PlanetData Network of Excellence FP7 – 257641 D12.1.1NorthPole Case studies: definition, requirements and design Coordinator: David Norheim, Computas With contributions from: Jens Kilde Mjelva, Computas; Dumitru Roman, Sintef 2nd 1st Quality reviewer: Irene Celino Quality reviewer: Steffen Stadtmüller Deliverable nature: Report (R) Dissemination level: Public (PU) (Confidentiality) Contractual delivery date: 30.11.2011 Actual delivery date: Version: 0.7 Total number of pages: 31 Keywords: LOD case studies, applications, use case specification, architectural design PlanetData Deliverable D12.1.1 Abstract This document introduces two case studies / applications for consuming Norwegian linked open data motivated from end-user needs combined and the value added by considering integration of new data sets. The applications’ aim is to show practical benefits of aggregating open data for end-users and for data journalists. The two case studies are called Regional Development and Environmental Friendly Behaviour. The case studies are described with a problem description and exemplified using storyboards. Furthermore, the two applications are detailed with requirements specification, high-level architecture and design. An initial validation plan for the case studies is outlined. This deliverable is meant to indicate and guide the development and validation process of the two applications. Page 2 of (31) Deliverable D12.1.1 PlanetData Executive summary With the recent interest in LOD, combined with the highest Internet penetration in Europe after Iceland, and second only to Sweden on mobile internet access in Europe, Norway offers interesting opportunities for becoming a great testbed for consuming LOD data. In the context of PlanetData we aim at establishing such a testbed – PlanetData-NorthPole – by creating applications consuming Norwegian LOD. In particular we aim at providing case studies in highly sensitive domains for governments and the general public such as regional development and environmental friendly behaviour, with a specific localization on Norway; improve the existing Norwegian LOD and extend it with new data sets to support the proposed case studies; and provide guidelines for other countries in the use of LOD for regional development and environmental friendly behaviour applications. This document addresses the definition of the two case studies, the requirements specification, the architectural design of the applications supporting the case studies, and the preliminary validation plan of the two case studies. This document is meant to provide the necessary information so that the tasks of prototype design & development will be able to deliver the needed applications for validation. The criteria for selecting the case studies for Norwegian LOD has been based on various aspects such as: existence of a clearly identified end-user, with a clear need, allowing verification of the apps created; consumption of several Norwegian data sets; availability of data sets as open data, preferably as linked open data; potential of each additional data set to brings additional value to the application; possibility for the apps to be replicated outside of Norway by configuration and/or making similar data sets available, etc. A preliminary analysis of such aspects resulted in two case studies in the area of Regional Development and Environmental Friendly Behaviour. The Regional Development case study addresses the problem of how to speed up and improve the process of collecting and aggregating data for monitoring regional developments. This has resulted in the specification of use cases related to configuration of new data sets, visualisation of data distributed over regions, access to relevant data for specific municipalities in Norway. Based on these use cases, a set of detailed system requirements and a system architecture have been derived and are presented in this document. This case study shall be relevant for data-journalists in Norway, both from the broadcasters and news agencies, who have requested a tool allowing ad-hoc combinations of datasets in their regional footprint. A tool based on linked data will increase its value as new datasets become available. Visualization and investigation should also be available for public use, allowing citizens to drill into public data. User workshop testing and questionnaire will validate this case study. The Environmental Friendly Behaviour case study addresses the problem of deciding the most environmental-friendly transportation options when faced with different transportation options for a short regional trip, given constraints like time, weather, traffic and private preferences. This has resulted in the specification of use cases related to access to transportation alternative(s) to next scheduled meeting in user’s calendar, and visualization of various app-generated transport alternatives in the calendar application. Based on these use cases, we present a set of detailed system requirements and a system architecture. This case study shall be relevant for any citizen interested in applications assisting them in environmental friendly behaviour. User field-testing and a questionnaire will validate this case study. Page 3 of (31) PlanetData Deliverable D12.1.1 Document Information IST Project Number Full Title Project URL Document URL EU Project Officer FP7 - 257641 PlanetData Deliverable Number D12.1.1. Title Work Package Number WP12 Title Date of Delivery Status Nature Dissemination level M14 Contractual