Riccardo Scarpa - Bucharest Summer University

Professor Riccardo Scarpa - CV and list of publications
Updated to May, 2015
13 Embleton Terrace, Longframlington, NE65 8JJ, Northumberland
Affiliation 1:
Chair of Economics
tel. +44-(0)191-3347253
Durham University Business School
fax +44-(0)191-3345249
Mill Hill Lane, Room 178, DH1 3LB, United Kingdom
e-mail: riccardo.scarpa@durham.ac.uk
Affiliation 2:
Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics
Department of Business Economics,
University of Verona, Italy
e-mail riccardo.scarpa@univr.it
ISI page: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/C-6691-2009
Google Scholar Page: http://tinyurl.com/9kyda5b
Repec ranking: http://ideas.repec.org/f/psc205.html
Ph.D. Major field: Forest Economics; Minor fields Resource and Environmental Economics, degree granted in
December 1999 by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States of America.
M.A. in Agricultural Economics; degree granted May 1995 by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States
of America.
M.Sc. Environmental Science, Major field: Environmental Impact Assessment; degree granted May 1992 by the
University College of Wales, United Kingdom.
Laurea (B.Sc.) in Agricultural Sciences, Major Field Agricultural Economics and Rural Appraisal; degree granted
May 1988 by the Universita` della Tuscia, Italy.
A 100 words summary of the scientific impact of my research
Professor Scarpa in 2012 was included in the top 30 most influential environmental economists in the ‘00s
(Ecological Economics Hoepner et al. vol. 77: 193-206). His papers count over 4,300 (H-index 36) web-based citations
(google scholar) and over 1200 (H-index 20) in the ISI system. He held academic positions in Italy, the USA, Chile, the
UK, New Zealand and Australia. He has an extensive consultancy experience for government agencies and regulated
business at various levels. Ric served in the editorial board and as associate editor in various academic journals,
acting as academic referee for over 70.
RePeC Rankings (top 5% only) October 2014
Betweenness measure in co-authorship network
Number of Distinct Works
Number of Journal Pages
Number of Journal Pages, Weighted by Number of Authors
Number of Citations, Discounted by Citation Age
Number of Citations, Weighted by Number of Authors, Discounted by Citation Age
Number of Works
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Number of Distinct Works, Weighted by Number of Authors
Average Rank Score (Last 10 Years)
Number of Citations
Number of Citations, Weighted by Number of Authors
Closeness measure in co-authorship network
Public economics and natural resource use, micro-econometrics, discrete-choice modelling, choice modeling
analysis, environmental and resource economics, cultural heritage economics, non-market valuation, forest
economics, rural economics, food economics.
Married to Jackie, 3 children: Mickey (1993), Lorena (1997), Gregory (2003).
CITIZENSHIP: Italy and New Zealand.
Gibson chair of Rural, Food and Environmental Economics, Queen’s University Belfast, U.K., since 2012 to
Full Professor, Economics Department, Waikato Management School, Hamilton, New Zealand, since 2005
to date.
Ricercatore Universitario, Università della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy, 1990-2000.
Research Assistant, Dep. of Agricultural and Applied Economics, UW-Madison, USA, 1995-96;
Research Assistant, Dep. of Forest Ecology and Management, UW-Madison, USA, 1996-98;
Research Associate, CREAM, Dep. of Agricultural Economics and Food Marketing, Univ. of Newcastle, UK,
Senior Research Associate, CREAM, Dep. of Agricultural Economics and Food Marketing, Univ. of
Newcastle, UK, 2000;
Lecturer, Dep. of Agricultural Economics and Food Marketing, Univ. of Newcastle, UK, Sept. 2000- Sept.
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Environment Dep., Univ. of York, UK, October 2001-March 2005.
Research Professor (part-time), Center for the Study of Choice, University of Technology, Sydney from
April 2011 to date April 2013.
Adjunct Professorial Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Northern
Territory, Australia, March 2009-February 2012
Adjunct Professor, University of Western Australia, Perth, since February 2010-December 2012
Visiting Professor, University of Canberra, Centre for applied ecology, Australian Capital Territory,
Canberra, Australia, August 2013
Adjunct Professor, Center for the Study of Choice, Faculty of Business, University of Technology, Sydney,
New South Wales, Australia, January 2009 to date (permanent)
Visiting Professor, University of Trento, Italy, July-September 2008, October 2010
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Visiting Professor, University of Padua, Italy, October 2008-January 2009
Visiting Professor, University of Bologna, Italy, June 2008, June 2009
Visiting Professor, Catholic University of Santiago, Chile, February 2004, March 2006
European Commission Scholarship for Post-graduate Training in Environmental Impact
Assessment, Regione Umbria.
Italian National Research Council Scholarship for Advanced Research in Agricultural Economics in
the U.S.A.
Fulbright Graduate Studentship, USA-Italy Commission for Further Education.
2010 Recipient of the Dean’s Award for Research Achievement, Waikato Management School
2010 Elsevier award for co-authoring one of the top-10 most cited research papers in JEEM in the period 2005-2009.
Rural estate appraisal, (various years).
Environmental impact assessment. 1992. Module leader.
Introduction to statistics, 1997-2000. Module leader.
Environmental policy evaluation. Module leader.
Forest Economics, 1996-98. Module Leader.
Environmental Economics, 1997-98. Module leader.
Statistics for business and management, 2000-01. Module leader.
Rural policy evaluation, 2000-01. Lecturer.
Valuation of Environmental Resources, since 2001. Module leader.
Introduction to Econometrics 2005-06. Module leader.
Econometrics 2005-to date. Module leader.
Microeconomics 2010-2012. Module leader, lecturing shared with Dr. Graeme Doole.
Post-graduate (M.Sc.):
(Quantitative) Research Methods, 2001-2005. Lecturer.
Environmental Valuation, 2001-2005. Module leader.
Resource Economics, 2002-2005. Model leader.
Econometrics Directed Readings 2005-06. Module leader.
(Invited guest lecturer) The econometrics of discrete choice: theory and applications with Nlogit v.3.
(Masters Programme in Agricultural Economics and Ph.D. programme in Statistics, Centro di
Specializzazione di Portici, Naples, November, 2002). Module leader. Repeated in 2003, ‘04, ‘05, and ’06.
Post-graduate (Research Doctorate Level and consultants):
(Invited guest lecturer) Applied econometrics for nonmarket valuation (Ph.D. program in Economics,
Catholic University of Chile, Santiago August/September 2003). Module leader. Repeated in 2005.
(Invited guest lecturer) Econometric modeling of stated preferences for biodiversity valuation (Ph.D.
program in Agricultural Economics, Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Germany
September 2003). Module leader.
(Invited guest lecturer) The econometrics of limited dependent variables and methods of nonmarket
valuation with Nlogit v.3, BIOGEME and Gauss. (Research Doctoral Program in Environmental Economics,
University of Trento, November 2006). Module leader.
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International Summer School on Discrete Choice Models (2008-09), Universita` di Bologna, Alma Mater
Studiorum (Lecturer and Scientific Director)
International Summer School on Experimental Design for Stated Choice (September 27th-October 1st,
2010), Venice Foundation (Lecturer and Scientific Director)
International Advanced Course in Experimental Design for Stated Choice (October 28 th-November 1st,
2010), Sardagna, University of Trento, Italy (Lecturer and Scientific Director)
International Summer School in Choice Modeling (August 29th-September 9th, 2011), Padua, University of
Padua with CenSoC, Italy (Lecturer)
Scarpa, R. and W. Greene, 2002, Analisi econometrica delle scelte discrete: teoria ed applicazioni (con una
introduzione a LimDep v.7/8 e NLogit v.3).
Scarpa, R. 2002, Concepts in natural resource economics, University of York.
Supervised Ph.D. and M.Phil. candidates and their placements after completion:
Dr. Catherine Glass (joint supervision-external), main supervisor George Hutchinson (Using CVM to value
multi-programme Pig welfare Public Agenda). Completed in 2002, currently Lecturer at Queens University,
Belfast, U.K.
Dr. Diane Burgess (joint supervision-external), main supervisor George Hutchinson (Modelling stated
responses to estimate the social value of farm animal welfare). Completed in 2003, currently Lecturer at
Queens University, Belfast, U.K.
Dr. Eric Ruto (Developing and testing valuation methods for Animal Genetic Resources). Completed in 2004,
currently Lecturer in Agric. Economics, University of Newcastle, U.K.
Dr. Silvia Ferrini, (Design issues in choice modeling), Completed in 2004 Univ. of Florence, Lecturer at Univ.
of Siena, Italy.
Dr. Giuseppe Nocella (web-based surveys to value animal welfare in EU consumers with an application of
the planned behaviour theory). Completed in 2006, currently Lecturer in Consumer Science at the
University of Otago, Department of Consumer Science, New Zealand.
Dr. Graziano Ceddia, (Risk in agricultural production and the environment). Completed in 2005, currently
Lecturer in Applied Economics University of Reading, U.K.
Dr. Danny Campbell, main supervisor George Hutchinson (Using choice experiment to value scenic beauty
in rural landscapes). Completed in 2006, Queens University, Belfast, U.K., currently Lecturer, Gibson
Institute for Land, Food and Environment Queens University Belfast, U.K.
Dr. Ian Minx, (Demand and lifestyle: a physical input-output approach). Completed in 2006, Stockholm
Institute for the Environment, Berlin branch, Germany.
Dr. Nesha Beharry, (Non market valuation of Water Quality in Tobago). Completed in 2007, currently
Lecturer at the University of Leeds, U.K.
