豊壁 OTHERS: 柵躙 ∬ 慨而誦 Importcd/ INATION Ullit(NOll_1lpgradiblc) fIFgTHEltAPY UNIT(Noil ltpgrnda twayc ROCOLLATOIT MOBILE TIEATIN LDPAC CHILLING UNIT HOTPACS(uSA/UK′ Germany or Equiva Impor.tcd Ilnportcd Importcd Lnportcd Ilnportcd ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ¨ ― ― ¨ ― ― ― ― ― ― _― ― ― ― _― ― ― ¨ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ¨ ¨ ― ― ¨ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ・ ・ ヽ ´¨ ︻ ・ ヽ ¨ B O Q FOR PROCuREⅣIENT oF EQUIPMENT FOR HYSloTHERAPY OPD IPRS,Pu∼lHs、 v sHAHEED BENAZIR ABAD 800LDPACS I〕 BIue vinyI COIPac SA/UK/(〕 crmail 9 TENS Digital 10 TRACTloN UNIT l.l.Traction Tablc 11LT TABLE 〔HOuLDER VЛ WHEEL EGHT cuFF SET DUMBELL SETヽ ′ ′TH CART BD APPRATUs Ⅵ EIGHT MACHINE H:IGHT MEASURING ScALE CHILD TILT TABLE) THERAPY WEDGES DIFFERENT SIZE ■ 一 帥 一Q ERAPY MATS) LANCING TRAlNING BROAD) r\,,lE BALL (SrzE 65 ) FYMEBALL(SlzE 75) GYVE BALL(SIZE 85) GYIИ E BALL(SIZE 10o) ULl RASONIC cEL) COt'CHES uiyalcnt Importcd Inrportcd Imported Importcd ― ― ― ― ― ― ¨ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ヽ ・ 、 一 ´ ¨ ・ ¨ (USttUoC醗 轟7躙 冦より \VHEEL CHAIR /IR TRACTloN TROLL ES CYCLE) R ]WING MACHINE CHEST PRESS TF‖ CEPS DIPs H()ME GYME MuLTI GYME 06 UNIT IREADMILLS EX ttRCISE BIKE) FRI:E WEIGHTS (4PAIRS) DIFFERENT CO(DLER&T∪ BE ASSEMBLY MEl】 uM KNEE CuFF ONLY BAC(HIP′ RIB cuFF oNLY HANDA/1RIST cuFF oNLY SHOULDER CuFF ONLY ν ヽ ッxL STRAP ANKlE BRACE,SMALL LEFT ANK[E BRACE,MEDIUM,RIGHT AIRS'ORT BRACE,SMALL,LEFT AIRSPoRT BRACに ,ltlEDIUM.RIGHT INFR′ PATELLAR BAND.BLACK ;;IGHT ・ ^ ︶ PNEUIUATIC WALKER, X.LARG; VAYO CLINIC ELEOW BRACE,RIGHT ()CCUPATIONAL THERAPY TAELE (HOULDER ABDuCTloN LADDER) ν′RIST cIRCuM DUcTOR POSTURE MIRROR S「 AIRS C JMBING SToOL Pム RALLEL BAR CF cHAIR STへ NDING FRAM ROLLERS Notc:TH■ DETAIL BoQ ATTACIIED HEREヽ vITII ・ ・ OT■ C・ ´´ The Chairnlan Purchase … cOmnlttec PeOples universlty Of Medica1 8r Health Sc ences fOr WOmen shaheed Benazi「 Abad invites item ra[e basis tenders On C&F basis For impOrt itenns and 10cal purchase in Pak rupees On prescribed fOrms fronl interested ゛ ContractOrs/Firms/Palties(meedng the e“ gibi‖ :y criteHa)pOssessing va‖ d reg`tradon witl lncome tax a sales tax departnlen6, fOr supply Of under mendOned items (tO be prOcured frOm university funds)du‖ ng the current nnancial year 201 4‐ ten」 er Fornls can be Obtained frOlll tlle Di「 paン 15 The ectOrate OF Finance Of this university On ment Of Rs 3′ ooo/ (non‐ relt ndable)up to 06‐ 07‐ 2015(12:30 PM)The bid mu=t be ftrnished On single stage twO enve10pe nlethOd i e Technical“ ft‖ )′ Financial And cOmpleted a sealed tender bids be put in tender box kept in the oFnce of the u1ldersigned On 07‐ 07‐ 2015 ti‖ 12:30 P M which w‖ i be opened at l:30 P M On the sanle day in presence of the represe[ltatives of the nrnls a[ld the purchase cOnlillittee of this university NO tender will be accepted after the expiry of the abOve mentioned date &ti me. 30/O earnesi niOney Of the total bld shOuld be attached with tender dOcunlent in lavour oF Vice Chance‖ Or peOples university of Medical&Health sciences lor WOmen Shal eed BenaJ「 Abad in shape Of denand draft(refundable to unsuccessfti bidders) Con」 itiOnal bids sha‖ nOt be accepted The prOcuring agency 11lay reiect a‖ Or anソ bids Subl(Ct tO the relevant provisiOns of SPPRA rules VaG 壁 lQ000,000/ Total Tender iothera ulpnlenじ PuRCHASE COMMITTEE PEOPLES uNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL a HEALTH SCIENCLS FOR WOMEN SHAHEED BENAZIR ABAD Conlpor d By: A.A.Za.d ARTICLES OF ACRI EMENT This Agt eemcnt made this day of Chairntall Purchase Corn,nitfee pUMIISW Slln ―――――――――-2015,by and bct、 vccn′ /1′ Assignqs; 4ta.,a. aclint rhrouth rhe prrlch.rse ::il現 :la「 \crcl(es Ior Wontan Shihecd Benazirthad , hereinilter called the ,,UDivcrsity,,, ofthe one part, δ 二 躍151RtT獣ミ 峰:11 And (Namビ att dc● 江 "Contractor" second oF ■●ぅ 。 りtЩ ■Upσ 卸 ,located " _i ._- “ hereinaltel crlled rlre .lnclu(le -_ su(cessor5. Jegal representatives of the lhctr 2・ =■ *hi.l, .*p."*ion-l*,ll pa11. plrysiotherapy requiles OpD Equipurerr at Nawabshah. and whereas Yl::i:.ln..rrir"^ily asr(cd ro 5utft). irr:rr . pur inro ot,erarion i,nd demonstrare tl," :i.,,:-r:: ()r lre sar,lli'"-1,.i* Lqutpment \,clued at Rs. ";,i;; -r"r,|,, '.rUie.r the. perio, ol' r^ rtr.- rerno i:iffi.ni#:Hll wltich h.rre beerr acccpred h1 rhe Coniractor. ";,d "rrli,i"ll (A'nount ir figrres and words) Now this {grcemcnt witnesscs as foll{,ws: 1. In this agleemelt wolds ,n.l expre$ions shrll havc the roDtc ltrciulillgs aS iue CortroJ lr".J,rufi". ,"i..r,"a ,o. lespectively assigned to rhem in thc Conditiom of 2 lb1 0wing doculllcnts which,ft■ 1 lhc purpOsc Orideniffa10n,have bcen si8ncd by Th`〕 tNrrreandderignar[rof rh..-,urn,rizc,t1,er*n1 on behalfof the Colltractor, and-by 榔輛‖ 脂∬ 『 電 WI度 ‖ ⅧIImm ぴⅧ精 viz? a) b) c) d) et l) lan∫ Articlesot'Agreemert; Instructions to Tenderers; ConditionsofCoDtract: Contractor's Offer includil1g the rlrle\ ant correspondeuce prior to signinq of this Agreemenr wirlr all Annerrrres dulr fille.l irr Ihe snccificaliotrs ofthc eqtriprnent; and Bill ofQLranriry wirh prjces. AA‐ 02 3 鮒 l淵増 諜灘 l朧脚 樵 Contrnctor hereby respects 4. ofthe Conlract & the order firm No. lnto operation and in conformity in all TIe Univcrsity herebv covenrnts to pty the Contractor in consideration ofthe supply, drlivery. installation, purrinI into.op;r.itio" o"a ,f.rrrun,i,o,ion-of i,i *o.ting oi tt,. pt,ysiorherapy opD Equipment.rhe ."rr""t ;.;;-l;;;*n,an#, ii".".iu"a uy tt,. Cr)ntract and approved by the Unlverstly. [ff::fiili:i:i:;|""JlTii:,1"* hereunto set their respeclive hancrs and sears, the dav, WITNtr]SStrS: Universiq WincssttO li Signni11,で Name: l)esigDation. WincssNュ Signaturc ___ Contractor Whncss N0 1: Sigila1llrel Name: Designation: Witncss N0 2i Signaturcl Name: Name: Designatiojl: Designation: INSTRUcTIoNS To lENDERERS IT_ol PREPAIRATloN OF TENDER l lッ nnguage OFTcildcr m"ntt ぶ:緞 鵠lmg宙 h¨ y¨ ∞ 2 httmに ふ 訓随p""“ h hJm su〕 mission Of Tendcr b) lft ,,, . .Jr C) .[""',,T,iT 1""X1,i},Tl'ffiil:? :::g.rarricurnrs (Annexure-B) and Forms 'in.'jlii;lJ,ifi:l: "n,.^. xrthorizcd e cnd ;'.,|;f"ii ; ll*:fl,H;i:lll ;lli ft ", ",", position rlcsignlri.rn ,,ra"n,.nrt, The crasing and/or nlfcrations. il.ar1y, authodzed person by his full signarure. ir the t,ir.ig,i,,ir,;." ,fender iijifj shail be authenticaled by the d) be accoD]panierl *ith rhc original 11:.f::r* shall ,ur"n,,the maDrlactulers, in case the Tender is submited ,f""rgil ii"ir,quorntions tiom o. dislr,butors,,ir)d slrall br supponed t.,l..crederrrials "rifr"lir"U *itflrfrl"g if,.""_r.r.r"" ur.t stirn'trr)g ol-rhe nranu[ircrurers crrd "' or rrreir Julrrori,/ed cts",,,,, .r C) Aml.iguous and incorrect anslvers and/or incorrecl filling ol.,leDder Documerfs will rend(ir the tender liable to tejectioD. ",i",riiriol.. 0 Quorations throLrgh cable, telegraph, telex, t-ax, or e-Dmil will not be considered. -s) .3. a) The t€nders shall not relv on anv inlerpretation or correction given by any person except the writter addenda and /or corrigen;a to documents issued by Chairrnan purchase Commtttee PUMFSW Shaheed Benazir ioad Bid Br>nd and Contract performance Bond The tenderer shall enclose with his/her.tender a Bid Bond on requisite stamp paper, as per AnnexJre "D" to this tender document, issued by I business in Pakistan, for an amount / equivatent to goZ"""t.Jrf.-i "ormerctal bank doing of tnu t"tui"*t of the Equipment of Phvsiorherapv opD, rpRS and puMHSw offe,"o p"iin" i"nil,-.iiriu"o by him/her, or "" whichever is more. The Bid eorJ.nrriO" rn favor of the Vice Ii^10.,9"0-O] peopres university of t\4edicar unanc-:[or, lfit.,nousand),. & Hearth sciences shaheed Benaz r Abad rncluding his successor,in office anO assignees icting- it,rorgi, tnu Registrar & Charffi an Purchase Committee PUMHSW Shaheed ge;azii ao"J ' " for women b) c) The bcnd so furnished sharr remain varid for a period 2g days beyond the period of varid(y of the tencer or tirr it is revaridated / extended for a perroo mut,larrv jgreei upon by the tenderer and tho Chairman purchase Committee pUMHSiA/ Shaheeo e6na;tiAbao. As soon as an award is made, the provisions in paragraphs c) d) and e), hereunder, shall operato. d) lf,the t{)nder is rejected, the Bid Bond will be returned to the tenderer as soon as possible after re ection. e nリ Bidders can quote prices on FOR and C & F basis. FOR Basis: Bidder should be submitting quotation in local currency with free delivery, installalion and make operational at Univeisiiy premises. All government taxes / levies such as lncome Tax, GST, FED, Stamp Duty Excise or what so 6ver may be in practice will be applied 4. & F.terms: Bidders quoting their prop-osals underC & F terms may quote in US g Currency. The official conversion rate of us g wil be taken of the day of opening of bids. rt wifl be sore responsibility of supplying firm to get the goods cleared from cristoms and deliver to PUMHSW.. University will sign tax exemption letters for which brdder wrll have to provide specim()n lmport expenses such as clearing agent expenses, sea / a ir freight to Karachi port /.Airport / Truck / Transportation charges from Kaiachi Sea port / Arrport to PUIMHSW Nawabshah, insurance expenses from abroad to pUMHSW wrl be responsibirity of bidders. These €rxpenses should be included in prices, PUMHSW will open LC against the proforma lnvo]99 .Cu:tom Duty, Sates Tax and Excise & Taxation Dutie; Exemptions wilt be ctaimed by PU[i]HSW. a) The successful bidder shall have to give a Contract performance Bond as per Annexure ,,E,, to this t?nder document to the extent oF 3% of the total value of the contract on the same conditio'rs as the Bid Bond. The performance Bond shafl be retained by the chairman Purchase Committee pUMHSW Shaheed Benazrr Abad. b) Till the completion of the guarantee as per clause 23 of the conditions of contract. C, Quality● Ftile Equipmen1 0f PilysiOtlleraPy OPD,IPRS, b酬 た d“ Th E叩 ゎ mmぽ お 11糖 ‖ m.