Actual version 0.6 final□ prototype□ report □ dissemination □ public□ consortium □ Acronym PlanetData Leonhard Maqua NorthPole Case studies: definition, requirements, design NorthPole M14 Authors (Partner) Name Partner Responsible Author Abstract (for dissemination) Keywords David Norheim Computas E-mail Phone +47 95946949 LOD, Norway, Application Version Log Issue Date 2011-11-06 Rev. No. 0.1 Author David Norheim 2011-11-08 0.2 Dumitru Roman 2011-11-09 2011-11-11 0.3 0.4 Jens Kilde Mjelva David Norheim 2011-11-11 0.5 Dumitru Roman 2011-11-11 2011-11-18 0.6 0.7 Stig Dørmænen David Norheim (ed.) Change Intial version collected from wiki pages Minor changes and comments to the content Added more details on use cases Completing the sections on architecture and methodology and validation Overall improvements to the document, focus on abstract, executive summary, introduction Review of architecture Based on comments from reviewers. Page 4 of (31) Deliverable D12.1.1 PlanetData Table of Contents Executive summary ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Document Information ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................................. 5 List of figures .................................................................................................................................................... 6 List of tables ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 Abbreviations and Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 8 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 9 2 Motivation ................................................................................................................................................. 10 2.1 Why Regional Development? ............................................................................................................. 10 2.2 Why Environmental Friendly Behaviour? .......................................................................................... 11 2.3 Problem statements ............................................................................................................................. 13 2.3.1 Regional development ................................................................................................................. 13 2.3.2 Environmental Friendly Behaviour .............................................................................................. 14 3 Case studies specification ......................................................................................................................... 15 3.1 Use cases descriptions ........................................................................................................................ 15 3.1.1 Case study Regional Development .............................................................................................. 15 3.1.2 Case study Environmental Friendly Behaviour ........................................................................... 17 3.2 Requirements specification................................................................................................................. 19 3.3 Architecture ........................................................................................................................................ 24 3.3.1 Regional Development................................................................................................................. 24 3.3.2 Environment Friendly Behaviour................................................................................................. 25 3.4 Sketches of user interfaces ................................................................................................................. 27 3.5 Development methodologies .............................................................................................................. 29 4 Validation .................................................................................................................................................. 30 References ....................................................................................................................................................... 31 Page 5 of (31) PlanetData Deliverable D12.1.1 List of figures Figure 1 – Open data sets related to Regional Development. Lines are potential links. ................................. 11 Figure 2 - Some relevant Norwegian open data sets related to environment and transport. Lines are potential links. ......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Figure 3 - Regional Development Story Board ............................................................................................... 13 Figure 4 - Environmental Friendly Behaviour Story Board ............................................................................ 14 Figure 5 - Architecture of the Regional Development App ............................................................................ 24 Figure 6- Architecture of the Environmental Friendly Behaviour App........................................................... 25 Figure 7 - Illustration of a possible user interface for the Environmental Friendly Behaviour app ................ 27 Figure 8–Illustration of a Geo Chart................................................................................................................ 27 Figure 9–Illustration of a Geo Chart with details ............................................................................................ 