Dr. (Ass. Prof.) Gianluca Stefani, (Auction mechanisms to value WTP for typical animal products).
Completed in 2007, Ass. Prof. University of Florence, Italy.
Dr. Nicola Cantore, (Some uses of climate change integrated assessment models: a policy and technology
analysis). Completed in 2008, Researcher Fellow, Overseas Development Institute, London, U.K.
Dr. Bart Vermeulen, (joint supervision-external), (Design issues in choice modeling). Completed in January
2009, economist at the Federal Public Service (Regulation), Belgium
Dr. Chiara Taglioni, (joint supervision-external), main supervisor Bianca Torquati, University of Perugia,
Italy. Completed in February 2010 (Choice of Milk types and local origin labeling), post-doc at University of
Dr. Irene Petrosillo, (joint supervision-external), main supervisor Bianca Torquati, University of Perugia,
Italy. Completed in February 2010 (Choice of sheep cheese types and local origin labeling), analyst at ISMEA
– Rome.
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15. Dr. James Tee (M.Phil.), Completed in October 2011 (Real Options Analysis of Carbon Forestry Under The
New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme), Sustainable Development Officer, UN Department of Economic
and Social Affairs.
16. Dr. Richard Yao, Completed in April 2012 (Biodiversity conservation in NZ), Senior Research Economist,
Scion Rotorua, New Zealand.
Recent supervised M.Sc. students:
1. 2002. Andrew Cotteril: determinants of zero WTP and protest behaviour in CV responses to forest
recreation values. Currently employed at DEFRA, London, U.K. (UK)
2. 2002. Jan Minx: material balance accounts and lifestyle modeling in the U.K. (Germany)
3. 2002. Kadambari Anantram: three modelling approaches to ‘managing the commons’. (India)
4. 2002. Wame Hambira: To what extent is the demand for fuel-wood to blame for deforestation in communal
areas of Botswana?
5. 2002. Juan-Luis Eugenio-Martin (Economics, with distinction): Travel cost method application to choice
destination in the Alps. Currently Research Assistant at the University of Nottingham, U.K. and part-time
Ph.D. student (Spain)
6. 2002. Nick Baumberger: Valuation of Coastal Degradation in the context of the Impact Pathway Approach
7. 2003. Mavra Stithou: A Contingent Valuation Survey of Endangered Species in Zakynthos Island (Greece)
8. 2003. Aris Christodoulou: An attempt to estimate the economic impacts of tropospheric ozone on wheat
and potato production in the U.K. (Greece)
9. 2004. Rady Talaat (distinction): Coral conservation values form a travel cost study of red sea recreational
visitors (Egypt).
10. 2004. Veli Koc : The U.K. household market for solar energy generators (Turkey)
11. 2004. Fan Zhang: The statistical properties of the benefit transfer maximum likelihood estimator from
Dichotomous Choice contingent valuation (China)
12. 2004. Rebecca Mooney: Challenges in Valuating Natural Resources: A Case Study of the Burren, Co. Clare,
Ireland (Ireland)
13. 2004. Fabio Eboli: Kyoto Protocol and Global Warming (Italy), (continued for PhD and PostDoct)
14. 2004. Vania Paccagnan: Contingent behaviour in travel cost (with distinction), currently Senior Analyst,
Overseas Development Institute, London, U.K.
15. 2005. Gregor Pecnik: Application of choice experiments to value the extension of Park management area
16. 2005. Nicholas Stone: The effect of ozone ground pollution on wheat yield, a global demand analysis
17. 2005. Yuanyuan Gao: Renewable energy: Current situation and future developments in China
18. 2006. Nodira Karimova: An analysis of consumption patterns of Italian families during the transition to the
19. 2007. Nicolas Nazal: The international demand for farmed and wild Salmon and the Chilean supply
20. 2007. Claudia Aravena, (External Student Univ. of Conception, Chile) (Award Winning MSc thesis and Best
Paper Prize at ALEAR meeting 2007)
21. 2010. Yvonne Matthews, Waikato Warm Home Study.
22. 2011. Francis Powley, Contingent Valuation of Organic Cotton: an empirical investigation into the WTA-WTP
23. 2014. Lulu Zheng, Nonparametric finite mixing estimation in choice experiments data.
Current Ph.D. students:
3rd year: Alex Kravchenko, awarded Flores Scholarship. Value of water in agriculture.
2nd year: Yvonne Phillips, awarded Waikato Scholarship. Non-market Valuation in the Space-Time Continuum.
1st year: Stefania Mattea, supported by Marsden Grant, Royal Society of NZ, awarded Waikato International
Doctoral Scholarship, Forest Economics.
1st year: Farnaz Farhangi, awarded Waikato International Doctoral Scholarship. Water economics.
Ph.D. external examiner:
1. William Kaye-Blake, Lincoln University, 2008, Christchurch, New Zealand.
2. Benjamin John McNair, Crawford School of Economics & Government / ANU College of Asia & the Pacific,
2011, Canberra, Australia.
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3. Marco Boeri, Queens University–Belfast, School of Biology, Gibson Institute for Land, Food and the
Environment, U.K. 2011
4. Simon J. Fifer, The University of Sydney, Business School, Institute of transport and Logistic Studies, 2011
5. Lichun Zang, Queens University Belfast, 2012.
Ph.D. external supervisor:
1. Lorenzo Carlesi, title: Economic valuation of Mediterranean deep-sea ecosystem goods and services. Ph.D. in
Marine Ecology and Biology, Universita` Politecnica delle Marche, Italy, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Member of selection committees for promotion and appointments
Member of various appointment committees for junior and senior academic positions (Univ. of Sydney, Queens
Member of academic promotion committees at Waikato School of Management, Univ. of Waikato 2010;
External advisor for promotion to chairs (Univ. of Reading, Univ. of Leeds, Univ. of Queensland);
Nominated with Decreto Direttoriale n. 312 (31-10-2013) OECD member of the Italian “Commissione per
l’abilitazione scientifica nazionale settore concorsuale 13/A3-scienza delle finanze” 2013-14. In charge of
evaluating the suitability to Italian academic positions of all applicants in the area of Public Economics (2013: 85
candidates to full professor and 140 to associate professors; 2014: 21 full professor candidates, 25 associate
professor candidates).
Associate editor
 Journal of choice modeling, since 2007-to date
 Environmental and Resource Economics, 2008-13
Member of Editorial Board
 Environmental and Resource Economics, since 2006-to date
 Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, since 2011-to date
 European Review of Agricultural Economics, since 2012-to date
 Agricultural and Applied Economics Review, since 2011-to date
Grant Proposal Reviewer Activity
Swiss National Science Foundation
American University of Beirut (AUB)
University of Crete
EU 6th and 7th Research Framework
Italian Ministry of Scientific Research and University
UK-Social Science Research Council
ACADEMIC REVIEWER FOR THE FOLLOWING JOURNALS (over 70, listed here in alphabetical order):
Agricultural Economics, Ambio, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Applied Stochastic Models in Business
and Industry, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Austrian Journal of Agricultural Research,
Biodiversity and Conservation, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Cities, Conservation Ecology,
Contemporary Economic Policy, Ecological Economics, Economic Review International, Empirical Economics, Energy
Economics, Energy Policy, Environment and Planning A, Environment and Development Economics, Environmental
and Resource Economics, Environmental Conservation, Environmental Science and Policy, European Journal of
Health Economics, European Review of Agricultural Economics, European Transport, E-Journal American Water
Works Association, Food Economics, Food Policy, Forest Ecology and Management, Forest Policy and Economics,
Forest Science, Forestry, Health Economics, International Economic Review, International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health, International Journal of Hospitality Management, International Journal of Regional
Science, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, International Review of Economics, Journal of
Agricultural Economics, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Journal of Agricultural Food and Industrial
Organizations, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Journal of Choice Modelling, Journal
of Cultural Economics, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Economic
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Psychology, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal
of Environmental Planning and Management, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, Journal of Forestry,
Journal of Forest Economics, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Regional Science,
Journal of Rural Studies, Journal of Soil and Water Science Journal of Tourism management, Journal of Travel
Research, Journal of Urban Water, Land Economics, Land Policy, Landscape and Rural Planning, Latin America
Research Review, Marine Resource Economics, New Zealand Economic Papers, Oxford Economic Papers, Papers in
Regional Science, Research Policy, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Review of Agricultural and
Environmental Studies, Risk Analysis, Rivista di Economia Agraria, Rivista di Politica Agraria, Scandinavian Journal of
Economics, Social Science & Medicine, Traffic Injury Prevention, Transport Management, Transportation,
Transportation Research Part A, Transportation Research Part B, Transportation Research Part D, Transportation
Research Part E, Urban Water Journal, Water Science and Technology, Water Resource Economics, Water Resources
2012. Author of “Guidance for the Design of Quantitative Survey-Based Evaluation” for Guidance for Evaluating EU
cohesion policy, http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/evaluation/doc/performance/scarpa.pdf;
2013. Co-author of “Policy Making after Disasters: helping regions becoming resilient — The case of post-earthquake
Abruzzo”, OECD Publishing, available on line at http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264189577-en