獣:常 ∫ 留t「雌ξ 霞 躍 wi躍 ‖ h) Shall bc thc product Of an cstablishcd nlantlfacturcr shall cOnfOrnn 10 intcrna10nally acccp[tablc cOmnlcrcial standards,and shan bc a nlodclthat mc臆 IJttiut‖ :5穏 n蹴 [A,涙 ば 嫌 .mc h i濡 器 鼎 瀾 灘 :ly蛇基 #1掛 重 郡tL楓椰鵠 1) 出嶋♂ 票」 認nll胤 鵬庶鵠皿器∬ 」 鋼電 譜群よ 1ど in Anncxurc“ 「 '' i) lhe equipnrert.ol physiorherdpy opD. tpRS. t,UMHSW . Sl,"t,""d IJ:I"lii Abad ollercd b; rhe rendcrs rnusl be ,,1.a q,"f iD ,,,ii"trf . f.r'ih; rnd, operariorrs which rhey u'e reqrire,l. r(noenng lllc reqLltred perlbtrnance iLnd .ervices ct sitc in t.he lo,:al conJitiolls oI e\lreme trol\i(al (.lilrarc. air. dust. water. O.*.tii'", ffi;Ji ;; ;;;, ;"':rl;;[':i tr ""j'n Shaherd Banimbad k) r) m) n) o) p) Thc Harrlu.rr< lor oper:1rion ot ll)( hqrriprnenr ofIhysiorlter.apl OpD. lpRS. PL M I lsW. rrd Shatreed Benazirubad *iff t rrluA. ,.r The clectric supply lnr opLratin. ot rhe Lqrripnrenr " ot"iiubi;'i, IPRS. PUMHSw. ald Shrhecd Ben.r/ir.rbid uill be made availabi.; ar );0 volt sirrgle pltrse. or 3U0 vUlt rltlce plrase. antl 50 eycles. physinthcran) OpD.lpRS.pUVllSW.Shahecd cqurprnenr Bencrirlb:dollered shall I,e currrplete $illr llteir standard ,."""ro.i;:',,;i rDU\r De ilccontprnr(d b) tl.eir norntdl inctruclirrns buok,tnfu]ltal. Whetever possible or fbasible, each item ol.Stores offered must have its e.g. or erload prorecrion by circuir f,r.oL." u,l r,,r"., ::n-?-t",".,i:1,1".'i:"s. \ol(age sLal)ilizcr for eleclric c,lLtipmenl. or i;i.r,,^" pl;;;ii,;;;;;;, lne oI Unles5 stinulaled nllrrr\aisc ir rite speciliections lor eury irent, rlte Equipment of Physiotherapy OpD, tpRS, PUMSHW, Sfrrl."J Benazirabad-conforming to ASA, SAIJ. SSI or DIN "i,A will t. o"""1riuUi".-----Tlle hidtlrrs m.Lr l,re .rsksd Io sul,pl) lisL ot.sDdres tor. 5 \.crls ^strccesshrl ',o salislauor) op(ration ot Jn) itenr ol' rhe Siuies. ,"*a-,,i.',fr. n,io, contract. 4 Literalure. 'lhe terlderers must ftrrnish with their bids catalogues giving lirll technical cletails oi. the. equipme,t of physiotherapy OpD,IpRS,pUMI.iSWlSfra*"a n"r"ri.rfrr,ta eDable the Universiry ro oheck their oflcrs technically uguinrt rt" r*r.,it.a slccrficalions failing u hich lhe nl,ers \\ ill hc lrchlc to reicerioi. 5. Principals Namc. Ccrti[i(xle and lnr(,icc, a) The tenderers at.e requiried to mentioD in their qLrotations/ofltrs the name and address of their principals along with a cerliflcate autho zing them (terlderers) to quote on their (principals) behalfas under: "This is to ce ify rhat M/S. located at have obtained quotatiolls from us against tend.. inq,,iry No. daled _ from people Univiersity ofmedical &health sciences 1br wornan shaheed bertazir abad , due for opcning on ___ and have agredd to make available the EqLlipmert on the quotatiolts and telms at1d conditions of the tender,,. 'lhe above condition does uot apply to the manufacturers bidding directly. b) 7. TJre tenderers must also hrrnish alorg with their olfers their principals original prolirrma Invoice lailirg which their oii.ers will be rejectecl. Co ntry of Origin. 'Ihe tenderers must state iD his Tender the countl.y of origin l'hysiotherlrpy OPD,tPRS,pUMItSW.Shaheerl Benazirabatl offered. 8, of the hquipment Of Aln:r natiye froposal. if aoy tenderer clects to subrnit aherDative proposal(s) complete information on the alle, narive items inclLrding all dara relahng tojecinicai ,p."ifi.^iio,r.-i, Vol. f, lf t flf shall be given as per Annexure -F,,. IT.l)4 1 9 Pri:es. a.) CATEGORY-.A, StorcsM.rrulacturcd/Availnblcinpakistanwithout. Involvine ImDort. TLc prices qroted must be rutcr per urit irl pakistani Rupees as shorvn in Annexure "C- l" antl shall inelude: i. All charges for packing. marking, Jrandling, insuralce, inspection, guararltees, fi.eight/transportation,, arld all duties, taxes, levies, octrors etc; and. ii. The cost of installation, putting irto operation aDd demonstration of the working ol the Equiprneil in the physiotherapy OpD ofthe University. b) IIATECORY-,.8,'. Stores Importcd from approved Countries. 'Ihe prices must be quoted for each iteDr of Stotes in Anncxure_,.C2,, separatcly t'br (,ach oflhe PARTS given below: l'AltT-I. Payment in Foreign currcncy. "he C&F- prices quoted by the p ncipals in the cllrreDcy ofthe country ofongin. I 6r the purpose of colnpurioon, rhe pri((s quutcll shJll bc uuxvctted I0 equlvalent Pakistani Rupces lricesin on the basis nlihe official bank rate preuclent on the c ate ofopening of the 'fender.. I'ART-2 Paymcnt in pakistani llupces. (L) The agent's/supplier.'s commission in pakistani Rupees. ( i) The insurance charges. The iusurance will be arranged by the Contmctor through the Univelsity with pakrstan lrrsuratrce CorpJration. l.he University will assist the Contractor in oblainlng the insurance at concessional rates, if any, as allowed by the GovernDtent. (rii)The cost oI installation, pr.ltting irto operation and dernonstration oflhe working ofthe equipmert iD the I-aboratories ofthe []niversity in pakistani Rupees. (rv) All the charges pertaining ro handling alld clearance of the equipment of Physiothelapy OPD,IPRS,I,LIMHSW Shaheed Benazirabad rhe port ilclirding all li.xes, levies, octrois etc but exciuding the custoDls duties fot the payncDt of uhich the UDiversity is exempled by the GoverDment. Ilowever, if il,e curtorrs charged 1br any physiorherapy iterus of the equipment ol 9lfr,-:1" C PD,IPRS,PUMHSW.Shaheed Benazirabadfor rvhich thi Government the e (enlption, the UDiversity rvill nrake the payme t. IT‐ 05 留 lili:I:::ド :lil:1:∬ :3:∬ 醤 計も Jillllli′ (C) ∫ 。よ :爾i:‖ │:り i:::‖ lillrl『 ょ ι li:鳳 ; !I:│ま illiサ I:‖ lli1111[11〕1111i‖ lill[:ll]jl:]lli}l;:∬ i3:』 ① l榊 胤躍iftta岬 ‖ Ψ 痛 欄鮮mfぜ ∬ tti‖ 1淵 │:]曽 器 ∬Ilcliメ 顎 遭為 部 ]Ttti3重 l;'agC F10nl mmuLourc b ∫ 『メ “ l‖ (1つ ProvisiOnお r clcan On bOards bttls Oflanding OV)Thc cosl of cxpOに laxcs,ft・ cs md dⅢ lgeS b宙 :xporting g00ds in dlc cOuntry Of Origln Cd and Out 8。 lllg incurrcu oll (V)「 hc cxpcnscs on accOun1 0fthc ccllill,alc OrOrigi11,invOiccs Or any Othcr )Ocumcnts issucd in thc cOuntry Or orlgin 10 V.nl,(lity Of Prices′ a) Tendcr 「hc priccs quotcd shaH bc valid fOr a pcriOd Of at lcast 120 days i10m thc datc Of opcning ofthc tcndcr り dda sllall bc bound byぬ I‖ :鵬 蠍limよ:lill穏瀧iも :liボ:fi6Stt Ы c ll Acc(ptancc Oftilc Tcrms c) The submis5iun oflhc tendcr cljdinrl tlris tend(r inquiry b1 rhe ren<lerel nrrarrs Ihal the lenderer has read and ,,cc.ntea lhc lclns and corditions rclalinq lo.rll Ihe render docrnr(nr5 ond annerrrrcs. .r,.1 rl,r, 1,. ,l;;;;;';,;;;il;:_:"1',,"0 rhe speciiicalions crd parlicrrlar. in rhc rcn(ler i"q ,i,rl r, ,ir,",. ,i.',r.,ljJl l,*rr be deenred lo be tull\ .r$rrc ot rhe latrrre.,t rhc eqiripnrenr-ot Olili.ifr",rO, oPD.IPRS.I'LrVrrSW.Str.rhced Berrazirabad , rd ,t,; i,;;;;;;;;;;;;i"]i',;l::, requirerl and slrcllbe bound lo dc,.rnL lhe Conlract ili,f"i.a *il, ",. ," basi, of rhe prices rrrd ot r,c Jctir cry schea,,f. inii"li.i i; ;,";;;,; , within the validity 01.his/her TeIder. ", i,,,,,r"iii ;:*" b) If the Tendet. is awarded rn fa,,our of proprielor / lrin"ipot, *to trlf rrrrhorized aperrt ol drsrriburor in pakisral. hr she ,f,.if l,r.. tr, Jl|olnl i clistriburor or nominee for rhe purpose of s;"".;f,,i;;;;i";i;;-"I th" and to provide after_sales sewrce "o,rt.o.t lf I2. Delivery Period, i. Shipment oflmported Ilems. Ihe slipment ofthe items ofstores which are to be imported shall be slarted as shipnrenr schedule shatt be suUririued toitre negistarlt :,}.111ll::j?S.tlrc Lralrmfln purchasc Comrnitteer PUMHSW Shaheed Benazir Abad . and shall be ltegotjahlc iId subJecr lo apprlrvill b1 tlre University. b) lhe lenJerer mu5r indi(are irr hr: her ollcr tlr< porr fionr rvhere the (qurprncnl of Physiotherapy OpD.tpRS,pUMHSW.Shat."a S"nuriluUo;lu]ti ie strippett. a) , ii. ¨ Delivery Period. a) The entire equipDenl Dlust be delivered, installed and put into operation in the Physiotherapy OpD, I.RS, ptrMflSw is ealty cs poriiii" letter of award ofthe Contract. "ti.,lr"""*t.g ,f," b) 'rhe TeDderer shalr give in the offer his/her own schedule for the deliverv anrl installation oI various items,- of The equipment ;f pfrrri"ifilrrry OPD,IPRS.PUMIISW.Shaheed Benazirabadwhich shal te ""g.ti^St" ^"a subJect to approyal ofthe Unrversrtv. 〕Dclivcrv 01 thc Equipmcn(OF Ph、 siOthc興 o匹 IPB旦 ≧ of I'hysiothcripy. opp, rpRs, delayed beyond the delivery period, as :-"]"I5 i,:ll::1: .1..,,,:o.ll rDe Lontlact. or rs approred by rhe Uriversity as srared in Clause 12 ii b) above, there shcll I'e levied liqLrid.red damages as specilied in clause 22 orthe cond:iions ofcorLract given in thl j Tender Document. ,, The liquidated damages nrrl he lraived tully or partially by the Regisrrar &Chairman purchase Commilr..e, with the appioval of the Vir,c Chancellor of the University, ifthere are reasonable grouncli ior such a delay. 13. Negotiltiolls, Under ro circumstances will the negotialious trkc place with any tendercr with regard to Specjfications and prices quoted and recd.,ur cr tlrc'publrc openi,ig oiitii"rra".. ona ,ritft regard tr) the substance of1he offe.. The tendelers cannot r.ui.. tfrii. p.i.=, ut"r the public opening ofthe tenders. 1.1. Rights ( f the Univcrsity (a) The University reserves the right reject any or all bids without any r_eason whatsoer'er, or not waive rninor irregulalities o. in uny otfi.. ii'ii upp"ur. ,n,f.," Ul)iversity that such i[egularities ol erroLs nlust ",ror. be co..ect.j in tlr" off", ,., which they occur, rhe same $ be correcred prior. 1o issue of rhe lener of be awarded b i thereun(,n. in;;;;;iJ;"y (b) T re University is neillrer bormd to accept the bu/est or any othel olfel no. to assrgn reason lbl rejectjon ofany offer. ;]r.r., l]liYr:lr"r.,,y i, i, illl reserves the righr ro arvard rhe contlact ro one bidcter or divide ir allrol1g d) llre UDiversity reserves rh" 11gfrl.19 _j]_c5asc or decrease rhe E ti'tt?ut phvsiurherapv opD. rpRs. ';; quallrity of thc n rMrsw ,h" i;;;";;i) N'auabsharr rr irs drscletrun as per SIrpM Rules "r te e) IIe University reserves the r-iohL to cancel the oi.fer ofthe tendcrer whose bid has beeD round. e\aruared ro be rhe rouesr i, ,"r,.i;;;";;;;i1r:l:n,re'er.roes,ol hare thu rlpability oI linancill rcsoIrc(5 ""."1.,r'i" or]irililies to carr].oul tlre Contrncr rn acr:ortllnr..r with lhc l(rms and conditiolls ofthis Tender [)oculneDt. 