Table of contents Getting Started with Memsource Cloud............................................................................................................ 4 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Sign In ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 Create Your First Project................................................................................................................................ 4 Project Buttons Inactive? .......................................................................................................................... 4 Install Memsource Editor .............................................................................................................................. 5 Start Translating ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Memsource Web Editor (beta) .................................................................................................................. 5 Create Additional User Accounts................................................................................................................... 5 Send Login Info .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Assigning Translation Jobs to Linguists.......................................................................................................... 5 Uploading Translations to Memsource Cloud ............................................................................................... 6 Getting the Completed File ........................................................................................................................... 6 Videos ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 Memsource Editor User Manual ....................................................................................................................... 7 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 7 Editor Setup ................................................................................................................................................... 7 Keyboard Shortcuts ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Editor Commands .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Edit ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Tools ........................................................................................................................................................ 10 Format ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 Document ................................................................................................................................................ 11 Segment Status ............................................................................................................................................ 12 Repetitions................................................................................................................................................... 12 Repetition Exception ............................................................................................................................... 13 Comments ................................................................................................................................................... 13 Spellchecker................................................................................................................................................. 13 Internal Spellchecker ............................................................................................................................... 13 Launching Spellchecker ........................................................................................................................... 14 Inline Spellchecking ................................................................................................................................. 14 Alternative Spellings ................................................................................................................................ 14 Add to Dictionary ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Ignore....................................................................................................................................................... 14 MS Word Spellchecker ............................................................................................................................ 14 CAT Pane ...................................................................................................................................................... 14 Displaying Differences for Fuzzy Matches ............................................................................................... 15 Displaying Additional Information for Terms .......................................................................................... 15 Search pane ................................................................................................................................................. 15 Quality Assurance Pane ............................................................................................................................... 16 Changes Pane .............................................................................................................................................. 17 Text Filter ..................................................................................................................................................... 17 Segment Filter and Sorting .......................................................................................................................... 