2013. Author of “Non-market valuation of integrated water services using a stated preference survey of Northern
Ireland customers”, Report to the Northern Ireland Water, with Perceptive Insight, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
2014. Author of “Stated choice survey for the value estimate of the customer reliability in the Australian National
Electricity Market”, Report to the Australian Energy Market Operator, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Envir. & Res. Economics
J. of Env. Economics and Management
American J. of Agricultural Economics
J. of Consumer Culture
1 (sub 25-11-2014)
American J. of Agricultural Economics
J. of Env. Economics and Management
American J. of Agricultural Economics
1 (resub. 22-10-2014)
83. 2014. Thiene M.; R. Scarpa; J. Louviere. Addressing preference heterogeneity, multiple scales and attribute
attendance with a correlated finite mixing model of tap water choice. Environmental and Resource
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Economics First Submitted March 2012, Accepted on October 5th, 2014. Published on line on Nov. 14th,
82. 2014. Yao, R., R. Scarpa, J. M. Rose, J. Turner. Experimental Design Criteria and Their Behavioural Efficiency:
An Evaluation in the Field. Environmental and Resource Economics First Submitted March 2013, Accepted
on August 19, 2014. Published on line on 09-09-2014;
81. 2014. Rungie, C., Scarpa, R. and Thiene, M. The influence of individuals in forming collective household
preferences for water quality. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 68:161-174;
80. 2014. Campbell, D., Hensher, D.A. and Scarpa, R. Bounding WTP distributions to reflect the ‘actual’
consideration set, Paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Choice Modelling, Sydney, 3-5 July
2013, accepted in the Journal of Choice Modelling Special Issue (edited by David Hensher), (16 July 2013,
referees reports 9 October 2013, revised 14 December 2013, accepted 4 February
2014) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1755534514000244;
79. 2014. Aravena, C., Martinsson P., Scarpa R. Does Money Talk? The Effect of a Monetary Attribute on the
Marginal Values in a Choice Experiment, Energy Economics, 44:483-491;
78. 2014. Boeri, M., Chorus, C.G. and Scarpa, R. Stated choices and benefit estimates in the context of traffic
calming schemes: utility maximization, regret minimization, or both? Transportation Research Part A: Policy
and Practice, 61:121-135;
77. 2014. Yao, R. T., Scarpa R., Turner J. A., Barnard T. D., Rose J. M., Palma J.H.N., Harrison D. R. Valuing
Biodiversity Enhancement in New Zealand's Planted Forests: Socioeconomic and Spatial Determinants of
Willingness-To-Pay, Ecological Economics, 98:90-101;
76. 2014. Tee, J., Scarpa, R. Marsh D. and G. Guthrie, Forest valuation under the NZ emissions trading scheme: a
real options binomial tree with stochastic carbon and timber prices, Land Economics 90(1):44-60;
75. 2013. Caputo, V., Nayga R., Scarpa R.. 2013. Food miles or carbon emissions? Exploring labeling preference
for food transport footprint with a stated choice study. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource
Economics, 57:465-482;
74. 2013. Thiene, M., Scarpa R., Galletto L., Boatto V., 2013, Sparkling wine choice from supermarket shelves: the
impact of certification of origin and production practices, Agricultural Economics, 44:523-536;
73. 2013. Cicia, G., Cembalo L., Del Giudice T., and Scarpa, R. Country-of-origin effects on Russian wine
consumers, the Journal of Food Products Marketing, 19:4,247-260, DOI: 10.1080/10454446.2013.724369;
72. 2013. Cameron M. P., Newman P. A., Roungprakhon S., Scarpa R., The Marginal Willingness-to-Pay for
Attributes of a Hypothetical HIV Vaccine, Vaccine, 31(36)12:3712–3717.
71. 2013. Thiene, M., Scarpa, R., Galletto L. and Boatto V. Determinants of WTP for Prosecco wine: a latent class
regression with attitudinal responses. British Food Journal, 11(2):279-289.
70. 2013. Scarpa, R., Zanoli R.; Bruschi V. ; Naspetti S. Inferred and stated attribute non-attendance in food choice
experiments, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 95(1): 165–180; doi: 10.1093/ajae/aas073
69. 2012. Zanoli, R. Scarpa, R. Napolitano, F. Piasentier, E. Naspetti, S. Bruschi V. Organic label as an identifier of
environmentally related quality: A consumer choice experiment on beef in Italy. Renewable Agriculture and
Food Systems, 28(1):70-79
68. 2012. Campbell, D., Hensher D. and Scarpa R. Cost thresholds, cut-offs and sensitivities in stated choice
analysis: identification and implications. Resource and Energy Economics. 34(3):396-411.
67. 2012. Nocella, G., Boecker, A., Hubbard, L. and Scarpa, R. Eliciting consumer preferences for certified animalfriendly foods: can elements of the theory of planned behavior improve choice experiment analysis?
Psychology and Marketing, 29(11): 850–868.
66. 2012. Stefani, G., Scarpa R. and Cavicchi A. Exploring consumer's preferences for farmed sea bream.
Aquaculture International. 20(4):673-691 Doi 10.1007/s10499-011-9495-z.
65. 2012. Scarpa, R., Thiene, M. and Hensher D. Preferences for tap water attributes within couples: An
exploration of alternative mixed logit parameterizations. Water Resources Research, 48, W01520.
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64. 2012. Day, B., I. Bateman, R. Carson, D. Dupont, Jordan J. Louviere, S. Morimoto, R. Scarpa, and P. Wang.
Ordering Effects and Choice Set Awareness in Repeat-Response Stated Preference Studies, Journal of
Environmental Economics and Management, 63:73-91.
63. 2012. Stithou M. and R. Scarpa, Collective versus voluntary payment in contingent valuations for the
conservation of marine biodiversity: an exploratory study from Zakynthos, Greece, Ocean and Coastal
Management, 56:1-9.
62. 2011. Campbell, D. Hensher, D. A. and Scarpa, R. Non-attendance to attributes in environmental choice
analysis: a latent class specification. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 54(8):1061-1076
61. 2011. Willis, Ken, R. Scarpa, Rose Gilroy and Neveen Hamza, Renewable energy adoption in an ageing
population: Heterogeneity in preferences for micro-generation technology adoption, Energy Policy,
60. 2011. Cicia, G. and L. Cembalo, T. del Giudice, and R. Scarpa, The impact of country-of-origin information on
consumer perception of environmental environment-friendly characteristics, International Journal on Food
System Dynamics, 2(1):106-111,
59. 2011. Marsh, D., Mkwara, L. and Scarpa. R. 2011. Do Respondents’ Perceptions of the Status Quo Matter in
Non-Market Valuation with Choice Experiments? An Application to New Zealand Freshwater Streams.
Sustainability 2011, 3(9), 1593-1615; doi:10.3390/su3091593
58. 2011. Scarpa, R., S. Notaro, J.J. Louviere and R. Raffaelli. Exploring Scale Effects of Best/Worst Rank Ordered
Choice Data to Estimate Benefits of Tourism in Alpine Grazing Commons. American Journal of Agricultural
Economics. 93(3): 813–828;
57. 2011. Scarpa R. and M. Thiene. Organic food choices and Protection Motivation Theory: addressing the
psychological sources of heterogeneity. Food quality and preferences. 22(6)532-541.
56. 2011. Vermeulen, B., Goos, P., Scarpa, R. and Vandebroek, M. L. Bayesian Conjoint Choice Designs to Measure
the WTP. Environmental and Resource Economics, 48:129-149
55. 2010. Scarpa, R., M. Thiene, and D. A. Hensher, Monitoring choice task attribute attendance in non-market
valuation of multiple park management services: Does it matter? Land Economics, November volume 86 issue
4, 817-839;
54. 2010. Co-editor of special issue with Stephane Hess, Specification and interpretation issues in behavioural
models used for environmental assessment, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment,
Volume 15, Issue 7, Pages 367-442 (October 2010)
53. 2010. Nocella, G., Lionel Hubbard, L., and R. Scarpa, 2010. Farm Animal Welfare, Consumer Willingness to
Pay, and Trust: Results of a Cross-National Survey, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 32(2): 275-297;
52. 2010. Beharry-Borg, N. and R. Scarpa. Valuing quality changes in Caribbean coastal waters for heterogeneous
beach visitors, Ecological Economics 69:1124-39;
51. 2010. Scarpa, R. and K. G. Willis, Willingness-to-pay for renewable energy: Primary and discretionary choice
of British households’ for micro-generation technologies. Energy Economics, 32(1):129-136;
50. 2009. Scarpa R., Thiene M., Galletto L., Consumers WTP for wine with certified origin: preliminary results from
Latent Classes based on attitudinal responses, special issue edited by Baourakis G. and Mattas K. on
“Marketing Dynamics within the Global Trading System” in Journal of Food Products Marketing, 15:231–248.
49. 2009. Scarpa R., T. J. Gilbride, D. Campbell and D. A. Hensher, Modelling attribute non-attendance in choice
experiments for rural landscape valuation. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 36(2):151-174
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48. 2009. Thiene, M. and R. Scarpa, Deriving and testing efficient estimates of WTP distributions in destination
choice models, Environmental and Resource Economics, 44:379–395 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10640-0099291-7
47. 2009. Beharry-Borg, N., Hensher, D.A. and R. Scarpa, An analytical framework for joint vs separate decisions
by couples in choice experiments: the case of coastal water quality in Tobago, Environmental and Resource
Economics, 43(1)95-117. (Special Issues on Households edited by Prof. A. Munro,
46. 2009. Matthews, D.I. Hutchinson, W.G. and Scarpa, R. Testing the stability of the benefit transfer function for
discrete choice contingent valuation data. Journal of Forest Economics, 15(1-2):131-146
45. 2009. Campbell D., Hutchinson W. G., Scarpa, R. Using choice experiments to explore the spatial distribution
of willingness to pay for rural landscape improvements, Environment and Planning A, 41: 97-111
44. 2009. Kaval, P. Stithou, M. and Scarpa, R. Social values of biodiversity conservation: for the endangered
loggerhead turtle and monk seal, International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 14:67-76.
