Rare Kaon Decays Giuseppina Anzivino University of Perugia and INFN on behalf of the NA48/2 and KLOE Collaborations Heavy Quarks & Leptons 08 Melbourne, 5-9 June 2008 Overview Mainly Precision tests of ChPT in rare Kaon decays In this talk: recent results from NA48/2 and KLOE not covered……… semileptonic decays (Vus related) (talk by P. Massarotti) leptonic decays and LFV (talk by T. Spadaro) future of very rare kaon decays (talk by M. Moulson) results from KTeV 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 2 Outline NA48/2 recent results in charged Kaon decays K±→ p±e+e- BR and Form Factors (preliminary) K±→ p±gg BR and kinematics (preliminary) K±→ p±e+e-g Branching Ratio (final) KLOE recent results in neutral Kaon decays KS→ gg Branching Ratio (final) KS→ e+eDirect Search, Upper Limit (final) KS→ p+p-e+e- Branching Ratio (preliminary) KL→ peng Branching Ratio (final) 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 3 Experiments CERN NA48/2 NA48/2 SPS LHC LNF KLOE 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 4 NA48/2 @ CERN + – K p e e 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 5 Theoretical framework K pg* pl+ldpee/dz ~ P(z)∙|W(z)|2 suppressed FCNC processes one-photon exchange useful test for ChPT z=(Mee/MK)2, P(z) phase space factor Form-factor models: (1) polynomial: W(z) = GFMK2∙f0∙(1+z) (2) ChPT O(p6): W(z) = GFMK2∙(a++b+z) + Wpp(z) (3) Dubna ChPT: W(z) = W(Ma, M , z) (2) D’Ambrosio et al. JHEP 8 (1998) 4 (3) Dubnickova et al. hep-ph/0611175 (f0,) or (a+,b+) or (Ma,Mρ) determine a model-dependent BR Parameters of models and BR in full kinematical range Model-independent BR (z > 0.08) in visible kinematical range 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 6 Data Samples Kaon flux (2003+2004) K=1.701011 K±→p±e+e- K±→p±p0D 7146 events (Mee>140 MeV) (BG 0.6%) 12.23 x 106 events (BG 0.15%) The BR is measured normalizing to Kpp0D pe+e–g → particle ID efficiencies cancel at first order common selection criteria for signal and normalization channel → 3 track vertex, electron (pion) ID with E/p > 0.95 (< 0.85) Kpp0D BG suppressed using a kinematical cut Mee>140 MeV 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 7 Fit results (preliminary) polynomial: W(z) = GFMK2∙f0∙(1+z) ChPT O(p6): W(z) = GFMK2∙(a++b+z) + Wpp(z) Dubna ChPT:W(z) = W(Ma, Mρ, z) (1) = 2.350.18 f0 = 0.5320.016 ρ(, f0) = –0.963 (2) a+ = –0.5790.016 b+ = –0.7980.067 ρ(a+, b+) = –0.913 Analysis cut: Available set unable 2 to z>0.08,data or Mee >140MeV/c distinguish among models (3) Model-Independent BR computed by integrating d/dz BRMI (z>0.08) = (2.26±0.08)10–7 6-6-2008 Ma = (0.9650.033) GeV Mρ = (0.7110.013) GeV ρ(Ma, Mρ) = 0.998 BR1 = (3.02 0.04stat) 10–7 BR2 = (3.11 0.04stat) 10–7 BR3 = (3.15 0.04stat) 10–7 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 8 Results – BR in full kinematic range Including the uncertainty due to the model dependence BR=(3.080.04stat0.04syst0.08ext 0.07model)10–7=(3.080.12)10–7 NA48/2 ‘75 6-6-2008 ‘92 ‘99 ‘08 New “naïve” WA BR(10-7) First measurement of CPV parameter (correlated K+/K– uncertainties excluded) (Kpee) = (BR+–BR–)/(BR++BR–) = (–2.1 1.5stat 0.3syst)% Measurement BR107 Bloch et al., PL 56 (1975) B201 2.700.50 Alliegro et al., PRL 68 (1992) 278 2.750.26 Appel et al. [E865], PRL 83 (1999) 4482 2.940.15 NA48/2 preliminary (2008) 3.080.12 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 9 Results – FF slope NA48/2 NA48/2 measurement of good precision compatible with earlier results Contradiction of the data to VMD ‘92 ‘99 ‘00 further confirmed ‘08 VMD models [PRD60 (1999) 053007] NA48/2 values of (f0, a+, b+) in agreement with BNL E865 Measurement Process Result Alliegro et al., PRL 68 (1992) 278 K+p+e+e– 1.310.48 Appel et al. [E865], PRL 83 (1999) 4482 K+p+e+e– 2.140.20 Ma et al. [E865], PRL 84 (2000) 2580 K+p++– 2.45+1.30–0.95 NA48/2 preliminary (2008) Kpe+e– 2.350.18 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 10 NA48/2 @CERN Kpgg Kpgg* pge+e– 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 11 Theoretical framework relevant only at low mgg O(p4) A(z) loop diagrams contribution