17 Segment Status ........................................................................................................................................ 17 Pre-translated From ................................................................................................................................ 18 Created By / Modified By / Show Changes .............................................................................................. 18 Segment Sorting ...................................................................................................................................... 18 Status Bar..................................................................................................................................................... 18 Word Count ............................................................................................................................................. 18 User Metadata ......................................................................................................................................... 19 Preferences .................................................................................................................................................. 19 Error messages ............................................................................................................................................ 20 Memsource Editor Upgrades....................................................................................................................... 20 Memsource Editor Installation ........................................................................................................................ 21 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 21 Download .................................................................................................................................................... 21 Installation and Setup .................................................................................................................................. 21 Supported Operating Systems ..................................................................................................................... 21 Windows .................................................................................................................................................. 21 Macintosh ................................................................................................................................................ 21 Linux......................................................................................................................................................... 22 User Manual ................................................................................................................................................ 22 Not Sure What To Do Next? ........................................................................................................................ 22 Keyboard shortcuts ......................................................................................................................................... 23 Wildcard search ............................................................................................................................................... 25 Show changes .................................................................................................................................................. 25 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 25 Changes Pane in Editor ................................................................................................................................ 25 Filtering Changes ......................................................................................................................................... 26 Analysis ........................................................................................................................................................ 26 Machine Translation ........................................................................................................................................ 27 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 27 General Machine Translation Engines ......................................................................................................... 27 Google Translate...................................................................................................................................... 27 Microsoft Translator ................................................................................................................................ 27 Custom Machine Translation Engines ......................................................................................................... 27 Apertium .................................................................................................................................................. 27 Asia Online ............................................................................................................................................... 27 KantanMT ................................................................................................................................................ 28 LetsMT ..................................................................................................................................................... 28 Microsoft Translator Hub ........................................................................................................................ 28 MoraviaMT .............................................................................................................................................. 