654 St 648 Gallen Dr 651 8 777A 777B White Heron 779 T wims berg 777C 780 781 L i mb y D r e rr R id g M i tten o tten W oods D r Mit te n Mi oo k oi n t 1704 1701 ook W 1703 oo ds Dr 1702 ud eD 2788 S olitude 1710 1711 1712 1713 1716 1715 1717 S onn 789 790 698 1708 k 1707 nnb roo ew Vi r br Dr Dr 771 L ak e pe As Dr i ew A sp ene tter V a ks ook D r Wy East ak e Dr K noll A spen Waters A spen 773 O W hit e H er G a llen D r 650 St 778 647 L en eva W es t st 652 772 645 ms 657 He i r oo Co ve dr H er on Dr As pe nL Dr ew As I nn V i i sf re ew e Dr d Dr A spen Overlook Dr L or rai ne Dr G ene va G A ircle 653 774 644 T wi B l ue 646 Ea 483 r rd V ie w D Hummingbird 642 on D r ay W r D en sp ai ls Tr sp en West Aspen C 649 766 Dr 655 767 Dr 759 S oli tude R i dge bi mi ng H um 1 ew 1706 nn Wy 1719 1718 1728 758 r e Dr 643 760 Vi 775 641 n all e Wunderbar 484 770 St G Transition Area 1 Ga ll e n 776 638 761 ircl Wunderbar Woods Ct ynn 785 br oo kD r e ak yn St G o i nt D 768 699 W 769 636 639 ope D r spen Sl Dr eak rcle E ast A 637 640 757 703 704 n Dr t Ga lle East S 763 762 629 r P oi nt D 656 756 764 6 1709 1705 n all e S t Gv e D r Co 754 1 S ycamore P rairie 755 627 Course Path 750 765 r 634 Dr 751 eC 743 784 n br St Gallen Woods Dr 620 635 633 iff 619 625 630 Cl 622 P en al l r ba S La ke W St 631 787 L ak e ol i t 702 746 1714 Moon 9 1700 628 nde Wu Sprint Run Course 786 739 753 S t G allen 632 n pe As 626 783 738 12 740 L ak 700 742 Dr S olitude P 736 752 617 615 741 1206 701 de S oli tu D r V iew 744 s 1 S hadow 749 747 745 r ina Dr A pen M a t W 1200 pe As 748 714 735 737 E as 11 624 618 616 713 r Dr 612 613 6 718 D en Circle cle Cir 621 oods nW pe G len en Ci rcl Asp Dr 1 1207 813 812 E as t Mooring 3 Marina W un de rb lic k 707 rblick 708 706 S outh 710 W unde Mooring B each D r 709 Dr 712 711 Marina e l irc 05 nC E ast Asp 623 814 0 P en A sp I nni sfre e Ci l e Dr irc 7 821 82 823 822 824 715 791 668 815 4 716 Cove D r pen As nd D r Be 834 717 spe n I 816 835 819 818 817 719 S ina W 836 826 734 e n pe As 614 e sp ar 840 829 720 5 796 r - 610 Half/Quarter Run Course NA T eal 1160 1162 1161 L imberry Limberry Cove Dr 1163 1164 1165 837 Dr 831 721 722 ve D Co M D iew aV a nev G e ve D r Co st We ve Swim Course Bike Course eC Dr ev G en 723 798 800 794 o i nt D r 609 ak 802 Marina II 804 eP 608 A st Dr en P S A sp 51-56 M uetz 602 Ea N obb 803 828 842 838 N 725 724 792 607 A A spen r 726 793 Muetze 603 Condos D 728 604 HalfMax 601 Turn Around Mile Markers Sh or e ad 605 606 sp en A en sp Dr 839 833 830 832w 832e e 846 850 727 843 841 eD r 847 851 T eal 1131 1132 1133 ods Dr 844 10 849 er 797 Quat Half/ ound 799 r 801 A n r Tur oi nt D 41-46 he Cir cl 825 731 730 729 Race Start s i on 1317 732 Lions head Dr 1316 599 600 T1 & T2 ea nsh L io 852 827 A spen P o i nt D r Dr 854 853 n As pen 21-26 31-36 T ennis 999 Max 795 ach 855 nL pe As /Qua rter L uth So 1315 1314 er Quat Half/ ound r A Turn 1124 1123 1129 1125 Charrette Court Dr 1126 1100 1130 1128 1127 856 845 13 1117 1121 1122 Well Hous e B randi 972 e Dr G olf Maint C omplex B rooke Lake As pen S tage A Be 970 971 Ch C harrette 1119 1120 11 ter D r 848 733 e L ake fre ni s In 598 509 S ailboat B oat Marina Launch Spri r 1313 12 969 As penetter nt d ea sh on D r L i dge Ri 1312 968 587 11-16 1300 sp en et 979 967 507 860 976 966 506 Half 569 572 D ead nsh L io Innis free 1310 1311 a 568 Dr 505 561 562 563 586 r rth No 1305 1303 1306 1301 1304 1302 nS 1307 595 560 567 588 2097 il 973 504 508 512 Aspe n La k A s pe 565 574 B end D rw 503 ill e W oodl ak 513 V iew Dr 559 576 Right 573 571 Straight to Finish 2096 e Co Following arrows the mapall allracers racerswill willthen then run run out of Following thethe redred arrows onon the map, Transition toand West Circle Dr.right andonto run southeast, TA the to West AspenArea Cir. Dr runAspen SE, then turn W St. thenDr. turn rightW. onto St.Dr Gallen Dr. St. Follow West Gallen Dr. to Gallen follow St. West Gallen to East Gallen Dr.St. North East St. Gallen Dr. north. Sprint racers will make a