15. iii Eraluation of Bids. a) [n comparing bids the Urirelsity uill considcr, besides the prrues quoted, suclr other factors as compliance \\lth spccjfi,rations, ,"f"ur.'qr"iiir, Slores, past experience of rhe tenderer, anJ fllte;_sxles "f i, puki,,rn ,".,i... i""iriil"l'uroilobl. and the teDderer's capacity to perform. b) The.waluation criteria specifically metltioned rn the specilications will also considered for evalrration of rhe bids c) be For the purpose of evaluation, thc prices to be compared shall be thc roral piceq iDclurive ofalr duties, taxes, herght chxrsc, .n ;;;;J';;;i;;i"9 ,i l",l ,,pri."r,, rbove. ", (l For the iteDs quoted iD Annexure_C_1, the total Cla-rse-9(b) shall be compared. (iD p ces as nlentionecl For comparison of the items quoted in Annexure C_ I rr ith those quoted , rn Annexure C-1. thc total pri(c\ ,rs rnenti.,ncd in Clause_9rat including Ihe charges i osr nacking.,n,rling. t,orr.lting, ins,,rcuce. inspection guarantees. clearancr. rr.igt,,run.p"nr,iJn,,;,.,i,.'' University,s physiolherapy OI,D duu"r,,u".., t"ri"r. oiuoir-.," 16. 0rrors in the Bids. (i) Any arithmetic er rors lbund during evaluatioD ofbids will fbllowing basis: n in be rectilied on the berweeD rhe unrr price and rhe rotat li,]:::,:..1-,-tcrepanc), uDrarneo Dy rnultlptying rJre unit_price anJ qurrrtity. thr unir price , and rhe rutal priee slrall he corr(cteJ b1 the Liniveriity. price rhar [) lf there is a discrepancy between the words and figures, the amount shall prevail. is ilrall prevail in fitsures IT-08 c) If there is any discrepa.cy between.the toral tender price entered in the Articres the S.f*arl" ii'p.i."., u",.0 in the.Ar.ticles of Agreement shall be ""r"r", with the corrected schedule ofprrces. d) -l'he matter shall be dealt in accordance wirh rhe SpRItA RTJLES if yct any __InrbigLrit) persi.l. ol Agreement and rhe total shou il ii* corr"";J;;;. il;;"il,, iri"jl",or." .-.97 |i0) O*: r 17 will tenderer does nor irccepr rhe corecteLl anount of tender, his/her l.endel be rejecterJ arrd rtre Bid IJ,,nd,uLrrni,,"J;i,;;h;'i.;l;;;;:i] ;J,;;f,,".t Foreign Exchangc for Itcms of Storcs to be imported. For the items of Stores which are to be impolrerl and for which the pr_ices have been quoted or) C&I basis in Arnexure C_:, ttre Univ.rsity witirr."rgJorr-.,u i, ,fr. lbreign currency, ro the exrent ol rhe C&r o,,lulri".'rtu,"a diil,'u"*rr, its bank in pakisrarl in accordancc tt," pr",oiiing i"r"ig, ".itt, rules/regulations of thc Covernnrenr of pakisr.rrr "_"ir,*l ir'iiirri "r*-, CC‐ 01 CONDITIoNS OF CoNTRACT 1 S a) cope ofthe Contract :[i,""",i:ii :::,,"L1ffi::',:1',,',: :l:.,::lft,r,"o:,,"":, insrararion, pultirs ii'""::[:",,1,j'ffir i:r-yil:w;i,r;.'ll,',.*,r'.,"iri"loll'i'i:"r"J , , 5oecrtrcalror)s and b) Ilill of erranririe: cnelos"a i,, rt,i., lenJ". Oil,;;-";; i,,ro i:t.ii[:i " The Contractor shall within I oeriorl ofore month ofthe execution of1he a(reement *:'"n ,: Urrirersir;.a tlcraitert programTol strlply and rletivery ofr:rriou. ircm, physiothercpy opD,tpRS.pUMrisW.sti,"i.,""I :].^^11: :crrpmenl.of ii"r"?i*ura r", nt.cessary approval by the Uniyersity. l 2 ilf D".finilion of Terms In writing these Conditions of Contract, Specifications and Bill oI euantities, the lollowing words shall have the meaninps [e,.iy ,,.ri".i.i, ,."jJrl *',- ,n,r, ur th,) subject lDatter or Contract inconsistiut "ni"Jii.r" rvit'rr"fl "onrr.u"iion.,--" : The,,univcrsity shal mean The peopres University - -" / of Medicar cnEirrrrr5cl & Healrrr sciences liorUoman ShdhceJ :: B.ra,,irAbf,Lli The Vicc Chancellor.hall mcan tlre Viic (.hanccllor peoples Urrivcr.itl o[ lhe 'ii"rr)li'a*oLi,,l,ron, of Medical & Fteatrh scieDces For Wornan irr"ir*a tnr'lr-rJing hi. srrcccssor irr otfic< rncl pertainirigto rhe univ;;,ii;;i;,,*;il"?i;o;'ii';,:r'i]fiX.."0 ro act ir ar ra*ers TIe Contractor or Supplicr slrall meau tlie TeDdetet (Bidder) whose Bid has by rhc uni.,ersrty ana slau incltiJe il* -elja",:;".#i,,",r, :::l-:"::^"I-,"-, succcssors and ao,nrnrstratot's, oermitted assignees. tfr" nagiat u.& C.#,rrn Purchase Contmirlee purnhsn Slrlheed Berrazir Abad iV physiothera py opD,rpRs,pUMHs,shahecd Benazirn bad ::^,"iT,l of "ilj rhe.hquipnent nr plrysiothrrapy OpD. rpni,-r,i' v Hsr.r :i"]1.]r:ill."lo ll",rde,all or nle unrrersrly al Na\rabshih Sindlr.. lircr..uur<, nraierials provided by the CoDtl.actot uncler the Conlract. ′ ヽ lnd uri,"L. a fr" .l:,, rnean rt,c. asreernenr sigrre.t b) rhr CL,nrracror tor rhe sup|ly. l]i:::r::Tl oellvery. Illslillallor. Duttirrg into oneration irr)al delllollsttalion io. ,t,a *orti,ig of p,ysiorheiupy Ot o, tpnS. ana p.,VriiW'"ilfr"'il,;;"r.ii, of Nrwahshirh. as stated uniler llle S.ope ot the (.ot)lract ", above. thE Equipment VI The Contract pricc shall meal the sun mentioneLl in or calculated in accordirnce rvith the provisions ol the Conr'acr rvhich is ro U. p.fa l" ,fr."i",r*"iiJ, t", satisfactory execution of the Conrracr in u""oraur".'*ilfr'iil;; Contract. ;;,r.llr:;;, ", "'' CC.O2 J,,,,exed ro or issued. hcre\^,i,r,. LT,;sff:'J:i::,:i;",51J:ilIl.,,recincnions _ "' drJ\^ing' atli(l)ed hereto as well r' tlrc ''""'' "'r'i attd parrerns srnrplcs iluny. viii. ix. 3 Month shall mean the Calendar month. Writing shall inclrrde anv *p."d;"; m.rn ;,;;;;;;.;#il#;f Xi,ii,.:iTi[:i:T J,J[."1 il, orher sratement C{}ntract Documents. a) 肛 ﹂ ■¨ ¨ ﹂ The tenn Corltract Documcnl shall"I)ea[ rhe lbllowing documents which shall bc deenrrd to lorm an irrregral |Jrt ol tlle C^ntracr] irliCllillfil;lli::‖ V lf‖ Vi b) In the event of auy conflict presenr Anicles 4 lC1lCCS ,t n ee[. lhe above mentioDed docuntents, the .ber!! gre(ment and Condironj ot , :,;;;;; ;;;; r;:;il Siglring of the Contract Agrcement Wit rin 30 days of the issue of the letter H::ll lf iT]j:l,ffii]li ; nl I ;:l :im.:.""T:[:fJl{!i[::",,i. as will be comrnunieared to hirn. her l,e,n),n tlrc e,er l.;j ot.iDtenr Pacl(ing, Marl(ing nnd Handling iil All the Sr,,res. *1,.,n., irnnon,.d or locall) manutaclLrred availahle, shall be delivered lo the Unirersirr at p. oples ot Vcdical & Heallh Sciences .Unirrr"ity for Woman Shaheed Benazir AbrJ Sil)(lh.in safc and secure condition at the risk and cost ofthe Contractor. b) The packi[g, rnarki.g and handling. shall be so a,anged by rhe Conrractor as ro prevenl any loss of or damage to the Slores. CC‐ 03 CI KARACHI Port ofDestination: Name of the Ship: Nanre of rhe consigrr."llh"ll... ch_ol Lhe peonles Universir v , Of Medicai & Heolttr Scierrc.s Wornan Shaheed Benazir Abad Sindh, -."llor Nflme of rhe ( tor. onrraitor CON tMC.lOR.S NAt\,.1L & ADDRI:SS Nunber & Conlents: Net Weight & Dimeusious: Gross Weight: 1振 :,h'Brcadlll&Hcighl) Numbet & Date ofContract: Marking: PUMIsw sBAin a6in x 4in lcctanJc Case V V TranspOrtatiOn.lnd Sil:Pmcnt tl TI} Ellil:ll:1° f PhySiOthcrapy OPD,IPRS,alld PuMIIs、 v Nalvabshall All.rhose irems o/r/re f,;zlprrrear phlsiorlrelapy OpD, IpRS. pUMHSW ol tlrc Uni!ersity al \,t\!ob5lrah "fri"l, "r"'," Conlraclor shall be \hippe(l b) \ hatever mca,s ,h. at his / her risk and cost The Co r" ".*a .i,r,"'.r,ipr:;'';;fiH::Iif,:i:':ffitJ['r] ;l;i:i :l fium rrrc and rransporrarion r-,i,,,r,Jp",ii,,,,r* nofl. lli,lil1,,l,,"",r,"" 11 All. rosrs ot loa.l rg oi rtre fquipDreDt ol- physiotherap) OpD. lpRS PUMHSw ol" rhe UrjvL.r\ir) ar x,rw"b,trah fr"; ,f," *f,rl,.i'"i.rJr,.ii slrrpment aDd also the (os! of shiD $hir ,,.i,.a", i,g r,,,,ai i,,i ;lli :lilJi H','.Y Ii:; s.rprnent !onrparie)' !e.,u15 xt rhr poa uf.lrilrne.r .rd .li;;";. ,n. ro rtre 5r.tsc ";;J;:;,,;: rt,e ftacirB .q,rip,neni ;,,;i;,il.]'-.,.l; OPD.IPRS,PUMt tSW Shcheed Be;rzirrt orr boird rhc shin a'r'll r;'c lrergl,r (harres shill be to.n" t rr," v cou'rlXXrr,resr ;il:l ill, ;-Xkll:; -;r' ol 1:: U"'i,_;;,;";i i: .";ir;;,;;:J;,,;: Similarly alt cosrs Eonir puvuiw nr ,t" ofu,iuntoadin{"",rhe*iil"rprrrl'rrr .,;l;ilil ,#il; uI Pl'|vsiorherapv olD. rPRs. ",,i,, u.,,r,ing. a.,,*nits.. :,",1.J'":r':iiL.,";;,lll,l: ::i,. pon.,,l Jrri\al ir pal,i,t.ur arcl lr.lrJpunation placirrg, rl.e equinnenr ot plyriorhcr.rpllr,,tn tlte lofl ,p,,",li;.l;";; onr.,pir.rU'ri,ir.ri,.ii..,j ucrazirabaJposirior in rtr. ptr),jurhelap) OpD of rtrc U,,l,l,.i,l l',iii.i,l bonre by rltc Contractor. ln ordir ro frcii o, pr,)sio,rrerap) opD rpRs,r ;::l;.1I "J::llj[:J: lu: :-.,:l]l"il drr iriL a_(lcanng agenr * ill he c,rgaged by t'e Ui,i*,.1,i. i, .",,r,,r',.,i"r'*,ii rne^ ( ontracror. ulo \\ ilt gel rl,e cqrriprnerri ., pflr.i.,f,",,, I )PD.lPRS.pU \4 HS w. stratrreri Berrazirrrhrttct*i.i ,r," *,i,iir.J,ll1ll,r" Unrversit) ard rtre CoDrrrcror, aDd rhe (tct "iir, agerrl s charge\ "'' slrall h< t'ornc ' ''\'rrrrrg by lh( Contra(lor. rr,* ― ― ― ― ― _____― iv ― ― ¨ ¨ ― ― ¨ ¨ _… ― ― ― ― ― ― ― __― ____― ― ― ¨ ¨ ¨ ‐ … ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― _― ― ¨ ¨ ― ¨ ¨ ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ¨ ¨ ― ― ― ¨ ― ― ― ― CC.Ol iJl,itif;"?:;t:f:nr' Pnkistah nag ships should be used, as rar ;,r,*,r,io,,""rril.,,j":rJH,i,lIT with econonty arrJ etliriency. _,1i j:?t,FJ:,j[i ii",Hl".Il: e",,,i,]u"r*lli. ;']Xill",i,ln"l'u..T"'"trre^p1 orD,rPRS.PUMHSW vi. The Contractor shall send by air mail/courier dcriver,t(four) xts.or.no,r_euoriuure Vice Chancello t't Ihc PeopJes universitv scie,ces For urr ot r"u.'t r1"igr,e as Srrahee,r servi ;,;;iil ;.iiffi of ,r":,x.if ?]ill: Medical & Ileairh l[l't.;:*::l,T:]i[iiljilllj,l fi ;:iff:l;i;, b, The E(tuipment of p,ysiothcrapy Ol,D, lpllS, An. I,UMI{SW Nawabshah Manufacturecl / Availablc in pakistan i. All those irems,of rhc EquipueDr o1 physiotherapy IPRS, of thc trniver;ir) L"*"uifJ.,*lich OpD, are ro be . manuf.actured ,n,..