28 NICT ......................................................................................................................................................... 29 PangeaMT ................................................................................................................................................ 29 PROMT ..................................................................................................................................................... 29 Safaba ...................................................................................................................................................... 29 SDL BeGlobal............................................................................................................................................ 29 Systran ..................................................................................................................................................... 29 Tauyou ..................................................................................................................................................... 30 Other Custom Machine Translation Engines ............................................................................................... 30 Desktop Editor – Error messages .................................................................................................................... 31 No connection ............................................................................................................................................. 31 You are not authorized to access this job ................................................................................................... 31 Invalid username or password .................................................................................................................... 31 TM, TB or MT are gray ................................................................................................................................. 32 Login is green but all other indicators are red ............................................................................................ 32 When uploading the translation: Error at 95%, Unable to upload translation – Access denied. ............... 32 Unknown Error ............................................................................................................................................ 33 Server not responding ................................................................................................................................. 33 Getting Started with Memsource Cloud Introduction This Getting Started guide is intended for Administrators, Project Managers (including users of the Freelancer and Personal editions). Linguist users should follow this link. Keep in mind that there are two components: 1. Memsource Cloud, the web-based environment in which project managers can create and maintain projects, translation memories and term bases; video 2. Memsource Editor (available as a free download), in which the actual translation takes place; video Sign In To access Memsource Cloud, you need to have the following login information: Memsource Cloud url, such as Username Password As soon as you have that, you can sign in and start working. It is recommended to use Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari browsers. Two most recent versions of Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer are supported. Create Your First Project Buttons Active Once signed in, you can create your first project with translation memories, term bases and, most importantly, files for translation. This video will show you how. Project Buttons Inactive? If some of your project buttons are inactive, it is because no file is selected. Once you select a file by checking its check box on the left, the buttons will turn active. Install Memsource Editor Memsource Editor is available as a free download, follow the installation instructions. Start Translating Download the bilingual MXLIFF file for translation via the Download menu in your project. Open the file in Memsource Editor to start translating yourself or assign translation jobs to other users, e.g. linguists. Notify them via the Email... menu under Tools, so that they can sign in to Memsource Cloud and start translating themselves. Memsource Web Editor (beta) Organizations that have created their account in Memsource after 3 March 2013 have Memsource Web Editor enabled by default (the file names in Memsource Cloud are clickable and clicking on the link will launch Memsource Web Editor). The Web Editor is currently in beta and therefore, for the time being it is advisable to download the MXLIFF file and use the desktop Memsource Editor for translation - as described above. Please note that it is possible to disable Memsource Web Editor for linguist users for specific projects. Create Additional User Accounts Create user accounts for your colleagues - project managers - and linguists by going to Users in the upper right corner of the Memsource Cloud user interface and then click on New User and select the appropriate user role. Send Login Info After creating a user, send them their login info using the Email Login button. The email will include their username and a link for the user to create their own password. Select multiple users to send the email to multiple users at once. Assigning Translation Jobs to Linguists Now you are ready to include your linguists into the process. Once you have created linguist user accounts, you can assign translation jobs to them and notify them of the new translation jobs via the Email... feature located under the Tools