1. MANCHESTER EVENING NETBALL LEAGUE - LEAGUE RULES 2014/2015 SEASON Games to be played under the rules of ENGLAND NETBALL (EN). 2. HOME TEAM to confirm fixture, location and time at least 7 days before the match. 3. Games to start at times mutually agreed. Games to start no earlier than 7pm. (Teams experiencing difficulty with early or late starts should contact their divisional secretary). 4. A team will forfeit the match points for non-attendance at a confirmed fixture, unless a satisfactory explanation is given. Points may only be claimed 10 minutes after the agreed starting time but common sense must prevail and every effort should be made for games to be played. 5. Home And Away Team To Provide A Qualified Umpire – Or Drop A Player Qualified To Umpire. Failure to comply will incur a penalty of minus 2 points. Minimum qualification – E.N ‘C’ award (preliminary award). This applies with the exception of new clubs who must have at least one person on an umpiring course within 12 months and become qualified within the next 12 months. Division 7 will be used at the discretion of the league to develop up and coming umpires. These umpires will be supported and mentored at all games. Both teams would be informed in advance if they were not required to provide umpires. Team with umpires who may wish to be mentored in preparation for their test should make themselves known to Jean Dolan. 5a. Only B/Intermediate or Above Qualified Umpires Can Officiate in the 1st Division Matches. a. In addition to rule 5a any umpire who has been successfully assessed as competent to apply for the B award may umpire in the 1st division (copy of signed assessment sheet to be lodged with results secretary and umpiring secretary). This assessment is valid for 12 months only, during this time you must have applied for and passed the ‘B’ test. An umpire who is unsuccessful at the ‘B’ test is no longer eligible to umpire in division 1. They must then either be successfully re-assessed or re-apply and pass the ‘B’ test to continue umpiring in division 1. b. All umpires must be in possession of a valid ‘green card’ to officiate in this league and must attend a refresher course every 2 years dating from the previous card. Use of an ineligible umpire will incur a penalty of minus 2 points. Green card evenings are open to all especially potential umpires. c. Newly qualified c award umpires must register by email or letter with the league umpiring secretary and the match results secretary prior to officiating at any match. This written registration gives temporary eligibility to umpire in the league. The new umpire must attend the refresher immediately following their test date; by attending this meeting the new umpire will attain their green card. Failure to attend this meeting will render them ineligible to umpire; the forfeit of 2 points will apply until they attend a refresher and obtain their card. d. Umpires of ‘A’ qualification need not attend MENL Green card refresher meetings. However, the league requests that these umpires register at the beginning of the season and at worst, 48 hours before matches. When registered with MENL Umpiring secretary, they will be issued with the league rules. Although we have applied this exemption to ‘A’ award umpires, we would appreciate their attendance at the meetings in order to contribute and share their expertise and valuable knowledge. 6. All changes of secretary or venues must be notified, in writing to the league secretary, match results secretary, divisional secretary and all teams in the division. 7. Scorecards to be filled in prior to games with the exception of the score, any substitutions & signatures and officials information (which must be printed). Fully completed scorecards to be sent to the Hon. Match Results Secretary within 7 days of the game by the HOME team, failure to do so will incur a penalty of minus 2 points to the HOME team. 8. The entrance fee for the league will be decided each year by the committee. 1 9. All players must be registered; any team playing an unregistered player will incur a penalty of minus 3 points. Any club, which has, more than one team must register each player on a team. New players must be registered 48 hours prior to match a. Only one 1st team player from the division above allowed to play for a 2nd team, and no other, and only one 2nd team player from the division above allowed to play for a 3rd team etc. b. If 2 teams from a club are in the same division, the lower team may only borrow one player from the higher team in that division and not from the division above. c. A player may only play for a team other than the one on which she is registered on no more than 3 occasions, a penalty of minus 3 points will be incurred if using a player on a 4th occasion if not re-registered. A player who represents a team other than the one on which she is registered on a 4th occasion must be re-registered on that team 48 hours prior to the match. The player may not play for any other team within her club for the rest of the season. All re-registrations must be made in writing to the Match Results Secretary. d. Any number of lower team players may play for a higher team, provided they are within rule 9c. e. NO FURTHER RE-REGISTRATIONS AND REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE FIRST SUNDAY IN FEBRUARY. 10. Only players who have played in at least 3 matches are eligible to play in the end of season tournament unless they are a bonafide member of the club. 11. A player may not play for more than one club in the league. 12. The UMPIRES decision must be taken as final at all times. 13. Clubs playing all matches away must offer to pay for the use of the gym/sports hall when this is down as their ‘HOME’ fixture. 14. All re-arranged matches must be completed one week before the RALLY. 15. Any complaints regarding matches, should be sent in writing to your DIVISIONAL SECRETARY within 7 days of the match. Complaints do not necessarily have to be written on the score card, but comments on the card will not be followed up unless it is formalized in writing. 16. League Meetings a. A fine of £10 will be imposed on clubs not attending any of the meetings. One representative FROM EACH CLUB must be present at the meetings. b. Any club leaving before the Chairman has officially declared the meeting closed will be fined £5 subject to the meeting finishing by 9.45pm; this will also apply to clubs arriving more than 15 minutes late. 17. Any team with 2 serious proven complaints against them during the season shall be withdrawn from the league for the remainder of the season. 18. Courts a. All courts must conform to the following requirement. The minimum size for new teams entering the league must be 35” x 70”. b. All matches in the 1st division must be played on a full size court. 19. Promotion and relegation-in the event of a tie for second place, or second from the bottom of a division, will be decided on goal average then goal difference. 20. A player who is obviously pregnant, or has made it known that she is pregnant or has reached her 12th week is not allowed to play in the game. (NB. The league advises Umpires should not officiate after 20 weeks). 21. a. All teams must be affiliated to E.N. b. All players/umpires must be affiliated to .E.N by September 30th of that season. c. New players/umpires joining after September 30th must affiliate before playing/umpiring. 2 22. In the event of both teams having the same or similar coloured bibs, the HOME team shall be responsible for making arrangements to provide a set of contrasting colour bibs. 23. All players must be 14 or over to be eligible to play in the MENL. 24. New Match Time/Stoppages Rule for Season 2013/2014 a. With the exception of Division 1 and 2; all matches shall be of 40 minute duration which will consist of two 20 minute halves with stoppage times for injuries and half time as EN Rules. b. Division 1 and 2 Matches – all matches shall be of 40 minute duration which will consist of four 10 minute quarters. Stoppage times for Division 1 & 2 - ¼ Time 1 Minute ½ Time 2 Minutes – The timer must restart the clock immediately the allotted time has passed. i.e. The timer must restart the clock before the Umpires Whistle if players are not back on court. Injuries 1st Injury each team per ¼ 45 Seconds 2nd Injury the clock will not be stopped and the player will leave the court immediately. 25. Teams who have athletes in the GMCNA Performance programme must contact Sam Longley at least 2 weeks prior to any game they want to be considered to be rearranged. Each request will be looked into based on number of players within the programme, number of players registered, number of fixtures on the same evening, number of requests previously made. Only Wednesday games will be affected. 3
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