The Rank Width of Directed graphs Mamadou Moustapha KANTÉ LaBRI, Université Bordeaux 1, CNRS. November 08 2007 JGA 2007 (Paris) university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 1 / 20 Introduction Introduction Clique-width based under algebraic expressions, is defined for directed graphs as well as undirected graphs. Many algorithms that output a tree-decomposition of width at most k if the tree-width of the graph is at most k (k is fixed). For k ≥ 4, no known algorithm that outputs an expression of width k if the clique-width of the graph is at most k . Oum defines the notion of rank-width of an undirected graph and give an O (n3 ) time algorithm that outputs a layout of witdth k of G if rank-width of G at most k . We extend the notion of rank-width to directed graphs =⇒ Polynomial time approximation algorithm for clique-width of directed graphs. university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 2 / 20 Introduction We have two notions of rank-width of directed graphs: One based on ranks of GF (2)-matrices. Another based on ranks of GF (4)-matrices. university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 3 / 20 Introduction Plan 1 Preliminaries 2 Rank-width of directed graphs Bi-rank-width Rank-width over GF (4) university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 4 / 20 Preliminaries Layout Let f : 2V → N be a symmetric function. A layout of f is a pair (T , L ) where T is a tree of degree ≤ 3 and L : V → LT is a bijection of the set of vertices of G onto the set of leaves of T . university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 5 / 20 Preliminaries Layout 9 1 8 2 7 3 4 T 5 6 university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 5 / 20 Preliminaries Layout Let f : 2V → N be a symmetric function. A layout of f is a pair (T , L ) where T is a tree of degree ≤ 3 and L : V → LT is a bijection of the set of vertices of G onto the set of leaves of T . Any edge e of T induces a bipartition (Xe , Ye ) of the set LT , thus a bipartition (X , V − X ) of V :wd (e) = f (X ). wd (T , L ) = max{wd (e ) | e edge of T }. The rank-width of f , rwd (f ), is the minimum width over all layouts of f . university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 5 / 20 Preliminaries Rank-width of undirected graphs For X ⊆ VG , we let cutrkG (X ) = rk (AG [X , VG − X ]) where rk is the matrix rank function over GF (2). university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 6 / 20 Preliminaries Rank-width of undirected graphs 1 9 2 8 3 7 6 rk(AG [A, B]) = 2 4 B 5 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 A G AG [A, B] = university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 6 / 20 Preliminaries Rank-width of undirected graphs For X ⊆ VG , we let cutrkG (X ) = rk (AG [X , VG − X ]) where rk is the matrix rank function over GF (2). Rank-width of G The rank-width of G, denoted by rwd (G), is the rank-width of cutrkG . university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 6 / 20 Preliminaries Clique-width and rank-width Clique-width ⊕ = disjoint union, ηi ,j = edge-cretation, ρi →j = relabeling. for directed graphs, we use αi ,j instead of ηi ,j . Fk = {⊕, ηi ,j , ρi →j | i , j ∈ [k ], i 6= j } and Ck = {i | i ∈ [k ]} cwd (G) = min{k | G = val (t ) ∧ t ∈ T (Fk , Ck )} Clique-width and Rank-width (Oum and Seymour) rwd (G) ≤ cwd (G) ≤ 2rwd (G)+1 − 1. university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 7 / 20 Rank-width of directed graphs Bi-rank-width Plan 1 Preliminaries 2 Rank-width of directed graphs Bi-rank-width Rank-width over GF (4) university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 8 / 20 Rank-width of directed graphs Bi-rank-width Bi-rank-width Let G = (VG , EG ) be a directed graph. AG the adjacency matrix of G over GF (2) such that AG [x , y ] = 1 if and only if (x , y ) ∈ EG . For X ⊆ VG , we let A+ G [X , V − X ] = AG [X , V − X ] and T A− G [X , V − X ] = AG [V − X , X ] . (bi ) − For X ⊆ VG we let cutrkG (X ) = rk (A+ G [X , V − X ]) + rk (AG [X , V − X ]). (bi ) The function