button in your project. It is advisable to use the default email template, which includes important personalized information for the linguist, such as the identification of the translation job assigned to them, a link to the Getting Started Guide for Linguists and also their username, so that they can sign in to Memsource Cloud and pick up the job. For security reasons, their password is not included. You can use the Email Login button to let users create their own passwords. This is essential for the Memsource Editor user: Server url, such as Username Password Getting Started Guide for Linguists Uploading Translations to Memsource Cloud Translations get uploaded to Memsource Cloud automatically, whenever segments get confirmed. Additionally, the bilingual MXLIFF file can be uploaded to Memsource Cloud in one go, via the Upload to Server feature in Memsource Editor or manually, via Tools - Upload in a Memsource Cloud project. Getting the Completed File To get the translated file in its original format, go to Download -> Completed File in your project. Videos Memsource Cloud Video Memsource Editor Video Memsource Editor User Manual Introduction Memsource Editor is an application that is used to do the actual translation. Anyone can install Memsource Editor for free. After you have installed Memsource Editor, open a bilingual MXLIFF file in it to start translating. MXLIFF files can be downloaded from Memsource Cloud via the Download button under Project. Memsource Editor will automatically connect you to the appropriate translation memory, term base, and/or machine translation in Memsource Cloud (do not forget to enter your login information under Tools - Preferences in the Editor). See our Video User manual on Youtube. Editor Setup Make sure you have entered you login info in the Editor's Preferences Login tab (Tools -> Preferences), without which you will not be able to connect to the translation memory, term base, and other centralized resources. Keyboard Shortcuts A complete list of keyboard shortcuts in Memsource Editor is available here: Keyboard Shortcuts page Editor Commands Editor commands can be launched either from the menu, quick access buttons at the top of the application or keyboard shortcuts. Edit Confirm (Ctrl+Enter) Confirms segment as translated and saves it into TM Unconfirm (Ctrl+Shift+Enter) Unconfirms a segment Copy Source to Target (Ctrl+Insert or Cmd+Shift+I on Mac) Copies text in the source segment to the target segment; and works also for any selection of the source text Delete Target (Ctrl+D) Deletes text in target segment Insert Tag (F8) Insert tags; when inserting {1>paired tags<1}, select first the text to get enclosed in tags and only then hit the Insert Tag command. In this way both tags will get inserted at once around the selected text. Create Custom Tag (Alt+F8) Creates an arbitrary unpaired tag in target (supported for XLIFF, HTML and XML source files), to edit press F2 first. Create Custom Paired Tag (Alt+Shift+F8) Creates an arbitrary paired tag in target (supported for XLIFF, HTML and XML source files), to edit press F2 first. Expand Tags (Ctrl+Shift+T) Expands tags and displays tag content (supported for XLIFF, HTML and XML source files) Remove All Tags (Ctrl+F8) Remove all tags from the target Toggle Case (Shift+F3) Toggles upper case to lower case and vice versa Insert symbol Insert Non-breaking Space (Ctrl+Shift+Space) Inserts a non-breaking space Insert Non-breaking Hypen Inserts a non-breaking Hypen Insert New Line (Shift+Enter) Inserts a line break Undo (Ctrl+Z) Undo last action Redo (Ctrl+Y) Redo last action Split Segment (Ctrl+E) Splits a segment in two, the cursor has to be in the source segment to split Join Segment (Ctrl+J) Joins the selected segment with the segment below Lock/Unlock Segment (Ctrl+L) Locks or unlocks the selected segment Repetition Exception Marks a repetition as a repetition exception Select All Segments (Ctrl+Shift+A) Selects all segments CAT Results Move Up (Ctrl+ArrowUp or Cmd+Up on Mac) Moves the cursor up to the next result in the CAT pane CAT Results Move Down (Ctrl+ArrowDown or Cmd+Down on Mac) Moves the cursor down to the next result in the CAT pane CAT Results Insert (Ctrl+Space or Cmd+Ctrl+Space on Mac) Inserts the selected TM or TB match in the appropriate segment CAT Results Insert from E.g. Ctrl+1 to insert match no. 1 in the appropriate segment Move to First Segment (Ctrl+Home) Moves the cursor to the first segment Move to Last Segment (Ctrl+End) Moves the cursor to the last segment Toggle Cursor Source/Target (Ctrl+Tab) Moves cursor between source and target Edit Source (F2) Press to edit the source text (e.g. where a typing error needs to be corrected) Edit Comment (Ctrl+M) Press to edit comment Tools Find (Ctrl+F) Finds a string Find/Replace (Ctrl+H) Finds and replaces a string Find Next (F3) Finds next Find Previous (Alt+F3) Finds previous Filter (Ctrl+Shift+F) Filters segments with selected text Add Term (CTRL+T (ALT+T)) Adds the selected text to a term base (hit Enter to save the new terms) Search* TM/TB (CTRL+K) Searches the project translation memories and term bases for the selected word or phrase using wildcard search Search TM/TB (CTRL+SHIFT+K) Searches the project translation memories and term bases for the selected word or phrase using exact search (in quotes) Spellcheck (F7) Launches spellchecker Toggle Context (Atl + N) show/hide Context window at the bottom of Editor. Go to Segment (CTRL+G) Jumps to segment with specified number Preferences Opens Preferences window Format Quotation settings Bold Ctrl+B Italic Ctrl+I Underline Ctrl+U Subscript Ctrl+- Superscript Ctrl+Shift+- Quotation Select quotation settings