cms research proposal

Application form
Deadline application: April 10th, 2017; 23:59
Please refer to Explanatory Notes at the back when completing this form
Graduate Programme
Section 1 - Registration form (basic details)
1a. Details of applicant
- Name, title(s):
- Male/female:
- Date and place of birth:
- Nationality:
- Student ID number:
- E-mail address applicant:
1b. Title of research proposal
(max. 100 characters - not including spaces)
1c. Summary of research proposal
(max. 250 words)
1d. Discipline/research area
(max. 5 KEYWORDS)
1e. Host departments / laboratories
(At least two supervisors / (co)promotors from different departments – see instructions
Details of supervisor(s):
- Name supervisor, title(s):
- E-mail address supervisor(s):
- Tel. supervisor(s):
- Website (optional)
Division (if applicable):
Department (if applicable):
Academic Institution:
City, country:
Application form
Deadline application: April 10th, 2017; 23:59
Please refer to Explanatory Notes at the back when completing this form
Graduate Programme
Section 2 - Description of the proposed research
Section 2 - Description of the proposed research
(in total max. 2000 words; max. 4 pages; excluding 2f)
2a. Background and preliminary data (max 1000 words)
2b. Research plan (max 1000 words)
2c. Time line, feasibility (max 250 words)
2d. Originality and/or innovative elements of the topic and approach
(max. 250 words)
2e. relevance
(max. 250 words)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2f. Literature references (max. 15 relevant references)
Application form
Deadline application: April 10th, 2017; 23:59
Please refer to Explanatory Notes at the back when completing this form
Graduate Programme
Section 3 – Planning & cost estimates
3a) Budget (cost estimates)
Salary 25%
Travel and subsistence
Salary 75% covered by NUTRIM
Total budget
E 46,258 (estimate)
E 138,774 (estimate)
(note that this grant only covers 75% of the applicants salary and that all other costs must be covered by the
applicant (if so, please describe how under 3f) and/or guaranteed by the supervisory team).
3b) Dedication personnel and justification committed personnel
3c) Justification requested equipment and/or requested consumables
3d) Collaboration
(all collaborators must sign to indicate that they have read and approved the proposal)
Details Collaborator 1
Details Collaborator 2
Details Collaborator 3
3e) Justification requested travel costs
3f) have you obtained (or requested) any additional grants for this project either
from any other institution?
Application form
Deadline application: April 10th, 2017; 23:59
Please refer to Explanatory Notes at the back when completing this form
Graduate Programme
Section 4- Qualities of the applicant
4a. Bachelors
University/College of Higher Education:
Date (dd/mm/yy):
Main subject:
4b. Master
University/College of Higher Education:
Date (dd/mm/yy):
Main subject:
Grades (so far)
4c. Work experience (e.g. during internships)
4d. Brief summary of research during undergraduate training
(maximum 250 words)
4e. (Specialized) courses and technologies
4f. International activities
4g. Other academic activities
4h. Scholarships and prizes
Application form
Deadline application: April 10th, 2017; 23:59
Please refer to Explanatory Notes at the back when completing this form
Graduate Programme
Section 5 - Publications
Application form
Deadline application: April 10th, 2017; 23:59
Please refer to Explanatory Notes at the back when completing this form
Graduate Programme
Section 6 – Required licensing
Application form
Deadline application: April 10th, 2017; 23:59
Please refer to Explanatory Notes at the back when completing this form
Graduate Programme
Section 7 – Signature
7. Signature
I hereby declare that I have completed this form truthfully:
Name of applicant:
I, the undersigned declare that I have today posted (tick relevant documents):
Official declaration that my master thesis manuscript has been
approved or, in case there is no manuscript yet, some interim assessment
of the (final) internship (for applicants who have not yet received their
Copies of Diploma’s AND grade lists of Bachelor and Master (who have not
yet received their masters provide the most recent grade overview / transcript)
Supervision, embedding & financial guarantee from supervisor(s) (provide
a signed letter in which the supervisor(s) declare 1) their commitment to
supervise this PhD project, 2) embedding in their research groups and 3) to cover
all costs not covered by this grant nor by the applicant him/herself).
For the electronic submission by email please preferably provide one single PDF
file that includes this application and all additional documents (scan if
Submit this application (both electronically and paper copy) before the deadline
to Professor Annemie Schols (leader of NUTRIM NWO Graduate Programme).