28 Figure 10 - Scrum methodology ...................................................................................................................... 29 Page 6 of (31) Deliverable D12.1.1 PlanetData List of tables Table 1 Use case 1.1 ........................................................................................................................................ 15 Table 2 Use case 1.2 ........................................................................................................................................ 16 Table 3 Use case 1.3 ........................................................................................................................................ 16 Table 4 Use case 2.1 ........................................................................................................................................ 17 Table 5 Requirements for case study 1 Regional Development ...................................................................... 19 Table 6 Requirements for case study 2 Environmental Friendly Behaviour ................................................... 21 Table 7 - Selection of required capabilities for the visualisation library ......................................................... 25 Table 8 Platform decision comparison table ................................................................................................... 26 Page 7 of (31) PlanetData Deliverable D12.1.1 Abbreviations and Definitions LOD - “Linked Open Data”. Data sets publically available following the Linked Data principles1 Data Set - A collection of related sets of information that is composed of separate elements but can be manipulated as a unit by a computer. (Oxford Dictionary) 1 Page 8 of (31) Deliverable D12.1.1 1 PlanetData Introduction Norway is one of a handful of countries outside of the English-speaking world with a clear commitment to open data.2 Being one of the first countries to implement the PSI-directive as a law in January 2009,3 each new governmental project is today required to address publication of the data it creates or processes. Simultaneously the community focusing on linked open data is ever increasing, and major governmental agencies are involved in making their data available as Linked Open Data (LOD). However, as we write 2011, few if any, applications are using LOD as their data source. We believe that the interest in LOD, combined with the highest Internet penetration in Europe after Iceland,4 and second only to Sweden on mobile internet access in Europe, Norway offers interesting opportunities for becoming a great testbed for consuming LOD data. In the context of PlanetData we aim at establishing such a testbed – PlanetData-NorthPole – by creating applications consuming Norwegian LOD. In this deliverable we outline two case studies in highly sensitive domains for governments and the general public such as regional development and environmental friendly behavior, as part of our endeavor of showing the use of Norwegian LOD in practical settings. This deliverable is part the deliverables “NorthPole” which focus on consuming and improving Norwegian Linked Open Data for Regional Development and Environmental Friendly Behaviour. The overall objectives are: 1. To specify and implement two case studies for demonstrating the use and benefits of LOD in regional development and environmental friendly behaviour, with a particular localization on Norway; 2. To improve the existing Norwegian LOD and extend it with new data sets to support the proposed case studies; 3. To provide guidelines for other countries in the use of LOD for regional development and environmental friendly behaviour applications. This document addresses the first item and specifically aims to 1. define two case studies in the area of regional development and environment friendly behaviour, respectively, localized in Norway, 2. detail requirements for the two case studies, and 3. outline an architecture and create a preliminary validation plan of the two case studies. This document will provide the necessary information so that the tasks of T12.2 Prototype Design & Development will be able to deliver the needed prototypes for validation. This document is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the context and motivation for the two case studies. Section 3 describes the requirements, high-level architecture and design, as well as the development process for the two corresponding implementations. Finally, Section 3 outlines a validation plan for the two case studies implementations. 2 In Norwegian: 4 3 Page 9 of (31) PlanetData 2 Deliverable D12.1.1 Motivation The general motivation for the two case studies comes from brainstorming on scenarios that fulfil more than one of the following criteria 1) A clear identified end-user, with a clear need, allowing verification of the apps created 2) Consuming several Norwegian data sets 3) The data sets are available as open data, preferably as linked open data 4) Each additional data set brings additional value to the application 5) An application created with traditional technologies would not be as agile/extendable as a LOD consuming app. 6) Apps can be replicated outside of Norway by configuration and/or making similar data sets available The two applications selected are called Regional Development and Environmental Friendly Behaviour described in the following sections. 