|:lir*n, or ure ro be .rppfi.O rhe locaity available stocks (qhcl|el imporred _*rf;,"i,;;;; ,n ,uo,rror.;, n,n, be transported fronr tlre place ". ."""fi"*""., availabilrty to Nawabshah by an5, motle "f j"in,"a t"rrrprrt"iior'0. .onr"ni"rt ona suitable by rhe Contr,"ro" "fhis / her risk ouJ ;;;--* "t pUMHSw ", ii. All cosrs ofhandling, loading, rronsporration, unloai.liDg *oi'tt," and placing the Equipmenr of ph) siorn.r"py -r_rlo, ti,ns, ritl,Ilis" uniu.rrity ot Nawabshah in posiriou in fl,yrintt Opr""i rhe University shall be bornc by thc (.ontraclur. tlc 7. i"ln .*f, Pre-shipmcntandAfter_fabricationlnspcction a) fhe Ire-shipmcnt insfection..a d or the irrspecrion ol. the equtprnenl ol I'hysiothcrJpv opD,r pRS,r'uMI{s w.st s.'r"r'i;;;.inc'ipatslPLoprieto. at rhe premises, ifdesired b), lhe "h""a Contrflrro,, ,frrfi U. the Contractol ar his her own cosr. rhe ",rr"g"j;, correcrness o".iuiri,y ,i, il,. qr"ii;.';;;ru,, 'cst and adherence lo thc Sne otri iiR; ilMrls"\X':'i'iLl"i'r;,:::.ii'l: ff_"ilf#Tl"li squarely on lhe Contmctor. o, i,. rtiscrcriolr. r,,aivc prc_shipnr(nr inspecrron and il trence IT"Yl"::lll ,55u( rnc warrerll"y rn wlrr,n!.lo rtre t_qurfnrcnl of physiorhera|y pt MHSW of OpD. IpRS, ]]lir ar Nawrb.hah rlre t,rriversirl co;td be lhipped under manulacturer,s test certificate.-Iliis wuiu".,f.,"ii f.," ship for the purpose ofnegotiarirg thc letre. c) i:,,.iili1":Xi a""I"a is authorization to uJ",iL,,* l:tl,l. "i"..,1i The pre-sh iprnent insoeoiox and/or the waiver rhereo f shall in Do any abole thc ('onlraclor of any ol.lris ubligariols ' rrnder tf,i, C"ril*r. "" ' ' "" _― ― ― ___ . . 8. cc_05 Irrsurancc rbilt,e Fquipmenr oi physiorr,eri,py opD. tpRs, Jl,,rlr"ll;":l:tll:1."Li1.1.s",1,,"i,..,,,:r:e or rne unnerslty ar Nauahshah irr wlr:rlevcr uc; het"hejeemsfit at his hcrrisk and cort. I lrc prices qLroted inrheoftirof rlre a*,*","1- jf,rff ir"l,,J",n".or, ofinsurance. Ihc Conr irctor shall have ro intorm rhe_ Universiry hirn / he' br The Equiprncnr of physiotherapy th" l;;;;;;;.rangernerrs "l oiD,li;iis;;;ftftsW 9. made bv Narvatrshah OI-arrivallIrspcction There shalt be inspection ofthe Equipment ofphysiutherapy OpD, tpRS, pUMHSW ol thc Universiry ar Nawabshah.by rtie icprese*"ii;. alter alrivat in the phvsiotherapv opD of the Universitv'in ;;,r",iu,,,, or his aulho,ized refresentatives ;;;" Uri;iry pr",;"";;i ;; and the represenrati\", of th" ir.rron"" ,fr" inspcction ""tn*,ry..*f, the contiition ir'rr'fri.t itern of the -irrdicate Eq rip,Dent of Phvsiotherapy opD, purr,iris'w" rpRS, .ra Lhc uriversity ';;r." at Nawabshah has been leceirucd,. shall be srgneJ by ,fr;' ,"pr.renratives. The . Cortractor shall coordinate \\,rlh.c lnll ,frl i,,rrni,,""' lbr arrangilg lhe ins )ection at such date and time as is conveni"n, "o"tnpuny ,o ttr" nr" ,Jp.","urot;u".. "t Tatdng Ovcr relrort, which, irter-alia sho.ld "i 10. LIP,D receipt of the equipment in-the. physiotherapy OpD ofthe University ard after inspection, as stated iu ClaLrse 9 above, ,1" Uri'""r.iiy'*iii'rssue a tilkirlg_over ..'r:ificate in rcjpect of thur(, jrurs!l rhe tqutpment oi, f,[yr,"tl._py PU v{HSW of the Univelsity at Nawabshih rvhich are received iD acceptable oonlition- The taking-over of the danragea ir"-. *rrr -rr. *iirr_rr"rd until the sa.re are repirired / replaced and are re-inspccted a-ncl forra i" u"."ptufri. "o,raition. Od;ip*, ll. Insrallation ,nd Dcmonstration thc Ilquipmcnt of l,hysiothcrapy OpD, IPRS, And PUMHSW Nawabshah a). Inslallation i) and raking over of.rhe Equipmeru olphysiorherapy OpD, IpRS, ^.AlIt.rillspe-ction PUMIISW ofthe Universirv a1Nawabshirh, i" Cil,nr". c ]Ii ro utor",,l.," Contractor shall install fhose itenrs of the EqLripment ", "",.aot physiorherapy PUMliSw of the Universirv ,r Nau,abshah hi"l, ,,. lo ,;;";;;rr]itlyOI,D, IpRS, in ir the laboratories of t'he Unirersiry. Fo." rhis purpnse, ih; C"",.""r".posttioned .n"ff -Place Co-ordinare wirh the Vice Chancellor ofThe people; Urliversii; o-f M;iical & Health Sciences for Woman Shaheed Benazir Abad Sinai, fo. ,noting'r,rr"g"tlt""o fix Hardwar.t needed ibr the installatlon. ii) The cosr of hardware for instllla tion shall be borne by the Unive$ity. fte Contractor slrall provide, rlong\!ith his Lrtter, the details ;f the hardware needed for each item ofthe Eqllipmgnl oi. physiotherapy OpD, Ipt{S, pUMllSW of the University at Nawabshah separately The iechnical and other personnel ueeded for installation of lle llquipment of physiotherapy OpD, IPRS. PUMHSW of lhe University at Nawibihah shalt be provided 6y ,f* C""r.r.i". a1 his cost. 'lhe entire cost ofinstallation, conliguration, application exccpt thai of the needed hardware, shall be borne by the Co'ntractor. " , . : cc-06 llcmonstratiotr i.r Alier installation of b) te Stores itt rvorking of gn"h ;1"n .1 5,ol-ls,stated clattse ll a) above, the complete ,,ysior[empy-oeu' #:,[. fi,Ji:l;:.,ii[ili:J,":l lesutls erc. shal he demonsrr:rrctl rt,try.r" tr,c rre.ipnniJ ,"ii"i,nirJ",*^,u Ly llle ]ll;I i:[:;Ti eili Conlractor or his lechlicat pcrsunrel. iir lhe enlire.cost. inr.lrrdirrg rhe demonstration, shall be borne 12 I A. bl D.A. of the personrrel in\ol\ed lhe Conlrxctor Completion Ccrtificate Alter cornpletiol ofthe iDstallation an(j"1:ll:'l,']:''in as'slated in clartsc (Lrrrlicate is lo be obrained b" th" the llabove :t l#ul";TH,i,[[;:li]i"iJj;T:iJ,l'"li; ll; Hi.til:, #;i;:,,:l,:; fl r,.i.'u.."'.11.ilI;r,,ill,i;,i,lJlL')l,,li]1,;;r.,,;';ilr.:i,)l1;ishah 13 in rircm.raiser 'f( rms ofPayment ll e Conrrar:tor slrall be paid Pl MHSw otrhe Univeisiry a) lir Lquipnrcnr ofphl siorhcrrpy OpD, lpRS. .rnrl " cr Na$aLst,ah i, rr.,"'r.orro*i,,g irln,;; ' , '.- - CATEGORY A al。 耐hvd宙 ng hnpoi「 “ 憎 IS冊 1:路 IRttl£ Iw∫ :│ユ│:,alll:blifjご ICrSi(yヽ tI群 b) CATECORY― B 量 」 vill pay tO ぶil肥 :1踏 itthttl StOres IIn,Orted frOnl Approved COuュ trics Thc paymenr lor this carcrorv nf Equipmenr 01 physiotherapy OpD, Ipl{S, PUMHSW "'" " of rhe I rr)i\ ..rsiry ar Nawabshrh *Illbe nra.l. ii, ,*,, p"r,. r.,,uJ"r,l', PAI:l:!. i- paymcnt in Foreign currcncy An inevocable letter of credif of one hundrcd perceut (100%) 01 the p.':" in rhe crrrrencl quorcJ hy the p,t ,.,r.if.. _ir l. l&f oJnI rn Ihe country ol origin in Lrvor ofrhc principalVCon "*"i"a'i"', rracror *iiirin l0 day\ ilficr sighing thc Conrr.rct. L鮮 CC‐ 07 鮮描頸 Ⅷ獣柵littilI淋 馴惜 ° 荘 撫 illlili《 ]鮮 │:を││:lllili‖ │lil,ilirilili o Dctailcd packi1lg hst ・ y OPa 叩 線I;讐孫鵠g群 訛槻i撫 1″鴇詰 棚° 柵 ・ 濯為熱帯榊獄職雌椰 a晨 7 2△ RT‐ 2 Paymen,in Pakistani Rupces i!lilil‖ llil中 iま :│1情ill 1 n bc 棚ξ Wil:AttTinl:rtts器 駅:乱 ti:rrittbtt PaymcЫ 輛 14 Warr.anty / Cuaranfy a) 'Ihe Contractor shall warrantv rpRs, puMii;";; ;'.";,;x:1,,,1":,,1,.^*,JJiil"X1J,i r:ll ;:lTl:?l,f"i?; and operarion menrioned in rhe ;;;"":.il.;,1"11i.,. .,Conditions ," ur" Tenderels,, an<l -relevunr of (.nlrilcltlre laut Ih.rl lhe entrr( FqLripnrcllr of pl)\siolLcril I )l'D ^llol\^illrslandinS IPRS' Pl MHsw of the I Na*abslicli . 'rriversit) ;t , rhe Fqrripmenr plrlsiorherapy "n,'',?,ii IpRS. pUMHsW,", N"*rb.irli,,r. hear or tre toutrd to hear a pitent OpD. or trade mark. ,h; .l *'r"') ot b) CC-08 15 B re.Ici1 0F COntract ′U 5耐 ¶ じ 椰 椰 血 撫 鳳 臨 鵬Ⅷ Gm血 ¨ 山 山 ょ I I h mc dgncm oF■ c計 Ⅲ 、 ll踊 FtttЪ遣 品 窯鞣 器鵠 臨鳳 ∬ヽ五 謂冊 atrttΨ within thc pcriod fOr 憮 wh ft蹄 隠拙 │ヽ t∬ Univcrsityi and 五 Ц hmcⅢ d8mcmofuFunIHぎ any oFthc Othcr piOvisiOns Oi り ・ 島 llic,° ra° °rhぉ o cOnlメ y協 蘭 齢 。 1:cy器 し lis胸 よ げ胤留Ⅲ on such tcrms alld conditio1ls as it PhysiOthcrapy OPD, IPRS, PuMl tcrminatcd,and thc cOntlactol 、 vill h 樹LAttII換 社 l町 i∬ n思 憮譲 漁 Ъ 胤」 1llrhcltW器 ° 節i鮮 凛∬掛 鰤胤 Ъ 蝋 cd獅 18鷺 ° 1出 澪ttil語 器 掛輩 r‖ lollo、 ving cascs in thc〕 nallnclを lnd as I柵 酬 胤 州 猟Pmmぽ ハ 1/SIlltllけ 叩yoP2 P郎 , r認 P鶴凛ギ “ 冊l鶴 ‖ 認 ]群 鷺 ょ 「 ∬ I:品 Э │[[i!‖ i:11il£ d) ta晨 Uiiversity will lay to the Conlrictur rhe Contract price tbr the completed ,.hE The Fq,rpmcnr ol phy.iorh(rap).uPD. tpRS. puMHsw H",".i,..1''.i i'i"irl'."a ro and accepred b\ the Unirersirv and also for ,f* __"i:r.i,.i,[ ,rri",*f, Jelivered and accepted. C) Ih rhe ewen( the Uniycr.sily docs nur r(Illilatc Ihe Conftact, as provided in 'J"'*r5rrr"r"i Clause 16 a) above, the Contractol shall courinue -",l 'Li,]"ir, "t his / her Conrract. in which crsc rhe Conrracror shall b. iirui. ,"iiir. ,y fo-r liquidated damages for delay as sct out in Clause 22 until rhe Ectltipll1ent o l'Plysiurheran) olu. rpRS. rr vrrsw No*.,UJ,ai;";;;;;,;.' -',"'r" CC‐ o9 17 1:ankrllptcy a) b) :献1殿 18 よ ‖ 躊 拙 T籠 鵠∬ 襲1芸鮮 1珊比 漱 事 T(rmination Of contract a) rCalCr,thc cOntractOr inds llimpracncablc :L:鼎 :・ b) 11器 ‖ ∬]l柑IWi総 :冊 十 Ⅷ滋 淵‖ 諫樹弾聯鳥1螂lド鷺 tど i蕊 rig 11[O tcrininalc thc cOntiact by giving tcn C) nぼ 価 cC° mlact m“ 口 ns α m“ ,paymc"輛 H tt mttcぉ 耀視iⅢ ∫1:棚 ξ :管 i) TttsF:讐 ナ 器《 鮮 :↓ 「ti11:lilll][1:ili:II:[iilili ])ξ ]:l犯 │‖ 11」 issucd, as statcd in Clausc 12 and i ullllald → ]tC棚 ‖ 出::嘆 憎l壌 鷺 F∬ ]習 l:‖ tW誡 鏃 ∫ 罵l讐 鷺鷲 嘲: 前 raCt ttd価 ぬ 鉗 cn。 島∫ 棚」 臨淵 ∬樹選さ t器]ぅ 熱 借 H0 0n trIIlinmon or■ c conけ ぉ ra‰ :需 羅 鷺iR:fl,雷 til留 よ ぶ∬‖ lⅧ C° a。 ordcrly st:spcnsiOn tnnd icrlllinatiOn Of 市 ξ 榔 iC」 喜 詳 8ν 憮 gⅧ : 認絆 臨∬ II葛Ontract and thc&T[研 salvagc and lcsalc thcreof cc-t0 19 Force Majeure. l'hc Contraclor sltall not he liable lnr any ndJirionel cust or for liquidJteJ datnagcs r detay or any laiture ro pertorn) rtrc corrr'aur b,yonJ his r trcr ,:onrrot including rcrs uf Cod."ri";;s;;i ;i;;;.;'i;'.;:;;: ",. .r,,r. or ,i,u. ,,,u,f"'.rii"il or. ot rt,e tr)vernnlEnt. fires, floods, epidemic r tl;lil;ll,r; n J de aur,,, il:T; l,.,.. ",u""".." .rr{:; d(lermine rhar rhe lhe touinnrcnr "i, physiorlrerapy OpD, of lpRS, t,L,MHS\I Nruabshah ro b( lirrnish(d hr rtro c6n11.1c161 migl,, ,""L,;i;'hr". beel 1i j,I r ;'I[l.t";[t";;" otrrinea lr.,nr.otller sources irr sulficient trme t., allow thc Contraclor lo meel lhc reqrrrlerl tir[e sc redule), provided that the Conr.acror. shall ( su.h Jclay notity the Universirv in \^ritilrg,,t"i,lri.;,, rhe causcs gfrhc dcl,,y. lif,"" irnir.rri,y "f. shrll ascelrain rhe rflcs and rhe exrent of tie delay ij',i"irn,pr",ing th. supplies as in irsjudgmenr rhe tinJings jusrity. l;i;";, i.r','i.'ll*rrr, il;;"J;"'.'trn" 20 lltjecfion al Il1 the event any portion of. the of "or;;;;"" physiotherapy equipment Ol D,IPRS,pUMHSW.Shatreecl Benazirabad*ppfi"a frylli"-C"rt.ni'a, i. ffiU ll"rb." tilking ovet. to be delcctive in matcrial corfolmity with the requirements ofrte conrract, ".' "".f.r"r,frrp, tle unlversiiy ,i"iirr.r"',i".,gh, a eillrer reject or rcquire. in wrirrn,, recrillcarion ol rhe L.quipmenr nl nt,y"iort"rrpy oPD. tPRs. pUMFlSw Nlrahslah s. rn the laler *,,n ,", . **]iii"'E""n*i"Iii,, g""']ih";"il,"i *pr,." iiii'li:,.lliltl [;lli '',lriiJl:Xli::i::T't" 'p".ii"a,, .;ij'rlr'ff'lj:,fiJ,",l,1:;jT,J1T,,;j,,i; piy,.tr,",#oiii'fr,!"