FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANlZAnON OFTHE UNITEDNA110NS HEALTH ORGANIZA110N E ConferenceRoomDocument82 Englishonly Humans tory confirmation. Only the index case(primary There are two reporting systemsfor communicable diseasesin Sweden(Table 1): case)in eachherd or flock (epidemiologicalunit) is reported. i) Diseasesthat arenotifiable underthe Communic- Food ableDiseaseAct. Thesediseases arereported by the physiciansand by the laboratory. ii) Diseasesthat arereported on a voluntary basis In addition to the abovementioned notification in animals,finding of Salmonellain food of animal by the laboratories. Figuresincluded in the presentreport are mainly basedon notifications by physicians. origin is alsonotifiable. In official samplingSalmonellais notifiable in all food items irrespectableof its origin. There is currently no reporting systemin place,wherethe NFA automaticallyobtains results Animals from the microbiological investigationsof food and food itemsperformed by the local municipa- In Sweden,certain diseases are compulsorynotifiable alreadyon the basisof a clinical suspicion.In lities. such cases,an investigationto confirm the diagnosis must alwaysbe made.Of the diseases listed in Table 1 the following arenotifiable on sucha basis: Feed tuberculosis,brucellosis,rabiesand salmonellosis. Other diseases or infectionsarenotifiable at labora- ment wherefeedis producedis notifiable. Findings of Salmonellain feedor in the environ- Table 1. Notification of zoonotic diseases/infections in humans,anin1aIs,food and feed. Only zoonotic agentsdescribedin the presentreport areincluded in the table. Humans I Animals Disease! Disease agent 1) Slaughter-house Food inspection DISEASESCAUSEDBY BACTERIA Campylobacteriosisl Campyiobader spp. i Yersiniosis I Yersinia enteroco/itica Tuberculosis! Mycobacterium Chlamydiosis {Psittacosis. bovis 5) OmitosisJ/Chlamydia psittad c v c II c s N6I c N7I Nil C Notified by physiciansand at laboratoryoonfumation. 5 Notified on suspicionand at laboratoryconfirmation. N Notifiable at laboratory oonfirmation. V Voluntarynotificationat laboratoryoonfumation. 1 Only the index (primary) caseis notified. 2 Fmdings of Salmonella is notifiablein feed. 3 Infection with Borreliosis Borrelia burgdorferi spp. DISEASESCAUSEDBYPARASITES Cryptosporidiosis/ Cryptosporidium spp. v Trichinosis! 7nchine/laspp. c N N Entetohemhorragic E. coli notifiablesinceJanuary 1996. 4 Only cases whereoonnection with clinical infectionwith VrEC 0157 in humans exists.Notifiable since October1996. 5 M tuberculosisis also DISEASES CAUSED BY VIRUSES Rabies! Rabies virus c 5 notifiable. 6 Notifiable in ruminants,pigs andhorses. 7 Notifiable in birds.
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