43. 2008. Campbell, D., Scarpa, R. and Hutchinson, W. G. Assessing the spatial dependence of welfare estimates
obtained from discrete choice experiments. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences. 1(2-3):117-126
42. 2008. Campbell, D., Hutchinson, W. G. and Scarpa, R. Incorporating discontinuous preferences into the
analysis of discrete choice experiments. Environmental and Resource Economics. 41:401-417.
41. 2008. Scarpa R. and J. M. Rose. Design efficiency for non-market valuation with choice modelling: how to
measure it, what to report and why, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 52:253-282
40. 2008. Scarpa, R., Thiene, M. and Train, K. Utility in Willingness to Pay Space: A Tool to Address Confounding
Random Scale Effects in Destination Choice to the Alps, American Journal of Agricultural Economics,
39. 2008. Cembalo, L., Cicia, G., del Giudice T., Scarpa, R., Tagliafierro, C. Beyond Agropiracy: The Case of Italian
Pasta in the United States Retail Market, Agribusiness: an international journal, 24(3):403-413
38. 2008. Thiene, M. and Scarpa, R. Hiking in the Alps: exploring substitution patterns of hiking destinations,
Tourism Economics, 14(2):263-282.
37. 2008. Hynes, S., Hanley N., and Scarpa, R. Effects on Welfare Measures of Alternative Means of Accounting
for Preference Heterogeneity in Recreational Demand Models. American Journal of Agricultural Economics,
36. 2008. Leon-Gonzalez, R. and Scarpa, R. Improving multi-site benefit functions via Bayesian model averaging:
A new approach to benefit transfer. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 56:(1)50-68
35. 2008. Ruto, E., Garrod. G. and Scarpa, R. Valuing animal genetic resources: a case study of cattle in Kenya
using choice experiments. Agricultural Economics, 38:89-98
34. 2008. Scarpa, R., M. Thiene, F. Marangon. Using flexible taste distributions to value collective reputation for
environmentally-friendly production methods. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 56:145-162.
33. 2008. Roessler, R., A. G. Drucker, R. Scarpa, A. Markemann, U. Lemke, L. T. Thuy, A. Valle Zárate. Using choice
experiments to assess smallholder farmers' preferences for pig breeding traits in different production systems
in North–West Vietnam, Ecological Economics, 66(1):184-192.
32. 2007. Scarpa, R., Campbell, D. Hutchinson, W. G. Benefit estimates for landscape improvements: sequential
Bayesian design and respondents’ rationality in a choice experiment study. Land Economics. (November)
31. 2007. Scarpa, R., Thiene, M., and Marangon, F. The value of collective reputation for environmentally-friendly
production methods: the case of Val di Gresta carrots. Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial
Organization, 5(1):article7.
- 10/21 -
30. 2007. Scarpa, R., Thiene, M., and T. Tempesta, Latent class count models of total visitation demand: days out
hiking in the eastern Alps. Environmental and Resource Economics, 38(4):447-460.
29. 2007. Scarpa, R., Willis, K., Acutt M. Valuing externalities from water supply: status-quo, choice complexity
and individual random effects in panel kernel logit analysis of choice experiments. Journal of Environmental
Planning and Management, 50(4):449-466.
28. 2007. Ferrini, S., and Scarpa, R., Designs with a-priori information for nonmarket valuation with choiceexperiments: a Monte Carlo study, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 53:342-363.
(award winning – in the top 10 most cited research paper in JEEM in the period 2005-2009)
27. 2006. Scarpa, R., and Willis, K.G. Distribution of WTP for speed reduction with non-positive bidders: is choice
modeling consistent with contingent valuation? Transport Reviews, 26(4)451-469
26. 2006. Nocella, G. and Scarpa, R., Benefits from safer animal food products: preliminary results from a
contingent valuation study of Italian households, Economia Agro-Alimentare, X(2):93-109.
25. 2005. Canavari, M., Nocella G. and Scarpa R. Stated willingness-to-pay for organic fruit and pesticide ban:
an evaluation using both web-based and face-to-face interviewing. Journal of Food Products Marketing,
24. 2005. Scarpa, R. and M. Thiene. Destination choice models for rock climbing in the Northeastern Alps: a
latent-class approach based on intensity of preference. Land Economics, 81(3):426-44, August.
23. 2005. Scarpa, R., G. Philippidis and F. Spalatro. Product- Country Images and Preference Heterogeneity for
Mediterranean Food Products: A Discrete Choice Framework. Agribusiness: an International Journal, 21(3):
329-349, July.
22. 2005. Willis, K.G., Scarpa, R., and Acutt, M. Assessing Water Company Customer Preferences and
Willingness-To-Pay for Service Improvements: a stated choice analysis. Water Resources Research,
41(2),W02019, doi:10.1029/2004WR003277.
21. 2005. Cicia, G.; Giudice, T. D. & Scarpa, R. (2005), Welfare loss due to lack of traceability in extra-virgin olive
oil: some preliminary results from a case study, Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes 64, 19-31.
20. 2004. Scarpa, R. and T. Del Giudice. Preference-Based Segmentation Via Mixed Logit: The Case Of ExtraVirgin Olive Oil Across Urban Markets. Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization, volume 2,
paper 7. http://www.bepress.com/jafio/vol2/iss1/art7.
19. 2003. Strazzera, E., Genius, M., Scarpa, R. and Hutchinson, G. The effect of protest votes on the estimates of
WTP for use values of recreational sites. Environmental and Resource Economics, 25(4):461-476.
18. 2003. Scarpa, R., A. Drucker, S. Anderson, N. Ferraes-Ehuan, V. Gomez, C. R. Risopatron and O. RubioLeonel. Valuing Animal Genetic Resources in Peasant Economies: The Case of the Box Keken Creole Pig in
Yucatan. Ecological Economics, 45(3):427-443.
17. 2003. Scarpa, R., E.S.K. Ruto, P. Kristjanson, M. Radeny, A. Drucker, and J.E.O. Rege. Valuing indigenous
cattle breeds in Kenya: An empirical comparison of stated and revealed preference value estimates.
Ecological Economics, 45(3):409-426.
16. Drucker, A., Scarpa, R. 2003. Introduction and overview to the Special Issue on animal genetic resources,
Ecological Economics, 45(3):315-317
15. 2003. Strazzera, E., Scarpa R., Calia P., Garrod G.D., and K. G. Willis. Modelling zero values and protest
responses in contingent valuation surveys. Applied Economics, 35(2):133-138.
14. 2002. Garrod, G. D., Scarpa, R., and K. G. Willis. Estimating The Benefits of Traffic Calming on Through
Routes: A Choice Experiment Approach. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy. May, 36(2):211-231.
Page 11 of 21
13. 2002. Cicia, G., Del Giudice, T. and Scarpa, R. Consumers' Perception of Quality in Organic Food: a random
utility model under preference heterogeneity and choice correlation from rank-orderings. British Food
Journal. 104(3/4/5):200-213.
12. 2001. Scarpa, R., Willis, K. G. and G. D. Garrod. Estimating WTP for Speed Reduction from DichotomousChoice CV Responses with Follow-up: The Case of Rural Trunk Roads. Environmental and Resource
Economics. December 2001, 20(4): 281-304.
11. 2001. Hutchinson, G., Scarpa R., Chilton S., and T. Mc Callion. Parametric and non-parametric estimates of
willingness to pay for forest recreation in Northern Ireland: a multi-site analysis using discrete choice
contingent valuation with follow-ups. Journal of Agricultural Economics. January, 52(1):104-122.
10. 2000. Scarpa, R., Chilton S., Hutchinson G. and J. Buongiorno. Valuing the Recreational Benefits from the
Creation of Nature Reserves in Irish Forests. Ecological Economics. April, 33(2):237-250.
2000. Scarpa, R., W. George Hutchinson, Susan M. Chilton and Joseph Buongiorno. Importance of Forest
Attributes in the Willingness To Pay for Recreation: A Contingent Valuation Study of Irish Forests. Forest
Policy and Economics. December, 1(3-4):315-329.
2000. Scarpa, R., J. Buongiorno, J.-S. Hseu, and K. Lee. Assessing The Non-Timber Value of Forests: A
Revealed-Preference, Hedonic Model for Wisconsin Hardwoods. Journal of Forest Economics. June, 6(2):83107.
2000. Romano D., Scarpa R., Spalatro F., and L. Viganò. Modeling Determinants of Participation, Number of
Trips and Site Choice for Outdoor Recreation in Protected Areas. Journal of Agricultural Economics. May,
2000. Scarpa, R. and I. Bateman. Efficiency Gains Afforded by Improved Bid Design Versus Follow-Up
Valuation Questions in Discrete Choice CV Studies. Land Economics. May, 76(2):299-311.
2000. Scarpa, R., Chilton S. and Hutchinson G. Benefits from forest recreation: flexible functional forms for
WTP distributions. Journal of Forest Economics. February, 6(1): 41-54.
2000. Scarpa, R. Contingent Valuation vs Choice Experiments: Estimating the Benefits of Environmentally
Sensitive Areas in Scotland. A comment. Journal of Agricultural Economics. May, 51(1): 122-128.
Pre 2000
1998. Scarpa R., J. Buongiorno, J.-S. Hseu, and K. Lee. Determinants of non-timber value in Northern
Hardwoods: a framework for forest resource accounting, Selected Paper at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the
American Agricultural Economics Association, Salt Lake City, 2-5 August, 1998. Abstract in the American
Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1998(5):1181.