{. Eq,,ipment "r ofthe followillg ma/ adopt any options: i) Replacc or rectify, at its option, srrch defective rhe EquiprDent of Physiotherapy OpD, lpRS, pUMHsw contracto. the excess cost occasioned ," ,1," percent; or 1) *" said Stores ar a rcduccd 1:::li:. clrcumstances; or pricc considered equirable under rhe Tcrminate thc contract as provicred ir Contracl b) Nr*;;;;- ."i ,liril . *" u"i*r.i,y ii",'1iifr"'y ,it*, Clarse 1g of these conditio,s of Notllirg in this Clause shall affecr rrny claim by lhe University under Clause hereafler. 21 22 Extonsion of Time 11 the completion of the Contract is delcyed dLre to reason beyond the coDtr.ol of the Conrractor, the Contractor slall rvithout delay ,equest ,1," *iiiir*, n,. clairr for an extension oftime. The Ilnivetsity on rcceipt "r, to ot.suct ,"qu".t _uv ug.." erle,rd the completion dntc as rna) b" ,.,rronnl,le i,, ,1,'; 0,,, $ Ilh ,ul preiudice to othcr lenn5 and conilirion. rha (-onrrccr. Urj;;;i;,'l; ;;;;;,;;:;.;i','ii ^t .^. CC-I1 22 a) De.ay in Dclivcry - Liquirlarerl Damages Should thg p16*a....f1he CoDhact at any time be hgging bcllind the program agleed Universiry ard rhe Conrrnclor, rhe U.i*ir-ity ifl'. iXrru.ro. in writiDg and the Conrractor shall there upon take sucl.r ""tify steps as he / she may deelll iil to oxredite the progress of rhe contrau. Non-issuar* .i,rri. ,i" irniversity shaLl not in any uay absolve the CcDrracfor of "",i*'iy tle ti.lriaateJ aama'g";''r, .tn,"a in Clause 22 b) below. bcr Jveer the b) *ii fails to conrplete lfuo\,n llle .Contra(ror tn lne Lontrlct the Contract, in full or parl, within the trllle laid or ly extension thereot, there shall be <leducted ltom the Conhact Plice, as liquidated tlamages, a sullr ofone halfol.one percellt ({1.5,%) of the Contract pricc of each unit ot-the Jelaycd th" LqLLipment oi l,,liri",f,ilpy IPRS, PUMHSW Nawabshah for cach calendai rveek of delaf ,,,fri.., u,"r,r,r, ,fr" ma> illurD of five percent (5%) of the Cor)rrcct price of thc ,ni, o, ,ni'" * i'"riy"a, ura suclr deduction shall be in full salisfaction of the Contractor,s li.t,liiy i"r. U* *ia Agreslnent foih rre. 23 Per od of Guarantce a) 'Ihe tern lcriod of guxrantec shall mean the period of twelve (12) months tionr the of physiolherapy OpD, IpnS, pUiffiSW Nu*rU.f,of.,. havt beeu put into operation ald clemonstraiecl to Univelsity staff. ln any case this date on \.vhich rhe Eqripmenr pcr i ,d shall not e\cced eighleen I I 8 r tDunlhs liun) rhe drte ol taking-oter. ,,."i,iti.u,a. b) During the period of guarantee, the Conlt.actor shall rcmetly, at his / het expense, all dcfccts in dcsigrl, materials, and u.olkmanship that may deveiop o, u.e r"reoi"d und", ol the said the FqrLipment of physiotherapy Oi,D, IPRS, pUVffSW l:,n,11 .r... r\a\\aosnah upon recetvulg wrjtfell norice liom the ljrliversity; the notice shall indicare in uhat respect the Equipment of physiotherapy OpD, IpRs, PUMHSW Nawatshah are laultv c) 1'he provisions ofthis Clause include all the expenses that the Contractor may have to incu for delivery and installation of srch replaciment parts, material, and equipmeDt as are leeded lbr satislactory operation of rhe Equiprncl)t of Physiotherapy OPD, tPRS, PUI\ IHSW \awabshah at rLe Universirr premises. 24 Non.xssignment -fhe Contracror shall not have the right to assign or transfcr without the prior appr,rval of the UDiversity the benefit and obligations of the Contract or. any parr thercoi 25 Expcnditure ullder Contract The lontractor slrall not lnake any expenditure for the purpose o[ this Contract in any country not authorizcd by the Cover l1el1t ofPakis(a[ CC-I2 26 Ce|tificate Not to Affcct the Rights ofthc Univcrsity or the Contractor No cerlitjcate of the l.lniversity on account nor any surn paid on accoult bv the Un relsity nor any e\lension ot tinre lor rlrr delirery ,f,t" i,^,irr"i,'"f Phlsiotherapy OPD, IPRS, PUMIISW Nr*absluh purru*t,o "f Ciuur. id'.i,oft uff""t or prejudicc the rights of the Uniyersity againsi the Contractor nor retie\,e the Contractor his for perfor.mani due of the Conhact n. U. in,".p..,"a o. ,obligation approval of^ofthe Equipnent (]1' physiorherapy OpD, IPRS, PUMIISW wawaUstan sup:lied, and no cerrificare shall create labtity oirh" Li"i;;it;" pay for the alterations, amendments, variations etc. not ord;red in w ting by ih" U'niu"rritv o, discharge the Contracror for the payment oI damages * pay rent of which he ,/ she is bound ro indcnnify "iriy ,*r the Llniverslty nor ^*"i*i'rfl" s'hall such certilicate the acceptance by him / her.of any sitm paid alfect o, pr"pOi"" ttr" _nor riglrts of the Contraclor against the l-lDiversity. 27 Pa] mehts Due from All tlc Contrtctor costs, ascefiained damages or expenses fol which Ltlrder the Conlract the Contractor is luble to the University may be de.lucted by the University from alry morey due or ma1 become due to the Contractor under the Cortract or may be recovered by action of law ol other wise liom the Contractor_ 28 Lcgll Proceedings The Contracr and thc Tcndcr Doculnouts ar.c govsrncd by tl]E laws Uffakistal and nO pro(eedirgs to or arising out oI any of them shall l)e instituted in any courts other than thos3 situated at Nawabshah Ilyderaba<l alld Karachi, Sindh pakistan.. 29 Disl,ute Shorrld any question or dispute arise as to the material, design, constructio[ or delay in the:upplyofthe llquipment of physiotherapy OpD, IPRS;PUMHSW Nawabshah or the purpose or the perlbrmance which they are lequirecl or are war.alted, the Uni.,ersity shall nomiDate an ildependent ccrtifier cxpert having knowledge of Phyriolherapy OPD equipmcnt, etc., who will, after affording the parties ro rhe dispute an oppofiunity to preselt their contention, and after lraving tests nade as the ceriilier deerrs fit, certify whether there has been any breach of Contract or warralrty and, if so, wha. sum shall be paid to the Univcrsity rn dirrlinution or extinction ofprice, and such cedificates shall be final and binding and shall nor be questioned and shall bc acted uporr in arbitral or other legal proceedings. lhe award of the costs ofthe certitier will be \A ithin his / her own discletioD and shall be lecovcrable lionr the party against which the ( osts are awarded. fbr 30 / Arb itnrtion All lisputes and matters of difference whatsoever (other lhan those relating to the certiticate ofexpert certifier) belween the UDiversity and the Conhactor relating to all(l arisi lg out ofthe Contract and Tender I)ocumeuts shall be referred to arbitratioD rmder the ubitration act 1940 with iunendments aDd re-amendments thereof, each pany nomrnating its o$,n arbilrator. The umpire rvill be nominated by the arbitrators within tlie lirst three arbitral hearings. The arvcrd of thc arbitrators orofthc umpire shall be linal and binding upon the parties. The albitrxl proceedings shall be held atNawbshah, Sirdh Pakistal. ANNEXURE“ A'' FORM OF TENDER (LETTER OF O「 FER) 'Iender [{e'erence No. Name ol Contract: Nawabshah Dated Supply, Installation, Putting iDto opcration lrud Dcmollstr:rti(,n Thc Equipment ol Physio rerapy OpD, IpRS, PUMHSW f)f Equilmcnl in lhe Peopl(s Univcrsity Of Medical & Health Scienccs For Woman Shaheed lJ(nrzir Abad Sindh, 'nre Vice ( hancellor Peoples llr iversity of Medical & Health sciences F-or Woman Shahced Berazir Abad Sindh, Dear Sir. L 嗣¨﹄﹂. Haring examiled the Tender Docunents irohrding Instructions to Tenderers, Corditions of CoDtract, Specilicaljons, DrawiIgs, Schedule of prices ancl Adclenda Nos. _. _ for thc execulion of the above-named Co.tract, we, the undersigned, being e company cloiug business under le name and addr ess U"it n,J plete such Contract ard remed\r arny dele(ts therein in conformity \\ith the said uments ilcluding Addenda therelo othrr sum 2 -_ as may be ascertained for the Totill Tender price of (in figures and words) or in accordance with the said Documents. We understand that all the Schedules allached hereto fomr part oflhis,[.endcr. As secu ty for due performance of the undenakings and obligations of this Tcnder, wc subrlit herewith a Bid Bond referred to ln Ciausc i ofthe Instt.uctions ,l.enderers and as per \nnexure "D", in the anount (in wor,ls and figures) draw,, in favo. of or made p&bli Peol)les University Of Medical & Health Sciences F'or Wornan Shaheed Belazir" Abatl Sinc h, , and valid lbr a period of 28 dals beyond dre period ofvalidity of rhis Tender. ofRs D '-- _-tolie ChiuG We dndertakc, if our Tender is accepted, 10 cornplete the whole of the work comprised in tl,e above-named Cortact withir fie time stated in Clause 12 of the Instructions to Tenrlerers. 4 う 6 We rgree to abide by this Tender lor the period of 120 days beyond the date ofopeuing of tlLe Tender, and it shall rcmain bindiug upon ns and may be accepted at any tinri before the expiration ofthis period. [Jnk ss and unlil a formal Contract Agreenrent is signed, tllis Tender, together with your acceptance thercof, shall constitute a billdilrg contract bctween us, We undertake, if our Tender is accepted, to execute the Contlact Performance Bond relerred to in Clause 3 of the Inslructions to Tcnderels and as per Amrexure "I" lor the due )erformance ol. the Contract. ' . ' '1. 