Question of Trust advert v3.pdf

A Question
of Trust?
These days it seems that trust is a commodity in
short supply. Being able to build trust is a key
differentiator when it comes to securing that sale,
retaining your customers, delivering your service
and leading your team.
Whatever business you are in, building and developing
client relationships is critical in today’s world. To help,
you are invited to attend a one day workshop to:
 Learn about the key elements that are essential to
build a trusting relationship.
 Develop and practice your trust building skills
 Identify the support you will need to take your
learning back to work
Workshop places cost £95 (+VAT) per person. This includes lunch
and refreshments at the workshop venue:
Holiday Inn Express, Grange Park, Northampton NN4 5EZ.
Visit for workshop dates and to
book your place.
For more information or to arrange an in-house company
workshop then please email:
Beyond Theory offers a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.