2.1 Why Regional Development? Why? According to the Norwegian Government5, the overall objectives for its rural and regional politics include freedom and equality when it comes to economical, social, demographical and environmental conditions in counties and municipalities. Regions are often faced with challenges such as lack of competitiveness and need for regeneration to various political challenges. The long-term trends and effects of development schemas are however often not well understood and readily available to the public. Local news agencies and the general public are often served numbers without being able to look behind the scene; it is often hard to compare trends except what is served to you as ready-made illustrations through the official channels from national statistics agencies and research agencies. There is a clear need in this domain for support in creating visualization tools over statistical data or aggregated data to follow the long term effects of regional development. What and how? Inspired by Hans Rosling’s famous presentation tool Gapminder6, we will build this case study focusing on innovations and development in various sectors in regions and municipalities. Central Norwegian public sector data owners have opened their data as linked open data during 2010. The Brønnøysund Registry Center7 has opened the national organization registry, Enhetsregisteret8. Others, notably the Norwegian Research Council9, have already used the de-referable URIs from Enhetsregisteret while publishing their own data sets. This case study will require the need to improve existing company registry service (exporting also NACE codes), and to include geographical information (linking to Kommuneregisteret10, the details of municipalities and counties). In addition it requires the use of visualization tools. The successful implementation of this case study is dependent on improving the quality of the data and links in the existing Norwegian LOD, and on useful and flexible analytics and visualization of the linked data, which will be developed as part of this case study. Some relevant data sets for Regional Development are shown in Figure 1. The data sets will be examined in detail the deliverable D12.2.1 Report on Quality improvements of existing Norwegian LOD. 5 7 8 9 10 6 Page 10 of (31) Deliverable D12.1.1 PlanetData Figure 1 – Open data sets related to Regional Development. Lines are potential links. 2.2 Why Environmental Friendly Behaviour? Why? The current Norwegian government has made a point that environmental friendly behaviour should pay off. However, behaving environmental friendly is not an easy task even if financial incentives are there. For example, often the information about public transportation and availability of city bikes is not as easily available when a trip decision needs to be taken. In such situations, there is a need for applications that combine linked open data in the environmental domain as a decision making tool. What and how? In the private sector a number of applications and mobile apps have been created as a result of the open-data initiatives. In Norway this includes applications ranging from real-time public transportation information11, snow and ski conditions12, the presence of electric cars charging stations13, real time status for city bike stands14, weather forecasts15 and many more. Common to all this is that they use only one source of open information. Our proposed case study in the environmental domain will combine the use of transportation (e.g. public transportation, electric cars parking lots, bikes stands) to events (e.g. concerts, art galleries) while including other decision relevant real-time information (e.g. forecast, traffic messages). We are in dialog with the Oslo municipality who are making this data available as open data. The application will be made as a mobile app. The overall goal here is to invoke the citizen’s own interest in environmental friendly behaviour. The successful implementation of this case study is dependent on extending the existing Norwegian LOD with new data sets and ensuring the quality of the new data sets and their proper linking to the existing Norwegian LOD, as well as on the usability of such an environmental friendly behaviour application, which will be developed as part of this case study. 11 Trafikanten iMarka, 13 LadeNå!, 14 City Bikes, 15, 12 Page 11 of (31) PlanetData Deliverable D12.1.1 Some relevant data sets for Environment Friendly Behaviour are shown in Figure 2. The data sets will be examined in detail in WP12.2 – Improving and enhancing the Norwegian LOD, resulting in a report D12.2.1 Report on Quality improvements of existing Norwegian LOD. Figure 2 - Some relevant Norwegian open data sets related to environment and transport. Lines are potential links. Page 12 of (31) Deliverable D12.1.1 2.3 PlanetData Problem statements In the following the two case studies are detailed with problem descriptions, relevant stakeholders and then exemplified by storyboards. 