1993. Scarpa, R. and K. Kaneva. An application of Analytical Hierarchy Process in Decision Making for
Bulgarian Farmland Reform. Economic Thought, 6: 32-42 (in Bulgarian).
1993. Scarpa, R. System of National Accounts and Sustainable Development: a review of the issue, Medit,
IN ITALIAN Published:
27. 2008. Cicia, G. Del Giudice, T. e Scarpa, R. "Quanto ci si può fidare delle stime ottenute con i Choice
Models? Alcune riflessioni su questioni aperte" Rivista di Economia Agraria, LXIII (2):254-272
26. 2007. Thiene, M., Scarpa, R., e Tempesta T. Eterogeneità delle preferenze e delle attività ricreative nelle
Alpi: due specificazioni di modello a classi latenti a confronto, Rivista di Economia Agraria, LXII(4), pp.633656
25. 2006.Thiene, M., Scarpa, R. e Troiano, S. La struttura dell'eterogeneita inosservabile delle preferenze al
consumo: un approccio basato sulle classi latenti da responsi discreti, Rivista di Economia Agraria, LXI(3):
- 12/21 -
24. 2006. Cicia, G. Del Giudice, T. e Scarpa, R. Una stima dell'impatto sul benessere del consumatore italiano
derivante da una imperfetta tracciabilità dell'olio extra-vergine di olivia, Rivista di Economia Agraria, LXI (4) :
23. 2004. Cicia, G. e Scarpa, R. Ha senso l’attivita` agricola per la sola produzione del paesaggio rurale? Alcune
riflessioni sul parco nazionale del Cilento. Bollettino del dipartimento di conservazione dei beni
architettonici ed ambientali, n.1.
22. 2004. Scarpa, R., e Thiene, M. La stima delle probabilità di scelta di siti ricreativi alternativi. Rivista di
Economia Agraria, 2004(3):363-399.
21. 2003. Scarpa, R., Tempesta, T., Thiene, M. La domanda escursionistica della montagna veneta: un’analisi
tramite modelli di conteggio con varianza flessibile. Rivista di Economia Agraria, 2003(1):47-78.
20. 2001. Scarpa, R. e Spalatro, F. Eterogeneità nelle preferenze al consumo: il caso del biologico e della lotta
integrata nell’uva da tavola e nelle fragole. Rivista di Economia Agraria, 2001(3):417-450.
19. 1999. Cicia, G. e Scarpa, R. La disponibilità a pagare per il paesaggio rurale nel Cilento: paradigmi
interpretativi del metodo della valutazione contingente. Rivista di economia agraria, 1999(1):54-94.
18. 1999. Bravi, M. e Scarpa, R. Stima degli effetti individuali sulla disponibilità a pagare da responsi dicotomici
con reiterazione: escursionisti e villeggianti in visita al Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso, Aestimum, 38:71101.
17. 1998. Scarpa, R. Caratteristiche dei boschi e disponibilità a pagare per la ricreazione all'aperto: uno studio
di valutazione contingente con il metodo referendario reiterato. Rivista di economia agraria, n.4/98:465493.
16. 1998. Bravi, M. e Scarpa, R. Stime della Disponibilita` a Pagare Attesa da Interviste CVM a Responso
Dicotomico: Forma Funzionale e Metodi di Simulazione della Varianza Campionaria. Aestimum, 35:75-94.
15. 1998. Scarpa, R. Valutazione delle Risorse Ambientali per la Pesca Sportiva da un Modello ad Utilita'
Stocastica, Genio Rurale n. 9:46-55.
14. 1997. Scarpa, R. Stima dei benefici economici di un piano di bacino col metodo della valutazione
contingente: studio di un'applicazione. Genio Rurale 11:38-48.
13. 1996. Scarpa, R. La lezione di Lakatos agli economisti: una rassegna della metodologia dei programmi di
ricerca scientifica in economia, Studi di Economia e Diritto, n. 2:191-218.
12. 1995. P. Piozzi e Scarpa, R. Studi di Impatto Ambientale: una Analisi Comparata delle Prescrizioni e delle
Norme Proposte, Genio Rurale, 2:29-38.
11. 1995. Piozzi P. e Scarpa, R. Professionisti e procedura di VIA: i risultati di un'indagine tra redattori di SIA,
Linea Ecologica ed Economia Montana, 1.
10. 1995. Antinelli A. e Scarpa, R. La stima della funzione potabile dell'acqua tramite l'approccio indiretto: un
caso di studio, Genio Rurale, 1:15-25.
1995. Scarpa, R. Il metodo del prezzo edonico per la stima delle variazioni di benessere per beni pubblici: lo
stato dell'arte e l'applicabilità in Italia, Aestimum, Dicembre, 33:93-121.
1994. Scarpa, R. Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale: tra le norme per interventi puntuali ed un approccio
olistico, Genio Rurale, 1:23-31.
1993. Scarpa, R. Valutazione economica dei beni ambientali e procedure di VIA: una prospettiva, la
"cauzione ambientale", Genio Rurale, 12:67-74.
1992. Antinelli A., Scarpa, R. e L., Venzi. Valutazione economica di una tecnica colturale innovativa: la
coltivazione in un'area ambientale sensibile. Linea Ecologica ed Economia Montana, 5:43-48.
1992. Antinelli A. e Scarpa, R. La struttura dei costi di produzione della nocciola Tonda Gentile Romana dei
Monti Cimini. L'informatore Agrario, 3:72-76.
1992. Antinelli A. e Scarpa, R. Estensione aziendale e convenienza economica tra conduzione in economia
diretta e contoterzismo: un caso di studio. Genio Rurale, 10:25-35.
1991. Antinelli A. e Scarpa, R. Le nascenti Associazioni di Produttori di nocciole nella corilicoltura dei Cimini:
evoluzioni e prospettive. Tuscia Economica, 2:109-111.
1991. Scarpa, R. Problemi ambientali e l'agricoltura nelle varie aree del globo, Linea Ecologica ed Economia
Montana, 6:21-25.
Page 13 of 21
1990. Scarpa, R. and Venzi L., Gli interventi di mitigazione come misura di impatto ambientale: il caso della
"bretella" autostradale Fiano-S.Cesareo, Genio Rurale, 7/8:90-95.
2010. Campbell, D., Hess, S., Scarpa, R., Rose, J. M. Accommodating coefficient outliers in discrete choice
modelling: a comparison of discrete and continuous mixing approaches, pages 331-352, Chapter 15 in
Choice Modelling: the state-of-the-art and the state-of-practice – of Proceedings from the inaugural
International Choice Modelling Conference edited by Stephane Hess & Andrew Daly, Emerald Group
Publishing Limited
2010. Lanz, B., Allan Provins, A., Bateman, I.J., Scarpa, R., Willis, K. and Ozdemiroglu, E. Investigating
willingness to pay – willingness to accept asymmetry in choice experiments, pages 517-542, Chapter 24 in
Choice Modelling: the state-of-the-art and the state-of-practice – of Proceedings from the inaugural
International Choice Modelling Conference edited by Stephane Hess & Andrew Daly, Emerald Group
Publishing Limited
2003. Cicia, G. and Scarpa, R. Willingness to pay for rural landscape preservation: a case study in
Mediterranean agriculture. Pages 97-116 in Proceedings of an International Workshop at Schloss
Rauischholzhausen, October 16-18, 2002, on Pricing environmental services of agriculture, edited by M.
Kissling, K. Schmitz, P.M. Schmitz and T.C. Wronka.
1999. Scarpa, R., Revealed preference valuation methods for farm animal genetic material: principles,
stregths and weaknesses, in Economic valuation of animal genetic resources. International Livestock
Research Institute Proceedings, pagg. 40-46. FAO/ILRI Workshop, 15-17 March 1999. Edited by J.E.O. Rege.
1998. Scarpa, R., J. Buongiorno, and K. Lee. Determinants of non-timber values in Wisconsin Northern
hardwoods. Pp. 228-232 in Proceedings of the 1998 Southern Forest Economics Workshop. Part II. USDA
Forest Service, Southern Research Station.
1993. Scarpa, R., With Antinelli A., e L. Venzi. Economic evaluation of innovation in management practices:
filbertnut production in an environmentally sensitive area, in Agricultural Policy and the environment, pag.
269-280, Proceedings, Paolo Rosato (editor), Unipress, Padova.
1990. Scarpa, R., and Venzi L., Socio-Economic education for the forester and the new needs for
Environmental Impact Assessment, in Vol. 2 dei Proceedings of the FAO International Conference on
Forestry Education, Viterbo 17-22 Novembre 1990, pag. 117-123.
PUBLISHED book chapters:
16. 2014. P. Koundouri, R. Scarpa, M. Stithou, A Choice Experiment for the Estimation of the Economic Value of
the River Ecosystem: Management Policies for Sustaining NATURA (2000) Species and the Coastal
Environment, Chapter 6 in Water Resources Management Sustaining Socio-Economic Welfare: The
Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in Asopos River Basin in Greece, Phoebe
Koundouri, Nikos A. Papandreou Editors, http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-94-007-7636-4_6
15. 2010. Beharry-Borg, N. and Scarpa, R. Researcher-selected versus respondent-selected attributes: improved
coastal water quality in Tobago. Chapter 5, pages 67-86 in “Choice Experiments in Developing Countries”,
Jeff Bennett and Ekin Birol Editors, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, U.K.
14. 2010. Ruto, E. and Scarpa, R. Using choice experiments to investigate preferences for cattle traits in Kenya.
Chapter 14, pages 244-260 in “Choice Experiments in Developing Countries”, Jeff Bennett and Ekin Birol
Editors, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, U.K.