Show spaces Toggle to show/hide spaces Document View Original Opens the original (source) file Preview Translation Opens the translated (target) file Upload to Server Uploads all translated (confirmed and unconfirmed) segments to server; only confirmed segments get saved to translation memory Export to Bilingual DOCX Converts an MXLIFF file to a bilingual DOCX file Import from Bilingual DOCX Converts a DOCX file to a bilingual MXLIFF file Segment Status Segment statuses A segment can have these statuses: Not confirmed Confirmed Confirmed in the preceding workflow step (and not confirmed in the current workflow step) Not confirmed in the preceding workflow step (and not confirmed in the current workflow step) A segment status can be changed by confirming a segment (Ctrl+Enter) or unconfirming a segment (Ctrl+Shift+Enter or by making any edit in a segment). Repetitions A repetition and repetition exception When a segment gets repeated in a document, it is called a repetition. A repetition can be easily identified in Memsource Editor, as blue arrows are displayed next to the repeated segment. Once a user confirms a repeated segment, all the repeated instances of that segment below it will get updated with the confirmed translation. Please note that repetitions are only propagated downwards. Repetition Exception Sometimes it is necessary to introduce a "repetition exception," which allows a repeated segment to have a different translation than all the other repeated segments. This can be done by clicking on the repetition icon, which will become crossed. This will make sure that a translation for such a segment will not change in line with the other repetitions. Comments Comments Comments can be added by clicking on the comment icon next to a segment. Comments have two statuses: Resolved Unresolved Unresolved comments get flagged in quality assurance. When working in a project with workflow, comments get pushed from a lower workflow step to a higher workflow step - just like translations and all the other content. Spellchecker Internal Spellchecker Spellchecker Memsource Editor has an integrated spellchecker that supports 141 languages. Starting with Memsource Editor version 3.97, the spellchecker has been completely redesigned, supports additional features (e.g. inline spell-checking, user dictionary, integration with QA) and is powered by Memsource Cloud. Therefore, connection to Memsource Cloud is necessary for the spellchecker to function. Launching Spellchecker The spellchecker gets launched by the F7 key or from the Tools menu. It will list all spelling errors in the QA pane. After correcting the misspelled word and confirming the segment, the user will be taken to the next segment with misspelled words. Inline Spellchecking A curly red line underlines misspelled words. Alternative Spellings Right clicking on a misspelled word will display a list of alternative spellings. Add to Dictionary Right clicking on a misspelled word will allow a user to add the word to the user's dictionary. (It will soon be possible to edit a user's dictionary.) Ignore To ignore a word without adding it to the dictionary, click in the "i" section in the QA pane. Doing this will show the misspelled word as "ignored" under QA but the word itself will remain underlined in the target segment. MS Word Spellchecker Alternately, spelling and grammar can also get checked via MS Word or any other office application that can work with DOCX files (e.g. Open Office Writer). In Memsource Editor click on Export to Bilingual DOCX under Document. This will convert the MXLIFF file into a bilingual DOCX file and open it in e.g. MS Word. Check spelling and grammar there and when you are done, save the bilingual DOCX and then reimport it into the Editor via Import from Bilingual DOCX under Document. IMPORTANT: Do not forget to save the changes in the DOCX file before importing it back to the Editor. Even better, close the DOCX file first and then import it into the Editor. CAT Pane CAT pane The CAT pane displays matches from translation memory, term base, and machine translation for each segment: 101% is an in-context translation memory match. It is even more than a 100% match, since the preceding and following segments (the context) also match 100% is an exact translation memory match 78% is a fuzzy translation memory match (anything below 100%) MT stands for machine translation TB is a suggested term from a term base. When it is red, it is a rejected term, not to be used S is a sub segment match. These are a little bit like terms, except that they are automatically generated from the translation memory NT (not displayed here) stands for a non-translatable. When a user launches the Pre-translate function in Memsource Cloud with the option Pre-translate non-translatables selected, segments consisting of just non-letters will have source copied to target and will have the NT pre-translation indication displayed in Memsource Editor. Displaying Differences for Fuzzy Matches When a fuzzy match is selected in the CAT pane, the differences between the source of the fuzzy match of the segment for translation get displayed. Displaying Additional Information for Terms When a term is selected in the CAT pane, additional information is displayed if available: Note Usage Example Edit links (if the user is authorized to edit the term) Please note that only the Note and Usage Example of the target term are displayed. Search pane Search pane The search pane displays search results from: Translation memory Term base This type of search is sometimes referred to as "concordance search." To launch the search, click on Tools - Search TM/TB. You can also select any