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IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher-authenticated version is available online at doi:10.1088/0026-1394/48/2/S06 EURAMET Secretariat Bundesallee 100 38116 Braunschweig, Germany Phone: +49 531 592-1960 Fax: +49 531 592-1969 Measurement of the {220} lattice-plane spacing of a 28 Si X-ray interferometer E. Massa†§, G. Mana†, U. Kuetgens‡, L. Ferroglio† † INRIM – Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Str. delle Cacce 91, 10135 Torino, Italy ‡ PTB – Physikalisch-Technische-Bundesanstalt, Bundedsallee 100, D-38116 Braunschweig, Germany Abstract. The spacing of the {220} lattice planes of a 28 Si crystal, used to determine the Avogadro constant by counting silicon atoms, was measured by combined X-ray and optical interferometry to a 3.5 × 10−9 relative accuracy. The result is d220 = (192014712.67 ± 0.67) am, at 20.0 ◦ C and 0 Pa. This value is greater by (1.9464±0.0067)×10−6 d220 than the spacing in natural Si, a difference which confirms quantum mechanics calculations. This result is a key step towards a realization of the mass unit based on a conventional value of the Planck or the Avogadro constants. Submitted to: Metrologia PACS numbers: 06.20.-f, 06.20.Jr, 61.05.cp, 07.60.Ly 1. Introduction We participated in a project ended with an accurate measurement of the Avogadro constant [1], NA , by counting the atoms in a silicon crystal. This could make it possible to realize the mass unit on the base of the mass of an atom [2]. Since the molar Planck constant, NA h, is known via the measurement of the Rydberg constant [3], this measurement will also lead to a value of the Planck constant, h, and, in turn, to a kilogram realization based on a conventional value of h. The measurement equation is NA = nM/(ρa3 ), where M is the molar mass, ρ the density, a3 the cubic unit cell volume, and n the number of atoms per unit cell. The lattice parameter a – that is, the unit-cell edge – is one of the quantities required to determine NA . The most accurate way to measure it is by means of combined X-ray and optical interferometry, which was first demonstrated by Bonse and Hart [4] in 1965 and soon applied by Deslattes [5] to measure the lattice parameter of a Si crystal. Subsequently, scanning X-ray interferometry was step-by-step improved [6, 7, 8, 9] and the uncertainty of the lattice parameter of a number of Si crystals with a natural isotopic composition was reduced [3] to 3 × 10−8 a. To bypass difficulties in measuring the molar mass of natural Si crystals [3], the NA measurement in Ref. [1] relied on a crystal highly enriched with the 28 Si isotope, § To whom correspondence should be addressed ( Measurement of the {220} lattice-plane spacing of a 28 Si X-ray interferometer 2 Figure 1. The combined X-ray and optical interferometer. While the analyzer crystal moves in a direction parallel to the laser beam, its displacement is measured by the optical interferometer and each passing diffracting plane is counted. Both the X-ray and optical interference patterns are imaged into position sensitive detectors to sense lattice strain and parasitic rotations of the analyzer. whose lattice parameter had to be measured for the first time. In addition, since – in order to ensure continuity to mass metrology – the relative uncertainty of any kilogram realization and, in turn, of the NA determination must not exceed 2 × 10−8 , the uncertainty of the lattice parameter measurement had to be be tenfold reduced to 3 × 10−9 a. To achieve this accuracy improvement, we extended the measurement capabilities of X-ray interferometry to many centimeters [10] and manufactured a 28 Si interferometer with an unusually long analyzer. In this paper, the measurement of the lattice parameter of the 28 Si crystal and the relevant error budged are described. Parallel surveys of lattice strain, carried out by means of phase-contrast X-ray topography at the INRIM, two-crystal Laue diffractometry at the National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST – USA) [11], and a novel self-referenced lattice comparator at the National Metrology Institute of Japan [12] did not evidenced crystal imperfections, thus confirming the significance of the measured value. The measured value was also connected to the lattice parameter of the natural Si reference-crystals of the PTB [13] and the INRIM [10, 14]. Eventually, the measurement result is compared with the value expected from quantum mechanics calculations [15, 16]. 