2.3.1 Regional development Problem statement: How can we speed up and improve the process of collecting and aggregating data for monitoring regional developments? Who are the Stakeholders? Data-journalists in Norway, both from the broadcasters and news agencies, have requested a tool allowing ad-hoc combinations of datasets in their regional footprint. A tool based on linked data will increase its value as new datasets become available. Visualization and investigation should also be available for public use, allowing citizens to drill into public data. The picture below illustrates the Regional Development case study in the form of a storyboard. Figure 3 - Regional Development Story Board Page 13 of (31) PlanetData 2.3.2 Deliverable D12.1.1 Environmental Friendly Behaviour Problem statement: Faced with different transportation options for a short trip, which are the most environmental-friendly options given constraints like time, weather, traffic and private preferences. The added value proposition is to enable smarter/faster environmental friendly decision making for local trips when options are available Who are the stakeholders? Citizens interested in applications assisting them in environmental friendly behaviour. The picture below illustrates the Environmental Friendly Behaviour case study in the form of a storyboard. Figure 4 - Environmental Friendly Behaviour Story Board Page 14 of (31) Deliverable D12.1.1 3 PlanetData Case studies specification This section provides a more detailed specification of the case studies in terms of supported use case, requirements specification, architecture of the applications, and the user interfaces. 3.1 Use cases descriptions The use cases are described with a use case template covering actors, stakeholders, successful and alternative scenarios and more. The use cases are broken down into functional steps. 3.1.1 Case study Regional Development In the case of Regional Development we have three identified use cases Create a visualisation of data distributed over geographical regions Get details about a specific municipality Configure new data sets These are detailed below. Table 1 Use case 1.1 ID 1. 1 Title Create a visualisation of data distributed over geographical regions. Actors Data-journalist Coverage Selecting data sets and variables in order to create a visualization of how regions and/or municipalities are performing. Stakeholders Data set owner Data journalist Trigger User has a hypothesis or facts he wants to visualise using available data. Pre-conditions Data sets available as linked open data. Minimum result Visualisation of data distributed over regions. Success results 1. The user launches the application. Main scenario 2. The application presents data sets and relevant variables. 3. The user selects one or more variables. 4. The data is visualized in maps. Alternative scenarios Comments Open questions Priority 1 Relevant to Case study Regional Development Page 15 of (31) PlanetData Deliverable D12.1.1 Table 2 Use case 1.2 ID 1. 2 Title Get details about a specific municipality. Actors Data-journalist Coverage Details showing what is known about the municipality in the currently available linked data sets. Stakeholders Data set owner Data journalist Trigger Clicking on a municipality (or region). Pre-conditions Use case 1.1 Minimum result Listing data values in one municipality (or region) Success results 1. The user has the application running. Main scenario 2. He clicks on a specific region. 3. The system shows the details of the data values. Alternative scenarios Comments Open questions Priority 2 Relevant to Case study Regional Development Table 3 Use case 1.3 ID 1. 3 Title Configure new data sets Actors Data Administrator Coverage Setting up a new data set containing regional data variables. Stakeholders Data set owner Data journalist Trigger New dataset is available as Linked Open Data. Pre-conditions The data set is available as linked data with links to regions. The data contains links to regions. Minimum result Data is available for use case 1.1 Success results Main scenario 1. The data administrator adds a reference to the new dataset. 2. The system lists the data set as available. Alternative scenarios Comments Page 16 of (31) Deliverable D12.1.1 PlanetData Open questions Priority 3 Relevant to Case study Regional Development 3.1.2 Case study Environmental Friendly Behaviour Table 4 Use case 2.1 ID 2. 1 Title Find transportation alternative(s) to next scheduled meeting in the user’s calendar Actors Meeting attendant Coverage Launching the application and “asking” it to find transportation alternatives from the user’s current geo-position to the location of the next meeting in the user’s calendar. Stakeholders “Normal citizen” Data set owners Trigger TBD Pre-conditions Transportation data sets available as linked open data. User has a mobile device with: Read and write access to user’s calendar. Access to user’s geo-location, i.e. the coordinates of the user’s current position Minimum result Seeing one or more transportation alternatives generated from the app to the calendar application, if any found Success results Easily see the differences in CO2 emission and time consumption between the various transport events in the calendar. Hence the user has a solid platform when it comes to choosing the best means of transportation. Main scenario 1. The user launches the application. 2. The application generates requests to transportation linked open data where arguments are based on the current position of the user and the location of the user’s next calendar event. 3. Based on the available data the transportation alternatives are calculated. 4. Transportation alternatives are added as separate events to the user’s calendar including environmental details and risk factors. 5. A “Transportation alternative(s) were added to your calendar” message is displayed to the user. 6. The user opens his calendar application to view the generated transportation alternatives. 7. The various transportation alternatives are displayed as separate events in the calendar and include emission- and time consumption data. Alternative scenarios 1. No Transportation alternatives where found during the calculation. 