13. 2008. Beharry, N. and Scarpa, R. Valuing improved coastal water quality for beach recreation on the
Caribbean island of Tobago, Chapter 10, In: Payment for Ecosystems Services, Oxford University Press, U.K.
Pushpam Kumar and Roldan Muradian Editors.
12. 2008. Campbell, D. Hutchinson, W.G. Scarpa, R. Using mixed logit models to derive individual-specific WTP
estimates for landscape improvements under agri-environmental schemes: evidence from the Rural
Environment Protection Scheme in Ireland, In Ekin Birol; Phoebe Koundouri (Eds), Choice Experiments
Informing Environmental Policy: A European Perspective, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham U.K., 58-81.
- 14/21 -
11. 2007. Scarpa, R. Spalatro, F. Canavari, M. Investigating preferences for environment friendly production
practices: Taste segments for organic and integrated crop management potatoes in Italian households, In
(Eds), Organic Food: Consumers' Choices and Farmers' Opportunities, USA: Springer, 115-124.
10. 2007. Scarpa, R. Hutchinson, W. G. Chilton, S. Buongiorno, J. Benefit value transfers conditional on site
attributes: Some evidence of reliability from forest recreation in Ireland, In Stale Navrud & Richard Ready
(Eds), Environmental Value Transfer: Issues and Methods, Netherlands: Springer, 170-205.
2006. Willis, K. and Scarpa R. Valuing water service level changes: a random utility approach and benefit
transfer comparison, Chapter 13, in Environmental Valuation in Developed Countries, David Pearce Editor,
Edward Elgar, 274-292, Cheltenham U.K.
2005. Scarpa, R., S. Ferrini and K. G. Willis. Performance of error component models for status-quo effects
in choice experiments. Chapter 13, pages 247-273 in Applications of simulation methods in environmental
and resource economics. Edited by R. Scarpa and A. Alberini, Springer Publisher, Dordrecht, The
2005. Scarpa, R., K. G. Willis, and Acutt M., Individual-specific welfare measures for public goods: a latent
class approach to residential customers of Yorkshire Water. In: Econometrics Informing Natural Resource
Management, Chapter 14, edited by Phoebe Koundouri, Edward Elgar Publisher. Pages 316-337.
2005. Thiene, M., Scarpa, R. and Tempesta, T. Outdoor recreation in Northeastern Alps: comparing twostage nested logit RUMs. Pages 423-444 in Food, Agriculture and the Environment. Edited by E.
Defrancesco, L. Galletto and M. Thiene. Franco Angeli Publisher.
2003. Scarpa, R., T. Tempesta and M. Thiene. Non-participation, demand intensity and substitution effects
in an integrable demand system: the case of day trips to the North-Eastern Alps from Veneto CAI members.
Chapter 6 in The New Economics of Outdoor Recreation. Edited by N. Hanley, D. Shaw and R. Wright. Pages
98-122. Edward Elgar publisher, Cheltenham U.K.
2003. Hutchinson, W. G., Scarpa, R., Chilton, S. M. and T. McCallion. Spatial Distribution Versus Efficiency
Effects Of Forest Recreation Policies: Using a Regional Travel Cost Model. In The New Economics of Outdoor
Recreation. Edited by N. Hanley, D. Shaw and R. Wright. 139-164. Edward Elgar publisher, Cheltenham U.K.
2002. Bravi, M., and Scarpa, R. Estimating WTP for public access to art exhibitions. Chapter 12, pp. 184-199
in Valuing Cultural Heritage: Applying Environmental Valuation Techniques to Historic Buildings,
Monuments and Artifacts, edited by Navrud S. and R. Ready, Edward Elgar, Northampton, MA, 280 pp.,
ISBN 1-84064-079-0
1998. Scarpa, R., and P. Riganti. Categorical Nesting and Information Effects on WTP Estimates for the
Conservation of Cultural Heritage in Campi Flegrei, pp.245-259, In Campi Flegrei, Environmental Resource
Valuation in Italy: Applications of the Contingent Valuation Method by R. C. Bishop and D. Romano , Kluwer
1998. Scarpa, R., Sirchia G. and M. Bravi. Kernel vs Logit Modeling of Single Bounded CV Responses: Valuing
Access to Architectural and Visual Arts Heritage in Italy, pp.232-244, in Environmental Resource Valuation:
Applications of the Contingent Valuation Method In Italy. Edited by Richard Bishop and Donato Romano,
Kluwer Publisher.
Scarpa, R. e W. Greene. 2005. “Un breve excursus sull’analisi econometrica delle scelte discrete” Capitolo 2
in I modelli a scelta discreta per l’analisi dei trasporti. Teoria, metodi, ed applicazioni. Carocci Editore. Pag.
Bravi, M. e Scarpa, R. 2000. Metodi di valutazione contingente, Capitolo 3, in La valutazione economica dei
beni culturali, pag 47-78, Carocci Editore.
Scarpa, R. 2000. Sviluppi recenti del metodo del costo di viaggio, Capitolo 5, in La valutazione economica dei
beni culturali, pag 99-110, Carocci Editore.
Bravi, M., Scarpa, R. e Sirchia G. 2000. Stima della disponibilita` a pagare per servizi pubblici museali,
Capitolo 8, in La valutazione economica dei beni culturali, pag 141-156, Carocci Editore.
Scarpa, R. 2000. Elementi di microeconomia, Appendice, in La valutazione economica dei beni culturali, pag
177-187, Carocci Editore.
Page 15 of 21
7. Zanoli, R., R. Scarpa, F. Napolitano, E. Piasentier, S. Naspetti, V. Bruschi. (2011). Organic label as identifier of
environmentally-related quality: a consumer choice experiment on beef in Italy.
6. Nocella, Giuseppe; Hubbard, Lionel; Scarpa, Riccardo (2007), Consumer trust and willingness to pay for
certified animal-friendly products, Department of Economics, University of Waikato, 25pgs.
5. Campbell, Danny; Hutchinson, W; Scarpa, Riccardo (2007), Incorporating discontinuous preferences into the
analysis of discrete choice experiments, Waikato Management School, 18pgs.
4. Stefani, Gianluca; Scarpa, Riccardo (2007), The referendum incentive comparability hypothesis: Some new
results using information messages, Department of Economics, University of Waikato, 25pgs.
3. Campbell, Danny; Hutchinson, W; Scarpa, Riccardo (2007), Using choice experiments to explore the spatial
distribution of willingness to pay for rural landscape improvements, Waikato Management School, 28pgs.
2. Scarpa, Riccardo; Thiene, Mara; Marangon, Francesco (2007), Using flexible taste distributions to value
collective reputation for environmentally-friendly production methods, Waikato Management School,
University of Waikato, 23pgs.
1. Ruto, Eric; Garrod, Guy; Scarpa, Riccardo (2007), Valuing animal genetic resources: a choice modeling
application to indigenous cattle in Kenya, Waikato Management School, 35pgs.
2015. Chen Yiyu, Caputo Vincenzina, Nayga Rodolfo M., Scarpa Riccardo, Fazli Siamac. How visual attention affects
choice outcomes: An eyetracking study. The 3rd international winter conference on Brain-Computer
Interface. 12-14 January 2015, High1 Resort Korea. (http://brain.korea.ac.kr/bci2015/)
2014. Caputo, V., Van Loo, E., Scarpa, R., Nayga R., Verbeke, W. Using Experiments to Address Attribute Nonattendance in Consumer Food Choices, paper presented at the 2014 AAEA Annual Meeting during the
Symposium on Methodological Developments and Challenges in Choice Experiments, Regency Room, Hayatt
Regency Hotel, 2:45-4:15, Monday 28th July 2014
2014. Thiene Mara, Cam Rungie, Riccardo Scarpa. The influences of individuals in joint decisions: recreation in the
Alps in Italy, Selected paper presented at the Worldcongress onf Environmental and Resource Economics,
Istanbul, Room 6, 8:45-10:00, Monday 29th June 2014
2014. Koundouri, Phoebe, Riccardo Scarpa, Mavra Stithou. Full preference ranking for Natura (2000) species and the
coastal environment: does residency affect use and non-use values?, Selected paper presented at the
Worldcongress onf Environmental and Resource Economics, Istanbul, Room 4, 8:45-10:00, Sunday 29th June
2014. Mkwara, Lena, Dan Marsh and Riccardo Scarpa. Valuing trout angling benefits of water quality improvements
while avcounting for unobserved lake characteristics: an application to the Rotorua Lakes, New Zealand.
Selected paper presented at the Worldcongress onf Environmental and Resource Economics, Istanbul, Room
6, 8:45-10:00, Sunday 29th June 2014
2014. Silz Carson K., S. M. Chilton, W. G. Hutchinson, R. Scarpa. Strategic behaviour in choice experiments. Western
Economic Association International, 89th conference, Grand Hyatt, Colorado, U.S.A., Saturday June 28th,
2013. Campbell, Danny, David Hensher, Riccardo Scarpa. Bounding WTP distributions to reflect the ‘actual’
consideration set. Paper presented at the 3rd International Choice Modeling Conference, Sydney, Friday 5 th
July 2013
2013. Thiene, Mara, Cam Rungie, Riccardo Scarpa. The influences of individuals in joint decisions: recreation in the
Alps in Italy. Paper presented at the 3rd International Choice Modeling Conference, Sydney, Thursday 4th July
2013. Boeri, Marco, Alberto Longo, Riccardo Scarpa, The regret of not modelling regret in choice experiments: a
Monte Carlo investigation. Paper presented at the 3rd International Choice Modeling Conference, Sydney,
Thursday 4th July 2013
- 16/21 -
2013. Caputo Vincenzina, Ellen J. Van Loo, Riccardo Scarpa, Rodolfo M. Nayga, Jr., and Wim Verbeke, Addressing the
attribute non-attendance issue in hypothetical choice experiments: the case of food labeling, Paper prepared
for the 134th EAAE Seminar, Paris (France), March 21-22, 2013;
2012. Campbell Rungie, Riccardo Scarpa, Mara Thiene, The influence of individuals in forming collective household
preferences for water quality. Paper Selected for presentation at the 2nd AERE annual meeting, Asheville,
North Carolina, USA, Parellel session VI, Tuesday June 5th, 2012, Room Taft M, 1:30-3:00.
