Ten Little Known Features in Epicor ERP Manufacturing

Development Spotlight
Ten Little Known Features in
Epicor ERP Manufacturing
The Epicor ERP application is comprised of many manufacturing
features. In this issue, you can review ten useful manufacturing
features that are available in the Epicor 9.05 application but may
not be very well known.
Auto Load Engineering Data
Material Status
When you engineer a new job in the Engineering Workbench, you
can use the Actions > Auto Load Engineering Data option to define
what information will automatically be displayed on the Engineering
sheets. These sheets let you drag and drop items onto the current
part's method of manufacturing. You use these sheets to place
parts, operations, capabilities, resource groups, and resources
directly onto your method.
Depending on the commands you select on the Auto Load
Engineering Data menu, these sheets display all available items in
the database. This eliminates clicking the search button on each
sheet to find and select the items you want.
Use Auto Load Engineering Data when you engineer a job from
scratch. You do not need to select this opion if you want to get
details from methods or linked quotes.
The Material Status functionality allows you to review material
requirements for the current maintenance job. This functionality
displays all the material requirements – including any stock
assemblies that have pull quantities. You can also filter the material
requirement so that they only display assemblies within the current
job’s method of manufacturing where the current material
quantities do not satisfy demand.
To access Material Status, in Job Entry load the job you want to
view, click the Actions menu and select Job > Material Status. Use
the fields in the Material Status Filters window to filter the results.
The Material Requirements for the current job appear on the next
window. Use the Tree View or the List sheet to review the material
requirements for each assembly. If you want to generate a report,
click on the Actions menu and select Material Requirements Report.
You can also access Material Status from the Actions menu of the
Job Scheduling Board program.
Backflush Labor
Use the Backflush Labor feature to address the needs of
manufacturing where labor reporting is difficult to capture or does
not add value to the manufacturing process. This feature
backflushes a predetermined amount of time and quantity and their
related costs, based on an entered quantity. You can also use the
Backflush Labor Server Process program to backflush all jobs in the
current company at once.
The Backflush Server Process is scheduled to run periodically. When
labor is reported on a ‘Non-Backflush’ operation, the record to be
backflushed is sent to a queue where it waits for processing. Then
the Backflush Server processes the records from the queue and
updates the job with time and quantity and also backflushes
material related to those backflush labor operations. Only the
following transactions trigger Labor Backflush:
Issue 2013-2
Feature Spotlight
Job Batching
Available with the Advanced Production Management license, the
Epicor application allows multiple jobs with identical operations
to be combined for production. Job Batching allows one or more
jobs with identical operations in the Method of Manufacturing to
be run together at a resource. Operations are combined from the
start operations and move backward or forward through the
routing, although operations in the middle of the routing cannot
be batched.
For more details on using the Job Batching functionality, turn to
the Feature Spotlight information on page 3.
Print Inventory / WIP Reconciliation Report
Print Work in Progress Report
Print Production Detail Report
Job populated in Job Closing Screen
Perform Backflush Labor Server Process (Scheduled Task)
Select a Job in Job Tracker
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Development Spotlight
Planning Workbench
Transaction Logs
Use the Planning Workbench to create new jobs, or make changes
to the supply/demand links on existing jobs, based on planning
suggestions generated by the Epicor application. You first find and
select suggestions based on current sales orders. Then, you create
jobs and define the demand links by launching programs from the
Planning Workbench.
Use can use Transaction Logs to review information for different
types of inventory transactions. The type of transactions that display
depends on the program from which you call this log. For example,
if you call the log from the Quantity Adjustments program in the
Inventory Management module, the log displays only quantity
adjustments to inventory (Type ADJ-QTY).