2. Measurement method 2.1. Experimental apparatus The combined X-ray and optical interferometer is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of three crystal blades, 1.20 mm thick, so cut that the {220} planes are orthogonal to the crystal surfaces. The {220} diffracting-planes were chosen on the basis of their greatest reflectivity. X rays from a Mo Kα source are split by the first crystal and recombined, via two transmission crystals, by the third, called the analyzer. As shown in Fig. 1, the interference pattern was imaged onto a multianode photomultiplier tube through a pile of eight NaI(Tl) scintillator crystals. The equivalent pixel size projected on the interferometer is (1 × 1.8) mm2 . Measurement of the {220} lattice-plane spacing of a 28 Si X-ray interferometer 3 Figure 2. Photograph of the 28 Si analyzer crystal on its silicon support. The crystal size is (60 × 14 × 31) mm3 , with a (49 × 1.2 × 19) mm3 blade. The crystal temperature is measured inside the copper block. When the analyzer is moved along a direction orthogonal to the {220} diffracting planes, a periodic variation in the transmitted and diffracted X-ray intensities is observed, the period being the diffracting-plane spacing. To cope with the highly demanding request of accuracy, the INRIM extended the crystal-displacement capabilities to 5 cm. This magnification made more numerous effects visible and reproducible. In addition, it allowed wider crystal parts to be surveyed, thus increasing confidence in the crystal perfection and in the mean lattice parameter value. The analyzer movement is an extremely difficult task; it requires nanoradian attitudecontrol and picometer vibration and position controls. The analyzer displacement and rotation are be measured by optical interferometry; the necessary picometer and nanoradian resolutions are achieved by polarization encoding and phase modulation. 2.2. Measurement procedure √ √ The measurement equation √ is a = 8d220 = 8mλ/(2n), where d220 is the spacing of the {220} planes, the 8 factor accounts for the different spacing and orientation of the {100} and {220} planes, and n is the number of X-ray fringes observed in a displacement of m optical fringes having period λ/2. The laser source operates in single-mode and its frequency is stabilized against that of a transition of the 127 I2 molecule. This ensures the calibration of the optical interferometer with a negligible uncertainty. To eliminate the adverse influence of the refractive index of air and to ensure millikelvin temperature uniformity and stability, the experiment is carried out in a thermo-vacuum chamber. In practice, d220 is determined by comparing the unknown period of the X-ray fringes against the known period of the optical ones. This is done by measuring the X-ray fringe fraction at the ends of increasing displacements mλ/2, where m = 1, 10, 100, 1000, 3000, and 30000. The time required for counting each X-ray fringe is unacceptable. Therefore, we started from the approximation λ/(2d220 ) = n/m = 1648.28 and measured the fringe fraction only at the displacement ends with accuracy sufficient for predicting the integer number of fringes in the next displacement over the increasing sequence. Consequently, the λ/(2d220 ) ratio is updated and its accuracy increases at each step. The least-squares method is applied to reconstruct X-ray fringes and to determine Measurement of the {220} lattice-plane spacing of a 28 Si X-ray interferometer 4 their phases at the displacement ends [18]. The input data are about 300 subsequent photon-counts made over 100 ms windows and at about 4 pm displacement intervals; a typical sample contains six X-ray fringes, covers a distance of 1.2 nm, and lasts 30 s. Each d220 measurement is the average of about 9 values collected in measurement cycles during which the analyzer is repeatedly moved back and forth along the selected displacement. The visibility of the X-ray fringes approached 50% with a mean brilliance of 500 counts/s/mm2 . 2.3. X-ray interferometer The production of the 28 Si crystal started with the isotope enrichment of the SiF4 gas; subsequently, after conversion of the enriched gas into SiH4 , a polycrystal was grown by chemical vapor deposition. Eventually, a 5 kg 28 Si boule was grown and purified by application of the float-zone technique. The pulling speed was so chosen as to reduce the self-interstitial concentration; no doping by nitrogen was applied. The growth axis was [100]. In order to exploit the large displacement capability, the PTB manufactured an interferometer with an unusually long analyzer, which is shown in Fig. 2. To avoid lattice stresses, the surface damage produced by grinding must be removed by chemical etching; our choice was a cupric-ion etching because the amount of