2012. James Tee, Riccardo Scarpa, Dan Marsh and Graeme Guthrie, Valuation of Carbon Forestry and the New
Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme: A Real Options Approach Using the Binomial Tree Method. Paper
Selected for presentation at the 28th ICAE - Icuazu, 20th August 2012, 17:30 Parana II room, Rafain
Convention Centre, Brasil.
2011. Scarpa, Riccardo, Roberta Raffaelli, Sandra Notaro, Jordan Louviere, 2011. Modelling The Effects Of Stated
Attribute Non-Attendance On Its Inference: An Application to Visitors Benefits from the Alpine Grazing
Commons. Paper Selected for presentation at the 2nd International Conference of Choice Modelling, Leeds,
Oulton Hall, July 4th-6th , 2011, Session in 1:30-2:30pm of July 6th, Room Oulton 2. The paper was also
presented at the XIII EAAE Congress in Zurich in session GC7 on Preference Stability, Room G3, Friday Sept.
2nd 15:30-17:00
2011. Campbell, Danny, David A. Hensher and Riccardo Scarpa. 2011. Cost thresholds, cut-offs and sensitivities in
stated choice analysis: identification and implications?. Paper Selected for presentation at the 2nd
International Conference of Choice Modelling, Leeds, Oulton Hall, July 4th-6th , 2011, Session in 3:30-4:30pm
of July 5th, Room Oulton 2.
2011. Scarpa, Riccardo, Roberta Raffaelli, Sandra Notaro, Anthony Marley. 2011. Best-worst scaling: consistency of
preferences with discrete choice experiments and stability over time. Paper Selected for presentation at the
2nd International Conference of Choice Modelling, Leeds, Oulton Hall, July 4th-6th , 2011, Session in 12:001:00pm of July 4th, Room Oulton 2
2011. Rungie, Campbell, Riccardo Scarpa, Mara Thiene. Single versus joint preference for tap water: a Structural
Choice Modelling investigation. Prepared for the 1st Annual Association of Environmental and Resource
Economists (AERE) Summer Conference, 9th-10th June 2011 in Seattle, Washington, USA.
2011. Marsh, Dan; Mkwara, Lena; Scarpa, Riccardo (2011), Does respondent's perception of the status quo matter in
non-market valuation with choice experiments? An application to New Zealand freshwater streams, EAERE
18th Annual Conference 2011, Rome, Italy; 29 June - 2 July, 26pgs.
2010. Phillips, Yvonne and Riccardo Scarpa. Waikato warm home study. Paper presented at the New Zealand
Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, August 26-27, 2010, Nelson, NZ
2010. Thiene, M. and Scarpa, R. An empirical investigation of individual WTPs and power coefficients within couples
under scale and taste heterogeneity: the case of household water. Selected paper a the 4th Worldcongress of
Environmental and Resource Economics, 29th June-2nd July, 2010
2010. Taglioni, C., Cavicchi, A. Biancamaria Torquati, B. and Scarpa, R. Influence of brand equity on milk choice: a
choice experiment survey. Selected paper presented at the 119th European Association of Agricultural
Economists Seminar on "Sustainability in the Food Sector", June 30-July 2, 2010 - Capri, Naples, ITALY
2010. Day, B., I. Bateman, R. Carson, R. Scarpa, J. Louviere, P. Wang, and D. Dupont. Task Independence in Stated
Preference Studies: A Test of Order Effect Explanations. The 4th Worldcongress of Environmental and Resource
Economics, 29th June-2nd July, 2010
2010. Yao. R., J. Turner, and R. Scarpa, T. Barnard. Valuing enhancement of indigenous ecosystem in New Zealand
forests. XXIII IUFRO Worldcongress, Seoul, South Korea, 23-28 August 2010
2010. Marsh, Dan; Mkwara, Lena; Scarpa, Riccardo (2010), Does respondent's perceived knowledge of the status
quo affect attribute attendance and WTP in choice experiments? Evidence from the Karapiro Catchment
freshwater streams, NZARES Conference 2010, Nelson, New Zealand; 26-27 August, 21pgs.
2009. Stefani, G. and R. Scarpa, 2009. The Referendum Incentive Compatibility Hypothesis: Some New Results Using
Information Messages And Differential Exposure To Referendum Voting Paper selected for presentation at the
XLVI Convegno di Studi of the SOCIETA’ ITALIANA DI ECONOMIA AGRARIA, Piacenza, 16-19 settembre 2009
2009. Canavari, M. Tisselli, F. Nayga Jr. R. M., R. Scarpa. Italian Consumer Acceptance of Nutritionally Enhanced GM
Food. Paper selected for presentation at the XXVII International Conference of the International Association
of the Agricultural Economists, Beijing, P.R. of China, August 16-22.
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2009. Scarpa, R., Thiene M. and D. Hensher. Monitoring Choice Task Attribute Attendance In Non-Market Valuation
Of Multiple Park Management Services. Paper selected for presentation at the XXVII International
Conference of the International Association of the Agricultural Economists, Beijing, P.R. of China, August 1622.
2009. Scarpa, R., Notaro, S., and R. Raffelli. Non-attendance in best/worst rank ordered choice data: an explorative
investigation. Paper Selected for Presentation at the EAERE 2009 meeting in Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
June 25-27. (SATURDAY 27 JUNE 2009 08:45 - 10:30, Session on Stated Preferences 7, Room 1A05)
2009. Vermeulen, B., Goos, P., Scarpa, R. and M. Vandebroek. Conjoint choice designs for measuring willingness to
pay. Paper Selected for Presentation at the EAERE 2009 meeting in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 25-27.
(FRIDAY 26 JUNE 2009 14:00 - 15:45, Session on Stated Preferences 5, Room 1A05)
2009. Campbell, D., S. Hess, R. Scarpa, J. M. Rose, Accommodating coefficient outliers in discrete choice modelling: a
comparison of discrete and continuous mixing approaches. Selected paper at the International Choice
Modeling Conference, Harrogate, U.K., March 29 - April 3.
2009. Scarpa, R., Philens, D., Louviere, J., Raffaelli, R. and S. Notaro. Performance of best/worst choice elicitation in
individual model of rank-ordered choices: an application to estimate the conservation value of Alpine
pastures. Selected paper at the International Choice Modeling Conference, Harrogate, U.K., March 29 - April
2008. Aravena, C., P. Martinsson and R. Scarpa. Does ignorance of attributes in a choice experiment affect willingness
to pay and policy recommendations? Paper selected for presentation at the 16th Annual Conference of the
European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists that will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden 25
- 28 June 2008. Session 1.11 Stated Preferences: Method, Thursday 26 June 2008, 08:30 - 10:15, Room: E44
2008. Thiene, M., R. Scarpa, T. Tempesta. Deriving and testing efficient estimates of WTP distributions in destination
choice models. Paper selected for presentation at the 16th Annual Conference of the European Association of
Environmental and Resource Economists that will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden 25 - 28 June 2008. Session:
6.8 Revealed Preferences: Travel Cost, Friday 27 June 2008, 15:45 - 18:00, Room: C24
2008. Bateman, I. J., Richard T. Carson, B. Day, D. Dupont, J. J. Louviere, S. Morimoto, R. Scarpa, P. Wang. Awareness
and Ordering Effects in Discrete Choice Experiments. Paper selected for presentation at the 16th Annual
Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists that will be held in
Gothenburg, Sweden 25 - 28 June 2008. Session: 1.12 Water Issues. Thursday 26 June 2008, 08:30 - 10:15,
Room: B32
2007. Cembalo, L., Cicia G., Del Giudice T., Scarpa R., Tagliaferro C., Beyond agropiracy: the case of Italian pasta in
the United States retail market , in proceedings of the First international European Forum. Seminar of the
European Association of Agricultural Economists, held in Innsbruck-Austria (15-17 February 2007) titled
Innovation and Food Dynamics in Food Networks
2007. Cembalo, L., Cicia G., Del Giudice T., Scarpa R., Tagliaferro C., Ecological characteristics and new
competitiveness strategies in fresh vegetables market, in proceedings of the 105th Seminar of the European
Association of Agricultural Economists, held in Bologna (8-10 March 2007) titled International Marketing and
International Trade of quality Food Products
2007. Nesha, B., and Scarpa, R., Valuing the recreational benefits of improved coastal water quality in Tobago:
Deriving individual specific WTP estimates, 15th EAERE Annual Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece; 27-30 June,
2006. Scarpa, R.; Thiene, M.; Marangon, F., Consumer's WTP for environmentally-friendly production methods and
collective reputation for place of origin: the case of Val di Gresta carrots, 26th Conference of the International
Association of Agricultural Economists, Queensland, Australia, 12-18 August, 21pgs.
2006. Aravena, C.; Martinsson, P.; Scarpa, R., Does money talk? The effect of monetary attribute on the marginal rate
of substitution in a choice experiment, Third World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists,
Kyoto, Japan, 3-7 July, 27pgs.