8. . ' We understand that Iec{iive, 1,611 6r. not bound to accept the lowest or any.Iender you lrlay We do hereby declare that this Tendcr is made without ally collusion, cornpa son of figrnes or arrangement with al1y other peNon or persons making a Tcnder for the above-named Contract. We confirn, ifour Tender is accepted, that all partncrs ofthejoint venture shall be liable joindy and severely for the execution ofthe CoDtract and the coillposition or the conslitution ol the joint vc nture shall not be altercd without the pr.lol coDsent of the Vice Chancellor ofThe Peoples UL iversity Of Medical & Health Sciences For Womarl Shaheed Benazir Abad Sindh, 9. . (PLease delete this clause in case of'l ender from a single finn) Dalcd this Sig-Iature day _ of iD the capacity of 2012 duly authorized to sign Tender for and ol1 behalfof Qrlame Adrlress: Witn€ss: Nane: Ad,lress: Occupation: ofTenderer in Block Capitals) ィ ・ ´一 ・ ANNEXURE‐ B TENDER PARTICULARS - TIIE TIiNDERERS MUSI' SUPPLY TIIE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR trACH ITI]M OR GROUP OII ITEMS OF'I'IIE EQUIPMENT OFPHYSIOTHERAI,Y OI'D, IPRS, l. ANI' PUMHSW OF TIIE UNIVERSITy ATNAWABSITAH: Co n formr tion the Equipment of ph),siotherapy OpD, IpllS Nawa bsh rh Whether t re equipment of l,hysiotherapy OpD,lpRS,PUN,{TISW.Shaheed Benazirabadoffered conlbrm to the particulars specified in the Schedules; ifrot, details ofdeviations must be slatcd in Annexure "F". 2. ManufacturingDetails: (r) 0i) (iiil Bmnd ofEquipment. Name and address ofManulacturer; and Country oforigin ofrhe Equipment of pl.rys iotherapy OpD, IpRS, pUMllSW lhe Univeltity at Nawabshah 3. Dclivery Schcdul€: of ' (i) Earliest date by which delivery can be alfected; (iD Complete schedule ofdelivery; and (iii) lf the delivery period is differenr lor differenr items, it must be indicated itern wise. 4. PatkingSpecification: Wh-thcr the specifications lor packing given in the Tcnder Docurnenrs will be adhercd to. ・ ・一 ‘ ANNEXT RE (CI" ・ m IuANUF, Du: by_ hours on _ (Tirne) louLey - SCHEDULE TO IENDER NO 'Ihe Tende-will be opened at Delivery orr or before (Year) 1tr,to,,rt,) DATED (r.") (Date) hortrs on (Dale) (MoDrh) (year) (Mon$) (Year) Rntcs and amount to be quoted in pakistani Rupees ilode/ I Dcsrriplion of Item No. Dctailed SDecifications of equipmc[t Ouantity of equipment's. equipmcnt's rvith Model No. It is certili,rs that: at Nawabshah i) The Equipmerr ofphysiorhcrapy OpD, IPRS, pUMHSW ofthe Univercity off:redabovecolllbrrr,irrall TeDder Documents' and ii) 1\ll the tenns lS,gra,"- "{,h, arnho,tred respects wirh the particulars/speciflcations given iDthe and conditions of the Tender Docunlenls are acceptable to us. pe,s* SEAL tl'ta.e oi th*rhorize,i p"rsonl (Name ofrhr Tenderer) ANNEXUII.E "C2" rr DrLe , by_ (rine) hours on (Dare) (ト イOnill) SCHEDULl]TO TENDER NO (year) DATED The Teldcr will be opened at _ hours on (.Iime) (D8te) (Month) (Ycar) Delivery cn or before (Drr") PART 1. (Mon1h) (Year) The rates quoted in the lable below mnst be on C&F basis. Description ot equipmcnt Delailed Specificaliors ot Q aDtity Country ot Origin of cquipment, eqlripmcnt !Yith Model No. PART 2. The rates quotcd ,3ode/ Item No. in re Table below must bc in pakistani Rupees Quantity Of equipnlcnt, (Continued on the l1ext page) ANNEXURE“ C2'' ヽ ︶ NOTtr: Ir the Tabli below. the coluntns 1to 5 ard 8 are to be lilled in bv the Tenderer before TerT der. whi columns 6.7 and I are lo ir ioirtl), by Registrar !! Chairmafl PLrrchase Conrmittee Pumhsw.Shaheed Benazi.abad or his replglglttarive. and lhe Terderer. or his reoreserrtative- rlter ooerrinr, ,rfthe lender subnritli4g_1he Co{ e/ Ite n N(.' It is certified that: (i) ii) ]'he Equipment ofPhysiotherapy OPD, IPRS, PUIV{HSW ofthe University at Narrabshah oflered above conform in all Iespects \\,ith the particulars/specificatiol1s give r in the Tender Docrnnents; and All lhe terms tour. (Nanrc olrhj and conditjons ofthe Tender DocNnents are acceptable Tendcrcr) SEAL (Sig arurc olrh: aurlnrizcd pelson) (Name of th 口 . ´ ● ● 一 ANNEXURE“ D'' BID BOND (Bank Guarantee) Guarantee No Executed on Expiry date Lettcr lry the Guarantor (Bank) to thc Employer (Univcrsity) Name ol r iurranlor I Bank.; wirh addrcss: Name ofl,rincipal (Tenderer) with address: Penal sum ofSecurity (Bond),(in figures and rvords): Tender Ret'erence No. Date of Teuder KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, thar in pursuance ofthe terms ofthc Tender and at the req.esl of the_ said principal rl enderer), we ihe Guarantor atove-narnea are treta ant rrrmry bound unto the Vice Chancellor, of.Ihe peoples University OIMedical & Health Sciences Ior Wontan Shaheed Benazir Abad Sildli, th.ough the Registrar & Chairman purchase Comrnittee pUMllSW ,acting Shaheed Benazirabrrd, {lrerei,alier called The,,Empioyer,,(,,U,iversity,,)}in the sLrm stated above, for the payment of which sum well and trury io be made, we bina ou,r"ru"r, or. rl"irs, administrators and successors, jointly and severely, firmly by these presents. "*ecrtors, THE COr-DITION OF TI.IIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, rhar whereas rhe prircipal (Tenderer) has submilted the accompanying TeDder nurnbered arrd c]ated as above tt,: sufpty, instattat;on, ting rnt,) opelation and derronstration ofequipmenr in the Erluipment of i,iysiotherapy OPD, IPRI;, PUMHSW ofthe University at Nawabshah , to the sai(l Employer (University); and p WHERIAI,.the Employer (University) has required as a condition for considering the 'l'ender tha the Principal (Tenderer) furnish a . (Universit) ), conditioned as under: said Bid Bond irr rhe above said sum to the Employer 1) that th( Bid Bond sl'nll remain valid lbr a period of 28 days beyond 1he period of validity of thc 'l ender; 2) that jn rl're event of; ´ ・ 一 ′ ︶・ a) b) c) D i0 the Principal (Tenderer) withdraws his Tender during the period o[ validity of the Tender; the Principal (Tcnderer) does llot accepr the correction of his ].ender Price, pursuant to Clause l6 of..[nstruclions to Tenderers,,; or fatlure ofthe successl'ul Teuderer to: ftlmish the rcquired Contract Perlbrmance Bo[d, in accordance with Clause "lnstructions to Tenderers"; or sign the proposed Conkact ABreemeDt, in accordance with ClaLlse 4 "Conditions of Contract": of ] o1 the 'fhen the entire sum is paid inmediately ro the said Employer (University) as liquidated damages rrnd not as penalty for the successfirl lenderer,s t'ailur.e to perform. NOW TIIEREFORE, ifthe successful renderer shall, wilhiD thc period specil.ied therefore, on the prescribed form plesented to him for signature enter irto a iormal Contract with the said Employer (University) in accordance with his lerder as accepted and fun sh within twenty eight (28) days of his being reclLtired to do so, a Contracl performanoe Bold with good ani sul'ficient surety, as may be r.equiled, upon the for.rr plescribed by the said Bmploycr (Universily) for the thithful perfolmance and proper fulfillment of the said Contract or in thc evert of rejection of the said Tender by the Ilmployer (Univcrsity) within the time specified then this ,hli83tion shsll bc void and of no offoct, br( olhonyiio to rclnaill ill full (brcc anr.l effect. PROVIDI]D THAT, the Guarantor shall fonhwirh pay to the Employer (lJniversity) rhe said sum slatel above upon flrst writren demand of the Ernployer (Univer.siry) without cavil oI argumenl and without requtrilg the Employer (University) to pLove or to slrow grou[ds or reasors for such demand lotice of which shall be sert by the Employer (University) by registered post duly addressed to the Guarantor at its address given above PROVTDIID ALSO THAT, the Employer (Universiry) shall be the sole and hnal judge for deciding \vhether the Principal (Tenderer) has dr-:ly perlormed his / her obligations to srgn the Conlract , \greement arld to fumish the l.equired Contract Pelformance Bord \r,ithi[ the time stated abcve, or has defaulted in fulfllling the said reqrlirements and the Guarantor shall pay wilhout cbjection the sum stared above upon first writlen demand liom the Employer (University) forthwith and without reference to the Pdncipal (Telderer) or any other persol1. !│[[:illl[1111ilililili4謄 ii‖ illllilii Guaranlor (Bank) Witress: 1. _- (Signature) (Nane, T tle, Address and Seal) (Siguature) (Name) 2. (Si3nature) (Narne, Titie, Address and Seal) (TitlC) (Corporate Cuarantor Seal) ・ く ﹁‘ ANNEXURE“ E" CONTRA.CT PERFORMANCE BOND (Bank Guarantee) Guarantee No. Ilxecuted on Ilxpiry Dbte Lcttcr by the Guarantor (Bank) to the Employer (University) Name of(iuarantor (BaDk) with Addrcss: Name ofPrincipal (Contraclor) with address: Penal Sum ofSecurity (Bond), (in words and ligures) Letter of A cceptance No. Datcd KNOW A -L MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that in pnrsuance ofthe Tender Documents and above said Letter ofAcceptance (hereinafter called the Documelts) and at the request of the said Principal (Contractor) wc, the Guara[tor above uamed. are held and fimly bound unto the Vice Clrancell0r, Vice Chan0ellor of l-he Peoples Unjversity Of Medical & Health Sciences For Woman Shaheed Benazir Abad Sindh, , acting through the Chairmar Purchase Cornmittee PIJMHSW Shaheed Benazirabad {hereiraftor called the Enlployer (University)J iD the penal sUm ofamourt slaled above for the payment oI which sum well and 1ruly to be rnade to the said Ernployer (Universiry), we biud ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly and severely, firmly by lhese pres.nts. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION lS SUCH, that whereas the Prncipal (Contractor) has accepted the Enlployer's (University's) above said Letter ofAcceptance lbr the supply. installation, putting into operation and demonstlatlon ofEquipment the Equipment of Physiorherapy OPD, IPRS, PUMHSW ofthe Ulivcrsity at Nawabshah NOW TH IREFORE, if the Principal (Contractor) shall well and truly peform ald fulfill all the uldertrkiDgs, covenants, terms and conditions of the said Docunelts during the original terms ol'lhe said Docurnelts and any exleDsions thereof lhat may be granted by lhe Employer (Universitr'), with or without notice to the Guaranfor, rvhich rTotice is hereby waived and slrall also well r nd truly pelfbrm and fulfill all the undertakings, covenants, terms and conditions of the Contr,ct and ofany and all rnodificatiorls ofthe said Documents that may hereatler be made, Dolicc of which modifications to lhe Gualantor being hercby waived, then, this obligation to be void, othcrwise to remain in lull force and virtue till the expiry ol the guaranty period as l,er Clause 23 ofthe Conditions of CoDtract. Our total liability under this Guarantee is llmited to the sum stated above and it is a condition of any lia|ility attachiDg to us under this Gualantee that the clainl fbr payment in w ting shall be receiv:d by us within the validity peLiod ol this Grrarirnree, failing which rve shall be discharge.l ot urrr liabiliry. il'any, lld;r ihis ( iuJrdnlee. (lhe Glarantor), rvaiving all objections and deGnses Lmder the Contract, do hereby irrevocably and i[depeDdently gua"raltec to pay to the Enlploycr (Univeniry) without delay upon the limployer,s 6tnir".rity;E hrst writieri derna,cl rvirhour cavil or irrguments and without requiring the Employer (Llniversity) to provc or to show grottnds or reasons lirr such demand rny sulr or sums up to the arnount staiecl above, against the Empkyeis (University's) wrirter declamtion that the principal (Contractor) has rcfused or failed to lrrform the obligations undel the Contract whictr payrnent will be effected by rhe GrHrantor to the Employer,s (University's) designated Bank ani Account Number. PROVIDI,D ALSO THAT the Employer (Unilersiry) shalt be the sole and linal judge tbr deciding whether the Pr.incipal (Conrraclor) has duly performed his obligations under the Contract r r has defaulted in fulfilling the saicl obligations, and the Cuarantoishall pay without oblection .rny sum or sums up to the amount staled above upon first written demand fiom Lhe Employer (University) fodhwith and \vithout any reference to the priDcipal (Conlractor) or any other pers,)n. IN WI'IN ISS WHEREOF, lhe above botnden Guarantor has executed this InstLurnent under its-seal on the date indicated above, the namc and corporate scal oithe Guali]ntor bcrng hereto aflixed anJ these presents duly signed by its undelsignecl represeDtative, pursuant to aulhority ofits govelning body Grarnnror aBank\ Witness: 1. (Signatule) Name, Trtle and Address (Seal) (Signature) (Name) 2. (Silnature) Name, Title and Address (Seal) (Title) Corporate Guarantor (Seal) ィ . .ヽ ANNEXURE“ Statement Dcscribing Deviation from Specifi catioIrs. Dcscription of Statcment ofVariatiolr from Specifications (Signature of the authorrzcd person) SEAl′ (lJame ofthe aurhorized person) On bchalf of (Nanre and address oflhe Tenderer) Reasons for Variations, F'' ∽0﹂0 > E 一 のα , ぁ“ 一 5 oト 〓 CD ヽ 0ビ 〓 OL r Ш L Z 0 00 ■ α 、一 C3●Ш 00︶ 〓 cD ヽ あ ビ y Cι ﹂0い ● 0■ ■ 0 ●︶”E上 ︶●Ш う 00 菫 ヽ 0工雨 E ゝ一〇 10 メ 0 ど Z υ O 0 0 , ぼ 」 0 0コ 0∞ 0 0 y Z ⊃ ﹁ ウに ヽ 一つ ¨ ¨ 旧 旧 日 旧 目 目 日 日 目 oZ り 0 85 gO 0 N O C O O ピう ω “ レ 0 × t 一Oh N く く 共 ^ 03 ●留 υ ぎ、 8 0 0 ● 〇 ε コ づ 0 ∽ 0 0‐ 0 N N 守 O 0 × 5 “ ∞ 0ヽ α × Cヽ (N O“ O O 寺 粛 て N 0 ■ じ 日 O 日 bO ∞ ∞ ∞ 日 0 0 じ 0 N X 日 め × 富 ピヽ て N ヽ 0 X 0■ ︵ 日 oO﹁x日 υoゝ 0 日 ヽ 0 日 × 日 E o 3 2 ■ oOo● F 8 〓 1 ・ 11 日 0 O の0﹂0 ≧ ´ C一 0ビ ∽C 一 C一o ト 〓 CD ヽ 0 “ 〓 “α σ u ﹂ Z 0 00 ■ ■ 一 0︶SEと 一の Ш 〓 CD ヽ ∽“ X ”ユ ﹄o﹄ 00 ■ L 0〇一“Eと 一∽Ш 3 00 E ヽ 0〓 ” 彗﹄ “ ¨属ω¨ め oα﹁ 日日 一 OxNOメ0一 o3 Sい う●“ヽ口 0一﹁ ^ 。 ∽ ● 一 ヽ 一 o o い工一 ﹃ 一´ 0” ︲ い N o o ︵ ■ 2 日〓o8 いし ¨ Os3 ●聟 〓 籠 t t a く1 3 ‘ 0工 っQ 2 お ●F 増 いo〓﹂〓 セ 上 OE E ﹄、¨ く 02 ● oコ ↓ヽつ0 ヽ■S てく ・ さ 028も ﹄b Oヽ︾つ ヽく∽0 一‘“¨ o > め●0¨ ●〓0 , ‘ 〓 ︵︼ ス0〓ワロげωヽ oの つヽ ﹂ ¨ 一 〓¨﹁〓ゝ ●“ コ﹂ o一・■■ 〓 く υ∽ づ■ ¨ ●● ﹄P一 o ”ヽニ , ¨ 0●〓 一 〇 , にo r ●oこ ¨ooヽ ∽ ︻ ●︶¨〓 〓 OPト 0●●● ∝〓で一こ ”︶ 一 ∝o¨ EO>〓0︶ 0年“ ¨ “づC”〓¨め●0●“¨02︵︶ ︶ , ●ω■ ●∽∽●●Чく 句﹄”O C ”一∽ 3■ ゝro〓 “m ′ い o ヽ ∽υもoこ ︶︶3 った い0〓0 一﹁ い 目 Yυ ︻ い0く “ つ 0 ﹁o M ざ 〓oo■ 一 , つo聖 ヽo も ∽ ︼ CO ● 2 ■ 0000 E ● 〓 ¨■´¨” ︼ヽ コ つ ′´︱ く ● ■こ ι卜′LL● 02 の 纂﹁ 一 岬 請¨ 略 一 話押一 需 れ疵諄 ¨ 野 篤 一 髪鋼 器 爵・ ゝ一〇 ― C一 ∽“ ぁ α 一” 一o ト 〓 Cつ ヽ のビ 〓oこ σ Ш L Z O o O ﹂α 〓 〓つ ヽ 0に よ ”α 一0﹂ 00 ■ α O●一● E■ ¨めШ 3 つ0 日 ヽ oま に E む0 口 o ∽0 ‘” ﹄ こ﹁” に つ属 ” 一■ ﹂ 置 く く ヽ一B にとυ 5︻ 9■σ口と な に ¨ 日﹄ o コヽくo 9 o , L υE υ”● ¨“︶¨>︻o ﹄o C ” O “∽ ﹁ O υ L o 一oゴロ にヽ4 ︻0∽つ ﹁ ﹁ フヨ υ 7で ソ ﹁ 一 り ´ ヽ “ ﹁ 1 ● L∽ り﹄oO S“o 一 “ω■にヽ , 瀬鰐一 増静 奎蟄 一 OZあ o﹁ 0●● 0コロ﹁Eot鮎oo■ 〓 ・■雷“魚つ ・ ・﹁ ∽E O■ ¨τ ﹄ ]︶ >﹄o︶ 一コ00 ﹄0ヽ ω O O ¨ C¨ヽ Σ﹄∽¨oυO・OF﹄ 一 にo■● ︻︶ ・ , ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ﹄ ¨ ¨¨ ″ 一 一 、 一﹂ “ いυ 一o ︶∽ r 一お 一 分 ﹂つ り F ¨“﹄に 2 ´ ・員 ω バ , ﹄につ日 ョ ︼ O sに ︻ ‘ 口¨ ∽ロ コ ﹂ ● C E ︺” b O E C “N ぼ 〇 いo ^ 〓 一 ﹂ t り 一 o ∽“υ o 目に ∽ のc﹄コ ・﹂ ω 己¨ 魚 ω一 ¨﹁ ¨ ﹁ , EO ■ oO● ”G ︻ Ч び o 口 o 一 属 o〓 ﹁ ● ︼聖 ■ ■ ︺一 ● ∽ ・ 〓0 一e b ∽0● E │ │ 00﹂0 ン , 一 ●¨” 〓上 ¨∽u │ oO﹂0〓 c ■ o“ ぁ “ ■ ¨o ト 〓 Eつ ﹄■ ヽ のα 〓 ●■ 一 Ш LZ 0 0 一 o一”Cと,一●Ш 〓 C つ ヽ ∽“ 〓 C● 、0﹄ 00 ■ ■ 一oお E 一 ぢШ 5 00E ヽ 0ま m目 む0 E 0 CL 一S ﹄■¨く く 共一 ヽ留 ”留 ∪ ● ■■> ごとき“ 巨8>引副判 ¨ ∽ 0 ● E 。どの o︼やにト ロo﹁uc﹄卜 一 ∽聖﹄03o8 く ■口o■QO ‘ ︶〓学メ¨OCO ﹄ ∞0∞00 の﹄聖 ¨”υ O一つ” 0 句L ¨ “ 0︻oO∝ Cl 00 ﹂oゝ> C 一 ∽〓 :::ξ 0 Ш α Ш N “>一 っOШら >LO∈bo つを∽こ ´ tの一 , Шコ mく ト トコ一 ト E O 〓 Q 〓 0めo● E O 〓 Ш ∽ 0 ω 0 Ш 」 : 3E Ш ■ Ш 0 、 0 oZ ∽ ヽ I: こ83こ :言 Ш Fと 0 曹 : Φ ω :書 : 3詈 』 : 言 00 ト セ エ ⊃ 0 Φ ω :言 Ш 讐 = :5D 工 gt Ш ∽ 32 31 Z0 ① 0 Ш g急 :: OШ gi 8ど :: 里3 ig く ⊃ 55 Ш 0 § : gI ^Ш O 言 言 ξ F屋= 98 0 > 0 Ⅲ Φ ^Щ ヨ: ヨ: J 0 曽 三言 ] :言 :: ① 0 」 0 ^Ш ∞ o Uヽ 以 [ 」 ① 0 OШ O _ 0 や ヨ: g fl :言 :言 :こ の0﹂0 P C一 0“ , :::ξ Ш ュ σ Ш CO 〓 Q 〓 000 ● 一年 V 一 ト 0= Ш =トZ ト ‘ ,て■ 〓てu 、C 、 ´ ●0 ●ヽ﹂0 “ミY 二 ヽくL E ヽ 一 , コШ 0 〇 一 Z O ∽ てピ トコ ⊃ ´ │ 0 Ш 0 E 0 Z D0 38 Φ Ш お Ш ≧ 詈 言 Ш 言 詈 0 :5 卜 Ш ∝ D Φ Ш :: 言 三 Φ Φ Φ > > > > Ш U u Ш Ш 6詈 ij E: Cの 工 の ≧ ⊃ Φ 0 0 E E ① g誓 ,こ ① Ш 0 ,D gこ 0 呈急 0 Ш 0 85 0 豊言 OШ 卜 0 0 Ш 0 Jさ 0 E Φ メ 曽 冒8, 8 ∽ Ш 5 , 3 こ I 26 日意 8」 菫言 2E こ目 mぉ fE 誓[ 8: CO Шo ][│ g 言 言 3 ,● 23 α セ 雪 0⊃ LR` 0⊃ 菫 冒曇 :昌 重邑 2三 留 昌I』 言曇 ∽ 」 Φ ∽0﹄o 〓 E ■ o“ ゛α 一 ”︶0 ト 〓 〓つ ヽ oこ 工 o こ σ Ш L Z O o 2 ﹂α 0 0“” 〓■ 一∽Ш 〓 E D ヽ ∽ “ ”饂た︶ 0〇一 ∽Ш 工に■ ﹂0﹂ 0〇 一 ﹂ う Oo E ヽ oご” ε む0 星 目 ,8 23 :§ L言 :こ r∽ 言 3 33 言 : α の マ こ :言 C∽ 3言 L∽ ZD 量言 ξ Ш ⊃ :昌 :こ 5厘 呈: g :g き 壬E α │ Eo3a■oooO 一 F¨ o〓 一 ヽ o2 0 8一 9一 o J6ヽ 馬Eo コ o ●D ミ∽ ー ー ー 謄 嗜 悩 層 拒 > コZ O ﹂﹂ D 0 〇 一 ■ ヽ■ 一 ■ヽ Y Oく 0 一5一 3Шもヽ 聟一 馬Eω o●Dミ﹃﹁ 言 言 』 U⊃ 言 三言 三 : ヲ 0 ゝ ヨロ ≦麿 H8 g r● ≦gξ 雪 § :3 ビ ゝ ⊃ 言讐 Ft Vも 暦6 ビむ d3 ZШ 蕩 ]: 」 :: 5言 マ こ ⊃ :I [: 0 0メ 営 : i 言 rШ 0 富 言 Lξ α 聟 J里 6ご 菫言 J」 昌言 : 0さ 0さ ζ: L【工 C、 蕩: Eさ g豊 g: ビ E: ][ こヨ ト エ 回 ≦ = と讐 “ :5 ●3 」言 = さ] ヨ: ω ≧ ‐ こ 0 の ͡ 口 C Φ Ш ト エ 0^ 0 0 臣 ト り ぁ“ 一 ■ oト ●く“く ″一 NくZЩ“●ロロエく工И 3 ∽工Σ コヽ 四ロト〓 ΣΣOυ 口∽く工0こつヽ ∽0﹄o ヽ g C一あ “ 〓 ED ヽ ぁ “ 〓 何L O Ш L Z 0 00 ■ α OE 一 0〇一 のШ ︼ 〓 ED ヽ あ “ よ ”α 一oヽ 0 2 ﹄α 0 〇一●g上 “∽u 0●oE 一 一 0こ ” E む0 Φ う σ Ш 0 0 0 、 マ β く く 共 一 〇3 8 ヽ 一 ∪ 0 E 曽 ξ88 Ш フ コO O 卜 ∽ 0 2 3 コ0 ∽ご 一 くFの 1111111111111 , ︵ ω>一 t Φ一 う0出 さ 、COF b O V ⊇ く のD ︶ 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c e “一 一 ﹂o∽oo E 型 〓 │ 言二コ ニ │ o2 の 〔邑 :き マき E き: 」3 Ш OC〇一 ∞>一 うOШ ﹂o ヽco﹂と oハく ﹁ Y うヽ 引﹁J ∞ Ш Ш 0 Φ 0 0 1 CC ll 22 Delay in Dclivery_Liquidatcd Damagcs a) b) 23 PcliOd Ofcuarantce a) b) 慇 [I稿 ‖ 1織鱗 嘱 聯慧盤 C) 11lSCS 24 Non assi.・ nmcnt ]│』 ぽ柑ふぶ ‰tttiltttlwttI譜 1鵠 留 柵rlT胤 巻 25 Expcnditurc undcr cOntract The (lontractor shall not counlry not authorizcd 鷺鵠:‖淵甘 ″ み 糀ょ ipuT¨ C° ftts cOmm h any 26, cc_12 Certilicatc Not to Affect the Rights of thc Univcrsity or the Contra$or No certificate of the Universir u )iversiry ,or :" .'r..courrr nor anv 5um pcid on acc.*rr bv rh( ;;;' ";i;;;;";'' I ;:',1*ri,:i';,;ll;ri:$iy":"I[.fi i"]',::?,, :i ;[:," i;:lr:;,;i .Srinst the conrracror nor r.lieve , ,,nrru"ro. rhe rri, ll1:velsitv oi" t'9'to'n."t" t'i llre conlracl or bc interprrrcd;; 'i,. "trlr,l*'riieJ rrpproval of"r,r,. lqri"r,,,"r, oPD' IPRS' PU\'lHsw \aurbshah "ir.,l'hv{rorr':'.aP) rrrricd. and creale liability oI the Lniversit) ro pi]y ror rhe "" .1r..;alionr. ijiilll nor ordercd '|o;";ii:'-:'' irr uriting bv ilre I n1vs,";1, ",*"a, "",,,.,' "", iiircharge rhe o,' c*,r".i"i ur of anv .,,,n ugoi^i',t"o pa.4nent ol' wlrich rre strc 1'l:ges ,. u'urru ro lnoelrnll) r1 Ihe universilv nor :hall srrclr LeltillcaLe nor ,r," ,"""n,-"" l 3n) srrm paitl allect or preiutlice rights oIthc con r rac,;. ra" rhe i,,ri ,l'J',i',,,,l"tLo ;!;i;;;i; sL ".iljj'il',:l 年′ ●Z Pa./ments Due from the Contrxctor Ail r;;l costs. asce(ained daDtages or ;*:ltli:*;:H"f l.rq or ortrer wise 28 e\ d"#lilli ,," fr;,n"_i",*i]",1i0", il",:T,:11 t[ :":,,:,,r,:l Conrrdcl or nrJ) be recovered hy icriorr,tr Legal Procecdings The Conlruct und th( Tcnder Doculn proreedings rrrosc,irua'red ar", "r*lra "r, . 29 i,t.luti:: ;;l':tlti ,;;;;i,,;'il.il}i"'., t'c governed h1 lhe larls of Pnl(istxn ind no couns o,r,c.r,c,, lililll:ff il:ffLin,dny Dislrute Sho,rld any question ol dispurre urise cs ro the thc.uppl) olrhe Fquipn)enr ol. ptrv,iotheraplnrarerial. dcsign. consrruction ordclayin OlO. fln SI [Lin ftiiv,,ili*"t,t,ut, o. (he urpose or the perforlnance l for 'Joril.J';; Ihe) arc reqrrired or are warrrttrecl. rhe uri, . ,r"rt l;1.,:l'i"l]. ","i,y ,hys iorhcrapy opD . il:ti:',1:,iTiLT,.iJlIii,,],i:lll:.i::llT,ti,lJ an o,,ponunity to preseur lheir conlFntion. and altrr ltrving tests ;nade as the ccltlier deen s fit, certify uhether there hns ht hreach oIcor]rra(t or warranrv a,cl, if soJ *r,","r,,., Juri-[" iui;;; '']v orexrinction ot priie. and suth cenr.cares sha, be ri,,,t ,", rrtrrrr Ix'r De que\lloned and sh.rll "'" ^,,,r,^..'?-ll'-llT,intrliorr ullon in irbilral o. o,h"|. l.erl hc acled The arrrrd oIrhecosts of lhe I,u w rlrin his r,* certillerwill ": ",* , -...,'... ,, -,. sna be recoverable liorr the pin) "", ai.."^i"il#tng.. t.c u,,sts irre awirdeLl.. ognin:r uhich e;;i;il #;;ii.'r:" 30 Arbitration AIl.d sputes and mrrters ol dillerenc rrlrelsoever loll)rr lhin lhose rel.rring ro the cerrrrcare ol cxpel ."rtifi"r) b"t*.", I cnsrn : our orrhe cor,,,o., ro and uua uc rErelreq lo arbitraliun ltt( atbitmtion act la4U uilh r"na..'J"n"uu:[:l:,ll:,li:h.::::rracror,reraring l ld(r nlnend re-anrcndmenls tltercor. rtomir arrng ir, o*n uruirrrio.. ' eacir prrrJ t't,;'J;::l': fl'l ljl. il *., yl,t, TlriITd*, # iff pakistan :,, dll\awbshah. Sindh Ii: ililll,;l:x",1. 