text from the source column and launch search for the particular string by pressing CTRL+K (fuzzy search) or CTRL+SHIFT+K (exact search). Alternatively, press CTRL+K to open an empty search pane and type manually. Click on the result of your choice and the text will also be visible at the bottom of the search pane from where you can copy&paste. Quality Assurance Pane Quality assurance pane Quality assurance can be launched directly from the Quality Assurance pane and in this way the translation can be checked for the following: Empty translation Trailing punctuation Inconsistent translations Missing numbers Repeated words Multiple spaces Trailing spaces Tags & formatting Inconsistent tag content Empty tag content Tags - joined segments No text between tags XLIFF tags Terminology Spelling Unconfirmed segments Unresolved comments Maximum segment length in characters Not allowed characters Changes Pane The Changes pane displays track changes in a segment across all workflow steps. If no changes are available or workflow is not active for the given file, the Changes pane will be blank. The Track Changes filter can be used to filter for just segments that have changes. Text Filter Text filter Enter text in the text filter fields to filter segments that include that text. Related options: Quotes can be used to filter segments with the exact phrase Case sensitivity can be toggled by selecting the Aa checkbox The Clear button can be used to deactivate the filter Segment Filter and Sorting Segment filter The segment filter gets expanded by clicking on the black triangle at the top left of Memsource Editor. By selecting any of the filter options, the appropriate segments get filtered. Multiple filter options can be combined, including with the text filter. Segment Status Select one or more of the below options to filter segments with the desired status: Empty 1st Repetition Rep. Exception Confirmed Not Confirmed Locked Not Locked Resolved Comments Not Resolved (Comments) Pre-translated From These will filter segments based on their initial pre-translation method: 101% 100% Fuzzy MT Non-translatables Created By / Modified By / Show Changes Filter segments based on which user created them or last modified them; Track changes between workflow steps: Segments Created By Segments Last Modified By Comments Created By Comments Last Modified By Track changes Segment Sorting Select one of the options below to sort segments: No Sort Source A to Z (to sort segments by source from A to Z) Source Z to A (to sort segments by source from Z to A) Shortest First Longest First Least Repetitions Most Repetitions Status Bar Tooltip with additional info The status bar at the bottom of Memsource Editor provides metadata related to word count, user modifications, source file name. Word Count Total segments/confirmed segments Total source words/confirmed source words Total source characters/confirmed source characters | character count source/target in the selected segment User Metadata Segment created by/last modified by Segment creation and last modification date/time The user information is only displayed if project settings allow this Preferences Preferences Go to Tools -> Preferences and select the CAT tab to set preferences: Set the Minimum match rate for translation memory matches to get displayed and used for pre-translation Select the desired behavior after confirming a segment (e.g. if Next unconfirmed segment is selected, the cursor will automatically jump to the next unconfirmed segment after confirming a segment) Set the Pre-translate options, which control the behavior of pre-translating the next segment that the user jumps to after confirming a previous segment Select Insert machine translation to have segments pre-translated with machine translation when a translation memory match above the minimum specified threshold is not available. Please note that this option will only work if machine translation has been activated for the project by a project manager Login tab: Enter your login in the Login tab to be able to connect to the translation memory, term base, and other centralized resources. Appearance tab: Select the font size of the translation table and the panes Network tab: Set up your Proxy server manually if needed (not needed for most of the users) Error messages Any errors with connection to the Memsource server are indicated with red square or exclamation mark in right bottom corner of the Editor window. See our list of messages. Memsource Editor Upgrades Upgrading Memsource Editor is a completely automated process, which requires no user action. Once a new version is released, Memsource Editor downloads it in the background and the next time the user starts it, it will open in the upgraded version. It can happen, however, that some users may be on old versions if they, for instance have not worked in Memsource Editor for a long time and therefore the Editor could not be upgraded. Because of this there is an additional check that will prompt a warning for the user to upgrade to the newest version manually if that version is very outdated. Memsource Editor Installation Introduction Memsource Editor is a lightweight CAT tool, which can be installed on Windows, Macintosh and Linux. While the Editor supports translating offline, full functionality is provided when connected to Memsource Cloud. Memsource Editor has been designed to work with MXLIFF files, which can be downloaded from a translation project in Memsource Cloud. If you do not have a Memsource Cloud username and password yet, get one by registering for a free trial. Download Download the installation file from our download site. Installation and Setup Editor