NUTRIM management office
Universiteitssingel 40, 6229 ER Maastricht
Postbus 616, 6200 MD Maastricht
Application form
Deadline application: April 10th, 2017; 23:59
Please refer to Explanatory Notes at the back when completing this form
Explanatory Notes
General information
Before completing the grant application form, please study the information and guidelines
provided. Complete the application in English. Do not exceed the stated maximum number of
words for each section on the form and use a 11-point font size, except for references to the
literature, which may be given in 9-point. Please indicate the used number of characters or
words (as indicated) in each section. If you exceed the stated maximum number of words or
fail to supply the necessary documents, your application may be automatically disqualified
and you will lose your chance of a grant.
Important notes
Take into account, when writing your full application that it will be read both by experts in the
field as well as by a broadly composed assessment committee. Also note you may not apply
for this grant more than twice. Former grantees are not allowed to apply either.
The deadline of application is April 10th, 2017; 23.59h
Please use the electronic application file and submit as a single PDF (including appendices)
Section 1 – Basic details
1a) Details of the applicant and supervisor(s).
State your
- Name, title(s)
- Gender
- Student ID number
- Telephone number
- E-mail-address(es)
1b) Title of research proposal. Give the title of the research proposal. This may not exceed
100 characters (not including spaces).
1c) Summary of research proposal
Provide a summary of your proposal in no more than 250 words.
Include relevant background information on topic, research question, hypothesis,
objective(s) and potential importance of results, societal relevance.
1d) Discipline/research area. Specify up to 5 Keywords
1e) Host Laboratory(ies).
State your supervisor(s)
- Name, title(s)
- E-mail-address(es),
- Telephone number(s)
- Website (optional)
Note that the members of the promotion team (main supervisors) must come from at least
two different departments.
Application form
Deadline application: April 10th, 2017; 23:59
Please refer to Explanatory Notes at the back when completing this form
State the division/department, research institute and academic institution at which you wish
to conduct the proposed research and indicate the scientific discipline which matches your
proposal most closely. Note that you are not limited to one research group or department.
Initiating new collaborations within NUTRIM and cross-fertilization of expertise and
infrastructure is stimulated. You are in the lead.
Section 2 – Description of the proposed research
Please indicate the number of words used (word count). Describe the proposed research as
accurately as you can within the stated maximum number of words (maximum 2000 words
on no more than 4 pages, not including 2f).
2a) Background and preliminary data
Include details on scientific background (indicate literature references) and research
question. Include results of your own previous investigations on the topic (preliminary data).
Significance (potential contribution to science, technology and/or society; max. 1000 words).
2b) Research plan
Describe hypothesis, key objective(s), experimental aim(s); techniques and/or methodology
(max. 1000 words).
2c) Time line, Feasibility
Give a practical timetable over the total period and a more detailed work plan for the first
year. Specify the start date and most important milestones.
Description of feasibility (incl. period of time) in which the application can be expected to
yield results (250 words max).
2d) Originality and/or innovative elements of the topic/approach
Describe in which way your research topic is original and/or innovative.
Describe in which way your research approach is original and/or innovative (250 words max).
2e) Relevance
Indicate relevance, significance of your proposal, i.e. potential contribution to science,
technology and/or society; max. 250 words).
2f) Literature references
List all relevant literature here and include full bibliographical details (max.15 references).
Section 3 – Planning & cost estimates
3a) Budget
This item relates to question 3a: state in broad terms what resources will be required to
conduct the proposed research.
NOTE that NUTRIM's financial contribution to the PhD track will cover 75% of the PhD
Students salary, the remaining 25% as well as all additional costs such as consumables etc.
should be covered by the supervising team, or with additional resources as stated under 3F.
Application form
Deadline application: April 10th, 2017; 23:59
Please refer to Explanatory Notes at the back when completing this form
The cost estimates should cover the entire period of the grant. Costs which can be covered
under the scheme are:
- acquisition costs of materials and equipment or databases (when applicable)
- travel and subsistence costs associated with attending conferences, visiting other
research institutes, etc. (max. k€2 per annum)
- Subsistence costs while working at research institutes outside the Netherlands (when
- Consumables per person per annum.
