Institute of Economics 25-406 Kielce, ul Świętokrzyska 21 A tel: (041) 3496547, fax (041) 3496548 e-mail: Director of the Institute Prof.dr hab. Piotr Bury Vice-director in the field of study Dr Marek Leszczyński Vice-director in the field of study Dr Anna Dybała Co-ordinator of the Institute ECTS M.A. Edyta Łyżwa Organization of the Institute Study Departments in the Institute of Economics I. DEPARTMENT OF MICROECONOMICS II. DEPARTMENT OF MACROECONOMICS III. DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS AND ECONOMETRY IV. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING V. DEPARTMENT OF REGIONAL ECONOMY VI. DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY OF SOCIECONOMIC THOUGHT VII. DEPARTMENTOF LOCAL GOVERNMENT VIII. COMPUTER ROOM In the Institute of Economics students may apply to 3-year- Bachelor Studies and 2-year-Master-ofArt Studies in the faculty of “Regional economic policy”. They include full-time and extra-mural courses. The main trends of scientific research in the Institute of Economics are: economy and local finances, prognosis of developmental tendencies for economy, the role of state in market economy, finances and management of small enterprise, contemporary economic thought. 1 Human Resources of the Institute There are 45 educators in the Institute of Economics, 41 scientific-didactive educators and 4 didactive educators. Currently, in the Institute there are: 7 educators of post-doctoral degree, 11 doctors, 10 masters. On the ground of employment contract: 2 full professors (included 1 on the part-time), 7 educators of post-doctoral degree (included 2 on the part-time), 7 doctors (included 2 on the part-time) and 2 masters. Didactive-Scientific Basis The Institute of Economics abode is the building which is the part of the Faculty of Management and Administration in the Świętokrzyska Academy, located in the Świętokrzyska street 21A. The floor surface is 1445,3m. It is 2 storey-building. Students are provided with the whole infrastructure (recreational facilities, 2 canteens, cloak-room, photocopy room, secretary’s office of the Institute and reading-room located in the main building of the Management and Administration Faculty. The Institute of Economics is equipped with: 2 large lecture rooms for 112 seats and 16 additional seats, all together 128 seats, each of the rooms has a blackboard, projector, sound equipment, 7 classes, 7 classes for scientific-didactive tutors, 2 computer rooms. Computer rooms are fully equipped with educational software. There are 10 and 14 computers of minimal configuration – Pentium III, 64 MB, RAM, HDD min 20 GB, sound and net card. The rooms are logged in the Net with internet links, antivirus software, what makes daily use very convenient. Profile of the Graduate The graduate of the Institute of Economics possess a wide economic knowledge since the study syllabus is varied and enables students to get familiarized with different aspects of economic activity in the micro and macro sphere. It also gives the opportunity to use practical methods and technics of economic analysis. The educational process is aimed at stimulating initiative attitude, sensitivity to rational activity and economic culture in everyday social life and prediction of social results of economic activity. In the framework of the Bachelor Studies students are familiarized with the contents of basic, main and specializational subjects. In the framework of M.A Studies, students stand opportunity to improve knowledge on general subjects, which enrich him intelectually and enlarge knowledge on basic, main and specializational subjects which are the supplemantation to vocational studies. The variety of the specializational subjects is connected with the problem of economic policy, particurarly with regional policy in the conditions of the European integration and economics of the enterprises which function in the public sector. Thus, the graduate is well acknowledged with such domains as: economics, management, economics of public sector, regional policy, law, and practical computer use, foreign languages. Thanks to this, the graduate of economics will possess the relevant qualifications to set up an individual economic activity or work in public administration on a local and regional level as well as in enterprises of different business lines. 2 Didactive methods Didactive process in the Institute of Economics is focused on didactive education which is traditional for colleges, including lectures, classes and seminars. It covers individual and pair work as well as activational methods which aim at versatile activity of students. They are: contolled discusion, problematic methods and individual gaining of knowledge. During the classes, the students use theoretical knowledge and simultaneously, they improve practical skills. In the study syllabus, the proportions of lectures and classes are strictly respected (1:1), which stimulate activity of students. As the studies progress, the level of education gets higher and more advanced (monographic lectures, M.A seminars) to make available for the students to have more individual impact on the educational process. The fact, which is worth mentioning is, that computer programs, films, foliograms and didactive equipment which is prepared by the workers of the Institute, are widely used. In the framework of different classes, students are activated by different methods, which lead to problem- solution debates and encourage students to take active part in the discusion. 3 Syllabus of Study – Bachelor Studies - Economics Faculty: regional economic policy I. General subjects 1.Economic history The responsible person for the syllabus content: Dr Elżbieta Słabińska The goals of study: Focusing on history of economical changes in the world. The contents of study: - Economy of midiaevel Europe - The beginnings of capitalism in the 15th and 17th centuries - Economic growth of Poland in the 16th and 18th centuries - Industrial and technical revolution in Great Britain on the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. - Economic growth on Polish lands in the 19th century. - The old and the new branches of industry in the 19th and 20th centuries. - The old and the new industrial powers on the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. - The First World War and its impact on the world economy. - Economic crisises in the world. - Economy of Poland in the interwar period. - Economy growth of the world after the Second World War. - Polish economy in the years period: 1945 – 1989. Bibliography: 1.Cameron R., Historia gospodarcza świata. Warszawa 1995 2.Ciepielewski J., Kostrowicka I., Landau Z., Tomaszewski J., Dzieje gospodarcze świata do 1970r., Warszawa 1974 3.Tychże: Historia gospodarcza świata XIX i XX wieku. 2.State studies The responsible person for the syllabus content: Dr A.Przychodzka The goals of study: The outline of countries functioning in the contemporary world with the emphasis on the rules of democratic system. The contents of study: state defining, constitutive elements of state, features of state The origin of state: ancient times, doctrines of Middle Ages, contemporary doctrines. Types of state: form of state, form of governments, political regime, territorial country system. System of state authority, state bodies, division of state bodies, goals of state bodies activity. Functions of state: state of law, branches of rights, rules of law. Relations: state – nation, the role of state in shaping of individual law status, relations between state and individual. Political authority, legitimization of political authority, authority division, authority functions, political authority fulfilment. Political society system, political doctrines, policy elements, needs and state affairs, policy doctrines, policy process, policy relations. 4 Policy determinants: ideology vs. policy, law vs. policy, economy vs. policy, culture vs. policy ethics vs. policy. Policy culture, cultural conditions of policy affairs in selected conception of culture, types and functions of policy culture, political culture vs.nation and its law principles. Policy crisis. Political elits, exclusivity and democracy, structure of elits, typology of elits. Bibliography: 1.Ehrlich St., Podstawowe wiadomości o państwie, Warszawa 1950 2.Wprowadzenie do nauki o państwie i polityce, red. Szmulik B., Zmigrodzki M., Lublin 2002 3.Zieliński E., Nauka o państwie i prawie, Warszawa 1999 4.Bankowicz J., Kulisy totalitaryzmu, Kraków 1995 5. Bullock A., Hitler i Stalin. Zywoty równoległe, Warszawa 1994 6.Dubel L., Malarczyk J., Historia doktryn polityczno-prawnych, Lublin 1997 7.Filipowicz ., O demokracji, Warszawa 1992 8.Fromm E., Ucieczka od wolności, Warszawa 1992 9.Gellner E., Narody i nacjonalizm, Warszawa 1991 10.Jamroz S., Demokracje współczesne, Białystok 1993 11.Kołakowski L., O władzy i o maxi sprawach, Kraków 1998 12.Marczewska-Rytko M., Populizm. Teoria i praktyka polityczna, Lublin 1995 13.Robins R.S., Post J.M., Paranoja polityczna. Psychopatologia nienawiści, Warszawa 1999 3.Economic geography Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Prof. Dr hab.L. Shevchuk Goals of study: Showing dependance between a human and geographical environment. The contents of study: research trends and functions of economic geography. Changes on an economic and political world map. Geographical environment – its protection and shaping. World population – demographical, economic and social structure. Migrations. Settlement. The role of agriculture in the world economy system. The problem of food supplies in the world. Structure of industry and its changes. Transport – its character and development. Growth of tourism in the world. Bibliography: 1.Skrzypczak W., Geografia ekonomiczna, Efekt, Warszawa 1996 2.Wrona J., Rek J. (red), Podstawy geografii ekonomicznej, PWE, Warszawa 1997 3.Dobosiewicz Z., Olszewski T., Geografia ekonomiczna świata, PWE, Warszawa 1994 4.English language Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Foreign Language Department 5.Foreign language Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Foreign Language Department 5 6.Physical Education Responsible person for syllabus contents: Department of Physical