Setup 1. Double-click the downloaded file to launch installation (Mac users, read this) 2. After successful installation, open Memsource Editor and go to Tools -> Preferences and select the Login tab 3. Enter your login information there (your username, password and your server - typically: If you do not have your login information yet, register for a free trial to get it or, if someone has asked you to do a translation in MemSource, request the login data from them. Supported Operating Systems Windows Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 Macintosh OS X 10.6 OS X 10.7 OS X 10.8 OS X 10.9 Linux Linux Ubuntu 10.04 Linux Ubuntu 12.04 User Manual Refer to the User Manual for instructions on how to translate with Memsource Editor. Not Sure What To Do Next? If you are a linguist user, consult the Getting Started Guide for Linguists If you are a project manager user, consult the Getting Started Guide for Project Managers Keyboard shortcuts Action File Open Save Save as Close Edit Confirm Unconfirm Copy Source to Target Delete Target Insert Tag Create Custom Tag Create Custom Paired Tag Expand Tags Remove All Tags Toggle Case Insert Non-breaking Space Insert Line Break Undo Redo Split Segment Join Segment Lock/Unlock Segment Repetition Exception Select All Segments CAT Results Move Up CAT Results Move Down CAT Results Insert CAT Results Insert from Move to First Segment Move to Last Segment Toggle Cursor PC Mac Web (Windows: Ctrl, Mac: Cmd) Ctrl+O Ctrl+S Ctrl+Shift+S Ctrl+W Cmd+O Cmd+S Cmd+Shift+S Cmd+W N/A N/A N/A N/A Ctrl+Enter Alt+ArrowDown Ctrl+Shift+Enter Ctrl+Insert Cmd+Enter Alt+ArrowDown Ctrl+Enter Cmd+Shift+I Ctrl+D Del with selected segments F8 Cmd+D Ctrl+Insert Cmd+Shift+I or Cmd+Shift+U Ctrl+D F8 (fn+Play/Pause) Alt+F8 Alt+Shift+F8 Alt+F8 Alt+Shift+F8 Cmd+Shift+T Ctrl+Shift+E Ctrl+F8 Shift+F3 Shift+Enter Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Y Ctrl+E Ctrl+J Ctrl+L Cmd+F8 Shift+F3 (fn+zoom out) Cmd+Shift+Space Alt+Shift+Space Shift+Enter Cmd+Z Cmd+Shift+Z Cmd+E Cmd+J Cmd+L Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl+ArrowUp Ctrl+ArrowDown Cmd+Shift+A Cmd+Up Cmd+Down Ctrl+Space Cmd+Ctrl+Space Ctrl+Number Ctrl+Home Ctrl+End Tab Cmd+Number Cmd+Home Cmd+End Tab Alt+F8 Alt+Shift+F8 Ctrl+Shift+T Ctrl+Shift+E Ctrl+F8 Shift+F3 Ctrl+Shift+Space F8 Ctrl+Shift+Space Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Y Ctrl+E Ctrl+J Ctrl+L Ctrl+ArrowUp Ctrl+ArrowDown Ctrl+Space Cmd+Ctrl+Space Ctrl+Number Ctrl+Home Ctrl+End Tab Source/Target Edit Source Open/Close Comment Tools Switch active panel Find Find & Replace Find Next Find Previous Close Find and Find & Replace Filter Segments (selected text) Add Term F2 Ctrl+M F2 (fn+incr brightness) Cmd+M F2 Ctrl+Tab Ctrl+F Ctrl+H F3 Alt+F3 Escape Cmd+G Cmd+Shift+G Escape Ctrl+Shift+F Cmd+Shift+G Cmd+T Alt+T Close Add Term Window Search* TM/TB Search TM/TB (exact) Spellcheck Ctrl+T Alt+T Escape Escape Escape Ctrl+K Ctrl+Shift+K F7 Cmd+K Cmd+Shift+K F7 (fn+Previous track) Ctrl+K Ctrl+Shift+K F7 Format Bold Italic Underline Subscript Superscript Ctrl+B Ctrl+I Ctrl+U Ctrl+Ctrl+Shift+- Cmd+B Cmd+I Cmd+U Cmd+Cmd+Shift+- Ctrl+B Ctrl+I Ctrl+U Ctrl+Ctrl+Shift+- Cmd+F Wildcard search MemSource supports wildcards for translation memory and term base searches. Asterisks ("*") and question marks ("?") are supported in search queries. An asterisk may be used to represent zero or more characters in a search expression. E.g. searching for contract* will find contract but also contracts and contractual. A question mark may be used to represent a single character in a search expression. E.g. searching for ho?se will find house but also horse. Show changes Introduction Show Changes in Memsource are only available in the Editions including workflow steps (TEAM and ULTIMATE). These changes are displayed as differences between individual workflow steps. Changes Pane in Editor Changes are displayed under the Changes tab on the right: 1. The top window shows the segment in all workflow steps. 2. The central window displays the differences in the text between the selected step (highlighted) and the previous step (the very first step cannot be selected, since it cannot be compared to its previous step). 3. The bottom window shows metadata for the selected segment in the selected workflow step. Changes Pane Filtering Changes The translated text can be filtered so that users can see the differences between the selected workflow step and the current step. The file from the Revision step (R) is downloaded and opened. Filtered changes between the current (R) and the highest (CR) step. Analysis You can create a comparative Analysis in your project. Again this will always compare the selected workflow step with the current step. First go to the workflow step you wish to work with, then select the file or files in question and click Analyze. Select the type "Compare" and select the workflow step you want to compare it with. Analysis in the CR step comparing it with the Translation step In these analyses you will be able to see how many segments and words were corrected and how many characters were added by the proofreader. Machine Translation Introduction All Memsource users can use Microsoft Translator with Feedback free of charge. This MT engine comes as default for all new Memsource users and it does not need to be configured. Memsource does not provide machine translation of its own but offers access to 3rd-party machine translation engines via an API. It offers connection to general machine translation engines (such as Google Translate and Microsoft Translator) as well as custom-trained machine translation engines (e.g. Systran, Microsoft Translator