The Epicor application provides suggestions when you create new
sales orders or change existing ones. The Planning Workbench
allows you to view the following information:
The Transaction Log functionality is available from the Actions menu
in the following Inventory Management programs: Backflush Labor
Server Process, Calculate ABC Codes, Capture COS/WIP Activity,
Initialize Last Cycle Count Date, Initialize Physical Inventory, Count
Cycle Maintenance, Count Discrepancy Reason, Count Tag Entry,
Cross Dock, Cycle Count Part Selection Update, Cycle Count
Schedule Maintenance, Fulfillment Workbench, Mass Issue to Mfg,
Quantity Adjustments, Replenishment Workbench, Serial Matching,
and Transfer Order Entry.
• Sales order line and releases for a non-stock item, and the
jobs that need to be performed to satisfy the demand.
• Sales order changes due to a linked sales order change.
Changes can include dates, revision levels, or quantities.
• If your company uses the Material Requirements Planning
(MRP) module, MRP creates suggestions not linked to sales
driven demand which can be processed by Planning
Workbench. This includes all open demand, whether from
transfer orders, sales order releases or job materials declared
as Make Direct. If the MRP module is installed but it cannot
create an unfirm job for a demand transaction, the Epicor
application also displays this type of transaction in the queue.
Shop Warnings
Shop warnings are designed to inform you dynamically when a
labor transaction which meets predefined and configurable
exception criteria is entered. These warnings can let you know
when pre-defined events occur or conditions are met. For example,
shop warnings can let you know when production on an operation
is started without setup or when a previous operation has been
completed. They can also let you know when operational efficiency
targets are missed and production schedules are not being met;
along with events and conditions. Shop warnings will notify the end
user or management in Labor Entry, in the Labor Edit List report, in
Data Collection, and in the Shop Tracker.
You can choose to alert the operator doing the transaction, print on
related reports, display in job tracker and even send an alert email
to the members of an alert group. You can setup your Shop
Warnings using the Material Management > Data Collection >
Setup > Shop Warning program.
Status Bar Options
Displayed on the bottom right of any Epicor application screen are
the status bar options. You can right-click on the status bar options
in order to quickly change user or company. To change user, simply
right-click on the user name displayed in the status bar and select
to Change User. The Epicor Login dialog opens where you can login
as a new user. To change company, right-click on the company
listed in the status bar and select another company.
View Costs Window
You can use the View Costs window to review costs for a selected
part revision, or for a selected material within the part's bill of
material. The costs in the various grid columns display the costing
method assigned to the part for which the cost is displayed.
The View Costs window uses the date you enter into the As Of field
in the Engineering Workbench > Revision > Detail sheet to
determine the correct material content to display by comparing the
specified date to the effective dates of each component. By using
the As Of date, the results include the exact components that are in
effect as of the specified date. For example, if you enter July 1 into
the As Of field, the View Costs window displays the costs of the
materials that are in effect for the assembly as of July 1.
Where Description Contains Field
You can use the Where Description Contains field to filter your
search on certain criteria. When using this field, you only need to
enter part of the term and all the matching records are displayed.
For example, "machin" yields descriptions that contain "Machine"
and "machining." The Where Description Contains field is
alphanumeric and it is not case-sensitive. You can also use wildcards
in the criteria.
If you need to search for an item containing several words in its
description, place both words on the same line in the search
window. If you place the words on different lines, the system
searches for the items which contain one of these words in their
descriptions. You can enter words in any order, and all records that
have all of the words appear.
Notice that if you have MS SQL database, you must run SQL word
indexing to be able to use the Where Description Contains field.
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Development Spotlight
Job Batching - Easy Way to Manage Jobs with Similar Operations
The job batching feature is a part of Advanced Production Management. You can use this feature to group like operations across products,
including co-products and nesting products. To do this, select an operation shared by the jobs and indicate from which direction –
backwards or forwards – you will combine the routing.
When the batching process is complete, a new job is created that manufactures the part quantities defined on all the original source jobs.
Once you create a batched job, the Epicor application treats the job the same as a regular job. A batched job can be scheduled and
transactions can be placed against it. If necessary, you can even batch together other batch jobs.