left on E Aspen Cir. Dr to continue back Octomax & Quartermax racers willaturn East Cir. St. Gallen to TA. Half/Quarter racers will make rightleft onfrom E Aspen Dr andDr. onto East Aspen Circle Dr. and run west back to West Aspen head North then make a right on E Aspen Cir. Dr to the first Circle Dr.around Octomax racers will follow West Dr.racers to thewill Finish turn point. Heading South on EAspen AspenCircle Cir. Dr line.aQuartermax racers will follow West Aspen Dr. to the turn make right on Aspen Point Dr to the next TurnCircle Around Point. loopmake of theacourse. aroundSouth and complete a second Heading onto E Aspen Cir then right West on E. Aspen Cir. Dr back to transition idg 557 eD r 558 502 514 533 A s pe n V i to Continue 585 L ake M uetz QuarterMax/HalfMax will continue on Hwy M Quartermax racers racers will continue bikingbiking east east on highway M to to South M thne turnturn rightright ontoonto Hwyhighway O. RacersO.continue south Hwy highway M then Race west on West on HwyOOthe then turn right onto StracksChurch ChurchRd. Rdand andfollow follow highway turn right onto S SStracks North to to MO-F to Turn Aspen Way Dr.follow then follow AspentoWay Dr. Way straight north MO-F. right and MO-F north Aspen Dr. to West Aspen Aspen Circle (HalfMax will make a right on Meadow Valley then follow Way Dr. straight to West Aspen Circle & back to for the Second Lap) &Area. back to the Transition Area. Transition 556 543 564 575 570 A Waterfall All racers will follow Meadow Valley Dr. out to Alpine Lake Dr. to All races will follow Meadow Valley Dr. out to Alpine Lake Dr. to Schuetzen Ground Rd. and exit the resort. All racers will continue Schuetzen Ground Rd. and exit the resort. All racers will continue North on Schuetzen Ground Rd then turn right onto Hwy. M north on Schuetzen Ground Rd. then turn right onto highway M. (See Bike Course Maps) (See Bike Courses Map on Next Page) SprintSprint racersracers bikingbiking east on Hwy will turnMright S Stracks east onMhighway will onto turn right onto S Church Rd and bike South through the resort to MO-F, turn leftturn Stracks Church Rd and bike South through the resort to MO-F, andleft follow Dr.Way thenDr. follow and MO-F followNorth MO-F toAspen north toWay Aspen thenAspen followWay Aspen Dr. Way straight to West Aspen Cir. & back to the Transition Area Area. Dr. straight to West Aspen Circle & back to the Transition en R 546 s Dr ood 2098 2100 Dr W en sp Next, races will turn left onto Aspen Way Dr; turn around and come Next, racers willWay turnDr; leftthen onto Aspen turn around back down Aspen turn rightWay ontoDr.; Meadow Valley and Dr. come back down Aspen Way Dr. ; then turn right onto Meadow to continue on the bike course. Valley Dr. to continue the bike course. 2099 ine le Dr pen Circ st A s WAesp 555 594 566 578 577 A Meadow Valley 535 544 545 579 ew r 547 580 TURN BY TURN DIRECTIONS rra 534 549 r 582 550 kD ree 548 Dr C ine 551 583 Lo 536 537 hi p 494 SW hip po o W 516 hi p Dr ke po 515 o dla 511 W rwi ay l l 510 W Dr Dr 531 532 538 ake rra Lo yD en W a A sp 584 581 All races start with swim Following course at the Lionshead Beach Indicated by will “Race Start” on the maps. white arrows “Race on thethe maps. Following the white arrows on indicated the map, by races willStart” complete swim course, exit the water theupmap racers will complete the swim course, andonrun Lionshead Beach Dr. to Transition Area. exit the water and run up Lionshead Beach Dr. to the Transition Area. Following the blue arrows on the map, all racers will then bike out Following the area blue onto arrows on the map all racers willturn then bikeonto out of the transition Lionshead Beach Dr. and right of Aspen the Transition West Circle Dr.Area onto Lionshead Beach Dr. and turn right onto West Aspen Circle Dr. 552 530 540 ine L 539 553 517 len rra Lo 541 554 Vi 529 542 Lanes Merge at Aspen Way Dr. rG be Am 528 522 W 518 Dr il l orw W i ppo L akewood G l en D 520 519 525 Amber 1736 S onnenalp So nne 1 nbl i c D
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