stock removal can be precisely controlled and it affords a superior geometrical control than the usual HNO3 - HF one. However, because of etching anisotropy, the final crystal-surfaces are quite rough; the influence of surface roughness on the lattice parameter measurement will be discussed in the next section. The concentrations of carbon and oxygen in the interferometer crystals are extremely low [19], 1.07(10) × 1015 cm−3 and 0.369(33) × 1015 cm−3 , respectively. The concentration of vacancy related defects is 0.33(11) × 1015 cm−3 . As shown in Figs. 1 and 2, the analyzer embeds front and rear mirrors. To nullify the error due to the different ways the displacement is measured by the X-ray and optical interferometers, by projecting on the normals to the mirror and diffracting planes, these mirrors were accurately polished parallel to the {220} planes, to within 10 µrad in the worst case. The residual misalignment was measured to within 2 µrad. The analyzer trajectory was sensed and controlled on-line to bisect the angle between these normals to within 5 µrad. Eventually, the measured value was corrected for the remaining trajectory imperfections. The symmetric analyzer shape allows it to be reversed; measurements were carried out with the X rays crossing the crystal in both directions so that surface effects, as well as others systematic effects, could be investigated. 3. Results 3.1. Phase-contrast topography The analyzer has been tested for the lattice perfection. To this end, d220 measurements were made over 1 mm displacements at 50 different subsequent analyzer positions. Xray intensities were recorded by means of a vertical pile of eight NaI(Tl) scintillator crystals. Hence, the data were processed to obtain a d220 value in 50×8 pixels, (1×1.8) mm2 each. The relative d220 variations are shown in Fig. 3; Fig. 4 shows the relevant Measurement of the {220} lattice-plane spacing of a 28 Si X-ray interferometer 5 0 side B +27 nmm 5 z mm 10 15 15 10 5 side A 0 0 10 20 -26 nmm 30 40 50 x mm Figure 3. Relative d220 variations measured with obverse (side A) and reverse (side B) analyzer orientations. The (50 × 19) mm2 rectangles indicate the front and read sides of the analyzer blade. The d220 values shown in Fig. 5 have been measured along the dashed line, which is the virtual extension of the laser beam. The red strip in the middle of the bottom panel corresponds to the outlier visible in Fig. 5. histogram. The obverse and reverse orientations correspond to the interferometer crystals mounted as they were in the boule and in a reversed arrangement. 3.2. Lattice-spacing measurement Figure 5 shows the diffracting-plane spacing values measured along the line displayed in Fig. 3, which indicates the laser beam propagation. These values are insensitive to the Abbe’s error, an error due to parasitic rotations combined with an offset between the trajectories of the points sensed by the X rays (located on the line in Fig. 3) and the laser beam (the impinging point on the front mirror). In addition to interpolating the measurement results to obtain the d220 values in the points having a zero Abbe’s offset, parasitic rotations were sensed and nullified on-line. The values in Figs. 3 and 5 are the averages of different surveys carried out between November 2009 and July 2010; the error bars indicate the standard deviations of the data sets. 150 bin count 100 50 0 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 109 Dd 220 d220 Figure 4. Histogram of the d220 variations shown in Fig. 3; the standard deviation is 5.6 nm/m. The solid line is the best fit normal distribution. Measurement of the {220} lattice-plane spacing of a 28 Si X-ray interferometer 6 æ 716 10-8 d220 714 ææ ææ 712 æ æ æ æ ææ æ æ æ æ ææ ææ æ æææææ æ ææ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æææ ææ æ æ æ 716 710 æ æ æ æ æ ææ æ æ æ ææ æ ææ æ æ æ æ ææ æ ææ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æææ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æææ æ æ æ 714 712 Hd220 - 192014000 amL am Hd220 - 192014000 amL am 718 710 0 10 20 30 40 50 x mm Figure 5. Diffracting-plane spacing values measured along the lines indicated in Fig. 3; obverse (top) and reverse (bottom) analyzer orientations. The upper (obverse) plot of Fig. 5 shows an outlier, which survived to the averaging; it is also visible in the corresponding panel of Fig. 3. As shown in the bottom (reverse) plot, it disappears when the analyzer is reversed. Therefore, we inferred that it does not indicate an actual d220 variation, but an apparent one. An explanation is a surface effect; the phase difference between the interfering X rays, which is the basic