2. A “ No transportation alternatives were found” message is displayed to the user. Comments Page 17 of (31) PlanetData Deliverable D12.1.1 Open questions Priority 1 Relevant to Case study Environmental Friendly Behaviour Page 18 of (31) Deliverable D12.1.1 3.2 PlanetData Requirements specification The table below shows the requirements for the two applications. Table 5 Requirements for case study 1 Regional Development Req. # Req. type (Functional /Nonfunctional) Use case Description ref. Rationale Acceptance criteria Priority 1=high 5=low What is the system registering (user-input)? 1 F UC-1.1 The system shall register data set selections Selecting one or more datasets shall be possible in order to control which data the system will base its visualizations on. Verify that the 1 app only visualizes data in the sets selected by the user 2 F UC-1.1 The system shall register data variable selections Selecting one or more variables in a dataset shall be possible in order to limit which data the system will visualize. Verify that the app only visualizes data that is described by the variables selected by the user 1 3 F UC-1.2 The system shall register selections of parts of the visualized data Selecting an element in the visualized data shall return details of the selected data Verify that the data in a visualization is clickable and that clicks return more details 3 What data/systems should be available to the system, what interfaces to which systems? 4 F UC-1.1 The system shall be connected to a chart visualization system A chart visualization system shall be connected to the system in order to display location based data Verify that the system can connect to a chart visualization system 1 5 F UC-1.1, Various Linked Open Data shall be available to the system either through RESTful web service request(s) or SPARQLendpoints. LOD shall be available to the system in order to have data to base the visualizations on Verify datasets are available to the system 1 UC-1.2, UC-1.3 What should the system update (change, delete, add)? Page 19 of (31) PlanetData 6 F Deliverable D12.1.1 UC-1.3 The system should be able to add more LOD sets to visualize data from Addition of new datasets should enhance the visualization possibilities Verify that it is possible to add new LOD data sets to the system and that the added data is available for analysis. 3 What shall the system calculate/compute? 7 F UC-1.1 The system shall present the user with visualizations of the selected data sets What shall the system deliver to the user? The visualizations shall be the core part of the system Verify that the 1 selected data sets and/or variables get visualized 8 F UC-1.1, The system shall present the user with datasets and variables to choose to base the visualization on The system shall visualize data connected to a geographical location on a geo chart The selectable datasets and variables shall correspond to the data (LOD) the system is connected to. Verify that all data sets the system is connected to are selectable 1 Geo chart visualisations are powerful for presenting geo-data. Verify the possibility of visualizing data on a geo chart. 3 The LOD should be interlinked where possible This should let the visualizations be based on combinations of two or more datasets Verify that data describing the same thing are doing this the same way 3 The application should be available through web browsers without plugins The application shall be user friendly The independence of plugins like Flash will make the tool more acceptable. Verify that the system works w/o plugins. 3 For the application to work give a good overview, it must be efficient and effective to use. Verify a user’s perception of the effectiveness and efficiency of the application. 2 UC-1.2 9 F UC-1.2 Data model 10 F UC-1.3 Non-functional requirements 11 N UC-1 12 N UC-1 Page 20 of (31) Deliverable D12.1.1 PlanetData Table 6 Requirements for case study 2 Environmental Friendly Behaviour Req. # Req. type (Functional /Nonfunctional) Use case Description ref. Rationale Acceptance criteria Priority 1=high 5=low The app should read all it needs from the users calendar and linked data. If configuration data is needed it should not be though the app itself. Verify that the app is working without adding information manually. 3 What is the system registering (user-input)? 1 F UC-2.1 The user shall not have to enter any information when starting the app. What data/systems should be available to the system, what interfaces to which systems? 2 F UC-2.1 Various Linked Open Data shall be available to the system either through RESTful web service request(s) or SPARQLendpoints. The app shall need at least data describing real-time public transportation information and CO2 emission data in order to generate transportation alternatives. Verify that at least public transportation data and one other transportation data set as well as emission data is available as LOD. 1 3 F UC-2.1 Private user data – calendar events and the geographic position of the user – shall be made available to the app. The coordinates of the user’s geographical position and the events in the calendar on the user’s mobile device shall be needed in order to form the requests to the data sets described in req. #2 Verify that the app has readand write access to the users calendar data and read access to the geographical position of his mobile device 1 4 F UC-2.1 Communication, forming requests The system