Education Goals of study: Training or improving swimming skills, playing volleyball, basketball. Popularization recreational sports. The contents of study: Swimming. Integrated exercises. Volleyball.Basketball. Tourism. II. Basic subjects 1.Microeconomics Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Prof.dr hab.M.Poborski Goals of study: Preparing students for doing individual research on economic life aspects with an analysis, made oneself, of economic situation on the level of individual manufacturers and consumers decisions. The contents of study: Demand, supply, market. Housekeeping. Theory of consumer behaviour. Theory of manufacturing. Competition and monopoly.Competitive equilibrium and elements of prosperity theory. Alternative theories of enterprise. Markets of factors production.Oligopoly. Bibliography: 1.Begg D., Fischer S., Dornbusch R, Mikroekonomia, PWE Warszawa 1999, t.1 2.Gazda Z., Wstęp do ekonomii, Kielce 1999 3.Kamersczhen D., McKenzie R., Nordinelli C., Ekonomia, Gdańsk 1991 4.Laidler D., Estrin S., Wstęp do mikroekonomii, Warszawa 1991 2.Macroeconomics Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Prof.dr hab.H.Pałaszewski The goals of study: Consolidation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquisition of basic tools of macroeconomic analysis use. The contents of study: National economy. Global: demand, supply. Macroeconomic equilibrium. Social product, national income. State budget, deficit and public debt. Money and bank system. Money market. Keynes macroeconomics and classical macroeconomics. Trade course of the cycle and its deformation. Inflation, unemployment. Opened economy. External equlibrium. Budgetary and monetary policy. Stabilizing policy and IS-LM model. Economic growth. Bibliography: 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Begg, S. Fischer, R. Dornbusch, Mikroekonomia, PWE Warszawa 1999, t.2 Milewski R., Elementarne zagadnienia ekonomii, Warszawa 2000 Kamerschen D., Mc Kenzie R., Nordinelli C., Ekonomia, Gdańsk 1991 Samuelson W.P., Nordhaus W., Ekonomia, T.II, Warszawa 1999 6 3.Mathematics Responsible person for the syllabus content: Dr L.Zurawska, Dr B.Szał The goals of study: Basic conceptions and mathematical theorems, which are essential to understand the use of mathematics in different fields of life and knowledge. Shaping skills of mathematical methods usage in the area of specified syllabus and using them in shaping different situations and economic occurences. Developing skills of precised view expression on the basis of mathematical conceptions, symbols and terms. The contents of study: Variables of function and its economic usage (marginal calculus and extremes). Elements of whole calculus. Introduction to differential calculus with the economic use. Vector and matrix calculation. System of calculus and linear inequality – economic examples. Bibliography: 1.Dulewicz Z., Treliński G., zastosowanie matematyki w ekonomii. WSBiP, Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski 1998 2.Grysa K., Zastosowanie matematyki w ekonomii, cz.I i cz.II. Politechnika Świętokrzyska, Kielce 1996 3.Ostoja Ostaszewski A., Matematyka w ekonomii. Modele i metody. Wyd. Nauk. PWN 1996 4.Stanisz T., Zastosowanie matematyki w ekonomii, AE Kraków 1992 5.Piszczała J., Matematyka i jej zastosowania w naukach ekonomicznych, AE Poznań 1994 4.Statistics Responsible person for the syllabus content: Dr B.Piasecka-Janowicz The goals of study: Theoretical knowledge and practical skills of statistic methods in analysis of economic and social occurences. The contents of syllabus: Data and basic statistic norms.Variable random, basic norms of variable samples. Rozkłady z prób. Intervals of confidence. Statistic hypothesis testing. Statistic dimensions of correlation. Analysis of dynamics. Technics of samples random. Design of statistic experiments. Bibliography: 1.Bąk I., Markiewicz I., Mojsiewicz M., Wawrzyniak K., Statystyka w zadaniach cz. 1 i 2, Wydawnictwo Naukowo – Techniczne, Warszawa 2001 2.Jóźwiak J., Podgórski J., Statystyka od podstaw, W-wa 1998 3.Luszniewicz A., Słaby T., Statystyka stosowana, PWE 1997 4.Ostasiewicz S, Rusnak Z., Siedlecka W., Statystyka. Elementy teorii i zadania, Wrocław 1999 5.Roczniki statystyczne GUS 6.Statystyka ogólna pod red. M. Woźniaka, AE Kraków 1994 7.Sobczyk M., Statystyka, PWN, W-wa 2001 8.Starzyńska W., Statystyka praktyczna, PWN Warszawa 2000 9.Zając K., Zarys metod statystycznych, W-wa 1999 5.Econometrics 7 Responsible person for the syllabus content: Prof.dr hab. J.Jelejko The goals of study: Practical use of econometric tools to measure correlation between different economic values. The contents of study: Descriptive econometric models. Estimators, interval and punctual estimations. Regression. Single and multi-equation prognosis, based on single and multicalculus models. Econometric analysis of demand, production, costs. Principles of operational research: linear programs, typical optimum tasks, solutional algorisms, decision making in risky and uncertain conditions. Bibliography: 1.Badania operacyjne w przykładach i zadaniach, Praca zbiorowa pod red. K. Kukuły, Warszawa 1993. 2.Dziubdziela W., Ekonometria. Materiały pomocnicze, Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Handlowej w Kielcach, Kielce 2000. 3.Nowak E., Zarys metod ekonometrii. Zbór zadań, PWN, Warszawa 1994. 4.Welfe A., Ekonometria. Metody i ich zastosowania, PWN, Warszawa 1998. 6. Computer Science Responsible person for the syllabus content: mgr M.Matla Goals of study: Students acquaint ability of computer equipment and learn how to use available tools individually. Syllabus contents: Computer equipment. Software (basic, instrumental, usable) Operational systems. Text editors. Spreadsheet. Use of statistic packets. Forming and processing data base. Bibliography: 1.Krupa T., Rola informacji w kierowaniu przedsiębiorstwem, Warszawa 1998 2.Microsoft Windows – Microsoft Corporation 1994 3.Microsoft Word – poradnik użytkownika 1994 4.MSDOS 6.22 – Users Guide 1994, Warszawa 1995 5.Niedzielska E., Wstęp do informatyki, PWE, Warszawa 1993 7. Principles of management Responsible person for the syllabus content: Dr M.Stelmaszczyk Goals of study: The rules of economic enterprises organization, especially those, which are in connection with such fields as technics, economics, psychology and sociology, statistics and computer science, system theories and marketing. Syllabus contents: Organization – goals and efficiency measures. Strategies of organization management. Strategic planning. Organizational structures. Organizational procedures. People supervising. Personnel management. Styles of management. Organizational principles. Reorganization. Management of changes. Bibliography: 8 1.Krupa T., Rola informacji w kierowaniu przedsiębiorstwem, Warszawa 1998 2.Microsoft Windows – Microsoft Corporation 1994 3.Microsoft Word – poradnik użytkownika 1994 4.MSDOS 6.22 – Users Guide 1994, Warszawa 1995 5.Niedzielska E., Wstęp do informatyki, PWE, Warszawa 1993 8. Law Responsible person for syllabus content: Prof.dr hab. P.Chmielnicki The goals of study: Basic assignment connected with law, especially such elements which are vital in economic turnovers. The contents of study: System of legal norms against the background of other legal norm systems. Types of law systems. Basis of jurisprudence. Law sources. Legal professions. Law subjects. Domestic law system. Legal liability. Bibliography: 1.Jabłonska – Bonca J., Podstawy prawa dla ekonomistów, Wydawnictwo LexisNexis, Warszawa 2002 2.Lewandowski S., Machińska H., Logika dla prawników, Wydawnictwo LexisNexis, Warszawa 2002 3.Nowacki J., Tobor Z., Wstęp do prawoznawstwa, Wydawnictwo Zakamycze, Kraków 2002 4.Zieliński M., Wykładnia prawa, Wydawnictwo LexisNexis, Warszawa 2002 9.Finance and banking Responsible person for the syllabus content: Dr Z.Stamirowski The goals of study: Introduction to organization and range of activity of banking institutions. The contents of study: Money – its role and forms. Financial institutions. Central bank and commercial banks. Money policy. Interest rate. Credit ability. Securities. Banking risk. Bibliography: 1,S. Bereza, Zarządzanie ryzykiem bankowym, Warszawa 1998 2.Kaźmierczuk A., Pieniądz i bank, Warszawa 1992 3.Herropolitańska I., Kredyty i gwarancje bankowe, Warszawa 1992 4.Kostro E., Zarządzanie ryzykiem bankowym, Warszawa 1990 5.Z. Krzyźkiewicz, Podręcznik bankowości, Warszawa 1994 6Polskie prawo bankowe, L.Góral, M. Karlikowska, K. Koperkiewicz – Mordel, Warszawa 1996 7.Fedorowicz Z., Rynek pieniądza i rynek kapitału, Warszawa 1998 10.Accounting Responsible person for the syllabus content: Dr M.Garstka The goals of study: Focusing on practical use of accounting instruments for economic situation analysis for an individual item. The contents of study: Law regulations and international accounting standards. Rules and methods of accounting. Economic transactions and their impact on balance.Ballancing assets, liabilities. Assets valuation. Balance-sheet. Account of capital flow. Analysis of economic effectivness and financial situation of the enterprise. 