measured quantity, records the crystal surface, as well as any extraneous material on it. Though this phase-contrast image is weaker by orders of magnitude than the lattice image, at the sensitivity level we are operating it could affect the measurement result. Because of the cupric-ion etching used to remove the grinding damage, the analyzer surfaces display a texture with 100 µm periodicity and 10 µm peak-to-valley amplitude [14]. Since we surmised that the observed outlier originates from this texture or from 20 æ strain 2010-05-10 @nmmD 15 æ 10 æ 5 æ æ æ æ æ 0 æ æ æ æ æ æ æ ææ ææ æ æ æ æææææ æ æ æ ææ æ ææ æ æ æ æææ æ æ æ ææ æ æ -5 -10 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 strain 2010-05-05 @mmmD Figure 6. Scatter plot of the results of a pair of d220 measurement-sets with the analyzer mounted always in the obverse orientation. The d220 variations (strain) were measured along the line displayed in Fig. 3 on 2010-05-05 and 2010-05-10. The solid line is the expected regression line, in the absence of measurement noise. By excluding the outlier (in the upper right corner), the data correlation is 0.61 Measurement of the {220} lattice-plane spacing of a 28 Si X-ray interferometer 7 20 reverse strain @nmmD 15 10 æ æ æ æ æ 5 æ æ æ ææ æ æ ææ ææ æ æ æ æ ææ æ ææ æ æ æ æ ææ ææ ææ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ ææ æ æ æ æ 0 -5 -10 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 obverse strain @mmmD Figure 7. Scatter plot of the results of a pair of d220 measurement-sets with the analyzer mounted in different orientations. The d220 variations (strain) were measured along the line displayed in Fig. 3 on 2010-05-10, with the analyzer mounted in obverse orientation, and on 2010-05-17, with the reverse analyzer. The solid line is the expected regression line, in the absence of measurement noise. By excluding the outlier (in the right side), the data correlation is −0.09. a residual contaminations, we removed this datum from any subsequent analysis. Apart from this outlier, none of the measured d220 values was exactly re-observed in different surveys. However, as shown in Fig. 6, a 61% correlation can be observed between the results of measurements made with the analyzer mounted with the same orientation. This quantifies the measurement sensitivity and repeatability. Contrary, Fig. 7 shows that no overlapping is possible between the results of measurements made with the observe and reverse mounting of the analyzer. Figures 6 and 7 evidence again the presence of surface effects: the measurements made with the same analyzer orientation are correlated, but correlation is lost when the analyzer is reversed. Among the many crystals we examined [10, 13, 14], this is the first one displaying a d220 profile having flatness and smoothness only limited by the residual scattering of the data and by surface effects. To acquire the mean lattice parameter of the analyzer, the d220 values measured along the lines displayed in Fig. 3 were averaged and the corrections listed in the Table 1 were taken into account. Measurements started in November 2009 and were repeated in May and July 2010; the results are compared in Fig. 8. 3.3. Measurement uncertainty An exemplar error budget is given in Table 1. A detailed analysis of corrections and of error contributions can be found in Refs. [10, 13, 14], which give also the results of test measurements aimed at establishing a firm link with the d220 values of natural Si crystals used as input data for the calculation of a self-consisted set of values of physical constants [3]. In addition to the trajectory and Abbe’s errors already discussed in sections 2.3 and 3.2, we draw attention to a couple of points which deserve particular attention. In the first place, it must be noted that the largest correction is due to the Measurement of the {220} lattice-plane spacing of a 28 Si X-ray interferometer 8 Table 1. Relative correction and uncertainty, in parts per 109 , of the 2010/05/05 measured d220 value Contribution statistics wavelength laser beam diffraction laser beam alignment platform tilt Abbe’s error trajectory temperature self weigh deformation aberration Correction Uncertainty 0.00 −0.06 7.26 1.36 −1.37 0.00 1.06 −0.50 0.81 0.00 0.36 0.03 0.65 0.77 1.20 1.50 0.65 2.55 0.30 0.50 8.56 3.48 total diffraction of the laser beam. At this level of accuracy, the relation λ = c/ν between the wavelength and frequency of a plane-wave (the symbols having the usual meanings) is not valid; energy disperses outside the region in which it would be expected to remain, wavefronts bend, and their spacing varies from one point to an other and it is