C(z) Wess-Zumino-Witten functional (10%) B=D=0 [G. Ecker, A. Pich and E. de Rafael, Nucl., Phys. B303 (1988), 665] O(p6) unitarity corrections effects can increase the BR by 30-40 % [G. D’Ambrosio and J. Portoles, Nucl., Phys. B386 (1996), 403] 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 12 BR dependence on ĉ Both decay spectrum and rate strongly depend on the single ĉ parameter The Mgg spectrum has a pronounced cusp-like behaviour at 2p threshold. WDM O(p4) FM [G. D’Ambrosio and J. Portoles, Nucl., Phys. B386 (1996), 403] The spectrum dependence will be used to extract the ĉ value 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 13 ± K →p ±gg data sample and result 1164 events in 40% of the full data ~40 times larger wrt to world sample 3.3% BG mainly from ppg(IB) The only previous measurement (E787), based on 31 events (5 BG events) BR=(1.100.32)∙10–6 ; ĉ=1.8±0.6 BR(O(p6),ĉ=2)=(1.070.04sta0.08sys)∙10–6 MC O(p6) and ĉ=2 comparison data shape follows ChPT prediction Model independent measurement and extraction of ĉ is ongoing 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 14 K ±→p ±e+e-g - first observation never observed before!! 120 candidate events (6.1% BG) Model-independent BR (Mgee> 260 MeV/c2) Shape analysis [using ChPT O(p6) model, F. Gabbiani, PRD59 (1999) 094022]: BR(p±e+e−g)=(1.19±0.12stat±0.04sys)∙10−8 ĉ=0.90±0.45 [final result published, PLB659 (2008) 493] 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 15 KLOE @ LNF Mesurement of BR(KS gg) 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 16 Motivations Important probe of ChPT Decay amplitude evaluated at leading order, O(p4) D’Ambrosio and Espriu, Phys.Lett.B 175(1986) 237 BR(KS gg) = 2.1 x 10-6 Kambor and Holstein, Phys.Rew.D 49(1994) 2346 No full O(p6) calculation exists Experimental value of the BR changed along the years, improving in precision Most recent measurement by NA48/1 BR(KS gg) = (2.78±0.06±0.04) x 10-6 Differs from ChPT O(p4) by 30% possible large O(p6) contribution In NA48, the KLgg background is a relevant component of the fit In KLOE, the background from KL is reduced to zero (tagging) 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 17 Analysis strategy Full statistics (1.9 fb-1) 700 x 106 KS events after KL-crash tag FCN/Ndof = 1.2 Main background KS 2p0 with 2 photons lost in the beam-pipe and/or colliding into QCAL veto these photons using a cut on arrival time T = |TQCAL - RQCAL/c| < 5 ns Background reduction to 70 % •• -- DATA MC all cos * Signal Background count signal events by fitting Mgg and cos q*gg in the KS cms Nsig = 711 ± 35 (4.9% stat. error) 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 18 Result BR(KS → gg) = (2.26 ± 0.12stat ± 0.06sys)∙10−6 now published [JHEP05 (2008) 05] NA31 There is a 3s discrepancy between KLOE and NA48 results cPT NA48/00 NA48/03 O(p4) O(p6) KLOE The NA48 measurement implies the existence of a sizeable O(p6) counterterm in ChPT The KLOE result makes this contribution practically negligible 6-6-2008 NA48 Coll., Phys. Lett. B551 (2003) 7 NA48 Coll., Phys. Lett. B493 (2000) 29 NA31 Coll., Phys. Lett. B351 (1995) 579 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 19 KLOE @ LNF Direct Search for KS e+e- 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 20 Search for FCNC in KS → e+eExotic mediators could produce tree level FCNC processes Precise SM prediction, using ChPT, O(p4): BR(KSe+e-)=1.6 x 10-15 [Ecker and Pich, Nucl. Phys. B366, 189, 1991] Most precise measurement by CPLEAR BR(KS e+e-) < 1.4 x 10-7 (90% C.L.) In KLOE direct search of this decay using a pure KS beam After preselection: 1.1 Mevts in Data sample Signal identification using a χ2 variable based on time of particles, E/p and cluster position Background rejection by kinematic cuts Signal box defined in the plane χ2 vs Minv (e+e- hypotesis) 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 21 Result NO events found in the signal box Upper Limit evaluated normalizing to the number of KS→p+p- events BR(KS→e+e-) < 9.3 x 10-9 (90% C.L.) Previous result improved by more than one order of magnitude 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 