shall generate requests to the required LOD systems. The system shall form request to other (LOD) systems in order to get the data that will form the basis for creating the calendar events Verify that the application forms valid requests to LOD-systems based on the private data. 1 An initial request will be formed with arguments fetched from the closed (user) data from req. #3, e.g.: “Find the 15 closest public transportation stops to the user’s position” Page 21 of (31) PlanetData 5 F Deliverable D12.1.1 UC-2.1 Communication, handling replies The system shall parse the data it receives and add emission information to a transport alternative by combining emission data with the transport data. The responses from the requests the app sends to the LOD-systems shall contain the data needed to add the described transportation alternatives as calendar events by the application. Verify that the app can parse and keep representation of the LOD, public transportation data (and at least one other transportation data set) combined with emission data, in the application memory. 1 Transportation calendar events shall be needed in order to form basis for the user to choose a mean of transportation, i.e. whether to use public transportation or a taxi to get to his/her next scheduled calendar event. Verify that a programmaticall y added transportation event with emission data has been added to the user’s device’s calendar when the app terminates. 1 For the application to be worth using, it should provide the user with “correct” travel proposals. Verify that the added calendar entries are describing travel proposals from the user’s position to the actual location of the event the proposals were generated from. 3 What should the system update (change, delete, add)? 6 F UC-2.2 Application result The system shall add entries (events) to the user’s calendar corresponding to the transportation alternatives found. The added calendar event(s), i.e. travel alternatives shall at least contain the following information: Start time, end time, transport type, route description and environmental friendliness (e.g. CO2 emission). What shall the system calculate/compute? 7 F UC-2.2 Application result quality - The added calendar entries should to be of quality w.r.t. taking the user from his current position to the actual address of the calendar event the entries where based on. What shall the system deliver to the user? Page 22 of (31) Deliverable D12.1.1 8 F PlanetData UC-2.2 User notifications The app could display a notification telling whether transportation alternatives where found or not. Feedback from the application to the user could inform the user that the application has really made something happen. Verify that the 3 user has received an indication that the application has “done something” when the app terminates. UC-2 The data lifting and application shall try to utilise common linked data vocabularies for transportation and environment. This would make it possible to use the application in other regions. Verify that the LOD actually contains links to other vocabularies describing transportation and/or environment 3 The application shall be user friendly. For the application to work in the stressful setting described, it must be efficient and effective. Verify a user’s perception of the effectiveness and efficiency of the application. 2 Data model 9 F Non-functional requirements 10 N UC-2 Page 23 of (31) PlanetData 3.3 Deliverable D12.1.1 Architecture The next sections describe the architecture for the two applications, the Web-based application for the Regional Development and the Mobile-based application for the Environment Friendly Behaviour. The description of the data sets will not be covered here. 3.3.1 Regional Development The architecture for this application is based on a web-client architecture using a Map visualisation API preferably a JavaScript library. The data will be accessed using pure HTTP GET Linked Data URLs. Figure 5 shows the architecture for this application. Map visualisation API Organization Register Data LOD DBPedia HTTP CS 1 Application … … Figure 5 - Architecture of the Regional Development App Web application decision factors Map visualisation libraries should comply to the following requirements: RDF support. Since the transport data we use come in an RDF format, support for easy handling of such data via APIs should be possible. E.g. parse an RDF-file into a structure that is easy to work with in the code. Alternative: serialize the data as JSON/RDF, making "native parsing" easier (this option has its drawback in that most Linked Data will not as of today deliver RDF in JSON format though there is an upcoming standard from W3C). Visualisation capabilities. Having the best foundation a choice of a good visualisation library is important to get started. An analysis of required visualisation capabilities is given in the table below. Page 24 of (31) Deliverable D12.1.1 PlanetData Table 7 - Selection of required capabilities for the visualisation library Charting Usability Data Quality Geo chart Click on elements JSON capability * Layout Line chart Hover over elements Space efficiency Bar chart Colours Performance Pie chart Legend * The visualisation libraries themselves will need to handle JSON, a translation will be made from RDF to JSON Project participant published a report on this topic at the COLD workshop co-located with ISWC 2011 [1]; this will be used to make the final decision on what library to use. 3.3.2 Environment Friendly