9 Bibliography: 1.Matuszewicz J., Matuszewicz P., Rachunkowość od podstaw w świetle ustawy o rachunkowości, FINANS – SERWIS, Warszawa 1999 2.Praca zbiorowa pod red. Kiziukiewicz T., Rachunkowość – zasady prowadzenia w jednostkach gospodarczych, EKSPERT Wrocław 2000 3.Sawicki K., Kiziukiewicz T., Pałka M., Zmiany w rachunkowości od 2001 i 2002, EKSPERT Wrocław 2001 11.International economic relations I Responsible person for the syllabus content: Dr J.Sztaba The goals of study: Introducing assignment and skills neccessary for identification and correct way of understanding of economic processes which take place in modern world, with emphasis on conditions analysis and ways of cooperation which go beyond barriers of different economic companies. The contents of study: International economic flows, international trade theories and international flow of capital and working force migration. Mechanism of international settlements and international payment equlibrium. Foreign economic policy. Conception of a New Economic Deal. ( Nowy Ład Ekonomiczny ). Bibliography: 1.Budnikowski A., Kawecka-Wyrzkowska E., Międzynarodowe stosunki gospodarcze, PWE, Warszawa 1998 2.Krugmein P., Obstfeld M., Międzynarodowe stosunki gospodarcze, PWN, Warszawa 1995 3.Sołdaczuk J., Kamecki Z., Bożyk P., Międzynarodowe stosunki ekonomiczne. Teoria i polityka, PWE, Warszawa 1987 4.Bożyk p., Gospodarka światowa, PWE, Warszawa 1991 III. Field of study – Main subjects 1.Social policy Responsible person for syllabus content: Dr L.Zakrzewski The goals of study: Introducing assignment related to development of contemporary social policy . The contents of study: Defining of social policy. Old-age insurance in case of disease or disability. Unemployment and employment policy. Education and culture. Social welfare. Economic conditions and results of social policy. Social patology occurences. Social policy in the period of system transformation. Bibliography: 1.Końtoch B., Szatur – Jaworska B., Potrzeby ludzkie i poziom życia w Polityce Społecznej, 1996 2.Polityka Społeczna. Materiały do studiowania, pod. Red. Rajkiewicza A., Supińskiej J., Księżopolskiego M., Katowice 1998 3.Golonowska S., Polityka społeczna w latach 1994-1996, Raport IpiSS, Warszawa 1996 10 2. Methods of price evaluation for economic projects Responsible person for the syllabus content: Dr T.Hadrowicz The goals of study: Practical use of selected methods for evaluation of effectivness of economic enterprises. The contents of study: Selection and economic enterprises evaluation as an instrument of management and economic policy. Accounting methods for measuring enterprise effectivness. Financial analysis. Analysis of social costs and benefits. Price deformations and shadow prices of trade and no-trade goods. Shadow prices: currency rate and working payment. Social rate of discount. Income divisions. Cost of domestic resources. Effective rate of protection. Bibliography: 1.Boczek Z., Opłacalność inwestowania w nieruchomości, SKS Sopot 1996 2.Boruń, Finanse firmy – instrumenty finansowe, Warszawa 1995 Dębski W., Wasilewski Z., Kredytowanie przedsięwzięć inwestycyjnych 3.Economic policy Responsible person for the syllabus content: Dr M.Leszczyński, Dr A.Dybała The goals of study: Presentation of elements connected with contemporary economic policy. Introduction of basic principles of economic policy and main notions which enable doing research on public economic activities on different levels; showing connection between economic policy and economics and other economic sciences; students should become familiar with using different documents and updated sources for research in the field of economic policy. The contents of study: The notion and economic policy range. Definitions and range of notion, economic policy science – subject and the method, economic policy functions in different policy systems. Conditions, goals and economic policy domains: external and interior conditions, economic and social goals, social choices, state and market, macroeconomic and microeconomic policy. Economic policy instruments in the light of Keyne doctrine as well as neoclassical doctrine. Selected economic policy domains: structural transformation policy, macroeconomic policy of state, monetary policy, budget state policy, industrial policy, policy of support for SMEs’, regional policy, outline of social-economic development of Poland in the period of system transformation. Bibliography: 1.N. Acocella, Zasady polityki gospodarczej, wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2002 2.Balcerowicz L., Wolność i rozwój. Ekonomika wolnego rynku, Kraków 1996 3.Baruh J., Nauka i technika w rozwoju gospodarczym, Lublin 1997 4.Berha M., Polska transformacja w perspektywie integracji europejskiej, Warszawa 1996 5.Bożyk P., Polityka gospodarcza Polski 1985-2000 PWSH, Warszawa 1995 6.Pociszewski T., Społeczno-gospodarcze problemy transformacji systemowej w Polsce, UMCS, Lublin 1995 7.B. Winiarski (red), Polityka gospodarcza, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2000 8.Winiarski B., Polityka ekonomiczna, AE, Wrocław 1994 9.Materiały i publikacje bieżące wg zaleceń wykładowcy 4.History of economic thought 11 Responsible person for the syllabus contents Prof.dr hab.Z.Gazda The goals of study: Showing the role of history of economic thought in the social and economic sciences. The contents of study: Preclassical economic thought. Classical economics. Historical school and American institutionalism. Neoinstitutionalism. Socialistic thought. Utopian socialism. Marginal theories (neoclassical, Austrian and mathematical schoolings). Keynesizm. Liberal conceptions: currency, new classical economics, Neo-Austrian schooling, public choice theory. Neo and PostKeynesizm. Keynesizm in the 90s. Bibliography: 1.Heilbroner R.L., Wielcy ekonomiści. Czasy – życie – idee, PWE, Warszawa 1993 2.Łukawer E., Z historii polskiej myśli ekonomicznej 1945 –1995., Olimpus, Warszawa 1996 3.Kowalik T., Historia ekonomii w Polsce 1864 – 1950, Ossolineum 1992 4.Landreth H., Colander D.C. Historia myśli ekonomicznej. PWN, Warszawa 1998 5.Mathematical economics Responsible person for the syllabus contents Dr A.Mach The goals of study: Use of mathematical methods for description of economic facts. The contents of study: Mathematical theory of demand. Demand function. Manufacturing theory. Mathematical models of enterprise. Market models. Models of general equlibrium. General equlibrium and Pareto optimum. Simple models of economic growth. Models of a trade cycle. Input and output as the types of models. Bibliography: 1.Chiang A.C., Podstawy ekonomii matematycznej, Warszawa 1994 2.Ciałowicz B., Ćwięczek I., Elementy ekonomii matematycznej z zadaniach, Wydawnictwo SFERA, 2000 3.Malawski A., Wprowadzenie do ekonomii matematycznej, Wydawnictwo AE w Krakowie, Kraków 1999 6.Forecasting and simulation Responsible person for the syllabus content: Dr E.Zając The goals of study: Theoretical and practical (on the basis of chosen computer programe) acquintance with abilities of economic occurences analysis as well as forecasting. The contents of study: Instruments, methods and techniques of doing linear and variant forecsting based on developing tendency method, causing and consecutive models, multiequational, econometrical and noeconometrical. Bibliography: 1.Prognozowanie gospodarcze, Wrocław 1993 2.Dittman P., Metody prognozowania sprzedaży w przedsiębiorstwie, Wrocław 1998 3.Luszniewicz A., Słaby T., Statystyczne analizy z użyciem pakietu STATISTICA PL – sylabus VI – szeregi czasowe i prognozowanie, sylabus IV – Analiza wariancji i regresji, WSHP Warszawa 1999 12 7.Public finances Responsible person for the syllabus content: Prof.dr hab. P.Bury The goals of study: Introduction to basic (general) categories connected with public finances; revising theoretical knowledge and improving practical skills of acquainted assignment in the course of study. The contents of study: The notion and range of public finances. The role of public finances in contemporary market economy. Budget and The Public Purse. Unappropriated economy. Public expenses and economic and social policy. Public incomes, systematics. Tax system. Budget deficit and public debt. Selfgovernment budgets. Sources for local needs financing. Bibliography: 1.Chechliński, Finansowanie świadczeń społecznych, Warszawa 1989 2.Denek E., Finanse publiczne, Warszawa 1995 3.Domaszewicz R., Finanse w gospodarce rynkowej, Kraków 1991 Gajek N., Finanse i gospodarka lokalna na świecie, Warszawa IV. Specializational subjects 1.System of public administration in Poland Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr M.Leszczyński The goals of study: Focusing on public administration system and its functioning as the element of state functioning on the example of Poland. The contents of study: Administration as the state function. System, organization and competences of public administration. Structure of regional public administration. Public administration reforms. Bibliography: 1.Dolata S., Funkcjonowanie samorządu terytorialnego – doświadczenia i perspektywy, Opole 1998 2.Jełowicki M., Podstawy organizacji administracji publicznej, Warszawa 1998 3.Borodo A., Samorząd terytorialny – system prawno-finansowy, Warszawa 1997 2.Public law Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Prof.dr.hab P.Chmielnicki 3.Labour market and employment policy Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr A.Szydlik-Leszczyńska The goals of study: Presentation of contemporary labour market and different aspects of its functioning as well as possibility of interference in its development. The contents of study: 13 Features of contemporary deregulation of labour market. Possibilities and the goals of labour market policy. Deregulation of labour market Characteristics of labour relations (employee – employer) elements. Forms of employment and flexibility of labour market. Strategy of companies and demand for jobs. Collective systems. Protection of labour relations (employer –employee). Integration of labour market in the world. Bibliography: 1.Współczesne tendencje w zarządzaniu zasobami pracy, A.E. Kraków 1997 2.Współczesne dylematy zatrudnienia, AE Poznań 1998 3.Wybrane instrumenty zarządzania kadrami w Polsce, AE, Poznań 1997 4.Chrobot A., Nowe formy zatrudnienia, PWN Warszawa 1997 4.Spatial policy with elements of ecology Responsible person for the syllabus study: Prof.dr hab. L. Shevchuk The goals of study: Focusing on the problems of space in the description and explanation of social occurences. The most important notions and theories describing spatial society differentation and spatial aspects of individual behaviours in different scales. Students will also focus on problems of social sphere structure, space perception, making spatial decisions, the significance of space and others. The problems mentioned on the lecture can be applied to different aspects of social life and psychological problems – social, political, and economic problems, tenses between cultures civilizational transformations, etc. Simultaneously, the processes and spatial-environmental interactions and occurences will be applied to special analysis and estimation. The assignment will also cover contemporary trends which shape new visions and development paradigmatisms based on respect to natural and cultural heritage. The contents of study: Space in the perspective of different domains of social sciences and different methodoligical orientations. Structure of social space: notions of space, region, space-time, spatial net, spatial hierarchy, limits, spatial barriers and others. Human being and natural environment – spatial perspective. Cultural differentations of space – history and social geography. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of social space. Spatial mechanisms of social processes: contentration, spatial segregation. Social space of a big city and its transformations. Social space of a countryside and small towns (local communities). Spatial differentations of social inequalities. Spatial decisions-making I (theory of location, spatial diffusion of innovation and information, migrations, regional policy). Perception of space I – mental maps and their structure, space perception of city, perception of distance. Perception of space II – presentation of regions, spatial prefferences, creating region image. Bibliography: 1.R Domański: Gospodarka przestrzenna. - Wyd. PWN, Warszawa 2002. W.M. Gaczek: Zarzqdzanie w gospodarce przestrzennej . Oficyna Wydawnicia Branta, Bydgoszcz-Poznań 2000 2.. T. Stryjakiewicz: Adaptacja przestrzenna przemysłu w Polsce w warunkach transformacji. Wyd. UAM, Poznań 1999 3. S. Łotewski (red.): Ekonomiczno-ekologiczna ocena systemów przestrzennych. Wyd. Instytutu Melioracji i Użytków Zielonych, Falenty 1996 4.. Z. Niewiadomski (red) Ustawa o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym: Komentarz: Stan prawny na dzień 1 czerwca 2004 r. Wyd. C.H.Beck, Warszawa 2004 5.Strategies of regional and local development 14 Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr M.Leszczyński The goals of study: Identification and correct understanding social-economic processes appearing in regional and local schemes of contemporary world with the aim of creating visions and missions of the region. The contents of study : Strategic management and development of regions. Goals of regional development. Strong and weak points in a region. Tasks and regional policy subjects. Competitivness of regions. Regional policy of the European Union. Financing of regional development. Strategies of regional development, its initiation and monitoring. Bibliography: 1. Gilowska Z., Gorzelak G., Jałowiecki B., Sobczak K., Kierunki polityki regionalnej Polski, Uniwersytet Warszawski, „Studia Regionalne i Lokalne” nr 24, Warszawa 1998 2.Winiarski B., Polityka regionalna – kierunki i instrumenty, AE Wrocław 1994 3.Programowanie rozwoju regionalnego. Poradnik dla samorządów województwa, MSAP AE w Krakowie, Ministerstwo gospodarki, Kraków 1999 4.Strategia rozwoju Polski do roku 2020. Synteza, Komitet Prognoz „Polska 2000 plus” przy Prezydium PAN, Warszawa 2000 6.Basis of social-economic integration Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr L. Kubiak The goals of study: Theory of international economic integration, analysis of integrational groups in the world economy, characteristics of goals, causes, conditions, models and integrational mechanisms, examples of integrational processes in the European Union. The contents of study: The essence of international economic integration, basic notions and structures; goals (political, economic, social) and conditions(geographical-infrastructurall, economic and non-economic) economic integration; models and mechanisms of economic integration; institutional forms of economic integration; contemporary integrational groups in the world economy. The European Union – genesis, institutional system, financing, intensifying processes of economic integration, examples of common policies. Poland vs. economic integration in EU. Bibliography: 1. 2. Paweł Bożyk, Józef Misala, Integracja ekonomiczna. PWE Warszawa 2003. Unia Europejska. Podręcznik akademicki. Wyd. Naukowe PWN. Warszawa 2003. 7.Regional policy in Europe Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr K.Szołek The goals of study: Presentation of problems related to regionalisation, its goals and instruments used in programming of regional development. The contents of study: Principles of economic regional theory. The problem and aspects of regional development. Measures of regional development. Strategic goals of regional policy.Subjects and instruments of regional policy. Regional policy in EU. Programming of regional economic development. Bibliography: 15 1Kudłacz T., Programowanie rozwoju regionalnego, PWN Warszawa 1999 2.Prusek A., Strategia rozwoju regionów w warunkach gospodarki rynkowej, Secesja Kraków 1995 3.Szymla Z., Determinanty rozwoju regionalnego, Ossolineum, Wrocław 2000 4.Zarys polityki ekonomicznej, praca zbiorowa pod red. Fajferka A., AE Kraków 1992 8.Territorial marketing Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr A.Batko The goals of study: Preparing students to make steps which may enlarge competition of firms and institutions and non-profit organizations on the market in the conditions of increasing global processes. Showing the usefulness of marketing research for the analysis of spatial process needs and occurences appearing on the market. The contents of study: Marketing challenges on the verge of the 21st century (changes in the world economy, social critics of marketing, social policy rules with regard to territorial marketing). Means of territorial marketing strategy (elements of territorial product, promotional activities of territorial individual units, price and costs of service competing, channels of reaching new consumers). Methods of research for territorial marketing needs (range of research, sources of getting information, variety of methods and their use). Use of Internet in commune (virtualization as the element of commune development policy, telework, virtual education). Bibliography: 1. 2. 3. 4. Ph. Kotler, G.Amstrong, J. Saunders, V. Wong: Marketing – podręcznik europejski. PWE, Warszawa 2002, rozdz. 2 i 7. S. Kaczmarczyk : Badania marketingowe – metody i techniki. PWE. Warszawa 2002, rozdz. 4. R. Głowacki, J. Kramer, L. Żabiński: Analiza rynku. PWE. Warszawa 1981. rozdz. 5. B. Bishop: Marketing globalny ery cyfrowej. PWE. Warszawa 2001 9.Economics of communal enterprise Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr J. Strzelec The goals of study: Showing the peculiar character of communal enterprise activity with refference to territorial autonomy functioning. The contents of study: The notion, problem, tasks of territorial autonomy. Budget of regional self-government’s individual in Poland. Economy of communal property. Organizational and legal forms and the rules of financial economy of subjects in a public sector. Financial rules of communal enterprise economy. Bibliography: 1. Bednarski L., Analiza finansowa w przedsiębiorstwie, PWN Warszawa 2000 2.Owsiak S., Finanse publiczne, PWN Warszawa 1999 3.Ustawa z dnia 26.11.1998r. o finansach publicznych (Dz. U. Nr 155, poz. 1014) 4.Ustawa z dnia 26. 11. 1998 r. o dochodach jednostek samorządu terytorialnego (dz. U. Nr 150, poz. 983) 10.Small and medium-sized enterprises in the regional development 16 Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Prof. dr hab. J. Sikorski 11.Economics of cities and metropolitan areas Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Prof.dr hab. J. Kot The goals of study: Contemporary conditions of social-economic globalizational processes. Global economy and competition. Knowledge as the factor of development and economic growth. Processes of development in territorial individual units (central areas, suburban and marginal). The contents of study: Urbanization – history and the present day. Goals and factors of city and metropolitan areas development. City as system of functions, information, environment. Price of land, absolute pension, differential pension I and II, builder’s pension. Factors which differentiate price of land in territorial individual units and between them. Spatial functioning of economic individual units and population. Costs of city and metropolitan areas development, factors which make them differentiated. Methods used in analysis of location of production. Planning methods of settlement units development. Management in territorial units. Planning and strategic management in territorial units – regional and local strategies of development – aspects of elaboration and implementation. Rules of regional and local development policy. Features of decision making situations. Bibliography: 1.Red. Danuta Stawasz ,,,Ekonomiczno — organizacyjne uwarunkowania rozwoju regionu teoria i praktyka” , Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2004 2.Red. E1żbi eta Sobezak , ,, Gospodarka lokalna w teorii i w praktyce”, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Qskara Langego we Wrocławiu , 2001 3.Tadeusz Markowski, ,, Zarządzanie rozwojem miast”, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1999 4.Janusz Kot, ,,Zarządzanie rozwojem gmin a praktyka planowania strategicznego”, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2003 5.Domańiski R., Gospodarka przestrzenna, PWN, Warszawa 1993 6.Kudlacz T., Programowanie rozwoju regionalnego, PWN, Warszawa 1999 7.Regulski J., Planowanie miast, PWE, Warszawa 1986 8.Stawasz D., Współczesne uwarunkowania rozwoju polskich regionów, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2000 12. Determinants of regional development. Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr J. Strzelec The goals of study: The subject gives up-dated information on problems of regions development programming, regional policy of European Union and its conformation in Poland, problems of regional competition. The essence of the lectures is the presentation of EU agenda documents, the Polish government, local governments of province and publication of thesis which are connected with abovementioned issues. During lectures, students will also stand an opportunity to see interesting projects analysis and actions taken by Poland and other members of the EU to intensify regional competition. Moreover, the students will be acknowledged with procedures of getting help from EU funds by different subjects of regional policy. The contents of study: 17 Region as the social area. Cohesion policy in Poland. Possibilities and barriers of regional policy. Goals and institutions. Rules and instruments of regional state policy. Policy of development in provinces in the context of European integration. Competition of Polish regions. Prospects of Polish regions in global economy. National assumptions of regional development strategy and long-lasting strategy of regional development. Land development plan. Institutional competence of regional administration in Poland. Endo- and egzogenic factors of regional development. Strategy of countryside and agriculture development. Information society. Regional strategies of innovation. The influence of innovation on spatial processes. Settlement system and delimitation of metrpolitan areas in Poland. Architectonic and urban order as the elements of regional competition. Prospects of Polish regions on world touristic market. Bibliography: 1. Założenia Narodowego Planu Rozwoju na lata 2007 — 2013. (dokument przyjęty przez Radę Ministrów 30 kwietnia 2004 r.) 2. Podstawy Wsparcia Wspólnoty. (dokument przyjęty przez Kolegium Wysokich Komisarzy i Radę Ministrów, Bruksela, Warszawa 2003) 3. Narodowa Strategia Rozwoju Regionalnego 2001 — 2006. Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego i Budownictwa. Warszawa 2000. 4. Koncepcja Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju. Warszawa 2001. 5. Domański R.: Nowe kierunki badawcze w regionalistyce. Nowe doświadczenia polityki regionalnej. Biuletyn KPZK PAN Warszawa 2003. 6. Zienkowski L.(red): Wiedza a wzrost gospodarczy. Wyd. Naukowe ,,Scholar” Warszawa 2003. 13.Budgetary accounting Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr M. Garstka The goals of study: The objective is to acknowledge students with pecularity of accounting methods used in budgetary individual units. The contents of study: Functions, subject and budgetary accounting rules. The rules of financial economy of individual unit in budgetary sphere. Realization and records of budgetary expenses and incomes. Financial outcome of budgetary individual unit. Reporting. Control of budgetary economy. Bibliography: 1. Potoczny, Pietraszewski, Rachunkowość budżetowa, Oficyna Edukacyjna Wydawnictwa eMPi-2, 2000 2. Wojtania T., Podstawy rachunkowości budżetowej, FRR w Polsce, Warszawa 1999 3. Nowak Wojciech A., Rachunkowość sektora publicznego. Koncepcje, modele, uwarunkowania, Wydawnictwo 4. Naukowe PWN 1999 4. Zysnarska A., Rachunkowość finansowa sektora budżetowego, ODDK, Gdańsk 1999 14.Elements of demography Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Prof. Dr hab. L. Shevchuk 15. Local finances Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Prof. dr hab. P. Bury 18 16. Regional development in the European Union Responsible person for the syllabus study: Dr J. Sztaba 17. Graduate seminar Responsible person for the syllabus study: Dr A. Dybała The goals of study: Elaboration of subject diplomas thesis, monitoring its progress. Study syllabus : Economics – 2 year - Master of Art - studies Specialization : regional economic policy 1.System of public administration in Poland Responsible person for the syllabus contents: The goal of study: Introduction to history of public administration in Poland and its contemporary image. The contents of study: The notion of public administration. History of public administration in Poland, the beginnings of public administration formation, framework of administration after gaining the independence (the period after partitions of Poland). Polish People’s Republic – based on Soviet Union model. Transformational processes of the country in the 80 and 90s. Contemporary system of public administration in Poland. Development of public administration models in Europe and in the world – models: English, French, German, Swiss, American. Basic actions for a state to take. Constitutive role of Polish country. Polish economic policy as the manifestation of competent state management by appropriate state authorities. The basic goals of social-economic policy of Poland. Monetary policy and the role of central bank in instituting money supply on the market, the role of EBC in the Euro Area. Fiscal policy as the financing element of public administration. The problem of state interventionism and raising role of the state in shaping political life of a country. Red tape of state as the example of overgrowth of public administrational system. Proper administrational division of the country: Central administration in Poland, decisional system, judicatory system, legislative system. Administration of local governments in Poland. Authorities and constitutive competences of JST. Actions to take which face a district, administartive district, voivodship. The problems connected with sovereign decision making by JST. Bibliography: 1. Konstytucja RP 2. Administracja Publiczna pod redakcją Jerzego Hausnera, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN 2003 3. Europejska Karta Samorządu Terytorialnego, Strasburg z 15.10.85 (DZ. U.1994.124.poz 607) 4. Strony intemetowe: a. Najważniejsze Urzędy Państwowe b. Ministerstwa c. Urzędy Centralne 19 d. Agencje Państwowe e. Inne Jednostki Administracji Państwowej Literatura uzupełniająca l .Zyta Gilowska, System Ekonomiczny Samorządu Terytorialnego w Polce, Municipium 1998 2. Administracja Rządowa - ustawa z 22.3.1990 z późniejszymi zmianami 3. Ustawa o Samorządzie Terytorialnym ustawa z 8.03.1990 z późniejszymi zmianami 4. A. Agopszowicz, Z. Gilowska Ustawa o samorządzie terytorialnym komentarz, C.H.BECK Warszawa 1997 5. S. Owsiak. Decentralizacja administracji. Perspektywa finansowa Nowe Życie Gospodarcze 1997, nr 46 R. Chrabąszcz, R Hausner, S. Mazur Administracja Publiczna w wybranych krajach Europy Środkowowschodniej ISBN 83-7252-167-0 2003 7. G. Górski, Historia Administracji ISBN 83-7334-057-2 2002 2.Law of administration Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Prof. dr hab. P. Chmielnicki The goals of study: Basic domains of law sciences with the regard to widely understood public law regulation: law of administration – with its detailed list of general institutions and also some selected institutions of administrational and material law, public and administrational law, law of public finances, international and public law. The person, who successfully completes the syllabus of the study should possess elementary knowledge on rules of law rule interpretation, which is commonly used in practice by economist, as well as the ability of correct comprehension and analysis of different types of law records. The contents of study: Sources and functions of public law norms. Domains of public law. The role of administrational law in public law system. Basic notions of administrational law. Sources of administrational law. Internal divisions of administrational law. The rules of administration and administartional law. The rules of Polish public administrational system. The main and central administrational units.Territorial units of state administration. Territorial local government. Other subjects of administration. Property management in administration. Planning and land development plan. Main law institutions of environment preservation. Law of monument conservancy. The principles of public finances law. Public law regulations of economic activity. Economic activity with public property. Law of communal economy. The principles of public international law. Bibliography: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. J. Zimmermann: Prawo administracyjne, Kraków 2005 J. Jabłońska – Bonca: Podstawy prawa dla ekonomistów, Warszawa 2002 C. Kosikowski Polskie publiczne prawo gospodarcze, Warszawa 2003 J. Boć (red.): Prawo administracyjne, Wydawnictwo Kolonia Limited, 2004 K. Bandarzewski, Paweł Chmielnicki, W. Kisiel: Ustrój samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce, Warszawa 2005 E. Chojna-Duch: Polskie prawo finansowe. Finanse publiczne, Warszawa 2004 J. Rajski, W. Kocot, K. Zaradkiewicz: Prawo o kontraktach w obrocie gospodarczym, Warszawa 2002 3. Labour market and employment policy Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr A. Szydlik-Leszczyńska The goals of study: Introduction of contemporary labour market and different aspects of functioning, as well as the possibilities of interference in its development. The contents of study: Possibilties and goals of labour market policy. Elements of labour market deregulation. Characteristics of labour relations (employee-employer) elements. Forms of employment and 20 flexibility of labour market. Firm strategies and labour demand. Collective systems. Protection of labour relations. Integration of labour markets in the world. Problems of Polish and Świetokrzyski labour markets. Employment policy as the element of economic policy. Employment policy and other policy sectors. Bibliography: l. Kryńska E., Dylematy polskiego rynku pracy. Wyd. IPiSS, Warszawa 2001 Literatura uzupełniająca: 1. Kryńska E., Prognoza podaży i popytu na pracę w Polsce do roku 2010. Wyd. IPiSS, Warszawa 1998 2. Polscy pracownicy na rynku Unii Europejskiej. Pod red. Pawła Kaczmarczyka, Wojciecha Łukowskiego. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa 2004 4.Spatial policy with elements of ecology Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Prof.dr hab. L. Shevchuk The goals of study: The aim is to show students the problem of space in the perspective of different social domains and different methodological orientations. The contents of study: Structure of social space: the notions of space, region, time-space, spatial net, spatial hierarchy, spatial barriers and others. Human and natural environment – spatial perspective. Cultural differentations of space – history and social geography. Quantitative and qualitatitive analysis of social space. Spatial mechanisms of social processes: concentration, spatial segregation. Social space of a big city and its transformations. Social space of a countryside and small towns (local communities). Spatial differentations of social inequalities. Making spatial decisions I (theory of location, spatial diffusion of innovation and information, migrations, regional policy). Perception of space I – mental maps and their structure, space perception of city, perception of distance. Perception of space II – presentation of regions, spatial prefferences, creating image of regions. Bibliography: 1. R Domański: Gospodarka przestrzenna. - Wyd. PWN, Warszawa 2002 2.W.M. Gaczek: Zarządzanie w gospodarce przestrzennej . Oficyna Wydawnicza Branta, Bydgoszcz-Poznań 2003 Literatura uzupełniająca: 1. T. Stryj akiewicz: Adaptacja przestrzenna przemysłu w Polsce w warunkach transformacji. Wyd. UAM, 2. Poznań 1999 3. S. Łojewski (red.): Ekonomiczno-ekologiczna ocena systemów przestrzennych. Wyd. Instytutu Melioracji i Użytków Zielonych, Falenty 1996 4. Z. Niewiadomski (red.) Ustawa o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym: komentarz; Stan prawny na dzień l czerwca 2004 r. Wyd. C.H.Beck, Warszawa 2004 5.Strategies of regional and local development Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr M. Leszczyński The goals of study: 21 To introduce the problem of strategic managing and planning as the element of competition improvement in a local and regional scale as well as common comparison with students programming of regional development before and after the Polish accession to the EU. The contents of study: Strategic management and development of regions. Strategic development as the element of competition improvement in a local scale. Authorities activity to rise communes and administartive areas competition. Economic conditions, social and spatial constructing structure. Methods of constructing regional and local strategies (policy and structural method, socio-expertive method, method of Norton Berman’s eight steps, business plan method, brainstorming method). The structure of strategy. Strategy initiating and its modification. Supporting instruments of regional development and units that are responsible for the development – different types of supporting instruments of regional development, units that are responsible for regional development (government and administration of local governments). Supporting instruments of regional development and institutions that are responsible for the development in Poland – practical element, supporting instruments of regional development in Poland, before and after Polish accession to the EU: provincial contracts, strategies of provincial and communal development, pre-accessible funds (Phare, ISPA, Sapard), supporting instruments of regional development in Poland after the accession: structural funds (EFRR, EFS, EFGIOR, FIWR). Common Innitiative (Interreg), Cohesion Fund. Strategies of regional and local development – method of strategy constructing, egzo and endogenic factors which influence on regional development. Strategies of regional and local development – practical element, analysis and comparison of two selected provincial strategies as well as two selected communal strategies on the ground of acquainted knowledge. Strategies of regional and local development – practical element. Bibliography: 1. Brol R., Problemy polityki gospodarczej i gospodarki regionalnej w Polsce w procesie integracji z Unią Europejską, Szczecin 1999. 2. Kosiedowski W.(red.). Konkurencyjność gospodarcza regionu w warunkach nowego ustroju terytorialnoadministracyjnego, Toruń 2000. 3. Jewtuchowicz A.(red.), Strategiczne problemy rozwoju miast i regionów. Łódź 2000. 4.Kosiedowski W. (red.), Zarządzanie rozwojem regionalnym i lokalnym. Problemy teorii i praktyki, UMK, Toruń 2001. 5. Obłój K., Strategie organizacji, PWE, Warszawa 1998. 6. The principles of socio-economic integration Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr L. Kubiak The goals of study: The objective is to familiarize students with the process of international economic integration, including Poland in the the process of economic integration with the EU. The contents of the study: The notion of international economic integration: genesis, definitions, traditional and contemporary understanding of economic integration, basic notions and the structures: essential aspects of economic integration. Goals and conditions of economic integration. Models and mechanisms of economic integration. Types and divisional criteria of economic integration. Contemporary integrational groups in the world economy. European Union – historical outline of economic integrational process, integrational groups in economically-high and low-developed countries, reasons for integration in both cases. Institutional system of EU: the structure of organs, their goals and competences, system of decision making and forming of derivative law. Financing of EU: General budget of EU, budget procedures, 22 unappropriated financing. Initiating processes of economic integration in the EU. Examples of common policy of EU. Bibliography: 1. P. Boźyk, J. Misala, Integracja ekonomiczna. PWE Warszawa 2003 2. Unia Europejska. Podręcznik akademicki. Wyd. Naukowe PWN. Warszawa 2003 3. Doliwa - Klepacki Z., Integracja Europejska, Białystok 2000 4. Leonard Dick, Polska w Unii Europejskiej, MCRD z. 39, Kraków 1999 Literatura uzupełniająca: 1. Krugman P., Obstfeid M., Międzynarodowe stosunki gospodarcze, 1995 2. Leonard Dick, Przewodnik po Unii Europejskiej, Studio EMKA 1998 3. Ładygin B., SEW: dostiżenija, probliemy, perspektiwy, APN 1987 4. Machlup F., Integracja gospodarcza - narodziny i rozwój idei, PWN Warszawa 1986 5. Molle W., Ekonomika integracji europejskiej: teoria, praktyka, polityka, FG NSZZ „S" Gdańsk 1995 7.Regional policy in Europe Responsible person for the syllabus study: The goals of study: Theoretical and practical sense of regionalization and regional policy in Europe. The contents of study: Region, regionalization, regional development and measures of regional development. Regional development in objective and subjective aspects. Instruments that influence the regional development. Shaping of region economy in the period of transformational changes. Shaping of region cempetition in integrating Europe. Strategies and program for socio-economic development of region.Evolution and the rules of European regional policy. Regions in EU member’s countries – particular case analysis (selected examples). Representative organs of regions in Europe. Bibliography: 1. Pietrzyk I. "Polityka regionalna Unii Europejskiej i regiony w państwach członkowskich" Warszawa PWN 2000 2. Korenik S. "Rozwój regionu ekonomicznego na przykładzie Dolnego Śląska" Wrocław PN AE 1999 3. Mikołajewicz Z. "Strategiczne problemy rozwoju regionalnego w procesie integracji europejskiej" Opole PTE 1995 4. Kudłacz T. "Modelowanie rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego w układach regionalnych" Kraków AE 1992 5. Szlachta J. "Programowanie rozwoju regionalnego w Unii Europejskiej" Warszawa KPZK PAN 1997 6. Klamut M. "Konkurencyjność regionów" Wrocław Wydawnictwo AE 1999 7. Dysproporcje w rozwoju regionów Polski - wybrane aspekty / Stanisław Korenik. – Wrocław AE, 2003 8.Territorial marketing Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr A. Batko The goals of study: The role, tasks and instruments of marketing in the 21st century. The contents of study: Challenges of marketing on the verge of the 21st century. Changes in the world economy and development of non-profit organizations, the role of computer technology, growth of globalization risks of international marketing. Territorial local government and organizations of consumers in citizens protection in the light of Polish legislation. Market of public institutions. The rules of social policy with the regard to territorial marketing. Means of territorial marketing strategy. Elements of territorial product. The situation, economic infrastructure, demography, social and economic activity, work of institutions, development of public services. Advertising actions of territorial units. Public media, biulletins, conferences, reports, gifts, visitations, trade mark, 23 heraldic arms, open-air parties, price fixing and service expenses of territorial administrational institutions. Outsourcing. Ways of getting to external and internal segments of consumers. Research methods for territorial marketing needs (alternative: research process, organization of referendums). Research range for different institutions responsible for economy management. Sources of getting information in Polish and international institutions of administrational and economic character. Taxonomic methods and others in spatial research. Use of Internet in a community. Virtualization as the element for development policy of commune. Use of Internet in research for territorial administrational institutions needs. Constructing stages of a digital service model for institutions and citizens. Law issues for virtual organizations functioning. Telework as the element for proffesional activity of inhabitants. Advantages and disadvantages of telework. Location and type of doing the telework. Virtual education in educating Civil Service workers and inhabitants. Bibliography: 1. Marketing terytorialny. Praca zbiorowa pod red. T. Domańskiego, Uniwersytet Łódzki, 1997 2. T. Markowski: Zarządzanie rozwojem miast., PWN, Warszawa 1999. 3. Ph. Kotler, G. Amstrong, J. Saunders, V. Wong: Marketing - podręcznik PWE, Warszawa 2002, rozdz. 2 i 7. Literatura uzupełniająca 1. S. Kaczmarczyk: Badania marketingowe - metody i techniki. PWE. Warszawa 2002, rozdz. 4. 2. R. Głowacki, J. Kramer, L. Żabiński: Analiza rynku. PWE. Warszawa 1981. rozdz. 5. 3. J. Sosnowski: Systemy elektroniczne w marketingu. Uniwersytet Łódzki, Łódź 1999 europejski. 