22 CP test in KS → p+p-e+e Amplitude dominated by CP even IB component (needed to predict the CP violation in KL ppee) CP test through measurement of angular asymmetry between pp and ee planes Fit the distribution of (Emiss-Pmiss)ppee Normalize to the number of KSp+p- ppee pp (Eg<10 MeV) ppg bp ppg dc+p0p0+semil. K+K- c2=117.6/92 Prob~4% Data sample (900 pb-1) N (ppee) = 974 ± 53 = 0.02359 ±0.00031 BR=(4.48 ± 0.24stat ± 0.15syst)×10-5 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 23 KL → peng Largely dominated by IB, negligible DE Interference IB-DE small (1%) → test of ChPT O(p6) A 2-dimensional fit in (Eg*,qg*) allow to measure both R and <X> Fit results NA48 Coll., Phys.Lett. B605 (2005) 247 KTeV Coll., Phys. Rew. D71 (2005) 012001 6-6-2008 Adding ChPT constraint R = (924 ± 23 ± 16) x 10-5 <X> = -2.3 ± 1.3 ± 1.4 R = (944 ± 14) x 10-5 <X> = -2.8 ± 1.8 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 arXiv:0710.3993 24 Conclusions The NA48/2 and KLOE experiments have produced important experimental inputs to the Chiral Perturbation Theory, the effective theory of strong interaction at low energy Presented at this conference the most recent results from NA48/2 charged kaon sector Precise study of the Kpe+e– decay (preliminary) Precise study of the Kpgg decay (preliminary) First observation of the Kpge+e– decay (final) KLOE neutral kaon sector Measurement of KSgg decay (final) Upper limit for KS e+e- (final) Measurement of KSp+p+e+e- decay (preliminary) Measurement of KLpeng decay (final) Still a lot to come ……stay tuned! 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 25 SPARES 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 26 Preliminary results BRMI= 2.26 0.03stat 2.35 0.15stat = (1) f0 = 0.532 0.012stat BR1= 3.02 0.04stat a+ = –0.579 0.012stat (2) b+ = –0.798 0.053stat BR2= 3.11 0.04stat Ma = 0.965 0.028stat (3) Mρ = 0.711 0.010stat BR3= 3.15 0.04stat 0.03syst 0.09syst 0.008syst 0.04syst 0.008syst 0.037syst 0.04syst 0.018syst 0.007syst 0.04syst 0.06ext 0.007ext 0.08ext 0.007ext 0.017ext 0.08ext 0.002ext 0.002ext 0.08ext = (2.26 0.08) 10-7 z>0.08 = 2.35 0.18 = 0.532 0.016 = (3.02 0.10) 10-7 = –0.579 0.016 = –0.798 0.067 = (3.11 0.10) 10-7 = 0.965 0.033 [GeV/c] = 0.711 0.013 [GeV/c] = (3.15 0.10) 10-7 Including uncertainty due to the model dependence, (full z range) BR=(3.080.04stat0.04syst0.08ext 0.07model)10–7=(3.080.12)10–7 CPV parameter (first measurement! correlated K+/K– uncertainties excluded): (K±pee) = (BR+–BR–) / (BR++BR–) = (–2.1±1.5stat±0.3syst)% 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 27 Corrections/uncertainties Parameter Electron Beam Radiative ID simulation corrections BRmi107 0.02 0.01 Background to Kpe+e– Trigger inefficiency Fitting Externa procedure (PDG) 0.01 –0.010.01 –0.010.01 0 0.06 –0.040.04 –0.030.03 0.03 0 0.003 0.007 0.02 0.08 Model (1): linear form-factor 0.01 0.04 0.05 f0 0.001 0.006 0.004 BR1107 0.02 0.02 0.01 +0.0020.002 +0.0010.001 –0.010.01 –0.010.01 Model (2): ChPT form-factor [D’Ambrosio, Ecker, Isidori, Portoles, hep-ph/9808289] a+ 0.001 0.005 0.004 –0.0010.001 –0.0020.002 0.004 0.007 b+ 0.009 0.015 0.022 +0.0170.017 +0.0150.015 0.010 0.017 BR2107 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.08 –0.010.01 –0.010.01 Model (3): Dubna ChPT [Dubnickova et al., hep-ph/0611175] Ma/GeV 0.004 0.009 0.009 +0.0080.008 +0.0060.006 0.006 0.002 Mρ/GeV 0.002 0.003 0.004 +0.0030.003 +0.0030.003 0.002 0.002 BR3107 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.08 6-6-2008 –0.010.01 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 –0.010.01 28 KS tagging Two searches of rare KS decays : 1.6 fb-1 of collisions data analyzed for KSgg 1.3 fb-1 of collisions data analyzed for KSe+eBoth analyses use a clean KS beam from KL-crash tagging based on KL interactions on EMC KL-CRASH b0.22 KL-crash ( ~ 30%) This algorithm searches KL interacting directly on EMC. KL-crash calorimetric clusters are selected using cuts on energy and b*. KS angular resolution: ~ 1° KS momentum resolution: ~ 2 MeV 6-6-2008 Giuseppina Anzivino@HQ&L08 29
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