GRADE: 6 SUBJECT: LIFE SKILLSCREATIVE ARTS TERM FOUR FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK (FAT) 4 Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class: ________________________________ Date: _______________________ School: __________________________ FAT Activity/Form Teacher: _______________________ Learner’s mark Learner’s % Visual Arts: Exhibition 4 TOTAL Please note that either Performing Arts OR Visual Arts should be formally assessed in a term – not both streams. LIFE SKILLS: CREATIVE ARTS FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK: VISUAL ARTS GRADE 6 TERM 4 NOTE TO THE TEACHER: The Formal Assessment Task has been developed as a step by step guideline to learners. The activities are to be done in class, during the fourth term. It is important that teachers mediate the various steps of the task with learners to ensure active, creative and critical participation by all learners. Note to the teacher: Topic 3: Visual literacy CAPS Life Skills page 50 covers the art elements line, composition, tone, texture, shape and colour. The learner will be able to use the skills obtained during the term to assist them to complete this task. ACTIVITY 1: CREATE IN 2D, images of buildings, architecture and the environment ART MATERIAL: A4 and A3 paper 2/3 B pencils charcoal coloured inks oil pastels dry pastels tempera paint Visual stimuli: photographs or portrait paintings of buildings, architecture and the environment INSTRUCTIONS: You will be creating a drawing of images of buildings, architecture and the environment. Your drawing will be based on the observation of the image you selected. In this activity you will draw and use colour media exploring a variety of techniques. You will also use art elements like SHAPE, LINE, TONE and TEXTURE and design principles like CONTRAST, PROPORTION and BALANCE. By using design principles you will reinforce balance in colours, shape and sizes. CREATIVE ARTS GRADE 6 TERM 4: FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK: VISUAL ARTS 1|Page Discuss: Your teacher will show you a variety of examples of objects you can draw – these may be photographs or real objects. Your teacher will guide you to identify how balance is portrayed in these images. Discuss the use of art elements in the images. Let us practise first: Choose an image from the photographs/pictures or real-life objects provided. Look carefully at your image by observing every little detail. First trace the lines of your chosen image in the air. On an A4 piece of paper using your 2/3 B pencil, begin to draw your image roughly. This is called quick line drawing to help you focus and give you practice in rough drawing your image. Try not to take your eyes off your image as you should draw exactly what you see. There is no right or wrong! Now let us start the final artwork: Before you start drawing again look carefully at your image. On an A3 piece of paper using your 2/3 B pencil: Observe the shapes and proportion of your image. Your drawing should fill the whole page. Start by using lines and shapes but continue looking at your image. When satisfied with your drawing compare it to the actual image. Let’s add colour: Your teacher will explain and show you how to mix the paint and to get the correct consistency to work with. Mix several tones of your paint (or ink) for example light, medium and dark by adding white or black to your main colour. CREATIVE ARTS GRADE 6 TERM 4: FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK: VISUAL ARTS 2|Page Again look carefully at your image observing the darker, lighter or medium colour shapes of it. By observing your image decide which shapes are different in tone, which part could be emphasised more and how would you show the use of texture? Choose the colour/s that you feel will suit your image the best. When applying the paint try to work within the lines of your drawing. Ensure that the consistency of you paint stays manageable (not watery or too thick to apply). Look again at your picture and add your final touches to ensure you are satisfied with the colour and lines and that your final product is balanced and shows your personality. When the picture is finished, your teacher will ask you to write your name in the bottom corner. Your teacher will mount your picture and display it on the wall. Your picture will be assessed by your teacher who will look at the following aspects of it. CRITERIA 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 Different types of line have been used to depict the images and its features. Attempted to use different types of line, but not able at all. Able to, but not consistent. Needs more practice. Bold use of different types of line to depict the images and its features. Composition: The page is used fully and the drawing is well situated. Less than a quarter of the page is covered by the composition. Approximately half of the page is covered by the composition. Has met the criteria and can move on to the next level. Approximately three-quarters of the page is covered by the composition. The art medium has the correct consistency. It is suitably mixed. Attempted, but not able to mix paint at all. The paint has been well applied. The learner can use it in an appropriate manner. Inappropriate application of paint. The learner has expressed him/herself confidently. Attempted to express him/herself, but not able attain the desired outcome. Able to mix paint, but not correct consistency. Needs more practice. Able to apply paint, but not consistent. Needs more practice. Able to express him/herself in a meaningful manner. Needs more practice. Has met the criteria to mix paint suitably. Has met the criteria to apply paint appropriately. Has met the criteria to express him/herself confidently and in a meaningful manner. More than 80 % of the page is covered by the composition. The paint has the correct consistency and is mixed very well. The paint has been applied correctly and enhances the picture. Exceeds expectations and criteria to express him/herself confidently. Subtotals: TOTAL CREATIVE ARTS GRADE 6 TERM 4: FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK: VISUAL ARTS /40 3|Page Considering inclusivity: Learners with visual impairment: you could do the same activity using touch to determine the shape and form of the objects. Textured material like crayons should be used when drawing because it is dry and easy to work with. For learners who experience cognitive barriers, break the activity down into smaller, more manageable steps. Ensure that all learners have an opportunity to complete all the steps at their own pace. INTEGRATED LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT STRATEGY The learning and assessment processes are integrated. Assessment is continuous and formative as the teacher will observe the progress of the learner towards the final art work. The final art work is assessed formally by the teacher by means of a rubric. Activity: CREATE IN 2D, images of buildings, architecture and the environment Assessment Form Assessment Method Assessment Technique Assessment Instrument Informal: Formative Self/peer/teacher assessment Process towards final art work Class list (just to be ticked off) Formal: Summative Teacher Final art work Rubric DISTRIBUTION OF COGNITIVE LEVELS REMEMBER AND UNDERSTAND APPLY AND ANALYSE EVALUATE AND CREATE Visual Arts elements and principles: texture, shape/form, proportion and spatial awareness. Application of elements and principles in 2D art work. Continuous critical reflection and application to improve the art work during class time. Creating and presenting of the 2D art work. (According to the Adapted Blooms’ Taxonomy, 1990) CREATIVE ARTS GRADE 6 TERM 4: FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK: VISUAL ARTS 4|Page
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