different from the wavelength of a plane wave. Fortunately, the relevant correction depends only on laser-beam divergence; not on specific characteristics of the beam, such as the intensity profile [17]. In July 2010, a preliminary checking of this result has been made by replacing the fiber collimator with a new one. The beam divergence is the width of its angular power-spectrum and was measured with the aid of a converging lens. It changed from 0.170(8) mrad – the value relevant to all the previous measurements – to 0.189(9) mrad; consequently, the correction changed from the 7.26(65) × 10−9 d220 value given in Table 1 to 8.92(72) × 10−9 d220 . More important, a change of the laser beam-profile was detected. As expected and as the Fig. 8 shows, the result of the July 7-th measurement is consistent with the previous values, to within their measurement 100712 æ 100519 100517 æ æ 5 10-9 d220 100510 æ 100505 æ 091110 æ 091106 æ 091104 710 æ 711 712 713 714 715 Hd220 - 192014000 amL am Figure 8. Mean of the diffracting-plane spacing values measured along the lines indicated in Fig. 3; the dashed line is the average. Measurements from 2009/11/04 to 2010/05/10 were made with the analyzer mounted in the obverse orientation, the following ones with the analyzer mounted in the reverse orientation. On 2010/07/12, the divergence of the laser beam was changed. Up to 2010/05/05 the measured values were corrected for the platform tilt; afterwards, it was nullified by a counter-rotation. Measurement of the {220} lattice-plane spacing of a XINT = MO*4 28 Si X-ray interferometer 9 XINT = WASO4.2A æ à C & O contamination æ à Laue diffractometry æ à X-ray interferometry -20 -15 -10 -5 0 @d220 HXINTL - d220 HWASO04LD am Figure 9. Differences between the d220 values of the MO*4 (left) and WASO4.2A (right) crystals with respect to the WASO04 one determined by combined optical and X-ray interferometry, two-crystal Laue diffractometry, and impurities concentrations. uncertainties. In the second place, a new systematic effect came into evidence. To avoid power dissipation inside the vacuum chamber and temperature gradients, the pointing system of the laser beam, including the electro-optical crystal for phase modulation, are outside the chamber, stiffly clamped to it. However, to cut off the vibrations of the vacuum chamber, the experiment platform inside the chamber rests on three Orings. Owing to their limited stiffness, the hysteresis, and to the mass of the analyzer carriage (about 2 kg), the analyzer displacement causes random misalignment and a systematic tilt of about 200 nrad/mm between the laser beam and the optical interferometer. In this way, in addition to increasing noise and scattering of the measured values, the variation of the lengths optical paths of the laser beam through the interferometer causes a systematic error. A separate experiment quantified it in (1.37 ± 1.20) × 10−9 d220 . At present, we either corrected the measured values (from 2009/11/04 to 2010/05/05) or applied a feedforward compensation of the tilt by counter-rotating the platform (from 2010/05/10 onwards). 4. Discussion The final value at 0 Pa and 20.0 ◦ C, d220 (28 Si) = 192014712.67(67) am, (1) is the mean of the measurement results shown in Fig. 8. The relative uncertainty is 3.5 × 10−9 . To act with caution, the uncertainty of (1) is the mean uncertainty of each single measurement in Fig. 8, not the value reduced by the mean. 4.1. Accuracy assessment To assess the accuracy of (1), in preliminary experiments, we remeasured d220 in the natural Si interferometers WASO4.2A [13] of the PTB and MO*4 [10] and WASO04 [14] of the INRIM. The d220 differences of the same WASO4.2A and MO*4 interferometers and a sample of the WASO04 boule were also measured by Laue diffractometry [20]. Hence, data analysis allowed the d220 differences of the MO*4 and WASO4.2A crystals with respect to the WASO04 one to be independently determined. Measurement of the {220} lattice-plane spacing of a 28 Si X-ray interferometer 10 NIST æ INRIM æ -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Hd220 - 192014712 amL am Figure 10. Comparison between the d220 values at the 306 mm axial position of the 28 Si boule measured by X-ray interferometry (INRIM) and two-crystal Laue diffractometry (NIST). Figure 9 compares the differences between the d220 values measured by combined Xray and optical interferometry with those observed in the crystal comparisons. The d220 differences expected from the different impurity concentrations are also given. To within the relevant uncertainties, all the differences are identical.The discrepant d220 difference between the MO*4 