2006. Beharry, N.; Scarpa, R., Joint vs separate decisions with taste variation: exploring responses of couples in choice
experiments for coastal water quality valuation in Tobago, Third World Congress of Environmental and
Resource Economists, Kyoto, Japan; 3-7 July, 22pgs.
2006. Scarpa, R.; Thiene, M.; Tempesta, T., Latent class count models of total visitation demand: days out in the
eastern Alps, Third World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Kyoto, Japan, 3-7 July, 20pgs.
- 18/21 -
2006. Campbell, D.; Hutchinson, W; Scarpa, R., Lexicographic decision-making rules in discrete choice experiments:
implications on individual-specific WTP estimates, Third World Congress of Environmental and Resource
Economists, Kyoto, Japan; 3-7 July, 22pgs.
2006. Leon-Gonzalez, R.; Scarpa, R., Robust benefit function transfer: A Bayesian model averaging approach, Third
World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Kyoto, Japan; 3-7 July, 12pgs.
2006. Ruto, E.; Garrod, G.; Scarpa, R., Valuing animal genetic resources: a case study of cattle in Kenya using choice
experiments, Third World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Kyoto, Japan, 3-7 July, 18pgs.
2006. Beharry, Nesha; Scarpa, Riccardo, Valuing improved coastal water quality for beach recreation on the Caribbean
Island of Tobago, Ninth Biennial Conference of The International Society for Ecological Economics, New Delhi,
India; 16-18 December, 34pgs.
2005. Nocella, G. and Scarpa, R. Benefits from safer animal food products: preliminary results from a contingent
valuation study of Italian households. Prepared for the 97EAAE Seminar, Reading, UK
2005. Campbell, D., Hutchinson, G. and Scarpa, R. Using choice experiments to value farm landscape improvements:
implications of inconsistent preferences. Paper presented at the Applied Environmental Economics Conference,
March 2005, London, U.K.
2005. Matthews, D., Hutchinson, G. and Scarpa, R. Testing the stability of the Benefit Transfer function for discrete
choice contingent valuation data. Paper presented to the Agricultural Economics Society conference, 4-6 April,
2005. Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K.
2004. Scarpa, R., Thiene M. and T. Tempesta, Outdoor recreation in North Eastern Alps: comparing two-stage nested
logit random utility models, Paper presented at the 9th Joint Conference on Food, Agriculture and the
Environment, August 28th – September 1st. Forthcoming in an edited book with the conference proceedings.
2004. Viganò, L., R. Scarpa, and D. Bortolozzo. Explaining structural policy use by farmers with discrete choice models:
an evaluation of structural policies supported by the EAGGF. Paper presented at 87th EAAE-Seminar in Vienna.
April 21-24.
2004. Scarpa, R. and M. Thiene. Destination choice models for rock-climbing in the North-Eastern Alps: a latent-class
approach based on intensity of participation. EAERE conference Budapest, June 25th-28th. Working paper
Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei no. 131.04.
2004. Scarpa, R., Willis, K., Acutt M. and S. Ferrini. Monte Carlo simulation evidence on the effect of the status-quo in
choice experiment models. EAERE conference Budapest, June 25th-28th.
2004. Termansen, M., McLean C. and R. Scarpa. Economic Valuation of Danish Forest Recreation combining mixed logit
models and GIS. EAERE conference Budapest, June 25th-28th,
2003. Eugenio-Martín, J.-L., Martín-Morales, N. and Scarpa, R. Tourism and economic growth in Latin American
countries: a panel data approach. Presented at the Conference on Tourism and Sustainable Economic
Development: Macro and Micro Economic Issues, Sardinia, Italy, 19-20 September 2003.
2002. Scarpa, R., F. Spalatro, and M. Canavari, Investigating preferences for environment friendly production practices:
Taste segments for organic and integrated pest management in Italian households. Paper presented at the 8th
Joint Conference on Food, Agriculture and the Environment, August 25 - August 28, 2002 Red Cedar Lake,
Wisconsin. Forthcoming in 2005 in “Organic food. Consumers' choices and farmers' opportunities” edited by
Maurizio Canavari and Kent D. Olson”, Kluwer/Springer publishers
1. Thiene M. Scarpa R. and Rungie C. (2012) Structural choice modeling in multi-agent decisions.
2. Boeri M., Scarpa R. and C. Chorus (2012) Mixtures of decision processes in choice experiments for traffic
calming schemes and their welfare estimates
3. Caputo V. (Korea University) Nayga R. (Univ. Arkansas) (2012) Food miles labeling preference
Marsh, D., Mkwara, L. and R. Scarpa, 2010. Does respondent’s perception of the status quo matter in nonmarket valuation with choice experiments? An application to New Zealand freshwater streams, Department
of Economics, Waikato Management School, The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Straton, A., K. Zander, R. Scarpa, and R. Brown, 2009. Valuation of marine park resources by residents in a
developing nation: a case study of the Bunaken National Park in Indonesia
Page 19 of 21
Rose, J. M. , R. Scarpa and M. C. J. Bliemer Incorporating model uncertainty into the generation of efficient
stated choice experiments: A model averaging approach
Scarpa, R., S. Notaro, R. Raffelli, D. Pihlens and J. Louviere, 2008. Exploring scale effects of best/worst rank
ordered choice data to estimate visitors’ benefits from alpine transhumance
Stefani, G. and R. Scarpa, 2008. A Bayesian perspective on the incentive compatibility of hypothetical
Thiene, M., L. Galletto, R. Scarpa, and V. Boatto 2008, Improving latent class analysis using attitudinal
responses: An application to WTP for Prosecco wine
10. Caputo, V. Nayga R.M. and R. Scarpa, 2011. Consumers’ Valuation for Food Miles Labels
Co-editor with A. Alberini. 2005. Applications of Simulation Methods in Environmental and Resource Economics.
Springer Publisher. (ISBN1-4020-3683-3)
Co-editor of special issue with Stephane Hess, on Specification and interpretation issues in behavioural models used
for environmental assessment, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 15, Issue 7,
Pages 367-442 (October 2010)
Co-editor of special issue with Adam G. Drucker, on Valuing Animal Genetic Resources, Ecological Economics,
Volume 45, Issue 3, Pages 315-517 (July 2003)
With Michael Burton and Dan Rigby. Endogeneity effects from design choice in choice experiments.
With John Rose. Efficient choice design with uncertainty over model specification.
With Dan Marsh. Choice experiments in small samples: an application to local water management.
With Gianluca Stefani. A Bayesian perspective on the incentive compatibility of hypothetical referenda.
With Vincenzina Caputo and Rodolfo M. Nayga Consumers’ Valuation for Food Miles Labels and Attribute
Non-attendance with Taste Heterogeneity
With Campbell Rungie and Mara Thiene Single versus joint preference for tap water: a Structural Choice
Modelling investigation
With Richard Yao, James Turner, Tim Barnard, John Rose, Socioeconomic and Spatial Determinants of
With John Gibson and Steven Stillman. The Impact of Behavioural and Environmental Change on Health:
Indoor and Outdoor Pollution and Immigrant Asthma in New Zealand.
With Peter Newman and Michael Cameron. Willingness to pay for HIV vaccine and spermicide in developing
10. With Diego Begalli, Marco Boeri, and Lara Agnoli, Alcohol consumption patterns in young Italians
11. With Marco Boeri and Caspar G. Chorus. Random utility versus random regret in traffic calming.
Operating Systems: Windows, WinNT, Win2000-pro, WinXP, Linux.
General purpose: MS-Office, LaTeX, Scientific Word.
Statistics and Econometrics: GAUSS, LimDep/Nlogit, SPSS, R, SAS.
Mathematics: Mathematica, Maple, MatLab.
Web-based authoring: HTML, JAVA.
Australian Energy Market Operator, New Zealand Electricity Authority, Food and Agricultural Organization,
Environment Canada, International Livestock Research Institute, Northern Ireland Water, Atkins Water, Yorkshire
- 20/21 -
Waters, Thames Water, ACCENT, CeSIA, CeSET, CISAL, Rome City Council, Rome Provincial Council, Centioni and
Associates Ltd., CEFAS, DEFRA, Anderson Consulting Ltd., UK-Forestry Commission, Northern Ireland Forest Service,
Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei, UNILEVER, EXPERIAN, UNESCO, UNDP, URSCorp, Jamaica-NEPA, Vicenza Provincial
Council, International Livestock Research Institute, DG Regional Policy EU Commission (member of the panel of
experts to advise on outcome indicators of cohesion policy).
Value of Customer Reliability Survey, Australian Energy Market Operator 2013-14
Value of water services to residential and business customer Northern Ireland Water, Yorkshire Water,
United Utilities 2013
Consumers’ WTP research for undergrounding transmission cables in protected areas in the UK, National
Value of lost electricity load, NZ Electricity Authority 2010-13.
Member of the OECD-Groningen team for the consultancy project “On the wings of L’Aquila”, 2011-2012
Consultant NEPA Jamaica “biodiversity valuation”
DG-Regio consultant on the development of impact indicators for development policy.
Managed research grants for over GBP750k from the following agencies:
USDA-Forest Service, US Sea Grant Institute, Environment Agency, European Commission, International Livestock
Research Institute, Forestry Commission, Economic and Social Science Research Council, Italian National Research
Council, Marsden.
Research Funding from: FW5: Human Capital and Mobility, NewExt, Cascade, EconoGene.
Evaluator for: FW6: STREPs, IRPs; FW7: Collaborative Projects Proposals
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