cutrkG is symmetric and submodular. (bi ) The bi-rank-width of G, denoted by brwd (G), is the rank-width of cutrkG . − → brwd ( G ) = 2 · rwd (G). university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 9 / 20 Rank-width of directed graphs Bi-rank-width Vectorial colorings Let k ∈ N, B = {0, 1}. A Bk -coloring of a graph G is a mapping γ : VG → Bk . x ∈ VG has color i (among others) iff γ(x )[i ] (the i-th component of γ(x )) is 1. Graph Products M , M ′ be (k × ℓ)-matrices, N and P be respectively (k × m) and (ℓ × m)-matrices. G, Bk -colored and H , Bℓ -colored. We let K = G ⊗M ,M ′ ,N ,P H where VK = VG ∪ VH , EK = EG ∪ EH ∪ {(x , y ) | x ∈ VG , y ∈ VH ∧ γG (x ) · M · γH (y )T = 1} ∪ {(y , x ) | x ∈ VG , y ∈ VH ∧ γG (x ) · M ′ · γH (y )T = 1}, γK (x ) = ( γG (x ) · N γH (x ) · P if x ∈ VG , if x ∈ VH . university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 10 / 20 Rank-width of directed graphs Bi-rank-width Vectorial colorings Let k ∈ N, B = {0, 1}. A Bk -coloring of a graph G is a mapping γ : VG → Bk . x ∈ VG has color i (among others) iff γ(x )[i ] (the i-th component of γ(x )) is 1. Graph Products M , M ′ be (k × ℓ)-matrices, N and P be respectively (k × m) and (ℓ × m)-matrices. G, Bk -colored and H , Bℓ -colored. We let K = G ⊗M ,M ′ ,N ,P H where VK = VG ∪ VH , EK = EG ∪ EH ∪ {(x , y ) | x ∈ VG , y ∈ VH ∧ γG (x ) · M · γH (y )T = 1} ∪ {(y , x ) | x ∈ VG , y ∈ VH ∧ γG (x ) · M ′ · γH (y )T = 1}, γK (x ) = ( γG (x ) · N γH (x ) · P if x ∈ VG , if x ∈ VH . university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 10 / 20 Rank-width of directed graphs Bi-rank-width Vectorial colorings Let k ∈ N, B = {0, 1}. A Bk -coloring of a graph G is a mapping γ : VG → Bk . x ∈ VG has color i (among others) iff γ(x )[i ] (the i-th component of γ(x )) is 1. Graph Products M , M ′ be (k × ℓ)-matrices, N and P be respectively (k × m) and (ℓ × m)-matrices. G, Bk -colored and H , Bℓ -colored. We let K = G ⊗M ,M ′ ,N ,P H where VK = VG ∪ VH , EK = EG ∪ EH ∪ {(x , y ) | x ∈ VG , y ∈ VH ∧ γG (x ) · M · γH (y )T = 1} ∪ {(y , x ) | x ∈ VG , y ∈ VH ∧ γG (x ) · M ′ · γH (y )T = 1}, γK (x ) = ( γG (x ) · N γH (x ) · P if x ∈ VG , if x ∈ VH . university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 10 / 20 Rank-width of directed graphs Bi-rank-width Some definitions ... u = the graph with a single vertex colored by u ∈ Bn and Cn = {u | u ∈ Bn }. Rn = {⊗M ,M ′ ,N ,P } where M , M ′ , N , P are matrices of size at most n. val (t ) = the graph defined by a term t ∈ T (Rn , Cn ). This graph is the value of the term in the corresponding algebra. The minimum k such that G is the value of a term t in T (Rn , Cn ) is denoted by mrk (G). university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 11 / 20 Rank-width of directed graphs Bi-rank-width Properties Theorem 1 (i) brwd (G) ≤ 2 · cwd (G). (ii) 12 brwd (G) ≤ mrk (G) ≤ brwd (G). (iii) mrk (G) ≤ cwd (G) ≤ 2mrk (G)+1 − 1 Remark To prove (ii) we encode directed graphs by undirected ones and use a characterization of rank-width of undirected graphs by operations based on bilinear transformations (Courcelle and Kanté (2007). university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 12 / 20 Rank-width of directed graphs Bi-rank-width Recognizing bi-rank-width For G we let B (G) be the simple undirected bipartite graph associated with G where: VB(G) = VG × {1, 4}, EB(G) = {{(v , 1), (w , 4)} | (v , w ) ∈ EG }. One can prove easily that any layout of bi-rank-width k of G is also a layout of rank-width k of B (G) such that (x , 1) and (x , 4) are children of the same node. Oum and Hliněný have proved that if such decomposition exists, it can be constructed in O (n3 )-time. university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 13 / 20 Rank-width of directed graphs Bi-rank-width Recognizing bi-rank-width Algorithm for fixed k Construct in O (n2 )-time the graph B (G). Apply the algorithm of Oum and Hliněný. If it outputs a layout of B (G), transforms it into a layout of G by deleting the leaves (x , 1) and (x , 4). Otherwise confirms