ICCS Family Picnic September 13 Let`s start off the school year with

ICCS Family Picnic September 13
Let’s start off the school year
with fun and fellowship!
When: 6 – 8 p.m., Friday, September 13
Where: Behind the ICCS Gym in the play area
(Or in the gym in case of bad weather)
What: Hot dogs, hamburgers, condiments & drinks
provided by Home & School Association (H S A)
Bring a dish to share, blankets, lawn chairs, bug spray
Last names beginning with
A-K bring a salad or side dish
L-Z bring a dessert
Can you help with grilling or serving?
Can you help with set up at 5:30 p.m.?
Can you help clean up at 8 p.m.?
Call Mary Warfield at 940-387-0661 or email at mgrwarfield@pwhome.com