9.Economics of communal enterprise Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr J. Strzelec The goals of study: Improvement students knowledge of the range of communal economy and its socio-economic function. The contents of study: Economics and enterprise organization as knowledge line. The essence of enterprise and the essence of company in communal economy. Specification of individual unit in economic public services. Constitutive decisions as the way for influence on enterprise activity. Challenges for community. Organizational forms of tasks for realization. Trends of changes in public services. Law rules and organizational forms of communal enterprises. Importance of communal economy. Common features of communal needs. The impact of communal needs on activity operative organization of communal enterprises. Flat furnishings in communal equipment. Development of communal services in cities and countryside as well as in geographical profila. Communal equipment as the element of infrastructure. Characteristics of communal infrastructure and its classification. Complementary and substitution of communal infrastructure. External benefits of communal infrastructure functioning. Organization of communal economy. Characteristics of budget plants and communal companies. General tasks for communal enterprises. Tarrification of communal charges. Consequences of costly formula use in shaping charges for communal services. Features and forms of scale system. Remunerativeness of communal services. Management of communal devices. Specification of communal welfare. Economy range as fixed assets.. Community investments. Process of investment. The most necessary investments in communal economy. Specification of communal enterprise economy: water-supply service and sewage system, litter disposal, heating plant system and electro-energetics, public transport, communal roads, green areas and properties. Bibliography: 1. Kortan J. (red).: Podstawy ekonomiki i zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem. Wyd. C.H.Beck. Warszawa 1997. 24 2. Aziewicz T.: Gospodarka rynkowa w usługach komunalnych. IbnGR Gdańsk 1998. 3. Ginsbert - Gebert A.: Polityka komunalna. PWE Warszawa 1984. 4. Bień W.: Zarządzanie finansami przedsiębiorstwa. Difin. Warszawa 2001. 5. lwin J., Niedzielski Z.: Rzeczowy majątek trwały. Amortyzacja i inwestycje rzeczowe w finansach przedsiębiorstw. PWN Warszawa 2002. 6. Jankowski W., Piotrowski A.: Sektor mało rentowny, ale atrakcyjny. Miliony do wzięcia. Wspólnota Nr 9/677 z 3 maja 2003. 7. Wiertelak R.: Węzeł gordyjski. Przegląd Komunalny Nr 11/2001. 8.Rozkwitalska C.: Poziom odpłatności usług przewozowych przez pasażerów w miastach i na terenach 9.zurbanizowanych. Transport Miejski Nr 6/2001. Akty prawne: 1. Ustawa z dnia 8.III.1990 r. o samorządzie gminnym, tekst jednolity - Dz.U. nr 142 z 2001 r., z późn. zmianami. 2. Ustawa z dnia 20.XII. 1996 r. o gospodarce komunalnej - Dz.U. nr 9 z 1997 r. z późn. zmianami. 3. Ustawa z dnia 7.YI.2001 r. o zbiorowym zaopatrzeniu w wodę i zbiorowym odprowadzaniu ścieków - Dz.U. nr 72 z 2001 r. z późn. zmianami 4. Ustawa z dnia 18.VII. 2001r, -Prawo wodne-Dz. U. nr 115 z 2001 r. 5. Ustawa z dnia 13.IX. 1996 r. o utrzymaniu czystości i porządku w gminach - Dz. U. nr 132 z 1996r 6. Ustawa z dnia 27.IV. 2001 r. o odpadach - Dz. U. nr 62 z 2001 r. 7. Ustawa z dnia 10.IV.1977 r. - Prawo Energetyczne - Dz. U. nr 54 z 1977 r. 10. Enterprise of small and medium-sized companies Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Prof. dr hab. J. Sikorski The goals of study: Focusing on sector specification of small and medium-sized enterprises which stand for the enterprise development. The contents of study: The notion of a small company and MSP sector. Models of small company. The importance and development of SME’s sector. Policy towards SME’s sector. Bibliography: 1. Piasecki B., Przedsiębiorczość małych i średnich firm, Łódź 1999 2. Małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa w procesie integracji europejskiej, Warszawa 1996 3. Bariery rozwoju sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw, Warszawa 1997 4. Działalność gospodarcza przedsiębiorstw, Warszawa 2000 11.Economics of cities and metropolitan areas Responsible person for the syllabus contents: The goals of study: Contemporary conditions for socio-economic processes - globalization - global economy and global competition - knowledge as the factor for development and economic growth - process of development for territorial individual units (central and marginal areas, suburbs) The contents of study: Urbanization – history and present days. Goals and factors of city and metropolitan areas development. City as the system of function, information, environment. The price of land, life pension, differential pension I and II, buildrer’s pension. Factors which differentiate the price of land in territorial individual units and between them. Spatial functioning of economic units and the population. Expenses of city development and metropolitan areas and differentiating factors. Analysis methods of product location. Planning methods of individuals settlement development. Management of in territorial units. Planning and strategic management in 25 territorial units – regional and local strategies of development – elaborational and initiative aspects The rules of regional and local development policy. Features of decision-making situations. Bibliography: 1. Red. Danuta Stawasz „.Ekonomiczno - organizacyjne uwarunkowania rozwoju regionu teoria i praktyka" , Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego -2004 2. Red. Elżbieta Sobczak , „ Gospodarka lokalna w teorii i w praktyce", Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu , 2001 3. Tadeusz Markowski, „ Zarządzanie rozwojem miast", Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1999 4.Janusz Kot, „Zarządzanie rozwojem gmin a praktyka planowania strategicznego", Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu 5.Łódzkiego, 2003 Literatura uzupełniająca: 1. Domański R., Gospodarka przestrzenna, PWN, Warszawa 1993 2. Kudłacz T., Programowanie rozwoju regionalnego, PWN, Warszawa 1999 3. Regulski J., Planowanie miast, PWE, Warszawa 1986 5. Stawasz D., Współczesne uwarunkowania rozwoju polskich regionów, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2000. 12.Contemporary determinants of regional development Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr J. Strzelec The goals of study: Presentation a region as the perspective of social area. Evaluation of Poland’s regions competitivness and estimations of chances for Polish regions in a global economy. Syllabus contents: Possibilities and barriers for regional policy. Goals and institutions. Cohesion in Poland. Rules and instruments of regional state policy. Development policy in provinces with the regard to European integration. Assumptions for national strategy and long-term strategy of regional development. Conception of land development plan. Institutional competence of regional administration in Poland. Endo and egzogenne factors of regional development. Strategy of development for countryside and agriculture. Information society. Regional innovation strategies. The impact of innovation on spatial processes. Settlement system and delimitation of metropolitan areas in Poland. Architectural and town-planning as the elements for regional competition. Prospects for Polish regions on the world touristic market. Bibliography: 1. Założenia Narodowego Planu Rozwoju na lata 2007 - 2013. (dokument przyjęty przez Radę Ministrów 11 stycznia 2005 r.) 2. Podstawy Wsparcia Wspólnoty, (dokument przyjęty przez Kolegium Wysokich Komisarzy i Radę Ministrów, Bruksela, Warszawa 2003) 3. Narodowa Strategia Rozwoju Regionalnego 2001 - 2006. Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego i Budownictwa. Warszawa 2000. 4. Koncepcja Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju. Warszawa 2001. 5. Domański R.: Nowe kierunki badawcze w regionalistyce. Nowe doświadczenia polityki regionalnej. Biuletyn KPZK PAN Warszawa 2003. 6. Zienkowski L.(red): Wiedza a wzrost gospodarczy. Wyd. Naukowe „Scholar" Warszawa 2003. 13.Budgetary accounting Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr M. Garstka The goals of study: Theoretical and practical introduction to budgetary accounting. 26 The contents of study: Functions, norms and the principles of budgetary accountancy. Subject matter and functions of budgetary accountancy. Rules of law, account plan of budgetary domain. The rules of financial economy for individual units of budgetary domain. Budgetary classification, incomes and expenses of budgetary unit. Rules of financial plans estimation for individual units. The rules of financial economy for budgetary companies. Special resources and supporting bodies. Realization and list of budgetary expenses. Disposers of budgetary funds, record of budgetary means. Principles for budgetary expenses fulfilment, outcome assets of budgetary expenses. Realization and index of budgetary incomes. Classification of budgetary incomes, documents connected with budgetary incomes. Periodic settlement of account of budgetary incomes. Selected accountancy issues of budgetary companies and supporting bodies. Calculation of monetary means, fixed assests and its reproduction. Reserves of capital means, calculation of expenses, product and goods sale, sale recording, elaboration of sale. Financial outcome for individual units in budgetary domain. Factors which shape the financial outcome. Measurment and elaboration of outcome. Reserve funds. Reporting of individual units and budgetary companies. Characteristics of the recording. Report of budgetary expenses. Records of budgetary incomes. Records of unappropriated means. Accounting of communityl budgets. Subject and the accounting range of financial bodies. Plan of budget accounts, current budget account as well as loans. Budget incomes and its calculation. Elaboration of communal budget incomes. Expenses of communal budget, shortages and budgetary excess. Bibliography: 1. Potoczny, Pietraszewski Marian „Rachunkowość budżetowa" wydawnictwo Oficyna Edukacyjna Wydawnictwa eMPi~2 Poznań 2000 2. Kiziukiewicz Teresa (red.) „Rachunkowość w jednostkach sektora finansów publicznych" Wydawnictwo Difin Warszawa 2004. 4. Wojtania T. „Podstawy rachunkowości budżetowej" FRR w Polsce Warszawa 1999 5.Halina Stańdo-Górowska , Jerzy Kuchmacz , Anna Dębska-Rup „Budżetowanie i kontrola budżetowa w przedsiębiorstwach i jednostkach samorządu terytorialnego" Wydawnictwo: Zakamycze 2004. Literatura uzupełniająca: 6. Kiziukiewicz Teresa (red.) „Rachunkowość - zasady prowadzenia w jednostkach gospodarczych" Wydawnictwo Expert Wrocław 2000 7. Nowak Wojciech „Rachunkowość sektora publicznego . Koncepcje, modele, uwarunkowania" Wydawnictwo PWN Warszawa 1999 8. Sawicki K. (red.) „Zasady prowadzenia rachunkowości w jednostkach gospodarczych. Zadania z przykładami" wydawnictwo Expert Warszawa 2000. 