and WASO04 interferometers predicted from the different impurity concentrations is due to the high and, presumably, inhomogeneous contamination by carbon of this crystal. Point defects, mainly carbon, oxygen, and vacancies, strain the crystal. The NA determination required that the defect-concentration differences between the samples used for the lattice parameter and density measurements is accounted for [19]. Therefore, to extrapolate the measured value of the interferometer lattice parameter to the lattice parameters of the two 28 Si spheres used to determine NA [11], we registered the distance from the seed crystal, 306 mm, of the 50 mm line along which the measured d220 values were averaged (in a direction transverse to the growth axis). Figure 10 compares the d220 value given in (1) with the value at same 306 mm axial position obtained by interpolating – according to a smooth polynomial model of the impurity concentrations – the values measured at the NIST [11] in samples cut at 176.5 mm, 302.0 mm, and 420.5 mm distances from the seed crystal, and with different orientations of the {220} planes. By observing that before the d220 values could be compared the different point-defect concentrations in both the 28 Si and WASO04 boules – a sample of the WASO04 boule was the NIST’s transfer standard – had to be considered, Figs. 10 and 9 confirms the measurement consistency as well as the absence of undetected lattice strains. 4.2. Comparison with quantum-mechanics calculations After extrapolation to an impurity free crystal, the 28 Si lattice parameter is larger by 1.9464(67) × 10−6 a than the parameter of the natural Si crystal WASO04, similarly extrapolated to an impurity free crystal [14]. The dependence on isotopic composition is a combined effect of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics [15, 16]. The interatomic distance minimizes the Gibb’s free energy with respect to the cell volume. In addition to the elastic energy, the free energy Measurement of the {220} lattice-plane spacing of a 28 Si X-ray interferometer 11 depends on the phonon energy as well as on the entropy associated with temperature. While the elastic energy sets an equilibrium distance independent of nuclear mass, the phonon energy does not. Anharmonic effects imply a greater equilibrium distance and they cause thermal expansion. Since heavier isotopes have smaller phonon energy, they set at a smaller distance. Entropy increases with temperature and has an opposite effect. At zero temperature, only the zero-point phonon energy survives so that 28 Si has the greater lattice parameter; this is a pure quantum mechanical effect. When temperature increases, the lattice parameter difference decreases, as a consequence of the increasing entropy. At room temperature, the entropy contributions is roughly the same as that of the phonon energy and it halves the zero-temperature difference. The result of quantum mechanics calculations of the lattice parameter difference, 2.03 × 10−6 a, between 28 Si and natural Si [21] is in excellent agreement with the value we found. 5. Conclusions In this paper the spacing of the {220} lattice planes of a 28 Si crystal has been given with a 3.5 × 10−9 relative uncertainty. The plane spacing was measured in a direction transverse to the crystal growth-axis and we assumed that it is the same for the whole set of {220} planes related by symmetry transformations, as it should be. Strain and stress have been observed to lead to unequal values in different directions [22, 23], but, as discussed in the previous section and in Ref. [19], no clue of residual strain has been detected in the 28 Si boule [11]. In addition, the X-ray interferometer has been designed so as to minimize the self-weigh deformation and the residual strain due to gravity has been calculated by finite element method to correct the measurement result [24]. A novel two-crystal Laue diffractomer is being developed to compare the spacings of a set of {220} planes and to check the unit cell perfection. Figures 6 and 7 show that the observation of minute residual strain, at the 1 nm/m scale and below, is prevented by measurement noise and surface effects. Investigations are under way to increase by an order of magnitude the measurement resolution and to eliminate surface effects. These improvements aim at the observation of residual strain and the reduction of the measurement uncertainty to 10−9 d220 . Acknowledgments This research received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme, ERA-NET Plus, under the iMERA-Plus Project - Grant Agreement No. 217257. 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