that the bi-rank-width is at least k + 1. Remark We can transform this algorithm into one that constructs a clique-width expression of width at most 22k +1 − 1 if cwd (G) ≤ k . university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 14 / 20 Rank-width of directed graphs Rank-width over GF (4) Plan 1 Preliminaries 2 Rank-width of directed graphs Bi-rank-width Rank-width over GF (4) university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 15 / 20 Rank-width of directed graphs Rank-width over GF (4) Matrices over GF (4) We can use matrices over GF (4) to represent directed graphs. FG [i , j ] = (4 ) 0 a a2 1 iff (i , j ) ∈ / EG iff (i , j ) ∈ EG iff (j , i ) ∈ EG iff (i , j ) ∈ EG ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ (j , i ) ∈ / EG (j , i ) ∈ / EG (i , j ) ∈ / EG (j , i ) ∈ EG (4 ) For X ⊆ VG , we let rkG (X ) = rk (FG [X , X ]). It is clear that rkG is symmetric and sub-modular. (4 ) The GF (4)-rank-width is the rank-width of rkG . university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 16 / 20 Rank-width of directed graphs Rank-width over GF (4) GF (4)-rank-width Proposition rwd (4) (G) ≤ brwd (G). rwd (4) (G) ≤ cwd (G) ≤ 4rwd (4) (G)+1 − 1. university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 17 / 20 Rank-width of directed graphs Rank-width over GF (4) GF (4)-rank-width Proposition rwd (4) (G) ≤ brwd (G). rwd (4) (G) ≤ cwd (G) ≤ 4rwd (4) (G)+1 − 1. Proof − 2 FG [X , X ] = a · A+ G [X , X ] + a · AG [X , X ]. We use the algebraic characterization of GF (4)-rank-width. university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 17 / 20 Rank-width of directed graphs Rank-width over GF (4) Algebraic characterization F = {0, 1, a, a2 }. An Fk -coloring of a graph G is a mapping κ : VG → Fk . An Fk -colored graph is a triple G =< VG , EG , κG > where κG is an Fk -coloring of < VG , EG >. university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 18 / 20 Rank-width of directed graphs Rank-width over GF (4) Algebraic characterization Graph Product M (k × ℓ)-matrix over GF (4) and N and P (k × m) and (ℓ × m)-matrices over GF (4). G, Fk -colored and H , Fℓ -colored, we let K = G ⊗M ,N ,P H VK = VG ∪ VH , EK = EG ∪ EH ∪ {(x , y ) | x ∈ VG , y ∈ VH , κG (x ) · M · κH (y )T ∈ {1, a}} ∪ {(y , x ) | x ∈ VG , y ∈ VH , κG (x ) · M · κH (y )T ∈ {1, a2 }}, κK (x ) = ( κG (x ) · N κH (x ) · P if x ∈ VG , if x ∈ VH . university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 19 / 20 Rank-width of directed graphs Rank-width over GF (4) Algebraic characterization Graph Product M (k × ℓ)-matrix over GF (4) and N and P (k × m) and (ℓ × m)-matrices over GF (4). G, Fk -colored and H , Fℓ -colored, we let K = G ⊗M ,N ,P H VK = VG ∪ VH , EK = EG ∪ EH ∪ {(x , y ) | x ∈ VG , y ∈ VH , κG (x ) · M · κH (y )T ∈ {1, a}} ∪ {(y , x ) | x ∈ VG , y ∈ VH , κG (x ) · M · κH (y )T ∈ {1, a2 }}, κK (x ) = ( κG (x ) · N κH (x ) · P if x ∈ VG , if x ∈ VH . Theorem GF (4)-rank-width at most k if and only if G is the value of a term written with symbols ⊗M ,N ,P and constants u ∈ Fk university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 19 / 20 Rank-width of directed graphs Rank-width over GF (4) Conclusion 2 notions of rank-width : Bi-rank-width and GF (4)-rank-width. Bi-rank-width is based on GF (2)-matrices and we propose a polynomial algorithm to recongnize graphs of bi-rank-width ≤ k for fixed k . This implies a polynomial time approximation algorithm for clique-width. Algebraic operations are also proposed even if they don’t characterize bi-rank-width, they allow to solve in Courcelle-manner MSO problems. GF (4)-rank-width similar to rank-width is characterized by algebraic operations, but we don’t have recognition algorithms. It is a challenge to give one. Another challenge is to define operation like local complementation that does’t increase GF (4)-rank-width and use it to characterize GF (4)-rank-width at most k by forbidden graphs. university-logo (LaBRI, Universite Bordeaux 1, CNRS) Directed Rank-width 20 / 20
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