9. Zysnarska A. „Rachunkowość finansowa sektora budżetowego" Wydawnictwo ODDK Gdańsk 1999. 14.Economic statistics Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr K. Piasecka The goals of study: Introduction to the theory and practical use of statistic instruments for analysis of economic reality. The contents of study: Essential theoretical arrangements. Statistic arrangements of attempts. Neyman’s instruments of reliance. Verification of parametric hipothesis. Non-parametric hipothesis. Analysis of variation. Models of linear regrresion. Linear correlation. Regression and varied correlation. Decomposition of time sequences. Dynamics of absolute variables. Bibliography: 1. Luszniewicz A., Słaby T., Statystyka stosowana, PWE, Warszawa 1997 2. Luszniewicz A., Słaby T., Statystyka. Zadania testowe i sylabusy komputerowe, GBH, Warszawa 1998 3. Luszniewicz A., Słaby T., Statystyka analizy z użyciem pakietu Statistica, Warszawa 1998 4. Greń J., Statystyka matematyczna, Warszawa 1982 5. Okólski M., Timofiejuk J., Statystyka ekonomiczna. Elementy teorii, Warszawa 1978 27 6. Jóźwiak J., Statystyka od podstaw, Warszawa 1998 15.Monographic lecture I Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Prof. dr hab. H. Pałaszewski The goals of study: Cognitive approach by selected research issue. 16.Monographic lecture II Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Dr A. Przychodzka The goals of study: Cognitive approach by selected research issue. 17.Graduate seminar Responsible person for the syllabus contents: Prof. dr hab. P. Bury The goals of study: Revision of methodological assumptions in social sciences, topic presentation of master thesis, monitoring its consistence in compliance with the curriculum schedule. 28 Faculty of Management and Administration Świętokrzyska Academy in Kielce specialization: Economics lenght of time – 3 years Bachelor’s Studies Daily syllabus Study hours Rozkład godzin zajęć Nr Subject 1st year including Total lecture class I sem. l. 1 2 3 4 5 6 II sem. l. c. III sem. l. c. IV sem. l. c. V sem. l. c. VI se.m. l. c. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 90 30 90 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 General subjects 1. Economic history E1 45 45 3 2. State studies E1 30 30 2 3. Economic geography E1 30 30 4. Foreign language (English) E3 90 90 5. Foreign language (to choose) Z 60 60 B. Basic subjects 7. Microeconomics E1 90 45 45 8. Macroeconomics E2 90 45 45 9. Mathematics E1 120 60 60 10. Statistics I E1 60 30 30 11. Econometrics I E2 45 30 15 12. Computer Science Z 90 30 60 13. Basis of management E2 60 30 30 14. Law E1 60 30 30 15. Finance and accounting I Z 30 30 16. Accounting E1 90 45 45 17. International E3 60 30 30 economic 3rd year 75 A. and c. 2nd year 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 relations I C. Field of study – Main subjects 18. Social policy Z 30 30 19. Methods of economic price Z 30 15 2 15 1 1 1 1 fixing 20. Economic policy Z 30 30 21. History of economic thought E2 45 30 15 2 22. Mathematical economics I E3 30 15 15 23. Forecasting and simulation E3 45 15 30 24. Public finances E2 60 30 30 D. Specializational subjects 25. System of public administration E2 45 30 15 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 in Poland 26. Public law E2 45 30 15 27. Labour market and employment E3 45 30 15 Z 30 30 E2 45 30 15 Z 20 15 15 policy 28. Spatial policy with elements of 2 ecology 29. Strategies of regional and local 2 1 development 30. Basis of socio-economic 2 integration 31. Regional policy in Europe E2 30 30 32. Territorial marketing Z 45 30 2 15 29 33. Economics of communal E3 60 30 30 2 2 medium-sized E3 45 30 15 2 1 E3 45 45 Z 30 30 enterprise 34. Small and enterprises in the regional development 35. 36. Economics of cities and metropolitan areas Determinants of regional 3 2 development 37. Budgetary accounting E3 60 30 30 38. Elements of demography Z 30 15 15 39. Local finances Z 45 15 30 40. Regional development in the E3 45 30 15 Z 60 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 European Union 41. Graduate seminar Faculty of study:: Economics Lenght of time: 3 - years 60 2 Bachelor’s Studies ECTS credits for 1st year of daily courses Number of classes on the 1st year Nr Symbol of subject Name of subject 1 2 I sem. 2 sem. lect. clas. ECTS lect. clas. ECTS 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 1. Economic history E 14.3-4E-A1-H 45 2. State studies E 14.3-4E-A2-N 30 3. Economic geography E 14.3-4E-A3-G 4. Foreign language(English) Z 30 3 30 3 5. Foreign language(to choose) Z 14.3-4E-A4A(1)(2) 14.3-4E-A5-J 30 3 30 3 6. Physical Education Z 30 0 30 0 7. Microeconomics E 30 30 3 15 15 4 8. Mathematics E 30 30 3 30 30 5 9. Statistics I E 14.3-4E-A6W(1)(2) 14.3-4E-B1Mi(1)(2) 14.3-4E-B2Mt(1)(2) 14.3-4E-B4-S 0 30 30 5 10. Computer Science Z 30 3 11. Law E 12. Accounting E 15 4 14.3-4E-B61(1)(2) 14.3-4E-B8-P 14.3-4E-B10R(1)(2) 4 3 30 30 30 3 30 30 30 30 5 3 30 15 3 30 30 2 Bachelor’s Studies ECTS credits for the 2nd year of daily courses Faculty of Studies: Economics Lenght of time: 3 - years Number of classes on the 2nd year L.p. 1 2 3rd sem. Symbol of subject Name of subject 3 4 4th sem. lect. clas ECTS lect. clas ECTS 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 15 4 30 15 4 1. Foreign language (English) E 14.3-4E-A4-A(3) 30 2. Physical Education Z 14.3-4E-6-W(3) 30 4 0 3. Macroeconomics E 30 30 4 4. 5. Econometrics I Basis of management E E 14.3-4E-B2Ma(1)(2) 14.3-4E-B5-E 14.3-4E-B7-Z 30 30 6. Finance and accountingI Z 14.3-4E-B9-Fb 30 3 7. Social policy Z 14.3-4E-C1-S 30 3 8. Economic policy Z 14.3-4E-C3-E 30 9. History of economic thought E 14.3-4E-C4-H 30 15 4 10. Public finance E 14.3-4E-C7-F 30 30 5 11. System of public administration in Poland Public law E 14.3-4E-D1-A E 14.3-4E-D2-P 30 15 4 Spatial policy with elements of ecology Strategies of regional and local development Basis of socio-economic integration Z 14.3-4E-D4-Pp 30 E 14.3-4E-D5-S Z 14.3-4E-D6-I 12. 13. 14. 15. 30 30 15 15 6 3 5 3 5 15 15 30 Faculty of Study: Economics Lenght of time: 3 - years 3 30 Bachelor’s Studies ECTS credits for the 3rd year Number of classes on the 3rd year L.p. 1 1. 2. 3. Symbol of subject Name of subject 2 International and economic relations I Methods of economic price ixing Mathematical economics I 5th sem. 6th sem. lect. clas ECTS lect. Clas ECTS 5 6 7 8 9 10 30 30 5 3 4 E 14.3-4E-B11-G Z 14.3-4E-C2-O 15 E 14.3-4E-C5-M 15 15 15 2 3 31 4. Forecasting and simulation E 14.3-4E-C6-P 15 30 4 5. Labour market and employment policy Territorial marketing E 14.3-4E-C3-Z 30 15 4 Z 14.3-4E-D8-T 30 15 3 Economics of communal enterprise Small and medium-sized enterprises in the regional development Economics of cities and metropolitan areas Determinants of regional development Budgetary accounting E 14.3-4E-D9-K 30 30 5 E 14.3-4E-D10-Ms 30 15 4 E 14.3-4E-D11-E 45 Z 14.3-4E-D12-Rr E 14.3-4E-D13-R 30 30 Elements of demography Local finances Regional development in the European Union Graduate seminar Z Z E 14.3-4E-D14-D 14.3-4E-D15-S 14.3-4E-D16-U 15 30 Z 14.3-4E-D17-D 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 4 30 2 5 15 15 2 30 15 4 30 6 2 30 5 30 30 Faculty of Management and Administration Świętokrzyska Academy in Kielce specialization: Economics lenght of time – 2 years Master-of-Art Studies Daily syllabus Nr 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Study hours including Total lecture class Subject System of administration in Poland Administrational law Labour market and employment policy Spatial policy with ecology elements Strategies of regional and local development The basis of socio-economic integration Territorial marketing Economics of communal enterprise Small and medium-sized enterprise Economics of cities and metropolitan areas Contemporary determinants of regional development Budgetary accounting Economic statistics Monographic lecture I Monographic lecture II 30 Curriculum contents 1 year 2nd year st I sem. E E ZO Z E 60 30 30 30 60 30 30 30 30 30 E 30 30 2 ZO E E Z 30 60 60 30 30 30 30 30 2 2 Z 30 30 E E Z Z 60 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 2 2 2 2 2 II sem. III sem IV sem 2 2 2 2 2 2 30 30 2 2 2 2 2 2 32 2 16. 17. 18. 19. Diploma seminar Specilizational subjects to choose (total 60 hours) Enterprise on international market Sociology of work Regional policy in the light of European integration Stock-exchange market Dictated cycles and its impact on regional development Faculty of Study: Economics Lenght of time: 2 - years Z Z 120 60 60 120 Z 30 30 Z 30 30 Z Z 30 30 30 30 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2 Master-of-Art Studies ECTS credits for the 1st year of daily courses Number of classes on the 1st year Name of subject 2 2 I sem. 2 sem. lect. clas. ECTS lect. clas ECTS 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 System of administration in Poland Administration law E 14.3-4E-E1-S 30 30 6 E 14.3-4E-E2-P 30 5 Labour market and employment policy Spatial policy with ecology elements Strategies of regional and local development The basis of socio-economic integration Territorial marketing ZO 14.3-4E-E3-R 30 4 Z 14.3-4E-E4-E 30 4 E 14.3-4E-E5-L 30 E 14.3-4E-E6-I 30 7 ZO 14.3-4E-E8-T 30 6 E 14.3-4E-E9-K 30 Z 14.3-4E-E17SM(1)(2) Economics of communal enterprise Diploma seminar 2 4 Symbol of subject Nr. 2 30 30 6 5 30 30 7 30 5 30 33 Faculty of Study: Economics Lenght of time: 2 - years Master-of-Art Studies ECTS credits for the 2nd year of daily courses Symbol of subject Nr. 1 Number of classes on the 2nd year Name of subject 3 sem. 4 sem. lect. clas. ECTS lect. clas. ECTS 5 6 7 8 9 10 30 30 6 2 3 4 E 14.3-4E-E10-MS Z 14.3-4E-E11-M 30 4 Z 14.3-4E-E12-D 30 4 4. Small and medium-sized enterprise Economics of cities and metropolitan areas Contemporary determinants of regional development Budgetary accounting E 14.3-4E-E13-B 30 30 5 5. Economic statistics E 14.3-4E-E14-G 30 30 5 6. Monographic lecture I Z 14.3-4E-E15-W1 30 7. Monographic lecture II Z 14.3-4E-E16-W2 8. Diploma seminar Z 9. Specilizational subjects to choose (total 60 hours) Diploma Z 14.3-4E-E17SM(3)(4) 14.3-4E-E18-W 1. 2. 3. 10. 4 30 30 30 8 60 30 3 8 4 9 30 34
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