Behaviour The architecture for this application is based on a mobile-client architecture using a API access to Calendar and GPS. The data will be accessed using pure HTTP GET Linked Data URLs. Figure 6shows the architecture for this application. S Mobile Device … Transporation Emission Data Public Transportation Data Calendar GPS LOD HTTP CS2 Application EL. CarCharging Stations Data Figure 6- Architecture of the Environmental Friendly Behaviour App Mobile platform decision factors Relevant requirements include Page 25 of (31) PlanetData RDF support. Since the transport data we use come in an RDF format, support for easy handling of such data via APIs should be possible. E.g. parse an RDF-file into a structure that is easy to work with in the code. Alternative: serialize the data as JSON/RDF, making "native parsing" easier. Calendar access. The application depends on reading data from the user's (Exchange) calendar. Being able to get such data is hence a must. Deliverable D12.1.1 Alternative (platform independent) - use Google Calendar Web API. Prior experience with developing on a platform is a factor because the development time is limited. Prior experience will speed up the development process. Table 8 Platform decision comparison table Platform RDF support Calendar access Prior experience by developers Risk Native Android Porting of Jena to Android: API support (>= Android 4.0), via "hacking" on prior versions ~300 hours No devices currently run 4.0. Calendar access not guaranteed to work across all deviceson older versions. Androjena. Currently in v.04. Also rdfonthego Native iOS Possible (old, 2005) port of Redland from C to Obj-C. API support (>= iOS4) ~200 hours Presumably no RDF support PhoneGap Possible if integrated with jQuery. Possible through use of native code. I.e. writing a PhoneGap Plugin. None No prior experience with PhoneGap or Javascript. Only RDF support if integrated with jQuery. Only calendar access if integrated with native code jQuery Mobile RDFQuery - JS library Possible if integrated with PhoneGap (and native code). Se ePhoneGap None No prior experience with jQuery or Jacascript. Only Calendar access if integrated with PhoneGap (and native code) The Android option carries the least risk and is thus the chosen platform, due to most prior development experience and its RDF support (Jena is well-known). However some additional effort is needed for calendar support on pre 4.0, but this has been done with success by others and is documented. Page 26 of (31) Deliverable D12.1.1 3.4 PlanetData Sketches of user interfaces A few sketches have been made to illustrate ideas of interfaces; these are shown in Figure 7, Figure 8 and Figure 9. Figure 7 - Illustration of a possible user interface for the Environmental Friendly Behaviour app Figure 8 – Illustration of a Geo Chart (illustration from Page 27 of (31) PlanetData Deliverable D12.1.1 Figure 9 – Illustration of a Geo Chart with details (illustration from Page 28 of (31) Deliverable D12.1.1 3.5 PlanetData Development methodologies The development of the prototypes will be developed with the Scrum methodology. The application requirements in section 3.2 will be implemented in two weeks pilots as shown in Figure 10. This will ensure that time is spent on functional increments (sprint backlog) so that we continually have demonstrable prototypes (working increment). Figure 10 - Scrum methodology This process will also allow for continuous feedback to WP12.2 that will improve quality of the linked data. For more information on Scrum, see “A Scrum Process Description” by the Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) Project [2]. Page 29 of (31) PlanetData 4 Deliverable D12.1.1 Validation This section outlines a general validation plan for the two applications. The overall evaluation comes from three main categories of assessment, defined as the following: Functional coherence of the system: the validation of the requirements User acceptance: the application is beneficial to the end-user To validate the functional coherence of the systems, the applications will be measured against the functional and non-functional requirements in the previous chapter. The user acceptance will be validated by a combination of field-testing and questionnaires. In the case of Regional Development solution we will organise a small workshop with users where we provide some instructions on the data sets available, and let the users play with the data and visualisations. We will then provide a questionnaire to get feedback of the usefulness of the system. The Environmental Friendly Behaviour app will be distributed to a number of business users with frequent meeting schedules. It will be tested during a week of normal meetings, and the users will then be given a questionnaire that both covers the user friendliness of the app, the accuracy of the options and their perception of such an app could actually change their behaviour. The validation results will be published in the D12.1.2 Report on Prototypes Development, Validation and Evaluation. Page 30 of (31) Deliverable D12.1.1 PlanetData References [1] Stuhr M., D. Roman, D. Norheim (2011). LODWheel – JavaScript-based Visualization of RDF Data. To appear in the proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD2011), collocated with ISWC 2011, October 23, Bonn, Germany. [2] A Scrum Process Description by the Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) Project Page 31 of (31)
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