5 ff : l:fi ;.:]xil .,u,,,(, I,roceeorngs shrll be hcld ANNEXURE“ A'' FORM oF TENDER (LETTER OF OFFER) Tender Ile teretce No. Name ()1 ( ontract: Dated °° 押臨絆轄 ・・ ‖ l脚 il:R=:品1器 llllM` 請職驚littti鮒 密虚 ギ 猟鶏 、 RHCm&Httn sden“ f Narvabshr h s The Vico (lhaucellor Peoples Ur,iversity of Medical & Heallh sciences For Worna r Shaheed Benazir Abad Sinclh. Dear Sir. 1 ¨ SJ 燎 ツ Cmm軋 蹄 dimmna輔 鴨、 駈 れに ご h∝ s 10 Tenderers, and Addenda ξ above-naued L Wヽ lhc undclslgned,bclng ttom盤 l」 oif]i:Iよ l:s∫ inl:i the nalne and fII:曇 and lreing dllly incorporated ,nde, the lav,,s of p,rkirt,n l.,"r"by Contracr and rernedy any dei.ects tfr*"i" i. off"r; and "*..r,r" Jtir't ` said ii:*:-.:r"l hduang Addcnda alま clo ftDr ti[ lIIi DOcumcnts "oif"r,_ty ■き ifcl・ iit" Of Rs 9° r such ::ul鴨 ty斑 dhEi 2. We mIA・ も utderstand that all the Schedules attached hereto f-orm part ofthis l.ender. As sicurity for due performance ofthe Lurdenakings ancl obhgations ofthis Tender, wc srrbr:rit herewith a Bid Bond refened to in Cfause of the Ilsiruc'iiorrii ende.".s und u. per r\nnexure ..D,,, in the amoult ofRs. worrts and tiguresj dr"*" iii ,rr"a.p.1.ubr;r;-rrr*ar". .m,"(i' PeoJ les university of Medicar & Ilealth S.r"n"", t o, woniun irrutl-"a renori, at oa Siud \, , and valid for a per.iod of 28 dals beyona the perioJoivatidiif i r*", "i", of,f.,i, 3. We lmdertake, it'our l.etder is accepted, to complete the whole ofthe work comprisecl in th: above-na,red coutact witbi.ihe ,tui"a i,, lnstrucrions to Tenderers. ii." 4. ftna., "l;r;;'i;;f,;" We agree to abide by this Tender tor the period of 120 days beyond the clare ofope[ing of thr Tender, and it shall renain binding rlp." o-"".'pt"a nt ,ny rir.," b(,tijl( llte expiraliull ofrhis * ;;;;l;' Jreriod. 5. Unler.s and until a fo Dal Corltraet Agrcencnt is signed, rltis lender, together with your arcel tance thereoL slull constitute a birrding.o,,,.Ja, Ua,r"".r-r.i' 6 "". if our Tender is accepted. to execute the contract perlbrmance Bonil reten rd to in Clause 3 of the Insttucrions ..1,, io lbr the due p,:rfbmrance ofthe Conlract. w^e undertake, .r;"."" ; ;;;;nni'xure 7 v′ c tindcrstand that yOu arc nOt bound tO acccpt tilc 10、 r(ccivc & littnll∬ vcst or any Tcndcl yoll may rttlご 鷺tPxC鳳 、 珊 ∬ ttt瀾 増 IЖ T'棚 棚i鷲『 『 述rtncrs ofthc」 dnt Vcmurc shan bc haЫ c ・tr,Ct and thc cOmpOsidon Orthc cOnsatu● 。 n of 器 鑑 漢 辮∬ {淋 枷畷 l, D.'ted this Siltnature day of in the capacity ol 2012 duly authorized to ;ign Tender for and on behalfof (Name ofTerderer in Address: Witncss: Na ne: /\d lress: Oc( upation: Bl""k C"p,t"l, ANNEXURE‐ B TENDER PARTIcuLARS . THE TEI,{DERERS MUST SIIPPLY-TIIE FOLI,OWING SPECIFTC INFORMATION EACH rrEM oR cRoup oo FOR , .. rpRs. AND puMHSw oF rHr uNrvErrsrr\ .,:Iyj.-9lll.,r,r ruiweiis.iiinl' opD, "qu1"M.^ii;.i,.rrysrorr*lRApy ^r 1. Cr whcdrer r nformation thc Equipment oI ph),siothcrapy Ol,D, IpRS Nawabshah he ecluipmcnr of rJhvsiotherapy opD,rpr{s,puNIHSw.shaheecl Berazirabadoffered in ti," s.r*a,r.r',r."i, i",'l,ri fi.Iluiutron, 'p""in"d n,u,t b" ,rut"a illil:lt;:Jl;t*,,",1,'. 2. Mr nufacturing Details: (i) {,r) fiii Brand of Fquipmenr. Nall)e and address ofN4allltlcuurer: aDd Countr\ ot.oriQin ofth. Fq,,ip,n"nt-,,i nt,y.i,Jlhercpy OpD. IIRS. pUMIISW the Univer,ity at Nawcbshah 3. Delivery Schedulc; . 1i) {u) (iii) 4. ol Farliesr dare by which delivery can he ctlectcd; sclrcdrrle ofJclivcrl: anrl If the delivery period is ditl.urnt lbr differcnt items, it must be indicated itern wse, ( ompler< PackingSpecificafion: wh(ther the speciricarions for packing given in the.fender Documents wir be to. adrrered ´一 . ‘ ANNDXURE "C1" FORRII oF scHE R PHYSIO NAWABSHAH .I' FT MANUI.AC Drre by- _- (rime) hours on (Dare) (Month) SCHEDULi:To TENDER NO 1he Tendrr will be opened at Delivery on or before (Vear) DATED _ _- (l ime) (rr"r.) hours on (Daに ) (Mon雨 (YeaD (Mol,rh)_ (y"*) Ratcs and amount to bc quoted in pakistani llup€es Code/ Description Itcm or No. equipmcnt Detailed Specifications Quantity of equipmert's. of IJnif equipment's rvilh Model No. It is ccrtifi( s that: ar Nawabsh, i) olf(,red 2l6ys c611erm iD all respects with the particulars/specifications given ill the Terder Documents, and ii) All fsgmr,,- ord,e (N^m. The Eq uipmenr of physiotherapy OpD, IPRS, pUMHSW of the Universrty fi the terms and conditions ^,rh,,az.d ofthe Tenciel. Documenls arc acceptable to us. p"rs,xr SEAL "irh-i,r,ild (Name orLre fe.sor, 'enaa*i- ANNEXURI] "C2' ″ ● ^´ Duc by_hOurs On (Thnc) (Daに , (MonJl) SCHEDULE To TENDER N0 (rar) DATED The Tender will be opened at hot:rs On Omり の.。 。け α∞0 Dclivcry〈 )n or bcForc の40 PARTl ‐ -繭 Thc ratcs quotcd in thc Tablc bc10w nlust bc On c&F basis CO(17 Description 1lenl OT No equipment Detnited SpecificatioDs Qrrnlrty ot cquipment. cquipmcnt ot U‖ it Currcllcy with Mo(l€l PART2 Tlle ratcs ql10tcd in tilc Tablc bc10w nlust be in Pakistani Rupecs (,odc/ 1tl m No Quantity Of equipnrent. 2 (CoDtinued on the ncxt page) ¨ ● 、 一 ヽ . ヴ ANNEXURE“ c2'' NOTE: Ellle the co Commit … ctl in b Benazi … … ∝ 一 囲 lmns l submitti!g the W 0 ¨ 一 一 S ︲ h In thc ]〕 blc bc10、 v cd i r by Registrar_l& LjIq, and rhe (:Ode/ "enl No. Il is cer1llled th.nt: °憎鳳樫 1器1::躙 :鳳 罵 器P」llゝ 詰 l総 幣 wi路 盤 器lcmom giv(n in thc rcndcr DOcumcnts;and ii) All rhe terms and conditions to uri. (Nam. ofthe Tercler Documents are acceptable ol$ i ttndeM) ngndttc。 れは amO■ κd pesm) 1Nar" ofrne "rrt o.ir"a p..s..i SEAL 一 ● ″ ANNEXURE“ D'' BID BoND (Bank Guarantee) Guarantee No Executed on Expiry date Letter b1 the Guarantor (Bank) to the Employer (University) Narne ofi;uarantor (BaIk, Name ofl,rincipal (TeDderer) with addr€ss: u ith address Pcnal sunn of sccurity(BOnd),On ngurcs and wOrds): 'ltnder Re f'erence No. Date ofTender 洋‖蔦威i謂│∬ i請15糧 ittlξ T鳳 ぶ∴摺:::R鳥 謂:¶ :Lttl∬ り t蹂 蘭 dB° nd山 訓 κ min湘 写 2) that in tlre event of; ‖ ぉr a pttOd Of28 daぃ 晩 yOnd ttc p“ Od Of湘 dけ ′ 一 ・ “ ● 一 a) b) the principal (Tenderer) withdraws his Tender during the period validity ofthe Tender: the princjpal (Tcnderer) clo_es uo_r acccpt the correction Plice, pursuant Lo Clalrsc lo o[..1n]tr,,.,ion.,o of ofhis Tender ,.,', t.na"."r]l;,o, c) り failure of the successlirl Tenderer to: furnish the requiled (.ontracL pr-rformar nce Bond, in accordance with Clause 3 of "lnstructions to Tenderers,,: or H) sign the proposed Contract A...reement, "Conditions of Contract..: in accordance with Clause 4 of the Thcn tlle enlire sulll is paid irnmedialely ro rlre:cid Enrployer (Univ(rsity) as liquidJlc.l Jcmagcs rnJ nol as penalry lor the successhl 1.",1*"rl ;ill,;;i;, ;;;;] NOW Tf ERIIFORE, ifthe successfu tr,. p,".",iuJio..l;,;;;#;T.,;1'1,"*;i,:i:i,HlillTfl:;:lE"..lTiJlLTil:T: '"J;,":';ft;l.:il,r, Employer (Univelsity) in accorctanm *i,rl rri, r"n.r".'". wirhin rwenty eighl t28 days of his being reqrrired r,, cio io. a 1.on1pxq1 p.rf,.-"",,*,ii",,A 'p;;;;;r#,t'"0"r,,,i" r.rirh good irnd su,rcrent sur*y. as may be reouired, Lrporl ,h. (Universiry) for rhe ,",0 on.,o,or", lairlrrirl perlornrarree cnoprop". rrLlrri""r,'"i,i.iruiJ,t.o,,,,,o., o, in ,t,. event of tijection of the said Tender u]lto'o'"' (unjversil)) withil the time speciieJ tlren this .bligalion sha be woid o1 no cfferr. uur ulher wisc to remarn in l.ull ",roltn" il;, etlbct. fi;; ;;; PROVIDI D THAT, rhe Guarantor shall jonhwith pa) to sum srate(l above upon filsr wdten iJ:]fl:'i. l"i,.I'Hil#:liil:.,:; Employer (University) the said _rhe of ,f," i:_pf"y.i wittrout cauit o. lfirii..si'tit t-r,proyer lUni,ersiii,'," ,I"". gruur ds or denrcnd "i',i',r,",v ,"gi,t"."a ,o,t oury u.il,;;';;r:;ll;1,:l;1,*,bir.r},]:.?,,S.ffi?loyer luniv-ersity; tl PROVIDED ALSO THAT. the Fmnl6ygl (University) shall be thc sole and final judgc ibr deciJing u hethe' the princinat r lenie.er r hr. drty p", io;;;; ni :' r,"."oir]*I,,,,n. ,o .,gn ,,," Conrracr ABreenrenr and ro rrrrrislr rhe.r.eq,ired "rJl,T e;",r""; *,,n,,, sLared abore, or hcs d(lirutred in ,rtfi,ing rhe ,.id-,.q;;r.;;;;;';;i.,r,."lii.rn,or,rrrt withuut ol ieclion rhe sun) sldleJ poy above writren .la.""l- 1i,., the I.mplo)er r rrr\ ersrr) ) Ibnhwirh and wiLhoul relerence trporr ro rh" p, p;ij;.;;:" fis i".iii ;i;;;;";il, ,r",,.. "lr'o,,,.. o.,,on. │[llililli#ll111掛lilil‖:ii‖ il‖ Guarantor (Ba11k) ヽ Vitncss: 1 (Si!nature) {Name, T rle. Address and Seal) (Signature) (Name) 2. (Silnature) (TIJC) Namc,Tiこ π面扇露雨裏乃 (CorDorateGr,o.r.ro-S.ol)- #llli し ・r ヽ Aヽ ■ヾ EXURE“ E'' CONTRACT PERFORMANCE BoND (Bank Guarantcc) Guamltee No. Executed on Expiry Date Letter b,,,the Guarantor (Bank) to thc EmDloyer (Uniyersity) Name of Guarantor (Bank) with Addrcss: Name of Principal (Contrac(or) with addl.ess: Pcnal suin ofsccurity(BOnd),(in wOrds and ngurcs) Lelter of ,\cceptance No. 冊Iぶ T鵠 轟‖ :,1鑑 RI臓 :骨 Dated 1∬: Our t01al li[bility undcr this cuannicc is limitcd tO thc sunn statcd abOvc and it is a cOnditiOn ofany liability attaching to us undcr this Guarantcc til・ nt thc clainlゴ Or paymcntin、 型 Titing shaH 晩 祀面 鞭 dぃ M絆 ´ ′ ヽ ヽ dischargcd oF our liabil l″ 鵬 濯 げ 血 SQ"m鳴 服 laralltcc 枷 鴨 朝 th¨ 鋼 浣 ヽ ス /c, r.aiving all 域 ∝ 船如d“ た 、ぃ [1n:-9::::11".], ツ 瑞よ 革 胤 織器 ξ 』 渇写 l胤 fl踏 l織 w‐ ,姜 ∵ ●イ ■‖ ■ ∼ mK群 ψ 出 悧 ド :現 o algtlmms¨ 話 lfw‖ :I 器 培 1:哺 … d tttf… 1癬 IIIⅢ 性 … ii[1墨 卜 Tutwl:‖ “ 淵 1:Tよ VC∝ b"OW tl に 、 W:1llilll Pnメ 瑠 お 『 it卵 "i鵬 objections 1° and cierenses '。 IIぃ ^… ,、 )t?pay 10 thC Emp10ycr iザ OyCr b pЮ 1ド 高 ‖ lytl‖ I蝋 留 1崎 1::liT胤 肥 ∫臥け l需 a印 h, 躍 ぎ 鷺 ili中 、 ぃ│ヽma │ cOmmo。 ^ lnt Statcd abOvc, against づ高 品温 l淋 :1淵 ^1、 _: ^,,■ mcr.ndPJ Ih:Ъ "` "Cd abovヽ ∫ fallcdに 鵠£ P。蹴ri■ 器 h¨ ∫冊c 需 doror oЫ bH[a● Onぐ ,inH.,ハ _ハ __ヽ _ , ntractOr)has rcrtlscd ` Кn Pa"ncm ttlbc c∬ Cuamnl,ぅI。 Cuam¨ l bC cftccに r101hc Emメ Oy∫ ■cEmメ d by mc Oycrsξ rU面 vcr● ヽ月´ Fl量 」lfIPaギ W‖Numbcr そJI縛 ∬ I島ハ理 おに :拓 Bank and TCm AccOunt 』 =Ш gЮ unds or rcasOnsお l■ l堪 ぉ hl:‖ l‖ 面話ζ 儡詳滞 、 ぅ 祀 ■ 'く 重 lili[lili:iIII::│1llillllll#‖ Guarantor (Bank) ヽVitness: 1 (Signatule) (Signarure) ¨ ¨ (Name) 2 (Silgnature) (Titlc) Nam、 ■ and Adに s cc→ “ Co.po ra te Grarun ls.al y- i ´ .゛ ︶ ANNEXURE``F'' Statenrent Dcscribine Deviation from Specifi cations. 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