You can manufacture multiple parts
You create batch jobs when two or more jobs have overlapping
operations that can be combined for better scheduling results.
Be sure to batch together jobs that share similar operations. Only
the operations from the first job are used to create operations on
the new job. After source jobs are batched together, they cannot
be separated, so make sure that you have selected the correct
source job.
You do this by
indicating the
Primary Job
Operation used
to batch the jobs, and then the Pull Direction (backward or forward)
used to combine the preceding or subsequent operations. You can
only batch jobs from an operation back to the beginning of the
routing or forward to the end of the routing. You cannot batch jobs
between two operations.
If the Advanced Material Management (AMM) module is installed,
all part Work In Process (WIP) transactions are also transferred to
the batch job.
The material requirements from the source jobs are pulled into the
batch job, and the operation costs and schedules are combined.
When creating a batch job, you can use the Job Processing Mode
options to define if operations should be performed at the same
time or one before the other.
For example, you have two jobs with identical operations on Op10,
Op20, but Op30 and Op 40 are not the same. Through Job
Batching you combine the jobs for the first two operations to
expedite production. Once the batched operations are complete,
the original routing schedule resumes.
You can simplify material costing
Material requirements are pulled into the batch job; what materials
are pulled depends on the point at which the routing is combined.
If you batch the first operation on the assembly, all materials are
transferred to the batch job. The actual costs and quantities are also
transferred to the batch job. However, these material records are
not added together. Instead they are copied exactly from the source
jobs. The material records on the source jobs are also automatically
selected as Complete and all source jobs list the material costs that
apply to it from the batch job. A job-to-job receipt is created to
track the change in the material requirements.
Two ADJ-MTL transactions, one positive and one negative, are also
created to adjust the costs of the related materials. The negative
transaction is created against the source job, while the positive
transaction is put against the new job. These transactions are not
general ledger (GL) transactions.
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You can define operation sequence
• Sequential - A sequential job is processed through part
quantities completed in order. For example, a quantity needs
to be complete before work begins on the next quantity.
• Concurrent - The production for a concurrent job is based on
the number of operations performed - instead of the part
quantity produced. For example, you select this option if the
job has a stamping operation that produces multiple parts.
The production time on this job is measured by the number of
on the job.
You can schedule transactions faster
When the batch job is created, the application treats it like a regular
job. It can be scheduled and transactions can be placed against it.
Part quantities can also be shipped from it.
Epicor 9 | 9.05.700
Development Spotlight
Your Next Steps ...
Now that you’ve read about these features, Epicor University is here to help you learn more
about them! Epicor University has a full suite of education and documentation tools that can
assist you in getting more out of your software investment. Included with your Epicor
application are in-depth Application and Field help and the very useful Technical Reference
Guides, Feature Summary, and User Guides.
For those who learn best at their own pace, the Embedded Education Courses are a great
addition to your Epicor application. With Epicor ERP Embedded Courses, you can access
hundreds of courses right from the Epicor ERP software. You can navigate easily between
courses and the related application, as well as accessing real-life business data through an
Epicor education database. The courses provide a structured resource for initial training, as well
as an excellent on-going learning tool.
And you can also take advantage of Epicor’s live instructor-led training classes that provide hands-on workshops in an Epicor environment.
Attend a class over the web, in a classroom, or on-site at your facility. For pricing information on these learning programs, please contact
your Epicor CAM. For general questions on the offerings available from Epicor University, please email education@epicor.com.
About Epicor
Epicor Software Corporation is a global leader delivering business software solutions to the manufacturing, distribution, retail, and service
industries. With more than 40 years of experience, Epicor has more than 20,000 customers in over 150 countries. Epicor solutions enable
companies to drive increased efficiency and improve profitability. With a history of innovation, industry expertise and passion for excellence,
Epicor inspires customers to build lasting competitive advantage. Epicor provides the single point of accountability that local, regional, and
global businesses demand. For more information, visit www.epicor.com.
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