3b) Dedication personnel and Justification committed personnel
List the commitment in hours per week of yourself, your principal supervisor, daily
supervisor, technician support if applicable, with details of the nature the post (post-doc, PhD
students, support staff). Indicate the time (percentage of fte) you will spend on carrying out
the research project.
3c) Justification requested equipment and/or requested consumables
Motivate the necessity to purchase the requested equipment. Make clear that the
consumables are necessary for the research in the proposal.
3d) Collaboration
List the collaborations with national as well as international research groups. List persons
and institutions. All must sign for their consent! Supervisor(s) listed at 1e) should not be
mentioned here.
3e) Justification requested travel costs
Provide motivation for the costs needed for travel and subsistence (for students that go
3f) Have you obtained or requested any additional grants for this project either from any
other institution?
Include details of any additional grants you have requested for this project or for traveling
from any other institution (for example, investment grants, scholarships, beurzen).
Section 4- Qualities of the applicant
4a) Personal details bachelors
Provide the information requested. The information on your nationality and the birth country
of your parents is requested because NWO monitors the proportion of minorities among
applicants/grant recipients. These details will not be passed on to third parties except in
aggregated form.
4b) Personal details Masters
Provide the information requested.
University/College of Higher Education:
Date (dd/mm/yy):
Main subject(s):
4c) Previous work experience
List the projects, the host labs and indicate time periods of each training period
Application form
Deadline application: April 10th, 2017; 23:59
Please refer to Explanatory Notes at the back when completing this form
4d) Brief summary of research during undergraduate training
Outline the content of your research (both in Bachelor and Master phase)) over the last five
years (max. 250 words). Include (if applicable) a brief description of the applicant’s
contribution to the field using max. 250 words and names of the supervisors.
4e) (Specialized) courses and technology
Provide information on (specialized) courses, training you have obtained in the past and
technology you master.
4f) International activities
List activities such as long or short study visits abroad, international cooperation, etc.
4g) Other academic activities
Include, for example, membership of editorial boards, posts on committees and involvement
in the organization of conferences.
4h) Scholarships and prizes
List any research scholarships/grants for which you personally have successfully applied or
prizes you have won in the first five years and the amount of money involved.
Section 5 – List of publications
Indicate the average impact factor for your research field.
Please include any manuscripts whether they have been prepared, submitted, accepted for
publication or that have already been published as part of the recognized literature. In each
case, list: the author(s), date, title of the publication, journal or series in which the publication
appeared, volume, pages, and (if applicable) publisher and place.
Give the impact factors of your publications and individual citation scores. Note that impact
information is compulsory for proposals submitted to Medical Sciences but otherwise
optional. Use the headings given below to structure your publications list. Please mark key
publications which are directly relevant to the proposed research with an S.
- international (refereed) journals
- national (refereed) journals
- books, or contributions to books
- Other: working papers, proceedings, conference reports, abstracts, invited lectures
- Patents
Section 6: Required licensing
Specialized Permits & licensing
Indicate whether the project will entail biohazards: if you will work with any e.g. recombinant
DNA, expression construct or genetically modified cell line or (micro)organism (prokaryotic,
eukaryotic), VROM/GGO licensing is required. Indicate whether you and/or your supervisor
have obtained the necessary permits.
Indicate whether your project requires approval from a recognized committee on medical
ethics (METC) or on animal experiments (DEC) and if so, whether such approval has already
been obtained. Your supervisor has this information.
Indicate whether your project involves generating novel genetically modified animals.
Generating transgenic or knock-out/in or otherwise genetically modified animals is subject to
licensing from the ministry of Agriculture (LNV).
Application form
Deadline application: April 10th, 2017; 23:59
Please refer to Explanatory Notes at the back when completing this form
Other permits
Here you should indicate whether you require and have obtained other permits than those
described above, like for instance a permit for using radioactive isotopes.
Section 7 – Signature and submission
In case the applicant feels certain referees should be excluded as second examiners:
Provide the name of “non-referees” plus argumentation: This is optional for every applicant.
The individual you list (maximum 1 name) will (maybe) NOT be asked to assess our
application as referees.
Application form
Deadline application: April 10th, 2017; 23:59
Please refer to Explanatory Notes at the back when completing this form
APPENDIX A - Supervisor Declaration