Hub, Tauyou...). General Machine Translation Engines Google Translate If you are not sure how to get the Google Translate API Key, perhaps this could help. Please make sure that when creating a new key, you select the option of "Create new Browser Key" and then just click Create without entering any values in the "referer" box. Thus, you will get an API key with "Any referer allowed". Microsoft Translator We have created a dedicated page that will guide you through the Microsoft Translator setup. Custom Machine Translation Engines To set up a custom machine translation engine, go to the Memsource Cloud Machine Translation section under Setup. Please note that only administrator users can see and access this section. Once your new machine translation engine has been configured under Setup, make sure it is also enabled in the Settings of a project, which will make it generally available for all users working with the project, including linguist translating that project's jobs in Memsource Editor. Apertium Configure a connection to your Apertium engine by entering the following in Memsource: Name API Key Asia Online Configure a connection to your Asia Online engine by entering the following in Memsource: Name Username Password Account Number Domain URL Default (url) Please note that the Asia Online MT engine is only supported for batch pre-translation and not in a real-time mode due to the engine's limitations. KantanMT Configure a connection to your KantanMT engine by entering the following in Memsource: Name Token Profile Please note that when connecting to your KantanMT engine, the KantanMT engine needs to be first started by Memsource (unless it is already running), therefore it may take a few minutes to get the first results in such a case. LetsMT Configure a connection to your LetsMT engine by entering the following in MemSource: Name Username Password System ID Please note that when connecting to your LetsMT engine, the LetsMT engine needs to be first started by Memsource (unless it is already running), therefore it may take a few minutes to get the first results in such a case. Microsoft Translator Hub Configure a connection to your MS Translator Hub engine by entering the following in Memsource: Name Client ID Client Secret Category Rating Read more here: Microsoft Translator Hub. MoraviaMT Name URL Username Password System ID NICT Configure a connection to your NICT engine by entering the following in Memsource: Name Username Password PangeaMT Configure a connection to your PangeaMT engine by entering the following in Memsource: Name Username Password Engine ID PROMT Configure a connection to your PangeaMT engine by entering the following in Memsource: Name Username Password URL Profile Safaba Configure a connection to your Safaba engine by entering the following in Memsource: Name Host Port Username Password SDL BeGlobal Name API Key Account ID User ID Touchpoint ID Systran Configure a connection to your Systran engine by entering the following in Memsource: Name URL Username Password Profile Tauyou Configure a connection to your Tauyou engine by entering the following in Memsource: Name Username Password Other Custom Machine Translation Engines MemSource integrates all leading machine translation technologies. Please contact Memsource Support to enable a machine translation technology of your choice in Memsource Cloud, including your own custom-trained machine translation engine. It usually requires just a couple of weeks to do this. Desktop Editor – Error messages Hover your mouse over the Login indicator (bottom right corner of the Editor) to see the Error Message. No connection Check the server address ( or the one you were provided by your Project Manager), be sure there are no typos or spaces, there is also difference between http:// and https:// - the later being the default settings. Check the proxy settings in Editor - click on Login, in Preferences Window go to tab Network and uncheck Configure Proxy Manually Check your Internet connection Check the route from your computer to our server with this free Windows Application: Winmtr and contact your Internet Service Provider if they are re-routing your connection via too many servers and slowing it down. No Connection to the server You are not authorized to access this job The job was removed from the server by the Project Manager. (Contact your PM.) You are trying to access a job using an incorrect username (if you have more than one) Not Authorized Invalid username or password Check your username and password. Try to log in to your Linguist Portal with the same credentials. If you forgot your password, you can create a new one (Click on „Forgot your password?“ link) Invalid username or password TM, TB or MT are gray They are not attached to the project in question – this could be on purpose. Contact your PM if in doubts. MT unavailable Login is green but all other indicators are red Your User account was deactivated by the Project Manager. Deactivated User When uploading the translation: Error at 95%, Unable to upload translation – Access denied. You didn't Accept the job - please go to Linguist Portal and Change the status. The job is set to Completed - you are no longer allowed to access this job. Contact your PM. Job was assign to another Linguist. Contact your PM. Job Reassigned Unknown Error You've lost the connection to the server. Check your Internet connection. Offline Server not responding When trying to Run QA checks. check your login indicators or try to upload file to server (Via Document -> Upload to server) and check the error message in right bottom corner. Server not responding
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